figflflflu mu \ HQ %9 tlflfi [JUH NKC§HM§ DUNS m 1 Dwflx , \ Dfififlbx [EQKXQHHWMW-HH_ flfl"" UDDD DDDUEUDD “*0 t] (:1 C1 D1 D | I] I __ DE] DE] U Dflmfl /&QANDDD%DHEHHQHUHU Q/Qbmbmmmflflfl,fl.fl, A_ @QDDDDDDDDDU h m i Y E Y .2 C T YR 3’ m m “mm L. , .,..,, WYCM. m RBC 2 Mnxn T mu. 5, 0PH ON L M f EWOSCHPR .50. K r... Show morefigflflflu mu \ HQ %9 tlflfi [JUH NKC§HM§ DUNS m 1 Dwflx , \ Dfififlbx [EQKXQHHWMW-HH_ flfl"" UDDD DDDUEUDD “*0 t] (:1 C1 D1 D | I] I __ DE] DE] U Dflmfl /&QANDDD%DHEHHQHUHU Q/Qbmbmmmflflfl,fl.fl, A_ @QDDDDDDDDDU h m i Y E Y .2 C T YR 3’ m m “mm L. , .,..,, WYCM. m RBC 2 Mnxn T mu. 5, 0PH ON L M f EWOSCHPR .50. K r “SMBORCEEY an R r .m EHHURDHRMVNHKM NGSCSHUETAUARDR .4. MR ascuERRE .AE __ GU CKOB NOAPD ,_ UR EV: NISICL BUWNTTU LUL Bvu. a. SwEwMEmm MMWEMR . mmufiménmmflmw AAFDTOMGmAFsmMR l 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 0 1 2 34. l I l l l Show less
A u g s b u r g [College and Theological] Seminary Minneapolis. Minnesota FOUNDED I869 FIFTY/SECOND YEAR SW: fig CATALOG l920—I 92: And ANNOUNCEMENTS I92! — 1922
a_30741 S 1 29630 1 DECEMBER NOVEMBER (flalenhar 1921 OCTOBER SEPTEMBER 8529 5296 1123 122 112 . _ 23 r 29630 .7418 4185 . . 18529 F 123 . 122 112 . R 122 h_18529 L .6307 T30741 E .7418 T 122 l . 122 S 1123 B . 1.22 W .7418 R .5296 . U29630 M .6307 . 122 D. . 112 . G 123 E . 122 u .6307 A .4185 .... Show morea_30741 S 1 29630 1 DECEMBER NOVEMBER (flalenhar 1921 OCTOBER SEPTEMBER 8529 5296 1123 122 112 . _ 23 r 29630 .7418 4185 . . 18529 F 123 . 122 112 . R 122 h_18529 L .6307 T30741 E .7418 T 122 l . 122 S 1123 B . 1.22 W .7418 R .5296 . U29630 M .6307 . 122 D. . 112 . G 123 E . 122 u .6307 A .4185 . U18529 C .5296 T . 122 . 112 . A 122 E . 112 .w .5296 .3074 . .7418 D .4185 V1 . 112 . 112 . . 122 _ o 112 u .4185 .29630 .6307 . .3074 S u 112 n 123 . 122 a 112 &_5296 . 4185 . . 18529 4185 . . 112 . 112 . . 22 112 a u r 185 . 4 . 18 074 . F4112 . . 122 R3112 . h3074 . E2 630 . T 112 . m V. B 91.23 . 29630 L M18529 W 17.3 A U E 122 u 18529 M J V .7418 T 122 0 . 122 o_ .7418 N .6307 M . 122 . 122 u_ 6307 2 .5296 S 122 2 . 112 a 18529 mi; 7418 . S 122 122 . r . 418 . 6307 . F . 122 v. . 122 . h_ .6307 R . n.am5296 . T . 122 A . E . B 1.12 . W .5296 U N 04185 . . 1 R . U T 112 c u 4185 B J 0741 T_ . 112 m W31123 o . 074 . 2 M .3112n. 2 .51 29mwooo l . 630 .529 . 1 18529 mm 291 . ll .41 122 6—3074 . 7418 630 . 29630 S 112 . 1.22 12 . 123 r 630 6307 . 529 . 18529 F_29123 122 . 11 . R 122 h 18529 v.5296 . 418 . E .7418 T 122 R 112 . v. 11 . B . 122 W_ .7418 A 4185 . A307 1 M .6307 . 122 U 112. M 11 3 E . 122 J .6307 ANA 30741 296 0 man. .5296 T . 122 J 1123 3 E . 112 o_ .5296 29630 185 9 S .4185 M . 112 123 1 2 . 112 u_ .4185 18529 .74 8 .3074 a» . 112 122 . 1 2 u 112 Show less
(Eulenhar far 1921 - 22 . 1921 Sept. 27, Sept. 28, Nov. 24, Dec. 16, Dec. 21, 12 M. ‘Wednesday 1922 Jan. 3, 7:45 a. m. Feb. 12, Feb. 22, Mar. 15. Mar. 18. Mar. 21, Apr. 14, Apr. 17, May 25. May 30, May 31, June 1. June 2, FIRST QUARTER Tuesday Registration \Vednesday Recitations begin Thursday... Show more(Eulenhar far 1921 - 22 . 