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Augsburg Bulletin March 1951, Page 08
Alumni Magazine Collection
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BASEBALL PROSPECTS FOR 1951 Finding ways to stretch the base- ball season has been an ever-present problem for as long as the sport has been play ed on a college level in the frozen inidwest. Coach Edor Nelson has not been able to squeeze more than sixty minutes out of an hour drill and his...
Show moreBASEBALL PROSPECTS FOR 1951 Finding ways to stretch the base- ball season has been an ever-present problem for as long as the sport has been play ed on a college level in the frozen inidwest. Coach Edor Nelson has not been able to squeeze more than sixty minutes out of an hour drill and his efiorts to alter the calen- dar have all failed. Lately. however. we have noticed changes of a quali- tative nature in his approach to the problem. Nelson, who is working his boys out in the gymnasium. begins each practice session by singing “it Might as Well Be Spring". This lends a psychological advantage to the drills which is certain to pay dividends on the diamond. Reluctant to divulge the source of his new musical ap- proach. Nelson's only comment is that he "picked the idea up while working on a progressive dairy farm." Working with a core of ten letter- men. mostly sophomores and juniors. Nelson is non-committal about pros- pects for his squad. “They have lots of hustle.” he said. “and are the kind of team you like to watch. They are kids who like to play ball and will make up in hustle what they lack in experience." The word has been get- ting around. however. that the like- able and jovial mentor has a better squad than last year’s and may even be secretly plotting an upper bracket finish. The returning lettermen include two seniors, Jerry Davis. who will be seeing a lot of action as a pitcher. and Skippy Hanson, who will also perform on the mound. Other letter- men include: Bill Onischuk. pitcher; Robert Hage. catcher: Elwood Lar- son, catcher; Harvey Peterson, third base: Mark Raabe, second base; Arlo Dahlager. first base: Jack Schwartz. center field, and Don Eckhoft, first base. Some of the outstanding new pros- pects include: Don Reimer, catcher; lirling Huglen. pitcher, and Henry Sechler. outfielder. So far this sea- son about forty men have reported for drills. The Auggies will go out of the conference for only two games this season—a home-and~home series with the University of Minnesota. One of the encounters is the season’s opener and will be played April 17 under the lights at Delta Field. The other game will be played at 8 p.m. May 14-. in Nicollet Park. Most of the other home games will be played at Nokomis Field. 50th and Cedar. No admission will be charged for the games at Nokomis. What will be the won-lost record of the squad this season is. of neces-' sity. still in the realm of the un- known. In a recent interview, how- ever. Coach Nelson said, “You must take into consideration the fact that the art of striking a three-inch spher- oid and sending it over lengthy tra- jectories is fraught with a good many uncertainties which make it difficult, if not impossible, to forecast the out- ' come of any season. I wish to deny in advance any statement you may quote me as having made." Spring Sports Schedule BASEBALL April l7—Minnesota, there. April 21—Gustavus, here. April 24—St. Thomas, here. April 28—St. Mary’s, here. May l—St. Thomas, there. May 4—Macalester, there. May S—St. Olaf, here. May 8—St. John’s, there. May Dir—Minnesota, here. May lS—Hamline, here. May 17—St. John’s, here. May 19—St. Olaf, there. May 22—Gustavus, there, 8 p.m. TENNIS April 17—Hamline, there. April 28—St. Mary’s, here. May l—St. Thomas, here. May 4—Macalester, there. May 8—St. Olaf, here. May l2—St. Olaf, there. May lS—Hamline, here. May 18 and ISL—State meet at Mac. May 22—Gustavus, there. TRACK April l4———Macalester, there. April 21—Carlton Relays. April 28—Gustavus, there. May S—Viking or St. Thomas Re- lays. May ll—St. Olaf, there. May 19—State Meet. and a large crowd is anticipated. will be charged. VARSITY-ALUMNI BASEBALL GAME SCHEDULED There will be a Varsity-Alumni baseball game held at Nicollet Park on Saturday evening, May 19, at 8 p.m. It is the first time in history of Augsburg that a game of this type has been scheduled on such a large basis. lnterest among the Alumni is running high for this event The Alumni team has been chosen from the teams of 194-6 through 1950. Claire “Doc” Strommen, one of Augsburg’s all-time greats, will coach the team. “Doc” has received nation-wide attention for his pitch- ’ ing prowess. At the present time he is engaged in assisting Edor Nelson J in the coaching duties at Augsburg, mainly working with the pitchers. The Varsity team is the 1951 edition at Augsburg. A nominal fee 1 The Bulletin of WW WWW SW 8th St. and 213! Ave. S. MINNEAPOLIS 4. MINNESOTA
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Augsburg Bulletin March 1951, Page 06
Alumni Magazine Collection
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1 890-1 920 Rev. and Mrs. Bernhard A. Hel- Iand, ’18, (Murial Nelson, ’25) and daughter Claire Elaine, arrived home from India on March 24th. They are living at 3231 Fremont South. Rev. Helland has resigned his position as superintendent of the Santal Mission in India. Oliver T. Swanson. ’17, of...
Show more1 890-1 920 Rev. and Mrs. Bernhard A. Hel- Iand, ’18, (Murial Nelson, ’25) and daughter Claire Elaine, arrived home from India on March 24th. They are living at 3231 Fremont South. Rev. Helland has resigned his position as superintendent of the Santal Mission in India. Oliver T. Swanson. ’17, of Dawson Creek. British Columbia. Canada. spent a few weeks in Minneapolis re- cently. visiting his son Ronald. ’48. and his mother and other relatives. Mr. Swenson is operating a farm implement and automobile establish- ment. 1930-39 Rev. H. 0. Egertson, ‘31. of Los Angeles. California. has been called as an evangelist for the ELC. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bolslad. '34-. and famin have returned from Tanganyika. East Africa. and are at present living at 1924- So. Prairie. Sioux Falls. South Dakota. Miss Constance Slennes. '39. was a visitor on the campus in March. She is a missionary to Bolivia but is home on furlough. While here. she spoke to various groups. including the Spanish classes. and also showed pictures of the work and life in Bo- livia. 1940-50 Rev. and Mrs. Paul Sonnack. ’42. (Evelyn Amundson. ’43} have moved to Chicago where Rev. Sonnack will continue his studies at the UniVersity of Chicago. They plan to return to Minneapolis in the fall. Their pres- ent address is 6731 S. Perry. Chicago 21. Illinois. Iohn Werkel. ’49. has again Won honors in the athletic field by being named the outstanding athlete of 1950 in Minneapolis. He earned the award through his feats in European skating events from 1948 to 1950. He has already been chosen on the United States 1952 Olympic team. Mr. Werket is now coaching the Bear- cat Legion Skating Club of Minne- apolis. Duane Addison. (49-50)). was elected president of the Lutheran Stu- dent Association on the University Campus for the coming year. He is a Junior in the College of Liberal Arts. AUGGIE FELLOWSHIP CIRCLE On the Campus On March 12th and 14th. Augs- burg College was host to the Minne- apolis Junior Chamber of Commerce and about 300 juniors from 10 Min- neapolis high schools. The event was a College Orientation Day sponsored by the J.C.’s for the purpose of ex- plaining to prospective college stu- dents such phases of college life as loans and scholarships. entrance re- quirements. and the military outlook. A movie on activities of a college, filmed at Princeton, was also shown. Mr. William Lee and Mr. Larry El- feldt of the Junior Chamber of Com- merce were co-chairmen of the event while the Public Relations depart- ment at Augsburg made the necessary arrangements on the campus. I I I The third annual Careers Confer- ence was held at Augsburg on April 4th with general arrangements made by student committees and the per- sonnel committee. Miss Leith Shackel, Director of Placement Services. Carleton College. and Dr. C. H. Beck- er. President of Wartburg College. gave the leading addresses. Miss Shackel spoke on “Careers Unlimit- ed" and Mr. Becker used “Serving God in Your Generation” as his theme. Following the general session in the chapel in the morning, the group devided into various interest groups such as mathematics, library science. physical education. and Christian service, each with a leader well qualified to give advice in his particular field. I I I Augsburg has again enjoyed “Sci- ence Night" sponsored by the Aristo- telian Society. This annual affair was held on March 3lst and was widely and colorfully advertised by balloons which were released from the campus during the day. To each balloon was attached a return postcard with the request that the finder return the card to the college. Cards have been re- turned from Gay's Mills. Wisconsin: Klemme, Iowa: Cresco. Iowa. and Goodhue and Waseca. Minnesota. The program consisted of a colored movie entitled “Realm of the Wild”, and open house in various science laboratories of the college. In each laboratory an experiment was being conducted. Approximately 225 peo- ple attended the program. I I I The A.W.S. (Associated Women Students) of Augsburg sponsored a spring tea on April 3rd to which the women on the faculty and staff were invited. After refreshments a very in- teresting style show was given. I l I The Mission Society centered their mission festival on April 5 to 8 around the theme, “Debtors to All”. This thought was carried out by their speakers, Rev. B. A. Helland, recently returned from India, Mrs. Kim of Korea, and Rev. C. E. Wal- stad. president of the Church of the Lutheran Brethren of America. The film. “I Am With You” was shown on Friday evening. I I I Spiritual Emphasis Week was held at Augsburg March 5-9 with Rev. C. E. Walstad, president of the Church of the Lutheran Brethren of Amer- ica, as guest speaker. The theme of the series of meetings was “God Has the Answer". This emphasis on the positive brought a challenge and an enrichment to the audience which packed the chapel every night—a challenge to find the answer in God through His Word, and an enrich- ment through confidence in a life for which there is an answer. I I I Friends and Alumni of Augsburg are sorry to know that Prof. Lars Lillehei, Professor of New Testament Creek, is ill from an heart ailment and has been unable to conduct his classes for several weeks. Latest re- ports are that he is better but that he will be away from the college for an indefinite period. I I I We wish to extend to Professor H. N. Hendrickson our congratula- tions on his 83rd birthday, and to wish him many more birthdays while he is still on the faculty at Augsburg. Willard C. McKinny, ’41. received the master of arts degree from the University of Minnesota at the com- mencement exercises on December 21. 1950.
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Augsburg Bulletin March 1951, Page 04
Alumni Magazine Collection
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GOING TO JAPAN Yes. we are going to Japan! Most people congratulate us. Perhaps a few would discourage us. Undoubted- ly those who know us best question the wisdom of our going. Why are we going? Honest an- swers could vary from a materialis- tic. “Good opportunities over there.“ to a...
Show moreGOING TO JAPAN Yes. we are going to Japan! Most people congratulate us. Perhaps a few would discourage us. Undoubted- ly those who know us best question the wisdom of our going. Why are we going? Honest an- swers could vary from a materialis- tic. “Good opportunities over there.“ to a spiritualized. “The Lord has led". Actually. our decision to go to Japan is the fruit of convictions concern- ing the need of the Church at home as much as in Japan. A glimpse of our congregational life and a hasty scrutiny of the life of the Church reveals a glaring con- trast. “even to one who runs while reading". What is the reason for the coldness. inertia. and lack of vitality in the Church? It is partly this: we have tended to make Christianity a religio-cultural process. It has been presented as an evolutionary process when it is a dynamic experience. The Church is where the Word of God is preached and believed. It is dy- namic—not institutional. On the for- eign mission field where the Gospel continually comes in contact with un- polished heathendom. there is less temptation to equate Christianity and culture. The Church at home needs a living fellowship with the "foreign" field to remind it of its nature. The home Church needs the mis- sion field to combat its own egoism. Personal pride. denominational big- otry. and intense nationalism are all too evident. Our opinion of an indi- vidual soars if he joins our church. becomes of our theological persua- sion. or swears allegiance to our flag. But the Church of Christ is uni- versal. God says. “Become uni- versal in your love and labor.” Mis- sions serve as a corrective to see- tional and parochial attitudes. ln going to Japan we are not ob- livious to the needs at home. By going we are allowing the Church to exer- cise the only principle by which God can bless us. Our Lord Jesus said, MR. AND MRS. BERGH "Give and it shall be given to you again”. We are still serving a Master who feeds multitudes with a few loaves and fishes. But we must oper- ate on his principle of “Give and Matthew 11:1 embodies a principle which we believe is still valid. "And it came to pass when Jesus had finished commanding his twelve disciples. he departed then to teach and preach in their cities.” it we go in obedience to the Lord Jesus He shall not fail to minister in the places we have left. The LFC-ELC cooperative venture in Japan is itself a forward step in Christian unity. Details concerning our work there have been arranged in the greatest harmony between our joint boards. We are grateful for this fellowship with them in the further- ance of the Gospel. Our field in Japan includes eight million people. These are eager. liter- ate people in the industrial area from Tokyo to Nagoya. But more important than the prin- ciples and the vast multiudes, as ex- cellent and challenging as they may be. are the individuals there who may be led into fellowship with Jesus Christ. It is for them we go! OLIVER and JUDITH BERCH. AUGSBURG GOSPEL QUARTET TO TRAVEL Plans are being made once again for the Augsburg Gospel Quartet to travel extensively throughouot the United States. As is customary. the group. under the guidance and spon- sorship of the Augsburg College Mu- sic Department. will visit many of our churches that support Augsburg and a number of other communities of the Augustzma. ELC. and UELC s) nods. For many years the gospel quar- tets have traveled and have. met with outstanding success and response from the various communities. Augs- burg may well be proud of its young AUGGIES ON MISSION FIELDS IN JAPAN That Augsburg Alumni and for- mer students are taking an interest in the new mission project in Japan is evidenced by the number who have accepted a call to serve in that field. Besides Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Bergh, whose article appears elsewhere in this issue. Mr. and Mrs. Alton P. Knulson, of the Augsburg Seminary will be leaving for Japan after grad- uation in June. Rev. and Mrs. Paul Blikstad, ’ 7, and daughter Priscilla, left from Seattle February 19th for Sakata and Akita, Japan, where they will serve under the Church of the Lutheran Brethren of America. Miss Delna Coerntzen, ’49, of Mountain Lake is also planning to leave for Japan soon under an independent mission group. Rev. and Mrs. Gor- don Tang (Clean Bolslad, ’39-41) are already active on the ELC mis- sion field near Tokyo. Their address is 21 Maruyama Cho, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo. Japan. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Swanson IRth Weltzin, ’47) are also preparing for this field of mission work. Mr. Swanson is at present studying at the Augustana Seminary in Rock Island. Miss Carola Mosby. ~51. Blue Earth. is planning to leave for Tokyo in August as a nurse on the mission field. men that spend their summers in this manner. They present a message— the message of Christ. The personnel of the group will in- clude young men who have had many years’ experience singing in quartets. Howard Pearson will sing first tenor and his brother Daniel. second ten- or. Marlo Peterson, this past year soloist with the Augsburg College Choir. will sing first bass, and Rich- ard “Pete” Peterson, second bass. The men are salaried and the offer- ings taken at the programs will go directly to the Music Department and the College. Each evening during their presentation. one of the group will give a short meditation on the Word of God. This year the itinerary of the quar- tet will bring them into many states. Starting in Minnesota they will visit Iowa. South Dakota. North Dakota, Montana, Idaho. Washington, Ore- gon, and British Columbia, Canada.
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Augsburg Bulletin March 1951, Page 03
Alumni Magazine Collection
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AUGSBURG YOUTH CARAVAN TO TRAVEL Six college upper classmen. plus an adult adviser, will travel among the parishes of our Rockford. Marin- ette, Duluth, and Northern Wiscon- sin districts. These youth have been selected by the Youth Director on the basis of musigianship. scholarship. persona ity,...
Show moreAUGSBURG YOUTH CARAVAN TO TRAVEL Six college upper classmen. plus an adult adviser, will travel among the parishes of our Rockford. Marin- ette, Duluth, and Northern Wiscon- sin districts. These youth have been selected by the Youth Director on the basis of musigianship. scholarship. persona ity, an Christian seal. Four of the group form a brass quartet which will rank as outstand- ing among non-professional groups. They are as follows: Ruth Schmidt, Elkton, South Da- kota, French horn. (Won first in the National Contest.) Dorothy Strommen, Blanchardville. Wisconsin, Baritone. (Won first in Wisconsin State Contest.) James Christo herson, Valley City, North Dakota. rumpet. ( Has trav- eled two previous years with the Youth Caravan as trumpet soloist.) Douglas Augustine, Minneapolis. Minnesota. Trombone. ( Played in Air Corps Band. Voted most valuable player in Roosevelt High Band. Min- neapolis.) in addition to the brass quartet. the group presents a mixed quartet and a vocal duo. Comprising the vo- cal duo are Charlotte Kleven. Blan- chardville, Wisconsin, pianist and so- rano soloist. and Morris Johnson. cine, Wisconsin. speaker and tenor soloist. (sang first tenor last year (Continued on page 5) To STUDY IN NORWAY Miss Elizabeth Man er, a sopho- more at Augsburg, has n accepted as one of the 250 students from the United States to study at the Univer- sity of Oslo this summer. She plans to sail on June 12th and will spend six weeks at the University studying Norwegian music, art. literature. and government. Miss Manger has rela- tives living in Oslo and will have an opportunity to visit them as well as to travel for about a month. Students are chosen on the basis of scholar- ship and recommendations as well as a statement of their reasons for wanting to stud abroad. Miss Orlette iljelle. a junior. will also spend the summer visiting rela- tives in Gudbransdalen and Eidsvold. Norway, with her parents. They will be leaving on the Stavangerfjord on June 12th and will spend about two months abroad. NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGHER EDUCATION MARTIN qunascx The National Conference on High- er Education, each year the largest gathering of educators from colleges and universities, met in Chicago. April 2-4. While many problems of higher education were discussed, the relation of education to defense held the focus of attention. In the opening lectures, the contributions of various fields of study to defense were stressed. President Truman’s an- nouncement re arding the deferment of college students. either by acci- dent or by design, was made on the opening day of the Conference. This was the cause of some optimism on the part of those studying enrolment trends. Predictions were made that the drop in college enrolments from the fall of 1950 to the fall of 1951 would not exceed 10 or 12 per cent. with considerable variation between col- leges because of ROTC programs and other factors. C o l o n e I lr- win. speaking for General Hershey. explained the new draft deferment program at the last session. Much of the conference time was spent in smaller worsho . l had the privilege of working wit a group of about thirty-five interested in the question of how to get a program of general education under way in a small college. Under the chairman- ship of Dean Baller of Carthage Col- lege, with Dr. Walker of Goucher as recorder, Miss Holmquist of Moor- head State Teachers as analyst. and Dr. Furrow of Knox as consultant. the group made considerable prog- ress in identifying problems aml also found some suggestions for their so- lution. The efficiency of the staff respon- sible for mimeographing addresses, news and announcements. and group reports was marvelous to see. Ralph McDonald. secretary of the Higher Education Division of the N. E. A.. retained his reputation for effective- ness in organizin a conference. The only slip occurre in the final lunch’ eon meeting, where Dr. Henderson of the University of Michigan and Dr. Wardell of Oklahoma did a Inas- terful job of stalling while Dr. Hen- derson’s manuscript returned from the eager mimeographers, who were going to have it ready for distribu- AUGSBURG FOUNDATION The Augsburg Foundation is grow- ing! The responses that have come into the Alumni Office from our friends have been very gratifying and encouraging. However, much work will have to be done if we are to reach our goal of “every alumnus and former student a member". That goal can and will be reached—rvwheth- or it is today. tomorrow. or next year~Show less
Augsburg Bulletin March 1951, Page 05
Alumni Magazine Collection
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STUDENT RECRUITMENT EMPHASIZED Student recruitment for 1951-52 has received new impetus with the ap intment of Paul l. Roth to the Pu lic Relations De artrnent. Mr. Roth, assistant in chemistry since 1949, is traveling as Field Represen- tative for Augsburg. and in that ca- pacity is visiting...
Show moreSTUDENT RECRUITMENT EMPHASIZED Student recruitment for 1951-52 has received new impetus with the ap intment of Paul l. Roth to the Pu lic Relations De artrnent. Mr. Roth, assistant in chemistry since 1949, is traveling as Field Represen- tative for Augsburg. and in that ca- pacity is visiting high schools throughout the state. The recruitment program is off to a later start than usual because of personnel changes. Constant travel is going to be necessary in order to visit as many communities as pos- sible before the end of the school year. Correspondence with prospec- tive students continues at a high vol- ume. Maintenance of enrollment is a top priority for the years ahead. Now. as never before, a field stafl' made u of all Alumni is essential. and each of us can be of help in this area by: l. Recommending Augsburg to young people contemplating higher education. 2. Sending the names and ad- dresses of prospective students to the Office of Public Relations. 3. Arranging for “College Night" in your church. Films. slides. and oth- er material can be sent to you, and an alumnus in the area or a repre- sentative from the campus can be present to answer questions. 4. Encouraging prospective stu- dents to write to us for answers to their particular questions. ‘ With the addition of Science Hall. Augsburg has splendid facilities for all students, including pre-profession- al and science majors. We are grate- ful to many Alumni who have helped us in the recruitment program and who have helped their young friends to make important decisions about their future. Let’s not slack off! Our slogan for the immediate future is: “Full swing all spring—June’s soon." Student Leaders Look Ahead in order that maximum help and idance might be given new stu- dlelnts before and during fall registra- tion. the Student Council is again sponsoring a Student Counsellors Training Course for all upper class- (Continued on page 7) CONFERENCE ATTENDED BY PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT Miss Gerda Mortenson and Mr. Berner Dahlen attended the Council of Guidance and Personnel Associa- tions at Stevens Hotel. Chicago, March 25-29. The theme for the conference was “Personnel Resources for Improving Human Relations". While technical areas for personnel service and prac- tical applications for group dynamics were given their fair share in the discussions of the topic. the signifi- cance of spiritual. ethical. and moral \alues was given a greater emphasis than has been true in previous con- ferences on personnel services. Dr. Kenneth l. Brown. Executive Director of the Danforth Foundation. was one of the speakers who brought out the thought that religion plays a vital part in counselling. He emphasized the following values as being impor- tant for all: 1. Respect for truth and a deter- mination to find it at all costs. 2. A habit of faithfulness to as- signed tasks. 3. Possession of personal integrity. 4. A sense of life as an opportunity for service. He continued to say that it is of great importance that the counsellor have “a willingness to be of maxi- mum help to students. have endless patience, unmovable calmness. un- ruffled acceptance of itnerruptions. and a habitual vision of greatness". Cod and the Bible give validity to these values. CARAVAN with the l..R.l. quartet). As preludes there will be piano duets by Char~ lotte Kleven and Dorothy Strommen. both of whom are evcellent piano players. All of the six plan on professional scrv'icc in the church. four in our church body. They have been meet- ing regularly for prayer and rehears- als this semester in preparation for the tour. Four of the six are taking the Youth Work class. This group will be traveling under the sponsorship of Augsburg College and the Luther League Federation. They will be. spending two days in each parish. utilizing the time by giv- ing services each evening. and by making contacts with the youth of the (Continued from page 3“ AUGSBURG CHORAL GROUPS ENJOY SUCCESS The Augsburg Choir and Choral Club completed their concert tours this past season with great success. Although both groups experienced extremes in weather while in various parts of the states, they also experi- enced a heart-warming response to their message in song. While in llli- nois and lows. the Choir had five days of freezing rain which made the highways almost impassable, but it was not necessary to cancel any concert. The Choral Club drove (and sang) through several blizzards in North and South Dakota. It was nec- eesary to cancel two appearances on this tour. A group of Alumni in the Chicago area entertained the Choir after their concert in Christ Lutheran Church. The persons responsible for this fine gesture were: Marie Pierce. ‘37: Bel- ma Mikkelson. ’39: Thora Anderson. '29. and lrene Helland. '28. Mr. Joe Seto (43-47) was at the concert also. The Choral Club was treated to a fine lunch after its appearance at Mayville State Teachers College. Mayvillc. S. D.. by Mr. Orrie E. Lar- son. a member of the staff at the col- lege. He is active in the English and dramatics department there. Mr. Lar- son graduated from Augsburg in 1928. The Spring Concert of the Choir “as April 14th at Central Lutheran Church. while the Choral Club will present a concert on April 29th at Oak Grove Lutheran Church. Mr. Le- l'md l3. Sateren is directing both rzroum. parish through informal get-togethers as well as a formal banquet. Youth Caravans from Augsburg have traveled for two previous years and have met such an enthusiastic response from the pastors. that thc\ haw become a most welcome group. In preparation for the tour the group has been not only arranging music. rehearsing. and praying to- gether. but they lune also been giv- ing presentations at public gather- ings. On Saturday evening. April 7th. the group presented a service of mu. sic and witness before an assembled audience of approximately 600 youth from the area around l'irskine. Min- nesota. Tile brass quartet played sev~ crul original arrangements by Doug- las Augustine. one of the group.
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Augsburg Bulletin March 1951, Page 01
Alumni Magazine Collection
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VOLUME xur NUMBER :‘ Published by Augsbu rg College and Theological Seminary. Minneapolis. Minnesota. A Lutheran BULLETIN MARCH 1951 A Letter from President Christensen to all Alumni Dear Augsburg Alumnus: Today, as is well known to most of us, the colleges of Our country are facing grave...
Show moreVOLUME xur NUMBER :‘ Published by Augsbu rg College and Theological Seminary. Minneapolis. Minnesota. A Lutheran BULLETIN MARCH 1951 A Letter from President Christensen to all Alumni Dear Augsburg Alumnus: Today, as is well known to most of us, the colleges of Our country are facing grave difficulties, caused by the international situation. Reduced enrollments plus inflation have added to previous financial stringencies to produce a real "crisis in the colleges.” As a result, all the private and church colleges are appealing to their alumni and friends to come to their help in a special way at a critical time. As these lines are being written, the government has announced a new policy which will probably permit many more young men to remain in college next year. For this we are grateful. But for the present year, the situation remains unchanged; and almost everywhere there are dangerously unbalanced budgets. One educational leader has estimated that the Lutheran colleges will be short on an average of from $20,000 to $70,000 for the year’s operations. At Augsburg we shall need approximately $20,000 to $25,000. The Augsburg Foundation is our channel for alumni giving to current expenses. It is the work- ing arm of the Alumni Association. Regular memberships cost $10 per year,- but gifts are gladly received in any amount. And every gift is a real lift in this time of need. We deeply appreciate the efforts being put forth by many Alumni in this project, which will help carry Augsburg through another difficult period. The Church does its part year by year. It is an additional inspiration now again to sense the rallying support also of the alumni group. It is planned to begin soon regular Foundation meetings far united prayer and counsel among Augsburg friends for the purpose of solving Augsburg’s problems. All who can are cordially in- vited to participate. The first session will be announced at the Twin Cities Foundation Rally to be held in April. We need one another more than ever today. There is a great work to be done for Christ in Education at Augsburg. The times challenge each of us today as perhaps never before, to both deeper understanding and deeper commitment to the service of our country and of all mankind. Let us give of our best to the cause that unites us! Yours for Augsburg, (5mm MM BERNHARD CHRISTENSEN
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Augsburg Bulletin March 1951, Page 02
Alumni Magazine Collection
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Institutional Chaplaincy Service ALEXANDER BORREVIK, Institutional Chaplain The work of the Chaplaincy Department of the Lutheran Welfare Society of Minnesota has become well known to the Lutherans of this aiea since its activities were accelerated by the appointment of Rev. Frederick Norstad to...
Show moreInstitutional Chaplaincy Service ALEXANDER BORREVIK, Institutional Chaplain The work of the Chaplaincy Department of the Lutheran Welfare Society of Minnesota has become well known to the Lutherans of this aiea since its activities were accelerated by the appointment of Rev. Frederick Norstad to the directorship of the department in 1949. In addition to training Lutheran pastors to serve as hospital chaplains in larger urban areas of Minnesota, Mr. Narstad is also giving clinical training to others who Will be serving in the state hospitals for the mentally ill. Rev. Aleyander Borrevik, an alumnus of Augsburg College and Seminary, is one of the chaplains serving through Lutheran Wel— fare Society. His work consists in serving Lutherans in the hospitals, sanitariums, and correctional institutions of the Duluth area. In the article which follows, Mr. Borrevik gives an insight into the reason for the need of such service and the type of training required. —E. T. “General cure of souls seems at times about as eHective as putting drops into a patient‘s ey es from a third-story window . . . Unless we come to the ground floor with our 'drops“ and get new life into our personal cure of souls, it is very evident that the people at large will be left with- out our ministry." So writes E. G. Culien, Bishop of Tampere. Finland. What pastor hasn't felt his inadequacy in dealing with the people who have special needs? It may be an emotionally disturbed child in the parish. Often it is the family in which there is an inadequate r'llild. or it may be a mentally ill person. In every com- munity there are multitudes of alcoholics who need the friendship and constructive help of a counsellor. Occa- sionally an unwed mother finds herself desperately in need of counselling and sympathetic understanding. Then there is the delinquent youth, probably the fruit of a broken home, who needs help. In every congregation there are a number of repressed persons who find them- selves in deep water continually because of a fundamental lack of knowing and directing their own normal drives. These and many more people with special needs must be reached by the resources of the Gospel. And what Chris- tian worker hasn't felt his helplessness in being able to properly minister to his people? it has been stated. erroneously or otherwise. that many Christian ministers have been living so exclusively in the atmosphere of the church that they have failed to acquaint themselves with the realms of darkness and the depths of human depravity. Their feet are, so to speak. not on the ground. Their understanding of people-—their deeper motivations and difficulties. their strengths and weak- nesses is inadequate. Accordingly they fail to meet the deeper needs of troubled souls. A tremendous challenge has come to the church of late. Leading doctors and psychiatrists are recognizing the tre- mendous resources of religion and are asking that clin- ically trained men of God make their contribution to the rehabilitation of people ‘in physical or mental illnesses. The term "psychosomatic medicine". used freely of late. Rev. Alexander Borrevik means that man is not just chemistry. Man’s illness is not purely maladjusted chemicals. It may be that, but it very likely hinges on nialadjusted thinking or lack of faith and peace of soul. Often guilt feelings or terrific hostility in a patient bring about physical or mental illness. The doctor or psychiatrist working together with the chaplain or pastor minister to the total personality. Jesus said again and again. “Peace be unto you". This peace which is the fruit of being in tune with God is recognized as of great value by leading scientific men today. We are try- ing to meet this great challenge by adding to our semin- aries special courses in pastoral clinical training. Augs- burg. Luther. and Northwestern Theological seminaries are conducting such courses under the able and inspiring leadership of Chaplain Frederic Norstad, Chief of Chap- laincy Services of the Lutheran Welfare Society of Min- nesota. The Minnesota Mental Health Chaplaincy train- ing is also under his able direction. May the Lord bless us as we continue to bring the love and healing of Christ to our many brethren who have special needs. (- ’o’ooooo”o'ooo'oooo~~'m~"~'-~ Annual Alumni Banquet, Thurs., May 31, Nokomis Heights Lutheran Church i l l t t \ \ \ t t l t t t c "OnooomOOONON'W'mW AUGSBURG BULLETIN Published bi-monthly and one additional issue in April by Augsburg College and Theological Seminary at Minneapolis, Minnesota, tinteer as second-class matter March 21, 1947 at the post office .1! Minneapolis, Minnesota. Vol. Xll. No. 2 MARCH. 1951
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Augsburg Now Winter 2020-21
Alumni Magazine Collection
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What it takes to fight a pandemic
Confronting the Minnesota paradox
Student-athletes’ off-and-on sports seasons
Augsburg’s in-house epidemiologist
WINTER 2020–21 | VOL. 83, NO. 1
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What it takes to fight a pandemic
Confronting the Minnesota paradox
Student-athletes’ off-and-on sports seasons
Augsburg’s in-house epidemiologist
WINTER 2020–21 | VOL. 83, NO. 1
From parking lots and phone calls to hospitals and research labs, Auggies
use a multifaceted approach to confront the global crisis of a lifetime
by Kate H. Elliott
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February 22, 2021
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One November afternoon, Natalie Jacobson,
coordinator of Augsburg’s Campus Kitchen, opened an
email from someone she didn’t recognize. It was short
and to the point: First-year Auggie Sam Kristensen ’24
explained that he had collected 17 bags of canned and
nonperishable food items from those who dared to enter
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his Halloween yard maze through a fog-lit skeleton shack
and animatronic troll swamp. The business major said he
was glad his ghoulish creativity could feed dozens of
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Augsburg students and residents in surrounding
Minneapolis neighborhoods.
“The email made my week,” Jacobson said. “We’ve been
consumed with coordinated relief e orts; Sam’s email
was a great reminder that everyone and anyone can
Natalie Jacobson joins Nick Keener ’20, Campus
Kitchen student leadership team member. (Courtesy
make a di erence.”
Kristensen is one of hundreds in the Augsburg
community who have come together in both planned and unplanned ways to support those in need during
the COVID-19 pandemic, which to date has infected an estimated 28 million and killed more than 500,000
Americans. From sta and students sewing and donating face masks to medical personnel advancing
policies and caring for patients, members of the Augsburg community are making a lasting impact on the
front lines of disease prevention and support. These are a few of the many stories of Auggies combating the
virus and its e ects with compassion, faith, and ingenuity.
Serving up hope
Jacobson manages donations like Kristensen’s o ering while working with a team of students and
volunteers to facilitate integrated food access programs to address hunger on and near campus. According
to the National Association of Student A airs Administrators in Higher Education, more than 38% of
students at four-year institutions are food insecure, and 15% are homeless.
Before the pandemic, Augsburg students accessed free food at the Campus Cupboard in the basement of
Science Hall. Students could stop in ve days a week to select a bag of fresh and non-perishable items, no
questions asked. The Campus Kitchen also made outreach e orts to support community gardens and
meals, rescue unsold produce at farmers markets, and educate the public about food as wellness.
Yamile Hernandez ’22 works in the Campus Cupboard. (Photo by Courtney Perry)
When the pandemic hit, Campus Kitchen turned up the heat. The team moved its refrigerators, freezers,
and shelves of food to a large conference room in Augsburg’s Sabo Center for Democracy and Citizenship.
Campus Cupboard transitioned to an online order form, with student workers, like nance major Yamile
Hernandez ’22, delivering orders on campus or making contactless deliveries to students living in the Twin
Cities. The cupboard serves between 25 and 75 students each week.
“It’s rewarding to know we’re helping others, especially in such hard times, and we’re using up food that
would have gone to waste.”—Yamile Hernandez ’22
“Many people have found themselves without a job or having less work, which makes it di cult to keep up
with expenses,” said Hernandez. “Having access to healthy, free food helps alleviate a bit of that stress.”
Campus Kitchen intensi ed e orts to address health and
wellness disparities in neighborhoods surrounding
Augsburg. Because so many organizations and
community centers were already in partnership with
Augsburg, Jacobson said, they were quick to respond to
increased needs during the pandemic.
“We heard about an opportunity to apply for CARES Act
grant funding on a Tuesday, and the application was due
that Thursday. Campus Kitchen rallied together with the
Health Commons, West Bank Community Development
Corporation, and the People’s Center to pull an
application together, and we received $22,000, which we
spent in a week on nonperishable food items, personal
and household cleaning products, as well as food storage
equipment, including refrigerators and freezers. The
Campus Kitchen volunteers [L to R]: Hank Hietala,
Ellen Finn, and LaToya Taris-James (Courtesy photo)
grant will enable us to provide students and neighbors
with access to healthy foods on a regular basis and at an increased capacity.”
In March, the Sabo Center launched the Neighborhood Food Initiative in partnership with M Health
Fairview. The initiative brings together a variety of community partners to support collaborative
approaches that increase access to healthy food in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood.
“Since the summer, we have distributed food weekly to the West Bank CDC and People’s Center,” Jacobson
said. “Many households in Cedar-Riverside now see this service as a key piece of meeting their basic food
Drives of support
Augsburg parking lots have been preferred drop-o locations for food and supply drives. In June and again
in late September, Augsburg Women Engaged supported weeklong drives to support the Campus
Cupboard and ShareShop, which provides students with free or for-rent bedding, games, clothing,
kitchenware, appliances, and other home goods. The group collected 400 pounds of food and household
supplies, plus $5,405 for the Campus Kitchen.
On June 1, Steve Peacock, community relations director at the Sabo Center, and a cadre of masked
volunteers lined up in a parking lot near the edge of campus. The group collected donations from an
estimated 550 cars that drove through during a two-hour drive to collect a number of items, mostly
personal hygiene products and diapers, for the Brian Coyle Neighborhood Center nearby.
“We were absolutely overwhelmed by the outpouring of
support and donations,” Peacock said. “While we were
out there, collecting items, we saw athletic teams lined
up to collect supplies on the other side of the athletics
complex. It’s a testament to the innovative, communityfocused, and generous spirit of Augsburg.”
“Our mission to support students and be an anchor for
the community seems relevant and central to our lives
now more than ever.”—Steve Peacock
Augsburg has also encouraged donations to the Student
Emergency Fund, which was established last March to
support students with nancial hardships and provide
relief for basic needs, including food, rent, transportation,
and medication.
Auggies gather donations for the Twin Cities
community outside Augsburg’s Kennedy Center.
(Courtesy photo)
In the wake of George Floyd’s death in May, Holy Trinity
Lutheran Church in the Longfellow neighborhood of
Minneapolis has distributed food to hundreds of
neighbors each week. This summer, Augsburg Pastor
Justin Lind-Ayres showed up with more than 25 Auggie students, sta , and faculty, most of whom didn’t
know each other, to serve food. “This was just one microcosm of the work Auggies have and continue to do
across the Twin Cities,” Lind-Ayres said. “The student body inspires and teaches me what it means to be
‘informed citizens.’”
‘Auggies are resilient’
Lind-Ayres and the Campus Ministry team have worked to provide moments of hope and belonging
throughout the year. They shared prayers on their blog once a day from March to May and now post
prayers weekly as a way for Auggies to lift up concerns and hopes for people and situations. On Fridays, the
team has hosted 8 minutes and 46 seconds in chapel and on Zoom for “Silence, Prayer, and Pastoral
Presence” to remember George Floyd and others and to focus on the call for racial justice. The Muslim
Student Association, under the direction of Fardosa Hassan ’12, has provided opportunities for safe,
socially distanced Friday prayer.
In addition to leading reduced-capacity in-person worship in Hoversten Chapel, recorded worship, and
virtual discussions, Lind-Ayres and University Pastor Babette Chatman ’06 serve on the COVID-19
Response Team. This diverse group of sta members gathers up to ve times each week to review COVID19 cases on campus, engage in contact tracing, provide support for students in quarantine or isolation, and
gure out ways to keep the community safe.
“We spend a lot of time on the phone or texting with students o ering words of encouragement, answering
questions, and troubleshooting issues together as we manage the realities of COVID-19 on campus,” said
Assistant Athletic Director Melissa Lee ’04 serves on the COVID-19 Task Force. (Photo by Courtney Perry)
Melissa Lee ’04, assistant athletic director and softball head coach, serves on the COVID-19 Task Force. Lee
is one of several sta members responding to the helpline set up for Auggies to access the latest
information and resources. In the spring, she and others were answering helpline phone calls and emails in
shifts seven days a week. As tra c has decreased, phone calls go directly to voicemail. Team members
respond to messages and emails as soon as possible.
To parents, students, faculty, and sta , Lee said, “Continue to be gritty. Continue to be safe. We can and will
all get through this together. Auggies are resilient.”
Augsburg stories on COVID-19:
What it takes to ght a pandemic, part 2: Research and health care
Augsburg’s in-house epidemiologist guides Auggies through the COVID-19 pandemic
Top Image: Auggies gather and distribute food and donations through programs like Campus Kitchen and
Campus Cupboard. (Photo by Courtney Perry)
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From parking lots and phone calls to hospitals and research labs, Auggies
use a multifaceted approach to confront the global crisis of a lifetime
by Kate H. Elliott
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February 22, 2021
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Katie Clark ’10 MAN, ’14 DNP sees resilience every day as executive
director of Augsburg’s Health Commons, which are drop-in health
centers led by the nursing program with a model focused on caring
for those in the community who are marginalized. Guests are not
required to show identi cation, and medical professionals don’t wear
scrubs or stethoscopes in order to increase relatability and public
trust in health care workers.
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Her focus at the Augsburg Central Health Commons is with
individuals who are experiencing homelessness or who are
marginally housed in Minneapolis, and the Health Commons in the
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Cedar-Riverside neighborhood provides care for residents, many of
whom are East African immigrants. As an assistant professor of
nursing, Clark teaches primarily in the graduate nursing program
Katie Clark ’10 MAN, ’14 DNP
(Courtesy photo)
through courses that emphasize social justice, health disparities, and
civic engagement.
The Augsburg nursing program, Clark said, is unique because faculty and students are embedded in
the community. Other schools often see that work as “extra service” and send students to nonpro ts,
but Augsburg considers place-based work as central to the educational experience.
Hospitality and healing
“We help students serve and explore the world we live in,
and we’re with them when they do it,” Clark said. “They get
uncomfortable and lean into the biases they may have and
really get involved in a community to understand the
issues from the people who experience them.”
“You can’t come up with answers if you don’t know the
problems.”—Katie Clark ’10 MAN, ’14 DNP
When COVID-19 hit, the Health Commons at Central
Lutheran Church in downtown Minneapolis was one of the
Augsburg’s Health Commons received
donations from the community, including
27,200 bottles of water from UP Co ee
Roasters and a grassroots fundraising
campaign organized by Bethany Johnson ’19,
’23 DNP, whose family owns the business.
Johnson (left) delivered water to the Health
Commons with husband, David Chall
(middle), and daughter, Olivia Chall, in April
2020. (Courtesy photo)
only drop-in health centers that continued to stay open. At
the height of the pandemic, Clark said staying open meant
standing outside, passing out hygiene kits, and bringing
meals and supplies to encampments of unhoused people.
“Many of our students are adult learners seeking
bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate degrees. Some of them
have dealt with furloughs or are at the bedsides of
patients, holding up the [touchscreen] tablet for family members to say goodbye, and adapting to
constant changes in health care environments. Then they have school in addition to their own
stressors at home, like juggling kids or responding to family members who say, ‘COVID isn’t real.’ These
students want to get involved and tackle the issues in their communities, and they are doing it! I get
chills talking about it.”
Ellen Kearney ’23 DNP is one of Clark’s students in the Doctor of Nursing Practice: Family Nurse
Practitioner program and also a registered nurse at a Twin Cities intensive care unit. Kearney admitted
that despite extensive safety measures, it was scary to be indoors at the Health Commons with
patients early in the pandemic. But the work—her passion—is critical, she added.
Katie Clark ’10 MAN, ’14 DNP (left) and President Paul Pribbenow at an Augsburg Bold event in the fall.
(Courtesy photo)
“Before COVID-19 we were able to serve between 50 and 100 people each Monday and Thursday,” said
Kearney. “Now we can only see 12 people each day we are open. But because our hours have not
changed, it has been nice to have a longer period alone with each guest if they chose to stay and talk.
I’ve been able to learn about one guest’s upcoming trip to her home country in Africa and her worries
about traveling, and I have been able to follow up with one older man while I do his foot care. It has
been hard to not open the doors fully, especially now that the weather is colder and knowing there are
so few public spaces open, though it is clear that we need to stay capped for everyone’s safety. While
the scale of the Commons is small, the impact is large.”
When Augsburg temporarily restricted students from working at the Commons, volunteers and
Augsburg alumni, like Emily Pierskalla ’20 DNP, stepped in to keep doors open. The most challenging
aspect of working as a registered nurse is ricocheting through stages of grief, which Pierskalla said is
emotionally, mentally, and physically exhausting. She avoids news about COVID-19 and social media
because it can trigger haunting memories.
“I have ashbacks of the faces of patients I’ve seen die while their loved ones cry watching through an
iPad or seeing my own co-workers struggling to breathe after getting sick,” said Pierskalla, who has
worked for eight years at Hennepin County Medical Center in Minneapolis. “It has taken a lot of
therapy, self-care, and e ort to keep the burnout from causing me to become bitter and angry, or
worse, apathetic to the world and society.”
She has also worked as a nurse practitioner at CVS MinuteClinics, administering COVID-19 tests and
helping people understand their test results and quarantine recommendations—e orts that have
immediate practical e ects.
“When I’m at the Commons or out in the camps, I actually feel like I’m helping to create the world I
want to live in.”—Emily Pierskalla ’20 DNP
Ray Yip ’72 has extensive global health experience, including work in Qinghai, a sparsely populated Chinese
province. (Courtesy photo)
Advocates for change
Auggies are working across the globe to create policies and medical
solutions to realize that better world. Dr. Ray Yip ’72 is a global
health specialist serving as special advisor to the Gates Venture on
China Partnership Development. For the past 22 years, he has
assisted the Chinese government in improving its public health
system, with a focus on disease control and response capacity. When
COVID-19 began spreading in January, Yip was in Beijing.
“I was impressed with how aggressive the outbreak was in Wuhan,
and I predicted that China would be able to get it under control by
April. To my pleasant surprise, China achieved that seemingly
impossible task by mid-March.”
In February, he returned to his home in upstate New York, from
Ray Yip ’72 (Courtesy photo)
which he has advised several organizations about COVID-19-related
issues and provided a range of companies with updates about the
progress of vaccine development worldwide.
“This pandemic, which we knew would happen sooner or later, requires strong government
leadership as well as commitment and partnership with the private sectors for the solutions.”—Ray
Yip ’72
“More than 23 years with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention told me the United States
had the know-how and capacity to contain this epidemic. After all, I was sent to China to help them to
build such capacity. My prediction was so o , I hate to admit it. We all su er dearly from the dire
consequence of horrible mismanagement, which largely has to do with leadership failure. It was
particularly painful to watch the CDC get sidelined, and public health measures became politicized.”
The heroes of the pandemic, Yip said: health care workers.
“Most people do not realize the risk and danger of those health care workers taking care of the COVID
patients, especially in the early phase when protective gear was in short supply. A disproportionate
number of them got infected and died. If I were my younger version, I would not hesitate to join them
in on the front lines. I am grateful for their service and sacri ce.”
Interview with Dr. Ray Yip '72
Augsburg University Alumni Association was Live Follow
Dr. Paul Mueller ’84, regional vice president for Mayo Clinic Health
System’s Southwest Wisconsin region, oversees thousands of such
workers attending to patients in two hospitals and eight clinics. He
manages COVID-19 response through policy decisions and exploring
new treatments while treating the disease in his own patient panel.
“It is weighty from a psychological standpoint, as you try to be a
leader in such an ever-changing, high-stakes environment, knowing
the lives you impact,” said Mueller, who has served as an Augsburg
regent and as the campaign chair of Great Returns: Augsburg’s
Sesquicentennial Campaign. “But every day I walk the halls of our
hospitals and clinics and see the resilience and ingenuity of our sta
who have delivered on the promise of medicine. Nurses greet me
with a smile behind personal protective equipment. They are busy
Paul Mueller ’84 (Courtesy photo)
but feel called and up to this work. With a can-do attitude, we are
caring for patients in the darkest of times, administering novel
treatments, and preparing to safely roll out vaccines.
“We’re still in the thick of it. If you think of it like a marathon, we are at mile marker 19. But if we can
maintain resilience and hope, we will nish the race and be better for it.”—Paul Mueller ’84
“This pandemic has shown us that we all breathe the same air, and it is the one thing that is unifying
our entire planet. While the virus rages on killing people, we continue to see the brilliance of the human
spirit—beacons of hope and optimism, compassion and resilience, integrity and ingenuity.”
Caring for patients, fueling research
Brittany Kimball ’13 is a third-year resident at the
University of Minnesota in internal medicine and
pediatrics. The pandemic has taken its toll on her and
other residents, as expectations are in ux and
workloads are stressful and exhausting. Virtual visits are
di cult because of a lack of internet and personal
connectivity, Kimball said. Loneliness has infected the
hospitals. Last week, Kimball watched a nurse gently care
for a patient isolated from visitors, playing his favorite
music as he died.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly compounded
patients’ conditions. Children are missing well visits and
Brittany Kimball ’13: “Getting my rst COVID-19
vaccine at Masonic Children’s Hospital—which I
encourage everyone to do as soon as it
becomes available to them!” (Courtesy photo)
immunizations. Cancer patients require COVID-19 tests
prior to chemotherapy, sometimes missing a treatment
because they have the virus. Many of my primary care
patients with diabetes are wary of clinic visits, thus
making it harder to [measure doses of] their medications,” said Kimball, who earned a bachelor’s
degree in biology from Augsburg.
“Most troublesome, the pandemic has compounded inequities for already marginalized people. Some
of my patients don’t have internet, while others don’t have access to a regular phone. For some
patients, limited English pro ciency can make getting set up on a virtual platform more di cult.
Brittany Kimball ’13 (left) and her co-resident work at the Minneapolis Veterans A airs Health Care System.
(Courtesy photo)
“Patients dealing with addiction and trying to maintain sobriety have told me that their usual coping
mechanisms—like getting together with other people who are sober or participating in a faith
community—have become inaccessible. For patients living in poverty, balancing virtual school and
frontline jobs has been incredibly stressful and sometimes impossible. It’s often people living in
poverty that are doing frontline work that makes them more likely to be exposed to the virus, like
working in a restaurant, public transit, or in a store.”
“We need to gure out how to make telemedicine more equitable.”—Brittany Kimball ’13
Her dream has long been to be a doctor, so despite the challenges, she pushes on—driven to pursue a
fellowship in hematology-oncology. As a Hodgkin’s lymphoma survivor, Kimball is particularly
interested in caring for adolescents and young adults with cancer and blood diseases. “As an 18-yearold in my rst semester at Augsburg, I was guring out dating while bald, chemo after classes, and
trying to study when my brain felt foggy and my body felt sick,” she added. “Sometimes I needed a bit
more guidance and support than a typical adult patient, but not in the same way that a much younger
child might. Teens and young adults don’t t neatly in the pediatric or adult-centered models of care,
and I hope I can make that better.”
Hamdi Adam ’18 is similarly driven to make a di erence. As a
doctoral student of epidemiology at the University of Minnesota,
Adam followed his bachelor’s in biology from Augsburg with a
master’s degree in public health at the University of Minnesota.
Adam studies cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and neurocognitive
disorders. He is focused on investigating the impact of COVID-19 on
chronic conditions, which can lead to higher risk of mortality,
especially among people with existing risk factors, like high blood
pressure and diabetes.
“At some point down the road, I’ll probably get the chance to utilize
COVID-19 data to assess the relationship between COVID status and
various chronic disease conditions in population-based research
studies and hopefully add valuable and timely information to the
Hamdi Adam ’18 (Courtesy photo)
base of existing literature,” said Adam, who—as a rst-generation
Oromo American—is interested in applying his research to address
health disparities a ecting people of color. “It feels good to know that your studies and work are for
the betterment of people. With research, sometimes you feel like your work is so detached from the
true health problems you are attempting to address, but I like to think that epidemiologic research
provides the basis for informing more direct actions, such as health policy development and e ective
community-based interventions.”
Another researcher, Will Matchett ’13, earned a
doctorate in virology and gene therapy from the Mayo
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. He works as a
postdoctoral fellow at the University of Minnesota, where
he will spend up to ve years acquiring training that will
allow him to run his own lab. Between April and August, his
research focused exclusively on developing a SARS-CoV-2
test to measure the speci c antibodies that block the virus
from entering cells. Since September, his focus has shifted
to testing a COVID-19 vaccine being developed at the
University of Minnesota.
Will Matchett ’13 used a plaque assay to
quantify the amount of SARS-CoV-2 virus in a
sample at the University of Minnesota
biosafety lab in August 2020. (Courtesy photo)
Increasing and diversifying COVID-19 testing
Does all the medical terminology sound like a foreign language?
That’s how Elaine Eschenbacher ’18 MAL described her rst few
weeks as the higher education operations lead for Minnesota’s
COVID-19 Testing Work Group. Since 2009, she has worked at
Augsburg, the last six of those years as director for the Sabo Center
for Democracy and Citizenship. But since June, the Sabo Center has
put her “on loan” to Minnesota’s State Emergency Operations Center
to work with a team of experts to launch Minnesota’s testing plan in
collaboration with colleges and universities. Subgroups are assigned
to areas such as long-term care, child care and schools, community
testing, hotspots, case investigation and contact tracing, research,
data, purchasing, and contracts.
Elaine Eschenbacher ’18 MAL
(Photo by Courtney Perry)
“My work at Augsburg prepared me for this role in a variety of ways.
The role is necessarily collaborative and involves recognizing that
di erent people have di erent roles to play and respecting those
di erent perspectives and sets of expertise.”—Elaine Eschenbacher ’18 MAL
“Civic engagement work is like that, too. I’ve also been thinking a lot about the Master of Arts in
Leadership program, which I completed in 2018. This work is like having a master class in leadership
and public health every day.”
In April, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz announced a “moonshot goal” of 20,000 tests per day in the state, at
a time when only about 2,000 tests were being performed daily, Eschenbacher said. The testing work
group increased capacity and made that moonshot goal by the end of June.
“Since then, we’ve been continuing to increase and diversify COVID testing, and make sure that the
people who most need it have access to it. During the week of Thanksgiving, our daily average for
testing across the state was more than 57,000,” she added. “Testing is an important tool in controlling
the spread of COVID-19, and making testing accessible regardless of income or location is an important
equity issue.”
Eschenbacher has spent her days planning and data-modeling as it relates to higher education,
consulting with speci c institutions in the wake of outbreaks, guiding higher education testing, and
organizing partnerships for case investigation and contact-tracing. She facilitates webinars and other
information pieces about saliva testing, serves as state incident commander for community testing
events, and helped coordinate mass testing of 18- to 35-year-olds prior to Thanksgiving. More recently,
she has served as incident commander for a community vaccination site.
“It feels like a cliché to say this, but it is an absolute honor to do this work. We talk a lot about vocation
at Augsburg, and I guess I would say that vocation can sneak up on you. I never would have dreamed
of doing the work I’ve done since June, but it feels like purpose.”
These are only a handful of the Auggies who are living out their passionate purpose to bring an end to
this crushing pandemic and, in the meantime, to soften the blow.
Augsburg stories on COVID-19:
What it takes to ght a pandemic, part 1: Community collaboration and mutual aid
Augsburg’s in-house epidemiologist guides Auggies through the COVID-19 pandemic
Top Image: Augsburg’s coronavirus guidelines, including face coverings and physical distancing in
classrooms and public places, helped protect Auggies from COVID-19. Professor and Chemistry
Department Chair Joan Kunz instructs in the Hagfors Center. (Photo by Courtney Perry)
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Signi cant racial disparities exist in a state with a liberal reputation, but
some are seeking ways to close the gaps
by Gita Sitaramiah
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February 22, 2021
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Robert Harper ’16 remembers the rst time he was called the nword.
His family had moved to Minnesota from the South Side of Chicago,
seeking a better life. Since then, he’s achieved that better life, earning
an undergraduate degree from Augsburg University and a master’s
degree from the University of Minnesota’s Humphrey School of
Public A airs. He is now a supplier diversity director for the
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system.
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“I think I’ve had a unique experience escaping poverty on the South
Side of Chicago and North Minneapolis, only to be confronted with
the daily decisions made by white people that only re-create those
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circumstances of oppression,” Harper said.
Robert Harper ’16 (Courtesy photo)
While he’s now a working professional in a state that prides itself on
being “Minnesota nice,” Harper never gets too comfortable, recalling that painful moment when he
was walking to middle school and a passing driver shouted the racial epithet at him. More recently, on
a trip to northern Minnesota, Harper was told while visiting Gull Lake, ‘You don’t belong here,’ by a
white man.
“It’s moments like that when you’re trying to do better, ‘pull yourselves up by your bootstraps,’ that
society reminds you that there’s a glass ceiling for some,” Harper said.
“Some people constantly remind you that they decide how far you go, what rooms you enter, and in
the case of George Floyd, whether or not you live.”—Robert Harper ’16
Exposing the paradox
George Floyd’s murder three miles from Augsburg University put an international spotlight on not only
the experiences of Black people at the hands of the criminal justice system but also the reality of the
disturbing “Minnesota paradox.”
That’s how University of Minnesota Professor Samuel Myers
describes how Minnesota has such a high quality of life and a history
of progressive politicians but is one of the worst places to live for
Black people.
“Measured by racial gaps in unemployment rates, wage and salary
incomes, incarceration rates, arrest rates, home ownership rates,
mortgage lending rates, test scores, reported child maltreatment
rates, school disciplinary and suspension rates, and even drowning
rates, African Americans are worse o in Minnesota than they are in
virtually every other state in the nation,” Myers said.
The numbers illustrate the bleak story:
Samuel Myers (Courtesy photo)
Only 25.3% of Black households in Minnesota own homes
versus 76.9% of white households, according to census data, a
stark divide given that home ownership is considered the leading contributor to household wealth.
The median household income for Black households in the state is the lowest of any group at
$41,570, about half of what Asian and white households earn.
In the Twin Cities, African Americans represent 9% of the overall population, but are incarcerated
at 11 times the rate of whites who represent 76% of the population, the NAACP reported last year.
Only 21.7% of Black people hold bachelor’s degrees or higher versus nearly 40% overall.
Meanwhile, between 2010 and 2018, the fastest growing racial group in Minnesota was the Black
population, which grew by 36%, adding more than 96,500 people.
Many are immigrants but face the same backdrop of a state that hasn’t historically acknowledged that
discrimination plays a role in the Black story here, Myers said.
“When it comes to race in the Twin Cities, in Minnesota, there was this instinctive belief that we already
know what the problem is, that it’s not really a problem, and since it’s not a problem, we don’t need to
nd answers,” Myers said.
The COVID-19 pandemic compounded the inequities. The unemployment rate for Black Minnesotans
in the aftermath of pandemic shutdowns rose to 15.3% last July, up 9 percentage points from a year
earlier, versus 6.3% for white workers, the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic
Development reported. According to a Pew Research report published in December: “Among Black
Americans, 71% know someone who has been hospitalized or died because of COVID-19.”
Kevin Ehrman-Solberg ’15 (center right) and the Mapping Prejudice Project team found inequities in housing
documents throughout Minneapolis’ history. (Courtesy photo, 2017)
The path to today’s Minneapolis
High pro le police killings of Black men in this region—including George Floyd, Philando Castile, and
Jamar Clark—have heightened the protests and urgency for change. The viral video of Floyd’s murder
with his neck under the knee of a Minneapolis police o cer seemed to dawn a new era in the ght for
Protesters took to the streets for weeks around the globe. Gra ti images of Floyd sprang up
worldwide, even on a West Bank barrier in the Middle East. CEOs of Fortune 500 corporations in
Minnesota wrote an open letter of outrage. Athletes of all races took the knee before matches to show
their support for racial equity.
In the city of Minneapolis, at the center of the controversy, there was swift action against the o cers,
something unprecedented.
“Despite decades of police incidents that resulted in the deaths of
people of color, today’s actions by the mayor represent the rst time
in modern history that Minneapolis police o cers were red within
24 hours for unjustly murdering a citizen,” said Michael Lansing,
associate professor and chair of Augsburg’s history department, in a
May 26 series of tweets about the Minneapolis Police Department.
(Lansing’s comments on the history of uprisings and Minneapolis
police were also carried by The Washington Post and Mother Jones.)
Now, many are acknowledging the systems that are behind today’s
Minneapolis. Even the South Minneapolis street where George Floyd
was killed is in a historically Black working-class and middle-class
neighborhood created by housing segregation, Lansing said in his
tweet series.
Indeed, Mapping Prejudice Project, a team of community members,
Associate Professor Michael
Lansing (Photo by Stephen Ge re)
geographers, and historians based at the University of Minnesota,
have unearthed thousands of racial covenants in Minneapolis that reserved land for the exclusive use
of white people.
Those restrictions served as powerful obstacles for people of color seeking safe and a ordable
housing. Racial covenants, dovetailed with redlining and predatory lending practices, depressed
homeownership rates for Black residents. They also limited access to community resources like schools
and parks.
While contemporary white residents of Minneapolis like to think their city never had formal
segregation, those racial covenants did the work of Jim Crow in the Twin Cities, said Kevin EhrmanSolberg ’15, a co-founder of Mapping Prejudice.
“The reputation of Minneapolis is that it’s a liberal bastion, yet there’s a racist reality that people live
in.”—Kevin Ehrman-Solberg ’15
Professor William Green (Photo by Courtney Perry)
Looking forward with a pragmatic lens
While the period following George Floyd’s murder looked like a change moment, Augsburg University’s
M. Anita Gay Hawthorne Professor of Critical Race and Ethnicity Studies William Green worries that
the momentum started to diminish as the summer progressed. “The challenge that we face is to do the
hard work to de ne what change means, and second, how to get at the root of the problems that lead
to disparities in society.”
Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce President Jonathan Weinhagen
looks ahead to the one-year anniversary of George Floyd’s murder
and to the question of how much progress has been made in raising
awareness about and working to eliminate the disparities
experienced by people of color.
“[Closing the racial divide] is not going to be resolved in a year. It’s
going to take more time, but it’s going to have to be far more rapid
than anything we’ve done to date.”—Jonathan Weinhagen
The implications of these disparities are wide-reaching, with
government o cials and the business community concerned that a
growing population that isn’t able to fully participate in or bene t
from the economy will threaten the vitality of the state as a whole.
Jonathan Weinhagen (Courtesy
“To have a large and growing part of our economy be marginalized is a huge disadvantage to all of us
because it takes a huge part of the population out,” said Susan Brower, Minnesota’s demographer.
The NAACP’s 48-page Twin Cities Economic Inclusion Plan issued in 2019 calls for a comprehensive,
multi-pronged policy agenda anchored by ve basic principles: economic sustainability, education,
health, public safety and criminal justice, and voter rights and political representation.
The role of education
Many are looking to young people to be the lasting change.
The nonpro t Generation Next in Minneapolis has emerged to support children from “cradle to
career,” envisioning a future in which “every child has the academic, social, and emotional skills to
thrive in a globally uent world.”
Alan Page, retired Minnesota Supreme Court justice, and Neel Kashkari, president of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, proposed in 2020 amending Minnesota’s constitution to give every child
a civil right to a quality public education. They de ne the current approach as a system that works well
for children from well-to-do families but fails children from low-income families.
“A quality education is without question the most powerful tool we have to break the cycle of poverty
and create a society in which everyone can fully participate,” Kashkari and Page wrote in the Star
Tribune. “It doesn’t just change one child’s life. It has the potential to improve the future for
generations to come and lead to a more productive, vibrant society for all of us.”
Meanwhile, Augsburg University is positioned to be a statewide leader in the turnaround, with years of
intentional work on diversity, equity, and inclusion. “I certainly feel that higher education is the clearest
path to a middle-class life or better,” Augsburg President Paul Pribbenow said.
Augsburg University's Hagfors Center. (Photo by Courtney Perry)
Augsburg’s e orts to address disparities and work
toward equity
After the murder of George Floyd only a few miles from campus, Augsburg University introduced in
June the Justice for George Floyd Initiatives to focus on working to heal the community, creating
leadership and structures that make tangible change, and ensuring accountability for the work of
undoing racist systems.
New e orts were introduced to combat systemic racism, including a critical race and ethnicity studies
department; diversity, equity, and inclusion training; and a requirement that all faculty and sta
complete antiracism training. Augsburg also canceled classes and suspended operations June 4 and 5
so students, faculty, and sta could have an opportunity to grieve.
“We acknowledge the pain, fear, and trauma faced by the Augsburg community—especially our
students, faculty, and sta of color—remain a lived reality every day,” Pribbenow said. “This work by
Augsburg will be persistent, resolute, courageous, and integrated into everything the university does.”
This ongoing work includes several components:
Augsburg named William Green, professor of history, the inaugural holder of the M. Anita Gay
Hawthorne professorship of critical race and ethnic studies.
The university is employing new accountability for inclusive, antiracist leadership across the
institution and reviewing Augsburg’s major academic and administrative policies and practices with
a special focus on undoing bias and discrimination and enhancing student success.
Augsburg created a scholarship in memory of George Floyd and established a fund that matched
donations from students, faculty, and sta for organizations doing important work, especially for
Black-owned businesses and nonpro t organizations.
Augsburg appointed the rst Chief Diversity O cer, Joanne K. Reeck, in 2016 and became home
in 2019 to The Forum on Workplace Inclusion, the nation’s largest workplace diversity, equity, and
inclusion conference.
These moves are an important continuation of Augsburg’s e orts to build and maintain an equitable
and inclusive campus that became a strategic focus in 2006, resulting in Augsburg welcoming its most
diverse incoming rst-year class ever in 2017. Students of color are now in the majority of traditional
undergraduates, making Augsburg one of the most diverse private colleges in the Midwest.
As Augsburg is learning in its own community, Minnesota’s multifaceted disparities require a
multifaceted approach that summons individual and collective willpower to align impact with intent.
Despite Harper’s success after graduating from Augsburg, he views the disparate outcomes as a call to
action, even forming his own economic development consulting rm, R.D.T.H Consulting, focused on
social impact in addition to his day job. “It doesn’t have to be this way.”
Top Image: Minneapolis is a city with a liberal reputation, but racial disparities persist. (Photo by
Courtney Perry)
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After a pause on competitions due to COVID-19, Auggies are ready to get
back in the game
by Kate Norlander
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February 22, 2021
Athletics, Featured Stories
The COVID-19 pandemic put a major pause on 2020’s athletic competitions. The Minnesota
Intercollegiate Athletic Conference postponed the fall sports season. In January the league announced
plans for a modi ed winter season for basketball, hockey, indoor track and eld, and swimming and
diving (though it’s not o cially part of the MIAC, wrestling will follow the same guidelines). Auggies
can’t wait to get back in the game.
Many student-athletes have been practicing their sports since elementary school. During the past year,
the pandemic disrupted participation in activities that have been important to their lives. But
Augsburg’s Athletics sta and student-athletes have met this challenge with a commitment to the
health and safety of the community. This willingness to put safety rst means that student-athletes
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are now able to compete.
In order for student-athletes to participate in sports this year, the NCAA created rules designed to
promote safety. Augsburg Athletics also made sure that strong safety measures were in place, which
has helped students feel a bit more at ease during an anxious time.
Devon Hannah ’21, a guard on the men’s basketball team, said,
“We have the freedom to decide whether or not we feel comfortable
with an activity. The Athletics Department is handling this well,
keeping us safe physically and mentally, too.”
Coaches play an important role in student-athletes’ lives, which
means they are often among the rst people to learn when a
student receives a positive COVID-19 test result. This means that
they are not only helping students develop skills in their sport; they
are also watching out for the safety of their team.
Devon Hannah ’21 (Courtesy
Corrina Evans ’21, a middle blocker on the women’s volleyball team,
said, “The coaches and trainers are sharing campus resources like
the Center for Wellness and Counseling. They have check-in times
when we can talk about anything, and they will call or text us: doing
contact tracing, helping us understand how to quarantine correctly
if we have to do that, and making sure we have everything we need.”
Changes to practice and
Corrina Evans ’21 (Courtesy
Even with precautionary measures in place, there are times when
teams have to pause their practice, whether a teammate tested
positive for COVID-19 or a rising number of cases in Minnesota required universities to temporarily
close workout and sports facilities, which occurred in the fall and early winter.
Read more about Auggies ghting the pandemic.
When they’re able to practice, Augsburg’s student-athletes gather in pods that have gradually
increased in size as they were safely able to do so. While the smallest pods have allowed students to
practice their sports safely and to control the spread of the virus, they’ve also presented a challenge.
“It’s di cult to get to know each other and to gel as a team,” Hannah said.
“Practices are very di erent,” said Evans. “You can’t see people’s faces because of the masks. But we’ve
been able to move up into bigger pods, which gives us a more normal team chemistry and allows us to
have a full team practice and do some scrimmaging. The challenges are more mental than physical.”
In early January, the MIAC gave teams the go-ahead to compete again, although competitions are
limited and spectators are not allowed. (Augsburg has o ered free livestream viewing for all home
events and some road events.) Students in sports that present a higher risk for COVID-19 transmission
must get tested three times each week in order to practice and compete—measures well worth it for
eager players and coaches. “It’s exciting to be able to get back to playing and feel in the groove again,”
said Colleen Enrico ’14, assistant athletic director, volleyball assistant coach, and Student-Athlete
Advisory Committee advisor.
Melissa Lee ’04 (left), assistant athletic director and softball head coach, leads softball practice in Augsburg’s
dome in February 2021. (Photo by Courtney Perry)
Prioritizing mental health
Augsburg Athletics had already begun addressing the mental health of student-athletes before the
pandemic. In the summer of 2019, all coaches and sta took an eight-hour course in mental health rst
aid, which can provide support for student-athletes and coaches until they can speak with mental
health professionals.
Mark Wick, men’s hockey assistant coach, has recently taken on new, temporary duties at Augsburg
as he sets up a mental health advocacy program for Augsburg Athletics. “We need to know how to deal
with what is happening now, but in ve to 10 years, people still will be dealing with losing jobs or loved
ones,” Wick said. “Hopefully it won’t be as bad as it is now, but how we use this time can help prepare
us for growth.”
Augsburg University
September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month and
@AugsburgU Assistant Hockey Coach @coachwick23 will
hold a golf tournament to raise awareness, as this
subject is very personal to him. “It’s OK to reach out and
ask for help,” Wick told @WCCO.
Augsburg Assistant Hockey Coach Mark Wick's Push For Suicide Awa…
September is Suicide Awareness Month. And on Tuesday, Augsburg
University assistant hockey coach Mark Wick will hold a golf …
7:30 PM · Sep 29, 2020
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Fostering the Auggie Experience
Enrico reported that in past years, student-athletes met with the entire team sta on a weekly basis,
but this year they are meeting with a di erent coach each week. This allows them to be more open and
build better relationships with their coaches. As in past years, coaches touch base with students about
their lives outside of their sport so that, for instance, if they are struggling with classes, the coach can
suggest resources for help. This year coaches are also making a point of paying attention to upcoming
events so that they can suggest activities that might help student-athletes better connect with their
fellow students.
It’s been a tough year for everyone, and that has been particularly true for rst-year students who
were unable to participate in many traditional activities at the end of their senior year in high school
and now have begun their college experience under di cult conditions. For that reason, Enrico said,
coaches have made a point of connecting third- and fourth-year students with rst-year and other
new students.
Augsburg Athletics
Check out some photos from a recent Augsburg women's
basketball practice!…
#d3hoops #AuggiePride
7:43 PM · Jan 14, 2021
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Di erent teams have di erent approaches to these connections. In volleyball, coaches have suggested
podcasts that each student can discuss with a di erent teammate each week. “We want them to get
outside of volleyball, so the podcasts might be on topics such as banking or racial diversity,” Enrico
Fostering these connections—between teammates, between each student-athlete and coach, and
between student-athletes and the wider Augsburg community—is, perhaps, one of the most
important things coaches can do for their student-athletes this year. All of them help these students
feel a sense of community. In Enrico’s words, “the Auggie experience is community.”
Top image: The COVID-19 pandemic has required temporary closures and reopenings of workout
spaces, including Augsburg’s weight room, with students’ health in mind. (Photo by Courtney Perry)
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On the Spot Q&A with Associate Professor Alicia Quella
by John Weirick
February 22, 2021
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Around the Quad
Remember those days of uncertainty in March 2020, when we had
more questions than answers, and before most of us used terms like
“coronavirus” and “social distancing”?
The United States saw an increase in COVID-19 infections, and some
states—including Minnesota—applied stay-at-home orders to mitigate
the spread. Weeks before that in ection point, Augsburg University
administrators, faculty, and sta convened a COVID-19 task force.
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Not all educational institutions have an epidemiologist on sta , but
Augsburg is fortunate. One of the task force’s principal leaders is Alicia
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Quella, associate professor and director of Augsburg’s physician
assistant program. As an educator with a PhD in epidemiology and
experience in public health settings around the world, her expertise
has proved invaluable for the university’s grasp of the evolving global
crisis and Augsburg’s response to maintain the health and safety of
community members.
Associate Professor Alicia Quella
(Photo by Courtney Perry)
Between elding student questions about the coronavirus, volunteering at COVID-19 testing sites, and
ensuring the Augsburg community can trace contacts and reduce transmission on campus, Quella shared
some perspectives on her work and where we go from here.
Q: How have you been involved in Augsburg’s outbreak planning
and COVID-19 response?
A: I serve on the pandemic task force, a university-wide team of people that assembled after it was
apparent that COVID-19 would signi cantly a ect institutions of higher education across the United States.
We collaborate regularly with epidemiologists from the Minnesota Department of Health to implement
public health guidelines for campuses. We started to meet daily to coordinate issues involving classrooms
and labs, athletics, residence halls, dining services, facilities, and global education. We started a COVID-19
Response Team, which comprises sta and faculty across campus who implement health protocols and
support students and personnel who have illness, have COVID-19, or have been exposed to it.
Neither rain nor SNOW can keep @AugsburgU's Dr. Alicia
Quella from working the walk-up/drive-up COVID-19
testing location @PeoplesCenter Cedar Riverside Clinic
1:50 AM · Oct 21, 2020
See the latest COVID-19 information on Twitter
Q: What were your rst thoughts when you heard about COVID19 and considered its implications for the Augsburg community?
A: When news of a novel coronavirus was circulating in China, I was immediately concerned because I had
studied the epidemiology of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV-1) during my doctoral work
through the University of Iowa Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases. In 2003, SARS quickly spread to 29
countries, so I knew that this would be a major issue in the United States.
Q: At this stage in the COVID-19 pandemic, what are the most
important things for the public to understand and do?
A: To reach herd immunity [when a signi cant portion of a community is immune to a disease and thereby
makes spread unlikely] we all need to continue to ‘bubble’ and limit the number of close contacts, wear face
masks, socially distance, and get vaccinated.
I also encourage the students and my patients to be creative and nd ways to keep active and engaged—
start a new hobby, do something outdoors, and reach out to relatives and friends who may be isolated
right now.
Q: What do you see in the post-COVID-19 world?
A: Colleges and universities have seen a rapid di usion of innovation in how they are using technology to
deliver curriculum, participate in athletics, and maintain operations. This energy and innovation will have to
continue to promote widespread vaccine uptake. Vaccine hesitancy is an issue, especially in communities of
color that have been disproportionately a ected by COVID-19 because of structural racism. Augsburg will
need to make this a top priority moving forward.
Q: What’s a memorable moment of the past year that made an
impact on you?
A: As an epidemiologist and a physician assistant, I’ve had the opportunity to continue to see patients and
work with Augsburg students, sta , and faculty. I recently received the COVID-19 vaccine and have felt
humbled and honored to now be able to continue to work more safely in the community.
Top image: Associate Professor Alicia Quella’s experience as an epidemiologist has helped maintain the health and
safety of the Augsburg community. (Photo by Courtney Perry)
Read more Augsburg stories on COVID-19.
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by Paul C. Pribbenow
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February 22, 2021
Around the Quad, President's Letter
In the Christian church, the liturgical season before Lent is called
Epiphany, a time when we re ect on the good news that God has
broken into human history and that we are called to share that good
news with all of creation. There is a wonderful invitational character to
Epiphany, in which we ask each other and our neighbors to “Come and
see” all that God is doing in our midst.
In that spirit, this issue of Augsburg Now invites all of us to come
and see what the Augsburg community is doing in its 151st academic
year, in the midst of a global pandemic, to live out our mission. In
these pandemic times, Augsburg students, faculty, and sta have
brought great imagination, resilience, and courage to our work
together. I am so proud of what they have accomplished, and I invite
you to come and see …
Come and see the gift of the surprises we found in how we teach and
learn, how we keep our community and neighborhood safe and
President Paul Pribbenow (Photo by
Courtney Perry)
healthy, how we live out our most deeply held commitments and
values, and how we are open to new and innovative ways of living and working.
Paul Pribbenow
I’m out and about, delivering yard signs to the
@AugsburgU Class of 2024! Here’s Vanessa - a proud
new Auggie. #augsburgbold #auggiepride
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4:13 PM · Jun 30, 2020
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Come and see how we answered the call to serve our neighbors even when we must navigate the
challenges of a virus, economic disruption, and racial reckoning. Our focus on supporting local businesses,
meeting the needs of those experiencing homelessness, ensuring that all of our students have the
resources they need to be successful, and nding ways to feed the hungry—all these illustrate how our
community embraces its commitments to our neighbors.
Come and see the promise of abundance in a time and world too often characterized by scarcity. We believe
deeply in what the late U.S. Senator Paul Wellstone proclaimed: “We all do better when we all do better.”
Our abiding commitments to equity and inclusion—and our aspiration to be an anti-racist university—lead
us to robust engagement with each other and with the wider community so that all will do better.
Augsburg University is a distinctive community, de ning in its life and work a vision for higher education in
the 21st century. I am deeply grateful for the support of alumni and friends, whose generosity and
engagement help us live into our vision to educate Auggies as stewards of an inclusive democracy. Come
and see.
Faithfully yours,
Paul C. Pribbenow, President
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President Paul C. Pribbenow
Winter 2020–21
Augsburg Board of Regents welcomes new and
reelected members
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Auggies through the COVID-19 pandemic
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Augsburg Board of Regents
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rankings, and recognition
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by John Weirick
February 22, 2021
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The Augsburg University Board of Regents meeting in October 2020 included celebration of the
election of new and continuing regents.
James Hereford and Veena Iyer were elected to their rst four-year terms.
Nick Gangestad ’86, Marlene Whiterabbit Helgemo, Jill Nelson Thomas, and Noya
Woodrich ’92, ’94 MSW were elected to second four-year terms.
Pam Moksnes ’79 was elected to a third four-year term.
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Finally, Bishop Laurie Skow-Anderson and Bishop Ann Svennungsen were appointed to serve
three-year terms as ex o cio members of the board.
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Nick Gangestad ’86
James Hereford
Veena Iyer
Pam Moksnes ’79
Jill Nelson Thomas
Laurie Skow-Anderson
Ann Svennungsen
Marlene Whiterabbit
Noya Woodrich ’92, ’94
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Alumni News And Updates
Class of 1992
Board of Regents
Master of Social Work
Class of 1979
Class of 1986
Winter 2020–21
Augsburg’s recent awards, rankings, and
Notes from President Pribbenow: Come and see!
Augsburg’s in-house
Notes from President
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Pribbenow: Come and see!
rankings, and recognition
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by Briana Alamilla '17
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February 22, 2021
Around the Quad
Each year, Augsburg University is recognized for its academic excellence, student-centered community, and
commitment to educating students to be informed citizens, thoughtful stewards, critical thinkers, and
responsible leaders.
Augsburg’s recent awards and rankings include:
2020 Best Colleges by Money
Most Transformative Colleges
2020–21 Military Friendly® School by Military Friendly®
2020 Best of the Best LGBTQ-Friendly Colleges and Universities, Midwest region by Campus Pride
Top 30 in the Country
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2020 Best Colleges For Financial Aid by LendEDU
79th in the United States
2nd in Minnesota
2020 Best Value Colleges and Universities in Minnesota by
2021 Best Universities, Midwest region by U.S. News & World Report
3rd in Most Innovative Schools
4th in Campus Ethnic Diversity
7th in Undergraduate Teaching
14th in Best Colleges for Veterans
15th in Best Value
Accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs
Augsburg University’s Department of Business Administration was recently accredited for the
undergraduate and Master of Business Administration programs.
View more of Augsburg’s awards and rankings.
Top image: Augsburg’s Hagfors Center. (Photo by Courtney Perry)
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Augsburg In The News
Awards and Recognition
Winter 2020–21
Playwrights’ Center partners with Augsburg to
o er courses with leading playwrights
Augsburg Board of Regents welcomes new and
reelected members
Augsburg’s in-house
Notes from President
Augsburg Board of Regents
epidemiologist guides
Pribbenow: Come and see!
welcomes new and
Auggies through the
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by John Weirick
February 22, 2021
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Around the Quad
The Playwrights’ Center and Augsburg University announced a new partnership to o er accredited courses
taught by the nation’s leading playwrights. Through online courses, students connect with peers and faculty
members from across the United States. The courses, o ered through Augsburg’s Center for Global
Education and Experience, are guided by Augsburg’s Theater Department in conjunction with the
Playwrights’ Center.
“With these courses, students will learn with and from writers at the top of their eld, seeing what it takes to
have pieces published and performed,” said Patrick Mulvihill, Augsburg’s assistant provost for global
education and experience, in an interview with Broadway World.
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Top image: An Augsburg student tours the Orpheum Theatre in Minneapolis. (Photo by Stephen Ge re)
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Academic Departments
Experiential Education
Fine And Performing Arts
Winter 2020–21
Professor Emeritus Mark Engebretson receives
30th NSF grant, continues space weather study
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Augsburg Board of Regents
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by John Weirick
February 22, 2021
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Mark Engebretson, Augsburg University professor emeritus of
physics, received a ve-year grant totaling $805,744 from the National
Science Foundation (Award Number 2013648).
This grant supports the continued operation and data analysis of the
Magnetometer Array for Cusp and Cleft Studies, which is used to study
near-Earth space weather, such as solar winds that may disrupt
communication and navigation systems. It represents the 30th
research study on which Engebretson has served as the principal
investigator through NSF funding.
Engebretson has led several research projects—including some with
Augsburg student-researchers—studying ionospheric and space
physics in collaboration with European and NASA satellite programs.
Nearly 100 Augsburg students have gained paid research experience
working on these research projects.
Professor Emeritus Mark
Engebretson (Photo by Stephen Ge re)
Engebretson has authored or coauthored more than 300 scholarly
research articles on topics related to space weather.
View more grants news.
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The Sciences
Winter 2020–21
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Minnesota Timberwolves and Lynx, Star
Tribune, and Minnesota Urban Debate League
cosponsor justice reform essay contest
Playwrights’ Center partners with Augsburg to
o er courses with leading playwrights
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by John Weirick
February 22, 2021
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Around the Quad
In Fall 2020, Augsburg University’s Minnesota Urban Debate League joined the Star Tribune news company
and the Minnesota Lynx and Minnesota Timberwolves professional basketball teams in cosponsoring a
youth essay contest focused on criminal justice reform.
Minnesota students ages 10 to 18 were invited to submit a written essay, video, or audio recording that
described local or national changes that could reduce racial injustice and inequities in the criminal justice
system. MNUDL determined the top 10 entries, which were judged by a panel of coaches from the
Timberwolves and Lynx and representatives from local organizations, including MN Rise and The
Minneapolis Foundation.
Editor’s note: Winning submissions were announced February 27 in the Star Tribune.
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Minnesota Urban Debate League
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Augsburg awarded $10,000 Minneapolis
Foundation grant
Professor Emeritus Mark Engebretson receives
30th NSF grant, continues space weather study
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Augsburg Board of Regents
epidemiologist guides
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by John Weirick
February 22, 2021
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Around the Quad
In September 2020, the Minneapolis Foundation announced that it would award more than $500,000 in
grants to 40 organizations in the Twin Cities. Following the increased public dialogue about public safety
after the killing of George Floyd, the grants aim to reduce violence, address systemic inequities, and provide
community support.
The Minneapolis Foundation’s Fund for Safe Communities awarded $10,000 to Augsburg University to
elevate the voices of middle- and high-school students through debate on the topic of criminal justice
reform. Other grant recipients are organizations working to support art projects, mediation, mental health
services, civil rights education, and community healing while addressing police violence and public safety.
Top image: Demonstrators in Summer 2020 marched with a banner that was created as a part of Augsburg’s
One Day in May art campaign. (Photo by Leon Wang)
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Community Engagement
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Winter 2020–21
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Faculty members William Green and Timothy
Pippert assume new professorships
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Tribune, and Minnesota Urban Debate League
cosponsor justice reform essay contest
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Augsburg Board of Regents
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by Kate Norlander
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February 22, 2021
Around the Quad
This fall, Augsburg University launched the Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship, which advances
education and support for Augsburg students and alumni in the disciplines of innovation,
entrepreneurship, and leadership.
The center’s focus is on the practice and psychology of innovation and entrepreneurship. Cory Erickson, an
instructor in Augsburg’s Master of Business Administration program, leads the center.
The center provides practical educational material for Augsburg students and alumni through a variety of
events and activities. These opportunities include:
a speaker series
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cooperative projects between student teams and local companies
support for students who are building organizations that impact social causes through innovation
and entrepreneurship
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support for student entrepreneurs
the creation of student teams drawn from the science and business departments to solve problems
for new startups
student contests o ering awards and potential funding for new ventures
research and scholarship through a think tank
the promotion of internships for students in the for-pro t, nonpro t, and government sectors.
Top image: Instructor Cory Erickson leads the Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship. (Photo by Courtney
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Academic Departments
Business Administration
Experiential Education
Winter 2020–21
NSF grants Augsburg $3 million for STEM
Faculty members William Green and Timothy
Pippert assume new professorships
Augsburg’s in-house
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Augsburg Board of Regents
epidemiologist guides
Pribbenow: Come and see!
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by John Weirick
February 22, 2021
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Around the Quad
Professor of History William Green was named the inaugural M. Anita
Gay Hawthorne Professor of Critical Race and Ethnicity Studies, e ective
September 1, 2020. The position was created on the recommendation of a
working group of students, faculty, and sta who developed a vision for a
new academic department in critical race and ethnicity studies at
Augsburg University.
Related: Professor William Green comments on “Confronting the Minnesota
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Professor of Sociology Timothy Pippert was named the inaugural holder
of the Joel Torstenson Endowed Professorship, e ective September 1,
2020. This professorship is made possible through the generosity of Mark
Johnson ’75, who also supports the university’s Torstenson Scholars
Top image: Professor Timothy Pippert teaches a sociology class in
Hagfors Center. (Photos by Courtney Perry)
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Academic Departments
Diversity and Inclusion
Class of 1975
Critical Race and Ethnicity Studies
Winter 2020–21
Augsburg launches the Center for Innovation &
Augsburg awarded $10,000 Minneapolis
Foundation grant
Augsburg’s in-house
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Augsburg Board of Regents
epidemiologist guides
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by Kate Norlander
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February 22, 2021
Around the Quad
Augsburg University will receive $3,075,000 of a $5 million grant award from the National Science
Foundation to support the retention and graduation of high-achieving, low-income students who are
pursuing bachelor’s degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (often referred to as
The project will provide scholarships, internships, and research experiences for nearly 200 students over a
ve-year period beginning in the 2020–21 academic year at Augsburg, Century College, Minneapolis College,
and Normandale Community College. These institutions will work together to provide seamless pathways
for students to transfer from two-year to four-year STEM programs.
Scholarships of $7,500 to $10,000 will be awarded to students pursuing majors in biology, chemistry,
computer science, engineering, food science, mathematics, and physics. These students will be connected to
internships and research experiences through partner organizations SciTech, UpTurnships, and MnDRIVE,
as well as through Augsburg’s undergraduate research programs.
This is the third phase of a program initiated by Augsburg and funded by the NSF. Grants in the prior phases
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funded scholarships for 111 STEM students, 100% of whom graduated and went on to pursue careers or
continue their education in STEM elds.
The project will be led by Rebekah Dupont, Augsburg’s director of STEM programs and associate professor
of mathematics, working in collaboration with principal investigators from the other participating
Top image: Associate Professor Rebekah Dupont is director of STEM programs at Augsburg. (Courtesy
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Experiential Education
The Sciences
Winter 2020–21
Augsburg hosts bold new speaker series
Augsburg launches the Center for Innovation &
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by Stephen Jendraszak
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February 22, 2021
Around the Quad
Augsburg Bold is a series of initiatives designed to help Augsburg University students continue to
thrive during the pandemic and to enjoy the distinctive experience o ered at Augsburg.
As part of that work, during Fall 2020, the university quad was set up as a physically distanced outdoor
seminar room, enabling up to 60 attendees to take part in a series of remarkable presentations. All
presentations were also livestreamed via Zoom.
Thank you, @GovTimWalz and @GwenWalz for
sharing your thoughts on servant leadership with
@AugsburgU today. #AugsburgBold
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5:15 PM · Oct 5, 2020
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Students had the opportunity to hear from several speakers:
Katie Clark ’10 MAN, ’14 DNP spoke about her work building relationships with those in our
community who are experiencing homelessness and helping to ensure that their basic needs for
food, shelter, and health care are met.
Olivia House ’20 discussed the summer of resistance by Black youth.
Jodi Harpstead, commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Human Services, spoke about
what she’s learned through her work during the pandemic.
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz and Gwen Walz discussed their experience in education and
Watch recordings of selected speakers at
Augsburg Bold speakers included Katie Clark ’10 MAN, ’14 DNP, and Gov. Tim Walz and Gwen Walz.
Students, sta , and faculty attended the socially distanced events on Augsburg’s campus or watched
the livestream online. (Photos by Rebecca Slater)
Top image: Augsburg’s quad was decorated for the Augsburg Bold speaker series. (Photo by Courtney
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Class of 2020
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Master of Arts in Nursing
On Campus
Experiential Education
Winter 2020–21
Forum on Workplace Inclusion to host rst
virtual conference
NSF grants Augsburg $3 million for STEM
Augsburg’s in-house
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Augsburg Board of Regents
epidemiologist guides
Pribbenow: Come and see!
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by Stephen Jendraszak
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February 22, 2021
Around the Quad
The Forum on Workplace Inclusion, based at Augsburg University, will host its 33rd annual conference as a
virtual event March 8–12, 2021.
Workplaces have struggled during the past year to navigate a digital, distanced work environment brought
on by the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, social protests centered around racism and the unjust
deaths of Black people at the hands of police have also brought greater attention to overwhelming
disparities in economics, education, health care, housing, and public safety.
This year, the forum asks: What will it take to start a workplace revolution that moves us from talk to
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Forum on Workplace Inclusion
Diversity and Inclusion
Experiential Education
Winter 2020–21
Augsburg Homecoming (at a distance)
Augsburg hosts bold new speaker series
Augsburg’s in-house
Notes from President
Augsburg Board of Regents
epidemiologist guides
Pribbenow: Come and see!
welcomes new and
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by Briana Alamilla '17
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February 22, 2021
Around the Quad
Homecoming 2020 celebrations looked a little di erent than previous years. Though social gatherings were
restricted, the Augsburg Student Activities Council found creative ways to celebrate with a series of events
during the week of September 21—some virtual and some physically distanced:
Cider and canvas: Spread out in the quad, students created paintings in the style of artist Bob Ross.
Create your own PopSocket: Participants made their own Augsburg-branded phone grip accessories.
Drag and lip sync battle: Students competed by submitting videos of themselves lip-syncing to a song.
Movie night: The lm “Queen & Slim” was screened in the quad.
Homecoming royalty coronation ceremony: Homecoming court members were announced and
royalty were crowned.
Top image: Students participate in an outdoor event sponsored by the Augsburg Student Activities Council.
(Photo by Courtney Perry)
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Student Activities And Achievements
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Cedar-Riverside supply drives support
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virtual conference
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epidemiologist guides
Pribbenow: Come and see!
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by Briana Alamilla '17
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February 22, 2021
Around the Quad
The COVID-19 pandemic, combined with the damage some businesses experienced following the murder of
George Floyd, put a strain on Augsburg’s Twin Cities community as many local stores temporarily closed
and access to public transportation was reduced. In June and August, Augsburg University organized supply
drives in partnership with the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood.
Drivers in more than 550 cars participated in the supply drives, and their donations were delivered to the
Brian Coyle Center through several dozen trips.
“This is our community; this is our neighborhood,” one volunteer said. “So when our neighbors are hurting,
we step forward and do what we can to help.”
Read more about Auggies’ e orts to support the community: “What it takes to ght a pandemic.”
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Augsburg’s supply drive was a success! Thank you to all
who donated and volunteered to help out our so loved
Cedar-Riverside community. It is in times like these
where we must all come together as the thoughtful
stewards that we are. #AuggiePride
9:51 PM · Jun 1, 2020
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Top image: Auggies collected donations for the Twin Cities community in Summer 2020. (Photo by Joe Mann)
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Community Engagement
Diversity and Inclusion
Winter 2020–21
Augsburg names George Floyd Memorial
Scholarship recipients
Augsburg Homecoming (at a distance)
Augsburg’s in-house
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epidemiologist guides
Pribbenow: Come and see!
welcomes new and
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by Briana Alamilla '17
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February 22, 2021
Around the Quad
Augsburg University created the George Floyd Memorial Scholarship, which is designed to support
outstanding third- and fourth-year students who have a strong understanding of Black experiences
and U.S. history while showing leadership in advancing racial justice e orts. Each selected student
received a $5,000 scholarship.
Augsburg named the ve inaugural scholarship recipients:
Aisha Abdi ’21 is majoring in management information systems and marketing.
Quran Al-Hameed ’21 is majoring in psychology.
Mallory Ferguson ’21 is majoring in communication studies.
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Kaltun Hassan ’22 is majoring in computer science.
Nadirah McGill ’21 is majoring in music business.
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Aisha Abdi ’21, management
information systems and marketing
Quran Al-Hameed ’21, psychology
Kaltun Hassan ’22, computer science
Nadirah McGill ’21, music business
(Courtesy photo)
Mallory Ferguson ’21, communication
Read more about Augsburg’s Equity and Inclusion Initiatives.
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Class of 2021
Class of 2022
Diversity and Inclusion
Winter 2020–21
Prospective students and their families engage
with virtual campus tour
Cedar-Riverside supply drives support
Augsburg’s in-house
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Multimedia platform o ers a glimpse of Augsburg from afar
by Laura Swanson Lindahl '15 MBA
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February 22, 2021
Around the Quad
For the past year, Augsburg University’s virtual tour has
showcased the Minneapolis campus’ facilities and resources as it
has been challenging to conduct in-person visits due to the
COVID-19 pandemic. As a multimedia interactive map with
photos and videos, the virtual tour simulates an on-the-ground
campus experience. The virtual tour o ers a look at Augsburg’s
residence halls and athletic facilities, details about academic
buildings and green spaces, and a peek inside performance
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venues and practice rooms. The virtual tour launched in March
2020 to help out-of-state and international populations visualize
the campus.
From its launch in March,
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2020, through February 1,
Check out the virtual tour at
2021, the virtual tour has
had 32,421 visitors. The top
states visitors are from are
Minnesota, Wisconsin,
Illinois, Iowa, Texas, and
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On Campus
Winter 2020–21
Augsburg TRIO/Student Support Services earns
fth consecutive U.S. Department of Education
Augsburg names George Floyd Memorial
Scholarship recipients
Augsburg’s in-house
Notes from President
Augsburg Board of Regents
epidemiologist guides
Pribbenow: Come and see!
welcomes new and
Auggies through the
- on February 22, 2021
reelected members
COVID-19 pandemic
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- on February 22, 2021
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by Laura Swanson Lindahl '15 MBA
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February 22, 2021
Around the Quad
The U.S. Department of Education announced that Augsburg University was awarded a federal Student
Support Services ve-year grant of nearly $300,000 annually to help more students succeed in and graduate
from college. This is the fth TRIO/SSS grant awarded to Augsburg, which has hosted the project since 2001.
