Visiting Students
Calendar ........................6
Lifetime Sports ...................48
Interim Abroad ..................49
Other Courses ........ Show more
Visiting Students
Calendar ........................6
Lifetime Sports ...................48
Interim Abroad ..................49
Other Courses ...................52
About This Catalog
Interim Courses
Introduction to Interim
Interim is an integral part of the school year at Augsburg
College. The College follows a 4- 1-4 calendar, with fall and
spring semesters of approximately 14 weeks separated by a
four-week January Interim. Interim is intended to be a time
for both students and faculty to employ styles of teaching and
learning and to investigate questions and topics in places and
ways not possible during the regular term.
Interim is an opportunity for intense concentration on a
single course of study. Since one Interim course equals a fulltime load, students should plan to spend the same amount of
time in class and preparing for class as they would for a fourcourse load during fall or spring semesters. Students should
be prepared for at least 40 class hours during the Interim and
should anticipate the equivalent of the normal two hours of
study for each class hour. Since the course length is only 3 112
weeks, attendance at every class is imperative. While it is
expected that students will attend every class period, instructors will establish the precise attendance policy for their
courses. Students can register for only one course credit during Interim. There is no tuition refund for a student who
chooses not to enroll in an Interim course.
Most Interim courses are graded traditionally on a 4.0 to 0.0
scale. Students generally have the option to register on a
PassINo credit basis. A few Interim courses are graded only on
the PIN system; this is indicated in the course description.
Some courses are offered for either upper or lower division
credit. Such Interim courses have two numbers listed and students must select which is most appropriate for their needs.
Students registering for upper division credit should anticipate additional assignments and a more rigorous grading
standard. Some courses, especially courses with travel requirements, have additional fees associated with them. These fees,
although intended to be accurate, may change; and students
should check with the instructor to verify the final costs.
Students are required to complete at least 33 course credits for
graduation. This course total must include two Interims for
students who enter with fewer than 14 courses. Freshmen are
required to take an Interim course their first year. A maximum of four Interim course credits may be counted toward
the 33 course credits required for graduation. Transfer students should refer to their transfer credit evaluation form or
consult the registrar for the number of Interim courses
Day school students (3.0 credits or more for fall) can take a
total of 1.0 course credit. They may take two half-credit classes. They may also take a lifetime sport (zero credit). The lifetime sport is at no additional charge if they are full-time students (fall term). If less than full-time, they will be charged.
Weekend students can take 1.0 course credits in Interim as a
cross registration but will be charged day school tuition $1630
per course credit. If they do so, they may take only 1.0 additional course credit in Weekend College for winter trimester.
Augsburg College, as affirmed in its mission, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national
or ethnic origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, or disability in its
education policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan
programs, athletic and/or school administered programs,
except in those instances where religion is a bona fide occupational qualification. Augsburg College is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to its employees and its students.
Any questions concerning Augsburg's compliance with federal
or state regulations implementing equal access and opportunity can be directed to Lora Steil, affirmative action coordinator, Office of Human Resources, CB 79, Augsburg College,
221 1 Riverside Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55454. She can be
reached by telephone, (612) 330-1023; or by e-mail,
International Interim-Students are invited to participate in
the international Interim courses offered by the Upper
Midwest Association for Intercultural Education (UMAIE)
and other consortia. These course opportunities are listed on
page 45. Some courses have early registration deadlines.
Internships deadline-Friday, December 10. January Interim
internships must be planned in advance. Students electing an
internship must meet departmental requirements and present
a signed internship-learning agreement plan to the Center for
Service, Work, and Learning (1st floor Memorial) by the first
day of Interim classes. The learning-agreement forms are
available in the same office. Internships during Interim must
involve full-time work placements for approximately four
weeks. Assistance for planning internships is available in the
Center for Service, Work, and Learning.
Independent study/research or directed study-Students
may elect a program of independent study (upper division
499) or directed study (lower division 299) for Interim.
Faculty members are strongly discouraged from accepting
responsibility for more than one independent study per
Interim. Students choosing to pursue independent or directed
study must:
1. Meet departmental requirements
2. Present to the registrar a copy of the proposed study
plan approved by the supervising faculty member and
the directedlindependent study registration form.
These forms must be submitted by December 1.
Appropriate study proposal and registration forms can
be obtained in the Office of the Registrar.
Interims at other schools-Augsburg students may enroll at
any other 4-1-4 institution that offers a reciprocal Interim
arrangement. Catalogs of these Interim programs are available
in the registrar's office. Registration for Interims at the other
ACTC colleges will be at Augsburg during the regular registration period. Most courses taught during the Interim at other
4-1-4 schools are accepted for credit by Augsburg, but may
not necessarily be accepted as meeting Augsburg's general
education requirements or major requirements.
Visiting Students
Augsburg College welcomes students from other 4-1-4 schools
for the January Interim without tuition charges, provided the
student's home institution agrees not to charge tuition to
Augsburg students for the January term. The waiver of tuition
does not include special fees, housing, or board costs. Other
students will be charged $1,630 for the Interim course.
Students interested in registering for an Augsburg Interim
should write to the Ofice of the Registrar for application
forms or use the forms provided by the Interim office at their
own school. There is an application processing fee of $25.
Students are welcome to stay on campus but are not required
to do so. Requests for Interim housing should be made to the
Office of Residence Life.
It should be noted that neither ACTC exchange students nor
visiting students may register for 199,299,399, or 499 courses.
About This Catalog
The catalog lists courses by departments in alphabetical order.
At the end of the book are listings of other courses not
offered by Augsburg but recognized by the College for Interim
credit. Students may also register for one of the lifetime sports
listed at the end of the catalog. Courses that include travel are
marked with an airplane.
Interim Calendar 2000
November 15 to December 3
January 3
. . . . . . . . . Interim
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .First
. day of Interim
Time I-9:00 a.m. (first day)
Time 11-1:15 p.m
January 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . Last day to register or add a class or
cancel a class without a notation
January 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Last day for determining
grading option with registrar
January 14 . . . . . . . . . Last day for withdrawing from courses
January 17. . . . . . . . . . . . Martin Luther King Day-no
January 27. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interim ends
January 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spring semester begins
February 4
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interim grades due to registrar
The time, number, and length of meetings as well as the beginning time will be arranged the first day of class. The daily
schedule for Interim is divided into two blocks of time:
Time I: 8:00 a.m. to 11:45 (Note: on the first day, Time I classes
will begin at 9:00 a.m.)
Time 11: 1:15 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Note: Martin Luther King Day-No class
For More Information
For more information contact Barbara Pappenfus in the
Interim Office at (612) 330-1150.
Calligraphy I & II
ART 106-J
ART 306-J
Instructor: Philip Thompson
Development of calligraphic writing and drawing skills with
emphasis on the broad-edged pen. Attention given to the historical development of calligraphy and the elements of design
through readings and demonstrations. Class time and assignments center on proactive calligraphic concepts with special
attention given to foundation, italic, gothic, and uncial styles.
Three original projects are required and evaluation is based
on quality of work plus participation and growth factors.
Upper division students are required to complete examples in
three historical writing styles plus an expanded project.
Required materials: text, pens, ink, ruler, and mat board.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Aesthetics
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: I
Room: Old Main 4
Life Drawing
ART 247-J
Instructor: Norman Holen
A study of undraped figures for art students and non-art students. The figures will be depicted with graphite pencils in
various settings for varying lengths of time. Grades will be
based upon quality and improvement. There will be a fee of
$45 to be paid on the first day of class.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Aesthetics
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Old Main 17
Marine Biology of the Florida Keys
BIO 140-J
BIO 340-J
Instructor: William Capman
The Florida Keys provide an excellent site for study of natural
history and ecology of marine, coastal, and sub-tropical communities. This class will spend about 2 112 weeks in Florida at
the Newfound Harbor Marine Institute located on Big Pine
Key. The Institute offers laboratory facilities, ocean-going
research platforms, housing, and a dining hall. Field trips to
coral reefs (Looe Key National Park), tide pools, turtle grass
flats, mangrove islands, and upland hammocks will be led by
professional naturalists from the institute. Organisms and
communities will be studied on site and in the laboratory.
Research projects will be initiated shortly after arrival at the
station in order to provide opportunities to gather data over a
period of several days. Visits to Pennicamp State Park, Key
West, and the Everglades will be included. Evaluation will be
based on:
BIO 140: (1) field and laboratory records, (2) personal journal, (3) quizzes at Marine Institute, (4) a final exam.
Prerequisite for 6'10 140: Any one of the following courses or their equivalents - BIO 101,
102, 103, 113, 114, or consent of the instructor.
BIO 340: (1) field and laboratory records, (2) personal journal, (3) quizzes at Marine Institute, (4) written report of the
research project, and (5) final exam.
Prerequisite for BIO 340: 810 351 or BIO 481 or consent of the instructor.
Estimated cost of the course: $2500 (includes airfare, all
ground transportation, housing and meals while at the institute). Contact the instructors for details.
Prerequisite: See Above
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Time: I1
Room: Science 212
Laboratory Biochemistry
BIO 368-J
Instructor: Karen Ballen
'I'his ct~i~rsc
is a n in trot1 uution l o tech~iicl~ius
c o m ~ n o n l yt~sccf
in bincIic.misiry. '1~chriic1~1c.s
includc (1,111 not li~llitcdto): ~ I . o w i n extrac~iun,dialysis, spectl-c.~phatomct
ry, S13S p01yair.ylamicle gel ciect rophorcsis, inn txchnngc cIll.clrn;~tclgl.alIhy,
Prerequisites:2.0 in 810 367
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Time: I
Room: Science 212
Advanced Computing for Business
MIS 370-J
Instructor: Jim Kattke
Objectives are to learn concepts underlying creation of Web
pages and business communication via the Internet. Use of
relational databases for advanced queries, forms, and reports.
Basics of event-driven programming for solving business related problems. Students will complete three major projects and a
few minor assignments. The course requires significant effort
on projects and constant access to a computer. Cooperation
with fellow students in learning to apply concepts is encouraged. A good grasp of MS Access is required or the willingness
to exercise exceptional effort in learning the tool.
Prereqttlsit~s:MiS 175, CSC 170, consent of the instruct06 or Math Placement Group 3
Fnrollmant: 20
Time: I1
Room: Lindeli 16
Personal Finance
BUS 295-J
BUS 495-J
Instructor: Ashok Kapoor
This is an introductory course in personal financial planning.
Students will be introduced to budgeting, credit, income
taxes, insurance, real estate, investment and retirement planning. BUS 295: quizzes and exams. BUS 495: all of the above
plus some assigned case problemslpapers will be required.