1921 Sept. 27, Sept. 28, Nov. 24, Dec. 16, Dec. 21, 12 M. ‘Wednesday 1922 Jan. 3, 7:45 a. m. Feb. 12, Feb. 22, Mar. 15. Mar. 18. Mar. 21, Apr. 14, Apr. 17, May 25. May 30, May 31, June 1. June 2, FIRST QUARTER Tuesday Registration \Vednesday Recitations begin Thursday Thanksgiving Day Friday First Quarter examina- tions begin Christmas Recess begins SECOND QUARTER Tuesday Second Quarter begins Saturday Lincoln’s Birthday Wednesday VVashington’s Birthday \Vednesday Second Quarter exami- nations begin Saturday Second Quarter ends THIRD QUARTER Tuesday Third Quarter begins Friday Easter Recess begins Monday Easter Recess ends Thursday Third Quarter examina- tions begin Tuesday Decoration Day Wednesday Third Quarter exami- nations end Thursday Commencement Exercises Friday Closing Exercises of the Theological Department Alumni Day. Show less
finarh of alumina REV. K. B. BIRKELAND, Minneapolis, Minn, Pre- sident. Term expires June, 1921. DR. C. M. ROAN, Minneapolis, Minn. Term expires June, 1922. RE\’. E. E. GYNHD. Willmar, Minn. Term expires June, 1923. MR. KNUT FLAA, Abercrombie, N. Dak. Term ex- pires June, 1924. MR. OTTO HANSON,*... Show morefinarh of alumina REV. K. B. BIRKELAND, Minneapolis, Minn, Pre- sident. Term expires June, 1921. DR. C. M. ROAN, Minneapolis, Minn. Term expires June, 1922. RE\’. E. E. GYNHD. Willmar, Minn. Term expires June, 1923. MR. KNUT FLAA, Abercrombie, N. Dak. Term ex- pires June, 1924. MR. OTTO HANSON,* Minneapolis, Minn. Term ex- pires June. 1925. SECRETARY AND AUDITOR OF THE BOARD MR. FRED PAULSON, Augsburg Seminary, Minne— apolis, Minn. TREASURER MISS RAGNA SVERDRUP, Augsburg Seminary, Minneapolis. Minn. BOARD OF DIRECTORS PROFESSOR GEORGE SVERDRUP, Minneapolis, Minn. REY. PAUL \VINTHER. Minneapolis, Minn. Term expires june. 1921. REY. O. J. FLAGSTAD, Duluth. Minn. Term expires june. 1921. MR. AUG. KLAGSTAD. Minneapolis. Minn. Term expires June, 1922. REV. B. P. FARNESS. Grenville. S. Dak. Term ex- pires June, 1922. * Died April 1, 1921. ’“”"r ““"‘_= Show less
Ifiamltg GEORGE SVERDRUP, President, Professor of Old Testament. A. B. Augsburg College 1898; University of Minne- sota 1899—1901; M. A. Yale University 1902; Yale University 1901—1902, 1903—1905; American School of Archaeology, Jerusalem, Syria, as Thayer Fellow 1905— 1906; Instructor at Girard... Show moreIfiamltg GEORGE SVERDRUP, President, Professor of Old Testament. A. B. Augsburg College 1898; University of Minne- sota 1899—1901; M. A. Yale University 1902; Yale University 1901—1902, 1903—1905; American School of Archaeology, Jerusalem, Syria, as Thayer Fellow 1905— 1906; Instructor at Girard Institute, Syria; Instructor at Syrian Protestant College, Beirut, Syria 1906—1907; Instructor Augsburg College 1907—1918; Student at Leipzig and Berlin, Germany, 1908—1909; Kristiania, Norway, 1914—1915; Professon of Old Testament Augsburg Seminary 1909 to date; President of Augs- burg Seminary, 1911 to date; Member of the American Oriental Society, 1911 to date. JOHN H. BLEGEN, Rev. Professor Emeritus. A. B. Augsburg College 1880; C. T. Augsburg Sem- inary 1883; Pastor, Rochester, Minn, 1883—85; Profes- sor of Greek and German, Augsburg Seminary 1885— 1916; Professor Emeritus 1916—; Treasurer of Luth— eran Board of Missions 1893 to date. Knight of First Class of the Order of St. Olaf 1913. ANDREAS HELLAND, Rev. Professor of New Testa- ment Theology. Secretary of the Theological Faculty. A. B. Stavanger Katedralskole 1888; M. A. Kristia- nia University 1889; C. T. Augsburg Seminary 1893; Pastor, McIntosh, Minn” 1893—94; Minneapolis, Minn., 1894—1902; attended Kristiania University 1904——1905; Professor of New Testament Theology, Augsburg Sem— inary. 1905 to date. Show less
