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Augsburg College Summer Catalog, 1999
Course Catalogs
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ssion '99
augsburg in the summer
Augshurg College offers a varied summer curriculum
that includes over 50 courses in more than 16 academic
disciplines as well as internships
and independent studies. Term I
runs from June 1 to June 25. Term
I1 runs from June 28 to Aug~lst5...
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ssion '99
augsburg in the summer
Augshurg College offers a varied summer curriculum
that includes over 50 courses in more than 16 academic
disciplines as well as internships
and independent studies. Term I
runs from June 1 to June 25. Term
I1 runs from June 28 to Aug~lst5.
A cietailed listing of courses begins
on page 8.
term one
June 1 to J ~ l n e25
term two
June 28 to August 5
Augshurg College is a four-year, liberal arts
college locatcci in the heart of Min~~eapolis,
ancl affiliated with the Evangelical
Lutheran C h ~ l r c hin America, Augshurg is accredited by the North Central
Association of Colleges and Schools."' T h e small college environment, ahont 3,000
s t ~ ~ d e n(luring
the acacle~llicyear, is enriched by the Inany opport~lnitiesfound in
this vibrant metropolitan area. Augsburg's setting allows students to participate in
a host of c u l t ~ ~ rand
a l recreational activities.
summer session info
Course loads in Summer Session:
Students may take one course credit
during Term I and up to two course
credits during Term 11. Unless otherwise indicated, all courses carry a valile
of one course credit. O n e Augsburg
course credit is the equivalent of four
semester credits and six quarter credits.
Augsburg general education:
Co~lrsesfillfilling Augsburg's Liberal
Arts Perspectives and Graduatio~l
Skills requirements are so noted along
with the description of the course.
Course levels: T h e first digit of the
three-digit course number indicates the
course level. Course numbers beginning
with a "1" or "2" are lower division
courses and are intended primarily for
freshmen and sophomores; course
n~llnhersheginning with a "3" or "4"
are upper division and are primarily
for juniors and seniors.
Independent study: Independent stildies [nay be arranged in consultation
with individual faculty members.
Internships: In acidition to those listed,
internship opportunities may he
arranged individually during the summer. Acade~nicinternships are carefi~lly
planned work-based learning experiences, supervised and evaluated by a
faculty me~nber.Consult the Center for
Service, Work, and Learning at (612)
330-1 148 for more information.
-'N r ~ l . l h(:?r~rl-nl
A > \ o c i n [ i o ~of~ College$ n l i d Schoolr, C o ~ i u m i \ s i o ~OILi Ili,tiurtiol~s ofHi~11e1. Edtrsarion,
(3 12) 263-0456.
rite <zuit'u,.~lcnsihe.orfi>
Employer reimbursement: Students
who clualify for reimb~lrsement their
employers may use their reimbursement
- to pay tor Summer Session courses.
Housing: Students \vho need housing
lnay contact the Resicience Life Office
at (612) 330-1488.
The College reserves the right to
cancel listed courses.
Additional infor~nationmay be
obtained from:
Augsburg College
C a ~ n p u sBox #I44
221 1 Riverside Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55454
(612) 330-1787
Summer Session Coordinator
Terry Cook
Persons in good standing at regionally
accredited colleges and universities,
graduates of such instit~ltions,and students admitted for the next fall term are
eligible to attend Augshurg Summer
Session. Good stancling implies that the
st~ldenthas heen admitted and not subsecl~~ently
dropped by that institution.
Other persons wishing to take summer
courses should contact the coordinatc>r
of summer school to ascertain eligibility
~ l n d e special
Students accepted for Summer Session
are not ; u ~ t o ~ n a t i c agranted
as reg~llarst~ldentsof Augsburg College.
Those wishing to begin a degree program a t ALlgsbLlrg
shOLlldapply to the
Office of Undergraduate Admissions,
(612) 330-1001, or the Weekend College
Admissions Office, (612) 330-1 743.
of augsburg
iition (
tuition rate:
tuition rerupa
T e $5'U.00
per course
undable. A refund of all or
the remaining fee is calculated from
t h e date of t h e student's oi
cancellation a t t h e Enroll
Financial Services Cent?
Schedule of refunds:
Prior to t h e second scheduled class
meeting-100% of the ref~~ndable
portion of the fee.
Prior to the fourth s c h e d ~ ~ l eclass
~neeting-75% of the r e f i t n d a b l e
portion of t h e fee.
Prior to the sixth sched~lledclass
of t h e refundable
portion of the fee.
Courses with fewer than 12 scheduled
class sessions w i l l use a prorated
version of the schedule of refi~nds.
ble to students
2d by the program in
.e enrolled) are eligible
.or hnancial aid.
Day progi
I n t e r s l a t e 94 W e s t
n summer Terms I
and I1 comb~neo- o r only Term 11 may
be eligible to apply for the Federal
Stafford Loan, Federal Pell Grant, or
the M i n n e s o t a State Grant.
WEC program
N o aid i s given for summer Term Ias it
runs concurrently w i t h the WEC
spring trimester.
Students enrolled in summer Term I1
may be eligible for t h e Federal Stafford
Loan, Federal Pell Grant, or t h e
Minnesota State Grant.
1 Undergraduale Adrn~ss~ons
2 Air Slructure Enlrance
November lhrough March
3 Amerlcan Indian Sludent Services
and Pan-Afrlkan Student Services
4. Anderson-Nelson Athlel~cFleld and
Seasonal Alr Struclure
5. Cenler for Global Educallon and
lnler!lallonal Programs
6. Chr~stensenCenler, lnfarmal~onDesk
7. East Hall
8 Foss, Lobeck, Mlles Center for Worsh~p,
Drama and Commun~cal~on
9. Husbv-Strommen Tennls Courts
10. Ice Arena
11. Jeroy C. Carlson Alurnn~Cenler
12,Malntenance and Grounds Shop
13. Mortensen Tower
14. Murphy Place
15. Murphy Square
16. MUSIC Hall
17. N o r d ~ cHouse
18. Old Maln
19. Oscar Anderson Hall
20. Public Relations and Comrnunicat~on
21 Ouad
22.Sclence Hall
23. Secur~tqDlspalch Center
24. Shlpplng and Recebvmg
25 SI Melby Hall
26,Sverdrup Hall
27,Sverdruo-Oltedal Memor~alHall
28. Urness ~ o w e r
29.Slle for N e w Residence Hall
3O.James G, Llndell Falnlly Llbrary
Parking Lols
A Adm~sr~onslFacullylStallPark~ny
8. FacullylStallICommuled
C. FacullylSlalf Parking
0. FacullylStalfICommuler Parking
E. Commuler Park~ny
F Resldent Parking
G. Visitor Parkong
H Fa~rview-Un~vers~tq
Med~calCenlet Ramp
Pay parking available
campus location
35W from
the North-
Taklkc W a s h i n g t o n A v e n ~ l ec s ~ and
t u r n l e f t on
W a s l ~ i n g t o n( t ~ ~ r t Ii isg l i t o ~ i t ( >C c l l a r A v c n ~ ~ c ) ,
t u r n left a t Rivcrsiclc A v c n u c , right a t 2 l a t
To apply
The financial aid deadline for the
Summer Session i s April 15, 1999.
T'lkc 2 5 t h A v c n u c exit, t u r n I c f t a t 2 5 t h A v c n ~ ~ c ,
Contact the Enrollment and Financial
Services Center at (612) 330-1046 for
application materials and additional
assistance. Early application is advised.
1-94 E a s t from M i n n e a p o l i s u r n l e f t a t R i v e r s i d e A v c t i ~ ~ cturn
lcft a t 2 l s t
AVCIIII~S c ) ~ ~ t h .
1-94 W e s t from St. PaulT a k e R i v e r s i d e e x i t , t u ~ rni g h t a t R i v c r s i c l c
A v e n u e , tt11.n l c f t a t 2 l s t
35W from
t h e South-
Follow the
1-94 St, P a u l s i j i n s ( ~ u o v ct o r i g l i t
of t\vo m c r g c l - s ) . Takc 2 5 t h
lalie after cacli
A v e n u c e x i t and t u r n l e f t a t R i v e ~ j i d eA v c n u e ,
a t 2 l s t A v e n u e S(,~~tli.
term one
iune I to
and adnlission to teal
L i m i t : I 6 students
9-1 7:20 am
I through conteluporary
' T c t u l e and folk arts.
b t w r a A u a ; i o n Skill: Speaking
Lindell 16
EDS 3 5 6 3
Music Methods: mass and
Percussion (.50 c&)
Stuily and ap
Music 3
es o f Accountine I
x i o n t o business act~vities,basic
and fi~ndalnentalsu f accounting, t1.p 3pcoun
nent .
cycle, and p ~ c p a r a t i oo~fi financial
9- 11:20 am
ACC 3228
Accounting T h e o r y & Practice
A n analysis o f financial account1 w ~ t hemphas~s
o n accounting theory pertaining tlr h l ~ a n c ~statcal
ments, income cc~ncepts,v a l u a t i ~ nconcepts,
FASB statements, and other relevant iss~~es
applied t o assets. (Prel-eq.: A C C 222)
9-71:20 am
Music 22
B U S 242-S
Principles of Management
Development o f tlie thecl~yo f Inanagcluent, organization, stafling, planning, and c o n t n ~ lT h e
nature o f a u t l ~ c i r i t ~
nnd rcsponsihility; analysis of the role of the pn~fessionalmanage!.
6-9 pm
M, T; W,Th,F
Music 22
E D U 2 10-S
Learning and Development
i n an Educational Setting
A survey o f educational psychology t~ipicsas
applied to teaching and learning. Special emphasis is placed o n classnlom applications. (PSY 105:
Principles o f Psychology is strongly reconunended.) Pe~sp.:Human Identity
3-6 pm
M,T; W,Th
Sverdrup 7
Media Technology (.50 credit)
Psycl~ologicaland pl~ilosophicaldimensions o f
c o m ~ n u n i c a t i ( ~thn,ugh
the ilse o f instructional
technology. Selection, preparation, production,
and evaluation (if effective audio-visual ~naterials
for teachingllearning situations Computer t ~ a i n ing w i l l be included i n the course. (Prerecl : PPST
tory W r i t i n g
This course hullcis o n the p~acticcsand meth(~ds
(if effective writing ( E N G 111). Its \ r ~ o ~ k s h oforp
lnat stlcsscs style and organization, the pn>cesso f
revision, self and peer ev;lluation, and the relationship hctwccn reading and writing. (Prcrcq:
E N G 111) Gradrlation Skill: W ~ i t i n g
3-6 pm
M, T; W,Th
Old Main 10
E N G 25 1-S
Readings i n American Literature
This course considers selectcci l i t e ~ a r yand 11istcir1cal texts and hclw these texts lend thcmselvcs t o
an understancling o f the Western rvo~Id fiom a n
Amcrican perspectlvc. Rcadings w i l l include w ~ i t ings hy Auncrican women and people of c o l o ~
Persp.: Western Hel-irage
Old Main 16
6-9 pm
E N G 2821382-S
Topics: W r i t i n g about the A r t s
It's easy tu say a movie is great, a h~icikwas dry, n
c(1ncert was ~uarvelous,111 a play was boring. Rut
i t is difhcult f01 luany people t o say (>I writc luorc
than that. This course w i l l help you put you^
opinions and analysis o f fine arts into words and,
i n tlie end, w i l l help yc~uappreciate the a1 ts more.
9- 7 7:20 am
Old Main
H P E 0 0 2 3 (0.0 credit)
Lifetime Sports: Racquet Sports
This class is designed to introduce a variety o f
lifetime racket spurts to students Basic skills, tenminology, rules, and strategies w i l l hc intnlduced
and dcvelclped. Graduation Skills.: Lifetilile Sport
L i m i t : 8 students.
Melby Gym
10 am-noon
June 1-12
H I S 225-S
H i s t o r y and the T w i n Cities
T h e Minneapolis and St. Paul alea scrvc as a case
study for the thc~uesof f ~ ( ~ n t i urhanizatic~n,
i n d u s t ~ i a l i z a r i oand
~ rccinomic change, tr'insp<xrdtion, i m m i g ~ a t i o nand ethnicity, and u ~ h a n
politics anci r c f o r ~ uPe~sp.:T h e C i t y
9-1 7:20 am
M,T; W,Th,F
Old Main 73
HIS 3483
Russia and the Soviet
U n i o n i n the 2 0 t h Century
This cc~u~se
f~icuseson events from the Russian
Revolutions 11f1917 thn,ujih tlic collapse ( i f the
Soviet U n i u l i and the cmelgcncc o f the Russian
Rcpuhlic. Pel-sp : lntcrcultural Awn~encss1
6-9 pm
M, T; W,Th
Old Main 73
INS 1053
Introduction t o American
Indian Studies
A n ovcrvien~o f the A n ~ e r i c a nIndian sti~diesCLIriculu~n-history and litcrciture, fede~alIndian
policy, land issues, reservation and LII ban issues,
c ~ o s s - c u l t u ~~nfluenccs,
art, music, and langi~age.
( R c q u i ~ e dfc11 American Indian studies mi no^)
P c ~ s p: I n t e ~ - c u l t ~Awareness
6-9 pm
T; Th
Old Main 18
INS 2603
Contemporary American Indians
This c~iurseexamines the si(uatio11of Amellcan
Indians in the United States since the Indian
Re<,rganization A c t (1934). Emphasis is tin
current issues o f tribal st~\;ereignty,treaty rights,
and educaticin. T h e tension o f cultural change is
lhighlipl~ted Persp : lntercultural A\\,arcncss 1
6-9 pm
M, w
Old Main 29
I N S 199-S/399-S
A wo~k-hasedleallling cxpcricnce i n which a student designs a learning agreelnent plan that links
tlie ~ ~ p o r t i ~ n ~ t i e s a
found in the
placement w i t h specihc learn~ngobjectives that
al-e evaluated for academic credit T h e internship
placement and learning plan must be approvccl hy
the faculty supervisol-. P/N g~ading.
'Note: Internships may also be
arranged with individual faculty. Contact the academic department directly to make arrangements.
SPA I l l - S
Beginning Spanish 1
Aims to develop four hasic skills: i~nderstanding,
speaking, reading, and writing o f elementary
Spanish. Introduction to the culture of the
Spanish-speaking world. Laboratory w o ~ kis an
integrd part o f this cotuse. Persp.: Intercultural
Awareness 2
Old Main 29
POL 1703
L a w in the U n i t e d States
A n intrc~ductic~n
to A n ~ e r i c a nlaw and legal
pr<icesscs Theories o f law; law and society; roles
o f courts, police, lawyers, and juries; the U.S
Constitution as "supreme" law; and law as politics.
Pcrsp.: Social World 1 111 2
?Id Main 13
'-3:20 pm
M,T; W,T t
PSY 3 6 2 3
Abnormal Psychology
An intnxiuction tc~psychokigical disorders.
(Prcreq : PSY 102 or 105)
6-9 pm
Old Main 25
REL 3 5 7 3
Giants of the Faith
A study o f the lives and tlicokigy o f well-known
Chi istian thinkers. Inclucled are figures like
Augustinc, Bonhoeffer, and Dorothy Day. Persp.:
Christian Faith 2 or 3
9-1 1:20 am
Old Main 76
SPC 1 11-S
Public Speaking
T h e coulse focuses on speech preparation, organization, audience analysis, style, listening, and
overccming speech fright. (Note: Students lnay
take either SPC 111 or SPC 112 for credit, hut
n o t hoth) Graduation Skill: Speaking
Old Main 29
9-1 7:20 am
M, T; W,Th,F
term two
june 28 to au
I 5
M I S 175-S
I'rinsiplcq c ~ fCoin
ill gr.1
cilh. Suhjccts il
intcri(>rr and c
Pc~dap.:A c s t h e ~
6-9 pm
c v c l ~ > ip~ n d c n t ~ ~ n i l ~ n g
skills i n
1-c (\Vi11cioivh, W , ~ t ~ i ,
-life hgu~'cs, huiWinC
<Ic s l > c r ~ ~ u c n rwork.
;a l ~ d
Old Main 17
Student? 5v1
ART 11 8 - S
6-9 pm
J, Th
Foss 42
J, Th
ART 1 3 2 3
T h e camera i v i l l he 11scd.
M o n e y and Banb ,,
F u ~ i c t i o t u ~oi gf the n u ~ n c ~ n ;inJ
r y I~ankin:: syatcluc,
c o ~ i u u c ~ - c\,
[he Fcdcr.rl
R c s c ~ v cSyatcni ancl its role 111 relation tti aggrcc ~ t c c o n < ~ l ~acrlvity.
E~ilphnsispl;lceii o n mollcr.11-y t l i c ~ l l yancl policy- (I'rercq.: ECO 112)
3-6 pm
Old Main 10
EDS 3 9 1 3
Teaching Mass Media (.50 credit)
T h i s cti~lrbcIS for E n c l i s l ~ - c L i ~ l c n majols
t i ~ i ~ ~ \ell11
plan to tcnch h i g h \ch<~<,l
English. Sruclcnts w i l l
explore the n w t ~ ~ or cf mccli;i as "con.cilirlsl~csc
indus~rics,"cs;i~iiininl:the whys lit' ~ c ~ i c h i n g
m c d ~ ; i l,i l ~ \ r to
' En ahc~ilti t citccti\,cly, lint k i n d 11i
a*\ulupti,int m c d ~ aciluc;ition \\-,is h,lsc~l011 i n the
past, ;incl li<,\v t ~ ,incci~pc]~,;~tc
liicilin cduc.~tion
i n t o rhc English c111riculu111. S t ~ l d c n t \\.ill
i n \v111
h ~ m i l i a rw i t h ;ill iol-~nsn l m l r s ~ u c ~ l;ind
~ ~ n d c ~ - \ r the
a n Jinipwcr o f mc<lia ( i n t l i c ~ lI~vc.;.
Stildcnts w i l l Icarn ho\v L<I he cliacr~~nin;ltin::ii~~iti~iji
[if mass mcdi.1 ;lnd lhcn\' tc> tcncli ntlic~.; to Ihc the
aaluc. (l'rcl-cil.: PPST and ;~dmissionLO rc;~clicr
Sverdrup 1
6-9:30 pm
Topics in W o r l d H i s t o r y : F r o m H i t l e r to the
Fall o f thc B e r l i n W a l l
T h i s c o i ~ r \ cp ~ o v i c l c historic;~l
pcrspccti\,c n n
slime o f the security, I x ~ l i t i w l ,and c c o n o ~ i ~ pmhic
lclus f x i n g ELIIN>~X
.it t l i c end o f the millcnnitllu
~ l ~ l i iili ct t c ~ i l p t i l i gto nrscs and u n ~ l .;rnncl
f i ~ t t ~ (if
r c NATO, the possibilitic\ ,if.i U n i t e d
, 'iugc>slav p ~ l i h l c m and
Strites (if E u ~ . ~ i l wthe
o f Russi;l ,ind the U n i t e d States to
EU~CI~C.T h e coLIr\c h c g i n ~wit11 ii c o ~ ~ s ~ d c t i iotfi ~ i ~ i
LVc~rld\Vari I ancl II w i t h i n a c l ~ p l ~ ~ m acc>ntcst
.ind includcr c n a ~ i i ~ n a toi ~
f the
~ n ~ i i o t i v c stor West
Europe111cco110111icnnd Ipolitic.~l i n t c g r . r t i < i ~ ~ .
6-9 pm
J, Th
Old Main 13
;~ti\,it, m i exp-c?.i<ui
tojirapliic prc~ce~sci.
Stuclcntb 11
cccks to a
35m1n, single-lens reflex camel
i l i ~ a t c i co\t
t i l ~ u ctc.:
$2110-225. Pcrhp.: Aeathcticc
6-9 pm
M. w
Old Main 4
ACC 2223
Principles o f A c c o u n t i n g 11
A conrinllarion <if A C C 221. lntrc,duction t,,
Ihusincss ,ictivitic.;, a c c o u ~ ~ t for
i ~ ~co~.p,ir:itions.
g cnnccpts nlul fllnd;l~ncnr,ils o f mnn:igc~-~;ll
acccinnting, 1il;lnning and cc>ntr<>ll~ng
~ I ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ l i - alicl
~ i l hcIi;i\,iolh,i1
a k i l i ~ , considcr.lti~ln\.
(Prcccil.: A(:C 22 1 )
9-10:45 am
Foss 2 1
B U S 340-S
H u m a n Resoorce Management
Pcl:c<~nnclfilnctic~nin business, n c q i ~ i \ i t i o n and
utiliz;itic~no f h i ~ m a nrcsriul-cch; ~lcsir,il>lc\\,<irking
cftccrlvc intcjir.ltion <IF the \vc>~-kc~.
w i t h the gc,;il\ ( i f tlic tirill and x>cicty. ( P r c ~ ~ c l . :
nus 242)
6-9 pm
1; Th
Music 22
BUS 4403
Operations Management
Concepts nnil principles r c l ; ~ t c ~t i[i the IiYnnagcnwnr (if cilwr.~tingh l i i c t i ~ ~ nt;iught
fn111i a liiann ~ c r l aviewl>oint
\\,it11 cxn~ulilcsfrom varicltl\
industries and scctcxa. (Prcrcq.: R U S 242 ,11~concent o f i n r r ~ ~ l ~ c t ~ i ~ ~ )
6-9 pm
M, W
Music 22
EDE 3 7 7 3
Kindergarten-Elementary C u r r i c u l u m :
Science (.25 credit)
(IF ~nntc~.l;ll\;and
Ex,imin;ition ; ~ n dpl-elwr,lti<~l~
r c \ < ~ ~ ~ l .hci cr \science at the k~nclcr.;~~.~cn nil clcnlcntnry Icvcl. (PI-crcq.: PPST ;inLl ;iiilnission to
r ~ ; l c I i c rcduc;ltio11prclgl.;ilu)
6:30-8:30 pm
Science 315
EDS 3 9 0 3
C o m ~ n u n i c a t i o nSkills i n the
English Classrooln
nmjors w h o
TI115 ~ , ~ L I I . A ~ic for E11glisli-cdl1c;1tii111
plan 111 tc;icl~Ihiuli c l i o < i l English. I t 1s dcsijinccl
to Improve atllilcnt.;' b k ~ l l s111p ~ l h l i cspeaking, 111:11
i ~ l t c r p r c t a t ~ o li\rcning,
and sui.~llgrcillp cli\cuscil~~~ics
hio115, CIS \\,ell as to cxl>lorc ~ i ~ c t l ~ ~ ~ c l for
\kills i n the hioh
tcachinc anil ~ n c ~ i r l i i i r a [ i nthc\c
\ c l u l ~ i lEllfili.;li c u r ~ ~ i c u l u l i(Prcrcq:
PPST ;unil
a<luiiasi~into tc;ichcr c<lucatil~np ~ t i # r . i ~ n )
6-9:30 pm
T, Th
Sverdrup 20
E N G 282-S/382-S
Topics: T h e C i t y :
Garden and Wilderness
T h e p ~ ~ \ (if
v et ~l ~ cclry to 1 1 c i l 1 1 i\h 01- c o ~ r u p tthe
lu~m,lns r i l ~ lIS ;ithcuic i n 11ii1cl1\VCI~CIIIIitcr.1turc. In Alncric,in ~iiyrIiol~,gy,i t appeils i n the
nlctal>lion ( i f rhc g.11dcn and rlic wilclcrnc\\. 7111s
ctiursc cxplo~.cs tlicsc t l i c n i c i ;as thcy ;~plw.ivi n
~ i i ~ , ~ l cAnlcric;in
puctly, nc>vcls,plays, tilnb, ;~lud
essays. W c w ~ l turn
t c s t i 111tucspcricncc ;111d
cspcl-icncc i11Lc1 Lcxtr; w.ilking c ~ c u ~ s i o ni na
\YIII S I I ~ ~ ~ ~ C I I ~ C IcliissI~
M i n n c , i l x ~ l ~;ilal
s St. P,~LII
suIiject\ fol > t ~ ~ i l c ~ i t s '
r(111111i i i s c t ~ \ s ~ oiiliil
l ~ s f~11.1i1sl1
" u r l u n c\r,iy\ " P c ~ s ~ >T.h: e C i t y
Old Main 10
6-9 pm
M, W
I N S 199-S/399-S
A \ v o r k - l ~ a r c Ic.lrning
csper~cncci n n d ~ i c lstili
dents clc>ign a learnin?: ; ~ g ~ c c l n c nwt ~ t h;I 6c~culty
mc~iil,cl- that link5 thc i~lc;i\;ind 111etlloilbo f their
in the ~>l;icc~ i i a j o rrci rlic o p l x m t ~ ~ n i r ~
mcnt. ~ ; i r t i c i l i a r i o n111 a scmin'll I chpcctccl.
(1,nsult iiist~.i~ctc>r
for cl.irihcntion, Pcrbp.: T l l c
*Note: Internships may also be arranged with
individual faculty. Contact the academic department to make arrangements.
INS 1053
I n t r o d u c t i o n to American
l n d i a n Studies
E N G 361-S
Thi, c , ~ i ~ r sisc an i n t ~ c ~ d u c t tci
l r i the
~ ~ content
Studies in M o d e r n F i c t i o n o f the A ~ u c r ~ c . lInl ~ d i a l,tililies
c>nc o n t c m p ~ ~y ~20th-,~~
T h e ~ L I L I ~focusca
century prclrc \vt,rks. I t inclucics N;iti\,c A ~ i i c ~ ~ c a n including ;111 ovcrvicw n f A l i ~ c r i c , l nIndian
history, Amcricnn I ~ i ~ l i al itr ic l n t u ~ e ,fcclc~,ll I n i l ~ ; r n
,ind Eu~c~pc;in
\vriLcrs, \\,it11 a n cmpliasls 011
policy, lancl ~ssucs,r c c c ~ v ; ~ r i <;anti
~ n ilrh.ln Icrucs,
nun-Wcstcrn (ASI;ILI and Af1ic;ln) hctio11.
cniss-cultillal intlucnccs, art, mucic, .ind I;inguagc.
(l'relcil.: EN(; 245 or cclnwnt o f instructor)
(Rcqrlircti for Auicl-ic;ln 1nill;ln studies ~ i i l n u r . )
I. (;ladu;iti<~n
Pcrsp.: l n t c r c u l t u ~ ; ~Awal-cncss
Pclrll-: 1ntcrcultur;ll A\\J,~I-cncs\
Skill: W r i t i n g
Science 212
6-9 pm
J, Th
J, Th
Old Main 10
wrbe i
ne 28 to a
~ x ~ i c t i c ~Mnugs l i ~ ut , ~
lust 5
I I to
: ~ ~ l i ~ g ~f<1~1~ici,it101ia
T l i c co~lrsc\
[IF Islam, its
PSY 3 5 2 3
Adolescrnt and Young
A d u l t Developlnent
o f rc\carcli anil tlicc~ly~clatcclto
i l c v c l ~ ~ ~ x i iduring
the a ~ l ~ i l c s c c; ~~int dy ~ ) ~ ~ n g
ailulr y c ~ l ~ s(P~*cl-eq.:
PSY 102 (11. 105)
6-9 pm
M, T; W,Th
Old Main 25
skilla: t~nderbtan~l-
:prs and tenets, Islamic 1;1\\,
m ~ > < ~ ~ i ~ii~i~l
i c p < ~ l i ~ i csysal
(Sliari'ali), 1
tculs, : ~ n dI.;]
<Ilk.T l i c r c \\,ill alacl
Ihc ii c o ~ ~ s i ~ l c
crcncca hct\vccn the
cftll,l't t8
d ivr~tin:: ( i f c l c m c n r ~ i ~ - ~
<IF the
the cult~l~.c
.... . .- ,
is a n
M, T; W,Th
SOC 3 5 6 3
C r i m e and C o ~ n ~ n u n i t y
An;ilysi\ ( j f c t ~ ~ c c t i oplojirmis
aliii c c i ~ i i ~ ~ i u n ~ r y
Icsponacs. Lecture, ~ l ~ s c u s \ i o n
, i r e visits t11
priscins, curlrts, and colluuunity agcncics.
c i r i \ ~jujticc.
; ~ t t e n t i o nto c<>nccprsof Icttc>~
(Prcrcq.: Sos 121 )
1-4:30 pm
J, Th
Old Main 18
Main 29
REL 1 1 1 3
H\v;lrcncss 1
6-9:30 pm
T; Th
'Id Main 16
MAT 1 0 5 3
A p p l i e d Algebra
i i i t ~ o ~ l ~ ~ to
c r;il~
o n . ~ n i ira
i uppliP~,t~vidcs
c,~rionsto tlic x ~ c i ; i l ,natul-'11,and p I i ~ s i c . ~acil
cnccs; hukincss; nil cvc~yclaglife. Tc>liica cri\,crcd
incluclc ~ ~ n ~ l e r s r a n dand
i n g sol\,in:. linc.~r,i l r l a d ~ a t ic, slid csponcntl;~l cqu;~ti,~na,rhc ct,~uicctic,ns
hctwccn c i l ~ ~ ~ ~ rg~-;iphc,
i ~ l n s , nr~nthcrb,nnd rllc a i t ~ ~ ; r t~c>nr
they clc.;cnhe, ,inJ the IIW of;^ scicntihc c.11culat<~r.(I'rcrcil.: MIJ(; 2 <,Iciinhcnt o f in\tructoi.)
6-9 pm
M, w
MAT 1 7 3 3
M a t h o f Interest
Learn h < ~ \ to
v d e t c r n ~ i n cthe ~ n o n t h l yp a y ~ i i c n t \
or car. F ~ l uol u Iulrv
~ i i i ~ c~ lOi I I nccil tc,
o n ;I I~<ILIX
he stocking ;l\e,iy 11ow to have a m i l l i o n \ehcn y,,~
~ t c t ~ r cLC.I'-I
pcrpctr~itics,and 11fc
~ n \ r ~ r a n c\v111'k,
ancl morc. Ev;ilua~ion\ r ~ ~hc
hnbccl on cla\ctrx~mp a ~ ~ t i c i l ~ a t i q~~izzcs,
and ;i
hnal cx;~~run;~ti<>n.
(P~.crcq.: MPC; 3) C;r,iJ~~:irion
S k i l l : Qu.ln~it;lti\~cRcnsoning
6-9 pm
J, Th
Science 205
MUS 2953
Topics: l n t r l
T h e o r y & Tec
t o Recording Studio
10.50 credit)
ry, micn~pliones,unclc1st.ind111gnlr~sicalInstuu~iicnrc,s i j i ~ ~fl<~n,,
n l studio ~ ~ p c r . ~ ~t ~i nni cg c d u r c ,
~ p i r t and
f c ~ ~ ~ c t i o tn:c~,p c
i ~ l c l r ~cliissr~x1~ii
Iccrurc, g r o ~ ~\v0rk<l101)s
sclio<il f . ~ c ~ l ~ r i a
c co,~ \r,o~.ksIiol>
visits to .I pl-<,ks-
s i ~ l i i i f,iciIitY.
Lillllr: I 5 strIdellr~
Cont,lct the ~ l u ~ sdcPirrlncnt
at (61 2) 330-1265
fill ther LICt;l~IC.
6-9 pm
Music 27
POL 2823
A s i a n Americans and
the Politics o f I d e n t i t y
This cour\c f<>cuacs( i n ch.inginr: cc~nditlon.; filli\ nnitll conAa1;11i A~ncl-icans,P r i ~ i i a qconccrn
~ C I I ~ ~ O I ~ C IpI ~
~ l i t i c sillid tlic i l t ~ e a t i o OF
~l Asii~n
A~ue~.ic;iniilcntity. LVc n ~ i lc<in.;~dc~.Asinn
A ~ u c r i c . i n \ grtnving
politic.~l infltlclicc . ~ n dthe
role rhcy play I n i l e t c r ~ n i n i n gt l ~ cilynamics o f
Alilcrican p ~ ~ l i r i ci ns tlic 2 1st century. W c \r,ill
cs;iliilnc the i n f l ~ ~ e n coef Asian Anrcrlcnn illuiiia ' . * of itaclf. Pclrp.:
grant5 ,117 A ~ u c ~ ~ c i~n;lgc
I n t c ~ r u l t r ~ rAw.i~.cncss
6-9 pm
M. w
Old Main 29
SPC 3 2 9 3
I n t r o d u c t i o n to Theology
Intercultural Co~nlnunication
An ~ n t ~ r ~ i l u c t oi t tlic
~ n ; ~ c a c l c ~ uci~\cil>lrnr
T h i s corl~sccspl~jrcshot11 the pnIhlclus ;and
thccilogy a ~ i cto
l the clialoguc hct\vccn the c l i ~ ~ ~ c h ~ i c > r c n t ~( ;~~clfo ~ u ~ i i ~ ~ n i c , .imonji
t r i o ~ i pe1~111s
of ilif.ind the wc~rldt h i t cC,nccllis (:hris~ial~c l ~ ~ cinc.
fcrcnt culti11.1lgrc~ups.F.ictc~l-ssuch ;ir ctI1nocc11Pc~q'.: Cluisti;in F'iith 2 01 3
Lriam, stcrcorypcs, pl-cjudicc, ~ ~cspcctatic~nr,
l c
3-6 pm
M. W
Old Main 18
v,ilucs, l a ~ ~ g i ~and
; i ~nc~n-ve~-l,.~l
aynthols ;11-c
Pc~sp.:I n t e l - c u l t u ~ aA\r.i~-cnccj
REL 4 7 2 3
6-9 pm
Old Main 16
P a u l the Apostle
Quanbeck 11
A s t ~ l i l y(if the Apcirtlc P.iul, ~nclucling,ippn,pri,1tc
SPC 480-S
\vitli the
P u b l i c Relations1
early c h t ~ ~ c ni;ijor
thc111csI n Ilia \vriLin:,,
Promotional Communication
concclllilig the Ica*on\ l'i1~11~ e ~ i i iill1
~ ~ ~ i s Puhlic ~ r c l ; ~ t ~ oInnsthe n i c ~ d c ~\r,(~l-lil
o f culiimrlnlirnlxxtiint hgrlrc .mi rliinkcr i n Christinn tlicoloof
catic,n, m n r k c t i l ~ g ancl
husincs. All ~ > v c r v i c w
C l i r ~ s t ~F; a
~ ~ ti hI <>I3. (;~.ICI~I,~~IC)~
gy. Pctq~:
~ c l ; ~ t i o,I>
~ i ;\I C;IIC~I '11icI :I Yilr\,ey o f lh,i<ic
Skill: C ~ i t i c aThinking.
I v o ~ ~ i o t i o n ;comnu~nicati<rn
i n p ~ < > t;inLl
i t Inon3-6 pm
T; Th
Old Main 76
IY-<+r 01g.1n iz.itions.
6-9 pm
T; Th
Old Main 29
SWK 2603
H u m ; ~ n sDeveloping
T h i s ct,ur.*c p t ~ ~ v i ~ai nc s~lnclcrstandin:: 11f human
o f the s c ~ c ~ c ~ c u l t ~hio~~..~l,
gnnvtli t l i n ~ ~ ~IlFc
g l i;~lul
I~lgical,and psyclu>lo::ic,il f;1ctt,1s tli,~t i n f l u c l ~ c c
l s f;~niil~cs.(;i~)\\,tli
tlic g~?,wtli 1,F ~ n d ~ v l d u ; l ;uid
rcl.itc<l t c ~clivcrsc p o l x ~ l a ~ i c ~
n s gl<>rlpa(11- spcc ~ nsl t ~ c \ r c \IS nlro ,I f ~ ~ c uPr .c I ' ~ ~H. :~ l i i i ~I dl ic l i t ~ t y
6-9 pm
J, Th
Science 319
S O C 265-S
Culture: Ethnicity, Gendcr, and Race Gcrasimo
A c o ~ ~ fIlcs~gnecl
tt, luok nt gnwps o f I X O I ~\vh<>
for rc;isons o f Ihirtli, a c c i d c n ~ appearance,
hcen "act aslde" and d e l i ~ ~ a\
"clificrcnt" by tllc larger s ~ ~ c i c t(PIN
~ ~ n l Perbp.:
I n r c ~ c u l r u ~A\r:;ucncsr
6-9 pm
M, w
Old Main 13
THR 116-S
Creative D r a m a
A s t ~ ~ iof
l y \8.11101~\
i ~ > r uotl ~
i l ~ . ~ l u a t im<,\,c~ncnr,
p,iutc>~ilirnc,anel pI;iy t l u c ~ u g ;ictivity,
E ~ i l l i h a s ~011
s iliip~c~\,i~ i h s e ~ ~ \ ~ , ;lit~~l coi ~I\CLI\\II)I~.
>,itional t c c l u ~ i q t ~ c;ind
s active ~ ~ a r t i c i p ~ t i u n .
L)cvclopnicnt o f clh,i~iiaric ~picccji1,1111 written,
auJthlc sources. Scioic iilnda\,c~-l>.il,visual, iili~l
~ i ~ c ~ ~I tIn
l s ale inrlil<luced. Pcly,.:
6-9 pm
M, W
Foss 21
- H
center for
global education
other summer s1
Paideia Institute for Socratic II .
Great Ideas for Teaching in a New Millennium
June 14-18, 1999
Contact John Schmit tor rcgist~.;ltion,(612) 330-1083.
upcoming programs:
Marginalized Voices in Guatemala an'
April 25-May 9, 1 9 c
th Hiram College)
ssues in the Post-War P
Guatemala: Indiger
May 16-27, 1999 (with St. Mary's.
The Bristol International Program in Social Work
Bristol University, U.K.
June 26-July 10, 1999
SWK 257-B
Exploring Human Services: International Program
Close of the 20th Ce
This course is an orientation to human services in an international context
with many visits to human service agencies, lectures, and seminars. Full
orientation takes place at Augsburg for two sessions before the course. Credit
is transcripted through Augsburg. T h e course is also available for graduate
credit with a research component.
Cost: $2,800 includes tuition, all ground transportation in the U.K., all accommodations, and most meals. Airfare is N O T included (approximately $900).
Students must make their own flight arrangements. For further information,
contact Maria Dinis, (612) 330-1 704.
Department of Religion and
Augsburg Youth and Family Institute
Norwegian Teacher Academy in Bergen, Norway
May 27-June 12,1999
REL 316 Church and Culture in Context
Crossing BordersICruz
~ i c a r a e i aand the U@
The Environmf
Lcxas A&M-Commerce)
Social Justice in Nicaragua
June 19-27, 1999 (wi;
y of Mary)
Cuernavaca, Mexico (Augshurg MAL credit availahle), Virgi
June 19-July 2, 1999
South Africa after Mandel
June 19-July 3, 1999
A study of Norwegian culture, church life, and the contemporary religious
situation in Norway. Emphasis will be o n experie~lcesof the church in
era. This is an intergenerational
Norway and the a post-Cl~ristendo~n
course for students, clergy, and other church professionals. Participants will
meet for a one-day course orientation May 26 at Augsburg College.
Cost: $2,835 includes ailfare, accommodation, meals, tramportation in Norway, and
entrance fees (except Bergen International Music Festival) . Twenty $1 000 scholarships available to At~gsburgColkge s t d n t s . $350 non-refundable deposit is required
to register. For more information contact David Anderson at (61 2) 330-1569.
El Salvador and Nicaragua:
Exploring Debt Issues and Reconstruction after Hurricane Mitch
July 6-17, 1999
Mexico: Education for Social Justice
A Faculty Development Seminar in Cuernavaca, Mexico
July 10-17, 1999
For information and other possible educational opportunities, contact the Center for
Global Education at (61 2) 330-1 159 or e-mail, <globaledQaugsbur~~d~~>.
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Augsburg College Summer Catalog, 1969
Course Catalogs
Search Result
COURSE VALUES a t Augsburg College a r e measured i n Term C r e d i t s , and a r e d i r e c t l y i n t e r changeable w i t h Q u a r t e r C r e d i t s , t h e u n i t used f o r t h e i t a l i c i z e d courses l i s t e d below,
which a r e t a u g h t a t Concordia C...
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COURSE VALUES a t Augsburg College a r e measured i n Term C r e d i t s , and a r e d i r e c t l y i n t e r changeable w i t h Q u a r t e r C r e d i t s , t h e u n i t used f o r t h e i t a l i c i z e d courses l i s t e d below,
which a r e t a u g h t a t Concordia College, St. Paul.
Augsburg courses numbered 50 and above
a r e intended p r i m a r i l y f o r j u n i o r s and s e n i o r s , as a r e Concordia o f f e r i n g s 300 o r l a r g e r .
STUDENTS PLANNING t o t a k e Independent Study courses must o b t a i n p r i o r permission of t h e
Approval forms a r e a v a i l a b l e from
department and i n s t r u c t o r w i t h whom work i s t o be done.
t h e Sumner School O f f i c e .
COURSES ARE OFFERED SUBJECT t o adequate demand. Because some may be c a n c e l l e d , students
may wish t o l i s t a l t e r n a t e courses when making a p p l i c a t i o n .
may be earned in drawing, painting, composition, printmaking, or art history -CA~,~,P.
55, 6 7 , 83, 84,
. , -, 1 9 7 7 --,
85. 99. Variable
First and/or
------ second terms.
SUMMER STUDENTS may e a r n up t o t e n t e r m c r e d i t s d u r i n g t h e
F i r s t Session ( s i x weeks), and an a d d i t i o n a l f i v e c r e d i t s i n
t h e Second Session ( t h r e e weeks).
Term c r e d i t s a r e d i r e c t l y
interchangqable w i t h quarter c r e d i t s .
AUGSBURG i s c o o p e r a t i n g w i t h Concordia C o l l e g e , S t . Paul, i n
i t s Summer School program. Because t h e Second Session a t
Concordia l a s t s f o u r weeks, s t u d e n t s may r e g i s t e r f o r as many
as s i x c r e d i t s i n Second Session courses t a u g h t on t h e S t .
Paul campus.
TUITION CHARGES depend upon t h e number o f c r e d i t s f o r w h i c h a
person i s r e g i s t e r e d , w i t h a d e c r e a s i n g c o s t p e r c r e d i t when
t o t a l c r e d i t s a r e i n c r e a s e d . The t a b l e below i n d i c a t e s t o t a l
t u i t i o n f o r varying c r e d i t levels.*
*persons submitting a p p l i c a t i o n s
a n a d d i t i o n a l f e e o f $5.00.
some s c i e n c e c o u r s e s .
s h o u l d c o n s u l t t h e Summer S c h o o l
a f t e r May 1 4 w i l l be c h a r g e d
Laboratory f e e s a r e added i n
taking private music lessons
office for rates.
SOCIAL STUDIES. 2 Cr. Includes objectives,
principles, and techniques in elementary
social studies; unit development.
(Prereq.: 55, 56.)
Second Term.
TTh. 7-10
5 Cr. Structure and function of the human
body. For non-majors.
First and Second
Terms. TTh. 7-10 p.m. Mickelberg.
6 Cr.
Concepts and laws underlying chemistrv: examnles from inoroanic and organic
For non-malors.
Lab fee:
$5.00. Flrst Term. 10:35-11:55 a.m. plus
two afternoon labs per week. Gyberg.
First Term.
St. Paul.
10:lO-11-00 a.m.
OF EDUCATION. 3 Cr. Second Term. 10:5012:05 p.m. Poehler, Otte. St. Paul.
2 Cr.
Second Term.
10:lO-11:OO a.m.
St. Paul.
3 Cr. First Term.
St. Paul.
COMPUTER SCIENCE. 4 Cr. Theory of modern
digital computers. A particular computer
language is introduced. Includes a survey
of computer applications, problems. Second
Term. 8-11 a.m. Gulden.
4 Cr. An introductory college course
7-10 p.m., MW. Sabella.
5 Cr. Theory of demand, of the firm; price
and output determination, factor price determination. First Term.
MW 7-10 p.m.
11:lO a.m.-
3 Cr.
First Term.
12:15 p.m. St. Paul.
9:lO-10:00 a.m. Meyer.
3 Cr. Second Term. 9:05-10:ZO a.m. Kaden.
St. Paul.
Works of selected writers
from Colonial
times to the present; their contrsutions
to the development of American literature.
First Term. 8:45-10:05 a.m. Davis.
4 Cr.
examinationofpre-Civil War Southern life:
for each 10-lesson series.
For information contact the Department of Music.
4 Cr. Introduction to the nature, aims,
central problems, and terminology of philosophy.
First Term.
10:35-11:40 a. rn.
The Christian doctrine of man and salvation.
Its uniquenees and relevance to
certain other contemporary views of the
nature and destiny of man.
First Term.
10:35-11:40 a.m. Benson.
PERSONS IN good standing at regionally accredited colleges
and universities, as well as graduates of such institutions,
are eligible to attend Augsburg Summer School. Good standing
implies that the student has been admitted to a college and
has not subsequently been dropped by that institution.
R E l I B I O M R-210.
ACCEPTANCE as a summer student does not imply admission as a
regular student of Augsburg College; persons wishing to
complete a degree program at the college should apply for
admission through the Office of Admissions.
9:05-10:20 a.m.
R E L t ~ l o nR-211.
r ~ urr
5 Cr. An inquiry into the nature of religious faith, experience, and language.
First Term.
8:45-9:50 a.m. Reichenbach.
THA' OWI Y'~~11'hHKNT. 3 i r .
~ ~ P T A K E ~ . ,~ .
First Term.
Sohn. St. Paul.
First Term. Time Arranged.
S e n d 'l'rml.
St. Paul.
sc~onrl T-.
STUDENTS ADMITTED to Augsburg College for the Fall Term of
1969 are eligible to attend Summer School, as are persons
admitted by other colleges for the fall of this year.
St. Paul.
11:lO a.m.-12:15 p.m.
IF REGULARLY ATTENDING another institution, a student must
provide the Director of Summer School with a statement from
an appropriate official (e.g., Registrar or Dean) sf his
college that he is in good standing and eligible to earn
credits in the summer session. Credits earned at Augsburg
will be transferred only if this requirement has been met.
3 Cr. Second Term. 7:40-8:55
a.m. Stach. St. Paul.
4 Cr.
The solar system, stars, galaxies.
The use of optical instruments; viewing
with a 12" reflecting telescope.
p.m., TPh. Hanwick.
TERS. 1 Cr.
TTh. Stach.
SEMINAR IN PASTORAL LETSecond Term. 1:OO-2:15 p.m.
St. Paul.
OTHER PERSONS wishing to take summer school work should contact the Director of Summer School to ascertain eligibility
under special circumstances.
5 Cr.
Emphasis on the
Presidency, Congress, ard the
Court; conflict, consensus, economics, and
ideological factors.
Second Term. 8:4510:05 and 10:35-11:55 a.m. Stenshoal.
The political
~rocesses'of the Soviet Union and other
communist states analyzed in ideological,
party, and institutional terms.
Term. ITh. 7-10 p.m. Noonan.
Variable credit. First Term.
Time arranged. Noonan.
4 Cr.
A sociological perspective of the
cultural and structural dynamics of the
western world.
First Term.
a.m. Torstenson.
5l.lMQ:R W K 111 C C ; ? r ! E C T ? s
z-XLAI. GERVICR. 5 ( 5 . N U ~ O I n b t h r a
a special summer program not integrated
with other Summer School offerings. For
information w i t e
Dr. Joel Torstenson,
Augsburg College.
5 Cr. Methods of collecting,
and intermeting data in the
social sciences. Graphs. tables, measures
of central tendency; the testing oP hypotheses. First & Second Terms. 5:306:20 p.m. M-F. (9 weeks) Nordlie.
. r----.=.
First Term. 10:lO-11:OO a.m. Maneks.
St. Paul.
4 Cr.
Basic problems of effective speaking and
critical listening. 8:45-10:05.
Credit. Arranged. First Term. Olson.
LIMITED food 1 service w i l l be a v a i l a b l e d u r i n g the summer
I f housing i s r e q u i r e d , arrangements should b e
J a m e s L a n c a s t e r , Manager o f H o u s i n g .
made w i t h M r
June 16 20,1969
g:OO a.m. 10:30 a.m.. . . . . . . . . . . ..Knut Nystedt
The discussion will center on "Music in Europe
i n the Atomic Age" and "New Sounds in Choral
Music." Many taped examples, as well as the
actual scores, brought from Europe by Mr.
Nystedt will be used.
10:45 a.m. 12:15 p.m.. . . . . . . . .Leland B. Sateren
1935 graduate of Augsburg College,
received his master's degree from
the University of Minnesota i n
1943. He returned to Augsburg in
1946 and has directed the Augsburg Choir and served as chairman
of the Department of Music since
1950.In 1965 he was honored with
a Doctor of Humane Letters degree
from Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, Pa., and a Doctor of Music
degree from Lakeland College, Sheboygan, Wis. With many published
choral works to his credit, Dr.
Sateren has also written several
books and numerous articles on
choral music and its performance.
Wide interest i n the field of
music is evidenced by his professional memberships in the Music
Educators Association, the Hymn
Society of America, and his work
as a member of the Inter-Lutheran
Commission on Worship. The Augsburg Choir, under Dr. Sateren's
direction, has premiered several
contemporary pieces which emphasize t h e "new sound" i n choral
music. In December the choir sang
the premiere of Christobal Halffter's "Yes Speak Out Yes" i n the
General Assembly of the United
Nations in New York City with the
Minnesota Orchestra.
Choral Topics I
"Graphing the Vowel," "Suspensions and Other
Organic Expressive Elements" a n d "Part
Dynamics" are included in the topics for discussion and demonstration.
1:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m.
. . . . . . . . . . . . .Dale Warland
This study of larger-than-anthem choral works
will include Penderecki's "Stabat Mater,"
Stravinsky's "Symphony of Psalms," Nicolas
Roussakis' "Night Speech," Britten's "Rejoice
in the Lamp," Poulenc's "Gloria," a_nd others.
Recreation Period
KNUT NYSTEDT, a graduate of
the Oslo Conservatory of Music, is
conductor of the Norwegian Soloist
Choir and professor of choral conducting at the University of Oslo.
He is ;currently composer in residence at Augsburg College. In the
United States he has studied composition with Aaron Copland, conducting with Robert Shaw, a n d
organ with Ernest White. His compositions, both choral and instrumental. have been premiered i n
Norway by both the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra and the Norske
Solistkor and in this country by several orchestral and choral groups
including the Augsburg Choir. Mr.
Nystedt recently received the
St. Olaf Veda1 from the King of
Norway for his contributions to the
musical life of his country. In the
year of its birth, Nystedt's setting
of "De Profundis" won the coveted
Norwegian prize as the best composition of the year, all categories
considered, and it was subsequently
performed a t t h e International
Society for Contemporary Music.
Given its U. S. premiere by the
Augsburg Choir, the revolutionary
character of the piece opened new
paths in choral composition and
performance in this country. His
later "Praise to God" continued the
exploration of new sounds. This
work was given its world premiere
by the Augsburg Choir.
at Macalester College since 1967.
A native of Fort Dodge, Iowa, Dr.
Warland is a graduate of St. Olaf
College and has attended the University of Minnesota (M.A.) and
the University of Southern California (D.M.A.). His professional
career has included positions at
Humboldt State College (Calif.),
and Keuka College (New York) before joining Macalester. He has prepared several major choral works
for performance with the Minnesota Orchestra. During the past
season, the Macalester choirs participated q i t h the symphony i n
Penderecki's "St. Luke's Passion"
premiere in New York City and in
a local performance of "Missa
Solemnis" by Beethoven.
Minneapolis, the City of Lakes, offers a full
and varied program of recreation opportunities
to complement the facilities a t Augsburg
College. Swimming i n one of the many lakes,
golfing at the municipal courses and other
activities are easily accessible to participants.
6:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.. . . . . . . . . .Leland B. Sateren
Choral Topics I1
"Color and Concept," "Directing Mixed Meter
Music," "Line" and "Functional Choral Music"
are some of the topics to be considered.
7:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Knut Nystedt
"The Interpretation ?nd Performance of
Music by Knut Nystedt.
Music is never static. It is constantly alive speaking - expressing. As music continues to develop
new avenues and vehicles of expression, the director
must seek the understanding and techniques of
bringing this expression to his audience.
Leland B. Sateren and the Augsburg Choir have
long been associated with the presentation of "new"
choral music. Each year they have premiered important new works such as Nystedt's "Praise to God."
Knut Nystedt, Norway's leading composer of
choral music, is active in the "new" sounds in choral
composition. Mr. Nystedt is extending his stay as
composer in residence at Augsburg College to take
part in this workshop.
Dale Warland, director of choral organizations at
Macalester College, has been associated with the
preparation and performance of a number of larger
contemporary works including the New York City
premiere of Penderecki's "St. Luke's Passion" with
the Minnesota Orchestra.
Augsburg College has chosen this, its Centennial
Year, to enter the field of choral workshops. The
importance of this new music, the music of the
future, will be the primary focus of the Sateren
Choral Workshop in its first year.
Without Credit
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $~o.oo*
This includes mimeographed materials and attendance ?t 911 sessions. Participants will be given the
opportunity of purchasing the music used in the
Partial Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25.00~
Partial registration is available for those unable to
attend the complete workshop but wishing to take
part as their schedules permit.
Undergraduate Credit.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20.00
One or two undergraduate credits may be earned
through Augsburg College upon examination and
payment of the special $20.00fee. This fee is leveled
by the college and has nothing to do with the $50.00
fee listed above.
*A 10% discount will be granted to applications received b y
May 30.
Single Rooms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55.00
Double Rooms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ .
. . . . $45.00
Participants .will be housed in the new high-rise
dormitory, Urness Tower. Meals will be served in the
College Center Commons. Accommodations for
wives or husbands are available.
NAME: - Miss
ATTENDING, i f o t h e r t h a n Augsburg:
CLASSIFICATION AS OF JUNE, 1969 [ P l e a s e c i r c l e ] : F r . SO. J r . S r . O t h e r :
I p l a n t o attend:
- F i r s t Term (June 9 - J u l y 18)
Second Term ( J u l y 21-Auaust 9 ) *
T h e Second Term a t C o n c o r d i a , S t . P a u l , l a s t s a n a d d i t i o n a l w e e k , i . e . , t h r u A u g u s t 16
FROM THE LIST OF p r o j e c t e d Summer School o f f e r i n g s , p l e a s e e n t e r below your FIRST and
ALTERNATE c h o i c e s . Actual o f f e r i n g s w i l l be determined by demand. A normal maximum of
15 c r e d i t s may be earned d u r i n g t h e two terms [16 c r e d i t s i f t h e Second Term work i s
taken a t Concordia C o l l e g e ] .
Term [ s l
. A t u i t i o n d e p o s i t o f $25.00 i s r e q u i r e d f o r
p e r s o n s p r e r e g i s t e r i n g f o r f i v e o r more c r e d i t s ; t h e d e p o s i t f o r f o u r o r f e w e r c r e d i t s
i s $15.00.
Payment i n f u l l o f Summer S c h o o l c h a r g e s i s r e q u i r e d when f i n a l r e g i s t r a t i o n
i s c o m p l e t e d o n t h e d a t e c l a s s e s a r e s c h e d u l e d t o b e g i n . Make c h e c k t o Augsburg C o l l e g e
I submit t h i s A p p l i c a t i o n and P r e r e g i s t r a t i o n s u b j e c t t o t h e c o n d i t i o n s o f t h e 1969
Augsburg Summer School B u l l e t i n , which I have read and agree t o .
Date :
. .. .
R e t u r n c o m p l e t e d f o r m , t o g e t h e r w i t h d e p o s i t , t o Summer S c h o o l O f f i c e , Augsburg C o l l e g e ,
M i n q e a p o l j s , MN 55404.
Or b r i n g t o t h e Summer S c h o o l O f f i c e , Memorial H a l l , Room 1 1 1 .
- .
b MtZd w*
E n c l o s e d i s $20.00 r e s e r v a t i o n f e e f o r t h e S a t e r e n C h o r a l Workshop. ( T h i s f e e may be
r e f u n d e d i f t h e Manager i s n o t i f i e d o f c a n c e l l a t i o n b e f o r e s e s s i o n s b e g i n o n J u n e 1 6 . )
Please check a s applicable:
- I d e s i r e a s i n g l e room.
- My w i f e o r husband w i l l
-I do n o t d e s i r e c o l l e g e
accompany me,
- I am r e g i s t e r i n g f o r c o l l e g e c r e d i t .
- . . -. -
. . . ...
Address : - .
. .
. ..-.
R e g i s t r a t i o n s f o r t h e Sateren Choral Workshop should be m a i l e d t o :
Workshop, Augsburg College, M i n n e a p o l i s , MN 55404.
. .
Manauer, Choral
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Augsburg College Summer Catalog, 1995
Course Catalogs
Search Result
Augsburg College is a four-year, fully
accredited liberal arts college affiliated
with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America and is located in the heart of
Minneapolis. The small college
environment, about 3,000 students
during the academic year, is enriched by
the many opportunities f...
Show more
Augsburg College is a four-year, fully
accredited liberal arts college affiliated
with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America and is located in the heart of
Minneapolis. The small college
environment, about 3,000 students
during the academic year, is enriched by
the many opportunities found in this
vibrant metropolitan area. Augsburg's
setting allows its students to participate
in a host of cultural and
recreational activities, ranging
from the Guthrie Theatre and the
Minnesota History Center to
the Minneapolis
Augs burg in
the Summer
Augsburg College offers a varied
summer curriculum that includes over
70 courses in more than 25 academic
disciplines, as well as internships and
independent studies.
rerm I runs from May 30 to June 21.
Term I1 runs from June 26 to August 4.
For a detailed listing of courses, look
inside this brochure.
Summer students may take one course
during Term I and two courses during
Term 11. Unless otherwise indicated, all
courses carry a value of one course
credit, the equivalent of four semester
credits or six quarter credits.
Courses fulfilling Augsburg
distribution and perspective
requirements are so noted in the
course descriptions.
Course levels are indicated by the first
digit of the three digit course number: 1
or 2, lower division, primarily for
freshmen and sophomores; 3 or 4, upper
division, primarily for juniors and
seniors; and 5, graduate level
Courses regularly taught during the
academic year are more fully described
in the Augsburg College Catalog. If you
need more information about a special
summer offering, please contact the
Summer School Office.
Independent study courses, in addition
to those listed, are arranged through an
individual faculty member in the
department of study.
Internships, in addition to those listed,
may be pursued during the summer in
most majors. Internships for credit
involve approved work experience
related to the academic program in an
agency, government or industry.
Consult the Internships Program Office
at (612) 330-1148 for information.
Students who need housing may obtain
information from the Residence Life
Offic; Call (612) 330-1109.
L-right to cancel
Ihe College reservese!t
listed courses.
and Forms
Additional information and registration
forms may be obtained from:
Murphy Place, Campus Box #68
2211 Riverside Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Call 6121330-1795or call toll-free
John Schmit, Director
Rachel Anderson, Assistant
Persons in good standing at regionally
accredited colleges and universities,
graduates of such institutions, and
students admitted for the next Fall Term
are eligible to attend Augsburg Summer
School. Good standing implies that the
student has been admitted and not
subsequently dropped by that
Other persons wishing to take summer
school work should contact the Director of
Summer School to ascertain eligibility
under special circumstances.
Acceptance as a summer student does
not imply admission as a regular
student of Augsburg College. Those
wishing to begin a degree program at
the College should apply for admissicn
through the Office of Admissions or
Veekend College Admissions Office.
Map of
1. Admissions House
2. George Sverdrup Library
3. Science Hall
4. Old Main
5. Quad
6. Mortensen Tower
7. Urness Tower
8, Christensen Center
9. SverdrupOftedal Memorial Hall
10. Music Hall
11. 2222 Murphy Place
12. Si Melby Hall
13. Ice Arena
14. Husby-StrommenTr--'-
College Relations
K.Nordic Center
17 Foss, Lobeck, Miles Center for
Worship, Drama and
18. Center for Global Education
19. Jeroy C. Carlson Alumni Center
20. Youthand Family Institute
21. American Indian Support and
Blackstudent Affairs
22. Oscar Anderson Hall
23. East Hall
24. Murphy Square
25. Anderson-Nelson Athletic Fie
Campus Location
- arkina Lot..
A. Admissions Parking
B. Faculty/Staff/Commuter/
Residence Parking
C. Faculty/Staff Parking
D. FacuIty/Staff/Commuter
E. Commuter - Sheet Parking
F. Resident Parking
G. Visitor Parking
H. Fairview/St. Mary'
35W from the North Take Washington Avenue exit and turn
left on Washington (turns right onto
Cedar Avenue), turn left at Riverside
Avenue, right at 21st Avenue South.
1-94 East from Minneapolis Take 25th Avenue exit, turn left at 25th
Avenue, turn left at Riverside Avenue,
turn left at 21st Avenue South.
1-94 West from St. Paul Take Riverside exit, turn right at
Riverside Avenue, turn left at 21st
Avenue South.
35W from the South Follow the 1-94 St. Paul signs (move to
right lane after each of two mergers).
Take 25th Avenue exit and turn left at
Riverside Avenue, turn left at 21st
Avenue South.
Beginning April 18, you may schedule
Summer School courses at the
Registrais Office between 8:00 a.m. and
4:30 p.m. A $50.00 tuition deposit must
be paid at that time for each course
scheduled.'This deposit will be applied
to your Summer School tuition and is
not refundable unless the course is
cancelled. If a course that you have
scheduled is cancelled, you may elect to
receive a refund or apply the deposit to
the tuition for another course. To insure
that you reserve a place in the courses
that you desire, we recommend that you
schedule your courses as early as
possible. Many courses fill early, and
courses with low enrollments may be
cancelled before the first day of the term.
Students must confirm their registration
in person at the Business Office on the
dates specified below or they will be
dropped from the course.
Students taking courses during Term I
must confirm their registration on May
30 or 31. Term I1 confirmation must be
made on June 26 or 27. This procedure
applies to all summer registrations,
including internships and independent
studies. The Business Office is located in
the Science Hall, Room 114, and it is
open between 8:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on
the dates listed above. Tuition must be
paid in full in order for your registration
to be confirmed. (Augsburg students
who have unpaid balances from
previous terms must pay these balances
before they may confirm their Summer
School registrations.)
A late fee of $50.00 will be assessed for
students who do not confirm on time.
No Term I registrations will be accepted
after June 2, and Term I1 registrations
will not be accepted after June 30.
To change your registration you will
need to fill out an Add/Drop form at
the Registrar's Office. There is a charge
of $50.00 for changing a course after 3:30
p.m. on the second scheduled day of
each term. This procedure applies to
internships and independent studies as
well as scheduled courses. Refunds and
adjustments to fees are outlined in the
"Tuition Refund Policy" section of this
@ Printed on recycled paper.
Term I
Term I1
It is the policy of Augsburg College not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sexual or
affectional preference, national or ethnic origin, age, marital status, sex or status with regard to public
assistance, or disability as required by Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments or Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, in its admissions policies, education programs, activities and
employment practices.
The tuition charge for 1995 Summer
School courses is as follows: $815.00 for
full-credit courses, $410.00 for half-credit
courses, and $205.00 for quarter-credit
courses. Audits are charged at the
tuition rates listed above.
30 days long and does not meet the
federal definition of a term.
Students enrolled in one or more full
courses during Summer Terms I and I1
combined are eligible to apply for the
Federal Stafford Loan.
Tuition Refund
Students enrolled in 1.5 courses or more
(one-half of the minimum full-time
requirement during the regular school
year) through a combination of Term I
and I1 enrollments can be eligible for a
Pell Grant if they will not attend the
entire 1995-'96 academic year and qualify
Under the ~
~pell G~~~~
The $50.00 per course deposit is not
refundable. Refund of all or part of the
remaining fee is calculated from the date
of the student's official course
cancellation at the Registrar's Office.
Schedule of Refunds:
*Prior to the second scheduled class
meeting - 100%of the refundable
prtioriof the fee.
*Prior to the fourth scheduled class
meeting - 75% of the refundable
portion of the fee.
*Prior to the sixth scheduled class
meeting - 50% of the refundable
portion of the fee.
Courses with fewer than 12 scheduled
class sessions will use a prorated version
of the schedule of refunds.
Financial Aid
Financial Aid Eligibility
For Summer Session Attendees
WEC Program
No aid is given for Summer Term I as it
runs concurrently with Spring trimester
of the preceding academic year.
Students are eligible for Federal Stafford
Loans if they are enrolled in one full
course or more during Summer Term 11.
Students are eligible for a Federal Pell
Grant if they are enrolled in one full
course (one-half of the minimum fulltime requirement during the regular
school year) during Summer Term I1
and will not attend the entire 1995-'96
academic year and qualify under the
Federal Pell Grant guidelines.
To Apply
The deadline for applying for financial
aid for Summer Session is April 1,1995.
Contact the Office of Student Financial
ART 224A
Publication Design
Introduction to Publication Design explores
theory, practice and critique of a variety of
publication forms using traditional as well as
electronic tools. Dist.: Art/Music
1:W-3:20 pm
M,T, W,Th,F Foss Colnputcr
Lab Classroon~
ART 389A
American Art
A study of early Colonial through contemporary
American art, architecture, and folk arts. Dist.:
Art/Music; Persp.: Aesthetics; Grad Skill: Speaking
9:W-11:20 ant
M,T, W,Th,F
Foss 43
Human Biology
Basic biological concepts from an anthropocentric
point of view. An attempt to answer such
questions as: What makes a human just another
member of the biotic fold? Do humans have a
niche in the ecosystem? What influence do humans
have on the environment? What influence does the
environment, especially the urban environment,
have on humans? (A student may not receive
credit for both 101 and 103. Does not apply to the
major or minor.) Dist.: Biology/Chemistry; Persp.:
Natural World 2
1:00-3:20 pm
M,T,W,Th,F Science Hall 205
ACC 221A
Principles of Accounting I
Introduction to business activities, basic concepts
and fundamentals of accounting, the accounting
cycle and preparation of financial statements.
9:OO-11:20 am
Old Moin 10
ACC 322A
Accounting Theory & Practice I
An analysis of financial accounting with emphasis
on accounting theory pertaining to financial
statements, income concepts, valuation concepts,
FASB statements and other relevant issues as
applied to assets. (Prereq.: ACC 222, ECO 113)
6:OO-9:00 pm
Old Main 23
BUS 242A
Principles of Management
Development of the theory of management,
organization, staffing, planning and control. The
nature of authority, accounhbility and responsibility;
analysis of the role of the professional manager.
6:OO-9:00 pm
M,T, W,Th
Old Main 10
BUS 252A
Principles of Marketing
Principles of basic policy and strategy issues iii
marketing. Legal, ethical, competitive, behavioral,
economic and technological factors as they affect
product, promotion, marketing channel and
pricing decisions.
9:00-11:20 am
Music 24
BUS 368A
Responding to the Challenge
of Japan
An examination of current Japanese business
practices using a cultural perspective. A
multimedia approach will be employed, involving
film, television documentaries, and readings from
current periodicals in addition to text materials. A
seminar model will be used with substantial
participation expected on the part of students.
(Prereq: junior standing or consent of instructor)
Persp.: lntercultural Awareness I
M,T, W,Th,F
Music 23
BUS 399A
A student may receive course credits through an
internship program which is applicable to
graduation but not to the major. This program will
afford the student the opportunity to spend one
full term working with some organization. In
addition, the student will write a report on his/her
activities. (Prereq: consent of instructor)
Economics of Urban Issues
Study of economic implications of problems facing
a metro-urban environment. By independent
study. Students need signature of instructor before
Term One begins (call 330-1152). P/N only. Dist.:
Urban/Women's/Minority Studies or
Economics/Political Science; Persp.: Social World 1
or 2, or the City
ECO 112A
Principles of MacroEconomics
lntroduction to macroeconomics, national income
analysis, monetary and fiscal policy, international
trade, economic growth. Dist.: Economics/Political
Science; Persp.: Western Heritage 1or 2
9:00-11:20 am
Old Main 16
EDE 382A
Curriculum: Mathematics (.5 credit)
Examination and preparation of materials and
resources for mathematics instruction at the
kindergarten and elementary levels. (Prereq.: PPST)
6:OO-9:00 pm
Libray 1
EDE 386A
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum:
Children's Literature (.5 credit)
Examination and preparation of materials and
resources for children's literature at the
kindergarten and elementary levels. Lab
experiences. (Prereq.:PPST)
Libra y I
EDU 388A
Human Relations (.50 credit)
Emphasis on the study of values, of communication
techniques, and of the major minority groups in Minnesota for the development of interpersonal relations
skills applicable to teaching and other professional
vocations. Required for all elementary and secondary
education majors. Open to all. P/N only.
Old Main 18
ENG 219A
American Dialects:
Differences and Attitudes
This course will examine the dialects of various
English-speaking communities and attempt to
describe and understand their mles of speech:
their grammatical rules, phonological rules, and
their rules of discourse. Dist.: Urban/Women/
Minority; Persp.: Intercultural Awareness 1
Old Main 27
ENG 225A
Intermediate ExpositoryWriting
This course builds on the practices and methods of
Effective Writing, ENG 111. Its workshop format
stresses style and organization, the process of
revision, self and peer evaluation and the
relationship between reading and writing. (Prereq:
ENG 111) Grad Skill: Writing
Old Main 13
ENG 245A
Introduction to Literature
In this course students are initiated into the formal
studv of narra tive. drama..and .
Doetw, in order to
appreciate more fully the pleasures of literature.
The course aims to expand students' exposure to
literature and therefoie draws on works from
several periods, from different cultures and races,
from male and female writers. As the prerequisite
for all upper courses in literature, lntroduction to
Literature aims in particular to develop students'
critical and analytical skills in reading about
literature. Dist.: Literature; Persp.: Aesthetics
Old Main18
HPE 320A
School Health Curriculum
Techniques for developing a course of study based
on growth and development for grades K-12.
Special work units in nutrition and diseases.
(Prereq: HPE 110)
HPE 410A
Organization & Administration of
School Health Programs
Historical background, legal bases, school health
services and relationships to community health
program and resources. Methods and materials in
health educa tion with laboratory experience in
classroom and community. (Prereq: HPE 110)
HIS 336A
American Labor History
This course surveys the history of work and
workers in the United States. Issues such as shifting
styles of work, the changing nature of working
class life and community, the evolution of
organized labor movements, and the relationship of
workers and unions to the state will be considered.
Issues of change in work and working people will
include race and gender. Dist.: History/Philosophy
Old Main 23
INS 199N399A
A work-based learning experience in which a
student designs a learning agreement with a
faculty member which links the ideas and methods
of their major to the opportunities found in the
placement. Participation in a seminar is expected.
Consult instructor for clarification. Persp.: City
REL 369A
The Religious Imagination in
Modem Literature
Particularities of religious discernment,
symbolism, and world view. Reading and
discussion of seven novels. Dist.: Religion; Persp.:
Christian Faith 3
M,T, W,Th,F
Old Main 29
REL 386A
Speaking of Genesis
How does the Bible talk about creation? How does
the Adam & Eve story affect our lives today? What
were families like in Bible times? Were ancient
problems similar to our own? What does the Bible
say? What does it mean? What values does it
portray and promote? This course addresses these
and other questions by exploring how scholars read
and speak about the book of Genesis. Evaluation is
based on quizzes, three speaking assignments, and
a project or short paper. Dist.: Religion; Persp.:
Christian Faith 1 or 3; Grad Skill: Speaking
6:OO-9:00 pm
M,T, W,Th
Old Main 29
FRE 312A
French Expression
A two-pronged approach to coherent and correct
expression in speaking and writing. Attention to
grammatical structures, French turns of phrase and
elementary stylistics for business and personal use.
French phonology and speech group practice, study
of spoken models from the media. (Prereq: FRE 311
or consent of instructor.)
M,T, W,Th
Old Main 25
GER 111A
Beginning German I
Classroom practice speaking, understanding and
reading basic German for students with no
previous background in German. Dist.: Language
Level 1; Persp.: Intercultural Awareness 2
6:OO-9:00 pm
Old Main 13
SPA l l l A
Beginning Spanish I
Aims to develop four basic skills: understanding,
speaking, reading and writing of elementary
Spanish. Introduction to culture of Spanishspeaking world. Dist.: Language Level 1; Persp.:
Intercultural Awareness 2
M,T, W,Th,F
Old Main 25
PSY 105A
Principles of Psychology
An introduction to the methods and approaches
used in psychology for the purpose of
understanding behavior. Application of
psychological concepts to everyday situations is
emphasized. Dist.: Psychology/Sociology; Persp..
Human Identity
6:OO-9:00 pm
M,T, W,Th
Music 23
SWK 230A
Global Peace and Social Development
This course offers a framework o n non-violent
social change and development in the global
context. It also identifies the focus of Social Work
in addition to many other disciplines which are
vital to fostering peace, development and
enhancement of a better quality of life for all
human kind. Persp.: Social World 2
1:00-3:20 pm
Old Main 10
SWK 260A
Humans Developing
This course provides the knowledge basic to an
understanding of human growth through the life
cycle and of the interplay of sociocultural,
biological and psychological factors which
influence the growth of individuals and families in
contemporary American society. Emphasized is
the role of the "nurturine" environment" in relation
to human growth, the impact of "sustaining
environment" and other special stresses relevant to
growth. Growth related td populations and groups
which represent racial, disability and sexual
minorities is also a focus. Students will gain selfunderstanding through use of their own
experiences. Persp.: Human Identity
9:OO-11:20 am
Foss 21A
SWK 399A
Provides field learning experience for the nonmajor and supplements the required field work of
majors. (Prereq.: senior standing or consent of
SWK 499A
Independent Study
Student must present a written proposal containing
rationale, objectives, methodology and evaluation of
the proposed study according to department
guidelines. (Prereq.: SWK 257 and consent of
SOC 121A
Introduction to Human Society
What is society and how does it make us who we are?
As a unique way of understanding, sociology offers
insights into discovering the world and one's place in
it. Course study focuses on an understanding of
culture, social structure, institutions and our
interactions with each other.
Old Main 25
31 K U b b L E P U K JU31 ICE: 1IY 1 E K I Y A I I V I Y A L ,
SOC 265A
Culture: Ethnicity, Gender
and Race
Why do we set people aside for negative Special
treatment? How are they stigmatized? The people to
whom we do this are often reflections of our own
fears. A sociological analysis of "self" and "other"
provides a way to examine racism, sexism and other
"-isms." Offered on P / N basis only. Dist.: Psychology/
Sociology; Persp.: Intercultural Awareness 1
6:00-9:00 pin
M,T, W,Th
Old Main 29
SOC 199A1399A
A work-based learning experience in which a student
designs a learning agreement with a faculty member
which links the ideas and methods of their major to
the opportunities found in the placement.
Participation in a seminar is expected. Consult
instructor for clarification. Persp.: City
C ~ R I J1
~ R1 = ~P ~ V L I J ~
Summer Term in Geneva, Switzerland
1une 22 to August 3,1995
POL 356A
Topics: Struggle for Justice
"Struggle for Justice" focuses specifically o n Christian
response, both from the point of view of international
church organizations as well as the individual. It will
deal with the special role of the Christian community
and organizations in identifying and defining the
ethical questions related to international issues and
how these moral deliberations take place in the
?Internationalcommunity. Dist.: Economics/Political
REL 379A
Ecurnenism in the
Contemporary World
In this course you will examine the programs and
roles of church agencies, asking about the world
views that give rise to them. What is the basis for the
common action and common witness by the churches,
which is at the heart of ecumenism? How do the
churches' faith commitments shape their policies and
ethical positions on the world level? How do their
roles and contributions differ from organiza tions that
are not church-based? Among Christian organiu tions,
how do different assumptions about society, politics,
and the Church create different objectives for their
programs? Dist.: Religion
If '
vou need more information about either of these courses, please contact
Kathi Lutfi in Global Education at (612) 330-1655.
Summer School
BUS 340A
Human Resource Management
Personnel function in business, acquisition and
utilization of human resources; desirable working
relationships; effective integration of the worker with
the goals of the firm and society. (Prereq.: BUS 242)
Old Main 18
BUS 440A
Operations Management
Concepts and principles related to the
management of operating functions. Examples
from service industries, non-profit organiza tions
and manufacturing. Taught from a managerial
point of view. Topics include an overview of
operations, planning operation processes,
productivity measurement, standards, forecasting,
concepts of quality, inventory management,
principles of scheduling and operational control
information systems. (Prereq.: BUS 242 or consent
of instructor)
6:00-9:30 pm
M ,W
Old Main 13
ART 107A
An introduction to and definition of drawing
methods and media. Drawing is presented as a
diverse art form which can be experienced in a
variety of ways. Traditional and non-traditional
media are used. Dist.: Art/Music; Persp.:
690-9:30 pm
Old Main
MIS 175A
Principles of Computing
for Business
An introduction to computing concepts and
microcomputer-based information systems. Study
features of hardware, operating systems, languages
and current applications. Learn to use MSDOS,
Wordperfect, Lotus 123, and dBase III+. May study
other applications (Microsoft Word, Excel). The
370 with a passing grade
serve as a substitute for MIS 175. (Prereq.: MPG I1
or a Pass in MAT 103, a self-paced course)
Foss 42
ART ll8A
Painting I
Painting in opaque and transparent color. A
variety of subjects and approaches illustrate the
versatility of paint as an expressive medium, Dist,:
Art/Music; Persp.: Aesthetics
690-9:30 pm
Old Main 17
The camera used as a tool for visual creativity and
expression using black and white photographic
processes. Students need access to a 35mm, single
lens reflex camera. Estimated cost of film, etc.:
$175-$200. Dist.: Art/Music; Persp.: Aesthetics
old ~~i~ 4
ACC 222A
Principles of Accounting I1
Introduction to business activities, accounting for
corporations. Basic concepts and fundamentals of
managerial accounting, planning and controlling
processes, decision-making and behavioral .
considerations. (Prereq.: ACC 221)
9:OO-10:45 am
M,T, W,Th
Music 23
BUS 331A
Financial Management
Theory of acquisition, allocation, and management
of funds within the firm. Sources and uses of long
and short term funds, cost of capital, capital
budgeting, leverage, dividend policy, and related
topics. (Prereq.: P.CC 222, ECO 113)
Old Main
Economics of Urban Issues
Study of economic implications of problems facing
a metro-urban environment. By independent study.
Studenk need signature of instructor before Term
Two begins (call 330-1152). P/N only. Dist.: Urban/
Women's/Minority Studies or Economics/Poli tical
Science; Persp.: Social World 1or 2, or the City
ECO 112A
Principles of MacroEconomics
Introduction to macroeconomics, national income
analysis, monetary and fiscal policy, international
trade, economic growth. Dist.: Economics/Political
Science; Persp.: Western Heritage 1 or 2
6:00-9:30 pm
T , Th
Old Main 16
ECO 113A
Principles of MicroEconomics
Introduction to microeconomics, the theory of the
household, firm, market structures and income
theory to market policy. Dist.: Economics/Political
Science; Persp.: Social World 1 or 2
6:00-9:30 pm
old d Z n 29
ECO 315A
Money and Banking
Monetary and banking systems, particularly
commercial banks, and the Federal Reserve
System; monetary theory and policy. (Prereq.: ECO
6:OO-9:30 pm
M ,W
Old Main 10
EDE 375A
Discovery in the World
of Kindergarten (.50 credit)
Kindergarten curriculum, materials, teaching
approaches. Prerequisite to student teaching at
kindergarten level and to obtaining a license for
teaching at that level. Lab arranged. (Prereq.:
Consent of instructor and PPST)
5:30-9:30 pm
Libra y 20
Dates: July 10,11,13,18,20
EDE 377A
Curriculum: Science (.25 credit)
Examination and preparation of materials and
resources for science at the kindergarten and
elementary level. (Prereq.: PPST)
9:00-10:45 am
Old Main 4
July 17,19,24,26,31; August 2
EDE 387A
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum:
Language Arts (.50 credit)
Examination and preparation of materials and
resources for language arts at the kindergarten and
elementary levels. Laboratory experiences. Grad
Skill: Writing (Prereq.: PPST, EDU 265)
5:30-9:30 pm
Libra y 17
Dates: July 10,11,13,18,20
EDS 390A
Communication Skills in
the English Classroom
This course is for English-educa tion majors who
plan to teach high sciool English. It is designed to
improve students' skills in public speaking, oral
interpretation, listening, and small group
discussion as well as to explore methodologies for
teaching and incorporating these skills in the high
school English curriculum.
6:OO-9:30 pm
Science 112
EDS 391A
Teaching Mass Media (-50credit)
This course is for English-education majors who
plan to teach high school English. Students will
explore the nature of the media as "consciousness
industries," examining the whys of teaching the
media, how to effectively go about it, what kind of
assumptions media education has been based on in
the past, and how to incorporate media educa tion
into the English curriculum. The students will
become familiar with all forms of mass media and
will understand the impact of media on their lives.
Students will learn how to be discriminating users
of mass media and how to teach others to be the
same. (Prereq.: P E T )
6:00-9:30 pm
Foss 175
EDU 388A
Human Relations (.50 credit)
Emphasis on the study of values, of
communication techniques, and of the major
minority groups in Minnesota for the development
of interpersonal relations skills applicable to
teaching and other professional vocations.
Required for all elementary and secondary
education majors. Open to all. P/N only.
6:OO-9:30 pm
Old Main 18
ENG 241A
Introduction to Cinema Art
An investiga tion of the cinematic qualities,
theoretical principles and historical evolution of
the film medium. The emphasis is on film as an
audiovisual language. The course includes the
viewing and analysis of both feature length and
short films illustrating the international
development of film form and selected aesthetic
movements such as the American studio film and
its genres, German expressionism, Soviet montage,
Italian neorealism and the French New Wave.
Because of film lengths, some classes will go to 10
pm. Persp.: Aesthetics
Foss 21A
HIS 115A
Modem Middle East
This is a survey of the volatile Middle East from
the rise of natio~lalismand the decline of the
Turkish Ottoman Empire in the 19th century to the
current crisis hot spots in the Persian Gulf and the
Levant. The goal is a better understanding of how
the Middle East reached its contemporary
complexity, and its role in the wider world. Dist.:
History /Philosophy
M,T, W,Th
Old Main 23
INS 199AM99A
A work-based learning experience in which a
student designs a learning agreement with a
faculty member which links the ideas and methods
of their maior to the ovvortunities found in the
placement. Participation in a seminar is expected.
Consult instructor for clarification. Persp.: City
MAT 173A
Math of Interest
An introduction to actuarial mathematics. Topics
include life insurance, annuities, mortgages, loan
payments, and other topics in the mathematics of
financial transactions. Dist.: Math/Physics; Grfd
Skill: Quantitative Reasoning
6:OO-9:30 pm
M ,W
Old Main 25
GER 112A
Beginning German I1
Classroom practice in speaking, understanding
and reading basic German. Dist.: Language Level
2; Persp.: Intercultural Awareness 3
6:OO-9:30 pm
Old Main 27
SPA 112A
Beginning Spanish I1
Aims to develop the four basic skills:
understanding, speaking, reading, and writing of
elementary Spanish. Introduction to culture of
Spanish-speaking world. Dist.: Language Level 2;
Persp.: Intercultural Awareness 3
1:00-2:45 pm
Old Main 18
PHI 175A
Philosophy of Love &Sex
We begin by studying some common conceptions
and misconceptions of romantic love and some
philosophers' definitions of it. We then try to
decide what it is to be in love with someone and
how this differs from just being friends or sexually
desiring them. Finally, we consider issues such as
the ethics of sex, sexual attraction, marriage,
adultery and homosexuality. Dist.: History/
Philosophy; Persp.: Human Identity
6:OO-9:30 pm
Science 112
A descriptive course covering our solar system,
stars and galaxies. The course also traces the
development of scientific thought from early
civilization to the present day. The necessary
optical instruments are explained and use is made
of 12 inch reflecting telescope, an eight-inch
Celeshon and a three-inch Questar. Night viewing
and lab sessions are important components.
Additional viewing and/or lab sessions are
required. (Prereq.: Mathematics Placement Group
11) Dist.: Ma th/Physics; Persp.: Natural World 2
6:OO-9:30 pm
Science 123
PSY 353A
Developmental Psychology:
Middle Adult & Older Adult Robinson-Riegler
Emphasis on normal development and behavior.
Considera tion of data and theory related to
development during the middle adult and older
adult periods of life. Includes perspectives o n death
and dying. (Prereq: PSY 102 or 105)
6:OO-9:30 pm
M ,W
Music 22
PSY 373A
Organizational Psychology
Theoretical conceptualizations of organizational
behavior. The study of the individual, groups,
structure and change and development in
organizations. (Prereq: PSY 102 or 105)
Music 22
6:OO-9:30 pm
REL l l l A
Introduction to Theology
An introduction to the academic discipline of
theology and to the dialogue between the church
and the world which concerns Christian doctrine.
Dist.: Religion; Persp.: Christian Faith 2 or 3
690-9:30 pm
Foss 43
REL 221A
Biblical Studies
Quanbeck 11
The origin, literary character and transmission of
the biblical documents. The task of biblical
interpretation. The history of Israel and the
emergence of the church. Dist.: Religion; Persp.:
Christian Faith 1or 3
1:00-2:45 pm
Old Main 10
REL 385A
Process Theology and Christianity
This course is an introduction to process theology
which is based on the philosophy of A.N. Whitehead
and is a critique of "Classical Christianity." lssues
such as theodicy, christology, sinand salvation will
be considered. An 8 to 10 page paper will be written
and presented to the class. Class sessions will include
video and discussion. (Prereq.: REL 111,221, or
consent of instructor.) Dist.: Religion; Persp.:
Christian Faith 2 or 3
6:OO-9:30 pm
M ,W
Music 23
POL 421A
Topics: Politics of Culture, Ethnicity
and Race
What is an American? Observers have pondered
this question since colonial times, and,
periodically, it has triggered raging political
debate. This course addresses this issue by
examining political controversies involving
culture, ethnicity, and race. The emphasis is on
current issues, but there will be some historical
comparison so students can understand how these
concerns have recurred over the years and how
these controversies reflect an ongoing struggle
over the definition of this country. Dist.:
Economics/Political Science
6:OO-9:30 pm
M, W
Foss 21A
SOC 199N399A
A work-based learning experience in which a
student designs a learning agreement with a faculty
member which links the ideas and methods of their
major to the opportunities found in the placement.
Participation in a seminar is expected. Consult
instructor for clarification. Persp.: City
Crime and Community
Analysis of correctional programs and community
responses. Lecture, discussion, and site visits to
prisons, courts and community agencies. Special
attention to concepts of restorative justice.
1:30-5:00 pm
Old Main 1 I
evaluation of the proposed study according to
department guidelines. (Prereq.: SWK 257 and
consent of instructor)
SPC 352A
Theory of how people are influenced to change
attitudes and behavior. Examines obstacles to
persuasion; cultural dimensions of persuasion; the
use of logical and psychological appeals; empirical
research in persuasion; how persuasion is used in
politics, sales, advertising and interpersonal
contexts; the nature of mass movements and
campaigns; the impact of the mass media on
persuasion; and ethical issues related to persuasion.
6:00-9:30 p.m.
M, W
Music 24
SWK 257A
Exploring Human Services
This course is designed to help students learn
about themselves in rela tion to a possible major or
future career in social work. Students must arrange
to perform 80 hours of work in a human service
agency and must attend the weekly seminar.
Persp.: The City
1:00-2:45 pm
Old Main 13
SWK 399A
Social Work Internship
Provides field learning experience for the non-major
and supplements the required field work of majors.
(Prereq.: senior standing or consent of instructor)
SPC 354A
Interpersonal Communication
A study of the dynamics of human interaction
through verbal and nonverbal messages; emphasis
on factors that build rela tionships and help to
overcome communication barriers. This course
combines theory and practice to help the student
understand and manage communication problems
more effectively.
6:OO-9:30 pm
Music 23
SWK 499A
Social Work Independent Study
Student must present a written proposal
containing rationale, objectives, methodology and
ML 599A
Topics: Colloquium on
Contemporary Theories
of Leadership
Endorf, McNeff, Noon
An overview of contemporary theories of
leadership; team taught with guest lecturers.
Opportunity to explore theory of one's choosing.
(Prereq.: A minimum of one year's course work
the MAL Program)
6:OO-990 pm
For information and registration materials, call the
Graduate Programs Office at (612)330-1786. (This
course is available only to graduate students.)
Show less
Augsburg College Summer Catalog, 1997
Course Catalogs
Search Result
Augsburg College is a four-year, fully
accredited liberal arts college
affiliated with the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America and is
located in the heart of Minneapolis.
The small college environment, about
3,000 students during the academic
year, is enriched by the many
opportunities f...
Show more
Augsburg College is a four-year, fully
accredited liberal arts college
affiliated with the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America and is
located in the heart of Minneapolis.
The small college environment, about
3,000 students during the academic
year, is enriched by the many
opportunities found in this vibrant
metropolitan area. Augsburg's setting
allows students to participate in a
host of cultural and
recreational activities,
ranging from the Guthrie
Theater to the
Minnesota History
Center to the
Augsburg in
the Summer
Augsburg College offers a varied
summer curriculum that includes over
50 courses in more than 16 academic
disciplines as well as internships and
independent studies. Term I runs from
May 27 to June 20. Term I1 runs from
June 23 to July 31. For a detailed listing
of courses, look inside this brochure.
- -
Information and
Additional information and registration
forms may be obtained from:
Augsburg College
Summer School Office
B~~ #68
2211 Riverside Avenue
I Minneapolis,
Augsburg General Education:
Courses fulfilling Augsburg's Liberal
Arts Perspectives and Graduation Skills
requirements are so noted along with
the description of the course.
Course Levels: lne rlrst aiglr or tne t
digit course number indicates the course
level. Course numbers beginning with a
1 or 2 are lower division courses and are
intended primarily for freshmen and
sophomores; course numbers beginning
with 3 or 4 are upper division and are
primarily for juniors and seniors.
schmit, ~i~~~~~~
phoebe ~
Independent Study: Independent
studies may be arranged in consultation
with individual faculty members.
Internships: In addition to those listec
internship opportunities may be I
arranged individually during the
summer. Academic internships are
carefully planned work-based learning
experiences, supervised and evaluated
by a faculty member. Consult the
Internship and Cooperative Education
Office at 6121330-1148 for more
Housing: Students who need housing
mav contact the Residence Life Office
Employer Reimbursement: Students
who qualify for reimbursement by their
employers may use their reimbursement
to pay for Summer Session courses.
