Starting April 22 you may schedule
Summer School courses at the
Registrar's Office on an ongoing basis
during regular office hours. Each course
scheduled must be accompanied by a
$50.00 tuition deposit. This deposit is
applied to designated course tuition and
is non-refundable except when a... Show more
Starting April 22 you may schedule
Summer School courses at the
Registrar's Office on an ongoing basis
during regular office hours. Each course
scheduled must be accompanied by a
$50.00 tuition deposit. This deposit is
applied to designated course tuition and
is non-refundable except when a course
is cancelled. When this happens, you
may elect to receive a deposit refund or
substitute another course. To avoid
disappointment in course selection,
schedule as soon as you can. Many
courses with limited enrollment fill
early. Conversely, courses with low
preregistration enrollment may be
cancelled before the first day of the term.
Students must confirm registration in
person at the Business Office or they will
be dropped from the course.
Term I Summer School students are
required to finalize their registrations on
May 26 or 27. Term I1 registrations must
be finalized on June 22 or 23. This
procedure applies to all courses,
including internships and independent
studies. Finalizing registration will take
place at the Business Office, 114 Science
Hall, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and
6:00 p.m. on May 26 and 27, and June 22
and 23. The balance owing for tuition
must be paid before registration is
Augsburg students please note: Balance
due on Augsburg account from
previous term/s must be paid in full
before you can finalize registration. A
late fee of $50.00 will be assessed for
Term I registrations completed on May
28. A late fee of $50.00 will be assessed
for Term I1 registrations completed on
June 24. Registrations will not be
accepted after these dates.
To change your registration, cancel your
registration, add a course, or drop a
course and enroll in another course, fill
out a Cancel/Add form at the
Registrar's Office. There is a charge of
$50.00 for changing a registration after
the second day of each term. This must
be done by 3:30 p.m. on May 28 for
Term I courses and by 3:30 p.m. on June
24 for Term I1 courses. This procedure
applies to internships and independent
studies as well as scheduled courses.
Any refund or adjustment of fees is
determined according to the "Tuition
Refund Policy."
Summer 1992
Term I
Term I1
Beginning of scheduling
(must be confirmed in person
at the Business Office)
April 22
May 26-27
April 22
June 22-23
Classes begin
Balance of tuition due
May 26
May 26-27
June 22
June 22
May 28
May 28
May 28
June 24
June 24
June 24
July 4
June 12
June 19
June 24
July 17
July 31
August 5
Last day to:
*Change grading option
*Drop class without notation
*Register with late fee of $50
(no registrations will be
accepted after this date)
Last day to withdraw from class (W)
Classes end
Grades due in Registrar's office
Augsburg College does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, national or ethnic origin, age, marital status,
sex or handicap as required by Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation
Act of 1973, a s amended, in its admission policies, educational programs, activities and employment practices.
The tuition charge for 1992 Summer
School courses is as follows: $650.00 for
full-credit courses, $350.00 for half-credit
courses, and $175.00 for fourth-credit
courses. Audits are charged at the
tuition rates listed above.
Tuition Refund
The $50.00 per course deposit is not
refundable. Refund of all or part of the
remaining fee is calculated from the date
of the student's official course
cancellation at the Registrar's Office.
Schedule of Refunds:
*Prior to the second scheduled class
meeting - 100%of the refundable
portion of the fee.
*Prior to the fourth scheduled class
meeting - 75% of the refundable
portion of the fee.
*Prior to the sixth scheduled class
meeting - 50% of the refundable
portion of the fee.
Courses with fewer than 12 scheduled
class sessions will use a prorated version
of the schedule of refunds.
Financial A i d
Financial aid is limited to the
Guaranteed Student Loan. Any student
taking one course is regarded as a halftime student for the summer and is
eligible to apply for a Guaranteed
Student Loan. Contact the Financial Aid
Office to make loan arrangements (3301046).The deadline for applying for
Financial Aid for Summer School is
April'l5,1992. You must have a
complete file in the Financial Aid Office
by April 15 in order to receive an award
for Summer. Please pick up a Summer
School Financial Aid Application from
the Financial Aid Officer or from the
Summer School Office.
1 , . Admissions House
2, George Sverdrup Library
3 , . Science Hall
Mortensen Tower
, Urness Tower
Christensen Center
Center for Global Education
Admissions Parking
35W from the North Take Washington Avenue exit and turn
left of Washington (turns right onto
Cedar Avenue), turn left at Riverside
Avenue, right at 21st Avenue South.
Campus Location
1-94 East from Minneapolis Take 25th Avenue exit, turn left at 25t
Avenue, turn left at Riverside Avenue,
turn left at 21st Avenue Sc
1-94 West from St. Paul Take Riverside exit, turn right at
Riverside Avenue, turn left at 21st
Avenue South.
35W from the South Follow the 1-94 St. Paul signs (move to
right lane after each of two mergers).
Take 25th Avenue exit and turn left at
Riverside Avenue, turn left at 21st
Avenue South.
Augsburg College is a four-year, fully
accredited liberal arts college affiliated
with The Evangelical Lutheran Church
in America and is located in the heart of
Minneapolis. The small college
environment, about 3,000 students
during the academic year, is enriched by
the many cultural, sport and recreational
activities found in this vibrant
metropolitan area. An active summer
combining classes and
participation in metropolitan
events is a delightful
- and
broadening experience.
the Summer
Augsburg College provides a
diverse summer curriculum including
regular courses, internships and
independent studies. Term I runs from
- June 19, Term I1 runs from June
22 - July 31. This brochure presents the
Summer School Program and was
correct at the time of publication.
Summer students may take one course
during Term I and two courses during
Term 11. Unless otherwise indicated, all
courses carry a value of one course
credit, the equivalent of four semester
credits or six quarter credits.
Courses fulfilling Augsburg
distribution and perspective
requirements are so noted in the
course descriptions.
Course levels are indicated by the first
digit of the three digit course number: 1
or 2, lower division, primarily for
freshmen and sophomores; 3 or 4, upper
division, primarily for juniors and
seniors; and 5, graduate level.
Courses regularly taught during the
academic year are more fully described
in the Augsburg College Catalog. If you
need more information about a special
summer offering, please contact the
S u m 1 1 . School
Independent study and internships, in
addition to those listed, may be pursued
during the summer in a number of
departments. Internships involve work
experience related to the academic
program in an agency, government or
industry. Consult the Summer School
Office for information.
Students who need housing may obtain
information from the Director of
Residence Life.
The College Reserves the Right to cancel
listed courses
and Forms
Additional information and registration
forms may be obtained from:
Murphy Place
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Call 6121330-1786 or call toll-free
Elizabeth Bruch, Director
Barbara Pappenfus, Secretary
Persons in good standing at regionally
accredited colleges and universities,
graduates of such institutions, and
students admitted for the next Fall Term
are eligible to attend Augsburg Summer
School. Good standing implies that the
student has been admitted and not
subsequently dropped by that
Other persons wishing to take summer
school work should contact the Director
of Summer School to ascertain eligibility
under special circumstances.
Acceptance as a summer student does
not imply admission as a regular
student of Augsburg College. Those m.
wishing to begin a degree program at
the College should apply for admission
though the Office of Admissions.
ART 107-8100
Drawing in pencil, charcoal, ink, pastels. Subjects
include still-life, figures, building interiors, exteriors,
experimental work. Dist.: Art/Music; Persp.: Aesthetics.
M,T, W,Th
OM 17
6:OO-9:00 p.m.
ART 352-8101
A study of the creative role of women in the visual arts,
including the fine arts, the work of Native American
women. Dist.: Art/Music, Minority Studies; Persp.:
M,T, W,Tli
Foss 43
1:00-4:OO p.111.
HUS 175-8102
An introduction to microcompu ter-based information
systems. Study features of hardware, operating systems,
languages and current applications. Learn to use MSDOS, Lotus 123 (graphics, database and logical
functions) dBase I I I t and Minitab. May study other
applications (Microsoft Works, Word Perfect). (Prereq.:
MPG I1 or else a Pass in MAT 103, a self-paced course)
Dist.: None; Persp.: None
M,T, W,TIi
Foss 20
6:OO-9:OO p.m.
BUS 221-8103
Introduction to business activities, basic concepts and
fundamentals of accounting, the accou~itingcycle and
preparation of financial statements. Dist.: None; Persp.:
8:30-10:50 a.rrl.
M,T, W,Th
OM 10
BUS 242-8104
Development of the theory of management,
organization, staffing, planning and control. The nature
of authority, accountability and responsibility, analysis
of the role of the professional manager. Dist.: None;
Persp.: None
M,T, W,Th
6:OO-9:OO p.~tl.
BUS 322-8105
An analysis of financid accounting with emphasis on
accounting theory pertaining to financial statements,
income concepts, valuation concepts, FASB statements
and other relevant issues as applied to assets. (Prereq.:
BUS 222 and EC0 113)
M,T, W,Th
6:OO-9:00 p.m.
BUS 331-8106
Theory of acquisition, allocation, and management of
funds within the firm. Sources and uses of long an short
term funds, cost of capital, capital budgeting, leverage,
dividend policy, and related topics. (Prereq.: BUS 222,
ECO 113) Dist.: None; Persp.: None
M,T, W,Th,F
OM 11
8:30-10:50 n.111.
ECO 110-8107
Study of economic implications of problclns facing a
nlctro-urban environment. By ~ndepcndcntstudy. Dist :
Urban Collccrns; Pcrsp : None
AI ~.nrl~ed
ECO 112-8108
Introduction to macro-economics, national income
analysis, monetary and fiscal policy, international trade,
economic growth. Dist.: Economics/ Polttical Science;
Pcrsp.: Western Heritagc
6:00-9:00 p.l!r
M,T, W,TIi,F
M 24
EDU 264-8109
Study and investigation of various aspects of the
teaching profession Dist.: Yes, when combined with
EDE 363 or ED5 352 (1 12 course); Persp : Thc City
6:OU-9:00 p.rrr
1. 1
EDS 282-8110
Introduction to the field of special education Examines
the nature, causes, and educational intcrventiol~sfor
such exceptionalitics as mental retardation, physical
disability, hearing and vision impairment, learning
disabilities, behavior disorders and gtftcdness. Dist.:
1:OiJ-4:00 p.111.
OM 13
EDU 341-8111
Psychological and philosophical dimensions of
communication through the ~ l s of
c instructional
technology. Selection, prcparation, production and
evaluation of effective audio-visual materials for
tcaching/leaming situation Computer training will be
included in this course Dist.: None; Pcrsp.: None
9:30-11:50 n ! I ! .
EDE 382-8112
Examination and preparation of materials and resources
for mathematics instruction at the kindergarten and
elementary levels. Dist.: None (112 course); Pcrsp.. None
6:00-9:00 p.trl
1. 4
EDU 388-8113
Emphasis on the study of values, of communication
techniques, and of the major minority groups in
Minnesota for the development of interpersonal
relations skills applicable to teaching and other
professional vocations Open to all. Required for all
Elementary and Secortdary Education majors. Dist :
Nonc. (112 course)
5:30-8:30 p.111.
OM 13
ENG 225-8114
The dcvclopment of essays in a variety of rhetorical
modes. Particular attmtion will be given to stylistic and
organizational matters through the course's workshop
format. (Prcreq.: ENG 111)
G:O0-9:fJO p.r!r.
ENG 245-8115
111 this course studcnts arc initiated into the for~nalstudy
of narrative, drama and poetry in order to appreciate
morc fully the plcas~~rcs
of 1iterature.Thc course alms to
expand students' cxposurc to literature and thcrcforc
draws on works from several periods, from different
cultures and races, f m ~ nmale and fcmalc writers. As the
prerequisite for all upper courses in literature,
Introduction to Literature aims in particular to develop
students' critical and analytical skills in reading about
literature. Dist.: ILitcrature; Pcrsp.: Aesthetics
9:30-11:50 n.111.
M,7', W,TII,F
OM 18
GER 111-8116
Classroqm practice speaking, understanding and
reading basic German for studcnts with no previous background in German. Dist.: Foreign Language; Persp.:
8:30-10:50 ~ . I I I .
M,T, W,Tlr,F
OM 27
SPA 111-8117
SPA 111-8118
Aims to develop four basic skills: understanding,
speaking, reading and writing of elelnc~itary
Spanish. Introduction to cul turc of Spanishspeaking world. Dist.:.Foreign Language; Persp.:
Intercultural A w a r c ~ l c s I1
8:30-20:50 n.lrr.
M,T,W,Tlr,F (Ssctiorr 1)
5:30-7350 p.rlr.
M,T, W,TIi,F fS~.ctiorr11) OM 25
H P E 320-8119
Techniques for developing a course of s t u d y based
u p o n g r o w t h a n d development for g r a d e s K-12.
Special w o r k units in nulrition and diseases.
(Prcreq: All courses in t h e major sequence
numbered in the 100 and 200 series a n d consent of
5:30-9:30 p , ~ ! ,
O M 22
HIS 348-8120
Tlic coursc offers an introductory historical survey
of Llic Sovict Union. It begins with a brief
examination of Russian history before turning to
the Russiaii Revolutions of 1917, the Civil War and
Lenin's consolidation of power. Idatcr topics
include: tlic rise of Stalin, his Great Terror, World
War 11, the Cold War and the slow rejcctio~iof
Stalinisin culminating in an examination of recent
cvciits since L11c emergence of Gorbacliev. The
coursc will emphasizc political, diplomatic,
cconomic and cultural liistory by focusing on
Sovict political practices and institutions
9:30-11:50 0
M,T, W,T/I,F
O M 23
INS 1991399-8121
A work-based learning experience in wliich a
student designs a learning agreement (witli a
faculty member) which links the ideas and
methods of their major to the opportunities found
in the placement. Participation in a weekly
seminar is expected. Persp.: The City
PHI 110-8124
This course provides tlic student with some
experience in examining ideas and thereby
sliarpcniiig the critical and analytical skills
required to evaluate and construct a system of
ideas and beliefs. Dist.: I-listory/Philosopl~y;
Pcrsp.: I-[unian Identity
8:30-10:50 n.111.
PHY 101-8125
A descriptive course covering our solar system,
stars and galaxies. In addition the coursc traces the
development of scientific t h o ~ ~ g lfrom
l t early
civilizatioli to the present day, The necessary
optical instrun~eiitsarc cxplai~lcdand use is made
of 12-inch reflecting telescope, an eight-incli
Cclcstron and a tlircc-inch Qucstar. Night vicwiilg
and laboratory sessions are important components
of the coursc. (Three one-hour lccturcs) (Prcrcq:
Matliematics Placement Group 11) Dist.:
MatIi/Physics; Pcrsp.: Natural World I1
5:30-8:30 / ~ . r i r .
M , T , W,TIi
INS 225-8122
This coursc is designed by a practicing Muslim Lo
present his perception of Islam to non-M~~slims.
Thc coursc will cover the ideological foundations
of Islam, its basic concepts and tenets, Islamic law
(Shari'ah), Islamic economic and political systems,
and Islamic patterns of lifc. Tlierc will also be a
consideration of the differences between tlic
Islamic sects (Sunnis, Slii'its, Sufis, etc.); some
effort to deal witli the similarities and differences
bctwccii Islam and both Christianity and Judaism;
and a visit to one of the mosques in tlic T w'~ n
Cities. Dist.: Mii~ority-UrbanStudie?
R:30-10:50 f l . r r r .
M , T , W,Tlr,F
Have you ever wondered why women liave been
charged more than men for annuities and received
lower pension benefits than men? Or why women
liave paid less than men for life insurance? Or how
lifc pay~neiitsare figured out? Or liow muc11
money to invest in order to accumulate a certain
lump sum or annual payment at a certain date in
the future? Tlicn this coursc may bc meant for you.
These and otlicr interesting and useful topics in the
~iiatlicmaticsof financial transactions will be
covered. This coursc should be uscf~ilfor students
in business and economics or for any students
interested in careers in finance-related fields. Math
Placement Group I11 Dist : MatIi/Physics
POL 342-8126
SPC 342-8127
Effects of mass cominunications on iildividual
behavior; the uses and control of mass media for
political and social purposes including a study of
censorship, newsmaking, entertainment and public
affairs programming Dist.: Urban Concerns
5:30-8:30 u.111
MP 3
M H 323
MAT 173-8123
12:OO-3:00 p.111.
PSY 325-8128
Social factors wliicli influei~ccindividual and
group behavior in naturalistic and cxperimcntal
settings, Topics include: cooperation, competition,
affiliation, conformity and attitudes. (Prereq.: 102
or 1 0 )
M,7', W,Tlr,F
O M 16
REL 472-8129
A study of the Apostle Paul including his liistorical
background, his relationship to the early cliurcli
and some of the tl~eincsfound in his writings.
Dist.: Religion; Persp.: Christian Faith
8:30-10:50 fl.111.
M,T, W,Tlr,F
REL 483-8130
The bases of Cliristian social responsibility, in
terms of theological and sociological dynamics.
Emphasis on developing a constructive
perspective for critical reflection upon moral
action. Uist.: Religion; Persp.: Christian Faith 2, 3
M,T, W,TIi
OM 78
SOC 1991399-8131
A work-based learning cxpcriencc in wliicli a
student designs a leariiiiig agrccmcnt (with a
faculty member) wliicli links the ideas and
methods of sociology to tlie opportunities found in
tlie placcinciit. Participation in a weekly seminar is
expected. Persp.: The City
SOC 265-8132
The dimensions of racial and minority group
relations. Major attention is focused upon prejudice,
racism, and the role of self-understanding. (l'/N
grading only) Dist.: Minority Studies; I'crsp.:
lntcrcultural Awareness 1
6:OO-9:OO ~ I . I I I .
MP 4
SOC 375-8133
An examination of the idea of "group," its
.elationship to individual behavior and society. An
111alysisof the ideas of "self" and "identity" and
what part they play in ~~iidcrstailding
interpersonal relations and h u ~ n a nbehavior. A
sociological view of mental health. A look at tlic
major assumptions and processes underlying our
everyday life-a look at the trivial, the ordinary
and the taken-for-granted. "Symbolic interaction,"
an important orientation in social psychology, will
be used as a way of dealing with the major issucs
in tlic course. (Prcrccl.: 121, junior or senior
students 011ly)
8:30-11:OO o.111
M,T, W,Tlr
OM 29
SPC 347-8134
A video production coursc wliicli intcgra tcs
lccture and criticism with hands-on experience
dealing will1 non-fiction subjects. Students will
work in production tcams, gainiilg cxpcricncc in
field production and editing.
9:30-11:50 ~ . I I I .
M,T, W,TIi,F
Fuss 170
SPC 351-8135
Application of standards for sound cvidencc and
reasoning in public speaking, discussion and
debates. Key objectives include increasing skill in
analyzing argumentative claims, being able to
distinguish between strong and weak arguments,
understanding tests for evidence and fallacies in
reasoning and learning to apply pri~lciplcsof
argu~neiltationto contemporary public issucs.
Students have tlic opportunity to enhance their
skills in debate and discussion and also learn to
analyze and critique argi~~nciits
they encounter in
their daily lives
12:00-3:00 )J.III.
M,T, W,Tlr,F
O M 10
SPC 352-8136
Theory of how people are influenced to change
attitudes and bcliavior. Tlie course deals with a
broad range of topics, iiicluding obstacles to
persuasion; the usc of logical and psycl~ological
appeals; empirical rcscarcli in pcrsuasion; how
pcrsuasion is used in politics, sales, advertising,
and interpersonal contexts; the nature of mass
movemcnts and campaigns; the impact of tlie mass
media on persuasion, and ethical issues related to
pcrsi~asion.Students analyze persuasive messages
in contemporary society, with practical work in
speech and promotional projects.
9:30-11:50 0.111,
M,T, W,TIi,F
M 22
ART 132-8200
ART 132-8201
The camera used as a tool for visual creativity and
expression using black and white photographic
processes. Need access to a 35mm camera. Dist.:
Art/Music; Persp.: Aesthetics. Estimated cost of film,
etc.: $150.00-$175.00. (Class size limited.)
M,W (Section I)
1:30-5:00 p.m.
5:30-9:00 p.m.
M,W (Section 11)
MIS 175-8202
An introduction to microcomputer-based information
systems. Study features of hardware, operating systems,
languages and current applications. Learn to use MSDOS, Lotus 123 (graphics, database and logical
functions) dBase IIIt and Minitab. May study other
applications (Microsoft Works, Word Perfect). The
completion of MIS 370 with a passing grade will serve as
a substitute for MIS 175. (Prereq.: MPG I1 or else a Pass
in MAT 103, a self-paced course).
Foss 20
5:30-9:00 p.m.
BUS 222-8203
Introduction to business activities, accountina for
corporations. Basic concepts and fundament& of
managerial accounting, planning and controlling
processes, decision-making and behavioral
considerations. (Prereq.: BUS 221) Dist.: None
10:05-11:30 a.m.
M,T, W,Th,F
OM 10
BUS 323-8204
A continuation of 322. An analysis of financial
accounting with emphasis on accounting theory
pertaining to financial sta tements, income concepts,
valuation concepts, FASB statements and other relevant
issues as applied to liabilities and stockholders' equity.
(Prereq.: BUS 322)
M, W
MH 323
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
BUS 340-8205
Personnel functions in business, acauisition and
utilization of human resources; desirable working
relationships; effective intearation of the worker with
the goals o'f the firm and society.
(Prereq: BUS 242)
OM 10
6:00-9:00 p.m.
BUS 440-8206
Concepts and principles related to the management of
operating functions. Examples from service industries,
non-profit organizations and manufacturing. Taught
from a managerial point of view. Topics include an
overview of operations, planning operation processes,
productivity measurement, standards, forecasting,
concepts of quality, inventory management, principles
of scheduling and operational control information
systems. (Prereq.: BUS 242 or consent of instructor)
6:OO-9:00 p.m.
ECO 110-8207
Study of economic implications of problems facing a
metro-urban environment. By independent study only.
Dist.: Urban Concerns
ECO 113-8208
Introduction to micro-economics, the theory of the
household, firm, market structures and income
distribution. Application of elementary economic theory
to market policy. Dist.: Economics/Political Science;
Persp.: Social World
Foss 43
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
ECO 315-8209
ECO 315-8210
Monetary and banking systems, particularly commercial
banks, and the Federal Reserve System; monetary theory
and policy. (Prereq.: Eco 112,113) Dist.: None
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
M, W (Section I)
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
T,Th (Section 11)
Foss 42
A class for Elementarv and Secondarv students designed
to address the educational needs of ;diverse studen?
body. Includes strategies for teaching special education
students in the regular classroom as well as teaching the
student at risk. Students are encouraged to take
introduction to Special Education (282) prior to . registering for this course.
10:05-11:30 a.m.
M,T, W,Th
EDE 375-8212
Kindergarten curriculum, materials, teaching
approaches. Lab arr. Prerequisite to student teaching at
kindergarten level and to obtaining a license for teaching
at that level. (Prereq.: Consent of instructor) Dist.: None.
(1/ 2 course)
1:301:30 p
Dntes: J I I I I23,24,25,30,
EDU 377-8213
Examination and preparation of materials and resources
for science at the cindergarten and elementary level.
(114 course)
10:OO-12 M,W Dntes: J~rly6,8,13,15,20,22
OM 4
EDE 386-8214
Examination and preparation of materials and resources
for children's literature at the kindergarten and
elementary levels. Lab experiences. Dist.: None. (1/2
5:30-9:00 p.m.
EDE 387-8215
Examination and preparation of materials and resources
for language arts at the kindergarten and elementary
levels. Laboratory experiences. (Prereq.: EDE 255 or EDS
265) (1/2 course)
Dotes: 1u11e23,24,25,30
OM 11
July 1,2,7,8,9,10
EDE 388-8216
Emphasis on the study of values, of communication
techniques, and of the major minority groups in
Minnesota for the development of interpersonal
relations skills applicable to teaching and other
professional vocations. Required for all Elementary and
Secondary Education majors. Open to all. Dist.: None.
(1/2 course)
OM 18
10:05-12:lO p.ti~.
M, W
Emphasis is on exposition, including learning research
techniques and writing critical reviews. At least one
work of literature is assigned. Attention is given to
increasing students' effectiveness in choosing,
organizing and developing topics, thinking critically,
and revising for clarity and style. The minimum passing
grade for this course 2.0. Dist.: Writing-entry level skill
10:05-11:30 ~ . I I I .
M,T, W,TIi,F
OM 13
ENG 2401342-8218
In this course, students will read a variety of fictional
works and learn to better understand fiction by writing
their own story. The course will involve practice in ways
of approaching literature and will include study of tlie
basic critical terminology. Students are expected to read
the assigned stories and novel, participate in class
discussions, write an analysis paper on a selected short
story, write an original short story, and take several
quizzes and a final exam. Students taking this course for
upper division credit will write an additional critical
analysis essay and will read an additional novel and
prepare a substantial paper/class presentation on it. All
students will be asked to contribute $5 to enable printing
and distribution of selected original fiction from class.
(Prereq.: Completion of Effective Writing) Dist.:
English/Speech; Persp.: Aesthetics
OM 13
6:OO-9:30 p.111.
ENG 241-8219
An investigation of the cinematic qualities, theoretical
principles and historical evolution of the film medium.
The emphasis is on film as an audiovisual language. The
course includes the viewing and analysis of both
features length and short films illustrating the
international development of film form and selected
aesthetic movements such as the American Studio Film
and its Genres, German Expressionism, Soviet Montage,
Italian Neorealism and the French New Wave. Dist.:
None: Persp.: Aesthetics
6:00-9:30 p.111.
OM 27
ENG 282-8220
Examining the political, religious, and geographical
factors behind the literature of "magic realism," we will
read short stories and novels by authors such as
Carpentier, Fuentes, Garcia Marquez and Allende. We
will also compare the written text with contemporary
Latin American painting and sculpture.
OM 13
11:40-1:25 p.m.
M,T, W,Th
ENG 282-8221
This course will study archetypal patterns of tlie heroic
journey, as well as specific examples of such journeys. It
will emphasize the ideas of Joseph Campbell, but will
also consider other interpretations of heroic journeys.
Since Western civilization usually assumes that the hero
is a man, usually a white man belonging to a warrior
class, we will analyze the heroic warrior myth both as it
is depicted in ancient and medieval epics and myths, but
also as it appears in contemporary American popular
narratives. But the heroic journey is a human journey,
and thus the course will also emphasize the heroic
journeys of women and men who may be neither white
nor warriors as they are depicted in folktales and novels.
Dist.: En~lish/Sueech
GER 112-8222
Classroom practice in speaking, understanding and
reading basic German. Lab. Dist.: Foreign Language;
Persp.: Intercultural Awareness I11
M,T, W,TIi
OM 27
SPA 112-8223
SPA 112-8224
Aims to develop the four basic skills: understanding,
speaking, reading, and writing of elementary Spanish.
Iiitroduction to culture of Spanish-speaking world. Dist.:
Foreign Language; Persp.: I~~tercultural
Awareness 111
M,T, W,TIi (Sectio~i1)
M,T, W,TIi (Sectioii JJ)
PHI 175-8228
What is the nature of romantic love, sexual desire and
friendship, both healthy and dysfunctional? We will
consider the following ethical issues concerning sex: (a)
Is there such a thing as sexual immorality? (b) Is
promiscuity bad? What strengths and weaknesses does
the institution of monogamy have? Is adultery immoral?
(c) Is sexual perversion a viable concept? Are
homosexuality and lesbianism sexual perversion? Or are
they merely alternative sexual preferences? Dist.:
History/Pliilosophy; Persp.: Human Identity
6:OO-9:30 prrr.
Historical background, legal bases, school health
services and relationships to community health program
and resources. Methods and materials in health
education with laboratory experience in classroom and
community. (Prereq.: 320)
PHY 106-8229
A study of the science and wonders of the atmosphere.
The course is designed to provide a working knowledge
of the basic science principles required for
understanding weather and climate. Laboratory
exercises are included as an integral part of the course.
The course is designed to be an elective or to satisfy the
distribution/general education requirement for the
liberal arts student. (Five 1 1/2 hour lectures) (Prereq.:
Mathematics Placement Group 11) Dist.: Math/Physics;
Persp.: Natural World I or I1
M,T, W,TIi,F
SCJ 205
10:05-11:30 n.1i1.
This is a survey of the volatile Middle East from the rise
of nationalism and the decline of the Turkish Ottoman
Empire in the 19th Century to the current crisis hot spots
in the Persian Gulf and the Levant. The goal is a better
understanding of how the Middle East reached its
contemporary complexity, its role in the wider world.
OM 13
6:OO-9:00 p.m.
INS 199/32;7?~
INTERNS P... -.Hesser
A work-based learning experience in which a student
designs a learning agreement (with a faculty member)
which links the ideas and methods of their major to the
opportunities found in the placement. Participation in a
weekly seminar is expected. Persp.: The City
POL 121-8230
The politics of American government including the
forms of political ideas, the pattern of participation, the
dynamics of congressional, presidential and
bureaucratic policy making, and current issues in
American society. Dist: Economics/Political Science;
Persp.: Social World I
6:OO-9:30 ~ . I I I .
M ,W
OM 23
POL 475-8231
The course seeks to provide the undergraduate student
with an introductory understanding of the functioning
of our legal system. As such, it will explore: the law's
interdependence with the social environment; the law's
social junctions; the social and moral limits of the law;
and, the law as a system, describing the aspects and
problems of each of the law's agencies (courts,
legislative, administrative, and executive agencies).
Dist.: Economics/Political Science; Persp.: None
Foss 2 l A
5:30-9:30 y.rrr.
POL 499-8232
Topics defined through consultation between instructor
and student. (Prereq.: consent of instructor)
PSY 362-8233
An introduction to maladaptive human behaviors from
the social, organic and psychological points of view
Visitation to a variety of community service agencies
will accompany classroom learning. (Prereq.: PSY 105)
Dist.: None; Persp.: None
8:30-10:OO 17.111.
Foss 42
PSY 373-8234
Theoretical conceptualizations of organizational
behavior. Factors and practices such as management
styles, evaluation and maintenance of work
effectiveness, and social influences. (Prereq.:PSY 105)
Persp: None
OM 23
REL 440-8235
A study of selected spiritualities from the Christian
tradition and of contemporary developments, including
12-Step Spirituality, Feminist, Ecological, and NonWestern Christian Spiritualities. An introduction to the
basic practices of spiritualities, especially prayer and
meditation. (Prereq.: REL 111 or 221) Dist: Religion;
Persp.: None
6:OO-9:30 p.rrr.
OM 18
REL 441-8236
Holt & Stratton
This course will consider the central ideas of Christianity
and feminism and how they might be compatible.
Attention will be given to religious influences on societal
roles for women and men, feminist interpretation of the
Bible, and the impact of feminism on Christian theology,
especially in terms of language and metaphor.
"Minorities and men are especially urged to enroll."
Dist.: Religion or Women's Studies; Persp.: Christian
Faith I, 11, or 111
6:OO-9:30 p.111.
M 22
SWK 257-8239
This course identifies different approaches to family
health and social services in both theory and practice in
the USA and UK. Through inter-disciplinary dialogue
and a blend of classroom and field encounters, strategies
for preventive, community-based service are analyzed
and evaluated. A unique feature of this course is the
opportunity to prepare with an intensive first week's
orientation in the USA and to work with British
professionals and students in family health and social
services and debrief with USA- based faculty. All
students will have a personal British tutor in addition to
group leaders, to help focus on their particular interest
and to facilitate connections with resources needed to
achieve their objectives. Dist.: None; Persp.: The City
OM 25
SPC 24-8240,
This course explores both the problems and the potential
of communication between persons of different cultural
groups. Students examine Western and non-Western
cultural rules, values, assumptions and stereotypes and
how they affect the transmission of verbal and nonverbal messages. The course stresses both a general
theoretical understanding of the dynamics of crosscultural interaction as well as specific knowledge of how
these principles relate to particular cultural groups.
Dist.: None; Persp.: Intercultural Awareness
Foss 21 B
SPC 414-8241
INS 414-8242
The rhetoric of selected American feminists will be
analyzed in order 1) to develop a rhetorical perspective
on American feminism, and 2) to develop skill in
rhetorical criticism. Dist.: Women's Studies; Persp.:
530-9:00 p.m.
A work-based learning experience in which a
student designs a learning agreement (with a
faculty member) which links the ideas a n d
methods of sociology to the opportunities found in
the placement. Participation in a weekly seminar is
expected. Persp.: The City
SOC 356-8238
Analysis of adult correctional programs and processes.
Lectures, discussion, and site visits to correctional
institutions and the government offices. Dist.: None
1:30-5:00 p.rrr.
OM 23
Summer Schoo
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About this Catalog
Visiting Students
Augsburg Courses
UMAIE Courses
Other Courses
Augsburg Lifetime Sports
Introduction to Interim
Interim is an integral part of the school year at Augsburg College. The
College follows a 4-1-4 calendar, with Fall and Spring semesters of approximately 14 weeks separated by a four-week January Interim. Interim is particularly intended to be a time for both students and faculty to employ styles of
teaching and learning and to investigate questions and topics in places and ways
not possible during the regular term.
Because one Interim course equals a full-time load, students should plan to
spend the same amount of time in class and preparing for class as they would for
a four-course load during Fall and Spring semesters. Students can register for
only one course credit during Interim. There is no tuition refund for a student
who chooses not to enroll in an Interim course.
Most Interim courses are graded traditionally on a 4.0 to 0.0 scale. Students
generally have the option to register on a Pass/No credit basis. A few Interim
courses are graded only on the P/N system; this is indicated in the course
Some courses are offered with either upper or lower division standing. Such
Interim courses have two numbers listed and the student must select. Students
registering for upper division standing should anticipate additional assignments
and a more rigorous grading standard.
To graduate, an Augsburg student is required to complete 35 courses of
which at least three must be Interim courses (or one Interim less than the number
of years of full-time enrollment at Augsburg; e.g., a transfer student enrolled full
time for two years is required to complete one Interim for graduation).
For More Information
Interim Office Memorial 230)
Kay Thoat =lo25
Interim Dimtor, Dr. Don Gustafsonat 330 - 1119 Memorial 114b)
It is the policy of Augsburg College not to discriminate on the basis of race, creed, national or ethnic origin, age,
marital status, sex or handicap as required by Title 1Xof the 1972 Educational Amendments or Section 504 of
the Rehabilitation Act of1973, as amended, in its admissions policies, educational programs, activities and
employment practices.
Interim Calendar 1990
.............................................................Interim Registration
Late Interim Registration
First Day of Interim
October 29 -November 2
December 3
January 2
Class I 9:00 a.m.
Class I1 1:00 p.m.
.....................................U..U...Y.m..r..La~tDay for CanceYAdd
...................Last Day for Determining Grading System with Registrar
January 3
January 16
January 18
January 30
February 4
..................................................Last Day for Withdrawing from Courses
Interim Ends
................................................................................ Spring Semester Begins
The time and number and length of meetings as well as the beginning time will
be arranged the first day of class. The daily schedule for Interim is divided into
two blocks of time:
Time I: 8:00 a.m. to Noon (on the first day of classes Time I classes will begin at
9:00 a.m.)
Time 11: 1:00 p.m. to 5:00p.m.
Note: Martin Luther King Day will be observed at Augsburg with a special
convocation on Monday, January 21, at 1:00p.m.
About This Catalog
The catalog lists courses by departments. Departments are listed in alphabetical order. At the end of the book are listings of other courses not offered by
Augsburg but recognized by the College for Interim credit. Further descriptions
and information about these courses are available in the Interim Office, Memorial
230. Students may also register for one of the lifetime sports listed at the end of
the Catalog.
International Interim - Students are invited to be part of one of the 27
international Interims offered by the Upper Midwest Association for International Education (UMAIE). These course opportunities are listed near the end of
this catalog.
Independent or Directed Study - Studentsmay elect a progt-am of independent
study (upper division 499) or directed study (lower division 299) for Interim.
Faculty members are strongly discouraged from accepting responsibility for
more than one independent study per Interim. Students choosing to pursue
independent or directed study must:
1. Meet departmental requirements.
2. Present to the registrar for approval a copy of the proposed study plan approved by the supervising faculty member. This proposal must be submitted at
least one week before registration and no later than December 3. Appropriate
study proposal forms can be obtained in the Interim Office.
Interims at Other Schools - Augsburg students may enroll at any other 4-14 institution which offers a reciprocal Interim arrangement. Catalogs of these
Interims can be consulted in the Interim Office. The Interim Secretary will help
students in applying for registration at other schools.
Registration for Interims at the other Twin Cities colleges will be at Augsburg during the regular registration period. Note that Interim Courses at
Macalester, Hamline and St. Thomas begin on January 7 .
Most courses taught during the Interim at other 4-14 schools are accepted
for credit by Augsburg, but may not necessarily be accepted as meeting
Augsburg's distribution requirements. This qualification particularly affects
courses offered for the Religion requirement.
Visiting Students
Augsburg College welcomes students from other 4-14 schools for the
January Interim without tuition charges provided the student's home institution
agrees not to charge tuition to Augsburg students for the January term. The
waiver of tuition does not include special fees, housing or board costs. Other
students will be charged $708 for the Interim course.
Students interested in registering for an Augsburg Interim should write to
the Interim Director for application fonns or use the forms provided by the
Interim Office at their own school. There is an application processing fee of $10.
Students are welcome to stay on campus but are not required to do so.
Requests for Interim housing should be made to the Interim Office.
The Florida Keys: Marine Biology
of the Florida Keys and Writers of The Florida Keys
This interdisciplinay program will involve about two weeks of study i n southern
Florida. It will be based at the Newfound Harbor Marine Institute on Big Pine Key
during most of this period but there will also be a brief trip to the Everglades. Two
distinct course offerings are availablefor credit, taught by Ralph Sulerud and John
Mitchell. Descriptions for these courses can be found in the appropriate departmental
sections of this catalog (Biology and English.)
The interdisciplinay component will involve several days of field trips conducted by
the personnel of the institute. Unique communities such as coral reefs and mangrove
swamps will be studied. There will be plenty of opportunity for snorkeling, and scuba
diving is available for those who are certified. Students will also make several visits to
Key West, and will study some of the writings of Key West authors (see page 12). All
students will participate in these activities and i n certain classes i n addition to completing the specific requirements of the course for which credit will be given. It is intended
that relationships will become apparent between the biology of the Florida Keys and the
writing which has emerged from this interesting environment.
A fee of approximately $1,200 will be charged for transportation (including airfare),
lodging, most meals and the services (field trips, lab facilities, classes, etc.) of the
Newfound Harbor Marine Institute.
Marine Biology of The Florida Keys
BIO 140-41048; 340-41049
Instructor: Ralph Sulerud
The Florida Keys provide an excellent site for the study of marine organisms
and marine ecology. Most of approximately two weeks in Florida will be spent at
the Newfound Harbor Marine Institute located on Big Pine Key. The institute offers
laboratory facilities and field trips in addition to housing and a dining hall. Field
trips will pennit the study of diverse habitats such as those of coral reefs, shallow
bays, mangrove swamps, seagrass communities and tide pools. Organisms from
these communities and others will be investigated onsite and in the laboratory. A
marine biologist from the institute will be available to lead field trip and conduct
specialized classes. Upon termination of the program at the institute there will be a
short trip to the Everglades to experience yet another interesting environment.
Preparation for the excursion to the keys will be made during the week prior to
the trip. This will include an introduction to marine biology utilizing a variety ol
audiovisual materials. The final week will be devoted primarily to study and the
completion of course requirements.
The course will have an interdisciplinary component. Biology students will
interact with students from John Mitchell's Key West Writers course. Further
information concerning this component will be found listed under The Florida
Keys in the Interdisciplinary section of this catalog.
Evaluation will be based on overall participation in the program, a journal
based on daily experiences, and one or two exams. Upper division students will
also do a special research project which will be the basis of a paper.
Prerequisites: Permission of instructor. For upper division credit, Biology 111
and 112 or equivalent.
Distribution: BiologyIChemistry
Time: I
Room: Science 213
Molds, Mushrooms and Humans
BIO 141-41047
Instructor: Esther McLaughlin
The course will make familiar the "fifth kingdom1' of o'ganisms, fungi,often
neglected in undergraduate curricula. 'Ihe biology and classification of fungi,their mle ir
the ecosystem (rotting and other activities),and their medical, industrial and commedal
importance will all be covered in ledures, student pmentationsand field trips.
Evaluation will be via tests,quizzes, and graded presentations. Some classroom
demonstrationsof fungal typesand forms will be included.
Distribution: BiologylChemistry
Time: I1
Room: Science 205
Chemistry for Changing Times
CHE 100-41001
Instructor: Arlin Gyberg
'Ibis is a non-labontorychemistry course W on the popular book by JohnW. Hill
of the s m title. It is not a traditional chemistry come and does not assume a science
backgod. Basic science and math are introdud early and taught as needed for
understandmgthe various topics and implications. 'Ihemumedoes assumethe studentis
in and concerned about the relationshipof chemistry to life and living.
Chemistryhas been intimately a part of liberal eduation for centuries. The early
scientists we= considered to be philosophersand their societies were philosophical
societies. In recent decades the human seeking of pemnal independem has led to
chemistrybecorning a part of everyday life to the point of actual dependare on chemistry. We live in a world of pesticides, fertdkm, plastics, "thepill", food additivesand
processed foods, vitamin supplements, the energy crisis, chemical dependency, biocides,
pollutants, drugs, searching for life on other planets, genetic manipulation, and it goes on
and on. Emotions and mental disorders can often be traced to chemical imbalance. The
common bgged out, grumpy feeling after an afternoon nap is a mult of a chemical
imbalance. The nature of a hangover is the result of a complex systemof alked body
chemistry. Even learning appears to be the mult of chemicalreaction to forma
"memory molecule". Most of the problems we face are molecular in nature. What then
but chemistry can better help us to understand ourselves, our society, our world, and our
universe? Come pin us as we take a molecular look at the hummamWion
This course will be offered in a lecture/discsussion format Films will supplementthe
lechm/discsussion periods. Daily quizzes willbe used for evaluation This course meets
a distributionneed but does not satisfy prerequisitesfor Chemistry 106or 116.
Prerequisite: High School Algebra
Distribution: Biology-Chemistry
Time: I1
Room Science 315
A Labaatory Intro&m
to Chemisty
Instructar: JoanKunz
Substances changed into new materials; colors change; solids v t e from
solution a m i stry is Lhe scimcc which trim to dcrstand these and many other
c h a n p wmning in the ma ttm around us. An intemting way to become introduced to
&anistry and to problem solving in the sciences is to do laboratory q x r h e n t s . 'Ihis
muse presents an introduction to chemistry using the laboratory as the chief arena for
instruction Studentswillbe introduced to measurements, reactions, synthesesand
chanical problem solving such as idcntifiation of simple m p u n d s in solution and
dekmination of amounts of matuials prrscnt in a sample Pmpr attention to techniques and safe practices in the laboratoryis scpeded. The course will meet each week
day fot thm hours. Course grades will be based on the quality of the laboratmy work,
tl-e I a h t m y reports ~summri;jngeach eqmimk),and an e m at the end of tlw
Distributiom Biology/Chemistry
Room Science 315
CSC 27141003
A study of the COBOL progmning languagefor studentswith someprevious
howledge of pmgrammhg. This course will expand a student's knowledge of p r e
gramming and pmgmmkg languagesthrough pmentation of the features of COBOL
together with programming techniques for using those features. Thiscourse will include
lechms and programmingassignments in COBOL. Evaluation will be based on the
progaming assignments and examinations.
Pnsequisite: One course with a study of computer language (eg, CSC 170)
Room: Science 112
Puinciples of Miaaeconornics
ECO 1l%4100Q
Instrudo~Satva Guvta
~n introdkon bmicroeconomics: the theory of the household, firm, market
structuresand income distribution the^ willbe an applicationof elementaryeconomic
theory to market policy. Grades will be based on tests in class.
Distribution: Economics/Political Science
Room: Library 1
C 0 n ~ o r a . EcommicRelatim
Betzueen East and West
ECO 319-41037
Instructo~Magda Palemy-Zapp
In this course,we'll explore motivations for ecommic cooperation between countries
with different political and economic system 'Ihis will be followed by the analysisof thc
conditionsfor East-West economic cooperation and its pattans. We'll focuson m t
developmentsin pint economic and indusbial cooperation. Students will share an
understandingof economic relations at the national level and see how nations with
diffemt economic and political systems employ the principles of politics and economics
in their own domestic and international affairs. Using compamtivemeans,institutions
and systems that drive cornmaw and g o v m c e will be explored and explained,
including recent institutionalchanges in the dm&& of foreign trade in centrallyplanned economics. Then, at the global level, the effects of GAlT, EEC, and OMEA on
East-West economic dations will be examhed. At the end of the course, we'll try to
identify trends and alternativesin the 1980s. 'Ihere will be a mid-term test, a final scam
(takehome),and a
Prerequisite: Economics 112(Macro)
Time: I
Room: Old Main 21
EcrmomicMysis ofHumanActz*~~l~
and Orgm'mtbns
ECO 31%41038
Instrudac Milo Schield
Objective: To use thetoolsof modernmicm-emnomics to analyze a wide variety of
humanactionsand hurrranoqpizati011~
Issues Understandinginvestmentsin human capital (education,marriage, familyIsocial
clubs, charities, etc.) Undastanding the n a W I growth and mnsequencesof pmperty
rights (an economic theory of law, an economic theory of Western history, an economic
theory of capitalism,etc.) Understandingthen a W , growth and consequences of public
choices (publicopnizations and economicefficiency, voting, politicians, an economic
theory of bureaucracy and an economic theory of the State).
Textbooks: Henri LePage: ' T o m m w Capitalism1', RadniRadnitzkyand Bemholz: "Emnomic
Math Level: No calculus;some geometry. Rimarily vehd reasoning.
I quizzes,paper and final.
Approach: Readhgs, lechmsI~ o n sweekly
Evaluation: Quizzes (3at 100/0),final(200/0),book wviews (20%0),paper (20'31)and attendance/parlicipation (~WO).
Prerequisites Uppewlass standing or an upper-divisioncourse in Political Science,
Sociology, Philosophy or Economics, or else the permission of the Instructor.
Time: I1
Room: Science319
For more Economics listings, see Page 36
Human Relations
EDS 38841050
Instructor: Carolyn Clemmons
This class provides valuable insight into the values, communication techniques, cultural mores and other unique characteristicsof major minority groups
in Minnesota. This class is taught from a perspective of minority group members
with interaction from class members.
How do you blend and honor the diverse cultures in a classroom setting?
How might you gain more knowledge of our global society?
Students will develop interpersonal relation skills applicable to teaching and
other professional vocations. This is a one-half credit course.
Prerequisites: Passing of PPST and admittance to Education program in process.
Time: II Tuesdays, Thursdays and alternate Fridays
Room: Old Main 10
Discovery Leaming in ihe World of I(mdergmten
EDE 37541005
Instructor: Bruce Drewlow
This class
students for the unique experiencesand rrsponsibilitiesof a
A. Stms key adult/child relationships.
B. S~RSScurriculum developmentand instructionalsystems which are supportedby
current mearchand practices in education settings.
C. Stress key adult/child relationships.
D. Stress process - '%ow to learn".
E. Sharemearchhsed findingsabout developmentally appropriateclassmom organizational plans.
mntinuities and discontinuities in development (characteristicsof the
kindergarten child).
G. Examine appropriatedevelopmental instructionpractices.
H. Examine appropriatecurriculumdesign and instructionalpmgrams meeting the
needs of the kindergarten student.
I. Explore current methodologies in the instruction of the kindergarten child.
J. Include guest speakem and field trips.
Objectives of the class: At the completionof thisclass the studentwillbe able to
1.Developmental needs of the kindergarten
2. Discuss the diffe~ntapproachesto kindergarten educationand the theories
behind these approaches.
3. Organizea classroomenvironment to meet the learning needs of students.
4. Identify and create a curriculumplan for teaching kindergarten that meets both t h
students1needs and the teaching style of the teacher.
Grades willbe based on projectsIdiscussion and examination. This is a one-half credit
Pmequlsites: Passing of PPST and admittance to Educationprogram in pmcess.
Time:I Mondays, Wednesdays and alternate Fridays
Room: Library 4
wtiw o f t h r n w q s
ENG 13641051
This course offers a study of literatureas it relates to setting, in this case an environment that willbe studied and experienced biologically, ecologically, and culturally in
with the mading of essays, poetry, and fiction. 'Ihe study of the environment
itself will involve an interdisciplina~~
program based at the Newfound H a h r Marine
Instituteon Big Pine Key about 30 miles from Key West. The main text will be The Key
WestRtnder: l'he Best ofthe Key West Writers,18B1990; in addition, studentswill read
one novel from a variety of choices. It is said that at any given time there are about 50
writas living in Key West. They have included Stephen c1-ane,John Dos Passos, Wallace
Stevens, Ernest Heminpay, Wbeth Bishop, Robert Frost, TennesseeWilliams,
Thomas Sanchez, Thomas McGuane, and nunemus others. Field trips during the twe
week stay will involve excursions into the culturally and racially diverseArt Deco District
of Miami Beach; snorkelingin the coral reefs; trips to the "back country"of the mangrove
islands; visits to the homes of writem like Emest Haningway and TennesseeWilliams;
and an excursion into the Evqlades. A wonderful interplayof environment, culture,
and literaturewill result and the student will be an informed y c e rather than a men?
tourist. Studentswillbe scpected to keep a journal and to write a final paper about 1G12
pages in length, based upon the use of environment as literary setting.
This interdisciplhq program will involveabout two weeks of study in southern
Florida. It willbebased at the Newfound Harbor Marine Institute, Big Pine Key during
most of this period but the^^ will also be a brief trip to the Everglades. Two distinct
course offerings m availablefor d t , taught by Ralph Sulerud and John Mitchell.
Descriptions for these c o r n can be found in the appropriate deparhental sections of
this catalog (Biology and English)
The interdisciplinarycomponent will involve several days of field trips conducted by
thepemmnel of the institute. Unique communitiessuch as coral reefs and mangrove
swamps will be studied. Them will be opportunity for snorkeling, and scuba diving for
thosewho are certified. Studentswill also make several visits to Key West, and will
study writings of Key West authors. All students will participate in theseactivities and
in catain classes in addition to completingthe specificr e y h m m t s of the course for
which d t will be given. It is intended that mlationships willbecome apparent
between thebiology of the Florida Keys and the writing which has emerged from this
interesting environment.
A feeof approximately$1,2mwillbe dmged for bansportation (includinga m ) ,
lodging, most meals and the services (field trips, lab facilities, classes, etc.)of the
Newfound Harbor Marine Institute.
Pm.requisites:Permission of instruct01
Distribution: EnglishISpeech
Time: I
Room: Old Main l2
The S h a t Stay -Elements of Fidm
Instructoc Kathryn Swanson
What is fiction? What is good fiction? What elements of fiction should be considered
,in making an evaluation? In this course, students will find answersto thesequestionsby
mding a variety of fictional works and by writing their own fiction.
Although the course will not involvea systematic analysisof the history of the form of
the short story, we willbegin with tales and fables and we will &a sufficientnumber of
classics for the student to appnxiate the historical developmentfrom Poe to Beattie. 'Ihe
c o w willinvolve practice in ways of aplitaature and will include study of the
basic critical terminollogy, so it would be an appmpriatecourse for studentswho have not
yet studied literatureat thecollegelevel.
Students are scpectedto readthe storiesand novel, participate in class discussions,
write an analysisp a p on a selected short story, write an original short story, and take
several quizzes and a finalscam
Students talang thiscourse for upper division d t will m d an additional novel and
a substantialpapg/class presentation bsed on it.
All students will be asked to contniute$5 to enable printing and distributionof sel&
original fiction from theclass.
Prerrquisite: Effective Writing
Distriiution: EngIiWSpeech
Time: I
Room: Music 22
Speech Communi*:
m Mimniiiie, Social C h ,and their
ENG ZL9-4l057
Instructm JohnSchmit
'Ihe speech that we use, as much as theclothes that we wear, marks us as members of
a p u p . We adopt the laripage of thecommunity to which we wish to belong, and,
conversely, by njeclingthe languageof a community we are seen to reject the community
itself. Speech communitiesare delineated linguistically, but are definedas culW units.
'Ihe l a n m of each must encompass those conceptsand name those things that the
l holds to be important. 'Ihiscourse will conduct an emmination of issuescentralto
analysis of the speech communitiesof women, minorities and socialstrata. Students willlx
asked to focustheir individual study on an issue of pasonal intevst.
'Ihe come will combine ledme and student-initiated discusion Each student will be
evaluated on thebasis of two examinationsand a short (8 page) p a p .
Distribution: Urban Studies,or Women's Studies, or Minarity Studies
Time: II
Room: Old Main 27
ReSisi0n.s: ConternpmaryDmma in English (1975-pment,l
ENG 24941009
Instructm Douglas Gram
Questions of ethnicity, class, language, gender, and sexuality pervade recent
drama in English. These issues are revitalizing both contemporary drama and
productions of classic texts. We will examine how dramatic works of the late '70s
and the '80s, written in English, have been shaped by and have addressed issues
ranging from racial tension and interaction to sexual preference. (We sometimes
survey cumnt drama on several such topics, like class, gender, and language in
1989, and sometimes concentrate solely on plays about one issue, like sexual orientation in 1990.) For comparativepurposes, we will also view a few films on related
topics and try to attend at least two productions in the Twin Cities. There will be
moderate fees for the local productions.
Students will keep a journal, write two in-class essays, and one short paper.
(Theremay also be occasional quizzes.) A series of group projects, which include a
long paper and some performance, will conclude the course.
Prerequisite: ENG 111(Effective Writing) is strongly recommended
Distribution: EnglishISpeech
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 18
Recreational Rhythms and Activities
HPE 232-41042
Instructor: Carol Enke
Theory and practice in teaching and performing American heritage and intemational folk dances. Exposure to New Games concepts and activities.The majority of
the course grade is based on participation in class activities, a teaching assignment,
and a written test. This is a one-half medit course.
Time: I1 Mondays, Wednesdays and alternate Fridays
Room: Melby 202
Administration and Supemision of the
School Health Program
HPE 410-41043
Instructor: Richard Borstad
Historical background, legal bases, school health services, and relationships to
community health program and resources. Methods and materials in health education with laboratory experiencein classroom and community.
Periodic exams covering lecture and textbook assignments; written summaries
of professional journalarticles; in-class activities, including a presentation on a
teaching method.
Pmequisik HPE 320 (School Health C m i d u m )
Time: I
Room: Murphy Place2
HPE 477-41090
Instruchm Brian Ammann
?heory, tdmique and administrativeaspects of mchingbas-.
Exams, on-thefloora>aching~~es,danduscoutingreportdbethemethodsofevaluation
cradit catrse.
Time I, Tuesdaysand Thursdaysand alternateFridays
Room: Melby 111
Coachingof Volleyball
HPE 48341054
Instructo~:Marilyn Florian
This c o r n deals with the theory, technique and administrative aspects of coaclng
volleyball. A small part of the grade willbe based on completed assignments; the mapr
portion of the grade will be based on tests.This is a one-half credit course.