_8 AUGSBURG SEMINARY ELIAS P. HARBO, Rev. Professor of Systematic Theology. A. B. Augsburg College 1886; C. T. Augsburg Sem- inary 1889; Pastor, La Crosse, Wis, 1889—1893; Duluth, Minn., 1893—1902; Minneapolis, Minn., 1902—1909. Professor, Augsburg Seminary 1909 to date. President of the Lutheran... Show more_8 AUGSBURG SEMINARY ELIAS P. HARBO, Rev. Professor of Systematic Theology. A. B. Augsburg College 1886; C. T. Augsburg Sem- inary 1889; Pastor, La Crosse, Wis, 1889—1893; Duluth, Minn., 1893—1902; Minneapolis, Minn., 1902—1909. Professor, Augsburg Seminary 1909 to date. President of the Lutheran Free Church 1897—99; 1901—03; 1907 —09. r LARS LILLEHEI, Professor of Church History. A. B. Augsburg College 1901; University of Minne- sota 1902—1904, A. M. 1904; C. T. Augsburg Seminary 1907. Professor of New Testament and Church His- tory at Wahpeton Lutheran Bible School, Wahpeton, N. Dak. (later at Grand Forks, N. Dak.) 1908—1919; President of Wahpeton Lutheran Bible School 1911— 1914. Professor of Church History, Augsburg Sem- inary 1919 to date. ‘ P. A. SVEEGGEN, Professor of English. Secretary' of the General Faculty. Red Wing Academy 1905; University of Minnesota 1905—1912, A. B. 1908, M. A. 1909; further graduate study for the Ph. D. 1909—1912; Assistant in Rhetoric, University of Minnesota 1908—1910; Assistant to Li- brarian, University of Minnesota. 1911—1912; Teacher of English and Norse, Decorah, Iowa, High School 1912 —1913; Head of English Department, Ellsworth College. Iowa Falls, Iowa, 1913—1915; Head of Department of English, Augsburg College 1915 to date. JOHANNES L. NYDAHL, College Librarian.‘ A. B. Augsburg College 1888; C. T. Augsburg Sem- inary 1891; Professor of Norse, Augsburg College 1891—1919; Curator of Museum; Librarian 1919 to date. Show less
AUGSBURG SEMINARY 9 HENRY N. HENDRICKSON, Rev. Professor of His- tory and Latin. A. B. Augsburg College 1891; National Normal University, Lebanon, Ohio, 1891—92; Nniversity of Minnesota, 1892—1894; Augsburg Seminary 1894— 1897, C. T. 1897; Pastor, Superior, Wis., 1897—1900; Professor of History... Show moreAUGSBURG SEMINARY 9 HENRY N. HENDRICKSON, Rev. Professor of His- tory and Latin. A. B. Augsburg College 1891; National Normal University, Lebanon, Ohio, 1891—92; Nniversity of Minnesota, 1892—1894; Augsburg Seminary 1894— 1897, C. T. 1897; Pastor, Superior, Wis., 1897—1900; Professor of History and Latin, Augsburg College 1900 to date. RAYMOND BOYD NELL, Professor of Chemistry and Education. Graduate of Mechanicsburg Normal and Classical 1908; B. Sc. Pennsylvania College 1912; Post graduate, Pennsylvania College 1912—13; Summer session, Col- umbia- University 1916, Minnesota University 1917 —18—19—20; M. A. Thiel College 1920; Professor of Natural Science, \Vartburg College, Clinton, Iowa, 1913 —1916; Professor of Chemistry and Education, Augs- burg College 1916 to date. ELMER D. BUSBY, Professor of Mathematics. A. B. Thiel College 1891; M. A. Thiel College; Pro- fessor Concordia College. Moorhead, Minn, 1891—1907; Professor at Thiel College 1907—191-1; Professor at Columbia College, Everett, \Vaslr, 1914—1919; Profes— sor, Augsburg College 1919 to date. CARL E. NORDBERG, Rev. Professor of Norse. A. B. Augsburg College, C. T. Augsburg Seminary 1905. University of Minnesota, 1916—20, M. A. 1918. Pastor, Luverne, Minn, 1905—1907; New London, Minn, 1907—1911; Marinette, \Vis., 1911—1916; Min- neapolis, Minn, 1916—1920; Instructor of Norse, Mar- inette High School, Marinette. Wis, 1915—1916; In- structor of Norse, University of Minnesota 1919—1920; Professor or Norse, Augsburg College 1920 to date. Show less