Each year, Augsburg TRIO/SSS serves about 160 undergraduate students.
The TRIO/SSS program is designed for students who are the rst in their families to attend post-secondary
education, students who are low income, or students with disabilities. The grant funds an array of services
including academic skill development, academic advising, tutoring, nancial aid advice, and nancial literacy.
“Augsburg TRIO/SSS has established a reputation for helping students navigate
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higher education to achieve their academic goals,” said Aly Olson, director of
Augsburg TRIO/SSS.
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“Students know their TRIO advisor is looking out for their best interests and
helps them through the tough decisions of college life. We are thrilled to be able
to continue this important work at Augsburg.” —Aly Olson
Aly Olson (Photo by Courtney
The federal government contributes about 70% of the funds needed to
support Augsburg’s TRIO/SSS project. The university contributes the remaining program funds.
Top image: Brooklyn Jones ’22, clinical psychology major and sociology minor, attends a Summer Bridge
class in 2019. (Photo by Bob Stack ’71)
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Winter 2020–21
Augsburg receives grants for equity in education
and remote learning
Prospective students and their families engage
with virtual campus tour
Augsburg’s in-house
Notes from President
Augsburg Board of Regents
epidemiologist guides
Pribbenow: Come and see!
welcomes new and
Auggies through the
- on February 22, 2021
reelected members
COVID-19 pandemic
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News and Media
Make a Gift
by Laura Swanson Lindahl '15 MBA
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February 22, 2021
Around the Quad
This fall, Augsburg University received $250,000 in grant funding from the State of Minnesota to address
equity in education and remote learning needs among students of color, Indigenous students, and those
who are disabled or low-income.
The funds came through two awards under the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief grant. One award
provided direct aid to teacher candidates who needed to pay unexpected costs posed by the pandemic
during their student teaching semester and coursework.
The second award was geared toward making hardware and software available to more students to
support them in their switch to online learning. This support included additional laptops for checkout,
noise-cancelling headphones, digital tablets for art and math courses, training resources for successful
online learning, new digital video resources in the library, and captioning of instructional videos to increase
accessibility. The GEER grant program was a redistribution of federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic
Security Act funds.
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View more grants news.
Top image: A redistribution of federal CARES Act funds provided support for Augsburg students’ online
learning. (Photo by Courtney Perry)
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Remote Learning
Winter 2020–21
In memoriam, Winter 2020–21
Augsburg TRIO/Student Support Services earns
fth consecutive U.S. Department of Education
Augsburg’s in-house
Notes from President
Augsburg Board of Regents
epidemiologist guides
Pribbenow: Come and see!
welcomes new and
Auggies through the
- on February 22, 2021
reelected members
COVID-19 pandemic
- on February 22, 2021
- on February 22, 2021
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Remembering and honoring Auggies
by Amanda Symes '09, '15 MFA
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February 22, 2021
Auggies Connect, In Memoriam
Below we recognize the alumni and friends whose noti cations of death were received between March 1,
2020, and January 1, 2021.
1940 | 1950 | 1960 | 1970| 1980 | 1990 | 2000 | 2010 | 2020 | Faculty
Fern L. (Hanson) Gudmestad ’41, Minneapolis, age 101, on June 3.
Wayne E. Peterson ’43, Palm City, Florida, age 99, on November 14.
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Thelma I. (Erickson) Mckenzie ’44, Hollandale, Wisconsin, age 96, on July 1.
Helen V. (Odden) Pederson ’45, Spooner, Wisconsin, age 96, on May 5.
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Doris K. (Larson) Walen ’45, Alamo, North Dakota, age 97, on October 3.
Martha E. Fosse Palmquist ’46, Lakeville, Minnesota, age 96, on November 22.
Lowell O. Larson ’47, Claremont, California, age 95, on May 10.
Arnold J. Oie ’47, Glencoe, Minnesota, age 96, on August 1.
Margery A. (Manger) Torgerson ’47, Circle Pines, Minnesota, age 94, on March 30.
Esther P. (Bakken) Crosby ’48, Moorhead, Minnesota, age 95, on June 19.
John E. Hanson ’48, St. Paul, Minnesota, age 93, on October 1.
Jean A. (Tibke) Vane ’48, Visalia, California, age 93, on October 20.
John F. Anderson ’49, Minneapolis, age 96, on December 22.
June (Carlson) Gustafson ’49, Lincoln, Nebraska, age 92, on September 28.
Louis L. Ennen ’50, Dublin, Ohio, age 94, on July 7.
Lilian J. (Johnson) Ingersoll ’50, Lexington, South Carolina, age 96, on June 5.
Phillip A. Quanbeck ’50, Maple Grove, Minnesota, age 93, on December 1.
Mary L. (Johnson) Froiland ’50, Iron River, Wisconsin, age 91, on October 22.
Orville E. Meland ’51, River Falls, Wisconsin, age 93, on October 27.
Caroline J. (Borsheim) Melhus’ 51, Minneapolis, age 90, on May 31.
Arvid D. Dixen ’52, Minneapolis, age 89, on May 20.
Harold J. Hansen ’52, Normandy Park, Washington, age 90, on April 17.
Luther J. Larson ’52, Sparta, Wisconsin, age 89, on July 6.
Mildred A. Nelson ’52, Minneapolis, age 91, December 5.
Alvin H. Nygard ’52, Fargo, North Dakota, age 96, on July 31.
Yvonne M. (Bagley) Olson ’52, Burnsville, Minnesota, age 88, on March 16.
Orville L. Olson ’52, Burnsville, Minnesota, age 89, on June 6.
Ronald A. Berge ’53, West Fargo, North Dakota, age 88, on March 15.
Robert O. Bruder ’53, Minneapolis, age 91, on August 9.
Donald V. Dillon ’53, Minneapolis, age 89, on July 17.
Kent B. Quanbeck ’53, McVille, North Dakota, age 90, on April 6.
Gloria M. (Halverson) Boyum ’54, Kenyon, Minnesota, age 88, on December 19.
George W. Fisher ’54, Lexington, South Carolina, age 88, on May 11.
Wallace L. Hafstad ’54, St. Paul, Minnesota, age 88, on March 30.
Janis R. (Larson) Hanson ’54, Canby, Minnesota, age 92, on October 2.
Vivian (Waisanen) Ryden ’54, Northglenn, Colorado, age 87, on May 4.
Richard M. Hagestuen ’55, Bismarck, North Dakota, age 87, on October 28.
Robert M. Herman ’55, Minneapolis, age 86, on June 8.
Vicent Peterson ’55, Hutchinson, Minnesota, age 87, on November 11.
Richard H. Stensrud ’55, Mesa, Arizona, age 87, on August 25.
LeRoy E. Nevin ’56, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, age 86, on June 7.
R. Luther Olson ’56, Tucson, Arizona, age 84, on August 27.
Bruce W. Rorvig ’56, Kalispell, Montana, age 85, on August 18.
Duane J. Solem ’56, Edina, Minnesota, age 91, on May 2.
Elizabeth A. (Mortensen) Swanson ’56, St. Paul, Minnesota, age 86, on November 6.
Robert Jeska ’57, East Grand Forks, Minnesota, age 85, May 21.
Erwin J. Moe ’57, Plymouth, Minnesota, age 88, on April 28.
Robert C. Oslund ’57, Silver Bay, Minnesota, age 89, on December 4.
Ronald B. Welde ’57, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, age 86, on September 4.
Ardis H. (Lee) Zunich ’57, Miles City, Montana, age 82, on July 18.
Robert L. Bagley ’58, Cottage Grove, Minnesota, age 84, on November 23.
Bonnie (Sandvig) Erickson ’58, Canton, South Dakota, age 83, on May 9.
Alice M. (Lindell) Lindgren ’58, Bemidji, Minnesota, age 83, on September 11.
Marlene (Hegg) Ridens ’58, Montevideo, Minnesota, age 85, August 19.
Donald J. Hagestuen ’59, Aitkin, Minnesota, age 83, on October 29.
Arlene B. (Selander) Hill ’59, Allegan, Michigan, age 82, on September 11.
Rhoda M. (Monseth) Huglen ’59, Roseau, Minnesota, age 83, on August 19.
Heinrich Kopka ’59, Staples, Minnesota, age 85, on November 28.
Walter W. Lundeen ’59, Minneapolis, age 89, on December 20.
Richard G. Sletten ’59, North Oaks, Minnesota, age 82, on August 13.
Peggy K. (O’Neil) Swensen ’59, Fargo, North Dakota, age 82, on April 11.
Sharon K. (Grodt) West ’59, Chisago City, Minnesota, age 83, on March 16.
Gordon Grinely ’60, Eau Galle Township, Wisconsin, age 82, on June 25.
Marcia S. (Refsal) Sanders ’60, Chandler, Arizona, age 81, on October 13.
Kermit L. Valleen ’60, Cambridge, Minnesota, age 83, November 16.
Paula J. Bjorkley Carlson ’62, Madras, Oregon, age 80, on December 5.
Allan P. Tveite ’62, Lakeville, Minnesota, age 80, on November 18.
E. Nelvin Botten ’63, Stanwood, Washington, age 91, on September 16.
Bernard E. Debar ’63, Minneapolis, age 89, on May 11.
Helen A. (Anderson) Gildseth ’63, Duluth, Minnesota, age 78, on March 17.
Lois J. (Bailey) Parson ’63, Braham, Minnesota, age 80, August 19.
Clarice A. Sta
’63, Minneapolis, age 84, on April 9.
Patrick J. Sullivan ’63, Miltona, Minnesota, age 79, on June 26.
Lannette Y. (Haire) Reshetar ’64, Andover, Minnesota, age 77, on April 8.
Lesley K. (Schwarten) Schmid ’64, Blaine, Minnesota, age 78, on June 12.
Joyce M. (Nelson) Schrader ’64, Friendswood, Texas, age 77, on June 28.
Susan L. Kyllo ’65, Spring Park, Minnesota, age 78, on December 16.
Sharon (Tofte) Taeger ’65, Camrose, Canada, age 77, on April 4.
Sharon L. (Wagner) Johnson ’66, Atikokan, Canada, age 76, on November 29.
Sandra (Johnson) Kotval ’66, Spring Valley, Wisconsin, age 76, on October 15.
Irene (Seltvedt) Yost ’66, Dickinson, North Dakota, age 77, on July 21.
David E. Sylvester ’67, Cloquet, Minnesota, age 81, on October 29.
Ruthe M. (Tollefson) Enstad ’68, Prior Lake, Minnesota, age 75, on October 15.
Marvin J. Haara ’68, Hutchinson, Minnesota, age 76, on August 26.
Ellen M. (Larson) Johnston ’68, Mankato, Minnesota, age 73, on August 16.
Merrill D. Ronning ’68, St. Paul, Minnesota, age 75, on August 18.
John P. Weinard ’68, Bloomington, Minnesota, age 81, on December 12.
Douglas S. Anderson ’69, St. Paul, Minnesota, age 72, on April 10.
Mervin F. Larson ’69, Excelsior, Minnesota, age 73, on August 30.
Gloria J. (Wohlers Livingston) Hutchinson ’70, Falcon Heights, Minnesota, age 71, on July 1.
Kathy J. (Kropelin) Cracraft ’71, Minneapolis, age 70, on July 13.
Michael J. Hostetler ’71, Andover, Minnesota, age 71, on August 7.
Joann S. Bell ’72, St. Paul, Minnesota, age 70, on August 9.
Vicki C. (Linder) Lind ’72, Rosemount, Minnesota, age 70, on November 4.
Je rey P. Ross ’72, Sheburn, Minnesota, age 64, on April 26.
Jean L. (Bridges) Wachs ’73, Minneapolis, age 68, on June 4.
David W. Finson ’75, St. Paul, Minnesota, age 67, on June 17.
Douglas A. Fish ’75, Hastings, Minnesota, age 68, on November 24.
Lois B. Wattman ’76, St. Paul, Minnesota, age 66, on September 28.
Gregory J. Bannon ’77, Albertville, Minnesota, age 66, on August 15.
Sandra J. Holm-Cyr ’82, Rich eld, Minnesota, age 72, on April 15.
Arlene D. Hiles ’86, Stillwater, Minnesota, age 87, on September 11.
Richard A. Gillitzer ’91, Eden Prairie, Minnesota, age 53, on May 24.
Judith A. Francis ’92, Mound, Minnesota, age 80, on October 12.
John S. Austin ’93, Minneapolis, age 70, on December 1.
Debra J. Clark-Corley ’93, Gary, Indiana, age 65, on April 6.
Nancy C. Sallman ’93, Minneapolis, age 65, on September 14.
Violet E. (Schmitz) Rocek ’94, Minneapolis, age 85, on December 6.
Eileen J. (Bridgeman) Biernat ’98, New Brighton, Minnesota, age 74, on September 4.
Dylan E. Cook ’00, Christchurch, New Zealand, age 44, on September 7.
Kelly A. (Duncan) Norden ’00, Minneapolis, age 42, on October 3.
Philip R. Johnson ’04, Nisswa, Minnesota, age 56, on April 11.
Michael R. Kuhlmann ’04, Minneapolis, age 39, on August 11.
Christopher R. Hunnicutt ’08, Green Bay, Wisconsin, age 35, on March 27.
Barton M. Lund ’08, Stuart, Florida, age 56, on December 12.
Quinten P. Bissonette ’12, Spring Valley, Minnesota, age 43, on May 5.
Shane M. Potter ’15, Garrison, Minnesota, age 31, on December 13.
J. Parker Foley ’16, Duxbury, Massachusetts, age 27, on October 21.
Maricio M. Mata-Thelen ’17, Minneapolis, age 26, on October 31.
Kevin J. Baxter ’19, Burnsville, Minnesota, age 29, on November 2.
Abdirizak A. Abdullahi ’21, Minneapolis, age 21, on April 26.
Augsburg University’s Center for Global Education and Experience Guatemala Site Director Fidel Xinico
Tum, San Lucas Sacatepéquez, Guatemala, age 60, on September 12.
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Alumni News And Updates
Winter 2020–21
Augsburg receives $50,000 grant for Travelers
Augsburg receives grants for equity in education
and remote learning
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and sustaining Augsburg’s
- on January 26, 2021
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by John Weirick
February 18, 2021
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Around the Quad
The Travelers Companies, Inc. gave a $50,000 grant to Augsburg University in September 2020 to
support Travelers EDGE. The program—which stands for Empowering Dreams for Graduation and
Employment—provides scholarships, internships, job shadowing, professional development
opportunities, and career advice. More than 100 Augsburg students have participated in the program
since 2007.
“There is much more to be gained from Travelers EDGE than solely professional development,” said
Ann A. Ulring, program manager at Augsburg’s Strommen Center for Meaningful Work. “By the time
scholars graduate, they are con dent, career-focused, and empowered to share who they are and
what they have to o er.”
EDGE scholar Samantha Lopez ’22, who completed a summer internship at Travelers, said, “Travelers
has opened so many doors for me. It was amazing to learn rsthand what goes on inside a corporation
and nd out I can do the work. Travelers provided me with the support, skills, and con dence I need to
pursue a business career.”
2020–21 Recipients
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Aaron Davis ’24, Business Management
Yer Her ’23, Marketing
Pa Houa Lee ’23, Marketing
Hamza Jamari ’22, Marketing
Duaa Katabay ’23, Business
Curtis Love ’23, Marketing
Samantha Lopez ’22, Communication
PangDao Xiong ’24, Marketing
View more grants news.
Top image: Samantha Lopez ’22 is one of several Travelers EDGE scholars at Augsburg. (Photos by
Courtney Perry)
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Class of 2022
Strommen Center
Supporting Augsburg
Winter 2020–21
Give to the Max Day recap and sustaining
Augsburg’s future
In memoriam, Winter 2020–21
Augsburg’s in-house
Notes from President
Augsburg Board of Regents
epidemiologist guides
Pribbenow: Come and see!
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- on February 22, 2021
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Thank you for supporting Augsburg during Give to the Max Day!
by Amanda Symes '09, '15 MFA
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January 26, 2021
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This November, Augsburg had a record-breaking Give to the Max
Day in terms of donor participation and dollars raised. Here are the
• $531,704 was raised across 41 projects, setting a new record.
• 1,898 total donors gave, the most we’ve ever seen.
• Gifts came from 41 states.
• 56% of our 41 projects (23 projects) were fully funded, and many others were very close to fully
• One couple gave to 17 projects.
This day continues to energize our students, faculty, and sta every
year, and we can’t wait to see what we can accomplish next year.
Watch this video from our students who would like to say a quick
thank you.
Make a di erence all year round
Each year, 20% of the annual gifts to the Augsburg Fund come during Give to the Max Day. But giving
to the Augsburg Fund matters all year round: We use these dollars to make a di erence for Auggies
right away through scholarships, instruction and academic support, student programs, and other
areas of the largest funding needs at Augsburg.
Gifts to the Augsburg Fund touch the life of every student, faculty member, and sta member. More
than 1,000 donors contribute to the fund each year, and you can join them.
Make a di erence today. Give to the Augsburg Fund.
Giving creates a ripple e ect for the future of
When a water droplet hits the surface of a pond, it causes a ripple much larger than the original drop.
This is how your gift a ects Augsburg.
Glass water droplet sculptures, created by Rhode Island artists, represent the expanding e ect that
donors provide for the Augsburg community. Learn more about these water droplets and how
endowed scholarships propel Augsburg’s work into the future.
Lisa Smith and Dave Smith
Sharon Mortrud ’64 (Courtesy
Dennis Meyer ’78 and Bev ’78
(Courtesy photo)
Meyer (Courtesy photo)
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Augsburg Support
Give To The Max Day
Winter 2020–21
How to Build a Women’s Wrestling Program
from Scratch
Augsburg receives $50,000 grant for Travelers
In memoriam, Winter 2020–
- on February 22, 2021
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Augsburg Now Spring-Summer 2020
Alumni Magazine Collection
Search Result
As we concludeour
of Augsburg's150th
in the midst
of thesehistorictimes, I havebeenreflectingon someof
the mottosand slogansAugsburghasusedthroughoutits
history.Fromour foundingscripturalmotto-"And the Word
becamefleshand live...
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As we concludeour
of Augsburg's150th
in the midst
of thesehistorictimes, I havebeenreflectingon someof
the mottosand slogansAugsburghasusedthroughoutits
history.Fromour foundingscripturalmotto-"And the Word
becamefleshand livedamongus" (John1: 14)-to the
familiar "Educationfor service,"to the morerecent"We
believewe arecalledto serveour neighbor,"to the iconic
phrasefirst usedas part of Augsburg's100th anniversary
and nowfeaturedon our universityseal,"Throughtruth to
freedom,"eachphrasepointsto abidingvaluesthat are at
the heartof the educationAugsburgoffersto its students.
I am particularlystruck by the claim madein that
centennialmotto,and I wonderwhat it might mean
to explorehow"Throughtruth to freedom"shapesour
teachingand learningcommunityin the midst of these
In a recentpresentation,Professorof ReligionMary
offereda provocativechallengewhensheaskedus
what it might meanto educateour studentsfor freedom.
Whata counterculturalnotion! Educatedfor freedomfrom
ignorance,from oppression,from divisionand hatredand
violence.Educatedfor freedomto makethe worldmorefair
and just and healthy,to be goodneighbors,to take careof
creation.Educatedfor freedomfor the sakeof the world,for
the goodof others,for the promiseof wonderand creativity.
At Augsburg,the possibilityof this educationfor freedom
is groundedin claimsof truth. Aboveall, a theological
claim of the truth of the gospelof JesusChrist-stated so
powerfullyin that foundingscripturalmottofrom the first
chapterof John'sgospel-a truth that makesall things
possiblein our livesandwork in the world.At the same
time, it's the truth wefind in our commitmentto a liberal
arts education-to the belief in scientificknowledge,in
socialanalysis,in artistic expression,in culturalwisdom.
Andfinally, it's the truth we find in the livedexperiences
our studentsand the communitiesfrom whichthey come,
truths that residein rituals andtraditionsand practicesthat
invite us into worldsrich in knowledgeand wonder.
"Throughtruth to freedom"strikesme as a compelling
responseto this momentwhenwe find ourselvesliving
at the intersectionof three pandemics.TheCOVID-19
pandemichasdisruptedall aspectsof howwe live and
work,and it haspointedlyi11ustratedthe tensionbetween
public healthand economicwell-being.Followingin the
wakeof that pandemic,an economicpandemicthreatens
our socialfabric with massiveunemployment
and business
closuresworldwide.And, mostrecently,the racial inequities
by the senselessmurderof GeorgeFloydby
Minneapolispoliceofficers-along with countlessBlack,
Indigenous,and otherpeopleof colorwho'veexperienced
similar racismandviolence-havecreateda third pandemic
that threatensto tear our countryapart.Surelythis
unchartedintersectionof crisespresentsuniquechallenges
for all of us as citizens,tryingto imaginehowwe will
navigateto someas yet unknownfuture.
The questionwe will ask at Augsburg-a questionat
the heartof our academicmissionand our commitment
to socialjustice-is, "Whereis the truth in the midst of
Whatis the truth aboutkeepingeachotherhealthy
in the face of a novelcoronavirus?
Whatis the truth in
an economythat, moreand more,deepensremarkable
inequities?Whatis the truth in centuriesof systemic
racismand oppression?
Andthe truths we will find, always
evolvingand emergingand transforming,will free us for the
workwe are calledto do as "informedcitizens,thoughtful
stewards,critical thinkers,and responsibleleaders"Augsburg'smission!
Let us go forwardtogetherinto the next 150 yearsof
Augsburg'slife recommittedto educationguidedby the
beliefthat throughtruth there is indeedfreedom.I can only
wonderwhatsucha counterculturalbeliefwill meanfor
storiesyet to be told.
Whenwe beganmakingthis magazinein early2020, the worldwas markedlydifferent
than the onewe inhabit today.AugsburgNowstaff delayedthe magazine'stimeline due
to the impactof the COVID-19 pandemicon the university'soperations.
Mostof the storiesand eventsdescribedhereinoccurredbeforeit becamenecessary
to shift to manyworkingfrom home,online gatherings,and other modifiedoperations
to slowthe spreadof the virus.
Becausewe wantedto sharetheseremarkablestoriesand Auggieaccomplishments
as soonas possible,our team decidedto releasethis issuein digital-onlyformat, a first
in the magazine'shistory.
-John Weirick,editor
Nowis published
page2 andpage8.
On Friday, May 29, and Sunday, May 31, Augsburg University celebrated commencement virtually.
Taking precautions to slow the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19, Augsburg was among
numerous institutions nationally that hosted virtual celebrations to recognize graduating students. The
streamed online event opened with speeches from Provost KarenKaivolaand President PaulPribbenow.
Personalized slides for graduates included photos and messages that the students submitted.
Friends and family posted comments to the video stream as they watched the event. Students took
to social media to share their
graduation posts using the hashtag
Once it's again safe to host
large gatherings, Augsburg wi 11
plan an in-person ceremony
for the Class of 2020 that will
include many more familiar
commencement traditions.
This year's commencement celebration featured a central theme, chosen in April, that connected
defining moments in Augsburg's history with its contemporary reality. Uplifting the university's
longstanding commitments to equity and inclusion, the theme "68/20: One Day in May" called
the university community to explore the actions and outcomes of events in 1968 to consider their
relevance for 2020.
Following the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Augsburg canceled classes on May 15,
1968, and hosted a series of workshops and lectures. Augsburg faculty and local Black community
members led conversations focused on racism, politics, power, education, and violence-significant
tensions in American life in 1968. This year, Augsburg presented honorary degrees during the virtual
commencement, recognizing two leaders of the historic One Day in May in 1968: the Hon. LaJune
ThomasLange'75 and MahmoudEl-Kati.
Augsburg owes a debt of gratitude to the leaders of One Day in May, an event that continues
to inform and inspire the university community to engage in efforts for equity and justice. Their
contributions to our society and to Augsburg resonated strongly in the virtual commencement
ceremonies, which took place just days after George Floyd's murder by Minneapolis police.
Blackartists,alongwith Indigenous
of color,ledanart campaign
to upliftOneDayin Mayduring
's sesquicentennial
fromtheeventin 1968,andseemoreOne
I Dayin Mayart, includinga bannerthat appeared
in TheNew
rt at
u s ur
The Augsburg University Convocation Series is an annual
As part of the university's yearlong celebration of its 150th
speaker series that includes long-standing endowed and
anniversary, KristinAnderson,
professor of art history and
special programs. Recent presenters included:
archivist, curated an exhibition of works by Augsburg art faculty
dating back to the origin of the department in the 1950s. The
exhibit included works by early department members, such as
HansBergand IvanDoseff,former longtime faculty members,
including NormHolenand PhilThompson,
and current faculty
members Stephen
LyzWendland,and others.
1. DeAnna Cummings, chief executive officer of
Juxtaposition Arts, who shared a presentation at
the Horbal Lecture in November called "Putting
Creativity to Work 2025: Stronger Communities
Through Local Art and Design"
2. John S. Wright, professor emeritus of English
and African American and African Studies at the
University of Minnesota, who delivered "Where Do
We Go From Here: Chaos or Community" at the 32nd
annual Martin Luther King Jr. Convocation in January
3. Kwame Anthony Appiah, professor of philosophy and
law at New York University, who presented "Ethics,
Identity, and Cosmopolitanism"
at the Batalden
Seminar in Applied Ethics in March
Lto R:President
Last November,Augsburg University's Sabo Center for Democracyand
Citizenship and the Strommen Center for Meaningful Work welcomed
a new campus partner: Urban Investors. Formerly known as Urban
Adventure, this program helps bankers understand the challenges and
opportunities within cities through experiential learning opportunities.
The program also facilitates partnerships between public, private, and
LEAD Fellows, a program of Augsburg
University's Sabo Center for Democracyand
Citizenship, this winter received $75,000
from the Hearst Foundation, Inc. to support
students as they pursue in-depth, long-term,
community-based work at paid internships.
The program name stands for Leaders for
Equity, Action,
and Democracy.
nonprofit groups and promotes investment and community development
Students spend
that move families out of poverty, revitalize neighborhoods, improve
two to four
years engaged
schools, and build economic opportunity.
in public work
projects that
address social
issues such
is affiliatedwiththe
that aimsto transform
as education,
racial justice,
and poverty
while also
The first two seasonsof the
participating in a peer learning cohort.
The LEAD Fellows program is unique in
Augsburg Podcastfeatured
that it offers students a pathway to generate
faculty and staff sharing stories
income while also making a difference and
growing as leaders. The program is cohort-
of their work with students. The
third season, launched in March,
based with a strong support framework that
takes a new approach and invites
helps students to develop connections with
students and a recent graduate
peers and mentors, build their sense of
to discuss their experiences
with internships and the ways
belonging, and hone their leadership skills.
The Hearst Foundation award will fund
in which Augsburg has helped
the pay students receive for their internships
support their personal and
educational goals.
and will enhance cohort activities, including
semiannual retreats and biweekly gatherings.
Several faculty members are entering
retirement following years of dedicated
service to Augsburg University. Augsburg is
grateful for their commitment to advancing
the university's mission and supporting
to meetgrowing
This past November, the university introduced its second doctoral
program: a Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology. Augsburg's first,
the Doctor of Nursing Practice, began in 2010.
Augsburg worked with former Minnesota School of Professional
Psychology faculty and staff to provide continuity for students who were
student learning within and beyond the
, Department
of Business-joined
Augsburgin 1983
, Department
of Education-joinedAugsburg
previously enrol led in the program housed at Argosy University. After
in 2014
the closure of Argosy in March 2019, Augsburg
earned accreditation to become Minnesota's only
university offering an in-person PsyD program in
clinical psychology.
is now
, Department
of Philosophy-joined
Augsburgin 1971
Employment of Iicensed psychologists and
related occupations is projected to grow 13. 7% from 2016 to 2026 in
'18 DNP
the United States.
"We are pleased to offer this PsyD program as a way to meet the
in 2015
growing demand for mental health services statewide," said Monica
Devers,Augsburg University dean of professional studies.
, Department
of Nursing-joined
Augsburgin 2011
, Department
of Nursing-joinedAugsburg
, Department
of SocialWork-joined
Augsburgin 2000
Campus Compact, a network of universities across the United States
that are committed to public engagement in higher education, honored
, Department
of SocialWork-
Augsburg University as an inaugural
joinedAugsburgin 1993
recipient of the Richard Guarasci
Award for Institutional Transformation.
Augsburg was selected for its work
, Department
of Psychology-joined
in developing partnerships with
the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood
on page18.)
in 1988(Readaboutherresearch
and advancing environmental
BernhardM. Christensen
of Vocation
Religion-joinedAugsburgin 2010
sustainability, interfaith leadership,
and equity and racial justice .
Watchthevideousedto introduce
, Department
of Religion-joinedAugsburg
in 1995
At a specialchapelservice
of Regentsmeeting,Bishop
of the
AreaSynodof the
in Americaofficiallyinstalled
'06, left,
to reduce
Augsburg's Environmental Stewardship
Committee and Campus Cupboard food
pantry collaborated in Fall 2019 to pilot a
storyat ~ the
new resource: the Share Shop, which offers
a wide variety of items for free, short-
Augsburg story during a session
called, "Hospitality is Not
term checkout. The Share Shop currently
Enough: An Institutional Journey From Diversity to Inclusion and
Equity" at The Forum on Workplace Inclusion conference.
features board games, small appliances,
office supplies, sewing kits, sports
equipment, tools, and much more.
Augsburg, home of The Forum on Workplace Inclusion since
last summer, is "proud to partner with the forum to help expand
The Share Shop follows the same hours
of operation as Augsburg's Campus
diversity, equity, and inclusion skills, so our students can fully
participate and succeed in the workforce," Pribbenow said.
Cupboard and is located in the lowest
level of Science Hal I, adjacent to the
university's longstanding "free table,"
where Auggies place items they no longer
need and wish to offer to new owners.
For Fall 2020, the Campus Cupboard will
relocate to the Sabo Center for Democracy
and Citizenship in the lower level of
Anderson Residence Hall to accommodate
new operations during the COVID-19
pandemic. The Share Shop will remain
in Science Hall, and the two student-run
The 32nd annual, three-day conference attracted more than
1,500 people from around the world and across sectors.
article featuringSteveHumerickhouse
executivedirectorof the forum, in which
he explainedthe importanceof creating
safe placesfor diffic uIt conversations
readthe article: "Howthe
TwinCities becameoneof the
largesthubsfor workplacediversityand
initiatives wi 11 continue to work together.
to learnmore.
How One Day in May in 1968 forced Augsburg to reevaluate
its posture and practices regarding racism and education
HanaDinkuserved as director of Augsburg University's Pan-Afri kan Center
from March 2019 to July 2020. Her most recent project at Augsburg, "One
Day in May," was featured on WCCO-TV this spring, prior to Augsburg's
virtual commencement
(see page 2). Between her work leading programs and
supporting students, she out Ii ned the importance of Augsburg's history and
present moment.
Whywas OneDayin May sucha pivotalmoment
• for the Augsburg
in 1968?
the story and understood the significance of One
Day in May, it took on a life of its own. Directors
of International Student Services, LGBTQIA+
mission and values. In the wake of Dr. Martin
and the administration to build and promote a
Luther King Jr.'s assassination, higher education
sesquicentennial campaign about One Day in May.
One Day in May forced Augsburg to recognize
• all the ways it had failed to live up to its
Student Services, and Multicultural
Services worked with faculty member LeonWang
institutions across the country saw a wave of
protests and a demand for structural change. One
Day in May was Augsburg's response to the moment.
The community speakers, Augsburg students, staff,
and faculty who participated shed light on systemic
white supremacy in the Augsburg community and
the nation. This public acknowledgment created a
What is onecomponent
of OneDayin Maythat
; is especiallyrelevantfor ourcurrentsocialand
All aspects are relevant, but if I had to identify
• one particular component, it would be the
level of transparency and accountability that helped
demand to decolonize the curriculum at Augsburg.
move Augsburg in the right direction.
The Eurocentric core of the education system is
the clearest example of how our institutions are
Howdidthe reintroduction
of OneDayin May
• ariseand becomethe themeof this year's
When I started my job at Augsburg, one of my
; mentors, community elder MahmoudEl-Kati,
embedded in white supremacist ideology. This is
why we gathered this year to begin the creation of a
Critical Race and Ethnicity Studies department.
Whatdo youhopeis accomplished
• reintroduction
of OneDayin May?
told me the real history of Black folks at Augsburg.
Elder Mahmoud was one of the community speakers
at One Day in May and spent years working closely
with the Pan-Afrikan Center. Very few people on
My goal for this campaign was to help Black
; students understand and appreciate the battles
fought by those who came before them. I want Black
campus knew about One Day in May and the
students and other marginalized students to know
contributions of Black students, staff, and faculty.
that we are a part of Augsburg history; we are not
After learning that Augsburg's sesquicentennial
guests at this institution. When the whole Augsburg
book, "Hold Fast to What is Good," didn't mention
community understands this, we will see the kind
it, I worked with other Augsburg leaders to make
of institutional changes that marginalized students,
One Day in May the theme for the university's
staff, and faculty have demanded for years.
2020 M LK Day celebration. As more people heard
Centerfor GlobalEducation
Planaheadfortravelto Guatemala When
will getan insideglimpseof Guatemala
When well-known travel author, activist, and media personality Rick Steves went
to Central America to film segments for his new public television special, "Hunger
and Hope: Lessons from Ethiopia and Guatemala," he called on Augsburg staff
to provide expert guidance and introductions to community leaders and regional
organizations committed to ending hunger and extreme poverty. That's because
Augsburg's Center for Global Education and Experience has a vast network in
Guatemala and has offered educational programming in the country since 1985.
visit manyof the sameplacesdepictedon
Fromthe charmingcolonialcityof Antigua,
to LakeAtitlanandits surrounding
to the colorfultapestryof Mayanhistory,there
is an abundance
of thingsto do,see,andlearn.
One of the key people Steves spoke with during the production of his television
special was FidelXinico,director of Augsburg's CGEE Guatemala programming.
Xinico set up Steves' trip logistics from Guatemala and served as a cultural guide
and language translator. He is a trilingual Guatemalan citizen of the Kaqchikel
Maya ethnic group. SusanPeacock,a CGEE program coordinator based out of
Tripl: April 11-18,2021
Trip2: June13-20,2021
Trip3: August8-15, 2021
Minneapolis, connected Steves and Xinico and helped shape the direction of the
television show. Augsburg is now planning a travel program for the general public
that will take participants to inspiring destinations in Guatemala.
scholar published in
to learnmoreandregister.
HarryBoyte,senior scholar of public work philosophy at Augsburg's Sabo
Center for Democracy and Citizenship, co-wrote an article that was
published in Time magazine. Boyte's piece offered an analysis of the 2020
United States presidential race and suggested that a compelling campaign
would appeal to Americans as engaged citizens rather than disgruntled
consumers: "Emphasize a citizenship
Finda link to the article
message for government to be a
partner, not a savior."
"I already feel bad for my future children," joked Bel
Snyder'23. "They are going to have to hear the story of
Minnesota's only collegiate women's wrestling team over
and over again."
Snyder is one of 10 women wrestlers who made
history at Augsburg during the 2019-20
quarter century after the university founded
the NCAA's first women's hockey team in the Midwest,
followed by Minnesota's first varsity women's lacrosse
team in 2014 . That pioneering spirit drew Snyder to
Augsburg, which received a Breaking Barriers Award in
February at Minnesota's National Girls and Women in
Sports Day event at the Minnesota History Center.
"I have never felt such close bonds or such support,"
added Snyder, who's an elementary education transfer
student. "I am going to bleed maroon and gray for the
rest of my Iife."
2020 11
It's a youngteamwith sevenfirst-yearand three
transferstudentswho had neverwrestledfor an alIwomanteam until now.Therosterincludessomeof the
nation'stop competitors,includingEmilyShilson
who'sconsideredthe top womanrecruit in the country
by somewrestIing newsoutlets.The 19-year-oldfinance
studentqualifiedto wrestlefor a spot in the 2020
2021 becauseof the COVID-19 pandemic).
Howdid a buddingteamrecruitsuchchampions?
formerHarvardwrestlerwhobecamea women'sand
skills coachfor Arizona'sSunkistKidsWrestlingClub,
whichproduced55 Olympicmedalistsin both men'sand
"In wrestling,youcancontrolyourdestinymorethan
othersports.It's not aboutheightor speed.Champions
havementaltoughness,diIigencefor detaiI, anda
hungerto win," he said. "My goalis to producethe best
womenleadersin the world.Whentheygraduate,I want
themto understandhowthesetraits convertto success
in the realworld.And I wantthe employersto gobble
them up becausethey recognizewhatcomesfrom that
levelof leadership,dedication,andgrit," he said.
Mejiafocuseson process,knowingresultswill follow.
Heseeksto understandeachathletes'hopesand
motivationsso he can helpthem playto their strengths
for bothathleticsand careersuccess.
eachwrestlerto set herowngoals:"I
knowI havethe disciplineto do anythingI put my mind
to, and I'll havea greatmindsetwhiledoingit," said
"He doesn'tseeus as weare but as we couldbe,"
Baker'23, whoranksat the top of her
weightclass."Thenhe pushesus throughself-doubtor
whateveris holdingus back.I take morerisks,and I'm
seeingthe rewards."
Thosestrengthsareshowing.Withan overallrecordof
4-2, AuggieWomen's
Wrestlingrankedamongthe top
10 programs
in the NCAAasthe teamheadedintothe
inauguralCliff KeenNationalCollegiate
in earlyMarch.Augsburg
finishedin ninth
placeasa team,whileShiIsonclaimedthe nationaltitle to
closeout herinauguralcollegiateseason.
t ebest
In January,NCAADivision11 and
Division111 votedto addwomen's
wrestlingto its list of Emerging
for Women;in June,DivisionI voted
in agreement.
for the wrestlingcommunitywill be
to reachat least40 NCAA-affiliated
varsitywomen'swrestIingteams, which
is requiredto achieveofficial NCAA
status.At present
, about
35 NCAAschoolssupportwomen's
'79 is optimistic."Wehaveno
's wrestlingwill buildon
our reputationas a 'wrestlingschool,'
with our men'steamhavingsecuredits
13th nationaltitle in 2019.
"In 1995, Augsburgmadehistory
with the region'sfirst women'sice
hockeyteam,and nowyou're uniqueif
youdon't offerwomen'shockey.Then
in 2014, Augsburg
startedthe NCAA's
first varsitywomen'slacrosseteamin
and now,herewearewith
continuesto be a pioneerfor women's
athletics,andwe'reinvestedin the
successof women'swrestling."
is thriIledthat Augsburgis
for womento
wrestleat the collegiatelevel.Girls'
wrestlingis the fastestgrowinghigh
schoolsport,accordingto the U.S.
yet Minnesota
areamongthe 30 states
that haven'tmadegirls' wrestlingan
"Forthe past18 years,I havehelped
out at juniorfreestylesummertrainings,
and it's beenamazingto seethe growth
of women'swrestlingfromnogirls in
to hundredseachyear,"said
Moulsoff,the 2015 and2019 National
NationalCoachof the Year.
of the women'swrestling
teamalsoaredrivento sharetheir
andpavethe wayfor the
nextgenerationof womenwrestlers.
Everyoneof the student-athletes
liveda first-the first girl on a high
school'swrestlingteam,the first match
a competitorforfeitedbecausehe
"didn't wantto wrestlea girl," the first
time shesawwomen'swrestlingat the
Olympics(in 2004). Theyembracethe
but it is ti mefor morewomento have
to wrestle.
WrestIing beganhostingopengymsat
attendedthe first session.Earlierthis
year,about60 girls showedup every
week,evenwith weekendtournaments
to coachand mentorthe girls,who
rangedfrom6 to 18 yearsold.
"I startedwrestlingwhenI was9,
and I wasthe onlygirl on that team
andthe onlygirl on my middleand
highschoolteams,"Bakersaid. "I
7020 13
look forward to coaching and connecting with the girls each
week. My teammates and I want to show them they can do
this, and show them there will be teams for them when they
go to college."
ChadShilson'93, women's wrestling director and coach
for Minnesota USA Wrestling, said lifelong friendships seem
to emerge at every practice, as girls experience wrestling
with those who are similar in strength, weight, flexibility,
size, and goals. "They get to be the iron that sharpens other
iron," he said.
The result: some of the top women wrestlers in the country,
if not the world, have come out of the open gyms-"hungry
for the sport and everything it has to offer," added Shi Ison,
the father of top-ranked Augsburg wrestler, Emily Shi Ison.
Coach Mejia hopes to collaborate with USA Wrestling and
other organizations to offer even more camps and open gyms
(when it's safe and appropriate for public health regarding
the coronavirus) for the estimated 300 girls who are wrestling
at some level in the state. When they graduate from high
school, Mejia said, "I want them to have no doubt that
Augsburg is the place to be."
Word has gotten out. Alumni and friends of the university
AR "'1S
Augsburgplacedseventhin the NCAA
women'sdivisionat the Multi-Division
are tweeting their praises and sharing news coverage of the
historic team. Children's book author and public speaker,
'97, said the university's investment in
women's wrestling is also an investment in girls and women
in general.
"I was fortunate to be at Augsburg when women's hockey
started, and I saw lives
changing before my eyes. I
know firsthand the impact that
continues to make on those
women's lives," said BoyumBreen, who taught physical
education and coached
women's basketball at Augsburg. "When we invest in women
and our diverse communities, we invest in what's possible.
We have to show it in action through media coverage. Kids
need to hear these stories-boys
and girls.
"Look at the decision-makers, the percentages of coaches,
the funding gaps, and the near media blackout of women's
professional and collegiate sports. And yet, we keep playing.
And people keep watching. Because of the support that
exists, we persist," said Boyum-Breen,
also established grants to pay sports
weinvestin females who
fees and equipment costs that functioned
communities,as barriers to participation for some
Minnesota girls.
weinvestin what's
possible." Augsburg women's hockey coaches
know better than most the kind of
investment and persistent leadership required to create and
sustain a vibrant women's athletics program.
"To be a leader-it's
scary," said founding Women's
7'ff PLlfC=.
et in Louisville,Kentucky,in January.
Hockey Head Coach Jill Pohtilla. "I've seen Augsburg, time and
time again, make bold moves based on what makes sense and
what is right," said Pohtilla, who was inducted into the Women's
Hockey Association of Minnesota Hall of Fame in 2006.
The women's wrestling program has made an immediate
impact in the Athletics Department and has increased
expectations for success, said Michelle McAteer,Augsburg's
women's hockey head coach.
"Coach Mejia was able to bring in a large and talented class
for the inaugural season, and it's clear how skilled, determined,
and committed these women are," she said. "They are
representing Augsburg and our Athletics Department with great
pride, and growing the profile of their sport at the same time.
"They are making history, living history," McAteer added. "It's
a special team doing very special
things." ■
Seepage16 for a brief historyof
women'sathleticsat Augsburg.
2020 17
computers with a software program
Eyewitness identification of criminal
perpetrators is a staple form of evidence
San Diego; and Tucson, Arizona.
in courts of law.
developed specifically for the field
"Think of eyewitness memory like
audio transcripts to examine the
855 I ineups in four cities: Austin, Texas;
association between witness comments
and lineup selection, finding that an
North Carolina;
cities provided lineup photos and
eyewitness identification decisions,
instant identification
by an eyewitness
was less likely to produce an error than
when the witness was deliberative.
'18, who's pursuing a
residue, or other physical evidence,"
investigator reports, and audiotapes of
master's degree in counseling psychology
Steblay said. "You don't want to
the verbal exchange between the I ineup
at the University of St. Thomas in St.
contaminate it."
administrator and eyewitness during
Paul, Minnesota, was one of the students
each lineup procedure. A startling
who listened to police audiotapes and
the top national experts in eyewitness
discovery emerged from a pattern of
coded them based on whether the
cases when lineup administrators, who
decision-making process was immediate
social psychologist who has conducted
were also the case detectives, knew who
or deliberative.
research on eyewitness memory, pol ice
the suspects were and behaved in a
procedures, and eyewitness evidence
leading fashion with the eyewitnesses.
Steblay, along with Wells, is among
As an experimental
for 30 years, she is often cal led upon
by defense attorneys to testify when
they believe a suspect is being wrongly
accused based on faulty identification.
Her abi I ity to speak with authority
on the subject has been reinforced
She and other students were startled
to realize that the police push for a
conviction could, in some cases, influence
Augsburg student researchers
by her research findings. Assisted by
collected data and assessed 190
Augsburg student researchers, Steblay
real lineups for fairness or bias. "It's
and Wells led studies that, for the first
powerfu I to bring students into research
how criminal cases are pursued.
"Doing the work on police lineups
made me realize how flawed our
system can be," she said. "It made me
realize our criminal justice has a long
way to go."
SeanAdams'17, who is currently a
legal assistant, said he was shocked by
time, sought to understand and predict
by saying, 'Here's the problem of
how poorly some of the lineups were
eyewitness identification errors using
wrongfu I convictions, and let's figure out
actual I ineups.
how to solve them,"' Steblay said.
Before these studies, scientific
Psychology majors made up the
The tests were designed to include
fake witnesses, and these mock
psychology's understanding of
research team at Augsburg, adding
witnesses in Augsburg's laboratory
eyewitness identification accuracy was
laboratory skills to what they learned in
studies represented the worst possible
based almost exclusively on controlled
the classroom. Steblay and 27 student
scenario: a witness with no memory of
the offender. Mock witnesses shou Id
studies that
not be able to pick the pol ice suspect
the first and
from a lineup at a rate higher than
second studies
chance. "The worst lineup I saw had
across multiple
such a leading description that the
Steblay and
Wells were
awarded a
"It's powerful to bring students
into research by saying, 'Here's
the problem of wrongful
convictions, and let's figure out
how to solve them."'
National Science
The Augsburg students coded 102
experiment. Data was collected from
The field data collected in these
trace evidence, such as blood, gunshot
existed unti I th is study.
[laboratory] witnesses picked the pol ice
suspect 80% of the time," Adams said.
"That shou Id have statistically
less than 20% of the time."
Foundation grant to pursue a four-phase
between pol ice
lineup administrators and eyewitnesses
should be constructed so that the
study from 2014 to 2018. The research
to crimes were audio-recorded. There
suspect and the fillers (innocent people
followed up on their prior work, in which
police lineups were presented to real
had never been an analysis of recorded
added to the lineup) match the suspect
verbal comments from actual witnesses
eyewitnesses by detectives using laptop
because such recordings had never
Along with stunning insights into eyewitness
these studies brought to light
more questions worth exploring. The research
resulted in 12 conference poster presentations
involving 23 students, and it fostered two
student honors projects and spinoff projects
that are ongoing.
"It was time-consuming,
but it was
I think the student researchers
had a sense of the importance,"
Steblay said.
"It was really fun to work with them. Their
work enabled me to complete the project."
Augsburg student researchers saw the
subject material's importance for effective law
enforcement practices as well as its resonance
with people beyond their research group.
When AustinConery'17 began researching
how to predict eyewitness identification errors,
he discovered that his Augsburg University
research project was a hot topic with friends
and family.
"Every party or every family event, someone
would ask what was going on at school, and
I could talk about the research for hours
because it was so relevant," Conery said.
Besides a view into a major criminal justice
system issue, students said the research
opportunity gave them practical experience.
Conery said the research gave him the
confidence to read, understand, and apply
studies in his current job as a site director at a
children's mental health provider, PrairieCare.
"It was a great way to implement the
things I was learning in class," he said. "It
gave me the place to think critically
in a
control led environment."
As Adams considers his future work, he's
looking back to his time at Augsburg. "I've
been thinking of what I enjoyed in college,
and a lot of it was the work I did with Nancy,"
he said.
Steblay'sinfluencemaynot makeher a householdname,but her researchfindings
are beingput to practicaluse in a varietyof ways.
Minnesotajudgesviewa webinarmoduleshecreated,"EyewitnessScience:
Protectionand Evaluationof EyewitnessIdentificationEvidence,"as part of their
judicial e-learning program.Steblayalso pubIisheda chapterin the 2019 book,
"PsychologicalScienceand the Law."
Thefindingsof the researchby Steblay,Wells,and Augsburgstudent
are leadingto majorreformsnationally.The best practices
includecritical stipulations:that lineupsmust be double-blind,meaning
the administratingofficerdoesn'tknowwhothe suspectis, and that the
non-suspectfillers in the lineup must resemblethe suspectand match
the descriptionof the offenderthat wasprovidedby the eyewitness.
"Thereare hundredsof thousandsof policeofficerswho are using
theseeyewitnessidentificationprotocolsthat we didn't use20 years
ago,and they don't knowNancySteblay'sname,"said William Brooks,
a policechief in Norwood,Massachusetts.
Brookstravelsthe countrytraining policeon what he regardsas
best practicesfor lineups."I don't
think there'sbeenas wide of an impact in otherareasof investigation
as in howwe dealwith eyewitnessmemory,"he said.
In mid-May,MinnesotaGov.Tim Walzsignedbipartisanlegislation
that requiresuniformscience-backed
for all law enforcement,which goesinto effect in early2021.
Sti11, the eyewitnessidentificationbest practicesface resistance."Some
of it is individualpolicejurisdictionsjust not wantingto be told howto do
things," Steblaysaid in an interviewwith YahooNews."Sometimespolice
or prosecutorssaythey don't want rulesto be so rigid, becausethen if we just
violateoneof the rules,then that ruins our prosecutionor we can't catch the bad
guysor whatever.Sothey feel like it's underminingtheir ability to do the goodjob
that they shoulddo.
"I don't seeit that way," Steblaysaid. "I just think theseare not difficult
changes."Steblayviewsthe recommendedlineup reformsas a meansto strengthen
eyewitnessevidenceand reducethe likelihoodof a mistakenidentification.
The InnocenceProject,a nonprofitfoundedin 1992 to exoneratethe wrongly
convictedthroughDNAtesting, hasworkedto passlawsthroughoutthe countrythat
embracethe scientificallysupportedbest practicesadvancedby Steblayand Wells.
"Whenwe beganour work,a handfulof stateshadembracedbest practices.
Todaymorethan half of the statesin the countryhaveadoptedkeyeyewitness
identificationreforms,"said RebeccaBrown,the nonprofit's policydirector.
Steblayhopesmorepolice departmentswi11 enactthesereforms."Wehave
at leastpart of the answerto howpolicecan reducemistakenidentificationand
States where c:ore eyewitness reforms have been
implemented through legislation, c:ourt action, or
substantial voluntary c:omplianc:e:
2020 23
The Gage tam i ly is part of a legacy
Skip and Barbara have supported many campus projects
that has supported valuable
throughout the years, including Anderson Plaza, the Gage Center
student services that are crucial to
for Student Success, the Gage Family Art Gallery, the James G.
Augsburg University's
identity and
Lindell Library, and the Scandinavian Center, which cultivated
knowledge and interest in Scandinavian culture on campus for
Edwin"Skip"Gagepassed away
Wednesday, February 26, 2020. Skip and his wife, Barbara
CarlsonGage,have been integral to the Augsburg community
Piper LaBelle Award for their consistent support of young people
for many years. Al I four of their children attended Augsburg,
In his professional life, Skip built what came to be known as
15 years. In 2016, the Gage family was honored with the Toby
in recovery.
including alumni GeoffGage'89 and Rick Gage'96. Barbara
the Carlson Marketing Group. He served as chair and then chair
served on the Board of Regents, including four years as
emeritus of the lnnerCity Tennis Foundation and worked with
chair of the board and as co-chair of Augsburg's Access to
Barbara in many community efforts with the Banyan Community,
Excellence campaign.
Northside Achievement Zone, and Urban Ventures.
Skip and Barbara initiated the Center for Learning and
Skip's vision aligned with Augsburg's institutional
calling and
Accessible Student Services and contributed substantial time
reinforced the university's commitments to global perspectives,
and gifts to the StepUP ® Program. Skip believed the values
living faith, active citizenship, and meaningful work. Skip and
taught as part of the fabric of Augsburg's community have been
Barbara's gifts and leadership over the years have sustained
as important as the educational experience and the culture of
Augsburg's commitment to serve its students and neighbors.
family and service that is imparted to all of Augsburg's students.
Through the Gage family's leadership, CLASS was established.
"The Gage family has and continues to have a significant
impact on the Augsburg community," said DonnaMclean, former
In 1989, Skip and Barbara commissioned the first study that
Augsburg director of leadership gifts. "Thanks to the generosity
evaluated learning disability programs at the college level. They
of the Gage family, the lives of so many students have been
partnered with Augsburg faculty to build a learning disability
meaningfully enhanced through CLASS and other campus
endowment program, and Skip led the drive to raise $500,000
programs that provide impactful learning experiences." ■
in addition to $500,000
his family pledged.
The Augsburg University Department of Music had a unique opportunity to produce
and perform "Tienda," a new chamber opera by Augsburg Assistant Professor of Music
To commemorate Augsburg's 150th
ReinaldoMoyaand opera lyricist Caitlin Vincent, which premiered February 21 and 22.
anniversary, the university invited faculty
This production, presented as a part of Augsburg's sesquicentennial celebration, was
performed in Foss Center's Hoversten Chapel and included a cast of student singers,
and staff to apply for funding to support
unique projects that aligned with their
the Augsburg Choir, and the Augsburg Orchestra. The opera tells the story of Luis
interests and expertise while uplifting
Garzon, a Mexican musician who immigrated to Minneapolis in 1886 and opened a
Augsburg's mission, academic excellence,
small Mexican grocery store, or tienda, in St. Paul, Minnesota, in the 1920s. Garz6n's
and traditions. These projects showcased
store served as a community hub for new arrivals from Mexico, many of whom had
the university's history, its distinction in
fled the Mexican Revolution and found work toiling on the sugar beet farms of rural
the arts, and its high-quality scholarship.
Minnesota. "Tienda" explored the immigrant experience: what must be left behind-
Learn more about sesquicentennial
and what cannot be forgotten-on
projects at
the journey to a new home.
A Student Emergency Fund was established in March to support Augsburg students
with financial relief as we al I grapple with the challenges of COVID-19. In these
disruptive times, many students are experiencing the loss of income and jobs
as segments of the economy shut down, struggles to provide for their families,
obstacles in returning home to out-of-state residences, and uncertainty about their
ability to finance their Augsburg education.
With this fund, students are able to request emergency funding for basic needs,
including food, rent, transportation,
funding for academic materials-such
Giveto the StudentEmergency
and wireless internet-to
and medication. They may also request
as books, supplies, laptop computer rentals,
ensure their education is not impacted by a lack of
attainable resources.
2020 25
Last October, a group of Augsburg alumni gathered in Arlington, Virginia, for a
dinner and reception hosted by JeffPeterson'63. At the end of the gathering,
JessicaSpanswick'10 suggested the group should spend more time together.
upforGiveto theMaxDay2020?
Spanswick coordinated the group's next gathering for a social hour and trivia
in Washington, D.C., the following month. That's how the informal OMV-area (the
Maryland, and Virginia) Augsburg alumni group was born. With help from
Augsburg's Institutional
Advancement team, they were able to invite even more
Auggies in the area to attend social hours, networking events, and dinners.
In February, Augsburg staff met with
Give to the Max Day 2019 was a huge
success for programs across campus!
$421,000 RAISED
1,656 DONORS
the group to discuss how to increase
alumni involvement across the country
Auggie passion is the fuel that drives
and support the university through Give
strong donations on Give to the Max
to the Max Day 2020.
Day, and that's why it's Augsburg's
Want to plan an alumni gathering in your
biggest fundraising
area when pandemic health precautions
allow? Email
receive help reaching out to fellow Auggies.
day of the year.
It's exciting and inspiring to hear your
personal stories about Augsburg and
Auggiesmeetin the Washington,D.C.,area.
why you're passionate about supporting
a particular
What do you want to I ift up at
Augsburg? Send in a 45- to 90-second
video of yourself sharing what you were
most passionate about at Augsburg,
and you might be featured in the next
Give to the Max Day campaign.
Sendin a video,volunteer,or hel~ lead
a projectin Novemberby contacting
by September1, 2020.
Lto R: ChrisBogen'09, RobynHiestand
'98, KariArfstrom
'10,KatiePendo'10, KaiaChambers
that flourishedat
Augsburgspanacrossyearsand miles
[L to R]: DerekFrancis'08, BryanLudwig
'08, Greg
'08,andSamaSandy'08 broughttheir families
togetherfor an eveningof fun earlierthis year.Thegroup
tout themselvesas the "1107Family,"namedfor the
numberof the roomtheysharedin Mortensen
postfromtheir meetupshowshowa friendship
betweenfourAuggiesbecamea close-knitgroupof 17.
A groupof Auggieswhocelebratelife milestones
togethergatheredfor the
70th birthdayof SueGibbons
Casey'71 [front,center].She'ssurrounded
Ginny(Dahlen)Baali'72, Kris(Parbst)Rohde'72, KathyQuick'72, Nancy
(Olson)Hrdlicka'72,and Linda(Engstrom)
TheseAugsburgalumniand "5th FloorGirls"of UrnessTowerinitially reunitedafter
their graduationat mini-reunionsand holidays.In recentyears,theytooktrips to
destinationslike Boston;MyrtleBeach,SouthCarolina;andStillwater,Minnesota.
Picturedare[front, L to R]:Stacy(Waterman)
Newton'01, SaraThedinga
(Krcil)Bryers'01, andAnn(Peterson)
Fisher'01. [Back,L to R]:Amy
Carlson'01, LauraWaldon'01, Emily(Brinkman)
Loso'01,and EricaHuls'01. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
2020 27
The MinnesotaIntercollegiate
EdorNelson'38 in the LegendaryLeaders
seriesreleasedon its websiteand social
media. Nelson, who passedawayin 2014,
wasan instructorfor the healthand physical
educationdepartmentfor 32 years, coached
Augsburg'sbaseballteam from 1946 to 1979,
and led the programto sevenMIACtitles. He
alsowasAugsburgfootball'sheadcoach, and
he helpedstartthe men'swrestlingprogram
and relaunchmen's hockey.
'53, MD, was
selectedas the Commissioned
OfficersAssociationRetireeof the Yearby
the United StatesPublic HealthService.
The award, which recognizesexcellence
in serviceand volunteeractivities, was
presentedduring a virtual meetingin June.
Fairbanks'career has includedwork focused
on family health, holisticcare, smoke-free
communities, and training other health
of Fame in 1988 and created an athletic
lettering programfor female student-athletes
in 1989.
,;;, shares
& ChadShilson
,;;, women's
& ShellyBoyum-Breen
,;;, ofAugsburg's
totell moresportsstories
CanisiusCollegein Buffalo, New
York, hired MartinHlinka'99
as an assistantcoachfor its men's hockey
program. After his work as an assistant
coach with the SalzburgRed Bulls junior
program, Hlinka servedas a lead on-ice skills
instructorwith SynergyHockeyin St. Louis.
The MinnesotaIntercollegiate
Hlinka scored 125 points in 85 gamesfrom
Athletic Conferencefeatured
MarilynPearsonFlorian'76 in the Legendary 1995 to 1999 while on Augsburg'shockey
team, and he also playedfootball, earning
Leadersseries. PearsonFloriancoached
All-Americanstatusas a kicker. Hlinka
women's basketballand volleyballat
playedprofessionalhockeyfor 15 years in
Augsburgand also was the women'sathletic
director. During her tenure, Augsburgadded the American HockeyLeague, United Hockey
League, and Germany.
four MIACwomen'ssports, including cross
country, golf, ice hockey, and swimming
and diving. She also initiated the induction
'03 completed
of women into Augsburg'sAthletic Hall
his final term on the Augsburg
Alumni Boardof Directors. He has been on
the boardfor the past sevenyears, serving
in executiveleadershiprolesfor four years,
including a two-yearterm as board president.
Rathmannnow continuesvolunteeringhis
time by servingon the A-Club board.
'04 has been
teaching sixth grade science
and readingat DiscoveryMiddleSchoolin
Fargo, North Dakota, for 11 years. He also
coachesgirls crosscountryand track and
field at FargoDaviesHigh School.The USA
Trackand FieldAssociationchose him as
the Coachof the Yearfor Girls CrossCountry,
and he is the North Dakotarepresentative
for the "40 under 40" coachingawardfrom
Coachand Athletic Directormagazine. While
at Augsburg, he competedin crosscountry
and track and field, earningschool recordsin
the indoor600 meterdash and indoor4x400
meter relayteam.
receivedan awardfor
her accomplishmentswith the City of
Commissionregardingthe body-worncamera
policy, which led to the discoveryof ketamine
abuse by paramedicsand policeofficers.
Her work also led to the creationof the MPD
dashboard, where race disparitiesstatistics
and officer misconducthave been made
public and searchable, and the co-responder
model-mental health professionals
accompanyingpolice officersrespondingto
calls-which startedas a pilot programin
Minneapolisand is now used in NewYork,
Texas, and Utah. [Editor'snote:Theseevents
occurred prior to the murder of GeorgeFloyd
by Minneapolispolice.]
Artist AlisonPrice'08 was
featured in the Minnesota
Women'sPressregardingher new series
of art, "WitnessingWaves." Price, a child
of two immigrantparents, talked about
a stump alongthe MississippiRiverand
howthe river'swatersaided migrationto
the region.This pieceof nature influenced
Price'scollection, which startedduring her
time at Augsburg. "The seriesis imbuedwith
symbolism. DNAstrandsweavealongthe
riverbanksand through the rootsand ground,
reminding us of our interconnectedness
with all, reinforcingthe ideathat we are
fundamentallytied to each other and the
planet," Pricesaid.
'15 and friends
from Lakeville, Minnesota, filmed
the series"DestinationFear," which aired on
the TravelChannellast fall. The showfollows
the group'scross-countryroad trip where
they stayedovernightin 10 haunted places.
The group beganmakingvideostogetherfor
YouTubein middle schooland high school,
and this show indulgestheir passionfor
~ eyewitness
, who outlinedthe organization's
effortsto highlightthe historyof Native
boardingschoolsand the impact they had on
~ ofeyewitness
to understand
andapplystudiesin hisrole
at a mentalhealthprovider.
ChungEangLip'18 wrote
about his career path in the
public healthfield for ColumbiaUniversity's
MailmanSchoolof Public Healthstudent
voiceswebpage.He focused on the
importanceof kindnessand storytellingon
his journeyto becominga public health
DianaPierce'16 MALnarratedand produced
a documentary, "CountryMusic: Made in
Minnesota," which aired on PioneerPBS
last September. The half-hourdocumentary
toucheson storiesabout artistsfrom the
Minnesotacommunitiesof Alexandriaand
Dovray; as well as the WE Festin Detroit
Lakes, Minnesota, and the FlameBar in
Minneapolis.The programfeaturesinterviews
with artistsfrom DetroitLakes, Minneapolis,
and Pipestone, Minnesota, plus otherfigures
who contributedto the developmentand
popularityof country music in the state.
to National
~ Science
of eyewitness
'13 MALis the
executivedirector of the NationalNative
American BoardingSchool HealingCoalition,
formed in 2012 , which seeksjustice and
healingfor NativeAmericanchildren and
their descendants. The organizationrecently
receiveda $10 million grant from the
KendedaFundthat will support a new 10year plan focused on education, advocacy,
and healing.MPR NewsinterviewedDiindiisi
to submityourannouncements.
EricArlein'12 and Theresa(Bulger)
Arlien'14 welcomeda daughter,
Cora, last July.
Stark'07 graduated
from YaleUniversitywith her Masterof
Sciencein Nursingwith specialtiesas a
certified nurse midwifeand women'shealth
nurse practitioner. Tofulfill the health
professionalshortagearea serviceobligation
of her NationalHealthServiceCorps
scholarship, she is movingto NavajoNation
to work as a full-scope midwifeat a tribally
run Indian HealthServicehospitalin
Arizona.She will be accompaniedby her
husbandand children, includinga son,
Zaiel, whom the family welcomedin January.
'09 and
husband, Jesse, welcomedthe birth of
twin boys, Mattisand Henry, lastSeptember.
delivereda convocationaddressat
CarletonCollegein Northfield, Minnesota,
last October. He is a founding memberof the
NationalFairTradeFederation, startedthe
fair-tradePeaceCoffeeCompany, and is
presidentand CEOof Regenerative
AgricultureAlliance, a Minnesota-based
nonprofitorganizationthat worksto develop
regenerativefood supply chains and to
Haslett-Marroquinis alsothe author of "In
the Shadowof GreenMan," in which he tells
storiesfrom his upbringingin Guatemala
and shareshis visionfor regenerative
farming practices.
SylviaBull'10 (pictured on the right)
was ordainedas an Evangelical
LutheranChurch in America pastor in 2017
and has servedas associatepastor of Faith
LutheranChurch in Bismarck, North
Dakota, for three years.
2020 29
Augsburg University Men's Wrestling hosted an
alumni night in February, celebrating the national
championship anniversariesof the teams from 1970,
1980, 1990, 1995, 2000, and 2010 before a wrestling
match against Concordia College-Moorhead . Photo
by Caleb Williams.
ChrisStedman'08 wrote
a new book that will be
published in October.
The book, "IRL: Finding
Realness, Meaning, and
Belongingin Our Digital
Lives," explores being
human in our increasingly
digital world and is
availablefor pre-order.
Basketballhostedan alumni
reunion in Januarythat included
a pick-up game, lunch, watching
the men'steam take on Concordia
College-Moorhead, and a
social hour. Auggiesfrom several
generationsjoined in the festivities.
Auggiealumni leadthe men's
basketballprogramsat both
Augsburgand Concordia. Assistant
CoachCharlieScott'07, '15 MAL
and the Auggiesdefeatedthe
Cobbers, who were led by Head
joined the staff of Augsburg's
ChristensenCenterfor Vocation.
She coordinatesthe theologyand
public leadershipundergraduate
program, is the program director
for the AugsburgYouth Theology
Institute, and is the director of the
Public Church Scholars program,
an accelerateddegree pathway
that allows students to complete
a Bachelor of Arts degree in
theologyand public leadership
and a Master of Divinity in
five years.The program is a
partnership betweenAugsburg
and LutheranSchool of Theology
at Chicagofor students who are
called to ministry and public
leadershipas an ordained pastor.
'00 married
Kathryn Tighe on a ranch
in Grand Lake, Colorado,
in September. The couple
resides in the Denverarea,
where they work in real
estate. Seehusenencourages
his Auggie friends to reach
out the next time they're in
ToriBahr'09, a medical doctor at
the complex care clinic of Gillette
Children's Hospital in St. Paul,
Minnesota, was presentedwith
Augsburg University's2019 First
DecadeAlumni Award in January.
Bahr previouslyworked at the
Universityof MinnesotaMedical
Center's InternaI Medicine-Pediatrics
Program, where she becamechief
resident. Bahr's new position at
Gillette Children's Hospital includes
treating patientswith medically
complex diseases, using advanced
technology, and championing
transition care.
BrentStolle'03 and Bethany
(Schneck)Stolle'05 welcomed
their second son, Isaac, in
February 2019. Isaacjoined his
three-year-old brother, Weston.
Bethany is the design research
lead for Blackboard, an education
technology company. Brent
works for Nvidia as a software
engineering manager. The family
lives in Kirkland, Washington.
DerrinLamker'97 was named Augsburg Universit
Footballhead coach in December. Lamker played
baseball, basketball, and football as an Auggie
student-athlete. During his football career, he wa<
the MinnesotaIntercollegiateAthletic Conference
MVPand led the Auggiesto a MIACtitle in 1997,
the same year he received KodakAll-American
Honors. Lamkerwas named the Northwest
Suburban ConferenceCoach of the Year in 2007,
2013, and 2014 during his tenure as head coach
of OsseoHigh School, where he coached for 11
years and won a class 6A state championship.
Beforetaking the head coach position at
Augsburg, Lamkeralso servedas offensive
coordinatorand head coach at Edina High
School. Augsburg University Footballhosted an
alumni gathering in Januaryto hear from Lamker
and to meet the incoming coaching staff, which
includes GregClough'86, defensivecoordinator,
and JackOsberg'62, volunteer coach. Alumni
who graduated between 1971 and 2019 attended
The City Pagespublication
featured the work of Jose
LuisVillasenor'99 and the
nonprofit organizationhe
founded, Tamalesy Bicicletas,
which existsto empower
youth, develop healthy Latinx
and immigrant communities,
promote sustainable
transportation, increase
accessto healthyfoods, and
improvethe environment.
The organization'scommunity
garden in south Minneapolis
providesspace to teach urban
farming and lay the groundwork
for sustainablelocal food.
In September, City Pages
featured DuaSaleh'18
for their work in poetry,
rapping, and singing.
Saleh released"N0r" in
2019, and "ROSETTA"
in 2020, EPsproduced
by Psymun, the St. Paul,
Minnesota, producer
whose connectionswith
provide broader exposure
for Twin Cities performers.
As the recipient of the
Cedar Commissions
emerging musicians
program, Saleh performed
"Strings and Heart Beats,"
a project described as "an
AlissaNollan'09 marriedJames Nystromin
St. Anthony, Minnesota, lastJuly.The wedding
party includedJennifer
Nollan'89, Whitney
Mead'10, and KatiePendo'10.
MarkMuhich'89 was
hired as managing
attorneyto supervise
public defender services
in Minnesota'sCarlton
and St. Louis counties.
Muhich is a Hibbing,
Minnesota, nativewho
has been a part-time
public defender at the
St. LouisCounty
Courthousein Virginia,
Minnesota. Muhich
previouslytaught politicaI
science and criminal
justice at Mesabi Range
Collegeand taught in the
law enforcement program
at VermilionCommunity
MikePolis'10 welcomed
a second child, Sophia
June, in January.His
first child, LydiaMae,
lovesbeing an older
sibling. Polis is in his
secondyear of real
estateand is excitedfor
anotheryear of selling
and buying homes.
KelseyCrockett'06 and
wife, Stacey, welcomed
a child, MasonAvery
Crockett, into their family in
January. Kelseycontinued
his software management
work when the family moved
from Nashvilleto Dallasfor
Staceyto begin a doctoral
programat the Universityof
In December, Michelle
'00 was elected
as the new presidentand
CEOof YWCAMinneapolis.
Bashampreviouslywas the
executivedirector at The
Bridgefor Youth, servedas
CEOof YWCADelaware, and
held leadershippositionsat
, and the
Human Services.She also
co-foundedthe Nonprofit
P.C. Hillstrom'07, director of
educationaI equity at OsseoArea
Schools, received two statewide
honors this year: the Outstanding
Administrator of the Year award
from the Minnesota Indian
Education Association and the
Ron McKinley "All My Relations"
award from the Minnesota
Education Equity Partnership.
Hillstrom has worked for Osseo
Area Schools since 2015.
BrothersDaveKerkvliet'95 and TimKerkvliet
were featured on the EducationMinnesotawebsite
when they introducedfour band studentsof Sebeka,
Minnesota-where Daveteaches-to the rock band
311 at a performanceat The Armory in Minneapolis.
Davehastaught band for 24 yearsand is a lifelong
musicianand fan of rock bands. He connected
those passionsand organizedthis meetingbetween
his studentsand lead singerand guitarist Nick
Hexumand drummer ChadSextonprior to 31 l's
2020 31
ClarenceT. Hoversten
'41 ,
HerbertW. Chilstrom
'54, Green
Valley, Arizona, age 88, on
January 19.
M. KennethGjerde'61 ,
MarilynJ. Gisselquist
Fairfield, Montana, age 83,
on December 22.
Minneapolis, age 90, on
February 21.
DonaldJ. Dill '54, Eau Claire,
Wisconsin, age 86, on
December 15.
Falls, South Dakota, age 95, on
January 27.
Alexandria, Minnesota, age 80,
on November 10.
Zee AnneA. (Zimmerman)
Reishus'73, Wood Lake,
DorothyC. (Quanbeck)
BeverlyM. (Jorgensen)
DonaldN. Myhres'61, Lee,
North Branch, Minnesota, age 92,
on February 18.
Rochester, Minnesota, age 86, on
November 18.
Illinois, age 95, on November 13.
HenryW. Roufs'49, San Diego,
WandaE. (Warnes)Olson'56,
RobertJ. llstrup'62, Minneapolis,
age 82, on September 25.
age 97, on October 10.
Lewiston, Minnesota, age 84, on
November 14.
EllenA. (Paulson)Keiter'64,
Minnesota, age 91, on January 29.
GlennC. Thorpe'56, Mendota
Charleston, Illinois, age 77, on
December 10.
RusselM. Smith'50,
Heights, Minnesota, age 85, on
February 8.
JeanneS. (Wanner)Morreim'66,
Lakeville, Minnesota, age 91,
on November 21.
'57, Edina,
Cloquet, Minnesota, age 76, on
January 26.
Hendricks, Minnesota, age 101,
on November 6.
EileenM. Quanbeck
'46, Sioux
'50, Austin,
PhyllisG. (Knudson)
MarjorieK. (Danielson)
Stillwater, Minnesota, age 83, on
January 24.
St. Paul, Minnesota, age 88, on
December 4.
JosephP. Nystuen'59, Cold
WilmerJ. Oudal'53, Eagle River,
Spring, Minnesota, age 82, on
November 10.
Alaska, age 88, on February 2.
MargaretA. (Lundahl)Ruesch'59,
WalterJ. Bradley'78, Davenport,
KatharineE. Skibbe'79,
Minneapolis, age 62, on
October 7.
IreneW. (Waslien)Stemmer'88,
Wayzata, Minnesota, age 93, on
November 8.
JaniceK. (Thompson)
age 91, on December 29.
Rochester, Minnesota, age 88,
on December 17.
DianeL.Loeffler'75, Minneapolis,
age 66, on November 16.
Iowa, age 63, on February 9.
Minnesota, age 86, on January 16.
P.Strot'51, Minneapolis,
LeroyM. Petterson'53,
Minnesota, age 68, on
January 24.
Worthington, Minnesota, age 83,
on December 30.
Shakopee, Minnesota, age 73, on
January 15.
BruceA. Vassar'93, Edina,
age 57, on December 6.
ThomasL. Docken'69, Stacy,
J. (Gulbransen)
Minnesota, age 73, on
December 9.
Austin, Minnesota, age 73, on
January 20.
VirginiaK. (Golberg)Baynes'70,
Lee(Gilbert)Schotzko'04, Afton,
Portland, Oregon, age 71, on
September 14.
Minnesota, age 49, on October 1.
BenjaminM. Blair'14, Decorah,
Iowa, age 31, on January 26.
The "In memoriam" listings in this publication
include notifications received before March 1.
2211 Riverside Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55454
After the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police and protests calling for justice in Minneapolis and around the nation,
MollyMontana'23 went to Lake Street to capture the work of local artists that emerged on walls and plywood boards covering the
windows of numerous businesses. "I wanted to tell the story of the pain and rage that people of color have felt," she said about
the images she captured for a photography class project. "I wanted to capture something meaningful, and these displays were
just that. They are a piece of history."
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Augsburg Now Fall-Winter 2019:
Alumni Magazine Collection
Search Result
FALL–WINTER 2019 | VOL. 82, NO. 1
Vice President and
Chief Operating Officer
Rebecca John ’13 MBA
Associate Vice President and
Chief Marketing Officer
Stephen Jendraszak
On s...
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FALL–WINTER 2019 | VOL. 82, NO. 1
Vice President and
Chief Operating Officer
Rebecca John ’13 MBA
Associate Vice President and
Chief Marketing Officer
Stephen Jendraszak
On seeing and being seen
We see you!
This summer, Assistant Professor Joaquin
Muñoz from our education department
greeted our incoming students with a
powerful message. He said that every one
of them deserved an adult who loved them
unconditionally. He then looked out at our
remarkable students and told them that he
loved them. He said, “I see you,” and “I will
do all I can to ensure that you are successful
at Augsburg and beyond.”
Joaquin was speaking to students of color
and indigenous students in particular, but
this is our promise to all our students: “We
see you” is at the center of Augsburg’s
commitment to meet students where they are
and walk alongside them as they pursue their
educational goals. What does it mean to say
that “we see you”? It means that your life
experience, your vocational journey, your path
to Augsburg is important to us and will be
taken seriously as we work together to ensure
your success.
It seems especially fitting as we launch our
150th anniversary—our sesquicentennial—
that we renew our promise to meet our
students where they are, to see them in all of
their astonishing and diverse life experiences,
and to accompany them as they pursue an
Augsburg education.
Our promise to see our students is evident
in all of our celebrations of our 150th
anniversary. For example, the remarkable
“Each, Together” art project—part of an
international initiative known as “Inside
Out”—is featured in this issue of Augsburg
Now (see page 16). More than 1,200
photographs are displayed on buildings
across campus: images of current students,
faculty, staff, and alumni alongside those of
historic figures like Bernhard Christensen ’22,
Augsburg’s fifth president, who looks at me
each day as I pull into my campus parking
spot! Every time I look at those photographs, I
think about how they reflect our commitment
to seeing each other, to recognizing that our
various journeys to Augsburg and beyond
are part of a remarkable narrative that has
unfolded over the past 150 years.
Since our founding in 1869 and through
the decades that followed, our institution has
grown and changed, yet our commitment to
our foundational promise has remained the
same. We see you, we love you, and together
we will fulfill our abiding promise that
Augsburg is “small to our students and
big for the world.”
Faithfully yours,
Director of Marketing
Laura Swanson Lindahl ’15 MBA
Director of Public Relations
and Internal Communications
Gita Sitaramiah
Assistant Director of
Marketing Creative
Denielle Stepka ’11
Senior Creative Associate, Design
Elizabeth Kästner
Marketing Copywriter
John Weirick
Communication and
Social Media Specialist
Briana Alamilla ’17
Advancement Communications
Kaia Chambers
Web Manager
Joe Mann
Kate H. Elliott
Jen Nagorski ’08
Lisa Renze-Rhodes
Augsburg Now is published by
Augsburg University
2211 Riverside Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Opinions expressed in Augsburg Now
do not necessarily reflect official
university policy.
ISSN 1058-1545
Fall–Winter 2019
During Augsburg’s annual community
engagement and service event—now
known as City Engagement Day—first-year
students volunteer at Twin Cities-based
organizations at the start of the academic
year. On September 3, more than 650
students in Augsburg T-shirts worked
alongside faculty and staff. Some sites
included community gardens and a river
cleanup with the National Park Service.
The Class of 2023 is Augsburg’s largest ever.
See the back cover.
02 Around the quad
16 Face value
Annual report to donors
A September to remember
26 Auggies connect
Building on an early lead
Honoring Auggies
Balancing the books
28 Class notes
32 In memoriam
On the cover: Portraits of community
members—past and present—create a
tapestry of faces that celebrate, recognize,
and honor the individuals who have
contributed to Augsburg University during
the past 150 years. Read more on page 16.
All photos by Courtney Perry unless
otherwise indicated
Send address corrections to
Send comments to
Augsburg launches
Augsburg University now offers the Auggie Pass, a universal transit
pass that gives undergraduate students unlimited rides on buses
and light rail in a first-of-its-kind partnership between Metro Transit
and a Twin Cities university.
Augsburg’s student government approved increasing the green
fee by $5 to $20 per semester to pay for the Auggie Pass in order
to reduce students’ out-of-pocket costs while improving their
chances of accepting jobs and internships that involve a commute.
Day Student Government is officially responsible for overseeing the
green fee that supports sustainability efforts.
The Auggie Pass is valid throughout the school year and is paid
for from both the student green fee and university operating funds.
All traditional undergraduate students who pay the semester green
fee are eligible for the pass at no additional cost.
“As someone who uses the bus every day, it’s great not to have
that financial burden,” said Skye Ryge ’20, who advocated for the
pass. “It’s really economically advantageous to students who pay
for school, like me, to not have to choose between textbooks and
bus fare.”
President Paul Pribbenow named
Augsburg University President Paul
Pribbenow was named an Outstanding
Fundraising Professional for his effective,
creative, and inspiring leadership.
The highest honor bestowed upon one of
its members, the award was presented by
the Association of Fundraising Professionals
at the International Fundraising Conference
in San Antonio this spring. “The impact
of Paul Pribbenow on the organizations
he has served is only exceeded by the
impact he has had on the entire fundraising
profession,” said AFP President and
CEO Mike Geiger. “It is fair to say that
fundraising—and how we look at ethics
and philanthropy—would look differently
without the contributions of Paul. His work
will serve as one of the cornerstones of the
profession for years to come.”
Augsburg announced earlier this year the addition of a varsity women’s
wrestling team.
This new team continues the pioneering tradition in women’s athletics
at Augsburg, which now has the only varsity women’s wrestling team in
Minnesota. In 1995, Augsburg became the first college in the Midwest
to sponsor a varsity women’s ice hockey team. Then, in 2014, Augsburg
became the first collegiate institution in Minnesota to sponsor a varsity
women’s lacrosse team.
The women’s wrestling team is competing this academic year under
head coach Max Mejia, who most recently served as women’s and
developmental coach at the Sunkist Kids Regional Training Center in
Tempe, Arizona.
Mejia, a 2015 graduate of Harvard University, has helped coach a
World Team Trials champion and another finalist; two senior national
team members; a U.S. Open champion, finalist, and placewinner; and
four Arizona high school state champions.
The first recorded baseball
game occurs.
Abolitionists Frederick Douglass
and Harriet Tubman are born.
Leaders sign Norway’s constitution.
Abraham Lincoln serves as
president of the United States.
Victor Hugo publishes the novel
“Les Misérables.”
Pharmacist John Pemberton invents
The first automobile with an
internal combustion engine is
Answers: 1. Older; 1846. 2. Older; 1818 and 1822.
3. Older; 1814. 4. Older; 1861–65. 5. Older; 1862.
6. Younger; 1886. 7. Older; 1807.
In honor of Augsburg’s founding in 1869,
the university is celebrating the past and
the present with sesquicentennial events
all year long. Think you know history?
Test your knowledge: Identify whether
each of the events below is older or
younger than Augsburg.
German scholars and artists join
Augsburg University’s third River Semester launched in August as part of
a prestigious German initiative to explore the Mississippi River.
“Mississippi. An Anthropocene River” is a German research project
involving many communities and initiatives along the river with a focus
on climate change. Joining Augsburg students are German travelers,
including artists, authors, journalists, and scholars from the Max Planck
Institute and the Goethe Institute.
This year’s River Semester voyagers departed from Lake Itasca in
northern Minnesota and, for 100 days, are paddling portions of the
Mississippi River to reach New Orleans. The students will earn 16 to
19 credits.
At its annual September meeting, the Augsburg Corporation
elected four new members to the Board of Regents and
re-elected three members.
Elected to their first term on the Augsburg Board of Regents:
Sylvia Bartley, senior global
director, Medtronic Foundation
Ellen Ewald, co-owner and
executive advisor at Tysvar LLC
and mobileAxept in Minneapolis
John O’Brien, president and chief
executive officer of Educause;
former president of North
Hennepin Community College in
John Schwartz ’67, retired hospital
administrator at Advocate Trinity
Hospital in Chicago and former
general manager of SmithKline
Beecham Clinical Laboratories,
Schaumburg, Illinois
Sylvia Bartley
Upgraded training room
boosts athletes’ efficiency
Augsburg’s athletic training room has moved to a larger,
substantially upgraded space in Si Melby Hall.
In this new space, sports medicine support staff from on
and off campus—including team physicians, chiropractors,
physical therapists, and dietitians—can work collaboratively
with athletic trainers to better serve Augsburg’s more than
500 student-athletes from 22 varsity sports. Philanthropic
gifts paid for the upgrades, with student-athletes gaining the
benefit of more efficient scheduling.
“The ability to serve multiple teams at the same time in
the larger space, with state-of-the-art equipment, will be the
biggest advantage and benefit for the student-athlete,” said
Missy Strauch, Augsburg’s head athletic trainer.
Ellen Ewald
Augsburg hosts inaugural
Elected to a third term:
Karen Durant ’81, retired vice
president and controller of
Tennant Company, Golden Valley,
Matt Entenza, attorney in private
practice in St. Paul, Minnesota,
and former Minnesota state
Jeff Nodland ’77, retired president
and chief executive officer of KIK Custom Products
John O’Brien
The Human Rights Forum at Augsburg University welcomed
about 800 students, thought leaders, global changemakers,
and activists this fall. In partnership with the Human Rights
Foundation, which also produces the Oslo Freedom Forum,
the two-day event at Augsburg brought together participants
from a variety of institutions and locations around the world.
The first day explored human rights issues in authoritarian
regimes, and the second day focused on racial justice,
indigenous rights, and environmental sustainability.
John Schwartz ’67
See the full list of Board of Regents members
2019 Media Sponsor
Learn more at
lobby renovation provides
aesthetic convenience
The Oren Gateway Center lobby and adjoining Nabo cafe were redesigned and
renovated during the summer, creating more inviting campus meeting spaces.
The Nabo security gate was relocated to allow access to the bookstore and seating
area beyond the cafe’s hours of operation. Key pieces of kitchen equipment also
were upgraded. This project was funded by A’viands, Augsburg’s food service
provider, as part of its most recent dining contract with the university.
Augsburg names inaugural
Augsburg welcomes
Sundquist Endowed
Professor of
Business Administration
This fall, Augsburg named Business Department Chair Jeanne Boeh the
Sundquist Endowed Professor of Business Administration.
The Sundquist professorship supports business administration,
Augsburg’s largest academic department with the most undergraduate
students on campus. Boeh, a professor of economics, has been teaching
at Augsburg since 1990 and often appears in media interviews and on
business panels using her talent for bringing complex business concepts
to life.
“Jeanne Boeh will lead Augsburg’s efforts to attract top business
faculty, thanks to this generous endowment,” said Augsburg
University President Paul Pribbenow. “She is known as a faculty
leader on campus and for her strong commitment to students as they
prepare for careers in business.”
This endowed professorship is named for alumnus Dean Sundquist ’81,
an Augsburg Board of Regents member and chairman and CEO of
Anoka, Minnesota-based Mate Precision Tooling. Sundquist and his
wife, Amy, have made several major investments in Augsburg.
The Forum on Workplace Inclusion has a new
home at Augsburg University. Previously based
at the University of St. Thomas, the forum is the
nation’s largest workplace diversity, equity, and
inclusion conference designed for national and
global audiences.
The forum has served as a convening hub for
those seeking to grow professional leadership and
effective skills in the field of diversity, equity, and
inclusion by engaging people, advancing ideas,
and igniting change.
“The Forum on Workplace Inclusion is excited to
begin a new chapter at Augsburg University,” said
Steve Humerickhouse, executive director of The
Forum. “We look forward to the amazing things we
can create with our new Auggie family.”
From disease to remedy: How
nostalgia offers a psychological boost
A special vacation with family members you miss. That unforgettable meal at your
favorite restaurant with your favorite person. The album you used to listen to nonstop
during the ups and downs of high school. You’re happy you have those pleasant
memories, but you’re also sad they’re over. You are experiencing nostalgia.
Throwback TV shows, retro fashion, and reboots of toys, trinkets, and stories from decades ago have people wondering
if American culture is at its peak in terms of nostalgia—and how long it can last. Bridget Robinson-Riegler is a professor
of psychology at Augsburg University. Taking a moment between writing a cognitive psychology textbook, research, and
teaching and learning with her students, she explores what psychology can tell us about nostalgia’s appeal.
What is nostalgia? How does it
relate to memory?
Nostalgia is a sentimental longing
for one’s past. The emotion is deeply
social and bittersweet but predominantly
positive. Nostalgic memories are
recollections of atypical life events (e.g.,
vacations) that involve close relationships
(e.g., family, friends) or events from
childhood. We view these experiences with
rose-colored glasses so negative aspects
are often not remembered. We miss those
experiences and yearn to relive them.
Where did the idea of
nostalgia originate?
The word “nostalgia” is a compound
of two Greek words that essentially
mean a sad mood originating from a
desire to return to one’s native land. The
word was coined in the 17th century
by a medical student who was helping
Swiss mercenaries working in France.
He observed symptoms of sadness,
loss of appetite, insomnia, cardiac
palpitation—things we would diagnose
as post-traumatic stress disorder today.
Much of the early interest in nostalgia
focused on how to stop these thoughts
because it was considered a disease
and the resulting symptoms prevented
individuals from performing at their
military best.
How does nostalgia affect people
Nostalgic remembering is
most likely to occur in times of
loneliness, negative moods, or feelings of
meaninglessness. It is basically a coping
mechanism to deal with distress. Rather
than being the problem (the disease, as
it was conceptualized when the term was
first coined), it is the way we cope (more
like the remedy or cure). Even if we may
feel bad and disconnected in our current
life, we can “relive” a time when we felt
good and were not lonely. Reconstructing
memories and projecting ourselves into
the future are interdependent cognitive
processes that share a system in the brain.
So, when we think about a time when
we were socially connected and at our
“personal best,” these feelings stretch out
into our future, and we become hopeful
and consequently feel better.
How is nostalgia active in
society today?
Given the state of the world—
climate change, ups and downs in
the economy, racist acts, problematic
government leadership—it is not surprising
that nostalgic thinking is common.
This type of societal distress can lead
to personal nostalgia and to collective
nostalgia in which people long for a time
when they viewed the world as a better
place, even if it wasn’t. So there is a
resurgence of old TV shows, vinyl records,
throwback uniforms for athletic teams,
retro clothes, and other products. We
seek comfort with familiar products from
childhood or from a time when the world
was viewed as “better” or “easier.”
Visit to read more
about nostalgia.
Augsburg University’s annual convocation series provides
dedicated time during the academic year to hear from
outstanding leaders and visionaries.
In October, this year’s series kicked off with the Bernhard
Munib Younan
M. Christensen Symposium featuring Munib Younan,
retired bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan
and the Holy Land and former president of the Lutheran
World Federation, and Hamdy El-Sawaf, founder and
psychotherapist at the Family Counseling Center and imam
of Masjid Al-Iman in
Hamdy El-Sawaf Minneapolis. Through
their presentations, each shared personal
experiences and religious perspectives
Join us January 20, 2020
on hope, reconciliation, and resiliency
for the Martin Luther King Jr. Convocation.
All convocation events are free and open to
in the midst of suffering and struggles
the public. Visit
that often are intensified by religious
convictions and differences.
moves to new Minneapolis location
The physician assistant studies graduate program moved into a renovated, leased
space in the Riverside Park Plaza building.
The building’s location, at 701 25th Avenue South in Minneapolis, puts it
among the medical facilities of the University of Minnesota Medical Center
and the Masonic Children’s Hospital and just a short walk from the Augsburg
University campus. The program’s move in August came after four years at
Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota.
The new space, which features an increased footprint for classroom and clinical
lab instruction, supports potential future departmental growth and allows the
program faculty, students, and staff to engage with Minneapolis campus activities.
“The curriculum was redesigned to be more case-based and hands-on, and this
new space will allow for a more creative and innovative learning environment,”
said Alicia Quella, the physician assistant studies program director and
department chair.
Best Regional Universities by
U.S. News & World Report:
U.S. News & World Report again
named Augsburg one of the Best
Regional Universities in the Midwest in
2019. This year, Augsburg is No. 13,
which makes it the top Minnesota school
on the list. Augsburg is also ranked ninth
for undergraduate teaching, eighth in its
support for veterans, top in the state and
sixth overall for innovation, and fourth
in promoting social mobility. Rankings
are based on average first-year retention
rates, graduation rates, class sizes,
student-to-faculty ratios, and
other information.
Best in the Midwest by The Princeton
Review: The Princeton Review
again named Augsburg one of the Best
in the Midwest for academic excellence
this year.
25 LGBTQ Friendly Colleges: College
Consensus, a new college review
aggregator, recognized Augsburg in its
survey of 25 LGBTQ Friendly Colleges of
2019. College Consensus works to bring
attention to schools that other ranking
publishers overlook.
Top Schools for Indigenous Americans:
In 2019, the American Indian
Science and Engineering Society’s Winds
of Change magazine selected Augsburg
as one of the Top 200 Schools for
Indigenous American and Alaska Native
students pursuing degrees in science,
technology, engineering, and math.
Top Military Friendly School:
Augsburg was again named a
Military Friendly® School, a list compiled
through extensive research and a free,
data-driven survey of more than 10,000
Veterans Administration-approved
schools nationwide.
You are a part of a large
community of Augsburg donors.
We are so grateful for the
generosity of this community of
people who support our mission.
16.2 average class size
13:1 student-to-faculty ratio
50+ undergraduate majors
10 graduate degrees
traditional undergraduate students
of traditional undergraduate
first-year students live on campus
Data from 2018–19 academic year
of Augsburg undergraduates
are first-generation college students
of traditional undergraduates
are students of color
U.S. states represented by the
undergraduate student body
countries represented by the
undergraduate student body
of traditional undergraduates
receive some form of financial aid
Hazen and Kathy Graves
• Hazen: Retired partner at Faegre Baker Daniels
law firm
• Kathy: Principal for communications and
planning firm Parenteau Graves
• Priority: Support higher education institutions
that serve students with physical disabilities
When Hazen and Kathy Graves toured Augsburg with
their son, Sam Graves ’16, they found that it offered
the unique assistance Sam needed as a young man
with cerebral palsy who uses a power wheelchair. “As
we learned more about the support Augsburg offers
to students with various kinds of challenges, we
came to understand that Augsburg had been doing
this for a long time,” said Hazen.
Sam graduated with a degree in psychology.
The idea of supporting Augsburg financially
occurred to both Hazen and Kathy independently,
and they decided to donate $50,000 to endow a
scholarship. “Access to higher education is a big
issue,” Hazen said, “and we’re just doing our
little part.”
Find more donor stories at
Brian Anderson ’82 and
Leeann Rock ’81
• Brian: PhD in physics at the University of
Minnesota, taught at Augsburg, joined Johns
Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
• Leeann: MD from the University of Minnesota,
pathologist at Frederick Memorial Hospital
• Priority: Expand students’ academic
opportunities and multidisciplinary efforts
Husband and wife Brian Anderson ’82 and
Leeann Rock ’81 are donating $50,000 to endow
the Raymond E. and Margaret J. Anderson
Scholarship in honor of Brian’s parents’ legacy, as
well as in honor of Brian’s brother, Augsburg Physics
Professor Emeritus Stuart Anderson ’78.
Brian’s father, the late Raymond E. Anderson,
joined Augsburg in 1949 as a speech and
communications professor. Brian’s mother, the late
Margaret J. Anderson, came to Augsburg in 1967
and became library director.