The College reserves the right to cancel
listed courses.
Course Loads in Summer Session:
Students may take one course credit
during Term I and up to two course
credits during Term 11. Unless otherwise
indicated, all courses carry a value of one
course credit. One Augsburg course
credit is the equivalent of four semester
credits and six quarter credits.
-I 1:
~ -~ l
Persons in good standing at regionally
accredited colleges and universities,
graduates of such institutions and
students admitted for the next fall term
are eligible to attend Augsburg Summer
School. Good standing implies that the - I
student has been admitted and not
subsequently dropped by that
Other persons wishing to take summer
courses should contact the director of
summer school to ascertain eligibility
under special circumstances.
Students accepted for Summer Session
are not automatically granted admission
as regular students of Augsburg
College. Those wishing to begin a
degree program at Augsburg should
apply to the Office of Admissions
6121330-1001 or the Weekend College
Admissions Office 6121330-1743.
6th Street S
7th Street S
Builer Place
94 West
Interstate 94 East
~llegeMap Information
14. Murphy Place
Admlrrionr Weekday Program
1s. M l l , ~ l l ) ll q l l * , ~
16 M I $ = ]YA:
17 Nordic Center
18 Old Main
19 Orcar Anderson Hall
M Publlc Relatlanr and Communication I
21 Quad
22 Sdence Hall
23 Serurlty Dlrpatch Center
24 Shipplng and Receiving
LS S1 Melby Hall
26 Sverdrup Llbrary
27 Sverdrup-OttedalMemorial Hall
Marter 01 Sociol Wo* Admirrianr
28. Urness Tower
29. Youth and Farnlly Institute
30. New U b r a y l T to open Fall 1997
,\',"~t,,L"'f 'f,~Wu~,f,
brr !on tn I I'-#,-b?ri*rrr J l v l k n r Services
Athkti< r l ~ l 3
Seasonal Air Structure
Center for Global Education and
International Programs
6 Chrlrtenren Center. Information Desk
7 East Hall
8. Fosr, Lobeck, Miles Center far Worrhlp,
Drama and Communlcatlon
9 Hurby-StrommenTennis Courts
10 Ice Arena
leray C Carlron Alumnl Center
Walntenance and Grounds Shop
Mortenren Tower
1I , ,
- I
35W from the North .
Take Washington Avenue exit and turn leE
on Washington (turns right onto Cedar
Avenue), turn left at Riverside Avenue, right
at 21st Avenue South.
1-94 East from Minneapolis -
Take 25th Avenue exit, turn left at 25th
Avenue, turn left at Riverside Avenue, turn
left at 21st Avenue South.
1-94 West from St. Paul Take Riverside exit, turn right at Riverside
Avenue, turn left at Avenue South.
35W from the South Follow the 1-94 St. Paul signs (move to right
lane after each of two mergers). Take 25th
Avenue exit and turn left at Riverside
Avenue, turn left at 21st Avenue South.
Beginning April 14, you may schedule
summer school courses at the Registrar's
Office between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. A
$50.00 tuition deposit must be paid at
that time for each course scheduled. This
deposit will be applied to your summer
school tuition and is not refundable
unless the course is canceled. If a course
that you have scheduled is canceled, you
may elect to receive a refund or apply
the deposit to the tuition for another
course. To insure that you reserve a
place in the courses that you desire, we
recommend that you schedule your
courses as early as possible. Many
courses fill early, and courses with low
enrollments may be canceled before the
first day of the term. You must confirm
your registration in person by paying
tuition in full at the Business Office
(see deadlines below), or you will be
dropped from your course(s).
Summer registration may be confirmed
beginning May 7. Students taking
courses during Term I must confirm
their registration by May 28. Term I1
confirmation must be made by June 24.
This procedure applies to all summer
registrations, including internships and
independent studies. The Business
Office is located in the Science Hall,
Room 147, and is open from 8:30 a.m.
to 4:00 p.m. The Business Office will be
open until 6 p.m. on May 27 and 28 and
on June 23 and 24. The Business Office is
also open on Saturdays when Weekend
College is in session. Tuition must be
paid in full in order for your registration
to be confirmed. (Augsburg students
who have unpaid balances from
previous terms must pay these balances
before they may confirm their summer
school registrations.)
A late fee of $50.00 will be assessed for
students who do not confirm on time.
No Term I registrations will be accepted
after May 30, and Term I1 registrations
will not be accepted after June 27.
To change your registration you will
need to fill out an AddIDrop form at
the Registrar's Office. There is a charge
of $50.00 for changing a course after 3:30
p.m. on the second scheduled day of
each term. This procedure applies to
internships and independent studies as
well as scheduled courses. Refunds
and adjustments to fees are outlined in
the "Tuition Refund Policy" section of
this brochure.
Summer 1997
Scheduling begins
Confirmation begins
Confirmation of registration deadline
(confirmation nzust be done irz
person at the Business Office)
Classes begin
Balance of tuition due
Last day to:
.Change grading option
.Drop class without notation
.Register with late fee of $50
(no registrations will be
accep fed after this date)
Last day to withdraw from class
Classes end
Grades due in Registrar's Office
Term I
April 14
May 7
May 28
April 14
May 7
June 24
May 27
May 28
June 23
June 24
June 9
May 30
May 30
July 7
June 27
June 27
June 13
June 20
June 25
July 4
July 25
July 33
August 6
I L is the policy or Augsburg Cullcgr not Lo Jiscriluinnli, on Llic b'isis o l wcc, color, crccd, religion, scxual
,iffeclion,~l prclcn%ncr,nalional ~ i r c l l i n i corigin, ~igc,mc~rit,ilsl,ilus, s(.u orslCiluswill1 rrg,ird Lo 11i1hlic
,issislancc, o~.disabiliLy,is ~ , c q ~ ~ i lby
t . d'l'illr I X l h r 1'17'2 E d u w l i o n Amcnclmcnls o~.Scclion504
I L ! h ~ i b i l i ~ , i l iA~c~l no l 1970, ,is ,~mcndcd,i n ils cidmissic>nspolitics, c.duc.,il~c~n
p ~ . ( ~ g ~ . ~I i ~ iLi si ~, i l i dc '~~ i ~
c m p l o y ~ n c n~pr,icliccs.
71h Street S .
Alr Structure Entrance
Seasonal Alr Structure
Center for Global Education and
lnternatlonal Programs
9. Hurby-Strornmen Tennlr Courts
1" Ice Arena
leroy C, Carlron Alumnl Center
Maintenance and Grounds Shop
Mortenren Tower
35W from the North Take Washington Avenue exit and turn left
on Washington (turns right onto Cedar
Avenue), turn left at Riverside Avenue, right
at 21st Avenue South.
1-94 East from Minneapolis Take 25th Avenue exit, turn left at 25th
Avenue, turn left at Riverside Avenue, turn
left at 21st Avenue South.
1-94 West from St. Paul -
Take Riverside exit, turn right at Riverside
Avenue, turn left at 21st Avenue South.
35W from the South Follow the 1-94 St. Paul signs (move to right
lane after each of two mergers). Take 25th
Avenue exit and turn left at Riverside
Avenue, turn left at 21st Avenue South.
ACC 221-S
Principles of Accounting I
IntwduoMwl toZruafnessactivities, basic concepts
md,fu&rnenlilb of aefounting, the accounting
cycle ffns p ~ e p w r a hof financial statements.
9:OO-11:20 ain
Old Matn 23
ACC 322-S
Accounting Theory & Practice I
An analysis of financial accounting with emphasis
on accounting theory pertaining to financial
statements, income concepts, valuation concepts,
FASB statements and other relevant issues as
applied to assets. (Prereq.: ACC 222)
9:OO-11:20 arrr
M,T, W,Tlz,F
Old Main 25
BUS 242-5
Principles of Management
Development of the theory of management,
organization, staffing, planning and control. The
nature of authority, accountability and
responsibility; analysis of the role of the
professional manager.
M,T, W,Th
Old Main 11
ECO 110-5
Economics of Urban Issues
Study of economic implications of problems facing
a metro-urban environment by independent study.
Students need signature of instructor before Term I
begins. Call 330-1152. P I N only. Persp.: Social
World 1 or 2, or The City
ECO 112-S
Principles of Macroeconomics
Introduction to macroeconomics, national income
analysis, monetary and fiscal policy, international
trade, economic growth. Persp.: Western Heritage
1or 2
9:OO-11:20 am
Old Main 16
EDE 382-S
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum:
Mathematics (-50credit)
Examination and preparation of materials and
resources for mathematics instruction at the
kindergarten and elementary levels. (Prereq.:
6:00-9:30 prn
Library 1
EDU 210-S
Learning and Development in an
Educational Setting
A survey of educational psychology topics as
applied to teaching and learning. Special emphasis
is placed on classroom applications. (PSY 105:
Principles of Psych. is strongly recommended.)
Persp.: Human Identity
9:00-11:20 a m
EDU 341-5
Media Technology (.50 Credit)
Psychological and philosophical dimensions of
communication through
" the use of instructional
technology. Selection, preparation, production and
evaluation of effective audio-visual materials for
teachingllearning situations. Computer training
will be included in the course. (Prereq.: PPST)
Old Main 25
6:OO-9:30 pnt
ENG 2454
Introduction to Literature
In this course students are initiated into the formal
study of fiction, poetry and drama, drawing on
works from several periods, different cultures and
races, and male and female writers. The course
aims to expand students' critical and analytical
skills in reading literature and writing about it as
the prerequisite for all upper level courses in
literature. Persp.: Aesthetics
Old Main 10
9:OO-l1:20 an1
ENG 3474
Quantitative Journalism:
Computer-Assisted Reporting
This course introduces students to computerassisted informational investigation and the
interpretation of quantitative data in the writing of
expository essays and news reports. The course is
designed for persons wishing to explore the use of
computer-assisted research and those preparing to
enter the communication professions. (Prereq:
ENG 225, or ENG 227 or consent of instructor and
MPG 111) Graduation Skill: Quantitative Reasoning
6:OO-9:00 pni
M, T, W,Th
Foss 20
HIS 3484
Russia and the Soviet Union in
the 20th Century
This course provides an introductory historical
survey of Russia and the Soviet Union in this
century. It begins with an examination of Russian
history before turning to the Russian Revolutions
of 1917, the Civil War and Lenin's consolidation of
power. Later topics will include the rise of Stalin,
his Great Terror, the Cold War and the slow
rejection of Stalinism. We will conclude with an
examination of developments since the rise of
Gorbachev, the collapse of the Soviet Union and
the emergence of the Russian Republic. The course
will emphasize political, social, economic and
cultural history by focusing on Russian/Soviet
practices and institutions. Persp.: Intercultural
Awareness I
M,T, W,Th, F
Old Main 13
9:OO-11:20 a m
ENG 225-5
Intermediate Expository Writing
This course builds on the practices and methods of
Effective Writing, ENG 111.Its workshop format
stresses style and organization, the process of
revision, self and peer evaluation, and the relationship between reading and writing. Graduation
Skill: Writing
9:OO-11:20 an1
Old Main 1l
INS 199-Sl399-S
A work-based learning experience in which a
student designs a learning agreement with a
faculty member that links the ideas and methods
of their major to the opportunities found in the
placement. Participation in a seminar is expected.
Consult instructor for clarification. Persp.: The City
GER l l l - S
Beginning German I
Van Cleve
Aims at developing basic skills. Students practice
speaking, understanding, and reading and writing
basic German. Goals: ability to read extended
narratives in simple German, insights into German
culture and uarticiuation in short conversations.
Laboratory materials available. Persp.:
Intercultural Awareness 2
Old Main 22
SPA l l l - S
Beginning Spanish I
Aims to develop four basic skills: understanding,
speaking, reading and writing of elementary
Spanish. Introduction to the culture of the Spanishspeaking world. Laboratory work is an integral part
of this course. Persp.: Intercultural Awareness 2
Old Main 29
PSY 3624
Behavior Disorders
An introduction to maladaptive human behaviors
from social, organic and psychological points of
view. (Prereq.:PSY 102 or 105)
6:00-990 pm
M,T, W,Th
Old Main 23
REL l l l - S
Introduction to Theology
An introduction to the academic discipline of
theology and to the dialogue between the church
and the world that concerns Christian doctrine.
Persp.: Christian Faith 2 or 3
Old Main 18
SOC 265-5
Culture: Ethnicity, Gender and Race
Why do we set people aside for negative special
treatment? How are they stigmatized? The people
to whom we do this are often reflections of our
own fears. A sociological analysis of "self" and
"other" provides a way to examine racism, sexism
and other "-isms." Offered on P / N basis only.
Persp.: Intercultural Awareness 1
Old Main 16
BUS 3404
Human Resource Management
Personnel function in business, acquisition and
utilization of human resources; desirable working
relationships; effective integration of the worker with
the goals of the firm and society. (Prereq.: BUS 242)
Old Main 11
6:OO-9:30 pm
BUS 4404
Operations Management
Concepts and principles related to the management
of operating functions taught from a managerial
viewpoint with examples from various industries
and sectors. (Prereq.: BUS 242 or consent of
Old Main 11
6:OO-9:30 pm
ART 1074
Drawing in graphite pencils, pen and pastel
pencils. Subjects include still-life figures, building
interiors and exteriors and experimental work.
Persp.: Aesthetics
Old Main 17
6:OO-9:30 pm
ART 118-S
Painting I
Introduction to painting media and technique in
acrylic and oil. Persp.: Aesthetics
Old Main 17
6:OO-9:30 pm
ART 1324
The camera will be used as a tool for visual
creativity and expression using black and white
photographic processes. Students need access to a
35mm, single lens reflex camera. Estimated cost of
film, etc.: $200-$225. Persp.: Aesthetics
Section S1:OO-4:30 pm
Old Main 4
Section T6:OO-9:30 pm
Old Main 4
ART 3894
American Art
A study of early colonial through contemporary
American art, architecture and folk arts. Persp.:
Aesthetics. Graduation Skill: Speaking
Old Main 25
6:OO-9:30 pm
ACC 2224
Principles of Accounting I1
A continuation of ACC 221. Introduction to
business activities, accounting for corporations.
Basic concepts and fundamentals of managerial
accounting, planning and controlling processes,
decision-making and behavioral consideratioils.
(Prereq.:ACC 221)
9:00-10:45 am
M,T, W,Th
Old Main 25
MIS 1754
Principles of Computing for Busidess Schwalbe
An introductory course to develop understanding
of basic computing concepts and specific skills in
using microcomputer software (Windows, Word,
Excel, Access, Powerpoint, e-mail and the World
Wide Web). Emphasis on solving business-related
problems using software, especially Excel. Students
with a strong computer background are encouraged
to take MIS 370 (not offered Summer Session)
instead of MIS 175. (Prereq.: MPG I1 or a "Pass" in
MAT 103, a self-paced course)
Foss 42
6:OO-9:30 pm
ECO 110-S
Economics of Urban Issues
Study of economic implications of problems facing a
metro-urban environment by independent study.
Students need signature of instructor before Term I1
begins. Call 330-1152. P / N only. Persp.: Social
World 1 or 2, or The City
ECO 1 1 2 4
Principles of Macroeconomics
Introduction to macroeconomics, national income
analysis, monetary and fiscal policy, and international
trade. Application of elementary economic theory to
current economic problems. Persp.: Western Heritage
Old Main 16
6:OO-9:30 pm
ECO 1 1 3 4
Princivles of Microeconomics
Introduction to microeconomics, the theory of the
household, firm, market structures and income
distribution. Application of elementary economic
theory to market policy. Persp.: Social World 1or 2
6:OO-9:30 pm
Old Main 29
ECO 3154
Money and Banking
Functioning of the monetary and banking systems,
particularly commercial banks, the Federal Reserve
System and its role in relation to aggregate
economic activity. Emphasis placed on monetary
theory and policy. (Prereq.: ECO 112,113),,
6:OO-9:30 pm
Old Main 16
EDE 3774
Curriculum: Science (25 credit)
Examination and preparation of materials and
resources for science at the kindergarten and
elementary level. (Prereq.: PPST)
July 15,17,22,24,29,31
6:30-8:30 pnl
Old Main 4
EDS 3904
Communication Skills in
the English Classroom
This course is for English-education majors who
plan to teach high school English. It is designed to
improve students' skills in public speaking, oral
interpretation, listening and small group
discussions as well as to explore methodologies for
teaching and incorporating these skills in the high
school English curriculum. (Prereq.: PPST)
Science 112
EDS 3914
Teaching Mass Media (.50 credit)
This course is for English-education majors who
plan to teach high school English. Students will
explore the nature of media as "consciousness
industries," examining the whys of teaching
media, how to go about it effectively, what kind of
assumptions media education was based on in the
past and how to incorporate media education into
the English curriculum. Students will become
familiar with all forms of mass media and will
understand the impact of media on their lives.
Students will learn how to be discriminating users
of mass media and how to teach others to be the
same. (Prereq.: PPST)
Science 112
ENG 2234
Writing for Business and the Professions Kramer
A practical course designed to improve writing
skills for those preparing for business and
professional careers. The writing of reports, letters
and proposals is emphasized. Students are
encouraged to use material from their own areas of
specialization. (Prereq.: ENG 111) Graduation Skill:
690-9:30 pm
Old Main 13
ENG 282-SI382-S
Topics in Literature: The Heroic Journey Griffin
This course will study archetypal patterns of the
heroic journey as well as specific examples of such
journeys. It will emphasize the ideas of Joseph
Campbell but will also consider other
interpretations of heroic journeys. Since western
civilization usually assumes that the hero is a man,
usually white and belonging to a warrior class,
analysis of the heroic warrior myth, both as it is
depicted in ancient and medieval epics and myths
and as it appears in contemporary American
popular narratives, will be explored. But the heroic
journey is a human journey, and thus the course
will also emphasize the heroic journeys of women
and men who may be neither white nor warriors.
Old Main 23
HIS 440-5
Topics in World History: The Meaning
of 20th Century European Diplomatic History
for 21st Century Europe
This course provides historical perspective on
some of the security, political and economic
problems facing Europe at the end of the
millennium while attempting to assess and
understand the future of NATO, the possibilities of
a United States of Europe, the Yugoslav problem
and the relationship of Russia and the United
States to Europe. The course begins with a
consideration of World Wars I and I1 within a
diplomatic context and includes examination of the
motives for West European economic and political
Old Main 10
INS 199-Sl399-S
A work-based learning experience in which
students design a learning agreement with a
faculty member that links the ideas and methods
of their major to the opportunities found in the
placement. Participation in a seminar is expected.
Consult instructor for clarification. Persp.: The City
INS 2254
Introduction to Islam
This course is designed by a practicing Muslim to
present his perception of Islam to non-Muslims.
The course will cover the ideological foundations
of Islam, its basic concepts and tenets, Islamic law
(Shari'ah), Islamic economic and political systems,
and Islamic patterns of life. There will also be a
consideration of the differences between the
Islamic sects (Sumis, Shi'its, Sufis, etc.). Some
effort to deal with the similarities and differences
between Islam and both Christianity and Judaism
will be made, including a visit to one of the
mosques in the Twin Cities. Persp.: Intercultural
Awareness I
T ,Th
Old Main 29
MAT 1734
Math of Interest
An introduction to actuarial mathematics. Topics
include life insurance, annuities, mortgages, loan
payments and other topics in the mathematics of
financial transactions. (Prereq.: MPG 111)
Graduation Skill: Quantitative Reasoning
T ,Th
Old ~ a i 23
GER 1124
Beginning German I1
Van Cleve
Aims at developing basic skills. Students practice
speaking, understanding, reading and writing
basic German. Goals: ability to read extended
narrative in simple German, insights into German
culture and participation in short conversations.
Persp.: Intercultural Awareness 3
9:OO-11:30 rrtn
Old Main 22
SPA 112-S
Beginning Spanish I1
Aims to develop the four basic skills:
understanding, speaking, reading and writing of
elementary Spanish. Introduction to the culture of
the Spanish-speaking world. Laboratory work is
an integral part of the course. Persp.: Intercultural
Awareness 3
1:OO-3:30 pm
Old Main 29
PHY 101-S
A descriptive course covering the solar system,
stars and galaxies. The course also traces the
development of scientificthought from early
civilization to the present day. Night viewing and
lab sessions are important components of the course.
Additional viewing and/or lab sessions are
required. (Prereq.: Mathematics Placement
Group 11), Persp.: Natural World 2
M, w
Science 212
6:OO-9:30 ptn
POL 2954
Topics in Political Thought:
Utopias & Dystopias
"War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is
strength," so asserts the Ministry of Truth in
Orwell's bleak warning to humanity in his novel
"1984." In this course we will examine fundamental questions of human nature and human
society through the lens of utopian and dystopian
texts. What is the nature of freedom? Is freedom
and community compatible? How may sex and
gender be distinguished? What are the sources of
violence in human society? What are the legitimate
ends of state authority? Persp.: Human Identity,
Graduation Skill: Writing
M, W
Old Main 27
6:OO-9:30 pnr
POL 383-5
Defining America: Theories of Political
and Social Change
Around the world, countries struggle with the
turmoil of social change. Shifting patterns of race,
ethnicity and culture often trigger fierce political
clashes over who belongs and who is an outsider.
This course examines these disputes, focusing
largely but not exclusively on the United States,
where racial and ethnic controversies are part of a
struggle over the definition of America. The goal is
to enable students to make thoughtful contributions
to debates in dire need of such offerings.
6:OO-9:30 pnt
Foss 43
PSY 105-5
Principles of Psychology
An introduction to the methods and approaches
used in psychology for the purpose of
understanding behavior. Application of
psychological concepts to everyday situations is
emphasized. Persp.: Human Identity
6:OO-9:30 pm
, M, w
Science 213
REL 3574
Giants of the Faith
The lives of famous Christians are crossed with
tragedies and triumphs. This course combines
biography and theology to gain insights into the
history of the church. Figures as diverse as
Augustine, Julian of Norwich, Martin Luther and
Martin Luther King Jr. will be studied. Persp.:
Christian Faith 2 or 3
6:OO-9:30 pm
M, w
Old Main 10
REL 385-5
Process Theology & Christian Faith
This course introduces students to the relational
world view of process philosophy and examines
how it has influenced Christian faith and ethical
deliberations. Special attention will be given to the
writings of John B. Cobb Jr., as a representative of
process theology. Classes will include videos, small
groups and some lecture to introduce topics. Ethical
issues addressed in the class include murder,
abortion, human sexuality and euthanasia. Grades
will be based on a paper (10-15 pages), the
presentation of the paper to the class and class
participation. (Prereq.: REL 111 or 221) Persp.:
Christian Faith 2 or 3
6:OO-9:30 pm
T, Th
Old Main 27
SWK 2604
Humans Developing
This course provides an understanding of human
growth through life and of the sociocultural,
biological and psychological factors that influence
the growth of individuals and families. Growth
related to diverse populations and groups or special
stresses is also a focus. Persp.: Human Identity
6:00-9:30 pm
Old Main 13
SOC 356-S
Crime and Community
Analysis of correctiollal programs and community
responses. Lecture, discussion and site visits to
prisoiis, courts and community agencies. Special
atlention to concepts of restorative justice. (I'rereq.:
Soc 321)
1:00-4:30 ~ I I I
Old M n i ~ r10
The Bristol International Program
In Social Work
Bristol University, U.K.
June 28 to July 12,1997
SPC 3294
Intercultural Communication
This course explores cultural differences and their
implications for colnmunication, including
differences in values, norms, social interaction and
(.ode systems Persp.: Intercultural Awareness 1
,:00-9:3U ~ I I I
Old Mniir 18
?PC 351-S
1 )evelops critical thinking skills by studying the
i heory and practice of argument, evidence,
:,illacres and refutation. Includes how to build and
n a l y z e public arguments that confront students in
ilieir everyday lives. Graduatioil Skill: Critical
1 :00-9:30 p ~ r ~
Old Mfliil 18
SWK 257-B
Exploring Human Senrices:
International Program
This course is an orientation to human service
in an international context with many visits
to human service agencies, lectures and
seminars. Full orientation takes place at
Augsburg for two sessions before the course.
Credit is transcripted through Augsburg. The
course is also available for graduate credit
with a research component.
Cost: $1,990 includes tuition, all ground
transportation in the U.K., all accommodations and most meals. Airfare is NOT
included. Students must make their own
flight arrangements.
Summer School
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Augsburg College Summer Catalog, 2003
Course Catalogs
Search Result
augsburg in the summer
Augsburg College offers a varied summer curriculum
that includes courses in 18 academic disciplines
as well as internships and independent studies.
A detailed listing of courses begins
o n page 8.
summer session I
May 27 to June 27
summer session I
July 7 to Augu...
Show more
augsburg in the summer
Augsburg College offers a varied summer curriculum
that includes courses in 18 academic disciplines
as well as internships and independent studies.
A detailed listing of courses begins
o n page 8.
summer session I
May 27 to June 27
summer session I
July 7 to August 7
summer session info
Course loads in Summer Session:
Students may take up to two courses in
each session. However, W E C students
taking two or more classes in the spring
trimester are not eligible to take classes
in Summer Session I. Unless otherwise
indicated, all courses carry a value of
one course credit. O n e Augsburg course
credit is the equivalent of four semester
credits and six quarter credits.
Augsburg general education:
Courses fulfilling Augsburg's Liberal
Arts Perspectives and Graduation Skills
requirements are so noted along with
the description of the course.
Course levels: The first digit of the
Augsburg College is a fouryear, liberal arts college located in the heart of
Minneapolis, and affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Augsburg is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.*
The small college environment, about 3,000 students during the academic year, is
enriched by the many opportunities found in this vibrant metropolitan area.
Augsburg's setting allows students to participate in a host of cultural and recreational
three-digit course number indicates the
course level. Course numbers beginning
with a "1" or "2" are lower division
courses and are intended primarily for
freshmen and sophomores; course
numbers beginning with a "3" or "4"
are upper division and are primarily for
juniors and seniors.
Independent study: Independent
studies may be arranged in consultation
with individual faculty members.
Employer reimbursement: Students
who qualify for reimbursement by their
employers may use their reimbursement
to pay for Summer Session courses.
Housing: Students who need housing
may contact the Residence Life Office
at 612-330-1488.
Additional information may be
obtained at:
Augsburg College
Campus Box 143
2211 Riverside Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55454
For registration or financial questions:
612-330-1046 (Enrollment Center)
For questions related to courses:
612-330-1025 (Academic Advising)
Persons in good standing at regionally
accredited colleges and universities,
graduates of such institutions, and
students admitted for the next fall term
are eligible to attend Augsburg Summer
Session. Good standing implies that the
student has been admitted and not
subsequently dropped by that
Internships: In addition to those listed,
' N o ]th C s ~ t ~Association
of Colleges and Schools, Cor~anissionoil h~stittitionsof Highel Ed~icutini~,
312-263-0456. Web site <wtmu.i~cociheerg>
internship opportunities may be
arranged individually during the
summer. Academic internships are
carefully planned work-based learning
experiences, supervised and evaluated
by a faculty member. Consult the
Center for Service, Work, and Learning
at 612-330-1148 for more information.
Students accepted for Summer Session
are not automatically granted admission
as regular students of Augsburg College.
Those wishing to begin a degree
program at Augsburg should apply to
the Office of Undergraduate
Admissions, 612-330-1001, or the
Weekend College Admissions Office,
I1 students may begin to register for
>ummer ~ e s s i h ncourses o n April 7.
Web registrarion will remain open
until May 2 (Session I) and June 13
(Session 11). Web registration hours
will be 9 a
p.m. daily. Augsburg
students are encou;aged to use Web
registration. Non-Augsburg stud--+.
must reglster In person at tfieF
Enrollment Center between 8:31
a.m.-4:30 p.m. M-F (extended hours to
6 p.m. o n the first and of
#classes for each session; open .Thursdays
12-4 p.m.). The Enrollment Center is
located in Sverdrup Hall. We
recommend that you schedule your
courses as early as possible.
If a discrepancy is found between this
catalog and course information found
through AugNet, AugNet should be
considered the most current, and thus,
Students registering for Summer
Session I must complete their
registration by May 27.
Students registering for Summer
Session 11 must complete their
registration by July 7.
Augsburg students will be billed through
Student Accounts. Non-Augsburg
students must pay 50 percent of tuition
at the time of registration. All students
must be paid in full by May 9 for
Summer Session I and June 20 for
Summer Session 11. Tuition must be
paid in full (see calendar), or you will
be dropped from your course(s).
Augsburg students who have unpaid
balances from previous terms must
pay these balances before they may
register for Summer Session.
Change in Registration: Many courses
fill early and courses with low
enrollments will be canceled one week
before the first day of the session.
Students who cancel their registration
prior to the first day of the session must
complete a drop/add form at the
Enrollment Center (this must be done
in person). There is a charge of $100.
For refund information please see
schedule of refunds o n next page.
A late fee of $75 will be assessed for
students who register after the first day
of the term. No Session I registrations
will be accepted after May 30. No
Session I1 registrations will be accepted
after July 10.
ummer ruu3
sessZon I session I 1
map of augsburg
:UUJ aummer
Session courses is:
$1320 for full-credit courses
$660 for half-credit courses
Audits are charged at the tuition rates
listed abov
financial aid
No aid is given iur a u l u l l l r l Session I as
it runs concurre
with the WEC
spring trimester
led in Summer
WEC stude
Session I1 may be eligible for financial
aid if their course load is at least 1.0
Eligibility for SummLL
Session attendees
Students who maintain half-time status
(as defined by the program in which they
are enrolled) are eligible to apply for
financial aid.
Day program
Students enrolled in either Session I or
11, or both sessions combined may be
eligible to apply for financial aid if their
course load is at least 1.5 credits over the
two sessions.
-- .
The only forms of financial aid available
for Summer Session attendees are the
Federal Pell Grant (for students who
meet eligibility requirements) and
student loans. The financial aid priority
deadline for Summer Session is April
15, 2003. Visit the Enrollment Center
Web site to download an application
form at <www.augsburg~edu/enro~~>.
1. Admissions Weekday Program
2. Admissions Annex and Weekend
3. Air Structure Entrance
(November through March)
4, Edor-Nelson Athletic
Field and Seasonal Air Structure
5. Christensen Center
6. East Hall
7. Faculty Guest House
8. Foss. Lobeck, Miles, Center for
Wonhip. Drama &Communication
9. Sverdrup Hall
10. Husby-Slmmmen Tennis Couris
I I. Ice Arena
12. Development, PR/Communications.
and Alumnimarent Relations
13. Lindell Library
14. Maintenance and Grounds Shop
15. Moriensen Hall
16. Murphy Place
17. Murphy Park
18. Music Hall
19.New Residence Hall
20. Old Msin
21. Anderson Hall
22. Quad
23. Science Hall
24. Security Dispatch Center
25. Shipping and Receiving
26. Melby Hall
27. Sverdrup-Ofledal Memorial Hall
28. Umess Hall
campus location
A-Visitor Parking
B. Resident Parking
C. Commuter Parking
D. FacullylStafflCommuter/Resident
E. Resident Parking
F. Resident Parking
G. Admissions/Faculty/StaffParking
H. FacultyIStaff Parking
I. Visitor Parking
J . FacultyISlaff Parking
K. FacultyIStaff Parking
L. Visitor Parking
M. Faculty/Staff/Commuter Parking
N. Faculty/Staff/Commuler Parking
0. Fairview-University Parking Ramp
3 5 W from the NorthTake Washington Avenue exit and turn left o n
Washington (turns right onto Cedar Avenue), turn left
at Riverside Avenue, right at 21st Avenue South.
1-94 East from MinneapolisAugsburg College, as affirmed in its mission, does not dtniminote o n the basis of race, color, creed, religion,
national o r ethnic origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, status with regard to public msistance, or
disability in its education policies, admissions policies, scholarship a n d loan programs, athletic andlor school
administered pmgrams, except in those instances where religion is a bonafide occupational qualification. Augsburg
College is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to its employees a n d its students.
Any questions concerning Augsburg's compliance with federal o r state regulations implementing equal access a n d
opportunity can be directed to Betty Wade, affirmative action coordinator, Office of Human Resources, C B 79,
Augsburg College, 221 1 Riverside Ave , Minneapolis, M N 55454. She can be reached by telephone,
612-330-1023; or by e-mail, <>.
Take 25th Avenue exit, turn left at 25th Avenue, turn
left at Riverside Avenue, turn left at 2lst Avenue
1-94 West from St. PaulTake Riverside exit, turn right at Riverside Avenue,
turn left at 2lst Avenue South.
3 5 W from the SouthFollow the 1-94 St. Paul signs (move to right lane after
each of two mergers). Take 25th Avenue exit and turn
left at Riverside Avenue, turn left at 2lst Avenue
session I
Please refer t o
may 27 to june 27
the m o s t c u r r e n t classroom i n f o n n a t i o i ~ .
ECO 1 1 3 - S
Principles o f Microeconomics
An introduction to microeconomics: the theory o f
the household, f i r m , market structures, a n d income
BUS 3 3 1 3
Financial Management
ART 132-S
Topicr related to theory acclulsiti
.,<.., ~ visual
T h e camera u... ,
,black a n d white
creativity and expression
and nianagcment, SOL
lncl 11:
short-term funds, can
distribution. Application o f elementary economic
Z O 112 o r 113, a n d MPC; 3)
independently o f E C O 110 o r 112. E C O 112 and
(Prereq.: A C C 221,
35 m n i , single-lens reflex camera. Estimated cost o f
6-9:30 11.m
O l d M a i n 26
113 may b e taken in either order.
(Prereq.: M P G 2 )
f i l m , etc.: $200
6-9:30 p i n
Old Maill 4
BUS 3794
A n i n t r o d u c t ~ o nt o quantitative
Social W o r l d 1, 2
8:30 a . m -noon
?; TI1
Suerdnrp 201
to assist
students i n reading and interpreting clnta Topics
Life Drawing
include descriptive measures, probability, sampling
T h i s course w ~ l ~l n t r o d u c et l ~ estuclent t o the
distributions, estimation, and I~ypotliesistesting
EDC 2 2 0 3 (.5 c r e d i t course)
w i t h emphasis o n a~>l>licdp r o b l c ~ n sin business and
E d u c a t i o n a l Technology
Y o u w i l l be cxposed to basic theories o f
ART 247-S
methods anti tcchniqucs o f drawing the humar
form through tlie use o f live moilels Emphasis w i l l
bc placed o n dc\,clopnicnt o f perceptual drawing
( P r ~ r c i ~ .M: I S
skills to accurately render tlie h u m a n form i n a
6-9:30 p.m.
spatial e ~ l v i r o n m c n tTopics covered w i l l include:
MKT 2 5 2 3
gesture, prnportio11, foreshortening, skeletal and
~nusculatureanatomy, s l i a ~ l i n gand rendering, and
composition. N O T E : There w i l l be a $50 fee
M, W
Become skilled in some o f tlie digital tools used in
today's schools. Learn h o w t o choose appropriate
Principles o f basic policy and strategy issues i n
O l d M a i r ~18
H i s t o r y o f U.S. F o r e i g n R e l a t i o n s
8:30 a m -noon
M, W
Suerd?up 2 0 4
emphasizing changing definitions o f war a n d peace,
tensions between internationalism a n d
isolationism, the emergence o f the U.S as a n
ENG 2 2 5 - S
I n t r o i l u c t i o n to business activities, basic concepts
and f u ~ i d a m e n t a l so f accounting, the accounting
cycle, a n d preparation o f financial statements
8:30 u.111 -11uor1
M, W
O l d M o i r ~2 9
BUS 2423
Principles o f Management
D e w l o p n i e n t u f the theory o f management,
organization, staffing, planning, a n d control. T h e
stresses style a n d organization, the process o f
A n i n t r o J u c t i o n t n macroeconumics: national
income analysis, monetary and fiscal policy,
~ n t c r n a t i i n i a tmde.
Application o f clcmcntary
ecc~nomict l i e o ~ yto current economic prohlerns.
May be taken indcpendcntly o f E C O 113 o r 110.
A survey o f U.S. foreign relations f r o m the
American Re\,olution through the C o l d War,
Effective W r i t i n g ( E N G 111). Its workshop format
Principles o f Accounting I
H I S 33223
T h i s course builds o n the practices a n d methoils o f
Principles o f Macroeconomics
evaluate their learning w i t h tlie Director o f tlie
Center for Service, W o r k , a n d Learning.
Satisfactory conipletion fulfills the Augsburg
Experience (AE).
educational settings.
a n d technological factors as they affect proiluct,
O l d M a i n 17
A C C 221-S
Old M a i n 23
G S T 009-S
Cooperative Education
Cooperative Education is a w o r k experience related
to a student's m a j o r / ~ n i n o r o r career interests, b u t
n o t done f o r academic credit. T h e goal is f o r
applications o f theories a n d tcchniqi~esfor
Intermediate Expository W r i t i n g
. .
?: T I \
communication, selection, e\nluation, a n d researcl~.
Suerdl.~ip 2 0 6
Principles o f M a r k e t i n g
6-9:30 p,nl.
stuLlcnt\ t o n1lp.y t l i c ~ ~ rr,)) pr.I.rlLc III 1111i~~)pr<)vc.l
\vc,rk seulng. Sru.lunt> ser peen ~tn.1
price, p r o m o t i o n a n d distribution decisions.
Perspective: Aesthctics
6-9:30 p m.
)0 o r 370 a n d M P G 3 )
marketing. Legal, ethical, competitiue, economic
payable o n tlie first day o f class for the cost o f the
to American thought by w o m e n and people o f
theory t o market policy. M a y b e taken
and dividend policy
photographic processes. Students need access t o a
revision, self a n d peer evaluation, a n d the
O l d M a i n 13
Rrspective/Skill: W r i t i n g
6-9:30 p.m
I N S 105-S
Introduction to American Indian
relationship henveen reading a n d writing.
(Prcreq.: E N G 111)
4-7:30 p.m.
economic a n d military power.
Old Main 26
T h i s course is intended t o intrucluce students to
American I n d i a n Studies. Concepts and topics t o
E C O 112 a n d I 1 3 may he taken i n c ~ t l i eo~r ~ l e r
ENG 2 5 1 - S
(Prcrcq.: M P G 2)
Readings in A m e r i c a n L i t e r a t u r e
Perspecti\-e/Skill: Western Heritapc
An introduction t o selected texts o f literary and
contemporary issues, a n d tlie arts Minnesota
historical importance that yield a n ~ ~ n d e r s t a n c l i n g
Indians w i l l bc emphasized where appropriate.
1 4 3 0 p.111.
M, W
be covered include, alnong others, history,
language, culture, literature, policy, images,
nature o f a u t l ~ o r i ~ accountability,
o f o u r Western heritage a n d contemporary
Perspective/Skill: Intercultural Awareness I
a n d analysis o f thc professiunal manager
American worldviews Themes could include the
6-9:30 p . m
T; Th
Music 2 4
emergence o f a national identity, the shaping o f a
collective American memory, a n d the contributions
M, W
Old M a i n 23
I may 27 to june 27
W S 1991399-S
hallenge of balancing economic development,
~ ~ I C I . Lharmony,
and envi~onmentalsustainability.
faculty sponsor, and site supervisor design a
learn~ngagleenient plan that links classroon~
theory, the liberal arts perspectives and graduation
skills with the opportunities inhcrent in the
internship. The student must complete a lear~iing
portfolio based on the internship. Student should
consult with the faculty sponsor regarding
requirements and get permission to register. P/N
4ASL 101-S
Beginning Sign Language I
An introduction to denf culture and the signs and
syntax of ASL Students obscrve the demonstration
of signs, practice their own signing, and learn the
facial expressions and hociy langi~ageneeded to
co~uniunicateclearly with denf and har<i.of.hcaring
Perspective/Skill: Inrerculturnl Awareness
6 4 : 3 0 p.11~.
?; W Th
Old Maill 2 9
SPA I l l - S
Beginning Spanish I
Aims to develop four basic skills: understanding,
speaking, reading, and writing of elementary
Spanish, introduction to tlic culture of the Spanishspeaking world.
Perspccti\.dSkill: Intercultural Awareness
8:30 a in.-! 1 a.m.
T; K( TI1
Old Mnit~2 6
There will be weekly excursions to explore the river
in the Twin Cities and meet with local policy
~nakersand stakeholders. Students will report to
the class on a research project on a topic of their
linking, Social World 1 or 2
6-9:30 p.m.
Old Main 2 7
SWK 699(D)-S
Comparing Family Practice, Child
Welfare & Social Services i n the U S N K Link
This is a n international travel experience. T h e
course provides both an overview of social policy,
family, and child welfare services in England and
an opporti~nityto observe the approach to social
work practice with families and children. Students
pal ticipate in an orientation to the European
Union and British social services at Augshurg then
PSY 362.!
Abnormal Psychology
An introduction to psychological disorders and
"SY 105)
(Prereq.: PT" '^'
6-9:30 p.m
ww ,
Old Main
REL 3 7 0 3
American Indian Spirituality
and Philosophical Thought
Religious beliefs, spiritual customs, and philosophy
of North Anierican Indians arc studied. Tribal
similarities and differences are explored, as are tribal
relationships with nature, religious o\rersight of life
cycles, sacrcd ritual ceremonies, and beliefs in an
(Prereq.: ENG I l l , junior standing, and REL 111,
221, or 331)
Pcrspectivc/Skill: Intercultural Awareness 1 or
Christian Faith 3, Writing
6-9:30 p,nl.
travel to Bristol University, England, for tlie
program. Participants work with American and
British students, faculty, and community
practitioners. The course inclu~lcslccturcs and
visits to a variety of agencies and student have
British tutors for in-depth analysis of policy and
practice in (their choice): healthcare, child welfare,
and family service Orientation in June, travel to
UKJuly 2-17, August debriefing. Undergraduate
students !nay apply to their department chair to
take this course as a n independent study. For Inore
information contact Rosemary Link at 612.3301147.
S P C 329-S
Intercultural Communication
implications for conimunication, including
differences in values, norms, social interaction, and
code systems.
6-9:30 p.m.
POL 2 4 1 8
Environmental and River Politics Underhill-Cady
This coursc explores thc politics and policies
relating to the communities and ecosystem5 of the
Upper Mississippi River watershed Issues co\rerecl
include controversies about river pollution, tlie lock
and clam system, rcgional water supply, flood
control, cconomic development in the river
corri~lor,farming practices, and energy production.
In r e ~ a r dto each of these, the class will examine
REL 4 9 0 3
Topics: Vocation and the Christian Faith Tranvik
What are lily gifts! What are the needs of the
comniunity! What am I called to do? In this course
we will reflect on these questions using the Bible,
the Cl~ristiantradition, literature, film, and popular
culture as our guides.
(Prereq.: REL 111, 221 or 331)
Pcrspecti\,e/Skill: Christian Faith I, 2, or 3
This coursc explores cultural differences and their
7: Tit
Old Main
S P C 4803
Public Relations/PromotionaI
Public relations in the modern world of
communication, marketing, government, and
business. An overview of public relations as a career
and a survey of basic promot~onalcommunication
in profit and non-profit organizations.
6-9:30 p m.
Old Mair~16
session I 1 july 7 to august 7
Please refer to http:llaugnet.augsburg.edufor the most current classmom information.
A R T 33023
Graphic Design ,
This course is a n advanced study of the graphic
Irawing course. Students work
This is a first
with a variety of traditional and non-traditional
drawing media and explore important concepts of
drawing. Slide lectures, demonstrations, and
design of typography and visual imagery for print
~ r o d u c t i o nusing the comuuter. Studies include
identification of
blems and presentation
B U S 4 9 5 N A L 599-S
Topics: Leadership through
Influence: Coaching and Consulting Lashbrook
The purpose of this course is to explore how to
lead through influence rather than authority. We
to client.
will examine consulting and coaching models to
determine appropriate processes and practices. You
(Prereq.: A K
will have opportunities to apply these models
critiques complete I
lrning experience.
through both consulting and coaching assignments.
Perspective/Skill A
(Prereq.: senior or graduate student status)
6-9:30 p.m
6-9:30 p.m.
A R T 11823
In this first level painting course, students learn
Principles of Accounting 11
A continuation of ACC 221. Introduction to cost
Suerdrup 206
MIS 1 7 5 3
Principles of Computing for Business Isaacson
An introductory course to develop understanding
basic understanding of the science behind issues
present and in the future.
(Prereq,: MPG 2)
Perspective/Skill: Natural World 2
8:30 a.m.-noon
7; Th
Science 3 15
E D C 2061566-S
DiversityNinnesota American Indians Gresczyk
This course examines human diversity and Iiunian
relations. It fulfills the Education Department
human relations and Minnesota American Indian
requirements and is a n option within the licensure
important concepts of painting. Most class time is
spent painting. Slide lectures, demonstrations, and
accounting for manufacturing. Basic concepts and
of basic computing concepts and specific skills in
fundamentals of managerial accounting, planning
using microcomputer software (Windows, Word,
critiques complete the learning experience.
and controlling processes, decision-making, and
Perspective/Skill: Aesthetics
behavioral considerations.
Excel, Access, Power Point, e-mail and the Internet).
Emphasis o n solving business related problems
E D C 4801580-S
School and Society
using software.
(Prereq.: MPG 3)
Emphasis on points of view about the role of
school in modern society, relationships with
T; Th
6-9:30 p.m.
A R T 225-S
Graphic Design
Old Main 17
(Prereq.: ACC 221)
8:30 a.m.-noon
1; Th
Old Main 29
6-9:30 p,m
This course is a n introduction to the principles and
B U S 24023
Personal Finance
techniques of graphic design using page layout
Introduction to personal financial planning and
software. Emphasis will be placed on designing
with text and image.
budgeting, credit management, income taxes,
Perspective/Skill: Aesthetics, Speaking
estate planning.
6-9:30 p m
M ,W
Foss 22B
insurance, real estate, investments, retirement, and
6-9:30 p.m
Old Main 2 6
This course addresses the designed environment,
the intentionally designed laces in which we live.
We will investigate arcliitecture, landscape
architecture, and urban design; class sessions
consist almost exclusively of walking tours and site
visits to prominent examples of design excellence.
(Prereq.: for upper division-an art, history, or
urban studies course, and E N C 111)
Perspective/Skill: Aesthetics or City; Writing (upper
division only)
1 4 3 0 p.m.
M, W
Science 123
Foss 22A
marketing. Legal, ethical, competitive, economic,
and technological factors as they affect product,
price, promotion, and distribution decisions.
T; Th
Old Main 2 7
B U S 34023
H u m a n Resource Management
Personnel function in business, acquisition, and
utilization of human resources; desirable working
relationships; effective integration of the worker
with the goals of the firm and society.
(Prereq.: BUS 242)
6-9:30 p.m.
M, W
Music 2 4
of operating functions taught from a managerial
viewpoint with examples from various industries
and sectors.
(Prereq.: BUS 242)
T; TI1
This thought-provoking course examines those
issues and activities unique to marketing in an
international setting. Emphasis is placcd o n
adaptation of a marketing nix according to the
B U S 4403
Strategic Management
Concepts and principles related to the management
6-9:30 p m
M K T 466-S
International Marketing
Music 2 4
international markcting environment.
(Prereq.: MKT 252)
6-9:30 p.m.
M, W
M, W
Suerdrup 1
parents and community, collaborative models,
leadership, and professional development. Serves as
final theoretical preparation for student teaching
Fieldwork experience.
Principles of basic policy and strategy issues in
6-9:30 p in
A R T 2491349-S (with H I S 2491349-S)
Designed Environment
T; Th
MKT 2 5 2 3
Principles of Marketing
6-9:30 p.m.
(Prereq.: PPST and admission to department)
Perspective/Skill: Social World 1 and 2 , Writing
8:30 a in -nooil
CHM 100-S
Chemistry for Changing Times
This course introduces basic chcmistry concepts in
the context of numerous science-hnsed issues in our
everyday lives with the goal of students having a
Svrrdrup 17
EED 2 0 0 3
Elementary Education Earth Science
This course is designed for elementary cclucation
majors and includes earth science "hands-on"
inquiry based activities that model the teaching and
learning process of scientific inquiry. Meets basic
earth science subject matter standards for initial
licensu re.
5:30-9 p.m.
Old Main 2 7
M, W
M, W
Old Main 4
E N G 2821482-S
1 9 t h Century British Novel:
Investigating the Victorian Thriller
This course studies the novel of suspense, mystery
and terror i n ~ ~ t h . c e n t l l B
~fron, ~
century to ~~~~~l~ a t its
ften challenging and sometimes subversive,
vels drew intense public scrutiny by raising
issues that politer domestic fiction hardly hinted at.
We will read several of the best of these thrillers,
investigate the culture that produced them, and
work to determine why they have continued to
appeal to successive generations of readers.
(Prereq.: ENG 111)
Perspective/Skill: Wester
HIS 2 4 9 1 3 4 9 3
A R T 2491349.;
Designed Environment
This course addresses the designed environment, the
INS 2 6 0 3
Contemporary American Indians
This course examines the situation of American
intentionally designed places in which we live. We
Indians in the United States since the Indian
will investigate architecture, landscape architecture,
and urban design, both in class and in site visits to
prominent examples of design excellence.
Reorganization Act of 1934. Emphasis is o n current
A n introduction to the workings of the course
issues such as tribal sovereignty, treaty rights,
system in the United States, focused on the concepts
reservation economics and Indian education.
of power, justice, rights, and freedom. Topics include
studies course, and ENG 111)
Perspective/Skill: Intercultural Awareness
war on terrorism, criminal and civil law, torts,
Perspective/Skill: HIS 349-City or nesrurtics;
(Prereq.: for upper division-an ar
:rdrup 206
POL 1 7 0 4
Law i n the United States
ory, or urban
p m.
Old Main 13
Writing (Upper division only)
civil rights and civil liberties in the context of the
racism and discrimination, and environmental law.
Guest speakers will include local lawyers, judges,
civil rights activists, and police
Perspective/Skill: Social World 2 or 3
M A L 5 9 9 B U S 495-S
Topics: Leadership through Influence:
Coaching and Consulting
G S T 00923
Cooperative Education
Cooperative Education is a work experience related
p m.
?; Th
Old Main 23
The purpose of this course is to explore how to lead
not done for academic credit. The goal is for
A work or service experience in which the student,
students to apply theory to practice in a n approved
faculty sponsor, and site supervisor design a learning
examine consulting and coaching models to
work setting. Students set learning goals and
agreement plan that links classroom theory, the
determine appropriate processes and practices. You
evaluate their learning with the Director of the
liberal arts perspectives and grnduation skills with
will have opportunities to apply these models
through both consulting and coaching assignments.
This course surveys the most important
(Prereq.: senior or graduate student status)
religiousness and spirituality. Topics include the
relationship between science and religion; the nature
to a student's majodniinor or career interests, but
Center for Service, Work, and Learning. Satisfactory
completion fi~lfillsthe Augsburg Experience (AE).
the opportunities inherent in the internship. The
student must complete a learning portfolio based o n
the internship. Student should consult with the
through influence rather than authority. We will
M, W
Sverdrup 206
INS 225-S
for the abuser. Includes information about school
Introduction to Islam
The course covers the ideological foundations of
health education and services.
Islam, its basic concepts and tenets, Islamic law
M only
Music 22
A survey focusing on the nation's adjustment to
industrialization and urbanization, the emergence of
ASL 1023
Beginning Sign Language 11
over the life course; conversion; religion and coping
with stressful life events; religiousness, physical
motivations and attitudes; forgiveness; meaning-in-
(Shariah), Islamic economic and political systems,
syntax of ASL. Students observe the demonstration
of signs, practice their own signing, and learn the
life; and gratitude.
(Prereq.: PSY 102 or PSY 105)
and lsla~nicpatterns of life.
Perspective/Skill: Intercultural Awareness I
facial expressions and body language needed to
communicate clearly with deaf and hard-of-hearing
1 4 3 00m
p m.
I N S 255-S
Paideia Seminars
Music 23
T W( TI1
Old Main 2 9
SPA 11223
Beginning Spanish 11
the U.S. as a world power, the rise of a strong federal
government, the implications of increasing racial
developed by Mortimer Adler. Seminar topics
and ethnic diversity, and the impact of affluence.
Perspective/Skill: Western Heritage, Critical
emphasize selections that help students to think
Aims to develop four basic skills: understanding,
speaking, reading, and writing of elementary
critically, understand timeless ideas, listen carefully,
and question thoughtfully.
Spanish, Introduction to the culture of the Spanishspeaking world.
Perspective/Skill: Critical Thinking
Perspective/Skill: Intercultural Awareness
7; T h
Old Main 18
a.m.+ p.m.
July 21-25
Old Main 18
7; TII
Old Main 25
Perspective/Skill: Intercultural Awareness
Students will participate in a series of seminar
discussions following the Paideia seminar format as
health, and well-being; religion as culture; religious
An introduction to deaf culture and the signs and
HIS 2 2 2 3
2 0 t h Century United States
psychological theory and research related to personal
religiousness and spirituality; religious development
permission to register. P/N grading only.
and nurture of religiousness; the neuropsychology of
faculty sponsor regarding requirements and get
H P E 1153
Chemical Dependency (.5 credit)
An analysis of chemical abuse and what can be done
PSY 2953
Topics: Psychological Research o n
Religion and Spirituality
8:30-11:OO a.m.
?; W Th
REL 1 1 1 3
Introduction to Theology
An introduction to the academic discipline of
Old Main 2 6
theology and to the dialogue between the church
and the world that concerns Christian doctrine.
(Not accepted for credit for students who have taken
REL 331).
Perspective/Skill: Christian Faith 2 or 3
?; Th
Old Main 10
center for
global education
REL 3 2 0 4
Buddhism a n o L n
(See full descriptior
nlry m 1 nailand
:r offerings through Center
for Global Educatic
:he end of this section)
SWK 6 9 9 3
Assessment a n d U~agnosisi n
Mental Health Practice
T h ~ course
examines assessment and d~apnnslsof
rl nn
mental health in individuals. Emphasis is
understanding mental health disorders fr,
systems and ecological perspective as well as
understanding bio/psycho/social influences o n
incidence and course.
6-9:30 p.m.
SPC I l l - S
Introduction to Public Speaking
~ r d n r pLUL
This course teaches both the theory and practice of
creating public speeches. It focuses o n preparation,
organization, audience analysis, style, listening, and
overcoming speech anxiety.
1 4 3 0 p.m
7; TI1
SPC 3 5 1 3
Swcrdrup 202
Develops critical thinking skills by study of the
summer II:international courses
upcoming program:
REL 320: Buddhism and Christianity in Thailand
During this course the focus will be primarily o n the encounter of these two
world religions, Buddhism and Christianity. A special opportunity o n this
course will be participation in the international conference, "Religion and
Globalization." Representatives of many world religions will consider the
implications of globalization for religion and vice versa. We will have lectures,
class discussions, readings, and conversations with Thai people, visits to
amazing Buddhist temples, and some other experiences just for fun. As a
result of this course, students will encounter a culture and religious situation
very different from the Upper Midwest, and have a n opportunity to think
critically about the meaning of being Chris$n, Buddhist, or any other
tradition in a religiously and culturally plur'al worl
(Prereq.: REL 111, 221 or 331)
Perspective/Skill: Christian Faith
theory and practice of argument, evidcnce, fallacies,
and refutation. Includes how to build and analyze
arguments in everyday life.
Perspective/Skill: Critical Thinking
6-9:30 p.m,
7; TI1
For information and other possible
for Global Education at
summer session
application form
Summer Session applications are available online at:
then click o n
"Download Registrar Forms."
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Augsburg College Summer Catalog, 1993
Course Catalogs
Search Result
Starting April 19 you may schedule
Summer School courses at the
Registrar's Office on an ongoing basis
during regular office hours. Each course
scheduled must be accompanied by a
$50.00 tuition deposit. This deposit is
applied to designated course tuition and
is non-refundable except when a...
Show more
Starting April 19 you may schedule
Summer School courses at the
Registrar's Office on an ongoing basis
during regular office hours. Each course
scheduled must be accompanied by a
$50.00 tuition deposit. This deposit is
applied to designated course tuition and
is non-refundable except when a course
is cancelled. When this happens, you
may elect to receive a deposit refund or
substitute another course. To avoid
disappointment in course selection,
schedule as soon as you can. Many
courses with limited enrollment fill
early. Conversely, courses with low
preregistration enrollment may be
cancelled before the first day of the term.
Students must confirm registration in
person at the Business Office or they
will be dropped from the course.
Term I Summer School students are
required to finalize their registrations on
June 1 or 2. Term I1 registrations must
be finalized on June 28 or 29. This
procedure applies to all courses,
including internships and independent
studies. Finalizing registration will take
place at the Business Office, 114 Science
Hall, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and
6:00 p.m. on June 1 or 2, and June 28 and
29. The balance owing for tuition must
be paid before registration is finalized.
Augsburg students please note:
(Balance due on Augsburg account
from previous termls must be paid in
full before you can finalize
registration.) A late fee of $50.00 will be
assessed for Term I registrations
completed on June 3. A late fee of $50.00
will be assessed for Term I1 registrations
completed on June 30. Registrations will
not be accepted after these dates.
To change your registration, cancel your
registration, add a course, or drop a
course and enroll in another course, fill
out a Cancel/Add form at the
Registrar's Office. There is a charge of
$50.00 for changing a registration after
the second day of each term. This must
be done by 3:30 p.m. on June 3 for Term
I courses and by 3:30 p.m. on June 30 for
Term I1 courses. This procedure applies
to internships and independent studies
as well as scheduled courses. Any
refund or adjustment of fees is
determined according to the "Tuition
Refund Policy."
@ Printed on recycled paper
Summer 1993
Term I
Beginning of scheduling
(must be confirmed in person
at the Business Office)
April 19
June 1-2
April 19
June 28-29
Classes begin
Balance of tuition due
June 1
June 1-2
June 28
June 28
June 14
June 3
June 3
July 16
June 30
June 30
May 31
June 18
June 25
June 30
July 5
July 23
August 6
August 11
Last day to:
*Change grading option
*Drop class without notation
*Register with late fee of $50
(no registrations will be
accepted after this date)
Last day to withdraw from class (W)
Classes end
Grades due in Registrar's office
Augsburg College does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, national or ethnic origin, age, marital status,
sex or handicap as required by Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation
Act of 1973, as amended, in its admission policies, educational programs, activities and employment practices
The tuition charge for 1993 Summer
School courses is as follows: $725.00 for
full-credit courses, $362.50 for half-credit
courses, and $181.25 for fourth-credit
courses. Audits are charged at the
tuition rates listed above.
Tuition Refund
The $50.00 per course deposit is not
refundable. Refund of all or part of the
remaining fee is calculated from the date
of the student's official course
cancellation at the Registrar's Office.
Schedule of Refunds:
*Prior to the second scheduled class
meeting - 100%of the refundable
portion of the fee.
*Prior to the fourth scheduled class
meeting - 75% of the refundable
portion of the fee.
.Prior to the sixth scheduled class
meeting - 50% of the refundable
portion of the fee.
Courses with fewer than 12 scheduled
class sessions will use a prorated version
of the schedule of refunds.
Financial Aid
Financial aid is limited to the
Guaranteed Student Loan. Any student
taking one course is regarded as a halftime student for the summer and is
eligible to apply for a Guaranteed
Student Loan. Contact the Financial Aid
Office to make loan arrangements (3301046).The deadline for applying for
Financial Aid for Summer School is
April 15,1993. You must have a
complete file in the Financial Aid Office
by April 15 in order to receive an award
for Summer. Please pick up a Financial
Aid Application from the Financial Aid
13 Ice Arena
K. Student/Cornrnuter Parking
Accessible Entrance
Campus Location
35W from the North Take Washington Avenue exit and turn
left of Washington (turns right onto
Cedar Avenue), turn left at Riverside
Avenue, right at 21st Avenue South.
1-94 East from Minneapolis Take 25th Avenue exit, turn left at 25th
Avenue, turn left at Riverside Avenue,
turn left at 21st Avenue South.
1-94 West from St. Paul Take Riverside exit, turn right at
Riverside Avenue, turn left at 21st
Avenue South.
35W from the South Follow the 1-94 St. Paul signs (move to
right lane after each of two mergers).
Take 25th Avenue exit and turn left at
Riverside Avenue, turn left at 21st
Avenue South.
Augsburg College is a four-year, fully
accredited liberal arts college affiliated
with The Evangelical Lutheran Church
in America and is located in the heart of
Minneapolis. The small college
environment, about 3,000 students
during the academic year, is enriched by
the many cultural, sport and recreational
activities found in this vibrant
metropolitan area. An active summer
combining classes and
participation in metropolitan
events is a delightful and
broadening experience.
Augsburg in
the Summer-
Augsburg College provides
a diverse summer curriculum
including regular courses, internships
and independent studies. Term I runs
from June 1 -June 25, Term I1 runs from
June 28 - August 6. This brochure
presents the Summer School Program
and was correct at the time of
Summer students may take one course
during Term I and two courses during
Term 11. Unless otherwise indicated, all
courses carry a value of one course
credit, tlie equivalent of four semester
credits or six quarter credits.
Courses fulfilling Augsburg
distribution and perspective
requirements are so noted in the
course descriptions.
Course levels are indicated by the first
digit of the three digit course number: 1
or 2, lower division, primarily for
freshmen and sopliomores; 3 or 4, upper
division, primarily for juniors and
seniors; and 5, graduate level.
Courses regularly taught during the
academic year are more fully described
in the Augsburg College Catalog. If you
need more information about a special
summer offering, please contact the
Summer Scl~oolOffice.
Independent study and internships, i,,
addition to those listed, may be pursued
during the summer in a number of
departments. Internships iiivolve work
experience related to the academic
program in an agency, government or
industry. Consult the Summer School
Office for information.
Students who need liousing may obtain
information from tlie Director of
the Right to cancel
listed courses.
and For-ulzs
Additional information and registration
forms may be obtained from:
Murpliy Place
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Call 6121330-1786 or call toll-free
Elizabeth Bruch, Director
Barbara Pappenfus, Secretary
Persons in good standing at regionally
accredited colleges and universities.
graduates of sucli institutions, anc
students admitted for the next Fall Term
are eligible to attend Augsburg Summer
School. Good standing implies tlia t the
student has been admitted and not
subsequently dropped by that
Other persons wishing to take summer
school work should contact tlie Director
of Summer School to ascertain eligibility
under special circumstances.
Acceptance as a summer student c'
not imply admission as a regular
student of Augsburg College. Tliosc
wisliing to begin a degree program at
the College should 'ipplv tor acl~nission
tl~ouglitlie Office of Aclmissions or
Weekend Collcgc.
ART 389-A
A study of early Colonial through contemporary
American art, architecture, and folk arts.
Foss 43
1:OO-4:OO p.m.
- -
BIO 101-A
Basic biological concepts from an anthropocentric
point of view. An attempt to answer such
questions as: What makes a human just another
member of the biotic fold? Do humans have a
niche in the ecosystem? What influence d o humans
have on the environment? What influence does the
environment, especially the urban environment,
have on humans? (Three-hour lectures. A student
may not receive credit for both 101 and 103. Does
not apply to the major or minor.) Persp: Natural
World 1 or 2; Dist.: Biology/Chemistry
Sci 205
8:30-11:30 a.rt1.
BUS 221-A
Introduction to business activities, basic concepts
and fundamentals of accounting, the accounting
cycle and preparation of financial statements. Dist.:
OM 10
8:30-10:50 fl.111.
BUS 242-A
Development of the theory of management,
organization, staffing, planning and control. The
nature of authority, accountability and
responsibility; analysis of the role of the
professional manager. Dist.: None
6:OO-9:OO p.111.
MIS 279-A
An introduction to quantitative reasoning,
descriptive measures, probability, samplillg
distribution, inference and estimation. Emphasis
on their use in applied problems in business and
economics. Students will use a computer-based
statistics program to analyze data as part of a
required statistical analysis project. (Prereq.: MIS
175 and either Math Placement Group 111or a
grade of at least 2.0 in MAT 104).
9:30-11:50 a.111.
Foss 43
BUS 322-A
An analysis of financial accounting with emphasis
on accounting theory pertaining to financial
statements, income concepts, valuation concepts,
FASB statements and other relevant issues as
applied to assets. (Prereq.: BUS 222 and ECO 113)
M,T, W,Th
OM 23
6:OO-9:00 p.m.
BUS 331-A
Theory of acquisition, allocation, and mauagcment
of funds within thc firm. Sources and uses of long
and short term funds, cost of capital, capital
budgeting, levcrage, dividend policy, and related
topics. (Prcreq.: BUS 222, ECO 113)Dist.: None
8:30-I 0:50 n.rt~.
M , T ,W,TIr,F
O M 11
ECO 110-A
Study of economic implications of problcms facing
a metro-urban environment. This course will be
taught on an arranged basis. Contact with students
will be mutually arranged. By independent study.
Students nccd signature of instructor beforc Term
One begins (call 330-1152). P / N only. Dist.:
Urban/Minority/ Women's Studies, Persp.: Social
World 1 or 2, or City
ECO 112-A
Introduction to macro-economics, national income
analysis, monetary and fiscal policy, inter~iatio~lal
tradc, eco~lomicgrowth. Dist.: Economics/Political
Science; Persp: Western Heritage 1 or 2
6:OO-9:00 y.rn.
M,T, W,Th
O M 17
EDU 282-A
Introduction to the field of special education.
Examines the nature, causes, and educational
interventions for such exceptionalities as mcntal
retardation, physical disability, hearing and vision
impairment, learning disabilities, behavior
disorders and giftedness. Dist.: None.
12:OO-3:OO p.rrr.
M,T, W,Tlr
O M 25
EDE 382-A
Examination and preparation of materials and
rcsources for mathematics instruction at the
kindergarten and clemcntary levels. Dist.: None
(1/ 2 course)
6:OO-9:00 p,~rr.
1. 4
EDU 388-A
Emphasis on thc study of values, of communication
techniques, and of tlie major minority groups in
Minnesota for the development of interpersonal
rclations skills applicable to teaching and othcr
professional vocations. Required for all Elcmentary
and Secondarv Education maiors. Owen to all. P / N
only. Dist.: None (1/2 course)
5:30-8:30 y.rtr.
M ,W
O M 78
ENG 245-A
In this course students are initiated into the formal
study of narrative, drama and poetry in order to
appreciate more fully thc pleasures of literature.
The course aims to expand students' exposure to
literature and therefore draws on works from
several periods, from different cultures and raccs,
from male and female writers. As tlie prerequisite
for all upper courscs in literature, Introduction to
Literature aims in particular to devclop studcnts'
critical and analytical skills in reading about
literature. Dist.: Literature; Persp.: Aesthetics
9:30-71:50 o.111,
M,T, W,TIr,F
O M 18
ENG 282-A
This course is designed to consider narrative
fiction as a genre and tlic novel as a literary form.
To do this we will look at what happens whcn
novels arc recast in the strict thrce-act form of a
scrccnplay and translated into thc medium of film.
By focusing on differcnces with respect to point of
view, narrative time, and modes of representatiml
(linguistic vs. physical representation, for
example), we will see what a novel does and llow
it does it. We will read four novels as a class and
view a film adapted from each. In addition, cnch
studcnt will read a novel and view a film, then
make a presentation to the class about tllc
adaptation. In addition to thc prcsentatiou, there
will be a six to cight page paper and a final exam.
6:OO-9:00 p.rrl.
M,T, W,TIr
MP 3
ENG 282-8
In tlic city, remarks Alexis de Tocquevillc,
"humanity attains its most complete development
and its most brutish; herc civilization works its
miracles, and civilized man is turned back almost
into a savage." The powcr of the city to nourish or
corrupt the human soul is a persistent theme in
western tradition. This course will study primarily
American novels, pocms, essays and films that
explorc this theme. Texts will be supplemented by
the resourccs of thc Twin Citics. Course work will
i~lvolvediscussion of texts, papers, exams, and an
out-of-class cxpcric~~tial
6:00-9:OO ~ . I I I .
A4,T, W,TIr
O M 29
ENG 265-A1365-A
Introduction to significant works of American
litcraturc and film. Selections will be studied as
cultural documents as wcll as works of art. Dist.:
Literature (Prereq.: ENG 111)
8:30-10:50 fl.111.
M,T, W,TIi
O M 17
GER I l l - A
Classroom practice speaking, understanding and
reading basic German for studcnts witli no
previous background in German. Dist.: Language
Lcvel 1; Persp.: Intercultural Awareness 2 Language Level 1
8:30-10:50 n.111.
M , T , W,Tlr,F
SPA I l l - A
O M 27
SPA I l l - P
BEGINNING SPANISH I (Section 11) Kingsley
Aims to develop four basic skills: understanding,
speaking, reading and writing of elementary
Spanish. Introduction to culture of Spanishspeaking world. Dist.: Language Lcvcl 1; Persp.:
Intcrcultural Awareness 2 - Language Level 1
8:30-10:50 n.11i.
5:30-750 p.111.
M , T , W,Tlr,F (Sectioli 1)
M,T, W,TIr,F (Sectioii 11) O M 25
INS 225-A
This course is designcd by a practicing Muslim to
present his perception of Islam to uon-Muslims.
The course will cover the ideological foundations
of Islam, its basic concepts and tenets, Islamic law
(Sliari'ah), Islamic economic and political systems,
and Islamic patterns of life. There will also bc a
consideration of tlie diffcrcnces between tlie
Islamic sects (Sunnis, Shi'its, Sufis, etc.). There will
also be some effort to deal with tlie similarities and
differenccs between Islam and both Christianity
and Judaism, and a visit to one of tlie mosques in
the Twin Cities. Dist.: Urban/Minority/Women's
Studies; Persp,: Intercultural Awareness 1
8:30 - 10:50 n.111.
M , T , W,Th,F
1. 4
INS 264-A
This coursc will bc an historical survey of
Hollywood movies that created and continue to
foster images of the North American Indian in
Amcrica~isociety. Movies will include: Dr~rlris
Alorig tlle Molmruk; Shndoru Cntclier; Broke11Arrow;
Little Big Mnrr; nlid Pozu-zuozu Highruny. Issues to bc
HPE 499-A
Independent study for Upper Division credit.
discussed will be authenticity, misreprcscntation,
stereotypes and the usc of Indian and uon-Indian
8:30-10:50 o.111.
M , T , W,TII
OM 29
HIS 348-A
Tlic course offers an introductory historical survey
of tlie Soviet Union. It begins with a brief
examination of Russian liistory before t ~ ~ r n i ntog
tlie Russian Revolutions of 1917, the Civil War and
Lcnin's consolidation of power. Latcr topics
include: tlie rise of Stalin, his Great Terror, World
War 11, the Cold War and tlie slow rcjection of
Stalinism culminating in an examination of recent
events since the emergence of Gorbacllev. Tlie
coursc will empliasize political, diplomatic,
economic and cultural liistory by focusing on
Soviet political practices and institutions.
9:30-17 :50 n.1r1.
M , T , W,Tlr,F
O M 23
PHI 120-A
Ethics studies our moral beliefs and lielps students
considcr the basis for making moral judgments.
Tlie course explores the major philosopliical
approaches to evaluating moral actions and then
applies these approaches to contemporary
personal and social moral issucs. This enablcs
stude~itsto be aware of tlie nature of value
disputcs, the different perspcctives taken and tlie
reasoning used to resolve them. Throughout the
course Christian ethics will inform our
considerations. Students taking PHI 120 may not
take PI-I1 125. Dist.: History/Pliilosopliy, Persp.:
Christian Faitli 3
8:30-70:50 n.111.
M , T , W,TII,F
INS 1991399-A
A work-based lcarning experience in wliich a
student designs a learning agreement witli a
faculty member wliich links the ideas and methods
of their major to the opportunitics found in the
placement, Participation in a weekly seminar is
expected. Persp.: City
PHY 106-A
A study of the science and wonders of the
atmosphcre. The course is designed to provide a
working knowledge of the basic science principles
required for understanding weather and climate.
Laboratory exercises arc included as an integral
part of the course. The course is designed to be an
elective or to satisfy the distribution/gcncral
education requirement for the liberal arts student.
Plcase contact Bill Jasperson for schcdulc of
additional lab sessions. (Prercq.: Mathematics
Placement Group 11) Dist.: Matli/Pliysics; Pcrsp.:
Natural World 1 or 2
1.00-4:00 p.111.
M , T , W,Th
PSY 325-A
Social factors which influence individual and
group bchavior in naturalistic and experimental
settings. Topics include: cooperation, competition,
affiliation, conformity and attitudes. (Prereq.: 102
or 105)
1:00-4:00 p.111.
M,T, W,TIi,F
OM 18
REL 369-A
"Particillarities of religious discerliment,
symbolism, and world view. Reading and
discussion of nine novels." Students who take this
course must do work of 2.0 or better to get credit.
Dist,: Religion, Persp.: Christian Faith 3
8:00-10:15 n.!n.
M,T, W,TIi,F
MP 1
SOC 199-Al399-A
A work-based learning experience in which a
student designs a learning agreement (with a
faculty member) wliicli links the ideas and
methods of sociology to the opportunities found in
the placement. Participation in a weekly scminar is
expected. Persp.: City
SWK 260-A
This course provides tlie knowledge basic to an
understanding of liun~angrowth through the life
cyclc and of the interplay of sociocultural,
biological and psychological factors wliicli
influence the growth of iiidividuals and families in
contemporary American society. Emphasized is
tlie role of the "nurturing environment" in relation
to liuman growtli, the impact of "sustaining
environment" and other special stresses rclevant to
growth. Growth related to populations and groups
which represent racial, disability and sexual
minorities is also a focus. Students will gain selfunderstanding through usc of their own
experiences. Persp.: Human Identity
9:3il-11:SO ~ . I I I ,
M,T, W,TIi,F
L 17
SWK 399-A
Provides field learning experience for the nonmajor and supplements the required field work of
majors. (Prereq.: senior standing or consent of
SWK 499-A
Student must present a written proposal
containing rationale, objectives, methodology and
evaluation of the proposed study according to
department guidelines. (Prereq.: 257 and consent
of instructor).
SPC 323-A
The course is designed to increase studcnts'
understanding of communication, theory and
principles, and to improve presentation skills as
they pertain to an organizational setting. Format of
the class will include: text reading, lecture,
individual and group presentation, and class
participation. (Prereq.: SPC 111)
5:30-8:00 p.111.
MP 1
SPC 347-A
A video production course which integrates
lecture and criticism with hands-on experience
dealing with non-fiction subjects. Students will
work in production teams, gaining experience in
field production and editing.
9:30-11:50 n.~!!.
Foss 170
w :4 4:,a,.:-â¢
ART 107-A
An introduction to and definition of drawing
methods and media. Drawing is presented as a
diverse art form which can be experienced in a
variety of ways. Traditional and non-traditional
media are used. Dist.: Art/Music; Persp.: Aesthetics.
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
OM 17
ART 118-A1355-A
Painting in opaque and transparent color. A
variety of subjects and approaches illustrate the
versatility of paint as an expressive medium. Dist.:
Art/Music; Persp.: Aesthetics
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
OM l 7
ART 132-AISPC 132-A
ARTl32-PISPC 132-P
The camera used as a tool for visual creativity and
expression using black and white photographic
processes. Students need access to a 35mm, single
iens reflex camera. Dist.: Art/Music; Persp:
Aesthetics. Estimated cost of film, etc.: $175-$200.
(Class size limited to 14.)
1:30-5:00 p.ln.
M,W (Section I)
OM 6
M,W (Section 11)
OM 6
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
MIS 175-A
An introduction to computing concepts and
microcomputer-based information systems. Study
features of hardware, operating systems, languages
and current applications. Learn to use MS-DOS,
Word Perfect, Lotus 123, and dBase III+. May study
other applications (Microsoft Word, Excel). The
completion of MIS 370 with a passing grade will
serve as a substitute for MIS 175. (Prereq.: MPG I1
or else a Pass in MAT 103, a self-paced course).
530-9:OO p.ln.
M ,W
Foss 20
BUS 222-A
Introduction to business activities, accounting for
corporations. Basic concepts and fundamentals of
managerial accounting, planning and controlling
processes, decision-making and behavioral
Dist.: None (Prereq.: BUS 221)
OM 10
BUS 340-A
Personnel function in business, acquisition and
utilization of human resources; desirable working
relationships; effective integration of the worker with
the goals of the firm and society. (Prereq: BUS 242)
6:OO-9:30 p.irr.
OM 10
BUS 440-A
Concepts and principles related to the management
of operating functions. Examples from service
industries, non-profit organizations and manufacturing. Taught from a managerial point of view.
Topics include an overview of operations, planning
operation processes, productivity measurement,
standards, forecasting, concepts of quality, inventory
management, principles of scheduling and
operational control information systems. (Prereq.:
BUS 242 or consent of instructor)
6:OO-9:30 p.111.
OM 10
ECO 110-A
Study of economic implications of problems facing
a metro-urban environment. By independent
study. Students need signature of instructor before
Term Two begins (call 330-1152).P/N only. Dist.:
Urban/ Minority/Women's Studies; Persp.: City
and Social World 1 or 2
ECO 113-A
Introduction to micro-economics, the theory of the
household, lirm, market structures and income
distribution. Application of elementary economic
theory to market policy. Dist.: Economics/ Political
Science; Persp.: City and Social World 1 or 2
6:OO-9:30 p.t!l.
M ,W
OM 29
ECO 315-A
ECO 315-P
Monetary and banking systems, particularly
commercial banks, and the Federal Reserve
System; monetary theory and policy. Dist.: None
(Prereq.: Eco 112,113)
M , W (Sectioll I)
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
T,TIi (Sectio~i11)
Foss 42
EDU 341-A
Psycliological and philosopliical dimensions of
com~nunicationthrough the use of instructional
technology. Selection, preparation, production and
evaluation of effective audio-visual materials for
situation. Computer training will
be included in this course. Dist.: None; Persp.: None
(L2 course)
5:30-9:OO ~ . I I I .
Foss 175
EDE 364-A
Examination and preparation of materials and
resources for integration specific skill
developments througli various subjects at tlie
kindergarten and elementary levels, (V4 course)
530-7:30 ~ . I I I ,
M , T , W,Th
Dntes: [ I J I I C28 - / r ~ l y8
EDE 375-A
Kindergarten curriculum, materials, teaching
approaches. Lab. arr. Prerequisite to student
teaching at kindergarten level and to obtaining a
license for teaching at that level. Dist.: None ( l / 2
course) (Prereq.: Consent of instructor)
11:30-1:30 p.111.
I. 1
Dotes:/rr~le28,29,30;/11ly1 , 6, 7 , 8, 13, 14, 15
EDE 377-A
Examination and .preparation of materials and
rcsources for science at the kindergarten and
elementary level. (1 /4 course)
1:30-3:30 p.111.
Dotes: 1111y7,12,14,19,21,26
EDU 388-A
Emphasis on the study of values, communication
tecliniques, and the major minority groups in
Minnesota for the development of interpersonal
relations skills applicable to teaching and other
professions. Required for all elementary and
secondary education majors. Ope11 to all. P / N only.
Dist.: None (1/2course)
70:05-11:30 n.111.
M ,W
L 77
EDS 390-A
This course is for English-Education majors who
plan to teach high scliool Englisl~.It is designed to
improve students' skills in public speaking, oral
interpretation, listening, and small group
discussion as well as to explore methodologies for
teaching and incorporating these skills in tlie high
school English curriculum.
6:00-9% p.r11,,
1. 17
EDS 391-A
This course is for English-Education majors who plan
to teach lug11 school English. Students will explore tlie
nature of tlie niedia as "consciousncss uid~~shies,"
examining the whys of teaching tlie media, how to
effectively go about it, what kind of assuniptions
mcdia education has been based on in the past, and
liow to i~icorpratemcdia education into the English
curriculum. The students will become familiar with
all forms of mass media and will understand the
impact of media 011 their lives. Students will learn
how to be discriminating users of Inass media and
liow to teach others to be the same. (1R course)
6:fJU-9:30 ~ . I I I .
L 17
EDE 386-A
Examination and preparation of materials and
resources for cliildren's literature at tlie
kindergarten and elementary levels. Lab
experiences. Dist.: None (1 /2 course)
530-9:00 p.~rl.
EDE 387-A
Examination and preparation of materials and
resources for language arts at the kindergarten and
elementary levels. Labora torv cxoeriences.
Graduate > ~ c v eSkill:
writink (P;ereq.: EDE 255 or
EDS 265) (1/2 course)
17:30-1:30 P,III.
1. 4
Dntes: / I I J I ~28,29,.30; Jlrly 1,6,7,8,13,14,15
ENG I l l - A
Emphasis is on exposition, including learning
research techniques and writing critical reviews. At
least one work of literature is assigned. Attention is
givcn to increasing students' effectiveness in
choosing, organizing and developing topics,
thinking critically, and revising for clarity and style.
Minimum passing grade for credit is 2.0. Dist.:
Entry level skill: Writing (separate)
6:OO-9:00~ , I I I .
O M 27
ENG 241-AISPC 241-A
An investigation of the cinematic qualities,
theoretical principles and historical evolution of
tlie film medium. The cmphasis is on film as an
audiovisual language. The course includes the
viewing and analysis of both feature length and
short films illustrating the i~lternational
development of film form and selected aesthetic
movements such as tlie American studio film and
its genres, German cxprcssionism, Soviet ~nontagc,
Italian neorealism and the French new wave.
Bccausc of film lcngtlis, some classes will go to 10
p.m. Dist.: None,: Persp.: Acstlietics
T ,7h
ENG 361-A
Significant works of selected prose writers of the
20th century, chiefly Europcan and non-Wcstcm.
(Prereq.: ENG 245 or consent of instructor)
Foss 20
9:00 rr.111.-12:00y.111. M,W
GER 112-A
Classroom practice in speaking, understanding
and reading basic German. Dist.: Language Lcvel
2; Persp.: Intercultural Awareness 3, Language
8:10-955 a.rlr.
M,T, W,TIi
Foss 42
SPA 112-A
SPA 112-P
BEGINNING SPANISH I1 (Section 11) Kingsley
Aims to develop the four basic skills: understanding,
speaking, reading, and writing of elementary
Spanish. Introduction to culture of Spanish-speaking
world. Dist.: Language Level 2; Persp.: Intercultural
Awareness 3, Language Level 2
8:10-955 n 111.
M,T,W,Tli fSrctio11I ) OM 25
5:30-7:15 p.111.
M,T,W,TIi (Sectior~!I) OM 25
HPE 410-A
Historical background, legal bases, school health
services and relationships to community health
programs and resources. Methods and materials in
health education with laboratory experience in
classroom and community. (Prereq.: HPE 320)
530-8:30 y.~n,,,
T, W,TIi
HIS 115-A
This is a survey of the volatile Middle East from
the rise of ~~ationalism
and the decline of the
Turkish Ottoman Empire in the 19th Century to
the current crisis hot spots in the Persian Gulf and
the Levant. The goal is a better understanding of
how the Middle East reached its contemporary
complexity, its role in the wider world.
OM 13
6:00-9:30 ~ . I I I .
MAT 173-A
Ever wondered why women have been charged more
than men for annuities and received lower pension
benefits? Or why women pay less for life insurance?
Or how life insurance premiums and installment loan
payments are calculated? Or how much money to
invest to accumulate a certain lump sum or annual
payment at a future date? Tl~eseand other interesting
and useful topics in the mathematics of financial
transactions will be covered. Evaluation will be based
on classroom participation and quizzes. This course is
useful for students in business and economics or
those students interested in careers in finance-related
fields. Course will satisfies the General Education
quantitative reasoning requirement. Math
Placement Group 111. Dist.: Math/Physics
M, W
PHI 175-A
What is thc nature of romantic love, sexual desire
and friendship, both healthy and dysfunctional? This
course, will consider the following ethical sexual
issues: Is there such a thing as sexual immorality? Is
promiscuity bad? What strengths and weaknesses
does the institution of monogamy have? Is adultery
immoral? Is sexual perversion a viable concept? Are
homosexuality and 1.esbianism sexual perversions? Or
are they merely alternative sexual preferences? Language intensive. Discussion and term paper required.
Dist.: History/Philosophy; Persp.: Human Identity
8:30-10:50 O.III.
PHY 101-A
A descriptive course covering our solar system, stars
and galaxies. The course also traces the development
of scientific thought from early civilization to the
present day. The necessary optical instruments are
explained and use is made of 12 inch reflecting
telescope, an eight-inch Celestron and a three-inch
Questar Night viewing and lab sessions are important
components. Students need to contact instructor at
330-1039 to schedule additional viewing and lab
sessions. (Prereq.: Mathcma tics Placement Group 11)
Dist.: MatIilPhysics; Persp.: Natural World 2
6:00-9:30 y.1~.
INS 199-A1399-A
A work-bascd learning experience in which a
student designs a learning agreement (with a
faculty member) which links the ideas and
methods of their major to the opportunities found
in the placement. Participation in a weekly seminar
is expected. Persp.: City
A rro~iged
POL 329-A
This coutse will introduce the student to both substantive
public policy and policy analysis by simulating of a
congressional committee where stude~ltswill play roles
of both legislative policy makers and administrators
defending their programs. Students will not only read
about public policy, but will also apply their knowledge
of policy issues and the governmental proccss.
6:00-9:30 p.111.
OM 23
PSY 373-A/ SPC 373-A
Theoretical conceptualizations of organizational
behavior. Factors and practices such as
management styles, evaluation and maintenance of
work effectivencss, and social influences. (Prereq.:
PSY 105) Persp: None
6:00-9:30 p.111.
M, W
Foss 43
REL 373-A
A study of the chief traditions of China and Japan
that are usually associated with religion, i~lcl~iding
the popular religious traditions of China,
Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, and Japanese
Shintoism. Dist.: Yes
6:OO-9:30 p.111.
OM 29
REL 483-A
The bases of Christian social respmsibility, in
terms of theological and sociological dynamics,
Emphasis on developing a constructive
perspective for critical reflection upon moral
action. Dist.: Religion; Persp.: Christian Faith 2 or 3
11 :40-1:25 p.111,
M,T, W,TIi
OM 10
SOC 199-AI399-A
A work-based learning experience in which a student
designs a learning agreement (with a faculty member)
which links the ideas and methods of sociology to the
opportunities found in the placement. Participation
in a weekly seminar is expected. Persp.: City
SOC 265-A
Some dime~lsionsof gender, race and other intergroup relations. Major attention is focused upon
the role of society's values.and self-understanding.
(P/N only) Dist.: Urban/Minority/Women
Studies; Persp.: Intercultural Awareness I
6:OO-9:30 p.111.
OM 27
SOC 356-A
Analysis of adult correctional programs and
processes. Lectures, discussion, and site visits to
prisons, half-way houses, courts, etc. Dist.: None
1:30-590 p.111.
Foss 20
SWK 257-E/399-E1599-E
Identifies, analyzes and evaluates different
approaches in the U.S.A. and U.K. through interdisciplinary dialogue, classroom and field
cncounters. First week - Orientation at Augsburg
(6/21-24); Second and third weeks -Work with
British professionals and students at Bristol
University, England (6/25-7/9). British tutors and
group leaders. Cost: $3,500 (approx.) includes air
fare, ground travel, accommodations, most meals.
Call Blanca Rosa Egas at 330-1713 for information.
Dist.: None; Persp.: City.
Foss 43
SWK 399-A
Provides field learning experience for the nonmajor and supplements the required field work of
majors (Prereq.: consent of instructor)
SWK 499-A
Student must present a written proposal
containing rationale, objectives, methodology and
evaluation of the proposed study according to
Department guidelines. (Prereq.:SWK 257 and
consent of instructor)
SPC 352-A
Theory of how people arc influenced to change
attitudes and behavior. Topics include obstacles to
persuasion; logical and psychological appeals;
empirical research; persuasion in politics, sales,
advertising and interpersonal contexts; mass
movements and campaigns; impact of the mass
media; and ethical issues. Includes speech and
promotional projects.
M,T, W,Th
Foss 42
2:30-4:15 p 111.
SPC 414-A/INS 414-A
The rhetoric of selected American feminists will be
analyzed in order 1) to develop a rhetorical
perspective on American feminism, and 2) to
develop skill in rhetorical criticism. Dist.:
Urban/Minority/Women's Studies.
5:30-9:30 p.~tr.
OM 18
Summer School
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Augsburg College Summer Catalog, 1996
Course Catalogs
Search Result
Augsburg College is a four-year, fully
accredited liberal arts college affiliated
with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America and is located in the heart of
Minneapolis. The small college
environment, about 3,000 students
during the academic year, is enriched by
the many opportuniti...
Show more
Augsburg College is a four-year, fully
accredited liberal arts college affiliated
with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America and is located in the heart of
Minneapolis. The small college
environment, about 3,000 students
during the academic year, is enriched by
the many opportunities found in this
vibrant metropolitan area. Augsburg's
setting allows its students to participate
in a host of cultural and
recreational activities,
ranging from the Guthrie
Theatre and the
Minnesota History
Center to the
Augsbuvg in
the Summer
Augsburg College offers a varied
summer curriculum that includes nearly
70 courses in more than 16 academic
disciplines, as well as internships and
independent studies. Term I runs from
May 28 to June 20. Term I1 runs from
June 24 to August 2. For a detailed
listing of courses, look inside this.
Course Loads in Summer Session:
Students may take one course credit
during Term I and up to two course
credits during ~ e r m i 1 Unless
indicated, all courses carry a value of one
course credit. One Augsburg course
credit is the equivalent of four
semester credits and six quarter
Augsburg General Education:
Courses fulfilling Augsburg's Liberal
Arts Perspectives and Graduation Skills
requirements are so noted along with the
description of the course.
The College reserves the right to cancel
listed courses.
I n f ~ v l l ~ a t iand
Additional information and registration
forms may be obtained from:
Augsburg College
Summer School Office
Campus Box #68
2211 Riverside Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Call 612/330-1795
Course Levels: The first digit of the three
digit course number indicates the course
level: course numbers beginning with a
1 or 2 are lower division courses, and are
intended primarily for freshmen and
sophomores; course numbers beginning
with 3 or 4 are upper division and are
primarily for juniors and seniors.