Prerequisite: Math Placement Group 3
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Foss 43
Chemistry for Changing Timer
CHM 100-J
Instructor: Arlin Gyberg
This course is developed from the perspective of a person
living in a modern, high-technology society such as the
United States. It assumes that before one can evaluate a moral
or societal issue of a scientific nature one at least must be able
to understand the science involved. Anything less is an
impression rather than an informed decision. As we develop
scientific concepts we will at the same time relate them to an
abundance of current issues. We live in a world of pesticides,
fertilizers, plastics, birth control, food abundance and food
shortage, food additives and processing and synthesis, organically and non-organically grown food, chemical dependency,
licit and illicit drugs, the energy crisis, and the debates about
sources of energy, the green house effect, and nuclear waste
storage, pollution, genetic engineering and much more. Many
of these problems are chemical in nature. Thus, in learning
about chemistry, via lecture and in-class discussion, we can
begin to understand ourselves, our society, our world, and
even some of the universe. The grade for the course is based
on a percentage of the score of total points on the daily
Prerequisite: Math Placement Group 2
Liberal Arts Perspective: Natural World 2
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Science 315
Introduction to Polymer Chemistry and
American Plastic
CHM 104-J
Instructor: Ron Fedie
Previously there was the Stone Age, Iron Age, and Bronze age.
Now we live in the Age of Polymers (and Plastics). Without
this innovative technology, life as we know it would be much
different. The variety of polymer molecules and their properties make up many, diverse plastics and the variations are endless. Many items and materials in the areas of coatings, adhesives, leisure/sports equipment, building/construction, automobiles, furniture, clothes, medical supplies, cosmetics, and
others that are used every day come from different polymeric
materials made from polymer molecules. In this course we
will explore and discuss the world of polymer chemistry.
Polyethylene is one of the most commonly used synthetic
polymers found in "plastic" wrap and trash bags. A common
natural polymer, polyisoprene, is collected from the sap of
rubber trees and tires, golf balls, and latex gloves are just some
of the many uses. The class will focus on two books. One,
American Plastic: A Cultural History, by Jeffrey Meikle for the
historical perspective of our world of polymers. Themes from
the book, the different types of polymers used, and recent
themes such as the recycling of plastics will be discussed. A
second book, Giant Molecules, by Grosberg and Khokhlov, will
help with the previously mentioned themes and give more
depth to the broad world of polymers not covered in Meikle's
book. There will be six lab periods in which some polymer
molecules will be made and several of their interesting properties will be explored. Students will be graded on 25 group
worksheets, 6 quizzes, 6 reflection papers, 6 lab periods, and
an individual project and presentation.
Prerequisite: Math Placement Group 2
Liberal Arts Perspective: Natural World 1 or 2
Maximum Enrollment: 22
Time: I1
Room: Science 315
Introduction to Computer Science and
CSC 160-J
Instructor: Larry Ragland
This course introduces the major areas of computer science
and computer communications. These areas are: algorithms,
algorithm design, algorithm efficiency, hardware, logical circuit design, computer organization, software and operating
systems, programming languages, operating systems, theory
of computation, mathematical foundations of computer science, Turing machines, computer communications and the
Internet, packet switching, Internet services, and operation.
This course will consist of lecture/discussion times with frequent in-class lab exercises on the topics above. Grading will
be based on examinations, labs, and homework. This is not a
course in computer applications or how to use computers,
although we may touch on these topics.
Prerequisite: Math Placement Group 3
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: I
Room: Sverdrup 202
UNlX and C
CSC 272-J
Instructor: Karen Sutherland
Study of UNIX operating system and the C programming
language. It is assumed that the student has knowledge of
programming methods and has done programming in some
other language. Evaluation will be done on 10 programming
assignments, two to three quizzes and a final project. Grading
is done by combining the weighted grades of all assignments
and quizzes.
Prerequisite: CSC 170 or programming in some other language
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: Ii
Room: Sverdrup 202
Computer Science
Topics: Computer Science: An
Alternative Scheme One and Two
CSC 273-J/373-J
Instructor: Charles Sheaffer
This course is especially intended for students with no prior
exposure to programming in particular or computer science
in general. It will be a laboratory intensive, self-paced course
using the Scheme programming language. We will introduce
an alternative approach to some of the most important concepts of computer science including problem solving, simulation, object-oriented programming, functional programming,
procedural and data abstraction, and program interpretation.
Students with knowledge of programming will benefit from
exposure to the alternative paradigm represented by the
Scheme language and will acquire a concrete understanding
of how these important concepts are actually implemented in
real languages and machines. Students will be evaluated based
on a series of programming projects. CSC is a continuation of
CSC 273.
Graduation Skill Requirement: for CSC 373, Critical Thinking
Prerequisite: CSC 273. none; for CSC 373, CSC 273 or consent of the instructor
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I1
Room: Sverdrup 205
Economics of Urban Issues
ECO 110-J
Instructor: Ed Sabella
Study of economic implications of the many problems facing
a metro-urban environment. Some of the topics to be discussed are: crime prevention, health issues, discrimination,
education, etc. Basic microeconomics tools of analysis will be
developed in class. This is a basic course designed for those
students who do not plan to major in economics, business
administration, accounting, or MIS. Three objective examinations.
Liberal Arts Perspective: The City or Social World 1 or 2
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: I1
Room: Science 319
Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 112-J
Instructor: Satya t? Gupta
The objectives of the course are to give students fundamental
principles of macroeconomics; national income analysis,
monetary and fiscal policy, and international trade. Simple
applications will be used. Students will take tests every week
and grades will be based on tests, participation in class and
problems solved.
Prerequisite: Math Placement Group 2
Liberal Arts Perspective: Western Heritage
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: I
Room: Old Main 16
Practicum and Seminar in Special
EDU 491-3
Instructor: Susan O'Connor
A supervised field placement that serves people with disabilities, plus an on-campus seminar. Students planning to take
this course should consult with the special education coordinator about a placement prior to registering for the course.
Students must complete designated hours of fieldwork as well
as written and reading assignments.
Prerequisite: EDU 282, completion of courses for special education minor; or consent of
Maximum Enrollment: 9
Time: I1
Room: Sverdrup 4
American Dialects: Differences and
ENG 219-J
Instructor: John Schmit
Because language plays an important role in our socialization,
the way we speak tells others who we are and with whom we
identify. Our speech is a reflection of our social and economic
standing and our cultural background. In this course we will
explore the ways in which both personal and group identities
are reflected by the ways in which we speak. We will examine a
number of American varieties of English and will attempt to
describe the rules by which these varieties operate. Class sessions will include brief lectures, student presentations, and
student-led discussions. In addition to presenting a topic, students will write a paper on the presentation topic and take a
final exam.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 1
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 29
Theatre In and Around London
ENG 269-J
Instructor: Ron Palosaari
The purpose of this course is to study live theatre in London
and Stratford. For more information, contact Prof. Ron
Palosaari, (612) 330- 1005.
Topics: Introduction to Asian American
ENG 282-L
ENG 482-L
Instructor: Joan Thompson
In an essay about multicultural American literature, Walter J.
Ong writes that "literature is organized experience and consciousness. Since cultures organize experience and consciousness variously, the study of the literature of another culture
opens new vistas both into the exterior world and into the
human heart." This course will explore some of these vistas
through readings and discussions of nonfiction works, poetry,
short stories, a play, and a novel by Asian American authors.
Some ideas the writers take as subjects through their art
include definitions of an Asian American voice, explorations
of cultural and individual identity, visions of community, and
coming of age. Class sessions will include discussion of the
historical and social contexts that influence the writers studied. In addition to the reading, students will view at least one
Asian American film and possibly attend a relevant performance or reading. Course grades will be based on reading
journal, a short paper, a final exam, class attendance, and participation. Upper division students will read an additional
novel and write a research-based paper on it.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 1
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 11
Topics: Investigating the Victorian
ENG 282-0
ENG 482-0
Instructor: Dallas Liddle
This course will study the phenomenon in 19th-century
Britain of the popular novel of suspense, mystery, and terror.
Early in the century these tales were generally either "Gothic"
(stories of horror and the supernatural set in Italy or Spain)
or "Newgate" novels (true-crime stories about the lower classes). By the 1860s, however, popular novelists including
Charles Dickens, Mary Braddon, and others were producing a
stunningly successful series of works in which the action was
set in the everyday world of the Victorian middle classes.
These novels drew intense public scrutiny by raising issues
that the more polite genre of domestic fiction could hardly
hint at, including gender roles and sexual transgression, class
and race oppression, obsession and madness, and the dark
sides of urban life. We will read several of the best of these
thrillers, at the same time actively investigating the culture
that produced them. We will read original reviews and
responses, including parodies, and learn about the context of
newspaper and magazine journalism in which several of the
novels appeared. While we investigate the power of the Gothic
and Sensation genres for their original audiences, however, we
will also work to determine why these novels have continued
to appeal to successive generations of readers. Course grades
will be based on class attendance and participation, two short
papers, a group presentation, and a final exam. Upper-level
students will read one additional novel, write a research-based
paper on it, and share the results of their research with the
Prerequisite: ENG 111
Liberal An3 Perspective: Western Heritage
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Foss 20
Topics: Cinema and Sexual Identity
ENG 2824
Instructor: Doug Green
What does cinema reveal about how the 20th century has
thought about sexuality?How do cinematic images affect our
sense of our own sexual identity? This topics course in
English examines films from the early years of cinema to the
present in order to explore depictions of and cultural
assumptions about sexual identity. We will, moreover, consider the impact of these images on audience perceptions and
expectations, including those of the self. We will pay special
attention to the various images and constructions of homosexual as well as heterosexual identity in English-language
cinema, especially Hollywood movies, and in some silent and
foreign films. Taking Celluloid Closet as a point of departure,
we will consider how film affects sexual minorities in the
audience as well as in film production.
There will be short readings on sexuality and film. At each
class there will be a full or partial film screening, followed by
small-group and whole-class discussions. We may go to one
or two films offcampus as well, so students should be prepared to buy tickets; these out-of-class screenings may not be
at the regular class time. There will be at least one typed
journal entry due at each class period. The class will meet
from 1-5 p.m., Monday through Thursday of the first two
weeks of Interim; 1-5 p.m., Tuesday through Thursday of the
third week; and 1-5 p.m., Monday through Thursday of the
last week.
Grading will be based on the completion and quality of all
journal entries and on class/film attendance, preparation,
and participation. Students missing more than two
classes/films and/or two journal entries may not pass the
course. All grades
are PIN option only (i.e., 2.0 is required
for course credit).