Endowing a scholarship is “a formal way of
maintaining our relationship with Augsburg while
ensuring more opportunities for students in the
future,” Brian said.
• Retired clinical psychologist who studied at
the State University of New York—Buffalo and
Michigan State University
• Priority: Equitable representation of women in
education and leadership, including in faculty
roles, administration, and political offices
Linda Giacomo was the first in her family to attend
college. She empathizes with immigrant struggles,
recalling impoverished grandparents who left
southern Italy to become naturalized U.S. citizens and
parents who could not afford their children’s college
tuition despite holding four jobs combined.
“Education is transformative in a way that gives
you so much power and choice. People should not
be denied that opportunity because they have no
money,” she said.
Noting that women earn 26% less than men but
carry two-thirds of the nation’s college debt, Giacomo
designated a $30,000 outright gift to the Augsburg
Women Engaged Scholarship as well as a generous
estate gift.
“To not be generous, to not share what you have
with those in need, is heartbreaking,” she said. “In
making these gifts to Augsburg, my heart is full.”
May 31, 2019—$49,644,712
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
39% Salaries and benefits
34% Financial aid
19% Operating expenses
3% Utilities and insurance
2% Debt services
2% Student compensation
1% Capital improvement
Linda Giacomo
72.57% Individuals
14.70% Corporations
12.73% Foundations
79% Tuition
8% Room and board
6% Gifts and private
3% Government grants
2% Endowment income
2% Other
• 1,000 Auggies attended the gala.
• Thanks to our generous guests, we raised a total of
$1.4 million in support of Augsburg’s mission.
• Paul Mueller ’84 and Nancy (Mackey) Mueller ’85
issued a challenge and pledged to match every gift
at the $1,000 level dollar for dollar up to $100,000.
It wouldn’t be right to mark 150 years of Augsburg with a
small affair—so we threw a huge, once-in-a-lifetime party.
On Friday, September 27, Auggies of all kinds dressed up
and headed to Renaissance Minneapolis Hotel—The Depot in
downtown Minneapolis for the Sesquicentennial Gala, a night of
dinner, dancing, revisiting the university’s history, and rallying
support to propel Augsburg into the next 150 years.
1) Gala attendees pose for a photo.
2) Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, a guest speaker for the evening,
takes a selfie with Augsburg Day Student Government leaders
Arianna Antone-Ramirez ’20 and Lucia Davila ’20.
3) Provost Karen Kaivola and students dance to live music.
Auggies continued the celebration Saturday, September 28,
with a full day of Homecoming festivities, including Taste
of Augsburg, a chapel service, the football game, and the
Augsburg Music Department Collage Concert. The classes
of 1969, 1979, and 2009 celebrated milestone reunions.
Donte Collins ’18 embraces
English Professor Doug Green.
“Auggie, you are called into the world.
Into your wonder. Your why. To wrestle
with reason. To spot the problem. And propose new
parts. To walk toward your fears. To find the heart.
We are Called. We are Auggies.”
—from “We Are Auggies,” a spoken-word piece
written and performed by Donte Collins ’18
Campaign Chair Paul Mueller ’84 joins
President Paul Pribbenow on stage.
“Augsburg is astonishing. Which is really to say that
the people of Augsburg are astonishing—Brilliant.
Committed. Resilient. You might try to hide it or
downplay it, but it is undeniably, unequivocally,
tangibly bursting forth from everything you do. It has
been nearly 15 years since I first stepped on campus.
And, today, the world is noticing Augsburg, what it is,
and does, and stands for. Not just in the Twin Cities,
but nationally and internationally.”
—from President Paul Pribbenow’s gala remarks
Athletics secures NCAA grant to fund first-of-its-kind position supporting culture of inclusion
Hop, step, and jump. Hop, step, and jump.
Training for the 2004 Summer Olympic Games, Chris Dixon
could think of little else than the triple jump cadence.
Hop, step, and jump. Hop, step, and jump.
Then at practice, hop, step, and crack—followed by intense
pain, doctors, and confirmation that his Olympic dreams
shattered along with his ankle.
Dixon spent the next few years figuring out who he was off
the field—the place where athletic ability and subsequent
praise had become closely linked to his sense of identity. It was
a journey as difficult—if not more so—than his climb to peak
performance. During that dark, confusing time, he promised
himself: If I’m ever in a position to help others transition to life
after sports, I will.
Since July, Dixon has served as Augsburg University’s director
of athletic diversity and inclusion and assistant coach for the
men’s and women’s track and field teams. He is eager to return to
the field as a coach, and he has a game plan to use the new role
to promote a culture of inclusion. This job is personal, Dixon said.
“I was one of only a few African American kids in elementary
school. People would ask to touch my hair, and I felt different
until fifth grade, when I performed in front of my peers and
teachers at a district track meet,” he said. “For the first time, I
felt accepted and embraced, and from then on, my identity was
as an athlete. I loved it, don’t get me wrong, but it was difficult
to adjust once I left the arena.”
Dixon never had an African American teacher or coach other
than a friend’s dad who, after selling insurance all day,
volunteered for Dixon’s high school track and field team.
“I had amazing coaches and teachers, but I never saw
myself in those roles,” he said. These and other life
experiences inform his outlook on this new role
and emphasize the importance of his presence at
Augsburg, where he also teaches Introduction
to Kinesiology.
“I am meeting student-athletes and talking
with them about the challenges they face. I
am working to be a presence on campus—
to break down stereotypes for some and
to be a role model for others,” he said.
“Alongside student-athletes and our athletics
administration, I want to create or enhance
academic resources, life-skills development,
and networking opportunities.”
Personal connections and consistent,
centralized support are critical to the
success of underrepresented studentathletes, Dixon said. “Augsburg is already
ahead of the game. The student body is
diverse, and there are many resources across
campus that support inclusion. I plan to work
with and build on what’s already there.”
A plan—starting with breakfast
Student-athletes attend a networking event hosted by Chris Dixon.
As the sun rose on the second Thursday in October,
Dixon greeted several tables of student-athletes seated
in The Commons in Christensen Center. The young men
of color connected with each other over breakfast before
hearing advice from Jareck Horton, district sales manager
at PDC IDenticard, and Augsburg Football Assistant Coach
Keanon Cooper. Dixon plans to invite successful men of color
from a range of professions to these monthly networking
socials, and he will hold similar events with other groups.
Alicia Schuelke ’20 MAE, graduate assistant coach for track
and field, said she and other students are thrilled with Dixon’s
enthusiasm and vision for the role.
“In a world where, many times, the odds are stacked
against us, leaders of color provide hope and strength,”
said Schuelke, a student in the Master of Arts in Education
program. “I came to Augsburg for the MAE program, but I was
pleasantly surprised to find how diverse the campus is, and it
is my absolute favorite part of my learning experience.
“If we can move the needle toward a more diverse group of
leaders that better represent our country’s demographics, then
students of color will begin to understand that the
sky’s the limit in terms of their own hopes,
dreams, and aspirations.”
, I want to
es, life-sk
and netwo
Position the result of
NCAA diversity grant
Dixon’s position is largely made
possible through a two-year NCAA
Ethnic Minorities and Women’s
Internship Grant, which provides
financial assistance to member
institutions who create full-time,
entry-level administrative positions
for people who identify as an ethnic
minority and/or a woman, according
to federal guidelines. The grant also
supports professional development and
formalized mentoring.
Augsburg was one of only 20
institutions and conference offices
selected to receive the grant this cycle,
and it is the third award for Augsburg
in the past decade. The university first
secured the Ethnic Minorities and
Women’s Internship Grant during the
2012 to 2014 cycle to fund Jennifer
Jacobs’ role as assistant director
of NCAA compliance and assistant
volleyball coach. In 2014, Augsburg
received the NCAA’s Strategic Alliance
Matching Grant, which funds fulltime, mid- to senior-level athletics
administration positions during a fiveyear commitment. Jacobs’ role then
evolved into assistant athletic director
of external relations and diversity and
inclusion, in addition to her role as
assistant volleyball coach. She is
now head volleyball coach at
Augustana University.
Augsburg’s Associate Athletic
Director Kelly Anderson Diercks said
the department is driven to advance
diversity and inclusion. “Embracing
and connecting students of all
backgrounds and experiences is the
right thing to do, but it is also smart,”
she said. “More diverse teams are
often stronger teams. They produce
student-athletes who are better
prepared to excel in play and in life.”
Anderson Diercks is a product of
the NCAA’s diversity grants, first as an
intern for the Minnesota Intercollegiate
Athletic Conference and then as an
assistant director. The experience,
Anderson Diercks said, transformed
how she operates as a leader in a maledominated profession. More than a
decade has passed, but she remains in
contact with the mentor assigned to her
during the internship.
“These are critical opportunities for
women and minorities to enter into
leadership positions with tremendous
personal and professional resources
designed to equip them with the tools
and outlook to navigate difficult roles,”
said Anderson Diercks, who formerly
served as chair of the NCAA Ethnic
Minority and Women’s Internship
selection committee. “We are
particularly excited about Coach Dixon’s
position because, to our knowledge, it is
the only role of its kind.”
Augsburg is ‘ahead of the game’
Ali Spungen, associate director of
Division III for the NCAA, said that
about 130 positions have been
awarded through diversity grants during
the past five years—that’s more than
$36 million in funds for positions and
professional development. Augsburg,
Spungen said, stands out as a leader in
the division, which is well positioned to
meet the needs of diverse populations.
“Division III allows student-athletes
to play the sports they love within
departments also focused on their
academics and social engagement,”
said Spungen, also a past grant
recipient. “These positions empower
leaders like Coach Dixon to thrive,
which inspires and encourages
students. Augsburg clearly cares for
its student-athletes and is willing to
dedicate time and resources to ensure
they are successful and well-rounded.”
Dixon is ready and grateful to come
full-circle—to be the coach and teacher
he never had and to prepare others for
the transitions he never saw coming.
Merton Strommen ’42 and
Gladys Strommen ’46
Merton Strommen ’42 and Gladys Strommen ’46 were a part of a
family legacy at Augsburg that has spanned generations. The
Strommens have widely shared their gifts and talents with the
university, and their impact on the Augsburg community will be
felt for many years to come.
Mert Strommen died September 2. Youth ministry was the core
of his life’s work—as campus pastor at Augsburg and founder of
Search Institute, which has an international impact on youth work
through research. Mert and his wife, Irene (Huglen) ’44, started the
Youth and Family Institute at Augsburg and also created the David
Strommen Endowed Fund for youth ministry. Mert also served on
Augsburg’s Board of Regents, founded and directed the Augsburg
Centennial Singers, and was awarded Fellow status by the
American Psychological Association for his pioneering research in
psychology and religion.
Gladys Boxrud Strommen passed away May 26. Gladys and
husband, Clair ’46, who passed away in 2001, have served and
supported Augsburg in many significant ways over their lives
and created a lasting legacy through their work and dedication.
Gladys was a supportive partner to Clair in developing his career
in business and leadership with Strommen & Associates and
Lutheran Brotherhood, now known as Thrivent Financial. Gladys
served on the Board of Regents, co-founded the Augsburg
Associates, and hosted many alumni gatherings in her homes in
Minnesota and Florida.
Through a generous gift, the family established the Clair
and Gladys Strommen Center for Meaningful Work in 2014 in
recognition of their personal commitment to create meaning and
purpose in work and life.
“Clair and Gladys Strommen are forever woven into the
fabric of Augsburg through their commitment to lives filled with
purpose and meaning,” said Lee George, executive director of the
Strommen Center. “Through the Strommen Center for Meaningful
Work, Clair and Gladys’ legacy is realized in students who commit
themselves to exploring their values, passions, and skills and
understanding how they can be put to use in the world.”
The Strommens also commissioned a sculpture in front of
Christensen Center and have two endowed funds: a scholarship
fund and a program fund for the Strommen Center.
As President Paul Pribbenow said in his campus announcement
of Gladys’ passing, “Her loss is a big one, but her legacy will
continue to be felt by generations of Auggies to come.”
Face Value
Dakota and Ojibwe.
Norwegian and Irish.
Art installations celebrate
individuals, expound on
Augsburg’s history, and
expand the boundaries
of community.
Somali and Ethiopian.
On and around the land that today houses Augsburg University’s
Minneapolis campus, they celebrated births and mourned deaths.
They spoke languages of love and laughter, stress and sorrow. They
built families, businesses, and dreams.
They were here and many are gone, at once everywhere and
nowhere because in the blistering pace and abundant distractions
of the human ecosystem we all inhabit, it’s natural that we forget
who came before us.
But what if—even for a moment—we turned our attention to
who we were and who we are right now? To who worships next to
us, or walks by us in the grocery, or shares an apartment wall?
“On This Spot” and “Each, Together”
bring into focus the history of the campus
and the surrounding neighborhood, and
the people who are the Augsburg of
yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
What would we discover if we intentionally took notice of who
we are and where we’ve come from?
This idea is at the core of new art and historical exhibits that
cover collectively four city blocks on 12 of Augsburg’s building
facades and 37 window panes around campus. As part of
Augsburg’s sesquicentennial celebration, artists and designers at
the university wanted to give the community a chance to reflect on
their history and their people. So the works, dubbed respectively
“On This Spot” and “Each, Together,” bring into focus the history
of the campus and the surrounding neighborhood, and the people
who are the Augsburg of yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
‘Humans at the center’
Photographers capture portraits at Augsburg events to use in
“Each, Together.”
“Each, Together,” the larger of the two projects, is a Group Action of
the international “Inside Out: The People’s Art Project” initiative that
launched in 2011 after a French street artist, known only as JR, won
that year’s TED Prize. First awarded in 2005, the TED (Technology,
Entertainment, and Design) Prize has become synonymous with
visionary thinking meant to spark change throughout the world.
Winners of the award—including educators, artists, chefs, journalists,
and even former President Bill Clinton—have used the $1 million
prize to fuel specific community projects, like healthy food initiatives
and educational innovations. The winning projects all have one
thing in common: They are designed to make people engage in
their communities.
In the case of artist JR’s project, his vision was to create works
that “shine a light on the unsung and give everyone the dignity they
deserve.” And he hoped that beyond his capacity as one artist, people
around the world would join in the celebration of others.
To date, more than 260,000 people in 129 countries have
participated in different versions of the project featuring faces
displayed on billboards, buildings, sidewalks, and in digital
collections. Augsburg is one of the latest communities to answer the call.
“We saw that invitation, that there was a related, common ethos to
what we have here at Augsburg, and that the project was similar to
public works we’ve done here,” said Christopher Houltberg, Augsburg
associate professor of art and design. “It’s really about putting
humans at the center.”
My former college roommate had
eagle eyes today and found me!
Responses edited for length and clarity.
Hey, look who I found! #AugsburgFamous
Look ma I made it!!!!! @AugsburgU
wahooo!!!! #sesquicentennial
So a team that included a curator, nine photographers,
and three designers—Houltberg, Maggie Royce ’15, and
Indra Ramassamy ’18—worked for several months between
Fall 2018 and Summer 2019. The photographers attended
between 15 and 20 campus events, all working to capture as
many faces as possible to best tell the Augsburg story.
“The way we went about it was really organic,” Houltberg
said. “We started going to events around campus in Fall 2018
and then in the springtime, trying to get to as many different
ones as possible. There’s a really big holiday event called Advent
Vespers, and a lot of alumni come to that.”
All told, the group took more than 900 photos and gathered
about 300 additional images of historic Auggies.
“It’s very democratic; everyone is given the same amount of
space,” Houltberg said. “From our president, Paul Pribbenow, to
people who work on our janitorial staff, to our students, to our
former mayor, R.T. Rybak.
“As we were defining the parameters [of the ‘Each, Together’
project] it was a fun surprise for us to see who self-identified as
part of Augsburg.”
Bigger dose of Augsburg
R.T. Rybak, current president of the Minneapolis Foundation,
was the mayor of Minneapolis from 2002 to 2014. He said it
would be impossible to think of the growth and development of
the city without considering the role Augsburg has played in
that history.
“I’ve conservatively said 1,000 times in public speeches
that the neighborhood where Augsburg is, is our Ellis Island.
One wave after the other washes in and the next wave builds on
top, and it’s something that no one wave could have created in
isolation,” Rybak said.
That’s most certainly the story of the Cedar-Riverside
neighborhood that surrounds Augsburg and the story of
Minneapolis as a whole.
“... I often think we just need a bigger dose
of Augsburg. We need to realize that offering
that ladder of opportunity to someone else
makes all of us able to climb higher. We are
better together.”
—R.T. Rybak, former Minneapolis mayor
“Augsburg is a shining example of the very best parts of
Minneapolis’ history. The university represents opening doors to
people with strange names like Johnson or Anderson or Rybak,
and keeping those doors open for people with names that come
from Africa, Asia, and places across the globe.
“When I get down about what’s fracturing our deeply divided
country and world today, I often think we just need a bigger
dose of Augsburg. We need to realize that offering that ladder
of opportunity to someone else makes all of us able to climb
higher. We are better together.”
Houltberg said the “together” ideal is at the heart of the exhibit.
“As individuals we are showing up, and collectively we can do
something greater than what we can do on our own,” he said. “I
loved seeing the portraits blocked together, seeing people stop and
take selfies. There are people who say, ‘I recognize who that is!’”
Forward facing, historic reflections
Kristin Anderson, a co-creator of these projects as well as a
professor of art history and Augsburg archivist, said she’s only
heard good things about the exhibit.
“I have seen emails and tweets—sometimes emotional—with
people responding to the wall as a whole, as well as to their
individual images,” Anderson said.
The community is responding to the historical revisit that
“On This Spot” installations provide, too, she said.
That exhibit features enormous panels that share Augsburg
moments that photographers captured decades ago. The campus
life of yesteryear includes images of young bobby soxer women
from the 1940s in saddle shoes and flowing skirts in contrast
with men wearing formal suits while tramping across a snowcovered campus.
I’m so proud to be part of the @insideoutproject at
@augsburguniversity in honor of the Sesquicentennial!
“It has been a fun way to bring some old photographs to life
and to show how the campus is layered on the site. Those ‘lost’
buildings displayed on the walls of the current buildings help
to connect us to our past, reminding us of the imagination and
commitment of our predecessors,” Anderson said.
The two exhibits are being admired by community members
who see the campus regularly and by those who keep up with
Augsburg from a distance.
Killa (Martinez Aleman) Marti ’08 came to Augsburg from her
home in Honduras. Marti said she brought her own values with
her when she enrolled, “but Augsburg put them to work. The
Auggie community showed me that I wasn’t crazy to want a
career with meaning.”
“Those ‘lost’ buildings displayed on the walls
of the current buildings help to connect us to
our past, reminding us of the imagination and
commitment of our predecessors.”
—Kristin Anderson, university archivist
For Marti, “Each, Together” perfectly sums up her experience
at Augsburg.
“My career is an intersection of what I love to do with the
opportunity to serve,” said Marti, an attorney in Atlanta. “To
think critically, to be socially and community-minded—all of the
things I exercise in my life were supported and further developed
at Augsburg.”
Houltberg said it’s difficult not to consider the greater impact
that art, especially a work like “Each, Together,” has.
“Having a group of artists, designers, and photographers come
together to make something this beautiful and to see it up and
fully functioning is pretty great,” he said.
“It has created a tangible thread between all of us, which
transcends 150 years and all our history,” said Ramassamy, who
worked with the team to design “Each, Together.”
“We live in a visual world yet we can be unaware of each
other,” she said. “This project is making us aware of one
another, making us pay attention, making us curious about the
person in the portrait above or to the left or right of us.”
“I love watching people who are walking down the streets
looking at the portraits,” Houltberg said. “There’s an element of
surprise to it that’s really fantastic. Sometimes the tendency is
to put people in big groups. But if you look at these portraits, look
at the eyes, and look at the humans who are represented here, you
see just how wide a spectrum of humans we are. Anytime we can
show the humans and not the institution, we win.”
“On This Spot” installations show how Augsburg’s landscape, architecture, and people have changed in the past 150 years.
Each, Together
A crew works to install a portion of the 1,246 portraits
that make up “Each, Together.”
3,475 1
building facade
building facades
On This Spot
Members of the university’s faculty and staff launched a
number of special projects, including “Each, Together”
and “On This Spot,” to commemorate Augsburg’s
anniversary year.
See other sesquicentennial projects at
Catch a glimpse of the Augsburg of yesteryear, thanks to “On This Spot”
displays on window panes around campus.
Mary Taris ’04 is a graduate of Augsburg’s Adult
Undergraduate program, which was ranked ninth in
Best Colleges’ 50 Top Colleges for Older Students.
Augsburg alumna starts a publishing
company, creates the diverse book list
she wished she had
oung Mary Taris ’04 was so
thankful to be a girl. The Minneapolis
Public Housing Authority required children of
different genders to have separate bedrooms, so
while her brothers had to share a room, Taris had
her own. Through reading, her bedroom walls grew
into a mythical grove where she’d encounter a
prince or sit for tea with Frog and Toad.
“I escaped into books. Or maybe,” she said, “I
disappeared in them.” Books gave her the life she
longed for, but those beloved tales were someone
else’s story. She was 20 before she read a book with
black characters.
Now 55, the retired teacher is driven to change
that narrative. Last August, at the historic James
J. Hill Center in St. Paul, Minnesota, Taris stood in
front of family and friends to voice her dream, Strive
Publishing, into existence. The startup—based out
of her Twin Cities home—supports emerging authors
of picture books and young adult novels that are
culturally relevant, contemporary, and relatable to
kids of all shades, abilities, and experiences.
“Everyone has a story, and those stories build
bridges to connect us all,” said Taris, a graduate of
Augsburg University’s Adult Undergraduate program,
a flexible degree program that pairs on-campus
classes with online coursework
in a dozen undergraduate
majors. “Too often, authors
conform to narrow industry
standards driven by profit, but I
refuse.” At Strive, Taris and her
team work to create pathways
for writers and artists from all
backgrounds to write about
their own experiences and a
wider array of identities.
Publishing stories that
represent and connect
Strive Publishing has released
three titles by local African
American authors, and several
more books are in the works
with upcoming launch dates.
Taris’ efforts have been featured
nationally and celebrated
locally, with invitations to
conduct workshops at schools,
partner with established
publishing companies, and
co-sponsor the inaugural African
American Voices in Children’s
Literature Contest in partnership
with Free Spirit Publishing.
“Strive is more than a
company; it’s a mindset,” she
said. “I was a runaway teen
mom who finished high school
while striving to raise a son
and work for a better life.”
That determination led her to
enroll in Augsburg’s elementary
education program. Juggling
work and family, it took Taris
eight years to graduate,
but she walked across the
commencement stage and into
the classroom where she taught
a range of grades and subjects
(mostly English) for 15 years.
“I became the first person in
my family to earn a college
degree,” she said. “It had been
my dream since childhood.”
Augsburg left a mark on
Taris, as classes exposed her
to inequities in education and
literature. Taris reframed those
inequities as opportunities.
Now, years later, Barbara West,
director of student teacher
placement at Augsburg,
recalled Taris’ embrace of
story-filled, relevant learning.
While student-teaching, Taris
invited a Japanese friend to talk
with students who were reading
a novel about a Japanese girl
during World War II. On her
lunch hour, Taris met with
eighth-graders to advise on a
student-produced newsletter.
She sought to incorporate
diverse voices and stories into
the curriculum.
“Augsburg taught me to
consider the whole child and
to understand the classroom as
a life-giving space where you
can listen and let people tell
their stories,” she said. “As
a teacher, I struggled to find
diverse texts.”
Taris also struggled when
administrators brought speakers
and books that reinforced
cultural stereotypes and
limited experiences rather than
providing real cultural and
ethnic diversity. “I wish they
would have, instead, given kids
diverse books or brought in
local authors who looked like
the students.”
Celebrating voices that
defy stereotypes
Taris launched Strive in 2016
while teaching full time, but
three years later, she took early
retirement to dedicate herself
fully to the publishing company.
Taris remains an educator,
though, as a mentor to young
authors and as an advocate
for change. She challenges
communities, schools, and
publishing houses to invite new
titles that can find their way
onto more readers’ nightstands.
Ricardo Peters is among
Strive’s “founding authors,” as
Taris calls them, and he
says he is indebted to “Miss
Mary” for her guidance and
encouragement. Peters’ book—
the first in a fantasy series—
sold out within months. The
35-year-old stands out, Taris
said, because he is a black man
who loves and lives the arts like
few others.
“Plenty of black men are
deeply connected to their
artistic side, but society doesn’t
celebrate that expression,” Taris
added. “Our sons are not all
basketball and hip hop. Ricardo
defies that stereotype, and his
work will lead others to do the
Peters had been dreaming up
stories since he filled stapledtogether notebook paper
with “Transformers” stickers.
Publishing a book remained
his dream, but it wouldn’t have
happened without Taris.
“I had been working on
this series for nine years and
likely would have sat on it
forever,” said Peters, who
works as a reading instructor
at Kumon Math and Reading
Center of Maple Grove. “But
Mary presented me with this
opportunity, she believed in me,
and I am eternally grateful.”
Strive Publishing’s Book List
“Under a Cloven Sky” and
“A Wild Nature Embraced”
by Ricardo Peters
Books one and two in the
young adult fantasy series,
“The Scorched Heavens,” in
which the fate of two nations
rests on the city’s young
princess and her protector.
“Red’s Adventures: The Egg
Pie” by Donna Gingery
The hilarious first book in
a picture book series for
children, this story follows
the precocious Red, who
grows up in Alabama under
the watchful eye of her
“Story to Story: A Strive Short
“Isaiah’s Sunglasses”
Story Series,” Volume 1
by Linda Miller
This collaborative book
A short, rhythmic story for
project aims to celebrate and
children about family, hope,
empower emerging authors
acceptance, and learning
about different types of people. and illustrators.
“Who Can I Be?” by
Arielle Grant
Created by Strive’s founding
illustrator, this is a story of
a girl who sees her potential
through the example of women
in her community.
Representation in
literature on the rise
but has ‘a long way to go’
Mary Taris ’04 with two of her children, Jermaine Taris and LaToya Taris-James, who both work with
Strive Publishing.
Making stories more accessible
runs in the family
This sentiment is shared among the
authors who work with Taris. Her
children are equally inspired by her,
so much so that they joined the Strive
team. Her oldest son, Jermaine Taris,
is a book illustrator. Her 16-year-old
daughter, Grace Taris-Allen, serves
as “quality control,” happily reading
manuscripts; and her eldest daughter,
LaToya Taris-James, assists with
marketing and social media.
“My mom makes things happen,”
said Taris-James, a student leadership
program coordinator for Augsburg’s
Sabo Center for Democracy and
Citizenship. “She is resourceful and
passionate, with a unique way of
connecting with and inspiring others.
“When I was 12, she introduced
me to ‘Things Fall Apart’ by Chinua
Achebe. It was the first piece of African
literature I had read on my own, and
it shaped my view of black people
across the African diaspora and helped
connect me with my heritage.”
Through Strive, her mother is
making those connections on a broader
scale, said Taris-James, who hasn’t
fallen far from the tree. Along with a
friend, Taris-James created a social
impact initiative known as Rooftop
(or RFTP) that uses storytelling to
engage communities in dialogue
around difficult, often polarizing,
issues. Mother and daughter are both
driven to make stories of all kinds more
accessible and communal.
“I felt called to create Strive, and to
be honest, it’s been difficult to wear so
many hats and break through,” Taris
said. “Where I have come to see the
greatest need is for a safe space for
all people to tell their stories, whether
they get published or not. I’m working
with PopUp Think Tank to gather ideas
for how Strive can make the greatest
impact, and it’s feeling more like a
social enterprise than trying to operate
as a traditional publishing house.
Whatever Strive looks like in a year—
or five years—I know it will be moving
the dial.”
The Cooperative Children’s Book Center
researched and compiled statistics about the
number of children’s books and young adult
literature published by and about people of color,
American Indians, and those of First Nations.
“Every year, we see amazing books by and
about people of color and first/native nations.
There just aren’t enough of them,” CCBC Director
Kathleen Horning reflected in the ongoing study’s
abstract. “The more books there are, especially
books created by authors and illustrators of color,
the more opportunities librarians, teachers,
parents, and other adults have of finding
outstanding books for young readers and listeners
that reflect dimensions of their lives and give a
broader understanding of who we are as a nation.”
Children’s books published in the United States
Children’s books written or illustrated
by black people
Children’s books published in the United States
By or about Asian Pacific people
By or about black people
By or about Latinx people
By or about American Indians/First Nations
Create inclusive and engaging
experiences for fellow Auggies
The Alumni Board is
the governing body of
the Augsburg Alumni
Association. The board
exists to guide the Office
of Alumni and Constituent
Relations in serving the
valued alumni, parents, and
friends who make up the Auggie community.
All alumni are welcome and encouraged to join the
Alumni Board. See the job description and apply at under “Leadership Boards,” or
contact Katie (Koch) Code ’01 at
New video available: MARTIN SABO ’59
Video of an interview with late Congressman Martin Sabo,
whose rise to politics was supported by Augsburg University
students, will be available later this year at the Sabo Center
for Democracy and Citizenship website,,
thanks to an Augsburg Sesquicentennial Project award that
paid for an updated video description and closed captioning.
One year after graduating from Augsburg, Sabo —then 22—
was elected to the Minnesota House of Representatives.
During his tenure, he became the first member of the
Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party to serve as Speaker
of the House, and he went on to the U.S. House of
Representatives, retiring in 2007. Sabo died in 2016.
Serve on Augsburg’s Alumni Board
Augsburg’s first
Mark your calendar for the All-School Reunion
during Homecoming: September 26, 2020.
More than 150 enthusiastic Sesquicentennial Stewards have
committed to help plan Augsburg’s inaugural All-School
Reunion. Volunteers are the heart of this sesquicentennial
year of events, and this work is not only more fun but is
strengthened by their participation and input. Volunteers
assist with the All-School Reunion’s schedule, entertainment,
venues, and marketing.
Augsburg Now staff asked the
university’s Facebook followers for
their most memorable professors.
Here are a few of their responses,
edited for length and clarity.
May 8–18, 2020
“Mary Lowe—I had a lot of memorable professors, most of them
dear to me, but she and I worked so closely together in my last years of
my degree that I cannot think of Augsburg without thinking of her. She
is a wonderful, insightful, funny mentor who held me accountable and
helped me reach heights I wouldn’t have dreamed of initially.”
July 15–26, 2020
“Merilee Klemp ’75—So many lessons learned from her, both
music and life. It’s impossible to forget those in your life who have taught,
pushed, encouraged, and mentored as well as she does. She’s an incredible
human being with such a kind, wonderful soul. Thank you for everything!”
Hosted by Religion Department
faculty Lori Brandt Hale and
Hans Wiersma
Oberammergau, Germany
“Oh, do I have to choose? Matthew Maruggi in the Religion
Department—he completely changed how I looked at religion, opened my
mind to new perspectives, and taught me the meaning of ‘vocation.’”
Hosted by Theater Professor
Darcey Engen ’88 and
Luverne Seifert ’85
National Theater, Norway
“Kristin Anderson—I wouldn’t be where I am in my career without
her! She taught me how to think critically about the built environment, ask
the hard questions, and think about all of my research from the standpoint of
race, class, and gender. She’s one of the smartest women I’ve ever known.”
Take a limited-edition
In honor of Augsburg’s 150th
anniversary, three trips hosted
by expert faculty guides will
celebrate the university’s
heritage in Germany and Norway.
August 4–13, 2020
Hosted by Vice President for Mission
and Identity Sonja Hagander
Nidaros Cathedral, Norway
Learn more at or contact
Katie (Koch) Code ’01 at
Two walking tours are available on campus this year: “Augsburg Nooks and
Crannies” and “Augsburg Campus: Past and Present.” Led by Kristin Anderson,
university archivist, each tour lasts one hour and is limited to 20 people. The tours
move through indoor and outdoor spaces to learn about the evolution of the campus
from 1872 to the present. The Nooks and Crannies tour includes a visit to the old
chapel and gymnasium in Old Main, the Old Main attic, an Art Deco filling station,
and other little-known spots of interest.
Augsburg Campus: Past and Present
Augsburg Nooks and Crannies
Wednesday, April 8
Wednesday, April 22
Tuesday, May 5
Wednesday, April 15
Wednesday, April 29
Wednesday, May 6
Save your spot on a tour.
RSVP required: or 612-330-1104.
Jim Holden ’61 wrote a new
book called “Heron Thieves,
a Bat Out of Hell, and Other Flyfishing
Stories, Essays, and Poems.” Holden
has been a fly fisherman for more than
40 years, and the book highlights his
experiences on trout streams.
Dwight Olson ’65 presented
President Paul Pribbenow a
copy of his book “Northern Lights: The
Beauty of the Forgotten Scandinavian
Enamel Artisans” for Augsburg’s
library in celebration of the university’s
Cheri (Kraskin) Best ’69,
Pam (Fredrickson) Gunderson ’69,
Sue Kelly ’69, Linda (Stewart) Miller ’69,
Margi Ness ’69, and Anna (Stivland)
Olsen ’69 celebrated the 50th anniversary of
their graduation from Augsburg with a trip to
Boulder, Colorado, in May.
David Colacci ’73 and partner
Susan Ericksen, both classically
trained theater professionals, were featured
in a Star Tribune news story that detailed
their success as audiobook narrators. The
couple records their audiobook narrations in
their St. Louis Park, Minnesota, home. They
have each narrated more than 500 titles.
This year,
Excellence In
Coaching Award
recognized Ken
Novak Jr. ’78.
Novak led high
school boys basketball teams at Blaine and
Hopkins to 17 state tournaments, the most
of any boys basketball coach in Minnesota
history. After winning three consecutive state
titles and seven in a 10-year span (2002–
11), Novak was named ESPN RISE National
Coach of the Year. He was inducted into the
Minnesota Basketball Coaches Association
Hall of Fame in 2013, and in 2019 he was
inducted into the second class of the
Minnesota High School Basketball Hall
of Fame.
Andrew Altenburg ’87 joined
KPMG in a senior associate
role in May 2019. He previously worked
as an events manager for The Bank of
Tokyo for three years. As a freelance event
planner, his clients included MNG, Louis
Vuitton, Colgate-Palmolive, and The Carlyle
Group. From 2005 to 2015, he produced
and emceed 470 bingo events, which
raised $250,000 for dozens of LGBTQIA+
organizations. He also is a wedding
officiant and cartoonist, posting his work
at He lives with his
partner, Matthew, and their parrot, Lulu,
on Manhattan’s Upper West Side in New
York City.
Theophilos ’87
received the
Athletic Service
Award in honor of
his decades-long
support of
student-athletes and coaches. A custodian
in Augsburg’s athletic facilities, Theophilos
has grown close to many people in Auggie
athletics including the men’s hockey team.
He came to Augsburg as a student in 1983
from Ethiopia and had not been able to
return to his home for more than 30 years.
In 2017, after the death of his mother, the
men’s hockey team raised more than
$7,500 to fund a trip for Theophilos to see
his family, who now live in Norway.
Tanya Schwartz ’93 was named
the seventh police chief of
Burnsville and is the first woman to hold
the post. Schwartz has been with the police
department for 23 years, beginning as a
patrol sergeant and then serving as detective
sergeant and captain.
Lori Higgins ’94, ’12 MAL
became president of Augsburg’s
Alumni Board. She currently serves on
several boards including the Minnesota
Amateur Sports Commission. She joined the
Alumni Board in 2016 because of her deep
connection to the university and support of
its mission.
The first NCAA
Division III player
to be selected in
the first round of
the NBA Draft,
Devean George ’99
was inducted into
the Augsburg Athletic Hall of Fame. George
led the Auggies to two Minnesota
Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
championships and berths in the NCAA
Division III national playoffs, earning
conference MVP honors both times. He
finished his college career with 2,258
career points and 868 career rebounds,
both second in school history, and a 23.5
points-per-game average, the best in school
history. George has played with three NBA
teams and works to develop affordable
housing in North Minneapolis.
Augsburg Athletic
Hall of Fame
inductee Scott
Hvistendahl ’99
was Augsburg
baseball’s starting
centerfielder as
well an AllAmerican wide
receiver on the football team. He was the
first player to break the NCAA career
receiving yardage record held by NFL
legend Jerry Rice, finishing his career with
285 receptions for 4,696 yards. He now
stands 14th in NCAA all-divisions history in
career receiving yardage. Hvistendahl was
named Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic
Conference Player of the Year, twice earned
CoSIDA Academic All-America honors,
and won the Gagliardi Trophy for his
performance in academics, athletics,
and community service.
Qiuxia (Xia) Welch ’99 and Kevin Welch,
co-founders and owners of Boom Island
Brewing, hosted Augsburg’s first “beer
choir” in the spring. The couple started
their company in 2011 focusing on
Belgian-style beers, and they recently
relocated the business to a new space in
Minnetonka, Minnesota.
Crescent Cove, a hospice
home for children founded
by Katie Lindenfelser ’02, was featured
in a New York Times story. Lindenfelser,
the executive director and an Augsburgtrained music therapist, opened the
St. Louis Park, Minnesota, care facility
in 2018. Crescent Cove offers respite
and hospice care to children and is the
only facility of its kind in the Midwest.
Kristen Opalinski ’03
began a new professional
chapter as the manager for Ecumenical
and Inter-Religious Relations for
the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America. This role includes managing
communications, providing staffing for
EIR committees and events, extending
hospitality to ecumenical and interreligious partners at the Lutheran
Center in Chicago, and serving as the
ELCA representative at various EIR
meetings held both domestically and
internationally. This is a new position
designed to meet the needs of the everchanging ecumenical and inter-religious
landscape and the expansion of the
church’s ecumenical and inter-religious
commitments. Opalinski also serves as a
writer for Living Lutheran Magazine.
Max Langaard ’04 was
featured on “Good
Morning America,” where he shared
his journey as a teacher and also
his time as a mentor and coach at a
nonprofit called Playworks in Oakland,
California. Playworks helps schools and
youth organizations create a place on
the playground for every child to feel
included, be active, and build valuable
social and emotional skills. Langaard
also received NBA Finals tickets from
the television show.
Adam Langer ’12 and wife, Alyssa,
welcomed their first child, Addison, in
November 2018.
Dual sport
athlete Kristen
Lideen ’04 was
inducted into
the Augsburg
Athletic Hall of
Fame. As
Lideen was the lone Auggie to hit better
than .400 in their career (.444). Her 38
career doubles remain a school record,
while her 18 doubles and 89 total bases
in 2003 are both single-season school
records. In soccer, Lideen played as a
sweeper for an Auggie defense that
recorded a 1.04 goals-against-average in
her four seasons. Lideen earned
All-MIAC Honorable Mention honors
three times as a soccer athlete and
earned All-MIAC first-team honors four
times as a softball player.
Greg May ’08 was hired
by the University of
Minnesota’s hockey program as the
new director of hockey operations.
May spent the previous three years as
the hockey head coach and associate
athletic director at the Blake School
in Minneapolis. While playing hockey
during his time at Augsburg, he was a
MIAC All-Conference honoree.
Christina Olstad ’00, ’05 MSW began her new
role as dean of students at the University of
Wisconsin—Madison in July. Olstad previously
was the interim assistant vice president for
student affairs, housing, and residence life at
Towson University in Maryland. She has worked
in higher education administration for nearly
two decades, beginning with her time
at Augsburg.
Caitlin (Hozeny) Lienard
’09, ’16 MSW passed her
Licensed Independent Clinical Social
Worker exam in April.
The late Donny Wichmann ’89—a three-time
Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
champion, a national tournament All-American,
and a longtime assistant coach who was a part
of 10 NCAA Division III national championship
teams with the Auggies—was inducted into the
National Wrestling Coaches Association Division III
Hall of Fame in August.
Augsburg Men’s Wrestling Co-Head
Coach Tony Valek ’12, ’14 MAL and wife,
Kassi (Goranowski) Valek, welcomed a
son, Hudson Ricke, in June.
Denielle (Johnson) Stepka ’11 and Timothy
Stepka welcomed a daughter, Halle Jo Jean,
on September 30.
Bobby Rose ’16 married fiancée, Amber, in Cottage
Grove, Minnesota, in May.
Mara (Breczinski) Barrozo ’14 and
Enrico Barrozo ’14 welcomed a
daughter, Ryna, in June.
Carlson Inc. announced the
appointment of Richard “Rick”
Gage ’96 as its non-executive
chair of the board in August.
Gage is the founder and
former CEO of YourMLSSearch.
com, a director of the World
Childhood Foundation, and
is on the board of the Carlson
Family Foundation, where
he has served for more than
20 years.
Tyler Heaps ’13, manager of
analytics and research for U.S.
Soccer, was on the staff of the
USA national women’s soccer
team that celebrated a World
Cup Championship victory in
July. Heaps, who helped play a
part in the team’s seven-game
win series to clinch the title,
said it was “one of the most
challenging and rewarding
experiences” of his life. Heaps’
work in data analysis and use
of video coverage enhances
skills on the field and helps
athletes better prepare for their
Read more of this story at
Hayley (Thomas) Ball ’12 and Emerson
Ball ’14, ’19 MSW welcomed a
daughter, Zara, on March 13.
Jessica Barker ’97, Amy (Bowar) Mellinger ’97, Tara
(Cesaretti) McLeod ’97, Christa Winkelman ’97, and
Jane (Ruth) Zirbes ’97 gathered for their annual girls’
trip in Las Vegas. Since their days at Augsburg, they’ve
planned yearly trips and remained close friends.
Two rural Osakis, Minnesota, churches—with roots dating
back to the early days in the state’s history—are thriving
with the help of their new intentional interim pastor John
Douglas Hopper ’68. Hopper, who lives in Delano, Minnesota,
and spends weekends at Salem and Sauk Valley Lutheran
churches. He began a one-year pastorate on October 21, 2018.
Stephanie Putzier ’16 MBA serves
Minnesota Women of Today at
the state level as the internal vice
president, a position in which she
oversees the organization’s internal
programming. Putzier received the
Programing Award of Excellence for
her commitment and efforts. She
has been an active member of the
organization since 2002.
Ross Murray ’00, ’09 MBA
received the Living Loehe
Award at Wartburg Seminary’s
commencement in May. The
award was given in recognition
of the 50th anniversary of the
Stonewall uprising, the 10th
anniversary of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America’s
steps toward inclusion for
LGBTQIA+-identified people, and
his calling as a deacon to engage
in LGBTQIA+ advocacy in the
church and the world. Murray is
the senior director of education
and training at GLAAD Media
Institute and is the founding
director of The Naming Project.
Read more of this story at
K. Marshall Williams Sr. ’78 received the Herschel
H. Hobbs Award for Distinguished Denominational
Service from Oklahoma Baptist University. Williams,
who has served as pastor of Nazarene Baptist Church in
Philadelphia for more than 35 years, accepted the award
on June 10 during the Southern Baptist Convention’s
annual meeting in Birmingham, Alabama.
Tell us about the news in your life—your new job, move,
marriage, and milestones. Visit to
submit your announcements.
Kristy Millering ’06 became
the new director of finance at
Winona Area Public Schools.
Millering began this role after
eight years in finance at Mayo
Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota,
most recently as a senior internal
auditor. She also worked as an
accountant for McNeilus Truck
and Manufacturing and owned
her own dance studio.
Jason Oare ’05 and wife, Erin,
welcomed a daughter, Remedy
Faith, in April.
Amber (Stransky) Caswell ’07 and husband,
Tavid, welcomed a daughter, Olivia Sandra
Donna, in June.
Mary Christine Kane ’94
released her first book
of poems, “between
the stars where you
are lost.” Kane also
works in marketing and
volunteers for the arts and
animal rescue initiatives. Her poetry and nonfiction
works have appeared in journals and anthologies
including Bluestem; The Buffalo Anthology, Right
Here, Right Now; Ponder Review; and Sleet.
Gladys I. (Boxrud)
Strommen ’46, Edina,
Minnesota, age 93,
on May 27.
Gladys H. I. (Vigen)
Hallstrom ’56, Thief River
Falls, Minnesota, age
87, on March 27.
Omar N. Gjerness ’47,
Fergus Falls, Minnesota,
age 97, on July 19.
Sylva M. (Dahl) Kubicek ’56,
Lake Crystal, Minnesota,
age 83, on March 18.
Prudence V. (Hokanson)
Nystuen ’47, Lakeville,
Minnesota, age 93,
on July 3.
Mary J. (Christiansen)
Meyer ’56, Miami,
age 84, on April 7.
Barbara (Ekse) Carlson ’48,
Minneapolis, age 92,
on April 1.
Catherine A. (Mork)
Kordahl ’48, Fertile,
Minnesota, age 96,
on June 28.
Lorraine W. (Weltzin)
Peterson ’49, Hastings,
Minnesota, age 94,
on May 28.
Sheldon L. Torgerson ’49,
Minneapolis, age 92,
on May 26.
Gordon N. Berntson ’50,
Fargo, North Dakota,
age 93, on April 25.
Wayne H. Wickoren ’50,
Fargo, North Dakota,
age 92, on July 7.
Elizabeth A. Becken ’51,
Shoreview, Minnesota,
age 90, on June 3.
Harriet M. (Haller)
Brown ’52, Hastings,
Minnesota, age 89,
on May 11.
Evonne L. (Emerson)
Johnson ’52, Faribault,
Minnesota, age 88,
on March 9.
Duane L. Addison ’53,
Minneapolis, age 88,
on April 18.
Robert L. Lindquist ’53,
Worthington, Minnesota,
age 87, on April 28.
Arthur V. Rimmereid ’53,
St. Paul, Minnesota,
age 87, on June 24.
Jeannine L. (Torstenson)
Blanchard ’54, Fresno,
California, age 86,
on March 6.
Oliver K. Vick ’54,
Lancaster, Wisconsin,
age 88, on March 22.
Marvin L. Dooley ’59,
Eagle Grove, Iowa,
age 95, on July 20.
Edean A. Berglund ’73,
Lacey, Washington,
age 67, on April 11.
Nancy J. (Thompson)
Peterson ’75, Minneapolis,
age 65, on May 27.
Bonnie M. Goetzke ’76,
Memphis, Tennessee,
age 65, on April 19.
Pamela S. Slette ’76,
Albert Lea, Minnesota,
age 65, on June 21.
James A. Hanson ’59,
Dodge Center, Minnesota,
age 88, on July 6.
Marcia G. (Thompson)
Turcotte ’78, Chanhassen,
Minnesota, age 97, on
July 19.
Donald E. Jorenby ’59,
Woodbury, Minnesota,
age 81, on March 19.
Michael J. Riley ’84,
Brainerd, Minnesota,
age 58, on July 25.
Bonnie J. (Martinson)
Storley ’59, Minneapolis,
age 81, on March 31.
Donald D. Wichmann ’89,
Minneapolis, age 53, on
July 16.
Arden S. Flaten ’60,
Hastings, Minnesota,
age 82, on May 4.
Thad D. Firchau ’92,
Mankato, Minnesota,
age 48, on March 23.
Marlin B. Aadland ’62,
Delta, British Columbia,
age 82, on May 30.
Marna R. Brown ’93,
Fergus Falls, Minnesota,
age 49, on March 28.
Jerome C. Barney ’62,
Fergus Falls, Minnesota,
age 81, on July 9.
Theresa D. (Holt)
Wimann ’94, Baraboo,
Wisconsin, age 60,
on May 7.
LeRoy E. Lee ’63, Solon
Springs, Wisconsin,
age 79, on March 25.
Gerald A. Carlson ’64,
Pine, Arizona, age 78,
on June 19.
Lennore A. (Bylund)
Bevis ’66, Minneapolis,
age 75, on July 28.
Verland E. Kruse ’66,
Stillwater, Minnesota,
age 83, on March 23.
Richard E. Andersen ’68,
Phoenix, age 73, on
June 2.
Russell K. Jones ’69,
Mercer, Maine, age 71,
on May 9.
Raymond J. Wesley ’69,
Maple Grove, Minnesota,
age 77, on July 27.
Daniel L. Knak ’72,
Hastings, Minnesota,
age 69, on July 19.
Mary S. (Wozniak)
Sergeant ’99, Kansas
City, Kansas, age 61,
on May 25.
Mauris N. De Silva ’00,
Jackson, New Jersey,
age 46, on July 31.
Robin A. Olsen ’01,
St. Paul, Minnesota,
age 48, on April 28.
Amanda J. Kelley ’09,
Ave Maria, Florida,
age 38, on May 25.
Patrick J. Inman ’11,
Rochester, Minnesota,
age 41, on July 9.
Matthew C. Blackburn ’15,
Plymouth, Minnesota,
age 36, on August 19.
The “In memoriam” listings
in this publication include
notifications received
before September 1.
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Augsburg enrolls historic first-year class
A record-setting 636 undergraduate first-year students started at Augsburg University this fall. The Class of 2023 marks the
third year in a row in which a majority are students of color. All told, the university now has 2,159 students in the traditional
undergraduate program, which is also a record for Augsburg.
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Augsburg Now Fall-Winter 2018: Remarkable Achievements
Alumni Magazine Collection
Search Result
Literary scholar on skates
Athletic facility spotlight
Sesquicentennial co-chair Q&A
Research and student success
FALL–WINTER 2018 | VOL. 81, NO. 1
Vice President of Marketing
and Communication
Rebecca John ’13 MBA
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Literary scholar on skates
Athletic facility spotlight
Sesquicentennial co-chair Q&A
Research and student success
FALL–WINTER 2018 | VOL. 81, NO. 1
Vice President of Marketing
and Communication
Rebecca John ’13 MBA
Director of Marketing
Stephen Jendraszak
On “Yes, and … ”
I teach the Honors Senior Seminar each spring,
which is always a highlight of my year, and one
of the class sessions introduces students to the
history and practice of improvisation.
I invite members of our theater faculty and
local improv performers to come to class to
help us understand why improv is so important
to places like Chicago (think Second City) and
Minneapolis (think Dudley Riggs’ Brave New
Workshop). Then the fun begins.
The improv artists invite us to the front
of the classroom where we are taught some
basic improv skills. Embarrassment aside,
these sessions are full of life lessons. My
favorite exercise goes like this: one student
makes a statement related to an assigned
topic. Perhaps the topic is the weather, and
the student proclaims, “Wow, is it hot.” The
next student then answers, “Yes, and ... I’m
sweating like a faucet.” The next student
continues, “Yes, and ... my faucets often leak.”
You get the point. No one is allowed to
say “No” or even “Yes, but … ”—it’s always
“Yes, and … .” That’s how improv works, and
I believe that’s how Augsburg works when we
are at our best.
We live in a “No” and “Yes, but … ”
world—a world of scarcity that keeps us
from risking ourselves in relation to others.
Improv teaches us the way of abundance, a
way that finds we are better together. “Yes,
and … ” builds upon the gifts of others
to help us live healthier, more just and
compassionate lives together.
The anthropologist Mary Catherine Bateson
offers this helpful word: “Improvisation and
new learning are not private processes; they
are shared with others at every age. We are
called to join in a dance whose steps must be
learned along the way, so it is important to
attend and respond.”
This issue of Augsburg Now is full of stories
of “Yes, and … ”—including highlights of
our planning for next year’s sesquicentennial
celebration, Augsburg’s 150th anniversary.
What a grand celebration it will be, as we
recall the abundance of our founding in 1869,
the decades of educating students for lives
of meaning and purpose, and the promise of
Augsburg’s mission in the years ahead.
Yes, and ... it will be good!
Faithfully yours,
Director of Public Relations
and Internal Communications
Gita Sitaramiah
Assistant Director of
Marketing Management
Laura Swanson Lindahl ’15 MBA
Senior Creative Associate, Design
Elizabeth Kästner
Senior Creative Associate, Design
Denielle Stepka ’11
Marketing Copywriter
John Weirick
Communication and
Social Media Specialist
Briana Alamilla ’17
Advancement Communications
Kaia Chambers
Web Manager
Joe Mann
Contributing Writers
Katie (Koch) Code ’01
Kate H. Elliott
Kelly O’Hara Dyer
Augsburg Now is published by
Augsburg University
2211 Riverside Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Opinions expressed in Augsburg Now
do not necessarily reflect official
university policy.
ISSN 1058-1545
Fall–Winter 2018
Surprising sights worth a
first (or second) glance
This fall, Philadelphia-based artist
Margery Amdur created mixed media
installations in Augsburg’s Christensen
and Gage Family galleries. Amdur’s
art emphasizes the creative process
and incorporates unusual materials—
including cosmetic sponges. The
exhibition was presented as part of
a collaboration among Augsburg,
Bethel University, Minneapolis College
of Art and Design, and St. Catherine
University in conjunction with the
publication of the book “Creative
Practices for Visual Artists.”
On the cover: Undergraduate researcher and biology major
Angelica Diaz-Juarez ’20 waters plants in Augsburg’s Hagfors
Center grow room. Learn about Auggies’ research experiences
on page 20.
Inset cover photo by Deanna Dent, Arizona State University
All photos by Courtney Perry
unless otherwise indicated
Here’s a new take on the “spring thaw.” Virtually all summer and fall, the Augsburg Ice
Arena was iceless, which allowed construction crews to complete facility improvements,
including installing a more environmentally friendly refrigerant system and upgrading the
ice sheet floors from sand to concrete bases. Augsburg’s two-rink facility opened in 1974 and
is used extensively—not only by the university’s men’s and women’s hockey teams, but also
by community groups, youth sports leagues, figure skating clubs, and recreational skaters.
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THAT’S GROOVY. Augsburg students
celebrate the start of the school year
Have you ever seen a dance floor filled with people swaying to the sound
of … silence? That’s what a silent disco looks like. But the amusement
was anything but muted for those who took part in an Auggie Bash
hosted by the Augsburg Student Activities Council this past September.
Participants wore wireless headphones tuned in to one of several audio
channels playing a variety of music styles. This unusual approach to
parties encourages dancers to move and groove their own way and to let
their uniqueness shine as brightly as their neon headwear.
Listen to the podcast online
at or
download episodes from iTunes.
Hear Augsburg University faculty
and staff share stories of their
work with students in their own
words. Launched this fall, the
Augsburg Podcast is a new,
18-episode series offering a
variety of perspectives on the
university’s most important work:
educating students for the future.
StepUP makes
NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt put
Augsburg University’s StepUP® Program
in the spotlight this May by showcasing
its success in helping students in recovery
complete their college education.
NBC’s Catie Beck interviewed Neil King ’18
about the support he received from StepUP
as a full-time student at Augsburg.
Beck also interviewed StepUP
Progam Director Tamarah Gehlen. “We
always say that no one should have to
choose between recovery and a college
education,” Gehlen said.
King, who began using drugs at age 14,
discovered the StepUP Program four months
into his recovery. “I really learned to believe
in myself and my skills and capabilities,”
said King, who’s now pursuing a master’s
degree at the University of Minnesota.
Top 200 Schools for Indigenous Americans: The
American Indian Science and Engineering
Society Winds of Change magazine selected
Augsburg as one of the 2018 Top 200
Schools for Indigenous American and
Alaska Native students pursuing degrees in
science, technology, engineering, and math.
The 30th Nobel Peace Prize Forum
The Nobel Peace Prize Forum in Minneapolis marked its 30th
anniversary in September. The forum, hosted and presented by Augsburg
University, celebrated the achievements of the 2016 Nobel Laureate,
President Juan Manuel Santos of Colombia, and the 2017 Laureate,
The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, represented by
Executive Director Beatrice Fihn. The program explored the intertwining
complexities and paradoxes of water, conflict, and peace.
“The paradox of peace lies in the paradox of the human condition—
that we are capable of great love and great cruelty, that we are always
a mix of some amount of ability and vulnerability. To achieve peace,
we often have to fight for it,” said Joe Underhill, Augsburg associate
professor of political science and director of the forum.
Schwartz Professor of Choral
Leadership and Conducting
This fall, Augsburg named Kristina Boerger
the inaugural John N. Schwartz Professor of
Choral Leadership and Conducting. Boerger
leads a visionary program honoring Augsburg’s legacy of engaging both
music majors and non-music majors across campus.
“Kristina Boerger has collaborated with leading composers and artists
in creatively advancing the field of choral study and performance,” said
Augsburg University President Paul Pribbenow. “Her work has garnered
national recognition, and we’re excited to have her join Augsburg.”
With a strong commitment to inclusion, access, and equity, Boerger
brings to Augsburg a long and diverse professional practice of
exploring music from varied cultures. She has worked in public
school, collegiate, community, and professional settings. In
addition to her achievements in commissioning and premiering
new works, Boerger served as director of three choirs that earned
critical acclaim from The New York Times. She holds degrees in
music education and conducting from the University of Illinois.
Best Regional Universities by U.S. News &
World Report: U.S. News & World Report again
named Augsburg one of the Best Universities
in the Midwest, ranking the university No. 5
among the Minnesota schools on the list for
undergraduate teaching, No. 10 on best value
schools, and No. 14 for most innovative.
Best in the Midwest by The Princeton Review:
This year, The Princeton Review again
named Augsburg one of the Best in the
Midwest for academic excellence.
Best Value in Minnesota: Best Value Schools
ranked Augsburg No. 6 on a 2018 list
of 20 Best Value Colleges or Universities
in Minnesota. Rankings are based on
graduation rate, net price, acceptance rate,
and 20-year net return on investment.
Top LGBTQ-friendly Colleges and Universities:
Augsburg was named to Campus Pride’s list
of the top 30 LGBTQ-friendly colleges and
universities in 2017 and 2018. Campus
Pride is the leading national organization for
creating safer, more LGBTQ-friendly colleges
and universities.
Augsburg delegation
honors Mandela centenary
An Augsburg University delegation that
included administrators and Board of
Regents members traveled to Namibia
and South Africa for Nelson Mandela’s
centenary celebration. While there,
Augsburg President Paul Pribbenow
visited the university’s Namibia
operations and met with students.
Here, he’s pictured in Cape Town
with guide Shireen Narkedien.
Augsburg adopts
test-optional admissions policy
Matthew Entenza, senior advisor on energy and the economy to
Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton, was elected chair of the Augsburg
University Board of Regents at its October 6 meeting.
In addition, the Augsburg Corporation, at its annual September
meeting, elected three new members to the Board of Regents and
re-elected six members.
Elected to their first term on the Augsburg Board of Regents:
Mark Johnson ’75, retired city planner and
former president of Sonju Motors in Two
Harbors, Minnesota
Terry Lindstrom ’73, drug discovery
consultant and former Eli Lilly distinguished
research fellow in Indianapolis, Indiana
Nancy Mueller ’85, physics and chemistry
teacher in Rochester, Minnesota
Mark Johnson ’75
Elected to a second or third term:
Diane Jacobson, former director of the
Book of Faith Initiative for the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America
Terry Lindstrom ’73
for Hagfors Center for Science,
Business, and Religion
Toby Piper LaBelle ’96, senior vice president
of Northland Securities, a Minneapolis
securities brokerage firm
Nancy Mueller ’85
LaJune Thomas Lange ’75, former co-vice
chair of the Minnesota Supreme Court Task Force on Racial
Bias in the Courts and of the Minnesota Supreme Court Task
Force on Gender Fairness in the Courts
Dean Sundquist ’81, chairman and chief executive officer
of Mate Precision Tooling in Anoka, Minnesota
David Tiede, former president and professor of New
Testament at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota
See the full list of Board of Regents members
LEED Gold Certification
Dr. Steven Larson ’72, chief executive officer
and chairman of the board of Riverside
Medical Clinic in Riverside, California
This past spring, the Augsburg faculty approved
a pilot test-optional admissions policy, making
submission of ACT or SAT test scores optional for fall
2019 first-year and transfer undergraduate student
applicants, except in specific circumstances.
“The test-optional admission policy aligns with
Augsburg’s mission of intentional diversity and
is expected to increase the university’s pool of
completed applicants each year,” said Nate Gorr,
assistant vice president for innovation.
For a number of student populations,
standardized test scores may not reflect an accurate
indication of academic ability—including, for
example, people without access to test preparation
courses and tutors, those who can’t afford to
retake the test, people with learning and physical
differences, and English language learners. This
policy change also aligns with Augsburg’s holistic
admissions process, which looks at quantitative
metrics and beyond. The application-review process
allows Augsburg to maintain the university’s
academic standards and ensure Augsburg admits
students with the capacity to succeed.
Augsburg University’s new signature
interdisciplinary building—the Norman and
Evangeline Hagfors Center for Science, Business,
and Religion—achieved Leadership in Energy
and Environmental Design (LEED) certification
from the U.S. Green Building Council. In keeping
with Augsburg’s commitment to environmental
stewardship, the Hagfors Center was
designed to incorporate elements that
maximize resource efficiency and
minimize environmental impact, both
in its construction and throughout
its operational lifetime. LEED is one
of the most popular green building
certification programs used worldwide.
A group of 15 Augsburg University students, two professors, and two guides
departed August 24 in 24-foot voyageur canoes to spend the semester
studying, researching, and living on the Mississippi River. The students
and their guides are traveling nearly 1,000 miles, making stops to camp at
several locations.
The River Semester, led by Associate Professor of Political Science
Joe Underhill, is a unique 100-day, hands-on, interdisciplinary program.
Students earn 16 credits studying biology, environmental science, health
and physical education, and political science. This is Augsburg’s second
time conducting the program; the first was in 2015.
Experiential education is a trademark of students’ Augsburg experiences.
“We do this because we think this is the best way to learn both about the
Mississippi River and about what’s going on out in the world,” Underhill said.
Students return to the Twin Cities on December 1.
In October, Augsburg’s annual convocation series kicked off with
the Bernhard M. Christensen Symposium featuring author and
educator Rahuldeep Gill and his presentation, “Who Are ‘We?’ A
Sikh Perspective on Vocation, Justice, and Death.” Through his
lectures and workshops, Gill works to build pluralism and crosscultural relations to inspire connected communities on campus,
in the workplace, and in the marketplace.
In November, the Center for Wellness and Counseling
Convocation welcomed Gloria Burgess, pioneering scholar,
author, and international inspirational speaker. Her presentation
was titled “Greatness Lives in All of Us!”
Join us Monday, January 21,
for the Martin Luther King Jr. Convocation. All
convocation events are free, public, and held
in the Foss Center. For more information, go
A look at environmental privilege
with social worker Christina Erickson
Whether it’s popping up in social media news feeds or emerging in conversations held
around the dinner table, the concept of “privilege” is rising in the public consciousness.
“Privilege has become a serious area of inquiry in recent years,” said Augsburg
Professor of Social Work Christina Erickson. “White privilege and male privilege have
hit the spotlight, as have racial disparities in policing and the #MeToo movement highlighting harassment and sexual
assault. Environmental privilege is a related phenomenon, and, while it seems to be an understudied area of privilege
(and not the only one), it is still important, probably more than we realize.”
Erickson teaches courses in environmental justice and social change, and she’s taking on the challenge of exploring
environmental privilege in greater depth. She is the author of “Environmental Justice as Social Work Practice,” a textbook
designed to bring an understanding of environmental privilege into social work curricula.
How do you describe
environmental privilege?
Environmental privilege is having
access to a resource simply because
of your social identity categories—race, age,
gender, income, and geography. Studies
have shown that if you have a higher
income, you likely have more green space
near your home, work, or school. Not to
mention owning a cabin, attending summer
camp, or even seeing people who look like
you at our most beautiful natural spaces. If
you use all the water you want for your daily
self care and other activities without thinking
about it, you have environmental privilege.
Is environmental justice similar to
social justice and, if so, how?
Environmental justice and social
justice are intricately linked in ways
that we have only begun to discover
and name. For example, kids living in
neighborhoods with poor air quality are
missing school due to asthma more than
kids breathing clean air. If you can’t
go to school, your chances for school
success, which leads to adult success,
are inhibited.
Can you describe environmental
injustices and the disparities
some groups face?
In 1987, research found that
waste facilities were most often
near neighborhoods of people of color,
many of them containing toxic waste.
Even our own Minnesota nuclear power
facility, located near Prairie Island
Indian Community, is an example of how
some people are forced to live closer to
environmental burdens than others.
Why is it important to reflect on our own
privilege, and how can we dismantle it?
Dismantling privileges is one of
the ways we create social change.
When we think about creating shifts in
society, we generally need to stop certain
behaviors—such as racist hiring practices
or sexual harassment—to integrate new
behaviors to take the place of the old.
Augsburg already has taken a stand on
water—we encourage our entire campus
community to refill water bottles from our
own taps, which environmental studies
students tested for safety.
How does your social work
background align with your work
in environmental justice?
For most of my life I viewed myself
as a social worker who was an
environmentalist. It wasn’t until coming
to Augsburg, collaborating on our
interdisciplinary environmental studies
major, working with my social work
colleagues on privilege and oppression,
and participating in our Environmental
Stewardship Committee that I began to
recognize myself, in an integrated way, as
an environmental justice social worker.
receives renewed support from three area foundations
The Minnesota Urban Debate League, a program of Augsburg University,
entered the 2018–19 school year with a full head of steam thanks to funding
and partnership support from three Twin Cities grantmakers.
• With a $25,000 grant from the Women’s Foundation of Minnesota, MNUDL
will launch a program centered on building financial literacy skills. Young
women will learn financial concepts using the format of academic debate,
which breaks down abstract concepts and makes them more relevant. Funds
from this grant also will offer a cohort of women and gender-nonconforming
students the opportunity to attend The Advocacy Unit, an advocacy skills
training summer camp that takes place on Augsburg’s campus.
• MNUDL will reach even more students in St. Paul Public Schools using
a $40,000 grant from the St. Paul Foundation. MNUDL will add four middle
school programs over the next two years. Funds also will make it possible for
MNUDL to expand culturally specific debate programs for Spanish-speaking
and Somali students.
• A $40,000 grant from the Otto Bremer Foundation will provide general
operating support, helping MNUDL expand a variety of priorities, including
increasing summer camp opportunities for middle and high school students.
Athletics apparel, then and now
Forty years of serving
American Indian students
In October, Augsburg’s American
Indian Student Services celebrated
its 40th anniversary. The program
has been a national model of success
since 1978. Approximately 130
students representing more than 25
tribes are enrolled part time or full
time in Augsburg’s undergraduate
and graduate programs.
Special invitees to the 40th
anniversary reception included
Bonnie Wallace, Augsburg regent
emerita and the first director of the
AISS program, as well as current
Board of Regents members Eric Jolly,
Marlene Whiterabbit Helgemo, and
Noya Woodrich ’92, ’94 MSW.
Today Augsburg University’s varsity athletes wear high-performance gear that aligns with their high-caliber
capabilities. Many Auggie teams are sporting new uniform styles following Augsburg’s name change and a
recent partnership with BIG Athletics to supply athletes with adidas apparel, uniforms, footwear, and accessories
over the next five years. Here’s a glimpse at how current styles compare to those worn in years gone by.
See other athletic uniforms
Thank you. Your giving supports current and future Auggies
as they gain skills and knowledge to thrive in their careers,
pursue advanced scholarship, and achieve in leadership
roles after graduation. Learn more about opportunities to
support an Augsburg education at
May 31, 2018—$48,136,083
Salaries and benefits
Financial aid
Operating expenses
Debt services
Utilities and insurance
Student compensation
Capital improvement
2007 2008
Fiscal year 2017–18 operating budget:
2009 2010 2011
2012 2013
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
As of May 31, 2018, Augsburg University had annual realized and unrealized gains of
10.19 percent on the university endowment. The five-year average annual return on
the endowment is 7.11 percent and the 10-year average annual return is 4.70 percent.
Augsburg is committed to maintaining the value of the principal to provide support to the
university in perpetuity.
Room and board
Private gifts
and grants
Other sources
Federal grants
May 31, 2018—$123.6 million
$73.9 $75.6
$73.8 $70.8
2007 2008
2009 2010 2011
$67.9 $65.5
$63.6 $65.5 $62.8
2012 2013
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
The quality and value of Augsburg’s physical plant is on the rise. The largest recent
contributor is the Hagfors Center for Science, Business, and Religion, which was completed
in November 2017.
Augsburg University is stronger and more vibrant than ever.
Investments in priorities like scholarships, experiential learning, research, and faculty mentorship
change the trajectories of students’ lives. We are deeply grateful for your generosity and the generosity
of alumni, parents, and friends who helped Augsburg raise $18,187,380 during fiscal year 2017–18.
The philanthropy of more than 9,400 donors will help the university attract talented students and the
dedicated faculty and staff who teach and guide them.
Lex Dorfman ’18
Mabeth Saure Gyllstrom Scholarship, Helen (Mohn) Henderson Scholarship,
Mary E. (Mimi) Johnson Scholarship, Hoversten Peace Scholarship
Hometown: Minnetonka, Minnesota
Studying: Religion, Spanish, and Leadership
Lex Dorfman ’18 spent her summer in Norway studying alongside students from around the
world. As one of two Peace Scholars selected at Augsburg this year and funded by the Hoversten
Peace Scholarship and other donors, Dorfman’s time in Lillehammer and Oslo was part of a robust
program designed to pair academic inquiry with real-world dialogue and to give students an
introduction to the field of conflict studies.
For Dorfman, the Peace Scholar program aligns with many of the topics she’s explored
throughout her college experience. Also an Augsburg Interfaith Scholar, Dorfman called on her own
multicultural background to found a Hillel organization on campus and to foster new opportunities
to build connections between people from diverse backgrounds. “Augsburg has offered me a
personal, hands-on education,” she said. “I have been able to create an organization on campus,
interview Jewish leaders, and collaborate with a variety of students because of Augsburg’s
engaging and small-but-powerful community.”
Alex Wilson ’19
Arne and Jean Markland Scholarship
Hometown: Oak Grove, Minnesota
Studying: Biology
Alex Wilson ’19 can put the title “All-American” next to his name in two different contexts.
Competing in his first NCAA Division III National Championship tournament last March, the
Auggie wrestler earned All-American honors with a fifth-place finish at 149 pounds. He also
was among eight Augsburg wrestlers to earn the Division III Scholar All-America distinction
from the National Wrestling Coaches Association based on student-athletes’ GPAs.
Whether he’s facing an opponent on the mat or looking to ace an exam, Wilson has a
drive to excel that will serve him well as he applies to competitive graduate programs and
pursues his dream of becoming a physician assistant. For Wilson, Augsburg is a place where
there’s harmony between athletic and academic achievements. “Augsburg has helped me
develop as a student and as an athlete by giving me all of the resources I would ever need to
be successful,” Wilson said. “Faculty support creates an atmosphere where it is possible to
succeed in whatever you do.”
Baoyia Kong ’19
Leola G. Anderson Scholarship, William and Anne Frame
Scholarship, Adeline Marie (Rasmussen) Johnson Scholarship
Hometown: St. Paul, Minnesota
Studying: Social Work and Psychology
Baoyia Kong ’19 has the guts to just dive in. When she studied at Augsburg’s Center for
Global Education and Experience site in Cuernavaca, Mexico, the social work major interned at
a grade school, helping administrators infuse inclusive practices into the school’s operations
and culture—and honing her Spanish skills along the way.
Whether studying in Minneapolis or Mexico, Kong sees Augsburg as “a community with so
many opportunities.” Kong has enhanced her academic experience by seeking out opportunities
beyond the classroom, completing an additional internship with Hennepin County, volunteering
at a medical clinic in Augsburg’s Cedar-Riverside neighborhood, playing intramural volleyball,
and joining the Augsburg Asian Student Association and Hmong Women Together campus
organizations. Kong said her Augsburg experience has shaped her as a leader because the
university encourages students to be engaged in topics that align with their passions and
creates “spaces for all to grow and flourish in their education.”
and introduce
her properly into the world,” said one of Jane Austen’s
characters, “and ten to one but she has the means of
settling well, without further expense to anybody.”
For a line published in 1814’s “Mansfield Park,” it
prophetically resonates in the life and work of Augsburg
alumna Devoney Looser ’89.
Looser earned a doctorate in English and women’s
studies, holds extensive credentials as a professor who
has served at leading universities, and has written and
contributed to dozens of books, scores of academic
journals, and even more book reviews. When national and
international publications need an expert on 18th-century
literature, British women writers, or Jane Austen, they want
Looser—if they can catch her before roller derby practice.
Looser grew up in White Bear Lake, Minnesota. College
seemed like a distant dream, both because of the financial
barrier and the fact that she came from a family with no
college degree in sight. Her perspective changed when she
applied to Augsburg and earned a President’s Scholarship
for her academic merit.
“That made all the difference in terms of my ability to
go to college. Augsburg gave me an incredibly generous
opportunity with that scholarship,” Looser said.
Looser wasn’t outwardly
confident, but she caught
the eye of Cathie Nicholl, an
English professor who taught
at Augsburg for nearly 30 years
until her retirement in 1999.
Though Looser was somewhat
quiet, Nicholl said, “her written
work was always wonderful.
She’s really blossomed a lot
since then.”
Looser first became
enthralled with Jane Austen’s
writings through a literature
class with Nicholl, who has
maintained correspondence
with Looser through several
decades. “I had no idea at
the time how significant, how
important [that connection with
Nicholl] would turn out to be
to my life—to a path toward a
future in [literary] work.”
Douglas Green, a professor of
English who’s taught at Augsburg
since 1988, met Looser when
he first arrived at the university.
“She was exceptional. We
had a real conversation about
literature,” said Green, a
poet and scholar who teaches
Shakespeare, drama, and writing
as well as gender, sexuality, and
was very shy at 18, and to see
the same faces who could tell
me, ‘You can do this,’ made a
big difference in my believing
in myself.”
For a suburbanite, moving to
the heart of Minneapolis was
an education in itself. “Being
in an urban area, being able
to live among other students
was amazing,” Looser said.
“Augsburg’s student body was
very diverse. Being in class
alongside students from all over
the world was mind-blowing. It
made me reimagine my role in
women’s studies at institutions
including the University of
Missouri, Louisiana State
University, University of
Wisconsin—Whitewater, Indiana
State University, and the State
University of New York at Stony
Brook. She is described as a
thoughtful and wise mentor
who empathizes with firstgeneration college students.
Her ability to reflect on and
relate to the challenges others
face is something Looser shares
with the central figure of her
academic work: Jane Austen.
Did Austen predict roller derby?
women’s studies.
Though literature was central
in feeding Looser’s ravenous
appetite for knowledge, people
and experiences also offered
lessons beyond the classroom.
“There were lots of things at
Augsburg that brought me out
of my shell,” Looser said. “I
the world, and what my world
could be, and how I was part of
their world.”
Engaging with a variety of
people and ideas has served
Looser well in her literary
pursuits and academic
experience alike. She has held
positions teaching English and
“Austen is one of the most
psychologically perceptive
observers in all of the history of
the novel,” said Jenny Davidson,
a novelist and professor of
English at Columbia University
who connected with Looser over
their shared professional interest
in 18th-century literature.
Known for romantic plots
steeped in English society,
including “Pride and Prejudice”
and “Sense and Sensibility,”
Austen’s writings have been
in print continuously for
nearly 200 years and retain
an unassailable foothold in
contemporary art and culture.
Who was Jane Austen, really—
and how did she become what
she represents now?
That’s the focus of Looser’s
latest book, “The Making of
Jane Austen,” which earned
high praise among literary peers.
It was named a Publishers
Weekly Best Summer Book for
nonfiction, featured in CNN
interviews, and reviewed in The
Economist, The New York Times,
and The Wall Street Journal.
Looser’s remarkable
scholarship has led to an
abundance of prestigious
opportunities, including a
fellowship from the National
Endowment for the Humanities
and a Guggenheim Foundation
Fellowship in support of one of
her current projects: a book about
unheralded British sister novelists
Jane and Anna Maria Porter.
Davidson offered a scholar’s
perspective: “The project on
the Porter sisters is a genuine
project of reclamation, of
rewriting an injustice of
literary history: these were
two extremely widely read and
well-regarded novelists whom
literary history has essentially
dumped in the trash.” Because
of Looser’s background,
Davidson believes, the firstgeneration college graduate
is attracted to the works of
underdogs and can convey
their stories empathetically and
Perhaps her affinity for the
underdog is part of what drew
Looser to a lesser-known sport—
roller derby.
Nearly a decade ago, Looser
and her friend Katie Carr, a
special collections librarian
at the University of Missouri
where Looser was a professor
of English, reconnected over a
mutual sense that they needed
a change. Angela Rehbein,
one of Looser’s then-graduate
students who is now a professor
of English at West Liberty
University, joined them to skate
at a roller rink’s retro night,
where members of a local roller
derby team invited the three to
derby practice. It sounded fun,
so they accepted.
Roller derby is a sport in
which two teams of five players
in roller skates line up on a
track. The “jammer” on each
team tries to maneuver past
the “blockers” on the opposing
team, and it all happens in a
series of two-minute increments
called “jams.” Players force
opponents off the track or block
them with their shoulders,
chests, and hips. Because it’s
full-contact, they wear helmets,
mouthguards, knee pads, and
elbow pads.
It’s customary for derby players
to create personas based on
names that use a play on words.
Carr dubbed Looser “Stone
Cold Jane Austen,” a mashup
of Looser’s literary expertise
and professional wrestler Steve
Austin’s stage name.
Looser is now a faculty
advisor to the roller derby
team in addition to her work
as a professor of English at
Arizona State University. She
still remembers the coaches
who patiently taught her to
play derby, which perhaps
unexpectedly refreshed her
perspective on higher education.
“It’s humbling to start out as
a complete newbie, and being
laid flat and embarrassing
myself,” she said. “It put me
in headspace that made me
realize how students must feel
their first year of college, when
you didn’t know what you were
doing, and it was terrifying.”
People who know Looser
best—like Carr, Rehbein, and
her former doctoral student
Emily Friedman—point to
Looser’s knack for transforming
her interests into excellence.
“There’s this world-renowned
academic and also someone
who plays roller derby and
excels at it. She is an incredibly
generous friend and an amazing
wife and mother,” Carr said,
referring to Looser’s sons and
husband George Justice, a
fellow Austen scholar and
British literature professor at
Arizona State University.
“I learned a lot from Devoney’s
incredible work ethic and her
generosity toward her students
and toward other scholars,”
added Rehbein, who appreciates
Looser’s influence both in and
beyond the classroom.
The same is true for
Friedman, who has also worked
on Austen scholarship and now
serves as a professor of English
at Auburn University. Friedman
observed Looser’s simultaneous
commitment to hard work and
a rewarding life outside of
it, and how “she keeps them
dancing rather than in conflict
and fighting.”
Like Jane Austen and many
icons before her, Looser will
maneuver past any limitations in
her path.
“She’s the hardest worker I
know,” said Friedman. “I’m just
trying to skate in her tracks.”
Looser’s next book topic:
Theater professor Darcey Engen ’88 helps plan a
forward-looking 150th anniversary celebration
arcey Engen, professor of theater
arts, has been on both sides of an
Augsburg education: student and professor.
As a leader on campus, she brings both
perspectives to bear.
Thinking from a student perspective, she
understands the intense obligations today’s
students face and, with her colleagues,
implemented a series of changes to
make it possible for students from all
backgrounds and enrolled in any major
to participate in Augsburg’s theatrical
productions despite family or work
As a faculty member, Engen observed
that faculty in the arts sometimes struggled
to receive appropriate credit for their artistic
and scholarly work, so she advocated
for revisions to promotion and tenure
guidelines to address the issue.
Now, she’s been asked to call on those
twin perspectives in a new leadership
role: helping to guide the commemoration
of Augsburg’s sesquicentennial during
the 2019–20 academic year. In a recent
interview, Engen shared her views on
the university’s 150th anniversary, the
important contributions faculty will make
in commemorating the occasion, and
what makes Augsburg unique in American
higher education.
One of the things I love about Augsburg is that we
are more like the real world than other colleges
and universities. The needs of the real world
around us are present in everything we do.”
You are a co-chair of the sesquicentennial committee.
What do you hope this milestone will do for Augsburg?
I hope that it gives us a moment in time to understand our past,
mark where we are now, and look forward. It’s an opportunity for
us to appreciate those who came before us, what we’re doing in
the present, and those who will inevitably follow after us.
What does this occasion mean to you as both an alumna
and a faculty member?
In our costume shop, there are boxes and boxes that say things
like “summer hats.” Those labels were handwritten by my
professor, Ailene Cole, the former chair of the theater department,
before she retired in her 80s. When I’m in the costume shop
and see her handwriting, I’m reminded of her and what she did
for me and all her students. That inspires me to do the same
for my students. As a former chair myself, now, I am part of a
legacy, which gives me a lot of satisfaction. I’m aware that all of
us, chairs and faculty, are so privileged to be able to create an
atmosphere where our students can thrive as artists. I keep
the past with me as I try to carve out paths for the future with
my students.
How are faculty members going to be involved in marking
this significant moment in the life of the institution?
I’m very grateful that we were able to make resources available for
faculty to create scholarly projects that reflect sesquicentennial
themes. The support opens the door for these scholarly projects,
whether they be permanent works or ephemeral experiences, to
be installed or occur during our yearlong celebration. They will
honor and mark the 150th anniversary and also give faculty the
opportunity to expand the good work they do, which is ultimately
to support our students.
I understand that the number of proposals for faculty
sesquicentennial projects exceeded your expectations.
What does that enthusiasm say to you?
It was amazing to get all the proposals for such thoughtful
projects. It goes to show you that we faculty members all have in
us, no matter how busy our days can sometimes be, a great love
for this institution.
What kinds of projects are faculty members working on,
and what are they trying to achieve?
There’s so much incredible work being done, but I’ll offer a few
examples to give you an idea of the scope of the effort.
Sonja Thompson, assistant professor of music, is working on
an original musical—with original music—about Augsburg,
embracing both the rocky and exceptional moments in our
history. Her team is interviewing as many people as possible and
conducting story circles where students, staff, alumni, and friends
can share their Augsburg experiences to inform the production.
Erik Steinmetz, assistant professor of computer science, is
building an app for exploring Augsburg’s campus now and at
various points in history via augmented or virtual reality. The
idea is that if you’re on campus, you can look around through
your phone and see what a particular part of campus looked
like at another time. And if you’re not here, you can virtually
explore those same environments. We’re hoping to create online
experiences that capture as much of the art and activity and
scholarship happening on campus that year as possible.
As Augsburg prepares to commemorate 150 years,
what stands out for you?
I’ve toured a lot of colleges; I’ve taught at two other universities.
One of the things I love about Augsburg is that we are more like
the real world than other colleges and universities. The needs of
the real world around us are present in everything we do.
Augsburg’s plans to celebrate the sesquicentennial are developing,
and updates will be posted at
Augsburg alumna
Katia Iverson ’12
orients newcomers to
the United States amid
mounting uncertainty
and narrowing policies
The Augsburg Air Structure—and the rest of the Minneapolis campus—looked
practically otherworldly following a record-breaking April 2018 snowstorm.
en route from 25
Minnesota school districts pause on 23rd Avenue
to unload hundreds of students in grades three
through six at the Augsburg University Air Structure
(aka the Augsburg Dome). The air lock opens, and
grinning youngsters wheel, walk, and run into the
360-by-216-by-63-foot inflatable bubble lined with
activities to exercise their cognitive, emotional, and
physical muscles.
Augsburg has held this one-day Sports
Extravaganza for nearly 20 Novembers. Do the
math: that’s more than 4,000 children, teachers,
and paraprofessionals who have visited campus,
and two decades of Auggies who have applied
their health, physical education, and exercise
science coursework to the field.
HPE instructor Carol Enke said the event
wouldn’t have started without the dome.
“Imagine funneling hundreds of kids with
mental and/or physical disabilities into Si Melby
Hall via untold batches of elevator trips,” she
said. “Without the air structure, this dual
community engagement and learning opportunity
would have never taken off.
“Every year, teachers tell us that students ask
about the event from the first day of classes,
and we see that excitement as kids meet others
and participate in activities they might have
assumed were inaccessible to them.”
Sports Extravaganza is one of several community events
squeezed into the dome between softball and lacrosse
games and practices for baseball, track and field, golf,
soccer, and football. Physical education classes, intramural
activities, alumni events, and more also vie for the space,
which features four batting cages, a driving range net, and
four soccer goals.
About 35 campus and community groups schedule
the space each year, according to Greg Holker, the men’s
soccer head coach, who helps manage dome schedules as
part of his dual role as athletic facilities assistant manager.
Thousands of people use the dome for a total of about
3,000 hours during any given year.
“Regular users include our sports teams, HPE classes,
camps, the Minneapolis United Soccer Club, and other
prominent academies and associations,” he added.
“During Super Bowl LII this year, a large corporation
hosted a Punt, Pass, and Kick Competition, and
the Minnesota Super Bowl Host Committee filmed a
commercial in the space.”
Each November, more than 500 student-athletes join
coaches, staff, and administrators to erect the weather-proof
structure. It’s a Herculean effort that illustrates the
university’s cooperative, all-in attitude, according to
Athletic Director Jeff Swenson ’79. Come May, after 12-hour
weekdays and about 18-hour weekend days, the dome is put
away in about three hours, again by a campus-wide team.
Swenson said the dome has substantially increased
Augsburg’s workout space.
“Nobody appreciates the air structure more than our spring
sports,” Swenson said. “Access to a climate-controlled
regulation field in our backyard gets them in the game earlier
in the season without interruptions due to weather.”
The university also is able to offer physical education
classes, including golf and soccer, in the spring. Eric
Rolland ’97, men’s and women’s golf head coach, said
without the dome, spring offerings would be limited to
indoor activities like bowling. And while Rolland enjoys
throwing a strike as much as the best of them, the former
All-American golfer said he has enjoyed the ability to teach
golf throughout the year.
“It’s a lifelong sport that can enhance your career, given
that so many business meetings occur on the golf course,”
said Rolland, who has taught golf classes for the past five
years. “Students make lasting friendships, too, as the
dome transforms into a giant driving range where students
visit as they perfect their swings.”
The Augsburg University women’s lacrosse team competed in the dome in Spring 2018.
Talk of spring takes Softball Head Coach Melissa Lee ’04
back to April, when the Twin Cities experienced its
snowiest and fourth-coldest April on record, according
to the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, which
reported 26.1 inches of the white stuff and an average
high of 47.4 degrees.
“It was the winter that would never end,” said Lee, who
is in her 15th season on Augsburg’s coaching staff. “Other
teams in our conference have to rent out dome space
or practice on hard gym floors incapable of mimicking
competition, so when the weather is bad, those players
may catch—or try to catch—their first deep pop fly of the
season during a game. We made the playoffs last year,
and I believe the dome contributed to that success.”
Then-senior-outfielder Katie Parker ’18 was among
the Augsburg softball players who spent the majority
of the 2018 season under the dome. Playing inside
requires adjustment, she said, with rules against catching
deflected balls (to avoid injuries), turf vs. dirt, and many
lights, rather than the sun’s sole beam. But the snowy
season didn’t faze the native of Lakeville, Minnesota.
“It’s our home turf, literally, so we practice in the space
long before our first game,” said Parker, who graduated
in May with a bachelor’s in elementary education with
a focus on special education. “I loved the sense of
community and cooperation as we worked side-by-side
with student-athletes on other teams to take down and set
up fence panels and goals, depending on the sport. Coach
Lee also worked hard and stayed up late to make sure
other area softball programs could access to the dome to
finish out their seasons.”
Will this year be a repeat of last season? The Farmers’
Almanac indicates ‘no,’ Coach Lee said, but the Minnesota
native jokes the state’s weather is as unpredictable as a
curve ball. What is not inconsistent, she added, is Auggies’
willingness to work together—snow or shine.
Assistant Baseball Coach Zach Bakko ’18 echoed Lee’s
appreciation for the dome’s ability to bring athletes across
Augsburg’s 21 sports together with each other, the campus,
and greater community. Bakko spent several seasons
fielding balls under the dome lights as an Auggie outfielder.
“Whether it be quarterback Quinn Frisell ’19 throwing
out routes to his agile receivers, golfer Brett Buckingham ’21
working on his swing, or soccer forward Ashley St. Aubin ’20
figuring out another way to score a hat trick, I’ve been
able to see athletes in other sports work to maximize
their potential,” said Bakko. Plus, “The space allows
our campus to give back to the community and make a
positive difference in the lives of young athletes [through
camps and clinics].”
“Having worked for athletics, I’ve met the real heroes of
the dome—athletics administrators, coaches, and all the
maintenance staff—managing scheduling, cleaning, and
every other task that arises,” he added. “That willingness
to come together and do what’s needed, regardless of
whether it’s in your job description, has expanded my
understanding of the word ‘team.’”
Find bonus content and
fun facts about the dome
Augsburg community members work together to assemble the
dome each fall. First installed in 1993, Augsburg’s original dome
was one of the premier inflatable air structures in the Midwest.
Undergraduate research
gives students an edge
The summer before his third year at Augsburg,
Fekireselassie Beyene ’16 was paid to research Earth’s
magnetosphere. He worked in a lab on campus under the
direction of a physics faculty member.
And he discovered a passion for space physics.
Beyene’s research, which was funded by Dean ’91
and Amy Sundquist his first summer and TRIO McNair
Scholars for the second, helped him stand out in national
scholarship competitions. The following year, he was
awarded a Goldwater Scholarship, a prestigious national
program that provides financial support to undergraduates
who show the promise of becoming leading scientists,
engineers, and mathematicians. Then, Beyene’s Augsburg
advisors helped him successfully apply for the National
Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program,
providing him with more than $100,000 for graduate school.
Now a Ph.D. student in space physics at UCLA, Beyene
credits his Augsburg undergraduate research experience
with getting him where he is today.
“You don’t see the level of personal coaching at other
schools like you do at Augsburg,” he said. “I really
appreciate that about Augsburg.”
Augsburg’s undergraduate research opportunities are
paying off for students like Beyene, who compete alongside
the nation’s top students to land high-profile fellowships,
internships, and scholarships as well as selection to highly
competitive graduate programs.
In fact, Augsburg had a banner year in 2017–18, with
a record number of students earning prestigious awards
and fellowships.
Here are some highlights:
• Augsburg had six Fulbright winners named this past
year and has been listed five times in The Chronicle
of Higher Education as a top producer of Fulbrights
for master’s level institutions. The previous singleyear record for Augsburg was four. Since 2008,
Augsburg’s Fulbright winners total 29.
An Augsburg student was one of just four Minnesota
recipients of the Goldwater Scholarship last year. Out
of 1,280 applicants nationwide, 211 were named.
Three Auggies were Critical Language Scholarship
winners in the first year that Augsburg undergraduates
pursued this fellowship. Only 10 percent of applicants
nationwide receive this award. Two of the students
were selected to study Swahili in Tanzania; the third,
to study Mandarin in Taiwan.
Another two Auggies were Public Policy and
International Affairs Program winners. Only
20 percent of applicants nationally are accepted
into this program. One of the Augsburg winners
studied at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs at
the University of Minnesota. The other student spent
seven weeks at University of California—Berkeley in
a law-focused program.
For the first time ever, an Augsburg student won a
Boren Award, which honors undergraduates studying
language in areas underrepresented in study abroad
programs. The Auggie, who studied Swahili at the
University of Florida this past summer, is continuing
to study the language and culture in Tanzania this
semester. He will commit to one year of paid federal
government service after graduation.
Undergraduate research boosts the résumés of Auggies
like Holly Kundel ’19, who looked for a rare dragonfly in
Twin Cities area wetlands.
Many of
these accomplishments
are the result of Augsburg’s
decade-plus commitment to
providing undergraduate research
opportunities for students.
Two programs are responsible
for much of this success: the Office
of Undergraduate Research and
Graduate Opportunity and the
McNair Scholars program.
URGO, now in its 14th year, offers
an 11-week, on-campus, faculty-led
undergraduate research experience with
50 students each summer. Students receive support
throughout the research process from a faculty mentor,
participate in weekly seminars, and engage in roundtable
discussions with fellow student researchers to hone their
communication skills. URGO also advises students about
national fellowships, graduate school, medical school, and
other health sciences.
The McNair Scholars program is a federally funded
program designed to prepare students from groups currently
underrepresented in graduate school for doctoral studies to
some of the most competitive institutions in the U.S. The
program currently serves 26 students a year and includes
21 months of graduate school preparation workshops, travel
to national research conferences, and hands-on scholarly
research projects with faculty mentors.
Through these programs,
talented Augsburg students
are earning prestigious national
opportunities that they otherwise
may not even have known about.
“Many [of the students] who win
awards and fellowships had never even
heard the word ‘Fulbright’ before they
were in this program,” said Dixie Shafer,
URGO director.
When students start their first summer
research experience, Shafer said, they’re
looking around wondering how they got selected.
“You can tell they’re a little bit nervous,”
she said. “By the end, when they’re giving oral
presentations and submitting projects, they’re the
experts in the room. Their level of confidence has grown.”
Students agree that they gain key skills from research
and writing in partnership with faculty members, presenting
their work at conferences, and receiving hands-on guidance
from advisors about how to translate those experiences into
top fellowships, internships, scholarships, and graduate
programs. And they often go on to other off-campus research
experiences to expand their curricula vitae.
Blair Stewig ’18, currently a Fulbright scholar in Poland,
first did summertime research at Augsburg in a biophysics
lab. She successfully applied for an Augsburg grant to do
research while canoeing the Mississippi River during the
2015 River Semester experience, then did summer research
with the Minnesota Lupus Foundation at the Mayo Clinic.
The next summer, she conducted cancer research at Baylor
College of Medicine in Houston.
three URGO advisors on her medical
Currently, Stewig is conducting
school applications.
research on colorectal cancer at the
“It was almost like they knew
International Institute of Molecular
more about my story than I did,”
and Cell Biology in Poland and will
Bagonza said.
shadow physicians and volunteer at
Shafer sees this type of faculty and
the Maria Skłodowska Curie Memorial
staff interaction with students as a
Cancer Centre.
key part of helping students evolve.
“Without my research experience
“Faculty and staff believe in students
and the support of staff and faculty
and then the students start believing
at Augsburg, I don’t think I would
in themselves,” she said.
have had the confidence to apply
for the larger competitive
research experiences,” said
Stewig, who plans to apply
for combined M.D./Ph.D.
programs in the future.
Similarly, two months into
her first year at Augsburg,
biology major Vision Bagonza ’17
regularly started visiting the
URGO office and mapping her
trajectory to medical school.
“They were with me every step
of the way,” she said.
In her first summer research
project, Bagonza worked
on genomics research with
Associate Professor and
Biology Department Chair
Matthew Beckman. “That
Fieldwork experience inspired Holly Kundel ’19 to apply for
was instrumental to my
doctoral programs in freshwater ecology.
understanding of what was
going on throughout the field,”
Fourth-year biology major Holly
she said.
Kundel ’19 chose Augsburg after
The following summer, she
meeting faculty on a campus tour and
researched biomedical ethics at Mayo
Clinic, and she spent her third summer learning that she would be able to do
research directly with them.
researching malaria at Johns Hopkins.
