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Winter 2002-03
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Winter 2002-03
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Learning by Seeing , He aring
· ,. an•d..Doing
From the editor
ultural diversity can be experienced
and ap preciated in many places- in
Centra l America , Namibia , Thailand ,
and here on the Augsburg campus .
The College's vision document ,
Augsburg2004: Extending the Vision,
sugges ts that cultural diversity is the
kind of diversity that best serves
Augsburg 's educa tion al mission by
offering "many different ways of
knowing and learning " that challenge us
to look beyond the limits of our own
cu ltural assumptions .
Augsburg2004 goes on to reinforce
the critical conn ection between cultural
diversity and exploration of vocation:
.. cu ltur al diversity is critical for all of
us-employees and students alike-t o
fulfill our obligations as stewards. To
pursue our vocations in the world , we
need engageme nt with ways of life and
convictions that pose alternati ves to our
own . Kno,ving the other helps us know
ourselves, " the document states .
The stories in this issue illustrat e
We welcome your letters!
Pleasewnte to:
Augsburg Now
2211 Riverside Ave., CB 145
Minneapolis, MN 55454
E-mail: now@augsburg.edu
Fax: 6 12-330- 1780
Phone: 612-330- 118 1
Leuers for publication must be signed and
include your name, class year, and dayume
telephone number . The)' may be edited for
length, clamy, and style.
how cultur al
engagement can
come about in many
ways-t hrou gh
meetings with
wome n in Guatemala
who are findin g
purpose and voice in
the cooperative
movement , through
Augsburg faculty
learn ing abou t
challenges in
Namibi a, and
th roug h faculty, staff,
and students here on
Students from the Heart of the Earth Survival School Drum
campus who exp lore
and Dance Group performed in Christensen Center during
National Native American Heritage Month.
American Indian
mythology throu gh
the performance
anni versary this year and is the longestantics of Coyote .
running program of its kind in the
For 20 years, the Cente r for Globa l
Upper Midwest. ll has not only help ed
Educat ion (CGE) has facilitated stud y
native stud ent s enroll and succeed at
and travel expe riences that conn ect
Augsburg , but il has also brought
Americans directly with people and
together the Native American and
issues arou nd th e world . Comm ents
Augsburg com muniti es in a variety of
from travel pani cipants attest lo the
cultural and edu cational activities.
power of the se conn ections. My own
In 2001 , th e American Indian
experie nce as a 16-yea r-old exchange
Studi es faculty, together with the Center
stud ent to Sout h America led to a shift
for Global Education and internation al
in my academic direction and shaped
stud ent advis ing, made il possible for
interests and activities that have stayed
Augsburg international stud ents to be
wilh me throu gh decades.
imm ersed in Native American cultur e for
As th e well-being of our global
a week over sprin g break at the Tunl e
community becomes ever more fragile in
Mountain Reservation in North Dakota .
this post-September 11 environm ent ,
On many Cent er for Global
more people are recognizi ng th e need to
Education brochures, readers find the
seek und erstandin g of peop le and places
message, "See the wor ld through their
different from us in cultur e, religion, or
eyes, and your wo rld will never be the
politics. CGE's progra ms are growi ng to
same ."
respond to thi s need . In addition , stud y
Isn't that what lransformali ve
abroad serves as one of the ways in
educ ation is all abo ut?
which Augsburg stud ents can fulfill the
Augsburg Experience requirement in
their studies.
Augsburg's four multi cu ltural
programs help to begin this journey al
Belsey Norgard
home . The American Indian Stud ent
Services program celebra tes ils 25th
A ugsburg Now 1s published
quanerly by Augsburg College,
22 11 R1vers1deAve.. Mmneapohs .
Mmneso1a 5545 •
Betsey Norgard
Win ter 2002 -03
Vol. 65 . No . 2
Assistant Editor
Lynn Mena
Graphic Designer
Kath)' Rumpza
Class Notes Coordinator
Cont ribut ing Photographer
Stephen Geffre
Wilham \I Frame
Director of Alumni and
Parent Relations
Amy Suu on
Wh ere in the world wi ll
the Center for Global
Education take you?
by Bet sey Norgard
Augsburg 's Center for Global Education has been
a nati onal leader for 20 years in providin g crosscultur al edu cational stud y and travel. Demand
for their program s has risen sharply, as Americans
seek to learn more abou t social, cultur al, and
religious differences around the world .
Director of Public Relations
and Communication
Dan Jorgensen
Opm1ons expressed m Augs burg
Now do not necessarily renect
official College pohcy
by Dan Jorgensen
ISSN I 058-1545
Postmaster· end correspondence ,
name changes . and address
correc11ons to: A ugsburg Now,
Office of Public Rela11onsand
Commu nication , 221 I Riverside
Ave.. Mmneapohs . IN 55 • 54 .
E-mail: now@augsburg.edu
Telephone : 6 12-330- 118 1
Fax: 6 I 2-330-1780
gsb11rg College, as affirmed
American Indian
Student Services
celebrates 25 years
American Indi an stude nts bend u from the long
history and track reco rd of Augsburg's progra m ,
which has now add ed a maJor m Amen can
lnd tan Stud ies.
Around th e Quad
in irs missio n, does not
discrimina te on 1hc basis of race,
color, cree d, religion, na tiona l or
ethn ic 01igi11, age, ge nd c,; sex ual
or ientat ion, ma rital SllllU S, SUIIU S
with regcird to publi c ass ista nce,
or disability in its educa tio11
p olicies , culmi ss ions policies,
scl10la rs hip and loa n prograr11
at hlcric anti/or school
a dmin istered programs, except
in those insta nces wl1e,e rel igio n
is a bona fi de occupal ional
a lifica1io11
. A11
gsb11rg College
is committed fO p mviding
reasonable ncco mmo,lmi ons to
Chape ltalk
Alum ni News
Homecomin g 2002 Photos
Class Notes
In Memori am
irs employees and its stu denrs.
50 percent ,·ecycleclpaper (JO percent post-consume, waste)
On the cove r:
Ounng a Centerfo r Global
Edueallon travd m mna,; focused
study of Nicaraguas m,grawry
buds scn•ccl as a conncd ing
symbol to the study of cconom,c
development ancl the rnvimnme,u.
Photo talicn al El Cas1,llo, Rw San
Juan, by Keith Olstad
Four new regents are welcomed to the board
he Augsburg Board of Regents
welcomed four new member s at its
Janu ary meeting. Kinn ey Joh nson '65 and
Sand ra Vargas were elected to six-year
tenn s; and Bishops Robert Berg and Craig
John son j oined the boa rd as ex officio
memb ers, representing two of Augsbu rg's
four ELCA syno ds for rotating three-y ear
Lenn s.
Kinney Johnson '65
Kinney John son
became a foundin g
memb er of Sequ el
Partn ers in 1995, a
venture finn in
Bould er, Colo.,
specializing in the IT,
telecom , and health
care secto rs. He has been involved in 45
start-up ventur es and currentl y manages
over 400 million in thr ee fund s.
J ohn son received his bachelo r's degree
from Augsburg in 196 5 with maj ors in
mathema tics and bu siness adm inistration .
He received a master's degree in
mathematical comput er science from the
Un iversity of Iowa . He curre ntly serves on
several health care and techn ology boards.
Sandra Vargas
Sandr a Vargas has
been the count y
admini strator for
Henn epin Count y
since 1999. She has
18 years of
manageme nt
expe rience in city and
state agencies, including the Minn esota
Department of Transporta tion .
Vargas holds a master's degree in
pu blic administration from the John F.
Kennedy School of Governm ent at
Harvard University. She chairs the
Chicano/Latino Advisory Committ ee at the
University of Minn esota and serves on the
Minneapolis United Way and Minn eapolis
Fou ndation boa rds .
The Rev. Robert Berg
Bishop Robert Berg , a native of Eau
Claire, Wis ., was elected bis hop of the
Evangelical Luth era n Chur ch in America
(ELCA) No rth wes t Synod of Wisco nsin in
1995. Prio r to that he
had served two
parishes in North
Dakota and several
pari shes in
Wisco nsin .
He graduat ed
with a bachelor's
degree from the
Un iversity of Wisco nsin-Eau Claire and
from Luth er Semin ary.
The Rev. Craig
Bishop Craig John son
was elected bishop of
the ELC/1:s
Minn eapolis Area
Synod in Jun e 2001.
Previously, he had
been associate vice
president for chur ch relations at Gustavu s
Adolphu s College and serve d parishes in
Shr eveport , La. ; and Minn eapolis and
Bloo min gton , Minn . He is auth or of The
Mighty Acts of God- a Survey of the Bible.
Welcome , Class of 2006!
On a bright September day, 332 Auggie freshmen
processed into the chapel, heralded by flags representing
the countries of international students at Augsburg and
welcomed by faculty and staff lining the walk .
Total stud ents
.. ... . . .2 ,99 4
(1,69 1 day, 1,072 wee kend , 23 1 gradu ate)
Average age ...... 21 in day, 35 in WEC, 34 in gradu ate
No . of stat es
. ... . .42
No . of foreign countries
.. . .. 36
Gender . . . . . . . .
. .4 1% male and 59 % female
Race/e thnic origin ... ... ........
App roximately 17%
stud ent s of color
Res idency ... . . . .. . . .54 % resident day stud ents and
46% commut er day stud ents
Religion .. . ... . .. . . . . . .Appro ximately 34% Luth eran
Winter 2002 -03
Graduate nursing program
receives accreditation
ugsbur g's Master of Arts in Nur sing
prog ram , begun in 1999, has
rece ived full acc redit ation from the
Co llegiate Coun cil on Nur sing Edu cation
(CCNE) .
Th e p rogra m , with classes offered in
both Rochester and Minn eapolis, pr epa res
nur ses for transform ational leadership
and transcultur al practice across care
settin gs, with particular emph asis on
addr essing health di sparities. Gradu ates
of the pro gram are eligible to app ly for
certification throu gh the American Nur ses
Credentialin g Cent er and th e
Transcultur al Nur sing Society.
With th e increasing diversity of
Minn eso ta's popul ation , thi s prog ram
trains nur ses LO be responsive to a wide
range of health needs th at exist in the
loca l and global communiti es . Th e
curri cular focus on hea lth disp arities
addr esses th e difficult y so me popul ation
group s have in gainin g access to health
care beca use of poverty, age, race,
religion , and/ or nati onal ori gin . Augsbur g
curr entl y has the only degree program of
thi s kind in th e countr y.
September 11
comm emorativ e
pro gram durin g
Weekend honored in
word s and mu sic the
victims and surviv ors
of the eptemb er 11
attacks . The
Augsbur g Concert
Band and the
Rev. Mark Hall '77
Cheryl Leuning, nursing professor and
department chair, announced the
accreditation of Augsburg 's Master of
Arts in Nursing program , with a focus on
transcultural nursing.
Augsbur g Choir performed the
composi tion "I Believe," written by
Augsburg alumnus Brendan Anderson '02.
Special commemoration of the life of
Lt. Col. Dean Mattson '66 , who died in the
Pentagon attack, was mad e by the Rev.
Mark Hall '77 , pastor of St. Peter's
Luth eran Chur ch in Luck , Wis., Mattson 's
home chur ch.
Hall said of 1lattson , "Here [at
Augsburg College], Dean learned , like
many others have (includin g me and many
of you , too) that whatever station or place
we live out our lives, we are called to live
them with a holy pu rpose, consecreated to
God . Because life is sacred ."
Welcoming Augsburg visitors
The main entry and lobby
area in Christensen Center
has undergone a facelift to
become a more welcoming
and hospitable center.
A re-designed information
counter greets visitors,
while new furnishings and
a computer center enable
students to meet. study,
check e-mail, or gather
around the fireplace to
enjoy a cup of coffee from
the Starbucks kiosk .
Winter 2002-03
Around the Quad
New CLASS director
James Hodgson began as director of
Augsburg's Center for Learning and
Adaptive Student Services (CLASS)in
November. He received his doctorate
from M.I.T., and brings extensive
experience in working with students with
learning and physical disabilities.
•Leaders of today' connect
with •leaders of tomorrow'
Augsburg's core curriculum
In October, the faculty approved a new
general education curriculum for
students beginning in fall 2003. The
Augsburg core curriculum streamlines the
current general education requirements
and builds on the principles of
Augsburg's mission and ,~sion, including
themes of vocation, Christian faith , civic
engagement, diversity, and liberal arts
and delivered across disciplines with
experiential learning built in.
A cover story for Augsburg
Augsburg's communi ty service-learning
program was the subject of the cover
story in The Lutheran magazine in
November. "Learning by SeT\~ng"
describes programs that involve students
in tuwring , coaching youth teams,
teaching, pro,~ding seT\~Cesat a free
clinic, volunteering in community
organizations, and many other activities
in the neighborhood and Twin Cities
area. To read the full article, go to
<.www.thelutheran.org/02l l/page46.html>.
ranked in top 2S
Augsburg was ranked in the top tier
among Midwestern universities that offer
a full range of undergraduate and master's
programs in the annual ranking of U.S.
News and World Report. Among the key
cntena m Judging were highest
graduauon rate and highest proportion of
classes of fewer than 20 .
U.S. News also introduced a new
ranking of schools with "outstanding
examples of academic programs that lead
to students ' success." Augsburg ranked
21st in the nation in the service-learning
category. Each of the schools listed is said
to be a "stellar example" of programs
shown to enhance learning. Augsburg is
the only Minnesota school in this
Scholastic Connections students and mentors for 2002-03 are (L to R) Diane Love-Scott
'98 ; Adela Arguello 'OS; Mercedes Weishalla '03; Kailash Thapa '05; Noya Woodrich '92,
'94 MSW ; Eloisa Echavez '94, '98 MEL; Matthew Shannon '04; Xia Xiong '05; Murry Kelly,
Jr. '71; Asha Geire '04; Cory Andree '03; Richard Barbeau '92. Not pictured are Rev.
Rufus Campbell '75 and Andre Lewis '73 .
n Septembe r, Scholas tic Conn ectio ns
celebra ted its first anni versary an d
awar ded five new sc holarsh ips to
Augsburg students of co lor , conn ecting
them with Augsburg alumni in mentorin g
A year ago, the program was laun ched
to amplify th e Co llege's com mitm ent to
th e dre am of a post-secondary edu cation
for students from diverse backgrounds . It
responded to a lawsuit po sed by Elroy
Stock '48 , a maj o r d on or o f th e Co llege
who was discovered to be the send er of a
hate-m ail campaign over man y yea rs. He
sued when Augsburg refused to name a
building after him , but was unabl e to
return his gifts due to federa l and stat e
guideli n es. The lawsuit was dismi sse d .
Th e first Corporate Connections gift
to the College was mad e by th e law firm
o f Lockridg e Grindal Nauen & Holstein
P.L.L.P.Thi s support will provide a
schola rship for students whose family
circu mstances m ight hav e hindered
op p ort un ities for a co llege education.
Calling from Augsburg ,,.
T he Augsb u rg stude nt phona th on tea m looks forwa rd to talking with alu mn i
about Augsb u rg as they dial th eir way toward a $ 1 m illio n Ann ua l Fu nd goal.
Winter 2002-03
Joel Torstenson, at age 90,
honored by local group
oel Torstenson '38, Augsburg alumnus
chai r of HECUA, Torstenson became good
and long-time professor, was honor ed by
friends with Paul Wellstone, Carletons
representative to HECUA.
the West Bank Community Developm ent
Torstenson also served on the West
Corporation in its December newsletter for
"significant contributions to the civic,
Bank CDC board from 1993 to 1999 . He
and Fran have been active members of
spiritua l, educationa l, and community life
Trinity Lutheran Congrega tion. A birthday
in Cedar Riverside ," along with his wife,
party in Novemb er celebra ting his 90 years
Fran , and Ruth and Floyd Case.
brou ght together family and friends.
The newsletter menti oned Torstensons
many accompli shm ents,
includin g his co-founding of a
farm cooperative in Edina in
1941 that became hom e to the
Fellowship of Reconciliation,
and his service to Midland
Coop erative as education
In 1947 , Torstenson
returned to Augsburg to teach
full time, which led to the
growt h of the sociology
department and the creation of
the Scandinavi an Urban Studi es
Term at the University of Oslo ,
und er the auspices of the
Professor Emeritus Joel Torstenson '38 and his wife,
Higher Education Consortium
Fran, entertained family and friends in November to
for Urban Affairs (HECUA). As
celebrate his 90th birthday .
At the Oct. 19 home football game against St. John's, Auggie fans were introduced to
Auggie Eagle, the College's new mascot, who entertained the crowd and kept spirits
high for the team . Auggie Eagle will make his appearances at home sports games and
represent Augsburg in the community.
Winter 2002-03
Youth and Family Institute moves
The Youth and Family Institute , founded m
1987 by Menon Strom men ·4 2, has
separated from Augsburg College and is
opera ting independe nt!)', maintaining its
former staff und er Dick Hardel's leadership .
It will continu e to support Augsburgs youth
and family minisu y major, current!)•
enro lling arou nd 50 students.
Augsburg has established an advisory
committ ee under the direction of John
Schmit, associate dean for adu lt programs ,
lO plan an initiative in service to the church
that builds on Augsburgs strengths in
mu sic, leadership , the health sciences,
recovery, and focus on vocation.
The Youth and Family Institute \\~\I
continu e to opera te under this name ;
information about Augsburgs new program
will appea r in the spring issue.
Ann Garvey-'Woman
on the Go'
Ann Garvey, associate dean for student
affairs, was selected as a recipient of the
"Women on the Go" award . This inaugural
award , sponsored by the Minnesota ACE
Network , was awarded to women who are
"destined to be leaders in higher education ."
They are "women who are making a
difference-d ay in and day ou t-in their
institutions and in their communi ties."
New Pan-Afrikan Cent er director
Trena Bolden '00, became the new director
of the Pan-Afrikan Center in November ,
after serving as interim director . She
graduated with a doub le major in
communication and theatre arts.
Devean George '99 honored
Augsbur g Mil retire the No. 40 basketball
jersey of Devean George '99 during a
weekend celebration on Feb. 7-8. George ,
who played at Augsburg from 1995-99 ,
was the first Division Ill player to be drafted
in the first round of the NBA Draft, by the
Los Angeles Lakers, and has been a pan of
thr ee straight world championships with
Feb. 8, 3 p.m.-Public ceremony
during the Auggies' men s basketball game
vs. Ham line University.
For information, contact Norm
Okerstmm at 612-330-1616 or
<okerstro@augsburg .edu> .
Auggie hockey player takes body checks to
a new level
ugsbu rg College men's hockey
forward Jaro Cesky isn't known as an
overly physica l player on the ice. But in
August , the Auggie senio r used the
physical part of his hockey training in a
much different- and heroic- way.
Cesky, a native of Prague , Czech
Republic , helped to subdue an attacker
who had set off exp losives in a crowded
subway station and killed a police officer.
For his efforts, he earn ed national
atten tion in the Czech Repub lic and was
widely regarded as a hero . But Cesky is
quick to denect any praise for his efforts,
saying he wou ld do the same all over
again .
"People were asking me if l felt like I
was a hero, but I didn 't want to hear that
because a cop died , and l didn 't want to
get noticed because of somebodys death ,"
Cesky said. "I told people if something like
this would happe n again , or if it wou ld
happen here [in Minnesota!, I wou ld do
exactly the same thin g."
Cesky, who has lived and studi ed in
America for the last four years, return ed to
co ps next to me, ju st watching thi s
hap pen . l told them, 'You have guns , why
don't you go in there and get him ?' "
Unlike television shows Cesky had
seen in America , where police officers
rou tin ely pull their weapo ns to stop
suspects, the officers in this situation were
prohibited from using their firearms in the
subw ay station due to local regulations,
accor din g to publish ed report s.
As a subwa y car pull ed into the
station , Cesky yelled to the passengers to
remain on the train. He turn ed to see the
male officer stru ggling with the attacker.
"l saw the cop on the ground , and he
end ed up with the knife in him . He was
stabbed ," Cesky said. The officer died
The second officer, a female, ran to
the attacke r and tried to subdue him with
her nightstick. As the larger assailant
fought back , Cesky sprinted forward and
body-checked him to the pavement .
"I went in and thr ew him on the
ground ," Cesky said. "He got back up and
had a plastic tub e in his hand , pointing it
"I t old people if something like this would happen again, or if it would
happen here [in Minnesota], I would do exactly the same thing ."
Prague in August to visit his family. His
second day there, whi le waiting for friends
at a subway statio n to celebra te his 24th
birthday, he heard an exp losion rock the
train statio n , filled wit h peop le going
home at the end of the day.
At first, he thoug ht it was someone
setting off fireworks in th e trai n sta tion ,
the second-busi est in the city. Instea d , it
was a 53-yea r-old Russian immi gra nt
throwing makes hift exp losives at the
train tracks.
As the Friday night crowd panicked
and ned the train stat ion, the Russian
began to attack an elderly bystander wit h a
knife attached to a long stick. "I saw the
man on his knees and th e other man was
attacking him ," Cesky said. "I saw two
at her face. He stepp ed closer to me and it
looke d like he wanted to commit suicide ,
he was jabbing th e tub e at his own head ."
Officers later told Cesky that the tub e
was anoth er hom emade exp losive, and
that it apparent ly had enoug h dyna mite in
it to possibly level the train station . "When
he punched him self with th e tub e a
second time , I jump ed on him from
behind again and thr ew him on the
grou nd ," Cesky said . "I sat on him , held
him down and I pu shed the tub e away
from his hands. The co p came over and
we put the handc uffs on him ."
Hittin g someone the way Cesky did
wou ld have earned him a trip to the
penalty box in hockey for checking from
behind , but in thi s instance, the hockey
player was a
hero who likely
helped to save
countl ess lives.
For his
efforts , Cesky
was honore d by
the interio r
minister. The
nation 's
invited him to
meet on Czech
Jaro Cesky '03
ind epend ence
day, Oct. 28-a meeting at whic h his
parents represented him , since Cesky had
to return to classes .
Cesky came to America to play juniorlevel hockey in Dubuqu e, Iowa. Augsburg
coach Mike Schwartz recruited him to
Augsburg , wher e he joined another
Europ ean player, Slovakia n Martin Hlinka ,
who graduated and now serves as an
Augsburg assistant coach.
"He's probably the most exciting
player in the league ," Schwartz said of the
team 's top line center. "Every time he gets
the puck , everybody sits at th e edge of
their seats, waiting to see what he's going
to do."
An international business major,
Cesky said he'd like to play professional
hockey after he gradua tes from Augsburg ,
and then travel and explore the world .
With the experience gained from his
recent heroic efforts, Cesky has learne d
about the fragility of life.
''You never know whats going to
happ en ," Cesky said. "I used the Metro
[subw ay] every day for my tran sportation ,
and l had to use it the next day [after the
attack) . I was looking all around that
station , seeing who was around me. I
always thought this cou ld happ en in the
United States , but not in Prague. Now, you
never know."
Don Stoner is sports information coordinator.
Winter 2002-03
Sent into the world as a mask of God
20, 2002 • Text: John 17:14-19
l was Jesus who said we are "sent into
th e wo rld " (John 17: 18). I do n't think
we have gras ped th e sign ificance o f his
wo rds and th e idea th at our wo rk, our
voca tion in th e wo rld is a way of servin g
th e creator God . If we shou ld ask most
Christians what th ey do to fulfill th eir
calling th ey may say, "I teach Sun day
schoo l, I sing in the choir, I have served
many chur ch dinn ers." But have you ever
heard someon e say, "I am called to be a
schoo l bu s dri ver. God is concern ed abou t
th e safety of his childr en ; I am called to be
a teacher and do my best to help children
grow to maturit y; I am called to be a
lawye r concern ed about ju stice." The
Chu rch is meant to be not a fortress to
which we retreat, but a laun ching pad,
thrustin g us int o th e wo rld .
Lu th er understoo d the wo rds o f Jesus
that we are sent int o th e wo rld . He writ es,
"Wh at is our wo rk in field and garden , in
tow n and house, in baul ing and in rulin g,
to God , but the wo rk of his chi ldr en? Ou r
wo rks are God's mask, behin d which
IGodl remains h idd en , although !God]
does all thin gs."
A recem statement from th e Greek
Orth odox Chu rch und erstand s th e wo rds
o f Jesus. lt says , "All are called to be saim s,
Ito be Chri stians !, but each person is
called to do so in his or her own uniqu e
way.... Some will wo rk prim arily in a
physical way, oth ers will wo rk
im ellectu ally. Some will be artists,
sciemi sts, bu siness people, and
pro fessionals .... In th e eyes of God none
is beu er th an th e other is."
Augsbur g College understand s th e
wo rds of Jesus th at "we are sem im o th e
wo rld ." In your promotion al litera tur e you
say, "Augsbur g prepares futur e leaders to
serve in th e wo rld ." ln your amazingly
goo d docu mem , Augsburg 2004: Extending
the Vi ion, you say, "A loving relations hip
with God should be enacted as a lovin g
relationship , ith th e wo rld . Augsbur g .
does n ot turn its back on the wo rld ." And
last wee k I heard your presidem speak
Winter 2002-03
eloq uem ly in dow nt own Minneapolis
about th ese ideas.
But you do not simp ly talk abou t it;
you sen d leaders imo the wo rld. You cou ld
mee t Congressma n Manin Sabo '59, ELCA
presiding bishop Mark Hanson '68 , or
baske tball coac h Lute Olson '56 , recem ly
indu cted into the Basketba ll Hall of Fame .
Or , watch L.A. Laker Devean George '99;
or Jenni Lilleda hl '87 , Brave New
Workshop; or Mike Bodnarczuk '84 ,
Hollywoo d producer. If you go to a
hu nd red or a thousand other places in the
Twin Cities you ,viii find Augsburg
gradu ates .
And soo n you will be sent int o this
wo rld , Class of 2003 or 2004 . It is a wo rld
,vith bri lliam accomp lishmen ts in
techn ology, science, and medic ine . But it is
also a very tro ubled wo rld .
You who stud y political science and
psychology and religion , will you br ing
peace to th e wo rld or to your community?
You who stu dy biology or chem istry, will
you find a cure for Al OS or will you serve
in a hospit al or other place o f healing? You
who stu dy eco nomics and bu siness, will
you br ing integ rity and j ust ice to the
wo rld of bus iness or to your wo rkp lace?
You may respo nd , "How can I make a
di fference? I am a low ly freshman ," or an
exhausted senior. Some two cent uries ago
a liu le boy grew u p in England. He was
frail and wea k ... . As a youn g boy he
listened with rap t attention to a for mer
slave trader, John Newto n , now a
Chri stian who had renou nced slaver y and
who wro te "Amazing Grace. " The name of
the boy was William Wilberforce.
This liul e boy grew up, and when he
was a mere 24 years old or so he was one
of th e most powe rful members of
Parliam ent in England . He took his faith
seriously. He strugg led with the idea that
he should leave Parliam ent and em er some
chur ch wo rk, per haps become a clergy. He
came to th e conclus ion , pers uade d by
many, even John Wesley, that he was sent
int o the wo rld to serve God . . . For 20
James B. Hofrenning
years he work ed in Parliamem to abo lish
the slave trade . He wo rked anoth er 26
year s and slaver y itself was abolished in
England and its colonies . Th ere was no
civil war such as too k place in our count ry
where 640 ,000 youn g men died .
Wilb erforce chan ged a nation; he changed
a cent ur y. He is buri ed in Westmin ster
Abbey beside king s and qu eens.
In th is wo rld you may not change a
nation or a centur y, but you may change a
city, or a neig hborho od , or your home.
You may chang e a classroom , or a hospital,
or a business . Your presence in thi s world ,
in thi s city, will mak e a difference because
you are sent there as a mask of God.
For your life in this world you will
need many gifts. I will focus on only one,
whi ch Jesus und ersco red wh en he said ,
"Behold I am sendin g you as sheep in th e
mids t of wol ves, so be wise .. . " (Mauh ew
10 :16). We don't alwa ys recog nize wisdom
as a Chri stian qu ality.
... So grow wi e here at Augsbur g as
you prepar e to go into God's wo rld as a
mask of God . You will mak e a difference.
Dr.James B. Hofrenning is professor emeri tus
of religion at Concordia College-Moorhead
and is thefa ther-in-lawof Augsburg
economics professor· Stella Hofrenning.
THE MISSION IS . .. to provide cross-cultural education
opport unities in orde r to foster critical analy sis of loca l and
globa l cond itions so that personal and systemic change
takes place leading to a more just and sustainable world.
SINCE 1982 , Augsburg 's Center for G loba l Educat ion has
been a national leader in providing cross-cultural travel
programs, serving nearly 10,000 peop le. Now , as A merica ns
are learning to live in a world of terrorism, they seek to
understand more abo ut the cult ures, religio ns, and issues
affecting ou r globa l society.
the WORLD will the
center for global education
take YOU?
by Betsey Norgard
Social work major Sally Nixon '01 visited a women's weaving
cooperative as part of a faculty, staff , and student professional
development seminar in Guatemala.
Students enjoy the serenity of the courtyard
at the monastery in Tepotzlan, Mexico, an
indigenous village near Cuernavaca.
Winter 2002-03
EDUCATION(CGE) had just begun
plan nin g for its 20th anniversary
celebrati on when th e terrori sm of
Sept emb er 11 left in its wake a great
un certaint y about th e futur e of
ime rn ational travel and stud y.
Stud ent enrollm em s in CGE's stud y
abroad cour ses th e following sprin g were
und erstan dab ly down , since applica tions
we re du e sho rtly after the attack . Since
th en , however , int erest from institutions
across th e countr y has grown so mu ch as
to fill CGE's travel semin ar schedul e thi s
year an d al leas t two of th e stud y abroad
cour ses . Waitin g lists are in place, and
CGE staff are wo rkin g on pro gra ms two
and thr ee years ahead .
Rather than ret reatin g from foreign
travel, Americans have demon strated a
desi re to learn more abo ut int ernation al
cu lture s, religio ns, and issues. A recent
publi c opi nion p oll by the American
Coun cil on Education , measurin g
auitud es about interna tional edu cation
before and after Sep temb er 11, showe d
that interes t in int ernation al issues has
not only been sustain ed, but has actuall y
increased in some areas , such as foreign
languag e learnin g. In addition , CGE sta ff
say th at college students increasingly
expect stud y abroad opportu nities as pan
o f th eir college edu cation , and take thi s
int o consideration when makin g college
choices .
For Orva l Gingeric h , assoc iate dean
for int ernationa l program s and dir ecto r of
th e Center for Globa l Edu cation , all of
thi s affirms the work th at CGE has don e
for 20 years . In th e fall 2001 issue of
th eir news leu er, Global News and Notes,
he wro te of his "realization th at th e
mission and pro gram of th e Cent er for
Globa l Edu cation are even more
sign ificant and pertin ent th an they were
before the au ack ." What is need ed , he
said , is for Americans lo respond to the
Winter 2002-03
CGE director Orval Gingerich welcomes
guests at CGE's 20th anniversary
celebration .
new war against terrori sm "from an
informed and reaso ned perspective," rath er
than blindl y responding in ways that lend
to become more and mor e like th e terrori st
actions being answered .
LEARNING from and
Travel arranged by the Cent er for Globa l
Education is not like tourist travel, but
offers experie nces that encour age
participants to become inform ed and
engaged during th e trip as
well as after returning
home. "IL is learni ng from
and with peop le, instead
of look ing and enjoying ,"
Gingerich to ld the
Augsb urg Echo in a
December art icle.
Participam s become
immersed in local
9,00 0+
cultur e- they meet peopl e
in their communi ties, hear
a variety of viewpoint s on
issues affectin g th e local
commun ity, and reflect
abou t the impact on th e
larger globa l commu nity.
After returning hom e,
the y are encouraged to
share th eir experiences with oth ers and to
beco me involved in issues of socia l ju Lice.
Whil e most kind s o f travel o ffer a
"macro" loo k al a count ry, look ing al it
from out side in , Gingerich feels thi s is
insufficient. Hearing from th e local peo ple
themselves-th e hean of a CGE
exp erience-pr esent s a "micro " view as
well, looking from the inside out.
Regina McGo ff, assoc iate dir ecto r of
the Cent er for Global Education , has also
received affirmation o f CGE's prog ram .
Durin g school visits to the Pacific
No nhw est last fall, one imerna tiona l
edu cation admini strato r told her that CGE
is exac tly th e kind of stu dy abroad they
seek for their stud ents. "We're helping
th eir stud ent s learn about real-world
issues," said McGo ff. 'Th ey're not isolated
on college campu ses , but th ey're geui ng to
see th e world from a Im of differem
perspectives. "
CGE can p rovid e thi s kind of
person al experience thr ough a wealt h o f
reso urces at its branch campu ses and
adjun ct facult y in Mexico , Guate mala,
Nicaragu a, El Salvador, and amibia, as
well as throu gh consult ant s and
CGE-p lann ed trave l se m inars over 20 years
Partic ipa nts in trave l sem inars ove r 20 years
Col lege a nd universiti es for whom CG E has
arranged semes ter pro grams abroad
Participants in trave l semi nars, 200 1-0 2
Students on study abro ad pro grams, 2001-02
No . of CGE staff outsid e of the U.S.
No. of peop le stud ying Spanish in CGE
c lasses, 200 1-0 2
partnerships in other countri es. The thr ee
residentia l centers in Cuern avaca, Mexico;
Managua, Nicaragua ; and Windhoek,
Namibia hous e up to 25 peop le each and
are staffed by both Americans and local
residents . These CGE staffers and the
network of community resources ,
including local government officials,
enab le CGE to develop the first-hand
experie nces not normall y pan of touris t
CGE coordi nates three kinds of travel
programs-semester study abroad for
undergraduates , short-term travel
seminars for adu lts and students , and
customized travel. In all cases , meeting the
people, their cu ltur es, and the conditi ons
in which they live is primary . The
conve rsation s become two-way, with
resource people learning from the visitors.
Spending a
Six semester programs for und ergraduates
send students to CGEs three centers. In
lexico and Central America , courses
focus on the roles of women ,
development, social change, and social
and environm ental justice . In Nam ibia,
the legacies of aparth eid and multicultural
societies in transition are stud ied . In all
courses , students have oppo rtunities for
independent stud y and intern ship s.
During their time abroad, stud ents
visit bo th rur al and urb an areas to learn
abou t local com munity issues . They spe nd
time in homestays and hear from the
people themselves about their issues,
struggles , and the impa ct of globa lization
in their lives. Spanish-langu age classes are
includ ed in the Latin Amer ican programs .
Shon-t erm credit courses, usua lly
one- or two-weeks long during short
terms or as alternative spring break
options , enab le working adu lt students in
Augsburg's Weekend College to also
participate in cross-cultur al trave l (see
next page) .
This past year, Rochester Spanish
instruc tor Jane Melton took a group of
stude nts, most ly nur ses , to Mexico. "Eager
to acquire language skills to en hance
patient care ,"says Melton , the stude nts
enjoyed daily Spanish classes and prac tice
opportunities in the city.
Travel for ACTION
CGEs short-t erm travel seminars, usua lly
one-to-three weeks , are organized around
a stud y topic and are focused on
stimul ating people to action . To date ,
more than 9 ,000 people from man y
organizations across the U.S.-education al
institutions , church es, professional groups ,
and human right s organizations-h ave
participated in over 600 semin ars to 40
countri es. As man y of the se peop le share
their experiences with chur ch and civic
group s after returnin g hom e, the imp act is
greatly multiplied .
Ju st one week prior to the terrori st
attacks-o n Sept. 3, 2001-an article in
Jeni Falkman '02 made new friends in
Cuernavaca, Mexico, with whom she
could practice her Spanish lessons .
destination , as well as practical trip
planning information. They continue to
receive materia ls upo n return ing home to
help process and commu nicate their
expe rience to others.
During the 1980s and early 1990s ,
man y travel semin ars focused on
confronting the issues of civil and
religious wars in
Cent ral America.
Now, the focus shifts
to the violence of
economics, wrote
Mavis Anderson, who
led mo re than 75
travel seminars in her
19 years with CGE.
In the spring 2002
issue of GlobalNews
and Notes, she writes
that globalization is
creating bo rders that
are no longer defined
geogra phically, bu t in
terms of power and
wealth. Acting
While in Guatemala studying development issues, Jared
Zimmerman '02 took lessons in a dialect of the Mayan language.
respo nsibly as
globa l citizens
requ ires greater un derstandi ng of issues
Time magazine featu red "reality tours ,"
relating to social j ustice.
travel that is aur acting increasing nu mbers
In the 15th anniversary issue of
of Americans who seek mor e than fun and
GlobalPerspectives in 1997 , Dr. Darro ld
sightseeing in their travels. Th e article
Beekman , then bishop of the
menti oned the Center for Global
Southwestern District of the American
Education as a travel provid er that
Lut heran Churc h , reflected on the 1983
effectively links participants with political
trip he took to Brazil and Centr al America
issues and peo ple in the Third World .
with other ALC bishops to stud y issues of
Before emb arking on any CGE trip ,
poverty, hum an right s, and the wo rk of
travelers receive orie ntation materia ls
the chu rch in social change . He wro te,
abo ut the history and po litics of their
Winter 2002-03
A semester abroad in a wee k
by Bet se y Nor ga rd
very winter since 1989 a group of 15
or so adult stud ents in Augsburgs
Weekend College have traveled to
Cuernavaca , Meidco, for a week . Not
for the same fun-in-th e-sun vacation as
man y of their co-wo rkers have enjoyed
at that time of year, but to take a
religion course, The Church and Social
Change in Latin America.
The vision of Rick Thoni, then
Weekend College director and current
director of the Augsburg Roch ester
program , and Joel Mugge, director of
the Center for Global Education , this
course was designed to provide a study
abroad opponunity for the increasing
numb ers of stud ents in Weekend
College- wo rking adu lts for whom the
option of stud ying abroad for a
semester was not possible.
The course was designed as an
au ractive option to fulfill Augsburgs
requirement for a religion course . But,
Thoni and Mugge knew that stud ents
would also be deeply affected by the
"We knew the power of this kind
of stud y opp onunit y, given our
rience with day school stud ents
and adult travel groups ," said Thoni.
"We were pleased that the reactions of
the first groups of students confirmed
our belief that they would find this l)'Pe
of travel/stud y expe rience
'transformin g'."
The course begins on the
Augsburg campu s with two or three
orientation sessions , centering around
the theme of liberation theology and
how it has profoundly impacted the
social and religious fabric of society in
Winter 2002-03
Each year a group of Augsburg's weekend adult students spends a
week in Cuernavaca , Mexico completing a religion course a nd
learning first-hand about Mexico 's culture-here,
a lesson in Aztec
history at the ruins of Xochicalco.
Latin America. Stud ents also get general
historical information and practical help
with travel planning .
Their Cuernavaca home for the week is
Casa CEMAL, the Center for Global
Education stud y center, permanent ly staffed
by American and Mexican personn el. The
week is carefully planned with lectures,
,~sits, e>.-p
loration in the city, and time for
both indi,~dua l and group reflection .
Each day, local resource people lecture
about history, politics, and social issues of
Mexico and the region . Visits range from the
Aztec ruins of Xochicalco to a Benedictine
convent to hear the story of the Virgin of
Guadalup e. In the indigenous ,~llage of
Tepotzlan , stud ent s meet with memb ers of
a wome ns coop erative that success fully
thwarted efforts to usurp their cropl and s
for a go lf course. Another day, the group
meets with Cuernavaca city officials to
hear very differing perspectiv es-in som e
cases , oppo sing sides of issues already
Much of the real imp act of th e trip
comes from the personal stori es and the
oppo rtuniti es to share in the lives of local
residents . Students ,~sit a Base Chri stian
Community meeting , one of man y small,
neighb orhood groups that grew out of th e
liberation th eology mo vemen t and give
peop le opp ort uniti es to act in commun ity
and voice th eir needs .
The resources and experti se of th e
CGE Mexico staff make it possib le for
stud ents to visit ,vith people and mak e
contacts that relate to their work back
home . The January 2002 class, made up of
13 Weekend College students and five day
stud ents, included five nur ses from
Augsburgs Rochester program . While in
Cuerna vaca, the nursing stud ents
,~sited local hospitals and learn ed about
programs in alternative medicine. Oth er
students , som e of whom work at large
corporations in the Twin Cities, learned
first-hand about business issues with
local perspectives.
While the goal of the trip is to
increase cross-cultural und erstand ing, a
benefit in this particular group was the
opp ortunity for the mixed group of
adu lt and day stud ents to get to know
each oth er and share experiences, 5a)'S
Jeni Falkman '02 , one of the day school
participants and curr entl y the Lilly
grant int ern at CGE. Du ring reflective
sessions, th eir differing pers pectives
of age and life experience contribut ed
to different ways of und erstan ding the
cultural issues.
Ju st as Th oni and Mugge had
kn own , stud ent s return deeply
affected by th e expen ence. Rochester
nur sing gradu ate Diane Fieseler
wrot e, "l mu st say th at th e lexico
trip greatly changed my life and
expand ed my world view. It has
changed th e way I ,~cw my own
co mmunit y and has changed the way
I ,~ew myself in th e communit y."
Back hom e, wh en she began helpin g
a migrant Hispanic wom an with
medical care, Fieseler said , "From the
exico trip , I learn ed the imp ortance
of religion and family and
incorpor ated th ose aspects in my
teachin g plan for th e woman."
Its j ust like the wo rds stu dent s
read from th eologian Jon Sobrin o,
"Let the peopl e of Latin America keep
movin g you wh en you return ."
Faculty members (L to R) Bev Stratton,
relig ion , and Sharon Patten , social work ,
and others studied in Namibia last
summer , taking time out here to meet in
a W indhoek , Namibia , restaurant with
CGE-Namibia staff Simon Afrikaaner and
Urbanus Dax.
"Sudde nly issues that had been prim arily
political, ideological, or military in nature
took on the shape of hum an faces that
defied easy definitions and neat
classification ."
Tailored TRAVEL
CGE can tailor travel for a panicular area
of study, a particular purpose, or for a
specific group. Stud y top ics range [rom
human rights , chur ch , and social issues to
the study of birds and environme ntal
stewa rdship in Nicaragua . Several
businesses , including a Rutland , Vt.,
manufacturing comp any, have offered
company-paid , cross-cult ural experiences
to their emp loyees to foster responsible
globa l citizenship .
An expanding oppo rtunit y for the
Center for Global Education has been
travel for faculty and staff developm ent .
Last summer, Augsburg received a $55,0 00
Fulbright- Hays Group Projects Abroad
Program grant to send 12 faculty from
various academi c disciplines lo Nam ibia
for a five-week stud y seminar. Namibia
program coordinators Phoebe Milliken and
Urbanus Dax were able to conn ect them
with educa tiona l, religious, and
governm ent leaders to learn how to
integrat e in[orm ation about south ern
African issues into their teaching at
'Th e people we met, the stories they
told, and the informa tion they shared have
become both anecdo tes and extend ed
pieces in the cour ses of the seminar
particip ants," said Bruce Reichenbach,
Augsburg phil osop hy pro[essor and
Namibia seminar project director. ''Without
Phoebe's and Urbanus 's connections and
persistent prodding , we wou ld never have
reached the depth of understanding
necessary to make a difference in our
thinking and in ou r classes."
Last fall, Gingerich and several o[ the
faculty members presented their
experiences to the Association [or Luth eran
College Facu lty al their conference.
Last year, CGE also worked with
Seanle University to plan a developm ent
imm ersion semin ar in Nicaragua for its
presid ent, provost , and board of tru stees to
help them exp lore the implementation of
social j ustice issues throu ghout the college
curriculum . CGE arranged for them to
meet with faculty at Central American
University, a sister Jesuit institution .
Seattle University law professor Ronald
Slye wrote, " ... I was initially a bit skeptical
about the utility of participating in this
trip . Thank you for ... showing to me (and
the rest of our delegation ) that there is a
way to do these trips that engages both the
visitors and the residents of the country
visited, and that creates the groundwork
for shared understanding and commitment
across two distinct , but inevitably
intertwined , cultures ."
LEARNING by seeing,
hearing, and doing
Joel Mugge, who came to Augsburg with
expe rience in leading immersion programs
[or youth in Mexico, founded the Center
for Global Education in 1982 . Over the
years, he led staff in developing the vision
for a learning style in international
experiential education that has become a
national model.
In CGE's pedagogy, based on the
ed ucational principle s of Brazilian
theologian and educator Paolo Freire,
stud ents learn in a cycle of three phases .
Initiall y, they have direct experience in the
local commun ity, listening to the voices of
people talking about their own
experiences. Then , informed by readings
and analytical material s, the y re0ect on
what they saw, heard , and experienced.
Participants in a Center for Global Education travel seminar hiked and boated through
Nicaragua while learning about environmental stewardship.
Winter 2002-03
Lastly, together with the travel group , issues
are discussed and reactions shared ,
informing each other about different
perceptions and form ulating actions to carry
fonh . In this kind of learning communit y,
faculty and stud ents are co-learners.
Unlik e th e observational natur e of touri st
travel, th e direct experience of a CGE
travel pro gram leaves few people
un affected or unch ange d . CGE frequ ent ly
receives comm ent s sim ilar to th e stud ent
who wrote, 'Thi s program represent s a
turnin g point in my life. Th e people we
met and th e experien ces we had all
combin ed to create a change wit hin me
that I cou ldn 't have antic ipated and I'm
not willing 10 forget. "
The numb er o f people invo lved in
CGE pro gra ms is significant. Since 1982 ,
more than 9 ,000 peop le have participat ed
in the 600 -plu s CGE semin ars Lo 40
countries , and more than 1,000 stud ent s
have particip ated in stud y abro ad
A national LEADER
lts ironic that while the Cent er for Global
Education is widely recognized as a
national leader in internation al ex'])erienlial
educat ion , it remains somewhat of a wellkept secret on Augsburgs campu s.
Gingerich , who came Lo Augsburg in 2001
from Eastern Menn onite University in
Harri sonburg , Va., mention s himself as a
good examp le of someone who was not
familiar with Augsburg College, but who
knew and highly respected the wo rk of the
Center for Global Education .
CGE staff, includin g the adjun ct
faculty in the three centers abroad , are
freque nt speakers and resou rces al national
con ferences on cross-cultural
communication and internation al
exper ientia l edu cation . In the 2001-02
academic year, seven CGE staff members
mad e 18 presentations at conferences and
Winter 2002-03
events for international
and expe riential
edu cation
organizations , Lutheran
chur ch conferences,
faculty wo rkshops, and
meetings of Latin
American edu cation
In some cases,
Lheir task has been to
convi nce un iversity
officials th at rigorous
CGE staff member Adrienne Kaufmann (second from left)
and meanin gful stud y
explains CGE programs at their 20th anniversary celebration .
ab road experience can
be highly expe riential
trave led to Atlan ta last year to brief Jimmy
and do es not have to be campus- based. To
Caner prior to th e de legatio n he led to
that end , CGE hosted a trip for members of
Cuba in April. Whi le they were in
NAFSA, the professio nal organization for
Havana , CGE staff person Janeen
international edu cators, for them to
McAllister joined them al an event al the
ex'Perience first-hand CGEs expe riential
Manin Luther King Center.
learnin g mode l.
As program s and destination s are
CGE'S third decade
added , the curricu lum may change, but the
fundamental miss ion of CGE remains the
same. Augsburg stud ent Nat Jungerberg ,
who studied in Cuernavaca, Mexico,
expressed it succinct ly in an article he
wrote for Augsburg Echo: "Everything
mailers, from whom I vote for Lo represent
me to where I spend my dollar. It's much
easier to be cynical and say, 'What I do
do esn't matter ,' but its far more
respon sible to become a globa l citizen and
acLlike it does ."
For information about the Center for
Globa l Education , go to <www.augsburg.
edu/g lobaled>, call 1-800-299-8889 , or
e-mail <globaled@augsburg .edu> . •
As it begins its third decade , Gingerich says
that the Center for Globa l Educations
progr am is squ arely in line with Augsburg
College's vision to provide a transformative
edu cation , based on a sense o f vocation , in
a diverse camp us comm unit y.
CGEs pan of that vision includes
sponso ring courses und er the Lilly grant
"Ex'Plorin g Our Gifts" that infuse reflection
on vocation as part of the curriculum for
stud y and travel abroad. It also includes
integration of CGE courses into the new
Augsbur g Core Curricu lum being
implemented in the next academic
Recent additi ons to CGEs
program s have included several travel
seminars and shon-t erm cou rses in
Cuba , an area now accessible to
Americans for educationa l purp oses.
Last year four travel seminars studi ed
aspects of Cub an society and social
issues, with programming help from
the Manin Luther King Memorial
Center in Havana.
Former CGE staffer Mavis
Anderson, who no w work s for the
Augsburg students Sara Thedinga '01 and Kellen
Latin American Working Group on
Bredesen '03 studied social and political issues in
Cub a Policy in Washington , D.C.,
Cuba for a journalism class in spring 2001 .
by Dan Jorgensen
n her drea ms Cindy Peterson sees the
creation of an American Indian Center
at Augsburg College. It wou ld be a
place for both Augsburg stude nts and the
broader Native American communit y to
come togethe r to learn , to share, and to
find new and exciting ways to provide
mu ch-needed outreach services to the
Indi an communit y.
"A few years ago, College officials
were contacted by someone who said they
were giving the American Ind ian Stud ent
Services Program (AISSP) $ 11 million ,"
Peterson , wh o is dir ector of the program ,
comm ented wistfully. "The offer turn ed
out to be a hoax, bu t it gave me some
time to do some 'fantasy dre amin g,' and in
th at dream was the creation of th is
American Ind ian Center- a stru ctur e
or space that wou ld
accomm odate AISSP,
American Indian Stud ies,
and serve as a meeting
space . Of cour se, there also
would be additi onal staff
includin g a full-tim e
recruit er and a full-time
adm inistrative assistant ,"
she added with a smile.
The personne l issue, in
fact, might be even more
imp ortant than the center,
Peterson pointed out , in
Augsburg partners with Minneapolis and St. Paul schools
terms of help ing her
to encourage American Indian students to become
progra m grow beyo nd
teachers . Pictured is Greg Barrett '01, who teaches third
where it has been and is
grade at Mounds Park Elementary School.
today- the longest-running
progra m of its kind in the
grant s that have now brought it to the
upp er Midwest and one of ju st a few
point where a full-blown American Indian
headqu artered at a private college.
es maj or will be imp lemented in the
Du ring these 25 years , Augsbur g has
coming year. The maj or is ju st the latest
bee n fortunate to have the pro gram
step in wh at has been a 25-year series of
operate und er j ust two directorssuccesses, includin g a thr ee-year grant
Bonn ie Wallace, who serve d from the
from the Joyce Found ation to make
found ing in 1978 until 1996 , and
Augsbur g's th e on ly end owed American
Peterson , who was Wallace's
Indi an Stud ent Services Program in the
assistant for nearly 10
five-state region .
years before
In 1990 , an American Indi an Studi es
succeedin g her
minor was imp lement ed- "a hu ge
when Wallace left to
attra ction for both native and non-n ative
return to a position at
stud ents alike," Peterson said . And ,
th e Fond du Lac
Augsbu rg is the only private college in
Reservation in north ern Minnesota.
Minnesota to be designated an official
"This progra m has had
esota Teacher Training Partner,
success, I believe, because of that
offering grants and loans to Native
stability,'' Peterson said . "Stability,
American stud ents interested in becoming
consistency, and continuit y, along
with scholarship and grant supp ort,
Th e in-th e-classroom leadership for
have been the keys."
American Indi an Studi es is dir ected by
Found ed by a grant from
Eric Buffalohead , a memb er of the Ponca
Honeywe ll, the progra m has been on the
Tribe wh o wro te his Ph.D. dissertation on
receiving end of co rporate and found ation
Winter 2002-03
2 0 0 1 - 2 0 0 2
A ugsburg's Maroon & Silver Society was launch ed to offer special leadership opport unit ies for Augsburg alumni and
..!1.fri ends to extend help to current student s. Maroon & Silver Society members are individuals and organization s who are
committed to a special level of generosity. These donor s pledge to spon sor an Augsburg scholarship for four years, with gifts
ranging from $1,000 to more than $ 10,000 per year.
We gratefully acknow ledge those listed below for their generous annual gifts that are essential in attracting and retaining the
broadest range of out standing stud ents. Gifts can be made annually, quarterl y, or monthl y.
Donna McLean, Director of The Augsburg Fund • 612-330- 1179 or 1-800- 273- 061 7 • mclean@augsburg .edu
Richard & Mary Adamson•
Edward & Margaret Al~ rg•
Paul '50 & Pearl Almqui st'
Bruce '60 & Joann Eliason '62 Amund son•
Charles & Ca therine Anderson'
Daniel '65 & Alice And erson•
Deloris Anderson '56'
Leif And erson
O scar '38 & Leola Anderson•
William '86 & Kelly Anders on•
Scott Ande rson '76 & Lisa Bailey"
Brian And erson '8 1 & Leeann Rock '81 '
I. Shelby Gim se Andr ess '56'
Augsburg Associates•
Dorothy Bailey"
Stanley Baker '57'
Mary Quanbeck '77 & Loren Barber'
Elizabeth Anne '82 & Warren Bartt•
Vera Th orson Benzel '45"
Sidney '57 & Lola Lindstro m '50 Berg'
Inez Schey '77 & John Bergqui st'
David '68 & Lynn Boe
Kevin Bond erud 7 9•
Heidi Breen·
James & Sharon Pautz '82 Carey
Darryl Car ter '65
H arlan Christianson '57'
Richard '74 & Nancy Co lvin•
Paul '79 & Sally H ough '79 Daniels'
Susan John son Drakuli c '79
Darrell & Helga Egertson
Daniel '77 & Patricia Eitrheim•
Marie Eitrheim '85..
Joel and Mary Ann Elftmann·
Tracy Elftm ann '81'
Avis Ellingrod •
L. C raig '79 & Th eresa Serbus '79 Estrem
John Evans '82 & Joan Molin e '83
Paul '65 & Priscilla Strecker '65 Fieldhamm er'
Jerome '37 & Wi nifred Helland '37 Formo•
W tlliam & Ann e Frame•
Michael & Terry Freeman•
Andr ew Fried •93•
Laurie Fyksen '80 & Willi am Beise•
Alexand er '90 & Simone Johnson G onzalez•
Michael '7 1 & Ann Goo d•
Raymond '57 & Jan G rind e•
Fern Hanson Gudmestad '4 1"
Susan G utkn echt '97
No rm an & Evangeline Hagfors•
James & Kathleen Haglund•
D avid Halaas '76
Th omas '66 & Wand a Wagner '65 Han son•
Beverly & Roe Haden•
Christop her Haug '79 & Karl Starr"
Lee '85 and Lisa Svac '85 Hawks·
Gracc Forss '57 & Douglas Herr•
Donald '39 & Phyllis Holm·
Kenneth '74 & Linda Bailey '74 Holm en '
Richard & Carol Holy"
Donald Hoseth '65•
Allen & Jean Housh•
Pearl H usby"
Mary & Ton y Jacobson
Sandra & Richard Jacobson'
Jeffrey '80 & Jacqui Jam es
Helen Joh nson•
James John son & Maxine ls<iacs•
Kinney Johnson '65'
Heather John ston '92 and Jason Koch '93'
Ruth John son '74 & Philip Quan beck, II'
Dan & Susan Jorge nsen•
Jennifer Abeln '78 & Larry Kahlow"
Cheri H ot.rad '85 & Thomas Kamp'
Muriel Kappler•
Stanley & Edith Katz'
Ch ristop her& Liz Ki,mball"
Richard '69 & Chery l Nelson '70 King'
Susan Klaseus·
John & Dianne Knight "
Dean & Susan Kopperud ·
Joanne Stiles '58 & David Laird•
David & Caryl Larson•
Harris '57 & Maryon lee"
Gloria & Craig Lewis"
Jacquelin e Kniefel Lind '69 '94 MAL"
Jennif er & Richard Martin'
Terry Marquardt '98 & Gary Donahue•
Donn a Mclean'
Tara Cesaretti '97 & Christopher '00 McLeod
G erard & Anne MeistreURobert '70 & Sue Midn ess•
Paul '70 & Barbara Durkee '71 Mikelson•
Mark '79 & Pamela Hanson '79 Moks nes•
Rob & Taylor Moor•
Thom as & Rainy Morgan•
Paul '84 & Nancy Mackey '85 Mueller•
Jeanne Narum•
Christoph er '83 Nelson & Lisa Schroeder"
G loria Burnrvedt Nelson '43'
Jul ie Nelson '83'
Ronald '68 & Mary Kay Nelson•
Margaret Nelson Foss Nol<leberg '48'
Roselyn Nord aune '77•
Norm '85 & Kim Asleson '84 Okerstrom•
Kim O lmsted
Orville '52 & Yvonne Bagley '52 O lson
Donald '53 & Beverly Halling '55 O ren•
Robert & Ruth Ann Paulson •
Ronald & Arlycc Peltier"
Gerald '39 & Bernice Person·
Thomas Peterson '70"
Karin Peterson-•
Sandra Simpson Phaup '64
Wayne & Joan Popham
Philip '50 & Dora Frojen '49 Q uanbeck"
Mark '53 & Jean Raabe"
Stella Kyllo Rosenquist '64•
Alice Dahl '87 & James Roth
Dougl as '84 & Patry Ruth
Curtis & Marian Sampson..
Audrey Nagel Sander '51•
Robert & Marianne Sander"
Ruth Schmid t '52"
Jol\n Schwartt '67"
Caro l Schweize r '50•
Jam es & Eva Seed"
Richard '70 & Linda Seime
Frankie & Joie Shackelford
Patrick Sheehy & Wendy O 'Leary"
Wesley '58 & Caro l Ann Sideen
Philip Sidney '63"
Arnie '48 & Caro l Skaar•
Glen & Anna Skovholr"
Joyce Engstrom '70 & Robert Spector•
Todd Steenson '89 & Gina M . Steele·
Wtlliam '64 & Sara Halvorson '63 Strom•
Gladys Boxrud Strommen '48
Robert '74 and Andrea John son '75 Stro mm en
Philip '79 & Julia Davis '79 Scyrlund•
Dean '8 1 & Amy Sundqui st•
Ronald Swanson '69*
Jeffrey Swenson '79"
Mic hael & Debb ie Szymanczyk•
Gary '80 & Deanna Tangwal l"
P. Dawn Heil '78 & Jack Taylor"
Jean Taylor '85 & Roger G riffith '84•
Richard & Linda Thoni'
Gordon '52 & Gloria Parizek '53 Thorpe•
Kathryn & Jack Tunheim•
Betry Wade·
No rman '75 & Kathryn Anderson '76 Wah]•
Co lleen Kay Watson '9 1 MAL & Mary McDougall•
Lois Wanman '76 & Doug Shaw·
John '49 & Arnhild Werker"
Gun nar & Mary Wick"
Anne Holmberg '80 & John Wilson•
.. Indicates Charter Member
In th ese opening years of th e new millennium , Augsbur g Co llege faces man y excitin g and
significant opport uniti es to advance the image we pain ted for our selves in Augsburg 2 00 4:
Extendin g the Vision. Ca pit alizing on th ese will expand our enrollment-
and chat will
requir e growt h in our en dowm ent, in th e availability of schol arship s, and in che co ntinuing
imp roveme nt of our instruction al facilities.
W hile many inscirution s are questionin g the relevance of their traditi onal commiunents,
Augsburg Co Uege has revitalized its identity as a chur ch-related co llege and has deepened its
dedi cation to che leadin g prin ciples of ics founding. For exam ple, our faculty
enthu siast ically adopted chis past fall a co re general edu cation pro gram chat is shaped by Mart in Luther 's idea of vocatio n. Built into
the curri culum is explor ation of th e centr al qu estion s of C hr istia n faith , search for meanin g, and experient ial as well as theoreti c
lear nin g in th e cont ext of th e d iverse co mmunity around us.
In additi on to improvin g our curri culum , Augsb urg is empl oying a new commitm ent to hospitality to make the campus co mmuni ty
mor e welcomin g, especially to co mmutin g stud ents in Weeke nd Co llege and ocher prog rams. In a brightly refurbished main lobby of
C hristen sen Center we can now be greeted at an inform ation cente r, gathe r over coffee within easy reach of com puter s and printers ,
and enjoy art in a dramatic , new gallery.
You played the de cisive role in anot her notewo rth y Augsbur g accom plishment. Durin g this past fiscal year, ending May 3 1, 2002, we
exceeded our goa l for gifts to T he Augsburg Fund. T he significance of d1e $804, 000 in unr estr icted gifts co ntribut ed by alu mni ,
parencs, friends , and co rporate and found ation partner s is best revealed by the fact d1at we were receiving less than $200 ,000 of such
fund s when Ann e and I came to Augsbur g in 199 7 . A great deal of this growt h has come from new memb ers of our Maroon & Silver
Society, who are instrum ental in providin g finan cial aid to cur rent stud ent s. Wit h your co ntinuin g help, we will expect co proclaim
thi s um mer that we exceeded our curr ent goa l of $ 1 millio n for T he Augsburg Fund!
Finally, last year we received th e largest foundation gift in our history-$2
million from th e Lilly Found ation co be used over five
years to bro aden the role of C hri stian vocat ion in both our curri cu lar and extra-curricul ar life, and to deepen che interest of our
scudencs in che clerical prof ession s. Already, che grant has encouraged research , chin king, an d pub licat ions among co lleagues chat are
attr acting national att enti o n to th e Co llege from che edu cation ind ustry and from the
hur ch.
Even amid st a year th at saw turmoil in d1e world and che economy , we celebrate th e thousa nd of you who graced us with your gifts.
They make it possible for talent ed stud ent s to atte nd and share in the Augsburg vision of a tran form ative ed ucation in the con texts
of th e C hristia n faith , th e city, and int ention al d iversity. T hank yo u for your co nfid ence in and enco uragement of Augsburg
Wi lliam V. Frame
Monies in the operating budget fund the
overall work of the College, from faculty
and staff salaries to student financial aid
to paying the utilitie s bill. The operating
budget keeps the College up and runnin g,
and is support ed in part by und esignated
gifts to The Augsburg Fund.
Tuiti on & Fees 74%
Other Source 7%
Board 5%
Room9 %
Private Gifts 4%
Government Grants 1%
2001-2 002 REVENUES
200 1- 2002 PLANT ASSETS
(Net) $50 ,3 59,327
The College continu es to addr ess the
deferred maintenan ce issues in relation to
its camp us infrastructure . Master planning
work for capital expansion remai ns
focused on the Co llege priority for a new
science stru cture.
Salary & Benefits 48%
O ther 17%
Financial A id 19%
Utiliti es 4%
Equipment & Capit al Impro vement 4%
Student Salary 3%
Debt Service 5%
200 1-2 002 EXPEN DITURES
200 1-2 002 ENDOWMENT
Ma rket Value : $22 ,762 ,074
A strong endowm ent ensures Augsburg 's
future strength and growth . The interest
and investm ent income on th e
endo wment principal provide needed
funding for student financial aid.
May 3 1, 2001- May 3 1, 2002
societies recog
nize al11111ni
andjiiends of Leland and Louise Sundec
Helen Sverdrup+
given a 111ini11111111
Johan Sverdrup+
·25,000 to the Colle
ge over a lifetime.
Cumul ative g ifts of $500,000 or more
Earl and Doris Bakken
Richard '7 4 and Nancy Co lvin
Julian•30+ and June+ Foss
James and Kathleen Haglund
Edwin and Barbara Gage
Orville '36+ and Gerrrud e Lund '3 6 Hognand er
Kinney Johnson '65
Ed and Phyllis+ Kavli
E. Milton '46 and Dorothy Lijsing '4r Kleven
James '46 and Jean• Lindell
Clair '46+ and Gladys Boxrud '46 Srromm en
Cumu lative gi fts of SI00,000-499,999
Charles and Catherine Anderson
C.A. L.+ and Esther J. E. + And erson
Leona Radman Anth olz '4 1
Luth er •29 + and Clarene Jorenby •29+ Arnold
Earl and Doris Bakken
Paul '63 and LaVonne O lson '63 Batalden
Sidney '57 and Lola Lidstrom '50 Berg
Ca rl Blegen•
Jack and Joyce Boss
Rodney and Barbara Burwell
Darrell '55 and Helga Egertson
Raymond Erickson '50+
Malcolm Esrrem+
Clara Evju
Philip and Lavonne Fandrei
Jerry and Jean Foss
Paul •42 + and Maxine Fridlund
Raymond '57 and Janice G rind e
Michael '7 1 and Ann Goo d
Phillip Gro nseth '57
Franklinand Carolyn Groves
Norman and Evangeline Hagfors
Donald Hennin gs
Don ald '39 and Phyllis Holm
Allen and Jean Housh
Leste r Hove rsten+
James Johnson and Maxine lsaacs
Roy Krohn
Arne '49 and Jean '52 Markl and
Larry and Marie McNe ff
Hoyt '39 and Lucille Messerer
William and tephanie Naegele
Richard and Barbara Tj ornh om '54 Nelson
Ida Nelson•
Marth a Nyland er•
Donald '5 3 and Beverly Halling '55 Or en
John and No rma Paulson
Robe rt '50 and Ruth Paulson
Harvey '52 and Joanne Varner '52 Peterson
Addison and Cynthia Piper
urtis and Marian Samp so n
James and Eva Seed
Glen and Ann a Skovholt
Paul+ and Lorene+ Steen
Genevieve Stelberg+
Co nrad uncle •15+
Jean Taylor '85 and Roger G riffith '84
Andrew Urness+
Elsie Wi ldun g•
John and Eleanor Yackel
Cumul a tive g ifts of $25,000-99 ,999
Craig Alexander and Roberta Kagin
Ernest and Helen Alne
Harcvig Anderson+
Oscar '30 and Leola Anderson
I. Shelby G imse Andress ' 56
Ted and Ruth Arneson
Luther •29+ and Clarette Jorenby •29+ Arnold
Kennet11+and Dorocl1y Bailey
Ada Bakken•
Bercl1a Johanson '28 Hagen+
W illiam Biese and Laurie Fyksen-Biese '80
Zane and Barbara Kleven Birky
Roy '50 and Ardis Bogen
Donald and Nancy Bloomfield '63+ Bottemiller
Ca rl '59 and Kathy Aaker '62 Casperson
Dr. Herbert '54 and Corinne Chilstrom
Fricjof Christensen '28+
James+ and Esther+ Crabtree
Mrs . O scar DeVold+
Joel and Mary Ann Elftman n
Tracy Elftmann '8 1
Amy Erickson
Edna Erickson '42
Jerome '37 and Win ifred Helland '37 Formo
Emil Fossan •30+
\'(lilliam and Anne Frame
O laf Gaastjon +
Donald and Irene Grangaard
H . T heodore '76 and Michele G rindal
Richard and Mabeth '58 Gyllsrrom
Florence Haasarud+
John Hanson+
Mark and hirley Hanson
Reuel+ and Margaret+Harmon
Roe and Beverly H aden
Lawrence and Lois Hauge
Anna Mae Hayden
Loren Henderson
Douglas and Grace Forss '57 Herr
Thelm a Leeland '32 Hess•
Allen '64 and Lenice Hoversten
Chester '60 and Clenora Hoversten
hester and Bernice Hoversten
Garfield Hoversten '50
Vincent 'SOand Marjorie Hoversten
Joseph Hsieh '6 1
O scar and Pearl Husby
Richard and G lenda Huston
Alfred Iversen
Richard and Sandra Jacobson
Einor and MaryJohnson
Eric Johnson
H elen John son
John Johnson
Ruth Johnson '74
Ruth John son '27'
Bruce and Maren Kleven
David and Barbara Kleven
Lowell '54 and Janice Kleven
Norma Knutson+
Dean and Susan Kopperud
Mildred Krohn
Dean '62 and Barbara Beglinger '63 Larson
Philip and Diane K.J
even Larson
Harris '57 and Maryon Lee
0. Herbert and Ilene Lindquist
Alph amae Halverson Lofgren '3 1+
Larry Lokken '60 and Claudia Sabin
Th eodo r Menzel+
Else Michaelsen '3 I +
Robert '7 0 and Sue Mid ness
Spencer '66 and Gay John son '66 Minea r
Alan Moncgomery and Janet Karvonen
Joel and Jeanne Mugge
Mildred Nelson '52
Ronald '68 and Mar y Kay Nelson
Sylvia Nelson '34
Harold and Louise Nielsen
Edith No rberg•
Robert '5 1 and Caro lyn Ode gard
R. Luther '56 and Bobbie+ Ol son
Don ald and Dagny Padilla
Isabelle Park Trust
Gerald '39 and Bernice Person
G len Person '47
Oliver and Jeannette Peterson
Thomas Peterson '70
Roger Pulkrabek
Marrin •29+ and Escher+ Quanbeck
Philip '50 and Dora Frojen '49 Quanb eck
Luther Rodvik '5 1
Olive Ronholm '47
Mathilda Sageng '3 1
C lara E. Sand ers•
Ruth Schmidt '52
Kenneth Schmit '38+
Morris Schonensrein
William and Marilee '65 Schroede r
Lyall and Inez Ol son '59 Schwarikopf
Rosemary Shafer
Agnes Siverson+
Mathias Slerca•
Borger Solberg
Paul ' 2 and Evelyn Sonnack
Stanley and Betty Srake
Roger '54 and Bonnie Stockmo
Odin Storien •2g+
Merton '42 and Irene Huglen '43 Strommen
Jack and P. Dawn Heil '78 Taylor
\'(lilliam and Donna Teeter
L. Berniece Thompson+
Richard and Linda T honi
John Thu,+
Roy '24 and Jeanette Tollefson
Joel '38 and Frances Torstenson
James Touh y
Joan Volz '68
John '49 and Arnhild Werker
Richard and Olive Ni lsen '5 1 Zo ller
+ Deceased
The A 11
g CollegeHeritage Society recognizes
thosewhohave arrangeda deferredgiftfar the College
a heq11est,
lift i11s11
agreement,or a charitabletmsf. Thesetho11ghtf11/
1t loge11e
of f11t11re
Harold '47 & Lois Black '47 Ahlborn
Ernest & Helen Alne
C harles & Cat herine Anderson
Daniel W. '6 5 & Alice Anderson
E. \X/illiam Anderson
Ernest '37 & Margaret Anderson
Esther Anderson+
Gary & Mary Anderson
Oscar '38 & Leola Anderson
\X/illiam '86 & Kelly Anderson
James '5 1+ & I. helby Gimse '56 And ress
Vince nt Andrews •50+
Luther •29+ ClarccceJorenby •29+ Arno ld
Oscar+ & Dorothy Austad
Dorot hy A. Bailey
Earl & Doris Bakken
Andrew '50 & Barbara Kolden '50 Balerud
Loren & Mary Qu anbeck '77 Barber
Gladys Pederson '25 Barnes
Elizabeth '82 & Warren Barn
Abner '35 & Marth a Baralden
Thomas '56 & Bernie Benson
Sidney '57 & Lola Lidstrom '50 Berg
Birgit Birkeland '58
Anne Blegen Estate
Kendra Bonderud '78 & Kenneth Parsons
Richard & Nancy Borstad
Donald & Nancy Bloomfield '63+ Bottemiller
Gerhard '46 and Doris Frojen '5 1 Brecheim
J. Bernhard '48 & Hildur Anderson '43 Bretheim
Nancy G . Brown-Koeller '74
Jeroy '48 & Lorraine Car lson
Harold Caspersen '42+
Herbert '54 & Co rinn e Chilscrom
FricjofChristensen '28+
Judith Christensen
L. Gracia Christensen
Geo rge '72 & Janet Dahlman
Daniel & A. Caro lyn Benson '7 1 Dauner
Dallas '64 & Sharon Day
Richard '55 & Audrey Dronen
Beverly Durk ee
Ruben '45 & Thel ma Egeberg
Tracy Elfcmann '8 1
C larence '35 + & Tho ra Eliason
Avis Ellingrod
Casper & T helma '39 Embe rson
Denise Engebretson '82
Loren '46+ & Edna Kastner '42 Ericksen
Raymond Erickson •50+
John Evans '82 & Joan Moline '83
Kenneth Svendsen '7 8 & Allison Everett '78
Norman & Rachel Ferguson
Maud Forberg
Jerome '37 & Winifred Helland '37 Formo
Julian •30+ & June+ Foss
Ardella Fossum+
William & Anne Frame
Terry J. Frovik '67
Leola Dyrud Furman '6 I
Chuck Gabrielson '77'
Harry & Mabel Storm •25+ Garlock
Clayton Gjerde+
Donald+ & Irene Grangaard
Joan L. Griffin
Gracia Grindal '65
H . Theodor e '76 & Michele Grindal
Raymond '57 & Janice Grinde
Phillip Gronseth ' 55
Florence Haasarud+
Ruth Johnson '27 Escace
Ruth E. John son '74 & Philip A. Quanbeck II
Kenneth & Carmen Jones
Larry & Jennifer Abeln '78 Kahlow
Mary Kinglsey
Ruth Kislingbury
Gloria Gran t '57 & Arthu r Knoblauch
No rman & Gwen Johnson '58 Krapf
Roy Krohn +
Lois Kvamme+
Obert Landsverk •45+
LaJune Th omas '68 Lange
David Lanl<lnen '88
Marjorie M. Lanl<lnen
Ernest Larson •30+
Luther '52 & Jan ice Bremseth '55 Larson
Alan & Dorothy Lee
Harris ' 57 & Maryon Lee
Clayton & Virginia Lefevere
Ella Lindberg
James '46 & jean+ Lindell
0 . Herbert & Ilene Lindquist
Bertha Joha nson '28 & Kristofer Hagen '29 Estate
Gary '7 1 & Dallas Ahrens '69+ Hagen
Alpharnae Halverson '3 I Lofgren+
James & Kathy Haglund
David Halaas '76
Arne '49 & Jean Swanson '52 Markland
Ronald & Donn a Manhias
Theodo r Menze(+
Janet Olson '79 Halaas
Edward & Shirley Hansen
Ernest & Anna Hovland '58 Hanson
Cynthi a Hanson '66
Mark '68 & lone Agrimson '68 Hanson
Charles & BeccyJohnson '58 Hass
Lawrence & Lois Hauge
Loren & Helen Mohn '42+ Henderson
Robert '55 & Karin Herman
Mrs. Otto E. Hjelle
Sigvald '4 I & Helen Hjelmel and
Orville '36+ & Gertrude Lund '36 Hognander
Kenn eth '74 & Linda Bailey '74 Holmen
Everett '57 & Ethel Hole
John Hoium
Allen & Jean Housh
Ruth S. Hovden
C hester '60 & C lenora Hovemen
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Hoversten
Garfield Hoversten '50
Lorna '62 Hoversten
Robert H ove rsten
Thom as '56 & Loretra Hoversten
Richard & Sandra Jacobson
Morri s & Beverly Jespersen
Anna Johnson+
Helen John son
Jerry & Bonita Johnson
Kinney John son '65
Mark '54 & Thelma Johnson
Daniel '65 & MaryTt ldahl '61 Meyers
Mark '79 & Pamela Hanson '79 Moksnes
Caro l Brande '67 Mork
Van & Mike Mueller
Geo rge L. Nelsen
Richard & Barbara Tjornhom '54 Nelson
Grace Peterso n '33 Ne lson+
Kenneth & Vera Nelson
Mild red Nelson '52
Robert '97 & Rose Nelson
Robert '66 & Rose Ann Nelson
Roger '52 & Marilyn Nelson
Roselyn Nordaun e '77
Estelle Nordine+
James '57 & Shirley Norman
Glenn & Ann Nycklemoe
Jonathan Nye '72 & Wendy Worner Northfeh
Terry '70 & Vicki Nygaard
Marth a Nylander Estate
Marvin Ny strom
H . Arlan Ofredah l '64
Norm '85 & Kim Asleson '84 Okerscrom
Evelyn Olson+
Gordon '63 & Janice O lson
R. Luther O lson "56
Orville '52 & Yvon ne Bagley '52 Olson
Donald '53 & Beverly Halling '55 Ore n
Kenneth & Lillian Ysteboe '5 1 Ose
Ervin '56 & Sylvia Overlund
Do nald+ & Dagny+ Padilla
Robert ' 50 & Ruth Paulson
Richard l'auc, '37
Harvey '52 & Joanne Varner '52 Peterson
Douglas & Joyce Anderson '65 l' fu/f
T helma Schroeder '38 Preusee+
Roy Q uam '3 I +
Marcin •29+ & Esd1er+ Q uanbeck
Nancy Joubert '63 Raymond
Barbara Rodvik
Frances Roller
O live Ro nho lm '47
Donald '38 & Bo rghild Ronnin g
Aud rey Nagel '5 1 Sand er
Robert & Marianne Sander
Leland '35 & Pauline Sateren
Ruth chm idt ' 52
Kenneth Schmit '3g+
Roger '62 & Jean Schwarn
Rosemary Shafer
Dorothy Sward+
Gary ' 80 & Deanna Tangwall
Patr ick D . heehy & Wendy M . O ' Leary
O liver '36+ & Elisabeth T hompso n Sidney
Rod ney Sill '82
Arnold '48 & Ca rol Skaar
James Smith '94
Russel '50 & Virginia Smi th
Evelyn Amu ndson '43 Sonnack
Dorrie Sorenson+
Robert & Joyce Engm o m '7 0 Spector
Steven & Naomi Christensen '8 1 Scaruch
John '4 6 & Esther teen
Paul+ & Lo rene+ Steen
Odin Storien '2g+
Jack & P. Dawn Heil '78 Taylor
John Thu ,+
Jeanette Tollefson '24
Joel '38 & Frances Torscenson
Kenneth '26+ & Ovedcia Torvik
John & Marcia Thompson '78 Turcone
Morris '5 1 & Bonnie Bieri '54 Vaagcnes
Mark ' 83 & Beth Voelker
Norman '75 & Kathryn And erson '76 Wahl
T homas ' 57 and Barbara Warme
Co lleen Watso n '9 1 & Mary McDougall
Do ug Shaw & Lois Wm man '76
Donald ' 89 & Melind a Mattox '9 1 Wichm ann
Merton '42 & A. Irene Huglen '43 Strommen
Peder '49 & Alice Berg '5 1 Wilcox
C lair '46 + & G ladys Boxrud '4 6 Strom men
Woodrow Wilson ' 53
Johan Sverdrup
Darrell & Lauralee Howe '63 Zen k
ANNUAL GIVING (Gifts received Jun e 1, 2001 to May 3 1, 2002)
Alumni Giving by ClassYear
Number of Alumni: I
Total Amou nt of G ifts: $2585. 00
Participation: I00%
$2,500 -$4 ,999
Kenneth Torvik+
N um ber o f Alum ni : 17
Tora ! Am ount of Gif ts: $33 0.00
Participation: 18%
G ifts up to $ 119
Cl ifford Johnso n
Gifts o f $ I 0,000 o r More
Jessie M . Christensen Escace
N umb er o f Alumn i: 12
Total Amount of G ifts: $90 .00
Participation: 17%
C LASS OF ' 30
Number of Alumni: 9
Total Amo un t of G ifts: $545. 00
Parcicipacion: 11%
Elsie Lokken Lower
Num ber of Alumn i: 5
Total Amount of G ifts: $ 165. 00
Participation: 20%
$ 120-239
Vincent Kensrad
G ifts up to $ 119
Haro ld O lson
S5,000 -9,999
Jerome Formo
Win ifred Helland Formo
$ 120-239
Hamar Benson
W. Do nald O lsen
N umb er of Alum ni :
Total Amount of G ifts: $2 05, I 00 .00
Parricipacion: 100%
Gifts up to $ 119
M . Dueland
Total Amo unt of G ifts: $ 12, 109.00
Participation: 53%
Carl Ch rislock+
$ I ,000 -2,499
Ernest Anderson
$5 00 -999
Forrest Monson
Richard Pautz
G ifts up to $ 119
Leland Sateren
Carl olberg
$ 120-239
Conrad Jergenson
Margaret ateren Trautwein
Num ber of Alumni : 17
Tora! Amoun t of G ifts: $ 17 15.00
Participation: 29%
C LASS O F '3 8
Nu mber of Alu mn i: 33
Total Amo unt of G ifts: $3 ,555. 00
Participation: 30%
$ 1,000-2,499
Sophia Iverson Gjerde
$ 1,000 -2,499
Oscar Anderson
Gertrude Erling Paun+
$500-9 99
Edor Nelson
G ifts up to $ 119
Roselyn Ekberg lh ling
Lynn Hanson Luthard
Dagmar Dahl Q uanbeck
$24 0-499
E. Irene Neseth
Ethel Sinn er Shebeck
Hannah Mehus Srensvaag
Joel Torsrenson
Number of Alumni: I5
Adrian Tinderholc
5 120-239
Do nald Ro nnin g
G ifts up to $ 119
Einar Cannelin
Gretha Halvorson Loken
C LASS O F ' 39
Numb er of Alumn i: 37
Total Amount of G ifts: S2,985.00
Participation: 27%
$ 1,000-2 ,499
Gerald Person
S500- 999
Ruch Aune
Luther Strommen
$ 120 -239
Lester Dahlen
Irene Hagen Kyllo
G ifts up t0 $ 119
Roberc halmers
John Haaland
Gordon Korsmo
Vivien Thompson Paulson
Palmer Wold
C LASS OF '4 0
Number of Alumni: 4
Total A.m ount of ifts: $37 ,595
Participation: 36%
$ I 0,000 o r More
Adelaide Walsh Estate
$2,500-4 ,999
Valborg G ilscth C hrislock
Margaret C hrislock Gilscth
$ 120-239
\Vanda Severson Benson
Henry Chapman
C larice Nundahl Fylling
Earl Lanes
Ca rl Overvold
Erling Tungseth
$ 120-239
Archie Buseth
Verlinda O lson Huu s
Victor Miller
Elaine Olson Seal
Gifts up co $ 119
Chester Brooks
Ebba John son Brooks
Roy Erickson+
Maryann Eye Helleckson
Florence Borstad Hicplcr
Glenn Hoplin
Kenneth Jacobson
Gifts up co $1 19
Clair Chelmen
Doris Hanson Currens
Florence Retrum Hovland
Arloene Martin Knudsen
Anna T horsgard Kordahl
Alben O lson
Ina. Hinrichs Sullivan
Roger Thomp son
Number of Alumn i: 57
Toral Amount of Gifts: $7, 588.00
Participation: 35%
igvald Hjelmcland
$ 1,000-2,499
Dona ld Lundberg
Sigfrid Aadland Lybeck
Harry Sorenson
Royal Steen
Everald Strom
Harriet Hclleckson Thompson
Morris Ulring
Numbe r of Alumni: 66
Tota l Amount of Gifts: $ 14,6 10.00
Parcicipacion: 38%
$2,500-4 ,999
Evelyn Amundson Sonnack
A. Irene Hu glcn Strommcn
$ 1,000-2,499
Addell Halverson Dahl en
Fern Hanson Gudmcstad
Th eodore Nelson
Philip Rowberg
Thelm a Sydnes Monson
$120 -239
Richard Jacobson
Vivian Peterson
Gifts up co SI 19
Erwin Chell
Reynold Erickson
Edward Evenson
Waldemar Framscad
Roben Girod
Roy Johnson
Mabel Nelson Kingscad
Martha Quanbcck May
Helen Helm Mork
Edmund crand
Ormande Tang
Irene Slcrcen Thoresen
Ruch Gudim Wold
Number of Alumni : 57
Total Amount of Gifts: $11,630.00
Participation: 37%
$2,500 -4,999
Mcrcon Strommcn
$ 1,000 -2,499
Philip Helland
$240 -499
Muriel Quanbeck Turricrin
O rloue Gisselquisc
Gloria BurnrvedtNelson
Martin Larsen
Esther Paulson
$ 120-239
Hildur Anderson Brethei m
Borghild Escness
Arno ld Huu s•
Harry John son
Dorothy Herman Lanes
Emil Martinson
Harold Nelson
Marion Parbst Sarver
Henry Staub
Gifcs upc o$ 119
Ca rl Gilbertson
S. Elizabeth Bjornstad Luukkonen
lone C halgren Marcin
Amo Martin+
Stanford Nelson
Ruch Framscad Steen
Estelle Uleberg Swanson
Clconc Bolstad Tang
Bunon Fosse
Peggy Lou Zigneigo Fosse
Laville Henjum Larson
$ 120-239
Iver Sonnack
Gifts up co $ 119
Mary Ann Johnson Dixen
Kenneth Gilles
Edwin Johnson
Marjorie Kleven Quam
C larence Strandberg
Nu mber of Alumni : 47
Total Amount of Gifts: $6,826. 00
Participation: 30%
$2,500-4 ,999
Vera Thorson Benzel
$ 1,000-2.499
Ruben Egeberg
Clara Carlsen Durfee
Eunice Tande Langhaug
Gifts up co $ 119
Bonnie Sorem Anderson
Donald Car lson
Marcella Solheim Nelson
D. Henrickson Pederson
Eileen Quanbe ck
Elsie Rykken Sandve
Robert Warren
Number of Alumni : 64
Tocal Amount of Gifts: $ 13,568. 00
Participation: 42%
$5, 000-9 ,999
Glen Person
$ 1,000 -2.499
Harold Ahlborn
Lois Black Ahlborn
Olive Ronholm
Joyce Opseth Schwarn
Borghild Rholl Gabrielson
J. Vernon Jensen
Marie Gjenvick Knaphus
Marguerite Gregwo n Larsen
Paul Blikscad
Margery Manger Torgerson
$ 120-239
Muriel Ruud Frosch
John Parbsc
$ 120-239
Delpha Randklev Berg
Maria Galin Berryman
Agnes Valvik Larson
Arthur Marben
Lorna Wilberg Sanders
Gifts up co $ 119
Oliver Dahl
Elin Joh nson Lappegaard
Irene Ppedahl Lovaas
Caro l Tyvoll Nokleberg
L. Buesing Op grand
Ruch Chrislock Severson
Ruth Welnin Swanson
Number of Alumni : 43
Total Amount of Gifts: $700 ,595 .00
Participation: 44%
$ I 0,000 or more
E. Milcon Kleven
James Lindell
Gladys Boxrud Scrommen
$2,5 00-4,999
Mario n Myrvik Buska
$1,000 -2.499
John Steen
Ordelle Aaker
Gifts up co $119
Erma Chinander
Omar Gjerness
IAwell Larson
Avis Haga Lindroo s
Caro l Ysceboe Lindsay
Marilyn Rykken Michaelson
Roald Nokleberg
Eileen Kolden Olson
Herman Olson
Guilford Parsons
Jean Rachie Peterson
Edith Dreyer Reesnes
Sylvia Brande Saccren
John Thomp son
Number of Alumn i: 9 I
Toral Amount of Gifts: $ I 1,020.00
Participation : 33%
Jeroy Car lson
Number of Alumni: 6 1
Tota l Amoun t of G ifts: $ 1,770.00
Parcicipadon: 16%
$24 0-499
Geo rge Sverdrup
$ I ,000 -2.499
Stephen Halvorsen
Margaret Nelson Foss Nokleberg
Arnold Skaar
Chester Hoversten
$ 120-239
Norma Sateren Anderson
Jeannette Uleberg Boxrud
Gerh ard Bretheim
Rona Quanbeck Emerson
Richard Koplin
Mary Schind ler Th ompson
$ 120-2 39
J. Bernhard Brechcirn
Barbara Ekse Ca rlson
Doro thy Q uanbeck John son
Alcon Knucson
Duane Lindgren
Paul Sanders
G ifts up to $ 119
T heodore Anderson
LorraineCimmesrad lyne
Camille Sivertsen Forness
Eugene Hasselquist
Emily Rachie Hoard
Gud run Vik Kampen
Ge rhard Karlstad
Paul !Gide
Martha Th o mpson Nelso n
LaverneMoe Olson
Marilynn Peterson Olson
Eli1.abe1h Westphal Peterson
Ma ry Kuhn Schmid,
Ge rtrude Vik Sund srad
Erik Tromb org
Jean Tibke Vane
Nu mber of Numni : 130
Toral Amount of G ifts: $ 12.525 .00
Participation: 40%
$5 ,000-9,999
Dora Frojen Quanbeck
Jo hn Werkct
$ 1,000-2 ,499
Elsie Ronholm Koivula
$500 -999
Donald Embretso n
Martha Fosse
BecsyTowns Framstad
Wi llard G lade
Lorenc McGinnis Hansen
Evelyn Green Harris
Lorraine Telander Hendershor
Wi lliam lrgens
Donna Curry lrgens+
Louisa Johnson
Robert Johnson
Ca rol John so n Logan
Jo hn Midtl ing
Joyce Dreyer Nesct
Theodore Nystuen
Anna trand Olson
Donald Peterson
Robert Peterson
Miriam Bredow Priebe
Jo hn Q uam
Pau l Rot h
Donald areren
Dorothy T horb erg chm idt
Lillian Hanson tadelman
Donald Sween
Rueben Vane
Jo hn Wetzler
Peder W ilcox
Mae Jo hnson Luhn
Quentin Quanbcck
G ifts up to $ 119
Delphin e Jensen Bakke
Raymo nd Bodin
La Verne Olson Burnrvcdt
George apetz.