Time: I, T and Th and alternate Fridays
Room: Melby 111
Officiating of Basketball
HPE---- 41041
Instructor: A1 Kloppen
This course will focus on learning the rules and mechanics of the game of
basketball. There will be practical experience on the floor. Students completing
the course should be ready for certification by the Minnesota High School
Association. Grade evaluation will be based upon tests, papers prepared and
performance on the floor. While there are no prerequisites, it is highly advisable
that students have some basketball playing experience. This is a one-half credit
Time: 11, Tuesdays and Thursdays and alternate Fridays
Room: Si Melby 202
The 18SOs:Ameuica'sWatershed
HIS 33841056
lkpmion! War! b b r wiolerm! Ruml mlution! Psycholo@ccrisis! mal
dislmkion! Political comption! Racial conflict!Thc 18% was a dynamicdecade of
crisis and challmge in almost every a s p 3 of American life. This rmwrlcable landmark
d d e pmvidcs a window through which we a n examine a n u m b of nwpr t h m
and W s taking s h a p in d m American d e t y , p l i tics, economics, culture, and
fordp @icy.
We'U appmach thederade thmgh the mdqpof such contemporary writers as
JaneAddams, ATbert Bevcridge, E u p e V. Debs, Theodoxv Dr&, The People's Party,
Jacob Riis, Frederick Jackson Turner, Thontein Veblen, and Booker T. Washington.
These readings - and their historical contacts- will provide the basesof ledures and
discussionson the rcIwant topics of the dmde under study.
Evaluation will be b a s d on short papers on tlac m d i n p and on one essay exarnination, as well as on classdiscussionsof the assigned material.
Prerequisites: HIS 221 or HIS 222, (US. Survey)or consent of instructor
Time: I
Room Old Main l3
The capstone of the Augsburg First Year Experience (FYE)Program is a special
interdisciplinary Interim course with places reserved for first year students. For the 1991
Interim there will be a single course with three sections, each taught by a difierent faculty
member. The course will provide fill credit and will satisfy the Fine Arts distribution
requirement. A few students who are not freshmen will be permitted in the course.
Art and Idea: The Baroque in Europe
INS 191-41011
Instructors: Julie Bolton, Merilee Klemp, Kristin Anderson
How do we see? How do we listen? How do we respond to theater? What is
the nature of art? How m ideas conveyed in art forms? What do the visual arts,
music, and theater have in common? How do they reflect the society in which they
were created? Is art timebound or timeless? All art forms are linked to a particular
time and place. We see that the visual arts, music and theater always reflect the
spiritual and intellectual climate of its time. Using examples of music, art and
theater created in Europe in the Baroque period, the course will explore how to
appreciate and understand the various art forms, e e e the relationships among
the arts, and consider the expression of enduring themes and ideas at different
points in time.
Students will participate in the course through various readings, including
reading plays, studying scores and listening to recordings, and reading primary
source material connected to the art pieces considered. Using the resources of the
College and the city, students will also attend a special performance of the Augsburg
Faculty Artist Series, visit art collections, including the Minneapolis Institute of Arts,
and attend music performances, including the Minnesota Orchestra or the St. Paul
Chamber Orchestra. Students will be expected to attend all required performances
and museum visits, write analyses of the art works or performances, and write a
paper integrating the different arts and time periods studied. There will also be
Costs for tickets to performances should not be more than $15.
Distribution: Fine Arts
Time: I The class will normally meet during Time I, but students will be expected to
attend a limited number of off-campus events (someevenings andlor weekends)as a part
of the class work.
Room: Tjomhom - Nelson Theater
The Paideia Approach: Thinking and Talking
About What You Read
I N S 120-41055
Instructors: Marie McNeff, Vicki Olson
Students will participate in a series of seminars, following the Paideia
seminar format as developed by Mortimer Adler and Paideia Associates.
Students will read selected readings, which will then be discussed in Paideia
seminars. One seminar will use Charlie Chaplan's "Modern Times" for viewing
and then seminar. Open to students with an interest in learning through and
about the Paidcia Program.
Students will read selected readings and view selected films for seminar
discussions, develop and/or hone habits of mature, intellectual talk; observe
seminars conducted in Minneapolis and St. Paul Public Schools; study the
Paideia Proposal; design their own rules and norms for effective seminars;
evaluate their own behaviors during seminars; lead seminars.
Methods of evaluation will include interviews with students and observations of students participating in seminars. Reflective writing will be a part of
the evaluation methodology. The evaluation of the course will be based, in part,
on seminar participation: "The good seminar participant (1) is neither too
impulsive nor overly hesitant in responding, (2) checks periodically on the
purpose and direction of the talk, (3) allows people to be heard, (4) is an active
listener, (5)spreads out the discussion, (6) is considerate, (7)criticizes a point
thoughtfully, (8)makes room for productive silence, (9)is well prepared." (From
"%minar Strategies": portion of essay by Grant Wiggins, Coalition of Essential
Schools, Brown University.)
Time: I
Room: Science 319
Social Change: The Ultimatum of
Community Development in India
I N S 241-41053
Instructor: Vincent Peters
Life in the global community of today's world demands an understanding of
many issues from perspectives not easily achieved without intimate study from a
viewpoint far different than one's own. This course seeks to challenge many
common assumptions regarding the differences between "rich" and "poor,"
"East!' and 'West," while examining the process of social change in the context
of an emerging nation.
South India provides a rich experience of lives in transition, as reformation
sweeps through the culture on every level, bringing socio-economic develop
ment, political empowerment, and redefinition of social and gender roles.
Students immerse themselves in the culture of South India through dialogue,
homestays, and cultural events, and as a result will find their own world view
greatly challenged and enhanced.
We will spend time in Madras, the smaller city of Vellore and villages near
it, in Bangalore and finish with four days in New Delhi which will coincide with
the colorful celebration of Republic Day.
There will be some assigned readings. Evaluation will be based on participation in discussion and field activities, maintenance of a journal and two tests.
The comprehensive fee of $2,695 includes air and surface transportation,
accommodations (half in hotels and half with families), breakfast daily and two
group dinners in addition to the twelve dinners with families.
Registration for this Interim must be made before October 26 at the Office of
International Programs.
W m k LifeTransitions
Instructar: Diane Busico
Are YOU so~~dbyyourfeelingsandconcemedaboutlifechoicesfacing
you? Would you like to have a betterundmtanding of y o d and others?
?he course will explore the process of adultpsychologid development from age 18
on. 'Ihroughbooks and articles, students will see the life come unfold and followvarious
passages through thelife mume Questionswhich naturally arise during the bansition
periods conaming,for example, carem, marriage, and family, will be bein the
context of the life course. StudentswiUbe expeckd to develop a journal andbe involved in
teamwork Upper class students will be scpected to assume team leadershiproles.
Distribution: Women's Studies
Time: I
Room: Old Main 10
Histimj of &eRomrmce Languages
LIN 3124UlZ
Instrue. Donald Steinmek
?he Romance languageshave played and continue to play a mapr mle in history.
Most people are familiarwith the names of the mapr R o m languages: Portuguese,
Spanish,Fm&, Italian,Romanian,but~arealsootherlesshmlanguagesinthis
p u p , such as Galidan, Catalan, P r o v d , l
Sardinian,Rom,and others. This
coursewillbe concerned why theselanguagesare so similar and why they&.
Basidy, the similarities stem from the fad that theselanguagesall have the same
source, the poplar Latin speech (oftenmked to as Vulgar Latin) which was spokenby
ordinary people - traders and rmrchants, soldiersand sailors, ruraland &an settlers of all
kinds - within the Roman Empire at its greatest extent. They differin part because
differences in dialect traditionally tend to grow with the passage of time and, very
importantly, these languages have all experienced the influences of various other
languages - such as Arabic in the case of Spanish, Celtic and German for French,
Slavic for Romanian, etc.
'Ihe length of thecoursewill not permit going into great detail regall these
changes,but the mapr developmentswill be emmined mthlly, particularly in thetheof
By the end of the c o r n , the student will have seen samplesof almost all theabove
Romance languagesand should be familiar with the basic aspects of thepopular (or
Vulgar) Latin which result in the similarities and alsobe aquainted with m y of the
factos which account for the diffenmm.
Grading for thecourse will be based on the studenfsg e n d pqaration for all
assignments, on specific performance for two tumin assignments, and on a final
Pnmquisites: at least thee terms of some Romance Language or a linguisticscourse
Room Old Main 22
Math and Ifs Applications: SSucceed Wth Math
MAT 1324013
I n s t r u e . Suzanne Do&
Are you a math avoider? Do numbers and symbols s<rare you? Do you wonder why a
student mapring in socialscience or h d t i e s needs to know some math?Would you
like to irrgroveyour math SHS,
be mom at ease wib math, and maybe even learn to like
math (a little)? If you answered "yes" to any of the above, thiscourseis for you.
In thismuse we will wok on solving problem and puzzles to help you be comfortable when dealing with numbers and to generally impmw your quantitativem n i n g
skills. W e w i l l s e e m a n y ~ o f m ~ t i c s i n b u s ~ a n d d s c i ~ .
Evaluation willbe based on homework problems, a pmblansolvingjournal, and
several short papes. kwillbe no quizzes or tests.
Time 11
Room Science212
Ma& ofbrterest
MAT 173-41014
Instrum Ken Kaminsky
Have you ever wondenxi why women have been charged more thanmen for
annuities and &ved
lower p e n s i o n ~ tthan
s men? Or why women have paid less
than men for life irmmme?Or how life inspremiums calculated? Or how
instalhmt loan payments are figured out? Or how much money to invest in order to
accumulate a certain lump sum or annual payment at a certain date in the fuhm? Then
thisc o r n may be meant for you. Theseand other interestingand usefultopics in the
mathematics of financialkmsadions willbe c o d .
'Ihisc o r n should be usefulfor studentsin businessand ecomrnics or for any
students intemtd in cawen in finmedated fields. Evaluation willbe based on classmom participationand quizzes.
Prerequisites Group III on math placement test ar equivalent
Distnlution. Mathematicsmhysics
Time I
Room Science 212
Creative Arts Therapies: A Clinical Overview
MUS ll(F41017
Instntctor: Roberta Metzler
An introductory course for students interested in interdisciplinary approaches of the various arts therapies, emphasizing the individual contributions
of dance, drama, music, art and other arts to the therapeutic process. The class
will visit clinical treatment facilities in the area. Evaluation will be based on
three tests and field trip reports.
Special fee to cover transportation: $15.
Time: I1
Room: Music 24
Electronic Music Composition
MUS 23&41063/430-41015
Instructor: Robert Karlen
An opportunity for students to explore, experience, and create some of the
sounds found in 20th Century music. Through a "hands+nl' approach, participants
will be involved in:
1.Making multi-track recordings on half-track, quarter-track, and cassette decks
through an eight-track mixer.
2. Individually creating, modifymg and mixing sounds from traditional sound
sources as well as from analog and computercontrolled synthesizers.
The study and application of practical electronic technology used in the production of music today will be combined with aesthetic considerations necessary for the
creative aspects of the art.
Much of the work in this course will be done in small groups. Lower division
students will work with up to four channel-four track recording involving techniques of speed changing, splicing, reversing tape direction and filtering using
primarily traditional and non-traditionalsound sources. Upper division students
will also use electronicallysynthesized sound sources including computer controlled
keyboard, overdubbing and overlaying up to seven tracks.
Students must have the use of a portable cassette recorder, and provide themselves with a 7-inch reel of blank recording tape and a blank cassette tape.
Prerequisite: Music theory or permission of instructor for upper division status.
Distribution: Art-Music
Time: I1
Room: Music 5
Beginning Nonoegian I
NOR 111-41018
Instructor: Frankil Shackelford
Course 111is for students with no previous background in Norwegian. The
course aims to develop basic skills in speaking, listening, reading, writing, and
cultural understanding. Classroom practice focuseson both presentation of vocabulary and structures and the use of the language in everyday contexts.
The finalgrade is derived from daily assignments, quizzes, and a final exam.
Distribution: Foreign Language
Time: I
Room: Old Main 25
What Do You Think Of That?
PHI 250-41019
Instructor: Kenneth C.Bailey
There are many puzzling issues in our lives and world which deserve some
clear and careful thought. What shall we think and say about such contemporary issues as "Freedom of the Will"; "Can Computers Think?"; and 'What are
the Grounds of Moral Responsibility?". In this course we will discuss these and
other concerns that confront our age, in an attempt to understand them more
Discussions will be based upon readings from a wide selection of authors,
some traditional (such as John Locke, Rene Descartes, and William James); and
some very much in the forefront of contemporary discussion (such as Ayn Rand,
B.F. Skinner, Sidney Hook, and John Hospers). Their views are provocative, to
say the least, and they will challenge you to ask, again and again, 'Well, Now.
What Do You Think of That?".
Grades will be based upon a mid-term examination, a final examination, and
class discussions.
Distribution: History/Philosophy
Time: I1
Room: Music 22
Introduction to Weather
PHY 106-41020
Instructor: Noel Petit
A study of the science of meteorology which will provide a working knowledge of the principles of atmospheric science. Attention will be given to four
basic areas observing the weather changes and understanding the world's
climate. Related topics to be included are: hydrology (study of the earth's water
cycle), pollution, economic effects of the weather, and weathefs impact on world
events. This course is designed to be an elective or satisfy the MathematicsPhysics distribution requirement for the liberal arts student.
The course will have two weeks of class lecture and laboratory followed by a
two-week trip through the Southeast United States visiting major weather
facilities. The itinerary will include stops at Kansas City, Missouri; Oklahoma
City, Oklahoma; Vicksburg and Gulfport, Mississippi; Tampa, Miami, Cocoa
Beach, Daytona Beach and Gainesville, Florida. At each site there will be a tour
and explanatory program for the functions of that facility. Topics of the visits
will be severe storms, control of the water in the Mississippi River basin, automated weather observation at sea, television station weather facilities, hurricane
tracking, weather satellites, and agricultural weather.
During the trip the student will maintain a journal of weather and site visits.
Daily weather maps will be created using portable weather satellite reception
systems carried on the trip. This trip will not only allow visits of operational
weather facilities, but also will allow the student to experience the full range of
climates across the U.S. from north to south.
Daily quizzes and lectures will be given during the travel. Grades will be
based upon the journal, two hourly examinations and an individual project
completed during the trip. The cost will be approximately $700. Initial deposit
due by October 26.
Prerequisites: High School Algebra
Distribution: MathematicsRhysics
Time: I
Room: Science 28
Introduction to Space Science
PHY 320-41021
Instructor: Ken Erickson
This course is designed for students in science and engineering who are
interested in acquiring a basic knowledge of the major topics required for further
study in the field of space science.
The course will provide a survey of the earth's space environment including
solar, planetary, magnetospheric, ionospheric, and upper atmospheric physics.
Topics include solar flares, solar corona, the solar wind, the bow shock, rnagnetopause, radiation belts, plasma sheet, magnetic storms, and magnetosphereionosphere coupling with special emphasis on magnetospheric substorms,
current systems, particle precipitation, and aurora. Evaluation will be based on
assignments, two exams and a paper.
Prerequisites: PHY 245 or consent of instructor
Time: I
Room: Science 205
Spreadsheet Physics
PHY 15141022
Instructor: Jeff Johnson
Spreadsheets (e.g., Lotus 123)have been used extensively in business for
years. However, it is also possible to use spread sheets to solve physics problems
without using "high-powered" mathematics. Spreadsheets allow the student
who is not an expert in mathematics to experience physics on a more intuitive
level. We will use Lotus 123 to solve problems in a wide variety of physics areas
including planetary and projectile motion. Some of the problems investigated
might be in areas other than physics. Grading will be based on spreadsheet
projects, homework, and a final exam.
Prerequisites: Math level lII
Distribution: Mathematics/Physics
Time: I
Room: Science 30
Understanding the Middle East Through Literature
POL 241-41062
Instructor: Renee Taft
Literature in the Middle East can be a sensitive barometer of the manner in
which individuals have sought to cope with the challenges and crises experienced by their societies and have defined themselves within and against societies
which an? themselves in the process of change and redefinition. In this seminar,
students will examine a number of novels as well as expository prose in English
from Egypt and the Arab world, Israel and Iran. Because the theme of common
concern in our time is the Arab-Israeli conflict, emphasis will be placed on gaining a
better understanding of its ramifications. The seminar will emphasize close reading
and analysis of texts, classroom discussion and essay writing. No prerequisite
required although some basic knowledge of the Middle East is preferable. Final
examination and one paper comparing two or more authors read.
Distribution: Economics/Political Science
Time: I
Room: Music 23
Alternative Politics
Instructm RandallKindley
'Ihe qanding role of alternativepolitical movements is one of themost fascinating
socialphenomena of the last quarterof thecentury. Politid plies, inhest p u p s and
~ m tmovanenk
that will fit our conventional view of left and right are becoming
significantpolitical playersat the national and local level in the United States and abmad.
'Ihe Gram, for example, have become parbmentary contendersin many Empean
countries. Youth and c h d mowmats have figured prominently in thepolitical changes
that swept EasternE m p e in 198P1990. Inbhremb, en-talist,
anti- nuclear,
religious and anti-tion
p u p s are gaining in memkrship and activism while
traditional and Republicanwanes. Will the politics of the
21st Century be based on these new political cleavages?
In thiscourse, we will scarnine the phenomenon of alternative political m m t s
from a menational, national and local pmpective. Seved issues will be I-aised:What
accountsfor the pmpagation of thesenew political foms? What are the visions and goals
of these p u p s ? How are thesevisions and goals tramlabed into pragmatic political action?
How do their ideals, as w d as thepolitical systems in which thesegroups m embedded,
shaped#emms in objectivesand strategies? Finally, what does their growth mean for the
way politia will be conducted at thelocal, national and intemational level in the years to
Essentially,thiscourse will be exploratoryand we hope to developa practical scheme
for comparing and analyzing theemergenceand behavior of thesealtemative political
p u p s . Reawillbe a mixtureof theoretical literature and publicationsof some of
thesepups. Thegreateremphasiswillbemthelatters~themaprityofclasstimewill
be devoted to presentations by prominent individualsin local alternativemovenwnts and
discussionsabout their political goals and strawes. Grades in the course willbe based on
class participation, a termpaper and a final exam
h q u i s i t e x 1Political Science course or permissionof instructor.
Room Murphy Place 3
TheLegalRights oftheAm&
Employee and
E m p l o y e r h a~llatmeandJudkialPempecttve
POL 37641099
Instruclor. Phil Fishman
This new course will scarnine the currentpolitical and legal rights and responsibilities
of theAmerican employeein the contempmy labor market Various forms of employment issues, including contra3rights, wrongful tamination, workers compmsationfor
pbrelated injuries, safety in the work place, protection against legal dkrhination on the
job, drug and alcoholtesting and rights of the employee to "whistle-blow!' Whemer
possible, the oppositeposition of theemployer willbe pmented. The role of theAmerican
labor union movement and employer's political action p u p s will be a d M where
devant. M willbe field trips to observeadual court and/or administrativelaw
pI.ocRedings. Students will alsomeet with employment la-.
Studentswill p q m e s p e d mini-termpaper and final examination.
h q u i s i t e s Junioror Senior status; 1course in Political Science or Economics.
Time: Wednesday Jan.2,6304k3and each Monday and Wednesdaythereafber.
Room Old Main 16
Psychobgy ofthe Legal System
PSY 3354024
Nancy Steblay
l l w US. legal system will be investigated from the perspectiveof psychologicaltheory
andpradice A ~ c f o c u s w i l l b e o n ~ s o c i a l p s y ~ l o g y o f m
with d d m a t i o n of such topics as jury selection, eyewitness evaluation and jury decision
Class mdingsand discussionwill also a v e r suchW e r a m s as morality,justice,
ethics and victimization. Guest-1
will include members of the legal and psychological communities.
Evaluationn-ethods include test and w r i b work; studentswill alsobe mponsible
for contributionto classmomdiscussion.
Prerequisites: a general psychology course
Time: 11
Room: Old Main16
The Self as Revealed in Myths and Symbols
PSY 340-41023
Instntdotr Norm Ferguson
This course will explore concepts of self from psychological, cultural, and
theological perspectives. A variety of myths and symbols will be examined with the
intent of gaining knowledge about how they function as representationsof "the
The objective of the course is to gain a deeper understanding of one's individual
self and of how the conceptualizationsof your self have been molded by a variety of
social, cultural, and historical influences. The content of the course will include
topics as: the impact of science on myth; the mythologies of romantic love, war, and
peace; the process of individuation; and metaphors of psychological transformation.
Class time will be devoted mainly to the discussion of the assigned readings.
Students will be expected to be prepared for class by doing the readings and to be
actively involved in the class discussions. Students will be given some of the
responsibility for leading discussions. Evaluation will be based on: (1) class partiapation, (2) a course journal, and (3)four or five short (60@-800word) papers.
Prerequisites: PSY 105(GeneralPsychology)
Time: I
Room: Murphy Place 2
Idealism and the Adolescent
PSY 3704025
Instructor: Duane E.Johnson
Inquiry into the nature and presence of idealism in the life of the adolescent person.
Theoretical bases for such idealism will be considered. Idealism W e d toward other
persons and society will be the main focus.-This course will be conducted as a seminar
with a high level of student contributionand prticiption. Attendance at each class
session is requhd.
Procedures will include class discussion, frequent short papers, and frequentoral
reports. Each student will be r e q M to seek out and interview pmons in the adolescent level of development. Typewritingor equivalent word processing will be required.
Studentsare required to read TheMoral Life of Children by Robert Colesbefore the start of
the Interim Thisbook will be available in the Augsburg Bookstore by November 1.
Content of the book will be discussed in the first few class sessionsand will provide a
base for further learning in the course.
This course is offered only on PIN basis.
Prerequisites: PSY 105, General Psychology
Time: I
Room: Old Main 23
The Bz%k, h p a g e and Intqmtation
REL 445 41006
Instructor: Philip Quanbeck
A study of theuse and funciton of language in the Bible. The importance of recognizing the varied character of language for understanding thebiblical text. Grades will be
based on class prticipation, a presentation to the class and an examination.
Prerequisites:REL 111 or REL 221
Distribution: Religion (only one Interim Religion course may be used toward graduation requirements.)
Time: I
Room: Old Main 11
The Theology of Mm'age
Instructor: Cathy Paulsen
Mamiage has been described in terms of a free fall, a decision which we often make
with a portion of our brain and all of our heart. This course will take nothing from the
heart, whether you are manied or not, but it will inaxme your sureness and the possibility for meaning/intimacy in your life with a significant other. Within the context of
Christian tea*,
many theories, with particular attention given to the work of C. G.
Jung willbe studied and applied to the marital relationship and secondarilyto the
discussion, and visiting resourcepersons. Evaluationwill be
Thew willbe,-l
based on class participation, one paper, and two tests. Two books willbe required.
Prerequisites:REL 111 or REL 221 or permission of instructor.
Distribution: Religion (only one Interim Religion course may be used toward graduation requirements.)
Time: I
Room Music 24
Biblical T
Then andNow
An opportunity for students to mearch s@c Biblical texts to examine their place
in Scriand how it has been interpwtd by theologians down through the centuries,
including current interpwlations by feminist, process and liberation theologians.
Each student will mearch and pment findings to the class on one specific text.
Evaluation is based on class participation and the mearch paper. No exams.
Prerequisites REL 111 or REL 221.
Distribution: Religion (only one Interim Religioncourse may be used toward
Time: II
Room Old Main 23
A t m , God and Money: How SciencP,
Religion a n d E c m i c s M k
REL 43641061
Instructors: Mark Engebretson,JohnBenson, and Tom M q a n
Science, theology and economic thought are intricately intertwined and reflect
one another in the development of Western Civilization. "Atoms, God and Money
will examine three historical periods: Medieval, 18th Century and 20th Century, to
show how the three areas of thought change together and influence one another.
Course content will be drawn from texts and video series by James Burke and from
writings of Kenneth Boulding. Class time will be divided among a variety of
activities including: discussion, lecture, presentations, small group tutorials and
simulation games. Drawing from the ideas developed in the course, participants
will work as teams to construct Space Colonies.
Course evaluation will be based upon: Midterm and Final exams, group project
presentation, and a final paper on a topic in the area in which one is taking the
course for credit.
Prerequisites: Junior or Senior status and one prior religion course
Distribution: Religion (only one Interim Religion course may be used toward
graduation requirements.)
Time: I1
Room: Science 123
Exploring Human Services
SWK 25741027
Instructor: Mary Lou Williams
Students will volunteer 20 hours per week under the direction of an agency
representative. In addition, students will attend a specific small group seminar 3
hours per week during which agency experiences will be shared and readings
discussed. Evaluation will be based on performance in agency, written subjective
summary, brief journal summary, exam on readings.
Time: I
Room: Murphy Place 1
Exploring Human Services and Social Work
in Great Britain (lanuay 2-26,1991)
SWK 34611028
Instructor: Rosemary Link
Experience the excitement of a changing Europe through British eyes. Explore
modern social policies in the context of ancient culture. Join British students and
faculty and meet a variety of human service professionals in health, corrections,
family and child welfare. Encounter the breadth of the nation's traditions through
visits to galleries, museums, theaters and historic sites, such as Canterbury, and
Stratford. In London we visit a wide range of agencies and explore this lively city
with the help of English social work students. We visit the West coast port of Bristol
and benefit from University faculty expertise in advocacy and child welfare. We mix
practical experience, observation and dialogue to understand how the country's
social services reflect culhual values. The fee ($2,295) includes travel and accomrnodations, breakfast daily, two lunches, six dinners and two theater tickets.
Registration for this Interim must be made before October 26 at The Office of
International Programs.
Field Work LU
S W K 466-41030 (fullcourse)
S W K 466-41029 (l/2 course)
Instrudar: Francine Chakoli
Course content w
lbe continuation of Field Work I. - educationallyfocused
field placement in a social service agency.
Students will spend 15 (or 30) hours per week in field placement, plus one hour
per week in a faculty facilitated supportive seminar held on campus. Evaluations
will be made in writing by the field instructor using previously developed contract
and social work evaluation forms.
Prerequisites: S W K 462 (Field Work II)
Time: To be arranged
Principles of Sociology
(with emphasis a the Health Care Systnn)
SOC 121-41031
Instructor: Barbara Johnson
Sociology is a unique way of understanding the world. As an academic discipline and a profession, sociology provides insights into culture, roles, groups,
interaction, inequality and social structure. It is an essential tool for discovering the
world and one's place in it.
The emphasis for illustrationsand exercises will be directed to the health care
system. Crosscultural comparisons will be drawn. The course will be useful for
future health care providers and related professionals and for consumers as well.
This course covers the same concepts and meets the same objectives as the
regular term course. Therefore students can expect daily written and/or reading
illbe given.
assignments. Three exams w
Distribution: Psychology/Sociology
Time: II
Room Library 1
Racial and Minority Group Relations
SOC 265-41032
Instructor: Jerry Gerasimo
This course considers the dimensions of racial and minority group relations.
Major attention is focused upon prejudice, racism, and the role of self- understanding.
The course format will include lectures, films,readings, and an opportunity for offcampus participant observation. Members of the class can expect evaluation to be based
on a combination of class participation, a research project, and a final examination. The
course is offered only on a P/N basis.
Distribution: Minority-Urban
Time: I
Room Old Main 18
Beginning Spmdsh
SPA 1114(B3
Beginrung Spanish I is the first half of the beginning sequence, the goal of which is to
introduce the student to the most basic vocabulary and grammar in order to prepat him
or her either to go on to additional study of Spanish or to use it at an elementary speaking-understanding level at the end of the m n d course. The emphasisis on spoken
Spanish, but secondarygoals to develop reading and writing skills as well. After
Inkdm, students will be prepared to continuewith Spanish 112in the spring.
The approach used in class will be proficiency oriented and grammar explanations
willbe given as needed to clan@thosein the text. Evaluation will include class participation, a test on each chapterand a written and an oral final scam
Distribution: ForeignZanguage
Time: I
Room Old Main 29
Evaluating Continental Literatrwe
SPA 250-41034
~ I ' I S Gu*
~ ~ E
The objective of the course is to enable studentsto discuss continentalliterature
through theuse of valid critical tools. It will involve both theory and subsequent evaluation of the reading selectionsfrom different points of view. We shall read half a dozen
short stories, severalplays, one novel and a number of poems.
Studentevaluation willbe based on thw written repork, participation in class
discussions, and a finalscam This course is designed for foreign language studentsbut
anyone with an interest in European continental literatureis welcome to m 1 1 . Students
interested in Spanish350 (Introductionto Literam for Language Students)should see
the instructor for special arrangements.Offered in English.
Prerequisites: Sophomore standing or consent of instructor
Distribution: English-Speech
Room: Old Main27
Documentary Video
SPC 347-41035
Instructor: Deborah Bart
Documentary video is a video production course which integrates lecture
and criticism with hands-on experience dealing with non-fiction subjects.
Students will work in production teams, gaining experience in field production
and editing. The production teams will produce a 30-minute documentary piece.
Evaluation will be based upon student journals, critiques and a paper.
This course requires additional lab time for editing.
Time: I
Room: Foss A-V Seminar
Theater Crafts
SPC 495-41036
Instructor: Michael Burden
Theatei Crafts will introduce students to several methods used in producing
props and costume accessories for the stage. Class time will be project oriented.
Projects will include felt hats, masks, jewelry, mold casting, hand props and a
final project to be selected by the student. The class will also include theater
tours and attendance at a prop-oriented show.
Prerequisites: SPC 222 or 228 (Intro to Theatre or Technical Production) or
permission of instructor.
Time: I1
Room: Tjornhom-Nelson Theater
Augsburg is part of a consortium called UMAIE, Upper Midwest Association
for Intercultural Education, which offersoverseas learning experienm during the
Interim. Further information about the following courses can be obtained from
Kathleen Lutfi at the InternationalPrograms Office, 2018 Eighth Street (330.16551 or
from the Interim Office. Registration for these Interims ends October 26,1990. These
courses a~ offered on a P/N basis only and generally carry a lower division number.
Ancient and Modern Maya of the Yucatan
Archaeology in Yugoslavia
Art in France and Italy
Australia's Business Climate
The British School and Family
The Culture, Heritage and Diversity of Eastern Europe
Ecology and Natural History of The Yucatan
E m t in Transition
Europe and the Rise of Modern Science
-- Exploring Human Services and Social Work in Great Britain
Greece Art and Artifact, Myth and Drama
Guatemala: Centuries of Tradition- Century of Change
Hawaii: Mu1ti Cultural Communication in Organizational Settings
Intermediate German. 2,000 Years in Trier
Literary Landscapes of England and Ireland
Modern European Business and Worklife
Molart to Brahms: Music in Germany and Austria
Museums, Music and Monuments (Germany,Austria, Italy, Hunga y)
Peace Studies: Nonviolent Revolution in Europe
Social Change: The Ultimatum of Community Development in India
The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in the Gorbachev Era
Southeast Sea Adventure: Tropical Ecology in Malaysia and Bali
Spain. 1492 to 1992 and Beyond
Theatre in Britain
This is New Zealand
Towards Peace an Conflict Resolution. Study in Ireland
Translating All That Business About lapan
These courses are offered by institutions or groups not connected with Augsburg College but have been approved for credit by the college. Most cany a tuition
cost plus other expenses which are the responsibility of the student. They are
offered only on a P/N basis. Fuller descriptions and details for registering are
available in the Interim Office.
Sailing in the Virgin Islands (January8-24 1991)
HPE 455-41039
Instructor: Joyce Pfaff
Designed for the beginning and intermediate sailor interested in the art and
practice of sailboat cruising. The course will take the participant to a competent
level of sailboat handling (anchoring, mooring, helming and crewing). The
student will live aboard a 43-46 foot fixed keel sailboat with five/six other people
and will function as an active crew member. Actual on-the-water instruction will
be the major part of the course. Sailing will include cruises to the various islands
and cays in the British and American Virgin Islands. Snorkeling and
windsurfing will be available on an optional basis. No smoking is allowed.
The course cost is $2,400, which includes airfare, for Augsburg day students
and qualifying 4-14 students. Others will have to pay regular Interim tuition in
order to receive academic credit.
Prerequisite: Permission from Marilyn Florian or Carol Enke of the Health
and Physical Education department.
Total payment is due October 31,1990.
Distribution: Lifetime sport (also one course credit).
Outward Bound
HPE 21241067
Check for informationin the InterimOffice for material on dog sledding and snowshoeing
on the Minnesota-Canadianborder or for white water cImoeingand desert campingon the
Rio Grande in theDecembeT27 through January27period.
l'hereis a cost of approximately$1,275 (theOutward Bound o ~ a r b t i o has
n some
LPaders o n L e a i p : The NatimlAgendu
Washington, D.C.: News Cap;tolof The Wmld
POL 39841066
These Interims begin December 30and continue until January19,1991. Information
on either of the above pmgrams, housing and financial assistanceis available from Dr.
Milda Hedblom in Memorial 117k
ThefOllming&hity 1s d & I e fo shdcnb during Inhim and s h r h f s may rqisbjbr this
as(orn w
r mum. This &fy dm not mwy @cia! d i t , Inrf dm ma+ fhe
lfdirnesports requiremenffmgmduntim. Sludmk mnyprticipk in fhis c b ~uithuulr&tEn'ng
fw thewutse,Imt will tx qwtd fa F/mjfmw h e h or mf ll~esludent+tmfor the colme.
class as&I
American Karate
HPE 002-41045
Instructor: Mike Teitelbaum
The form, basic techniques and practical usage of American Karate, taught
by a certified Third Degree MKA Black Belt instructor. Fee of $25.00.
Distribution: Lifetime Sports
Time: 120&1:00 MWF
Room: Melby
HPE 002-41044
Instructor: Brian Ammann
Distribution: Lifetime Sports
Time: I; M,W and alternate Fridays
Room: Melby
Hisotry of Economic Thought
ECO 219-41406
Instructor: Richard Herzog
A chronological study of the major economic thinkers in the context o
the political, economic and social settings of the time. Emphasis will be or
tracing long-term secular trends in economic thinking in an attempt to
provide a framework for understanding and analyzing current social
Ancient Economic Thinking
The Medieval Period
IV .
Primarily lecture/dimssion depending on class size. If small class
(less than 101, seminar style may be more appropriate. A major research
paper (minimum of 10 pages) would be required. Final exam would be
essay on three of five topics.
Distribution: Economics/Political Science
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 11
A I S 290-41069
ART 290-41068
S. Chapman
An o v e r v i w of the v i s u a l arcs of the he'rfcan Indians v i t h i n r h e United
S r a t e s v i t h some a t t e n t i o n rtl Canada, Gntral and South America. In
addition to the visual arcs of the Eastern Woodland, P l a i n s , Pacific a d
Southwest fndians, some c o n t e n t w i l l hclude drama, d a c e , p o e t t y ,
mythology, r i t u a l s and r e l i g ~ o n . Scu&zsts -1
produce art work such ar
weaving, baskecs , p o t t e r y , jewelry, sedqture or p.rinrs. This wurst
is c r o s s f k i t e d v i t h the Arr Department.
Objectives, Content. aad Procedzres a m & s e e d on page 2 bf this
Evaluation w i l l be done fn amjuoctien w i t h t h e A r t
Department. A complete syllabus w i l l be developed v i t h the assistance
of che A r t D e p a r a e a t . Herhods of e v a l w c i w ill be Included.
Distribution: Fine A r t s
HPE 271-41070
Time: X I
~ e v e i o pknowltdgt mu s k i l l s mctizary t o ~m a' reglsttted
official nith the Hinnesota State Ugh School League.
Develop appreciation far the fole of t h e official i n the total
aducational prrrcess.
Will k based an the rules mb -its
set f0M
the national
Federation for Swru and rules and r~gularlomsof tne Hinnesota
State High Schcvl League.
Procedures: Lectures, simlated 9-
Evaluation: Written tcst
T h i s i s a one-half credit course.
H I S 140-41964
Time: 11, M,W, a l t . Fri.
Room: S i Melby
R.D. Zehnder
the East C e n ~ d
f u r c ~ e= a h of the rabs'hqs and itr
inheritors f o e z i n g on three themes: 1) %acfrgrpu..xd, 4 e v t l ~ * n tand -=ent
of t \ e peoples o f East Cent-d. E u m p t
thc Balkans w i t h
eye .to
fallowin; c ~ z t n events
in Erst Europe ~ ' p l - Q
an ricotic but &-
He w i l l lccir a t
vacation for tilose b e a d y bared with PEZLS and O s l o 2 ) The i..ceniws instltutlons of the & k e g s t k a t d b w c d them b m e w i a
t!!e c ! a l l e r . q e of Refgration, Libera-,
always as t h vsi+'-q
t e a m in Lke s t - ~ g g l e uith Gutavus Admf;.=s,
H z w l m n , and .
3) The brZLizn+ raltrt-al ac3ievemenrs of
f mt&e
.. t??es%h t ~ b d e r miles
ocean at t h e hterfaca of Geman, kt3, and SLavic s ~ c ~ e ~ fe s , HEZFreud.
W t will visit Vienna ~JI 1776 L!mgb *e fib ha2eus unless t h e
is realp by class. By t . ? e end of te= e v e r n n e ulll be q e c t e d to aiscuss
Easr !C==?e Fntelligently mer ccffee md m i l l do an fn-depa prrrjecr paper on
an East Europe s m e r vacatien w i t % r h s t o r i c a l f02 tome aspect, of th.
Habsbur: tultural or institutional e~::=ibution thaf you f k d psf-iF21uly
iatorescL7q. mare w i l l also be some farm of an -ma#.
Distribution: Hi rtory/Philosaphy
Time: I 1
Room: OM13
J, Shackel ford
- --
-- - - - - -
~ 1 1 1be p r e ~ r a t ~ - ~ ~ ' ~ & icjectim
~ - & t ef g e o c e ~ i r~ oi ~s - 1 ~ by a
SuceeasiW of u i e n t i l u from copemit o I-ton;
~ d l u r=forn
d the
discovery af the ~ t ~ m l a t t oofn t h e b l e d ;
-cgenm of a*pcrirntal
e t h o d s ; tbt o r p ~ a i ~ t l nofn the scl*ntlEi~*Oterprbe. and c-n
for t h e
&act o f science on rrligiow and mr.1 P t t t r s . shy'wr+ tb* t b - t t s t c d
theerlrs a t tb meitnta W o n mat in
perid? my dld t h e nrv Ideal
i ~ these quntiuar v ~ l require
aftto r c t w l t b opp~zitirn? c o ~ i d e t a t of
c ~ f i t l d c rthe r o c i a l llrd a f e 1 l e - l
a f r r t o f Rtfor-tion AM Cauntcrold nytb about t h e
b f o t m t ? o n m o p e . In the V r o u ¶ s we rill d b p c l
proqrtsstvc ~ t u c mof sciemtific d * q e l o ~ n tand c~let o ra ~ d c r r t m d i n go f
memr of tP. macept=l changes mt form gut of om tnttllactual h*rft.qr.
~lrrtrrretioa'vill Laclde lectnres and dlrelusia.
Bud en e x a d ~ t l o m(short W * r a rml -yrl
Prerequisite: 3 History course
m l m t l m u11l k
Time: ? I
Room: OM13
The goal of this course I5 t o discuss with students a b u t various f i n i t e
mathematics t o p i c s , including Sets, counting Thcturfques. Probbil l t y md
S t a t i s t i c s . f lass sessions Include I r c t u e s , dCscussions and small grgup
rxercises. Course evaluatjon will be based on class-particlpatlvn,
hmemrrk, a midtrm exam and f i n a l exam. (Studmts who have hhd Probability
and Statistics fraR other courses shoutd contact the instructor before
n g i s t c r i n g far this tovrsc),
Students who have taken MT 121 aay n o t take t h i s course; however, students
who take thls course may l a t ~ rregister for HAT 121.
Prerequisites: MAT 104 or Group TI1
I N S 401-41071
Time: I1
Room: 5212
3. G r i f f i n
This course will l o o k a t t h e c i t y a s a garden and wilderness, e x p l o r i n g these
metaphors i n the broadest sense. Not only w i l l we look a t the c i t y per re,
but we w i 11 consider how these metaphors affect perceptions o f women L minorities.
The course w i l l approach the t o p i c primarily by way o f the humanities. Thus
there w i l l be a focus on the discussion o f t e x t s , but these texts w i l l be
supplemented by the resources of the Twin C i t i e s themselves.
Time: I
Room: FC 42
For information on January Interim internships please contact
the Internship o f f i c e i n Murphy Place, Rm. 8, by December 14.
HPE 232
REC'L RHYTHMS & ACTlVITlES meets Time: I , M,U, & a l t . F
Cancelled courses:
Show less
-.Jnformation Sessions
Individuals interested in the Master of Arts in EducationLeadership program at Augsburg College are encouraged to
attend an information session. These free,... Show more
-.Jnformation Sessions
Individuals interested in the Master of Arts in EducationLeadership program at Augsburg College are encouraged to
attend an information session. These free, two-hour sessions are
scheduled at various times prior to the beginning of each trimester. Please call the Master of Arts inEducation- Leadership Office
(330-1786) for details or to register for one of these information
Thursday, May9, 1991
Tuesday, June 18, 1991
Thursday, July 18, 1991
Saturday, October 26, 1991
Tuesday, May 12, 1992
Tuesday, June 16, 1992
Thursday, July 16, 1992
7:00 - 8:00p.m.
10:00 a.m. - noon
10:00 a.m. - noon
9:00 - 11:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m. - noon
10:00 a.m. - noon
10:00 a.m. - noon
10:00 a.m. - noon
For more information write or call:
Master of Arts in Education-Leadership Office
Augsburg College
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Augsburg Colleg0
,6iee and Payment
~ . ;:
.., ...·.·
Application Fee (payable once, non-refundable)
Tuition (per trimester course)
(one course =6 quarter credits or 4 semester credits)
Enrollment Reservation Deposit (non-refundable,
applicable to first semester's tuition)
Leadership Practicum Fee (per term for six terms)
Thesis Continuation Fee $100.00
Late Fee, per day (charged to any student registering
after the scheduled registration date).
Late registration includes incomplete registration as
defined: a) Unsigned Registration Form or
b) Unapproved Payment Plan
Registration Change after First Class Meeting
(cancel/add/change grade option, or combination
at one time)
Transcript Fee (per copy after first, which is free)
Finance Charge: A finance charge is applied at a
simple rate of 1% per month on any account with
an open balance of 30 days or more.
The application fee ($25) is due on or before the application deadline
for a given term. The $100 non-refundable deposit (applied to first
semester's tuition) reserves a place in the program in a given term,
once a person is accepted. Tuition is due at the time of registration.
Payment Options*
1) Payment in Full: Due day of registration.
2) Payment Plan: Upon application and after college approval, a 3pay plan is available each trimester. Payment plans will be offered
only if previous plans have been adhered to.
3) Company Reimbursement: Full courses, or equivalent, which are
company reimbursed require a deposit of $150 per course reimbursed,
with full payment due within 50 days after the end of the term.
Tuition is set on an annual basis, payable in three equal installments at
the beginning of each trimester. Registration is permitted only if the
student's account for a previous term is paid in full as agreed. Augsburg
College will not release diplomas or academic transcripts until all student
accounts are paid in full. This also applies for student loan funds
administered by the college (Perkins Student Loan); they must be current
according to established repayment schedules.
•A non-sufficient-funds check will declare your registration invalid and could affect
further credit extended by the college.
•nformation Sessions
Individuals interested in the Master of Arts in EducationLeadership program at Augsburg College are encouraged to
attend an information session. These free, two-hour sessions are
scheduled at various times prior to the beginning of each trimester. Please call the Master of Arts inEducation- Leadership Office
(330-1786) for details or to register for one of these information
Thursday, May 9, 1991
Tuesday, June 18, 1991
Thursday, July 18, 1991
Saturday, October 26, 1991
Tuesday, May 12, 1992
Tuesday, June 16, 1992
Thursday, July 16, 1992
7:00 - 8:00p.m.
10:00 a.m. - noon
10:00 a.m. -noon
9:00 - 11 :00 a.m.
10:00 a.m. - noon
10:00 a.m. - noon
10:00 a.m. - noon
10:00 a.m. -noon
' \ ...:f
·t.rj". ...
For more information write or call:
Master of Arts in Education-Leadership Office
Augsburg College
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Augsburg Col leg0
MN 55454
z ·: .· ·
B alendar
1991- '92
Saturday Schedule: 8:30 a.m. - Noon and 1:15 - 4:45 p.m.
Thursday Schedule: 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. and 8:00 - 9:30 p.m.
Fall Trimester 1991
Class Dates
Thursday, September 5
Saturday, September 14
Thursday, September 19
Saturday, September 28
Thursday, October 3
Saturday, October 12
Thursday, October 17
Thursday, October 31
Saturday, November 9
Thursday, November 14
Saturday, November 23
Thursday, December 5
Leadership Practicum Dates
Saturday, September 7: Workshop for returning students
Saturday, September 21: Assessment Center for new students
Saturday, October 5: Assessment Center for new students
Other Important Dates
Monday, August 19: Application deadline
Wednesday, September 4: Orientation
Monday, September 9: Last day to register and/or drop
Saturday, November 23: Last day to withdraw from class
Monday, December 16: Final grades due
Winter Trimester 1992
Class Dates
Thursday, January 9
Saturday, January 18
Thursday, January 23
Saturday, February 1
Thursday, February 6
Thursday, February 20
Thursday, March 5
Saturday, March 14
Thursday, March 19
Saturday, March 28
Leadership Practicum Dates
Saturday, January 11: Workshop for returning students
Saturday, January 25: Assessment Center for new students
Other Important Dates
Monday, December 2: Application deadline
Wednesday, January 8: Orientation
Monday, January 13: Last day to register and/or drop class
without record notation
Saturday, March 14: Last day to withdraw from class
Monday, April 6: Final grades due
.·- -~ ~.~
.·: ·.
Spring Trimester 1992
Class Dates
Thursday, April 2
Saturday, April 11
Thursday, April 16
Saturday, April 25
Thursday, April 30
Saturday, May 9
Thursday, May 14
Thursday, May 21
Saturday, May 30
Thursday, June 4
Saturday, June 13
Thursday, June 18
Saturday, June 27
tr.f ~,
Leadership Practicum Dates
Saturday, April 4: Workshop for returning students
Other Important Dates
Monday, March 9: Application Deadline
Wednesday, April 1: Orientation
Monday, April 6: Last day to register and/ or drop without notation
Saturday, May 30: Last day to withdraw from class
Monday, July 6: Final grades due
ljee and Payment
Application Fee (payable once, non-refundable)
Tuition (per trimester course)
(one course= 6 quarter credits or 4 semester credits)
Enrollment Reservation Deposit (non-refundable,
applicable to first semester's tuition)
Leadership Practicum Fee (per term for six terms)
Thesis Continuation Fee $100.00
Late Fee, per day (charged to any student registering
after the scheduled registration date).
Late registration includes incomplete registration as
defined: a) Unsigned Registration Form or
b) Unapproved Payment Plan
Registration Change after First Class Meeting
(cancel/add/change grade option, or combination
at one time)
Transcript Fee (per copy after first, which is free)
Finance Charge: A finance charge is applied at a
simple rate of 1% per month on any account with
an open balance of 30 days or more.
The application fee ($25) is due on or before the application deadline
for a given term. The $100 non-refundable deposit (applied to first
semester's tuition) reserves a place in the program in a given term,
once a person is accepted. Tuition is due at the time of registration.
Payment Options*
1) Payment in Full: Due day of registration.
2) Payment Plan: Upon application and after college approval, a 3pay plan is available each trimester. Payment plans will be offered
only if previous plans have been adhered to.
3) Company Reimbursement: Full courses, or equivalent, which are
company reimbursed require a deposit of $150 per course reimbursed,
with full payment due within 50 days after the end of the term.
Tuition is set on an annual basis, payable in three equal installments at
the beginning of each trimester. Registration is permitted only if the
student's account for a previous term is paid in full as agreed. Augsburg
College will not release diplomas or academic transcripts until all student
accounts are paid in full. This also applies for student loan funds
administered by the college (Perkins Student Loan); they must be current
according to established repayment schedules.
> ::.:
•A non-sufficient-funds check will declare your registration in'Clalid and could affect
further credit extended by the college.
1 he most important key to developing a collective will to
overcome many of our commonplace problems is leadership.
Certainly leadership is characterized by more than knowing. It is
also more than acting. It is ultimately defined in coalescing others
to act when they otherwise might not have. Leadership, including
teacher leadership, is ultimately proven in the efforts of others to
attempt to scale heights of human achievement and plunge depths
of human caring not otherwise envisioned."
-Ken Howey
Augsburg College
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Calendar for 1990-'91 .................................................................... 4
Introduction to the Master of Arts in Education-Leadership ... 6
Leadership Development Model ................................................. 7
Curriculum Design ....................................................................... 9
Course Descriptions .................................................................... 10
Graduate Faculty ........................................................................ 12
Library .......................................................................................... 12
Accreditation and Affiliations ................................................... 12
Student Support Services ........................................................... 13
Student Rights ............................................................................. 13
Admission Requirements ........................................................... 14
Application Procedures ...... ......... ..... ........... ..................... ...... .... 14
Evaluation Standards ................................................................. 15
Academic Policies ....................................................................... 16
Fee and Payment Schedule ........................................................ 17
Financial Aid ...... ................... ...................................................... 18
About Augsburg ......................................................................... 21
Campus Map ......................................................... .......... ............ 22
Campus Location ............................... ........... .............................. 23
B alendar
1990-'91 Calendar
Saturday Schedule: 8:30 AM - Noon and 1:15 - 4:45 PM
Thursday Schedule: 6:00 - 7:30 PM and 8:00 - 9:30 PM
Fall Trimester 1990
. ...
Class Dates
Thursday, September 6
Thursday, September 13
Saturday, September 22
Thursday, September 27
Saturday, October 6
Thursday, October 11
Saturday, October 20
Thursday, October 25
Saturday, November 3
Thursday, November 8
Saturday, November 17
Thursday, November 29
Saturday, December 1
Leadership Practicum Dates
Saturday, September 8
Saturday, September 15
Other Important Dates
Monday, August 20: Application Deadline
Wednesday, September 5: Orientation
Monday, September 10: Last day to register and/ or drop
class without record notation
Saturday, November 17: Last day to withdraw from class
Monday, December 17: Final Grades Due
Attendance Policy
Because leadership issues are presented, discussed and analyzed in the classroom, regular attendance is highly important and should be considered a responsibility, not only to
one's self, but to one's classmates and the course instructor.
Irregular attendance may, at the discretion of the instructor,
adversely affect one's grade.
Winter Trimester, 1991
Class Dates
Thursday, January 3
Saturday, January 12
Thursday, January 17
Saturday, January 26
Thursday, January 31
Saturday, February 9
Thursday, February 14
Saturday, February 23*
Thursday, February 28
Saturday, March 9
Thursday, March 14
Saturday, March 23
Thursday, March 28
Leadership Practicum
Saturday, January 5
*One week between classes
Other Important Dates
Monday, December 3: Application Deadline
Wednesday, January 2: Orientation
Monday, January 7: Last day to register and/ or drop
class without record notation
Saturday, March 16: Last day to withdraw from class
Monday, April 1: Final Grades Due
Spring Trimester 1991
Class Dates
Thursday, April 11
Saturday, April 20
Thursday, April 25
Saturday, May 4
Thursday, May 9
Saturday, May 18
Thursday, May 23
Saturday, June 1
Thursday, June 6
Saturday, June 15*
Thursday, June 20
Saturday, June 22
Thursday, June 27
Leadership Practicum
Saturday, April 6
*One week between classes
Other Important Dates
Monday, March 4: Application Deadline
Wednesday, April 10: Orientation
Monday, April 15: Last day to register and/ or drop
class without record notation
Saturday, June 1: Last day to withdraw from class
Monday, July 8: Final Grades Due
6,Jntroduction to the
Master of Arts in
Developing Leaders for Education
The Masters of Arts in Education-Leadership is a program for
educators who value and enjoy their direct contact with
students and want to retain that focu in their careers. It is a
program that at the outset promotes the imp rtance of teaching.
It is also a program that values the role educators can play as
leaders within their places of work.
People who become part of this Master of Arts program will
have opportunities to:
• Examine what "leadership" is and who leads;
• Explore who they are as leaders, both within an educational
setting and outside of it;
• Gain specific knowledge of education and leadership that
can support their development; and
• Develop skills that can increase the effectiveness of their
This program values the role that good educators play in the
lives of students and operates from the belief that educators
need to exercise leadership within the workplace without relinquishing the role of teacher.
Accommodating the Full-Time Work Schedule
The Master of Arts in L adership pr gram is designed to meet
the needs and preferences ol working adults. The pr gram is
bas don the assum,ption that the men and women who enroll
are employed, self-disciplined and well-motivated individuals
who seek a balance of classroom experience, group interaction
and individual study. Each course is, therefore, divided into
period of tudy, group effort and clas pr paration. To accommodate this format for learning, each cla s meet on alternate Saturdays for thr e-and- ne-half hours and alternate
Thursday evenings for one-and-one-half hours.
Leadership Development Model
Th Ma ter of Art in Education-L adership program promotes
leadership as a pl'oce which 1) inspires cooperation among
people who must compete for limit d resource , 2) pr motes
productivity within and beyond the organizati n, and 3) works
toward progress. To accomplish this, individuals aspiring to
positions of leadership must possess thre k y attributes: a
sen e of vision, the ability to persuade and the ability to direct
action. Underlying thes attributes is a broad range of abilities
and awarenesse . Thes abilitie and awarenesses, outlined in
the diagram on page 7, serve as specific outcomes for the
Leadership Development Model
Sense of
Toward Action
+ Social awareness
+ Environmental
+ Tolerance of
religious and
+ Appreciation
of situational
Facility for
+ Long-term
+ Flexibility
+ Adaptability
+ Innovativeness
+ Effective listener
• Effective speaker
+ Effective writer
+ Diplomatic
+ Effective team
+ Interpersonal
Risk Assumptive
+ Curiosity
+ Achievement
+ Self-esteem
+ Self-confidence
+ Analytical ability
+ Ability to think
+ Understanding of
+ Ability to manage
+ Appreciation
for cultural
• World-view
• Tolerance of
Master of Arts in Education-Leadership. Augsburg's model of
leadership development is designed to assess, promote, enhance
and refine these capabilities within the individual.
Community of Learners
Essential to the goals of the Master of Arts in Education-Leadership is participation in a community of learners. Learning can be
enhanced when the student is involved in a stable community
that provides opportunity and encouragement for active participation both in and out of the classroom. This community will be
enriched by the presence of men and women who bring to the
program a variety of work and life experiences.
. ...
To facilitate this kind of community interaction, Augsburg
encourages graduate students to make use of college facilities
such as the library, meeting rooms and the Christensen Center; to
take the opportunity to share meals and coffee breaks; to participate in optional lunchtime seminars; and to attend other college
activities such as music and dramatic presentations and athletic
Leadership Practicum
Master of Arts in Education-Leadership students enroll in a half
course called "Leadership Practicum." Students are required to
enroll in this professional assessment and development course
for six terms during their graduate work at Augsburg. Upon
completion of the entire practicum, students receive a half-course
Early in the program a major component of this practicum is a
full day professional assessment to determine students' abilities
and potential relative to each of the outcomes of the Leadership
Development Model (see page 3). Assessment instruments
include paper and pencil exercises and simulation and group
experiences. Following the assessment, students meet individually with a trained assessor who provides guidance in personal
goal setting and in the creation of a professional development
plan focused on dimensions of leadership.