The summer after her first year,
These experiences set the stage for her
Kundel began her paid research on
participation in the Mayo Innovation
the rare Spatterdock Darner dragonfly
Scholars program, where she learned
in Twin Cities area wetlands. Kundel,
about the complexities of the FDA
who loves being outdoors during
approval process when bringing
Minnesota summers, was drawn to
innovation to market. Finally, Bagonza
the project after approaching Biology
was awarded a full scholarship to the
and Environmental Studies Assistant
Cleveland Clinic Lerner School of
Professor Emily Schilling and learning
Medicine after working closely with
that the research entailed doing
Since then, Kundel has received
other grants to support her research
with Schilling. “It’s nice to work with
a faculty member who knows exactly
what my strengths and weaknesses
are,” Kundel said.
This year, Kundel received a
Goldwater Scholarship, providing
tuition assistance for her fourth year at
Augsburg, and the associated
prestige is expected to set
her apart in her applications
for doctoral programs in
freshwater ecology. “I wouldn’t
be applying to the graduate
programs I am this fall if I
hadn’t done this research at
Augsburg,” Kundel said.
While many in the URGO
Summer Research Program are
science majors, other disciplines
are represented as well.
English literature major
Abigail Tetzlaff ’18 studied
patterns in language and
rhetorical uses in poetry and
prose. Currently a Fulbright
Fellow in Berlin, she is an
English teaching assistant
and plans to pursue a Ph.D.
in English literature to ultimately
become a university professor.
“Especially for undergraduates
studying within the humanities, it isn’t
very common to come out of college
with a research experience already
complete,” Tetzlaff said.
For Beyene, if not for the direct
support from faculty and his McNair
Scholars and URGO advisors, he
wouldn’t have considered himself
graduate school material. “Being at
UCLA now, I realize how fortunate I
was to have programs like McNair and
URGO,” he said.
Dear alumni and friends,
As always, the fall season at Augsburg was full of
excitement. This past August, for only the second time,
our community sent a group of Auggies to explore the
Mississippi on a River Semester off-campus study
experience. Over the course of the semester, these
students will spend 100 days paddling down the
river while learning about history, politics, and the
environment, and having the adventure of a lifetime.
Then, as the calendar turned to September, the community welcomed returning
students to a new academic year and ushered in the first-year students who make
up the class of 2022.
At Homecoming in October, we honored an accomplished group of
Distinguished Alumni. We found inspiration in hearing their stories and
learning about their achievements, and we were reminded of the talent and
dedication that Augsburg alumni exhibit across a vast spectrum of vocations
and commitments. Augsburg alumni are, indeed, remarkable professionals and
amazing people.
This year, I’m especially excited to serve on the Augsburg Alumni Board as its
members strive to increase the ways in which they give to the university. I have
personally committed to giving 50 hours of my time to Augsburg. I plan to attend
events, mentor a student, and help reconnect the Auggies in my social network
with the university.
If, like me, you’re interested in making a difference in the lives of others in
our Augsburg community, you’ll find that there are many ways to connect with
Augsburg in support of students.
• Consider attending the Auggie Networking Event coming up in February.
This is an opportunity for alumni to help students practice valuable
interpersonal skills that will benefit them in their future job searches
and careers.
• Join us for the 2018–19 Auggie Take Out student mentoring program.
• Reconnect with Augsburg by volunteering with the Alumni Office or
the Alumni Board. We’re always looking for people to join our
leadership boards.
• Volunteer to usher at Advent Vespers or to serve in another capacity.
In all of the ways that Augsburg has shown up for you, it is now the time to
show up for Augsburg. You can find information about these and other volunteer
opportunities at I hope you will consider sharing your time
and talents with the university this year.
Nearly 525 Auggies attended the Augsburg
University Homecoming celebration held
October 11–13. Alumni, students, and
community members gathered for a festive
weekend featuring more than two dozen events
that united the university’s remarkable legacy
with its contemporary identity.
If you are interested in serving on an
alumni reunion committee or volunteering
to help plan Homecoming 2019,
Go Auggies!
Augsburg students of the ’60s reflect on the past 50 years
In 1964, folk singer Bob Dylan released his album and song
“The Times They Are A-Changin’,” which served as a call for
change to address the social injustices he saw in the world.
For the group of young students entering what was then
Augsburg College that same year, his words would prove prescient.
College is a transformational time for students, but for members of
the class of 1968, the impact was especially pronounced.
The Augsburg graduating class of 1968 witnessed the United
States live through some of the worst upheavals in the nation’s
history. In late 1963, President John F. Kennedy had been
assassinated. By 1968, assassinations also would claim civil rights
leader Martin Luther King Jr. and the late president’s brother,
Robert F. Kennedy, as well as political activist and leader Malcolm X.
At the same time, the country was becoming violently divided over
social issues, including civil rights and the increasingly unpopular
war in Vietnam, with ever-larger numbers of young people being
drafted and sent to southeast Asia to fight.
In response, Augsburg students began to march for peace and
civil rights and to take part in programs like Augsburg’s Listening
Witness, which brought them to live and work in impoverished and
racially segregated neighborhoods in Chicago and elsewhere.
It was fitting, then, that at this year’s Homecoming celebration,
1968 alumni celebrating their 50th reunion delivered an Auggie
Talk titled “The Baby Boomer Effect: How Four Years Affected 50.”
The five speakers—Michael Arndt ’68, Kim Gudmestad ’68,
Ted Johnson ’68, Augsburg Board of Regents member LaJune
Thomas Lange ’75, and Joey Sylvester ’68—said their time at
Augsburg shaped the course of their lives. They described how
education empowered them to pursue lifelong work in the areas
of diversity, justice, public leadership, and social activism.
“I think [those times] had a profound effect on many of us as
individuals, and it certainly had a profound effect on Augsburg,”
said Rev. Mark Hanson ’68, an alumnus who went on to serve
as a pastor and the third presiding bishop of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America. “For me, Augsburg provided an
immersive experience so that those changing realities, those
cultural conflicts, and those strivings for racial justice and peace
in southeast Asia weren’t just topics that one was reading about or
subjects in a classroom. They became lived experiences.”
Hanson, who is now the executive director of Augsburg’s
Christensen Center for Vocation, said he’s seen the university
change as a result of activism originating in those pivotal mid-’60s
years. He points to increasing diversity in the current student
body—the result of an intentional commitment to inclusion,
equity, and intercultural competency.
Like Hanson, Myrna Sheie ’68, co-chair of the 1968 reunion
events, went on to work with the ELCA after graduation. She
reflected that she had entered college without much experience
with diverse cultures but saw both herself and Augsburg change
during her college years.
“When I started at Augsburg, I was both naïve and unaware
of the diversity we lacked,” she said. “Over the next four
years, my classmates and I were exposed to ideas, concepts,
and lifestyles—both inside and outside the classroom—that
challenged us intellectually, socially, and personally. I became
less naïve as my eyes and heart became more open.”
A laboratory for life
When Arndt, one of the Homecoming Auggie Talk presenters,
reflects on his college experience, his memories often connect the
time he spent on campus with dramatic life events that followed it.
Shortly after graduation, Arndt was drafted from his first
teaching job and sent to Vietnam as a member of the Army’s First
Cavalry division. He served in the jungle near the Cambodian
border and saw heavy military action that killed seven of his
friends. During that time, Arndt says he recited the Shakespeare
he’d learned during college to calm himself.
Today, Arndt is chair and professor of Theatre Arts
and Dance at California Lutheran University and
the artistic director of the Kingsmen Shakespeare
Company. He calls on his experiences as a veteran and
artistic professional to use theater to help treat fellow
veterans suffering the effects of post-traumatic
stress disorder.
“There was a time after I got out of the army when
I felt that the country was going to dissolve into civil
war,” he said. “There was such a divide and … a real
sense that we were going to end up in total chaos. In
talking with my college students today, there’s a sense
of that now. [But] I think one of the things we’re saying
is that those of us who felt that strongly in 1968 tried
to work to make a difference. And many of us did.”
Hanson concurs. “All that was taking place in the
Twin Cities, in the country, and in the world in those
four years became, for so many of us, not just objects
of study, but context in which we were being formed
for our future lives and vocations. And that’s still to
this day what is particularly unique about Augsburg—
it takes its context as the laboratory for life, not as
something from which we seek to flee.”
Augsburg’s Class of 1968 is working to raise $68,000 in
scholarship funds for future students. Learn more about
this initiative and their Auggie Talk at
For more than three decades, Augsburg University has ushered
in the Advent and Christmas seasons with Advent Vespers, a
magnificent experience of music and liturgy, focusing on the
theme of preparation and culminating in the joyful celebration of
the Incarnation. Advent Vespers is set in downtown Minneapolis
in the sanctuary of Central Lutheran Church, and this year Advent
Vespers services will occur November 29–December 1. To learn more
or request reservations, visit
Velkommen Jul is one of Augsburg’s most beloved traditions. It’s
an event that celebrates the university’s Norwegian heritage and
ushers in the Advent season.
Come join us Friday, November 30, at 10:30 a.m., in Hoversten
Chapel for a special chapel service—with Danish, Norwegian, and
Swedish carols, Scandinavian dancers, and the Gospel read in
Norwegian. Wear your Scandinavian sweater, if you have one; it’s a
tradition to take a group sweater photo!
Following chapel, the festivities continue in Christensen Center.
Shop in the boutique for unique gifts and homemade goodies,
and make sure to visit the buffet featuring lefse, krumkake, and
other treats. The buffet is complimentary, but donations are greatly
appreciated. All proceeds from the event support Augsburg
student scholarships.
Join us in honoring the traditions of Augsburg’s rich history and
celebrating the remarkable progress we have made in educating
students to be informed citizens, thoughtful stewards, critical
thinkers, and responsible leaders. A yearlong series of events
including a sesquicentennial gala will commemorate our deep
roots and recognize our present opportunities and future endeavors
as we become a new kind of urban university.
Subscribe to the sesquicentennial events digital calendar to
participate in these community celebrations. Visit
Each year, Auggies around the world respond generously to
support the breadth of programs and experiences offered by
Augsburg University.
In total, over the past five years, Augsburg has raised more
than $1.5 million through Give to the Max Day efforts. And even if
you missed the opportunity to participate this year, you can find
information about our fundraising results and learn more about
additional ways to support the university at
Plan ahead to participate in exciting alumni trips commemorating
Augsburg’s sesquicentennial. Overseas trips are planned to
locations in Norway and Germany that are central in
Augsburg’s history.
In May 2020, Darcey Engen ’88, Augsburg University
professor of theater arts, and her husband, Luverne Seifert ’83,
head of undergraduate theater performance at the University of
Minnesota, will lead a tour exploring the rich and vibrant arts
and culture of Norway. The tour will include plays, concerts,
and historical landmarks as well as an opportunity to celebrate
Syttende Mai in Norway.
At the same time, a tour exploring Norway’s peace work,
government, and environmental agencies will be co-led by
Bettine Hoff Hermanson, Norway Hub managing director, and
Joe Underhill, associate professor of political science and
director of environmental studies. This trip also includes the
opportunity to celebrate Syttende Mai in Norway.
In July 2020, Rev. Sonja Hagander, Augsburg University
pastor and director of ministries, will lead a hike to the Nidaros
Cathedral in Trondheim, Norway—a pilgrimage made by
travelers for more than 1,000 years. Along the way, the group
will learn about history and culture, and experience firsthand
some of the most beautiful nature in the world.
Also in July 2020, Augsburg associate professors of religion
Lori Brandt Hale and Hans Wiersma—who led the 2016 alumni
tour for the anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation—will lead
a tour to Bavaria, Germany, with stops in Nuremberg, Salzberg,
and additional nearby locations. The tour also includes tickets
to the world-famous Oberammergau Passion Play, which first
opened in 1634 and has been performed every 10 years since.
Contact Katie (Koch) Code ’01, director of alumni and constituent relations, at or 612-330-1178 if you are interested in learning more
about Augsburg’s travel opportunities.
The French government
posthumously awarded Chester
Hendrickson ’42 the Jubilee of Liberty Medal
for his service and work in Normandy during
World War II.
Sulerud ’58 received
a Spirit of Augsburg
Award at Homecoming
for her faithful service
to Augsburg across
her time as a student,
librarian, faculty
member, and alumna. After graduating from
Augsburg in 1958 with a degree in English,
she became a junior high English teacher
and an elementary librarian in U.S. Air Force
Department of Defense Schools in Germany,
Japan, and Libya. Sulerud earned master’s
degrees in library science and English, served
as the treasurer of the Augsburg Associates,
and continues to stay involved at university
events. She personifies Augsburg’s calling to
humbly serve in a variety of ways.
David J.
Melby ’68,
Ph.D., received a
Distinguished Alumni
Award at Homecoming
and was recognized as a
psychologist, executive
leader, and advocate
who embodies faithful
service in true Auggie form. With a bachelor’s
degree in psychology from Augsburg and
master’s and doctoral degrees in counseling
psychology, he has worked as a CEO and has
served on the boards of organizations relating
to behavioral health care, health practices,
and housing. As a thoughtful steward and
responsible leader, his work has created
healthier, more fulfilling lives for many.
The St. Michael-Albertville
(Minnesota) Coaches Association
Hall of Fame Committee selected Darrell
Skogan ’71 as a Hall of Fame inductee. This
fall marks Skogan’s 51st season as statistician
for the school district. He also has umpired,
run clocks, and coached girls’ basketball and
softball throughout his tenure with the district.
John Sherman ’72 was honored
with two awards for his work
as a sports journalist. Sherman received
the Outstanding Media Award from the
Minnesota State High School League and the
Spinnaker Award from Minnetonka School
District. While at Augsburg, Sherman was
the editor for the school newspaper and
played baseball and soccer. Since graduating
46 years ago, he has served on the Sun
Newspaper staff in Edina, Minnesota.
Terry Lindstrom ’73 and Mark Johnson ’75
joined the Augsburg University Board of
Regents. See page 4.
Augsburg Athletic Director Jeff Swenson ’79
explains how the university’s dome gives
Auggies a competitive advantage. See page 16.
Hall of Fame inductee
Jeff Andrews ’82 was a
key defender on Auggie
men’s hockey teams
that won NAIA national
titles in both 1980–81
and 1981–82, while
winning MIAC titles and
reaching the NAIA tournament all four years
of his career. Andrews accumulated 29 goals
and 60 assists for 89 points in his college
career, and he earned All-MIAC honors in
1981–82 and All-MIAC Honorable Mention
honors in 1980–81.
Former basketball
star Brad Nelson ’82
was inducted into the
Augsburg Athletic Hall
of Fame. An All-MIAC
guard in 1981–82,
Nelson was a three-year
member of the Auggie
men’s basketball team,
averaging 12.0 points, 2.6 rebounds, and 2.9
assists per game in his career. He averaged
20.5 points, 4.7 rebounds, and 4.4 assists
per game on Augsburg’s MIAC runner-up
team in 1981–82, and averaged 7.8 points
on the Auggies’ MIAC title (later forfeited for
use of an ineligible player) and NAIA national
tournament team in 1980–81.
Mayo Clinic Health System—
Franciscan Healthcare named
Dr. Paul Mueller ’84 the vice president of its
Southwest Wisconsin Region. As a regional
leader, Mueller will manage operations out
of La Crosse, Wisconsin. He completed
his undergraduate degree at Augsburg
and has spent the past nine years chairing
Mayo Clinic’s Division of General Internal
Medicine in Rochester, Minnesota.
Nancy Mueller ’85 joined the Augsburg
University Board of Regents. See page 4.
Darcey Engen ’88 employs perspectives
both as a student and as a faculty member
to plan Augsburg’s sesquicentennial celebrations.
See page 14.
The U.S. Track and Field
and Cross Country Coaches
Association announced that Carolyn (Ross)
Isaak ’89 was inducted into the NCAA
Division III Track and Field Athlete Hall of
Fame in May. Isaak set several records as an
Augsburg athlete, including the 400-meter
hurdles record that stood until 2014. Isaak,
a five-time national champion and nine-time
All-American, is Augsburg’s first athlete ever
to be inducted into this Hall of Fame.
Literary scholar Devoney Looser ’89 was
awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship in 2018
and will complete a biography of forgotten sister
novelists. See page 10.
Brynn Watson ’89
received a Distinguished
Alumni Award at
Homecoming. She is an
award-winning leader in
the aerospace industry for
her technical experience,
executive leadership, and
tireless advocacy of STEM
education for youth. She earned a mathematics
degree from Augsburg and a master’s degree in
applied mathematics before she gained several
director- and vice-president-level positions in
technology and engineering companies. She
now serves as vice president for the Future
Enterprise Program for Lockheed Martin.
Watson’s spirit and accomplishments mirror
the tenacity of Auggies around the world who
ascend to prestigious positions among today’s
leading companies.
star Randy
Eastman ’95 was
inducted into the
Augsburg Athletic Hall
of Fame. Eastman
was a three-time
NCAA Division III
All-American in the
167-pound weight class, finishing second
nationally in the 1994–95 campaign, third
in 1993–94, and fifth in 1992–93. A transfer
from Mankato State, he was a member
of Augsburg teams that won the national
titles in both 1992–93 and 1994–95, while
finishing fourth in 1993–94. Eastman won
two MIAC titles and was a conference
runner-up in his Auggie career.
Augsburg Athletic
Hall of Fame inductee
Tom Layte ’95 was
a dominant wrestler
for the Auggies in
the mid-’90s. Layte
competed at Augsburg
in the 1994–95 season
after transferring from
Western New England College, and he made
the most of his Auggie campaign, going 44-4,
winning the NCAA Division III national title
at 150 pounds, and earning Outstanding
Wrestler honors at the national championships
as the Auggies won the team national
crown. He later served as an Augsburg
assistant coach and was head coach at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Augsburg volleyball star
Carolyn Tuohy ’95 was a
dominant player in the
mid-’90s, playing three
seasons as a middle
hitter, earning All-MIAC
honors in 1994, and
receiving All-MIAC
Honorable Mention
honors in 1992. Tuohy, who was inducted
into the Augsburg Athletic Hall of Fame, was
a team co-captain in 1994 and finished her
career with 878 kills in 2,566 attack attempts.
She was voted the team’s MVP in 1992.
Lamker ’97
was inducted into the
Augsburg Athletic Hall
of Fame in recognition
of his successes on
the football, basketball,
and baseball teams. A
quarterback in football,
Lamker led the Auggies to the 1997 MIAC title
and a spot in the NCAA Division III national
quarterfinals. He earned All-MIAC honors in
1996 and 1997. He was the conference MVP
in 1997, in addition to earning All-America
honors and finalist honors for the Gagliardi
Trophy (Division III Player of the Year).
Joe Lavin ’97 had an
outstanding pitching
career on the Augsburg
baseball team. An ace
during the mid-’90s,
Lavin earned All-MIAC
and All-Midwest Region
second-team honors
in 1995, while earning
conference Player of the Week honors multiple
times. He had a 1.42 ERA in conference play
with five complete games, a shutout, and 41
strikeouts against only 16 walks and 32 hits
in 1995, while winning three games on the
mound in 1994 and four in 1996.
Eric Rolland ’97, the Augsburg men’s and
women’s golf head coach, teaches students
a lifelong sport each spring in the campus dome.
See page 16.
Jasha Johnston ’00 and Carrie
(McCabe) Johnston ’02 opened
their third restaurant, Mortimer’s, in the Whittier
neighborhood of Minneapolis. The new venue
features live music, an updated menu, and a
family-friendly atmosphere. In addition to their
new venture, the Johnstons own Nightingale
Restaurant and Tilt Pinball Bar.
Brenda (Selander)
Mitshulis ’02 was
inducted into the
Augsburg Athletic Hall
of Fame. Mitshulis was
an All-MIAC honoree
in 2000 and All-MIAC
Honorable Mention honoree in 1999 in
soccer, where she finished her career with 15
goals and four assists for 34 career points.
She led the Auggies in scoring in three
seasons. In hockey, she was a member of the
1998–99 and 1999–2000 MIAC title squads
and the 2000 national runner-up team. She
also played two seasons of softball.
Dual sport
Rachel Ekholm ’03
was inducted into the
Augsburg Athletic Hall
of Fame. One of the best
softball players in school
history, Ekholm earned
All-MIAC honors three
times, while earning NFCA All-Region honors
twice. As a pitcher, she won 39 career games
with a 2.45 ERA and 347 strikeouts. She
hit .389 and holds school records for home
runs, triples, RBI, and slugging percentage.
She also played in 60 career games in
basketball, averaging 9.1 points and 2.3
rebounds per game.
Softball Head Coach Melissa Lee ’04 said
the Augsburg air structure helped save the
team’s 2018 season. See page 16.
This year,
Excellence in Coaching
Award recognized
Jim Gunderson ’06.
Gunderson is in his
fourth season as
football head coach at
the Academy of Holy
Angels in Richfield, Minnesota, after serving
for 14 years as an assistant coach. He has
also served as track and field head coach
since 2012. In football, his team won the
Minnesota Class AAAA state title in 2017,
with Gunderson being named the Minnesota
Football State Class AAAA Coach of the Year.
graduating from Augsburg with a degree in
communication studies, he has devoted his
career to public leadership and making a
difference in his community. He ran for mayor
of Baltimore in 2016, becoming the youngest
person ever to run for the office. He also sits
on the boards of several Baltimore community
initiatives and is the co-founder of a nonprofit
fostering revitalization.
Brian Krohn ’08, Ph.D.,
received a First Decade
Award at Homecoming.
After earning a degree in
chemistry, researching
biofuel, and becoming
Augsburg’s first Rhodes
Scholar, Krohn founded
companies Mighty Axe
Hops and Magic Wizard Staff. He earned a
doctorate from the University of Minnesota as
an Environmental Protection Agency Fellow
and master’s degrees from the University of
Oxford in environmental change and science.
He was an Innovation Fellow at the U of M’s
Medical Devices Center and is CEO of Soundly,
an app-based therapy to reduce snoring—an
initiative funded by the National Institutes of
Health and the National Science Foundation.
Harris ’08
received a First Decade
Award at Homecoming.
His life and work in the
past 10 years embodies
Augsburg’s pursuit of
social justice, equity,
and inclusion. Since
Nikki Rajala ’70 published “Treacherous
Waters,” her second novel in the
“Chronicles of an Unlikely Voyageur” series.
A career ESL teacher, Rajala retired from the
St. Cloud School District in 2004 and lives in
Rockville, Minnesota.
Jeff Mueller ’76 was honored by Norway’s
King Harald V, who bestowed the rank of
Knight First Class in the Royal Norwegian Order
of Merit. Mueller, director of administration and
finance at Norway House, Minneapolis, is a past
president of the Norwegian American Chamber
of Commerce and currently serves on its board of
directors. He also has been active in the Syttende
Killa Marti ’08, J.D.,
received a First Decade
Award at Homecoming
because she embodies
Augsburg’s values
through her thoughtful
stewardship, critical
thinking, and rigorous
pursuit of justice and equity. After graduating
from Augsburg with a major in international
relations and a minor in economics, Marti
earned a law degree so that she could serve
immigrant communities. She has worked
with the Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota
and several law firms, has founded her
own law practice in the Atlanta area, and
has worked tirelessly for her law clients in
districts and cases where the decks were
stacked against them.
Former Augsburg cheerleader Cassandra
Roschen ’08 returned to Fairmont High School
to coach the cheerleading squad. Roschen, a
former Fairmont cheerleader, taught current
students sideline cheers and routines. She also
extended her service to include team building
and community outreach with the squad.
Chris Stedman ’08
received a First Decade
Award at Homecoming
for his robust intellectual
engagement as an
informed citizen and
critical thinker. A religion
major with minors in
English and social
welfare, he earned a master’s degree in religion
from Meadville Lombard Theological School at
the University of Chicago. He was the founding
executive director of the Humanist Center
of Minnesota, founded the Yale Humanist
Community, and was a humanist chaplain at
Harvard. Stedman is the author of “Faitheist:
How an Atheist Found Common Ground with
the Religious” (Beacon Press, 2012).
Mai Committee, the Norwegian Independence
Day celebration, the annual troop exchange
program with the Minnesota National Guard and
the Norwegian Home Guard, and Torske
Klubben. Mueller (right) is pictured with
Norwegian Ambassador to the U.S. Kåre R. Aas,
who presented the order of merit medal at
Norway House.
The HGA firm hired Mary Claire Olson
Potter ’84 as a health care business
developer and senior associate.
In June, former Augsburg football player
David Stevens ’90 hosted a Disability
Dream and Do Camp alongside the Binghamton
Rumble Ponies, an American minor league
baseball team based in Upstate New York. CBS
affiliate WBNG covered Stevens’ story and time
with the Rumble Ponies. Stevens, who led six
other athletic camps this summer, was the only
double amputee to play three seasons of football
for the Auggies. He later played for the St. Paul
Saints and tried out for the Minnesota Twins and
Dallas Cowboys.
Janelle (Christensen) Nelson ’12 welcomed
a daughter, Kennedy Elaine, in April.
Nelson majored in art history. Her grandfather
also attended Augsburg.
Laura (Schmidt) DuSchane ’11
and Seth Lienard ’11, ’16 MBA
opened a new business venture called Fretless
Marketing that provides social media and event
marketing services for small businesses. Their
company website is
Ted Nielsen ’11 started a new job at Edward
Jones as a financial advisor. Nielsen assists
individuals and families with long-term
investing. Nielsen previously worked with
Thrivent and graduated from Augsburg with
a bachelor’s degree in English.
Kimberly Simmonds ’12 was
promoted to a program assistant
with the City of Minneapolis. Simmonds
majored in history at Augsburg before receiving
her master’s in public administration in 2014.
Alexandra Buffalohead ’13 started
a new role as manager of art and
cultural engagement with the Native American
Community Development Institute. Buffalohead
earned a bachelor’s degree in studio arts at
Augsburg. She has since served as a graphic
designer for the American Indian Cancer
Foundation and as a communications officer
for the Indian Land Tenure Foundation.
Tyler Heaps ’13 is a manager of analytics
and research at the United States Soccer
Federation. SportTechie, an online resource
devoted to covering topics at the intersection
of sports and technology, interviewed Heaps
regarding his work within the federation
tracking players and opponents using
innovative technologies. Heaps is working
to standardize analysis and support across
all soccer levels and teams to ensure the
federation can effectively track players
within the system.
The Chicago Tribune wrote about Dustin
Ritchea ’13, who returned to live and work
in his hometown of Chesterton, Indiana.
Ritchea serves as a promotions director for
Indiana Dunes Tourism and also works as an
actor, producer, songwriter, and writer.
Nikki (Ludwig) Darst ’15 started
a new job with Black Line
Group as a research and development tax
manager. She graduated from Augsburg with
a degree in accounting management.
Fekireselassie Beyene ’16 participated in
undergraduate research that contributed to
success after graduation. See page 20.
Jack Swift ’17 recently started
a new role with In The Groove
Music as a publishing assistant. As an
Augsburg student, Swift majored in
business administration with an emphasis
on music business.
Vision Bagonza ’17 conducted research
through the Office of Undergraduate
Research and Graduate Opportunity. See page 20.
The NBC Nightly News featured
Neil King ’18 in a story about
his success at Augsburg in the StepUP®
Program. After graduating from Augsburg
and StepUP, King started a master’s degree
in integrated behavioral health at the
University of Minnesota.
The Twin Cities Arts Reader interviewed
Brid Henry ’16 regarding her work in the
Minneapolis theater scene. Henry has
performed in the Minnesota Fringe Festival
and has directed and co-produced the first
year of the Minneapolis branch of the Future Is
Female Festival. Henry chose to study theater
at Augsburg because the university’s program
was ranked among the top opportunities
outside of New York.
Blair Stewig ’18 and Abigail Tetzlaff ’18
delved into student research with the
Office of Undergraduate Research and Graduate
Opportunity. See page 20.
Matthew Halley ’97 MSW serves as executive
director for Cookie Cart, a nonprofit youth
program that equips young people with
employment and life skills. Halley was
interviewed by the St. Paul Pioneer Press
for an article highlighting the program’s
continuing success since its founding in
1988. Halley is focused on expanding the
program by adding more youth workers.
This spring, Education Minnesota named
Kelly (Sheehan) Holstine ’12 MAE the 2018
Teacher of the Year. An English teacher at
Tokata Learning Center, an alternative high
school in Shakopee, Holstine created a new
English curriculum and developed policies
that the school has implemented. Lavender
Magazine featured Holstine’s accolades and
focus on diversity in education. As Teacher
of the Year, Holstine is an ambassador for
86,000 teachers in Minnesota.
Chung Eang Lip ’18 started a new role as
a graduate school teaching assistant at
Columbia University in New York City. Lip
is working on a Master of Public Health
degree with a concentration in infectious
disease epidemiology.
St. Olaf College hired Gregory Mitchell ’18
as a wide receivers coach for the 2018
season. Mitchell was a receiver on the
Augsburg football team. He previously
coached receivers at Centennial High
School and Southwest High School.
Augsburg alumnus Scott Cooper ’13
returned to the university this August as
a full-time staff member serving as an alumni
engagement manager. Cooper started his
undergraduate degree at Martin Luther College
in New Ulm, Minnesota, before transferring to
Augsburg in 2011 where he completed a
bachelor’s degree in communication. Cooper
was a member of the Augsburg Choir and the
2012 and 2013 Auggie football teams. Prior to
joining Augsburg’s Alumni and Constituent
Relations staff, Cooper served in Minneapolis
Public Schools’ high school special education
programs. In his free time, Cooper has enjoyed
public speaking engagements in which he has
discussed his experiences as an Auggie
football player.
Rick Wolke ’12 and Ashley (Carney)
Wolke ’13 welcomed Aurora Jo Wolke on
Orville “Joe” Hognander Jr.
received a Spirit of Augsburg
Award at Homecoming for
his thoughtful stewardship
and responsible leadership.
Although he was not a
student at Augsburg, he
is a noteworthy Auggie
through and through.
His grandfather was an Augsburg graduate
more than 100 years ago, his parents were
highly involved in the music program, and his
ties to alumni and faculty run deep. A retired
naval officer and private investor now living in
Edina, Minnesota, Hognander’s longstanding
involvement with Augsburg speaks to a family
history of commitment and engagement,
particularly in the continued support of
Augsburg’s Department of Music.
Professor Emeritus John
Holum, Ph.D., received a
Spirit of Augsburg Award
at Homecoming. A beloved
retired professor whose
legacy spans more than 30
years, Holum is a prolific
writer who has published
dozens of scientific
textbooks and peer-reviewed papers. He came to
Augsburg with a doctorate in organic chemistry
and taught chemistry until his retirement in
1993. Holum, who lives in St. Paul, Minnesota,
has demonstrated a lifelong passion for
academic excellence and support for students on
their educational journeys.
Tell us about the news in your life—your new job, move, marriage, and
milestones. Visit to submit your announcements.
January 8. Rick and Ashley both majored in
business administration/economics.
Caitlin (Hozeny) Lienard ’09, ’17 MSW
and Seth Lienard ’11, ’16 MBA were
married on September 23, 2017, in Stillwater,
Minnesota. There were several Auggies in
attendance. Pictured are [front, L to R]: Seth
Lienard, Caitlin (Hozeny) Lienard, Morgan (Bray)
Thompson ’09, Amanda (Chmiel) Spence ’09
[back, L to R]: Wade Wojick ’11, Ryan
Wilsey ’12, Erika Osterbur ’11, Aren Olsen ’11,
Luke Lienard ’16, Aaron Rosell, Stefan
Swanson, Sheridan Lienard, Lindsey Graff ’11,
and Ben Krouse-Gagne ’11.
Laura (Swanson) Lindahl ’15 MBA and
her husband, David, welcomed a son,
Lawson Robert, on April 26.
Jonathan Chrastek ’10 and Katie
Pendo ’10 were married on July 7 in
Leesburg, Virginia. Several Augsburg alumni
joined the couple as they celebrated their
wedding, which was officiated by Sylvia Bull ’10
and Emily Wiles ’10. Augsburg alumni Alissa
Nolan ’09, Nick Blixt ’10, and Cait Kortum ’10
were in the wedding party, and Kate Edelen ’11
was in attendance.
Lydia C. (Mitlyng) Pokrass ’35,
Ashburn, Virginia, age 104,
on May 29.
Eunice C. (Knudson) Iverson ’42,
Richmond, Minnesota, age 97,
on September 9.
Joyce M. (Reitan) Knutsen ’43,
Fridley, Minnesota, age 93,
on May 30.
Richard J. Koplitz ’45, Minneapolis,
age 95, on June 15.
Lenore “Beth” B. (Buesing)
Opgrand ’45, Wilmington, North
Carolina, age 95, on May 25.
Adele L. (Anderson) Cupit ’46,
Walnut Creek, California, age 94,
on May 26.
Jack E. Jacobsen ’46, Minneapolis,
age 95, on January 11.
Duane J. Christensen ’53, Bemidji,
Minnesota, age 87, on May 7.
Clara A. (Hookom) Cobb ’54,
Willmar, Minnesota, age 85,
on May 26.
Daniel “Dan” E. Peterson ’66,
Clear Lake, Minnesota, age 75,
on March 4.
Niles R. Schulz ’66, Minneapolis,
age 74, on July 10.
James E. Leschensky ’67,
Minneapolis, age 73, on March 25.
John “Johnny” M. Burke ’94,
St. Paul, Minnesota, age 54,
on March 20.
E. William “Bill” Anderson ’56,
Plymouth, Minnesota, age 84,
on May 16.
Judith A. (Anderson) Woods ’67,
Brainerd, Minnesota, age 73, on
March 7.
Rebecca E. Rehfeld ’95,
Minnetonka, Minnesota, age 62,
on February 19.
Lloyd C. Grinde ’56, Minneapolis,
age 92, on July 1.
Dolores “Dee” M. (Larson)
Fagerlie ’72, St. Paul,
Minnesota, age 90, on
August 23.
Phyllis A. Lee ’96,
Frederick, Maryland, age 76,
on January 18.
Russell C. Lee ’56,
Albuquerque, New Mexico,
age 86, on August 17.
Roger K. Ose II ’56, Minnetonka,
Minnesota, age 84, on May 9.
Sidney D. Berg ’57, Minneapolis,
age 88, on May 29.
Kathleen E. Tinseth ’74,
Minneapolis, age 66, on
September 4.
John R. Burgeson ’75, Andover,
Minnesota, age 66, on May 19.
Leroy H. Conyers ’57, Marshall,
Minnesota, age 88, on June 13.
Margaret “Marie” (Salmonson)
Marx ’78, Scandia, Minnesota,
age 89, on September 7.
Arthur E. Marben ’47, St. Paul,
Minnesota, age 95, on July 14.
Charles H. Erbstoesser ’58,
Little Falls, Minnesota, age 88,
on July 18.
Estelle M. (Uleberg) Swanson ’47,
Madelia, Minnesota, age 92, on
August 2.
Stephanie J. (Torgerson) Sipprell ’81,
Eden Prairie, Minnesota, age 59,
on May 5.
Harlan J. Jacobson ’59, Ashby,
Minnesota, age 81, on July 20.
Milan J. Sedio ’48, St. Paul,
Minnesota, age 94, on May 18.
Joyce K. (Johnson) Rudi ’62,
St. Paul, Minnesota, age 85,
on August 29.
Mary J. Andersen ’84,
Afton, Minnesota, age 61,
on March 10.
Richard J. Thorvig ’49, Minneapolis,
age 93, on August 4.
Lynn B. Lundin ’50, Pelican Rapids,
Minnesota, age 90, on May 29.
Verna M. (Haverly) Brue ’51,
Fergus Falls, Minnesota, age 90,
on July 16.
Gloria A. (Metcalf) Kubnick ’63,
Rice Lake, Wisconsin, age 77,
on July 12.
Susan D. (Graff) Mills ’96, Fargo,
North Dakota, age 65, on July 3.
Scott W. Schuck ’97, Minneapolis,
age 63, on August 31.
John M. Welch ’07, Sudbury,
Massachusetts, age 34, on
June 30.
Marlene M. Taylor ’09, Plymouth,
Minnesota, age 31, on May 16.
Jennifer L. Lovering ’10, Bemidji,
Minnesota, age 29, on April 26.
Cheryl L. Miller ’10, Altoona,
Wisconsin, age 52, on August 9.
Jon “Ryan” R. Benson ’12,
Chanhassen, Minnesota, age 40,
on June 1.
Karlton “Karl” I. Bakke ’64,
Roseville, Minnesota, age 77,
on July 18.
Jon M. Leverentz ’92,
Hopkins, Minnesota, age 67,
on August 16.
Jacalyn “Jackie” S. (Ruschmann)
Pederson ’14, Danbury, Wisconsin,
age 65, on August 28.
Bruce E. Braaten ’64, Prior Lake,
Minnesota, age 76, on May 27.
Alisa J. (Norvold) Leonard ’93,
Northfield, Minnesota, age 48,
on July 8.
David “Alex” A. Jenny ’16, Kansas
City, Missouri, age 29, on May 27.
Charlotte K. (Jensen) Duty ’65,
St. Joseph, Missouri, age 75, on
March 24.
A. Richard Petersen ’51, Sioux
Falls, South Dakota, age 89, on
August 21.
Cengiz Gokcen ’66, St. Pete
Beach, Florida, age 74, on
August 5.
Linda J. (Skay) Weinberg ’87,
Brooklyn Park, Minnesota,
age 69, on March 13.
Alice E. (Barden) Mapes ’96,
St. Paul, Minnesota, age 56,
on August 24.
Eileen M. (Henkemeyer) Saldana ’91,
Minneapolis, age 82, on January 6.
Erika R. (Staub) Niemi ’51, Tucson,
Arizona, age 91, on April 16.
David R. Berken ’94, St. Paul,
Minnesota, age 50, on May 19.
Duncan D. Flann ’55, Overland
Park, Kansas, age 85, on April 9.
Helen “Merle” M. (Houser)
Campbell ’47, Newberg, Oregon,
age 94, on June 27.
Donald L. Sween ’49, Lakeville,
Minnesota, age 93, on April 25.
Scott D. Syring ’93, Minneapolis,
age 48, on August 24.
Shirley A. Sopkiewicz ’93,
St. Paul, Minnesota, age 60,
on February 27.
John E. Sorlien ’93, St. Paul,
Minnesota, age 55, on July 19.
Cole R. McAdam ’17, Faribault,
Minnesota, age 23, on April 7.
The “In memoriam” listings in this
publication include notifications
received before September 15.
Whether you’re on campus often or haven’t
been back in years, there’s always something
new to see. Schedule a personal tour by
contacting the alumni office at 612-330-1329
Augsburg could be right for you. Traditional
undergraduate students who are children or
spouses of Augsburg graduates or the siblings
of current Augsburg students are eligible for
a minimum scholarship of $16,000 per year.
Schedule a campus visit at
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Augsburg’s press box, completed in 2008, was made possible by
gifts from Oliver Dahl ’45, John ’36 and Christine Haalan, E. Milton
“Milt” Kleven ’46, Glen Person ’47, President Paul C. Pribbenow,
Dick “Pork Chop” Thompson ’61, and Gunner and Mary Wick.
Augsburg press box name commemorates Campus Pastor Emeritus Dave Wold
Augsburg University dedicated the press box at Edor Nelson Field in honor of the late Rev. Dave Wold during the Auggie football team’s
home opener this fall. Augsburg’s campus pastor from 1983 to 2013, Wold died April 21 at age 72. In addition to his service to the
Augsburg community as a faith leader, Wold was a constant presence in the Augsburg athletics community, serving as public address
announcer for football, men’s basketball, and wrestling home competitions, along with events in many other sports. The breadth of Wold’s
pastoral care supported generations of Auggies, and he is beloved by alumni and Augsburg community members around the world.
2211 Riverside Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55454
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Augsburg Now Spring-Summer 2019:
Alumni Magazine Collection
Search Result
Auggie friendships
Learning across abilities
Sesquicentennial preview
The new age of artisans
SPRING–SUMMER 2019 | VOL. 81, NO. 2
Vice President of Marketing
and Communication
Rebecca John ’13 MBA
Spring–Summer 2019
Director of Mark...
Show more
Auggie friendships
Learning across abilities
Sesquicentennial preview
The new age of artisans
SPRING–SUMMER 2019 | VOL. 81, NO. 2
Vice President of Marketing
and Communication
Rebecca John ’13 MBA
Spring–Summer 2019
Director of Marketing
Stephen Jendraszak
Augsburg at 150
It is indeed remarkable for any of us today to
stand in the shadows of an institution that
has existed for 150 years. Institutions such
as Augsburg University—no matter their
meaningful legacy and inspiring mission—are
viewed with some skepticism by a citizenry
more and more committed to going it alone.
I am privileged to lead Augsburg on
the occasion of its 150th anniversary and
dedicated to ensuring that our academic
mission and democratic engagement remain
firm for the next 150 years. In that way, the
history of Augsburg is in service of going
forward together.
There are four themes that I believe are at the
heart of this university’s identity. The themes
are abundance, generosity, engagement, and
service. Throughout Augsburg’s 150 years, there
is ample evidence that the interplay of those
themes has helped to shape what Burton Clark
has called “the saga” of Augsburg. A saga is
more than a story or a parable. It is an unfolding
narrative anchored in mission, values, rituals,
and objects.
This issue of Augsburg Now offers us
a glimpse of the ways in which our saga
continues to unfold in rich and meaningful
ways. From the yearlong celebration of our
sesquicentennial, to urgent interfaith and
human rights initiatives, to new academic
programs, to the remarkable accomplishments
of the many alumni, faculty, and students
featured in these pages—we are reminded
again and again of how Augsburg is both
faithful to its historic values and relevant to
the needs of the world today.
Augsburg alumni David Cherwien ’79
and Gracia Grindal ’65 painted with music
and words this saga of faith, educational
aspirations, and public service in a hymn
commissioned for my inauguration in 2006.
The final stanza of the hymn proclaims:
Send, oh God your Holy Spirit,
Give us wisdom, love, and faith.
Faith enough to move a mountain,
Love that died to conquer death.
Wisdom crowned with healing leaves,
Truth made flesh to set us free.
Let your glory bear rich fruit,
Growing from your sturdy roots.
Alleluia, Alleluia!
And so we join with the company of saints and
witnesses who have lived in the shadows of
our beloved Augsburg to renew our vow to hold
fast to all that is good.
Faithfully yours,
Director of Public Relations
and Internal Communications
Gita Sitaramiah
Assistant Director of
Marketing Management
Laura Swanson Lindahl ’15 MBA
Senior Creative Associate, Design
Elizabeth Kästner
Senior Creative Associate, Design
Denielle Stepka ’11
Marketing Copywriter
John Weirick
Communication and
Social Media Specialist
Briana Alamilla ’17
Advancement Communications
Kaia Chambers
Web Manager
Joe Mann
Contributing Writers
Katie (Koch) Code ’01
Kate H. Elliott
Augsburg Now is published by
Augsburg University
2211 Riverside Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Opinions expressed in Augsburg Now
do not necessarily reflect official
university policy.
ISSN 1058-1545
This February, 130 young people from across Minnesota came together at Augsburg
University for the fifth annual Interfaith Youth Day of Service presented in partnership
with Interfaith Action of Greater St. Paul. Augsburg students, staff, and faculty offered
programming assistance for the youth-designed initiative tailored to those in grades
6–12 and aligned with the United Nations’ observance of World Interfaith Harmony Week.
The event featured a keynote address, breakout workshops, musical performances, and
service projects before attendees concluded their day on campus with an Augsburg tour.
02 Around the quad
24 Auggie friendships
All in the family
Auggies connect
Learning across abilities
Class notes
A year of celebration
to honor 150
In memoriam
The new age of artisans
On the cover: Augsburg’s Hagfors Center
supplies an illuminating contrast to the
backdrop of downtown Minneapolis.
All photos by Courtney Perry unless
otherwise indicated
Send address corrections to:
Send comments to:
Augsburg TRIO McNair Scholars Breanne
Sande-Martin ’18 and Andy Thao ’20 presented
their research during the 16th annual Private
College Scholars at the Capitol event this
January. As a member of the Minnesota
Private College Council, Augsburg was
invited to send Auggies to the event, which
recognizes the scholarship of students and
the efforts of their faculty advisors.
Psychology student Sande-Martin
presented her research on “The Impact
of Smartphone Notifications on
Proofreading Accuracy.” Biology
student Thao shared his
“Exploration of Local Field
Potentials and Spiking
Activity in a Genetic
Model of Schizophrenia.”
A new venue, a grand scale
Augsburg University will host this year’s commencement ceremony
May 10 at U.S. Bank Stadium in downtown Minneapolis. This is the
first time Augsburg will use the multi-purpose facility that’s home to
the Minnesota Vikings as the site for commencement events.
In making this change, Augsburg is responding to consistent
concerns raised by graduating students regarding the limited number
of tickets available for their guests to attend on-campus ceremonies
which were held most recently in Si Melby Hall’s gymnasium. Augsburg
will use a portion of U.S. Bank Stadium, and the change in venue and
dramatic increase in total available seats will enable all
graduates, their families, their friends, and members of
the Augsburg community to celebrate together.
Two faculty members are retiring this
spring following years of dedicated
service to Augsburg University. Augsburg
is grateful for their commitment to
advancing the university’s mission and
supporting student learning within and
beyond the classroom.
Professor, Department of Music—joined
Augsburg in 1974
at Augsburg
After a popular first season of the
Augsburg Podcast, season 2 kicked
off with President Paul Pribbenow,
Campus Pastor Rev. Sonja Hagander,
and Professor of English Doug Green
[pictured], among others. The podcasts
offer wide-ranging perspectives on the
university’s critical work of educating
students for the future.
Listen to the new season at or in
your podcast app.
Announcing the
Retiring Faculty
Associate Professor, Department of Business
Administration—joined Augsburg in 2000
At the Ed Saugestad Rink, pucks glide across the ice and stuffed
animals fly through the air.
In January, Augsburg students on the women’s hockey team and in the
Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies program collaborated
to host a teddy bear toss in which fans pitched plush toys onto the
ice during the first intermission in the Auggies’ home contest against
Gustavus Adolphus College.
The teddy bear toss concept originated in Canada in the early 1990s
and has grown in popularity through support from hockey teams at the
collegiate and professional levels. The 48 toys collected January 19
were donated to Children’s Hospital in Minneapolis, where each year
up to a dozen Augsburg physician assistant students complete clinical
placements as part of their studies. Fans also created greeting cards
with encouraging messages for hospital patients.
Building on a 30-year history with the
Nobel Peace Prize Forum and as part of the
university’s sesquicentennial celebration,
Augsburg is launching a new event this fall:
the Human Rights Forum at Augsburg.
The event will bring students, thought
leaders, global changemakers, and local
activists together to explore innovative
ways to take action in our ongoing pursuit
of racial justice, indigenous rights, and
environmental sustainability domestically
and globally.
The Human Rights Forum will be held
October 28-29 on Augsburg’s Minneapolis
campus and is open to the public. Tickets
will go on sale this summer.
The Augsburg Student Activities
Council treated Auggies to a formal,
Roaring ’20s-inspired event that
added zest to campus following a
stretch of bitter cold winter weather.
Augsburg University students distributed jackets, blankets,
children’s toys, and meals to families in need at a homeless encampment
near Franklin Avenue in Minneapolis in November. “It’s basically in
[Augsburg’s] backyard, and helping the community is a really big thing for
me,” student Tyler Johnson ’22 told Fox 9 reporter Christina Palladino. This
day of service was the brainchild of Augsburg student Inam Al-Hammouri ’20,
and other students quickly joined.
“Cooking a hot lunch and serving it to hungry families out in the cold is
not something most college kids would do on a Saturday, but these youth
at Augsburg University are not just your average students,” the Fox 9
reporter said. “The students believe it is their responsibility to take action
and empower their generation to build bridges to those less fortunate.”
Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder journalist Charles Hallman wrote
about this year’s Augsburg University women’s basketball team when
its starting lineup included five African-American students—a moment
believed to be a first in Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference play.
Augsburg University students Arianna Jones ’20, Camille McCoy ’20,
Tamara McLenore ’20, Camryn Speese ’20, and Kaezha Wubben ’20 made
history at the November 19 game against the University of Wisconsin—
Superior, the story said.
Go to to learn
more about the university’s media buzz.
The three-story mural “Emergence” adorns
the Hagfors Center’s west stairwell.
The Augsburg University Convocation Series is an annual
speaker series that includes long-standing endowed and
special programs. Recent presenters included:
• Terrance Kwame-Ross, associate professor in
the Department of Education at Augsburg, who
delivered “Our Conversation with Dr. King: Class
in Session” at the 31st annual Martin Luther
King Jr. Convocation in January.
• Jin Y. Park, professor of philosophy and religion
and founding director of the Asian Studies
Program at American University, who shared a
presentation at the Batalden Seminar in Applied
Ethics in March called “Ethical Imagination:
Buddhist-Postmodern Approaches.”
• Pamela Ronald, distinguished professor in the
Plant Pathology Department and the Genome
Center at University of California—Davis,
presented “Serving Up Science: Plant Genetics
and the Future of Food” for the General Leif J.
Sverdrup Visiting Scientist Lecture in April.
Augsburg University is accepting applications
for a new Master of Arts in Education program
that offers a non-licensure track for teachers
and educators looking to enhance their
skills within and beyond the classroom. This
program includes 30–31 credit hours and
can be completed in less than two years.
Students have the opportunity to choose from
two concentrations: Culture and Community,
which focuses on the tools educators need to
navigate complex systems and co-construct
curriculum with their students, and Community
Engaged Learning, which looks at the problems
students, schools, and communities face
when seeking meaningful change.
The artwork in Augsburg’s Norman and Evangeline Hagfors
Center for Science, Business, and Religion always captivates eyes.
Recently, the collection also attracted the ears of Minnesota Public Radio
listeners. That’s because MPR highlighted the successful partnership
between Augsburg and Forecast Public Art, which helped guide the
university’s effort to commission original art for the campus’ newest
academic building. Now in its 40th year, Forecast Public Art is regarded
as one of the nation’s leading nonprofits committed to communityengaged design and placemaking. Augsburg benefitted from the
organization’s expertise as the university worked to acquire art to reflect
the diverse communities that make up the Augsburg student body and
to knit together the various academic disciplines housed in the Hagfors
Center. Today, the facility has more than 25 art pieces on its walls and six
works of art built into its structure.
Go to to learn more
about the Master of Arts in Education.
The James G. Lindell Library’s digitization lab team has been working with an
impressive collection of projector slides and photographs that document women’s
athletics at Augsburg from the time Title IX took effect in 1972 to the present.
With more than 7,000 images,
this archive will become one of
the largest online collections
of women’s athletic history in
the country when processing
is complete in Fall 2020. The
collection was started by Joyce
Pfaff ’65, retired Auggie coach,
instructor, and director of
women’s athletics who launched
several women’s teams and
The Augsburg women’s basketball team posing for a
served the university for 43 years. photo in the locker room, 1978.
Gwen Walz is still surprised
to be addressed as first lady.
“I sometimes walk right past people or don’t turn around when someone says it
because I just don’t hear it like I hear ‘Gwen,’” said Walz, whose husband, Tim,
became Minnesota’s governor in January.
While Walz may not be used to being called first lady, she’s jumping into the
role. She’s the first Minnesota first lady to have an office at the state Capitol
and plans to focus on education and corrections as policy issues. Walz also
recently joined Augsburg University as an independent contractor serving in two
roles: as special assistant to the president for strategic partnerships and as a fellow in the Sabo Center for Democracy and
Citizenship. Here is a glimpse into her connection to Augsburg and new life.
President Paul Pribbenow has described
you as a friend of Augsburg. How have
you worked with Augsburg in the past?
President Pribbenow and I met
in Rochester when Tim (then
U.S. representative for Minnesota’s 1st
congressional district) asked us to facilitate
a series of community-wide conversations
on education. Through this partnership,
I knew that I shared Augsburg’s deep
commitment to equity.
You are the first Minnesota first lady to
have an office at the state Capitol. Why
was that presence important to you?
Tim and I work closely together. We do
our work differently at times, though,
so having our own spaces is important. I
also work with the staff very closely, so it is
more convenient for them if I have an office
near them. I am still learning how to best
use this space to do meaningful work and
build meaningful relationships.
Your mother, Linnea Wacker ’60, is an
Auggie. What did she say when you told
her about coming to work at Augsburg?
She told me that I had better bring
my “A” game. My mom told me that
Augsburg is a very important place, and
I must make sure I am prepared to bring
focus and energy to the task. The mission
of Augsburg University is very important
to her, and she wants to make sure I help
advance it! My mother was a teacher and
first-generation college graduate. She
and my father, a long-time educator, are
committed to providing opportunities in
education for everyone.
You started your career as an
elementary school teacher. How does
your passion for teaching and learning suit
your roles at Augsburg and the Capitol?
On the campaign trail, Tim and I
both used the phrase that teaching
was not just how we paid our bills; it’s
how we live our lives. I have never been
able to separate things in my life; I have a
pretty holistic approach to who I am and
what I bring to something. I have a lot to
learn from Augsburg and the people here.
All of that informs how I am thinking
about how I might best serve all of the
people of Minnesota.
Search or browse at
Insta Augsburg:
A few square snapshots showing
significant #AuggiePride.
What’s your favorite thing to do in your
free time now that you’ve moved to the
Twin Cities?
Each Sunday evening, I invite my
three sisters and their families to
have dinner. Everyone who can come does,
and it is lovely to have a moment to pause
as one week ends and another begins—we
all sit a little longer at the table. We even
have dessert on Sunday evenings!
Use Augsburg’s digital archive to find every Echo
issue dating to the 1890s, as well as photographs,
yearbooks, oral histories, videos, speeches, and more.
Head under heels
Auggie image shines in anthology
“Illuminated,” a photo by Ava
Fojtik ’21, will appear in plain china
(, a national anthology
of undergraduate creative writing and
art based at Virginia Commonwealth
University. Fojtik’s artwork was first
published in the 2018 issue of
Murphy Square, Augsburg’s literary
and visual arts journal.
Fojtik pursues portrait photography
as a hobby while studying religion,
theater, and English literature at
Augsburg. She said she’s particularly
fond of “Illuminated” because the
image is expressive without showing
an individual’s face. The image
is part of a larger collection titled
“Pity Party” that focuses on the
themes of absurdity and things
being upside down.
Recognize those limbs and laces? They
belong to Adam Ruff ’18.
The Augsburg greenhouse
@orchidhunter She’s beauty, she’s grace, she stinks
up the entire place. It’s the voodoo queen herself,
Amorphophallus konjac, serving sinister lewks and foul
odors to attract pollinators. #plantdiversity
All in the
t could have been worse. Their
parents could have made them
hold hands (or even smile). But
after each game during last year’s
Auggie football season, the parents
of the team’s four sets of siblings
lined the eight players up for a
Kodak moment.
“We loved the tradition, but
there was a bit of that ‘Come on,
mom’ feeling, especially when
they made us take a photo before
our last game,” said wide receiver
Nick Heenie ’19, whose not-so-little
brother, Frank Heenie ’23, protects
the Auggie line. “We were all so in
the zone that we look mean, but
that couldn’t be further from the
truth. It was such a special year and
an honor to play with brothers.”
Rounding up the octet was easy,
especially after home games, when
those same parents—led by the
Heenie family—prepared meals for
80 players and their families. Head
Football Coach Frank Haege said
the team traditionally shares food
and fellowship after one home game
each year, but the siblings’ parents
united the Auggie football family
in an unforgettable way during the
2018 season.
“It was such a joy to coach four
sets of siblings last year, particularly
since I have twin boys, and I played
football with my brother,” said
Haege, whose 9-year-old son, AJ,
spends so much time with the team
that he maintains an Auggie locker.
“Our team always feels like family,
but we were especially close last
fall. It reinforced that Augsburg is
where students learn to be part of
something bigger than themselves.”
Coaching four sets of siblings at
one time was unprecedented for
Augsburg Athletics, but siblings are
not uncommon. Haege estimates he
has coached eight sets of siblings
during his 15-year tenure. In addition
to football, siblings have competed
on several teams recently: The Wilson
twins dominated the wrestling mat,
the Everett sisters commanded the
lacrosse field, and the O’Conner
brothers scored big on the ice.
Relatives on the
The list of sibling alumni who have
played together at Augsburg could fill
a football roster, not to mention the
generations of families with Auggie
pride running through their veins.
An example: Athletic Director Jeff
Swenson ’79 wrestled and coached
for 25 years at Augsburg. His sister,
Marie (Swenson) Hechsel ’90, played
volleyball. Her son, Matt Hechsel ’15,
wrestled, and her daughter, Stephanie
Hechsel ’19, played volleyball.
Augsburg women’s ice hockey’s
Megan Johnson ’19 also is playing
out a family legacy. Her grandfather,
Bob “Badger” Johnson, attended
Augsburg for a year before
transferring to the University of
Wisconsin—Madison, where he
secured seven NCAA Men’s Ice
Hockey Championships. Her father,
Mark Johnson, was a member of
the fabled “Miracle on Ice” 1980
U.S. Olympic team and coach of the
2010 U.S. Olympic women’s silvermedal hockey squad.
Megan’s brother, Chris Johnson ’10,
’14 MAL, slapped the puck around
for Augsburg and later served as
men’s ice hockey assistant coach
for seven seasons. It was during that
time Megan picked Augsburg over
the University of Wisconsin, where
her grandfather, father, and two
other siblings played. Although the
colors of their jerseys differed, every
member of the Johnson family has
donned No. 10.
Women’s Ice Hockey Head Coach
Michelle McAteer said that although
Megan no longer has a sibling at
Augsburg, members of the team
Mustafa Adam ’18, left, and
his brother Shihab Adam ’22
“Augsburg—even beyond the field—is a tight-knit community, where everyone looks
out for one another. Teachers care about your education and are always willing to
provide you with extra academic support. At Augsburg, they truly care about you as an
individual, and they will do whatever they can to ensure that you succeed inside and
outside of the classroom.”
— Linebacker Mustafa Adam ’18, a three-time cancer survivor who studied business
and economics and plans to go to medical school
are like family. Third- and fourthyear student-athletes have begun
to mentor newcomers, calling
each other big and little sisters,
on the football roster was “a dream
come true.” But he doesn’t have
one brother on the team. “I have
80,” said Mustafa, a two-time team
captain and nominee for Mayo
It was such a joy to
coach four sets of
siblings last year.”
“These mentor relationships
are lasting, and it’s an intentional
effort players established to support
each other on and off the ice,”
McAteer said. “As a two-time team
captain, Megan has been integral
in helping us foster that sense of
Family legacies are
part of the game
To Haege and others, the influx
of legacy families and sibling
teammates is no coincidence.
Augsburg draws families, he said,
because the campus feels like a
family and students know they
will gain a solid education and
passionate sense of vocation. Older
siblings often make recruiting easy,
Haege said, by “talking up the
program naturally,” as they share
their good experiences with siblings.
Mustafa Adam ’18 said having his
younger brother, Shihab Adam ’22,
Clinic’s 2018 Comeback Player
of the Year Award, which honors
college football players who have
returned to the field of play after
overcoming major life challenges.
Mustafa sat out his first year
at Augsburg when the cancer he
beat in high school returned just
prior to signing on at Augsburg. He
played the entire 2016 and 2017
seasons, but the disease returned
at the conclusion of his second
season, in which he finished second
in tackles (93) in the Minnesota
Intercollegiate Athletic Conference.
He underwent chemotherapy
and had to have his right ear
amputated to prevent the cancer
from spreading. In Fall 2018, he
returned to the field and played in
all 10 games.
“I know it pained Shihab and
all my teammates to see me go
through this disease, but having a
little brother only further motivated
me to keep my head up and stand
strong throughout this whole
process,” said the linebacker
from Wisconsin. “Envisioning the
football field was truly the driving
force behind my will to fight. I
was willing to persevere through
anything to accomplish my dream
to play college ball, and my
willingness to fight inspired many
of my teammates to look inside
themselves to find their ‘why.’ Going
through this—together—has created
lifelong bonds and friendships.”
Siblings and
teammates keep
each other on track
Nick Heenie ’19 said growing close
to dozens of teammates from
different states, cultures, and
life experiences has broadened
players’ worldview. The football
team’s inclusive culture, Nick said,
has inspired him to explore and
appreciate Augsburg’s setting in one
of the most diverse neighborhoods
in the Twin Cities.
The Heenies room with brothers
linebacker Xavier Hanson ’23 and
defensive lineman Christopher
Hanson ’19. “So our moms always
know where to get ahold of us,”
Frank added. Wrestling twins Aaron
Wilson ’21 and Alex Wilson ’20 also
share a residence, not to mention
a major—biology. The two are
rarely apart.
“I started wrestling in
kindergarten. Alex started a year
later, and we both dreamed about
wrestling at Augsburg as kids,” said
Aaron, whose proudest moment
was being ranked nationally
alongside his brother. “We knew it
would make us the best versions
of ourselves on and off the mat.
Augsburg’s small class sizes have
allowed me to make meaningful
relationships with my professors
and pursue research of my own.”
Lacrosse player Delaney Everett ’18
is equally ambitious, with plans to
own an accounting firm. Having
sister, Demey Everett ’20, by her
side has pushed the midfielder to
achieve in competition and in the
classroom. Head Lacrosse Coach
Kathryn Knippenberg has had a
front row seat to the dynamic duo’s
inspiring support.
“The two are in sync on the field,
and their intuitive play challenges
the rest of the team to follow suit,”
said Knippenberg, who is in her
sixth season at Augsburg. “Their
majors are different—biology
and accounting—but Augsburg’s
impressive academic programs were
able to support both their interests.
Not many schools in the area offer
lacrosse along with such diverse
academic options.”
‘Here’s to
quadruplets in 2021’
The Kordah brothers are a few
years beyond graduation, and these
stories of campus life and sibling
bonds call up fond memories for
the former Augsburg soccer players.
Lekpea Kordah ’15 is raising two
kids while working as a high school
administrator and as a certified tax
professional. Barinedum Kordah ’17
works in health care administration
in the Twin Cities.
Adulthood keeps them from
kicking the ball around together,
but they do find time to talk about
the “good old days as Auggies,”
while they watch professional
soccer, Barinedum said. Campus,
he added, became home to them
after their nine-member family
migrated from Nigeria.
“I learned some of my greatest
lessons at Augsburg. On the field,
my brother taught me to never give
up and to work with intensity,”
said Barinedum, a defender who
majored in exercise science and
minored in psychology. “Coach
[Greg] Holker taught us to consider
details, which was tough because
I wanted to just get out there and
play. That study of each opponent
and the game itself helped us
outsmart our opponents and waste
less energy than if we were always
trying to beat them athletically.”
Haege knows the Kordah
brothers, as most coaches and
players do. That’s how it works
at Augsburg, he said. Players—
siblings or not—don’t only support
their team, they are among the
loudest fans at all Auggie contests.
Whether that sense of support
stems from family connections or
not, Haege doesn’t make that call.
He does, however, predict the trend
will continue. “Here’s to looking at
quadruplets in 2021,” he joked.
“The two are in sync ...”
—Head Lacrosse Coach Kathryn Knippenberg
Demey Everett ’20, left, and her sister Delaney Everett ’18
The Center for Learning and
Accessible Student Services
champions students with a broad
range of disabilities on the path
to academic success.
Maura Gunter ’19
ince second grade, Maura Gunter ’19 relied on
accommodations for attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder and a word processing disorder. So when she
started college, Gunter knew the drill. But on her way
to class that fall semester, Gunter’s vision blurred and a
metallic taste coated her mouth. She lay in the snow for
four hours before paramedics arrived. When she woke,
doctors greeted the then 19-year-old with another
diagnosis: epilepsy.
As her peers at Colorado State University prepped for
finals, Gunter was pricked and scanned for two weeks.
Catch up, you can do this. Seizure. Someone stuffs a
wallet in her mouth. Doctors: “Episodes might pass or
might not. Try this medicine—no, this one.” Catch up, you
can do this. Seizure. Hospital stay, stares, and bruises.
“You need to find a way to complete assignments, Maura.”
Can I do this? Brain throbbing. More pills. Less sleep. No.
“When I started having seizures, I didn’t know [my
illness] was considered a disability. Support services at my
college at the time were fine but not personal. I didn’t have
an advisor to help me navigate my college education with
this invisible illness,” Gunter said. “So, nearly every time I
had a seizure, I had to medically withdraw.”
“I felt like such a failure—lost
and alone”
Without campus advocates and close teacher relationships,
Gunter turned to doctor-prescribed opioids for support and
became addicted. She found Augsburg University’s StepUP®
Program—a residential recovery support community—and
decided to transfer in 2015. Disability Specialist Anne Lynch
was there to greet her, then walk the Georgia native through
her rights and responsibilities, documentation forms, exam
scheduling, and more. When Gunter made the dean’s list,
Lynch was the first person she called.
“Anne has been my rock,” said Gunter, who plans to
graduate in May with a degree in social work. “When
people cautioned me against seeking departmental honors
because they were worried ‘it’d be too much for me,’ Anne
pushed me. She lets me determine and define my own
limits. People don’t realize that it’s as equally stressful
and offensive to be coddled as it is to not be believed and
supported. Anne took the time to know me, to listen, and to
empower me with information and guidance.”
Sober since August 2014, Gunter thrived with newfound
campus advocates and with caring professors at Augsburg’s
tight-knit, affirming campus. Driving that advocacy
and service is the university’s Center for Learning and
Accessible Student Services, known as CLASS, where Lynch
has worked for 20 years.
The center’s influence is woven throughout every aspect of
Augsburg: CLASS informs administrative policies, advises on
housing accommodations, monitors updates to the physical
campus, and ensures students’ dietary requirements are met. They
offer professional development across campus, introduce assistive
technologies, and meet one-on-one with professors about universal
course design.
Disability specialists connect with parents, meet regularly with
students, and coordinate a range of accommodations—from exam
and tutor scheduling to notetakers and sign language interpreters.
The office serves those who need temporary accommodations,
including injured student-athletes, and engages in community
outreach and education. CLASS maintains a robust website with
links to programs, software, and apps for anyone to access.
When Lynch started in the late ’90s, she worked with about 30
students. Now, that number is 100.
“It’s been amazing to see Augsburg embrace diversity and
grow the reach and reputation of this critical office,” Lynch said.
“CLASS empowers the students we serve, but our work also
informs and inspires faculty, other students, and the communities
in which we live and work. It’s a gift to see employers, faculty,
parents, and even the students themselves shed misconceptions
about disabilities after working with our office.”
Lynch calls herself a partner. She spends her days partnering
intentionally with each student—to listen, to solve problems
alongside them, and to empower them to better understand
themselves and their abilities.
“‘Disability’ is not a bad word; it is tied to rights and
protections,” she said. “I love when students get to a place where
they can say, ‘Yes, I have a disability, but I am not a disability.’
Let’s move beyond the word and come up with solutions for making
sure all students have the same opportunities afforded to others.”
education and contribute their wisdom to solving the problems of
the world.”
A 2018 report from the American Collegiate Health Association
indicated that in the past year, three out of five college students
experienced “overwhelming anxiety,” and two out of five students
were “too depressed to function.” With increased stressors and
public services cutbacks, Carlson said, Augsburg has rallied to
strengthen safety nets.
“We strongly believe in helping students put together teams of
support so they can navigate college successfully. For students
with a mental health or other disability, CLASS is part of that
team,” Carlson said. “Augsburg is blessed with faculty who ‘get’
mental health issues and want to support their students and
advisees. Together, we help students feel connected on campus,
and that sense of connection can increase students’ likelihood
of success.”
CLASS Director Kathy McGillivray said this focus on “together” is
what distinguishes Augsburg and draws students to study and grow
alongside the support of CLASS’s comprehensive services.
“Our focus is on each individual student,” McGillivray said.
“But we are part of a larger mission to connect Augsburg students
to academic support, resources, and services that will help them
create and achieve their educational goals. Prospective students
see that seamless student support, all housed within the Gage
Center for Student Success.”
Within the Gage Center, CLASS includes the Groves
Accommodations Lab, which provides assistive technology and
testing accommodations for students with disabilities, and the
Groves Technology Center, which is a fully equipped computer
lab that is available to all students. Resources for students with
disabilities are offered within a suite of services for all.
“‘Disability’ is not a bad word”
Augsburg’s team approach weaves
a strong safety net
Although her focus is on students, Lynch said the office invests
a tremendous amount of time and energy in partnering with the
campus community to ensure Augsburg meets its commitment to
provide equal access to higher education and campus facilities.
Among CLASS’s greatest collaborations is with Augsburg’s Center
for Wellness and Counseling.
CWC Assistant Director Beth Carlson said that with the strong
connection between mental health and academic success, CWC
staff have found their work with CLASS invaluable in helping
students thrive. CLASS is distinct, Carlson said, in its deep
connections with students and collaborative, creative approaches
to overcoming complex situations.
“Many students who are academically capable might not be
able to graduate from Augsburg if they didn’t have the support
of CLASS. In the past, a student with a significant mental health
disability may not have been encouraged to go to college; now, our
campus is much richer and more diverse because we’re embracing
all of our students, supporting them as they gain a liberal arts
Matthew Glaven ’21 has built a team at Augsburg. The history major
serves on the board of Augsburg’s chapter of Women for Political
Change, manages the baseball team, and has traveled overseas
with fellow Auggies. CLASS is a major player on “Team Glaven,”
given that the Minnesota native is deaf/hard of hearing and has
cerebral palsy, which makes it difficult for him to write and speak.
“One of the greatest lessons I’ve learned at Augsburg is that you
need to have a team, no matter who you are, to get through life. As
your life goes through different stages, your team of personal and
professional supporters evolves with you,” said Glaven, who uses
ASL interpreters, a microphone for his hearing aids, notetakers,
and testing accommodations. “CLASS also taught me that
advocacy is key to getting what you need to make your life better.
If you don’t advocate for yourself, you won’t be as successful.”
That embrace of advocacy will serve him well as he plans to
enter public office. The Queen fan and BBC-listening cat lover
is driven to improve public health care, protect minorities, and
continue to fight climate change, among other initiatives.
The paw-fect solution
Matthew Glaven ’21
Faculty advocates
embrace universal design
Glaven gained that passion for policy
from instructors who were eager to make
lectures and content accessible—educators
like Rich Flint, assistant professor of
mathematics, who teaches core math
courses required of all students. In Spring
2009, Flint taught a pre-algebra course
of 24 students, 10 of whom had
documented disabilities.
“If I hadn’t known the CLASS staff
before that semester, I got to know them
all very well that spring,” Flint said. “We
now give all of our students a Math Anxiety
Bill of Rights, which includes statements
like, ‘I have the right to need extra help,’
and ‘I have the right to not understand.’
Many of us [math professors] include
statements about relaxation on our exams.
In fact, yesterday I proctored a Calculus 2
exam for a colleague that stated: ‘Relax.
You have done problems like this before.’
Without our work with CLASS, I don’t
know if we would be so attuned to using
straightforward strategies that benefit all
test takers.”
Professor of Mathematics Suzanne
Dorée said the department’s embrace of
universal design is a habit that emerged
from experience. Dorée has taught Auggies
for 30 years. When she started, parents
sometimes needed to attend classes to
assist their children. Now, because of the
resources and accommodations Augsburg
has to offer, students are able to enjoy
more independence, Dorée said.
“I love a good problem, and there’s
an element of creativity required in
adjusting my teaching style to reach all my
students. Over time you realize that the
new practices you adopt are good for all
students. For instance, I had a student who
was blind so I began narrating everything I
was doing on the board. It slowed me down
but I noticed that all my students were
processing the information better,” she
said. “The difference between a 50-minute
test and a 70-minute test’s ability to
assess student learning is not significant,
so I always write a 50-minute test for
my 70-minute classes. English learners,
students who didn’t get much sleep the
night before, and students with test
anxiety all appreciate the extra time to
check their work.”
That problem-solving can take many forms.
During Gunter’s freshman year, it barked and
was named Gus.
Gus was Gunter’s service dog. He was
trained to sense when Gunter might have a
seizure and assist her if and when she fell.
His vest detailed her diagnosis, which was
helpful since doctors previously missed her
medical ID bracelet three times, Gunter said,
while “Gus was tough to miss.”
“Was,” because Gunter hasn’t needed
a service dog since identifying the proper
blend of medicine, sleep, and support. The
24-year-old has been seizure-free for the
past year, and Gus has enjoyed the time off
to play with Gunter’s three other four-legged
pals: Nelson, Susan, and Shana. Each of her
pups, other than Gus, is a rescue with “some
special needs,” Gunter adds, proudly.
Health and stability, Gunter said, means
she can set her sights on the horizon—
toward research and graduate school.
Lars Christiansen, associate professor of
sociology, is collaborating with Gunter on
research about street equity, city planning,
and movement. This semester, Gunter is
focused on roadside memorial ghost bikes,
which are white-painted bikes placed near
streets not safe or accessible to cyclists.
She received travel funds to present her
findings at the Midwest Sociological
Society’s annual meeting in Chicago.
“Augsburg gave me the tools and space
to figure out my passion, understand my
responsibilities, and advocate for my
rights. A world that felt small years ago
now seems open and exciting.”
A year of
to honor
Augsburg’s leading approach to disability services didn’t just happen. Paired with staff expertise and an
inclusive campus culture, it took the vision and support of proud parents, alumni, and industry partners.
Auggie mom and Regent Emerita Barbara Gage, who served on Augsburg’s Board of Regents for 12 years,
led the charge to uplift Augsburg as a national leader in holistic student support services.
In the 1980s, Barbara and her husband, Skip Gage, along with the Carlson Family Foundation, donated and
raised funds to support the program that ultimately became CLASS. In 2011, the Gage Family Foundation
and the Carlson Family Foundation contributed $900,000 to create the Gage Center for Student Success.
This centralized, supportive learning space in the James G. Lindell Library provides resources for all
students—regardless of learning style, preference, or need. It houses the Office of Advising and Academic
Excellence, TRIO/Student Support Services, and CLASS.
A preview of Augsburg’s sesquicentennial plans:
September 27, 2019, to September 26, 2020
Sesquicentennial events calendar
From 1869
to today
Augsburg’s sesquicentennial
celebration will feature diverse
opportunities that uplift the
university’s founding principles,
honor its history, and look toward
its future.
Augsburg will:
• Showcase academic excellence
• Present historical elements
• Tell its institutional story
through art and design
• Host high-impact experiences
• Bring together thousands of
alumni and friends from all
Augsburg’s community-wide events will include a gala, reunions, convocations, art shows,
concerts, book readings, theater performances, and lectures. Follow the sesquicentennial
calendar today for easy access to event details, possible weather-related changes, and parking
information. Here’s a glimpse at some of the signature events so you can start planning for this
historic year.
H O M E C O M I N G 2 0 19
September 23–28, 2019
New events along with traditional favorites make Homecoming one of the most
festive times on campus all year. The majority of this year’s events will occur
Saturday, September 28, and special reunions will honor the classes of 2009,
1979, and 1969.
September 27, 2019
Kick off Augsburg’s sesquicentennial at this once-in-a-lifetime event in
downtown Minneapolis. This gala will acknowledge Augsburg’s history of
pursuing the call to serve the community, and it will rally energetic support for
the next 150 years of Augsburg University.
September 25–26, 2020
This all-inclusive gathering is for Auggies from every class, every degree
program, and every decade—Augsburg athletes, musicians, artists, scientists,
student leaders, and everyone in between. Learn how to coordinate a reunion
for a specific area of interest or identity by emailing Katie (Koch) Code ’01 at
Sesquicentennial book
Augsburg is publishing an institutional history book as part of its sesquicentennial celebration.
“Hold Fast to What is Good,” by History Professor Phillip Adamo, uses 10 objects from the
university archives to tell stories from Augsburg’s first 150 years. Signed, limited edition,
hardcover copies of this book are available for preorder until May 1, 2019.
Register for Homecoming, purchase Sesquicentennial Gala tickets, learn
more about the All-School Reunion, and order your commemorative book at
International travel
Augsburg will host four alumni trips to locations in Germany
and Norway that are central in the university’s history. Find
details for each trip at under “Travel.”
Tentative dates May 8–18, 2020
The tour will include theater productions, concerts,
and historical landmarks, and it will focus on the
rich and vibrant arts and culture of Norway. Explore
Norway alongside Augsburg Theater Program alumni,
co-leaders Darcey Engen ’88, Augsburg University
professor of theater, and her husband, Luverne
Seifert ’83, Minneapolis actor and instructor at the
University of Minnesota.
Tentative dates July 15–26, 2020
This tour will focus on Bavaria, with stops in
Nuremberg, Salzberg, and additional nearby locations.
The hottest ticket in Europe every 10 years is to attend
the centuries-old Oberammergau Passion Play. This
trip includes prime seats for this once-in-a-decade
experience. As members of the university’s Department
of Religion, associate professors Lori Brandt Hale and
Hans Wiersma have teamed up to share their expertise
and offer a uniquely Augsburg experience.
Tentative dates May 9–19, 2020
Tentative dates in July 2020
This tour will explore Norway’s peace work,
government, and environmental agencies. This tour is
co-led by Bettine Hoff Hermanson, managing director of
the Human Rights Forum at Augsburg as well as the
Norway Hub, and Joe Underhill, associate professor of
political science, director of environmental studies,
and director of the Human Rights Forum.
Hike to the Nidaros Cathedral in Trondheim,
Norway—a pilgrimage made by travelers for more than
1,000 years. Augsburg University Pastor and Director
of Ministries Rev. Sonja Hagander will lead the trek in
which adventurous Auggies will learn about history
and culture, and they will experience firsthand some
of the most beautiful natural sights in the world. This
trip is intended for experienced mountain hikers.
For more information, contact Katie (Koch) Code ’01, director of Alumni
and Constituent Relations, at or 612-330-1178.
Matt Swenson ’91 displays artisan
creations on the Minnesota Art Truck.
During an economic downturn,
a resurgence of skill-savvy
craftspeople revived centuriesold traditions of making highquality goods in small quantities,
harnessing the power of modern
technology and local communities.
Americans plunged into the Great Recession.
A wave of new and seasoned workers alike struggled to navigate the economic
uncertainty of fewer jobs and growing debt in an ever-changing global landscape.
But while the economy grew stagnant, the creative efforts of workers did not.
An artisanal phenomenon gained momentum, which affects not only what people
buy and the jobs they seek, but also shifts consumer expectations around the
country. This is no new trend; it’s actually an old one.
FINNEGANS taproom in downtown Minneapolis
The modern artisan movement—
craftspeople who focus on distinct,
skillfully made goods produced in
small quantities, often by hand—has
deep roots in the past, before the
relatively recent industrialization that
revolutionized the global market by
providing more affordable products to
more people.
“The United States has had mass
production of plentiful and relatively
cheap goods for at least a century,”
said Nancy Fischer, associate professor
and chair of sociology at Augsburg
University. “An appreciation for more
traditional forms of making things—of
craftsmanship—was a reaction to and
coexisted with mass production.”
Fischer, who has researched vintage
fashion and is writing a book on vintage
clothing consumers, said artisans in
the pre-industrial 1800s could make a
living running shops that sold everyday
items like furniture, candles, or shoes.
However, artisan endeavors today form
a niche market, often as side jobs for
extra cash and personal fulfilment more
than a stable income or employment
benefits. The focus is not just on a
product; the artisanal approach also
focuses on the origin of the item, what
it’s made of, and how it’s made.
You’ve seen the items: artisanal
breads and cheeses, small-batch ice
cream, hand-crafted chocolate and hot
sauce. Many major metropolitan areas—
and a number of smaller communities
as well—boast independent coffee
roasters, artisanal pizzerias, and craft
butchers of locally raised livestock.
Custom jeans and hand-tailored
leatherworks are neighbors to yoga
instructors, artisanal pickle producers,
and specialty popcorn shops in
tiny storefronts. Even international
corporations and fast food franchises
attempt to pique consumer interest
using the terms “artisanal” and “handcrafted,” much like they appropriated
“gourmet” and “specialty.”
Artisans appear in three oftenintertwined variations: 1. maker artisans
who produce tangible products, 2.
personal service artisans who offer
curated experiences, and 3. knowledge
artisans who bring together people and
ideas to enhance social capital.
“Artisans can look a lot different
than what most would expect,” said
Brian Krohn ’08, co-founder of Mighty
Axe Hops, which supplies Minnesotagrown hops to craft brewers around
the state. After studying chemistry at
Augsburg and finishing graduate school,
he became a serial entrepreneur,
launching a company that uses 3D
printing to make flame-emitting
wizard staffs and founding Soundly, a
smartphone app designed to reduce
snoring. “A woodworker would normally
be considered an artisan, but I think
an experienced engineer who uses CAD
[computer-aided design] and a CNC
[computer numerical control] to mill
wood or aluminum can also be
an artisan.”
To seek a simple explanation for the
artisan economy’s proliferation would
be to ignore the multifaceted appeal of
such products and services, as well as
the diverse array of people who sell and
buy them.
Consumer boredom, dissatisfaction
with mass-produced options, and the
feeling of overall instability could play
a psychological role in the appeal of
artisan alternatives. “When you think
about the current state of economic
inequality, recessions, an affordable
housing shortage, multiple wars, everchanging technology, outsourcing of
jobs, and terrorism, we live in a pretty uncertain world,” said Bridget Robinson-Riegler,
cognitive psychologist and professor of psychology at Augsburg. “We value nostalgic
products because they make us feel more secure. The new wave of such products is
possibly indicative of a society in turmoil and people in angst searching for comfort.”
The search for comfort doesn’t stifle the curious desire for variety, though. “If it’s
beer, consumers are looking for something that is different, not formulaic,” Fischer
said. “With woodworking items, ceramics, or clothing, they are looking for something
that will last, as well as something that is unique.”
Jacquie Berglund ’87 found a unique angle in
a competitive market: craft beer with a cause.
After graduating from Augsburg and studying
in Paris, she returned to Minneapolis and
co-founded FINNEGANS Brew Co., whose
profits are donated to alleviate hunger in the
markets that serve FINNEGANS beer. “When I
started my beer company, there were a handful
of breweries. There are now more than 150
in Minnesota. FINNEGANS needs to make
high-quality beer, differentiate our brand as a
FINNEGANS co-founder Jacquie Berglund ’87
social business with more than $1.3 million in
impact, and connect with our consumers and supporters.”
The craft beer boom is representative of the growing artisan movement in many
industries. Almost half of the 150 breweries in Minnesota have opened in the past
eight years, including Boom Island Brewing in Minneapolis, another brewery with
an Auggie connection. Qiuxia Welch ’99 studied music at Augsburg and became a
professional French horn performer and teacher. Today, she is Boom Island’s marketing
manager and runs the business with her husband, Kevin, its founder and head brewer.
“Most of Boom Island’s beers are brewed using traditional Belgian techniques,”
Welch said. “This requires expensive ingredients, no preservatives, years of experience,
and time. It’s difficult for the large breweries to do this.”
Craft beer sales have grown to nearly
13 percent market share, according to
the Brewers Association, which offers
“certified independent craft” labels for
breweries not owned by the handful of
multinational corporations that have
maintained dominant market share
following the repeal of Prohibition.
Because consumers pay more for
craft beer, these corporations seek
higher profits through consolidation,
buying craft breweries with national
reputations, and creating “craft”
sub-brands to mass produce.
“Mass production is not able to
work with the small, local suppliers
of ingredients like artisans can,” said
Berglund, whose FINNEGANS pale
ale features Krohn’s Minnesota-grown
Mighty Axe Hops. “We have made more
than 100 different beers in our taproom
in the past 11 months with five barrelaged brews—mass production is not
this nimble.”
Though craft beer brewing and buying
demographics skew toward Gen X and
Millennial white males, some signs point
to a more diverse artisan future. “More
women, and particularly women of color,
are playing important roles,” Welch said.
“They are opening breweries, making
great beers, and changing how we
market and drink craft beer.”
When you visit a Twin Cities craft brewery
or farmers market, you also might
see another kind of artisan: artist and
curator Matt Swenson ’91, founder of the
Minnesota Art Truck. Swenson displays
local artists’ work in the truck to connect
with people who don’t realize they can
purchase original art at prices comparable
to big-box stores while sustaining the
local art community. “I don’t see art as
just for the middle class or upper middle
class or the wealthy. Art really is for
everybody, and the more I get to interact
with people, the more they see that
themselves,” he said.
Before he started this “food truck
for the soul,” Swenson studied
communication and English at Augsburg
and worked in sales and marketing
management for 13 years. Today, he feels
lucky and grateful that his wife supported
his departure from corporate America in
search of creatively fulfilling work: “We
had to adjust how we live, but she knows
Minnesota Art Truck and
founder Matt Swenson ’91
that it’s something I’m passionate about,
and I think it can be sustainable.”
Billy Mzenga ’13 is another Auggie
who left the corporate world, turning
his attention to graduate school and
a new entrepreneurial initiative. The
venture started when his wife, Megan,
fine-tuned recipes of homemade almond
butter, cashew butter, and peanut
butter. In 2017, the couple launched
these products into a small business:
NutMeg’s Nut Butters. The Mzengas now
live in Chicago and continue to develop
new recipes. They distribute NutMeg’s
products online and at farmers markets
and Chicago-area grocery stores.
Like FINNEGANS, NutMeg’s is a social
enterprise. NutMeg’s donates half of
its earnings to humanitarian nonprofits
in Kenya. Staying nimble and avoiding
stockholder pressures are key factors for
artisan entrepreneurs like the Mzengas.
“We are accountable to our customers
to make sure we are providing a good
product, and to the charities we partner
with, making sure we provide them with
financial resources,” Billy said.
Billy believes his Augsburg University
education equipped him to see how his
purpose intersects with causes bigger
than himself. “My experience there
opened my eyes to the issues facing the
world, Minnesota, and those who were on
the front lines as problem-solvers,” he said.
Berglund, whose social impact model
with FINNEGANS inspired the Mzengas,
can relate. “I got a strong sense of ‘We
are here to serve others’ by going to
Augsburg,” she said. “It shaped my world
perspective and the way I designed and
run my business.”
Augsburg’s communal support was
also obvious to Boom Island’s Welch
when she arrived in the United States
to study music. “I came from a very
warm place in China,” she said. “I
didn’t come to Minnesota prepared for
the winter. Professor Roberta Kagin from
the Department of Music sent out a
campus email asking for donations of
winter clothing. I don’t think I bought any
clothes for two years after that.”
Welch wants the same qualities of
Augsburg in her business today. “This
is a very caring community with an
appreciation for a well-balanced life.
I like to think Boom Island Brewing is
the same,” she said.
FOAT co-founders Zoë Foat Naselaris ’96, left, and Kaja Foat ’96
Boom Island Brewing’s
Qiuxia Welch ’99
What prevents the artisan niche from
drawing more consumers away from massproduced items? “The choice is between
a $40 hand-crafted wood cutting board
or a $7 one from Target,” Fischer said.
“That kind of price differential for most
Americans’ financial situation—which is
more heavily weighted for folks with fewer
resources—eliminates the choice, even if
they would prefer the $40 cutting board.”
The higher price doesn’t necessarily
mean artisan products are luxury items.
In fact, artisan entrepreneurs often
justify the higher cost of crafted goods
in pragmatic terms. With some massproduced products, Krohn is concerned
that consumers will end up spending
more money in the long run on subpar
items that wear out rather than a quality
item that lasts—“You get what you pay
for,” as the adage goes.
Augsburg alumni craft a variety of artisan goods and services.
From a sociological perspective, the
benefits of less expensive production
and more affordable mass-produced
goods come with the risk of exploitation
of workers and the environment in
the supply chain and manufacturing
processes. “Organizations and activists
have encouraged us for decades to
question the unsustainable model of
buying more cheap goods shipped
from overseas where the pay, working
conditions, and factory harms to
the environment are jaw-droppingly
horrible,” Fischer said.
The relationship between quality,
cost, and ethics is especially tangible
in fashion. Zoë Foat Naselaris ’96 and
twin sister Kaja Foat ’96 created FOAT,
an environmentally conscious women’s
fashion brand with a personal touch.
Based in their Charleston, South
Carolina, and northeast Minneapolis
studios, they design, cut, and sew
garments by hand rather than
outsource the work.
“We are not interested in massproducing our patterns and clothing
overseas because it is important to us
to produce our items ethically, locally,
and with a lot of care,” Naselaris said.
“When garments are mass-produced,
they are designed with one body type in
mind. Handmade garments are tweaked
and tucked, pushed and pulled into a
shape that is both comfortable
and complementary to the
customer’s body.”
Like FOAT, many artisans
extend their care for customers
and details to the overall industry
and consumer expectations that
NutMeg’s co-founders Billy Mzenga ’13, left, and Megan Mzenga
influence business practices.
“Most Americans are not
accustomed to paying attention
Artisans offer alternate products as
to, or even caring about, how their
well as an alternate story, a different
products are made,” Naselaris said.
way to engage with the American
“There has to be a change of mindset.”
tradition of consumerism. They invite
FOAT encourages people to buy fewer
others to see that more isn’t always
well-made garments that last longer
better, that making something beautiful
rather than many poorly made products
and enduring takes time. Many
that tend to fall apart more quickly.
consumers are rethinking their economic
Billy believes many consumers are
relationships in society: how they engage
ready for change: “People are speaking
with what they eat, what they buy, the
with their dollars and moving their
issues they care about, and ultimately,
business to more locally owned,
how they engage each other.
locally made products.”
“The craft-brew taproom has become
a vital part of the community like you
find in Old World Europe,” said Welch,
who co-leads Belgium brewery tours to
Will some consumers continue to
stay tethered to a historic beer tradition.
lack the financial resources to choose
“Our typical customer wants to connect
more artisanal options? Will others
with the people who make and serve
grow weary of paying more for local,
their beer. They want to know where
sustainable, quality products? Might
their food and drinks come from, how
this artisan movement form a robust
they are made, and who made them.
economy of the future? It doesn’t show
This is how we lived for centuries. Now
signs of slowing, perhaps because of
artisans are back.”
the connection between crafters and
those enjoying the craft.
Professor of Psychology
Assistant Professor of Psychology
They became colleagues at Augsburg
roughly a decade ago.
Community is an undeniable fixture of the Augsburg experience, and nothing makes a campus feel small like the familiar
faces of those who’ve become friends. Countless Auggies have forged lifelong connections—whether in an instant during
their first days on campus or over time through shared classes, interests, residence halls, occupations, and stories. Here’s
a taste of the many rich friendships that have grown at Augsburg and carried on across time and geography.
Robinson-Riegler: “We’re both cognitive
psychologists, so we have a mutual interest,
which was probably the initial thing that
brought us together. Then once we got to know
each other, we just realized how similar we are.”
Professor Bridget Robinson-Riegler, left, often stops into the office of Assistant Professor
Ben Denkinger to talk about everything from their shared field of study to baseball.
Major: Communication Arts/Literature
and Secondary Education
Denkinger: “We’re excited about the same
things in psychology, and maybe riled up about
the same things in politics and culture.”
Meeting in the James G. Lindell Library, Joaquin
Delgado-Ortiz, left, and Ann Sheely discuss
a project she’s working on for her residence hall.
Majors: Film and Communication Studies
They helped each other on move-in day
and became intramural soccer teammates.
Harris: “Anthony is one of the greatest
students I know in the area of academics
. . . my grandad always used to say, ‘If
you want to get good at something, then
surround yourself with people who are
already outstanding in that area.’ So I see
him in that. He inspires me.”
Villagrana: “Likewise, from day one,
Mallory has always been positive—the
energy he gives is positivity. Always
smiling, always talkative. He’s never
gloomy, you know? He brings this energy to
the room. I’m just glad I met Mallory this
year because I was pretty quiet and kept
to myself last year. He’s a transfer student,
and he’s older than me. He introduced
me to a lot of people, and I made a lot
of friends. His character has inspired me
to be more open and more social in this
environment at Augsburg.”
Major: Psychology
Anthony Villagrana, left,
and Mallory Harris head
off to class.
Majors: Life Sciences and
Secondary Education
After being assigned to the
same lab group, they formed a
friendship and ended up laughing
their way through their final
presentation for their course.
Sheely: “One thing I’ve noticed about people at Augsburg is that
everybody is really open and accepting and willing to just be there to
help you. They’ll actually return your smiles, generally. So that’s been
really helpful for me—not being afraid to reach out to people even if
I don’t know them really well yet, and then friendships can grow.”
Camryn Masse, left, and Jen Meinhardt study together, as they
do at least twice a week, in Christensen Center.
Major: English (Creative Writing)
“That’s a cool pen.” One
seemingly simple statement
made in a 12:30 p.m. religion
class on the first day of the
semester sparked a friendship.
Meinhardt: “We both transferred
here from a different school—
from the same school, in fact—
but we didn’t know each other
there. It’s been fun because we
have the same perspective of
someplace different—of going
from a small community college
to this school. The city is kind
of different for us, and we
didn’t know anybody else. For
me, our friendship just gave me
something more concrete and
grounded at this school, which
helped me transition better.
And it’s given me somebody to
study with. She’s inspired me to
hit the gym; she’s inspired me to
work instead of goof off. She kind
of just keeps everything rolling.”
Enrollment Communications
and Event Specialist
Dear alumni and friends,
Major: Elementary Education
The Augsburg University Alumni Board
supports the university’s mission by finding
meaningful ways for our members to
contribute their time, talent, and treasure.
Members meet regularly to create and
enhance events where Auggies can network,
collaborate, and serve together.
This fall, we partnered with the Clair and Gladys Strommen Center
for Meaningful Work to co-host a mock interview event for current
students. We then brought Auggies together again this February at
our annual networking event. This year’s networking workshop offered
students the chance to practice their networking skills in a friendly
environment, and attendees heard from an impressive panel of alumni
who discussed how networking helped further their careers.
This spring, the Alumni Board has been busy working on events
like an Augsburg Beer Choir, A-Club Spring Happy Hour, and our first
All-School Reunion Stewards Meeting, which is coming up May 20.
Of course, the big event we’re gearing up for is Augsburg’s
sesquicentennial celebration. After we kick things off at the
Sesquicentennial Gala and Homecoming 2019, the Alumni
Board will focus on the ways it can support Augsburg at a number
of additional low- or no-cost events and new, family-friendly
opportunities. Augsburg’s sesquicentennial will truly be a year to
remember, and you can learn more on pages 15–18.