Prerequisite: ENG 111
Liberal Arls Perspective: Human Identity
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 16
Topics: Contemporary American Poetry
ENG 282-P
ENG 482-P
Instructor: John Mitchell
This course provides an introductory survey of contemporary
American poetry by poets whose works have come into
prominence since World War I1 or mid-century. Emphasis
will be given to the vision and sensibility of each poet and to
the themes of their poems, especially those images and statements that concern philosophical, historical, psychological
and cultural values. Through comparison and contrast, students will be expected to formulate reasonable interpretations
of selected poets and poems and to express their discoveries
in class discussion and short papers. A final examination will
be given and two interpretive papers about three to five pages
in length will be assigned. For upper division credit, the student will also read and give a written class report on a book
that discusses contemporary poetry or a contemporary poet;
this choice, based upon recommendation, must be approved
by the instructor.
Prerequisites: for 482-R lntro to Literature or consent of instructol:
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: I
Room: Old Main 29
Quantitative Journalism: Computer
Assisted Reporting and Research
ENG 347-A
Instructor: Cass Dalglish and Boyd Koehler
This course introduces students to computer-assisted informational investigation and the interpretation of quantitative data
in the writing of expository essays and news reports. Such
inquires will employ contemporary computer-based information searches coupled with data-driven quantitative assessment of a public issue of current concern. Students will prepare projects of publishable quality for presentation and critique. The course is designed for persons wishing to explore
the use of computer-assisted research for their particular
information development interests as well as those preparing
to enter the communication professions.
Prerequisites: Eng. 225 or Eng. 227, or consent of instructors. Math Placement Group 3.
Graduation Skill Requirement: Ouantitative Reasofling
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: T; Th 6-9 p.m. and Sat 1:30-4:30 p.m.
Room: Sat, Lindell Library 16; T; Th Sverdrup 204
Senior Honors Seminar: Hispanic
Christianity Along the Border
HON 401-J
Instructor: Margaret Madsen
An introduction to denominations with a special focus on
Hispanic communities along the US.-Mexican border.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 3 or Intercultural Awareness 1
Time: I
Room: Sverdrup 208
Dance (men
(0.5 course
HPE 232-M
Instructor: Mary Ewert-Knodell
Theory and practice in teaching and performing American
heritage and international folk dances. The majority of the
course grade is based on dance practicals, a teaching assignment, and a written test. Note: HPE 232 and HPE 275 can be
taken simultaneously.
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Time: 1- 1/3,1/4,1/5,1/6,1/7,1/11,1/13,1/18,1/20
Room: Melby Gym - center court
Dance (women only)
(0.5 course credit)
HPE 232- W
Instructor: Mary Ewert-Knodell
Theory and practice in teaching and performing American
heritage and international folk dances. The majority of the
course grade is based on dance practicals, a teaching assignment, and a written test. Note: HPE 232 and HPE 275 can be
taken simultaneously.
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Time: 1 - 1/3,1/4,1/5,1/6,1/7,1/11,1/13,1/18,1/20
Room: Melby Gym - center court
Prevention and Care of
Athletic Injuries (0.5 course credit)
HPE 275-J
Instructor: Missy Strauch
Emphasis placed on preventing and treating common athletic
injuries. Practical experience in taping and training room
procedures. Note: HPE 232 and HPE 275 can be taken
Prerequisite: HPE 114 or equivalent
Maximum Enrollment: 24
Time: 1- 1/5,1/6,1/7,1/10,1/1I, 1/12,1/13,1/14,1/19,1/21,1/24,1/25,1/26
Room: Melby 119
Instructional Methods: Materials in
Health Education
HPE 390-J
Instructor: Patty Murphy
This course will cover principles and methods of instruction
applied to health education (5-12). Emphasis upon teaching1
learning strategies and student assessment. Development and
delivery of lessons/activities is included. Students are evaluated by their peers and the instructor on their ability to create,
deliver and assess health education lessons in a "real" classroom. Evaluationlgrading is also based upon the completion
of a "technology project", resource file, and exam.
Prerequisite: HPE 110
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Melbv 202
Sailing in the Virgin Islands
HPE 455-J
Instructor: Joyce Pfaff
Designed for the beginning and intermediate sailor interested
in the art and practice of sailboat cruising. The course will
take the participant to a competent level of sailboat handling
(anchoring, mooring, helming, and crewing). The student
will live aboard a 43'-46' fixed-keel sailboat with five to six
other people and will function as an active crew member.
Actual on-the-water instruction will be the major part of the
course. Sailing will include cruises to the various islands and
cays in the British and American Virgin Islands. Snorkeling
and wind surfing will be available on an optional basis. Some
classes will be held in December prior to leaving for the
Virgin Islands in January.
The course cost is $3,300, which includes airfare for Augsburg
day students and qualifying Interim exchange students.
Others will have to pay regular Interim tuition in addition to
this course cost in order to receive academic credit. PIN
Health & Physical Education
ONLY. Applications may be picked up from the office of Joyce
Pfaff, Melby Hall 121, Augsburg College. They must be turned
in with deposit and appropriate signature before final acceptance is given.
Prerequisites: Permission from Joyce Pfaff, health and physical education department,
(612) 330-1247; no smoking is allowed; basic swimming skills
Graduation Skill Requirement: Lifetime Sport, also one course credit upper division
Maximum Enrollment: 10 ( A waiting list will be kept after the original 10 spots are filled)
20th-Century South Asia
HIS 162-J
HIS 462-J
Instructor: Don Gustafson
This Interim experience is designed to look at the area of
South Asia (primarily India) that is home to one-fifth of the
people of our world. We'll use novels, films, some standard
historical writings, and current South Asia periodicals to consider the impact that colonialism, nationalism, and various
phases of modernization have had on this old, honored, and
traditional culture. We'll read the marriage ads and talk
about social structure, consider the spot at Ayodhya that has
prompted Hindus to massacre Muslims, think on the Christlikeness of a Gandhi, and perhaps have time to note one or
two of the contemporary religious phenomena. Looking at
South Asians helps us to see ourselves in a fuller perspective.
The course will include the usual pedagogical devices of lectures, discussions, some short reaction papers, and tests
(including a final). Students enrolling for upper division credit will be expected to have at least one prior college history
class, to complete a paper or project beyond the regular
assignments, and to be tested apart from lower division students.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 1
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Old Main 13
Topics in History: The Great Men of
20th-Century Europe and Their Myths
HIS 195-J
Instructor: Sheldon Anderson
This course examines several important 20th-century leaders
and their impact on the course of European political and
diplomatic history. Topics will include Woodrow Wilson and
the Versailles Treaty after World War I, Neville Chamberlain
and the appeasement of Adolf Hitler at the Munich
Conference in 1938, Joseph Stalin's agreement to sign a nonaggression pact with Hitler shortly before World War 11,
Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill's alleged appeasement of Stalin at Yalta, Harry S. Truman's Cold War policies,
and Reagan and Gorbachev's diplomacy as the communist
systems of Europe fell from 1989-1991. The course will focus
on the popular myths that have developed about these leaders
and these conferences.
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Sverdrup 20
Topics in History: Early Minnesota
History, 1849- 1900
HIS 195-1
Instructor: William Green
This course will examine the political, economic, and social
history of early Minnesota. The course will study life in
Minnesota among the Ojibway and Dakota peoples, through
the fur trading period which witnessed French, English, then
American settlements, through the territorial period (18491858), and finally statehood.
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Foss 20
Remembering the 20th Century
HIS 440-J
Instructor: Jacqueline de Vries
As the millennium approaches, everyone-artists, politicians,
gossip columnists, historians-seems to have some opinion
about the waning 20th century. What has this century
wrought? The last hundred years have left a great many contradictions: two global wars that destroyed millions of lives
and swept away governments, but brought economic development; the decline (and recovery) of established religion; the
rise (and collapse) of a messianic faith in communism; great
increases in standards of living while famine and child labor
persist; technological breakthroughs that put teachers in space
and AK-47 rifles in the hands of children; new freedoms and
new forms of exploitation. In this course, we will together
attempt to make sense of the 20th century. Please note that
while the course will examine major events and developments
of the century, it will not offer a narrative history, nor will it
be exhaustive. Instead, it will explore a variety of possible
interpretive frameworks to help us better understand where
our grandparents have been and where we are today. Rather
than relying exclusively on (sometimes dry) textbooks, we will
explore the century through a variety of personal narratives,
both written and oral, and reflect on the shaping of both individual and collective memory.
Course materials will include several monographs and novels,
films, photographs, and guest lectures. Students will complete
three five-page papers, one of which will be an interview with
their oldest living relative.
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 13
Paideia Seminars
INS 120-J
Instructor: Anne Jensen
Students will participate in a series of seminars following the
Paideia seminar format as developed by Mortimer Adler and
Paideia Associates. Students will also view selected films for
seminar discussions; develop and lor hone skills of mature,
intellectual talk; observe seminars conducted in a St. Paul public school; evaluate their own behaviors during seminars; and
lead seminars. Students will be assessed on journal entries
including evidence of seminar preparation, reflection, peer and
self-evaluation, as well as a final summary paper.
Graduation Skill Requirement: Critical Thinking
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Foss 43
Technically Speaking
INS 21 1-J
Instructor: Esther McLaughlin
Do you enjoy talking about science and technical topics, but
just can't find an audience? We'd love to listen! Through a
series of four oral assignments, you will have the opportunity
to talk science to your fellow scientists, improve on your oral
presentation skills in a variety of formats, learn to effectively
organize a speech, prepare visual aids, and listen to and learn
about other science topics and science policy from your fellow
Prerequisite: One year of an introductory-level science course
Graduation Skill Requirement: Speaking
Maximum Enrollment: 16
Time: I1
Room: Science 205
Introduction to Islam
INS 225-J
Instructor: Amin Kader
This course is designed by a practicing Muslim to present his
perception of Islam to non-Muslims. The course will cover
the ideological foundations of Islam, its basic concepts and
tenets, Islamic law (Shari'ah), Islamic economic and political
systems, and Islamic patterns of life. There will also be discussions on the differences between the Islamic sects (Sunnis,
Shi'its, Sufis, etc.). Some effort will be made to deal with the
similarities and differences between Islam and both
Christianity and Judaism. Students will also visit one of the
mosques in the Twin Cities. Evaluation is based on two tests
and a paper.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 1
Maximum Enrollment: 30
Time; I
Room: Old Main 27
Topics: Minnesota Indians
INS 495-J
Instructor: Eric Buffalohead
This course will examine the experiences of the Dakota and
Ojibwe in Minnesota from the time of contact to the present
situation of both tribes. Each group's history and experiences
will be studied and compared to see how each group has
done since the time of contact. Major historical events will be
examined as well as significant events important to each
group. Students will learn how changing federal policy affected the two groups and how each of the groups has dealt with
things such as assimilation, termination, and/or relocation.