In subsequent terms "Leadership Practicum" includes workshops designed to meet the needs of students in the following
areas: communication skills, self-assessment measures, group
processes, and other professional development topics identified
by graduate students and staff. These workshops are developed
by students enrolled in the course "Creativity and Problem
Framing. " The Assessment and Leadership Practicum also asks
students to focus on leadership opportunity within their
workplace, or in an appropriate volunteer setting. Students will
develop a learning agreement which outlines the scope of their
project and what they hope to accomplish and learn through that
project. Students will be supported throughout this project by
peer and faculty coaching sessions which meet as an ongoing
part of the Assessment and Leadership Practicum.
B urriculum Design
The Master of Arts in Education-Leadership program is
composed of 12 courses. Each course uses a variety of learning
techniques appropriate to adult learners including case study,
debate, written and oral seminar presentations and small group
activity. These courses develop targeted leadership abilities
and understandings as a boundary crossing endeavor in need
of the leadership skills and visions of people from all levels of
an organization.
The Master of Arts in Education-Leadership will provide opportunities for students to:
conceptual frameworks of leadership
issues of leadership
history of education
current issues in education
conceptual models of teaching and learning
• on the various natures of leadership
• on themselves as leaders
• options and opportunities for leadership in
• on ethics and values in leadership
• themselves as leaders
• situations in which they lead
• programs, projects and ideas
• creative leadership both individual and collective
• a variety of thought processes
Integrate • viewpoints on leadership with p r anal experiences
• viewpoints on education from a variety of
Required Courses Include:
Ethics and Leadership
Legacy of Education
Models of Teaching and Learning
Diversity and Education
Evaluation and Documentation
Creativity and Problem Framing
Models of Educational Process
Politics and Public Policy of School Offerings
Assessment and Leadership Practicum
Thesis Research Seminar I
Thesis Research Seminar II
Thesis Consultation
a ourse Descriptions
EDU 510 Ethics and Leadership
Study of leadership within the context of personal and professional ethics, values and faith. Weighing and balancing competing values within an ethical framework will be explored as a
part of experiential exercises. Leadership issues of gender,
ethnic origins, and culture will be explored. Leaders of past and
present, recognized and unrecognized, will be studied. This
course views the nature and purpose of leadership from a
variety of disciplines and perspectives.
EDU 511 Legacy of Education
Comparative study of education through political, historical,
economic and sociological perspectives. This course will provide a knowledge base for students to discharge their leadership
responsibilities with wisdom gained from knowing the past.
EDU 512 Models for Teaching and Learning
Study of the teaching and learning processes. Recent research
findings about teaching and learning will be examined. Interpretation of the research findings in light of prejudgments
concerning teaching and learning will be explored. Technological applications to the field of teaching and learning will be
EDU 513 Diversity and Education
An exploration of the interrelatedness of world concerns and
cultural diversity as they impact on the field of education.
EDU 514 Evaluation and Documentation
Evaluation and documentation of programs, projects, and ideas
as they relate to educational policy and practice. Qualitative
and quantitative tools will be discussed.
EDU 515 Creativity and Problem Framing
Study and application of the thinking processes as they affect
problem solving and decision making. Models of goal formation, program planning and implementation will be included.
Students will create seminars, to be conducted for peers in the
EDU 516 Models of Educational Process
Exploration of supervisory and consultative models, both
within and outside the field of education. Major topics include
mentoring, peer collaboration, varieties of administrative
processes and procedures and observational techniques.
Developing partnerships and collaborative ventures among
programs and institutions within the community will be a part
of this course. An underlying focus of this course is that of
change: identifying where it's needed, initiating the process,
and adapting to the outcomes.
EDU 517 Politics and Public Policy of School Offerings
Study of school curriculum; selection of curricular offerings,
society's impact on school offerings, politics of curricular
change and offerings, curriculum development and research in
content areas.
EDU 500 Assessment and Leadership Practicum
A professional assessment and practicum which spans six
terms. This course includes a full-day professional assessment;
subsequent seminars designed by the students in the course,
"Creativity and Problem Framing"; and opportunity to design
and implement a leadership project within the workplace with
the support of peer and faculty coaching. Half course. Graded
on a P /N basis.
EDU 590 Thesis - Research Seminar I
This course provides each individual the opportunity to
develop a research topic and to synthesize previous study and
work experience. Graded on P /N basis.
EDU 591 Thesis - Research Seminar II: Synthesis of
This seminar focuses on the results of individual projects
developed in Research Seminar I. At the completion of the
seminar, students present their final results orally and submit
written theses. Graded on P /N basis.
EDU 592 Thesis Consultation
A series of meetings with a faculty thesis advisor simultaneous
with EDU 591 and during the term in which the thesis is being
prepared for final submission. Half course. Graded P /N.
(Students not completing the thesis during the same term in
which they enrolled in EDU 591 are required to pay a thesis
continuation fee during each subsequent term until the thesis
is completed.
a raduate Faculty
Faculty who teach in the Master of Arts in Education-Leadership
program are full-time senior faculty with doctorates or appropriate professional degrees. Some courses are team taught by
bringing together faculty from different disciplines or combining
a faculty member with professionals from relevant fields. In
these situations, at least one member of the team has a Ph.D. and
substantial teaching experience. All of the program faculty have
extensive experience teaching adult learners.
The Augsburg library houses over 160,000 books, periodicals,
records, tapes and films. Music, chemistry and art history libraries are located within the departmental areas. Access to over
1,000,000 volumes is available via daily interloan and courier
service among seven private liberal arts colleges and the Hill
Reference Library. Through Minitex, the statewide network, the
additional resources of the Minnesota and Wisconsin libraries
are accessible to Augsburg faculty and students.
'Blccreditation and
Students who successfully complete Augsburg's EducationLeadership program will receive a Master of Arts Degree.
Augsburg is accredited by the North Central Association of
Colleges and Schools. The college is a member of the Associated
Colleges of the Twin Cities (ACTC), Lutheran Education Council
in North America and Minnesota Private College Council.
Augsburg College is registered with the Minnesota Higher Education Coordinating Board. Registration is not an endorsement
of the institution. Registration does not (necessarily) mean that
credits earned at the institution can be transferred to other
institutions or that the quality of the educational programs
would meet the standards of every student, educational institution, or employer.
Support Services
The Augsburg Master of Alis i11 Education-Leadership
Program assists stud nts i:n making education and career
plans, in working on their personal developme1\t, and in
participating in activities beyond th classroom. Some of thes
service, are listed below.
Academic Planning
In addition to the facu lty who provide consultation and advice,
academic planning is guided by the Leadership Practicum assessors, thesis advisers, and Ma ter of Arts in
Education-Leadership staff.
Career Services available include:
• Professional assessment through the Leadership Practicum
• Self/ career assessment counseling through the Career
Services Office (330-1162)
• Development of a resume and a career-search plan through
the Career Services Office
• Work experience related to a student's field of specialization
through the Coop rative Education Office (330-1148)
• tudent Rights
The College has adopted a statem nt f student rights and responsibilities and ha pr vided for du proce sin the matters
of disciplin, ry action, grievances and grade appeal. Students
who wish to identify appropriate procedmes for complaint
hould contact the Vic President for Student Affair (3 0-1160).
Th College operates in compliance with the Family Rights and
Privacy Act and Title IX. Students hav the right to insp ct aJJ
official records which pertain to them and which are maintained in the Registrar's Office and the Placement Office
(except where a waiver f access ha been signed) and to
challenge inac urate or misleading information. Students hav
a right t experienc education free from discrimination ba ed
on sex, race, tlmic or cultural background, handicap, creed,
marital status or age.
A)dmissions Requirements
Applicants to the programs must hold a baccalaureate degree
from an accredited four-year college or university.
Applicant to the program are expected to have a minimum
undergradua te grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale in an
accredited master's program or demonstration of 3.0 course
work b yond the bachelor' plus a probationary term.
Applicants to the program must have two years of experience
(or equivalent) in a position demonstrating leadership potential
in an educational setting.
Decisions about admission to the program will be made on an
individual basi . Ad mi sion to each entering graduate class will
be given t the most highly qualified individuals. Selection of
candidates will be made on the basis of an evaluation of each
• previous college record
• letters of recommendation
• experience and organizational background
• Miller Analogies Test scores
• written statement and possible interview
m pplication Procedures
To apply, student must submit the following materials to the
Master of Arts in Leader hip Office:
• Completed application form with $25 (non-refundable)
application fee.
• Written statement relating the applicant's career and life
goals focusing on leadership a pirations.
• Letter of recommendation from an immediate supervisor,
assessing leadership potential.
• Letter of recommendation from a co-worker (at the same
level) describing applicant's work style and potential as a
• Official transcripts of undergraduate and graduate work from
each institution attended indicating degrees conferred.
• Official set of re ults on the Miller Analogies Test, or for
applicants whose nativ · language is not English, a minimum
score of 600 on the Test of English as a Foreign Language
• Possible interview with a graduate program staff member.
ID valuation Standards
Evaluation of academic performance for the Master of Arts in
Education-Leadership will be based on number grades using a
4.0 point scale with these definitions:
Achieves highest standards of excellence
Achieves above basic course standards
Achieves the minimum passing standard
Achieves at or above the 2.0 level (not computed
in grade point average)
Does not meet minimum course standards (no credit and
non-punitive-not computed in grade point average)
Grade given when course is dropped
Incomplete grade given when student is unable
to complete course requirements for reasons beyond the
student's control (to receive an incomplete, a student
must file a petition with the Graduate Program staff
stating reasons for the request, the plan and date for
removing the incomplete grade, the signature of the
instructor, and any other necessary docw11entation).
No more than two courses with a grade below 3.0 will count
toward the degree. No more than two courses with a grade
below 2.0 can be repeated. Only the credits and grades earned
the second time are counted in the grade point average.
Academic Probation and Dismissal
Student must maintajn a 3.0 cumulative grade point average.
If a tudent falls bel w a 3.0 average, the student will be plac d
on probation for the following term. A 3.0 cumulatjve grade
point average must be restored in order for a student to b
removed from probation. If a student receives a grade of N in
a course, the student must petition successfully with the
Graduate Program Committee before being permitted to continue in the program. A plan for the student to follow would
be outlined at that time. If the cumulative grade point average
again fall s below 3.0, the student may be dismissed from the
program by the Graduate Program Committee. Students also
may be dismissed by the Graduate Program Committee for
behavior detrimental to the program such as a gross violation
of college policy (as published in the Student Guide). Dismissal would occur only after established procedures were
followed .
Credit for Prior Education, Training and Experience
Transfer credits will be evaluated on an individual basis. No
more than three courses will be accepted for transfer into the
Masters of Leadership-Education program.
Credit and Contact Hours
Each graduate course in the Master of Arts in EducationLeadership program is the equivalent of four semester credits
or six quarter credits. Students meet in class a total of 30 hours
and are responsible for a significant amount of individual
study and preparation.
Enrollment Policy/Leaves of Absence
Students may take either one or two courses each trimester.
Enrolling in two courses per trimester enables a student to
complete the program in two years. All students are required
to comple te th program within fou r years. Extensions beyond
four y ars will b considered on the basi of petition to the
Graduate Program Committee. Students who leave the program for more than one term mu t request a leave of absence
in writing from the Graduate Program Committee.
Last Date to Withdraw from Class
The last date on which students may withdraw from a class
and receive a "W" on their records is noted on pp. 4 and 5.
ee and Payment
Application Fee (payable once, non-refundable)
Tuition (per trimester course)
(one course = 6 quarter credits or 4 semester credits)
Enrollment Reservation Deposit (non-refundable,
applicable to first semester's tuition)
Leadership Practicum Fee (per term for six terms)
Thesis Continuation Fee
Late Fee (charged to any student registering
after the scheduled registration date.)
Late registration includes incomplete registration as
defined: a) Unsigned Registration Form or
b) Unapproved Payment Plan
Registration Change after First Class Meeting
(cancel/add / change grade option, or combination
at one time)
Transcript Fee (per copy after first, which is free)
Finance Charge: A finance charge is applied at a
simple rate of 1% per month on any account with
an open balance of 30 days or more.
per day
The application fee ($25) is due on or before the application
deadline for a given term. The $100 non-refundable deposit
(applied to first semester's tuition) reserves a place in the program in a given term, once a person is accepted. Tuition is due
at the time of registration.
Payment Options*
1) Payment in Full: Due day of registration.
2) Payment Plan: Upon application and after college approval,
a 3-pay plan is available each trimester. Payment plans will be
offered only if previous plans have been adhered to.
3) Company Reimbursement: Full courses, or equivalent,
which are company reimbursed require a deposit of $150 per
course reimbursed, with full payment due within 50 days after
the end of the term.
Tuition is set on an annual basis, payable in 3 equal installments at the beginning of each trimester. Registration is permitted only if the student's account for a previous term is paid
in full as agreed. Augsburg College will not release diplomas
or academic transcripts until all student accounts are paid in
full. This also applies for student loan funds administered by
the college (Perkins Student Loan); they must be current according to established repayment schedules.
*A non-sufficient-funds check will declare your registration invalid and
could affect further credit extended by the college.
Refund Schedule
A per-course tuition refund will be made on the following
basis: (In order to be eligible for the refund, students are responsible for cancelling courses with the Registrar's Office.)
Prior to
Prior to
Prior to
Prior to
Prior to
Prior to
the first scheduled class meeting-100 %
the second scheduled class meeting-90%
the third scheduled class meeting-80 %
the fourth scheduled class meeting-70%
the fifth scheduled class meeting-60%
the sixth scheduled class meeting-50 %
Iiinancial Aid
In a number of ways, students may receive assistance in meeting Graduate Program costs. Enrollment in two courses per
trimester allows the student to be classified as full-time . One
course is considered half-time enrollment. The Office of Student Financial Services (330-1046) assists students in assessing
financial aid eligibility and offers financial aid from available
alternatives, including the following:
Augsburg Tuition Grant
Augsburg College may provide grants and scholarships to
graduate students who show academic potential and have financial need.
Funded Scholarships
Augsburg actively pursues outside funding for special scholarships. The availability of such scholarships enables the participation of individuals of limited financial means as well as individuals working for volunteer agencies and other organizations
not likely to provide tuition reimbursement.
Company Tuition Assistance Programs
Many companies, agencies and corporations offer full or partial
tuition assistance to employees who participate in work-related
or degree-related college programs. Augsburg College provides several payment plans by which employees may handle
tuition reimbursement.
Bureau of Indian Affairs, Tribal and State Indian
American Indian students who meet federal, state or tribal
requirements may apply for these scholarships. Indian grants
generally supplement other sources of financial aid. For assistance in application please contact Augsburg's American Indian
Support Program Director at 330-1138 or your tribal agency.
Federal and State Aid Programs
The Office of Student Financial Services determines eligibility
for any Federal or State financial aid programs available to
graduate students. Determination of eligibility is based on
standard, nationally accepted methodology.
+ Perkins Student Loan-Joint Augsburg College-federally
funded program administered through the College for students who demonstrate financial eligibility. No interest
accrues nor do payments have to be made on the principal at
any time while you are enrolled at least half-time. Simple
interest of 5% and repayment of the principal (at the minimum
of $30 a month) begin six months after you leave school (nine
months for new borrowers after 7-1-87). Repayment may
extend up to 10 years. The maximum which may be borrowed
for combined undergraduate and graduate study is $18,000.
+ SLS (Supplemental Loans for Students)-A Federal loan
program. Independent students may borrow up to $4,000 per
year to a maximum of $20,000 and must be enrolled at least
half-time. Variable interest rate is set annually with a cap of
12%; payment usually begins within 60 days after disbursement. Principal may be deferred until the student ceases halftime enrollment. Interest may, at the lender's option, accumulate until the in-school deferment ends. Students must apply
for financial aid.
+ SELF (Student Educational Loan Fund)-A Minnesota
State loan program. Students may borrow up to $4,000 per
year ($16,000 cumulative) as undergraduates with a $25,000
aggregate maximum when graduate study is included ($1,000
minimum). Interest rate is variable, paid by the borrower
quarterly while in school. Principal payments begin 13 months
after leaving school. Students must apply for financial aid and
be enrolled at least half-time.
+ Stafford Student Loan (formerly the Guaranteed Student
Loan)-Loan funds are obtained directly from a local lender or
state agency in certain states. While the student is attending at
least half-time, there is no interest charge. Simple annual
interest of 8% on the loan balance and repayment of the
principal begin six months after leaving school. Repayment
may extend up to 10 years. The maximum loan is $2,625 for
the first two years and $4,000 for the remaining years of undergraduate study and $7,500 per year for graduate study. The
cumulative undergraduate and graduate maximum is $54,750.
To Apply for Financial Aid:
1) Complete the Application for Admission and indicate your
desire to also apply for financial aid.
2) The Office of Student Financial Services will send you the
necessary application and financial statement form (or you
may pick them up in the Office of Student Financial
Services, 152 Science Hall, or the 'Master of Arts in
Education-Leadership Program Office, 2222 Murphy Place).
3) All students must have a Financial Aid Transcript on file
with Augsburg from each previously attended institution
even if they did not receive aid. Forms are available from
the College.
4) Complete and return the financial aid forms by the
deadlines indicated.
5) Accept the financial aid offered, in whole or in part, within
the deadline stated.
• bout Augsburg
Augsburg was the first seminary founded by Norwegian
Lutherans in America. Named after the confession of faith
presented by Lutherans in Augsburg, Germany, in 1530,
Augsburg opened in September, 1869, in Marshall, Wisconsin,
and moved to Minneapolis in 1872.
Campus Location
Augsburg's campus is located in the heart of the Twin Cities
surrounding Murphy Square, the oldest of 155 parks in the
"City of Lakes." Adjacent to the campus are Fairview and
St. Mary's Hospitals, the West Bank campus of the University
of Minnesota and Mississippi River parkways.
Augsburg College has made a major effort to become one of
the most accessible campuses in the region. Skyways, tunnels
and elevators provide accessible connections between nine of
the 14 major buildings-student housing towers, Christensen
Center, main academic and administrative halls, the library
and music building. In addition, there are programs for
students with learning and physical disabilities.
Church Affiliation
Augsburg is a college of The Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America. About 59 percent of the students are Lutheran,
14 percent other Protestant and 19 percent Roman Catholic.
Several other affiliations are represented among students and
Non-Discrimination Policy
Augsburg College does not discriminate on the basis of race,
creed, national or ethnic origin, age, marital status, sex or
handicap as required by Title IX of the 1972 Educational
Amendments of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
as amended in its admission policies, educational programs,
activities, and employment practices.
D ampusMap
Admissions House
George Sverdrup Library
Science Hall
Old Main
West Hall
Mortensen Tower
Urness Tower
Christensen Center
Memorial Hall
Music Hall
2222 Murphy Place
Melby Hall
Ice Arena
Stage II Theatre
Center for Global
Scandinavian Center
Foss, Lobeck, Miles Center
for Worship, Drama and
Youth and Family Institute
19. Office Annex House
20. Tutor House
21. American Indian Support
and Minority Education
A. Admissions Parking
B. Student Parking
Visitor Parking
D. The Quad
E. Faculty /Staff Parking
F. Murphy Square
G. Anderson-Nelson
Athletic Field
H. Fairview I St. Mary's
Parking Ramp
I. Husby-Strommen
Tennis Courts
J. Resident Parking Only
I6. I
Accessible Entrance
From Minneapolis
Interstate 94 east to 25th A venue exit, left to Riverside
Avenue, left to 21st Avenue South, left at Augsburg sign.
From St. Paul
Interstate 94 west to Riverside exit, right on Riverside
Avenue to 21st Avenue South, left at Augsburg sign.
All posted Augsburg College parking lots are free and
open for student use from 4:30 p.m. Friday through
Sunday evening. Lots are located on 7th Street between
21st and 22nd A venues and north of 8th Street on 21st
A venue. Most street parking is two hour parking, seven
days a week. Additional parking is available in the
Riverside Medical Center ramp, or U of M parking lots
on the north side of Riverside A venue.
Augsburg College__;
Show less
he good we secure for ourselves
is precarious and uncertain ...
until it is secured for all of us
and incorporated into our common life."
-Jane Addams
Augsburg College
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
a... Show more
he good we secure for ourselves
is precarious and uncertain ...
until it is secured for all of us
and incorporated into our common life."
-Jane Addams
Augsburg College
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
able of Contents
Introduction to the Master of Social Work Program .............. .4
Curriculum Design ...................................................................... 5
Course Descriptions ............. ........ ................................................ 8
Library .... ................................................................................. .... 14
Accreditation and Affiliations ......................... ......................... 14
Student Rights .................................. .. ......................................... 15
Admission Requirements .................... ...................................... 16
Application Procedures ........................................... .. ...... .......... 17
Evaluation Standards ..................... .............................. ........ ...... 18
Academic Policies ............................ ..... ..... .. ..... .... ........... ........... 19
Fee and Payment Schedule ............... .. .. ... ....... .......................... 20
Financial Aid ............................. .... ............................ .................. 22
About Augsburg .............................. ........................................... 25
Campus Guide ........................................... ........................ ......... 26
Campus Location ............................... ........................................ 27
Faculty and Administration ...................................................... 28
to the Master
of Social Work
Program Philosophy
The Master of Social Work program at Augsburg College builds
on the strengths of its Bachelor of Social Work program:
... Understanding of and respect for diverse people and
A solid foundation in and integration with the liberal arts
Responsibility and service to and with the broader
community in the interests of social justice
A focus on client empowerment
Preparation for ethical, competent, professional practice
A framework for practice of problem-solving within a
systems perspective.
In the Augsburg Master of Social Work Program, individuals
are recognized as capable of adaptation, growth and change.
Intellectual, physical, spiritual, emotional, psycho-social problems are addressed with clients in relation to the locus of the
issues, be they within the individual, the family, the community, or the larger societal systems. Client self-determination,
growth and empowerment (personal recognition of one's
ability, rights and place in the social change process) are
recognized and fostered through support and education. In the
interests of social justice and constructive social change,
students are educated as professionals to address institutional
oppression, e.g. age, race, religion.
Professional preparation at the Master of Social Work level at
Augsburg is founded on the following assumptions:
T Analysis and presentation of complex social issues and solutions must be based on solid research. Augsburg MSW students will develop competencies to conduct, analyze and
present practice-based research.
T The world is interdependent in all areas, including human
needs and the services to address them. Students will become
knowledgeable of social welfare policies and programs of the
world community which address changing needs.
Accommodating the Full-Time Work Schedule
The Master of Social Work Program is designed to meet the
needs of adult students, e.g. students who are employed, have
family obligations, must travel distances to obtain graduate
social work education. Classes will meet during alternate
weekends in four hour blocks: Friday evening (one class),
Saturday morning and afternoon (two classes). Students will
be required to meet one Sunday afternoon per trimester for a
program seminar on ethical or other professional issues.
urriculum Design
Students must complete 18 courses (12, if Professional Foundation is waived), including the Master's thesis and 900 hours of
professionally supervised, College-approved social work field
experience. The course of study must include the Professional
Foundation (unless waived), the Advanced Curriculum, one
concentration, and two elective courses.
The Professional Foundation is the basic core and is designed
for persons whose baccalaureate degree is in a subject or from
an institution not accredited by the Council on Social Work
Education. These six courses, including 420 hours of Collegeapproved, professionally-supervised field work, must be completed successfully prior to enrollment in the Advanced
Curriculum or Concentrations courses.
The Advanced Curriculum, required of all students, is the
entry point in the program for persons with baccalaureate
degrees in social work from institutions that are accredited by
the Council on Social Work Education, or by students who
have completed successfully the Professional Foundation
The Advanced Curriculum consists of three courses, including
the introductory courses to both concentrations.
Concentrations are in two areas: Family Practice and Program
Development, Policy and Administration. These concentrations total a minimum of six courses beyond the Advanced
Curriculum, including 480 hours of college approved, professionally-supervised field work.
Family Practice
Family, in its diverse forms, is central to society. "Family';
in this context, is interpreted flexibly as the nurturing system
surrounding people. It is inclusive of many areas of need.
As a growing number of family-related challenges face society,
there is an ever-increasing need for professionals who base
their professional practice on in-depth study of the broad
spectrum of issues that confront the family . In the Family
Practice concentration, students will concentrate on empowering the family nurturing systems from a developmental and
wholistic perspective.
Program Development, Policy and Administration
Social change is necessary for fostering policies and service that
respond to human need. The Program Development, Policy,
and Administration concentration has been developed in
response to the growing demand for creative leadership and
administration. Effective services require participative
development, competent practitioners, strong leadership and
effective administration. Students following this concentration
will develop the abilities and skills necessary to promote
and achieve needed change, and develop, lead, guide and
administer programs that will serve diverse people in a variety
of settings.
Students will select two electives beyond the required courses.
Master's Thesis
All students will complete a Master's Thesis synthesizing
research and field practice in their area of concentration.
T SWK589
T SWK 560-579
ourse Descriptions
Professional Foundation
SWK 500 Human Behavior In The Social Environment
This course provides the knowledge basic to an understanding
of human growth through the life cycle, and of the interplay of
sociocultural, biological, and psychological factors which influence the growth of individuals and families in contemporary
American society. Emphasized is the role of the "nurturing
environment" in relation to human growth, the impact of the
"sustaining environment," and other special stresses relevant to
growth. Growth related to populations and groups which
represent ethnic and/ or life-style diversity is also a focus. Students will gain self-understanding through use of their own
SWK 501 History of Social Welfare Policy
This course emphasizes the dynamic nature of social welfare
history and current social systems and social policy as they
relate to all our lives and especially to the lives of clients,
communities and social workers. Comparisons will be made
internationally, with a focus on Britain as influencing early U.S.
"poor law" and social welfare. Special emphasis will be placed
on analyzing the major assumptions, ideas and events which
contributed to the rise of the welfare state and the profession of
social work. The profession's values, ethics and historical
development will also be reviewed. Both theoretically and
practically, this course will enable students to assess the development of social welfare with an understanding of the influence
of social work and of the development and impact of social
SWK 502 Field Work I
Students will select their own field placement from a list of Programapproved agencies.
Beginning supervised professional experience in a social work
setting focusing on interviewing experience and relationship
building. Supportive seminars coordinate an integration of
theory and practice, as well as providing the supportive setting
for raising social work practice issues with peers.
SWK 503 Field Work II
Continuing supervised professional experience in the same social
work setting, consecutive to Field Work I, focusing on refining
previous skills and understanding and moving into new tasks,
showing initiative and progressively more independent work
over time.
SWK 504 Research I
Research plays an important role in building knowledge for
social work practice. This course will provide an overview of
methods commonly used in social science research, in addition to
the ethical and applicability concerns in social work research. Research design will be studied using both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Methods of program evaluation will be discussed. This course will examine various approaches to organizing, comparing and interpreting data. Students will have
beginning hands-on experience with the use of computers to
analyze data statistically.
SWK 505 Methods and Skills of Social Work
This course identifies basic features of the helping process;
theoretical foundation, principles and techniques of Social Work
intervention. It provides role play and simulation experience
necessary for social work practice with individuals, groups,
families and communities. The course also emphasizes system
and social change through an introduction to community organization, social planning and social action. Throughout the course,
work with a diversity of professional, natural helping networks
and client groups is stressed.
Advanced Curriculum
SWK 520 Introduction to Family Practice
Theories and concepts underlying wholistic professional social
work practice with families will be explored. This course will
address concepts of families in their diverse forms and function
in the context of the life cycle of their members, family systems
theory, dual perspective, and stressors which may shape or alter
family development. Ethical issues of professional social work
practice with families are integral to this course.
SWK 521 Introduction to Program Development and
Administration: Organizational Theory
Because social services are commonly carried out through organizations, social workers are usually members of organizations. Thus, organizations and the effective functioning of
social workers within them is the focus of this course. With an
assumption of "organizations as communities," an overview of
theories of organizational development, maintenance and
communication will be presented. The contributions of diversity in the agency I community will be an important focus .
Social workers' important roles in agencies, as well as professional, ethical, effective functioning in organizations will be
SWK 523 & 524 Field Work III & IV
The purposes of the Field Support Seminars are (1) to provide
the student opportunities to share experiences from his/her
practice in a confidential setting; (2) to give and get support,
honest feedback, and valid encouragement on issues regarding
field placements, in particular, and social work practice with
families or in administration/program development, in general;
(3) to discuss and help the student integrate course-work into
the practice experience and to address the objectives of the
course. These seminars accompany the 480 hours of professional supervised field work in the area of concentration.
SWK 527 Research II
This course offers a practice-oriented exploration of the range of
research methods used in social work, a critique of the role of
research in assessing effectiveness in the social service delivery,
and identification with the responsibility of social workers "to
expand the knowledge base" of social work. Building on the
basic research skills developed in Research I, students actively
adopt the researcher's role in relation to both their current
agency experience and their preferred practice setting. The
course will enable students to use basic statistical methods for
organizing, interpreting and analyzing quantitative data, plus
creative techniques for qualitative data.
SWK 589 Research III: Master's Thesis
The study of research, like all of social work, comes alive in the
implementation. A thesis is required of all Master of Social
Work candidates so they may experience and learn the utility of
research to social work practice, and so they can contribute to
the knowledge of social work practice and to the building of
social work theory. The Master of Social Work thesis will be
based on an area of the student's practice focus. The research
- to be selected by the student in consultation with the thesis
advisor - will focus on an area of social need, practice, service
and/ or policy.
Family Practice
SWK 540 Family Practice I
This course builds on content initiated in the Introduction to
Families course, focusing in-depth on the "normal" developmental crises of the family across the lifespan, developing problemsolving methods and learning cross-cultural models of practice.
Various therapy theories will be introduced and critiqued.
Focus on all theories and analysis of service delivery models will
center on their relevance to empowerment of families.
This course is a prerequisite to SWK 541 Family Practice II and
must be taken prior to or concurrent with SWK 523 Field
Work III.
SWK 541 Family Practice II
This course is a continuation of Family Practice I. It will further
explore the family as cause and effect in the community in benefitting from or changing social policy. Students will study issues
for further discussion, culminating in development of their own
service delivery models. Ethical and religious dilemmas (e.g.
abortion, euthanasia) will be raised. Advanced study of family
developmental issues, focusing on catastrophic events and on
empowering families and the profession to take leadership in
developing appropriate intervention strategies.
SWK 542 Family Diversity
This course will examine the various theories underlying professional practice with families in their many diverse forms. Recognizing that the family is the basic institution through which one
is socialized, this course will also examine how family membership shapes one's understanding and appreciation of ethnicity,
gender roles, sociological script. The course also will explore the
impact of discrimination and of political, social, and economic
disorder on diverse families.
SWK 543 Creative Problem Solving for Supervision
This course will examine how social workers can discover their
own creative abilities in relation to innovation in social work
supervision and practice. The course will examine the relationship of creativity and self-esteem. This course will also explore
ways to help others, e.g. workers, clients, agencies and communities to eliminate barriers which inhibit creative responses to
problem-solving and practice.
Program Development, Policy and
SWK 550 Processes of Program Planning and Development
Building on the community organization and research foundation (including needs determination and program evaluation),
the primary processes of program development study in this
course are: techniques of program planning and budgeting,
development of necessary community and larger public
support, identification and mobilization of resources, and
funding proposal preparation.
SWK 551 Organizational Development and Administration
The activities and skills necessary for effective program administration will be studied including short- and long-range
planning; leadership; program implementation and management; personnel recruitment, allocation, supervision and management; social work values and ethics in the workplace;
analysis of financial statements; administrative policy, board
relations and agency policy implementation.
SWK 552 lnterorganization, Community and
Political Relations
The development and maintenance of constructive relationships with external organizations in both the public and
private sectors are critical to successful implementation and
management of social service programs. An organization's
power to influence social policy is related to such relationships. The development and maintenance of these relationships so critical to the provision of services that address
community needs, and the influence of social policy to effect
social change will be the foci of this course. Among the topics
included are: interorganizational relations, public relations,
public information, political activity and leadership.
SWK 553 Advanced Social Policy
All social workers have impact on the development and modification of social policy whether intentionally or unconsciously. This course will provide an in-depth focus on the
development and implementation of social policy at the
various levels of the public and private sectors. The various
means by which social workers can have intentional impact on
policy-making and exercise leadership roles will be studied.
Reading, seminars and an internship in the policy area will be
SWK 560 Issues of Diversity
Students will explore the dynamics and impact of a range of
diversity issues which are inherent in a heterogenous society,
e.g. race, religion, culture, ethnicity, gender, age, mental and
physical condition, affectional orientation, and lifestyle.
SWK 561 Comparative International Social Policy
This course analyzes approaches to social policy in a number of
countries. The course expands U.S. perspective by exploring
alternative approaches to shared social issues, such as unemployment, day-care, income maintenance, education, personal
social service, health and housing. Attitudes toward quality of
life and personal values and assumptions arising from a monocultural viewpoint will be reviewed in a global context. The
operation, methodology and organizational structure of
programs in different countries will be compared with attention to social change and differing socio-political, economic
environments. Attention will be paid to the variety of funding
sources and partnerships between public and voluntary groups
plus the diversity of priorities and traditions which influence
an orientation to the public or voluntary sector. The course
also builds an awareness of current agencies promoting international social policy and poses our responsibility to be internationally aware.
SWK 562 Creativity and the Problem-Solving Process
This course will explore creativity from traditional aesthetics
and from contemporary organizational understanding, showing the similarities and differences in approach. Using creativity as a method, the course will examine techniques for solving
problems in social work practice, for enhancing innovation,
and for seeking an integrative world view. Systems theory will
be studied as an example of an attempt to use an integrative
approach to personal and professional behavior. The class will
integrate social work with other fields in order to broaden the
outcomes of intellectual understanding and self-awareness.
A variety of electives based on student-generated topics will be
offered in this program.
The Augsburg library houses over 160,000 books, periodicals,
records, tapes and films. Music, Chemistry and Art History
libraries are located within the departmental areas. Access to
over 1,000,000 volumes is available via daily interloan and
courier service among seven private liberal arts colleges and
the Hill Reference Library. Through Minitex, the statewide
network, the additional resources of the Minnesota and
Wisconsin libraries are accessible to Augsburg faculty
and students.
AJccreditation and
The Augsburg Master f Social Work program is in the process
of e tabli hing candidacy status with The Council on Social
Work Education. Augsburg is accredited by the North Central
A o iation of Coll ges and Schools. The college is am mber
of the Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities (ACTC), the
Lu'theran Edu ation C uncil in orth Am rica and th
Minnesota Private College Council.
Augsburg College is registered with the Minnesota Higher
Education Coordinating Board. Registration is not an endorsement of the institution. Registration does not (necessarily)
mean that credits earned at the institution can be transferred to
other institutions or that the quality of the educational programs will meet the standards of every student, ducational
institution, or employer.
. .tudent Rights
The College has adopted a statement of student rights and
responsibilities and has provided for due process in the
matters of disciplinary action, grievances and grade appeal.
Any student who wishes to identify appropriate procedures
for a complaint should contact the Vice President for Student
Affairs (330-1160).
The College operates in compliance with the Family Rights
and Privacy Act and Title IX . Students have the right to
inspect all official records which pertain to them and which are
maintained in the Registrar's Office and the Placement Office
(except where a waiver of access has been signed) and to
challenge inaccurate or misleading information. Students have
a right to experience education free from discrimination based
on sex, race, ethnic or cultural background, handicap, creed,
marital status or age.
1Jldmission Requirements
The Augsburg Master of Social Work Program promotes the
widest possible diversity within its student and faculty
populations and across its curriculum content. Therefore, the
admissions policies ensure· educational opportunities that
include persons from a range of abilities, backgrounds, beliefs
and cultures.
Because of the particular nature of the Master of Social Work
program, a strong liberal arts background in the behavioral
sciences is required including a course in biology that includes
study of the human systems, and course work in the social
sciences. Applicants who have completed majors in other than
behavioral sciences are encouraged to apply and will be given
consideration based on their composite assets.
Applicants to the program will be assessed on an individual
basis according to the following guidelines. Strengths in some
areas may balance other areas for development.
1. Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university.
2. A minimum grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
(B average) for the last two years of an undergraduate
program preferred.
3. A minimum of two years of employment or volunteer
experience, one year of which is in the human service area.
4. Personal written statement.
5. Letters of recommendation.
6. Possible interview.
A)pplication Procedures
To apply, students must submit the following materials to the
Department of Social Work:
1. Completed application form with $25 (non-refundable)
application fee.
2. Written personal statement and three letters of reference
which address the applicant's:
demonstrated ability to work with a diversity of people.
personal qualities including responsiveness to others,
judgement, creativity, oral and written communication
skills, integrity, leadership potential, and sensitivity to
the diversity of people.
potential for successful completion of graduate studies in
a professional social work program.
3. Official transcripts of undergraduate and graduate work
from each institution attended which indicate degrees
4. Possible interview with the committee of the Social Work
IB valuation Standards
Evaluation of academic performance for the Master of Social
Work degree will be based on number grades using a 4.0 point
scale with these definitions:
Achieves highest standards of excellence
Achieves above basic course standards
Achieves the minimum passing standard
Achieves at or above the 2.0 level (not computed in
grade point average)
Does not meet minimum passing standard (no credit
and non-punitive -not computed in grade point average)
Grade given when course is dropped
Incomplete grade given in case where student is unable
to complete course requirements for reasons beyond the
student's control. (To receive an incomplete, a student
must file a petition with the Graduate Program staff
stating reasons for the request, the plan and date for
removing the incomplete grade, the signature of the
instructor, and any other necessary documentation.)
Not more than two courses with a grade below 3.0 will count
toward the degree. Not more tha n two courses with a grad e
below 2.0 can b repea ted . Only the credits and grade ea rned
the second time are counted in the grade point average.
A)cademic Policies
Academic Probation and Dismissal
Students must maintain a 3.0 cumulative grade point average.
If a student falls below a 3.0 average, the student will be placed
on probation for the following term. A 3.0 cumulative grade
point average must be restored in order for a student to be
removed from probation. If a student receives a grade of N in
a course, the student must petition successfully with the
Graduate Program Committee before being permitted to
continue in the program. A plan for the student to follow
would be outlined at that time. If the cumulative grade point
average again falls below 3.0, the student may be dismissed
from the program by the Graduate Program Committee.
Students also may be dismissed by the Graduate Program
Committee for behavior detrimental to the program such as a
gross violation of college policy (as published in the Student
Guide). Dismissal would occur only after established procedures were followed.
Credit and Contact Hours
Each graduate course in the Master of Social Work program is
the equivalent of four semester credits or six quarter credits.
Students meet in class a total of 28 hours and are responsible
for a significant amount of individual study and preparation.
Enrollment Policy/Leaves of Absence
Students may take either two or three courses each trimester.
All students are required to complete the program within four
years. Extensions beyond four years will be considered on the
basis of petition to the Graduate Program Committee. Students who leave the program for more than one term must
request a leave of absence in writing from the Graduate
Program Committee.
Each student must be enrolled in the MSW program for the
equivalent of the last year or nine courses.
Transfer Students
Up to nine courses from a C.S.W.E. accredited MSW program
may be transferable if the grades are 3.0 or better. Transfer
students must meet the admissions and residency criteria.
The Augsburg Social Work Program requires both academic
and professional advisement. Both have the same purpose: to
promote student growth, development, and the achievement of
personal goals and professional education. Faculty office hours
are posted on office doors; in addition, students may meet with
faculty at other times by appointment. All social work faculty
are available to students, in addition to the advisor the student
chooses. Social Work faculty consider advising time a high
priority and work to be available.
ee and Payment Schedule
Application Fee (payable once, non-refundable) ............... $25.00
Tuition (per trimester course) ............................... .............. $815.00
(one course = 6 quarter credits or 4 semester credits)
Enrollment Reservation Deposit (non-refundable) ........ $100.00
Late Fee . ................................................. ............. ............. .......... $50.00
(charged to any student registering after the scheduled
registration date.) Late registration per day includes
incomplete registration as defined:
a. Unsigned Registration Form or
b. Unapproved Payment Plan
Registration Change after First Class Meeting .... ................ $5.00
(cancel/add/change grade option, or combination
at one time)
Transcript Fee (per copy after first, which is free) ............... $2.00
Finance Charge: A finance charge is applied at a simple rate
of 1% per month on any account with an open balance of
30 days or more.
The application fee ($25) is due on or before the application
deadline for a given term. The $100 non-refundable deposit
reserves a place in the program in a given term, once a person
is accepted. Tuition is due at the time of registration.
Refund Schedule
A per-course tuition refund will be made on the following
basis: (In order to be eligible for the refund, students are responsible for cancelling courses with the Registrar's Office.)
Prior to the first scheduled class meeting -100%
Prior to the second scheduled class meeting - 80%
Prior to the third scheduled class meeting - 60%
No refund after third scheduled class meeting.
Payment Options*
1. Payment in Full: Due Day of Registration.
2. Payment Plan: Upon application and after college approval,
a 3-pay plan is available each trimester. Payment plans will
be offered only if previous plans have been adhered to.
3. Company Reimbursement: Full courses, or equivalent,
which are company reimbursed require a deposit of $150
per course reimbursed, with full payment due within
45 days after the end of the term.
A finance charge is applied at a simple rate of 1 % per month on
any amount with an open balance of 30 days or more.
Tuition is set on an annual basis, payable in 3 equal installments at the beginning of each trimester. Registration is
permitted only if the student's account for a previous term is
paid in full as agreed. Augsburg College will not release
diplomas or academic transcripts until all student accounts are
paid in full . This also applies for student loan funds administered by the college (Perkins Student Loan); they must be
current according to established repayment schedules.
*A non-sufficient-funds check will declare your registration invalid and could affect
further credit extended by the college.
inancial Aid
....... ·:..
In a number of ways, students may receive assistance in
meeting Graduate Program costs. Enrollment in three courses
per trimester allows the student to be classified as full-time.
Two courses is considered part-time enrollment. The Office of
Student Financial Services (330-1046) will assist students in
assessing financial aid eligibility and offering financial aid
from available alternatives, including the following:
Augsburg Tuition Grant
Augsburg College may provide grants and scholarships to
graduate students who show academic potential and have
financial need.
Funded Scholarships
Augsburg actively pursues outside funding for special scholarships. The availability of such scholarships enables the
participation of individuals of limited financial means as well
as individuals working for volunteer agencies and other
organizations not likely to provide tuition reimbursement.
Company Tuition Assistance Programs
Many companies, agencies and corporations offer full or
partial tuition assistance to employees who participate in
work-related or degree-related college programs. Augsburg
College provides reimbursement.
Bureau of Indian Affairs, Tribal and State
Indian Scholarships
American Indian students who meet federal, state or tribal
requirements may apply for these scholarships. Indian grants
generally supplement other sources of financial aid. For
assistance in applying please contact Augsburg's American
Indian Support Program Director at 330-1138 or your tribal
Federal and State Aid Programs
The Office of Student Financial Services determines eligibility
for any Federal or State financial aid programs available to
graduate students. Determination of eligibility is based on
standard nationally accepted methodology.
Perkins Student Loan - A joint Augsburg Collegefederally funded program administered through the College
for students who demonstrate financial eligibility. No interest
accrues nor do payments have to be made on the principal at
any time you are enrolled at least half-time. Simple interest of
5 percent and repayment of the principal (at the minimum of
$30 a month) begin six months after you leave school (nine
months for new borrowers after 7-1-87). Repayment may
extend up to 10 years. The maximum which may be borrowed
for combined undergraduate and graduate study is $18,000.
SLS (Supplemental Loans for Students) - A federal
loan program. Independent students may borrow up to $4,000
per year to a maximum of $20,000 and must be enrolled at least
half-time. Variable interest rate is set annually with a cap of
12 percent; payment usually begins within 60 days after disbursement. Principal may be deferred until student ceases
half-time enrollment. Interest may, at the lender's option,
accumulate until the in-school deferment ends. Students must
apply for financial aid.
SELF (Student Educational Loan Fund) - A Minnesota State loan program. Students may borrow up to $4,000
per year ($16,000 cumulative) as an undergraduate with a
$25,000 aggregate maxiumum when graduate study is included ($1,000 minimum). Interest rate is variable, paid by the
borrower quarterly while in school. Principal payment begins
13 months after leaving school. Students must apply for
financial aid and be enrolled at least half-time.
Stafford Student Loan (formerly the Guaranteed Student
Loan) - Loan funds are obtained directly from a local lender
or state agency in certain states. While the student is attending
at least half-time, there is no interest charge. Simple annual
interest of 8 percent on the loan balance and repayment of the
principal begin six months after you leave school. Repayment
may extend up to 10 years. The maximum loan is $2,625 for
the first two years of undergraduate study and $7,500 per year
for graduate study. The cumulative undergraduate and
graduate maximum is $54,750.
To Apply for Financial Aid
1. Complete the Application for Admission and indicate your
desire to also apply for financial aid.
2. The Office of Student Financial Services will send you the
necessary application and financial statement form (or
you may pick them up in the Office of Student Financial
Services, 152 Science Hall, or the Graduate Program Office).
3. All students must have a Financial Aid Transcript on file
with Augsburg from each previously attended institution
even if you did not receive aid. Forms are available from
the College.
4. Complete and return the financial aid forms by the
deadlines indicated.
5. Accept the financial aid offered, in whole or in part, within
the deadline stated.
⢠bout Augsburg College
Augsburg College was founded in 1869 in Marshall, Wisconsin, and moved to Minneapolis in 1872. The name Augsburg
College and Seminary changed in 1963 when the Lutheran Free
Church merged with The American Lutheran Church.
Augsburg's 23-acre campus is in the heart of the Twin Cities
metropolitan area, only blocks from downtown Minneapolis
and the intersection of Interstate Highways 94 and 35W.
Adjacent to the campus are the Riverside Medical Center, the
West Bank campus of the University of Minnesota and the
Mississippi River parkways.
Skyways, tunnels and elevators provide accessible connection
between 10 of the 15 major buildings - student housing
towers, College Center, main academic and administrative
halls, the Library, Music Hall and Foss Center for Worship,
Drama and Communication.
We have made a major effort to become one of the most accessible campuses in the region. Our skyway-tunnel system lets
you reach any of 10 major buildings without going outside. In
addition to building changes, we have a student-run program
to increase awareness and provide extra help for students with
Church Affiliation
Augsburg is a college of The Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America. About 51 percent of the students are Lutheran,
15 percent other Protestant and 15 percent Roman Catholic.
Several other affiliations are represented among students and
Non-Discrimination Policy
Augsburg College does not discriminate on the basis of race,
creed, national or ethnic origin, age, marital status, sex or
handicap as required by Title IX of the 1972 Educational
Amendments or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as
amended in its admission policies, educational programs, activities, and employment practices.
ampus Guide
1. Admissions House
2. George Sverdrup Library
3. Science Hall
4. Old Main
5. West Hall
6. Mortensen Tower
7. Urness Tower
8. Christensen Center
9. Sverdrup-Oftedal Memorial
10. Music Hall
11. 2222 Murphy Place
12. Melby Hall
13. Ice Arena
14. Stage II Theatre
15. Center for Global Education
16. Scandinavian Center
17. Foss, Lobeck, Miles Center
for Worship, Drama and
18. Youth and Family Institute
19. Office Annex House
20. Tutor House
21. American Indian Support
and Minority Education
Admissions Parking
Student Parking
c. Visitor Parking
D. The Quad
E. Faculty /Staff Parking
F. Murphy Square
G. Anderson-Nelson
Athletic Field
H. Fairview /St. Mary's
Parking Ramp
Tennis Courts
J. Resident Parking Only
I6. I
Accessible Entrance
c ampus Location
From Minneapolis
Interstate 94 east to 25th A venue exit, left to Riverside
Avenue, left to 21st Avenue South, left at Augsburg sign.
From St. Paul
Interstate 94 west to Riverside exit, right on Riverside
Avenue to 21st Avenue South, left at Augsburg sign.
All posted Augsburg College parking lots are free and open
for student use from 4:30 p.m. Friday through Sunday
evening. Lots are located on 7th Street between 21st and
22nd Avenues and north of 8th Street on 21st Avenue. Most
street parking is two hour parking, seven days a week.
Additional parking is available in the Riverside Medical
Center ramp, or U of M parking lots on the north side of
Riverside A venue.
acuity and
Maria Brown, Assistant Professor of Social Work.
B.A., M.A., American University; M.S.W., University
of Minnesota.
Francine Chakolis, Assistant Professor of Social Work.
B.S., Augsburg College; M.S.W., University of
Edwina Hertzberg, Associate Professor of Social Work.
Director of Faculty Development. A.B., Cedar Crest
College; M.S.W., Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Rosemary Link, Assistant Professor of Social Work.
B.A. Southhampton University; C.Q.S.W., London
University (Bedford College); Ph.D., University of
Vincent Peters, Assistant Professor of Social Work.
B.A., Loyola College; M.S.W., University of Madras.
Mary Lou Williams, Associate Professor of Social Work.
B.F.A., M.S.W., University of Pennsylvania.
Edith Kromer, Weekend Librarian. B.A., Hamline
University; M.A., University of Minnesota.
Elizabeth Vander Schaaf, Associate Dean for Graduate and
Special Programs. B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A.,
Ph.D., University of Iowa.
Maria Woroby, Reference Librarian and Weekend Supervisor.
B.S., M.A., University of Minnesota.
Augsburg College_;
Show less
1990 Fall
1991 Winter
1991 Spring
Trimester *
Application Deadline
Aug 15
Nov 26
Mar 4
Applicant Pile Completion
Aug 27
Dec 17
Mar 18
Aug 25
Sept 6
Mar 30
Aug 17
Aug 25
S e ~ t6
Dec 14
Jan 3
Mar 22
Mar 30
Sept 7-9
6... Show more
1990 Fall
1991 Winter
1991 Spring
Trimester *
Application Deadline
Aug 15
Nov 26
Mar 4
Applicant Pile Completion
Aug 27
Dec 17
Mar 18
Aug 25
Sept 6
Mar 30
Aug 17
Aug 25
S e ~ t6
Dec 14
Jan 3
Mar 22
Mar 30
Sept 7-9
New Student Orientation
Registration (Schedule
Mail Deadline
New Students/Make-up
Classes Begin
Last Day t o add or drop
Sept 9
class without record notation
Last Day t o change grade
Oct 21
option 7June 3
Nov 18
Classes end
Nov 30-Dec 2 Mar 15-17
June 14-16
Final Exams
Dec 7-9
Mar 22-24
June 21-23
Final Grades Due
Dec 17
Classes Meet
30 -Dec 2
Mar 11
Last Day t o drop a class
31 2
*Classesin Spring Trimester will be four hours in length instead of three and
one-halfhours. See page 34for exact times.
Frequently Called Telephone Numbers
Weekend College Office ..........................................
........... ............ ..,330-1640
Director, Rick Thoni .................., ...
Operations, Laurel Orthmeyer ......... .. .... ...... .... .........330-1740
Admissions ............................................ ................... 330- 1792
Data Entry, Robin Sanderson ...................................330-1652
Secretary, Ruth Danielson ........ ..... .......................... .330-1782
....,,., 330-1777
Enrollment, Deidre Middleton .......................
Other Campus Numbers:
Bookstore, Christensen Center .................................330.1'122
Business Office, Science Hall:
Cashier: 8:30 a.m.4:OO p.m. ............................. 330-1028
Billing: 8:00 a.m.4:30 p.m. ...............................330-1790
Education Department, Library Bldg. .......................330-1130
Financial Aid Office, Science Hall ......................... ....330-1046
Counseling and Career Planning, Memorial Hall ......330-1162
Library ..................................................................... 330-1017
Nursing Department, Memorial Hall ........................330-1209
Registrar (transcripts, grades), Science Hall ...............330-1036
General Information .................................................330-1000
Weekend College Office Hours:
Monday-Friday - 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. (evening hours by
Office Hours on Class Weekends:
Friday - 5:30 p.m.-6:15 p.m., Old Main 12
Saturday - 8:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Old Main 12 or WEC office
Sunday - 12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m., Old Main 12
Weekend College Office Location:
The Weekend College Office is at 2222 Murphy Place, located
on the corner of 23rd Avenue and 7 1/2 Street on the Augsburg
College Campus (see map on page 81).
This bulletin is a supplement to the Augsburg College Catalog and is
published for the convenience of Augsburg Weekend College students.
Weekend College is a program of Augsburg College and is subject to the
policies and provisions as stated in the Augsburg College Catalog.
......................................... 4
GENERAL INFORMATION .....................
Introduction to Augsburg Weekend College ...................... .............4
Characteristics of the Educational Program .........................................-. 6
........................................... 7
Student Support Services ....................
Career Placeme~lt..............................................................................
Academic Skills Center (Tutoring) ................................................
Veterans of Military Service ..............................
....,., .........................7
Disabled Student Program ................................,.................................7
ACADEMIC INFORMATION ...........................................................
Degrees and Majors .............................................................................
......................................... .
........................................................ 12
Computer Science ............................................................................ 1 4
Economics .................... ...........................................*........*.........
Education ........................................................................................
Teaching Licensure ....................,.... ..,.........................................
English ......................
Management Illformation Systems (MIS) .........................................19
Nursing .....................
Psychology ...........................................................
Religioll .....................
. * . . *Work
. . . . . ....................
. . . . . . . . . . ..
Minors ...............................................................................................
..............2 3
Math Placeme~ltGroup Requirements .................................
. Dean's
. List
. .................................
Academic Progress, Probation and Dismissal ..........................................24
..,.,.. . . .....-..
Attendance Policy ..........................................
Department Course Limits ......................
Grading Procedures ............................
Withdrawal from College .............................. . .................................
Graduation with Distinction ................................................................
Assessment of Previous Learning (APL) ................,.......+......,............... 28
CLASS SCHEDULE 1990-1991 ........................................
.................................. 3
COURSE DESClUPTIONS ......................
Admissions Requirements and Procedures ............................. ,
Aid ............................ .
Fees and Payment Schedule ...................
,,.............................................7 8
Payment Options .........................
Refund Schedule .............................,..................+..................... ...........79
Tuition Refund Policy ...........................................~................~..~.....~a
........................,.. .,,.............................80
CAMPUS GUIDE .......................
. . . . . . . ...................................82
Introduction to Augsburg Weekend College
Augsburg Weekend College provides an educatio~lalalternative to adults
who desire college experience but who work or have other commitments
during the week. I t is a means by which men and women may earn a
bachelor's degree, gain skills for professio~laladvancement, prepare for
career change, or pursue a personal interest in one or more areas of the
liberal arts.
The Augsburg Weekend College program is designed to meet the needs
and preferences of adult learners. The program is based on the assumption that the lnen and women who enroll in Weekend College will be
mature, self-disciplined and well-motivated adult learners who seek a
balance of classroo~nexperience and individualized study. Each course is
therefore divided into periods of concentrated on-campus study separated by time for independent study and class preparation.