There are plenty of ways for alumni to give back to Augsburg as a
volunteer this year. Consider becoming a Sesquicentennial Steward,
joining the Alumni Board, or serving on one of our other leadership
boards. It’s been a pleasure to serve as board president for the past
two years. I’ve enjoyed working with current Alumni Board Vice
President Lori Higgins ’94, ’12 MAL, and I’m confident she will be a
terrific Alumni Board president going forward.
Assistant Director of Admissions
Denielle Stepka ’11, a senior
creative associate at Augsburg,
has created patterns for elegant
neckties, scarves, and—of
course—bow ties inspired
by art from around campus,
Augsburg’s “A” mark, and
university seal. Help decide
which designs should be put
into production.
Take a look at the options and “like” your favorites on the Augsburg Alumni
Association Facebook page:
It's been three years since Augsburg University broke ground
on the Hagfors Center for Science, Business, and Religion,
and 16 months since the facility opened for classes. These
fast facts from the building’s inaugural year illustrate its
remarkable impact and the new opportunities it affords
Augsburg students, faculty, staff, and community members.
Go Auggies!
Office space for
They first worked together at another
college but both found a home at Augsburg.
of Augsburg’s
full-time faculty
Sotos: “Someone saw us playing
racquetball here together one day and
asked us if we were married. I said, ‘Well,
we’re not married, but I did marry him!’
because my wife and I officiated his and
his wife’s wedding.
It’s always good to have a familiarity
with how people work best and what
their strengths are, so it’s nice working
alongside a friend.”
Colleagues who once competed for the same job, Maggie Sotos, left, and Josh Owens, right, are now friends on
staff in Augsburg’s Admissions Department and opponents on the racquetball court during their lunch hour.
Among the many faculty-led projects in development to celebrate
Augsburg’s 150th anniversary is a new work of musical theater about
the university community, past and present, to be performed in Spring
2020. Members of the community are invited to take part in every step
of the process, from creating material to performing in the production.
Learn more at
square feet of collaborative
learning areas with 32 open
study spaces
laboratories, four 30-seat classrooms,
and the largest classroom on campus,
which seats up to 100 people
If you are interested in learning more about projects in the Hagfors Center
or taking a tour, contact Heather Riddle at
Lowell “Zeke” Ziemann ’60
wrote a new book titled “A
Kaleidoscope of Baseball.” The publication
shares quotes, poetry, stories, odd facts,
and historical information related to baseball
as a national pastime. Ziemann previously
authored several books in the Old West
genre. He studied mathematics at Augsburg.
Jacquie Berglund ’87 discussed her craft beer
company’s social impact and collaborations with
local ingredients suppliers. See story on page 19.
Zoë Foat Naselaris ’96 and twin sister Kaja
Foat ’96 create fashionable, ethically sourced,
one-of-a-kind women’s garments by hand. See story
on page 19.
The Augsburg men’s soccer
program celebrated its 50th
anniversary this fall with a lunch and
reception attended by more than 100
Auggies. The celebration brought together
Auggie soccer players from many decades
and was led by a host of Augsburg alumni
including Darcy Debing ’77, Gary Dahle ’79,
Mike Kennedy ’79, Don Potter ’79, Vinnie
Brooks ’07, Alex Hildebrandt ’10, and Van
Hong ’11.
Athletic Director Jeff Swenson ’79 has deep
family ties at Augsburg. His sister, Marie
(Swenson) Hechsel ’90, played volleyball. Her son,
Matt Hechsel ’15, wrestled; and her daughter,
Stephanie Hechsel ’19, played volleyball. See story
on page 8.
Augsburg alumni Deb Krueger
Knight ’82, Mike Cunningham ’10,
Janice Gladden ’12, and Cyrus Batheja ’08,
’11 MBA offered networking and career
advice as panelists at the 2019 Augsburg
Alumni and Student Networking Event.
Attendees gathered to practice networking
skills, discuss career paths, and get to know
other Auggies.
Matt Swenson ’91 took inspiration from the
food truck phenomenon and created a mobile
opportunity to buy local art. See story on page 19.
Tammy Sinkfield-Morey ’99, ’13
MAN, ’17 DNP received the 2018
March of Dimes Distinguished Nurse of the
Year award. She is the first African-American
recipient of this top honor, which recognizes
experienced nurses’ community service and
professional and personal development.
Qiuxia Welch ’99 builds community around
Belgian beer made with traditional techniques
in Minneapolis. See story on page 19.
Scott Erickson ’98 opened an
independent insurance agency,
State Insurance, in Otsego, Minnesota. The
business serves all of Minnesota.
Linnea Benton ’03 moved to
Okinawa, Japan, with her
husband who serves in the U.S. Navy.
Her oldest child started kindergarten, and
Benton, who graduated from Augsburg with
a degree in English, volunteers in the school
library to stay active in her field.
Darin Rowle ’04, ’15 MSW
accepted a manager role for the
Department of Human Services HIV Program.
Most recently, Rowle served JustUsHealth
(formerly known as the Minnesota AIDS
Project) as a director of prevention and
coordinated care/integrated services. Rowle
has more than 20 years of experience
working with HIV-related concerns and
helping people navigate complex social
service and medical systems.
of development at Fordham University
School of Law. She and her family reside in
Brooklyn, New York.
They’re Auggie hockey stars, and they’re
siblings. Meet Chris Johnson ’10, ’14 MAL and
Megan Johnson ’19 in the story beginning on page 8.
Ben Katz ’08 produced a podcast
mini-series for the New Yorker
and New York Public Radio that tells the
story of his wife investigating a family secret.
Serial entrepreneur Brian Krohn ’08
demonstrates the breadth of diverse artisan
endeavors in today’s economy. See story on page 19.
MK Gibbs ’05 opened the Mary
Katherine School, which is
an early education center serving children
and parents through infant, toddler, and
preschool programs in Bloomington,
Lisa Peterson ’09 is taking on
additional leadership roles with
the Northfield Area Chamber of Commerce
as she transitions from serving as its director
of tourism to her new position as chamber
president. Peterson studied marketing and
business administration at Augsburg.
Ramsey County named Kari
Collins ’06 director of community
and economic development. Collins worked
as a community development manager with
the city of Roseville, Minnesota, since 2016.
She previously served as an assistant to
the city manager of Roseville and as zoning
administrator and board secretary for the city
of Milwaukee.
Evelyn Tsen ’09 and her husband, Alec,
welcomed a baby boy, Abraham Fenlason,
on January 18.
The Litchfield Independent
Review reported that Brandon
Begnaud ’10 organized a Christmas cantata,
“The Glory of Christmas,” at Christ the King
Lutheran Church in Hutchinson, Minnesota,
where he serves as director of worship and
music. A graduate of Augsburg’s music
program, Begnaud recruited for, led, and
participated in the pre-Christmas cantata
that included a choir of 53 singers and 29
Grant Hemmingsen ’07 and his
wife, Kari, welcomed a baby girl,
Quinn Joann, on January 26. Hemmingsen
is the men’s basketball head coach at
Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota.
Molly (Shortall) Kaszuba ’07 and her
husband, Brian, welcomed a baby boy, Jack,
this winter. Kaszuba is an associate director
Augsburg biopsychology major
Alix Young ’13 taught psychology
for two years in China’s Guangdong province
following graduation and opened the
Brain and Psychophysiology Lab at United
International College. Now living in Houston,
Young is a coordinator of clinical studies at
MD Anderson Cancer Center.
Former Auggie women’s
basketball player Abbey Luger ’16
teaches and coaches at Transfiguration School
in Oakdale, Minnesota.
Kaylee E. Gueltzow ’17 is teaching
English in Germany through the
Fulbright Program. She lives in Greifswald
and is traveling throughout Europe.
Ricki Larson ’18 is a fourth-grade
teacher in her first year serving
her home district.
Billy Mzenga ’13 and his wife, Megan, turned
their hand-crafted nut butters into a small
business that supports nonprofits in Kenya. See story
on page 19.
Brothers Mustafa Adam ’18 and Shihab Adam ’22
were among four sets of siblings on the 2018–19
Augsburg football roster. See story on page 8.
Awale “Wally” Osman ’15 and
Felecia Zahner ’15 served as
keynote presenters at Augsburg University’s
TRIO/SSS 50th Anniversary Celebration in
November. More than 130 of the program’s
students, supporters, and graduates
attended the event, which included a
reception and dinner.
Osman is also a new member of the W.K.
Kellogg Foundation’s Community Leadership
Network. He also serves as a community
innovation program associate at the Bush
Foundation and has received accolades
from the Center for National Leaders,
NAACP, TRIO, and the National Newman
Civic Fellowship.
Lekpea Kordah ’15 and Barinedum Kordah ’17
found that their brotherly bonds strengthened
their Augsburg experience. See story on page 8.
Carola Thorson ’07 MAL became the vice
president of enrollment management at
Wittenberg University in Springfield, Ohio,
in September. Thorson served in several
roles in Augsburg’s Admissions Department
from 2003 to 2013, and she most recently
was the executive director of admission
and scholarships at Concordia College in
Moorhead, Minnesota.
Physician assistant Sarah Pattison ’12 MSPAS
joined the internal medicine department at
Carris Health Clinic in Willmar, Minnesota,
where she also assists in urgent care. She
previously worked at High Point Family
Practice in North Carolina.
Annika (Spargo) Eriksson ’09
and Carl Eriksson were married
November 17 in Stillwater, Minnesota.
Taneasha Muonio ’18 joined
People’s Center Clinics and
Services as a substance abuse
program manager in May 2018. Just
a few weeks before being hired,
Muonio completed a case
management internship at the
People’s Center and earned her
bachelor’s degree at Augsburg with
a double major in biology and
psychology. In her full-time role,
Muonio serves 150 patients dealing
with substance abuse concerns and
works with doctors to integrate
patients’ medical and behavioral
health care.
On November 11, Jill
’01 Mintz-Hoydl ’01 married
Andrew Hoydl. Augsburg alumna Jeni
(Eckman) Linnenberg ’01 [pictured,
left] was in the wedding party. The
Mintz-Hoydl family resides in Denver.
Erika Hiland ’05 welcomed
a baby girl in November.
Shannon (Connaughton)
Grindal ’13 and Erik Grindal ’13
welcomed a new baby who someday
could be fourth-generation Auggie.
Richard Bahr ’87 released a
book about homelessness in
Twin Cities. “Those People: The True
Character of the Homeless” includes
anecdotes about people with whom
Bahr has worked and seeks to
counter stereotypes and dispel myths
about people experiencing
Tina (Anderson) Boe ’04
bought a home in Forest
Lake, Minnesota, and works
for Aveda as a distribution
supervisor. Her daughters
are 6 and 8 years old.
In September, longtime friends [L to R] Mary (Boraas)
Janotta ’73, Jill Steele ’72, Mary Lynn (Monson)
Ogelsbee ’72, Lennice “Sparky” (Nordaune) Keefe ’72,
and Julie (Hagberg) Swaggert ’73 traveled to upstate
New York. The Augsburg alumnae once lived together
in Chi House and have been traveling yearly since
their graduation. A highlight of their most recent trip
was visiting Niagara Falls.
Augsburg Assistant Volleyball
Coach Colleen (Ourada) Enrico ’14
and her husband, Zach Enrico ’12,
welcomed a son, George, on
May 23, 2018.
In December, Susie (Emmert)
Schatz ’09 MSW was named vice
president and chief advocacy
officer for St. Paul-based Lutheran
Social Service of Minnesota.
Schatz now oversees state and
national advocacy initiatives for the
organization. Schatz joined LSS nine
years ago as an advocacy manager,
and she has received numerous
accolades for her work, including
the LSS CEO Leadership Award.
Since 2011, Schatz has served as an
adjunct instructor at Augsburg.
This fall, Tina Nguyen ’08
and her fiancé helped
connect more than 250
people at Minneapolis’
Franklin-Hiawatha homeless
encampment with supplies
and blankets. Nguyen also
served on the Augsburg
University Alumni Board.
Allyson (Ruedy)
Dooley ’13 and Eric
Dooley ’13 welcomed
twin boys in February
named Jason Timothy
and Lucas Anthony.
Arianna Genis ’13 was
the campaign manager
for Jeremiah Ellison for
Minneapolis City Council.
Currently, she’s merging both
her creative and political
skills at Wellstone Action as
a deputy communications
director. Genis also creates
a podcast, “Latina Theory,”
to unite the voices of Latinx
people in Minnesota.
Kevin Butcher ’13 and Kacie
Lucchini ’13 were married on
August 18 at Surly Brewing’s
Beer Hall in Minneapolis.
Connor Krenik ’13 married
the couple, who celebrated
alongside family, friends, and
fellow Auggies. The newlyweds
live in south Minneapolis as they
both pursue graduate school at
the University of Minnesota.
This fall, Reginaldo HaslettMarroquin ’03 received a
lifetime Ashoka Fellowship
for social entrepreneurship. A
graduate of Augsburg’s business
administration and management
program, Haslett-Marroquin
is the principal architect of a
poultry-centered regenerative
agriculture model. As part of
his new role with the Ashoka
organization, Haslett-Marroquin
contributed to a commentary
on nonlinear farming that was
published in Forbes in October.
Leah (Jacobson) Soland ’12 and
Cody Soland were married this
November in Owatonna, Minnesota.
Leah graduated from Augsburg with
a bachelor’s degree in social work.
Alom (Martinez-Aleman)
Walters ’13 and
her husband, Seth,
welcomed a baby boy,
Søren James, in October.
Former head coaches [L to R]
John Grygelko and Jeff
Swenson ’79 were among
more than 200 attendees
at the Augsburg wrestling
program’s 70th anniversary
celebration held this February.
The reunion took place the
same evening as Augsburg’s
meet against rival Wartburg
College—a competition known
as the Battle of the Burgs.
Anna (Ferguson) Rendell ’05
released a new book titled
“Pumpkin Spice for Your
Soul: 25 Devotions for
Autumn.” This is her third
book featuring devotionals
for women and moms.
Greg Schnagl ’91 published
the book “Not My First
Classroom: A Guide to
Supporting Experienced
Teachers in New Roles.”
Schnagl earned a
bachelor’s degree in
business management at
Augsburg and also holds
master’s and doctoral
degrees in education. He
is the founder and owner
of TeacherCentricity, which
supports experienced
educators. Schnagl is
married to Molly (Fochtman)
Schnagl ’92.
Lauren Webber ’14 welcomed
a baby boy in November.
“MN Original,” an Emmy Awardwinning program produced by Twin
Cities PBS, featured Alison Price ’08
and her painting series “Witnessing
Waves” in an episode that aired in
November. The artwork was created
during her undergraduate years at
Augsburg and was inspired by the
trees of the Mississippi River gorge.
Tell us about the news in your life—your new job, move, marriage, and
milestones. Visit to submit your announcements.
Augsburg alumni [L to R] Dave Ogren ’91 MAL
and Eric Galler ’91 MAL visited Devils Tower,
Wyoming, this October and participated in the
KannonFall Charity Fun Rally.
Devoney Looser ’89 visited
Augsburg University in February
to discuss her new book, “The
Making of Jane Austen.” Looser,
who was featured in the Fall
2018 issue of Augsburg Now,
returned to campus for two
days to meet with faculty and
students. She is a professor at
Arizona State University.
Celebrate 150 years of Augsburg
and launch another 150 years
of Auggie legacies.
Gertrude E. (Larson) Franzen ’43,
Hastings, Nebraska, age 97, on
February 1.
Marlys A. (Backlund) Morland ’54,
Newberg, Oregon, age 88, on
November 19.
Thomas A. Steenberg ’58,
Missoula, Montana, age 83, on
October 20.
Milton L. Anderson ’44, Willmar,
Minnesota, age 96, on October 29.
Grace M. (Larson) Anderson ’55,
University Place, Washington, age
85, on September 22.
Paul H. Almquist ’59, Edina,
Minnesota, age 81, on
November 7.
Arnulf Maeland ’55, Royal Palm
Beach, Florida, age 85, on
February 7.
Harry C. Collin ’60, Gold Canyon,
Arizona, age 86, on December 21.
Lorna M. (Wilberg) Sanders ’47,
Sioux Falls, South Dakota, age
93, on November 20.
Jeroy C. Carlson ’48, Edina,
Minnesota, age 95, on
November 20.
James C. Record ’55, St. Paul,
Minnesota, age 85, on May 20.
Lorraine “Lee” M. (Gimmestad)
Clyne ’48, Coldwater, Michigan,
age 92, on November 19.
Jeanette I. (Olson) Locke ’57,
Lakeland, Minnesota, age 83, on
February 10.
Llewellyn “Llew” (Rustad)
Smith ’48, Twentynine Palms,
California, age 90, in August.
John H. Olson ’57, Richfield,
Minnesota, age 88, on October 31.
Jean (Christenson) Sverdrup ’49,
Edina, Minnesota, age 91, on
September 12.
Einar D. Unseth ’51, Lester Prairie,
Minnesota, age 93, on January 2.
Harvey M. Peterson ’52,
Minneapolis, age 91, on
December 10.
Joan E. (Carlberg) Nordenstrom ’53,
Cambridge, Minnesota, age 87,
on September 8.
Lowell H. Kleven ’54, Golden
Valley, Minnesota, age 86, on
October 11.
Gudwren “Goodie” L. (Ellingson)
Belkholm ’58, Ogilvie, Minnesota,
age 86, on January 20.
Kenneth J. Belkholm ’58, Ogilvie,
Minnesota, age 90, on January 28.
Roger R. Brandt ’58, Sonoma,
California, age 82, on January 8.
Mabeth L. (Saure) Gyllstrom ’58,
Minneapolis, age 82, on
September 22.
Betty J. (Johnson) Hass ’58, Rio
Rancho, New Mexico, age 82, on
November 4.
Carl L. Hellzen ’58, Litchfield,
Minnesota, age 83, on January 24.
Gerald “Jerry” E. Hendricks ’60,
Watertown, Minnesota, age 81,
on December 10.
Edward J. Olson ’60, Mauston,
Wisconsin, age 86, on January 3.
David G. Torgerson ’60, St. Paul,
Minnesota, age 84, on April 9.
Russell D. Osterberg ’63,
Alexandria, Minnesota, age 82,
on October 1.
Jeffrey H. Barbour ’70, St. Paul,
Minnesota, age 71, on January 27.
Mary K. Ratzlaff ’74,
St. Paul, Minnesota, age 66,
on September 26.
Elin K. Ohlsson ’77, Edina,
Minnesota, age 63, on June 19.
Francine B. Chakolis ’78,
Minneapolis, age 73, on
January 15.
Carol L. (Watson) Saunders ’79,
St. Paul, Minnesota, age 72, on
November 1.
Bonnie R. (Lindgren) Reeb ’81,
Willmar, Minnesota, age 60, on
October 3.
Jeffrey C. Yue ’81, Wayzata,
Minnesota, age 59, on January 10.
Henry F. Groth ’64, Sioux Falls,
South Dakota, age 77, on
August 31.
Bob S. Dayton ’90, Maplewood,
Minnesota, age 52, on
November 26.
Diane K. (Rife) Notch ’64,
Northfield, Minnesota, age 77, on
November 28.
Julie A. Tanner Fischer ’92,
Minneapolis, age 48, on
January 19.
Dwight J. O’Bert ’66, Minneapolis,
age 74, on February 4.
George “Bruce” B. Sorrells ’07,
Minneapolis, age 60, January 11.
Lois A. (Barnaal) Ryan ’67, Lilburn,
Georgia, age 73, on January 7.
Frances E. Cleveland ’10,
Minneapolis, age 48, on
November 18.
Linda D. (Letnes) Lewis ’69,
Hastings, Minnesota, age 71, on
January 3.
The “In memoriam” listings in this publication
include notifications received before March 1.
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Auggies win 13th national wrestling title
In March, the Augsburg University wrestling team claimed its 13th NCAA Division III
national championship, winning all four of its individual national title bouts. Seven
Auggies earned All-American honors in the finals of the national tournament.
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Augsburg Now Winter-Spring 2005
Alumni Magazine Collection
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Winter/Spring 2005
Vol. 67, No. 2-3
Learning by seeing and doing
usually write this piece at the very last
moment, after all the page layout is
complete and after ...
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Winter/Spring 2005
Vol. 67, No. 2-3
Learning by seeing and doing
usually write this piece at the very last
moment, after all the page layout is
complete and after we’ve proofed
everything. At this point, the magazine is
finally in order, and, freed of the editorial
minutiae, I can more easily take in the
content as a reader.
I always seem to discover unexpected
themes and threads among the stories.
Sometimes they’re serendipitous, and
sometimes it’s as if the stories fall together
to create something greater than the sum
of their individual parts.
When I “read” through this issue, I was
struck by how much of the content deals
with learning outside the classroom.
Moreover, the one story that is about
classroom learning lauds the new ways
that technology links us with classrooms,
students, and teachers around the world.
Experiential learning, the learning that
takes students outside of books, and
mostly outside of classrooms, is powerful.
It’s an Augsburg hallmark, enhanced by the
vast resources of the neighborhoods, city,
and world around us.
I felt the power of experience when
student Anna Warnes talked about how
the tsunami didn’t kill faceless people on
the other side of the world, but people she
knew and had learned from in Thailand. I
also felt it in hearing from our nursing
students who learned about Lakota culture
and the inequalities of health care from the
nurses and residents they met on the Pine
Ridge Reservation.
Names also became real faces and
people for the school children participating
in the Peace Prize Festival who had
“adopted” Nobel Peace Prize laureates and
spent months developing creative projects
around their lives.
And, after hearing Dr. Sima Samar
speak at the Peace Prize Forum, it will be
difficult to read about Afghanistan without
thinking about the persecution and
hardships she has endured in her life.
The timing of the article in this issue
about Professor Garry Hesser—honored as
Minnesota Professor of the Year—was
serendipity, but couldn’t have fit better
with themes about experience in an
Augsburg education. His vision, wisdom,
and leadership at Augsburg and across the
nation have enabled students to learn more
fully through internships, service-learning,
cooperative education, and by getting out
of the classroom and into the community.
So, read on and experience an
education exemplified, I believe, by the
phrase on many of the publications from
our Center for Global Education—“See the
world through their eyes, and your world
will never be the same.”
Augsburg Now is published
quarterly by Augsburg College,
2211 Riverside Ave., Minneapolis,
Minnesota 55454.
Betsey Norgard
Assistant Editor
Lynn Mena
Graphic Designer
Kathy Rumpza
Class Notes Coordinator
Sara Kamholz ’04
Stephen Geffre
William V. Frame
Director of Alumni and
Parent Relations
Amy Sutton
Director of Public Relations
and Communication
Dan Jorgensen
Opinions expressed in
Augsburg Now do not necessarily
reflect official College policy.
ISSN 1058–1545
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Betsey Norgard
Augsburg College, as affirmed in its
mission, does not discriminate on
the basis of race, color, creed,
religion, national or ethnic origin,
age, gender, sexual orientation,
marital status, status with regard to
public assistance, or disability in its
education policies, admissions
policies, scholarship and loan
programs, athletic and/or school
administered programs, except in
those instances where religion is a
bona fide occupational qualification.
Augsburg College is committed to
providing reasonable
accommodations to its employees
and its students.
Winter/Spring 2005
Vol. 67, No. 2-3
Through the eyes of teachers,
the eyes of students
by Kathy Swanson, Anna Warnes ’05, Jeff Moores ’05,
Sue Kneen ’04, and Rachel Schuette ’03
Learning with your heart
by Judy Petree
2005 Nobel Peace Prize Forum
Garry Hesser: Minnesota Professor of the Year
Vision, news from Access to Excellence:
The Campaign for Augsburg College
Around the Quad
Faculty/Staff Notes
Alumni News
Class Notes
In Memoriam
Auggie Thoughts
50 percent recycled paper (10 percent post-consumer waste)
On the cover:
The 2005 Nobel Peace Prize Forum
brought together nearly 1,000 people
to hear, consider, and discuss issues
of women’s rights, honoring 2003
Nobel Peace Prize laureate Shirin
Ebadi. Photo by Stephen Geffre.
Around THE
the Quad
Campus Kitchen receives honors
The Campus Kitchen at Augsburg received
one of nine Harry Chapin Self-Reliance
awards given by World Hunger Year
(WHY) to “outstanding grassroots
organizations in the U.S. that have moved
beyond charity to creating change in their
communities.” WHY is devoted to finding
grassroots solutions to hunger and poverty.
Campus Kitchen at Augsburg is a
partnership with The Campus Kitchens
Project and local community agencies to
use food donations from campus dining
operations, student organizations, and
Second Harvest Heartland in preparation
of meals delivered to community service
agencies. Since Augsburg’s program began
in October 2003, over 10,000 meals have
been served and 300 volunteers involved
in Augsburg’s program.
Thrivent grant will help strengthen
planned giving program
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans has
awarded Augsburg $99,935 over two years
to support the College’s plan to strengthen
its planned giving program.
The grant will expand Augsburg’s
congregational outreach to inform,
motivate, and engage Lutherans through
seminars, individual visits, direct mail, and
Web site content in the charitable giving
options available to them.
Rochester Program relocates
After five years at the Rochester Central
Lutheran School, Augsburg’s Rochester
campus program moved closer to
downtown with its new location at Bethel
Lutheran Church.
In January, the College officially
celebrated the move and dedicated the new
location. Speakers included Rochester
mayor Ardelle Brede; Rev. Gary Benson ’70,
Augsburg regent and minister of Zumbro
Lutheran Church in Rochester; Rev.
Norman Wahl ’75, executive pastor of
Bethel Lutheran; and Pat Engstrom, a
current graduate nursing student in
Rochester who spoke on behalf of the
Rochester students.
Augsburg’s Gospel Praise, a student
music ensemble that performs across the
nation, also took part in the celebration.
Robert Stacke ’71, the group’s director and
chair of the Music Department, used the
occasion to note that Augsburg would
continued on page 3
A college with a conscience
ugsburg College is one of the nation’s
best colleges fostering social
responsibility and public service,
according to The Princeton Review and
Campus Compact. It is one of 81
institutions in the nation featured by The
Princeton Review in its book, Colleges
with a Conscience: 81 Great Schools with
Outstanding Community Involvement, to be
released in June.
“A college with a conscience,” said
Robert Franek, vice president for
admission services at The Princeton
Review, “has both an administration
committed to social responsibility and a
student body actively engaged in serving
society. Education at these schools isn’t
only about private gain: it’s about the
public good.”
The Princeton Review, an organization
that prepares online test-prep courses,
books, and other education services,
partnered with Campus Compact, a
national organization committed to the
civic purposes of higher education, to
choose the schools and develop the book.
Colleges were also nominated by
organizations with expertise in campus
community service and engagement.
Criteria included the college’s
admission practices and scholarships
rewarding community service, support for
service-learning programs, student
activism, student voice in school
governance, and level of social
engagement of its student body.
From over 900 nominations, the list
was shortened as editors collected data
about the nominees’ programs and
policies, and surveyed their students,
faculty, and staff.
Parker Palmer is the 2005
Commencement speaker
arker J. Palmer will present the
Commencement remarks, “Living the
Questions,” at the 2005 Commencement
ceremony on Saturday, May 7.
Palmer, a respected writer, lecturer,
teacher, and activist, focuses on issues in
education, community, leadership,
spirituality, and social change. His work
speaks deeply to people in many walks
of life.
He serves as senior associate of the
American Association of Higher
Education, and senior adviser to the Fetzer
Institute. He is the founder of the Center
for Teacher Formation, which oversees the
“Courage to Teach” program for K-12
educators across the country and a parallel
program for people in other professions.
Palmer’s work has been recognized
with eight honorary doctorates, two
Distinguished Achievement Awards from
the National
Educational Press
Association, an Award
of Excellence from the
Associated Church
Press, and major
grants from the
Danforth Foundation,
the Lilly Endowment, and the Fetzer
He has published a dozen poems, more
than 100 essays, and seven best-selling
and award-winning books, including A
Hidden Wholeness, Let Your Life Speak, and
The Courage to Teach.
In 1998, The Leadership Project, a
national survey of 10,000 administrators
and faculty, named Palmer one of the 30
“most influential senior leaders” in higher
education and one of the 10 key “agendasetters” of the past decade.
Winter/Spring 2005
New regents elected to board
Frank Cerra, M.D.
Anthony (Tony) L. Genia, Jr.
’85, M.D.
hree new members and one re-elected
member were welcomed to the
Augsburg College Board of Regents at
their meeting in January.
Re-elected to a second term is former
Minneapolis city councilmember Jackie
Cherryhomes ’76, a government relations
consultant and current chair of
Augsburg’s Government and Community
Relations Committee.
Frank Cerra, M.D.
Dr. Frank Cerra is senior vice president
for health sciences at the University of
Minnesota, one of the most
comprehensive academic health centers
in the U.S.
He graduated from the State
University of New York at Binghamton
and received his medical degree from
Northwestern University School of
Medicine. In 1991, he came to the
University of Minnesota as director of
surgical critical care, and in 1995 was
appointed dean of the Medical School.
He is co-developer of the bioartificial
liver, a device similar to a kidney dialysis
Anthony (Tony) L. Genia, Jr. ’85, M.D.
Dr. Tony Genia graduated from Augsburg
in 1985 with a major in biology. While a
student, he served as president of the
Intertribal Student Union. He earned a
medical degree from the University of
Minnesota Medical School, and
Winter/Spring 2005
Beverly (Halling) Oren ’55
completed a residency in emergency
medicine at the University of New
Mexico Hospital in 1993.
He is a diplomate of the American
Board of Emergency Medicine and a
fellow of the American College of
Emergency Medicine. His principal
practice is at Fairview-University Medical
Center in Minneapolis.
Beverly (Halling) Oren ’55
Bev Oren graduated from Augsburg in
1955 with a major in history and a minor
in English. She taught school for several
years and then served as vice president of
human resources during the 1980s and
1990s at Dart Transit Company, a
nationwide trucking and logistics
company of which her husband, Donald
Oren ’53, is president. She remains a
principal and adviser in the company.
She currently serves on the boards of
Minnehaha Academy and Dart Transit
Company, as well as having formerly
served on the boards of the Boys and
Girls Club, YWCA, and the Covenant
Pines Bible Camp.
The new board members were elected
to four-year terms by the Augsburg
Corporation at its meeting in October.
The Augsburg Corporation is comprised
of representatives elected by the
assemblies of the Minneapolis, St. Paul,
Southeastern Minnesota, and Northwest
Wisconsin Synods of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America.
begin offering music courses in Rochester
next year.
The Rochester Program began in fall
1998 with 65 nurses, mostly employees
of Mayo Clinic, studying toward a
bachelor’s degree completion. Now, at
nearly four times that size, 230 students
are currently enrolled in bachelor degree
programs in business, management
information systems (MIS), education,
and nursing (BSN completion), as well as
in the Master of Arts degree in nursing.
Augsburg Academy needs high
school students
The Augsburg Academy for Health
Careers is recruiting 9th-, 10th-, and
11th-grade students interested in math
and science for its first class beginning
this fall when doors open in St. Paul.
The academy is a new charter school,
sponsored by Augsburg, Fairview Health
Services, and Faith in the City, a
collaborative of seven Lutheran-based
Twin Cities institutions. Centered on
health as a vocation and a way of life, the
free school receives grant funding from
the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Focusing on math and science within
a regular curriculum, students will gain
immediate skills, graduating with
certification in CPR and first aid, and
either as a nurse assistant or first
responder. Mentoring and job-shadowing
will begin in grades 9 and 10.
For information, contact Linda
Packard, Fairview Community Health
Outreach, at 612-672-6322.
Augsburg gains European partners
Augsburg has established academic
partnerships with universities in Poland,
Slovenia, and Finland.
Business professor Magda PalecznyZapp is co-coordinator of two
partnerships—one with the Krakow
University of Economics in Krakow, Poland,
and the other with University of Ljubljana
in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Opportunities will
include faculty exchanges, research
collaboration, curriculum development and
teaching, and study abroad for students.
Augsburg’s International Partners
program has established a partnership
with Arcada College in Helsinki, Finland,
for students in business, economics, and
MIS. All course credits taken there will
apply to Augsburg majors.
Around the Quad
ugsburg’s Speech Team placed
among the top teams in the state
with a second place sweepstakes award
in their division at the Minnesota College
Forensic Association’s annual
tournament in February.
Since Minnesota teams routinely
place in the top 20 nationally, the state
tournament serves up some tough
competition. “Our students have won
awards at almost every tournament they
attended this year,” said coach and
communication studies professor Bob
Groven, “and routinely beat some of the
best competitors in the country. After
placing second at nationals last year in
our division, it’s nice to continue
building our success.” According to
assistant coach Brad Christ, Augsburg’s
Speech Team has already this year
amassed 22 finalist trophies, with several
tournaments still left in the season.
Senior Ryan Sobolik took top honors
with a second place in Impromptu
Speaking and fifth place in
Analysis. His success
comes after three years
of hard work. “It took
me a while to get the
hang of impromptu,”
said Sobolik. “It’s tough
because you don’t know
the topic beforehand,
and you only have two
minutes to prepare your
Erik Helgeson placed
sixth in After Dinner
Speaking, which
requires presenting a
funny speech about a
serious topic. His
The Augsburg speech team’s success grows with a second-place
finish in the state tournament. (L to R) Francis Rojas ’05, Brian
speech highlights the
Mumford ’08, Ryan Sobolik ’05, and Erik Helgeson ’05
ways that “free speech
zones” have been
should be allowed to voice their opinion,
abused to limit a protestor’s free speech
even if those in power don’t always want
rights. After working extensively in
to hear the message. It’s important that
radio, he feels a special connection to
we preserve everyone’s right to protest.”
this topic. “I really believe that everyone
Augsburg presents Native American voices in
film series
or the second year, the Augsburg
Native American Film Series (ANAFS)
has collaborated with local and regional
film organizations to offer regional
venues for Native American filmmakers.
This year, ANAFS has partnered with a
new film organization, Independent
Indigenous Film Minneapolis (IIFM);
continued to work with the Fargo
International Film Festival; and is
planning programs for fall 2005 with the
University of Minnesota’s American
Indian Student Association and IIFM.
The series of films being shown on
campus and in community locations
aims to engage viewers in dialogue about
indigenous film and forge collaborative
relationships with the local Native
American community.
The spring schedule of screenings has
included a five-film documentary series
at Augsburg with special hosts and panel
discussions, and continued with a threeday series at the Center for Independent
Artists that showcased local new media
artists and the best of the Native American
Voices selection from the Fifth Annual
Fargo International Film Festival with a
special panel of filmmakers. The fall
schedule, still in the planning stage, would
show a number of feature films at the
University of Minnesota.
The series is also linked to the
American Indian Studies program’s
Indigenous Filmmakers course, offering
students an interactive environment in
which to discuss issues of America’s
history, contemporary culture, and social
justice raised by Native filmmakers with
community members.
For a schedule of the remaining
screenings or for more information, go to
<> or
contact M. Elise Marubbio at 612-330-1523
or <>.
Winter/Spring 2005
Staff photo
Speech team wins sweepstakes award
Auggies win national title while records fall
Stephen Geffre
by Don Stoner
ying national records with 10 AllAmericans, six wrestlers in national
championship finals, and four wrestlers
repeating as individual national
champions, the Augsburg College
wrestling team claimed its ninth NCAA
Division III national championship in the
last 15 seasons with a dominating
performance in the national tournament,
March 4-5, at St. Olaf College in
Augsburg put together the secondhighest point total for any championship
team in Division III history, and the most
ever for an Augsburg team at the national
championship tournament.
Augsburg claimed 10 All-Americans, a
first in program history and the second
such occurrence in Division III history.
Augsburg head coach Jeff Swenson has
guided 143 All-Americans in his 23 years
of coaching (1980-84, 1986-present).
Junior Marcus LeVesseur became just
the eighth wrestler in Division III history,
and the first in Augsburg history, to win
three consecutive national titles, as he
claimed the 157-pound crown.
His 124-match collegiate unbeaten
streak is now the second-longest winning
Augsburg’s wrestling team claimed the NCAA Division III national championship on March 5 at
St. Olaf College—its ninth wrestling national title in the last 15 seasons.
streak in college wrestling history behind
the 159 of Cael Sanderson at Iowa State
(1998-2002). LeVesseur has yet to lose a
collegiate wrestling match.
Augsburg’s four repeat national
champions all finished their seasons
unbeaten, bringing the Auggies’ all-time
national championship total to 39 in
school history— and a record 35 in
Division III competition.
“Not only did they repeat, but they
were undefeated champions—it’s almost
unheard of at any level for a guy to do
something like that—and to have a team
that had four guys repeat and go
undefeated in that year, it’s just mindboggling,” Swenson said. “This will be in
the storybooks long after I’m done
Augsburg finished 14-1 on the season
in dual meets, earning Swenson his
300th career coaching victory along the
way. He is now 302-40 (.883 winning
percentage) in his career.
Don Stoner is sports information coordinator.
ugsburg has joined the Lutheran
World Relief’s Wave of Giving
campaign to rebuild resources in South
Asia devastated by the December
Augsburg’s goal is to raise $35,000;
while it will contribute to LWR’s overall
rebuilding plan in the area, the focus will
be on the rebuilding of a cyclone
shelter/school in India.
Student organizations have jumped
on to “ride the wave” with creative
fundraising events. For Valentine’s Day,
the LINK, a student service organization,
collected money for their singing
telegrams and a raffle.
Winter/Spring 2005
On March 13, Pi Day,
the student math club,
Unbounded, charged
students money for the
opportunity to “pi” their
favorite professor—by
tossing a whipped cream
mini-pie at them. Students
also took turns reading the
digits of pi, reaching a
grand total of 24,401.
Augsburg’s Center for Global
Education (CGE) and LWR have shared
their common strong commitments to
experiential education as a learning tool
with trips over the past two years to
Courtesy photo
Ride the ‘Wave of Giving’ for tsunami relief
Nicaragua to educate about the LWR
coffee project and fair trade.
Contact David Fenrick, Center for
Global Education, for further information
or to donate, at <>
or 612-330-1669.
Gridiron guru
by Erin Peterson
hen Jack Osberg ’62 walked off
the football field for the final time
as head coach of the Augsburg team
following the Auggies’ game against
St. Olaf at the Metrodome on Nov. 12,
he departed as the winningest football
coach in the school’s history.
But for him, that legacy isn’t nearly
as important as the one he’s had on a
generation of players.
Take Craig Peroutka ’99. Long before
Peroutka ever donned an Augsburg
uniform, he knew that Jack Osberg
would be his college coach. As a senior
at Faribault High School, the offensive
lineman hadn’t attracted notice from any
Division I or Division II schools, but he
had caught the eye of Osberg.
“Jack was the only one who took the
time to visit me at my house after a high
school football game,” he says. “He
really took time to get to know me.”
Peroutka would go on to be a part of
the 1997 Augsburg squad that finished
10-2 and earned a Minnesota
Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
(MIAC) crown for the first time since
1928, while advancing to the NCAA
Division III national quarterfinals.
Now a financial analyst, Peroutka
says Osberg wasn’t just a football coach
for him; he was a life coach. “He
focused on values,” Peroutka says. “He
didn’t want us to succeed just on the
field, he wanted us to succeed in the
classroom and in everything we did.”
This is the kind of praise on which
Osberg thrives. During his 14-year
tenure as head coach at Augsburg, he’s
garnered his share of accolades, from
winning the MIAC championship to
surpassing his former coach and mentor,
Edor Nelson ’38, as the winningest
football coach in Auggie history.
But he’s much quicker to recount the
weddings of former players he’s attended
recently, and the friendships he’s formed
with many of his players. He’s happy to
talk about the successes of his players
not just on the gridiron, but in the
business world.
“I want my players to understand
that there’s a bigger world than football,
but that there are many things we can
learn on the football field that will help
us, whether it’s our careers, our
relationships, our spirituality, or
anything else,” says Osberg.
It’s the wisdom of a coach who’s
played the game for his entire life, and
coached for nearly three-quarters of it.
An Auggie himself, the offensive and
defensive lineman played under the
legendary Edor Nelson ’38, and he knew
by the middle of his freshman year that
he would coach.
He spent 30 years teaching biology
and coaching at Minneapolis Roosevelt,
Bloomington Kennedy, and Wayzata high
schools, where he says he quickly
learned that good coaches aren’t
necessarily the best athletes, they’re the
best teachers.
“You need to know how to motivate
and work with young people,” he says.
“I’ve always said that if I’m teaching a
class of 30 students and I get 28 positive
evaluations, I’ll wonder what I could
Head football coach Jack Osberg ‘62 retires
with the most wins in Augsburg coaching
Charles Walbridge
Charles Walbridge
Augsburg coach Jack Osberg shares his philosophy on football and life
Coach Osberg celebrates with Auggie players in 2003 after a win over Hamline.
Winter/Spring 2005
Archive photo
begin to turn the
have done for those
program around, even if
other two. Coaching
they would not be the
is the same way. I
ones to finish first in
want to be able to
the MIAC.
relate to all of the
These days, says
Osberg, it’s tougher to
While he’s had
succeed than it used to
plenty of role models
be. Many players, even
on and off the field,
at the Division III level,
his goal was never to
are pressured to
emulate the style of
specialize in a single
any of them. “As a
Jack Osberg began his football
sport, and with everyoung coach, I went
career as an Auggie offensive and
defensive lineman.
improving technology,
to a clinic and I heard
play is far more
[former Vikings
sophisticated than it was when he was a
coach] Bud Grant speak,” he says. “I
came back with all these great Bud Grant
“We have video tapes now that we
ideas, but I wasn’t Bud Grant.”
can just copy and give out,” he says.
As he looked to many people for
“We used to have just one 16-millimeter
ideas, he ended up building his own
film, and we couldn’t copy that. It was
coaching philosophy and style. For better
difficult to run, and it broke all the
or worse, the young men who played for
him would look up to him, and he
Even as players feel that they must
stresses that he tries to be a role model
do more work in the weight room and
for them. He is demanding but respectful
spend more time in the offseason
of his players; he focuses on the
preparing for the following fall, Osberg
fundamentals of the game while
tells them to find balance. College is a
acknowledging that his players and his
crucible, but it is only through the
coaches have much to teach him.
balance of sports and academics, work,
“If you think you have all the answers
and friendships that they will be
to everything, you’re not going to make
prepared to enter the world and the rest
it,” he says.
of their lives.
As a Division III coach, Osberg hasn’t
In retirement, he says he is looking
had access to the kind of talent available
forward to spending more time with his
to large programs, but he’s a proponent
wife, Nina, and six children and
of making everyone—even those who
grandchildren. He may also spend more
will never be stars—feel valued.
time on the golf course. But retirement
“Jack made me think I could
will be bittersweet because of the joy
accomplish anything,” says Mike
that his tenure at Augsburg has brought.
Weidner ’83, a defensive end who played
“I was here 40 years ago, and in that
while Osberg was a defensive coordinator
time buildings have changed, technology
under Al Kloppen. “I was 6-feet-1 and
has changed, and administrations have
177 pounds, and he convinced me I
changed,” he says. “But the thing that’s
could do the job. I don’t think we had
stayed constant is the [encouragement]
one guy who was over 200 pounds, but
for individuals to be who they are. That
he always got the most out of
is something that persists.”
Osberg will remain on the Augsburg
Indeed, he says one of the squads he
staff, assisting in the school’s Alumni and
was most proud of during his tenure at
Parent Relations and Development areas,
Augsburg was the group of players he
to develop connections with athletic
started with during his first year as a
alumni and parents.
head coach, in 1991. Augsburg had
compiled an abysmal 7-61-2 record in
Erin Peterson is a freelance writer based in
the previous seven seasons, and he
marveled at the 1991 group’s ability to
Winter/Spring 2005
Frank Haege to
replace Osberg
by Don Stoner
ormer Augsburg assistant coach
Frank Haege has been named to
replace retiring coach Jack Osberg. He will
be the 14th head coach in the 74-season
history of the school’s football program.
Haege brings a 64-24 record as a
professional football head coach to his
new post at Augsburg. Most recently,
Haege spent three seasons as head coach
of the Arena Football League’s Las Vegas
Gladiators, posting a 25-23 record
(including playoffs).
“I’m very excited about this position,”
said Haege, 36. “Working at Augsburg,
and at the small-college level, has always
been a long-term goal for me. I’ve really
enjoyed the 10 years that I coached in
Arena Football, and I’ve had a lot of
success at that level. But there is a lot
more stability at the small-college level,
and that is important to me and my
Haege served on the Augsburg staff
under Jack Osberg as offensive
coordinator from 1996-98.
“Ever since I started coaching with
Jack in 1996, I fell in love with
Augsburg,” Haege said. “It is a great
atmosphere in which to coach and teach.
People work hard, have fun, and always
look out for the student-athletes.”
Don Stoner is sports information
The 17th Nobel Peace Prize Forum and Peace Prize Festival
Left: Dr. Sima Samar,
chair of the Afghanistan
Human Rights
Commission, spoke
about her struggle as an
Afghan woman to
become a medical
doctor, establish the first
hospital for women in
Afghanistan, and
continue her pioneering
work on behalf of
women in her country.
Right: Augsburg student Sam
Kanenwisher ’06 (left) presents a
gift of the waters brought to this
year’s forum to a representative of
Luther College, which will host
the Peace Prize Forum in 2006.
Left: Students from CitySongs
children’s choir performed at the
forum prior to the Friday
evening plenary session.
Above: Augsburg was host in February to
nearly 1,000 college, university, and
community participants in the 17th annual
Nobel Peace Prize Forum honoring Nobel
Peace laureate Shirin Ebadi of Iran.
Above: National Public Radio producer Davar Ardalan
spoke in a plenary session about rediscovering her
native country of Iran and learning about the legacy
her family left in the national struggle for reform.
Above: Augsburg student Katie Bickel ’05 participated on a student seminar panel examining
human rights issues in China, Iran, and East Africa.
Winter/Spring 2005
Above: Frances Moore Lappé, author of Diet for a
Small Planet, spoke about the politics of food and
consideration of food as the central issue through
which to understand world politics.
Above: Augsburg sociology professor Garry Hesser, with
students Krista Dahlke and Riley Conway, presented to a
standing-room seminar audience their research on
demographics, resources, and revitalization in lowincome neighborhoods.
Above: Students from the
Prairie School of Dance in Eden
Prairie performed a modern
dance, “The Wall.”
Above: Mary Robinson, former president of
Ireland and U.N. high commissioner for human
rights, talked about her global experience as an
advocate for human rights and the use of law to
bring about social change.
Above: A participant from one of the five
sponsoring colleges brought water to the Peace
Prize Forum cauldron.
Winter/Spring 2005
Above: Ole Mjøs, chair of the Nobel
Peace Prize Committee in Oslo, Norway,
gestured in his greetings from Norway
and spoke about the significance of the
forum, sponsored by the five
Norwegian Lutheran colleges.
Stephen Geffre
Augsburg News Service and Betsey Norgard
interdisciplinary metro-urban studies
program. He was instrumental in the
creation of Augsburg’s Center for
Service, Work, and Learning—a center
marking the marriage of the classroom
and the city that has not only emerged
as a hallmark of an Augsburg education,
but also has served as a service-learning
model across the nation.
For 28 years Hesser has been a
national leader in assisting students in
taking fuller advantage of Augsburg’s
urban location through wide-ranging
internships, community servicelearning, and cooperative education.
Education Award (National Society
for Experiential Education)
• 1998, Thomas Ehrlich Award for
national leadership and scholarship in
advancing the field of service-learning
(Campus Compact)
Stephen Geffre
ugsburg sociology and urban
studies professor Garry Hesser
was named 2004 Minnesota
Professor of the Year by the Carnegie
Foundation for the Advancement of
Teaching and the Council for
Advancement and Support of Education
The day of the announcement,
November 18, was proclaimed as “Dr.
Garry Hesser Day” in Minnesota by Gov.
Tim Pawlenty. A special chapel service
and luncheon marked the day on the
Augsburg campus.
In reflecting on his time at Augsburg,
Hesser said, “This has been an
extraordinary place to be all these 28
years. The gift of community is about the
greatest gift to be given to anybody in
one’s life.”
Hesser joined Augsburg’s Sociology
Department in 1977. Since that time he
has served as chair of the Natural and
Social Sciences Division and chair of the
His awards include:
• 2004, Distinguished Contributions to
Teaching and Learning (Augsburg)
• 2002, Distinguished Sociologist of
Minnesota (Sociologists of Minnesota)
• 2001, Pioneer in Experiential
Professor of the Year Garry Hesser is
introduced at a special chapel service by
Frankie Shackelford, associate dean for
teaching and learning enhancement.
Winter/Spring 2005
Stephen Geffre
Hesser represents the
very best teacher any of
us ever have had.
He’s that teacher we think
about with gratitude
decades later.
—Doug Grow
Star Tribune columnist
Hesser is Augsburg’s first recipient of the
professor-of-the-year honor, which is
given annually by the Carnegie
Foundation and CASE, two Washington,
D.C.-based organizations. It is the only
national award that recognizes
excellence in undergraduate teaching
and mentoring. More than 500
nominations were submitted.
The nominees were evaluated on
criteria including the impact on and
involvement with undergraduate
students, scholarly approach to teaching
and learning, contributions to
undergraduate education within the
institution and community, and support
from colleagues and students
“In my view, Garry Hesser represents
the best Augsburg College has to offer in
respect to innovative teaching, engaged
scholarship, and service to the
institution and the community,” noted
President William Frame.
Augsburg provost and dean
Christopher Kimball wrote, “His unique
preparation as a theologian and
sociologist has proven fertile soil in
which to cultivate a teaching life. He
does so with energy and care and
thereby provides a compelling example
of Christian vocation for his colleagues
Winter/Spring 2005
and students.”
Minneapolis Star Tribune columnist
Doug Grow led his column about
Hesser’s honor by fantasizing about a
time when media would get as excited
about people who matter as they do
about celebrities and sports stars. He
wrote, “Hesser represents the very best
teacher any of us ever have had. He’s that
teacher we think about with gratitude
decades later.”
Hesser is past president of the
National Society for Experiential
Education (NSEE) and the Higher
Education Consortium for Urban Affairs
(HECUA). As a consultant, he has led
workshops on service-learning and
experiential education on over 50
campuses and at professional meetings.
Hesser holds degrees from Phillips
University in Oklahoma, Union
Theological Seminary in New York, and
the University of Notre Dame. He makes
his home in the Seward neighborhood
where he and his wife, Nancy Homans,
have raised their five children, two of
whom are Augsburg graduates. He is the
author or editor of numerous
publications and articles in the areas of
experiential education, service-learning,
and neighborhood revitalization.
Courtesy photo
At a luncheon in his honor, Garry Hesser acknowledged and greeted his friend and mentor Professor
Emeritus Joel Torstenson ’38, founder of Augsburg’s Sociology Department, as Fran Torstenson looked on.
In 2000, Prof. Garry Hesser and then-PanAfrikan Center director Joe Young taught
an Interim course on civil rights history that
included a 10-day bus tour to spots where
historic civil rights events occurred—Selma
and Birmingham, Ala.; Little Rock, Ark.;
Memphis, Tenn.; and Atlanta, Ga. For most
students, it was their first trip in the south,
and left a strong impact as they immersed
themselves in the history. Here, the group
posed on the steps of the 16th Street
Baptist Church in Birmingham, Ala.
Robert Frost poignantly reminds us of
roads not taken, as well as those that are
taken. In 1984, I was engaged in a
faculty development internship related to
affordable housing policy and programs.
I was preparing for a sabbatical leave to
write a book with an economics colleague
focusing on neighborhood revitalization
using data that my students and I had
collected from a sample of 500
Minneapolis residents. Then the dean
called and invited me to accept an
appointment as founding director of the
newly funded Cooperative Education
program, stressing the importance of
faculty leadership in this new undertaking.
My colleague wrote the book that we
had planned together, but the alternate
“road taken” enabled me to become one
of the early faculty members who led in
the “rediscovery” and validation of
experiential education and servicelearning. Because there were so few
faculty members whose colleges
supported their involvement in servicelearning, I stood out and became
president of the National Society for
Experiential Education (NSEE), which
collaborated with Susan Stroud and Tim
Stanton as they worked with the
university presidents who founded
Campus Compact. These were heady
times for all of us in experiential
education. I found myself at Wingspread
on a task force which was deliberating on
whether to call it “service-learning” and
played a leadership role in NSEE when
we convened Wingspread gatherings that
produced the “Principles of Good
Practice in Service-Learning,” designed a
research agenda under the leadership of
Dwight Giles, and commissioned the
now classic NSEE three-volume
Combining Service and Learning, edited
by Jane Kendall.
All this also opened the door to
my becoming a FIPSE-NSEE consultant
(which has evolved into the Campus
Compact-AAHE Consulting Corps). This
20-year interchange and dialogue has
enhanced our programs at Augsburg and
by Garry Hesser
Stephen Geffre
An unexpected career path and serendipity led Professor Garry Hesser to the forefront of leadership,
as experiential education, and especially service-learning, was embraced and developed in higher
the over 50 campuses where I have been
privileged to conduct faculty and staff
development workshops on experiential
education and service-learning.
Serendipity played a key role in recentering my teaching and scholarship in
the very values that had led me into the
academy in the first place, namely a
desire to combine knowledge with civic
engagement that could lead to thriving
and integrated communities open to all.
These opportunities have been gifts
in a 20-year “faculty development
process” and dialogue with colleagues
from across the globe, enabling me to be
a bridge between Augsburg, HECUA, and
others on the cutting edge of experiential
education. My teaching has certainly
benefited from an expanded utilization of
community-based pedagogy. And it
would appear that Augsburg has also
benefited from this disciplinary and
interdisciplinary exchange. This summer
two of my students will collaborate with
me as we expand upon and synthesize
the community-based research of other
students over the past five years as we
deepen our understanding of five
Minneapolis neighborhoods and compare
their community-building endeavors
with five neighborhoods involved in
Annie E. Casey’s “Rebuilding
Communities Initiative.”
I do not know the roads that I
might have traveled by pursuing more
traditional forms of scholarship. But the
decision to focus my teaching and
sociological journey on experiential
education and community-based servicelearning has provided countless
opportunities in higher education and
the discipline of sociology. …
My colleagues and students, both
within the academy and the community,
young and old, have shared their gifts
and accepted mine. We have challenged
and changed one another as a
community of learners and engaged
scholars. How could any professor ask
for more opportunities than I have had
or more reasons to celebrate the joy of
being a teacher, a student, a sociologist,
an urbanist, and a citizen? ■
Excerpted from the personal statement by
Garry Hesser that accompanied his
nomination as Professor of the Year.
Winter/Spring 2005
‘Many Houses’ author found Augsburg home
With many men serving in the Armed
Forces during World War II, most
Augsburg students were women. It was
here that writer Marie (Gjenvick)
Knaphus ’45 found a home. “The entire
school was like a family,” said Knaphus.
“Augsburg means a lot to me. I received
a good education and made many
lifelong friends.”
In addition to studying, Knaphus
kept involved with oratory and debate,
singing in the Mendelssohn Chorus, and
participating in the International
Relations Club and the Writers’ Club. At
the same time, she was engaged in
community and faith-based activities
through Girl Scouts and the church.
Making Iowa her home for many
years, Knaphus last visited the campus
in 1996 for the 50th anniversary of
campus ministry among students
attending state-supported colleges and
universities. Shortly after leaving
Augsburg, Knaphus served as counselor
to Lutheran students attending the Iowa
State Teachers College in Cedar Falls,
Iowa. It was there that she met and
married her husband, George, and
together they became the ministry’s first
During her visit, Knaphus was
amazed at the growth of Augsburg’s
Weekend College (WEC) and feels a
connection with WEC students because,
she, too, lived off campus. However, she
took a streetcar to attend Augsburg.
Winter/Spring 2005
A great-grandmother at 81, Knaphus
continues to use her education and serve
others. Currently she is working on her
third book, this one about her father, a
Norwegian immigrant. ■
Marie (Gjenvick) Knaphus ’45, then and now.
“I am impressed with what’s
happening to Augsburg today,” she said.
“Students should work hard and take
advantage of every opportunity to grow
and develop their abilities. I feel
Augsburg did this for me.”
Knaphus also thinks “it’s important
for alumni to help support the College.
It takes so much money to run a
college, and people who have benefited
from it need to help.”
She recently made a significant gift
of stock to the Bernhard M. Christensen
Endowed Fund “out of gratitude for a
good education. It [Augsburg] offered
me the incentive to go out and offer
myself in service to others. I believe
there is a place for the small college that
has a mission like Augsburg.”
Knaphus was fortunate to have
Bernhard Christensen as a professor and
keeps in contact with his widow, (Lilly)
Gracia. “I have fond memories of Dr.
Christensen’s religion class that pulled
everything together for me. Attending
Augsburg helped me crystallize my faith,”
she said.
Marie Knaphus’ story may be similar to
yours. She held stock for many years and
wanted to give to Augsburg instead of taking
the capital gain from the sale of stock. Her
gift helps build Augsburg’s endowment, and
Knaphus benefits as well.
Augsburg is focusing its endowment growth
in three ways:
Endowed chairs and professorships allow
the College to attract and retain the most
qualified and talented faculty.
By expanding the current level of endowed
scholarships the College is able to attract
talented students from all backgrounds.
A strong endowment is essential to
sustaining distinctive programs, supporting
innovative faculty-student research projects,
and enhancing professional development
programs for all faculty and staff.
You may designate endowment gifts to areas
of your specific interest.Your appreciated
securities of stock, bonds, or mutual funds
may be exempt from capital gains taxes
when you transfer them to the College, and
you may receive a tax deduction equal to the
market value of the securities at the time
they are transferred. Contact the
Development Office at 612-338-0002 to
discuss how your gift can best help others.
Goal reached through the 3M Foundation challenge grant
The challenge went out this past fall to
Augburg alumni and friends who are 3M
employees to give back to their alma
mater through the 3M Foundation
Challenge Grant.
“I think the
3M Foundation
structured the
grant appropriately,” said Ron
Nelson ’68. “I am
pleased to see we
achieved the
match.” Augsburg
College and 3M
partnered to
Ron Nelson ’68
successfully raise
$100,000 from 69 3M employees in
support of the new Science Center. The
special challenge match opportunity
offered by the 3M Foundation ran for
eight weeks. Under the 3:1 challenge, the
foundation matched the $100,000 in
contributions from employees, retirees,
and friends with a $300,000 gift. Additionally, the foundation contributed a
$200,000 grant to the new Science Center.
“There is a long-standing relationship
between Augsburg and 3M,” said Nelson.
“This challenge grant gave many 3M
employees and retirees an opportunity to
reconnect with the College and play an
important part in the capital campaign.”
Sandra Wollschlager ’94 was compelled
to contribute because “my education made
a challenging 3M career possible. Many
3M employees completed degrees in a
nontraditional fashion when taking
Augsburg coursework. We obtained an
Augsburg degree
while working full
time and raising a
“My daughter
was one-year-old
when I took my
first Augsburg
class. I commuted
Sandra Wollschlager ’94 a long distance.
Because Augsburg
chemistry professors came to the 3M
campus, it enabled me to juggle my work
schedule so I could take classes. If it wasn’t
for 3M and Augsburg making it easier for
me, I wouldn’t have gone to college.”
Nelson came from the small Minnesota
town of Dawson, and life at Augsburg
was his first introduction to the city. “It
became my window,” said Nelson. “All is
available within the city, and students
should plug in culturally, through sports,
and experience activities relative to
societal diversity.”
Students should “participate in the
hands-on experiences made available in
the classroom and the laboratories, and
take advantage of the research work,” he
said. “These are extremely important
building blocks for the future.”
“The connection with Augsburg to the
scientific community is imperative,” said
Wollschlager. “Students need to see and
understand the big connections. 3M is a
global company so it is involved in global
issues. So what can we do to lessen global
warming, for example? Students need to
learn air and water transport modeling so
they can see how the world is connected.
“Our generation needs to make
improvements in the environment
(sustainable chemistry, technological
advances) and we need to figure out how
to educate the public about our
improvements and, in general, the value
of a science education/background.”
“The contributions made in sciences
are important to everyone,” continued
Nelson. “We want the science programs to
continue to be competitive and turn out
leaders like Dr. Peter Agre ’70, recipient of
the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.” ■
Many people made a difference through the
3M Foundation Grant Challenge—please
consider how you can make a difference, too.
Does your company offer a matching gift
program? If so, please let us know.
Remember, all gifts are tax deductible.
Contact Sherry Jennings-King at
612-338-4823 or
to discuss giving options.
Vision is published by
Augsburg College, 2211 Riverside Ave.,
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55454.
Editor and Writer
Lynn James
Graphic Designer
Kathy Rumpza
Winter/Spring 2005
Leola (Lee) Anderson served as the first
lady of Augsburg College during her
husband’s presidency from 1963 to 1980.
President Emeritus Oscar Anderson
focused on three main areas during his
term in office: to meld Augsburg into its
new family of colleges in the American
Lutheran Church (it had been the
college of the Lutheran Free Church); to
experiment with programs that involved
the city as a learning laboratory; and to
strengthen the College academically,
which resulted in an invitation to join
the Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities
As the president’s wife, Lee was active
in the Augsburg College Women’s Club,
now called the Augsburg College
Associates, and hosted College functions.
She raised four children during her
husband’s tenure, served on the first task
force of the American Lutheran College,
and was involved in the church.
She is remembered as a warm,
friendly person who cared deeply about
social issues, was a strong advocate for
women, and was close to her children.
Family was very important to her, and,
at age 86, she experienced the joy of
seeing her first great-grandchild.
Donna (Anderson) Hoekstra ’68 spoke at
the memorial service about her mother,
Lee Anderson. Excerpts are reprinted
here with permission.
“She was a lovely lady with a unique,
one-of-a-kind personality and a name to
Winter/Spring 2005
Archive photo
In Memoriam
Leola G. Anderson, April 17, 1916–December 4, 2004
Leola (Lee) Anderson
match. Mom was generous with her
myriad talents. She could sing
beautifully, strum a guitar (though
upside down and backwards), sew
professionally, entertain with class,
sashay with flair on the dance floor,
draw and paint, and write with depth
and feeling.
Mom was generous with her
treasures, too. She gave, with no strings
attached, to her family, but she also gave
to the far ends of God’s world to
suffering people in places like Rwanda.
Mom embodied for me Christian
discipleship. She tried to live the godly
life—her life bore the fruits of the Spirit:
patience, kindness, goodness,
compassion, and self-control. She exemplified how I wanted to live my life.
Mom gave of herself in service to
others. She was all too often selfless to a
fault. In her early years she served as
choir director, youth leader, Sunday
school teacher, newsletter editor, and
worked in various jobs to support the
family during difficult times in Chicago.
In her years as wife of a traveling
Luther League director (that would be
my dad), Mom formed the Traveler’s
Aid group to provide mutual support
for other staff wives.
In her role as pastor’s wife, she served
gracefully. I can remember food-laden
tables at open houses and family
gatherings at holiday times, Bible
studies she led, sharing fresh insights,
overflowing Christmas baskets for the
poor, and quiet living room conversations with hurting parishioners.
continued on page 16
Appreciating the legacy a scholarship offers,
in 2002 President Emeritus Oscar Anderson
established the Leola G. Anderson
Scholarship in Mathematics to honor
his wife.
“My wife had a love of math, but was a very
modest person,” said Anderson.“I wanted to
do something to honor her, so with
agreement from my family, the Leola G.
Anderson Scholarship in Mathematics was
established.” It is designated that one or more
students who have demonstrated academic
achievement and financial need be awarded
the scholarship. Special consideration is given
to assisting women in mathematics.
If you are interested in contributing to this
scholarship, contact Jennifer Kahlow at
612-338-6540 or <>.
In Memoriam, continued
Mom was an open person. She
opened her mind—especially during the
17 years at Augsburg. I found speeches
she had given in front of learned college
groups. And I remember a particular
Mother/Daughter Banquet. Her talk was
brilliant. How I admired her and was so
proud to be her daughter.
She opened her home—to the
freshmen for Welcome to College Week,
to friends we brought home, and to faculty
for college functions. She opened her heart
to students she tutored and to the needs of
patients at Fairview Hospital.
Books were her love from when she
was young to just three months before she
died. They informed her thoughts and
shaped her opinions.
I had a mom who was on the cutting
edge, though often herself teetering
precariously. With heartfelt empathy
from her own personal loss, she
championed the poor, the oppressed, and
the disenfranchised. She fought for peace
and justice through written word and
voice forming the MS (Miscellaneous)
group of gals to hone shared thoughts
and strategies for change. She took on
Enhancements made to Thrivent’s GivingPlus Program
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans offers a charitable/match gift program to alumni,
faculty, staff, and friends of the College. Changes to the program for 2005 include:
no minimum gift required,
increased member giving range,
multiple gifts option by members to same organization,
equal membership status for gifts, and
additional Lutheran organizations eligible.
Contact Stephanie Malone, director of The Augsburg Fund, at 612-338-4825 or
<> for details on how your participation benefits Augsburg.
the “isms” of race, gender, and culture.
My mom was a flaming liberal and an
authentic feminist. She could talk your
arm off sharing her causes. After her
death, we discovered volumes of prose
and poetry on all kinds of subjects. She
will live on in her written words.
Mom gave her love unconditionally.
She saw God as unconditional lover and
tried to model that love. She was
generous, open, and loving even during
her darkest times. Mom modeled for me
how to give, how to really see the other
person, how to serve, and how to love.” ■
Hurry! Your annual fund donation to
The Augsburg Fund for this fiscal year must
be received by May 31.
Your tax-deductible gift will accomplish many
things: help students by supplementing their
tuition, provide enriching campus experiences,
enhance technology and curriculum, and
prepare future leaders for service in the world.
Contact Stephanie R. Malone, director,The
Augsburg Fund and Maroon & Silver Society,
at 612-338-4825 or <>.
Campaign Progress
$37.5M of $55M goal
as of 3-10-2005
Winter/Spring 2005
Connecting with classmates around the world
by Judy Petree
new program at Augsburg connects
students and faculties around the
world via Web cam and e-mail, offering
one way for students to gain global
perspectives without leaving campus.
Augsburg social work professor
Rosemary Link, along with Robert Bill
from Information Technology, received a
State Department grant to develop the
“Exploring World Cultures” project as a
module in a social work class. Augsburg
is the only Minnesota institution among
the 10 funded grants.
The goals of the project are to
increase understanding of world cultures
and systems of human service; to
increase students’ abilities to explain
their own culture and respect others; to
identify the variety of cultures worldwide
and to recognize their interdependence;
and to develop crosscultural
communication skills, including conflict
Link said they began with schools
where Augsburg already had
connections. At the University of
Ljubljana in Slovenia, where student
summer exchanges have become a
tradition, Professors Gabi Cacinovic
Vogrincic and Lea Sugman Bohinc were
“delighted to participate in this venture.”
A second project site is the National
University of Singapore. The third
partner, Tata Institute in Mumbai, India,
has been delayed by technical and
structural difficulties.
To prepare for the project, Link and
Bill visited the three overseas schools and
researched their political, economic,
historical, and social characteristics, plus
technology resources. They received
training at East Carolina University, where
this technology concept initiated, to
develop curriculum using video
technology and to review steps to establish
crosscultural relationships. They also
prepared for the reality of different
approaches to technology, firewall status,
bandwidth issues, and availability of an
academic technology team.
Winter/Spring 2005
Stephen Geffre
Students in an Augsburg social work class “study” with classmates in Slovenia, pictured on the screen.
Back row (L to R) Professor Rosemary Link, Kelly Sve, Cody Swanson, Stacy Anderson, Amanda Dowdy,
Emily Lunemann, Dan Quance, Carolyn Herman, IT coordinator Robert Bill. Front row (L to R) Erin Olsen,
Walter Gies, Shannon Rynders, Amanda Bockmann and Joelle Bickel.
“One of the unique elements of the
project is the opportunity to share
innovations in teaching and local
challenges with colleagues across the
globe,” Link said, “and to understand
different perspectives on issues which
affect us all, such as health, migration,
international adoptions, and conflict
The Augsburg students participating
in the project are taking Social Work
257, Exploring Human Services in
Global Context. They were matched with
students in either Slovenia or Singapore
and are exploring each other’s culture,
social well-being, and current issues
such as homelessness, SARS, and
Two logistical challenges, Link said,
have been the different semester
schedules and the time differences.
The joys, however, far outweigh the
challenges, and students even come in
on Sunday evenings to ‘meet’ their
Singapore classmates.
“I didn’t know much about the rest of
the world before this class,” fall semester
class student Samantha Privratsky said.
Another student, Brooke Vasseur,
commented that this is “way cool to be
making friends on the other side of the
“Our colleague in Singapore, Dr.
Ngoh Tiong Tan, is an expert in cultural
conflict and mediation,” says Link. “His
class was well underway when we joined
in. His students gave excellent
presentations and our students joined
enthusiastically, although initially they
were somewhat alarmed at the view of
American culture from Asia.” She added
that this was mitigated as students emailed each other and explored concepts
of individualism and collectivism, as well
as distinct characteristics of culture
alongside common human needs.
According to Link, the project director,
and Bill, project technology director, “the
project has been quite a roller coaster, but
also enthralling, and students have said
they will never forget it.”
Judy Petree is media relations manager in
the Office of Public Relations and
Faculty/Staff Notes
Toward spiritually-sensitive social work
calling to social work came to Leola
(Dyrud) Furman at age 12 during a
career session at a summer Luther League
convention. She followed family members
to Augsburg College and graduated with a
major in sociology and minors in social
work and religion. She then pursued
graduate degrees in social work and
human development.
She taught social work for 25 years at
the University of North Dakota. During
that time it was a personal and spiritual
crisis—the death of her husband from
cancer—that called her to the forefront of
a new movement in her field. While in the
role of a client needing support during her
husband’s illness, she realized that not
only could spiritual support help people
cope in a crisis, it could help them grow
personally and spiritually.
She understood the importance of
spirituality and religion as necessary
aspects of human identity. Her research
connected her to Edward Canda, at the
University of Kansas, who had recently
founded the Society for Spirituality in
Social Work. Together, they co-authored a
textbook, Spiritual Diversity in Social Work
Practice, The Heart of Helping that was
hailed as “a ‘state of the art’ expression of a
newly re-emerging theme, spirituality.”
This refers to the fact that social work’s
roots came from the work of 19th-century
religious charity organizations. Their book
defines the values and issues inherent in
spiritually-sensitive social work practice
and offers practical guidelines and
In 1997 Furman and Canda developed
a national survey of social workers, asking
their views on the appropriateness of
religion and spirituality in social work
practice—the first of its kind. The survey
defined spirituality as search for meaning
and purpose in either religious or nonreligious forms, and religion as “an
organized set of beliefs and practices
shared by a community related to
The survey results showed that not
only did social workers affirm a role for
the discussion of these topics (82%), but
that many of them had already been doing
it in various ways (75%).
An important finding, however, was
that 73% of respondents expressed a lack
of any spiritual training. That began to
change as social work schools developed
curricula and new courses. Today, most
textbooks integrate spirituality within
discussion of treating the client as a
whole person.
Spiritually-sensitive social work
practice is becoming especially relevant in
diverse communities where an important
way to reach ethnic minorities is through
their faith and spirituality.
Three years later, Furman repeated her
survey in the U.K., with similar results.
Then, building on connections she
made while a visiting professor in Norway,
Furman collaborated with Mari-Anne
Zahl, a professor in social work at the
Norwegian University of Science and
Technology (formerly University of
Trondheim) who has a graduate degree
from the University of Minnesota. Zahl
translated the survey instrument into
Norwegian, and surveyed Norwegian
social workers.
The results, while similar to the U.S.
and U.K., demonstrated cultural
differences in religious institutions. The
Norwegian Lutheran Church, until
recently, did not have the same kind of
social network and function as American
church congregations, and social workers
were not accustomed to considering
religious referrals. Also, church attendance
is less frequent there.
Zahl sees the survey results as valuable.
Social workers can understand better how
discussion of religion can be appropriate
and they gain insight into working with
increasing numbers of immigrants arriving
in Norway.
“Since social work deals with everyday
social functioning,” Zahl said, “[a client’s
religion] is part of what social workers
deal have to deal with. Are they open to,
are they sensitive to, do they listen to, and
are they comfortable enough to deal with
that aspect of life?”
by Betsey Norgard
Adjunct social work professor Leola (Dyrud)
Furman ’61 (left) and Norwegian social work
professor Mari-Anne Zahl are collaborating to
study social workers’ perspectives towards
inclusion of religion and spirituality in social
work practice, as thoroughly presented in the
book Furman co-authored.
This means that social workers need to
have understanding of their clients’
culture, religion, and the place that
religion plays in their culture. She said that
while fewer than half of the survey
respondents had any training in dealing
with religious and spiritual issues,
70-80% of them said they desire it.
With her husband, Hans Eriksson,
who returned this year as visiting
professor in Augsburg’s social work
department, Zahl is in Minneapolis on
sabbatical, continuing her collaboration
with Furman. Zahl is compiling the
Norwegian information and, along with
Furman, is writing comparative studies of
the three countries surveyed. Together,
they are presenting at national social work
meetings, and jointly teaching some of
Furman’s classes.
Leola (Dyrud) Furman ’61 is an adjunct
professor at Augsburg and the University of
Minnesota. She is a Distinguished Alumna
of Augsburg College and associate professor
emerita of the University of North Dakota.
Mari-Anne Zahl is an associate professor in
the Department of Social Work and Health
Sciences at the Norwegian University of
Science and Technology in Trondheim.
Winter/Spring 2005
Laura Boisen and Maryann Syers, social
work, have published articles and presented
nationally on their integrative case analysis
model, including at the annual program
meeting of the Council on Social Work
Education in February.
Blake Boursaw, Tracy Bibelnieks, Nick
Coult, Matthew Haines, and
Su Dorée, mathematics, presented at the
annual meeting of the Mathematical
Association of America-American
Mathematical Society (MAA-AMS) annual
meeting in January. Mathematics/
computer science major Dan Wolf ’05
presented a poster about his NSF-funded
research last summer.
Lars Christiansen and Diane Pike,
sociology, led a teaching workshop, “Teaching
Organizational Theory,” at the American
Sociological Association in August. At that
meeting, Pike became chair of the
Undergraduate Teaching Section and the
Ethics Committee.
Jacqueline deVries, history, presented “New
Women, New Religion: Feminism and the
Victorian Crisis of Faith” at the American
Historical Association meeting in January.
David Fenrick, Center for Global Education,
was an editorial team member in an issue
group, “Effective Theological Education for
World Mission,” at the Forum 2004 on World
Evangelization in Pattaya, Thailand.
He also presented “Transforming ShortTerm Mission through Service-Learning” at
the Annual World Mission Conference of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
(ELCA) in St. Paul in March 2004. In
November he co-presented a workshop,
“Reciprocity Leads to Culture Learning,” at a
workshop of NAFSA: Association of
International Educators.
Annette Gerten and Lois Bosch, social
work, presented a workshop on using
creativity to enhance learning relevance for
policy students at the annual meeting of the
Minnesota Conference on Social Work
Education in September.
Winter/Spring 2005
Orv Gingerich, international programs and
Center for Global Education, participated on
a panel, “Why Do They Hate Us So Much?
Encouraging Student Geopolitical Awareness
in a Post-9/11 World,” at the Council on
International Educational Exchange in
He also participated in a panel,
“Interdisciplinary Learning, Internationalization, and Study Abroad,” at the Study
Abroad Curriculum Integration Conference at
the University of Minnesota last April.
Doug Green, English, read a poem “A
Topography of Love,” now published online,
at the Northfield Arts Guild Writers’ Night in
He also presented a paper, “Estranging
Bedfellows: Early Modern Cinema Today,” for
the seminar on Shakespeare, Gender, and
Sexual Orientation at the Shakespeare
Association of America’s annual meeting.
Garry Hesser, sociology, presented a paper
co-authored with Augsburg students Riley
Conway ’05 and Krista Dahlke ’06,
“Rebuilding Communities: Comparing a
National Model (Casey) and Minneapolis
Neighborhood Revitalization Program,” at the
annual meeting of the American Sociological
Association in August.
Norm Holen, art,
emeritus, was present
for the dedication of the
F. Scott Fitzgerald
alcove in the St. Paul
Central Library, where
his terra cotta bust of
Fitzgerald was unveiled.
Holen’s works have
been included in two
recent books, The
Sculpture Reference
Illustrated, by Arthur
Williams (2005) and
500 Figures in Clay: Ceramic Artists Celebrate
the Human Form (Lark Books, Sterling
Publishing, 2004).
Gretchen Irvine, education, was a panel
member on “Service-Learning: Connecting
Schools to the Community,” at the Minnesota
Alliance of Black School Educators (MABSE)
Education Summit in October. She also
presented, “Learning Outcomes One Year
Later” at the Hawaii International Conference
on Education in January.
Mary Jacobson and Vicki Olson,
education, and Robert Bill, information
technology, presented at the National Reading
Conference on the study they have carried
out focusing on teacher preparation in the
state of Minnesota as it relates to reading.
Mark Lester, Center for Global EducationNicaragua, spoke at Seattle University in the
Salon Series, on “U.S. Consumption and the
Needs of Developing Nations: A View from
He also presented there on the U.S.Central America Free Trade Agreement
(CAFTA), and spoke to theology, business,
and social work classes.
David Matz, psychology, was a co-presenter
of “The Social and Evolutionary Psychology of
Hair Color Preferences on the Northern and
Southern Prairie,” at the January meeting of
the Society of Personality and Social
Curt Paulsen, social work, with Cathy
Paulsen, graduate programs, presented “From
Spirituality to Empathy: Application to
Dialectics in Marital Relationships,” at the
National Council on Family Relations in
He also presented “From Chaos to Order
by Way of a Seven-Step Process from
Freedom to Love” at the Lilly Conference
West on College and University Teaching.
Tim Pippert, sociology, presented “I Ain’t
Seen Them in Awhile: Created Familites of
Homeless Men” at the American Sociological
Association annual meeting in August.
Nancy Rodenborg and Lois Bosch, social
work, presented a paper on using dialogue
groups in teaching Master of Social Work
students at the annual program meeting of the
Council on Social Work Education in February.
Faculty/Staff Notes
Presentations (continued)
Patrice Salmeri, StepUP, and Ann Garvey,
student affairs, presented about Augsburg’s
StepUP program to the American Association
of University Women (AAUW), Minneapolis
branch, in September.
Nancy Steblay, psychology, presented
“Reforming Eyewitness Identification:
Convicting the Guilty, Protecting the
Innocent,” at a conference at the Cardozo
Law School in New York.
She also presented
on lineup identification
issues with real officers
and real cases at the
American PsychologyLaw Society conference
in California, and on
blind sequential lineup
identifications in the
field at a Hennepin County conference of law
enforcement officers.
Kathryn Swanson, English, served
as a panelist for Theatre Unbound’s
production of “Girls Got Pluck” and
presented a paper titled “Ten Thousand Cups
of Tea: American-born Chinese Women
Sleuths” at the Popular Culture Conference in
San Diego in March.
reflection in a curvilinear magnetic field and
formation of Alfvenic resonators on open
field lines,” in the Journal of Geophysical
Research, in 2005.
In the same journal, Engebretson is lead
author, along with co-authors Jennifer
Posch ’94 and Brian Anderson ’82, at
Johns Hopkins University; and acknowledged
student contributors Geoff Shelburne ’05,
Heather Greene ’05, Jon-Erik Hokanson
’05, and Ryan Nevin ’04, for “Ground and
satellite observations of Pc 1-2 waves on
open field lines poleward of the dayside
Engebretson is also a co-author of a
study, “Density enhancement in
plasmasphere-ionosphere plasma during the
2003 Halloween Superstorm: Observations
along the 330th magnetic meridian in North
America,” which recently appeared in
Geophysical Research Letters.
syllabi in international social work being
published by the Council on Social Work
James Vela-McConnell, sociology,
participated in a department chairs workshop
at the annual meeting of the American
Sociological Association.
Beth Alexander,
physician assistant
studies, was lead
author of “Methods of
Pain Assessment in
Residents of Long-term
Care Facilities: A Pilot
Study” which appeared
in the March/April
issue of the Journal of the American Medical
Directors Association.
Tony Bibus and Rosemary Link, social
work, published a chapter, “The Impact of
U.S. Welfare Reform on Children’s Well
Being: Minnesota Focus,” in Promoting the
Well Being of Children, Families, and
Communities, edited by Harriet Ward and
Jane Scott and published in 2005.
Jacqueline deVries, history, published an
essay, “Rediscovering Christianity after the
Postmodern Turn,” in the winter issue of
Feminist Studies and two essays, “Women’s
Religious Organisations” and “Women’s
Charity Organisations,” in A Change in
Attitude: Women, War, and Society, 19141918, edited by Susan Grayzel.
Mark Engebretson, physics, and David
Murr ’92, at Dartmouth College, are coauthors of an article with lead author Slava
Pilipenko, Institute of the Physics of the
Earth in Russia, and frequent visiting
scientist at Augsburg for “Alfven wave
Bill Green, history,
published an article,
“Brown, Adequacy, and
Young Men Getting
Real about One Big
State,” in the
December/January issue
of Minnesota Law and
Politics, about the
desegregation of Minnesota schools and the
legal doctrine of “adequacy.”
Rosemary Link, social work, is co-author
with Lynn Healy of a collection of model
David Matz, psychology, co-authored
“Cognitive Dissonance in Groups: The
Consequences of Disagreement,” in the Journal
of Personality and Social Psychology, vol. 88. He
also co-authored “Social Norms and Identity
Relevance: A Motivational Approach to
Normative Behavior,” in the Personality and
Social Psychology Bulletin, vol. 30.
Bruce Reichenbach, philosophy, published
“Miracle Cure or Moral Quagmire?” about
the ethics of stem cell research in the October
issue of Covenant Companion.
He also published “Dances of Death: SelfSacrifice and Atonement,” in Mel Gibson’s
Passion and Philosophy, edited by Jorge J.E.
Gracia and published by Open Court in
2004. He also authored “The Cosmological
Argument,” for the online Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy in 2004.
Nancy Rodenborg, social work, published
an article, “Service to African American
Children in Poverty: Institutional
Discrimination in Child Welfare?” in the fall
issue of Journal of Poverty: Innovations on
Social, Political, & Economic Inequalities.
Glenda Rooney, social work, is co-editor of
the seventh edition of Direct Social Work
Practice, published this year by Brooks/Cole.
Winter/Spring 2005
An April 1999 article in Law and Human
Behavior, by Nancy Steblay, psychology;
Solomon M. Fulero; and students Jasmina
Besirevic ’97 and Belia Jimenez-Lorente ’97—
“The Effects of Pretrial Publicity on Juror
Verdicts: A Meta-Analytic Review”—was one
of the magazine’s top 10 downloaded articles
in 2004.
Francine Chakolis, social work, president of
the Minnesota Alliance of Black Educators,
coordinated a three-day summit on the
Augsburg campus in October, “Yesterday,
Today, Tomorrow,” addressing disparities in
educational achievement.
Kathryn Swanson, English, has been a team
member for several accreditation site visits
under the auspices of the Higher Learning
Commission (North Central Association) and
has served on readers’ panels and as part of the
accreditation process. She is also an elected
ARC (Accreditation Review Council) member.
Retiring football coach Jack Osberg ’62 was
honored by Minnesota collegiate football
coaches as the 2005 Man of the Year for his
valuable contribution to football.
Tony Bibus, social work, was elected chair of
the Minnesota Board of Social Work, a board
appointed by the governor that regulates social
work practice in the state.
Five Augsburg staff members won top honors
at the annual awards banquet for the
Minnesota Chapter of International Special
Event Services (ISES) in March. Jodi Collen,
event services, won the top prize for Best Event
Logistics for her planning work on
Homecoming 2004. She, Heidi Breen,
alumni/parent affairs, and Marc Skjervem,
student activities, won first place for Best
Corporate or Non-Profit Event Planning—also
for the weeklong Homecoming 2004. Kathy
Rumpza and Sara Kamholz, public relations
and communication, won top prize for Best
Use of Graphic Design for the range of
publications and promotional materials used
for the 25th anniversary of Advent Vespers.
Winter/Spring 2005
‘Thirsty for God’
eligion professor Brad Holt’s recent
book seeks to help readers
understand the thirst they experience
in their relationship with God, but
may not realize or understand.
Thirsty for God is an updated and
expanded edition of Holt’s work by the
same name from 1993 that now
broadens the survey of persons and
institutions included under Christian
“spirituality.” It expands the body of
non-Western Christian materials and
includes maps identifying locations of
people and movements
“This is a needed text
for students and for the lay
person,” says Holt, “to help
them understand the global
perspectives of Christian
spirituality. It is not just
about Europe and the U.S.”
Holt makes the
distinction between
“spirituality” and “religion”
within the context of 20thcentury scholar Baron von
Hügel’s tripartite nature of religion as
intellectual, institutional, and mystical.
Holt equates spirituality with this
mystical dimension, and thus a
necessary component for well-rounded
The book is accessible and free of
the jargon that writer Kathleen Norris,
by Betsey Norgard
who is included in the book, refers to as
“scary words” in the theological lexicon.
Holt intends for this book to be as much
about “formation”—what he calls
“discovery of new being, new
relationships, and new practices”—as it
is about “information.” Each chapter
contains spiritual practice exercises.
Organized chronologically, the survey
of Christian spirituality begins with early
Christian times and carries forth into the
21st century to include such disparate
Western contemporaries as Jean Vanier,
Jim Wallis, Cesar Chavez,
and Robert Schuller. From
the Third World, Holt
discusses, for example,
the Virgin of Guadelupe,
liberation spirituality,
Pentecostalism, and
African indigenous
Holt will travel to Italy
for six weeks this
summer, as one of 15
scholars in various
disciplines selected by the
National Endowment for the Humanities
(NEH), to study one of the subjects in
his book, St. Francis of Assisi. The
scholars will examine source texts and
visual representations of the saint within
his 13th-century world to better
understand his meaning for today,
beyond the popular images.
Stephen Geffre
Professor Brad Holt’s recent book expands the survey of Christian spirituality.
English professor Kathy Swanson and her husband, Jack, both former Peace Corps volunteers, led a group
of nine Augsburg students to their Thai village home of 35 years ago for an internship in teaching English.
The students lived Thai culture through the eyes of teachers Kathy and Jack; through the Thai teachers,
some of whom are former students of the Swansons; and through the schoolchildren. Excerpts from the
Augsburg students’ final papers describe their experience.
I’ve never even seen the ocean!” …“I can’t wait to see
Bangkok.”… “Do you think it’s safe?”… “Does the flight really
take 26 hours?”… “I already miss my mom!” These were some
of the comments we heard as nine Augsburg students, my
husband, and I waited to board the first leg of the flight that
would take us back to the place we had called home 35 years
ago. Jack and I served as Peace Corps volunteers, teaching
English in a small rural village, Prachuab Kirikhan, Thailand,
during the height of the war in Viet Nam. Now we were
returning, for the second time, but with the responsibility of
nine students, some of whom had not traveled beyond the
“We want to see everything through your eyes,” Jack had
told the students. We all expected adventure, some chaos, and
wonderful experiences. We knew these three weeks would
open our students’ eyes and hearts; we didn’t know how
significantly it would change their lives.
Our family had returned to Thailand several years before
the Augsburg trip and had found that Bangkok had become a
huge, modern city, but that our village had remained essentially
unchanged. Yes, there were now a 7-Eleven store that offered
ice cream and pizza, an ATM machine, and Internet cafes, but
the essence of Thailand was there. Prachuab had remained a
sleepy, beautiful, fishing village. Walking through the market in
the center of the village, we found piles of fish and shrimp
by Kathy Swanson
from the morning’s catch, baskets of chilies ready for curries,
mounds of chicken feet, stands with mangoes and sticky rice,
and hills of pineapple, durian, and mangosteen fruit.
Most importantly, we found that time had not erased
memories we had for our former students and they for us.
Returning to the schools where we had taught English, we
found that several of our former students were now teachers.
They welcomed us with gifts, hugs, and tears and we began
thinking about sharing this magnificent place with Augsburg.
“You can bring students to teach us,” we were told—and the
seed was planted!
After my course in Teaching English in Thailand was
approved as an English elective, Jack and I began making plans
for the trip. We knew that the heart of the experience was to be
living and teaching in our village. We also wanted students to
see parts of Thailand that tourists likely would miss. Arranging
to be present in the village school when classes began after the
rainy season, we planned to begin the adventure in Bangkok,
then travel to Chiangmai, and then south to Prachuab Kirikhan.
Most important to us was that our Augsburg students
experience the real Thailand as we had so many years before.
And so, after crossing many time zones, watching many inflight movies, and trying to sleep in cramped airline seats, 11
Auggies arrived in Bangkok, Thailand. Even though it was
Winter/Spring 2005
midnight, traffic was heavy and the heat was oppressive. Too
excited to sleep, we checked into the hotel and all set off down
Sukhimvit Road. Smells of unrecognizable things, sights of
unfamiliar occurrences, and sounds very non-Minnesotan
overwhelmed us until we had to give in to sleep.
We spent the next several days seeing Bangkok’s magnificent
temples and palaces, sampling foods students had never
imagined existed, holding giant snakes at the Pasteur Institute,
winding through old Chinatown, riding in both tuk-tuks and
the new skyway train, and trying to survive humid, 100+ degree
Ready for a respite, we flew north to Chiangmai. Here we
were met by representatives from Payap University who made
sure Midwest students understood proper and polite Thai
“Don’t cross your legs so that your toe is pointing at
anyone;”… “Never touch anyone on the head;”… “Wear skirts
and long pants in the temples;” … “Acknowledge one’s social
status by the appropriate wai (bow).”
In Chiangmai, we learned about Thai history and culture,
spent time at the night markets (after practicing bargaining in
Thai!), visited a mountaintop temple, rode elephants through the
jungle, trekked on a visit to hill tribes, and rode bamboo rafts
down a jungle river.
Despite these exciting events, I believe all the students would
agree that the highlight of the trip occurred during a stop on our
way to the airport as we were leaving Chiangmai. The grandma of
one of our students, Rachel Schuette, and her church friends had
sent handmade quilts with each of us. We had carried these 15
quilts until we stopped at an orphanage to deliver them to the
children. Seeing excitement and joy on the faces of these children
as they sang for us and finding tears on our own faces as we left
them is a memory none of us will forget.
After Chiangmai, we took a long, hot, Thai travelers’ trip by
train south to Prachuab. Located on the Gulf of Siam, with the
mountains of Myanmar to the west, Prachuab is unspoiled
paradise. Here students marched to the secondary school,
notebooks and lesson plans in hand, to join Thai students on that
first day of the term. We were introduced and welcomed at the
opening assembly and then began teaching.
Moving from class to class, level to level, each class period,
Winter/Spring 2005
Left: Kathy Swanson (back row,
sixth from left) poses with students she and Jack
taught in their Peace Corps days in Prachuab Kirikhan. Many are now
teachers in the school where the Augsburg students practice-taught.
Right: Nine students traveled to Thailand to practice-teach English
with Professor Kathy Swanson and her husband, Jack, in the village
where they had served as Peace Corps volunteers 35 years ago. (back
row L to R) Jack Swanson, Carl Butler, Jeff Moores, (third row L to R)
Kathy Swanson, Stephanie Nichols, Rachel Schuette, (second row L to
R) Sue Kneen, Sabrina Jurey, Bekah Chell, (front row L to R) Annie
Reierson, Anna Warnes.
Augsburg students learned quickly how to gesture and
communicate with just a few Thai words. Jack and I moved
around with them, helping occasionally, but mostly sharing in
this wonderful experience. After a few days, students felt at home.
Every morning as we participated in the school’s opening
ceremony, Thai students waved and welcomed us. One of our
students received a Thai name, many received gifts, and all
realized we were receiving much more than we were able to give.
Teachers hosted a party for us toward the end of our time in
Prachuab and we reciprocated the next evening. Some of our
former students from our Peace Corps days joined us and led
rounds of the Peter, Paul, and Mary songs we had taught them 35
years ago. There were no dry eyes in the room after we all joined
Ratchana, one of my former students and now a teacher in the
secondary school where Augsburg students had spent their time,
in “To Sir, with Love,” the song she chose to honor us as teachers.
Carrying gifts and e-mail addresses from their Thai students
and unconsciously humming “500 Miles,” Augsburg students left
Prachuab for Bangkok and Minneapolis. “Saying farewells amid
smiles, hugs, and many tears, we promised to return someday
soon—and I’m sure we will. For, as one student said, “There’s so
much about the world I didn’t know. I thought this trip would
change me; I just had no idea how much!”
Kathy Swanson is professor of English and chair of the English
Department. She directs the English as a Second Language program.
by Anna Warnes ’05
Above: For Anna Warnes, traveling in
Thailand was an experience for all five
senses; but most important were the
friendships she made that touched her heart.
Thailand is an experience, not just of the
mind or for the eyes, but a complete
immersion into the culture. Unless you
stay at a pristine, exclusive hotel in Hua
Hin, it is hard not to touch all five of
your senses in Thailand. For me,
Thailand was an adventure of smell,
sound, taste, sight, and touch, and most
importantly, an experience of the heart.
The sounds of Thailand are like
nothing else. After spending 26 hours on
a plane listening to movies, people
snoring, and babies crying, the drone of
traffic is a welcomed sound in Thailand.
Bangkok always had the sound of
buzzing tuk-tuks in traffic and trains
overhead, but it also had more profound
sounds. The sound of complete silence
in the wat (temple) with the many
pagodas and the loud, but quite musical,
sound of blind musicians singing into
microphones as they wandered the
streets come to mind.
Chiangmai had the sound of rushing
water over rocks as we slipped by in our
open raft and the constant sound of
bartering hill tribe women with their
silver jewelry and colorful hats.
Chiangmai also had the sounds of Doi
Suthep with its deep bells booming over
the hill and children playing amongst
the tourists and monks.
Prachuab had the sound of rain,
whether misting or pouring, washing the
market streets. Prachuab also had the
sound of
monks blessing
people in the
early morning
hours, speaking and singing prayers
over women bowed before them.
Amusingly, the national anthem was
played at school every morning by the
marching band and on the loud
speakers, and it also played in my head
for the remaining 23 hours of the day
until my roommate would throw a
pillow at me!
My favorite sound of Thailand was
the sound of singing. Several times the
former students, Kathy, and Jack sang
“500 Miles” by Peter, Paul, and Mary. It
certainly wasn’t the beauty of the
singing that struck me, but the fact that
the students remembered all the words
and sang them so faithfully. It was
obvious that the students had been
significantly moved by their teachers.