Other topics to be covered include health, education, welfare,
treaty rights, and economic opportunities. The main text will
be Indians in Minnesota by Judith Rosenblatt (ed). The students will be expected to demonstrate understanding of
major issues through written exams and research
projects/presentations. Upper division students will be
expected to do more comprehensive research.
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I1
Room: Foss 21
Topics: A Civil Rights Immersion:
Experiencing History
INS 200-J
INS 300-J
Instructor: Garry Hesser & Joseph Young
During the 1950s and 60s a series of major events and fundamental social change occurred in the United States. For the
first two weeks, we will seek to develop a basic understanding
of race relations in the U.S. through readings, visiting lecturers,
videos, learning from each other, and the MLK, Jr. event on
January 17. Then, this intentionally diverse class will board a
bus for an intense, study-travel journey to Little Rock,
Memphis, Birmingham, Montgomery, Atlanta, Nashville, and
Chicago, the places where history was made and the museums
that chronicle those times. We will meet with and interview
participants in these critical events, as well as actively engage
one another in dialogue and collaborative learning. The course
objectives include learning about the history and sociology of
race and ethnic relations in the U.S. gaining insights from persons and places that mark the "turning points" of the 1950s
and 1960s, documenting our personal and group experiences
so that our insights and understanding can be shared with the
Augsburg community and others, and increasing our skills for
cross-cultural collaboration and dialogue. Upper and lower
division: students obtaining upper division credit will complete a research paper on a specific topic related to the course,
including an annotated bibliography with a minimum of 20
Cost estimate: $500, plus the cost of meals for 10 days (with
scholarships available, based upon need-contact Garry Hesser
at 330- 1664)
Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 1 or Social World 1 or 2
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Old Main 23
**Note: All participants will go on a bus tour beginning
Monday, January 17, and ending on Wednesday, January 26.
Work in the City Externship: Linking
Education and the World of Work
INS 298-K
Instructors: Lois Olson and Lynda Olson
This course introduces students to the nature of work, its role
and value to the individual and to society. Seminar format will
focus on work as viewed by this generation and the requirements to succeed both now and in the future. A special
emphasis will be on self discovery learning activities, visits to
Twin City businesses and community organizations, and discussions with panels of professionals. Students will be expected to research employment trends and career options; complete a portfolio of reflections, exercises, and self assessments;
and give individual and group presentations. Students will
also explore various organizations of the Twin Cities and
understand their role and impact in a major metropolitan
area. PIN grading only.
Liberal Arts Perspective: The City
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Old Main 25
Management Information Systems
See listing under Business, pg. 9.
Finite Mathematics
MAT 121-J
Instructor: Anthony Dunlop
How can an industry comply with air quality standard at the
smallest possible cost? Did you know that one of the first
applications (other than gambling) of probability theory was
in genetics (on the question of whether the recessive genotypes would eventually die out)? How do we build the most
cost-effective telecommunication network of satellites given
the cost factors between pairs of satellites?In Finite Math
we'll study the topics that give the answers to these questions:
linear programming, counting and probability, and graph theory. Finite Math is for students in Math Placement Group 3
or higher who need a Quantitative Reasoning course. Class
will be a mix of lectures and small group work. Evaluation
will be based on class participation, quizzes, and exams.
Prerequisite: Math Placement Group 3
Graduation Skill Requirement: Quantitative Reasoning
Math Elective for MIS major; economics major
Maximum Enrollment: 22
Time: I
Room: Science 108
Math of Interest
MAT 173-J
Instructor: Christopher Schwartz
Learn how to determine the monthly payments on a house or
car. Find out how much you need to be socking away now to
have a million when you retire. Learn how annuities, perpetuities, and life insurance work, and more. Evaluation will be
based on classroom participation, quizzes, and a final examination.
Prerequisite: Math Placement Group 3 or consent of instructor
Graduation Skill Requirement: Quantitative Reasoning
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Science 205
Modeling and Differential Equations
MAT 247-J
Instructor: Rebekah Valdivia
In Modeling and Differential Equations, we will cover a range
of mathematical topics with emphases on mathematical modeling, differential equations, and numerical methods. We'll see
connections between mathematics and "real world" problems
and get a feel for applied mathematics. We will discuss a variety of applications in class, and students will have opportunities to select applications of interest. Modeling and
Differential equations is a must for anyone considering
majoring in Applied Mathematics and is strongly recommended for students majoring in Physics or Chemistry. It is
also for anyone considering majoring or minoring in
Mathematics. Evaluation will be based on participation,
quizzes, projects, and a final exam.
Prerequisite: MAT 146 Calculus I1 or equivalent
Maximum Enrollment: 22
Time: I
Room: Foss MAC
Beginning German I
GER I l l - J
Instructor: Don Steinmetz
This course is for students with no previous background in
German. It aims to develop basic skills in speaking, listening,
reading, and writing as tools for communication and for
understanding German culture. Classroom practice focuses
on both presentation of vocabulary and structures and the
use of the language in everyday contexts. Evaluation will be
based on participation, daily assignments, quizzes, and a final
Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 2
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Old Main 10
Beginning Norwegian I
Instructor: Becky Hegstad
This course is for students with no previous background in
Norwegian. It aims to develop basic skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing as tools for communication and for
understanding Norwegian culture. Classroom practice focuses
on both presentation of vocabulary and structures and the use
of the language in everyday contexts. Evaluation will be based
on participation, daily assignments, quizzes, and a final exam.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 2
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Old Main 26
S anish and Latin-American Culture
T rough Film
SPA 248-J
Instructor: Roman Soto
An introduction to the main cultural and political issues
(social conflicts, sexism, race, ethnicity, religion, language,
exile, or immigration) that characterized contemporary
Spanish and Latin-American societies as they have been portrayed in films and plays. Developed mainly through the viewing of films and class discussions, the course is complemented
with brief readings and audio-visual materials on the historic,
literary, and social aspects that contribute to the background of
these films. Most of the films are in Spanish with English subtitles, and all the class work is in English. The evaluation is
based on class participation; brief weekly, writing assignments;
and a short term paper.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 1
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 23
Modern Languages
Topics: Sounds and Sights of Europe
MUS 179-J
Instructor: Roberta Kagin
This course provides an opportunity to visit some of the Great
European cultural centers that provided the impetus for development of music in the cultural life in the New World. For
more information, contact Prof. Roberta Kagin,
(612) 330-1273.
Topics: Sounds and Sights of China
MUS 295-S
Instructor: Robert Karlen
Music, art, and architecture, as expressions of Chinese culture
over its 5,000-year history, will be examined, studied, and
experienced in four of the most important cities of China. For
more information, contact Prof. Robert Karlkn, (612) 3301266.
Survey of Rock History and Musical
Style, 1951-1971
MUS 204-J
Instructor: 0. Nicholas Raths
An introduction to the fundamentals of music and musicology
as they occur within the context of rock's inception (1950s)
and maturation (1960s) periods. This course will examine the
historical background, musical content, and methods of selected artists and their work. Evaluation will be based on class
participation, a comprehensive term paper, exam, and a group
performance project. For non-music majors.
Liberal Ads Perspective: Aesthetics
Maximum Enrollment: 30
Time: I1
Room: Music 3
Introduction to Music
Theatre Performance
MUS 235-J/THR 235-J
Instructors: Sonja Thompson and Darcey Engen
Music-theater exists in every culture, stemming from basic
human impulses to dance, sing, and express oneself. Join theatre professor Darcey Engen and music instructor Sonja
Thompson to discuss this interdisciplinary art form, and
develop your own basic skills of music-theater from China,
Japan, India, and other cultures. Course includes writing and
research, class discussion and exercises, small and large group
participation, memorization, and performance. Performers of
all levels are welcome, though some singing and acting ability
is required. Interested students will be auditioned in
December so that appropriate material can be assigned to
them. Course may be repeated with permission from the
Liberal Arts Perspective: Aesthetics
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Sateren Auditorium
Topic: History of Caribbean Music
Studied in Miami and Jamaica
MUS 2 9 5 4
Instructor: Robert Stacke
Miami and Jamaica are considered the centers of Caribbean
music, where composition, recording, and world distribution
take place. The goal of this 19-day seminar is to examine and
reflect on historical, socio-political, and religious aspects of
Caribbean music. For more information, contact Prof. Robert
Stacke, (612) 330-1271.
Liberal Arts Perspective: intercultural Awareness 1
Maximum Enrollment: 30
The Mysticism of Meister Eckhart
PHI 295-J
Instructor: Mark Fuehrer
A study of some of the key texts of the great mystical philoso-
pher, focusing on the idea of detachment from worldly affairs
and the union of the soul with God while in this life. Students
will be expected to prepare brief written analyses of the
assigned readings and present two essays of Eckhart. Seminar
Graduation Skill Requirement: Writing
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: I
Room: Old Main I1
Science, Technology, and Values
PHY 117-J
Instructors: Mark Engebretson and Bruce Reichenbach
This course will focus on contemporary problems that arise
from our developing technological capacities. We will consider problems such as the causes and effects of global warming;
depletion of the ozone layer; social, economic, and ethical
concerns in pollution cleanup; agriculture, pesticides, and
genetic effects; the prospects and problems of genetically
engineering both our foodstuffs and humans, and the urban
implications of developing a light rail system. To get a satisfactory grasp on how to approach these problems, we will first
explore what science and the scientific methods are, how science (knowing) relates to technology (doing), the structures
used for ethical evaluation, and the resulting interactions
among the three. Grading will be based on two tests and a
major project.
Prerequisite: Math Placement Group 2
Liberal Arts Perspective: Natural World 2
Maximum Enrollment: 40
Time: I
Room: Sverdrup 205
Topics: Physics in Science
and Fantasy Fiction
PH Y 220-J
Instructor: J. Ambrose Wolf
This course deals with physics aspects in movies as well as in
science fiction and fantasy fiction literature on a conceptual
level. We will explore scenes and settings in which physics plays
an important role and also learn to discern if they are physically correct or not. This will also expand the awareness of physics
in everyday life, where it is encountered and how it works. The
math component of this course will be minimized in favor of a
better grasp of the concepts and thought processes involved.
Various scenes from movies and excerpts from literature will be
presented, after which the physics connection and understanding will be explored in discussions. The weekly papers will
cover one of the topics discussed in class during that week; the
long-term paper will cover a general topic from physics in
everyday life and bibliographic research. Students' papers and
reviews will also be discussed class. This course is designed for
those students who do not plan to major or minor in physics.
Grading will be based on active participation in class discussions, three (approx. weekly) short papers involving draft and
peer review (final paper and review graded) and one long
paper including a draft version corrected by the instructor.