T o accommodate this format for learning, classes meet o n alternate
weekends for three and a half hours on either Friday evening, Saturday
morning, Saturday afternoon, or Sunday afternoon.* Each class selected
by the student illvolves comlnitmellt t o one of these four class periods.
Weekend College students may take from one to four different courses
by attending class every other weekend.
Community of Learners
Essential to the goals of Augsburg Weekend College is participation in a
community of adult learners. Learning can be ellhanced when the
t y provides opportunity and
student is i~lvolvedin a stable c o ~ n m u ~ l ithat
encouragement to become involved in interaction both in and out of the
classroom. This comm~ulitywill be enriched by the presence of both
Inen and wolnen with a varietv of work and life experiences.
T o facilitate this kind of comrnu~lityinteraction, Augsburg encourages
Weekend College students to make use of college facilities such as the
library and college center, t o take the opportunity of having shared
meals and coffee breaks, to participate in optional lunchtime seminars,
and t o attend other college activities such as music and dramatic presen'
tations and athletic events.
* Laboratory sections or additional class hours way be scheduled on
evenin~sduring the ~veelz.
Information Sessions
Adults who are interested in Augsburg Weekend College are encouraged
to attend one of the information sessions that are scheduled throughout
the year. These information sessions are free of charge and are approximately two hours in length. Please call the Weekend College Ofice
(330-1782) to receive further details on these information sessions or to
sign up for one of the following dates:
For Fall Trimester, 1990
Tuesday, May 15
Saturday, June 2
Saturday, June 23
Tuesday, July 10
Saturday, July 28
Thursday, August 9
5:30 PM
5:30 PM
5:30 PM
For Winter Trimester, 1991
Saturday, October 6
Thursday, November 1
5:30 PM
Saturday, November 17
For Spring Trimester, 1991
Saturday, January 26
Thursday, February 7
5:30 PM
Saturday, February 23
For more information write or call:
Augsburg Weekend College Office
Augs burg College
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, M N 55454
FAX: 612/330-1695
Educational Mission
For over a century Augsburg College has emphasized intellectual
freedom in the search for knowledge. Our academic program builds on
a liberal arts foundation to help students understand the past, interpret
the present, and plan for the future.
As in the weekday program, Augsburg Weekend College offers students
a unique combination of the liberal arts disciplines and professional education. Our goals are to help students develop the intellectual skills and
attitudes to be life-long learners, increase their competence jn selected
areas of professional work, and accomplish a higher level of personal
Accreditation and Affiliations
Augsburg College is hlly accredited by the North Central Association of
Colleges and Secondary Sc.hools and the National Council for the
Accreditation of Teacher Education (Secondary and Elementary). Our
programs are approved by the American Chemical Society, The Council
on Social Work Education and the National League for Nursing. We are
a member of the Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities (ACTC),
Lutheran Education Council in North America, Minnesota Private
College Council, and the National Association for Music Therapy, Inc.
Augsburg College is registered with the Minnesota Higher Education
Coordinating Board. Registration is not an endorsement of the institution. Registration does not mean that credits earned at the institution
can be transferred to other institutions or that the aualitv of the educa-
Augsburg College prides itself on its highly qualified faculty. Members
of the faculty serve as academic advisers to students who are in the premajor stage of planning as well as to students in declared major fields.
Students and faculty use a carefully selected library of some 150,000
volumes plus audio-visual materials, with access to over 5,000,000
volumes through the Twin Cities private college consortium and
Student Support Services
Augsburg Weekend College provides a number of student services to
assist adults in making educational and career plans, accomplishing the
academic tasks of a college education, working 011 their own personal
development, and participating in activities beyond the classroom. Some
of these services are:
Academic Planning
All Augsburg Weekend College students will have access t o expert
academic advising services on an on-going basis t o provide for efficient,
effective planning. Students enrolling in Weekend College who have had
college experience will have their previous work evaluated early in the
Career Planning Services
Staff from the Career Planning and Placement Office will assist adults in
assessing their career goals and personal abilities. This service, in combination with sound academic advising from faculty in a chosen major field,
can result in an appropriate and manageable educatio~laland career plan
for the individual involved.
Academic Skills Center (Tutoring)
This center exists t o help students enhance their skills in the areas of
writing, reading, math, time management, and study skills. Academic
tutors in specialized course areas are also available through the center.
Counseling/Support Groups
Individual and group activities are available to students who wish to work
o n a perso~lalgrowth interest or concern or who simply want t o have the
experience of being in a support group of people who share some similar
characteristics and/or interests.
Veterans of Military Service
Augsburg is approved by the State Approving Agency for Vetera~ls
Training. Veterans should c o ~ ~ s uwith
l t the Office of the Registrar about
completio~lof the enrollment certificate and the forwarding of other
information t o the Veterans Administration. (Please refer to the
Augsburg College Catalog for more detailed information.)
American Indian Support Program
Staff from this program are available t o assist students in the areas of
financial aid, admissions, academic and personal counseling.
Disabled Student Programs
Learning disabled st~tdentshave average or above average intelligence
but have difficulty achieving their fill1 potential. Services available t o
such students include: diagnostic evaluation, educational planning,
learning aids and remedial instruction. If students are concerned that
difficulties in school are more than just temporary problems, they can
discuss their learning style with the Coordi~latorof Disabled Students or
the learning disabilities specialists, and arrange assessment and structures
assistance t o increase their potential for academic success.
Physically challenged students also are served through this office.
Individualized attention and services are provided for and/or coordinated t o meet the mobility needs of students.
ademic Information
egrees and Majors
Augsburg Weekend College allows adults to begin a bachelor's degree
program or to continue their education after beginni~lgat another time
or institution. It also enables adults to add a second major to an already
completed college degree. The followi~lginformation outlines what is
involved in completing a degree or major in Augsburg Weekend
College. (For more detailed information regarding graduation requirements, please refer to the Augsburg College Catalog.)
Bachelor's Degree
The bachelor's degree program in Augsburg Weekend College is
essentially the same as the weekday program. A total of 35 semester
courses are required to graduate and may be fulfilled through combinations of transfer of previous college credit, assessment of previous
learning experience, and Weekend College courses. (Augsburg semester
courses are valued at 4 semester credits and 6 quarter credits.) I~lcluded
in the 35 total courses must be an approved major program, 11 upper
division courses, and courses selected from the following liberal arts
spectrum (transfer courses and courses taken in the major may also be
counted for distribution requirements):
w One approved course from each of seven areas:
1. Art/Music
2. History/Philosophy
3. Economics/PoliticaI Science
4. English/Speech, Communication and Theater Arts (devoted to
the study of literature)
5 . Psychology 105/Sociology 121 (or the equivalent transfer
6. Chernistry/Biology
7. Matl~ematics/Pl~ysics
w A course in writing (English 111) or demonstrated proficiency
a Two courses or demonstrated competence in a second language
w Three courses (or one course per year of study) in religious studies
w One course in the area of urban concerns, women's studies, or
minority studies.
35 total courses, a student must demonstrate
proficiency in two lifetime sports.
w I n addition to the
Augsburg Weekend College students may select from 11 separate
majors, several with a number of career concentrations. A minor also is
available in several o f these academic areas as well as in Sociology and
Women's Studies. (See page 23 for details.)
Business Administration
This major prepares students in the areas of management, financial
accounting, finance, marketing and international business. T o provide a
combination of applied skills and theoretical background, each of these
majors is interdisciplinary in approach, including an average of 1 0
business administration courses and six courses from supporting fields
such as economics, computer programming, communications, philosophy, and mathematics. Majors in Business Administration are candidates
for the Bachelor of Arts degree.
Core Courses
All students who pursue a major in Business Administration will com
plete the following core courses:
BUS/MIS 175 Computers for Business, Economics and MIS
BUS 22 1 Principles of Accounting I
BUS 222 Principles of Accounting I1
BUS 242 Principles of Management
BUS 252 Principles of Marketing
BUS/MIS 279 Quantitative Methods for Business, Economics
and MIS
BUS 33 1 Financial Management
BUS 391 Business Law
ECO 112 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 113 Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 31 1 Public Finance
ECO 3 12 Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECO 315 Money and Banking
ECO 3 1 3 Intermediate Microeconomics
Accounting Concentration
Students who wish to pursue a Business Administration major with a
concentration in accounting will complete the following courses in
addition to the core:
Accounting Theory and Practice I
Accounting Theory and Practice I1
Managerial Cost Accounting
Tax Accounting
423 Auditing
425 Advanced Accounting
Students in this major should seriously consider one or more courses
from the following list:
BUS 399 Internship
ENG 223 Writing for Business and the Professions
PHI 120 Ethics
Those planning a career in accounting are strongly encouraged to
complete the remaining courses in the 326, 423 and 425 sequence.
Finance Concentration
Students wishing to pursue a Business Administration major with a
concentration in finance will complete the following courses in addition
to the core:
Accounting Theory and Practice I
Financial Theory: Policy and Practice
Investment Theory
Management Science
41 5 Managerial Economics
479 Intermediate Quantitative Methods for Business,
Economics and MIS
Students in this major should seriously consider one or more courses
from the following list:
Managerial Cost Accounting
Tax Accounting
Writing for Business and the Professions
International Business Concentration
Students wishing to pursue a Business Administration major with a
concentration in international business will complete 11 of the 12 core
courses (ECO 31 1 or 312 or 315 is not required) and the following:
International Business
International Marketing
International Management
499 Independent Study
360 International Trade and Finance
semesters of a foreign language
Management Concentration
Students wishing to pursue a Business Administration major with a
concentration in management will complete the following courses in
addition to the core:
BUS 340 Human Resource Management
BUS 440 Operations Management
ECO 318 Management Science
PSY 373 Organizational Psychology
SOC 349 Complex Organizations
Students in this major should seriously consider one or more courses
from the following list:
Writing for Business and the Professions
Psychology of the Individual
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Social Psychology
Racial and Minority Group Relations
Public Speaking
Interpersonal Communication
Marketing Concentration
Students wishing to pursue a Business Administration major with a
concentration in marketing will complete the following courses in
addition to the core:
BUS 352 Marketing Research and Analysis
BUS 450 Marketing Management
ECO 41 5 Managerial Economics
BUS 355 Marketing Communication
Students in this major should seriously consider one or more courses
from the following list:
BUS 399 Internship
ENG 223 Writing for Business and the Professions
PHI 120 Ethics
SPC 35 1 Argumentation
SPC 352 Persuasion
Business Minor
BUS 22 1 Principles of Accounting I
BUS 242 Principles of Management
BUS 252 Principles of Marketing
BUS 33 1 Financial Management
ECO 112 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 113 Principles of Microeconomics
Other configurations of the Business Administration minor may be
permitted on consultation with the department chairperson.
Master of Arts in Leadership
Weekend College students should be aware that Augsburg College offers
a Master of Arts in Leadership degree. This unique program offers
multi-disciplinary liberal arts courses with a specific focus on leadership
issues in profit and not-for-profit organizations. Designed to meet the
needs and preferences of working adults, these graduate program classes
meet on alternate Saturdays and alternate Thursday evenings. For
information on this master's degree program, please call 330-1786.
Our quality of life, both personally and professionally, depends in large
part upon the quality of our communication. The communication major
at Augsburg is designed to enhance understanding of communication in
a variety of contexts and to improve communication skills. All communication majors must complete a core group of eight required courses,
supplemented by five electives in one of the following concentrations:
public relations and advertising, marketing communication, human
relations, or supervisory management. Prospective majors should meet
with a departmental adviser as early as possible to design an approved
major program, preferably by the end of the sophomore year. Majors in
communication are candidates for the Bachelor of Arts degree.
Required Communication Core
SPC 11 1 Public Speaking
SPC 342 Mass Communication in Society
SPC 35 1 Argumentation
SPC 352 Persuasion
SPC 354 Interpersonal Communication
SPC 355 Small Group Communication
Any two of the following: ENG 223,225,226, or 227
Communication Electives
With the help of an academic adviser, students select five elective courses
in one of the following concentrations: public relations and advertising,
marketing communication, human relations, or supervisory management. Listed below are some of the electives recommended for each
Public Relations and Advertising
Students interested in the Public Relations emphasis are strongly urged
to take ENG 227 (Journalism) as part of the major.
BUS 242 Principles of Management
BUS 252 Principles of Marketing
BUS/MIS 279 Quantitative Methods for Business, Economics
and MIS
BUS 355 Marketing Communications
ENG 226 Creative Writing
ENG 227 Journalism
PSY 373 Organizational Psychology
SOC 349 Complex Organizations
SPC/ART 132 Photography
SPC/ART 224 Publication Design
SPC/ART 225/230 Visual Communications I, I1
SPC 345 Organizational Communication
SPC 399 Internship
SPC 480 Public Relations/Promotiona1 Communications
Marketing Communications
BUS 252 Principles of Marketing
BUS 352 Marketing Research and Analysis
BUS 355 Marketing Communications
BUS 450 Marketing Management
SPC 399 Internship
SPC 480 Public Relations/PromotionaI Communications
Human Relations
48 5
Organizational Psychology
Counseling Psychology
Sociology of the Family
Racial and Minority Group Relations
Complex Organizations
Intercultural Communication
Organizational Communication
Public Relations/Promotional Communications
Supervisory Management
BUS/MIS 175 Computers in Business, Economics and MIS
BUS 242 Principles of Management
BUS/MIS 279 Quantitative Methods for Business, Economics
and MIS
BUS 340 Human Resource Management
BUS 35 5 Marketing Communications
BUS 440 Operations Management
PSY 373 Organizational Psychology
SOC 349 Complex Organizations
SPC 345 Organizatio~lalCommunication
SPC 399 Internship
SPC 480 Public Relations/Promotiona1 Communicatio~ls
Communication Minor
SPC 111 Public Speaking
SPC 342 Mass Communication in Society
SPC 351 Argumentation
SPC 352 Persuasio~l
SPC 354 Interpersonal Communication
SPC 345 Organizatiollal Communication
SPC 355 Small Group Communication
Any one of the following: ENG 223,225,226, or 227
Prospective minors must obtain prior approval from a communication
faculty adviser.
Computer Science
At least since Socrates, scholars have appreciated the value of mathematics in developing skills of critical thinking, understanding abstract
concepts, and analyzing and solving problems. Computer Science
courses at Augsburg are intended to help develop these skills. In
addition, an increasing number of academic disciplines require a working
knowledge of the tools of mathematics and computer science. This
major serves students studying/working in a wide variety of fields.
Some courses may need to be taken in an evening schedule. Students
should meet with a faculty adviser as soon as possible to plan their course
of study.
Introductory Courses
Structured Programmiilg
Data Structures
Discrete Mathematics
Calculus I
Core Courses
Theory of Computation
Principles of Computer Organization
Priilciples of Programming Language
Three electives from the following, two of which must be selected from
courses with an asterisk:
*CSC 270
*CSC 340
*CSC 352
CSC 399
*CSC 445
CSC 495
CSC 499
CSC 491
261 Electronics
Digital Communications and Computer Networks
Database Management and Design
Operating Systems and Computer Architecture
Advanced Topics in Computer Science
Independent Study
Computer Science Colloquium is required for all juniors
and seniors. This no-credit course meets weekly.
Computer Science Minor
Six courses including the four introductory courses and two of the core
This major is also available in the Weekend schedule. However, one
course (ECO 414) may need to be taken on an evening schedule.
Students are encouraged to meet with a faculty adviser as soon as
possible to carelidly plan their program of study.
BUS 22 1 Principles of Accounting I
BUS 222 Principles of Accounting I1
ECO 112 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 11 3 Principles of Microeconomics
ECO/MIS 279 Quantitative Methods for Business, Economics
and MIS
ECO 3 12 Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECO 3 1 3 Intermediate Microeconomics
ECO 414 Welfare Economics
MAT 114 Elementary Functions
Three additional upper division economics courses
Students in this major should seriously consider one or more courses
from the following list:
MAT 124
MAT 125
MIS 370
175 Computers for Business, Economics and MIS
Calculus I
Calculus I1
Advanced Computing for Business, Economics and MIS
Economics Minor
ECO 112, 113, 312, 313 and one additional upper division course.
Other configurations may be permitted on consultation with the department.
Teaching Licensure
Teaching licensure programs are offered for Kindergarten-Elementary
and selected Secondary fields through Weekend College. Individualized
programs are worked out with an adviser in either Elementary or Secondary education. T o be admitted to the Education Department the
student will have achieved an overall 2.5 G.P.A. plus a 2.5 G.P.A. in
his/her major field. All professional courses with the exception of
Clinical Experience and Student Teaching are available on a weekend
schedule. In addition to Kindergarten-Elementary, Augsburg Weekend
College grants secondary licenses in English-Language Arts and Social
Studies. Students may also work individually on the following majors
offered in conjunctio~lwith day school: French, German, Health, Life
Science, Mathematics, Physical Science (Chemistry or Physics), Science
(grades 5-9), Spanish, Speech, Theater Arts, and in the special areas of
Art (I<-12), Band (K-12), and Classroom Music (5-12), Orchestra (K1 2 ) and Classroom Music (5-12), Vocal and Classroom Music (I<-9),
Vocal and Classroom Music (5-12), and Physical Education (I<-12).
Contact an Education Department adviser for information in your field
of study and for an application for admission to the Department of
Education. Students entering the licensure program in Fall, 1989, or
later and wanting I<-6 licensure, must take EDE 375.
All students must apply for acceptance into the Education Department and take a PPST test before beginning professional education
courses (those numbered in the 300-400 level). Any course grade
below 2.0 must be retaken.
Elementary Education
EDE 350 Creating Learning Environments (.5 course)
EDE 35 1 Techniques of Teaching Reading
EDE 363 Clinical Experiences (.5 course)*
EDE 364 I~lterdisciplinaryStudies (.25 course)
EDE 375 Discovery in the World of Itindergarten (.5 course)
EDE 376 I<-El Social Studies (.25 course)
EDE 377 K-El Science (.25 course)
EDE 379 I<-El Art (.25 course)
EDE 380 K-El Music (.25 course)
EDE 382 I<-El Math (.5 course)
EDE 386 Children's Literature (.5 course)
EDE 387 Language Arts (.5 course)
EDE 388 I<-El Health (.25 course)
EDE 389 I<-El Physical Educatio~l(.25 course)
EDE 4 8 1 Student Teaching
EDE 482 Student Teaching
EDE 483 Student Teaching
EDE 484 Student Teaching
E D U 264 Orientation to Education in an Urban Setting (.5 course)*
E D U 341 Media Technology (.5 course)
E D U 388 Human Relations (.5 course)
H P E 114 Safety Education (.5 course)
H P E 115 Chemical Dependency (.5 course)
SWI< 260 Humans Developing
College Level Math Course
Academic Minor or Second Major
*Field Experience Separate
Applications for student teaching must be completed by October
30, 1990, for Winter/Spring Student Teaching 1991 and March
30, 1991, for Fall Student Teaching 1991. Students must be
admitted to the Education Department before they can be considered for student teaching.
Secondary Education
EDS 350 Reading in the Content Areas (.5 course)
EDS 352 Clinical Experience (.5 course)*
EDS 353 Creating Learning Enviro~llnents
EDS 4 7 7 School and Society Seminar (.5 course)
EDS 481 Student Teaching
EDS 482 Student Teaching
EDS 483 Student Teaching
EDS 484 Student Teaching
E D U 264 Orientation to Education in an Urban Setting (.5 course)"
E D U 341 Media Technology (.5 course)
E D U 388 Human Relations ( . 5 course)
H P E 114 Safety Education (.5 course)
H P E 115 Chemical Dependency ( . 5 course)
SWIG 260 Humans Developing
Special Methods in Licensure Field
*Field Experience Separate
Applications for student teaching must be completed by October
30, 1990, for Winter/Spring Student Teaching 1991 and March
30, 1991, for Fall Student Teaching 1991. Students must be
admitted to the Education Department before they can be considered for student teaching.
Major for Secondary Teaching
Licensure in Social Studies
Students preparing to teach social studies on the high school level must
complete, in addition to the professional requirements to be met within
the Department of Education, a competency program designed to
provide a broad foundation in the social sciences. Students must
complete a major in one of five fields - Economics, History, Political
Science, Psychology or Sociology (the History major is described below)
plus seven courses (ECO 112 or 113, Human Geography, HIS 222,
POL 158, PSY 105, SOC 121 and 336). Students considering a career
in social studies education should consult, as soon as possible, the
Augsburg Department of Education and the Social Studies Coordinator.
History Major: Eight courses plus one seminar. At least four of these
courses must be upper division. A major must have at least one course
(either survey or upper level) from each of these four areas: Ancient and
Medieval; Modern Europe; U.S.; and non-Western.
Coaching Endorsement
Students interested in adding a coaching endorsement must complete
these courses in Physical Education: 353, 475, 482, and 489. Individuals must hold a valid Minnesota Teaching License to qualify for the
coaching endorsement.
Prerequisite: BIO 103: Human Anatomy and Physiology
Those who study English believe that an intense concern for words,
ideas and images helps us understa~idwho we are and who we can
become. Writing helps us clarify and share our thoughts. Literature
helps us conte~nplatethe pains and joys of human existence. Through
English study we see life's complexity, experience life as some others do,
and understand better the world in which we live and work.
English relates closely to other majors. With the other arts, English is
concerned with the pleasure that comes from artistic creation and with
the conte~nplationof works of art. With psychology and sociology,
English is concer~ledwith individual and group behavior. With philosophy, English is interested in ideas and the relation between meaning and
language. With science, English is interested in discovering order and
deternlining structures. With speech and comm~~nications,
studies the effective use of language. With history and the other social
sciences and humanities, English studies the way people have acted and
thought at different times and in different cultures.
Major: Nine courses above 111, including 225; one course in American
literature; one course in Western literary tradition (271 or 272); and
three courses in British literature, one o n literature before 1660 (for
example, 331 or 438) and one that surveys a n u ~ n b e rofwriters (336,
337, 423). Majors are encouraged t o take ENG 245 early in their
college work and to co~lsulttheir departmental adviser regularly. A
student with a double major or special program that involves considerable work in the English department should also work closely with an
adviser in the department.
Note on Prerequisites: ENG 1 11 is strongly reconl~nendedbut not a
prerequisite for a Lower Division literature course. Prerequisite for an
Upper Division course is successh~lcompletion of a Lower Division
literature course or consent of the instructor.
Note: Transfer students must take at least three of their English
courses at Augsburg.
English-Language Arts Teaching Major: Ten courses, including those
listed under the major, a course in the English language, and an internship in the teaching of writing. One course must include a component
in non-Western literature. In addition, the ACTC courses Communications Skills in the English Classroo~nand Teaching Mass Media are
required. Courses in early American literature, Shakespeare, and film are
recommended. Several of the required courses, including the internship,
are not offered o n weekends. Students in this program must work with
advisers in the English Department and the Education Department in
order t o meet the professional require~nentswithin the Education Department as well as requirements in the major.
Students in this program who are transferring fro111other colleges should
consult the English Department chair soon after enrolling.
Minor: Five courses above 111 including one course in British literature
and one writing course above the freshman level (223, 225, 226, or 227).
Management Information Systems (MIS)
This MIS major prepares students to work in the growing field of
information management. The major combines courses and skills from
both the business and computer science majors to help students learn
about the identification, organization, analysis and processing of information in a business setting. Students should meet with their adviser as
soon as possible to plan their program.
MIS Major
BUS 221 Principles of Accounting I
BUS 222 Principles of Accounting I1
BUS 242 Principles of Management
BUS 252 Principles of Marketing
BUS 33 1 Financial Management
ECO 112 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 113 Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 3 1 3 Intermediate Microeconomics
ECO 318 Management Science
CSC 170 Structured Programming
CSC 210 Data Structures
MAT 121 Finite Mathematics
MIS 175 Computers for Business, Economics and MIS
MIS 279 Quantitative Methods for Business, Economics and MIS
MIS 370 Advanced Computing for Business, Economics and MIS
CSC 352 Database Management and Design
MIS 375 Management Information Systems in Organizations
MIS 475 Systems Analysis and Design
MIS 476 Information Systems Projects
Students in this major should seriously consider one or more of the
following courses:
PHI 130 Logic
MIS 479 Intermediate Quantitative Methods for Business,
Economics and MIS
MAT 114 Elementary Functions
MAT 122 Calculus for the Social and Behavioral Sciences
MIS Minor
221 Principles of Accounting I
242 Principles of Management
252 Principles of Marketing
175 Computers for Business, Eco~lomicsand MIS
370 Advanced Computing for Business, Economics and MIS
352 Database Management and Design
375 Management Information Systems in Organizations
475 Systems Analysis and Design
318 Management Science
479 Intermediate Quantitative Methods for Business, Economics and MIS
Augsburg Weekend College offers registered nurses an upper division
nursing major as a second step toward the co~npletio~i
of the Bachelor of
Science degree.* Fully accredited by the National League for Nursing,
this major is a professiollal program that is accessible on weekends t o
nurses who are unable t o attend classes during the weekdays. Classes are
primarily scheduled on alternate weekends, but all courses in the major
may have additional class o r lab hours beyond the weekend schedule.
Preparation for school nurse lice~lsureis available.
Admissions Procedures
Admission to the nursing program includes first being accepted into
Augsburg Weekend College through the procedures described on page
75. As candidates for the nursing major, RNs must demonstrate
evidence of co~npletionof an associate degree or diploma program,
current llursing practice, and Minnesota licensure. While an RN may
take general education courses and prerequisite courses for the nursing
major, further progress in the major is continge~ltupon:
at a college or university of the prerequisite
1. Satisfactory cornpletio~~
courses: Anatomy and Physiology, Microbiology, Inorganic
Chemistry, Organic or Biochemistry, English Composition,
I~ltroductorySociology and I~ltroductoryPsychology.
2. A cu~nulativegrade point average of at least 2.5.
3. Successful completion of testing t o validate lower division nursing
* Graduates of the program are elkible t o apply to the Minnesota Department of Health for certification as a public health nurse.
Please see the Augsburg College general catalog for complete information about the nursing major (pp. 154- 157), includi~lgadditional special
fees for entrance and exit testing (p. 23).
Required Courses in the Nursing Major
31 1
Contemporary Nursing I: Communication*
Co~ltemporaryNursing 11: Paradigms in Nursing*
Commu~lityHealth Nursing I*
Commu~lityHealth Nursing 11: Practicum**
Trends and Issues in Nursing*
Introduction to Nursing Research*
Contemporary Nursing 111: Families*
Contemporary Nursing IV: Leadership and Management*
Practicu~nin Nursing I: Nursing of the Family**
Practicu~nin Nursing 11: Leadership and Management**
* These courses may require extra class or lab sessions.
**These courses require extra time and cost for clinical ~vorlz.
Required Supporting Courses
380 Ethics of Medicine and Health Care
4 8 3 Christian Ethics, or an approved ethics course
353 Brain and Behavior
Psychology, with its emphasis on behavioral observatio~land data,
provides a perspective on human activities which is an integral part of
liberal education. The goal of the Psychology program is the improved
understanding of human behavior by studying how people cope with
their environment and interact with each other.
Psychologists use a variety of methods to study behavior, i~lcluding
experimentation, observation and clinical case analysis. Faculty members
in the Department of Psychology at Augsburg have varied professional
specializations which include areas such as counseling, pl~ysiological
psychology, 11uman development, personality and computer applications.
All psycl~ologymajors MUST have an adviser in the Psychology Department. The following courses in the Psycl~ologycore will be offered
when a sufficient number of students are ready for that portion of their
program: PSY 264,265, 381,493. This may delay an individual
student's ablility to complete the major in the Weekend schedule.
Required courses will be available regularly in the Weekday schedule.
Core Courses
General Psychology
Research Methods: Design, Procedure and Analysis I
Research Methods: Design, Procedure and Analysis I1
Psychology in Historical Perspective
Seminar: Contemporary Issues
Four additional upper division courses such as PSY 351 Developmental
Psychology: Child, PSY 373 Organizational Psychology or PSY 485
Counseling Psycl~ology.Students should consult with their adviser
regarding these major electives.
Five courses including PSY 105, with a minimum of two courses at
Augsburg. Not more than one course from PSY 299, 399 and 499 may
be counted toward the minor.
Augsburg College understands itself as a college of the church and it is
persuaded that the Christian faith provides an appropriate perspective
from which to undertake its educational task. The biblical faith and
tradition of the Christian Church have influenced the Western world to a
degree much greater than is sometimes recognized.
The student encounters this influence in studying language, literature,
history, values and political structures. The study of religion and
theology is intended to make such encounters more meaningful through
a better knowledge of biblical history and that of the Christian Church,
and by a larger acquaintance with tl~eologicalthougl~t. Large segments
of the earth's population live by religious concepts and ideas which are
different from those prominent in the West. The Depart~nentof Religion also seeks to introduce students to some of these major religious
Core Courses
Introduction to Theology
Biblical Studies
History of Religions
Contemporary Theology
Major Electives
Three additio~lalReligion courses approved by the department chairperSOll.
Religion Minor
Five courses approved by the department chairperson.
Note: It is important for Religion majors to consult with the department
chairperson during their first year at Augsburg College. Religion 111 or
221 is prerequisite to all other courses. Department approval is necessary before courses taken at other colleges call be accepted for Religion
Department and/or general education course credit. Completion of this
major may require enrollment in one or more courses offered in an
evening schedule.
Social Work
Accredited by the Cou~lcilon Social Work Education, the Bachelor of
Science in Social Work degree program at Augsburg College is built on a
solid liberal arts foundation, on theory-based training, and on professionally directed field experiences. As important, social work education
at Augsburg is built on an appreciatio~lfor the needs, concerns, and
values of the i~ldividualsand groups who constitute today's multicultural society. The Social Work major in Augsburg Weekend College
includes seven courses from the Departments of Psychology, Biology,
and Sociology. Conce~ltrationsare possible in the areas of aging,
chemical dependency, corrections, social ministries, and youth work.
Field work is an important cornpollent of the program.
Social Work Core Courses*
Quantitative Analysis and Program Evaluation
Exploring Human Services
Humans Developing
Social Kesponse to Human Needs
Methods and Skills of Social Work
Field Work I
Advanced Methods and Skills in Social Work
Field Work I1
Community Developme~ltand Orga~lizatio~l
Social Policy: Analysis and Developme~lt
Field Work I11 (.5 course)
The Social Worker as Professio~lal
Field Work IV
Required Supporting Courses *
Human Biology
General Psychology
Principles of Sociology
Sociology of the Family
Racial and Minority Group Relations
Social Psycl~ology
*Students interested in Social Work should begin their program
with the required supporting courses. The professional sequence
will be offered when a sufficient number of students are ready for
that portion of the program.
Social Welfare Minor
Six courses i~icludiilgSWIC 257 or department approved alternative
internship, SWIC 361, 463; PSY 351 or SOC 375; SOC 265; and
POL 121 or 158 or 325, or SWIC465.
In addition t o minors offered in Business, Communication, Economics,
English, MIS, Psychology, Religion and Social Welfare (listed under each
respective major), Weekend College studellts are able t o complete minors
in the followiilg areas:
Sociology Minor
Five courses including S O C 121 and two upper division courses (numbered 300 and above).
Women's Studies Minor
Five courses which must include INS 201, three electives (one of which
must be upper division) and INS 495 or 499. A student's program must
have the written approval of the Women's Studies Coordinator.
Approved electives from other academic departments:
ART 352 Women's Art History
ENG 282 Topics in Literature: Women and Fiction
Mathematics Placement Group Requirements
MIS 1 7 5 , 2 7 9 , 4 7 9 ; CSC 170,210; and all 100-level MAT courses
have Math Placement Group requirements. Since all majors in Business,
Economics or Management Information Systems must take MIS 279,
all students in these areas must have at least MPG 111. Other specific
courses such as SOC 365 and PHY 1 0 3 also have MPG requirements.
Please refer t o thc course description for ally given course t o determine
if there is an MPG requircd by the department. Some instructors
require MPGs in courses they teach. This should be noted in the
syllabi for their course(s).
The Math Placement Requirement can be met by transfer courses,
Augsburg coursework or the Math Placement Assessment. This Assessment is given at New Student Orientation each trimester, or by appointment during the academic calendar year. (The Math Department may
disregard math courses talten more than five years ago, or may choose to
lapse an MPG gi\len more than five years ago.)
Dean's List
The Dean's List is co~npiledafter each semester, listing students whose
grade point average for a semester is 3.5 or better, based on a minimum
of two full courses, or equivalent, graded on the traditional grading
system, with no i~lcompletesin courses offered for credit.
Academic Progress, Probation and Dismissal
The College requires that students maintain the following cumulative
grade point averages (GPA):
Freshman - a student who has taken fewer than 7 courses
cumulative GPA of 1.6 or higher
Sophomore - a student who has taken fewer than 16 courses
cumulative GPA of 1.7 or higher
a student who has taken fewer than 2 5 courses
Junior cumulative GPA of 1.9 or higher
a student who has taken 25 o r more courses
Senior cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher.
It should be noted that a ~ninimumGPA of 2.0 is required for graduation with certain majors requiring a higher minimum GPA.
Students whose academic acl~ievementfalls below these guidelines will
either be placed 011 scl~olasticprobation at the end of the term, o r will
be continued on probation, or will be dismissed from the College. In
addition, a freshman who receives two zero grades or a sophomore who
receives three zero grades will be considered for probation or dismissal.
However, dismissal fro111 the College is not automatic. Each case is
reviewed by the Committee on Student Standing. Evidence of the
student's coln~nit~nent
t o academic progress is the major consideration
in deciding whether or not t o dismiss a student. Students who have a
poor academic record may be strongly advised t o withdraw before the
end of a term. Those on probation who voluntarily withdraw from the
College, as well as those who are dismissed, must have special permission
t o re-enroll.
Students may be removed from probation when the cumulative GPA
reaches the minimum levels stated above. St~tdentsplaced on probation
as freshmen for having earned two zero grades may be removed from
probation if their classification changes t o sophomore, if they have not
earned additional zero grades, and if their cumulative GPA reaches 1.7.
Students placed on probation as sophomores for having earned three
zero grades may be removed from probation if their classification
changes to junior and their cumulative GPA reaches 1.9.
The College reserves the right to dismiss any student who does not meet
the guidelines stated above. Once a student is dismissed, he or she may
appeal the decision within 10 days t o the Conlmittee on Student
Attendance Policy
It is expected that students attend every class. If a student knows she/he
will miss more than one class meeting, she/he should not register for
the course. Some faculty/courses require 100 percent attendance for a
student to earn a passing grade.
Most Weekend College classes meet seven times during a trimester plus
Finals Class Weekend. Some courses meet for the entire period on Finals
Class Weekend. Classes marked with an asterisk ( * ) on the Class Schedule require additional class meetings, the dates and times of which are
either listed on the course syllabus or determined by the class at the first
meeting. Depending on the course, these additional meetings are either
required or optional.
Department Course Limits
Augsburg College's graduation requirements allow a maximum of 1 3
courses from each department except in certain approved majors (Social
Work, Nursing). Business Administration, Economics and Management
Information Systems are considered different departments for graduation
requirement purposes.
Grading Procedures
Evaluation and Grading
Student achievement in courses is measured primarily by final examina
tions. Shorter tests, written papers, oral reports, and other types of
evaluation are also used.
Most courses are offered with grading options - traditional grading on a
4.0 to 0.0 scale or the Pass/No Credit system, in which P means a grade
of 2.0 or better and N means no credit and a grade of less than 2.0.
Students are cautioned to use the P/N grade option with care since some
graduate and professional schools do not look favorably on a large
number of P-graded courses, or rank each as a "C". Transfer students are
cautioned that P-graded courses do not count in the requirement that 14
traditionally graded courses be earned at Augsburg in order to be considered for graduation with distinction. See P/N limitations under
Graduation Requirements in the Augsburg College general catalog.
Certain courses are offered on one grading system only. Sociology 265 is
graded only on the P/N grading system and some education courses are
graded only on the P/N system or only on the traditional system.
English 111 is graded P or N, or 2.0-4.O/N. Some other courses are
graded only P, 1.O, N. Lifetime Sports are graded P/O.O.
In courses where this is a choice, students will be graded on the traditional system unless they indicate on their registration that they wish to
use the P/N grading option. Any changes in choice of gkading system
must be made according to the dates published each term. A fee is
charged for any changes made after registration.
Explanation of Grades
Number grades are used with these definitions:
4.0 Achieves highest standards of excellence.
3.0 Achieves above basic course standards.
2.0 Meets basic standards for the course.
1.0 Performance below basic course standards.
0.0 Unacceptable performance (no credit for the course).
Grade of P (Pass) or N (No credit) are not computed in the grade point
average. A grade of P represents work at or above the 2.0 level; N
represents work at the 1.5 or below level.
An incomplete grade may be given only in the case of an extreme
emergency. To receive it, a student must file an Application for Incomplete form with the Committee on Student Standing stating the reasons
for the request, the plan and date for removing it, and comments from
the instructor. If permission is granted, the incomplete must be removed
during the following semester, or it becomes the grade submitted by the
teacher along with the incomplete.
Internships, independent studies, and directed studies may sometimes
last longer than one term. When this is the case, they must be completed
by the grading deadlines within one year from the beginning of the first
term of registration. A grade of X is given by the instructor to indicate
that the study is extended. It is expected that students given X extensions will continue to communicate with their instructors and demonstrate that satisfactory progress is being maintained. A final grade will be
issued at the end of the term in which the work is completed and
evaluated (but not longer than one year). An instructor reserves the
discretion of not giving an X where satisfactory progress is not demonstrated. Withdrawal from college, or dropping these continued courses
will terminate their registration. Under this circumstance, a registration
as 1X by the student would be necessary if done during registration
periods within one year of initial registration; if done after one year a new
registration would be necessary.
Auditing Courses
Students who wish to take courses without credit or grade may do so by
registering for Audit (V). The charge for auditing a course is listed
under Fees and Payment Schedule. Students who audit a course should
confer with the instructor within two weeks of the beginning of the term
to determine expectations, attendance and any other requirement. If
expectations have been met, the course will be listed on the transcript as
having been audited. If expectations have not been met, the course will
be listed a grade of W (Withdrawn).
Grade Point Average
The grade point average (GPA) is based on final grades for all work at
Augsburg. It does not include credit and grade points for work transferred from other colleges. Courses taken on the P/N grading option
are recorded, but not computed in the GPA.
Students are classified in August and at the end of fall and winter terms as
Sophomores - 7 courses completed with at least 14 grade points.
Juniors - 16 courses completed with at least 32 grade points.
Seniors - 25 courses completed with at least 50 grade points.
Withdrawal from College
Students are urged not to abandon courses for which they are registered,
since this results in a failing grade on the official record. Cancellation of
courses or withdrawal from college must be done in the Registrar's
Office. Withdrawal from college cannot occur during final examination
weekend unless a petition is approved by the Student Standing Committee.
Withdrawal from college and resulting adjustments in accounts are effective
as of the date the completed Withdrawal From College form is returned to
the Registrar's Office.
Graduation with Distinction
Graduation with distinction is determined as follows:
Summa cum laude - 3.8 to 4.0 cumulative GPA
Magna cum laude - 3.6 up to but not including 3.8 cumulative GPA
Cum laude - 3.3 up to but not including 3.6 cumulative GPA
T o qualify for graduation with distinction, transfer students must have
completed two years (14 traditionally graded courses) of work at Augsburg.
Assessment of Previous Learning (APL)
Augsburg College recognizes that learning can and does take place in
many life situations. Some of this learning may be appropriate for credit
recognition within the disciplines that compose the academic programs
of a liberal arts college. The APL program (Assessment of Previous
Learning) at Augsburg provides a means by which a student's previous
learning, other than that which is transferred from another accredited
institution, may be presented for examination for possible credit toward
the completion of a bachelor's degree.
Not all learning from life experience, however, is appropriate for credit
recognition at a liberal arts college. Such learning must meet two
essential criteria: (1) it is relevant to coursework in a field of study within
the Augsburg liberal arts curriculum and (2) it can be objectively
demonstrated either by comprehensive examination or committee
evaluation. The APL program at Augsburg provides several means by
which students may have their previous learning assessed for credit
CLEP (College Level Examination Program)
Students who achieve acceptable scores in CLEP exams may receive
academic credit in August College. CLEP exams are available in a variety
of general and specific subject areas. For more information, contact
Weekend College Admissions (330.1792) or the regional CLEP center
at the University of Minnesota (624-3323).
Departmental Assessment
Students who wish to receive credit for a specific academic course and d o
not have transcript evidence of completed work may request a departmental assessment of previous learning. This will most often include an
examination that covers the essential components of the course involved.
For more information, contact the Registrar's Ofice (330.1036).
CAI? (Credit Assessment Process)
This is a credit assessment alternative in which a faculty committee
completes a credit evaluation of a learning portfolio submitted by the
student. Informal meetings and consultation are provided for students
who wish to prepare a portfolio of previous learning for credit assessment. Students may apply for CAP after completing at least four courses
of academic work at Augsburg College with a cumulative GPA of at least
2.5. For more information, contact the Registrar's Office (330-1036).
1990 Fall Trimester Class Schedule
Friday Evening (6:OO-9:30)
35 5
Biology of Aging
Marketing Communications
Principles of Management
Business Law
Principles of Macroeconomics
Creating Learning Environments (9/7 - 11/2)(.5)
K-El Art (9/7-10/5) (.25)
K-El Math (10/19-12/7) (.5)
K-El Language Arts (10/19-12/7) (.5)
Reading in the Content Areas (9/7-11/2) (.5)
Orientation to Education (9/7-11/2) (.5)
Human Relations (9/7-11/2) (.5)
British Literature: Chaucer to the Elizabethans
Math for the Liberal Arts*
Contemporary Nursing I: Communication*
Introduction to Nursing Research
Physics for the Life Sciences*
Mass Communications in Society
General Psychology
Social Behavior
Religion in America
Racial and Minority Group Relations
Public Speaking
Organizational Communication
Humans Developing
Saturday Morning (8:30-12:OO)
22 1
31 3
Human Anatomy and Physiology*
Principles of Accounting I
Principles of Accounting I1
Principles of Management
Managerial Cost Accounting
International Business
General Chemistry*
Principles of Macroeconomics
Principles of Microeconomics
Intermediate Microeconomics
Clinical Experience (.5)
K-El Social Studies (10/20-11/17) (.25)
I<-El Science (9/8-10/6) (.25)
K-El Health (9/8-10/6) (.25)
Clinical Experience (.5)
Introduction to Literature
Basic Mathematics* (no credit)
Calculus I*
Computers for Business, Economics and MIS
Music Therapy: Clinical Overview
Introduction to Music in the Fine Arts
Contemporary Nursing 111: Families*
Introduction to Philosophy
Mass Communications in Society
General Psychology
Biblical Studies
Public Speaking
Community Development and Organization
Saturday Afternoon (1:1 5 4 4 5 )
11 3
3 12
Women'sArt History
Principles of Accounting I
Principles of Management
Principles of Marketing
Accounting Theory & Practice I
Business Law
Structured Programming
Principles of Microeconomics
Intermediate Macroeconomics
K-El Music (11/17-12/8) (.25)
Children's Literature (9/8-11/3) ( 5 )
Creating Learning Environments
Orientation to Education (9/8-11/3) (.5)
Media Technology (9/8-11/3) ( 5 )
Effective Writing*
Intermediate Expository Writing*
American Literature Since 1920
U.S. History Since 1877
Safety Education (E/S) (9/8-11/3)
Practicum in Nursing I: Families * * *
World Politics
Brain and Behavior
Introduction to Theology
Lutheran Heritage
Principles of Sociology
Beginning Spanish I*
Interpersonal Communication
Social Response to Human Needs
Sunday Afternoon (1:15-4:45)
33 1
35 1
Principles of Accounting I
Financial Management
Techniques for Teaching Reading
Interdisciplinary Studies (10/21-11/18) (.25)
K-El Physical Education (9/9-10/7) (.25)
English Methods
Foreign Language Methods (9/9-11/4) (.5)
Effective Writing*
The American City
Chemical Dependency (10/21-12/9) (.5)
Computers in Business, Economics and MIS
Quantitative Methods for Business, Economics and MIS
Management Information Systems in the Organization
History of Religions
Principles of Sociology
Racial and Minority Group Relations
Beginning Spanish I*
Evening Courses
Digital Communications and Computer Networks (Thurs.)
Lifetime Sports: Racket Sports (TBA)
Student Teaching* *
Student teaching courses in elementary and secondary education are
available during fall trimester. The Student Teaching Seminar (EDS 486)
is available on an arranged basis.
*Extra class or lab sessions required.
**Additional clinical fee required.
1991 Winter Trimester Class Schedule
Friday Evening (6:OO-9:30)
Publication Design
Principles of Management
Principles of Marketing
Principles of Macroeconomics
Clinical Experience (.5)
K-El Health (3/1-3/22) (.25)
K-El Physical Education Methods (3/1-3/22) (.25)
Clinical Experience (.5)
Media Technology (1/4-2/22) (.5)
Effective Writing*
Modern Fiction
Introduction to Women's Studies
Math for the Liberal Arts*
Contemporary Nursing 11: Paradigms in Nursing*
Introductory Meteorology*
Organizational Psychology
World Justice and Hunger: Developing a New World View
Principles of Sociology
Racial and Minority Group Relations
Interpersonal Communication
Humans Developing
Saturday Morning (8:30-12:OO)
BIO 101 Human Biology
BUS 221 Principles of Accounting I
BUS 222 Principles of Accounting I1
BUS 340 Human Resource Management
BUS 362 Marketing Research & Analysis
BUS 391 Business Law
BUS 433 Financial Theory: Policy and Practice
CHM 110 Organic and Biological Chemistry*
CSC 345 Principles of Computer Organization
ECO 112 Principles of Macroeconomics
EDE 351 Techniques of Teaching Reading
EDE 379 K-El Art Methods (1/4-1/25) (.25)
EDE 382 K-El Math Methods (1/4-2/22) (.5)
EDE 387 Language Arts (1/5-2/23) (.5)
EDU 264 Orientation to Education (1/5-2/23) (.5)
EDU 388 Human Relations (2/9-3/23) (.5)
ENG 111 Effective Writing*
ENG 336 British Literature: 17th & 18th Century
MAT 104 Intermediate Algebra* (no credit)
MIS 279 Quantitative Methods in Business, Economics and MIS
NUR 310 Community Health I*
NUR 404 Contemporary Nursing IV*
POL 342 Mass Communications in Society
PSY 105 General Psychology
REL 445 The Bible, Language and Interpretation
SOC 375 Social Psychology*
SPC 111 Public Speaking
SWK 465 Social Policy: Analysis and Development
Saturdav Afternoon (1:15-4:45)
Principles of Accounting I1
Principles of Marketing
Accounting Theory and Practice I1
Financial Management
International Management
Managerial Economics
Creating Learning Environments (2/9-3/23) (.5)
K-El Science (1/5, 1/12, *2/2 a.m.) (.5)
Children's Literature (2/9-3/23) (.5)
Creating Learning Environments (2/9-3/23) (1.O)
School and Society (1/5-2/23) (.5)
Writing for Business & the Professions*
Topics: Women and Fiction
Beginnings of Western Culture
Chemical Dependency Education (E/S) (1/26-3/16) (.5)
Finite Mathematics*
Discrete Mathematics*
Computers for Business, Economics and MIS
Intermediate Quantitative Methods for Business,
Economics and MIS
Ethics of Medicine and Health Care
Environment and Behavior
REL 111
REL 221
SOC 121
SPA 112
SPC 352
SWK 466
Introduction to Theology
Biblical Studies
Principles of Sociology
Beginning Spanish 11*
Field Work I11
Sunday Afternoon (1:15-445)
106/306 Calligraphy
222 Principles of Accounting I1
242 Principles of Management
326 Tax Accounting
440 Operations Management
113 Principles of Microeconomics
3 1 3 Intermediate Microeconomics
3 15 Money and Banking
282 Introduction to Special Education
364 Interdisciplinary Studies (3/3-3/24) (.25)
375 Disc. in the World of Kindergarten (2/10-3/24) (.5)
376 K-El Social Studies (1/6-1/27) (.25)
380 K-El Music (1/6-1/27) (.25)
375 Social Studies Methods (2/9-3/23) ( . 5 )
111 Beginning French I*
111 Beginning German I*
114 Safety Education (E/S) (1/6-2/24) (.5)
353 Kinesiology and Physiology of Exercise
489 Coaching Practicum (.5) (time to be arranged)
231 Religion in African American History
175 Computers for Business, Economics and MIS
475 Systems Analysis and Design
111 Beginning Norwegian*
111 Beginning Spanish I*
112 Beginning Spanish 11*
Student Teaching*
- *
Student teaching courses in elementary and secondary education are
available during winter trimester. The Student Teaching Seminar
(EDS 486) is available on an arranged basis.
Lifetime S ~ o r t s
HPE 002
Lifetime Sports: Beginning Aerobics (TBA)
*Extra class or lab sessions required.
**Additional clinical fee required.
1991 Spring Trimester Class Schedule
Fridav Evening (6:OO-10:OO)
BUS 242
BUS 252
Principles of Management
Principles of Marketing
~nteriational~ a r k e t i * ~
Principles of Macroeconomics
Creating Learning Environments (5/17-6/21) (.5)
K-El Music Methods (5/31-6/21) (.25)
K-El Math Methods (5/3-6/14) (.5)
Creating Learning Environments
Orientation to Education (4/5-5/17) (.5)
Human Relations (4/5-5/17) (.5)
Effective Writing*
European Literature: Homer to Dante
Safety Education (4/6-5/18) (.5)
Women in American Culture
Math for the Liberal Arts*
Introduction to Music in the Fine Arts
History of Religions
Principles of Sociology
Public Speaking
Public Relations/Promotional Communications
Humans Developing
Saturday Morning (8:OO-12:OO)
35 1
35 1
Business Law
Chemistry for Changing Times
Computing for the Liberal Arts
Principles of Programming Languages
Principles of Microeconomics
Management Science
Techniques of Teaching Reading
I<-El Science (6/1-6/22) (.5)
Reading in the Content Areas (4/6-5/18) (.5)
Media Technology (4/6-5/18) (.5)
Effective Writing*
Introduction to Creative Writing*
Topics in Literature
Tale of Twin Cities
Chemical Dependency (4/6-5/18) ( 5 )
Elementary Functions*
Quantitative Methods for Business, Economics and MIS
Practicum in Nursing 11: Leadership & Management* * *
Mass Communications
General Psychology
Biblical Studies
Christian Ethics
Social Psychology
Social Worker as Professional
Saturdav Afternoon (1:OO-500)
BIO 105 Biology and Society
BUS 221 Principles of Accounting I
BUS 2 i 2 Principles of Accounting I1
BUS 252 Principles of Marketing
BUS 331 Financial Management
BUS 425 Advanced Accounting
BUS 438 Investments
BUS 450 Marketing Management
CSC 210 Data Structures
ECO 112 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 311 Public Finance
ECO 360 International Trade and Finance
EDE 363 Clinical Experience (.5)
EDE 386 Children's Literature (4/6-6/1) ( 5 )
EDE 388 K-El Health Methods (4/6-5/4) (.25)
EDS 352 Clinical Experience (.5)
EDS 477 School & Society (4/6-6/1) (.5)
ENG 223 Writing for Business and the Professions
ENG 327 Advanced Journalism*
HPE 475 Prev./Care of Athletic Injuries (4/8-5/18) (.5)
MIS 370 Advanced Personal Computing
NUR 330 Trends and Issues in Nursing*
POL 158 Political Patterns and Processes
PSY 105 General Psychology
REL 369 Religious Imagination in Modern Literature*
SOC 349 Complex Organizations
SPC 360 Interpretive Reading
SPC 355 Small Group Communication
SWK 469 Field Work IV
Sunday Afternoon (1:OO-5:OO)
Principles of Management
Human Resource Management
Principles of Microeconomics
Intermediate Microeconomics
Interdisciplinary Studies (4/7-5/5) (.25)
I<-El Art Methods (6/2-6/23) (.25)
K-El Language Arts (4/7-5/19) (.5)
K-El Physical Education Methods (4/7-5/5) (.25)
Beginning French II*
Beginning German 11*
Coaching Theory of Sport
Coaching Practicum (-5)(time to be arranged)
Computers for Business, Economics and MIS
Information Systems Projects
Beginning Norwegian 11*
Introduction to Theology
Racial and Minority Group Relations
Quantitative Methods & Program Evaluation
Beginning Spanish 11*
Student Teaching**
Student teaching courses in elementary and secondary education are
available during spring trimester. The Student Teaching Seminar
(EDS 486) is available on an arranged basis.
NUR 31 1 Community Health Nursing 11* * *
*Extra class or lab sessions required.
**Additional clinical fee required.
arse Descriptions
ART 102
Environmental Aesthetics
Fine arts in the urban and world setting. Concern for the
visual content of experience in the environment leading
toward appreciation and criticism. Individual and group
projects exploring design problems in representation, symbolism and abstraction.
Distribution: Urban Concerns; Art/Music
ART 106/
ART 107
Development of calligraphic writing and drawing skills with
emphasis o n the broad-edged pen. Attention given to the
historical development of calligraphy and the elements of
design through readings and demonstrations. Class time and
assignments center on practice in calligraphic concepts with
special attention given to foundational, italic, Gothic and
unicial styles. Three original projects are required and
evaluation is based on quality of work plus participation and
growth factors. Upper division students are required t o
complete demonstration sheets in three historical writing
styles plus an expanded project.
Distribution: Art/Music
Drawing in graphite pencils, pens, and pastel pencils. Subjects
include still-life, figures, building interiors and exteriors and
experimental work.
Distribution: Art/Music
ART 118
Painting I
Introduction to painting media and techniques in acrylic and
Distribution: Art/Music
ART 132
The camera used as a tool for visual creativity and expression
with attention to black and white photography process. Need
access to 35mm single lens reflex camera (materials will cost
Distribution: Art/Music
Major: Elective in Public Relations/Advertising major
Publication Design
An introduction to traditional design concerns and procedures related to publication design as well as design for
desktop publishing. Theory and practice of coordinating
visual images and typography with content in publications.
Study of design in magazines, newspapers, newsletters, books,
and miscellaneous publications. Students design and produce
a publication as a group project.
Major: Elective in Public Relations/Advertising
ART 225
Visual Communications I
The theory and practice of visual perception and communication using elements such as color, line, shape, type, and
pictorial images. Emphasis will be placed on the creative
thought process.
Major: Elective in Public Relations/Advertising major
ART 240
Art History Survey
A survey of art from prehistoric to modern times. Includes
reading, research, viewing of slides, and visits to museums.
Distribution: Art/Music
ART 250
Ceramics I
An introduction to the making of pottery with an emphasis
on handbuilding and glazing.
Distribution: Art/Music
ART 352
Women's Art History
A study of the place of women in the history of the visual arts
- as artists, as subjects, and as patrons.
Distribution: Art/Music, Urban Concerns/Minority Studies
Minor: Elective in Women's Studies minor (upper division)
BIO 101
Human Biology
Basic biological concepts from an anthropocentric point of
view. An attempts to answer such questions as: What makes
man just another member of the biotic fold? Does man have
a niche in the ecosystem? What influences does the environment, especially the urban environment, have on man? (A
student may not receive credit for both BIO 101 and 103.