As the students sang, you could see the
love and appreciation exuding from
them; so much so that it made my eyes
water every time they would sing. When
I heard the students sing, I could only
hope that I too would have such an
influence on a group of people. …
Forming relationships with my
students was an aspect of teaching that
really touched my heart. I was able to
get especially close to two of my
students, Maew and Por. These students
were extremely helpful to me in the
classroom and they both wanted to learn
English so badly. On the Friday evening
of the teachers’ dinner, Maew and Por
were able to eat dinner with me. I loved
talking to them about anything from
music to Por’s schooling abroad to my
family and America. Maew and Por have
e-mailed me several times since our
group returned to the United States.
They like to ask me questions about my
jobs or different musical acts in the U.S.
I think it is great that I was able to
connect with these students in such a
way that they feel comfortable e-mailing
me and talking to me about their lives as
well as mine. …
Thailand is not a place that can be
seen on a National Geographic episode
and be fully comprehended. I had to
smell the markets, hear the temple bells,
taste the pineapple, see the countryside,
touch the silk, and feel my gia (heart)
warmed by the people in order to know
Thailand. The exciting part of my
experience in Thailand is knowing that
there is so much more waiting for me to
encounter when I go back.
Anna Warnes completed her studies in
December 2004 with a major in English.
She plans to attend law school.
Winter/Spring 2005
In his first teaching experience, Jeff Moores ’05 just barely got
his feet wet in the classroom and left Thailand wishing he had
more teaching opportunities, as well as anticipating his next
return trip.
“Tomorrow,” I wrote in my journal on Sunday, May 16, “I
become a teacher.” Unofficially, of course, and I’m
technically still very much a student; but, I’ll be stepping
into a role, a job, that rivals that of prostitution for the
title of the world’s oldest occupation. I’m feeling what
every teacher—from Kathy in her initial teaching years,
to Aristotle—must feel when faced with the daunting
task of instilling knowledge upon youthful minds:
nervousness, anxiety, fears of inadequacy. But mostly, I’m
excited. Excited for something new, something
frightening, an experience that might open my mind
along with those of Thai students. …
My most challenging teaching experience in Prachuab
happened at the end of Thursday. … At 3 p.m. I returned
to the English office to track down a teacher-less class to
take over or an occupied class to observe. I was quickly
told that Stephanie was teaching level 6/9. I hadn’t taught
or observed a high grade level yet, so I thought it would
be worthwhile to attend. … Outside the classroom, the
slightly older students relaxed on the benches, some
slumped over with the end of the day, others energetically
giggled with friends. One thing was certain: Stephanie
had not yet arrived.
I looked at the students in a way that hopefully said,
“I’m the teacher; time to start. Get in. Sit down.”
Friendly, of course, but I wasn’t about to let the older
students walk all over me. Meanwhile my head was
reeling: Stephanie’s not here; my lesson plans are for
younger students; are they expecting Stephanie? What if
they already know everything I’m teaching them?
A deep breath later, I calmly flipped through my
Winter/Spring 2005
by Jeff Moores ’05
notebook as they settled down.
Dictation. That was it, an exercise I
had not yet utilized. I slowly read four
sentences about a man going to a
market and then returning home to eat
dinner and watch TV. Their attentive
gazes and lack of utterly confused
looks encouraged me, but it was
difficult to discern whether they were
genuinely interested or if they were
simply patronizing the new foreign
teacher. A few of the boys, including
one who sat in the middle of the front
row, were energetic and active,
sometimes scratching their heads and
employing grimaces of misunderstanding
or raised eyebrows of clarity.
Stephanie showed up about halfway
through the class, hopefully adding to
any authority I had over the classroom.
In the end we walked away not
knowing what to conclude. I had felt a
lack of influence with level 3/9, and
now I felt a lack of respect from level
6/9. On top of it, inadequacy stemmed
from having viewed [regular teachers]
Charles and David wielding their
experienced skills.
The mere 10 pages of this essay
cannot begin to explore the intense
realizations I began uncovering about
my future as a mentor, a teacher, a
parent—an adult. Luckily, as I
suspected it would, my thirst for
Thailand continues. A week in
Prachuab was not enough time
teaching English. I wanted two, three
weeks to practice my skills. I wanted to
tutor university students and come
into contact with all age levels. After
my first trip, I predicted that I would
definitely return to Thailand someday. I
found myself in Bangkok’s busy streets
sooner than I thought.
Jeff Moores is in the Honors Program and
is a senior majoring in English with a
concentration in writing. He is news
editor of the Echo. This was his second
trip to Thailand.
by Sue Kneen ’04
As a religion major and a prospective
seminary student, I was most anxious to
see and experience Buddhism first hand.
… As I really thought about it, there is
much that our faiths have in common:
God or Buddha, do good works, eternity
or Nirvana, God is omnipresent or
eternal nothingness, prayer, denying
self, look to pastors/monks, churches
and temples, worship, help the poor and
taking care of your neighbor. There
really isn’t anything so unusual—only
I thought [our Bangkok tour guide]
Panya’s comment summed it all up well
as he said with great feeling, “My
Buddha and your God, they are the
same. When we are sad, we talk to
Buddha. Sometimes we talk to a monk,
and he makes us do better with what he
says, but sometimes we don’t want to
tell anyone, so we talk to Buddha. And
we feel better; we feel lighter and
happier.” Now that sounds just like me
and my God.
I’d like to quote what I wrote in my
journal as I stood on top of “Monkey
Mountain,” listening to the hauntingly
beautiful Buddhist music and the
chanting of the monks, and the pungent
aroma of their incense lifted to my ears
and nose, and the cool breeze smoothed
against my face: “It was a beautiful view
from on top of the hill over the ocean,
Prachuab Kirikhan, and a big sprawling
temple to the west. What was especially
significant to me was seeing the building
where the monks had their evening
meditation and hearing them chant and
hearing their music. I will never forget
that feeling. I imagined and hear them
praising their God as I do mine (for lack
of better words). It was a feeling and
very real sense of oneness while very
different. It was surreal and profound. I
am thankful for this experience.”
Prachuab Kirikhan is located on the east coast of Thailand,
on the Gulf of Thailand. It escaped the massive destruction
of the tsunami that devastated areas farther south on the
west coast. Of course, when the tsunami hit, everyone from
the trip feared for his or her old and new friends.
Anna Warnes was the first to hear news from Prachuab.
“The day before the tsunami struck I received an
e-mail from one of my Thai students. Maew, a sweet 12-yearold, wrote me one of her typical e-mails: ‘Hello Miss Anna,
how are you? How are your studies? I am fine. My family
went on holiday. It was fun,’ etc.
“The next day I heard about the tsunami on the news. I
immediately thought of Maew. I wrote her an e-mail: 'Maew,
Sue Kneen ’04 gained a rich introduction
to Buddhism as she prepared for her
own seminary studies.
It seems I am very fortunate
indeed to have been introduced to a
culture such as this through the lens
of respect and deep affection. … I
will never be the same, and my
daughters and those with whom I
have the privilege to share about my
trip will be able to see some of
Thailand and foreign travel for
Sue Kneen graduated from Weekend
College in 2004 with majors in English
and religion and is now studying at
Luther Seminary.
are you safe? Were you hit
by the wave?' I received a
response within a day.
Maew was in fact safe,
although her father had
been working near
Phuket, and he was
injured but alive.
“By expanding the world
classroom and making
connections with people in
Thailand, the tsunami affected real people, people I knew.
The tsunami did not kill thousands of faceless people on the
other side of the world; the tsunami killed people I may have
met and learned from.”
Winter/Spring 2005
by Rachel E. Schuette ’03
“Kathy and Jack also had endless tidbits about Thai
culture to share with us throughout the three weeks.
Whether we received lessons about teaching English, how
to eat at a Thai restaurant, or when to take our shoes off
at a Buddhist temple, Kathy and Jack’s previous
knowledge of Thailand was a critical part of the
wonderful experience we shared.”
—Jeff Moores
“The entire trip was affected because Jack and Kathy led
Rachel Schuette ’03 compiled a lesson plan book, in
collaboration with Professor Swanson, with materials from the
Augsburg students’ lessons “to show appreciation for the
gracious welcome they received from everyone in Prachuab
It has been three weeks since we returned home and I am
still on “Thai time,” meaning I feel much more laid back
and not really pushed to do anything in a hurry. …
I learned so much from this experience; it is difficult
to pinpoint the important issues. Being a teacher is not
always about teaching test-ready material. It was not until
about the third day of teaching in Prachuab that I
realized this. I wasn’t there to teach them how to
conjugate verbs perfectly, or to show them how to use
articles all the time. I was there to learn from them and to
hopefully share my culture with them. There was no test
on Friday or review of information; the visit was much
more than that. It was an experience that I will keep with
me for the rest of my life. It will serve as a reminder
every time I walk into a new classroom or job. It made
me appreciate what I have here in America, but still
understand that just because some people do not have
these luxuries, they may be just as happy as I. It was
apparent through the interactions among Professor
Swanson, her husband, and the former Thai students that
a lifetime connection can be made. Truly, for me, it was
finding that one student whom I feel I may have touched,
but who really touched me, that makes me say, “YES!
That is why I went to Thailand.” ■
Rachel Schuette graduated in 2003 with a double major in
English and secondary education/communication arts
All photos were taken by participants on the trip.
Winter/Spring 2005
the way, I suspect. On just a superficial level, the heat, the
smells of the streets, some of the foods, and the different
standard of living we enjoy could have easily been turned
into disgust by travelers not accustomed to such extremes
and who were not constantly challenged to look deeper
for beauty and meaning and perhaps a different way of
living life.”
—Sue Kneen
Winter/Spring 2005
Learning with
your heart
by Judy Petree
photos by Stephen Geffre
Long distances and remote locations
make healthcare delivery difficult
on the reservation.
Winter/Spring 2005
visit to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation helps nursing students bridge cultural
differences to experience health care from the perspectives of a community long
underserved by mainstream healthcare systems.
Last November, three Augsburg nursing students—Sharon Gentile, Susan Loushin,
and Cathy Miller—spent several days on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in
southwestern South Dakota. Led by Cheryl Leuning, professor and chair of the
Nursing Deptartment, and Susan Nash, nursing professor in Augsburg’s Rochester
program, the experience is one of several nursing practicums offered in the Master of
Arts in Nursing program.
Augsburg’s graduate nursing program prepares nurses for transformational
leadership and transcultural practice across care settings, especially as they address
health inequities. At Pine Ridge, they became immersed in a community with different
cultural values and traditions that has long remained outside the mainstream of the
health care system.
The Pine Ridge Reservation encompasses about two million acres and is home to
approximately 40,000 Lakota people. Pine Ridge is also home to two of the poorest
counties in the nation.
According to the “Village Earth” online newsletter and “Pine Ridge Reservation”
(, the unemployment rate is 86 percent, versus a 5.5 percent national
average; and 63 percent of the people live below the federal poverty level. Alcoholism
affects 8 out of 10 families, and half of the people over the age of 40 have diabetes. The
infant mortality rate is the highest in this continent, and the school dropout rate is
more than 70 percent. The Indian Health Service is understaffed and ill-equipped to
Pastor Larry Peterson, director of the Pine Ridge Retreat Center
introduces the students to Lakota culture before they begin their home
visits. (L to R): Cheryl Leuning, Nursing Department chair; Susan
Loushin; Sharon Gentile; Cathy Miller; Sue Nash, Rochester program
nursing professor; and retreat center director Larry Peterson.
fully address the health needs of the
community. Consequently, health
inequities continue to increase.
The students spent two days
shadowing the Indian Health Service
(IHS) nurses from the reservation who
served as cultural guides. However,
before the students became immersed in
the program, they gained a brief insight
into the Lakota culture and history
through visits to Prairie’s Edge Native
American Cultural Art Center in Rapid
City, and short stops at Mount Rushmore
and the Crazy Horse Memorial.
At Pine Ridge the students stayed in
the Pine Ridge Retreat Center, run by
Pastor Larry Peterson. Peterson sat down
with the group the first night to give
them a brief lesson on the Lakota people,
some dos and don’ts, and what they
should expect when going on home
visits. “Knowing the culture of the
Lakota people is really important when
interacting with them,” Peterson said.
Another history lesson came from
Leonard Littlefinger, Lakota cultural
teacher at the Loneman School in Oglala.
Littlefinger has been the IHS hospital
administrator at Pine Ridge for a number
of years, and is also the great, great
grandson of Lakota Chief Big Foot, who
was slain in the Wounded Knee Massacre
of 1890. Littlefinger shared with the
students the key values integral to the
culture of his people, their past and
“The Lakota people are the fastest
growing people, yet have the greatest
health issues,” he said. “It’s not just
about a healthy body, but about a healthy
spirit and soul as well.”
Karen Red Star, health educator with
the Indian Health Service, also shared
her experiences as a healthcare provider
on the reservation. She advised the
Winter/Spring 2005
For Leonard Littlefinger, Lakota cultural
teacher and great, great grandson of Chief
Big Foot, a healthy spirit and soul are as
important to his people as a healthy body.
Augsburg student Sharon Gentile (background) shadowed
Indian Health Service nurse Sally Mercier (left) in home
visits on the reservation.
students to be “culturally sensitive,” as
there is a high turnover of healthcare
providers on the reservation and the
clients see different people all the time.
“This makes it more difficult to establish
any sense of trust and familiarity.”
Equipped now with some background
information, the students were ready to
pair up with the public health nurses at
the Indian Health Service and begin their
home visits. For the next two days, the
students set out with registered public
health nurses Rod Sahr, Sally Mercier,
Kendra Lone Elk, Mary Moussear, and
Andrea Pond, visiting homes in town and
out in the countryside.
The nurses clued the students in on
what to expect in the coming days. Sahr
said that much of his time is spent
simply tracking down clients, as families
on the reservation move frequently. And,
as frustrating as that can be, he said, you
learn when to keep searching for them
and when to move on.
“There are hundreds of people we
have to see, but just don’t have the time,”
Sahr said. “Actually, there is probably
someone we’re supposed to see in every
single house.”
Not only is relocation a factor, but
Winter/Spring 2005
also many of the homes in the country
are miles apart. Some people live on
long, rut-filled, one-lane dirt roads, miles
off of the main highway. Obviously this
causes problems in the wintertime, Sahr
One of his clients is an elderly
woman struggling with diabetes. She and
her husband are also raising their two
grandsons, not uncommon on the
reservation, said Sahr. Family connections
are a strong part of Lakota culture and
One of the keys, he told the students,
is to listen and treat the clients with
respect. He demonstrated this by just
visiting with the client at first, asking her
about their grandsons and family, and
only after this initial conversation
moving on to the health issues.
Lone Elk, another public health
nurse, also modeled how relationships
were built during each home visit. “You
need to build up a rapport with the
people. You need to get them to trust
you, or they will agree with whatever
you say just to get rid of you.”
Many of the visits throughout the two
days included varied services—vaccinations, monitoring of blood sugar levels
and blood pressure, new mother and
baby checkups, and post-surgical visits.
Throughout, however, was what one
student described as the “wonderful way
the nurses have of working with the
“There’s more to health care than just
the medical side of it,” nursing student
Sharon Gentile said. “I feel there is a
need to find a better way, a better
approach to health care.”
Cathy Miller, a public health nurse in
the Rochester, Minn., area, shadowed
Lone Elk one of the days, and told Lone
Elk that much of what she does is not
that different from what she was seeing
on the reservation.
“The first time you visit you see so
much, you just want to jump in and fix
everything,” Miller said, “but you have to
take it slow and gain their trust first.”
Miller came to Augsburg because she
was looking for a program that would
enhance her own work as a public health
nurse. “Some of the art of nursing has
gone by the wayside,” Miller said. “It’s
not enough to know what the diagnosis
is, but what the barriers are that may be
preventing treatment. Many times it’s just
a cultural misunderstanding.”
Miller added that she sees transcultural nursing as giving nurses the
tools to practice both the “art of nursing
and the science of nursing,” and a way to
bridge barriers through understanding
culture and cultural differences.
“It has opened my eyes to see that
there are other ways to look at problems.
Ten years ago I never would have done
At the end of the day, all of the
students remarked on the value of the
experience. “The nurses all showed
empathy, respect, persistence, and true
interest in their clients,” Miller said.
“The healthcare provider needs to truly
listen, be present, and value what the
Lakota person shares as being important
to them. Only then can they (the
provider) move on to an effective
Listening in an intentional way,
Leuning said, is a skill that needs focused
practice. It is an integral part of
Augsburg’s nursing program, built into
classes from the very beginning of the
students’ educational journey.
“I think the uniqueness of these
practicums is that we can more easily
identify preconceived ideas that block
true listening and hearing of the other
person’s voice,” Leuning said.
“Experiences like this uncover our own
biases and values. Once we experience
that ‘aha’ kind of moment, it provides a
prototype for applying skills to our own
daily life and interactions.”
Nash added that this practicum opens
the world to the students. “Having this
opportunity to closely experience other
cultures first hand will give the graduate
nursing students an incredible
opportunity that expands their world
These aren’t sightseeing trips, Nash
continued, but rather opportunities to
walk side by side with other people and
to view the horizon from the other
person’s perspective. “That kind of
experience is truly life changing and
transforming,” she said. “It is more than
head learning. It is heart learning.” ■
Small medicine bags hang on the chainlink fence
surrounding the mass grave at the site of the Wounded
Knee Massacre on the Pine Ridge reservation.
Judy Petree is media relations manager.
Winter/Spring 2005
Learning nursing care
across cultures
ealth is influenced by culture, belief, and values, and
it often suffers when the culture is not understood.
Today, the influx of immigrants to the United States,
particularly to Minnesota, is severely challenging social
service programs. A disproportionate burden of disease and
suffering experienced by minority and foreign-born
populations in the United States is but one indication that the
healthcare system is ineffective.
Given the current shortage of nurses, it is not surprising
that there is an increasing demand for professional nursing
leadership to provide culturally-congruent health care to
people of diverse cultures with emphasis on holistic care,
cultural diversity, and community-focused practice. Augsburg’s
graduate nursing program prepares nurses for advanced
transformational leadership and transcultural practice across
care settings.
Through nursing practicums, Augsburg students form
relationships with persons representing diverse cultures both
locally and globally in order for the students to understand
the health inequities that people experience. Learning how to
do this while preserving the cultural dignity of others goes
Winter/Spring 2005
beyond basic nursing skills.
The aim of the program is not for every student to become
an “expert” in every culture, but rather that every student will
learn skills that are necessary to become a culturally competent
nurse, such as basic knowledge of cultural differences and the
awareness of differences in delivery of patient care; recognition
of the nurse’s own bias and influence of personal culture views
and practices; and an awareness and respect for cultural
communication issues, etiquette, and problem solving.
The practicums are a vital part of Augsburg’s nursing
program, says Cheryl Leuning, nursing professor and
department chair. The focus is on reaching populations
underserved by traditional healthcare systems. “If a student can
see the world through another’s eyes, it changes how they see
their own world. It is the unique balance of in-class and incommunity opportunities that attracts students to the nursing
Augsburg offers nursing practicums for both graduate and
undergraduate students in several cultural contexts: Namibia,
Mexico, Guatemala, the inner cities of Minneapolis/St. Paul and
Rochester, and at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. ■
From the Alumni Board president’s desk…
College alumni
are a pretty amazing
bunch. Consider
Carol (Johnson)
Casperson ’60
(profiled in this
issue on p. 38),
who is working to
create affordable
housing nationwide with Habitat for
Humanity. I’m thinking also of 2004
Distinguished Alumnus Dr. Brian
Anderson ’82, who is working on
pioneering physics research, as well as
Alumni Board past president Dr. Paul
Mueller ’84 from the Mayo Clinic and
First Decade awardee Susan (Horning)
Arntz ’94, city manager for the City of
These folks and many others have
passed through Augsburg on the front
end of their life journey, and all have
significant, everyday impact on the lives
of other people. They all have very
different vocations, but share one
similarity—they all received an
undergraduate degree at Augsburg
Which other group of amazing people
is forming new ideas, creating new
journeys, and setting new standards?
Why, that group is attending Augsburg
right now! They are participating in one
of many world-class Augsburg programs
that deliver transforming education:
• The Center for Global Education
connects students with learning
opportunities around the world, while
the Center for Service, Work, and
Learning finds opportunities for
experiential education locally.
• Augsburg offers great athletics
including a nine-time national
championship wrestling team along
with superb women’s hockey.
• The nationally recognized StepUP
program offers a supportive
educational environment for students
in recovery.
• Augsburg is one of 12 colleges
nationally chosen for excellence in its
first-year program.
• The Weekend College program offers
the most comprehensive and quality
adult learning program in the region.
• New graduate programs like the
Master of Business Administration are
providing expanded and growing
learning opportunities for adult
There is a renewing group of leaders
attending Augsburg right now. They are
future alumni who will go out into the
world and impact our lives and
communities. I am so proud to be part of
this transforming educational
community, and all that we do!
Bill Vanderwall ’93 WEC
President, Alumni Board
Alumnae present gift to the Women’s Resource Center
n December, five Augsburg alumnae
presented a special gift to the Anne
Pederson Women’s Resource Center in
honor of former Augsburg professor Dr.
Gerald Thorsen and in commemoration
of the 40th anniversary of their
graduation from the College.
The five women, who refer to
themselves as the “619 Club” (so named
for the house they resided in as students
on 22nd Avenue—the site now occupied
by Foss Center), are Class of 1964
alumnae Betty (Hanson) Rossing, Karen
Kohout, Ellen (Paulson) Keiter, Sandra
(Simpson) Phaup, and Deanne (Star)
The women met during their
freshman year in the advanced freshman
English/Western literature course taught
by Thorsen.
“Dr. Thorsen, never one to
slight the intellectual talents
of women, encouraged us to
stretch our critical abilities
and tackle literary analysis,”
says Greco. “Two of us
became English majors, in
part inspired by our
experience in his class.
“Thank you, Dr. Thorsen,
for the part you played in
forming our lives and
careers,” continues Greco.
“We are pleased to honor you,
a ‘feminist’ before it was
fashionable, by making a gift to
the Women’s Resource Center
in your name.”
Five alumnae presented a special gift to the Anne Pederson
Women’s Resource Center in honor of former Augsburg
professor Gerald Thorsen and in commemoration of the 40th
anniversary of their graduation from the College. Pictured, L to
R, are Deanne (Star) Greco, Sandra (Simpson) Phaup, Ellen
(Paulson) Keiter, Karen Kohout, and Betty (Hanson) Rossing.
Winter/Spring 2005
Third annual Connections event honors
Jane Freeman
ane Freeman, former first lady of
Minnesota, was presented the
“Leading Leaders” award at the third
annual Connections—A Women’s
Leadership Event in January.
The award, which recognizes those
who have inspired others to high levels
of achievement through vocational,
community, and civic leadership, honors
Freeman, who has led by example as the
first lady of Minnesota from 1954–60,
and as president of Girl Scouts of the
USA from 1978–84, building the
organization and shaping the futures of
many young women through her vision
and dedicated service.
Frances Hesselbein, current chair of
Jane Freeman (front row, right), former first lady of Minnesota, was presented the “Leading Leaders”
the Board of Governors of the Leader to
award at the third annual Connections—A Women’s Leadership Event in January. She is pictured here
along with fellow event presenters: (front row, L to R) Ami Nafzger ’94, Frances Hesselbein, and Jane
Leader Institute and former CEO of the
Freeman; (back row, L to R) Jennifer Martin, Gloria Lewis, Jean Taylor ’85, Kathryn Tunheim, and Phebe
Girl Scouts, made a special trip to take
Hanson ’50.
part in this year’s event to
help present the award to her
friend and former Girl Scouts
colleague. Hesselbein defined
leadership as “a state of
being” and not something
that you “do,” and offered
her friend, Jane Freeman, as
the perfect example of grace
and leadership.
Co-sponsored by
Augsburg and Thrivent
Financial for Lutherans, this
year’s gathering joined more
than 100 women from
Numerous Augsburg students participated in the event’s
throughout the community
these two students gained valuable insights from
for a morning of inspiration, activities;
Koryne Horbal during a roundtable networking discussion.
encouragement, networking,
and empowerment.
Board of Regents, who inspired the group
Several Augsburg alumnae provided
with her own discovery of how she is able
Frances Hesselbein (left), former CEO of Girl
an excellent program with Augsburg
to share her unique gifts and talents with
Scouts of the USA, presented the “Leading
Leaders” award to her friend and former Girl
regents Gloria Lewis and Jennifer Martin
others more effectively after learning how
Scouts colleague, Jane Freeman (right).
providing the welcome and the closing.
to also receive gifts from others. Ami
Author Phebe Hanson ’50 set the tone
Nafzger ’94 shared her journey as a
Link (G.O.A.L) to provide services and
with a poem from her new book Why
Korean adoptee of finding her place in
support for other adoptees on their path
Still Dance—75 Years: 75 Poems.
the world. She spent several years in
of self-discovery.
Featured speakers included Jean
Korea after graduating from Augsburg
Mark your calendars for the fourth
Taylor ’85, president of Taylor
exploring her heritage, and ultimately
Connections event next January 28.
Corporation and chair of the Augsburg
founded the Global Overseas Adoptees
Winter/Spring 2005
Alumni News
Alumni events calendar
Please join us for these upcoming alumni and parent events (see also the college-wide
calendar on the inside back cover for additional events):
28 Senior Reception hosted by the
Alumni Board, East Commons,
Christensen Center, 4:30–6 p.m.
14 Auggie Hour at Three Fish, 3070
Excelsior Blvd., Minneapolis (near
Lake Calhoun and Whole Foods),
612-920-2800, 5:30 p.m. Meet the
new Auggie coaches!
6 Special reception for business
graduates (all Augsburg faculty,
alumni, and 2005 business graduates
are invited), Christensen Center,
4–6 p.m.
10 Auggie Hour on-campus reception
for all current and former Alumni
Board members, 5:30 p.m.
24 Class Agent Year-in-Review,
Minneapolis Room, Christensen
Center, 5:30 p.m.
23 Alumni Board meeting at
Canterbury Park, 5:30 p.m.
12 Auggie Hour at Trattoria Da Vinci,
400 Sibley St., St. Paul,
651-222-4050, 5:30 p.m.
9 Auggie Hour at Dock Café,
425 Nelson St. E, Stillwater,
651-430-3770, 5:30 p.m.
18 Canterbury Park Alumni Event
(Watch for details this summer!)
Join alumni and friends of the College on a
discovery tour of China hosted by Brad Holt,
professor of religion. Plans are in progress
for a May 2006 two-week tour featuring the
history, culture, and scenic beauty of China.
Discover treasures of this ancient land and
witness China’s rapid growth in the 21st
century. The tour begins in Beijing with visits
to the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, the
Ming Tombs, and the Summer Palace. Marvel
at the thousands of terra cotta warriors
uncovered in Xian in 1974 and dated to 221
BC. Experience China’s historic and majestic
Yangtze River on a four-night cruise. Few
places on earth match the splendor of the
Yangtze River’s Three Gorges, which will be
flooded by the dam project at the end of this
decade. The international city of Shanghai
concludes this travel experience. More details
available later this spring; call or e-mail the
alumni office at 612-330-1178 or
<> to get on a special
mailing list for further information.
Parent Council
is invited…
Parent Council members are invited to
attend the annual New Student
Orientation, June 17–18. Contact
Alumni/Parent Relations at
<> for more
Auggie Day at
Como Park
Bring your family to Como Park in
St. Paul on June 4, 11a . m. –1p. m. , for this
fun annual event. Bring a picnic lunch
(BBQ grills are available) and Augsburg
will provide beverages and goodies,
giveaways, and fun for the kids. For more
information, contact Alumni/Parent
Relations at <>.
Annual golf
Alumni are invited to participate in
Augsburg’s Annual Men’s Hockey Golf
Tournament on June 10 at Manitou
Ridge Golf Course in White Bear Lake,
Minn; cost is $90 per person (contact
Mike Schwartz ’83 at 612-330-1163 for
more information). Alumni are also
invited to the 42nd Annual Clair
Strommen A-Club Golf Tournament on
June 27 at Pebble Creek Golf Course in
Becker, Minn. (contact Ron Main ’56 at
612-338-4824 for more information).
Homecoming 2005
Attention Auggies from the classes of
1955, 1965, 1980, and First Decade,
1995–2005: This is your reunion year!
Plan now to join your classmates this
September 26–October 1 for the annual
Homecoming festivities and your
reunion reception! Watch your mail and
upcoming editions of the Augsburg Now
for complete details; please let us know
your current e-mail address at
<>. You can also
stay up-to-date by visiting the alumni Web
site at <>.
Winter/Spring 2005
Class Notes
Rev. Jim
Glasoe recently
published The
America), a factbased, fictional biography of his
late grandfather, Michael Glasoe,
an ambitious young Norwegian
who emigrated to America in
1886, settling first in Minnesota
and eventually homesteading in
North Dakota. Jim and his wife,
Nicole, are retired and live on a
lake in the north woods of
Minnesota, where he does his
writing. From 1972–97, he
served as executive director of
several non-profit corporations
that provide residential and
developmental program services
for children and adults with
developmental disabilities. He
also served as a Lutheran parish
pastor for 10 years.
Deanne (Star) Greco,
Bloomington, Minn., was elected
president of the Ordway Circle
of Stars.
Alan Stensrud, Plymouth,
Minn., recently retired as
president of the Animal Humane
Society, a position he had held
since 1975. He was also awarded
the Glen Summerlin Service
Award, presented by the Society
of Animal Welfare Administrators
at a conference in San Diego,
Calif. He looks forward to
spending more time with his
wife, Shirley, his son and two
daughters, and his four
Mark Lund, professor of
economics and director of
international education at
Luther College, Decorah, Iowa,
was appointed as the college’s
Dahl Professor of Economics for
Winter/Spring 2005
the 2004–05
academic year. As
the Dahl
Professor of
Economics, Mark
devotes part of
his professional
time to teaching activities that
encourage students to develop
sound analytical and critical
thinking skills, become active
participants in community and
civic activities, and understand
the importance of incorporating
personal responsibility and
accountability into their work
and lives. Mark has served on
Luther’s faculty since 1978.
David Siedlar,
previously of
Concord, Mass.,
emigrated to
Netanya, Israel, a
port on the
between Haifa and Tel Aviv, by
virtue of the Law of Return, an
Israelian policy that grants
automatic citizenship to any Jew
of the diaspora. David is retired
from the U.S. Navy.
Lieutenant Colonel Jerry
Steinke, began service at Camp
Victory in Baghdad, Iraq, about
two weeks before she left
Kuwait. Prior to Kuwait, she
owned a dental practice in
Maplewood, Minn.; Kristin and
her husband reside in North
Oaks, Minn.
Brad Forsythe,
Ohio, published
his debut book,
Bulletproof Your
Cutting Risk for
Small Business Owners and
Managers. The book has been
featured in several media outlets
and reviews from across the
country, and serves as a “plainEnglish guide that shows
companies how to simply and
cost-effectively conduct risk
management on a do-it-yourself
basis.” Brad is founder and
president of Best Practice
Patricia (Reuter) Georg,
Hopkins, Minn., was selected as
the Minnesota State Teacher of
the Year in 2003 by the United
States Air Force Association/
Aerospace Education Foundation;
she was honored in November
2003 at the Rawlings Chapter
Fall Awards Banquet. Patricia
teaches at Franklin Elementary
School in Anoka.
Courtesy photo
Rajala, an
Army major,
home in
April 2004
from Camp
Udairi in Kuwait, where she
served as a dentist for three
months to incoming U.S. troops
and nationals. She also donated a
keyboard and served as organist
at the camp’s chapel, where she
also conducted the service when
the chaplain was unavailable. In
addition, Kristin created three
banners for the soldiers who
attend camp Udairi chapel, as
well as for both her family home
church and for her husband’s
home church (she is pictured
here with her husband and one of
her banners). Her husband,
Augsburg alumna Linnea Mohn, Class of 2003, recently
completed work on the first season of the Channel 45 (KSTC-TV)
show, Nate on Drums. Hosted by local musician Nate Perbix, the
half-hour program stars Mohn along with fellow actors David
Harris and Motion Price, and showcases comedy segments
coupled with local music and original animation. During its
premiere season, the show won the 2004 Minnesota Music
Academy Award for Best Audio-Visual Production. Pictured from
the show, clockwise from left, are David Harris, Nate Perbix,
Motion Price, and Linnea Mohn ’03.
Class Notes
Carol (Johnson) Casperson ’60: Building hope one home at a time
by Bobbie Chong
A physical education and biology major, Carol (Johnson) Casperson fondly recalls hanging out at “the grill” and
wild ping-pong tournaments at Augsburg. Originally from St. Paul, she chose Augsburg because some of her
cousins were current students. After graduating in 1960, she taught at Shakopee Public Schools and served as its
only P.E. teacher. She went on to teach at a school in the New Hope district that she describes as having been the
epitome of “brand-new.”
Casperson later married, had two children, and moved to California where her (now former) husband attended
medical school and completed his internship and residency. During this time, Casperson says “Vietnam happened,”
and her family received military orders to relocate to 29 Palms Marine Base or “MCB.” In the 1960s, 29 Palms was
literally in the middle of nowhere, and Casperson describes the desert location of what was to be her family’s new
home as “465 square miles of kitty litter.”
Flash-forward to the present day and 29 Palms isn’t the “middle of nowhere” anymore. Reflecting on her former city of residence and the dramatic
change it’s undergone, Casperson says, “Now when you fly into Orange County Airport you can’t believe the new houses. There are massive
developments, roofs touching, [many cost] $500,000.” As executive director of D.C. Habitat for Humanity, Casperson is familiar with the national
housing crisis and the realities and hardships of the real estate market.
She made the leap from California to Washington, D.C., after she helped a former neighbor campaign for Congress. He won and asked if she’d be
interested in working at the home office. She needed to send a copy of her résumé but didn’t have one because at the time, “as a teacher in
Minnesota, when I graduated, they came looking for you.” She quickly threw one together and was hired on the spot.
A few years later she got bored and asked if she could come out to D.C. and work on the select committee her boss served. While newly
transplanted in the D.C. area, an Iowan friend of Casperson’s stayed with her for three years. This friend was registered in the volunteer
clearinghouse and asked if anyone in the area inquired about Habitat for Humanity because, at the time, there wasn’t an affiliate in that area. “I
didn’t know anything about it [Habitat] at the time.”
Recalling the beginning of the D.C. Habitat, “Three people came to town to start one,” Casperson said. She was invited to go with her friend into a
questionable part of the D.C. area for one of the very first meetings. “I drove down there and went to the meeting with her and I thought, ‘What a
great idea. I wonder if this really works?’” So the two friends both began volunteering. Casperson was still working full time then.
“We had such a terrible time in the beginning,” laments Casperson, “First of all, we’d never done anything like this so who’s going to believe you,
that you can actually do this? I mean, it sounds good, [but] people have pulled so many schemes on people in D.C. that no one trusts anybody.”
Despite obstacles, the group persisted and “we got the first two houses done, then we started on the next two. Then our ‘blueprintist’ got this
brilliant idea to apply to be the site of the Jimmy Carter Work Project (1992).” Casperson then became director for what she says “should’ve been
a one-year assignment, but I’m still here.”
In 1988 when she first began volunteering with Habitat, there were about 200 chapters across the United States. Today, there are over 1,700
worldwide. Casperson pointed out that a common misconception about Habitat for Humanity is that it’s only about construction. “We have 12
committees, including the Family Selection Committee, which tends to [include] people such as loan officers or mortgage bankers—people who
know about the mortgage business because that’s really what you’re doing. Based on Habitat’s criteria, you’re picking people for a mortgage
because there aren’t too many banks that want to carry a no-profit, no interest mortgage.”
Another opportunity for volunteerism is the Family Partnership Committee. This committee helps provide moral support to families because
many are first-time homeowners and the process can be scary and can literally throw a person into a panic.
Much of D.C. Habitat’s fundraising comes from direct mail, donations, and their once-a-year, one-hour breakfast that generated $150,000 last year.
And though it is rare, occasionally a developer or landowner will donate plots of land. The D.C. Habitat has built two homes on Capitol Hill that
turned out to be model green homes. Currently, the group is working on a 53-house project on 4.3 acres of land.
When asked what job advice she would impart on current Auggies or recent alumni, Casperson said, “I would say the same thing I said to my
daughter when she was in school forever. She said, ‘Mom, I don’t know what I want to do when I graduate.’ You know, what you want to do is not
necessarily what your major subject was. But it’s whatever makes you happy. And that’s what you have to follow. If things aren’t making you happy
in your job, you need to pick out the things that you do like and then follow that path.”
For more information about the D.C. Habitat for Humanity, go to <>.
Bobbie Chong is an administrative assistant in the Office of Public Relations and Communication.
Winter/Spring 2005
P. Dawn (Heil)
Taylor, Des
Moines, Iowa,
was honored as
one of 10
“Women of
Influence” in
August for her volunteer work
and activism. She has been an
advocate for Iowa’s Latino
communities, serving on the
Iowa Commission of Latino
Affairs and as vice president of
the Hispanic Educational
Resource Center, which operates
a bilingual preschool and
provides outreach assistance to
families. She currently serves on
the boards of the Greater Des
Moines Community Foundation
and the Red Cross of Central
Iowa Foundation, and is an
Augsburg regent. In addition,
she is an adviser to the Center
for New Communities and the
Iowa Project, an immigrant
rights organization geared
toward Latinos. She has served
as an advocate for Latinos who
were in the process of being
deported, and has assisted them
in finding resources and
Barb Ahl, Evansville, Minn.,
received the Evansville Public
School Teacher of the Year
Award for 2004–05. Barb is a
music teacher for Evansville
Public Schools.
Kathy (Gray) Dohner,
Fairbanks, Alaska, is a sign
language interpreter.
Courtesy photo
LaJune Thomas Lange,
Minneapolis, was featured in The
Minnesota Women’s Press’ annual
“changemakers” issue, which
salutes 25 individuals and
organizations whose actions in
the public arena over the past
two decades have promoted
greater self-determination,
equality, and justice for women
and girls. LaJune is a judge on
the Hennepin County 4th
Judicial District Court; she has
held this seat since 1986.
Robert Stanley
Peter Gardner,
original music
for the Saint
Paul City Ballet’s production of
Charles Dickens’ A Christmas
Carol. A blend of ballet and
theatre, the production was
presented in December at both
the O’Shaughnessy in St. Paul
and the Paramount Theatre in
St. Cloud.
Walt Johnson, Minneapolis,
completed a two-year fellowship
at the Patent and Trademark
Depository Library (PTDL)
Program in Arlington, Va.
During that time, he researched
patent and trademark questions
from PTDLs throughout the
country and spent many days on
the road conducting public and
PTDL-staff training sessions. He
returned to his former position
as a reference librarian at the
downtown Minneapolis Public
Rev. Rebecca Sogge received a
doctor of ministry degree in
single parent ministry from
Luther Seminary last May. Before
entering Luther, Rebecca served
for five years as co-pastor of
Christ, Marble, and Singsaas
Lutheran churches in Hendricks,
Minn. She then spent another
five years as pastor of Trinity
and West Lake Johanna
Lutheran churches and Union
Presbyterian Church in Brooten,
Minn. She is currently an
associate pastor at Zion
Lutheran Church in Buffalo,
Three alumnae authors were featured as special guests at a
recent Auggie Hour celebrating Augsburg authors. Pictured, L to
R, are: Erika Hammerschmidt ’04 (Born on the Wrong Planet,
Tyborne Hill Publishers LLC); Doris Rubenstein ’93 MAL (The
Good Corporate Citizen: A Practical Guide, John Wiley & Sons);
and Phebe Hanson ’50 (Why Still Dance: 75 Years: 75 Poems,
Nodin Press).
Gordon Sandquist, Ballwin,
Mo., began a new call at Trinity
Lutheran Church in Chesterfield,
Mo. in September. He and his
wife, Sonja, recently adopted two
girls, ages 6 and 7.
Ron Munkittrick, Westfield,
N.J., was appointed chief
financial officer of Ramp
Corporation in October; he had
been working with Ramp since
June as a consultant on
operational and financial
initiatives. Ron has 20 years of
experience in corporate financial
management with companies
such as Fingerhut Corporation,
Hanover Direct, Genesis Direct,, and Decima
Ventures. Most recently he was
CFO of CapeSuccess LLC, a
staffing and information
technology consulting company.
Ron has an M.B.A. from the
University of St. Thomas.
Michael A. Johnson accepted
the position of director of
Winter/Spring 2005
dramatics at Trinity High School
in Trinity, N.C. His wife, Ann
Marie (Glover) ’84, has
contributed to the field of early
childhood education as a Head
Start administrator and teacher
for more than 20 years.
Rev. Tammy J. Rider,
Claremont, Minn., was a finalist
in a national sermon contest
sponsored by the FaithTrust
Institute (formerly known as the
Center for the Prevention of
Sexual and Domestic Violence)
with her sermon, “Sleeping
Women.” As such, her sermon
was published in The Journal of
Religion and Abuse (Haworth
Pastoral Press, Vol. 6, No. 1,
Carl R. Holm (formerly
Holmes), Albertville, Minn., was
recently promoted to northern
regional sales manager at F.A.
Davis Co. Publishers. His wife,
Chrisanne D. (Rebertus) ’89,
began her fifth year of
homeschooling their three
children: Emilyanne, Mark, and
Class Notes
James. They can be contacted at
Vicki (Janssen) McDougall,
North Branch, Minn., is the new
dean of students at Forest Lake
Senior High School.
Rev. Judith A. (Benson)
Bangsund received a master of
divinity degree from Luther
Seminary last May. She is a
missionary at the Division of
Global Mission for the ELCA in
Chicago, and following
graduation, Judith returned to
Makumira-Tumaini University
in Usa River, Tanzania (where
she served as an intern as part of
her degree requirements), to
serve in an ordained role in
written exams. Sharol specializes
in coaching nurses and “peak
performers” from all walks of life
through her company, Life
Illumination Keynotes, Seminars,
& Coaching; Sharol can be
reached via her Web site at
law degree at William Mitchell
College of Law.
Cindy (Kostusak) Waldron,
Fairfax, Va., graduated from
George Washington University,
Washington D.C., in 2004 with
an M.B.A. specializing in finance
and entrepreneurship. She works
for Freddie Mac in the Financial
Research Department.
Julie (Holmquist) Sellers,
Duluth, Minn., is a media
planner for Out There
Advertising, a Duluth advertising
firm. She was previously a media
director for von Goertz &
VanHove (also in Duluth), and a
senior media planner and
account executive at Haworth
Marketing and Media Co. in
Minneapolis. She was also a
media analyst at the
Minneapolis-based Campbell
Mithun Esty agency.
Michael H. Haukaas, Brooklyn
Center, Minn., is a clerk at the
law firm of Schwegman,
Lundberg, Woessner & Kluth for
a second year. He is pursuing a
Bill Gabler, Prior Lake, Minn.,
married Corinne Lindborg, a
1998 Gustavus Adolphus
alumna, last May. In addition,
Bill was inducted into the 2003
Prior Lake High School Hall of
Fame for his achievements in
athletics in both high school and
college—he was a standout
three-sport athlete (football,
wrestling, and baseball). He is
the youngest male to be
Dan Sweeney, Minneapolis,
recently opened his own
business, Keep In Touch
Massage, in Uptown
Minneapolis. The company
offers a wide range of massagespecific services and natural skin
care products. Dan can be
reached via his Web site at
Deb (Bellin) Smith, Neenah,
Wis., is a recruiter for
TEKsystems, an IT services
Courtesy photo
David Murr, Orford, N.H., was
presented the F.L. Scarf Award in
December during the 2004 AGU
Fall Meeting in San Francisco
for his thesis, “Magnetosphereionosphere coupling on mesoand macro-scales.” The award is
given annually to a recent Ph.D.
recipient for outstanding
dissertation research that
contributes directly to solarplanetary sciences (David
earned his Ph.D. at Boston
University in 2003). David also
received the National Science
Foundation Geospace
Environment Modeling (GEM)
postdoctoral researcher award in
2003. He currently works with
William Lotko at Dartmouth
Sharol Tyra,
Hanover, Minn.,
completed the
Certified Professional Co-Active
Coaching Certification Program
and passed both the oral and
The Augsburg Centennial Singers recently completed a tour of Arizona, sharing their passion and
enjoyment of singing with congregations from Green Valley to Scottsdale. They are pictured here in Sun
City West, where they performed at Lord of Life Lutheran Church.
The Centennial Singers will perform in the Twin Cities:
Calvary Church of Roseville, Lexington and County Road B
Free will offering
Winter/Spring 2005
recruiting firm in Appleton, Wis.
She has been married for four
years to her husband, Scott, and
she enjoys spending time with
her son Noah, 3, and her
stepdaughter Andrea, 9.
Rev. Kari L. Burke-Romarheim
is pursuing a master of divinity at
Luther Seminary. She previously
worked for three years as a youth
and family minister in Bergen,
Arlo Miller, Brookline, Mass.,
successfully defended his thesis,
“The Regulation of Melanoma
Antigens by the Microphthalmia
Transcription Factor,” and
received a Ph.D. in biochemistry
and molecular pharmacology
from Harvard University Graduate
School of Arts and Sciences.
Rev. Deborah
recently relocated
to Pontiac, Ill.,
where she is
serving as pastor
of St. Paul
Lutheran Church. She received
her Master of Divinity degree
from Luther Seminary last May;
she also received the A.E.
Hanson homiletic award in
preaching, which recognizes the
importance of preaching as
seminary graduates move into
the next chapter of their
ministries. The award was
established by the family of the
late Rev. Arthur E. Hanson
(1894–1966), former president
of the ELCA’s Northern
Minnesota District.
Megan Renze, Miami, recently
graduated cum laude from the
University of Miami School of
Law. She passed the bar
examination in Florida and is
now working as associate general
counsel for Banco Santander
International in Miami.
Rev. Melissa G. (Moyle)
Pohlman, St. Paul, received a
master of divinity degree from
Luther Seminary last May.
Jessica Norman married Eric
Hafemeyer in February 2004. Eric
is a carpenter and Jessica recently
Courtesy photo
Alumnus wins state technology award
by Beverly Deming
Mark Deming, a 1993 graduate of Augsburg, was honored in November as the inaugural recipient of
the statewide Minnesota TEKNE Award for Innovation in Teaching. Deming is the media specialist at
Orchard Lake Elementary School in Lakeville, Minn.
Each year the Minnesota High Tech Association, Minnesota Technology, Inc., Medical Alley, and
Minnesota Project Innovation recognize start-up and giant corporations in Minnesota for their
achievements in technology. This year a new category was added to recognize and honor educators for
their contributions and innovations in teaching. Its purpose is to recognize an educator who
demonstrates leadership in creating learning opportunities for students using innovative technology in
Minnesota’s classrooms.
The TEKNE Award has been described as the “Academy Award” of the technology industry in
Minnesota. Deming was one of three finalists from an overwhelming number of nominees for the new
category of Innovation in Teaching.
Deming has been a media specialist for nine years, the last four being at Orchard Lake Elementary. He
was nominated for his work in bringing the oldest elementary school in Lakeville up to the same level
of technology as Lakeville’s new schools. When faced with a space problem, Deming designed a
mobile computer lab to take to the classroom. He has taken time to help fellow educators make
adjustments in their classrooms using the technology available to them. Physical education teachers
are using Palm hand-helds instead of paper-laden clipboards to keep their records at hand. One fifthgrade teacher who was avoiding technology entirely credits Deming with bringing him around to
using the latest in technology.
WCCO News anchor Don Shelby
(right) presented Mark Deming ’93
(left) with the TEKNE Award for
Innovation in Teaching at the
Minnesota TEKNE Award ceremony
at the Minneapolis Convention
Center in November. Deming also
received a monetary award and
multimedia projection system for
Orchard Lake Elementary School,
where he is the media specialist.
Deming was also recognized for turning the school’s morning announcements into a student-run
multimedia show. Students now eagerly apply each spring for a position the following year on
The Morning Crew. A group of 10 fifth- and sixth-grade students meet Deming an hour before school starts most days to prepare the school’s
daily announcements, which include reviews of popular books and videos, music and graphics for the opening and closing credits, lunch
menus, and a Friday bloopers show. This by-kids-for-kids morning news show is considered a daily “must see.”
When asked by the awards committee why he gives his personal time to promoting technology, Deming stated that “It’s not just a job, this is
a lot of fun—I really enjoy it.”
Deming and his wife, Jean, reside in Farmington, Minn., with their 5-year-old son, Randall, and 1-year-old daughter, Jaela. A former
basketball player with the Auggies, Deming is also a ninth-grade basketball coach for the Farmington School District.
Beverly Deming, a student in Augsburg’s Rochester program, is also Mark Deming’s mother.
Winter/Spring 2005
Class Notes
received her J.D. degree from
William Mitchell College of Law.
The couple resides in Northfield,
Stacy Waterman, Pinehurst,
N.C., graduated from West
Virginia University with a
master’s degree in counseling.
She is in her second year as a
middle school counselor in
Pinehurst. Stacy can be reached
at <stacywaterman@hotmail.
Kristopher Freeman,
Minneapolis, was hired as an
account executive at City Pages,
a Twin Cities weekly newspaper,
after completing an internship in
its promotions department.
Christina Markwood-Rod,
Wayzata, Minn., created an
exhibit in the St. Cloud State
University’s Archives and Special
Collections that uncovers the
intriguing tale of world traveler
and late SCSU adjunct professor
William Lindgren. The William
Marcellous Lindgren Interpretive
Exhibit, located in the Kalm
Family University Archives and
Special Collections on Miller
Center third floor, opened in
October 2004 and will remain
open through the 2004–05
academic year. Christina is a
graduate student in SCSU’s public
history program, and spent a year
processing Lindgren’s collection.
Orion Wisness married Erin
Dablow in August in Butte, Mont.
The couple resides in
Hackensack, Minn.
Heather Wessling married
Andrew Maki in October.
Heather is a Northwest Airlines
biller for Carlson Marketing
Group, a subsidiary of Carlson
Companies, Inc.
Christina M. Boe married
Michael T. Anderson II in
October. The couple resides in
Roseville, Minn.
Rev. Linda (Brandvold)
McPeak is pursuing a master of
divinity at Luther Seminary in St.
Paul. She previously worked in a
variety of positions in Minnesota:
as a youth and family minister at
Cross of Peace Lutheran Church
in Shakopee, as church secretary
at Discovery United Methodist
Church in Chaska, as a benefits
specialist/administrator at
Andersen Consulting in
Minneapolis, and as a benefits
administrator for OTC/Power
Team SPX Corporation in
Courtesy photo
Augsburg professor Garry Hesser gathered with Augsburg alumni
and friends in December in Washington, D.C., for a special
celebration honoring his selection as 2004 Minnesota Professor of
the Year by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of
Teaching and the Council for Advancement and Support of
Education (see p. 10 for more information). Pictured, L to R, are:
Sylvia and Martin Sabo ’59, Garry Hesser, William V. and Anne
Frame, Mark ’53 and Jean Raabe.
Glendine M. Soiseth (’04
MSW) received an M.A. in
pastoral care from Luther
Seminary last May. She plans to
pursue work at either a
Christian counseling agency or a
social service agency that will
provide the necessary
supervisory requirements to
allow her to become licensed for
independent counseling practice.
Norm ’57 and Gayle
(Engedad) Matson ’57,
Chicago, Ill., are the proud
grandparents of grandson Lars
Engedad Matson, born in July
to Hans Engedad and Holly
Jeannie (Shaughnessy) ’88
and Joseph Hodges, Alexandria,
Minn.—a daughter, Celia
Marie, in May. She joins older
sister Campbell. Jeannie is the
owner/president of Pathwise
’89 and his wife
in Minneapolis—
a son, Spencer
Ajah, in March
2004. Nnamdi is
associate corporate council to
Best Buy Company and practices
in the area of retail litigation.
Kelly (Moore)
’92 and David
Lozinski ’91,
“Libby” Grace, in January 2004.
Brent Anderson ’93 and his
wife, Marilyn, Burnsville,
Minn.—a daughter, Maizie
Margaret, in January 2004.
Michelle (Eaker) ’94 and Frank
Steever, Cranston, R.I.—a
daughter, Genevieve, in July.
Susan Irene
Forsmark ’95
and her
husband, Bill,
Abigail Rose, in January 2004.
She joins older brothers Reilly, 7,
and Cole, 3, and big sister Libby, 3.
Johnson ’95,
Ark.—a son,
Johnson III, in September.
Melanie is the office manager for
Sonstegard Foods of Arkansas
and can be contacted at
Connie (Arndt)
’96 and Andy
Clausen, Blaine,
Minn.—a son,
Aaron Andrew,
in April 2004. He
joins older
brother Adam, 2. Connie is a
business analyst with the ELCA
Board of Pensions in Minneapolis.
Aaron was baptized by his
grandfather, the Rev. Charles
Arndt ’63, pastor of First
Lutheran Church in Cushing, Wis.
Tracy (Holloway) ’97 and
Thane Drier ’99, Eau Claire,
Wis.—a son, Tristan Thane, in
September. Tracy is a CPA for
Chippewa Valley Technical
College and Thane is a
pharmacist for the Marshfield
Clinic Regional Cancer Center.
Matt Topp ’03
and his wife,
Trisha, South St.
Paul—a daughter,
Emma Marie, in
January 2004.
Also welcoming
Emma are proud grandparents
Gary and Carol (Watson) Topp
’76; Carole can be contacted at
Winter/Spring 2005
In Memoriam
Gertrude Hognander ’36, longtime activist, dies
ertrude (Lund)
Hognander ’36, a
longtime activist for world
peace and higher education,
died January 13 in her Edina
home after suffering a stroke.
She was 89.
“She had this way about
her that allowed her to gain
the confidence of those around
her, without ever aspiring to
lead them,” her son, O.C.
“Joe” Hognander, Jr., told Sun
Current newspapers. “That’s
why I believe she was so
successful at a time when
women were not always
embraced in leadership roles.”
Born in Marinette, Wis.,
Gertrude was raised in a
church background that
included music and
educational instruction. In the
late 1930s, she honed her
musical talents (which
included the gift of perfect
pitch, an inheritance from her
father, Augsburg alumnus Rev.
L.R. Lund) at Augsburg and
later at Rockford College in
Illinois, where she received a
bachelor’s degree in music. She
directed several church choirs
in Michigan and then in
Minnesota, often adding her
talents as pianist and organist.
During the late 1940s and
early 1950s she was the
accompanist to citywide
ecumenical events at the
Minneapolis Armory.
Outside of church,
Gertrude also actively applied
her leadership skills to
community and state
organizations, serving as
president of the St. Louis Park
Woman’s Club, the
Minneapolis branch of the
American Association of
University Women, and the
United Nations Association of
Minnesota. She was also one of
three members of the St. Louis
Park Charter Commission, and
served on many boards
including the Minnesota
International Center,
Hennepin County American
Cancer Society, Minnesota
Board of Correctional Services,
Abbott Hospital Auxiliary, and
Hennepin County Mental
Health Association.
Augsburg recognized
Gertrude’s commitment to
church and community with
the Distinguished Alumni
Award in 1973. She was also
honored with the Minnesota
Distinguished Service Award
and the WCCO “Good
Neighbor” Award.
Gertrude and her family
generously established the
Anna Manger, Augsburg’s
first female instructor, dies
Anna (Gjesdahl)
Manger, who
died in January
just days shy of
her 104th
birthday, was
hired by
Augsburg as its first female
instructor, teaching higher
algebra and geometry. Even after
marrying and leaving the College
in 1925, Manger continued to be
involved with Augsburg,
volunteering her time in the
Augsburg Associates and other
groups to help raise money. Both
of her daughters, Elizabeth
Anderson ’53 and Margery
Torgerson ’47, are Augsburg
alumnae who enjoyed becoming
part of the community where
their mother had taught.
Lutheran missionary Malvin
Rossing ’30 dies
The Rev. Malvin Rossing ’30 died
of natural causes in January in
Viroqua, Wis.; he was 96.
Rossing spent three decades as a
Lutheran missionary in
Madagascar, starting in 1937,
when he, his wife Anna, and
toddler daughter Gertrude
boarded a freighter in France and
headed to the island in the
Indian Ocean. He believed that
education would eliminate
poverty, and his main job was as
director of a teacher-training
school. He retired from
missionary service in 1967 and
served as a minister in Viroqua
and in Houston, Minn., and
retired from pastoral service in
the mid-1980s. His wife, Anna,
preceded him in death in 2003.
He is survived by four children:
Elizabeth, Gertrude, Martha, and
Melvin ’66; nine grandchildren,
and five great-grandchildren.
Wesley Sideen, Class of 1958
‘class agent,’ dies
Wesley Sideen,
dedicated class
agent for
Augsburg’s Class
of 1958, died in
January; he was
69. A lifelong St.
Paul resident, Sideen was a retired
English and social studies
teacher—he spent all but one of
his 38 years in teaching at Hazel
Park Middle School. Following
retirement, he worked at Byerly’s
grocery store. He was an active
member of East Park Lions Club
and current Lion’s district
governor. He is survived by his
wife, Carol Ann; four children:
David, Diane, Daniel, and Denise
’94; and four grandchildren.
Winter/Spring 2005
Orville C. and Gertrude O.
Hognander Family Fund at
Augsburg in the 1990s to
recognize exceptional music
performance and achievement.
The scholarship is based on
merit, specifically to provide
encouragement to outstanding
music students.
Gertrude was preceded in
death by her husband, Orville
Hognander, Sr., in 1997. She is
survived by her son, Joe.
Matthew Woodford, PA
student, dies in car accident
Woodford, a
student in
Program, and his
unborn son, Logan, died in
December 2004 as the result of a
car accident in Baldwin, Wis. His
wife, Lora, and daughter,
Madalyn, were also injured in the
accident. Woodford, 27, worked at
Methodist Hospital as a
phlebotomist, and entered the
Augsburg PA Program in 2002.
The PA Program is pleased to
announce the creation of the
Matthew Woodford Memorial
Scholarship in honor and in
memory of Woodford, to be
awarded annually to a third-year
Augsburg PA student.
Auggie Thoughts
Ted and Fern Hanwick, 1909-2005
‘A perfect ending’ to a shared life
n what was described by their pastor as
“a script that only God could write,”
Professor Emeritus and a pioneer of
Augsburg’s physics department Theodore
“Ted” Hanwick and his wife of 64 years,
Fern, died within 19 hours of each other
on March 2 and 3, each at age 95.
The story of their life together was
recounted at their memorial service and
also in a Star Tribune front-page column
by Nick Coleman, titled “Lifetime of
Love Endures to a Couple’s Dying Day.”
Hanwick was chair of the physics
department at Rutgers University when
he was recruited in 1956 by thenpresident Bernhard Christensen to start a
physics major at Augsburg. Hanwick has
said that he heard the voice of God tell
him that the small liberal arts college in
the Midwest was the place where he
should be, despite the prestige and salary
he would leave behind.
“He firmly, honestly believed that
God called him here,” said Rev. Howard
“Skip” Reeves, a close family friend and
pastor of Calvary Lutheran Church,
where the Hanwicks had been active
by Betsey Norgard
Hanwick developed a major in
physics and launched a number of
new courses, including astronomy.
His daughter, Linda (Hanwick)
Putnam ’64, tells of his love for
astronomy and how he made
telescopes at home, grinding the
lenses himself. When an Augsburg
graduate offered to provide a
telescope for an astronomy course
at Augsburg, Putnam says that her
father—who was “always looking
for a good deal”—needed housing
for the telescope and found a
place in Minnesota that sold silo
domes. The “silo” was donated to
Augsburg and became an unlikely
addition to a city campus.
Hanwick retired in 1978, but has
remained connected to the Augsburg
community. Ted and Fern were last on
campus at Homecoming 2003 for a
science alumni gathering.
Both of their children are Augsburg
alumni—Linda (Hanwick) Putnam ’64
and Theodore Hanwick, Jr. ’66.
Physics professors Ken Erickson ’62
and Stu Anderson ’78, were both
Physics professor emeritus Ted Hanwick and his wife, Fern, last visited campus for a science
alumni gathering in 2003.
Hanwick’s students in the department—
Erickson studied during Hanwick’s early
years at Augsburg, while Anderson was
one of his last students. In 1976, the
Physics Department established a
scholarship in Hanwick’s name to honor
his 20th anniversary at Augsburg.
“He had such a passion for this
place,” says Reeves. “When you mention
Augsburg, even in his later years, his face
would brighten up, and he’d smile. … He
wore Augsburg—he was Augsburg to a
lot of people.”
Reeves describes Ted Hanwick as “a
blend of intelligence and humility.” Fern
Hanwick, Reeves says, was “pure grace.”
For a number of years, until she was 90,
she directed Calvary Lutheran’s program
for women prisoners in the Hennepin
County workhouse.
Their life together was a storybook
romance. They met in New York City,
were attracted from the first moment,
and became engaged in three weeks.
Since then, they’ve been inseparable.
The circumstance of their death just
19 hours apart—Ted died in his sleep on
March 2 and Fern died peacefully while
visiting with friends the next afternoon—
was described by Coleman in his column
as “a love story with a perfect ending.”
Granddaughter Christine Hanwick, in
speaking at the memorial service, said
that she thought her grandfather must
have wanted to go on ahead and “check
things out to make sure it was OK.”
Winter/Spring 2005
For music information, call 612-330-1265
For gallery information, call 612-330-1524
April 27
Chamber Music Recital & High Tea
4 p.m.—Sateren Auditorium
April 30
Augsburg Jazz Ensemble Concert
7 p.m.—Hoversten Chapel
May 1
Augsburg Concert Band Concert
April 8–May 8
3 p.m.—Hoversten Chapel
Juried All-Student Art Exhibition
May 8–18
Augsburg Concert Band Norway Tour
• Baccalaureate Service
10 a.m.—Hoversten Chapel
• Commencement Brunch
11 a.m.—Christensen Center
• Commencement Ceremony
Featured speaker: Parker Palmer,
bestselling author, lecturer, teacher,
and activist
1:30 p.m.—Melby Hall
Seating begins at 12:30 p.m.; tickets
• Commencement Reception
3 p.m.—Murphy Park
Gage Family Art Gallery, Lindell Library
April 8–May 20
Senior Art Exhibition
Christensen Center Art Gallery
For ticket information, call 612-330-1257
Lectures, and
February 23–May 19
Augsburg Native American Film
Series 2005
April 15–24
Our Country’s Good
By Timberlake Wertenbaker
Directed by Darcey Engen
April 15, 16, 21, 22, and 23 at 7 p.m.;
April 17 and 24 at 2 p.m.
Tjornhom-Nelson Theater
April 29
Senior Acting Recitals
7 p.m.—Tjornhom-Nelson Theater
May 4
Stage Direction Class Recital
6:30 p.m.—Tjornhom-Nelson Theater
In collaboration with Independent
Indigenous Film Minneapolis; various
dates and times. For schedule
information, call 612-330-1523, e-mail
<>, or visit
Other Events
May 6–7
Commencement Weekend
May 6
• Honors Convocation
4:30 p.m.—Hoversten Chapel
• Commencement Dinner
6 p.m.—Christensen Center
• Commencement Concert
7:30 p.m.—Hoversten Chapel
May 7
• Eucharist Service
8:30 a.m.—Hoversten Chapel
May 16
Second Annual Healthcare Conference:
“Building Minnesota’s Healthcare
Workforce Through Diversity”
A collaborative conference sponsored by
Augsburg, Minnesota Hospital
Association, Fairview Health Services,
and United Health Foundation
8 a.m.–5 p.m.—Melby Hall
For information, call 612-330-1171,
e-mail <>, or visit
June 16
Graduate Programs Discovery Evening
Gathering for prospective graduate
programs students; includes dinner
buffet and break-out sessions
5:30–8:30 p.m.—Christensen Center
For information, call 612-330-1150 or
e-mail <>
June 27
42nd Annual Clair Strommen A-Club
Golf Tournament
See p. 36 for more information
See the alumni calendar on p. 36 for additional events
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Augsburg Now Fall 2004
Alumni Magazine Collection
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Fall 2004
Vol. 67, No. 1
What is an Augsburg education?
Joan Griffin, Augsburg’s director of
general education, writes that an
Augsburg education is an education for
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Fall 2004
Vol. 67, No. 1
What is an Augsburg education?
Joan Griffin, Augsburg’s director of
general education, writes that an
Augsburg education is an education for
action. It is an education to prepare
students to become effective, informed,
and ethical citizens. It asks students to
explore answers to the big questions
within the context of values and beliefs
that matter. At Augsburg students are
challenged to discover the very best in
The new Augsburg Core Curriculum,
highlighted in this issue, truly gives
distinction to an Augsburg education.
The result of several years of thoughtful
and deliberate collaboration, the new
core curriculum offers a blueprint for a
learning community that connects each
and every element of the College’s
mission with its vision. It respects and
reflects the College’s heritage, including
its vital role in the community, working
in partnership to prepare students for
responsible citizenship.
Augsburg has long believed, before
many other colleges around the country,
that students learn best when combining
their classroom learning with experience
outside the classroom. In the Augsburg
Core, every student is required to
complete an Augsburg experience—
through internships (and student
teaching, practica, cooperative
education, etc.), faculty-student research,
service-learning, study abroad, or other
off-campus immersion activities.
Augsburg’s leadership role in this area
has been affirmed repeatedly—most
recently and importantly by the honor
bestowed upon sociology professor
Garry Hesser as Minnesota’s Professor of
the Year, from the Carnegie Foundation
for the Advancement of Teaching and
the Council for the Advancement and
Support of Education (CASE). Hesser
has also received national awards for his
pioneering work in developing
experiential education and continuing
national presence in promoting it.
Augsburg’s Center for Global
Education and service-learning program
have also received national and regional
awards for their excellence in programs.
The new Augsburg Core has good
reason to make all Augsburg alumni
proud of their Augsburg education.
Enjoy reading about it, as well as about
some important events in our campus
life—Homecoming 2004, Advent Vespers
25th anniversary, and the upcoming
Nobel Peace Prize Forum and Festival
in February.
Augsburg Now is published
quarterly by Augsburg College,
2211 Riverside Ave., Minneapolis,
Minnesota 55454.
Betsey Norgard
Assistant Editor
Lynn Mena
Graphic Designer
Kathy Rumpza
Class Notes Coordinator
Sara Kamholz ’04
Stephen Geffre
William V. Frame
Director of Alumni and
Parent Relations
Amy Sutton
Director of Public Relations
and Communication
Dan Jorgensen
Opinions expressed in
Augsburg Now do not necessarily
reflect official College policy.
ISSN 1058–1545
Postmaster: Send address
corrections to:
Advancement Services
Augsburg College, CB 142
2211 Riverside Ave.
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Telephone: 612-330-1181
Fax: 612-330-1780
Betsey Norgard
Greetings of the season
Augsburg College, as affirmed in its
mission, does not discriminate on
the basis of race, color, creed,
religion, national or ethnic origin,
age, gender, sexual orientation,
marital status, status with regard to
public assistance, or disability in its
education policies, admissions
policies, scholarship and loan
programs, athletic and/or school
administered programs, except in
those instances where religion is a
bona fide occupational qualification.
Augsburg College is committed to
providing reasonable
accommodations to its employees
and its students.
Fall 2004
Vol. 67, No. 1
The Augsburg Core Curriculum:
Educating for work, educating for life
This special issue introduces readers to the new Augsburg Core
Curriculum—the broad general education that forms the foundation
for an Augsburg education. Signature elements of the Augsburg
Core draw on the College’s heritage, values, and mission.
The newsletter for Access to
Excellence: The Campaign for
Augsburg College
Advent Vespers celebrates
25th anniversary year
Around the Quad
Homecoming 2004 Awards
Alumni News
Homecoming 2004 Photos
On the cover:
Class Notes
In Memoriam
50 percent recycled paper (10 percent post—consumer waste)
Over 300 first-year students begin
their educational journey through
the Augsburg Arch, the visual
representation of their Augsburg
education, at the Opening
Celebration, where they are
welcomed into the Augsburg
community. Photo by Stephen Geffre.
Around THE
the Quad
Notes in brief
Namibia center
celebrates 10 years
Convo series
explores social
justice themes
PA students excel
on exam
The May graduates in the Physician
Assistant Program received among the
highest scores in the country on the
National Commission on Certification of
Physician Assistants board examination.
The Class of 2004 received a mean
score of 613, ranking in the 99th
percentile, as compared to the national
mean score of 510.
Augsburg’s program is Minnesota’s
only PA training program; in 2002 it
became a graduate program and received
full accreditation. The Class of 2004 is
the first to graduate at the master’s level.
Augsburg moves up
in college rankings
Once again, U.S.News
& World Report has
included Augsburg in
the top tier of its
annual ranking of best
universities, tied for
20th place—a move
up from 24th place
last year. The College is ranked among
142 institutions in the category “Best
Midwestern Universities-Master’s” and is
compared with other area colleges and
universities that offer both
undergraduate and graduate degrees.
Also, The Princeton Review has once
again included Augsburg among the 170
colleges named “Best in the Midwest,”
based on student responses as well as on
recognition by the media, other
institutional leaders, and educational
organizations. Augsburg was recognized
for its dedication toward diversity.
February 11–12, 2005
Center for Global Education Namibia
director Pandu Hailonga welcomed
guests of the center’s 10th anniversary
celebration, with associate dean Orv
Gingerich and President William Frame
looking on.
“Justice for All,” the theme of the
2004-05 Augsburg Convocation series,
challenges consideration of how
issues of justice bring into focus one’s
gifts, interests, desires, and passions;
and connects them with diverse
careers, occupations, and ministries
that benefit others and selffulfillment.
The remaining presentations are:
New MBA program
in full swing
Forty-four students filled two cohorts to
launch the new Master of Business
Administration program this fall, and
additional cohorts will begin in winter and
possibly spring. About 30 percent of the
first class is made up of Augsburg alumni.
The 20-month MBA program includes
several cross courses with the Master of
Arts in Leadership program and a strong
emphasis on application of classroom
learning to the business environment.
Garry Hesser is prof
of the year in
Nov. 18 was designated “Dr. Garry
Hesser Day” in the state of Minnesota in
honor of the announcement that Hesser
had been named Professor of the Year in
Minnesota by the Carnegie Foundation
for the Advancement of Teaching and
the Council for the Advancement and
Support of Education (CASE).
Hesser was lauded in the citation for
his pioneering efforts in developing
experiential education, a hallmark of an
Augsburg education.
See the next issue of Augsburg Now
for the full story.
• JAN. 17—Martin Luther King Jr.
Convocation, with speaker Victoria
Jackson Gray Adams, a spiritual,
social, political, and civil rights
• FEB. 11—In conjunction with the
2005 Peace Prize Forum, former
United Nations high commissioner
for human rights and former
president of Ireland Mary Robinson
will speak about security in an
unsecure world.
• FEB. 16—Jane Jeong Trenka ‘95,
award-winning author, will speak
on transracial adoption and
memory/writing as a site of
• MARCH 4—Craig Kielburger,
children’s rights activist and
founder of Free the Children,
in the 2005 Batalden Seminar
in Applied Ethics.
• APRIL 11—2005 Sverdrup Visiting
Scientist lecture, to be announced.
For further information,
call 612-330-1180 or visit
Fall 2004
Access to Excellence:
The Campaign for
Augsburg College
Fourth annual Scholastic Connections celebration
Goal: $55 million
$33 million
Read more campaign news in Vision, the
campaign newsletter, on p. 11.
Class of 2008!
• 10 states represented, with 81% from
Five new scholarship recipients and six returning scholars were honored along with
their mentors at the fourth annual Scholastic Connections dinner and program in
This program pairs student leaders of color with alumni mentors of color. The
emcee for the evening was Vineeta Sawkar, news anchor at 5 Eyewitness News. The
welcome was presented by actor and vocalist T. Mychael Rambo.
Front row (L to R): Xia Xiong ‘05, Eloisa Echávez ‘94, ‘98 MEL, Melat Woldegebriel
‘05, Vineeta Sawkar, and Renzo Amaya Torres ‘05. Back row (L to R): Franklin Tawah ‘83,
Alex Gonzalez ‘90, Nhia Lee ‘02, Saroja Thapa ‘06, Robert Amaya ‘05, Chris Adams ‘07,
Maria R. Johnson ‘94, Adela Arguello ‘05, Jim Genia ‘87, Diane Love-Scott ‘98, Leah
Carlson ‘01, and Audra Johnson ‘06.
Forging exchanges with a Polish university
Courtesy photo
• 3M is partnering with Augsburg to
raise $600,000 in support of the
Science Center that will come through
a combination of gift and challenge
• 89% live in residence halls on campus
• 37% are Lutheran
• 11.3% are students of color
• 2,600 hours of service-learning in the
community given by first-year students
as part of the Augsburg Seminar
• 3,375 students (1,826 day,
1,090 weekend, 459 graduate)
• Average age is 21 in day, 34 weekend,
33 graduate
• Students from 40 states and
33 countries
• Students of color—10.2%
Fall 2004
Amidst their European and African travels last summer, President and Mrs. Frame, along
with business professor Magda Paleczny-Zapp, visited the Cracow University of
Economics in Poland, an institution of 20,000 students, to discuss exchanges of faculty
and students in business and the social sciences. The university is also interested in
starting a program similar to Augsburg’s CLASS program to support students with
learning disabilities.
(L to R): President William Frame; Anne Frame; Chancellor Ryszard Borowiecki;
Professor Magda Paleczny-Zapp; Professor Janusz Teczke, vice chancellor for scientific
research and cooperation; and Agnieszka Nawrocka, head, Office of International
Around the Quad
celebrates 25th anniversary year
‘With Peaceful Wings’ offers
theme of peace and comfort
Augsburg College’s Advent Vespers program celebrates its 25th
anniversary around the theme “With Peaceful Wings.” The
four services, this year held Friday and Saturday, Dec. 3 and 4
at 5 and 8 p.m. at Central Lutheran Church in Minneapolis,
usually draw over 8,000 people.
Advent Vespers combines more than 300 participants from
choirs, instrumental ensembles, readers, and a full liturgical
party. Through the majestic celebration of music and word, the
message of Christ’s coming to the world is conveyed.
Augsburg’s annual advent program began in 1979 around
the vision of Larry Fleming, then-director of choral activities,
to offer a service of meditation and prayer as a gift to the
community during the advent season. The tradition continues
today under the direction of Peter Hendrickson ’76, director of
choral activities, and the Rev. David Wold, College pastor and
director of ministries, with active support from Augsburg
College students, faculty, and staff.
“With Peaceful Wings” focuses on the message of assurance
that in the wings of the Savior Jesus Christ rest and comfort
Fall 2004
Add this special 25th anniversary
Advent Vespers broadcast to your
holiday plans.
can be found through all good and ill.
The wings of the Savior provide the
strength and shelter to live in the
unconditional grace of God, and the
strength and comfort to know the
peace of God that passes all
understanding, the peace of God that
keeps hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
The service provides an
opportunity to reflect first on the
coming of Jesus, initially announced by
John the Baptist; second, on living in
the promise that Christ will come
again; and third, in knowing that
Christ comes through people
constantly and regularly, even now.
To mark this special 25th
anniversary, Augsburg College
collaborated with Twin Cities Public
Television (TPT) to produce a onehour program to be broadcast during
Christmas week. The majesty of
Central Lutheran Church and the
intimacy of the service are captured by
a multiple-camera production crew
that followed the drama of the
processions and recorded the splendor
of the sounds from the choirs scattered
through the sanctuary.
The program is also offered
statewide to the stations of the
Minnesota Public Television
Association, and nationwide, via
satellite, to public broadcast services.
Commemorative DVD, VHS, and
CD recordings of this production will
be available following the event.
For more information about Advent
Vespers, call 612-330-1444 or go to
<>. ■
Fall 2004
The service will be aired in Minnesota
on Twin Cities Public Television:
December 22, 8 p.m. on TPT2
December 23, 2 a.m. on TPT2
December 25, 10 a.m. on TPT2 and 7
p.m. on TPT17
Check local listings for broadcast times
on public television stations.
The 25th anniversary Advent Vespers
broadcast is made possible through a
major gift from the 11 Hoversten
families who have supported
Augsburg worship, music, and
education programs for generations,
and with additional support from
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.
Women’s hockey celebrates 10 years
ugsburg College has played a major
role in the growth of women’s
hockey, one of the fastest growing sports
in recent years. As the first college or
university in the Midwest to sponsor the
sport on the varsity level in 1995,
Augsburg was a leader in sparking major
interest and impacting the lives of
thousands of young girls and women.
This year Augsburg celebrates its
10th season of varsity women’s
hockey—an achievement that speaks
volumes to the College’s commitment to
the sport’s growth.
Over the past decade, 97 young
women have donned an Augsburg
uniform, for a team that has gone
131-86-13 entering this season under
Jill Pohtilla, the only head coach in the
program’s history.
“What I’m most proud of is that,
year-in and year-out, the types of
individuals who play here have great
character and great motivation,” Pohtilla
said. “They work hard, and they care a
lot about the legacy they are going to
leave behind.”
When Augsburg announced in
February 1995 that it was going to field
a varsity women’s hockey program for
the 1995-96 season, there were only 15
varsity teams nationally—all on the East
Coast (members of the Eastern
Collegiate Athletic Conference) and
none in the Midwest.
Girls’ hockey was just starting at the
high school level in Minnesota—the
first state to sponsor a girls’ hockey high
school state championship tournament
—even before it became an Olympic
Both location and funding made
Augsburg’s situation unique. In its
announcement, Augsburg was believed
to be the first collegiate team to fund its
women’s hockey program on a level
equal with the men’s program, in terms
of equipment, uniforms, ice time,
training, games, publicity, and awards.
Highlights from Augsburg’s first decade
• 1995-96—Augsburg went 16-5 in its
first season against club and women’s
adult teams in the Midwest, including
three games on the East Coast against
varsity teams.
• 1997-98—Augsburg faced the University
of Minnesota in the Gophers’ first
varsity contest. The crowd of 6,854 in
Mariucci Arena remains the largest-ever
crowd for a U.S. collegiate women’s
hockey game.
by Don Stoner
• Winter 2003—Members of the team
traveled to Italy and Austria to play and
win three games against local club teams.
A 10th anniversary dinner and program
was held in November. For more
information about women’s hockey, go to
Don Stoner is sports information coordinator
in the Office of Public Relations and
• 1998-99—Augsburg won a share of the
Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic
Conference (MIAC) title, which was the
first Division III conference to sponsor
the sport at championship level.
• 1999-2000—Augsburg won the MIAC
play-off to go to the Division III national
championship, where they lost the
national title series to Middlebury (Vt.).
• 2003-04—The playoff semifinal game
against the University of St. Thomas,
a 6-5 loss, was the longest women’s
hockey game in conference history,
a two-overtime, 96-minute, 9-second
A plaza in front of Augsburg’s Ice Arena was
dedicated as “JC’s Place,” in honor of James
“JC” Carey, athletic facilities director for 30
years. New seating and memorial plaques
honor Carey, who died of heart failure in
2003 at the age of 54.
The 1999-2000 women’s hockey team posed, following the Division III national championship,
where they lost to small-college power Middlebury (Vt.).
Fall 2004
Around the theme “Striving for Peace:
Uniting for Justice,” Augsburg College will
host the 17th annual Peace Prize Forum,
Feb. 11-12, 2005. This forum honors the
2003 Nobel Peace Prize laureate Shirin
Ebadi, an Iranian lawyer and human rights
activist who was recognized for her efforts
for democracy and human rights.
In cooperation with the Norwegian
Nobel Institute, five Midwestern colleges
of the ELCA—Augsburg College,
Augustana College (Sioux Falls, S. Dak.),
Concordia College (Moorhead, Minn.),
Luther College (Decorah, Iowa), and St.
Olaf College—host the annual Nobel
Peace Prize Forum, the Norwegian Nobel
Institute’s only such program or academic
affiliation outside Norway.
The colleges, all founded by
Norwegian immigrants, sponsor the forum
to give recognition to Norway’s
international peace efforts and to offer
opportunities for Nobel Peace Prize
Fall 2004
by Betsey Norgard
laureates, diplomats,
scholars, students, and the
general public
to engage in
dialogue on the
dynamics of
peacemaking and
the underlying
causes of conflict and war.
The first Nobel Peace
Prize Forum took place in
1989 at St. Olaf College, and
rotates each year among the five ELCA
colleges. Augsburg last hosted the forum
in 1999, and honored Peace Prize laureates
Jody Williams and the International
Campaign to Ban Landmines. Over the
years, more than 21,000 participants have
become involved in the forum, which has
received an even broader audience through
national and regional media coverage.
The Peace Prize Forum program also
includes a series of seminars and
discussions of issues around the theme.
Plenary speakers scheduled for the
2005 forum include:
• Mary Robinson, the first woman
president of Ireland and more recently
United Nations high commissioner for
human rights;
• Davar Ardalan, a producer for National
Public Radio based in Washington,
D.C., who has lived in Iran under both
the shah’s reign and that of the
• Sima Samar, pioneer for almost 20
years in the cause for women’s rights in
war-stricken Afghanistan; and
• Frances Moore Lappé, author and
global citizen who started a revolution
in the way Americans eat. Her most
recent book is You Have the Power:
Choosing Courage in a Culture of Fear.
For more information about the 17th
annual Nobel Peace Prize Forum, go to
<> or call
Children celebrate peace at
the Nobel Peace Prize Festival
More than 700 students from 27 Peace Site
schools and youth groups across the Twin
Cities will gather at the 10th annual Nobel
Peace Prize Festival at Augsburg on Feb.
10. This year’s festival will honor Shirin
Ebadi, the 2003 Nobel Peace Prize laureate.
The festival was first organized in
1998 as an expansion of the Nobel Peace
Prize Forum and in response to the
growing interest to involve children and
youth of all ages. The event is designed
to connect students in grades K-12 with
Nobel laureates. Students study a
laureate or peace theme,
create a related interactive
exhibit or performance of
their subject, and bring it to
the one-day festival.
Along with the Peace
Prize Forum, the festival
has the endorsement of the
Norwegian Nobel Institute.
The 2004 festival honored
Nobel laureate Jimmy
Carter, who visited the J.J.
Hill Montessori School in
St. Paul, Minn., along with
the former first lady. ■
wo alumni join 164 others as Distinguished Alumni of Augsburg College. Recipients are recognized
for significant achievement in their vocations and outstanding contributions to church and
community, through years of preparation, experience, dedication, exemplary character, and service.
Brian J. Anderson ’82
Dr. Brian J. Anderson graduated from
Augsburg in 1982 with a B.A. in
physics, mathematics, and religion.
From 1983-1987, he served as a
research associate at the University of
Minnesota, where in 1987 he earned a
Ph.D. in physics. In 1986 he returned
to Augsburg as a visiting lecturer in
physics, and in 1987 as an assistant
professor of physics. During his two
years on the Augsburg faculty, he was instrumental in securing a
grant from the National Science Foundation for the establishment
of a vacuum technology laboratory for advanced physics
In 1988, Anderson relocated to the East Coast to serve as a
postdoctoral associate at Johns Hopkins University Applied
Physics Laboratory, where he is currently a senior physicist. He
also supervises the magnetic fields section of the APL’s Space
Physics Group, and is a member of the science team for NASA’s
Messenger mission to Mercury, among others.
Anderson is internationally recognized in space physics for
his innovative and wide-ranging contributions to the
understanding of the dynamic particle and magnetic field
environment of near earth space.
In addition to his duties at Johns Hopkins, Anderson also
serves as president of Division III (Magnetospheric Phenomena)
of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy,
the international scientific association that brings together space
scientists worldwide for biennial scientific congresses. He
recently completed service as an editor for Geophysical Research
Letters, the premier international journal of earth and space
sciences. He was also a member of a panel convened by the
National Academy of Sciences to provide guidance over the next
10 years to all U.S. government agencies in the areas of solar and
space physics.
Anderson is an active member of Evangelical Lutheran
Church in Frederick, Md., where he serves on the church council
and on various committees. He also serves as an assisting
minister in worship and is a regular participant in other
congregational events. His wife, Dr. Leeann Rock, is a 1981
graduate of Augsburg.
by Lynn Mena
Fern L. (Hanson) Gudmestad ’41
As a child growing up in Seattle, Wash.,
Fern L. (Hanson) Gudmestad learned
about Augsburg from her uncle, the Rev.
Frederick Iversen, an early 1900s graduate
of Augsburg College and Seminary.
Although she enrolled at the University of
Washington—where she ultimately
received a B.A. in art in 1941—she
convinced her parents to send her to
Augsburg for her sophomore year.
Gudmestad’s time as a student on the Augsburg campus
produced numerous lifelong bonds—particularly to one
alumnus, the Rev. Lawrence Gudmestad ’39 (1983 Augsburg
Distinguished Alumnus), whom she married. Three of their four
children also attended the College—one graduating in 1965 and
the other in 1968—as well as a daughter-in-law and a grandson,
making theirs a four-generation Augsburg family.
Gudmestad has remained a loyal and active alumna of the
College, having served as an adviser to the College of the Third
Age, as a longtime member of the Augsburg Associates, and on
the committee assisting with the recent Lutheran Free Church
celebration held on campus in June. In addition, she has been a
regular contributor to The Augsburg Fund and a member of the
president’s Maroon & Silver Society. She generously funded a pipe
in Hoversten Chapel’s new organ for each of her children, and
after her husband’s death in 1986 she directed memorial gifts to
As a young woman in the 1940s and ’50s, Gudmestad
answered the call to serve along with her husband during his
years as a parish pastor in both Washington and North Dakota.
As his partner, she managed a myriad of responsibilities, and in
the 1970s and ’80s she held successive and increasingly
comprehensive leadership positions in the American Lutheran
Church Women (ALCW) organizations, beginning as president of
her local ALCW, later as president of the ALC’s Southeast
Minnesota District ALCW Board, and ultimately as president of
the national ALCW.
Recognized as a wise and quietly powerful woman,
Gudmestad’s special combination of faith and skills in leadership
continues to bring many invitations to speak at events and
participate on committees and boards.
Fall 2004
ugsburg is pleased to announce the 2004 recipients of the First Decade and Spirit of
Augsburg awards. The First Decade Award is presented to Augsburg graduates of the past
10 years who have made significant progress in their professional achievements and
contributions to the community, and in so doing exemplify the mission of the College: to prepare
future leaders in service to the world. Graduates from the day, weekend, and graduate programs
are eligible.
The Spirit of Augsburg Award honors alumni and friends of the College who have given
exceptional service that contributes substantially to the well being of Augsburg by furthering its
purposes and programs.
Susan Arntz ’94
Arthur V. Rimmereid ’53
Susan (Horning) Arntz graduated from
Augsburg in 1994 with a B.A. in
political science and a minor in metrourban studies. In 1999, she earned a
master’s degree in public administration
from Hamline University.
Despite her young age, Arntz
possesses a vast amount of knowledge
and leadership skills related to public
affairs and government, and has utilized
these for an exemplary career in public
service. Following her graduation in
1994, she served as an intern to Commissioner Peter McLaughlin
of Hennepin County, Minn. During that same time period, she
served as assistant administrator and economic development
coordinator of the City of Chaska (Minn.), and from 1998–2001
as the assistant city manager of New Brighton, Minn. Over the
last several years, she has served as the city administrator of
Waconia, Minn. She has skillfully managed increasingly larger
city projects, and has directed major projects in the rapidly
growing community of Waconia.
Clearly, Arntz is driven to excel in her chosen field of city
management; she approaches the responsibilities and call of
public service with tremendous enthusiasm and dedication. She
has worked tirelessly to construct an innovative and successful
partnership between the city and the development community
and other agencies.
Since 2001, Arntz has served as a member of Augsburg’s
Alumni Board of Directors, contributing a valued voice of vision,
reason, and influence. In addition to sharing her time with the
College, Arntz is also a member of Augsburg’s Century Club.
A woman of deep faith and Christian values, Arntz is an active
member of her church and community. She and her husband,
Jonathan ’95, have two children.
The Rev. Arthur V. Rimmereid graduated
from Augsburg College and Seminary in
1953 and 1956, respectively. His first call
was to a parish in north central North
Dakota—Bisbee Lutheran Church—
where he served as pastor from
1956–1962. He then served as pastor of
Advent Lutheran Church in Coon
Rapids, Minn., where he was asked to
develop a new mission congregation.
From 1967–1983, he served first as
assistant pastor and then as senior pastor
at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Brainerd, Minn.
Rimmereid’s 27 years of distinguished parish ministry—in a
rural community, in a mission congregation, and in a larger
established congregation—served as excellent preparation for his
next call to serve as assistant to the bishop of the Northern
Minnesota District, ALC, from 1983–1987. He served in that
capacity until the merger and was called to a like position in the
new Northwestern Minnesota Synod of the ELCA, serving again
as assistant to the bishop from 1988–1991. In 1991, he was
elected bishop and served until his retirement in 1995.
A strong supporter of his alma mater, Rimmereid often and
proudly encourages others to attend the College and also to
provide financial donations to support its programs and its
mission. In addition, he is a regular participant and speaker at
College events—particularly in chapel, where he shares his spirit
of dedication, his love of people, and his message of faith.
Rimmereid has distinguished himself as an active member of
Kiwanis International for a number of years. He and his wife,
Charlotte (Kleven) ’52, reside in Maplewood, Minn., where in
addition to church activities, they are active volunteers in the
A person of compassion and integrity, Rimmereid’s
achievements and service exemplify the ideals and mission of
Fall 2004
THE NYDAHL FAMILY honored with the Distinguished Service Award
by Lynn Mena
Courtesy photo
he Distinguished Service Award recogizes “formative
families” who have made a substantial and continuing
contribution to Augsburg and to its mission in the world
through their vocations, their philanthropy, and their citizenship.
This year’s recipient is the family of Johannes and Tabitha Nydahl,
honoring their Norwegian and Lutheran heritage and their
generations-long connection to the College. Over the years, many
descendents of Johannes and Tabitha have attended Augsburg,
including their three sons, Theodore, Malvin, and Harold. The
Nydahl family members, through their careers and avocations, have
long illustrated Augsburg’s mission of “education for service,” and
it is a great honor to recognize them with this special award.
Johannes Ludvigson Nydahl was born Feb. 20, 1863, at Sondfjord,
Norway, to Ludvig Olson Nydahl and Nille Johannesen Holsen. As
the oldest son, Johannes stood to inherit the family farm. However,
he relinquished this right in order to realize his dream of exploring
the world. He considered going to South Africa or the Sandwich
Islands (Hawaii), but chose instead the United
States, emigrating in 1882.
When Johannes arrived in the United States,
he first worked as a lumberjack in northern
Minnesota and then as a stonemason in
Minneapolis—the First Baptist Church was
one of his masonry projects. By these jobs he
earned enough money to attend Augsburg.
Johannes’ wife, Tabitha, was born to immigrants
on a southern Minnesota farm. She was the
daughter of Torger T. Rygh, who arrived in
America in 1845 along with several siblings and
their parents.
Johannes Nydahl
Johannes graduated from both the College and the Augsburg
Seminary, attending from 1883–1891. Although he was never
ordained, he was deeply involved with the Lutheran community,
and served as a vicar in Watertown, S.Dak., in 1891. He then served
the College as a professor of history and Norwegian from
1891–1920, before beginning in 1920 as Augsburg’s head librarian,
a post he held until his death in 1928.
During his years at Augsburg he also served as an instructor at
Deaconess Hospital in Minneapolis from 1909–14. Among his
many community and church activities were serving as Sunday
school superintendent at Trinity Church, as president of the
Minnesota Total Abstinence Society, secretary of the Folkebladet
Publishing Company, treasurer and then president of the Board of
the Deaconess Home, and secretary of the Lutheran Free Church,
being listed as one of the 10 prominent men in the church’s
development. An outstanding musician, too, Johannes was a
member of the Augsburg Quartette, which toured throughout the
Johannes and Tabitha Nydahl pose with their six children. Pictured
from L to R are: Ragna, Tabitha, Malvin, Agnes, Harold, Theodore,
Johannes, and Valborg.
upper Midwest and Michigan through the
late 1880s and early 1890s. In 1895, the
Quartette toured Norway, the first concert
tour by Norwegians in America back to the
The Nydahls also were members of the
Saga Hill community, a colony established
in the 1880s by Augsburg professors,
ministers, bankers, and professional men,
most of them being members of Trinity
Tabitha Nydahl
Church who were deeply interested in the
College and its success. They purchased 40
acres from a farmer in the Lake Minnetonka area where they built
summer cabins.
Johannes and Tabitha—who lived on the Augsburg campus for
more than 30 years in what was to become known as West Hall
when it became a girls’ dormitory—raised a family of six children.
Ted became a history professor at the University of MinnesotaMankato, and later head of their Humanities Department; Mally
became an orthopedic surgeon in Minneapolis after a standout
athletic career in football, basketball, and baseball at the University
of Minnesota. Harold became a pastor and counselor, and Ragna,
Agnes, and Valborg all married Lutheran pastors and Augsburg
graduates—Melvin Olson, Clarence Carlsen, and Torgney Kleven,
respectively. All six children were great musicians, the three sisters
singing in a much sought-after trio, and the three brothers being
both singers and choir directors.
This award celebrates the contributions and legacy of Johannes and
Tabitha and the extended Nydahl family.
Fall 2004
Scientific inquiry will reveal truth and lead to more questions
“Where truth is, there is God.”
—Miguel de Cervantes
I give thanks and
praise for my
years at Augsburg.
I am grateful for
the knowledge I
learned, the skills
I acquired, and
the experiences I
had. But I am especially grateful for the
professors, fellow students, and other
individuals at Augsburg who encouraged
me to think about science and the
physical universe in the context of the
Christian faith. Faculty members like
John Holum, Earl Alton, Ralph Sulerud
and others patiently spent countless
hours with students like me, helping us
not only to understand the universe, but
also the relationship between the
universe and God. Kermit Paulson and
Mark Engebretson, persons of faith,
encouraged my wife Nancy (Mackey) ’85
to pursue a degree in physics, an
advanced degree in engineering, and
ultimately careers in engineering and
science teaching. To me, these teachers
made physics understandable and God’s
universe more spectacular.
The desire for truth at Augsburg
continues today. I am awed by the
innovative education and research
programs conducted by the science
faculty. Seeking scientific truth at
Augsburg is not simply memorizing and
reciting facts. Instead, it is learning
Fall 2004
methods of scientific inquiry that reveal
truth and lead to more questions. The
cycle of hypothesis, inquiry, discovery,
and generating new questions and
hypotheses about the universe leads to
new knowledge and understanding.
Whereas ignorance leads to fear and
conflict, knowledge and understanding
lead to comfort, joy, and peace. In other
words, the truth makes us free.