illustration! BERNHARD HELLAND, B. A. Instructor in English. SIGURD MELBY, B. A., C. T. Head Master of Academy Dormitory. Instructor in English. ALEXANDER AAS, B. A., M. A. Instructor in History. MARIUS C. DIXEN, B. A. Instructor in German. LEIF HARBO, B. A. Instructor in English and Algebra.... Show moreillustration! BERNHARD HELLAND, B. A. Instructor in English. SIGURD MELBY, B. A., C. T. Head Master of Academy Dormitory. Instructor in English. ALEXANDER AAS, B. A., M. A. Instructor in History. MARIUS C. DIXEN, B. A. Instructor in German. LEIF HARBO, B. A. Instructor in English and Algebra. LARS P. QUALBEN, B. A. Instructor in Science. FRED TRI Instructor in Bookkeeping. H. N. HENDRICKSON, B. A., C. T. Director of Glee Club and Chorus. DR. CARL H. PE‘rRI Director of Band. H. P. HALVORSON Director of Physical Training. FACULTY COMMITTEES Registration:—SVERDRUP, HENDRICKSON, NORDBERG. Curriculum .'——SVERDRUP, SVEEGGEN, BUSBY. Athletics.'—SVERDRUP, NYDAHL, LILLEHEI. Catalogs—SVERDRUP, NORDBERG, NELL. Curator of Museum .'—NYDAHL. Show less
fiiatnriral fitmmmt AUGSBURG SEMINARY, the divinity school of the Lutheran Free Church, was founded in 1869. It is the oldest Norwegian Lutheran school of its kind in America. From its foundation until 1890 it was the Theological Seminary of the Norwegian-Danish Con— ference, and from 1890 until... Show morefiiatnriral fitmmmt AUGSBURG SEMINARY, the divinity school of the Lutheran Free Church, was founded in 1869. It is the oldest Norwegian Lutheran school of its kind in America. From its foundation until 1890 it was the Theological Seminary of the Norwegian-Danish Con— ference, and from 1890 until 1893 it served as the di- vinity school of the United Norwegian Lutheran Church of America. Since the latter date it has been connected with the Lutheran Free Church movement. For several years prior to 1869 the Scandinavian Augustana Synod had maintained a Theological Sem- inary at Paxton, Illinois. This institution served both the Swedish and the Norwegian churches of that Synod as a union seminary. The founding of Augsburg Sem— inary was the result of a mutual agreement to divide the Paxton school and to establish a separate institution to serve the Norwegian congregations. as it was quite evi— dent that the interests of the Norwegian branch of the Augustana Synod would in that way be served to greater advantage. Augsburg Seminary commenced its work in Septem- ber 1869 at Marshall, a small village in Dane County, \Visconsin. and was at first more or less loosely con— nected with “Marshall Academy”. In the fall of 1870 it was separated from that institution. and during the summer of 1872 it was moved to Minneapolis. A pre- paratory curriculum has been maintained from the be- ginning, consisting at first of a one-year course, but later on developed and enlarged into complete Academic and College Divisions. The beginning was quite insignificant; the congrega- Show less