Independent aruuy: Independent
studies may be arranged in consultai
with individual faculty members
Internships: In addition to those listed,
internship opportunities may be
arranged individually during the
summer. Academic internships are
carefully planned work-based learning
experiences, supervised and evaluated
by a faculty member. Consult the
Internship and Cooperative EducaticLL
Office at (612)
, 330-1148 for more
Employer Reimbursement: Students
who qualify for reimbursement by their
employers may use their reimbursement
plans to pay for Summer Session courses.
Housing: Students who need housing
may contact the Residence Life Office at
(612) 330-1109.
John Schmit, Director
Phoebe McDonald, Assistant
Eligibility ,
Persons in good standing at regionally
accredited colleges and universities,
graduates of such institutions, and
students admitted for the next Fall Term
re eligible to attend Augsburg Summel
school. Good standing implies that the
student has been admitted and not
subsequently dropped by that
Other persons wishing to take summer
courses should contact the Director of
Summer School to ascertain eligibility
Students accepted for Summer Session
are not automatically granted admission
as regular students of Augsburg
College. Those wishing to begin a
degree program at Augsburg should
apply to the Office of Admissions
612/330-1001 or the Weekend Colle:
Admissions Office 612/330-1743. 1
Map of
Interstate 94 West
College Map l n f o r r n a l l o n
I.AdmUonm Weekday Propram
h&tlsu~~ortand Black Student Attaln
4. ~nderoon-~mldn
~ i h i e l l cFleld and S w o n o l Al, Slrucluf.
5. U n l o t tor Globol EductMn and lntomohonolRoo#oms
6. Chr1d.m.n
8. E d Hbll
9. FOU, lobeck. MllesCenler for Woralp.
Drama and Communlcallon
II.b e Arena
12. Jsrov C. C o r l m m m n l U n l e r
13. Mdnlen-e
and Ground, Shop
14. M ~ r t e ~ n l o w e ~
Campus Location
Interstate 94 East
15. Murphy Place
Weekend Cdlege Admklonr ond
Groduote Program
16. Murphy Square
I~.MuIIc Hall
18. Nordlc Csnlw
1V.Old M0l"
20.08car Andemon Hall
21. Puod
22. ISlence Han
23. fsculty Dllpdch Center
24. Shlpplnamd ReceMng
26.51 Melby Hall
26. Sverdwp Ubrary
27. Sverdwp-Olf~dolMemortalHaU
P a r k l n g Lots
A. AdmUons Parktng
lor pr-clke
*dents and their parenlr
8. Faculty/Sldf/CommuterIReIIdenl ParLlnp
C. FcculW/StdlParkkg
D. Facuily/Sd/Commuler Parklnp
I.Commuler Street ~arklng
F. ReIIdsnl Parkkg
G. nnor Parklng
H. Wenlde Rol&nol
Bundlno Ramp
188 lnfamdlon desk In the Chhlerven Cer
for specla1 anongemenh
b ~ l m o b ~ laccess
28. Urneu Tower
29, Voulh and k m l w Inslllule
35W from the North Take Washington Avenue exit and turn
left on Washington (turns right onto
Cedar Avenue), turn left at Riverside
Avenue, right at 21st Avenue South.
1-94 East from Minneapolis -
Take 25th Avenue exit turn left at 25t,
Avenue, turn left at Riverside
turn left at 21st Avenue Soufi;
1-94 West from St. Paul -
Take Riverside exit, turn right at
Riverside Avenue, turn left at 21st
Avenue South.
35W from the South Follow the 1-94 St. Paul signs (move to
right lane after each of two mergers).
Take 25th Avenue exit and turn left at
Riverside Avenue, turn left at 21st
Avenue South.
Beginning April 15, you may schedule
Summer School courses at the
Registrar's Office between 8:00 a.m. and
4:30 p.m. A $50.00 tuition deposit must
be paid at that time for each course
scheduled. This deposit will be applied
to your Summer School tuition and is
not refundable unless the course is
cancelled. If a course that you have
scheduled is cancelled, you may elect to
receive a refund or apply the deposit to
the tuition for another course. To insure
that you reserve a place in the courses
that you desire, we recommend that you
schedule your courses as early as
possible. Many courses fill early, and
courses with low enrollments may be
cancelled before the first day of the term.
You must confirm your registration in
person by paying tuition in full at the
Business Office (see deadlines below),
or you will be dropped from your
Students taking courses during Term I
must confirm their registration by May
29. Term I1 confirmation must be made
by June 25. This procedure applies to all
summer registrations, including
Internships and Independent Studies.
The Business Office is located in the
Science Hall, Room 147, and is open
from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The Business
Office will be open until 6 p.m. on May
28 and 29, and on June 24 and 25. The
Business Office is also open on
Saturdays when Weekend College is in
session; contact the Weekend College
Office at 330-1782 for more information.
Tuition must be paid in full in order for
your registration to be confirmed.
(Augsburg students who have unpaid
balances from previous terms must pay
these balances before they may confirm
their Summer School registrations.)
A late fee of $50.00 will be assessed for
students who do not confirm on time.
No Term I registrations will be accepted
after May 31, and Term I1 registrations
will not be accepted after June 28.
To change your registration you will
need to fill out an Add/Drop form at
the Registrar's Office. There is a charge
of $50.00 for changing a course after 3:30
p.m. on the second scheduled day of
each term. This procedure applies to
internships and independent studies as
well as scheduled courses. Refunds and
adjustments to fees are outlined in the
"Tuition Refund Policy" section of this
Summer 1996
Term I
Term I1
Scheduling begins
April 15
April 15
Confirmation of registration deadline
May 29
June 25
Classes begin
Balance of tuition due
May 28
May 29
June 24
June 25
Last day to:
Change grading option
*Drop class without notation
*Register with late fee of $50
(no registrations will be
June 10
May 31
May 31
July 8
June 28
June 28
June 14
June 20
June 24
July 4
July 26
August 2
August 7
accepted after this date)
Last day to withdraw from class (W)
Classes end
Grades due in Registrar's Office
It is the policy of Augsburg College not to discrimillatc on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sexual or
affectional preference, national or ethnic origin, age, marital status, sex or status with regard to public
assistance, or disability as required by Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendmeilts or Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, in its admissions policies, education programs, activities and
employment practices.
Tuition for 1996 Summer School courses
is as follows: $855.00 for full credit
courses, $430.00 for half-credit courses,
and $215.00 for quarter-credit courses.
Audits are charged at the tuition rates
listed above.
Tuition Refund
The $50.00 per course deposit is not
refundable. Refund of all or part of the
remaining fee is calculated from the date
of the student's official course
cancellation at the Registrar's Office.
Schedule of Refunds:
Prior to the second scheduled class
meeting - 100% of the refundable
portion of the fee.
Prior to the fourth scheduled class
meeting - 75% of the refundable
portion of the fee.
Prior to the sixth scheduled class
meeting - 50% of the refundable
portion of the fee.
Courses with fewer than 12 scheduled
class sessions will use a prorated version
of the schedule of refunds.
Financial Aid
Financial Aid Eligibilit
For Summer Sesszon A tendees
Day Program
Students enrolled in Summer Term I
only are not eligible for financial
assistance because the term is less than
30 days long and does not meet the
federal definition of a term for financial
aid purposes.
Students enrolled in Summer Terms I
and I1 combined or Term I1 only may be
eligible to apply for the Federal Stafford
Loan, Federal Pell Grant or the
Minnesota State Grant.
WEC Program
No aid is given for Summer Term I as it
runs concurrently with Spring trimester
of the preceding academic year.
Students enrolled in Summer Term I1
may be eligible for the Federal Stafford
Loan, Federal Pell Grant, or the
Minnesota State Grant.
To Apply
The financial aid deadline for Summer
Session is March 15,1996. Contact the
Office of Student Financial Services at
(612) 330-1046 for application materials
and additional assistance.
ART 3 8 9 4
American Art
A study of early Colonial through contemporary
American art, architecture, and folk arts. Persp.:
Aesthetics; Grad Skill: Speaking
9:00-11:20 0111
M,T, W,TIt,F
Foss 43
ACC 221-S
Principles of Accounting I
Introduction to business activities, basic concepts
and fundamentals of accounting, the accounting
cycle and preparation of financial statements.
Old Moil1 23
ACC 322-S
Accounting Theory & Practice I
An analysis of financial accounting with emphasis
on accounting theory pertaining to financial
statements, income concepts, valuation concepts,
FASB statements and other relevant issues as
applied to assets. (Prereq.: ACC 222)
9:OO-11:20 flit1
M,T, W,Til,F
Old Maitt 23
BUS 2 4 2 4
Principles of Management
Development of the theory of management,
organization, staffing, planning and control. The
nature of authority, accountability and
responsibility; analysis of the role of the
professional manager.
Old Muin 11
BUS 252-S
Principles of Marketing
Principles of basic policy and strategy issues in
marketing. Legal, ethical, competitive, behavioral,
economic and technological factors as they affect
product, promotion, marketing channel and
pricing decisions.
9:00-11:20 a111
M,T, W,TIt,F
BUS 368-S
Responding to the Challenge of Japan
An examination of current Japanese business
practices using a cultural perspective. A
multimedia.approach will be employed, involving
film, television documentaries, and readings from
current periodicals in addition to text materials. A
seminar model will be used with substantial
participation expected on the part of students.
(Prereq.: junior standing or consent of instructor)
Persp.: Intercultural Awareness I
9:00-11:20 utrl
ECO 110-S
Economics of Urban Issues
Study of economic implications of problems facing
a metro-urban environment. By independent
study. Students need signature of instructor before
Term One begins (call 330-1152),P/N only. Persp.:
Social World 1 or 2, or the City
ECO 1124
Principles of Macroeconomics
Introduction to macroeconomics, national income
analysis, monetary and fiscal policy, international
trade, economic growth. Persp.: Western Heritage
9:OO-11:20 am
Old Main 16
EDE 3824
Curriculum: Mathematics (.50 credit)
Examination and preparation of materials and
resources for mathematics instruction at the
kindergarten and elementary levels. (Prereq.:
6:OO-9:00 pm
T ,w
Libray 20
ENG 2274
An introductory news writing course with
emphasis on writing for the print media, including
practice in writing for radio and television.
Students consider how to recognize news, gather
and verify facts, and write those facts into a news
story. Basic copy preparation, editing practices,
and an introduction to legal and ethical questions
are included. Persp.: the City; Grad Skill: Writing
6:OO-9:00 pm
Foss 175
ENG 2454
Introduction to Literature
In this course students are initiated into the formal
study of narrative, drama, and poetry in order to
appreciate more fully the pleasures of literature.
The course aims to expand students' exposure to
literature and therefore draws on works from
several periods, from different cultures and races,
from male and female writers. As the prerequisite
for all upper courses in literature, Introduction to
Literature aims in particular to develop students'
critical and analytical skills in reading about
literature. Dist.: Literature; Persp.: Aesthetics
9:00- 11:20 am
Old Main 25
ENG 2514
Readings in American Literature
An introduction to representative works that yield
an understanding of the Western heritage and
American world views. Themes could include the
emergence of national identity, the relationship
between humankind and God, the nature of
nature, dehitions of the American self,
individuality, the place of women and of racial and
ethnic minorities in the development of American
thought and the continuity of Western culture in
America. Persp.: Western Heritage
9:OO-11:20 am
Old Main 11
HIS 3314
Topics in U.S. Histow:
A History of Basebali
In this course, we will examine the relationship
between the United States and its national pastime.
Our focus will not be on the game between the
lines, the great players and teams. Instead we will
take up several topics which can illuminate the
historical evolution of this country. Some of these
include: professionalization and its impact on
amateur baseball, the role of ethnicity and ethnic
rivalry, the color line, the emergence of "big"
leagues at the expense of the "minor" leagues,
women's baseball, labor relations, and the
empowerment of the players, the impact of
television, and the ballpark as an urban place.
Special attention will be paid to baseball in the
Twin Cities.
M,T,W,Th, F
Music 5
INS 199-Sl399-S
A work-based learning experience in which a
student designs a learning agreement with a
faculty member which links the ideas and methods
of their major to the opportunities found in the
placement. Participation in a seminar is expected.
Consult instructor for clarification. Persp.: the City
Beginning German I
Classroom practice speaking, understanding and
reading basic German for students with no
previous background in German. Persp.:
Intercultural Awareness 2
9:00-11:20 am
M,T, W,Th,F
Old Main 21
Beginning Spanish I
Aims to develop four basic skills: understanding,
speaking, reading and writing of elementary
Spanish. Introduction to culture of Spanishspeaking world. Persp.: Intercultural Awarenes'S'2
M,T, W,Th,F
Old Main 25
PSY 3624
Behavior Disorders'
An introduction to maladaptive human behaviors
from social, organic and psychological points of
view. (Prereq.: PSY 102 or 105)
6:OO-9:00 pm
Music 23
Introduction to Theology
An introductio'n to the academic discipline of
theology and to the dialogue between the church
and the world which concerns Christian doctrine.
Persp.: Christian Faith 2 or 3
M,T, W,Th,F
Music 22
REL 221-5
Biblical Studies
Quanbeck I1
The origin, literary character and transmission of
the biblical documents. The task of biblical
interpretation. The history of Israel and the
emergence of the church. Persp.: Christian Faith 1
or 3
Old Main 29
SWK 2604
Humans Developing
This course provides the knowledge basic to an
understanding of human growth through the life
cycle and of the interplay of sociocultural,
biological and psychological factors which
influence the growth of individuals and families in
contemporary American society. Emphasized is
the role of the "nurturing environment" in relation
to human growth, the impact of "sustaining
environment" and other special stresses relevant to
growth. Growth related to populations and groups
which represent racial, disability and sexual
minorities is also a focus. Students will gain selfunderstanding through use of their own
experiences. Persp.: Human Identity
1:OO-3:20 pm
Foss 175
SWK 3994
Provides field learning experience for the nonmajor and supplements the required field work of
majors. (Prereq.:senior standing or consent of
SWK 4994
Independent Study
Student must present a written proposal
containing rationale, objectives, methodology and
evaluation of the proposed study according to
department guidelines. (Prereq.:SWK 257 and
consent of instructor)
SOC 1214
Introduction to Human Society
What is society and how does it make us who we
are? As a unique way of understanding, sociology
offers insights into discovering the world and one's
place in it. Course study focuses on an
understanding of culture, social structure,
institutions and our interactions with each other.
Persp.: Social World 1 or 2
690-9:30 pm
Old Main 27
SOC 2114
Human Communities
and the Modem Metropolis
The course asks a fundamental question of our
times: how is community possible in the face of
multicultural, economic and ideological forces that
are characteristicof urban life? The cultural and
structural dynamics are a basis for exploring this
possibility. Persp.: the City
M,T. W,Th,F
Old Main 27
SOC 2654
Culture: Ethnicity, Gender and Race Gerasimo
Why do we set people aside for negative special
treatment? How are they stigmatized? The people
to whom we do this are often reflections of our
own fears. A sociological analysis of "self" and
"other" provides a way to examine racism, sexism
and other "-isms." Offered on P/N basis only.
Persp.: Intercultural Awareness 1
9:OO-11:20 am
Old Main 27
SOC 199-Sl399-S
A work-based learning experience in which a
student designs a learning agreement with a
faculty member which links the ideas and methods
of their major to the opportunities found in the
placement. Participation in a seminar is expected.
Consult instructor for clarification. Persp.: the City
Awburs CONege
Summer F'mgmm in Paris, Fmce
May 28 to July 2,1996
FRE 211-S
Intermediate French
To provide participants with a unique
opportunity to inaease their knowledge of
French language and culture, Augsburg College
Summer Program is offering a four-week
academicprogram in Paris, France, under
direction of Dr. Pary Pezechkian-Weinberg.The
program will feature intensive language study at
an intermediate level. This course is designed for
students who have successfully completed
French 111 and 112 at Augsburg College. For
students interested in other levels of French,
special arrangementscan be made.
Cost: $3,975 includes airfare, tuition,
accommodations, breakfast and lunch. Non-credit cost is $2,975.
For more information, please call Kathy Lutfi in
the Center for Global Education at 33@1655,or
Dr. Pezechkian-Weinberg at 33@1090.
The Bristol International Program
In Social Work, Bristol University, England
June 28 to July 14,1996
SWK 257-E
Exploring Human Services:
International Program
This course is an orientation to human service in
an international context, with many visits to
human senrice agencies, lectures and seminars.
Full orientation takesplace at Augsburg for two
sessions before the course. Credit is
banscripted through Augsburg. The course is
also available for graduate aedit with a research
Cost: $2,200 includes tuition, all ground
bansport in the U.K.,all accommodationsand
most food. Airfare is N m included. Students
must make their own flight arrangements.
ACC 222-S
Principles of Accounting I1
Introduction to business activities, accounting for
corporations. Basic concepts and fundamentals of
managerial accounting, planning and controlling
processes, decision-making and behavioral
considerations. (Prereq.: ACC 221)
Old Main 25
9:00-10:45 olrr
ART 1074
An introduction to and definition of drawing
methods and media. Drawing is presented as a
diverse art form which can be experienced in a
variety of ways. Traditional and non-traditional
media are used. Persp.: Aesthetics
Old Mnin 1 7
6:00-9:30 pnr
ART 118-S
Painting I
Painting in opaque and transparent color. A
variety of subjects and approaches illustrate the
versatility of paint as an expressive medium.
Persp.: Aesthetics
Old Mnin 17
6:00-9:30 p ~ n
ART 132
The camera used as a tool for visual creativity and
expression using black and white photographic
processes. Students need access to a 35mm, single
lens reflex camera. Estimated cost of film, etc.:
$175-$200. Persp.: Aesthetics
Section SOld Main 4
1:00- 4:30 ptn
M, W
Section P6:00-9:30 p~il
M, W
Old Mail1 4
BIO 101-S
Human Biology
Basic biological concepts from an anthropocentric
point of view. An attempt to answer such
questions as: What makes a human just another
member of the biotic fold? Do humans have a
niche in the ecosystem? What influence do humans
have on the environment? What influence does the
environment, especially the urban environment,
have on humans? (A student may not receive
credit for both 101 and 103. Does not apply to the
major or minor.) Persp.: Natural World 2
6:OO-9:30 pm
Scierlce 205
BUS 340-S
Human Resource Management
Personnel function in business, acquisition and
utilization of human resources; desirable working
relationships; effective integration of the worker
with the goals of the firm and society. (Prereq.: BUS
Old Mnin 11
6:00-9:30 pix
BUS 4404
Operations Management
Concepts and principles related to the management
of operating functions. Examples from service
industries, non-profit organizations and
manufacturing. Taught from a managerial point of
view. Topics include an overview of operations,
planning operation processes, productivity
measurement, standards, forecasting, concepts of
quality, inventory management, principles of
scheduling and operational control information
systems. (Prereq.: BUS 242 or consent of instructor)
Old Moil1 11
6:00-9:30 p~rl
MIS 1754
Principles of Computing for Business Schwalbe
An introduction to computing concepts and
microcomputer-based information systems. Study
features of hardware, operating systems, languages
and current applications. Learn to use MS-DOS,
Word Perfect, Lotus 123, and dBase III+. May study
other applications (Microsoft Word, Excel). The
completion of MIS 370 with a passing grade will
serve as a substitute for MIS 175. (Prereq.: MPG I1 or
a Pass in MAT 103, a self-paced course)
5:00-9:00 p~rl
Foss 42
ECO 110-S
Economics of Urban Issues
Study of economic implications of problems facing a
metro-urban environment. By independent study.
Students need signature of instructor before Term
Two begins (call 330-1152). P/N only. Persp.: Social
World 1or 2, or the City
ECO 112-S
Principles of Macroeconomics
Introduction to macroeconomics, national income
analysis, monetary and fiscal policy, international
trade, economic growth. Persp.: Western Heritage
Old Mnin 16
6:00-9:30 p~rl
ECO 1134
Principles of Microeconomics
Introduction to microeconomics, the theory of the
household, firm, market structures and income
distribution. Application of elementary economic
theory to market policy. Persp.: Social World 1or 2
6:OO-9:30 pin
Old Main 29
ECO 3154
Money and Banking
Monetary and banking systems, particularly
commercial banks, and the Federal Reserve
System; monetary theory and policy. (Prereq.: ECO
6:OO-9:30 ptn
Old Main 16
EDE 3754
Discovery Learning in the
World of Kindergarten (.50 credit)
Kindergarten curriculum, materials, teaching
approaches. Prerequisite to student teaching at
kindergarten level and to obtaining a license for
teaching at that level. Lab arranged. (Prereq.:
Consent of instructor and PPST)
June 24,26; July 1,3,8,10
Library 20
5:30-9:30 p,n
EDE 3774
Curriculum: Science (25 credit)
Examination and preparation of materials and
resources for science at the kindergarten and
elementary level. (Prereq.:PPST)
July 15,17,22,24,29,31
9:OO-10:45 atn
Old Main 4
EDE 384-S
Curriculum: Social Studies,
Thematic Studies (.50 credit)
Examination and preparation of materials and
resources for social studies and thematic teaching
at the kindergarten and elementary levels.
Laboratory experiences. (Prereq.: PPST)
June 24, 26; July 1,3,8
Old Main 22
6:OO-9:30 ptn
EDE 3864
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum:
Children's Literature (.50 credit)
Examination and preparation of materials and
resources for children's literature at the
kindergarten and elementary levels. Lab
experiences. (Prereq.:PPST)
June 25; July 2,9,16,23,30
5:OO-8:OO ptn
Libra y 17
EDE 387-S
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum:
Language Arts (.50 credit)
Examination and preparation of materials and
resources for language arts at the kindergarten and
elementary levels. Laboratory experiences. Grad
Skill: Writing if EDU 478 is also taken. (Prereq.:
PPST, EDU 265)
June 24,26; July 1,3,8,10
5:30-9:30 pnl
Library 17
EDS 3904
Communication Skills in
the English Classroom
This course is for English-Education majors who
plan to teach high school English. It is designed to
improve students' skills in public speaking, oral
interpretation, listening, and small group
discussion as well as to explore methodologies for
teaching and incorporating these skills in the high
school English curriculum. (Prereq.: PPST)
6:00-9:30 pttr
Science 112
EDS 391-S
Teaching Mass Media (.50 credit)
This course is for English-education majors who
plan to teach high school English. Students will
explore the nature of the media as "consciousness
industries," examining the whys of teaching the
media, how to go about it effectively, what kind of
assumptions media education has been based on in
the past, and how to incorporate media education
into the English curriculum. The students will
become familiar with all forms of mass media and
will understand the impact of media on their lives.
Students will learn how to be discriminating users
of mass media and how to teach others to be the
same. (Prereq.:PPST)
6:OO-9:30 ptn
Science 112
EDU 210-S
Learning and Development
in an Educational Setting
A survey of educational psychology topics as
applied to teaching and learning. Special emphasis
is placed on classroom applications. (PSY 105:
Principles of Psych, is strongly recommended.)
Persp.: Human Identity
6:OO-9:30 pnt
Library 20
EDU 3414
Media Technology (.50 credit)
Psychological and philosophical dimensions of
communication throurh the use of instructional
technology. Selection, preparation, production,
and evaluation of effective audio-visual materials
for teaching/learning situations. Computer
training will be included in the course. (Prereq.:
June 25,27; J~rly9,11,16,18,23
6:OO-9:OO ptn
T , Th
Foss 175
ENG 223-A
Writing for Business and the Professions Kramer
A practical course designed to improve writing
skills for those preparing for business and
professional careers. The writing of reports,
letters, and proposals is emphasized. Students are
encouraged to use material from their own areas of
specialization. (Prereq.: ENG 111) Graduation
Skill: Writing
6:OO-9:30 ptn
T , Th
Science 213
ENG 282-S
Topics in Literature: The Heroic Journey Griffin
This course will study archetypal patterns of the
heroic journey, as well as specific examples of such
journeys. It will emphasize the ideas of Joseph
Campbell, but will also consider other
interpretations of heroic journeys. Since western
civilization usually assumes that the hero is a man,
usually a white man belonging to a warrior class,
we will analyze the heroic warrior myth both as it
is depicted in ancient and medieval epics and
myths, but also as it appears in contemporary
American popular narratives. But the heroic
journey is a human journey, and thus the course
will also emphasize the heroic journeys of women
and men who may be neither white nor warriors
as they are depicted in folktales and novels.
M, W
Old Mnin 27
HIS 4404
Topics in World History:
Liberation Movements in
Latin America 1850-1940
A study of the foundations of contemporary social
and revolutionary movements in Latin America,
1850-1940. Topics include but are not limited to
the struggle for women's rights in Brazil and Cuba;
indigenous people's fight to protect their
autonomy in the Peruvian Andes; race-pride, labor
movements, and anti-colonialism among Afro~ a r i b b e a n Emiliano
Zapata and the ~ i x i c a n
Revolution; Augusto Sandino and Nicaragua's
response to imperialism.
6:OO- 3:30 PIII
T, Tlz
Old Mni1123
INS 199-Sl399-S
A work-based learning experience in which a
student designs a learning agreement with a
faculty member which links the ideas and methods
of their major to the opportunities found in the
placement. Participation in a seminar is expected.
Consult instructor for clarification. Persp.: the City
GER 112-S
Beginning German I1
Classroom practice in speaking, understanding
and reading basic German. Persp.: Intercultural
Awareness 3
9:OO-10:45 nlrr
Old Moin 21
SPA 112-S
Beginning Spanish I1
Aims to develop the four basic skills:
understanding, speaking, reading, and writing of
elementary Spanish. Introduction to culture of
Spanish-speaking world. Persp.: Intercultural
Awareness 3
1:OO-2:45~ I I I
Old Moil1 25
PHY 1014
A descriptive course covering our solar system,
stars and galaxies. The course also traces the
development of scientific thought from early
civilization to the present day. The necessary
optical instruments are explained and use is made
of a 12-inch reflecting telescope, an eight-inch
Celestron and a three-inch Questar. Night viewing
and lab sessions are important components.
Additional viewing and/or lab sessions are
required. (Prereq.:Mathematics Placement Group
11) Persp.: Natural World 2
M, W
POL 3834
Defining America:
Theories of Political and Social Change
Around the world, countries struggle with the
turmoil of social change. Shifting patterns of race
ethnicity, and culture often trigger fierce political
clashes over who belongs and who is an outsider.
This course examines these disputes, focusing
largely but not exclusively on the United States,
where racial and ethnic controversies are part of a
struggle over the definition of America. The goal
of this course is to enable students to make
thoughtful contributions to this debate.
6:OO-3:30~ I I I
Fuss 2 l A
PSY 1054
Principles of Psychology
An introduction to the methods and approaches
used in psychology for the purpose of
understanding behavior. Application of
psychological concepts to everyday situations is
emphasized. Persp.: Human Identity
T, TI1
Old Mnir123
REL 3734
Religions of China and Japan
A study of the chief traditions of China and Japan
that are usually associated with religion, including
the popular religious traditions of China,
Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, and Japanese
Shintoism. (Prereq.: Re1 111 or 221) Persp.:
Christian Faith 3
Fuss 43
REL 4404
Varieties of Christian Spirituality
A study of selected spiritualities from the Christian
tradition and of contemporary developments,
including 12-step spirituality, feminist, ecological,
and non-Western Christian spiritualities. An
introduction to the basic practices of spirituality,
especially prayer and meditation. (Prereq.: REL 111
or 221) Persp.: Christian Faith 2 or 3
6:OO-3:30~ I I I
Fuss 2 l B
REL 483-S
Christian Ethics
The bases of Christian social responsibility, in
terms of theological and sociological dynamics.
Emphasis on developing a constructive
perspective for critical reflection upon moral
action. (Prereq.: Re1 111or 221) Persp.: Christian
Faith 2 or 3
6:OO-9:30 pnr
M, W
Foss 43
SOC 199-Sl399-S
A work-based learning experience in which a
student designs a learning agreement with a
faculty member which links the ideas and methods
of their major to the opportunities found in the
placement. Participation in a seminar is expected.
Consult instructor for clarification. Persp.: the City
SOC 2654
Culture: Ethnicity, Gender and Race
Why do we set people aside for negative special
treatment? How are they stigmatized? The people
to whom we do this are often reflections of our
own fears. A sociological analysis of "self" and
"other" provides a way to examine racism, sexism
and other "-isms." Offered on P/N basis only.
Persp.: Intercultural Awareness 1
6:OO-9:30 pr~r
T, TI1
Old M ~ i 27
SPC 9 ~ 7 - . 3
Intercultural Communication
This course explores both the problems and the
potential of communications between persons of
different cultural groups. Students examine
Western and non-Western cultural rules, values,
assumptions and stereotypes and how they affect
the transmission of verbal and non-verbal
messages. The course stresses both a general
theoretical understanding of cross-cultural
interaction as well as specific knowledge of how
these principles relate to particular cultural groups.
Persp.: Intercultural Awareness 1
6:OO-9:30 pm
M ,W
Music 24
SPC 3544
Interpersonal Communication
A study of the dynamics of human interaction
through verbal and nonverbal messages; emphasis
on factors that build relationships and help to
overcome communication barriers. This course
combines theory and practice to help the student
understand and manage communication problems
more effectively.
T, Th
Music 23
6:OO-9:30 pm
SOC 356-S
Crime and Community
Analysis of correctional programs and community
responses. Lecture, discussion, and site visits to
prisons, courts and community agencies. Special
attention to concepts of restorative justice.
(Prereq.: Soc 121)
1:30-5:00 prrl
Old Main 11
SWK 2574
Exploring Human Services
This course is designed to help students learn
about themselves in relation to a possible major or
future career in social work. Students must
arrange to perform 80 hours of work in a human
service agency and must attend the weekly
seminar. Persp.: the City
Old Mnin 29
1:OO-2:45 p111
SWK 399-S
Social Work Internship
Provides field learning experience for the non-major
and supplements the required field work of majors.
(Prereq.: senior standing or consent of instructor)
SWK 4994
Social Work Independent Study
Student must present a written proposal
containing rationale, objectives, methodology and
evaluation of the proposed study according to
department guidelines. (Prereq.: SWK 257 and
consent of instructor)
Summer School
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Augsburg College Interim Catalog, 1979
Course Catalogs
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The i n t e r i m i s an i n t e g r a l p a r t o f the school year
a t Augsburg College. I t i s p a r t i c u l a r l y intended
t o be a time f o r both students and f a c u l t y t o employ
s t y l e s o f teaching and l e a r n i n g , t o i n v e s t i g a t e
p a r t i c u l a r que...
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The i n t e r i m i s an i n t e g r a l p a r t o f the school year
a t Augsburg College. I t i s p a r t i c u l a r l y intended
t o be a time f o r both students and f a c u l t y t o employ
s t y l e s o f teaching and l e a r n i n g , t o i n v e s t i g a t e
p a r t i c u l a r questions and t o p i c s and t o use urban
and o t h e r off-campus resources i n ways n o t p o s s i b l e
d u r i n g t h e r e g u l a r term.
To graduate, an Augsburg student i s r e q u i r e d t o
complete 35 courses o f which a t l e a s t t h r e e must
be i n t e r i m courses ( o r one i n t e r i m l e s s than t h e
number o f years o f f u l l time enrollment a t Augsburg;
e.g., a t r a n s f e r e n r o l l e d f u l l time f o r two years
i s r e q u i r e d t o complete one i n t e r i m f o r graduation).
There i s no t u i t i o n refund f o r a student who chooses
n o t t o e n r o l l i n an i n t e r i m course.
One course i s considered a f u l l time l o a d d u r i n g
i n t e r i m and no student i s p e r m i t t e d t o r e g i s t e r f o r
more than one course d u r i n g t h e period.
Most i n t e r i m courses a r e graded t r a d i t i o n a l l y on a
scale o f 4.0 t o 0. Students g e n e r a l l y have the
o p t i o n t o r e g i s t e r on a Pass/No c r e d i t b a s i s . A few
i n t e r i m courses a r e graded o n l y on t h e PIN system;
t h i s 1i m i t a t i o n i s i n d i c a t e d i n the course d e s c r i p t i o n .
Some courses a r e o f f e r e d w i t h e i t h e r upper o r lower
d i v i s i o n standing. Such i n t e r i m courses have two
numbers l i s t e d and the student must s e l e c t . Students
r e g i s t e r i n g f o r upper d i v i s i o n standing should
a n t i c i p a t e a d d i t i o n a l assignments and a more r i g o r o u s
grading standard.
a course l i s t e d as f u l f i l l i n g d i s t r i b u t i o n requirement meets both t h e newly i n t r o d u c e d
requirements ( t h e Spectrum approach) as w e l l as t h e
o l d d i s t r i b u t i o n requirements.
June I n t e r i m
A t l e a s t two i n t e r t m courses will be o f f e r e d in the
June 1979 session o f summer school (see l l s t i n g s
under Psychology and Education) i n 1 ieu o f January
tern with no a d d i t i o n a l t u i t i o n charge; however,
students p l a n n i n g t o e l e c t t h e June i n t e r i m must
r e g i s t e r a t the time o f the i n t e r i m r e g i s t r a t i o n
i n t h e f a l l . Students wishing t o t a k e the June
i n t e r i m i n addi ti on t o t h e January one w i 11 be
required to pay regular summer course t u i t i o n .
Students are not encouraged t o seek an internship
course a s s i gnrnent during the i n t e r i m . I n t e r n s h i p s
a r e open t o students who continue an i n t e r n s h i p
from t h e f a l l term or who begin i n t e r n s h i p which
w i l l continue i n t o the s p r i n g term. Students
e l e c t i n g an i n t e r n s h i p i n t e r i m are t o present a
completed i n t e r n s h i p l e a r n i n g contract t o t h e
I n t e r n s h i p O f f i c e (Science, Room 135) no l a t e r
than Monday, November 20.
Independent o r D i r e c t e d Study
Students may e l e c t a program o f e i t h e r independent
(upper d i v i s i o n 499) o r d i r e c t e d study ( l o w e r
d i v i s i o n 299) f o r i n t e r i m . F a c u l t y members a r e
s t r o n g l y discouraged from accepting responsi b i 1 it y
f o r more than one independent o r d i r e c t e d study
p e r i n t e r i m . Students choosing t o pursue independent o r d i r e c t e d study must:
meet departmental requirements
present t o t h e i n t e r i m d i r e c t o r f o r
approval a copy o f t h e proposed study
p l a n approved by t h e s u p e r v i s i n g f a c u l t y
member. This proposal must be submi t t e d
a t l e a s t one week b e f o r e r e g i s t r a t i o n and
n o t l a t e r than November 30. Appropriate
study proposal forms can be obtained i n
the interim o f f i c e .
I n t e r i m s a t Other Schools
Augsburg students may e n r o l l a t any o t h e r 4-1-4
i n s t i t u t i o n which o f f e r s a r e c i p r o c a l i n t e r i m
arrangement. Catalogs o f these i n t e r i m o f f e r i n g s
can be consulted i n t h e I n t e r i m Center, Room 135,
Science. R e g i s t r a t i o n f o r i n t e r i m s i n t h e 'Twin
C i t y c o l l e g e s w i l l be done a t Augsburg d u r i n g t h e
r e g u l a r r e g i s t r a t i o n period. STudents i n t e r e s t e d
i n a t t e n d i n g any o t h e r i n s t i t u t i o n d u r i n g t h e
i n t e r i m should c o n s u l t t h e I n t e r i m D i r e c t o r o r
h i s secretary.
Augsburg College w i l l accept students from o t h e r
4-1-4 schools f o r t h e January i n t e r i m w i t h o u t
t u i t i o n charges provided t h e s t u d e n t ' s home
i n s t i t u t i o n agrees n o t t o charge t u i t i o n t o Augsburg
students f o r t h e January term. The waiver of t u i t i o n
does n o t i n c l u d e s p e c i a l fees charged i n a d d i t i o n
t o t u i t i o n . Other students w i 11 be charged $425
f o r t h e i n t e r i m course.
Students i n t e r e s t e d i n r e g i s t e r i n g f o r an Augsburg
I n t e r i m should w r i t e t o t h e I n t e r i m D i r e c t o r f o r
a p p r o p r i a t e a p p l i c a t i o n forms. These students a r e
responsible f o r t h e i r own housing and boarding
arrangements, though requests f o r on-campus housing
can be made t o t h e o f f i c e of t h e i n t e r i m d i r e c t o r .
The I n t e r i m day i s d i v i d e d i n t o two blocks of time.
The number and l e n g t h of c l a s s meetings as w e l l as
t h e beginning time w i l l be arranged t h e f i r s t day
o f class.
A l l I n t e r i m classes w i l l meet t h e f i r s t and l a s t
c l a s s days o f the i n t e r i m . Classes scheduled f o r
Period I w i l l meet t h e f i r s t day a t 9:00 and classes
scheduled f o r Period I 1 w i l l meet t h e f i r s t day a t
1 :oo.
November 7
Interim Registration
December 6
Late Interim Registration
January 3
F i r s t Day of I n t e r i m
Class I 9:00 a.m.
Class I 1 1:00 p.m.
January 4
L a s t day f o r cancelladd
January 8
L a s t day f o r determining
grading system
January 19
L a s t day f o r c a n c e l l i n g c l a s s
January 26
I n t e r i m ends
T h i s c a t a l o g 1 i s t s courses by departments w i t h
departments l i s t e d i n a l p h a b e t i c a l order. A t t h e
end o f t h e book are l i s t i n g s o f s p e c i a l overseas
i n t e r i m s o f f e r e d by S t . Olaf College and o t h e r
courses n o t o f f e r e d by Augsburg College b u t recognized
by t h e College f o r i n t e r i m c r e d i t . F u r t h e r d e s c r i p t i o n s and information about these collrses a r e
available i n the interim o f f i c e .
Check w i t h t h e I n t e r i m Office (Science 135) and t h e
I n t e r i m Secretary, Marie Wave1 Lander, o r w i t h t h e
I n t e r i m D i r e c t o r , Dr. Don Gustafson. The i n t e r i m
phone i s 332-5181, Extension 403.
The f o l l o w i n g i n t e r n a t i o n a l i n t e r i m s a r e o f f e r e d
by S t . Olaf College and a r e open t o Augsburg
students, F u r t h e r academic d e s c r i p t i o n , t r a v e l
d e t a i l s and c o s t estimates a r e a v a i l a b l e i n t h e
i n t e r i m o f f i c e and from Mary K i n g s l e y i n t h e
I n t e r n a t i o n a l Center, Room 126 of Memorial H a l l .
Students i n t e r e s t e d i n p a r t i c i p a t i n g i n one of
these i n t e r n a t i o n a l i n t e r i m s should a p p l y i n t h e
I n t e r n a t i o n a l Center before November 1.
The A r t s of Central and Southern Europe
Mediterranean C u l t u r e (Greece)
I r i s h C i v i l i z a t i o n and L i t e r a t u r e
French Language and C u l t u r e (Cannes)
French Language, C u l t u r e and Theatre i n P a r i s
Theatre i n London
C h r i s t i a n Rome i n A.D.
L i b e r a t i o n Theology (Mexico)
Puerto R i can S o c i e t y and C u l t u r e
I n t e n s i v e I n t e r m e d i a t e Spanish (Mexico)
F o l k R e l i g i o n i n Taiwan
Cross-Cul t u r a l Psycho1ogy (Hawai i)
Augsburg College
Interim, 1979
Course Descriptions
Ralph Crowder
The c e n t r a l t h r u s t o f t h i s course i s t o examine t h e
n a t i o n a l debate on t h e c h a r a c t e r and d e s t i n y o f
African-Americans d u r i n g the years 1800-1 91 5. What
was t h e r a t i o n a l e i n t h e w h i t e psyche which condoned
s l a v e r y , lynchings, sexual e x p l o i t a t i o n and a n a t i o n a l
p o l i c y which r e l e g a t e d the Black Community t o unwanted
a l i e n s , c h i l d l i k e beings, o r beast o f burden? Why
was i t necessary f o r t h e s o - c a l l e d Negro t o be stereotyped as subhuman? U t i l i z i n g t h e arguments presented
by pro-slavery, a b o l i t i o n i s t s , educators, s c i e n t i s t s ,
i n t e l l e c t u a l s , p o l i t i c i a n s and t h e media
course attempts t o analyze the Black image i n t h e
w h i t e mind. The works o f such contemporary scholars
as George F r e d i ckson , John Henri k Clarke, Franci s
Welsing and Lawrence Friedman w i l l be j o i n e d w i t h
p i o n e e r scholars t o a s c e r t a i n why American s o c i e t y
r e f used t o recognize the humanity o f B l ack Ameri cans.
A mid-term, f i n a l exam and term paper w i l l be
r e q u i r e d f o r the course.
Science 318
ART 10242110342
I n s t r u c t o r : Paul Rusten
T h i s course i s designed t o teach
p r a c t i c a l l a b experience. There
and d i s c u s s i o n o f t h e e x p r e s s i v e
elements o f f i l m . Students w i l l
film-making through
w i l l be o b s e r v a t i o n
and s t r u c t u r a l
make a 16mm sound
There i s a l a b f e e o f $70.00
None f o r Film-making I
You must have taken Film-making I i n
o r d e r t o r e g i s t e r f o r Film-making 11.
F i l m Center,
East H a l l
ART 10247
Norman Holen
You w i l l be introduced t o t h e 2B and 4B p e n c i l s ,
t h e charcoal penci 1, and p a s t e l s .
The f i g u r e w i l l be d e p i c t e d i n v a r i o u s s e t t i n g s ,
w i t h a v a r i e t y o f media, f o r v a r y i n g l e n g t h s o f
time. The poses w i l l extend from one minute t o
an hour and a h a l f .
There i s no t e x t and t h e r e a r e no t e s t s . You
a r e graded on your drawings and attendance i s
There i s a f e e o f $12.00 t o be p a i d on t h e f i r s t
day o f c l a s s .
A r t Studio 6
BIOLOGY 201 02
I n s t r u c t o r : Erwin Mickelberg
A study o f t h e r o l e p l a n t l i f e has and i s p l a y i n g i n
human s o c i e t i e s . P l a n t anatomy, morphology, geography
and t h e r e l a t i o n s h i p o f p l a n t s t o people w i l l be
discussed. A b r i e f survey o f t h e e n t i r e p l a n t kingdom
w i l l conclude t h e course.
Science 123
BIOLOGY: 20106
Instructor: R. Lammers
R . Sulerud
"Scientific creationists" revive the argument against
the theory of evolution, and a debate i s held a t the
University of Minnesota. A book i s published claiming
the production of a cloned human, b u t the developmental
biologists react negatively. Farmers engage in verbal
(and sometimes physical ) battle with environmentalists
over the "endangered" status of wolves in Minnesota. A
nobel 1 aureate argues the genetic inferiority of blacks
and geneticists reply.
The popular press abounds in a r t i c l e s relating to
controversies related to biology. There are disputes
between biologists and others as well as sharp disagreements among biologists. Several of the issues will be
considered in t h i s course including the following:
Evolution; genetic engineering ( e .g. , cloning,
recombinant DNA); abortion; eugeEics and racism; 1 i f e
on other planets and the environmentalist movement.
Readings wi 11 be assigned and topics will be introduced
by the instructors. There will be ample time f o r
discussion and a number of guests will be invited to
participate. As time and arrangements allow, a few
f i e l d t r i p s may be taken. Students will concentrate
on one topic as the basis of an oral ( i f possible) or
written report. Eva1 uation will be based on the
report, an examination relating to the topics
considered, and class discussions.
High school biology or an introductory
coll ege biology course.
Science 205
BIOLOGY 2 0 3 0 1
I n s t r u c t o r : Neal Thorpe
The development o f t h e m a j o r i t y o f t h e p r e s e n t
concepts i n b i o l o g y has been h e a v i l y dependent upon
t h e use o f an a r r a y o f s o p h i s t i c a t e d r e s e a r c h t o o l s .
T h i s course w i l l i n t r o d u c e t h e s t u d e n t t o t h e
t h e o r e t i c a l b a s i s o f a p p r o x i m a t e l y two dozen i m p o r t a n t
b i o l o g i c a l methods such as chromatography, e l e c t r o p h o r e s i s , spectrophotometry, s c i n t i l a t i o n c o u n t i n g
and microscopy. I t w i l l a l s o r e q u i r e an i n depth
i n v e s t i g a t i o n o f one s e l e c t e d method w i t h t h e
o b j e c t i v e o f developing an a p p r o p r i a t e experimental
e x e r c i s e t h a t c l e a r l y demonstrates a t h e o r e t i c a l
p r i n c i p l e . The s t u d e n t w i l l t e s t and v a l i d a t e t h e
method, w r i t e i t up, and p r e s e n t i t o r a l l y .
B i o l o g y 111, 112
Chemistry 115, 116 ( o r 105, 106)
Science 2 1 2
I n s t r u c t o r : Amin Kader
T h i s course w i l l survey common and i m p o r t a n t p r o v i s i o n s
o f f e d e r a l and Minnesota income taxes f o r i n d i v i d u a l s
w i t h emphasis on completing t h e 1040 t a x form. Not
open t o majors i n Economics and Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n .
Science 320
I n s t r u c t o r : K e i s h i r o Matsumoto
The o b j e c t i v e i s t o i n t r o d u c e students t o t h e elements
o f d i s c r e t e event s i m u l a t i o n and r e l a t e d computer
programming techniques. D i s c r e t e event s i m u l a t i o n i s
an approach t o problem s o l v i n g . I n essence, t h e
method r e p l i c a t e s t h e s e t t i n g o f a p a r t i c u l a r problem
by w r i t i n g a computer program which can c a p t u r e i t s
i m p o r t a n t c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s and hence c l o s e l y reproduce
t h e a c t u a l problem s e t t i n g . Then, v a r i o u s a l t e r n a t i v e s t o s o l v i n g t h e problem can be t e s t e d by
c o n d u c t i n g experiments based on t h e computer program.
C l e a r l y , t h e approach i s p a r t i c u l a r l y s u i t e d f o r
business decision-making problems i n v o l v i n g a l a r g e
number o f v a r i a b l e s and substantPa1 c a p i t a l out1 ay.
M a t e r i a l s t o be presented i n t h e course i n c l u d e :
1 ) b a s i c concepts o f s i m u l a t i o n , 2 ) model b u i 1d i n g
and computer programming techniques , and 3 ) e x p e r i m e n t a t i o n and s t a t i s t i c a l a n a l y s i s . Note t h a t
a p p l i c a t i o n problems t o be considered i n t h e course
a r e p r i m a r i l y o r i e n t e d toward business and economics.
Procedures t o be used i n meeting t h e o b j e c t i v e w i l l
be t h r o u g h l e c t u r e and computer programming l a b o r a t o r y . E v a l u a t i o n w i l l i n v o l v e homework assignments
and examinations. A s p e c i a l f e e o f $15.00 i s
r e q u ir e d
A t l e a s t one s t a t i s t i c s course o r t h e
consent o f t h e i n s t r u c t o r
Main 23
Instructor: Arlin Gyberg
T h i s i s a non-laboratory chemistry course based on t h e
very popular book by John W. Hill o f the same t i t l e .
It i s n o t a traditional chemistry course and does n o t
assume t h e science background. Basic science and math
a r e introduced early and are taught as needed f o r
understanding t h e various t o p i c s and implications.
The course does assume the student i s interested in
and concerned about the r e l a t i o n s h i p o f chemistry to
life and living.
Chemistry has been intimately a part o f liberal educat i o n f o r centuries. The early s c i e n t i s t s were c o n s i dered to be phi losophers and t h e i r societies were
philosophical societies. In recent decades t h e human
seeking of personal independence has led to chemistry
becoming a part o f everyday l i f e t o the p o i n t o f
actual dependence on chemistry. We l i v e i n a world
of p e s t i c i d e s , f e r t i l i z e r s , p l a s t i c s , "the p i l l " , food
a d d i t i v e s and processed foods, v i t a m i n supplements,
the energy c r i s i s , chemical dependency, biocides,
pol 1 u t a n t s , drugs, searching f o r 1i fe on other p l a n e t s ,
genetic manipulation,-and i t goes on and on. Emotions
and mental disorders can o f t e n be traced to chemical
imbalance. The common dragged out, grumpy feel i n g
a f t e r an afternoon nap i s a result o f a chemical
imbalance, The nature o f a hangover i s the result o f
a complex system of a ?t e r ~ dbody chemistry. Even
1earni ng appears to be the resul t of chemi ca1 r e a c t i o n
to form a "memory m o l e ~ u l e ' ~ ,Most o f the problems we
face are molecular in nature, What then b u t chemistry
can better h e l p us t o understand ourselves, our
society, our world, and our universe? Come join us
as we take a molecular look at the human condition.
T h i s course w511 be o f f e r e d i n a l e c t u r e l d i s c u s s i o n
format. F i l m s w i l l supplement t h e lecture/
d i s c u s s i o n periods. Quizzes, t e s t s and a paper
w i l l be used f o r e v a l u a t i o n . This course does n o t
s a t i s f y p r e r e q u i s i t e s f o r Chemistry 106, 116 or 223.
Science 315
CHEMISTRY 3 4 3 0 1
I n s t r u c t o r : W i 11iam Mu1doon
The increase i n knowledge o f t h e pathology o f disease
s t a t e s and t h e c o m p l e x i t i e s o f treatment m o d a l i t i e s
has heightened t h e search f o r knowledge o f t h e
molecular mechanics i n v o l v e d on these processes. The
r e c o g n i t i o n by t h e Nobel Committee i n 1977 o f
D r . Rosalyn S. Yalow's c o n t r i b u t i o n t o t h e area o f
Physiology o r Medicine, s p e c i f i c a l l y the development
o f the Radioimmunoassay (RIA), f u r t h e r emphasizes
t h e importance o f t h e study o f radioimmunology.
T h i s course w i l l serve t o i n t r o d u c e the theory o f
Immunology and s p e c i f i c a l l y how i t r e l a t e s t o
radioimmunoassay. Topics covered w i 11 begin w i t h
b a s i c immunology and then i n c l u d e the h i s t o r i c a l
development, t h e o r e t i c a l basis, t e c h n i c a l developments
and data a n a l y s i s o f t h e R I A . "Wet" l a b s and/or
demonstrations w i l l be used t o r e i n f o r c e t h e d i d a c t i c
One semester o r e q u i v a l e n t of
Organic Chenistry.
One semester o r e q u i v a l e n t o f
Biochemistry o r w i t h permission
o f Instructor.
Science 318
CHEMISTRY 3 4 4 8 5
I n s t r u c t o r : D r . Richard Olmsted
The importance o f observations made i n physics and
chemistry by a n a l y z i n g the s c a t t e r i n g of p a r t i c l e s
o r waves can h a r d l y be exaggerated. For t h e l a s t
h a l f c e n t u r y especially, many o f the most i m p o r t a n t
d i s c o v e r l es have been made by c o l 1is i on experiments.
They range from R u t h e r f o r d ' s discovery o f t h e atomic
nucleus, over atomic and nuclear spectroscopy, t o
n u c l e a r f i s s i o n and t h e f i n d i n g o f t h e fundamental
p a r t i c l e s and t h e i r p r o p e r t i e s . I f we add t o these
phenomena a l l the observations made by a n a l y s i s o f
l i g h t s c a t t e r i n g , t h e l i s t becomes t r u l y impressive.
T h i s course i s designed t o be an i n t e n s i v e i n t r o d u c t i o n t o s c a t t e r i n g theory. I t begins w i t h a study o f
t h e b a s i c c l a s s i c a l ideas about t h e s c a t t e r i n g o f
p a r t i c l e s and progresses through t h e b a s i c quantum
mechanical d e s c r i p t i o n . Complications a r i s i n g due
t o p a r t i c l e s having i n t e r n a l degrees o f freedom a r e
a1 so d i scussed.
Chem 483 o r Physics 486 o r equ'ivalent
Science 401
Instructor: Lauretta Pelton
This course offers the opportunity f o r one t o
discover the discoverer
Because a kindergarten
chi I d i s rapidly openlng doors t o knowledge, a
teacher needs t o know a t what stage each c h i l d i s
and how t o provide an environment i n which t h e child
can expl ore and experience 1earning. The course w i 11
include a study o f kindergarten curriculum, explorat i o n o f materials, and a review o f teaching approaches.
Laboratory experi ences wi 11 be arranged. Thi s course
i s a prerequisite t o student teaching a t the kindergarten level and t o obtaining a 1icense f o r teaching
a t K level. Grades will be based on quizzes, projects
and research.
Prerequisite: Admittance into the Augsburg Education
program o r an elementary school
teaching c e r t i f i c a t e .
Room: L i b r a r y 4
Instructor: Barry Franklin
An introduction to the study of the typical
exceptional ities exhibited by children and adolescents. The course will examine the causes,
characteristics, and educational interventions
for such exceptional i ties as mental retardation,
language and communication disorders, vision and
hearing impairment, physical disabi 1 i ties, learning
disabilities and behavior disorders, and giftedness.
The course wi 11 involve the student in readings,
wri ttenloral presentations, and fie1d trips to
selected facilities for meeting the needs of
exceptional individuals. Course requirements will
be a paper accompanied by an oral presentation to
the class on an exceptionality of student's choice
(the research can deal with causes, characteristics,
or edutational interventions). There wi 11
be an examination. Students can anticipate a small
fee for field trip expenses. Students not in
education are welcome in the course.
Prerequisites: a general psychology course or
permission of instructor
Room: Library 4
Instructor: She1don Fardi g
Students will be placed in a classroom for f u l l days.
Opportunities are provided for experience in observing
and d i recti ng 1earning experiences on the secondary
school level under t h e supervision of college and
high school personnel. Seminars are held on a
regular basi s during the student teaching experience.
Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor
Students should confer with instructor
about appropriate course numbers.
EDUCATION 44481, 44482, 44483
o r 44484*
I n s t r u c t o r : Steven Reuter
This course o f f e r s t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o l e a r n about and
t o demonstrate knowledge and s k i l l s i n v o l v e d w i t h
teaching t h e young c h i 1d. The course w i 11 concentrate
on d e t a i l s e s s e n t i a l t o t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n o f a good
program f o r c h i l d r e n , records, r e p o r t s , p h y s i c a l
f a c i l i t i e s , equipment and p a r e n t a l involvement.
Students w i l l be r e q u i r e d t o have 160 c h i l d c o n t a c t
hours. Placement w i l l be arranged by i n s t r u c t o r .
Acceptance i n t o t h e Education
Department and permission o f i n s t r u c t o r
Students should c o n f e r w i t h i n s t r u c t o r about
a p p r o p r i a t e course number.
ENGLISH 5 4 1 3 7 1 5 4 4 3 7
I n s t r u c t o r : R i c h a r d Sargent
We w i l l s t u d y t h e major p l a y s and poems o f Shakespeare, w i t h p a r t i c u l a r a t t e n t i o n t o t h e theme o f
t h e f a m i l y . A t t h e h e a r t o f most of Shakespeare's
works i s a p r o b i n g o f f a m i l y r e l a t i o n s h i p s and
f a m i l y i n t e r a c t i o n s . We w i l l s t u d y t h e works o f
Shakespeare from t h e p o i n t o f view o f f a m i l y
t h e r a p i s t s such as V i r g i n i a S a t i r ( h e r book
Peoplemaking w i l l be one o f t h e assigned t e x t s ) .
P r i o r experience w i t h Shakespeare i s n o t a
requirement. b u t those who have a l r e a d y had a
c o l l e g e - l e v e l course i n Shakespeare a r e welcome;
t h e y w i l l be encouraged t o do s p e c i a l p r o j e c t s
r e l a t e d t o t h e theme o f t h e f a m i l y . E v a l u a t i o n
w i l l be based on essay exams and s e v e r a l papers;
s t u d e n t s w i l l be expected t o use t h e i d e a s o f S a t i r
t o approach Shakespeare, b u t t h e course w i l l n o t
be c o n f i n e d s o l e l y t o a c o n s i d e r a t i o n o f f a m i l y
systems i n S-hakespeare. E f f e c t i v e W r i t i n g i s
n o t a p r e r e q u i s i t e , b u t s t u d e n t s w i 11 be e x p ~ c t z d
t o write with clarity.
Main 2
ENGLISH 5421 2
I n s t r u c t o r : Dave Wood
"Heritage Reporter" explores s t r a t e g i e s f o r
e f f e c t i v e l y w r i t i n g about one's family, one's
community, o r an i n s t i t u t i o n t h a t f i g u r e s or has
f i g u r e d largely i n t h e s t u d e n t - r e p o r t e r ' s 1 i f e .
Techniques of f i c t i o n and non-f ic t i on are reveal ed
t o t h e students by means o f comprehensive reading
1ist. No exams. Students are expected t o submit
a 20-30 page "Heritage Booklet" on a s u b j e c t o f
t h e i r choice a t course's end. Grade w i l l be P/N
Students having taken English 491 i n s p r i n g o f
1978 may n o t r e g i s t e r f o r t h i s course.
E n g l i s h 111
L i b r a r y 201
ENGLISH 5 4 3 2 2
I n s t r u c t o r : Ron Palosaari
Vonnegu t ' s work has a t t r a c t e d both p o p u l a r readers
and 1iterary c r i t i c s . Our reading w i 11 i n c l u d e
The Sirens o f T i t a n , P l a y e ~Piano, Mother N i g h t ,
C a t ' s c r a d l e , Slaughter House Five, and B r e a k f a s t
o f Champions, We w i l l a l s o read some o f t h e s h o r t
s t o r i e s and n o n - f i c t i o n o f Vonnegut. Students w i l l
do e i t h e r i n d i v i d u a l o r group r e p o r t s on some
aspect o f Vonnegut's work. There w i l l be a t l e a s t
one s h o r t paper and one exam.
~ r e r e q usi i t e :
One L i t e r a t u r e course
Music 22
I n s t r u c t o r : D r . Ruth Aaskov
Major works o f French l i t e r a t u r e a r e e a s i l y a v a i l a b l e
i n E n g l i s h t r a n s l a t i o n . These can, w i t h c a r e f u l and
d i r e c t e d reading, provide t h e b a s i s f o r e x p l o r i n g
French humanistic self-expression i n i t s much admired
l i t e r a r y forms. Most o f t h e o u t - o f - c l a s s time w i l l be
spent i n reading 8-10 French authors, represented i n
s h o r t e r , complete o r s e l f - c o n t a i n e d works, some
i n f o r m a t i o n a l reading, and systematic p r e p a r a t i o n f o r
small group discussions. Two b r i e f r e p o r t s and a
modest i n d i v i d u a l study w i l l be p a r t o f t h e course.
Class a c t i v i t i e s w i l l vary from b r i e f l e c t u r e s t o
small group discussion and presentations. One o f f campus r e 1ated a c t i v i t y w i 11 be planned i f avai 1able.
E v a l u a t i o n w i l l be based on l a r g e and small group
p a r t i c i p a t i o n , responsible reading and r e p o r t i n g ,
and several 15-30 minute quizzes. The course i s
planned f o r the general student w i t h o u t reading
know1edge o f French. Know1edge of another 1it e r a t u r e
i s u s e f u l b u t n o t required.
Sophomore standing o r permission o f
Main 7
I n s t r u c t o r : Mary E. Johnson
A study ( i n French) o f many d i f f e r e n t ' kinds o f
f a n t a s t i c t r a v e l s conceived by French w r i t e r s and
adventurers between the t h i r t e e n t h and. t h e t w e n t i e t h
century, from t r i p s t o t h e moon (Cyrano de Bergerac)
t o t h e bottom o f t h e sea (Jules Verne) and more.
Readings w i l l be supplemented by films; d i s c u s s i o n
and a paper i n French. Counts toward the French
major. Available t o intermediate-level students
i n French by permission o f t h e i n s t r u c t o r ; r e q u i r e ments w i l l be different for intermediate and advanced
1eve1 s .
French 70311 o r permission o f t h e
Main 7
I n s t r u c t o r : W i l l i a m Olyer
Works stud1ed r e f l e c t t h e c r i s e s and upheavals o f
the 20th century experience which a r e n o t u n i q u e l y
German, b u t a r e u n i v e r s a l i n nature. Topf cs wi 11
include: the anonymity o f u r b a n - i n d u s t r i a l 11fe,
t h e search f o r personal i d e n t i t y and s e c u r i t y , the .
uses o f power, war, p o l f t i c a l change and confrontat i o n w i t h u l t i m a t e questions o f 1 i f e and death.
Works by Kafka, Hesse, Brecht, Durrenmatt, e t a l ,
w i l l be discussed. Evaluation through student c l a s s
p a r t i c i p a t i o n and f i n a l exam. This course i s a
v a r i a t i o n o f German L i t e r a t u r e i n Trans1 a t i o n (244).
Since t h e two courses a r e n o t i d e n t i c a l , students
who have taken 244 may g e t c r e d i t f o r 245. C r e d i t
does n o t apply t o a major o r a minor i n German.
P r e r e q u i s i t e s r None
Main 2
I n s t r u c t o r - : t i v Dahl
I n t r o d u c t i o n o f t h e f o u r b a s i c Tanguage s k i 11s :
speaking, Tistening, reading and w r i t i n g . Stress
on spaken r a t h e r than l i t e r a r y Norwegian. Oral
and w r i t t e n t e s t s . Laboratory work expected.
P r e r e q u i s i t e s : None
Dis tri b u t i on : Yes
Mai-n 3
I n s t r u c t o r : L e i f Hanson
I n t e n s i v e p r a c t i c e i n spoken Norwegian w i t h emphasis
on p r o n u n c i a t i o n and o r i g i n a l composition. Some
a t t e n t i o n given t o r e g i o n a l v a r i a t i o n s i n spoken
Norwegian and t o d i f f e r e n c e s between t h e two o f f i c i a l
languages o f Norway. Oral and w r i t t e n t e s t s . Some
1a b o r a t o r y work and f i e l d experience r e q u i r e d . No
s p e c i a l fees.
Intermediate level
Main 3
I n s t r u c t o r : Richard Borstad
P r i n c i p l e s and p r a c t i c e s o f s a f e t y education i n
I n c l udes Ameri can
school and communi t y 1 if e
Red Cross F i r s t A i d Course.
This o f f e r i n g
equals o n l y 112 course c r e d i t .
I (January 3
Gym 12
I n s t r u c t o r : Joyce P f a f f
T h i s course w i l l i n c l u d e a pharmacological a n a l y s i s
o f drugs o f abuse, a l o o k a t t h e disease process and
t r e a t m e n t m o d a l i t i e s , as w e l l as immediate and
temporary c a r e g i v e n t o i n d i v i d u a l s i n a drug
emergency. I t w i l l pay, s p e c i a l a t t e n t i o n t o t h e
drug problems a f u t u r e teacher m i g h t have t o deal
w i t h i n t h e classroom s e t t i n g . Grades w i l l be
determined by 2 w r i t t e n t e s t s c o v e r i n g t h e l e c t u r e s
and t e x t book.
T h i s o f f e r i n g equals o n l y 1/2 course c r e d i t .
(January 16
Gym 12
I n s t r u c t o r : LaVonne Peterson
Theory and p r a c t i c e i n t e a c h i n g r e c r e a t i o n a l
a c t i v i t i e s , s o c i a l r e c r e a t i o n , q u i e t games, l o w
o r g a n i z e d games, noon hour a c t i v i t i e s , camp n i g h t s ,
m o d i f i e d games, s i m p l y r h y t h m i c games, f o l k and
square dancing
This offering
equals o n l y 112 course c r e d i t .
I (January 3
I n s t r u c t o r : Pamela Paulson
An i n t r o d u c t o r y course i n modern dance technique
and c r e a t i v e composition i n c l u d i n g e x p l o r a t i o n o f
movement, energy, form and design. No previous
experience necessary.
This o f f e r i n g equals o n l y 112 course c r e d i t .
I (January 3
HISTORY 561 36156336
I n s t r u c t o r : Richard Nelson
Through primary and secondary sources t h i s course
w i l l consider the causes and consequences o f war
i n a n c i e n t Mediterranean World. Strategy and
t a c t i c s , techno1 ogy and personal iti es w i 11 be major
considerations. Students w i l l be r e q u i r e d t o
complete a term p r o j e c t . While a paper w i l l be
acceptable, students w i l l be urged t o do something
l e s s t r a d i t i o n a l e.g. map work, t e r r a i n a n a l y s i s ,
b a t t l e planning, model b u i l d i n g , e t c . While war
gaming i s o f g r e a t i n t e r e s t , t h i s course w i l l n o t
be i n v o l v e d w i t h t h a t phenomenon.
Students e n r o l l i n g f o r upper d i v i s i o n c r e d i t w i l l
be r e q u i r e d t o complete a more complex p r o j e c t
than lower d i v i s i o n r e g i s t r a n t s .
Main 19
HISTORY 5 6 2 5 5 / 5 6 4 5 5
I n s t r u c t o r : Khin Khin Jensen
The modern h i s t o r y o f Japan and South Korea w i l l be
examined throuqh a s p e c i a l focus on t h e s i s n i f i c a n c e s
k K o t o , ~ i r o s h i m a-and ~ e o u l .
o f 4 major c i t i e s : ~ o o,
Topics t o be e x p l o r e d i n c l u e urban and economic
development, p o l l u t i o n , I m p e r i a l i s m , C h r i s t i a n
missions, World war 11, t h e Korean war, c u l t u r a l l i f e
and t h e changing r o l e o f Japanese and Korean women.
F i l m s , s l i d e s , Japanese and Korean c u l t u r a l resources
f r o m t h e T w i n - c i t i e s w i l l be u t i l i z e d . There w i l l be
some f i e l d t r i p s t o observe Japanese and Korean
products, a r t i f a c t s and cooking. Students should
budget $10.00 - $12.00 f o r t h e f i e l d t r i p .
F i n a l grades w i l l be based on p a r t i c i p a t i o n i n c l a s s
d i s c u s s i o n s , a c t i v i t i e s and f i e l d t r i p s as w e l l as a
f i n a l exam. Upper d i v i s i o n s t u d e n t s w i l l be expected
t o do a p r o j e c t .
Library 1
I n s t r u c t o r : Carl C h r i s l o c k
A survey o f Norwegian-American h i s t o r y from ca. 1825
t o 1925. Emphasis i s on process o f coming t o terms
w i t h American s o c i e t y , and on d i s s i m i l a r pace o f
"accul t u r a t i o n " and "assimi 1a t i o n " . Aids t o i n s t r u c t i o n w i l l include a text, a v a r i e t y o f selected
Both l e c t u r e
readings, and a u d i o - v i s u a l m a t e r i a l
and c l a s s d i s c u s s i o n w i l l be employed. Grades w i l l
be based on performance i n d i s c u s s i o n and on an
examination. Weather p e r m i t t i n g , one f i e l d t r i p
w i l l be organized. Each s t u d e n t i s expected t o
c a r r y through a s p e c i a l p r o j e c t planned i n c o n s u l t a tion with instructor.
Students who have taken H i s t o r y 56331 Scandinavian
80331 may n o t r e g i s t e r f o r t h i s course.
Main 11B
I n s t r u c t o r : Frederick Hale
Has t h e church s a c r i f i c e d i t s freedom t o be t h e
T h i s course w i l l e x p l o r e v a r i o u s problems between
churches and c i v i l governments p a s t and present.
The p e r i o d up t o about 1800 w i l l be handled b r i e f l y ,
t h e 1 9 t h and 20th c e n t u r i e s i n more d e t a i l , f o c u s i n g
on Germany, Scandinavia, and t h e United States.
There w i l l be one s h o r t research paper and one o r
two exams.
R e l i g i o n 111 o r 221
Main 8
I n s t r u c t o r : My1es Stenshoel
A study o f t h e j u d i c i a l p o l i c y making i n cases d e a l i n g
w i t h gender-based d i s c r i m i n a t i o n , a b o r t i o n , obscenity
and o t h e r sex-re1 ated issues
Students w i 11 research,
analyze and c r i t i c i z e o p i n i o n s o f t h e U n i t e d States
Supreme Court i n one o f these o r r e l a t e d areas,
p r e s e n t i n g t h e i r f i n d i n g s b o t h t o t h e group and i n
a research paper.
Pol Sci 170, 370, o r 371, o r
permission o f i n s t r u c t o r .
Main 19
I n s t r u c t o r s : Don Warren
Joe Volker
Students i n t h i s course w i l l e x p l o r e t h e concept
o f t h e male and female "hero" i n American f i l m . Class
discussions w i l l focus on v a r i o u s kinds o f "heroes" and
what these characters r e v e a l about t h e f i l m i n d u s t r y
and t h e c u l t u r e which produced them: students w i l l
view i n c l a s s f i l m s which p o r t r a y t h e t r a d i t i o n a l
hero, t h e romantic hero, t h e r e b e l hero, and t h e
I n a d d i t i o n , students w i l l study f i l m
composition and e d i t i n g and t h e e f f e c t s these f i l m
techniques have upon t h e audience. Course o b j e c t i v e s
w i l l be evaluated through an o b j e c t i v e t e s t on f i l m
theory, t h e keeping o f s t u d e n t j o u r n a l s , and an essay
f i n a l examination. A l a b f e e o f $5.00 w i l l be charged
each student t o h e l p d e f r a y c o s t s o f f i l m r e n t a l s .
Science 123
Instructor: Catherine Nicholl
A study o f women i n V i c t o r i a n England, considering
the preva i 1 i n g images o f and theories about women,
t h e i r actual condi tion--1 egal , social , and economic-and t h e i r achievements. Materials used n i l 1 include
V i c t o r i a n novels, essays, poetry, p a i n t i n g s , l e t t e r s ,
biographies, journals, documents, and h e a l t h and
harn~rnaking manuals . Speci f i e t o p i c s s t u d i e d , e i t h e r
by t h e class a s a whole o r by individuals, may
include women a t home ( w i v e s and daughters), domestic
s e r v a n t s , governesses, factory workers, p r o s t i t u t e s ,
women k sduccaion, early femini s t s , the s u f f r a g e movement, family planning, and such individuals a s
Florence Nightingale, Jane Carlyle, Josephine But1 e r ,
and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. In add4 t i o n t o reading
and class discussion, each student w i l l work on a
substantial project leading e i t h e r t o a paper o r
( i n most cases) a c l a s s presentation.
Prerequ i s i t e s : None
Counts toward Women's Studies C e r t i f i c a t e
Room: Library 201
I n s t r u c t o r s : Susan Nash
Helen Woe1 f e l
I f medicine and law were female p r o f e s s i o n s and s o c i a l
work and n u r s i n g male p r o f e s s i o n s , who would h o l d t h e
power today? What f o r c e s i n f l u e n c e o u r c a r e e r
d e c i s i o n s and r o l e s ? How do we as men and women
e x e r c i s e c o n t r o l over o u r l i v e s and v o c a t i o n s ? Using
a l e c t u r e / d i s c u s s i o n format, s t u d e n t s w i l l e x p l o r e
t h e r e l a t i o n s h i p between s e x - r o l e s o c i a l i z a t i o n and
r o l e s w i t h i n contemporary s o c i e t y (e.g. s o c i a l
workers, teachers, lawyers, nurses, d o c t o r s , counselors,
The c l a s s w i l l examine t h e i n f l u e n c e s o c i e t a l
values have on women and power o r t h e l a c k o f i t .
C o n s i d e r a t i o n w i l l be g i v e n t o some s p e c i a l h e a l t h
needs o f women, resources a v a i l a b l e and r e l a t e d
d i s c i p l i n a r y concerns. Eva1 u a t i o n s w i l l be made on
t h e b a s i s o f group p r e s e n t a t i o n s and on a paper
and penci 1 exami n a t i on.
Any s t u d e n t o f j u n i o r o r s e n i o r
s t a n d i n g o r by p e r m i s s i o n o f
Counts toward Women's S t u d i e s C e r t i f i c a t e .
Music 22
I n s t r u c t o r s : Toni C l a r k
Mary Ki n g s l ey
An i n t r o d u c t i o n t o t h e c u l t u r e s o f England, France,
Spain and I t a l y from a f e m i n i s t p e r s p e c t i v e . The
h i s t o r i c a l p o s i t i o n o f women w i 11 be examined
through assigned reading before t h e I n t e r i m ; t h e
images of women presented through t h e v i s u a l a r t s
o f each c o u n t r y w i l l be analyzed and discussed.
Special a t t e n t i o n given t o drama i n England, and
i n t e r v i e w s w i l l be arranged w i t h women from t h e f o u r
c o u n t r i e s . Tours o f museums and g a l l e r i e s , plays,
reading and discussions included. E v a l u a t i o n
based on discussions and a j o u r n a l . Grades w i l l be
Pass/No c r e d i t . The c o s t i s $1,095.00
Counts toward Women's Studies C e r t i f i c a t e
I n s t r u c t o r s : Bruce Reichenbach
Gunta Rozental s
The conquering Spaniards discovered i n t h e Americas,
n o t bands o f savages, b u t h i g h l y developed and
i n t r i c a t e l y s t r u c t u r e d c u l t u r e s . A study o f t h e
h i s t o r y , r e 1 i g i o n , government, a g r i c u l t u r a l techniques,
and d a i l y l i f e o f two o f these a n c i e n t c u l t u r e s - t h e
Aztec and t h e Maya - by l o o k i n g a t what t h e y have l e f t
us. The program w i l l v i s i t t h e l a r g e s t a n c i e n t
pyramids i n t h e Americas i n Mexico City, analyze t h e
i n t r i c a t e stone work i n t h e Yucatan, and e x p l o r e t h e
j u n g l e c i t y o f T i k a l i n t h e Guatemalan r a i n f o r e s t .
The impact o f Spanish c o l o n i a l r u l e on these s o c i e t i e s
w i l l be observed by v i s i t i n g c o l o n i a l s i t e s i n Mexico
and b e a u t i f u l , volcano-surrounded Antigua i n Guatemala.
The c o s t w i l l be $975.
b a s i s only.
O p t i o n A:
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Yes
Option B:
Grading on a Pass/No c r e d i t
Foreign Language
Foreign Language
1 term o f c o l l e g e Spanish o r e q u i v a l e n t
I n t e r d i s c i p l i n a r y 60381
No p r e r e q u i s i t e s and no d i s t r i b u t i o n .
I n s t r u c t o r : Ben Cooper
I n t h i s course we w i l l examine some o f t h e evidence
f o r the often-expressed f e e l i n g t h a t music and
mathematics a r e somehow r e l a t e d . A c t u a l l y , t h e r e
a r e two kinds o f contact: (1) d i r e c t a p p l i c a t i o n s
o f mathematics t o t h e rudiments o r foundations o f
music, i n c l u d i n g such t o p i c s as t h e mathematics o f
acoustics, tempered tuning, and t h e geometry
i n h e r e n t i n t h e r u l e s o f twelve-tone composition;
( 2 ) analogies between t h e ways composers and
mathematicians c r e a t e and evaluate t h e i r work,
i n c l u d i n g such t o p i c s as the composition o f canons,
p r o b a b i l i s t i c t h e o r i e s as t o what c o n s t i t u t e s s t y l e ,
and a e s t h e t i c t h e o r i e s promulgated by composers
who c l a i m t o be i n s p i r e d by mathematics. Grades
w i l l be based on homework exercises, most l i k e l y
algebraic, geometric, and p r o b a b i l i s t i c problems,
f o r which t h e necessary mathematics w i l l be developed
i n class.
P r e r e q u i s i t e s : Music 101 o r equivalent; some bighschool a1 gebra.
Main 27
Instructor: James L. Johnson
With t h e advent o f Large Scale Integrations (LSI)
technology, i t has become possible to pack all o f
t h e control and logic functions of a computer on a few
small sol i d - s t a t e '"hips". T h i s arrangement i s
commonly cal led a micro-processor. The course wi 11 ,
a s time permits, investigate t h e following features
o f microprocessors: (i ) d i g i t a l components involved;
system super-structure f o r bussing data among
these components; (i ii ) p r o g r a m i n g techniques The
course wi I 1 i nc1 ude imp1 emen t a t i on o f certain microprocessor configurations with d i g i t a l "chips". Grades
will be based on four laboratory assignments and a
final exam.
Prerequisites: Introductory programming course or
permission of instructor
Distribution: No
Time: I1
Room: Science 205
MUSIC 821 10
I n s t r u c t o r : Roberta M e t z l e r
V i s i t a t i o n t o approximately 10 music therapy c l i n i c a l
s i t e s and f a c i 1it i e s deal i n g w i t h handicapped i n d i v i d u a l s i n Minnesota. P o s s i b i l i t y o f an o v e r n i g h t t r i p
t o a neighboring s t a t e . Classroom discussion o f basics
i n the f i e l d o f music therapy. Designed f o r both music
therapy undergraduate students as we1 1 as non-therapy
majors. - $10.00 f e e t o cover c o s t o f t r a n s p o r t a t i o n .
Need f o r f l e x i b i l i t y i n time, as some t r i p s w i 11 be
scheduled i n morning, afternoon, e n t i r e day, p.erhaps
( P r e v i o u s l y offered as I n t r o d u c t i o n t o Music Therapy)
Music 4
MUSIC 82117
L a r r y Tal lman
T h i s course i s designed f o r students w i t h i n t e r e s t
i n instrumental music, b u t w i t h very 1 it t l e p r a c t i c a l
background. The c l a s s w i l l study and perform music
f o r various combinations o f wind and percussion
instruments by American Composers. Solo and ensemble
works w i l l be determined by t h e instruments represented
i n t h e c l a s s . Amateur performance a b i l i t y on any wind
o r percussion instrument i s t h e o n l y p r e r e q u i s i t e .
Grading w i l l be based upon p l a y i n g and mental aspects
shown w i t h i n t h e class.
Music 5
MUSIC 82231
Steve Gabrielson
The development of western music through t h e study
o f s e l e c t e d works o f g r e a t composers from each
p e r i o d . Grades w i l l be assigned on t h e b a s i s o f
r e c o r d - l i s t e n i n g t e s t s and reading assignments.
Prerequi s i t e s :
Music 5
I n s t r u c t o r s : Carol Hoffman
Nancy Ma1colm
T h i s course i s intended t o g i v e students a broad
p e r s p e c t i v e by i n t r o d u c i n g c u r r e n t t r e n d s and issues
i n h e a l t h care and t h e p r o f e s s i o n o f nursing. Many
o f t h e issues t o be examined a r e c o n t r o v e r s i a l , . a r e
r e l e v a n t t o c u r r e n t p r a c t i c e and have p o t e n t i a l f o r
f a r - r e a c h i n g e f f e c t s i n h e a l t h care. Students w i 11
be graded on group p r e s e n t a t i o n s and on w r i t t e n
Admission t o Augsburg Nursing Program
o r permission o f i n s t r u c t o r
Science 213
I n s t r u c t o r : Kenneth B a i l e y
T h i s course w i l l consider some o f t h e areas o f
c o n f l i c t , whether r e a l o r otherwise, between
s c i e n t i f i c and r e l i g i o u s thought. I t w i l l be
l a r g e l y a d i s c u s s i o n course, based upon assigned
readings. C h i e f l y , we w i l l be concerned w i t h t h e
q u e s t i o n o f whether a r e 1 i g i o u s p o i n t o f view can
reasonably be maintained i n a s c i e n t i f i c m i l i e u , and,
i f so, what form(s) i t m i g h t take.
Main 25
PHYSICS 84161 .
I n s t r u c t o r : Kenneth Erickson
An i n t r o d u c t i o n t o t h e e a r t h ' s weather, i t s causes
and character. Designed f o r those i n t e r e s t e d i n
weather and weather p r e d i c t i o n , t h i s course seeks t o
p r o v i d e students w i t h an understanding of the basfc
science p r i n c i pl es r e q u i r e d f o r understanding weat her.
I t i s also hoped t h a t students w i l l g a i n an apprecigt i o n f o r t h e o v e r a l l weather p a t t e r n s o f t h e e a r t h
and f o r the many and v a r i e d aspects o f weather,
i n c l u d i n g t h e i n f l u e n c e weather has on the e a r t h ' s
i n h a b i t a n t s . Topics t o be discussed i n c l ude: t h e
r e l a t i o n s h i p o f sun, e a r t h and atmosphere; important
p h y s i c a l q u a n t i t i e s such as temperature and pressure;
clouds and preci p i t a t i on ; unusual condi t i ons Iike
tornados and hurricanes; techniques and i n s t r u m e n t a t i o n
f o r weather m o n i t o r i n g and c o n t r o l ; and t h e i n f l u e n c e
o f weather on p o l l u t i o n . The atmospheres o f some o f
t h e o t h e r p l a n e t s i n our s o l a r system w i l l a l s o be
reviewed. The study o f o t h e r p l a n e t a r y atmospheres
i s a v a r i a b l e a d j u n c t t o t h e study o f t h e e a r t h ' s
atmosphere. By comparing observations o f t h e d i f f e r e n t
p l a n e t s i t i s p o s s i b l e t o g a i n new i n s i g h t s i n t o t h e
manner i n which atmospheric motions, f o r example,
depend on the rate o f r o t a t i o n of t h e planets, on t h e
d i s t a n c e f r o m t h e sun, and on t h e composition o f t h e
atmosphere. Laboratory exercises and experiments w i l l
be an i n t e g r a l p a r t o f t h e course.
High School Algebra
Science 22
Instructor: Kernji t Paul son
A study of nuclear radiation w i t h emphasis on
applications and "hands-on" laboratory experience
f o r the individual student. The course will consist
of (1 ) introductory work on radiation detection and
measurement (physical science applications) a t
Augsburg, ( 2 ) participation in the 1979 Oak Ridge
Science Minimester where the student has the
opportunity t o design h i s or her course of study
from projects i n nuclear radiation physics, radiobiology, radiochemistry, environmental radiation,
radioecology, health physics, and radio1 ogi cal
safety, and (3) summary and evaluation of the
program back a t Augsburg.
The course i s a cooperative venture w i t h Oak Ridge
Associated Universities--Professional Training
Programs, and i s the only opportunity of i t s kind
i n the United States. Two weeks of the course will
be spent in Oak Ridge, Tennessee u t i l i z i n g the
instructional s t a f f and laboratory f a c i l i t i e s of
ORAU. These faci 1i t i e s provide the opportunity f o r
laboratory experience not normally available t o
undergraduate students.
Time will be available t o tour the area including
the national laboratory and a l s o special energy
related 1ectures, featuring s c i e n t i s t s from the
national laboratory, will be presented t o the
Science Minimester Participants. The cost is approximately $200.
Prerequisites: Consent of Instructor
Science 30
SPEECH 98344
I n s t r u c t o r : M i l d a Hedblom
T r a v e l t o t h r e e major c a p i t a l s - London, Brussels,
and P a r i s - w i l l i n c l u d e study o f t h e r e l a t i o n s h i p s
between mass media and p o l i t i c s i n each n a t i o n a l
community as we1 1 as i n t h e emerging European
community centered i n Belgium. The t e m p t a t i o n t o
censor, t h e c a p a c i t y t o i n f l u e n c e , t h e p o t e n t i a l
f o r abuse make t h e mass media a s u b j e c t o f i n t e n s e
i n t e r e s t t o p r i v a t e c i t i z e n and p u b l i c o f f i c i a l
a l i k e . Purpose w i l l be t o understand t h e content,
e f f e c t s , uses and p o l i t i c a l r e g u l a t i o n o f mass
media through i n t e n s i v e discussions w i t h j o u r n a l i s t s , p o l i t i c i a n s and r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s o f media
systems i n each l o c a t i o n . Grade w i l l be based
on p a r t i c i p a t i o n i n course events, submission o f a
j o u r n a l o r completion (upon r e t u r n ) o f a course
r e l a t e d paper o r p r o j e c t . The c o s t i s $1,095.00.
Prerequi s it e s : None
PSYCHOLOGY 861 30186330
I n s t r u c t o r : Grace Dyrud
The devel opment o f t h e young c h i 1 d ' s r e p r e s e n t a t i o n of
events, w i t h stages and examples i n language, reasoning
and judgement. Objectives i n c l u d e p r i n c i p l e s and
a p p l i c a t i o n . Two four hours o f class per week w i l l be
spent i n a c h i l d care f a c i l i t y . Evaluation w i l l be
based on t e s t s , ( o b j e c t i v e and short essay); report
on child care f a c i l i t y ; a c h i l d study and 1 book
review f o r lower d i v i s i o n c r e d i t . f o r upper d i v i s i o n
c r e d i t , a l l above assignments p l u s 2 a d d i t i o n a l book
reviews ( a p l a n f o r a program o r f a c i l i t y may be
s u b s t i t u t e d f o r 1 book review) and a more complex
c h i l d study w i l l be required.
Room: Music 23
I n s t r u c t o r : L y l a M. Anderegg
Temperament, character, a t t i t u d e , mood, t r a i t and
preference ...these a r e some o f t h e elements thought
o f as c h a r a c t e r i z i n g your personal ity. Through the
use o f survey, i n v e n t o r y , s e l f - r e p o r t , c h e c k l i s t ,
preference sc9edul es and o t h e r means, i n v e s t i g a t i o n
and e v a l u a t i o n o f your p e r s o n a l i t y w i l l be undertaken.
Evaluation w i l l be by t e s t s and papers.
Prerequi s i t e s : Psycho1ogy 105
I n s t r u c t o r : Richard Marken
An ecologTca1 l y o r i e n t e d approach t o t h e study o f
perceptual sys terns. Emphasi s on how nervous systems
process environmental i n f o r m a t i o n and how t h i s
processing r e l a t e s t o t h e adaptive behavior and
s u b j e c t i v e experience of organisms. Topics covered
i n c l u d e methods o f perceptual measurement, sensory
coding, p a t t e r n r e c o g n i t i o n , adaptation t o novel
environments (such as o u t e r space), c o g n i t i o n ,
a r t i f i c i a l i n t e l l i g e n c e and the consequences o f
anomalous perception (1 earning d i s o r d e r s , mental
i l l n e s s and i l l u s i o n ) . E v a l u a t i o n w i l l be based on
t e s t s (probably 2 ) and a term paper.
Music 23
Eugene'M. Skibbe
This course will lead the student into a study of
Augsburg Coll ege as an institutional articulation
and ~, e r. o e t u a ton
i o f values. Basic t e x t materi a1
will be Carl Chrislockas From Fjord t o Freewa ,
Dave Wood's Telling --Talesmn h 0 0 l d
sel e c t primary source materi a1 The the01o q i cal
b a s i s , h i s t o r i c a l development, types o f ~hristian
h i g h e r education, nature of values and value
aggregates, the future o f values as relates t o
Augsburg College will be some o f the problenis
exam3 ned. The study w i 1l be carried o u t by means
o f lectures, speakers, discussion, a research
project (paper) and several exams.
Religion 111 or 221
Music 25
I n s t r u c t o r : Charles Anderson
A study o f t h e o r i g i n and development, theology and
phenomenology o f C h r i s t i a n worship. Current forms
w i l l be analyzed and observed. Special a t t e n t i o n
w i l l be given t o t h e most f o r m a t i v e o f t h e t r a d i t i o n s ,
e.g. t h e Mass o f t h e Roman C a t h o l i c Church, and t h e
v a r i o u s Reformation r i t e s . Lectures, discussion,
v i s i t s t o contemporary services, and e x t e n s i v e reading.
Eva1 u a t i o n on c l a s s p a r t i c i p a t i o n , course p r o j e c t and
research paper o r examination.
R e l i g i o n 111 o r 221
Room : Science 22
Instructor: Staff
Freshmen and sophomores! Are you a helping person?
Would you like t o experjence human service i n a
social agency? ThSs course will provide f o r you t h e
opportunity t o serve as a volunteer in a real human
Students w i 11 sel e c t pl accrnents
s e r v i c e s e t t i ng
requiring t h i r t y hours a week as volunteers. Students
should meet w i t h various human service professionals
to observe and discuss service delivery. On-campus
weekly rev?ew conferences and supparti ve academic
work w i 1 l integrate t h e practicum. This experience
s h o u l d h e l p s t u d e n t s decide whether or n o t t o pursue
human services education during t h e remainder o f their
college careers.
Students registering f o r t h i s course will be asked to
meet with instructors early in December to arrange
f o r placements.
Main 25
I n s t r u c t o r : Doug P e r r y
A s t u d y o f s o c i a l s e r v i c e s and p o l i c i e s o f a developi n g c o u n t r y framed i n t h e c u l t u r e o f an a n c i e n t
c i v i l i z a t i o n . L e c t u r e s a t E g y p t i a n u n i v e r s i t i e s and
o n - s i t e a t s o c i a l s e r v i c e s , v i s i t s t o modern and
a n c i e n t communities from Aswan on t h e m i d d l e N i l e t o
A l e x a n d r i a on t h e Mediterranean, a day w i t h E g y p t i a n
f a m i l i e s . E g y p t ' s r i c h works o f a r t and monuments o f
h i s t o r y w i l l be i n c l u d e d , as w i l l a s t o p t o l o o k a t
t h e marine l i f e o f t h e Red Sea. A r a r e o p p o r t u n i t y
t o view a modern c o u n t r y d e v e l o p i n g o u t o f " t h e
Cradle o f C i v i l i z a t i o n . "
Grading w i l l be on a Pass/No C r e d i t b a s i s and based
on p a r t i c i p a t i o n i n course events and submission o f
a log.
The c o s t w i l l be $1,250.00
I n s t r u c t o r : Edwina Hertzberg
Here i s an o p p o r t u n i t y t o examine i n an academic
f a s h i o n the many f a c e t s o f t h i s c o n t r o v e r s i a l question.
There w i 11 be selected readings, f a c u l t y and guest
l e c t u r e s . Students w i l l be expected t o master
reading and assignments and t o submit a f i n a l research
paper on one o f t h e component o f the s u b j e c t .
Non-social work majors a r e welcome. This course
c a r r i e s o n l y 1/2 course c r e d i t . Students wishing an
c r a m i n independent work
addi t i onal 1/=curse
should c o n s u l t t h e i n s t r u c t o r before t h e beginning
o f interim.