hidey Dahlen
C harlotte Forness Egeberg
Robert Eftedal, I
Dolores No lan Fevig
Marilyn Larson Forslund
Merlyn Frcdman
Beverly Fowler Holte
Wi lliam Holte
Raynard Huglen
Delores Farm Johnson
Esther Johnson
Everette Johnson
LeRoy John son
\'(lilliam Knutson
G eorge Lanes
Carol Schmidt Larson
Harvard Larson
C)'ruS Lideen
Marion Iverson Loges
Rhond a Hektner Lybeck
Robert clson
James Peterson
\'(laync Peterson
Elizabet h Felland Ronnin g
John hd stad
Angeline Rolland orenson
Dorothy Twiron
Robert Ulsaker
David Wasgm
C LASS OF ' 50
umber of Numni: 194
Total Amount of Gifts: $48.523. 00
Participation: 33%
$5.000 -9,999
Roy Bogen
Rudolf Engelm ann
Garfield Hover ren
Robert Paulson
Philip Qua nbeck
C LAS OF "5 1
Numb er of Alumni : 15 1
Total Amount o f G ifts: $48,58 0.00
Participation: 50%
$2,500 -4,999
Georgette Lanes Ario
$5 ,000 -9.999
Anabelle H anson Dalberg
Robert O degard
Oli ve N ilsen Zo ller
$ 1,000 -2,499
Robert Andersen
Lois \'Varner Bergcland
Luth er Bergeland
Arno ld Henjum
Henry Roufs
Jean Christenson Sverdrup
heldon Torgerson
$ 120 -239
Ray Anderson
James Carlson
Erling Helland
Esth er Tun gseth Hin schberger
Marvin Johnson
Calvin Larson
Jeanette Jacobson Martinson
Paul Paulson
Edward Nb erg
Richard Aune
Lola Lidstro m Berg
Kermit Hoversten
Carol \'(latSon chweizer
$2 ,500-4 ,999
Marolyn Sortland Halverson
\'(lilliam Halverson
$5 00 -999
Archie Lalim
Eunice Nystuen ordand
S 1,000 -2,499
LaVonnc Th ompson Benson
Ruby Helland Brow n
hirlcy L, rson Goplerud
Audr ey Nagel ander
$240 -499
Ethel Anderson Andersen
Andrew Balcrud
Barbara Kolden Balerud
orinne hicll Leslie
Lynn Lundin
Miriam Hoplin Lundin
Lyle Show
$500 -999
James hristopherson
Jennings Th ompson
$24 0-499
Elii.1bct h Becken
Roben Hoffiander
Merlin Johnson
LaRhea Johnson Morseth
LaWayne Morserh
Daniel Pearson
Wallace Pran
Calvin torley
arol Brekken Ritt enhouse
Connie Rholl Wagoner
Gifts up to $1 19
Jerome Andersen
Jack Berry
Dolores Hinsverk Bies
Rut h Isaacson
$ 120-239
Erling aris en
Donald Erickson+
Sylvia Kleven Hanson
Marjori e Wi lberg Hauge
Doroth y Gra mlin g Hoffiander
Rob m Howells
Roger Leak
$ 120 -239
Gen rude ess Berg
T heodore Berkland
Doris Frojen Bretheim
Shirley Odencrans Erickson+
Glen Hendrickson
Eleanor Ewert Hucchinson
Gloria Johnson
Erika raub Niemi
Clarice Thi ngelscad Onsager
Lillian Ysteboe Ose
Dorothy wanson Ryan
G ifts up to $ 119
Dorothy Anderson
Elaine Hanson Aune
Kerman Benson
James Bergd and
Dolores Flaa Bjerga
Alben Bjerkestrand
Thelm a Finnesgard Dahle•
Trygve Dahle•
G erald Davis
John Eliason
Harold Emerson
Steph en Engelstad
Ellen Stenberg Erick.son
Kat hryn Th orsgard Erickson
Stanley Erickson
Jo hn Ga rland
Janee HargraveGavic
Ronald Gude rian
Herbert Hanson
Hubert Hanson
Howard Hjelm
Muriel Olson Hoplin
Joseph Hulterstrum
An •ild Jacobson
John Johnson
Jean Vettel Kicele}'
Arthur Kuross
Joan Baxter Larson
Richard M)'hre
Harland elson
Pete Petersen
Gloria trand Peterson•Conrad
Arthur olberg
Otto Sotnak
Joyce Bonen trand
Herbert Svendsen
Alice Anderson Thorson
Donald T horson
Mary Valtinson Vevle
Robert Weeden
David West phal
Ruth Fosten •o ld Westph al
Ni ce Berg Wilcox
Loren \Xloo lson
C LASS OF ' 52
umber of Alumni: 139
Total Am ount of G ifts: $28 ,005 .00
Participation: 1%
$5 ,000-9,999
Leon ard Dalberg
Ruth chmidc
$ 1,000 -2. 99
Joanne Varner Peterson
Harvey Pererson
Yvonn e Bagley O lson
(Gifts received Ju ne 1, 200 1 to May 3 1, 2002)
Orvi lle Olson
Harvey Peterson
$ 1,000-2,499
Gloria Parirek Thorpe
Ruth Pousi Olli la
Janice Anderson Rykkcn
James Shiell
Joann e Varner Peterson
G ordon Th orpe
\Villiam Kuross
Leroy Nyhus
Charlorte Kleven Rimmereid
Irene Shelstad H enjum
Lloyd Lyngdal
Mildred Nelson
$ 120-239
Arvid Dixen
Marjorie Danidson Johnson
Morris Johnson
Ludt cr Larson
Donn a Wang Leak
D oro thy Sko nno rd Petcrx n
Marlo Petersen
Beverly Gryth Villwock
Gi fts up to $ 119
LeRoy Anenson
No rman Backstrom
Laurie Balzer
herman Bohn
H arriet Haller Brown
Celia H anson Burk
David Christensen
LeVon Paulson Dinrcr
Marj orie Haley Eliason
Jun e John son Enget
James Faul
Robe rt Go rdo n
Kay Roper H agen
Elmer Hanso n
M . Joyce Tallman H anson
Richard Howells
Th eodore Hust oft
Millard Knudso n
James Kon o m
Benjamin Larson
Elwood Larson
John Leak
Lola Nelso n Nebel
Roger Nelson
Go rdon Od egaard
Arnold Paulson
Gladys D ahlberg Peterson
Vera Peterson Rachuy
Donavon Robcrcs
David Rold«
Leona Eng Rold«
Roger Shelstad
Lewann Awes Sornak
Mae Ness Sparby
Alyce Larson Thur een
O dett e Hj elle Waller
N umb er of Alumn i: 125
Total Amount of G ifts: $22,305.00
Parcicipation: 38%
Donald Or en
Mark Raabe
Ruth Aaskov
Dorothy Srrommen Chrisrophcrson
Marvin Larson
John Lingen
Betry Mun son Nyhus
Thomas Ohno
Allan Sortla,1d
$ 120-239
Theodore Anderson
Louis B« ker
Lowell Brown
lnts Busevic.s
Valborg Kyllo Ellingson
Erling S. Huglen
Richard Johnson
Mavis Kyllonen
Alice Jensen Noble
Horace Porten
Allan Thoreson
Marlys Ringdahl Gun derson
\Vilgard John son
Joan Johnso n Kuder
Wi lmer Oudal
Gifts up to $ 119
Keith Anderson
JeannineTorstenson Blanchard
Willard Botko
Roger Ca rlson
George Fisher
Esther Oleson Freund
Marshal Cante
$ 120-239
Joseph C leary
Joyce Jorgensen Eckhoff
Beverly Nystuen -Carlsen
David Rykken
Edmund Youngquist
James Gcise ndorfer
G ifts up to $ 119
Eli1.abeth Manger Anderson
LaVon Moderow Belanger
Torrey Berge
H . Emmerc Dan ielson
Faith Ca rlstedt Dippo ld
Herman Egeberg
Jerom e Engseth
Leland Fairbanks
Delmour Fenske
Marilyn Elness Froiland
Jam es Hamre
A1ice Jacobsen
Norm an John son
Sigrunn Kvamme
H arriet Dup slaff Luehrs
Jack Lundb erg
David Lunde
Dono van Lundeen
Duane Myrin
Howard Pearson
Harold Peterson
Donald Reimer
Sam Skogsbergh
Vernon Stcnoien
Phyllis Vik Swanson
Co rinne Rechwill Tiegs
William \'Uhite
Helen Larsen Wire
Mavis Strand Hafsrad
Wallace H afstad
Eileen Johnson Hanson
Rohm lngman
U roy lscmingcr
Orpha Hu shagen Iseminger
Rohm Langseth
Mary Peterson Leak
Beverly Jacobsen Lund een
Alan Mathiason
Helen Jensen Myhre
Arlene Larson Nelson
Karl Nestvold
Edward Nyhu s
Winifred Nysrucn Nyhus
Ardis Dorr Nystuen
G lenn O lson
Lloyd Peterson
Ardelle Skovholt Quanbeck
No rm an Quanbeck
Donna Erickson Reimer
Alben Sand ness
Maryls Harkm an Schm idt
John Seaver
Roger Stockmo
Jero me Trelsrad
Number of Alumn i: 10 I
Total Amount of Gifts: $36,525.00
Parciciparion: 35%
Number of Alumni : 147
Total Amo unt of G ifts: $9,670.0 0
$ 10,000 or more
Phillip Gronseth
$ I ,000-2 ,499
$2,500-4 ,000
Beverly Halling Oren
Florence H elland Borman
Lowd ! Kleven
$ 1,000-2 .499
Darrell Egertson
Beverly Omdahl Nelson
Herbert Chilmo m
Richard Dronen
Arvin Halvorson
Arthur Anderson
Mark John son
Colette Peterson Lyngdal
Philip Nelson
Ethel Nordstrom Shiel!
Gene Anderson
Agnes Thompson Becker
John Benson
Richard H agestuen
Jacquelyn Bagley Han son
Janice Bremseth Larson
Wenona Strandlie Lund
Richard Mahre
Clinton Peterson
Gifts up to $ 119
Wi llard Burk
Elaine Fo~ Erickson
Wallace H anson
Robert Herman
Mary Jean Danger Holmquist
LaVonne Soderberg John son
Elmer Karlstad
Ralph Martinsen
Phyllis O lson McDaniel
Audrey Larson Miller
Clarice Ca rlson Nasby
Diane Aho Nelson
Clyde Peterson
John Peterson
David Skaar
Mavis BergeTrelnad
Numb er of Alumni : 125
Total Amount of Gifts : $ 14,405.00
Participation: 38%
$5,000-9 ,999
R. Luther Ol son
$ 1,000-2,499
Deloris Anderson
I. Shelby G imse Andr ess
Robert Lockwood
Lloyd Grinde
Cha rles Howard
$ 120-239
Dorot hy Floistad Benson
Thomas Benson
H ans D umpys
C harles Evavold
Rohm Gjengdah l
James Hau gen
Stan ley Ludviksen
Christine Munson Main
Ronald Main
James Pederson
Robert Roos
Donohu e Sarff
Elizabeth Morcensen Swanson
John Thomp son
G ifts up to $ 119
Margaret Hermanson Barnes
Gerald Baxter
Caro lyn Lower Bliss
J• mes Buski rk
O rla hrisrenscn
Robert Dongoske
Lel• nd Erickson
F,r olyn John son Ge hring
Shirley Mu len G rnus
Jo hn Haynes
Marlys Nepsu nd Lester
Margaret Helgaas Lincoln
Harvey Lundin
Mary Christiansen Meyer
Ardell Moen
Robert No rby
Roger O se
Ervin Ovcrlund
James Pearson
Harold Stoa
Allen Swanson
Kath ryn Th orv ig Th omp son
G lenn T ho rpe
Mark T ho rpe
Richard T ho rud
Ma lcolm Unseth
Evererc Holt
Marshall Jo hnson
Ralph Johnso n
Ro nald Johnson
Alfred Kaupins
Faye Brenni Moen
Do nald Myrvik
Rhod a Dah l Myrvik
ClaraA.nnHaugen Nordstrom
Ge rald Parupsky
Noel Sagness
Gloria Grant Knoblauch
Jeanette O lso n Locke
O rval Moren
Ruby Johnson Mortenson
Phyllis Knudson cim
Ronald cave
LaVane Srudlicn
Arden Wahlberg
Robert Welch
James No rman
Robert O slund
James Plum edahl
L'lwrcnce Pratt
Number of Alumni : 143
Tota l Amount of ifts: S 18,050.00
Participadon: 4 1%
Marian GraffSkaar
Neal nider
Mar lys Holm Tho rsgaard
John Welckle
Ronald Welde
John Martinsen
Nu m ber of Alumn i: 132
Toral Amou nt of G ifts: $26,385 .00
Participation: 35%
$ 1,000-2,499
Paul Almqu iSt
arl Casperson
$ 10,000 or more
Birgit Birkeland
MarcinOlav Sabo
Inez.Olson chwarzkopf
$2,5 00-4,999
Joann e Stiles Laird
Lois Madson Allen
John Berg
$ 1,000-2 ,499
Menon Johnson
Robert Meffert
Ronald Miskowicc
Harold eilsen
Hubert Nelson
Willard O lsen
Do nald O lson
Sylvia Moe Ovcrlund
Vicki Skor Pearson
Eileen Pund y
David Quanbeck
Luther Romo
Do nald Sallen
Junice Aasncss andncss
Theodore trand
Gale Torscenson
C LASS O F '60
N umb er of Alumni : 162
Total Amo unt of Gifts: $ 10,405.00
Participation: 3 1%
$2,50 0-4,999
Bruce Amundson
Eugene Peterso n
C LASS OF ' 57
N umb er of Alumn i: 138
Tota l Amou nt of G ifts: $29 ,984 .00
Participation: 36%
S 10,000 or mo re
Raymo nd G rind e
$ 1,000-2 ,499
Caroly n Burfield
Beverly Tollefson Uh lenberg
Chester Hoversten
Dona ld Olsen
Lila Ogawa Furukawa
$2,500-4 ,999
Grace Forss Herr
Harris Lee
Mabech aurc yllscrom
Wesley Sideen
Crace Kemmer Sulcrud
S 1,000-2,499
tanley Baker
Sidney Berg
De>n Holmes
An na Hovland Hanson
Jo An Bjornso n Jo hnson
Mary Erickson Lockwoo d
Harlan hriscianson
T homas Moen
Bo nnie Martinson Sta rley
$ 120-239
Mary Twiton Bosben
Paul hrisrensen
Donald Hagestuen
RmhThorsgard Homme
Harry Horne
Rhoda Monseth Hu glen
hirley Nordin e Kehrbc rg
Gary Lange
Go rdon Lindgren
Lawrence Lyscig
David Ringstad
onja Sather kurdal
$2 0-499
C hester Dyrud
Kennech Hagen
D ennes Borman
AJdemar Johnson Hagen
Gor don Trelsrad
$ 120-239
James Armstrong
Verna Skovholr Barren
T homas Hom ander
Roben Jamieson
Morris Jespersen
Wayne Johnson
Roger Mackey
Gera ld M indrum
Maynard Nelson
Richard Vevle
Bill Z inn
Gifts up to $ 119
Richard Berg
David Freedland
Do rot hy Burke Freedland
Virg Ge h ring
Peggy-Joyce orenso n Grab le
G ilbert Gra us
Doris Rovick Hanson
Anneliese Laidig H aynes
Jean M,ng uson H icks
$ 120-239
Elyce Lundquist Arvidson
Lois Mackey Davis
Hugh Gi lmore
Betty John son H ass
Peggy Oneil wcnscn
Janet Coo ke Zinewicz
Jerome Kleven
Alice Lindell Lindgren
Wendel l Sh iell
G ifts up 10 119
Lawrence Berg
Irene O lson Brown
James Brown
Delores rupp hristianson
Barbara O lson Oertle
Jam es G uldm h
James Hanson
Franklin Hawks
Arlene dander Hill
Rod ney Hill
James Horn
Ro nald Jacobso n
H arold Kambak
Charlone Bac:a
lden Knmson
Monroe Larson
LeRoy Lauen
Walrer Lundeen
G ifts up to $ 119
Dennis Barnaal
Vernon Berkness
Elaine Nelson Bernards
Janet Nicderloh hristeson
Glenn Davidson
onja Johnson Enscad
Loi Hofstad Esselmom
Myrna Tollefson Ga rdin
Philip Heide
C, rl Hellie n
C. Leroy John son
Joy Hu nd l Joh nso n
Gwen Johnson Krapf
Margaret Peterson Langness
Jon Maraia
John Miskowiec
Richard Berge
Phyllis Raymond Burge
Bruce Cunning
Jayton Paulson
Edyt he Strand Shogren
Marjorie Moland \Xlcndt
S 120-239
John Anderson
Kay Lemmerman ilmore
Ruth Carlsen Moen
David Nordlie
S 120.00
Donald Homme
Gifts up to $ 119
Lois Richter Agrimson
Jean Knutson Anderson
Arne Boyum
Myron Carlson
Carol Johnson Casperson
Fred Engelmann
Ruth Borchardt Engelstad
ancy Garland Erickson
Arden Fla1en
James Gedrose
Dennis Glad
BarbaraMilne Gordon
David Hanka
Kenneth Hatland
Gerald Hendricks
Donald Holmq uisc
LaVonne GravgaardIverson
Peter Locke
M•ry LundquiSt Meffert
C lifford Myhre
R. Thomas Olson
(Gifts received Jun e 1. 200 1 10 May 3 1, 2002)
Phyllis R<denbaugh Ose
Dwighr Pederson
Barbara Ricsberg Peterson
Ronald ranley
C LASS O F '62
Number of Alumni: 169
Total Amount of Gifts: $ 14,420.00
Participation: 29%
Joann Eliason Amundson
Larry Th ompson
Kermit Vall~n
Sharon Grodt West
Darrell Wiese
Shirley Harms W ilsey
Lowell Ziemann
C LASS O F '6 1
Number of Alumni : 160
Total Amounr of Gifts: $ 17,949. 00
Parcic ipation: 26%
Richard Thompson
$ 1,000-2 ,499
Marilyn Saure Breckenridge
Joseph Hsieh
Kenneth Nelson
Karen Egcsdal Trelm d
Daniel Carlson
Mary Ttldahl Meyers
Dennis Johnson
Jan et Baralden Johnso n
Gregory Madson
Kenneth AJccrman
Theodore Botten
Curtis Haney
Ca rol Oversvee Johnson
Joan Gibson Labs
Ronald Laudert
Seven Score
Co nstance Gildsech pangenberg
PatriciaNordlund Toussaint
Gifts up to $ 119
Gayle Arvidson
Lloyd Bakke
John Baxter
Mary Lou BalcerChristenson
Lawrence Gallagher
Roger Gordon
Jam es Ho lden
Audrey Halvorson Hovland
PatriciaSwanson Kreuziger
George Larson
George Lundqu ist
Julie Magnuson Marineau
Jack Mayala
Karen Erickson McCullough
Cedric Olson
Gerald Peterson
James Redeske
Myron Rew
Jud y Fosse Snider
Glenice Nordin Sprague
Carol Svanoe
Bruce Westphal
Patr icia O 'Reilly Olso n
$ 1,000-$2,499
Dennis Erickson
Mary Lou Ervin Erickson
$ I ,000-2.499
Allen Hoverste n
Philip Sidney
Sarah Halvorson Strom
Sandra Simpson Phaup
Stella Kyllo Rosenquist
David Srccnson
Robert Tufford
LauraleeHowe Zenk
$ 1,000 -2,499
Kathleen Aalcer Casperson
Eunice Kyllo Roberts
Arne Sather
Ronald Beckman
Bradley Holt
David Procrnr
Ordean Torsrenson
Jennelle Johnson C unning
Paul Grover
Lorna Hoverste n
John Hugo
Lois Knutson Larsen
Kay Hanenbur g Madson
Wayne Stockman
Lewis Sundquist , 11
Mary Ann Sorensen Urban
$ 120-239
Roger Bevis
Brenda Henrickson Capek
Linda Carlscedt
Lola Nelson Grafstrom
C. Bagley Humphrey
Doris Wilkins Johnson
Caro l Anderson McCue n
T homas Wadsworch
Marilyn Heide Waller
John Wanner
Marilyn Ellingson Akerman
Philip Baum an
Joanne Joski Evavold
Judy Jo hnson John son
Olivia Gordon Lorents
John Osberg
Gifts up to $ 119
R. Char les Anderson
C harles Arndt
Morris Bjurlin
Gifts up to SI 19
John Bosrad
Claire Helland Buettner
John Christense n
Wayne Coil
Sherman Coltvec
Tamara Ronholdt Francis
Marilyn Olson Gronner
Julia O se Grose
Sonia Overmoe n Gullick,
Peter Hauser
Rodney Helgeson
Wanda Anderson Hemes
Robert Umup
Ruth Gochnauer Johnson
Ursula Laidig Juliar
LynneMclean Junkcrmeicr
Gayler Korsmo
Ella Bowlby Lerud
John Lystig
Phillip Matti son
Cunis Moe
A. Robert Molldrem
Ann Ring Odegaa rd
Betty Johnson Oppegard
Milo Oppegard
Bonnie Carlson Pehrson
Roger Schwarn
Ronnie Scott
Bcrz.cPaulson Solomonson
Barbara Herkal Szoke
Roger Bosmoe
Wendell Carlson
Joan Hanson C heck
Wayne Christiansen
Gloria C lauson
Alice Evenson
l.annell Farmer
Mary Lower Farmer
Raymond Fosse
Stephen Gabr ielsen
Joyce Gusiafson Hauge
Marilyn Peterson Haus
Mary Jo Cherne Holmmand
Caro lyn Johnson
Judich Hess Larsen
KarenTangen Mattison
Julie Medbery
Russell Oste rberg
Glenn Peterson
Janet Evenson Potran
James Roback
Hans Sandbo
Allen atter
Albert Schobe r
Arvid Schroeder
C hristopher Wagner
Ann Johnson Wollman
Linda Tollefson Zenk
Number of Alumni : 188
Tota l Amount of Gifts: $53,086.00
Participation: 29%
Numbe r of Alumni : 202
Toca! Amount of Gifts: $ 15,76 1.00
Participation: 25%
$ I 0,000 or more
LaVonne O lson Batalden
Paul Batalden
$2 ,500-$4,999
Joyce Leifgren Young
Karen La.Mere Bosmoe
Rohm Nordin
Karen Henry Srccnson
Doto thy Borsgard Berldand
Ellen Paulson Keiter
Gary Langness
Jean Pfeifer Olson
Stanley Spangenberg
Dorothea Hake Torsrcnson
$ 120-$239
Luther Anderson
Bruce Braaten
Deanne Star Greco
Roger Johnson
Sharon C hristensen Kildal
Mary Fenrick Olson
Ted Olson
James Parks
Patricia Strecker Pederson
Virginia Hovland Plunkett
Bruce Ranum
Betty Hanson Rossing
Gifts up to $ 119
Dawn Asp Aarsvold
And rew Berg
Jerry DeVrieze
Avis Hoel Dyrud
Philip Dyrud
Barry Fosland
Ronald Gtoff
Margery Kyvig Haaland
Ann Tja den Jensen
David John son
Jack Kelly
Sharon Swanson Knucson
Diane Garbisch Levalce
Mary Lindgren
Karla Krogsrud Miley
Ronald No rdin
Sharon Peterson Paulson
Linda Hamilton Senta
James Spiess
Satoru Sudoh
Carla Q uanbeck Walgren
Michael Walgren
Elizabech Johnson Wolsky
Numb er of Alumni : 229
Total Amount of Gifts: $78,627.0 0
Partic ipation: 34%
$ I 0,000 or Mo re
Kinney Johnson
$5, 000- $9,999
Lyle O lson
$2 ,500-$4,999
Daniel And erson
$ I ,000-S2 ,499
Lois Harp Bjorngoard
Paul Ficldharnmer
Priscilla Strecker Fieldhammcr
\'(landa \Xlagner Hanson
Ruth Radke Paulson
Larry cholla
Julie Gudmcsrad Laudicina
Daniel Meyers
Steven Nielsen
Gary Blosberg
Judy Thomp son Eiler
Mark Gjerde
James Harbo
MarleneHanggi Heimbigner
Cordelia Coltvec Hoffmann
BeverlyNelson Hugo
Peter Jacobson
Carol Welch Langness
Marie Hafie MacNally
John McIntyre
Dennis Morreim
Gene Nagel
Gary O lson
$ 120-239
Bradford Aamodt
JoAnn Halvorson
Robert Hinz
Donald Hostl h
Sharon Dirrbcnner KJabund
John Luoma
Larry Nelson
David Parupsky
Joyce Anderson Pfaff
GaryT hyren
Gifts up ro $ 119
Lois Luthard Anderson
Marilyn ielsen Anderson
Judith Kasin Anenson
Jean Amland Berg
Adrienne crand Buboln
Larry Buboltz
Darryl Can er
Gerald Dahl
Eunice Bergman Dietrich
Thomas Eberhart
Gary Ellis
Dale Engel
Marilynn Ross Fa1l
Donald Francis
Hildur Oyen Gleason
Anita Christopherson Gransee
Gracia Grindal
David Gunderson
Linnea Hanke
Edythe Berg Johnson
Janice Mattson Johnson
Kendall Kamp
Chuck Kienholz
Paul Larson
Michael Marcy
Michael Monson
Peter Onstad
Calvin Peterson
Janee Anderson Peterson
Lilah Rasmussen
Paul Reiff
Gary Reuss
Lee Ridgway
I. Patricia ccenson Roback
Marie Bergh andbo
Ellen Johnson Srrorn
Sceven Scrommen
\Villiam Tessman
Lyndon West
Robert Zeller
Dennis Rykken
James enn
Joann Gilbertson Snyder
Karen Pelcola Sorenson
Beery Lundgren ravrou
Sorerios Sravrou
harles Stenson
Dale Strom
James cruve
haron Petersen Te.ssman
Steven Westby
Number of AJurnni: 2 17
Total Amoun1 of Gifts: $ 18,759.00
Panicipario n: 26%
Number of Alumni: 2 17
Total Amoun1 of Gifts: $8,337.00
Participation: 31o/o
$5,000- $9,999
Gay Johnson Minear
penccr Minear
ccphen Bacalden
Lee Anne Hansen L1ck
recchen Larson Swenson
\Vaync wenson
$ 1,000-$2 ,499
Thom as Hanson
Patricia Munson Duncan
ynthia Hanson
Beth Torstenson
Gail Suo msmoc Dow
Alan Gierke
Marilyn Albaugh Gierke
Rebecca Beiro Huseby
Dennis Miller
Mark Sandbo
Janice Peterson Andrews
John Greenfield
Edward Huseby
Douglas Johnson
Kathryn Wall Johnson
Donald Marrison
Richard Mork
Jeanne \'(/anncr Morreim
$ 120-$239
James Call
Loren Dunham
Sharon Hendrickson Gronberg
Barry Gunderson
Kay Dahlquist Gunderson
uzanne Overholt Hampe
Gene Hugoson
Kathleen Feddick Luedtke
Dennis Sackreitcr
Karen Foss Sackreiter
Muriel Berg cholla
John elstad
Robert ko«egaard
Duane Vik
Rebecca Helgesen Von Fischer
Lennore Bylund Bevis
Larry Hoff
teven Holm
Gracia Nydahl Luoma
Karen Langseth Oelschlager
Margaret Ahlson Tjade n
Gifts up to $ 119
Benjamin Coltvet
Donald Anderson
John Andr easen
K."hleen Popp Boggess
Julie eegmiller Braaten
Barbara Anderson Brown
Helen Co ltvet larke
Judith Erickson oppersmi1h
hirley Sandin Dahl
Darlene Ojak:mgas Gunderson
Catherine Blom Johnson
F. William Johnson
Karen Johnson
Margaret Danielson Jorg nsen
Allan Kriscenson
EJsie Anderson Larson
John Lund
Marcia Th imsen Noble
Douglas Norvold
Beverly Hallcock Ohmann
Larry O lson
Dennis Paulson
Darrel Pererson
Judith Erickson Pinelkow
arolyn Benson Pinman
Gifts up to $ 119
BarbaraAnderson Aaberg
Bruce Anderson
Dianne Larson onn
Janet Fischer Davenport
Marilyn McKnight Erickson
Ruth Ann Gjerde Finke
Terry Frovik
Bruce ilmore
Dennis Goldenman
Lorraine Vash osewisch
Robert Haskin
onja Helgesen
Darlene Tesdell Hetland
Duane Hetland
Robert Hosman
Roger Husbyn
Sandra Doering Jeppesen
Victori:i.Asper Johnson
Mi hael Jorgensen
loria Lamprecht
Mary Lou Lanes
Elaine Erickson L1rson
Karen Len::inder
Marian Schroeder Leonardson
Mary Ellen trommen Liebers
James Lindell
Carol Brandt Mork
Johanna cidcrt
Bonnie Johnson Nelson
Linda Larson Pahl
Janee Madsen Peterson
Kenneth Peterson
\Villiam Pittman
Fern Rasmussen
Harley Refsal
Audrey Anderson Rogness
Patricia Sickin
Tom Snyder
Paulene Nelson peed
Marlys Ruona Thomsen
cuan Ucgaard
Carl Wall
Geraldine Neff Wall
Number of Alumni: 26 1
Total Amount of Gifts: $46,332.00
Participation: 29%
or more
Ronald Nelson
$ I 0,000
$ 1,000-$2,499
David Berg
David Boe
Joan Vol,
\Vayne Hansen
lone Agrimson Hanson
Mark Hanson
Duane llscrup
Marsha trommen Olson
Carolyn Hanson Schildgen
Jean Hemstreet Bachman
Janet Lunas Gjerde
Carole BraudJensen
Gerald Jensen
Bruce Johnson
Lois Hallcock Johnson
Earl ethre
Larry Sharpe
Dorod1y Anderson
Michael Arnd1
Dean Ersfeld
Allen islason
Herald Johnson
Lyle Malot~T
David Melby
Mary Schivone Nelson
Miriam Cox Peterson
John Roebke
Gary chmidt
Roberr Steen on
Janet Thorp
John Weinard
Gifts up 10 $ 119
Elizaberh Amdall
James Bengtson
(Gifts received June I , 2001 to May 3 1. 2002)
Priscilla Plan Berg
Joel Bjerkestrand
Donald Britt
Janee Braaten DeGaetano
Elizabeth Hukcc Demich
Jonathan DcVries
John Eckberg
Jeffery Elavsky
ccphen Erickson
John Fahlberg
\Xfilliam Farmer
Alan Fredrickson
Ca rolyn Auld Gravell
Anne Dauph ine Hayward
David Heidtke
Theodore Johns on
Do lores Johnson
David Joyce
Luther Kendrick
Kathlynn Lindqui st
No Reen Nystrom-Henke
Mary Fir! Olson
Jan Pedersen-Schiff
Alice Draheim Peters
Robert Peters
Mary Roiland Peterson
Linda Christ ensen Phillips
Barbara Hanson Raymond
Jam es Romslo
Gera ldine Carlstrom Rustad
Nancy Peterson Salmi
Caro l Watson Saund ers
Jan Severson
Clair Severson
Lois Wcllnitt \Varrcn
N umb er of Alumni: 3 13
Tora.IAmount of Gifts: $ 14,504 .00
Participation:2 1o/o
$2,500-$4 ,999
Lynn Benson Hjelmcland
$ I ,000-$2,499
Julie Teigland Anderson
Richard King
James Ericksen
Lois Batalden Hansen
John Harden
Ronald Swanson
Jeann e Kyllo Wendschuh
Richard Fenton
Richard Olmsted
Sandr a Larson O lmsted
Sonya Christensen Steven
$ 120-$239
Diana O lson Ersfeld
Rosemary Jacobso n
Suzann e Kelley
Ingrid Kloster Koch
Frank Wagner
Joyce Engstrom Spector
Mary Loken Veim h
G ifts up to $ 119
Karen Norum Alm
Ardell Thorpe Bengtson
Caro l Halvorson Bjerkestrand
Ronald Ca llanan
Pamela Bjorklund Car lson
Wayne Ca rlson
David Cina
David Cross
Peggy Nelson Edstro m
Philip Edstrom
Dian e Follingsrad
Dale Froyum
Lona Berg Froyurn
John Gree nfield
Dallas Ahrens Hagen+
Eunice Helgeson
Joan H alverson Holt
Jon Johnson
Laurel Jon es Joh nson
Mary Ekstrom Johnso n
Robert Kirchner
Marilyn Kusel Kirk
Marcia Weltzin Kjesbu
David Knucson
David Korila
Joan ne Ogdah l Leach
Mark Lund
Nancy Machmueller Maier
Janis Machison
Margaret Ness
Michael Peterson
Dennis PAipsen
Sandra Olson Pietig
Diane Ellingson Runquist
Kathleen Ford Ruud
Mary Mether Sabatke
Richard Sandee n
John-Mark Stensvaag
Erik trommen
Norma Johnson Strommen
John ulzbach
Nancy Neumann Thor en
Jam es Torfin
Mark Trechock
Arlene Uejima
Diane Boese \Varner
Bonnie Jami eson Wedel
Curtis Zieske
$500 -999
Gary Benson
Sara Palmgrcn Benson
Linda Larson
$24 0-499
Mary Buss
Betty Mackay
Lisbeth Jorgensen Sethre
Susan Lindberg Sorenson
$ 120-239
Peter Agre
James Ashley
Kerry Bade
Larry G lenn
Da niel Koch
Bradley Refsland
Donald Smith
Sharo n John son Sullivan
Ronald Wahlberg
Gifts up to $ 119
Daryl Anderson
Caro lyn Gilbertso n Brown
Sherman Danielson
Mary Nelso n Eckberg
James Fischer
Dan Foss-Goran
Kristin Foss-Goran
John Hansen
Renee Maikk ula Isaacson
Thomas Iverson
Steven Johnson
LaRhae Grin dal Knatterud
John Kulczyclti
Marilyn Ladin g
Stephen Larson
Pamela D rayer Lillehei
Sonya Nydahl Lund
Cat herine Go rder Mazyck
Cheryl Hayenga Nybe rg
Raymo nd Nybe rg
Linda W ichm an n Oja
Nico lyn Rajala
Diane John son T horltildson
David Ulvin
Jan et Ca ll Ulvin
M. Jane Co rnelison Van Brun t
onya Hagen Zieske
Linda Swanson Zimmerman
C LASS O F '7 0
Number of Alum ni: 27 I
Total Amount of G ifts: $39,086.00
Participation: 20%
N umb er of Alumn i: 284
Tota l Amo un t of G ifts: $ I I 6,72 0.00
Parcicipacion: 2 1%
$ I 0,000 or more
Robert M iciness
Thomas Peterson
$ I 0,000 or more
Michael Good
John Hjelmeland
$ 1,000-2,499
Mari lyn Buschbo m Lueth
Barbara Dur kee Mikelson
$ I ,000 -2,499
C heryl Nelson King
Paul Mikelson
Terry Nygaard
Paulett e O lson Od egaard
Richard eime
Philip Hoversten
David Owen
Kay Hendri ckson Owe n
Swan Scott Swanson
$24 0-499
David Benzel
John Jenn eke
Rachel Hendri ckson Julian
Mary Grooters Lewis
Michael Scott
$ 120-239
Susan G ibbon s Casey
Ti mo thy Casey
Mark Ellinger
Patricia O lson Ellinger
C harles Maland
G lennis Wdd a Schlukebier
Janice Bell Schmidt
Nancy Simonetti
Kathleen Tierney Sceenson
Nancy Rosrberg Sylvester
Robert Tjaden
G ifts up to $ 119
Donald Beach
Mark Bermess
Jane Ca tlin Bracken
Roger Branes
Paul C hind vall
Kathy Kropdin Cracra ft
A. Carolyn Benson Dauner
Jeffrey Dieter
Ruth Schroeder Duffy
Peter Eckberg
Janee Levin Gordon
Gary Hagen
Gay lord Hall
PauJa Jones lvcrson
Douglas Johnson
Murry Kelly
Leslie Lee
Robert Martin
Wi lliam Mees Mees
Jud y Hoseth Mikolich
Lynn Oeder Miller
Bruce Nelson
G regg Nelson
Judith Larson Peterso n
Leanne Phinne y
John Rask
Linda Gilbertson Romslo
Susan Risum Rustebakke
David Siedlar
Darrell Skogen
Nancy Strommen Scensvaag
Stephanie Johnso n Sulzbach
Janice Sheldon T homp son
Jane Sontag Vemess
G regory With ers
Marilyn Borcherdin g Wom eng
N um ber of Alumni: 287
Tora.I Amo unt of G ifts: $ 11,080.00
Participation: 2 1%
$2,500 -4,999
Geo rge Dahlm an
$ 1,000-2,499
James Agre
$500 -999
David Christianson
Michelle Karkhoff C hristianson
kvlFTSI~ ~::::::::
IN vR~~
Investing'Toaayin Leaaersfor 'ToTtWrrow
ugsburg 's Maroon & Silver Society was laun ched in 2000 as part of The Augsburg Fund. It recognizes donor s who are
_.l'-1.co mmitted to supporti .ng curr ent student s by pledging to spo nsor an Augsbu rg scho larship for four years wit h an ann ual
gift of $ 1,000 or more per year. Members of the Maroon & Silver Society lead the way and encourage others to join them , stepping
up to a new level of giving to build the "living endowme nt " that The Augsburg Fund provides.
Please consider jo inin g the curr ent char ter members who are helping to build a solid base of ongoi .ng financial support that is
essential in attracting and retaining our outstanding students. Gifts can be made annuall y, quarterly , or monthl y. If you would like
information regarding this opportunity , contact Donna McLean: 612-330-1179 , 1-800-273-0617 or < mclean @augsbur g.edu > .
I/We are interested in joining the Maroon & Silver Society. Please send the pledge information. (Complete nam e and address below)
Yes,I/We ENCLOSE an annu al gift to The Augsburg Fund :
Amounts: up to $ 119
/circ/eouc) $500-999
$2,500 and up
I/We PLEDGE $____
in support of Augsburg College, to
be paid on or before May 31. I/We plan to make payment s:
/circle 011e) Monthly
Please send reminders beginning __________
Please CHARGE my gift to:
/circle one) Visa
Name on card ________________
Card number __________
Signature __________________
American Express
Exp. date ___
(Monthl y gift transfer from my bank to Augsburg-p lease send
me the Simply Giving forms)
State ______________
E-mail ______________
.Zip _______
Class year(s) __
My/Our emp loyer will match my/our gift. Enclosed is my/our
matching gift form.
This gift can be matched by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Augsburg College is in my/our will.
1/03/ AA
22 11 Riverside Ave
Minn eapo lis, MN 55454
The Augsburg Fund
Augsburg College
Camp us Box 142
22 11 Riverside Ave
Minn eapo lis, MN 55454
Burton Haugen
Gary Larson
Janice Nelson
Jonathan Nye
Brian Olson
Linda Wahlberg Jenneke
Linda Bailey Holmen
Gary Johnson
Richard Pearson
$ 120-239
Gary Anderson
Gary Ellefson
Robert tromme n
$ 1,000-2,499
Karen Johnson Brudvig
Merilee Klemp
Norman Wahl
Ronald Hoverstad
Elizabeth Turritcin Lien
Brian Wigdahl
Andrea Johnson trommcn
Jon Hanson
Lorraine \'(fiecz.kcAaland
Margam Rein Bade
Timothy Brady
Joann Koclln Frankcna
Lyn Froiland
Percr Gale
Thomas Haas
Richard Habsrritc
Thomas Howe
Ronald Johnson
Sheryle Siegfried Kaluza
Kathryn Modrow Kufus
David Lehrke
Pacrick Marcy
Julie Olson Munson
Donald Prose
Karen Sandness
AJan oli
Nancy Becker oli
Gifts up 10 $ 119
Vivian Yonker Anderson
Darla Lovaas Frantz
Srevcn Frann
John Gisselquisr
Judy Bacon Haugo
Nancy Olson Hrdlicka
Karen Johnshoy Hcsla
Christine Jacobson Jeatran
Stephen Jea1ran
Nancy Klein Maland
Bradley O lson
Catherine Berglund Becker
Rebecca Nystuen Berger
Scott Brown
Janer churr Brubak
Ste\'en Carlson
Joyce Catlin
Marilyn Rude Chindvall
Beverly Ma11SonConboy
Douglas Co nboy
Beverly Fermon
D uane Foss
Corrine Froelich Frank
Kathryn Frank
Roger Gorham
James Hagen
Lyth Harn
Ruth Gundale Hillebrand
GiflS up 10 $ 119
James Arends
Sandra Knudson Beito
Nancy Brown-Koeller
Dawn crauch Holmes
Rhona Newpon Brysky
Ann Knurson Bundy
David Heikkinen
Rad1el Iverson
Paul Holmes
Thom as Jensen
Mark Johnson
Susan Benson Karkhoff
Bonnie Ursed, Koch
Cynthia Hicks Kelly
Mark Ladwig
Cheryl Lindroos Marcin
Deborah Anderson Miller
Michael Nelson
Pamela Nichols Nelson
Alan Huus
Carol Ellingson McMillin
Vivian Moe
Steven Nelson
Roberc Nilsen
Bruce Pam:rson
Susan Maahs Rowan
Judi, h andeen Sandell
T homas nell
Ronald Spencer
Mary Kay Johnson censvaag
Saul Stcnsvaag
Nancy Voss
Marlys Oelschlager Withers
Numberof Alumni: 292
Tora( Amoun, of Gifts: $5,470.00
n: 19%
Rebecca mich hrist.ianson
Marilyn Gissclquisc
Andrew Morrison
Gregory Carlson
Lavon Emerson-H nry
Marvin Felderman
Bryon usrafson
Marcia T hompson Hagen
Marvin Levake
Mark Mattison
Mary Muhlbrad,
Daniel Nordin
Kristinc Olson
Kathleen Quick
Joel Raaen
Pamela Enge Rausch
\Villiam Roen
Stephen Rolfsrud
$ 120-239
Dean Anderson
\'v'aync Anderson
Jo Ellen Schramm A,mcss
William Axncss
Stephen Blake
Karen Hayes Brophy
Cynthia Behmer Gale
Nan9 rThomsen HcckJcr
Jene Morey
teven Otoo l
Barbara Ruud Revuelras
teven Reznicek
Daniel Rodgers
Nancy Sandro
Julie Johnson Westlund
Gifts up to SI 19
Jo Ann Berg BabIitch
Pamela Birdsall Richard
$2 0-499
onnie Garry Adams
David Dahl
Subhashchand Patel
Allan Tonn
Allan Torsce.nson
$ 120-239
Duane Esterly
Sheryl Birk Gable
Gifts up 10 $ 119
Mark Bengrson
Paul Breitenfeldt
Brenda Hoppes acradoris
Andrea Erickson
Stephanie Gierke Gustafson
Lila KJanderman Hambleton
Jann Meissner Hamilton
Raymond Hamilton
Keith Howard
Carol Jernberg
Richard Kruger
Diane Loeffler
Ruth Anderson Lofgren•
Clifford McCann
Susan Johnson Mc eill
Nancy Soli Mollner
Ka1hleen Murdock
Gayle Baker Hofmann
Daniel Nelson
Lyle Horrmann
Marlene Chan Hui
Shirley ChriS1ensen Nickel
Thom as Koplin
Elizabeth Kasee Pedersen
Brenda alberg Peterson
James Ring
Carl Oslund
Alan Krancz
David Levine
Judith Lu-Lawson
David Paun
JuJianne arlson Pederson
Bonnie Peterson
Daniel Pererson
Michael Lundeby
Paula McDermid Lundeby
Philip Lundin
ail Butson Maifeld
Jan O'Brien weec
Philip Pe1erson
Timothy Miller
Paige Nelson
Number of Alumni: 304
Total Arnouni of Gifts: $26,538.00
Janice \Veum Philibert
William Nelson
Wendy Nilsson
Mary Clapp Overend
Karen Dahlke Rodda
Carol Sime
Donald Swenson
Samuel chmeling
Doro1hyTanaka Storeygard
Paula Roberts Tetzloff
Len \'v'ojcowicz
Participation: 23 %
Randel Widmom
Linda Larson Pipkorn
Lecda Premil Pitra
$ I 0,000 or more
H. Theodore Grindal
Number of Alumni: 283
Total Amouni of Gifts: $ I 65,402.00
Mary Ran laff
Ward chendel
Charles Schul,
S I ,000-2.499
Scott Anderson
Parcicipation: 22%
Lynn Co rrin eykora
Larry Thomp son
Stephen Reinarz.
SI 0,000 or more
Richard olvin
$2,50 0-4,999
Laurie Johnson Thorp
Timo1hy T horp
Kathryn Anderson Wahl
Kathleen Tinserh
rla Johnson Velenchcnko
Mark Zellmer
$ I ,000 -2.499
Jeffrey Dahl
Number of Alumni: 220
Toral Amouni of ifrs: $ I 1,872.00
Kenneth Holmen
Participation: 18%
Linda BergsethJarvis
Lois Wattman
Karen Hesselroch
Ru1h Dahlof Vedvik
(Gifts received June I , 2001 10 May 31 , 2002)
$ 1,000 -2,499
Steve n Bloo m
Mary Qu anb cck Barber
Barbara Brooks
Deborah Fredrickson Crowley
Laurie Paulson Dah l
Marilyn Pearson Flo rian
Daniel Eicrheim
Rose lyn No rdaune
Do uglas Mellema
Stephe n Sveom
Numb er of Alumni : 292
Total Amount of G ifts: $24 ,901.00
Participation: 25%
$500 -999
$ 10,000 or more
P. Dawn Heil Taylor
Robe rt An derso n
$ 120 -239
Janee Nelson Anderson
Inez Schey Bergquist
John Ronn ing
Joyce Larson Brown
Belvin Doebbcrc
Jeffrey Edson
Ruth Fairchild
Susan Gangsei
Rachel Rohde Gilchrist
Tho mas Koelln
Steven Kuross
Randa ll Lundell
Douglas Ndson
Beth Qua nbeck
Pauline Rathje Rodgers
Jerome Rold«
Mark Roloff
Debra Wh eeler
$24 0-499
Mary Fastner Bloom
Debra Daehn-Zel lmer
Mark Hall
John Sonn ack
Antoinette Laux Sveom
David Wygant
Patrick Zumbusch
$ 120-239
Alcon Benncrc
Lori Berg Bright
Lee Hagberg
Lisa Lunge-Larsen
Gifts up to $ 119
Jod y Bymark-Boughto n
Jon Bergherr
Daniel Cassada
Jean Maland Dah l
Vendla Fahning
Susan Guenthner Garness
Joan DeVore Gish
Donald G rote
David Halaas
Shari Simonson H anso n
Susan Ro thman Ho lmscen
Kim John son
David Lane
William Lindquist
Susan Forsmark Long
Patricia Lundeen
Solvcig Evenson Matcson
Russell Meyers
Larry Morgan
Jan e Hensd in Murray
D ean Myers
Lynne Gilbertson Nelsen
Jeff Nessler
Dale Paschke
Vicky Bergh Paschke
Timothy Peterson
C har les Rapp
M ichael Sack
William Schmidt
Mark Selbo
Joel Squa dro ni
Minda Grist Squad roni
Richard Sviggum
Nancy Nelson Temtc
Cynthia Theo rin
Kay Schiller Trapp
Sally Tabor Wojtowicz
Thomas Zarth
N umber of Alum ni: 276
Total Amount of Gifts: $ 13.435 .00
Philip Raaen
Mark Rubenstein
Joan Southworth
James Strommen
Jud ith Knudso n Stromm en
Linda Carlson Wescott
Gifts up to $ 119
Nancy Bergstro m Allen
Debra C hase An derson
Eric Au ne
Wi lliam Babcock
Scott Bouman
Ow aine Bruns
Pamela Carlso n
Cheryl Palmer Dam i
Cynt hia Anderso n D uty
Wayne Eklund
Susan Polkinghorne Evarts
Mary Fitzhar ris
James Haley
Marlene Ell Jorgensen
Susan Lagcson Lundh olm
Do uglas Merrill
Lori H asslinger Merrill
Patricia Sausen Myers
G regory Nelsen
Randall N elson
Ruth Und erdahl-Peirce
j oy John son Ritte nh ouse
Paul Ritte nh ouse
John Sandn ess
Marna Schield
John Schraan
Jerome Spettman
Mark Sterling
Timo thy Strand
Bernie Swenson
Sharon Svendsen Wanvig
Christine Webber
Lou Ann Dietz WeAen
Marjorie Ellis Welde
Virginia Bond e Zarth
$ 1,000 -2,499
Kendra Bonderud
Allison Everett
Kenneth Svendsen
$50 0-999
T homas Bramwell
Jenni fer Abeln Kahlow
Bev Ranum Meyer
Dennis Meyer
$24 0-499
Th omas H endri ckson
Michael Sparby
Gerald Wood
Louise Dahl Wood
$ 120-239
Bradley Anderson
Mary Powell Ashley
Debra Bjurquist Aun e
Joan Brustad
Thomas Burnside
Peter Hanson
Bonnie Lamon Moren
Jonathan Moren
Cynthia Peterson
Connie Lamon Priesz
WJ liam Ruckel
Patricia Rydeen~Barnes
Mark Severson
Suzan Moe Stegemoeller
Steph en Th ompson
David Wi lhelm
Gifts up to $ 119
Dirk Abraham
Kris ti Swanson Ames
Bradley And erson
David Backman
Kirsten Sateren Bergherr
Jody Yaroch Bordwell
Ma rk C hristoffersen
Mark Depaolis
Donna Woodwick Didriksen
Jeffrey Freier
C hristo ph er Geason
Sand ra G lass-Sirany
Bruce Hendrickson
Gary Hu ghes
Score Kemper
Linda King
Ca rol Fevold Koepke
Jul ie Anderson LaRose
Brad Larson
Darla Burbach Lindquist
Caro l Romn ess Loncar
Keith Lund ell
Tama lyn Anderson Lundqui st
Th omas Lundqui st
C laud ia Johnso n Mills
Robert Morrow
Carol Krassin Nissen
Paula Winchester Palermo
Participation: 22%
Bruce Peterson
Donadee Melby Peterson
Terry Reznicek
Scott Rysdahl
Janee YacsaasSchubert
Kevin Shea
Robert Storeygard
LoraThompson Sturm
Richard Swenson
Janis Thoreson
Amy Jo Th orpe-Swenson
Janice Unstad
Joan Bredenbe Van Wirt
Deborah Lease Wagman
Megan Webster
Tim othy Wolter
Numb er of Alumni : 290
Total Amount of G ifts: $ 15,848. 00
Participation: 23%
$ 1,000-2,499
Kevin Bonderud
Paul Daniels
Sally Hough Dani els
L. Craig Estrem
Th eresa Serbus Estrem
Christoph er Haug
Mark Moksncs
Pamela Hanson Moksnes
Julia Davis Styrlund
Philip Styrlund
Jeffrey Swenson
$5 00-999
Laurie Carlson
Terry Jellison
$24 0-499
Laurie Nelson Orlow
Jay Phinn ey
$ 120-239
Annette Johnson Anderson
John Aun e
Rebecca Lundeen Aune
David Eicrheim
Scott Hanus
C hr istel H am vick Meyer
Adelaide Peterson Parbst
Debra Mercier Peters
Grant Rykken
Mark Tonsager
Jane Ol son Vukelich
Scott Weber
G ifts up 10$ 119
Eric Anderson
Linda And erson
Patrick Ashwood
Mark Aun e
Rebecca Lundeen Berkas
David Boots
Th omas Bordwell
Steven Brandes
Pamela Ca ntley
Mary Krassin Con way
Mary Brandt Croft
Ca mille Dehlin
C raig Ellestad
Cynth ia Erickson
Kathleen Danielson Gabrielsen
Julie Edson Geason
Annette riem Geiselman
Catherine lngman Golv
Kim Ranaka Gyuricsko
Marion Hinz
Vernon Holmes McIntyre
igne llstrup
Joni Jensen
Ayrlahn Johnson
Holly Grotcn Krekula
Karen Rust Kulenkamp
Thomas Kulenkamp
usan Lenan
Mark Lewis
Philip Madsen
Perry Malcolm
Marguerite McDonough
Susan Ohncsorge
hawn Pagliarini
Jacqueline Roesler Peterson
Deborah Larson Schuln
Barbara Stoffel
hdley Patterson ruen
Jody Anderson Sundlee
Dana Patch T homas
Margaret Youngquist
Number of Alumni: 292
Total Amount of Gifts: $ I 8,473.00
Parcicipation: 20%
$ I 0,000
or more
Laurie Fyksen-Beise
$ I ,000-2 ,499
Phillip Nelson
Gary Tangwall
Ann Holmberg Wilson
Marianne Lundberg Kulka
Martin L1rson
Anita Hill Hansen
Maryl Gardin Jordahl
ynrhia Ellman Kneisl
Jacqueline Brookshire Teisberg
$ 120-239
Charles Burmeister
Daniel Carlson
Robert Roy
Janee Sorensen Rubenstein
Lisa Rusinko
Paul annerud
Diann Uzelac
Gifts up 10 SI 19
Brett Banerson
Thomas Berkas
Gayle Lammi Boyer
Patricia Boyle
Jon Burnison
\Xlilliam Carlson
Sharon hrisrensen
Holly Roelo fs Dodds
Kiistofer Fenlason
Claudia Walters Forsberg
Dann Forsberg
Brian Gauger
Gail Wagner Gordon
Timothy Gordon
Paul Harcmark
Jeanne Haugen
Dawn Hendricks
Mary Gustafson Hotchkiss
Peter Jackson
Richard Jackson
Lorena Jueneman
Sandra Ketcham
Paul Kilgore
Robert LaFleur
JoAnne Moeller-Andersen
StacyJohnson Monson
Kristen Olsrud
Roald areren
Peggy Schneewind Schroeder
Valorie Lcbus Sidlo
Cheryl Michelsen Slenen
John Sorenson
Mark rrandemo
Gayle Anderson Teskey
Kory Teskey
John Wagenaar
Chris Walker
K. Phoebe Worthington
Robyn Arnold Zollner
Gayle Taylor tiller
tcven Stiller
Karla Morken T hompson
Jeffery andgren
Katherine Aune \'<lade
Gifts up 10 SI 19
Paul Amos
Susan Hanson Asmus
Lorraine Bergquist
David Berryman
Linda Olson Brandt
Ju]ie hristenson Brenny
Terrence Brown
Roxanne Rauschnot Buchanan
Elizabeth arlson
Scott Daniels
Mary Deering
Wendy Fiscus Dybdal
Judy Munk England
eal Halvorson
Jean Hanson
Kay Kennedy Henjum
Rand Henjum
Penelope Larson Hinderaker
Mark Hultgren
Peggy Eggen Hyytinen
Elizabeth Bly Iverson
Diane Peterson Kachel
Heidi Smith Labyad
Karen Flom Lee
Jon Lillejord
Kay Malchow Malchow
Kimberley Olson Miklya
1imochy ohr
Lynda Bonsell 011
John Pearson
John Sackrison
Shelley Swanson Sateren
Sheryl Anderson Shark
David Sortland
Ronald Tungseth
Katherine Drechsel Vichich
David \Vilson
Dale Womeldorf
Steve Zard1
$2,500-4 ,999
Dean undquist
Gifts up co $ 119
hris Anderson
Christopher Ascher
Janis Blomgren Aune
Arlin Becker
Mcryem Mcstoura Berge
rcgory Boone
John Brett
Julie Gilyard Breer
Brian Budenski
Richard Buller
Michael Burkhard,
Andrew Ellena
Laura Fairbanks
Peter Frochlke
Louise Becken Gallagher
John Hoffiander
Walt Johnson
Cynthia Landowski Jones
Erik Kamen
Laura Kasdorf
David Leonidas
Charles McCan
Dana Holmes Mel ncyre
Dean Moren
con Musselman
Janine Mattison clson
Julie Holm Odi l
LoriJohnson Rosenkvist
Susan Dahlgren ackrison
Susan Horvat chiller
Kirsten Schwappach
hristine Halvorson Sheldon
Stephanie Torgerson Sipprell
Kari Anna Bcckmen Sorensen
Penny Becker Sullivan
Linda Roop Svendsen
John Twiron
Kathleen Knost Van Ness
Maureen \'(lebscer
Kathy Yelle
$ 1,000-2,499
Leeann Rock
Steven Rosvold
Naomi Christensen Sraruch
umber of Alumni: 356
Total Amount of Gifrs: $ I 2, I 50.00
Participation: 15%
Number of Alumni: 327
Total Amount of Gifts: $4,533.3 I
Pamela Hen.an Crowell
Steven Grinde
Kari Ann Eklund Logan
Karina Karlen
Joan Moline
Christopher Nelson
Number of Alumni: 284
Total Amount of Gifts: $35,744.04
Participation: 23%
$ I 0,000 or more
Tracy Elftmann
$5,000-9 ,999
Robert Wick
$ I ,000-2,499
Brian Anderson
Elizabeth Barn
Barbara Burke Benshoof
Galen Bruer
Kimberly Markie
John Scrommen
John Evans
Susan Cash
Lori Moline
$ 120-239
Brian Arvold
Camilla Knudsen Carlson
Sharon Oglesby Christian
Barbara ilben
Kristofer Hon on
Kristine Johnson
Fred Larson
Lyndon Nelson
Elisabeth Lundeen Sandgren
David Soli
$ 120-239
Leslie Boyum
Michael Cady
Sharon PautzCarey
Jeff Christenson
Kristine \'<l
est Denton
Randall Peterson
Melinda Causton Lee
Allison Larges O'Day
\Villiam ,vanson
$ 120-239
Mary Thureson Belden
Paul Elliott
Mark Hassensrab
Scott Henderson
Jean Lucas Horton
David Meslow
Maren Lecy Ogdie
Jerry Quam
(Gifts received June I , 200 1 10 May 3 I , 2002)
Gifts up to $1 19
Timothy Asgrimson
Mary Yurick Bennett
Jean Nadeau Boerner
Brenc Eberc
Mary Stord ahl Floyd
Meredith Gardin
Debra Hannu
Jan e Helmk e
Lynn Helmk e
Janice Haselhorst Hostagcr
C harles Houts
Marya Manso n Hultgren
Miriam Gisselquist Jensen
Terry Johnson
Susan Hackbarth Lundq uist
David Ostrowski
Janet Griffith Sand ford
Kariann Dahl en Sann y
Michael Schwartz.
Jam es Sierakowski
Nora Andersen illcrud
Michael Swanson
Daniel Th ompson
Jeanette Hovey Thompson
Rebecca O stendorfTun gseth
Merilee Sander Womeld orf
Michael Pickett
Julie Schuett e
Amy Chang Shih
Kari Everson Strong
Michael Stron g
Michael Weidner
Daniel Westrum
Jay Zieman n
Numb er of Alumn i: 28 I
Total Amount of G ifts: $ 16,643.84
Pani cipation: 12%
No rman Okerstrom
$ I 0,000 or more
Roger G riffith
Paul Mu eller
Kyle Anderson
Kim Asleson Okersrrom
Cunis Eischens
Rhonda Ricsberg Tj aden
$ 120-239
Cynthi a Eicher
John Enn en
Susan Richm ond John son
Carmela Brown Kranz
Perry Madsen
Patrick Sir
Gifts up to $ 119
Martha Hanson Bacon
Dave Covan
Jim Finch
Laurie O fs1edal Frattallone
Kristin Swendscid Gomez
Katharine Kuchera Gruber
Karen Jensen
Kent Karnick
Lisa Rykken Kasder
Patt i Lloyd
John Miklya
Gai l Morland
Anth ony Nelson
Laurel And erson Onhm eyer
Patricia Peluf
Brenda Hansen Peterson
Number of Alumni : 284
Total Amount of Gifts: $6,225.00
Participacion: 13%
Wi lliam Anderson
$ I ,000-2,499
Jona than Gusdal
Nu mber of Alumni : 304
Tota l Amount of Gifts: $25,54 1.35
Participation: 13%
John Wahlberg
$ I 0,000 or more
Jean Taylor
$ 120-239
Lisa Pestka Anderson
Todd Anderson
Dian a W ilkie Buffie
Janice Ca rlson
Ann Erkkila Dud ero
Manha Gisselquist
Michael Goebel
Susan Hindl ey Goebel
Cheri H ofstad Kamp
Nancy Mackey Mueller
$ 1,000-2 ,499
Marie Eicrheim
Lee H awks
Lisa Svac H awks
Gifts up to $ 119
Susan Smith Ambourn
Duane Birnbaum
Kenneth Boehm
Virginia Carlson
Anne Conzemius
Richard Danielson
Peter Dietz
David Drake
N icholas Gangestad
Linda Gfrerer
Mich ael H eil
Todd Hubb ard
KristenTraun Knoepke
KarinSabo Mamor
Kristin Settergren McGinness
Thomas Miller
Ann Selberg Robin son
Lance Rusco
David Shaskey
Tammi Kleinert Trelstad
Joan ne Whiterabbit
John Yazbeck
Mark Zaruba
Lois Vaagenes Zio lkowski
Steven Lee
Linda O tt
Michael Tjaden
$ 120-239
Sherry Sein Akridge
Dawn Gerber Ammann
Jane Blameuser
Rollin Erickson
Dwighc H eaney
Michael Pirner
Gifts up to $ 119
Katherine Spoo lman Ahlrich
Peter Auran
Bernie Brunello
Michael Burden
Dale Christ op herson
Joy Deni se Burkhart Dean
Quin n Karpan
Carrie Kosek Knott
Ca rol Knutson
Theresa Kentopp Nelson
Cath leen Smith Pagels
C harles Rath
Tame ra Osell Rath
Gregory Sapp
Serena Sprenger Steffenhagen
Kay Strat ing
Noel Swanson
Ann G ullikson Tanko
Thomas Terpening
Denise RolloffTewes
Kaye Schouweiler T hibault
Paul Thomp son
Scott Thomp son
Sue Thompson
Number of Alumni : 396
Total Amount of Gift s: $3,860.00
Participation: 8%
Alice Dahl Roth
Michael Schneider
Lisa John son Wah lberg
$ 120-239
Angela Schilling Aitken
Brian Brakke
Vicki Ellingrod
Keith G liva
C hrist oph er H olman
Drew Privette
Steven Severtson
Paul Terrio
Tracey Morris Terrio
Todd Weis
KariHuseby Wessman
Greg Wilson
Gifts up to $ 119
Daniel Aune
Amy Hyland Barett
Ch ristine Wacker Bjork
Robert Bjorklund
Mary John son Boehm
Caro l C hase
Lisa Brakke Geislinge r
Jean Guenther
Christian Hahn
Julie Ol son H endricks
Andrew Moen
Jani ce Olson
Debra Om an
Paul Rensted
Emalee H ayden Vicker
Mark Wheel er
Don ald William s
Numbe r of Alumni : 3 I 9
Total Amount of Gifts: $5, I 55.00
Participation: 12%
$ I ,000-2,499
Chris Pieri Arnold
Jannes Arnold
Clay Ellingson
$ 120-239
Susan H akala G liva
Patrick Lilja
Brent Lofgren
Susan Warnes Quam
Richard Smith
Eric Solberg
Sandra Ludtk e Wass
Heidi Norman Wise
Gifts up to $ 119
Douglas Baretz
Paul Blomquist
Kelly Peterson Duncan
Jean Eilertson
Margaret Nutter Guelker
Cheryl CarstensenGunderson
C hris Hallin
Wendy Sherman Heil
PerriKammerlander Hire
Carl Holm
Louise Brown Immen
Kenji John son
Dawn Hoime Kalb
Chris LcBourgeois
Julie Lindesmith
Jodi Ugland Loosbro ck
Deborah Maloney
Susan Carlson Marcinkowski
Mark Morken
Lisa SchwartingMorrone
Jennifer Snater Olson
Beth O stergaard
Rebecca Arvold Pfabe
Debra Lindem an Slack
Merry Jo Myhre Stroot
Kari rrun
Number of Alumni: 349
Toral Amount of Gifts: $4,09 1.88
P3rcicipacion: I0%
$ 1,000-2,499
Todd Sceenson
hcryl olomonso n C rocken
Marcia Medley
Annette Hanson Patel
Donald Wichmann
$ 120-239
Kari A.rfscrom
Carolyn Ross Isaak
Brian Larson
Melissa Olson
Gifts up co $ 119
Steve Acuna
Stephen Ainswonh
Merrilee Miller Brown
Keich Dahlen
Kristin Eggerling
Elaine Laswell Foell
Linda Graziano
Sheila Janson Gutmann
Amy Johnson Hanson
hrisanne Reberrus Holm
Lauren Johnson
hristie herman Kraabel
Gloria Picha Kuebelbeck
Devaney Looser
Leah Parker Maves
John Mayer
Linda Ruekerc
Verjean Buss chindeldecker
Carol Skoglund Suess
Ttmo,hy Suess
Steven Th o m
Aaron \'(/arw ick
Gail Moran \Vawn.)1niak
Terfussa Yadessa
Number of Alumni: 338
Tora! Amount of Gifts: $7, 190.00
Participation: 11o/o
David Chad
S 1,000-2,499
Kurr \'(lchrm ann
Jeffrey Sulzbach
Dan Terrio
Michael Nutter
Kevin ime
Cachy Svendsen Springhorn
Dean Wahlin
Gifts up co SI 19
Carol Mason Baker
Emily Blados
Lisa McEachron Caswell
Teresa Hengy Christianson
Kimberly Ryding Dahlen
Amy Marquard, Elmer
Patricia Ringwdski Erickson
Rebecca Fahlin
Greg Hanson
Robert Harris
Lisa Elwood Hiedeman
Ora Hokes
Deidre Dien Jacobsen
Sally Hedman Lawless
andra Swanson Mathisen
Julie Edstrom Olson
Claudcrtc Parris
Jane VanOverbeke Peterson
Party lshaug Pieper
Pece Riniel
Bradley chafer
umber of Alumni: 485
Tora! Amounc of Gifts: $4,32 0.00
Participation: 9%
Peter Hespen
$ 120-239
Joshua Greenwald
Emily Birch Klooz
Bonnie l..arson-Terrio
Jennifer Peterson
Lynn Huotari Pinonicmi
Julie abo
SI 20-239
Misti Allen Binsfeld
Chris1opher Bush
Tanya Qaasim English
Joseph Hoialmen
Gregory Lambach
Ilene Ferris Olson
Chad Shilson
Peter Steen
Marilee Poe Tangen
A. Nina Bishop Tutde
Terri Burno r
Heather Johnston
Molly Fochcman Schnagl
Brian Swedeen
Julie WesccorcTrafc
$ 120-239
Debra Groez.ingcr
Linda Klas
James Lensing
David Ogren
Gregory Page
Barbara Peterson
Jennifer Piper
Janice Not ermann chulz.
Debra Sronc Schumaker
Michael cofferahn
Number of Alumni: 4 10
Tora! Amount of Gifts: $6,855.0 0
Participation: 8%
Gifrs up co $ 119
David Baker
Laura Breckheimer
Madelyn Browne
uz.anne Lhocka Chinnock
Elizabech rabrrce
Kachy Lindberg Evavold
Jonathan Ferrell
Amy Raedckc Frischmon
Donald Gish
Janett Hamm
Marilyn Keich Jacobson
Bonnie Lerberg
Carla Lindell
~aria rranon Mayer
Debra Sceffenson Meier
Jeffrey Meslow
nne Miller
Mary Molzahn
Erick Norby
Kristen Hauschild Norby
Karla Bernier O'Brien
Ti na Kubes Peterson
Elizabeth Guyoc Purcell
arole Moran Renner
Carole Senty
Janis Toramelli
Alayne Thoreson
Janel Schmid, Wahlin
Michelle \'(/escrum
$ I ,000-2,499
Colleen Kay Watson
Shirley Severson
Darbi Worley
Jorgen Ellingson
Patricia Peterson
Gregory Schnagl
$ 120-239
Renee Clark
Judith Councilman
Paul Klaiber
Kenc Kleppe
Rebecca Johnson Koelln
Clayton McNeff
Kevin Ronneberg
Helen Durgin Royer
Heather Laarsch Saby
Kristin Dragserh \Viersma
Gifts up co SI 19
Patricia Awker
Number of AJumni: 482
Tora! Amounr of Gifts: $4,295.0 0
Participation: 7%
And rew Ca rlson
Alex Gontalei
Bruce Holcomb
Heidi \: 1sner caloch
,lliam Vanderwall
L,ura Bower Cunliffe
Susan Dunleavy
Janie Duerrc Hall
Joelle AudecceHilfers
Krisren Hirsch
David Johnson
Brenda Lunde-Gilsrud
Todd Machlin
arol Jacobson McKellips
Kristin Miller
Gregory Nelson
$ I ,000-2,499
Andrew Fried
Jason Koch
Eli1.,bech Pushing
Gifts up co SI 19
Rita Billington
Gary Bucher
Juanita utler
Mark Deming
Laurie Palmer Drolson
Janice Erickson
Bruce Frederick
Darren Garren
Michael Haukaas
Melissa Danko Machlin
Tracy Mena
Kimberly Meslow
Cassandra Moering
Patricia Norby
Terry Okonek
Lynley Richards
Devon Ross
Doris Rubenscein
John ander
Sherrie Knauss Seidensricker
Ka.ri orrum
Number of Alumni: 45 I
l ocal Amounc of Gifts: $4,187.3 1
P::ucicipacion: 7%
$500 -999
Susan Horning Arnn
Jackie Kniefel Lind
Lisa Schroeder elson
$2 0-499
Kure lark
Sara Rhines Masters
David Narr
Nancy Lindquist Toedt
S 120-239
Jennifer Fcine Hellie
Denise ideen McNeff
Mary ox Taylor
Gifts up co S I 19
Ben Brucciani
Julie Deir, Clarke
Christine Clay
Richard racrafc
Julie Wyman Foley
Amy Gehring
Kathleen Grundhoefer
Lori Langager Higgins
Joan Johnson
Karen Grobe Johnson
Deborah Emery Knutson
T homas Lalim
(Gifts received June I , 200 1 10 May 31, 2002)
Patricia Norum Maguire
Mary Melberg
Amy Noran
Julie Severson Norman
Jonathan Rose
Sandra Rydeen
Lois Schmi tz
Deanna Srurlaugson
Vicky Thomp son
Sandra Voss Wollschlager
Number of Alumni : 487
Tora! Amount of G ifts: $3,050.00
Participation: 6%
Jonathan Arnn
Susan Esrenson Johnson
$240 -499
C indy Weyhrauch
$120 -239
Diane Clark DuBois
Dale Parvi
Karin Ludwigsen Rochester
Kent Tangen
Gifts up co $ 119
Jane Anderson
Alan Brandley
Grant Chrisrianson
Carole Lemcl Clymer
Amy Torgclson Forsberg
Elizabeth Matile Henness«
Nancy Holmbl ad
Julie Radke Hull
Gale Hurt ado Jensen
Greg Johnson
Rachel John son
Katherine Kioehn
Deborah Knudson-Seliski
Sarah Evans Kuehl
Luke Malloy
James Osberg
James Rustad
Kristen Ryan
Susanne Shu ler
Melody Royce oderberg
Caro l Van Hulle
Numb er of Alumni : 464
Total Amount of Gifts: $ 1,80 5.00
Participation: 5%
Lee Swanwoud r Hartmann
$ 120-239
Polly Anderson
Robert Fitzsimons Jr.