Prerequisite: Effective Writing, Math Placement Group 2
Graduation Skill: Writing
Maximum Enrollment: 18
Time: I1
Room: Science 108
Introduction to Space Science
PH Y 320-J
Instructor: Ken Erickson
This course provides a survey of Earth's space environment
including solar, planetary, magnetospheric, ionospheric, and
upper atmospheric physics (solar dynamics, magnetic storms,
particle precipitation, aurora, and related topics). Evaluation
will be based on two exams, class assignments, one research
paper, and at least one class presentation.
Prerequisite: PHY 245 or permission of instructor
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: I
Room: Sverdrup 206
Social Justice in America
POL 140-J
Instructor: Andrew Kurvers Spalding
Students develop and defend their own standards of social
justice, using those standards to assess conditions in urban
America. Substantial participation in class discussions
required. The course has two goals: developing student thinking about social justice, including greater awareness of conflicts between justice and other values; and increasing student
ability to understand urban problems as issues of justice and
other central values. Evaluation will be based on participation
in discussion and other class activities, on two short (4-6
page) papers and on a final exam. Because of the compressed
time frame of the Interim schedule and the importance of
material covered on the first day of class, no one will be
admitted to the class who does not attend the first day of
class, unless receiving prior permission of the instructor.
Liberal Arts Perspective: The City
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 18
Global Peace and Justice: Focus on
Northern Ireland
POL 295-J
Instructor: Joe Underhill-Cady
The course will examine the political, social, and psychological roots of international conflict and current efforts at preventing and resolving bloodshed and oppression. We will use
the class as an opportunity to prepare for the 2000 Peace Prize
Forum, which will cover topics of the conflict in Northern
Ireland. The course will begin with a study of a range of theories used to understand international conflict- including
power politics, psychological and cultural theories, Marxism,
liberalism, and feminism. Readings will include historical and
fictional treatments of the conflict in Northern Ireland, and
we will view some films related to the topic, including The
Crying Game. The class will also involve the use of simulation
and role-playing of international negotiations to give students
a feel for the difliculties and complexities of dispute resolution.
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 26
Topics: Women in Comparative Politics:
Daughters or Stepdau hters: Russian
"Women on the Eve o the
POL 195-J
POL 359-J
Instructor: Nadezhda Shvedova
An overview of the situation of Russian women today. The
course will combine discussion and lecture on the situation of
women in Russia. Shvedova, a leading activist on women's
issues as well as an educator, will provide the distinctive perspective of her experience as a Russian woman. The course
will cover women in the economy, politics, in the mass media,
Political Science
etc. There will also be attention to issues such as women's
struggle to gain real equality and a voice in society, violence
against women, and the impact of Russia's economic crisis on
women. There will be two or three short papers, plus a longer
(10-12 page) paper at the end of the term. Readings will be
taken from books and articles.
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 27
Principles of Psychology
PSY 105-J
Instructor: Grace Dyrud
An introduction to the methods and approaches used in psychology for the purpose of understanding behavior.
Applications of psychological concepts to everyday situations
are emphasized. Evaluation will be based on means of two
tests and two lab reports.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Human identity
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 10
Psychology and Law
PS Y 335-J
Instructor: lVancy Steblay
Application of psychological principles and research methodology to legal processes and issues. The course emphasizes
three content areas: eyewitness issues (such as lineup and
interview procedures), courtroom procedures (jury selection,
jury decision-making, pretrial publicity), and psychological
profiles of offenders and victims. Grades will be based on
exams and one paper.
Prerequisite: PSY 105
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 25
Peer Ministry: Principles and
REL 232-J
Instructor: Lyle Griner
Students will be instructed to train college, high school, and
junior high youth to serve as peer ministers in their congregations and communities. They will learn and practice communication skills, facilitate small groups, and learn the role of a
listenerlhelper. Peer ministry integrates the act of caring and
serving others within a Christian belief system.
Prerequisite: REL 111 or 221
Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 3
Maximum Enrollment: 40
Time: Jan. 10-13, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. and Jan. 4,6,18,25,27, 9:00 a.m -1 1:30 a.m.
Room: Murphy Place 100
The Lutheran Heritage
REL 345-J
Instructor: Mark Tranvik
Beginning with Martin Luther, this course will study the main
themes and figures of the Lutheran tradition. Class time will
include field trips, discussion, and lectures. Exams, student
participation, and papers will be the basis for evaluation.
Prerequisite: REL 111, 221, or 331
Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 2 or 3
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Music 22
Theology of Death and Dying
REL 390-J
Instructor: John Benson
This will be a multidisciplinary course, using materials from
biology, psychology, sociology, history, world religions, and
Christian theology proper. It will also be ecumenical, since
some of our theological material will come from Roman
Catholic as well as Protestant sources. Religious traditions
regarding death and the afterlife will be studied, and various
ethical questions related to death and dying will be considered. Field trips in the Twin Cities are also planned. We will
become acquainted with the field of mortuary science, the
hospice movement in the United States, and current medical
practices related to the terminally ill. Daily lectures, discussions, quizzes, and written assignments will be the format.
Grades will be based on class participation, two tests, and oral
presentation of a research project.
Prerequisite: Religion 111, 221, or 331
Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 2 or 3
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Music 23
Varieties of Christian Spirituality
REL 440-J
Instructor: Janelle Bussert
A study of selected spiritualities from the Christian tradition
and of contemporary developments, including 12-step spirituality, feminist, ecological, and non-Western Christian spiritualities. An introduction to the basic practices of spirituality,
especially prayer and meditation. Evaluation methods include
quizzes, experiential journals, class presentation, and a final
Prerequisite: Religion 11 1, 221, or 331
Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 2 or 3
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Murphy Place 11 1
Exploring Human Services
S WK 257-1
S WK 2 5 7 4
Instructors: Mary Lou Williams and Lois Bosch
Experiential learning occurs as students volunteer 80 hours in
a service agency or institution that they select. The placement
must be approved by course faculty and supervised by agency
staff. The course is designed to help students learn about
themselves in relation to a possible major or future career in
the human services.
The three-hour weekly seminar is devoted to discussions that
assist students in integrating agency experiences and readings
that explore the historical development of social welfare as an
institution and the nature and value system of social work as
a profession. Students will also examine and critique the manner in which social, economic, and political structures impact
diverse groups in society. Students will focus on their own
responsibilities in society, as well as examine their personal
value system in relation to special concerns, such as poverty
and the "isms." Detailed information will be sent to students
at the close of Interim registration.
Liberal Arts Perspective: The City
Maximum Enrollment: 60, 2 sections
Time: I
Room: Foss 21 A and B
Topics: Child Welfare Social Work and
the Law
S WK 295-J
Intructor: Tony Bibus
This course will introduce students to social work practice in
the area of child welfare with special focus on the relationship
of child welfare laws, policies, and court to the lives of families and children. Students will study Minnesota statutes, meet
with key policy makers, observe court procedures, and discuss
practice and legal issues with child welfare social workers and
possibly with families and children as well. There will also be
opportunities to compare child welfare laws and practice in
the U.S. with those in Europe, especially Norway. The principles of permanency planning, family-centered practice, prevention and protection, and the twin goals in child welfare of
securing safety and nurturing children while preserving their
ties to their family will be examined. We will also explore
controversies and emerging issues in child welfare law such as
concurrent planning, "dual-track" service strategies, encouragement of the adoption of children of color by white families, and research related to the effects of poverty and oppression on the neglect of children's need. Students will analyze
the dynamic interplay of societal values, power, politics, facts
and myths as they manifest themselves in child welfare laws;
they will begin to form their own positions regarding an ideal
approach to supporting the welfare of children from a global
perspective. Evaluation of learning will be in the form of
assessments by instructors and students of the major paper or
project completed for the course.
Prerequisite: Social work majors or permission of Instructor
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I1
Room: Sverdrup 20
Field Work I: Integrative Seminar
S WK 307-J
Instructor: Mike Schock
Junior social work majors are required to have 240 hours of
supervised professional experience in a social work agency.
This small-group seminar supports the first 120 hours of this
placement and is facilitated by the faculty member who serves
as liaison to the student's practicum field agency. The course
provides structure and process for students to integrate learning from their practicum and academic coursework focusing
on generalist practice with individuals.
Prerequisites: Candidacy status, SWK 301, and SWK 306
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Time: I
Room: Murphy 111
Social Work
Field Work Ill
SWK 466-1 (variable 1.0 credit or 0.5 credit)
Instructor: Maria Dinis
This is a continuation of Field Work 11; a total of 60 (for the
0.5 credit option) or 120 hours. Responsible, supervised professional social work experience, including work with individuals, families, groups, and communities in a social service
agency. Integrative weekly seminar (two hours). Students will
be evaluated by: (1) weekly theorylpractice papers integrating
course content with work setting, (2) attendancelparticipation, and (3) field site supervisor's evaluation.
Prerequisite: SWK 462
Maximum Enrollment: open
Time: I (class will meet in small groups, no more than 11 at a time)
Room: Old Main 21
Human Community and
the Modern Metropolis
SOC 21 1-J
Instructor: Gordon Nelson
This course will examine the extent to which the experience
of the community is possible in the context of the metropolitan situation. The course will focus on the Twin Cities metropolitan area. Each member of the class will be responsible for
a class presentation, which must reflect on-site observation in
a particular locale within the metropolitan area. In addition,
class participation and a final examination will be the basis
for evaluating performance in the course.
Liberal Arts Perspective: The City
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Music 24
Topics: Cultures of Violence
SOC 295-J
Instructor: James Vela-McConnell
Street gangs and warfare. Police brutality and genocide.
Domestic abuse and terrorism. What are the dynamics underlying these and other forms of violence?What do they have in
common? How do they differ? This course takes violence in
its many forms as a topic for sociological analysis and concludes with an examination of non-violent alternatives. With
this in mind, we will compare different theoretical perspectives on violence, such as psychological, social psychological,
and socio-cultural perspectives. The course will involve a
combination of lecture and discussion based on readings and
videos, debate of current issues in the field, and guest speakers
from and field trips to local organizations dealing with problems of violence. Students will be expected to research, write
about, and present on the sociological dimensions of a particular form of violence. In addition, there will be short reaction
papers based on the readings, and classroom participation
will be an important part of grading. This course has a lab
fee of $25 payable the first day of class to the instructor.
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I1
Room: Sverdrup 206
Topics: Discrimination, Harassment,
and Communication
SPC 295-J
Instructor: Robert Groven
If you keep sending poems to an old flame at work, are you
harassing them? If your boss tells racist jokes at a bar after
work, are they guilty of discrimination? Why are neo-Nazis
allowed to march through Jewish neighborhoods, but they
aren't allowed to hurl racial insults at co-workers?