J u n i o r standing o r permission o f
I 1 (January 3-15)
Music 25
I n s t r u c t o r : Edwina Hertzberg
T h i s course i s a c o n t i n u a t i o n o f e d u c a t i o n a l l y focused
f i e l d placement i n a s o c i a l s e r v i c e agency ( F i e l d
Work 11). Students w i 11 spend 15 hours per week i n
f i e l d placement, plus one hour p e r week i n f a c u l t y
f a c i l it a t e d s u p p o r t i v e seminar h e l d on campus.
W r i t t e n e ~ a l ~ q t i o nwsi l l be made by the F i e l d Work
I n s t r u c t o r using p r e v i o u s l y developed c o n t r a c t and
s o c i a l work e v a l u a t i o n forms.
1/2 course c r e d i t .
This course c a r r i e s o n l y P r e r e q u i s i tes:
F i e l d Work I 1
Music 25
I n s t r u c t o r : Robert W. Grams
Both t h e p o p u l a r press and i n f o r m a l d i s c u s s i o n s
suggest an increased concern about t h e v i a b i l i t y
o f o u r i n s t i t u t i o n s and s o c i a l r e l a t i o n s h i p s . One
c o n s t a n t l y hears about t h e l a c k o f cohesiveness
o f f a m i l i e s , t h e dehumanizing e f f e c t s o f l a r g e
o r g a n i z a t i o n s , problems r e g a r d i n g t h e d i s t r i b u t i o n
o f w e a l t h and p o l i t i c a l power, t h e mounting c r i m e .
rate, the i n a b i l i t y o f our i n s t i t u t i o n s t o
r e h a b i l i t a t e c r i m i n a l s , and so f o r t h . The course
p r o v i d e s an overview o f what t h e s o c i o l o g i s t has t o
o f f e r i n r e g a r d t o such issues. More s p e c i f i c a l l y ,
t h e course c o n s i s t s o f a s e t o f u n i t s -- each o f
w h i c h p r o v i d e s an overview o f t h e s o c i o l o g i s t ' s
a n a l y s i s o f some aspect o f s o c i a l l i f e . Each u n i t
w i l l be approached through a combination o f l e c t u r e s ,
r e a d i n g s , d i s c u s s i o n s and assignments designed t o
h e l p t h e s t u d e n t a p p l y what i s b e i n g l e a r n e d . Student
grades w i l l be based on t e s t s c o n s i s t i n g o f b o t h
" o b j e c t i v e " and essay q u e s t i o n s .
Main 28
9421 9/94319
Instructor: Garry W. Hesser
Currently b o t h p u b l i c and p r i v a t e activities are
stressi ng t h e central importance o f "nei ghborhoods"
a s t h e key do the survival and resurgence of the
c i t y . T h i s course, will utilize the Twin Cities and
persons currently engaged in neighborhood processes
in order t o assess whether renewed neighborhood
a c t i v i t y is a "last gasp" before the obituary or
a renaissance o f new hope for the central c i t y .
Upper d i v i s i o n credit may be obtained by more
e x t e n s i v e analysis o f information on neighborhoods.
Students will investigate one neighborhood, w r i t i n g
a paper for thejr primary synthesis o f t h e concepts
and methodology associated w i t h t h e course. In
addition, there will be discussion evaluations and
one "mid-term" exam.
Prerequisites : None
Di stri buti on: Urban requirement
Room: Main 18
I n s t r u c t o r : Gordon Nelson
A study o f Twin C i t i e s e t h n i c neighborhoods as a
l o c u s o f community i n m e t r o p o l i t a n l i f e . During
h i s campaign f o r t h e Presidency, Jimmy C a r t e r
i n t i m a t e d t h a t t h e r e m i g h t be some value i n t h e
p r e s e r v a t i o n o f e t h n i c " p u r i t y " i n urban neighborhoods. By f o c u s i n g on l o c a l e t h n i c neighborhoods,
t h e course w i l l attempt t o understand what C a r t e r
m i g h t have meant and why h i s statement generated
so much controversy. T h i s course w i l l i n c l u d e
f i e l d t r i p s , readings i n t h e s o c i o l o g y o f community
and e t h n i c i t y , group p r o j e c t s , and a f i n a l examination.
P r e r e q u i s i t e s : Sociology 121
Urban requirement
Main 28
Instructor: Joel Torstenson
This course provides an opportunity to experience
the functions, forms, images and issues of the
c i t i e s of the f a r west, particularly Seattle,
San Francisco, Los Angeles and Phoenix. In
addition to preparatory lectures and readings,
students will be provided guided tours, audio
visual presentations and v i s i t s with urban planners
and urbanologists in each of these four c i t i e s .
Students will be required to maintain a journal/log
of urban learning experiences and to prepare essays
on major questions presented a t the beginning of
the course. The essays and log must be ready the
final day of class. Grading will be on a Pass/
No c r e d i t basis only.
Membership in Augsburg touring choir.
Urban requirement
These courses a r e o f f e r e d by i n s t i t u t i o n s o r groups
n o t connected w i t h Augsburg b u t have been approved
f o r c r e d i t by t h e c o l l e g e . Most c a r r y a t u i t i o n
c o s t p l u s o t h e r expenses which a r e t h e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y
o f t h e student. F u l l e r d e s c r i p t i o n s and d e t a i l s f o r
r e g i s t e r i n g are available i n the Interim O f f i c e o f
t h e College.
SKI INTERIM (Park City, Utah) A comprehens i ve program i n v o l v i ng 1essons and seminars
f o r a l l from novices t o experts. A package
f e e o f $565 includes e v e r y t h i n g except meals
and t r a n s p o r t a t i o n t o Utah.
58120, 58208 Three courses a r e o f f e r e d by Wilderness
on t h e edge o f t h e Boundary Waters Canoe
Area i n Nothern Minnesota. One course
(Northwoods L i f e S t y l e ) w i l l be l e d by Richard
Hanson o f Luther College. T o t a l c o s t f o r
e v e r y t h i n g b u t t r a n s p o r t a t i o n t o t h e Wilderness s i t e w i l l be from $250 t o $300.
Washington I n t e r i m A study i n t e r n s h i p
program i n Washington D.C. i n connection
w i t h t h e Washington Center f o r Learning
A1 t e r n a t i v e s . I n f o r m a t i o n on p r o j e c t s ,
housing and finances from Professor Hedblom
i n Memorial 117A.
I t i s t h e p o l i c y o f Augsburg College n o t t o d i s c r i m i n a t e
on t h e b a s i s o f race, creed, n a t i o n a l o r e t h n i c o r i g i n ,
age, m a r i t a l s t a t u s , sex o r handicap as r e q u i r e d by
T i t l e I X o f t h e 1972 Educational Amendments o r S e c t i o n
504 o f t h e R e h a b i l i t a t i o n A c t o f 1973 as amended i n
i t s admissions p o l i c i e s , educational programs,
a c t i v i t i e s and employment p r a c t i c e s
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Augsburg University Course Descriptions, 2021-2022
Course Catalogs
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Augsburg University 2021-2022 Course Descriptions (as of 6/25/2021)
ACA – Academic Advising
First Year Transition
1 Semester Credits
This class supports students making the transition from high school to the university. It will explore topics such as
campus resources, time management...
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Augsburg University 2021-2022 Course Descriptions (as of 6/25/2021)
ACA – Academic Advising
First Year Transition
1 Semester Credits
This class supports students making the transition from high school to the university. It will explore topics such as
campus resources, time management, goal setting, career exploration, and financial literacy. This class empowers
students to effectively navigate the university experience and to develop the confidence and tools to be successful.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): FIRSTYEAR(First Year Student)
ACC - Accounting
Introduction to Financial Accounting
4 Semester Credits
Introduction to business activities, the accounting cycle, preparation of financial statements and introduction to
accounting principles and methods for external financial reporting.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MIS260(Problem Solving for Business) *concurrent registration is acceptable*
Introduction to Managerial Accounting
4 Semester Credits
Introduction to cost accounting for internal financial reporting and manufacturing businesses. Basic concepts and
fundamentals of managerial accounting, planning and controlling processes, decision-making, and behavioral
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ACC221(Introduction to Financial Accounting), MIS260(Problem Solving for Business)
Accounting for Entrepreneurs
4 Semester Credits
This course walks through the steps to form and create a new business. It will take the viewpoint of the business owner,
giving them the practical knowledge they would need to understand the financial aspects of their business, including a
basic use of the accounting software QuickBooks.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Intermediate Accounting I
4 Semester Credits
An analysis of financial accounting with emphasis on accounting theory pertaining to financial statements, income
concepts, valuation concepts, FASB statements, and other relevant issues as applied to assets.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ACC222(Introduction to Managerial Accounting)
Intermediate Accounting II
4 Semester Credits
A continuation of ACC 322. An analysis of financial accounting with emphasis on accounting theory pertaining to
financial statements, income concepts, valuation concepts, FASB statements, and other relevant issues as applied to
liabilities and stockholders’ equity.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ACC322(C- minimum grade in ACC322)
Managerial Cost Accounting
4 Semester Credits
Accounting tools for internal financial reporting and manufacturing systems as well as for managerial decision making.
Planning, budgeting, inventory management, product pricing and cost allocation as well as other quantitative and
behavioral topics.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of BUS200(Exploring Business as a Vocation), BUS242(Principles of Management); 1 of
MAT163(Introductory Statistics), MAT164(Introductory Statistics for STEM), MAT373(Probability and Statistics I),
MIS379(Quantitative Methods for Business and Economics), STATSBUS(Approved Statistics for Business Majors); 1 of
MAT110(Finite Mathematics), MAT111(Mathematics in Society), MAT114(Precalculus), MAT145(Calculus I),
MAT146(Calculus II), MAT171(Discrete Mathematics For Computing), MAT173(Mathematics of Finance),
MAT273(Statistical Modeling), MATBUS(Approved Mathematics for Business Majors); ACC221(Introduction to Financial
Accounting), ACC222(Introduction to Managerial Accounting), ECO113(Principles of Microeconomics),
MKT252(Principles of Marketing)
Individual Tax Accounting
4 Semester Credits
The course is a basic introduction to federal tax law as it applies to individual taxpayers. The course will include the
preparation of individual income tax form 1040, related schedules and tax preparer ethics.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ACC222(Introduction to Managerial Accounting)
4 Semester Credits
Internal and external auditing procedures. Emphasis on the CPA’s role to form the basis of opinion on a set of financial
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level); ACC323(C- minimum grade required)
Advanced Accounting
4 Semester Credits
Accounting for business combinations, consolidations, governmental accounting, partnership accounting, and fund
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ACC323(C- minimum grade in ACC323), FIN331(Financial Management)
4 Semester Credits
This course will be on various accounting topics in the form of lectures, discussions, speakers etc. meetings with
members of the staff or visiting faculty regarding research methodology and readings in the areas of accounting.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ACC322(Intermediate Accounting I)
Independent Study/Research
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
AIS – American Indian Studies
Introduction to American Indian Studies
4 Semester Credits
Designed to introduce students to the content areas of the American Indian Studies curriculum, this course includes an
overview of American Indian history, federal Indian policy, land issues, reservation and urban issues, cross-cultural
influences, and American Indian literature, art, music, and language.
Core Curriculum Component: Engaging Minneapolis, Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
Topics Workshop: Well-Being and Success in the University
2 Semester Credits
This 2-credit workshop is designed to provide strategies for student wellness and success in higher education by focusing
deeply on study and practice of the following skills: reading, research, and writing. Students may take this workshop
once for credit.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Indigenous Forms of Cultural Expression
4 Semester Credits
This course honors Indigenous contemporary cultural forms of expression including theater, film, new media,
storytelling, literature, dance, and music both in our region and across Turtle Island. Throughout this course students
will engage with the meaning of aesthetics in Indigenous culture, interact with guest artists and speakers, and explore
how Indigenous culture shapes and is shaped by contemporary cultural contexts.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
Contemporary American Indian Issues
4 Semester Credits
This topics-oriented course focuses on issues that face contemporary American Indians, including tribal sovereignty and
identity politics, treaty rights, language retention and education, religious freedom, and Indian activism. It examines
cultural and political experience, and the complex relationship between Native peoples and the United States.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
Native American/First Nations Women and Film
4 Semester Credits
This course explores Native American women in film history as racial representations in Hollywood cinema, as political
and social forces in indigenous film, and as role models in documentary.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
American Indians in the Cinema
4 Semester Credits
This course looks at the effect Hollywood Cinema’s images have on the American publics’ perception of American
Indians. Through this lens, we can explore the various layers of meaning, cultural perspectives put forth by the films and
the reactions to them, our need as people to classify and represent, and our need as thinkers to critique how we do this.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
This topics course is designed to investigate specific topics and approaches to profession that are not regularly offered in
lower division classes such as: tribal entrepreneurship and sustainable development; law and restorative justice;
sustainable agriculture, food sovereignty and bio-piracy; traditional knowledge applied to environmental issues, and
other such focuses. Topics offered will be announced prior to registration.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Directed Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Indigenous Expressive Forms
4 Semester Credits
This course explores the multiple ways that Native people develop expressions of art, music and literacy in
contemporary contexts. The course examines multiple production modalities, the use of technology, and the
expressions of Indigeneity through creative activity. It will include student-centered inquiry of multiple expressions of
creative activity, focusing on a theme, a medium of expression, or a particular community.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Engaging Native Communities
4 Semester Credits
Engaging with Native Communities explores the Native communities and organizations of this area, their history and
origins as well as the challenges and contributions they make. Our seminar style course combines student research with
community-based learning. Your work informs our classroom discussions and research while also giving back to the
community in valuable and reciprocal ways.
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): AIS105(Introduction to American Indian Studies), AIS205(Contemporary American Indian Issues)
Indigenous Issues of the Americas
4 Semester Credits
This travel seminar explores issues faced by indigenous people of the Americas. Each group faces similar challenges that
manifest differently due to the political, social, and cultural influence about sovereignty, land rights, economy, religion,
cultural survival, women's issues, and political movements through site visits of the dominant culture in each country.
Students will learn and interact with indigenous organizations. This course is cross-listed with Women's Studies. May be
taken in conjunction with WST 490 or AIS 490.
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
Indigenous Filmmakers
4 Semester Credits
Indigenous Filmmakers introduces students at the junior and senior level to the exciting and expanding field of
indigenous media—specifically films made by Native Americans. We will explore the political and social forces at work
behind the American indigenous film movement, which responds to mainstream film’s portrayal of Native Americans
and provides an extraordinary range in perspectives and views that inform Native American cultures.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Decolonizing Practices: Reading, Writing, Research
4 Semester Credits
This course engages students in examination of methods and practices from an Indigenous, decolonizing approach. We
will explore what it means to read, write and research with an Indigenous perspective. While so much research exists
that is driven and conducted from White/European and male lenses, our studies and work will emerge from
engagement with Indigenous scholars, theories and approaches.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Topics Workshop: Well-Being and Success After University
2 Semester Credits
This workshop is designed to provide strategies for student wellness and success after they graduate by focusing deeply
on practical skills and capacities, such as cv/resumes, writing proposals, interview practice, and thinking about your
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
Indigenous Activism and Resistance in the Americas
4 Semester Credits
This course explores ongoing and current forms of activism and resistance across North and South America that are
directly related to cultural survival and continuity, issues of sovereignty and peoplehood, autonomy and selfdetermination, and decolonization.
Core Curriculum Component: Keystone
Prerequisite(s): 1 of AIS105(Introduction to American Indian Studies), AIS205(Contemporary American Indian Issues),
AIS305(Indigenous Issues of Central America)
4 Semester Credits
Individual courses designed to investigate specific topics such as Minnesota Indians, Contemporary Indigenous Issues of
North and South America, and American Indian Literature Seminar.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Independent Study/Research
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Independent Study
4 Semester Credits
An independently designed research project.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
ANT – Anthropology
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
4 Semester Credits
This course serves as an introduction to cultural anthropology. Course objectives include providing students with an
understanding of anthropological methods and theories, the concepts of race and culture, an appreciation and
awareness of differing cultures, and an awareness of the role cultural anthropology has in understanding contemporary
human problems.
Core Curriculum Component: Social and Behavioral Sciences
Prerequisite(s): None
Topics in Anthropology
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Topics in Anthropology
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
ART – Art and Design
Special Topics
4 Semester Credits
Selected courses dealing with special topics, offered occasionally in the department.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
A study of design is the unifying foundation for the visual arts. Two- and three-dimensional projects demonstrate theory
and application of basic design elements and principles.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
Special Topics
1 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Introduction to Architectural Drawing
4 Semester Credits
This course develops basic skills involved in perceiving and representing the material environment through the study of
sketching and drawing skills.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
Introduction to Chinese Calligraphic Arts
4 Semester Credits
Introduction and practice of Chinese calligraphic painting and writing.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Introduction to foundational drawing from direct observation, memory, and reference. Traditional and experimental
media and methods are explored to develop technical and formal skills in support of individual expression.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
Painting I
4 Semester Credits
Introduction to observational and experimental approaches and techniques in acrylic, watercolor and gouache painting.
Course is acrylic dominant. Color theory, composition, painting methods, painting from observation and individual
expression are emphasized.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
Plein Air Sketching I
4 Semester Credits
Introduction to traditional sketching media and approaches for drawing en plein air, outside and on location. Portable,
all-weather materials and processes, and perceptual techniques are emphasized to create a sketchbook of drawings
from direct observation.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
Graphic Design Production: InDesign
1 Semester Credits
This introductory course focuses on some of the basic features of the most current version of Adobe InDesign and
Acrobat Pro so that the student can navigate the software environment and use InDesign tools to create page layouts.
This course explores the process of creating and managing multiple page layouts with variable page content.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Graphic Design Production: Illustrator
1 Semester Credits
This introductory course focuses on foundational skills in the most current version of Adobe Illustrator so that the
student can develop a confident understanding of the software. Focus is placed on hands-on activities that demonstrate
how these techniques can be used in combination to create engaging vector-based art such as illustrations, logos,
advertisements, or other graphic documents.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ART201(Introduction to Graphic Design) *concurrent registration is acceptable*
Graphic Design Production: Photoshop
1 Semester Credits
This introductory course focuses on some of the basic features of the most current version of Adobe Photoshop so that
the student can navigate the software environment and use Photoshop tools to work with photographic images. Focus is
placed on hands-on activities that demonstrate how these techniques can be used in combination to create innovative
visual effects.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ART201(Introduction to Graphic Design) *concurrent registration is acceptable*
Graphic Design Production: HTML/CSS
1 Semester Credits
This course provides foundational skills for interactive design. We will cover the following topics in this class: Principles
of Web Design including usability and the tools to accomplish this including HTML5 and CSS3.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Photography I
4 Semester Credits
This course introduces the technical skills, creative applications, and vocabulary of black-and-white film photography.
Technical lectures and demonstrations cover 35mm camera operation, film processing, and black-and-white darkroom
printing. Class lectures, readings, field trips, and research introduce students to the canon of photographic history,
including a broad range of genres, historical contexts, and artistic practices.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
Introduction to Digital Photography
4 Semester Credits
This course introduces students to the conceptual and practical principles of digital photography. Fundamental
terminology, concepts, and techniques of digital photography will be explored through lectures, readings, hands-on
assignments, and field trips. Studio work emphasizes photography as a form of creative expression through digital
cameras, software, scanners, and printers.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
Introduction to Community-Based Photography
4 Semester Credits
This course introduces the technical skills and creative applications of black-and-white photography with coursework
that integrates partnership and service. Art 180 combines art and social research concepts to help students understand
how the arts foster community building and engagement. Class lectures, demonstrations, assignments, and service will
introduce students to documentary work that will be presented as portfolio to a nonprofit partner. Students need a
35mm single lens reflex camera.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Introduction to Graphic Design
4 Semester Credits
This course provides an introduction to the practice of graphic design. Design principles are explored in creating and
organizing through visual communication. The focus of this class will be building the foundation in design programs such
as Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop, and discovering the visual language necessary to develop as creative
problem solvers. Graphic Design majors are encouraged to take ART 125 and ART 126 before or at the same time as this
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Study of the history, development, structures, and application of traditional and contemporary typography; exploration
of letterforms using digital, hand-set type, and hand lettering.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ART201(Introduction to Graphic Design), ART225(Graphic Design I); ART125(Graphic Design
Production: Illustrator) *concurrent registration is acceptable*
Drawing for Design in Architecture
4 Semester Credits
Introduction to and exploration of the conceptual function of drawing in architecture. Exploration of the history of
drawing in architecture, critical review of drawing conventions and systems, and examination of drawing processes as
modes of perception and cognition.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ART105(Introduction to Architectural Drawing)
Art of Resistance
4 Semester Credits
Art of Resistance is designed to immerse you within the time/space of Palestine, with an emphasis on exploring a range
of art and culture in the region that is fully engaged historically, spiritually, socially, politically, environmentally,
philosophically. An interdisciplinary course centered on theater/performance and the visual arts that takes place in
various experiential learning environments in Palestine, this course will examine the arts as creative expression of the
human imagination through activities such as creation, historical study, and critical analysis.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts, Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
Introduction to Web Design
4 Semester Credits
This course provides an introduction to designing for the Internet. Students will learn basic skills for interactive design
and will become familiar with design software to execute their designs.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
Screen Printing I
4 Semester Credits
Screen printing is a fundamental printmaking technique involving layers of stencil images. Students learn a spectrum of
methods — from hand-made stencils and multicolor photographic images, to contemporary textile printing. Students
will also explore the historic connections of screen printing, and the ways this versatile medium has been an essential
tool in influencing cultural change and contributing to new societal ideas.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Sculpture I
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to sculpture and three-dimensional design through the exploration of the inherent properties of various
materials and processes.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
Print Making I
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to traditional and experimental media and methods of printing. Intaglio, relief, and mono/unique
methods are explored.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
Artist Workshop
1 Semester Credits
This course offers students the opportunity to work with a professional artist or designer. Students participate in
workshops with the artist and complete a project through the approach of the guest artist. Emphasis is on working in a
professional studio atmosphere. Course is repeatable.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): CONSENT(Consent of Instructor)
Pre-Columbian, Colonial, and Contemporary Mexican Art
4 Semester Credits
This course aims to develop an understanding and appreciation of Mexican art from the Pre-Columbian, colonial, and
contemporary periods, with emphasis on Frida Kahlo and the muralist movement of Diego Rivera, David Alfredo
Siqueiros, and José Clemente Orozco. Students will participate in numerous excursions to many museums as well as
archaeological and historical sites.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
Collaborative Printmaking: A Press-Free Approach
4 Semester Credits
This online course is designed to engage creative, imaginative, and technical processes to produce prints without a press
and to interpret works of art. Students learn water-based printmaking techniques while exploring several kinds of
collaboration. Students critically analyze works of art produced by themselves and their peers, and through this analysis
they will articulate different theories of aesthetics.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
Art History Survey
4 Semester Credits
A survey of art of the Western world from prehistoric to modern times.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
History of Architecture to 1750
4 Semester Credits
History of architecture and city planning from antiquity to 1750, as illustrated by Western and non-Western examples.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
History of Architecture after 1750
4 Semester Credits
History of architecture and city planning since 1750, as illustrated by Western and non-Western examples.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
Life Drawing
4 Semester Credits
Introduction to traditional and experimental methods and techniques for drawing the human figure. Class lectures,
discussion and projects examine the use of the figure in art, anatomy, proportions, space, and linear, value and gestural
studies. Emphasis is on both skill and individual expression.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
The Designed Environment
4 Semester Credits
This course addresses the designed environment, investigating architecture, landscape architecture, and urban design.
Class sessions consist almost exclusively of extensive walking tours and site visits to prominent examples of design
Core Curriculum Component: Engaging Minneapolis, Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
Ceramics I
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to the making of pottery with an emphasis on handbuilding and throwing techniques combined with
theory, concept, and form.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
Watercolor Painting I
4 Semester Credits
Introduction to foundational techniques, observational and experimental approaches to watercolor painting. Exploration
of color theory, composition, and individual expression are emphasized. Includes some painting outside on location.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
Computer Drafting for Stage and Architecture
4 Semester Credits
Computer Drafting for the Stage and Architecture is an introduction to using AutoCAD LT for drafting on the computer.
Students will learn how to use basic AutoCAD commands to input information, organize, layout and print 2-D drafting
plates, with an emphasis on drafting for the theater and architecture.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT103(Prealgebra), MAT103(Everyday Math), MPL(Math Placement Level 2)
Hand Papermaking and Book Arts I
4 Semester Credits
Introduction to hand papermaking, box building, and bookmaking; emphasizes the interplay of text, image, and form in
the contemporary artist's book.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
Native American Art
4 Semester Credits
An exploration of the rich heritage of visual arts from indigenous communities of North America, surveying the dynamic
nature of Native American art spanning from pre-European contact into the present while exploring the political nature
of that trajectory as it encounters cultural change, Western aesthetics, and Western concepts of art. Students will meet
Native artists, visit a variety of Native American art galleries and exhibitions, and learn about the cultural, social, and
political context surrounding Native American art.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Directed Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Special Topics
4 Semester Credits
Selected courses dealing with special topics, offered occasionally in the department.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Mid-Program Portfolio Review
2 Semester Credits
exhibition/project or thesis paper. Majors prepare a portfolio of original creative production, digitally document it, write
and present a statement, and engage a variety of audiences in critical dialogue. Faculty conducts a formal review of the
exhibition, presentation and portfolio. Students who do not pass ART 305 do not continue in the major.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): CONSENT(Consent of Instructor)
Advanced Chinese Calligraphic Arts
4 Semester Credits
Advanced practice of Chinese calligraphic painting and writing.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ART106(Introduction to Chinese Calligraphic Arts)
Graphic Systems
4 Semester Credits
Graphic Systems explores design concepts and production for interactive experiences as seen through publications
(screen/print), wayfinding, and digital platforms. Time, scale, cues, and interface will be considered in both theory and
practice through research and projects. Time in concerned with the rational progression of a story, but also informs the
sequenced order of an exhibit or navigation. Scale refers to the size or breadth of a book as much as it refers to the size
of an image on a page, printed, or electronic.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ART124(Graphic Design Production: InDesign) *concurrent registration is acceptable*; ART127(Graphic
Design Production: HTML/CSS) *concurrent registration is acceptable*; ART202(Typography)
Plein Air Sketching II
4 Semester Credits
Advanced study of drawing en plein air emphasizes creating a sketchbook outside on location to explore advanced
observational technique, significant experiential engagement, complex composition, and emerging personal style using
portable all-weather materials and processes.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ART122(Plein Air Sketching I)
Design Studio I
4 Semester Credits
As part of the design agency, students will become familiar with working on real-world projects. Through an intense,
collaborative, project-based approach, this class explores the practice of graphic design. Students will extend their
learning beyond the classroom and work with community partners to create a variety of design projects.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ART126(Graphic Design Production: Photoshop), ART201(Introduction to Graphic Design),
Design Studio II
4 Semester Credits
As part of the design agency, students will become competent in the skills necessary to execute real-world projects.
Through an intense, collaborative, project-based approach, this class explores the practice of graphic design. Students
will extend their learning beyond the classroom and work with community partners to create a variety of design
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ART224(Publication Design), ART305(Junior Exhibition and Review), ART324(Design Studio I)
Photography II
4 Semester Credits
Advanced study that focuses on refining the skills and visual vocabulary introduced in ART 132. Emphasis on portfolio
development using advanced black-and-white materials. Semester projects encourage individual creativity and
examination of critical issues in contemporary photography.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ART132(Photography I)
Advanced Digital Photography
4 Semester Credits
This advanced course explores the technical, creative, conceptual, and ethical aspects of digital photography. Through a
series of lectures, demonstrations, projects, critiques, and guest presenters, students will expand their knowledge of
photography using digital technology within the fine arts context. Students will also spend time shooting assignments,
working in the computer lab, attending exhibitions, reading the text, and writing.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ART133(Introduction to Digital Photography)
Digital Imaging
4 Semester Credits
Exploration of visual communications in the electronic environments using various software programs to create digital
images, animation, and digital games.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Advanced Drawing
4 Semester Credits
Advanced study of drawing emphasizes open exploration of drawing media, methods and surfaces. Course focuses on
the development of subject matter, themed series, individual style, and original expression. Concentration on
developing visual conceptualization and visual, written and oral communication skills.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ART107(Drawing), ART247(Life Drawing)
The Designed Environment
4 Semester Credits
This course addresses the designed environment, investigating architecture, landscape architecture, and urban design.
Class sessions consist almost exclusively of extensive walking tours and site visits to prominent examples of design
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Ceramics II
4 Semester Credits
Advanced work in ceramics explores clay, glaze, and firing technology with a continued emphasis on throwing and
handbuilding techniques combined with theory, concept, and form.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ART250(Ceramics I)
Women and Art
4 Semester Credits
A study of the creative role of women in the visual arts, including the fine arts, the traditional arts, and the arts of Native
American women.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Advanced Painting
4 Semester Credits
Advanced study of painting emphasizes open exploration of painting media, methods and surfaces. Course focuses on
the development of subject matter, themed series, individual style, and original expression. Concentration on
developing visual conceptualization and visual, written and oral communication skills.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ART118(Painting I)
Watercolor Painting Il
4 Semester Credits
Advanced study in watercolor painting emphasizes individual expression and emerging style through advanced color
theory, series development, and exploration of individual subject matter, approach, and method.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ART257(Watercolor Painting I)
Print Making II
4 Semester Credits
Continued exploration of intaglio, relief, and mono/unique methods. Use oflarger formats, multiple plates, and an
emphasis on color are encouraged.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ART223(Print Making I)
Hand Papermaking and Book Arts II
4 Semester Credits
Advanced exploration in hand papermaking and book arts, emphasizing individual research and expression.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ART280(Hand Papermaking and Book Arts I)
Scandinavian Arts
4 Semester Credits
The visual arts in Scandinavia from the Stone Age to the present, including architecture, folk arts, painting, sculpture,
and design.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Prehistoric and Ancient Art
4 Semester Credits
The art of the Ice Age through the Roman period to the fourth century A.D.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Medieval Art
4 Semester Credits
Early Christian through late Gothic and proto-Renaissance painting, sculpture, and architecture in Europe.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Renaissance and Baroque Art
4 Semester Credits
European painting, sculpture, and architecture, from the 14th through the 18th centuries.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Modern Art
4 Semester Credits
Painting, sculpture, and architecture from Neoclassicism through the present.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
American Art
4 Semester Credits
A study of early colonial through contemporary American art, architecture, and folk arts.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Native American Art
4 Semester Credits
This course surveys the rich and dynamic heritage of visual arts from indigenous communities of North America,
spanning from pre-European contact into the present. Students will meet Native artists, visit a variety of Native
American art galleries and exhibitions, and learn about the cultural, social, and political context surrounding Native
American art. ART390 is open to art history students only.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters); ART240(Art History Survey)
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
Senior Exhibition/Project and Review
4 Semester Credits
This course showcases studio art, art history and graphic design majors’ developing creative production through a thesis
project and review. Majors learn professional practices and writing for the arts, produce themed original creative
production for exhibition or paper, prepare work for presentation, install exhibition, engage a variety of audiences in
critical dialogue, participate in formal faculty review and reflect on vocation.
Core Curriculum Component: Keystone
Prerequisite(s): ART305(Junior Exhibition and Review)
Advanced Design Studio III
4 Semester Credits
As part of the design agency, students will learn the principles of leading a team through real-world projects. Through an
intense, collaborative, project-based approach, this class explores the practice of graphic design as well as the
components of managing creative projects. Students will extend their learning beyond the classroom and work with
community partners to create a variety of design projects. Emphasis is placed on cultivating the student's personal
interests and abilities, editing and refining the range and quality of portfolio work.
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): ART315(Web Design II), ART326(Design Studio II)
Advanced Design Studio IV
4 Semester Credits
As part of the design agency, students will lead teams through real-world projects. Through an intense, collaborative,
project-based approach, this class explores the practice of graphic design as well as competencies of managing creative
projects. Students will extend their learning beyond the classroom and work with community partners to create a
variety of design projects.
Core Curriculum Component: Keystone
Prerequisite(s): ART424(Advanced Design Studio III) *concurrent registration is acceptable*
Sculpture II
4 Semester Credits
Advanced work in sculpture and three-dimensional design.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ART221(Sculpture I)
Independent Study
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Independent Study/Research
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
ASL – American Sign Language
Beginning American Sign Language I
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to deaf culture and the signs and syntax of ASL. Students observe the demonstration of signs, practice
their own signing, and learn the facial expressions and body language needed to communicate clearly with deaf and
hard-of-hearing people.
Core Curriculum Component: Modern Language 1
Prerequisite(s): None
Beginning American Sign Language II
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to deaf culture and the signs and syntax of ASL. Students observe the demonstration of signs, practice
their own signing, and learn the facial expressions and body language needed to communicate clearly with deaf and
hard-of-hearing people.
Core Curriculum Component: Modern Language 2
Prerequisite(s): ASL101(Beginning American Sign Language I)
AUG – Augsburg Seminar
Augsburg Seminar
1 Semester Credits
A weekly seminar linked to a course or course pair that integrates course content with learning strategies and
community-building opportunities beneficial to beginning college students. While the content course is graded on a
traditional point basis, Augsburg Seminar is graded P/N. Permission to complete the seminar if the student withdraws
from the linked content course(s) is at the discretion of the instructor(s). (P/N grading only)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): FIRSTYEAR(First Year Student)
AUGEX – Augsburg Experience
Augsburg Experience - Non-credit International Immersion
0 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): AUGEX1(Augsburg Experience, Study Abroad)
Augsburg Experience - Faculty/Student Research
0 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): AUGEX2(Augsburg Experience, Faculty/Student Research)
Augsburg Experience - Non-credit Internship
0 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): AUGEX3(Augsburg Experience, Non-credit Internship)
Augsburg Experience - Work Connections
0 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): AUGEX4(Augsburg Experience, Work Connections)
Augsburg Experience - Special Immersion
0 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): AUGEX5(Augsburg Experience, Special Immersion)
BIO - Biology
The Biological World
4 Semester Credits
The basic concepts of biology pertaining to both plants and animals are emphasized. The nature of science and the
approach used by scientists to gather and analyze data and propose and test hypotheses are considered. Concurrent
registration in BIO102L is required. (Does not apply to the major or minor.)
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics (Lab)
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT103(Prealgebra), MAT103(Everyday Math), MPL(Math Placement Level 2)
The Biological World Lab
0 Semester Credits
Three hour lab taken concurrently with BIO102.
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics (Lab)
Prerequisite(s): BIO102(The Biological World) *concurrent registration is required*
Human Anatomy and Physiology
4 Semester Credits
A survey of the structure and function of the human body. Concurrent registration in BIO103L is required. (A student
may not receive credit for both BIO 121 and 103. Does not apply to the major or minor.) Students are strongly
encouraged to take CHM 102 or another chemistry course before taking this class.
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics (Lab)
Prerequisite(s): 1 of HPE104(Components of Fitness Training), MUS101(Materials of Music I), MUS111(Aural Skills I),
MUS113(Music Theory and Aural Skills I)
Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab
0 Semester Credits
Three hour lab taken concurrently with BIO103.
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics (Lab)
Prerequisite(s): BIO103(Human Anatomy and Physiology) *concurrent registration is required*
Environmental Biology
4 Semester Credits
Analyze the most important issues in environmental biology with special emphasis on biodiversity, drawing particularly
from examples in Mexico. Students will learn about theoretical and applied issues regarding the ecological framework of
tropical America through lectures, required readings, fieldwork, and lab work. Concurrent registration in BIO118L is
required. This course may be used as a substitute to meet the ENV 120 requirement in the ENV major, and meets the
Natural Sciences LAF.
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics (Lab)
Prerequisite(s): None
Environmental Biology Lab
0 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics (Lab)
Prerequisite(s): BIO118(Environmental Biology) *concurrent registration is required*
Human Biology
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to basic biological principles with a human perspective and application. Includes discussion of the
molecular and cellular basis of life, genetics and genetic disease, selected organ systems and disease, and the
sustainability of life on Earth. Concurrent registration in BIO121L is required. (A student may not receive credit for both
BIO 121 and 103. Does not apply to the major or minor in biology. Students are strongly encouraged to take CHM 102
before taking this class.)
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics (Lab)
Prerequisite(s): None
Human Biology Lab
0 Semester Credits
Three hour lab taken concurrently with BIO121.
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics (Lab)
Prerequisite(s): BIO121(Human Biology) *concurrent registration is required*
Introductory Biology Workshop
2 Semester Credits
An elective workshop for students concurrently enrolled in BIO 151 Introductory Biology. Students will explore topics
covered in BIO 151 in more depth using AVID-based strategies for succeeding in college-level biology courses. P/N
grading only.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): BIO151(Introductory Biology) *concurrent registration is required*, CONSENT(Consent of Instructor)
Introductory Biology
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to biology for science majors, including cell and molecular biology, energy metabolism, genetics. BIO
151 and 152 must be taken in sequence except by permission of instructor. Concurrent registration in BIO151L is
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics (Lab)
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement Level
Introductory Biology Lab
1 Semester Credits
Three hour lab taken concurrently with BIO151.
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics (Lab)
Prerequisite(s): BIO151(Introductory Biology) *concurrent registration is required*
Evolution, Ecology and Diversity
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to evolution, ecology, and biological diversity for science majors. Concurrent registration in BIO152L is
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics (Lab)
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement Level
Evolution Ecology and Diversity Lab
1 Semester Credits
Four hour lab taken concurrently with BIO152.
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics (Lab)
Prerequisite(s): BIO152(Evolution, Ecology and Diversity) *concurrent registration is required*
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of All of BIO113(Introductory Organismal Biology), BIO114(Intro Genetics Evolution and Ecolo); All of
BIO151(Introductory Biology), BIO152(Evolution, Ecology and Diversity)
Introductory Cellular Biology
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to structure and function in tissues, cells, and subcellular organelles. Concurrent registration in BIO253L
is required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of CHM106(Principles of Chemistry II), CHM116(General Chemistry II)
Introductory Cellular Biology Lab
1 Semester Credits
Four hour lab taken concurrently with BIO253.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): BIO253(Introductory Cellular Biology) *concurrent registration is required*
4 Semester Credits
A study of the principles of heredity. The course integrates classical transmission genetics, molecular genetics, and
genomics. Special topics will include epigenetics, developmental genetics, and human disease genetics. Contemporary
genetic model systems will be utilized in laboratory experiments. Concurrent registration in BIO255L is required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement Level
3); BIO151(Introductory Biology), BIO152(Evolution, Ecology and Diversity), CHM116(General Chemistry II)
Genetics Lab
1 Semester Credits
Four hour lab taken concurrently with BIO255.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): BIO255(Genetics) *concurrent registration is required*
Directed Study: Research in Biology
2 Semester Credits
Directed research with a faculty mentor. No more than two terms may be applied to minimum graduation requirements.
Requires permission of instructor and chair of the department. (Pass/No Pass only)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Directed Study: Research in Biology
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Human Anatomy
4 Semester Credits
This course is a systems approach to the study of human body structure including histology and gross anatomy. Students
learn to relate structure to function through the use of texts, models and dissection of organs and animals. This course is
intended to meet the requirements of students in the fields of nursing, physical therapy, physician assistant and some
other allied health programs. Concurrent registration in BIO320L is required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): BIO151(Introductory Biology), BIO152(Evolution, Ecology and Diversity), BIO253(Introductory Cellular
Human Anatomy Lab
1 Semester Credits
Four hour lab taken concurrently with BIO320.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): BIO320(Human Anatomy) *concurrent registration is required*
Invertebrate Zoology
4 Semester Credits
A study of the invertebrate animals stressing classification, morphology, behavior, life history, and phylogeny.
Concurrent registration in BIO351L is required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): BIO151(Introductory Biology), BIO152(Evolution, Ecology and Diversity)
Invertebrate Zoology Lab
1 Semester Credits
Four hour lab taken concurrently with BIO351.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): BIO351(Invertebrate Zoology) *concurrent registration is required*
Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
4 Semester Credits
Comparative anatomy, functional morphology, and evolutionary morphology of vertebrates. A study of vertebrate
anatomy integrating the perspectives of embryology, morphology and phylogeny. Concurrent registration in BIO353L is
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): BIO151(Introductory Biology), BIO152(Evolution, Ecology and Diversity)
Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy Lab
1 Semester Credits
Four hour lab taken concurrently with BIO353.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): BIO353(Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy) *concurrent registration is required*
Plant Biology
4 Semester Credits
A survey of the diversity and evolution of algae and plants. Topics on plant anatomy, physiology, phylogeny, ecological
and economic importance, and plant-microbe interactions are integrated throughout. Concurrent registration in
BIO361L is required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): BIO151(Introductory Biology), BIO152(Evolution, Ecology and Diversity)
Plant Biology Lab
1 Semester Credits
Four hour lab taken concurrently with BIO361.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): BIO361(Plant Biology) *concurrent registration is required*
4 Semester Credits
The course addresses the chemical structure and function of the major biological macromolecules. Key topic areas are
protein structure and function, enzyme mechanisms, thermodynamics, intermediary metabolism, and metabolic
regulation. Concurrent registration in BIO369L is required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of CHM251(Organic Chemistry I), CHM351(Organic Chemistry I); 1 of CHM251L(Organic Chemistry I
Lab), CHM351L(Organic Chemistry I Lab); 1 of MAT114(Precalculus), MAT145(Calculus I), MAT163(Introductory
Statistics), MAT164(Introductory Biostatistics), PSY215(Research Methods and Statistics I); BIO253(Introductory Cellular
Biochemistry Lab
1 Semester Credits
Four hour lab taken concurrently with BIO369.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): BIO369(Biochemistry) *concurrent registration is required*
Biochemistry II
4 Semester Credits
Biochemistry II explores structural biology techniques such as protein NMR, crystallography, and fluorescence.
Biochemical challenges and applications, such as drug delivery, manipulation of intercellular signaling, and rational
design of recombinant protein constructs will be studied. Students will use the primary literature in biochemistry as part
of the course.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of BIO369(Biochemistry), CHM369(Biochemistry)
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): 1 of BIO215(Introductory Cellular Biology), BIO253(Introductory Cellular Biology)
Conservation Biology
4 Semester Credits
This course will focus on the scientific foundations of biological conservation. Students will explore major threats to
ecosystems and biodiversity and discuss approaches for overcoming these threats in ways that balance the needs of
people and nature.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of BIO255(Genetics), ENV320(Environmental Science); BIO152(Evolution, Ecology and Diversity)
Freshwater Ecology
4 Semester Credits
This course provides an introduction to core concepts in limnology, or the study of "inland" aquatic ecosystems,
including lakes, rivers, and wetlands. Students will explore how these diverse systems function both physically and
biologically at multiple spatial scales. Students will examine connections between freshwater ecosystems and their
watersheds and focus on aspects of limnology that inform freshwater ecosystem protection and management.
Concurrent enrollment in BIO425L is required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of BIO152L(Completed with D grade), BIO152L(Completed with L grade); 1 of BIO255L(Completed with
C- grade), BIO255L(Completed with L grade); BIO152(Evolution, Ecology and Diversity), BIO255(Genetics)
Freshwater Ecology Lab
1 Semester Credits
Required lab taken concurrently with BIO425
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): BIO425(Freshwater Ecology) *concurrent registration is required*
Genomics and Biotechnology
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to genome science and biotechnology, examining how genomes are sequenced and analyzed and the
insights genomics provides into human health and the domestication of our food crops. The course explores the how
and why of plant tissue culture and genetic engineering, and the use of biotechnology for ethical and sustainable living.
Concurrent registration in BIO444L is required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT163(Introductory Statistics), MAT164(Introductory Statistics for STEM), PSY215(Research
Methods and Statistics I); BIO255(Genetics)
Genomics and Biotechnology Lab
1 Semester Credits
Required lab taken concurrently with BIO444
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): BIO444(Genomics and Biotechnology) *concurrent registration is required*
Advanced Cellular and Molecular Biology
4 Semester Credits
An examination of mechanisms of molecular genetics, recombinant DNA technology, cell-signaling, cell cycle control, the
cytoskeleton and select additional topics. Concurrent registration in BIO471L is required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): BIO369(Biochemistry)
Advanced Cellular and Molecular Biology Lab
1 Semester Credits
Four hour lab taken concurrently with BIO471.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): BIO471(Advanced Cellular and Molecular Biology) *concurrent registration is required*
Physiology of Humans and Other Animals
4 Semester Credits
A study of digestion, respiration, circulation, excretion, movement, and sensory perception as well as neural and
hormonal control of these functions, emphasizing vertebrates. Concurrent registration in BIO473L is required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT114(Precalculus), MAT145(Calculus I), MAT163(Introductory Statistics), MAT164(Introductory
Biostatistics), MAT248(Biostatistics), PSY215(Research Methods and Statistics I); BIO253(Introductory Cellular Biology)
Physiology of Humans and Other Animals Lab
1 Semester Credits
Four hour lab taken concurrently with BIO473.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): BIO473(Animal Physiology) *concurrent registration is required*
Developmental Biology
4 Semester Credits
A study of development from the embryonic to adult stages. The course will focus on the physiological, molecular, and
morphological changes that occur during development. Additional topics to be covered will include evolutionary
developmental biology (evo devo), teratology, stem cells, regeneration, and cell death. Concurrent registration in
BIO474L is required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): BIO253(Introductory Cellular Biology)
Developmental Biology Lab
1 Semester Credits
Four hour lab taken concurrently with BIO474.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): BIO474(Developmental Biology) *concurrent registration is required*
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to the nervous system. Topics to be studied include the electrical activity of neurons, sensory and motor
systems, mechanisms of learning and memory, animal behavior, and human cognition. Concurrent registration in
BIO475L is required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): BIO253(Introductory Cellular Biology)
Neurobiology Lab
1 Semester Credits
Four hour lab taken concurrently with BIO475.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): BIO475(Neurobiology) *concurrent registration is required*
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to the study of microorganisms. Environmental, industrial, and medical issues are discussed, with
particular attention paid to human pathogens. Concurrent registration in BIO476L is required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): BIO253(Introductory Cellular Biology), BIO255(Genetics)
Microbiology Lab
1 Semester Credits
Two two-hour labs per week, taken concurrently with BIO476.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): BIO476(Microbiology) *concurrent registration is required*
4 Semester Credits
A study of interactions between organisms and the biotic and abiotic environment. Topics include physiological ecology,
energy flow, nutrient cycling, a survey of biomes, population and community ecology, and conservation. Concurrent
registration in BIO481L is required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of CHM106(Principles of Chemistry II), CHM116(General Chemistry II); 1 of MAT114(Precalculus),
MAT145(Calculus I), MAT163(Introductory Statistics), MAT248(Biostatistics), PSY215(Research Methods and Statistics I);
BIO152(Evolution, Ecology and Diversity)
Ecology Lab
1 Semester Credits
Four hour lab taken concurrently with BIO481. Some Saturday field trips required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): BIO481(Ecology) *concurrent registration is required*
Advanced Topics in Biology
2 Semester Credits
An exploration of advanced topics in biology. Students will learn the foundational concepts of a topic of ongoing
research in the biological sciences, and apply that knowledge as they read and discuss current scientific literature in that
subject. Check Records and Registration for the topic and title of a given section. This course is repeatable.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): BIO151(Introductory Biology), BIO152(Evolution, Ecology and Diversity), BIO253(Introductory Cellular
Biology), BIO255(Genetics)
4 Semester Credits
A study of the mechanisms by which the immune system can recognize and neutralize or destroy foreign molecules and
organisms. Aspects of immune dysfunction in allergy, autoimmunity, cancer and immunodeficiency are included.
Concurrent registration in BIO486L is required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): BIO253(Introductory Cellular Biology), BIO255(Genetics)
Immunology Lab
1 Semester Credits
Four hour lab taken concurrently with BIO486.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): BIO486(Immunology) *concurrent registration is required*
Special Topics in Biochemistry
2 Semester Credits
Courses covering special topics in biochemistry not otherwise covered by other course offerings. Topics vary.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Special Topics in Biochemistry
4 Semester Credits
Courses covering special topics in biochemistry not otherwise covered by other course offerings. Topics vary.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Biology Keystone
2 Semester Credits
Several important biological issues that have ethical and societal implication and ramifications are explored, including
the topics of the vocation of a scientist, connections between faith and science, and moral, ethical, and societal
challenges faced by scientists. Open only to senior students majoring in biology.
Core Curriculum Component: Keystone
Prerequisite(s): 1 of BIO255(Genetics), BIO369(Biochemistry), CHM369(Biochemistry); BIO253(Introductory Cellular
Special Topics in Biology
4 Semester Credits
Courses covering special topics not otherwise covered by our other course offerings. Topics may vary.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Topics: Lab
1 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): BIO495(Special Topics in Biology) *concurrent registration is required*
Independent Study
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Independent Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): BIO253(Introductory Cellular Biology)
BUS – Business Administration
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Principles of Management
4 Semester Credits
Development of the theory of management, organization, staffing, planning, and control. The nature of authority,
accountability, and responsibility; analysis of the role of the professional manager.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Lectures, discussions, meetings with members of the staff or visiting faculty regarding research methodology and
readings in the areas of business administration.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): CONSENT(Consent of Instructor)
Directed Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Business Law
4 Semester Credits
Legal rules relating to contracts, agency, negotiable instruments, property, and business organizations under the
Uniform Commercial Code.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ACC221(Introduction to Financial Accounting), BUS242(Principles of Management), ECO113(Principles of
Human Resource Management
4 Semester Credits
Personnel function in business, acquisition, and utilization of human resources; desirable working relationships; effective
integration of the worker with the goals of the firm and society.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of BUS200(Exploring Business as a Vocation), BUS242(Principles of Management)
International Business
4 Semester Credits
This course views international business from a global perspective, including views of the U.S. government and
perspectives of foreign governments. Each topic is supported with real-life case studies.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ECO112(Principles of Macroeconomics), ECO113(Principles of Microeconomics); 1 of
ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for Liberating Letters),
WPL(Writing Placement Level); ACC221(completed previously) *concurrent registration is acceptable*;
BUS242(Principles of Management), MKT252(Principles of Marketing)
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
2 Semester Credits
BUS397 provides direction and support for students completing internships. Classroom meetings will be scheduled.
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
BUS399 provides direction and support for students completing internships. Classroom meetings will be scheduled.
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
Strategic Management
4 Semester Credits
Concepts and principles related to long-range planning. Taught from a managerial viewpoint with examples from various
industries and sectors.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of BUS200(Exploring Business as a Vocation), BUS242(Principles of Management)
International Management
4 Semester Credits
This course analyzes several factors influencing behavior in the workplace and the board room, including skills needed to
manage across national borders.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): BUS362(International Business)
Vocation and the Meaning of Success
4 Semester Credits
This course is the keystone course for business majors and other majors where the major program does not include a
keystone element. It draws together all facets of a student’s education by providing opportunities to reflect upon and
write about the integration of one’s classes, life, and future. Readings and critical discussions with others in the same
and in different majors will add dimension to each student’s reflective writing.
Core Curriculum Component: Keystone
Prerequisite(s): 1 of RLN100(Religion, Vocation, and the Search for Meaning I), RLN300(Religion and Vocation in the
Public Sphere); 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): CONSENT(Consent of Instructor)
Independent Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
CAP – General Studies
CAP Seminar
0 Semester Credits
Program (CAP). During individual meetings, students will work with an academic skills coach to develop study skills,
address affective needs, and transition to college life. Meeting time is arranged with skills coach. (.0 course; P/N grading
only; Prereq: conditional admit status).
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
CCS – Languages and Cross-Cultural Studies
Introduction to Cultural Studies
4 Semester Credits
This course is an introduction to the critical study of cultures and cross-cultural difference. It examines the connections
between social relations and the production of meaning. It sets the stage for global citizenship by revealing how our
"position" in the world affects the way we view, interpret, and interact with other cultures.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Directed Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Readings In Comparative Literature
4 Semester Credits
A comparative approach to literary study, with readings from at least two different national literatures and/or periods.
Primary readings in the original language where feasible; language of instruction subject to discretion of the instructor
and needs of the students.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): CCS100(Introduction to Cultural Studies)
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Independent Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
CHM – Chemistry
Chemistry for Changing Times
4 Semester Credits
Designed for the liberal arts student. Emphasis is upon developing basic chemistry concepts using examples primarily
from inorganic chemistry. Does not count toward a chemistry major or minor. Note: must earn credit for both 102 and
102L to count as NSM-LAF.
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics (Lab)
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT103(Prealgebra), MPL(Math Placement Level 2)
Chemistry for Changing Times Lab
0 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics (Lab)
Prerequisite(s): CHM102(Chemistry for Changing Times) *concurrent registration is required*
General Chemistry I
4 Semester Credits
This is the entry course for chemistry and related science majors, including biology and physics. Course topics include an
introduction to matter and measurements, chemical equations, stoichiometry, energetics, electronic structure, and
bonding theory. High school chemistry recommended. Note: must earn credit for both 115 and 115L to count as NSMLAF. (Fall)
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics (Lab)
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement Level
General Chemistry I Lab
1 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics (Lab)
Prerequisite(s): 1 of CHM115(General Chemistry I) *concurrent registration is acceptable*, SCI114(Exploring Science and
Engineering) *concurrent registration is required*
General Chemistry II
4 Semester Credits
A continuation of Chemistry 115. Emphasis on equilibrium and solution chemistry including kinetics and
electrochemistry. Note: must earn credit for both 116 and 116L to count as NSM-LAF.
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics (Lab)
Prerequisite(s): 1 of CHM115L(General Chemistry I Lab), CHM115L(General Chemistry I Lab); CHM115(General
Chemistry I)
General Chemistry II Lab
1 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics (Lab)
Prerequisite(s): CHM116(General Chemistry II) *concurrent registration is acceptable*
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Organic Chemistry I
4 Semester Credits
Basic periodic trends and bonding principles are emphasized with focus on the first row elements. Spectroscopic and
separation methods are introduced for both functional group and structural analysis of organic compounds, including IR,
MS, GC, NMR, and chromatography. (Fall)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of CHM116L(General Chemistry II Lab), CHM116L(General Chemistry II Lab); CHM116(General
Chemistry II)
Organic Chemistry I Lab
1 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): CHM251(Organic Chemistry I) *concurrent registration is acceptable*
Organic Chemistry II
4 Semester Credits
Organic functional groups are analyzed in multi-step synthesis. Retro-synthetic analysis is emphasized and practiced
including oxidations, reductions, substitutions, eliminations, and aldol reactions. (Spring)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of CHM251(Organic Chemistry I), CHM351(Organic Chemistry I); 1 of CHM251L(Organic Chemistry I
Lab), CHM351L(Organic Chemistry I Lab)
Organic Chemistry II Lab
1 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): CHM252(Organic Chemistry II) *concurrent registration is acceptable*
Quantitative Analytical Chemistry
4 Semester Credits
Covers gravimetric and volumetric analysis and solution equilibrium in detail and gives an introduction to
electrochemical and spectrophotometric techniques of analysis. The laboratory involves quantitative analysis of a variety
of samples, and includes trace analysis. (Spring)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of CHM116L(General Chemistry II Lab), CHM116L(General Chemistry II Lab); 1 of MAT105(Applied
Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement Level 3); CHM116(General Chemistry II)
Quantitative Analytical Chemistry Lab
1 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): CHM280(Quantitative Analytical Chemistry) *concurrent registration is acceptable*
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Directed Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Physical Chemistry: Macroscopic Theory
4 Semester Credits
Studies fundamental macroscopic theories and concepts of physical chemistry with a focus on thermodynamics and
kinetics. (Fall)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of CHM116L(General Chemistry II Lab), CHM116L(General Chemistry II Lab); CHM116(General
Chemistry II), MAT146(Calculus II), PHY122(General Physics II)
Physical Chemistry: Microscopic Theory
4 Semester Credits
Studies fundamental microscopic theories and concepts of physical chemistry with a focus on quantum mechanics,
molecular structure, spectroscopy, and statistical mechanics. (Spring)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of CHM116L(General Chemistry II Lab), CHM116L(General Chemistry II Lab); CHM116(General
Chemistry II), MAT146(Calculus II), PHY122(General Physics II)
4 Semester Credits
The course addresses the chemical structure and function of the major biological macromolecules. Key topic areas are
protein structure and function, enzyme mechanisms, thermodynamics, intermediary metabolism, and metabolic
regulation. Concurrent registration in CHM369L is required. Chemistry majors should contact the chair of the Chemistry
Department about alternatives to the BIO253 prerequisite.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of CHM251(Organic Chemistry I), CHM351(Organic Chemistry I); 1 of CHM251L(Organic Chemistry I
Lab), CHM351L(Organic Chemistry I Lab); 1 of MAT114(Precalculus), MAT145(Calculus I), MAT163(Introductory
Statistics), MAT164(Introductory Biostatistics), PSY215(Research Methods and Statistics I); BIO253(Introductory Cellular
Biochemistry Lab
1 Semester Credits
Concurrent registration in CHM369 is required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): CHM369(Biochemistry) *concurrent registration is required*
Biochemistry II
4 Semester Credits
Biochemistry II explores structural biology techniques such as protein NMR, crystallography, and fluorescence.
Biochemical challenges and applications, such as drug delivery, manipulation of intercellular signaling, and rational
design of recombinant protein constructs will be studied. Students will use the primary literature in biochemistry as part
of the course.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of BIO369(Biochemistry), CHM369(Biochemistry)
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): 1 of CHM116L(General Chemistry II Lab), CHM116L(General Chemistry II Lab); CHM116(General
Chemistry II)
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): 1 of CHM116L(General Chemistry II Lab), CHM116L(General Chemistry II Lab); CHM116(General
Chemistry II)
Advanced Thermodynamic and Separation Lab
2 Semester Credits
A comprehensive lab course that provides hands-on experience in advanced topics in physical chemistry (kinetics and
thermodynamics) and analytical chemistry (separation science and electrochemistry). 4-hr lab with a 1-hr recitation
session each week.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of CHM252(Organic Chemistry II), CHM352(Organic Chemistry II); 1 of CHM252L(Organic Chemistry II
Lab), CHM352L(Organic Chemistry II Lab); 1 of CHM280(Quantitative Analytical Chemistry), CHM353(Quantitative
Analytical Chemistry); 1 of CHM280L(Quantitative Analytical Chemistry Lab), CHM353L(Quantitative Analytical Chemistry
Advanced Synthesis Lab
2 Semester Credits
A comprehensive lab course that provides experiences in advanced synthetic techniques in both organic and inorganic
chemistry. 4-hr lab with a 1-hr recitation session each week.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of CHM252(Organic Chemistry II), CHM352(Organic Chemistry II); 1 of CHM252L(Organic Chemistry II
Lab), CHM352L(Organic Chemistry II Lab); 1 of CHM280(Quantitative Analytical Chemistry), CHM353(Quantitative
Analytical Chemistry); 1 of CHM280L(Quantitative Analytical Chemistry Lab), CHM353L(Quantitative Analytical Chemistry
Advanced Spectroscopy and Computational Chemistry Lab
2 Semester Credits
A comprehensive lab course provides hands-on experience in advanced topics in spectroscopic instruments, both
commercial and home-built. Students will also be exposed to computational modeling using quantum mechanical
principles. 4-hr lab with a 1-hr recitation session each week.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of CHM252(Organic Chemistry II), CHM352(Organic Chemistry II); 1 of CHM252L(Organic Chemistry II
Lab), CHM352L(Organic Chemistry II Lab); 1 of CHM280(Quantitative Analytical Chemistry), CHM353(Quantitative
Analytical Chemistry); 1 of CHM280L(Quantitative Analytical Chemistry Lab), CHM353L(Quantitative Analytical Chemistry
Advanced Organic Chemistry
4 Semester Credits
Study of advanced mechanistic analyses and physical organic chemistry principles of modern synthetic transformations.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of CHM252(Organic Chemistry II), CHM352(Organic Chemistry II); 1 of CHM252L(Organic Chemistry II
Lab), CHM352L(Organic Chemistry II Lab)
Instrumental Analysis
4 Semester Credits
Emphasis on instrumental methods of analysis. Atomic, molecular, and electron spectroscopy, chromatography,
electroanalytical, and surface analysis methods are covered. (Fall)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of CHM280(Quantitative Analytical Chemistry), CHM353(Quantitative Analytical Chemistry); 1 of
CHM280L(Quantitative Analytical Chemistry Lab), CHM353L(Quantitative Analytical Chemistry Lab)
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
4 Semester Credits
Study of inorganic bonding and structural models, and a survey of inorganic substances and their reactions. Reactivity
and bonding in coordination, cluster, and organometallic compounds are considered. (Spring)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of CHM252(Organic Chemistry II), CHM352(Organic Chemistry II); 1 of CHM252L(Organic Chemistry II
Lab), CHM352L(Organic Chemistry II Lab); 1 of CHM362(Chemical Thermodynamics, Statistical Mechanics, and Kinetics),
CHM368(Quantum Chemistry, Molecular Structure, and Spectroscopy)
Special Topics in Biochemistry
2 Semester Credits
Courses covering special topics in biochemistry not otherwise covered by other course offerings. Topics vary.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Special Topics in Biochemistry
4 Semester Credits
Courses covering special topics in biochemistry not otherwise covered by other course offerings. Topics vary.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Chemistry Seminar
0.5 Semester Credits
This seminar is a weekly meeting of chemistry majors under the direction of the Augsburg Chemistry Society. Juniors and
seniors are expected to participate, with seniors presenting papers. Outside visitors are also invited to participate.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
2 Semester Credits
Study of a specific area building upon inorganic, analytical, physical, or organic chemistry.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): CONSENT(Consent of Instructor)
4 Semester Credits
Study of a specific area building upon inorganic, analytical, physical, or organic chemistry.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): CONSENT(Consent of Instructor)
Independent Study/Research
0 Semester Credits
Chemistry majors planning research careers need research experience before graduation that may be obtained by
working on a summer research project (not counted as a course) or by research participation during the academic year
(that may be counted as a course). Cooperative education is an excellent opportunity to be involved in industrial
research projects.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): CONSENT(Consent of Instructor)
Independent Study/Research
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): CONSENT(Consent of Instructor)
Independent Study/Research
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): CONSENT(Consent of Instructor)
COM – Communication Studies
Journalism Practicum
1 Semester Credits
The practicum course is for any student who wishes to gain credit for significant contributions to a specific campus
organization while developing specific communication skills.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Sports Production Practicum
1 Semester Credits
The practicum course is for any student who wishes to gain credit for significant contributions to a specific campus
organization while developing specific communication skills.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Audio Storytelling Practicum
1 Semester Credits
The practicum course is for any student who wishes to gain credit for significant contributions to a specific campus
organization while developing specific communication skills.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Forensics Practicum
1 Semester Credits
The practicum course is for any student who wishes to gain credit for significant contributions to a specific campus
organization while developing specific communication skills.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Multimedia Production Practicum
1 Semester Credits
The practicum course is for any student who wishes to gain credit for significant contributions to a specific campus
organization while developing specific communication skills.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Public Speaking
4 Semester Credits
The course focuses on speech preparation, organization, audience analysis, style, listening, and overcoming speech
fright. Note: Students may take only one of either COM 111, COM 112, or COM 115 for credit. (Fall, spring)
Core Curriculum Component: Engaging Minneapolis, Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
Contest Public Speaking
4 Semester Credits
Theory and practice of preparing speeches for delivery in formal and contest situations. Students are expected to attend
three interscholastic speech tournaments and compete in at least two of the following: informative speaking, persuasive
speaking, speaking to entertain, and/or communication analysis. Note: Students may take only one of either COM 111,
COM 112, or COM 115 for credit. (Fall)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Scientific and Technical Public Speaking
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to public speaking for students majoring in scientific or technical fields. Includes the same foundational
material as introduction to public speaking, including: delivery, argumentation, persuasion, and audience analysis. This
material is then applied to specific contexts common in technical fields, with special attention to distinguishing expert or
lay audiences, and the use of technical vocabulary and notation systems. Note: Students may take only one of either
COM 111, COM 112, or COM 115 for credit.
Core Curriculum Component: Engaging Minneapolis, Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
Mass Media and Popular Culture
4 Semester Credits
This course is a survey of the mass media in popular culture. Students will examine the different types of mass media
and will gain an understanding of what popular culture is and why it is important. The course examines the importance
of media criticism and the impact that media have had on culture and society. Students are encouraged to think critically
about media and media consumption.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Studio Production
4 Semester Credits
This is an introductory television production course utilizing three cameras in a live studio environment. This course
emphasizes the demands of live television production, such as collaborative team effort, pre-production, time
management, and meeting deadlines. Through a series of exercises, students learn the skills required to produce a live
30-minute news magazine program. (Fall)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Documentary History and Theory
4 Semester Credits
This course studies the history of film’s nonfiction art form, as well as the theoretical methods of engaging the world
through a lens. Through the study of selected documentaries, students will identify and analyze the filmmaker’s point of
view and the methods used to deliver the message.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
Interpersonal Communication
4 Semester Credits
A study of the dynamics of human interaction through verbal and non-verbal messages; emphasis on factors that build
relationships and help to overcome communication barriers.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
Environmental Communication
4 Semester Credits
We are bombarded with messages about the natural world every day from many different sources. Environmental
communication comes to us through commercials, television, movies, public policy debates, the scientific and technical
sphere, and social media. Environmental messages originate from groups, organizations and individuals with a variety of
goals. COM 260 encourages a deeper understanding of our relationship with the world around us.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
Introduction to Communication Studies
4 Semester Credits
An introductory survey course designed to acquaint students with the world of ideas that serves as the foundation for
the field of communication studies.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Directed Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Research Methods in Communication Studies
4 Semester Credits
This course focuses on the differing methods used by communication scholars to ask and answer questions about the
nature of human interaction. It examines various types of research methods, both qualitative and quantitative, such as
experimental research, survey research, ethnographic research, textual analysis, content analysis, and historical/critical
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement
Family Communication
4 Semester Credits
This course is an introduction to communication phenomena in the setting of the family. The overall goal is to help build
an understanding of how we develop, maintain, enhance, or disturb family relationships through communication
processes. Students will learn about theories focusing on the communication patterns and practices that constitute
family life.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Business and Professional Speaking
4 Semester Credits
Course explores the skills, research and forms of communication common in business and professional careers. Students
will learn how to produce effective speeches, conduct interviews, run meetings, and create written professional
communication. Emphasis on specialized communication skills, including: interviewing, professional networking, sales
speeches, persuasive policy speeches, business concept or proposal pitches, leading business meetings, etc. Also
includes common uses of social media research, organizational communication theory, power and communication
structures, and the styles and techniques of effective management/leadership.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of COM111(Public Speaking), COM112(Contest Public Speaking), COM115(Scientific and Technical
Public Speaking)
Intercultural Communication
4 Semester Credits
This course explores cultural differences and their implications for communication, including differences in values,
norms, social interaction, and code systems.
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
Organizational Communication
4 Semester Credits
An examination of communication in organizational settings. Focuses on topics such as superior-subordinate
relationships, management styles, motivation of employees, organizational culture, effective use of meetings, and
sources of communication problems.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Develops critical thinking skills by study of the theory and practice of argument, evidence, fallacies, and refutation.
Includes how to build and analyze public arguments that confront students in their everyday lives.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of COM111(Public Speaking), COM112(Contest Public Speaking), COM115(Scientific and Technical
Public Speaking); 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level); COM280(Introduction to Communication Studies)
4 Semester Credits
Examination of the process of influence in a variety of social contexts, paying special attention to the psychological
aspects of persuasion.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of COM111(Public Speaking), COM112(Contest Public Speaking), COM115(Scientific and Technical
Public Speaking); 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement
Level 3)
Small Group Communication
4 Semester Credits
A study of group dynamics and leadership with emphasis on decision making, leadership styles, and conflict
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Advanced Interpersonal Communication
4 Semester Credits
This course explores theories and concepts from Communication Studies related to our understanding of self, other,
relationships, and what it means to lead a compassionate life. As such, it provides students with an opportunity to probe
deeper into theories and concepts introduced in Interpersonal Communication.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
Nonverbal Communication
4 Semester Credits
This course focuses on the nonverbal elements of communication. Nonverbal communication encompasses all
communication except the spoken word. In order to fully explore the functions of nonverbal communication in everyday
life, students will conduct a research project that looks at nonverbal communication in depth.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of COM281(Research Methods), COM301(Research Methods in Communication Studies)
Advanced Critical Media Studies
4 Semester Credits
This course explores the role that various media, such as film, television, and the internet play in shaping and influencing
society. Topics covered include theories of influence and effects, representations of gender, race, and class, ownership
and democracy, and new media. After taking this course, students should possess heightened understanding and
appreciation of media’s significance and impact in the world.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of COM120(Mass Media and Popular Culture), NMS220(Foundations of New Media)
Public Relations/Promotional Communication
4 Semester Credits
Public relations in the modern world of communication, marketing, and business. An overview of public relations as a
career and a survey of basic promotional communication in profit and nonprofit organizations.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Keystone: Critical Conversations about Vocation
4 Semester Credits
A synthesis of communication theories and application of those theories to each student’s sense of vocation. This course
satisfies the Keystone requirement.
Core Curriculum Component: Keystone
Prerequisite(s): 1 of COM351(Argumentation), COM352(Persuasion)
Communication Topics
4 Semester Credits
Selected topics in communication with emphasis on the use of primary sources and methodology of research.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Independent Study/Research
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Independent Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
CSC – Computer Science
Introduction to Computer Science and Communication
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to computer science topics in hardware, software, theory, and computer communications: algorithm
design, logical circuits, network concepts, the Internet, and programming.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement Level
Introduction to Computer Programming (Python)
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to Computer Science, thinking algorithmically, and using a structured, high-level programming language
(Python) to implement algorithms. Emphasis on how to design, code, debug, and document computer programs to solve
problems from a wide range of disciplines and to appreciate the power of computation. Concurrent registration in CSC
165L is required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement Level
Introduction to Computer Programming (Python) Lab
0 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): CSC165(Introduction to Computer Programming (Python)) *concurrent registration is required*
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (Java)
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to programming in an object-oriented language (Java). Concepts of encapsulation,abstraction,
inheritance, and polymorphism applied to design, code, debug, and document computer programs. Concurrent
registration in CSC 170L is required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of CSC160(Introduction to Computer Science and Communication), CSC165(Introduction to Computer
Programming (Python)); 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math
Placement Level 3)
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (Java) Lab
0 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): CSC170(Introduction to Programming) *concurrent registration is required*
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Data Structures
4 Semester Credits
Data structures such as linked lists, stacks, and queues; recursion. Concurrent registration in CSC210L is required. (Three
hours of lecture, one-and-one-half hours of lab.)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of CSC160(Introduction to Computer Science and Communication), CSC165(Introduction to Computer
Programming (Python)); 1 of MAT145(Calculus I), MAT171(Discrete Mathematics For Computing); 1 of
MAT114(Precalculus), MPL(Math Placement Level 4); CSC170(Introduction to Programming)
Data Structures Lab
0 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): CSC210(Data Structures) *concurrent registration is required*
Information Security and Assurance
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to data communication with a focus on essential Information Security and Information Assurance.
Experience working with networks, information security and information assurance through practical and real-world
scenarios. Topics typically include applied networking fundamentals, applied fundamentals of distributed systems,
applied fundamentals of cloud systems, cyber attacks and countermeasures, scripting and automation, legal and ethical
considerations, data and user privacy, cyber forensics, risk assessment/management, and recovery management.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of CSC160(Introduction to Computer Science and Communication), CSC165(Introduction to Computer
Programming (Python)), CSC170(Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (Java)); 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra),
MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement Level 3)
Game Programming on the Web
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to game design, HTML5, Javascript, cascading style sheets, HTML5 Canvas, theories of game mechanics
and fiction, psychological flow, game engines, interfaces, knowledge creation, complex decisions, relation of Java to
JavaScript, and videogame history. Prerequisite: CSC 170 or equivalent.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of CSC165(Introduction to Computer Programming (Python)), CSC170(Introduction to Object-Oriented
Programming (Java))
UNIX and C
4 Semester Credits
Study of UNIX operating system and the C programming language. It is assumed that the student has a knowledge of
programming methods and has done programming in some other language.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement Level
3); CSC170(Introduction to Programming)
Directed Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Introduction to Data Science
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT145(Calculus I), MAT171(Discrete Mathematics For Computing); 1 of MAT163(Introductory
Statistics), MAT164(Introductory Statistics for STEM), MIS379(Quantitative Methods for Business and Economics); 1 of
CSC352(Database Management and Design), MIS270(Data Management for Business)
4 Semester Credits
A systematic study of algorithms and their complexity, including searching and sorting algorithms, mathematical
algorithms, scheduling algorithms, and tree and graph traversal algorithms. The classes P and NP, NP-complete
problems, and intractable problems.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT114(Precalculus), MPL(Math Placement Group 4); 1 of MAT171(Discrete Mathematics For
Computing), MAT271(Discrete Mathematical Structures); CSC210(Data Structures)
Principles of Computer Organization
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to computer architecture, binary representation of data, processors, instruction sets, and assembly
language programming.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT114(Precalculus), MPL(Math Placement Group 4); 1 of MAT171(Discrete Mathematics For
Computing), MAT271(Discrete Mathematical Structures); CSC210(Data Structures)
Database Management and Design
4 Semester Credits
Structure of database management systems, query facilities, file organization and security, and the development of
database systems.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement Level
3); CSC170(Introduction to Programming)
Database Architecture and Design
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to the physical design and tuning of database systems. Topics include data storage, indexing, query
processing, and transaction processing with a focus on the relation database. Advanced topics include security, other
types of databases (e.g., distributed databases, client-server architectures, object-oriented), emerging technologies, and
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement Level
3); CSC170(Introduction to Programming)
Symbolic Programming and Artificial Intelligence
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to programming in functional, symbolic languages, such as Lisp or Scheme. A study of the foundation
algorithms used in the field of artificial intelligence. Applications to selected problems from artificial intelligence.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT114(Precalculus), MPL(Math Placement Group 4); 1 of MAT171(Discrete Mathematics For
Computing), MAT271(Discrete Mathematical Structures); CSC210(Data Structures), CSC320(Algorithms)
Formal Logic and Computation Theory
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to sentential and first-order logic including logical connectives, proof theory, and quantification. Formal
models of computation including finite state automata, pushdown automata, and Turing machines. Incompleteness and
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT114(Precalculus), MPL(Math Placement Group 4); 1 of MAT171(Discrete Mathematics For
Computing), MAT271(Discrete Mathematical Structures); CSC210(Data Structures)
Topics in Computer Science
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of CSC320(Algorithms), CSC345(Principles of Computer Organization)
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT114(Precalculus), MPL(Math Placement Group 4); CSC210(Data Structures)
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT114(Precalculus), MPL(Math Placement Group 4); CSC210(Data Structures)
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT114(Precalculus), MPL(Math Placement Group 4); CSC210(Data Structures)
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT114(Precalculus), MPL(Math Placement Group 4); CSC210(Data Structures)
Introduction to A I Robotics
4 Semester Credits
Robot components, robotic paradigms, mobile robots, task planning, sensing, sensor fusion, basic control concepts.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT114(Precalculus), MPL(Math Placement Group 4); CSC210(Data Structures)
Software Engineering
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to Software Engineering -- the design, development, testing, use, and management of software systems.
Emphasis on creating intuitive, useful, well-tested, and accessible software that is adaptable, distributive, extensible,
and maintainable. Includes semester-long team project.
Core Curriculum Component: Keystone
Prerequisite(s): CSC320(Algorithms), CSC345(Principles of Computer Organization)
Programming Languages
4 Semester Credits
Principles that govern the design and implementation of programming languages including formal syntax specification,
typing, scoping, and parameter passing. Study of the major paradigms of programming languages by designing and
coding solutions in various programming languages such as Java, Python, Html5/CSS/Javascript, LISP, Prolog, and SQL
along with using a meta-programming language such as Flex.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT171(Discrete Mathematics For Computing), MAT271(Discrete Mathematical Structures); 1 of
MAT114(Precalculus), MPL(Math Placement Group 4); CSC320(Algorithms), CSC345(Principles of Computer
4 Semester Credits
Concepts of the compiling process including computation theory, automata required for language translation, and
computing run-time environments, along with the data and control structures necessary to implement a compiler.
Includes semester-long project building a complete, functional compiler.
Core Curriculum Component: Keystone
Prerequisite(s): CSC450(Programming Languages and Compilers I)
Computer Graphics
4 Semester Credits
A study of the foundational algorithms required for computer graphics. Topics include geometric algorithms, geometric
modeling, graphics techniques, graphical user interfaces, human-centered software development, computer animation,
virtual environments and 3D immersive rendering.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT114(Precalculus), MPL(Math Placement Level 4); CSC210(Data Structures)
Advanced Topics in Computer Science
4 Semester Credits
Study of advanced topics from areas of computer science not included in other courses. This course may be repeated,
but may not be counted more than twice as part of the requirements for the major.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of CSC320(Algorithms), CSC345(Principles of Computer Organization)
Independent Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
DAK - Dakota
Beginning Dakota I
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to the language and culture of the Dakota people. Emphasis is on vocabulary, reading, writing, and
conversational skills. Classroom practice will include linguistic patterns and oral interaction.
Core Curriculum Component: Modern Language 1
Prerequisite(s): None
Beginning Dakota II
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to the language and culture of the Dakota people. Emphasis is on vocabulary, reading, writing, and
conversational skills. Classroom practice will include linguistic patterns and oral interaction.
Core Curriculum Component: Modern Language 2
Prerequisite(s): DAK111(Beginning Dakota I)
ECO – Economics
Principles of Macroeconomics
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to macroeconomics: national income analysis, monetary and fiscal policy, international trade.
Application of elementary economic theory to current economic problems. May be taken independently of ECO 113.
ECO 112 and 113 may be taken in either order.
Core Curriculum Component: Social and Behavioral Sciences
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement Level
Principles of Microeconomics
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to microeconomics: the theory of the household, firm, market structures, and income distribution.
Application of elementary economic theory to market policy. May be taken independently of ECO 112. ECO 112 and 113
may be taken in either order.
Core Curriculum Component: Social and Behavioral Sciences
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement Level
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Directed Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Intermediate Macroeconomics
4 Semester Credits
Determinants of national income, employment, and price level analyzed via macromodels. Attention paid to areas of
monetary-fiscal policy, growth, and the role of expectations.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level); ECO112(Principles of Macroeconomics)
Intermediate Microeconomics
4 Semester Credits
Theory of resource allocation, analysis of consumer behavior, firm and industry; the pricing of factors of production and
income distribution; introduction to welfare economics.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ECO113(Principles of Microeconomics)
Money and Banking
4 Semester Credits
Functioning of the monetary and banking systems, particularly commercial banks, and the Federal Reserve System and
its role in relation to aggregate economic activity. Emphasis placed on monetary theory and policy.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ECO112(Principles of Macroeconomics)
Management Science
4 Semester Credits
Provides a sound conceptual understanding of the modern techniques of management science to prepare students to
make better business and economic decisions. Emphasis is on applications such as transportation, marketing, portfolio
selection, environmental protection, the shortest route, and inventory models.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ECO112(Principles of Macroeconomics), ECO113(Principles of Microeconomics); 1 of
MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement Level 3)
Labor Economics
4 Semester Credits
Analysis of labor markets, labor as a factor of production, determination of collective bargaining, labor legislation, and
effects upon society.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ECO113(Principles of Microeconomics)
International Economics
4 Semester Credits
A study of the underlying forces affecting the economic relations among nations. Development of the basis for
international trade, balance of payments, exchange rate systems, and commercial policy.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ECO113(Principles of Microeconomics)
Environmental Economics
4 Semester Credits
This course applies economic principles to the management and utilization of society’s environmental resources. It
analyzes the role of externalities and the public policy approaches designed to address those market failures, including
command/control and incentive-based strategies. Policy issues examined include air and water pollution, global
environmental issues like ozone depletion and global warming, and environmental policy for developing countries.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ECO113(Principles of Microeconomics)
International Economic Development
4 Semester Credits
This course studies the major factors that affect the economic standard of living in the developing world. It examines
such issues as poverty and income inequality, population growth, education and health of society, agricultural
production, environmental externalities, and the role of international trade and foreign assistance.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ECO112(Principles of Macroeconomics), ECO113(Principles of Microeconomics)
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
Mathematical Economics
4 Semester Credits
Mathematical economics with emphasis on the application of mathematical tools to the areas of micro and
macroeconomic theory.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ECO112(Principles of Macroeconomics), ECO113(Principles of Microeconomics), MAT245(Calculus III),
MAT246(Linear Algebra)
Research Methods in Econometrics
4 Semester Credits
This course provides an introduction to the application of statistical models and methods to economic problems.
Emphasis is on use of econometric software to analyze data and to test hypotheses.
Core Curriculum Component: Keystone
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level); 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and
Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement Level 3); 1 of MAT163(Introductory Statistics), MAT164(Introductory Statistics for
STEM), MIS379(Quantitative Methods for Business and Economics); ECO112(Principles of Macroeconomics),
ECO113(Principles of Microeconomics)
4 Semester Credits
Lectures, discussions, meetings with members of the staff or visiting faculty regarding research methodology and
current national and international economic problems and policies.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Independent Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
ECS – Continuing Education
Topics for Paraprofessionals
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Behavior Management: ENVOY Training
1 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Health Care Externship
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Paideia Seminar Writing to Learning
1 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Paideia: Guided Reading for Great Ideas
2 Semester Credits
This course is designed to assist Paideia practitioners in integrating reading techniques with seminar experiences.
Participants in the course will analyze and apply strategies in critical analysis of texts through seminars devoted to
interpretive questioning and civil discourse. The goal is to promote literacy through active reading and critical thinking
about great ideas.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Paideia: Advancing Student Learning Through Assessment
1 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Advanced Paideia Institute
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Paideia Onsite Training
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Paideia Institute- variable credit -formerly EDU539
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
The Paideia Trainer
4 Semester Credits
The Augsburg Paideia Trainer course is designed to provide the Paideia practitioner with opportunities to develop
leadership skills in the area of Paideia training. The goal is to improve knowledge and skills through conducting Paideia
training seminars.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Paideia: Curriculum Development
2 Semester Credits
This course is designed to assist Paideia practitioners in developing curricular units for seminars. Participants in the
course will integrate the three columns of didactic, coaching, and seminars to create a cohesive unit around a content
standard or great idea. Special focus will be placed on selection of seminar texts, content standards, stages of seminar
questions, and methods of evaluation.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
AP Courses APPROVED BY GAAC cont ed 1 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Topics Grad Edu, General and TPT Cont Ed only-variable credit
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Topics AP Not Approved 1stand2nd ti-Variable credit
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Independent Study/Research
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Independent Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
EDC – Education
Teaching in a Diverse World
4 Semester Credits
This course is designed to engage students in both an examination and critique of their own schooling and education. It
is meant to support students in developing a socio-political consciousness necessary for successful teaching in a diverse
society (Ladson-Billings, 1995). Students in this course will be asked to come to a better understanding of their own
desires to become educated people while simultaneously learning to critically examine the pathways and barriers that
exist for students of color and other marginalized youth in schools today. Through participatory action research,
students will explore a self-directed method of inquiry (problem-posing, problem solving) and hopefully learn how to
claim their own education.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Orientation to Education in an Urban Setting
3 Semester Credits
Career exploration and overview of the teaching profession. Emphasis on historical and philosophical foundations of the
American school system. Field service experience in an urban P-12 school is required.
Core Curriculum Component: Engaging Minneapolis
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
0 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Diversity/Minnesota American Indians
3 Semester Credits
This course will examine human diversity and human relations. It will provide an awareness and critical analysis of how
prejudice, discrimination, and stereotypes impact us personally, as well as how these elements impact our schools and
communities. Also addressed in this course is the Minnesota Standard of Effective Practice 3.G: Understand the cultural
content, worldview, and concepts that comprise Minnesota-based American Indian tribal government, history, language,
and culture.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Diversity in the School
2 Semester Credits
Emphasis on the study of values, of communication techniques, and of the major minority groups in Minnesota for the
development of interpersonal relations skills applicable to teaching and other professional vocations.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Minnesota American Indians
2 Semester Credits
An overview of cultural content, world view, and concepts that comprise Minnesota-based American Indian tribal
government, history, language, and culture.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Educational Technology
2 Semester Credits
Psychological and philosophical dimensions of communication through the use of instructional technology. Selection,
preparation, production, and evaluation of effective audio-visual and computer-based materials for teaching/learning
situations. Computer training will be included in this course.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Topics in Education
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
Admission), TPL001(Education Admit)
Learning and Development in an Educational Setting
3 Semester Credits
A survey of educational psychology topics as applied to teaching and learning. Special emphasis is placed on classroom
applications of theoretical constructs.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Building the Public Good: Public Achievement and Organizing: Seminar I
1 Semester Credits
This course advances the idea of democracy as a society created through the public work of everyday citizens. That work
may occur in schools or community organizations but it requires participants to think about their place as citizen
professionals and in other civic roles as agents and architects of democracy. It will address how to effectively create
change and examine concepts and ideas central to the role the citizen in public life and provide a knowledge base about
basic organizing for the public good whether it be in schools or the broader community. Both EDC 330 and EDC 331 will
run over the span of two semesters.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
Admission); EDC331(EDC331 concurrent enrollment) *concurrent registration is required*
Practicum in Public Achievement-Seminar I
1 Semester Credits
This course advances the idea of democracy as a society created through the public work of everyday citizens. That work
may occur in schools or community organizations but it requires participants to think about their place as citizen
professionals and in other civic roles as agents and architects of democracy. It will address how to effectively create
change and examine concepts and ideas central to the role of the citizen in public life and provide a knowledge base
about basic organizing for the public good, whether it be in schools or the broader community. Both EDC 330 and EDC
331 will run over the span of two semesters. Field experience in a public achievement setting is required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Building the Public Good: Public Achievement and Organizing: Seminar II
1 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): All of EDC330(Building the Public Good: Public Achievement and Organizing), EDC331(Practicum in
Public Achievement); EDC333(EDC333 concurrent enrollment) *concurrent registration is required*
Practicum in Public Achievement-Practicum II
1 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): All of EDC330(Building the Public Good: Public Achievement and Organizing), EDC331(Practicum in
Public Achievement)
International Education
3 Semester Credits
This course presents an examination and comparison of selected Western and non-Western educational systems as well
as an investigation of possible careers in international education.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
Admission), TPL001(Education Admit)
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
Learners with Special Needs
3 Semester Credits
The study of students with disability, special needs, and giftedness. Emphasis on techniques and resources to help all
students achieve maximum outcomes, and special focus on needs of urban students. Fieldwork experience required.
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
Student Teaching: Initial License (12-14 weeks)
8 Semester Credits
Full-time, supervised classroom experience. Required for licensure.
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): STUTEACH8(Student Teaching, 8 Credits)
Student Teaching: Endorsement
4 Semester Credits
Full-time, supervised classroom experience. Required for licensure.
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): STUTEACH4(Student Teaching, 4 Credits)
Student Teaching: Initial License in PE, Music, Art, or ESL
12 Semester Credits
Full-time, supervised classroom experience. Required for licensure.
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): STUTEACH12(Student Teaching, 12 Credits)
Student Teaching: Initial License - Extended Experience (16 weeks)
12 Semester Credits
Full-time, supervised classroom experience. Required for licensure.
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): STUTEACHEX(Student Teaching, Extended Experience)
Topics in Education
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
School and Society
3 Semester Credits
Emphasis on points of view about the role of school in modern society, relationships with parents and community,
collaborative models, leadership, and professional development. Serves as final theoretical preparation for student
Core Curriculum Component: Keystone
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
Independent Study
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
Independent Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
Graduate Pro-Seminar
1 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Tools of Inquiry
3 Semester Credits
This course will focus on methods, models and modes of inquiry used by teachers and program organizers. Students in
this course will engage with ethical, theoretical, and methodological issues, as well as learn some practical tools
employed to inform practice and improve programs. This course is specifically designed to assist educators and
community members in how to select appropriate tools and methods for improving practice and for program
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Foundations of Curriculum and Instruction
3 Semester Credits
In this course, we will explore salient ideas in the study of curriculum and develop a foundational understanding of
curriculum form, theory, and history. In particular, this course will examine how curricular approaches have been used
to advance democratic and participatory ideals and practice. To this end, we will consider the theory of integrated
curriculum and examine its contemporary curricular practice in problem based curriculum, project based curriculum,
and social action curriculum. While this course is theoretical in its underpinnings, a major component will be a group
project that focuses on practicing integrated curriculum through a social action curriculum project.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Research Methods
3 Semester Credits
Evaluation and documentation of programs, projects, and ideas as they relate to leadership theories and practice.
Qualitative and quantitative tools will be discussed.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department Admission)
Teaching Writing: Theory and Practice
4 Semester Credits
eaching practices presuppose and reflect theoretical positions. Students will complete an internship in a writing class or
writing center as part of this course. This course is appropriate for anyone who expects to teach writing and/or who is
interested in the study of writing.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Orientation to Education in an Urban Setting
3 Semester Credits
Career exploration and overview of the teaching profession. Emphasis on historical and philosophical foundations of the
American school system. Field service experience in an urban P-12 school is required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Learning and Development in an Educational Setting
3 Semester Credits
A survey of educational psychology topics as applied to teaching and learning. Special emphasis is placed on classroom
applications of theoretical constructs.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Introduction to Experiential Education
3 Semester Credits
An introduction to the theory and practice of experiential education. This course, taken as part of the Boundary Waters
Teacher Institute, will enable students to study experiential education as they are experiencing an outdoor education
curriculum. The course provides theoretical, historical, and practical contexts for experiential education.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Introduction to Outdoor Education
3 Semester Credits
A wilderness based course designed to enhance practical skills and knowledge to incorporate outdoor education
programming into various educational communities.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Critical Geography, Culture, and EcoJustice Education
3 Semester Credits
Teaching into the contradictions of the ecological crisis, this course examines both in-school and out-ofschool/community education for EcoJustice. This course examines the cultural and social underpinnings of the ecological
crisis and its relationship to community and school education. What assumptions about human relationships to the
natural world are taught (both implicitly and explicitly) through in-school and out of school experiences? What does it
mean to envisage ecological understanding?