Does not apply to the major or minor.)
Distribution: Biology
Major: Required supporting course in Social Work
BIO 103
Human Anatomy and Physiology
A professional course in the structure and hnction of the
human body. Lecture and laboratory. (A student may riot
receive credit for both BIO 101 and 103. Does not apply to
the major or minor.)
Distribution: Chemistry/Biology
Major: Required prerequisite for BSN major/Coaching
BIO 105
Biology and Society
What are some of the biologically-based problems with which
our society must deal? What threats are posed by pollution,
the prospect of war, and by shortages of food, water and non-
renewable resources? What are the implications of genetic
research, scientific racism, sociobiology, and inequities in the
delivery of health care? (Does not apply to the major or
Distribution: Chemistry/Biology or Urban Concerns
BIO 108
Basic microbial features are considered as well as applications
of microbiology to the field of medicine and sanitation. For
student nurses, health majors or consent of the instructor.
(Prereq: CHM 110 or consent of instructor. Does not apply
t o major or minor.)
Distribution: Chemistry/Biology
Major: Prerequisite for the BSN major
BIO 185
The Biology of Aging
At some time in our lives most of us will directly experience
aging or be influenced by people undergoing age-related
changes. This course will concentrate on the biological
aspects of such changes.
Distribution: Chemistry/Biology
BIO 231
The Biology of Women
The objective of this course is to provide a basic understanding of the structure and hnctioning of the female human
organism as well as to evaluate misconceptions about women
that have arisen in the history of biology.
Distribution: Chemistry/Biology or Women & Minority
Computers for Business, Economics and MIS
(See under MIS 175)
BUS 221
Principles of Accounting I
Introduction to business activities, basic concepts, and
fundamentals of accounting, the accounting cycle and
preparation of financial statements.
Major: Required for Business Administration, Economics core
and MIS major
BUS 222
Principles of Accounting I1
Introduction to business activities, basic concepts and
fundamentals of managerial accounting. Planning and
controlling process, decision-making and behavioral considerations. (Prereq: BUS 22 1)
Major: Required for Business Administration, Economics core
and MIS major
BUS 242
Principles of Management
Development of the theory of management, organization,
staffing, planning and control. The nature of authority,
accountability and responsibility, analysis of the role of the
professional manager.
Major: Required for Business Administration core and MIS
major, elective in Public Relations/Advertising and Supervisory Management majors in Communication
BUS 252
Principles of Marketing
Pri~lciplesof basic policy and strategy issues in marketing.
Legal, ethical, competitive, behavioral, economic and technological factors as they affect product, promotion, marketing
channel and pricing decisions.
Major: Required in the Busi~lessAdministration core, elective
in Public Relations/Advertising and Marketing Cornmunications major
Quantitative Methods for Business Economics, and
(See under MIS 279)
BUS 322
Accounting Theory & Practice I
An analysis of accountillg theory pertaining to fi~la~lcial
statements, income concepts, capital stock and surplus account,
currellt and long-term assets. (Prereq: BUS 222, E C O 113)
Major: Required in the Accou~ltingand Finance majors (upper
BUS 323
Accounting Theory and Practice I1
An analysis of accoullti~lgtheory pertaining to investments,
tangible and intangible fixed assets, liabilities and reserved,
actuarial topics. Additional emphasis on income determination
collsideri~lgprice level changes. (Prereq: BUS 322)
Major: lcequired in the Accounting major (upper division)
BUS 324
Managerial Cost Accounting
Accounting tools for planning and control of economic
activities. Planning, budgeting, standard cost system, as well as
other quantitative and behavioral topics. (Prereq: BUS 222,
242, 252, MIS 279 or consent of instructor)
Major: lcequired in the Accounting major (upper division)
BUS 326
Tax Accounting
The more common and important provisions of federal illcome
taxes for i~ldividualsand various forms of business enterprises.
(Prereq: BUS 221, 331, E C O 112, 113, or consent of
Major: One of a choice of three required courses in the
Accounting major (upper division)
BUS 331
Financial Management
Theory of acquisition, allocation and management of funds
within the firm; sources and uses of long and short term funds,
cost of capital, capital budgeting, leverage, dividend policy,
and related topics. (Prereq: BUS 222, E C O 113)
Major: Required for Business Ad~nillistratio~l
core and MIS
major (upper division)
BUS 340
Human Resource Managenlent
Personnel functio~lin business, acquisition and utilization of
human resources, desirablc working relatio~~ships;
integration of the worker with the goals of the firm and
society. (Prereq: BUS 242)
Major: lcequired for Business M a n a g e m e ~ major,
elective in
Supervisory Management major (upper division)
BUS 352
Marketing Research and Analysis
Research process as an aid to decision making in marketing
management; research methodology; marketing research
results; evaluation of the effectiveness of research in marketing. (Prereq: BUS 252, ECO 113, MIS 279 or consent of instructor)
Major: Required in the Marketing major and an elective in the
Marketing Communications major (upper division)
BUS 355
Marketing Communications
A look at the communications aspects of marketing by integrating advertising, public relations, sales promotion, and
personal selling into a coherent promotion mix. Emphasis will
be placed on the design and evaluation of marketing communications programs, particularly advertising; selection of
media; copy-creative effort; advertiser-agency relationship;
management of the personal selling function including sales
force selection, compensation, territorial design, and performance appraisal. (Prereq: BUS 252)
Major: Required in the Marketing major, elective in Marketing Communications major, Public Relations/Advertising
major, or Supervisory Management (upper division)
BUS 362
International Business
Introduction to the problems and possibilities of doing
business in an international context. Appreciation of the
perspective required for successful planning and management
of any enterprise operating abroad is emphasized by foreseeing
both the opportunities and the difficulties inherent in international business. (Prereq: Two business and economics courses
or consent of instructor)
Major: Required in International Business major (upper
Advanced Computing for Business, Economics, and
(See under MIS 370)
BUS 391
Business Law
Legal rules relating to contracts, agency, negotiable instruments, property and business organizations under the
Uniform Commercial Code.
Major: Required for Business Administration core (upper
BUS 423
Internal and external auditing procedures. Emphasis on
internal checks and control for accounting systems. (Prereq:
BUS 323)
Major: One of a choice of three required courses in the Accounting major (upper division)
BUS 425
Advanced Accounting
Accounting for business combinations, gover~lmentalaccounting, partnership accounting and fund accounting. (Prereq:
BUS 323)
Major: One of a choice of three required courses in the Accounting major (upper division)
BUS 433
Financial Theory: Policy and Practice
Advanced financial theory; a system approach to financial
structure and policy. Emphasis o n decision-making, presentation through literature, readings, lectures and case material.
(Prereq: BUS 331)
Major: Required in Finance major (upper division)
BUS 438
Investment Theory
Appraisal of the risk/return relationships of various types of
securities from the viewpoint of both individual and institutional investors. Extensive coverage of capital markets and
portfolio management. (Prereq: all core courses or consent of
Major: Required in Finance major (upper division)
BUS 440
Operations Management
Concepts and principles related to the management of
operating functions. Examples from service industries, nonprofit organizations and manufacturing. Taught from a
managerial point of view. Topics include: an overview of operations, planning operation processes, productivity measurement, standards, forecasting, concepts of quality, inventory
management, principles of scheduling, and operational co~ltrol
information systems. (Prereq: BUS 242)
Major: l<equired in the Business Management major and an
elective in the Supervisory Management major (upper division)
BUS 450
Marketing Management
Integration of marketing with other business functions;
marketing rnallagemellt and decision making, planning
marketing programs, channels of distribution, pricing, product
selli~lgand promotion policies. (Prereq: BUS 352)
Major: Required in the Marketing major and an elective in the
Marketing Communications major (upper division)
BUS 465
International Management
A comparative study of management styles across cultures.
Models will be reviewed and developed which consider the
implications of culture on the effective~lessof particular styles
of leadership, human resource management, and strategic
Major: Required in the Inter~latiollalBusiness major (upper
BUS 466
International Marketing
This course is devoted to those issues and practices which are
unique to marketing a product and service in an inter~~atiolial
setting. Topics include international environmental scanni~lg
and analysis; comparative marketing research; strategic planning; and marketing mix issues in multinational markets.
Major: Required in the I~lternationalBusiness major
Intermediate Quantitative Methods for Business,
Economics and MIS
(See under MIS 479)
BUS 495
Topics: Risk Management and Insurance
A study of risk management. Emphasis on the fiulction of (1)
determination of exposure to risk; ( 2 ) analysis of risk and
losses; (3) methods of combating risks; and (4) administration
of risk insurance program. How to recognize and evaluate the
property liability and personnel risks facing a business, a nonprofit organization, a government unit, or an individual or
family. How to select and deal with an insurer. Public policy
issues such as availability of i~lsura~lce
are examined to identify
and evaluate the role of insurance in the financial framework
of the economy.
Major: Elective for Business Administration major
(upper division)
CHM 100
Chemistry for Changing Times
This is a non-laboratory chemistry coursc based o n the very
popular book by John H. Hill of the same title. It is not a
traditional chemistry course and does not assume a science
background. Most of the problems we face are molecular in
nature. What then but cl~emistrycan help us to understand
ourselves, our society, our world, and our universe? Come
join us as we take a molecular look at the human condition.
This course does not apply toward the major or minor in
chemistry nor does it meet any prerequisite chemistry requirements.
Distribution: Chemistry/Biology
CHM 109
General, Organic and Biological Chemistry
Designed for students who need a survey of the fundamentals
of general, organic and biological chemistry for careers in
allied health areas such as nursing (including Augsburg's
upper division program). Open also to other students. First
term, general chemistry pri~lciplesand an introduction to
organic chemistry. Will include arranged time for laboratory
work. This course does not apply toward the major or minor
in chemistry.
Distribution: Chen~istry/Bioloby
Major: l<equired prerequisite for Nursing major
CHM 110
General, Organic and Biological Chemistry
Continuation of C H M 109. Organic and biological chemistry
with special applicatio~lsto human physiological chemistry.
Will include arranged time for laboratory work. Does not
apply toward the major or minor in chemist~y.
Distribution: Chemistry /Biology
Major: Required for Nursing major
CSC 145
Computing for the Liberal Arts
An i~ltroductio~l
to computers, programming, and computer
applications, as well as some of the social and philosophical
issues associated with computers. Primarily for stude~ltsin
non-science arcas. Does not apply toward the computer
science major or minor.
CSC 170
Structured Programming
An introduction to computers, problem-solving, algorithm
development and programming using Pascal. This course
provides a foundation for further studies in computer science.
(Prereq: MAT 114 or MAT 122 or MIS 279 or Math
Placement Group IV)
Major: Required for Computer Science and MIS majors
CSC 210
Data Structures
Data Structures and their implementation, recursion,
searching and sorting algorithms, and continued development
of programming methods using Pascal. (Prereq: CSC 170.
Coreq: MAT 121 or 171)
Major: Required for Computer Science and MIS majors
(See under PHY 261)
CSC 270
Study of the FORTRAN programming language. It is
assumed that the student has a knowledge of programming
methods and has done programming in some other language.
(Prereq: CSC 170 or another programming language course)
Major: Elective for Computer Science major
CSC 320
A systematic study of algorithms and their complexity,
including searching and sorting algorithms, mathematical
algorithms, and tree and graph traversal algorithms. The
limitations of algorithms, the classes P and NP, NP-complete
problems, and intractable problems. (Prereq: CSC 210 and
MAT 124)
Major: Elective for Computer Science major (upper division)
CSC 330
Theory of Computation
Basic theoretical principles embodied in formal languages,
automata, computability, and computational complexity.
Topics include Turins machines, Church's thesis, the halting
problem, and unsolvability. (Prereq: CSC 210 and MAT
Major: Required for Computer Science major (upper
CSC 340
Digital Communications and Computer Networks
Principles and methods of data communications, distributed
processing systems, network protocols and security, and
general computer interfacing. (Prereq: CSC 210)
Major: Elective for Computer Science major (upper division)
CSC 345
Principles of Computer Organization
An introduction to computer architecture, processors,
operating systems, instruction sets, and assembly language
programming. (Prereq: CSC 210)
Major: Required for Computer Science major (upper
CSC 352
Database Management and Design
Structure of database management systems, query facilities, file
organization and security, including the development of an
elementary database system. (Prereq: CSC 210)
Major: Elective for Computer Science and MIS major (upper
CSC 399
A combined effort of student, faculty, and employer to
complete a specific task and learn in a workplace. The
internship often is under the auspices of the Cooperative
Education Ofice as well as the computer science internship
Major: Elective for Computer Science major (upper division)
CSC 445
Operating Systems and Computer Architecture
Elements of operating systems, memory and process management, interactions among major components of computer
systems, and a detailed study of the effects of computer
architecture on operating systems. (Prereq: CSC 345)
Major: Elective for Computer Science major (upper division)
CSC 450
Principles of Programming Languages
Principles that govern the design and implementation of
programming languages. Topics include programming
language syntax and semantics, BNF, parsing, compilers,
interpreters, data structures, control structures, and the runtime environment. (Prereq: CSC 210)
Major: Required for Computer Science major (upper
CSC 491
Mathematics/Computer Science Colloquium
This colloquium, which has no course credit, meets weekly to
keep the mathematics and computer science community
informed about contemporary developments in the field and
about interesting ideas that don't arise in courses. Junior and
senior majors must attend, and others are welcome. All
seniors give a talk. Other sessions are presented by faculty
members or outside visitors.
Major: Required for Computer Science major (no credit)
CSC 495
Advanced Topics in Computer Science
Study of advanced topics from areas of computer science not
included in other courses. This course may be repeated when
the topics vary. (Prereq: Consent of instructor)
Major: Elective for Computer Science major (upper division)
CSC 499
Independent Study
Topics defined through consultation between student and the
ECO 112
Principles of Macroeconomics
An introduction to macroeconomics; national income analysis,
monetary and fiscal policy, international trade, economic
growth. Application of elementary economic theory to
current economic problems. May be taken independently of
ECO 113. ECO 112 and 113 may be taken in either order.
Distribution: Economics/Political Science
Major: Required for Business Administration, Economics
core, and MIS major
ECO 113
Principles of Microeconomics
An introduction to microeconomics, the theory of the
household, firm, market structures and income distribution.
Application of elementary economic theory to market policy.
May be taken independently of ECO 112. ECO 112 and 113
may be taken in either order. (Prereq: MPG I1 )
Distribution: Economics/Political Science
Major: Required for Business Administration, Economics
core and MIS major
Computers for Business, Economics and MIS
(see under MIS 175)
Quantitative Methods for Business, Economics
and MIS
(See under MIS 279)
ECO 311
Public Finance
Analysis of the principles of taxation and public expenditures;
the impact of fiscal policy on economic activity; debt policy
and its economic implications. (Prereq: ECO 112, 113;
strongly recommend ECO 3 13)
Major: One of a choice of three required courses in the
Business Administration core, elective for Economics major
(upper division)
ECO 312
Intermediate Macroeconomics
Determinants of national income, employment and price level
analyzed via macromodels. Attention paid to areas of
monetary-fiscal policy, growth and the business cycle.
(Prereq: ECO 112)
Major: One of a choice of three required courses in the
Business Administration core, required for Econo~nicsmajor
(upper division)
ECO 313
Intermediate Microeconomics
Theory of resource allocation, analysis of consumer behavior,
firm and industry; the pricing of factors of production and
income distribution; introduction to welfare economics.
(Prereq: ECO 113)
Major: Required for Business Administration, Economics core
and MIS major (upper division)
ECO 3 15
Money and Banking
Functioning of the monetary and banking systems, particularly
commercial banks, the Federal Reserve System and its role in
relation to aggregate economic activity. Emphasis placed on
monetary theory and policy. (Prereq: ECO 112,113)
Major: One of a choice of three required courses in the
Business Administration core, elective for Economics major
(upper division)
ECO 318
Management Science
Provides a sound conceptual understanding of the modern
techniques of management science to prepare students to
make better business and economic decisions. Emphasis is on
applications, which are taken from the areas of transportation,
marketing, portfolio selection, environmental protection, the
shortest route, inventory models, information systems, etc.
(Prereq: ECO 313)
Major: Required for Business Management major and MIS
major, one of a choice of three required courses for the
Finance major, elective in Economics and Supervisory
Management majors (upper division)
ECO 360
International Trade and Finance
A study of the underlying forces affecting the economic
relations among nations. Development of the basis of
international trade; balance of payment; exchange rate systems
and commercial policy. (Prereq: ECO 112, 113 or consent of
Major: Required for International Business major, elective for
Economics major (upper division)
ECO 415
Managerial Economics
Integrates economic theory and corresponding practices in
business. Among the topics considered are theories and
practices in forecasting, estimation of demand and cost
functions, price and non-price competition, production and
cost considerations, and an analysis of economic problems of
relevance to management. (Prereq: ECO 313, MIS 279)
Major: Required in the Marketing major and one of a choice
of three required courses in the Finance major, elective for
Economics major (upper division)
Intermediate Quantitative Methods for Business,
Economics and MIS
(See MIS 479)
EDE 350
Creating Learning Environments: KindergartenElementary (. 5 course)
The study of strategies, methods, and evaluation of teaching
and learning in the contexts of educational, psychological,
sociological and neuro-scientific theories.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major (upper
EDE 351
Techniques for Teaching Reading
The study and utilization of a variety of techniques and
resources in the teaching of reading and the diagnosis and
correction of reading problems. Field placement requirement
included in this class.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major
(upper division)
EDE 363
Kindergarten-Elementary Clinical Experiences
(.5 course)
Includes 160 hours in-class experience. Register for two
seminar sessions in addition to the 160 hours. A video tape
of classroom or simulated teaching will be prepared by each
student. Membership in one of the professional teacher organizations is required. Students must apply in the Education
Department for Clinical at least two months prior to date
they intend to begin Clinical. Enroll for course approximately half-way through the I<-Elementary course sequence.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major (upper
EDE 364
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum:
Interdisciplinary Studies (.25 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
integrating specific skill developments through various
subjects at the kindergarten and elementary levels.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major (upper
EDE 375
Discovery in the World of Kindergarten (.5 course)
This class prepares the student for the unique experiences and
responsibilities of a kindergarten classroom. Major: Required
for I<-6 licensure (upper division)
EDE 376
Social Studies (.25 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
social studies at the kindergarten and elementary levels.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major (upper
EDE 377
Science (.25 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
science at the kindergarten and elementary levels.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major (upper
EDE 379
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum:
Art (.25 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
art at the kindergarten and elementary levels.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major (upper
EDE 380
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum:
Music (.25 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
music at the kindergarten and elementary levels.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major (upper
EDE 382
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum:
Mathematics (.5 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
mathematics instruction at the kindergarten and elementary
levels. (Prereq: EDU 264)
Major: Required for Elementary Education major (upper
EDE 386
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum:
Children's Literature (.5 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
children's literature at the kindergarten and elementary levels.
(Prereq: EDU 264)
Major: Required for Elementary Education major (upper
EDE 387
Language Art (.5 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
language arts instruction at the kindergarten and elementary
levels. (Prereq: EDU 264)
Major: Required for Elementary Education major (upper
EDE 388
Health (.25 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
health instruction at the kindergarten and elementary levels.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major (upper
EDE 389
Physical Education (.25 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
physical education instruction at the kindergarten and
elementary levels.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major (upper
EDE 481,
EDS 350
Student Teaching K, K-6,or 1-6
Students must apply to student teach by Oct. 30 for Winter/
Spring 1991 Student Teaching and March 30 for Fall 1991
Student Teaching. A minimum of three courses (481,482,
483) unless otherwise advised by the department. Observing
and facilitating learning at the kindergarten and elementary
levels under the supervision of college and elementary school
personnel. Admission into the Education Department is
required prior to student teaching placement. Membership in
one of the professional teacher organizatio~lsis required.
(Prereq: All K-Elementary coursework satisfactorily completed or permission of Department for exception.)
Major: Required for Elementary Education major (upper
Reading in the Content Areas (.5 course)
The study and utilization of a variety of techniques and
resources to assist students in teaching reading through the
content areas.
Major: Required for Secondary Education major (upper
EDS 352
Clinical Experience ( .5 course)
Students must apply in the Education Department for Clinical
Experience at least two months prior to the date they intend
to begin Clinical Experience. Students should enroll for
course approximately half-way through the Secondary course
sequence. I~lcludes70 hours in-school experiences, seminars.
Membership in a professional teacher organization is required.
Major: Kequired for Secondary Education major (upper
EDS 353
Creating Learning Environments: Secondary
The study of strategies, methods, and evaluation of teaching
and learning in the context of educational, psychological,
sociological and neuro-scientific theories.
Major: lcequired for Secondary Education major (upper
EDS 364
English Methods
Materials and methods suitable for students in secondary
schools. Emphasis on the preparation of lesson and unit
plans. Some teaching experience in a local high school. The
study of adolescent literature is included. (Prereq: EDU 264
and EDS 353 or consent of instructor.)
Major: Required for Secondary Education English Language
Arts major (upper division)
EDS 366
Foreign Language Methods (.5course)
Language learning theory. The theory and practice of
language teaching. (Consult with the Foreign Language
Major: Required for Secondary Education Foreign Language
major (upper division)
EDS 375
Social Studies Methods (.5 course)
Introduction to the teaching of social studies and history in
secondary classrooms. Emphasis on instructional strategies
and curriculum development.
Major: Required for Secondary Education Social Studies
major (upper division)
EDS 477
School and Society (.5 course)
The emphasis in this course is on the school in relation to
society. Current major issues in education will be studied.
Students should enroll as closely as possible to the same term
as their student teaching. (Prerequisite: EDU 264, EDS 353
and Methods in Subject Area)
Major: Required for Secondary Education major (upper
EDS 481,
482, 483,
EDU 264
Student Teaching
Students must apply to student teach through the Education
Department by Oct: 30 for Winter/Spring 1991 Student
Teaching and March 30 for Fall 1991 Student Teaching.
Observing and directing learning at the secondary level under
supervision of college and secondary school personnel. A
minimum of three courses, except four courses required of
Art, Music, Physical Education majors. Membership in a professional organization is required. (Prerequisite: ALL
Secondary Education and major coursework successfully
completed or permission of the Department for an exception.)
Major: Required for Secondary Education major
(upper division)
Orientation to Education in an Urban Setting
(.5 course)
Study and investigation of various aspects of the teaching
profession as students evaluate their interest and suitability for
a career in teaching. Open to all students. Suggested as first
course to be taken.
Major: Required for Elementary and Secondary Education
EDU 341
Media Technology (.5 course)
Psychological and philosophical dimensions of communication
through the use of instructional technology. Selection,
preparation, production, and evaluation of effective audiovisual materials for teaching/learning situations. Computer
training will be included in this course.
Major: Required for Elementary and Secondary Education
major (upper division)
EDU 388
Human Relations (.5 course)
Emphasis on the study of values, of communication techniques, and of the minority groups in Minnesota for the
development of interpersonal relations skills applicable to
teaching and other professional vocations. Open to all.
Major: Required for Elementary and Secondary Education
majors (upper division)
ENG 111
Effective WritingEmphasis is o n exposition, including learning research
techniques and writing critical reviews. At least one work of
literature is assigned. Attention is given to increasing students' effectiveness in choosing, organizing and developing
topics, thinking critically, and revising for clarity and style. A
writing lab is provided for those needing additional help. The
minimum passing grade for this course is 2.0.
Distribution: Required for graduation
ENG 209
Grow Old Along With Me
This course will focus on what poets, dramatists, and novelists
have to say about the aging process. Students will be
expected to interview older people to discover how they feel
society regards the aging.
Distribution: English/Speech
ENG 223
- for Business and the Professions
A practical course designed with emphasis on expository
writing skills for those preparing for business and professional
careers. The writing of reports, letters, and proposals will be
emphasized. Students will be encouraged to use the material
from their own areas of specialization. (Prereq: ENG 111 or
Major: Recommended elective for Business Administration
~najor,meets one writing requirement for Co~nmu~lication
major, an elective for English major.
ENG 225
Intermediate Expository Writing
The development of essays in a variety of rhetorical ~nodes,
which may include identification, definition, classification,
illustration, compariso~land contrast, and analysis. Particular
attention will be given to stylistic and orga~lizationalmatters
tl~roughthe course's workshop format, in which students'
papers are read and discussed. (Prereq: ENG 1 11 or equivalent)
Major: Required for English major, meets one writing
requirement for Communication major.
ENG 226
Introduction to Creative Writing
The purpose of this course is to introduce stude~ltsto the
process of creative writing and to various genres, emphasizing
poetry and short fiction but including journal keeping, drama,
and creative prose. (Prereq: ENG 1 11 or equivalent)
Major: Meets one writing requirement for Comlnunication
major, an elective for Englisl~major.
ENG 227
This is an introductory newswriting course. Emphasis will be
placed on writing for the print media, but students will learn
to write for radio and television as well. Students will
consider: how t o recognize news, how to gather and verify
facts, and how to cover basic copy preparation and editing
practices. This includes all introduction t o legal and ethical
questions faced by journalists. (Prereq: ENG 111 or equivalent)
Major: Required for Public Relations major, meets one
writing requirement for Communication major, an elective
for English major
ENG 240/
ENG 245
The Short Story
The course will involve practice in ways of approaching
literature and will include study of the basic critical terminology. It is an appropriate course for students who have not yet
studied literature at the college level. Effective Writing is not
a prerequisite but students will be expected to write with
Distribution: English/Speech
Major: An elective for English major
Introduction to Literature
An introduction to the study of fiction, drama, and poetry.
Particular attention will be devoted to developing critical and
analytical skills in reading and writing about literature.
Strongly recommended for English majors and minors.
Distribution: English/Speech
Major: Strongly recommended for English major
ENG 250
American Literature to 1920
Reading and analysis of some significant works of selected
American writers from colonial times to the emergence of
literary naturalism. Attention is also given to the writer's
contribution to the historical development of American
Distribution: English/Speech
Major: Meets American literature requirement
ENG 261
Modern Fiction
Significant works of selected prose writers, chiefly European,
of the Twentieth Century. Some non-Western writers will be
Distribution: English/Speech
Major: An elective for English major
ENG 271
European Literature: Homer to Dante
A study of major works of Greek and Roman literature, for
example, the epics of Homer and Virgil, the tragedies of
Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides, the comedies of Aristophanes and Ovid's Metamorphoses. Dante's Inferno will be
studied as a work in which the Christian and the classical traditions are combined. These works will be studied with
reference to their mythological foundations, their cultural
background, their influence on later literature, and their
enduring relevance.
Distribution: English/Speech
Major: Meets Western tradition requirement
ENG 272
European Literature: From the Renaissance to the
Modern Period
A study of masterpieces of literature, chiefly European, from
the medieval to the modern period, including such authors as
Moliere, Cervantes, Montaigne, Goethe, Dostoyevsky.
Distribution: English/Speech
Major: Meets Western tradition requirement
ENG 282/
ENG 327
Topics in Literature
Individual courses designed to investigate specific themes,
movements, authors, or works. The subjects selected for
study in any year will be listed in the class schedule for that
year. Recent offerings have included Scandinavian Literature.
Twentieth Century Poetry, Comedy, and Women and Fiction.
Distribution: English/Speech
Major: An elective for English major
Advanced Journalism: Interviewing and Editing
Emphasis is placed first on interviewing and then on organizing and writing the interview story. The second half of the
course will concentrate on editing the work of others and
learning layout and design. The course will include workshop
sessions during which students conduct interviews and critique
the interview skills of fellow students. There will also be
laboratory sessions devoted to layout and design. (Prerequisite: ENG 227)
Major: An elective for English and Communication majors
(upper division)
ENG 331
British Literature: Chaucer to the Elizabethans
Chaucer and the medieval milieu will be studied as well as the
development of English poetry and drama in the English
Distribution: English/Speech
Major: Meets British literature requirement (upper division)
ENG 336
British Literature: Seventeenth and Eighteenth
Reading, analysis and discussion of works of selected writers
from the metaphysical poets up to Blake, with attention to the
historical, intellectual, and social influences and the major
literary movements.
Distribution: English/Speech
Major: Meets British literature requirement (upper division)
ENG 337
British Literature: The Romantics and the
A study of major writers of the nineteenth century, emphasizing Romantic poetry, Victorian poetry, Victorian prose and
two or three novels of the period. Relationships among these
writers and their influence on one another will be emphasized
as well as their relationship to their own age and their lasting
contribution to the forms of poetry and prose.
Distribution: English/Speech
Major: Meets British literature requirement (upper division)
ENG 351
American Literature Since 1920
A study of some recent and contemporary writers and literary
movements. Attention is given to the dynamics of American
society and its intricate relationship to the literature. Special
emphasis is given to the city as setting and symbol in modern
American literature.
Distribution: English/Speech, Urban Concerns
Major: Meets American literature requirement (upper
ENG 399
The department offers on-campus internships in teaching
writing or English as a Second Language and various offcampus internships. Interested students should consult the
departmei~tchairperson. (Upper division)
ENG 423
Studies in the British Novel
A survey of the development of the novel in England from its
Eighteenth Century beginnings up to the Twentieth Century.
Novels studied will be selected from the works of such
authors as Defoe, Richardson, Fielding, Sterne, Austen,
Dickens, Bronte, Thackeray, Eliot, Hardy and Butler. Attention will be given to the conditions contributing to the rise of
the novel and its emergence by the Twentieth Century as the
dominant literary form.
Distribution: English/Speech
Major: Meets British literature requirements (upper division)
ENG 438
Study of ten or twelve major plays - comedies, histories,
tragedies - with attention to the development of
Shakespeare's dramatic and poetic art. Additional plays
assigned for reading analysis.
Distribution: English/Speech
Major: Meets British literature requirement (upper division)
ENG 499
Independent Study
Open to junior or senior English majors with a grade of 3.0
or consent of department chairperson. Provides directed
independent study in the area of the student's choice.
FRE 111
Beginning French
Designed to introduce the student with no previous background in French to the language and to French culture. The
pronunciation system and basic sentence structures are taught
to enable understanding and expression on a rudimentary
Distribution: Foreign Language
FRE 112
Beginning French
Continuation of FRE 111
Distribution: Foreign Language
GER 111
Beginning German
For students with no previous background. Aims at developing basic skills. Classroom practice in speaking, understanding and reading basic German. Goals: ability to read extended narratives in simple German, insights into German
culture and participation in short conversations. Laboratory
materials available.
Distribution: Foreign Language
GER 112
Beginning German
Continuation of GER 1 11
Distribution: Foreign Language
HIS 103
The Modern World
A study of the main currents in western civilization from the
time of Napoleon to the present.
Distribution: History/Philosophy
HIS 104
The Modern Non-Western World
An introduction to various centers of cultural and political
power in Asia and Africa of the last 200 years.
Distribution: History/Philosophy
HIS 162
20th Century South Asia
This geographic area has produced the largest working
democracy in the world today; it is a standard example for
population crisis and world hunger illustrations. This course is
designed for the student who has interest but little or no background in non-western subjects.
Distribution: History/Philosophy
HIS 222
U.S. History Since 1877
An assessment of the century which proceeds our modern day.
Distribution: History/Philosophy
HIS 331
A Tale of Twin Cities: Minneapolis/St. Paul
A local history course using the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area as a case study for examining large themes and
issues in U.S. urban history. Topics considered include
frontier urbanism, industrialization and economic trends,
transportation, immigration and ethnicity, urban politics and
reform. Field trips included.
Distribution: History/Philosophy (upper division)
HIS 440
Topics in World History
This course will investigate topics in world history which are
not included in regular course offerings. The specific topics to
be offered will be announced prior to registration.
Distribution: History/Philosophy (upper division)
HPE 114
Health and Safety Education (.5 course)
Principles and practices of safety education in school and
community life. Includes information about school health
programs and prevalent health needs and problems of school
age children, and American Red Cross First Aid course.
Major: Required for Elementary and Secondary majors
HPE 115
Health and Chemical Dependency Education
(.5 course)
An analysis of chemical abuse and what can be done for the
abuser. Includes information about school health programs
and prevalent health needs and problems of school age
Major: Required for Elementary and Secondary majors
HPE 353
Kinesiology and Physiology of Exercise and Sport
Mechanics of movement with special emphasis upon the
muscular system and analysis of movement. The major effects
of exercise upon the systems of the body and physiological
principles applied to exercise programs and motor training.
(Prereq: BIO 103)
Certificate: Required for Coaching Certification (upper
HPE 475
Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries (.5 course)
Emphasis placed on preventing injuries. Treatment of athletic
injuries. Practical experience in taping and training-room
procedures. (Prereq: HPE 353)
Certificate: Required for Coaching Certification (upper
HPE 482
Coaching Theory of Sport
The psychology of coaching, coaching theory, techniques and
administrative aspects of coaching athletics.
Certificate: Required for Coaching Certification (upper
HPE 489
Coaching Practicum (.5 course)
Theory and practice of sports techniques included with
supervised field experience in coaching consisting of no fewer
than 40 clock hours. The practicum must be done in grades
7-12 over an entire sport season and in a school setting in a
state high school sponsored sport.
Certificate: Required for Coaching Certification (upper
INS 201
Introduction to Women's Studies
This multidisciplinary course will introduce students to the
contributions of women in history, religion, literature,
philosophy, sciences, and the arts and how the questions and
methodologies of these disciplines differ when seen from
women's perspectives. Students will also study the history of
the women's movement, diversity of women's experiences in
terms of race, sexual orientation and class, and other contemporary issues raised by feminists.
Distribution: Urban Concerns/!Women's Studies
Minor: Required in Women's Studies minor
INS 233
Women: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
This course will examine a variety of issues concerning the
biological, evolutionary and historic origins of women's roles
and status in human society. Emphasis will be placed on the
comparative roles of women in different cultures. This
comparison will include such North American models as the
Pygmies and other tribal groups, and the peasant societies of
eastern Europe, Mexico, and the middle East and rural China.
Distribution: Urban Concerns/Women's Studies
Minor: Elective in Women's Studies minor
INS 265
Women in American Culture
Through a discussion of works by women historians and
selections from women's journals, speeches, articles, short
stories, poems, plays and other aesthetic creations, the class
will collectively assess the position of Black and white women
in American culture from the founding of the colonies to the
present. Contributions by Indian women, Chicanas and other
"invisible" women minorities will be included.
Distribution: Urban Concerns/Women's Studies
Minor: Elective in Women's Studies minor
INS 495
Selected topics. Required of minors who do not elect to do
an Independent Study. T o be completed after the introductory course and electives.
Minor: Elective in Women's Studies minor (upper division)
INS 499
Independent Study
In consultation with a faculty member and with the approval
of the Women's Studies Coordinator, a student selects a
specific topic for study. Required of minors who do not elect
to participate in the seminar.
Minor: Elective in Women Studies minor (upper division)
MAT 103
Basic Mathematics
A self-paced course for students needing a review of arithmetic
and transition to algebra. Topics include integers, fractions,
decimal numbers, ratios, percents, metric system, exponents,
radicals, and evaluation of algebraic expressions. Counts as
one course in semester's load but does not give credit toward
graduation. Admission only by Augsburg Mathematics
Placement Test. Meets weekly. (Prereq: Placement Group I.
P/N grading only.)
MAT 104
Intermediate Algebra
A self-paced course for students needing to review basic
algebraic skills and concepts. Topics include operations with
polynomials and rational expressions; exponents and radicals;
solving linear and quadratic equations and inequalities; and
graphing of linear and quadratic functions. Counts as one
course in semester's load but does not give credit toward
graduation. Admission only by Augsburg Mathematics
Placement Exam. Meets weekly. (Prereq: Math Placement
Group 11. P/N grading only.)
MAT 114
Elementary Functions
A study of functions: algebraic, exponential, logarithmic, and
trigonometric. For students planning to take MAT 124 or
171. Students who have completed 124 or 171 may register
for credit only with consent of instructor. Meets weekly.
(Prereq: MAT 104 or Math Placement Group 111)
Distribution: Math/Physics
Major: Strongly recommended for Business Administration
major prior to taking MIS 279
MAT 121 Finite Mathematics
Topics in finite mathematics (combinatorics, probability,
matrices, linear programming and graph theory) of primary
interest to students in the social and behavioral sciences,
business and information science. Students who have completed MAT 171 may not register for credit.
(Prereq: MAT 104 or MPG 111)
Major: Required in MIS major
MAT 122
Calculus for the Social and Behavioral Sciences
Differential and integral calculus of a single variable with
applications to the social and behavioral sciences. Students
who have completed MAT 124 may not register for credit.
Meets weekly. (Prereq: MAT 104 or Placement Group 111)
Distribution: Math/Physics
MAT 124,
MAT 131
Calculus I, I1
Differential and integral calculus, including calculus of several
variables and series, with applications primarily from the
physical sciences, integrated with topics from plane and solid
analytic geometry. Primarily for students in mathematics or
the sciences. (Prereq: MAT 114 or Placement Group IV for
124; MAT 124 for 125.)
Math for the Liberal Arts
An examination of the interaction between the development
of mathematics and that of civilization. Primarily for students
not intending further mathematics. (Prereq: MAT 104 or
Placement Group 111)
Distribution: Math/Physics
MAT 171
Discrete Mathematics
Topics in discrete mathematics such as sets and logic, combinatorics, probability, relations and functions, vectors and
matrices, boolean algebra, and graph theory of primary
interest to students in Computer Science and Mathematics.
Students who have completed MAT 121 may register for
credit only with consent of the instructor.
(Prereq: Placement Group IV.)
Major: Required for Computer Science major
MIS 175
Computers for Business, Economics and MIS
An introduction to microcomputer-based information
systems. Study features of hardware, operating systems,
languages and current applications. Learn to use MS-DOS,
Lotus 123 (graphic, database and logical functions) and
dBASE (index, query and view). May study other applications (Microsoft Works, Word Perfect, and Minitab). T o test
out of MIS 175, pass either a comprehensive exam or MIS
370. (Prereq: Math Placement Group I1 or Pass in MAT 103)
Major: Required in Business Administratio11 and Economics
core, MIS major, elective in Supervisory Management major.
MIS 279
Quantitative Methods for Business, Economics and
An introduction to quantitative reasoning, descriptive
measures, probability, sampling distributions, inference and
estimation. Emphasis is placed on their use in applied
problems in Business and Economics. Minitab may be
required. (Prereq: MIS 175 and either Math Placement
Group I11 or Pass in MAT 104)
Major: Required in the Business Administration and Economics core, MIS major, elective in Supervisory Management and
Public Relations majors
MIS 370
Advanced Computing for Business, Economics and
An investigation of programmable systems. Examine basic
algorithms and associated flowcharts and psuedocode. Apply
these concepts by programming some of these software:
BASIC, DOS, Lotus, dBASE, Minitab, and Word Perfect.
(Prereq: Math Placement Group I11 or Pass in MAT 104; MIS
175 or CSC 170 or with extensive knowledge of Lotus and
DOS which has been verified by instructor.
Major: One of two choices in MIS major (upper division)
MIS 375
Management Information Systems in Organizations
Use of a systems approach in analyzing the role of information
systems in organizations. Review the features of computers
(hardware and software) and various types of information
systems. May involve several case studies: review the business
needs, summarize the relevant finding (hardware, software,
systems, etc.), identify the options and communicate the
recommendations. Learn to use a CASE tool such as Excelerator for systems analysis. (Prereq: BUS 221, BUS 242 or
252, and one computer course such as MIS 175 or 370.
Consult with the instructor about variances in prerequisites.
Recommended: PHI 130 and ENG 223.)
Major: Required in MIS major (upper division)
MIS 475
Systems Analysis and Design
Identify the necessary steps of systems analysis and design.
Investigate various representations for information, processes
and relationships. Utilize analytical tools such as data flow
diagrams and CASE tools such as Excelerator. Complete a
rudimentary systems design. (Prereq: MIS 375)
Major: Required in MIS major (upper division)
MIS 476
Information Systems Projects
Using skills developed in MIS 375 and 475, generate a
complete and extensive project of systems analysis and design.
(Prereq: MIS 475)
Major: Required in MIS major (upper division)
MIS 479
Intermediate Quantitative Methods for Business,
Economics and MIS
Utilize computer systems relevant to quantitative analysis:
Lotus, Minitab, SPSS or MathCad. Investigate statistical
descriptions, statistical inference and analysis of variance.
Investigate linear models, queuing models and Monte Carlo
simulations. (Prereq: MIS 175, 279 and either Math Placement Group IV or grade of 2.0 or higher in MAT 114, 121,
122, or 171. Recommended: MIS 370 and ECO 318)
Major: Recommended in MIS major and one of a choice of
three required courses in the Finance major (upper division)
MUS 130
Introduction to Music in the Pine Arts
Relationship between music of each period and the other fine
arts. For non-music majors.
Distribution: Art/Music
NOR 111
Beginning Norwegian
Introduction of the four basic language skills: speaking,
listening, reading and writing. Stress on spoken rather than
literary Norwegian. Laboratory work expected.
Distribution: Foreign Language
NOR 112
Beginning Norwegian
Continuation of NOR 111.
Distribution: Foreign Language
NUR 305
Contemporary Nursing I: Communication
A transitional course that introduces the components of the
professional role and begins the professional socialization
process. A communicative process is emphasized as one
means by which the nurse-client relationship is negotiated.
Interactive and group theories are explored for their applicability to changing professional roles and practice. (Prereq: or
concurrent enrollment: PSY 355)
Major: Required for Nursing major (upper division)
NUR 306
Contemporary Nursing 11: Paradigms in Nursing
AII introduction to theories and conceptual thinking in the
process of professional development. The function of theory
in guiding nursing practice is emphasized. Selected nursing
conceptual models are studied and their application to
practice is examined using the nursing process format.
(Prereq: NUR ?05)
Major: Required for Nursing major (upper division)
NUR 3 10
Community Health Nursing I
This course focuses on community health delivery systems
and the practice of nursing within them. Concepts of health
are examined as they apply to current community health
problems and issues. Clinical application of course content
will involve making a health related assessment and exploring
a community health issue. Ethical issues related to community health decision making with aggregate groups are
explored. (Prereq: NUR 330)
Major: Required for Nursing major (upper division)
NUR 311
Community Health Nursing 11: Practicum**
This course provides a basis for understanding community
characteristics and cultural diversity related to health care.
The nurse's role as a generalist and as a member of the health
team is explored. This course is primarily a clinical course.
The student will demonstrate knowledge of community health
concepts in providing care to a selected caseload of clients.
(Prereq: NUR 3 10)
Major: Required for Nursing major (upper division)
**This course involves an additional clinical fee.
NUR 330
Trends and Issues in Nursing
This course is designed to investigate the current responsibilities of the professional nurse. Contemporary economic,
social, political and professional trends and issues are explored
in relation to their implications for nursing practice. (Prereq:
NUR 306, REL 483 or PHI 380, or concurrent enrollment)
Major: Required for Nursing major (upper division)
NUR 350
Introduction to Nursing Research
The research process and methods appropriate to nursing are
the focus of this course. Issues of ethics in nursing research
are explored. Students critique nursing research for its
applicability to nursing practice. (Prereq: NUR 330, may be
taken concurrently with NUR 310)
Major: Required for Nursing major (upper division)
NUR 403
Contemporary Nursing 111: Families
This course provides a theoretical basis for family nursing care.
Content includes family as a primary group and family
dynamics in light of situational and developmental events.
Consideration is given to the role of the nurse in family health
care. (Prereq: NUR 311, NUR 350, may be taken prior or
concurrently with NUR 423)
Major: Required for Nursing major (upper division)
NUR 404
Contemporary Nursing IV: Leadership and
This course provides a theoretical basis for leadership and
management as emerging professional nurse roles. Concepts
of change, conflict, communication, and system dynamics are
explored. Ethics, accountability and advocacy provide the
basis for role development and professionalism. (Prereq:
NUR 403)
Major: Required for Nursing major (upper division)
NUR 423
Practicum in Nursing I: Nursing of the Family**
A clinical practicum offering the student an opportunity to
apply content from NUR 403 in providing complex nursing
care to families in selected practice setting. (Prereq: NUR 403
or concurrent enrollment)
Major: Required for Nursing major (upper division)
**This course i~lvolvesan additional clinical fee
NUR 427
Practicum in Nursing 11: Leadership and
This clinical practicum utilizes knowledge and skills from
NUR 404. Opportunity is provided to apply leadership and
management theory in a selected agency setting. (Prereq:
NUR 404 or concurrent enrollment)
Major: Required for Nursing major (upper division)
**This course involves an additional clinical fee
NUR 432
Topics in Nursing
A course designed to provide in-depth exploration of selected
topics in nursing. The subjects studies will vary depending
upon the needs and interests of the faculty and students.
(Prereq: Senior standing or consent of instructor. 011
Major: Elective for Nursing major (upper division)
NUR 499
Independent Study
This learning experience provides the opportunity for the
students to study a selected topic or issue in depth. Students
consult with faculty and submit written study proposals,
objectives, and methods of evaluation prior to registration.
Major: Elective for Nursing major (upper division)
PHI 110
Introduction to Philosophy: Ideas and Methods
Though each person has his or her own set of ideas and
beliefs, rarely are they critically analyzed or evaluated for their
consistency, adequacy or truth. One reason for this is that
individuals lack the needed skills. Another is that they may
have had little opportunity to examine critically some of the
ideas basic to western culture. The purpose of this course is
to provide the student with some experience in examining
ideas, and thereby to sharpen the critical and analytical skills
required to evaluate and construct a system of ideas and
Distribution: History/Philosophy
PHI 120
Sometimes you say that a certain action is right or condem~lit
as wrong, Why do you think it is right? Because you like it?
Are there better reasons for thinking something right or
wrong? This course takes a long, hard look at possible
grounds for making moral decisions, and at the moral judgements about personal and social issues resulting from them.
Distribution: History/Philosophy
Major: Recommended elective in Business Administration
PHI 130
Suppose someone gives you reasons, and then says you must
accept a particular conclusion. Must you? When does a
conclusion validly follow from premises? Here we examine
the rules which govern valid arguments and work to develop
your ability to recognize and construct sound arguments.
Distribution: History/Philosophy
Major: Recommended elective in Business Administration
and MIS major
PHI 380
Ethics of Medicine and Health Care
Application of ethical principles to problems which arise in the
areas of health care and delivery, human experimentation,
human engineering, abortion, care for the dying and
Distribution: History/Philosophy
Major: PHI 380 or REL 483 required for Nursing major
(upper division)
PHY 101
A descriptive course covering our solar system, stars and
galaxies that requires elementary algebra. The necessary
optical instruments are explained and use is made of a 12-inch
reflecting telescope, and 8-inch Celestron, and a 3-inch
Questar. Occasional night viewing. (Prereq: Math Placement
Group 11)
Distribution: Math/Physics
PHY 103
Physics for the Life Sciences
An introductory course in which the applications, problems
and experiments are selected not only to illustrate f ~ ~ n d a m e n tal principles, but also to demonstrate the relevance of physics
to the life sciences. The course is designed to serve students
in biology, psychology, physical education (therapy programs), medical technology and other health science programs. The course is also a very suitable elective or distribution requirements for the liberal arts student. (Prereq: Math
Placement Group 111)
Distribution: Math/Physics
PHY 106
Introductory Meteorology
A study of the science of meteorology which will provide a
working knowledge of the principles of atmospheric science.
Attention will bc given to four basic areas: observing the
weather (including state of the art instrumentation), understanding weather patterns, forecasting weather changes and
understanding the world's climate. (Prereq: Math Placement
Group 11)
Distribution: Math/Physics
P H Y 11 1
Physics, Computers, and Society
A study of thc historical development of selected topics in
physical science. Attention will be given to the interaction of
physics and its associated technology with philosophy,
religion, and culture. St~tdyof mechanics, electricity, and
digital electronics will lead up to discussion of the mcaning of
Twentieth Century physics and of the role of electronics and
colnputers in modern society. Microconip~itcrswill be used
extensively in the laboratory. (Prereq: Math Placement Group 11)
Distribution: Math/Physics
PHY 261
A review of AC and D C circuits and study of analog electronics co~nprisesthe first half of the course. The second half ,
includes study of digital electronics culminating in analysis and
use of microprocessors and microcomputer systems. (Prereq:
PHY 103, 111 or 122; and MAT 122 or 125)
Major: Elective for Co~nputerScience major
POL 160
World Politics
Introduction to the processes of international politics,
including the dynamics of the international system, theories of
international relations, and a focus on recent problems.
Distribution: Economics/Political Science
POL 170
Law in the United States
A survey of American law and legal process. Theories of law;
law and society; roles of courts, police, lawyers, and juries; the
United States Constitution as "supreme" law; law as politics;
historic and contemporary legal issues.
Distribution: Economics/Political Science
Mass Communications in Society
Effects of mass communications on individual behavior; the
uses and control of mass media for political and social
purposes including a study of censorship, newsmaking,
entertainment and public affairs programming.
Distribution: Urban Concerns or Economics/Political Science
Major: Required for the Communication major (upper division)
Topics in American Politics: Uses of Mass
This course offers advanced study in mass communications.
Topics include "Comparison of World Wide Media Systems,"
"The Role of Government Regulations and Law in Shaping
American Mass Media," "The Impact of Media on American
Society, Politics, and Culture." (It is desirable to have taken
If not, talk with instructor
POL 342 Mass Commu~~icatio~~s.
before registration.)
Distribution: Economics/Political Science (upper division)
PSY 105
General Psychology
An introduction to the methods and approaches used in
psychology for the purpose of understanding behavior. The
structure of the field of psychology, including its major subareas, is emphasized.
Distribution: Psychology/Sociology
Major: Required for Psychology and Social Work major, a
prerequisite for advanced courses in Psychology
PSY 264/
Research Methods: Design, Procedure and Analysis
I, I1
A two-term sequence including experimentation in human
learning, problem solving, social psychology, and sensationperception. Emphasis will be placed on both statistical and
experimental design methodology. Research Methods I may
be taken for credit without continuing in Research Methods
11. Majors in psychology must take both courses in sequence
in consecutive terms.
Major: Required for Psychology major
PSY 355
Brain and Behavior
A survey of the functions of the nervous system which are
responsible for behavior in animals and human beings. Major
topics include: sleep and wakefi~lness,motivation and cmotion, learning and memory and mental disorders. (Prereq: PSY
105 and one course in biology)
Major: Kequired prerequisite course for Nursing major
(upper division)
PSY 356
Environment and Behavior
A study of the influence which the environment, both natural
and man-made, has o n behavior. Major topics include:
overcrowdi~lgand environmental stress, territoriality, defensible space and crime, and built environme~ltssuch as rooms,
buildings and cities. (Prereq: PSY 105)
Distribution: Urban Concerns
Major: Elective for Psychology major (upper division)
PSY 373
Organizational Psychology
Theoretical conceptualizations of organizational behavior.
Factors and practices such as management styles, evaluation
and mainte~la~lcc
of work effectiveness, and social influences.
(Prereq: PSY 105)
Major: Required for Busi~lessManagement major and elective
for Psychology major and three Commu~licatio~l
(upper division)
PSY 38 1
Psychology in Historical Perspective
Historical developme~ltof psychological viewpoints and
theoretical positions. (Prereq: two psychology courses)
Major: Required for Psychology major (upper division)
PSY 399
Prior to the beginning of the trimester in which a student
desires an internship, interested students should consult with
the Departmental Internship Coordinator regarding requirements and permission to register for this course. Grading is
on a P/N basis.
Major: Required for Psychology major (upper division)
PSY 485
Counseling Psychology
Principles, methods, and attitudes involved in the cou~lseling
process. Consideration given to goals and ethical guidelines
for a counseling relationship. (Students with two or more
completed courses in Psychology will have priority in registration. Others rnay be accepted if space is available AND if they
receive consent of the instructor.)
Major: Elective for Psychology and Human Relations major
(upper division)
PSY 493
Seminar: Contemporary Issues
Discussion of contemporary societal issues from a psychological viewpoint. Consideration of the approaches and methods
used by psychologists in studying such issues. (Prereq: five
PSY courses)
Major: lcequired for Psychology major (upper division)
REL 11 1
Introduction to Theology
An introduction to the academic discipline of theology and to
the dialogue between the church and the world which
concerns Christian doctrine.
Distribution: Religion
Major: Required for Religion major
REL 215
Archaeology and the Bible
Discussion of archaeological method, problems in biblical
archaeology, and review of some current findings.
Distribution: Religion
Major: An elective for Religion major
REL 221
Biblical Studies
The origin, literary character, and transmission of the biblical
documents. The task of biblical interpretation. The history
of Israel and the emergence of the church.
Distribution: Religion
Major: Required for Religion major
REL 263
World Justice and Hunger: Developing a New
World View
The course will survey the most recent reports and analysis of
the current holocaust of global hunger including the root
causes, the i~ltercon~lected~less
of other issues, the biblical
mandate and the role of justice education. Attitudes toward
poverty and wealth, justice and charity, oppressio~iand liberation will be discussed. The purpose will be to build greater
global awareness, become sensitized to ethical choices,
energize us for action and responsible living, and explore
pedagogical principles for social justice.
Distribution: Religion
Major: Elective for Religion major
REL 353
Denominations and Religious Groups in America
A study of the beliefs and worship practices of the major
and religious groups. Some contemporary
cultic movements will also be considered.
Distribution: Religion
Major: Elective for Religion major (upper division)
REL 356
History of Religions
An introductory survey of some of the major living religions
of the world, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism,
Taoism, Shinto and Islam. Lectures plus some discussion of
primary docume~ltsfrom these religious communities.
Distribution: Religion
Major: Required for Religion major (upper division)
REL 360
Religion and Society
An exami~lationof the i~lteractionof religion and society in
terms of sociological analysis with particular emphasis on
contemporary sociological research on religious movements in
American society.
Distribution: Religion
Major: Required for Religion major (upper division)
REL 363
Religion in America
A study of the developmellt of religion in America. Special
attention to the rise of religious liberty, revivalism, denominations and the responses of religion to the challenges of its
environing culture.
Distribution: Religion
Major: Elective for Religion major (upper division)
REL 445
The Bible, Language and Interpretation
A study of the use and function of language in the Bible. The
importance of recognizing the varied character of language for
understandi~lgthe biblical text.
Distribution: Religion
Major: Elective for Religion major (upper division)
REL 475
A survey of the history of Judaism from the end of the Old
Testament period to modern times, with emphasis placed
upon the religious development. A special interest in such
modern Jewish thinkers as Buber and Heschel. The Jewish
Chataqua Society annually makes a grant to Augsburg College
in partial support of this course in Judaism offered in the
religion department.
Distribution: Religion
Major: Elective in Religion major (upper division)
REL 481
Contemporary Theology
An introduction to some representative trends in Christian
tl~eologicalthought today, as seen from the systematic
perspective, in the light of the continuing theological task of
the Christian Church.
Distribution: Religion
Major: Required for Religion major (upper division)
REL 483
Christian Ethics
The basis of Christian social responsibility, in terms of
theological and sociological dynamics. Emphasis on developing a constructive perspective for critical reflection upon moral
Distribution: Religion
Major: Required for Religion major, REL 4 8 3 or PHI 380
required for Nursing major (upper division)
REL 486
Psychology of Religion and Theology
A study of curre~ltpsychological views of religion in the
context of the traditional Christian view of human nature.