Gord on Flanders
Anne Lalla
Gifts up to $ 119
Karla Hyser Betz
Michele Braley
Heather McGmigan Brandley
Connie Arndt Clausen
Nils Dybvig
Jason Hanson
Steven Johnson
Craig Johnson
Catherine Kurvers
Cathy Koepp Maki
Terrisa Meek Miller
Kay Larson Mitchell
C herish Rapp Pham
Karla Singer
Rebecca Johnson Sogard
James Sout h
Shelley Suppan Weiss
Co nrad Meyer
Th omas Ruflaner
Delight DeMulling
Dustin Froyum
Mark Goen
Calvin Hanson
Susan Con man Spreiter
Gifts up to $ 119
Emily Elicerio Braun
Yiraco C hichaco
Eloisa Lee Echavez
Joan Williams Game
Sandy Butcher Gebauer
Henry Gercen
Kaydee Kirk
Joh n Pena
Andrea Pumplun
Heather Gunderson Rose
Ted Schuln
Bob Schuln
Jane Danielson Stone
Susanne Weiss
Number of Alumni: 447
Tota l Amount of Gifts: $4,800.00
Participation: 6%
$ I ,000-2,499
Susan Gutk necht
Tara Cesareni McLeod
Numb er of Alumni: 4 I 5
Total Amount of Gifts: $3 , I 70.00
Parcicipation: 4%
Teresa Cook
Dawn Haglund
Robert Nelson
Mary Lauer Waln
Susan Wygant
$ I ,000-2,499
Deborah Hun erer
Devean J. George
$ 120-239
Mona Domaas
Linda O liva
Pamela PreimesbcrgerBaker
Gifts up co $ 119
Amy Anderson
Michelle Breen
Kathleen \'(,'jlder Burns
Kennet h Hagen
Katherine Hole
Rita Hu ber-Ge rmsche.id
$24 0-499
Lisa Askegaard Th eurer
$ 120-239
Marissa Hurccrer
Daniel Munson
Jennifer Amundson Palmer
Mike Jerde
LaurelOlson KJawitce
Gifts up to $ 119
Brem Fesrer
Natasha Hamann
Wanda Olson Jasch
Lisa Nos
Craig Peroutka
Renee Fournier Rodewald
Steven Sathre
Sarah Ginkel Spilman
Jennifer Tome
Todd Tour and
Joseph Wi nter
Harry Lockrem
Ario Miller
Rebekah Orm sby
Shirley And reason Saccoman
Elaine Scharpen
David Setterberg
Susan Thomp son
Amy DeMars Wilson
Numb er of Alumni : 4 14
Total Amount of Gifts: $2,555 .00
Participation: 6%
Number of Alumni: 443
Total Amount of Gifts: $3, I 85.00
Participation : 5%
$1,000 -2,499
Terry Marquardt
Carolyn Hardel
Joshua Cagle
$ 120-239
Kent Dahlen
Christine Lanoue Landherr
Sherilyn Storms Murphy
Andrew Zigan
Gifts up co $ 119
Sara Allen
Adam Danielson
James Erickson
Cynthia Graner
Patricia Heinz.mann
Karisa Isenberg
David Kelly
Sr.ephanie Lein
Th eodore Page
Catherine Rosik Shea
Susan Newcomb Thompson
Dianne Trdan
Mary Vorhes
Samuel Walseth
Numb er of Alumni : 468
Tora! Amount of Gifts: $1,400.00
Parricipation: 6%
$24 0-499
Jimm y Kline
Lori Keith
Michael Kirk
John Parrikus
Gifts up to $ 119
Nancy Peterson Anderson
VirginiaGroneberg Backman
April Bancroft
Tami Brown
Angela Bryant
Rita Gacke C lark
Craig Ode gard
Jennifer Eckman
Douglas Grauer
Timothy Harner
Andrew Hansen
Andrew Howard
Susan DeYoung King
C harlene Leone
Eric Long
Carrie McCarville
Sheri Miller
SherrieKlassen Pre.score
Paula Fleischauer Schroeder
Gordon Thomas
Kathy Kisro Wilson
Linda Young
$ I ,000 -2,499
C hristop her McLeod
Every cffon has been made to ensure th at all names arc included an d sp elled correctly. If you notice an erro r, please call Kim Olm sted at 1-800 -273- 061 7 .
Faculty& Staff
$ I0,000 or mo re
Philip Fandrei
\Villiam Frame
Norman Holen
Philip Qu anbeck, Sr. '50
$2,500-$4 ,999
David Anderson
Jeroy Ca rlson '48
Thomas Morgan
$ 1,000-$2,499
Richard Adamson
Sally Daniel s '7 9
Paul Grauer
Sonja Hagande r
Daniel Jorgensen
Christo pher Kimball
Susan Klascus
Merilee Klemp '75
Donna Mclean
Barbara Nagle
Maril)'" harpe
Patrick hcehy
Grace Sulerud ' 58
Geo rge verdru p '46
Jeffrey Swenson '7 9
Richard Th oni
Berry Wade
Donald Warren
David Wold
Heidi Breen
Ronald Palosaari
Bruce, Reichenbach
David Sclnvain
Joie and Franki e hackclford
$240-$49 9
Leif Anderson
Kristin Anderson
C harles Lee C larke
Teresa ook '97
Lawrence Copes
Larry C rockm
David Dahl '75
Marilyn Florian '7 6
Ann Ga rvey
Bradley Holr '63
\Xlilliam Jasperson
John Knighr
Barbara Korm an
Rosemary Link
Carlos Mariani
Craig Maus
Esther McLaughlin
Art Meadowcroft
Co n rad Meyer '98
John Mirchell
Norma Noo nan
Sandr a O lmsted '69
Vicki O lson
Dale Pederson
ynthia Peterson
Jay Phinn ey '7 9
Jill Pohrilla
Larry Ragland
Thom as Ruffuner '98
Cha rles heaffer
Donald Sceinmerz
Rebecca Tame
Nan cy Toed , '94
James Ca rey
Lyle Griner
Arlin Gybc rg
Richard Hardel
Garry Hesser
Mary Jacobson
Do nald Wichmann '89
J Amb rose Wo lf
Joseph Young
Jennifer Kahlow '78
Lillian Maunu
Jane Nelson
Bersey No rgard
Norman Okersrrom '85
$ 120-239
Brian Ammann '85
Margaret Anderson
Jo hn Benso n '55
Antho ny Bibus
Bethany Bierman
Janelle Busse rt
John and Peggy erriro
Laura C ichockc
Jacqueline deVries
Jay Dobberstein
Rebekah Dup onr
Mark Engebrcrson
Ca rol Forbes
Cymhia Greenwood
Joan Griffin
David Hadd en
Calvin Hanson '98
Paul Helgerson
Jennifer Hellic '9
Srella Hofrennin g
Irene Jensen
Herald John son '68
Martha Johnson
Co lleen junn ila
Robena Kagin
Benjamin Kem
Kristen Kraft
Joan Kuni
Theresa Marrin
Michael Navarre
Lois Nielsen-Johns
Jack O sberg '62
Patricia Park
Joyce Pfuff '65
Drew Privette '87
Ph ilip Q uanbeck II
John Reed
Michael chock
Kathy Schwalbe
Paul Terrio '87
Mark T ranvi k
Joseph Und erhill-Ca dy
Sharon Wade
\Villiam \Xlinenbreer
Mary True
Gifts up t0 $ 119
Sam Barber
W'illiam Bierden
Vernon Bloom
Lois Bosch
Michael Burden '85
Willi am Ca pm an
Beth Carlson
Janna Caywoo d
Ryan Dehncl
Diann e Decloff
Suzanne Doree
Elo isa Echavez '98
Doran Edwards
Mary Ewerr-K nodcl l
V Fesenmaier
Kathryn Flarer
Laurie Franallonc '84
Srephen Ga brielsen '63
Diane Glorvigen
Douglas Green
Brenda Hemmingsen
ancy Holmblad '95
Ella Howell
Adrienne Kaufmann
Sreven Lafave
Anne Lynch
Raymond Makecver
Karen Mateer
David Mely
Eliawira dosi
Gordon clson
Catherine Nicholl
Michael O lson
Julie Ol son '90
Noel Perir
Diane Pike
Deborah Redm on d
James Roback '63
Devon Ross '93
Mart and Kathryn Rumpza
Michael Schwarn '83
Ron Scorr '62
Mark S1rand emo '80
James Trclsrad-Porter
David \'Vashingron
Darrell Wiese '60
Parents & Friends
S I0 ,000 or more
Barbara and Zane Birky
Jack and Joyce Boss
Joel and Mary Ann Elfunann
\Vdliam Ellingrod
Ann e and Willi am Frame
Barbara and Skip Gage
Bobby and Barbara G riffin
Norman and Evangdine Hagfors
Jam es and Kathy Haglund
Mark and Shirley H anson
Beverly and Roe Haclen
Donald Henn ings
Kenneth Homm e Esrare
Sand ra and Richard Jacobson
Eric R. John son
Bruce and Maren Kleven
Dean and Susan Kopperud
Diane and Phillip I.arson
Geral d and Ann e Meim ell
H elen E. O lson Esrate
Edith B. No rberg Estate
John and No rma Paulson
Addison and Cynthi a S. Piper
David L. Piper
H arry C. Piper
James and Eva Seed
G len and Ann a Skovholr
Johan Sverdrup+
M ichael and Deborah Szyman czyk
Kathryn and John Tunh eim
$5 ,000-9 ,999
Ilene G. Holen
Pearl Husby
G lenda and Di ck Hu sto n
James John son and Maxine Issacs
David and Cary l I.arson
$2,5 00 -4,999
Ca therine and C harles And erson
Doro thy Bailey
Ruth and Floyd Case
Pamela H. Oesnick
Muriel Kappler
Janet Karvonen
Stanley and Edith Kan
Jennifer and Richard Marcin
Alan and Janee Montgomery
Lorraine Morgan
Roger Pulkrabek
$ 1,00 0-2 ,499
Jay and Ann Boekhoff
Richard and Jane Borchers
John L. C hanon
Avis Ellingrod
Th omas J . Hoo ley
Elizabeth Horton
Mary P. H oven
John and Mary Huff
Helen Johnson
Jerry and Bonita John son
Rose-Marie Johnson
Cod y and Eugene Kirkham
Karen and John A. Larsen
Robert and Polly McCrea
S. Mo lder
Robert K. and Taylor Moor
Gary C. Muellerleile
Jeanne Narum
Doris Nordin
Barbara B. N ymark
Linn ea and James O lesen
John and Pauici a A. Parker
Karin M. Peterson
Wayne and Joan Popham
Frances Roller
Marianne and Robert Sander
Muriel H . Smith
Arne Sovik
Gary Tangwell
Andrea Venco
Marth a and Steven Ward
Gun nar and Mary Wick
Melvin and MargarccEvans
J. Gamez
W illiam and Ann George
Richard I. Gisselquist
Brenda Graba u
Robert E. Gra nrud
Geo rge and Frances Gro ber
W illiam Halverstadt
Richard M. Heins
G .S. and Virginia Helgesen
Judith and Peter Henderso n
Earl Hi ghtower, Jr.
Louis and Katherine H ill
Roni and Douglas Hooper
Dale Hovland
Courtney Jenkins
Barbara Jorenby
Mar issa Klaers
B.S. Leland, Jr.
David Lobbcn
Nor man and Hd en Lorennsen
Christine Manhews
Vernon C. Maunu
Michael and Debra McGray
Richard and Florine McKay
Jeanette and John Mitchell
Jam es G . Mo ndo
Marvin Nystrom
Dougl as and Peggy Peters
Ronald and Jean Peterson
Vicki Peterson
G loria J . Pozzini
Wi lliam H . Reichwald
Rebecca Ruckel
Peter and Marnie Ruliffson
Georg e an d Arlene Simones
Mr. and Mrs . John G . Turn er
Robert and Karen Veninga
F. Orval M . Westby
Sara W illcutt
John R. Winsor
$5 00 -999
Marlys G. Barry
Rolf and Carolyn Bjelland
Nan cy and Richard Borstad
Judith A. Christens en
Mary Browne Dewey
James W. Emison
Mit ch and Dawn Felchle
Michael and Terry Freeman
Carolyn and Richard H ardel
Ken Harrvigson
Gail Holmes
Geo rge and Ella Hunt er
Rodn ey and Corrin e Jerkc
Larry and Mary Lee
Kenn eth and Rhod a Mahl er
Wayne and Jenn y Lynn McGee
John F. Mcweth y and Laurie Duncan
Edward C. Neshei m
Fane and Coric Opp erman
Judith Shank
John and Martha Singleton
Leland and Louise Sund er
Donna Swanson
Edith G . Tollefson
Wh eelock Whirn ey
John and Barbara Zimm erman
$ 120-239
Craig Alexander
Daniel and Alice Anderson
Elmo and No rma Anderson
Linda K. Anderson
Lowell C. And erson
Mary Arneson and Dale Hamm erschmidt
David A. Austin
Ca therine and Glen Bengson
H . Lowell Bolstad
Jennifer Butler
Margaret Cai n and Jeffrey Louden
Winston Cavert and Carol Wine
T.M. Crosby, Jr.
Ge rald and Vicki Degner
Benjamin Dille and Sharo n Umber
Abel Dockter
Kathy and 0. Charles Ehlers
David and Nancy Erickson
Steven and Kimber ly Erickson
Alice Evans
B.J . Anderson
Christina Boe
Linda 0 . Boyer
Daniel E. Brink
Teresa and D avid Demin g
Dick Duerre
Richard Duesenb erg
Hildred L. Dungan
Richard and Jani ce Ellingson
Oarald and Mary Evers
Ruth Evers
Ruth Flesner
Bruce and Kathleen Glover
Frances and Geo rge G rober
John P. Grygclko
David and Susan Hadd en
Curtis K Hargis
Larry and Lois H auge
Stephani e W H augen
Nancy H einsch
Shirley H emenway
Sylvia Hjelmeland
Amanda Holstad
Jed Jaffe
Russell Jerde
Mary and Tun John son
Gerald Kegler
John E. l..aco
Darcy and Steven l..arvick
Sharon Long
John Nor d
Darrell Norling
Bernice Nyhus
Richard Palla
Trisha Pederson
Michael and Paula Peroutka
William John Peterso n
Robert M . Powell
David and Ann Preus
John Rahko la
Lisa A. Reyno lds
Arnold and Lois Rholl
Kent and Kathleen Rolfing
W illiam Rothschild
Richard and Joyce Russ
Melba Savold
Angela Schmdit
C. V. Smith
Gertrude Sundsted
Alleen G. Tomud
Jack and Jeann e Wagner
Do nna J. Warner
Nancy Werner-Azarski and James Azarski
Jack H . Zim mer
Gifts up to $ 119
Jeff and Ca rla Abel
Peter Abell
Dale A. Ackmann
Mary Adair
Susan J . Adix
Geo rge Adzick
Co rdelia Agrimson
Richard A. Ahl
Susan Albrecht and Nancy D esmond
Julie Alexand er
Roland Allen
Woodrow Allen
Sonja Almlie
H.N .Arn dahl
Berry L. Ande rson
Caro le M. Anderson
Gloria E. Anderson
J. D. Anderson
Margaret and Ernest Anderson
Margaret and Raymond Anderson
Rosalyn A. Andmo n
Vernon E. Anderson
Zane and Carole Anderson
Michael Aquilina
Tim Archbold
Paul D. Armour
Michael Armstrong
Margaret Amason
Kathleen M. Arndt
Evelyn H. Asplin
Anna Marie and Ronald Austin
Lorettaand Christopher Aymond
Lorayne L. Bachman
Leroy and Florence Backberg
Brendan Baker
Kacl,leen M. Balfanz
Geneva Ball
Karlene and Joseph Banaszak
G. G. Bancroft
Gloria M. Barnen
Paul Beggs
M. Belford
Valerie Bengal
Rolf and Kathy Benson
Julia Berg
Robert and Rose Marie Bergherr
Marian and Thurston Berglund
Elsie Berg-Soderlund
Milton and Barbara Bergwall
Joanne Berndt
Tina Berndt
Maryand Daniel Berntson
William W. Beyer
Leonard and Martha Biallas
Nancy L. Bieraugel
Bruce Binger
Jennifer A. Bjorhus
John and heila Bjorklund
Dorothy Bjurman
Joan C. Boelter
Omar and Minnie Bonderud
Deanna and Thomas Bonneville
Henry and Barbara Borg
John and Janet Borgen
Joseph J. Borkman
Daniel and Mary Bot
Adam Borren
Laura J. Boudreau
Marie K. Boudreaux
Donald and Bonnie Boylan
Patricia Boylan
Kathleen Bozis
Susan L. Bradford
Craig J. Brandenburg
Donald C. Brandli
La D. Brandsness
Bmy Brarhol
Marion and Emroy Bratland
O"o and Stephen Braclie
David and Gertrude Breen
Kari Breen
Katherine and Richard Breen
Milo L. Brekke
Dennis E. Brekken
Mabel Brelje
Peter and Michelle Brennan
Mark Bretheim
Bernadette L. Brice
Jackie Brin
Henry A. Bromelkamp
Louise and Michael Brooks
Margaret E. Brown
tephen Brown
Joan and Richard Brust
Lynette W. Bryant
Neal Buelow
Katrina and Michael Buller
usan Burchfield
Dell and Carol Burgess
Evangeline Burton
John and Carolyn Cain
Gregory Card
Cerene Carlson
John Carlson
Roger E. Carlson
V. G. Carlson
Virgil Carlson
Wallace and Lela arlson
Bren Carstensen
BarbaraAnn Caner
Mary J. Carmey
Joyce and Paul Casey
Lois H. Caswell
Karen M. Caughey
Lynne Chamberlin
Chester and Donna Chambers
Sarah C. Chambers
Richard Chapman
Christopher Chappuis
Matthew Chappuis
Ree.seand Lorena Chezick
Betry Chilmom
Anthony and Judy Christensen
Jeffrey and Nancy hristensen
Kieand Jean Christensen
L. Gracia Christensen
Jame.sand clma Christiansen
Howard and Vernita Christianson
Parri Cierzan
Michael Ciresi
Mary and Sam Claassen
Janis M. Clay
Melvin Colfer
Joan L. and Seo" C. Cole
Gary and Delores ondon
Rick and Norma Conway
Andrew and Jacqueline Cook
Walter Cooper
Yvonne and Jack Cottrell
Paula N. Coykendall
Eloise M. Cranke
Vance 0 .+ and Joyce J. Crosby
Charles G. Cunningham
Liv Dahl
Olga 0 . Dahlen
Marilyn Dahlmeier
Darlene A. Daily
Carol and Del Dammann
Joan Davenport
Joy L. Davis
Karen Davis
Timmy and Noreen Davis
Mildred and Peter Deanovic
harles A. De orsey
Donald L. Degenaro
Judith Dehnel and Richard Ryan
Joyce L. Deir
Parrick J. Deneen
Mary and William Dexter
David and Martha Dobracz
Audrey and Monon Dodds
Jerry Dodge
Russell P. Donnelly
Tammy B. Dorn
Ruch Downey
Merwin D. Dreher
David Duca
Kathryn Dumas
Frank Eastburn
William and Diane Ebben
\'(/illiam Edson
LeeR. Edwards
Ward Edwards
Hannah Ehrlich
Mary Ehrlichmann
hirley M. Einhorn
Erin Elder
onja and Mark Elias
Marilyn Ellingboe
Lisa R. Elliott
Kari E. Elsila
Douglas A. Emerson
CurcisV. Emery
Linda P. Enger
Arla Engleman
Lowell and Carol Erdahl
Judith and Robert Erdman
A .J. Erickson
Betty Erickson
Conroe Erickson
Josephine Erickson
Kenneth Erickson
Lori K. Eranan
Kathleen M. Evans
Grant E. Evavold
Terence Evavold
Nancy and Dan Fackler
Michael A. Fahey
Keith and Susan Fahnhorst
Robert and Kaye Falck
Eleanor and Donald Falk
Irma and Donald Fallon
Mark Farnan
Barbara Farrell
Francis and Burnice Fashner
\'(/alter \Y/. Faster
Jane Fedderly
Louise and Carl Feske
Kirsten E. Fisher
Celine Fitzmaurice
Melvin & Marian Fladeboe
arric Flaten
Larry and Marilyn Fogdall
Linda and Mark Foley
Henry G. Follingstad
Ilene Forde
J. Forrest
Richard A. Forschler
Denise Foster
Lucy and Patrick Foster
Jerome Franke
David Fransen
J. A. Franson
Jeanne and Douglas Frederick
Gloria A. Frederickson
R. Mark Frey
Linda . Froiland
Nancy A. From
Daniel and Kari abriclson
Michael and Juliana Gabrielson
No rma Gabrielson
Ronald and Faye Gabrielson
Cynthia Gaither
Nancy L. Gandrud
Frank V. Garalfu
Leslie and Luis Garcia-Saenz
R. Harold Garre((-Goodyear
Kimberly aslin
David A. Gerber
Ann J. Gerhman
Bruce Gessell
Karla and Jeffrey Gessell
Carole and Phillip Gilbertson
Borghild Gisselquist
Greg Gissclquist
Gary W. Glasscock
Mr. Hal C. Glassman
Jessica Glenn
Cathy Gohring and Harry Raynor
Melanie Coldish
Ellen and Merrill Golliet
Jorgine and Franklin Co rnick
Charles Graham
Elaine P. Graham
Robin A. Grawe
Jean Greenwood
Mary Griesedieck
Emily Groves
Cordon L. Gruenhagen
Tiro and GuadalupeGuerrero111
Chester Guinn
Julie and Paul Gulstrand
Richard L. Gunderson
Susan K. Haataja
Lucille K. Hackbart
Dale and Joanne Hagen
Elsa Hagen
Enid M. Hagen
Henry Hagen
Kenneth A. Hagg
Todd & Diane Haglind
teven and Theresa Haik
John and Krisdne Haine.s
Margaret Hale
Mary Halrvick
BarabaraJ. Ruhberg Halverson
Carol I. Halverson
Clara H. Halverson+
John and Jill Hamburger
Edward A. Hansen
Jean S. Hansen
Paul V. Hansen
Paul Hansen
Enid 0. Hansing
Beth and Donn Hanson
Craig Hanson
Kenneth Hanson
\'(/illiamand Viola Hanson
Janaka E. Hanvey
David L. Harris
Mary and Rolf Hauck
arolyn Hawkins
Evelyn B. Hayes
Rose Heaps
Michele Hedlund
Rachel Hcfte
Herman Heinecke
Eugene Heitman
Charles and Kathrine Heinig
Arthur H. Helde
Stanley Helgerson
Karel Helgeson
Jerome and Jacqueline Helland
Robert Hellen
Wi lliam \YI, Helms
Gary Helstrom
Nan cy R. H endr icks
Dorothy Hendrickson
Mary L. Hend rickson
Neil and Mary H endrickson
Robena Henke
Michael P. He nnessy
James and Diane Henninger
Finn Hcnrikssen
David and Jeane Hedand
Arth ur J. Heuer
Jaclyn Heyda
Joan n E. H icks
Richard E. H ilbert
George and Karen Hnasko
R G. H oaglund
Robe rt and Margaret Hoberg
Th omas and Kimberly Hoffman
Marjorie and John Hogan
Donna Hogsvcn
Sigvald Holden
Mary Hoium•
Mary Holzer
Susan J. Hoseth
Helene Houle
Helmer and Margaret House
Lois Hove
Edich Hovey
Gerda H ovseth
Cheryl and Jeffrey H oward
Olive Howard
Patricia Chastain Howe
Jessie Howell
Valborg Huglen
Steven & Norma Huishecre
Mark and Na ncy Hun sley
Jon and Bonnie Hunziker
Beth and J. L. H upp
Bonnie and James Hviscendahl
Roberc E. Hyarc
Brend a J. Iliff
John Imes
Bruce and Jean Inglis
Margaret Irwin
Th omas and Ca rolyn Jackson
Janice Jacobson
Joan and Gale JaUen
Jacqu elin F.James
Susan Jenkin s
Alvern and James Jensen
Keith A. Jensen
Kenneth E. Jensen
H eacher Jern berg
Jeanne and Bill Jeska
Kimberlee Jeska
F. C. Jilk
J. Marie and Lloyd Joel
Beverly A. John son
Bruce D. John son
Byron John son
Charles and Ava Johnson
Clark and April Johnson
David John son
Eleanor L. John son
Genevieve and Leighto n Johnson
G len \YI.Johnson
Jane N. Johnson
JiUJohn son
Karen and David John son
Kathryn C. John son
Kay D . Johnson
Kelly J. Gieser John son
Klara S. Johnson
Lou Ann Larson
Valerie and AJanLarson
Naomi A. Laucn+
Charles G. Leach
Agnes Lee
Kathryn A. Lee
Sylvan Lee•
Janee and Robert Leick
Jane Leonard and Lorerco Lippert
John Lien and Paui cia Ca n er
Geo rge K. Lindb erg
Pamela Lindberg
Robert and Loretta Lindcborg
Bernardine Lindell
Gene J . Lindell
Lois J . Lindell
Mark G . Lindell
Franklyn L. Lindgren
Helen and David Livcrsidgc
C.R. Lloyd
Frances and Lance Loberg
Verna Loge
Arlene Lopas
Th omas and Sandra Lother
Odd Lovoll
Henry Lucksinger
Jill and Th omas Lund
Joyce E. Lund
Richard K. Lund
Ken Lunde
Ruth Lund een
Barbara R. Lundquist
Lorraine and Raymond Lundqui st
Jean and Kenneth Lutterman
Alice G. Madzey
T homas Macckelbergh
Richard and Kathy Magnus
John S. Malone
C. and Ruch Mandery
Anna Manger
Kenn eth A. Manth ey
James and Kathryn Mara
Kevin M. Marek
Merrie Marinovich
Michael and Patti Marinovich
Pece and Romae Marinovich
Laura Marinucci
Jodene and David Marquis
Janee Mathison and John Taylor
H arold \YI. Mank e
Tim othy and Janice Maudlin
Marcia and Robert Maxwell
Pamela R. Mayer
C indy Mayeron
John McCoy
Michael J . McC ully
Ther esa McGrad y
Richard F. McGuir e
David and Irene McPhail
William and Ann e McSwccney
Sigurd D . Medh us
Diane and William Meehan
Gregory Meehan
Joan Meierotto
T A. Meisberger
Esther Meissner
Mary A. Melland
C harlorcc Mellom
James Meredyk
Jessica A. Meyer
Arlene Meyerhofer
Joseph Miano
Lois Johnson
Lyncnc Johnson
Mary M . John son
Paul Johnson
Randall and Marjorie Johnson
Richard J. John son
Ronald N . John son
David G . Jones
D . D ixon and Janis Jord an
Richard and Ann abel Jordan
Neil A. Junk er
Jack Kahle
Phyllis and Donald Kahn
Deloris M. Kancen
Ruth Kapitan
Joanne Karvon en
Bernard Kern
James Kerr
Jean Kersting and Charles Rea
Mo llie H. Keys
Lorraine Kieffer
Debra and Sceven Kind
Ronald Kind em
Charles King
Audrey Kirby
Gretchen Kjeldsen
Robert J. Kleinschmidt
Pecer Klcsk
Kari M. Kleven
Leo Klohr and Jud y Occ hmi- Klohr
Do uglas and Susan Klunk
Lillian Knalla
Judy Knighc
K. Pecer and Loretta Knobe l
Karolyn and Rohen Knox
Agnes D . Knuch
James and Arlene Knutson
Lynn W. Koch
Margaret C. Koch
Sarah E. Koepsell
Joan Konigson
Beth An n Korkowski
C harles Kouyoumjian
Berey M. Kowalski
Kathleen Krasky
Ca therine and Robert Kraven
Mark and Jill Krawczyk
Laurene K.regncss
Ma rilyn and Scocc Kregncss
Warren K.regncss
John and Shirley Krohn
Du ane and Mary Krohnk e
Mimi and James Kron
Borgh ild Krueger
Barbara Kuhlm an
Kathryn and Randy Kuhlman
Roben Kunreuther
Harriett C. Kurek
Jeanette and Max Kurnow
Rebecca Kuruvilla
Adolph Kvam
Margaret Kvetko
Dean D . Lamke,
An n and Lon Lampp a
Renee Landsverk
Sceph en Lane
Andr ea Langeland
Karen Larsen
Ca thy S. Larson
John T. Michael
Pacricia and Todd Mickelson
Lester M. Mikelson
Harold and Elaine Milbrath
William A. Milbrath
Bonni e Millee-Mehemne
Darcy and Score Miller
Frank and Vera Miller
Robcrc and Marlys Miller
William and Toni Miller
Mary Minn ehan
Herbert F. Mischke
Lorind a and James Mishek
Michell e Missling
Linda and James Mitch ell
Ruth E. Moen
Caro lyn and Ca rl Mohn
C harles and Karla Ann Molin e
Anne Monteith
Larry K. and Peggy A. Moon
Curris and Patricia Moore
Caro lyn and Joseph Morgan
Robert \YI.Morgan
Tom Morgan
Robert and Mary Ann Mowatt
Will iam Moyers
Van D. Mu eller
Jean and Don ald Mueting
Mary Ann Margaret Muller
Lois and Ralph Mun son
Anne Murcc
Joyce B. Myers-Brown
Joy and Randy Nelson
Nancy Nelson
Op al Nelson
Richard and Marilyn Nelson
Rolf Nelson
Eric N . Nerland
Mary P.Neumann
Donald M. Newman
G erald Nickell
Richard and Audrey Nielsen
Barbara Northw ay
Richard and Car la Novak
Violcc Novicsky
Linda Nowak
Elizabeth Ober g
Mich ael and Jeann e Oberg
Howard V. O 'Co nn ell
Mary Olin ger
Richard I. Ol sen
Eugene R. Ol son
G en Ol son
Geo rge Ol son
Glenn G . Ol son
Harold L. Ol son
Jean A. Ol son
Judith A. Ol son
Lavonne J . Ol son
Marjorie H . Olson
Mary Olson
Phyllis Olson
Sceven and Ca rol Ol son
Wade Om an
Rae and Richard Orm sby
Larry and Kachleen Onloff
Susan Orce
Louise and C lifford Orcen
Rosemarie Pace
Joseph F. Palen
Richard and Peggy Palen
Sheila L. Palm
Judith G. Pasco
Bmy Paulsen
Timothy J. Pawlenry
Swan Peacock
John and Sharon Pearson
Steven W. Pearson
Emmagene Pedersen
Jerrilyn and Ronald Pederson
Parricia Perfertiand Ross Newlund
Michael Peroz
Gerard Perry
Jo Ann R. Peters
Dane and Lynne:Petersen
Dean Peterson
Jane M. Peterson
Kristin Peterson
Norman . Peterson
Oli ver and Jeane ne Peccrso n
tuarc and andra Peccrson
Joseph and Margery Pfankuch
Marie and Ronald Pfunnsmith
Carol PAeiderer
Mitchell Piper
Diane Pirrman
William L. Pinman
William \VI. Plante
Ronald Poeschel
Duke Pogacchnik
Nancy and Bruce Pogacchnik
Goldwin S. Pollard
Bruce E. Pond
Robert and Joan Pope
Michelle and Paul Porter
Jennifer and Ronald Prasek
Dana and JillPriverte
D arren Privette
Tim and Caren Priveu e
Verna and Eugene Puline
Holly Radice
Brian Radtke
Shyamala Raman
Judy Ramler
Sidney Rand
Max and Susan Ranft
Phillip J. Ranheim
James H. Ranum
Catherine and Alfred Rashid
Douglas Ray
Julie and James Rechriene
Jennifer and Roberco Recine
Abigail L. Reese
Marry Rehkamp
John K. Reinhardt
Patricia D. Reiscnger
Michael Renner
Avis Rescad
John and Manha Reum ann
Justin and Jennifer Rhoads
Carol J. Rholl
Donald A. Rholl
Gordon and Nancy Rholl
Winnifred and Howard Rholl
Robert Rice
Kathy Richter and Richard\Vtmrner
Margaret Richter
James L. Riede
James E. Rikkola
Catherine L. and James G. Robin
Jacque Robinson
Sharon G. Rode
Kathryn Rodriguez
Janee G. Rog
Richard and usan Rohloff
Julianne Rolek
Richard Roles and Karen Marinovich
Joyce Romano
Elmer and Astrid Romundstad
John and Connie Roselius
David and Tammy Rosenthal
Rud, M. Roch
Wayne and Linda Ro,h
John Rova
Joseph and Kay Rubbelke
Helen and Man Ruohoniemi
David and Lynne Rustad
John S. Rydberg
Phyllis Rydberg
John and Ann agers
Janee Salisbury
Marjeanand Loren anderson
E. Sands
Don n and Linda Satrom
ceven and Jean cherer
Joseph and Marie Scherkenbach
Helen K. chmidc
Rodney A. Schmidt
Rudolph and Marilyn choll
Kurt and Nelda chreiber
Karen L. Schreiner
Beery and Wale chroeder
Burch Schuln
Howard Schuln
Mary J. chwab
Gail S. Schwandc
Lillian Schwarn
Roger \YI. chwarze
Karen and Gail caver
Donna and Douglas Segelscrom
Lisa and Jirko Senkel
Wayne C. Serkland
Mary and John
Bindi Shah
Jennifer Shaw
Jean A. Sheehan
Maxine N. Sheers
Kathleen Shideler
Ethel Shufro
John and Mary Siegfried
Rod Sill
Claire Sipes
Ch ristian K. Skjervold
Lillian and Orville kordahl
Vernon Skordahl
Harlen C. Smet1.er
Elaine mith
Linda Smolnisky
Norma Snyder
Donna and Paul Soler
Jeanne Sombrio
George and Margaret ornrncrfeld
Rulli and Neil orurn
Paul Spafford
Paul and Nellie ponheim
Russell and Helen Sraberg
Michelle Srack
era rahn
Judith I. Stark
Sarah Scaveceig
Dorothy Steen
Thea Steichen
Herbert M. Srein Jr.
Angela teincr
hirlyn D. Sreinmcn
Allan cenberg
Eunice and Myles tcnshoe.l
Thomas Stern
ancy tidger
tanley L. civer
Hazel Scoeckeler
Craig S and Shirley Ann coneberg
Daniel conelake
Gary A. Scrandemo
Margaret trane
Philip and Mary Strauss
Evelyn Streng
Norton D. trommen
Kathleen and Michael mebner-Holt
T. 0. Scundahl
Edward Sunde
William Sunon
George Su,uki
Robert and Lino Swanick
\Villiam Swarbrick
Ms. LaurelC. Swean
Floyd and Lois wenson
Orville and Olga Swenson
Kenneth L. Syverson
Josephine Talarski
Diana Talcott
Robert and Paula Tews
James T halberg
A. Joyce T homas
Elaine and FrankThomas
Barbaraand Eugene Thompson
Beverly A. Thompson
C. I. Thompson
Neil R. Thompson
Louise K. T horeson
Daniel D. T horman
Paul E. Thorson
Paul T horson
Joan T hreet
Mildred T hronson
Hcnr)' Thu rston-Griswold
William and Sheila Todd
H. Valborg Torkelson
Ludolph Torscenson
Judy D. Tousignant
Louise Town
Kenneth and Julie Trafc
Marvin and SandraTrandem
George E. Troughc
Merry Tucker
Marjorie A. Tungseth
Larry and Susan Turner
Michael Turnipseed
Eldon Underdahl
hirley F. Underdahl
James and L.1RueUngb ube
Harold and Lynrne Usgaard
onnie Van Den Einde
Laura J. Vander ~ egen
usan Vento
Gretchen Buhler Venrura
Daniel and C·uric Verville
Dorothy and Norman Vetsch
Leo B. Vetvick
Lynda Voge
LynneA. Volkman
Lloyd H. Voxland
John and Barbara Wagner
Candy Waldemar
Deborah H. Walscien
Karen L. Walcar
Lisa \Xlandrei
Michael R. Warber
Lilita Ward
Kathleen A. Warmbier
Patriciaand Ralph \Vackins
Malcolm and Escher\Xlarson
Marion \'Qac
Charleen H. Weidenbach
Donald Weidenbach
Joel Weisberg and Janee Watchman
Stephanie M. \'Q'ei
James E. Welch
Mary and Paul Wenum
DoroLhy \Verncss
Raymond D. Wescermo
Gordon \Xlheder
John H. Wheelock
Thomas and Darlene \Xlhice
Richard \VI.Wiegmann
Richard and Margaret \V,ldberger
Roger Wilde
Susan Wilkey
F.and Bonnie \'(lilliams
Mary M. Williams
Eliu beth A. Wilson
Roger K. Winges
Patrick \'(/inter
Julie Wise
Clement P.\'(/oicas
Orville K. and Edna V. Wold
Michael Wolr
Roy and Judy Wolff
David Wood
Scott Wrighc
Geraldine P. Yackel
Mary and Marcin Yerbich
Nicole Yerbich
Vincent and Vicki Yerbich
Dale and Marilyn Yoakum
Chriscopher York
James M. Youngdale
Catherine Youngman
Ronald Youngman
Gwyn and Moses Yuhanna
Elisabeth Zall
nak and James Fournier
Dennis and Michelle Zuzek
Dominic . Zweber
Churches, Corporations, Foundations, Government, and
Other Organizations
3M Foundation
AAL Home O ffice
Acccnrurc Foundation Inc.
All Srar Spores, Inc.
Allen A. and Jean M. Housh C haritable Fund
Alliss Educational Foundation
American Council of Life Insurers
American Exprcs.iFoundation
American Family Mortgage Co rporation
American Support Foundation, Inc.
Amcrw Life InsuranceCompany
Anchor Bancorp , Inc.
Arthur Andersen & Co mpany
Bayside Owners Association
Benedictine Sisters
Bonds Inc.
Borchers Family Fund of the Minn eapolis Foundation
Buffccs, Inc.
Bush Foundation
Business Microvar, Inc.
C.E.L Public Rdations, Inc.
Capital Coo rdina tors Co.
Career Professionals lnc.
Carlson Marketing Group
Catholic Community Foundation
Cent ral Lutheran C hurch
Co llegiate Licensing Co mpany
Co mm and ing Edge
Counc il of Indepe ndent Co llege
CSS Builders Inc.
Dan Transic Co mpany
De Paul Lertering
Digital Data Voice Corpo ration
DI PCo .
Dwight D O pperman Found ation
Education Minncsora Professional Organization
Elftmann Family Fund of Th e Minn eapolis Foundati on
Eli Lilly and Co mpany
EJncssSwenson Graham Archircccs, Inc.
Erid<Son Insurance Agency
Excel Promotions
FairviewHospital Alumnae Association
Fidd ity Investment Charitable
Fortis Benefits Insurance Company
Foss Family Foundation
Foundation for the Carolinas
Genetal Mills Foundat ion
Gray Wolf Ranch , Inc.
Great Clips Inc.
Groves Foundation
H .B. Fuller Co mpan y
H.E. Westerman Lumber Co mpan y
Hamill Family Found acion
Hat.lcn Foundation
Huss Foundation
I.P.E.S., Inc
lnspcc Inc.
Inspccta- Homes O f America Inc.
Johnson Environmental & Safety Co nsultin g Co ., Inc.
Kalvig and Associates
Kleven Family Foundation
Kopp l_nvestmenc Advisors Inc.
Kraus-Anderson Co mpani es
Kuhlman Enterprises
aw Transic Inc.
Larty L O rtloff & Associates
Lilly Endowment, lnc.
Lockridge, Grindal, Nauen P.LLP.
Lucent Technologies
Lutheran Brotherhood
Lutheran Ch urch of the Master
LutheranCommunity Foundation
Lutheran Quarte rly
M C M Sports Inc.
Managemenc Resource Solutions
Map le Grove Family Dental Clinic
Marb le Lutheran C hurch
Marvin and Beery Borman Foundation
Maslon foundatio n
MECA SportsWear ln c.
Mid land Lutheran Co llege
Miller Manufucru ring Co mpany
Min neola Lutheran Ch urch
Minnesota Brewing Company
Minnesoca Lynx
Minncsoca Mutual Foundation
Minnesota Private Co llege Fund
Jane N . Mooty Foundatio n
Mother of God Monastery
Joel Mugge & Associates
National Co llegiate Athletic Association
Nationa1 Recoveries Inc
Nort h Central Builders Inc
No rth Dakota Co mmuni ty Founda tion
NorthrupGrumman Linon Foundation
Peace Lutheran C hurch of Plymouth
Pease Academy
Piper Family Fund of the Minn eapolis Found ation
Pohlad Family Found atio n - Pohlad Family Charities
Presser Foundation
Prestige D,ywall
Pro Edge Power
Ray Smith lnsurance Agency
Reliastar Foundation
John R. Richmond and Associates
Riverside Florist
Riverway Foundation
Ron D. View Ranch & Outfirr ing Co.
Royal Norwegian Co nsulate
RSB Coaches
Rubel Realty ln c
Sanborn 5 North , Inc.
San ce Corporacion
Schmitt Music Centers
Sch,vab Fund for C haritable Giving
Sea Foam Sales Co mpan y
SHAP CO Printin g
Society Of Maty
St. Paul Foundati on
St. Barnabas Lutheran C hurch
ScaceBank of Tower
Sundet Foundation
Swenson Anderson Associates, Inc.
Teagle Foundacion
Textron Financial
Th e Co mmand Edge Inc
T he Co mmun ity Found ation of Middl e Tennessee
Th e CotsWOld Found ation Trust
Thomas A. Foscer and Associates, Inc.
Tower-Soudan Agency
Tri-Cou nty Abstract & Title
Trinity Lutheran Co ngregation
Twin Cities Trading
United Educators Lnsurance
US Bancorp Found ation
Valen Financial Services
Vandd ist & Vandd ist PA
W:M . Keck Foundation
Walser Aucomocive Group Inc
Wd ls Fargo Found ation
West Group
Westwood Lutheran C hurch
Westwood Sports
Whitney Foundation
Wilcox Family Foundation
John and Renata Winsor Fund of the Minn eapolis
World Citizen, Inc.
BOARD OF REGENTS, 2001-200 2
ALUMNI BOARD, 2001 -2002
Rev. Gary E. Benson '70
Susan H ornin g Arn tz '94
Ms. Jackie Cherryhomes '76
Jeff Elavsky '68
Ms. Tracy Lynn Elfcmann '8 1
Paul Fieldhammer '65
M r. M ichael 0 . Freeman
Andy Fried '93
Mr . Mich ael R. Good '7 1
Tom Hanson '66
Mr . H . Theodor e Grindal '7 6
Christop her Haug '79
Mr. Jam es E. Haglund
Lisa Svac H awks '85
M s. Beverly Thompson H arlen
Kirsten Hirsch '9 1
Dr. Ruth E. Jo hnson '74
Karina Karlen '83
Mr. Dean C. Kopp erud
Rob Lafleur '80
Mr. David J. Larson
Jackie Kniefel Lind '69, '94 MAL
Ms. Gloria C. Lewis
Terry Marquardt '98 WEC
Rev. Jose Antonio M achad o
Paul Mikelson '70
Dr. Jennif er H . Martin
Andy Mo rrison '73
Ms. Juli e R. Nelson '83
Paul Mue ller '84
Mr. Ronald G. Nel son '68
Liz Pushing '93
Rev. G lenn W. Nyckle moe, ex officio
Meri Pygman '93
Mr. Ronald J. Peltier
Beth Torsten son '66
Mr. G len E. Person '47
Bill Vanderwall '93 WEC
M r. Wayne G. Pop ham
M s. Jean M . Taylor '85
Dr. P. Dawn Taylor '78
1960 Dale Hank a
1961 Patricia Swanson Kreuziger
Leola Dyrud Furman
1962 Mari lyn 0. Gronner
Jenelle J. C unnin g
1963 Sara Halvorson Strom
1964 Robert Nordin
1965 Darryl Ca rter
1967 John Clawson
1968 lone Agrimson H anson
1970 Terry Nygaard
1973 Merja Wileniu s Fox
1974 Marlene C han Hui
1976 Larry Morgan
1979 Mark Aune
1980 Rob Lafleur
1981 Janis Blomg ren Aune
1982 Lori Moline
1983 Susan Kapp ers Ryan
1984 Jeff Quinnell
1985 Norm Okersrrom
C hu ck Rath
M r. G len J. Skovho lt
Mr. Philip Sryrlund '79
I 986 Deb Balzer
CLASS AGENTS, 200 1-2002
Barb Nielson McGlynn
1987 Cher yl Wit soe Dudley
Ms. Kathryn H . Tunheim
1939- 194 1 Richard Jacobson
1944 C hester Hoversten
1988 Sandra Kay Smirl1
Rev. Haro ld Usgaard , ex officio
1945 Joyce Op seth Schwartz
1990 Trygve Nystuen
Ms . Joan L. Volz '68
Vera T horson Benzel
1946 John Steen
1947 Agnes Valvik Larson
1948 Jero y Ca rlson
Arnie Skaar
1949 Cal Larson
1950 Shirley Dahl en
195 1 Dan Pearson
1952 LeVon Paulson Dinrer
Sharon Mackenthun
I 99 I Kirsten Hirsch
1992 Heather John ston
1993 Misti Allen Binsfeld
H eidi Wisn er Staloch
1994 An1y Noran
1995 Lisa Ca rlson Sackreiter
An1y Torgelson For berg
1996 Jayne Rudolph
Heather Birch
1953 Ruth Aaskov
1954 Herb C hilstrom
1956 Carolyn Lower Bliss
1997 An1y Bowar
1957 Stan Baker
1999 Jackie Fuhr
2000 Sam Walseth
1958 Byron Golie
1959 Carl Cas person
Jen Ringeisen
1998 Calvin Hanson
WEC Terry Marquardt
2 0 0 1 - 2 0 0 2
Offi ce of lnscicucio nal Advance ment
Augsbur g Co llege, C B 142
22 11 Riverside Avenu e
Minn eapolis, MN 55454
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Mpls. , MN
Permit No. 2031
Indian program
Angie O'Keefe and Anne O'Keefe, earned
came from the
the long-dis tance commute award when
efforts of comedian
Angie commut ed from Morton in western
Louie Anderson ,
Minnesota to earn her degree from the
who performed
Weekend College program.
two benefit
"Our alumni have been active, but I
concerts in the
would like to gel mor e of them involved .
early 1990s-on e
We need more networking ; we need an
al Augsburg , the
alumni scholarship fund ; and we need an
OLhe r at Northrup
alumni advisory board ," Peterson said.
Auditor ium-t o
"With that kind of supp ort alongside our
raise mon ey for a
curr ent students , we cou ld do more
scholarship in the
outr each Lo the native communiti es,
name of his
particularly to reserva tions that are near
brother Kent.
to us."
Th e program
Peterson also envisions a nur sing
Mercedes Weishalla (center, holding her daughter, Heyden), a
has had abou t 150
out reach program , similar Lo the one
Weekend College business management and American Indian
gradu ates and a
Augsburg current ly runs al Centra l
Studies major, meets with her Scholastic Connections mentor Noya
Woodrich '92, '94 MSW (right), executive director of the Division
similar num be r
Lutheran Chur ch in Minneapolis , which
of Indian Work in Minneapolis.
who have take n
could be sel up al the Indian Communi ty
courses . Many
Center LOserve the urban Indian
gradua tes have continued on to earn
popu lation . And , of course, there are the
adva nced degrees. Several stud ents
never-ending needs for scholarship s of all
have return ed to Augsburg for a
kinds .
Master of Social Work degree after
"I think we need scho larship s LOhelp
first comp leting Augsbu rg's
graduate student s, Lo help provide for
bachelor 's degree program in socia l
living expenses so more stud ents cou ld
work. One such stud ent is Noya
live on campu s, and LOgrow our
Woodrich , who also serves as a
end owed scholarship fund (curr ently at
mentor for Augsburg 's newly-crea ted
abo ut $600,000) up Lo al leasl $ 1
Scholastic Conn ections program. And,
million ."
a recent grad, Ben Burgess, is at the
Peterson also wou ld love Losee the
University of Californi a-Davis
workin g LOwarda Ph.D. in
Ojibwe language. When he
compl etes that program , he'll be
the first in the nation to hold
suc h a degree .
'T he Life Story of a Dakota Man ," which
Th e Augsburg program also
chron icles the life of a 20th- centu ry urb an
has been home LOfamily
Indi an. He is assisted this year by
conn ections, including Burgess
instru ctors Robert Danforth , Dale WesLOn ,
and his sister Meredi th Gauld en ;
and Soph ia Jacobso n .
sisters Caro le (Moran) Renn er
"I think scholarsh ip mon ey has been a
and Gail (Moran) Warzyniak ;
key to the success of stud ents here,"
mother an d daughter Yvonne
Peterson said . "Bonni e [Wallace] was
Leith and Nicole Fun aro; and the
aggressive in findin g such do llars and
Bruce and Ertl familes who had
helped create some big endow ed
bro ther, mother, and daughter scholarship fund s. A Jo yce Found ation
Richard Bruce , Shirl ey Ertl , and
grant help ed hir e my position , and al one
Michelle Ertl-all gradu ate in
point we had two peop le working with up
1992. The Genia broth ers, Tony
Dennis Jones, Univ. of Minnesota Ojibwe language
to 65 stud ent s each year. Now we' re in the
Jr. and Jim , went on to success ful and culture instructor , and Rosalie Cla rk, regional
30-35 range , which is abou t as many as
social worke r for the Bureau of Indian Aff a irs
caree rs in law and med icine,
one person can handl e."
Midwest office and former Augsburg social wo rk
respec tively; and one other
professor , shared comments during the Forum on
Anot her majo r boost for the American
mother-daughter combin ation ,
American Indian Issues in November.
Winter 2002-03
program play host to more conferences and
seminars such as the American Indian
Religious Freedom conference that attracted
such lumin aries as Ben Nighth orse
Camp bell, Daniel Inou ye, and Paul
Wellstone; and another exploring the use of
American Indian mascots in the media.
"We've serve d a won der ful purpo se
wiLh our program and helped a lot of
students take a ste p forward , both for
themselves and for other nati ve people ,"
Peterson said . "Now I hope we can take
by Dan Jorge nse n
another step and be of even
greater service to even more
people and communities . There 's
so much Lo be done ; and so
much we can do if we can find a
way to expand our program. "
Visit the American Indi an
Student Services Program at
<WWW.augsburg.edu/aissp> and
conta ct Cindy Pete rson at
6 12-330- 1144 or
<petersoc@augsbur g.edu >. •
Bonnie Wallace has long been known as
Lhe first director of Augsburg's successful
and long-runnin g American Indian
Stud ent Services Program , but she says
Lhat "technically" it's not true.
"Believe il or not, I was not the first
director," she noted . "I did serve on Lhe
task force chaired by then-d ean of the
College (and soon-to-be president )
Charles Anderson, formed by President
Oscar Anderson to eiqilore Lhe
possibilities of creating an Indian
presence on campus ." That two-year
stud y recommend ed the establishment of
the program, which was funded by a
three-year grant from the Honeywell
Found ation.
Wallace was serving as a talent
search counselor in the Minnesota
Chipp ewa Tribe's TRIO program al the
Lime, and agreed to continu e helping the
College by serving on Lhesearch
commiu ee for a director.
"We hired a native person with a
strong con nection to the National Indian
Lutheran Board ," she said . "Once he was
hired I Lhought my work was don e, but
a week later, Charles Anderson (now
president) contacted me to tell me the
person worked one day and changed his
mind. I half-hean edly said 'is it that
dreadful over Lhere?' I appr eciated the
fact that he was seeking my advice,
though , and suggested several opLions.
Bonnie Wallace (left), now scholarship director at
the Fond du Lac Reservation in Cloquet, Minn.,
was director of Augsburg's American Indian
program for 18 years. She was succeeded by
Cindy Peterson (right), who has been with the
program since 1981.
Finally, he said, 'What I really
want is for you to come and work for me!' I
about fell over and respectfully declined ."
Wallace said the basis for her surpri se
and initial rejection was Lhatshe and
Anderson had buued heads on many issues
during the task force discussions , rarely
agreeing on anything. However, after several
months of continu ing the conversation, she
accepted the offer in 1978 .
"The first month I was here I actually
found two Indian students on campu s and
was Lhrilled ," she said. "But Lhat was shortlived since both were in the process of
withdrawing from school."
However, Wallace soon developed a
thriving , ever-expanding program . During
her 18-year directorship , the program was
recognized as having the highest retention
and graduat ion rate (85 percent) for Indian
support programs in the five-state region.
Among the more than 100 graduates durin g
those years was her own daughter, Melissa,
who eventua lly returned for a second
Augsbu rg degree as well. "Cindy Peterson's
coming on board as my assistant was a huge
factor in that success. It also afforded me the
time to recruit and , again, our numbers
increased ."
During those formative years and yet
today, Wallace attributes the success of the
program to a host of factors: "Commi tment
of the College to the Indian comm unity;
generous scholarship donors ; coopera tion of
other student sup port services; in- and
outstate tribal suppon ; qualified
American Indian faculty; and
'individua lized attention' given to
dedicated, bright stude nts combined with
having expectations of them," she said.
'We never enabled our students; rather,
we taught them how the College system
worked , what role each office played in
their academic and personal lives."
Wallace also cited the strong
suppon of peop le like Dr. Mildred
Mueller and Pat Parker, and the effons of
Herald Johnson , assistant to the vice
president for enrollment and market
services. "His willingness, understanding ,
sup port , patience, and genuin e respect
for our work will always be someth ing
special to me," she said .
And , ultimately, despite their early
differences, she points LoCharles
Anderson's supp on. "lltl was critical to
our success, and in due time he and I
simply had to agree to disagree on some
issues. He is probably the only college
president who supp on ed the fact that
Indian people do not conside r
themselves a 'minority.' He und erstood
our status as 'political entities' and did
not include our program under the guise
of 'minority programs .' I will always be
grateful for that autonomy that continu es
yet today."
Winter 2002-03
From the Alumni Board president's desk ...
s one year
ends and
anoth er begins,
we often find
thinking of family
and friends.
Cards are
exchanged with
details of our
families; holiday pani es renew old
friendships. We discuss the good old days
Once a year, I get together with a
group of lifelong friends from Augsburg .
The group consists of students who lived
in the Delta and Omega hou ses in the '70s.
After more than 30 years , we still laug h at
the ant ics of our fellow stud ents during our
fom1ative years. Great fun is had by all!
As we move into the new year, the
Augsburg Alumni Board wou ld like you to
rememb er Augsburg in your hean and
prayers. We want to keep in touch , so
please let us know where you are and what
you are doing . If the new year will bring a
new locat ion , please e-mail us at
<alumni @augsbu rg.edu>, or go online al
<.vww.augsburg.edu/a lumni/
updat e.html> to change your addr ess. We'd
love to hear what you are up to, and we'll
keep you in formed of the amazing changes
al Augsburg and the up coming events
spon sored by the Events Commiuee of the
Alumni Board.
Please send us your e-mail address if
you'd like LO be inclu ded in a monthl y
e-mail from the alumni office with upd ates
and events for the next mon th . We'd love
LO see you al an upcoming Auggie Hour
gathering , which are held at various
restaur ants around the Twin Cities (see the
calend ar on page 23). Each event combin es
a faculty member or alum who presents a
shon talk on an interesting topic . These are
informa l, fun discussions, and you might
learn somethin g new, too! 0,11/epromise
there " ~II not be a test after the
discussion .)
The Alumni Board and our new
alum ni/parent relations team on campu s
invite your ideas and feedback regarding
alumni activities, so please let us know
what we can do for you. I am proud to be
a member of the Augsb urg family, and I
hope the new year bring s many blessings
to each of you and your families.
Andrew Morriso n '73
President , Alumni Board
Augsburg alumni win Minnesota and national
legislative seats
by Lynn Mena
n Nove mb er, Augsburg alumni Martin
Olav Sabo '59 and Rod Skoe '77 wo n
seats in the U.S. House of Repr esent atives
and th e Minn eso ta Senat e.
Sabo, a Democra t, kept his sea t in
the U.S. House of Rep resent atives (Fifth
District ) with 67 percent of th e vote; he
has held th e seat since 1979. As ranking
min or ity membe r of the Transportation
Appropriation s Subcom mittee, his
commitm enl Lo easing congestion in th e
Twin Cities can be seen in work securin g
$60 million for lightrail tran sit and $7
milli on for the No rth star commut er line.
Oth er issues high on Saba 's list of
pri or ities are th ose th at imp act childr enparti cularly ea rly ch ildh ood learning . He
also sees affordable hou sing , health care,
an d recent co rporat e co rruption scand als
as "big issues we have Lo so rt through ." In
addition , Sabo is co mmiued LO protecting
citizens' right s in th e fight aga inst
terrori sm .
Winter 2002-03
Saba's daughter , Augsburg
alumn a Juli e Sabo '88 , ran for
lieutenant gove rnor with Minn esota
gub ern ato rial candid ate Roger Moe
(DFL)-ultim ately losing in a close
race LO Republi can Tim Pawlenty.
Juli e he ld the incumb ent DFL seat
in the Minn eso ta Senate (Distri ct
62) , but she did not run for reelect ion due Lo her campaign with
Moe .
Fellow alum Rod Skoe, also a
Democrat, won a seat in the
Minn eso ta Senate (District 2). He is
a two- term Minne sota House member
(Distri ct 28 ), and stepped up LO th e
Minne so ta Senate with th is elect ion.
As a state representative , Skoe 's
committ ee assignm ent s included work
educ ation polic y, K-12 finance ,
agricultur e poli cy, and environm ent al
policy. He remain s committed to th ese
Rod Skoe '77 won a
seat in the Minnesota
Senate in November .
Martin Olav Sabo ' 59
was re-elected to a 13th
term in the U.S. House
of Representatives .
issues as he moves to th e Minne so ta
Sena te, and states that his priori ty issues
are tied to improving Minnesota 's
Skoe is a former Clearwa ter County
commissioner , Clearbrook/Gonvick
Schoo l Board dire cto r, and an Agassiz
Ambassador for Clea rwater County.
Many Gifts
Little Evalin's youthful enthusiasm brought smiles
to all (daughter of Lori Moline '82).
Andrea Ladda and the Augsburg Spirit
Squad kept fans at the Homecoming
game cheering , despite the Auggies' 4114 loss to Gustavus.
Members of the Class of 1942 gathered for a reunion breakfast . Pictured (L to R), Row 1 (seated) :
Magdeline Stolee, Eunice (Knudson) Iverson , Helen (Thostens) Jones, Ebba (Johnson) Brooks . Row
2: Mur iel (Quanbeck) Turrittin, Lannie (Olson) Seal, Verlinda (Olson) Huus, Mary Ann (Eye)
Helleckson . Row 3: Waldemar Boening , Elwood Lundeen , Merton Strommen , Phil Helland,
Chester Brooks, Vic Miller .
Brad Motl and Dega Ali were crowned 2002
Homecoming King and Queen.
Junior Jazz Burch showed her Auggie pride at
the Homecoming game.
Winter 2002-03
Several alumni and friends were honored w ith awa rds at the Homecoming Dinne r. Pictured
(L to R) Row 1: Richard J. Seime '70, Distinguished Alumnus Award ; John Magnuson , on
behalf of the StepUP Advisory Board, Spirit of Augsburg Award; t he Rev. Dr. Philip Quanbeck
Sr. 'SO, on behalf of the Quanbeck family , Distinguished Service Award ; President Frame.
Row 2: The Rev. Dr. Orval Moren '57, Spirit of Augsburg Award ; LaJune Thom as Lange '75 ,
Distinguished Alumna Award ; James S. Hamre ' S3, Dist inguished Alumnus Award; Barry
Vornbrock '96 MAL, First Decade Award . Not pictured is Ko Ly '97, First Decade Award .
Margaret Dornf eld '06 colored t he day with cheer .
The Rev. Oliver Johnson ' SO (left ) and Irving Ringdahl ' 52 (right) chatted at t he
Homecoming Picnic.
Buffie Blesi ('90 BA, ' 97 MAL) reconnected with
fellow alums and faculty at the Master of Arts in
Leadership reunion and 15th anniversary celebration .
Winter 2002-03
The Augg ies' Jordan Hastin gs '06 shields the ball
fr om Gustavus .
Bessie Cunningham Hughes '71,
1992 Distinguished Alumna,
enjoyed conversation at
Augsburg's ethnic programs
celebration in Christensen Center.
(L to R) Row 1 (seated) : Morris Johnson,
Leroy Nyhus, Charlotte (Kleven) Rimmereid,
Yvonne (Bagley) Olson , Orville Olson, Celia
(Hanson) Burk, Lewann (Awes) Sotnak , Lola
(Nelson) Nebel, Orlette (Hjelle) Waller, Millie
Nelson. Row 2: David Christensen , Roger
Nelson, Martha (Bozony) Peterson, M. Joyce
(Tallman) Hanson, Beverly
(Gryth) Villwock, Leona
(Eng) Rokke, Dorothy
(Skonnord) Petersen, Jean
(Swanson) Markland, John
Leak, David Rokke, Gordon
Thorpe . Row 3 : Millard
Knudson , Jim Armstrong ,
Ben L. Larson, Ruth
Schmidt , Harriet (Haller)
Brown , Marlo Petersen,
Eugene Anderson ,
Donavon Roberts, Karl
Puterbaugh , Arnold
Paulson, Irving Ringdahl .
Row 4 : Robert Thompson ,
Luther Larson, Elmer
Hanson, Leonard Dalberg ,
Donovan Jacobson, Jim
Faul, Donna (Wang) Leak,
Richard Howells , Joanne
(Varner) Peterson, Harvey
Peterson , Glen Gilbertson,
LeRoy Anenson.
Photos by Stan Waldhauser,except wherenoLed
CLASS OF 1962 (L to R) Row 1 (seated) : Kay (Hanenburg) Madson , Eunice (Kyllo) Roberts, Jack Osberg, Lois
Larson, Ann (Ring) Odegaard, Elaine (Pedersen) Gunderson, Betze (Paulson) Solomonson, Marjorie (Engevik) Espe.
Row 2 : Jennelle (Johnson) Cunning, Marilyn (Olson) Gronner, Karen (Kuszler) Roeber, MaryAnn (Sorensen) Urban,
Rose Marie (Nordin) Anderson , Betty Lou (Johnson) Oppegard , Barbara (Anderson) Stamp , Mercia (Anderson)
Fredrick, Philip Bauman, Olivia (Gordon) Lorents, Harlin Haack. Row 3: Phillip Mattison , John Sorenson, Kenneth
Erickson, J. David Lystig, Milo Oppegard, Loiell Dyrud, Kermit Paulson, Paul Gunderson, Paul Grover .
Winter 2002-03
CLASS OF 1977 (L to R) Row 1 (seated): Sue
(Hengy) Johnson, Mary (Quanbeck) Barber, Daniel
Larson, Lori (Eklund) Quello, Bernie Swenson, John
Sandness, John Ronning, Scott Fridley. Row 2:
Deborah Roberge, Mary (Nollet) Newell, David
Wattman, Paul Rittenhouse, Deb (Daehn) Zellmer,
Lori (Otto) Hansen, Wendy Bjorklund . Row 3 :
Karen Lokkesmoe, Jim Nieling, Mark Sanstead,
Nathan Carlsen, Kevin Peterson, Andrew Westberg,
Daniel Eitrheim .
CLASS OF 1992 (below, L to R) Row 1: Matthew
Mirmak, Matthew Maunu, Mark Mata, Teresa
White , Amy (Raedeke) Frischmon. Row 2: Erick
Norby, Amy Kildal, Lisa (Barber) Zahn, David
Palmer, Molly Schnagl, Laura Gaylord, Elise Defor,
Stacy (Shiltz) Abraham, Heather Johnston . Row 3:
Tim Machacek.
Recip ients of Augsburg 's
QUANBECK FAMILY (bottom left, L to R) Row 1
(seated on floor): Abby, Mauren, Rebecca, Amy, Kate,
Zach, Cindy (Quanbeck) Goke, Tommy, Lilli (Quanbeck)
Leslie, Shon Schetnan. Row 2 : Dora (Frojen) Quanbec k,
Philip Quanbeck II, Ruth Johnson, Rona (Quanbeck)
Emerson, Helen (Nichols) Quanbeck , B. Randolph
Quanbeck, Wallace Lindsay, Carol (Ysteboe) Lindsay,
Vicki (Quanbeck) Schetnan, Ruth (Ysteboe) Engelstad,
JuliAnn (Quanbeck) Erdmann, Tom Erdmann . Row 3:
Phil Quanbeck Sr., John Turrittin, Andrea Quanbeck ,
Deborah (Sheldon) Quanbeck, Dorothy (Quanb eck)
Johnson, Muriel (Quanbeck) Turrittin , Lauren Johnson,
Mabel Quanbeck , Carol (Kelley) Quanbeck , Mary
(Quanbeck) Kvanbeck, Dagmar (Dahl) Quanbeck, Mary
C. Quanbeck, Sonja Quanbeck , Rae Quanbeck , Lavon
(Emerson) Henry, Beth Marie Quanbeck , Nadine
(Quanbeck) Anderson.
Row 4 : Daniel
Johnson , Thomas
Quanbeck , Marvin B.
Johnson, James
Dahlberg , Marian L.
(Quanbeck) Dahlbe rg,
Ardelle (Skovholt)
Quanbeck , Sara Ose,
Lillian Ose, Grace
(Gisselquist) Johnson,
Gordon Quanbe ck, Hal
Quanbeck . Row 5:
Loren Barber, Mary
(Quanbeck) Barber,
Norman Quanbeck ,
Kent Quanbeck , David
Quanbeck , Thomas
Lien, Charles Turrittin ,
Oliver E. Johnson ,
Stanley Quanbeck,
Katherine (Miller)
Quanbeck , Elizabeth
(Turrittin) Lien, Nadine
Emerson .
Winter 2002-03
Harold Ahlborn , Edina, Minn.,
received the Distinguished Service
Award from the Braemar Golf
Association Board for his work
\\~th the junior golf league. He
and his wife, Lois (Black) '47 ,
are both retired .
Gary Rust and his wife, Alice
{Gjesdahl) '53 , live in
Burnsville, Minn. They proudl y
report that both their son and
daughter gradua ted from
Augsburg , and their grandso n is a
freshm an. Gary owns Sunbur st
Sales, and can be reached via email at <gary@sunburstsales.com>.
Mark L. Johnson is a retired
realtor , he lives in Minneapolis
"~th his ,vife, Thelma . He reports
that he is looki ng forward to his
50th class reunion in 2004. He
can be reached via e-mail at
Paul A. Hamre , Rose,~lle, Minn.,
is a retired history teacher for
Rose,~lle Public Schools, but still
teaches in an evening high school
program for adu lts.
Richard J. Johnson, Red Wing ,
Minn. , is a retired colone l in the
U.S. Marine Corp. He served two
years m Vietnam an d was awarded
a Purple Heart.
Yvonne (Oudal) Rhodes,
Orchard Park, N.Y., is a knitting
instructor and designer. She has
written 34 books on knitting
styles and techmques , and teaches
machin e knitting nationwide and
at Buffalo State Universit)'- Her
specialty is Norwegian sweater
making , and in 1991 , she was
made a Kentucky Colonel for her
contributions to this field.
Marshall D.
wrote The
Purpose of the
published by Cambridge
University Press, it was reprinted
in paperback in Jul y by Wipf &
Stock Publishers.
Gloria (Grant) Knoblauch is
enjO)~ng retirement : she embarked
on an Amtrak trip in October to
the western United States and
Canada. She and her husband ,
Arthur , live in Lake Elmo, Minn.
The Rev. Tom Moen retired in
August after 40 years of ministry.
He and his wife, Ruth (Carlsen)
'60, reside in Ham Lake, Minn.
Carolyn S. Johnson, Golden
Valley, Minn ., retired from the
University of Minnesota in
George Larson, Moorhead,
Minn ., received the Ole and Lucy
Flaat Distinguished Teachin g
Award from Conco rdia CollegeMoorhead , where he has taught
English for 40 years.
Darold Rupp, Mankato , Minn .,
recently assum ed leadership of
the Truman High School band
program , teachin g instrumental
music to stude nts in grades 5-10.
He performs ,vith the University
of Minnesota-Manka to
Symphonic Band, and is active
with Sing Music Coru m and the
Direct Messiah Lutheran Choir.
Lloyd "Butch" Raymond ,
Marshall, Mmn., was named
interim vice president of
advancement at South west State
University. He has served as
associate vice president for the
past three years, and will
continu e his duti es as athletic
director . He and his ,vife, Linnea,
have thr ee childr en.
The Rev. Marvin Repinski
and his wife, Becky, recently
moved to Austin , Minn., where
he was hired by the Fellowship
United Methodist Chur ch. He
has served several congregations
in Minnesota , as well as a oneyear appo intm ent as a research
fellow at Yale Universit)'-
Dale M. Stone , Maple Grove,
Minn., is part owner and sales
associate for Organic Growth
Robert Tyson, Murphysboro,
., 1s self-employed in the
marketing field an d 1s active in
the local music scene. He belongs
to the Robins Quartet, an
The Augsburg College Alumni Association Awards and Recognition
Comm ittee seeks your assistance in identifying memb ers of the
Augsburg community to be conside red for recognition for the
following awards:
Distinguished Alumni Award
First Decade Award
Spirit of Augsburg Award
To make a nommation on line or to view the description/ criteria for
each award , go to <wwwaugsburg .edu/alumni/n omform> .
To recieve a nomination packet , contact:
Office of Alumni/Parent Relations
Phone: 6 12-330- 1 l 78 or 1-80 0-260-6590
E-mail: alumni @augsbur g.edu
The deadline for nominations for 2003 is March 14, 2003.
Last June 28, these former Omega House roommates
reunited at the home of Cindy (Steen) Jindra '64 at Lake
Ely in Eveleth , Minn. Pictured (front, center) : Sylvia
(Steinbeck) Torstenson ' 66, elementary education teacher,
Hayfield, Minn. L to R, back row : Cindy (Steen) Jindra '64,
retired school administrator, St. Louis County Schools; Lila
Lee (Hauberg) Salls '66 , retired , elementary education ,
Honolulu, Hawaii ; Mary Lynn (Larson) Leff ' 66, high school
counselor , Buffalo, Minn.; Eileen (Kahlberg) Van Wie ' 66,
education professor, Southwest State University , Marshall,
Minn.; Kathy (Popp) Boggess '66, high school counselor,
Bloomington, Ind .
Winter 2002-03
a cappella singing group that
performs jazz , barb ershop , and
gospel mu sic. He also performs
under the name "Uncle Bob " as a
singer/guitarist in bars , festivals,
and coffeeshops , singing jazz ,
blues, folk, and bluegrass.
Barbara Brown , Madison , Wis .,
1s a teacher in the lac qui Parle
Valley School District. She is also
involved with the Montevideo
Area Communit y Band , the lac
qui Parle Stud y Club , and is th e
organist for Monte video UCC
Church. She is a past recipient of
the ,hnne sota Elementary Science
Teache r of the Year award , and
has two daug hters, Erm and
Rebecca .
Jeanne (Wanner) Morreim ,
Cloq uet , Minn ., earn ed her Master
of Arts in Education in May. Her
husband , the Rev. Dennis
Morreim '65 , sen •es Our Sa-~or's
Lutheran Church.
Lois (Hallcock) and Bruce
Johnson '68 live in Plymouth ,
Minn . Lois is a high schoo l
guidan ce co un selor, and Bruce is
the athletic dir ector for
Robbin sdale-Armstron g Schools.
Clair Severson retired after 33
years of teachin g middl e schoo l
math m Ellsworth , Wis. He
resides with his wife , Audrey
(Neiderhauser) '68 .
Diane Tiedeman , Richfield ,
Minn ., rettred from Bloomington
Public Scho ols, where she taught
grades 2, 3, and 4 for 3-l years.
The Rev. Curtis Zieske, Alben
Lea, Minn. , was recentl y installed
as Trinit)' Lutheran Chu rch's
senior pastor. He and h,s wife ,
Sonya (Hagen) '70 , an
elementary school teacher, have
two childr en , Sarah Krueger and
Aaron .
Janet (Call) and David Ulvin
Winter 2002-03
'70 live in Edin a, Minn . Janel
ret ired in Jun e after 3 l year s of
teaching mu sic for Minneapolis
Pub Iic Schools .
Michael Milbrath , Santa Rosa,
Calif., was nominated for the
Teacher of the Year award by the
Santa Rosa Chamber of Comm erce
this past summer. He was nomm ated
for this award in l 996 and was also
nominated by the California League
of High Schools for their Teacher of
the Year award in 1999 . He sen •es as
depanment chair of fine and
performing ans at Piner High
School. He and his wife, Ulla, have a
daughter , Rowyn.
George Dahlman , Coon Rapids,
Minn ., was named research
man ager and chief drill instru cto r at
U.S. Bancorp Piper Jaffra)'. Formerly
chief food-indu stry analyst, he was
a Wall Street Journ al All Star
Analyst in five of the 20 years he
covered the agribusiness and food
industri es.
The Rev. Dr. Henry F. French,
Coo n Rapids, Minn ., was app ointed
pastor of Lake of the Isles Chur ch
in Minneapolis. He and his wife,
Roberta , have four chi ldren.
Linda Jean (Hansen) and
Granton Larson '73, Columbia
Heights, Minn ., became
grandp arents in Octob er.
Bryon Gustafson , Plymouth ,
Minn ., attend ed his second Wint er
Olympi cs in Salt Lake City last
Febr uary, ha-~ng also attend ed the
Lilleham mer game s in 199-!. He is
a bu yer/p lanne r wnh Cipn co, Inc.
Steven Richard Charles was
promoted to colonel in the U.S. Air
Force Reserves. His last
ass ignm ent , while on active dut y,
was as an F- l 17 stealth fighter
instructor pilot. He 1s also a pilot
for Delta Airhn es. He can be
reached via e-m ail at
<srcharl es@mind sprin g.com>.
Patricia G. Mattos ,
~hnn eapolis. was elected chapter
chair of the MN/D akota Chapter
of the American Immi gration
law yers Association . Durin g her
term , she will also sen •e on the
Board of Govern ors of the
national association . She has
practiced immi grauon law since
198 2 and is involved in advocacy
efforts relating to homeland
securit y and other issues imp acted
b)• Septemb er 11.
Auggie Hours are held
the second Tuesday of
each month at 5:30 p.m.
Marji Miller was promoted to
memb er hip retent ion manager
for the YlvlCA of metropo litan
Minneapolis and greater Saint
Paul. She resides with her
hu sband , Bill Porteous, 111
Minneapolis. She can be reached
via e-mail at <mickey@ usinteme t.
April 8
Southdal e Mall, Edina
Fae,!ttator/ topic : Prof. John
Mitchell, poetry
corn> .
The Rev. Steve Sveom , Staples ,
Mmn ., was recently honored with
a surpn se party comm emoratin g
his 10-)•ear anni versa ry as pastor
at Fatth Lutheran Church . He was
Join ed in the celebration by his
mother, Ann (Kveen) Sveom
'36 ; his wife, Ant oine tt e (Laux)
'77 ; and their two childr en ,
Nao mi and Dame!.
19 77
Jerald Halvo rsen, Ebetsu ,
Hokka idu , Japan , is an associa te
professo r al Sappor o Intern ational
University. He and his wife,
Mich1yo, have two sons: ~lark , 17,
and Michael, 1-1. He has enJoyed
living in Japan for the past 22
Febru ary 11
Eden Prairie Center Mall
Topic: Athleucs at Augsburg
March 11
Downt own Minn eapohs
Fac,htator: Lisa Zeller '8 l ,
'89 ~JAL
May 13
Fac1l1tator/top1c: Angie
Ahlgren '98, theatre
For more information , please
call the alumni office at
612- 330-117 8 or e-mail
<alumn1@augsbur g.edu >
>•ears and wo uld love to have
visitor s from Augsb urg. Jera ld can
be reached via e-ma il at
<Jerryhal@home.ema 1l.ne.Jp> .
M ark Sanstead . Bloomington ,
Minn ., is a senior chm cian at
Hazelden and lives with hts wife,
Patri ck J. Zumbusch, Tucson ,
Ariz .. sen •ed as CEO to a
comp any that was recently sold to
Class age nts are needed for the following years:
19• 2, 19-!3, 19-!7, 1949 , 1955 , 1966 , 1968 . 1969, 1972 , 1975 1978 ,
1979 , 198 1,1986, 19 9 , 1996, 2001
If )'OU are interested in becomin g a class agent , please contact the
alumni office at 6 12-33 0- 1178 , or ftll out a form onhn e at
<www.augsbu rg.edu/ alumn,/ ca/ca_unr ep.htmb
Reun ion Comm ittee members are needed for Homeco min g 2003 . If
)'OU gradua ted in 1953 , 1963 , l 978 , or 1993 and would hkc LO help
plan )'Our reuni on, please contact the alumni office at 6 12-330-1 178 ,
or e-mai l <alumm @au gsb urg.edu >
Class Notes
Nila Neumiller
'84: 'Small beginnings'
lead to big successes
by Dan Jorgensen
Nila Neumiller '84 says she has never chosen the straight and narrow path when deciding
on a roadm ap for her life. "I like lO start things , and I always seem to have several things
going at once," the effervescent Neumiller said with a smile .
And carry th em thr ough to success, she might have added .
A "non-traditional " student at Augsburg , Neumiller's biggest success has been the creation
of Reaching Arms International (RA!), a multi-faceted Jud eo-Chri stian ministry to orphan
childr en .
Since 1993, she's built RA! from a single desk, single phone-lin e operation into a worldwide
organization . From its current headquart ers in New Hope, Minn.-where she has nine staff
members---Neumiller places orph ans from Russia (where her program first started), Armenia,
Poland , Romania, and the Ukraine. She has opened two full-time orphanages in the Ukraine
and Ken)'a (employing more than 40 staff members combined ), and has eight international
representatives. And , she and her hu sband , Bill, who is the RAI business manager, recently
visited China , where they will open a third orphanage this year.
Nila Neumiller '84 (center) receives the key
t o the city from the mayor of the city near
which her orphanage in Kenya is located.
Also pictured is Winnie Owiti (left), a
Kenyan woman who helped Neumiller
found the orphanage.
Neumiller was in a comfortable leadership role in art education ,vith the Inver Grove
Heights School District in 1992 when she went on an ecumeni cal trip to Russia that
changed both the dir ection and focus of her life. "I had ju st been promoted to an
edu cation coordin ator for th e entir e district," she recalled . "I was training 70 teachers and
some 2,000 children every month , plus overseeing several site groups . I went lO Russia
with an ecum enical team and when I came back lO the art coordinator career I realized
that God had a call on my life lO rescue orph ans."