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Learners with Special Needs
3 Semester Credits
The study of students with disability, special needs, and giftedness. Emphasis on techniques and resources to help all
students achieve maximum outcomes, and special focus on needs of urban students. Fieldwork experience required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department Admission)
Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
3 Semester Credits
This course will guide students to develop a foundational understanding of culturally relevant and responsive
pedagogies. The course work, materials, and discussions will critically examine dominant narratives in schools and
communities regarding cultural difference. Through a co-created and context-embedded curriculum, students in the
course will explore many facets of culturally responsive pedagogy, including prejudice reduction, whiteness, power,
language, and school/social implications of multicultural education.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
International Education
3 Semester Credits
This course presents an examination and comparison of selected Western and non-Western educational systems as well
as an investigation of possible careers in international education.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department Admission)
Issues in In/Equity
3 Semester Credits
This course examines the intersectionality of social, political, and cultural inequity along lines of race, class, gender, and
ability. We will interrogate the ways in which sites of learning are impacted through and by social and cultural forces.
Using interdisciplinary perspectives, we will develop an understanding of the relationship between education, culture,
and society.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Diversity/Minnesota American Indians
3 Semester Credits
This course will examine human diversity and human relations. It will provide an awareness and critical analysis of how
prejudice, discrimination, and stereotypes impact us personally, as well as how these elements impact our schools and
communities. Also addressed in this course is the Minnesota Standard of Effective Practice 3.G: Understand the cultural
content, worldview, and concepts that comprise Minnesota-based American Indian tribal government, history, language,
and culture.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Teacher Leadership
3 Semester Credits
This course will explore generative questions about leadership, change, and our own paradigms, visions and values. We
will investigate what it means to be a teacher leader and the ways in which teachers provide leadership. Examining
theoretical models and conceptual frame works from interdisciplinary fields will offer a variety of perspectives for
providing effective teacher leadership. Participants will also have an opportunity to reflect on the foundational question
of "who am I as a leader".
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department Admission)
Navigating Change in Education
3 Semester Credits
This course explores the situational politics of local schools, organizations, or other work spaces. The course provides
historical and social context for educator organizing (e.g. strikes, militant protest, civic agency). Emphasis is placed on
exploring various forms of agency and tools for engaging others in collaborative work toward change.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
School and Society
3 Semester Credits
Emphasis on points of view about the role of school in modern society, relationships with parents and community,
collaborative models, leadership, and professional development. Serves as final theoretical preparation for student
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department Admission)
Navigating the Leadership Application Project
3 Semester Credits
The leadership application project is either a research-based study or a curriculum-based project that links issues of
leadership and education with the degree candidate’s personal interests. The character of the project will vary with the
nature of the investigation, but will always be application oriented. The central component of the LAP is the
demonstration of leadership ability through a concrete project appropriate to the candidate’s workplace or place of
service. P/N grading.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDC514(Research Methods), ML514(Research Methods); CONSENT(Consent of Instructor)
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department Admission)
1 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department Admission)
3 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department Admission)
Action Research II
3 Semester Credits
The second term of this course involves intensive data analysis, writing and sharing of the degree candidate’s research.
It requires active self-reflective inquiry and collaboration. The course will culminate with a symposium in which student
work will be presented in a public forum. P/N Grading.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): CONSENT(Consent of Instructor), EDC592(Action Research I), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education
Department Admission)
Performance Assessment Project
3 Semester Credits
This performance assessment course will require the students to integrate their knowledge about leadership, their sense
of themselves as education leaders, and their understanding of a specific teaching/learning problem into a solution to
the problem and a process for change. P/N grading.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department Admission)
Early Career Teacher Seminar
2 Semester Credits
This seminar course is designed to serve as a bridge between a teacher certification program and the first years of
teaching. The course explores pertinent issues in the lives of practicing teachers in order to foster a classroom
community that empowers teachers in our shared struggles and successes to thrive within our profession. This course
centralizes the specific needs of teachers for the purposes of creating networks of support during the first years of
teaching. Twice a month, the seminar will meet face to face and have ongoing conversations online provoked by
readings and problems of practice.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDC481(Student Teaching: Initial License (12-14 weeks)), EDC483(Student Teaching: Initial License
in PE, Music, Art, or ESL), EDC484(Student Teaching: Initial License - Extended Experience (16 weeks))
Independent Study
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department Admission)
Independent Study
3 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department Admission)
EDU – Education
Practicum and Seminar in Special Education
3 Semester Credits
A supervised field placement in a facility for an exceptional population plus on-campus seminar. Students planning to
take this course should consult with the special education director about a placement prior to registering for the course.
(Prereq.: completion of all other courses in special education minor or consent of instructor. Open to all.)
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
Independent Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Special Topics
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department Admission)
EED – Education
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Elementary Education Earth Science
3 Semester Credits
This course is designed to provide hands-on investigations that model modern inquiry learning and teaching strategies. It
meets the basic earth science subject matter standards for initial licensure. This is a content intensive course. Plan to
spend much time outside of class reading and completing assignments.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Physical Science for Elementary Teachers
3 Semester Credits
Students will participate in hands-on experiments to explore properties of and changes in matter; position, motion, and
force; light, heat, electricity, and magnetism; and kinds of ways to transfer energy. All elementary MSEPs for physical
science are met in this course. For elementary education majors only.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Foundations of Literacy
3 Semester Credits
An initiation into K-6 elementary literacy instruction, focusing on the fundamentals of linguistics and literacy
development in children, with special attention to English language learners. This course aims in particular to develop
students’ base knowledge as the prerequisite for later courses in literacy.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Topics in Education
3 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Directed Study
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Directed Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
K-6 Methods: Health
1 Semester Credits
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for health at the kindergarten and elementary levels.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
K-6 Methods: Physical Education
1 Semester Credits
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for physical education at the kindergarten and elementary
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
K-6 Methods: Literacy
3 Semester Credits
Continued instruction in and discussion of literacy K-6 instruction, development, and assessment. This course aims to
investigate research and practices involved in K-6 literacy instruction by examining the competing theories regarding
literacy, the research findings that give support to these theories, and a range of practical approaches to teach literacy in
an elementary setting. Students must be registered concurrently for EED 326.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EED225(Foundations of Literacy), EED524(Foundations of Literacy); 1 of EDADMIT(Education
Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department Admission); EED326(EED326 concurrent
enrollment) *concurrent registration is required*
Elementary Reading K-6 Field Experience
1 Semester Credits
Observation, analysis, and preparation of assessment tools and reading materials for K-6 students in an elementary
classroom setting. Students must be registered concurrently for EED 325.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
Middle School Methods Writing
2 Semester Credits
This course will focus on writing strategies and processes appropriate to middle level students. Emphasis will include the
writing process, types of writing, and integrated writing across the curriculum. This course is required for students
seeking elementary licensure with a communication arts/literature specialty.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
Advanced Literacy Methods
2 Semester Credits
The focus of this course is on formal and informal assessment tools, response to intervention, and differentiated
instruction in a K-6 literacy setting. (Prereq: MTLE and admission to the department and successfully completed EED
225/325.) Field experience with a student in special education or receiving English language instruction is required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
K-6 Methods: Art
1 Semester Credits
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for visual arts at the kindergarten and elementary levels.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
K-6 Methods: Music
1 Semester Credits
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for music at the kindergarten and elementary levels.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
K-6 Methods: Mathematics
3 Semester Credits
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for mathematics at the kindergarten and elementary levels.
Field service in a mainstreamed K-6 classroom required. MAT137 recommended prior to taking this course.
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
Admission); 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement Level 3)
K-6 Methods: Science
3 Semester Credits
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for analyzing and translating elementary science curriculum,
considering different instructional strategies, models of instruction, and authentic assessment techniques. Additional
focus on scientific inquiry from the perspective of a learner, teacher and scientist and translation of theoretical
constructs to an elementary classroom. Field service in a P-6 classroom required.
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
K-6 Methods: Social Studies/Thematics
2 Semester Credits
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for social studies and thematic teaching at the kindergarten and
elementary levels.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
Kindergarten Methods
2 Semester Credits
Study and use of a variety of techniques and resources for teaching kindergarten. Fieldwork experience required.
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
K-6 Methods: Children's Literature
2 Semester Credits
This course focuses on the study of literature for children and young adolescents. It includes wide reading across the
genres represented in children’s literature, to evaluate the quality of the literature read, exploring children’s response to
literature, and using children’s literature in teaching and learning.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
Teacher Performance Assessment and Student Teaching Seminar
2 Semester Credits
This course supports the development of the teacher candidate's professional practice through a series of seminars that
focus on helping student teachers make connections between the student teaching experience and what they have
learned through their education courses and field experiences. These workshops mentor students in the analysis and
completion of the Teaching Performance Assessment (edTPA).
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
Admission); 1 of STUTEACH12(Student Teaching, 12 Credits), STUTEACH4(Student Teaching, 4 Credits),
STUTEACH8(Student Teaching, 8 Credits), STUTEACHEX(Student Teaching, Extended Experience)
Topics in Education
3 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
Independent Study/Research
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
Independent Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
Admission), TPL001(Education Admit)
Foundations of Literacy
3 Semester Credits
An initiation into K-6 elementary literacy instruction, focusing on the fundamentals of linguistics and literacy
development in children, with special attention to English language learners. This course aims in particular to develop
students’ base knowledge as the prerequisite for later courses in literacy.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
K-6 Methods: Literacy
3 Semester Credits
Continued instruction in and discussion of literacy K-6 instruction, development, and assessment. This course aims to
investigate research and practices involved in K-6 literacy instruction by examining the competing theories regarding
literacy, the research findings that give support to these theories, and a range of practical approaches to teach literacy in
an elementary setting. Students must be registered concurrently for EED 326.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EED225(Foundations of Literacy), EED524(Foundations of Literacy); 1 of EDADMIT(Education
Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department Admission); EED326(EED326 concurrent
enrollment) *concurrent registration is required*
K-6 Methods: Mathematics
3 Semester Credits
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for mathematics at the kindergarten and elementary levels.
Field service in a mainstreamed K-6 classroom required. MAT137 recommended prior to taking this course.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
Admission); 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement Level 3)
K-6 Methods: Science
3 Semester Credits
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for analyzing and translating elementary science curriculum,
considering different instructional strategies, models of instruction, and authentic assessment techniques. Additional
focus on scientific inquiry from the perspective of a learner, teacher and scientist and translation of theoretical
constructs to an elementary classroom. Field service in a P-6 classroom required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
Independent Study
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department Admission)
ENL – English
Writing Lab
0 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Effective Writing I
4 Semester Credits
This course engages students in university writing practices and introduces them to academic genres. Students develop
skills in critical reading and critical thinking, and analyze written texts in terms of audience, purpose, and context. While
practicing common academic genres such as narrative and exposition, students learn to understand writing as a process
that includes drafting, revising, and editing. Students receive feedback from the instructor throughout the course and
from other students in peer-review sessions.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Effective Writing II
4 Semester Credits
Students practice understanding complex arguments in written texts and learn to craft complex written arguments of
their own. Students are encouraged to see academic argument as a form of conversation, and to practice the skills
needed to contribute successfully to academic conversations. Assignments emphasize research with electronic and print
libraries, finding and evaluating sources, and developing an understanding of writing as a recursive practice that includes
drafting, revising, and editing. Students receive feedback from the instructor throughout the course and from other
students in peer-review sessions.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL101(Effective Writing I), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Advanced Effective Writing
4 Semester Credits
Advanced Effective Writing follows the same purposes and procedures as ENL 111; placement is determined by a writing
sample submitted by students upon entry to the University. The minimum passing grade is C-.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): WPL(Writing Placement Level)
English as a Second Language
4 Semester Credits
Understanding spoken American English, speaking, reading college-level materials, and writing are the skills emphasized
in these two courses. Testing determines placement in these courses; and testing, as well as course performance,
determines whether the ELL requirement is met. Students continue in ELL until the requirement is completed but can
receive credit for only two courses.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
English as a Second Language
4 Semester Credits
Understanding spoken American English, speaking, reading college-level materials, and writing are the skills emphasized
in these two courses. Testing determines placement in these courses; and testing, as well as course performance,
determines whether the ELL requirement is met. Students continue in ELL until the requirement is completed but can
receive credit for only two courses.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Intermediate Expository Writing
4 Semester Credits
This course builds on the practices and methods of Effective Writing. Its workshop format stresses style and
organization, the process of revision, self and peer evaluation, and the relationship between reading and writing.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Intermediate Expository Writing About the Arts
4 Semester Credits
A variant of English 220, this course also builds on the methods of Effective Writing, but in this version students work on
content related to subjects in the world of art and literature. Particularly aimed at art, theatre arts, and film majors.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Writing for Business and the Professions
4 Semester Credits
This practical course is designed to improve writing skills for those entering business and professional careers.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Introduction to Creative Writing
4 Semester Credits
The purpose of the course is to introduce students to the process of creative writing and to various genres, emphasizing
poetry and short fiction, but including journal keeping and creative prose.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
4 Semester Credits
An introductory newswriting course with an emphasis on writing for the print media. Students consider how to
recognize news, gather and verify facts, and write those facts into a news story.
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Broadcast and Online Journalism
4 Semester Credits
This is an introductory newswriting course with an emphasis on writing for broadcast and online media. Students use an
intensive practice model to learn the basics of newsgathering, writing, and production for television, radio, and the
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
4 Semester Credits
An introductory course in writing for film, this course will take students from story outline to the creation of a
screenplay draft. In addition to writing their own scripts, students will review feature films and analyze work written by
each member of the class, giving detailed critical analysis and engaging in discussion of aesthetics, craft, and form.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Introduction to Literary Study
4 Semester Credits
This course develops students’ critical and analytical skills in reading and appreciating all kinds of literary texts and
genres, including poetry, fiction, and drama. Emphasis is placed on learning fundamental terms and concepts that serve
future literary inquiry and enjoyment.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II) *concurrent registration is acceptable*, ENL112(Advanced Effective
Writing) *concurrent registration is acceptable*, HON111(Effective Writing for Liberating Letters) *concurrent
registration is acceptable*, WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Introduction to Cinema Art
4 Semester Credits
An investigation of the cinematic qualities, theoretical principles, and technical and aesthetic evolution of the film
medium. Includes the viewing and analysis of both feature length and short films, illustrating the international
development of film form and selected aesthetic movements.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II) *concurrent registration is acceptable*, ENL112(Advanced Effective
Writing) *concurrent registration is acceptable*, HON111(Effective Writing for Liberating Letters) *concurrent
registration is acceptable*, WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Electronic Literature
4 Semester Credits
Students will discover and apply essential aesthetic practices that lie at the heart of both digital and traditional
literature, focusing on the artist’s commitment to both language and the visual. They will examine multiple genres –
among them hypertext and micro fiction, digital and cinematic poetry, and game narratives – considering interactive,
simultaneous, and non-linear practices of writing emerging in digital culture. It is a course is designed to contextualize
the digital on the literary page, stage, and screen.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
American Voices
4 Semester Credits
American Literature is made up of many voices that are distinct from one another in any number of ways. This course
foregrounds those voices that are usually identified by dint of ethnic rubrics. In each iteration, a specific ethnic literature
such as Hispanic, Asian American, or Jewish literature will be emphasized. Check the departmental web page for further
information or contact the instructor.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II) *concurrent registration is acceptable*, ENL112(Advanced Effective
Writing) *concurrent registration is acceptable*, HON111(Effective Writing for Liberating Letters) *concurrent
registration is acceptable*, WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Introduction to African American Literature
4 Semester Credits
This course introduces students to the foundations, development, and production of modern African-American
literature from its origins in the 18th century to the present. It will explore various literary genres, representative
authors, epochal texts, and ideological movements that have contributed to the shaping of the African American literary
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II) *concurrent registration is acceptable*, ENL112(Advanced Effective
Writing) *concurrent registration is acceptable*, HON111(Effective Writing for Liberating Letters) *concurrent
registration is acceptable*, WPL(Writing Placement Level)
American Indian Literature
4 Semester Credits
American Indian Literature offers a survey of contemporary American Indian writing, including non-fiction, fiction,
poetry, and drama. The course explores the richness and diversity of American Indian literature, and the ways in which
literature reflects and illuminates American Indian culture and traditions. The course emphasizes close readings of
literature and public speaking skills through in-class presentation and small group discussion.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II) *concurrent registration is acceptable*, ENL112(Advanced Effective
Writing) *concurrent registration is acceptable*, HON111(Effective Writing for Liberating Letters) *concurrent
registration is acceptable*, WPL(Writing Placement Level)
4 Semester Credits
A chance to investigate closely an author of significant influence in various cultural contexts. Course subjects may
include "Shakespeare on Page, Stage, and Screen," "Tolkien’s Life, Times, and Works," "The Cinema of Orson Welles,",
"Mark Twain in the 20th Century," and others. Check the departmental Web page for the title of a given section.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II) *concurrent registration is acceptable*, ENL112(Advanced Effective
Writing) *concurrent registration is acceptable*, HON111(Effective Writing for Liberating Letters) *concurrent
registration is acceptable*, WPL(Writing Placement Level)
4 Semester Credits
This course traces a specific theme through changing historical, literary, and cultural contexts. Course subjects may
include "The Heroic Journey," "Literature and Landscape," "Utopian Visions," and others. Check the departmental Web
page for the title of a given section.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II) *concurrent registration is acceptable*, ENL112(Advanced Effective
Writing) *concurrent registration is acceptable*, HON111(Effective Writing for Liberating Letters) *concurrent
registration is acceptable*, WPL(Writing Placement Level)
4 Semester Credits
Students will consider literary and cultural developments that fix generic conventions and ways authors subvert or
challenge those conventions. Course subjects may include "History of Mystery Fiction," "The Short Story," "Sports and
Literature," "Victorian Thrillers," "The Musical on Stage and Screen," and others. Check the departmental Web page for
the title of a given section.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II) *concurrent registration is acceptable*, ENL112(Advanced Effective
Writing) *concurrent registration is acceptable*, HON111(Effective Writing for Liberating Letters) *concurrent
registration is acceptable*, WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Explorations in Language and Theory
4 Semester Credits
An introductory course in applied literary or language theory. Course subjects may include "Cinema and Sexuality,"
"Strategies in Reading the Novel," "Challenging the Gaze," "Language and Society," and others. Check the departmental
web page for the title of a given section.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II) *concurrent registration is acceptable*, ENL112(Advanced Effective
Writing) *concurrent registration is acceptable*, HON111(Effective Writing for Liberating Letters) *concurrent
registration is acceptable*, WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Directed Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Fiction One
4 Semester Credits
Students draft a collection of short stories and critique others’ work in the writing workshop environment. Throughout
the term, students will also read classic and contemporary short fiction, analyzing and examining the work of established
writers as they learn to identify successful short fiction while creating their own work.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ENL226(Introduction to Creative Writing)
Fiction Two
4 Semester Credits
A writing workshop in which students will revise a body of short fiction, redrafting and polishing at least four short
stories of varying lengths for inclusion in a portfolio of work. Students will also be expected to create at least one new
work of short fiction during this workshop term.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ENL320(Fiction One)
Poetry One
4 Semester Credits
Students draft a collection of poems and critique others’ work in the writing workshop environment. Students will learn
to identify successful poetry as they create their own poems; they will read published poetry and listen to new and
established poets reading their own work.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ENL226(Introduction to Creative Writing)
Poetry Two
4 Semester Credits
In this writing workshop, students write and revise a collection of poems to be produced as a chapbook. Some of the
poems written during this semester will be experiments with formal verse, such as villanelles and sestinas.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ENL322(Poetry One)
Creative Non-Fiction
4 Semester Credits
In this writing workshop, students develop a portfolio of creative works in the "fourth genre," which may include
memoir; personal essays; flash nonfiction; researched feature stories; mixed media, hypertext, and fragmented
nonfiction; and lyric essays.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL220(Intermediate Expository Writing), ENL221(Intermediate Expository Writing About the Arts),
ENL226(Introduction to Creative Writing)
Playwriting I
4 Semester Credits
An introductory course in writing for theatre. Students will learn the basics of dramatic structure, methods of script
analysis, and techniques for the development of playscripts from idea to finished product.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Playwriting II
4 Semester Credits
A playwriting workshop with emphasis on the revision process and the continued development of craft. Students will
revise, redraft, and polish an original one-act play, as well as create one new, short piece of theatrical writing.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL325(Playwriting I), THR325(Playwriting I)
Advanced Reporting
4 Semester Credits
This course introduces students to gathering, analyzing, and presenting quantitative data by using computers and other
sources. The course also incorporates off-campus resources to provide students with real-world experience of how data
are incorporated into print, broadcast, and online journalism. This course is designed for persons wishing to explore use
of quantitative data and for those preparing to enter the communication professions.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL227(Journalism), ENL228(Broadcast and Online Journalism); 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra),
MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement Level 3); 1 of CHM106(Principles of Chemistry II),
CHM115(General Chemistry I), CHM116(General Chemistry II), HON220(The Scholar Scientist), MAT114(Precalculus),
MAT129(Practical Applications of Math), MAT137(Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I), MAT138(Mathematics for
Elementary Teachers II), MAT145(Calculus I), MAT146(Calculus II), MAT163(Introductory Statistics),
MAT173(Mathematics of Finance), PHY103(Conceptual Physics), QFCOM(QF COM Transfer Course), QFENL(QF ENL
Transfer Course), SCI110(Natural Science I)
Screenwriting II
4 Semester Credits
In this advanced course in writing for film, students will work toward the completion of a full-length screenplay (feature
or pilot). In addition to producing their own writing, students will analyze the scripts of produced films and TV shows to
gain a better understanding of the aesthetics, craft, and form of screenwriting.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ENL229(Screenwriting)
4 Semester Credits
Study of the bard’s major plays-comedies, histories, tragedies, and romances-for their literary, dramatic, and cultural
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL220(Intermediate Expository Writing), ENL221(Intermediate Expository Writing About the Arts),
ENL240(Introduction to Literary Study), ENL241(Introduction to Cinema Art), ENL250(American Voices),
ENL251(Introduction to African American Literature), ENL255(American Indian Literature), ENL260(Authors),
ENL270(Themes), ENL280(Genres), ENL290(Explorations in Language and Theory), THR250(Script Analysis: Foundations
of Theater)
British Literature: Renaissance and Reformation
4 Semester Credits
A survey of 14th- to 17th-century British literature, with attention to its European contexts. Begins with the Reformation
of the 14th century and Canterbury Tales and ends with the Puritan Revolution and Paradise Lost. Themes include "the
enchantment of evil"; the hero as lover and courtier; utopian dreams and the literature of conquest; the writer as
politician; and the challenges to religious certainty in a post-Ptolemaic universe. Major writers include Marlowe,
Spenser, Shakespeare, More, and Donne.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL220(Intermediate Expository Writing), ENL221(Intermediate Expository Writing About the Arts),
ENL240(Introduction to Literary Study), ENL241(Introduction to Cinema Art), ENL250(American Voices),
ENL251(Introduction to African American Literature), ENL255(American Indian Literature), ENL260(Authors),
ENL270(Themes), ENL280(Genres), ENL290(Explorations in Language and Theory)
British and American Literature of the 17th and 18th Centuries: Strange Shores
4 Semester Credits
British and American writers of this period are surveyed, with attention to the historical, intellectual and social
influences of the major literary movements on both sides of the Atlantic.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL220(Intermediate Expository Writing), ENL221(Intermediate Expository Writing About the Arts),
ENL240(Introduction to Literary Study), ENL241(Introduction to Cinema Art), ENL250(American Voices),
ENL251(Introduction to African American Literature), ENL255(American Indian Literature), ENL260(Authors),
ENL270(Themes), ENL280(Genres), ENL290(Explorations in Language and Theory)
Reason and Romanticism
4 Semester Credits
This class investigates the literary texts now called Romanticism within the history and culture of late 18th- and early
19th-century Britain. The famous "big six" poets (Blake, Coleridge, Wordsworth, Byron, Shelley, Keats) will be studied in
the context of poetic predecessors and influences (Burns, Cowper, Smith) and contemporary talents in other genres,
including Austen, Wollstonecraft, and Scott.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL220(Intermediate Expository Writing), ENL221(Intermediate Expository Writing About the Arts),
ENL240(Introduction to Literary Study), ENL241(Introduction to Cinema Art), ENL250(American Voices),
ENL251(Introduction to African American Literature), ENL255(American Indian Literature), ENL260(Authors),
ENL270(Themes), ENL280(Genres), ENL290(Explorations in Language and Theory)
Age of Victoria
4 Semester Credits
If America was the world’s cultural and political leader in the 20th century, Britain was the leader of the 19th century.
Students will study the literature and culture of Queen Victoria’s England and her empire from the 1830s through 1914
in all four major genres of poetry, fiction, drama, and essay.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL220(Intermediate Expository Writing), ENL221(Intermediate Expository Writing About the Arts),
ENL240(Introduction to Literary Study), ENL241(Introduction to Cinema Art), ENL250(American Voices),
ENL251(Introduction to African American Literature), ENL255(American Indian Literature), ENL260(Authors),
ENL270(Themes), ENL280(Genres), ENL290(Explorations in Language and Theory)
The British Novel
4 Semester Credits
This course traces two great structuring ideas - the love plot and the education plot - in the rise and development of the
British novel in the 18th and 19th centuries. The course spans 150 years of literary history, while studying and critiquing
the ways literary theorists and historians have explained and theorized British fiction. Authors surveyed include Defoe,
Richardson, Austen, Trollope, Bronte, Eliot, and others.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL220(Intermediate Expository Writing), ENL221(Intermediate Expository Writing About the Arts),
ENL240(Introduction to Literary Study), ENL241(Introduction to Cinema Art), ENL250(American Voices),
ENL251(Introduction to African American Literature), ENL255(American Indian Literature), ENL260(Authors),
ENL270(Themes), ENL280(Genres), ENL290(Explorations in Language and Theory)
British and Commonwealth Drama
4 Semester Credits
A variable survey of drama in English by British and Commonwealth playwrights, organized historically and/or
thematically. Sample topics include "Mysteries and Moralities," "London Onstage," "The Empire Strikes Back," and
"What Is My Nation?" Readings range from the Middle Ages to the present.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL220(Intermediate Expository Writing), ENL221(Intermediate Expository Writing About the Arts),
ENL240(Introduction to Literary Study), ENL241(Introduction to Cinema Art), ENL250(American Voices),
ENL251(Introduction to African American Literature), ENL255(American Indian Literature), ENL260(Authors),
ENL270(Themes), ENL280(Genres), ENL290(Explorations in Language and Theory), THR250(Script Analysis: Foundations
of Theater)
Modern British and Irish Writers
4 Semester Credits
Writers of the first half of the 20th century are surveyed, with attention paid to their contribution to modernism,
experimentation, and literary form. Virginia Woolf, William Butler Yeats, James Joyce, Henry Green, D.H. Lawrence,
Samuel Becket, and Muriel Spark are among the authors surveyed.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL220(Intermediate Expository Writing), ENL221(Intermediate Expository Writing About the Arts),
ENL240(Introduction to Literary Study), ENL241(Introduction to Cinema Art), ENL250(American Voices),
ENL251(Introduction to African American Literature), ENL255(American Indian Literature), ENL260(Authors),
ENL270(Themes), ENL280(Genres), ENL290(Explorations in Language and Theory)
Readings in African American Literature
4 Semester Credits
This course offers a chance to look in depth at authors, themes, historical influences, and theoretical issues surrounding
both classical and emerging minority literature. The course’s focus varies. A specific ethnic literature or a specific writer
may be emphasized; at other times topics that cross the boundaries of minority literatures will be examined. Check the
departmental web page for a given section’s emphasis.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENG245(Introduction to Literature), ENL220(Intermediate Expository Writing), ENL221(Intermediate
Expository Writing About the Arts), ENL240(Introduction to Literary Study), ENL241(Introduction to Cinema Art),
ENL250(American Voices), ENL251(Introduction to African American Literature), ENL255(American Indian Literature),
ENL260(Authors), ENL270(Themes), ENL280(Genres), ENL290(Explorations in Language and Theory)
19th Century American Literature
4 Semester Credits
Covers the intellectual and social environment that affected the writers of the period. Many different genres - slave
narratives, romances, tall tales, epic poetry - are considered. Douglass, Jacobs, Thoreau, Melville, Hawthorne, Twain,
Emerson, Dickinson, James, and Wharton are among the authors surveyed.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL220(Intermediate Expository Writing), ENL221(Intermediate Expository Writing About the Arts),
ENL240(Introduction to Literary Study), ENL241(Introduction to Cinema Art), ENL250(American Voices),
ENL251(Introduction to African American Literature), ENL255(American Indian Literature), ENL260(Authors),
ENL270(Themes), ENL280(Genres), ENL290(Explorations in Language and Theory)
American Literature from 1900 to 1945
4 Semester Credits
Naturalism, the rise of modernism, the development of social protest literature, significant movements such as the
Harlem Renaissance, and other major developments of the period are charted. Cather, Dreiser, Elliot, Fitzgerald,
Faulkner, Hemingway, Hughes, and Hurston are among the writers considered.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL220(Intermediate Expository Writing), ENL221(Intermediate Expository Writing About the Arts),
ENL240(Introduction to Literary Study), ENL241(Introduction to Cinema Art), ENL250(American Voices),
ENL251(Introduction to African American Literature), ENL255(American Indian Literature), ENL260(Authors),
ENL270(Themes), ENL280(Genres), ENL290(Explorations in Language and Theory)
American Literature from 1945
4 Semester Credits
Writers surveyed include O’Connor, Bellow, Baraka, Baldwin, Ellison, Erdrich, Roth, Pynchon, Oates, Kingston, Mailer,
Williams, Wideman, Morrison, as well as contemporary fiction writers represented by the Best American Short Stories
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL220(Intermediate Expository Writing), ENL221(Intermediate Expository Writing About the Arts),
ENL240(Introduction to Literary Study), ENL241(Introduction to Cinema Art), ENL250(American Voices),
ENL251(Introduction to African American Literature), ENL255(American Indian Literature), ENL260(Authors),
ENL270(Themes), ENL280(Genres), ENL290(Explorations in Language and Theory)
Contemporary American Poetry
4 Semester Credits
A survey of the work of poets who have come into prominence since mid-20th century as represented in the anthology
Contemporary American Poetry. Attention will be given to younger and/or less prominent poets represented in the Best
American Poetry series.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL220(Intermediate Expository Writing), ENL221(Intermediate Expository Writing About the Arts),
ENL240(Introduction to Literary Study), ENL241(Introduction to Cinema Art), ENL250(American Voices),
ENL251(Introduction to African American Literature), ENL255(American Indian Literature), ENL260(Authors),
ENL270(Themes), ENL280(Genres), ENL290(Explorations in Language and Theory)
Themes in American Indian Literature
4 Semester Credits
The course is structured around a number of writers working within a particular theme such as Native Voices of
Minnesota, Voices from the Southwest, Poetics and Politics of Native Writing, Women and Power in Native Literature,
Urban-Reservation: Homing, and American Indian film-literature adaptation. Students focus on primary texts, comparing
and contrasting theme, voice, aesthetic, or cultural emphasis as it shifts or arises across the group of texts.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL220(Intermediate Expository Writing), ENL221(Intermediate Expository Writing About the Arts),
ENL240(Introduction to Literary Study), ENL241(Introduction to Cinema Art), ENL250(American Voices),
ENL251(Introduction to African American Literature), ENL255(American Indian Literature), ENL260(Authors),
ENL270(Themes), ENL280(Genres), ENL290(Explorations in Language and Theory)
Readings in American Drama
4 Semester Credits
A variable survey of American drama from the early 20th century to the present, organized historically and/or
thematically. Sample topics include "American Families", "Blacks and Whites", and "Sex and Self on the American Stage".
Readings range from O’Neill and Treadwell to Shanley and Parks.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL220(Intermediate Expository Writing), ENL221(Intermediate Expository Writing About the Arts),
ENL240(Introduction to Literary Study), ENL241(Introduction to Cinema Art), ENL250(American Voices),
ENL251(Introduction to African American Literature), ENL255(American Indian Literature), ENL260(Authors),
ENL270(Themes), ENL280(Genres), ENL290(Explorations in Language and Theory), THR250(Script Analysis: Foundations
of Theater)
The Classical Tradition
4 Semester Credits
A study of the major works of Greek and Roman literature, including Homer, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Virgil, through Dante.
Works are studied with reference to their mythological foundations, their cultural background, their influence on later
literature, and their enduring relevance.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL220(Intermediate Expository Writing), ENL221(Intermediate Expository Writing About the Arts),
ENL240(Introduction to Literary Study), ENL241(Introduction to Cinema Art), ENL250(American Voices),
ENL251(Introduction to African American Literature), ENL255(American Indian Literature), ENL260(Authors),
ENL270(Themes), ENL280(Genres), ENL290(Explorations in Language and Theory)
The Medieval World
4 Semester Credits
A survey of medieval literature from the collapse of the Roman Empire to the 14th century, this course emphasizes
themes of cultural collision and synthesis: pagans - both classical and "barbarian" - and Christians; Islam and
Christendom. Attention is paid to heroic traditions (myth, epic, saga, romance, hagiography); the literature of courtly
and profane love; and visions of heaven and hell.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL220(Intermediate Expository Writing), ENL221(Intermediate Expository Writing About the Arts),
ENL240(Introduction to Literary Study), ENL241(Introduction to Cinema Art), ENL250(American Voices),
ENL251(Introduction to African American Literature), ENL255(American Indian Literature), ENL260(Authors),
ENL270(Themes), ENL280(Genres), ENL290(Explorations in Language and Theory)
Renaissance to Modern Literature
4 Semester Credits
Study of masterpieces of literature, chiefly European, from the Renaissance to the modern period, including such
authors as Moliere, Cervantes, Rabelais, Voltaire, and Ibsen.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL220(Intermediate Expository Writing), ENL221(Intermediate Expository Writing About the Arts),
ENL240(Introduction to Literary Study), ENL241(Introduction to Cinema Art), ENL250(American Voices),
ENL251(Introduction to African American Literature), ENL255(American Indian Literature), ENL260(Authors),
ENL270(Themes), ENL280(Genres), ENL290(Explorations in Language and Theory)
Contemporary Post Colonial Fiction
4 Semester Credits
This examination of contemporary world fiction includes work by authors from Latin America, Africa, Asia, and the
Middle East, and fiction written by indigenous authors worldwide. The course explores novels in relation to language,
culture, and gender in an age of globalization and fragmented nationalisms, considering fictions in their literary, cultural,
and social contexts. Cross-listed with Women’s Studies.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL220(Intermediate Expository Writing), ENL221(Intermediate Expository Writing About the Arts),
ENL240(Introduction to Literary Study), ENL241(Introduction to Cinema Art), ENL250(American Voices),
ENL251(Introduction to African American Literature), ENL255(American Indian Literature), ENL260(Authors),
ENL270(Themes), ENL280(Genres), ENL290(Explorations in Language and Theory)
Women and Fiction
4 Semester Credits
The course studies novels and short stories by women across cultures. Emphasis on the conditions that have affected
women’s writing (including race and class), the reflection of women’s unique experience in their writing, and the ways in
which women writers have contributed to and modified the Western literary heritage. This course is cross-listed with
Women’s Studies.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENG245(Introduction to Literature), ENL220(Intermediate Expository Writing), ENL221(Intermediate
Expository Writing About the Arts), ENL240(Introduction to Literary Study), ENL241(Introduction to Cinema Art),
ENL250(American Voices), ENL251(Introduction to African American Literature), ENL255(American Indian Literature),
ENL260(Authors), ENL270(Themes), ENL280(Genres), ENL290(Explorations in Language and Theory)
Readings in World Dramas
4 Semester Credits
A variable survey of drama in translation from around the world, organized historically and/or thematically. Sample
topics include "Classical Theaters," "Spanish and Latin American Drama from the Renaissance to the Present," "Social
Issues in Contemporary World Drama."
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL220(Intermediate Expository Writing), ENL221(Intermediate Expository Writing About the Arts),
ENL240(Introduction to Literary Study), ENL241(Introduction to Cinema Art), ENL250(American Voices),
ENL251(Introduction to African American Literature), ENL255(American Indian Literature), ENL260(Authors),
ENL270(Themes), ENL280(Genres), ENL290(Explorations in Language and Theory), THR250(Script Analysis: Foundations
of Theater)
Environmentalism and the Arts: Building a Sustainable Humanities
4 Semester Credits
This course explores how the arts, literature, and humanities can help theorize, contextualize, and enrich environmental
studies as a field, and environmentalism as a social and political movement. The phrase "sustainable humanities" not
only suggests that art and literature have something to say about environmental sustainability, but also that cultural and
artistic expressions are themselves something that need to be sustained.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level); ENV100(Environmental Connections)
History of Cinema
4 Semester Credits
A chronological survey of the development of cinema from the inception of the moving image in the late 19th century
through the emergence of film as one of the most important popular art forms of the 20th century. Emphasis will be
placed on important international cinematic artistic movements, such as Italian neorealism and the French New Wave,
on cultural contexts that influenced the reception of film art, and on technological advancements that altered the
medium and influenced both narrative and documentary filmmakers.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL220(Intermediate Expository Writing), ENL221(Intermediate Expository Writing About the Arts),
ENL240(Introduction to Literary Study), ENL241(Introduction to Cinema Art), ENL250(American Voices),
ENL255(American Indian Literature), ENL260(Authors), ENL270(Themes), ENL280(Genres), ENL290(Explorations in
Language and Theory)
Introduction to the English Language
4 Semester Credits
A structural and historical overview of theoretical and social issues concerning the English language, including theories
of language acquisition.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL220(Intermediate Expository Writing), ENL221(Intermediate Expository Writing About the Arts),
ENL240(Introduction to Literary Study), ENL241(Introduction to Cinema Art), ENL250(American Voices),
ENL255(American Indian Literature), ENL260(Authors), ENL270(Themes), ENL280(Genres), ENL290(Explorations in
Language and Theory)
Language and Power
4 Semester Credits
Students will consider both spoken and written examples of language as a means of establishing, maintaining, or
revoking power. They will also pay attention to gender differences in the use of language and analyze ways in which
speakers and writers can both create and revise reality via the language they use.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL220(Intermediate Expository Writing), ENL221(Intermediate Expository Writing About the Arts),
ENL240(Introduction to Literary Study), ENL241(Introduction to Cinema Art), ENL250(American Voices),
ENL255(American Indian Literature), ENL260(Authors), ENL270(Themes), ENL280(Genres), ENL290(Explorations in
Language and Theory)
Teaching Writing: Theory and Practice
4 Semester Credits
This course examines how theory, research, and practice have evolved in teaching writing, particularly as is evidenced in
composition studies and creative writing pedagogies. In particular, this course focuses on the ways in which teaching
practices presuppose and reflect theoretical positions. In addition, students will learn approaches to curriculum and
syllabi development, instructor feedback, and workshop strategies. This course is appropriate for anyone who expects to
teach writing and/or who is interested in the study of writing.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL220(Intermediate Expository Writing), ENL221(Intermediate Expository Writing About the Arts),
ENL240(Introduction to Literary Study), ENL241(Introduction to Cinema Art), ENL250(American Voices),
ENL255(American Indian Literature), ENL260(Authors), ENL270(Themes), ENL280(Genres), ENL290(Explorations in
Language and Theory)
4 Semester Credits
Individual courses designed to investigate specific themes, movements, authors, or works.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Internship in Teaching Writing
4 Semester Credits
This course is required for all Communication Arts/Literature licensure students. It is normally taken with students
enrolled in English 101, Developmental Writing. Interns prepare class presentations, assess student writing, and learn
methods useful in teaching composition.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): CONSENT(Consent of Instructor)
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
Advanced Studies in Literature
4 Semester Credits
Potential course subjects include "The Beats," "American Indian Writers Speak," "The Unteachable Novel," "Studies in
the American Romance," "Black and White and Red All Over: Film Noir, Communism, and Race," and others. Check the
departmental web page for the subject of a specific term, and get a complete course description in the English
Core Curriculum Component: Keystone
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL330(Shakespeare), ENL332(British Literature: Renaissance and Reformation), ENL333(British and
American Literature of the 17th and 18th Centuries: Strange Shores), ENL334(Reason and Romanticism), ENL336(Age of
Victoria), ENL337(The British Novel), ENL338(British and Commonwealth Drama), ENL339(Modern British and Irish
Writers), ENL350(Readings in African American Literature), ENL351(19th Century American Literature),
ENL352(American Literature from 1900 to 1945), ENL353(American Literature from 1945), ENL354(Contemporary
American Poetry), ENL355(Themes in American Indian Literature), ENL358(Readings in American Drama), ENL360(The
Classical Tradition), ENL361(The Medieval World), ENL362(Renaissance to Modern Literature), ENL365(Contemporary
Post Colonial Fiction), ENL367(Women and Fiction), ENL368(Readings in World Dramas), ENL371(History of Cinema),
ENL380(Introduction to the English Language), ENL385(Language and Power), ENL390(Media Ethics and Theory),
ENL394(Composition Theory and Practice)
Advanced Studies in Writing
4 Semester Credits
The writing keystone is a final, summative seminar emphasizing collaboration, professional standards, and the creation
of a publishable or performable completed product. The topic changes; check the departmental Web page.
Core Curriculum Component: Keystone
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL320(Fiction One), ENL321(Fiction Two), ENL322(Poetry One), ENL323(Poetry Two),
ENL324(Creative Non-Fiction), ENL325(Playwriting I), ENL327(Advanced Reporting), ENL328(Screenwriting),
THR325(Playwriting I)
Advanced Studies in Media , Ethics, and Theory
4 Semester Credits
This course acquaints students with the concepts and functions of the news media in global society, exploring the
interaction of ethical and legal principles of American journalism and considering the role of the news media in
historical, economic, and technological contexts. The course will analyze situations that have arisen in the past and
situations that arise now in a digitized information world. Students will study the special position given the media in the
United States and will consider First Amendment protections and the media’s responsibilities to inform the public in a
free and democratic society.
Core Curriculum Component: Keystone
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL220(Intermediate Expository Writing), ENL221(Intermediate Expository Writing About the Arts),
ENL226(Introduction to Creative Writing), ENL227(Journalism), ENL228(Broadcast and Online Journalism); 1 of
ENL324(Creative Non-Fiction), ENL325(Playwriting I), ENL327(Advanced Reporting), ENL328(Screenwriting)
Advanced Studies in Theory and Method
4 Semester Credits
Through a focus on particular issues and problems in literary studies, this course engages students in a variety of past
and current critical theories. Possible course topics include "Is There a Gay Literature?" "Realism Reconsidered,"
"Cognition, Meaning and Interpretation," "Eco-criticism and the Nature of Reading," "Readings in Theory," and others.
Check the departmental Web page for the subject of a specific term, and get a complete course description in the
English Department.
Core Curriculum Component: Keystone
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL330(Shakespeare), ENL332(British Literature: Renaissance and Reformation), ENL333(British and
American Literature of the 17th and 18th Centuries: Strange Shores), ENL334(Reason and Romanticism), ENL336(Age of
Victoria), ENL337(The British Novel), ENL338(British and Commonwealth Drama), ENL339(Modern British and Irish
Writers), ENL350(Readings in African American Literature), ENL351(19th Century American Literature),
ENL352(American Literature from 1900 to 1945), ENL353(American Literature from 1945), ENL354(Contemporary
American Poetry), ENL355(Themes in American Indian Literature), ENL358(Readings in American Drama), ENL360(The
Classical Tradition), ENL361(The Medieval World), ENL362(Renaissance to Modern Literature), ENL365(Contemporary
Post Colonial Fiction), ENL367(Women and Fiction), ENL368(Readings in World Dramas), ENL371(History of Cinema),
ENL380(Introduction to the English Language), ENL385(Language and Power), ENL390(Media Ethics and Theory),
ENL394(Composition Theory and Practice)
Independent Study
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Independent Study
4 Semester Credits
Honors studies must be directed by a professor chosen by the student and approved by the department. Independent
study projects not designated for honors must be approved by the Chair of the department.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Teaching Writing: Practice and Theory
4 Semester Credits
This course covers the practical and theoretical study of expository and creative writing pedagogies. MFA students work
with accomplished faculty on curriculum and syllabi development, generation and revision of writing, workshop
techniques, evaluation, and new media. During the term, students gain experience by completing an internship in the
teaching of writing.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Publishing I
4 Semester Credits
The first of a two-semester practicum in the art, craft, and business of book publishing, Publishing I (ENL 527) features
three areas of study: book-publishing overview, acquisitions, and editing.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Publishing II
4 Semester Credits
The second of a two-semester practicum in the art, craft, and business of book publishing, Publishing II (ENL 528)
focuses on four areas: book design, production, marketing, and distribution.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ENL527(Publishing I)
Residency in Creative Writing: Fiction
6 Semester Credits
A ten-day intensive community experience in which writing students participate in genre workshops; seminars on
fiction, nonfiction, poetry, screenwriting and playwriting; readings, screenings and stagings; lectures and discussions on
academic writing, literary studies, translation and adaptation, pedagogical strategies and publishing. Meetings with
mentors, introduction to online course delivery systems and sessions on the writing life and the business of writing
included. Three residencies required with varying focus depending on the candidate’s status as an entering, second-year
or graduating student. The course is repeatable.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Residency in Creative Writing: Nonfiction
6 Semester Credits
A ten-day intensive community experience in which writing students participate in genre workshops; seminars on
fiction, nonfiction, poetry, screenwriting and playwriting; readings, screenings and stagings; lectures and discussions on
academic writing, literary studies, translation and adaptation, pedagogical strategies and publishing. Meetings with
mentors, introduction to online course delivery systems and sessions on the writing life and the business of writing
included. Three residencies required with varying focus depending on the candidate’s status as an entering, second-year
or graduating student. The course is repeatable.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Residency in Creative Writing: Poetry
6 Semester Credits
A ten-day intensive community experience in which writing students participate in genre workshops; seminars on
fiction, nonfiction, poetry, screenwriting and playwriting; readings, screenings and stagings; lectures and discussions on
academic writing, literary studies, translation and adaptation, pedagogical strategies and publishing. Meetings with
mentors, introduction to online course delivery systems and sessions on the writing life and the business of writing
included. Three residencies required with varying focus depending on the candidate’s status as an entering, second-year
or graduating student. The course is repeatable.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Residency in Creative Writing: Screenwriting
6 Semester Credits
A ten-day intensive community experience in which writing students participate in genre workshops; seminars on
fiction, nonfiction, poetry, screenwriting and playwriting; readings, screenings and stagings; lectures and discussions on
academic writing, literary studies, translation and adaptation, pedagogical strategies and publishing. Meetings with
mentors, introduction to online course delivery systems and sessions on the writing life and the business of writing
included. Three residencies required with varying focus depending on the candidate’s status as an entering, second-year
or graduating student. The course is repeatable.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Residency in Creative Writing: Playwriting
6 Semester Credits
A ten-day intensive community experience in which writing students participate in genre workshops; seminars on
fiction, nonfiction, poetry, screenwriting and playwriting; readings, screenings and stagings; lectures and discussions on
academic writing, literary studies, translation and adaptation, pedagogical strategies and publishing. Meetings with
mentors, introduction to online course delivery systems and sessions on the writing life and the business of writing
included. Three residencies required with varying focus depending on the candidate’s status as an entering, second-year
or graduating student. This course is repeatable.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Residency in Creative Writing: Multi-Genre
6 Semester Credits
A ten-day intensive community experience in which writing students participate in genre workshops; seminars on
fiction, nonfiction, poetry, screenwriting and playwriting; readings, screenings and stagings; lectures and discussions on
academic writing, literary studies, translation and adaptation, pedagogical strategies and publishing. Meetings with
mentors, introduction to online course delivery systems and sessions on the writing life and the business of writing
included. Three residencies required with varying focus depending on the candidate’s status as an entering, second-year
or graduating student. This course is repeatable.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Mentorship and Critical and Creative Reading: Fiction
6 Semester Credits
Studio experience. One-on-one creative work with a faculty mentor who guides the student’s production of work and
study of craft. Mentor provides written and oral commentary on creative work submitted monthly throughout the term
by the student, in a virtual studio environment using electronic classroom and other communication tools. Creative
analysis of canonical and contemporary readings in the field also required. Close attention to techniques chosen by
writers, impact of those choices on work, and development of awareness of student’s own writing process. This course
is repeatable.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Mentorship and Critical and Creative Reading: Nonfiction
6 Semester Credits
Studio experience. One-on-one creative work with a faculty mentor who guides the student’s production of work and
study of craft. Mentor provides written and oral commentary on creative work submitted monthly throughout the term
by the student, in a virtual studio environment using electronic classroom and other communication tools. Creative
analysis of canonical and contemporary readings in the field also required. Close attention to techniques chosen by
writers, impact of those choices on work, and development of awareness of student’s own writing process. This course
is repeatable.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Mentorship and Critical and Creative Reading: Poetry
6 Semester Credits
Studio experience. One-on-one creative work with a faculty mentor who guides the student’s production of work and
study of craft. Mentor provides written and oral commentary on creative work submitted monthly throughout the term
by the student, in a virtual studio environment using electronic classroom and other communication tools. Creative
analysis of canonical and contemporary readings in the field also required. Close attention to techniques chosen by
writers, impact of those choices on work, and development of awareness of student’s own writing process. This course
is repeatable.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Mentorship and Critical and Creative Reading: Screenwriting
6 Semester Credits
Studio experience. One-on-one creative work with a faculty mentor who guides the student’s production of work and
study of craft. Mentor provides written and oral commentary on creative work submitted monthly throughout the term
by the student, in a virtual studio environment using electronic classroom and other communication tools. Creative
analysis of canonical and contemporary readings in the field also required. Close attention to techniques chosen by
writers, impact of those choices on work, and development of awareness of student’s own writing process. This course
is repeatable.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Mentorship and Critical and Creative Reading: Playwriting
6 Semester Credits
Studio experience. One-on-one creative work with a faculty mentor who guides the student’s production of work and
study of craft. Mentor provides written and oral commentary on creative work submitted monthly throughout the term
by the student, in a virtual studio environment using electronic classroom and other communication tools. Creative
analysis of canonical and contemporary readings in the field also required. Close attention to techniques chosen by
writers, impact of those choices on work, and development of awareness of student’s own writing process. This course
is repeatable.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Mentorship and Critical and Creative Reading: Multi-Genre
6 Semester Credits
Studio experience. One-on-one creative work with a faculty mentor who guides the student’s production of work and
study of craft. Mentor provides written and oral commentary on creative work submitted monthly throughout the term
by the student, in a virtual studio environment using electronic classroom and other communication tools. Creative
analysis of canonical and contemporary readings in the field also required. Close attention to techniques chosen by
writers, impact of those choices on work, and development of awareness of student’s own writing process. This course
is repeatable.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Craft Paper: Fiction
2 Semester Credits
Taken during a student’s third semester of long-distance learning, the craft paper course asks that a student conduct a
semester-long investigation of an element of writing and produce a paper based on the findings. This work is conducted
remotely, via internet, mail, and/or phone, under the guidance of a faculty mentor.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Craft Paper: Nonfiction
2 Semester Credits
Taken during a student’s third semester of long-distance learning, the craft paper course asks that a student conduct a
semester-long investigation of an element of writing and produce a paper based on the findings. This work is conducted
remotely, via internet, mail, and/or phone, under the guidance of a faculty mentor.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Craft Paper: Poetry
2 Semester Credits
Taken during a student’s third semester of long-distance learning, the craft paper course asks that a student conduct a
semester-long investigation of an element of writing and produce a paper based on the findings. This work is conducted
remotely, via internet, mail, and/or phone, under the guidance of a faculty mentor.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Craft Paper: Screenwriting
2 Semester Credits
Taken during a student’s third semester of long-distance learning, the craft paper course asks that a student conduct a
semester-long investigation of an element of writing and produce a paper based on the findings. This work is conducted
remotely, via internet, mail, and/or phone, under the guidance of a faculty mentor.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Craft Paper: Playwriting
2 Semester Credits
Taken during a student’s third semester of long-distance learning, the craft paper course asks that a student conduct a
semester-long investigation of an element of writing and produce a paper based on the findings. This work is conducted
remotely, via internet, mail, and/or phone, under the guidance of a faculty mentor.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Craft Paper: Multi-Genre
2 Semester Credits
Taken during a student’s third semester of long-distance learning, the craft paper course asks that a student conduct a
semester-long investigation of an element of writing and produce a paper based on the findings. This work is conducted
remotely, via internet, mail, and/or phone, under the guidance of a faculty mentor.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Thesis: Fiction
2 Semester Credits
Taken with a paired course in Mentorship and Creative and Critical Reading, the thesis course represents the
culmination of a student’s experience in the MFA program. At this time, a student completes and revises a book-length
project worthy of publication under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Types of theses vary depending on a student’s
primary genre, but may include a novel, a collection of short stories or poems, a screenplay or play, a memoir, or a book
of essays. If a student’s manuscript is not deemed ready by his or her mentor, the student will be asked to enroll in ENL
559 for an additional semester of thesis work.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ENL541(Corequisite for first registration in ENL553) *concurrent registration is required*
Thesis: Nonfiction
2 Semester Credits
Taken with a paired course in Mentorship and Creative and Critical Reading, the thesis course represents the
culmination of a student’s experience in the MFA program. At this time, a student completes and revises a book-length
project worthy of publication under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Types of theses vary depending on a student’s
primary genre, but may include a novel, a collection of short stories or poems, a screenplay or play, a memoir, or a book
of essays. If a student’s manuscript is not deemed ready by his or her mentor, the student will be asked to enroll in ENL
559 for an additional semester of thesis work.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ENL542(Corequisite for first registration in ENL554) *concurrent registration is required*
Thesis: Poetry
2 Semester Credits
Taken with a paired course in Mentorship and Creative and Critical Reading, the thesis course represents the
culmination of a student’s experience in the MFA program. At this time, a student completes and revises a book-length
project worthy of publication under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Types of theses vary depending on a student’s
primary genre, but may include a novel, a collection of short stories or poems, a screenplay or play, a memoir, or a book
of essays. If a student’s manuscript is not deemed ready by his or her mentor, the student will be asked to enroll in ENL
559 for an additional semester of thesis work.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ENL543(Corequisite for first registration in ENL555) *concurrent registration is required*
Thesis: Screenwriting
2 Semester Credits
Taken with a paired course in Mentorship and Creative and Critical Reading, the thesis course represents the
culmination of a student’s experience in the MFA program. At this time, a student completes and revises a book-length
project worthy of publication under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Types of theses vary depending on a student’s
primary genre, but may include a novel, a collection of short stories or poems, a screenplay or play, a memoir, or a book
of essays. If a student’s manuscript is not deemed ready by his or her mentor, the student will be asked to enroll in ENL
559 for an additional semester of thesis work.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ENL544(Corequisite for first registration in ENL556) *concurrent registration is required*
Thesis: Playwriting
2 Semester Credits
Taken with a paired course in Mentorship and Creative and Critical Reading, the thesis course represents the
culmination of a student’s experience in the MFA program. At this time, a student completes and revises a book-length
project worthy of publication under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Types of theses vary depending on a student’s
primary genre, but may include a novel, a collection of short stories or poems, a screenplay or play, a memoir, or a book
of essays. If a student’s manuscript is not deemed ready by his or her mentor, the student will be asked to enroll in ENL
559 for an additional semester of thesis work.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ENL545(Corequisite for first registration in ENL557) *concurrent registration is required*
Thesis: Multi-Genre
2 Semester Credits
Taken with a paired course in Mentorship and Creative and Critical Reading, the thesis course represents the
culmination of a student’s experience in the MFA program. At this time, a student completes and revises a book-length
project worthy of publication under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Types of theses vary depending on a student’s
primary genre, but may include a novel, a collection of short stories or poems, a screenplay or play, a memoir, or a book
of essays. If a student’s manuscript is not deemed ready by his or her mentor, the student will be asked to enroll in ENL
559 for an additional semester of thesis work.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ENL546(Corequisite for first registration in ENL558) *concurrent registration is required*
3 Semester Credits
Taken after completing all of the required coursework for the degree, the stand-alone thesis course provides a student
with an opportunity to complete and revise a book-length project worthy of publication under the guidance of a faculty
mentor. Types of theses vary depending on a student’s primary genre, but may include a novel, a collection of short
stories or poems, a screenplay or play, a memoir, or a book of essays. This course must be repeated if a student’s
manuscript is not deemed ready by his or her mentor.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL553(Thesis: Fiction), ENL554(Thesis: Nonfiction), ENL555(Thesis: Poetry), ENL556(Thesis:
Screenwriting), ENL557(Thesis: Playwriting), ENL558(Thesis: Multi-Genre)
Craft Paper
3 Semester Credits
In the craft paper course, students conduct a semester-long investigation of an element of the craft of writing and
produce a paper based on their findings. This paper, totaling approximately 20 pages, should cite numerous sources and
can later be used as the basis for the craft talk that graduating students must deliver during their final residency.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Mentorship and Critical and Creative Reading - Half-time: Fiction
3 Semester Credits
Studio experience. One-on-one creative work with a faculty mentor who guides the student’s production of work and
study of craft. Mentor provides written and oral commentary on creative work submitted bi-monthly throughout the
term by the student, in a virtual studio environment using electronic classroom and other communication tools. Creative
analysis of canonical and contemporary readings in the field also required. Close attention to techniques chosen by
writers, impact of those choices on work, and development of awareness of student’s own writing process. This course
is repeatable.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Mentorship and Critical and Creative Reading - Half-time: Nonfiction
3 Semester Credits
Studio experience. One-on-one creative work with a faculty mentor who guides the student’s production of work and
study of craft. Mentor provides written and oral commentary on creative work submitted bi-monthly throughout the
term by the student, in a virtual studio environment using electronic classroom and other communication tools. Creative
analysis of canonical and contemporary readings in the field also required. Close attention to techniques chosen by
writers, impact of those choices on work, and development of awareness of student’s own writing process. This course
is repeatable.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Mentorship and Critical and Creative Reading - Half-time: Poetry
3 Semester Credits
Studio experience. One-on-one creative work with a faculty mentor who guides the student’s production of work and
study of craft. Mentor provides written and oral commentary on creative work submitted bi-monthly throughout the
term by the student, in a virtual studio environment using electronic classroom and other communication tools. Creative
analysis of canonical and contemporary readings in the field also required. Close attention to techniques chosen by
writers, impact of those choices on work, and development of awareness of student’s own writing process. This course
is repeatable.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Mentorship and Critical and Creative Reading - Half-time: Screenwriting
3 Semester Credits
Studio experience. One-on-one creative work with a faculty mentor who guides the student’s production of work and
study of craft. Mentor provides written and oral commentary on creative work submitted bi-monthly throughout the
term by the student, in a virtual studio environment using electronic classroom and other communication tools. Creative
analysis of canonical and contemporary readings in the field also required. Close attention to techniques chosen by
writers, impact of those choices on work, and development of awareness of student’s own writing process. This course
is repeatable.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Mentorship and Critical and Creative Reading - Half-time: Playwriting
3 Semester Credits
Studio experience. One-on-one creative work with a faculty mentor who guides the student’s production of work and
study of craft. Mentor provides written and oral commentary on creative work submitted bi-monthly throughout the
term by the student, in a virtual studio environment using electronic classroom and other communication tools. Creative
analysis of canonical and contemporary readings in the field also required. Close attention to techniques chosen by
writers, impact of those choices on work, and development of awareness of student’s own writing process. This course
is repeatable.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Mentorship and Critical and Creative Reading - Half-time: Multi-Genre
3 Semester Credits
Studio experience. One-on-one creative work with a faculty mentor who guides the student’s production of work and
study of craft. Mentor provides written and oral commentary on creative work submitted bi-monthly throughout the
term by the student, in a virtual studio environment using electronic classroom and other communication tools. Creative
analysis of canonical and contemporary readings in the field also required. Close attention to techniques chosen by
writers, impact of those choices on work, and development of awareness of student’s own writing process. This course
is repeatable.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
ENT – Entrepreneurial Studies
4 Semester Credits
This class is designed for anyone interested in starting a business or being more entrepreneurial within an existing
organization. Part of the class consists of developing a business plan with attention to the resources needed for success
and fostering a culture of innovation in the long run.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Managing Innovation and Design Thinking
4 Semester Credits
Innovation and creativity are critical components to the long-term success of organizations. The course will focus on
learning to integrate innovation models and design thinking into business that will drive continuous development and
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ACC221(Introduction to Financial Accounting), ACC250(Accounting for Entrepreneurs),
BUS254(Entrepreneurship), ECO113(Principles of Microeconomics), ENT254(Entrepreneurship)
ENV – Environmental Studies
Environmental Connections
4 Semester Credits
An interdisciplinary introduction to current environmental issues. The course depends on ecological visions of the world
and examines the connections we share as people living simultaneously in human community and in physical
environments. In examining these connections, we depend on the insights offered by political science, biology,
economics, literature, sociology, chemistry, and history as well as experiential education and service-learning. The issues
examined in this class — neither remote nor abstract — exist in our everyday lives, and a central feature of the course is
the application of knowledge gained in the class to a campus project.
Core Curriculum Component: Social and Behavioral Sciences
Prerequisite(s): None
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Environmental Studies Seminar
0.5 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Environmental Studies Field Seminar
4 Semester Credits
This course will provide students with the opportunity to explore first-hand environmental issues in the United States or
various other locations, depending on the offering. Students will apply concepts learned in earlier environmental studies
courses and engage in field research on a topic of their choice, as a step toward their keystone research project for the
major. Locations include the Mississippi River, Central America, and Tanzania, depending on the term.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENV100(Environmental Connections), ENV120(Environmental Science), ENV320(Environmental
Science), POL241(Environmental and River Politics), SWK210(Environmental Justice and Social Change)
Environmental Science
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to the systematic study of the environment from physical, biological, chemical, and quantitative
perspectives. Concurrent registration in ENV320L is required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of CHM102(Chemistry for Changing Times), CHM115(General Chemistry I); 1 of MAT105(Applied
Algebra), MPL(Math Placement Level 3); BIO152(Evolution, Ecology and Diversity)
Environmental Science Lab
1 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ENV320(Environmental Science) *concurrent registration is required*
Topics in Environmental Studies
4 Semester Credits
Exploration and analysis of various environmental topics.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Climate and Environmental Justice
4 Semester Credits
In the twenty-first century, the environmental century, human beings must decide how to deal with the many planetary
consequences of the "Great Acceleration" and its conjunction with the 600-year pattern of conquest, genocide, and
extreme social marginalization of indigenous peoples and poor peoples of color.
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
Ecology and Socio-Ecological Systems Change
4 Semester Credits
This course integrates questions regarding sustainability challenges of water, forest, wetland, climate, soil, with those
involving people, cultures, politics, and economy in a comprehensive, integral framework.
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
Field Research Methods and Investigation
4 Semester Credits
The Field Methods course provides students with practical socio-technical skills to assess and improve ecosystems and
improve human decision-making in socio-ecological systems. This course is designed to help students develop the
capacity for constant and consistent ecological thinking.
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
Environmentalism and the Arts: Building a Sustainable Humanities
4 Semester Credits
This course explores how the arts, literature, and humanities can help theorize, contextualize, and enrich environmental
studies as a field, and environmentalism as a social and political movement. The phrase "sustainable humanities" not
only suggests that art and literature have something to say about environmental sustainability, but also that cultural and
artistic expressions are themselves something that need to be sustained.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level); ENV100(Environmental Connections)
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
Conservation Biology
4 Semester Credits
This course will focus on the scientific foundations of biological conservation. Students will explore major threats to
ecosystems and biodiversity and discuss approaches for overcoming these threats in ways that balance the needs of
people and nature.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of BIO255(Genetics), ENV320(Environmental Science); BIO152(Evolution, Ecology and Diversity)
Environmental Studies Independent Project
4 Semester Credits
An independently-designed project (approved by the program director and a committee of three environmental studies
faculty representing at least two academic divisions) that displays a student’s ability to synthesize interdisciplinary
approaches, demonstrate higher-level learning, and examine vocational issues through the study of an environmental
problem. Vocational questions will also be formally explored.
Core Curriculum Component: Keystone
Prerequisite(s): 1 of CHM106(Principles of Chemistry II), CHM116(General Chemistry II); BIO152(Evolution, Ecology and
Diversity), ENV100(Environmental Connections), ENV399(Internship), HIS316(U.S. Urban Environmental History),
SWK210(Environmental Justice and Social Change)
The City and Environment Keystone
4 Semester Credits
Intended for advanced Metro-Urban and Environmental Studies majors, this course requires the successful completion
of an applied group project or independently-designed thesis.
Core Curriculum Component: Keystone
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENV120(Environmental Science), ENV320(Environmental Science); ENV100(Environmental
Connections), ENV399(Internship), HIS316(U.S. Urban Environmental History), SWK210(Environmental Justice and Social
Independent Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
ESE – Education
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Introduction to Human Geography
3 Semester Credits
This course is designed as an introduction to the principal concepts, approaches, and perspectives of the study of
geography through the examination of world geographic patterns and processes. Major topics include population
distribution; cultural characteristics and cultural landscapes; political integration and disintegration; economic land use;
settlements and urbanization. This course will meet the Minnesota Standards of Effective Practice in Geography for
middle school and high school social studies license.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Directed Study
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Directed Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
Reading/Writing in the Content Area
3 Semester Credits
The study and use of a variety of middle school and secondary techniques and resources to teach reading and writing
through the content areas. Field experience required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
5-12 Methods: Social Studies
3 Semester Credits
Introduction to the teaching of the social sciences in middle and high schools. Emphasis on instructional strategies and
curriculum development. Middle school portion required in social studies is taught as ESE 311 Middle School Methods:
Social Studies. Field service in a middle school classroom required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
Middle School Methods: Social Studies
2 Semester Credits
Introduction to the teaching of the social sciences in middle and high schools. Emphasis on instructional strategies and
curriculum development. Middle school portion required in social studies is taught as ESE 311 Middle School Methods:
Social Studies. Field service in a middle school classroom required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
Creating Learning Environments
3 Semester Credits
An introduction to assessment, lesson planning, and classroom organization based in the Minnesota Graduation Rule,
state testing, and national standards. Emphasis will be placed on creating environments conducive to learning. Note:
Students seeking 5-12 Health and K-12 PE licenses do not need to take this course. One of the main aims of this course
will be to continue the process of thinking, talking and writing effectively about questions and matters of education. This
will be informed by class readings, field work and observations, personal experiences and class discussion. It is a goal of
the course that students leave more informed about different modes of thinking and learning and, by extension,
different modes of teaching and how to effectively relate these forms of cognition both verbally as well as in the written
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
5-12 Methods: Mathematics
3 Semester Credits
Introduction to the teaching of mathematics in middle and high schools. Emphasis on instructional strategies and
curriculum development. Middle school portion required in mathematics taught concurrently as ESE 331 Middle School
Methods: Mathematics. Field service in a middle school classroom required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
Middle School Methods: Mathematics
2 Semester Credits
Introduction to the teaching of mathematics in middle and high schools. Emphasis on instructional strategies and
curriculum development. Middle school portion required in mathematics taught concurrently as ESE 331 Middle School
Methods: Mathematics. Field service in a middle school classroom required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
5-12 Methods: Natural Science
3 Semester Credits
Introduction to the teaching of the natural sciences in middle and high schools. Emphasis on instructional strategies and
curriculum development. Middle school portion required in science taught concurrently as ESE 341 Middle School
Methods: Science. Field service in a middle school classroom required.
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
Middle School Methods: Natural Science
2 Semester Credits
Introduction to the teaching of the natural sciences in middle and high schools. Emphasis on instructional strategies and
curriculum development. Middle school portion required in science taught concurrently as ESE 341 Middle School
Methods: Science. Field service in a middle school classroom required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
5-12 Methods: Literature and Reading
3 Semester Credits
Introduction to the teaching of literature and reading in the middle and high schools. Emphasis on instructional
strategies and curriculum development. Also required for elementary concentration in communication arts/literature.
Fieldwork experience required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
5-12 Methods: Speaking and Listening
2 Semester Credits
Introduction to the teaching of speaking and listening in middle and high schools. Emphasis on instructional strategies
and curriculum development. Required for communication arts/literature license.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
K-12 Methods: Visual Arts
3 Semester Credits
Introduction to the teaching of visual arts in the schools. Emphasis on instructional strategies and curriculum
development. Fieldwork experience required.
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
K-12 Methods: Music
3 Semester Credits
Introduction to the teaching of music in the schools. Emphasis on instructional strategies and curriculum development.
Fieldwork experience required.
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
Internship *
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
Admission), TPL001(Education Admit)
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
Teacher Performance Assessment and Student Teaching Seminar
2 Semester Credits
This course supports the development of the teacher candidate's professional practice through a series of seminars that
focus on helping student teachers make connections between the student teaching experience and what they have
learned through their education courses and field experiences. These workshops mentor students in the analysis and
completion of the Teaching Performance Assessment (edTPA).
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
Admission); 1 of STUTEACH12(Student Teaching, 12 Credits), STUTEACH4(Student Teaching, 4 Credits),
STUTEACH8(Student Teaching, 8 Credits), STUTEACHEX(Student Teaching, Extended Experience)
Independent Study
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
Independent Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
Reading/Writing in the Content Area
3 Semester Credits
The study and use of a variety of middle school and secondary techniques and resources to teach reading and writing
through the content areas. Field experience required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department Admission)
Creating Learning Environments
3 Semester Credits
An introduction to assessment, lesson planning, and classroom organization based in the Minnesota Graduation Rule,
state testing, and national standards. Emphasis will be placed on creating environments conducive to learning. Note:
Students seeking 5-12 Health and K-12 PE licenses do not need to take this course. One of the main aims of this course
will be to continue the process of thinking, talking and writing effectively about questions and matters of education. This
will be informed by class readings, field work and observations, personal experiences and class discussion. It is a goal of
the course that students leave more informed about different modes of thinking and learning and, by extension,
different modes of teaching and how to effectively relate these forms of cognition both verbally as well as in the written
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
ESL – Education
Second Language Acquisition
2 Semester Credits
This course provides examines the process of acquiring an additional language. Multiple theories of second language
acquisition, the differences between first and second language acquisition, and recent work in neurolinguistics will be
examined. The class is designed for people who plan to teach, thus attention will be paid to the implications of research
for language instruction.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Introduction to Linguistics
2 Semester Credits
This course addresses three central goals of language study: 1.) Understanding “grammar” as a human capacity that
allows us to learn, use, and understand language; 2.) Understanding the structure of language and the components of
language study; and 3.) Describing features of the English language: its sound system, its word formation processes, its
sentence structures, and its rules for meaning
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
History and Structure of the English Language
3 Semester Credits
This course provides a thorough study of English grammar. Intended for future ESL teachers, the course focuses on
developing students’ ability to describe language and effectively teach language structures. The history and
development of the English language and the phenomenon of language change will also be covered.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
Admission); ESL310(Second Language Acquisition), ESL320(Introduction to Linguistics)
ESL Literacy
3 Semester Credits
By focusing both on theory and practical skills, future ESL teachers will learn methods and strategies for planning and
implementing literacy instruction for English Language Learners. The interaction of language learning and literacy, first
language literary, biliteracy, and literacy assessment will all be explored. This course includes a 20-hour field placement.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): ESL310(Second Language Acquisition)
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
ESL Testing and Evaluation
2 Semester Credits
This course provides an overview of procedures and instruments used in identifying and assessing English learners. State
and national policies regarding ELL assessment will be covered. Current uses of standardized language proficiency tests
and academic content tests will be discussed. The course also examines classroom and authentic assessment and seeks
to build teacher skill in these areas.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ESL340(ESL Literacy), ESL520(ESL Literacy)
ESL Methods
3 Semester Credits
This course provides an overview of English as a second language teaching methods and materials, focusing on preparing
students to design and teach standards-based ESL lessons and curriculum units. The basic principles underlying ESL
pedagogy and techniques for teaching students at different levels will be examined. Includes a 20-hour field experience.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ESL330(History and Structure of the English Language), ESL510(History and Structure of the English
Language); 1 of ESL340(ESL Literacy), ESL520(ESL Literacy); ESL310(Second Language Acquisition), ESL410(ESL Testing
and Evaluation)
Teacher Performance Assessment and Student Teaching Seminar
2 Semester Credits
This course supports the development of the teacher candidate's professional practice through a series of seminars that
focus on helping student teachers make connections between the student teaching experience and what they have
learned through their education courses and field experiences. These workshops mentor students in the analysis and
completion of the Teaching Performance Assessment (edTPA).
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of EDADMIT(Education Department Admission), GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department
Admission); 1 of STUTEACH12(Student Teaching, 12 Credits), STUTEACH4(Student Teaching, 4 Credits),
STUTEACH8(Student Teaching, 8 Credits), STUTEACHEX(Student Teaching, Extended Experience)
Language, Culture, and Schools
3 Semester Credits
This course explores the way relationships among language, culture, schools and society impacts the school experience
and language minority students. The course connects concepts from sociolinguistics and examines how educators can
best create school environments that serve the needs of their English learners.
Core Curriculum Component: Keystone
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ESL340(ESL Literacy), ESL520(ESL Literacy); ESL310(Second Language Acquisition)
Independent Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
History and Structure of the English Language
3 Semester Credits
This course provides a thorough study of English grammar. Intended for future ESL teachers, the course focuses on
developing students’ ability to describe language and effectively teach language structures. The history and
development of the English language and the phenomenon of language change will also be covered.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): GRADEDADMIT(Graduate Education Department Admission)
ESL Literacy
3 Semester Credits
By focusing both on theory and practical skills, future ESL teachers will learn methods and strategies for planning and
implementing literacy instruction for English Language Learners. The interaction of language learning and literacy, first
language literary, biliteracy, and literacy assessment will all be explored. This course includes a 20-hour field placement.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Language, Culture, and Schools
3 Semester Credits
This course explores the relationships between language, culture, schools and society and the way that these
relationships impact the school experience of language minority students. The course provides an introduction to the
study of sociolinguistics and examines how educators can best create school environments that serve the needs of their
English learners.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
ESL Methods
3 Semester Credits
This course provides an overview of English as a second language teaching methods and materials, focusing on preparing
students to design and teach standards-based ESL lessons and curriculum units. The basic principles underlying ESL
pedagogy and techniques for teaching students at different levels will be examined. Includes a 20-hour field experience.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Independent Study
3 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
FAR – Farsi
Beginning Farsi I
4 Semester Credits
An introductory sequence in Basic Modern Persian (Farsi). Aims to develop communicative skills in understanding,
speaking, translating into English, and reading phonetic transcriptions, while exploring the culture of Iran and other
Farsi-speaking countries such as Afghanistan and Tadjikstan.
Core Curriculum Component: Modern Language 1
Prerequisite(s): None
Beginning Farsi II
4 Semester Credits
An introductory sequence in Basic Modern Persian (Farsi). Aims to develop communicative skills in understanding,
speaking, translating into English, and reading phonetic transcriptions, while exploring the culture of Iran and other
Farsi-speaking countries such as Afghanistan and Tadjikstan.
Core Curriculum Component: Modern Language 2
Prerequisite(s): FAR111(Beginning Farsi I)
Special Topics
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): FAR112(Beginning Farsi II)
FIN – Finance
Personal Finance
4 Semester Credits
Introduction to personal financial planning and budgeting, credit management, income taxes, insurance, real estate,
investments, retirement, and estate planning.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Financial Management
4 Semester Credits
This course includes financial statement analysis, risk and return, security valuation, capital budgeting, capital structure,
and working capital management.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ECO112(Principles of Macroeconomics), ECO113(Principles of Microeconomics); 1 of
MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement Level 3);
ACC221(Introduction to Financial Accounting)
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
Financial Theory: Policy and Practice
4 Semester Credits
This course includes readings and case discussions on markets, financial strategy, capital structure and payout policies,
raising capital, risk management, corporate restructuring, and corporate governance.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of BUS331(Financial Management), FIN331(Financial Management)
Investment Theory
4 Semester Credits
This is an introduction to investment decision-making and portfolio management-theory and practice. Other topics
include valuation principles and practices, risk and return analysis, and derivatives.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level); FIN331(Financial Management)
International Finance
4 Semester Credits
This course develops tools for practicing multinational financial management including: currency exchange rates, risk,
forecasting, spot and forward rates, hedging, international monetary and trade flows as represented in the accounting
and macroeconomic identities for current account and trade deficits. This course extends the framework of financial
management to include international transactions as well as ethical considerations.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of BUS331(Financial Management), FIN331(Financial Management)
FLM – Film
Film Production Practicum
1 Semester Credits
The practicum course is for any student who wishes to gain credit for significant contributions to a specific campus
organization while developing specific communication skills.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Monster Movies
4 Semester Credits
Monster Movies is a survey course that explores the history and impact that imaginary and wicked persons, animals, or
things in film have had on our culture. Utilizing portions of historically significant monster movies, students will analyze
the construction of these cinematic creatures and investigate why audiences enjoy being frightened.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
Film Sight and Sound
4 Semester Credits
This is a beginning-level production course that explores the language of film by way of its aesthetic roots, technological
history, and the vocabulary associated with visual story telling. Students will analyze scenes at the shot-by-shot level
while learning the creative potential of the moving image. Students then incorporate these lessons into their own work.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
Film Production I
4 Semester Credits
This is an introductory film production course that explores the short narrative story form. Students will write, shoot,
and edit four 16mm silent black & white films. This course explores the collaborative nature, technical requirements,
and creative demands of telling stories through film.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): FLM180(Film Sight and Sound)
4 Semester Credits
An introductory course in writing for film, this course will take students from story outline to the creation of a
screenplay draft. In addition to writing their own scripts, students will review feature films and analyze work written by
each member of the class, giving detailed critical analysis and engaging in discussion of aesthetics, craft, and form.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Scenic Painting: Paint for Stage, Film and Faux Application
4 Semester Credits
Scenic Painting is an introductory study of the art of scenic painting for the stage, film, and faux application. Through a
series of foundational painting projects, reading assignments, informal lecture, discussion, and a final cumulative
painting project students will develop the required skills and understanding of what it means to be a scenic artist and
what role the scenic artist plays in artistry of theatre and film.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
This course provides a foundation in the basic principles and techniques of animation. Students will consider the
practice, theory, and cultural function of animation in film, television and new media as they create several animated
shorts. Emphasis is placed on creating animations using motion picture software and new media tools.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Documentary Production I
4 Semester Credits
This is an introductory video production course that explores documentary’s nonfiction art form. Through a series of
four video projects, students learn the elements and structure of stories that observe the world through a lens.
Emphasis will be placed on research and story development, as well as learning through collaboration during production.
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): COM247(Documentary History and Theory), FLM180(Film Sight and Sound)
Film Topics
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Film Production II
4 Semester Credits
This intermediate 16mm production course builds on the lessons and skills learned in FLM 216, with the addition of
negative color photography and synchronized sound. Each student creates three narrative film projects with a
collaborative team where they experience the tasks of writing, directing, shooting, and editing.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): FLM216(Film Production I)
Intermediate Video Production
4 Semester Credits
This course explores the potential of digital cinema. Building on the lessons learned in COM 247, emphasis will be placed
on the visual aesthetic of the digital image while exploring the craft of storytelling. Each student will produce projects in
each of film’s three main genres: narrative, documentary, and experimental.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): FLM260(Documentary Production I)
Producing for Film and Television
4 Semester Credits
This course investigates the role of the producer in film and television: to create, organize, and manage productions.
Students will learn every step of the producing process from shaping the story, budgeting and scheduling the day-to day
activities, legal and rights management, to marketing and distributing the finished work.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): FLM180(Film Sight and Sound)
Documentary Film: Location Keystone
4 Semester Credits
This is a short-term study abroad seminar designed to fulfill the Augcore Keystone requirement. Any Film Studies,
Communication Studies, American Indian Studies, and English students with good standing may enroll in the 390 course.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): COM247(Documentary History and Theory), FLM216(Film Production I)
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Junior of senior standing required
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Issues in Contemporary Cinema
4 Semester Credits
This course will examine cultural, artistic, commercial, and theoretical concerns that occur in world cinema today. Our
purpose is to help students both contextualize the cinema they see in appropriate and insightful ways, and to provide a
sophisticated critical apparatus to help them read films as texts and to interpret the cinema’s larger societal value and
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of COM247(Documentary History and Theory), ENL371(History of Cinema)
Film Studies Keystone: Critical Conversations about Film and Vocation
4 Semester Credits
FLM 490 is a keystone course required for the major, and enrollment is normally restricted to students who have nearly
finished their coursework. This final production seminar emphasizes the creation of both a team-produced long-form
video and individual vocational portfolios required for the transition to professional life.
Core Curriculum Component: Keystone
Prerequisite(s): FLM216(Film Production I), FLM260(Documentary Production I), FLM420(Issues in Contemporary
4 Semester Credits
Selected topics in film with emphasis on professional standards at every step of the finished project.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Independent Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
FRE – French
Beginning French I
4 Semester Credits
Aims to develop communication skills of understanding, speaking, reading, and writing. Through conversations,
classroom practice, and readings, these courses work toward the discovery of French culture and way of life.
Core Curriculum Component: Modern Language 1
Prerequisite(s): None
Beginning French II
4 Semester Credits
Aims to develop communication skills of understanding, speaking, reading, and writing. Through conversations,
classroom practice, and readings, these courses work toward the discovery of French culture and way of life.
Core Curriculum Component: Modern Language 2
Prerequisite(s): 1 of FRE111(Beginning French I), FRELANG(French Language Placement)
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Intermediate French I
4 Semester Credits
Selected articles, interviews, and literary readings are the basis of practice in communication, vocabulary building, and
developing greater ease in reading and writing French. Review of basic structures and grammar. Laboratory work.
Core Curriculum Component: Modern Language 2
Prerequisite(s): 1 of FRE112(Beginning French II), FRELANG(French Language Placement)
Intermediate French II
4 Semester Credits
Selected articles, interviews, and literary readings are the basis of practice in communication, vocabulary building, and
developing greater ease in reading and writing French. Review of basic structures and grammar. Laboratory work.
Core Curriculum Component: Modern Language 2
Prerequisite(s): 1 of FRE211(Intermediate French I), FRELANG(French Language Placement)
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Directed Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
French Conversation and Composition
4 Semester Credits
Explores topics of current interest in both oral and written form to build fluency, accuracy, and facility of expression in
French. Emphasis on vocabulary enrichment, grammatical refinements, effective organization of ideas. A prerequisite to
other upper division courses.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of FRE212(Intermediate French II), FRELANG(French Language Placement)
French Civilization: Historical Perspective
4 Semester Credits
A study of the diversified development of the French from their beginnings to the modern period. Special attention to
cultural manifestations of French intellectual, political, social, and artistic self-awareness. Readings, reports, extensive
use of audio-visual materials. In French.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): FRE311(French Conversation and Composition)
French Civilization Today
4 Semester Credits
Topics in 20th-century problems, ideas. Cultural manifestations that promote understanding of French-speaking people
and their contributions to the contemporary scene. Readings, reports, extensive use of audio-visual materials, and
periodicals. In French.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): FRE311(French Conversation and Composition)
Survey of French Literature I
4 Semester Credits
The study of major French authors and literary movements in France through the reading of whole literary works where
possible. Lectures, discussion, oral and written reports in French.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): FRE311(French Conversation and Composition)
Survey of French Literature II
4 Semester Credits
The study of major French authors and literary movements in France through the reading of whole literary works where
possible. Lectures, discussion, oral and written reports in French.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): FRE311(French Conversation and Composition)
Readings In Comparative Literature
4 Semester Credits
A comparative approach to literary study, with readings from at least two different national literatures and/or periods.
Primary readings in the original language where feasible; language of instruction subject to discretion of the instructor
and needs of the students.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): FRE212(Intermediate French II)
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
Advanced French Conversation and Composition
4 Semester Credits
By means of reading, speaking, and writing on topics of intellectual, social, or political interest, the student acquires
extensive training in key modalities at an advanced level. Attention to accuracy and effectiveness, characteristic levels of
expression, refinements in style and organization.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level); FRE311(French Conversation and Composition)
Special Topics
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Independent Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
GER – German
Beginning German I
4 Semester Credits
Aims at developing basic skills. Classroom practice in speaking, understanding, and reading and writing basic German.
Goals: ability to read extended narratives in simple German, insights into German culture, and participation in short
Core Curriculum Component: Modern Language 1
Prerequisite(s): None
Beginning German II
4 Semester Credits
Aims at developing basic skills. Classroom practice in speaking, understanding, and reading and writing basic German.
Goals: ability to read extended narratives in simple German, insights into German culture, and participation in short
Core Curriculum Component: Modern Language 2
Prerequisite(s): 1 of GER111(Beginning German I), GERLANG(German Language Placement)
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Intermediate German I
4 Semester Credits
Aims at developing basic skills into working knowledge of German. Review of basic structures with emphasis on
extending range of vocabulary and idiomatic expression through reading and discussion of materials representing
contemporary German life and literature.
Core Curriculum Component: Modern Language 2
Prerequisite(s): 1 of GER112(Beginning German II), GERLANG(German Language Placement)
Intermediate German II
4 Semester Credits
Aims at developing basic skills into working knowledge of German. Review of basic structures with emphasis on
extending range of vocabulary and idiomatic expression through reading and discussion of materials representing
contemporary German life and literature.
Core Curriculum Component: Modern Language 2
Prerequisite(s): 1 of GER211(Intermediate German I), GERLANG(German Language Placement)
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Directed Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
German Conversation and Composition
4 Semester Credits
Aims at developing facility in the use of grammatical structures, vocabulary, and idiomatic expressions most common in
colloquial German. Intensive practice in speaking is supplemented with exercises in written composition.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of GER212(Intermediate German II), GERLANG(German Language Placement)
German Civilization and Culture I
4 Semester Credits
Follows the cultural and social development of the German-speaking peoples from the prehistorical Indo-European
origins (ca. 3,000 B.C.) to the Thirty Years War (1648). In German.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): GER311(German Conversation and Composition)
German Civilization and Culture II
4 Semester Credits
Survey of cultural currents that have shaped Germany, Austria, and Switzerland since the Age of Enlightenment. The
contemporary scene is considered in view of its roots in the intellectual, geopolitical, artistic, and scientific history of the
German-speaking peoples. In German.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): GER311(German Conversation and Composition)
Survey of German Literature I
4 Semester Credits
The prose, epic, and poetry readings in this course chronicle the German experience from Charlemagne to Napoleon;
from Luther to Kant; from Hildegard of Bingen to Goethe, Schiller, and the Romantics; and offer a way to relive the
Renaissance, the Reformation, and the Enlightenment.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): GER311(German Conversation and Composition)
Survey of German Literature II
4 Semester Credits
The literary, cultural, and scientific background of the new millennium has many German-speaking roots in the works of
figures like Marx, Freud, Nietzsche, Einstein, Kafka, Rilke, Hesse, and Brecht. Selected readings of prose, poetry, and
plays bring alive the drama and conflicts that characterized the birth of the modern age.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): GER311(German Conversation and Composition)
Readings In Comparative Literature
4 Semester Credits
A comparative approach to literary study, with readings from at least two different national literatures and/or periods.
Primary readings in the original language where feasible; language of instruction subject to discretion of the instructor
and needs of the students.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): GER212(Intermediate German II)
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
Advanced German Conversation and Composition
4 Semester Credits
Aims at developing and refining the student’s use of German as a vehicle for expressing ideas and opinions. Emphasis on
written composition including control of style. Oral practice through use of German as classroom language.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level); GER311(German Conversation and Composition)
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Independent Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
GRK – Greek
Beginning New Testament Greek I
4 Semester Credits
The first course in a two-semester sequence of New Testament Greek. Students will be introduced to the syntax,
grammar, and vocabulary of New Testament Greek with the goal of reading proficiency.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Beginning New Testament Greek II
4 Semester Credits
The second course in a two-semester sequence of New Testament Greek. Students will be introduced to the syntax,
grammar, and vocabulary of New Testament Greek with the goal of reading proficiency.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): GRK113(Beginning New Testament Greek I)
GST – General Studies
Augsburg Experience Internship
0 Semester Credits
A transcript notation is given for the academic learning inherent in an approved not-for-credit/internship/work
experience. Reflection activities and work-learning evaluations are conducted by the Center for Service, Work, and
Learning. With approval, a non-credit/internship completed by juniors or seniors will fulfill the Augsburg Experience
graduation requirement.
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
AVID Elective
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Integrated Studies
4 Semester Credits
This course is designed to help students improve the skills important to academic success. Study strategies (critical
thinking, motivation, time management, textbook reading, note-taking) are embedded into content-rich subject matter
to optimize learning. Emphasis is placed on combining leaning/study skills with the content to enhance application to
other courses and contexts. This course may not be taken by students who have completed 28 credits.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Quantitative Reasoning/Statistical Literacy
4 Semester Credits
This course focuses on critical thinking about statistics and its use as evidence in arguments, with an emphasis on
interpretation, evaluation, communication, and analysis of statistically-based arguments. Topics include association,
causation, observational studies, experiments, risk, confounding, bias and chance. Common techniques involving
statistical opportunism, conditional reasoning using English to describe and compare rates and percentages presented in
tables and graphs, and the use of standardization to take into account the influence of confounders are reviewed.