Special attention will be given to the classics in the field by
Freud, Jung, Vikta Frankl, Ernest Becker, and to those
Christian theologians who have been influe~lcedby them.
Distribution: Religion
Major: Elective in Religion major (upper division)
REL 495
Selected topics. Required of majors in their junior or senior
year. Others by per~nissio~l
of instructor.
Major: Required for Religion major (upper division)
SOC 121
Principles of Sociology
Sociology as a mode of analysis or way of knowing. Its
application to an understanding of basic aspects of society;
socialization, family life, social inequalities, large-scale
institutions, etc. Sociology as an academic discipline and
Distribution: Sociology/Psychology
Major: Required supporting course for Social Work major
SOC 231
Sociology of the Family
An examination of the family as a social institution. The
relationship of the family to its institutional and cultural
context from a sociological perspective.
Major: Required supporting course in Social Work major and
an elective in the H ~ ~ m Relations
SOC 265
Racial and Minority Group
- Relations
The dimensions of racial and minority group relations. Major
attention is focused upon prejudice, racism, and the role of
self-understanding. (P/N grading only)
Distribution: Minority Studies
Major: Required supporting course for Social Work major and
elective supporting course in the Business Ma~lageme~lt
SOC 336
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
The concept of culture examined in a~lthropologyand in the
way we see and live in the world. An analysis of basic assumptions underlying the ideas of "primitive," "civilized," and
"progress." The person's relation to culture. An analysis of
selected aspects of Western culture. (Prereq: SOC 121 or
consent of instructor)
Major: Required for Social Studies major, recommended
elective in Business Management major (upper division)
SOC 349
Complex Organizations
There is little in contemporary American life that is not
somehow affected by organizations. This course
sociologically exami~les(both theoretically and empirically)
how organizations survive as entities and what life is like for
people within those organizations. Through lecture, discussion, guest speakers, and participation we will explore the
topics of organizational goals, technology, structure and
process; as well as corporate and white collar deviance, gender
issues, and organizational change. (Prereq: SOC 121 or
permission of instructor)
Major: Recommended elective in Human Relations, Public
Relations/Advertisi~lg, and Supervisory Ma~lagementmajors
(upper division)
SOC 365
Quantitative Methods and Program Evaluation
Overview of commonly-used research methods, especially
experimental designs and applications to program evaluations.
Co~lsumeroverview of methods of organizing, cornparing and
interpreting quantitative information. Use of data-processing
eq~iipmentfor statistical analysis. Designed for social work
majors. Not to be taken by sociology majors. (Prereq: Level
I11 Math Placement Test)
Major: Required in Social Work major
SOC 375
Social Psychology
An examination of the idea of "group," its relationships to
individual behavior and society. An analysis of the ideas of
"self" and "identity" and what part they play in understanding
interpersonal relations and human behavior. A sociological
view of mental health. A look at the major assumptions and
processes underlying our everyday life - a look at the trivial,
the ordinary and the taken-for-granted. "Symbolic interaction," an important orientation in social psychology, will be
used as a way of dealing with the major issues in the course.
(Prereq: SOC 121)
Major: Required supporting course for Social Work major,
elective supporting course for Business Management major
(upper division)
SPA 11 1
Beginning Spanish
Aims to develop the four basic skills: understanding, speaking,
reading and writing of elementary Spanish. Introduction to
culture of Spanish-speaking world. Laboratory work is an
integral part of the course.
Distribution: Foreign Language
SPA 1 12
Beginning Spanish
Continuation of SPA 11 1
Distribution: Foreign Language
SPC 11 1
Public Speaking
Theory and practice of effective speaking and critical listening.
Students have the opportunity to give several speeches and
receive feedback about their performance from the class and
the instructor. The course focuses on such topics as developing self-confidence, speech preparation and organization,
audience analysis and adaptation, effective delivery, style and
language, and critical thinking and listening.
Major: Required for Communication major, elective supporting course in Business Management major
SPC 222
Introduction to Theatre
A survey of dramatic art including dramatic structure,
principles, and values with a focus on major historical periods,
plays, and artists. This class will discuss the basic concepts of
the play production process.
Distribution: English/Speech
SPC 224
Publication Design
(See under AKT 224.)
SPC 329
Intercultural Communication
This course will explore both the problems and potential of
com~nunicationbetween persons of different cultural groups.
Factors such as ethnocentrism, stereotyping, prejudice, role
expectations, values, and non-verbal sy~nbolswill be examined
in this course.
Major: l<ecommended supporting course in Human Relations
major (upper division)
SPC 342
Mass Communications in Society
(See under POL 342.)
SPC 345
Organizational Communication
An examination of the dynamics of communication in
organizatio~lalsettings. Focuses on topics such as superiorsubordinate relationships, formal and i~lformalcommunication networks, management styles, power and authority, motivation of employees, organizational culture, performa~lce
appraisal, effective use of meetings, and sources of communication problems in the workplace. Designed to enhance
skills of both managers and subordinates.
Students both investigate the literature on organizatio~lal
communication and attempt to apply it to their own experiences in organizations.
Major: Elective for three of the Commullicatio~lmajors
(upper division)
SPC 351
Application of standards for sound evidence and reasoning in
public speaking, discussion, and debates. Key objectives
include increasing skill in analyzing argumentative claims,
being able to distinguish between strong and weak arguments, understanding test for evidence and fallacies in
reasoning, and learni~lgto apply priilciples of argume~ltatio~l
to contemporary public issues. Students have the opportunity
to enhance their skills in debate and discussio~land also learn
to analyze and critique arguments they encounter in their
daily lives. (Prereq: SPC 111 or consent of instructor)
Major: Required for the Commu~licatio~l
major (upper
SPC 352
Theory of how people are i~lfluencedto change attitudes and
behavior. The course deals with a broad range of topics,
includi~lgobstacles to persuasion, cultural dime~lsio~ls
persuasion; the use of logical and psychological appeals,
empirical research in persuasion; how persuasio~~
is used in
politics, sales, advertising, and interpersonal contexts; the
nature of mass movements and campaigns; the impact of the
mass media o n persuasion; and ethical issues related t o persuasion. Students analyze persuasive messages in contemporary society, with practical work in speech and promotio~lal
projects. (Prereq: SPC 111 or co~lsentof instructor)
Major: Required for Communication major, elective supporting course in Business Marketing major (upper division)
SPC 354
Interpersonal Communication
A study of the dynamics of human interaction through verbal
and non-verbal messages; emphasis on factors that build
relationships and help to overcome communication barriers.
This course combines theory and practice to help the student
understand and manage commu~licatio~l
problems more
Major: Required for Commu~licationmajor, elective supporting course in Business Management major (upper division)
SPC 355
Small Group Communication
A study of group dynamics and leadership with emphasis o n
factors related to decision-making, styles of leadership and
conflict management. This course combines lecture with
practical experience to help the student become a more
effective and productive member of a small, task-oriented
group. (Prereq: SPC 354)
Major: Required for Communication major, recommended
for supporting course in the Busi~lessManagement major
(upper division)
SPC 360
Interpretive Reading
Basic principles of oral interpretation of literature. Study,
u~lderstandingand practice in reading prose, poetry and
drama before small and large groups.
Distribution: English/Speech (upper division)
SPC 421
Uses of Mass Communications: Advanced Topics
(See under POL 42 1.)
SPC 480
Public Relations/Promotional Communication
Public Relations in the modern world of communication,
marketing and business. An overview of public relations as a
career and a survey of basic promotional communication in
profit and non-profit organizations.
Major: Elective in all Commu~licationmajors (upper division)
SWK 257
Exploring Human Services
With faculty approval, student selects a placement for 80
hours per term as a volunteer in a social agency or institution.
Opportunity to know human service professionals, minority
professionals, social service delivery systems, and career aspects
of the helping vocations. Indepe~ldentstudy with a term
paper report and weekly review conferences. Career exploration: open t o all students.
Major: Required in the Social Work major
SWK 260
Humans Developing
This course provides the knowledge basic t o an understanding
of human growth through the life cycle, and of the interplay
of sociocultural, biological, and psychological factors which
influence the growth of individuals and families in contemporary American society. Emphasized is the role of the "nurturing environment" in relation to human growth, the impact of
the "sustaining environment" factors, and other special
stresses relevant to growth. Growth related to populatio~ls
and groups which represent ethnic and/or life-style diversity is
also a focus. Students will gain self-understanding through
use of their own experiences. Open to all students.
Major: Required in the Social Work major and Elementary/
Secondary Education ~najor
SWK 361
Social Responses to Human Needs
This course describes the historical and contemporary systems
of human service and diversity of professio~laland client
groups. The major assumptio~lsand social movements whicl~
have contributed to the charitable and governmental re-
sponses t o human needs will be emphasized. Guest speakers
and agency visits highlight the course. (Prereq: Junior or
consent of instructor)
Major: Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
SWK 363
Methods and Skills of Social Work
Basic features of the helping process; theoretical foundations,
principles and techniques of social work interventive methods,
and practical experience necessary for social work practice
with individuals and small groups with a diversity of professio~lalsand client groups; development of the student's repertoire of relationship building skills. (Prereq: SWK 361,
Major: Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
SWK 364
Field Work I
Beginning supervised professio~lalexperience in a social work
agency focusing on interviewing experience and relationship
building. Ten hours per week, plus one small group supportive/discussion seminar per week. (Prereq: SWIC 361, Junior,
concurrent with SWIC 363)
Major: Kequired in the Social Work major (upper division)
SWK 46 1
Advanced Methods and Skills
and refinement of practice skills recognizing
adaptations of the problem-solving model to diverse populations through lecture, classroom exercise and regular class
work. Enlargement of social group work skills, emphasis o n
development of gelleralist practice skills and eclectic approaches with focus on diversity of professio~lalsand client
populatio~ls.Lectures and/or laboratory exercises each week.
(Prereq: 2.0 in SWK 363 and 364, candidacy status, concurrent with SWIC 462)
Major: Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
SWK 462
Field Work I1
Progressively responsible supervised professio~~al
and social
work experience including work with individuals, families,
groups and/or commu~litiesin a social service agency. Ten
hours per week, plus one supportive/discussion seminar per
week. (Prereq: concurrent with SWIC 461, candidacy status)
Major: Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
SWK 463
Community Development and Organization
Locality developme~ltand social change through c o ~ n m u ~ l i t y
organization, social planning, and social action. Emphasis on:
1)survey of historical forms of commu~lityorganization and
social change; 2 ) understanding the theories, basic issues and
strategies relevant t o social protest and change; 3 ) examination of the role of staff, and of the functions and interrelationships of commu~lityorganizations; and 4 ) knowledge of and
actual practice in the essential principles and techniques of
organizing. Open t o all students. (Prereq: Senior or consent
of instructor)
Distribution: Urban Co~lcer~ls
Major: Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
SWK 465
Social Policy: Analysis and Development
Includes the study of theories of Social Policy formulation and
methods of analysis associated with needs and services, and
analysis of the impact of policy on social work practice. Development and implementation will be viewed first hand through
work with an elected public policy maker. Readings and
analytical paper integrate class concepts with practical experience. (Prereq: SWK 361,463 and Senior or consent of
Major: Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
SWK 466
Field Work I11
Continuation of SWK 462. (Prereq: candidacy status, 2.0 in
SWK 461,462,463)
Major: Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
SWK 467
The Social Worker as a Professional
Ethical practice, bureaucratic survival, professional job
attainment, affirmative action and sexual harassment issues,
personnel policies and practices, organizational theory, and
resource development will be studied in the course. The field
work practice becomes the laboratory for class exercises.
(Prereq: candidacy status, 2.0 in SWK461,462,463)
Major: Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
SWK 469
Field Work IV
Continuation of SWK 466. (Prereq: candidacy status, 2.0 in
SWK 466, concurrent with SWK 467)
Major: Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
Financial Information
Admissions Requirements and Procedures
Who May Apply
Men or women who have:
1. Graduated from high school or have earned a G.E.D. Certificate.
2 . Demonstrated academic ability with satisfactory performance in
high school or previous college work.
Admissions Process
1. Complete the application form and return it along with the $15
application fee to the Augsburg Weekend College Office.
2 . Have official transcripts from all previously attended post-secondary institutions sent directly to the Augsburg Weekend College
Office. Applicants with less than one year of previous college
work should include their high school transcripts or G.E.D.
3. The Augsburg Weekend College Admissions Committee will
review the application materials and notify students regarding
acceptance and registration procedures. The Admissions Committee may request that the student submit a personal statement
or have a personal interview with a Weekend College faculty/staff
member or submit letters of recommendation to the Committee.
4. Students who are transferring previous college work to the
Weekend College program will be informed with their acceptance
notification as to the number of courses and degree requirements
that remain to be completed for the bachelor's degree.
5. Students who wish to apply for financial aid should refer to that
section of this bulletin.
Application Deadlines
Fall Trimester 1990 -August 15, 1990
Winter Trimester 1991 - November 26, 1990
Spring Trimester 1991 - March 4, 1991
Financial Aid
Company Tuition Assistance Program
Many companies, agencies, and corporations offer full or partial
tuition assistance to employees who participate in work-related or
degree-oriented college programs. Augsburg provides a payment
plan by which employees may handle tuition reimbursement.
Grants and Scholarships
Pel1 Grant
This is a federal aid program, based on need, that is available to
students who take at least one course in Weekend College. Awards
range from $250-2,300 per year.
Minnesota Part-time Student Grant Program
The State of Minnesota provides an aid program, based on need, for
state residents who take one course at Augsburg.
Minnesota State Scholarship and Grant Program
The Minnesota State Scholarship and Grant Program is available to
Minnesota residents, attending at least half-time per term, based on
financial needs. Awards ranged from $100 to $3,546 for 1989-1990.
Bureau of Indian Affairs, Tribal and State Indian Scholarships
American Indian students who meet federal and state requirements
may apply for these scholarships. Indian grants generally supplement
other sources of financial aid. For assistance in application please
contact Augsburg's American Indian Support Program Director at
330-1138 or your tribal agency.
Augsburg Tuition Grant
Augsburg College may provide grants and scholarships to Weekend
College students who show academic potential and have financial
Loan Assistance
Perkins Student Loan - Joint Augsburg College-federally funded
program administered through the College for students who demonstrate financial eligibility. No interest accrues nor do payments have
to be made on the principal at any time you are enrolled at least halftime. Simple interest of 5% and repayment of the principal (at the
minimum of $30 a month) begin six months after you leave school
(nine months for new borrowers after 7-1-87). Repayment may
extend up to 10 years. The maximum which may be borrowed for
undergraduate study is $9,000, and $18,000 if graduate study is
Stafford Student Loan (formerly the Guaranteed Student
Loan) - Loan hnds are obtained directly from a local lender or state
agency in states which provide such programs. While the student is
attending at least half-time, there is no interest charge. Simple annual
interest of 8%on the loan balance and repayment of the principal
begin six months after you leave school. Repayment may extend up
to 10 years. The maximum loan is $2,625 for the first two years and
$4,000 for the remaining years of undergraduate study with the
cumulative undergraduate maximum of $17,250 and $54,750 for
graduate students. Applications are available at the College and some
SLS (Supplemental Loans for Students) -A Federal loan program. Independent students may borrow up to $4,000 per year to a
maximum of $20,000 and must be enrolled at least half-time. Variable interest rate is set annually with a cap of 12%;payment usually
begins within 60 days after disbursement. Students must apply for
financial aid.
SELF (Student Educational Loan Fund) - A Minnesota State
Loan Program. Students may borrow up to $4,000 per year ($16,000
cumulative) as an undergraduate with a $25,000 maximum for
graduate students. ($1,000 minimum.) Interest rate is variable, paid
by the borrower quarterly while in school. Principal and interest
begin 12 months after leaving school. Students must apply for
financial aid and be enrolled at least half-time.
To Apply for Financial Aid
1) Complete the Application for Admission and indicate your desire
to also apply for financial aid.
2) The Financial A d Ofice will send you the necessary application
and financial statement form (or you may pick them up at the
Financial Aid Office, 152 Science Hall, or the Weekend College
3) All students transferring from any post secondary institution must
have a Financial Aid Transcript on file with Augsburg from each
previously attended institution even if you did not receive aid.
4 ) Complete and return the financial aid forms by the deadlines
5) Accept the financial aid offered, in whole or in part, within the
deadline stated.
Refund Schedule
A per course tuition refund will be made on the following basis:
(Students are responsible for cancelling courses with the Registrar's
Office in order to be eligible for the tuition refund.)
Prior to the first scheduled class meeting - 100%
(less a $75 Administrative Fee if withdrawing from current term
Prior to the second scheduled class meeting - 80%
Prior to the third scheduled class meeting - 60%
No rehnd after the third scheduled class meeting.
The refund schedule is effective whether or not a student has attended
classes. All rehnds of charges will be applied to the account of the
student and all adjustments for aid, loans, fines, and deposits, etc. will
be made before eligibility for a cash refund of any resulting credit
balance is determined. Please allow two weeks for a refund.
Tuition Refund Policy
If a student is forced to withdraw because of accident or illness,
whether a physical or mental health problem, the refund may include
the normal percentage plus one-half of the percentage adjustment.
Requests for this additional refund must be made to the Petitions
Committee and must be accompanied by a written report from the
attending health professional stating the inability for, or inadvisability
of, continued study. Students charged on a single-course fee basis
who have completed payment of assessed tuition may choose between
this partial tuition rehnd and a tuition-free course retake credit. A
retake credit may be used only to repeat the same course from which
the student withdrew. This choice between rehnd and tuition-free
retake credit must be made at the time of the request to the Petitions
Committee, and the choice of monetary refund or retake credit may
not be changed subsequently. Students should be aware that their
choice of refund or retake credit may adversely affect their financial aid
eligibility and that they bear h l l responsibility for the effects of their
choices. Retake credits must be used within one academic year or the
next time the course is offered if that is longer than one year.
Augsburg College was founded in 1869 in Marshall, Wisconsin, and
moved to Minneapolis in 1872. The name Augsburg College and
Seminary changed in 1963 when the Lutheran Free Church merged
with The American Lutheran Church.
Augsburg's 23-acre campus is in the heart of the Twin Cities metropolitan area, only blocks from downtown Minneapolis and the
intersection of Interstate Highways 9 4 and 35W. Adjacent to the
campus are the Riverside Medical Center, the West Bank campus of
the University of Minnesota and the Mississippi River parkways.
Skyways, tunnels and elevators provide accessible connection between
1 0 of the 1 5 major buildings - student housing towers, College
Center, main academic and administrative halls, the Library, Music
Hall and Foss Center for Worship, Drama and Communication.
We have made a major effort to become one of the most accessible
campuses in the region. Our skyway-tunnel system lets you reach any
of 10 major buildings without going outside. In addition to building
changes, we have a program to increase awareness and
provide extra help for students with disabilities.
Church Affiliation
Augsburg is a college of The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. About 51 percent of the students are Lutheran, 1 5 percent other
Protestant and 1 5 percent Roman Catholic. Several other affiliations
are represented among students and faculty.
Non-Discrimination Policy
A ~ ~ g s b u College
does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed,
national or ethnic origin, age, marital status, sex or handicap as
required by Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments or Section
504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended in its admission
policies, educational programs, activities, and employment practices.
Ausburg College
Admissions House
George Sverdrup Library
Science Hall
Old Main
5. West Hall
6. Mortensen Tower
Urness Tower
Christensen Center
Sverdrup-Oftedal Memorial Hall
Music Hall
2222 Murphy Place
Melby Hall
Ice Arena
Stage I1 Theatre
Center for Global Education
Scandinavian Center
Foss. Lobeck. Miles Center for
worship, ~ r a h and
18. Youth and Family Institute
19. Office Annex House
20. Tutor House
21. American Indian Support
and Minority Education
A. Admissions Parking
B. Student Parking
C . Visitor Parking
D. The Quad
E. Faculty/Staff Parking
F. Murphy Square
G. Anderson-Nelson Athletic Field
H. Fairview/St. Mary's Parking Ramp
I. Husby-Strommen Tennis Courts
J. Resident Parking Only
Accessible Entrance
Find A a ~ s b a r ~
From Minneapolis
Interstate 9 4 east to 25th Avenue exit, left to Riverside Avenue, left
to 21st Avenue South, left at Augsburg sign.
From St. Paul
Interstate 9 4 west to Riverside exit, right on Riverside Avenue to 21st
Avenue South, left at Augsburg sign.
All posted Augsburg College parking lots are free and open for
student use from 4:30 p.m. Friday through Sunday evening. Lots are
located o n 7th Street between 21st and 2211d Avenues and north of
8th Street on 21st Avenue. Most street parking is two hour parking,
seven days a week. Additional parking is available in the Riverside
Medical Center ramp, or U of M parlung lots on the north side of
Riverside Avenue.
Show less
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Those who hope to lead had better understand both rat... Show more
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Those who hope to lead had better understand both rationally and
intuitively the people who might be their followers, and the society
in which they are embedded. They had better comprehend the
values of our common culture, past and present, know how our
political and economic systems work, and understand how and
why science has changed the world ... Leaders need specialists as
advisers and staff members. But leaders themselves are generalists ... At higher levels of leadership they cannot achieve their full
potential without considerable breadth of knowledge. Only this
way can they shape the contexts for decisions where expert
knowledge is used.
- John Gardner
Augsburg College
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
• nformation Sessions
Individuals interested in the Master of Arts in Leadership
program at Augsburg College are encouraged to attend an information session. These free, two-hour sessions are scheduled
at various times prior to the beginning of each trimester.
Please call the Master of Arts in Leadership Office (330-1786)
for details or to register for one of these information sessions:
Saturday, April 21, 1990
Thursday, May 24, 1990
Thursday, June 21, 1990
Tuesday, July 17, 1990
Saturday, October 20, 1990
Saturday, February 23, 1991
Saturday, April 20, 1991
Thursday, May 23, 1991
Thursday, June 20, 1991
Tuesday, July 16, 1991
Tuesday, August 6, 1991
For more information write or call:
Master of Arts in Leadership Office
Augsburg College
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
9:00-11 :00
9:00-11 :00
9:00-11 :00
Information Sessions .............................................................. .. .. 2
Calendar for 1990-'91 ................................................................. 4
Introduction to the Master of Arts in Leadership .................. 6
Leadership Development Model ............................................. 7
Curriculum Design ............................................. ........................ 9
Course Descriptions ........................................ ..... .................... 10
Graduate Faculty ...................................................................... 13
Library ........................................................................................ 13
Accreditation and Affiliations ................................................ 13
Student Support Services ........................................................ 14
Student Rights ........................................................................... 15
Admission Requirements ........................................................ 15
Application Procedures ......................................................... .. 15
Deadlines ................................................................................... 16
Evaluation Standards ......... ...................................................... 16
Academic Policies ..................................................................... 17
Fee and Payment Schedule ..................................................... 18
Financial Aid ............................................................................. 19
Campus Map ............................................................................. 22
Campus Location .. .................................................................... 23
About Augsburg ....................................................................... 24
Faculty and Administration .................................................. .. 25
Advisory Council to the Graduate Program ........................ 28
D alendar
1990-'91 Calendar
Saturday Schedule: 8:30 AM - Noon and 1:15 - 4:45 PM
Thursday Schedule: 6:00 - 7:30 PM and 8:00 - 9:30 PM
Fall Trimester 1990
. : -·
Class Dates
Thursday, September 6
Thursday, September 13
Saturday, September 22
Thursday, September 27
Saturday, O ctober 6
Thursday, October 11
Saturday, October 20
Thursday, October 25
Saturday, N ovember 3
Thursday, November 8
Saturday, November 17
Thursday, November 29
Saturday, D ecember 1
Leadership Practicum Dates
Saturday, September 8
Saturday, September 15
Other Important Dates
Monday, August 20: Application Deadline
Wednesday, September 5: Orientation
Monday, September 10: Last day to register and / or drop
class without record notation
Saturday, November 17: Last day to withdraw from class
Monday, December 17: Final Grades Due
Attendance Policy
Bernuse leader hip i sue are presented, d is u e and a nalyzed in the cla sroom, r gular attendance is highly importMt
a nd hould be con idered a responsibility, not on ly to o n ·'
elf, bu t to ne' cla , mat sand the cour instruct r. Irregula1- attendance may, at the di er tion f th · in tructo r, , dversely affect one's grade.
Winter Trimester, 1991
Class Dates
Thursday, January 3
Saturday, January 12
Thursday, January 17
Saturday, January 26
Thursday, January 31
Saturday, February 9
Thursday, February 14
Saturday, February 23*
Thursday, February 28
Saturday, March 9
Thursday, March 14
Saturday, March 23
Thursday, March 28
Leadership Practicum
Saturday, January 5
*One week between classes
Other Important Dates
Monday, December 3: Application Deadline
Wednesday, January 2: Orientation
Monday, January 7: Last day to register and / or drop
class without record notation
Saturday, March 16: Last day to withdraw from class
Monday, April 1: Final Grades Due
Spring Trimester 1991
Class Dates
Thursday, April 11
Saturday, April 20
Thursday, April 25
Saturday, May 4
Thursday, May 9
Saturday, May 18
Thursday, May 23
Saturday, June 1
Thursday, June 6
Saturday, June 15*
Thursday, June 20
Saturday, June 22
Thursday, June 27
Leadership Practicum
Saturday, April 6
*One week between classes
Other Important Dates
Monday, March 4: Application Deadline
Wednesday, April 10: Orientation
Monday, April 15: Last day to register and / or drop
class without record notation
Saturday, June 1: Last day to withdraw from class
Monday, July 8: Final Grades Due
Developing Leaders for
Organizations and the Community
The Master of Arts in Leadership responds to the leadership
development needs of profit and not-for-profit organizations.
While different in structure and purpose, most organizations
seek leaders with the following qualities:
• a vision which is ethically and morally responsible,
extending beyond immediate concerns;
• an understanding of how change occurs and affects the
immediate environment;
• a sensitivity to the complex problems organizations face,
and an ability to achieve solutions consistent with an
organization's mission;
"' the ability to motivate and inspire individuals and groups to
work toward a common goal; and
• the ability to effectively represent the organization both
internally and externally.
The Master of Arts in Leadership provides a means by which
individuals aspiring to enhance their leadership skills may
discover and refine these and other abilities and awarenesses
fundamental to effective leadership.
Accommodating the Full-Time Work Schedule
The Master of Arts in Leadership program is designed to meet
the needs and preferences of working adults. The program is
based on the assumption that the men and women who enroll
are employed, self-disciplined and well-motivated individuals
who seek a balance of classroom experience, group interaction
and individual study. Each course is, therefore, divided into
periods of study, group efforts and class preparation. To accommodate this format for learning, each class meets on alternate Saturdays for three-and-one-half hours and alternate
Thursday evenings for one-and-one-half hours.
Leadership Development Model
The Master of Arts in Leadership program promotes leadership as a process which 1) inspires cooperation among people
who must compete for limited resources, 2) promotes productivity within and beyond the organization, and 3) works
toward progress. To accomplish this, individuals aspiring to
positions of leadership must possess three key attributes: a
sense of vision, the ability to persuade and the ability to direct
action. Underlying these attributes is a broad range of abilities
and awarenesses. These abilities and awarenesses, outlined in
the diagram on page 7, serve as specific outcomes for the
Master of Arts in Leadership. Augsburg's model of leadership
development is designed to assess, promote, enhance and
refine these capabilities within the individual.
Leadership Development Model
Sense of
Toward Action
"" Social awareness
"" Environmental
"" Tolerance of
religious and
"" Appreciation
of situational
"" Long-term
"" Flexibility
"" Adaptability
"" Innovativeness
Facility for
Effective listener
Effective speaker
Effective writer
Diplomatic ability
Effective team
"" Interpersonal
Risk Assumptive
"" Curiosity
"" Achievement
"" Self-esteem
Analytical ability
"" Ability to think
"" Understanding of
.& Ability to manage
"" Appreciation
for cultural
"" World-view
"" Tolerance of
Community of Learners
Essential to the goals of the Master of Arts in Leadership is
participation in a community of learners. Learning can be.
enhanced when the student is involved in a stable community
that provides opportunity and encouragement for active
participation both in and out of the classroom. This community will be enriched by the presence of men and women who
bring to the program a variety of work and life experiences.
To facilitate this kind of community interaction, Augsburg
encourages graduate students to make use of college facilities
such as the library, meeting rooms and the Christensen Center;
to take the opportunity to share meals and coffee breaks; to
participate in optional lunchtime seminars; and to attend other
college activities such as music and dramatic presentations and
athletic events.
Leadership Practicum
. .,
.· .·.·
Master of Arts in Leadership students enroll in a half course
called "Leadership Practicum." Students are required to enroll
in this professional assessment and development course for six
terms during their graduate work at Augsburg. Upon completion of the entire practicum, students receive a half course
credit. In each term, specific activities related to the practicum
are scheduled.
Early in the program a major component of this practicum is a
full-day professional assessment to determine students' abilities and potential relative to each of the outcomes of the Leadership Development Model (see page 7). Assessment instruments include paper and pencil exercises and simulation and
group experiences. Following the assessment students meet
individually with a trained assessor who provides guidance in
personal goal-setting and in the creation of a professional development plan or "blueprint."
In subsequent terms "Leadership Practicum" includes workshops designed to meet the needs of the students in the following areas: communication skills, self-assessment measures,
group processes, and other professional development topics
identified by graduate students and staff.
.Liurriculum Design
Master of Arts in Leadership students are required to complete
12 courses and a thesis. Each course unites two or more liberal
arts disciplines, encourages pursuit of the designated outcomes, and uses a variety of learning techniques appropriate to
adult learners. Instructional techniques are varied, such as
case study, debate, written and oral presentation and group
activity. The e techniques, which have had demon trat d
succes in advan d courses, develop targeted leadership
abilities and understandings. Continual reinforcement occurs
as students employ these capacities in multiple courses.
Students are encouraged to see abilities and understandings as
cross-disciplinary and to see content areas as integrated. The
very form of the program reflects the view that the world in
which we operate is complex and that dealing with it successfully requires well-developed integrative ability.
Required Courses Include:
ML 500
ML 510
ML 590
ML 591
ML 592
Leadership Practicum (a half course which
spans six trimesters)
Foundations of Leadership (to be taken during
one of the first three trimesters)
Thesis-Research Seminar I
Thesis-Research Seminar II (These two seminars
are to be taken in a student's last two consecutive
Thesis Consultation (a half course to be taken
simultaneously with ML 591 and in the term in
which the thesis is completed)
Students are required to complete eight additional
courses chosen from the following courses:
ML 511 Creativity and the Problem-Solving Process
ML 520 Self-Identity, Values and Personal Growth
ML 521 Methods of Critical Thought
ML 530 Ethics in Communication
ML 531 The Dynamics of Change
ML 540 Politics, History and Leadership
ML 545 Analytical Reasoning for Qualitative Decisions
ML 550 Decision-Making Technology
ML 560 Developing a Multi-Cultural Perspective
ML 598 Independent Study
ML 599 Special Topics
Other courses as added
urse Descriptions
ML 500 Leadership Practicum
A professional assessment and development course which
spans six terms. This course includes a full-day professional
assessment and subsequent workshops in the following areas:
communication skills, self-assessment measures, group
processes. The course culminates in a final professional
assessment. Half credit. Graded on a P /N basis.
ML 510 Foundations of Leadership
Introduction to the concept of leadership, providing an historical and philosophical framework for the program. This course
views the nature and purpose of leadership from a variety of
disciplines and perspectives. The role of th liberal arts, various learning styles, methods of research and inquiry, student
outcomes and program expectations are examined.
ML 511 Creativity and the Problem-Solving Process
Exploration of creativity from the perspective of traditional
aesth · tics as well as contemporary organizational thinking.
Thi cour e uses creativity as a method and it examines techniques for solving problems in organizations, for enhancing
innovation, and for seeking an integrative world-view.
ML 520 Self-Identity, Values and Personal Growth
Study of the concepts of self-identity, values and personal
growth as related to professional and personal life. This course
may employ psychological, philosophical, and theological perspectives to explore the role of the individual in the larger
social context. Major topics include the acquisition, development and evolution of self-identity and values, the influence of
sex roles, and the relationship to spiritual growth.
ML 521 Methods of Critical Thought
Investigation of the processes of critical thinking drawing from
philosophy and other disciplines. This course focuses on the
relationships between ideas and the expression and application
of ideas. Students apply dialectical processes in the effective
formation, presentation and use of ideas in organizational
ML 530 Ethics in Communication
Interdisci plinary study of ethics and communica tion through
the in vestigation of a v<1riety of ethical perspectives within
human comm uni at:ion. This course places particular a ttention
on the use and abuse of communication in politics, advertising
and interpersonal relationships. It emphasizes a sensitivity to
ethical conflicts which arise in social and organizational settings.
ML 531 The Dynamics of Change
Exami na tion of the processes by which change occurs. This
course , ppli s economic and sociological theories to such critical social issues as human and natural resource management.
Emphasis is on identi fying the need for change, the means of
initiating it and the adaptation of social groups to change.
ML 540 Politics, History and Leadership
Analy is of the p Litical aspects of nation-sta tes and other
organiza tions. This course focuses on the proces of achieving
individual, group or .national goa ls. Dra wi1tg on a variety of
cultures and uati n , it examines significant historica l events
and the leaders who shaped them.
ML 545 Analytical Reasoning for Qualitative Decision
Exploration of th methods of ma th ma tica l r asoning as a
structure for a pproa ling problems. This c ur focuses on
the logic and ra tional und erlying ma thematica l models and
analytical decision making techniques.
ML 550 Decision-Making and Technology
Historica l a naly i of th decision ma king an d p roblem solving
pr ce . Thi cour e foc uses on the development of technology
as both the cause and th e solutio1~ of problem s by investigating
various cases.
ML 560 Developing a Multi-Cultural Perspective
Investiga tion of inter-cultura l issues. This course enhances the
ability to lead and work m re effectively with p pie of differen t cultural backgro und throu gh the study of djverse valu ,
beliefs and traditions within the global community.
ML 590 Thesis-Research Seminar I:
Research in Leadership
First half of a two-course "capstone" sequence for the Master
of Arts in Leadership program. This course provides each individual the opportunity to develop a research topic to synthesize previous study and work experience and to demonstrate
an understanding of the program's principles. Grad d n a PI
N basis.
ML 591 Thesis-Research Seminar II:
Synthesis of Findings
Continuation of the "capstone" seminar. This seminar
focuses on the methods of inquiry and results of individual
projects. At the completion of the seminar students present
their final results orally and submit written th ses. Graded
on a PI N basis.
ML 592 Thesis Consultation
A series of meetings with a faculty thesis adviser simultaneous
with ML 591 and during the trimester in which the thesis is
being prepared for final submission. Half credit. Graded on
P / N basi . Students not compl tjng the th s is during the same
term in which they are enrolled in ML 591 are r quired to pay
a thesis continuation fee of $100 durulg each sub equent term
until the thesis is completed .
ML 598 Independent Study
Provides directed independent study in an area of the
student's choice. Open to students who have completed at
lea t three courses with a grad of at least 3.0. Requires
consent of th Associate Deai1 for Graduate and Special Programs.
ML 599 Special Topics
Study of selected topics in leadership that are not treated extensively through current course offerings. Specific topics will
be published prior to registration.
a raduate Faculty
Faculty who teach in the Master of Arts in L ader hip program
are full-time senior faculty with doctorates or appropriate
professional d g re s. Som our s are team taught by bringing tog th r fa ulty from diff rent discipline or combining a
faculty m mb r with profes ionals from relevant fields. In
th s ituation , at least on member of the team has a Ph.D.
and substantial teaching experience. All of the program
faculty have extensive experience teaching adult learners.
Graduate faculty are listed at the end of this bulletin.
• ibrary
The Augsburg library houses over 160,000 bo k , p riodicals,
records, tapes and film . Music, chemistry a nd art hi t ry libraries nre I ca ted within the departmental areas. Ace s to
over 1,000,000 volumes is available via daily interloan and
courier service among seven private liberal arts colleges and
the Hill Reference Library. Through Minitex, the statewide
network, the additional resources of the Minnesota and Wisconsin libraries are accessible to Augsburg faculty and students .
• ccreditation and
Students who successfully complete Augsburg's leadership
prngram will rec ive a Master of Arts Degr · . Augsbu rg is accredited by t11e orth ent.ral A oc:iation of Coll g and
Schools. Th · colleg is a member f the A
iated oll ges of
th Twin Citie (ACTC), Luth tan Educati n owlcil in orth
America and Minnesota Private College Council.
Augsburg College is registered with the Minnesota Higher
Ed u ation Coordinating Board . Registration is not an endorsement of the institution. Registration does not (necessarily)
mean that credits earned at the institution can be transferred to
other institutions or that the quality of the educational programs would meet the standards of every student, educational
institution, or employer.
ll]tudent Support Services
The Augsburg Master of Arts in Leadership Program assists
students in making education and career plans, in working on
their personal development, and in participating in activities
beyond the classroom. Some of these services are listed below.
Academic Planning
In addition to the faculty who provide consultation and advice,
academic planning is guided by the Leadership Practicum assessors, thesis advisers, and Master of Arts in Leadership staff.
Career Services available include:
• Professional assessment through the Leadership Practicum
• Self/ career assessment counseling through the
Career Services Office (330-1162)
• Development of a resume and a career-search plan
through the Career Services Office
• Work experience related to a student's field of specialization
through the Cooperative Education Office (330-1148)
The College has adopted a statement of student rights and responsibilities and has provided for due process in the matters
of disciplinary action, grievana a nd grad appeal. Students
who wish to identify appropriate procedur s f01· complaints
should c nta t the Vi President for Stud ent Affai_rs (330-1160).
The C liege perates in comp.liaiu e with th Family Right and
Privacy Act and Tit! IX. Sh1dents hav · th right to in p ct all
official r cord which pertain to th m a nd w hich ar maintained in the Registrar's Office and the Placement Office
(except where a waiver of access has been signed) and to
challenge inaccurate or misleading information. Students have
a right to experience education free from discrimination based
on sex, race, ethnic or cultural background, handicap, creed,
marital status or age.
'Almission Requirements
Applicants to the program must hold a baccalaureate degree
from an accredited four-year college or university.
Applicants to the program are expected to have a minimum
undergraduate grade point average of 3.0 (on a scale of A=4.0).
Applicants to the program must have five years of experience
(or equivalent) with one or more organizations in a position(s)
of leadership or position(s) demonstrating leadership potential.
Decisions about admission to the program will be made on an
individual basis by the Master of Arts in Leadership Committee. Admission to each entering graduate class will be given to
the most highly qualified individuals. Selection of candidates
will be made on the basis of an evaluation of each applicant's:
Previous college record,
Letters of recommendation,
Experience and organizational background,
Miller Analogies Test scores, or for applicants whose native
language is not English, a minimum score of 600 on the Test
of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), and
• Written statement and possible interview.
Alpplication Procedures
To apply, students must submit the following materials to the
Master of Arts in Leadership Office:
• Completed application form with $25 (non-refundable)
application fee.
• Written statement relating the applicant's career and life
goals focusing on leadership aspirations.
• Letter of recommendation from an immediate supervisor,
assessing leadership potential.
• Letter of recommendation from a co-worker (at the same
level) describing applicant's work style and potential as a
• Official transcripts of undergraduate and graduate work
from each institution attended indicating degrees conferred.
• Official set of results on the Miller Analogies Test, or for
applicants whose native language is not English, a minimum
score of 600 on the Test of English as a Foreign Language
• Possible interview with graduate program staff member.
Fall Trimester, 1990-Monday, August 20, 1990
Winter Trimester, 1991-Monday, December 3, 1990
Spring Trimester, 1991-Monday, March 4, 1991
Fall Trimester, 1991-Monday, August 19, 1991
m valuation Standards
Evaluation of academic performance for the Master of Arts in
Leadership will be based on number grades using a 4.0 point
scale with these definitions:
Achieves highest standards of excellence
Achieves above basic course standards
Achieves the minimum passing standard
Achieves at or above the 2.0 level (not computed
in grade point average)
Does not meet minimum course standards (no credit and
non-punitiv~not computed in grade point average)
Grade given when course is dropped
Incomplete grade given when student is unable
to complete course requirements for rea ons beyond the
student's control (to receive an incomplete, a student
must file a petition with the Graduate Program staff
stating reasons for the request, the plan and date for
removing the incomplete grade, the signature of the
instructor, and any other necessary documentation).
No more than two courses with a grade below 3.0 will count
t ward the degree. N more than two courses with a grad
below 2.0 can be r peated. Only the credits and grades earned
th s ·cond time are c unt ·d in th grad point average.
Alcademic Policies
Academic Probation and Dismissal
Students must maintain a 3.0 cumulative grade point average.
If a student falls below a 3.0 average, the student will be placed
on probation for the following term. A 3.0 cumulative grade
point average must be restored in order for a student to. be
removed from probation. If a student receives a grade of N in
a course, the student must petition successfully with the
Master of Arts in Leadership Committee before being permitted to continue in the program. A plan for the student to follow would be outlined at that time. If the cumulative grade
point average again falls below 3.0, the student may be dismissed from the program by the Master of Arts in Leadership
Committee. Students also may be dismissed by the Master of
Arts in Leadership Committee for behavior detrimental to the
program such as a gross violation of college policy (as published in the Student Guide). Dismissal would occur only after
established procedures were followed.
Credit for Prior Education, Training and Experience
Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the courses in the Master
of Arts in Leadership program, it is unlikely that courses taken
elsewhere may be substituted for a particular course in the curriculum. Students may petition the Master of Arts in Leadership Committee for approval of any variation in the curriculum including the transfer of credit or the receipt of credit for
other training.
Credit and Contact Hours
Each graduate course in the Master of Arts in Leadership program is the equivalent of four semester credits or six quarter
credits. Students meet in class a total of 30 hours and are
responsible for a significant amount of individual study and
Enrollment Policy/Leaves of Absence
Students may take either one or two courses each trimester.
Enrolling in two courses per trimester enables a student to
complete the program in two years. All students are required
to complete the program within four years. Extensions beyond
four years will be considered on the basis of petition to the
Master of Arts in Leadership Committee. Students who leave
the program for more than one term must request a leave of
absence in writing from the Master of Arts in Leadership
Last Date to Withdraw from Class
The last date on which students may withdraw from a class
and receive a "W" on their records is noted on pp. 4 and 5.
n ee and Payment
Application Fee (payable once, non-refundable)
Tuition (per trimester course)
(one course = 6 quarter credits or 4 semester credits)
Enrollment Reservation Deposit (non-refundable,
applicable to first semester's tuition)
Leadership Practicum Fee (per term for six terms)
Thesis Continuation Fee
Late Fee (charged to any student registering
after the scheduled registration date.)
Late registration includes incomplete registration as
defined: a) Unsigned Registration Form or
b) Unapproved Payment Plan
Registration Change after First Class Meeting
(cancel/ add/ change grade option, or combination
at one time)
Transcript Fee (per copy after first, which is free)
Finance Charge: A finance charge is applied at a
simple rate of 1% per month on any account with
an open balance of 30 days or more.
per day
The application fee ($25) is due on or before the application
deadline for a given term. The $100 non-refundable deposit
(applied to first semester's tuition) reserves a place in the program in a given term, once a person is accepted. Tuition is due
at the time of registration.
Payment Options*
1) Payment in Full: Due day of registration.
2) Payment Plan: Upon application and after college approval,
a 3-pay plan is available each trimester. Payment plans will be
offered only if previous plans have been adhered to.
3) Company Reimbursement: Full courses, or equivalent,
which are company reimbursed require a deposit of $150 per
course reimbursed, with full payment due within 50 days after
the end of the term.
Tuition is set on an annual basis, payable in 3 equal installments at the beginning of each trimester. Registration is permitted only if the student's account for a previous term is paid
in full as agreed . Augsburg College will not release diplomas
or academic transcripts until all student accounts are paid in
full . This also applies for student loan funds administered by
the college (Perkins Student Loan); they must be current according to established repayment schedules.
*A non-sufficient-funds check will declare your registration invalid and
could affect further credit extended by the college.
Refund Schedule
A per-course tuition refund will be made on the following
basis: (In order to be eligible for the refund, students are responsible for cancelling courses with the Registrar's Office.)
first scheduled class meeting-100%
second scheduled class meeting-90%
third scheduled class meeting-80%
fourth scheduled class meeting-70%
fifth scheduled class meeting-60%
sixth scheduled class meeting-50%
m inancial Aid
In a number of ways, students may receive assistance in meeting Graduate Program costs. Enrollment in two courses per
trimester allows the student to be classified as full-time. One
course is considered half-time enrollment. The Office of Student Financial Services (330-1046) assists students in assessing
financial aid eligibility and offers financial aid from available
alternatives, including the following:
Augsburg Tuition Grant
Augsburg College may provide grants and scholarships to
graduate students who show academic potential and have financial need.
Funded Scholarships
Augsburg actively pursues outside funding for special scholarships. The availability of such scholarships enables the participation of individuals of limited financial means as well as individuals working for volunteer agencies and other organizations not likely to provide tuition reimbursement.
Company Tuition Assistance Programs
Many companies, agencies and corporations offer full or
partial tuition assistance to employees who participate in
work-related or degree-related college programs. Augsburg
College provides several payment plans by which employees
may handle tuition reimbursement.
Bureau of Indian Affairs, Tribal and State Indian
American Indian students who meet federal, state or tribal
requirements may apply for these scholarships. Indian grants
generally supplement other sources of financial aid. For assistance in application please contact Augsburg's American
Indian Support Program Director at 330-1138 or your tribal
Federal and State Aid Programs
Th Office of Student Financial Services determines eligibility
for any Federal or State financial aid programs available to
graduate students. Determination of eligibility is based on
standard, nationally accepted methodology.
"' Perkins Student Loan-Joint Augsburg College-federally
funded program administered through the College for students who demonstrate financial eligibility. No interest
accrues nor do payments have to be made on the principal at
any time while you are enrolled at least half-time. Simple
interest of 5% and repayment of the principal (at the minimum
of $30 a month) begin six months after you leave school (nine
months for new borrowers after 7-1-87). Repayment may
extend up to 10 years. The maximum which may be borrowed
for combined undergraduate and graduate study is $18,000 .
.... SLS (Supplemental Loans for Students)-A Federal loan
program. Independent students may borrow up to $4,000 per
year to a maximum of $20,000 and must be enrolled at least
half-time. Variable interest rate is set annually with a cap of
12%; payment usually begins within 60 days after disbursement. Principal may be deferred until the student ceases halftime enrollment. Interest may, at the lender's option, accumulate until the in-school deferment ends. Students must apply
for flnancial aid .
.... SELF (Student Educational Loan Fund)-A Minnesota
State Joan program. Students may borrow up to $4,000 per
year ($16,000 cumulative) as undergraduates with a $25,000
aggregate maximum when graduate study is included ($1,000
minimum). Interest rate is variable, paid by the borrower
quarterly while in school. Principal payments begin 13 months
after leaving school. Students must apply for financial aid and
be enrolled at least half-time .
.... Stafford Student Loan (formerly the Guaranteed Student
Loan)-Loan funds are obtained directly from a local lender or
state agency in certain states. While the student is attending at
least half-time, there is no interest charge. Simple annual
interest of 8% on the loan balance and repayment of the
principal begin six months after leaving school. Repayment
may extend up to 10 years. The maximum loan is $2,625 for
the first two years and $4,000 for the remaining years of undergraduate study and $7,500 per year for graduate study. The
cumulative undergraduate and graduate maximum is $54,750.
To Apply for Financial Aid:
Complete the Application for Admission and indicate your
desire to also apply for financial aid.
The Office of Student Financial Services will send you the
necessary application and financial statement form (or you
may pick them up in the Office of Student Financial
Services, 152 Science Hall, or the Master of Arts in
Leadership Program Office, 2222 Murphy Place).
All students must have a Financial Aid Transcript on file
with Augsburg from each previously attended institution
even if they did not receive aid. Forms are available from
the College.
Complete and return the financial aid forms by the
deadlines indicated.
Accept the financial aid offered, in whole or in part, within
the deadline stated.
Admissions House
George Sverdrup Library
Science Hall
Old Main
West Hall
Mortensen Tower
Urness Tower
Christensen Center
Memorial Hall
Music Hall
2222 Murphy Place
Melby Hall
Ice Arena
Stage II Theatre
Center for Global
Scandinavian Center
Foss, Lobeck, Miles Center
for Worship, Drama and
Youth and Family Institute
19. Office Annex House
20. Tutor House
21. American Indian Support
and Minority Education
A. Admissions Parking
B. Student Parking
C. Visitor Parking
D. The Quad
E. Faculty /Staff Parking
F. Murphy Square
G. Anderson-Nelson
Athletic Field
H. Fairview/St. Mary's
Parking Ramp
I. Husby-Strommen
Tennis Courts
J. Resident Parking Only
I~ I
Accessible Entrance
ampus Location
From Minneapolis
Interstate 94 east to 25th A venue exit, left to Riverside
Avenue, left to 21st Avenue South, left at Augsburg sign.
From St. Paul
Interstate 94 west to Riverside exit, right on Riverside
A venue to 21st A venue South, left at Augsburg sign.
All posted Augsburg College pa rking lot are fr and
p en for student us from 4:30 p.m. Friday tlu· ugh
Sunday vening. Lots are loca.ted on 7th Street between
21st and 22nd Avenues and north of 8th Street on 21st
A venue. Most street parking is two hour parking, seven
days a week. Additional parking is available in the
Riverside Medical Center ramp, or U of M parking lots
on the north side of Riverside A venue.
.. '
Ang burg was the first seminary founded by orwegian
Lutherans in America. Named after the confess ion of faith
presented by Lutheran in Aug burg, Germa ny, in 1530,
Aug burg opened in September, 1869, in Marshall, Wisconsin,
and moved to Minneapolis in 1872.
Campus Location
Augsburg's campus is located in the heart of the Twin Cities
surrounding Murphy Square, the oldest of 155 pC1 rks in the
"City of Lakes." Adjacent to the ca mpu are Fairview an d
St. Mary' Hospitals, th West 13ank campus of the Univer ity
f Minne ota and Mississippi River parkway .
Augsburg College has made a majo r effort to becom on of
th most accessible campu es in the regi n. Skyway , tunnel
and eleva tors provide accessible connections be tween nine of
th 14 major b uildings- sh.1dent housi ng towers, Chri ten ell
Cent r, main academic and administrative halls, the library
and music building. In addition, there are progra ms for
students with learning a nd physical disabili ties.
Church Affiliation
Augsburg is a college of The Evangelical Lu thera n Church in
America. About 59 p rcent of the students are Lu th ra11,
14 perc nt other Protes ta nt a nd 19 percent Roman Ca tholic.
Several other affiliations are repre ented among s h.1dents a nd
Non-Discrimination Policy
Augsburg College does not discriminate on the basis of race,
creed, national r ethnic origin, age, marital status, sex or
handicap a required by Title IX of the 1972 Educational
Amendments of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
as amended in its admission policies, educational programs,
activities, and employment practices.
The following faculty and administrators are currently involved in
the Master of Arts in Leadership program:
Earl Alton, Professor and Department Chairperson of Chemistry.
B.A., St. Olaf College; M.S., Ph.D., University of Michiga11.
Kenneth Bailey, Professor of Philosophy. B.A., St. Olaf College;
M.A., Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
John Benson, Professor of Religion. B.A., Augsburg College; B.D.,
Luther Theological Seminary; M.A., Ph.D. Columbia University.
Maria Brown, Assistant Professor of Social Work. B.A., M.A.,
American University; M.S.W., University of Minnesota.
John Cerrito, Assistant Professor of Business Administration and
Economics. B.A., Rhode Island College; M.S., University of
Francine Chakolis, Assistant Professor of Social Work. B.S.,
Augsburg College; M.S.W., University of Minnesota.
Larry Crockett, Assistant Professor of Mathematics/Computer
Science. B.A., M.A., Pacific Lutheran University; M.Div., Luther
Theological Seminary.
Grace Dyrud, Professor of Psychology. B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Mark Engebretson, Associate Professor and Department Chairperson of Physics. B.A., Luther College, M.Div., Luther Theological
Seminary; M.S., Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Norman Ferguson, Professor of Psychology. B.A., Franklin and
Marshall College; M.S., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin.
Nancy Guilbeault, Director, Counseling Services. B.A., M.A., University of Minnesota.
Satya Gupta, Professor of Business Administration and Economics,
B.S., M.S., Agra University, India; M.S., Ph.D., Southern Illinois
Milda Hedblom, Professor of Political Science. B.A., Macalester
College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Edwina Hertzberg, Associate Professor of Social Work, Director of
Faculty Development. B.A., Cedar Crest College; M.S.W., Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota.
Garry Hesser, Professor of Sociology, Director of Cooperative
Education Program. B.A., Phillips University; M.Div., Union
Theological Seminary; Ph.D., University of Notre Dame.
Edith Kromer, Weekend Librarian. B.A., Hamline University;
M.A., University of Minnesota.
Ryan LaHurd, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dean of the
College. B.A., Mt. Carmel College; M.A., University of Chicago;
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin.
David Lapakko, Assistant Professor of Speech, Communication
and Theatre. B.A., Macalester College; M.A., Ph.D., University
of Minnesota.
Rosemary Link, Assistant Professor of Social Work. B.A.,
Southhampton University; C.Q.S.W., London University;
Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Janet M. Mathison, Instructor of Religion, Associate Director,
Center for Global Education. B.A., Alverno College; M.A.,
Ed.D., University of Pennsylvania.
Marie McNeff, Professor of Education. B.S., M.Ed., Ed.D.,
University of Nebraska.
Thomas Morgan, Assistant Professor of Business Administration
and Economics. B.S., Juniata College; M.B.A., University of
Denver; M.S., University of Oregon.
William Morris, Adjunct Professor of Political Science. B.A.,
Oakland University; Ph.D., Carnegie-Mellon University.
Richard Nelson, Professor and Department Chairperson of
History. B.A., University of Nebraska; M.A., Ph.D., University
of Minnesota .
Beverly Nilsson, Professor and Chairperson of Nursing. B.S.N.,
M.S., Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Norma Noonan, Professor of Political Science. B.A., University
of Pennsylvania; M.A., Ph.D., University of Indiana.
Vicki B. Olson, Assistant Professor of Education, B.S., M.A.,
Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Ronald Palosaari, Professor of English. B.A., Bethel College;
B.Div., Bethel Seminary; M.A., Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Diane Pike, Associate Professor of Sociology. A.B., Connecticut
College; Ph.D., Yale University.
Larry Ragland, Associate Professor of Mathematics and Computer
Science. B.S., M.A., Central Missouri State College; Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin.
Stuart M. Stoller, Assistant Professor of Business Administration
and Economics, B.S., M.S., Long Island University.
William Swenson, Adjunct Professor of Philosophy. A.B., Ph.D.,
University of Chicago.
Elizabeth Vander Schaaf, Associate Dean for Graduate and Special
Programs. B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A., Ph.D., University of
Maria Woroby, Reference Librarian and Weekend Supervisor.
B.S., M.A., University of Minnesota.