It was , she said , a personal crisis, because she had always been an educator and always
wanted to be one. Sudd enly, she didn 't kn ow what to do , so she simply resigned her
position , and wok four month s off to pray and figure out what was next. "I left teaching on
October 28 and started praying ," she said . "I said , 'God , you 're showing me what I can't
do; show me what I can'."
Wh at she did was start RAI. Simultaneously, she enrolled at Ant ioch Christian Training Center , eventuall y becoming an ordained pastor in 1997 .
"Both were small beginn ings," she said , "but , my expe rience at Inver Grove Heights taught me not lO take on too much at once . That taught me,
as the Bible says, not lO despise small beginnings."
Her trip to Russia had convinced her that she needed to help Russian orph ans . so she spent the first year in her new bu siness learning more
about Russian language , cultu re, history, and th e societal factors that lead to children being orph aned . Her first success with RA! came in placing
three Russian sisters in 1995 . Since th en , RAI has placed mor e than 400 childr en from four nation s (300 from Russia alone , making it
Minnesota's largest placement organ ization for Russian orph ans).
She opened her first Cradle of Child rens' Hope orph anage in the Ukraine in
April 2000 , in Novskili, a subu rb of Kiev. Her second orph anage was
opened in eastern Kenya in Sep tember 200 I.
Neumiller, who has thr ee adu lt sons, an adopted son and daughter , and
thr ee grand childre n , has new plans for her organization . "I would like to
open a house for unwed mot hers ," she said. "I really believe we're going to
do that in the near future." Meanwhile, though , she'll be concentratin g on
openin g the orpha nage in China , in the seaport city of Zhuh ai (near Hong
Kong). All of her orp hanages are operated to provide the childr en with
both a loving environment and training in the classic arts.
"I believe th e an s embra ce a dynamic healing potential," Neumill er stated .
"Through singing, playing instrum ents, dancing, making dr awings,
sculptin g, and painting, I believe the inn er soul and spirit of a wound ed
child ,viii mend and blossom ."
Dan Jorgensen is direcwr of the Office of Public Relations and Communication.
Neumiller, pictured with Sergei, a young boy who had
two operations to repair a cleft palate at Neumiller's
Ukrainian orphanage. Ukrainian doctors volunteered their
services for Sergei's surgeries .
Winter 2002-03
Members of Augsburg's 1978 NAIA championship hockey
team gathered on Nov . 22 to celebrate the 25th anniversary
of the College's first-ever national championship team .
Pictured , L to R: Dave Eckstein '78, Doug Nelson '76
(trainer), Bruce Hendrickson '78, Chuck Mccan '81, Brian
Gauger '80, Jim Peterson '78, Dick Bain '80, Gary Hughes
'78 , Tom Kulenkamp '79 , Stan Blom '78, Bob Morrow '78
(student manager), Jeff Jarnes '80, Vern McIntyre '79 .
a large Finnish organization . He is
now pondering nonpr ofit work or
start ing his own compa ny.
Signe L. Nestingen , St. Paul, is a
psychologist in private practice and
\\Oilpresent "Being a Clinician" Jun e
6, 2003 , at the First Friday Forum
Series (cosponsored by the
Minnesota Psychological Association
and Metropolitan State University).
David Wi lhelm , River Falls,
Wis., has been a family practice
doctor in River Falls and Spri ng
Valley since 1987 .
Douglas Adams . Fayettevi lle,
Ark ., was grant ed tenur e and
promoted to the rank of associate
professor of sociology at the
University of Arkansas.
Kyle Anderson , Mahtom edi ,
Minn. , is sec reta ry/treasu rer for
Assured Protection , Inc. He had
an exci ting day at the end of June
when he caug ht a 45-3/4 inch
Kiel T. Christianson , East
Lansing, ~lich., is a senior writer
for T.-avclGolfand World Golf, and
his pieces are often featured onhn e
at <www.michigangolf.com> . He
recently wrote JO reviews and
articles on his ,osit to Scotland for
<www.worldgolf.com> and
<W\vw.scotland golf.com> .
Dave Stevens, Bnstol, Conn .,
recently won his third Emmy
Award for his work on ESPN's NFL
Countdown. He was also featur ed in
April in a reuni on show of That's
Incredible for htS man y
accomp lishm ents as a legless
athlete. He played football at
Augsbur g and tried out for the MN
Twins, among oth er sports
achievements .
Brent Lofgren , Ann Arbor,
Mich., is a physical scientist at the
Great Lakes Emoronm ental
Research Laboratory in Ann Arbor.
He was recently qu oted in an
article entitled "Are We Losing the
Great Lakes?" print ed in the
March/April 2002 edition of
Midwest Living magazine.
Traci Layne Gates , San
Fran cisco, married Paul Sumn er
in August. Traci Layne is a client
relations specialist for an Intern et
company ; Pau l is a prin cipal
software engin eer for Moore
lacofano Goldsman . Inc. , and
races comp etitively at the elite
level in cycling.
Alexander J. Gonzalez . New
Brighton , Minn ., is a partner at
Office Systems Network , an office
furnitur e dcaler shtp .
Kristen Hirsch, St. Paul , recentl y
started a new job as a senior
communi cation s specialist for
Park Nicollet Health Services in
St. Louis Park , ~!inn .
Katie (Pederson} Knutson, St.
Paul , 1s director of marketing and
communi cations at VEE
Corporation, where she develops
marketing strategies for domestic
and internauonal tours and oversees
the marketmg. creative sen oces, and
publicity departments. She
pre,oously did publirny work for
the Ordway Music Center and for
Jujam cyn Producuons.
William F. Kaschak. Blaine,
Minn ., was named a partner of
KPMG LLP,an accou ntin g and tax
firm that he Joined in 199 1 He is
a CPA and sen •es as a member of
the AICPA and the Minnesota
Society of CPAs.
Kevin Sime, ~linn eapo lts, was
prom oted to empl oyee
communi cations team leader with
Target Financial Services.
Erick Norby , Elk River. Minn .,
was named head footb all coach
and assistant princip al at
Robbin sdale Coo per High Schoo l.
He and his " ofe, Kristen
(Hauschild} '92 have two
childr en : Marissa, 6 , and Reese , 2.
Shersten Johnson, St. Paul.
recently joined the mu sic
department faculty at the University
of St. Thom as. She can be reached
,oa e-mail at <Srjohn son2@
suh omas.edu>.
Alumni Cruise to Ireland and Norway
July 30-A ugust 11, 2003
Kurts Strelnieks was named ,ace
president of commercial lendin g
";th M&:I Bank in Minneapolis. He
has 17 years of banking experience
and is active in the Twin Cities
business commun ity as a board
member of the Turnaround
Management Association. the
Association for Corpora te Growth ,
and Tree Trust.
This 12-night cruise costs 2,175 each for an inside room ; $2,500 each for an outside room wu h \\ond ows ; or
$3 ,500 each for a suite with a private balcony. These pn ces are based on doub le occup anC)( A $-150 de posit
per person by Februa ry 15 will guara ntee the room of your choice. Royal Caribb ean has a special round- trip
airfare from Minn eapolis to Lond on for $600 .
Winter 2002-03
Augsbur g alumni , staff, and friend s are invited to cru ise on the beautiful Royal Caribb ean Gra nd eu r of the Seas
cruise ship . Fly into Lond on and cru ise to : LeHavre, France (Paris); Plymouth , England ; Cork , Ireland , Dub ltn ,
Ireland ; Greenock , Scotland (Glascow); the fjords of Norway; Bergen , Non vay; Geiran ger, Non vay; Hclles)•lt,
No rway ; Flam , Non vay; Amsterdam , Holland ; and return to London .
Space is limited-m ake your reservation today! For more mformaLion, contact Dick "Porkchops" Thompson, A-Club
president , at 95 2-404- 2668 . A significant portion of the comm1ssionable fees is dedicated to Augsburg College.
Class Notes
M aunu , St.
Cloud , Minn.,
married Kathleen
Newman in
November. Matt
works at the
Central Care Clinic and Kathleen
works for Anesthesia Associates.
Sharol Tyra,
Hanover, Minn .,
recently authored
an article called
"How to Improve
Your Job
Satisfaction in
Your Nursing Career," which was
published in the Minnesota
Nursing Accentand in Nort h
Dakota's The Prai1ie Rose. She is
president of Life Illumin ation and
is a personal/career coach and
inspira tional speaker. She can be
reached ,~a e-ma il at
<coach@lifeillumination .com>.
Karin Zimme rli, Springfield ,
Minn ., joined the staITof St. John
Lutheran Home in Springfield last
)•ear, as therapeu tic recreation
director . She was previously
therapeutic recreatio n directo r at
Rose,~lle Good Samaritan Center
for six years.
works at Waldorf College in
Forest City, Iowa.
Sharon Biezuns, Prior Lake,
Minn. , was named Teacher of the
Year at Oak Ridge Elementary in
Eagan and honored by th e Eagan
Rotary at a luncheon in May. She
teaches English as a Second
Language to student s in
kindergarten throu gh fifth grade
and has been employed by
Ind epend ent Schoo l District 196
since 1995 . She has four children :
John , Leah, Joe, and Josh .
Kristin Jespersen, Mankato ,
Minn ., is a physical therapis t at
Pediatric Therapy Services, lnc .,
and also coaches girls' tennis.
Carrie Kennedy , St. Paul ,
comple ted her M.F.A.in writing
from Hamline University in May.
Phyllis Williams-Thompson
and her husband , Chad
Thompson '92 , recently moved
to Massachusett s for job
relocation . She works for the
March of Dimes.
Ryan Kragerud married Andrea
Warren in Jun e. Ryan works for
the Longmont (Colo.) City
Planning Departm ent ; Andrea
Kari E. (Schroeder) Prescott,
Minneapolis , recently comp leted
her residency in Michigan and is a
doctor at the Medical Arts Foot
Clinic. She lives with her
husband , Scott, and their son ,
Simon , 2. She can be reached ,~a
e-mail at <keprescott@yahoo.com>.
Susan (Ande rson) Boettger ,
Circle Pines, Minn., received her
Master of Ans in Education from
Hamline University in May. She is a
teacher at Mississippi Elementary
School in Coon Rapids, Minn.
Julie Caligiur i, White Bear Lake,
Minn ., is pursuing a master's in
special educa tion at th e University
of St. Thoma s and is a teaching
assistant at White Bear Lake
Public Schools. She can be
reached ,~a e-mail at
Matthew Gooding , Goodyear ,
Ariz., is a special education
teacher in the Litchfield
Elementary School District , where
he has been emplo yed since 2000 .
He is "enjo~ng the weather and
the challenges of teaching in a
self-contained special education
classroo m."
Paul Cicmil, Minneapolis , is an
affiliate relations coordinator for
the Minnesota News Network
Radio Network, Inc. He is also a
part-Lime studio coordinator and
sports producer/on-site engineer
for WCCO/KCCO radio . He can
be reached via e-mail at
Corey Clements and his wife,
Kristie (Wawryk) '98 , live in
Whitti er, Calif. He is a doctor,
practicing in Huntington Beach ,
and she teaches third grade in
Long Beach.
Zach Curtis,
Minneapolis, was
listed as one of
the "top 10 actors
under 30 in the
Twin Cities" in a
recent Pioneer
Press article. He will direct Parallel
Lives in February- for more
information , go online to
Sarah Gilbert , Milwaukee, Wis.,
is pursuing a master 's in education
from Concord ia University,
Wisconsin . She spent over three
years as a television news producer
prior to her return to school.
Colleen Marie Hoffman ,
Minneapolis , married James
Onstad m 2001. She is a senior
social work er at Hennepin County
Medical Center. She can be
reached via e-mail at <colleen.
onstad@co .hennepin .mn .us>.
Last September 8, Susan Spector and
Chr istiaan Simm on s w ere m ar ried at Lake
Nagawicka in Hart land , W is. The newlyweds
are both 2000 grads, a nd spent t heir first
year after college livi ng and w ork ing in New
York City. Susan tea ches fift h gr ade at Glenda
Woolley School in Las Vegas ; Chri st iaan is a
producer at NBC's Las Vegas st udio . The
couple resides in Henderson , Nev.
Last Augus t, Dan Werner '95 married
Shayne Hamann in Perham , Minn. Their
wedding reunited several forme r Auggie
football players , as well as head coach
Jack Osberg . Dan works in product
services for Thrivent Financial for
Lutherans in Minneapolis ; Shayne is an
attorney at Sieben , Grose, Von Holtum &
Carey. The couple lives in St. Paul.
Susan (Scott) Lundquist, Fairfax,
Va., and her husband recently
returned from their Peace Corps
assignment in Honduras. She is now
at the Environmental Protection
Agency in Washington, D.C., where
she works on policy/data issues
related to toxics release.
Terry Neneman was promoted
in August to postmaster in the
U.S. Postal Service office of
Lanesboro , Minn. He can be
reached via e-mail at
<neneman@baldwin-te lecom.net>.
Winter 2002-03
M ark your calenda rs!
Rochester , Minn .: Feb 26 ,
5:30 p.m., Manion Hotel
Arizo na: March 5-9 ,
events/locations TBA
Seattle: March 16, 2 p.m.,
Augsburg Chamber Orchestra
concert/alumni reception , Seattle
An Museum
Portland/Vancouver : March 18,
Augsburg Chamber Orchestra
concert/alumni reception ,
time/locations TBA
Colorado : March 15, alumni
skiing at Winter Park ; March 17,
Augsburg Choir concert/alu mni
reception , Bethany Lutheran
Church in Englewood
Los Angeles/San Diego: May
5-1 0, Augsburg Concen Band
concert/alumn i reception ,
time/locations TBA
For more inrormalion , call
6 12-330-1178 .
Jane Stone , Red Win g, Minn .,
teaches soc ial studi es and
language an s at Zumbrot aMazepp a Middl e School. Her
hu sband, Bob, works ror the U.S.
Army Corp s or Engine ers, and the
coup le has two children .
Angie Ahlgren , Minneapolis, is
pur suin g a masters in English at
the University or Minnesota,
where she is a teachin g assistant.
Patrick Berger , Minn etonka ,
Minn ., marri ed Catherin e Stamp s
in Jun e. Th ey are bo th sixth-grade
teachers at Eisenhower
Elementar y in Hopk ins, Minn .
Matt Milless ,
Schenectad y,
N.Y., was
promot ed to
director or
slUdent activities
at Union College
in Schenectady in 200 1; he was
previously assistant dir ecto r of
stud ent activities.
Winter 2002-03
Holly (Howell) Pedersen , Pine
City, Minn ., is a special educat ion
teacher at Hinckley/Finlayso n
High School. She is also pur suin g
a master 's in special education .
Kimberly Dilauro , Plymouth ,
Minn ., is an an teacher for grades
4-6 at St. Franci s ISD #15 .
Janice Mcinerney , Hayward ,
Wis. , left in October with the
Peace Corps as an English teacher
train er in the Ukrai ne.
John Anderson , Bloomi ngton,
Minn., married Kimberly Wuenz in
August. John works at
SimonDelivers.com in Eagan, and
Kimberly works at Best Buy
headq uarters.
Jerome Fields moved to Leeds,
England , in September in order Lo
utilize his degree in internationa l
bu siness from Augsburg . He works
in intern ational business and IT
consulting in Syntegra
Corporations grad uate program.
Jody Freiberg married Nate
Froeschle in September. She is an
enrollm ent specialist in the pension
di,asion of Minnesota ure in St.
Paul; Nate is a sales representative
for Wireless Retail.
Stephanie Quick, Chicago, is
pursuing a Master or Di,on ity at
Lutheran School orTh eology. She
was recently cont racted by
Augsburg Fortress to write vacation
Bible school curriculum for 2003 ,
which will be used natiom, ade in
Lutheran congregations.
Michael Reed, Milaca, Minn ., is
the new Milaca High School band
director. He plans to continu e the
marching band and hopes to
expand the jazz program while
introducing more mu sic
techn ology into the program .
Kimberly Riesgraf, Plymouth ,
Minn ., is an urgent care clinic
ph ysician assistant.
Kari Burke Romarheim and her
hu sband , Vidar, reside in Bergen,
Norway, where she works ,~th
youth and family minisll)' and is
pursuing a masters of philosop hy
in religious education.
Matthew D. Armstrong ,
Roscoe, Ill., is director or marketing
at Forest Hills Country Club .
Larry Lyden, Woodbury , Minn .,
married Jena Bitner in Septemb er.
He works at j. B. Collins Associates
in Edina ; Jena is director or
Kindercare in Woodbu ry.
Amy Carlson, Minneapolis , is a
new member of the Dale Warland
Singers for their 2002-2003
season .
Jackie Heyda , New Prague ,
Minn ., is stude nt teaching and is
excited to move forward in the
field or educa tion . She can be
reached ,oa e-mail at
<jackieheyda@augsburg .edu >.
Joel Wolf , Maple Grove, Minn .,
wo rks for Maple Grove Senio r
High as a paraprofe ssional/specia l
ed ucation teacher.
Thomas W . Henke '86 and his
,~fe , Heidi, Princeton , Minn.-a
son, Maxwell Thomas, in
August. He joins siblings Blake, 15,
and Gabby, 5.
Lisa (Seekamp) '88 and Matthew
Boerner, Bloomington , Minn.- a
son , Corey James, in July. He
joins sister Emma Kate, 2.
Leah Marie
(Parker) '89
and Jon Maves,
Amherst, Wis.a daughter,
Makena Ann ,
in Augu st. She
join s sister Karlee, 4 .
Lisa Lynn
(McEat hron)
'90 and Robe rt
Broo klyn Park,
Mmn .- a son ,
Alexander , in Septemb er. Lisa is
a senior bu siness analyst at FCS
Comm ercial Finance Group .
Sue (Richmond) '84 and Peter
Johnson , Minneapo lis- a daughter ,
Marjorie Elizabeth , in April. She
joins older broth ers Austin , 7, and
Evan , 3. Sue is a registered nur se at
Shriner s Hospita l for Children and
can be reached ,oa e-mail at
<Scout,~dow sue@aol.com> .
Dina (VanAert)
'95 and Sean
Kortuem '01 ,
St. Cloud ,
Minn .- a
daughter, Adin
Shea , in
Septemb er. She j oins sister
Aubr ey, 2. Sean recently earn ed
his teachin g license in early
childh ood edu cation and Dina is
a coach for the St. Cloud Figure
Skatin g Club . They can be
reached via e-m ail at
<konu ems@att.n et>.
Joy (Burkhart) '85 and Ton y
Dean, Minn etonka, Minn .-a
daughter, Lauren Marie , in
Augu st 2001. Joy is a database
admini strato r and programm er
analyst for the State of Minnesotas
Board or Public Defense.
Joe Lavin '97 and his wife,
Heidi , Richfield , Minn .- a
daughter, Anna Vivian , in April.
She join s sister Olivia. 4 , and
broth er Timothy, 2. Joe is a
special edu cation teacher ror
Minn eapolis Publi c Schools.
Leslie (Gilbertson) '86 and Reid
Bonshire '85 , Eagan , Minn.adop ted a daught er, Olivia , from
Bogota, Colombia , last Februar y.
Reid is a sixth grade math , science,
and an teacher at Black Hawk
Middle School. He can be reached
,aa e-mail at <reid.bonshir e@
districtl 96 .org>.
Kenndy (Bade) '00 and Kirk
Lrnos, Sauk Rapid s, Minn .- a
son , Owen .
Ann (Holmberg) '80 and John
Wilson , Bronx , N.Y.- a son , John,
in July.
Karen Hinrichs '00 and her
hu sband , ~like , Minneapolis-a
son , Joshua, in June 200 1. Karen
is a social wo rker for Evcrcare.
A. Elisabeth (Thompson)
Sidney '36 , Alexandria , Minn.,
died in August; she was 87 . She
was a retired high school teacher,
and over the years as a pastor 's
wife, she served on the chur ch
council , ca11commin ees, and as
church organist. She lived in
several areas throughout North
Dakota and Minnesota. She
enjoye d readin g, mu sic, and
crafts. She is su rvived by six
childr en : Philip '63 , Da,rjd '64 , the
Rev. Mark '72, Peter, Sharon
Herchenroeder, and Jean Wihn an
'69 ; 15 grand childr en; and five
great-grand sons. She is preceded
in death by her hu sband , the Rev.
Oliver Sidn ey.
Salome (Eidnes) Cannelin '38 ,
Flossmoor, 111
., died in August.
She was a reli red teacher.
The Rev. Carl Overvold '40 ,
Portland , Ore ., died in October;
he was 86 . He was a retired ELCA
pastor , and sen •ed in the Navy
during WW II. He is survived by
thr ee sons , Peter, the Rev. Paul,
and the Rev. Jon ; daught er, Mary
Ronningen ; and nin e
gran dchildr en .
John 0 . Saugen '40 , Spokane ,
Wash ., died in August; he was 83 .
He was a master sergeant in the
Air Force, where he was a
meteorologist. He is survived by
his wife, Lena ; four sons, Mark,
Steve, Da,rjd, and Robert; and
daugh ter, Linda Klassen .
Anne L. (Berg) Oie '59 , Roseau ,
Minn ., died in 2002 . She was a
retired family-living teacher; she
was preceded in death by her
husband , James.
Lon Q. Johnson '70 , New
Hope, Minn , died in Janu ary 2002
after a nin e-year ban le with colon
cancer ; he was 53 . Lon's courage
and positive approac h lo living
with cancer were an inspiration to
his family and friends . He is
survived his wife, Nancy;
childr en , Pamela Wood '90,
Rebecca Sogard '96 , Nicho las, and
Sarah Hanson ; and grand childre n ,
Dylan, Dalton , and Hann ah .
Mary S. DiGravina '05 , died
unexpected ly in November of
unknown causes ; she was 20 . She
graduated from St. Louis Park
High Schoo l in 2000 and was a
sop homore at Augsbur g. She is
sunrjved by her parents , Frank
and Julie ; sister, Emily; specia l
friend , Jona th an Delong ; and
many other friend s and family.
Albert T. Kvamme , Pelican
Rapids, Minn ., died in Jul y; he
was 88 . He worked al Augsburg
as a mechanic for many years. He
also worked for 25 years as a
mechanic for Francis Peterson in
Detroit Lakes and Moorhead ,
Minn., until his retirement . He
loved anything mechanical, but
also loved gardening , fishing,
antiqu es, and auctions. He is
suMved by his son and daugh terin-law, Phil and Valerie, and five
grandsons; he was preceded in
death by his wife, Florence , in
2000 .
Eliawira "Eli" Ndosi, Golde n
Va11ey, Minn., died in October ; he
was 65. He was a long-time
adjunc t faculty member at
Augsburg . He is suMved by his
,vife, Barbara; daughters , Mankwe
and Rebeka; son , Nate; and many
Teacher Tom Tomeo Ohno '53 dies
by Nolan Zavoral, Minneapolis Star Tribune staff writer (reprinted by permission of the Star Tribune)
om Tomeo
Ohno , a
driving force in
the Twin Cities
area's Jap aneseAmerican
communit y,
wouldn 't let
peopl e forget the
World War ll
relocation camps
where the U.S.
Tom Tomeo Ohno '53
American s of Japanese descen t.
Ohn o, 74 , of Bloomington , who died
!Oct. 14, 2002] of a heart attack at
Fairview Southd ale Hospital in Edina,
spe nt two years, from 1942 to '44 , in a
camp in Washin gton state . Ohno , the sixth
oldes t of 11 childr en , and his family were
among 120 ,000 Jap anese-Americans sent
to camp s.
Although he made friend s and
enjoye d playing baseba ll in th e camp , h~
neve r forgot the sorrow of his parents ,
forced to leave th eir lives in Seattle, where
he was born.
"He focused his life on educa ting
others ," said Chery l Hirata- Dul as,
president of th e Minnesota chapter of the
Japanese-Ame rican Citizens League . "He
wanted to make sure that it wo uldn 't
happen to any other group ."
Ohn o settled m the Twin Cities area in
1944 and left only for service in th e Army
and the Army reserves in the late 1940s
and early '50s . He serve d proudl y, his son
and daughter said , because th e relocation
camp had not turn ed his against his
countr y.
"He took a positive ou tlook ," his son ,
Rob , said .
O hn o , who gradua ted with a teachin g
degree from Augsburg in 1953 and
received a master 's in school
admini strati on from the University of St.
Thomas in 1971 , spen t his life in
edu cation and coac hin g. He taught math
for 26 years at Minneapolis Roosevelt,
until 1983 , when he retired form the
Minneapolis publi c schoo l system , and he
taught math part time for five years at
Cretin-Derham Hall High School in St.
Ohno's Roosevelt baseball teams wo n
thr ee City Conferenc e titles. He also
coac hed girls' softball and socce r at the
school. ln additi on , he coached a variety
of sports and served as an umpir e in
Bloomington and Edina.
Although Rob played for his father 's
baseball teams, Ohno 's daught er, Pam
Ohno Dagoberg, received her share of
attention. "I was in band in high school ,
and later I rode horses ," she said . "Dad
didn 't do those things , but he never
missed one band concert, and he came to
all my horse shows ."
Besides Rob, of Vedra Beach, Fla., and
Pam , of Plymouth , Ohn o is survived by
his wife, Reiko; two brother s; eight sisters ;
and four grandsons .
Winter 2002 -03
April 8
For more inf ormalion on any of these events
(unless otherwise noted), call 612-330-1265
Augsburg Jazz Ensemble Concert
February 16
Gospel Praise Concert
9 , 10 , & 11 a.m .; noon-M ount Olivet
Lutheran Church , Minn eapolis
February 21
The Habbestad Ensemble
8 p.m.- Sateren Audit orium
February 23
7 p .m.- Hoversten Chape l
For information, call 612-330-1180
For more infom,ation on any of these events
(unless othenvise noted), call 612-330-1257
February 5-May 7
Janu ary 31- February 9
Blood Wedding
by Federi co Garcia Lorca; dire cto r, Manh a
Joh nson
Performan ces: Jan . 3 1, Feb. 1, 6, 7, 8 at 7
p .111
.; Feb. 2 and 9 at 2 p.111
Tjo rnh om-Nelson Th eater
Riverside Singers Concert
9:30 a.m.-Arlin gto n Hills Luthera n
Chur ch , St. Paul
April 4-13
March 8 &. 9
by Anton Chekho v; dir ector , Darcey Engen
Performan ces: April 4, 5, 10, 11, 12 at 7
p .m.; April 6 and 13 at 2 p .m.
Tjornhom- Nelson Th eate r
The Cherry Orchard
Gospel Praise Concert
March 8 al 5 p .m.; March 9 al 8 :30 a.m .
and 10:45 a.m .-G race Luth eran Chur ch ,
Tomahawk, Wis.
March 9
Forgalle1y information, call 612-330-152-!
February 21-March 19
4 p .m.- Holy Nativity Luth eran Chur ch ,
New Hope, Minn .
Anita Ophoven : Drawings
The Gage Family Art Galle1y, Lindell Library
Op ening reception: Feb. 21, 6-9 p.m.
February 21
- March 19
Augsburg Choir Concert
7 p.m.-S l. Philip the Deacon Lutheran
Church , Plymo uth , Minn .
"a simpl ifie d
ve rsion ... " a site
specific installati on
by robert k. t om
March 14-19
Augsburg Chamber Orchestra Tour
Christensen Cemer
An Gallery
Seaul e & Ponl and
March 14-23
Augsburg Choir Midwest Tour
March 25
Concerto Ar ia Concert
7 p.m.- Hovers ten Chapel
March 28-May 4
All-Student Juried Art Exhibit ion
Th e Gage Fam ily Art Gallery, Lind ell
Library; Opening reception : tvlarch 28 ,
5-7 p .m .; awards , 5:30 p.m.
March 28-May 4
April 6
Senior Art Show
Augsbu rg Concert Band Concert
Ch ristensen Center An Gallery
Op ening reception: IVlarch 28 , 5-7 p.m.
3 p.111
.-C em ral Lutheran Chu rch
(6 p .m.)
Maste r of Arts in Leadership Series on
Transformational Leadership
• Feb. 5-D ave Ogren , "Transfom, ational
Leade rship and the Facilitation of
Connict "
• March 4- Suzann e Koepplinger ,
''Transformin g Society's View of
Domestic Violence"
• April 9-Kat hi Tunh eim, "How lo Lead
Authent ically and Facilitate Work/Life
• May 7- tvlAL stud ems, "Leade rship
Paper Colloquium "
Chri stensen Cemer
For informati on , call 6 12-330- 1786
February 8
Augsburg Choir Concert
March 13
Lectures, and
Connect ions: A Women's Leadership
"Linking Vocation, Financial Security, and
Life Balance " (variou s speakers)
8 a.m.-1 2:30 p.m.-Thriv em Financial
Corpo rate Offices, Minneapolis
For registrati on , call 612-330-1468
February 10
"Jews and Christians in Dialog ue"
Augsburg Convoca tion Series-Tru th ,
Reconciliation , and Forgiveness
• Victoria Barnell, writer/scholar on Protestam church es during the Holocaust
• Barry D. Cytron , associa te professor of
theology and Jay Phillip s Professor in
Jewish Stud ies, Cemer for JewishChris tian Learn ing, St. John's
University/University of St. Th omas
10 a.m .- Convocation , Hove rsten Chape l
March 13-14
2003 Batalden Seminar in Applied Ethics:
Truth , Reconciliati on, an d Forgiveness
Th e Rev. Cu rtiss Pau l DeYoung, aut hor
and associa te professor of reconciliation
studi es , Bethel College, l. Paul.
March 13- 7 p .111
., Public lectur e
March 14-10 a.111
., onvocation ; panel
discussion , 11 a.m.
Hovers ten Chapel
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Exploring arts at
A ;:: îilli:iäi"
Augsburg From the editor
from them we find means to express
Whatever is said about fine arts, the
stories and profiles in this issue offer yor,r
a gllmpse of their role and importance at
Augsburg. Stud... Show more
Exploring arts at
A ;:: îilli:iäi"
Augsburg From the editor
from them we find means to express
Whatever is said about fine arts, the
stories and profiles in this issue offer yor,r
a gllmpse of their role and importance at
Augsburg. Students who study and
particÌpate in music, theatre, and art
have the many and marvelous resources
oI a rich, artistic urban environment at
their doorstep. Augsburg students study
with professional actors and musicians,
visit world-class museums, and enjoy
internships with professional arts
organizations. Students who are not
majoring in the arts are welcomed and
encouraged to explore their talents and
express creativity in many ways.
The arts truly educate for a lifetime.
Students involved in a theatre
production carry the experience of that
play with them for the rest of their lÌves,
much in the same way that students who
play in orchestra during college feel
more connected to a symphony orchestra
when attending concerts. The vocabulary
of the arts enriches our lives in
innumerable ways great and small, giving
us appreciation and understanding for
new language, image, and sound.
Ours is not a cloistered faculty, and
everyone who teaches here in fine arts is
also out in the community engaged in
professional performance or exhibition.
This enables them to provide the kind of
mentoring that helps students develop
their talents and makes the real-world
connections they need, while
encouraging and supporting their
As the nature of an Augsburg
education becomes r¡ore interdisciplinary. students experience arts
integrated into many of their courses and
actÌvities. And, our new multin-redia
computer lab will be a place for students
to stretch their imagination, to explore
the latest technology across the arts, and
to equip themselves to meet new
marketplace demands.
Studying the arts is also integral to
"Exploring Our Gifts," Augsburg's
program funded by the Lilly Endowment
to encourage exploration of vocation. A
new course, "Art, Religion, and Vocation"
will help students understand and
appreciate the qualities of creativì.t¡
sensitì.vity, and awareness that arts can
help develop and that will aid them in
searching for an understanding of
elcome to this first ¡heme issue of
the Arrgsburg Now. From titnc to
time, we will present an in-depth view of a
partÌcular area of Augsbr-rrg College and its
education. In this issue, you'11 explore the
line arts at Augsburg, as we open up to
you the world of muslc, art, and theatre at
the College.
Since we believe that Alrgsburg's story
cannot be told better than through the
stories o[ its students, facr-rlty, and alumni,
we introduce you to a number of these
talented people in this issue. We begin,
however, with an overview of Augsburg's
fine arts program and its curriculum.
Enjoy-we hope it may move you to
pick up your own paintbrush or musical
instrument for a time, or simply to
appreciate the arts around you by seeing
and listening just a little bit differently
Betsey Norgard
PS. As always, we'd love to hear from you
about your thoughts on AugsburgNow.
So, I invite you to take your
AugsburgNow io a comfortable spot, ttlrn
on some music, and enjoy reading about
arts at Augsburg, while perhaps
reminiscing about your own moments on
stage, in the choir, or at an easel.
We welcome your letters!
write to:
2211 Rive¡side Ave., CB 145
Minneapolis, MN 55454
E-mail: now@augsburg.edu
Phone: 612-330-1181
Christopher W Kimball
Vice President for Academic and
Learning Services and Dean o[
the College
Letters for publication must be signed and
include your name, class year, and daytime
telephone number. They may be edited for
length, clarity, and style.
Augsburg Now is published
quarterly by Augsburg College,
22ll Riverside Ave., Minneapolis,
Minnesota 55,15,1.
AucsBrJRG Now
Fall 2002
Vol. 65, No.
Betsey Norgard
Assistant Editor
Lynn Mena
Graphic Designer
Kathy Rumpza
Class Notes Coordinator
Jessica Brown
Contributing Photographer
Stephen Geffre
William V Frame
Director of Alumni and
Pârent Relations
Amy Sutton
Director of Public Relations
and Communication
Dan Jorgensen
Opinions expressed in Augsburg
Now do not necessarily reflect
ISSN 1058-1545
E-mail: now@augsburg.edu
Telephone: 612-330-l l8l
Fax: 612-330-1780
Augsburg College, as ffirmed
in its míssion, does not
ìliscriminate on the basis of race,
color, creeil, religion, national or
ethnic origin, age, gender, sexual
orientation, m^rital status, status
vrith regard to public dssistance,
or disability in its eilucation
p olicies, admissions p olicie s,
scholarship and loan programs,
athletic anill or school
adminis ter eil pr o gr ams, except
in those ínstances where religion
is ø bona Jide occupational
qualiJication. Augsburg C olle ge
is committed to providing
reasonable accommo ìlations to
its employees and íts students.
nrrc faculty
xugtburg music on
the road
26 c"g.Gallery:
official College policy
Postmaster: Send correspondence,
name changes, and address
corrections to: Augsburg N ow,
Office of Public Relations and
Communication, 22I I Riverside
Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55454.
Fine arts at Augsburg
Reaching beyond
the campus
Around the Quad
Alumni awards and honors
Auggie Thoughts
Class notes
Alumni news
50 percent recycled paper (10 percent post-cônsumer waste)
On the cover:
Erin Carlson'03 and Carson Lee
'04 are caught in a moment on
st(tge as the baker's wiJe and
Cinderella\ prince in thc s¡tring
theatre production, lnto the
Woods. Photoby Stephen Get'fre.
Musictech College collaborates w¡th Augsburg
ê t. Paul-based Musrctech College ol
Ðvus¡. and Recording Arrs and
Augsburg have announced a new
collaborative arrangement enabling
Musictech students enrolled in its music
performance programs to transfer their
two years of Musictech credits directly to
Augsburg and cornplete a four-year
bachelor's program in music.
"Many music students, and theÌr
parents, have wanted to complete a fouryear bachelor's degree at our two-year
school-yet most traditional academic
settings don't provide the real-world
contemporary music education and stateof-the-art studios that Musictech
provÌdes," notes Doug Smith, co-founder
and vice presÌdent/education director of
Musictech College.
"Musictech and Augsburg's
arrangement is the best of both worlds,"
explains Smith. "For example, a
Musictech studenl can no]M specialize in
music performance for two years here in
St. Paul, and then transfer to Augsburg to
complete the final two years of a fouryear degree in music education and
become a high school band leader."
"Our new relatÌonship with
Musictech College is a boon for
Augsburg's students," adds Robert Stacke,
Augsburg music department chair and
Augsburg Dean Chris Kimball (left) and Musictech co-founder and vice
presidenUeducation director Doug Smith (second from left) together toured the music
labs and observed a class at Musictech College, where a new agreement allows their
students to transfer credits to Augsburg.
director of bands. "Augsburg offers
Musictech students its excellence in
music education, music therap¡ and
performance, while Musictech provldes
its remarkable faculty of working
musicians and its expertise in such areas
as music business, in-studio recording
engineering and production, and
Augsburg and Musictech have also
established a scholarship fund for
students who enroll at Musictech Coliege
with the lntention of transferring to
Musictech College, which opened its
$3.6 million school in St. Paul last
January, has more than 250 students
learning guitar, bass, keyboards, voice,
percussion, brass, and woodwinds;
motion imaging; as well as recording
technology, music production, and the
music business. Augsburg has more than
350 students who take music classes or
perform in musical ensembles.
Truth, Reconciliatioh, and Forgiveness
The third annual Convocalion Series,
I titled "Truth, ReconciliaLion, and
Forgiveness" explores Lhe emergi ng
Oct. 8, 2002
Julia Butterfly H111, environmental activist,
"C)ne Makes the Dlfference"
dialogue that focuses on telling the truth
about the past, reconciling prevrous
enemies, and granting forgiveness.
Mark Swanson and Amin Kader, "Islam
The six presentations are:
2002 Christensen Symposium-Richard T.
Hughes, "How Christian Faith Can Sustain
the Life of the Mind"
,+ucsBURG Now
and Chrlstianity: ReligÌous Resources for
Living with Differences"
Jan. 20, 2003
Martin Luther King, Jr. ConvocationPrlnce Cedza Dlamini (Nelson Mandela's
grandson), "From Victim to Victor: The
Tiuth and Reconciliation Model of
Feb. 10,2003
Victoria Barnett and Barry D. Cytron,
'Jews and Christians in Dialogue"
March 6-7, 2003
2003 Batalden Seminar in Applied
Ethics-Lewis B. Smedes, "From
Alienation to Reconciliation"
For information, call 612-330-1t80 or
visit <wwwaugsburg.edu>.
Gaining a summer edge on
f or a number of Augsburg students,
I there was a little less fun in the sun,
but some great opportunities this summer
in research projects or internships. Here is
a sampling of students who were literally
around the world engaged in learning
Math and physics
Motl-University of Wisconsin
Engineering Physics Department
Seven other physics students, including four
freshmen, carried out research at Augsburg
with funding from NASA and NSE
Six junior and senior physics students Other students found opportunitìes in
participated in research projects across the
their majors:
country, funded by federal agencies
. John Tieben, biology-teaching assistant
including NASA, National Science
Foundation, and the Department of
in neurobiology in the Summer Research
program at the Universlty of
Victor Acosta-Stanford Linear
Accelerator Laboratory at Stanford
Kirsten Anderson-University of
Minnesota's Materials Research Science
and Engineering Center with Augsburg
professor J. Ambrose Wolf
Halford- Jet Propulsion
Labor afory, Pasadena, Calif
Alex Krantz, philosophy-study of
Søren Kierkegaard in Norway
award in new
NSF program
projects between mathematics and the
geosciences made its first award to
Augsburg. Math professor Nicholas Coult,
principal investigator, and physics
professor Mark Engebretson, co-principal
investigator, received $214,690 to develop
mathematical models of electromagnetic
waves in Earth's space environment.
The three-year project begins in
January 2003 and will support research
efforts for Coult and Engebretson, as well
part-time research work for two
undergrad uate research assisl-anLs.
Erin Carlson, theatre and Englishinternship at Jay Binder Casting Agency
in New York
Scott Kuhl, computer science-virtual
reality research at University of Utah
Courtney Jenkins-MÌchigan State
University's Electrical Engineering
Jared Mack- Cornell University's
Center for Materials Research
Five Augsburg students in business and
economics traveled to Germany for
inLernships with German companies as
part of Augsburg's lnternational Partners
program. Ten students spent two weeks in
Bergen, Norway for the Youth and Family
Institute's course, Church and Culture in
A Fulbright Group ftavel grant enabled 12
Augsburg faculty from a var¡ety of academic
disciplines to spend five weeks on a study tour
in Namibia, meeting with government, religious,
and tribal leaderc; educatorc; and health
workerc. ln Windhoek, they visited the home of
Augsburg alumnus Tommi.Riva Numbala '91 and
his family-his wife, Vicki, and three children
Fall 2O02
Around the Quad
Chris Kimball named
Thrivent Fellow for senior leaders
A-Club golf tournament named for
Clair Strommen '46
Academic dean Christopher Kimball was
named one of the first 12 Thrivent Fellows in
a new program sponsored by the Council of
College and University Presìdents, the ELCA,
and the Lutheran Brotherhood Foundation
for senior leaders in leadership positions in
ELCA colleges and universities.
Congratulations faculty!
Tenure granted and promotion to
associate professor:
Laura Boisen, sociai work
Charles Sheaffer, computer science
Mark Tranvik, religion
Promotion to associate professor:
David Apolloni, philosophy
William Capman, biology
Philip Quanbeck tl, religion
Robert Strommen '74 and his son, Bjorn, played in June in A-€lub's annual fundraising
Promotion to professor:
Steven LaFave, business administration
Glenda Dewberry Roone¡ social work
golf tournament that was renamed in honor of Stommen's fathen Clai¿ who died of
cancer in July 2001, Clair Strommen '46 was a basketball and baseball athlete and
Athletic Hall of Fame membet a former Augsburg regent, a Distinguished Alumnus, and
an active member of A-CIub, the College's men's athletic alumni support organization,
Alexa Halford wins national award
for paper
enior nhvsics maior
Ðu,-rd vr.Ñui, Scholar
Alexa Halford was
awarded an
Outstanding Student
Paper Award for her
poster presentation at
the 2002 spring
meeting of the
American Geophysical
Union's Space Physics
and Aeronomy SectÌon.
Both graduate and
Join with current coach Mike
Schwartz, the Saugestad family,
former teammates, and friends to
celebrate Augsburgt first
national championship team-the
f 978 ment hockey Auggies.
undergraduate students
compete for these
Her winning paper
presentation Ìs titled
Physics major Alexa Halford's poster presentation at the
McNair Scholars Poster Session centered on research she
"Latitudinal and
carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena,
Calif. during the summer.
seasonal variations of
quasi-periodic and
periodic-ELF-VLF emissions," and was coauthored by Halford, lProfessor] Mark
Engebretson, and [Augsburg physics staffl
Jennifer Posch; with Andy Smith, Britlsh
Antarctic Survey; and Umran lnan,
Stanford University
Saturday, Nov.23,2O02
5 p.m. social hour
5:30 pm. dinner
7 p.m. Hockey game vs.
Concordia-Moorhead at the
Augsburg lce Arena.
For information, call Mike
Schwartz, 612-330-1 t 63.
Fall 2002
to earn Athletic Hall of Fame honors
by Don Stoner
Steenson to receive
service award
Athletic Hall of Fame banquet. Longtime
athletÌc department secretary lrene Steenson
will receive the school's Distinguished
Service in Athletics award.
The Augsburg Athletic Hall of Fame
was established to recognize male athletes in
1.973; in 1989, female athletes were first
inducted. Recipients are chosen on the basis
of performance in Augsburg athletics,
service to the school, cMc and professional
achievements, and leadership.
Steenson came to Augsburg in 1963
and worked as secretary in the Public
Relations and the Alumni and Parent
Relations offices before joining the athletic
department in the early 1980s. She officially
retired in 1982, but has worked part time
since then. She is also secretary for the
Honored in this year's class of inductees
into the Augsburg Athletic Hall of Fame are:
Brian Arvold '80 (wrestling)
Terry Brown '82
(ment hockey, men's golf)
(gymnastics, track and field,
Brown was a key member of hockey teams
that won NAIA national championships in
19Bl and 1982, and was the most valuable
player of the l9Bl national tournament. In
golf, he was a t\Mo-time captain and won the
MIAC individual championship in 1982.
Priesz earned Honor Athlete honors in
1978 and was on Augsburg's first teams
Brian Gauger'80 (men's hockey)
Lisa (Svac) Hawks'85
cross country)
in the mid-7Os. She
participated in state championship meets
in gymnastics, track and field, and cross
cross country
Gauger was a member of Augsburg's first
national championship hockey team in
1978 and was team captain his junior and
senior years.
Wayne Graves'73 (football)
(volleyball. softball)
Hawks was a member of Auggie softball
squads that won Minnesota AiAW state
titles in 1982 and 1983, and MIAC
championships in 1982, 1983, and 1984
One of the top running backs in school
history, Graves holds the school record for
career carries and is second all-time in
rushing yardage.
Rod Jonas'77 (men's basketball)
A member of Auggie teams that won MIAC
championships in 1975, L976, and 1977,
Jonas was Augsburg's Honor Athlete his
senior year.
Scott Whirley'82 (wrestling)
One of the top lightweight wrestlers in
school history, he was a national finalist
twice. He has been an assistant head coach
for the Auggies for l9 seasons, including
all eight NCAA Division III national
championship teams.
Merlin White'56
(football, men's basketball)
White developed a reputation
Connie (Lamon) Priesz '78
Arvold was
wrestling team captain his
senior year, served as an assistant coach
from 1981-85, and was wrestling head
coach from 1984-86, winning an MIAC
as a rare
"i¡en¡¡¿¡"-¿ player who played all 60
minutes of a game. He was also a member
of the men's basketball teams for several
For more information on Augsburg's
Athletic Hall of Fame inductees, visit
Linda (Berg) Henke'82
(women's basketball)
<www. augsburg. edu/athletics>.
Henke was the first Auggie women's
basketball player to break the 1,000-point
barrier and still holds the single-season
school mark of 272 rebounds.
Don Stoner is sports inJormation coordinator.
Fall 2002
Now 5
Three named as 2OO2 Distinguished Alumn¡
by Lynn Mena
hree alumni join 159 others as Distinguished Alumni of Augsburg College. Recipients are recognized for
significant achievement in their vocations and outstanding contributions to church and community,
through years of preparation, experience, dedication, exemplary character, and service.
James S. Hamre'53
James S. Hamre,
Ph.D., graduated
from Augsburg i.n
1953 with a B.A.
in histor;r He
The Honorable
LaJune Thomas
Lange graduated
from Augsburg in
1975 with a B.A.
earned a master's
in psychology
in church
history from the
University of
Chicago, and a
doctorate in
religion in American history from the
University of lowa.
FromL967:94, he served as a
professor of history, rellgion, and
philosophy at Waldorf College in Forest
City, Iowa, where he continues to teach
religion courses part time as a professor
emeritus. He has also taught at Luther
College in Decorah, Iowa, and has been
visiting lecturer at Luther Seminary,
Augsburg College, and at Volda
Dlstriktshogskule in Norway
In addition to teaching, he also served
as pastor at several churches from 1960'64.In 1998, he published From Immigrant
Parish to Inner City Ministry: Iinity
Luther an Congregation,
- 1 99
8, a book
about the history of the Tiinity Lutheran
Congregation. His list of other published
works is extensive, and lncludes several
articles and a book about Augsburg's
former president, Georg Sverdrup.
Hamre is a member of Bread for the
World and his local Sons of Norway
chapter; he is also involved with his local
chapter of Aid for Asia for Lutherans. He
has received several honors and awards,
including Waldorf College's Regents
Outstanding Faculty Award and the
Holmen Faculty Achievement Award. His
scholarly contributions have been
recognized by the Concordia Hj.storical
Richard J. Seime'70
Lalune Thomas Lange '75
went on to
earn her Juris
Doctor degree
from the
University of
Minnesota Law School in 1978. She also
did post-graduate \Mork at Harvard Law
School, the NationalJudicial College, and
the Minnesota Institute of Criminal Justice.
Lange is a state trial judge serving on
the Fourth Judicial District Court in
Hennepin Coungz She is also a clinical
professor at William Mitchell College of
Law, where she teaches international
human rights and civil rights. She was the
first African American woman appointed to
the bench in Minnesota history as well as
the first African American to serve on the
Minnesota State Bar Association's Board of
Lange served Augsburg as a regent
during President Charles Anderson's term,
and addressed graduates as a
Commencement speaker in 1991.
Judge Lange is a lecturer nationally
and internationally in the area of women's
rights, African American issues,
government corruption, comparative legal
systems, and judiclal independence. She is
a founding member of the Minnesota
Minority Lawyers Assoclation and served as
Minnesota clvil rights commissioner from
1979-'84. She was appointed to the
Minnesota Supreme Court Racial Bias Täsk
Force and the governor's Blue Ribbon Task
Force on Drugs.
Lange's concern about the problems in
developing nations led her to establish the
International Leadership Institute in 1994,
which provides resources in partnership
wìth people in developing countries.
RichardJ. Seime,
Ph.D., graduated
from Augsburg in
1970 with a B.A.
in psychology He
earned his Ph.D.
at the University
of Minnesota.
Dr. Seime's
professional life
has been devoted
to the mental health field. During his 25year tenure at the West Virgrnia Universì.ty
School of Medicine, Seime divided his time
between evaluating and treating patients;
doing research; teaching graduate and
medical students, supervising students,
interns, and post-doctoral fellows; and
serving as chief psychologist and on the
department executive commill,ee.
While at \W\4J, Seime also served on
the West Virginia Psychological Association's
executive committee and served a one-yeat
ten:n as president of \\ /PA. He was
appointed by the governor to the West
Virgrnia Board of Examiners of
Psychologists, where he served as secretary
He is a respected senior accreditation site
visitor for the American Psychological
Association, and was elected to the
presidency of the Association of Medical
School Psychologists.
Seime has distinguished himself with
the professional credentials that define the
top clinical scholars and training directors in
the field.
Seime left West Virginia University ì.n
1999 to join the Mayo Clinic's Department
of Psychiatry and Psycholog;r, where he is a
consultant and co-head of the Section of
integrated Evaluation and Tieatment. In
addition, he is an associate professor of
psychologr at the Mayo Medical Schooi.
Seime is a member of the advisory
board for planning the new science building
at Augsburg.
Fall 2002
First Decade and Spirit of Augsburg award
recipients named for 2OO2
ff ugsburg is pleased to announce rhe 2002 recipients of the First Decade and Spirit of Augsburg awards. The First Decade Award is
filpt.r.nt.d to Augsburg graduates of the past l0 years who have made significant progress ln their professional achievements and
contributions to the communit¡ and in so doing exemplify the mission of the College: to prepare future leaders in service to the world
Graduates from the day, weekend, and graduate programs are eligible.
The Spirit of Augsburg Award honors alumni and friends of the College who have given exceptional service that contributes
substantially to the well being of Augsburg by furthering its purposes and programs.
Ko Ly'97
¡I illll!'ll
¡I Ð
Barry Vornbrock'96 MAL
Ko Ly is a business system consultant at
Wells Fargo Bank, where she co-founded
and co-chairs Asian Connection, a team
member resource group that provides a
forum for members to share experiences,
information, and support with other Asian
American employees and the Asian
American communiqr Members take
II ¡ìfl I
leadership roles and develop educational and career
opportunities for its membership and for the community. Ly
received recognition from the executive management team for her
involvement with the group and for the impact it has had on the
growth of the company and the community ln addition, Ly is
active in her church, captained the United Way Campaign 2001
at Wells Fargo, and mentors St. Paul Asian youth.
Barry Vombrock manages IS Ambulatory
Patient Care Systems at HealthPartners, Inc., in
Minneapolis. His varied professional
background includes engineering, computer
science, and retail sales. An active volunteer, he
serues his community as an election judge and
site coordinator. This past year, he donated his
time and materials and taught a class that
raised money for the United Way Campaign. He contributes to the
HealthPartners community through work with their diversity
committee and grass roots political group. Since 1998, Vornbrock
has opened his home to homeless gay, lesbian, bisexual, and
transgender youth through the Minneapolis Youth Diversion
Program's GLBT Host Home Program. He joined the Augsburg
Alumni Board in 2002 and chairs the ConnectÌons Committee.
Orval Moren'57
The StepUP Advisory Board
The Rev Dr. Orval
Moren was a pastor in
the Lutheran church
prior to
his retirement in 1991
He served on the
national board of
directors of the
Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan
Society for 12 years, serving as president
of the board for two terms, and also as its
treasurer. He is a member of the
Minnesota Christian Wrlter's Guild, and
has written devotions îor Christ in Our
Home, as well as several published articles.
He is currently writing a book of
children's gospel stories. Many of Moren's
family members have attended Augsburg,
including his son, Jonathan '78, and the
family's latest graduate, his granddaughter,
Adrienne Tietz'01.
Fall 2002
The StepUP Advisory Board is
made up of alumni and friends of
the College and has provided
exceptional service to the
students of the StepUP Program.
The program is one of only three
of its kind in the country for
young people ln recovery from
alcohoi and drug addictions. In
1997, Hazelden, a worldwide
ieader in addressÌng chemical
dependency lssues, estimated that
up to B0 percent of the students in the StepUP Program could be expected to relapse into drug
or alcohol use. In fact, quite the opposite has been the case-more than B0 percent of the
students who entered the program maintained their sobriety, and the mean grade point average
has consistently been at or above 3.0. The StepUP Advisory Board has been key to this success.
Most of the members are either in recovery themselves, aÍe a paÍen'- of a student in the StepUP
Program, or care about someone in recovery The board raises money to support the program,
provides advice and support for the program director, and provides personal support to
students as they work on their recovery
now ',
Homecoming 2OO2
The Quanbeck family honored with the
Distinguished Service Award o,LynnMena
year's Homecoming
with the Strommen
person in the history of the school,
having received the Distinguished
Tëacher Award (given by graduating
seniors) an unprecedented five
times. After he graduated from
Augsburg in 1950, he returned in
1957 as campus pastor and
instructor at both the Seminary and
the College. Starting in 1963, he
taught full time, and chaired the
religion department, rhe Division of
Muriel (Quanbeck)
Philosophy and Religion, and the
lhe nev' nr''37warren
Division of Humanlties. He rerired
and was named professor emerÌtus
ecumenlcal leader. He was a member of the
of religion in 1993, and began teaching part
governing committee of the World Council
time ln Weekend College. Quanbeck's
of Churches and had been a delegatefather graduated from Augsburg (in f9f4),
observer from the Lutheran World
as did all six of his siblings.
Federation to the Second Vatican Council's
1963,1964, and 1965 sessions in Rome.
Slnce 1965, as a clergyman of the American
years as registrar, director of
Lutheran Church, he had participated in the
teacher placement, education
official Lutheran-Roman Catholic
professor, chair of the education
conversation in the U.S. He was also a
department, and dean of the
theology professor at Luther Theological
College (1942-'46 and 1950-'65).
Seminary and contributed to the OxJord
He died in September 1992.
AnnotatedBible.He died in November 1979
Phiiip Quanbeck Sr.'s son,
of cancer; he was 62.
Philip Quanbeck II, did not attend
Several members of the Quanbeck
Augsburg, but he has serued on the
family have received prior honors from
College's religion faculty since 1987.
The Rev. Dr. Philip Quanbeck Sr. '50 becâme a
Augsburg. Five family members have
The Rev Dr. Warren Quanbeck
Distinguished Alumnus in 1996. Pictured with him
received the Distinguished Alumni Award:
on that day are his wife, Dora
'49, and
the Rev. Dr. Warren Quanbeck'37 (1965),
their children (t to R), JuliAnn (Quanbeck) Erdmann and became internationally known
'82, Thomas, Mary (Quanbeck) Barber'77, and
Dr. Martin Quanbeck'29 (1969), the Rev
as a Lutheran theologian and
Philip ll.
Caleb Quanbeck'24 (1975), Dr. Stanley
Quanbeck'59 (1987), and the Rev Dr.
famÌly, recognizes familles who have made
substantÌa1 and continuing contributions to
Augsburg-in the form of students and
graduates, ideas, reputation, and resources.
This year, we celebrate the Quanbeck
family, and thelr generationsJong
connection with Augsburg. Since the 1800s,
as many as B0 members of the extended
Quanbeck family have attended Augsburg
Academy, Seminary and College. In
addition, three Quanbecks have served the
College as faculty members.
The Rev. Dr. Philip Quanbeck Sr. has
been called the most decorated facultv
Philip Quanbeck'50 (1996). In addition,
Muriel (Quanbeck) Turrittin' 42 was
inducted into the Augsburg Athletic Hall of
A few years ago, the Quanbeck family gathered on the Augsburg campus for a reunion,
As a whole, the Quanbeck family is
remarkably service-oriented, fully
illustrating Augsburg's mission of
"education for service." Numerous family
members have gone on to become pastors,
teachers, librarians, misslonaries, business
owners, volunteers, and more.
Augsburg honors the entire Quanbeck
lamily lor its long and contrnuing senrce to
the College.
Fall 2002
,4ucsgunc Now
At Augsburg, arts abound, and not jr-rst irr the art studio, rrusic hall, or
on stage. Str-rclents participate in arts to beconre perfornrers, artists,
actors, teachers...or ior the enjoynrent of singing, playing in a jazz
band, or creating a watercolor on paper. The arts are creative ancl
sustaining-integral to growtl-r as huntan beings-ancl at whatever
level stuclents are involved, they carry the experience with them
through their lives.
þ'åru å{ ,,:'kKë''ffi= ;*å ik&
'$, ;þå
ä { iå{
by Betsey Norgard
n Commencement
and symphonies of the Twin Cities
are thrust into a situation where's it's
Weekend, the chapel was
available nearly a short rrip from campus,
swim or sink." These students then
filled with proud families,
Augsburg extends its classrooms beyond
become role models for other
faculty, staff, and fellow students. The
its campus to allow students to learn by
students, he says.
conductor of the Concert Band,
seeing, by doing, and by working
Perhaps the most engaging of
striking figure in black and white
formal, stepped onto the podium and
raised a baton to begin the next piece.
music education and performance. We
powerful blend of gospel and jazz
can show people rea11y what it takes to
vocals supported by a jazzbigband
director, however-it was graduating
make it in the real
sound. Stacke founded the group in
senior Brendan Anderson, directing
books, it's out of experience," says Robert
1991, several Augsburg alumni
the premiere of "I Believe,"
Stacke'71, chair of Augsburg's musÌc
mentored 1B student instrumentalists,
while Anthony Brewer and the Brewer
It wasn't the
Augsburg's studenL perlorming groups
"We can train past the traditional
College's band
composition for band and choir that
world-it's not out of
Augsburg music students have found
he wrote and that he calls the
is Gospel Praise, who deliver
Family Choir coached a half dozen
culmination of his four years of
numerous ways to get tastes of real-world
student vocalists. Since then, Gospei
composition study at Augsburg
music. Students have played at Camp
Praise has brought crowds to their feet
Snoopy in the Mall of America, sung with
at three national Lutheran Youth
the Minnesota Opera, played in rock
Gatherings and performed across the
therapy major and trombonist Sara
bands at local restaurants, entertalned at
country, occasionally including Brewer
Seekins took the podium to conduct
professional sports games, performed on
as guest artist.
the band in "Carnival in Venice."
campus for small events and gallery
Just before [hat, graduating music
openings, and collaborated with
Students at Augsburg are
challenged, stretched in their
r.rdeographers to provide music scores.
This experience, says Stacke, "teaches
creativity, and encouraged [o express
themselves in ways that perhaps even
them, for instance, how to communicate
they didn't expect. Seekins speaks of
her experience, "Augsburg gave me
as a
the chance to grow in an area where I
chance Lo achieve. The experience
to lry other challenges in the future."
Much of this exploration Ìs done
outside the classroom. With worldclass art museums, theaters, cholrs,
,4ucssr-rRc t{ow
and within walking distance of the
new Guthrie Theater site gives them
to performances, internships,
and connections with theatre
Music therapy major Sara Seekins '02 (lower left) played trombone in the Concert
Band, but also found ways to grow musically through jazz ensembles and playing in
student performing groups in the community.
never before would have had the
made me feel competent and prepared
director what they want before they
For theatre students, being in the
heart of the West Bank theatre district
professionals. Several of the area's
theaters have become home to
theatre graduates seeking stage
The proximity and connections
Augsburg's small size allows faculty to
also bring arts professionals to
mentor their students throughout their
campus-for workshops with
studies, encouraging them in whatever
students, performances, exhibitions,
directions their talents and interests
and teaching. During this academic
take them.
"l think we really champion
year, lor exampie, the theatre
individuality here," notes Stacke. "We
want to develop people's potential to
the fullesr. If it's individualÌstic, that's
better, because
it brings crealivil-y
us. It can be diverse talents-opera,
classical piano, lazz
trumpet playing. They are all given an
Theatre major and aspiring director Hope
Moy'02 gained experience in designing
and painting sets on an internship at
Theatre de la feune Lune in Minneapolis.
opportunity to grow here."
Martha Johnson, chair of the
speech, communications, and theatre
arts department, agrees. "We watch our
students and we mentor them all the
Theatre major Crystal Harles (left) and
Weekend College students Mary
O'Neil (center) and Michelle Hollie
(right) participated in a reading of
Princess and the Peacocks, a play by
Professor fulie Bolton, that was part of
the Studio Series.
history classes. Students visit these places
and others, like the Como Conservatory,
way through," she says. "They get a
for viewing and making art. Artists from
that they are notjust actors, but they
the community speak with classes about
their work while their shows are in the
Gage Gallery
Since openin g
series of sessions
will host a
with technical
1997 , the Gage
exhibitions in both national and
directors, actors, educators,
contexts, that
fÌlmmakers, dramaturgs, and voice-
have included
over artists from professional theaters
other area college
and agencies in the Twin Cities to
galleries, the
explain and illustrate their crafts to
University of
AIso near campus are the
Minnesota Crafts
Minneapolls Institute of Arts and the
Walker Art Center, as well as the
lively gailery districts in downtown
Swedish Institute,
and northeast Minneapolis, and
and commercial
architectural gems studied in art
city galleries.
have to know how to do basic design;
they have to know how to work
backstage and they have to be in a crew."
Gallery has participated in major citl'wide
department's Artist Series
hoiistic view of theatre. Our goals are
With the theatre department's
strong commitment to produce the
involvement of faculty in their own
prolessional fielcls.
"We all take pride 1n the fâct that
we're not just here at the College , br-rt
we re all involved ìn communitywe're playing 1n Broadway shor.vs,
playing in the Minnesota Opera,
at the Basillca, in pick-r-rp orchestras,
and recording sessions," says Stacke.
It's not unusuai for students to
perform alongside their professors.
Stacke tells that harprst Emily Gerard
'03 was chosen as harplst at the
Basilica of St. Mary in Minneapolis,
giving her the chance to play alongside
Stacke, a percussionist there.
Last summer, Johnson and Darcey
Engen 'BB, also a theatre faculty
member, co-wrote and perforrned
Senior music performance major and Hognander Scholar Emily Gerard studies harp with
Kathy Kienzle, principal harpist with the Minnesota Orchestra.
play, FloatrngMothers, at the
Play'wrights' Center. They were
delighted, and felt quite honored,
highest quality theaire productions
possible, theatre students get valuabie
experience in the three main siage
productions each year, which are
directed by theatre facult;z Thirty to
The strength of Augsburg's connections 1n
forty students have roles in each
the communlty is largely due to the
production-acting on
as assistant
stage, serving
directors or designers, and
working in set design, lighting,
costuming, and front house tasks. ln
addition, four or five studio
productions each year involve 10 to 20
students who prepare and present
scenes from classes or individual
theatre projects.
Five current Augsburg music faculty
members began their careers at Augsburg
as students and returned to their alma
mater to teach. (L to R): Merilee Klemp
ttGabett Gabrielsen
'75, Stephen
'63, Peter
Hendrickson '76, and Robert Stacke '71 .
Not pictured: Trudi Anderson '77.
when a number of their students came
for the premiere and could share firstperformance jitters with their
Johnson sums up her department's
philosophy: "We're proacLive in
keeping ourselves involved in the
Staff photo
the world in all its
not just for a specific career. The art
complexity and diversit;z
department's foundation course
Engagement in the arLs.
teaches students the basic vocabulary
through studies or
of design and form that serves them
participation, helps iree
students from everyda¡ finite
heips them become visually lÌterate.
experience and encourages
The arts teach students to
their creativity, awareness,
appreciate, and understand in new
openness, and sensitivity.
ArL department chair
On Drama Day, theatre professor Darcey Engen
introduced high school students to the student cast of
A Midsummer Night's Dream (on stage), who talked
about their roles and the production.
careers, families, and home, and
Beginning this fa1l,
Kristin Anderson describes
students are required to spend one
the studio art major as an
"open" major, flexible enough
Experience"-study abroad,
internship, research with faculty, or
to educate students for life,
in an "Augsburg
Míhe Habennann
communit¡ in getting our students
out in the community, and in getting
the community onto our campus."
Also central to the line arls
mission is outreach to high schools.
On Drama Day, the theatre department
hosts 100 high school students and
their teachers, some of whom
Augsburg alumni, for a day on
campus. Students attend workshops
offered by Augsburg faculty, theatre
students, and visiting area fheaÍe
professionals; and they attend
theatre performance on campus.
The art department's Tara
Augsburg's painting classes are taken by studio art majors, on both day and weekend
class schedules, and other students who creative expression in their lives.
Christopherson is a graphic designer
as a teacher,
and brings her
professional expertise, exhibit
experÍence, and community
service-learning. While arts and
literature enable students to
connections to the classroom.
experience other worlds vicariously,
study tor-rr rhat explores the "sights
and sounds of Europe" or an
internship at a casting agency allows
students to step into that world for a
short time.
Augsburg's broad liberal arts
curriculum is designed to help
students learn about and understand
Fall 2O02
Theatre major Angela Hardy '02 (left)
and Professor Darcey Engen 'BB (right)
experienced Shakespeare's world at the
Clobe Theatre as part of a travel course
on live theatre.
4ucs¡unc ruow
collaborations offer students nnnsual
Established 25 years ago,
Ar-rgsburg's mr-rsic therapy
remaìns the only onc at a privale
college in Mìnnesota. With expanding
critical health care needs, especially
among older adults, Augsburg's
program gives students the
background and training, includlng
six-month internship, to become active
participants in emergìng developments
for the role of music therapy
care. Augsburg alumni are
in the
lorefront in contributing research and
new prîctrce to a lield that is
becoming an integral part of
mainstream health care.
Music therapy major fenna Hammel teaches children who visit Augsburg's classes to
make music on various instruments.
An initiative that promotes arts
collaboration is a multimedia lab
cluster for music, theatre, and the
As throughout the Augsburg
curriculum, fine arts courses
designed to be interdisciplinary.
Johnson describes the theatre arts
program as a place where the liberal
exploration across disciplines. Already,
latest digital technology io support
graphics art courses have attracted
Characteristic to Augsburg's fine arts
computer sclence majors, who can
arts meet-where a play may involve
curriculum are collrses thar combine solid
apply their sensibilities and knowledge
looking at history, literature,
classroom learning with hands-on
from computer courses to explore
practice. A number of courses and
digital art and imaging for new media.
psychology, philosophy, religion, or
music. "When we direct a
oftentimes pull in people from those
disciplines to help us unclerstand it,"
she says. "When we did lbsen's ADoll's
, fProfessor of Norwegian]
Frankie Shackelford helped explain the
language and culture to us."
Dean Chris Kimball and Doug Smith,
vice president of Musictech College,
confer about the new agreement that
makes Musictech's extensive
technology available to Augsburg
students and enables Musictech
students to transfer to Augsburg.
arts-a lab equipped with the
Augsburg's theatre
department offers
number of courses that
Students in the broadcast production course get behindthe-camera experience in Augsburg's television studio.
it apart from other
campus ministly students hrghhght
the event.
For the College, it's a powerful
showcase for ministry of music in
small liberal arts
mission to community. For str-rdents,
colleges. A teaching
it's a great opportunity for leadership
partnership between
rn planning a huge event involvÌng
music and theatre
many sectors of the Augsburg
faculty has built
community And for the alumni,
enthusÌasm and interest
donors, frÌends of the College, and
in music-theatre.
the community, it's a time to
Students can partlcipate
celebrate the season through the arts
in a semester-long course
at Augsburg.
and prepare scenes for
Two new initiatives in the music
department respond lo emerging
perlormance in the Studio Series.
Other seldom-olfered theatre
worl<pìace needs. A new minor in
courses found at Augsburg include
music business, created in
p1a1,'wrighting, Asian and Asian-
colleboration wiLh Lhe business
American theatre, and-especially
administratlon department, is aimed
appealing for adult weekend
at music students who r.vish some
a dance-theatre licensure program for
knowledge ol business practices.
as at
majors in other areas who
wish to pursue careers in the music
teachers seeking state licensure to teach
in publlc schools.
A film minor, seldom offered in
Art department
Studio art major and minor*
Art history major and minor
Architecture minor
Certificate in art*
Certificate in art: graphic design*
sma1l colleges, has been extremely
Further exploration of cutting
popular since its inception several years
Music department
Music major (8.4.) major and minor
edge music technology can be
ago. lnterdisciplinary in nature. it is
pursued in collaboration wÌth
grounded in theatre and builds on the
Musictech College in St.
synergy and historical links betr.veen
Music education (8.M.) major
Music performance (8.M.) major
Music therapy (8.S.) major
Augsburg students can use their
technology ancl equipment for the
theatre and film. Students study acting,
Music business minor
recordrng and electronic music
lvell as courses in 16mm film, broadcast
production, documentary video, and
contemporary issues in film.
industry, while Musictech stuclents
can [ransfer to Augsburg to complete
a liberal arts degree.
lncreasing the professional
directing, set design and lighting,
Perhaps nowhere, however,
fine arts expressed as beautifully or
Theatre arts department
Theatre arts major and minor
Dance and theatre
(teacher licensure major)
Theatre history and criticism minor
Dramaturgy minor
Film minor
optlons lor art students also
extensively as Augsburg's annual Advent
influenced the creation of an
Vespers program. Four services of
*Can be completed through Weekend
architecture minor in the art
majestic music, worship, and liturgy
clepartment. Students who have
the context of cornmunlty can take
held during the first week in December
are the College's hoiiday gift to the
community and draw more than 10,000
advantage of Augsburg's liberal arts
people each year. Several choirs,
locus and bc in a strong position to
special orchestra, hturgical readers, and
apply for a graduate-level professlonal
a colorful processronal designed by
appreciation and interest for design in
lege-Weekend students may
choose other majors in the day program,
take as many courses as possible in
Weekencl College, and finish the major
as a day program student.
For information about Augsburg College
and its fine arts program, visit
<www.augsburg.edu>; or cal
61 2-330-1001 or'l -800-788-5678; or
in architecture.
e-mai I <admissions@augsburg.edu>.
Fall 2O02
4ucsnunc rrrow
Tära Christopherson
approaches art as a lile sport. Like a
good coach, she helps her students,
rnanlr 6f whom are not art majors,
overcome fears they bring to class, find
abilities they may not know they have, and
achieve something that will sen'e them and
give them pleasure.
Christopherson's watercolor painting
class ls a case in point. She begrns by asking
students when they last took an art course.
For some, it was elementary school.
With small class sizes, Christopherson
is able to demonstrate techniques and then
work individually with each student to see
if they can do it, understand it, and apply
it. But it's still up to them.
"The truth Ìs, no matter what leve1
you're at, you still have to show up and
paint. And the extent to which you're
willing to suspend disbelief and pick up a
brush and brave the empty page determines
what happens more than I do," she says.
What students take with them is a
discovery of how pleasurable it is to mix
colors, which can help them make choices
in theÌr personal lives, from clothing to
house colors.
Art professor Tara Christopherson demonstrates techniques for making paper
and book forms
Christopherson finds it exciting to see
students realize that "there is room lor
dlscovery in what art can do for you and
how you can make art that is separate from
our consumer culture."
Christopherson's Fiber and Form class
illustrates the interdisciplinary nature of
Augsburgs education. Students learn to
make paper by hand, to make a book form,
and then to write the text and create the
imagery for it.
"Word and image are inseparable to
me," says Christopherson. "They integrate
two parts of the brain that the education
system tries to keep separate ... I began
working in book form because I have a
passion for both word and image, and I
teach from that passion."
Students work in collaboration on their
book forms, and Christopherson says that if
she's dolng her work right, by the end of the
semester sheb just waLching.
Sometimes students are amazed at what
Tara Christopherson's watercolorr "Rayon
du Soleil," appeared on the back cover of
the fune/fuly issue of The Gardener
,4ucs¡unc ruow
by Betsey Norgard
happens. One student told Christopherson
that this was the first time she felt she was
making art with her whole person because
she could integrate both her art and wdting
Two years ago, Christopherson joined
with French professor Pary Pezechkian to
lead an Interim travel course to France.
Students studied six French master painters
in their own milieus and created cultural
collages of words and art ìn the form of
artist books. The course came about because
Chrisopherson audìted a French course for
her own personal improvement and began
brainstorming with Pezechkian. (See story
Augsburg Now, Spring 2001.)
"The way we're interconnected for
interdisciplinary opportunities is a real
strength," says Christopherson. "The
interdisciplinary connection is an adventure
for students."
This past January Christopherson
retumed to France with eight students to
study watercolor techniques.
In her own professional life,
Christopherson is transforming herself from
a longtime graphic artist to a visual artist
workng in watercolors, and finds that her
skills serve her well.
"I have to use the same marketing skills
to establish myself as a fine arts presence
and to get my work to reach the right
audience, and price it, and write press
releases," she says.
And, when her bright watercolor of
summer flowers appears on the back cover
of a gardening magazine, she knows it's
Fall 2002
ob Stacke '7I , chair of the music
department, says that some
professors get an endowed chair
after tÌme at an insiitution. But he got a
bench-a park bench, as a matter of fact.
Just outside Music Hall stands a bench
inscribed, "Dedicated to Dr. Robert Stacke,
Graduating Class of 2002."
"It's my crowning accomplishment,"
Stacke said with a smile. "It meant so
much to me that my students would do
something like that. They're always talking
about meeting me in my'outdoor' office
because I like to sit outside and talk to
people. So, they created my very own
'meeting' bench for me."
Stacke's life has come full circle since
he first became aware of Augsburg and
made a decision to attend when he was
only an eighth grader. That year he played
percussion in the Twin Cities Youth
"Our guest performer was Augsburg
professor Jim Johnson, who was the piano
teacher at the College. He performed
"Rhapsody in Blue," and I was so
impressed with him and his playing that I
decided then and there that I wanted to go
to Augsburg."
During his Augsburg student years,
Stacke started on one o[ two paths he has
since followed in the music
performance. In addition to playing in jazz
and blues ensembles in local clubs, he
served as an "extra" for the Minnesota
Orchestra's percussion section and played
in the Skeets (Langley) Trio, a job that
paid his way through school.
"Skeets was a world-class accordionist.
I did percussion, and Stan Freese, now
musical director at Disneyland in
California, was on tuba," Stacke recalled.
"We were in demand all the time,
performed for two presidents, and
everyr;vhere from conventions to circuses
to demolition derbies. It was a fantastic
His jazz playing led to his joining
with fellow students to form Augsburg's
jazz program-one in which students
wrote and arranged most of their own
music. It's a skill he shares today with
members of the current Augsburg Jazz
Band, a much sought-after ensemble in
many of the same places Stacke
himself played 35 years ago.
(Venezueia) Symphony, Stacke
embarked on the other path in his life.
In 1990, he jumped at the chance to
return to his alma mater to become the
band director while finishing his Ph.D.
"When I got here I found a
concert band with just 1B members,"
he said. "Needless to sa¡ my first
priority became rebuilding the band.
Music professor Bob Stacke sits on his "meeting
benchr" a gift from the 2002 graduating music
seniors. (L to R): Solveig Grafstrom, Brendan
Anderson, Sara Seekins, Matt"FÍ1t2" Bergin and
Adam Holzschuh.
Fall 2002
by Dan forgensen
After several years in teachingjobs
and orchestra positions including
piaying with the Maracaibo
Today the Augsburg Concert Band is
ranked among the nation's top
undergraduate wind ensembles and
has toured to both coasts and Ireland,
where it earned rave reviews. Almost
simultaneously, he created another top
performance group-Gospel Praise.
This 3O-member instrumental and
vocal ensemble began in 1991 as a
Robert Stacke '71, music department chair,
has played in ensembles and orchestras
from Venezuela to lreland.
hybrid featuring Augsburg alumni music
professionals in the leading roles. They
have performed across the nation, been
featured at three national Lutheran Youth
Gatherings, and sung for the King of
Stacke also continues to lind playing
opportunities for his students and ìs now
creating a jazzband for facult¡ alumni,
and the community.
"I hope I'r'e played a role in making
music fun for my students," Stacke says o[
hìs career. "Even if they never go on to
perform beyond college, I hope they will
leave here with a great understanding and
appreciation lor music that lasts them the
rest of their lives."
Dan lorgensen is director of public relations.
by fudy petree
ven Ín junior high school sLudy hall
in Zumbrota, Minn., Augsburg
designer Sandy Schulte
found herself drawing clothes for a comic
strip character. Now, not only does she
design and sew clothes for Augsburg
theatre productions, but for Chanhassen
Dinner Theatre as well. Schulte has been
part-time costume designer at Augsburg
for l7 years and fuil-time designer at
Chanhassen for 30 years.
However, Schulte didn't start out
wanting to be a costume designer. She
attended the University of Minnesota to
become a geneticist. But after being asked
to be in a play her freshman year, the
theatre bug bit her and "it never went
away." While in school she worked at
Northwestern Costume in Minneapolis as
an assistant to the designer to help pay
her way through college. Schulte has her
8.4., 8.S., and M.FA. degrees from the
University of Minnesota.
At first she wanted to direct, and has
also done some acting, playing mostly
children's parts because of her small
stature. But after playing the role of Helen
Keller when she was 27 years old, she
thought she needed to do something
different and took a job in summer stock
theatre as a costume designer.
Occasionally she got to act, which felt like
a vacation, she said.
After that came a call from
Chanhassen Dinner Theatre asking if she
Augsburg costume designer Sandra Schulte brings 30 years of theatre experience to
Augsburg's students, as she helps them design their own costumes.
involvement with the theatre department
doesn't stop there. She lectures in the
technical design, directing, and acting
classes, and she participates with the
director and set designer in seminars held
the week after a show opens. These
seminars are designed to show the students
how to accomplish the director's vision of a
particular show through costume and set
Schulte also works with theatre
students in small work-study groups
sewing costumes, including their own-
"l can tell a student what's poss¡ble and not possible and what it's Iike in the real
world of theatre, even though somet¡mes it's not what they want to hear."
would be interested in working
as a
costume designer. At that time the
Chanhassen theatre was just "bare bones."
Now, she adds, they have four huge
costume rooms.
Because there is no costume design
class at Augsburg, Schulte works just part
time, designing and sewing costumes for
all of its productions. However, her
4ucsnunc ruow
something she hopes gives them a feeling
of accomplishment and pride. They also
use the opportunity to talk about different
aspects of costuming for a production and
how costumes can help develop a
With her professional experience,
Schulte believes she brings to her students
a look at theatre from a practical aspect,
rather than an academic perspective. "I can
tell a student what's possible and not
possible and what it's like in the real
world of theatre, even though sometimes
it's not what they want to hear."
She said she enjoys working at
Augsburg because she can design
costumes for classic productions, which
she doesn't do at Chanhassen. Plus she
can use more subtleties in her designs to
further help develop a theme. Students
from Augsburg have also been able to
work with Schulte at Chanhassen.
"It's quite a coup for the College," she
notes, that so many of Augsburg's theatre
students are working in some aspect of
theatre somewhere. She attributes this
success to Augsburg's emphasis on
studying the entire process of theatrical
production. "The teachers and directors
are so steeped in their craft and literature
that the students get a well-rounded
education in theatre."
Right now Schulte is busy designing
costumes for Camelot, which opens in
October at Chanhassen, and she will soon
begin work on costumes for Augsburg's
fall production, Macbeth.
Judy Petree is media relations manager.