Emphasis is on interpretation, evaluation, communication, and analysis of statistically-based arguments.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement Level
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Augsburg Experience Work Connections Semimar
0 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
Mayo Innovation Scholars Program
2 Semester Credits
Students in this course evaluate the potential market and applications for a new medical device under development at
the Mayo Clinic and present their findings and recommendations to Mayo's Ventures Department in Rochester,
Minnesota. This course is intended for students accepted into the Mayo Innovation Scholars Program. The program runs
from October to March; students may register in either fall or spring semester. Applications are due in
September/October. Contact the Biology or Economics departments for details.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): CONSENT(Application to program required)
HIS – History
The World of Late Antiquity
4 Semester Credits
An analysis of the primary civilizations in the Near East, the classical world of Greece and Rome, and the Middle Ages of
Europe into the 13th century.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
Science, Religion, and Enlightenment: The Invention of Modernity, 1350-1815
4 Semester Credits
A consideration of European institutions and values from the waning of the Middle Ages through the remodeling of
Europe by Napoleon.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
A Global History of Europe Since 1750
4 Semester Credits
A study of the main currents in Western civilization from the time of Napoleon to the present.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
Decolonizing Asia and Africa
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to various centers of cultural and political power in Asia and Africa of the last 200 years.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
Colonizing a Continent and Creating Nations: North America to 1815
4 Semester Credits
A survey of the relations between Indigenous, European, and African peoples from first contacts to the War of 1812,
drawing on social, cultural, and environmental history as well as political and economic history. Themes include the
legacies of massive ecological and demographic change, the colonial competition for North America, Indian-white
conflict and collusion, the enslavement of African Americans, and the creation of the United States.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
An Empire for Liberty? 19th Century U.S. History
4 Semester Credits
A survey of United States history from 1815-1900, drawing on social, cultural, and environmental history as well as
political and economic history. The course will move topically as well as chronologically through the years in which the
United States came to prominence despite internal dissent and violence. Themes include the emergence of a national
identity, political system, and economy, slavery, expansion, and empire-building, regional differences, the Civil War and
its aftermath, and industrialization.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
Gender, Race, Class and Democracy in the 20th Century U.S.
4 Semester Credits
A survey of United States history from 1900 to the present that focuses on gender, race, and class and struggles over the
meaning of democracy. The course will introduce historical thinking using the "IGRASP" methodology (Inquire / Gather /
Reflect / Analyze / Synthesize / Present) and disciplinary-specific habits of mind.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
Topics in World History
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to selected world topics not regularly offered in lower division classes. The specific topics to be offered
will be announced prior to registration.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Revolutions, Republics, and Resilience in Latin America
4 Semester Credits
This course examines the history of Latin America from the 1790s to the 2000s. We will examine cultural trends, social
interactions, political institutions, and economic development as well as the relations that diverse Latin American
nations and peoples shared with the United States. Special attention will be paid to independence movements,
liberalism, republicanism, neocolonialism, revolutions, neoliberalism, the struggles of indigenous communities, and the
Latinx diaspora.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
Cultural Conflict and Change in Latin America
4 Semester Credits
An exploration of selected topics and case studies from Latin American history with special emphasis on the role of
women in history. Focuses on the development of gender, class-based, and racial/ethnic oppression and the history of
resistance and social change in Latin America from the conquest to the present day. Examines the Pre-Columbian period,
the conquest and colonial periods, and concludes with the post-war period in Central America.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
The Crisis in Nicaragua: U.S. Destabilization or a Democratic Movement?
4 Semester Credits
This courses focuses on the Nicaraguan social-political crisis of 2018. The students can observe, learn and reflect on the
historical contexts that have shaped and impacted Nicaraguan politics of the present days. Using historical methods of
analysis and a broad range of sources representing multiple perspectives, the course will examine competing historical
references and their respective usefulness in understanding change and continuity over time, specifically between the
1979 Revolution and the current political crisis of Nicaragua.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
Modern South Asia
4 Semester Credits
This course explores the processes of indigenous political fragmentation, colonialism, nationalism, de-colonization, and
independence in the area now politically known as India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
Food: A Global History
4 Semester Credits
This course explores the human and historical dimensions of food. The cultivation and control of food supplies is a basic
function of all organized societies and polities. Shared food traditions and tastes shape cultural identities of particular
groups. In short, food is at the center of human existence, and human history can be told as a story of how food has
been produced, distributed and consumed. Taking a broad approach, the course traces changes in taste, production,
trade and consumption, from the Paleolithic period to the twentieth century. With case studies drawn from China, South
Asia, Europe, and the Americas, it offers a global narrative of world food history. Students will learn about the
fascinating histories certain key foodstuffs (e.g. sugar, wheat, chocolate, potatoes, bugs, etc.) and examine a number of
critical themes, including consumerism, taste, industrialism, famine, and dieting. Learning will be enhanced by
experiential components, including cooking, gardening, and visiting lectures. The course will introduce the concepts of
historical thinking, using the "IGRASP" methodology (Inquire / Gather / Reflect / Analyze / Synthesize / Present.)
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
Topics in Asian History
4 Semester Credits
Selected topics in Asian history not regularly examined in other departmental offerings. The specific topics to be offered
will be announced prior to registration.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
Topics in African History
4 Semester Credits
Selected topics in African history not regularly examined in other departmental offerings. The specific topics to be
offered will be announced prior to registration.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
Topics in Latin American History
4 Semester Credits
Selected topics in Latin American history not regularly examined in other departmental offerings. The specific topics to
be offered will be announced prior to registration.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
Topics in North American History
4 Semester Credits
Selected topics in North American history not regularly examined in other departmental offerings. The specific topics to
be offered will be announced prior to registration.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
Topics in European History
4 Semester Credits
Selected topics in European history not regularly examined in other departmental offerings. The specific topics to be
offered will be announced prior to registration.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
Topics in History
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to selected historical topics not regularly offered in lower division classes. The specific topics to be
offered will be announced prior to registration.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
Why History Matters
4 Semester Credits
This course introduces history majors and minors to the historian’s craft. Students will examine the development of the
discipline of history, the methods of analysis used by professional historians today, and the varieties of applications for
history in professional careers and public life. Students will also gain and sharpen the research and writing skills critical
to their success in upper-level history courses. Guest speakers and off-campus site visits will enhance course content.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
History of the Twin Cities
4 Semester Credits
The Minneapolis and St. Paul area serves as a case study for the themes of frontier urbanization, industrialization, and
economic change; transportation, immigration, and ethnicity; and urban politics and reform.
Core Curriculum Component: Engaging Minneapolis, Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
Early Minnesota History
4 Semester Credits
This course examines the racial, ethnic, political, and economic history of Minnesota, from the earliest inhabitants
(Ojibwe and Dakota), through the period of British and French exploration, and to the development of statehood.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
American Indian History
4 Semester Credits
A study of the native people of North America from the pre-Columbian period through European exploration and
settlement to the present, emphasizing American Indian contributions to world culture, tribal structure, and
intergovernmental relations.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Topics in African American History
4 Semester Credits
Selected topics in African American history not regularly examined in other departmental offerings. The specific topics to
be offered will be announced prior to registration.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Struggle for Freedom, Citizenship, and Racial Equality, 1619-1870
4 Semester Credits
A survey of the development of African American civil rights focusing on legal, economic, and political issues influenced
by race and class, emphasizing emancipation and integration of slaves and former slaves.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
Struggle for Freedom, Citizenship, and Racial Equality, 1870-1968
4 Semester Credits
A continuation of HIS 242 with special emphasis on the contributions of W.E.B. DuBois, Marcus Garvey, A. Philip Randall,
Charles Houston, Thurgood Marshall, and Martin Luther King, Jr.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
The Designed Environment
4 Semester Credits
This course addresses the designed environment, investigating architecture, landscape architecture, and urban design.
Class sessions consist almost exclusively of extensive walking tours and site visits to prominent examples of design
Core Curriculum Component: Engaging Minneapolis, Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
Women and Gender in U.S. History since 1848
4 Semester Credits
This course examines women’s changing political, economic, social, and sexual status in the United States since the 19th
century, with attention given to social, racial, and ethnic, and sexual differences among women.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
Doing History in Public
4 Semester Credits
Public history is the practice of historical methods with non-academic audiences in mind. This course explores the
components of public history, many of its venues, and pressing issues in the field through examination of a range of
topics including, but not limited to: memory, archives, exhibits, oral histories, digital history, museums, historic sites,
and historic preservation.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Topics in Women's History
4 Semester Credits
Exploration of selected topics in women’s history not regularly examined in other departmental offerings. The specific
topic to be offered will be announced prior to registration.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Nature, Cities, and Justice: U.S. Urban Environmental History
4 Semester Credits
This seminar-style course engages in a chronological exploration of the nineteenth- and twentieth-century interactions
between Americans and the nonhuman world in cities and suburbs. Topics covered include the commodification of
nature, the death of the organic city, political movements organized around nature, ways of knowing nature,
environmental justice, environmental health and the human body, and the relationships shared by American culture
with nature.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Modern China
4 Semester Credits
A selective treatment of Chinese history since the Opium War of 1839; the erosion of China’s isolation and collapse of
the imperial system; the Nationalist and Communist revolutions of the 20th century, and the recent reemergence of
China as a world power.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Racism and Resistance in Southern Africa and the United States
4 Semester Credits
This course explores historical parallels of the development in southern Africa and in the United States, strategies of
resistance, the successes and limitations of political victories over apartheid and racism, and the lingering economic,
social, political, and psychological effects of racism.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Topics in United States History
4 Semester Credits
In-depth exploration of selected topics in United States history not regularly examined in other departmental offerings.
The specific topics to be offered will be announced prior to registration.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
The U.S. in the World: Diplomacy, Foreign Policy, and International Relations
4 Semester Credits
U.S. foreign relations emphasizing changing definitions of war and peace, tensions between internationalism and
isolationism, the emergence of the United States as an economic and military power, the Cold War, and the recent shift
from a unipolar to a multipolar world order.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Cities and Suburbs in the Modern United States
4 Semester Credits
A study of urban development from colonial and frontier beginnings through the age of industrialization to the present,
including the dynamics of urban growth and planning, politics and reform, and the growth of urban culture.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Business, Labor, Capitalism, and the American Dream
4 Semester Credits
What is the American Dream? Whom is it for? How is it best attained? This course explores the overlapping histories of
workers and businesses in broad economic context from the end of the nineteenth century to today. Students will
deploy social, political, environmental, economic, and cultural history to examine the emergence of various forms of
capitalism and how they shaped the aspirations and experiences of diverse enterprises and laborers in the United States.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
History of American Law
4 Semester Credits
An examination of the social, economic, and intellectual factors in American history that, combined with English and
colonial antecedents, contributed to the emergence of our modern legal system.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Empires and Borderlands in North America
4 Semester Credits
This course explores race, ethnicity, gender, politics, the histories of Indigenous people, the contest of European powers,
the American conquest of the continent, ecological transformations, the emergence of a regional West, and U.S. borders
with Mexico, Canada, and the Pacific World.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Namibia and South Africa: A Historical Perspective
4 Semester Credits
A survey of Namibia and South Africa including the experience of indigenous peoples, the impact of South African
occupation, the war for independence, and the roots of apartheid and its institutionalization.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Russia and the Soviet Union
4 Semester Credits
Examines Russian history from the late 1800s to the present. It briefly examines Czarist Russia before turning to the
Revolutions of 1917, the creation of the Soviet Union, the rise of Stalin, the Cold War, the emergence of reform, and the
transition to a new Russian state. The course will emphasize political, diplomatic, economic, and cultural history.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
The Designed Environment
4 Semester Credits
This course addresses the designed environment, investigating architecture, landscape architecture, and urban design.
Class sessions consist almost exclusively of extensive walking tours and site visits to prominent examples of design
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Revolutions, Republics, and Resilience in Latin America
4 Semester Credits
This course examines the history of Latin America from the 1790s to the 2000s. We will examine cultural trends, social
interactions, political institutions, and economic development as well as the relations that diverse Latin American
nations and peoples shared with the United States. Special attention will be paid to independence movements,
liberalism, republicanism, neocolonialism, revolutions, neoliberalism, the struggles of indigenous communities, and the
Latinx diaspora.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level); CONSENT(Consent of Instructor)
The Holocaust in German History
4 Semester Credits
This course explores the development of modern Germany from its unification in 1871 through the aftermath of World
War II, focusing on the Third Reich and the Holocaust. Through diverse course materials (memoirs, film, posters, etc.),
students will analyze the National Socialist regime and the horrors it wrought, and explore the experiences of "ordinary
Germans," including women, children, Jews and other minority groups.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Cultures of Empire: A Multinational Britain
4 Semester Credits
This course will take a distinctively interdisciplinary approach (sources will include literature, film, music, and artwork) to
explore a period of dramatic change in British politics, society, culture, and international status.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
In the Aftermath of War: History, Memory and Transitional Justice in Central America
4 Semester Credits
The objective of this course is to analyze the use of history and memory during the transition from war to peace in
Central America. The course will address the case of Guatemala, focusing on the social and political events that took
place in that country in the last half of the 20th Century and the role of "memory work" in transitional justice actions
that ensued. We will particularly address the participation of Indigenous women in that process and Indigenous Peoples
conceptualization of memory, justice, reparation, and peace.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Mexican History, Culture, and Cosmovision
4 Semester Credits
An exploration of Latin American history from Pre-Columbian times through the conquest and colonial periods up to
modern Latin America. The course will use a gendered lens to focus on Mexican history, culture and cosmovision.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): 1 of HIS101(The Beginning of Western Culture), HIS102(The Shaping of Western Civilization), HIS103(The
Modern World), HIS104(The Modern Non Western World), HIS120(America to 1815), HIS121(19th-Century United
States), HIS122(20th-Century United States), HIS150(Latin American History), HIS155(Cultural Conflict and Change in
Latin America), HIS162(20th-Century South Asia), HIS195(Topics in History), HIS225(History of the Twin Cities),
HIS234(Minnesota History), HIS236(American Indian History), HIS241(Topics in African American History), HIS242(History
of African American Civil Rights, 1619-1915), HIS243(History of African American Civil Rights, 1915-1972), HIS249(The
Designed Environment), HIS280(The History Workshop), HIS282(The History of Women Since 1848), HIS299(Directed
Study); 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for Liberating
Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Ancient Egypt and Classical Greece
4 Semester Credits
This course examines the history of ancient Egypt and classical Greece from c. 3200 to 323 BC, and uses a variety of
written and visual sources in an attempt to understand these societies. In addition to the "traditional" political narrative,
it also looks at social, economic, and cultural aspects of life in antiquity.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Hellenistic Greece and Rome
4 Semester Credits
This course examines the history of Hellenistic Greece and Rome from c. 800 BC to 476 AD, and uses a variety of written
and visual sources in an attempt to understand these societies. In addition to the "traditional" political narrative, it also
looks at social, economic, and cultural aspects of life in antiquity.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Modern South Asia
4 Semester Credits
This course explores the processes of indigenous political fragmentation, colonialism, nationalism, de-colonization, and
independence in the area now politically known as India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Modern Middle East
4 Semester Credits
This course, intended for upper-level undergraduates, is an introduction to the modern history of the region of North
Africa and West Asia between the Atlantic Ocean and Central Asia – commonly known as the Middle East – from the late
18th century until the present.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
The Early and High Middle Ages
4 Semester Credits
This course examines the history of Europe and the Mediterranean from c. 300 to 1350 AD, and uses a variety of written
and visual sources in an attempt to understand medieval society. In addition to the "traditional" political narrative, it
also looks at social, economic, and cultural aspects of medieval life.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement Level
3); 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for Liberating
Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
The Late Middle Ages to 1648
4 Semester Credits
This course examines the history of Europe from c. 1300 BC to 1648 AD, and uses a variety of written and visual sources
in an attempt to understand late medieval society. In addition to the "traditional" political narrative, it also looks at
social, economic, and cultural aspects of life in this period.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
War and Religion in the Medieval Context
4 Semester Credits
This course examines Western Europe’s crusading era (1095-1291 AD), a time when warriors from the Christian West
attempted to "take back" the Holy Land from its Muslim occupiers. Through a close reading of primary sources, we will
examine such issues as pilgrimage, holy war, and the complex relationships between East and West, between Muslims
and Christians. We will pay particular attention to the question of historical representation.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Pilgrims, Popes, and Penance: History of the Medieval Church
4 Semester Credits
This course examines the history of the medieval church from Constantine the Great to Martin Luther (c. 300 to c. 1517
AD). It uses a variety of written and visual sources in an attempt to understand the medieval church and its influence,
not only in religious matters, but also in the social and political spheres. Cross-listed with REL378.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of HON100(Christian Vocation & Search for Meaning I), RLN100(Religion, Vocation, and the Search for
Meaning I), RLN300(Religion and Vocation in the Public Sphere); 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced
Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Topics in Asian History
4 Semester Credits
Selected topics in Asian history not regularly examined in other departmental offerings. The specific topics to be offered
will be announced prior to registration.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Topics in African History
4 Semester Credits
Selected topics in African history not regularly examined in other departmental offerings. The specific topics to be
offered will be announced prior to registration.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Topics in Latin American History
4 Semester Credits
Selected topics in Latin American history not regularly examined in other departmental offerings. The specific topics to
be offered will be announced prior to registration.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Topics in North American History
4 Semester Credits
Selected topics in North American history not regularly examined in other departmental offerings. The specific topics to
be offered will be announced prior to registration.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Topics in European History
4 Semester Credits
Selected topics in European history not regularly examined in other departmental offerings. The specific topics to be
offered will be announced prior to registration.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Research Seminar
4 Semester Credits
This course is required for the major, and enrollment is normally restricted to students who have nearly finished their
coursework. Selected topics will be announced prior to registration.
Core Curriculum Component: Keystone
Prerequisite(s): 1 of HIS200(Why History Matters), HIS280(The History Workshop); 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II),
ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Topics in World History
4 Semester Credits
This course will investigate topics in world history that are not included in regular course offerings. The specific topics to
be offered will be announced prior to registration.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Europe and the World
4 Semester Credits
Europe’s encounter with the rest of the world, cultural interaction and conflict, the building of European empires, and
the breakdown of these imperial systems in the 20th century.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
INCE Museum Fellows Program
4 Semester Credits
This semester-long course examines the museum field and the challenges museums face regarding race and diversity. It
includes a museum study trip to meet with various professionals at the nation's leading museums. The fall course is
followed in the spring by a one-semester, paid external internship. Students are placed with external partners who
identify as museums or cultural institutions.
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): CONSENT(Consent of Instructor)
Independent Study
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Independent Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
HMO – Hmong
Beginning Hmong I
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to the language and culture of Hmong people. Emphasis is on vocabulary, reading, writing, and
conversational skills. Classroom practice will include linguistic patterns and oral interaction.
Core Curriculum Component: Modern Language 1
Prerequisite(s): None
Beginning Hmong II
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to the language and culture of Hmong people. Emphasis is on vocabulary, reading, writing, and
conversational skills. Classroom practice will include linguistic patterns and oral interaction.
Core Curriculum Component: Modern Language 2
Prerequisite(s): HMO111(Beginning Hmong I)
HPE – Health, Physical Education and Exercise Science
Components of Fitness Training
4 Semester Credits
This course implements a performance-based approach designed to enable the student to become well educated in
strength and cardiovascular training. The proficiencies will address the specifics of knowledge and performance in
fitness training. This course will implement optimal research based theories for improving aerobic and muscular strength
for the purpose of designing an individualized strength and aerobic conditioning program. (Fall)
Core Curriculum Component: Foundations of Wellness
Prerequisite(s): None
Personal and Community Health
4 Semester Credits
Concepts and practices of health and healthful living applied to the individual and the community.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Health and Safety Education
2 Semester Credits
Principles and practices of safety education in school and community life. National Safety Council First Aid and CPR
certification. (Fall, Spring)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Chemical Dependency Education
2 Semester Credits
An analysis of chemical use and abuse and what can be done for the abuser. Includes information about school health
education and services. (Fall, spring)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Human Anatomy and Physiology
4 Semester Credits
A survey of the structure and function of the human body. Concurrent registration in HPE203L is required. Students are
strongly encouraged to take CHM 102 or another chemistry course before taking this class.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): HPE104(Components of Fitness Training)
Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab
0 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): HPE203(Human Anatomy and Physiology) *concurrent registration is required*
Advanced Human Anatomy and Physiology
4 Semester Credits
A detailed investigation into the structures and associated functions of the body. This course will provide a
comprehensive, correlated knowledge of the anatomical structures and physiological mechanisms of the human body.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of BIO103(Human Anatomy and Physiology)
Advanced Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab
0 Semester Credits
Three hour lab taken concurrently with HPE 204.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): HPE204(HPE204 taken concurrently) *concurrent registration is required*
Introduction to Health, Physical Education, and Exercise Science
2 Semester Credits
An introduction to the professional field of health, physical education, and exercise science. Includes history, current
trends, and professional opportunities related to health, human performance, and wellness. Students also will examine
the components of a balanced, healthy lifestyle. (Fall, Spring)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Health and Exercise Psychology
4 Semester Credits
Study of the impact of psychological, behavioral, social, and biological interactions on exercise and health. Specific
physiological and psychological benefits associated with exercise are addressed along with health promotion,
intervention, and adherence. (Spring)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Motor Learning and Development
2 Semester Credits
The study of the processes associated with developing motor skills and performance, and how this relates to motor
development. (Spring)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Introduction to Developmental/Adapted Physical Education
2 Semester Credits
A general overview of developmental/adapted physical education from early childhood through grade 12. The role of
school-based health and physical education programs for students with disabilities will be addressed. Fieldwork
experience is a requirement in this course. (Fall)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries
2 Semester Credits
Emphasis placed on preventing and treating common athletic injuries. Practical experience in taping and training room
procedures. A lab accompanies this course. Concurrent registration in HPE275L is required.(Spring)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): HPE114(Health and Safety Education)
Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries Lab
0 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): HPE275(Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries) *concurrent registration is required*
Coaching Theory
2 Semester Credits
Theory, philosophy, organization, and supervision of coaching. Includes psychology of sport and how psychological
factors affect participation in sport. (Fall)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Sport Psychology
2 Semester Credits
This course reviews the field of Sport Psychology. The course introduces students to constructs, research, theories, and
applications of knowledge within Sport Psychology. It is useful for students who wish to improve performance, work
with athletes or teams, pursue a career in physical education and exercise science, or aspire to work with in the health
and fitness industry.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Directed Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Nutrition for Exercise Science
4 Semester Credits
This course provides an integrated overview of the physiological requirements, food sources, and functions of
carbohydrates, fats, protein, vitamins, and minerals and their impact on health and performance. Students will evaluate
and design nutritional regimens to support optimal athletic performance, ultimately examining nutritional supplements,
ergogenic aids, and anabolic steroids and the safety and efficacy of legal and banned substances. (Spring)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of BIO103(Human Anatomy and Physiology), BIOL2610-C(Human Anatomy and Physiology I);
HPE104(Components of Fitness Training)
Advanced Fitness Training
4 Semester Credits
This course is designed to examine and apply advanced personal training research. Participants will be exposed to
established training methods for developing advanced workouts as well as a variety of breakthrough exercises that may
result in fitness improvements. Ultimately, the student will create and optimize aspects of different training phases in a
year-round program design. In addition, the content of this course is focused toward the knowledge and skills required
for the NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) exam.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of BIO103(Human Anatomy and Physiology), BIOL2610-C(Human Anatomy and Physiology I);
HPE104(Components of Fitness Training), HPE114(Health and Safety Education), HPE205(Introduction to Health, Physical
Education, and Exercise Science)
Stress Management
2 Semester Credits
This course introduces students to concepts related to stress and stress management. Along with the study of the role of
stress in dysfunction of the human body, individual assessments and reflection are used to assist students in developing
a greater understanding of the role of stress in their life. Individual stress management plans will be constructed. (Fall)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Exercise Testing and Prescription
2 Semester Credits
This is a course in exercise testing and prescription relative to the cardiopulmonary system. The course is designed to
provide the student with an understanding of the physiological and pathophysiological responses of the body to clinical
exercise testing and to develop a basis for the exercise prescription in health and disease. The content of this course is
focused toward the knowledge and skills required for taking the ACSM Certified Health Fitness Specialist (HFS) exam.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement Level
3); HPE357(Measurement in Health, Physical Education, and Exercise Science) *concurrent registration is required*
Human Sexuality
4 Semester Credits
A study of the psychological, social, and biological components of human sexuality. (Spring)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
School Health Curriculum
2 Semester Credits
Techniques for developing a course of study in school health based upon growth and development for grades K-12.
Examination of national standards and pedagogy for health education, curriculum, and assessment included. (Fall even
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): HPE110(Personal and Community Health)
K-6 Physical Education Games and Activities
4 Semester Credits
This course integrates theory and practice in teaching age- and skill-appropriate activities to elementary students.
Fieldwork experience is a requirement in this course. (Spring)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): HPE104(Components of Fitness Training), HPE205(Introduction to Health, Physical Education, and
Exercise Science)
7-12 Sport Skills and Activities
4 Semester Credits
Theory and practice in skills and teaching selected games and activities. Fieldwork experience is a requirement in this
course. (Fall)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): HPE104(Components of Fitness Training), HPE205(Introduction to Health, Physical Education, and
Exercise Science)
Outdoor Education
2 Semester Credits
A course designed to provide knowledge and develop skills in a variety of outdoor educational activities and to study the
natural environment in which these activities occur. The course will include a three-day camping/hiking trip. Fieldwork
experience is a requirement in this course. (Fall even years, spring even years)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): HPE104(Components of Fitness Training), HPE114(Health and Safety Education), HPE205(Introduction to
Health, Physical Education, and Exercise Science)
Trekking the Mountains: An Outdoor Cultural Excursion
4 Semester Credits
A course designed for a multifaceted exploration of mountainous regions of the world, while developing the outdoor
trekking experience. This eleven-day trip will include immersion, as well as trekking in beautiful and less traveled regions
of the country. While trekking, one is provided opportunity for leadership and personal growth and development, as we
share leadership and logistrics for the excursion.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Organization and Administration of Physical Education Programs
2 Semester Credits
A survey of management, leadership, and decision making for physical education and athletic programs. (Fall)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): HPE205(Introduction to Health, Physical Education, and Exercise Science)
4 Semester Credits
A study of the mechanics of movement with an emphasis on the use of the muscular system. An analytic approach to
the study of movement and how it relates within the physical education and health fitness fields. A lab accompanies this
course. Concurrent registration in HPE350L is required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of BIO103(Human Anatomy and Physiology), BIOL2610-C(Human Anatomy and Physiology I); 1 of
MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement Level 3)
Kinesiology Lab
0 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): HPE350(Kinesiology) *concurrent registration is required*
Physiology of Exercise
4 Semester Credits
The major effects of exercise on the systems of the body and physiological principles applied to exercise programs and
motor training. A lab accompanies this course. Concurrent registration in HPE351L is required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of BIO103(Human Anatomy and Physiology), BIOL2610-C(Human Anatomy and Physiology I); 1 of
ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for Liberating Letters),
WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Physiology of Exercise Lab
0 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): HPE351(Physiology of Exercise) *concurrent registration is required*
Measurement in Health, Physical Education, and Exercise Science
2 Semester Credits
Concepts of statistics and the use of statistical procedures in health and physical education programs. Topics include
descriptive statistics, probability, estimation, ANOVA, correlation, Chi-Square, and nonparametric methods. (Fall)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of HPE110(Personal and Community Health), HPE205(Introduction to Health, Physical Education, and
Exercise Science); 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement
Level 3); HPE104(Components of Fitness Training)
Assessment in Health and Physical Education
2 Semester Credits
Standards, assessment, and evaluation of tests in health and physical education. (Fall)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of HPE110(Personal and Community Health), HPE205(Introduction to Health, Physical Education, and
Exercise Science); HPE104(Components of Fitness Training), HPE357(Measurement in Health, Physical Education, and
Exercise Science) *concurrent registration is required*
Physical Education Methods K-6
4 Semester Credits
Procedures, materials, and issues for teaching physical education in grades K-6. An in-depth view of all aspects of
teaching physical education to elementary-aged children. Fieldwork experience is a requirement in this course. (Fall)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): HPE104(Components of Fitness Training), HPE324(K-6 PE Games and Activities)
Physical Education Methods 7-12
4 Semester Credits
Procedures, materials, and issues involved in teaching physical education in secondary schools. An in-depth view of all
aspects of teaching physical education to secondary-aged students. Fieldwork experience is a requirement in this course.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): HPE104(Components of Fitness Training), HPE334(7-12 Sport Skills and Activities)
Instructional Methods and Materials in Health Education
4 Semester Credits
Principles and methods of instruction applied to health education grades K-12. Emphasis on teaching/learning strategies
and student assessment. Evaluation and development of materials included. Fieldwork experience is a requirement in
this course. (Spring)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): HPE110(Personal and Community Health)
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
Administration and Supervision of the School Health Program
2 Semester Credits
Historical background, legal basis, and school health services relationship to community and school health programs and
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): HPE110(Personal and Community Health)
Current Health Issues
2 Semester Credits
This course uses critical thinking skills to examine current health issues in text and media from a sociological, political,
economic, and medical perspective.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): HPE110(Personal and Community Health)
Advanced Biomechanics
2 Semester Credits
This course will introduce students to advanced biomechanical analysis of sports movement and injury with an emphasis
on the use of the musculoskeletal system. Movement kinematics and kinetics will be described using Dartfish motion
analysis software and applied to physical education and health and fitness professions; particularly in terms of sports
movement technique, common sports injury mechanisms, and injury prevention.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): HPE350(Kinesiology)
Physical Education Curriculum
2 Semester Credits
Techniques for developing a course of study in physical education based upon growth and development for grades K-12.
Examination of National Standards and pedagogy for physical education, curriculum, and assessment included.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): HPE205(Introduction to Health, Physical Education, and Exercise Science)
Exercise Science Seminar and Keystone
4 Semester Credits
This course will provide the student with the pinnacle component of the Exercise Science degree plan. The keystone will
provide an understanding of human responses to exercise and its relevance to a diverse and challenging world, as well
as help develop a basis for research as this relates to the major.
Core Curriculum Component: Keystone
Prerequisite(s): HPE350(Kinesiology), HPE351(Physiology of Exercise)
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Independent Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
HUM – Humanities
Medieval Life in 12th-Century Europe
4 Semester Credits
This is the introductory course for medieval studies. It uses an interdisciplinary approach to study European culture
during a period known as the High Middle Ages, roughly AD 1100 to 1300. It attempts to examine medieval culture as a
complex system of thought and feeling, which includes history, religion, philosophy, literature, art, theatre, music, and
food. It also takes an experiential approach to this material, for example, by having students and faculty attend class in
academic regalia, just as they did in medieval universities.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
Keystone: Medieval Studies Project
4 Semester Credits
The final project in medieval studies functions like an independent study. Because medieval studies is an
interdisciplinary major, the final project must be also be interdisciplinary. Students are free to choose any topic
connected to the Middle Ages, but must examine it with professors from at least three different disciplines. The
traditional disciplines that comprise medieval studies are art history, English, history, music history, philosophy, religion,
and theater history, but students have also completed projects involving professors from other disciplines, such as
sociology and psychology. Experiential approaches are encouraged but not required. For example, past students have
built medieval musical instruments, medieval suits of armor, and Renaissance commedia dell’arte masks, and then
written about the process.
Core Curriculum Component: Keystone
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL330(Shakespeare), ENL332(British Literature: Renaissance and Reformation), ENL360(The
Classical Tradition), ENL361(The Medieval World); 1 of HIS372(Medieval Church), PHI242(History of Philosophy II:
Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy), REL361(The Church/First Four Centuries), REL362(Martin Luther and the
Reformation); 1 of ART386(Medieval Art), ART387(Renaissance and Baroque Art), THR361(Theater Histories: Origins to
1800); HIS369(The Early and High Middle Ages), HIS370(The Late Middle Ages to 1648), HUM120(Medieval Life in 12thCentury Europe)
Independent Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
INS – Interdisciplinary Studies
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
The Nobel Laureates: Religious and Political Perspectives
4 Semester Credits
Through studying the lives of prominent peacemakers and the opportunity provided to us by the Nobel Peace Prize
Forum, this course examines peacemaking in the 21st century, utilizing both the lenses of political science and religion.
Prerequistes: REL 100 or 300 (or can be taken concurrently).
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): 1 of HON100(Religion, Vocation, and the Search for Meaning I) *concurrent registration is acceptable*,
RLN100(Religion, Vocation, and the Search for Meaning I) *concurrent registration is acceptable*, RLN300(by exception)
*concurrent registration is acceptable*
Introduction to Islam
4 Semester Credits
The course covers the ideological foundations of Islam, its basic concepts and tenets, Islamic law (Shari’ah), Islamic
economic and political systems, and Islamic patterns of life.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
African-American Experience in America
4 Semester Credits
An overview of the major issues related to the African American experience, focusing on historical, sociological,
economic, legal, and psychological aspects of that experience.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Paideia Approach: Thinking, Talking and Reading
4 Semester Credits
Students will participate in a series of seminar discussions following the Paideia seminar format as developed by
Mortimer Adler. Seminar topics emphasize selections that help students to think critically, understand timeless ideas,
listen carefully, and question thoughtfully. This course is ideal for education, social science, and language arts majors.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Topics in Study Abroad and Intercultural Development
1 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
Topics in Study Abroad and Intercultural Development
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
Career Exploration in Financial Services
2 Semester Credits
This course will introduce the career exploration/planning process and an overview of careers in financial services and
insurance. Students will develop strategies and skills for career-related decision making and for an effective
internship/job search. Course sessions will include: personal and career assessments and interpretation, career research
and readings, topic discussions, employer guest speakers, and a Travelers company site visit.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Meaningful Work: Linking Education,Vocation and Career Exploration
2 Semester Credits
This course will introduce students to the nature of work and its role and value to the individual and to society and
provide the strategies and skills necessary for a lifetime of career-related decision making, meaningful work and active
citizenship. The course is geared to both students who are undecided and students who are seeking an in-depth look at
a chosen personal life and career path.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Directed Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
The Politics of Development in Southern Africa
4 Semester Credits
This course examines basic theories of development as well as the political economy of development. It provides the
opportunity to reflect critically on issues of development, including global justice, equality, and sustainability.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Building a Sustainable Democracy
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Understanding the Northern Ireland Conflict
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Environment and Agriculture: Agroecosystems in Context
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Justice and the US Food System
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Arts Praxis: Social Justice Theory and Practice in the Field
4 Semester Credits
Exploration of life experiences and works of artists, cultural workers, and community organizers for understanding the
differences between formal institutional art and community-based art forms. Interviews and participant observation at
arts performances and cultural events.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Art and Culture in Political, Social and Historical Context
4 Semester Credits
Study of the social and cultural history of urban art, the role of art and culture in everyday life, and the relationship
between intellectual discourse and the politics of cultural work. Readings, films, and discussions integrate aesthetic
theory and artistic expression with issues of social change and activism.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
From Consumers to Creators
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Digital Laboratory
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Urban Environment Field Seminar
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Sustainability, Ecology, and New Zealand Environmental Policy
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Maori Perspectives, Pluralism, and National Identity
4 Semester Credits
Based in Auckland, this new program examines how social and environmental factors shape political and ecological
dimensions of identity and culture, and how New Zealanders from many different backgrounds are envisioning and
creating a shared future. A number of topics explored during the semester include the history of colonization, the treaty
and the truth and reconciliation process that shape contemporary life, Maori protest and social movements, key
strategies used to address sustainability, and many more economic and environmental issues.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Social Dimensions of Environmental Change
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Field Research Methods and Investigation
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Adaptive Ecosystem Management
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Workshop in Fiction, Poetry, and Creative Nonfiction
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Creative Writing in Political, Social, and Historical Context
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Inequality in America: A Political Economy Approach
4 Semester Credits
Interdisciplinary readings connect experiences and direct observation with theory and research on the impact of race,
class, and gender on social inequality and unequal urban development. Competing theories and strategies for urban and
neighborhood development are examined in the context of dominant ideology and perspectives of people who
challenge it.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Political Sociology of Building Power, Change, and Equity
4 Semester Credits
Concrete conditions of life and community issues in different neighborhoods provide varying—at times competing—
views on the Twin Cities "civic ideology." Field observations, dialogue with residents, interviews, and oral history provide
data to identify inequality and to assess theories and strategies for explaining and overcoming it.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Community Participation and Social Change
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Politics and Development in Ecuador
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Disjuncture and Difference in Europe
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Norwegian Language
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Challenges and Opportunities of European Integration
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Challenges of Globalization and Mass Migration in Scandinavia
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
The Scandinavian Welfare States
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Integration Seminar: Advanced Internship: Theory and Practice
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Race in America Then and Now: "Post-Racial" Perspectives on the Civil Rights Movement
6 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Scandinavian Art, Film and Literature
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Urbanization and Immigration
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
Topics in Study Abroad and Intercultural Development
1 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
Topics in Study Abroad and Intercultural Development
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Independent Study: Metropolitan Resources
2 Semester Credits
An independently-designed course developed by a student (or group of students), utilizing the metropolitan resources
available, e.g., lectures, symposia, performances, hearings. The course is designed in consultation with and evaluated by
a department faculty member.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of POL122(Metropolitan Complex), SOC111(Human Community and Modern Metropolis);
CONSENT(Consent of Instructor)
Independent Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of POL484(Political Analysis), SOC363(Research Methods)
KEY – Keystone
Creating Life in the Arts: Exploration and Reflection on Vocation
4 Semester Credits
From personal reflection on vocation to real-world insights and hands-on experiences, this course will delve deeply into
the skill sets and mind sets important for arts professionals in all fine arts majors. While exploring vocation concepts,
this course balances entrepreneurial awareness, attitudes, and skills with entrepreneurial insights, skills and reflection.
Core Curriculum Component: Keystone
Prerequisite(s): None
Topics in Global Interdependence
4 Semester Credits
This cross-cultural keystone seminar prepares students to "act globally" by challenging them to apply the diverse
perspectives acquired while studying abroad and to analyze issues that transcend national boundaries. In English with
readings in a language other than English. Open to international students and to upper-division students who have
advanced knowledge of a language other than English or have studied abroad for a full semester (including in Englishspeaking countries with consent of instructor).
Core Curriculum Component: Keystone
Prerequisite(s): None
Vocation and the Meaning of Success
4 Semester Credits
This course is the keystone course for business majors and other majors where the major program does not include a
keystone element. It draws together all facets of a student’s education by providing opportunities to reflect upon and
write about the integration of one’s classes, life, and future. Readings and critical discussions with others in the same
and in different majors will add dimension to each student’s reflective writing.
Core Curriculum Component: Keystone
Prerequisite(s): 1 of RLN100(Religion, Vocation, and the Search for Meaning I), RLN300(Religion and Vocation in the
Public Sphere); 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
LAT – Latin
Beginning Latin I
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to the grammar and vocabulary required to read classical Latin. Short texts from original sources.
Attention to classical and medieval Latin culture as time permits.
Core Curriculum Component: Modern Language 1
Prerequisite(s): None
Beginning Latin II
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to the grammar and vocabulary required to read classical Latin. Short texts from original sources.
Attention to classical and medieval Latin culture as time permits.
Core Curriculum Component: Modern Language 2
Prerequisite(s): LAT101(Beginning Latin I)
LIB – Library
Fake News 101 : Research Skills, Information Assessment, and Seeking the Truth
2 Semester Credits
This course provides the tools students need to become skilled researchers, critical thinkers, and informed citizens.
Students will learn how information is created, packaged, and disseminated; how authority is constructed and
conferred; strategies for assessing a source's credibility; the ways in which information is used as a commodity; how to
formulate a research question, select appropriate databases, and develop and refine a search strategy. Students will also
consider their own role in the creation and dissemination of information as well as barriers to participating in the
scholarly conversation.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
LST – Leadership Studies
Topics: (non-credit)
0 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Introduction to Leadership Studies
4 Semester Credits
This course lays the groundwork for the study of leadership and enhances the capacity to lead. This course offers an
opportunity to develop and tell your public narrative and leadership story. It serves as an overview of leadership
theories, their definitions, and their theoretical strengths and weaknesses.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Topics: (non-credit)
0 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): CONSENT(Consent of Instructor)
3 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Independent Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
MAT – Mathematics
3 Semester Credits
A fast-paced review of basic mathematical skills and concepts including integers, fractions, decimal numbers, ratios,
percents, order of operations, exponents, and an introduction to algebraic expressions, equations, and graphs with an
emphasis on applications to everyday life. P/N grading only. Prior experience with high school algebra is assumed. MAT
103 does not count as credit toward graduation. Grade of P advances student to MPG2. This course does not meet a
NSM-LAF and does not meet QF.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MPL(Math Placement Level 1)
Applied Algebra
3 Semester Credits
Concepts of linear, exponential, logarithmic, and other models with an emphasis on applications to the social and
natural sciences, business, and everyday life. Grade of C- or higher advances student to MPG3. Students preparing for
MAT 114 should consult the department. This course does not meet a NSM-LAF and does not meet QF. Students who
have successfully completed MAT 106 may not register for credit.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT103(Prealgebra), MPL(Math Placement Level 2)
Applied Algebra and Trigonometry
4 Semester Credits
Concepts of linear, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, and other models with an emphasis on applications to the
natural sciences, economics, and finance. Grade of C- or higher advances student to MPG3. Intended for students
planning to continue to MAT 114 Precalculus. Students already in MPG3 should consult the department or Academic
Advising Center before enrolling. This course does not meet a NSM-LAF and does not meet QF. Students who have
successfully completed MAT 105 may not register for credit.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT103(Prealgebra), MPL(Math Placement Level 2)
Finite Mathematics
4 Semester Credits
Concepts of introductory linear algebra and elementary probability theory. Focuses on applications to business,
economics, and social science, with an emphasis on developing quantitative skills needed for further study in those
areas. Topics include linear equations, systems of linear equations, graphing lines and linear inequalities, matrices, sets,
counting, probability axioms, conditional probability, Bayes' theorem, and applications such as supply/demand, breakeven analysis, input-output analysis, least squares, linear programming, Markov chains, game theory, or financial
mathematics. Students who have completed MAT 246 or MAT 373 may not register for credit.
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement
Group 3)
Mathematics in Society
4 Semester Credits
Using mathematics to understand quantitative information in daily life and current issues facing society. Concepts
include an introduction to probability and statistics, financial mathematics, and other applications, with an emphasis on
developing skills in quantitative reasoning. Students who have successfully completed a course in introductory statistics
(MAT 163, MAT 164, SOC 362, PSY 215, MIS379) may not register for credit
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement
Group 3)
4 Semester Credits
Concepts of algebraic, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions for students planning to study calculus.
Students who have completed MAT 145 or other calculus courses may register for credit only with consent of
department. Grade of C- or higher advances student to MPG4.
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement Level
Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I
4 Semester Credits
Concepts of number, operations, algebra, geometry, measurement, data analysis, and probability with an emphasis on
the processes of problem solving, reasoning, connections, communication, and representation. MAT 137 and MAT 138
are courses designed for prospective K-6 elementary school teachers.
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement Level
Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II
4 Semester Credits
Concepts of number, operations, algebra, geometry, measurement, data analysis, and probability with an emphasis on
the processes of problem solving, reasoning, connections, communication, and representation. MAT 137 and MAT 138
are courses designed for prospective K-6 elementary school teachers.
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement Level
Calculus Workshop
1 Semester Credits
An elective workshop for students concurrently enrolled in Calculus I or Calculus II. Calculus-related problems and
activities that require significant collaborative and creative effort. Emphasis on strategies for succeeding in college-level
mathematics courses. This course does not meet a NSM-LAF and does not meet QF.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT145(Calculus I) *concurrent registration is required*, MAT146(Calculus II) *concurrent
registration is required*
Calculus I
4 Semester Credits
Concepts of calculus focusing on differentiation; topics include limits, derivatives, their applications, and introduction to
integrals. Concurrent enrollment in MAT145L is required.
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT114(Precalculus), MPL(Math Placement Level 4)
Calculus I Lab
0 Semester Credits
Concurrent enrollment in MAT145 is required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MAT145(Concurrent enrollment required) *concurrent registration is required*
Calculus II
4 Semester Credits
Concepts of calculus focusing on integration; topics include techniques of integration, applications of integrals,
differential equations, infinite series, and polar curves. Concurrent enrollment in MAT146L is required.
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Prerequisite(s): MAT145(Calculus I)
Calculus II Lab
0 Semester Credits
Concurrent enrollment in MAT146 is required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MAT146(Calculus II) *concurrent registration is required*
Introductory Statistics
4 Semester Credits
Concepts of elementary statistics, with an emphasis on working with data and understanding the role of variability.
Topics include descriptive statistics, data visualization, confounding and causal associations, confidence intervals,
hypothesis testing, regression, and the use of modern computational tools in statistics. Students who have successfully
completed MAT164, MIS379, PSY215, or SOC362 may not register for credit in MAT163.
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement Level
Introductory Statistics for STEM
4 Semester Credits
Concepts and techniques of elementary statistics, with an emphasis on working with scientific data and understanding
the role of variability. Topics include descriptive statistics, data visualization, probability distributions, simulation,
experimental design, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, analysis-of-variance, regression, and the use of modern
computational tools in statistics. This course is designed for prospective Science, Technology, Engineering, or
Mathematics (STEM) majors or anyone interested in a more scientific introduction to statistics. Students who have
successfully completed MAT163, MAT248, MIS379, PSY215, or SOC362 may not register for credit in MAT164.
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT114(Precalculus), MPL(Math Placement Group)
Discrete Mathematics For Computing
4 Semester Credits
Concepts of discrete mathematics including binary representations, sequences, recursion, induction, formal logic, and
combinatorics, with an emphasis on connections to computer science. Students who have completed MAT271 may not
register for credit.
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement Level
3); 1 of CSC160(Introduction to Computer Science and Communication), CSC165(Introduction to Computer Programming
(Python)), CSC170(Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (Java)), MAT145(Calculus I), MIS260(Problem Solving
for Business)
Mathematics of Finance
4 Semester Credits
Concepts of elementary financial mathematics such as annuities, loan payments, mortgages, life annuities, and life
insurance. Provides an introduction to actuarial mathematics.
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement Level
4 Semester Credits
Work-based learning experience that links the ideas and methods of mathematics to the opportunities found in the
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): CONSENT(Consent of Instructor)
Communicating Mathematics
2 Semester Credits
An introduction to mathematical speaking, typesetting, presentation technology, reading, and bibliographic resources.
This course does not count as an elective in the mathematics major or minor. Completion of this course plus any
theoretical structure or applied project course satisfies the major's speaking skill requirement. Students with majors
other than mathematics should consult their major department before taking this course.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MAT146(Calculus II)
Data Visualization and Statistical Computing
4 Semester Credits
Concepts of communicating with data visually, with an emphasis on computational techniques. Topics include data
management, visualizations of maps and networks, data scraping, programming bootstrap and randomizations, creating
animated Gifs.
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement Level
3); 1 of MAT163(Introductory Statistics), MAT164(Introductory Statistics for STEM), MIS379(Quantitative Methods for
Business and Economics), PSY215(Research Methods and Statistics I), SOC362(Statistical Analysis)
Calculus III
4 Semester Credits
Concepts of multivariable calculus including functions of several variables, partial derivatives, vectors and the gradient,
multiple integrals, and parametric representations.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MAT146(Calculus II)
Linear Algebra
4 Semester Credits
Concepts of linear algebra including systems of linear equations, matrices, linear transformations, abstract vector
spaces, determinants, and eigenvalues.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT245(Calculus III), MAT271(Discrete Mathematical Structures)
Exploring Geometry
4 Semester Credits
Concepts of geometry including Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries and geometric transformations with an
emphasis on geometric reasoning, conjecturing, and proof.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MAT145(Calculus I)
Discrete Mathematical Structures
4 Semester Credits
Concepts of discrete mathematics including number theory, combinatorics, graph theory, recursion theory, set theory,
and formal logic, with an emphasis on algorithmic thinking, mathematical reasoning, conjecturing, and proof.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MAT145(Calculus I)
Statistical Modeling
4 Semester Credits
Concepts of selecting, assessing the fit, and evaluating statistical models. Topics studied include statistical model
transformations, outlier detection, hypothesis testing and confidence interval construction, evaluation of multicollinearity and correlated predictors on model results, and one-way and multi-Factor ANOVA to assess relationships
among quantitative response variables and categorical predictor variables. This course includes several small group
projects culminating with a final group project.
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement Level
3); 1 of MAT163(Introductory Statistics), MAT164(Introductory Statistics for STEM), MIS379(Quantitative Methods for
Business and Economics), PSY215(Research Methods and Statistics I), SOC362(Statistical Analysis)
History of Mathematics
4 Semester Credits
Concepts of historical importance from the areas of geometry, number theory, algebra, calculus, and modern
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Prerequisite(s): MAT145(Calculus I)
Graph Theory
4 Semester Credits
Concepts of graph theory including standard graphs, classic questions, and topics such as degree sequences,
isomorphism, connectivity, traversability, matching, planarity, coloring, and graph metrics. Focuses on theoretical
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of COM111(Public Speaking), COM112(Contest Public Speaking), COM115(Scientific and Technical
Public Speaking), HON130(Liberating Letters: Humanist Tradition), MAT201(Communicating Mathematics); 1 of
ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for Liberating Letters),
WPL(Writing Placement Level); MAT271(Discrete Mathematical Structures)
Abstract Algebra
4 Semester Credits
Concepts of algebra including the abstract structures of groups, rings, integral domains, and fields. Focuses on
theoretical structures.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level); 1 of COM111(Public Speaking), COM112(Contest Public Speaking),
COM115(Scientific and Technical Public Speaking), HON130(Liberating Letters: Humanist Tradition),
MAT201(Communicating Mathematics); MAT246(Linear Algebra), MAT271(Discrete Mathematical Structures)
4 Semester Credits
Concepts of real analysis including limits, boundedness, continuity, functions, derivatives, and series in a theoretical
setting. Focuses on theoretical structures.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level); 1 of COM111(Public Speaking), COM112(Contest Public Speaking),
COM115(Scientific and Technical Public Speaking), HON130(Liberating Letters: Humanist Tradition),
MAT201(Communicating Mathematics); MAT146(Calculus II), MAT271(Discrete Mathematical Structures)
Numerical Mathematics and Computation
4 Semester Credits
Concepts such as polynomial interpolation, numerical differentiation and integration, numerical solution of differential
equations, error propagation, practical implementation of numerical methods on modern computers, and applications.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of CSC165(Introduction to Computer Programming (Python)), CSC170(Introduction to Object-Oriented
Programming (Java)); 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing
for Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level); 1 of COM111(Public Speaking), COM112(Contest Public Speaking),
COM115(Scientific and Technical Public Speaking), HON130(Liberating Letters: Humanist Tradition),
MAT201(Communicating Mathematics); MAT146(Calculus II)
Dynamical Systems
4 Semester Credits
Concepts of dynamical systems including iteration, stability, orbit diagrams, symbolic dynamics, chaos, and fractals,
along with topics such as applications of dynamical systems and/or complex dynamics including the Mandelbrot set and
Julia sets. Focuses on theoretical structures.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level); 1 of COM111(Public Speaking), COM112(Contest Public Speaking),
COM115(Scientific and Technical Public Speaking), HON130(Liberating Letters: Humanist Tradition),
MAT201(Communicating Mathematics); MAT146(Calculus II), MAT271(Discrete Mathematical Structures)
Modeling and Differential Equations in Biological and Natural Sciences
4 Semester Credits
Concepts of differential equations including quantitative and qualitative solution method of linear and non-linear
systems; the application, modeling, and analysis of differential equations to model biological phenomena.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level); 1 of COM111(Public Speaking), COM112(Contest Public Speaking),
COM115(Scientific and Technical Public Speaking), HON130(Liberating Letters: Humanist Tradition),
MAT201(Communicating Mathematics); MAT146(Calculus II)
Probability Theory
4 Semester Credits
Concepts of probability including methods of enumeration, random variables, probability distributions, simulation of
random processes, expectation, moment generating functions, and the Central Limit Theorem.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT245(Calculus III), MAT271(Discrete Mathematical Structures); MAT146(Calculus II)
Statistical Theory and Applications
4 Semester Credits
Concepts of statistical inference including sampling distributions, methods of estimation, confidence intervals,
hypothesis testing, linear regression, statistical computing, and practical implementation of statistical theory. Intended
for students with some background in elementary statistics.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level); 1 of COM111(Public Speaking), COM112(Contest Public Speaking),
COM115(Scientific and Technical Public Speaking), HON130(Liberating Letters: Humanist Tradition),
MAT201(Communicating Mathematics); MAT373(Probability and Statistics I)
Operations Research
4 Semester Credits
Concepts of linear programming and its applications to optimization problems from industrial settings including the
simplex method, sensitivity analysis, duality theory, alternate optima, and unboundedness with an emphasis on both the
mathematical theory and the application to current business practice.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level); 1 of COM111(Public Speaking), COM112(Contest Public Speaking),
COM115(Scientific and Technical Public Speaking), HON130(Liberating Letters: Humanist Tradition),
MAT201(Communicating Mathematics); MAT246(Linear Algebra)
Topics in Statistics
4 Semester Credits
Study of an advanced topic in statistics such as modeling, design of experiments, or data analysis.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT163(Introductory Statistics), MAT164(Introductory Statistics for STEM), MAT248(Biostatistics),
MAT373(Probability and Statistics I); 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing),
HON111(Effective Writing for Liberating Letters); 1 of COM111(Public Speaking), COM115(Scientific and Technical Public
Speaking), HON130(Liberating Letters: Humanist Tradition), MAT201(Communicating Mathematics); MAT146(Calculus II)
4 Semester Credits
Study of an advanced topic such as actuarial mathematics, complex analysis, mathematical biology, combinatorics,
topology, or foundations of mathematics.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level); 1 of COM111(Public Speaking), COM112(Contest Public Speaking),
COM115(Scientific and Technical Public Speaking), HON130(Liberating Letters: Humanist Tradition),
MAT201(Communicating Mathematics); 2 of MAT245(Calculus III), MAT246(Linear Algebra), MAT252(Exploring
Geometry), MAT269(Modeling and Differential Equations), MAT271(Discrete Mathematical Structures), MAT287(History
of Mathematics)
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): CONSENT(Consent of Instructor), MAT146(Calculus II), MAT271(Discrete Mathematical Structures)
4 Semester Credits
Work-based learning experience that links the ideas and methods of mathematics to the opportunities found in the
internship. For upper division credit, significant mathematical content and presentation at a departmental colloquium is
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): CONSENT(Consent of Instructor), MAT146(Calculus II), MAT271(Discrete Mathematical Structures)
Mathematics Colloquium
0 Semester Credits
Information about contemporary applications, career opportunities, and other interesting ideas in mathematics.
Presented by outside visitors, faculty members, or students. Carries no course credit.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Independent Study
1 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 2 of MAT304(Graph Theory), MAT314(Abstract Algebra), MAT324(Analysis), MAT355(Numerical
Mathematics and Computation), MAT363(Dynamical Systems), MAT369(Modeling and Differential Equations in
Biological and Natural Sciences), MAT373(Probability and Statistics I), MAT374(Probability and Statistics II),
MAT377(Operations Research), MAT394(Topics in Statistics), MAT395(Topics); CONSENT(Consent of Instructor),
MAT146(Calculus II), MAT271(Discrete Mathematical Structures)
Independent Study
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 2 of MAT304(Graph Theory), MAT314(Abstract Algebra), MAT324(Analysis), MAT355(Numerical
Mathematics and Computation), MAT363(Dynamical Systems), MAT369(Modeling and Differential Equations in
Biological and Natural Sciences), MAT373(Probability and Statistics I), MAT374(Probability and Statistics II),
MAT377(Operations Research), MAT394(Topics in Statistics), MAT395(Topics); CONSENT(Consent of Instructor),
MAT146(Calculus II), MAT271(Discrete Mathematical Structures)
Independent Study
4 Semester Credits
Selection and study of an advanced topic outside of the offered curriculum with the guidance of a faculty member.
Presentation at a departmental colloquium is required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 2 of MAT304(Graph Theory), MAT314(Abstract Algebra), MAT324(Analysis), MAT355(Numerical
Mathematics and Computation), MAT363(Dynamical Systems), MAT369(Modeling and Differential Equations in
Biological and Natural Sciences), MAT373(Probability and Statistics I), MAT374(Probability and Statistics II),
MAT377(Operations Research), MAT394(Topics in Statistics), MAT395(Topics); CONSENT(Consent of Instructor),
MAT146(Calculus II), MAT271(Discrete Mathematical Structures)
MBA – Master of Business Administration
Applied Managerial Economics
3 Semester Credits
Application of economic tools in solving managerial problems. Topics include markets and organizations, demand and
cost functions, demand and supply analysis, game theory and the economics of strategy, pricing incentives, contracts
and ethics. Students develop critical thinking skills and a framework for analyzing business decisions. Successful
completion of corresponding MBA Math module required prior to the start of class.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Accounting for Business Managers
3 Semester Credits
This course will introduce MBA students to managerial accounting in business organizations. The focus of managerial
accounting is to provide accounting data to internal decision-makers (managers/employees). External and internal
decision-makers use accounting information both to make decisions and to evaluate results of those decisions.
Managerial Accounting focuses on the development, interpretation, and application of accounting information for
managerial decision-making. The course stresses the use of financial and non-financial information within a variety of
organizations for the purposes of understanding and analyzing activities and operations. You will examine the linkages
between accounting information and management planning through cost analysis, operational and capital budgeting
and performance measurement. Successful completion of corresponding MBA Math module required prior to the start
of class.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Managerial Finance
3 Semester Credits
Business Managers need to understand the fundamentals of financial management for optimal decision making. This
course covers the major topics in Finance that a business manager is likely to come across. The course begins with an
introduction to Financial Management and Time Value of Money. We discuss financial statements and cash-flows, the
financial environment of a firm—markets, institutions, interest rates, leading to a discussion of risk and return,
security/corporate valuation, strategic investment and financing decisions. Successful completion of corresponding MBA
Math module required prior to the start of class.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Investment Theory and Portfolio Management
3 Semester Credits
This course discusses investment background such as the investment setting, asset allocation decision, selecting
investments in a global market, and security market indicators, followed by efficient capital markets, portfolio
management and asset pricing models, and multi-factor models of risk and return. Security valuation and analysis and
management of common stocks and bonds are discussed. The course ends with a discussion of professional asset
management and evaluation of portfolio performance.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
International Finance
3 Semester Credits
The objective of this course is to acquaint students with macro and micro aspects of international finance. At the macro
level, coverage will include theories of direct investment, the international monetary mechanism, foreign exchange
markets, and repercussions from balance of payments difficulties. Micro level materials include problems of doing
business internationally and a survey of public and private foreign and international financial institutions. Also discussed
are the management of risk of multinational operations and their valuation and structure. The course ends with a
discussion of international portfolio investment and asset pricing.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Business and Professional Ethics
3 Semester Credits
The history and theories of business ethics. Each class session will utilize assigned readings, articles, case studies, and
exercises. We will focus on four primary outcomes for participants in this course: An understanding of the ethical
problems faced by people; Convey a means of analysis of ethical problems; Allow students to deliberately, methodically,
and reasonably defend their point of view.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Organizational Behavior
3 Semester Credits
In-depth exploration and analysis of major theories, concepts, skills and techniques for organization behavior and
development in business and industry, including the conceptual integration and application of these theories. We will
often challenge the traditional assumptions of management by discussing current management and organization
behavior theories, innovations, trends, and the issues faced by today’s managers.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Marketing Management
3 Semester Credits
Applying marketing theory and practice to real-life marketing situations. Topics include market segmentation, targeting,
positioning, distribution of goods and services, the relationship between price and demand, brand management, and
marketing plans and strategy. Students gain hands-on experience with marketing in cross-functional organization
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Managing in a Global Environment
3 Semester Credits
Explores the reasons, conditions, processes, and challenges of internationalization from an enterprise perspective. The
foci of the course will be international trade theory and institutional governance of international trade/monetary policy,
and the differences in political-economic/socio-cultural systems and their implications for international business.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Quantitative Decision-Making for Managers
3 Semester Credits
Apply analytical thinking to a variety of business problems and understand the need for analytical models for business
decision-making. Create spreadsheet models to help organize information and solve analytical problems. Topics:
Regression Analysis, Forecasting, Project Management, and Inventory Control. Successful completion of corresponding
MBA Math module required prior to the start of class.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Business Analytics
3 Semester Credits
Business analytics is changing the way organizations manage and make decisions. All facets of businesses utilize data to
make decisions regarding product design, marketing, organization structure and strategic planning. This course will help
prepare MBA students to understand light duty programming using SQL in order to work with and interpret large data
sets. Students will be able to interpret and present data visually using tableau.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MBA570(Quantitative Decision-Making for Managers)
Data Programming
3 Semester Credits
This course will introduce MBA students to Excel, Python, JAVA, Social Media Mining, SQL, Tableau, and Advanced
Statistics. The students will complete projects using real data sets from the worlds of finance, healthcare, government,
social welfare, and entrepreneurial organizations allowing students to build a strong portfolio with a professional
demonstration of basic computer programming.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MBA570(Quantitative Decision-Making for Managers), MBA571(Business Analytics)
Predictive Analytics
3 Semester Credits
This is a data visualization and analytics course designed for MBA students and encompasses a variety of statistical
techniques from data mining, predictive modelling, and machine learning. Students will utilize their excel, data
programming and interpretive data skill sets, using the software program, tableau to analyze current and historical data
to make predictions about future or otherwise unknown events.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MBA570(Quantitative Decision-Making for Managers), MBA571(Business Analytics), MBA572(Data
Management Consulting Project
3 Semester Credits
MBA 580 is a project-based capstone course meant to serve an integrative role, bringing together all the components of
your graduate business education in a summative project. The projects include strategic planning, business plans,
marketing plans and a competitive analysis. The Management Consulting Project provides the opportunity to apply your
MBA program learning to an actual business organization with real issues and opportunities involving multiple functions.
Field Study teams of four to five students will work as management consultants on comprehensive projects for local
businesses or community organizations.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Entrepreneurship: Execution, Planning and Strategy
3 Semester Credits
This course is intended to provide prospective entrepreneurs with information and tools on how to start a business. The
course includes the following: how to evaluate opportunities, choose markets for entry, decide when to enter, and
determine what resources and capabilities it will take to enter and provide a platform for future growth. The course is
designed to address the needs of students who either hope to pursue start-up opportunities upon graduation or in
preparation for entrepreneurial activities at later career stages.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MBA595(Strategic Management)
Leadership: Ethics, Vision, and Transformation
3 Semester Credits
Provides learners with well-rounded, comprehensive leadership skills that will enhance personal and organizational
effectiveness. Topics include leadership strategy, critical and distinctive functions and skills of management and
leadership, relationship building, servant leadership, leadership communication, and self awareness and discovery of
leadership styles, traits and abilities. This class begins the work associated with Student Learning Experience 1. Students
will use a variety of assessment tools to learn more about their strengths and weaknesses as a leader. Students will
begin their journal and reflect on their personal development plan. The journal begins in this class and will continue in
the next three courses.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Strategic Management
3 Semester Credits
We all observe that some organizations (public/private, for profit/not-for-profit) are more successful than others. These
organizations generally survive over the long term and meet customer/client needs effectively, securing and maintaining
a competitive advantage over alternatives. This is accomplished in the context of an environment that changes rapidly.
These organizations continually adapt to new circumstances, usually coordinating change in a variety of different
functional areas. Strategy, in its broadest sense, is a major determinant of long-term performance differentials. Strategy
matches the organization’s capabilities to its market position, facilitates resource allocation, and provides guidance for
decision-making. Student learning experience two is embedded in this course using a business simulation.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Managing Innovation
3 Semester Credits
Understanding innovation as a process and creating the conditions for this process to occur successfully within an
organization are the main themes of this course. Learning to integrate design thinking into business that will drive
continuous development and improvement, and develop customer/client emotional connections will be the focus of the
course. Transforming the business, creating brand value, exceeding customer’s expectations, and creating sustainable,
superior competitive advantage through new ways of thinking are the purposes of the course.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
3 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
3 Semester Credits
Designed for MBA students with a cumulative 3.50 GPA or better after completion of one year in the program and
completion of the quantitative courses.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
MCN – McNair Program
Research in the Disciplines
2 Semester Credits
Scholars in this two-credit course will investigate and analyze the process of research, learning ways to choose and focus
a research topic and question, skills for reading discipline-specific journal articles and conducting literature reviews, and
accepted methods of inquiry and information retrieval. Scholars receive guidance from McNair staff and their Research
Faculty Mentor. Scholars may choose to work on their Research Faculty Mentor’s established topic or develop their own
question. The semester will culminate in the development of a research proposal, building the scholar’s specific
knowledge of the research topic and confidence as a researcher. Scholars participating in an off-campus research
experience or internship will be enrolled and have individualized activities as necessary.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): CONSENT(Consent of Instructor)
MDC – Minnesota Department of Corrections Program
Everyday Mathematics
4 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: MATH 103 Everyday Mathematics: Remedial Math - Specter (4 sem cr) Everyday Math explains the
concepts of integers, fractions, decimal numbers, ratios, percent's, order of operations, exponents, and provides an
introduction to algebraic expressions and equations. Emphasis is on applications to everyday life. Does not count as a
credit toward graduation. This course does not count as a liberal arts foundation course (or its equivalent).
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Lifetime Fitness and Wellness
2 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: HLTH 1155 Lifetime Fitness and Wellness (2 cr) Studies the dimensions of wellness; including physical,
intellectual, social, emotional, spiritual, environmental, and others. Students will do self- assessments and develop a
Wellness program, including a fitness plan, to achieve their goals and overcome any barriers. Students will also analyze
their personal nutrition and develop strategies for improvement. Risk factors related to cardiovascular disease, cancer,
and other diseases will also be discussed. This course may be used to fulfill both the health and physical education
requirements for the A.A. degree.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Mathematical Thinking
4 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: MATH 193 Mathematical Thinking (4 sem cr) Development of problem solving and decision making
strategies using mathematical tools from arithmetic, algebra, geometry, probability, and statistics. Skills to communicate
and defend solutions and decisions.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
World Civilizations Since 1500
4 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: HIST 1107 World Civilizations Since 1500 4 cr Explores world civilizations to the present from the
Reformation and Enlightenment in Europe, to Modern East Asia; the rise of transatlantic and transpacific societies to
industrial revolution; and from the emergence of nationalism, and the age of ideologies, to the global marketplace. (Title
changed from World Civilization II and The Modern World)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
College Level Mathematics - Specter
4 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: MATH 1050 College Level Mathematics - Spector (4 sem cr) This course covers the basics of college
level algebra, emphasizing understanding of the basic principles through investigation. The topics covered range from a
basic algebra review to exploration of linear, quadratic, exponential, and logarithmic functions, along with a study of
rational expressions, inverse relations, function operations, complex numbers, and systems of equations.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Introduction to Psychology
4 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: PSYC 1101 Introduction to Psychology (4 sem cr) Presents a survey of psychology including theoretical
and experimental findings and applications. Topics include research methodology, the nervous system, perception,
cognition, learning, memory, human development, emotions, motivation, personality, psychological disorders and their
treatment, attitudes, social influence and growth processes.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Introduction to Art
4 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: ART 1100 Introduction to Art (3 sem cr) Explores the visual arts of a wide range of peoples, cultures,
styles, and movements, as well as the various cultural, religious, economic, and political factors related to their creation.
Major works of painting, sculpture, architecture, and decorative arts from prehistory to the present will be studied.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Historical Geology (with Lab)
4 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: GEOL 1105 Historical Geology (with lab) (4 sem cr) Examines the Earth's planetary materials and
processes as they have evolved and changed over time. Emphasis is placed on the study of evolution and life as it applies
to the succession of plants and animals evidenced in the fossil record and the processes which have altered the
character of the Earth's continents and oceans through time.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Introduction to Political Science
3 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: POLS 1101 Introduction to Political Science 3 cr Introduces students to major topics, approaches and
methods in Political Science with an emphasis on political ideologies, political behavior, comparative government,
international relations (including causes of war and peace) and relevant social science theory. The course also will
examine power, conflict, ideology, nationalism and revolution by focusing on structure and change in democratic and
non-democratic governments.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Beginning Spanish II
3 Semester Credits
IHCC Equvalent: SPAN 1102 Beginning Spanish II (5 cr) A continuation of SPAN 1101 (MDC1111CE). This course focuses
on continued development of listening comprehension, speaking, reading and writing skills. Cultural understanding and
sensitivity are important aspects of this language course.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Physical Geology (with Lab)
4 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: GEOL 1101 Physical Geology (with Lab) 4cr Studies the nature, properties and processes that shape and
alter the Earth. Analysis and study of the nature and character of materials composing the Earth; and processes that
have formed, altered, and transformed the Earth’s surface.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Art from Renaissance to Present
3 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: ART 1107 Art from Renaissance to Present (3 sem cr) Explores major works in painting, sculpture,
architecture and decorative arts from the 15th century through the present. Both the styles and methods employed in
the creation of the works of art and the cultural, religious, economic and political philosophies that influenced them will
be studied.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Small Business, Start-Up
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Beginning Spanish I
5 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: SPAN 1101 Beginning Spanish I (5 sem cr) Introduces basic language skills. Development of listening
comprehension, reading, speaking and writing skills to become proficient at the appropriate level. Cultures of the
Spanish-speaking countries are introduced to develop cultural understanding and sensitivity.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
3 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: PHIL 1112 Ethics (3 sem cr) Examines major classical and contemporary ethical theories, and in light of
these theories, addresses some current contentious topics.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Writing and Research Skills
4 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: ENG 1108 Writing and Research Skills (4 sem cr) Emphasizes critical writing, reading, and thinking with
attention to rhetorical elements such as argumentative structure, audience, and purpose. Students learn types of
college writing and research techniques; report, synthesize, and draw conclusions from their readings; document the
use of sources; and practice the writing process.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Creative Problem Solving
3 Semester Credits
MDC1125CE Creative Problem Solving IHCC Equivalent: INTS 1125 Creative Problem Solving 3.0 cr Provides information
and practice to help students become more effective problem solvers in their academic, career, civic, and personal lives.
Students will study findings of current problem-solving research and apply them to ethical and international problems.
The course will emphasize creativity, team problem solving, and conflict management as well as the technical heuristics
of problem-solving, hypothesis testing, and decision-making.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Public Speaking
3 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: COMM 1110 Public Speaking (3 sem cr) Is the introductory study of the theory and practice of public
speaking. Public presentation skills are required for individuals to be successful in our workplaces, communities and
many other contexts in today's society. Students will learn about the different types of public speeches commonly
encountered and learn how to research, organize and write their ideas into clear and understandable forms of public
communication. Students will also practice the delivery skills needed to present ideas effectively. Students will be
required to speak and participate often and will also be required to present their speeches in a classroom setting with an
audience of their peers and an instructor.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Introduction to Biological Anthropology
3 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: ANTH 1130 Introduction to Biological Anthropology (3 sem cr) Introduces the biological anthropology
field, one of the four sub-fields within anthropology. Sometimes called physical anthropology, biological anthropology is
the study of our collective human origins. Students will accomplish this through three main areas: study of biological
evolution,including the forces of evolution and cellular biology; comparing primate and human physical and behavioral
practices; and by examining hominid evolution from groups beginning four to five million years ago through today as
they are shaped by environmental and cultural stimuli. Study will be done through a variety of in class discussions and
lectures as well as simulated or dry lab activities. Additionally, students will learn how modern cultural implications
impact our evolution and environment today.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Introduction to World Politics
3 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: POLS 1131 Introduction to World Politics (3 sem cr) Requires students to examine and compare the
major issues, conflicts and challenges facing today’s global political evironment. The course will focus on the following
main topics: (1) causes and consequences of globalization; (2) the politics of intervention; (3) cooperation and conflict in
global institutions; (4) development, foreign aid and trade; (5) the politics of human rights and the environment; (6) the
politics of arms races; and (7) contemporary case studies of international conflicts. Students will learn about related
institutions and processes, public policies and social scientific theory while examining their own political values,
experiences and behaviors.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Research Writing in the Disciplines
2 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: ENG 1111 Research Writing in the Disciplines (2 sem cr) Emphasizes textual analysis of primary and
secondary sources with focus on writing in students' academic and/or professional disciplines.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Music in Film
3 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: MUSC 1146 Music in Film (3 sem cr) Film is a form of communication that can be analyzed in terms of
its images, as a historical record, and as a critical statement of the audience for which it is intended. The music is a
discrete, yet complementary component used in some way and to some degree by nearly every filmmaker throughout
history. Through readings, class discussion, and extensive directed viewing of the movies, this course will provide a
framework for analyzing the images and the sounds of film throughout the 20th and 21st centuries.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
The Research Paper
3 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: ENG 1114 The Research Paper (3 sem cr) Emphasizes critical analysis of fiction or nonfiction texts, at
least one book-length, resulting in a research paper that reflects analysis and synthesis of multiple sources.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Leadership Skills Development
3 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: BUS 1152 Leadership Skills Development (3 sem cr) Examines the topics related to developing effective
leadership skills. Areas of study include innovative enterprises that thrive on the global dynamics of creative and
versatile leadership, and effective organizational changes. This course is designed to provide entrepreneurs, managers,
and supervisors the opportunity to synthesize their individual and organizational potential.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Introduction to Philosophy
3 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: PHIL 1110 Introduction to Philosophy (3 sem cr) Contends with some of the basic issues in the history
and problems of philosophy, such as theories of knowledge, reality, value and society.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Introduction to Sociology
4 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: SOC 1100 Introduction to Sociology (4 sem cr) Emphasizes methods, basic concepts, terminology, and
perspectives used by sociologists in analysis of social relationships. Sociological analysis will focus on American
government, family, education, religion, and the economy.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
20th Century US History
4 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: HIST 2221 20th Century US History *(US History II) (4 sem cr) Studies physical fitness, nutrition and
stress as they relate to health. Through testing and self-assessments, the student's current status is analyzed. After the
information on improving skills in each area is presented, the student will develop a plan for implementation. The course
will include information on cardiovascular and cancer risk reduction, aging and health, sexually transmitted diseases,
and substance abuse control.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Psychology of Death, Dying and Loss
3 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: PSYC 1230 Psychology of Death, Dying and Loss (3 sem cr) Emphasizes a psychological approach to
death, dying and related topics. Explores relevant theories, data, models and ethical issues, and provides an opportunity
to confront and explore personal attitudes and feelings.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Small Business Management
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Urban Politics
4 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: PSCI 1021 Urban Politics (4 sem cr) This course is an introduction to urban politics and government in
the United States. We will cover the history of urban politics and development, the basic institutions and processes,
major city services, and several critical issues which cities face today, such as racial/class segregation, concentrated
poverty, and urban sprawl. We will also discuss the issue of metropolitan governance and politics. Throughout the
course, we will examine both how politics works within cities and regions as well as how state and federal policies have
affected local governments over the past several decades. The emphasis will be on grasping the basics of local and
regional government and politics, and on developing a critical perspective on cities and contemporary urban and
regional problems.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
State and Local Government
4 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: POLS 1121 State and Local Government (4 sem cr) Examines state and local government political
institutions, behavior, public policies, tax and spending problems. The course will also analyze structure and behavior of
state legislatures, governors, courts, and political parties, including the nomination and election process of state and
local officials. Overall the course emphasis will be on the Minnesota political system.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Mathematics for the Liberal Arts
3 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: MATH 1101 Mathematics for the Liberal Arts (4 sem cr) Is designed to give non-mathematicians an
appreciation of mathematical ideas and the power and utility of mathematical skills in the modern world. Topics will be
selected from: voting and weighted voting systems, fair division and apportionment; routing, minimum network and
scheduling problems; mathematical growth and math of finance; descriptive statistics and data analysis; basic
probability and normal distributions.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Family and Society
3 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: SOC 1130 Family and Society 3 cr Surveys human relationships from both the sociological and practical
perspectives. Areas of study will include: love, dating, sexuality, singleness, marriage, conflict, parenting, relationship
violence, resingling, and other relevant topics.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
American Government
3 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: POLS 1111 American Government and Politics (4 sem cr) Studies processes and policies of United States
national government, political parties, campaigns and elections, public opinion, interest groups, media coverage and
current political issues. The course will also examine principles of the Constitution, and the structure and behavior of the
legislative, executive, and judicial branches.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Energy, Environment and Climate
4 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: GEOG 1400 Energy, Environment and Climate 4 cr Provides a holistic approach to the workings of the
atmosphere and climatological impacts on global human populations. Topics include weather patterns and long-term
trends, including global climate change. Climatology relative to the United States will be examined in the context of
extreme weather and alternative energy source potential.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
3 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: ANTH 1110 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3 sem cr) Introduces students to the anthropological
subfield focused on human culture. Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law,
custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by individuals as a member of society. Examines the tension
between the claim that culture can be both universal as well as particular. This class offers a broad survey allowing for
this comparison of universals and particulars around the world, including larger concepts of identity, cultural
manifestation, operation of institutions, and issues of inequality and globalization.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
3 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: ANTH 1110 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3 sem cr) Introduces students to the anthropological
subfield focused on human culture. Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law,
custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by individuals as a member of society. Examines the tension
between the claim that culture can be both universal as well as particular. This class offers a broad survey allowing for
this comparison of universals and particulars around the world, including larger concepts of identity, cultural
manifestation, operation of institutions, and issues of inequality and globalization.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Beginning Acting
3 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: THTR 1152 Beginning Acting (3 sem cr) Throughout this course each student actor will explore his own
unique voice, dramatic presence, and the power of connecting with others through story using the works of William
Shakespeare. Along with the instructor students will conduct scene studies and character analysis of scenes and
speeches from William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice. Approaching the material using acting fundamentals, the
student actors will be continually asked to connect the work to their own lives and experiences, sparking their creativity,
exploring their voices, and expanding their imaginative and empathetic powers.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Political Patterns and Processes
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Educational Internship
3 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: N/A N/A (3 sem cr) This internship was comprised of a series of intensive sessions designed to help
tutors work more effectively with their students. Lessons on teaching reading, improving comprehension, and
interpretive skills were modeled with specific hands-on activities. In addition, tutors were introduced to a variety of
writing pedagogies modeled after writing workshops designed to improve the skills of beginning witters. Participants
submitted sample lesson plans, a philosophy of teaching, did a micro teaching lesson for peers, and reported on 5
lessons they actually executed with their tutees.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Introduction to Business in Society
3 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: BUS 1101 Introduction to Business in Society (3 sem cr) Presents an overview of the role of business in
society. Topics include the historical perspective, the economy, global dimensions of business, ethics and social
responsibility, and the various forms of business organizations. Various disciplines of business (accounting, finance,
information systems, marketing, operations, etc.) are also introduced in the overall context of the enterprise.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Legal Environment of Business
3 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: BUS 1131 Legal Environment of Business (3 cr) Introduces business students to legal topics that impact
business. This course addresses legal reasoning, legal procedures, constitutional law, torts, contracts, the sale of goods
under the Uniform Commercial Code, business organizations, unfair competition, consumer protection, bankruptcy and
employment law.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
History of Rock and Roll
3 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: MUSC 1143 History of Rock and Roll (3 sem cr) As we know it, Rock and Roll has permeated our
airwaves, restaurants, even our churches and political arena. This course will investigate Rock and Roll as it pertains to
American experience. We will explore how we are influenced by it and how it influences music history.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Educational Psychology
4 Semester Credits
(4 sem cr) This course applies basic psychological principles of human development and behavior to learning and
teaching. The course begins with theoretical background on human development. We will examine and critique the
works of such major theorists as Piaget, Erikson, Vygotsky, Kohlberg, and Gilligan. We will then explore a variety of
learning theories. The course then moves to a more specific application of these theories by examining pedagogical
techniques and methods of assessment. We will invoke the reality of today’s classrooms throughout the course as we
attempt to reconcile theory and practice.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Foundations in Women's Studies
4 Semester Credits
This multidisciplinary course introduces students to the foundations in feminist perspectives and the history of the
women’s movement. We explore contributions of women in history, religion, philosophy, sciences and the arts, and how
the questions and methodologies of the disciplines differ when seen from women’s perspectives. Students will study the
diversity of women’s experiences in terms of race, class, and sexual orientation.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
History of the United States Since 1865
4 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: HIST 1115 History of the United States Since 1865 (4 sem cr) Surveys the New South, the industrial
revolution, Progressive era, roaring twenties, Great Depression, World Wars, Cold and post-Cold War eras to the
present. Emphasizes political, social, economic and intellectual developments in the United States, reflecting American
ethnic and cultural diversity.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Creative Writing
3 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: ENG 1112 Creative Writing (3 sem cr) Provides guided practice in various types of creative writing with
the emphasis on skills common to creative expression. Assists students in discovering and developing their own best
medium for expression, whether fiction, poetry, drama, creative non-fiction (Emphasis may vary with instructor.)
Students will identify select portions of writing for small and/or large group presentation.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Human Relations in Business
3 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: BUS 1119 Human Relations In Business (3 sem cr) Examines human behavior and interaction in the
organization. Emphasis is placed on developing more productive working relationships, and achieving desired results.
Topics include: employer/employee relations, communication techniques, conflict management, work force diversity,
and developing and managing effective teams, motivation, training, and development, talent management, developing
leaders, and performance management.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Language and Power
4 Semester Credits
MDC231CE Language and Power (4 sem cr) Augsburg Course: (4 sem cr) This course will focus on the ways in which
language creates and sustains inequalities among speakers and listeners, especially with respect to economic and social
power. Students will read a variety of essays about the ways in which language and social status intersect. They will also
read selected literary works that exemplify linguistic differences within a multicultural society, and they will complete a
series of writing assignments designed to help them explore the political power of language
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Introduction to Literature
4 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: ENG 1140 Introduction to Literature (4 sem cr) Introduces students to the methods of examining and
understanding poetry, drama, novels, short stories and creative nonfiction.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Introduction to Film
3 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: THTR 1101 / FS 1101 Introduction to Film (3 sem cr) Helps students understand, appreciate, and enjoy
motion pictures from their inception to the present as an art form. A beginning approach to the history, theory, and
criticism of the cinema and film industry. The relationship between form and content is basic to this course.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Humanities: Baroque to Modern
4 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: HUM 1111 Humanities: From the Baroque Period to the Modern World (4 sem cr) Examines literature
and other written works, art, architecture, philosophy, religion, and music in their cultural contexts from the European
Enlightenment to the modern world; e.g. such artists, writers, and musicians as Rembrandt, Bach, Voltaire,
Wollstonescraft, Blake, Tolstoy, Stravinsky, and Camus, and such movements as Baroque, Romanticism, Realism,
Impressionism, and Existentialism. Covers primarily Western culture with some global culture added.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Environmental Science (with Lab)
4 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: BIOL 1117 Environmental Science (with Lab) (4 sem cr) Introduces non-majors or majors to
fundamental concepts in ecology focusing on man's increasing impact and exploitation of the environment stressing the
limits of the biosphere with respect to resources, energy, and pollution. Activities will include discussion, group
activities, guest speakers and films. One semester credit of lab includes analysis of factors using the campus landscape.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Principles of Marketing
3 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: BUS 1104 Principles of Marketing (3 sem cr) Provides an overview of the marketing process and
examines the role of government, the marketing environment, consumer behavior and the marketing function within an
enterprise. Students will learn how to develop and implement an effective marketing plan that includes identification of
target markets and the utilization of the appropriate marketing mix (product, price, promotion and distribution). The
course also covers essential marketing concepts and terminology such as positioning, segmentation, relationship
marketing, marketing information systems, etc.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Chinese Literature
4 Semester Credits
MDC253CE Chinese Literature Not an IHCC Course (4 sem cr) The course aims to provide students with the knowledge
and skills to read, interpret and analyze English translations of traditional Chinese literary texts. The course will provide
students with a good basic knowledge of traditional Chinese literary culture and a useful foundation for further
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Chinese Literature
4 Semester Credits
Not an IHCC Course (4 sem cr) The course aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills to read, interpret and
analyze English translations of traditional Chinese literary texts. The course will provide students with a good basic
knowledge of traditional Chinese literary culture and a useful foundation for further research.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Interpersonal Communication
3 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: COMM 1100 Interpersonal Communication (3 sem cr) Is a course that helps students recognize that we
live and work in relationship with others and must communicate effectively with them to achieve our goals. This class
helps students acquire the skills to effectively communicate with family members, intimate others, co-workers, friends,
and acquaintances. After reviewing relevant interpersonal theory, students will examine and identify their own
communication attitudes and behaviors. Students will also learn and apply techniques for improving communication in
their relationships through active practice. Students will participate in multiple activities, both in and outside the
classroom setting, to build their interpersonal communication skills.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Small Group Communication
3 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: COMM 2230 Small Group Communication (3 sem cr) Introduces students to the practice and theory of
communicating in small group settings. Working in groups is an integral part of living in today’s society. Community and
workplace situations require us to be able to lead, participate, and follow effectively. Participating in this course will
assist students in developing the leadership, conflict management, problem solving and discussion skills necessary to
function in group settings. Students will apply small group communication theory in small, task-oriented groups and
develop presentation skills to showcase their understanding of what it means to be an effective group member.
Evaluating the effectiveness of their own and others’ group communication behaviors is also required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Religions and Society
3 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: SOC 2140 Religions and Society (3 sem cr) This course examines the role and functions of religion in
society and religious and philosophical concepts. The class will introduce selected world religious traditions and cultures
through exploring the history and key teachings of the religions, examining ways of being religious in various traditions,
reading various texts and anthropological sources, class presentations, and lecture. Religions studied include Polytheistic
and Monotheistic religions, as well as the major religions of Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The
class will discuss how major world religions respond to contemporary social/global issues.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Social Inequalities: Race, Class and Gender
3 Semester Credits
IHCC Equivalent: SOC 1127 Social Inequalities: Race, Class and Gender (3 sem cr) Describes and analyzes selected
inequality relationships in the United States. Topic areas will include economic inequality-poverty; ethnic inequalityracism; and gender inequality-sexism.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
MIS – Management Information Systems
Problem Solving for Business
4 Semester Credits
This course introduces and applies advanced software capabilities in Microsoft Excel such as macros and Solver. The
course also covers other decision support and business analysis tools including Access and Tableau.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement Level
Statistical Literacy for Managers
4 Semester Credits
Critical thinking about statistics as evidence for management decisions. Analysis of business cases involving non-financial
data. Focus on predicting, understanding, and managing variation: modeling, sampling, optimizing, etc. Reviews
descriptive and inferential statistics. Uses spreadsheets for statistical analysis (trends and confidence intervals). Includes
the generation and analysis of survey data. Uses Monte Carlo simulation in business forecasting. Communicate results in
a form that facilitates decisions by non-quantitative managers. Attention to alternate choices, sub-optimization, and
unanticipated onsequences. Optional topics include process control, six-sigma, data mining, and dashboard metrics.
Additional evening sessions are required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement Level
3); MIS260(Problem Solving for Business)
Data Management for Business
4 Semester Credits
Introduces the concepts of data modeling, database structures, and relational databases.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement Level
4 Semester Credits
Lectures, discussions, meetings with members of the staff or visiting faculty regarding research methodology and
readings in the area of management information systems.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Directed Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
This course provides broad based and balanced coverage of both the strategic business and technology elements of ecommerce. This course presents concepts and skills for the strategic use of e-commerce and related information system
technologies. Students will examine current technology solutions to issues surrounding business-to-business, businessto consumers, and intra-organizational trade. Includes study of network, database and programming concepts and an
examination of e-commerce in altering the structure of entire industries. (Note that this is not a programming or web
development course).
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of BUS200(Exploring Business as a Vocation), BUS242(Principles of Management), MKT252(Principles
of Marketing); 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Project Management
4 Semester Credits
Develops project management skills needed to initiate, plan, execute, control, and close projects. Combines theories,
techniques, group activities, and computer tools such as Microsoft Project. Emphasizes technical and communications
skills needed to manage inevitable changes.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MIS260(Problem Solving for Business)
Quantitative Methods for Business and Economics
4 Semester Credits
This course is designed for business and economics majors with a focus on the techniques and examples from these
disciplines. The value and the limitations of these statistics will also be considered. The basic tools of collecting,
analyzing and interpreting data for informed business decisions will be covered. Topics including descriptive statistics
(types of data, graphical displays, measures of center and variability), inferential statistics (confidence intervals and
hypothesis testing) along with regression, confounding and causal relationships. All topics are taught with the objective
of helping students make informed business decisions while conducting analysis using Microsoft Excel. Students can not
receive credit for MIS 379 if they previously earned credit for MAT 163, MAT 164, PSY215 or SOC362.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MAT171(Discrete
Mathematics For Computing), MPL(Math Placement Group 3); MIS260(Problem Solving for Business)
Systems Analysis and Design
4 Semester Credits
Develops skills in using systems development methodologies and Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools.