Discrimination and harassment are in the headlines regularly,
but most people don't know what they really mean. What
kinds of communication constitute discrimination or harassment and why? This course covers all forms of illegal discrimination including gender, race, disability, religion, and sexual
orientation. It focuses on the legal approach to discriminatory
communication, but also examines the reactions of employers, employees, and organizations generally. This course uses
the "case method" teaching approach, where many specific
examples are studied to produce general conclusions. The
course involves role-playing, game-playing, debate, and writing. Course work includes a few short papers, one project, and
one test.
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Old Main 18
Documentary Video
SPC 347-J
Instructor: Deb Redmond
Documentary video is a video production course that integrates lecture and criticism with hands-on experience dealing
with non-fiction subjects. Students will work in production
teams, gaining experience in field production and editing. The
production teams will produce a 30-minute documentary
piece. Evaluation will be based upon student journals, critiques, and a paper. This course requires additional lab time
for editing.
Maximum Enrollment: 16
Time: I
Room: Science 123
Introduction to Dance
(0.0 credit)
THR 002-T/HPE 002-T
Instructor: Sandra Agustin
With each session beginning with a rigorous physical warmup, this class offers an overview of various forms of dance,
including modern, ballet, Asian, and Latin forms.
Graduation Skill Requirement: Lifetime Sporl
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: 12:OO-1:00 M, T j W Th, F
Room: Sateren Auditorium
Modern Dance/lmprovisation
(0.0 credit)
THR 004-UHPE 004-2
Instructor: Sandra Agustin
Students will learn various phrases of movement incorporating floor exercise and will learn to travel through space using
level, volume, and floor pattern, culminating in the creation
of short, improvisational pieces.
Graduation Skill Requirement: Lifetime Spolt
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: 12:OO-1:00 M, T j W Th, F
Room: Sateren Auditorium
introduction to Music
Theatre Performance
THR 235-J/MUS 235-J
Instructors: Sonja Thompson and Darcey Engen
See course information listed under MUS 235-1.
Topics: Crossing Borders, Bridging Cultures
An Interdisciplinary course in Norway for
Students in Social Work and Education
January 6 - 27, 2000
EDC 495-P/S WK 295-P
Instructor: Hans Eriksson; Augsburg contacts: Tony Bibus or
Susan O'Connor
Will introduce students to modern Norwegian life, with particular emphasis on Norway's systems of education and health
and welfare services to children, youth, and families. Students
may take one of two separate but parallel tracks: "Winter
Recreation Programs with Children and Youth" or "Social
Work, Child Welfare Work, and Education." Lectures, field
study and practicum experience will introduce students to the
content and context of professional practice in Norway as well
as the unique Norwegian system of folk high schools. All
classes will be taught in English and will contain both U.S.
and Norwegian students.
Cost: $2465, which includes roundtrip airfare from
Minneapolis to Trondheim, Norway, all meals, lodging, program expenses, and course tuition.
SPP 201-J
Augsburg is part of a consortium called UMAIE, Upper
Midwest Association for Intercultural Education, that offers
overseas learning experiences during the Interim. Further
information about the following courses can be obtained
from Cynthia Truitt Lynch at the Center for Global
Education, CB 307, Augsburg College, 221 1 Riverside Ave.,
Minneapolis, MN 55454, (612) 330-1650. These courses are
offered on a PIN basis only and generally carry a lower division number.
*Advanced Spanish Language and Culture in Argentina
in Germany
C,'tdtrrres in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula
Interim Abroad
*Egypt in Transition
*In the Footsteps of the Crusaders: from Jerusalem to Malta
*The Many Faces of Japan
*Poets and Their Places: Ireland's Literary Landscapes
*Psychology and the International Workplace in Britain
*The Rhine Frontier: On-Site Cultural History at the Heart of
the European Union
Other Interim Abroad Courses
"Environment, Economy and Community in Guatemala
*Development and Community in Bangladesh
ACTC Creative Writing Workshop
at Augsburg College
Locating Yourself in the World Through Poetry
Course will carry upper division English credit
Instructor: Roseann Lloyd
This course gives advanced writing students new ways of
expanding their range in poetry. Students will develop their
range by intensive writing practice-poems in many forms:
lyriclnarrative poems, section poems, monologues, prose
poems, political poems. Students will keep a Voices Journal,
collecting language around town. In addition, each student
writer will conduct an interview of an older person and make
poems from that interview. The class texts focus on poetry
that observes the world, poetry grounded in a particular culture, such as Five Fields, by Gillian Clarke, Touching the Fire:
Fifleen Poets of Today's Latino Renaissance, edited by Ray
Gonzalez. Evaluation will take into account the completion of
process/exercises, class attendance, and a final portfolio. This
is an upper division class for writers who are committed to
their own writing and have already completed an introductory creative writing class at the college level. Each ACTC college may send three writers to the course, on the recommendation of the creative writing faculty. To be considered for
enrollment in this course, contact Cass Dalglish, (612) 3301009, or Roseann Lloyd, (612)330-1423,before registration.
Time: Monday through Thursday 12:OO-4:OOp.m. Fridays will be used for extra conferences, interview time, and group work.
Room: Anderson 100
Other Courses
These courses are offered by institutions or groups not connected with Augsburg College but have been approved for
credit by the College. Most carry a tuition cost plus other
expenses that are the responsibility of the student. They are
offered only on a PIN basis.
The Washington Center 2000
Academic Seminars
Campaign 2000
January 3-14, 2000
POL 398-A
This is a two-week intensive session held in the heart of the
United States government that will focus not only on the new
millennium but on the beginning of a new presidential campaign. In the two-week session, the following will be the primary focus: Campaign Politics, and The Media Pursuit of the
The Washington Center is offering the above two topics for
the session. Augsburg students must register for the whole
two-week session in order to receive credit (January 3-14).
Credit is available from the political science department for
this program. The course is a passlno credit course based on
participation in program activities including site visits, small
group seminars, and journals.
For further information about the program, contact Prof.
Underhill-Cady in Memorial Hall 112b or at (612) 330-1312,
or by email: <>. There are five scholarships available to cover registration and tuition costs based on
priority in registration through Prof. Underhill-Cady's office.
Other Courses
Show less
- -
augsburg in the summer
Augsburg College offers a varied summer curriculum
that includes courses in more than 16 academic
disciplines as well as internships and
independent studies. Term I runs
from May 30 to June 23. Term I1
runs from June 26 to August 3.
A detailed listing of... Show more
- -
augsburg in the summer
Augsburg College offers a varied summer curriculum
that includes courses in more than 16 academic
disciplines as well as internships and
independent studies. Term I runs
from May 30 to June 23. Term I1
runs from June 26 to August 3.
A detailed listing of courses begins
on page 8.
term one
summer session info
May 30 to June 23
term two
June 26 to August 3
Augsburg College is a four-year, liberal arts college located in the heart of
Minneapolis, and affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Augsburg is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.*
T h e small college environment, about 3,000 students during the academic year, is
enriched by the many opportunities found in this vibrant metropolitan area.
Augsburg's setting allows students to participate in a host of cultural and recreational activities.
(312)263-0456.Web site <>
Augsburg general education:
Courses fulfilling Augsburg's Liberal
Arts Perspectives and Graduation
Skills requirements are so noted along
with the description of the course.
Course levels: T h e first digit of the
three-digit course number indicates the
course level. Course numbers beginning with a "1" or "2" are lower division courses and are intended primarily
for freshmen and sophomores; course
numbers beginning with a "3" or "4"
are upper division and are primarily for
juniors and seniors.
* North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Jnstitutionr of Higher Education,
Course loads in Summer Session:
Students may take one course credit
during Term I and up to two course
credits during Term 11. Unless otherwise indicated, all courses carry a value
of one course credit. O n e Augsburg
course credit is the equivalent of four
semester credits and six quarter credits.
Independent study: Independent studies inay be arranged in consultation
with individual faculty members.
Internships: In addition to those listed,
internship opportunities may be
arranged individually during the summer. Academic internships are carefully
planned work-based learning experiences, supervised and evaluated by a
faculty member. Consult the Center for
Service, Work, and Learning at (612)
330-1 148 for more information.
Employer reimbursement:: Students
who qualify for reimbursement by their
employers may use their reimbursement
to pay for Summer Session courses.
Housing: Students who need housing
may contact the Residence Life Office
at (612) 330-1488.
T h e College reserves the right to
cancel listed courses.
Additional information may be
obtained from:
Summer Coordinator
Augsburg College
Campus Box $144
22 11 Riverside Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55454
(612) 330-1787
Persons in good standing at regionally
accredited colleges and universities,
graduates of s ~ ~ institutions,
and students admitted for the next fall term are
eligible to attend Augsburg Summer
Session. Good standing implies that the
student has been admitted and not subsequently dropped by that institution.
Other persons wishing to take summer
courses should contact the coordinator
of summer school to ascertain eligibility
under special circumstances.
Students accepted for Summer Session
are not automatically granted admission
as regular students of Augsburg College.
Those wishing to begin a degree program at Augsburg should apply to the
Office of Undergraduate Admissions,
(612) 330-1001, or the Weekend College
Admissions Office, (612) 330-1743.
ning April 10, yo1
-.~mmer Session courses at the
Enrollment and Financial Services
Center between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00
p.m. A $100 tuition deposit must be
paid at that time for each course scheduled. This deposit will be applied to
your summer school tuition and is not
refundable unless the course is canceled. If a course that you have scheduled is canceled, you may elect to
receive a refund or apply the deposit to
the tuition for another course. We recornmend that you schedule your courses as early as possible. Many courses fill
early, and courses with low enrollments
will he canceled one week before the
first day of the term. Tuition must be
paid in full at the Enrollment and
Financial Services Center (see deadlines below), or you will be dropped
from your course(s).
Summer registration may be confirmeci
beginning May 10. Students taking
courses during Term I must complete
their registration by May 31. Term I1
registration must be completed by
June 27. This procedure applies to all
summer classes, including internships
and independent studies. T h e
Enrollment and Financial Services
Center is located in the Science Hall,
Room 152 and is open from 9:00 a.m.
lay. It
to 5:00 p.m. Monday thi(
w ~ l he
l open un ' ' 1.m. on lvlay 10
and May 31 anc
une 26 and 27.
en on Saturdays
T h e center i
between 10:OO a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
when W e ~ t - n JCollege is in session.
paid in full in order for
Tuition ~n
I to be complete.
r reg
Irg s~uuentswho have unpaid
; from previous terms must pay
. .
these balances before they may confirm
their sumn
'loo1 registrations.)
A late fee oi
5 will be assessed for
students who register after the second
day of the term. N o Term I registrations will he accepted after June 2nd,
and Term I1 registrations will not be
accepted after June 30th.
To change your registration you will
need to fill out an add/ilrop form at the
Enrollment and Financial Services
Center. There is a charge of $75 for
changing a course after 3:30 p.m. on
the second scheduled day of each term.