Fall 2O02
ven though art professor emeritus
Philip Thompson rerired lwo years
/ugo, there is always something to
do. He says that artists never get bored,
and he has stayed connected to Augsburg
by teaching calligraphy and glass
knapping classes through the College of
the Third Age.
But sitting in an ivory tower is not
how Thompson spent his 41 years at
Augsburg, either. Whether unearthing the
wealth of treasures from the past on
campus, or reaching beyond the borders
of the College with his students, he
showed them that there is more to a
coilege education than sitting behind a
desk. "Departments have an obligation to
partake in the larger affairs, rather than
isolate themselves," Thompson says.
"There ls a time for that, but one must
learn how to balance the two."
Thompson, born in Bismarck, N.D.,
received his B.A. from Concordia CollegeMoorhead and his M.EA. in studio art
from the University of lowa. He came to
Augsburg in 1959. At that time there was
no art department, and only a few art
classes were offered through the home
economics department. Thompson was
instrumental in the formation of the art
by fudy Petree
department, and the mid '60s saw the
hiring of the art faculty at which time art
was added as a major.
Being at Augsburg College, in the
heart of the Twin Cities, has been an
important part of Thompson's work, both
on and off campus. "This is a tremendous
haven for teaching art, and being anchored
in a community with lots of interaction is
healthy. lt's important to stretch across
neighborhood borders. "
In the late 1960s, Thompson and his
students "stretched" all the way to northern
Minnesota, north of Grand Rapids, where
they found a challenging art project. The
Russian Orthodox Church o[ St. Peter and
St. Paul in Bramble, Minn., with its onion
dome, was completed in 1918 and fell into
disuse during the 1940s. In 1967, led by a
clergl.rnan from Grand Rapids, an effort
was made to restore the church. Thompson
was asked to paint 35 icons, which would
complete the church's icon screen.
Thompson enlisted several dozen of
his students, who researched the style,
technique, and content of icon painting
before embarking on the project. With
their painting, the project was completed
in spring 1971.
Closer to home, his strong
interest in urban archaeology led to
his conducting digs on the
Augsburg campus, once primarily a
residential area. They collected a
variety of artifacts, inciuding
bottles, porcelain dolls, marbles,
and even an old civil war period
projectile. He also conducted digs
at homestead sites in Carver and
Pine Counties. Thompson said that
interest in this sparked some of his
students to pursue archaeology
either as a career or a serious
Thompson's own contributions
to the campus and off campus are
numerous. A recent addition is the
For 40 years, professor emeritus Philip
Thompson's hands-on teaching took
students out of the classroom to urban
archeological digs and Orthodox icon
stained glass cross located in the corridor
outside the chapel. Thompson used glass
from Tiinity Lutheran Church, saved when
the church was torn down to make way
for the freeway.
Outside Augsburg, Thompson's work
is in collections or on display at the Sioux
Cìty Art Center, in Sioux City, Iowa; the
Pillsbury Research and Development
Center; the Minnesota Museum of Art in
St. Paul; the University of St. Thomas;
Moorhead City Hall; Rourke Museum in
Moorhead, and the Plains Museum in
Fargo. He has also restored rotunda
paintings at the Cass County Courthouse
in Fargo and sanctuary murals at
Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Mankato.
Judy Petree is media relcltions manager.
StalJ photo
Fall 20O2
4ucsnunc ruow
by Don Stoner
¡l everal Augsburg student musicians
\or. gaining valuable experience ancì
\*-lentertaining thousands oI people in
the process by serving as the "house band"
for the Mlnnesota L1.nx Women's Natlonal
Basketball Association (WNBA) franchise.
The Auggie band-Ben Duane,
Michael Groves, Brendan Anderson, Ryan
Parsons, and Bob Seekins-played for
most of the Lynx's home games at Target
Center durìng ¡he team's summer season.
The Lynx added a live band this
season to help fire up the crowd and serve
as a complement to the recorded music
used durlng breaks and time-outs, said
Robert Stacke, music department chair and
director of the band.
"I've worked with a lot of pro sports
teams in this area, and the Ly'nx called me
to say they needed a band," Stacke said.
"They thought it would be terrific to use
students, and it's really been successful. lt's
good pay and a wonderful experience."
The band plays during pre-game
warm-ups, halftime, and several times
during the game. The musrcians are in
constant contact with the Lynx's gameoperations personnel, who coordinate
promot ions, audience-participation events,
and the team's cheerleaders and mascot.
"You learn a lot about performing at
(t to R) Student musicians Ben Duane, Mike Groves, and Brendan Anderson form the horn
section that pumps up the crowd during the home games of the women's pro-basketball
Minnesota Lynx.
an arena, how to interact with an
audience, and how to maneuver with
headphones on with the game-operations
people. They might say, 'We need 20
seconds of music right now,' and we have
to be ready to do it," Stacke said.
The students write their own
arrangements of
popular songs and
classic Dixieland
"We give them a
song list, and they'll
say that they need 15
minutes of music; so,
we adapt it to what
they need," he said.
"They may want up-
tempo music, or music
for the cheerleaders, or
something else. It's fun
to coordinate, but it's a
An up-tempo beat is added by the guitar and drums of Bob
Seekins, Ryan Parsons, and Professor Robert Stacke (on
,4ucssunc f{ow
liitle nerve-u'racking. "
Several ol the
students in the Lynx's
banci also play for
another popular Augsburg-based band,
the "Camp Cruisers" house band at the
Mall of America's Camp Snooplz
Like this band, the Lynx band is able
to interact with fans and the team, which
is a positive for the musicians. lt's also a
positive for Augsburg, which is
mentioned often during the game in
introducing and acknowledging the
musicians, Stacke said.
"It's fun to work with the fans, the
support staff, and all the athletes. They're
nice folks and really appreciative of the
band," Stacke said. "lt's good basketball
and the athletes are so nice. The way they
interact with the young crowd is great to
see. P1us, the lans often ask for
autographs of the band, which is fun."
ln addition to working wlth the LJ'nx,
Stacke said that the band would
eventually like to work other pro sports
events in the Twin Cities, including the
Target Center's other occupant, the NBAb
Minnesota Timberwolves.
Don Stoner is sports inJormation cootdinator.
Fall 2002
i\EW YORK, I\.Y.
by Erin Carlson '03
months in New
York City at Binder Casting, one o[
L the most influential Broadway
casting offices, swept me into an entirely
new world and understanding between
what professional theatre is and what
many actors think it is.
Did my two-and-a-half-month
internship there shatter my fluffy dream
of becoming a paid and respected actress?
No. But it definitely put perspective into
important theatrical office, but I began to
realize the work I was doing and
observing was beyond any world I had
ever been a part of. My father made a
great analogy for my experience-it was
comparable to going to the major leagues
straight out of high school baseball. I had
always strived to do an internship
somewhere far away the summer before
my senior year, but I never realized it
would be this huge.
you desperately want to make a career out of the art you love, you must be
prepared to do it alone and have enough confidence to be rejected more than
Carlson '03, English and theatre major
with no connection or relationship to the
casting director is only going to get
thrown into the trash. Without great
credits or Lraining lrom a prestigious
school, it will be difficult to obtain
professional exposure. It's reality. It's also
most definitely possible to be successful
in New York and make it into a dazzlíng
Broadway show, but it demands sacrifice
and a complete surrender to your career.
Would I want to establish a longterm life and career in New York? Most
likely not. However, I have vowed that I
would not survive more than a year
without making a substantially long visit.
I suppose it is the greatest city in the
my career goals of three months ago and
the reality I now understand and have
Professional theatre is a demanding
career full of personal sacrifices. If you
desperately \Mant to make a career out of
the art you love, you must be prepared to
do it alone and have enough confidence
to be rejected more than accepted.
Although sounding clmical, these
realizations have forced me to recognize
what I must do to survive as a
professional actress. lt has also fed my
constant inspiration to act.
Binder Casting threw me over to The
Other Side-the dark, mysterious world
of theatre business that most actors never
.see nor understand. Being surrounded by
only one casting director, four associates,
and one part-time intern in an intimate,
open office space submersed me into the
inner workings of a Broadway casting
director. Within my first few weeks I was
answering phone calls from prominent
playwrights such as Neil Simon and
Wendy Wasserstein and actors Jenna
Elfman and Peter Gallagher.
During my last week I sat in on a
final callback for the replacement of Little
Sally in Broadway's Urinetown! The Musical
and watched Saturday Night Live's Rachel
Dratch sing "Welcome to the Jungle" as
part of her audition.
I knew I was working in
Fall 2002
My daily responsibilities with phone
answering, mail, e-mails, and faxing were
mundane. However, I experienced how
one casting director and his four
Erin Carlson is a senior majoringín theatre
arts andEnglish. She recently playedthe role
of the baher\ wife in the spnng production,
associates balance numerous projects and
Into the Woods.
beautifully cast huge
productions. I
observed the
between casting
playwrights, agents,
directors, and entire
creative teams. It's
amazing and
shocking how
enormous a task it
just to cast the
show, let alone
bring to the stage.
As stated
earlier, the
knowledge gained
from my internship
and the New York
City theatre world
put perspective and
reality into my
dreams. I learned
that sending an
unsolicited headshot
Erin Carlson spent the summer learning the realities of the theatre
business as an intern at a major Broadway casting agency in New
York. Here, near Times Square, she is pictured with her two
brothers, Colin (left), a writer and editor in New York, and Evan,
visiting in the Big Apple.
,4ucsnunc ruow
avid Cherwien'79 and Mark
Sedio '76 have traveled many of
the same roads since their
graduation from Augsburg three years
apart. Both have become prominent
church musicians and organists and both
have written and published widely and
continue to share the "h).rnnfest circuit,"
each playrng ar 20-30 h)'mnfests per year.
Sedio is director of music at Central
Lutheran Church and Cherwien is cantor,
or director of music, at Mt. Olive
Lutheran Church, both in Minneapolis.
Cherwien succeeded Sedio at Mt.
Olive, and each taught [or ayear at.
Gustavus Adolphus College. At Augsburg,
they sang in the choir under Leland
Sateren and they consider themselves
"spiritual, professional children," as Sedio
put it, of Stephen "Gabe" Gabrielsen '63,
with whom they studied organ.
Sedio played piano as a child, and
was captivated by the sound of the organ,
especially "the small, soft sound." But it
was psychology, not music, that brought
him to Augsburg. He joined the choir,
however, and came under the wing of the
music department, who told him that he
just couldn't do anything else but music.
It was while doing graduate work in
choral music at the University of Iowa
that Sedio discovered his vocation. "I
realízed that doing music in the context of
worship \Mas my great love," he says. He
completed two years at Luther Seminary
pursuing a calling in ministry of word and
At Central Lutheran, he sees a
different kind of ministry weaving
together music and spirituality. "When
you are actually able to fit music into the
life of a congregation, not maybe just in
worship, but in the whole life, and to help
people see that knitted-together fabric and
to facilitate it-that's the greatest joy you
could have," says Sedio. He delights when
he sees kids captivated with his organ
demonstrations who want to come back
for more.
by Betsey Norgard
David Cherwien began playing organ
while his family lived briefly in France. He
never played a h).'rnn until his sophomore
year afAugsburg, when he took ajob at a
local church. Even though he was a music
education major, church music became his
passion as he sang in the Augsburg Choir,
played organ, and was inspired by
organists such as Paul Manz.
Cherwien's publishing career, which
includes most major music publishers, was
launched when a music publisher attended
an Augsburg recital and heard Cherwien
play h1.rnn improvisations he wrote for an
independent study course with Gabrielsen.
His original collection of hymn
improvisations contains 15 volumes.
Gabrielsen comments, "Dave's organ
compositions are played in all 50 states
and several foreign countries, I would
ln addition to his position at Mt. Olive
Church, Cherwien recently became
director of the National Lutheran Choir.
And, last November, he played for the
installation of the Rev. Mark Hanson '68 as
the third presiding bishop of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Both Sedio and Cherwien attribute the
Augsburg Choir and Sateren's gift for
guiding students toward the "soul" of the
music as significant. "He never talked
about 'soul,'but he told stories and passed
on the tradition," explains Sedio.
Gabrielsen recalls the "glory years" of
the 1970s, when Sedio and Cherwien were
among his 16-20 organ students. With
lìmited organ practice available on
campus, Augsburg organ students of that
time gained opportunities to play on
wonderful organs around the metro area,
better than any college could afford.
He says that today, even with an
increase in great organs available, there is
an enormous decrease in organ students.
Lack of parental pressure to make children
practice, the instant gratification of playing
ready-made music on keyboards, and the
infiltration of contemporary music in
Church musicians and organists Mark Sedio
'76 (leÍt) and David Cherwien '79 (right)
both studied with music professor and
Coflege organist Stephen "C,abe"
Gabrielsen '63 and found their ministries of
music in publishing, congregational music,
and as organists.
churches all contribute to this decline.
Despite pressures to bring more pop
music into worship, Sedio sees the old
tradition continue. "Some of the kids I had
in Choristers at Mt. Olive are graduating
from college and they're excellent
musicians. They know what it's all aboutit's a whole."
Fall 2002
parh, a film by writer-director Garret
Williams'89, received what some
might describe as catalytic acclaim
among those in the film industry when it
debuted as a short in 1996 at the
Sundance Film Festival. The fi1m,
originally 40-minutes long, was made
whiie Williams was enrolled in graduate
school at the American Film Institute and
was funded by two sizable grants from the
National Endowment for the Arts and the
Bush Foundation. It expiores race
relations in America through the story of
Nina and Byron, a young African
American couple whose car breaks down
on a road trip from Chicago to L.A. The
pair finds help from a mechanic,
considered suspicious and possibly racist
by Byron, and the tension between the
two empts into a confrontation. The
movie ìllustrates how easily racial
suspicion can turn violent.
Sparh garnered wide acclaim,
including at the New Directors/New Films
series at the Museum ol Modern Art; the
USA Film Festival in Dallas, where lt won
the grand prize; and the Urbanworid
on to graduate school at the American
Film lnstitute.
Festival, where Williams received an
award for best dìrector. Spurred on by
success, Williams wrote a script to expand
the film to feature length and embarked
.on what he calls the "entrepreneurial
adventure" of getting a film in production.
He met producers Ìnterested in the
project, gained selection of the film lor
conversÌon to lull length at the Sundance
Film Labs, and received underwriting
from the Blockbuster-McKnlght Film
Despite hìs thought that "films, like
any arf", are never finished-you just
abandon them," Williams has not exactly
abandoned Sparh, but still travels to
various screenings, such as the recent
Image Nation Film Festival in New York.
A self-described jock in high school,
Williams says he really didn't become
interested in art untìl college. He admits,
Fall 2002
by Wendy Elofson
Last year, Williams received a Bush
Artist Fellowship, given annually to l5
artists to allow them chances to explore
new directions, continue work already in
progress, or accomplish work not
financially feasible otherwise. With this,
he is traveling for research on several
projects, one of which involves the
Addicts Rehabilitation Center in Harlem.
Williams hopes to shoot a film in
Minnesota in the near future. He is
cuûently re-writing a screenplay titled
"Hyenas," a contemporary drama about a
group of friends involved in an inner-city
drug culture, which had originally been
worked through the Sundance
Screenwriters Lab.
About his future plans, Williams says,
"l want to make a lot of movies, help
establish a foundation, and keep busy."
Garret Williams '89, who majored in studio
arts and communication, graduated from
American Film lnstitute and is now
researching several film projects with help
of a Bush Artists Fellowship.
however, to somewhat o[ a genetic
predisposition toward art-his mother is a
poet and college professor and his father ìs
Wendy Elofson t'ormerly worhed in the Olt'ice
of Institutional Advancement at Augsburg.
a painter.
Williams entered college more
interested Ìn
advertising, but found
photography more to
his liking. At
Augsburg, he gained
experience as
student photography
edltor, lvhich
increased his interest
in the visual arts and
led him to major in
studio arts/communication. Alter
graduating, Williams
worked as a
photographer and
started fìlm school at
the now-defunct Film
in the Cities. After
producing several
shoris there, he went
Nicole Ari Parker and Terrence Howard appear in Spark, Garret
Williams'film that explores issues of racial tension and suspicion.
by Cathy Anderson
f-T-lo many o[ us, traveling with 60 peopie,
I instruments, robes, equipment, and enormous
I. amounts of luggage carefully crammed onto a
bus may not sound like the best way to spend our
vacâtÌon. However, for students who are members of
music ensembles, tours are eagerly anticipated each year
and form some of their favorite memories of college.
Muslc tours are an important pari of Augsburg's
outreach. Performances by these ensembles increase
Augsburg's recognition and knowledge of its mission.
They also help alumni, friends, and families spread
across the nation stay connected with the music
department and the College. Students take on important
roles as Augsburg ambassadors.
"Students are remarkable at communicating with
audiences and alums on tour," says Robert Stacke'71,
director of bands and music department chair. "People
enjoy interacting with students and learning how both
music education and Augsburg College have impacted
their lives."
Tours give students a unlque platform to travel and
perform around the globe while gaining valuable
professional training with a performing arts
organization. In the past few years alone, Augsburg
ensembles have traveled throughout the Midwest,
Arízona, New Mexico, Florida, the Republic of lreland
and Northern lreland, Finland, Estonia, and St.
Petersburg, Russia.
However, touring music ensembles have long been
an important tradition at Augsburg College, dating back
4ucssunc Now
to 1888, when a quartet of students traveled as
part of a temperance organization. Quartets
began to visit Lutheran Free Church
congregations during summer vacations and
often served as the first contact many rural
families had with Augsburg.
In the 1950s, both choir and band tours
began to visit civic locales more frequently
than churches and toured outside of the
Midwest. In the summer of 1960, director
Mayo Savold and the Augsburg College
Concert Band embarked on a 45-day tour to
The1972 Augsburg Choir, led by Leland Sateren'38,
toured Minnesota, lowa, and Nebraska.
Flutist Bonnie Martinson '59 celebrated her
birthday in 1958 with the Augsburg Band
on tour through southwestern Minnesota.
ln April 1999, the Augsburg Orchestra and Riverside Singers
performed in Red Wing and Rochester, Minn.; and LaCrosse, Wis.
Fall 2O02
important in life. I have taken my
high school orchestras on tours
overseas because of that tour. I feel it
is important for students to see other
countries and customs that are
different from their own."
Some memorable personal
connections are also made and
renewed through the tours. ln 1998,
the Augsburg Choir traveled to
Norway and performed in a number
of small churches. The pastor of one
church told choÌr director Peter
Hendrickson '76 that he remembered
25 years earlier when the choir also
The Augsburg Choir sang in the famed "Rock Church" in Helsinki,
performed in his church.
Finland, as part of their 2002 tour to Finland, Estonia, and Russia.
Hendrickson told the pastor that he also
remembered that night, because he was
help celebrate the new state of Alaska. This
in that Augsburg Choir.
remarkable journey encompassed nine states
also recalls another choir reunion of
and Canadian provinces and more than 30
year, when he led Masterworks
performances, including two concerts under
students, alumni, and
the renowned baton of Robert Shaw.
That tour reunited
Alum Lara (Dyrud) Maclean, a L990
who had sung
violin performance grad, recalls an Augsburg
Choir tour that traveled to several eastern
The Augsburg touring tradition continues in the
European countries and Germany just months
academic year with the Augsburg Chamber
after the Berlin Wall had come down.
traveling to the Seattle/Tacoma, Wash. region
"It was amazíng to be there and meet
ensembles on the road throughout the
people our age. It was so eye-opening Lo see
Tour itineraries and performances
how involved they were politically lt made me
found online at
feel like we take too much for granted as
To lnquire about an ensemble visiting your
"In Poland, the choir had the opportunity
contact fine arts coordinator Cathy
to stay with host families. "We stayed with...a
af" 6L2-330-1279 or
college teacher and an engineer who made $45
a month to live on and feed their two children
and mother-inJaw. They \Mere so kind and
<andersc@augsburg. edu>.
giving... [and] really exemplified what is
Cathy Anderson
fíne arts coordinator.
The Concert Band, all dressed up ready to play, toured with
With palm trees swaying, the Concert Band
the choir in Arizona and New Mexico in spring 2000.
played on a Florida beach in March 2002.
4ucssunc fìtow 2s
"11 alleries are not just for those of us passionate about the
arts," says Cathy Peters '93, galleries and exhibits
utih. Gage Family Aricaliery opened in
commÌtment to the community to provide opportunities for up and
coming artists," says Peters. One such example is that of artist
Barbara Lea, whose "New Works" were exhibited this past February
Gage Gallery acted as a launching pad for Lea's career, resulting in
her art being picked up
by Circa Fine Arts
1997 in conjunction with the Lindell Famlly Library, Gage Gal1ery
has become a place that not only provides hands-on access to art
and artists alike but a place where the Augsburg community can
explore art. "We get to share another part of the world with
Gallery in Minneapolis.
Over five years, the
Gage Gallery has enjoyed
people-by bringing shows to campus that people would rarely
see," says Peters.
opportunities to build
The location and accessibility of Gage Gallery in the llbrary
it possible for the Augsburg community to take
the gailery and its artists as learning tools. By inviting
in classes and by requiring student attendance at
artists to
faculty members ì.ncorporate the exhlbits lnto
their curricula.
doing so, students learn how art can be
their major field of study; they converse about the
connections with the artists.
artwork, and
"The student's learning ranges from the practicality of how to
make a living to the use of various colors in a piece of art," says
Peters. "It is this interaction between student and artist that is the
most stimulating."
Peters' commitment extends beyond that
of the College. "I also have a
local, national, and
have made
Gallery exhibits vary widely in media and
R) from creative artist's books on
handmade papers (Tara Christopherson), to study of
the worldwide art of tattooing, to wearable art as
expression- (L to
fashion (Erika Spitzer Rasmussen), and to evocative
oils on canvas (Barbara Lea).
by Cherie Christ
collaborations with
prestigious arts
organizations, including
the Minneapolis Institute
of Arts and the
Smithsonian Institution.
Fall 2002
Augsburg College's Cage Family Art Callery and
the Catherine C. Murphy Callery at the College of
St. Catherine are co-hosting a national
Cage Gallery, located in Lindell library, focuses on the work of Minnesota
artists-providing both a place for them to exhibit and opportunities for
them to particiPate in classes.
juried tile
exhibition, "21st Century Tiles: From Earth to Fire,"
from Sept. 13 to Oct. 20.
This exhibition in the trvo galleries includes
more than 100 contemporary works by
The falt art exhibit entitled "21st Century Tiles: From Earth to Fire," is one
example of such a collaboration. In conjunction with the Tile Heritage
Foundation's 1Oth q.'rnposium "Tiles in the Twin Cities: The Quintessence
of Handicraft," the Gage Family Art Gallery and the Catherine G. Murphy
Gallery at the College of St. Catherine wili host a national juried tile
The gallery's growing presence in the art world has led to some
pleasant surprises and connections for Peters. While she was in Stockholm,
Sweden last summer to research Viking Age textiles, she visited the Statens
Historiska Museum, where the textiles are now conserved. On the desk of
rhe curator was the March-Apri1 2001 issue of Hahmagazine, featuring
three articles and an exhibition notice for "Textiles from the Silk Road,"
which ran in the Gage Gallery from March to May last year. Peters marveled
at lhe oppofiunity to share her exhibit and information about the gallery
with this European colleague. The ga11ery was again featured in Hali
magazine for the exhibit "Kilims: Weaving as a Tiadition."
The L997 opening
exhibition in the Gage Gallery
featured paintings, prints, and
sculpture donated to the College
approximately 50 artists. Sponsored by the
Minnesota Crafts Council, the exhibition was
juried by William Hunt, American artist, critic,
author, educator, and editor oÍ Ceramics Monthly
from 1972-1994.
"From Earth to Fire" is presented in
conjunction with the Tile Heritage Foundation's
1Oth symposium, "Tiles in the Twin Cities: The
Quintessence of Handicraft," held in September.
Presenters of the symposium include the
American Swedish lnstitute, the Handmade Tile
Association, the Minnesota Historical Society, the
Northern Clay Center, the Minneapolis lnstitute of
Arts, and theTile Heritage Foundation.
by Captain Gerald L. Johnson,
son of 1915 Augsburg alumnus
Rev Harold "Butch" Johnson.
Johnson's gifts of artwork to
the College will also be featured
this faÌl as rhe première exhibit
in the new gallery space in
Christensen Center, a gallery
wall on the main floor of the
college center.
Gage Gallery received
funding from Barbara and Skip
Gage and their families.
For information on the
Gage Family Gallery and
exhibits, caII 6L2-330-I524 or
visit <www. augsburg. edu/
Ch erie Chnst is a
Fall 2002
Augsburg alumnus Noburu Sawai /66
returned to Augsburg and lectured in
Gage Gallery as one of the artists
*; ffi'fj}jïT
instructor Toshi yoshida.
4ucs¡unc ruow
Esther J. Olson, professor
of drama at Augsburg from
1960 to 1977.
"Occasionally a splash of color
comes into our lives, awakening us
to delight and goodness. That splash
may be the flight of a brightly
colored bird; it may be a piece of
music; it may be a play done so well
you are drawn in and captivated.
The awakening is better when it
comes through a person. Esther
Olson was a splash of color in the
lives of many of us." That's the way I
began my eulogT for her funeral in
In the 1960s it was my privilege
to have acted and to have done
technical theater work under the
direction of two talented and strong
professors, Ailene Cole and Esther
O1son. For them I am grateful and
because of them I am a better
Esther's intense personality was
reflected in the plays she chose to
di.rect. She was drawn to
play'wrights like Henrik Ibsen,
August Strindberg, and Anton
Chekhov-not exactly writers of
comedy or musicals. I confess that I
yearned for Esther to direct more
comedles; yet the social, theological,
and personal themes of the plays
she chose were so universal they
,4UCS¡UnC n¡OW
could speak to contemporary audlences.
Though she was intense, acting under
Esther's direction was to experience r.vhat
play'wright Henrik Ibsen called 'Joie de vivre,"
the joy of life. For Esther it was a joy born out of
engaging the struggles ol lile with faith in God.
Part of her joylul struggle was a passÌon for
excellence. Like a great orchestra conductor she
put together the various characters and scenes of
a play in order to bring it alive for the audience.
It is a theater cliché, but there were no small
roles in her prodr-rctions. She worked actors who
had bú parts as hard as those who had major
given up." She used this method on many
actors. Esther could draw more lalenl out
of a person than he or she thought they
roles. She wanted each scene and each character
[o contribute to the whole effect. Many times she
would say, "Run that scene again, lt's not dght! If
you do it rlght, it'1Ìmake me cry (or laugh)!" i
remember standing wrth a friend backstage late
one night, wanting to go home, hoping she
wouldn't say "Run it againl", but she did.
Sometimes she would ask actors to come to
her home on a Sunday afternoon to polish
a scene. We young actors would complain.
We would be angry But when the plays
were produced before an audience and we
did a good job, we were proud and glad.
We returned to act under her direction.
Yes, Esther had a passion for
excellence, but she also had compassion
for her students. She stood with us in the
sense that she wanted us to grow and be
the best we could be. She encouraged us
to take responsible risks, to be bold in
using our talents. On occasion during a
rehearsal she would stop everything and
yell to an actor, "Give me some emotion!
Give me something even if it's wrong!
Then I'lt have something to work with!"
More than once she would push me
Then she
Ìn rehearsal until I became
would say,
energy in this
"Don't worry if I push you or am angry at
you. it means I see potential. Only worry
if I don't say anything to yolt; it means I've
had to give.
When rehearsal was over, she would
often say, "Come over to my hor"tse for eggs
and toast." Many of us did. There we saw
the other side ol Esthcr's compassion:
tenderness, sensitivity, a willingness to
listen to our hurts, our fears, our hopes
and dreams. We laughed and cried
together. We learned to be bold ìn trustirig
God and loving people beginning with
Esther was indeed a splash of
wonderful color in the lives of many of us.
The Rev. Gary K. Olson'65 is minister at
Laheview Luther an Church in Maplew ood,
Funding for the Tjornhom-Nelson Theater sign was
paid for by the Esther f . Olson Memorial Fund.
Fall 2002
tl I
From the Alumni Board president's desk..,
Accordingly, I highly recommend that
when an Auggre Conversatlon is held in
your area, you spend a few hours
reacquainting yourself with other
alumni-and gain some useful and
interesting information at the same time.
did not end
when we
graduated from
Augsburg. Last
month, I had the
pleasure of
attending an Auggie Conversation located
on the garden patio of a local restaurant
on a warrn summer evening.
Mr. Zack' Curtis '97 enlightened us
with interesting stories conceming what it
is like to be a professional actor in the
T¡¡in Cities. I learned more behind-thescenes information about the Minnesota
theatre community in one hour than I
could ever have imagined.
The Augsburg Alumni Board is
dedicated to connecting alumni with their
fellow alums and to their program in a
manner that is of mutual benefit to both.
Vocation Mentoring Têams
Augsburg is the fortunate recipient of the
Liþ Endowment Grant entitled
"Exploring Our Gifts; Reconnecting Faith,
Life, and Vocation." Part of the grant
involves creating a program that will bring
alumni back to the campus for a
mentoring program that includes students,
facult¡ staff, and alumni.
At the mentoring meetings and
retreat, the group participants will discuss
what fosters spiritual growth and
maturation while reflecting upon vocation.
It is anticipated that the mentors'
commitment will involve an evening
training session; five or six evening
gatherings consisting of large group
presentations for alumni mentors,
students, faculty, and staff; small-group
breakout sessions; potential follow-up with
students at their place of work; and a final
evaluation celebration.
Students will be interested to know
how you chose the work you do, how
Augsburg prepared you and influenced
you in your work, how you face the
challenges in balancing your work and
family life, and what gives your life
meaning and purpose.
Ifyou are interested in participating
or learning more about this program,
please contact Pastor Sonja Hagander at
612-330-1735 or via e-mail at
<hagander @ augsburg. edu>.
Andrew Morrison '73
President, Alumni Board
Three alumni appointed to Alumni Board
designed to provide opportunities for
youth in the South Minneapolis
community to participate in traveling
league sports. Boone was inducted into the
Augsburg Athletic Hall of Fame in 2001.
The Augsburg Alumni Board o[
I Directors appointed three new
members and elected Andy Morrison '73
as president and Paul Mueller'84 as
president-elect. The new members are as
Jennifer Tome'99
Greg Boone'81
Greg Boone
graduated from
Augsburg with
B.A. in business
administration and
concentration in
finance. He works
for Northwest
Airlines as a business unit manager. He
has been a volunteer youth basketball
coach in South Minneapolis for seven
years. He is also director, treasurer, and
member of the South Side Athletic
Association, a non-profit organization
Fall 2002
Jennifer Tome
graduated from
Augsburg in with
B.A. in communications and
Barry Vornbrock
,96 MAL
Barry Vombrock
graduated from
Augsburg in 1996
with an M.A. in
leadership. He
manages IS
business. Tome is a
wine representative
to local restaurants
Paustis Wine Company in Plymouth.
She serves on the Children's Home Society
Winemaker's Dinner Planning Committee,
and is a member of the Minneapolis
Chamber of Commerce and Grapevine
Wine Club.
Ambulatory Patient
Care Systems at HealthPartners, Inc., in
Minneapolis. His varied professional
background includes engineering,
computer science, and retail sales. His
volunteer work includes service as an
election judge and site coordinator, as well
as involvement with the United Way
campaign and the Minneapolis Youth
Diversion Program's gay, lesbian, bisexual,
and transgender host home program. This
year, Augsburg honored him with a First
Decade Award (see page 7).
Alumni News
New director and associate director join
Alumni/Parent Relations
bylynn Mena
Amy Sutton, director
of Alumni/Parent
director of Alumni/
Parent Relations
Heidi Breen, associate
and maintain relationships with all of our
alumni, students, and parents, and to
work with them side-by-side to ensure
that Augsburg is always an exceptional
place to come home to. We hope to
provide additional support to our
international and Weekend College
students and alumni as well."
In her first recruiting assignment at
Augsburg, Sutton hired Heidi Breen as
associate director of AlumniÆarent
rlhe Oflice ol AlumniÆarent Relations
I *ilì ,tur, the 2002-'03 academic year
Relations. Breen, who joined the staff
Sept. 3, had been associate director of
admissions at Augsburg. Over the last 16
years, she handled all aspects of recruiting
director and associate director.
Amy Sutton joined the staff as director
in August. She was previously vice
a new
president of Friendship Ventures in
Annandale, Minn., a nonprofit organization
serving children and adults with
developmental disabilities. She has also
served both South Dakota State University
and Augustana College in positions ranging
lrom admissions counselor, assistant
director of admissions, development officer,
interim director of annual programs and
alumni relations, and director of
scholarship administration and
Sutton served as dean of counselors for
South Dakota Girls State in a voluntary
capacity for 16 years and received the
South Dakota Girls State service award for
her efforts. She has also been recognized as
one of the top 20 people under the age of
40 for contributions to the Brookings,
S.Dak., community through work, public
service, and volunteer efforts.
Sutton graduated with a B.S. in
commercial economics from South Dakota
Srate University in 1991 and acquired her
Master of Science in lndustrial Management
in 2000 from South Dakota State Universiqz
"I look forward to becoming a member
of the Augsburg community," says Sutton.
"It is already obvious to me that there are
exceptional people here.
"Our continued priority in
AlumniÆarent Relations will be to build
30 4ucs¡unc now
transfer and international students plus
students from North Dakota and
Breen has served on the European
Council of International School Boards
since 1993 and has led two groups to
Central and South America for recruiting
purposes. She has a B.A. in elementary
education from Concordia CollegeMoorhead, but you'd find it hard to
believe she is not an Auggie!
"I have loved my years working in
admissions meeting great students and
their families," says Breen. "The
relationships that I've built with students,
families, and counselors while recruiting
are amazrng. I am very excited to begin
my position as associate director of
AlumniÆarent Relations. lt will be
wonderful meeting up with some of my
earlier recruits! The alumni oflice is here
for you, so please let us know how we can .
help you get connected to Augsburg-and
for those akeady connected and
volunteering, thank you!"
Auggie Conversations are held the
second Tuesday of each month.
October 8, 5:30 p.m.
Benihana, St. Louis Park
Facilitator/topic: Kari (Eklund) Logan'82,
media relations
November 12, 5:30 p.m.
Fhimas, Downtown St. Paul
(Lawson bullding)
FacÌlitator/topic: Merilee Klemp'75, rnr,rsic
President and Mrs. Wl11iam V Frame wrll visit
alumni, parents, and friends of the College in
the Seattle, Wash., and Vancouver/
Portland, Ore., areas from October
January 14, 5:30 p.m.
St. Petersburg, Robbinsdale
Facilltator: Prof. Norma Noonan
February 11,5:30 p.m.
Wildfire, Eden Prairie (in the mall)
Mark your calendars for the following
Topic: Athletlcs at Augsburg
Saturda¡ October 26
March 11,5:30 p.m.
Host: Neal '60 and Kay Thorpe
Contact: Steve Rosvold'Bl
Frida¡ November
The Newsroom, Downtown Minneapolis
Facilitator: Lisa Ze11er'Bl, 'Bq MAL
April 8, 5:30 p.m.
Magrano's, Edina (in Southdale Mall)
Facilitator/topic: Prof. John Mitchell, poetry
Seattle gathering
Locatìon and time TBD
Il you wor-rld like
December 10, 5:30 p.m.
Roadhouse, Burnsville
Facilitator: Jeroy Carlson '48
infotrnatÌon on
above gatherings, 01 you rvoulcl like to
scheclule an appointment to meet wrth
President Frame, please contact Norn-r
Okerstrom'85 at 612-330-1616 or e-mai1
<okerstro@augsbr-rrg. edr-r>.
May 13, 5:30 p.m.
Freighthouse, Stillwater
Facilitator: Prof. MarthaJohnson and Rick
Shiomi, theatre
For more informatron, please call 612-330I l78 or e-mail <alumnl@ar-rgsburg.eclr"r>.
Fall 2O02
School Business Official of rhe
Year by the Minnesota
Esther Johnson, Marshall,
Minn., was honored at the Pride
in the Tiger Foundation Hall of
Honor banquet for her
contributions to area schools and
longtime Marshall
High School teacher, she has
in education,
including teaching English to new
immigrants and teaching English
Harvey Peterson, Edina, Minn.,
was featured in the June issue of
Truch Parts and Sewice. CATCO,
the company he joined in l95l
and for which he currently serves
as chairman of the board, was
named as one of five finalists for
2002 Distributor of the Year. In
the article he is described as "one
of the best teachers anyone could
have" by both the company's
president and vice
president/general manager. Under
his leadership, the company has
expanded to 13 locations.
Phyllis (Vik) Swanson,
Association of School Business
Officers. He has been business
manager at West Central Area
Schools in Barrett, Minn., since
Avis (Hoel) Dyrud, Newfolden,
Minn., was named Faculty of the
Year by Northland Community
and Tèchnical College in Thief
River Falls, Minn., where she has
taught for 19 years. She and her
husband, Philip '64, have five
children and ll grandchildren.
The Rev. Gary L. Langness,
St. Paul, retired in May after 29
years as Augustana Lutheran
Church's senior pastor. "[He] is
one of the most outstanding
pastors in the [ELCAI," said the
Rev. Mark S. Hanson'68,
ELCA presiding bishop. The Rev.
Langness plans to pursue
missionary work in lanzania and
also looks forward to spending
more leisure time with his wife,
Carol (Welch)'65: his two
children, Jennifer and Tony '93;
and his twin grandsons.
Northfield, Minn., celebrated the
marriage of her youngest son,
Daniel, to Cortney l-arson last year.
She recently retired after editing St.
Peter's Lutheran Church's
Marilyn McKnight, Edina,
Minn., is running as a DFL
candidate for state legislature.
She and her husband, Stephen
Erickson '68, own a mediation
firm in Minneapolis.
of the No¡theastern Minnesota
Synod of the ELCA. Before his
election as bishop, he was senior
pastor of First Lutheran Church
in Duluth.
Just was
named senior
director and
chief auditor of
Dorothy Anderson and her
husband, Roy Hankins, recently
relocated from Mason City, Ill., to
accept positions as child
psychiatrists with Woodland
Centers in Willmar, Minn. She
was previously employed at the
Wilder Child Guidance Clinic in
St. Paul, the Mendota Mental
Health Center in Madison, and
in private practice for IB
Schwan's Sales
Inc., a frozen foods manufacturer
and marketer based in Marshall,
Minn. Before joining Schwan's,
he served as senior manager at
KPMG, LLP, in Los Angeles.
Kathryn (Sanoden) Pearson,
David Loftness, Shakopee,
Cambridge, Minn., recently
published her first book,
Temp erTamer s (Attainment
Company), a guide for
instructors to help students with
behavioral problems. She works
for both the Braham Area School
District and the Princeton and
Elk River clinics of Fairview
Counseling Centers.
Minn., retired after sewing as
director of court services for
Carver and Scott Counties for
34 years.
The Rev. Peter Strommen,
Duluth, Minn., was re-elected for
a second six-year term as bishop
Augsburg alumni and friends joined President and Mrs. William V. Frame
and Prof. Frankie Shackelford on a 12-day journey to Norway.
newsletter for23years. Sadl¡ her
husband, Bob, died in 1996.
f 955
Shirley G. (Lundborg) and
Harold Reistad '56, reside in
Circle Pines, Minn. Shirley is a
registered nurse at Northwestern
Carolyn E. Johnson, Ph.l.
Placentia, Calif., was recently cited
as "a great. teacher, wonderful
friend, and role model" in the
communications department
alumni newspaper at Cali[ornia
State University-Fullerton, where
she is an associate professor.
Jon Nygaard, Fergus Falls,
Minn.. was named Minnesota
Fall 2002
Pictured at left on the steps of ffollhaugen, the home
of composer Edvard Grieg, are: (top row L to R)
President Frame, Malcolm Watson, Laura Cichocke,
Esther Watson, Dorothy (Floistad) Benson '56, Sonya
Quam, tour guide, and Anne Frame; (center row, L to
R) Prof. Shackelford and Larry T[¡rner'69; (bottom row,
L to R) Farolyn (Johnson) Gehring '56, Bonnie Lerberg
'92, and Judy Ramler. Pictured at right on board the
Nordlys Ship are (t to R) Prof. Shackelford, Mary
McDougall, and Susan Albrecht.
Now 3l
Class Notes
Dan R. Bruss, Pella, Iowa, was
named the ninth president of
Bethany Lutheran College,
beginning inJanuary. Bruss began
his academic career at Bethany in
1975, where he taught until 19Bl
He has taught at Central ColÌege
in Pella since 1990. He and his
wife, Kathrym, have two children.
The Rev. David Grant and his
wife, Deb (Thomson)'76,
president-elect of the Minnesota
Osteopathic Medical Society He is
family physician with MinnHealth
in Woodbury Minn., and remains
active in the America Osteopathic
Association. He also holds
professorial appointments at the
University of Minnesota Medical
School and Des Moines University
Martha "Marty" (Wagner)
Nitzberg, Springfield, Va.,
continues to work for the
honors, as well as the Associate of
the Year honor by his parent [irm,
North Star Resource Group. He
and his wife, Jacqui, have three
daughters: Kristin, Justine, and
Walt Johnson, Minneapolis,
elected president of PLUM
(Professional Librarians Union of
Minneapolis). He is a relerence
relocated to West Union, Iowa,
where Dave is senior pastor at
Zion Lutheran Church. He
retum in 2000 from a two-year tour
overseâs. She has two daughters,
Meredith and Robbie.
previously served Indherred
Lutheran Church and Immanuel
Lutheran Church in Starbuck,
Mary Lingen, Backus, Minn.,
exhibited t9 of her paintings at
Leah Abdella, Inver Grove
Herghs, Minrì., is co-local office
Karla J. (Wiese) Miller, Brookþ
the Johnson Heritage Post in
Park, Minn., is director of choral
music at North Hennepin
Community College.
April. Since 1988, she has had
direcLor of the Cancer PreventÍon
Coalition, an educationaì and
informative non-profit organization
whose goal is to reduce cancer rates
through outreach, public education,
advocacy, and public policy
Bruce B. Cunningham,
Maplewood, Minn., was elected
solo shows and has been involved
in 43 group exhibits in 20 states.
Her work is described as
"surrealistic and colorful."
Ann Gabrielson works with
Minn., achieved
U.S. Foreigrr Service. She recently
left her two-year post in Havana,
three top
for his efforts in
200Ì as a cerrified financial
planner with Fortune Financial.
These included the Circle of
ExcelÌence and Court of Table
Cuba, for a new position in
Adana, Turkey. Prior to being
hired by the govemment, she
graduated from the University of
Minnesota Law School, worked as
a law clerk, and ran a private
practice in Montevideo, Minn.
Distinguished Alumni Award
is founder and executive director
of Reaching Arms International,
an inte¡national adoption agency
and ministry outreach
organization with programs for
adoption in Russia and Ukraine.
ln April 2000, she opened the
First Decade Award
first privately-run orphanage in
the Ukraine called Cradle of
lollowing awa¡ds:
Spirit of Augsburg Award
Terri (Withers) Williams and
her husband, Ray, reside in
Plyrnouth, Minn. She is a full-time
homemaker, raising their two
daughters, and teaches private
vocal lessons in the Minneapolis
area. Ray is a financial advisor with
American Express.
Corey L. Davison, Chicago, Ill.,
married Kelly Lin Sullivan. Corey
works for the Concord Coalition
as midwest director in Chicago
and as director of legislative affairs
in Washington, D.C. Kelly is a
flight attendant for a major alrline.
.lim Douglas, Apple Valle¡
The Rev. Nila (Garner)
Neumiller, Minnetonka, Minn.,
The Augsburg Coilege Alumni Association Awards and Recognition
Committee seeks your assistance in identifying members of the
Augsburg community to be considered for recognition for the
production goals
on his law practice, Rice, Michels
Johnson LLf; in Minneapolis.
librarian in the technology/science/
government documents
department of the downtown
Minneapolis Public Library.
Department. of Defense after her
in the Minnesota Senate. The Ìawyer
and former lobbyist has opted not to
run for reelection so he can spend
more time with his family and focus
Children's Hope. The organization
Minn., started a new company
providing marketing and creative
services called Nighthawk
Marketing. He and his wife,
Andrea, have two sons, Jimmy, 5,
and Tyler, 2.
Kristof Nordin, Lilongwe,
Malawi, Africa, is a technical
coordinator for the Peace Corps'
Malawi training programs. His
wife, Stacia, coordinates the Peace
Corps' Malawi Crisis Corps
Program. They have been living
and working in Africa for more
than five years.
Eric H. Peterson, Minneapolis, a
marketing director for Dairy
Queen, was recently recognized as
the creator of the Express Lunch
promotion, which has run in
approximately 1,250 of DQ
restaurants nationwide.
To make a nominatlon online or to view the description/criteria for
each award, go to <www. au gsburg. edu/alumni,/nomform>.
is planning to extend its efforts
into Africa. Last September, she
was honored as one of three
To recieve a nomination packet, contact:
Office of AlumniÆarent Relations
recipients for the 2000 Women of
Achievement by lrin West
Chamber of Commerce.
Carolyn Pool, Minneapolis, an
actor and comedian, recently
appeared in the 1929 comedy
June Moon by Ring Lardner and
George Kaufman, at the Park
Square Theatre in St. Paul. She is
married to Matt Sciple.
Phone: 612-330-l i78 or l-800-260-6590
E-ma11: alumni@augsburg.edu
The deadline for nominations for 2003 is March 14,2003
Dave Johnson, Bloomington,
Mirm., will retire from his seat (DFL)
Fall 20O2
'Titletown's' Eayrs an NFL innovator
uv Don sroner
A conversation with Mike Ea¡'rs is like attending a doctorate-1eve1 c1ass. The subject is footba11. Listening to him discuss the
intricacies of his favorúe sport, you understand how football has become the passion of his life for more than 30 years,
coach and now as a National Football League innovator.
Eayrs, a 1972 Augsburg graduate, is regarded as one of the NFIS innovators 1n merging technicai and statistical analysis
advancements in video technology For 16 years, the West Concord, Minn., native created a unique video and technical
analysis program for the team he grew up admiring, the Minnesota Vikings. But in 200I, Eayrs left the Vikings to join one of
the team's biggest rivals, the Green Bay Packers. He became the Packers' first director of research and development.
Mike Eayrs'72
"The timing seemed right," said Eay'rs of his move to Green Bay Wis. "I was contacted by the Packers to see if I was interested
in a job. Had they called a year or two sooner, I would have probably said no, because I wasn't really interested then. But there
were some things happening with the franchise Ìn Minnesota . . . (and) there was just enough uncertainty that all of a sudden, 1
thought to myself that if the right team would call, I probably would listen."
Other teams were callingbecause Ea¡rs is considered one of the leaders in an NFL revoiution of sophisticated analysis. It all started in the early l980s,
when Ea1'rs was a footbalì assistant coach and instructor at Minnesota State University-Mankato-where the Vikings hold their annual summer training
"Every year, I taught a statistics class in the HPER (health, physical education, and recreation) department. Statistics was a painful thing to teach, and I
was trying to find a way to make the class more fun, s¡ill worthwhile, and more exciting," Ea¡rs said. "We applied statistical analysis to sports statistics.
We wrole to the NFL and got the Elias Sports Bureau to send us the year-end reports for three or four years. We started to do 'trending' on professional
football. I started to send the repoils to the Vikings, findings that we found on the NFL. They were very interested in it, and I was extremely happy to do
it for them."
Eventually, those "State of the NFL" reports led to a full-time job wrth the Vikings, where he created sophisticated research repoils on statistical, team,
and player lrends. He became one of the first NFL analysts to incorporate the use of computer databases, along with video analysls.
anaþis from the o1d style of l6-millimerer film to videotape and, now, drgital video that can be merged with
computer databases. Instead of looking through hours and hours of game films for specific plays or trends, Eayrs and his staff can instantly find specific
plays and players, via computer video, for coaches to analyze and present in team meetings.
Eayrs has seen the evolution of video
In 2001, Eayrs made the jump to the Vikings'division rival, Green Bay, where he took his skills-often referred to
created position wlth the Packers, the only publicþ-owned team in the NFL.
the'Viking p6d¿1"-¡6
Of course, moving from the Vikings to the Packers could have presented a problem for Eayrs and his family-including his son, Brian, who is entering
his senior season as a quarterback at Augsburg, and who had spent tìme as a ballboy at the Vikings' training camp as a child.
"Brian was the one who encouraged me to go to Green Bay, more than anyone
else in our fami1y," Eayrs said. "The move to Green Bay isnt just about me, it
involved all five members of our family ... Brian was a very loyal Viking fan a1l
the way through, and he had a lot of great memories and relationships with
that team. I asked hÌm what he thought, and he said, 'Dad, it's a chance to go
to 'Titletown,'you'd be a fool not to take it. The winnlngest franchise in the
NFL, you'd have to be a fool not to go there.' I thought, 'Well, he's on board'."
Eayrs' family has a strong association with Augsburg. He received hls bachelor's
degree in social studies and physical educatlon at Augsburg, and his wife, Mary
Jo, currently a human resouÍces director at a Twin Cities compan¡ rs
graduate of Augsburg Weekend College.
He said he enjoyed the urban setting and diversity at Augsburg, along wrth the
opportunities for research and real-world experience. He played football at
Augsburg, though he said that he "wasn't even a good player-I wâsn't even an
averuge player on the JV team." While at Augsburg, he was able to work as a
youth supeffisor and coach for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board,
and learned a lot from frequent vÍsits he made to watch the Umverstty of
Minnesota football team. He eventually eamed his masterb degree at
Wisconsin-l¿ Crosse and doctorate at the University of Oregon. He coached
and taught at four different colleges in the Midwest before jumping to the NFL.
Dott Stoner is sports inJormation coordinator.
Fall 2002
Mike Eayrs '72 is regarded as one of the NF[s innovators
in merging technical and statistical analysis with
advancements in video technology.
Class Notes
All the world's their stage
by Lynn Mena
John Clifton, Cambridge, Minn.,
married Ernily Carr in July He
received his Master ol Arts in
Educatron frorn St. Mary's last
When Darcey Engen and her husbancl, Luvetne Scifelt, were theatre majors
ar Augsburg in the 19BOs, the theatre arts cleparttnenl macle its hotne in a
space knor.m as Stage lL Although Engen and Seifert clìcl nol attend
Ar-rgsbr.rrg ar the same time, they share a similal fòndness lor the olcl theater'.
"lr rvas oliginally the rnr.tsic building, and belore tl-rat, a chtuch," says Engen.
"BnL when I rvas a stltdent, lt r,vas oul own little space , and we Lool< care of
rt. We rea11y learnecl how to create something out of nothù-rg-how lo tnake
a costunle, how to bni1cl a sct, how to c1o lighting, how Lo work with Lhe lìre
marshal, hor.v to be
learned cvcr-ything"' says Engen.
husband, Luverne Seifert
'83, have found personal
and profess¡onal success
There rvas also another theater on camptls, the Little Theater. "Bul I
primarily remember Stage Il," says Seifert. "ll was great because yor't cor-l1d
do so rnany things with the space-I can remember being there until five or
six in the morning, working through the night. There were no restrictions,
since graduating from
you could really create r'vith yor-rr imagination."
Darcey Engen '88 and her
Augsburg's theatre a¡ts
Both Engen and Seilert credit Augsburg urth helpug lo shape them into the
performers rhey are today "I calne out very well-rounded; it wasn't just
abour performing, it r,vas about thts group of peop1e," says Engen. "We were a community and a collaboration,
nu. purh.d each other and rve supported one another-we created art. It tvas incredtbly beneficial
Engen's perfonnance experience ir-r Minneapolis lncludes work wrth Theatre de 1a
ancl Dudley Rig¡¡s' Brave Nerv Workshop. Thìs past sumrnel she co-wrote
-Je¡ne iur-re, ReJ Uye Collaborarion,
Augsburg theatre professor Martha Johnson, a two-person procluction
ancl perlormecl tn FloatingMothe
Since gracluating
in 1988,
that deals wlth the funny and poignant moÌrrents of being a mother.
After receiving her M.FA. in actlng from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, rvhere she specialized in voice
ancl rnovement traimng for the stage, Engen was a thealre professor al the University of Kentucky-Lexington,
and later a professor at the Uníversity o[ Northern Iowa
New York
Seifert, who teaches theatre pan time at the University of Mlnlresota-Tw1n CÌties, spent time 1n both
up the
ancl Califorr-ria after gracluaring lrom Augsburg ln 1983. He first headed to New York, where he soaked
"The ttlb in
Center. "l llved in an old hotel that was cheaper even than the YMCA-it was awful," he chuckles.
the shared bathroom was always fillecl with brown, murþ
it r,vas a gteat experience; I was
When he returnecl to Mrnneapolis, he started a theatre company r.vrth a grotlp of [e11ow Augsburg alumni called
Crry Stock Thearer., whÌch operared for several years. He later performed wllh the Red Eye Collaboration,
Thåafe, Chilclren's Theatre Co-p^rry, and Theatre c1e la Jeune Lune, lvl-rere he r'vas an arlislic associale for 10
str-rdy clouning in
years. Earlier this year, he receivecl a McKnlght Theatre Fellowship, rvith whìch he plans to
Switzerland and to develop ârtistic
Althor-rgh Engen ancl Seifert clidn'r meer as students, Angsbr-rrg still played a role it-r bringing then'r
at a festival
he árganized called Summer Srar, an offsÀoot of rhe Renaissance Festival, in Shakopee, Minn. The
lwo sons,
eventually led to marriage tn 1992. Today, Engen and Seiferr
Severin, 5, ancl Simon, 4.
J. Ernst, St. Paul,
married Holly Lee Henderson Ìast
December at St. Mark's EpiscoPal
Cathedral in Minneapolis.
Jin Sun, Chengdu. China. is
trombone teacher, director of the
concert band, and dean ol the
Sichuan Music Conservator),. He
rvas a visiting scholar to Augsbur¡i
lrom 1992-'93, and expresses his
gratitude to the CoÌlege and its
faculty for making it a "wonderful
and beneficial" experience.
Ryan Carlson, Minneapolis,
recently earned a B.S. in cornputer
science from Augsburg Weekend
College in addition to his B.A. in
chemistry from Augsburg and an
M.S. in chemistry from the
UnÍr'ersity ol Minnesota. He is an
operations manager at sea8ate.
Kevin Crerand, Peoria, Ariz., is
a mortgage broker
in Phoenix. He
says "the weather is awesome and
my golf game is tops."
Zach Curtis, MinneapolÍs, is
artistic director of Fifty Foot
Penguin Theater, which rvas
named Best Independent Theater
in the Twin Clties 2002 by CitY
Pages. The company just
completed their fifth season, and
next season will be their largest
r 998
is an olficer in the
Air Force stationed in ltaly.
Matt Butler
1997, Engen returned to Ar.rgsburg's theatre arts clepartment-this time as faculty Engen is an assistant
is nor'v
professor, teachurg several conrses ancl directing one production each year. The theatre cleparlmenl
locarecl in Foss Center, r,vith lornhorn-Nelson Theater setving as the main stage.
The benefit of Augsburg's cLrrÌ'ent rhearer space is that the hlgh artistic qr,rality of the perlortnances is
paired wirh a polirhed iechnical presentation, inclucling professional lighting,
are now a shorvcase for the Coliege," says
rhat are rruly of professronal cluality-and beyond. It has really been a rvonderful transition."
stewardship and parish mrnistr):
from Lutheran Theological
Seminar¡ in May. He was also
awarded a two-month summer
Justin Walkef received
a Master
o[ Divinity degree, with honors in
Fall 2002
course of study ât the Goethe
Institute in Dresden, Germany.
River, Minn.
Dan Lillquist, Papesville,
Minn., received his Master of
Amy Covington moved to
Fairview Northland Clinic in Elk
Diego, Calif., in April; she works
for Academic Press and also writes
for several local newspapers.
Karen Schachtschneider,
Sarasota, Fla., was promoted to
senior marketing specialist at
Shana Wilkinson, Bloomingron,
Minn., married Lance Jensen in
March. Shana is a teacher at
Forest HiÌls Elementary School
and is pursuing a graduate degree
at the University of St. Thomas;
Lance works at Coca Cola, Inc.
Physician Assistant Studies degree
with a specialization in family
medicine from the University of
Nebraska Physician Assistant
Program. He has worked for the
Paynesville Area Health Care
System since 2000.
Becky teaches elementary special
education in Wesley, Iowa; Dean is
a sales representative for Syngenta
Seeds and he farms with his father.
Erica Bryan joined the stafl of
Kinship as an Anoka county
Kris Froyum married Kristina
Weinzierl inJuly. Kris is a project
manager at Braun Intertec;
Kristina is a senior development
engineer at Honeylveìl
computer programmer/analyst for
Wells Fargo in Minneapolis;
Nathan is a physician assistant at
Fall 2002
and Steve
! Minn.-a
Brittany Kay, in
February. She
joins older brother, Mitchell.
Jennifer (Koehntopp) '93 and
Dan Wenzel '93, Lino Lakes,
son, Dylan Michael,
inJune 2000.
Kathleen Blilie '00 and her
husband, Eric, Blaine,
Neu, Rogers,
Alijah Ehret, in
January. He joins older sister
Arianna, 4. Kristin is a music
education and band teacher for
Minneapolis Public Schools.
Andrew Thomas, in May.
Kathleen is a contracts specialist at
Fairview Hospital.
Tahirih (Robinson)'00 and
David Jensen '00, Woodhaven,
daughter, Morgan
Theone, in March. Tahirih is an
Rozenia Fuller recently
Amy, Edina,
the Henry Ford Health System.
is a fifth-grade teacher [o¡
Minneapolis Public Schools and is
also pursuing graduate studies in
special education.
Sheri lronside married Nathan
Budde '00 in April. SherÍ is a
Kristin Joy
Wendy (Hanson)'92 and Mark
relocated to New Jersey after
being accepted into Princeton
University's Master of Divinity
Program. She was previously
academic advisor with Augsburg's
approximately $21 million
contract to remain with the NBAIs
Los Angeles l-akers in July, staying
with the team on which he has
earned three straight NBA
championship rings. He visited
with five other teams during the
two weeks that teams could court
from Luther Seminary. Before
entering the seminary she served
as director of continuing
education and co-coordinator of
strategic planning ât Augsburg.
John is director of business
development for Exel, an
intemational logistics provider,
based in the U.K.
admissions coordinator at the
University of Minnesota.
ob/gm resident and David is an
intemal medicine resident with
TRIO/Student Support Services.
Dennice (Sorko-Ram) Gooley,
Fridle¡ Minn., received a Master
of Arts in Old Têstament degree
Mary McKinney, Texas-a son,
Jacob Thomas, in April. He
joins older brother Zachary,6.
Clara Emilie, in May. Cindy is an
Mark Keating
'91 and his wife,
Devean George, Los Angeles,
agreed to a four-year,
free agents-Minnesota,
John Ennen '84 and his wife,
Becky Soller, Algona, Iowa,
married Dean Bormann inJune.
,Washington, Chicago, New Jersey,
and Utah-and between 12-15
teams had contacted him, but he
chose to remain in Los Angeles.
Fhonda (Davis) Hicks, St. Paul,
John Rotter married Marisa
Schleis in July. John is a financial
at HealthPartners in
Bloomington, Minn.; Marisa is a
graphic artist at USP Lumber
Connectors and a dance instructo¡
at Center Stage Dance in
Montgomery Minn.
Rebecca L. Running, Edina,
Minn., received a Master of Arts in
Leadership for Mission degree
from Luther Seminary in May
Marissa Skowronek married
Michael Partridge in August.
Marissa is a marketing
communications specialist for the
Minneapolis Consortium of
Community Developers; Michael
is a programmer/analyst for
eBenX, Inc.
Owen Wade, in
February Mark is
an âccount
executive for EMC; Amy is a
décor specialist for SUPERVALU
Design Services Group.
(Crego)'01 and
Chad Carls'00,
St. Michael,
Minn.-a son,
Thomas Allon,
Jennifer is a math teacher for the
Osseo School District.
and JeffJohnson,
'.1À: daughter,
Will Schroeder '95 and his
business partner T.J.
Paskach, have become hot
sensations with their Nitro
Ice Cream company, While
chemical engineering
Ph.D, students at lowa
State University, they
invented a way to flash
freeze ice cream with
liquid nitrogen, creating a
product in seconds. The ice
cream got thumbs up
from fans and food
experts at the Minnesota
State Fair this year. Visit
Palmer N. Henrickson '37,
Oakdale, Minn., died in April; he
was 90. Prior to retiring in 1978,
he worked for the Standard
Conveyer Company in St. Paul.
He also taught junior high in Fort
Ransom, N.Dak., and worked for
the Government Agriculture
Program in Lisbon, N.Dak. He
was a veleran o[ WWtl, serving in
Hawaii and the Philippines. Upon
retirement, he and his wife
traveled extensively around the
U.S.; they took their dream trip to
Norwa¡ where at 80, Palmer was
able to climb a mountain. He is
survived by his wife of 59 years,
Nora; three sons; five
grandchildren; and a greatgranddaughter. He is preceded in
death by his son, Pete¡ Tim.
Joe O. Reitan '42,Fargo,
N.Dak., died in May; he was 83.
He worked as a clerk for the U.S.
Postal Service in Minneapolis, and
later worked as a salesman for
Westem Products in Fargo until
his retirement in 1994. He is
suwived by his wife, Harriet, two
sons, a daughter, and nine
Selvin "Sam" E. Sampson'44,
Grand Rapids, Minn., died in
May; he was 80. He sewed many
Catalog Operations, retiring in
l9B9 as general manager. He is
survived by his wife, ShirÌey
(Odencrans)'5 I ; daughters,
Susan, C1'nthia, and Karen; and
grandson, Jonathan.
Roger E. Glans'52, Coon
Rapids, Minn., died inJune; he
was 76. He was a retired teacher
from Coon Rapids High School.
He is survived by his wife, Carol;
sons, Christopher and Eric;
daughter, Mary; and
grandchildren, Erika, Lydia,
Carsten, and Connery.
Douglas Berg '56, Eurick, Wis.,
died inJune; he was 70. He
taught in the Gale-EurickTiempealeau School District for
20 years, retiring due to illness.
He is survived by his wife,
Christa; son, Steve; daughter,
Monika; and granddaughter,
Shirley (Lundborg) Reistad
'58, Circle Pines, Minn., died in
June; she was 65. She was a nurse
at Abbott Northwestern Hospital.
She is survived by her husband,
Harold '56; sons, Jim and Steven;
and grandsons, Joshua, Nicholas,
and Matthew.
until his retirement in 1980. In
1987, he was elected Grand
Rapids Township supervisor and
served six years. A WWII veteran,
he served in the 82nd Airbome
taught high school in Cokato,
Minn., from 1958-'60. He is
survived by his wife, Darlene. He
is preceded in death by twin sons,
Infantry in Sicil¡ ltal¡ and in
southern France. He was awarded
the Purple Heart for his wounds
and also was awarded the Silver
Star for gallantry during the Rome
Campaign. He is preceded in
death by his wife, Billie Jean. He
is survived by three sons, Bruce,
Ra¡ and Donald; seven
grandchildren; and six greatgrandchildren.
Glen and Gary
Donald R. Erickson '50, New
Brighton, Minn., died in March;
he was 74. He was a 43-year
employee o[ Sears Roebuck
Martha Batalden,
N.H., died inJuly. She was
nationâl leader of Lutheran
church women and among
intemational missionaries. Martha
and the entire Batalden famiÌy
have touched the lives of many
within the Augsburg communit¡
in part through their
establishment of the Batalden
Ethics Endowment Fund. Her
inspiration and life will forever
touch the Augsburg community.
She is survived by her husband,
Abner'35; her two sons, Paul'63
(LaVonne Olson'63), and Stephen
'67 (Sandra); grandchildren; and
many others.
The Rev. Curtis
C. Peter, Isanti,
Minn., died in
June following a
valiant battle
with cancer; he
was 64. His life
served as a testament to human
strength, courage, and deep
compassion. He served l0 years
as church relations director at
Augsburg, ìeaving in 1997; he
returned to parish ministry at St.
Phillips Lutheran Church in
Fridley, and Ìater accepted a
perrnanent call at Faith Lutheran
Church in Isanti, Minn. He
concluded 32 years of formal
ministry when he preached at
Faith Lutheran's Con[irmation
service on May 4. "Curt was a
faithful, gentle person in our
midst," said Augsburg Pastor Dave
Wold. "Perhaps the best
description of Curt is that he was
a sweet guy, and always looked for
the good in every person." He is
survived by his wife of 4I years,
LaVerne; fou¡ children, Eric,
Rachel, Aaron, and Seth; a
grandson, Adam; and many
The Rev. Waldo Pierson'62,
Mesa, Ariz., died in May; he was
75. Over the years, he served
congregations in Minnesota,
North Dakota, Nebraska,
Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. He
years as a teaching principal in
Effie, Minn., and at Squaw Lake,
and finally taught social studies at
the Grand Rapids Middle School
software technical consuitant at
SAP America, Inc. In memoriam,
his family established the Loren
Manuel Schottenstein Scholarship
Fund to heìp deserving students
and to honor Loren, by paying
tribute to his hard work and to
the receptive and encouraging
academic environment at
Augsburg that helped Loren to
succeed despite his learning
differences. He is survived by his
mother, Rosalyn Kirkel; father,
Morris Schottenstein; and sister,
Liann Walborsky.
Loren Manuel Schottenstein
'92, Minneapolis, died
unexpectedly inJanuary 2000; he
was 30. As a student at Augsburg,
he became chair of the College
Republicans, treasurer of the
Marketing Association, and was a
student assistant in the audiovisual department. He was also
the site manager of the
lntemational Special Olyrnpics
and a member of the Minnesota
Nationaì Guard. Prior to his
death, he worked as â computer
Fall 2OO2
Nov. 25
Sept. 26-OcL. 25
For more inJormation on any of these eyents
(unless othenuise noted), call 612-330-1265
Chamber Music Recital
8 p.m.-Sateren Auditorium
"G¡fts to Augsburg College: Selections
from the Captain Gerald L. Johnson
Sepr. 27
1 Commemorative Concert
p.m.-Hoversten Chapel
Dec. 6-7
New art gallery, Christensen Center
Advent Vespers
Nov B-Dec.
Gospel Praise Concert
9 a.m.-St. John's Lutheran Church
Howard Lake, Minn.
Augsburg Riverside Singers and Men's
Chorus Concert
7:30 p.m.-Hoversten Chapel
Ocr. 27
O. Nicholas Raths Faculty Guitar Recital
3 p.m.-Sateren AudÍtorium
Nov. 3
The Masterworks Chorale Concert
4 p.m.-Wayzata CommunÌty Church
Wayzata, Minn.
Nov. 10
Gospel Praise Concert
9 a.m.-Emmanuel Lutheran Church
Almelund, Minn.
and 8 p.m.
Dec.7-5 and I p.m.
Central Lutheran Church, Minneapolis
For information, call 612-330-1265
Augsburg Jazz Ensemble Concert
4 p.m.-Hoversten Chapel
Nov. 18
Augsburg Chamber Orchestra Concert
7 30 p.m.-Sateren Auditorium
Dec. 13-11
For tlcket information, call 612-330-1I59
Lectures, and
or l-800-299-8889
F or
15th Annual Benefit Concert and Silent
Auction, Center for Global Education
7 p.m.-Hoversten Chapel
For tichet information, call 612-330-1257
l\ov. 1-10
by WÌlliam Shakespeare; director,
Julie Bolton
Performances: Nov l, 2,7 , 8, 9 at 7 p.m.;
Nov. 3 and l0 at 2 p.m.
Tjornhom-Nelson Theater, Foss Center
Augsburg Concert Band Concert
3 p.m.-Central Lutheran Church
information, call
l0-l : l0 p.m.-ljornhom-Nelson
Julie Bolton, director; Michael Burden,
setlighting designer, Sandra Schulte,
costume designer
Nov. 6
Drama Day for high school students
For informaiion, call Darcey Engen,
"One Makes the Difference"
Julia Butterfly Hill, writer, poet, activist
7:30 p.m.-Convocation, Hoversten
Artistic Conceptsr Macbeth
2002 Christensen Symposium
"How Christian Faith Can Sustain the
Life of the Mind"
Richard T. Hughes, Pepperdine University
For information, call 612-330-1 180
Sept. 23-24
Nov. 4
Nov. 24
"Out of the Woods," by Alis Olsen
Opening reception: Nov 8, 6-9p.m.
The Gage Family Art Gallery, Llndell
Theater, Foss Center
Nov. LT
"lslam and Christianity: Religious
for Living with Differences"
Mark Swanson, Luther Seminary
Amin Kader, Augsburg College
I 0 a.m.-Convocation, Hoversten Chapel
Other Events
Sept. 25-29
Homecoming: Many Gifts, One Spirit
For gallery int'ormatiott, call 612-330-1524
Sept. 13-OclZA
"21st Century Tiles: From Earth to Fire"
National Juried Tile Exhibition
Opening reception: Sept. 20, 6-9 p.m.
The Gage Family Art Gallery Lindell Library
Dec. 6
Velkommen Jul
10: 15
a.m.-Hoversten Chapel
I I a.m.-2 p.m.-Christensen Center,
featuring Scandinavian treats and gifts
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From the editor
A :':1l,l^li:-,'ïï; îffi"::
May 4, Augsburg concluded its l3,lth
academic year, sending 534 graduates
of the Class of 2003 into the world,
making room for the incoming Class of
The Commencement photo spread,
starting on p. 13, features highlights
fro... Show more
From the editor
A :':1l,l^li:-,'ïï; îffi"::
May 4, Augsburg concluded its l3,lth
academic year, sending 534 graduates
of the Class of 2003 into the world,
making room for the incoming Class of
The Commencement photo spread,
starting on p. 13, features highlights
from the weekend's festivities,
including excerpts from the ceremony's
keynote speakers, ABC News
correspondent John McWethy and
elder care advocate Laurie Duncan-
This year, the College also bid
farewell to four retiring members of the
faculty and staff: economics professor
Satya Gupta, biology professor Esther
Mclaughlin, associate professor and
librarian Grace Sulerud'58, and
support of the College. Comprised of
Augsburg alumni, alumni wives,
faculty wives, and other friends of the
College, the organization was founded
in the fall of 1984. Since then, its
members have raised over a half
million dollars for Augsburg. The
feature story on p. B pays tribute to
this forward-thinking and enterprising
group of women.
Be sure to check out the winning
entries of Augsburg's third annual
international photo contest on p. 6.
The contest provides an opportunity
for students to share their best images
from international and off-campus
studies, and offers a glimpse into the
different cultures explored by our
Finally, Auggie Thoughts onp.24
features the Commencement speech
presented by Christin R. Crabtree '03,
Weekend College representative.
Crabtree reminds us that "behind every
new person you meet, there is a sea of
faces." We may never know all the
faces existing behind the lives we
touch, but as Crabtree reflects, "we all
have the opportunity to have a ripple
upon the world we occupy ... we can
positively affect our communities
through the simple acts of smiling at
our neighbors, voting at every election,,
and advocating for our future
generations, our children."
Lynn Mena
Assistant Editor
facilities assistant Mary Duffee. With a
combined 93 years of service, all four
leave distinct legacies to Augsburg;
read their stories and plans for the
future on p. 11.
The Augsburg Associ.ates, who
number around I00, is a service
auxiliary dedicated to fundraising for
special projects and scholarships in
We welcome your letters!
wdte to:
2211 Riverside Ave., CB I45
Minneapolis, MN 55454
E-mail: now@augsburg.edu
Fax: 612-330-1780
Business administration chair John Cerrito celebrated with four graduating business seniors at
the department's reception in April: (L to R) Kristina Truong, Peter Samargia, Suki Sylaphet, and
Hugo Quintiliano.
Letters for publication must be signed and
include your name, class year, and daytime
telephone number. They may be edited for
length, clarity, and style.
Karen Ackerman, who completed the Master of Arts in Nursing program this Ma¡ was incorrectly
identified as Linda Ackerman in the photo on p. 1l of the spring 2003 AugsburgNow.
On the same page, Gary Shinnick, pictured with professor emerita Bev Nilsson, was incorrectly
identified as the Rev Bill Miller.
Also in
spring 2003 Augsburg Now, Carl Grulke's name was misspelled ln the story on p. 8.
Augsburg Now is published
quarterly by:
Office of Public Relations and
221 I Riverside Ave.
Minneapolis, MN 55454
AucsBuRG Now
Vol.65, No.4
Summer 2003
Betsey Norgard
Assistant Editor
Lynn Mena
Graphic Designer
The Augsburg Associates-providing
service behind the front lines
Kathy Rumpza
by Betsey Norgard
Class Notes Coordinator
In the nearly 20 years since their founding,
Sara KamhoÞ
the Augsburg Associates have given to the
College over a half million dollars from their
fundraising efforts earmarked for special
projects and scholarships.
Stephen Geffre
William V Frame
D¡rector of Alumni and
Parent Relations
Amy Sutton
Director of Public Relations
and Communication
Farewell to retiring faculty and staff
by Lynn Mena
Three retiring faculty members, with a combined 78
years of service to Augsburg, were granted
emeritus/emerita status by the Board of Regents in May;
in addition, one staff member, with nearly 15 years of
service, retired in January.
Dan Jorgensen
Opinions expressed in Augsburg
Now do not necessarily reflect
official College policy
ISSN r058-r545
Send address corrections to:
Advancement Services
Augsburg College, CB 142
221 I Riverside Ave.
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Third Annual International
Photo Contest
co**encement 2oo3
Augsburg College, as affirmed
its mission, does not
discriminate on the basis oJ race,
color, creeil, religion, national or
ethnic origin, øge, gender, sexual
orientation, marital status, status
with regard to public assistance,
or disability in its education
p olicie s, a dmis sions p olicies,
s cholar ship ønil lo an pro gr ams,
athletic anill or scho ol
aâministered pro grdms, except
those instances where religion
is a bona Jiile occupøtional
qualific ation. Au gsbur g C oll e ge
is committed to proviiling
reasonqble accommo ilations to
its employees and its students.
Around the Quad
Alumni News
Auggie Thoughts
Homecoming 2003 Preview
Class Notes
On the cover:
Augsbur g
tu dent
s, c ar ry ing Jlags
rcprescnltng lhe countrics oJ origin
the Class of 2003 graduates,Ied
the academic procession to the
C omnrcnc
50 percent recycled paper (10 percerLt post-consumer waste)
C eremony. Pho to
by Stephen GelJre'03.
I o
Presenting music therapy in China
D ïi:: î.1ïil5i"':",*i:,:n" ""'
university faculty and
students, as well as a
Therapy-A Field Whose Time Has
Arrived Around the World"-music
number of dignitaries,
could be felt in the
therapy professor Roberta Kagin found
that relatively few of the nearly 120
people who crowded into a room set up
for just 30 people in Beijing, China,
were familiar with the discipline of
music therapy.
Kagin was one of five music
educators invited to present at a
conference on music education reform,
held at Capitol Normal University in
Beijing. She says that Western music in
general is sorely lacking in China, and
that the Chinese concept of music
education is more commonly
understood as teaching people about
music, not preparing teachers of music.
"Students are hungry for anything
we can give them," she commented, in
reflecting on the great interest in her
presentation and in music therapy in
conference ambiance.
Kagin reported that, "The
opening ceremonies were
an amazing array of
flowers, speeches, and
The conference audience included
While in Beijing,
Kagin visited two other
music schools-the
premier Central
Conservatory ol musìc
and the Chinese
Professor Roberta Kagin (right). chair of Augsburg's music
conservatory, a more
therapy program, was greeted with flowers in Beijing, China,
where her presentation at a conference on music therapy was
traditional program. As
eagerly received and overfilled the meeting room, Zhou Shibin
part of her own doctoral
(center above) is an administrator at Capital Normal University
study, Kagin met with
who visited Augsburg in the winter o1 1996-97.
members of the Huaxia
Musical Ensemble, a group of music
Kagin's host in Beijing was Zhou
students playing traditional Chinese
Shibin, an administrator at Capital
instruments. A paper she wrote included
Normal Universit¡ who visited
research and field recordings of the
Augsburg in the winter of 1996-97 and
may return in the coming fall.
American lndian Student Services Program celebrates
25th ann¡versary
Æï}':::äffi ä":3öx'"'åïä:.
a yearlong celebration of its 25th
anniversary with a gala dinner May 16.
Mike Freeman, master of ceremonies and
Augsburg regent, welcomed guests, who
included faculty, staff, students, alumni,
and friends of the College and AISSP
The evening began with an
invocation by the Rev. Marlene
Whiterabbit Helgemo of All Nations
Indian Church, and an Honor Song by the
Lakota Singers, led byJerry Dearly Cindy
Peterson, director ofAISSB then presented
the history of the program.
Following dinner, those who have
impacted and helped shape the program
were honored with a "give-away."
Receiving special recognition were former
College presidents Oscar Anderson and
Charles Anderson;
former AISSP director
Bonnie Wallace and
current director Cindy
Peterson; Joseph Aitken;
President William Frame,
academic dean Chris
Kimball; Herald Johnson,
assistant to the vice
president of enrollment
and market development;
Tom Morgan, vice
president of enrollment
and market development;
Ann Garvey, associate
dean for student affairs;
scholarship donors; and
the Tribal Offices
Charles Anderson, president of Augsburg
from 1980-97, receives
"give-away" blanket from Bonnie Wallace, the first director of
Augsburg's American lndian Student Services Program. Assisting
with the give-aways at AISSP's 25th anniversary dinner are Sandi
Lallak, a specialist with Augsburg's CLASS program (left), and
Sadie Curtis, a specialist with Augsburg's Access Center (right).
Summer 2003
Parker Palmer visits Augsburg
Flarker l. Palmer.
Y m,
bestselling author oI
to Teach,visited
Augsburg lly''ay 17 as part of the College's
Exploring Our Gifts program. In the
afternoon, faculty, staff, and invited
guests gathered for a workshop, where
the respected teacher and activist
discussed vocation. Using a Mobius strip,
Palmer illustrated how one side
represents a person's outer
played, the "stage-self"-and the other
side represents the inner life, the
"backstage self." He then demonstrated
how the two are combined, how "soul
and role" intersect.
In the evening, Palmer addressed
the issue of education with a public
presentation, "Honor Thy Teacher:
Authentic Education Reform in an Era
of Smoke and Mirrors." Palmer
suggested a need to "support the heart
of the teacher, and equip them as
human beings to effect change in the
troubled system we call education."
Parker Palmer, an acclaimed writen teache1 and
activist, presented a workshop and lecture May 17
as part of Augsburg's Exploring Our Gifts program
students rece¡ve Hognander Award
f, iark
Abelsen and Maja Lisa
are the 2003-04
recipients of the Hognander Award, the
College's most prestigious music award.
Mark Abelsen, of Duluth, Minn., is a
senior piano performance major studying
with associate professorJill Dawe. He
participates as an accompanist on
campus and in the chamber music
program, where he enjoys working with
singers and string players. In the future,
he plans to pursue master's and doctoral
degrees in accompanying or orchestral
conducting. He was a featured soloist in
the 2002-03 Concerto Aria concert.
FritzHuspen, of Bismarck, N.Dak., is
a Regents Scholar and senior vocal
performance major studying with studio
artist Susan Druck. She performs in the
Augsburg Choir and vocal chamber
music program. In April 2002, she won
first place in the intermediate voice
division of the annual Schubert Club
competition. She was also featured as a
soloist in both the 2001-02 and2002-03
Concerto Aria concerts.
The Orville C. and Gertrude O.
Hognander Family Fund was established
to recognize exceptional music
performance and achievement. The
Mark Abelsen '04
FritzHuspen '04
scholarship is based on merit, specifically
to provide encouragement to outstanding
music students. Requirements include a
resume, essay, and an audition of two
musical selections.