Techniques used include data and process modeling, file and database design, and user interface design. A course-long
project is used to complete a rudimentary system design.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MIS260(Problem Solving for Business), MIS270(Data Management for Business), MIS375(E-Commerce)
Information Systems Projects
4 Semester Credits
Skills developed in previous courses are used to complete an actual project of systems analysis and design.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MIS260(Problem Solving for Business), MIS270(Data Management for Business), MIS375(E-Commerce),
MIS376(Project Management), MIS475(Systems Analysis and Design)
Business Analytics
4 Semester Credits
Multivariate modeling of business-related programs using computer software. Focuses on model assumptions,
variability explained, statistical significance, and confounding. Models studied in depth include: A/B testing, multivariate
regression, logistic regression, and Monte-Carlo simulation using @Risk. Other models include: cluster and correlation
analysis; classification and discriminant analysis; and ANOVA. Students will learn the power and limitations of each
model studied.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT163(Introductory Statistics), MAT164(Introductory Statistics for STEM), MIS264(Statistical
Literacy for Managers), MIS379(Quantitative Methods for Business and Economics), STATSBUS(Approved Statistics for
Business Majors)
4 Semester Credits
Lectures, discussions, and meetings with members of the staff or visiting faculty regarding research methodology and
current problems and policies.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): CONSENT(Consent of Instructor)
Independent Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
MKT - Marketing
Principles of Marketing
4 Semester Credits
Principles of basic policy and strategy issues in marketing. Legal, ethical, competitive, behavioral, economic, and
technological factors as they affect product, promotion, marketing channel, and pricing decisions.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Directed Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Consumer Behavior
4 Semester Credits
Consumer behavior theories and principles as they apply to the consumer decision-making process. Impact of attitudes,
values, personality, and motivation on individual decision processes. Analysis of cultural, ethnic, social class, family, and
purchase situation influences. Application to everyday purchasing situations.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MKT252(Principles of Marketing)
Marketing Research and Analysis
4 Semester Credits
Research process as an aid to decision making. Emphasis on development of research proposal, methodology, and
collection and analysis of data.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT163(Introductory Statistics), MAT164(Introductory Statistics for STEM), MIS264(Statistical
Literacy for Managers), MIS379(Quantitative Methods for Business and Economics), PSY215(Research Methods and
Statistics I), SOC362(Statistical Analysis), STATSBUS(Approved Statistics for Business Majors); MKT252(Principles of
Sales Management
4 Semester Credits
Formulation, implementation, evaluation and control of sales force programs designed to carry out marketing
objectives. Management of sales force recruitment, departmental structure, training, motivation, territory allocation,
quotas, and compensation.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MKT252(Principles of Marketing)
Marketing Communications
4 Semester Credits
Integration of advertising, public relations, sales promotion design, evaluation, and personal selling into a coherent
promotion mix. Note: Students cannot earn credit for both MKT355 and MKT357.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MKT252(Principles of Marketing)
4 Semester Credits
Introduction to print, broadcast, and Web-based advertising and promotion asimportant elements in modern marketing
and communications. Note: Students cannot earn credit for both MKT355 and MKT357.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MKT252(Principles of Marketing)
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Marketing Management
4 Semester Credits
Application of marketing concepts to day-to-day strategies and long-term planning issues, development and
implementation of marketing plans. Students are strongly encouraged to take MKT 352 and one other 300 level course
during their junior year.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MKT352(Marketing Research and Analysis), MKT355(Marketing Communications),
MKT357(Advertising); 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing
for Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level); MKT252(Principles of Marketing)
International Marketing
4 Semester Credits
Examination of issues and activities unique to marketing in an international setting. Emphasis on adaptation of a
marketing mix according to the international marketing environment.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MKT252(Principles of Marketing)
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): CONSENT(Consent of Instructor)
ML – Master of Arts in Leadership
Foundations of Leadership
3 Semester Credits
This course is designed to provide a common foundation for the Master of Arts in Leadership program; laying the
groundwork for both the study of leadership and enhancing the capacity to lead. As an introduction to selected concepts
of leadership, this course provides a historical and philosophical framework for the program. The student experience in
Foundations of Leadership is defined by an exploration of leadership models and styles as they are exemplified in a
variety of well-known texts.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Creativity and the Problem-Solving Process
3 Semester Credits
Exploration of creativity from the perspective of traditional aesthetics as well as contemporary organizational thinking.
This course uses creativity as a method, and it examines techniques for solving problems in organizations, for enhancing
innovation, and for seeking an integrative worldview.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Leadership in the Community
3 Semester Credits
The Augsburg mission statement sets forth the goals of educating students to be responsible leaders. By examining
current social issues and through immersion in Augsburg’s Cedar-Riverside neighborhood, this course will explore
qualities of responsible leadership. The other three pillars of the Augsburg mission will serve as a framework as we
explore how critical thinking, informed citizenship and thoughtful stewardship shape a responsible leader.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Evaluating Empirical Research
3 Semester Credits
Evaluation and documentation of programs, projects, and ideas as they relate to leadership theories and practice.
Qualitative and quantitative tools will be discussed.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Self-Identity and Values: Keys to Authentic Leadership
3 Semester Credits
Before you can successfully lead others, you need to know yourself and consciously choose how to live fully and
authentically. Discovering who you are – at the core – will guide you in learning to find your way along your personal
leadership path. The purpose of this course is to facilitate reflection that deepens your understanding of your
commitments to relationships, work, and self, and how you can engage in conversations that enable you to lead a full,
authentic life. To fulfill that purpose you will explore your own life – the factors that have influenced it, and what it can
teach you about your calling and living an authentic life. You will also explore your vision for the future and how to make
it reality.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Ethics in Communication
3 Semester Credits
Interdisciplinary study of ethics and communication through the investigation of a variety of ethical perspectives within
human communication. This course places particular attention on the use and abuse of communication in politics,
advertising, and interpersonal relationships. It emphasizes sensitivity to ethical conflicts that arise in social and
organizational settings.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Dynamics of Change
3 Semester Credits
Effective leadership, by definition, involves social and organizational change. Beginning at the macro level of analysis and
ultimately focusing on leading and responding to change in organizational settings, this course examines the paradigms,
theories and practices that support successful leadership for change. Collaborative presentations provide an opportunity
to apply course ideas to historical and contemporary issues.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Organization Theory and Leadership
3 Semester Credits
In-depth exploration of organization theory plus related concepts, issues, and concerns. The course is designed to enable
the student to acquire knowledge and develop skills in order to function as a responsible, ethical participant within
various types of organizational structures and cultures.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Facilitating Organizational Change
3 Semester Credits
This course will explore the impact of change on organizations, teams, and individuals. This course will prepare current
and future leaders to effectively lead change efforts in their organizations. This leadership development will be
accomplished through the study of several change management theories and frameworks. Moreover, application and
evaluation of change management theories will be emphasized.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Communication Skills for Leadership
3 Semester Credits
This course is designed to provide background in rhetoric as well as practice in speaking, writing, and presentation skills.
Students will perform communicative tasks in a variety of genres and will receive feedback on the effectiveness of their
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Communicating a Self in the Modern Organization
3 Semester Credits
Understanding through reading, reflecting, and dialogue of the functions of communication in organizational settings
with particular emphasis on the self-defining aspects of the social contract between the individual and the organization
in a changing world. Supplementary reading packet, open dialogue, and individual projects.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Decision Making and Leadership
3 Semester Credits
Review of the decision-making process—the setting, goals, and contingencies—as it affects leaders and leadership.
Analysis of arguments and explanations; analysis of basic statistical concepts and their relationship to decision making.
Assessment of major social decisions, past and present—their intentions, consequences, arguments, explanations, and
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Coaching and Consulting
3 Semester Credits
The purpose of this course is to develop influence skills through the exploration and application of consulting and
coaching practices. To fulfill that purpose participants will read the work of master consultants and coaches, develop a
toolkit, practice consulting as both a consultant and a client, and reflect on these experiences to develop their own
purpose, principles, and practices for influencing others.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Cultural Competence and Effective Leadership
3 Semester Credits
This course focuses on the ability to function and lead in culturally diverse contexts within the US. Goals include
improved communication skills and interpersonal sensitivity, appreciation for the complexity of the racial and ethnic
groupings, and awareness of key issues facing those groups.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Leadership in a Global Society
3 Semester Credits
This class focuses on enhancing global leadership competencies, beginning with core concepts and personal assessments
and concluding with a global leadership development project where learners demonstrate their ability to take theory to
practice. Course activities include personal assessments, a critical review paper, a literature review, and a final project
proposal paper in which all the elements come together.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Women and Leadership
3 Semester Credits
A seminar exploring the theory and practice of women and leadership: entrepreneurial, political, and social. An
interdisciplinary approach to issues of women and leadership. Topics include analysis of alternative approaches to
leadership, women and careers, and women in society past and present. The course is intended to enhance the
analytical and leadership skills of the participants.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): CONSENT(Consent of MAL Program Director)
Negotiation: Theory and Practice
3 Semester Credits
An exploration of theories, strategies, and techniques of negotiation; overview of concepts and skills involved in
negotiation as well as the context in which negotiation occurs. A special emphasis on the collective bargaining model
with survey of examples of other types of negotiation.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Strategic Leadership
3 Semester Credits
The course develops students’ ability to think strategically and lead organizations through planning and implementation.
Application of models and concepts to examples and cases from real-life practice. Case studies, exercises, and readings
cover practices in for-profit and nonprofit organizations.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Constructive Conflict Resolution
3 Semester Credits
Course description: This class addresses conflict from the perspective of one’s personal life, the workplaces and the
world. The course teaches how people are affected by different types of conflict and how to assure constructive
outcomes. Coursework includes reading assignments, class discussion and role plays, two papers that analyze and
resolve conflict situations, and a final paper incorporating all elements of constructive conflict resolution.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Universal Responsibility and Leadership: A Central American Experience
3 Semester Credits
The exploration of universal responsibility, conceptually and experientially. Course consists of a seminar in Minneapolis
and one or two weeks in Central America. The Central American portion includes meetings with leaders and visits to
multiple sites and organizations. Topics such as Central American history, politics, indigenous cultures, poverty, health
care, literacy, the arts, business foreign investment, and relations with the US government and nonprofit organizations
are explored. Special fees apply.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Leadership Capstone: Integrating Theory and Practice
3 Semester Credits
This Seminar provides a culminating learning experience for participants in the program who have completed all other
degree requirements. Students will deepen their understanding of the major leadership theories, advance their critical
analysis skills, and synthesize their comprehension of the nature of leadership, how leadership is known, and how
leadership manifests itself in practice. This integration and synthesis of learning will be demonstrated through critical
reading, writing, and dialogue.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): CONSENT(Consent of MAL Program Director)
Final Project Seminar: Action Research
3 Semester Credits
In this course students who are pursuing the cohort program will have the opportunity to write their final project doing
action research on their own organization.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Comprehensive Exam Seminar
3 Semester Credits
This course is a completion option for the Master of Arts in leadership. Students prepare for the examination series-oral,
written, and take-home-through discussion, readings, and critical analysis in the seminar. It must be the final course
taken in the program; no other course may be taken at the same time.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Thesis/Leadership Applied Project Consultation I
3 Semester Credits
Independent thesis/leadership applied project research under the guidance of an academic adviser.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Thesis/Leadership Applied Project Consultation II
3 Semester Credits
Completion of the thesis/leadership applied project under the guidance of an academic adviser
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Non-Thesis Independent Project
3 Semester Credits
Major written project in consultation an academic adviser. The research is presented in a colloquium.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Independent Study
3 Semester Credits
Provides directed independent study in an area of the student’s choice. Open to students who have completed at least
three courses with a grade of at least 3.0. Students must complete a Proposal for Independent Study and have it signed
by the supervising instructor. Proposals must be approved by the MAL program director prior to registration for the
course. Students may not take more than one independent study course.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
3 Semester Credits
Study of selected topics in leadership that are not treated extensively through current course offerings. Specific topics
will be published prior to registration.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
MUE – Music
Augsburg Choir
1 Semester Credits
Praised for its high level of musicianship, this ensemble performs diverse repertoire including compositions by wellknown Scandinavian and American composers as well as a wide variety of music from throughout the world. To meet
the LAF Fine Arts requirement, students must register for 1 credit for 4 semesters. A maximum of 8 credits may be used
toward graduation. Auditions are scheduled the first week of the fall semester or by contacting the director.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
Riverside Singers
1 Semester Credits
The Riverside Singers carry on the long tradition of treble choirs at Augsburg University. This ensemble sings a wide
range of repertoire, participates in Vespers and Women’s Voice festival and teaches all its members principles of healthy
singing and good choral musicianship. To meet the LAF Fine Arts requirement, students must register for 1 credit for 4
semesters. A maximum of 8 credits may be used toward graduation. Auditions are scheduled the first week of the fall
semester or by contacting the director.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
Vocal Chamber Music
0 Semester Credits
This performance-based course introduces singers to a range of music composed for small groups of singers and/or
instrumentalists. This course fulfills the small ensemble requirement for music majors, and is open to non-music majors
by permission of the instructor.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Masterworks Chorale
1 Semester Credits
The Masterworks Chorale is a unique mix of auditioned Augsburg University students, faculty, staff, alumni and
community friends. This ensemble performs masterpieces for choir and orchestra and continues to establish itself as a
dynamic choral ensemble in the Twin Cities.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
Cedar Singers
1 Semester Credits
The Cedar Singers ensemble embraces a wide variety of music, from sacred chant and masterworks for men’s voices to
spirituals and pop songs. The choir is also focused on celebrating the camaraderie and beauty of male choral singing. To
meet the LAF Fine Arts requirement, students must register for 1 credit for 4 semesters. A maximum of 8 credits may be
used towards graduation. Auditions are scheduled the first week of the fall semester or by contacting the director.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
1 Semester Credits
The Augsburg Symphony Orchestra was formed to explore music from every style and period, and the group has played
everything from settings of traditional Chinese songs and Renaissance masses to jazz standards. The group’s repertoire
has included accessible masterpieces such as symphonies by Beethoven and Schubert. The students’ study of these
styles is enhanced by private lessons with the Augsburg music faculty. To meet the LAF Fine Arts requirement, students
must register for 1 credit for 4 semesters. A maximum of 8 credits may be used towards graduation. Auditions are
scheduled the first week of the fall semester or by contacting the director.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
String Chamber Music
0 Semester Credits
This performance-based course introduces string players to a range of music composed for one string player per part,
and may include duos, trios and string quartets as well as music written for strings in combination with other
instrumentalists and/or singers. This course fulfills the small ensemble requirement for music majors, and is open to
non-music majors by permission of the instructor.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Guitar Chamber Music
0 Semester Credits
This performance-based course introduces guitar students to a range of music composed for one guitar per part and
may include duos, trios and quartets as well as music for guitar combined with other instrumentalists or singers. This
course fulfills the small ensemble requirement for music majors, and is open to non-music majors by permission of the
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Woodwind Chamber Music
0 Semester Credits
This performance-based course introduces woodwind players to a range of music composed for one wind player per
part and may include duos, trios or woodwind quintets as well as music for winds in combination with other
instrumentalists and/or singers. This course fulfills the small ensemble requirement for music majors, and is open to
non-music majors by permission of the instructor.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Concert Band
1 Semester Credits
The Augsburg Concert Band is a 60-member symphonic band, performing wind band music of a high artistic level. The
group has performed and toured extensively throughout the United States and to numerous international destinations.
To meet the LAF Fine Arts requirement, students must register for 1 credit for 4 semesters. A maximum of 8 credits may
be used towards graduation. Auditions are scheduled the first week of the fall semester or by contacting the director.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
Brass Chamber Music
0 Semester Credits
This performance-based course introduces brass players to a range of music composed for one brass player per part,
and may include duos or brass quintet music, as well as music for brass in combination with other instrumentalists
and/or singers. This course fulfills the small ensemble requirement for music majors, and is open to non-music majors by
permission of the instructor.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Jazz Ensemble
1 Semester Credits
The Augsburg Jazz Ensemble is a group that performs extensively in a wide variety of venues. The literature performed
reflects the cultural diversity and historical context of jazz. Placement is by audition or by arrangement with the director.
Preference is given to Concert Band members.
Core Curriculum Component: Engaging Minneapolis
Prerequisite(s): None
Percussion Chamber Music
0 Semester Credits
This performance-based course introduces percussionists to a wide range of music composed for one player per part,
and may include duos, trios or quartets as well as works for percussion ensemble. In recent years the group has given its
own annual concert of diverse repertoire, instrumentation and musical styles. This course fulfills the small ensemble
requirement for music majors, and is open to non-music majors by permission of the instructor.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Piano Chamber Music
0 Semester Credits
This performance-based course introduces piano students to a range of music composed for one performer per part,
and may include piano duos, trios or music that combines the piano with other instruments and singers. This course
fulfills the small ensemble requirement for music majors, and is open to non-music majors by permission of the
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Opera Workshop
4 Semester Credits
Experience the process of preparation, rehearsal, and performance of operatic repertoire.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Advanced Opera Workshop
1 Semester Credits
Experience the process of preparation, rehearsal, and performance of operatic repertoire.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUE294(Opera Workshop)
MUP – Music
Performance Study: Voice
1 Semester Credits
Instrument or voice lessons. Half hour or full hour of instruction weekly. Students in majors other than music, music
minors, and music majors studying secondary performance areas should register either for zero or 0.5 credit (half hour
lesson). Music majors should register in their principal performance medium for 1.0 credit for a full hour lesson weekly
plus a studio class. Music majors should have prior experience with performance in their primary medium. Non-majors,
minors, and those studying secondary performance areas will find prior experience helpful but not always necessary.
Consultation with the music department is required for all half hour lessons. Applied music fee required for all lessons.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Performance Study: Electric Bass
1 Semester Credits
Instrument or voice lessons. Half hour or full hour of instruction weekly. Students in majors other than music, music
minors, and music majors studying secondary performance areas should register either for zero or 0.5 credit (half hour
lesson). Music majors should register in their principal performance medium for 1.0 credit for a full hour lesson weekly
plus a studio class. Music majors should have prior experience with performance in their primary medium. Non-majors,
minors, and those studying secondary performance areas will find prior experience helpful but not always necessary.
Consultation with the music department is required for all half hour lessons. Applied music fee required for all lessons.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Performance Study: Violin
1 Semester Credits
Instrument or voice lessons. Half hour or full hour of instruction weekly. Students in majors other than music, music
minors, and music majors studying secondary performance areas should register either for zero or 0.5 credit (half hour
lesson). Music majors should register in their principal performance medium for 1.0 credit for a full hour lesson weekly
plus a studio class. Music majors should have prior experience with performance in their primary medium. Non-majors,
minors, and those studying secondary performance areas will find prior experience helpful but not always necessary.
Consultation with the music department is required for all half hour lessons. Applied music fee required for all lessons.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Performance Study: Viola
1 Semester Credits
Instrument or voice lessons. Half hour or full hour of instruction weekly. Students in majors other than music, music
minors, and music majors studying secondary performance areas should register either for zero or 0.5 credit (half hour
lesson). Music majors should register in their principal performance medium for 1.0 credit for a full hour lesson weekly
plus a studio class. Music majors should have prior experience with performance in their primary medium. Non-majors,
minors, and those studying secondary performance areas will find prior experience helpful but not always necessary.
Consultation with the music department is required for all half hour lessons. Applied music fee required for all lessons.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Performance Study: Cello
1 Semester Credits
Instrument or voice lessons. Half hour or full hour of instruction weekly. Students in majors other than music, music
minors, and music majors studying secondary performance areas should register either for zero or 0.5 credit (half hour
lesson). Music majors should register in their principal performance medium for 1.0 credit for a full hour lesson weekly
plus a studio class. Music majors should have prior experience with performance in their primary medium. Non-majors,
minors, and those studying secondary performance areas will find prior experience helpful but not always necessary.
Consultation with the music department is required for all half hour lessons. Applied music fee required for all lessons.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Performance Study: Bass
1 Semester Credits
Instrument or voice lessons. Half hour or full hour of instruction weekly. Students in majors other than music, music
minors, and music majors studying secondary performance areas should register either for zero or 0.5 credit (half hour
lesson). Music majors should register in their principal performance medium for 1.0 credit for a full hour lesson weekly
plus a studio class. Music majors should have prior experience with performance in their primary medium. Non-majors,
minors, and those studying secondary performance areas will find prior experience helpful but not always necessary.
Consultation with the music department is required for all half hour lessons. Applied music fee required for all lessons.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Performance Study: Oboe
1 Semester Credits
Instrument or voice lessons. Half hour or full hour of instruction weekly. Students in majors other than music, music
minors, and music majors studying secondary performance areas should register either for zero or 0.5 credit (half hour
lesson). Music majors should register in their principal performance medium for 1.0 credit for a full hour lesson weekly
plus a studio class. Music majors should have prior experience with performance in their primary medium. Non-majors,
minors, and those studying secondary performance areas will find prior experience helpful but not always necessary.
Consultation with the music department is required for all half hour lessons. Applied music fee required for all lessons.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Performance Study: Bassoon
1 Semester Credits
Instrument or voice lessons. Half hour or full hour of instruction weekly. Students in majors other than music, music
minors, and music majors studying secondary performance areas should register either for zero or 0.5 credit (half hour
lesson). Music majors should register in their principal performance medium for 1.0 credit for a full hour lesson weekly
plus a studio class. Music majors should have prior experience with performance in their primary medium. Non-majors,
minors, and those studying secondary performance areas will find prior experience helpful but not always necessary.
Consultation with the music department is required for all half hour lessons. Applied music fee required for all lessons.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Performance Study: Clarinet
1 Semester Credits
Instrument or voice lessons. Half hour or full hour of instruction weekly. Students in majors other than music, music
minors, and music majors studying secondary performance areas should register either for zero or 0.5 credit (half hour
lesson). Music majors should register in their principal performance medium for 1.0 credit for a full hour lesson weekly
plus a studio class. Music majors should have prior experience with performance in their primary medium. Non-majors,
minors, and those studying secondary performance areas will find prior experience helpful but not always necessary.
Consultation with the music department is required for all half hour lessons. Applied music fee required for all lessons.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Performance Study: Saxophone
1 Semester Credits
Instrument or voice lessons. Half hour or full hour of instruction weekly. Students in majors other than music, music
minors, and music majors studying secondary performance areas should register either for zero or 0.5 credit (half hour
lesson). Music majors should register in their principal performance medium for 1.0 credit for a full hour lesson weekly
plus a studio class. Music majors should have prior experience with performance in their primary medium. Non-majors,
minors, and those studying secondary performance areas will find prior experience helpful but not always necessary.
Consultation with the music department is required for all half hour lessons. Applied music fee required for all lessons.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Performance Study: Flute
1 Semester Credits
Instrument or voice lessons. Half hour or full hour of instruction weekly. Students in majors other than music, music
minors, and music majors studying secondary performance areas should register either for zero or 0.5 credit (half hour
lesson). Music majors should register in their principal performance medium for 1.0 credit for a full hour lesson weekly
plus a studio class. Music majors should have prior experience with performance in their primary medium. Non-majors,
minors, and those studying secondary performance areas will find prior experience helpful but not always necessary.
Consultation with the music department is required for all half hour lessons. Applied music fee required for all lessons.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Performance Study: Harpsichord
1 Semester Credits
Instrument or voice lessons. Half hour or full hour of instruction weekly. Students in majors other than music, music
minors, and music majors studying secondary performance areas should register either for zero or 0.5 credit (half hour
lesson). Music majors should register in their principal performance medium for 1.0 credit for a full hour lesson weekly
plus a studio class. Music majors should have prior experience with performance in their primary medium. Non-majors,
minors, and those studying secondary performance areas will find prior experience helpful but not always necessary.
Consultation with the music department is required for all half hour lessons. Applied music fee required for all lessons.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Performance Study: Horn
1 Semester Credits
Instrument or voice lessons. Half hour or full hour of instruction weekly. Students in majors other than music, music
minors, and music majors studying secondary performance areas should register either for zero or 0.5 credit (half hour
lesson). Music majors should register in their principal performance medium for 1.0 credit for a full hour lesson weekly
plus a studio class. Music majors should have prior experience with performance in their primary medium. Non-majors,
minors, and those studying secondary performance areas will find prior experience helpful but not always necessary.
Consultation with the music department is required for all half hour lessons. Applied music fee required for all lessons.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Performance Study: Trumpet
1 Semester Credits
Instrument or voice lessons. Half hour or full hour of instruction weekly. Students in majors other than music, music
minors, and music majors studying secondary performance areas should register either for zero or 0.5 credit (half hour
lesson). Music majors should register in their principal performance medium for 1.0 credit for a full hour lesson weekly
plus a studio class. Music majors should have prior experience with performance in their primary medium. Non-majors,
minors, and those studying secondary performance areas will find prior experience helpful but not always necessary.
Consultation with the music department is required for all half hour lessons. Applied music fee required for all lessons.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Performance Study: Trombone
1 Semester Credits
Instrument or voice lessons. Half hour or full hour of instruction weekly. Students in majors other than music, music
minors, and music majors studying secondary performance areas should register either for zero or 0.5 credit (half hour
lesson). Music majors should register in their principal performance medium for 1.0 credit for a full hour lesson weekly
plus a studio class. Music majors should have prior experience with performance in their primary medium. Non-majors,
minors, and those studying secondary performance areas will find prior experience helpful but not always necessary.
Consultation with the music department is required for all half hour lessons. Applied music fee required for all lessons.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Performance Study: Baritone
1 Semester Credits
Instrument or voice lessons. Half hour or full hour of instruction weekly. Students in majors other than music, music
minors, and music majors studying secondary performance areas should register either for zero or 0.5 credit (half hour
lesson). Music majors should register in their principal performance medium for 1.0 credit for a full hour lesson weekly
plus a studio class. Music majors should have prior experience with performance in their primary medium. Non-majors,
minors, and those studying secondary performance areas will find prior experience helpful but not always necessary.
Consultation with the music department is required for all half hour lessons. Applied music fee required for all lessons.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Performance Study: Tuba
1 Semester Credits
Instrument or voice lessons. Half hour or full hour of instruction weekly. Students in majors other than music, music
minors, and music majors studying secondary performance areas should register either for zero or 0.5 credit (half hour
lesson). Music majors should register in their principal performance medium for 1.0 credit for a full hour lesson weekly
plus a studio class. Music majors should have prior experience with performance in their primary medium. Non-majors,
minors, and those studying secondary performance areas will find prior experience helpful but not always necessary.
Consultation with the music department is required for all half hour lessons. Applied music fee required for all lessons.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Performance Study: Piano
1 Semester Credits
Instrument or voice lessons. Half hour or full hour of instruction weekly. Students in majors other than music, music
minors, and music majors studying secondary performance areas should register either for zero or 0.5 credit (half hour
lesson). Music majors should register in their principal performance medium for 1.0 credit for a full hour lesson weekly
plus a studio class. Music majors should have prior experience with performance in their primary medium. Non-majors,
minors, and those studying secondary performance areas will find prior experience helpful but not always necessary.
Consultation with the music department is required for all half hour lessons. Applied music fee required for all lessons.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Piano Accompanying
1 Semester Credits
Consider registering for this course in the semester of a recital. This course is a weekly recital coaching/rehearsal with a
professional staff pianist/accompanist. It is the best way to rehearse your music with a pianist. (MUP lesson fees apply).
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Performance Study: Guitar
2 Semester Credits
Instrument or voice lessons. Half hour or full hour of instruction weekly. Students in majors other than music, music
minors, and music majors studying secondary performance areas should register either for zero or 0.5 credit (half hour
lesson). Music majors should register in their principal performance medium for 1.0 credit for a full hour lesson weekly
plus a studio class. Music majors should have prior experience with performance in their primary medium. Non-majors,
minors, and those studying secondary performance areas will find prior experience helpful but not always necessary.
Consultation with the music department is required for all half hour lessons. Applied music fee required for all lessons.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Performance Study: Percussion
1 Semester Credits
Instrument or voice lessons. Half hour or full hour of instruction weekly. Students in majors other than music, music
minors, and music majors studying secondary performance areas should register either for zero or 0.5 credit (half hour
lesson). Music majors should register in their principal performance medium for 1.0 credit for a full hour lesson weekly
plus a studio class. Music majors should have prior experience with performance in their primary medium. Non-majors,
minors, and those studying secondary performance areas will find prior experience helpful but not always necessary.
Consultation with the music department is required for all half hour lessons. Applied music fee required for all lessons.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Performance Study: Organ
1 Semester Credits
Instrument or voice lessons. Half hour or full hour of instruction weekly. Students in majors other than music, music
minors, and music majors studying secondary performance areas should register either for zero or 0.5 credit (half hour
lesson). Music majors should register in their principal performance medium for 1.0 credit for a full hour lesson weekly
plus a studio class. Music majors should have prior experience with performance in their primary medium. Non-majors,
minors, and those studying secondary performance areas will find prior experience helpful but not always necessary.
Consultation with the music department is required for all half hour lessons. Applied music fee required for all lessons.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Performance Study: Harp
1 Semester Credits
Instrument or voice lessons. Half hour or full hour of instruction weekly. Students in majors other than music, music
minors, and music majors studying secondary performance areas should register either for zero or 0.5 credit (half hour
lesson). Music majors should register in their principal performance medium for 1.0 credit for a full hour lesson weekly
plus a studio class. Music majors should have prior experience with performance in their primary medium. Non-majors,
minors, and those studying secondary performance areas will find prior experience helpful but not always necessary.
Consultation with the music department is required for all half hour lessons. Applied music fee required for all lessons.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Performance Study: Improvisation
1 Semester Credits
Instrument or voice lessons. Half hour or full hour of instruction weekly. Students in majors other than music, music
minors, and music majors studying secondary performance areas should register either for zero or 0.5 credit (half hour
lesson). Music majors should register in their principal performance medium for 1.0 credit for a full hour lesson weekly
plus a studio class. Music majors should have prior experience with performance in their primary medium. Non-majors,
minors, and those studying secondary performance areas will find prior experience helpful but not always necessary.
Consultation with the music department is required for all half hour lessons. Applied music fee required for all lessons.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Performance Study: Composition
1 Semester Credits
Instrument or voice lessons. Half hour or full hour of instruction weekly. Students in majors other than music, music
minors, and music majors studying secondary performance areas should register either for zero or 0.5 credit (half hour
lesson). Music majors should register in their principal performance medium for 1.0 credit for a full hour lesson weekly
plus a studio class. Music majors should have prior experience with performance in their primary medium. Non-majors,
minors, and those studying secondary performance areas will find prior experience helpful but not always necessary.
Consultation with the music department is required for all half hour lessons. Applied music fee required for all lessons.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Performance Study: Voice
1 Semester Credits
Upper division instrument or voice lessons in principal performance medium for students who are music majors, or for
students with strong music skills who want credit and are approved by the department. One hour lesson weekly plus
studio class. Admission to upper-division lessons requires satisfactory achievement on fourth-semester performance
jury for departmental faculty, or equivalent level of proficiency. Consult with music department for further information
and approval. Applied music fee required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUSICADMIT(Music Department Admission)
Performance Study: Electric Bass
1 Semester Credits
Upper division instrument or voice lessons in principal performance medium for students who are music majors, or for
students with strong music skills who want credit and are approved by the department. One hour lesson weekly plus
studio class. Admission to upper-division lessons requires satisfactory achievement on fourth-semester performance
jury for departmental faculty, or equivalent level of proficiency. Consult with music department for further information
and approval. Applied music fee required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUSICADMIT(Music Department Admission)
Performance Study: Violin
1 Semester Credits
Upper division instrument or voice lessons in principal performance medium for students who are music majors, or for
students with strong music skills who want credit and are approved by the department. One hour lesson weekly plus
studio class. Admission to upper-division lessons requires satisfactory achievement on fourth-semester performance
jury for departmental faculty, or equivalent level of proficiency. Consult with music department for further information
and approval. Applied music fee required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUSICADMIT(Music Department Admission)
Performance Study: Viola
1 Semester Credits
Upper division instrument or voice lessons in principal performance medium for students who are music majors, or for
students with strong music skills who want credit and are approved by the department. One hour lesson weekly plus
studio class. Admission to upper-division lessons requires satisfactory achievement on fourth-semester performance
jury for departmental faculty, or equivalent level of proficiency. Consult with music department for further information
and approval. Applied music fee required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUSICADMIT(Music Department Admission)
Performance Study: Cello
1 Semester Credits
Upper division instrument or voice lessons in principal performance medium for students who are music majors, or for
students with strong music skills who want credit and are approved by the department. One hour lesson weekly plus
studio class. Admission to upper-division lessons requires satisfactory achievement on fourth-semester performance
jury for departmental faculty, or equivalent level of proficiency. Consult with music department for further information
and approval. Applied music fee required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUSICADMIT(Music Department Admission)
Performance Study: Bass
1 Semester Credits
Upper division instrument or voice lessons in principal performance medium for students who are music majors, or for
students with strong music skills who want credit and are approved by the department. One hour lesson weekly plus
studio class. Admission to upper-division lessons requires satisfactory achievement on fourth-semester performance
jury for departmental faculty, or equivalent level of proficiency. Consult with music department for further information
and approval. Applied music fee required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUSICADMIT(Music Department Admission)
Performance Study: Oboe
1 Semester Credits
Upper division instrument or voice lessons in principal performance medium for students who are music majors, or for
students with strong music skills who want credit and are approved by the department. One hour lesson weekly plus
studio class. Admission to upper-division lessons requires satisfactory achievement on fourth-semester performance
jury for departmental faculty, or equivalent level of proficiency. Consult with music department for further information
and approval. Applied music fee required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUSICADMIT(Music Department Admission)
Performance Study: Bassoon
1 Semester Credits
Upper division instrument or voice lessons in principal performance medium for students who are music majors, or for
students with strong music skills who want credit and are approved by the department. One hour lesson weekly plus
studio class. Admission to upper-division lessons requires satisfactory achievement on fourth-semester performance
jury for departmental faculty, or equivalent level of proficiency. Consult with music department for further information
and approval. Applied music fee required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUSICADMIT(Music Department Admission)
Performance Study: Clarinet
1 Semester Credits
Upper division instrument or voice lessons in principal performance medium for students who are music majors, or for
students with strong music skills who want credit and are approved by the department. One hour lesson weekly plus
studio class. Admission to upper-division lessons requires satisfactory achievement on fourth-semester performance
jury for departmental faculty, or equivalent level of proficiency. Consult with music department for further information
and approval. Applied music fee required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUSICADMIT(Music Department Admission)
Performance Study: Saxophone
1 Semester Credits
Upper division instrument or voice lessons in principal performance medium for students who are music majors, or for
students with strong music skills who want credit and are approved by the department. One hour lesson weekly plus
studio class. Admission to upper-division lessons requires satisfactory achievement on fourth-semester performance
jury for departmental faculty, or equivalent level of proficiency. Consult with music department for further information
and approval. Applied music fee required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUSICADMIT(Music Department Admission)
Performance Study: Flute
1 Semester Credits
Upper division instrument or voice lessons in principal performance medium for students who are music majors, or for
students with strong music skills who want credit and are approved by the department. One hour lesson weekly plus
studio class. Admission to upper-division lessons requires satisfactory achievement on fourth-semester performance
jury for departmental faculty, or equivalent level of proficiency. Consult with music department for further information
and approval. Applied music fee required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUSICADMIT(Music Department Admission)
Performance Study: Harpsichord
1 Semester Credits
Upper division instrument or voice lessons in principal performance medium for students who are music majors, or for
students with strong music skills who want credit and are approved by the department. One hour lesson weekly plus
studio class. Admission to upper-division lessons requires satisfactory achievement on fourth-semester performance
jury for departmental faculty, or equivalent level of proficiency. Consult with music department for further information
and approval. Applied music fee required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUSICADMIT(Music Department Admission)
Performance Study: Horn
1 Semester Credits
Upper division instrument or voice lessons in principal performance medium for students who are music majors, or for
students with strong music skills who want credit and are approved by the department. One hour lesson weekly plus
studio class. Admission to upper-division lessons requires satisfactory achievement on fourth-semester performance
jury for departmental faculty, or equivalent level of proficiency. Consult with music department for further information
and approval. Applied music fee required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUSICADMIT(Music Department Admission)
Performance Study: Trumpet
1 Semester Credits
Upper division instrument or voice lessons in principal performance medium for students who are music majors, or for
students with strong music skills who want credit and are approved by the department. One hour lesson weekly plus
studio class. Admission to upper-division lessons requires satisfactory achievement on fourth-semester performance
jury for departmental faculty, or equivalent level of proficiency. Consult with music department for further information
and approval. Applied music fee required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUSICADMIT(Music Department Admission)
Performance Study: Trombone
1 Semester Credits
Upper division instrument or voice lessons in principal performance medium for students who are music majors, or for
students with strong music skills who want credit and are approved by the department. One hour lesson weekly plus
studio class. Admission to upper-division lessons requires satisfactory achievement on fourth-semester performance
jury for departmental faculty, or equivalent level of proficiency. Consult with music department for further information
and approval. Applied music fee required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUSICADMIT(Music Department Admission)
Performance Study: Baritone
1 Semester Credits
Upper division instrument or voice lessons in principal performance medium for students who are music majors, or for
students with strong music skills who want credit and are approved by the department. One hour lesson weekly plus
studio class. Admission to upper-division lessons requires satisfactory achievement on fourth-semester performance
jury for departmental faculty, or equivalent level of proficiency. Consult with music department for further information
and approval. Applied music fee required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUSICADMIT(Music Department Admission)
Performance Study: Tuba
1 Semester Credits
Upper division instrument or voice lessons in principal performance medium for students who are music majors, or for
students with strong music skills who want credit and are approved by the department. One hour lesson weekly plus
studio class. Admission to upper-division lessons requires satisfactory achievement on fourth-semester performance
jury for departmental faculty, or equivalent level of proficiency. Consult with music department for further information
and approval. Applied music fee required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUSICADMIT(Music Department Admission)
Performance Study: Piano
1 Semester Credits
Upper division instrument or voice lessons in principal performance medium for students who are music majors, or for
students with strong music skills who want credit and are approved by the department. One hour lesson weekly plus
studio class. Admission to upper-division lessons requires satisfactory achievement on fourth-semester performance
jury for departmental faculty, or equivalent level of proficiency. Consult with music department for further information
and approval. Applied music fee required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUSICADMIT(Music Department Admission)
Performance Study: Guitar
1 Semester Credits
Upper division instrument or voice lessons in principal performance medium for students who are music majors, or for
students with strong music skills who want credit and are approved by the department. One hour lesson weekly plus
studio class. Admission to upper-division lessons requires satisfactory achievement on fourth-semester performance
jury for departmental faculty, or equivalent level of proficiency. Consult with music department for further information
and approval. Applied music fee required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUSICADMIT(Music Department Admission)
Performance Study: Percussion
1 Semester Credits
Upper division instrument or voice lessons in principal performance medium for students who are music majors, or for
students with strong music skills who want credit and are approved by the department. One hour lesson weekly plus
studio class. Admission to upper-division lessons requires satisfactory achievement on fourth-semester performance
jury for departmental faculty, or equivalent level of proficiency. Consult with music department for further information
and approval. Applied music fee required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUSICADMIT(Music Department Admission)
Performance Study: Organ
1 Semester Credits
Upper division instrument or voice lessons in principal performance medium for students who are music majors, or for
students with strong music skills who want credit and are approved by the department. One hour lesson weekly plus
studio class. Admission to upper-division lessons requires satisfactory achievement on fourth-semester performance
jury for departmental faculty, or equivalent level of proficiency. Consult with music department for further information
and approval. Applied music fee required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUSICADMIT(Music Department Admission)
Performance Study: Harp
1 Semester Credits
Upper division instrument or voice lessons in principal performance medium for students who are music majors, or for
students with strong music skills who want credit and are approved by the department. One hour lesson weekly plus
studio class. Admission to upper-division lessons requires satisfactory achievement on fourth-semester performance
jury for departmental faculty, or equivalent level of proficiency. Consult with music department for further information
and approval. Applied music fee required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUSICADMIT(Music Department Admission)
Performance Study: Improvisation
1 Semester Credits
Upper division instrument or voice lessons in principal performance medium for students who are music majors, or for
students with strong music skills who want credit and are approved by the department. One hour lesson weekly plus
studio class. Admission to upper-division lessons requires satisfactory achievement on fourth-semester performance
jury for departmental faculty, or equivalent level of proficiency. Consult with music department for further information
and approval. Applied music fee required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUSICADMIT(Music Department Admission)
Performance Study: Composition
1 Semester Credits
Upper division instrument or voice lessons in principal performance medium for students who are music majors, or for
students with strong music skills who want credit and are approved by the department. One hour lesson weekly plus
studio class. Admission to upper-division lessons requires satisfactory achievement on fourth-semester performance
jury for departmental faculty, or equivalent level of proficiency. Consult with music department for further information
and approval. Applied music fee required.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUSICADMIT(Music Department Admission)
MUS – Music
Careers in Music Business
4 Semester Credits
Careers in Music Business is a survey course designed to explore the careers in the music business. This course will cover
the creative ways that musicians have formed businesses, study of successful individuals within the music business, and
pathways to successful music-based businesses. Within these constructs, we will explore methods for creating a life in
the music industry.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Music Theory and Aural Skills I
4 Semester Credits
Theory & Aural Skills I is the first semester course of a 4-semester theory and musicianship program that serves as the
foundation for all music majors. Over the course of the 4-semester sequences, the core music curriculum (theory, ear
training, piano courses) students will "do what musicians do." The students will build musical comprehension by hearing,
reading, interpreting, composing, and improvising music; they will develop, and participate in, a community committed
to improving musical skills, and learning from one another. Learning these skills will enable lifelong learning, through
and beyond music.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Music Theory and Aural Skills II
4 Semester Credits
Theory & Aural Skills II is the second semester course of a 4-semester theory and musicianship program that serves as
the foundation for all music majors. We will focus our learning on developing a more refined understanding of the
musical language in the Western tradition, with a special focus on issues related to harmony. The main goal is to gain a
thorough grasp of music fundamentals and their application to all kinds of music-making (performance, composition,
analysis, improvisation).
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUS113(Music Theory and Aural Skills I)
Introduction to Music in the Fine Arts
4 Semester Credits
E.D. Hirsch describes cultural literacy as "the network of information that all competent readers possess." This course
draws students into that information web using the history of Western art music as the thread that ties culture together
from the Middle Ages to the present. A "top ten of the last millennium" will provide mileposts for understanding music
in social context. Live performance will be a feature of this course. Evaluation of student work will include short essay
papers, several quizzes, and a midterm and final examination. The ability to read music is not required.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
Class Piano 1
1 Semester Credits
This course is designed for beginning pianists with minimal piano training. The course will teach basic piano skills in the
areas of sightreading; scales and chords progressions; improvisation; and repertoire from a variety of styles. The class
will use and apply many of the concepts, terms, and ideas taught in MUS 101/111. (Prereq.: Placement Test)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Class Piano 2
1 Semester Credits
This course is a continuation of MUS 135: Class Piano 1, and will build on the skills introduced in these classes. The
course is designed for students with some prior piano and music theory training and/or students who have completed a
class piano course. (Prereq.: Theory Placement Test)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUS135(Class Piano 1)
Class Voice
1 Semester Credits
Fundamentals of tone production and singing.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Class Guitar 1
1 Semester Credits
Beginning techniques of classic guitar.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Fundamentals of Music
4 Semester Credits
Introduction to the basic elements of Western musical notation (pitch, rhythm, meter, intervals, major and minor scales,
key signatures, and chords). Students will develop basic aural and keyboard skills, identify typical compositional forms in
popular and classical music. Students write their own composition for the final project.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
Entrepreneurship for Creative Businesses
2 Semester Credits
This course provides students who are interested in careers in the arts, music, or entertainment an opportunity to
explore the skills needed to operate their own creative business, discover alternatives to the standard career paths in
the creative arts, and how to turn a creative passion into a career.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Legal Issues in Music, Entertainment, and the Arts
4 Semester Credits
This course examines the fundamental legal and ethical issues encountered by artists and professionals in the creative
industries and how the law affects consumers, business relationships, and the economy. Topics include copyright, piracy,
trademark, liability, 1st Amendment issues, publicity rights, unions, royalties, Performing Rights Organizations, the
Talent Agency Act, and conflicts of interest.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
From Boogie Woogie to Rock and Hip Hop: The Culture, Artists, and Sounds of Pop Music
4 Semester Credits
What is the sound of youth and rebellion? Where does it come from? What effect, if any, has it had on society as a
whole? This study of popular music offers a chance to examine a diverse cross section of music history through the lens
of easily palatable and familiar sounds.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
Music Theory and Aural Skills III
4 Semester Credits
Theory & Aural Skills III is the third course in a 4-semester theory and musicianship program that serves as the
foundation for all music majors. We will focus our learning on attention on chromatic harmony and form. We will
continue to gain a thorough grasp of music fundamentals and their application to all kinds of music-making
(performance, composition, analysis, improvisation). We will hone our analytical skills in music through close study of
relevant musical works from a variety of musical traditions.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUS114(Music Theory and Aural Skills II)
Music Theory and Aural Skills IV
4 Semester Credits
Theory & Aural Skills IV is the last course in a 4-semester theory and musicianship program that serves as the foundation
for all music majors. We will focus our learning on finalizing our study of Common-Practice Period harmony and form.
We will explore 20th and 21st century compositional, and analytical techniques. We will apply our analytical tools to a
wider range of musical genres, including, but not limited to, jazz, pop, rock, Latin, and musical theater. Finally, we will
gain a thorough grasp of music fundamentals and their application to all kinds of music-making (performance,
composition, analysis, improvisation).
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUS213(Music Theory and Aural Skills III)
Worlds of Music
4 Semester Credits
A survey of non-Western music, this course explores diverse musical styles and instruments from many cultures.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
Introduction to Music Technology
2 Semester Credits
Explore aspects of integrating (electronic and information) technology into music performance and music education
activities. Topics include selecting, preparing, utilizing and evaluating technology tools such as software, hardware, and
related products. Emphasis on combining engaging and effective instructional pedagogy practices with music content
knowledge. Technologies include tools for general productivity, music notation, music performance, music assessment,
music production and emerging digital teaching and learning.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Electronic Music Production
4 Semester Credits
This course focuses on using contemporary studio techniques for producing, arranging, and composing original music in
a variety of modern styles. Students will take advantage of the Augsburg Recording Studio to explore techniques in
sound design, synthesis, and digital music making.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
History and Literature of Music, Antiquity to 1750
4 Semester Credits
An intensive survey of the evolution of music from antiquity to 1750, studying music in its historical and cultural contexts
as well as basic knowledge of repertory.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MUS101(Materials of Music I), MUS113(Music Theory and Aural Skills I); 1 of MUS102(Materials of
Music II), MUS114(Music Theory and Aural Skills II)
History and Literature of Music, 1750 to Present
4 Semester Credits
Continuation of MUS 231 from 1750 to the present.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MUS101(Materials of Music I), MUS113(Music Theory and Aural Skills I); 1 of MUS102(Materials of
Music II), MUS114(Music Theory and Aural Skills II)
Church Music and Worship
4 Semester Credits
This course examines the words, music, and ritual actions that have shaped Christian worship throughout the centuries.
Students will be grounded in the biblical, theological, and liturgical traditions of the church while examining current
practices emerging in the digital age. Experiential components to the course will allow students the opportunity to
critically assess and plan worship services.
Core Curriculum Component: Search for Meaning II
Prerequisite(s): 1 of REL100(Religion, Vocation, and the Search for Meaning I), REL300(Religion, Vocation, and the
Search for Meaning I+II)
Skills of Music Theater
4 Semester Credits
This course provides an interdisciplinary approach to the topic using music and theater techniques to develop the
student’s basic skills of music theater. Concepts of diverse music theater forms are introduced. Course includes reading,
writing, research, class discussion, exercises, small and large group participation, memorization, and public performance.
Students will attend and review live productions.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
Class Piano 3
1 Semester Credits
This course is a continuation of Class Piano 1 and 2 and is designed for students with solid piano training (prior to
Augsburg) and/or students who have completed MUS 135 and MUS 136. (Prereq.: Placement Test and/or permission of
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MUS135(Class Piano 1), MUS136(Class Piano 2)
Class Piano 4
1 Semester Credits
This course is a continuation of MUS 237: Class Piano 3. At the conclusion of this course students should have a
command of the skills required for the piano proficiency exam. (Prereq.: Placement Test)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MUS135(Class Piano 1), MUS136(Class Piano 2), MUS237(Class Piano 3)
History of Jazz
4 Semester Credits
This course is a study of the musical elements, cultural perspectives, and the historical developments of jazz. Many
styles of jazz are examined including early New Orleans Dixieland, swing, cool, jazz/rock/fusion, ragtime, bop, and
progressive jazz.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
Jazz Improvisation 1
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MUS101(Materials of Music I), MUS113(Music Theory and Aural Skills I); MUS114(Music Theory and
Aural Skills II)
English Diction
1 Semester Credits
Intensive course covering basic singing pronunciation of English through the study of the art song repertoire. Includes
regular class performances and phoneticization of texts using the International Phonetic Alphabet. Required for vocal
performance majors and music education majors.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Italian Diction
1 Semester Credits
Intensive course covering basic singing pronunciation of Italian through the study of the art song repertoire. Includes
regular class performances and phoneticization of texts using the International Phonetic Alphabet. Required for vocal
performance majors and music education majors.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
German Diction
1 Semester Credits
Intensive course covering basic singing pronunciation of German through the study of the art song repertoire. Includes
regular class performances and phoneticization of texts using the International Phonetic Alphabet. Required for vocal
performance majors and music education majors.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
French Diction
1 Semester Credits
Intensive course covering basic singing pronunciation of French through the study of the art song repertoire. Includes
regular class performances and phoneticization of texts using the International Phonetic Alphabet. Required for vocal
performance majors and music education majors.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Class Guitar 2
1 Semester Credits
This course focuses on developing functional guitar skills including playing 3-4 chord songs, singing and accompanying
self, transposing to a different key with and without a capo, playing in various major and minor keys, utilizing various
picking and strumming patterns, improvising, barre chords, power chords, and alternate tunings.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUS158(Class Guitar 1)
Introduction to Music Therapy
2 Semester Credits
Study of non-symphonic instruments, Orff-Shulwerk, applications of recreational music activities to clinical settings, and
acquisition of skills in improvisation. Includes on-campus practicum with children.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Human Identity Through the Creative Arts
4 Semester Credits
A study of the aesthetic expression and experience as they relate to human identity, with an emphasis on psychological,
cultural, and biological aspects of musical behavior. An understanding of the relationships of the creative therapies of
art, music, drama, and movement.
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
Functional Music Skills
2 Semester Credits
This course will focus on development of basic functional music skills as required by the American Music Therapy
Association (AMTA) professional competencies. Specific focus is on developing functional skills with voice, on piano,
guitar, Q-chord, and hand percussion, for use in music therapy clinical settings. Additional areas addressed also include
writing simple composition, transposing simple melodies, and improvisation. Students will engage in individual and
group music making in class.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUS271(Introduction to Music Therapy)
History of Caribbean Music
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Fine Arts
Prerequisite(s): None
0 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Directed Study
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Directed Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Introduction to Learning, Teaching, and Technology in Music
2 Semester Credits
Exploration of music learning and teaching in multiple educational settings, including K-12 schools and community music
settings. Basic teaching principles will be discussed, as well as current sociological issues and their influences on music
learning and teaching.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Audio Recording
4 Semester Credits
In this course, students will become independent in the studio as they learn to manage and run recording sessions. As
students delve deeper into the many layers of professional audio software, they will begin to discover how this
technology is at its best when it serves the music, its performers, and creators. Students will also further explore digital
signal processing, plug-ins, editing, and mixing. Students will achieve a command of microphone applications and
placement thus producing fully tracked projects of their own.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUS221(Introduction to Music Technology)
Music Production and Distribution
4 Semester Credits
Music Production and Distribution is a composition course focused on music production, recording theory, sound design,
and modern genre-specific techniques. While working closely with the instructor, students will be expected to produce
an entire EP over the course of a semester, including mixing, mastering, and digitally releasing the album.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUS221(Introduction to Music Technology), MUS225(Electronic Music Production)
Composition I
2 Semester Credits
This course teaches the ranges and characteristics of voices and orchestral instruments, standard notation and score
layout. Student will also study related 20th-century literature.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUS113(Music Theory and Aural Skills I)
Composition II
2 Semester Credits
This course introduces contemporary approaches to melody, harmony, tonality, rhythm, and form. Atonality, serialism,
indeterminacy, electronic music, minimalism, decategorization and related literature are also explored.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUS311(Composition I)
Psychology, Culture, and Community in Music
2 Semester Credits
This course provides an overview of the impact of musical stimuli on thoughts, emotions and behaviors and how these
compare and contrast from culture to culture. The course focuses on understanding acoustics, how human beings listen
to and process music, and the socio-psychological aspects and the functions of music in society. The course will also
explore the use of music in community and community music therapy.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUS271(Introduction to Music Therapy)
Music of the Baroque Era
2 Semester Credits
This course explores the music, cultural trends, and composers associated with the Baroque Era. Representative
repertoire is studied in conjunction with the cultural forces and ideas that help shape the music. Music majors will have
an opportunity to integrate their liberal arts education, knowledge of music theory and history, and writing skills
through a major research paper.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level); MUS231(History and Literature of Music I), MUS232(History and
Literature of Music II)
Music of the Classical Era
2 Semester Credits
This course explores the music, cultural trends, and composers associated with the Classical Era. Representative
repertoire is studied in conjunction with the cultural forces and ideas that help shape the music. Music majors will have
an opportunity to integrate their liberal arts education, knowledge of music theory and history, and writing skills
through a major research paper.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level); MUS231(History and Literature of Music I), MUS232(History and
Literature of Music II)
Music of the Romantic Era
2 Semester Credits
This course explores the music, cultural trends, and composers associated with the Romantic Era. Representative
repertoire is studied in conjunction with the cultural forces and ideas that help shape the music. Music majors will have
an opportunity to integrate their liberal arts education, knowledge of music theory and history, and writing skills
through a major research paper.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level); MUS231(History and Literature of Music I), MUS232(History and
Literature of Music II)
Music of the 20th Century
2 Semester Credits
This course explores the music, cultural trends, and composers associated with the 20th Century. Representative
repertoire is studied in conjunction with the cultural forces and ideas that help shape the music. Music majors will have
an opportunity to integrate their liberal arts education, knowledge of music theory and history, and writing skills
through a major research paper.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level); MUS231(History and Literature of Music I), MUS232(History and
Literature of Music II)
Arts Management and Concert Promotion
4 Semester Credits
A study of the role of the artist manager in career development and the role of the arts administrator in the
management of performing arts projects and organizations. Factors affecting trends and earnings, challenges within the
industry, and differentiation between the for-profit and non-profit sectors are discussed. Emphasis is placed on
developing a working vocabulary of industry topics and in benefiting from practical field experience.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUS205(Legal Issues in Music, Entertainment, and the Arts)
Music Therapy Methods I
4 Semester Credits
This course provides a comprehensive overview of receptive and re-creative music therapy methods and music therapy
theory underlying these methods. This course is experiential in nature and also examines the student’s personal
relationship to music and the impact and influence of music and all its elements. This course also focuses on expanding
repertoire and building musical skills required for implementing these methods in music therapy practice.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUS273(Functional Music Skills)
Basic Conducting
2 Semester Credits
Study of fundamental conducting patterns and baton technique, score analysis and preparation, rehearsal techniques,
basic nomenclature.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MUS101(Materials of Music I), MUS113(Music Theory and Aural Skills I); MUS114(Music Theory and
Aural Skills II)
Choral Conducting
2 Semester Credits
Choral literature and organization, vocal methods and voice selection, advanced conducting techniques with class as the
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUS341(Basic Conducting), MUSICADMIT(Music Department Admission)
Instrumental Conducting
2 Semester Credits
Preparation of and conducting instrumental literature, advanced conducting techniques, organization of instrumental
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUS341(Basic Conducting), MUSICADMIT(Music Department Admission)
Music Therapy Methods II
4 Semester Credits
This course provides an introduction and overview of compositional and improvisational music therapy methods.
Application of improvisational and compositional methods will be explored through review of research literature,
readings, discussions, and experiential exercises. These methods will be explored for use in a variety of clinical settings
and through experiential learning exercises, to further foster acquisition of clinical practice skills. Students will also
practice synthesizing and translating research surrounding these improvisation and creative methods to discover how to
develop an evidence based clinical practice.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUS340(Music Therapy Methods I)
General Music Education Methods
3 Semester Credits
Current teaching techniques, methods, and materials for teachers of general music and elective classes at the
elementary and secondary levels. Includes field experience hours and prepractica. Enrollment limited to majors except
by permission of the instructor.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MUS303(Introduction to Learning and Teaching in Music), MUS503(Introduction to Learning and
Teaching in Music)
Special Education in Music Education
3 Semester Credits
An examination of issues of special education and students with disabilities and giftedness within music education
contexts. Topics include techniques for accommodations and modifications within music education classes and
ensembles to create an inclusive learning environment. Societal and educational attitudes and challenges faced by
individuals with disabilities across the lifespan will be discussed, as will special education law and the role of families and
support networks for students with special needs. Enrollment limited to majors except by permission of the instructor.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MUS352(General Music Education Methods), MUS552(General Music Education Methods)
Music Methods: Strings
2 Semester Credits
This methods course introduces string instrument performance techniques and problems. Students will perform on
violin/viola, cello, and double bass. Other topics include performance practice, instructional pedagogy, instructional
materials, solo and ensemble repertoire, and integration of music technology.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Music Methods: Brass and Percussion
2 Semester Credits
This methods course introduces brass/percussion performance techniques and problems. Students will perform on at
least one brass instrument and snare drum. Other topics include performance practice, instructional pedagogy,
instructional materials, solo and ensemble repertoire, and integration of music technology.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Music Methods: Woodwinds
2 Semester Credits
This methods course introduces woodwind performance techniques and problems. Students will perform on flute, one
single reed instrument, and one double reed instrument. Other topics include performance practice, instructional
pedagogy, instructional materials, solo and ensemble repertoire, and integration of music technology.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Junior Recital
0 Semester Credits
One-half hour recital at repertoire level III for music education majors; one hour recital at level IV for music performance
majors. Studio instructor may request a recital preview.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Music Methods: Vocal
2 Semester Credits
This methods course introduces choral/vocal performance techniques and problems. Students will perform vocal solo
and ensemble repertoire. Other topics include performance practice, instructional pedagogy, physiological mechanics of
singing, and instructional materials.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Expressive and Creative Arts in Healing
4 Semester Credits
An experiential approach to healing through music, art, drama, dance, and movement. Consultants will describe and
demonstrate specific specialties in expressive and creative arts, as used in therapy.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Psychological Foundations of Music I
4 Semester Credits
This course provides an overview of the impact of musical stimuli on thoughts, emotions and behaviors and how these
compare and contrast from culture to culture. The course focuses on understanding acoustics, how human beings listen
to and process music, and the socio-psychological aspects of music. The course will explore the role of aesthetics in
music as well as a review of experimental research surrounding the influence music on behavior.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Psychological Foundations of Music II
4 Semester Credits
Implementation of group and individual research projects, emphasis on a multidisciplinary approach to music therapy.
Theories of learning music, musical talent, and performance.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Music Therapy Practicum
1 Semester Credits
Students are placed in a clinical site in order to build on academic knowledge and practice clinical skills. Students are
expected to engage in course work around professional standards of practice and be present at the clinical site for 3-4
hours per week.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUS340(Music Therapy Methods I)
Music Therapy Practicum
1 Semester Credits
Students are placed in a clinical site in order to build on academic knowledge and practice clinical skills. Students are
expected to engage in course work around professional standards of practice and be present at the clinical site for 3-4
hours per week.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUS374(Music Therapy Practicum)
Music Therapy Assessment, Treatment and Clinical Processes
4 Semester Credits
This course is a thorough exploration of the practice of music therapy from assessment, treatment planning,
implementation, and evaluation. Course content includes a focus on comprehensive assessment techniques and
development of assessment tools, effective documentation methods and practices, writing treatment plans to address a
variety of client and patient needs, methods of implementing and evaluating music therapy to address patient needs.
This course also focuses on ways of developing an evidence based practice utilizing various types and levels of evidence.
The role of the music, the client and the music therapist will also be explored in the context of clinical processes and
clinical illustrations.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUS345(Music Therapy Methods II)
Music Therapy Clinical Improvisation
2 Semester Credits
This experiential-based course is designed to strengthen students’ clinical musicianship deepening the connection
between music-centered practice and improvisational methods. The course will focus on the clinical application of
improvisation, creating music with the intention of meeting a specific clinical goal. Students will learn techniques for
clinical improvisation and expand repertoire of musical style for use in therapy. Students will have the opportunity to
design improvisational interventions for a wide range of clinical populations within the context of group and individual
sessions. The course will focus heavily on providing opportunities for practicing these techniques during experiential
learning opportunities with peers. Students will also focus on refining professionalism, clinical writing skills, and verbal
techniques through these experiential learning opportunities.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUS315(Psychology, Culture, and Community in Music), MUS345(Music Therapy Methods II)
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
Current and Future Issues in the Music Industry
2 Semester Credits
A look at current and emerging trends in the music industry. Students will analyze case studies, the latest music industry
research, and readings that examine different stake holders' perspectives of the current state of the industry.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MUS105(Careers in Music Business), MUS335(Music Business); MUS162(Entrepreneurship for
Creative Businesses), MUS205(Legal Issues in Music, Entertainment, and the Arts), MUS336(Arts Management and
Concert Promotion)
Advanced Analysis
2 Semester Credits
The course will mainly focus on song analysis. We will take a look at a diverse range of songs and look for ways to
understand them in a deeper way through using a variety of analytical approaches. The songs will be drawn from a
variety of time periods and musical traditions.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUS214(Music Theory and Aural Skills IV)
Voice Repertoire
2 Semester Credits
A survey of standard art song repertoire from Eastern and Western Europe, Russia, Scandinavia, and the Americas.
Includes listening, writing, and performance. Required for vocal performance majors.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUS251(English Diction), MUS252(Italian Diction), MUS253(German Diction), MUS254(French Diction)
Piano Repertoire
2 Semester Credits
This course introduces students to a wide variety of music written for keyboard instruments from the 17th century to
the present.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Piano Pedagogy
2 Semester Credits
This course introduces students to various ideas, tools, methodologies, and resources associated with piano teaching.
Students will apply what they learn in class to actual teaching experiences through a community service-learning
requirement. This course fulfills the Augsburg Experience requirement.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Senior Recital
0 Semester Credits
One-half hour recital for B.A. Music and B.S. Music Therapy majors. Studio instructor may request a recital preview.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Senior Recital
0 Semester Credits
One hour recital for B.M. Music Education and B.M. Music Performance majors. Studio instructor may request a recital
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Music Therapy Practicum
1 Semester Credits
Students are placed in a clinical site in order to build on academic knowledge and practice clinical skills. Students are
expected to engage in course work around professional standards of practice and be present at the clinical site for 3-4
hours per week.
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): MUS375(Music Therapy Practicum)
Music Therapy Practicum
1 Semester Credits
Students are placed in a clinical site in order to build on academic knowledge and practice clinical skills. Students are
expected to engage in course work around professional standards of practice and be present at the clinical site for 3-4
hours per week.
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): MUS474(Music Therapy Practicum)
Instrumentation and Arranging
2 Semester Credits
This course will introduce students to the various instruments of the orchestra, as well as those from other music
traditions. Students will learn the qualities, ranges, and idiosyncrasies of these instruments as well as how to write
effectively for them. Special attention will be given to how to turn lead sheets into fleshed-out arrangements for various
ensembles. Some aspects of electronic music arranging will be discussed as well.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUS214(Music Theory and Aural Skills IV)
Instrumental Methods in Music Education
2 Semester Credits
Development of skills necessary for teaching elementary and secondary instrumental ensembles. Role of the
instrumental music educator, purpose of instrumental music in the schools. Field experiences in schools required.
Enrollment limited to majors except by permission of the instructor.
Core Curriculum Component: Keystone
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MUS353(Special Education in Music Education), MUS553(Special Education in Music Education)
Choral Methods in Music Education
2 Semester Credits
Techniques for developing choral music programs. Curriculum, pedagogy, materials, and program administration. Field
experiences in schools required. Enrollment limited to majors except by permission of the instructor.
Core Curriculum Component: Keystone
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MUS353(Special Education in Music Education), MUS553(Special Education in Music Education)
Music Therapy Senior Seminar
4 Semester Credits
This course is the final course of your pre-professional academic development. This course provides an overview of
many professional issues relevant to the professional clinical practice of music therapy. These topics include: ethics,
professional development, board certification and developing professional presentations and materials. This course will
also include a community service oriented project that incorporates your knowledge regarding the therapeutic use of
music to meet the specialized needs of clients.
Core Curriculum Component: Keystone
Prerequisite(s): MUS385(Music Therapy Clinical Improvisation)
Music Therapy Clinical Internship
0 Semester Credits
Full-time placement in an AMTA-approved internship site for six months (minimum 1,020 hours toward the AMTA
required total of 1,200 hours). Application for internship must be made nine months in advance. (Prereq.: Completion of
all graduation requirements)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUSICADMIT(Music Department Admission)
Advanced Music Therapy Practicum
1 Semester Credits
In this course, students will be developing advanced skills in clinical music therapy practice. Students are required to
attend both the course meeting and 3-4 hours per week at a practicum site to be determined by the course instructor.
Students will be expected to engage in experiences which reflect advanced undergraduate-level practice, including but
not limited to research, development of new programs, sustaining funds for music therapy work, work with clinical
populations which require advanced skills and use of advanced music therapy methods (neurological music therapy,
trauma-informed therapy, Guided Imagery and Music, etc.). Site assignments are made based on student strengths,
student needs, creation of well-rounded clinical experiences, and schedule.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): CONSENT(Consent of Instructor), MUS385(Music Therapy Clinical Improvisation)
Music Teacher Performance Assessment and Student Teaching Seminar
2 Semester Credits
Weekly seminars that mentor teacher candidates with analysis and completion of the Teaching Performance
Assessment (edTPA) and help them make connections between coursework, field experience, and the student teaching
experience. Attributes of the successful novice educator and activities related to successful job acquisition are also
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of STUTEACH12(Student Teaching, 12 Credits), STUTEACH4(Student Teaching, 4 Credits),
STUTEACH8(Student Teaching, 8 Credits), STUTEACHEX(Student Teaching, Extended Experience)
Independent Study
2 Semester Credits
Advanced research and projects not otherwise provided in the department curriculum.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Independent Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Introduction to Learning, Teaching, and Technology in Music
2 Semester Credits
Exploration of music learning and teaching in multiple educational settings, including K-12 schools and community music
settings. Basic teaching principles will be discussed, as well as current sociological issues and their influences on music
learning and teaching.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Contemporary Topics in Music Education
2 Semester Credits
Both implicitly and explicitly, PK-12 and community music educators address a wide variety of contemporary issues in
music education in their respective teaching settings, including social justice and equity with diverse student
populations, culturally relevant pedagogy, creativity, integration of technology, and teaching students with special
needs. Throughout this course, students will explore these pressing pedagogical and sociological issues in American
music education in depth through discussion of their prevalence in the profession and relevance to their current
teaching contexts. The culmination of the course will include students’ creation of lesson plans and resources related to
course concepts for implementation in their classrooms.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Advanced Music Therapy Theory
3 Semester Credits
This course provides a comprehensive overview and in-depth exploration of music therapy theories and approaches.
Application of current music therapy theories and approaches in a variety of client-based settings will further foster
acquisition of advanced practice skills. Practice synthesizing and translating research surrounding various music therapy
approaches into evidence based clinical practice.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Advanced Music Therapy Clinical Practicum
0 Semester Credits
In this course, students will be advancing their clinical practice skills by gaining experience in community practice and
practicum settings. The course will incorporate completing a thorough assessment, developing treatment plan and
document therapeutic progress. Students will complete self-evaluations, reflect on clinical experiences, utilize evidencebased practice and complete a case study. Students will also engage in weekly group supervision and individual
supervision through the practicum experience.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MUS515(Advanced Music Therapy Clinical Practice I) *concurrent registration is required*,
MUS520(Advanced Music Therapy Clinical Practice II) *concurrent registration is required*, MUS550(Music
Psychotherapy) *concurrent registration is required*, MUS560(Music and Imagery) *concurrent registration is
required*, MUS570(Music, Neurology, and Physiology) *concurrent registration is required*
Advanced Music Therapy Clinical Practice I
3 Semester Credits
This course provides a comprehensive overview and in-depth exploration of receptive and re-creative music therapy
methods. Application of receptive and re-creative methods will be explored through review of research literature,
readings, discussions, and experiential exercises. These methods will be explored for use in a variety of client-based
settings and through experiential learning exercises, to further foster acquisition of advanced practice skills.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Advanced Music Therapy Clinical Practice II
3 Semester Credits
This course provides a comprehensive overview and in-depth exploration of creative and improvisational music therapy
methods for use in a variety of clinical settings. These methods will be explored through review of research literature,
readings, discussions, and experiential exercises. Students will practice synthesizing and translating research
surrounding various music therapy approaches into their own evidence based clinical practice.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Cross-Cultural Awareness in Music Therapy
3 Semester Credits
This course provides an in-depth exploration of specific needs of clients from various and diverse cultures and training in
specialized music therapy approaches and methods. This course emphasizes developing the clinical understanding,
acquisition and application of skills in various ethnic musical forms.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Music Therapy Ethics
2 Semester Credits
This course explores core concepts of the ethical decision-making process as it applies to music therapy practice,
supervision and research. Course content includes a focus on self-awareness, values, professional competencies and
self-care, client rights, relationships and boundaries, confidentiality and privacy, multicultural perspective and diversity
issues, business conduct and digital and social media use.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Music Therapy Supervision and Professional Development
2 Semester Credits
This course provides an in-depth exploration of music therapy supervision, consultation and professional development.
The course includes an overview of various theories and models of music therapy supervision, with a focus on
maintaining effective supervisory relationships and evaluating supervisees. The course will also explore practices that
foster self-care and professional development.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Music Therapy Research I
3 Semester Credits
This course will provide an overview of research in music therapy in medicine and healthcare. This will include
opportunities for exploring music therapy theories, practice, and models for conducting research. Students will identify
their own research interests and biases, as well as formulating research questions based on a review of the literature,
their clinical practice, and experience. Models of quantitative research are examined, as well as identifying and
developing and applying the skills necessary for conducting research.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Music Therapy Research II
3 Semester Credits
This course will provide an overview of qualitative and mixed methods research in music therapy in medicine and
healthcare. This will include exploring the five approaches in qualitative research as well as models of mixed methods
research. Current developments and issues in music therapy qualitative and mixed methods research will be reviewed
and explored.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Clinical Music Therapy Internship
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Music Psychotherapy
2 Semester Credits
Family psychotherapy sessions in a variety of clinical settings. Throughout the course, emphasis is on to the integration
of receptive, re-creative, creative and improvisational methods as well as verbal processing techniques. Additionally, the
course will focus on how songs and music are utilized as a means of assessment, treatment and evaluation in music
psychotherapy practice.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
General Music Education Methods
3 Semester Credits
Current teaching techniques, methods, and materials for teachers of general music and elective classes at the
elementary and secondary levels. Includes field experience hours and prepractica. Enrollment limited to majors except
by permission of the instructor.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MUS303(Introduction to Learning and Teaching in Music), MUS503(Introduction to Learning and
Teaching in Music)
Special Education in Music Education
3 Semester Credits
An examination of issues of special education and students with disabilities and giftedness within music education
contexts. Topics include techniques for accommodations and modifications within music education classes and
ensembles to create an inclusive learning environment. Societal and educational attitudes and challenges faced by
individuals with disabilities across the lifespan will be discussed, as will special education law and the role of families and
support networks for students with special needs. Enrollment limited to majors except by permission of the instructor.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MUS352(General Music Education Methods), MUS552(General Music Education Methods)
Advanced Music Therapy Clinical Improvisation
3 Semester Credits
This course focuses on strengthening and deepening the connection between students’ musical skills and clinical
application of improvisational methods in music therapy. Students will develop an in-depth understanding of techniques
and methods for clinical improvisation through readings, case review, online discussions, and experiential learning.
Students will expand existing as well as develop new musical resources, and design improvisation-based experiences to
address specific clinical goals and objectives. Students will advance their skills with assessment and evaluation tools
while gaining a greater understanding of the meaning within musical behaviors and interactions. Students will explore
advanced techniques and methods for clinical improvisation through researching a model of improvisation in music
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUS515(Advanced Music Therapy Clinical Practice I), MUS520(Advanced Music Therapy Clinical Practice
Music Therapy, Spirituality, and Well-being
2 Semester Credits
This course offers an in-depth exploration of music therapy in addressing spirituality, spiritual needs and well-being in
the therapeutic context. This course also explores cultural and ethical issues, boundaries and contraindications
surrounding this work.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUS515(Advanced Music Therapy Clinical Practice I), MUS520(Advanced Music Therapy Clinical Practice
Music and Imagery
2 Semester Credits
This course focuses on exploring the historical development of music and imagery, various theories, philosophies, and
types of imagery, the relationship between music and imagery, and applying imagery techniques in a wide array of
health care settings.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Advanced Music Therapy with Infants, Children and Family Centered Care
2 Semester Credits
This course provides an in-depth exploration of music therapy methods with infants, children and family centered care
with a focus on addressing the impact of hospitalization and meeting the changing needs of children and families.
Emphasis for the course will be on critical and chronic illness, palliative and hospice care, and working as part of an
integrative treatment team.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUS515(Advanced Music Therapy Clinical Practice I), MUS520(Advanced Music Therapy Clinical Practice
Music, Neurology, and Physiology
3 Semester Credits
This course will provide an overview of the theoretical foundations and latest research in music as it is related to
neurology, neuropathology, and physiology. Explore the impact music has on the developing brain and throughout the
lifespan. Principles of Neurological Music Therapy (NMT) will be reviewed for patients with neurological impairment and
utilized in cognitive and physical rehabilitation. The course will include an overview of NMT and various NMT
techniques. This course builds on advanced clinical practice skills in music therapy.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUS515(Advanced Music Therapy Clinical Practice I), MUS520(Advanced Music Therapy Clinical Practice
Music Therapy in Palliative Care
2 Semester Credits
This course provides a comprehensive overview and in-depth exploration of music therapy approaches and methods in
palliative and end of life care. This course focuses on music therapy practices in medical and hospice settings, for
patients living with pain, chronic illness, facing a terminal diagnosis and end of life. The course explores clinical practice,
ethical, and cultural issues as they relate to palliative and end of life care. This course includes the exploration and
synthesis of clinical research surrounding palliative and end of life care.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Music Therapy in Trauma Informed Care
3 Semester Credits
This course provides an in-depth exploration of trauma, trauma informed care and the role of music therapy in trauma
informed care. In this course you will explore how trauma impacts one's physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being,
relationships with self, others, communities and environment, often resulting in recurring feelings of shame, guilt, rage,
isolation, and disconnection. Music therapy approaches and methods appropriate for use in trauma informed care will
be explored; contraindications and issues surrounding safety will be reviewed. Topics and issues of competence,
supervision, consultation, and self-care will also be addressed.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUS511(Advanced Music Therapy Clinical Practicum) *concurrent registration is required*,
MUS515(Advanced Music Therapy Clinical Practice I), MUS520(Advanced Music Therapy Clinical Practice II),
MUS530(Music Therapy Ethics)
Instrumental Methods in Music Education
2 Semester Credits
Development of skills necessary for teaching elementary and secondary instrumental ensembles. Role of the
instrumental music educator, purpose of instrumental music in the schools. Field experiences in schools required.
Enrollment limited to majors except by permission of the instructor.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MUS353(Special Education in Music Education), MUS553(Special Education in Music Education)
Choral Methods in Music Education
2 Semester Credits
Techniques for developing choral music programs. Curriculum, pedagogy, materials, and program administration. Field
experiences in schools required. Enrollment limited to majors except by permission of the instructor.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MUS353(Special Education in Music Education), MUS553(Special Education in Music Education)
Transcultural Music Therapy I
4 Semester Credits
This course explores meanings and expressions of music, health, illness, and healing transculturally. Focus is on
developing an understanding of individuals, families, groups and communities with diverse cultural backgrounds and the
use of music in community and for healing within their culture. Music is explored as a means of understanding a culture,
human interaction, communication, manner of fostering health and quality of life.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUS511(Advanced Music Therapy Clinical Practicum) *concurrent registration is required*
Transcultural Music Therapy II
4 Semester Credits
This course explores role and meaning of music, health, illness, and healing transculturally with a focus on communities
with diverse cultural backgrounds and how music is a means of understanding a culture, human interaction,
communication, and utilized to foster health, healing and quality of life.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUS511(Advanced Music Therapy Clinical Practicum) *concurrent registration is required*,
MUS525(Cross-Cultural Awareness in Music Therapy)
Advanced Music Therapy Group Work
3 Semester Credits
This course provides an in-depth exploration and comprehensive study of group music therapy work in a variety of
clinical settings. This course emphasizes the dynamics of group process including the types, stages, and formation of
groups. Music therapy approaches, methods, techniques, and interventions will be reviewed and applied for group
practice. This course will also explore the use of musical and non-musical means of processing and deepening in the
group process or experience.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUS510(Advanced Music Therapy Theory)
Interdisciplinary Practice and Research Methods in Music Therapy
3 Semester Credits
This course provides an in-depth exploration of the emerging field of interdisciplinary practice and research and its
relevance to music therapy. The course will explore what is driving interdisciplinary practice and research, as well as the
values, traits, and skills that this method of clinical practice and research requires and fosters. The benefits and
challenges, indications and contraindications for this work will be discussed.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUS515(Advanced Music Therapy Clinical Practice I)
Thesis or Final Project
2 Semester Credits
This course provides faculty guidance in preparation and completion of material to satisfy the final project or Master's
thesis requirement in an independent study format. This includes clarification of program expectations, review of
literature, project and research development, academic and report writing, and advisory support and feedback.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MUS540(Music Therapy Research I), MUS545(Music Therapy Research II)
Directed Study
3 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
NMS –New Media
Journalism Practicum
1 Semester Credits
The practicum course is for any student who wishes to gain credit for significant contributions to a specific campus
organization while developing specific communication skills.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Sports Production Practicum
1 Semester Credits
The practicum course is for any student who wishes to gain credit for significant contributions to a specific campus
organization while developing specific communication skills.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Audio Storytelling Practicum
1 Semester Credits
The practicum course is for any student who wishes to gain credit for significant contributions to a specific campus
organization while developing specific communication skills.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Multimedia Production Practicum
1 Semester Credits
The practicum course is for any student who wishes to gain credit for significant contributions to a specific campus
organization while developing specific communication skills.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Exploring Diversity in Mass Media
4 Semester Credits
This course explores big questions about representation in media: Are we all represented in media? How are we
constructed through media? How does mass media shape our identities and communities? How do we shape the
media? We study identity and cultural expression in various media forms, uncover constructions of race, gender, and
power; examine our own positionality within those structures; and use intercultural awareness to expand the frame.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
Foundations of New Media
4 Semester Credits
Communication, technology, art, and culture will set the context for exploring emergent media. Theory, practice, and
historical developments of new media will be examined. Assignments will take the form of case studies, projects, and
critical yet hands-on analysis and are designed to develop critical skills in thinking and adapting to future media.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Social Media
4 Semester Credits
Explore the form, function, and context of social media, social media theory, and effective strategies for using social
media. Privacy, media literacy, and ethics will also be examined. Understand how social media functions as a
communication vehicle in society through case studies, a survey of effective campaigns, and live interactions with the
new medium. Includes practical hands-on experience creating and engaging with social media.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Electronic Literature
4 Semester Credits
Students will discover and apply essential aesthetic practices that lie at the heart of both digital and traditional
literature, focusing on the artist’s commitment to both language and the visual. They will examine multiple genres –
among them hypertext and micro fiction, digital and cinematic poetry, and game narratives – considering interactive,
simultaneous, and non-linear practices of writing emerging in digital culture. It is a course is designed to contextualize
the digital on the literary page, stage, and screen.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
New Media Production
4 Semester Credits
Consider new media technologies and their uses in this introductory course in new media production. Work
collaboratively and independently to produce new media works ranging from Internet memes to interactive videos.
Through hands-on exercises and experiments with images, sounds, text, and motion you will apply new media
principles, understand the importance of user, and learn to communicate ideas effectively.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Topics in New Media
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Directed Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Contemporary New Media Practices
4 Semester Credits
Explore global contemporary practices of new media with a focus on technological process, innovation, critique, and
influence. Learn how the interplay between art, science, and technology changes the way we communicate, interact,
and perceive the world. Topics may include privacy, identity, relationships, the virtual, social change, faith, politics,
technoculture, genre revisionism, and mechanical reproduction.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): NMS220(Foundations of New Media)
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Junior or senior standing required
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
Vocation and New Media
4 Semester Credits
A synthesis of new media theories and application of those theories to each student’s sense of vocation. This course
satisfies the Keystone requirement.
Core Curriculum Component: Keystone
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL242(Electronic Literature), NMS242(Electronic Literature); NMS220(Foundations of New Media),
Topics in New Media
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Independent Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
NOR – Norwegian
Beginning Norwegian I
4 Semester Credits
Introduction of the four basic language skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Stress is on communication and
its cultural context.
Core Curriculum Component: Modern Language 1
Prerequisite(s): None
Beginning Norwegian II
4 Semester Credits
Introduction of the four basic language skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Stress is on communication and
its cultural context.
Core Curriculum Component: Modern Language 2
Prerequisite(s): 1 of LANGPLCMNT(Language Placement), NOR111(Beginning Norwegian I)
NUR – Nursing
Trends and Issues in Nursing
4 Semester Credits
A transitional course designed to investigate the current responsibilities of the professional nurse. Economic, social,
political, and professional trends and issues are explored in relation to their implications for a changing practice.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Explores the components of the professional role and continues the professional socialization process. Theories about
how individuals and groups communicate are applied to changing professional roles. With consent of instructor students
may take this course concurrently with NUR 300.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): NUR300(Trends and Issues in Nursing) *concurrent registration is acceptable*; 1 of ENL111(Effective
Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing
Placement Level)
Paradigms in Nursing
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to theory-based nursing practice and research. Nursing theory and conceptual models for nursing
practice are studied and applied to practice and research. With consent of instructor students may take this course
concurrently with NUR 300.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): NUR300(Trends and Issues in Nursing) *concurrent registration is acceptable*
Self-Care I: Health of the Nurse
2 Semester Credits
In this course, you will explore the meaning of self-care, and its application to professional nursing. Multiple modalities
will be introduced to expand the knowledge, understanding, and need for self-care in the nursing profession. A personal
self-care plan will be developed and implemented into your personal life throughout this course. The plan will also be
evaluated, with in-depth reflection on the process.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): NUR300(Trends and Issues in Nursing)
Self-Care II: Health of the Nurse
2 Semester Credits
In this course, modalities will be introduced, beyond what you learned in NUR 314. Your personal self-care plan will be
expanded to include self-care at work. This revised plan will be implemented throughout this course, and evaluated,
with in-depth reflection on the process. This process will allow the student to make life-long use of the experiential
opportunities gained regarding their self-care.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): NUR314(Self-Care I: Health of the Nurse) *concurrent registration is acceptable*
Families and the Life Cycle
4 Semester Credits
Provides a theoretical basis for nursing interventions with diverse families and explores theories related to family
structure and function throughout the life span.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): NUR305(Communication), NUR306(Paradigms in Nursing)
Community Health Nursing I
4 Semester Credits
Introduces the theory and methods that are essential to maintain or improve the health of culturally diverse individuals,
families, groups, and communities.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement Level
3); NUR300(Trends and Issues in Nursing), NUR305(Communication), NUR306(Paradigms in Nursing)
Practicum: Community Health Nursing II
4 Semester Credits
Provides clinical experience in community-based health care delivery systems. Students will apply nursing process,
teaching/learning theory, and public health principles with culturally diverse clients.
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): NUR410(Community Health Nursing I) *concurrent registration is acceptable*
Transcultural Healing Practices
4 Semester Credits
This course will introduce students to complementary healing practices including the historical and cultural contexts in
which they developed. Students will discuss the philosophical underpinnings of therapeutic systems and paradigms of
healing in selected complementary therapies: music therapy, energy healing practices, movement therapies,
homeopathy, manual therapies, nutrition, and nutritional supplements. Students will apply these understandings to selfcare of the nurse as well as patient populations.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
The capstone course for the nursing major. Integrates concepts from nursing and the liberal arts. Examines the
professional nurse roles of leader and manager. Concepts of change, conflict, and system dynamics are explored. Ethics,
accountability, and advocacy in the leader-manager role are studied. Application of theory occurs in selected practice
settings with a professional nurse preceptor. This course satisfies the Keystone requirement.
Core Curriculum Component: Keystone
Prerequisite(s): NUR300(Trends and Issues in Nursing), NUR305(Communication), NUR306(Paradigms in Nursing)
4 Semester Credits
Provides opportunities for in-depth exploration of selected topics in nursing. The subjects studied will vary depending
upon the interests of the faculty and students.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Independent Study/Research
1 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Independent Study/Research
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Transcultural Health Care
3 Semester Credits
This course explores meanings and expressions of health, illness, caring, and healing transculturally. Culture is examined
as a pervasive, determining "blue print" for thought and action throughout the human health experience. Patterns of
human interaction that foster health and quality of life are analyzed and health destroying patterns of interaction, i.e.,
stereotyping, discrimination, and marginalization, are submitted to moral and ethical reflection. Likewise, power
structures within dominant social systems (including the Western bio-medical care system) are discussed to identify
dilemmas of justice related to resource allocation.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Practicum: Transcultural Health Care
1 Semester Credits
This practicum explores meanings and expressions of health, illness, caring and healing transculturally. Students are
introduced to fundamental skills of transcultural nursing practice in a variety of settings and guided to recognize cultural
dynamics that shape the underlying relationships of health and healing.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Nursing Leadership in Complex Adaptive Systems
3 Semester Credits
This course examines transcultural care systems through a complex science lens and a nursing leadership perspective.
Organizations and care systems are viewed as complex adaptive systems where continuous change and unpredictability
rule development and system-wide evolution. The importance of relationships, the role of self-organization
(autopoeisis), and the processes of emergence and co-evolution are explored via readings and class discussion.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Practicum: Nursing Leadership in Complex Adaptive Systems
1 Semester Credits
This practicum focuses on leadership skills necessary to lead change in open dynamic networks of care and healing.
Reflective practice opportunities are created in emerging care settings.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Theoretical Foundations for Advanced Nursing Practice
3 Semester Credits
This course focuses on nursing science and nursing theory as foundational to advanced transcultural nursing practice.
Philosophical underpinnings of different theoretical and research traditions in nursing are compared and related to the
provision of culturally competent care in diverse communities. Nursing science is emphasized as a process of theory
advancement and as an accumulating body of nursing knowledge.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Practicum: Theoretical Foundations for Advanced Nursing Practice
1 Semester Credits
This practicum is designed to expand horizons of meaning and action in the world. Focus is on nursing science and
nursing theory as foundational to advanced nursing practice. Embodied ways of knowing, health and healing practices,
self-care modalities, and expanding conscious awareness are explored and experienced for practical application in local
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Research Methods in Nursing
3 Semester Credits
Through a combination of literature review, field experience, and class discussion, research methods relevant to the
exploration of culture and health will be examined. Class topics will include formulating study questions to explore
collective foundations of meaning and explanation in health and illness, practice in data collection procedures of field
research, and issues of interpretation and analysis in qualitative research. (Prereq.: college-level statistics course)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Practicum: Research Methods in Nursing
1 Semester Credits
This practicum is associated with NUR 520 and focuses on the research process to benefit the profession of nursing and
contribute to the knowledge base for practice. during the NUR 520 course students explore quantitative and qualitative
methodologies with an emphasis on utilizing a methodology appropriate to questions of transcultural and
transformational practice. In this practicum, students will design a research study proposal based on their nursing
practice focus.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Transformational Nursing Leadership
3 Semester Credits
This course emphasizes transformational nursing leadership and management in partnership with diverse groups.
Transcultural competence is lifted up as significant to the evolving leadership and planning skills needed in emerging
care systems. Opportunities for students to engage in designing relevant models of care delivery are woven into clinical
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Practicum: Transformational Nursing Leadership
1 Semester Credits
This practicum provides opportunities for students to explore nursing leadership styles in collaboration with individuals
and teams of health care professionals in a variety of care settings. Participant-observation encourages identification of
dominant values and beliefs within care systems and organizations. How values and beliefs influence leadership styles,
health outcomes among diverse populations, and work environments are also examined. Leadership styles that foster
positive health outcomes and healthy work environments are uplifted.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Theory, Research, and Practice Seminar
3 Semester Credits
The conceptualization, investigation, and application of nursing knowledge will be critiqued with particular focus on its
contribution to developing practice in transcultural community health care. Through reflection and dialogue, which
includes professional experience of practice contexts, as well as theoretical and research literature, students will
formulate a transcultural nursing model of care. (Prereq.: consent of instructor)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): NUR505(Theoretical Foundations for Advanced Nursing Practice), NUR520(Research Methods in
Practicum: Theory, Practice, Research Seminar
2 Semester Credits
This practicum focuses on the practical application of nursing theory and research to nursing practice. While working
with nursing faculty, students begin to fashion their final graduate field project, describing a theory-based care initiative
that advances nursing practice in transcultural holistic nursing or transformational nursing leadership.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Graduate Field Project
3 Semester Credits
This course focuses on the application and integration of knowledge to a student-selected issue or topic of concern
relevant to transcultural nursing, community health nursing, and/or transformational nursing leadership. This course
focuses on a written report of the student’s project that has been developed in the nursing core. Relevant coursework is
integrated into the project and the final written report. Plans for disseminating the report for public and professional
use are encouraged. Students will defend the project to their graduate committee (major faculty adviser and two
readers) and invited guests at the time of completion. (Prereq.: consent of instructor)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): CONSENT(Consent of Instructor)
Practicum: Graduate Field Project
2 Semester Credits
This practicum focuses on the completion of the graduate field project related to a selected practice issue relevant to
transcultural holistic nursing practice or transformational nursing leadership. Working with nursing faculty, students
complete their final written report of a theorybased care initiative that advances nursing practice.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
The Power of Ritual and Ceremony for Transformation
3 Semester Credits
In this course, the student will explore ritual and ceremony from a transcultural perspective. Attention will be focused
on rituals and ceremonies in specific cultures and religions, and in the modern American medical system that sustains its
own rituals. In some cultures, formal or informal religious practices may be integral to the ritual of ceremony and
healing. In modern American culture, the perceived division between the mind, body, and spirit has led to ritual and
ceremony being considered adjunctive to the scientific approach ritual and ceremony into their lives and health care
practices. Students will also discuss the meaning of ritual and ceremony to their own lives and professional practice.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Practicum: The Power of Ritual and Ceremony for Transformation
1 Semester Credits
This practicum focuses on integrating ritual and ceremony into health seeking and caring practices. Opportunities are
provided to interact with persons who integrate ritual and ceremony into their lives and healthcare practices, to visit
sacred sites, to participate in rituals and ceremonies within selected cultural traditions, and to reflect on the meaning
and expression of rituals and ceremonies in one’s own personal and professional life.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Transcultural Healing and Self Care
3 Semester Credits
This course introduces students to integral healing practices including their historical and cultural contexts. Reflection
and dialogue on the philosophical underpinnings of therapeutic systems and paradigms of healing are explored.