A tour of the current science
building reveals how innovative and
vital the science faculty is. This
education is made complete by the
Augsburg experience, a liberal arts
education that places scientific truth in
the context of other truths such as
spiritual, humanistic, and philosophical
truths. This milieu encourages the
Augsburg science major not to seek just
a job, but a true vocation, which
Frederick Buechner describes as “the
place where your deep gladness meets
the world’s deep need.”
A major focus of the current
campaign, Access to Excellence: The
Campaign for Augsburg College, is a new
Science Center. It is widely
acknowledged that the current Science
Hall is inadequate to fulfill and sustain
the vision for science education and
research at Augsburg College.
Despite the limitations of the current
facility, the sciences at Augsburg have
grown. In addition, the number of
science majors, education opportunities,
and research programs has grown.
Indeed, the College and the science
faculty have been very creative in using
and modifying the current facility, which
is now more than 50 years old, to meet
new challenges as they arise. For
example, the site of an active living coral
reef on the second floor of Science Hall
in the Biology Department is truly
amazing. Yet, this example of creativity
reflects the enthusiasm the Augsburg
science faculty has for teaching and
research irrespective of the facility. This
enthusiasm has undoubtedly played a
crucial role in the growth and success of
the science departments.
Nevertheless, the time has come for a
new Science Center at Augsburg College.
This center will provide an environment
conducive to teaching and mentoring
science students and conducting research
(SCIENCE continues on page 12)
Vision is published by
Augsburg College, 2211 Riverside Ave.,
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55454.
Lynn James
Graphic Designer
Kathy Rumpza
Stephen Geffre
Contributing Writers
Lynn James
Paul Mueller, M.D. ’84
3M Foundation partners with Augsburg in gift and matching
grant challenge
The 3M Foundation has announced a
partnership with Augsburg College to raise
$600,000 in support of its new Science
Center. For every dollar donated by a 3M
employee or retiree, the 3M Foundation
will contribute three dollars. Under this
3:1 challenge, the foundation will match
up to $100,000 in contributions from
employees or retirees with a $300,000 gift.
Additionally, the foundation itself is
contributing $200,000 to the Science
The grant challenges the College to
raise up to $100,000 in gifts and pledges
from 3M employees and retirees between
Oct. 15 and Dec. 10, 2004, according to
Alex Cirillo, Jr., vice president for the 3M
“This is a tremendous gift that
provides Augsburg the opportunity to raise
$600,000 in new funding for our
campaign’s top priority—the new Science
Center,” noted Sue Klaseus, Augsburg’s
vice president for institutional
advancement. “We are excited about the
3M Foundation leadership commitment.”
Gifts toward the 3M Foundation
challenge grant can come from any of its
employees or retirees, Klaseus said, but the
College’s primary effort will be geared
toward the hundreds of Augsburg alumni
and parents who work for the company.
SCIENCE continued from page 11
at 21st-century standards. It will, in part,
preserve and grow opportunities to
explore science at Augsburg. Finally, the
Science Center will be a major focal point
of the Augsburg campus, where faith and
reason are reconciled, where truth is loved
and sought, and God is found.
What can you do?
• Keep Augsburg leadership, faculty, staff
and students in your prayers.
• Be an ambassador of Augsburg. Share
with others, especially family, friends,
and potential students, the good things
that are happening at Augsburg,
especially in the science departments.
Encourage them to partake in the
Augsburg experience, a place where the
search for truth is encouraged and
nurtured, where science meets and
honors God, and where seeking and
finding the truth makes one free.
• Get involved. Visit the campus and see
what is happening at Augsburg. Attend
alumni events.
• Give generously to Augsburg. Consider
joining the Maroon & Silver Society.
Prayerfully consider committing to
Access to Excellence: The Campaign for
Augsburg College. Include Augsburg in
your estate plan (e.g., will, insurance
policy, annuity). ■
Paul S. Mueller ’84, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.C.P.,
is a consultant at the Mayo Clinic
Rochester and a member of the Science
Advisory Board. He is a former president of
the Augsburg College Alumni Association
Board of Directors.
3M hosted a campaign “event” at its
headquarters in November to help raise
awareness for both the campaign and this
special matching gift opportunity. Joining
Klaseus at the event was Augsburg
President William V. Frame, Provost
Christopher Kimball, Professor Nancy
Steblay, science faculty, students, and
For additional details on this
challenge, contact Sherry Jennings-King at
612-338-4823 or <jenningk@>. ■
JANUARY 7, 2005
Friday Forum—noon-1 p.m.
Featured speaker Senator Dave Durenberger
Brown bag luncheon, Christensen Center
Call 612-338-4821 for details
JANUARY 29, 2005
Women’s Connections,Thrivent Financial
625 4th Ave., Minneapolis
FEBRUARY 4, 2005
Friday Forum—noon-1 p.m.
Brown bag luncheon, Christensen Center
Call 612-338-4821 for details
FEBRUARY 10, 11, and 12, 2005
17th Annual Nobel Peace Prize Festival
and Forum, Augsburg College campus
MARCH 4, 2005
Friday Forum—noon-1 p.m.
Featured speaker Senator Mark Dayton
Brown bag luncheon, Christensen Center
Call 612-338-4821 for details
MAY 16, 2005
Second Annual Healthcare Conference
Details to follow
Fall 2004
Director of development named
After a national search, Stephen Preus assumed
his role as director of development in October.
“Preus brings a strong background of corporate
and community experiences to the role,” said Sue
Klaseus, vice president for institutional
“Stephen articulated well his passion about
Augsburg’s mission and vision. We feel confident
that his expertise and external perspective will
continue to enhance the success of Augsburg’s
current capital campaign and our long-term advancement program,”
she continued.
Preus succeeds John Knight, who left Augsburg in May to pursue
opportunities with his church, and interim director Richard J.Weiland,
of Northfield.
Prior to joining Augsburg, Preus owned CM IT Solutions in Edina,
Minn., and was a longtime employee and officer of Thrivent Financial
for Lutherans and its predecessor company Lutheran Brotherhood.
Preus is active in numerous community organizations and lives in
Burnsville with wife, Martha, and their two children. ■
• An anonymous endowment gift of $2 million was given
this fall.
• Thrivent Financial Services is offering alumni, friends of
the College, faculty, and staff the opportunity to join
Thrivent’s GivingPlus charitable/matching gift program.
For details, contact Stephanie Malone, director of The
Annual Fund, at 612-338-4825.
• Broadcasting of Advent Vespers nationwide this year was
made possible by generous lead gifts from the extended
Hoversten family,Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, and a
number of other friends and alumni of Augsburg College.
(Read about the broadcast on p. 5.)
If you’d like to consider a gift to the Advent Vespers
broadcast, funding is still needed. Contact Sherry
Jennings King at 612-338-4823 by December 31 for this
year’s pledge form.
Institutional Advancement moved from Smiley’s
Point recently when Fairview Health Services
exercised its option on Augsburg’s lease to
house the Fairview Foundation.
Vice President Sue Klaseus, administrative
assistant Kathryn Croyle, and the Institutional
Advancement and Alumni and Parent Relations
departments are located in Science Hall 152.
Development, Government and Community
Relations, and Advancement Services are in
downtown Minneapolis in the Crown Roller Mill
Building next to the former Whitney Hotel, just
off Washington Avenue near the new Guthrie
Theater site.
All email addresses are the same, but to contact
individuals in the Crown Roller Mill building,
please call the phone numbers listed.
Fall 2004
KAY AHLSTROM 612-338-4818
MELISSA BAWEK 612-338-4819
DONNA MCLEAN 612-338-4826
TRACY BECKMAN 612-338-6536
KIM OLMSTED 612-338-4827
DAVE BENSON 612-338-6539
STEPHEN PREUS 612-338-4828
JEROY CARLSON 612-338-4820
PHIL QUANBECK, SR. 612-338-6539
PATRICK SHEEHY 612-338-6533
KEVIN HEALY 612-338-6537
BARBARA HUTSON 612-338-4822
GEORGE SVERDRUP 612-338-6539
SHERILYN YOUNG 612-338-6535
JENNIFER KAHLOW 612-338-6540
SUE KLASEUS 612-338-6538
FAX 612-338-6542
RON MAIN 612-338-4824
Superb results through Class Challenge
Strides to increase annual giving continue
as “alumni participation for the past five
years has increased to 20 percent,” said
Stephanie Malone, Augsburg Fund
director. For fiscal year ending May 2004,
$825,000 was raised to support the lives
and education of Augsburg students.
New this year was the Class
Challenge. “We issued a Class Challenge
in hopes of involving more individuals in
supporting their alma mater.” The criteria
used included individuals who could be
located within each class year and who
held a day student status. Using the
aforementioned criteria, the Class of 1937
had 100 percent participation. The Class
of 1946 was the top giver, with an average
gift size of more than $13,000 and a class
participation rate of almost 81 percent.
The class of 1985 also significantly
increased their participation from past
“We really appreciate the efforts of
each of the Class Challenge participants,”
said Malone. “The Augsburg Fund
touches every aspect of the College at
every moment of a student’s educational
experience. It offers financial aid through
scholarships and programs that transform
students’ lives.”
There are many stories of individuals
giving to the Class Challenge who have
never given to the College or who haven’t
given on a consistent annual basis.
Richard Koplitz ’48 has given to the
College’s athletic programs in the past, but
liked what he saw with the College
expansion and wanted to support The
Augsburg Fund.
“Our annual fund support also was
made possible by leadership donors, many
of whom are Maroon & Silver Society
members. Their gifts of $1,000 or more
accounted for 75 percent of the annual
fund goal this past year,” reported Sue
Klaseus, vice president of Institutional
Advancement and Community Relations.
Augsburg’s goal is to nearly triple
annual fund giving by 2006 to reach a
30 percent alumni participation rate. “This
is a vibrant, evolving college,” said
Malone. “Alumni giving to enhance the
institution makes an Augsburg degree
more meaningful. There are so many ways
to support Augsburg, and contributing to
the annual fund to support scholarships is
one meaningful way.” ■
Contact Malone at 612-338-4825 or by
e-mail at <>.
Dorothy and Richard Koplitz ’48
(as of May 31, 2004)
Class of
Class Part.
Class of
Class Part.
TOTAL 20.57%
Fall 2004
Fall 2004
prepare students to become effective, informed, and
ethical citizens through their engagement in a
curriculum that:
a liberal arts foundation
promotes the
acquisition of intellectual and professional skills;
calls for common inquiry into questions of Christian
faith and the search for meaning; and,
cultivates the transformative discovery of, and
for, the student’s
and service in a diverse world—vocatio and caritas.
E D U C AT I N G F O R W O R K ,
When students look at colleges, one of the
first areas they ask about is the list of
majors or academic disciplines offered.
Seldom are they as interested in other
required courses, usually called the general
education or core curriculum.
What they don’t realize, however, is
that this part of their college study is
recognized within the higher education
community to be as important as their
major or area of specialization in
preparing them for an increasingly
technical, complex, and diverse
Following extensive study, a national
panel of the Association of American
Colleges and Universities (AAC&U)
issued a report in 2002 that makes the
case for a “liberal” education, meaning
one that will “help college students
become intentional learners who can
adapt to new environments, integrate
knowledge from different sources, and
continue learning throughout their lives.”
A liberal education prepares students
with skills beyond the theory and depth
of a specialization that they will need to
meet the challenges of a global society—
critical thinking and communicating, the
knowledge of how to learn, and the
preparation for responsible citizenship.
One hallmark of a liberal education is
the integration of classroom learning with
practical application through internships,
community service, and other forms of
experiential learning. A liberal and
practical education educates students for
responsible citizenship as well as for
work and careers.
The good news for Augsburg is that
educating for citizenship has always
been part of an Augsburg education.
Joan Griffin, Augsburg professor of
English and director of general
education, wrote in a recent
discussion paper, “Education for
citizenship may be trendy now, but as
many of us discovered … it’s been in
the bones of this College at least since
September 1874 when the faculty
approved a science division that
would provide ‘a practical general
education’ to prepare Norwegian
immigrants to flourish as citizens of
their new world.”
In the area of experiential
education, and especially in servicelearning where community service is
integrated into classroom learning,
Augsburg has been a national leader
for many years. In 2003, U.S.News &
World Report, in its “Programs to Look
for,” included Augsburg among 20
schools nationwide as a “stellar
example” of a service-learning program.
previous general education course
requirements spread over eight liberal
arts “perspectives,” and—most
importantly—that aligns it more closely
with Augsburg’s vision document,
Augsburg 2004: Extending the Vision.
In fall 2003, Augsburg launched the
Augsburg Core Curriculum, or
Augsburg Core, a new general
education curriculum that
incorporates the best practices from
national research, that streamlines the
At Opening Celebration, new first-year students
process into Hoversten Chapel through the
ballooned arch and through a line of welcoming
faculty and staff.
Fall 2004
For more than two years, several
committees involving over 25 faculty and
students worked to define the underlying
principles of general education at
Augsburg. Then, over several months a
design team collaborated to construct the
new curriculum. The full faculty
discussed the proposal in open hearings
and finally voted its approval.
The Augsburg
Core Curriculum
Design Team
A number of key principles make up the
heart of the Augsburg Core.
Augsburg believes that students learn
best in community. Thus, “learning
communities” are at the center of the
Augsburg Core. Students begin their
college careers in the Augsburg Seminar
learning communities, and they
complete their careers in their major
keystone communities. Both connect
students with faculty and with fellow
students. In the first year almost all
courses are taught by full-time faculty,
not adjuncts, to encourage these
The community of learners is
strengthened by having all students
share educational experiences at several
places during their studies where
common questions are considered and
continually revisited. This is
accomplished through common
readings, through required courses, and
through required experiences to which
students apply their classroom learning.
At the heart of the Augsburg Core are
Joan Griffin, chair . . . . . . . .English
Lori Brandt Hale . . . . . . . .Religion
Dal Liddle . . . . . . . . . . . . . .English
Merilee Klemp . . . . . . . . . . .Music
Diane Pike . . . . . . . . . . .Sociology
Ambrose Wolf . . . . . . . . . .Physics
The result of this work over these
several years is a carefully crafted,
cohesive education that blends broad,
general learning with depth in one or
more specific areas and prepares students
with tools to succeed.
The Augsburg Core combines
hallmarks of the College’s Lutheran
(and, specifically, Lutheran Free Church)
heritage, its long-standing commitment
to educating students for service in the
world, its commitment to provide access
to a diverse learning community, and its
location in the center of an urban area.
Woven throughout are the themes of
Christian faith, exploration of vocation,
the city, diversity, and global awareness.
It is an education distinctive to Augsburg
College, and it offers a life-changing
journey for students, truly a
transforming education.
Fall 2004
In their Augsburg Seminar, first-year students begin learning about the city in which they will
study, live, and work by exploring its resources and opportunities and engaging in community
service projects.
Sociology professor Diane Pike (right) leads an AugSem group as they explore downtown
Minneapolis streets.
the two signature courses called Search
for Meaning that are required of all
Augsburg students. In these courses, the
themes most important to Augsburg’s
mission and vision—vocation, identity,
and Christian faith—are introduced and
revisited as students begin to reflect in
more substantive ways about these
The Core Curriculum is designed to
be developmental. From the first year
onward, the curriculum introduces
shared themes through common
experiences, engages students in the city,
builds skills in the major, broadens
perspectives through the liberal arts,
requires application of learned theory,
and, finally, pulls everything together in
a keystone course before graduation.
Augsburg students continually have
Becoming an orientation leader is one way in
which students can grow as leaders on
campus. Here, during summer orientation,
Laura Prasek ’05 helps a new student figure
out his academic schedule for the first
opportunities to develop leadership
skills for service in society: through
knowledge gained from the breadth of
their liberal arts courses, through the
embedding of skills development in
their major courses, and through the
many forms of experiential education in
the Twin Cities or elsewhere where they
can apply their classroom learning to
practical situations.
An Augsburg education places
emphasis on the whole student, both in
academic classroom study and activities
outside of the classroom. Working in
tandem with the academic curriculum is
the co-curriculum, i.e., the rich variety
of college life that includes support
services such as advising, tutoring
services, and accommodations for
physical and learning disabilities, as well
as student government, sports, residence
life, campus ministry, and many other
social organizations. All of this helps
students build the confidence and skills
they need to become leaders.
Two significant aspects of an
Augsburg education—the commitment
to a diverse learning community and the
importance of global awareness—are
intentionally infused throughout both
the core curriculum and the major,
rather than being targeted in specific
courses. Students will encounter these
themes inherent in Augsburg’s identity
throughout their studies.
In several cases the themes are
imprinted in a common experience. For
example, the Effective Writing course,
required of first-year students, includes
a common text chosen for its culturally,
racially, and ethnically diverse content.
Throughout the core curriculum,
students will encounter opportunities to
experience and discuss the nature of
human differences.
The Augsburg Core is designed for
all undergraduate students and is
required of all, including those in the
traditional day program, in Weekend
College, and the Rochester program,
albeit with some adjustments and
slightly altered format for weekend and
transfer students.
While weekend and Rochester
students do not participate in the firstyear program, they must fulfill all other
requirements of the curriculum. For the
most part, adult working students value
the Augsburg Core for its emphasis on
liberal arts, and they understand its
application to their work or life
situation. They often use their own
workplace as the setting for a project to
fulfill the Augsburg Experience. Many
students also take advantage of shortterm study seminars to experience
another country or culture.
Augsburg’s Honors Program is rooted
in the Augsburg Core and offers an
enriched and interdisciplinary
environment in which students explore
the many dimensions of ideas and uses
of knowledge. Its courses lead students
through a specially-designed core
curriculum for academically-qualified
In 2003, Augsburg’s Center for Teaching
and Learning received a three-year grant
from the Bush Foundation to help
faculty implement the new Augsburg
Core. During the past year, faculty have
met in learning collaboratives to address
best teaching and learning practices. The
grant has also funded workshops,
materials, and research collaborations.
For faculty, the new core curriculum
has resulted in a significant shift.
Formerly, faculty members generally
designed, taught, and evaluated their
own courses within departments. The
new curriculum calls upon faculty to
Fall 2004
collaborate across departments and
disciplines, since all courses now serve
the broader goals of an Augsburg
education, including embedded skills,
service-learning, and other kinds of
learning beyond the specific subject
“It’s work that will have as much
payoff for faculty, if we do it well,”
comments Diane Pike, professor of
sociology and director of the Center for
Teaching and Learning. “Faculty gain a
much better understanding of how the
curriculum meets its goals; it gives us an
intentionality and explicitness that we
didn’t have before.”
The Augsburg Core’s distinction has
not gone unnoticed. While higher
education is clearly moving towards the
“liberal education” called for in
AAC&U’s national report, Augsburg
shows clear leadership with its emphasis
and commitment to service-learning and
the development of learning
communities. The College is actively
participating in this national discussion
and is being recognized for the
distinctiveness and coherence of the
new core curriculum. Representing the
Augsburg Core graphically as an arch
becomes an effective tool to explain the
comprehensiveness of the curriculum as
well as to help students navigate
through the courses to graduation.
Creating the Augsburg Core has been
a self-examination of the most
fundamental values of Augsburg’s
heritage, mission, and vision. An
Augsburg education is now more closely
aligned with the vision of “transforming
education” the College understands
itself called to offer, helping students to
find their place in the world and reach
their potential.
Provost Christopher Kimball sums it
up on Augsburg’s Web site, “We are one
college with one mission, offering one
unique experience.”
Fall 2004
The Augsburg Arch
The Augsburg Arch visually
demonstrates the structure,
relationships, and coherence of the
Augsburg Core Curriculum. It shows
how the liberal arts, academic majors,
and general education intersect, and
how the liberal arts are foundational,
both in content and skills. The keystone
brings it all together and supports the
whole as an integrated education.
The Augsburg Core has three major
The Signature Curriculum
The Liberal Arts Foundation
Skills Requirement
The Signature Curriculum sets
Augsburg apart from others. It includes
both specific courses and elements of
courses that engage students with the
core values inherent in Augsburg’s
mission and heritage.
Augsburg Seminar (first-year
program) helps first-year weekday
students make the transition to college
in “learning communities” based on
their major or other academic interests.
In these courses students learn what it
means to become a citizen of an
academic community. Many of these
courses also include an Engaging
Minneapolis component, which
introduces them to life in the Twin
Cities—by exploring the local arts
scene, studying environmental issues on
the Mississippi, bicycling the downtown
riverfront, tutoring neighborhood
immigrant children, sampling the local
ethnic cuisine, and much more.
Search for Meaning 1 and 2—These
two religion courses present Christian
theology as well as non-Christian faiths
and guide students in exploring and
reflecting on Augsburg’s concept of
vocation—discovering and using one’s
own talents and passion in service in
the world.
Augsburg Experience—All students
will complete a required experience
that links their academic study to
involvement in the broader community,
either locally or globally. This
experience can be study abroad, an
internship, research with a professor,
community service-learning, or an offcampus immersion experience.
Senior Keystone—The required senior
keystone course revisits conversations
on vocation, now within the context of
the major, and builds on the cumulative
combining of theoretical classroom
knowledge with experiential
applications of it. It also reflects the
developmental nature of the Augsburg
Core—beginning with Augsburg
Seminar, Search for Meaning, and
Engaging Minneapolis; then adding
growth in major skills and practical
application in the Augsburg Experience;
and, finally, a uniting of everything in
the keystone.
In order to learn and appreciate
different ways of knowing and modes
of inquiry, students take two courses
from different departments in each of
the four academic domains. Students
may take “connections” courses that
are team-taught and examine the
liberal arts around themes and across
Courses throughout the four years
provide skills beyond the specialization
that responsible citizens and successful
employees need in the global
workplace—in critical thinking,
speaking, writing, and quantitative
reasoning. Entrance assessments
prepare students to take the courses
that fulfill graduation requirements in
these areas. Core skill requirements
include writing, modern language, and
lifetime fitness.
core curriculum
Augsburg Seminar
For most first-year students, college is a
big change. It may be the first time they
have left home or have lived in a city.
Many will find that high school did not
prepare them for the demanding work
load of a college schedule or the cognitive
challenges and skills that they will need to
flourish in their new academic
Augsburg recognizes that first-year
students need support as they make the
transition to college and successful
academic careers. Because of the attention
that it pays to the experience of first-year
students, Augsburg was named as one of
12 Founding Institutions in the Council of
Independent Colleges’ Foundations of
Excellence™ in the First College Year
Augsburg’s first-year program,
Augsburg Seminar, introduces first-year
weekday students to the Augsburg
learning community. It helps them
become intentional learners as they
develop the skills and strategies that will
lead to success in college. It introduces
them to the signature themes of an
Augsburg education: vocation, caritas,
and community. It introduces them to
what it means to be an educated person:
an effective, informed, and ethical citizen.
From their first day on campus,
everything is geared to helping students
get off to the right start. Augsburg
Seminar courses join students, professors,
peer leaders (AugMentors), and campus
staff together in “learning communities”
based on a student’s major or other
academic interests.
In these communities, students may
work on joint projects, getting to know
the Twin Cities cultural scene, meeting
and tutoring newly-arrived immigrants in
the neighborhood, and writing reflections
on these experiences. On the day before
classes actually begin, AugSem sections
spend the afternoon in community
service projects, mostly in the
neighborhoods around campus. This year,
Kristin Snartland is one of the AugSem students who rode the new
lightrail from near campus to downtown, finding out how easy it is to
get around.
first-year students worked a total of more
than 1,000 hours on their AugSem
community service projects.
In the process they become acquainted
with each other, explore the resources of
the College community, get connected
with the city—and have fun. Many
students find college-long (and life-long)
friends in their Augsburg Seminar. They
get to know their professors—and their
professors get to know them, both in class
and outside the classroom in AugSem
Biology professor Bill Capman’s
AugSem section is paired with the
Introductory Organismal Biology course,
which also includes a service-learning field
project. This fall, his students visited a
local nature preserve, Dodge Nature
Center, to learn about and work to remove
invasive plant species from their grounds.
As part of their AugSem curriculum,
Capman’s group spends time on broader
topics—developing good study skills in
the sciences, exploring biology and
medical-related careers, and, for biology
The AugSem/Biology 103 class spent time at the Dodge Nature Center,
studying invasive plant species and helping to remove them from the
preserve. Professor Bill Capman points out differences between the
buckthorn to be removed and ash trees to Brittany Grudem (left) and
Jennifer Moe (right).
Fall 2004
A Somali community leader, Abdirizak Bihi, introduces an AugSem group to a Somali shop in the
Cedar-Riverside area. The class was getting acquainted with Somali culture to prepare them for
their later visits in the neighborhood to give people information about voting and registration.
majors, getting to know upperclass
biology majors and becoming involved
in department activities.
In Professor John Shockley’s
Augsburg Seminar section with its
paired Political Patterns and Processes
course, students took advantage of the
events around the presidential election
to study the challenges and
opportunities people face in trying the
make the world safer and more peaceful.
On the AugSem city service projects day
this group visited shops and businesses
around campus owned by Somali
immigrants to learn about their culture.
During the semester they met with
people in the neighborhood about voting
and voter registration.
Getting off to the
right start
Over the past decade, Augsburg has
intentionally developed a first-year
program that helps incoming
students ease the transition to both
college life and to the city in which
they’ll live, work, and find many
kinds of opportunities. Because of
this commitment and a readiness to
evaluate and improve its program,
Search for
All freshman students are required to
take the first of two Search for Meaning
courses, Christian Vocation and the
Search for Meaning. This course explores
the broad questions of existence—who
we are, why we’re here, etc.—and
examines the Christian notion of
vocation as a lens through which one’s
own life can be considered, informed by
faith within the context of these larger
Some of the Search for Meaning
Fall 2004
sections are paired with Augsburg
Seminars, and some have
community service-learning
components. Religion professor
Russell Kleckley’s Search for
Meaning section is paired with
music professor Merilee
Klemp’s Introduction to Music
and the Fine Arts, and together
they co-teach the Augsburg Seminar.
These two courses will jointly study
larger questions of meaning in the
context of the Judeo-Christian musical
tradition—from medieval chanting to
today’s rap music.
The second Search for Meaning
course invites students to think about
the role that religion, the Bible, and their
own beliefs play in the vocational
choices they make in their lives.
Students who are not Christian will
consider their own religious and spiritual
beliefs and how they affect their vocation
and place in the world.
Augsburg was named one of 12
“Founding Institutions” to
participate in a national project to
develop a model first-year program
that can be used by small, private
colleges to help their students reach
The project, Foundations of
Excellence™ in the First College Year,
is co-sponsored by the Policy Center
of the First Year of College and the
Council on Independent Colleges.
Funding for the two-year project is
provided by Lumina Foundation for
Education and The Atlantic
core curriculum
Engaging Minneapolis
The first-year orientation booklet tells incoming day students,
“When you come to Augsburg, you arrive at the heart of a vibrant
city.” While most students have probably visited the Twin Cities
before, it was most likely while visiting family or as a tourist,
which gave them little knowledge about studying, living, and
working in this area.
Engaging Minneapolis highlights the importance of Augsburg’s
urban location and introduces new students to the resources,
issues, opportunities, and diversity of the city. This is the urban
context that enables Augsburg to fulfill its mission to prepare
students as responsible citizens and leaders in service to the world.
Engaging Minneapolis is not the name of a single course, but
rather an added course component that makes intentional and
substantial use of city resources. Courses with Engaging
Minneapolis components are not about the city, but engage the city
as a learning laboratory in which students study their particular
liberal arts or general education subject matter.
Activities in Engaging Minneapolis courses can vary widely—
attending concerts and other cultural events, exploring the ethnic
restaurants in the neighborhood, tutoring immigrant children or
adults preparing for citizenship tests, helping care for community
gardens, or discovering the many bike and walking paths along the
Mississippi River near campus.
Some of the Engaging Minneapolis courses also include courseembedded service-learning—an Augsburg signature. In these
classes service experiences and reflective learning are integrated
Bicycling Minneapolis is a lifetime fitness course that fulfills Engaging
Minneapolis by exploring the history and culture of the city along its
bikepaths and trails.
As part of her Search for Meaning course, Ashley Boyd helps
Somali high school students with their homework and has
opportunity to learn about their religion and culture.
into the students’ coursework, and the community
experience becomes a “text” for the course. Both the
students and the community partners learn from each
Very few colleges include service-learning in first year
courses. Mary Laurel True, director of community servicelearning, says that community service is “part of who we
are,” and that it’s important for new students right away to
get a taste of what it means to be engaged in the
Several of the AugSem paired classes work with new
immigrants in the neighborhoods surrounding the College.
In Professor Janelle Bussert’s Religion 100 class, students
spend 15 hours at Trinity Lutheran Church in the CedarRiverside neighborhood helping Somali high school
students with their homework in Safe Place, an afterschool program.
The students study Islam in their religion class, and
then find opportunities to talk further and ask questions of
the Somali high school students about their religious
traditions. Bussert says that some wonderful conversations
have arisen while they work together.
English professor Bob Cowgill’s Effective Writing
students spend 15 hours during the semester working with
adult immigrants, mostly from East Africa, at the Franklin
Learning Center in the Phillips neighborhood near campus.
The students review English lessons or help with flash
cards as the adult learners study for citizenship tests.
Cowgill’s English course investigates how one knows
and accounts for identity through language. He says that
his students benefit from meeting and working with the
immigrants, and have remarked about how hard the
immigrants work to learn English and become Americans.
Fall 2004
core curriculum
Business/MIS professor Lee Clarke
student wrote. “He handed me
teaches a first-year course, MIS 175
a piece of paper that said,
Principles of Computing for Business.
‘Thanks for helping me.’ It
It’s an introductory course for
was typed in real big, bold
management information systems (MIS)
letters. He then looked at me
students to learn Microsoft Office
and said, ‘Look, I learned how
programs and how they are used in
to use Word.’ ”
business to reach goals and solve
A disabled student
business problems.
thought he would not be able
The course is designed to include an
to help, but later wrote,
Engaging Minneapolis component. That
“Little did I know that I was
part of the course, which Clarke calls
about to prove myself wrong,
the experience “text,” involves a
very wrong.” The computer
partnership with the Cedar-Riverside
instructor told him that since
Plaza Residents Resource Center. There,
he was not able to actually do
Augsburg students work 15 hours per
Freshman business student Jerrad Honstad helps a Somali woman the computing for the
at Riverside Plaza learn computer skills.
semester as assistants in the computer
residents, it was more
class or open lab. The residents are
beneficial for them, since
mostly Somali refugees; many have
they had to listen to the student’s
One student wrote, “This experience
limited English skills and some have never
explanation and do the work themselves.
helped me to meet [new immigrants], and
touched a computer.
For the young business students in
I can look at the world and America in a
Clarke requires three assignments that
his class who have always had computers
whole new light. … I feel that you can
connect the subject matter with the
in their lives, Clarke knows they are now
learn more in the short 15 hours I worked
service experience. In one, students reflect
more aware of the disparities of wealth
there than you can in some classes you go
on the digital divide with its issues of
and technology in the world. The
to daily for a whole semester.”
technology “haves” and “have-nots” and
experience of working with new
Another student talked about an
talk about how the Resource Center helps
immigrants, many of them close to the
unforgettable moment after helping an
the residents overcome these barriers. The
students’ grandparents’ ages, also gave
older man learn to use Microsoft Word.
last assignment asks the students to reflect
them a greater appreciation of culture
“Then one day he came in quite as usual
personally—what they learned at the
and citizenship.
but with a huge smile on his face,” the
center and how it relates to their course.
If Engaging Minneapolis is the bookend
on the front end of an Augsburg
Fall 2004
education, the keystone experience is
the final bookend. During the years in
between, students delve into a major,
build professional as well as life skills,
apply their classroom learning, explore
faith, and experience the city. The
keystone course usually occurs in the
senior year, close to graduation.
The keystone in the Augsburg Core,
as in architecture, provides the shape
and support to the structural elements
of the arch. It connects the broad liberal
arts foundation with the professional
skills and the in-depth study in the
major. It helps students begin the
transition to their after-college life.
Learning goals include a revisiting of
the critical conversations about vocation
that were begun in the first Search for
Meaning course. Attention is paid to
reflection on vocation, leadership, and
service in a diverse world.
The value of the keystone, says MIS
professor Nora Braun, who piloted an
MIS keystone course, is that it’s time
focused on thinking about all the pieces
in an Augsburg education and what the
student has done with them. “It’s a
reflection and a pulling together of the
total experience in and out of the
classroom.” Braun asks her students to
write an “education autobiography” that
reflects on the identified outcomes of
their Augsburg education.
core curriculum
Augsburg Experience
Augsburg recognizes that today’s citizens
need new kinds of competencies—
abstract and complex problem-solving,
systems thinking, and collaboration,
among others. These are skills that
cannot be learned in normal classroom
activity alone, but are enhanced with
direct experience in the workplace and
community. In the Augsburg Core all
students are required to complete an
approved Augsburg Experience, one of
the signature elements in the core
curriculum that adds value to an
Augsburg education.
The Augsburg Experience can be
completed in one of five ways:
internships, cooperative education,
practica, fieldwork, and clinicals
faculty-student research
community service-learning courses
and experiences
study abroad
off-campus immersion experiences
The Augsburg Experience, in short, links
the theoretical with the practical, and
links on-campus experience to the wider
community. Every approved
“experience” must engage the student in
the community away from campus. To
help them tailor an experience to their
studies and interests, students work with
faculty; the staff and resources of the
Center for Service, Work, and Learning;
and the Office of International Programs
Internships and cooperative
education have traditionally been the
most common choices for work-based
experiential education. Several
professional studies majors already
require student teaching, practica or
fieldwork, and internships. Some
Weekend College students who are
working full time find they are able to
develop an Augsburg Experience in
their own jobs by compiling a formal
plan, approved by the Center for
Service, Work, and Learning, identifying
a minimum of three learning outcomes
that make deliberate connections
between their education and work.
Augsburg offers outstanding
opportunities, especially in the sciences,
for student-faculty research. Students
work with their professors on original
research that is usually more common at
the graduate level. Through this,
students learn to apply knowledge from
their major and engage in the research
process and in the discoveries, both
successes and failures, that contribute to
the body of knowledge in their
discipline and benefit the wider
Augsburg’s Physics Department
collaborates on a number of ongoing
research projects with major universities
and government agencies, giving its
students original research opportunities
from their freshman year forward. The
department enjoys an international
reputation for research excellence, and
its students have won several awards for
outstanding presentations.
Students can also meet the Augsburg
Experience through courses with servicelearning components. A portion of
course time is spent in service at the site,
reflection, discussion, and related
activities. Or, students can work at
approved sites and carry out reflection
activities with Augsburg faculty or staff
members. Augsburg has built
partnerships with more than 30
community organizations and is a
recognized national leader and awardwinner.
Students have a variety of choices for
study abroad through the Center for
Global Education’s study centers in
Sociology and metro-urban studies students visited U.S. Rep. Martin Olav Sabo ’59 on their
study trip to Washington, D.C., last spring to talk with people in public service about their
vocations and working “on the hill.” (R to L): Lois Olson, Center for Service, Work, and
Learning; Jennifer Nacey; Jessica Howard; Lori Cain; Amanda Froiland; Ray McCoy; Ted
Arrindell; Maria Belen Power; Adela Arguello; Krista Dahlke; Kendra Kahlow; Kate Loyd; and
Garry Hesser, professor of sociology and metro-urban studies.
Fall 2004
Central America, Mexico, and southern
Africa. Also, the International Partners
program offers opportunities in
European countries where Augsburg
has formal university partnerships and
internship opportunities. Other
programs are available with approval
from OIP.
The fifth possibility for an Augsburg
Experience is through off-campus
immersion. These are typically weeklong experiences away from campus
where students are engaged in learning
that helps them understand, apply, and
appreciate their Augsburg education in a
diverse, global society.
One example of off-campus
immersion includes the visits made by
Weekend College nursing students to the
Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota.
There they meet with public health
nurses, shadow them in their daily work,
and learn about Lakota culture.
An English major looks at rap music
by Keme Hawkins
It was the summer before my senior year
and I knew I wanted to apply to
graduate school. It was important for me
to get some research experience and
quick. The University of Minnesota’s
McNair Summer Research Program
accepted me, and I worked with the
Institute on Domestic Violence in the
African American Community under the
mentorship of Dr. Oliver Williams from
the College of Human Ecology, School of
Social Work.
It seemed a strange home for an
English major, but my McNair adviser
assured me that it would be a valuable
experience. The Institute holds annual
conferences that focus on specific aspects
of domestic violence and this year’s
conference theme was “Domestic
Violence and the Hip-Hop Generation.”
In keeping with the theme I tailored my
research to complement the research
already in progress and formulated a
study that looked at whether or not
people are influenced by the suggested
gender identities in rap music and how
that affected their dating and marital
The scholar’s group reported weekly
to the seminar, where we would be
debriefed on each aspect of the research
process: developing an introduction,
explaining the significance of the study,
forming a hypothesis, doing a literature
review, forming methodology, compiling
results, creating a discussion, and making
recommendations for further study. The
dispensing of our stipend was contingent
upon completing each research step by a
certain time, while also doing work to
help prepare us for graduate school, like
writing a personal statement, putting
together a curriculum vitae, and making
Fall 2004
a list of graduate schools to apply to.
My research concluded with the
Domestic Violence and the Hip-Hop
Generation conference at York College in
Queens, N.Y. Because my professor
thought so highly of my work and was
impressed with my knowledge of hiphop music and culture, I was invited to
take part in a plenary session where I
discussed the impact of sexist rap lyrics
with the rap group Holla Point and
practitioners who work to combat
domestic violence.
As an English major, entering the
world of social science was not as
unnatural or discomforting as I would
have imagined. While the social sciences
study human behavior, literature is a
study of the human condition through
non-fiction accounts and human
imagination. Having the opportunity to
do interdisciplinary work has not only
given me another perspective on how to
think more broadly within my own field,
but it has also allowed me to get better
focus on the kind of graduate program
for my interest. African-American
literature can offer me the best of those
worlds—having a definite house or genre
or body of literary work to study based in
a social science is the ideal place for me.
Keme Hawkins is a Weekend College senior
English major and a McNair Scholar.
Weekend College senior English major Keme Hawkins used her knowledge of hip-hop music
and culture in research on domestic violence that she carried out last summer with a
professor in the Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Family at the
University of Minnesota.
Meet Joan Griffin
Joan Griffin has lived and breathed the
mission and values of Augsburg College.
She is the co-author of the College’s vision
document, Augsburg 2004: Extending
the Vision, that was approved in 1999,
and has also co-authored its update and
revision, presented to the Board of Regents
for approval in January 2005. Augsburg
Now posed the following question to her:
What are the most important core
values from the College’s mission and
vision that are now imprinted in the
new Augsburg Core Curriculum?
One, of course, is vocation … the idea
that each student brings a unique set of
talents and abilities and potential. We
need to cultivate all of these abilities,
not just the academic ones, but all the
talents that students bring with them.
Certainly, also important is
citizenship, or “the city.” We tried to
expand the notion of city, so that it’s not
just an urban studies requirement, but it
really has to do with providing an
education for citizenship. The College
has always done that; it’s part of why the
College is a college rather than a
seminary—early leaders were concerned
with how to prepare
Norwegian immigrants to
become citizens.
Right away we want
students to know they they’ve
come to a terrific place and
that they can learn here, both inside and
outside the classroom. We introduce this
theme in Engaging Minneapolis and
repeat it in the Augsburg Experience,
where once again we ask them to go
beyond the classroom and actually put
into practice what they’ve learned in the
For the first time we have overall
goals in our curriculum—we want
students to become effective, informed,
and ethical citizens. The emphasis on
ethics comes from our Lutheran heritage,
but we want it to pervade the entire
curriculum. Effective citizens need the
skills of knowing how to write, to read,
to think critically. Those skills should be
addressed intentionally throughout the
curriculum, but general education can be
particularly accountable.
We know too that effective citizens
will need to function in a diverse society.
Although we explicitly introduce the
theme of diversity through the Many
Voices Project in the first year, the new
Augsburg Core calls for an infusion
model of diversity whereby we’ll ask the
entire curriculum—especially majors—
to think about the skills and knowledge
that their students will need to be
responsible citizens of an increasingly
global society.
The Signature Curriculum does
really hit these distinctive parts of an
Augsburg education. The two Search for
Meaning courses address vocation
through the lens of our Lutheran
heritage. The city, of course, we address
within our metropolitan setting through
the Engaging Minneapolis requirement.
There is also the notion of caritas,
the demand for God’s love to be enacted
in the world. An Augsburg education is
an education for action. We see this
throughout the curriculum—in
Augsburg Seminar, in Engaging
Minneapolis, and in the Augsburg
Contact information
Office of Undergraduate Admissions
Weekend College Admissions
612-330-1001 or 1-800-788-5678
2 2 1 1
R i v e r s i d e
A v e n u e ,
M i n n e a p o l i s ,
5 5 4 5 4
For information about
Augsburg’s Core Curriculum:
Barbara Edwards Farley
Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
w w w. a u g s b u r g . e d u
Fall 2004
From the Alumni Board president’s desk…
ello Augsburg
alumni! As the
first Weekend
College graduate to
serve as Alumni
Board president,
I’ve been spending
some time
considering both
the similarities and
the differences among our alumni and
their experiences.
Augsburg has done an incredible job
of creating educational programs that fit
the contrasting needs of students. In
years past, the College was smaller and
offered fewer programs. Today, our
students may choose from the weekend,
Rochester, graduate, or traditional day
programs. They may live on campus or
they may commute from home.
It’s only natural, then, that graduates
of 20 or more years ago are likely to have
very different memories from those who
graduated more recently. In turn, this
also means that the “Augsburg
experience” will mean different things
for our alumni—their memories are
unique and the connection each feels
toward Augsburg varies. For example,
many adult learners do not feel the same
long-term association and affection for
the College as do those students who live
on campus. However, we all share in the
traditions and events that have been
treasured to this day, like Advent Vespers
and Homecoming.
One important goal of the Alumni
Board is to help create meaningful
relationships between all Augsburg
students and alumni. We want everyone
to share a deep “Augsburg experience”
and a continuing connection with the
College—which we believe will help to
spread Augsburg’s educational and
vocational values throughout the
community. All alumni have one thing in
common: the great benefit of an
Augsburg degree, which does not
differentiate between student types.
Five alumni appointed to Alumni Board
he Augsburg Alumni Board of
Directors appointed five new
members and elected Bill Vanderwall ’93
WEC as president and Karina Karlén ’83
as president-elect. To view the complete
list of board members, visit the
Alumni/Parent Relations Web site at
<>. The new
members are as follows:
Buffie Blesi ‘90, ‘97 MAL
Blesi graduated from Augsburg with a
B.A. in business administration and a
Master of Arts in Leadership. She is
senior vice president and director of
operations for TCF Investments.
Andy Fried ‘93 WEC
Fried graduated from Augsburg Weekend
College with a B.A. in management
information systems. He is operations
Fall 2004
and systems support manager for
WindLogics, Inc.
Calvin Hanson ‘98
Hanson graduated from Augsburg with a
B.A. in history. He is a senior admissions
counselor at Augsburg.
Joyce Miller ‘02 BS Nursing,
Miller graduated with a Master of Arts in
Nursing from Augsburg’s nursing
program in Rochester, Minn. She is a
registered nurse at the Mayo Clinic and
an adjunct instructor at Augsburg.
Elizabeth “Liz” Pushing ‘93
Pushing graduated from Augsburg with a
B.A. in business administration. She is
director of financial services at
Providence Place.
Of special note in this issue of the
Augsburg Now is the article on page 28
about the newly formed Weekend
College Alumni Network (WECAN).
This group is already developing some
great strategies on how we can better
connect with current Weekend College
students in order to establish a strong
alumni relationship later. We value your
input on how to accomplish this, so
please call the director of Alumni/Parent
Relations, Amy Sutton, at 612-330-1525,
or e-mail <>. You
may also e-mail me at
<> with your
ideas. I look forward to serving as your
new Alumni Board president!
Bill Vanderwall ’93 WEC
President, Alumni Board
Alumni Board elects
first WEC alumnus
as president
ugsburg’s Alumni Board of Directors
is pleased to announce the election of
Bill Vanderwall ’93 to serve as the
2004–2005 board president. Vanderwall is
the board’s first Weekend College alumnus
to serve as its president.
“I am honored to bring in some new
ideas to further connect Augsburg to nontraditional students,” says Vanderwall.
“Personally, my degree from Augsburg has
had great impact in helping me discern my
vocational direction and in setting a course
of action on how to get there—ultimately
enabling me to work and live in a way that
is consistent with my values.”
Vanderwall was recently promoted to
vice president of family services at
Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota. He
previously served as LSS’s senior director
of housing services.
Alumni News
Augsburg student and alumni win
legislative and judicial seats
by Lynn Mena
n November 2, an Augsburg graduate
student and three alumni won seats
in various legislative and judicial races,
while two alumni—Sandy (Voss)
Wollschlager ’94 and Kathryn Ness ’02
(both DFL)—were narrowly defeated by
Republican incumbents for seats in the
Minnesota House of Representatives.
Larry Hosch, MSW
Hosch (DFL) won a seat
in the MN House, District
14B. He has served as
mayor of St. Joseph for
four years, and at 27 is
the second youngest
mayor in Minnesota history. He is also coowner of Lamar Homes & Remodeling,
LLC, and is enrolled in Augsburg’s Master
of Social Work program.
LaJune Thomas Lange ‘75
The honorable LaJune Thomas Lange
retained her seat as a judge on the
Hennepin County 4th Judicial District
Court. She has held this seat since 1986,
previously serving as a
judge on the Hennepin
County Municipal Court
(1985–1986) and as an
assistant public defender
for Hennepin County
(1978–1985). She is also
an adjunct professor at William Mitchell
College of Law, where she teaches
international human rights and civil
rights. She is an Augsburg Distinguished
Alumna (2002) and a former member of
the Board of Regents.
Diane Loeffler ‘75
Loeffler (DFL) won a seat
in the MN House, District
59A. A lifelong resident of
Northeast Minneapolis,
her career has been spent
in public service. She has
worked as a budget and policy analyst on
education issues for state and local
government. She currently works for
Hennepin County in healthcare policy
analysis on issues of services to seniors
and persons with disabilities, health
promotion and protection, and how to
ensure more persons have access to
affordable and effective health coverage.
Martin Olav Sabo ‘59
Sabo (DFL) was elected to
a 14th term in the U.S.
House of Representatives,
MN District 5. He has
held this seat since 1979,
previously serving as a
representative of the MN House before his
election to Congress. In 2003, he became
the ranking member of the newly created
Homeland Security Subcommittee of the
Appropriations Committee. Sabo also
serves on the Defense Subcommittee of
the Appropriations Committee, where he
is known on Capitol Hill as one of the
leading voices on arms policy. An
Augsburg Distinguished Alumnus (1976),
he served for 12 years on the Board of
Regents, and also received the College’s
first honorary degree—the Doctor of
Humane Letters (Honoris Causa)—
in 2000.
Weekend College Alumni Network (WECAN) established
by Amy Sutton
lumni of Augsburg Weekend College
have established a group to represent
and advocate for WEC students and
graduates. Although initially launched a
few years ago, the Weekend College
Alumni Network (WECAN) has been reinvigorated in recent months.
“The Weekend College program is
such a vital part of Augsburg, and we want
to bring attention to that,” said Andy
Fried, a 1993 graduate who also serves on
the Alumni Board of Directors. “We
believe that a group of alumni who have
actually experienced the unique challenges
of WEC students can be strong advocates
for positive changes that will enhance the
Augsburg experience for current WEC
WECAN members also
hope to bring visibility to the
value that WEC alumni and
students bring to the College,
as well as to develop programs
and communications that
provide support and
encouragement to current
WEC students. “Our
opportunities to attend
Augsburg have had a
tremendous impact on our lives
and we want to give something
back,” says Fried.
If you are interested in
joining WECAN or have
suggestions for the group,
please e-mail
Members of the newly established Weekend College
Alumni Network (WECAN) gathered recently to strategize
ways to represent and advocate for WEC students and
alumni. Pictured here are (L to R, front row) Heather Birch
‘96 and Anne-Marie de Jong ‘01, and (L to R, back row)
Andy Fried ‘93, Jeff Gilbertson ‘04, Bill Vanderwall ‘93, and
Meri Pygman ‘93 (not pictured are Pete Hespen ‘92 and
Terry Marquardt ‘98).
Fall 2004
Alumni events calendar
Please join us for these upcoming alumni and parent events (see also the college-wide
calendar on the inside back cover for additional events):
11 Auggie Hour celebrating Augsburg
authors, Shelly’s Woodroast (I-394 &
Louisiana in Golden Valley), 5:30 p.m.
12 Auggie Hour on campus for
graduates of the Honors Program
(meet current students in the
program and learn about the changes
to the curriculum), 5:30 p.m.
18 Parent Association gathering,
Augsburg House, 6-8 p.m.
8 Auggie Hour luncheon on campus
for alumnae business owners (please
e-mail <> with
your information if you are selfemployed or own a business and
wish to network with other women
business owners), noon
15 Alumni Board meeting,
Minneapolis Room, Christensen
Center, 5:30 p.m.
8 Auggie Hour wine tasting hosted
by Jennifer Tome ’99 of Grape
Beginnings, Beaujo’s Wine Bar, 50th
& France in Edina, 5:30 p.m.
14 Auggie Hour senior reception on
campus (all alumni are invited to join
us in welcoming the 2005 graduates
to the Alumni Association), 5:30 p.m.
6 Special reception for business
graduates (all Augsburg faculty,
alumni, and 2005 business graduates
are invited), Marshall Room,
Christensen Center, 4-6 p.m.
10 Auggie Hour on campus for all
current and former Alumni Board
members, 5:30 p.m.
Holidazzle Parade Event
Always wanted to see the Holidazzle
parade without the hassle? Augsburg
alumni and their families are invited to
gather at Augsburg at 5:15 p.m. on
Dec. 19. A bus will depart at 5:45 p.m. to
take you to the parade and then return
you to Augsburg where holiday goodies
and hot chocolate will be waiting to
warm you up. There is no cost but
limited transportation is available, so
please call the RSVP hotline at 612-3301598 or e-mail <>.
Business alumni events
All business alumni are invited to attend
the Second Executive Management
Lecture: “Key Success Factors in Starting a
Business,” presented by Richard
Brimacomb (partner, Sherpa Partners, and
previous vice president of finance, Cartia
Inc.) on Feb. 26, noon-1 p.m., Christensen
Center. Alumni may also attend the Spring
Business Forum: “General Systems Theory
Unites Diverse Disciplines,” on April 21,
4-6 p.m., Christensen Center. Presented by
Augsburg’s Department of Business
The Lion King
The third annual Connections—A Women’s Leadership Event, co-sponsored by Augsburg
and Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, will be held January 29 from 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
“What makes this women’s event unique compared to others is that we invite students
to participate in this leadership development opportunity so they may network and be
encouraged by the experiences and stories of the amazing women who attend,” said
Sue Klaseus, vice president of Augsburg’s Institutional Advancement.
Presenters this year include author and Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient Frances
Hesselbein, and alumnae Jean Taylor ’85 and Ami Nafzger ’94. For more information and
to register online, please visit <>.
The Augsburg Alumni Association invites
you to attend The Lion King performance
at the Orpheum Theatre on April 22. A
limited number of tickets are available to
alumni at a special discounted price of
$50, a value of over $80 that includes a
reception, roundtrip transportation to the
Orpheum from Augsburg, and a balconyseating ticket. For more information or to
secure your ticket, please visit
Alumni Tour to Norway
Interested in an eight-day tour to
Norway in May 2005? The Augsburg
Concert Band is touring Norway in May
and the alumni office would like to
know who would be interested in
participating on the companion tour.
Please e-mail <>
for more information.
Fall 2004
Spark Your Spirit ]
Left: Students gathered
with Augsburg alumni,
faculty, and staff for the
third annual
Homecoming reception
celebrating the College’s
four ethnic programs:
the American Indian,
Pan-Asian, Pan-Afrikan,
and Hispanic/Latino
student service areas.
Right: As part of the Homecoming
festivities, students constructed
elaborate hats—such as the hat pictured
[at right]—to express their Auggie pride.
Above: The Auggie cheerleaders kept spirits
high at the Homecoming football game
despite Augsburg’s 13-point loss to Gustavus
Adolphus College.
The Auggie Eagle entertained fans at the Homecoming football game.
Left: Recipients of the 2004
Distinguished Alumni, First
Decade, and Spirit of Augsburg
awards were honored along
with the Golden Anniversary
Class of 1954 at the
Homecoming chapel service on
Oct. 8. Pictured [at left] are (L to
R): Dr. Brian Anderson ‘82,
Distinguished Alumni Award;
Charlotte (Kleven) Rimmereid
‘52, wife of the Rev. Arthur
Rimmereid ‘53, Spirit of
Augsburg Award; Fern (Hanson)
Gudmestad ‘41, Distinguished
Alumni Award; and Susan
(Horning) Arntz ‘94, First Decade
A future Auggie had her face painted by an artist before the football game.
Fall 2004
Above: Norman Nielsen ‘44 (left) was presented with
a commemorative archival photo of the Augsburg
campus in recognition of his pioneering efforts in
development for Augsburg during a special Class of
1944 reunion breakfast. Pictured with Nielsen is “Mr.
Augsburg” Jeroy Carlson ‘48 (right), a senior
development officer.
Above: The Auggies huddled before the game, which despite a
near-record running day by junior quarterback Marcus LeVesseur,
they lost to the Gusties, 34–21. LeVesseur rushed for 207 yards
on 32 carries, just 10 yards shy of the College’s single-game
rushing record 217 yards by Marty Alger ‘94 in a 1993 game.
Above: Members from the Class of 1994
gathered before the football game to
celebrate their 10-year reunion.
Above: Auggie wrestlers gathered for a reunion
and party in Murphy Park; they continued the
celebration at Grandma’s after the football
Above: Bobby Brown (left) and Hannah
Dietrich (right) were crowned as the
2004 Homecoming King and Queen.
Above: Jack Osberg ‘62 addressed the team
during what would be his final Auggie
Homecoming halftime as Augsburg football
head coach; Osberg retired from his coaching
position at the end of the 2004 season, capping
a 14-year career that has produced the most
victories in school history. He will remain on the
Augsburg staff, assisting in the school’s Alumni
and Parent Relations and Development areas, to
develop connections with athletic alumni and
H o m e c o m i n g
Fall 2004
2 0 0 4
Spark Your Spirit ]
(L to R) ROW 1 (front): Theodore W.
Anderson, Donald J. Dill, Marlys
(Ringdahl) Gunderson. ROW 2:
Joyce (Weber) Krueger, Ruth (Pousi)
Ollila, Donald A. Norum, Winifred
(Nystuen) Nyhus, Janice (Anderson)
Rykken, Gary R. Rust. ROW 3:
Ardelle Skovholt Quanbeck, Mary
Lee Peterson Leak, Shirlee Blake
Olmstead, Roger E. Carlson. ROW 4:
Helen Jensen Myhre, Orpha
Hushagen Iseminger, Marilyn
Soiseth Boraas, Yvonne Oudal
Rhodes, Jane Collins Cornelius,
Marlys Harkman Schmidt, Edward
O. Nyhus. ROW 5: Ardis Dorr
Nystuen, Arlene Larson Nelson,
Wallace L. Hafstad, Joyce Fossum
Pflaum, Florence Helland Borman,
Jerome S. Elness, James L. Shiell,
Wallace L. Hanson, Marlys Backlund
Morland, Russ Lance. ROW 6:
Clinton J. Peterson, Arlene
(Reinertson) Rolf, Leland E.
Evenson, Carl Jensen. ROW 7: Louis
O. Becker, Louis P. Rolf, Mark L.
Johnson, George W. Fisher, Valborg
(Kyllo) Ellingson, Barbara Tjornhom
Nelson, James A. Sorenson. ROW 8:
Robert E. Twiton, Herbert W.
Chilstrom, Virgil R. Gehring
(L to R) ROW 1 (front): Anita
(Martinson) Mock, Karen (Henry)
Steenson, Jean (Pfeifer) Olson, Carla
(Quanbeck) Walgren, Dorothy
(Borsgard) Berkland. ROW 2:
Deanne (Star) Greco, Verlie (Block)
Jorenby, Rondi (Rindahl) Suppiah.
ROW 3: Joyce (Leifgren) Young,
Stella (Kyllo) Rosenquist, Sandra
(Simpson) Phaup, Ann (Tjaden)
Jensen, Mary (Fenrick) Olson. ROW
4: James W. Parks, Ellen (Paulson)
Keiter, Karen L. Kohout, Arlan
Oftedahl, Raul A. Jackson. ROW 5:
Charles W. Schulz, Betty (Hanson)
Rossing, Andrew Berg, Charlotte
(Gerdeen) Oswood. ROW 6: Robert
A. Nordin, Carolyn (Aadland)
Allmon, Mary (Munson) Peterson,
Linda (Hamilton) Senta, Ted W.
Olson. ROW 7: Philip M. Dyrud,
Sharon (Lindell) Mortrud, Avis
(Hoel) Dyrud, Karl I. Bakke, Michael
W. Walgren.
Fall 2004
(L to R) Row 1 (front): Julia (Davis)
Styrlund, Gary C. Dahle, Sally
(Hough) Daniels, Sandra (Spitzack)
Elhardt, Laurie (Hoversten) Busch.
Row 2: Carol (Dubovick) Hard, Paul
A. Daniels, Holly (Groten) Krekula,
Katharine E. Skibbe, Pamela
(Hanson) Moksnes, Mark A.
Moksnes, Lynn Schmidtke, Brian J.
Carlsen. Row 3: Jay K. Phinney,
Philip Styrland, Eric Anderson.
The extended family of Johannes and Tabitha Nydahl gathered at Homecoming Dinner on October 9 to accept the Distinguished Service Award and
to celebrate their generations-long connection to Augsburg—beginning with Johannes Nydahl in the 1800s (read more on page 10).
H o m e c o m i n g
Fall 2004
2 0 0 4
Class Notes
Mary Jean (Danger)
Holmquist, Braham, Minn., is a
retired music teacher, and can be
contacted at <>.
Rev. Dr. Dennis Morreim is a
pastor in Cloquet, Minn., and
has worked with Alcoholics
Anonymous throughout his 35year ministry. He has served as a
consultant and speaker at
treatment centers and is the
author of three books, two of
which were translated into
Spanish. Over the past four
years, he has twice led work
groups to Santa Barbara,
Honduras, to help build homes
and schools and to bring medical
help to those in poverty. His wife,
Jeanne (Wanner) ’66, taught in
public schools for several years,
directed youth music and
education programs in church,
and currently serves on the
volunteer network for
Compassion International. The
Morreims have two grown
children, Edward ’93, an
educator with the Mahtomedi
public schools, and Sarah, a
psychotherapist with Hoistad and
Associates in St. Paul.
Duane Westfield lectured onboard the Marco Polo cruise
ship this past summer.
Arlen Stensland was featured
in an article in the Minneapolis
Star Tribune, “A Keystroke of
Genius.” Arlen and his wife,
Lois, were missionaries to
Madagascar for 22 years and
now organize a program that
sends manual typewriters to
Malagasy Lutheran Church in
Wes Sideen, St. Paul, was
elected district 5M6 governor of
the Lions Club, and is currently
planning an April benefit
concert for the Lions Club
International Foundation on the
Augsburg campus featuring the
Centennial Singers.
Rev. Eugene S. Peterson
retired from the active clergy
roster. He is doing international
interim ministry. He lives with
his wife, Paula, in Jackson,
Lois (Richter) Agrimson is
director of social services at
Rose of Sharon Manor nursing
home in Roseville, Minn. She
lives with her husband, Russell,
in Eagan, Minn.
Deloris (Olson) Norling,
Willmar, Minn., is enjoying her
retirement from teaching with
her husband, Palmer, and their
18 grandchildren.
Minneapolis/St. Paul
International Airport.
Barb Youngquist, Willmar,
Minn., and Nancy Sandro ’74,
Hendricks, Minn., co-wrote a
book for handbell choirs entitled
Bell Prayers (Lakeside Press).
The book is a nine-month
devotional that includes
inspirational quotes and a
collection of 35 corresponding
pieces for bell choirs to play at
weekly rehearsals. The book also
includes original watercolor
prints by Barb that divide the
book into the seasons of the
church year.
Sandra (Welin) Grunewald,
Ventura, Calif., was named a
senior accounting lecturer at
California Lutheran University
in Thousand Oaks, Calif.,
beginning this fall semester. She
is a licensed CPA and a partner
at a Thousand Oaks-area CPA
firm and has served as an
adjunct instructor at CLU in
both the day and evening
undergraduate programs.
Carmen (Neseth) Berg, Fergus
Falls, Minn., recently retired.
Sylvia (Steinbeck) Torstenson,
Hayfield, Minn., recently retired
from teaching for the Hayfield
School District. The town held a
weeklong celebration and parade
in honor of her contributions to
the school district.
Diane Thompson, Wayzata,
Minn., received her master's
degree in special education in
1994 from the University of
Minnesota. She is currently on
leave from teaching to pursue
research, and can be reached at
Marlys Ruona Thomsen, Apple
Valley, Minn., co-chairs the Sons
of Norway First District 2000
Convention Committee and is
the head of the library committee
at her church. She enjoys
traveling the United States with
her husband, who is retired.
Jackie (Kniefel) Lind ’94 MAL,
Lilydale, Minn., is the volunteer
coordinator for the Travelers
Assistance Program at the
Lyth Hartz recently celebrated
25 years of employment at
Midwest Special Services, Inc.,
an agency that provides
employment and training to
adults with disabilities, where he
is currently president. He lives
with his wife, Mary, in St. Paul.
Rev. Gary M. Wollersheim, St.
Charles, Ill., was elected to a
second six-year term as bishop
of the Northern Illinois Synod of
the ELCA at the synod assembly
in June. During his first term as
bishop, he served in numerous
denominational capacities,
including as chair of the ELCA
Evangelical Task Force. That
effort resulted in the adoption
of an evangelism strategy for the
ELCA at the 2003 Churchwide
Assembly in Milwaukee.
Olando Smith is a weekend
international flight attendant
with Northwest Airlines. She is
also a cheerleading and track
and field coach at St. Cyril
elementary and middle school in
E. Lansdowne, Pa. Her 11-yearold daughter, Narita, holds the
2004 record for the one-mile run
from the Penn Relays novice
division. Olando lives with her
daughter and husband, Dan
Sweeney, in E. Lansdowne, Pa.
Courtesy photo
Leona (Eng) Rokke ’52 (left)
was presented one of
Norway’s highest
distinctions, the St. Olavs
Medallion. The medal was
presented to her in July at a
banquet of the Seven Lag
Stevne in Willmar, Minn.
Norwegian Consul Anita
Helland (right), presented
the award, and commented
that Rokke’s extensive and
gracious work over the years
have helped to keep and
strengthen the strong bonds
between Norway and the
upper Midwest.
Fall 2004
Staff photo
Staff photo
Laurie (Barrett) Burns,
Stillwater, Minn., is pursuing a
career in import/export
operations after 25 years as a
travel agent. She can be
contacted at
Rev. Jon Schneider,
Minneapolis, is senior staff
hospice chaplain at North
Memorial Medical Hospital, and
can be reached at
Rev. Eric
published a
book, Leading on
and Teaming in Congregational
Life, available through Augsburg
Fortress Publishers. Eric is senior
pastor at St. Matthew Lutheran
Church in Beaverton, Ore.
Dawn (Zocher) Nelson,
Minneapolis, is a radiology
supervisor at Abbott
Northwestern Hospital and is
enrolled in Augsburg’s Master of
Arts in Leadership program. She
can be reached at <autumnmoon>.
Katie (Erdahl) Gussman
earned tenure as the orchestra
director for Marlboro and
Marlboro Memorial middle
schools. She is also a freelance
violinist, has been a member of
Monmouth Symphony Orchestra
for 20 years and the Orchestra of
St. Peter by the Sea for 17 years
(she has made six recordings
with the latter). Katie’s husband,
Roy, is the music director and
conductor for both the
Monmouth Symphony and the
New Jersey State Youth
Symphony. The couple traveled
to Eastern Europe with AllAmerican Youth in Concert and
Fall 2004
President William V. and Mrs. Anne Frame hosted an open house at the Augsburg House on October 26
in appreciation of Augsburg’s class agents. Pictured above (left) are 1974 class agents Marlene Chan Hui
(left) and Laurie Thorpe (right). Also pictured above (right) is President Frame (left), who visited with
class agent Sam Walseth ’02 (center) and his wife, Stephanie Lien ’02 (right).
performed in Budapest, Prague,
and Berlin this past summer. The
couple resides in Neptune, N.J,
with their three cats: Claude,
Lucy, and Beans.
Sharon (Copeland) Booth,
Blaine, Minn., is a music
therapist at Hospice of the Twin
Lisa Rykken Kastler is middle
school ministry director at Faith
Lutheran Church. She lives with
her husband, Brent, in
Champlin, Minn. She can be
contacted at <middleschool@>.
Barbara (Haack) Ross teaches
Suzuki violin from her home
studio and is the K-3 choir
director at St. John’s Lutheran
Church. She and her husband,
Tim, live in Lakeville, Minn.,
with their three children: Jordyn,
13; T.J., 11; and Jamie, 8.
Scott Finsrud, Clifton Park,
N.Y., received a master's degree
in history/political science from
the College of St. Rose in Albany,
N.Y., in June.
Joel Engel, Chaska, Minn., is
corporate sales manager for the
Minnesota Timberwolves and
Lynx basketball teams.
Patrick Hilger is a commercial
support manager at Tetra Rex,
Inc. He lives with his wife, Suzi,
in Circle Pines, Minn.
Jeff Carlson, Linwood, Minn.,
teaches music at Highland High
School in St. Paul.
Jean Hunter, Minneapolis,
teaches second grade for
Minneapolis Public Schools.
Jenny Peterson, Mound,
Minn., is featured in the Courage
Center’s 2004 holiday card and
gift catalog. After a skiing
accident in 1983, Jenny became
a quadriplegic, and she credits
the Courage Center with helping
her to learn skills that enabled
her to succeed in her new life.
She now owns her own jewelry
design business and some of her
jewelry is sold through the
catalog. She is also a
motivational speaker and
consultant and serves as
executive director of Helping
Paws of Minnesota.
Kristen Hirsch, St. Paul, is a
senior field communications
specialist at Thrivent Financial
for Lutherans in downtown
Minneapolis. She also recently
joined the Morris Park Players
Board of Directors and serves on
the Augsburg Alumni Board of
Directors as the Events
Committee chairperson and is
the class agent for 1991. She can
be contacted at
Numbala is the
assistant to the
CEO and acting
secretary of
NamWater (Namibia Water
Corporation Ltd). Tommi, an
internationally acclaimed
Class Notes
Rev. Sven
celebrated the
publication of
his second book,
Rescuing God
from Christianity: A Closet
Christian, Non-Christian, and
Christmas Christian’s Guide to
Radically Rethinking God Stuff
(heliographica). Sven has spent
the last several years in
California as a preacher and
writer dedicated to meeting the
spiritual needs of people who
find themselves outside of
organized religion.
Walt Filson retired from police
work in 2002 and is now a
teacher in the Anoka-Hennepin
ISD #11, teaching the only high
school law enforcement program
in the state. He lives with his
wife, Anna, in Brooklyn Center,
Apple Valley,
completed his
third tour of
duty in support
of Iraqi Freedom, earning three
air medals and four aerial
achievement medals with more
than 300 combat hours. He was
promoted to the rank of major
(O-4) after completing inresidence squadron office school
at Maxwell Air Force Base.
Stacie (Edlund) Reynolds is
pursing a Master of Social Work
at the University of Minnesota.
She lives with her husband,
John, in Buffalo, Minn.
Stephen Geffre
Lynelle Osgood is co-owner
and treasurer of Terra
Productions, Inc., an artist
agency representing artists for
commercial advertising, such as
makeup artists, stylists, etc. She
lives with her husband,
Lawrence, and children in
Minneapolis, and can be reached
at <>.
Amy Gehring, West St. Paul, is
a professor at Anoka Ramsey
Community College and recently
moved back to Minnesota after
attending graduate school in
New York.
Bruce Nelson, Roseville, Minn.,
is a solutions lead at Affinity Plus
Credit Union. He is building a
home in Farmington, Minn.,
with his wife, Cristine, and their
son, Daniel, 2.
Michael P.
recently signed
with G.S.
Associates Artists
Management and
will debut at Carnegie Hall and
Berlin Stadtsoper in 2005. Most
recently, he was featured as Don
Alfonso with Lyric Opera of
Cleveland, Danilo with Western
Plains Opera, Marcello with
Kenwood Chamber Opera, and as
Dr. Falke with Pine Mountain
Festival. Some of Michael’s other
roles include: Figaro (Le Nozze di
Figaro), Dr. Bartolo (Il Barbiere di
Siviglia), and Horace Tabor (The
Ballad of Baby Doe). Also an
active concert artist, Michael has
performed as soloist in such
works as Mozart’s Coronation
Mass, Haydn’s Creation and the
Durufle Requiem. Upcoming
performances include a solo
recital featuring works of German
composers, Leporello in Don
Giovanni, and concert
appearances in the upper
Midwest. He is an adjunct faculty
member at Macalester College
and is set to complete his D.M.A.
at the University of Minnesota in
More than 100 runners took part in the inaugural A-Club 5K run
on Sept. 19. The fundraising run, organized by A-Club Executive
Committee member Tracy Tomforde ’92, took participants around
the Augsburg campus and along the Mississippi River Road on a
scenic fall afternoon. Winners from the event: Tim Nelson,
first male finisher; Eileen Uzarek, first female finisher; Scott
Peplinski, first male alum finisher; Laura Simones, first female
alum finisher; and Doug Pfaff, JC Award winner (for finishing
closest to 25:00, in honor of the late James Carey).
Courtesy photo
musician, was recently featured
in the company’s newsletter in a
story detailing his musical career.
He can be reached at
Lars Dyrud ’97 (right) received his doctorate in space physics at
Boston University in May and has stayed to pursue a postdoctorate. Mocha Holmgren Dyrud ‘97 (left) is completing her
doctorate in clinical psychology at Suffolk University. The couple
has a son, Finn, born in September.
Fall 2004
Jacki Brickman, Coon Rapids,
Minn., recently directed a
performance of Romeo and Juliet
for fourth graders at Elizabeth
Hall Community School in North
Minneapolis. Jacki teaches fourth
grade at the school and also
teaches education courses as an
adjunct faculty member at
Augsburg Weekend College.
Sarah (Gilbert) Holtan teaches
at Concordia University in
Wisconsin and recently entered
the doctoral program in
journalism education at
Marquette University. She was
married in June and resides with
her husband in Milwaukee, Wis.
Lena Stackhouse-Rogers was
named one of three recipients of
the charter school teacher of the
year award in Minnesota by the
Minnesota Association of Charter
Schools. Lena is a kindergarten
teacher at the Partnership
Academy charter school in
Richfield, Minn.
student at the University of
North Carolina, Chapel Hill,
pursuing a Master of City and
Regional Planning.
Gretchen Meents ’02 MSW,
So. St. Paul, recently raised more
than $6,000 for the Leukemia
Lymphoma Society’s Team in
Training when she ran the
Honolulu Marathon in honor of
her brother who is battling
leukemia. She is a senior social
worker for Hennepin County.
Benjamin Hoogland, Stillwater,
Minn., is pursuing a master’s
degree at the University of
Wisconsin-Stout in marriage and
family therapy. He works for
Faith Inkubators as their Faith
Stepping Stones director and can
be contacted at
Paul Pierson, Alma Center,
Wis., is associate registrar at
Walden University in Minneapolis.
Deb Cortes received a TOP
Award for outstanding teaching
in the Anoka-Hennepin School
District for 2004.
Rebecca Lynn Brown,
Carrboro, N.C., is a graduate
Kari Burke-Romarheim
recently started the M.Div.
program at Luther Seminary. She
spent three years in Bergen,
Norway, working in youth and
family ministry. She lives with
her husband, Vidar, in
Menomonie, Wis.
Adrienne (Kuchler) Eldridge,
Staff photo
Minneapolis, works for Vibe Urban
Youth Ministries in St. Paul.
Jackie Heyda, Savage, Minn., is a
first-grade teacher at New Prague
Primary School.
Darryl Sellers completed his
master’s degree in broadcast
journalism at the American School
of Journalism in Los Angeles. He
recently accepted a position as
weekend sports anchor at the
ABC-affiliate in Austin, Minn.
Emily Shelton, Minneapolis,
teaches at Cedar-Riverside School
in Minneapolis.
Brooke Stoeckel, Minneapolis, is
sales manager of meetings and
conventions at the Minneapolis
Metro North Conventions and
Visitors Bureau.
Melissa Bawek, Minneapolis, is
assistant director of The Augsburg
Fund at Augsburg. She can be
contacted at <bawek@augsburg.
Staci Owens, Minneapolis,
works for Hennepin County and
is pursuing a master’s degree in
elementary education. She can be
reached at <staciowens3411@>.
Liz Sterbentz, Lindstrom, Minn.,
owns Break on 8 Coffee Shop,
where she serves Peace Coffee and
Fair Trade fruits to help
cooperative farms-both are
product lines she became
interested in after participating in
Augsburg’s Center for Global
Education’s WEC class on
liberation theology in Cuernavaca,
In October, participants from the Augsburg Alumni Association-sponsored tour to Germany and Eastern
Europe gathered in Wittenberg, Germany, for a photograph. The tour, which ran from October 15-27,
visited Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary, and featured the places of Martin Luther’s
life and ministry as well as a special worship service at the American Church of Berlin, where Augsburg
alumnus Rev. Ben Coltvet ’66 is currently pastor. Augsburg professor Dr. Mark Tranvik and his wife, Ann,
hosted the tour. Pictured are (Front row, L to R): Darryl Carter ’65, Ann Tranvik, Cecilie Teerink, David
Berg ’66; (Row 2, L to R): Pris Fieldhammer ’65, Sue Kneen ’05, Vi Aaseng, Lynn Stertz, Sally Tonsager,
Elaine Harder; (Back row, L to R): Ruel Carpenter, Darrell Strand, Larry Turner ’69, Chris Kneen, Karen
Bolstad, Sue Turner, Clarice Johnson, Marek Tysek, Peter Ern, Sue Klaseus, Mark Tranvik, Paul
Fieldhammer ’65, Tom Stertz, Rolf Aaseng.
Fall 2004
Kristi Hartway works at Abbott
Northwestern and is also an
adjunct faculty member in the
nursing program at Minnesota
State University-Mankato for the
2004-05 school year. She lives
with her husband, Mark, in
Wekston, Minn. She can be
contacted at <Kristi.Hartway@>.
Class Notes
Carrie McCarville ’01: Building on a foundation of success
Stephen Geffre
by Rebecca Welle ‘05
Carrie McCarville’s decision to attend Augsburg
was due in large part to the strength of its
women’s hockey program and to its head coach,
Jill Pohtilla. Indeed, Augsburg was a natural fit
for McCarville, who as a high school student at
Benilde-St. Margaret’s played on its girls’ hockey
team—one of the first in Minnesota. At
Augsburg, she played center position on the
women’s hockey team, participating on the team
that took runner-up honors in the first-ever
NCAA Women’s Division III National
Championship series in 2000.
“Although we didn’t win, it was a blast going to
Boston and representing Augsburg,” said
After graduating in 2001 with a bachelor’s
degree in both studio art and art history,
McCarville began searching for her next
challenge, which presented itself a short time
later when she and her parents opened a liquor
store in September 2002.
Carrie McCarville ’01 gives strong credit to Augsburg for instilling the self-discipline
needed to successfully manage her business, coach and play hockey, and volunteer in
her community.
“We opened it because the store a block away
was torn down due to road construction and was never replaced,” said McCarville.
After a space in a nearby strip mall opened up they purchased it and immediately began the two-month remodeling process on what was
previously an audio-visual store. McCarville stated that she received a great deal of help putting the store together from fellow Augsburg
“We also managed to contact all the right people, and before we knew it there were reps from all the liquor and wine distributors setting up
our store,” said McCarville, who found it enjoyable to watch how the store came together from start to finish.
Although the first two years of operation were difficult due to nearby road construction, McCarville stuck with her business and today is
pleased with how well her store is doing. “Now we are enjoying seeing how everything we do affects our business,” said McCarville.
Aside from running her business, McCarville is also very active with the Hopkins Raspberry Festival during the summer months. She donates
her time by outfitting the royalty, “making sure they look their best wherever they go,” and volunteers as a chaperone to the young women
throughout the year. McCarville herself was the 1997-1998 Hopkins Raspberry Festival Princess and enjoyed her experiences throughout her
“It was a great learning experience and I will forever be grateful to the Raspberry Festival for giving me that [opportunity],” said McCarville,
which explains why the backroom of her store serves as headquarters for the festival. “I made sure everyone got what they needed,” said
McCarville, all in the comfort of her own business.
McCarville is also still involved in hockey. She has coached the Hopkins JV girls’ hockey team for the last three seasons and will coach the
Wayzata girls’ hockey team this season. She is also a member of the Owl’s team, which is a women’s A-Club team comprised of Augsburg
alumni. McCarville plays one to two times a week, mainly at Augsburg, and can be found playing any position—except goalie.
As a student at Augsburg, McCarville learned skills that enabled her to juggle her studies as a double major with both her hockey and work
schedules. Today, she gives strong credit to the College for instilling the self-discipline needed to successfully manage her business, coach
and play hockey, and stay organized with the Hopkins Raspberry Festival—all while remaining appreciative for everything that she has
Fall 2004
JANUARY 27—Centennial
Singers concert, Desert Hills
Lutheran Church, Green Valley,
Ariz., 7:30 p.m.*
FEBRUARY 2—Centennial
Singers concert, Lord of Life
Lutheran Church, Sun City West,
Ariz., 5 p.m.*
JANUARY 28—Centennial
Singers concert, United
Methodist Church, Catalina,
Ariz., 7 p.m.*
FEBRUARY 3—Centennial
Singers concert, Prince of Peace
Lutheran Church, Phoenix, Ariz.,
7 p.m.*
JANUARY 29—Centennial
Singers worship service,
American Lutheran Church, Sun
City, Ariz., 4 p.m.*
FEBRUARY 4—Centennial
Singers worship service, Victory
Lutheran Church, Mesa, Ariz.,
4 p.m.*
JANUARY 30—Centennial
Singers worship services,
American Lutheran Church, Sun
City, Ariz., 8:30 and 10:30 a.m.*
FEBRUARY 5—Centennial
Singers worship services,
Pinnacle Presbyterian Church,
Scottsdale, Ariz., 9:30 and
11 a.m.*
*Coffee receptions sponsored by Augsburg will be held prior
to these concerts or between services
Courtesy photo
Pamela Moksnes ’78 (left) and Joy Peterson (right) of Thrivent
Financial for Lutherans presented a check to Sue Klaseus, vice
president for Institutional Advancement (center), in support of
Connections, the women’s leadership event co-sponsored by
Augsburg and Thrivent.
Rachel Kreger, Richfield,
Minn., teachers seventh- and
eighth-grade English at
Minnesota International Middle
School, a charter school for
Somali immigrants.
Carl Priest ’78 married Kathryn
Kraker in June. Carl is a
certified project management
professional and in January
celebrated his 25th anniversary
with IBM, where he has been a
project manager for the past 10
years. He also plays string bass
with a variety of groups in the
Twin Cities area. The couple
resides in Minneapolis.
Fall 2004
Melanie Main ’95 married
Calvin Johnson in April. She is
an office manager for Sonstegard
Foods. The couple resides in
Fayetteville, Ark., and can be
contacted at <melanie@>.
Amorita Larson ’96 married
Jeff Linner in October 2003. She
is a docket clerk for the U.S.
District Court-District of
Minnesota. The couple resides
in Lino Lakes, Minn., with their
daughter, Alexis, 5. Amy can be
contacted at <amorita_larson@>.
Alisa C. Berg ’01 married
Jeremy Anderson in December
2003. Alisa is a music therapist
for the Robbinsdale School
District and Jeremy teaches in
Intermediate District 287.
Erica Bryan ’01 married Jason
Wegner ’01 in May 2003. Erica
is the volunteer coordinator for
Kinship of Greater Minneapolis
and can be contacted at
Jason is enrolled at Luther
’88 and his
wife, Jennifer,
Ill.—a son, Erik
Douglas, in
October 2003. He joins older
sister Sophia. Kiel is an assistant
professor in the Department of
Educational Psychology at the
University of Illinois; he
previously served on the
psychology faculty at the
University of MassachusettsAmherst. Kiel is also a senior
writer and equipment editor for
Mark Keating
’91 and his
wife, Amy,
Edina, Minn.—
a son, Carson
Mark, in
February. He
joins older brother Owen. Mark
works for BladeLogic.
’92 and her
husband, John,
Vivianne Helene, in May.
Laura (Ferry) ’92 and the Rev.
Matthew Lee, Prentice, Wis.—
a daughter, Elizabeth Hannah,
in December 2003. She joins
older sister Catherine, 2 (3 in
January). Laura can be reached
at <>.
Kirk Litynski
’95 and his
wife, Kara,
Savage, Minn.—
a son, Kahler
Edward, in
October 2003. Kurt works for
Motorola in the commercial
government communications
sector for radio communications
and covers Iowa and the
southern half of Minnesota.
adopted two
sons in
2003. Rodney is
president of the Circle of Men
Institute and is pursuing a
teaching career at the School of
Social Work at the University of
Minnesota. He can be contacted
at <>.
Jennifer (Runke) ’01 and
Ryan Cobian ’01, Blaine,
Minn.—a son, Caleb Ryan, in
March. Jennifer is a kindergarten
teacher for ISD #282.
Cole Trimble
’01 and his
wife, Gina,
a daughter,
Alison Sue, in
September 2003. Cole is a
school social worker for the
Keystone Area Education
Agency and can be reached at
Lori Strand
Fenske ’02,
Ham Lake,
a daughter,
Allison Marie,
in August 2003.
She joins sisters Haley, 6, and
Nicole, 3. Also welcoming
Allison are proud grandparents
Delmour ’53 and Luella Fenske.
Kelly (Saur) ’92 and Dustin
Sims, Minneapolis—a daughter.
Kelly works at United Defense.
In Memoriam
Rev. Martin D. Larsen ’45,
Fargo, N.Dak., died in June; he
was 81. After his ordination in
1951, he served parishes in
North Dakota, South Dakota,
Minnesota, Idaho, Washington,
and Oregon. He recently served
as visitation pastor at First
Lutheran in Fargo from 19881996. He is survived by his wife,
Marguerite (Greguson) ’45; six
children; and eight
Rev. Olin “Ole” Nordsletten
’49 died in February after a long
illness. He was pastor of Prince
of Peace Evangelical Lutheran
Church in Kenmore, Wash., for
32 years. He retired in 1987.
Before serving Prince of Peace,
he was pastor of Trinity Lutheran
Church in Fort Atkinson, Wis.
He is remembered for his
determination and sometimes
unorthodox approach in serving
others. A sign outside his church
read: “Pray, but swing the
hammer.” He was known to live
that motto throughout his life—
for him prayer was important
and action was critical in making
a difference in other’s lives. In
addition to serving at Prince of
Peace, he helped county officials
establish the Paramount House
low-income apartments for the
elderly and disabled. He also
wrote and produced Christmas
plays, performed by young
people both at the church and on
local television. He is survived
by his wife, Arlett; four
daughters; six grandchildren;
and two great-grandchildren.
Harold Schwartz ’49,
Minneapolis, died in October; he
was 81. He served in the Army
Air Force during WWII from
1942-1945, and again during the
Korean War from 1950-1951. He
later worked for the U.S. Postal
Service, retiring in 1982 after 26
years of service. Throughout his
later years his faith in Christ and
his Jewish roots became
increasingly important to him.
He was a member of Ebenezer
Lutheran Brethren Church and
an enthusiastic supporter of
Lutheran Brethren World
Missions and Jewish Christian
organizations. He will be
remembered for his special
ministry of encouragement to
others. During his life he sent
out thousands of cards and
letters letting people know that
he was praying for them and that
he appreciated them and their
work. He is survived by his wife,
Carol; a daughter, Linda (Dean
Bengtson); and two grandsons,
Joshua and Christopher.
Rev. Erling Carlsen ’50, Eau
Claire, Wis., died in August from
acute leukemia; he was 77. He
served in the U.S. Navy,
stationed at the Great Lakes
Naval Base from 1945-1946. He
served parishes in North Dakota,
Wisconsin, and Illinois. He is
survived by his wife, Beverly;
five sons; and nine
Veola Y. (Soberg) Ellingboe
’50, Lakeville, Minn., died in
June; she was 74. She served as a
member of the Augsburg
Associates. She is survived by
her sons, Rev. Craig (Mary),
Randy (Lynn), and Bradley
(Karen); nine grandchildren; and
one great-grandson.
Rev. John Miskowiec Jr. ’58,
Mounds View, Minn., died in
June at Mercy Medical Center
during a surgical procedure; he
was 68. He served Lutheran
congregations in Kansas and
Minnesota for over 36 years,
including 29 years at Abiding
Savior Lutheran Church in
Mounds View; he retired in
1998. He is survived by his wife
of 42 years, Linnea; two sons,
John III and Allen (Lisa); and
four grandchildren.
Rev. Lewis John Sundquist II
’62, Sturgeon Lake, Minn., died
in September; he was 72. After
serving in the U.S. Navy, he
became a radio broadcaster in
Minnesota, Texas, Michigan, and
Ohio. In 1965, he became an
ordained ELCA minister and
served parishes until his
retirement in 1993. Recently, he
had become pastor emeritus of
North Emanuel Lutheran Church
in St. Paul, his childhood
church. He is survived by his
sons, Lewis John III ’88
(Gretchen) and Martin Laurence
’93 (Melinda).
Iris Burlock ’94 MSW,
Farmington, Minn., died in
September; she was 51. Iris made
a difference in the lives of many
children while working as a
social worker for Hennepin
County Children and Family
Services. She is remembered for
her spunk, warmth, and
compassion, and was loved by
many friends, co-workers, and
clients. She is preceded in death
by her parents Amelia and
Phillip Burlock; she is survived
by her sister, Ellyn (Lou)
Romano; a niece, Nicole; lifelong
friends Barbara Higens and Bill
W.; family members Vickie Berg
and her sons Joe (Mandy) and
Derrick; and a granddaughter,
Dr. Paul LeRoy Holmer, St.
Anthony Village, Minn., died in
June; he was 87. He was the
Noah Porter Professor of
Philosophical Theology at Yale
Divinity School. He also taught
at Augsburg, Gustavus Adolphus
College, and for 14 years at the
University of Minnesota. He is
survived by his wife of 60 years,
Phyllis; a daughter, Leanna
Wren; two sons, Jonathan
(Cathy) and Paul (Suzanne); and
a granddaughter, Nayla.
Archive photo
Rev. Lynn Hanson Luthard
’36, Paynesville, Minn., died in
September; he was 90. After
graduating from Augsburg
Seminary in 1939 (also the alma
mater of his father, the Rev.
Louis T. Hanson ’11), he legally
changed his name from Luthard
E. Hanson, and was later
ordained as a pastor in Fortuna,
N.Dak. Prior to his retirement in
1979, he served parishes for over
65 years, including those in
Wisconsin, Minnesota, North
Dakota, and Iowa. He served as
an interim and supply pastor for
nine years after his retirement.
He was preceded by his wife of
62 years, Thelma, who died just
four months before Lynn, and by
his daughter, Grace Moore
Meske, who died at age 48. He is
survived by two daughters, Lois
(Charles) Anderson ’65 and
Twila (John) Edmunds ’71; six
grandchildren; and one greatgrandson.
November 8 marked the 70th anniversary of the first annual
Augsburg Alumni Association banquet.
Fall 2004
For more information on any of these
events (unless otherwise noted), call
December 22-25
Special Advent Vespers Telecast
Special one-hour broadcast of the 25th
anniversary Advent Vespers celebration
on Twin Cities Public Television
Dec. 22 at 8 p.m. (TPT2); Dec. 23 at 2
a.m. (TPT2); Dec. 25 at 10 a.m. (TPT2)
and 7 p.m. (TPT17)
Gage Family Art Gallery, Lindell Library
Opening reception: Jan. 21, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Gallery talk: Jan. 27, noon
February 11
“Wearable Resistance,” by Mary
Laurel True
Christensen Center Gallery
Opening reception: Jan. 21, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Mary Robinson, former United Nations
high commissioner for human rights
10 a.m.—Hoversten Chapel, Foss Center
For information, call 612-330-1006
February 25-April 3
February 11-12
“Meditating on Seasons and Light,”
paintings by Joonja Lee Mornes
17th Annual Nobel Peace Prize Forum
Gage Family Art Gallery, Lindell Library
Opening reception: Feb. 25, 5-7 p.m.
January 12-17
Sculpture by Karen Searle
Gospel Praise Tour
Christensen Center Gallery
Opening reception: Feb. 25, 5-7 p.m.
Performances in southeastern Minnesota
and northern Iowa
February 4
2005 Music Listening Contest
Annual music listening contest featuring
teams of 100 Minnesota-area high school
1-5 p.m.—Hoversten Chapel, Foss Center
For information, call 612-330-1180
February 15
Michael Jacobs Concert
Native American recording artist
7 p.m.—Hoversten Chapel, Foss Center
For information, call 612-330-1144
Feb. 4-13
Romeo and Juliet
By William Shakespeare
Directed by Martha Johnson
Feb. 4, 5, 9, 10, and 12 at 7 p.m. and
Feb. 6 and 13 at 2 p.m.
Tjornhom-Nelson Theater, Foss Center
For tickets, call 612-330-1257
January 14-February 18
“Voice To Vision: Holocaust Survivors
Share Their Experiences Through Art”
A collaborative project directed by David
Lectures, and
January 17
Martin Luther King Jr. Convocation:
“Building Peace in our Community”
Victoria Jackson Gray Adams: spiritual,
social, political, and civil rights activist
1 p.m.—Hoversten Chapel, Foss Center
For information, call 612-330-1006
Nobel Peace Prize Forum Convocation:
“Finding Security in an Unsecure World”
This year Augsburg hosts the annual
two-day forum, which will honor 2003
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Shirin Ebadi
For information, call 612-330-1383
February 16
“Outsiders Within”
Jane Jeong Trenka ’95, awardwinning author
10:20 a.m.—Hoversten Chapel, Foss Center
For information, call 612-330-1006
Other Events
January 24
Fine Arts Night
January 29
High school students are invited to visit
campus and meet the admissions and fine
arts departments
5-8:30 p.m.—Christensen Center and
Foss Center
For information, call 612-330-1585
Connections: A Women’s
Leadership Event
February 5
8 a.m.-1 p.m.—Thrivent Financial
Corporate Offices, Minneapolis
For information:
February 10
10th Annual Nobel Peace Prize Festival
This one-day festival is designed to
connect students in grades K-12 with
Nobel laureates; this year’s festival
honors 2003 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
Shirin Ebadi
For information, call 612-330-1383
Pan-Afrikan Student Union Fashion
7 p.m.—East Commons, Christensen
For information, call 612-330-1022
February 17
Graduate Programs Discovery Evening
Prospective graduate students are invited
to enjoy a meal, sample a course, and meet
with graduate program faculty and staff
5:30-8:30 p.m.—Christensen Center
For information, call 612-330-1150
See the alumni calendar on p. 29 for additional events
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Augsburg Now Spring-Summer 2004
Alumni Magazine Collection
Search Result
Spring/Summer 2004
Vol. 66, No. 3-4
Editor’s note
n 1924, at a time of many changes
brought by the expansion of
Augsburg’s academic program and the
introduction of women stud...
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Spring/Summer 2004
Vol. 66, No. 3-4
Editor’s note
n 1924, at a time of many changes
brought by the expansion of
Augsburg’s academic program and the
introduction of women students,
Augsburgian editor Caleb Quanbeck
wrote, “Now that we are increasing in
numbers and have developed more
comprehensive curricula will we be
willing to assume the responsibilities
which come with the greater Augsburg?”
(See Auggie Thoughts, p. 44.)
Over the years there is little doubt
that the response has always been a
resounding “yes.”
As readers 80 years from now look
back to this day and what is being
written about the launching of the
largest fundraising campaign in
Augsburg’s history, I surmise they will
note the same sense of watershed in the
College’s life. Augsburg’s tradition of
excellence and vision for educating in
the sciences necessitates a new center
and upgrade to the existing half-centuryold facilities. Our men’s and women’s
athletic programs have no further
capacity to stretch their space. We seek
the addition of facilities on campus to
help us nourish and grow the
partnerships we’ve built in our
neighborhood and community. And, to
continue to make an Augsburg
education available to many students,
the endowment must grow.
Through Augsburg Now, news and
stories about the campaign, Access to
Excellence: The Campaign for Augsburg
College, will be featured in a newsletter
called Vision. In this issue, a special
edition of Vision presents an overview of
the campaign as well as stories about the
generosity of donors who have already
made significant contributions and about
students who benefit from it.
This year also marks a change in
leadership on Augsburg’s Board of
Regents. The six-year tenure of board
chair Kathy Tunheim provided vision
and direction for Augsburg to leap into
national limelight as an innovator in
education. For the first time in 40 years
a graduate of Augsburg, Jean Taylor ’85,
takes over the reins of leadership. Their
perspectives on the College, its mission,
and their roles are included in this issue.
Other features offer different
glimpses of service reflected in
Augsburg’s motto, Education for Service.
Jean Housh, wife of regent emeritus
Allen Housh, brought to us a story she
wrote about “Major” Bowen, a
remarkable high school student and
current Augsburg student, who has faced
the greatest of challenges in recovery
from a devastating brain injury. With the
compassion and commitment of
Augsburg staff and faculty working
with his family, he was able to begin a
college career.
Stephanie Quick, an Augsburg
graduate and seminary student, is also
featured. Her efforts to collect donated
prom dresses—that most likely would
never be worn again—from parishioners
at her home church in the Twin Cities
and through her sister here at Augsburg,
brightened the lives of Native Alaskan
teenage girls who could not afford to
buy a dress for their special evening.
Editor Quanbeck wrote in 1924 that
he hoped The Augsburgian would be “an
instrument in helping people to realize
that our school is doing a great work, an
important work.” Augsburg continues
this great work, and we take pride in
sharing it with you in Augsburg Now.
Betsey Norgard
Augsburg Now is published
quarterly by Augsburg College,
2211 Riverside Ave., Minneapolis,
Minnesota 55454.