Augsburg hosts
Antarctic research
meet¡ng of national
Physics professor Mark
Engebretson (left) hosted a
meeting at Augsburg in
May of scholars from across
the country participating in
research in the Antarct¡c
region, including Vladimir
Papitashvili (center), f rom
the National Science
Foundation, and John Foster
(right), from MlT.
President William V. Frame was
elected president of the ELCA Council
of College Presidents, representing the
28 colleges of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America.
Emeritus/emerita status granted
Three retiring faculty members, with a
combined 78 years ofservice to
Augsburg, were granted emerituVemerita
status by the Board of Regents in May:
Satya Gupta, professor of economics
Esther Mclaughlin, associate professor
of biology
Grace Sulerud, associate professor and
For more information,
see the story about
retinng faculty and stafJ on p. 11.
athletic year in review
All-Arnclican honors; two
national players ol the weel<;
national toLrrnament qualifiers in
individual sports; l2 All-Region
selections, two MIAC Players of the Year;
22 AII-MIAC honors; three AII-MIAC
second-team honors; 35 AII-MIAC
honorable mention honors, 14 MIAC
Players/Athletes of the Week; 50 MIAC
Academic All-Conference honors; seven
Verizon Academic All-District selections,
and l5 sport-specific Scholar All-America
selections highlightecl the sports year.
The Auggie wrestlers saw their threeseason string of national championships
ended by Wartburg (Iowa), but the
Auggies finished second with six AllAmericans. Freshman Marcus LeVesseur
went 44-0 to earn the national title at 157
pounds, Augsburg's 3lst individual
national title.
The Auggies finished the 2002 campaign
with a 2-8 overall record ancl l-7 mark in
the MIAC.
championship meet, a one-position
improvernent from last year's finish.
Augsburg's volleyball team struggled this
season, finishing 3-25 overall and l-10 in
the MIAC.
Men's soccer
Augsburg finished
4-II-2 overall and 1-8-1
in MIAC play
Augsburg recorded one of its best
finishes in school history in the NCAA
Division III Central Regional at the encl
of the season, as each of the 14 runners
who competed at the regional rneet for
Augsburg recorded a personal-best time.
Augsburg's rnen placed l3th in the
25-team event, while the women finished
Men's hockey
Augsburg reached the conference
postseason playoffs for the fifth time in
the last six years. Ar,rgsburg finished
17-9-0 overall and 10-6 in MIAC pla¡
placing third. SeniorJaro Cesþ was the
top scorer among MIAC players this
season, standing 20th nationally among
Division III players in points. Chesky
was narned MIAC Player of the Year.
After a two-season absence, Augsburg
returned to the MIAC playoffs with a
fifth-place conference standing, finishing
the season l2-lI-3 overall, 10-6-2 in the
MIAC. Sophomore Lauren Chezick was
named MIAC Player of the Year; tl-ris
season, she led the nation in total points
and was second in points-per-game.
Men's basketball
Augsburg claimed its best record since
1995, finishingll-5-2 overall and 5-5-1 in
the MIAC.
Augsburg finished 1l-14 overall, S-12 in
MIAC play
Women's basketball
Men's golf
Augsburg finished
Adjusting to a relatively young lineup,
Augsburg finished fifth in the MIAC
meet with a 482 27-hole total, finishing
out of the top four in the MIAC meet for
the first time since 1993.
MIAC play
Women's golf
Men's/Women's cross country
Women's soccer
Augsburg finished eighth at the MIAC
In the MIAC meet, Augsburg's men
placed eighth overall, while the Auggie
women placed ninth. As a team,
Women's hockey
4-2I overall,3-20 in
The Auggies showed strong improvement
in team play finishing 9-24-2 overaTl and
4-16 in MIAC play
Softball shortstop Kristen Lideen earned All
American honors this season.
Augsburg finished the 2003 seasonT-29
overall and 4-18 in the MIAC. Shortstop
Kristen Lideen (junior) led the team in
virtually every offensive category, setting
the third-best single-season batting
average in school history. She set singleseason school records for hits, doubles,
and total bases, and became.just the third
player in school history to go through a
a strikeout.
Men's/Women's track and field
Sprinter Mathew Shannon (junior)
became the first Auggie male track and
field athlete to ever earn multiple AllAmerican honors in track in one season,
and earned MIAC Athlete of the Week
honors three times this season. Sprinter
Tonnisha Bell (freshman) became just the
second Auggie freshman to earn AllAmerican honors in track.
For the most complete information on
Augsburg Auggie athletics. visit
<www. augsbu rg.ed u/at
h let
Don Stoner ís s¡rorts inJorntation coordtnator.
Summer 2003
Five students earn top athletic awards
!ive senior student-athletes received
I athletic awards for the 2002-03 school
year, voted by coaches in Augsburg's men's
and women's athletic departments. Four
Auggies earned Honor Athlete designation,
the highest honor the College gives its
senior student-athletes, and one eamed
Augsburg Senior Athlete of the Year honors.
career putouts are
tops in school history.
She has served as an
year starter at
Jay Howard,
running back in
football, Bramwell
earned AII-MIAC
Augsburg StudentAthlete Mentor for
two years and is a
member of the MIAC Student Athlete
Advisory Commiuee. With a 3.0 GPA, she
has served as president of the Augsburg
College Education Students (ACES)
association, and is a two-time recipient of
the Joyce Pfaff Academic Award for
women's athletics.
three-year starter in
men's basketball,
Howard earned All-
2002-03 Senior Athlete of the Year
2002-03 Honor Athletes
T.J. Bramwell,
biology-A three-
second-team honors
in2002. He was a
team co-captain in 2002 and received the
football team's Auggie Award. With
3.611 GPA, Bramwell earned Academic
AII-MIAC honors and Verizon Academic
All-District third-team honors in both his
junior and senior seasons.
Ricky Crone,
marketing-A twotime All American in
wrestling, Crone
nation at 184 pounds
this season, after
finishing second
coaches have been hired in four sports in
recent months.
Alumnus Douge Schildgen'90 was
hired to lead Augsburg's baseball team.
For the previous four seasons, Schildgen
served as head coach at North Hennepin
Community College, where he compiled a
49-44 record in his four seasons, finishing
second in the competitive Minnesota
Community College Conference twice
and reaching state tournament and
regional competition twice.
InJanuary Augsburg hired Troy
business-A four-
junior and senior seasons. He led the
Auggies in scoring, rebounding, blocked
time AII-MIAC firstteam recipient in
shots, three-point baskets, and field-goal
percentage. He was 10th in the MIAC in
scoring his senior season, 18th in
rebounding, and third in blocked shots.
With a 3.593 GPA, Howard earned
Academic AII-MIAC honors his junior
and senior seasons.
men's hockey, Cesky
Jennifer Lemke, elementary educationA four-year starter in softball at catcher
and first base, Lemke served as team co-
'Augsburg hires five new Goaches
I ugsburg College has severa] new
Flfu..r in the coaching ranks, as new
Jaro Cesky,
MIAC honorable
mention honors his
placed third in the
Summer 2003
captain for two
seasons. Her 631
nationally the year before. He earned MIAC
and Great Lakes Regional championships,
and was team co-captain his senior season.
He earned the team's Auggie Award and
was a part of teams that won the NCAA
Division III national title in 2002 and
finished second in 2003. With a 3.20 GPA,
Crone earned NWCA Scholar All-America
honors in 2003 and was a member of an
academic national team that finished sixth
nationally with a team GPA of 3.335.
earned AHCA
Division III AllAmerican first-team
honors in 2002-03, Augsburg's 27th AllAmerican honor in men's hockey He was
named MIAC Player of the Year for
2002-03, scoring 42 points. He was voted
team Rookie of the Year his freshman
season and team MVP his senior year. In
March, Cesky was drafted by the Quad
City Mallards, a minor league UHL team.
Nygaard and Laura Levi to serve as cocoaches for the women's golf team.
Nygaard currently serves as operaLions
supervisor of the Eagle Lake Golf Course
in the Three Rivers Park District (formerly
Hennepin Parks) in Plymouth, Minn. Levi
has worked as a golf instructor in the
Three Rivers Park for the past two years,
and is the golf courses' site coordinator for
the LPGA/USGA Girls' Golf Program.
In April, Cathy Skinner was hired as
the new head coach for the volleyball
team. Skinner brings 15 seasons of
volleyball coaching experience to
Augsburg, including eight years at the
NCAA Division I level with Fordham,
Princeton, and Drexel universities.
ln May, Dave Johnson, who coached
the Hudson (Wis.) High School girls'
basketball team to six Wisconsin state
tournaments and two state titles in the
last eight years, rÃ/as hired as the Auggies'
new women's basketball head coach. In
addition to his coaching duties at
Augsburg, Johnson will also direct the
school's intramural athletics program and
serve as equipment supervisor for the
health and physical education
department and the women's athletics
\'('r' I00 I'nir¡(':r \\,¡^c :;Lrl)ltìii1('(l ìn tllc
1lriril lrtrrrrurl ¡rlroto t orrtcl;1 for
¿rrrrl of 1ì.clrr.rprr:; :;t Lrrl icl;.
Wi¡rrrcr-¡; r,r,r'r"r' :;r'lcc:1ccl irr
clttc¡pric:;: :;cctric latrrl:;rlr¡ri':;, loclI ¡rco¡tIc
l.r c
r-os¡;-cnItrrlrI :;ctiin¡r,, irncI Au¡,,.1brrlt,,
ur u lrosi rjcttinlì. ¡\llr'r,inninu
l)llotos wcrc c[isl)la)/ccl itr (.Ìrristcnscn
Lnlries \,vcrc juclgccl on t]ìc lollor,r,ing
cJ:itcrirì: cross-cullLll'irl contcnt, artistic tìncl
Lcchnical cluiìlity, ancl r'cprocl ucibrìr ty
Io 'r t' ltll llrt' rr innt'ts, r irit
a Lt
u/i r tcl'r'r r
pho tocontcst03 >.
Local people in a cross-cultural setting. Third place.
A "Damara," Jamie Johnson '06. Namibia.
Scenic landscapes. Second place. "Namib," Jamie
e; &È,,e
B Johnson '06. Namibia.
Scenic landscapes. First Place.
C Stacy Enger'04. Norway.
"Little Piece of Norway,"
Local people in a cross-cultural setting. First place.
D "Playing with Pigeons," Naomi Sveom '04. Argentina
Augsburg students in a cross-cultural setting. First place.
E "Traje tipico y tevas," Katie Nielsen '03. Guatemala.
Scenic landscapes. Third place. "Nature's Embrace #2 "
F Naomi Sveom '04. Argentina.
.+t (;srit lì(; Now
Summer 2003
Summer 2003
by Betsey Norgard
Behincl the neu' Welcome Desk in
Cl.rristensen Center will soon appear a
new plaque, thar-rking the Augsburg
Associates for their funcling ancl support
for the renovatìon of that space. They
have also been thanked for similar
projects in tl-re Augsburg Roorn, Marshall
Roorn, and the Green Room in Foss
In the nearly 20 years since their
founding, the Augsburg Associates have
gi\¡en to the College over a half million
clollars frorn their fundraising eflorts
earmarked for special projects such as the
Christensen Center rerìovation.
The Ar.rgsburg CoÌlege Associates,
'uvho number around 100, is a sen'ice
auxiliary cleclicatecl to fundraising lor
special projects and scholarships in
support ol the College. Nearly 20 years
ago, in the fall of 1984, Gladys (Boxrud)
Strornmen '46, Kate Anderson, and Stella
(Kyllo) Rosenquist '64 er.rvisloned an
organization of Augsburg alumni, alurnni
1y11,s5, ancl other lriencls of
the College-sirnilar to social and service
organizations on other c:rm¡luses-ancl
compilecl a list of potential members to
invite to a luncheon.
A nurnber of these women then
hostcd thcir own luncheons. iuviting
classmates ancl friends with Augsburg
connections. Witl-rin a yeâr, the Associates
grew to arouncl 60 members.
For their initial funclraising events,
they sponsored benefit performances at
i.l'ives, facultl,
Through its fundraising and membership, the Augsburg Associates have supported the College
for nearly 20 years. Board members are: (seated, L to R) Birgit Birkeland '58 (treasurer),
Michelle (Karkhoff) Christianson '72 (president). Ruth Aaskov'53 (secretary); (standing, L to R)
Lucy Hackbart, Grace (Kemmer) Sulerud'58, llene Holen, Lois (Black) Ahlbom '47,Barbara
(Olson) Dettle '59. Dorothy Bailey, Maryon Lee, Mary Wick, Anne Frame, Jo Erickson. Board
members not present are Dorothy (Floistad) Benson'56, Doris (Frojen) Bretheim '51,Terry
Cook, and Joanne (St¡les) Laird '58 (vice president).
Summer 2O03
Associates'board by Helga Egertson, who
had volunteered on similar sales with
Ebenezer Society. A group of 80 or so
women, who are experienced in the
organization and appraisal of household
goods, manage the sale and then take care
of anything that didn't sell. From 1996
through 2002, with six or seven sales per
year, the sales have netted $72,000 profit
The new Welcome Desk in the recently renovated Christensen Center was funded by the
Augsburg Assoc¡ates, and is but one of several examples of the Associates' generosity over the
past 20 years.
area theaters. The first, Tlrc Good Life, was
only marginally successful in raising
money, says Kate Anderson, a former
Associates president and wife of Augsburg
president emeritus Charles Anderson. "We
were barely organized, and we were trying
to do this at the same time." The two
following projects, The Rainmaher and
Gospel at Colonnus, were more successful.
At that time, planning was underway
at Augsburg for a new chapel, to be
located in the new Foss, Lobeck, Miles
Center for Worship and Communication.
As the need for a new organ was
discussed, Anderson recalls her proposal
to the Associates-"Let's see if we can buy
it for the College." Over a six-year period,
they raised $250,000 to purchase the
. Dobson organ in Hoversten Chapel.
During the first decade of the
association, their major fundraising
projects were annual "Trash and Treasure"
sales. For months, the group would
collect donations of furniture, clothing,
and other household articles for a giant
sale. While quite successful, the sales were
an enormous arnount of work to gather,
categorize, and price the goods-and
subsequently dispose of unsold items.
Space was used in the old church that
stood next to Melby Gyrn and in the
gyrnnasium itself, meaning that
everything had to be moved around to
accommodate athletic schedules and other
needs for the space.
Summer 2003
for the Associates.
These sales offer a service as well as
After eight or so years, and when the
church was torn down, the Associates
provide a benefit for the organization. The
Associates have received letters and cards
of appreciation, mentioning that they are
glad the money goes to support a worthy
decided to end the era of the Trash and
Treasure sales.
cause, says Egertson.
Managing estate and
mo\/ing sales
Anderson adds that their services are
provided at times that can be very difficult
for many people, some of whom already
have connections to Augsburg.
Each sale requires a team who spend
a week or so in the home organizing,
pricing, and preparing everything for sale,
including washing all china and crystal
Since 1996, the Associates have continued
to raise funds for the College by selling
household items, but now through the
administration of estate and moving sales.
The idea was first proposed to the
Avis Ellingrod (left) and Orlette Tatley (right) are
kept busy ringing up and packing purchases at
an estate sale in Burnsville in April.
Kate Anderson (right) and shopper Ruth
Schuenke examined some of the jewelry
items included in the Burnsville estate sale.
and polishing silver. They bring tables ancl
sheÌr,ing to the sale Ìocation for clisplay
On the Friday and Saturday sale days,
approxirnately I0-12 r'olunteers are on
hand, sor-netirnes finding a line of 20
people waiting for them at 6:30 a.rn.
Customers range frorn professional clealers
who follow their schedule of sales to
neighbors and curious passers-b;'.
Funding other
special projects
After the organ purchase, the
Associates' second major
fundraising project was furnishing
the Special Collections room in the
new Lindell Library The Associates
raised $100,000 to create an
attractive space with a proper
enr¡ironr¡ent to house the special
books and collections owned by the
College, including the personal
library donated by writer and
activist Merideì LeSueur.
Since then, the Associates have
Graham, and Leola Josefson.
renovated the Green Room in Foss
Center, the Marshall and Augsburg
roorns in Christensen Center, and, most
recently, havejust funded creation of the
Welcome Desk that greets visitors to the
College center.
Special lundraising projects are
chosen by the Associates in collaboration
with the College administration,
identifying projects of the greatest need to
the College.
Festive hosts
At Velkommen Jul 1999, among the festive hostesses
were (L to R) Fern Hanson Gudmestad '41, Elaine
f or
Velkommen Jul
The Augsburg Associates are perhaps rnost
visible at the College's annual Velkommen
Jul celebration for the community, held
usually on the first Friday in December.
Dressed in traditional Nordic folk
costumes, they host the sumptuous table
of Scandinavian Christmas goodies and
attract visitors with sales of homernade
and irnported Scandinavian gifts ancl
holiday clecorations. For a number o[
years, the Associates have carried out the
Over a six-year period, the Augsburg
Associates raised $250,000 to purchase the
Dobson organ in Hoversten Chapel.
,4ucs¡uRc ruow
planning ancl preparation for this popular
event, as well as the baking ancl donating
of many Scandinavian treats-flatbreads,
lutunl¿ahe, sandbahelser; hransel¿ahe, and
Service in education
Beyond fundraising, the activities of the
Augsburg Associates include an annual
educational seminar each spring.
Speakers on various topics-some frorn
the Augsburg faculty and staff-presenr
sessions to which the public is aÌso
In addition, the Associates have
endowed a scholarship offered to an
Augsburg student each year.
With a traditionally fernale
membership, the Associates would
welcome men and, especiall;', young
people to their ranks. Not all mernbers
need participate in the activities. For
many, ¡þs organization provides a way to
support the College, and higher levels of
membership represent a significant
portion of their annual funclraising.
For inlormation about estate and
moving sales or about the Augsburg
Associates, contact 6 1 2-330- I 183 or
Summer 2003
Farewell to
by Lynn Mena
Satya Gupta,
professor of
econotnics, began
27 years oï
service to the
College in 1976.
He was granted
tenlrre in 1982,
and promoted to
full professor in 1987. He obtained B.S.
degrees frorn Agra University in Inclia,
M.S. degrees from both Agra University
ancl Southern Illinois University, ancl his
Ph.D. from Southern lÌlinois Universì.ty.
Prior to coming to Augsburg, he taught in
India, Ethiopia, and Canada.
"He was always very interested in his
students," says Jeanne Boeh, associate
professor and chair of economics. "His
early work in peace studies was very
l-relpful to the College."
In 1981, Gupta and his wife were
two of 531 appointees from colleges and
universities throughout the United States
for six-year terms as Danforth Associates.
'The purpose of the Danforth Associate
Program is to recognize and encoLlrâge
effective teaching ancl to foster activities
that humanize teaching and learning for
nlcrnbcrs ol campus cornrnunilies.
In 1982, Gupta was awarded a grant
lo conclut l a spccial serninat'on rninority
In reflecting upon eclucatior-r ancl the
role of educators, Gupta wrote in 1988,
Summer 2O03
"We need education that produces not
the physical or intelleciual, not the
political or economics man only, but also
the moral and spiritual mân-the whole
man. We need to impart education that
will help deveiop a meaningfui
philosophy ol lile."
Gupta anticipates having his hands
full during retirement, helping to care for
his new grandchild.
professor of
biology, began
her career at
Augsburg in
1989 as assistant
professor of
biology. She
obtained her B.A. and Ph.D. clegrees i.n
botany from the University of CaliforniaBerkeley in 1962 and 1968, respectively.
Prior to Augsburg, Mclaughlin held
adjunct faculty positi.ons teaching plant
biology ât Carleton College, St. Olaf
College, and the University of Minnesota.
"However, much of the time I was a stayat-home nìother, until my younger
daughter was a senior in high school,"
says Mclaughlì.n.
Outsicle of teaching, Mclaughlin has
co-eclited a two-volume book on ltrngi
for Springer-Verlag, ancl is an active
melnber of the Minnesota Native Plant
When she looks back on her career
at Augsburg, Mclaughlin says she is most
proucl of having inspirecl "a student or
a career involving plants
or fungi. She especially appreclates
having had colleagues "who care as much
as I do-or ms¡ç-¿þ6¡¡ biology and
two" to choose
teaching biology." She says she will miss
her department and her students, but
promises to "come back and annoy my
clepartment from time to time, just in
case they thought they coulcl get entirely
away from me."
"Esther Mclaughlin is a superb
teacher whose enthusiasm, energy, and
dedication is a joy to students ancl
colleagues alike," says Dale Peclerson,
associate professor of biology. "She has
rno<leled rnany oI the best l)racl jces it]
teaching: clear organization, thorough
preparation, honest self-evaluation, and
continual improvement. She has served as
mentor both for students and colleagues.
We have relied heavily on her
philosophical perspective, her wellternperecl and good-humored insistence
on rationality, and her willingness and
ability to argue for those positions that
improve the educational quality of our
programs and the College ... she will be
sorely missecl."
In the long term, Mclaughlin looks
forwarcl to spencling more time with her
two chilclren and grandchildren, traveling
wirh her husband (incluciing trips to Asia
and South America to collect fungi), ancl
,4ucs¡unc ruow
rewell to Retiring
plans to volunteer at the Bell Museum of
Natural History at the University of
Minnesota, where her husbancl is curatclr
of fungi.
storytelling. "She has often entertainecl
the library staff with stories of her travels
Augsburg, both as a stticlent ancl as a
librarian," adcls Susan Certain,
accluisitions coordinator.
Suierucl particì-tlarly enjoyecl worliing
wìth the library stafl to clevelop the
library's collections and expancl services.
An Augsburg
graduate fiom the
Class of 1958,
Grace (Kernmer)
Sulerud returnecl
to the College in
1.966 as a
librarian. She
stayecl for 37
years, retiring as associate professor ancl
collectior-r development/reference
iibrarian. She also served as acting heacl
librarian for one year, interirn co-clirector
for another year, and taught children's
literature in the education department for
14 years. She obtainecl a B.A. in English
frorn Augsburg, ancl two M.A. degrees
frorn the University o[ Minnesota (library
science in 1968 and English literature in
1970). Her husband, Ralph L. Sulerud, is
professor emeritus of biology.
"Grace Sulerud played a number of
roles as professor and librarian ... but her
most important role has been as a model
to others," saysJane Ann Nelson, director
of Library Services. "She's modeled
enthusiasm for learning, her own learning
and that of others; eagerness to try new
ways to serve stuclents or connect with
faculty; and seemingly bounclless energy
to work for peace and jr-rstice, to travel,
and to serve on caÍìpus committees.
Grace's legacy to Augsburg includes a
strollg collection of books as well as
strong relationships between the library
and faculty"
Many of Sulerud's colleagues are
especially fond of her talent lbr
and overseas teaching experiences, ancl
lras ¡rlovitlctì lristolical l)clsl)c( livc lr)
rnany situations liom her years at
"I'll rliss the work ancl daily encoLlrÌters
with the people here who have so greatly
enriched my life," says Sulerud. "I'rn
pleased that I could spend so rnuch of my
life at Augsburg, first as a siuclent and,
after a few years of teaching here ancl
abroad, as a librarian f'or over 30 years.
"I expect to continue working on
social issues such as affordable housing,
spend time with friends and farnily, travel,
paint a bedroom, and take more walks."
Mary Duffee
came to Augsburg
1988 as
facilities assistant
to the director of
the newly
Department of
Facilities, created
to establish
centralized scheduling on campus, as well
âs to coordinate both on- and off-campus
events. Duffee played an integral role in
helping this departrnent, now known as
Events ancl Classroom Services, to evolve
from a rnanual schecluling process to the
more sophisticated schecluling software
cllrrently in
"When I started at Augsburg lin
19991, Mary scheclulecl everything on
huge hard copy books and then
transferrecl recorcls to a software
program," says Craig Maus, clirector of
Events ancl Classroom Services. "The olcl
software progranl wasn't so great, so tl-re
College pr-rrchasecl a new prograrn."
In the transition fronr tlre olcl
progrâm to the new program, Duffee
workecl hard to keep the carnplrs events
schedule running smoothly ancl, for a
tirle, was forced to scheclule everything
three times-hard copy, olcl software, and
new solÌware.
Maus creclits Duffee with having been
an invaluable member of the carnpus
community. "She knew the campus, the
departments, the phone ¡¡mþs¡5everything. She was a wonderful
Few at Augsburg know that it was
Duffee who won a contest to name two
Christensen Centel meeling loonìs upolì
their renovations-the Cedar and
Riverside rooms.
Prior to Augsbr"rrg, Duffee worked in
office adrninistration at the University of
Minnesota, Golclen Valley Lutheran
College, and Bethel College. "I discovered
[early on] that working in an academic
environment and Christian college
community is my passion," says Duffee.
"My position at Ar"rgsburg provided
interaction with faculty, staff, students,
and the general public. I will especially
miss working with students, as I always
enjoyed their vitality and energy.
"The gift of retirement will provicle
me with the opportunity to take more
trips, watch more sunsets, take more
walks, explore new bike paths, and savor
relationships with friends and farnilyespecially the six little ones who call me
'Granchna.' Retirement will also enable
me to try new opportr.lnities, such as
special interest classes ancl part-tirne
ernployment." I
Summer 2003
The 134th year of Augsburg College
Despite overcast skies and sporadic rain
showers, spirits were high at this year's
Commencement f estivities.
President William Frame presents Paul
Peterson, a metro-urban studies major, with
the Marina Christensen Justice Award for his
commitment to community issues.
Paul Peterson, a senior metro-urban studies major, was selected as the 2003
recipient of the Marina Christensen Justice Award.
Each year, this award is presented to the graduating senior who best
exemplifies Augsburg's motto "Education for Service." The student must have
demonstrated a dedication to community involvement as characterized by the
personal and professional life of Marina Christensen Justice, who courageously
and effectively reached out to disadvantaged people and communities.
Peterson, from Minneapolis, has carried out a wide range of activities that
led to his being selected for this award. Among them are internships with both
the Lyndale Neighborhood Association and the Higher Education Consortium
of Urban Affairs' Metro Urban Studies program. He has been an active member
of MPIRG (Minnesota Public Interest Research Group) and the Coalition for
Student Activism. In addition, he spent this past spring break on the Lilly grant
"Community Development and Civil Service Exploration" trip to Washington,
As one of his professors commented, "Paul represents the kinds of
commitments to social and community building that Marina lived for."
Jean M. Gunderson, representing graduate students
Attended Commencement Ceremonv
Sarah R. Haberkorn, representing day school students
Served for brunch
Christin R. Crabtree, representing Weekend College students
Cakes for t"he luncheon
Pair of graduating sisters with the same
first name and the same major
Summer 2003
Now t3
Augsburg Chamber Orchestra director Paul Ousley poses with graduating
orchestra students after the Commencement Concert. Pictured, L to R: Heidi
Peterson, viola, business administration (marketing) major; Jody Montgomery,
violin, music therapy major; and Callie Hutchison, violin, music performance
Graduating senior and McNair Scholar Charles Barton (right)
enjoys a moment with Emiliano Chagil, director of Augsburg's
Hispanic/Latino Student Services, before the ceremony'
I don't have any magic words or easy answers, but what I do know is that each of
you will progress in a way that's perfect for you. Clearly, you are embarking on the
next stage of your very interesting life-no one else's. ... I wish to thank and bless
the students, staff, and administrators of StepUP, starting with Don Warren, the
founder of the program, to the current staff and participants. Your unrelenting
vision and energy are making a critical difference in people's lives. I thank you from
the bottom of our hearts for giving our son [Adam] a safe, supportive, challenging,
and demanding place to return to college. Thank you to Augsburg.
George Kwangware, a management information
systems major, celebrates before the ceremony.
So you're about to take this amazingjourney called the rest of your life. Whatever
you do, make a difference. You don't have to win a Nobel Peace Prize to have an
impact. If you help someone else, you will help yourself. It's so simple, it's all
right-and, in fact, it's wonderful-to have a passion for your job. But separate
your job from your life. l'm one who has had a job that is very demanding, and
have been gone a lot, but I have tried to separate those important parts of my lifethe job which takes me from home a huge amount of time, and still pay attention
to my kids and my
Steven Grande (center), a history major and
McNair Scholar; gathers with his parents after
the Baccalaureate service,
aur i e D un c an -M cWethy
The Class of 2003 begins their graduation day in Hoversten
Chapel, first at an early morning Eucharist service, then at the
Baccalaureate service (pictured above), led by Augsburg campus
pastors, Rev. David Wold (left) and Rev. Sonja Hagander (right).
wife. ... You cannot
imagine how relevant
the building blocks
and knowledge and
experiences you've
gained here will be in
the rest of your life.
... What you've
learned at Augsburg
may not be the
answers, but you've
been given the tools
to start asking the
right questions, and
that is critical.
Summer 20O3
ABC News correspondentJohn F McWethy and his wife, Laurie Duncan-McWethy,
were the keynote speakers at the Commencernent Ceremony Sunday, May 4. The
2003 graduating class included their son, Adam (pictured on p. 24 with his
fiancée, Christin R. Crabtree). Their other son, Ian, is a student at Fordham
University in New York City
Marissa Mapes, a communication major, joins fellow
grads as they process to the ceremony,
Faculty and staff line up to enter Melby Hall for the
Commencement ceremony,
"We greatly admire Augsburg College and its StepUP program, in particular,"
Laurie commented upon accepting Augsburg's invitation to speak at this year's
ceremon)¿ "Not only has the school been an asset to our son and family, but we
find the College's role in education unique and filled with an exceptional mission.
We are pleased to be part of the graduation exercises and a support to the
Augsburg community"
Laurie Duncan-WcWethy is the owner and president of an elder care
management company called Choices for Aging and its affiliated daily money
management company Paperwork Solutionstt for Seniors. She founded the
company in l99t when she saw the need for assistance by older adults struggling
to remain in their homes or deal with a care crisis. She graduated from DePauw
University in Greencastle, Ind., and received her master's degree in health care
administration from George Washington University in Washington, D.C. In
addition to her health care background, Laurie is a certified public accountant
specializing in long-term care counseling and retirement planning.
John F McWethy is chief national security and Pentagon correspondent,
Washington Bureau, for ABC Nøws. An ABC correspondent since 1979, he reports
on military and diplomatic aspects of U.S. foreign policy Widely honored for his
work, John received three Emmy Awards for his reporting on Ross Perot, the
Persian Gulf Waq and the Soviet military. He has also received the Alfred I.
DuPont-Columbia Award and the Overseas Press Club Award. He is also a
graduate of DePauw University, and earned his master's degree from Columbia
University's Pulitzer School of Journalism.
Augsburg's StepUP program, founded tn 1997 by Don Warren, is a nationwide model providing resources and support for students in recovery from drug
and alcohol dependenc;z After five years of service to recovering college students,
and a career dedicated to student-centered education, Don Warren retired in the
spring of 2002, handing his duties to StepUP's currenr director, Patrice Salmeri.
Patricia Gonzales (left) adds a master's hood to her
academ¡c garb, as she receives her Master of Arts in
Nursing diploma and degree from Cheryl Leuning,
nursing department professor and chait.
Summer 2003
John McWethy, ABC News correspondent, and Laurie Duncan-Mcwethy, elder care
advocate, deliver keynote speeches at the Commencement ceremony. Their son, Adam
McWethy, was among the members of the Class of 2003 listening in the audience.
Desiree Jorgenson (center), a psychology major, Honors Program graduate, and
McNair Scholar, shares a laugh with McNair Scholar program director Dixie Shafer
(left) and Rebekah Dupont (right), assistant professor of mathematics, at the
Commencement reception.
A future Auggie grad tries on her mother's
mortar board for size.
) 534 Candidates for graduation
I 315 Day program graduates
I 148 Weekend College graduates
I 38 Graduate students (5 Master of Arts in Leadership,
26 Master of
Social Work, 7 Master of Arts in Nursing)
I 13
Rochester Program graduates
United Hospital Program graduate
Countries of graduates (Bangladesh, Brazll, Cameroon, Canada,
Colombia, Czech Republic, Guatemala, Lebanon, Somalia, Tibet,
Uganda, Ukrainia, and Zimbabwe
20-60 Age range of graduates in the Class of 2003
Karen Sutherland, associate professor of computer science,
poses with computer science major Hoa Nguyen (right)
and his wife (left) at the reception following the
Commencement ceremony.
Academic dean Chris Kimball (left) chats with Brad
Motl (right), a mathematics and physics double maior,
at the Commencement reception. Motl accepted a
research assistantship at the University of Wisconsin
in the Department of Nuclear Engineering and
Engineering Physics.
16 ,4ucssuRc
The Master of Arts in Nursing program celebrated its second class of graduates'
Pictured, L to R, seated (faculty): Ruth Enestvedt, assistant professor of nursing; Bev
Nilsson, professor emerita of nursing; and Cheryl Leuning, professor and
department chair of nursing. Back row, L to R (graduates): Sandra Leinonen, Karen
Ackerman, Brenda Becker, Deb Brown-Schumacher, Patricia Gonzales, Jean
Gunderson, and Rae Ormsby.
Summer 2003
ll I
From the Alumni Board president's desk...
n May 4, I had the privilege and
hono, to address a new class of
graduates at the l34th Commencement
ceremony, and welcome them as official
alumni of Augsburg College.
The fall issue of the AugsburgNow will
provide more information on the board's
new leadership and members. Several
dedicated board members have completed
their terms, and we will endeavor to keep
them involved in the Augsburg
Thirty years ago, I sat in the same
Meþ Hall as a young graduate
looking forward to new horizons, but
feeling sad that I was leaving so many
good friends. These years later, I still get
seats in
together with some of my classmates once
or twice
a year.
Being Alumni Board president has
brought me back to campus, and now I
have a new set of friends from different
classes and programs. It has been a great
experience to work with the College and
the wonderful members of the Augsburg
As my term has ended, Dr. Paul
Mueller'84 from the Mayo Clinic is slated
to become the next president of the
Alumni Board, with Bill Vanderwall'93
Andrew Morrison '73, 2OO2-03 Alumni Board
president addressed the Class of 2003 at the
Commencement ceremony in May.
WEC as president elect.
We are fortunate to announce that
Lew Beccone'98 MAL; Dan W Anderson
'65; Tom A. Peterson'70; Jacqueline
(Brookshire) Tèisberg'80; Luann Watson
'88,'02 MAL; and the Rev. Karsten Nelson
'83 have been nominated to the board.
Speaking of keeping involved with
Augsburg, please contact the Alumni
Board or AlumniÆarent Relations and let
us know what interests you as alumni. We
want all of you to know about the wealth
of new programs at the College and the
numerous opportunities for alumni to
become involved with Augsburg. A good
time will be had by all.
Andrew Morrison'73
Alumni Board, president
Lori Moline '82 rece¡ves women's business award
specializing in
religious travel
wins a business
award. But in
April, creating
Lori Moline'82
journeys of faith
and pilgrimage
earned Lori Moline'82 and her business
partner, Martha Van Gorder, the honor of
Emerging Business Owners of the Year by
the Minnesota Chapter of the National
Association of Women Business Owners.
Their travel company, CrossingBorders,
Inc., based in Bloomington, Minn., creates
church-related international tours that
provide spiritual expression and religious
Few businesses have faced such a
series of challenges as CrossingBorders.
First, the viability of one of their key travel
Summer 2003
products was eliminated when the conflict
erupted inJerusalem in late 2000.
"The first destination for many
Christian travelers," Moline and Van
Gorder note, "is a journey to the Holy
l¿nd." Ayear later there was the impact of
September 1f , 2001, followed by a weak
economy and the weakening U.S. dollar,
and now the situation in Iraq.
It has required strength and
unwavering commitment to the long-term
potential of their business mission. Van
Gorder states, "We remain committed to
helping U.S. cit2ens discover their
Christian heritage, other cultures, and
often times other faiths through
international travel." To meet the
challenges, CrossingBorders has expanded
travel products, strengthened its overseas
people-to-people connections, and focused
on working with church leaders who put a
high value on intemational travel.
"We have witnessed," Moline said,
"some church leaders embracing the belief
that it is more important than ever to travel
beyond our borders to understand our
place in the world."
With planning up to 18 months in
advance, clients are preparing to travel to
Greece, Turkey, Italy, England, Scotland,
lreland, Germany, Czech Republic,
Slovakia, Hungary Austria, and China.
Tours created by CrossingBorders
emphasize a combination of church
heritage, cross-cultural, and spiritual
experiences. Prior tour highlights include a
choir performance in the church of a
Slovak village to standing-room only, a
pastor given permission to play one of
France's greatest church organs with the
tour group listening by his side, a church
group meeting elderþ members of the
Lutheran church in Dresden to hear how
the church was bombed in WWII, and
members sharing communion at the
Christian Catacombs in Rome.
The Rev. Alfred H. Sevig,
Spicer, Minn., retired inJanuary
2002, alter 45 years as pastor in
five parishes, and 15 years as
part-time hospital
chaplain/pulpit-supply. Last July,
he had heart bypass surgery and
has recovered well. He celebrated
the 60th anniversary of his
ordination in October.
The Rev. Paul Blikstad, Salem,
Ore., continues in his l5th year
St. Matthew
Church in
as host of TheWillamette Renewal
Radio Broadcas¿, a half-hour
program sponsored by the
evangelical churches of many
denominations located in Salem.
The broadcast can be heard
Sunday nights at 7:30 p.m.,
Pacific time, at <www.kccs.org>.
The Rev. Ervin Overlund,
Beaverton, Ore., retired in
December, and was granted
pastor emeritus status by
Beaverton. He
celebrates 41
years o[
ordained parish
including 17 years ofparish
ministry in North Dakota, 18
years of institutional chaplaincy
in North Dakota and Canada, and
six years as a visitation pastor. He
and his wife, Sylvia (Moe) '58,
can be reached via e-mail at
The Rev. James Parks,
Columbia Heights, Minn., is
chaplain o[ Crest View Senior
Housing nursing home, which
provides a continuum of care for
Staten Island, N.Y., is the
associate director of a museum
housing the John A. Noble
Maritime Collection, which
includes drawings, paintings,
lithographs, and writings
capturing the past century's "Age
of Sail." The museum is part of
Staten Island's Cultural Center.
recently retired from Lucent
Technologies, where she was
development manager.
The Rev. Rodger Ericson was
recently featured in the
Cambridge, Minn.,Stør
newspaper. A lieutenant colonel
for the U.S. Air Force, he was
assigned to the Brooks City-Base
Antonio, Texas, as
chaplain for the 3llth Human
Wing and executive
officer of the 3llth Mission
Support Group. He has 23 years
of military service.
Alumni and friends of the College gathered at the Seattle Art
Museum in March to attend a performance of the Augsburg
Chamber Orchestra, Pictured, L to R: Anne Frame, David
Fagerlie '76, and Bonnie (Johnson) '67 and Bryce Nelson.
,4ucssunc Now
is a victim advocate with
C.O.PE., working to empower
victims of domestic
abuse/violence. She also has a
side business of making creations
from gourds and modified pine
needle baskets. She can be
reached via e-mail at
<dav e7 5kay@netscape.net>.
f 968
Michael Arndt, Thousand
Oaks, Calif., received the
Excellence in Theatre Education
Award of the Kenney
Center/American College Theatre.
Festival at the American Theater
Festival XXXV held in Logan,
Utah, in February He is
professor of drama at California
Luthe¡an University in Thousand
Oaks, and is co-founder and
artistic director of the Kingsmen
Shakespeare Compan¡ a
Julie (Gudmestad) Landicina,
Augsburg alumni and friends gathered at the Housh home in
Arizona in March. Pictured, L to R: Anne Frame, President
William Frame, Ruth (Ringstad)'53 and Marvin Larson,
Lowell Ziemann'60, Jean and Allen Housh, and Vickie (Skor)
'59 and Howie '53 Pearson.
nicknamed the "earthship." Kay
Kay Eileen (Nelsen) Jenness,
Lal-uz, N.Mex., and her
husband, Dave, are building an
underground house in Laluz,
professional theatre troupe that
brings Shakespearean plays to
life each summer in CLU's
Kingsmen Park. The troupe also
performs at other venues,
coordinates apprentice programs,
sponsors Theatre in Education
programs in local schools, and
organizes summer theatre camps
for youth.
Kathleen Adix, Plymouth,
Minn., was featured in the New
Hope-Golden Valley Sun-Post
after being awarded the Arts
Coordinator of the Year award
from the Minnesota Alliance for
Arts in Education (MAAE) in
April. Kathleen is curriculum
coordinator in District 28I,
where she has worked since
Robert Engelson, Clinton,
Iowa, is starting his eighth year
as music department chair, fine
arts division chair, and choir
director at Mount St. Clare
College. He is also president of
the Board of Directors of Clinton
Symphony Orchestra. His wife,
Thea, is music director atZior'
Summer 2003
Summer Auggie
Hours al fresco!
Come for the great patios and
stay for the interesting
speakers and networking
opportunities! The Augsburg
Alumni Board invites you to
these popular summer alumni
gatherings at local outdoor
patios the second Tuesday of
each month at 5:30 p.m.
July 8
Pickled Parrot
Apple Valley, Minn.
Facilitator: Norm Okerstrom
Evangelical Lutheran Church in
Clinton, and is pursuing her
doctorate in music
literature-voice at the University
of lowa. Their son, Matthew, is
in sixth grade.
Don Swenson, St. Paul, is vice
president o[ operations at
Bachman's, the largest privatelyheld retail florist in the United
States. He gave a presentation
entitled "Tèchnology and
Problem Solving for Business,"
for the Augsburg Business
Organization (ABO) in April.
Subhashchand Patel was
It's Greek to Me
Uptown, Minneapolis
Facilitators: Jeni Falkman '0I
At Patty Park'02 MAL
RSVP to AlumniÆarent
Relations if you can, or just
show up and enjoy a summer
evening catching up with old
friends and learning
something new.
featured in the Montevideo
American-N ews for practicing
dentistry in Clarkfield, Minn.,
for 26 years. He and his wife,
Annette (Hanson)'74,'89
MAL, reside in Clarkfield.
Neil Paulson
started Franklin
Financial Corp.,
an invitation from
President Frame
Members of the alumni,
associates, and parents'
advisory boards have been
invited tojoin the regents.
facult¡ and staff in
identifying strategies and
initiatives that will clarify the
institutional vocation of the
College and strengthen its
capacity to serve it.
President Williarn V Frame
welcomes any comments or
suggestions lrom aìl alumni;
please send them by August
15 via e-mail to
<frame@augsburg.edu> or to
Augsburg College, CB 13f,
2211 Riverside Ave.,
Minneapolis, MN 55454.
company that
offers sub-prime
loans to help customers rebuild
their credit.
William Reyer,
professor at
College, Tiffin,
Ohio, is the
2003 recipient of
the Jane FrostKalnow Professorship in
Humanities, established to foster
educational excellence in
humanities teaching. Reyer has
been a member of the Heidelberg
faculty since t9B2 and serves as
chair of the English department.
Jonathan Moren, Eden Prairie,
Minn., was elected vice president
of the Minneapolis District
Dental Societ¡ a chapter of the
Summer 2O03
Jackie (Kniefel) Lind '69, '94 MAL and Andy Fried '93 were
recognized in April at the end of their terms on the Alumni
Board of Directors for their leadership. Other outgoing board
members include Paul Fieldhammer'65, Tom Hanson '66, Jeff
Elavsky'68, and Christopher Haug '79.
Minnesota Dental Association, in
April. He also assumed
responsibility as president of the
United States Ski Association,
Central Division, Region One
board in May. He practices
Linda Sue Anderson,
Minneapolis, and Zach Curtis
'97, appeared in the Twin Cities'
area premiere of Lanford Wilson's
dentistry for both Boynton
Health Service at the University
of Minnesota-Twin Cities and
Booh o[ Days at the Theatre
Pentagon Dental.
Debra Axness, Charleston,
living with her
boyfriend, Larry aboard a
The Rev. Louise Britts was
featured in Norfh N¿ws for
S.C., has been
sailboat for almost three years.
They left Duluth in 2000 and
sailed through the Great Lakes to
the Erie Canal, down the
Hudson River to the Atlantic,
over to Chesapeake Bay, and
down the East Coast to the
Florida Keys. They are currently
anchored in Charleston, where
Debra is working at the Medical
University ol South Carolina as
associate director of a computer
lab for a research center that
does compute-intensive work on
the Round. Linda played Martha
Hoch and Zach playedJames
recently being ordained and
installed as pastor of River of
Life Lutheran Church in
Minneapolis. She was previously
the interim pastor at Good
Shepherd Lutheran Church in
2003-2004 Alumni Board
meeting schedule
November 18
February l7
brain imaging research.
Susan Shaninghouse,
Minneapolis, is a primary teacher
of a multi-age classroom at
Meetings are open to the
public and all alurnni are
invited to attend. Meetings
are held in the Minneapolis
Room in Christensen Center
at 5:30 p.m. For rnore
information, visit the alumni
Web site at <www.augsburg.
ParkView Montessori School in
North Minneapolis. She is
pursuing special education
licensing in EBD through
coursework at St. Cloud State
University and the Minneapolis
Public School District.
4ucs¡unc ruow t9
Class Notes
Boardman, Ore., and has served
as the outreach minister and
youth minister at several
Minneapolis churches.
accepted the position of worship
ministries pastor at Brooklyn
Park Evangelical Free Church in
fall 2001. He and his wife, Mary
(Johnson) '80, reside in
Champlin, Minn.
The Rev. John E. Carlson
Mary Beamish, La Crosse, Wis.,
married David Christensen in
February. Mary is a copy editor
at the Duluth News kibune and
David is employed by St. Louis
Janet Paone and Deb Pearson
'83 were featured guess on the
Ruth Koscielah Show on KCCO
radio in March. Janet was one of
the original cast members of
Erica Benson '94= Path leads from basement
to Beverly Hills
by Dan Jorgensen
When Erica Benson '94 started on her career path she literally found herself with nowhere to go but up.
That's because her first job was located in a basement.
Benson, who now works for Beverly Hills-headquartered Kaleidoscope Films as a producer of movie
and TV promotional spots, landed her first media job working out of the basement at the PBS
affiliate ì.n Chicago.
"I sort of got into my career by accident," she recalled. "I was in the promo department and soon I was
on my way One job led to another until I eventually took the plunge and moved out to L.A. I went to
a promo house and got experience doing network stuff, including movies. Eventually that
Ianded me my job here at Kaleidoscope."
work at
A communication major, her first experience in the promotion field came through the news side when
she landed an internship atKARE-1LN¿ws in Minneapolis.
Erica Benson, a 1994 communication grad,
successfully transitioned from her first
media iob working out of the basement
at the PBS affiliate in Chicago, to Beverly
Hills-headquartered Kaleidoscope Films,
pictured above, as a producer of movie
and TV promotional spots.
"While I wâs there I met this crazy yovîgproducer named Larry Watzman," Benson said. "He was always going out on shoots and sending me to
fetch Bowie and Devo CDs for his spots. He pointed out that the great thing about TV promos is you get to wear many hats-writing, directing,
producing, and sometimes editing-versus work in advertising where you are forced to specialize in one area.
"I'd also have ro give a nod to MTV in shaping my career. I'm a pretty 'trendy' gal, so the thought of basically doing 'art' in
and ever-evolving medium, AND getting paid for it totally rocked."
hip way, in an exciting
Benson said she sort of "grew up" at Augsburg, where her father, Tom Benson'56 was the longtime director of Planned Giving, and not only helped
raise money for the College's scholarship funds but also for funding many of the newer Augsburg buildings, such as Lindell Library With a tuition
break because of her father's employrnent, she decided to try a year or so to see if she would like being a student where her father worked.
"I stayed because I liked the small classes and individualized attention I got from my professors," she noted. Her principal Augsburg mentors, she
said, were communication professor Deb Redmond, who also served as her advisor, and English professorJohn Mitchell. Benson also has other
Augsburg connections, including her uncie John Benson '55, a professor emeritus of religion.
Since entering the promo field full time, she's done work for almost all the major TV networks, including a short stint full time at FOX. She cut
movie spots for a Star W'ars campaign , Erin Brochoyich and Runaw ay Bride, and has done promos for such TV shows as the CBS blockbuster miniseries Hitla¿r. Other TV shows have included That '70s Show , Dr Phil, Spin City , and 3rd Roch From the Sun, to name just a few. The art of creating
these spots is made even more complicated by the fact that they have to "fit" into 30 seconds.
Making the transition to the L.A. area from Chicago, she noted, wasn't as hard as she thought it might be, "except everyone is so skinny out here,
and I like to earl" She makes her home in Toluca Lake, which is next door to Burbank, home of NBC's The Tonight Show.
As for advice to those interested in the field, she says "definitely internships, and make all the contacts you can. Go on informational interviews,
write thank you notes, and keep in touch. It's all about who you know
"As for actual skills, if you want to edit, learn programs like AVID, Final Cut Pro, and After Effecs, which is a graphics program. More and more
producer/editors are expected to make their own graphics these days, and this is especially true in television, which has become a very graphic
sensitive medium."
And for a final word of advice, she advocates long hours and hard work.
"l know it sounds depressing, but be prepared to pay your dues and do grunt jobs for long hours at little pay Then, if you hang in there and prove
you are ambitious, it will all pay off."
Dan Jorgensen is director of public relations and communication.
Minneapolis' longest running
theatrical production, Tony n'
Tina\ Wedding, and is now a
theatre director at a local high
school and has done extensive
voice-over work. Deb is the
manager of the Children's
Theatre Company.
Anthony Munsterman,
Ironton, Minn., was featured in
¡he Aithen Independent Age as
feature French horn soloist in
The Great River Strings
Ensemble concert, "Something
Old, Something New, Something
Borrowed, Something Blue" in
March. He is band director for
the elementary and senior high
bands in Crosby, and has taught
music in Minnesota, Montana,
and North Dakota for 19 years.
Throughout his career, he has
directed or participated in
numerous choirs, orchestras, and
ensembles, both with the French
horn and voice. In 1998, he was
the assistant principal horn in
the College Band Directors
National Association Honor
Band. He and his wife, a
trombonist, have three children.
Peter Carlson and his wife,
Sara (Treanor) '87, Maplewood,
Minn., both received their
master's degrees in psychology.
Sara is licensed in marriage
therapy and owns a private
The Rev. Tammy Rider,
Claremont, Minn., was recently
honored for her award-winning
sermon addressing the issue of
violence against women,
"Sleeping Women," at the Walk
the Talk recognition banquet,
part of the third annual Spiritual
Speakout for Violence-Free
Families ecumenical
Jeffrey Bates, Chicago,
student special services advocate
at Prosser Career Academy on
Chicago's West side. He is also
Summer 20O3
programs and projects since
1997. He is former board
member of Future Teachers of
Chicago and lllinois, and
secretary of the Northwest
Neighborhood Federation Board
of Directors and catalyst for
community improvements.
Jeffrey is the proud single father
of Alyssa Carolynn, 7, and Kyle
An Auggie track athlete. pictured on the left, is now noteworthy
because of this race from around 1960, won by Macalester
student Kofi Annan. now UN Secretary General and Nobel Peace
Prize laureate. This photo appeared in the January issue of
Smithsonian magazine as part of an article about Annan. Do you
know who this Auggie runner is? Please let us know!
Jeffrey, 5.
Susan Hakes married John
Gorski in November. She opened
her own real estate company,
Hakes Realt¡ in Grand Marais,
Minn., inJanuary. She can be
contacted via e-mail at
Tim A. Todd, El Sobrante, Calif.,
is group finance manager for BioRad Laboratories in Hercules,
Calif. He relocated from
Borbach-Le-haut, France, where
he worked at Roche
Pharmaceutical Co. of Basel,
Switzerland. He attended Schiller
International University in
Heidelburg, German¡ in 1991 to
receive his MBA, where he met
his wife, Hélène. They have three
children: Natalie, 7, Carol1.n, 6,
and Christopher, 2.
Kiel Christianson received his
Ph.D. in linguistics from
the head coach for girls'softball,
varsity [ootball assistant head
coach (offensive coordinator),
and assistant coach for girls'
varsity basketball. As the service
learning coordinator at Prosser,
he has developed innovative
Michigan State University in
December. He and his wife and
daughter moved to Amherst,
Mass., where he is a postdoctoral researcher in the
psychology department at the
University of Massachusetts.
Pamela Dorset Hoye was
featured in the Mírrrreapolis
Business.lowncl as owner of
Calhoun Beach Framing Ât Art
Lara Elhard, Minneapolis, is
pursuing her M.E.D. in Family
Education at the University of
analyst for the Toro Company.
Minnesoa-fwin Cities.
I 991
Perrine Dailey married Mau
Mikesell in August. She is an
Colleen Kay Watson, Mendota
Heights, Minn., wrote two
articles for CollegeRecruiter.com,
assistive technology specialist for
the PACER Center's Têchnology
Center, where she has worked
for eight years. Perrine held her
first solo art show at a St. Paul
café inJanuar¡ which featured
her fractals. She has also been
featured in several other art
shows sponsored by VSA MN
(Very Special Arts). The couple
resides in St. Paul.
entitled "You Will Find What
You Are Looking For" and "Don't
Let the Beetles Get Under Your
Bark." Colleen is CEO and cofounder of Career Professionals
Inc., which helps job seekers
find entrylevel opportunities in
management, marketing, sales,
customer service, finance, and
Carla Beaurline, Eden Prairie,
Minn., is founder and co-host for
the new cable television show,
Aroundthe Town, covering the
seven-county metro area, and
airing on MCN regional channel 6
and Time Warner 23. She was
director of national sales for a
direct response radio agency and
has been in advertising sales for
eight years. In addition, for the last
six years she has served as a parttime spokesperson/co-host/model
for ShopNBC and QVC.
Brent Anderson married
Marilyn Barry in April. Brent is a
manager in the small business
division at Qwest
Communications in St. Paul, and
Marill,n is a senior financial
Ryan Carlson,
participated in
Seagate's eco-
challenge, an
adventure race
consisting of
biking, sea kayaking, hiking and
orienteering, and rappelling, in
Brisbane, Australia. Individuals
from Seagate sites around the
world are nominated to participate
in the six-hour race. He is a
manufacturing manager for
Seagate, and can be contacted via
e-mail at <rcarlson@seagate.com>.
Scott Magelssen, Rock Island,
Ill., received his Ph.D. in theatre
history and theory from the
University of Minnesota in
spring 2002. He is assistant
Class Notes
Jane Jeong Trenka '95:
A journey in words orJudyPerree
An accomplished rnusician and soon-to-be published book author,
JaneJeong Tienka says she has been very "lucþr"
Tienka graduated magna cum laude in I995 with degrees in music
perlormance and English. Her first "real job" came about by a
suggestion from Jill Dawe, Augsburg assistant professor of music,
that she volunteer at The Schubert Club. Dawe's suggestion led to a
job at which she stayed for five years. While at The Schubert Club,
Tienka directed a music program, Musicapolis, which reduced the
cost of music lessons for children who couldn't otherwise afford
them. She now teaches private piano lessons out of her home.
A quirk of fate and a trip to a plumbing store eventually led to the
publication of her first book, due out this fall. What do plumbing
and writing have to do with each other? Well, the plumbing store
was across from The Loft Literary Center, and since she was
in the neighborhood, she decided to make
professor o[ theatre arts at
Augustana College in Rock
ffi ffi
Thanks to a "quirk of fate" that
led to Jane Jeong Trenka'95
receiving The Loft Creative
Nonf iction Mentorship Award,
she is celebrating the publication
of her first book, The Language
of Blood: A Memoir (Borealis
Books), due out this fall.
trip across the
"I loved writing while I was at Augsburg, but had no idea I was a writer," Tienka said. After winning the
award, she discovered she could indeed write. Since then she has aÌso been awarded aJerome Tiavel and
Study Grant, a Biacklock Nature Sanctuary Fellowship, a Minnesota State Arts Board Fellowship, a
fellowship from SASE: The Write Place, and an Honorable Mention for the Water-Stone 2002 Brenda
Ueland Prose Prize.
Tienka said she feels kind of "guilty" that it has come so easy "Some people slave at their writing for
years before they publish, but I had luck. I'm glad people are interested in what I have to sa)¿"
The Language of Blood: A Memoir will be available this fall from Borealis Books. It is a personal comingof-age story of her search for identit¡ which takes her on a journey from Minnesota to Korea and back.
Included in her book are some of her experiences at Augsburg.
Tienka said Augsburg gave her the feeling of freedom to do whatever she wanted. It gave her a good
liberal education base, which has allowed her to pursue music as well as a literary career, and even
beyond that, if she chooses.
"Without that scholarship, I never would have been
able to attend Augsburg." But what she liked was the urban setting. She said she was so excited when
she tasted her first Korean food-growing up in a small, northern Minnesota town, ethnic restaurants
were few and far between.
She came to Augsburg on a President's Scholarship.
"I liked the slice of urban life where there is a diversity of people. In this setting I was able to find out
who I really was." While at Augsburg, Trenka said she made "terrific friends," and the faculty were so
giving. She got a sense that she could try whatever she wanted. 'John lMitchell, associate professor of
Englishl was fantastic. He would hang out with students at this little coffee place and talk to us. It was a
blessed time." She said it rerninded her of "hang-out places" you always hear about back in the'60s. "It
was like a little bubble in time at Augsburg."
What's next for Trenka? She is working on writing a series of children's books on home repair with a cowriter who is a builder. Her books will focus not only on home repairs, but diversity
"It's rare to see interracial families depicted in children's books," Tienka said with a twlnkling in her eye,
"but you'll see them in mine."
/,lUCSnUnC ruOW
Laura Marie (Krepela)
Stoneburg, Farmington, Minn.,
received her master's degree in
education from St. Mary's
University. She is teaching all-day
kindergarten for Minneapolis
Public Schools.
While there, she picked up information about The Loft Creative Nonfiction Mentorship Award and
decided to send in a manuscript. Tienka was one of five chosen for this award, which lent her the
opportunity to work with authors Louise Rafkin and Aram Saroyan, both out of California.
ludy Petree is media relations mdndger.
Melissa (Wieland) Bergstrom,
Brookll-n Center, Minn., was
featured ín rhe Champlin Dayton
Pr¿ss as
choral director of Anoka-
Ramsey Community College. She,
also directs music at Holy Nativity
Lutheran Church in New Hope,
and works as a personal assistant
for local composer Steve Paulus,
and is co-artistic director of The
Sacred Voice, a chamber choir in
the Twin Cities.
Brian Olmsted married Heather
Manley in May. Brian is pursuing
his doctorate in materials science
at the University of Minnesota,
and Heather is a production
manager ar cable Phoro systems.
The couple resides in Richfield,
Leah Holloway married Kevin
Rudeen in May. Leah is a
marketing analyst with Liberty
Check Printers; Kevin is an
operations analyst with Wells
Fargo Home Mortgage. The
couple resides in Vadnais Heights,
Wendy N.
Litchfield, Minn.,
received her
Master of Arts in
education from
St. Mary's
University inJanuary. She is a
second grade teacher for
Litchfield Public Schools.
Todd Boerbooffi , Chattanooga,
Summer 2003
Tenn., married Kristine Smith in
February. He recently accepted a
position as product manager
with Playcore, Inc., in
Chattanooga. Todd can be
contacted via e-mail at
Dawn Millard, Iowa Cir¡ lowa,
married Brent Cobb in
December. Dawn works for Iowa
Health Physicians in Monticello,
Iowa, and Brent works at World
Class Industries Inc., in
Trojan Women.
Adam Sprech€r married
Shaundra Fossen in May. Adam
works for Thrivent Financial for
Lutherans; Shaundra is attending
college obtaining her floral
design designation. The couple
resides in Corono, Calif.
Christina Thérèse MarkwoodRod, Wayzata, Minn., is
pursuing her master's degree in
public history.
Hiawatha, Iowa.
Susan (Young)'88 and Thomas
Campbell, Maplewood, Minn.-a
son, Eric Thomas, in April. He
joins brotherJack, 5. Susan is a
kindergarten teacher for District
Ryan Krautkremer married
Amy Holthus in March. Ryan is
sales representative for Verizon
Information Services; Amy
third grade at Eastview
Elementary School in Lakeville,
wife, Sheila, Pl1'rnouth, Minn.-a
son, Matthew Scott, in March.
joins sister Lauren, 5. Scott
works in sales at MSI Insurance,
and can be contacted via e-mail
at <scotthumphre)@stribmail.
developer for Select Comfort.
Nick Gruidl '96
and his wife,
Megan, Brooklyn
Park, Minn.-a
son, Anthony
Denise (Bohnsack) '92 and
David Helke, Jordan, Minn.-a
daughter, Sarah Rose, in
December. She joins brothers
Matthew, 4, and Noah, 2.
Presley, inJuly
2002. Nick is a
tax manager at Grant Thornton,
in Minneapolis.
Tina (Kubes)
'92 and Lance
Kristin Kay
Hillukka '98, Big
Dawn Lorna
(Givans)'89 and
Patrick Lander,
Marina Del Rey,
Erin Stuhtfaut, Inver Grove
Heights, Minn., recently
boys, Blake and
Blane, in
¿:. ". daughter.
Rose, in
February. She joins brother
Blake, 3. Tina is a physical
education teacher for New
London-Spicer Schools.
Rich Blumer'95
and his wife,
Heather, Maple
Grove, Minn.-a
son, Carson
James, in March.
Rich is a software
Scott Humphrey'90 and his
performed at Lakeshore Players
and in Lex-Ham Community
Theatre's production of The
at Frege Salon, and can be
contacted via e-mail at
Lake, Minn.-a
adopted from Hangzhou, China,
in May 2002. Kristin is an
accountant for Cargill, Inc.
January. Dawn is a hair colorist
lnM emorrem
Ann (Kveen) Sveom'36,
Minneapolis, died in February; she
was 87. She was preceded
in death
by her husband, the Rev Freeman
O. Sveom'34. She is survived by
her daughter, Karen (Sveom)
Andrews'69; her son, the Rev.
$tephen Sveom'76; and five
Lloyd E. Raymond'38,
Burnsville, Minn., died in March;
he was 88. He was a retired
teacher and coach, and also coowned and operated aJohn
Deere dealership for 25 years. He
is survived by his wife, Evelyn;
son, Lloyd E. "Butch" '63;
daughter, Marcia (Raymond)
Berkowitz'73; six grandchildren;
and five great-grandchildren.
served in San Bruno, Calif.
Kenneth G. Robbins '50, Coon
The Rev. Harold l. Nelson'43,
Edina, Minn., died in April; he
Rapids, Minn., died in November
of A.L.S.; hewas74. A veteran o[
the Korean War, he taught for 32
years, and also owned an auto glass
business in San Diego, Calif., for
22 years. He is survived by his
wife, Beverly; three children; and
one grandson.
was 92. He worked as a farm
hand until he was 25, and later
served Trinit¡ Lesje, Turtle
Mountain, and Bethesda
Lutheran churches in Souris,
N.Dak., and Tiinity Lutheran
Church in Ottawa, I11. He served
as a mission developer for both
St. Mark Lutheran Church
Lindenhurst, Ill., and Peace
Lutheran Church in Morris, IlÌ.
Post retirement work included
visitation and interim ministry.
He is survived by his wife of 60
years, Helen; four children; ll
grandchildren, and four greatgrandchildren.
The Rev. KarlW. Berg'40,
Norman H. Hermstad'47,
Tacoma, Wash., died in December;
he was 86. A retired minister, he
was a missionary inJapan, a
chaplain at the VA Medical Center
in American l-ake, Wash., and also
Novato, Calif., died in February He
was a retired teacher, and is
survived by his wife, Anne, and
Summer 2003
tvvo sons, Steven and Bruce.
The Rev. Milford C. Parkhurst
'54, Tiempealeau, Wis., died in
February; he was 70. He was a
retired pastor, serving
congregations in North Dakota and
Wisconsin. He worked tirelessly in
writing the constitution for the
new l-a Crosse area slmod of the
ELCA and served as s1'nod dean as
well as in other capacities. He is
survived by his wife, Donna; four
children; and four grandchildren.
Lynn E. Erickson '55, Walhalla,
N.Dak., died in Februar/; he was
69. He was an attomey in
langdon, N.Dak.; an assistant
attomey general for North Dakota;
chiefjudge of the tribal court for
Sunding Rock Sioux Nation in
Fort Yates, N.Dak.; a supervisory
contract specialist and contracting
officer for the Department of
Delense at the Grand Forks,
N.Dak., Air Force Base; and a
North Dakota state attomey for
Cavalier County He is survived by
his wife, Delma; three daughters;
and four gandchildren.
The Rev. Frank Schmeling'90,
Buffalo, Minn, died inJanuary
from complicatiors following a car
accident; he was 43. He was a
welder and mechanic until 1985,
when he was seriously injured in
an industrial accident. Shortly
thereafter, he began his college
education, and was ordained in
February 1999. He served parishes
in South Haven, Kingston, and
Cokato until health problems
prevented him from his pastoral
duties in 2001. He is survived by
his wife, LuAnn.
4ucs¡unc ruow
'Behind every new person you meet, there is
a S(êa Of facest
ollow ing is the C ommencement
ceremony sp eech presented by Christin
R. Crabtree , Weehend College Class of 2003
The first Weekend College course I
attended at Augsburg was in 1988. I had
ridden in a car for four hours from
Brookings, South Dakota, and I was
thrilled to be at college. I was 7 years old.
My mother is a graduate of Augsburg
Weekend College, where she obtained her
elementary teaching license. I am honored
to follow in my mother's footsteps, as a
graduate with a degree in history and a
secondary education teaching license.
Augsburg has been a force of change
and growth for our family My mother has
a job working in a charter school that she
loves. My sister was able to begin college
here at age 17, leaving herjunior year ol
high school to become a freshman at
Augsburg majoring in social work. There
have been countless times that my 3-yearold son, Jacob, has attended psychology
classes here, with my fiancé, Adam. He
has met every history professor in the
A wise woman I know told me once,
"Behind every new person you meet, there
is a sea of faces." This truth is one I carry
with me daily I may never even know the
people whose lives I affect through my
actions. Because of this truth, I must carry
with me into life the ideals of love and
tolerance for all people. I must be honest,
possess integrity, and above all maintain
spiritual health. ln living up to my ideals,
my time on earth will result in positive
relations with those who surround me.
When Don Warren founded the
StepUP program, I am sure he knew his
actions would help hundreds of youth and
their families. However, the ripple effect of
the founding of StepUP reaches far
beyond these students and their families;
StepUP serves as a catalyst for change
across the country through the fine
example being set for other colleges. The
by chrisrin R. crabrree'03
example of Augsburg sets
precedent of success and
service for universities
around the nation-through
its Weekend College, the
CLASS program, and through
As graduates of
Augsburg, we all have the
opportunity to have a ripple
effect upon the world we
occup)¿ We have been given
the gift of finding a vocation,
a chance to work in a field
where we find meaning, and
where we can use gifts given
to us by God. We can
Christin R. Crabtree ,03, seated with her fiancé, Adam
McWethy'03, and her son, Jacob, is surrounded by her
family, who gathered at Augsburg for Commencement
positively affect our
.o-*,,,'iti., through
ffi:1,ï"i":,'ffiiï"ifliiìil! i.îi:"ff;'ï'"31n'311n"
simple acts of smiling at our
ceremony May 4.
neighbors, voting at every
experience, and I had lost faith in myself
election, and advocating for ouI future
and in God.
generations, our children.
At Augsburg, my professors helped
I want to take this opportunity to
me to reach beyond what I ever thought I
thank the Augsburg community for the
could achieve. Because of the existence of
effect you have had upon my life. My
Weekend College, I was able to work full
experiences at this institution have
time to support my son while maintaining
inspired me, and changed me. To see
my enrollment in college.
faculty and staff believe in students and
You have brightened my future and
the one-to-one interaction that occurs is
that of my son. My faith in God, and in
amazing. \üy'atching young, recovering,
the inherent goodness of humanity, has
chemically dependent students enter
developed here. My dreams for the future
college and graduate with honors is a gift.
seem real now; there was a time it
Witnessing McNair Scholars
achieving goals beyond what they thought seemed I may never graduate from high
school, and I stand here today, speaking
possible is an honor to observe. To see a
blind man attend class with his seeing-eye at my college commencement. My goal
for the future is to advocate for those
dog, never losing his positive attitude or
with no voice, and to always give back to
his dream, is a memory that will stay with
the world around me, be that through
me forever. As for me, I have been given
teaching, public service, or some othel
the gift of a drive to succeed above all
avenue. Through faith anything is
obstacles. Know that these effects upon
possible, and the people we touch along
me inspire me to be a positive force in the
the way are the largest gifts of all. You
world around me.
may never know the sea of faces existing
When I first came to Augsburg, I had
behind the lives you touch. Thank you,
little study skills, nor did I have the faith
Augsburg, for the effect you have had in
that I could succeed. As a youth, I had
my life, upon the people I love, and the
been though turbulence and trials that
sea of faces beyond each of them.
Summer 2003
September 3o-October 5, 2003
Tuesday, September
Men's soccer vs. university or
7:30 p.m.-Edor Nelson Field
Town 6¡ Counrry Club, St. Paul
l0 a.m.- Craft Sale
1 I :40 a.m.-Annual Business Meeting
Augsburg Ethnic Programs Celebration
Friday, October 3
Augsburg Associates Annual Fall
Wednesday, October
Athletic Hallof
m.-Christensen Center
Scholastic Connections Social & Dinner
7-B 30 p.m.-Christensen Center
Volleyballvs. St. Olaf College
7:30 p.m.-Melby Gymnasium
of 1943 Reunion Breakfast
Picnic in the Park
11 a.m.-l p.m.-Murphy Park
9 a.m.-Christensen Center
of 1993 Tailgating Party & Reunion
a.m.-l p.m.-Class of 1993 tent,
of 1953 Registration & Continental
9 a.m.-Foss Center
across Murphy Park between Urness 6¡
Homecoming Chapel & Community Time
I 0:20 a.m.-Hoversten Chapel
Augsburg Women's Story Archive
Noon-3 p.m.-Christensen Center
of 1953 Luncheon
I I:30 a.m.-Chirstensen Center
Football Game vs. Carleton College
Book Signing/Authors from the Class of
Class of 1993 Post-Game Party
Upstairs at Grandma's after the game
I p.m.-Edor
Nelson Field
2 p.m.-Christensen Center
Thursday, Octob er 2
2 p.m.-Gather in Christensen Center
English Dept. Alumni/ae Wine & Cheese
Reading & Reunion
4-5:30 p.m.-Lindell Library, Room 301
Seventh Annual M. Anita Gay
Hawthorne Jazz & Poetry Bash
Trash & Treasure/Augsburg
Alumni Soccer Game
4:30 p.m.-Edor Nelson Field
Campus Tour
5-7 p.m.-Foss Center
lnternational Student Alumni Gathering
'4:30-6 p.m.-Christensen Center
wÆrofessor Emeritus Philip Thompson
3 p.m.-Location TBA
Variety/Talent Show:'Auggie ldol'
7 p.m.-Foss Center
Homecoming Social, Dinner, & Reunion
4:30-5:30 p.m., Social Hour-Christensen
5 :30 p.m., Dinner-Christensen Center
7:30 p.m., Reunion parties-Locations TBA
Saturday, October 4
Science Alumni Gathering
9-1 I :30 a.m.-Location TBA
Social Work Alumni Network (SWAN)
10 a.m.-noon-Christensen Center
Registration & Refreshments
l0 a.m.-4 p.m.-Christensen Center
Campus Tour
11 a.m.-Gather Ìn Christensen Cenrer
Women's Soccer Game vs. St. Catherine's
7:30 p.m.-Edor Nelson Fj.eld
Sunday, October 5
Worship Service
I a.m.-Hoversten Chapel
Heritage Society Recognition Brunch
I I a.m., Worship Service-Hoversten
Noon, Brunch-Christensen Center
This is a preliminary calendar and is subject to change; please wøtch for your full Homecoming eyent brochure-ilue in mailboxes later this summer.
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Fall 2003
Vol. 66, No. 1,4
. 111
The Sciences at Augsburg
octors, research psychologists ,
space physicists, mathematicians,
teachers, and a Nobel laureateAugsbu rg enjo ys a long tradition of
excellence in the sciences. I ... Show more
Fall 2003
Vol. 66, No. 1,4
. 111
The Sciences at Augsburg
octors, research psychologists ,
space physicists, mathematicians,
teachers, and a Nobel laureateAugsbu rg enjo ys a long tradition of
excellence in the sciences. I am
delighted to welcome you to this specia l
issue of Augsburg Now focusing on our
program s in the natu ral and behaviora l
sciences and mathematics.
Based in the liberal arts and
sciences, an Augsburg education equips
our diverse stud ent body to meet the
needs of the highly techno logical 21st
century. All of our stud ents gain skills
that help them und erstand
contemporary issues, evaluate evidence,
and make informed decisions. The new
Augsburg Core Curri culum encourages
interdisciplinary teachin g and
coursewo rk. It also gu ides students to
become thoughtful, effective leaders,
mindful of their gifts and talents, in
whatever field they enter.
Augsburg science maj ors, the focus
of this issue, receive a solid found ation
for advanced work. Ou r science
programs provid e many hands-o n
experiences such as research with
facult y, internships, and service- learnin g.
For example, our qu arter-centur y
partn ership with NASA has prov ided
We welcome your letters!
Please write to:
Augsburg Now
22 11 Riverside Ave., CB 145
Minneapo lis, MN 5545 4
E-mail: now@augsburg.edu
Fax: 612-330- 1780
Phone: 6 12-330- l! Sl
Lellers for publication must be signed and
include you r name , class year, and daytime
telepho ne numb er. Th ey may be edi ted for
length , clarity, and style. Read the full text
or len ers at Now Online,
<www.augsburg.edu/n ow>.
research opportuniti es for stud ents far
beyond what is available at many other
small private colleges. Our communit y
partnership s provide internships and
other off-campu s learnin g expe riences.
We eagerly anticipate the up comin g
campaign for a new science facility. For
50 years, our Science Hall has served
stud ents well, producin g remarkabl e
achievements in its laboratories and
classrooms. Our new center for the
natur al and behaviora l sciences and
mathematics will offer a state-of-the-art
environm ent for teachin g and research ,
as well as a welcoming place for the
communit y.
In these pages, I invite you to meet
our engaged facul ty, read about stud ents
succeedin g beyond their expectations,
and catch up with some of your fellow
classmates and friends who have chosen
many different paths in the sciences.
~ -plChristopher W. Kimball
Vice President for Academic and Student
Affairs and Dean of the College
Letters to the
Mystery Auggi e runn er from
1960 s photo come s forth
Seeing the picture of Kofi Ann an on the
track with two other runn ers [see Summ er
2003, Class Notes] concerns me. Without
knowing, I may have been in the presence
of one of the greatest minds of our time.
How often does that happen?
I started my freshman year in 1960
and participated and lettered in track and
field. I held the school record for the high
hurdl es for a while and ran some sprint
races and pole vaulted as well.
Wh en my wife saw the mystery
picture she immediately said "The person
in this picture looks ju st like you." I got
out the magnifying glass, and sure enough
it looked like me. I had bony legs and
always had a pained look on my face
durin g a race. Furth ermore, I hardly ever
placed first- as the picture shows.
- Gary Ellis '65
Miigw etch from Bonnie Wallace
II write] with great humilit y and
appr eciation for the wond erful
celebration held Jun e 16 [see Summ er
2003, Around the Quad] for th e 25-year
anniv ersary of th e American Indi an
Stud ent Services Program .
I want the Augsbur g and local
American Indi an co mmuniti es to kn ow
that the success of the pro gram depended
on literally hundr eds of peopl e . ... I hold
[Augsbur g President Emeritu s] Charles
And erson in high regard for his genuin e
belief in our work .... He supp orted the
progra m's aut onomy, and that is evident
Twenty-five years-th at's longevity!
.. . I am so very pleased to be a part of
th e history of this exce llent progra m.
Miigwetch (th ank you , in the Ojib we
language) to the Creator and all of you
that made this poss ible.
- Bonni e Wallace , Scholarship Director,
Fo nd du Lac Reservation; and found er
and former dir ector of Augsbur g's AISSP.
Augsburg Now is publi shed
qu arterly b y Augsbur g Co llege ,
22 11 Rive rsid e Ave., Minn eapoli s,
Minn eso ta 55454.
Fall 2003
Vol. 66, No . 1
Betsey No rga rd
Assistant Editor
Lynn Mena
Graphic Designer
Kath y Rumpz a
Class Notes Coordinator
Sara Kamhol z
Steph en Geffre
The Sciences at Augsburg
In this special issu e abou t th e sciences at
Augsbur g, stud ents, faculty, and alumni share
Willi am V. Fram e
th eir stori es of researc h in Antar ctica,
Director of Alumni and
Parent Relations
chemistry in cosm etics, teach ing high school
AmyS utlOn
Director of Public Relations
and Communication
Dan Jor gense n
O pini o ns expr esse d in Augsburg
Now do no l n ecessa rily renecL
o fficial Co llege policy.
ISSN 1058-1545
Pos tm aste r: Send co rr es pon de nce ,
nam e changes , and addr ess
corr ection s 10: Augsburg Now,
om ce of Publi c Relations and
Communication , 22 11 Riversid e
Ave., Minn eapo lis, MN 55454.
E-mail: now@au gsbur g .edu
Teleph on e: 6 12- 33 0 - 118 1
Fax : 6 I 2-3 30-1 780
Augsburg Co llege , as <iffirmed
in its mission , does not
disc,im inat e on the basis of race,
color, creed , religio n, nati ona l or
etlmic origin , age, gender. sexual
mie ntalion , marita l status , stat us
with regard to public assistance ,
or disability in its ed ucation
policies, admissions polici es,
scholarsl iip a nd loan pr ogmm s,
athletic and/or school
ad m inist ered programs , excep t
in tho se insta nces wliere religion
is a bona fide occupationa l
qualification . Augsburg College
is co mmitt ed to pr-oviding
reasonab le accommodations ro
its emp loyees and its stud ents .
biology, creatin g virtual reality, findin g su ccess
in grad schoo l, and mu ch mor e.
An overview story pull s together
th e myriad activiti es in biolog y,
chemistry, ph ysics , math emati cs ,
psycholo gy, and comput er
Around the Quad
Homecoming awards
Alumni news
Class not es
50 percent recycled paper (10 percent post-consumer waste)
On the cover :
First-year s tud en ts Sa.-ah Pesola
(lef t) and Sara Ray mond (right)
get so m e hands-on experience in
chemisoy lab. Photo by Stephen
Geffr e.
Top rankings in college guides
ugsb urg has been named among the
nation's best colleges in thr ee
catego ries and ranked in th e top tier
among Midwestern unive rsities.
U.S. News & World Repon listed
Augsburg (the only Minnesota school)
among 20 of the nation 's best institutions
for service learnin g.
TIie Princeton Review includ es the
Co llege in the 150 "Best for the Midw est,"
prai sing an outstandin g faculty, sma ll class
sizes , and friendl y environm ent.
Kaplan Publishing 's The Unbiased
Guide to the 328 Most Interesting Colleges,
2004 includes Augs bur g and names it as
one of the top five sc hoo ls that may be
und errat ed , as judged by a nationa l survey
of guidanc e counselor s.
For the third year, Augsbur g is one of
the best 201 in Great Collegesfor the Real
World, selec ted for best demonstrating
both the education and the opportunities
to prepare stude nts for the real wo rld .
Augsburg has been named one of 12
"foundi ng institut ions " nat iona lly to
participate in a project joint ly sponsored
by the Policy Center on the First Year of
College and the Counci l of Indepe ndent
Colleges (C IC) to develop a model of
exce llence for the first college year.