Potential modalities include: music and art therapy, traditional Chinese medicine, mind-body healing, spiritual practices,
energy healing, movement therapies, homeopathy, or massage. Students learn self-care and applications to patient
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Practicum: Transcultural Healing Practices
1 Semester Credits
Students are guided in experiencing and applying selected transcultural healing practices in local contexts of care to
benefit others as well as oneself. Transcultural healing practices include, but are not limited to, music therapy,
traditional Chinese medicine, mind-body healing, spiritual and faith healing, energy healing, movement therapies, and
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
The Politics of Health Care
3 Semester Credits
This course will explore how health and illness are related to inequities in society and dynamics of power in systems of
health care. The following issues will be examined in the course: How widening gaps in the distribution of wealth
diminish the health of all members of society; how social inequities become medicalized as health disparities, how an
emphasis on profit in health care affects the distribution of healing resources in the population, and what strategies the
poor and powerless employ to gain access to health care resources. This course will include an optional study abroad
experience in Guatemala.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Practicum: Politics of Health Care
1 Semester Credits
This practicum focuses on the relationship of health and illness to inequities in society and the dynamics of power in
systems of health care. Students are guided in exploring health as a human right, as they begin to name and bear
witness to structures of injustice within various contexts.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
1 Semester Credits
Study of selected topics that are not treated extensively through current course offerings.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
2 Semester Credits
Study of selected topics that are not treated extensively through current course offerings.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
3 Semester Credits
Study of selected topics that are not treated extensively through current course offerings.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
3 Semester Credits
Study of selected topics that are not treated extensively through current course offerings.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Practicum: Directed Study
1 Semester Credits
Directed study practica build upon advanced nursing competencies developed at the master’s level to expand and
deepen knowledge supporting expert nursing practice. In the practica students will integrate and synthesize knowledge
from emic wisdom with the biophysical, psychosocial, analytical, and organizational sciences as the basis for the highest
level of transcultural nursing practice. Students are expected to enhance practice and/or systems management skills,
including clinical reasoning, and advance to a higher level of expertise in transcultural nursing and community health. As
such, directed study practica are individualized to students’ specific areas of interest and are planned by students in
consultation with a major faculty advisor, cultural guides, and other mentors in the communities in which they wish to
carry out the practicum.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Practicum: Directed Study
2 Semester Credits
Directed study practica build upon advanced nursing competencies developed at the master’s level to expand and
deepen knowledge supporting expert nursing practice. In the practica students will integrate and synthesize knowledge
from emic wisdom with the biophysical, psychosocial, analytical, and organizational sciences as the basis for the highest
level of transcultural nursing practice. Students are expected to enhance practice and/or systems management skills,
including clinical reasoning, and advance to a higher level of expertise in transcultural nursing and community health. As
such, directed study practica are individualized to students’ specific areas of interest and are planned by students in
consultation with a major faculty advisor, cultural guides, and other mentors in the communities in which they wish to
carry out the practicum.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Practicum: Directed Study
3 Semester Credits
Directed study practica build upon advanced nursing competencies developed at the master’s level to expand and
deepen knowledge supporting expert nursing practice. In the practica students will integrate and synthesize knowledge
from emic wisdom with the biophysical, psychosocial, analytical, and organizational sciences as the basis for the highest
level of transcultural nursing practice. Students are expected to enhance practice and/or systems management skills,
including clinical reasoning, and advance to a higher level of expertise in transcultural nursing and community health. As
such, directed study practica are individualized to students’ specific areas of interest and are planned by students in
consultation with a major faculty advisor, cultural guides, and other mentors in the communities in which they wish to
carry out the practicum.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Practicum: Directed Study
3 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Practicum: Culture Care on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation
1 Semester Credits
This practicum focuses on health and wellness on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in western South Dakota.
Professional and indigenous care systems, patterns of health, and community strengths and resources are examined
within the cultural context of reservation life, traditional Lakota values, economic resources, and political realities.
Immersion in the life of the community, critical reflection and dialogue with Elders, artists and community members
foster discovery and professional and personal growth.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Practicum: Culture Care on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation
1 Semester Credits
Emphasis is on health and wellness on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in western South Dakota. Patterns of health,
community strengths and resources, and care systems (bio-medical and indigenous) are explored within the sociocultural context of reservation life, including economic realities on the Pine Ridge, and politics within a tribal community.
Lakota traditions and values are experienced through engagement in the life of the community, critical reflection and
dialog with Lakota elders and community members.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Practicum: Dismantling White Supremacy Culture
1 Semester Credits
This practicum will explore the culture of white supremacy in which patterns of Western ideology, white superiority, and
systems of racial oppression influence the health and wellbeing of individuals and communities. These pervasive
patterns will be deconstructed and dismantled in community through self work and somatic healing methods. By
learning one’s sympathetic nervous system’s response to racism, as well as how one embodies racial experiences, one
can begin to work effectively towards racial justice to reduce inequities in healthcare. Civic agency skills will be
incorporated into collective group work to address systemic racism in both personal and professional work spaces.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Practicum:Ancient Healing Practices and Modern Implications
1 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Practicum: Ancient Healing Practices and Modern Implications
2 Semester Credits
This course helps students embody connections to nature that are fundamental in modern day holistic nursing and
healing practices. Participants are immersed in energies present at many ancient sacred sites of England, including
Tintagel, the Chalice Well Peace Garden, Glastonbury Abbey, Stonehenge, and the healing waters of Bath. Through
understanding sacred ceremony, students learn how to consciously merge science with spirit to connect with the healing
energies of the cosmos.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Practicum:Dia de los Muertos
1 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Practicum: Dia de los Muertos
2 Semester Credits
In this practicum students are immersed in the ancient tradition of honoring the children and ancestors during the
celebration of the Day of the Dead in Mexico. Living in Cuernavaca or Oaxaca, Mexico, students are guided by
indigenous participants in rituals and ceremonies that invite the return of ancestors who have died. Globalization of the
holiday and its modifications through culture contact are revealed.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Practicum:Health and Community Building in Guatemala
1 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Practicum: Health and Community Building in Guatemala
2 Semester Credits
This practicum explores health as a human right. Analysis will focus on how widening gaps in the distribution of wealth
diminishes the health of all members of society. Learning is based on immersion experiences in Guatemala City and
highland Mayan communities. Observation, presentations by cultural guides, and classroom discussions will reflect on
health and social justice for marginalized people. Participation in traditional back-strap weaving will guide reflection on
the relationship of health and cultural continuity. Spanish language school is an option in this practicum.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Transformation in Practice: Addressing Soul Trauma and Healing
1 Semester Credits
This practicum will provide students the opportunity to learn and experience soul healing by reconnecting with the roots
of one’s authentic self. Students will incorporate embodied ways of knowing, traditional health and healing practices, as
well as ceremony to understand social and generational trauma. In community, transformation will be supported while
addressing concepts in false belief systems, utilizing emotions constructively, and authentic self-care.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Culture, Gender, and the Sustainable Development Goals: Virtual Immersion in Africa
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Toward Global Health Equity in Africa: Building Transcultural Nursing Relationships in Namibia
2 Semester Credits
Students focus on the development of leadership skills that promote Millennium Development Goal (MDG) achievement
in sub-Saharan Africa. Practicum activities are designed to engage health care professionals and members of local
communities in best practices for achieving MDG targets by 2015. Structured lectures and discussions supplement
practice and encourage students to explore sociocultural determinants of health and illness—economic realities, cultural
values and gender roles, education levels, governmental policies, access to technology, and the competence of health
care providers—in relation to the unequal burdens of suffering and disease evident in Africa.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
3 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Practice Wisdom (Métis) and Formal Evidence
3 Semester Credits
This course provides a foundation for building the scholarship of advanced transcultural and holistic nursing practice.
Sources of knowledge and procedures for acquiring knowledge, both formal and informal, will be studied for the power
to positively influence health outcomes. Evidence will be evaluated for relevance to practical experience based in
context-specific, emic positions and for rigor in empirical procedures based in context-free, etic perspectives. Utilizing
selected evidence suited to particular transcultural and holistic issues, practice models building on both local expertise
and professional research will be analyzed through systematic reflection. Students will begin developing original practice
models suited to their transcultural and holistic healthcare issues and relevant to concerns of people marginalized by
health systems. Exploration of how Evidence-Based Practice and Metis-Based Practice is integrated into nursing practice
will be developed.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Making Room at the Table: Creating Collaborative Networks and Common Spaces
3 Semester Credits
This course focuses on communities as the foundation of health. Care models that minimize the expert role in planning
and are embedded in local contexts of experience and tradition will be explored. From the perspective that hoarding
abundance compromises the health of everyone, the course facilitates human connections that go beyond charity to
acting from a basis of shared risk and solidarity.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Transcultural Cosmologies and a Global Perspective
3 Semester Credits
This course explores the intersection of Western scientific principles and cultural cosmologies. Cycles, rhythms, and
patterns of nature are correlated to a Western understanding of natural science. These interrelationships are then
viewed through the lens of nursing theory, research, and practice. A wider horizon of meaning derived from a broad
understanding of diverse methods and healing practices allows for conceptual models of nursing care to emerge that are
responsive to diverse cultural expressions of health and illness.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Ways of Knowing: Qualitative and Quantitative Evidence
3 Semester Credits
Drawing on insights from complexity science, this course examines the diverse ways of knowing that guide professional
practice. It focuses on the comparative analysis of quantitative and qualitative data. Students will critically reflect on the
data, unpacking it and uncovering the meaning behind the data that supports their practice. Comparing the positivistic
and interpretive stance, the students will examine relevant knowledge and ways of knowing that provide scholarly
grounding for their professional expertise.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Bio-Cultural Epidemiology: The Ecology of Human Suffering in a World of Extremes
3 Semester Credits
This course embraces a critical social approach to understanding health and illness embodied within populations and
communities. Cumulative illness-producing effects of inequities entrenched in structures of social privilege and
disadvantage are examined in relation to patterns of health, illness, risk perception, and behavior across a broad range
of cultural contexts. Human suffering is viewed as neither coincidental nor inevitable, but related to how social
relationships and institutions promote or erode the health of persons and populations. Ecological and epidemiological
methods are examined for their cultural sensitivity, relevance and ability to expose socio-cultural determinants of health
and illness in local contexts. The role of the advanced practice nursing, gathering evidence, advocating for the
underserved, and providing care and access to health resources is emphasized.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Magic, Medicine, and Healing Spirits: Transcultural Perspectives on Health Care
3 Semester Credits
This course explores transcultural healing and caring modalities including the integration of traditional and scientific
healing ceremonies and beliefs. Healing traditions among indigenous peoples will be examined, including spiritual forces
that promote health and cause illness. The use of medicinal plants for healing in indigenous traditions will be compared
to contemporary views of health and healing in bio-scientific models of curing.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
First Year Doctoral Seminar
1 Semester Credits
The purpose of the doctoral seminar is to build upon advanced nursing practice competencies developed during
students' practicum experiences that are faculty-led and those that are self-directed; and to foster students' completion
of the DNP scholary capstone project and portfolio. The focus of the seminar is individualized to students' specific
practice interest and goals. As such, students are expected to test ideas for their scholarly capstone project in the
seminars with faculty and peers.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Seminar 1: Doctor of Nursing Practice - Family Nurse Practitioner Seminar
1 Semester Credits
The purpose of the doctoral seminar is to build upon advanced nursing practice competencies to foster students'
completion of the final scholarly project. The seminar is individualized to students' specific practice interests and goals.
The focus of this seminar is to develop a Scholarly Project Plan and to begin writing a scholarly paper with a particular
focus on chapter one and two.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Advanced Pathophysiology and Vibrational Energy Medicine
3 Semester Credits
This course examines the interactions and influences of cellular and energy transmission within the human body. The
role of imbalance and inflammation on body systems will articulate how illness and disease results from ongoing states
of imbalances.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Informatics and Health Policy: The Colonization of Knowledge
1 Semester Credits
This course examines how knowledge is or is not accessed/utilized throughout transcultural and holistic healthcare
systems. Applying principles of how multidisciplinary healthcare teams share the colonization of knowledge will be
described and applied to the role of advanced practice nurses.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Pharmacotherapeutics I for Advanced Practice
3 Semester Credits
This course provides the foundation of the principles of pharmacology, pharmacotherapy, and pharmacokinetics. The
knowledge will relate to disease processes of medications used in multiple disease states, acute and chronic illness.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Physical and Holistic Health Assessment
3 Semester Credits
This course articulates how a Physical and Holistic Health Assessment integrates knowledge from a variety of disciplines:
medicine, Functional Medicine, spirituality, religion, transcultural and holistic nursing. Utilizing a variety of assessment
tools provides the Nurse Practitioner with a systematic and holistic approach to analyze a patient's health history.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Integrative Illness Prevention and Wellness Promotion
2 Semester Credits
This course provides a comprehensive overview of the conceptual and theoretical continuum of providing holistic
approaches to health and healing. Integrative Illness Prevention and Wellness Promotion encompasses health
promotion strategies and how wellness can be impacted in a variety of cultures and populations through the lifespan
and healthcare systems.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Second Year Doctoral Seminar
1 Semester Credits
The purpose of the doctoral seminar is to build upon advanced nursing practice competencies developed during
students' practicum experiences that are faculty-led and those that are self-directed; and to foster students' completion
of the DNP capstone project and portfolio. The focus of the seminar is individualized to students' specific practice
interests and goals. As such, students are expected to test ideas for their capstone projects in the seminar with faculty
and peers. Students will begin to write their Capstone Project paper during this semester.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): NUR811(First Year Doctoral Seminar) *concurrent registration is acceptable*
Seminar 2: Doctor of Nursing Practice - Family Nurse Practitioner Seminar
1 Semester Credits
The purpose of the doctoral seminar is to build upon advanced nursing practice competencies to foster students'
completion of the final scholarly project. The seminar is individualized to students' specific practice interests and goals.
The focus of this seminar is to continue writing the student's scholarly paper with particular focus on chapter three.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of NUR811(First Year Doctoral Seminar), NUR812(Seminar 1: Doctor of Nursing Practice - Family Nu)
Integrative Primary Care of Adults I
3 Semester Credits
This course provides the application of medical and complementary and alternative healthcare management to disease
states and body systems. The clinical management is an approach to treating the adult patient with ongoing symptoms
and illness.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): NUR819(Physical and Holistic Health Assessment), NUR820(Integrative Illness Prevention and Wellness
Integrative Primary Care of Adults II
3 Semester Credits
This course provides the application of medical and complementary and alternative healthcare management to disease
states and body systems. The clinical management is an approach to treating the adult patient with chronic illness and
also addressing women's health issues.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): NUR824(Integrative Primary Care of Adults I)
Pharmacotherapeutics II for Advanced Practice and Herbal Medicine
3 Semester Credits
This course provides the foundation of the principles of pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, and herbal medicine. The
knowledge will relate to disease processes of medications used in multiple disease states, acute and chronic illness. This
class will also include an in-depth description of how pharmacology and herbs are utilized in treating illness throughout
the life span.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Integrative Primary Care of Children
3 Semester Credits
This course provides the application of medical and complementary and alternative healthcare management to disease
states and body systems. The clinical management is an approach to treating the pediatric population with ongoing
symptoms, illness and chronic illness and also addressing issues of the pregnant woman. This course also examines the
transcultural families from a multidimensional approach exploring the set of shared worldviews, adaptations, and
meaning. The student will explore a family's life ways and health care patterns, values and goals via developing an indepth contextual understanding of the family's configuration, social interaction, ethnicity, genetics, religion, nationality,
language and communication styles. Ethical implications of providing cultural and holistic care to marginalized
populations will be examined.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Third Year Doctoral Seminar
1 Semester Credits
The purpose of the doctoral seminar is to build upon advanced nursing practice competencies developed during
students' practicum experiences that are faculty-led and those that are self-directed; and to foster students' completion
of the DNP capstone project and portfolio. The focus of the seminar is individualized to students' specific practice
interests and goals. As such, students are expected to test ideas for their capstone projects in the seminar with faculty
and peers. Students will begin to write their Capstone Project paper during this semester.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): NUR821(Second Year Doctoral Seminar)
Seminar 3: Doctor of Nursing Practice - Family Nurse Practitioner Seminar
1 Semester Credits
The purpose of the doctoral seminar is to build upon advanced nursing practice competencies to foster students'
completion of the final scholarly project. The seminar is individualized to students' specific practice interests and goals.
The focus of this seminar is to continue writing a scholarly paper with particular focus on chapter four.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): NUR822(Seminar 2: Doctor of Nursing Practice - Family Nur)
Advanced Pathophysiology II
2 Semester Credits
This course expands on the content of NUR 816 of the interactions and influences of cellular and energy transmission
within the human body. The role of imbalance and inflammation on body systems will articulate how illness and disease
results from ongoing states of imbalance. This course also integrates competency-based case study applications.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): NUR816(Advanced Pathophysiology and Vibrational Energy Medicine)
Final Year Doctoral Seminar
1 Semester Credits
The purpose of the doctoral seminar is to build upon advanced nursing practice competencies developed during the
student's practicum experiences to complete their doctoral capstone project. During this seminar, students will
complete their written scholarly paper describing their capstone project and present their scholarly project.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): CONSENT(Consent of Instructor), NUR831(Third Year Doctoral Seminar)
Seminar 4: Doctor of Nursing Practice - Family Nurse Practitioner Seminar
1 Semester Credits
The purpose of the doctoral seminar is to build upon advanced nursing practice competencies to foster students'
completion of the final scholarly project. The seminar is individualized to students' specific practice interests and goals.
The focus of this seminar is to complete the scholarly paper and to develop a manuscript for publication.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): NUR832(Seminar 3: Doctor of Nursing Practice - Family Nur)
Eyes-Nose-Throat (HEENT) and Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Skills Lab
0.5 Semester Credits
This course provides the application of competency-based education in treating HEENT and Complementary and
Alternative modalities issues common in primary care. The assessment, clinical management, evidence-based practice
guidelines and learning the skill techniques for treating these conditions will be practiced in this course.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): NUR819(Concurrent enrollment in NUR819) *concurrent registration is required*
Women's Health Skills Lab
0.5 Semester Credits
This course provides the application of competency-based education in treating Women’s health issues common in
primary care. The assessment, clinical management, evidence-based practice guidelines and learning skills technique for
treating Women’s health conditions will be practiced in this course.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): NUR824(Concurrent enrollment in NUR824) *concurrent registration is required*
Musculoskeletal Skills Lab
0.5 Semester Credits
This course provides the application of competency-based education in treating musculoskeletal issues common in
primary care. The assessment, clinical management, evidence-based practice guidelines and learning the skill techniques
for treating the musculoskeletal conditions will be practiced in this course.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): NUR819(Concurrent enrollment in NUR819) *concurrent registration is required*
Dermatology, Suturing and Minor Surgical Procedures Skills Lab
0.5 Semester Credits
This course provides the application of competency-based education in treating dermatology, suturing and minor
surgical procedure issues common in primary care. The assessment, clinical management, evidence-based practice
guidelines and learning skills technique for treating the dermatological conditions will be practiced in this course.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): NUR825(Concurrent enrollment in NUR825) *concurrent registration is required*
Integrative Primary Care of Adults Clinical I
3 Semester Credits
This course will provide the student with clinical opportunities and direct patient care to engage in a transcultural and
holistic approach to primary care of patients. Holistic assessment tools will provide the Nurse Practitioner student with
clinical experience in providing a systematic holistic root cause analysis of a patient’s health history. The student will also
develop an Integrative Health Promotion educational project for patient population, culture or healthcare system. This
course will also provide the student with clinical opportunities and direct patient care to provide the application of
medical and complementary and alternative healthcare management to disease states and body systems. The clinical
management is an approach to treating the primary care patient with ongoing symptoms and illness.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): NUR816(Advanced Pathophysiology and Vibrational Energy Medicine), NUR817(Informatics and Health
Policy: The Colonization of Knowledge), NUR818(Pharmacotherapeutics I for Advanced Practice), NUR819(Physical and
Holistic Health Assessment), NUR820(Integrative Illness Prevention and Wellness Promotion), NUR824(Integrative
Primary Care of Adults I) *concurrent registration is required*
Integrative Primary Care of Adults Clinical II
2 Semester Credits
This course will provide the student with clinical opportunities and direct patient care to provide the clinical application
of medical and complementary and alternative management to disease states and body systems. The clinical
management is an approach to treating the adult patient and women's health issues with chronic illness.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): NUR850(Integrative Primary Care of Adults Clinical I)
Integrative Primary Care of Adults Clinical III
2 Semester Credits
This course will provide the student with clinical opportunities and direct patient care for clinical application of medical,
complementary and alternative healthcare management of disease states and body systems. The clinical management is
an approach to treating the adult patient with complex comorbidities of altered health states. Students will integrate
safe and effective management strategies for patients requiring multiple pharmacological interventions.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): NUR851(Integrative Primary Care of Adults Clinical II)
Integrative Primary Care of Children Clinical
2 Semester Credits
This clinical engages students in a transcultural and holistic approach to integrative primary care of children. Clinical
rotations will include experience in assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and ongoing management of illness and health
within a pediatric population.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): NUR852(Integrative Primary Care of Adults Clinical III) *concurrent registration is acceptable*;
NUR827(Integrative Primary Care of Children) *concurrent registration is required*
Integrative Primary Care of Adults Clinical IV
3 Semester Credits
This course will provide the student with clinical opportunities and direct patient care to provide the clinical application
of medical, complementary and alternative healthcare management to disease states and body systems. Students will
integrate complex medical and holistic primary care interventions associated throughout the life span (pregnant woman,
pediatrics, adolescences, adult, and geriatric patients) for acute and chronic illness. The clinical plans of care will include
evidence-based practice, management of complex pharmacological application, and the holistic approach to patient
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): NUR825(Integrative Primary Care of Adults II) *concurrent registration is required*, NUR853(Integrative
Primary Care of Children Clinical)
Integrative Primary Care of Adults Clinical V
2 Semester Credits
This clinical intensive rotation is one-two weeks in length. It provides the student with the opportunity to experience the
principles of intra-professional collaboration and referral within the primary care system. Integrate ICD coding and
pharmacological prescribing practices into primary patient care.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): NUR854(Integrative Primary Care of Adults Clinical IV)
Leading Change Through the Lens of Wholeness: Clinical
1 Semester Credits
This course will provide the student with clinical opportunities and direct patient care to engage in a transcultural and
holistic approach to primary care of patients. Holistic assessment tools will provide the Nurse Practitioner student with
clinical experience in providing a systematic holistic root cause analysis of a patient's health history. This course will
provide the students clinical opportunities and direct patient care to provide the application of medical, complementary
and alternative healthcare management to disease states and body systems. The clinical management is an approach to
treating the primary care patient with ongoing symptom and illness. This course will provide the student with the
opportunity to manage patients in a long term care setting and to practice in an intra-professional collaboration model.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): NUR850(Integrative Primary Care of Adults Clinical I), NUR851(Integrative Primary Care of Adults Clinical
II), NUR852(Integrative Primary Care of Adults Clinical III), NUR853(Integrative Primary Care of Children Clinical),
NUR861(NUR861 taken concurrently) *concurrent registration is required*
Leading Change Through the Lens of Wholeness
2 Semester Credits
This course will provide an approach to a collaborative medicine case study application of transcultural and holistic
nursing concepts, based on evidence based and metis-based evidence practice. This case study application will develop
critical spiritual, ethical, and integrative health leadership decision-making skills for the nurse practitioner. An analysis of
barriers to the delivery of integrative health will be described and innovative leadership theory and collaborations skills
be examined.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): NUR850(Integrative Primary Care of Adults Clinical I), NUR851(Integrative Primary Care of Adults Clinical
II), NUR852(Integrative Primary Care of Adults Clinical III), NUR853(Integrative Primary Care of Children Clinical)
Topics in Advanced Nursing Practice
1 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Topics in Advanced Nursing Practice
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Topics in Advanced Nursing Practice
3 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Independent Study
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Independent Study
3 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
OJB – Ojibwe
Beginning Ojibwe I
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to the language and culture of the Ojibwe (Chippewa). Emphasis is on vocabulary, reading, writing, and
conversational skills. Classroom practice will include linguistic patterns and oral interaction.
Core Curriculum Component: Modern Language 1
Prerequisite(s): None
Beginning Ojibwe II
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to the language and culture of the Ojibwe (Chippewa). Emphasis is on vocabulary, reading, writing, and
conversational skills. Classroom practice will include linguistic patterns and oral interaction.
Core Curriculum Component: Modern Language 2
Prerequisite(s): OJB111(Beginning Ojibwe I)
PA – Physician Assistant Studies
Human Anatomy and Neuroanatomy
8 Semester Credits
This course takes a regional approach to the study of human anatomy. The course uses lecture, demonstration,
discussion and dissection of human cadavers. The intention is to give the students a foundation for Clinical Medicine.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Human Pathophysiology
4 Semester Credits
The course uses lecture, detailed objectives/study guide, quizzes and exam, discussion and case studies to learn and
review basic human physiology and pathophysiology involving fluids and electrolytes; acid/base disturbances; cellular
adaptations; immunity, hypersensitivity, inflammation, and infection; hematology; pulmonary; cardiovascular system;
gastrointestinal system; renal; nervous system; and musculoskeletal system. The intention is to give the students a
foundation for Clinical Medicine.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
History and Physical Exam Skills I
7 Semester Credits
This is the first in a series of lecture-discussion-laboratory courses designed to demonstrate and apply techniques and
skills essential to interviewing and physical examination of patients across organ systems. Basic genetics and
preventative health care are introduced. Units are coordinated with Clinical Medicine I, Pharmacotherapy I, and Clinical
Practice Seminar I.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PA501(Human Anatomy and Neuroanatomy), PA503(Human Pathophysiology)
History and Physical Exam Skills II
7 Semester Credits
This is the second in a series of lecture-discussion-laboratory courses designed to demonstrate and apply the techniques
and skills essential to interviewing and physical examination of patients across organ systems. Units are coordinated
with Clinical Medicine II, Pharmacotherapy II, and Clinical Practice Seminar II.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PA511(History and Physical Exam Skills I)
Pharmacotherapy I
5 Semester Credits
This is the first in a series of courses that will cover pharmacology and pharmacotherapy related to disease processes
across organ systems. This course will include discussion of drug mechanism of action, indications, adverse effects,
contraindications, monitoring, and patient education. Units are coordinated with the Clinical Medicine I, History and
Physical Exam Skills I, and Clinical Practice Seminar I courses.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PA501(Human Anatomy and Neuroanatomy), PA503(Human Pathophysiology)
Pharmacotherapy II
5 Semester Credits
This is the second in a series of courses that will cover pharmacology and pharmacotherapy related to disease processes
across organ systems. This course will include discussion of drug mechanism of action, indications, adverse effects,
contraindications, monitoring, and patient education. Units are coordinated with the Clinical Medicine II, History and
Physical Exam Skills II, and Clinical Practice Seminar II courses.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PA521(Pharmacotherapy I)
Clinical Medicine I
8 Semester Credits
This is the first in a series of courses that provides background in the epidemiology, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical
presentation, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of common and serious disorders across organ systems. This course
builds on the foundation laid in Anatomy and Pathophysiology. Units are coordinated with concurrent courses in History
and Physical Exam Skills I, Pharmacotherapy I, and Clinical Practice Seminar I.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PA501(Human Anatomy and Neuroanatomy), PA503(Human Pathophysiology)
Clinical Medicine II
10 Semester Credits
This is the second in a series of courses that provides background in the epidemiology, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical
presentation, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of common and serious disorders across organ systems. Geriatrics
medicine will be explored and integrated throughout the semester. Students will complete a service-learning experience
with an older adult from the community. Units are coordinated with concurrent courses in History and Physical Exam
Skills II, Pharmacotherapy II, and Clinical Practice Seminar II.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PA531(Clinical Medicine I)
Clinical Medicine III
4 Semester Credits
This is the third and final in a series of three courses and will provide a background in the epidemiology, etiology,
pathophysiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of common and serious disorders in
pediatrics, women's health, and acute, emergent, and inpatient care.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PA532(Clinical Medicine II)
Professional Issues
2 Semester Credits
This course is a seminar designed to introduce the physician assistant (PA) student to various professional topics and
medical ethics that affect the practicing physician assistant. The course focus is on the medical and non-medical aspects
of the profession such as: history of the Physician Assistant (PA) profession, laws and regulations governing physician
assistant practice, education, professional behavior and some of the most important ethical issues in medicine, public
health, and caring for diverse communities.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Clinical Phase Transition
2 Semester Credits
This course incorporates experiential learning to prepare the student for clinical practice. It will also facilitate the
transition of knowledge and skills from the academic phase into the clinical phase. The focus will be on written and
verbal communication, professionalism and interpersonal skill development relating to the application of knowledge.
Students will be placed in a clinic or hospital setting for the semester. In-class time will be used to discuss these
experiences and work on skills essential for clinical practice.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PA532(Clinical Medicine II)
Clinical Practice Seminar I
2 Semester Credits
This course is designed to integrate and apply concepts and knowledge gained through the Clinical Medicine, History
and Physical Exam and Pharmacotherapy series. It will help the student become a critical thinker, introduce the concepts
of clinical decision making, and apply other course content to patient cases. It will be administered in a small group
format and will generally be case based and emphasize common themes/concepts encountered in clinical practice.
Semester I will focus on clinic-based patient cases. Groups will consist of 5-10 students.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PA501(Human Anatomy and Neuroanatomy), PA503(Human Pathophysiology)
Clinical Practice Seminar II
2 Semester Credits
This course is designed to integrate and apply concepts and knowledge gained through the Clinical Medicine, History
and Physical Exam and Pharmacotherapy series. It will help the student become a critical thinker, introduce the concepts
of clinical decision making, and apply other course content to patient cases. It will be administered in a small group
format and will generally be case based and emphasize common themes/concepts in clinical practice. Semester II will
focus on more complex patient cases and include acute care settings (emergency room and hospital admissions). Groups
will consist of 5-10 students.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PA546(Clinical Practice Seminar I)
Research Tools for the Physician Assistant
2 Semester Credits
The course emphasizes research as a tool at all levels of physician assistant (PA) practice and education; identifies the
linkages between research, theory, and medical practice, and the responsibility of the PA to expand their knowledge
base. Information literacy in relationship to medical literature is integrated throughout the course.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
3 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Directed Study
3 Semester Credits
This course provides a practice-oriented approach to the information literacy methods used in health care. Students will
develop a topic, complete a full review of the literature and produce an analytic paper in consultation with supervising
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PA555(Research Tools for the Physician Assistant)
Family Medicine Clinical Practicum
4 Semester Credits
A required rotation which emphasizes the pathophysiology, evaluation, diagnosis, and management of systemic diseases
and conditions unique to the clinical practice of family medicine. Inclusion of proper data collection through history and
physical examination, formulation of accurate problem lists, thorough investigation and development of treatment plans
utilizing evidence based medicine as determined by review and analysis of current medical literature.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Internal Medicine Clinical Practicum
4 Semester Credits
A required rotation which emphasizes the pathophysiology, evaluation, diagnosis, and management of systemic diseases
and conditions unique to the clinical practice of internal medicine. Inclusion of proper data collection through history
and physical examination, formulation of accurate problem lists, thorough investigation, and development of treatment
plans utilizing evidence based medicine as determined by review and analysis of current medical literature.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
General Surgery Clinical Practicum
4 Semester Credits
A required rotation which emphasizes the pathophysiology, evaluation, diagnosis, and management of systemic diseases
and surgical conditions unique to the clinical practice of General Surgery. Inclusion of proper data collection through
history and physical examination, formulation of accurate problem lists, thorough investigation, and development of
treatment plans utilizing evidence based medicine as determined by review and analysis of current medical literature.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Pediatric Clinical Practicum
4 Semester Credits
A required rotation which emphasizes the pathophysiology, evaluation, diagnosis, and management of systemic diseases
and surgical conditions unique to the clinical practice of Pediatrics. Inclusion of proper data collection through history
and physical examination, formulation of accurate problem lists, thorough investigation, and development of treatment
plans utilizing evidence based medicine as determined by review and analysis of current medical literature.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Women's Health Clinical Practicum
4 Semester Credits
A required rotation which emphasizes the pathophysiology, evaluation, diagnosis, and management of systemic diseases
and surgical conditions unique to the clinical practice of Women’s Health. Inclusion of proper data collection through
history and physical examination, formulation of accurate problem lists, thorough investigation, and development of
treatment plans utilizing evidence based medicine as determined by review and analysis of current medical literature.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Emergency Medicine Clinical Practicum
4 Semester Credits
A required rotation which emphasizes the pathophysiology, evaluation, diagnosis, and management of systemic diseases
and surgical conditions unique to the clinical practice of Emergency Medicine. Inclusion of proper data collection
through history and physical examination, formulation of accurate problem lists, thorough investigation, and
development of treatment plans utilizing evidence based medicine as determined by review and analysis of current
medical literature.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Psychiatric Clinical Practicum
4 Semester Credits
A required rotation which emphasizes the pathophysiology, evaluation, diagnosis, and management of Psychiatric
diseases and conditions unique to the clinical practice of Psychiatric Medicine. Inclusion of proper data collection
through history and physical examination, formulation of accurate problem lists, thorough investigation, and
development of treatment plans utilizing evidence based medicine as determined by review and analysis of current
medical literature.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Elective Clinical Practicum I
4 Semester Credits
A required rotation which emphasizes the pathophysiology, evaluation, diagnosis, and management of diseases and
conditions unique to the clinical practice of Medicine. Students are allowed to choose, in consultation with the clinical
coordinator, the area of medicine in which they would like to study as their elective.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Elective Clinical Practicum II
4 Semester Credits
A required rotation which emphasizes the pathophysiology, evaluation, diagnosis, and management of diseases and
conditions unique to the clinical practice of Medicine. Students are allowed to choose, in consultation with the clinical
coordinator, the area of medicine in which they would like to study as their elective.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Primary Care Preceptorship
6 Semester Credits
The final rotation of the clinical phase, which can be completed in family, internal, geriatric, pediatric or women’s
medicine. This course provides students a final opportunity to develop skills unique to the clinical practice of medicine to
include performing proper data collection, formulating accurate problem lists and investigation strategies, and
developing treatment plans that incorporate evidence based medicine.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
General Medicine Specialty Preceptorship
6 Semester Credits
A required rotation at the completion of the clinical phase. This course provides the student a final opportunity to
develop the skills unique to the clinical practice of medicine. Inclusion of proper data collection through history and
physical examination, formulation of accurate problem lists, thorough investigation, and development of treatment
plans incorporating evidence based medicine as determined by review and analysis of current medical literature. Can be
completed in PA621 General Medicine Specialty or PA622 Surgical Specialty.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Surgical Specialty Preceptorship
6 Semester Credits
A required rotation at the completion of the clinical phase. This course provides the student a final opportunity to
develop the skills unique to the clinical practice of medicine. Inclusion of proper data collection through history and
physical examination, formulation of accurate problem lists, thorough investigation, and development of treatment
plans incorporating evidence based medicine as determined by review and analysis of current medical literature. Can be
completed in PA621 General Medicine Specialty or PA622 Surgical Specialty.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
2 Semester Credits
This course provides each student the opportunity to present results of their individual research topic and to synthesize
previous study and work experience in preparation for graduation and clinical practice. The student will demonstrate an
understanding of the program’s and profession’s principles.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
PHI – Philosophy
Introduction to Philosophy
4 Semester Credits
This course introduces students to typical philosophical questions (how we know, if we can have certain knowledge, if
there are universal moral principles, whether God exists, the nature of the mind, etc.), to philosophical vocabulary, and
to critical thinking and what it means to view the world philosophically.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
By studying our moral beliefs, ethics helps students consider the bases they use to make moral judgments. The course
explores major philosophical approaches to evaluating moral actions and then applies them to contemporary issues. The
Christian tradition will inform the considerations. Students who receive credit for PHI 120 may not receive credit for PHI
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
Ethics and Human Identity
4 Semester Credits
A philosophical study of the role of human understanding, emotions, and action with respect to the pursuit of
happiness. Beginning by asking what the end or purpose of human life is, students decide on the moral and intellectual
virtues required to reach the end. Topics of friendship and human love are followed by an analysis of human happiness.
Students who receive credit for PHI 125 may not receive credit for PHI 120.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
Philosophy of Love and Sex
4 Semester Credits
The nature and history of romantic love. The ethics of sex in relation to love, marriage, the institution of monogamy, and
homosexuality are considered.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Ethics of Medicine and Health Care
4 Semester Credits
The course discusses some fundamental ethical theories, which it then carefully applies to problems that arise in the
areas of health care and delivery, allocation of scarce resources, human experimentation, genetic engineering, abortion,
care for the dying, and euthanasia.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Students learn to distinguish arguments from exposition. Then they learn the rules that govern valid arguments and
develop their ability to recognize and construct sound arguments. The last part of the course focuses on informal logic
and inductive reasoning.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement Level
History of Philosophy I: Ancient Greek Philosophy
4 Semester Credits
Central philosophical questions that concerned the Greek philosophers from Thales to Plotinus and still concern us
today: the nature of reality and its relationship to language and reason, the immortality of the soul, the nature of truth
and human knowledge, and the nature of the good life.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
History of Philosophy II: Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy
4 Semester Credits
Students will read writings by various medieval and Renaissance philosophers in order to understand the process of
philosophical assimilation involved in constructing a Christian philosophy. Topics include: the nature of being, human
understanding in relation to faith, and the place of the image of God in the human condition. (Suggested prior course:
PHI 241. Spring)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Philosophy and the Arts
4 Semester Credits
Philosophical issues raised and illustrated by painting, sculpture, literature, music, architecture, and film: the truth and
falsehood of aesthetic judgment, the definition of art; the nature of aesthetic experience, the evaluation of art,
creativity, the relation between the artist’s intention, the work of art, and its relation to the rest of the artistic tradition.
For arts majors and students with a strong background in the arts.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
This course introduces students to various topics in the field of philosophy. Students will explore primary texts and
sources on philosophical systems of thought from a variety of time periods, cultures, and thinkers. Students will develop
their own perspectives on the topic(s) under investigation.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Philosophy of Human Nature and Human Culture
4 Semester Credits
This course concerns the philosophical study of human nature and its relation to human culture. Students will read a
selection of texts by eminent philosophers on the subject. Topics studied in the course include: the knowledge and
nature of the self, the definition of the human being in terms of culture, myth and religion in human culture, human
nature and the culture of language, and the culture of art.
Core Curriculum Component: Humanities
Prerequisite(s): None
History of Philosophy III: Early Modern and 19th-Century Philosophy
4 Semester Credits
We study the major rationalists of the 17th century (Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz), the major empiricists of the 18th
century (Locke, Berkeley, Hume), Kant’s synthesis of rationalism and empiricism, and 19th-century idealism and the
reaction to it (Marx, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche and Mill). (Suggested prior course: PHI 241)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
History of Philosophy IV: 20th-21st Century Philosophy
4 Semester Credits
The course surveys the major philosophical schools in the 20th and 21st centuries: analytic philosophy, phenomenology,
existentialism, pragmatism, and postmodern philosophy. Focus of study is on major texts of these movements. Students
are strongly encouraged to take PHI 343 before taking PHI 344.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Philosophy of Religion
4 Semester Credits
We systematically investigate a series of philosophical questions about religion. What is the relation between faith and
reason? Does God exist, and if so, what can be said about God? Can God’s goodness be reconciled with human
suffering? Are miracles and life after death possible?
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Philosophy of Science
4 Semester Credits
The course explores what scientific knowledge is, whether the scientist’s knowledge of the world is profoundly different
and better than that of the non-scientist, and what degrees of certainty are yielded by scientific methods. (Suggested
prior course: one course in natural science)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Studies in the writings - both philosophical and literary - of prominent existentialist authors. The course examines what
it means to be a being-in-theworld and explores such themes as absurdity, freedom, guilt, despair, and paradox.
(Suggested: one prior course in philosophy. Alternate years)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Ethics of Medicine and Health Care
4 Semester Credits
The course discusses some fundamental ethical theories, which it then carefully applies to problems that arise in the
areas of health care and delivery, allocation of scarce resources, human experimentation, genetic engineering, abortion,
care for the dying, and euthanasia.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Formal Logic and Computation Theory
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to sentential and first-order logic including logical connectives, proof theory, and quantification. Formal
models of computation including finite state automata, pushdown automata, and Turing machines. Incompleteness and
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT114(Precalculus), MPL(Math Placement Group 4); 1 of MAT171(Discrete Mathematics For
Computing), MAT271(Discrete Mathematical Structures); CSC210(Data Structures)
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
Topics in Philosophy
4 Semester Credits
Advanced studies covering either an individual philosopher or a specific topic in philosophy, such as philosophical
movements, the history of an idea or specific problems. Seminar format. May be taken more than once for credit.
(Suggested prior courses: any course from PHI 241, 242, 343, 344.)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level); CONSENT(Consent of Instructor)
4 Semester Credits
This course integrates the student’s general education experience with an overview of specific philosophical ideas or
Core Curriculum Component: Keystone
Prerequisite(s): None
Independent Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
PHY – Physics
4 Semester Credits
A descriptive course covering our solar system, stars, and galaxies. In addition, the course traces the development of
scientific thought from early civilization to the present day. Night viewing is required. (Three one-hour lectures.)
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT103(Prealgebra), MAT103(Everyday Math), MPL(Math Placement Level 2)
College Physics I
4 Semester Credits
This is a rigorous study of classical physics including mechanics and wave motion. This course is focused on the
applications of physics to the biological sciences. This course does not meet requirements for Chemistry and Physics
majors. Some knowledge of trigonometry is required. Students in MPG 2 should take MAT 106 before this course.
Students in MPG 3 who have not studied trigonometry are encouraged to take MAT 114 concurrently with this course.
Concurrent registration in PHY107L is required. (Three one-hour lectures, one three-hour laboratory. Fall)
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics (Lab)
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MAT114(Precalculus),
MPL(Math Placement Level 3)
College Physics I Lab
1 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics (Lab)
Prerequisite(s): PHY107(College Physics I) *concurrent registration is required*
College Physics II
4 Semester Credits
A rigorous study of classical physics including thermodynamics, electricity, magnetism, and optics. This course is focused
on the applications of physics to the biological sciences. This course does not meet requirements for Chemistry and
Physics majors. Concurrent registration in PHY108L is required. (Three one-hour lectures, one three-hour laboratory.
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics (Lab)
Prerequisite(s): 1 of PHY107(College Physics I), PHY121(General Physics I); 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II) *concurrent
registration is acceptable*, ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing) *concurrent registration is acceptable*,
HON111(Effective Writing for Liberating Letters) *concurrent registration is acceptable*, WPL(Writing Placement Level)
College Physics II Lab
1 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics (Lab)
Prerequisite(s): PHY108(College Physics II) *concurrent registration is required*
Introduction to Physics
4 Semester Credits
An algebra-based introductory course in which the applications, problems, and experiments are selected to illustrate
fundamental principles and provide a broad survey of physics. Concurrent registration in PHY116L is required. (Three
one-hour lectures, one three-hour laboratory.)
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics (Lab)
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement Level
Introduction to Physics Lab
1 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics (Lab)
Prerequisite(s): PHY116(Introduction to Physics) *concurrent registration is required*
Physics for the Fine Arts
4 Semester Credits
A scientific study of sound, light, and the mechanics of structures and the human body relating to music, the visual arts,
and theater. Explores the physics of phenomena and perception fundamental to these disciplines. Concurrent
registration in PHY119L is required. (Three one-hour lectures, one three-hour laboratory.)
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics (Lab)
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement Level
Physics for the Fine Arts Lab
0 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics (Lab)
Prerequisite(s): PHY119(Physics for the Fine Arts) *concurrent registration is required*
General Physics I
4 Semester Credits
A rigorous study of classical physics including mechanics and wave motion. Designed for physics, pre-engineering, and
other specified majors. Concurrent registration in PHY121L is required. (Three one-hour lectures, one three-hour
laboratory. Fall)
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics (Lab)
Prerequisite(s): MAT145(Calculus I) *concurrent registration is acceptable*
General Physics I Lab
1 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics (Lab)
Prerequisite(s): PHY121(General Physics I) *concurrent registration is required*
General Physics II
4 Semester Credits
A rigorous study of classical physics including thermodynamics, electricity, magnetism, and optics. Designed for physics,
pre-engineering, and other specified majors. Concurrent registration in PHY122L is required. (Three one-hour lectures,
one three-hour laboratory. Spring)
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics (Lab)
Prerequisite(s): MAT146(Calculus II) *concurrent registration is acceptable*; 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II)
*concurrent registration is acceptable*, ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing) *concurrent registration is acceptable*,
HON111(Effective Writing for Liberating Letters) *concurrent registration is acceptable*, WPL(Writing Placement Level);
PHY121(General Physics I)
General Physics II Lab
1 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Natural Sciences and Mathematics (Lab)
Prerequisite(s): PHY122(General Physics II) *concurrent registration is required*
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Physics and Earth Science for Elementary Education Teachers
4 Semester Credits
This course focuses on MSEP physical science outcomes for K-5 licensure: properties of and changes in matter; position,
motion and force; light, heat, electricity and magnetism; and kinds of and ways to transfer energy. Students conduct
hands on physical science explorations and do lab experiments. They also review student misconceptions, Students will
also study key ideas in earth science including connections between concepts in earth science and physics.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Modern Physics
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to modern physics from a historical and experimental perspective. Relativity, atomic, molecular, nuclear,
and solid state physics. This course develops the experimental foundations and need for quantum mechanics.
Concurrent registration in PHY245L is required. (Three one-hour lectures, one two-hour laboratory. Fall)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MAT245(Calculus III) *concurrent registration is acceptable*; PHY122(General Physics II)
Modern Physics Lab
1 Semester Credits
Laboratory experiments and projects provide students with an introduction to advanced instrumentation and
experimental techniques used in modern science.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MAT146(Calculus II), PHY122(General Physics II)
4 Semester Credits
AC and DC circuits, analog electronics, digital electronics, and the analysis and use of microprocessors and
microcomputer systems. Three one-hour lectures, one three-hour laboratory. Concurrent registration in PHY261L is
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of PHY116(Introduction to Physics), PHY122(General Physics II); MAT146(Calculus II)
Electronics Lab
1 Semester Credits
Students will develop hands-on skills and experience through laboratory exercises and projects using modern test
instrumentation, simple circuit design, transistors, operational amplifiers, gates, and other devices.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of PHY116(Introduction to Physics), PHY122(General Physics II)
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Directed Study
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Directed Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to classic topics at the intersection of physics and biology. Topics may include biopolymers, selfassembly, nerves and signal propagation, molecular machines, and biomembranes. The course will emphasize
approaches based on thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, and experimental techniques. Concurrent registration in
PHY317L is required. (Three one-hour lectures and a three hour laboratory. Fall)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MAT146(Calculus II), PHY122(General Physics II)
Biophysics Lab
1 Semester Credits
Students will develop experimental skills in biophysics (e.g. image processing, microscopy, thermodynamic techniques).
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of CSC170(Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (Java)), PHY122(General Physics II);
MAT146(Calculus II)
Special Functions of Mathematical Physics
4 Semester Credits
Special functions encountered in physics. Partial differentiation, partial differential equations, Fourier series, series
solution of differential equations, Legendre, Bessel, and other orthogonal functions, vector calculus, applied linear
algebra (e.g., matrix multiplication, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, special matrices, determinants), functions of a
complex variable, and an introduction to computer programming. Concurrent registration in PHY327L is required. (Three
one-hour lectures. Spring)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MAT245(Calculus III), PHY122(General Physics II)
Special Functions of Mathematical Physics Lab
1 Semester Credits
Computer applications to solve relevant physics and engineering problems in including numerical techniques, fitting,
simulation, etc.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): MAT245(Calculus III), PHY122(General Physics II)
Classical Mechanics
4 Semester Credits
Classical mechanics in terms of Newtonian, Lagrangian, and Hamiltonian formalisms. Topics include conservation
principles, single particle motion, systems of particles, gravitation, oscillations, central forces, and two-particle
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT245(Calculus III), MAT369(Modeling and Differential Equations in Biological and Natural
Sciences), PHY327(Special Functions of Mathematical Physics); PHY122(General Physics II)
Electricity and Magnetism
4 Semester Credits
Students will develop an understanding of electric and magnetic fields. Applying vector calculus, forces and fields, the
equations of Laplace and Poisson, and multipole expansions to electric and magnetic phenomenon. Electromagnetic
waves and Maxwell's equations in vacuum and in matter.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT369(Modeling and Differential Equations in Biological and Natural Sciences), PHY327(Special
Functions of Mathematical Physics); PHY122(General Physics II)
Comprehensive Laboratory I
2 Semester Credits
Students work in small groups on advanced experiments from various physics subfields (including modern physics,
electronic instrumentation, magnetism, and optics) with a focus on the role of experiments, interpretation of data, and
scientific communication. Incorporates an introduction to LabVIEW software for computerized data acquisition and
experiment control. (One three-hour laboratory and an occasional one-hour seminar per week. Prereq.: junior or senior
standing in physics. Fall)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level); CONSENT(Consent of Instructor)
Comprehensive Laboratory II
2 Semester Credits
Application of experimental techniques to advanced experiments in modern optics, biophysics, colloids and interfaces,
and other areas. (One three-hour laboratory and an occasional one-hour seminar per week. Prereq.: junior or senior
standing in physics. Spring)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level); PHY122(General Physics II)
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
Introduction to Solid State Physics
4 Semester Credits
Topics in solid state physics including various theories of metals, crystal lattices, band structure and Fermi surfaces,
phonons, semiconductors and magnetism. The conditions and consequences of the solid state of materials will be
explored at a very detailed level, taking realistic parameters of materials into account. Prereq.: PHY 486 strongly
recommended. (Three one-hour lectures.)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PHY351(Mechanics I), PHY362(Electromagnetic Fields I)
Quantum Mechanics Supplement
2 Semester Credits
A complement to the material covered in a typical semester of Physical Chemistry. A focus on the mathematical
development, interpretation, and the strangeness of quantum mechanics. Material appropriate to a traditional
undergraduate quantum mechanics course.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): CHM368(Concurrent Enrollment in CHM368) *concurrent registration is required*, PHY327(Special
Functions of Mathematical Physics)
Quantum Physics
4 Semester Credits
A development from first principles, including de Broglie’s postulates, the Schroedinger equation, operators, wave
functions, expectation values, and approximation methods. Applications include potential wells and barriers, the
harmonic oscillator, and the hydrogen atom. (Three one-hour lectures. Spring)
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PHY245(Modern Physics), PHY351(Mechanics I)
Independent Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
POL – Political Science
American Government and Politics
4 Semester Credits
Surveys major parts of American national government - including Congress, the presidency, and the courts - as well as
campaigns and elections, federalism, interest groups, and political parties.
Core Curriculum Component: Social and Behavioral Sciences
Prerequisite(s): None
Social Justice in Urban America
4 Semester Credits
Examines politics and public policy in metropolitan areas, emphasizing factors that help some do well while others
struggle. Looks at how urban politics embodies some of the country’s deepest challenges, and considers ways that
people work to address those challenges.
Core Curriculum Component: Engaging Minneapolis, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Prerequisite(s): None
American Women and Politics
4 Semester Credits
Investigates the roles women play in the political system. Political, economic, and social issues will be explored from
contemporary and historical perspectives.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Introduction to Political Science
4 Semester Credits
An analysis of basic patterns in the political system and decision-making process with some comparison of major
political systems and discussion of contemporary issues.
Core Curriculum Component: Social and Behavioral Sciences
Prerequisite(s): None
World Politics
4 Semester Credits
Introduction to the processes and issues of international politics, including the dynamics of the international system,
theories of international relations, and a focus on recent problems.
Core Curriculum Component: Social and Behavioral Sciences
Prerequisite(s): None
Law in the United States
4 Semester Credits
A survey of American law and legal process. Theories of law; law and society; roles of courts, police, lawyers, and juries;
the United States Constitution as "supreme" law; law as politics; historic and contemporary legal issues.
Core Curriculum Component: Social and Behavioral Sciences
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Environmental and River Politics
4 Semester Credits
This course explores the politics of the communities and ecosystems of the Upper Mississippi River watershed, including
controversies about river pollution, the lock and dam system, regional water supply, flood control, and farming
practices. Includes site visits to see how local policy-makers and stakeholders are trying to achieve sustainability in the
Core Curriculum Component: Engaging Minneapolis, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Prerequisite(s): None
Asian American Politics
4 Semester Credits
Asian Americans and their place in American politics and society. Includes some coverage of Asian American history and
looks at the struggle to define Asian Americans.
Core Curriculum Component: Social and Behavioral Sciences
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Directed Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Citizen Participation within a Globalized Economy
4 Semester Credits
This course explores and analyzes key political, social and economic factors in Central America that are shaping citizens’
participation today with a special emphasis on Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Students are also exposed to forces such as
globalization and neoliberal economic policies applied in the region and how these – among other factors – have
reshaped the role of governments and its relationship with constituents.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Politics and Public Policy
4 Semester Credits
The domestic policy making process, emphasizing how elected officials, bureaucrats, and interest groups shape
government policies in various areas, including taxes, the environment, and social welfare policy. How public policies are
formulated and implemented.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Political Parties and Behavior
4 Semester Credits
Emphasizes study of public opinion and political parties in the electoral process. Field work with political parties, interest
groups, and media in presidential elections (optional in non-presidential election years).
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of CONSENT(Consent of Instructor), POL121(American Government and Politics),
POL122(Metropolitan Complex), POL124(American Women and Politics), POL158(Introduction to Political Science),
POL160(World Politics), POL170(Law in the United States), POL241(Environmental and River Politics), POL282(Asian
America Politics of Identit), POL295(Topics), POL323(Social and Political Change), POL325(Politics and Public Policy),
POL342(Mass Communication in Society), POL350(Topics: European Politics), POL351(Commst/Post Commst S U
/Russia/CIS), POL359(Women GenderandSocialChange/LatinAm), POL363(Russian and Chinese Foreign Policie),
POL370(Constitutional Law), POL371(Topics), POL375(Media Law), POL380(Western Political Thought), POL381(Topics:
Democratic Theory), POL382(Marxist Theory), POL421(Topics: American Politics), POL459(Topics: Comparative Politics),
POL461(Topics: International Politics), POL483(Political Statistics and Methodology), POL484(Political Analysis),
POL490(International Relations Keystone), POL495(Seminar)
Globalization, Social Struggle and the Environment
4 Semester Credits
Explores issues of globalization and social change in Mexico and analyzes political, social, and economic policies that
promote and/or hinder sustainable development from a gender perspective. Particular emphasis will be placed on
environmental issues and the causes of migration/emigration and social unrest in Mexico.
Core Curriculum Component: Social and Behavioral Sciences
Prerequisite(s): None
Mass Communication in Society
4 Semester Credits
Studies effects of new information technology (such as the Internet) and of the traditional electronic media. Covers uses
of technology and media for newsmaking, selling, entertainment, and public affairs.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Topics: European Politics
4 Semester Credits
Study of the political behavior, institutions, and processes of European states. The course will focus on either European
community law and politics or domestic politics in European states.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of CONSENT(Consent of Instructor), POL121(American Government and Politics),
POL122(Metropolitan Complex), POL124(American Women and Politics), POL158(Introduction to Political Science),
POL160(World Politics), POL170(Law in the United States), POL241(Environmental and River Politics), POL282(Asian
America Politics of Identit), POL295(Topics), POL323(Social and Political Change), POL325(Politics and Public Policy),
POL326(Political Parties and Behavior), POL342(Mass Communication in Society), POL351(Commst/Post Commst S U
/Russia/CIS), POL359(Women GenderandSocialChange/LatinAm), POL363(Russian and Chinese Foreign Policie),
POL370(Constitutional Law), POL371(Topics), POL375(Media Law), POL380(Western Political Thought), POL381(Topics:
Democratic Theory), POL382(Marxist Theory), POL421(Topics: American Politics), POL459(Topics: Comparative Politics),
POL461(Topics: International Politics), POL483(Political Statistics and Methodology), POL484(Political Analysis),
POL490(International Relations Keystone), POL495(Seminar)
Political and Social Change in Namibia
4 Semester Credits
This course is an integrative seminar for the semester and examines the legacy of apartheid in Namibia with particular
focus on the social and political movements that have evolved in the struggle for independence.
Core Curriculum Component: Social and Behavioral Sciences
Prerequisite(s): None
The Politics of Development in Southern Africa
4 Semester Credits
This course examines basic theories of development as well as the political economy of development. It provides the
opportunity to reflect critically on issues of development, including global justice, equality, and sustainability.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
(Im)Migration, Gender and Social Change
4 Semester Credits
At a time when borders between nations are so heavily defended, how do we understand the flow of people and ideas
across those divides? Learn how race, gender, sexuality and social class intersect when they are seen from a lens of
(im)migration in a Latin American context.
Core Curriculum Component: Social and Behavioral Sciences
Prerequisite(s): None
Topics: Women in Comparative Politics
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of CONSENT(Consent of Instructor), POL121(American Government and Politics),
POL122(Metropolitan Complex), POL124(American Women and Politics), POL158(Introduction to Political Science),
POL160(World Politics), POL170(Law in the United States), POL241(Environmental and River Politics), POL282(Asian
America Politics of Identit), POL295(Topics), POL323(Social and Political Change), POL325(Politics and Public Policy),
POL326(Political Parties and Behavior), POL342(Mass Communication in Society), POL350(Topics: European Politics),
POL351(Commst/Post Commst S U /Russia/CIS), POL363(Russian and Chinese Foreign Policie), POL370(Constitutional
Law), POL371(Topics), POL375(Media Law), POL380(Western Political Thought), POL381(Topics: Democratic Theory),
POL382(Marxist Theory), POL421(Topics: American Politics), POL459(Topics: Comparative Politics), POL461(Topics:
International Politics), POL483(Political Statistics and Methodology), POL484(Political Analysis), POL490(International
Relations Keystone), POL495(Seminar)
Model United Nations
4 Semester Credits
This course provides students with in-depth understanding of the United Nations and international diplomacy through
the process of preparation for attending the National Model United Nations Conference which is held each spring in
New York City. Students research a country and set of issues for the committee on which they will serve.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): CONSENT(Consent of Instructor), POL160(World Politics)
Constitutional Law
4 Semester Credits
The legal-political-philosophical role of the Supreme Court in the American political system in significant decisions
affecting the allocation of powers in the national government and in the federal system.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of POL121(American Government and Politics), POL122(Metropolitan Complex), POL124(American
Women and Politics), POL158(Introduction to Political Science), POL160(World Politics), POL241(Environmental and
River Politics), POL282(Asian America Politics of Identit), POL295(Topics), POL323(Social and Political Change),
POL325(Politics and Public Policy), POL326(Political Parties and Behavior), POL342(Mass Communication in Society),
POL350(Topics: European Politics), POL351(Commst/Post Commst S U /Russia/CIS), POL359(Women
GenderandSocialChange/LatinAm), POL363(Russian and Chinese Foreign Policie), POL371(Topics), POL375(Media Law),
POL380(Western Political Thought), POL381(Topics: Democratic Theory), POL382(Marxist Theory), POL421(Topics:
American Politics), POL459(Topics: Comparative Politics), POL461(Topics: International Politics), POL483(Political
Statistics and Methodology), POL484(Political Analysis), POL490(International Relations Keystone), POL495(Seminar);
POL170(Law in the United States)
4 Semester Credits
Selected topics in internet, communications, and constitutional law. Content will vary, defined by the subtitle of the
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of COM111(Public Speaking), COM112(Contest Public Speaking), COM115(Scientific and Technical
Public Speaking), COM120(Mass Media and Popular Culture), COM280(Introduction to Communication Studies),
POL121(American Government and Politics), POL158(Introduction to Political Science), POL160(World Politics),
POL170(Law in the United States), POL241(Environmental and River Politics)
Western Political Thought
4 Semester Credits
A study of influential political philosophers, emphasizing the values, goals, and assumptions that continue to inform and
to rationalize human governance.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of CONSENT(Consent of Instructor), POL121(American Government and Politics),
POL122(Metropolitan Complex), POL124(American Women and Politics), POL158(Introduction to Political Science),
POL160(World Politics), POL170(Law in the United States), POL241(Environmental and River Politics), POL282(Asian
America Politics of Identit), POL295(Topics), POL323(Social and Political Change), POL325(Politics and Public Policy),
POL326(Political Parties and Behavior), POL342(Mass Communication in Society), POL350(Topics: European Politics),
POL351(Commst/Post Commst S U /Russia/CIS), POL359(Women GenderandSocialChange/LatinAm), POL363(Russian
and Chinese Foreign Policie), POL370(Constitutional Law), POL371(Topics), POL375(Media Law), POL381(Topics:
Democratic Theory), POL382(Marxist Theory), POL421(Topics: American Politics), POL459(Topics: Comparative Politics),
POL461(Topics: International Politics), POL483(Political Statistics and Methodology), POL484(Political Analysis),
POL490(International Relations Keystone), POL495(Seminar); 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced
Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
Topics: Democratic Theory
4 Semester Credits
Selected topics including the emergence of political democracy in comparative perspective and American political
thought. Topic to be included in the subtitle.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of CONSENT(Consent of Instructor), POL121(American Government and Politics),
POL122(Metropolitan Complex), POL124(American Women and Politics), POL158(Introduction to Political Science),
POL160(World Politics), POL170(Law in the United States), POL241(Environmental and River Politics), POL282(Asian
America Politics of Identit), POL295(Topics), POL323(Social and Political Change), POL325(Politics and Public Policy),
POL326(Political Parties and Behavior), POL342(Mass Communication in Society), POL350(Topics: European Politics),
POL351(Commst/Post Commst S U /Russia/CIS), POL359(Women GenderandSocialChange/LatinAm), POL363(Russian
and Chinese Foreign Policie), POL370(Constitutional Law), POL371(Topics), POL375(Media Law), POL380(Western
Political Thought), POL382(Marxist Theory), POL421(Topics: American Politics), POL459(Topics: Comparative Politics),
POL461(Topics: International Politics), POL483(Political Statistics and Methodology), POL484(Political Analysis),
POL490(International Relations Keystone), POL495(Seminar); 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced
Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Internship *
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: Augsburg Experience
Prerequisite(s): None
Topics: American Politics
4 Semester Credits
Topics include legislative, executive, or judicial politics, public policy, and leadership. Can include focus on national,
state, or local level.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of CONSENT(Consent of Instructor), POL121(American Government and Politics),
POL122(Metropolitan Complex), POL124(American Women and Politics), POL158(Introduction to Political Science),
POL160(World Politics), POL170(Law in the United States), POL241(Environmental and River Politics), POL282(Asian
America Politics of Identit), POL295(Topics), POL323(Social and Political Change), POL325(Politics and Public Policy),
POL326(Political Parties and Behavior), POL342(Mass Communication in Society), POL350(Topics: European Politics),
POL351(Commst/Post Commst S U /Russia/CIS), POL359(Women GenderandSocialChange/LatinAm), POL363(Russian
and Chinese Foreign Policie), POL370(Constitutional Law), POL371(Topics), POL375(Media Law), POL380(Western
Political Thought), POL381(Topics: Democratic Theory), POL382(Marxist Theory), POL459(Topics: Comparative Politics),
POL461(Topics: International Politics), POL483(Political Statistics and Methodology), POL484(Political Analysis),
POL490(International Relations Keystone), POL495(Seminar)
Topics: Comparative Politics
4 Semester Credits
Selected themes including interpretations of political systems and comparisons of political processes such as political
participation, political development, political change, and revolution. Topic to be included in subtitle.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of CONSENT(Consent of Instructor), POL121(American Government and Politics),
POL122(Metropolitan Complex), POL124(American Women and Politics), POL158(Introduction to Political Science),
POL160(World Politics), POL170(Law in the United States), POL241(Environmental and River Politics), POL282(Asian
America Politics of Identit), POL295(Topics), POL323(Social and Political Change), POL325(Politics and Public Policy),
POL326(Political Parties and Behavior), POL342(Mass Communication in Society), POL350(Topics: European Politics),
POL351(Commst/Post Commst S U /Russia/CIS), POL359(Women GenderandSocialChange/LatinAm), POL363(Russian
and Chinese Foreign Policie), POL370(Constitutional Law), POL371(Topics), POL375(Media Law), POL380(Western
Political Thought), POL381(Topics: Democratic Theory), POL382(Marxist Theory), POL421(Topics: American Politics),
POL461(Topics: International Politics), POL483(Political Statistics and Methodology), POL484(Political Analysis),
POL490(International Relations Keystone), POL495(Seminar)
Topics: International Politics
4 Semester Credits
Selected themes including interpretations of international politics, foreign policy decision-making, simulations of
international problems. Topic to be included in subtitle.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of POL121(American Government and Politics), POL122(Metropolitan Complex), POL124(American
Women and Politics), POL158(Introduction to Political Science), POL160(World Politics), POL170(Law in the United
States), POL241(Environmental and River Politics), POL282(Asian America Politics of Identit), POL295(Topics),
POL323(Social and Political Change), POL325(Politics and Public Policy), POL326(Political Parties and Behavior),
POL342(Mass Communication in Society), POL350(Topics: European Politics), POL351(Commst/Post Commst S U
/Russia/CIS), POL359(Women GenderandSocialChange/LatinAm), POL363(Russian and Chinese Foreign Policie),
POL370(Constitutional Law), POL371(Topics), POL375(Media Law), POL380(Western Political Thought), POL381(Topics:
Democratic Theory), POL382(Marxist Theory), POL421(Topics: American Politics), POL459(Topics: Comparative Politics),
POL483(Political Statistics and Methodology), POL484(Political Analysis), POL490(International Relations Keystone),
Political Statistics and Methodology
4 Semester Credits
Introductory survey of political science methods. Covers experimental design, descriptive and inferential statistics,
computer methods, and issues in the construction and execution of political surveys.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 1 of MAT105(Applied Algebra), MAT106(Applied Algebra and Trigonometry), MPL(Math Placement Level
Political Analysis
4 Semester Credits
An analysis of different approaches and theories in the study of politics including an examination of the requirements of
science as a model for political study. Major research is required. This course satisfies the Keystone requirement.
Core Curriculum Component: Keystone
Prerequisite(s): 3 of POL121(American Government and Politics), POL122(Metropolitan Complex), POL124(American
Women and Politics), POL158(Introduction to Political Science), POL160(World Politics), POL170(Law in the United
States), POL199(Internship), POL241(Environmental and River Politics), POL295(Topics), POL299(Directed Study),
POL310(Citizen Participation within a Globalized Economy-A Nicaraguan Case Study), POL323(Social and Political
Change), POL325(Politics and Public Policy), POL326(Political Parties and Behavior), POL341(Globalization, Social Struggle
and the Environment), POL342(Mass Communication in Society), POL350(Topics: European Politics),
POL351(Commst/Post Commst S U /Russia/CIS), POL353(Political and Social Change in Namibia), POL354(The Politics of
Development in Southern Africa), POL357(Women Gender and Social Change in Latin America - Mexico),
POL359(Women GenderandSocialChange/LatinAm), POL363(Russian and Chinese Foreign Policie), POL368(Model United
Nations), POL370(Constitutional Law), POL371(Topics), POL375(Media Law), POL380(Western Political Thought),
POL381(Topics: Democratic Theory), POL382(Marxist Theory), POL397(Internship), POL399(Internship), POL421(Topics:
American Politics), POL459(Topics: Comparative Politics), POL461(Topics: International Politics), POL483(Political
Statistics and Methodology), POL490(International Relations Keystone), POL495(Seminar), POL498(Independent Study),
POL499(Independent Study)
International Relations Keystone
4 Semester Credits
Capstone seminar for students majoring in international relations; analysis of some methods for studying international
relations; analysis of major trends; senior thesis. Open to other students by consent of instructor. This course satisfies
the Keystone requirement for International Relations majors.
Core Curriculum Component: Keystone
Prerequisite(s): 1 of ENL111(Effective Writing II), ENL112(Advanced Effective Writing), HON111(Effective Writing for
Liberating Letters), WPL(Writing Placement Level)
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Independent Study
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Independent Study
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
PRP – Professional Psychology
Lifespan Development
3 Semester Credits
This course focuses on the normative transitional aspects of development across the lifespan, including aspects of
physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development. Cross-cultural, gender, familial, and historical perspectives are
emphasized. Applications to the practice of clinical psychology will be considered throughout the course.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Introduction to Diverse Populations
3 Semester Credits
This course is designed to expose students to the current and historical experiences of diverse groups of people in the
United States. Topics include race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, immigrant status, disability, socioeconomic status, and age. Emphasis will be placed on awareness of the impact of one’s own race, ethnicity and
culture(s) on cross cultural interactions, including assessment and therapy relationships. The course will include both
didactic and experiential components, and students will be expected to consider our cultural, economic, and
sociopolitical systems from multiple perspectives.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Professional Issues: Ethics, Conduct, and the Law
3 Semester Credits
This course explores ethical and legal issues related to professional conduct, including such topics as ethical reasoning,
APA ethical principles, state regulations with respect to licensure and rules of conduct, complaint resolution procedures,
confidentiality, releases, records, and duty to warn. The course addresses ethical issues in areas such as assessment,
therapy, forensics, and consultative and supervisory relationships.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Cognition and Affective Processes
3 Semester Credits
This course offers a review of current research and theory in cognitive science, focusing on both cognitive and affective
processes. Areas such as memory, attention, perception, problem solving, language, emotion, and decision making are
considered. Clinical applications will be emphasized throughout the course.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Physiological Psychology
3 Semester Credits
This course introduces brain-behavior correlates, the systematic function of the nervous system and basic
psychopharmacology. Areas covered include anatomy, physiology, synaptic processes, biological foundations of
language, cognition, learning, memory and psychopathology, as well as endocrine processes and the impact of these
systems on behavior and psychopathology.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
History and Systems
3 Semester Credits
This is a graduate survey course designed to thoroughly acquaint the student with the history and philosophical issues
that combine as precursors to modern psychology. Although some consider that psychology was founded in 1879 when
Wilhelm Wundt opened his laboratory, actually psychology emerged from the very origins of philosophy in ancient
times, grew into the disciplines of philosophy and physiology becoming a separate and distinct discipline in the late 19th
century. This course will study the myriad figures, discoveries, and ideas contributing to the rise of psychology. The
course will investigate how psychological thought has paralleled the development of western and non-Western thought,
tradition, culture, religion, medicine, and social institutions.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Professionalization Group I
1 Semester Credits
During the initial portion of this seminar, students will be oriented to different aspects of the school and program (e.g.,
library, career services, training). Later, time is spent addressing core aspects of professional identity of a graduate
students and psychologists, including professional behaviors, values of the field (e.g., lifelong learning, diversity and
ethics) and communication and interpersonal skills necessary to be a professional psychologist. Finally, cohort cohesion
is fostered.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Professionalization Group II
1 Semester Credits
During the initial portion of this seminar, students will be oriented to different aspects of the school and program (e.g.,
library, career services, training). Later, time is spent addressing core aspects of professional identity, including
interpersonal skills necessary to be a professional psychologist. Finally, cohort cohesion is fostered.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Statistics and Research I
3 Semester Credits
This course is the first of a two-semester sequence in research methodology and statistics in clinical psychology. This
course provides an introduction to research methods in clinical and applied psychology, including classical and modern
approaches to psychological measurement and test construction, psychotherapy process and outcome research,
research ethics, bias and social justice in psychological research, and the application of research to psychotherapy
practice. The course seeks to develop the research design and critical thinking skills required to prepare for the Clinical
Research Project, and to be a responsible consumer of psychological research. Students will identify an appropriate CRP
research topic (and chair), and will develop and apply literature review and critique skills in their CRP topic area, as well
as developing a preliminary rationale for their CRP project, including research design and aims.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Statistics and Research II
3 Semester Credits
This course is the second of a two-semester sequence in research methodology and statistics in clinical psychology. This
course includes an overview of various research methods and statistical tests commonly used in clinical psychological
research, including basic concepts in descriptive and inferential statistics. Creating a data analytic plan for your own
research (especially the Clinical Research Project) will also be emphasized, and students will develop the skills to conduct
and accurately describe basic statistical analyses. The course emphasizes the development of critical thinking skills and
the methodological tools necessary for functioning as a local clinical scientist in applied settings.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PRP720(Statistics and Research I)
Psychopathology I
3 Semester Credits
This course concentrates on the description, etiology, assessment, and understanding of the moderate range of
symptomology and behavioral disorders. Developmental and sociopolitical elements are considered in the context of
diagnostic and therapeutic concerns. A methodology for organizing clinical data is presented. Diagnostic systems,
particularly the current edition of the DSM-5, are presented and examined. Brief attention is also given to diagnostic
interviewing, including a review of semi-structured interviews.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Psychopathology II
3 Semester Credits
This course concentrates on the description, etiology, assessment, and understanding of the moderate range of
symptomology and behavioral disorders. Developmental and sociopolitical elements are considered in the context of
diagnostic and therapeutic concerns. A methodology for organizing clinical data is presented. Diagnostic systems,
particularly the current edition of the DSM-5, are presented and examined. Brief attention is also given to diagnostic
interviewing, assessment of serious and persistent mental illness, comorbidities, and cognitive functioning in the context
of psychopathology.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PRP730(Psychopathology I)
Cognitive Assessment
3 Semester Credits
This course introduces the student to the major approaches and techniques for intellectual assessment in children and
adults. The course will cover principles of test construction and psychometrics, the history of intellectual assessment,
theories of intelligence, methods of intellectual assessment, and test protocol interpretation. Particular attention will be
given to the administration and interpretation of the Wechsler intelligence tests. Alternative methods of intellectual
assessment will also be considered. The class will include a laboratory in which skills in administration and interpretation
can be practiced.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Objective Personality Assessment
3 Semester Credits
This course introduces the student to the major approaches and techniques for objective personality assessment in
adults. Topics covered include general principles and issues in objective assessment, interviewing skills, and methods
and techniques of personality assessment. The primary emphasis will be on the MMPI-2, with some emphasis on the
MCMI-III, the MMPI-A, and the PAI. The course consists of a two-plus hour lecture/profile presentation component and
a one and a half hour laboratory experience. The lab will provide an opportunity to practice and develop skills associated
with the material covered in the lecture.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PRP741(Cognitive Assessment)
Projective Personality Assessment
3 Semester Credits
This course covers RPAS system for the Rorschach, as well as selected projective tests. In addition to understanding
theoretical underpinnings, the student is expected to develop some competency in the administration, scoring, and
interpretation of these instruments. The class includes a laboratory in which skills in administration and interpretation
can be practiced.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PRP741(Cognitive Assessment)
Basic Intervention Skills
3 Semester Credits
This course is designed to help students develop and refine the interpersonal skills necessary for being an effective
clinician. Strong emphasis is placed on foundational skills necessary for establishing rapport with clients. This course is
largely about application, and students are expected to practice these skills in the classroom. Assignments are largely
related to the development of these basic skills.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Cognitive Behavioral Theory and Therapy
3 Semester Credits
This course will provide an overview of the theory supporting cognitive-behavior therapy and its application in working
with clients of diverse backgrounds and with a variety of mental health challenges. The emphasis is on skilldevelopment, both in conceptualization of the challenges facing clients and in application of intervention skills. Class
time will involve some lecture, short assignments, readings and application of skills via role play. There will be weekly
readings for this course.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PRP800(Basic Intervention Skills)
Person Centered and Experiential Theory and Therapy
3 Semester Credits
This course provides an introduction to the theory, research, and practice of person-centered, relational, processexperiential, and existential therapy. Through experiential exercises, students learn the attitudes that build a
therapeutic relationship (e.g., genuineness, empathic understanding, caring, and concreteness), and intervention skills
to help clients express and explore their experience.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PRP800(Basic Intervention Skills)
Psychodynamic Theory and Therapy
3 Semester Credits
The course reviews major schools of psychodynamic theories and methodology of each approach in clinical settings.
Both classic psychoanalysis and contemporary theoretical approaches are covered. Attention is given to case
formulation with a psychodynamic orientation and the application of psychodynamic interventions in psychotherapy.
Case material is used to help students better understand the theories and techniques.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PRP800(Basic Intervention Skills)
Systems Theory and Therapy
3 Semester Credits
This course is one of four required theory and therapy courses in the clinical psychology program. This course will
examine basic systems theory and applications to clinical interventions. Examples of systems and of systemic
conceptualizations will include family systems, organizations, and communities. It provides an overview of systems
theory and concepts with specific applications to working in clinical settings where there are multiple clients (e.g.
families, couples). It is designed to be a second year course that facilitates students’ development of basic knowledge in
terms of therapeutic interventions in preparation for the therapy practicum during the third year of the program. This
course includes didactic approaches and significant interactive and role-play components. Students are also expected to
demonstrate knowledge of evidence-based practices in this domain.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PRP800(Basic Intervention Skills)
Assessment and Treatment of Children and Families
3 Semester Credits
This course provides an overview of evaluation and treatment issues specific to children and families. Developmental
psychopathology and common issues in child clinical psychology are reviewed. Implications of culture, gender, and
society on child clinical practice are also examined.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PRP800(Basic Intervention Skills)
Social Psychology
3 Semester Credits
Concepts from research and theory in social psychology are presented for the understanding of social influence on
personality, human interaction, and behavior. Applications of social psychology to clinical settings are emphasized.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Assessment and Treatment of Diverse Populations
3 Semester Credits
This course is designed to teach students culturally sensitive and competent assessment and psychotherapeutic skills
necessary to provide effective, evidence based treatment to diverse populations. In addition, the course is designed to
sensitize students to the presence of systematic oppression, bias, and stereotyping that interfere with optimal
understanding and treatment of diverse populations. Theory and research are reviewed so as to understand cultural
differences and the interplay among concepts of pathology, treatment, and cultural stereotyping. In this course, diverse
populations are defined broadly to include issues related to race, class, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender
expression, disability, body type, aging, and religion, and we will consider these as integrated aspects of individual and
group experience and identity.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PRP702(Introduction to Diverse Populations), PRP800(Basic Intervention Skills)
Consultation and Supervision
3 Semester Credits
This course provides students with the theoretical knowledge, as well as relevant practical skills needed to function as
consultants and supervisors. Contextual issues related to contemporary models and systems of service delivery are
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PRP821(Practicum I - Assessment), PRP822(Practicum II - Assessment)
Capstone Integrative Seminar
3 Semester Credits
Designed as a culminating, integrative end-point to on-campus learning, this course is taken during the year before the
student goes on internship. The course makes extensive use of case materials from diverse populations, focusing on
practical issues touching on all aspects of assessment, treatment planning, and intervention, as well as issues relating to
consultation and supervision. Students examine how they personally impact the therapeutic relationship. The course
requires the successful completion of several tasks designed to demonstrate that the student is ready for internship.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PRP801(Cognitive Behavioral Theory and Therapy), PRP802(Person Centered and Experiential Theory
and Therap), PRP803(Psychodynamic Theory and Therapy), PRP804(Systems Theory and Therapy), PRP823(Practicum III Therapy), PRP824(Practicum IV - Therapy)
Practicum I - Assessment
3 Semester Credits
The two years (four semesters) of practicum provide supervised clinical field experience. In addition to the required
hours working at the assigned training site, students enrolled in practicum meet weekly in a practicum seminar led by a
core faculty member. The overall practicum experience may be structured such that the first year of practicum
experience (Practicum I and II) will focus on assessment issues and the second year on psychotherapy (Practicum III and
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PRP741(Cognitive Assessment), PRP742(Objective Personality Assessment), PRP800(Basic Intervention
Practicum II - Assessment
3 Semester Credits
The two years (four semesters) of practicum provide supervised clinical field experience. In addition to the required
hours working at the assigned training site, students enrolled in practicum meet weekly in a practicum seminar led by a
core faculty member. The overall practicum experience may be structured such that the first year of practicum
experience (Practicum I and II) will focus on assessment issues and the second year on psychotherapy (Practicum III and
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PRP821(Practicum I - Assessment)
Practicum III - Therapy
3 Semester Credits
The two years (four semesters) of practicum provide supervised clinical field experience. In addition to the required
hours working at the assigned training site, students enrolled in practicum meet weekly in a practicum seminar led by a
core faculty member. The overall practicum experience may be structured such that either the first year of practicum
experience (Practicum I and II) will focus on assessment issues and the second year on psychotherapy (Practicum III and
IV), or that both assessment and intervention experience will be intermixed over the two years of practicum. At least
two of PRP801, PRP803, and PRP804 must be completed prior to enrollment in PRP823; if the third course is not
completed in a prior term it must be taken concurrently with PRP823.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): 2 of PRP801(Cognitive Behavioral Theory and Therapy), PRP803(Psychodynamic Theory and Therapy),
PRP804(Systems Theory and Therapy); PRP802(Person Centered and Experiential Theory and Therap),
PRP810(Assessment and Treatment of Children and Families), PRP822(Practicum II - Assessment)
Practicum IV - Therapy
3 Semester Credits
The two years (four semesters) of practicum provide supervised clinical field experience. In addition to the required
hours working at the assigned training site, students enrolled in practicum meet weekly in a practicum seminar led by a
core faculty member. The overall practicum experience may be structured such that either the first year of practicum
experience (Practicum I and II) will focus on assessment issues and the second year on psychotherapy (Practicum III and
IV), or that both assessment and intervention experience will be intermixed over the two years of practicum.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PRP823(Practicum III - Therapy)
Advanced Practicum I
1.5 Semester Credits
The Advanced Practicum Seminar is provided for students placed in an approved advanced practicum placement. This
seminar is a bi-weekly meeting held for two hours that provides students with an opportunity to share their experiences,
raise questions, discuss topics of relevance to the role of a clinical psychologist, and to continue to develop their
professional identity.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PRP823(Practicum III - Therapy)
Advanced Practicum II
1.5 Semester Credits
The Advanced Practicum Seminar is provided for students placed in an approved advanced practicum placement. This
seminar is a bi-weekly meeting held for two hours that provides students with an opportunity to share their experiences,
raise questions, discuss topics of relevance to the role of a clinical psychologist, and to continue to develop their
professional identity.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PRP831(Advanced Practicum I)
Clinical Research Project Seminar
1 Semester Credits
The first of six required 1-credit hour Clinical Research Project (CRP) courses, the CRP Seminar meets for an hour once a
week during the Fall Term. It is designed to provide a forum to help students develop their CRP proposal. Students are
encouraged to register for and attend the CRP Seminar once they have a CRP topic and a CRP chairperson, have done
considerable research and are in the process of writing their research proposal.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PRP720(Statistics and Research I), PRP721(Statistics and Research II)
Clinical Research Project 1
1 Semester Credits
The primary purpose of the clinical research project (CRP) is to refine the skills necessary for the production of an
original piece of scholarship in clinical psychology. In the course of conducting the project, the student is expected to
deepen knowledge about a particular clinical psychology topic, to improve critical thinking and writing skills, to develop
and apply skills in research, and to experience a scholarly professional working relationship with faculty. There are 5
modules, each corresponding to 1 credit, following completion of PP850, Clinical Research Project Seminar, designed to
guide students through the process of completing the CRP. This course is designed to guide students through the
completion of module 1.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PRP850(Clinical Research Project Seminar)
Clinical Research Project 2
1 Semester Credits
The primary purpose of the clinical research project (CRP) is to refine the skills necessary for the production of an
original piece of scholarship in clinical psychology. In the course of conducting the project, the student is expected to
deepen knowledge about a particular clinical psychology topic, to improve critical thinking and writing skills, to develop
and apply skills in research, and to experience a scholarly professional working relationship with faculty. This course
represents the third module of 6 required modules to complete the Clinical Research Project (CRP). This module is
designed to help you make substantial progress on the proposal for your CRP. If you are collecting your own data for
your CRP, by the time you have completed this module, you will have written a complete draft of your CRP proposal,
received the approval of your chair to submit it to your committee for feedback, received your committee’s approval,
submitted the proposal to Departmental Review, and received Departmental Review and IRB approval for your research.
If you are using archival data for your CRP, the goal of this module is to have you complete revisions such that you
receive your committee’s approval for your proposal and submit your proposal to Departmental Review. In the process,
you will develop skills in independent clinical research, including skills in research design, ethics, communication, and
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PRP851(Clinical Research Project 1)
Clinical Research Project 3
1 Semester Credits
The primary purpose of the clinical research project (CRP) is to refine the skills necessary for the production of an
original piece of scholarship in clinical psychology. In the course of conducting the project, the student is expected to
deepen knowledge about a particular clinical psychology topic, to improve critical thinking and writing skills, to develop
and apply skills in research, and to experience a scholarly professional working relationship with faculty. This course
represents the fourth module of 6 required modules to complete the Clinical Research Project (CRP). This module is
designed to help you make substantial progress on your CRP research. If you are collecting your own data for your CRP,
by the time you have completed this module, you will have collected most of your data and made any necessary
revisions to your methodology. If you are using archival data for your CRP, the goal of this module is to have you submit
your complete proposal to Departmental Review and IRB, receive both Departmental Review and IRB approval, acquire
your data, and begin data analysis, revising your methodology as needed. In the process, you will develop skills in
independent clinical research, including skills in research methods, data analysis, ethics, communication, and
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PRP852(Clinical Research Project 2)
Clinical Research Project 4
1 Semester Credits
The primary purpose of the clinical research project (CRP) is to refine the skills necessary for the production of an
original piece of scholarship in clinical psychology. In the course of conducting the project, the student is expected to
deepen knowledge about a particular clinical psychology topic, to improve critical thinking and writing skills, to develop
and apply skills in research, and to experience a scholarly professional working relationship with faculty. This course
represents the fifth module of 6 required modules to complete the Clinical Research Project (CRP). This module is
designed to help you make substantial progress on your CRP. The goal of this module is for you to finish your data
collection (if applicable), your data analysis, and to complete a first draft of your final CRP and submit it to your chair for
review. In the process, you will develop skills in independent clinical research, including skills in research methods, data
analysis, reporting of results, and research collaboration.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PRP853(Clinical Research Project 3)
Clinical Research Project 5
1 Semester Credits
The primary purpose of the clinical research project (CRP) is to refine the skills necessary for the production of an
original piece of scholarship in clinical psychology. In the course of conducting the project, the student is expected to
deepen knowledge about a particular clinical psychology topic, to improve critical thinking and writing skills, to develop
and apply skills in research, and to experience a scholarly professional working relationship with faculty. This course
represents the last of 6 required modules to complete the Clinical Research Project (CRP). This module is designed to
help you finish and finalize your CRP project. The goal of this module is for you to revise your CRP such that it receives
your chair’s approval to release to your CRP committee, and to make further revisions such that you receive final
committee approval. In the process, you will develop skills in independent clinical research, reporting and dissemination
of clinical research, and research collaboration.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PRP854(Clinical Research Project 4)
Clinical Research Project Extension
1 Semester Credits
The primary purpose of the clinical research project (CRP) is to refine the skills necessary for the production of an
original piece of scholarship in clinical psychology. In the course of conducting the project, the student is expected to
deepen knowledge about a particular clinical psychology topic, to improve critical thinking and writing skills, to develop
and apply skills in research, and to experience a scholarly professional working relationship with faculty. This course
represents an optional extension credit for students who were not able to complete their CRP on the typical timeline,
through no fault of the student’s own. This optional, repeatable credit allows students to remain enrolled and working
closely with the CRP committee and chair to complete the Clinical Research Project (CRP). A students and their
chair/committee will collaboratively set goals for this extension credit. In the process, they will work towards successful
CRP completion, and develop skills in independent clinical research, reporting and dissemination of clinical research, and
research collaboration.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PRP855(Clinical Research Project 5)
1 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
1.5 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
2 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
3 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): None
Predoctoral Internship
0 Semester Credits
The year-long internship is a required capstone experience for clinical psychologists, where students complete their predoctoral clinical training. Students on internship are expected to develop all aspects of their clinical skills, set and
achieve personalized goals for professional development in clinical work, and solidify their identities as professional
clinical psychologists. Students match to their internship site via the APPIC match process, and internship sites and
supervisors have primary responsibility for the training and supervision of the internship experience. Upon successful
completion of the year-long internship, as certified by the internship site, students will have also successfully completed
all terms of PRP890 and PRP891 that they have taken. PRP890 is a repeatable course taken in each full semester the
student is on internship. PRP891 is a repeatable course taken in each half-semester-length term the student is on
internship. Students may take any combination of PRP890 and PRP891 necessary to be enrolled in these courses for the
duration of their year-long internship.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PRP821(Practicum I - Assessment), PRP822(Practicum II - Assessment), PRP823(Practicum III - Therapy),
PRP824(Practicum IV - Therapy)
Predoctoral Internship Supplement
0 Semester Credits
The year-long internship is a required capstone experience for clinical psychologists, where students complete their predoctoral clinical training. Students on internship are expected to develop all aspects of their clinical skills, set and
achieve personalized goals for professional development in clinical work, and solidify their identities as professional
clinical psychologists. Students match to their internship site via the APPIC match process, and internship sites and
supervisors have primary responsibility for the training and supervision of the internship experience. Upon successful
completion of the year-long internship, as certified by the internship site, students will have also successfully completed
all terms of PRP890 and PRP891 that they have taken. PRP890 is a repeatable course taken in each full semester the
student is on internship. PRP891 is a repeatable course taken in each half-semester-length term the student is on
internship. Students may take any combination of PRP890 and PRP891 necessary to be enrolled in these courses for the
duration of their year-long internship.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PRP821(Practicum I - Assessment), PRP822(Practicum II - Assessment), PRP823(Practicum III - Therapy),
PRP824(Practicum IV - Therapy)
PSY – Psychology
Topics in Psychology
4 Semester Credits
A topics-based psychology course for non-majors interested in applying psychological principles and methods to
understand and analyze real-world events.
Core Curriculum Component: Social and Behavioral Sciences
Prerequisite(s): None
Principles of Psychology
4 Semester Credits
An introduction to the methods and principles of psychology. Applications of psychological concepts to everyday
situations are emphasized. Research participation is required.
Core Curriculum Component: Social and Behavioral Sciences
Prerequisite(s): None
4 Semester Credits
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PSY105(Principles of Psychology)
Health Psychology
4 Semester Credits
Consideration of the impact of psychological, behavioral, social, and biological interactions on health.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PSY105(Principles of Psychology)
Lifespan Development
4 Semester Credits
An overview of biological, cognitive, and socioemotional development from the prenatal period through adulthood using
a developmental perspective. Emphasis on theories, methodology, and current scientific and applied research in
developmental psychology.
Core Curriculum Component: None
Prerequisite(s): PSY105(Principles of Psychology)
Culture and Psychology
4 Semester Credits
Examine how culture is related to mental processes and behavior. Topics include the impact of culture on development,
emotion, cog