This procedure applies to internships
and independent studies as well as
scheduled courses. Refunds and adjustments to fees are outlined in the
"Tuition Refund Policyn section of this
Scheduling begins
Balance of tuition due
Classes begin
Balance of tuition due
April 10
May 19
May 30
May 31
Last day to:
*Change grading option
June 9
*Drop class without notation
June 2
*Register with late fee of $75
June 2
(no registrations will be accepted after this date)
.ast day to withdraw from class
lasses end
3rades due in registrar's office
June 16
June 23
July 5
April 10
June 26
June 26
June 27
July 14
June 30
June 30
July 3 & 4
July 31
August 3
August 11
Atrfishnrg(:ollege, os affthl~cdi n i l s mission, does not discrilninare on the hnsis of race, color, crecd, pligion,
nutior~alor ethl~icorixin, oge, gerldir, ~ e x l r aoil'rntatii~n,
lllotirnl stattts, srrrtirs with iewinl [ i t [~~cblic
nssistonce, or
dls<~hilityin its edircntiun policies, rvbnissionr j~olicies,zcholnrship and loan [mlpolns, athletic at~d/o~.sihoolodlninistered I ~ r ~ ~ g r o rercel~t
n s , i n those illhta~lcerqoherc religion is n hona fidr ~ ~ c c ~ ~ p n t y~mlificc~tion.
r d ~ ~ r o v i d imosonnhle
to its elnl~loyeesorld its stlrclentr.
Cullege iis o ~ l n ~ n i l t to
A n y ~11~estiollr
concerning Alrgsbl~rg'scolnl~liancewith federal or state regularions ilnj~lelnentil~g
eqlcol access o r ~ d
can be directed to Lorn Sterl, nfi?natiz,e n c ~ i o ncoordilla~or,(3ffce of H l r l n n l ~Resi>urces,CB 79,
Augshlcrg Collefir, 22 i I Ritcrzide Avr!, Mimleal~olis,MN 55454. She can be reached by telel~hone,
( 6 1 2 ) 330-1023; n i by e-lnail, <.steilQo~rgshrrg.e~l~r>.
map of augsburg
uition charge for 2000 Summer
3ess10n courses:
$950 for full-crecrlL ~ourses
$475 for half-credit courses
$240 for quarter-credit courses.
Audits are charged at the tuition
I policy
T h e $100.00 per course deposit is no
refundable. A refund of all or part of
the remaining fee is calculated from the
date of the student's official course cancellation at the Enrollment and
Financial Services Center.
Schedule of refunds:
Prior to the first scheduled class
meeting-100% of the refundable
portion of the fee.
Prior to the second scheduled class
meeting-75% of the refundable
portion of the fee.
financial aid
Eligibility for Summer
Session attendees
Financial ai
~ilableto students
:pted for enrollment in
enrolled or
Augsburg d
r weekend programs.
Students who maintain half-time
status (as defined by the program in
which they are enrolled) are eligible
to apply for financial aid.
Students enrollea tn summer Terms I
and I1 combined or only Term I1 may be
eligible to apply for the Federal Stafford
Loan, Federal Pell Grant, or the
Minnesota State Grant.
WEC program
No aid is given for summer Term I as it
runs concurrently with the WEC spring
Students enrolled in summer Term I1
may be eligible for the Federal Stafford
Prior to the third scheduled class
meeting-50% of the refundable
portion of the fee.
Courses with fewer than 12 scheduled
class sessions will use a prorated
version of the schedule of refunds.
College Map lniorrnallon
1. Admissions Weekdav. Prooram
2 A r S.r~clbreE l l rdnce (Novemoer Marcn)
3. Anllerson-he son Aln e. r Fnelu ana SeasonalA r
4. Chrislensen Cenler (Inlarmal~anDesk)
5 East Hall
6. Facully Guest House
7. FOES,Lobeck. Mlles Center lor Worship, Drama
and Comunicalian (Tjornhom-NelsonThealre.
Hoverslen Chapel)
& Georoe Sverdruo Hall
9. Husby-StrammenTennls Courls
10. Ice Arena
11. Jeroy C. Carlson Alumni Cenler
1 2 Lindell Library
13. Mainlenance and Grounds Shop
14 MortensenTower
15. Murphy Place
16. Murphy Square
17, Music Hall
10.New Residence Hall
20 Oscar Anderson Hall
21. P.0 c Rca. ons & Carnrn .n ~.xlans
23,Sclenee Hall
24. Security Dispalch Center
25,Shipping and Recslvlng
26.Si Mslby Hall
27, Sverdrup-onedal Memorial Hall
26.Umess Hall
Parklng Lots
A. AdmissiansiFacultylStaHParking
8. FacullylSlaHiC~mmulerlResidenl Parking
C. FacullyiStaHParking
D. FacullyiSlaHiCommutsrParking
E. Commuler Parking
F. Residsnl Parking
G. Visllor Parking
H. Faiwiew-University Parking Ramp(pay parklng available)
campus location
35W from the North-
Loan, Federal Pell Grant, or the
Minnesota State Grant.
Take Washington Avenue exit and turn left on
To apply
Avenue South.
Washington (turns right onto Cedar Avenue),
turn left at Riverside Avenue, right at Zlst
The financial aid deadline for the
Summer Session is April 15, 2000.
Contact the Enrollment and Financial
Services Center at (612) 330-1046 for
application materials and additional
assistance. Early application is advised.
1-94 East from MinneapolisTake 25th Avenue exit, turn left at 25th Avenue,
turn left at Riverside Avenue, turn left at 21st
Avenue South.
1-94 West from St. PaulTake Riverside exit, turn right at Riverside
Avenue, turn left at 21st Avenue South.
35W from the SouthFollow the 1-94 St. P a u l signs (move to right
lane after each of two mergers). Take 25th
Avenue exit and turn left at Riverside Avenue,
turn left at 2lst Avenue South.
I Ione
rinnal crrr
ART 100/300 (with HIS 1951331)
Topics: Designed Environment
~ndllis course addresses the designed environment,
e intentionally designed places in which we
,e. We will investigate architecture, landscape
~hitecture,and urban design, both in class and
site visits to prominent local examples of
design excellence.
City or Aesthetics
9 -1 1:20 am
M, T; W, R, F
Science 123
ACC 221-S
Principles of Accounr~~
basic concepts
Introduction to business
and fundamentals of accounting, the accounting
cycle, and preparation of financial statements.
9-1 1 2 0 an
'tneories and techniques for educa
T; W,R, F
Foss Mac
ENG 245
Introduction tc
A n initiation inro rne formal study of fiction,
poetry, and drama, drawing on works from several
periods, different cultures and races, and male and
female writers. This course aims in particular to
develop students' critical and analytical skills as
the prerequisite for all upper level courses in literature. Persp.: Aesthetics
3-6 pm
M, T; W, R
Old Main 10
9-11:20 am
M, T; W, R, F
Old Main 18
ACC 3 2 2 3
Accounting Theory & Practice I
A n analysis of financial accounting with emphasis
on accounting theory pertaining to financial statements, income concepts, valuation concepts,
FASB statements, and other relevant issues as
applied to assets. (Prereq.: A C C 222)
6-9 pm
M, T; W, R
M, T; W, R
Sverdrup 202
BUS 3 3 1
Financial Manaeement
Topics related to theory acquisition, fund allocation and management, sources and uses of long
and short-term funds, capital costs/budgeting,
leverage, and dividend policy. (Prereq.: ECO 113,
ACC 222, MIS 379, and MPG 3).
6-9 pm
M, T. W, R
Foss 43
HIS 1951331
ART 1001300)
r the designed environment,
This course adc
the intentionally uesigned places in which we
live. We will investigate architecture, landscape
architecture, and urban design, both in class and
in site visits to prominent local examples of
design excellence. City or Aesthetics
Science 123
9- 11:20 am
M, T W, R, F
Old Main 29
BUS 2 4 2 3
Principles of Management
Development of the theory of management,
organization, staffing, planning, and control. The
nature of authority, accountability, and responsibility; analysis of the role of the professional
6-9 pm
Educational Technolow
You will be exposed to basic theories of communication, selection, evaluation and research.
Become skilled in some of the digital tools used in
today's schools. Learn how to choose appropriate
I N S 105
Introduction to American Indian Studies Rowe
A n overview of the American lndian studies curriculum-history and>literature, federal Indian policy, land issues, reservation and urban issues,
cross-cultural influences, art, music, and language.
for American Indian Studies minor)
Persp.: lntercultural Awareness 1
6- 9 pm
M,T;W, R, F
I N S 199-Sl399-S
A work-based learning experience in which a student designs a learning agreement plan that links
the opportunities and responsibilities found in the
placement with specific learning objectives that
are evaluated for academic credit. The internship
nlacement must be aooroved bv the facultv suner-
6-8:20 pm
Limit 8 students
M, T; W, R. F
Music 20
- .-- ..-..
SPA I l l - S
Beginning Spanish I
A.tn3 r~~ . I C \ L . ~ I I ~ f0..1 I><I>IC $k~ll>.
-,1n.I nrtring of e l ~ , ~ ~ ~ i , n t : ~ r y
Spanish. lntroduction to the culture of the
Spanish-speaking world. Laboratory work is an
integral part of this course. Persp.: lntercultural
Awareness 2
M , T; W, R, F
Old Main 29
Old Main 18
critically, understand timeless ideas, listen carefully, and question thoughtfully.
Graduation Skill: Critical Thinking.
This Institute is also open to current teachers.
19-23 seminars
8:30 am - 4:30 p.m.
Foss 21
POL 241
Environmental and
River Politics
The course explores the relationship between
urban development, government policy, and the
river environment. Students will critically examine historical developments, the changing relationship between society and the environment,
and current policy debates about the river.
Students will undertake service-learning projects
relating to the Mississippi River and explore the
river by boat. Grad Skill: Critical Thinking,
Persp.: Social World (pending). Lab fee: $50
1-320 pm
Old Main 25
REL 357-S
Giants of the Faith
A study of the lives and theology of well-known
Christian thinkers. lncluded are heures like
. \ ~ O ~ . . > ~Ei>n~i~~cfier,
:III.I D.trcxlly Ihy
h r ~ v . . ~F.11th
I or 1
M, T; W, R, F
Old Main 18
T W, R, F
Old Marn 10
SWK 260
Humans Developing
This course provides an understanding of human
growth through life and of the sociocultural, biological, and psychological factors that influence
the growth of individuals and families. Growth
related to diverse populations and groups or special stresses is also a focus.
Persp.: Human ldentity
6-9 prn
M, T; W, R, F
Science 205
_3C 1213
Introduction to Human Society
What is society and how does it make us who we
are? Course study focuses on an understanding of
culture, social structure, institutions, and our
interactions with each other.