Pete r Agre wins Nobel Prize
eter Agre, a 1970
graduate and
Alumnu s of Augsb ur g,
was one of Lwo
win ners of the 2003
Nobel Prize in
che mistry. He is a
professor and
researcher at the John s
Hopkin s University Schoo l of Medicine in
Baltimore . His discovery of "aquapori n-1,"
a "cha nn el" that lets water pass in and out
of cells represented a major breakthrough
that has led to greater understanding of
many inherited and acquired water balance
disorders , such as kidney disease .
After gradua ting from Augsburg , Agre
received his medical degree from John s
Hopkin s University School of Med icine
and is now professor of biologica l
chem istry there.
Agre's father , the late Court land Agre,
was chem istry professor at Augsburg from
1959-76. Three of Agre's siblin gs also
auended Augsburg: Mark Agre '8 1,
Annetta (Agre) Anderson '69, and James
Agre '72 , who curre ntly serves on
Augsburg 's Science Advisory Board .
"The Chemis tr y Department is elate d
at this news ," said chemistry professor
Arlin Gyberg . "Those of us who had Peter
as a stud ent are not su rpri sed he has
reached this level. It's no shock that he
won the Nobel Prize in chem istry."
Agre shares the chemistry prize with
America n Roderick MacKinnon .
Center for Teaching
and Learning
he fourth an nual Convocation Series
presents a challenge to consider all
work as voca tion-id ent ifying one's gifts
and abilities, and using them in benefit to
the communit y
The presentaLions include:
Oct. 14. 2003
Sharon Da loz Parks , W hidbey Institute
"Big Qu estions , Worthy Dreams "
Nov. 12, 2003
Lee Hard y, Ca lvin Co llege
"The Ch ristian 's Calling in th e Academy "
Jan. 19,2004
2004 Martin Luther King, Jr.
Convoca tion
Vanne Owe ns Hayes , Minneapolis
Departme nt of Civ il Rights
"Responding to the Ca ll"
Feb. 18, 2004
Kathy Buck ley, co med ian
"No Labe l, No Lim its "
Feb. 26-27, 2004
2004 Batalden Symposium in
Applied Ethics
Paul B. Batalde n , M.D. and David C.
Leach , M.D.
"Transfor min g th e Profess ion of
Health Ca re"
A S79,000 grant from the Bush
Foundation to the Center for Teaching
and Learning will involve more than
100 faculty in studying student
outcomes and assessment in the new
Augsburg Core Curriculum. Pictured are
(L to R) Frankie Shackelford, associate
dean for teaching and learning
enhancement ; Diane Pike, director of
the Center for Teaching and Learning;
and Terry Martin, administrative
assistant. Not pictured is Carol Forbes,
director of sponsored programs .
Spring 2004
2004 Sverdrup Visiting
Scientist Lecture
To be annou nced
For informatio n , call 612-330-1180 or
visit <www.augsburg .edu/ co nvo> .
Follow Auggie Athletics
Visit the Augsburg College Athletcis
Web site, www .augsburg .edu/athlet ics
Fall 2003
$1 million-an
Fund first!
he $1 million goal for Augsburg 's
annual fund was reached for the first
time in Co llege history durin g 2002-03.
This 25 percent increase in giving over
th e previous year was achi eved by a total
of 1,928 donors.
Often referred to as "the lifeblood of
th e Co llege ," Augsbur g's ann ual fund
supp orts the financial aid com mitm ent
that allows the College to remain
affordable for a wide variety of
academically-qualified stu den ts. Last
year, more th an 80 percent of Augsburg
stud ents received $25 million in financial
aid , includin g $9 million in Augsburg
sc holarship s and tuition gran ts.
Sixty percent of The Augsburg Fund
total was contribut ed by the 185
memb ers of th e Maroon & Silver Society,
th e College's leade rship-l evel dono rs.
These donors pledge to support the
financial aid commitm ent with annu al
cash gifts of $ 1,000 to $25 ,000 for a
minimum of four years .
Much of the growth in The
Augsburg Fund has occurred in the last
six years , during the tenur e of President
William Frame . When he ar rived at
Augsburg , the annua l fund level was at
178 ,000. His push to increase th e level
and comm itm ent lo annu al fund giving
has resulted in its more than five-fold
growt h. Augsb urg regent Tracy Elfunann
'8 1, chair of th e Develop ment
Commin ee, and Donn a McLean , dire ctor
of The Augsb urg Fund , provided
leaders hip for the fund 's success .
Planning for Augsburg 's nexl capital
campaign includes continu ed aggressive
growt h of The Augsburg Fund .
Promotion to professor
Martha Johnson , speech ,
communicati on , and theatre arts
Stuart Stoller , bu siness administrati on
Tenure granted and promotion to
associate professor
Lois Bosch , social work
Nora Braun , business admini stra tion
Rona ld Fedie , chemistry
Merilee Klemp , music
James Vela-McConn ell , sociology
J. Ambrose Wolf , ph ysics
Tenure granted
Karen Sutherland , co mput er science
Welcome, new Auggies!
Sport ing maroon Augsburg T-shirts, 22 Augsburg Seminar groups-the orien ta t ion
seminar for freshmen-contributed
over 1,400 hours of commun ity service on t he
first day of school at 18 sites, mostly in the neighborhood . At Danebo Residence,
students visited with senior residents , painted , and cleaned .
Fall 2003
Jeann ette Clark, fr om Hop kins, Minn ., is one of
t he 348 fre shm en in t he class of 2007. She moved
int o Urn ess Hall on Aug . 31, getting some help
fr om her parents in unpacking the boxes .
Around the Quad
Transforming our students, ourselves,
our world
"Do you believe you will
be transformed by your
college experience?"
ore th an 94 percent of curr ent
and prosp ective stud ents-da y,
weekend , and grad-an swe red, "Yes."
Now th e qu estion is , "what th ey will
do wit h this transformative
expe rien ce ."
Th ese qu estions were part o f an
exte nsive resea rch effort Augsb urg
cond ucted rece ntl y in preparation for
th e laun ch of a new brand ima ge,
tag line, and marketin g camp aign for
th e College.
Th e resu lts o f this far-reac hin g
effort are now being see n and heard
all ove r campu s and throughout th e
Twin Cities, wit h the Septe mb er
laun ch of th e camp aign . Throug h
billb oa rds and bus stop post ers,
news pap er ads and radio spot s, a n ew
Web site and man y oth er engaging
vehicl es, Augsburg College is
emb arkin g on this ex tend ed
ca mp aign wit h a three-fold goa l: to
captur e and pres ent th e uniqu e
esse nce of its edu ca tional experience ;
to raise awa reness and positive
supp ort among key co nstitu ent s; and
to dri ve the mission of Augsb urg
College forward in an excit ing and
dynamic new way.
Both th e traditiona l day stud ent
and th e wo rking adult are being
Be yourself at Augsburg. And leave completely__
chall enged to "Be yo urse lf at
Augs bur g, and leave co mpl etely
changed ." Th e theme of
"Transform ing Ed ucat ion" deliv ers
three int errelate d messages:
trans forming stud ent s' uniqu e talents
and int erests into ca lled lives of
service ; tran sforming the edu cational
exper ience itself to effec t st ud ent
growt h and chang e; and , ultimat ely, transforming our community and wo rld through positive change .
Inco ming and "vetera n " stud ents , faculty members , staff, alumni , donors , and co mmunity members-all are integral parts of
this eve r-transforming ex perience ca lled Augsburg Co llege .
Stay tun ed . More to co me.
Fall 2003
Eight receive Athletic Hall of Fame honors
by Don Stoner
ugsbu rg Co llege honored eight
form er ath letes duri ng Homeco min g
wee kend , indu cted int o the Augsbur g
Athl etic Hall of Fame at th e annu al
banqu et on Oc l. 2.
Th e Augsbur g Ath letic Hall of Fame
was es tab lished in 1973 to recog nize
ma le athletes who made spec ial
co ntributi ons lo th e Co llege's athl etic
hisw ry. In 1989, female athl etes we re
first indu cted inlO the hall. Rec ipients are
chose n each yea r on th e basis of
performan ce in Augsbur g at hletics,
se rvice lo th e sc hoo l, civic and
profess ional ac hievement s , and
leadership .
Honor ed as indu ctees int o th e Augsbur g
Ath letic Hall of Fame are:
Bob Adams '83 (wrestling)
T he on ly Augsbur g wres tler to earn
mu ltip le All-America n honors in a single
seaso n, Adams wo n th e CAA Division
Ill indi vidu al champi ons hip al 134
pou nds in 1983 and place d seco nd al the
we ight class in th e NAlA champi onship
meet, the only yea r Augsbur g co mp eted
in both orga niza tions' national
tourn aments . Adams won MIAC titl es in
1982 and 1983 and was Augsbu rg's
Seni or Honor Athl ete in 1983.
Michele Boyer '89 (softball,
Boyer earn ed All-American honors in
Fall 2003
1988 as a so ftball outfi elder, ea rnin g AllMIAC honors thr ee yea rs in a row. Her
.495 bauin g ave rage in 1988 is th e best
single-seaso n perform ance in sc hoo l
history. In basketba ll, Boyer was one of
only five players in sc hoo l history LO
sco re more than 1,00 0 po in ts in her
ca ree r, finishin g with 1,0 19 poin ts, and
ea rn ed All-MIAC honors in 1986-87 and
1987-88. She was Augsburg's Senior
Honor Athl ete in 1989.
Kevin Gordon '82 (hockey)
An NAIA All-America n in 1982 , Go rd on
was a member of Auggie tea ms that wo n
th e national champi onship in both 198 1
and 1982 , as we ll as thr ee straight MIAC
championship s. He earn ed All-M IAC
honors in both 1980 and 1982 , lead ing
th e tea m in sco rin g both years . Gordon 's
30 goa l in 1979-8 0 are th e seco nd- mos t
in a single seaso n ; he finished his caree r
with 108 poin ts (57 goa ls , 51 ass ists ).
Ray Hamilton '75 (basketball)
An honora ble-mention All-American in
1975 , Hamilton playe d two seaso ns o f
bas ketball al Augsbu rg, ea rnin g AIIMIAC and NAIA All-Distri ct honors both
seaso ns and MIAC Mos t Valuable Player
honors in 1974-75 , as the Auggies wo n
th e MIAC champi onship and advanced
LO th e NAIA distri ct champions hip game.
He led th e Auggies in sco ring both of his
seaso ns and in reboundin g his enior
ca mp aign.
Melanie Herrera '88 (track and field ,
Herrera ea rn ed All-America n honors
seve n Limes in trac k and field ,
dominating th e throwing eve n ls. She
qu alified for national mee ts in the shot
put all four yea rs in ollldoo r com pelilion
and her final thr ee seaso n in indoor
co mp elili on , win ning CAA Divi ion Ill
national champ ionship s in 1987
out doo rs , and in 1988 in bo th indoo r
and outd oo r co mp etiti on , where her
reco rd -se ttin g effort st ill stands . She also
played th ree sea a ns of volleyba ll al
Augsbur g and was Aug burg's Senior
Honor Ath lete in 1988 .
Robert Lafleur '80 (soccer)
A two- lime All-M IAC election (1 97879) and AIA All-Distri ct selection ,
LaFleur was a member of Auggie team s
that wenl 43-15-10 in his care er, neve r
finis hing low er than third in MIAC play.
He was team capt ain his se nior seaso n.
Jim Peterson '78 (hockey, baseball)
In men's hocke y, Peter son was a memb er
o f Augs bur g's first national
champio nsh ip team , the 1978 AIA titl e
team , and was a memb er o f Augsbur g's
MIAC base ball champi on hip tea m in
1975. He earn ed All-MIAC honors twi ce
in both ho ckey and base ball, was a
member of th e
IA All-Tourn ament
Team in hocke y in 1978 , and ea rn ed
Augsburg Senior Honor Athl ete honors
in 1978 .
David Trost '81 (track and field,
Augsbu rg's firs t men's tra ck and field
national meel qualifier, he finished thir d
in the high j um p al th e AIA outd oo r
na tiona l meel with a 2.14-meter (7-fee lO) effort , a school reco rd that still stands .
He won the MIAC titl e in the high j um p
in 1981.
Don Stoner is sports inf onnation coordinato,:
Two named as 2003 Distinguished Alumni
ni jo i~ 162 oth ers as Distin gu ished Alumni of Augsb u rg College. Recipien ts are recog niz ed for
T s1wogmalum
f1cant achievement m their voca u ons and ou tstandm g con tributi ons to chur ch and commun ity,
by Lynn Mena
th rough years of prepara tion , experience, dedication , exempl ary character, and se rvice.
Hans G. Dumpys '56
Bishop Hans G. Dump ys gradu ated
from Augsbur g in 1956 with a B.A. in
histo ry. ln 1960 , he earn ed a B.D. from
th e Luth eran Schoo l of Theo logy in
Chicago , and was ordained by Hope
Luth era n Chur ch in Detroit. He
received a master's degree in th eology
from Harvard Divinity Schoo l in 1965 ,
and purs ued doc toral stu d ies at
Prin ceto n Theological Semin ary and
Tuebin gen University in Germ any. He
also studied at th e Advanced Institu te for Pastora l Studi es in
Michigan , and th e Tan tur Ecu menical Inst itut e in J eru salem .
Born in ibra i, Lithuania in 1933 , Dump ys has lived in th e
U.S. since 1949. He was instrum ent al in th e renewal and reviva l
o f th e Luth eran chu rch in Lithu ania after th e count ry regain ed
ind epend ence from the Soviet Unio n. This includ ed training
pas tors and teachers for the chur ch and contributin g as one of
th e fou nders of th e University of Klaipeda's th eological sc hool
in Lithu ania in 1992 . Du mp ys retired from parish mini stry in
ove mb er, but continu es to serve as bishop of th e Lithu anian
Evangelical Luth era n Chur ch in Diaspora, located in Chicago ,
for which he also serve d as chair of the syno d coun cil. In
additi on , he has served pastora tes in Michigan , Massac hu setts ,
Canada, Iowa , and most rece ntl y at Lithu ani an Evangelical
Lutheran Home Church in Chicago , Ill.
In Febru ary, Dum pys was honored by th e Knights o f
Lithu ania "in recog n itio n o f and grateful app reciation for
ecum enical, spiritu al, cu ltu ral, and hum anit arian lifetime
achievements in th e worldwi de Lith ua nian co mmunit y." In
1998, he was invited to th e Whit e House for the signin g of th e
"Charter o f Partn ers hip" with th e Baltic republi cs. He has
pr esent ed speec hes, se rm ons, in vocations, and greetin gs both
nationally and in tern ationally, and has initiat ed , organiz ed , and
presided ove r synod asse mbli es with delega tions from Ge rman y,
Ca nada, and th e U.S. In honor of his wo rk for th e Luth eran
chur ch in Lithuania and in th e ex ile Lithu anian communi ty, he
was invited by Lithu ania's mini ster of cultur e to be an official
represe nt at ive of North America's Lithu anian co mmunit y at th e
ethni c world music festival in 1994 .
Dump ys taught in Augsbur g's religion departm ent in 19651966. W hile pur suin g his gradu ate studi es, he was an assistant
at Harva rd University's Memorial Church , and se rved as pastorin-residence and also assistan t to th e dean of inst ru ction at
Prin ce ton Th eological Semin ary. He met his wife, Donn a , while
at Augsbu rg. They live in Oak Park, Ill., and have two childr en ,
Jon and Chri sta.
Ertwin Jones-Hermerding '69
ErtJ ones-Hermerding graduated from
Augsburg in 1969 with a B.S. in liberal
arts speech, theatre, and physical
edu cation , with a head coaching
endors ement . He received an M.S. in
curri culum and instru ction with an
English emph asis from Mankat o State
University in 1975.
Jones-Hermerding retired this year
after an exceptional 34-year teaching and
coaching career for the Robbinsdale
Independent School District. He was the first to teach
improvisational theatre at the juni or high level. From 1969-1988 ,
he taught speech and theatre at Plymouth Junior High School, and
directed 96 productions. The Children's Th eatre Foundati on of
America recognized the Robbinsdale school district's theatre
programs with an award for excellence in 1995;Jon es-Hermerding
was specifically celebrated for creating "an extraordin ary middle
school dram a progr am."
Sin ce 1988 , J ones-Herm erdin g has taught speech , th eatre,
litera tur e, oral int erpr etation , and acting at Coo per Senior High
School. He also served as th eatre arts chair and audi tori um
manage r. He dir ected over 50 produ ctions at Coo per, and his
Introdu ction to Th eatre class was on e of only two in Minn eso ta
where a childr en's th eatre perform ance proje ct is compl eted as
part of th e curri culum , givin g stud ent s who can't particip ate in
after-schoo l th eatre th e chance to exp erience th e thrill of
crea ting and performin g in a sho w.
In additi on to his strong juni or and senior high theatre
programs, Jon es-Hermerding has also been a successful football
coach. He coached at Plymouth Juni or High for 10 seasons and at
Cooper Senior High for over 20 seasons (includin g 10 as head
coach). He was honored as Lake Conference Coach of the Year in
1984 for his exceptional program. He inspired players to be role
models for each other, and they work ed on team uni ty projects by
organizing programs on chemi cal abuse, weight trainin g, and other
relevant topics. He also institut ed a program that requir ed his
players to check in with their teachers on a weekly basis regarding
their academic performance and attitud e in the classroom .
Jones-Herm erding has worked in summ er th eatre projects for
th e Orono, Hopkins , and Robbinsd ale school districts, and as a
staff member for Augsburg's summ er theatre institut e. He is an
instru ctor and curri culum writ er for th e University of St. Th omas
Cont inuin g Edu cation progra m, and has facilitated worksh ops for
colleagues and serve d on many curri culum developm ent
committ ees. He and his wife, Pat, have two childr en, Mee-lynn
and Harper.
Fall 2003
First Decade and Spirit of Augsburg award
recipients named for 2003
ugsbur g is please d to ann oun ce the 200 3 reci pients of the First Decade and Spirit of Augsbur g awards . Th e Firs t Decad e Award
is presented to Augsbur g gra du ates of th e past 10 years who have made signifi cant progress in th eir prof ess iona l achievements
and co ntributi ons to th e communit y, and in so doing exemp lify the miss ion of th e Co llege: to prepar e futur e leaders in se rvice to th e
world. Graduates from th e day, weeke nd , and gra du ate programs are eligible.
The Spirit o f Augsbur g Award honors alumni and friend s of the Co llege who have given exceptiona l se rvice that co ntribut es
substanti ally to th e well being of Augsbur g by furth erin g its purposes and programs.
Tammera Ericson '93
Tamm era Ericson has successfully combin ed
her interests in political science , urban stu dies,
public service, and the legal profession-all
while raising thr ee children. After serving as
chair of the Columbi a Heights Charter
Commission and as a member of its Planning
and Zoning Comm ission, Ericson was
appointed in 2002 to a task force charged with
developin g city design guide lines. In addition , she helped start a
nonprofit organization , Rising to New Heights, dedicated to
improving the image of Columbia Heights . In 2002 , Ericson was
elected to the Columbia Heights City Counci l, and was also
appoint ed to concurr ent terms on the city's Econo mic Developme nt
Auth ority and Housing Redevelopment Authority.
In Jun e, she gradua ted summa cum laude from William
Mitchell College of law, where she received the Stud ent Award of
Melit , the Burton Award for Excellence in Legal Writin g, and the
CALI Award for Excellence in Drafting and Negotiating Business
Agreements. She volunt eers for the Minn esota Ju stice Found ation,
giving presentations on legal topics to wom en living in a transitional
housing cent er in St. Paul. In addition , she volunt eers for the
Chrysalis Center for Wom en in Minn eapolis as part of the Pro Bono
Attorn ey Safety Project. Throu gh this program , she works to help
low-income victims of dom estic abus e obtain orders for protection.
She is curr ently serving as a judici al clerk for the Minnesota
Supr eme Court for one year before returnin g to the law finn
Winthrop & Weinstein .
John Benson '55
Professor Emeri tus John Benson served more
than 35 years as an ac tive memb er of
Augsb ur g's religion department. After joining
th e facult y in 1963 , he was promo ted to
associate prof essor and gra nt ed tenur e in
1969 , th en promoted to full prof esso r in
1986. Benson also taught in th e phil osop hy
depart ment and helped deve lop Augsb ur g's
hum aniti es major in th e 1970s . In additi on ,
he taught a course entitl ed Deve lop ing a Mu lti-Cu ltural
Perspect ive for th e Master of Arts in Leadership program , and
tea med up wi th ph ysics prof essor Mark Engebretson to teac h a
cou rse th at int egra ted sc ience with religion and sp iritu ality.
Their co llabora tion led to two awards from the pr estigious J ohn
Templeton Foundation 's annu al sc ience and religion co ur se
pro gra m co mp etiti on. Throughout his years at Augsburg ,
Benson se rved on co mmitt ees too numerous to list. Beyond his
co mmitt ee wo rk , he was at th e forefront of a numb er o f thin gs ,
mos t notably the introduction of co mput er techn ology to th e
campu s in th e early 1980s. An avid go lfer, he also coac hed go lf
at Augsburg for sev era l years . Benson and his ,vife, Doroth y,
co ntinu e to be ac tive memb ers of th e Augsb ur g commu nit )'.
Fall 2003
Sigvald Hjelmel and , the seco nd of four
generati ons of Hjelmeland s to attend
Augsbur g, return ed to Augsbur g in 1952 as
th e Co llege's firs t dir ec tor of deve lopm ent.
He headed the new ly establi shed
Deve lopm ent Office and emb ark ed up on
Augsbur g's first capital ca mp aign to raise
fund s for the "Libra r)' Drive ." Th e camp aign
excee ded its goal, and b)' 1955 , th e Co llege
brok e ground on th e Sverdrup -Oftedal Libra ry. Th e success of
th e camp aign led to Augsbur g's su ccess ful appli cation of
acc reditation b)' th e North Centr al Association . Hjelmeland's
man y contributi ons and proj ects begun durin g his )'ears al
Augsburg includ ed Science Hall; Chri stense n Ce nt er; Urn ess
Hall ; Foss , Lobec k, Miles Cent er for Wor ship , Drama, and
Communi cati on ; and th e Tim es Buildin g (th e first co mm ercia l
building donat ed to Augsbur g). In th e late 1980s , Hj elmeland
es tablished the Rev. John Hjelmeland End owed Scholarship
Fund in honor of his fathe r, an alumnu s of Augsbur g Academ)',
Seminar )', and College. Even after his retir ement in 1982 ,
Hj elmeland volunt ee red his vas t ex perience as a developm ent
co nsult ant from 1982 to l9 86.
The Hoversten family honored with the
Distinguished Service Award
he Distinguished Service Award, inaugurat ed in its currenl form al Hom ecomi_ng 2001 with ~ e Strom~en _family, and last yea_r
T award ed to the Quanbeck family, recognizes families who have made substanual and contmumg comnbuuons lo Augsburg-111 the
by l ynnMena
form of stud ents and gradu ates, ideas , reputation , and resources .
Thi s year, we celebra te the Hoversten family, and th eir gene rations-long conn ecuon with Augsburg .
The Hoversten story
In 1806 , a youn g Norweg ian teacher
namedj ohann es ja cobso n mar ried Anna
Hoversten. She was a woman of prop erty
on the rocky island of Renn esoy, up the
coas t from Stavanger. So he took her
surn ame , which came from an
ou tcro ppin g of stone- "hoved sten" or
headsto ne-on the farm she owned.
J ohann es and Ann a had nin e
childr en. It is the descendents of thr eeJacob , Knud , and Gun vor-who
recognized that edu cation offered many
more op portun ities in th e U.S. than in
orway, and who u ltimatel y formed the
Augsbur g conn ection.
The Hoverstens and Augsburg
Elias Hovers ten , son of Knud and Elen
Hoversten, was a stern and practical man
who farmed the land near Marshall,
Minn ., in the first half of the 1900s. Wh en
Elias' oldest son , Knut , grew imo a young
adult , Elias feared that his so n's bad hip
would prevent him from becoming a
successfu l farmer. So in 1926 , he sent
Knut to the city to get an Augsbu rg
education . After Knut grad uated in 1930 ,
more than 40 members of the extend ed
Hovers ten family also attended , includ ing
the family's most recent Augsbur g alumn a,
Kari Lucin '03 , da ughter of Kim
(Hoversten) Lucin '76 and the Rev. Martin
Lucin '74 , grandd aughter of Kermit
Hoversten '50 , and grea t-gra ndd aughter of
Elias Hoversten .
Augsburg's motto, "Educatio n for
Service," is also one of the Hoversten's
strongest tradi tions , and the family has
dedicated their labors to the ideal of
service . Knut , the first Augsburg gradu ate,
is now a retired chemistry teacher. Several
other Hoverstens also became teachersand many entered the fields of medicine,
law, ministry, busin ess, and
The Hoverstens recall
Augsburg as a unifyi ng,
centr al presence in their
lives. M. Annett e
(Hoverste n) Hanson '68 ,
daught er of Knut's broth er,
the Rev. Chester E.
Hoversten '44 , heard many
stories abou t Augsburg
durin g her childh ood .
"Wh enever my dad and his
friends or other family
About 200 Hoversten family members gathered in Hoverst en
members would get
Chapel in 1989 for the dedication of the chapel_they funded . At
left are: (standing) Allen Hoversten '64, L. Berniece Johnson ,
together, they would
Knut Hoversten '30; (kneeling) Garfield Hoversten '50 and
always talk about
Clarence Hoversten '41 . At right are : (back row) Brian
Augsburg ," Annelle said in
Livingston, Kyle Hoversten , Rev. Joel Njus, Augsbu rg Pastor
an article for the fall 2000
Dave Wold ; (front row) Rev. Thomas Hoversten ' 56, Rev.
Chester J. Hoversten '60, Rev. Chester E. Hove rsten '44, and
issue of the Augsbu rg Now.
Augsburg President Charles Anderson .
"And if you want ed to
get married , you went to
Augsburg," she continu ed
the Augsburg campus . In recent years, the
with a chu ckle. "I met my hu sband ,
family had hon ored the College with gifts
Robert [Hanson '68] here. I think that
and pledges of over $1 million as major
while I was a stude nt , I didn 't auac h much
support for the cons tru ction of the
meanin g to the fact that so man y other
College's Foss, Lobeck , Miles Center for
family members had attended . But
Worship , Drama and Communication and
subsequently, it has become mu ch more
to establish the Hoversten Endowment .
important to me. What a rich, precious
On April 22, 1989, Augsburg officially
environm ent. "
dedicated the chape l in Foss Cente r as the
In Octo ber of 1985 , the Hoverstens
Hoversten Chape l. Two months later, two
gathered at the College for a reunion. It
newly endowed Hoversten scholarships
was during this time that they began
were announced , the Hoversten Peace
discussing a monum ent- a chapel at
Scholarship and the Jacob and Ella
Augsburg that would reflect their family
Hoversten Scholarship.
values and traditi ons. A gift of a chapel
"During my days on campus I was
not only expressed their gratit ude but also
enriched in man y ways," said Lorna
demons trat ed their comm itment to
Hoversten '62 . "I received not only a
edu cation , faith , and the college that so
strong scientific education , but also a
many family memb ers had au end ed.
deeper knowledge of my religious ethnic
Four years later, about 200
heritag e. I contribut e jo yfully to this
Hoverstens and their relatives from all
institu tion to enable present and futu re
over the U .5. return ed for a special day on
students to have similar experiences ."
Fall 2003
Fall 2003
The sciencesat AugsburgCollegeoffer a rich educational environmentthat preparesstudentsto
enter a variety of fields in science, medicine, research, industry, public service, and education.
Rigorouscourseworkwithin a liberal arts curriculum, combined with internshipsand outstanding
opportunitiesfor researchwith faculty give students the solid foundation they need to meet the
highly technical demandsof our global society.
This combinationof high quality teaching, the enormous resourcesof the city, and an expectation
that each personcan make a difference in the world affords a powerfuleducation at Augsburg.
by Kathy
• photos
by Stephen
• art
by Sam
Gro ss
scientists,effectiveleaders,and informed
by Cynthia Hill
" Progress made in harnessing fusion as energy source."
"World water crisis worsening. "
" Brain research reveals clues to dyslexia ."
"Meat suppliers asked to cut antibiotic use. "
"CDC reports first cases of monkey pox."
" U.S. sues over ban on genetically
modified foods ."
veryday headlin es like these
fields and inform ed citizens with th e
und ersco re the pervasive
knowledge and crit ical thinkin g skills to
influence of science in our lives .
evaluate the imp act of scientific develop ments
While the st ud y of science has long
been co nsidered part of a well-ro und ed
libera l arts edu cation at Augsbur g, it has
and weigh their mora l, ethi cal, and soc ial
impli cations," she said .
Augsbur g has a stro ng track record on
grown more imp ortant than
ever in a world increasingly
shape d by scientifi c and
techn ological
developm ents.
"Science matters come
up in th e pu blic deba te
continu ally, as we confront
issues such as
enviro nm ent al qu ality,
adva nces in medicine, and
the complexity of hum an
be havior," says Nancy
Steblay, professo r of
psychology and facu lty
liaiso n to Augsbur g's
Science Advisory Board.
"As a socie ty, we need
both capable professionals
in scientifi c and related
Luci Sagehorn'03 combinedminors in biology and chemistrywith a studio
art major.
Fall 2003
eter Agre's decision to major in
chemistry may have been a family
matter. His father, Courtland Agre
was a distinguished chemist in research at
DuPont and 3M as well as a college
professo r. He was one of the "founding
fathers" of Augsburg's chemistry
department and taught in it for 17 years.
Afte r Peter Agre graduated from
Augsburg, he went on to earn a medical
degree at Johns Hopkins UniversitySchool
of Medicine. His interest in biomedical
resea rch led him to a medical residency at
Case Weste rn Universityand a clinical
fellowshipat Universityof North CarolinaChapel Hill. He returned to Johns Hopkins
for a research fellowship in the cell biology
department and has been a faculty member
in the School of Medicine since 1984.
Agre sea rched for answers as to how
water moved from the cells within our
tissues . He also wondered why some
tissues, such as the linings of our lungs,
were so much more permeable than others .
In 1988 Agre discovered "channels "
that allow passage of water in and out of
ce lls. This major breakthrough resulted in
many related studies in biochemistry,
physiology, and genetics. From them ,
researchers have gained much greater
understanding of inherited and acquired
water balance disorders , such as kidney
Biology and chemistry major KeneeshiaWilliams '03 spent a summerresearchingnutrient import and export
in Augsburg'scoral reef aquariumwith biology professorBill Capman (above) and chemistry professorArlin
Gyberg(not pictured).
both fron ts, especia lly th e remarkab le
many a elementary or seconda ry teac hers.
numb er o f scient ists place d in ind ustry,
Augsb urg's strong int ern shi p co nn ect io ns
pub lic servi ce , edu cation , and socia l
lead o th ers to pro fess ional o ppo rtuniti es
servi ce organiza tio ns. Among th em a re
in ind ustry and th e no npro fit wo rld.
K- 12 teac hers, ph ysicia ns, and ot her
Augsburg science gradua tes ca n be foun d
hea lth care and ment al hea lth
at Medt ronic , SciMed, Genera l Electr ic,
prof essionals.
Guid ant , and many oth er bo th large and
In chemistry, for exa mpl e, half of all
gradu atin g maj ors ove r th e pas t 25 years
small co rp ora tio ns. At 3M in St. Paul in
parti cu lar, Augsbur g maint ai ns a large
have go n e o n to eith er earn Ph .D.s o r
prese nce beca use of its longtime
beco m e doc to rs , d en tists , or ph ar macists .
partn ers h ip with th e corpora tio n for
In th e sam e Lime fra me, m ore th an ha lf o f
trainin g of scie nti sts . Simil arly, hos pit als,
all physics maj ors have ent ered gra du ate
co un seling age ncies, and environm ent al
sc hoo l. A simil ar propo rtio n o f b iology
and health nonp ro fits empl oy grad uates
gradu a tes go o n to p rofess io na l and
from Augsbur g's sc ience depa rt ments .
gradu a te pro grams, includin g medi ca l
Thi s reco rd o f ac hi eve ment grows out
schoo l. In psyc ho logy, about half o f all
of Augs bur g's uni q uely enr ichi ng
gradu ates pur sue advanced stud y in areas
edu ca tiona l environm ent -r igorous
ranging from be haviora l gen etics to
science co ur sework wi th in a libe ral arts
co un selin g psyc ho logy as we ll a law,
curr iculum , ou tstand in g opport u nities for
medi cin e, and th eo logy.
s tud ent -fac ul ty researc h and int ern sh ips ,
O ther scie nce majo rs begin th eir
caree rs imm ediately after gra du ation ,
Fall 2003
and stro ng facult y mem ori ng and
p rogra m su ppo rt .
"Our science
condu cted indep endent and team research in
progra ms set high
the College's solid-state ph ysics lab as well as
expectatio ns of what our
summ er resea rch at both Stanford University
stud ents can achieve,"
and th e University of California-Berkeley.
said Mark Engebretson,
ph ysics departm ent chair.
"Whil e Augsbur g is only
moderately selective
comp ared to so me other
libera l arts colleges, it's
what we do with and
expect o f our stud ents
andScholarship Fair, Weekend College
n cassidy and biology major Jean Johnson
ledthe possibility of producing low sugar
the dietaryand diabetic consumer market.
that is different. "
One indi cator of
qu ality is the fact that in
the past seve n years, five Augsbur g science
majors have been awarded Goldwater
Scholarships , a pre mier national und ergradu ate
science awa rd for stud ents in science and
mathematics. Only 30 0 stud ents across th e
count ry are selected each year.
Augsb urg's mos t recent Goldwater Scholar is
senior ph ysics maj or Victo r Acosta . He has
Stud ents attain these high levels of
scholarship because Augsbur g's program s are
demandin g, said William Capman, chair of
Augsburg 's bio logy departm ent.
"Science at Augsburg is hard work, but it
pays off," he said. "Our stud ents develop the
strong found ation needed to succeed in
gradu ate school and in science professions."
Augsburg's biology program is design ed to
develop both breadth and depth of knowledge
in the field . "Our program is broadly based so
that stud ents have more opportuniti es than
they would with a more specialized degree,"
he said. "Stud ents gradu ate well-prepared for
many different paths."
Whil e each program requir es coursewo rk
Mathematics professor RebekahDuponthelps studentsfind researchprojects and internshipsthat give them experience,
combinedwith a solid foundationof theoretical and applied mathematics,for a variety of careers or advancedstudies.
Fall 2003
end eavo r. Cur riculum
tec hn o logy, it is diffi cult for th em to
enh ance ments includ e
co nve y a se ns e o f scie ntifi c exp lora tion
rece ntl y-developed courses
beca use stud ents are usu ally ex p ec ted to
in polym ers, medicin al
dupli ca te k now n res ult s ," sa id
ch emi stry , mat eria ls scie n ce ,
Enge br etson of ph ys ics.
beh aviora l m edi cin e , and
developm e nt al
int o new territo ry in every disc iplin e,
ps yc hopath o log y. In
work in g alongs ide Augs bur g facu lty o n
add iti o n , pra c tici ng
ind epend ent resea rch proj ec ts and w ithin
sc ienti sts come to ca mpu s
cours ewo rk .
as adjun ct facu lty a nd gues t
In the TeachingScholars Program,fundedby NationalScience
Foundation,Augsburg science majorstaught middle-school children at
the Cedar-RiversideSchool, involvingthem in "bottle biology"hands-onprojects like this, studyinggroundwater and its effects on
habitats when percolatingthroughsoil.
in oth er scien ce disci plin es , ma ny
stud en ts pur su e a seco nd maj o r or a
minor , of ten co mbinin g bi ology and
ch emi stry o r a scie nce d iscip lin e wi th
math em atics .
Math emati cs is a popular ch oice
beca use it is "th e language of scie nce, "
sa id ma th ema tics p rofesso r Rebeka h
At Augsburg , st ud ents are digg ing
Bes t kn ow n is Augsbur g's work in
speakers , he lpin g Augsburg
space ph ys ics over th e pas t qu a rt er
stay o n top o f sc ien ce's
ce ntu ry, fund ed w ith gra nts from the
rapidl y chang in g
Na tio nal Science Foundation
d eve lop men ts
a nd NASA.
Und er th e dir ec tio n of Engebretson
But per haps no thin g is
fellow ph ysics prof essor Ken Eri ckson,
mo re relevant and inOu enti a l
in deve lopi ng tomorrow 's
num e rou s spa ce ph ys ics proj ec ts , both
scie nti sts , do cto rs , ed uca to rs, a nd h ea lth
have bee n ac tively in vo lved in
on- a nd o ff-ca mpu s , and m any have
a nd behaviora l specia lists
than Augsburg 's
co mmitm ent to
un de rgra duat e resea rch ,
o ffer ing o pportuniti es
unmat c hed in mos t o th er
sma ll co lleges.
Dupont. "It's co mpl em ent ary to so many
o th er disci plin es ."
For exa mp le, J ennif er Pa lm er '99
co mbin ed a ma th maj or wi th a ch emi stry
minor. She wen t o n to ea rn a mas ter's
Scie nce edu ca tion ad visory
d egree in biostatisti cs at th e Un ive rsity of
pane ls have lo ng str essed
Minn eso ta and is n ow a bios ta tistician a t
th e va lue of und ergrad uate
Boston Scientifi c Co rporati on in th e
resea rch ex perien ces,
Twin C iti es .
es pecia lly th e op po rtunit y
With changing scie ntifi c tr end s and
wor kpl ace requir ement s, th e pro gra ms
n ot o nly str ess mas tery of th e
to look for n ew, as o pp osed
to ex pec ted , res ults .
"Alth oug h stand ard
fund a ment a ls but a lso ac qu ai nt st ud ent s
laborator y co u rses co nvey
with em erg in g fields of sci e ntifi c
kn ow ledge abo ut curr en t
Fall 2003
NSF funds provide 30 Augsburgscholarships each year for computer
science and mathematics majors (CSEMS) in both the day and
weekendprograms. Pictured here are: Firstrow (Lto R): Alex Krantz,
Brian Bue, Sarah Sletten (Middle row): HeatherGreene, Kirsten
Halvorson, Scott Kuhl (Back row}: Brian Ashbaugh, Paul Sanft.
Chemistry major Jennif er Hagenspent her summerassisting ProfessorRon Fedie on NSF-funded research studying
copolymers at the University of Minnesota.
presented resul ts at nationa l scie nce
conferences and in academic publi cation s (see
story on p. 30).
Similarl y, chemistry student J ennifer Hagen
devoted her summ er to assisting che mistry
professor Ron Fedie on a project to furth er
necessary for this work.
Engeb retso n said gradu ates rep eated ly tell
him th ese kind s of experiences were a key
factor in their decision to pursue adva nced
degrees and science caree rs.
"Their resea rch back gro und gave them an
know ledge of block copolym ers condu cted at
important sense of direction both during
the Univers ity of Minnesota, as part of the
th eir studies and durin g their later careers,"
NSF-fund ed Research Site for Edu cato rs in
he said .
According to the National Science Board's Science and Engineering
Indicators 1998 report, only one-quarter of Americans understand the
nature of scientific inquiry well enough to make informed judgments
about scientific results reported in the media.
Chemistry (RSEC) program. This grant provides
While man y stud en ts assist in resea rch
funding for faculty and students from smaller,
outsid e of th e classro om, research
primarily four-year colleges to collabora te and
experiences are also emb edded int o the
engage in cuttin g-edge research at research
curri culum . For exa mpl e, in biology, severa l
uni versities equipp ed with sophistica ted
cours es within the major includ e what
instrumentation and chemistry resources
Capman calls "non-trivi al" original research
Fall 2003
as maj or comp onents of th e labora tory
work . Every biology maj or comp letes at
progra ms.
In psychology, a research proj ect is
least two or thr ee such research proj ects
requir ed of every maj or, and many
before grad uating.
stud ents go on to do furth er work wit h a
"Through these long-term proj ects ,
students experience science the way a
faculty member.
"We stress research in our program
scienti st does, " Capm an said. "They have
because our stude nts need to become
to figure out the hypo thesis, design and
critical think ers. We want them to
cond uct the experim ents , and int erpret
question why claims are made, and to
and present the research, wh ich often
recognize both the strengths and
means dealing with the ambiguities of
limitations of research findin gs," said
Bridget Robinso n-Riegler, chair of
Worki ng in small group s, stud ents
review the work of previous class projects
Augsbur g's psychology departm ent.
Research experience at Augsbur g
to figu re out the nex t logical qu estion for
often leads to int ensive off-campu s
stud y.
opportuni ties and int ernship s.
"Throu gh these stud ent proj ects , we're
Last summ er, for exa mple, j uni or
actually bui ldin g our own body of
ph ysics maj or Ryan Nevin went to Penn
scien tific literatur e on popu lation
Slate University for a research
genetics, prot ozoa n eco logy, )'easl grow th ,
expe rience, while juni or Greg McKusky
and other topics," Capm an said. He
and soph omore Nigel Milbridge loo k
add ed that this level of stud ent research
part in proj ects with Augsburg physics
goes far beyond many und ergradu ate
professor Amb rose Wolf at the University
professorGraceDyrud(center)and psychology
studentsMatt Plitzkow(left) and Emily Beltz
(right)exploredpossiblereasonsfor persistent gamblingby lookingat gamblingbehaviorwhen players
receiveddifferentkindsof resultsin the slot machines.
Fall 2003
ecause science affects nearly every
aspect of modern life, Augsburg
courses for non-science majors are
aimed at building scientific literacy- the
knowledge and understanding of scientific
conce pts and processes required for
personal decision-making , participation in
civic and cu ltural affairs, and economi c
productivity .
William Capman , chair of Augsburg 's
biology department said , "We want nonmajors to become familiar with the scien ce
issues facing our society. The object is to
get them to the point where they can make
sense out of a newspaper article about
genetic engineering, health issues, human
behavior, or the environment , for
example. "
The College's general education
requir ement s include two science courses
for non-scie nce majors. Offering s include
courses specifical ly designed for the nonscience major, such as the elective
Chemistry for Changing Times.
Non-majors also participate in
Augsburg 's Science Education for New
Civic Engagement and Responsibility
program (SENCER), funded by the
National Science Foundation. Through
SENCER, biology and chemistry stud ents
have engaged in hand s-on projects, such
as analyzing water and invertebrate
samp les from area streams and providing
the information to a Hennepin
Conservation District water-quality
database. In turn , students are inform ed
as to how the data is used by legislative,
neighborhood, and environmental group s.
Joan Kunz, chemistry professor and
c hair of the Division of Natural Sciences
and Mathematics, has provided leadership
for the SENCER program . She is
ent husiastic about how thi s project brings
together two critical element s in
Augsburg 's mission-high quality science
educa tion and an ethic of service to
society. "Community environmental needs
are served at the same time that science
literacy is fostered in our student citizens,"
she said.
University of Minnesota 's Cedar Creek
Natu ral Hiswry Area. After gradu atio n, he
was hired as a research field manager in the
program , and plans to cont inu e to grad uate
school for an advanced degree in ecology.
Augsburg science students have also
participated in research at the Mayo Clinic,
Argonn e
atio nal Laboratory, ationa l
Institut e of Health Summ er Research
Program , and the University of Minnesota
Sup ercomput er Institut e, to name just a few.
Besides enri ching stud ent learnin g,
Augsburg faculty-student research also
contribut es
the wider comm uni ty by
advancin g scientific und erstandin g,
n year, RyanShea'06 found a research project working with Professor
Wolfin thesolidstatephysics lab.
contribu ting to new appli cation s, and , in
so me cases , in formin g public polic y.
In psychology, Steblay's resea rch on false
identifi cation in police line-ups , for exampl e,
has contribut ed to th e U.S. Departme nt of
Ju stice's new pro cedura l guide lin es for law
enforcemen t regarding eyewi tn ess evidence .
An exami nat io n of poverty patt ern s and th e
census in th e Cedar Riverside neighborhood
by Dupont and math ematics stud ents helped
a non-p rofit organization frame its advocacy
efforts .
On yet anoth er level, resea rch serves as a
"batt ery-c harger" for facult y, accordi ng to
Engebretso n . "Researc h can be very exc itin g.
It also remind s us that we as faculty are still
Biology maj or JaredTrost '00 was offered a position at the
University of Minnesota's Cedar Creek Natural History
Centerfollowing his research internship there in ecology.
learn ers and helps us maint ain humilit y in
th e face of th e uni verse. We don 't have all
the answe rs."
of Minnesota's Materials Research Science and
Engineering Cent er.
Sometimes an off-campus expe rience leads
0 F
to a job . Go ldwate r Scholar Jared Trost '00, for
example , pursu ed his interest in eco logy
Stroll through Science Hall and you'll usually
th roug h a se nior year research internship at th e
find groups of stud ents hanging ou t in the
Fall 2003
departm ent al office uit es. A strong
se nse of co mmunit y is enjoyed by
sc ience facult y and stud ents .
"Beca use we teach our ow n labs ,
j oy," she said .
Many Augsbur g scie nce gra du ates
probably wou ld not have co nsidered
0 R I Z ON
majo ring in sc ience or pursuin g scie nce
have small classes , and advise our ow n
careers with out thi s level of facult y
majo rs , we spend a lot of tim e with our
involvement and Augsb urg's support
stud ent s and co me to kn ow th em well,"
progra ms. Science facult y wo rk clos ely
said Capm an .
with stud ents in Augsbur g's Cent er for
ugsburg is extending its pledge to
prepare the scientists, health ca re
and mental health professionals of the
Robin so n-Riegler's psyc hology
Learnin g and Adap tive Services (CLASS)
futur e through collaborations with
stud ents call her by her first name. "I
and Access Cr nt er (for stu dents with
like th at. Augsbur g is a place wh ere I
ph ysical o r learnin g disab ilities) and the
commu nity partners such as Fairview
can get to know stud ents well enough to
StepUP pro gram (for stud ents in
Health Services, United Hospitals, and
help guid e th em th rough thi s very
recove ry from alco hol and dru g
Hazelden. These alliances allow expanded
tumu ltu ous tim e in th eir lives. "
depend ency) .
ed ucational oppo rtunities for studen ts as
they prepare for careers as clinical
"The undergraduate years are the last opportunity for rigorous
academic study of math, science, and engineering by many of
the future leaders of our society-who
will have to make
momentous decisions that involve science and technology. "
-The National Research Council
laboratory scien tists, nurses, and chemica l
dependency counselo rs.
Among the emerging initiatives are a
new clinical laboratory science maJor to
prepare health professionals in laboratory
A ment oring relationship with
Augsbur g has also supp orted
medicine, in partner ship with Fairview
stud ent s often leads to what chemistry's
stud ent s from un de rrep rese nt ed group s
Sandra Olm sted calls "head- to-h ead ,
in pur suin g gradu ate studi es after
Health Services; an art iculated agreement
soul-sea rchin g academic advi sing."
co llege with a Ronald E. McNa ir Post-
that allows more seamless connection
Baccalaurea te Achievement grant.
between Augsburg's and Hazelden's
"Sometim es a s tud ent picks a career
path based on admirin g so meo ne, not
"lnclu sivity in our progra m is key to
necessa rily on his or her ow n calling,"
Augsbur g's missio n ," said Du po nt. "By
she said .
givin g th em th e too ls and ex periences to
educational programs; and the Augsburg
Academy, a charter schoo l focused on
Reca lling a s tud ent who had always
build th eir co nfid ence and co mpetence,
health careers, in partnership with
want ed to be a doc tor, Olmsted said th at
stud ents w ho might have bee n writt en
Fairview Health Services, Luther Seminary,
whil e workin g at a part-Lime jo b at a
off can encl up succee din g."
and othe r organizations.
hospit al near campu s , th e yo un g man
discovered he didn 't like being aro un d
ick peo ple. As his adviser, Olm ted
Robin so n-Riegler chara cterizes
Augsbur g's app roac h to scie nce
edu cation as "a laun ching pad for youn g
helped h im ex plo re oth er paths. He
peop le. You learn th eir dr eams , you see
eventu ally went on to Yale University
w hat th ey're good at, and
and beca me a medical resea rcher. "We
th em on ."
try to help stud ent s discove r th eir
ia Hill wriles fr eque111
/y a/JouI Augsburg
College and is a parlller <II Rw11111
el, Dubs and
uniqu e talents and what brin gs th em
Fall 2003
)' OU
by Dan Jorgensen
ugsburg College
Th e University of
math ematics and
Minn eso ta also serves
as a key summer
student.s---in addit ion
research site for Wolf
to winnin g such
and his students who
prestigious awards as
have worked at th e
the Goldwater
Material s Research
Scholarship (five in the
Science and
past seven years)Engin eering Center
often find themselves
(MRSEC) for th e past
in line for major
four summe rs. There ,
su mm er research
projects bring toge ther
oppo rtuniti es and
research ers from
acceptance into some
chemistry , ph ysics,
of the nati on's leadin g
material s scie nce, and
grad uat e program s,
engineerin g. In
thanks in no small part
addition to his physics
to th e research work
students Wolf has also
(L to R) ProfessorsRonFedie, chemistry; J. AmbroseWoll, physics; and NicholasCoult,
an d outside consultin g
worked with students
efforts of th eir professors. mathematics, offer their studentsadvancedresearchand internshipsopportunitiesbecauseof
researching polymers ,
their own research, networking, and collaborationwith universities, researchinstitutions,and
Faculty like icholas
the same field as Fedie .
industry across the country.
Coult in math emati cs,
"Polymers are at the
Ron Fedi e in chemistry,
heart of my work ," Fed ie
labo rato ry as well as in places like Target
and J. Ambro se Wolf in physics , brin g
stated . "Because there are probabl y 200 or
Co rporation , where th ey'll have th e
both "real-wo rld " expe riences dir ectly to
more local companies involv ed directly
chan ce to use th eir math ematics skills .
th eir classroom instru ction and pro vide
with polym er use, the indu strial
Fedie , who came to Augsburg in the
facult y-stud ent resea rch parLnerships that
applications are almost limitle ss. As a
mid -1990s after earning his Ph.D . in
help prepare th eir stud ents for graduat e
chemist, you have higher th an a 70
ph ysical/polym er chemistry from th e
sc hoo l, indu stry int ernship s, and job
perc ent cha nce of working ,vith polymer
Unive rsity of Minn eso ta, said many
chemistry, so I'm pleased that we've
op portuniti es .
chemistry stud ents find resea rch or
created a number of ties between
Coult , who earn ed his Ph .D. in
internship opportuniti es in places like
app lied mathematics at th e Universi ty of
Augsburg and th e industry . Through the
3M , Aveda, Aspen Resea rch , Hon eywe ll,
RSEC collaboration we are able to give
Co lorado , came to Augsbur g thr ee years
Genera l Mills, and Medtronic . He has also
our undergraduat es opportunities that
ago after serving as a postdoc tor al
been ab le to work in a team setting with
only graduate students might get at other
researc h asso ciate at the Institut e for
one of his students at th e U of M's
institutions. "
Mathema tics and its App lications at th e
Research Site for Educator s in Chemistry
A course developed by Fedie , Th e
University of Minn eso ta. With h is U o f M
(RSEC), where Augsburg has a grant to
Properti es of Polymers , has been th e only
con nection s, he is assis ting in develop ing
help und ergraduat e stud ents work und er
regular undergr aduate course offered on
oppo rtunities for stud ents to take
th e sup ervision of Ph .D. advisers.
this topic in the Associated Colleges of
int ernship s at its St. Anthony Falls
Fall 2003
Lhe Twin Cities (ACTC ) consort ium.
Polym er are long chain molecule
that are eith er natural , such as D A,
proteins , and cellul ose , or syntheLic.
Synth etic polym er rang e from
poly(e th ylene terep hthal ate) PETE, used
to mak e sof t drink bottl es an d polyester
fibers, to poly(s tyrene) PS, used for
insulation and co ffee cups , to
poly (ethylene ), the flexib le type used in
plastic sheetin g and trash bags. It also can
be blended for use in every thin g from car
Lires to fabrics LO artificial turf.
"Polymer ," Fedi e said , "are th e synthetic
age of materials that we're in toda y. In
many way , th e 1960s movie The
Graduate s till has it correct- th e futur e
is plastic s."
Polym er study also carries over to
ph ysics and th e thin films application s
researc h that Wolf is doi ng. "Polym ers
allow for flex ibilit y and co uld be used to
make tran istors , the building blocks of
co mput er chips . Thes e cou ld th en be
sprayed onto any surface and logical
elements created . Speci fically, th ey co uld
be sprayed on non -r igid surfaces like
clothing , si nce th ey are very thin and
lightweight. If every thin g in a store , for
example , had th ese sprayed-on pol ymer
inform ation piec es, all items in a
shoppi ng cart co uld be sca nn ed at th e
sa me tim e without being taken from th e
cart. It creat es grea t research possibiliti es
for our stud ents ."
Wolf's primar y research has centered
on Magnetic RAM (MRAM) , a co mpl ex
proc ess used for s torage densit y on th e
read-h eads of co mput er hard drives.
"MRAM will revolutionize comp uter
memory and storage as we know it," he
said . "Part of this research also is done in
my Augsburg lab. We are working on
basic equipm ent at this point , but the
resea rch shou ld reac h 'publishable ' leve l
during th e nex t academic year."
Becau se of th e ex tensive researc h
work Augsbur g stud ents have done not
on ly at th e Univer ity of Minn eso ta, but
in places like Wisco nsin , Corne ll,
tanford, and Univers ity of CaliforniaBerkeley, th e Chemi Lry and Physics
Departm ents are coo perating on crea tin g
a bachelor 's degree in materials science
for stud ent int erested in that area and
Fall 2003
currently doing doubl e majo rs in phy ics
and chemi try. Throu gh ACTC classes ,
th e new majo r also will serve Universi ty
of t. Th omas engin eer ing majo rs.
"Our new genera l edu cation
curriculum pro vid es for th e co urse
arrange ment for such a maj or," Wolf said .
"And loca l industri es are int eres ted in this
typ e of major. Its graduates will be very
empl oyable, boLh loca lly and nat ionally;
and it mirror s th e resea rch side in our
coursework. "
Wolf, who created Augsb urg's so lid
Late ph ysics co ncentr ation , did
postd octoral resea rch at Basel,
Switzerland, and th e Nava l Re earch
Laboratory in Washington , D.C., after
earning his Ph .D. from the University of
Ka in and th e Research Cent er in J0li ch ,
Germany. Th e new co ncent ration brin gs
all of the ph ysics resea rch supp ort-s uch
as co mput er program s and eq uipm entdir ectly in to th e classroo m. At th e same
tim e, it provides elective co urses for
stud ents majo rin g in chemistr y and
math ematics .
Cou lt's research also has brought new
equipm ent LO Augsburg , primaril )' in th e
form of co mput ers . The equipm ent is
pur chased throu gh gra nt s from a Texasbased seismic-exp lora tion co mp any and i
used to support his resea rch in
co mputati onal method s in ap plied
math emati cs. Augsburg tud ent
resea rchers mak e heavy use of th e
equipment both during th e summer and
throughout the schoo l year.
"I am working on severa l so ftware
packages that use advanc ed math ematics
to impro ve th e proces sing and analy is of
data used in exp lora tion for oi l and gas ,"
Co ult sa id . "A math ema tical per pective
allows us to have a precise und erstandin g
of why a process do es or do e not work ,
and how it can be impro ved . My plan is
LO ge t our tud ent dir ectly involv ed in
this kind of work ."
Coult has summer stud ents wo rkin g
with National Scienc e Foundation-funded
research . His stud ents build oftwar e th at
will be appli cable to co mput ationa l
prob lems by using th e
comput er. Like his co lleagues in
chemistr y and physics , ou lt ha helped
start new classes, including Math 355 ,
um erical Mathematics and
Comput ation , which lie at th e
intersection of math emati cs and
comp ut er science-his primary field of
researc h.
"This is an elective for both
math ematics and computer science,
and stud ents from th at clas arc well
prepared Lo do co mput atio nal work in
th e field ," he aid.
"It is of int eres t LO stu de nts in th e
sciences , too, especia lly thos e
int erested in doing computational
modeling. Genomics , where sc ienti ts
will be sortin g th rough snippets of
DNA, and bio-infomatic , wh ich deal s
with pro cess ing and gathering in the
biological scien es, are go ing to be
growing fields where thi l rpe of
training will be ideal. " •
by 11111, Nor11rd
handra Erdman came to Augsbur g
with two years of co llege classes
alread y on her tra nscr ipt , but had
no particular major or caree r goal in
mind . Now, one year after gra du ating,
she has compl eted a master's degree and
has begun a Ph.D. progra m al Yale
University in sta tistics.
"I never thought I'd be where I am
toda y," Erdman reflected. and , as she
loo ks ahead a cou ple of years, lhe
statistic sh e's aimi ng for is lo beco me th e
first African-A merican to compl ete Yale's
doc toral progra m in statistics.
Erdman came to Augsbur g after
spendin g her ju nior and senior years of
high schoo l at the University of
Minn esota full lime taking general
co urses. She chose Augsbu rg because of
its small size and fou nd a co mfortable
fit. She decided upo n a math maj or
because the subj ect really challenged her,
and becau se o f its exac tn ess and "how
thin gs fall imo place." The fact that it's a
science that can be carrie d out enti rely
in one's mind , without too ls or lab
experim ents, imrigu ed her.
W hal made the real d ifference in
Erdm an's experience at Augsbur g,
howeve r, was selection as a McNa ir
Scholar. Thi s federally-funded prog ram
seeks to increase the number of gradu ate
degrees earned by stu de nts from
und erreprese nted segme nts of soc iety.
Th e 18 stud ents who have been serv ed
each year by the progra m, eith er lowincome first generation co llege stud ents,
stud en ts of color, or other individu als
und erreprese med in doc tora l progra ms,
have been involved in research and oth er
scholarly ac tivities lo p repare th em for
doc toral studi es.
Erdm an comp leted two research
proj ects while she was an un de rgradu ate.
For a summ er research proj ect in appli ed
mat h, she used U.S. census co un ts to
model the shifting residenti al palterns in
the last four decades among blacks and
whit es in North Minn eap olis. She
presen ted thi s research as an ora l
presemation on campu s and as a
session at the McNa ir Scholars
conference at the University of
Puerto Rico.
Her seco nd resea rch proj ect
was in pur e math , where she
studi ed cominu ed fractions and
tried to pro ve a series of openend ed qu estions. This resea rch was
presented at a colloquium for
mathematics, co mput er science,
and ph ysics stud ents on campu s.
As she began thinkin g about
her voca tional choices , howeve r, it
was a semester with math ematics
prof esso r Ken Kamin sky that set
th e course. "My favorite class was
ChandraErdman'02 celebratedher Augsburg
probability and statistics," Erdm an
with DixieShafer(left), McNairScholarsprogramdirector,
said- she enjo yed the fun in
and her mother
, PaulaErdman(right).Erdmanis currentlya
doctoralcandidatein statisticsat Yale University
probability and th e usefuln ess of
statistics. Thi s int erest, combin ed
with a requir ed teachin g experience in
thought about gradu ate schoo l. As a first
generation college stud ent , she grew up
calculu s, which she really enjoyed ,
helped shape her goa l to teach at the
with out role models to help her pur sue
co llege level.
edu cation or leach her th e process of
learnin g.
In fall 2002 Erdm an began a master's
In the McNair program, she learned
prog ram al Colum bia University. "I was
how to co ndu ct and present research,
terrified when I first go t th ere, thinking
that everyo ne else was smarter than I
what gradu ate schoo l is all about , and
was," she said. "But after I started gettin g
how to wril e appli cations and prepare for
th e gra d schoo l exa ms. But, most
A's, I felt I really did belong ." She
imp ortant , she received lots of supp ort
compl eted th e master's degree in a year.
and encou ragement to gain the
In seekin g doc tora l programs,
confidence to succeed. "McNa ir help ed
Erdm an loo ked not only at the schoo l's
me to never feel alone," Erdman
pro gra ms, but she also called its gra duat e
reflected .
stud en ts and talked with th em about
She stays in contact with mathematics
their ex periences . Yale's small size again
professo rs Kamins ky and Rebekah
see med like a goo d fit to pro vide the
Dup ont , also McNa ir's resea rch director,
comfort she so ught. Whil e im erviewin g
as well as with Dixie Shafer, McNair
there, she also conn ected wit h a facult y
prog ram director.
member who shared her int erest in
Fo r so meo ne who admitt ed to not
und ercoum ed popul ations and had a
even kn owing what the Ivy League was ,
proj ect idea in mind for adju stin g the
Erdman has already left her mark on on e
count s.
of its schoo ls and is ready lo tackle
Erdm an admit s that before j oinin g the
anoth er. •
McNa ir Scholars progra m, she had not
Fall 2003
by Paul S. Mueller '84, MD
hen sick people consult a
physician Lo determin e the cause
and treatment of their illness, they
may also seek answers to existe ntial
questions that science cann ot answe r (e.g.,
"Wh y me?"). Many patients rely on their
spirint al beliefs and spirintal care providers
to answ er these qu estions . Many patients ,
howeve r, also engage their ph ysician in
existential discuss ions. As a physician who
frequ ently conveys bad news to patients,
my liberal arts edu cation at Augsbur g,
mu ch more than my medical edu cation,
has prepared me to participat e in these
discussions .
Unlike most of the hard sciences (e.g.,
ph ysics), medical science is inexact. At
best, it is difficult to cond uc t research of
organ systems (e.g., the heart and blood
vessels) in iso latio n. Th e human body is a
highly complex organism. Its organ
systems are intertwi ned and exist in
harm ony with each other. Furth ermore ,
medical science often involves ani mal
research , the results of whi ch are
extrapolated to hum ans .
Whil e medical science is inexac t,
clinical medicine is even more so . It is
imp ossible for ph ysicians to appl y all of
the techniqu es of the laboratory LO the
patient's beds ide. In add ition, a patient is
mu ch more than a biological organism. A
patient has an emotional life, a sp iritu al
life, and past experiences, all of which give
meaning and purp ose LO life events,
includin g illness. Furth ermore , like organ
systems , patients do not exist in isolation.
Rather, patients have relationship s with
loved ones and communi ties. In fact,
evidence is growi ng that psychological
factors, spiritu ality, and interperso nal
relationship s are importa nt determ inants
Fall 2003
of health , and seasoned phy icians
recognize their imp ortance. Providing
holis tic care by addressing the
psychosoc ial, spiritual, and relational needs
of patients leads to beuer health outcomes
includin g recovery from illness.
In 1984 , I gradu ated from Augsburg
College with a B.A. in chemistry. I also
completed the pre-med ical education
requirements for medica l school. While in
medical school and interna l medicine
residency, I always felt my Augsburg
science education was sufficient. While I
certainly learn ed many facts at Augsbu rg, I
also deve lope d a love of discovery th rough
the scient ific method. I learned how to seek
new knowledge by asking quest ions ,
developi ng hypo theses, and conducting
expe riments--sk ills that I app ly LO my
practice and research wday.
Yet it was the Augsbur g libera l arts
edu catio n that allowed me to thrive in
clinica l medicine. Discussing a diagnosi s
(e.g., cancer ) \vith a patient requires not
only up- to-da te un ders tanding of the
disease and its treatment , but also how
such a diagnosis can impac t a perso n and
his or her relations hips. Religion ,
philosop hy, ethics, art , and the other
compo nents of a liberal arts education
inforn1 me in ways that the ph ysical
sciences do not. Not surpris ingly, it is from
these areas, especially religion and
philosoph y, that many patients draw
meaning, pu rpose , and wisdom as they face
and cope \vith illnesses. Like\vise, a liberal
arts educatio n prepares physicians to
empath ize and dialogue with patients as
they face iIIness.
Whil e the science major learns how to
become a proficient scientist, the Augsburg
liberal arts education informs the science
major of other truths such as religious ,
phil osophi cal, and ethica l tru ths. Indeed ,
blind pur suit of cientific knowledge an d
acceptance of scien tific materialism (i.e.,
the belief that everyt hing, including the
hum an being, can be under wod as simply
Paul S. Mueller'84, MD
mauer ) can have devastatin g conseque nces.
For examp le, the Nuremberg trials of Nazi
physicians taught us that medical cience
\vithoul conscience is un acceptable. A
liberal arts edu cation inforn1s the Augsburg
science major of what questions are worth
answering and what it means LO be a
scientist in the context of wday's world and
its greatest needs .
An Augsburg liberal arts edu cation also
encourages scien ce majors LO seek and
pursu e their vocation , or calling, rather
than simply a job. Like patients , man y
stud ents ask existential questions related LO
vocation (e.g., "What is my purp ose in
life?"). Science canno t answer these
qu estions. On the other hand , a rich liberal
arts educational experience can assist the
stud ent in answering these questions .
Some of my best memor ies of Augsburg are
of long discussions \vith my professors
related LO the meanin g and purpose of life.
Indeed , I spe nt countl ess hou rs in these
discussion s ,vith my mentor and adviser ,
Professor John Hoium of the Chem i try
Departm ent. He taught me not on ly the
principl es of organic chemistry, but al o
helped me reconcile my faith with my
know ledge of the physical uni verse. He
role mode led vocation and what it meant
be a conscientious scientist. These
discussions inform ed me and helped hape
my vocation , or calling-and continu e LO
inforn1 Augsburg stud ents wda)( •
Pau l 5. Muelle1; M.D., M.P.H., F.A. .P., is a
con ulta11tat the Mayo Clinic Rochester
a11dis president of che Augsburg College
Alumni Association Board of Directors.
by Betsey Norgard
eachers are often asked to recall past
teachers in their lives who made
differences along the edu cational
journey.Jon Iverson '00 and Pete Ockuly
'95 were biology majors at Augsburg. Both
now teach science in public schools , and
both readily talk about the differences
biology professor Dale Pederson '70 , their
adviser at Augsburg, made in their
vocational decis ions .
Iverso n teaches seventh- and eighthgrad e science at Anderson Open School in
Minn eapolis, and Ockuly teaches biology
at Champlin Park High School. Both
believe that Augsbur g prepared them well
to step into a classroom.
Iverson and Ockuly are grad uates of a
departme nt that prepares students for
varying career paths-graduate or
professional studies , secondary education,
and industry and research positions. In all
cases, it means equipping them with a
solid foundatio n in biology
Pederso n exp lains how difficult it has
become LO under stand the leadin g edges of
science without such a broad foundation .
When he talks LO prosp ective seco nda ry
schoo l teachers, he tells them how
important it will be for them to "help
[their] stud ents develop a useful
und erstanding of th e fund amental aspects
of biology, e.g. the cellular natur e of life,
the cent ral dogma of information storage
and expression , the correlations between
cell divisions and pan erns of inh eritan ce,
the unit y and diversity of life and
evolution-above all, evolution. Whil e
there are many hot topics in curr ent
biology," he says, "most of them cannot be
usefully addressed without such
found ational knowledge and insight. "
In addition to courses in biology, most
biology majors also take six semes ters of
chemistry and physics, and two semesters
of mathematics . Iverso n says he felt this
prepar ed him for a variety of science
activities and teaching-more than many
new teachers he knows who concentr ated
in one major or focused on research.
Ockuly feels his core science
background is bett er than some of his
colleagues. His perception is that his
college training allowed him Loquick ly
work at a level like that of his colleagues
who had more extensive teachin g
Th e Biology Department's rigorous
training begins with freshm an courses that
includ e research projects throu gh which
stud ents learn to und erstand science as
process, how science knowledg e is
acquired , and the limitations of sciencewhat types of qu estions it can and cannot
ask. For futur e teachers , Pederson says,
this will provid e grounding needed for
them LO help their students , for example,
if they become involved in science fair
projects. "Teachin g science as process is
not likely to be effective un less the teacher
is experienced in research ," he says. "You
can't learn how to do science by reading a
book . ILtakes experience and
mentorin g-a lot of mentoring."
Th e departm ent also encourages
students LO develop a sense of lifelong
learnin g. "Th ere is no way that they can
learn everything they need to know [at
Augsburgl, but they'll know how to learn
and teach th emselves," says Pederson.
And , he hopes they take with them an
enthu siasm and excitement for science.
"You can't work in biology without
BiologyprofessorDale Pederson'70 adviseshis
studentsenteringteaching careershow important
it will be for them to help their studentslearn the
foundationand processof science to understand
the growingcomplexities of life.
developing a passion for it and a craving
for the insights that continually reveal life
to be both more complex and elegant than
imagined ," he says.
For his future teachers, Pederson says
the depart ment also makes specific
suggestions for courses to take. If, for
instance, th e student hasn't had a plant
biology course , Pederson recomm ends
one, believing that plant biology should be
part of th e high school curriculum .
When speaki ng abou t their advising
expe rience with Pederson, however, both
Iverson and Ocku ly speak about it more
from an intellectual than scientific
persp ective. Both recall frequent
Fall 2003
discussion s with Pederson about teaching,
education , and edu cational systems .
Iverson came to college already
knowing he wanted to teach. He tells of
recently cleaning out old paper s and
finding a report from second grade in
which he listed teaching as his choice for
wha t he wanted to be when he grew up.
He recalls Pederson as a "very, very,
very tough teacher." "ln my first year I
didn 't do very well in science ," Iverson
says, "and I was thinking that I really
shouldn 't do this . ln my second year 1 had
[Pederson]. and he pushed me like no
other instructor at Augsburg had. I think it
was at that time I really started to develop
intellectually. You could see it, not only in
my grades , but in how mu ch I remembered
after courses and in my attitud e toward
other classes.
"He taught me intellectually the effort it
took and the patience it took to do science
really well," Iverson says.
Ock uly didn 't decide on teaching until
late in his sop homore year. He can't
pinpoint the actual decision , but can recall
listening to teachers and thinki ng about
how he wou ld explain the subj ect
differently, or use different examp les. Ot her
factors supp orted his decision to teach. He
enjoyed coach ing yout h
wrestling, and his wife, Kristi
Ocku ly '95 , was in eleme ntary
edu cation.
Ockuly recalls thoughtfu l,
and sometimes provoking,
discussions he had with
Pederson. "I remember
specific conversat ions about
Jon Iverson'00, a middle-school science teacher, can now appreciate
the education system . It
the "push" he receivedfrom his biology professors at Augsburgthat
interested me to thin k and
challenged him-and helps him seek the best from his students.
talk about it, and perhaps
helped push me into
th ousands of doll ars because of the years
education ," Ockuly says. "Dale was the
or decades of research , design , and trials
first person I ever had deep discussions
that mad e it possible.
wit h; he helped me realize that I wanted
Pederson stresses that advisers at
to teach. "
Augsburg spend a great deal of time with
In educating the ir own stud ents now;
their students - in lectur es, in labs, in
both Iverson and Ockuly want to impress
one-on-o ne research, and in advising.
how important science edu cation is for
Students become comfortab le talking with
everyone, not just for the stud ents who
their advisers, mak ing it easier to discuss
want to become scientists.
how to select app ropr iate courses ,
"I believe the goal of science education
experiences, and activit ies for tho se
should be educating [students[ enoug h to
stud ents .
be able to vote on important science
For stud ents go ing into classroom
issues, to be able to deal with household
teachin g, the departm ent can arran ge
prob lems that they might have, or
pra ctical teaching experie nces. Iverson
prob lems at their businesses ," Iverson
worked as a lab assistant , helpin g teach a
says. "If their city decides to bui ld a stom1
biology class for non-majors . "The
sewer, they should be able to hear
opportuni ty to deal with tud ents who
argum ents on both sides and
really didn 't want to be th ere and didn 't
then decide whether it's a
have a good grasp on a lot of science "
good thing or not."
was a lot like th e middl e school science
Ocku ly tries to help his
classroom whe re he now teaches, he says.
stud ents und erstand the
At Augsburg, 10-15 students each year
complexity of probl ems, in
maj or in biology, chemi try, ph ysics, or
additio n to the advantages ,
math wit h seco ndary teachin g in mindthat result from the explosion
areas of current teacher shortages. Th ey
of science and techn ology.
have advisers in bot h their major
He gives medical care as a
discipline and in edu cation- something
prim e example. What once
not often the case in teacher training
were friendl y hom etown
progra ms.
doctors' offices have given
Advisers from th e two depa rtm ents
way to techni cally-advanced
depend on one anoth er, says Pederson ,
clinics. He tries to help his
and co llaborate on planning scie nce
Ideas from many of the discussions on educational systemsand
stud ents und erstand how, for
requir ements. "Th e bottom line," he
science standardsthat Pete 0ckuly '95 fondly rememberswith Dale
example, a small tub e for a
says, "is th at both want the student to
Pederson, his biology adviser, have found their way into 0ckuly's
heart procedur e may cost
succeed ." •
biology classroom at ChamplinPark High School.
Fall 2003
by Betsey Norgard
andr a Olmsted '69 , associate professor of
chemistry, often wonders what her former
classmates and stude nts are doing in the field and
what she can learn from them.
Sherry Jennings-King , director of corporat e,
foundation , and governm ent relations , has wondered,
in her new job , how she could gain ent ree to major
area corporat ions to build institutiona l relation ships
with the College. She happens to have a degree in
chemical engine ering.
So, they teamed up . Olmsted identified Augsburg
chemistry alumni worki ng at area corporatio ns, and
the duo visited them for lun ch and conversa tion.
Olmsted and Jennings-King 's agendas were differentOlmsted was anxious to hear what th e alum s could tell
her about new and chang ing ski lls in the workp lace
and , from their perspectives , what emerging trends
might impact Augsburg's chemistry curriculum .
Jennings-King was hoping to build bridges that wou ld
help bring internships , partnerships , and finan cial
support to Augsbu rg.
In meeting th e alumni , Olmste d
says it opened her eyes to new and
emerg ing opport uniti es for her
students , especia lly in the
combin ation of chemistry with ot her
disciplines . One grad they visited
combined chem istry with computer
scie nce. He writ es softwa re that run s
hosp ital instruments and allows
th em to communicate across
distances , enab ling doctors in
remo te loca tions to access medical
data and follow pat ient prog ress. He
says his kn owledge of how
chemistry works in the bod y mak es
him a bett er software engineer
because he can und ers tand the data
in more depth .
One person they visited is Dean
Malotky '71, vice president and
prin cipal at Barr Engineering. In his
25 years th ere he has been in on the
ground level to develop assessment
SherryJennings-King(right), ~irector of corporate,
and remediation meth ods for waste
foundation, and governmentrelations, and Sandra Olmsted
disposal sites . Serving as an expert
'69 (left), chemistry professoi, haveteamedup to connect
witn ess in cou rt , he helps resolve
with and learnfromchemisryalumni in the metro area.
legal battles fought over the extent of
liability and share of cleanup costs that
compa nies are assessed.
He tells of a big case in New J ersey
where thr ee maj or comp anies had to
divide up the total cost of cleanup .
Malotky 's job was to look at five or six
different chemi cal manufa cturin g
facilities to evaluate their products and
by-products , as well as the raw materials
that went into each facility, to determine
th e extent to which they contribut ed to
cont amin ation.
Earlier in his tenur e at Barr, Malotky
help ed wr ite th e specifications for
analysis of samples at the companies
where they were outsourced, in order to
ensur e accuracy.
After Augsburg, Malotky says he felt
well prepared to pursue doctoral studi es
at th e Un ivers ity of Wisconsin-Madison.
Since joining Barr Engineering , he has
helped the company grow from 40
employees to over 350 and win severa l
awards as a good place to work.
Shann on Hess , associate chemist at
Aveda, gradu ated in 2000 and told
Olmsted and J enning s-King, "I've loved
my j ob since th e day I started two-and-ahalf years ago."
Her work at Aveda, a cosmetics
compa ny whose vision is "connecting
beauty, environm ent , and well-being ," is
challenging because of th e strict
guidelines for using on ly naturallyderived materials. She explain s that
instead of using synt hetic raw materials ,
Aveda chemists mu st try to replicate the
benefits and perform ance with natur ally
derived and organ ic raw materials.
Hess' work is to acquire new organic
essentia l oils for fragran ce formul as. She
is in daily communi cation with
supp liers, who may be comp anies in
England , South Africa, Australia , or
lavender farmers in France . Aveda also
buys natural products from indigenous
Fall 2003
Shannon Hess '00 uses her chemistry to create personal care products from naturally -derived and organic raw materia ls.
Aveda and its co mmitm ent to
environm ent al issues. She says that
awareness of we llness is so methin g she
wo rks with every da y, "thinkin g about what
you put on your skin and in your body."
While her plans may includ e graduat e
schoo l some day, her work at Aveda is
giving her the experience she want s to
advance her car eer in th e persona l care
industr y.
J onath an DeVries '68 is a techni cal
manage r at th e Medallion Laborato ries
division of Gene ral Mills. For almos t 26
years he has been in th e forefro nt of
und ers tandin g, develop ing anal ytical
method s , and buildi ng sta nd ards for certain
nutriti onal and food safety guid elines. His
work has cent ered on th e infor mation
co nsum ers read on the nutrition al labels o f
foods th ey eat, with ex tra emphas is on th e
term "dietary fiber."
Prior to th e 1980s , "cru de fiber" was th e
basic nutriti on label, but thi s excluded a
significant portion of health y dietary fibers
in the foods. DeVries was instrum ental in
sta nd ardizing th e definiti on of dietary fiber
Dean Malotky 's work takes him into courtrooms to present expert
and in standardi zing and validatin g
technic al information toward resolut ion of legal issues around
meth ods of extrac tion and analysis for
environmental contamination and cle an-up.
genera tin g nutriti ona l labe ls , wo rkin g
throu gh th e Associa tion of Officia l
Analytical Chemists (now AOAC lNTER NATIONA L) ,
gro ups aro und th e wo rld , trying to
which established internationa l guid elines for th eir
und erstand and inco rpora te use of th eir
raw mate rials as they are used in th eir
De Vries cred its professor emeritu s J ohn Hoium for
cu ltur es.
emph asizing a solid scie ntifi c found at ion and process
At Augsbur g, a p lant biology co ur se
for co ntinu al learnin g, ra th er than the spec ific body of
with recent ly-retired Prof. Est her
chem istry learn ed . DeVries wo uld advise stud ent s not
McLaughlin spark ed Hess' int erest in
Fall 2003
Olmst ed and Jennings -King plan to
LO worry too mu ch about computer and other
continue their visits with area chemistry
techn ology that will change , but to "mast er the
alumni. Jennings -King has already told
learnin g pro cess an d the basics of the subj ect area, and
Olmsted that it's tim e LO hit the road
to loo k at all the data at their disposal before dr awing
co nclu sions ."
again. •
From these thr ee
chemistry alumni and
others, the feedb ack
Olmsted heard already
has brou ght chan ges to
the way chemistry
majors are taught. First ,
a new sec tion o f a
speec h course that
focuses on how to
present techni cal
infor mation and
research , including
makin g presentation s to
various audi ences , is
being develop ed.
Second , the fourJonathanOeVries
' work at GeneralMills over 25 years has involveddevelopinganalytical
semes ter chemistry
methodsand standardsfor nutritional and food safetyguidelines, especially concerning
semin ar for juniors and
dietary fiber.
seniors has been
revamped to be of
greater value to what stud ents can
expect after they leave Augsburg .
Stud en ts will also get more hands-on
expe rience in using instrum ents .
Olmsted says stud ents need to feel
comfortabl e about the kinds of
instrum ents they may encount er in
the wor kpla ce-no t only how LO use
th em, but also how to int erpret th e
data . "This will prepa re th em to be
functioning chemists as well as
fun ctionin g grad stud ents ," she says.
Olmsted also heard alumni speak
abo ut the imp ortance of
understanding the patent process ,
especia lly important for stud ents
pur suin g studies in publi c researc h
instituti ons where protec tion of
resea rch is para mount.