Linda Geisen, Training and Development Manager,
City of St. Paul.
Dan Hanson, Vice President, Food Ingredients Division,
Land-0-Lakes, Inc.
Cynthia Marsh, Ph.D. Consulting Psychologist,
Personnel Decisions, Inc.
Dean Newman, Consultant.
Robert Odom, Senior Vice President of U.S. Specialty Divisions,
H.B. Fuller Company.
Richard Ploetz, Customer Education Manager, Medtronic, Inc.
Rosemarie Ramirez, Human Resources Officer,
St. Paul Companies, Inc.
The provisions of this document are not to be regarded as an
irrevocable contract between the student and the College. The
College reserves the right to change any provisions or requirements at any time within the student's term of residence.
Augsburg College_;
Show less
The $50.00 per course deposit is not refundable. Rcfund of all or part of the remaining
fee is calculated from the date of the student's official course cancellation at the
Registra~'s Office.
Schcdtrle of Reft~llr~ds:
1'1 ior to tlie second sclicdulcd class meeting... Show more
The $50.00 per course deposit is not refundable. Rcfund of all or part of the remaining
fee is calculated from the date of the student's official course cancellation at the
Registra~'s Office.
Schcdtrle of Reft~llr~ds:
1'1 ior to tlie second sclicdulcd class meeting - 100'%>
of tlic rcf~lndablrportion of the fcc
11f the rclundablc p111 tion of the fee
I'rior to the follrtli schcdulcd class mcrting 75'%,
PI ior t11 the sixth schcd~~lcd
class ~iic~tirig
- 500<,of tlic refundable poutic~nof the fcc.
Augsburg College is a four-year, fully accredited liberal arts college affiliated wit11
The Eva~igelicalLutheran Cl~urcliof America. Located in tlie heart of Minneapolis,
the small collcge environment, about 3,000 students during the academic year, is
enriched by t11c many cultural, sport and recreatiol~alactivities found in this vibrant
~netropolitanarea. An active summer combining classes and participation in
metropolitan events is a delightf~~l
and broadening experience.
Campus Location
ugsburg in the Summer
Augsburg College provides a diverse summer curriculum including regular courses,
internships and independent studies. Term I runs from May 28 -June 21, Term I1 runs
2. This brochure presents the Summer School Program and
from June 24 - A u
? of publication.
was correct at bh-
nmer 1991
Beginnii~gof Scheduling
Classes Beg
Balance of Tuition Due
Term I
Term I1
April 24
April 24
May 28-29
35W from the NorthTake Washington Avenue exit and turn
lcft on Washington (turns right o ~ i t o
Cedar A v e ~ ~ u cTurli
) , left at Riverside,
right at 21st A v e ~ ~ S.
June 24-25
Last Day to:
Change Grading Option
Drop Class Without Notation
Register with a Late Fee of $50
(no registrations will be
accepted after this date'
May 30
June 26
July 4
1-94 East from MinneapolisTake 25th Avenue exit, ~ L I ~ left
I I at 25th
Avenue, turn left at Riverside, turn left
at 21st Avenue S.
Last Day to Withdraw from Class (W)
June 11
July 15
Classes End
June 21
August 2
Grades Due in Registrar's
June 26
August 7
1-94 West from St. PaulTake Riverside exit, turn right at Riverside,
turn left at 21st Avenue S.
35W from the SouthFollow 1-94 St. Paul signs (move to right lane
after each of two mergers). Take 25th Avenue
exit and turn left at Riverside, t ~ ~ left
r n at 21st
Avenue S.
Augsburg College does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed,
national or ethnic origin, age, marital status, sex or handicap as required by
Title IX of the 1972 Educational Aineildments or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, in its admission policies, educational
.. ...
Summer Students may take one coursc during Term I and two courses during Term
11. Unlcss otherwise indicated, all courses carry a valuc of one coursc credit, the
equivalent of four semester crcdits or six quartcr credits. Courses fulfilling Augsb ~ ~ distribution
requirements are so noted in the course descriptions.
Course Levels are indicated by the first digit of the three digit course number: 1 or 2,
lower division, primarily for freshmcn and sophomores; 3 or 4, upper division,
primarily for juniors and seniors; and 5, graduate level.
Courses Regularly Taught during the academic year are more fully described in thc
Augsburg College Catalog. If you need more information about a special summer
offering,please contact the Summer Scliool Officc.
Independent Study and Internships, in addition to those listed, may be pursued
during the summer in a number of departments. Internships involve work experience related to the academic program in an agency, government, or industry.
Consult the Summcr School Office for information
Students needing housing may obtain information from the Dircctor of Resident Life
The College Reserves the Right to cancel listed courses.
Information and Forms
Additio~ialinformation and registration
forms may be obtained from the Surnmcr
School Officc
Persons in Good Standing at
regionally accrcdited colleges and
universities, graduates of such
institutions, and students admitted for
tlie next Pall Term arc clieiblc to
attend Augsburg Sumrncr School.
Good standing implies that thc
has bcc~iadmitted and not
s ~ ~ b s ~ q ~droppcd
~ e ~ i t l by
y that
Write or call:
Murphy Place
731 21st Aven~~e
Miluieapolis, M N 55454
Elizabeth VanderScliaaf, Dirccto~
Jay Dixen, Secretary
Financial Aid
Financial Aid is limited to the Guaranteed
Student Loan Any st~ldenttaking one
course is regarded as a half-time student
for tlie summer and is eligible to apply for
a G~laralitcedStudent Loan. Contact the
Financial Aid Officc to make loan
arrangements (330-1046) The dcadli~icfor
applying for Financial Aid for Sumrncr
School is April 15, 1991. You must have a
complete filc in the Financial Aid Officc
by April 15 in order to rcccivc an award
Other persons wishing to takc
sulnmcr school w o ~k shoi~ldcontact
the Dircctor of Summer Scliool to
ascel tain eligibility under special
Acceptance as a sulnlncr student does
not imply admission as a regular
student of A~lgsburgCollege.Those
wishing to bcgin a degree program at
tlic College should apply for
admission tlirougli tlie Office of
itarting April 24 you may schedule Summer School courses at the Regist.-. _
lffice on an ongoing basis during regular office hours. Each cours'e scheduled must
,e accompanied by a $50.00 tuition deposit. This deposit is appliedlo dc>SI'bmated
Jourse tuition and is non-refundable except when a course is cancelled. When this
happens, you may elect to receivc a deposit refund or substitute another course. To
avoid disappointment in course selection, schedule as soon as you can. Many
courses with limited enrollment fill early. Conversely, courses with low preregistration enrollment may be cancelled before the first day of the term
Term I Summer School students are required to finalize their registrations on May
28 or 29. Term I1 registrations must be finalized on June 24 or 25. This proccdurc
applies to all courses, including internships and independent studies. Finalizing
registration will takc place at the Business Office, 114 Science Hall, between the
lours of 8:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on May 28 and 29, and June 24 and 25. T11c balance
)wing for tuition must be paid before registration is finalized.
Augsburg students please note: Balance due on Augsburg account from previous
term/s must be paid in full before you can finalize registration. A late fee of $50.00
will be assessed for Term I registrations completed on May 30. A late fee of $50.00
will be assessed for Term I1 registrations completed on June 26. Registrations will
not be accepted after these dates.
To change your registration, cancel your registration, add a course, or drop a course
and enroll in another course, fill out a Cancel/Add form at the Registrar's Office.
There is a charge of $5.00 for changing a registration after tlie second day of each
term. This must be done by 3:30 p.m. on May 30 for Term I courses and by 3:30 p.m
In June 26 for Term I1 courses. This procedure applies to internships and independent studies as well as scheduled courses. A]-., -?fund or adjustment of fees is
determined accnrdino the "Tuition Refunc
The tuition charge for 1991 Summer Schc
cs is as follows. $595.00 for full
credit courses, $320.00 for half-credit courses, and $160.00 for fourth-credit courses.
Audits are charged at the tuition ratcs listed above.
Examination and preparation of materials and
resources for lnatlielnatics instruction at the kindergarten and clelncntary levcls. Dist : No. (1/2 coursc)
6:00-9:00 }I 111
ART 107-8100
Drawing in pencil, charcoal, ink, pastels. Subjects
include slill-life, figures, building interiors, cxtcrio~s,
cupcrimcntal work Dist : Yes
6:f-Of I
OM 17
ART 118-8101
ART 335-8102
Watcrcolcr~-acrylic; translating thc visual world of
n a t ~ ~ rlandscapes,
still-life, sing design concepts,
developing personal cxplcssion and cxplo~ing variety
of Lcchnicli~cs.Weekly critiques Dist : Yes.
6:OO-9:OO / I 111
OM1 7
BUS 322-8108
Analysis of accounting theory pertaining to financial
statements, illcome concepts, current and non-c~~rrcnt
oist: N~ prerca,: BUS 221, ECO 113,
BUS 331-8109
Theory of acq~~isiticln,
allocation, and management of
funds wilhin the firm. Sources and uses of long and
s h o ~t term funds, cost of capital, capital budgeting,
lcvcmgc, dividend policy, and related topics Prereq.:
BUS 222, ECO 113
S:30-1U:J'O n.111. M,T, W,TII,F
ART 352-8103
A s t ~ ~ of
d ythe placc of women in the history of the visual
~ ~ t ~ - artists,
~ . :
as subjects, and as patrons
M,T, W,T/I
Foss 4.3
.'.biological concepts from an anthropocentric "
point of view. An ,Ittempt to answer silcli questions
as: What makes Inan just another member of the biotic
fold? Docs man have a niche in the ecosystem? What
inllucnce does man have on tlie environment? What
influcncc docs the cn\,ironmcnt, especially tlie urban
environment, have on man? (A s t ~ ~ d emay
n t not
~rcccivccredit for both 101 and 103.) Dist.: Yes.
BUS 221-8105
Int~udicctionto business activities, basic concepts and
lundamcntals of accounting, the a c c o ~ ~ n t i ncycle
g and
preparation of financial statements. Dist . No.
S:30-10:51J 11 I I I
BUS 242-8106
Development of tlie tlicory of managc~ucnt,organi~ation,staffing, planning and control.'Slic n a t u ~ cof
accountability and responsibility, analysis
of tlic role or Lhc professional Inanagcr Dist : No.
6:fJO-9:00 JI.III,
M,T, W,Tlr
BUS 252-8107
Basic policy and strategy issi~csin
ma1 keting. I>cgal,cthical, competitive, beliavio~al,
economic and technological factors as they affect
prc~motion,ma1 kcting channel and p~icing
decisions. Dist.: No
8:.?0-J 0:50 11 111
M,T, W,'~/I,/-'
OM 13
ENG 225-8113
The development of essays in a val icty 01 lrletorical
I ~ a r t i c ~ ~attmtin~i
will Lx given to stylistic
and organizational mattels througl~the course's
workshclp format
Prercq : ENG 111
6:00-9:OU p.111
ENG 351-8115
SINCE 1920
A study of some recent and contemporary writers and
literary mo\,ements.Attention is given to the dynamics
of American society and its intricate relationship to
the literature. Special emphasis is ~ i v e nto the city as
settintr and svmbol in modern
:an literature.
BUS 301-8110
Is there a mural fclilndatio~ito Capitalism? As a social
system bascd on a malkct monomy, Capitalism may be
practical,but ~~nlc?;s
it ismoral it lacks humanity And
givcn the many forms of Capitalism, whid~ofthesc,are
moral? This coulsc f t r u s c ~on contcmporaly authors who
argue that unde~certain conditions Capitalism can bemord.
Emplwsis is ~ 1 1 a1 n i ~ d c p t hvc~baland writtmanalysis of the
pcr;itio~isadvanccd by tllcsc vcly asscrtivc authors.
M,T, W,'1'11
EDU 388-8143
Emphasis on the study 11f values, of commu~iication
techniques, and of the major minority groups in Minnesota for Ihe development of interpersonal relations
skills applicable to teaching and other professional
vclcations. Open to all Dis t : No (1Rco~11sc).
for all Elc~nentaryalld Secondary Education majors.
5:30-8:30 {I 111
M, W
ECO 110-8111
Study of economic implications of
metro-urban en\,ironment. By indl
Dist.: Yes.
facing a
ECO 112-8112
I~itroductionto macro-economics; national income
analysis, monetary and fiscal policy, international
trade, economic growth. Dist.: Yes.
6:00-9:00 p.111.
M,T, W,Tlr,F
EDU 264-8140
Stildv and investi~ationof various aspects of the
tcacl;ing plofessi;.
Dist.: Yes, when combuied wi
EDE 363 or EDS 352. (1/ 2 course)
6:OO-9:00 /I.III
EDS 282-8141
Introduction to tlie field of special education Examines
tlic nat~lrc,causes, and educational interventions for
such cxccptionalities as mental retardation, physical
disability, hearing and vision impairnient, learning
disabilities, behavior disorders
and giftedness Dist.:..No.
- . -.
GER 111-8116
Classroom practice speaking, understanding and
reading basic German for students with no pre\lious
background in German. Dist.: Yes.
S:30-10:50 n 111
SPA 111-8117
SPA 111-8118
" ,
to develop four basic skills: Understanding,
speaking, reading and writing of clemc~ltarySpanish
Introduction to culti~rcof Spanish-speaking world.
Dist.: Yes
S:30-10:50 n
M,T.W,Tlr.F(Scctiolr I)
HPE 114-8120
Principles and practices of safety cducation in school
and co~nmunitylifc. Includes information about
school health programs and prevalent health needs
and problems of school age children, and American
Red Cross First Aid course Dist.: No (1/2 coursc )
5:UU - S:00 p 111
HIS 341-811~
This course examines Britain during a cent~lryof
glorious decline I'olitics and culture from thc
Edwardian era a1 the tr~p,the World Wars and
Depression, postwar adji~strncnts,and Thatcher's
efforts to give Britain a second wind and a placc in the
new European commi~nity.
12:UO-3:UO p 111.
INS 199-8138
INS 399-8139
MAT 173-8122
Have you ever wondered why women have been
charged more than men for annuities and received
lower pension benefits than men? Or why women
have paid less than men for lifc insurance? Or how
life insurance p r e n i i ~ l ~ are
n s calculated? Or how
installment loan payments arc f i g ~ ~ r eout?
d Or how
much money to invest in order to accumulate a certain
lump sum or iumual payment at a certain date in the
future? Then this coursc may be meant for you
These and other interesting and usefill topics in the
mathematics of financial transactions will be covered.
This course shoitld bc useful for s t ~ ~ d e nint sbusiness
and economics or for any s t ~ ~ d e ninterested
careers in finance-related fields. Dist.: Yes Math
Placement Group I11
6:.?0-9:30 p.111.
SC1 I12
MUS 218-8138
or students and professionals interested in learning
LLI develop recreational music activities for people
with special needs Basic Music Therapy techniqucs;
also Orff Schulweik and non-traditional guitar
Dist : No (1/2 course)
30-1 1 5 0 ~ . I I I . M,W
PHI 110-8123
This coursc provides the student with some experience
in examining ideas and thereby sharpening the critical
and analytical skills required to evaluate and
construct a system of ideas and beliefs
S:30-10:5U n 111.
OM1 6
PHY 106-8124
The course provides a workuig knowledge of the basic
science principles required for understanding weather
and chnatc. Attcntiun will be givcn to the overall
weather patterns of the earth and to many varied aspects
of tlie weather Dist.: Yes Math Placc~nentGroup 11.
1:004:00 p III.
POL 121-8125
The politics of A~nr.rlcangc~vc?-n~~~t!nl
Including thc
forms of political ~cl~v~is;
lht' Ix!ll~'rnoi ~ltirticipation;
the dynamics of ctrri~n?;s~r~n,rl,
bureaucratic policy t~i~lklnj;;
~trclc~lrrcnlissues in
American society Dist.: Ycs.
9:30-71:50 17.rrr.
POL 342-8126
SPC 342-8145
Effects of mass comm~~nications
on individual
behavior; the uses and control of mass media for
political and social purposes including a study of
censorship, newsmaking, cntertainmcnt and public
affairs pr~gr~amming.
Dist.: Yes.
2:00-5:00 ~ . I J J . M, 7', W, Tlr, F
relations. Major attention is focused upon prejudice,
racism, and the rolc of self-understanding.
( P / N grading only.) Dist.: Yes.
5:00-8:OU p.111.
SOC 375-8133
An cxarnination of the idea of "group," its relationship to individual behavior and society. An analysis
of the ideas of "self" and "identity" and what part
thcy play in ~~nderstanding
intcrpcrsonal relations
and human behavior. Prcreq.: SOC 121
S:3U-10:50 n.111. M,T,W,Tlr,F
SOC 399-8134
SPC 329-8135
POL 459-8127
Thisrrjrlrw will cxlrlo1.c brhllr lhr' probll~tllhll~ldIhc
Ix,lrvo:rt IWIWIIS rrfrliffi6~.c.rrl
nllltlr,lt ~::T"UI~!%l'rl~~41~s
s11cll ;ti t ' I ~ ~ l l l . ~ . ~ r l I ~ / ~ t ~ \ .
This course will analyze the formation of the
~ I r r i * r ~ t y l ~pr~judicr.,
i r ~ c l ~ ~ Llrc
t l i ~I:r~ropi!an
l : c o ~ i t > ~C.-c)~iirri~~~~ity,
~ I I L i- ~ ~ c ~ , ~ a si ~i nn}p: t ~ r l ~ of
l ~ ~ c i -1ic111-vr-rbnlqrrnhol:, will hr rh,irnirlcll.
l?:olt-3:(~1~ I , I I I ,
tlit. E u r t j l ~ ~ ei ~nr n r r r ~ r u ~ini i Erlrrlpcalt
d l i ~ lwurltl
n r dIrrrlr!)~c~l~lt!nl
pvelils wlll lhr c ~ ~ . ~ t r ~ iAn
SPC 347-8136
with four sessions: May 31, June 7, 14 and 21.
9:30-11:50 n.111
A video production course which integrates lecture
and criticism with hands-on expericnce dealing with
non-fiction subjects. Sh~dcntswill work in production
teams, gaining experience in ficld production and editing.
PSY 105-8128
FOSS A V Se~rririflr~
An introduction to the methods and approaches used
in psychology for the purpose of understanding
behavior. The structure of the field of psychology is
' isized, including its major sub-areas. Dist.: Yes.
0 0I .
M, T, W, 7'11
REL 369-8129
Particularities of religious discernment, symbolism
and world view. Reading and discussion of nine
works (novels, poetry, etc.). Dist.: Yes.
9:30-11:50 n.111.
SWK 260-8131
SPC 354-8137
A study dlprap d y m k s wd batfcrsldp with
emphas~son lndon d ~ t u d
to docision makink s y k s
of leadership, n~ul
conflict man~%emmt."niiuC O W
comblnes IW~UI'C with pnutical e x p u h c e !u he$ the
student become a more effect~veand product~ve
member of a task-orlcnted small group
9 30-1 1 50 n.111
M,T, W,Tlr,F
PtuvId~b w t e d p dhuaan pwth thpygh hUfr
cyE6C,*fuidkt inlqiay 01 ~
i nnd,
fmw$ w M Innu~vmtheigrurnthcd
Tndlvldunlsmdf n r d h ihumt~npotd~y
f c ~ e Growth
related to populahons and groups whtch
represent e t h c and/or Lf-tyle ~ I V P K Ih~n ~ c t\In
I2 00-3 00 p 111
SOC 265-8132
The dimensions of racial and minority g r o u ~
Summer S_chool
EDE 387-8236
Examination and preparation of materials and
resources for l a n g ~ ~ a garts
c at the kindergarten and
elemental y Icvcls. Laborato~y expcl.icnces
Prcrcq.: EDE 255 or EDS 265. (1R course)
: ( - 2 I I
June 24 -August 2
- - ---
ART 132-820G
ART 132-8201
The camera ~ ~ s as
c da tool for vist~alcreativity and
expression: using black and white photograpl~ic
processes Need access to a 351nni calilcra Dist : Yes.
Estimated cost of lilm, ctc : $150 00-$175.00.
(Class size limited )
1 : - J i I
M, W ( S L ' C ~ 1)
5 : - 9 : I
M,W (Sectio~r11)
BUS 222-8202
Illt~oductionto bus~ncssactivities, accounting for
corporalions Basic ct)nccpts and fundamentals of
Ilianag" ial acco~~nting,
planning and controlling
prtrcssc3, decision-niaking and bchaviord considerations.
Dist : No.
I'rercq : BUS 221
10:-I 3 I I
M,T, W.Tlr,F
BUS 242-8203
Development of the theory uf management, organization, staffing, planning and control.The nature of
authority, accc~i~ntability
and responsibility, 'inalysis
of the role of the professional m~inagerDist : No.
6:OO-900 11 111
BUS 323-8204
An analysis of accoi~ntingtlicol-y pertaining to
invcstnlcnts, Langiblc and intangible fixed assets,
liabilities and ~ c s ved,
e ~ acti~nrialtopics. Additional
cmpliasis on income dctcrmination, considering p~ice
Icvcl changes Dist: No. I'rcrcq : BUS 322
6:UlJ-9:30 p 111,
M, W
BUS 340-8205
Cerri to
l'ersonncl function in business, acquisition and
utilization of h u ~ n a nresources; dcsirablc working
relationships; effective integration of the worker with
tlie g o d s of the firm and society Prcreq.: BUS 242
6:00-9:30 }i.~rr.
ECO 110-8206
S t ~ ~ of
d y~ C O I I O I I I ~ Cin~plicatio~ls
of p ~ ~ b l e m
metro-urban environment. By independent s t ~ ~ only
Dist : Yes.
AI 1n11pi
Emphasis on the study of values, of communication
a i d of the major minority groLlps in
Minncwta for the developnient of interpc~sonalrelations
to tFdiing and other profcssk)~ialvocations
Open to all Dist : No (1/2 course) Required for all
Elenientary and Secondary Education majors
M, W
ECO 113-8207
hitroduct~onto micro-economics, the theory of the
liouscliold, firm, market structi~rcsand income
distribution. Application of elementary economic
theory to market policy. Dist.: Yes
ECO 315-8208
ECO 315-8209
Monetary and banking systems, particularly commercial
banks, and Lhc Federal Reserve System; monetary
lieory and policy Dist.: No I'rereq.: Eco 112, 113
:I-9: I
M.W (Sectiorr I)
5:OU-9:30 p 111.
T,TII (Scctiu~~
An investigationof the a~tisticqi~alitieand the liistorical
drvelo~mentof the film niedium. Tlie coulse includes the
HIS 115-8213
This is a survey of Lhc volatile Middle East from the rise
ol nationalism and tlic dcclu~eof the Turkish Ottoman
Empile in tlie 19th Century to tlic current crisis hot
spots in the I'ersian Gulf and the Levant The goal is a
better ~~ndcrstanduig
of how the Middle East readled its
conteniporaly co~nplexity,its role in the wider world
10:OlJ-17:30 n.111 M,T,W,TIl,F
PHI 130-8216
Suppose someone gives you reasons, and then says
you 111ilstaccept a particular concli~sion.Must you?
When docs a conclusion validly follow from premisc
I-lcre we examine tlie rules which govern valid
argi~mcntsand work to develop your ability to
and construct sound arguments. Dist.: Yes.
8:30-955 n 111
EDU 341-8231
Psychological and philosophical dimensions of
communication through the use of instructional
technology. Selection, preparation, production, and
evaluation of effective ai~dio-\,isual materials c-teaching/learning sit~~ations.
Dist.: No. (1 / 2 c
10:05-12:10 }I.III.
ENG 282-8211
This course will study archetypal patterns of the
heroic journey, as well as specific examples of such
journeys. It will emphasize thc ideas of Joseph
Canipbell, but will also consider other interpretations
of heroic journeys. Since western civilization usually
assumes that the hero is a man, usually a white man
belonging to a warrior class, we will analyze the
heroic warrior myth both as it is depicted in ancient and
medieval epics and myths, but also as it appears in
contemporary American popular narratives. But tlie
heroic journey is a human journey, and thus the
course will also emphasize the lleroic journcys of
women a i d men who may be neither white nor warriors
as they are depicted in folktales a i d novels. Dist.: Yes.
A' "'
6:00-9:30 p.111,
<inderprtcn curl i c i ~ l ~ ~materials,
teaching approaches
Lab. a1 r. Prerequisite to student teaching at kuidc~garten
lcvcl a i d h) obtaining a license for tcaching at that level.
Dist.: No. (1 /2 course) IJrerecl : Consent of instructor
Examination and preparation of niatelials and
resou~cesfor science at the kindergarten -*.-'
elementary lcvcl (1/4 course)
11:40-1:25 p ni.
M,W /111y15-AIIS.
Examina tion and !reparation of rnater~alsand
resources for phys~caleducation and health at tlie
kindergarten and elementary levels Lab experiences
Dist : No (1/2 course)
1:5-2:l I I
M , ,I
EDE 386-8235
Examination and preparation of materials and resources
for children's literature at the kindergarten and
clcmentary levels Lab exp','i"nr"' Dist.: No (1/2course)
6:01J-9:30 p.111.
lassroom practice in speaking, understanding and
eading basic German. Lab. Dist.: Yes.
:lo-955 n.111
PA 112-8213
%PA 112-8214
i i m s to develop the four basic skills: understanding,
;peaking, reading, and writing of elementary Spanish.
~ntroductionto culture of Spanish-speaking world.
8:10-955 n 111.
M,T, W,'r11 (Sectic111I)
5:30-7:15 p.111
M,T, W,TII (Sectiorr 11)
Study solar system, stars, galaxies. Explain optical
instruments; usel2-inch reflecting telescope, 8-inch
Celestron, 3-inch Questar. Dist.: Yes. Prereq.: Math
Placement Group 11
l.30-3:15 p.m.
POL 475-8220
The course seeks to provide the undergraduate
student with an introductory understanding of the
functioning of our legal system. As such, it will explore:
the law's interdependence with the social environment; the law's social junctions; the social and ~noral
limits of the law; and, the law as a system, describin:
the aspects and problems of each of the law's agenci
(courts, legislative, administrative,w d er-, ~~~,~
5:30-9:0U p.111.
jY 362-8218
. ..i uih.duction to maladaptive human behaviors from
tlie social, organic <mdpsychological points of view.
Visitation to a variety of community service agencies will
accompany classroom le'aming. Dist.: No. Prcreq.: FSY 105
OM1 1
1 : - 5 I
PSY 373-8219
Theoretical conceptualizations of orjianizational
bcliavior Factors and practices such as management
styles, evaluation and maintenance of work effectiveness, and social influences. Prereq.: PSY 105
10:05-I 1:30 n.111. M,T, W,Tfi,F
- - 121--PRINCIF
The rhetoric of selected American feminists will be
malyzed in order 1)to develop a rhetorical perspective
a American feminism, and 2) to develop skidl in
SOC 3568225
Analvsis of adult correctionalw o ~ r a m and
s processes.
~ect;res, discussion, and sitetiszs to correc'tional
institutions and government offices. Dist.: No.
1:30-5:00 p.m.
SOC 399-8226
SPC 414-8228
INS 414-8229
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Augsburg College
About this Catalog .....................3
Visiting S... Show more
Augsburg College
About this Catalog .....................3
Visiting Students
UMAIE Courses .......................48
Other Courses ...........................49
Augsburg Lifetime Sports ......50
Augsburg Courses
Introduction t o Interim
I n t e r i m is an integral part of the schoolyear at Augsburg College.
The College follows a 4-1-4 calendar, with Fall and Spring semesters of approximately 14 weeks separated by a four-week~ a n u a r ~
Interim. Interim is particularly intended to be a time for both
students and faculty to employ styles of teaching and learning and
to investigate questions and topics in places and ways not possible
during the regular term.
Since one Interim course equals a full-time load, students should
plan to spend the same amount of time in class and preparing for
class as they would for a four-course load during Fall and Spring
semesters. Students can register for only one course credit during
Interim. There is no tuition refund for a student who chooses not
to enroll in an Interim course.
Most Interim courses are graded traditionally on a 4.0 to 0.0 scale.
Students generally have the option to register on a Pass/No credit
basis. A few Interim courses are graded only on the P/N system;
this is indicated in the course description.
Some courses are offered with either upper or lower division
standing. Such Interim courses have two numbers listed and the
student must select. Students registering for upper division standing should anticipate additional assignments and a more rigorous
grading standard.
To graduate, an Augsburg student is required to complete 35
courses of which at least three must be Interim courses (or one
Interim less than the number of years of full-time enrollment at
Augsburg; e.g., a transfer enrolled full time for two years is required to complete one Interim for graduation).
It is the policy of Augsburg College not to discriminate on the basis
of race, creed, national or ethnic origin, age, marital status, sex or
handicap as required by Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended,
in its admissions policies, educational programs, activities and
employment practices.
For More Information
Interim Office (Memorial 230)
Interim Secretary, Kay Thomsen, 330-1025
Interim Director, Dr. Don Gustafson, 330-1192(Memorial 114b)
Interim Calendar 1990
...............................Interim Registration
.............................................Late Interim Registration
s t Day of Interim
October 30 - November 3
December 4
January 2
Class I 9:00 a.m.
Class I1 la0 p.m.
January 3
January 16
....................................................Last Day for CanceUAdd
.............................. Last Day for Determining Grading
System with Regisbar
January 19 .....................Last Day for Withdrawing from Courses
January 26 ..................................................................
I nt
i Ends
Validation of Spring Class Registration
January 30
January 31
Spring Semester Begins
Thc time and number and length of meetings as well as the
beginning Zimc will bc arranged the first day of class. The daily
schcdule for Interim is divided into two blocks of time:
Time I: 8:00 a.m. to Noon (on the first day of classes
Time I classes will begin at 9:00 a.m.)
Time 11: 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Note: Martin Luther King Day will be observed at Augsburg with
a special convocation on Monday, January 15, at 1 p.m.
About This Catalog
Tfwcataloglists coursesby departments. Departments atrlisted in
alpkabctical odcr. At the end of the book are listings of other
courses not offcrcd by Augsburg but recognized by the collegc for
Interim crcdit. Further descriptions and information a h u t tltw
courws are available in the Intcrirn Office, Mcmoria1230. Studcnts
may aIsu rcgistcr for one of the li fctimc sports 1istcd a t t hc cnd of the
International Interim-Students arc invited to bc part of one of the
23 international interims offcrcdby the Uppcr Midwest Association for lntcmationfll Education (U M AIE). Thcsc course opportuni ties arc listed near the cnd of this catalog.
Internships-January Interim internships must be planned in advance. Students electing an internship must meet departmental
requirements and present a signed internship learning agreement
plan to theInternshipOffice (Murphy Place, Rm. 8) no later than the
last day of Fall classes (Friday, December 8). The Learning Agreement forms are available in the same office. Internships during
Interim must involve full-time work placements for approximately
4 weeks. Assistance for planning your internship is available in the
Internship and Cooperative Education office.
Independent or Directed Study-Studentsmay elect a program of
independent study (upper division 499) or directed study (lower
division 299) for Interim. Faculty members are strongly discouraged from accepting responsibilityfor more than one independent
study per Interim. Students choosing to pursue independent or
directed study must:
1. Meet departmental requirements.
2. Present to the Registrar for approval a copy of the proposed
study plan approved by the supervising faculty member.
This proposal must be submitted at least one week before
registration and no later than December 4. Appropriate
study proposal forms can be obtained in the Interim Office.
Interims at Other Schools-Augsburg students may enroll at any
other 4-1-4 institution which offers a reciprocal Interim arrangement. Catalogs of these Interims can be consulted in the Interim
Office. The Interim Secretary will help students in applying for
registration at other schools. Registration for Interims at the other
Twin Cities colleges will be at Augsburg during the regular registration period. Most courses taught during the Interim at other 41-4 schools are accepted for credit by Augsburg, but may not
necessarily be accepted as meeting Augsburg's distribution requirements. This qualification particularly affects courses offered
for the Religion requirement.
Visiting Students
Augsburg College welcomes students from other 4-1-4 schools for
the January Interim without tuition charges provided the student's
home institution agrees not to charge tuition to Augsburg students
for the January term. The waiver of tuition does not include special
fees, housing or board costs. Other students will be charged $650
for the Interim course. Students interested in registering for an
Augsburg Interim should write to the Interim Director for application forms or use the forms provided by the Interim office at their
own school. There is an applicationprocessingfee of $10. Students
are welcome to stay on campus but are not required to do so.
Requests for Interim housing should be made to the Interim Office.
The Florida Keys: Art, Biology and
Creative Writing
Instructors: Phil Thompson, Ralph Sulerud, & John
This interdisciplinary program of study will be based at
Aupburg Collcg~and for about ten days at theNcwfound
Harbor Marinc lnstitute and wiIl involve thrce distinct
coursc offerings for credit: 1 1 Drawing and Wa tercolar,
taught by Phil Thompsonof the Art.Dcpnrtrncnt; 2) Marinc
t3iology Studies, taught by Ralph Sulcrud of the Biology
Dcpartrncnt; and 3) Crcalivcr Writing: Ttie Prose Poem,
taught by John Mitchcll of Ihc Englisl~Dcpartrncnt.
The Interdisciplinarycon~porrcntwill involvc a t least thrce
daysof ficld lripsconductudby tlicinsti tu tc and itsper.wnncl: patch rccfsrs,mangovcswamps, tide pools intcrtidnl
cornmunilies, seagrass systems, ctc. Studcnts will also
have opporlunitics to visit Kcy Wcst and thc Ernest
Hcmingway House. The instrucloss will cadi provide
introductory lccturcs and exercises on campus during thc
first wcckbcforc departure, emphasizing thc rncthods and
goals of Ihcir rcspcctivc disciplincs. Each studcnt will
pnrticipa te in a projcct for cnch discipline as well as complete the rcqttircmcnts for thc coursc for which crrclit will
be given.
The fee for transportation, lodging, and most meals will be
approximately $1200.
Drawing and Watercolor in the Florida
ART 116-40011
Instructor: Phil Thompson
An introduction to the fundamentals of design in nature
and the basic techniquesof drawing and watercolor. There
will be practice in drawing and watercolor media as a
method of documenting and interpreting travel experience. We will study the visual implications and history of
coastal landscapes.
Evaluationwill be based on the quality of the drawings and
paintings along with participation and artistic growth
Students will be required to provide their own drawing
and painting materials.
Prerequisites: Permission of instructor
Distribution: Art-Music
Time: I
Room: Old Main 4
W Life Drawing
ART 247-40001
Instructor: Norman Holen
A study of undraped figures for art students and non-art
The figure will be depicted in various settings with a
variety of media for varying lengths of time. The poses will
extend from three minutes to an hour. You will be introduced to the 2B and 4 8 pencils, colored pencils and the felt
tip pen.
Fee: $30 due the first day of class
Distribution: Art-Music
Time: I
Room: Old Main 17
Plants and Civilization
BIO 102-40002
Instructor: Erwin Mickelberg
Adiscussion of the impact that plants have made on almost
every area of our society. Historically they have influenced
world exploration, politics, military campaigns, health
care, religious'beliefs, crime and many other areas of our
social history. We will take a look at an array of topics
ranging from the spice trade to the Lindbergh kidnapping
and thc influence that plants played in each incident.
Grades will be based on examinations.
Distribution: Biology/Chemistry
Time: I1
Room: Science 205
Viruses: At the Threshold of Life
BIO 116-40003
Instructor: Robert Herforth
Most biologists consider viruses to be the simplest form of
life. Most viruses consist basically of a few genes surrounded by a protein coat. They are able to function and
multiply only as parasites inside living cells. For all their
seeming simplicity, some of the most dreaded diseases
afflicting humans are caused by viruses, including polio,
rabies, AIDS, and some forms of cancer. This course will
begin with a short history of some major discoveries on
viruses, followed by a study of the structure of viruses, and
their multiplication in and effects on living cells. We will
also look at the ways in which the body defends itself
against viral invasion, at the development of vaccines and
new anti-viral drugs, and at some important diseases
caused by viruses, including AIDS. Grades will be based
on several quizzes and exams given during the course.
Distribution: Biology-Chemistry
Time: I
Room: Science 213
Florida Keys Marine Biology Sf-udies
BIO 14040049;340-40050
Instructor: Ralph Sulerud
The Florida Keys provide an excellent site for the study of
marine organisms and marine ecology. About two weeks
will be spent at the Newfound Harbor Marine Institute
located on Big Pine Key. The institute offers laboratory
facilitiesand field trips in addition to housing and a dining
hall. Field trips will permit the study of diverse habitats
suchas thoseof shallowbays, coral reefs, mangrove swamps
and intertidal areas. Organisms from these communities
and others will be investigated onsite and in thelaboratory.
A marine biologist will be available to lead the field trips
and conduct specialized classes.
Preparation for the excursion to the keys will be made
during the first week. This will include an introduction to
marine biology utilizinga variety of audiovisual materials.
The final week will be devoted to study and the preparation of a paper.
The course will have an interdisciplinary component with
students interacting with students from John Mitchell's
writing class and Philip Thompson's art course and with
each student completing a project related to one of the
other disciplines.
Evaluation will be based on overall participation in the
program, a final examination and a paper on a selected
topic related to marine biology. Upper division students
will do a special research project.
Further information will be found listed under THE FLORIDA KEYS at the beginning of the list of courses.
Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor and for upper
division credit, Biology 111 and 112 or equivalent.
Time: I
Room: Science 212
BUS 295-40079
Instructor: John Cerrito
Thc objcd of this c l ~ s is
s to provide students who are not
majoring in busincss with cntrcprcncurial skills for starting and running a small busincss.
The student will be exposed to various aspects of small
business management and will be required to prepare a
business plan for a "model" busincss. The student will be
evaluated on the basis of the "model" plan, on tests and
performances on small business case studies.
Business majors may not take this course for credit.
Time: I
Room: Murphy Place 3
A Laboratory Introduction To Chemistry
CHM 113-40005
Instructor: Earl Alton
Substancesarc changcd in to ncw ma tcriaIs; colors change,
solids wparatc out of solution. Chrrnislry is thc scict~ce
which tries to ttnderstclnd tl-tcsc and many othcr changes
occurring in rnatkr ~rourldus. Onc way to bccomc introduccd to chcmistr and 10 cxarnplcs of problem solving in
thc scicnccs is to o lalwntory cxpcrfmcnts. This c o n r s
prcscntsan i ~ ~ t r o d u c ttoi ochcmislry
using thc laboratory
as the dlief arena for inslruction. Students will bc intro-
duccd to rncasuremcnls, rcactinns,cl~cmicalproblcmsolving such as idcntificatian of simple ions in soIt~tionand
dctcnnination of amounts of rnatcrials bawd upon the
colors of solutions. A fcw expcrimcn ts may invcllvc m k ing ncw rnatcrials. Tn all cases, propcr attention to tcchniqucs and snfc practices in thc laboratory i s expected.
Rc orts will bt rcquircd for each cxpcrimci~t.Tho course
wi 1 meet cvcry wcckday afternoon for thrcc hours. 'I'hc
gradc will bc bascd upon the qualiy of the laboratory
work, tl~claboratory rcpnrts summanzing the work, and
an exam at the end of the course.
Distribution: BiologylChemistry
Time: I1
Room: Science 322
H High Vacuum Technology and Gas
CHM 325-40004
Instructor: Joan Kunz
High vacuum technology is crucial to many current "high
technologies," including advances in experimental science
in all fields, production of semiconductors and superconductors, and manipulation of gases and "sensitive" materials. Despite this, general awareness of high vacuum
technologies lags far behind their development. This
course will acquaint the student with technologies currently employed in producing and monitoring a high
vacuum environment, and with the physical behavior of
gases and surfaces under vacuum conditions. Activities
will include both seminars and laboratory sessions, some
in conjunction with Physics 325. Students will learn to use
high vacuum pumps and gauges, a modern mass spectrometer, and PC-based computer controllers and computer-compatible sensors.
Grades will be based on laboratory work, two quizzes, and
a paper.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 351 and 353, or Physics 245
Time: I1
Room: Science 319
Computer Science
H Fortran
CSC 270-40012
Instructor: Larry Ragland
A study of the FORTRAN programming language for
students wi th some previous knowledge of programming.
This course will expand a student's knowledge of programming and programming languages through presentation of the features of FORTRAN together with programming techniques for using those features. This course will
involve lectures and programming assignments in FORTRAN. Evaluation will be based on the programming
assignments and examinations.
Prerequisites: One course with a study of computer
language (e.g., CSC 170 or MAT 175)
Time: I
Room: Science 112
Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 113-40006
Instructor: Satya Gupta
An introduction to microeconomics: the theory of the
household, firm,market structures and income distribution. There will be an application of elementary economic
theory to market policy.
Grades will be based on tests in class.
Distribution: Economics/PoliticalScience
Time: I
Room: Library 1
Histo y of Economic Thought
ECO 219-40013
Instructor: Richard Hemog
A chronological study of the major economic thinkers in
the context of the political, economic, and social settings of
the time. Emphasis will be on tracing long-term secular
trends in economic thinking in an attempt to provide a
framework for understanding and analyzing current social problems.
I. Ancient Economic Thinking
11. The Medieval Period
111. Mercantilism
IV. Classical
V. Socialist/Utopian
VI. Modern
Primarily lecture/discussion depending on class size. If
small class (less than 101, seminar style may be more
appropriate. A major research paper (minimum of 10
pages) would be required. Final exam would be essay on
three of five topics.
Distribution: Economics/Political Science
Time: I
Room: Old Main 27
Business, Government and Society:
Economic Analysis of the Legal
Foundations of Business
ECO 319-40007
Instructor: Milo Schield
Objectives: To understand, utilize and evaluate, the policy
tools from rnicroeconomicanalysis; the applicationof these
tools to analyze social behavior (cf. marriage, children,
divorce, crime, etc.); the economic analysis of basic legal
topics (property, contract and tort liability); the economic
analysis of the legal foundations of business (price controls, quotas, tariffs, taxes and strict liability); the use of
economicefficiency as a normative criteria (Isan inefficient
legal remedy an unjust solution?).
Textbooks: Posner: The Economic Analysis of Law;
Kuperberg & Beitz: Law, Economics and Philosophy.
Math Level: No calculus; only geometry and verbal reasoning.
Approach: Readings, lecture, discussions, weekly quizzes, paper and final.
Evaluation: Quizzes (15%),final (30%),paper (40%)and
participation (15%).
Audience: Students interested in the relation between
business, government and society (specifically those
interested in strategic planning, public affairs or political economy).
Prerequisites: Upper class standing and one of the following courses: Microeconomics, Political Philosophy,
Law in the U.S.,Western Political Thought or Complex
Organizations (Sociology) or permission of instructor.
Time: I
Room: Murphy Place 2
Contemporay Economic Relations
Between East and West
ECO 319-40010
Instructor: Magda Paleczny-Zapp
In this course, we'll explore motivations for economic
cooperation between countries with different political and
economic systems. This will be followed by the analysis of
theconditions for East-West economiccooperation and its
patterns. Wc'll focus on rcccn t developmcnts in joint
cconomic and industrial cooperation. Students will share
an understanding of cconomic relations at the national
Icvcl and scc how nations with diffcrcnt cconomic and
political systems employ the principles of politics and
economics to their own domestic and international affairs.
Using comparative means, institutions and systems that
drive commerce and governance will be explored and
clxplaincd i~~cluding
rcccnt inst i tu tinnal changes in the
directing of forcign tradc in ccntrally-planncd economics.
Thcn, at thc global Icvel, the cffccts of GATT, EEC and
CMEA on East-West economic relations will be examined.
At the end of the course, we'll try to identify trends and
alternatives in the 1980s.
There will be a mid-tern test, a final exam (take home) and
a research paper.
Prerequisites: Economics 112 (Macro)
Time: I
Room: Foss Mini-Seminar
H Economic Research Methods: Theory and
ECO 495-40008
Instructor: Ed Sabella
The primary objective of h i s course is to provide a rclativcl non-tcdmical cxposi tion of the more c~mrnonly
usc research tcchniqucs in business administration and
the social sciences. The basic assumptions of the classical
linear re ression model will be presented along with
methods or dealing with violations of those assumptions.
Time permitting, other research techniques such as discriminant analysis, factor analysis, principal components
and the Bayesian approach will be examined.
It is assumed that the student has a limited but basic
understanding of the techniques of statistical inference.
Results will be generally presented without proof, with
reliance placed on intuitive justification.
Grades will bebased on weekly assignmentsand on a final.
Prerequisites: Bus. Admin. 279 or equivalent course or
consent of instructor
Time: I1
Room: Science 213
International Education
EDS 3534054
Instructor: Rich Germundsen
Modem communication, ease of intercontinental travel,
and the proliferation of supernational corporate structures demand increased awareness of other nations' cultural infrastructures. This course presents anexamination
and comparison of selected Western and non-Western
educational systems as well as an investigationof possible
careers in international education. Special attention will
be directed toward Scandinavian, Central and South
American models. There will be lectures, discussions and
guest speakers. Student evaluation will be based on
quizzes, class participation, and an investigative project.
Prerequisites: Sophomore standing, or permission of
instructor; Orientation to Education; Principles of Sociology or a modern history course.
Time: I1
Room: Library 4
Media Technology
EDE 341-40015
Instructor: John Bowlis
Students will be involved with the psychological and
physical dimensions of communicationthrough the use of
instructional and informational technology.
Class members will be exposed to the selection, preparation, production and evaluation of effective audio-visual
materials for teachingbeaming situations. Computer
training will be included and each student will leave the
class with word processing skills.
Studentswill survey current softwarematerials foreducational and instructional settings.
This is a hands-on course intended for elementary and
secondary education majors. Grades will be based on
projects, papers and final exam. This is a one-half credit
Prerequisites: Passing of PPST and admittance to Education program in process.
Time: I Tuesdays, Thursdays and alternate Fridays
Room: Foss 170
Discovery Learning in the World of
EDE 375-40016
Instructors: Mary Endorf, Bruce Drewlow
This class prepares students for the unique experiences
and responsibilities of a kindergarten classroom.
This class will:
A. Stress kcy adul t/child relationships.
B. Stress curricuIum developmcn t and instructional
systems w I~iclzarc su pprtcd by current research and
practices in cducation settings.
C. Strcss kcy adult/child relationships.
D. Strcss process-"how to learn".
E. Sharc rcscarch-bascd findings about developmentally appropriate classroom organizational plans.
F. Rccagnize canlinui tics and discontinuities in development (characteristics of the kindergarten child).
G. Examine appropriate developmental instruction
H. Examine appropriate curriculum design and instructional programs meeting the needs of the kindergarten student.
I. Explore current methodologies in the instruction of
the kindergarten child.
J. Include guest speakers and field trips.
Objcctivcs of thc class: At the cornplction of this class thc
studcnt will bc ablc to identify:
1, Dcvelopmenbl ncods of t l ~ kindcrgartcn.
Discuss thc diffcrcnt approachcs to kindcrgartcn
education and the theories bchind thcsc approachcs.
3. O r g a n i a~classroom cnvironmcnt to mce t khc Icaming needs of students.
4. Identify and create a curriculum plan for teaching
kindergarten that meets both the students' needs and
the teaching style of the teacher.
Grades will be based on projects, discussion and examination. This is a onehalf credit course.
Prerequisites: Passing of PPST and admittance to Education program in process.
Time: I Mondays, Wednesdays and alternate Fridays
Room: Library 4
Kindergarten-Elementa y Curriculum:
~ a n g u a g Arts
EDE 387-40014
Instructor: Vicki Olson
This course will involve an examination and pre aration of
materials and resources for language arts at the indergarten and elementary levels. It will be an on-site course
taughtinconjunctionwi th Dimvcty-Lcamingin theworld
of Kindergarten. TIICclass will mcct a t Willard Elementary
School and will involve classroom work with children.
This is a one-half credit course.
Prerequisites: EDE 255 or EDS 265
Time: I
Room: Library 4
Human Relations
EDS 388-40017
Instructor: Mildred Mueller
This class provides vnluahle insight intu tile valrres, cornmunicalinn icchniquus, cr~llural Inorcs and otlicr unique
cl~aractcristicsof major minority groups in Minnesota.
T h i s class is taiight from n pcrspcctivc of minority group
members with i r i l~ractionfrom class rncrnbcrs.
How do you blend and honor the diverse cultures in a
classroom setting? How might you gain more knowledge
of our global society?
Students will develop interpersonal relation skills applicable to teachine and other vrofessional vocations.
This is a one-hafi credit couise.
Prerequisites: Passing of PPST and admittance to Education program in process.
Time: I1 Tuesdays, Thursdays and alternate Fridays
Room: Old Main 21
Student Teaching
EDS 48140018; EDE 481-40022
EDS 482-40019; EDE 482-40023
EDS 483-40020; EDE 483-40024
EDS 484-40021; EDE 48440025
Instructors: Marie McNeff, Ann Fleener, Vicki Olson
Observing and directing Icarning under supervision of
college and secondary scl~oalpersonnel. This is a full day
experience in a school. Grading is P/N only.
Prerequisites: Acceptance in Education Program and
permission of instructor.
The Prose Poem: Creative Writing in the
Florida Keys
ENG 234-40031; 345-40033
Instructor: John Mitchell
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to
creative writing and to refine the creative writing of more
experienced students through attention to fidelity of imagery and integrityof simile,metaphor,rhythm, and sound.
The prose poem is a friendly, productive form to achieve
these goals because of its emphasis upon down-to-earth
personal observation and reportorial response to the natural and human environment, which, in this case, will be the
Florida Keys. Instruction in the history and techniques of
the prose poem will be accompanied by some attention to
the literary response of Ernest Hemingway and Wallace
Stevens to Key West. Some interdisciplinary experience
with Phil Thompson's course in drawing and watercolor
and Ralph Sulerud's course in marine biology, as a way of
facilitating "seeing." Grading will be based upon the
quality and progress in writing ten revised prose poems.
Students who take the course for upper division credit will
be required to do additional reading and to make oral
reports to the class based on this reading.
Further informationwill be found listed under THE FLORIDA KEYS at the beginning of the list of courses.
Prerequisites: Permission of instructor and, for upper
division credit, one college course in creative writing.
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 12
Re-visions: Contemporary Drama in
English (1975-present)
ENG 249-40026
Instructor: Douglas Green
Questions of ethnicity, class, language, gender, and sexuality pervade recent drama in English. These issues are
revitalizingboth contemporary drama and productions of
classic texts. We will examine how dramatic works of the
late 70s and the 80s, written in English, have been shaped
by and have addressed issues ranging from racial tension
and interactionto sexual preference,both here and abroad.
For comparative purposes, we will also view a few filmson
related topics and attend at least two productions in the
Twin Cities. There will be moderate fees for three local productions.
Students will keep a journal, write two in-class essays, and
one short paper. (Theremay also be occasional quizzes.) A
series of group projects, which include a long paper and
some performance, will conclude the course.
Distribution: English-Speech
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 27
Five College Fiction Writing Workshops
ENG 362-40027
Instructor: Julie Schumacher
Participants in this fiction workshop will need energy,
enthusiasm, a love of literature, and a dedication to their
own--and to other students'-work. Students will write
25 to 50 pages of fiction in addition to in-classexercises and
assignments. Although we'll study contemporary short
stories by established and lesser-known writers, most of
the class time will be spent on discussions of student
fiction. (Participants will be responsible for the cost of
duplicating their stories.) We'll work on establishing a
sense of place or setting, on developing interesting characters and a distinctive "voice," on composing dialogue, and
oncreatingeffectivestructures for our fiction. Conferences
with the instructor will be an integral part of the class.
Grades will be based on the originality, imagination and
beauty of the written work, and on critical and helpful
engagement in workshop discussions. Attendance is
Prerequisites: Some experience in fiction writing, one
writing course beyond the freshman level, and permission of Professor John Mitchell.
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 21
Erdich, Hassler: Two Contemporay Upper
Midwest Writers
ENG 364-40080
Instructor: Ron Palosaari
Louise Erdrich and Jon Hassler are talented ana wellknown writers from this area. We will read several works
by each, noticing each writer's strengths and weaknesses.
We will, to a degree, place their work in the context of
modem American literature.
Each student will write two papers, each on a different
author. One paper will be the basis of an oral report. The
course grade will be based on the papers, the oral presentation, short quizzes and class participation.
Students must have S tuggerford read before the first class.
Prerequisites: One college level American literahue
course or two other college literature classes.
Time: I
Room: Old Main 12
French Literature in Translation
FRE 243-40030
Instructor: Ruth Aaskov
What is there about French literature that merits the English translation of so much of it? What is its attraction, its
power, its human and artistic significance for the reader?
With these questions in mind, we will read, react to, and
analyse a variety of shorter French works available to us in
We will explore masterpieces of earlier times like those of
Rabelais, Montaigne, Voltaire, Balzac, and Flaubert, as
well as significant 20th Century works. Reading and discussion of the common core works will be followed by
your personal study of a chosen short work to be shared
with the class via a short comparative paper. Mini-lectures
and study guides will help attentive reading of the works
and developing your communication and critical skills.
Evaluation will include your progress in group work and
discussion, your demonstrated understanding in reading,
writing assignments, quizzes, and independent study.
We hope to attend Bernstein's Candide as a class.
Prerequisites: Sophomore standing or permission of
Distribution: Literature
Time: I
Room: Old Main 25
General Studies
Transitions: Women's Life Careers
Instructor: Diane Busico
Are you wondering how you cnn s u c c d in a "man's
world"? Puzzling out your options for rnarriagc, coswr,
and/or children? Troubled will) Iiow to practically and
emotionally juggle all of your divcrse roles? This seminar
is an exploration of the various pathways womenchoose in
balancing home and work life. A1though it promises no
concrete answers to compelling questions, it will arm you
with some useful information for making choices for the
present and plans for the future.
The mdctal, familial, and individual forces sl~apingthe
choices womcn makc conccming family and carccr arc
sbdicd via texts, journnl nrticlcs, films, and p s r Iccturcrs. Shldcn t pcrforrnancc is asxsscd through essays and
a rcsctlrch project.
Time: I
Room: Old Main 22
Health and Physical Education
M Recreational Rhythms and Activities
HPE 23240032
Instructor: Pam Schreurs
Theory and practice in teaching and pcrfnrming Amcrican
heritage and international folk daners. Exposure to New
Games concepts and activities. Thc majority of the coursc
grade is based on participation in classactivities,a teaching
assignment, and a written test. This is a one-half credit
Time: I1 Mondays, Wednesdays and alternate Fridays
Room: Melby 202
W Sailing in the Virgin Islands
HPE 455-40034
Instructor: Joyce Pfaff
.Designed for thc beginning and in tcrmcdiatc sailor interestcc1 in the art and practice of sailboat:cruising. Thc course
will focuson taking tho participant to a compctenl levcl of
sailboat handling (anchoring,mooring, helming and crewing). The student will live aboard a 42-foot fixed-keel
sailboat with fiveor sixother peopleand will functionasan
active crew member.
Acbal on-ihc-watcr instruction will bc the rnnjnr part of
thccoursc. This will bc supplcmcnIcrl by scssions dcaling
with safcty,boa t handling, boa t systcns, provisioning, trip
planning, piloking and navigation. Sailing will includc
cntiscs la various islands and cays in tl~cBritish and
American Virgin Islands.