Persp.: Social World
9-1 1:20 am
INS 120:
June 19-30, 2000
Paideia Seminars
Students will participate in a series of seminar discussions following the Paideia seminar format as
developed by Mortimer Adler. Seminar topics
emphasize selections that help students to think
M , T; W, R
MUS 155
Class Piano (.25 cr)
This course is designed for music majors/minors
whose primary applied area is an instrument other
than piano, and who have had little or no piano
training prior to college. The course will teach
the skills needed to meet the Augsburg Music
Department piano proficiency requirement.
(Prereq.: MUS 101 or permission of instructor)
1-3:20 pm
6-9 pm
individual faculty in the specific majors.
Contact the academic department directly to
make arrangements.)
PSY 3 6 2 3
Abnormal Psychology
A n introduction to psychological disorders.
(Prereq.: PSY 102 or 105)
M, T; W, R, F
Sverdrup 206
SPA I l l - S
Public Speaking
The course focuses on speech preparation,
organization, audience analysis, style, listening,
and overcoming speech fright. Graduation Skill:
Speaking. (Note: Students may take either SPC
111 or SPC 112 for credit, but not both).
9-1 1:20 am
M, T; W, R, F
Old Main 29
BUS 340-S
Human Resourc- .
Personnel function
iiness, acquisition, and
and society. (Prereq.:
EED 3 5 0 3
K-6 Mathematics Methods
Examination and preparation of materials and
resources for mathematics at the kindergarten and
elementary levels. (Prereq.: PPST and admission
to teacher education program)
3-5 p.m.
course, studentselthis first level
important concepts of painting. Most class time is
spent painting. Slide lectures, demoktrations, and
critiques complete the learning ex -ce
Persp.: Aesthetics
6-9 pm
T; R
M. W
6-9 pm
Music 24
c l d
ART 1 3 2 3
The camera will be used as a tool for visual creativity and expression using black and ,,,hire photographic processes. Students need access to a
35mm, single-[ens reflex camera. Estimated cost of
film, etc.: $200-225. Persp.: Aesthetics
6-9 pm
Limit: 14 students
and principles related to the manage- - ~of
t operating functions taught from a managerial viewPo!
examples from various
- (Prereq': BUS 242 Or 'Onindustries and
sent of instruct
old ~~i~
ACC 2 2 2 3
Principles of Accounting I1
A continuation of ACC 221. lntroduction to
business activities, accounting for corporations.
Basic concepts and fundamentals of managerial
accounting, planning and controlling processes,
decision-making, and behavioral considerations.
(Prereq.: A C C 221)
9-10:45 am
Music 24
M . T W, R
Principles of Computing for Business
Course teaches PC skills using Windows 98 and
business related problem solving using the
Microsoft Office Suite(Word, Excel, Access,
PowerPoint). Computing concepts and lnternet
are also
The hands-0n
approach is supplemented with computer-based
training and software for use in and out of class.
(Prereq.: MPG 3 or a "Pass" in MAT 103)
6-9:00 pm
Foss 42
MIS 3 7 9 4
Quantitative Methods for
Business and Economics
The course is an introduction to quantitative reasoning to assist students in reading and interpreting data. Topics include descriptive measures,
probability, sampling distributions, estimation,
and hypothesis testing with emphasis on applied
problems in business and economics. (Prereq.:
MIS 175 or 370 and MPG 3 or a grade of 2.0 in
MAT 105)
6-9 pm
M, W
Foss 43
T; R
Sverdrup 17
EED 360-S
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum:
Science (0.5 credit)
Examination and preparation of materials and
resources for science at the kindergarten and elementaty level. (Prereq.: PPST and admission to
teacher education program)
6:30-8:30 pm
T; R
Old Main 4
EDS 3 9 0 3
Communication Skills in the
English Classroom
This course is for English-education majors who
plan to teach high school English. It is designed
to improve students' skills in public speaking, oral
interpretation, listening, and small group discussions, as well as to explore methodologies for
teaching and incorporating these skills in the high
school English curriculum. (Prereq: PPST and
admission to teacher education program)
6-9:30 pm
T; R
Sverdrup 20
ENG 3 6 1 3
Studies in Modern Fiction
The course focuses on contemporary 20th century
prose works. It includes Native American and
European writers, with an emphasis on nonWestern (Asian and African) fiction. (Prereq.:
ENG 245 or consent of instructor) Persp.:
Intercultural Awareness 1. Graduation Skill:
6-9 pm
Old Main 10
H P E 115
Health and Chemical Dependency Education
( S O cr)
An analysis of chemical abuse and what can be
done for the abuser. Includes information about
school health education and services.
6-9:40 pm
Murphy 111
HIS 103
A study of the main currents in Western civilization from the French Revolution to the present.
Persp.:Western Heritage
6-9 pm
T; 8
Old Main 13
EDS 391-8
Teaching Mass Media ( 5 0 credit)
This course is for English-education majors who
plan to teach high school English. Explore the
nature of media as "consciousness industries,"
examine the whys of teaching media, how to go
about it effectively,\,,hat assumptions lnedia ed"cation was based on in the past, and how to incorporate media education into the curriculum.
(Prereq.: PPST and admission to teacher education program)
I N S 105
Introduction to American Indian Studies Rowe
A n overview of the American Indian studies curriculum-history and literature, federal Indian policy, land issues, reservation and urban issues, crosscultural influences, art, music, and language.
(Required for American lndian Studies minor)
Persp.: Intercultural Awareness 1
6-9:30 pm
3-6 pm
Sverdrup 20 1
T, R
Sverdrup 202
- -
l w 199-fy399-5
.w:rk-based l e a z n z p e r i e n c e in which stu, x t s design a le'amiA2agreement plan that links
the opportuniti:s Gd%sponsibilities found in the
placement withbbiific learning objectives that
are evaluated f$,academic credit. The internship placement kist'be approved by the faculty
supervisor prior tFeiistration. (Note: Internships
may also be arranged,$ch individual faculty in
the specific maiors. ~onta'c;the acad~micdepartment d
Beginning Spanish 11;
Aims to develop thcfohr basic skills: understanding, speaking, readi$ynd writing of elementary
Spanish. 1ntroducyi~:o the culture of the
jrld. Labir'atory work is an
integral part of
:ourse. PersdIri
1-24.5 pri
d Main 29
INS 225-S
Introduction to Islam
This course is designed by a practicing Muslim to
present his perception of Islam to no$~uslims.
The course will cover the ideologi&if:undations
of Islam, its basic concepts and teiiet:, Islamic law
(Sharilah), Islamic economic andyolitical systems, and Islamic patterns of life.
Persp.: Intercultural Awareness 1
7; R
Music 23
MAT 173-S
Math of Interest
Learn how to determine the monthly payments
on a house or car. Find out how much you need to
have a million when you
retire. Learn how annuities, perpetuities, and life
insurance work, and more. Evaluation will be
based on classroom participation, quizzes, and a
final examination. (Prereq.: MPG 3 ) Graduation
Skill: Quantitative Reasoning
6-9 pm
Science 108
MUS 2 9 5 4
Topics: Introduction to Recording Studio
Tech;liq~es (0.50 credit)
Course includes
to basic audio theery, microphones, understanding musical instruments, signal flow, studio operating procedures,
recording console parts and functions, tape
machines, and recording techniques. Contact the
music department at (612) 330-1265 for further
6-9 pm
Music 27
NUR 505
Theoretical Foundations for Advanced Practice
in Diverse Communities
This course focuses on nursing science and
ing theory as foundational to advanced transcultural nursing practice (Prereq.: undergraduate
bioethics or one graduate level course)
Immersion Model begins May 24th,
Christensen Center, Marshall Room
POL 421-S
The New American Politics: Race, Ethnicity,
and Politics in a
New Century
This course examines the consequences of the
waves of immigration of the past three decades.
We look at the ways in which immigrants are
influencing American politics and society, and the
ways in which immigrants are being transformed.
We examine both current issues and the history of
the ~oliticsof race and ethnicity. Prereq.: Jr or Sr
status or at least one course in political science.
Graduation Skill: Critical Thinking
Persp.: Social World 1 and 2
6-9 pm
M, W
Music 23
PSY 352
Adolescent and Young
Adult Development
Consideration of research and theory related to
development during the adolescent and young
adult years. (Prereq.: PSY 102 or 105)
Old Main 25
6-9 pm
M. w
REL 472.S
Quanbeck 11
Paul the Apostle
A study of the Apostle Paul, including appropriate
historical background, Paul's relationship with the
early church, major themes in his writings, and
reflection concerning the reasons Paul remains an
important figure and thinker in Christian theology. Persp.: Christian Faith 1 or 3. Graduation
Skill: Critical Thinking.
6-7:45 p.m
Old Main 16
SWK 560
Mental Health Practice
This course examines psychopathology, mental disorders and intervention methods. Emphasis is
laced on understanding mental health disorders
from a systems and ecological perspective as
well as understanding biopsychosocial influences
on incidence, course and treatment. Prereq.:
Advanced standind2nd yr. MSWI Post MSW
6-9 pm
M, W
Sverdrup 206
SOC 35623
Crime and Community
Analysis of correctional programs and community
responses. Lecture, discussion, and site visits to
prisons, courts, and community agencies. Special
attention to concepts of restorative justice.
(Prereq.: Soc 121)
Old Main 18
1-4:30 pm
spc 329-s
Intercultural Communication
This course explores cultural differences and their
implications for communication, including differences in values, norms, social interaction, and
code systems. Persp.: Intercultural Awareness 1
6-9 pm
M, W
Foss 21
other summer srual summer term abroad
upcoming programs:
Cultural Conflict and Social Change in 1
May 15-26, 2000
Department of Religion and
Augsburg Youth and Family Institute
May 24-June 9,2000 in Bergen, Norway
REL 316 Church and Culture in Context
center for
global education
This course provides a study of Norwegian culture, church life, and the contemporary religious situation in Norway. Participants will meet for a one-day
course orientation May 22 at Augsburg College. (Prereq.: REL 111, 221 or
33 1) Christian Faith 3.
For information contact David Anderson at (612) 330-1569.
Human Rights and Indigenous Issues in Guatemala
May 16-25, 2000
Haiti and Cuba: Dic+;n
May 28 - June 12, 200'
Elections 2000: S aping Mexico's Future
June 26 to July 3, 200C
Guatemala Odvssev
July 9-17, 200-
hallenges and Opportunities
for Spiritua
Wellspring of Hope
July 17-25, 2000
The Maya of Guatemala: Spirituality, Culture and RL,.,
August 1-9, 2000
Food & Justice: Examining Hunger and Debt in Nicaragua
September 2-9, 2000
For information and other possible educational opportunities, contact the Center for
Global Education at (612)330-1159 or e-mail, <>.
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