Jenning s- King has see n ben efits as
well. When she submits propo sals
and comp anies ask how engaged
Augsburg alumni at th eir co mp any
are, J enning s- King can report
co nfidentl y on their meetings . Th e
College has estab lished new
internships with these co mp anies and
SherryJennings-Kingand SandraOlmsted'69 review sketchesfor the
received in-kind donati on of
new science building, which has beena topic of discussionin their
eq uipm ent as well.
visits to metro-areachemistry alumni.
by Lynn Mena
ehind Lhe door of a small
laboratory in the lower level of
Sverdrup Hall, Augsburg senior
Scott Kuhl is manipulatin g reality.
Kuhl, an undergraduate research
assistam, is part of the Departmem of
Comput er Science's Localization Project,
analyzing the cues Lhat people use to
locate Lhemselves when the y ent er
comput er-created virtua l environm ents.
Kuhl has participated in the Nationa l
cience Foundation-funded project since
Lhesum mer of 2001.
"Generally speak ing, we're trying to
answer qu estions abo ut how people
perceive thin gs," says Kuh l, a comput er
science and mathematics doubl e major.
"Similar research ha been done in
outdoo r environments. We are dupli cating
that work in a virtu al environment. We're
imerested in seeing the difference between
doing the experiments in a virtual
environm ent versus a real environm ent. "
The proj ect consists of two sets of
experime nts , the first involving selflocalizatio n and the second dealing with
rotational recalibration. The subjects in all
of the experiments view the virtual
environm ent by using a head-moum ed
display. They can move freely, able to turn
around or look up and down in the virtua l
environment. Kuhl wrote computer
programs to rend er the virtua l
environm ents for bot h sets of
experim ents .
Karen Suth erland , Augsburg associa te
professor of compu ter science , based the
overall vision of the project and the set of
localization experiments on her previous
work in both robot and real-world
localization . Experi ments in selflocalizatio n have been condu cted in the
real world for many years. More recemly,
researche rs have begun exp loring virtua l
space and asking the question: "Do we use
the same techniqu es to locate ourse lves in
Fall 2003
Scott Kuhl's head-mounted "glasses" give a manipulatedview of reality, as he uses a virtual environmentto
study how people locate themselvesin a given space.
virtua l space as we do in real space? "
Th e project's set of rotationa l
recalibration experim ents was developed
by Kuhl, and is inspired by a research
proj ect he participated in at the University
of Utah the su mmer of 2002.
"They had a tread mill-like system \vilh
screens, where you walk straight ahead
while the virtual wo rld is displayed on th e
screens ," ays Kuhl. "As part of their
research, they changed how fa t the virtual
world moved as you walked . The world
would , for exampl e, move twice as fast as
it should have."
This experie nce prompted Kuhl to
pond er what wou ld happe n if instead of
changing Lhe rate that the world moves as
you walk straig ht , you changed the rate at
which it moves as you rotate.
"I'm interested in learnin g about the
process of adjus tmem and how we might
adj ust differemly in virtua l environments
Lhan we do in real-world environments ,"
says Kuhl.
In Kuhl's expe riments , participants put
on the head-moumed display and are
shown a comput er-generated wall with a
post er on it. After viewing the poster ,
participants close their eyes and are
instru cted to turn around in place so that
Lhey are facing in the same direction as
the y were origina lly Then , th y are told to
look at a series of posters by follow ing a
set of instru ctions. After these instru ctions,
participants view another po ter, close
their eyes, and turn around in a complete
circle so they are facing the poster again .
"I've parti cularly enjoyed the techni cal
a pects of this research- although the
psychological aspects are a bit of a
challenge," says Kuhl. "It's really neat to
relate what I've learned in my math ematics
classes to what I'm doin g ,vith comp uter
graphi cs."
When the experiments are complete ,
the results will be compi led and analyzed
statistically, comparing results of the
previous real world and robot experiments
with these. Th e rotational recalibration
exl)eriments ,viii also erve as Kuhl's
departm emal hon ors project. After he
gradua tes Lhis sprin g, he plans to pursue
grad uat e studi es in co mput er science.
In addition to Lhi work, the co mput er
science departm ent will be performin g
experiments usin g a data glove in the
virtual environm em , and is also using the
lab to develop a comput er graph ics cour e
that incorporat es virtua l reality topics .
"I can see lots of opp ortuniti e in th e
future to use our lab-n ot just for virtu al
reality, but also for robotics-as we ll as a
combination of th e two," says
utherland . •
dam McWeLhy graduated with
distincti on and with deparm1ental
honors in psychology last spring.
Four years earlier, he had learned about
Augsbu rg's StepUP program and decided
to app ly- a decision Lhat wou ld change
his life.
"I knew nothing about Lhe school and
wasn't even Lutheran ," McWethy said.
"But I knew I had a great oppo rtuni ty in
this one-of-a-kind program ." McWeLhy
was on e of approximatel y 40 stu dents in
Lhe growing StepUP program, which
provides a support ive environm ent to
allow stud ents in recovery from add iction
achieve academic success. McWeLhy's
appreciaLion of StepUP's mission has now
broughL him into leadership positions on
StepUP's advisory board and , since
graduation , on a StepUP alumni board .
McWeLhy became a psychology major
in his sophom ore year. "I came here
because of StepUP, but it was the
Psychology Department Lhat allowed me
to find my niche and to excel."
He curr ent ly works as a chilcVfamily
advocate at Wayside Hou se- where he
also completed his psychology internship .
Th is program provides safe hou sing for
women in recovery from chemical
dependency. McWeLhy spends his time
working with teams who are Lrying to
accomplish what is best for the children of
Lhe residents . He says he is "on the front
line of a war to save kids' lives."
McWethy has also worked on a
numb er of research projects , most recently
with Professor Nancy Steblay. For the past
two years, McWethy and Steblay have
collaborated on a project in psychology
and law that includes Steblay's research
colleagues at Lhe University of Texas-El
Paso. Together, the team has collected and
analyzed a massive amo un t of laboratory
data addr essing three interrelated variables
in the ju ry decision-making process:
inadmissible evidence, judicial instruction
to disregard this eviden ce, and type and
timin g of such instrucLion. A pap er, which
At Augsburg, AdamMcWethy'03 discoveredhis
passion for research in psychologythat helped him
shape his goals in working with children.
McWethy co-auth ored , was presented
in Jul y at the International
Interdisciplinary Psychology and law
conference in Edinburgh , Scotland .
McWethy's honors Lhesis was a section
of this research and specifically
investigated the impact of charging
instru ctions that follow a trial.
McWeLhy's internship and his
research experiences are part of an
education that allowed him
"oppo rtuniti es to go above and beyond
the classroom. " 'T hat is what I love
about Augsburg," he said. "There is
always room to do your own thi ng,
and you truly get out of the school
what you put into it."
According to Steblay, what
McWethy "put into" the academic
endeavor was laud able. "Adam's skills
of analysis and syn lhesis are
remarkab le," she said. "His talents are
well-suited to Lhis domain of
research- an inquiry Lhat merges
psychology and law. He has a
particu larly sharp eye for the policy
implications of the data. Adam is a
valued collabora tor; the products of
our work have been mu ch richer for
his contributi ons ."
The research experience
dramatically influenced McWeLhy's
futur e plans . "While my jobs have
shaped my interest- helping children - it
is my research experience that has altered
how I believe I can be most effective in
solving kids' problems. I began to truly
comprehend the power of research to alter
the way in which society views prob lems.
It is only through research Lhat the way we
heal can become more effective," said
McWethy. He plans to apply to graduate
programs in psychology and law.
"Augsburg gave me a focus and a
passion that have allowed me to exceed
all my expectations for myself. No long er
do I mak e excus es ... Inst ead , I now do
what I need to do becaus e I love it and
because I see the good thaLcan result
from my work. " •
Judy Petree is media relations manager.
Professor Nancy Steblay contributed to
this story.
in reSl,IJ;Pft
Professor Nancy Steb lay believes the goal of
the psychology department is to facilitate
students' movement from learning about the
disciplin e to becoming active contributors to
the discipline. Each psychology major must
comp lete at least one major laboratory
research project under the guidance of a
faculty member , plus at least one
com muni ty-based interns hip .
Steblay's ongoing research projects have
established her as an expert in areas of
psychology and law and have given her
student s challenging original research
oppo rtunit ies
The research Steblay and her student s
have carried out on police lineups has
contribut ed to recent U.S. Department of
Justice police procedural guidelines for the
gathering of eyewitness evidence. Her
projects focus on proper lineup structure
and format, assessing far''1rs of social
influence and witness memory in the
identification process. Recent cases in which
convictions have been overturned by forensic
Fall 2003
Psycho logy professo r Sean Truman is
beginnin g his secon d year teac hin g in th e
department. Augsburg Now edi tor Betsey
Norgar d talked with him about stu dents
and teaching.
Whydid Augsburg
interest youas a placeto
I'm int eres ted in und ergrad uate
excellence, and I'm int erested in
gro undin g edu catio n in the libera l arts
, professor of psychology
DNA tests have revealed a crucial
finding: Mistaken eyewitness
identifications have been the primary
evidence used to convict innocen t
people. Thus, this research has critical
implications for soc iety.
A secon d line of resea rch bega n with
a 1999 article, co-authored by Augsburg
stude nts, regard ing the effect of pretrial
publicity on jury verdicts. The research
team found that pretrial publicity
produce d juror expectations of defendant
culpability before the trial and ultimately
produced higher conviction rates.
Traditionaljudicial safegua rds did not
reduce the pub licity's impact. Since then,
additional teams of Augsburg students
have advanced our understanding of
comp lex nuances of memory that
underlie pretrial publicity effects.
-Betsey Norgard
Fall 2003
tradition .... I also th ought that th e caliber
of my colleagues in th e Psycholo gy
Departm ent was remarka ble. The people
in the departm ent were clearly committ ed
to teac hin g, and to prod ucing research
and wo rkin g in th e communi ty on things
that were im po rtant. I found that
compe lling.
Whatdo youseek for your students?
I want to be unapolo get ically demandin g
of st ud ents.
I want them to be int ellectuall y
sop histicated , rigorou s, consi dered people
who have th e capacit y to dea l with
int ellectua l ambig uit y and who can
manag e in a worl d th at is frequ entl y
contradi ctory. The world is co mpli cated,
and what we do here is help peop le to
dev elop a capacity for compl ex thinkin g
that serves th em throu ghout th eir lives.
The way we do th at in th e psycholog y
department is th ro ugh scie nce-based
und ersta nding of peop le's experiencewhether it's peop le's emot ional exper ience,
cog nitiv e pro cess, socia l behavior, or what
have yo u. These are all different slices of
how we , as psycholog ists , think about
human expe rienc e. There's nothing
magical abo ut one parti cular pers pective;
it's th e disciplin e we bring to th e
perspective th at I think is really useful.
You don 't know who's in your class.
You have no idea. l'm hop ing I hav e a
futur e senator in my class. Wh en she sits
on a Senate sub-commiu ee, she 'll think ,
"How do we evaluate thi s iss ue? W hat is
th e justifi cation for spending a half billion
dollars on th is program? Whe re is th e
eviden ce th at this approac h wi ll be
effective?" We hope that our stud ents are
discip lined and rigorou s thi nkers when
th ey leave the College.
Some of the most comp elling mom ents
l've had here are when stud ents begin to
Psychology professor Sean Truman
see th emselves as intell ectu ally
sop hist icated. Early on in college students
rarely appreciate their own capac ity for
exce llence; they don 't see the horizon
that 's possib le for them. Th ey can exce l in
ways that the y don 't yet appreciate. It is
really fun to see students change ove r four
years in ways that are simply astounding.
How will a newsciencebuilding makea
difference in your department?
The first thing a new science buildin g
does is provid e ph ysical evidence of an
institutional commiu11ent to th e sciences.
When we app ly for grants , a new
building will mak e it possible to su pp ort
larger and mor e substantia l proj ects. Il
puts us in a mu ch more co mp elling
position to say, "We have intell ectu al
cap ital here , we have th e capacity for hard
work here, we have th e institutional and
organiza tional capacity , and we hav e th e
capaci ty to contr ibut e in a serio us way
through our laboratory resea rch." In th e
encl, havi ng th ese reso urces wi ll mean that
our stud ent s get more opportuniti es to do
meaningf ul work with faculty.
We have to recog niz e and be honest
abou t th e fact that we've don e great work.
This work has tak en pla ce wi th out many
resources. While people have done an
incr ed ible amount with what they have,
we also should be clear that the limit ed
resourc es redu ce our capaci ty to do work
that wi ll be meanin gful, larger in scope ,
and more comp elling and productive for
our students. •
ight scientists are gathered round a
conference table for a regular
week ly meeting. As they begin
reportin g their research to the group , the
talk is of variations in ULF and VLF
waves, compi lation of PE and QP/PE
data, progress on papers to be presented
at professional conferences, etc.
This would not sound unu sual unt il
it's realized that the meeting is taking
place on a small, private college campu s,
and five of the eight part icipants have
only ju st completed their first or second
year in college.
Each summ er, as part of the funding
Augsburg receives from the National
Science Found ation, NASA, and others,
physics professor and departm ent chair
Mark Engebretso n selects promi sing
physics and pre-engineering stud ents for
research proj ects in the physics labs.
Engebretso n says that the depart ment
tries to provide all physics maj ors with
research opportu nities- the experience
helps physics and pre-engineering
students with graduate school admi ssions
and helps them compete for national
Geoff Shelburn e, who is beginn ing
his j un ior year, began workin g last year
with Augsburg physics senior Alexa
Halford '03 on a paper titled "Latitudinal
and Seasonal Variations of Quasi-Periodic
and Periodic ELF-VLF Emissions." The
paper, a statistical study of extremelylow-frequency (ELF) and very-lowfrequency (VLF) waves using data from
severa l stations in Antarctica, includ ing
the South Pole, won Halford a top
student award last year when she
presented it at the spring meeting of the
American Geophysical Unio n. This was
one of two such awards Lo Augsburg
physics studentsSteveQuick(left), Erik Lundberg
(centerfront), and Matt Argall(right)watched
as junior Jon-Erik Hokenson (centerback) demonstrate
s howto run and plotdatafromgroundstationsand
students in the last th ree years, who
comp eted against mostly graduate
stud ents, some of whom were presentin g
their Ph.D. work .
Shelburn e's work has focused on
identifying, tabu lating, and plottin g
occurrences of various types of these
waves as a function of the time of day for
an entire year at four different stations in
Antarctica- a time-consumin g and
tedious jo b.
Engebretson points out at the
meeting, however, that Shelburn e has
made a valuable con tributi on with his
meticulous work , because of surp rising
variations that can be observed only
when stud ying th e data in the detail he
Shelburn e is workin g with
Engebretson to comp lete the paper and
ready it for publi cation next year. The
final author list will includ e Halford,
Engebretso n, assistant scientislj ennifer
Posch '94 , as well as researchers at the
British Antarctic Survey and at Stanford
University. Engebretson points out that
all the department 's fund ed research is
do ne in collaboration with physicists at
other schools and instituti ons, part of the
educational process for the students.
Shelburn e has put in his time learnin g
the detailed, routin e task of collecting
data. Next summ er, he hopes to gain
additi onal research experience at another
school or research laboratory- somethin g
that Engebretson encourages most of his
stud ents to pur sue.
Jon-Erik Hokenson, who ju st
completed his sophomore year, is
teachin g thr ee first-year research stud ents
in the space physics lab how to run and
plot the routin e data-th e same kind of
work he did last year as a freshm an. Part
of their work involves comparing the data
recorded daily by an orbiting satellite
with dat a recorded at the same time at the
ground stations to see if the same events
are observed. It requir es using a
comput er program to translate num erical
data int o spectrograms, or colored char ts,
that show wave activity.
Hokenson is a physics and math
major, and also has a comput er science
min or. The comput er progra m familiarity
comes in handy when stud ents must
wr ite their own programs in order to run
the data they want. Comput er science
and physics stud ents have been
Fall 2003
collaborating over the past coup le of years
on new progra ms in the physics labs .
Back in the meeting, first-year research
student Erik Lundb erg reports to the
group on the difficulti es he faced wit h
such a compu ter progra m while trying to
run the data requ ested by a researcher at
anot her inst ituti on. Wh en the printer
refused to spit ou t any data beyond 1999,
Lundberg wro te a new progr am to
eliminate the prob lem . Engebretson asked
him to inst all it on all the lab comput ers.
Lund berg recogn izes that science is a
lot of rout ine. "Sometim es you run the
numb ers several tim es and it doesn't
work; but one time it works ... and it's
Heather Greene '04 reports to the
meeting that her paper is completed and
will be presented at a McNair Scholars
conference the following week. The paper
and the National Science Found ation .
The McNair program seeks to prepare
stud ents for doctora l studi es and to
increase the numb er of gradu ate stud en ts
from und errepresented sec tors. Through
the summ er experience, Greene says, "I
am starting to learn the process of
research and what I need to network wit h
To prepare for her conference
presentation , Greene was able to bu ild
confidence wit h presentations to her two
ph ysics pro fessors, Engebretson and
Professor Ken Erickso n '62 , as well
as to the McNair Scholars staff and
stud ents .
Augsburg's physics department
has a long history of both involving
stud ents in ongoing, original
research and of collabora ting with
other scientists literally aro un d the
world . Hokenson said that he had
j ust sent thr ee CDs of data to a
researcher in England who had
requested it. Some of Shelburne 's
data came from Stan ford University
Senior HeatherGreene's research on geomagnetic activity was
and the Brit ish Antarctic Survey.
presentedboth on campusand at a McNair Scholars
Recent physics grad uate Jesse
conferenceat PennState University.
Woodroffe is still comparing data
from four European satellites,
studi es the activity recorded by satellites
obtained from a researcher in Germany
durin g a geomagn etic storm to help
wit h da ta from Augsbu rg's own
und erstand its effect on communi cations
instru ments .
systems as well as hum an health .
After gradu ating from Augsburg,
Greene's summ er research was fund ed
Erickso n return ed in 1970 , to teach space
by both the McNair Scholars program
Fall 2003
ProfessorMark Engebretsonreviews data in research carried out by graduati ng senior Jesse Woodrolle , who
1sheadedto a teaching assistantship and fellowship at the University of Minnesota.
physics at both the University of
Minnesota and Augsbur g. Following the
example of his faculty mentor at the
university, he began involving stud ents
in in teresting proj ects and research.
When Engebretson came to Augsburg in
1976, he began to seek grant funds to
cover the stud ent activit ies. Today, after
more than 30 years, and with the
additi on of Professor Ambrose Wolf's
research in solid state physics, there are
few small, private colleges that provide
the depth of undergrad uate research in
physics found at Augsburg.
The meeting continu es with an
ann oun cement that Olga Kozyreva, a
visiting ph ysicist from the Institut e of
the Physics of the Earth in Moscow,
would arrive the following week for a
month 's stay. Her visit, along with regular
semester-long visits by Russian physicist
Slava Pilipenk o, continu es collabora tive
research and teachin g with Engebretso n ,
fund ed by a recently-renewed Nationa l
Science Found ation grant.
In addi tion to the 10 students
working at Augsburg durin g the sum mer,
other stud ents are at un iversities around
the count ry. For the physics majors
attendin g the meeting, getting
experience that helps them gain an edge
in their field and getting paid for it is
ideal. And , as Hokenson pu ts it, "you
couldn't ask for a better employer than
Professor Engebretson. " •
by Judy Petree
or 10 weeks over the summer,
severa l of Augsburg 's physics labs
on the lower level of Science Hall
became a staging area for a large-sca le
model of the Mars surface, with robot
exp lorers and a simulated model of the
space shuttle.
It's part of the Girls in Engineering ,
Mathematics, and Science (GEMS)
program , providin g middle and high
school girls and college undergraduates
an opportunity to exp lore math ematics ,
scie nce, and applied technology.
Because boys as young as fourth
grade begin LO show greater interest and
highe r achievement in math and science
than girls, GEMS address es an acute
need to create programs that encourage
girls to exp lore, experiment , and
collaborate in these fields.
Jeanin e Gregoire , assista nt professor
of edu cation and science coordin ator at
Augsburg, and co-coordinator of the
program , is con cern ed with gender
equit y in science edu cation . "Research in
gender-based programs and our own
experiences with the GEMS program
throughout the past six years have shown
how important it is for girls to have
access to challenging , comp lex, and fun
science, math, and technology proj ects
set in a supp ortive environm ent. "
Gregoire , in conjunction with the
Augsburg NASA Space Grant Program ,
has worked closely with Brad Blue,
Minneapolis Public Schoo ls science/math
teacher , and parents and teachers from 13
Minneapolis schools to develop ,
implement , and evaluate this program.
The GEMS progr am includes three
age groups:
The year-ro und GEMS program presents
you ng wom en with comp lex problemsolving proje cts and opportu nities to
present in public . Annu ally, the girls
bui ld and program robots to compete in a
robotics competition.
One of th e GEMS
teams was featured on
the premiere episode
of Dragonfl y TV
Students also
Middle-schoolgirls in the GEMSprogramcarve from Styrofoama scale
modelof the surface of Mars createdfrom NASAtopographicalmaps.
particip ate in an intensive, 10-week
summ er program at Augsburg. During
the summ er of 2003, 78 middl e-school
girls from Minn eapoli s public schools
met twice a week at Augsburg and
learned how LO "terraform " the surface of
Mars. Th ey researched question s they
had about Mars, and built and
progra mm ed robots to maneuver on the
scale mod el surface they create d. Other
GEMS proj ects investigate the Science of
Speed, where they design, build , test, and
race CO2 cars in the Annual Day at th e
Races at Augsburg.
GEMS gro ups regularl y present the
results of their projects at the Science
Museum of Minnesota , LEGOL.and at the
Mall of America, the Minn esota State
Fair, the Minn eapolis School Board, th e
Eye to the Futur e Career Conference for
Young Women, and to engin eers and
technicians at Medtronic . These venu es
provide stude nts wit h opportu nities to
consolidate their und erstandin g of what
th ey are learnin g, become more
comfort able communi cating th eir
findin gs to othe rs, apply sk ills th ey have
learned in their proj ect, and receive
feedback from participants .
Gregoire said that they have already
seen many of th ese st ud ents do well on
Layersof Styrofoamwere piled and then smoothedout to look like the actual surface
of Mars' mountains.
Fall 2003
Two girls check to see if the robot they built and programmedto maneuver
on the Mars surface is working properly.
th e advanced placement tests for nin thgrade science, and th ey tend to take
more math and science cour ses in high
"The GEMS program has also given
man y girls a strong network of friend s
who encoura ge schoo l att endance, value
and support each oth er's academic
achievement , and wh o demonstrate
leadership in oth er areas of sc hoo l. Th e
GEMS program gives each girl a different
way to see herse lf in the world. "
The program is free to gir ls in the
Minn eapolis Public Schools who app ly
and qualify.
Girls who have participa ted in th e GEMS
fourt h-eighth grad e pro gram are eligible
to app ly for the su mm er leadership
program . Success ful compl etion of th e
summ er program allows new ment ors to
participat e in a year-long position as a
GEMS ment or. The GEMS ment or
program bu ilds up on th e mat u rity,
leader shi p developm en t, int erests, and
academ ic needs of the GEMS ment ors
involved in th e program. Incomin g
ment ors, th e girls in grades 8-12 , are
involved in a beta level leadership
trainin g to develop int erp erso nal
communi cation and group bui ld ing
skills. Th ey then have th e opp ortu nity to
lead larger GEMS enri chm ent progra ms.
"We have een many of th ese youn g
Fall 2003
On break time, GEMSgirls relaxed outside with jump ropes and games.
women develop tremend ous leadership
capacity wor kin g with th e middl e schoo l
stud en ts as a 'coach' and in one case the
progra m coo rd inator of a GEMS
program ," said Gregoi re.
Thi s past summ er 15 GEMS mento rs
participa ted in th e GEMS leadership
trainin g progra m . In 200 1, a high sc hool
mentor was chose n as "Mentor of th e
Year" from among all adu lt
ment or/coac hes in Minn esota for the first
Lego-Logo comp etitio n .
"Midd le school GEMS loo k up to th e
high choo l GEMS for direction , supp ort ,
and friendsh ip," Grego ire sa id. "I love to
see the strong bond established between
th e high sc hoo l ment ors and the middle
school GEMS dur ing th e summ er
prog ram."
Augsbur g smd ents have also benefited
from this progra m. Und ergrad uate
wo men in sc ience, math ematics,
engineer ing, and element ary or
seco ndary edu cat ion are recruit ed to
serve a teachers for th e summ er GEMS
middl e-schoo l progra m and as cofaci litator durin g th e regular schoo l year.
GEM mento rs and th e un de rgradua te
stud ent s wo rk as a team to plan and
teach uni ts to GEMS middl e schoo l
stud ents.
"Such opportuni ties give Augsbur g
stud ents valuable teachin g experience
and bui ld th eir own confidence and
know ledge of math ematics, scie nce, and
techn ology," Gregoire said. She added
th at as a result of th e program , severa l
elementary majors have refocused their
co ncentr ation in scie nce and several
oth er math majors are now in secondary
licensure programs .
Gregoire said that Augsburg , as a
college of th e city, has gained
tremendous ly as a community partner
with Minn eapo lis Pub lic Schoo ls.
"With th e challenge in urban
edu cation, th e College could be either
pan of th e prob lem, or we can be pan of
the so luti on by leveraging our resour ces,
knowledge , and experiences to create
viab le solut ions. The GEMS program is
bu t one program where the College and
th e NASA Space Grant have take n an
active role in working with urban schoo l
d istricts on specia l programs and
projects. GEMS has been a tremend ous
program for the linneapolis Publi c
Schoo ls and Augsburg College."
Fundin g for th e GEMS program s
co mes from th e Medtro nic STAR grants ,
Minn eapolis Public Schoo ls, and the
NASA Space Gra nt. The GEMS program
was prese nt ed at th e American
Association for Advancement o f Science
(AAAS) conference in an Franci co in
Feb ruary 2001. In Augu t it was featur ed
on W CCO-TV •
Judy Petree is media relations manager:
s part of the continued commitment
to maintain and enhanc e Augsburg's
traditio n of excellence m the
sciences, the Science Building Plannin g
Committ ee comp leted a feasibility report
that addresses the needs of curr ent
Augsburg stud ents and offers a unified
vision toward interactive and
interdisciplinary learning in the sciences.
In 2001 , a Science Advisory Board
(SAB) of 13 experts in the fields of biology,
chemistry, physics, mathematics, and
psychology was created to gain inp ut ,
guidance , and support. Propo sed by
academic dean Chris Kimball and scienc e
facility shepherd Nancy Steblay, the SAB is
sponsored by the Board of Regents and led
by Augsburg alumn a Ruth E. Johnson '74,
MD, chair of the regents' Academic and
Student Affairs Committ ee (ASAC).
The objectives of the Science Advisory
Board were out lined: (1) raise the pro file
of science edu cation at Augsburg; (2)
increase enro llment in science programs ;
(3) improve educatio nal opportunities and
outcomes for Augsbu rg stu dents; and (4)
assist in the design and fundr aising efforts
for the new science hall.
SAB members represent the corporat e
sector ; medical, dental, men tal health and
laboratory health care professions ;
Augsburg science faculty eme riti; and a
science-oriented charitable trust. Eight of
the thirt een SAB member s are Augsbur g
science alumni.
In its two years, the SAB has met
quart erly as a full board and has consulted
with President Fra me, Board of Regents
chair Kathy Tunh eim, ASAC regents, and
chairs of all the departm ents includ ed in
the new science hall. SAB memb ers tour ed
current science facilities and have had
several virtual tours of the proposed new
facility led by project designers Holabird
and Root, who also led an on-site tour of
the science bu ilding they designed at
University of St. Thomas .
In fall 2002 a special Homecoming
science alumni gathering , sponsored by
SAB and the ASAC, brought together
nearly 200 alumni , students , and faculty
to meet with science faculty emeriti Ted
Hanwick (physics),John Hoium
(chemistry) , Ralph Sulerud (biology), and
Bev Durk ee (mathemati cs), and to hear a
talk by SAB member Pau l Mueller '84 on
the interface of science and faith.
The Science Advisory Board also
focuses on fundraising efforts for the new
science hall, and has met with Sue
Klaseus, vice president for institutional
advancement , and the developm ent staff.
Neil Thorpe , executive director of the M.j.
Murdock Charitable Trust, SAB member,
and former Augsburg biology professor,
presented a Foundation Perspective
Report and recommended how Augsbur g
might approac h foundations for funding .
The SAB also plays a crucial role in
providing opp ort uniti es for science-related
educati on and careers for curr ent stud ents.
SAB member Rick Pannin g, president of
labora tory services at Fairview,
spearheaded developm ent of an Augsburg
partnership with Fairview, beginnin g this
fall, for stude nt s to pursue a n ew major
in clini cal laborato ry scie nc es. In thi s
joint p rogra m , stud ent s can co mp lete
thr ee yea rs at Augsbur g and one yea r of
practi ca l laboratory exper ien ce at
Fairv iew, to ea rn a B.A. degree and
certifi ca tion as a clini cal labor atory
scienti st.
In add ition , se nior psychology
majors met in Roch ester wit h SAB
memb er Rick Seime, a Mayo Clini c
psyc holog ist, to tour Mayo 's
psychoge netics rese arch labs and
discuss psych o logy-related health careers.
In August SAB member and Honeywell
Ruth E. Johnson
'74, MD, chair of the regents'
Academicand StudentAffairsCommittee (ASAC
executive J oel Houlton brought a dozen
members of HEART (Hon eywell Employee
and Retiree Team) to the Augsburg
campus for a tour and a "roll up the
sleeves" session with faculty and staff on
advancing the missi on of science
edu cation.
"It is in the role of helping to raise the
funds to make the science hall a reality
that the Science Advisory Board is most
needed now," says SAB chair Ruth E.
Johnson .
"Th e most challenging aspect of the
science hall project now is securin g
financial commitm ents against the
backdrop of an econo mic downturn ," she
says. "I have confidence that the Science
Advisory Board will continu e its
outstandin g leadership in this end eavor,
and I believe that science alumni and
friends of Augsburg College will do what
is so chara cteris tic of them: to give
generously so that curr ent and futur e
stud ents can also experi ence an
outstanding educati on in the best
traditi on of Augsburg College."
Fall 2003
.,1~•.~ -·
James Agre '72 , MD
Min istry Medical Group
Eagle River, Wis.
Loren Barber,
~ _:....
.. ;
Gary Carlson
Fred Faxvog , PhD
Honeywell, Inc.
Steven Grinde '81, DDS
Maple Grove Dental Center
Joel L. Houlton
Honeywell, Inc.
David Knutson '69
Park Nicollet Medi cal Center
Paul S. Mueller ' 84, MD
Mayo Clini c • Rochester , Minn.
Joel T. Nelson '85, PhD
Universi ty of Wisconsin- Madison
Rick Panning
Fairview Health Services
Richard Seime ' 70 , PhD
Mayo Clini c • Rochester, Mi nn.
Distingui shed Alumnu s 200 2
ugsbur g's new scie nce facility will
pro vide 58 ,000 net-ass ignable
square feet (NASF) of teac hi ng
laborat ories , resea rch space, classroo ms,
offices , and supp ort . Th e new bui ldin g
will includ e 45,000 NASF and house th e
Depart ments of Biology, Chemistr y, and
Psyc hology as well as add itional lab and
class room space for physics. The ex is tin g
Science Hall will und ergo ex tensive
renova tion , and will house the
Ralph Sulerud , PhD
Professor Emeritu s of Biology
Augsburg College
Neil 0 . Thorpe '60 , PhD
M.J. Murdock Charitabl e Trust
Vancouver, Wash.
Distingu ished Alumnu s 2001
Departm ent s of Phys ics and Mat hemat ics,
as we ll as add 13 ,000 NASF for other
campu s needs.
T he addition of the new science
bu ildin g crea tes a new quadrang le,
jo inin g Ande rso n and New Halls to the
aca dem ic plan. It also opens up th e
ex istin g area aro un d th e curr ent Scie nce
Hall, returnin g grea ter prom inence and
s tatur e to Old Main in th e main
qu adrang le area .
Ruth E. Johnson ' 74 , MD
Mayo Clin ic • Rochester, Minn.
Distingui shed Alumn a 1996
Beverly Thompson Hatlen,
Minnesota Li fe College
Christopher W. Kimball , PhD
Vice President for Academic and Stu dent
Affa irs and Dean of the Coll ege
Joan Kunz , PhD
Associate Professor of Chemistry
Chair, Division of Natural Sciences
and Mathemati cs
Nancy Steblay , PhD
Professor of Psychology
Assistant to the Dean for Spec ial Projects
Fall 2003
,_.., '
A ·..
ugsburg's biology department is home to two thri ving and colorful coral
reef ecosystems. Difficult to maintain in captivity, the coral reef habitats
provide stud ents opportunit ies for laboratory stud y of marine life
organism s usually accessible only in the natur al environm ent.
The 600-gallon multi -tank system has a sp ecial filter system that sustains
the more than 100 species of marin e organisms- corals, live sponges, fish,
shrimp , and many oth ers. The aqu arium provid es a numb er of biology stud ents
with research topics, as well as an opportuni ty for outr each to the communi ty.
Capman has train ed teachers as well as volunt eered in scho ols to help set up
small systems for science classes. He has also publi shed an article and been
featured in professional meetings of reefkeepers.
Biology professorBill Capmanhelps biology major Jean
Johnsonin a study of coral colony developmentunder
different water flow conditions.
Fall 2003
From the Alumni Board president's desk ...
Tw o decades ago, I
I enter ed my senior
year at Augsbur g. I
rememb er the fall of
1983 as a
transform ing tim e for
me. 1 vividly recall
the brilliant colors of
that autumn , the crisp yet sunn y weather,
the Quad covered with fallen leaves, my
classes, my friends , and especially my
housemates (not to mention the
camaraderie and the socia l gatherings that
living in one of the houses afforded).
Indeed , it was durin g this period that
many of my closest friendsh.ips were made
and when I met my wife (Na ncy Mackey
Mueller '85). I give thanks and praise for
Augsburg, as it has touched and enriched
my life every day for more than 20 years!
For the last severa l years, I have
served on the board of directors of the
Augsburg Alumni Association. Th e
changes that have occurr ed over the past
20 years at Augsburg are trul y asto nishin g.
New curri cula challenge stud ents in
relevant and practical ways. Th e stud ent
body has grown dramatically. A myriad of
programs and classes are offered to nontraditi onal stud ents. In additi on , the
campu s itself has also changed
dramatically: the houses are gone, and in
their place new buildin gs have been
erected . Desp ite these changes, however,
Augsbur g has retained its charac ter as an
academically rigoro us college that
encourages stud ents to pur sue their
vocation in a world with num erous and
daunt ing needs.
The Augsbu rg Alum ni Association
exists to represent you and to serve the
College. Our motto is "Buildin g
Conn ections. " All Augsbu rg alumni are
members of the associa tion. Members are
encouraged to supp ort Augsburg wit h
their time, talents, and financial gifts. The
Alumni Board consists of more than 20
alumni who serve one or two three-year
terms. We work closely with the
Augsbu rg's Office of Alumn VParent
Relatio ns, and we meet regularly at the
College. ln add ition, severa l Alumni Board
com mittees meet regular ly. These
com mittees include the Events
Committee , which sponso rs activities
such as the State Fair boot h and the
"Auggie Hour " gatherings; the
Connections Committee , which assists
wit h th e Class Agent Progra m and
establishes conn ections between current
st ud ents, alumni , faculty, staff, and others;
the Communications Committee , whic h
coordinates alum ni award program s,
provides input for the Augsburg Now and
alumni Web pages, and develo ps new ways
of stayi ng in touch with alumn i.
• Contact us . We want to hear from
you ! Let us kn ow what you are doi ng
and how you wou ld like to be
involved wit h th e College and fellow
alumn i. We can be reach ed through
the Office of AlumnVParent Relations
by ph one at 6 12-330-1178 or
1-800-260-6590, by e-mai l at
<alum ni@augsburg .edu >, or in writing
(Ca mpus Box 146, 2211 Riverside
Ave., Minn eapolis , MN 55454).
Attend Augsburg events . The College
offers many enriching and entertaini ng
activities that are available to alumni .
These activities include mu sic and
dra ma produ ctions, athletic events,
holiday events, Homecom ing, alumni
gatheri ngs, conferences , and more.
Visit the campus . Look up former
professors and mentors , shop at the
bookstore , and see the dram atic
changes tha t have occurred over the
last severa l decad es.
Keep Augsburg and its stu dents ,
facul ty, and staff in you r prayers.
Paul S. Mue ller, M.D. '84
President , Alumni Board
Six alumni appointed to Alumni Board
he Augsbur g Alumni Board of
Directors app ointed six new memb ers
and elected Paul S. Mueller '84 as
president and Bill Vand erwall '93 WEC as
president-elect. To view photos of the new
memb ers, vis it the Alumn VParent
Relations Web site at <www.augsbur g.edu/
alumn i>. Th e new memb ers are as follows:
Dan W . Anderson '65
Anderson gradua ted from Augsbur g with a
B.A. in math . He is president of Swenson
And erson Financial Group .
Fall 2003
Lew Beccone '98 MAL
Lew Beccone gradu ated from Augsbu rg
with a Master of Arts in Leadership . He is
an ind epend ent software consultant .
Jacqueline (Brookshire) Teisberg '80
Teisberg gradu ated from Augsbu rg with a
B.S. in nu rsing. She is a homemake r and
serve d on Augsburg's alumni awards
selectio n committee.
The Rev. Karsten Nelson '83
Nelson grad uated from Augsburg with a
B.A. in commun ication. He serves as
pastor of Redeemer Luth era n Church in
W hite Bear Lake, Minn .
Tom A. Peterson '70
Peterson graduated from Augsburg with a
B.A. in socio logy. He is chief investment
officer at the Good Samaritan Society.
LuAnn Watson '88, '02 MAL
Watso n graduated from Augsburg ,vith a
B.S. in nursing and a Master of Arts in
Leadership. She is a pan-tim e member of
Augsburg's nursing faculty.
Alumni News
2003-04 Augsburg
Alumni Events
Gatherings and events for Augsburg alumni and friends are
being plann ed in the areas listed below throug hout 2003 -2004 .
Events may be added/changed as the year progresses. Please
make sure your cont act information is up-to-date with th e
alum ni office and then watch your mailbox for invitations with
complete details! Hope to see you soo n!
1- 4 ............ Homeco min g 2003 : Auggie Traditi ons
18 ...... .......Augsburg Centenni al Singers 20th Anni versary
Celebration, First Luth eran Chur ch, Columbia
Heights, Minn ., 7 p.m.
2004 Alumni Tour
he Augsburg Alumni
invites you to
-.~;:;. :•:·J
enjoy the fellowship , comfort , and
, •. ·,.•l')• . .-.11
. -
learnin g opportuniti es of travelin g
with a group of alumni and
friends to Germ any and Eastern
Europ e in early fall 2004.
A tour to Germany, the Czech Republi c, Slovakia, and
Hun gary is being plann ed to featur e a stud y of Martin Luth er's
life and ministry in Witt enberg, Germany, as well as visits to
Berlin , Pragu e, Bratislava, and Budapest. Pre-tour edu cation and
inform ation sessions are also being planned .
To receive upd ates about this exciting travel experience as
details become available, please e-mail the alumni office at
<alumni @augsbur g.edu> or call 6 12-330-1178 to have your
name added to the mailing list. Start plannin g now to j oin us
for this amazing trip!
' '-.
._ - ' t •
23 ............. StepUP Celebra tion, 5-10 p.m.
date TBD .... Chicago, Ill., alumni gatherin g
date TBD ....Boston , Mass ., alumn i gathering
date TBD .... New York area alum ni gathering
date TBD .... Rochester, Minn., alumni gathering
5- 6 ............Advent Vespers, Cent ral Luth eran Chur ch,
Minn eapolis, 5 p.m. and 8 p.m .
date TBD ....Washin gton, D.C. , alumni gatherin g
date TBD ....Norwa y alumni gatherings
24 ........ ...... Clint on , Minn. , alumni gatherin g (featurin g
Augsbur g's Gospe l Praise)
25 ........ ......Alexandria , Minn., alu mn i gathering (featu ring
Augsburg's Gosp el Praise)
30 .......... .... Theatre alumni reception on campu s prior to th e
winter pro du ction of An Ideal Husband
date TBD .... Du luth , Minn ., alumni gath ering
date TBD ....Arizona alumni gat herin gs
13 ..... .........Bonita Springs, Fla. , alumn i gather ing (featur ing
the Augsbu rg Choir )
14 .......... ....Venice, Fla., alumni gath ering (featurin g the
Augsburg Choir)
16 .............. Fairmont , Minn. , alumni gathering (featurin g
Augsburg's Chamber Orc hestra)
Auggie Hours 2003-04
Auggie Hours are held th e second Tuesday of each month at
5:30 p.m. Please j oin us!
October ............Keegan's , N.E. Minn eapolis
November ........Bella Fin o, Maple Grove
December ........PF Chang's , Edin a (Southd ale)
January ............Rudolph 's, Plymouth
February ..........Pazzalun a, St. Paul
March ..............Koyi, Downtown Minn eapolis
April.. ................Redstone, Eden Prairie
May ..................Toby's on th e Lake, Oakdale
June ..................Solera, Minn eapolis
July ....................Dock Cafe, Stillwater
August ..............Bar Abilene, Upto wn Minn eapolis
2004 Lutheran Free
Church Reunion
reuni on celebrating Augsbur g's Luth eran Free Chur ch
(LFC) heritage is planned for Jun e 2004 . A new fellowship ,
Sons and Daught ers of '97 (the Luth eran Free Chur ch was
established in 1897) , is being organized by the Rev. Neal Snider
for those who have at any time been a member of an LFC
congregation. If you are interested in learnin g more about Sons
and Daughters of '97, please contact Snider at 253-583-8293. If
you would like to be involved in the upcomin g reun ion
preparations, which are being coordinated by a committ ee led by
Gracia Grind al '65, please contact the alumni office at
<alumni @augsburg.edu > or 612-330-1178 so we can keep you
updated as plans progress !
Fall 2003
Ma rgaret (Chrislock) Gilseth ,
St. Charles, Minn., was named to
the Winona County Hall of
Fame. Prior to her retirement in
1976, Margaret taught English at
St. Charles High School. She also
served on the Board of American
Field Sen~ce Foreign Students;
was a member of Friends of the
Library, reading to childr en
weekly for over 10 years; and
taught Nonvegian through
community edu cation . From
1959-1963 , she and her husband ,
Walter Gilseth , taug ht at a
teacher trainin g college on ML
Kilimanjaro in Tanzania . After
retiring , she wrote four books .
Rev. Dale Striker , Faribau lt,
Minn , mourn ed the passing of
his wife of 58 years, Amelia
(Engelstad ), in Decem ber; she
named poet laureate of Taluca
Lake Village, Calif. He continues
to write poems for his chu rch
men's group and has received
several awards for his acrylic
landscape paintings.
Rev. Robert Mor itz , Hadley,
Minn ., retired in Jun e after 40
years of min istry. His call to serve
often reached beyond the chur ch
wall and into the communit y,
where he sen •ed as chair and/or
member of several boards and
organizations , includ ing Murra y
County Development
Achievement Center ,
WonderWorld Preschoo l, SW
Minnesota Regional
Developm ent Committ ee,
Battered Women 's Workshop ,
and more. He was an end orsed
candidate for the MN Senate, and
was awarded the Murray County
ARC Distinguished Citizens'
Award. He and his wife, Carol,
have three childr en.
Don Holmquist , Braham ,
Minn ., was inducted into
Braham's Hall of Fame in May.
Prior to forming the HolmquistGrundyson Insurance Agenc)' in
1986 (which evolved int o
Cent ral Insurance Agenc)') , he
worked at Olso n Insura nce
Agency and was ,~ce president
of Braham Bank. He is involved
in numerous communit y
activiti es, including two terms
on the Dist rict 314 Braham
School Board and in nearly all
phases of churc h activity at
Braham Evangelical Luth eran
Chur ch.
Sheldon Johnson, Lake
Sup erior , Minn ., was hired as
interim superintendent for the
Lake Superior schoo l distr ict.
He retired in 1997 after 39 years
in edu cat ion , including 24 years
as superintendent of schools in
Monticello , Minn . After his
retirement , he was hired by the
Monti cello schoo l distri ct as its
cons tru ction proje ct supervisor
for the new Mont icello high
school, compl eted in 1999. He
then served as int erim
superintendent in the Crosb )'lronton School District from
Brenda (Henri ckson) Capek
and her husband , Richard,
retired last September and
moved from Illinois to Punta
Gorda , Fla. She was a socia l
work er for nearly 40 years. The
coupl e enjoys trave ling and has
visited all the contin ents .
Anit a (Christ opherson)
Gransee, Belle Plaine , Minn .,
retired in May. She spent the last
16 years of her 38-year teachin g
was 81. Amelia worked as a
nurse in several communilies
where Dale was an ELCA
minister . An active church
membe r, she taught Sunday
School and confirmati on, led th e
childr en's choir, sang in th e
church choir, and participated in
the ladies' aid and several pr ayer
groups . She was a dedi cated wife,
mother , grandmother , and greatgrandmother .
Bohdan and Erika Vadis w ere marrie d in February. an d t hough bot h Gustavus alumni were wed at
t heir alma mater, t he guest list conta ined a large number of Augsburg alumni . The groom' s mother is
Anita (Berg) Vadis '66, and his fat her is t he Rev. James Vadis '64, w ho presided over the ceremony .
Warren Anderson, Huntington
Beach, Calif., taught for Long
Beach Public Schools for 29 years
until his retirement in 1981.
During that time, he was awarded
the "School Men Medal" at the
American Freedoms Foundation
in Valley Forge, Pa., hon or ing his
12 years of work prom oting
American ideals in the public
schools. He also wrote the script,
songs, and music for the school's
annua l spring pageant, and was
Fall 2003
Pictured (left to right): Christina (Vadis) Jones '95, Anita (Berg ) Vadis '66, Mardelle (Johnson) Pearso n
'66, Timothy Vadis '94, Lona (Berg) Froyum '69, Darryl Carte r '65, Carmen (Neseth) Berg '66, Rev. James
Vadis '64, Kim Vapp ie '98, Dustin Froyum '98; (kneeling): David Berg '66.
Class Notes
career as a mu sic teacher al Belle
Plaine Elementary Schoo l. Her
hu sband , Earl, also retired from
his posLas principal of Belle
Plaine Elementary , and th e
coupl e plans LOspend retirement
traveling and volunt eerin g. Th eir
two daughters , Corinn e and
Miche lle, also work in ed ucation .
The Rev. John Luoma recentl y
celebra ted 25 years in ordained
ministry and was elected to a
seco nd term on th e Trinit y
Sem inary Board of Trustees in
Co lumbu s, Ohio . He and his
wi fe, Gracia (Nydahl) '66 ,
reside in Stow, Ohio .
Janet (Letnes) Martin ,
Hastin gs, Minn ., recent ly spoke
at the Wom en's Spring Luncheo n
at Cambridge Luth eran Chur ch .
She is th e aut hor of 14 books ,
including Growing up Lutheran,
whi ch received th e Minnesota
Book Award in Humor in 1998 .
John-Mark Stensvaag , Iowa
City, Iowa , received his second
Collegiate Teachin g Award from
the University of Iowa, and has
been named the Cha rlotte and
Frederi ck Hubb ell Professor of
Environmental and Natural
Resources Law at the University
of Iowa Co llege of Law.
Terry Nygaard , Arden Hills,
Minn. , was promot ed to
principal at Ernst & Young in
Minn eapolis .
Steven E. Larson, Riverside,
Calif., received th e Outstanding
Cont ributi on to Medicine Award
for 2002 from th e Riverside
County Medical Association . The
award hon ors his many years o f
serv ice to medicin e and the
contributions he has mad e to the
advancement of HIV medicin e.
He treated his first AIDS patient
in 1983 and has been active ly
involved in th e treatment of HIV
pati ents ever sin ce. He is th e
chief exec utiv e officer and
chairman of the Riverside
Medica l Clinic, and also serves
as a clinica l professor of
biomedica l sc ience at th e
Universit y of CaliforniaRiverside . In add ition , he directs
the AIDS Clinic at the Riverside
Ronald J. Graham '61: Class assignment
opens door to 40-year career
by Jessica Brown
Ronald Graham could never have guessed that an und ergraduate research paper would lead to a
career that has spanned more than 40 years. But a fateful class assignm ent did ju st that.
As pan of an Int rodu ction to Business cour se al Augsbur g in the late 1950s, Graham and his
classmates were instru cted LOwrite a pap er based on a chapter in their textbook , and in "one of
those linle things that becomes a very big, life-defining thing ." Graham was assigned the chapter
dealing with eth ics. He contacted the local Better Business Bureau , an organization whose prim ary
focus is business self-regulation and advocacy for cusLOmersatisfaction, and schedul ed an interview
with Cecil Shirk , then-president of the Minneapo lis bran ch.
Graham was intrigu ed by what he learned from Shirk about the BBB. He discovered that
Minn eapolis was th e birthp lace of the organization , and he admired the idea of busin esses
organizing themselves around the core principa l of engaging in honest advertisi ng and custome r educatio n. At th e end of the interview, Graham's
interest was piqu ed and he indi cated his willingness LOdo volunt eer work for the organization. Short ly thereafter, he became a "shopp er" for the BBB,
visiting local businesses and reporting on his exp eriences.
A year after beginnin g his volunt eer role, Graham received a call from the BBBnotifying him of an ope nin g for departme nt manager . Sudd enly, he
was faced with a difficult decision: stay in school, or strike ou t on a possible career path. Having spent time in the Air Force prior LOenro lling at
Augsburg, he was reluctant to halt his edu cation on ce again . But upon hearing that these positions were hard to come by- app roximate ly one
opening every seven years- he decided LOgrab the opport uni ty in front of him . Although his time at Augsbu rg was cut short, Graham says that the
College had an impact on his Christian values, pointin g him in the righ t direction .
"Augsburg helped me to renew and refine my Christian faith , which in tum help ed to shape and mold my business career," says Graham.
He soo n realized that his work at the BBBserved as his calling, and he contin ued working for the organization for more than 40 years. Eventually,
Graham was promot ed to general man ager of the Minneapolis bran ch. After the Minneapolis and St. Paul branches merged in 1978, he became
president of the BBBfor the state of Minnesota.
Th ough semi-retired, Graham still operates the BBBUniversity, an on line Web site designed to train BBBpersonn el in basic opera tional and
investigative skills. He enjoys the freedom that the Internet gives him to work as a cons ultant from home.
In addit ion LOhis continu ed involvement ,vith the BBB, Graham serves on the board for the Minnesota News Coun cil, the media's instrument of selfregulation, and on the Minnesota Consu late for Economic Education . "We need LOtrain teachers on economic edu cation before they can train their
own stud ents," he says.
Graham and his wife reside in Arizona for part of the year, but return LOMinnesota for the summ ers.
Jessica Brown is a communication specialist in the Office of Public Relations and Communication.
Fall 2003
Cou nt y Medical Center in
Moreno Valley, and is an active
member of the Inland AIDS
Project Board o f Dir ectors , the
HIV Medical Assoc iat ion , and
th e American A soc iat ion of HIV
Med icine . He has lectured
numerou s tim es in Chin a and
has published severa l articl es. He
can be reac h ed ,~a e-mail at
<Steven. larso n@rmcps .co m >.
David Siedlar, Co n cord, Mass .,
comp leted a 22-week course
spo nsored by th e New England
Regio n of th e United Synagogue
of Co nservative Jud aism . The
Jewish Discovery Institut e wa s
an in-d epth examina tion of
J ew ish belief, hi s tory, pra yer, and
ritua l, as we ll as in s tru ction in
basic Hebr ew.
Nancy (Strommen)
Stensvaag , Iowa Ci ty, Iowa ,
retir ed from her volunt eer
position as execu tive dir ector o f
th e Iowa Valley Habitat for
Hum anity affiliate. Durin g her
eight years of leaders hip , th e
affiliate built 25 hom es in the
greater Iowa City co mmunit y
and fund ed man y addi tiona l
homes in third-, o rld co umries
through its tith es to Hab itat for
Humanit y Int ern ation al.
George Dahlman , Coon
Rapids , Minn ., was the focus o f
an articl e in th e Enterprise
Dispatch . He is th e resea rch
manage r for US Ban co rp Pip er
Jaffray 's Equity Capi tal Mark ets
Departm ent , and is we ll known
in th e financi al wor ld . He has
bee n named a Wall Street j ourn a l
All-Star five tim es , and is
frequeml y int erview ed and
refer enced in the Scar Tribun e
and on WCCO radio , as well as
on CNN, CN BC , Wall Street
Wee/1, and more .
Raymond E. Dahlof , Buffalo ,
Minn ., is a produ ction s up en •i or
at Maximum Gr aphic s .
Fall 2003
Rev. Rufus Campbell , St. Paul ,
is district s up erint end ent of th e
Southwest Dis tri ct o f th e
Minn eso ta Uni ted Meth od ist
Chur ch . He was pr evio usly
pas tor of Camp ho r Memor ial
United Methodist Chur ch in St.
Paul , wh ere he se rved fro m
1990 -2003 . He and his wife ,
Caro lyn, have thr ee childr en and
seven grand childr en .
Rev. Mary (Ronning)
Gilthvedt , Grygla , Minn ., and
her hu sband , th e Rev. Gary
Gilth ved t , step ped in to fill
pas toral duti es at Gryg la
Luth eran Pari sh (G ra ce and Our
Savior 's) in Jun e. Mary is se rvin g
as prim ary int erim pasto r and
Gary as assis tant int erim pastor .
Rev. David Halaa s, River Falls ,
Wis ., accep ted a call to serve as
pastor o f Augus tana Lutheran
Chur ch in Cumb erla nd , Wis . He
recen tly se rved on th e
development panel for "New
Hymns and ew Songs ," one in
a series o f vo lum es in the ELCA's
"Renewi ng Worship " series .
Dan Taffe , Glend ale, Ariz. , is
p lease d to hav e twin daug ht ers
enroll ed as so ph om o res at
Augsbu rg.
Steve Wehrenberg , St. Paul ,
was promoted to execu tive vice
president and director of
s trategic p lannin g and
int egra tion at Ca mpb ell Mithun.
operation s, and advocac)' and
publi c education campaigns for
clients ranging from Fortune I 00
corpora tio n and large trade and
profes s iona l assoc iatio ns to
leadin g think tanks and
gove rnm ent age ncies . He has
crea ted and m anaged success ful
coa liti ons, and lobb ied on
Capi to l Hill and in stat e houses .
His wri tin g on behalf of clients
has been p ubli shed in most
major newspa pers , including The
Washington Post , The ew Yori,
Times, and th e Los Angeles Times.
Throughout the 1980 s , Bond erud
served as press secretary for U.S.
Rep. Mart in Sabo 'S9 and
wo rk ed o n pr esidential and
co ngre s ional campa igns .
Jeffrey K. James, Bloo min gton ,
Minn ., received the A sociate of
the Year award from Fortune
Financial for his client service and
for his produ ction durin g the year
endin g J une 30. Jam es is a
certifi ed financial planner at
Fortune Financial ; this is th e 15th
time he has earn ed this top award .
Mar ianne
Bloomi ngto n ,
Minn ., is
corporate vice
pr es ident at
Rada Adv ertis ing , and recentl )'
won four award s with th e agen cy
for creat ive advertising
exc ellence at the EMA
(Emp loym ent Manag ement
Associa tio n) An nu al Conf erence
in Las Vegas.
Kevin Bonderud , Washington
D.C. , was prom o ted to exec uti ve
v ice pr es id ent o f Widmeyer
Co mmuni ca tio ns . A 20-year
ve tera n o f publi c policy
co mmuni ca tions , Cap ito l Hill ,
a nd political campaigns ,
Bonderud directs the firm 's
public affa irs pra ctice group . He
has d eve loped and execu ted
maj or co mmuni ca tio n
str ategies , natio n al m ed ia
M ary Beamish,
and David L.
Chri stense n ,
both o f Du luth ,
were married
Feb . 9 , 2002 , in
Duluth . She is a
cop y editor a l th e Duluth 'ews
her comp an)', Cro s ingBord er ,
were the focu of an articl e in th e
Southsid e Prid e. Cross in gBord cr
is a travel comp an)' specializin g
in journ ey of faith and
pilgri m age.
Samuel Twerefo ur, Fon
Co llin , Co lo., was app oim ed
vice pr esid ent o f engin ee rin g and
corporat e o fficer al Advanced
En erg)' lndu tri es .
John Oelfke , ew Hope, tinn .,
was nam ed athl etic d irec tor at
Robbin sdale Coo per High
Schoo l. He se rved as int erim
athleti c dir ec to r for th e pas t yea r
and pr eviously coac hed footb all,
bas eball , and gir ls' hocke)'. He
wa s hir ed by th e dis tri ct in 1986
as a phy sica l edu cati on and
h ea lth teach er, and has been
invo lved in impr ovin g th e
ph ysica l edu ca tion cur ric ul um
for di s tri ct s tud en ts . His wi fe,
Diana (Boe) '82, teac hes
kind erga rten in th e Robb insdale
sc hoo l di tri ct. Both rece ived
m as ter's deg rees fro m St. Mary's
Uni ve r il)' in May. Th e)• have
thr ee childr en : Eric, 16 , Allie, 13 ,
and Abb y, 10.
Jose Becquer, Plymouth ,
Minn ., is se ni or m an age r for
treasur) ' manage m ent sa les and
co mm ercia l bu in ess
developm ent at \ Veils Fargo . He
bega n his ca ree r wi th o n vest in
1995 as vice pr esid ent and
dir ec tor o f treas ur y management
sys tems . He has also work ed at
Lotu s Deve lopm ent Co rp ora tion
as a regio nal sa les manage r an d
at IBM a a sa le m anager to th e
financial se rvices indu str)'.
Jo hn W . Sandin III co mp leted
his Ph .D. at New Mex ico Lale
Uni ve rs ity with a read ing
specializa tion . 1-te continu es LO
teach at Taco ma Co m m unit )'
Co llege in Taco m a, Wash ., and
lives n ea r Taco ma with his wi fe
and thr ee daught ers .
Lori M ol ine, Minn ea polis , and
Class Notes
racing, called
Signs of Winning
(Whipp oorwill
Press). He
edu cation al
Nort h Branch ISO and has 20
sled dogs.
Jenni Lilledahl, Minneapolis, will
present a seminar, "The Power or
Yes," as part or the eighth annua l
Women Venture Conference at the
Minneapolis Convent ion Center
Oct. 31. She is co-owner and
executive director or the Brave
New Workshop Theatre in
Stephen Hind le accepted a
position as regional manager for
New Horizons, an IT training
compan y. He recently moved
Scott D. Mill er, Hinckle y,
Minn ., published his first book , a
young adu lt novel abo ut a dear
girl and her passion for dogsled
from Taiwan to Singapor e with
his wire, Wu Chun-Yann, and
two daught ers, Claudia, 7, and
Madeleine , 4. He has also lived
in Korea and Chin a.
Rev. Andrew Carlson is the
new pastor at Zion Lutheran
Chur ch or Finland in nonhern
Minnesota. Prior to his recent
ordin ation , Andrew painted
houses to support his love or
travel. He has visited 30
countries in Europ e, the Midd le
The Augsburg Centenni al Singers consist or 40 men from various walks or lire drawn together by their
love or singing . Th e group was formed in 1993 to commemorate the 100th an niversary or the first gospel
qua rtet to travel to Norway from Augsburg . The group has traveled to Norway twice, mos t recently in
2001. Al Reesnes '58 serves as music director, and Pau l Christensen '59 as assistant director/accompanist.
Upcom ing performances by the Augsburg Centennial Singers :
Saturday, October 18
Sunda y, October 19
Satur day, November 1
7 p.m .
7 p.m .
5 p.m .
20th ann iversary celebration or
the Augsbu rg Cent enni al
First Luth eran Church
1555 40th Av. E
Columbi a Heights , Minn.
Grace Luth eran Chur ch
1730 Old Hudson Rd, St. Paul
Oak Grove Presbyterian
Chur ch
2120 W. Old Shakopee Rd.
Bloomi ngton , Minn.
Sunda y, Octo ber 19
11 a.m .
(Part or the wors hip service)
Fort Snelling Chapel,
Saturday, October 25
7 p.m .
First Luth eran Church
Hinckley, Minn .
Sunda y, October 26
7:30 p.m .
Communit y or the Cross
Lutheran Churc h
10701 Bloomington Ferry Rd.
Bloomington , Minn .
Sunday, November 2
House or Prayer Lutheran
7625 Chicago Ave. 5.
Richfield, Minn .
East, North Africa, South Asia,
and Latin America.
Tina (McGregor) Jackson, St.
Paul , was reatur ed in the
arter being appointed by the
University or Minn esota as
coo rdinator or the Minne sota
Women 's Center. She is th e first
Arrican-American woman to hold
the position since its inception
43 years ago. Ja ckso n is well
known in socia l service and
academic circles for her vitality
and commitm ent to youth
development and mentor ship ,
and is one or only 20 University
or Minnesota faculty, sta ff, and
administrator s chosen to
parti cipate its President 's
Emerging Leaders program .
Joel Staehling , Worthington ,
Minn ., is president or
Community First National Bank.
He previousl y served as vice
president or commercial loans at
Vermillion State Bank in
Vermillion, $.Oak. , He and his
wire, Erica, have two children:
Hannah , 5, and Benjamin , 2.
Jennifer (Piper) Kempenich ,
St. Paul, received her master 's
degree in counseling and
psychological services from St.
Mary's University in January. She
works at Courage Center in
Golden Valley, and marri ed
Gerald Kempenich in June.
Doris Rubenstein , Minneapolis ,
was named one or "25 Women
Changemake rs in the Twin
Cities" by The Business Journal.
She was selected for her
proressional achievements ,
leadership qualiti es, and her
ability to influ ence positive
change ,vithin her company and
her industr y. She was pronied in
a special section or the Jul y 25
issue or The Business Journal, and
was honored at a luncheon in
Jul y.
Fall 2003
Rick Sansted was app oint ed
assistant prin cipal for South
View Middle Schoo l in Edin a.
Dan ielle Scheff , Go lden Valley,
Minn ., ma rri ed Co rey Drevlow
last Sept emb er. During their
honeymoo n , th e coupl e ran
togeth er in the Dublin Marath on
in Ireland . Danielle i a staff
acco unt ant at Ryan , Hodg ins &
Associa tes.
Xanara Amand marri ed Marc
Stevenso n in Jul y.
Jox Metcalf, Monti ce llo , Minn .,
marri ed Kristi Hanso n in August.
Both are teac hers at St. Michae lAlben ville High Schoo l.
David Schreiber , Big Lake,
Minn ., marri ed Jane Millerb ernd
in August. David is a learnin g
disabilil )' tut or at LOA, Inc.; Jane
is a special edu cation teac her for
the Osseo Scho ol Distri ct.
Kevin Crerand , Mesa , Ariz ., is
operati ons manager for a large
mortgage comp any in Phoenix .
Travis Stettler , Forest Lake ,
Minn ., join ed th e Miller Law
Office in Wyomin g, Minn .,
prim arily handlin g th e firm's
comm ercial litigation , personal
inj ur y, and crimin al defense
porti ons of th e pra ctice. Prior to
Miller Law Office , he work ed at
law firms in Chanh asse n and
Duluth .
Jennifer Durst marri ed Kirk
Affeldt in Jun e. J ennif er works at
New Ulm Medi cal Cent er ; Kirk
works for Cann on Falls Publi c
Schoo ls.
Natasha Hamann , Shoreview,
Minn ., gra du ated from th e
Universit)• of Minn eso ta Medi cal
Schoo l in Ma)'. She started her
family prac tice residency at St.
John 's Hos pit al in Maplewood .
She is marri ed to Jos h Schae fgen .
Aaron D. Smit h, Tucso n , Ariz. ,
gradu ated from th e Univ ersity of
Minn eso ta Medi cal Schoo l in
May. He start ed his general
surgery residency at th e
University of Arizo na . He is
marri ed to Jill (Pin tens) '99.
Fall 2003
Ma tt hew Romsdahl , Mankato ,
Minn ., marri ed Brin a Urevig in
Jun e. Manh ew wo rks at Kenda ll
Doo r a nd Hardwa re; Brin a wo rks
at Habil itative ervices Inc.
Carrie Lind , Cham plin , Minn .,
marr ied Christopher Cabe in
April. Car rie is a sup erviso r a t
Edin a Kids Club , and can be
reached via e-mail at
<chri sand ca rr ie03@ao l.com>.
Carrie Mcc arvi lle , Hopki ns,
Minn ., own s Mac's Liquor in
Hopki n
Emily Shelt on, Minn eapo lis,
married William Grau in May.
Emily is a middle school ma th
teacher for Cedar -Riverside
Charter School in Min neapo lis;
William is as oc iate cent er
dir ec tor for Sylvan Learn ing
Cent er in Burn svi lle and is
dep loyed oversees on active dut y
with th e U.S. Arm y.
kind ergarten teacher for
linn eapolis Publi chools.
Linda Kay
Stuart '99 and
Maur icio
Co rdova ,
Minneapo li -a
so n , Luca
Santiago , in
Apr il. He j oins sister Ananda . 2.
Th e coup le rece ntl y rewrn ed to
th e U.S. after Lind a comple ted
her master's in int ernational
relations at the Universi t)' o f
Chil e in Santi ago, Chil e.
Jill Boike , Ham Lake, Minn ., is a
family therap ist al ystrom's &
Assoc iates in ew Brigh ton .
Catheri ne Colsrud was nam ed
assistant general manager at
Grand Casino Hinckley.
Jean Taylor '85 and Roger
Griff ith '84, Eagan , Minn .a daughter, Abby Jean, in Jun e.
She joins big sister, Emm a.
Laura (Krepela)
'96 and Dan
Stonebur g,
Farmin gton ,
Melis sa Mo rfo rd, Shakopee,
Min n ., married Spe ncer
Ande rso n in May. Melissa is a
trave l adm ini Lrator for Carlson
Marke tin g Group; Spenc er is a
comp uter consu ltant at
Wiz mo , Inc.
Mi nn.- a son ,
Jake Daniel , in
Ju ne. Laura is a
Rick W illbanks marri ed J ennif er
Spyc halla in Jun e.
Mike Darring t on , Red Wing,
Minn ., is a new financia l
associa te with th e south ern
Minn eso ta regional office of
Thr ivent Financial for Lu th erans.
He previously worked al th e
State Cap ito l in l. Pau l.
Angela Sat re marr ied Troy
Dej ong in Jul y. Angela wo rks at
Minn ewaska Luth era n Home in
Starbu ck , Minn .; Troy wo rks at
Garb's Sales of Kensingto n .
co m >.
Brenda Ely '99
and her husba nd
Tim , Blaine ,
Minn .-a on ,
Alexander , in
Ju ne. He JOins
sister Elizabeth , 2. Brenda is an
element ary teac her for Fores t
Lake Area Schoo ls.
Pat Campanero was rece ntl y
th e spotlight perso n in th e
"Sunday Peop le" featu re of the
bu sines section of th e Srar
e. She is genera l manage r
of bu sin ess and whole ale
markets for Sprint in
Minn eton ka. She was previously
sales dir ector at Avaya Inc.
M elanie (Anderson) '97 and
Brian Burm eister, Owa tonn a,
Minn .- a so n , Nolan Dale , in
Oc tober. Mela nie i pra Lice
manager at Mont go mery Dent al
Care; she can be reached via email at <melanieb93@hotm ail.
O l:
Display your Auggie pride by ordering an Augsburg lice nse plate
for your car! You may order Augsburg license plates th roug h th e
Department of Motor Vehicles. Considered a sp ecia lty collegiate
plate , these plates may be displayed on any passe nge r class
vehicle . A minimum contribution of S25 is collecte d at t he time of
the initial application and at each registration renewal. This
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order these plates - proud parents can order th e m too ! For
further information, visit the DMV online at <www .dp s.state .
mn .us/dvs /MotorVehicle /specialplates .htm >.
In Memoriam
Harold Olson '33, Cannon Falls,
Minn ., died in April; he was 93.
He work ed for the State of
Minnesota in social services al
various agencies for nearly 38
years until his retirement in 1975.
He also served with the U.S. Navy
from 1943-1946. He is survived
by his wife, Gladys; two
daughters; five gran dchildren ; and
two great-grand childr en. He was
preceded in death by five broth ers
and two grandchildren.
Viola (Holland) Nydahl '36,
Decorah, Iowa, died in May; she
was 84. She worked for Dayton's
for over 18 years and was active in
various Lutheran church es where
her husband served as pastor. She
is survived by two daught ers and
five grandchildren. She was
preceded in death by her husband ,
the Rev. Harold Nydahl '36 .
Winifr ed (Helland ) Formo '37,
Roseville, Minn ., died in April;
she was 86. She was a retired
nur se, and anended Augsburg
Academy before enro lling in
Augsburg College. Her father,
Andreas Helland, was an
Augsburg professor. She is
survived by her husband , Jerome
'37, and two childr en, Philip and
Katherine '79. She was preceded
in death by a son, David.
Walte r Keller '39, Tacoma,
Wash. , died in May; he was 91.
He was retired from
Weyerhaeuse r Co. He is surviv ed
by two childr en, Kathryn an d
Richard. He was pr eceded in
deat h by his wife, Hilder.
The Rev. A lfr ed H. Sevig '39,
Spicer, Minn ., died in June ; he
was 86 . He served parish es in
Canada, Minn eso ta, and Sou th
Dako ta. Following h is retirement
as a full- time pastor , he serve d as
chaplain part time al Rice
Memoria l Hospi tal in Willmar,
Minn ., for 10 years . He also
wo rk ed as a visitation pastor at
Calvary Luth eran Chur ch for five
years and continu ed to be an
active volunt eer visitor until his
deat h. He was survive d by four
childr en and seve n
grand childr en. He was preceded
in deathcby his wife, Olive, and
two sons in infancy.
The Rev. John W. Steen '46,
Maple Grove, Minn ., died in Jun e;
he was 81. He served as pastor of
First Lutheran Church of Crystal
for 22 years. Following his
ordination in 1949, he served a
four-point parish north of
Williston , N.Dak. , until 1953.
From 1953-1956, he was a fulltime chaplain in the U.S. Air
Force. He continu ed his military
service in the Reserves for an
additional 17 years. He is survived
by his wife, Esther Victoria; five
childr en; 14 grandchildre n ; and
one great-grandson .
Erik Tromborg '48 ,
Bloomington , Minn ., died in May;
he was 77. A retired Honeywell
engineer, he and had a life-long
love of trains, and served on the
board of the St Croix Railroad
Club. He is survived by his wife,
Evelyn; two children ; and five
grandchildren .
Bonnie Mae (Everts) Yasgar
'48, Little Falls, Minn., died in
May; she was 77. She was a retired
English and physical education
teacher. She is survived by her
husband , Donald; two daught ers;
four grandchildren ; and her three
dogs and five hors es.
Berti! "Bert" Sandberg 'SO,
Mendota Heights, Minn ., died in
April; he was 77. He was a
building contractor , an
outstanding lifetime athlete , and a
decora ted WWll veteran. His
behind-th e-scenes work earned
him man y admir ers and an award
from former St Paul Mayor
George Latimer for ridding St.
Paul streets of Dutch Elm disease.
He was drafted after graduating
from Augsburg to play football for
the Philadelphia Eagles, but he
waived the opportunit y and
instead join ed his father's
business , St Paul-based N.H.
Sandberg Erection Co., which he
eventu ally took over and
e,q,anded . He was a member of
the Augsburg Board of Regents
from 1968-1980 , and was
indu cted into Augsburg's Alhletic
Hall of Fame in 1979. He is
survived by his wife, Carol
(Ziniel) '73, and three children.
William H. Riley '52, Golden
Valley, Minn ., died in June ; he was
77. He worked at the Montgomery
Wards home office in Chicago as
iLSnationa l merchandise manager
of iLScatalog division. He later
served as advisor to the founder of
the Lands End Co. He was a
WWll Navy veteran. He is
survived by his wife of 16 years,
Carol, and two stepchildren. He
was preceded in death by his first
wife, Marlys.
The Rev. Dr. A ndrew Hsaio
' 56, Hong Kong , China , died in
May of a heart attack; he was 77.
He was president emeritus of
Lutheran Theological Seminary
in Hong Kong, where he was its
first Chinese president. He was
named an Augsburg
Distinguished Alumnus in 1970.
He is surviv ed by his wife, Anna ,
and three children.
Warren Persons '66, Tracy,
Calif., died in June ; he was 59. He
was a successful software
engineer , and was instrumental in
developing software at Honeywell
for the Air Force's first-ever
computerized flight simulator . He
also worked at MTS Systems
Corporation , Bentley Scientific
Corporation , Pacific Bell, and
most recently at Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory
He also taught math ematics at
Augsburg . He is survived by his
wife, Connie; four children; and
three grandchildren.
Carole (Moran) Renner '92
WEC, New Brighton, Minn ., died
in May; she was 44 . She had
worked for Wells Fargo since high
school , starting with a clerical
position and most recently as
check reconciliation manager . In
her long career at Wells Fargo, she
earned many awards for her hard
work and accomplishments.
Known as an adventurer , she
loved to travel and enjoyed
fishing, boating , and camping. She
is survived by her husband ,
Ronald , and stepson , Christopher.
Robert B. Miller '04 , Virginia
Beach, Ya., died in August after a
car accident in Golden Valley,
Minn. ; he was 28. He was a senior
at Augsburg, studying psychology
and English, and a member of the
wrest ling Learn. ln 2001 , he won
the MlAC championships at 133
pounds , and earned All-American
honor s at the NCAA Division Ill
national championship s. He was a
1993 graduate of Kempsville High
School in Virginia Beach, where
he was a state champion wrestler.
He is survived by his parents, Nho
Tran Miller and Ernest Miller, and
two siblings , Kimberly and James .
James "JC" Carey, Minneapo lis,
died in September of heart failure;
he was 54. A 30-year employee of
Augsburg , he was mosl recently
director of ath letic facilities. He
was a muc h-loved member of the
Augsburg community , and his
unique and kind spirit will be
missed deeply. He is survived by
his wife, Sharon (Pautz) '82; two
children , Tim and Joy ; two sisters ,
Patjensen and Deb Yolkart; and
his father-in-law, Richard Pautz
'3 7, who co-founded Augsburg 's
Robin "Rob" A. Curtis, St Louis
Park, Minn ., died in April; he was
56. He served for many years in
Augsburg 's facilities management ,
and was a beloved member of the
campus community . He is
survived by his wife, Sadie, who
works with Augsburg 's Access
Center, and a son , Zach '97.
The Rev. Maynard L. Nelson ,
Phoenix , Ariz., died in May; he
was 72. He was a former member
of the Augsburg Board of Regents,
and also served on the boards of
Lutheran Deaconess Hospita l,
Fairview Riverside Hospital , and
Golden Valley Luth eran College.
He was senior pastor of Calvary
Lutheran Church of Golden
Valle)• for 22 years until his
retirement in 1996, after serving
congregations in North Dakota
and Washington. He is survived
by his wife, Nancy ; five children;
and 14 grandchildren.
Fall 2003
Oct. 3 1-Nov. 9
for more i11fo1111ation
on any of t/1ese events
(unless othen vise noted), call 612-330-1265
The Pirates of Penzance
or The Slave of Duty
Oct. 18
Gospel Praise Concert
7 p.m.-O ak Grove Luth eran Church
Richfie ld , Minn .
Directed b)' Karen Coe Miller;
mu sic dir ection by Sonja Th omp son
Perfo rmances: Oct. 3 1, Nov. 1, 6, 7, and
8 at 7 p.m .; Nov. 2 and 9 at 2 p.m .
Tjornhom- Nelso n Th eater, Foss Cent er
Nov. 22-23
Oct. 19
Gospel Praise Concert
10:30 a.m .-Peac e Luth era n Chur ch
Inver Grov e Heights, Minn.
0. Nicholas Raths Faculty Guitar Recital
3 p.m .- Sateren Auditorium
Nov. 2
The Masterworks Chorale Concert
7 p.m .-Immanue l Lut hera n Chur ch
Eden Prairi e, Minn.
Oct. 30
For galle,y infor malion , call 612-330-1524
International Business Forum :
Competing Glob a lly a nd Act ing Loca lly
Discuss ion o f global i sue pertainin g to
trade , int ernational awa reness , and
resea rch .
Guest speaker : Dr. Richard Bohr
4-6 p.m.- Chri ste nse n ent er
For inform ation , call 6 l 2-330- 119 1
Sept. 15-Nov. 2
"Recent Works by C.B. Sherlock:
Exploring the Box"
11 a.m.-Trinity Lut hera n Chur ch
Hovers ten Chapel
"Five Metro Paper Artists : Marjor ie
Alexander , Amanda Degener , Mary Har k,
Erica Spitzer Rasmussen, Jeff Rat hermel "
Nov. 15
Ope ning reception : Oct. 10, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Th e Gage Family Art Gallery, Lindell
Librar y
7 p.m.-Hoversten
Nov. 7-Dec. 18
Nov. 16
Augsburg Concert Band Concert
3 p.m .- Centra l Luth eran Chu rch
Nov. 18
Augsburg Chamber Orchestra Concert
7 p.m .- Sateren Auditorium
Dec. 5-6
24th Annual Advent Vespers
5 and 8 p.m. serv ice eac h night
Central Lutheran Chur ch , Minn eapoli
"Dan Noyes: Recent Wo rk in Stone
and Metal "
Annu al StepUP Prog ram Celebration
Ope ning reception : Nov. 14, 6:30-8 :30 p.m.
Christensen Center An Galler)'
5- 10 p.m.-Foss
ent er
For in formation , call 6 12-330- 1173
Lectures, and
7th Annual M . An ita Gay Haw th orne
Jazz and Poet ry Bash
"Big Questions , Worthy Dreams"
Studi o , Foss Cent er
Dr. Lee Hard y, professo r of phi loso ph y,
alvin College
10 a.m.-Co nvocation, Hovers ten hapcl
Pan of the 2003-04 Augsburg
Convocation Series:
lak ing the Most of Your Gifts
"M arcia Soderman-Olson : Drawings ,
Paintings, and M ixed Media"
Oct. 14
7 p.m .-Film
"The Christ ian's Calling in t he Academy"
Other Events
For tic/1et i11formatio11
, call 612-330- 1257
Festival of Student-Directed
10-Minute Plays
Nov. 12
Opening reception: ov. 14, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Th e Gage Family Art Gallery
Oct. 16
Oct. 20
Colombia : Women and W ar
Directed by Sarah arga ng (s tud ent
senior proj ect)
Per forman ces: ov. 22 and 23 at 7 p.m.
Tjornh om- elso n Th eater
Gospel Praise Concert
Augsburg Jazz Ensemble Concert
Kathy Kelley Present ati on
A Nobel Peace Prize- nomin ated activi t
return s from Iraq .
9:45-11 :15 a. m.- Chri stense n ent er
For information , call 6 12-33 0-13 12
Luth era n Wo rld Relief- pon ored
di cussion by thr ee olombi an wo men
speakin g about wo men's issues , war,
and peace .
4-6 p .m .- Christen en enter
For inform ation , call 612-330-1385
On the Verge
Opening reception: Oct. 10, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Christensen Center Art Gallery
Nov. 9
Oct. 16
Sharon Daloz Parks, as ociate directo r and
facult y member, Whidb e)' Institut e
11 a.m.- onvocat ion , Hoversten Chape l
Fo r in formation , call 62-330- 1180
Oct. 23
Nov. 6
6:30- 10 p.m.-Sat eren Auditorium
For information , call 612-330 -1022
Dec. 5
Annual Velkomm e n Jul Celebration
10:15 a. m.- Chape l ervice , Hove r ten
11 a.m.-2 p.m.-Sca ndi anavian treats
and gifts , Chri s tensen ent er
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