Betsey Norgard
Spring/Summer 2004
Vol. 66, No. 3-4
Assistant Editor
Lynn Mena
Graphic Designer
Kathy Rumpza
Class Notes Coordinator
Sara Kamholz ’04
Stephen Geffre
William V. Frame
Opinions expressed in Augsburg
Now do not necessarily reflect
official College policy.
ISSN 1058-1545
Postmaster: Send correspondence,
name changes, and address
corrections to: Augsburg Now,
Office of Public Relations and
Communication, 2211 Riverside
Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55454.
Telephone: 612-330-1181
Fax: 612-330-1780
Augsburg College, as affirmed
in its mission, does not
discriminate on the basis of race,
color, creed, religion, national or
ethnic origin, age, gender, sexual
orientation, marital status, status
with regard to public assistance,
or disability in its education
policies, admissions policies,
scholarship and loan programs,
athletic and/or school
administered programs, except
in those instances where religion
is a bona fide occupational
qualification. Augsburg College
is committed to providing
reasonable accommodations to
its employees and its students.
by Dan Jorgensen and Lynn Mena
Major Bowen: a story of
courage and determination
by Betsey Norgard
Director of Alumni and
Parent Relations
Amy Sutton
Director of Public Relations
and Communication
Dan Jorgensen
A change in leadership
A Major inspiration
by Jean Spielman Housh
A Quick connection to
prom dresses
Fourth Annual International
Photo Contest
From Flatanger to Augsburg:
A century apart by Betsey Norgard
Seeing abilities instead
of disabilities by Judy Petree
Commencement 2004
by Judy Petree
The newsletter for Access to
Excellence: The Campaign for
Augsburg College
Around the Quad
Faculty/Staff Notes
Alumni News
Class Notes
In Memoriam
On the cover:
Auggie Thoughts
Homecoming Preview
50 percent recycled paper (10 percent post-consumer waste)
Incoming first-year students in the
Summer Bridge program (see p. 3)
lined up in front of the wall
measuring progress for the new
$55 million campaign. In part, this
campaign ensures the availability
of an Augsburg education to a wide
variety of students.
(Photo by Stephen Geffre)
Around THE
the Quad
Augsburg launches $55 million capital
Augsburg News Service
New Science Center needed to continue excellence in the sciences
n April 18 Augsburg kicked off a $55
million capital campaign—the most
ambitious fund-raising effort in its 135year history—to seek funding for two new
buildings, a major addition to a third, and
support for the endowment to help fund
scholarship opportunities for its students.
Access to Excellence: The Campaign
for Augsburg College seeks $37 million
for the three building projects, $13
million for growth to the endowment, and
$5 million in growth to the annual
operating fund. Nearly $30 million
already has been raised.
Individual gifts of at least $1 million
have come from James and Kathy
Haglund of Golden Valley, Minn.; Kinney
L. Johnson ’65, of Boulder, Colo., Jean
Taylor ’85 and Roger Griffith ’84 and the
Glen A. Taylor Foundation; and Alan
Rice of St. Paul.
The centerpiece in the campaign will
be a new Science Center and renovation of
the College’s existing Science Hall, built in
1949. The project will both strengthen
Augsburg’s tradition of excellence in the
sciences and help expand science learning
for both its own students and the
community. The 58,000 square-foot
Science Center will include teaching and
research laboratories and three multi-use
halls that will be used for classes, guest
speakers, and community events.
Renovation of the existing Science Hall,
which will connect via skyway to the new
building, will bring all of the science and
mathematics programs together into one
dynamic and interactive facility.
“This new facility will be extremely
important to Augsburg’s commitment to
the health sciences,” noted President
William Frame. The center will provide
space to help K-12 students explore
careers in health science and solidly
support Minnesota’s biomedical
technology sector through the high quality
education of talented science and math
majors steeped in Augsburg’s liberal arts
tradition. And, thanks to a planning grant
from the State of Minnesota, architectural
planning for the facility incorporates
multiple “green” features in an
environmentally responsible structure.
The second major campaign project is
the construction of a Gateway Building on
Riverside Avenue. The
building will serve as
headquarters for both the
College’s Alumni Center
and its award-winning
Center for Service, Work,
and Learning.
It also will house StepUP, Augsburg’s
program for students in recovery,
providing both residential and counseling
space for the program. And, it will have
space for retail opportunities to serve both
the campus and the surrounding CedarRiverside community, including the
University of Minnesota—in a model of
public and private economic development
for the neighborhood.
A third building project is a major
addition to Melby Hall, the College’s main
athletic facility. The project will address
pressing space shortages for Augsburg’s
academic, intercollegiate, and recreational
programs; it will provide classroom,
workout, and competitive space, including
a new Greco-Roman wrestling center,
funded in part through a $1 million gift
from Alan Rice of St. Paul.
Funding for the endowment will focus
on four key areas: several new faculty
chairs and professorships, new endowed
scholarships to provide access to students
from a wide range of backgrounds,
program support, and staff development.
Augsburg’s first endowed chair, initiated
through the campaign, will be named in
memory of Bernhard M. Christensen,
president of the College from 1938-62.
Growth in The Augsburg Fund, the
unrestricted annual giving fund, will be
used by the College to meet its most
pressing day-to-day needs.
The five-year campaign, which began
its “quiet phase” in fiscal year 2001 will
run through 2006, the same year the
College hopes to break ground on the new
Science Center and Gateway Building.
Giving toward the campaign has been
broad-based with nearly 70 gifts of more
than $100,000 already pledged.
The campaign was kicked off—
literally—on the Edor Nelson Athletic
Field by College officials and hundreds of
alumni, staff, and friends at a community
festival on April 18. The festivities
included a basketball youth clinic led by
University of Arizona head coach Lute
Olson ’56, a hockey clinic led by
Minnesota Wild Wes Walz, music and
theatre performances, children’s book
readings, and science demonstrations. The
evening prior to the festival, donors were
entertained at a gala dinner.
Augsburg’s last major campaign, the
21st Century Fund, raised $64 million
from 1989 to 1997, with the $15 million
James G. Lindell Family Library as its
Read about Access to Excellence: The
Campaign for Augsburg College in
Vision, the campaign newsletter,
beginning after p. 22.
Campaign goal—$55 million
Capital projects . . . .$37 million
• Science Center and renovation
• Gateway Building
• Melby Hall expansion
Endowment . . . . . . .$13 million
Annual Fund . . . . . . .$5 million
Spring/Summer 2004
Around the Quad
Dennis Barker—coach to
world-class runners
Congratulations, faculty!
Promotion to professor
by Betsey Norgard
ugsburg’s head track and crosscountry coach Dennis Barker spent
two weeks in California this summer,
but hardly on vacation. His trip took
him to Sacramento for the 2004 U.S.
Olympic Team Trials in track and field
where 10 of the runners he coaches
hoped to earn a place in the Athens
As a head coach for Team USA
Minnesota, Barker has garnered national
attention for the caliber of elite athletes
who come to Minnesota to train with
him—among them Carrie Tollefson, a
native of Dawson, Minn., who became
an NCAA-champion at Villanova, and is
close to being an Olympian.
In an article published in the
Minneapolis Star Tribune prior to the
trials and distributed nationally by the
Associated Press, Barker is noted for his
holistic approach to training, focusing
Team USA Minnesota head coach Dennis
Barker checks the time for one of his elite
runners during training.
on bringing together all of a runner’s
“physical, emotional, psychological, and
spiritual resources.”
Barker coaches Team USA Minnesota
at the University of Minnesota track
facility and crafts the training to fit each
runner’s strengths and needs. His
runners trust him implicitly, and the
notice being taken of him in the running
world attests to this.
In Sacramento, Tollefson failed to
qualify in her best event, 5,000 meters,
but won the qualifying trials in the 1,500
meters. She has one more “trial,”
however, since Olympic rules require a
minimum qualifying time, which she
will have to meet by early August in
order to compete in Athens.
Another of Barker’s runners, Katie
McGregor, came in fourth in the 10,000
meters, but may reach the top three team
if one of them chooses not to compete in
that event.
During the spring, Team USA’s
training sometimes overlapped with
Augsburg’s track team practices. “It’s
really not much different from coaching
our athletes at Augsburg,” says Barker.
“All the basic things apply. I think this
has really helped the Augsburg runners,
because they see what these levels of
athletes do, how they apply their
training, and how they believe in
themselves and what they can
For the Augsburg athletes, the elite
runners were an inspiration. “We often
shared training time together and were
able to see how hard work and
dedication pay off at whatever running
level you are,” said Becky Welle ’05, a
member of Augsburg’s cross country and
track and field teams.
“Each runner is unique with different
goals and expectations, and Dennis does
an amazing job in challenging all of his
athletes to be their best, whether they
compete at Division III level or for the
Joseph Erickson
Beverly Stratton
Promotion to associate professor
Nicholas Coult
Susan Nash
Tenure and promotion to
team associate professor
Jeanine Gregoire
Education and Physics
Robert Groven
Communication Studies
Ashok Kapoor
Business Administration
Joseph Underhill-Cady
Political Science
Tenure granted
Cheryl Leuning
Spring/Summer 2004
Ron Palosaari retires from long tenure
onald Palosaari,
professor of
English, began 39
years of
distinguished service
to the College in
1965, when he
joined the English
faculty as an
He obtained bachelor’s degrees in both
English and divinity from Bethel College
and Bethel Seminary, respectively. After
three years as a pastor he returned to
graduate school, completing a master’s
degree in English and a doctorate in
American studies with an emphasis on
American literature at the University of
Minnesota. Prior to coming to Augsburg,
he was a college instructor in Wisconsin
and Minnesota.
Over the years, Palosaari successfully
merged his professional fields of English
and theology with an interest in society
and social change.
His sabbatical research in 1994 was
also the topic of a lecture he presented at
the Augsburg Associates’ 1994 spring
seminar: “Jesus and Women.” It was
Palosaari’s opinion that Jesus was a
revolutionary: “He was very different from
the typical Middle Eastern male of his
time, an area which continues to be one of
the most gender-bound regions of the
world,” said Palosaari.
Palosaari has remained an active
member of several professional
organizations and has served as a
consultant for area businesses—always
making use of his community contacts to
enhance his teaching. He has read papers
and conducted workshops at state,
regional, and national conventions.
In addition, Palosaari has shared his
love of travel with the Augsburg
community, hosting Alumni Association
tours such as the “Spectacular
Scandinavia” tour in 1995 in honor of the
College’s 125th anniversary. He has also
traveled to London on four occasions to
teach drama.
Palosaari has long been a favorite
professor among students. He has received
the Outstanding Faculty Award multiple
times, an award given by graduating
seniors to honor classroom teaching.
“Ron Palosaari’s extensive knowledge
brought to life not only literary works but
the periods in which they were written,
offering students a more complete sense
of an author’s challenges, triumphs, and
place in history,” said Kathy Fagen, an
Augsburg Weekend College admissions
assistant/counselor and current student.
Farewell to Ginger Currey
fter working
for 15 years in
the Department of
Administration as
office manager and
assistant, Virginia
“Ginger” Currey
retired from
Augsburg in January.
Currey was the first full-time office
manager in the department, the largest
academic department at the College, that
graduates over 200 students per year. She
worked under three department chairs—
Spring/Summer 2004
by Lynn Mena
“Lectures were delivered with a passion
that reflected his love for the academic
discipline to which he devoted his life.
For students fortunate enough to have
taken one of his classes, this passion for
literature was nothing short of
English professor Douglas Green
fondly recalls Palosaari’s “Ask Ron”
column in the Echo.
“Ron’s column in the Echo was
certainly essential to his enormous
contribution to the life of the College over
the years,” said Green. “In this column, he
satirized just about every aspect of College
life and of Augsburg’s various crises, as
well as his own character, during his long
tenure as an English professor.”
Palosaari’s future plans include to
“grow much older” and to “continue
playing tennis without a backhand, bridge
without a clue, and Scrabble despite being
the weakest speller in the English
“I loved teaching students who were
brighter and harder working than I ever
was—and I always had some of those,”
said Palosaari. “I got a special pleasure
when students admitted they were starting
to really like poetry, usually against their
better judgment.”
by Betsey Norgard
Amin Kader, Milo Schield, and John
On January 29, at her retirement
reception, she was presented with a plaque
that summarizes the appreciation of her
“As business department office
manager, Ginger established
administration procedures that each
academic year set the standards for serving
the needs of over 40 faculty members and
hundreds of business administration
students,” the plaque reads. “Over her
many years of services to Augsburg
College, Ginger earned the admiration of
students, staff, and faculty. For 15 years,
Ginger was the mainstay of the Business
Administration Department. She was a
dedicated colleague and a good friend.”
The plaque doesn’t list the myriad
other duties that Currey took on to assist
the faculty, e.g., proctoring tests at the last
minute, meeting visiting professors at the
airport, and taking the extra steps to help
students get the classes they need.
Currey was also honored by the
College as an Outstanding Employee in
2000, nominated by her department. Her
commitment to community service
included collecting pop can tabs from
across the campus to benefit the Ronald
McDonald House.
athy Tunheim likes to say that
serving as the chair of a board of a
college like Augsburg is a lot more like
being a shepherd than a boss. And that,
she adds, has been the key to helping
shape a shared governance model that
Augsburg has embraced, and that she
believes other colleges and universities
across the nation will strive to emulate in
the decade ahead.
Tunheim has just completed six years
as chair of the Augsburg Board of
Regents during a period that has seen the
College erupt from what President
William Frame once termed “militant
modesty,” onto the regional and national
scene as an innovative, forward-moving
institution. And, despite Tunheim’s own
modesty in describing her leadership of
the board, Frame said it has been
Tunheim’s vision and leadership that can
be ascribed to much of the impetus of
the College’s movement.
Kathryn H. Tunheim
by Dan Jorgensen
“Kathy Tunheim is, in the language
of one of her admirers, ‘prismatically
excellent’,” he said. “That is certainly
apt as a description of her work as
counselor to me, especially in respect to
the Augsburg 2004 vision.”
Tunheim said the feeling is mutual.
“Those of us serving on the Board of
Regents have learned that one of the
most important things a college
governing board can do is to take very
seriously the role we play in the
selection and performance of the
president. I’m proud of the work of the
president and pleased by the board’s
partnership with the administration.
But another less visible challenge has
been transforming the work of the
board itself. An institution’s lifeblood is
its faculty and students—management,
great staff, and volunteer leadership, in
general, are critical. But so, too, is
effective governance.
“During these years of my chairmanship,
I feel that our board, the faculty, and the
administration have come to terms with
our commitment to a healthy shared
governance model. It gives the board a
better sense of ‘who’s in charge here?’—
because now we know that at a college
everybody is! Bill Frame has been
masterful in helping all of us—board,
administration, and faculty—understand
this shared governance model. It’s what
makes colleges really work; it’s unlike the
governance work that occurs in business,
so it’s been a great learning experience
for all of us as regents.”
Just prior to becoming chair, Tunheim
served on the search committee that
brought not only Bill but also Anne
Frame to the College. “We got a
wonderful, dynamic duo in the Frames,”
she said. “Anne’s professionalism and
understanding of the needs and functions
of the school make her not only a great
partner for Bill, but a great asset for this
continued on page 8
Spring/Summer 2004
Jean Taylor ’85
s the newly elected chair of the
Augsburg Board of Regents, Jean
Taylor, president of Taylor Corporation,
brings to the seat not only a broad base
of knowledge and enthusiasm, but also
the valuable perspective that comes with
being an Augsburg alumna—an
association that distinguishes her from
the past several chairs, and which clearly
fills her with equal measures of pride,
purpose, and calling.
“I approach this opportunity not as
something that I sought, for indeed I did
not,” says Taylor, who received a B.A. in
business administration in 1985. “Rather,
I truly believe that I was called to do
this. It will for me be a tremendous
challenge in many, many ways. At the
same time, I am convinced that it will be
one of the most rewarding and enriching
things I will ever do.
“I believe that in the coming two
years I will discover much more about
my own gifts, as well as how to
strengthen their use,” continues Taylor.
“I am humbled to have this opportunity
to return the favor to Augsburg through
Spring/Summer 2004
by Lynn Mena
my leadership—this place has changed
my life in so many positive ways and I
will always be indebted to this college.
The history of Augsburg is rich, storied,
and full of successes, and I will focus my
energy on making the next two years the
best ever in this college’s history.”
Taylor, who has served on the board
since 1994, is also co-chair of Augsburg’s
Capital Campaign Cabinet, which
oversees the College’s newly announced
$55 million campaign—Access to
Excellence: The Campaign for Augsburg
College. During her board tenure, she
has chaired the Marketing Committee,
and served on both the Regents’ and
Executive committees. She also holds an
M.B.A. in management support systems
from the Carlson School of Management
at the University of Minnesota, earned in
1988. In addition to her board
leadership at Augsburg, she is active in a
number of other community and nonprofit organizations—all while raising a
one- and a three-year-old with her
husband, Roger Griffith ’84, who serves
as chief financial officer of the
Minnesota Timberwolves and chief
operating officer of the Minnesota Lynx
professional basketball teams.
“This is a wonderful ‘fit,’ not only
from my point of view, but from our—
the College’s—point of view,” says
President William V. Frame. “Having
Jean Taylor as the next chair feels right,
seems right, and is right.
“Jean has grown remarkably in
management acumen during her 10
years as an Augsburg regent,” continues
Frame. “This growth was recognized by
her peers as a solid supplement to her
notable collegiality and personal
commitment to her alma mater. I am
very glad of the prospect of serving with
her over the next two years to
accomplish the work to which we have
agreed—to clarify and extend the College
vision and to strengthen the integrity of
the Augsburg brand.”
Taylor organizes her goals as board chair
under the framework of two distinct
paths—those that serve the College, and
those that serve the regents.
“Looking at it from this perspective, I
see three critical things that the College
needs from me as board chair to
accomplish over the next two years,”
says Taylor.
“One is to continue to extend
Augsburg 2004 [the College’s vision
document], not only in a way that
supports the work that professors Mark
Engebretson and Joan Griffin are doing
in terms of refining that vision and
taking it farther into the future. But also
in terms of taking Augsburg 2004 deeper
within the Augsburg community, so that
as a whole we can all enjoy greater
ownership and understanding of that
strategy, and so that we’re able to share
this strategy more broadly with our
larger community.
“When I talk about community, I
believe Augsburg’s community has many
layers,” continues Taylor. “There’s
certainly the immediate and very
important campus and Cedar-Riverside
community that surrounds us, but there’s
also the Minneapolis community, the
Twin Cities community, and the
Minnesota and Upper Midwest
community. And I think as one considers
Augsburg’s vision, we really also think
about ourselves as part of the world
Taylor’s second goal is to steer the
capital campaign toward a successful
continued on page 9
During Tunheim’s three terms as chair,
the institution successfully added many
new programs and partnerships,
established a branch campus in
Rochester, embarked on its first major
capital campaign, reached new highs in
enrollment at both the undergraduate
and graduate levels, and more fully
engaged its alumni—something she has
worked toward from the moment she
took a seat on the board. “It should not
be lost on our alumni, by the way, that
up until Jean Taylor’s recent election as
board chair, the past six chairs have all
been non-alumni,” Tunheim said.
“When I first joined the board, I think
the College was ranked lowest among
the ELCA colleges in terms of alumni
philanthropy. So my goal was to find a
way to help change attitudes and set a
collective expectation of ourselves as
stewards of the school. I wanted alumni
to think in terms of giving back: serving
on the board, being partners in all that
we needed and wanted to do.
“I remember having breakfast in
1998 with the woman who was then
chair of the College’s alumni association.
I could clearly see she was frustrated, so
I asked her, ‘What is it that you want
from the College?’ Her answer was clear
and immediate: ‘We want a degree from
Augsburg to be more valuable in the
future than it was when we got it.’
Together, I think we’ve been committed
to ensuring that we create that future—
and we all agree how important the
College’s alumni are to making it
Tunheim noted that when people
look across the nation and point out the
strongest higher education institutions,
they are always the ones that have
engaged, passionately loyal alumni.
“Augsburg has a lot of passionate and
loyal alums,” she said, “but in the past
we didn’t always find a way to engage
them. But now, especially with Jean’s
election, there are some great role models
in terms of what alumni can and should
do for their school.
“Having said that, I also want to point out
that non-alums like me have seen
something in Augsburg that attracted us to
the mission and vision. That’s a tribute to
Augsburg and its past leadership. My
message about Augsburg to the
marketplace is this: Augsburg College will
be more important in the future landscape
of higher education than it has ever been,
because its strengths will serve the future
needs of the community so well. But
institutionally, we’re not ready to meet all
the needs that will come to us—financially,
or in terms of buildings and infrastructure.
Our responsibility is to make sure that the
College IS ready to serve as it is called to
Tunheim, who is a graduate of the
University of Minnesota and CEO of
Tunheim Partners, a leading Twin Cities
public relations firm, first came to
Augsburg in the late 1980s to talk about
how the College
might improve its
relationship with the
city of Minneapolis.
At the time, the city
seemed to be courting
institutions like St.
Thomas, while
Augsburg, already
well-established and
involved in the city,
was being ignored.
“I was struck by
the many fine
programs the College
had and how little was known about
them. As a professional in public relations,
I was intrigued by what might be done to
share that story. That’s what first attracted
me to the board.” When President Charles
Anderson decided to step down due to an
illness, she was asked to lead the search
committee for the new president, but
declined initially, citing business
obligations. But neither Anderson nor
Barbara Gage, who was then board chair,
would take ‘no’ for an answer. “Barbara
told me that this is what I needed to do,
that when you’re asked to do something
for which you’re a good fit, you need to
respond to the call.”
Other highlights of her three terms,
she said, were developing a better
understanding and working relationship
with members of Augsburg’s
Corporation—the four Lutheran synods
that “own” the institution; establishing the
Regents’ Committee, a group that has
been key to evaluating who is on the
board, what their expectations are, and
how new board members are recruited;
and working with the president on setting
a clear vision of what the College is and
where it wants to go.
“I was honored to be asked to serve on
this board, and then to serve as chair, but
I’m also extremely excited about where
this College is now heading,” she said.
“While other schools are working to
discern their uniqueness or their future,
Augsburg is already there. The light
coming from Augsburg is inspiring
already—I have no doubts about its
strength and constancy.” ■
Spring/Summer 2004
conclusion, and third, to start the search
for the next Augsburg president.
“It is so critical to find the right
leadership for the College,” says Taylor.
“Augsburg has been absolutely blessed
with incredible leadership in terms of its
presidents, and I think Bill Frame has
done a remarkable job during his tenure.
So, we really need to establish a process
to make sure that we find a new
president who is truly called to be the
next president of Augsburg and continue
the legacy that has been created.”
“And this goal is about helping board
members to really understand their role
and to understand more about the
College, and putting each regent in
appropriate leadership positions, so that
not only two years from now, but five
years from now we’ll have a group of
regents able to utilize their talents to
their highest capability.”
Professionally, Taylor has an outstanding
track record in leadership development.
At Taylor Corporation, where she served
first as vice president of development
before becoming president in 2001, she
has led several successful initiatives to
revitalize and restate the organization’s
core purpose and core values, formalize
leadership development, alter its
approach and philosophy to the role and
use of information technology, and
encourage and promote women in
leadership roles.
In 1998, CityBusiness magazine cited
Taylor’s commitment to networking
opportunities for women in business
When Taylor looks at how her election
as board chair can specifically serve the
regents, she cites two main goals,
beginning with a pledge to continue the
work of outgoing chair Kathy Tunheim.
“Kathy has done incredible things
with this board,” says Taylor. “One
aspect that she has undertaken that I
would like to continue is to refine the
governance roles at the College. I see
three components to that leadership—the
regents play a key role, as do both the
administration and the faculty. I think
there’s still critical work to do in terms of
refining how these three leadership
components work together—where do
each of us take the lead responsibility,
and where do we stand alongside the
others in order to ensure that the College
achieves its vision?
“The second piece relative to the
regents that I’ll focus on over the next
couple of years is determining how we
can most effectively utilize the talents of
our regents,” continues Taylor. “We have
an incredibly active and engaged group
of regents; every time I’m in a full board
meeting, I look around the room and I
am just amazed and blessed that I’m
sitting in this room with these incredible
people whom I learn from all the time,
and who put all this time and devotion
into the College.
Spring/Summer 2004
when it selected her as one of its “40
under 40,” a prestigious group of 40
business professionals who have achieved
distinction and risen quickly in their
fields—and who are all under the age
of 40.
Prior to joining her father, Glen
Taylor, at Taylor Corporation in 1994,
Taylor was senior vice president of E.W.
Blanch Co., a global reinsurance
As Taylor embarks on her two-year
term as chair of the Board of Regents, it
also represent her final years of a 12-year
tenure as a board member.
“Over the last 10 years I’ve learned so
much about the history and the
foundation of the College and where it
came from,” says Taylor. “It’s incredibly
satisfying for me to see the linkage
between what the founders of Augsburg
envisioned and all that Augsburg has
accomplished over the ensuing 135
years—and then to witness how we’re
currently extending that vision.
“I am so impressed by the history of
the College, and at the same time I am so
excited about its future, because I think
that Augsburg is positioning itself to
have an even greater impact on its
community. I’m incredibly proud to be
an alumna of the College, and my pride
continues to grow because I know that
this college is just going to get better and
better—our diamond is really going to
shine.” ■
Wrestlers, track, and women’s hockey lead a
solid year for Auggie athletics
by Don Stoner
Division III second-place finish by the
wrestling team, which tied both
NCAA and school records with four
individual champions and nine AllAmericans, respectively, and standout
seasons for the track and field and
women’s hockey teams paced a solid year
for Auggie athletics.
Senior Joe Moon earned the
Outstanding Wrestler honors after scoring
a 13-6 upset of top-ranked and four-time
All-American Eduard Aliakseynka of
Montclair State (N.J.) in the 174-pound
national finals.
Sophomore Marcus LeVesseur
extended his school-record winning streak
to 84 straight matches, finishing 40-0 and
winning his second straight national title
at 157. Juniors Mark Matzek, at 133, and
Matt Shankey, at 125, each claimed a first
national crown. The Auggies also finished
third in the NWCA Scholar All-America
Team program with a 3.39 team grade
point average, the seventh straight top 10
ranking. Augsburg leads the nation with
81 NWCA Scholar All-Americans since
Augsburg’s women’s hockey team,
under coach Jill Pohtilla, finished 15-10-2
overall, 10-6-2 in MIAC play, earning a
spot in the playoffs for the second season
in a row. The Auggies closed with an eightgame unbeaten streak, going 9-2-2 in their
final 13 games before ending with a 6-5,
double-overtime loss to St. Thomas in the
MIAC semifinals, a game played in a
conference-record 96:09.
Senior Annie Annunziato led the team
with 36 points and was named to the
Division III JOFA All-American West
Region team, joining juniors Lauren
Chezick and Melynda Kleewein on the AllMIAC first team. Freshman Stacy
Anderson earned honorable-mention and
All-Rookie recognition.
And track and field, led by sprinters
Mathew Shannon, Tonnisha Bell, and
Alana Carter; hammer-thrower Jon Dahlin;
and distance runners Ellen Waldow,
Hannah Dietrich, and Angie Bergeson had
two All-American honors, eight MIAC
titles, and 24 school records.
At the MIAC indoors, Shannon, a
senior, and Bell, a sophomore, earned Most
Outstanding Performance honors.
Shannon also earned MIAC Most
Outstanding Indoor Track Athlete and
USA Track and Field Minnesota Athlete of
the Month honors, winning the men’s 400meter dash in a record :48.78. He also won
the 55-meter dash and set or tied school
records in the 55 and 200. Bell, Waldow,
Dietrich, and Bergeson combined on the
All-American distance medley relay team,
finishing seventh nationally, and Bell set
school and MIAC records in the 200
(:25.52 ), shattering the meet record by
nearly a half-second.
Senior Jon Dahlin won the hammer
throw title and set a school record at 54.01
meters (177-feet, 2-inches). Waldow won
the 800 in a school-record 2:16.36,
breaking a mark set earlier by Bergeson.
Waldow and Bergeson joined teammates
Amy Mackner and Dietrich in winning the
In other 2003-04 sports highlights:
• Augsburg finished with a 5-5 record (4-4
in the MIAC) in football, and 13-year
head coach Jack Osberg became the alltime win leader with 60. Osberg’s teams
have had seven .500-or-above seasons,
second only to Edor Nelson’s eight .500or-above seasons.
Auggie runner since 2001 to earn AllMIAC honors, with a 5,000-meter time
of 19:24.
• Under co-coaches Troy Nygaard and
Laura Levi, Augsburg produced its finest
women’s golf season in history. The
Auggies tied their previous best-finish at
the Minnesota Women’s Collegiate Golf
Association championships—10th
against all of the state’s Division II and
Division III programs. Freshman Marisa
Navarro blistered school records with a
85.63, 18-hole stroke average, and a 12th
place finish in the MWCGA meet.
• The men golfers—with just one
senior—finished with a 314 spring
stroke average, under 16th-year head
coach Brian Ammann. The team was
fifth in the MIAC, led by freshman Erik
Helgerson, who earned all-MIAC with a
36-hole total of 154.
• In women’s basketball, center Selina
Theisen led both scoring and rebounding
at 17.1 and 10, respectively, and was the
only freshman selected to the 16-player
All-MIAC first team. Theisen also was
selected to the conference’s All-Rookie
team, was named to the
All-West Region third team, and was
named to the Freshman All-American
team by Women’s DIII News.
• Head coach Mike Navarre’s women’s
soccer team finished 11-5-2 overall (5-42 in the MIAC), tied for the second-best
record in school history. Sophomores
Millie Suk and Nora Austin were named
to the All-MIAC team. Senior Laura
Hoffman closed her career as one of the
school’s best goalkeepers, recording a 114-2 record, seven shutouts and a 0.95
• Under first-year coach Keith Bateman,
the young Augsburg baseball squad
finished 16-22 (7-13 in the MIAC),
nearly doubling its overall victory total
from each of the previous two seasons.
Sophomore pitcher Jeremy Nelson (allMIAC) had a 5-4 record and 2.91
earned-run average, throwing six
complete games, striking out 33, and
allowing only 15 walks and a .269
opponent batting average.
• Augsburg’s cross country teams logged
29 personal-best times (19 women and
10 men). Ellen Waldow became the first
Don Stoner is sports information coordinator
in the Office of Public Relations and
Spring/Summer 2004
Five senior athletes are honored
ive senior student-athletes received
Augsburg athletic awards for the
2003-04 school year. Three Auggies
were named Honor Athletes, the highest
honor the College gives its senior
student-athletes—Melissa Lee, Brandon
Fox, and Mathew Shannon. Earning
Augsburg Senior Athlete of the Year
honors were Kristen Lideen and Joe
Moon. Lee was also given the Julie
Ellingson Leadership in Women’s
Athletics award, an honor given
periodically to female athletes who have
displayed qualities of outstanding
leadership and service to Auggie
athletics. The award is named for Julie
Ellingson ’98, a softball catcher who was
a devoted worker in many aspects of
Augsburg’s athletic department.
Brandon Fox
A three-year starter
and four-year
letterwinner in
football, Fox earned
Athletic Conference
second-team honors in both his junior
and senior seasons. His senior year, he
led the Auggies in tackles with 103. In
2003, he had the second-most tackles in
the MIAC and led both the conference
and team in tackles for loss. He added
2.5 sacks, two interceptions and two
fumble recoveries his senior year. He
was named the team’s Outstanding
Player on Defense, Most Valuable Player,
and earned the Edor Nelson Auggie
Award in 2003. A business management
major with a 3.63 GPA, Fox earned
Academic All-MIAC honors twice and
was named to the CoSIDA Academic
All-District second team in 2003.
Melissa Lee
Lee was a four-year starter in softball
and also played basketball for two
seasons at Augsburg. In softball, Lee will
Spring/Summer 2004
go down as one of
the “ironwomen” of
Auggie softball
history. Augsburg’s
third-baseman played
in every inning and
started every game of
her four-year
career—141 games, 141 starts, and 964
innings. She closed her career with a
.296 batting average and a.962 fielding
percentage. A health and physical
education major with a 3.507 GPA, Lee
has earned Academic All-MIAC and
National Fastpitch Coaches Association
Scholar Athlete honors three times. She
is a Student-Athlete Mentor, copresident of the Augsburg College
Education Students (ACES) program,
and has been active as a student worker
in many aspects of Augsburg’s athletics
Mathew Shannon
A 17-time All-MIAC
performer, Shannon
became the first
Augsburg men’s track
and field athlete to
earn All-American
honors in both
indoor and outdoor events in the same
year in 2003 at the NCAA Division III
national championships. This season,
Shannon placed fifth in the indoor 400
at the national meet, and qualified for
the outdoor national meet in the 400. A
three-time MIAC titlist, Shannon earned
both the Outstanding Indoor
Championships Performance and Indoor
Track Athlete of the Year honors from
MIAC coaches this season. He also was
named USA Track and Field Minnesota
Co-Athlete of the Month in April. A
business and communication major with
a 3.155 GPA, Shannon has earned
Dean’s List honors. Shannon is also a
recipient of a Scholastic Connections
scholarship, which pairs students of
color with alumni mentors in the
by Don Stoner
Kristen Lideen
Lideen emerged as a
two-sport star at
Augsburg. In soccer,
Lideen earned AllMIAC honorablemention honors three
years in a row as one
of the top sweepers in the conference. In
softball, Lideen became one of
Augsburg’s best shortstops, holding
career school records in three different
categories—batting average (.444), hits
(175) and doubles (38)—while sitting
in the top 10 in school history in seven
other career listings. Lideen is one of
four players in school history to ever go
through a single season without a
strikeout. She earned All-Region and
All-MIAC first-team honors each of her
first three seasons in an Auggie uniform,
and earned All-MIAC honors her senior
year. In 2003, she earned NFCA AllAmerican honors. Lideen is a
philosophy major at Augsburg.
Joe Moon
Moon won his first
national title in
wrestling this season
with a dramatic upset
performance at the
Division III national
earning the meet’s Outstanding Wrestler
honors in the process. Moon finished 392 his senior season and 105-14 in his
three-season career at Augsburg. A twotime All-American in wrestling, Moon
finished fifth nationally last season at 174
and earned the team’s Outstanding
Freshman honors his first season at
Augsburg. A marketing major, Moon was
also a member of two academic national
wrestling teams at Augsburg.
Don Stoner is sports information
coordinator in the Office of Public
Relations and Communication.
Faculty/staff notes
Creating learning communities at Augsburg
rankie Shackelford, associate
Learning Community that
dean for teaching and learning
took a group of 12 students
enhancement, is a national
and the two professors to
resource leader in promoting the
museums in the Twin Cities,
concept of “learning
Chicago, and Baraboo, Wis.
communities,” and a key player
The subject matter was not the
in Augsburg’s development of
content of the museums, but
curricular learning communities.
rather how the museum
In 2000, Shackelford was
designed and arranged the
named one of 58 fellows of the
content and how that reflects
National Learning Communities
the society that created it.
Project (NLCP), funded by the
Their study was based around
Pew Charitable Trusts and
a text on this subject and
administered by the Washington
discussion with its author.
Center for Improving the Quality Associate dean Frankie Shackelford brings best practices from national
Shackelford’s continuing
learning community resources to Augsburg’s first-year program.
of Undergraduate Education at
commitment as a fellow of the
The Evergreen State College.
NLCP is to make site visits to
Since then, she has twice served
institutions who are
community links classes together for a
as a core resource person at NLCP’s
with learning communities.
common group of students often across
summer institutes and presented at
held workshops and
academic disciplines and usually around a
professional meetings.
at Wofford College and
theme. Besides the faculty and students in
Last October, as part of a Midwestern
she is active
these classes, a learning community often
network of learning community leaders,
includes academic advisers, residence life
Augsburg hosted one of 10 day-long
“Foundations of Excellence™,” whose
staff, student peer leaders, and staff from
Open Houses, where Shackelford and
work will lead to a strengthening of
campus support programs.
other Augsburg faculty and staff
learning communities in the first-year
While serving as co-director of
presented Augsburg’s first-year learning
curriculum. Augsburg was selected as one
professional development, Shackelford was
community program, helping others to
of 12 colleges in the Council of
instrumental in the design and
understand the concepts.
Independent Colleges (CIC) to participate
development of the eight-week Augsburg
As associate dean, Shackelford oversees
in this national study of ways to improve
Seminar for all incoming first-year
seven programs that promote student
the first college year. More information on
students, which was rolled out in fall 1998.
academic development and faculty/staff
this project is available at
This orientation seminar for new day
professional development.
students is linked to one or two other
The concept of learning community
courses and includes student leaders as coinvites practices that bring together people
teachers to help answer students’ questions
and programs on campus to help students
about college life. The goal is to help
find more meaning in the curriculum, she
students transition to college life, connect
Tony Bibus, social work, was resays. The approach is an intentional
them to the larger campus community, and
appointed by Gov. Tim Pawlenty to a
restructuring of students’ time, credit, and
help them become self-reflective learners.
four-year term on the Minnesota Board of
learning experiences to build community
Augsburg’s new Core Curriculum,
Social Work, which is responsible for
and to foster greater connections among
licensing and disciplining social workers.
launched last year, was inspired by the
students, students and their teachers, and
learning community model. “Learning
Trena Bolden, Pan-Afrikan Center, and
among disciplines. The learning
communities provide the impulse to make
Kenneth Turner, Student Support
community movement has broad reach
meaning across a student’s four years of
Services, attended the 28th Pan-African
across many kinds of educational
learning,” says Shackelford.
Leadership Conference at Minnesota State
institutions with over 500 colleges and
Co-curricular learning communities
University in Mankato in February, along
universities now registered at the
(outside of academic classes) have also
with students Hanna Habtemariam,
“Learning Commons” Web site
developed at Augsburg. Last year, under
Hamza Yusuf, Anthony Schaden,
the leadership of professors Phil Adamo
Robert Jones III, Dega Ali, and Audra
and Lars Chrisiansen, the History and
In the curricular sense, a learning
Sociology Clubs formed a Museum
Spring/Summer 2004
The art of making events shine
by Betsey Norgard
odi Collen admits she
belonging that Augsburg alumni,
can’t go anywhere
parents, and donors feel as they
without noticing displays,
return to campus—including
the ways materials are used,
current students. “I want current
and how decorations are
students to feel connected, and to
arranged—in short, she
walk away feeling that they were
can’t turn off her job.
part of the event,” Collen says.
Collen is events
She seeks to work more
coordinator at Augsburg,
closely with faculty and staff
working in the Office of
from the get-go, offering ideas to
Events and Classroom
creatively plan the event from
Services. It’s her job—and
the beginning, to gain greater
her passion—to help make
consistency across all campus
every Augsburg event look
professional, run efficiently,
Collen considers herself
Jodi Collen mixes a combination of inspiration, creativity, and purpose in
and communicate the right
lucky to know that events
planning major events at Augsburg.
planning is truly a calling and
Since coming to
part of her vocation. She can
While she entered the program for career
Augsburg two and a half years ago, she
trace that awareness to a keynote speech
development, she has found that her
feels lucky to say that she loves what she
by David Merrill, a leader in her field
own personal development has been
does—and she knows she can do it well.
(who has since become a friend and
more rewarding than prospects of career
Last year, Minnesota Meetings &
mentor), at the first special events
advancement. Her goal is someday to
Events magazine named her the 2003
conference she was invited to attend.
continue on for a Ph.D. and teach in the
“Up-and-Coming Special Events
“The minute he started speaking, I
Planner”; and the year before that, she
knew this is what I’m supposed to do,”
At Augsburg, she is responsible for
was named one of the top five women to
she says. Merrill connected her to the
and managing summer
watch in the Minnesota events business.
right people and resources, and her
conferences, weddings and receptions,
She is currently president-elect of the
career took off.
and working with faculty and staff to
Minneapolis-St. Paul Chapter of the
During the summer, in addition to
plan major campus events.
International Special Events Society.
managing summer events, Collen is
Collen looks forward to working
What put her over the top in
working with the alumni office to plan
closely with Augsburg faculty and
becoming noticed and in giving her
Augsburg’s 2004 Homecoming, “Spark
staff to plan the College’s major events.
confidence was the opportunity to plan a
Your Spirit,” to take place Oct. 2-9.
Her goal is to increase the sense of
major event last summer for her events
industry colleagues. With only months
to go before the annual conference of the
International Special Events Society to be
held in Minneapolis, Collen stepped in
to plan one of the major evening
events—a beach party. With the help of
four dumptruck-loads of donated sand
and lots of ingenuity, conference-goers
partied with hula hoops and parasoled
drinks on a sandy beach, with palm trees
and beach cabanas—all downtown in
Peavey Plaza.
Collen recently completed a Master
of Tourism and Administration degree at
George Washington University in
Washington, D.C., specializing in
conference and events management.
Spring/Summer 2004
Faculty/staff notes
Postcards from Italy
During February and March in the Christensen Center Gallery, art
professor John McCaffrey exhibited 34 oil paintings of the sultry
Italian landscape in the show “Postcards from Italy.” The paintings
are evocative recollections of a visit McCaffrey made to the country
several years ago.
Though small in size, the works are bold interpretations of some
of Italy’s most remarkable scenery and monuments. Captured in
the brushwork are narrow streets and sun-baked cobblestones of
old towns, the glory of Roman ruins, and the verdant beauty of
the rolling Tuscan hills. Even in these small sizes, McCaffrey’s
use of light to sculpt form, establish space, and construct volume
is revealed upon close observation.
John McCaffrey, art, measures to hang one of the 34
small oil paintings in his “Postcards from Italy” exhibit.
“Vernazza” (2004) is one of the
“postcards” that brought the
Italian landscapes to life in the
Christensen Center Gallery during
the winter.
Congratulations to the 2004 faculty and
staff who received Distinguished
Contributions to Teaching and Learning
Awards. Mark Engebretson, professor of
physics, for teaching; Ann Klamer,
director of residence life, for direct
service to students; and Garry Hesser,
professor of sociology and metro-urban
studies, for advising/mentoring.
Carol Barnett, music professor and
composition instructor, was awarded the
2003 Nancy Van de Vate International
Composition Prize for Opera from the
Vienna Masterworks for her work, Snow,
based on a short story by Konstantin
Janna Caywood ’04, social work, was
inducted into Alpha Kappa Delta,
international sociology honor society.
Su Dorée, mathematics, received the
Mathematical Association of America
North Central Section’s Award for
Distinguished College or University
Teaching of Mathematics, presented in
April. It is presented for extraordinarily
successful teaching, influence beyond
their own institutions, and fostering of
curiosity and excitement about
mathematics to students.
Garry Hesser, sociology and metrourban studies, was honored by the Higher
Education Consortium for Urban Affairs
(HECUA) for his 25 years of service.
Ann Klamer, residence life, received the
2003 Linda Schrempp Alberg Outstanding
Contribution to Minnesota Higher
Education Award, presented by the
Minnesota College Personnel Association
in May. Alberg was director of student life
and associate dean of students at Augsburg
until her death in 1996.
Cheryl Leuning, nursing, received an
Alumni Achievement Award in 2003
from Augustana College, Sioux Falls,
S.Dak. In the award nomination, she was
described by her students and colleagues
as “a superb teacher, an inspirational
leader, and mentor.”
Sports information coordinator Don
Stoner, public relations and
communication, was named CoWrestling SID/Publicist of the Year by the
National Wrestling Media Association, an
organization representing journalists
who cover amateur and college
Jeff Swenson ’79, assistant dean for
athletics and head wrestling coach, was
inducted in March into the Minnesota
Wrestling Coaches Association/David
Bartelma Wrestling Hall of Fame.
Spring/Summer 2004
David Apolloni, philosophy, presented
“Puzzles Concerning False Judgment in
Plato’s Theatetus” at the 10th Annual
Minnesota Conference on Ancient
Philosophy in May.
Tony Bibus and Rosemary Link, social
work, and Michael O’Neal, sociology,
presented a paper, “Analysis of Welfare
Reform Using a Global Perpsective and
Locally Mapped Conditions” at the 50th
annual meeting of the Council on Social
Work Education in March.
Nora Braun, business administration/
MIS, published “Critical Thinking in the
Business Curriculum,” in the March/April
issue of The Journal of Business Education.
Grace Dyrud and Bridget RobinsonRiegler, psychology, along with
psychology senior Matthew Plitzkow,
presented a poster session, “Lucky Next
Time: The Effects of Luck Inducement and
Delay on Predictions of Future Wins and
Luck Ratings,” at the Midwestern
Psychology Convention in April. They also
presented at the American Psychological
Society in May.
Orv Gingerich and Kathy McBride,
Center for Global Education, co-presented
a session, “Experiential Education: Theory
and Practice in Latin America,” at the 15th
annual international conference of the
Association of Academic Programs in
Latin America and the Caribbean
(AAPLAC) in February.
Shakespeare Bulletin published Douglas
Green’s review of Joe Dowling’s
production of Othello at the Guthrie Lab
in the spring issue (22.1); his review of
Ethan McSweeney’s Romeo and Juliet
appeared in the summer issue (22.2). In
April, at the annual Shakespeare
Association of America meeting, Green
participated in a dramatic reading of
Antony and Cleopatra. (His drunken
Lepidus was well received.)
Spring/Summer 2004
Gretchen Irvine, education,
participated on a panel on international
travel experience at the National Society
for Experiential Education conference in
November. She also presented “Value
Added to Global Study/Travel through
the Use of Technology,” at the Hawaii
International Conference on Education
in January.
Kenneth Kaminsky, mathematics,
published Financial Literacy: Introduction
to the Mathematics of Interest, Annuities,
and Insurance, with a manual to
accompany it, by University Press of
America, Inc. in 2003.
Jason Kemp, residence life, published
“Ally Rally: Problem Solving with GLBTQ
Allies on Campus,” in the spring 2004
UMR-ACUHO (Upper Midwest Region,
Association of College and University
Housing Officers) News.
Ann Lutterman-Aguilar, Center for
Global Education-Mexico, published
“Educating about a Diversity and Global
Issues Experientially: A Review of
Simulations Games for Use in
Community-Based Learning Programs,”
in the fall 2003 issue of Transformations:
The Journal of Inclusive Scholarship and
Dave Matz, psychology, co-authored
“Social Norms and Identity Relevance: A
Motivational Approach to Normative
Behavior,” in Personality and Social
Psychology Bulletin. He also co-authored
an article in Current Psychology, 21.
Regina McGoff, Center for Global
Education, presented, “Study Abroad for
Students in a Weekend College Program,”
at the Student Abroad Curriculum
Integration Conference in April.
Susan O’Connor, education, co-authored
a chapter about her five-month faculty
exchange in Trondheim, Norway, in Sosialt
arbeid: Refleksjon og handling (Social
Work: Action and Reflection).
Ron Petrich, education, has a selection
in Teaching with Fire: Poetry That
Sustains the Courage to Teach, published
by Jossey Bass. Petrich finished the first
two-year Courage to Teach retreat series
for K-16 educators and began a second
series in May.
Bruce Reichenbach, philosophy,
contributed “Explanation and the
Cosmological Argument,” to
Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of
Religion, edited by Michael Peterson and
Raymond Vanarragon, and published by
Blackwells in England.
Bridget Robinson-Riegler and Greg
Robinson-Riegler published two texts:
Cognitive Psychology: Applying the Science
of the Mind (along with an instructor’s
manual) and Readings in Cognitive
Psychology: Applications, Connections, and
Individual Differences,” both published in
2004 by Allyn & Bacon.
Nancy Steblay, psychology, co-authored
“Eyewitness Accuracy Rates in Police
Showups and Lineup Presentations: A
Meta-Analytic Comparison,” in Law and
Human Behavior, 27.
Andrew Tix co-authored “The Relational
Context of Social Support: Relationship
Satisfaction Moderates the Relations
between Enacted Support and Distress,” in
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,
29. He also co-authored an article in the
Journal of Counseling Psychology, 51.
Sean Truman, psychology, with students
Francis Rojas, Danielle Banaszak, and
Janessa Baier, presented “Maternal
Substance Abuse and Ratings of Parent
Behavior: Do Drugs Matter?” at the
Midwestern Psychology Convention.
Truman also co-authored “What Are
They Thinking? The Mediating Role of
Parental Cognitions in the Parenting
Processes of Drug-Dependent Mothers
and Fathers,” in the NIDA Research
Monograph Series in 2003.
ver 100 entries were submitted in
the fourth annual photo contest for
international and off-campus studies.
Winners were selected in three
categories: scenic landscapes, local people
in a cross-cultural setting, and Augsburg
students in a host setting. All winning
photos were displayed in Christensen
Entries were judged on the following
criteria: cross-cultural content, artistic and
technical quality, and reproducibility.
To see all the winners, visit
1st Place
Scenic landscapes. First place. “Prague from
the Castle Wall,” Erik Helgeson ’05.
Czech Republic
Augsburg students in host setting. First place.
“Dancing with Locals (Mike Boyle),”
Erik Helgeson ’05. Cuba
Local people in a cross-cultural setting. First
place. “Lunchtime,” Deb Olson, MA Nursing.
Spring/Summer 2004
Augsburg students in host
setting. Second place.
“Namibian Dunes,”
Jenna Bracken ’05. Namibia
Scenic landscapes. Second place.
“On the Other Side of the
Fence: Auschwitz,”
Ariann Russ ’05. Poland
Augsburg students in host
setting. Third place.
“Candomblé,” Ana Gabriela
Power ‘05. Brazil.
Spring/Summer 2004
a story of courage and determination
by Betsey Norgard
As Jean Housh (left) coped with
surgery to remove a brain tumor,
her strength and inspiration came
from “Major” Bowen (right),
whose brain tumor left him near
death and in a coma. She helped
direct his path to Augsburg.
eople are brought together in
unpredictable ways. The friendship
between Augsburg freshman
Edward “Major” Bowen and Jean Housh,
wife of Augsburg regent emeritus Allen
Housh, began one day in physical
therapy at the Sister Kenny®
Rehabilitation Institute, where both were
recovering from brain surgery.
Because of the friendship that
developed from that day in the hospital,
the Houshes are largely responsible for
Major Bowen enrolling at Augsburg.
Three years ago last January, Bowen
was an All-State junior goalie on The
Blake School’s hockey team. The night he
and the team shut out Stillwater High
School, he felt sick with what he thought
was the flu. By the next evening he was
fighting for his life as a tumor blocked
the flow of cerebrospinal fluid through
his brain. Emergency surgery to relieve
the pressure, followed by another surgery
a week later to remove the cyst, left him
in a coma for six weeks.
“The nurses told us his brain was
injured like in a 60-mph crash through a
windshield,” recalls Bill Bowen,
Major’s father.
Miraculously, on Major’s
grandmother’s birthday, he began to
awaken. Weighing only 95 lbs., he was
unable to walk, talk, or eat. Thus began a
long rehabilitation at the Sister Kenny
Institute, at a clinic in Florida, at
Courage Center, and at other out-patient
At Sister Kenny, as he worked to take
a few steps, then a few steps more, Jean
Housh was also recovering from elective
surgery to remove the same kind of cyst
before it became the emergency that
Major faced. She was undergoing therapy
to regain balance, strength, and memory.
Excerpts from her story about getting to
know Major are on p. 20.
By the fall, Bowen was able to return
home, but was plagued by short-term
memory loss, facial droop, and some
balance difficulty. His father tells of how
Rod Anderson, a former Blake teacher
and hockey coach “unretired” and
devoted his time to tutoring Major in the
Bowens’ home. During winter semester,
Bowen returned to Blake, with Anderson
continuing to tutor him at the school.
Bowen also began practicing Tae
Kwan Do as part of his therapy, and has
achieved a second degree purple belt. He
is now in training to test for his red belt.
Major Bowen graduated with his
Blake class in June 2002, but his real
achievement came earlier, during Blake’s
final hockey game of the year. After
weeks of incredible determination and
hard work to get back on the ice, he
skated out to tend the goal for the last 53
seconds as his team beat Minnehaha
Academy. For this, City Pages in their
2002 Best of the Twin Cities, named him
the Best High School Athlete.
The following year the Bowens began
exploring options for college. Sara Kyle,
associate director of college counseling at
Blake, suggested Augsburg. “[Augsburg]
Spring/Summer 2004
for the class.
is one of the best (if not the best)
Bowen’s determination also impacted
colleges in the nation for bright students
“One of the biggest lessons I
with learning and/or physical
Major,” Maurer said, “is to
challenges,” said Kyle. “I thought it
… I think Major’s refusal
would be a natural place for Major to
had accomplished his
continue his education.” She connected
to us all. The
the Bowens with Sally Daniels,
honor and
Augsburg’s director of undergraduate
Jean and Allen Housh were also
During the second semester, Bowen
instrumental in the decision to consider
scheduled for several surgeries and
Augsburg. “While Augsburg was in the
miss a considerable number of
back of my mind,” Bill Bowen says, “90
days. He arranged with Gustafson
percent of it was the encouragement of
directed study in history, centered
Allen and Jean.”
the question of genocide and
Daniels and the Houshes introduced
on Nazi Germany and the Pol
Major and his parents to President
in Cambodia.
William Frame and to Augsburg’s Center
of the semester was a field
for Learning and Adaptive Student
D.C., to the
Services (CLASS), a premier program in
While in
providing comprehensive support to
met with
students with disabilities.
a friend
Major enrolled in the fall as a partof
time student with two classes—Spanish
and history. Bill Bowen credits both
professors—Kate Reinhardt in Spanish
The year proved incredibly difficult,
and Don Gustafson in history—with
rewarding, for Major. Bill Bowen
being “absolutely wonderful” to Major.
that virtually every
Gustafson wondered at first how he
Augsburg “gave
would manage to teach someone with
short-term memory problems in the
detail-laden discipline of history. “It
Major’s experience. He will
worked,” he said, “partly because Maj
return to classes in the fall
came with some excellent high school
part-time and then evaluate
background; partly because his father
what the right course will
spent hours and hours going over the
be for the future.
material with Maj, and Maj on his part
The friendship between
was not about to give up; and partly
Housh and Major
because one of our very remarkable
strong; Bill Bowen
students, Eric Maurer, agreed to tutor.
they spend
“It was in our weekly meetings (and
Eric often was part of them) on a one-topractice
one basis that I got a much better
understanding of Major, of his
difficulties, and of his incredibly
dogged determination.”
Gustafson says that Bowen
Major Bowen and Jean Housh
ended up “at the top of the class in
remain good friends and continue
terms of effort and hours,” and
to read together, a practice that
earned a “very creditable 3.0” grade
started in rehabilitation.
Spring/Summer 2004
enunciation. While her story speaks to
the strength she gains from Major, Bill
Bowen says that Major thinks Jean is
“one of his angels.”
It’s clear that Bowen could not have
succeeded at Augsburg without the
CLASS program and without faculty and
staff who became entirely engaged in
helping him learn, as they also learned
from him. Even outside of class, in one
small but significant gesture, President
Frame relinquished his reserved parking
space to the Bowens so that Major’s shortterm memory loss could not prevent him
from always knowing exactly where their
car was parked.
“Augsburg has been a wonderful
experience for me,” says Major. “Each
professor has been different, but also the
same in being caring, kind, and
understanding. They have each also been
demanding, requiring me to work hard,
complete my assignments on time, to push
myself, and to learn the subject matter.
Professor Don Gustafson worked with me
extensively to become more self-reliant, to
trust myself, to think, and to respond. I can
never thank him enough.” ■
I owe my life to a young
m a n n a m e d M a j o r.
e is a guy I’d only heard about in the neurosurgeon’s
office. I was being examined and scheduled for brain
surgery. But I had the luxury of setting a surgery
date, calling family to Minneapolis to help out and bracing
myself beforehand. Major, however, did not. According to
my neurosurgeon, the 17-year-old hockey player was
nearly brain dead the January night he was brought to
Children’s Hospital. Imagine playing goalie for your hockey
team and near death one day later. I couldn’t. …
Eager to read all I could about my condition or anyone
else who’d experienced it, I combed back issues of the
Minneapolis Star Tribune sports section at the library until
I found it. There it was in bold type across five columns of
the January 9, 2001, sport page.
‘Blake Goalie Faces Surgery for Brain Tumor.’
Edward “Major” Bowen was his name and his story
would change my life. …
I wish I could say my surgery was easy. Although I did
not feel a thing, my family and friends suffered greatly. It is
only through God’s grace and mercy that I am here. …
One cold March day [at Sister Kenny Institute], I saw
the name Major Bowen handwritten on a label of a
headrest on a wheelchair. Could it be the same Major
Bowen? I wondered aloud to [my husband] Allen. If he’s
here, I have to meet him. After all, he is the reason I went
ahead with my surgery.
I asked Matt, my OT therapist, if that was Major
Bowen, the hockey player. Yes, it was, but due to
confidentiality concerns, I couldn’t just walk up and start
talking. Matt had to arrange it for us after getting Major’s
parents’ approval.
The next day, I was introduced to Major, and his
parents, Bill and Pat. …
The common denominator between Major and me was
the same colloid cysts in our brains. A rare and benign
tumor, colloid cysts reside in the third left ventricle and
restrict the flow of cerebral spinal fluid. In my case, it
caused considerable swelling and chronic headaches.
by Jean Spielman Housh
Major, however, experienced no warning signs or
headaches. …
After six weeks in Children’s Hospital, Major was
released to the Sister Kenny Institute for therapy and
rehabilitation. That’s where our paths finally crossed.
I was a bit tentative about meeting him. I was
concerned his parents might measure me against their son’s
progress. Boy was I wrong. I have never been so warmly
received. Behind Major’s wheelchair in the computer lab at
Sister Kenny Institute, Major’s dad, Bill, shook my hand
and thanked me for initiating our meeting.
“It’s nice to know someone who had the same surgery
as Major and who’s come out so well,” he told me.
I tried to tell him that his son was my inspiration. Tears
rolled down my face and I couldn’t get the words out. “I
cry a lot,” I told him. He smiled, knowing exactly what I
Around the corner came Major’s mom, Pat. Awkwardly
I began my story again. Lost in my tears were all the words
I’d hoped to say. Words like ‘thank you for your son.
Thank you for being such loving parents. Thank you for
giving me this opportunity to meet my life’s inspiration.’ …
During a follow-up visit last year, Dr. Nagib’s nurse
practitioner, Therese O’Fallon, told me, “One day, maybe
not soon, but one day, you’ll look back on this surgery
experience as a gift. Some good will have come from it.”
Brain surgery—a gift? Yeah, right. I brushed it off.
But today, more than two years later, I’m beginning to
see what she means. God has given me a gift of true
inspiration in Major.
Through him and my surgery, I’ve learned patience,
determination, and what family really means. Today, the
balance of good days and bad days clearly tips toward the
positive. I’ve recovered most, if not all, of my short- and
long-term memory. Although, I still lose my car in the
Target parking lot and often have trouble remembering
how many strokes I had on the golf course.
Major and I read Lance Armstrong’s book It’s Not about
the Bike last summer. We read it aloud to one another to
improve our enunciation. Armstrong’s story of victory over
cancer and winning the Tour de France is an inspiring and
powerful one. But one no less inspiring than Major’s story
of faith, courage, and strength.
Jean Spielman Housh is a writer and wife of Augsburg regent
emeritus Allen Housh.
Spring/Summer 2004
TO A U G S B U R G :
by Betsey Norgard
THE SMALL coastal
town of Flatanger, Norway, has
sent two students to Augsburg
College, almost exactly 100 years
apart. While Ingwald Rosok may
not have received a diploma in
the spring of 1895 when he left
Augsburg, Monica Dahle
marched proudly across the stage
in spring 2004.
Dahle is a senior at Molde
University College in
central Norway and came
to Augsburg as part of
International Partners. This
program, based on
reciprocal agreements
between Augsburg and
European institutions that
offer the equivalent of
bachelor’s degrees, allows
students from both Europe
Norwegian student Monica Dahle stands in front of Old Main, built just three
years after Ingwald Rosok, another student from her hometown, attended
and Augsburg to take part
of their study program at
partner schools. This
preparatory class at
moved to Arizona and lived there the rest
Augsburg in 1894-95, left his
enables them to
Augsburg Seminary for
of his life.
small village of Flatanger 100
experience studying
years before current student
nearly five months until his
Although Rosok’s mother was from
Monica Dahle.
abroad without
money ran out.
the Sverdrup family, there is no apparent
interrupting or delaying
In his memoir, Retrospect, Rosok tells
close connection to Georg and George
their studies.
of wanting to go to school and learning
Sverdrup, Augsburg’s second and fourth
Because of International Partners and
about Augsburg from a Norwegian grocer
presidents, respectively.
the scholarship that participants receive,
in Minneapolis. He describes Augsburg’s
When Dahle arrived at Augsburg last
Dahle chose to come to Minneapolis and
location as “in the block between Seventh
winter, she recognized Old Main from
Augsburg. When she began researching
and Eighth Streets, and between 21st and
photos she had seen in a history book.
information about Augsburg, to her
22nd Avenues South.” He lists the faculty
She was one of 34 Norwegian students in
surprise and excitement she discovered a
that year as six professors.
book about Ingwald Rosok, also from
Rosok did not want to be a minister
Flatanger. He had come to the U.S. in
Photo of Ingwald Rosok from Retrospect: An
and chose to study engineering at the
1891, worked at a number of jobs in the
Autobiography, by I. A. Rosok, edited by O. M.
University of Minnesota instead of
Norlie, copyright 1957 and printed by Lund Press,
Upper Midwest, and attended the second
returning to Augsburg. He eventually
Spring/Summer 2004
International Partners during the academic
year, and took social work courses.
For her internship, she learned about
an agency in downtown Minneapolis
offering a needle exchange program, and
applied to work there. Her tasks included
meeting with drug addicts, homeless
people, and prostitutes—work and issues
she had never encountered. “I learned so
much,” Dahle said, “about nonjudgemental attitudes, about how to treat
clients, and about the U.S.” She had not
expected the level of culture shock she
Her biggest challenge was language.
Dahle said the people who came there
often used street slang, but that she simply
asked them what it meant. She loves to
work with people, and dreams of finding
similar ways to work with drug addicts in
During spring semester, two events
stood out for Dahle as highlights. In
February, when Augsburg hosted the Peace
Prize Festival for schoolchildren, she was
one of two Norwegian students who
greeted and escorted special guests Gro
Harlem Brundtland, former prime
minister of Norway and director general
emerita of the World Health
Organization; and Knut Vollebæk,
Norwegian ambassador to the U.S.
The second highlight was participation
in Augsburg’s commencement ceremony. In
Norway, college graduates are hosted at a
dinner, but without the pomp and
circumstance of an American ceremony.
Because of the reciprocal agreements
between colleges, International Partners
students are granted special permission to
participate in Augsburg’s graduation.
Monica Dahle (right) and Beate Fjellanger
(second from right) greeted Gro Brundtland,
former Norwegian prime minister, and Knut
Vollebæk, Norwegian ambassador to the U.S.,
at the Peace Prize Festival in February.
“It was amazing, with all the people
there,” Dahle remarked. “It’s a really big
deal, and I’ve seen it on TV.” Her cap and
gown went back to Norway with her as
Dahle has her four-hour final exam to
finish at Molde University College. Then
she hopes to work for a year or so before
possibly returning to the U.S. and
Augsburg for a master’s program. ■
By Ingwald Andreas Rosok
Edited by O.M. Norlie; copyright 1957 by I.A. Rosok. Minneapolis: Lund Press, Inc.
We called on the Norwegian grocer. He advised me to go to Augsburg Seminary, which, at
that time, was not only a theological seminary but also a college and an academy. It was a
Norwegian Lutheran church school and was located in the block between Seventh and
Eighth Streets, and between Twenty-first and Twenty-second Avenues South. I went there,
and they took me and accepted my check without any question. … As already stated,
Augsburg Seminary had three departments: The Preparatory (Academy) Department which
took two years to finish; the College Department which took four years, and the
Theological Department which took three years, a total of nine years. When this was
completed one was ready to be ordained as a full-fledged Lutheran minister and to be
assigned to some congregation as its pastor. The professors that year were: George
Sverdrup, president; Sven Oftedal, vice president; John H. Blegen; Edward Hovde; J.L.
Nydahl and T.S. Reimestad. When I told them what previous schooling I had had, I was
assigned to the second preparatory class. It was a very good school and I enjoyed it very
much. It certainly was much better for me than working in the woods in Wisconsin. I
studied very hard, never missing any classes and spending all my waking hours in my room
doing my homework. I started school at Augsburg Seminary December 7, 1894 and
attended until April 13, 1895 when my money was all gone.
Spring/Summer 2004
instead of disabilities
Seeing the abilities
of people rather
than their
disabilities has
given Cilje Nybord
Mosand a dream
and a plan, which
she has taken back
to her native
Norway this summer. Mosand, a social
work student in the International Partners
program at Augsburg, interned during the
spring at a non-profit organization called
Interact Center for the Visual and
Performing Arts, based in Minneapolis.
Interact, a multidisciplinary arts center for
adult artists with disabilities, features a
large art studio and public gallery,
rehearsal and performance space, a fulltime faculty of professional artists, a
performing arts training program, and a
theater company.
Mosand was so impressed with
Interact that she hopes to start a similar
organization in the Scandinavian
countries. “We have nothing like this in
Norway,” Mosand said. “This has been
such a wonderful experience. You don’t
see the disabilities of these people, rather
the abilities they possess.”
During her internship, Mosand
assisted the professional artists who work
with the disabled artists in all aspects of
the theater, from writing the script and
by Judy Petree
music, to acting. She even took part in the
theater performance, playing the part—
aptly enough—of a young woman named
“Celia,” who is Norwegian.
“We really liked having Cilje here,”
said Eriq Nelson, performing arts
instructor at Interact. “She gave our
‘artists’ individual support and always had
time for listening to them. Many times the
staff doesn’t have this kind of time.”
Nelson added that when Mosand first
came, they envisioned her as support
staff, doing odd jobs such as filling out
paperwork. But, she became so involved
with the artists the original plans quickly
flew out the door.
“We have a large Norwegian
population at the center and some have
even been to Norway on tour, so they
were excited about Cilje being from
Norway. She liked being with the artists
and they liked being with her.”
Nelson said it was also fun to watch
Mosand grow during her internship. “We
even got her to be a part of the show. It
was fun to see Cilje embrace that side of
it. She was always willing to do whatever
was needed to be done. She’s missed.”
Actually, this is not Augsburg’s first
encounter with Interact. A few years ago,
education professor Susan O’Connor
Top photo: At Interact, Cilje Mosand supported and worked with artists
with disabilities, and joined them to perform in their production.
Spring/Summer 2004
introduced Karl-Johan Johansen, an
instructor from Sør Trøndelag University
College in Trondheim, Norway, and Per
Frederiksen, with PROFF, an organization
serving people with disabilities, to
Interact while they were visiting
Minneapolis. As a result of that visit,
Johansen and Frederiksen secured
funding in Norway for a group from
Interact to travel to Norway and Denmark
to give performances. The artists that
went on this tour were the same ones
who formed a bond with Mosand.
“What fascinated me about Interact is
it’s so diverse,” Mosand said. “The mix of
people from a rainbow of ethnic, age, and
disability groups gives one the impression
of being in an inclusive Garden of Eden.”
The artists help the community
understand that gifts are given to all
people, Mosand said, and that vision is
not lost nor even impaired by a
disabling condition. “There are no
superiors, inferiors; no staff versus
clients. There is only the collegial mix of
diverse people who are all focused on
the same goals—the creation of beauty,
the making of art.” ■
Judy Petree is media relations manager
in the Office of Public Relations and
by Judy Petree
Stephanie Quick’s passion for working with children and
youth, especially those who struggle with lives of poverty
and abuse, has taken her to a place far from her
Midwestern roots in Mendota Heights, Minn.—to Nome,
Alaska, a place so beautiful it’s hard to imagine life could be
anything but ideal. Quick, a 2001 Augsburg graduate with
a major in youth and family ministry, is currently working
on a four-year Master of Divinity degree at the Lutheran
School of Theology in Chicago. She is in year three of
seminary, which consists of an internship.
Beauty surrounded by poverty
The road to Alaska and her internship at Our Savior’s
Lutheran Church in Nome came after she was accepted
into a special ELCA program called Horizon. This program
offers 22 unique internship sites across the world,
including cross-cultural ministry, mission start
congregations, and others at rural, urban, and international
sites. Quick said that many of these sites, including her
current one, cannot afford a second pastor, and provide
excellent learning opportunities.
Quick said Nome is a beautiful place, surrounded by
ocean and tundra. She has seen wildlife from bears to
reindeer to seals, eaten a variety of Eskimo foods including
Eskimo ice cream (berries mixed with reindeer fat),
muktuk (whale blubber), black meat (seal), reindeer,
caribou, dried fish, greens, and herring eggs. But, she
added, the stark reality is that all of this beauty surrounds a
town plagued by alcohol abuse and poverty.
“While this town of 3,000 people is in a unique setting,
it is also very sad. You can find only two small grocery
stores, yet the street is littered with bars and liquor stores.
Alcohol abuse is a terrible factor in the community.” In
fact, Quick said, it has gotten so bad that alcoholism in
Nome and surrounding villages has nearly
Above: Stephanie Quick, Class of 2001, is
destroyed the Native American (Eskimo)
traditional lifestyle. “Sadly, as a pastor, you hear
using her seminary internship to work with
many stories of family violence, sexual abuse,
young people in an impoverished Nome,
and substance abuse. There is so much tragedy
here it is almost unbelievable.”
Alaska church. She brought joy to the high
Quick is called to many areas while serving
school girls there, as 60 prom dresses she
as an intern pastor. Some of her duties include
preaching, leading worship, teaching, pastoral
collected from family and friends back
counseling, home visitations, serving as
home were donated for Nome’s big dance.
chaplain at the local jail, eating lunch with
elders at the senior citizen’s center, and holding
Spring/Summer 2004
worship service at the nursing home.
However, there is one area where her
passion is strong. Quick is concentrating
her efforts on working with youth in
Nome, even starting a youth group at the
congregation, which now draws more
than 25 youth.
“I have formed some pretty strong
connections with some of the high
school girls,” Quick said. “These girls
have confided a lot of things to me.
Recently they told me they couldn’t go
to the prom because they couldn’t afford
a dress.”
While the town is plentiful with bars
and liquor stores, Quick said there is not
a clothing store to be found. The only
way for these girls to get a dress would
be to spend $343 on a plane ticket to
Anchorage or make a dress.
“None of these girls can afford a
prom dress let alone fly to Anchorage to
buy it. And many of the girls are being
raised by their grandparents who just
don’t have the time to make a dress.”
Quick came up with an idea and she
quickly enlisted the help of her sister,
Rachel, who is a junior at Augsburg; her
parents; and her hometown
congregation, St. Stephen’s Lutheran
Church in West St. Paul.
“I thought, well, I still have my prom
dresses, so I called up my mom and
asked her to send them here.
Unfortunately, she had just given them
away to the Goodwill, but my sister,
Rachel, still had hers.”
Rachel was more than happy to not
only ship her prom dress to Alaska, but
to send out a campuswide e-mail asking
others for their dresses and other prom
accessories, such as shoes and purses.
When Quick’s pastor at St. Stephen’s
found out what she was doing, he made
an announcement in church. Her plea
was so successful, she received 60
dresses, the majority coming from
Augsburg and St. Stephen’s Church in
West St. Paul.
After the shipment arrived in Nome,
Stephanie Quick opened up a “Prom
Shop” in the church basement. The
ladies’ sewing circle at Our Savior’s
Church volunteered to make alterations
on the dresses. Quick said the girls were
Spring/Summer 2004
“thrilled” with the dresses.
“I’m really proud of my sister,” Rachel said.
“She is such a kind person and she’s really grown
attached to these girls in Nome. She was able to
give them something we take for granted—a
pretty dress and a really special night.”
Quick said she wanted to do this for the girls
“simply because I care about them, and feel that
their opportunities shouldn’t be limited just
because of their finances.”
Reaching out
Quick followed her passion and calling one step
further when she volunteered to travel to a
remote village in the wilderness, without running
water or plumbing. She spent 10 days in a place
called Shishmaref, a tiny island Eskimo village
located 20 miles south of the Arctic Circle. The
village is entirely Lutheran and is the
northernmost ELCA congregation. Most people
there still speak their native language of Inupiaq.
Quick said the pastor there had resigned in
the fall, and it has been difficult to even get an
interim pastor, much less a permanent pastor. It
is a very rustic place with
honeybuckets for toilets and
Ladies in Our Savior’s Lutheran Church
snow or rainwater for
volunteered their time to alter the
drinking water. The only
donated dresses for the girls.
place to shower is at the
“washeteria,” which costs
money, she added, so
obviously people don’t
shower much. The roads are all dirt and
the houses are primitive. Children, she
said, run around very dirty, many visibly
with lice. The town is filled with flies,
and garbage and raw sewage leak
from bins.
“It looked straight out of a ‘Save the
Children’ commercial,” Quick said. “It
was a moving experience just driving
down the street.” The only modes of
transportation, she added, are fourwheelers; snowmobiles, which the
Alaskans call snow machines; and dog
sled teams.
“I had some amazing visits with the
people there,” Quick said, “including a
group of elders who showed me some of
their sewing. It was a neat experience
sitting on the floor watching the Eskimo
women sew things like slippers,
mukluks, and Eskimo yo-yos out of seal
skin and reindeer fur.”
Quick’s love and passion for children took center stage there as
well, in this remote village. She said the children were excited to
see her and she organized many youth activities for them,
including baking for elders and confirmation classes. Some days
there were more than 50 children that showed up in the basement
of the parsonage, which is used for a youth center.
“We had a Sunday School turnout of 75 children which is great
considering there are only 600 people in the village.”
The church services were similar to the ones she helps out with
in Nome, part of it being in their native language and part in
English. “I have to brag a little that I’m doing quite well on the
Inupiaq. The elders tease me that I am becoming an Eskimo!”
Quick said because of the lack of a pastor or interim pastor, she
was given special permission by the bishop and seminary to
administer the sacraments. She presided over Holy Communion
and performed her first baptism. The baptism, she added, was
especially moving.
“I had asked a woman in the congregation to present the candle
and recite a special verse. She has cerebral palsy and told me she
has trouble reading, so when she came up, she had the verse
memorized. It was moving and a true moment of grace.”
Augsburg’s transforming education
Quick credits the encouragement she received from faculty and
staff in the religion department while she was a student at
Augsburg for steering her toward the path she is now following. In
particular she remembers a lecture she heard about being called to
serve God.
“I still remember that lecture, and that confirmed my call from
God. I began to look for a place to serve the church and I felt not
only an internal call to the ministry, but an external call to serve
God.” Quick said she wasn’t sure at that point what direction in
ministry she wanted to pursue, but she loved the Youth and Family
Ministry program and being involved in Campus Ministry, so that
excited her about ministry with families.
Quick will return to Chicago in the fall to finish her education.
Where she will go from there is still a question, but she has many
goals, one being a pastor in an inner city church working with
families, children and youth; another opening an orphanage or
working at an existing one, perhaps in Thailand; or
even teaching religion, “especially if it was at
Above: A stitch here and there to the
donated dresses made the high school
“The education I received at Augsburg helped
my life in a very positive way. Augsburg
girls feel like queens of the prom.
helped me realize that all things are possible
through God.” ■
Judy Petree is media relations manager in the Office of Public
Relations and Communication.
Spring/Summer 2004
Students celebrate after receiving their honors cords from
academic dean Christopher Kimball at the Honors
Convocation on Friday, April 30.
The Augsburg Chamber Orchestra performs at the Commencement concert on
Friday, April 30, which featured solos by each of the four 2004 Concerto Aria
winners: Miya Kunin ’04, violin; Maja Lisa FritzHuspen ’04, soprano; Nicholas White
’05, bass; and Keely Holcomb ’04, soprano.
A graduate pays homage to her home state by
taping a cutout of Texas to her mortarboard.
Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson, president of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New
York, spoke at the 2004 Augsburg College Commencement ceremony Saturday,
May 1. It is said that Jackson has a “career distinguished by many historic firsts.”
Jackson, a theoretical physicist, holds a Ph.D. in theoretical elementary particle
physics from M.I.T. and an S.B. in physics from M.I.T. She is the first AfricanAmerican woman to receive a doctorate from M.I.T., and is one of the first two
African-American women to receive a doctorate in physics in the United States.
Jackson is also the first African-American to become a commissioner of the U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and is now the first woman to lead a national
research university.
Jackson has held senior positions in government, as chairperson of the U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC); in industry and research, as a theoretical
physicist at the former AT&T Bell Laboratories; and in academe as a professor at
Rutgers University. While at the NRC, Jackson represented the United States as a
delegate to the General Conference of the
International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna,
Among the number of professional organizations
Jackson belongs to, she is president of the American
Association for the Advancement of Science and a
member of the National Academy of Engineering.
She is also a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts
and Sciences, and the American Physical Society.
Visit <> for
more information about Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson.
Barbara Lehmann, assistant professor of social work, hugs a student during the
procession from Foss Center to Melby Hall.
Spring/Summer 2004
Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson, president of the Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute in New York, delivers the
keynote Commencement address.
Lois Bosch, associate professor of social work, places
a master’s hood on a Master of Social Work student.
Barbara Forshier, Weekend College Class of 2004
representative, addresses the crowd at the
Commencement ceremony.
Spring/Summer 2004
Following are excerpts from Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson’s Commencement address; read the
complete address at <>
… A simple message from my own father has always motivated me. … He
always would say to us: “Aim for the stars, so that you will reach the treetops, and
at any rate, you will get off the ground.” In other words, if you do not aim high,
you will not go far. He also believed that it was important to help somebody else
along the way.
I have taken my father’s advice throughout my career, and woven it into a
common thread with three basic strands. They are excellence, leadership, and
It was Aristotle who said, “Excellence is an art won by training and
habituation. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a
habit.” After all, if you are going to spend precious time doing something, why not
do it well? And, when you do things well, it becomes your habit.
Secondly, leadership is a fundamental responsibility we all own. … Leadership
encompasses a clarity of vision, an understanding of the broader context, as well
as the articulation to share that vision with others. It takes perseverance, and
requires very hard work, but an effective leader sets an example by working hard,
by being ethical, and by inspiring others to do the same. …
The final strand is community. What I mean by community also might be
termed inclusiveness. In the global community in which we live, inclusiveness is
key, because it is the estrangement of individuals, or of groups, or of peoples, or of
nations that is responsible for the divisiveness that haunts us—that makes the
world a more dangerous place. …
Optimism also is part of my father’s legacy. As a result, I am determinedly
optimistic about the future. Optimism and hope are contagious. … Indeed, it is a
force for change, and it can move people to take positive action. …
So, give generously. Aim high. Lead with your gifts. Stay positive. Look
forward. Do not be discouraged. Lead with optimism. Challenge yourselves. Find
joy in everyday life. If you do all of these, I am confident that you can lead us to a
future of peace, a future of greater safety, security, and health for all—a future in
which hope prospers, and love and service guide us. Now is your time. Be that
future, and you can change the world.
Three graduates smile for the camera during the ceremony in Melby Hall.
Gregory McKusky, who received a B.A. in physics, joins family and faculty in
Murphy Park after the Commencement ceremony.
A graduate poses for a picture following the ceremony.
Candidates for graduation
Day program candidates
Weekend College candidates
Graduate program candidates (12 Master of Arts in Leadership,
30 Master of Social Work, 14 Master of Arts in Nursing, 24
Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies, 3 Master of Arts
in Education)
Rochester program candidates
Jennifer Hagen, who graduated with a B.S. in
chemistry, relaxes with friends.
United Hospital candidates
Countries represented (China, Colombia, Republic of Korea,
Laos, Liberia, Mexico, Mongolia, Norway, Spain, Taiwan)
Age range of graduates in the Class of 2004
A grad poses with her family after receiving a
bouquet of roses.
The Master of Arts in Nursing program celebrated its third class of graduates. Here,
graduates and faculty posed for a picture following the ceremony.
Spring/Summer 2004
The 135TH YEAR of Augsburg College
Spring/Summer 2004
By some accounts, at age 64, Maryann
Kinney should be making plans for her
retirement. Would she like to travel?
Spend more time with friends? Instead,
she walked down the aisle of Augsburg’s
gymnasium in Melby Hall, adorned in
cap and gown.
Kinney graduated with a Master of
Arts in nursing degree and isn’t
considering leaving the workforce
anytime soon. “I probably should think
about my retirement, but I’m just going
to keep on going,” she says.
This hospice volunteer for the past
18 years has always spent much of her
time serving others. A nurse since 1978,
she has worked in Appalachia and with
orphaned children in Romania.
“Nursing is a profession where care is
always our key element,” says Kinney.
After three attempts at attaining a
master’s degree, the fourth time proved
to be a charm. She began at Augsburg in
the fall of 2001. Kinney was finally able
to reach her goal, with the help of a
supportive supervisor at Saint Marys
Hospital in Rochester, where she
currently works, and close attention
from Augsburg faculty whom she says,
“build on your strengths and work with
your weaknesses.”
To Kinney, it was well worth the
effort. “To keep up with all of the
changes that are going on in nursing,
you really need an advanced degree,”
she says. “Unfortunately, many nurses
who get the degree get out of nursing.
They go on to get more administrative
roles. Augsburg’s program prepares you
to stay in nursing. I think most of the
students that finish here stay in patient
Kinney has a deep appreciation for
Augsburg’s commitment to the
community and their awareness of the
by Jessica Brown
broader issues, outside of what just
affects the campus. After graduation she
would like to do work with povertystricken or homeless populations, areas
where she gained experience through
her work at Augsburg’s Central Nursing
Center, located in Central Lutheran
Church in downtown Minneapolis.
Kinney was also afforded the rare
opportunity to do her clinical practice in
London, England, at St. Christopher’s
hospice under the tutelage of founder
Dame Cicely Saunders. Saunders, at age
85, still works at the hospice every day.
She was a true inspiration to Kinney and
reinforced a desire to work with those
less fortunate.
Kinney is no less of an inspiration in
her own right, “I carry a bag of dirt in
my pocket. I have for a long time. I like
to keep it with me to remind me to
always stay ‘grounded’,” she says. Often
when others around her seem to be
feeling overwhelmed she will share her
secret—“I take it out of my pocket and
everyone knows that they have to get
grounded.” At the very least it offers
those around her a moment to pause and
Kinney is grateful to Augsburg for
helping her achieve her goal, “I think
Augsburg is awesome. Not only are the
school, the classes, and the professors
great, but I was also really impressed
with the students. I can’t believe how
nice they are,” she says. “The greatest
gift one can give to another is a chance.
That is what Augsburg did for me. It is
almost impossible as a staff nurse to have
one’s educational needs met. Augsburg
went that mile.”
Jessica Brown is a communication
specialist in the Office of Public Relations
and Communication.
At a time when many 19-year-olds are still
early in their adventures in higher
learning, Abbey Payeur is completing that
adventure and embarking on a new one.
Payeur, of Champlin, Minn., got on
the fast track and never jumped off. She
enrolled in the Minnesota Post Secondary
Enrollments Option program (PSEO) at
the age of 15. The PSEO program allows
high school juniors and seniors to take
courses for credit at public and private
postsecondary institutions while still in
high school. Payeur decided to take full
advantage of the opportunity before her
and enrolled full time at North Hennepin
Community College (NHCC). Because of
her young age, she had to be driven to her
first year of college courses by her mother.
Thus, her final two years of high school
were spent away from the Champlin Park
schools where she’d began. “Mostly I
wanted more independence, more choices
in the classes I was free to take, more of a
challenge,” says Payeur.
When she participated in graduation
ceremonies at Champlin Park High School
in spring 2002, she already had an
Associate of Arts degree under her belt
from NHCC.
Payeur always had a passion for
by Jessica Brown
learning, and a decision about her
learning after high school was an easy
one. She went to a guidance counselor
and asked about the better schools for
elementary education. “I love school and
I think I can reach the kids like me [that
love school] and also the kids that don’t
like it as much,” she says. “I just want to
let them know how much your life can
change if you choose to do well in
school.” Augsburg College was at the top
of the recommended list, and after an
initial interview with Professor Vicki
Olson, it seemed like a good fit. Payeur
decided the small class sizes and the
personal relationships you make with the
professors was what she wanted.
Payeur enrolled at Augsburg in the
fall of 2002 at the age of 17. Being the
youngest in class periodically posed
certain challenges. “Sometimes people in
class didn’t give much credit to what I
would say because I was ‘just a baby,’ ”
says Payeur. Very quickly, however, after
the other students got to know her, she
was on the same playing field as everyone
Sometimes her youth and experience
were advantages in the classroom. “There
was a discussion about the Minnesota
Graduate nursing student Maryann Kinney reminisces with Tony Bristo
about experiences in England at Augsburg’s Central Nursing Clinic at
Central Lutheran Church in downtown Minneapolis.
graduation standards—profiles of
learning,” Payeur says. “The other
students were debating them but none
had ever experienced them. I was actually
in school when those were in place, and
so I had a unique perspective that could
add to the class.”
Payeur graduated Summa Cum Laude
from Augsburg with a Bachelor of Arts
degree in education and marched with her
fellow classmates in the Commencement
ceremony. In August she begins her
student teaching at Oxbow Creek
Elementary School in Champlin, where
she lives with her husband, Micah. The
next step for Payeur is looking for a
permanent teaching position. After that
she says, “I may return to Augsburg to
complete a minor in special education or
get my reading specialist certification, and
eventually I would like to get a master’s
degree, but I want to teach in the
classroom for a while first.” Whatever she
decides to do, even Payeur has to agree
that she has plenty of time.
Jessica Brown is a communication
specialist in the Office of Public Relations
and Communication.
Abbey Payeur, at 19 years old, is the youngest Augsburg graduate in
the Class of 2004. With an elementary education degree, she aims to
teach full time and then consider graduate school.
Spring/Summer 2004
by Keme Hawkins and Judy Petree
Though this group of five social work
students came from very different walks
in life, together they discovered how
their shared passions and compassion for
each other helped them succeed.
Throughout the past two years in
Weekend College, as they faced a variety
of challenges and demands on their
personal and academic lives, collectively
they supported each other to achieve
their highest potential as students and
successful graduates.
Vernona Boswell, Lymoua
Mouacheupao, Darin Rowles, Sophia
Thompson, Matthew Thornhill, and
Geralyn Williams all entered the social
work program together, and on May 1
they graduated together.
“They discovered that they share the
passion for social justice and service to
others that is the hallmark of Augsburg
College,” said Tony Bibus, associate
professor and social work department
chair, about the group’s commitment.
Three of the students shared their
at Augsburg after her husband lost his
battle with liver cancer and left her to raise
four sons. Going back to school was her
way to deal with grief. “I needed a sense of
meaning in life,” Mouacheupao said, and
she appreciated the shared common bond
of family responsibility felt in this group.
Weekend College in 1997 after having
gone in and out of college programs at
other institutions for 15 years. Not sure
what she wanted to do, she left school
and worked at an office job, but never let
her desire to finish college fade. When
she finally started looking at schools
Spring/Summer 2004
First row (L to R) Lymoua Mouacheupao, Matthew Thornhill, Second row (L
to R) Geralyn Williams, Darin Rowles, Vernona Boswell, Sophia Thompson.
again, it was the weekend program that
attracted her to Augsburg.
DARIN ROWLES began taking courses
at Augsburg through the postsecondary
program during his senior year in high
school. He completed his freshman year at
Augsburg until family issues, chemical
abuse, and other difficulties forced him to
drop out. In the mid-90s he completed an
associate degree, but wanted a four-year
degree. “Education has always been very
important in my life, and returning to
Augsburg had deep meaning to me. It was
part of my plan to finish where I had
started years ago.”
Before Rowles resumed his education,
he worked in corporate America at jobs
with great pay and amazing benefits,
Rowles said, but that were less than
satisfying. He also worked at an adult
foster home for people living with AIDS.
“I found this work to be very fulfilling,”
he said. “I knew I had the knack for
working with people in need and keeping
a level head during difficult
circumstances. Social work seemed a good
blend of these strengths.”
The students found that studying in
their cohort drew them together in
rewarding ways.
Initially, Rowles said he was
concerned about spending two years with
people who would end up sharing much
of their lives with each other. He quickly
learned this wouldn’t be the case. “Even
though our group represented a diverse
mix of race, gender, sexual orientation,
age, religion, employment background,
and so on, we formed a very close bond,
very quickly. Our diverse backgrounds led
to lively, informed debates as we moved
through our social work curriculum.”
Williams said it was comforting at
times going into class knowing this would
be there. “I knew them well enough to
feel comfortable calling them when I
needed help or had questions about class
assignments. I really appreciated the
relationship I have with them.”
Besides sharing help with academics,
their mutual support was on a more
personal level. Rowles said they listened
to each other’s difficulties, and when one
person was having an especially rough
week, others would step in and be more
involved with class discussion to lighten
the load. “We let each other vent about
the bad times and celebrated the good
times,” he explained. “I honestly don’t
know how I would have survived the past
two years without the support of my
D.J.M. Edwards, social work
undergraduate program assistant, said that
weekend students often feel they are on
their own, and a support group is a great
advantage. “Working in a cohort breaks
down barriers over time,” he said. “When
ideas can flow without impediments the
course material really starts to come to
life.” This was an unusual group, he said,
and definitely worked together as a unit,
“We are so proud to have been
partners in their educational journeys,”
Bibus added. “The social work profession
stands to gain mightily as they embark on
their careers. The world will change for
the better!”
Keme Hawkins is a Weekend College
communication major. Judy Petree is media
relations manager in the Office of Public
Relations and Communication.
From the Alumni Board president’s desk…
was honored to speak at Augsburg’s
135th Commencement on Saturday,
May 1. More than 600 graduating
students participated in the ceremony,
and of these, nearly 350 were day
students and 152 were Weekend College
students. In addition, 33 were Rochester
program candidates, and 83 received
graduate degrees. These figures are in
sharp contrast to those of my own
Commencement ceremony 20 years ago
when Weekend College had just been
launched and the Rochester and graduate
programs did not yet exist. Needless to
say, the College has evolved in many
ways over the past two decades.
An Augsburg degree not only
indicates that the bearer possesses
knowledge, but it also suggests that the
bearer has the wisdom to face challenges
with confidence, integrity, and honor. In
fact, as alumni, we have been blessed by
the time spent immersed in the Augsburg
community and its ethos—i.e., that we
mattered and that with a transforming
education we could make a positive
difference in the world. We have been
given an incredible gift.
Indeed, this gift reflects the
Christian heritage of Augsburg. In
Romans 12, Paul writes, “do not be
conformed to this world, but be
transformed by renewing of your mind,
so that you may prove what the will of
God is, that which is good and
acceptable and perfect.” An Augsburg
education does not end with
Commencement. Instead, it is the
beginning of a journey of continuous
renewal. We have been transformed to
appreciate that there is joy doing that
which one is called to do in service to
New graduates are now members of
the Augsburg Alumni Association. What
does it mean to be a member of the
Alumni Association? It means staying
connected to the College. Check in with
us by phone (612-330-1178 or toll free
1-800-260-6590), the Web
(, or via email ( Let us
know what you are doing. Tell us about
jobs, marriages, children, moves, and
other achievements.
Being an alum also means serving as
an ambassador of the College. Without a
doubt, many of you are or will be leaders
in your communities and people will
wonder what makes you shine, and part
of that is being an Auggie! Attend events
sponsored by the College such as
Homecoming and Advent Vespers. Visit
former professors. Support the College
with financial and service gifts. Finally,
keep the College, its students, and its
faculty in your prayers. A great mission
is being accomplished at Augsburg, of
Auggies at the
Minnesota State Fair
on’t forget to stop by the Augsburg booth
at the Minnesota State Fair Aug. 26–Sept.
6. Located in the Education Building, the booth
will feature alumni prize drawings, give-aways,
special guests, and more. For schedule
information or to volunteer for a four-hour shift
at the booth, call Bobbie Chong in Public
Relations and Communication at 612-330-1180
or e-mail <>.
Save the date:
Annual ice
cream social
he annual ice cream social at
the Augsburg House will be
held Aug. 31. Watch your
mailbox for further details, or call
Alumni/Parent Relations at
612-330-1178 or e-mail
Stephen Geffre
On behalf of the Augsburg College Alumni Board and Association, I would like to extend heartfelt
congratulations to the Class of 2004 on a job well done!
which you and I are beneficiaries. The
College depends on your support and
enthusiasm for this mission. As alumni,
these are gifts that we can give back to
the school that has given us so much.
Again, congratulations to the Class
of 2004. Welcome to the Alumni
Association and God bless you on the
journey you are about to commence!
Paul S. Mueller ’84, M.D.
President, Alumni Board
2004-2005 Alumni
Board meeting
lumni Board meetings for the 20042005 academic year will be held Aug.
17, Nov. 16, Feb. 15, Apr. 19, and June
21. Meetings are open to the public and
all alumni are invited to attend. Meetings
are located in the Minneapolis Room in
Christensen Center at 5:30 p.m. For more
information, visit the alumni Web site at
<>, call
612-330-1178, or e-mail
Spring/Summer 2004
A-Club and AWAC merger unites resources,
strengthens fundraising efforts
by Rebecca Welle ’05 with
contributions by Lynn Mena
hen we hear the word “merger,” we
usually associate it with two
organizations coming together to achieve a
higher goal. This is precisely what the new
Augsburg College A-Club is planning to
accomplish. As briefly reported in the
winter issue of the Augsburg Now, the
College’s two alumni athletics
organizations—A-Club and the Augsburg
Women’s Athletic Club (AWAC)—merged
in November. This joint venture provides
an even stronger foundation and
organization dedicated to supporting the
success of Augsburg athletics.
The first official meeting of the new AClub was held November 4, and those
involved are prepared for the challenge.
The Executive Committee of six men and
six women has updated the constitution
and has also created a critical structure of
committees to move the organization
forward. These committees address the
Athletic Hall of Fame, the annual golf
tournament, membership, special events,
communications, and finance/fundraising.
Augsburg staff liaisons to the A-Club
include Jeff Swenson ’79, assistant dean
for athletics and recreation, and Heidi
Breen, associate director of alumni/
parent relations.
Dick “Pork Chops” Thompson ’61,
president of the former A-Club, serves as
interim chair, and the first A-Club
Executive Committee includes: Kathie
Erbes ’70 (treasurer), Dustin Froyum ’98,
John Harden ’70, Jane Helmke ’83, Mark
Hultgren ’82, Dick Kelley ’72 Ron Main
’56, Lisa Nos ’99, Tracy Tomforde ’92,
Lisa Trainor ’81, and Tim Wendt ’83.
“We are very pleased that this [merger]
has taken place and will be even more
pleased with the results,” said Thompson.