Snorkeling and windsurfing will be available on an optional basis.
+ I l
Evaluation will be based on individual demonstrated
competencies in crewing and leadership in the role of
"acting captain". A daily ships log will be kept by all
participants and a final written exam will be given. P/N
grading only.
The course will last Januar-4-22.The fee of $2300includes
round-trip transportation from Minneapolis, administrative fee, boat rental, snorkeling gear and two meals a day.
Final payment is due October 31.
Prerequisites: Permission of Marilyn Florian, Women's
Athletic Director
Distribution: Lifetime sports
Women in Refonn in Modem America
HIS 225-40042
Instructor: John Jenswold
"Reformer" was a role played early and frequently by
American women in public life in the 19th and 20th Centuries, individually and collectively. In this course, we will
investigate theevolutionof that roleand the way that it has
been exercised in the past 150 years. We will study the
interaction of women with reform movements in an effort
to discover how women influenced major reform efforts
and how, in turn, those movements reshaped the role of
women in an industrializing and urbanizing society.
Our investigation will include several books, primarily
biographies of such reformers as Elizabeth Cady Stanton,
Margaret Sanger and Jane Addams and studies of such
movements as suffrage, antislavery, educational reform,
political reform, women's rights, and peace activisni.
Discussions of these readings will be supplemented by
lectures on larger historical issues.
Grading will be based on short papers, two essay exams,
and class participation.
Distribution: History-Philosophy
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 13
H The Japanese-American Experience:
Relocation and Redress
HIS 240-40028; 340-40029
Instructor: Khin-KhinJensen
This course will focus on Japanese-Americanexperiences
in the U.S.A. Perspectives on immigration patterns, geographic settlements, literature and contributions to the
American economy and society will be explored. Special
attention will be given to the forced evacuation of the
Japanese Americans during World War 11, how and why
they were uprooted from their homes and businesses and
placed in so-called "American concentrationcamps", their
adjustments to life behind barbed wire and their attempts
to overcome this trauma. The recent Redress Bill in Congress, the constitutionalimplicationsof the order of evacuation and the role of the Supreme Court will be explored.
Content and Procedure: Lectures, class discussions, audio-visual~,student reports and student projects. There
will be a final exam. Upper Division students will also
write a paper and present an oral report in class. Lower
Division students will do a project and reports on audiovisuals and readings.
Fees: Students should budget about $15 for film rentals
and an ethnic meal in a restuarant in the Twin Cities.
Prerequisites: None for lower division; one college history course or instructor's permission for upper division
Time: I
Room: Old Main 13
History of Ancient Israel
HIS 363-40038
Instructor: Richard Nelson
The history of ancient Israel is the history of a peripheral
state. Yet, this minor state is central in the development of
western culture because of its unique religiousexperience.
This course will consider the poli tical, social, and economic
history of Israel within the context of the ancient world. We
will begin with a consideration of the cultures which
prefaced the rise of Israel, continue through Israel's classic
age (Patriarchs, Exodus, Conquest, Monarchy, Exile, Restoration) and conclude with the destruction of Jerusalem
by Titus in 70 A.D. and the formation of Christianity.
Classes will include both lecture and discussion. Grades
will be based on quality of discussion, two examinations,
and a term paper (8 to 10 pages). Traditional grading.
Prerequisite: A college level history course or permission of instructor.
Time: I
Room: Music 22
The capstone of t h e ~ ~ u ~ sFirst
b u rYear
~ Experience (FYE) Program is a
special Interim course designed for first year students. For the 1990
Interim there will be a single course with three sections, each taught by a
different faculty member. The course will provide full credit and will
satisfy the Fine Arts distribution requirement.
Art and Idea: Aesthetic Experience in
France, 1650-1900
INS 190-40035
Instructors: Julie Bolton, Marilee Klemp, Kristin
How do we see? How do we listen? How do we respond
to theatre? What is the nature of art? How are ideas
conveyed in art forms? What do the visual arts, music, and
theatre have in common? How do they reflect the society
in which they were created? Is art timebound or timeless?
All art forms are linked to a particular time and place. We
see that the visual arts, music and theatre always reflect the
spiritual and intellectual climate of its time. Using examples of music, art and theatre created in France in the
years 1650-1900, the course will explore how to appreciate
and understand the various art forms, examine the relationships among the arts, and consider the expression of
enduring themes and ideas at different points in time.
Students will participate in the course through various
readings, including reading plays, studying scores and
listening to recordings, and reading primary source material connected to the art pieces considered. Using the
resources of the college and the city, students will also
attend a special performance of the Augsburg Faculty
Artist Series, visit art collections, including the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, attend music performances, including
the Minnesota Orchestra or the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra, and attend performances of Bernstein's Candide at the
Guthrie. Students will be expected to attend all required
performances and museum visits, write analyses of the
various art works or performances, and write a paper
integrating the different arts and time periods studied.
There will also be quizzes on material covered.
Costs for tickets to performances should not be more than
Prerequisite: Freshman status
Distribution: Fine Arts
Time: 11, The class will normally meet during Time 11,
but students will be expected to attend alimited number
of off-campus events (some evenings andlor weekends)
as a part of the class work.
Room: Music-Sateren
Appropriate Technology
II Economics, The nvironment and
INS 218-40043
Instructor: Tom Morgan
The objective of this course is to develop a clearer sense of
the critical importance the physical environment and our
natural resources play in the economic well-being in our
global economy. We will first briefly review historical
relationships between the physical environment, technological and economicdevelopment. We willconsider alternative (appropriate) technological applications being experimented with as potential solutions to environmental
problems. Course material will be presented through a
blend of reading, lecture, discussion and site visits. Course
grade will be based upon short papers and presentation of
research into specificenvironmental/technologicalissues.
Time: I1
Room: Science 319
An Introduction t o Islam
INS 225-40045
Instructor: Amin Kader
This course is designed by a practicing Muslim to present
his perception of Islam to non-Muslims. The course will
cover the ideological foundations of Islam, its basic concepts and tenents, Islamic law (Sharifah),Islamic economic
and political systems and Islamic patterns of life. There
will also be a consideration of the differences between the
Islamic sects (Sunnis, Shi'its, Sufis, etc.). There will also be
some effort to deal with the similarities and differences
between Islam and both Christianity and Judaism, and a
visit to one of the mosques in the Twin Cities.
A paper and at least one examination will be required.
Distribution: Minority-Urban Studies
Time: I1
Room: Murphy Place 1
Augsburg Goes To Business
INS 321-40055
Instructor: Tina Wagner
This seminar is an experiential opportunity for students
with any major who wish to learn more about work environments and choosing career paths. The goal of the seminar is to provide a better understanding of the diversity in
organizations, and the varied environments in which they
must operate. The objectives of the class are:
1. to develop a more clear understanding of how the
different functional areas of an organization operate
on a day-to-day basis, and how these areas are integrated into the overall operation of a firm.
to develop and explore personal and career goals, and
how a "fit" is established between an individual and
an organization.
3. to examine the extent to which "textbook approaches"
correspond to "real world" situations and are able to
accommodate practical application.
Class time will be divided between on-campus lecture,
discussion and off-campus visits. Students will visit six
different types of organizations in the metropolitan area
including non-profit and corporate. Class discussions will
focuson assigned readings, interpretations of the results of
vocationally-oriented tests, and the issues relevant to the
selection of career paths.
Students will keep a journal of their experiences and observations. Grades will be determined on the basis of the
journal, a class presentation, and on a research paper, the
topic of which will be negotiated with the instructor.
Prerequisite: Sophomore status or above
Time: I1
Room: Murphy Place 3
H Finite Mathematics
MAT 121-40044
Instructor: Suzanne Doree
A study of the finite mathematics models involved in
elementary statistics: sets, counting techniques, probability, averages, deviations, and distributions. This course
should provide students with the mathematical tools sufficient to understand simple statistical and probabilistic
information. Class sessions will include lectures, discussion, and group activities. Homework, a midterm exam,
and final exam will be the primary basis for course grades.
Prerequisites: Math placement: Group I11
Time: I1
Room: Science 112
Math and its Applications: Succeed With
MAT 132-40046
Instructor: Bev Stratton
Are you a math avoider? Do numbers and symbols scare
you? Do you wonder why a student majoring in humanities or social sciences needs to know some mathematics?
Would you like to improve your math skills, be more at
ease with math, and maybe even l e a n to like math (a
little)? If you answered yes to any of the above questions,
this course is for you.
The course will focus on problem solving, puzzles, modeling, and some of the applications of mathematics to such
areas as sociology, biology, and business. Students will
learn the relevance of mathematics to many occupations
and gain confidence in their abilitiesto work with numbers
and quantitative reasoning. Evaluation will be based on
short quizzes, a problem solving journal, and a project.
Prerequisite: Placement Group I11
Time: I1
Room: Science 212
MAT 235-40075
Instructor: Larry Copes
The major goal of this course is to gain insight into how
machinesand people think and learn by studyingattempts
to get computers to do the same. We shall study the
contributionsof a variety of disciplines, including artificial
intelligence, psychology, neuroscience, philosophy, linguistics, and anthropology. Demonstrations of "intelligent" computer programs will lead to discussions of how
closely their cognitive processes resemble those of humans. Evaluation will be on the basis of two half-session
examinations and a full-session final.
Prerequisites: one course of psychology, philosophy,
computer programming or anatomylphysiology.
Time: I1
Room: Science 112
Modern Geometry
MAT 351-40036
Instructor: Bev Durkee
A study of transformational geometry by synthetic and
coordinate methods, including complex variables, and an
introduction to hyperbolic non-Euclidean geometry. Emphasis will be on proof and methods of proof.
Class Sessions will include lectures, discussion, and problem solving activities. Assignments will provide the primary basis for course grades.
Prerequisites: MAT 122 or 125
Time: I
Room: Science 319
Sounds and Sights of Europe
MUS 179-40047
Instructors: Robert Karlen and Roberta Metzler
The churches and cathedrals of London, Cologne, and
Munich inspired the building of places of worship in this
country; the orchestras of these cities represent some of the
oldest and finest of their kind; and have been long emulated by our ownensembles. Theoriginalscoresof Handel's
"Messiah" in London's British Museum, the home and
paintings of Rembrandt in Amsterdam, the awe-inspiring
Cologne cathedral, are only a few of the highlights of our
encounter with the sounds and sights of Europe. Theatre
and concert performances, a Gilbert and Sullivan operetta
in London, and visits to world-renowned museums and
architectural landmarks are planned. For those with a
special interest in music therapy, visits will be made to the
Nordoff-Robbins Centrein England and hospitalsresearching music and medicine in Herdecke and Ludenscheid,
West Germany. The comprehensive fee of $2,245 includes
travel to nine cities in three countries (England, Holland
and Germany), breakfast daily, five group dinners, and
several cultural performances.
Registration for this interim must be made before October
27at theInternationa1ProgramsOffice,2018 Eighth Street.
This course is offered on a P/N basis only.
The Ethics of Killing and Letting Die
PHI 146-40053
Instructor: David Apolloni
Is abortion wrong? Is killing a terminally-ill person murder? Are there some crimes for which capital punishment
is justified? Is there such a thing as a just war?
These questions and the various answers proposed arouse
deep emotions and often hostile confrontations among
many groups in our society. All too often, complex moral
issues get reduced down to simplistic slogans when these
groups campaign to maintain or change laws on these
This course will utilize readings on these complex and
burning moral issues as an introduction to ethics and
critical moral thinking. We will consider some philosophical theories on the nature of moral obligation and personhood to help us get past emotions and slogans to a much
deeper and informed understanding of the philosophical
problcms which lic behind thc controversies surrounding
aborlion, euthanasia, capital punishment, and war.
The course will combine lecture and class discussion on
some contemporary philosophical readings on killing.
Students' work will be evaluated on the basis of four (2 to
3) page papers (each on some aspect of one of the topics)
and class participation.
Time: I
Room: Old Main 11
Philosophy of Science
PHI 365-40037
Instructor: Ken Bailey
Sometimesitis said that welive in the Age of Science. What
does that mean? In what sense(s)might such a statement
be said to be true or false? On the other hand, some
astrologers say that we have just begun the Age of Aquarius, the Water Bearer, who is supposed to usher in an age
of peace and prosperity. Are these two notions in conflict?
Are they compatible? Is it really true that only science can
say something meaningful about Reality? Are there any
limits to scientific method? What does science have to say
about values? How do you recognize a pseudo-science?
These and other questions about scientificmethods, scientific knowledge, and applications of science to human life
will be examined. (Is your future written in the stars?)
Primarily a discussion course. Grades will be based upon
a mid-term and a final examination; course participation;
and a study project.
Prerequisites: Suggested Philosophy 130 (logic) and one
course in a natural science
Time: I1
Room: OM 11
II Introduction to Weather
- -.
PHY 106-40052
Instructor: Noel Petit
A study of the science of meteorology which will provide
a working knowledge of the principles of atmospheric
science. Attention will be given to four basic areas observing the weathcr changes and understanding thc world's
climate. Rclalccl topics to bc includcd arrr: hydrology
(study of the carth's water cyclc), pollution, cconomic
effects of the wcathcr, and wcatl~cr'simpact on world
e m n ts. This coursc is clcsigncd to be an elective or satisfy
t l ~ Mathematics-Physics
distribution requirement for the
liberal arts srudcnt.
The course will have two weeks of class lecture and laboratory followed by a two-week trip through the Southeast
United States visiting major weather facilities. The itinerary will include stops at Kansas City, Missouri; Oklahoma
City, Oklahoma; Vicksburg and Gulfport, Mississippi;
Tampa, Miami, Cocoa Beach, Daytona Beach and
Gainesville, Florida. At each site there will be a tour and
explanatory program for the functions of that facility.
Topics of the visits will be severe storms, control of the
water in the Mississippi River basin, automated weather
observation at sea, television station weather facilities,
hurricane tracking, weather satellites, and agricultural
weather. During the trip the student will maintain a
jnurnal of weather and site visi ts. Daily wca tlwr maps will
lw crcalcd using portablc wcai her sqlcllitc reception s y s
tcm carried on the trip. This trip will not only allow visits
of oprrational wcathcr facililics, but also will allow the
student to experience the full range of climates across the
U.S. from north to south. Daily quizzesand lectures will be
given during the travd. Gsadcs will bc bawd upon the
journal, two hourly examinations and an individual projcct completed during the trip. Thc cost will l
x approximately $700. Initial deposit due by October 27,
Prerequisites: High Scllool Algebra
Distribution: Mathematics-Physics
Time: I
Room: Science 28
4 High Vacuum Technology and Gas
PHY 325-40039
Instructor: Mark Engehretson
High vacuum tcchnolngy is crucial to many a]trcn t "high
tmlmologies," i~icludingadvanccsin expcrimcntalscicncc
in a11 ticlclq production of scrniconductors and superconductors, and manipulation of gascs and "sensitive" mat^
rials. Dcspitc this, gcncral awarcncss of high vacuum
technologics lags far bchind thcir rlcvclopment. This
courw wil I acquaint thc student wit 1.1 technologies currently crnploycd in producing and monitoring a high
vacuum environment, and with thc physical behavior of
gases and surfaces under vacuum conditions. Activities
will include both seminars and laboratory sessions, some
in conjunction with Chcmistry 325. Students will learn to
use high vacuum pumps and gauges, a modern mass
spectrometer, and PC-l~scdcnrnp~~ter
controllers and
compu ter-cornpa liblc sensors.
Grades will be based on laboratory work, two quizzes, and
a paper.
Prerequisites: Chemistry 351 and 353, or Physics 245
Time: I1
Room: Science 30
Spreadsheet Physics
PHY 151-40058
Instructor: Jeff Johnson
Spreadsheets (e.g., Lotus 1-2-3)have been used extensively
in business for years. However it is also possible to solve
physics problems without using high-powered mathematics. Spreadsheets allow the student who is not an expert in
mathematics to experience physics on a more intuitive
level. We will use Lotus 1-2-3 to solve problems in a wide
variety of physics areas including planetary motion and
projectile motion. Some of the problems investigated
might be in areas other than physics. Grading will bebased
on spreadsheet projects, homework and a final exam.
Prerequisites: Math Level I11
Time: I
Room: Science 30
Political Science
Social Justice in America
POL 140-40059
Instructor: Andy Aoki
Social justice is one of the burning issues of modem politics. For moral theorists, the nature of socialjustice is a continuing challenge; For practical politicians, it is a question
which can bc ignorcd but not avoidcd. From pmatal caw
for poor women to mcdical c a p for the elderly, most
important public policy debates involve questions of social
justice. To adequately consider these policy questions, one
must have some conception of social justice.
In this class, you will work to develop your ideas of social
justice, and to understand how they apply to public policies. The policies to be considered will vary depending on
student interest, but the range of possible issues is vast,
including such topics as student financial aid, jobs programs, school choice, aid to the poor, Social Security,
environmental protection, and military service.
The majority of class time will be spent in discussions.
Participation is essential. Reading will be fairly light, but
everyone is expected to actively engage in class activities
and discussions. No prior knowledge is needed, but an
interest in public issues is important. Requirements will
consist of short papers, class participation, and a brief final
Although the workload is moderate, the course is mentally
demanding. Rigorous thinking about social justice can be
troubling; some questions will be provocative and disturbing. Students should be willing to tackle difficult intellectual challenges; doing so will enable you to gain a better
understanding of some of the most difficult problems of
our time, and to make a greater contribution to efforts to
deal with those problems.
Distribution: Economics/Political Science
Time: I
Room: Old Main 16
Politics in Scandinavia
POL 250-40040
Instructor: Einar Vetvik
The course objective is to give a basic knowledge of the
political systemsand important current policy issuesin the
Scandinavian countries. The course will present an overview of the basic structure and main features of government, politics, policy issues, political behavior and leadership in the Scandinavian welfare-state model.
There will be one paper and one exam as assignments for
the course. The model of teaching will consist of lectures,
seminars and group discussions.
Distribution: Economics/Political Science
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 29
Difficult Judicial Choices: How the Courts
Reshape Political Institutions
POL 475-40041
Instructor: Phillip E Fishman
The course is designed for political scienceand socialwork
students and others who are concerned with institutional
operation and change/reform. Text and case-studies will
bemploycd to examine the role of the federal judiciary in:
prison reform, mental health and the right to treatment,
equal housing, school busing, police and immigration
policy in the '90s. Coutsc objcctivcs are to assist the studcnk 1) to understand the judicial processand how judges
makepolicy; 2) to learn how liability iscstabfishedand appropriate remedies are fashioned for rclicf; 3).to explore
thc dynamic conflict between the federal bench and political and administrativeinstitu tions. The instructoruseslecture and hypothetical cases as key tools of instruction.
There will be one exam and one mini-paper during the
brief course. In addition, students will be assigned on-site
field visits to a Minnesota penitentiary, a metropolitan
police station, a United States immigration court and a
mental health facility.
Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing
Time: Tuesday, January 26-9:30 p.m., and each Monday
and Wednesday thereafter
Room: Old Main 16
Political and Cultural Diversity in the
USSR and Eastern Europe
POL 459-40073
Instructors: Norma Noonan and William Wright
The course which begins in January and continues for 14
weeks into the spring semester is an overview of the
political, cultural and national forces which both divide
and unite the East European nations and the U.S.S.R. A
joint course of the Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities
and the University of Minnesota, this course will feature
weekly guest lecturers, weekly discussions, extensivereadings and a research paper. There may also be shorter
analytical essays and a final. This is a special course which
will be offered only once. As designed, it is impossible to
complete it within the four-week Interim period, so students able to take the course only for the January segment
should not enroll or ask for an exemption to finish the
course in January. No exemptions will be granted.
Students may also register for this course as a spring term
course and so take another interim course.
Prerequisites: One course in political science or history
dealing with the USSR or Eastern Europe; or permission
of instructor.
Time: Wednesdays 1:15-3:15 p.m. (January through
Room: Science 315
The Self
as~ e v e a l e din Myths and
PSY 340-40061
Instructor: Norm Ferguson
This course will explore concepts of self from psychological, cultural, and theological perspectives. A variety of
myths and symbols will be examined with the intent of
gaining knowledge about how they function as representations of "the self."
The objective of the courstz is to gain a d e p m understanding of one's individual self and of how thc conccptualiza[ions of your w1f have t e n molded by a variety of social,
cultural, and historical influences. The content of the
courx willinclude topics such as: the impact of science on
myth; thc mythologics of romantic love, war, and peace;
the process of individuation; and metaphors of psyche
logical transformation.
Class time will be devoted mainly to the discussion of the
assigned readings. Students will bc expected to bE p w
pared for class by doing the readings and to be actively
involved in the class discussions. Students will be given
some of the responsibility for leading discussion. Evaluation will be based on: (1) class participation, (2) a course
journal, and (3) four or five short (600-800 word) papers.
Prerequisite: General Psychology
Time: I
Room: Old Main 21
Psychology of the Legal System
PSY 335-40056
Instnr ctar: Nancy Steblay
The US. Iegal system wilt be investigated from the p r spectivc of psychological theory, research and practice. A
specificfocus will beon the social psychologyof courtroom
procedures with considmation of such topics as jury sclectian, ~yclwitnessevaluation and jury decision making.
Class readingsand discussion will also cover such broader
areas as morality, justice, ethics and victimization. Guest
lccturcrswill include members of the legal and psychological cornrnunities.
Evaluation methods include tests and written work; students will also be responsible for contribution to classroom
Prerequisites: A general psychology course
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 16
1 Idealism and the Adolescent
PSY 370-40074
Instructor: Duane Johnson
Inquiry into the nature and presence of idealism in the life
of the adolescent person. Theoretical bases for such idealism will be considered. Idealism directed toward other
persons and society will be the main focus.
Thiscourse will bcconductcd asa scminarwitha highlevel
of studmt contribution and pasticipation. Attendance at
each class %session i s wquired. Procedures wit1 include
dass discussion, frequent short papers, and frequent oral
rcprts. Studcnts will be requircrl to seek out and interview persons in the adolcsccnt level of development.
Typing or equivalent word processing will bc required.
Students are required to read The Moral Life of Children by
Robert Coles before the start of the interim. This book will
be available in the Augsburg Bookstoreby November 1st.
Content of the book will be discussed in the first few class
sessions and will provide a base for further learning in the
course. This course is offered only on P/N basis.
Time: I
Room: Old Main 23
Eastern Orthodoxy
REL 420-40062
Instructor: Lynne Lorenzen
Eastern Orthodoxy is the primary religion of Greece, Russia, and thc Bastcm Bloc countries. We will explore the
history, theology, liturgy and sacraments in the Orthodox
Tradition. Class will include Iccture, discussion, slide
pncsentation and an evcning liturgy. Requirements incIude one exam and two short papera Tl~rccpaperback
booksarerequir~d.Attendance at thest. GrcgoryofNyssa
liturgy an January 10 at 6:30 porn.and at the icon slide
presentation on January 17 are also required.
Prerequisites: Religion 111or 221
Distribution: Religion (Only one Interim course may be
used toward graduation requirements.)
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 25
The Lutheran Heritage
REL 345-40057
Instructor: Eugene Skibbe
The Lutheran Church is the largest Protestant church in
the world. We will not only examine the Lutheran
Church as it is at the present time, bu t also study its
origin in the 16th century and its dcveloprnent and
cultural influcncc during 450 years of history.
One short text will introduce us to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, formed in 1988; a second text
will give us an insight into the global organization and
broader social issues related to the Lutheran World Federation. A third book, writtcn by the President of the
College, will show us the roots of the Lutheran Church in
the Bible and the confessional writings; and a fourth text
will give us an over-view of the history of this church.
Lecture and class discussion will deal with explaining
these things, plus noting the Lutheran witness to the gospel of JcsusChrist in art, music, missions, philosophy, sociology,and theology. Therewill be three examsplussome
brief written assignments.
Students will be expected to be present the first day of class
and to purchase all required materials on that day in class
for about $25.00. Please bring your check book or cash.
Prerequisites: Religion 111 or 221
Distribution: Religion (Only one Interim course may be
used toward graduation religion requirements)
Time: I
Room: Old Main 18
The Other Side o Paradise:
Tourism, The Mi i t a y and
Cultural Confrontation in Hawaii
REL 251-40063;349-40067
Instructors: John Benson and Duane Addison
We invite you to come to Hawaii with us for a special class.
Other January Interim courses go to Hawaii as well, but
this one will be distinctive.
Saying "Hawaii" can conjure up images of beaches, palm
trees, and winter tans. We will not ignore these aspects of
Hawaii, but we will also probebeneath the image projected
to most tourists. We will study how Hawaii
"works"-politically, economically, and culturally. Three
social problems in particular tourism, militarism, and cultural confrontation will provide the focus of this learning
experience from a Christian ethical point of view.
First we will look at some less attractive aspects of the
tourism industry. Who benefits and who loses? Representatives of Hawaii's diverse peoples and viewpoints will
offer insights into the ecological, economic, and political
consequences of marketing the islands as a tourist paradise.
Secondly we will learn to see the U.S. military presence on
the islands in a new way. Many Americans associate
Hawaii with the bombing of Pearl Harbor and World War
11. But the presence of the U.S. Pacificcommand continues
to have significant implications for both the people and
ecosystems of Hawaii.
Finally, culturn1 conflict and confrontation in Hawaii will
be studied. Many immigrant groups havc come to the
islands: Japnesc, chine.^, Filipinos, Tongans, Samoans,
Portuguese,mainland Americans, and others. The interaction of these groups with native Polynesians yields a high
degree of cultural diversity. We will learn about the
exploitation and racial tensions that exist, as well as ways
in which diversity is appreciated and celebrated.
The cost for the course is $1,995.00, and it can be taken for
religion or crosscultural credit. We will visit the islands of
Oahu, Hawaii, and Maui, traveling via buses, vans, and
planes. Our accommodations will vary, including a camp
in the mountains, another camp on the beach, and several
tourist-level hotels.
Grades will be based on degree of involvement, the quality of contribution to the discussions and a journal. Upper
division credit will require a special project which will involve a presentation to the group.
Distribution: Religion
Prerequisites: Permission of instructor; for upper division credit, one course in college level religion, East
Asian culture or introductory sociology or anthropology*
The Theology of Marriage
REL 343-40070
Instructors: Curt Paulson, Cathy Paulson
Marriage has been described in terms of a free fall, a
decision which we often make with a portion of our brain
and all of our heart. This course will take nothing from the
heart, whether you are married or not, but it will increase
your sureness and the possibility for meaning/intimacy in
your life with a significant other. Within the context of
Christian teachings, many theories, with particular attention given to the work of C. G. Jung, will be studied and
applied to the marital relationship and secondarily to the
There will be lectures, discussion, and visiting resource
persons. Evaluation will be based on class participation,
and an examination. Two books will be required.
Prerequisites: REL 111or 221 or permission of instructor.
Distribution: Religion (Only one interim course may be
used to meet religion requirements.)
Time: I
Room: Old Main 10
C J q
West Afrzcan Religion and Culture ' I
REL 241-40072
Instructor: Brad Holt
Off thebeaten track of American tourists, this journey will
focus on meeting African people, observing their religious
rituals, music and art, and pondering their history. We will
converse with urban and rural Africans of different faiths,
different levels of education, in different climates. After
visiting the collections of African art in London, we will
journey to Nigeria, an English-speaking nation, and the
most populous of all African states. There we will encounter the three basic religious traditions of Africa: African
Traditional Religions, Christianity, and Islam. Each will
bring intriguing surprises, as they reflect African culture in
ways different from what can be found in the U.S.A.
First we will visit Ibadan, largest traditional African city
and metropolis of the Yoruba people. We will explore the
contemporary forms of the ancient Yoruba tradition, observe the work of the babalawo or diviner, and the dramatic worship services of the Aladura Christian churches.
We will visit the universities of Ibadan and Ife to dialogue
with Nigerian professors and students.
At Benin, site of the ancient Kingdom discovered by the
Portuguese in the 1400s,we will observe the world famous
bronze sculptures in the Benin Art Museum. We will meet
different traditions among the Igbo people, whose culture
has been so dramaticallydescribed in the novels of Chinua
We will see the forces of change in the "Middle Belt" of
Nigeria, where in the villages the competition is sometimes
keen among the three religious traditions. We will stop to
swim and to view African animals in the Yankari Game
Reserve. Finally, we will visit the far north and the historic
city of Kano, former trading center for the trans-Sahara
trade routes, where camel trains can still sometimesbe discovered. The grand mosque and museum will help us
understand the Hausa and Fulani traditions of Islam in
Through it all, we will live simply, encountering life in a
Third World country that is struggling to find appropriate
blendsof Africanand Western culture. We will travel light,
and experience the taste, the music, the art, and the worship of one of Africa's most energetic nations.
Evaluation: Each day participants will engage in structured dialogue and individual journal writing. Two short
tests will be given.
Required Readings: Lawson, Religions of Africa; Parrinder,
Religion in Africa; Kalu, The Nigerian Story.
The cost of $2,195 includes all air and ground transportation, accommodations and excursions, breakfast and one
dinner in London, breakfast and all dinners in Nigeria.
Registration must be made before October 27 at the International Programs Office, 2018 S 8th Street.
This course is offered om a P/Nbasis only.
Social Work
Exploring Human Semices
SWK 257-40060
Instructor: Mary Lou Williams
This course offers students the opportunity to explore
career aspects of the human services vocations, a valuable
tool in selecting a career goal and a college major. Knowledge is gained by working in a professional human service
organization or agency and talking with human service
professionals and others who participate in an organized
approach to respond to human needs. This course offers a
"hands on" experiential approach to learning.
Students will volunteer 20 hours per week under the
direction of an agency representative. In addition, students will attend a specific small group seminar for three
hours per week during which agency experiences will be
shared and readings discussed. Evaluation will be based
on performance in the agency, written subjective summary, brief journal summary, and final exam.
Time: I
Room: Murphy Square 1
Issues of Homelessness
SWK 339-40051
Instructor: Edwina Hertzberg
The intent of this course is:
1. To expand the student's knowledge of homelessness
in an historical context;
2. To expand the student's knowledge of the reality of
homelessness in the Twin Cities;
3. To expand the student's understanding of the causative factors which contribute to persons being homeless: economic, employment, personal; and
4. To explore possible resolutions of homelessness.
Readings, guest lectures, field visits to sites serving homeless people, participant observations and volunteer experience will be utilized to fulfill the above objectives. A
seminar format will be used in the classroom for discussion/exploration of the topic.
Field notes from participant observations, class participation and a research paper exploring one aspect of the topic
will form the basis of evaluation.
Fee: $30.00
Non-social work majors are particularly invited to enroll
in this course.
Prerequisites: SOC 111,121, SWK 257,361, or consent of
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 22
Field Work III
SWK 46640065 (full course)
SWK 466-40064 (112 course)
Instructor: Francine Chakolis
The objectives of the class are to use supervisory relationships to increase interpretive as well as social work performance competence; to promote gradual entry into direct social work practice; to increase competence in the
client contact phase of the problem-solving process; to increase student self-awareness in regard to professional
practice interests, areas of strength, and areas for personal/professional development; to promote competence
in the full process of problem solving, with special emphasis on analysis and resolution stages.
Course content will be continuation of Field Work I1 educationally focused field placement in a social service
agency. Students will spend 15 (or 30) hours per week in
field placement, plus one hour per week in faculty facilitated supportive seminar help on campus. Evaluations
will be made in writing by the Field Instructor using
previously developed contract and social work evaluation
Note: Course is offered for half (466-40064) (15 hours per
week) or full (46640065)(30 hours per week) credit. If for
full credit, half of the credit will be based on non-client
contact tasks.
Prerequisite: SWK 462 (Field Work 11)
Time: To be arranged
IPrinciples of Sociology (with emphasis on
the Health Care System)
SOC 121-40071
Instructor: Barbara Johnson
Sociology is a unique way of understanding the world. As
an academic discipline and a profession, sociology provides insights into culture, roles, groups, interaction, inequality and social structure. It is an essential tool for
discovering the world and one's place in it.
The emphasis for illustrations and exercises will be directed to the health care system. Cross-cultural comparisons will be drawn. As such, the course will be useful for
future health care providers and related professionals and
for consumers as well.
This course covers the same concepts and meets the same
objectives as the regular term course. Therefore students
can expect daily written and/or reading assignments.
Three exams will be given.
Distribution: Psychology/Sociology
Time: I1
Room: Library 1
Racial and Minority Group Relations
SOC 265-40066
Instructor: Jeny Gerasimo
This course considers the dimensions of racial and minority group relations. Major attention is focused upon prejudice, racism, and the role of self-understanding. The
course format will include lectures, films, readings, and an
opportunity for off-campus participant observation.
Members of the class can expect evaluation to be based on
a combinationof classparticipation,a research project, and
a final examination. The course is offered only on a P/N
Distribution: Minority-Urban
Time: I
Room: Music 23
Beginning Spanish
SPA 111-40048
Instructor: Mary Kingsley
Beginning Spanish I is the first half of the beginning sequence, the goal of which is to introducethe student to the
most basic vocabulary and grammar in order to prepare
him or her either to go on to additionalstudy of Spanish or
to use it at an elementary speaking-understanding level at
the end of the second course. The emphasis is on spoken
Spanish, but secondary goals are to develop reading and
writing skills as well. After interim, students will be
prepared to continue with Spanish 112 in the spring.
The approachused in class will be proficiency oriented and
grammar explanations will be given as needed to clarify
those in the text. Evaluation will include class participation, a test on each chapter and a written and an oral final
Distribution: Foreign Language
Time: I
Room: Old Main 29
Speech- Communication
Movement for the Theatre
SPC 226-40068
Instntctor: Martha Johnson
In this course students will explore principles and styles of
movement used in the art of acting. The goal will be to
increase the student's ability to communicate through
movement, by examining the principles of discipline, freedom, clarity, timing, concentration, and rhythm. Masks
and improvisationwillbe introduced as tools for corporeal
expression. All different aspects of movement will be
explored: body stance, facial expression, gesture, walking,
etc. Movement exercises will be built around short scenes,
poems, and speeches. Some principles of Oriental movement will also be introduced.
Studcnts will be given rcquired rcadings on thc principles
of movement. Thcy will be askcd to write one final paper
on course content and requircd rcadings. Attending plays
and class rnovcment presentations will also bcrcquired, as
wcll as two play reviews. Grading will k bas& an class
work, final papcr, and rnovcmcn t prcsen tations.
The class will be designed for thosc who desire to increase
their skiIls as actors, and also for those preparing for such
ficlds as teaching, law, thc minishy, ctc.
Time: JJ
Room: Tjornholm-Nelson Theatre
Documentary Video
SPC 347-40069
Instructor: Deborah Bart
Documentary Video is a video production course which
integrates lecture and criticism with hands-on experience
dealing with non-fiction subjects. Students will work as
production teams, gaining experience in field production
and cdi ting. The production teams will produce a thirty
minutcdocumcntary piece. Evaluation will bebasedupon
studcnt journals, critiques and a paper. This course requires additional lab time for editing. There will be a $20
lab fee.
Prerequisites: Broadcast Production I
Time: I
Room: Foss A-V Seminar
Augsburg is part of a consortium called UMAIE, Upper Midwest
Association for Intercultural Education, which offers overseas
learning expcricnces during the Interim. Further information
about the following courses can be obtained from Kathleen Lutfi at
International Programs Office, 2018 Eighth Street (330-1655)or
from the Interim Office. Registration for these Interims ends
October 27,1989. Thesecoursesare offered on a P/N basis only and
generally carry a lower division number.
Other Courses
These courses are offered by institutions or groups not connected
with Augsburg College but have been approved for credit by the
college. Most carry a tuitioncost plus other expenseswhich are the
responsibility of the student. They are offered only on a P/N basis.
Fuller descriptions and details for registering are available in the
Interim Office.
Outward Bound
HPE 212-40078
Check for information in the Interim Office for material on
dog sledding and snowshoeing on the Minnesota-Canadian bordcr or for whi te water canoeing and desert campingon the RioGrandein theDecernkr 27 through January
27 period. There is a cost of approximately $1,275 (the
Outward Bound organiwtionhas sclmescholarshipsavaitablc).
Washington D.C. Interims
Leaders on Leadership: The National
P O L 398-40076
Law and Society: An Examination of
Issues and Principles
P O L 398-40077
These interims begin January 1and contlnue unti1 January
20. Information on either of the above programs, housing
and financial assistance is available from Dr. MiIda
Hedblom in Memorial 117A.
Augsburg Lifetime Sports
The following activities are available to students during
Interim and students may register for these classes as
well as for a regular course. This activity does not carry
official credit, but does meet the lifetime sports requirement for graduation. Students may participate in this
class without registering for the course, but will be
expected to pay any fees whether or not the student
registers for the course.
American Karate
HPE 002-40081
Instructor: Mike Teitelbaum
The form, basic techniques and practical usage
of American Karate, taught by a certified Third
Degree MKA Black Belt instructor. Fee of
Distribution: Lifetime Sports
Time: 1200-1:00 MWF
Room: Melby
HPE 002-40082
Instructor: Brian Ammann
Distribution: Lifetime Sports
Time: I Tuesdays, Thursdays and alternate Fridays
Room: Melby
HPE 00240083
Instructor: Brian Ammann
Distribution: Lifetime Sports
Time: I Mondays, Wednesdays and alternate Fridays
Room: Melby
Show less
Augsburg College is a four-year, fully accredited liberal arts college affiliated with
The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. Located in the heart of Minneapolis
and St. Paul, the small college environment, about 2,700 students during the academic
year, is enriched by the many cultural... Show more
Augsburg College is a four-year, fully accredited liberal arts college affiliated with
The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. Located in the heart of Minneapolis
and St. Paul, the small college environment, about 2,700 students during the academic
year, is enriched by the many cultural, sport and recreational activities in this vibrant
metropolitan area. An active summer combining classes and metropolitan events is a
lelightful and broadening experience.
4ugsburg in the Summer
Augsburg College provides a diverse summer curriculum including regular courses,
internships, independent studies and student teaching over two terms. Term I runs
from May 29 -June 22, Term I1 runs from June 25 -August 3. This brochure presents
the Summer School Program and was correct at the time of publication.
.mer 1990
Term I
Term I1
April 23
April 23
May 29-30
June 25-26
May 31
June 27
Beginning of
Confirmation-of Registration
Classes Begin
Balance of T u p n Due
Last Day to:
Change Grading Option
Drop Class Without Notation
Register with a Late Fee of $50
(no registrations will be
accepted after this date)
July 4
Last Day to Withdraw from Class (W)
June 12
July 16
Classes End
June 22
August 3
Grades Due in Registrar's Office
June 27
August 8
Y ~ Q UN E E D
Summer Students may take one course during Term I and two courses during Term
11. Unless otherwise indicated, all courses carry a value of one course credit, the
equivalent of four semester credits or six quarter credits. Courses fulfilling Augsburg
distribution requirements are so noted in the course descriptions.
Course Levels are indicated by the first digit of the three digit course number: 1 or 2,
lower division, primarily for freshmen and sophomores; 3 or 4, upper division, primarily for juniors and seniors; and 5, graduate level.
Courses Regularly Taught during the academic year are more fully described in the
Augsburg College Catalog. If you need more information about a special summer
offering, please contact the Summer School Office.
Independent Study and Internships, in addition to those listed, may be pursued
during the summer in a number of departments. Internships involve work experience
related to the academic program in an agency, government, or industry. Consult the
Summer School Office for information.
Students Needing Housing may obtain information from the Director of Housing.
Persons Planning to Attend Summer School are advised to preregister as soon as
possible, since courses without substantial demand may be dropped.
The College Reserves the right to cancel listed courses.
Information and Forms
Additional information and registration
forms may be obtained from the
Summer School Office. Write or call:
Persons in Good Standing at regionally
accredited colleges and universities,
graduates of such institutions, and
students admitted for the next Fall Term
are eligible to attend Augsburg Summer
School. Good standing implies that the
student has been admitted and not
subsequently dropped by that institution.
Murphy Place
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
(612) 330-1786
Elizabeth Vander Schaaf, Director
Jay Dixen, Secretary
Financial Aid
Financial Aid is limited to the GuaranteedStudentLoan.An~studenttaking
one course is regarded as a half-time
student for the summer and is eligible to
apply for a Guaranteed Student Loan.
&tact the Financial Aid Office to make
loan arrangements (330-1046).
Other Persons wishing to take summer
school work should contact the Director
of Summer School to ascertain eligibility
under special circumstances.
Acceptance as a summer student does
not imply admission as a regular student
Augsburg College. Tllose wishing to
should apply for admission through the
Officeof Admission,
erm I Summer School students are required to confirm their registrations on
May 29 or 30. Term I1 registrations must be confirmed on June 25 and 26. This
procedure includes confirmation of all preregistered courses and applies to intc
ships and independent studies as well as to regularly scheduled courses.
Confirmation of Registration will taKe place at the Registrar's Office, 114 Science
Hall, between 8:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on May 29 and 30, and June 25 and 26.
The Balance uwed for tuition must be paid before registration
Augsburg students please note: Balance due on Augsburg accou~~r
from previni~q
rm/s must be paid in full before confirmation of registration.
.-Late Fee of $50.00 will be assessed for Term I registrations completed on May 31.
A late fee of $50.00 will be assessed for Term I1 registrations completed on June 27.
Registrations will not be accepted after these dates.
To Change Your Registration, cancel your registration, add a course, or drop a
course and enroll in another course, fill out a Cancel/Add form at the Registrar's
Office. There is a charge of $5.00 for changing a registration after the first day of each
term. This must be done by 3:30 p.m. on May 31 for Term I courses and by 3:30 p.m.
on June 27 for Term I1 courses. his procedure applies to internships and-independent studies as well as scheduled courses. Any refund or adjustment of fees is
determined according to the Tuition Refund Policy.
The Tuition Charge for 1989 Summe
School courses is as follows. ,$540.00
full-credit courses, $320.00 for halfcredit courses, and $160.00 for fourth,edit courses. Audits are charged at
tl~itionrat-= lict-d above.
tuition and is non-refundable and nontransferable except when a course is
cancelled due to low enrollment. When
this happens, you may elect to receive a
deposit refund or substitute anoth
Starting April 23 you may preregister
for Summer School courses at the Registrar's Office on an ongoing basis during
regular office hours. Each course
preregistration must be accompanied
by a $50.00 tuition deposit. This
deposit is applied to designated course
)id Disappointment in course
selection, preregistration is recommended. Many courses with limited
enrollment fill early. Conversely,
courses with low preregistration
enrollment may be cancelled before tl
first day of the term.
Tuition Refund Policy
The $50.00 per course deposit is not refundable. Refund of all or part of the remaining
fee is calculated from the date of the student's official course cancellation at the
Registrar's Office.
Schedule of Refunds:
Prior to the second scheduled class meeting - 100%of the refundable portion of the fee.
Prior to the fourth scheduled class meeting - 75% of the refundable portion of the fee.
Prior to the sixth scheduled class meeting - 50% of the refundable portion of the fee.
Note: Collrses with fewer that1 12 scheduled class sessions will use a prorated version of the schedr~leofrefi~nds
Campus Location
35W from the North -
Take Washington Avenue exit and turn
left on Washington (turns right onto
Cedar Avenue), turn left at Riverside,
right at 21st Avenue S.
1-94 East from Minneapolis -
Take 25th Avenue exit, turn left at 25th
Avenue, turn left at Riverside, turn left
at 21st Avenue S.
1-94 West from St. Paul Take Riverside exit, turn right at Riverside,
turn left at 21st Avenue S.
35W from the South -
Follow 1-94 St. Paul signs (move to right
lane after each of two mergers). Take 25th
Avenue exit and turn left on 25th Avenue,
turn left at Riverside, turn left at 21st
Avenue S.
Nondiscrimination Pol icy
Augsburg College does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, national or
ethnic origin, age, marital status, sex or handicap as required by Title IX of the
1972 Educational Amendments or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,
as amended, in its admission policies, educational programs, activities and
employment practices.
29 - June 22,1990
ART 107-8100
Drawing in pencil, charcoal, ink, pastels. Subjectsinclude
still-life,figures, building interiors, exteriors, experimental work. Dist.: Yes.
6:00-9:00 p.111 M,T, W,TIi
ART 118-8101
ART 335-8102
Watercolor - Acrylic; translating the visual world of nature, landscapes, still-life, using design concepts, developing personal cxpression and exploring variety of techniques. Weekly critiques. Dist.: Yes.
6:00-9:00 p.111 M,T,W,TIt
Basic biologicalconcepts from an anthropocenhicpoint of
view. An attempt to answ-sfi~h questions as: What
makes man just another member of the biotic foldlDoes
man have a niche in the ecosystem? What influence does
man have on the environment? What influence does the
environment, especially the urban environment, have on
man? (A student may not receive credit for both 101 and
1 3. Dist.: Yes.
: G-in.m. M,T,W,Th,F
BUS 221-8104
Introduction to business activities
S drtd
ic concepn
fundamentals of accounting, the accounting cycle and
preparation of financial statements. Dist.: N
8:30-l0:50 0.111. M,T, W,TIt,F
BUS 222-8105
A continuation of BUS 221. Introduction to business activities, accounting for corporations. Basic concepts and
fundamentalsofmanagerialaccounting,planningandconbolling processes, decision-making and behavioral considera tions. (Prereq.: BUS 221)
6:OO-9:00 p.ttt. M,T, W,Th
BUS 252-8106
Basic policy and strategy issues in marketing. Legal, ethical, competitive, behavioral, economic and technological
factorsas they affectproduct, promotion,marketingchannel and pricing decisions. Dist.: No.
5:00-8:00 p.ttr. M,T, W,Th
BUS 279-8107
An introduction to quantitative reasoning, descriptive
measures, probability, sampling distributions, inference,
and estimationwithemphasison their use in applied problems in business and economics. (Prereq.: Math Placement Group 111or a grade of at least 2.0 in MAT 104.)
9:30-11:50 a.rn M,T,W,Th,F
BUS 322-8108
Analysisof accounting theorypertaining tofinancialstatements, income concepts, current and non-current assets.
Dist.: No. Prerequisites: BUS 221, ECO 113.
6:OO-9:00 M,T,W,Th
BUSIECO 199-8109
Arranged with individual faculty in the nonartment of
Business Administration & Economicc
~ e c ~ n o m i c i r n ~ l i c a t i o nproblemsfacingametrosof
urban environment Ry independent study nist.: Yes.
ECO 112-8111
Introduction to macro-economics;na tional income analvsis, monetary and fiscal policy,
nomic growth. Dist.: Yes.
9:30-ll:50 a.m. M,T,W,Th,F
ECO 292-8112
An analysis of the conditions for East-West economic cooperation. A focus on recent developments in joint economic and industrial cooperation. An identification of
trends and alternatives in the 1990s.
9:30-11:50a.m. M,T,W,Th,F
allocation, analysis of consumer
nomics. Prerequisite: ECO 113
6:00-9:00 p.111, M,T, W,Th
EDE 253-8114
EDS 264-8115
Study and investigation of variousaspectsof the teaching
profession. Dist.: Yes, wlicn combined with EDE 363 ur
EDS 052. (1/ 2 course)
6:OO-9:00 11 111.M, W
EDE 341-8116
EDS 341-8117
I'sycliological n ~ i dpliilosopli~caldiniensic~nsof coininu~iicntiontliroi~glithe use of instructional tcclinology. Selection, preparation, production, and evaluation of cffcctiveaudio-visual niateriaIsf~~rteacliing/Icarniugsih~ations.
Dist.: No (1/2 course)
72:OO-3:00 )1 111 T,Ur
EDE 375-8118
~ n d e r ~ a r t ccurricu~uni,niatcria~s,
Lab. arr. Prcrcquisitc to studen t teaching at kindergarten
level and to obtaining a license fur teaching at that level.
Dist.: No. (1/2 cuursc) Prcrcq : Consent of instructor
930-71:50 0.111 M, W
EDE 382-8119
Examination and preparation of materials and resources
for mathematics instruction at the kindergarten and elementary levels. Dist.: No. (1 / E
.5:30-8:30 /l.rrr. T,TIr
EDE 383-8120
Examination and preparation of materials and resources
for pliysical education and healtli at tlie kindergarten and
elenientaryle\,els. 1.ab.experiences. Dist.: No. (1 /2coursc)
5:OO-8:OO J!.III. T,Tlr
EDE 388-8121
EDS 388-8122
tccliEmphasis on tlie study of values, 11f cc~~~imunicatioii
niqucs,a~idof tlie majr1rminc1rity groupsiii Minnesota for
'lie develc~pniciitof interpersonal relations skills appliable to tccicliingand other prolcssional vocations. Open
to all Dist : NO (1 /2 course) Ilrquired for all Elcmcntary
and Secondary I<ducatioii ~najors
5:.?0-5:30 11 III M, W
ENG 111-8123
limplinsis is on exposition, including Icariiing research
tccliniqucsand writiligcriticalrcvicws Atlcastonc work
of literature is assigned Attentic)n is given to increasing
sti~deiits'cffcctivcncss in choosing, organizing, and dcvcloping topics, tliiiiki~igcritically,and rcvisingforclarity
and style The ~ i i i n ~ n i upassing
gr,idc for this course
is 2 U Dist: Yes
9:30-1 1:501i 111.M,T, W,111,F
ENG 282-8124
Tlicsh~dyofthecmerin 'Iiterat~~reofAfricaanditsstn~ggle
to find its own cultural ~deiititywithin tlie uneasy co-existenccof Western c u l t ~ ~ r e a ncenturies-old
traditions Also
included in the coursc are some African-American writers
who have tried to discover the sigiiificaiicc of their lost
African licritagc.
12:OO-.3:00 11.111M,T, W.TI1
Classroom practice speaking, understanding and r e a d i ~ l ~
basic German for students with iio previous backgruuiid
in German Dist : Yes
8:30-70:50 n.111 M,T, W,7'11,F
SPA 111-8126
SPA 111-8127
Aims to develop four basic skills: Uiidc
ding, speaning, reading and writing of elementary S1
h. lntroduction to culture of Spanish-speaking world uist.: Yes
8:.30-70:50 n.111.M,T, W,Tlr,F fSectii1111)
5:30-7:50 }'.III. M,T, W,Tlr,F (S~~ctioli
HPE 410-8128
and relationsliGs to cornm:n~ty health program
and re:
sources. Dist.: No. ~ r c r e ~ z s i tHPE
e : 3%
5:30-8:30 J I . I ~ I . M,T, W,TII
HIS 341-8129
Bcgiiis with a study of Llic failule of liberalism, the rise of
Fasclsni, and the power ( ~ natic,iialism
in the pre-war era,
followed by an cxani~natio~i
of the coursc of the war itself
Concludes with an nltempt to understand post-war Europe including the state of Eastern Europe, the success of
the Ixft, and tlicatte~npttodcvclopo new Europcan unity
(Students wlio earned crcdit for Topics in European History offered in Suiiiiiicr Sessioii I, 1988, niay not takc tliis
coursc for crcdit ) T.ourcr division students may takc this
course with the permission of tlic History Dcpart~iicnt.
Dist : Ycs Additional work required for u u u c r
division crcdi t
12:00-3:OO 11I I I M,T, W,llr,
MAT 173-8130
Have you ever wondered why womenl~avebemcliarged
more than men for annuities and receive lower pension
benefits than men? Or why women have paid less than
men for life insurancc? Or how life insurancc premiums
are calculated? Or how installment loan payments arc
figured out? Or how much money to invest in order to
accumulate a certain lump sun1 or annual payment at a
certain date in the future? Then this course may be meant
for you. These and other interesting and useful topics in
the mathematics of financial transactions will be covered.
This course should be useful for students in business and
economics or for any s t u d c ~ ~i~ltcrested
in careers in finance-related fields Dist.: Ycs
6:00-900 11111 M,T, W.Tlr
PHI 130-8131 {
someone gives
you reasons, and then says
. .
must accept a particular conclusion Must you? When
does a conclusion validly follow from premises? Here we
examine therulcswhicligovcrli valid argumentsand work
to develop your ability to recognize and construct sound
arguments. Dist : Ycs
X:30-70:50 fl 111 M,T, W,TII,F
PHY 103-8132
An introductory course in which the applications, problcnis, and experiments arc selected not only to illustrate
fundamental principles, but also to demonshate the relevance of pliys~csto the life sciences. Tlie course is de~ ; ,to~
~ ~ in
. i
psychology, physical
ion (therapy programs), medical technology and
lealth science programs. The course is also a very
arts student. Prerequisite: Math Placement Croup I11
Dist.: Yes.
POL 453-8133
'~liiscoursewillanalyze thepolitics,economics,and social
changeofGerman reunification in relation toEurope,botli
Wcst and East Close analysis of West German reunification initiatives, East German reform initiatives and West
European reactions, all key elements in the creation of
single Europe. Dist.: Yes (Also satisfies either comparative politics or international relations areas for political
science major.) Independent Seminar in Tern1 [with fuur
?ssions, independent assignments, short papers Scniiardates: June 1,8,15, and 20.
,1111-11 :lJO 11 III
POL 455-8134
The course will analyze the politics, economics and social
cha~igcoftheconteniporary Soviet Union. Closecxami~iation of glasnost, perestroika, new thinking and democratization as political processes of tlie Gorbachev era. Dist.:
Yes. Independent seminar, seminar-discussio~i/lccturc
sessions, ~ n d e p e n d c writtc~i
assignments, short papers.
Seminar dates: May 30, June 6 , 11, 18, and 22, (Students
must attend all seminars.)
10:00- 12:00 IIOOII.
POL 199-8135
POL 399-8136
POL 499-8137
REL 445-8138
A study of the use and fuiictio~iof language in the Bible.
Tlie importance of recognizing the varied character of
language for understanding tlie Bibhcal text. Grades will
be based on class participation, a presentation to the class
and an examination. Dist.: No. I'rereq.: Re1 111 or 221, or
consent of instructor.
R:30-10:51111.1rr. M,T,W,TIi,F
SWK 399-8
M. Brown
SWK 499-8140
M. Brown
his coursc will cxplorc bc~tlithe prc)blems and the potcntial of communication between persons of diffcrcnt cultural groups. Factorssucli asetlinocc~itrism,stereotyping,
prejudice, role expectations, values, and nou-verbal synibols will be examined.
9:.?0-11:511 fl.111.M,T, W,Tlr,F
~urnmek 1
June 25 - August 3,1990
ART 132-8150
~ ~ i ~
ART 132-8151
Thecamera used as a tool for visual creativib and cxpression; black and white, color and photographic processcs.
Need access to a 35mmcamera. Dist.: Yes. Estimated cost
of film, etc.: $125.00-$150.00. (Class size limited.)
1:30-5300 }?.IJI. M, W (Sectio~rI)
6:00-9:30 y.rrr. M, W (Sectio~i11)
0 ~ 4
BUS 175-8152
Introduction to computerized data processing: BAS
LOTUS, DBASE,word processing, computerized business
graphics. Dist.: No Prerequisite: Hi h school algebra.
G:00-9:30 p.rrr. M, W
BUS 222-8153
Introduction to business activities, accounting for corporations. Basic concepts and fundamentals of managerial
accounting, plaiiiling and controlling processes, decisionmaking and behavioral considerations. Dist.: No. Prerequisite: BUS 221
M,T, W,TIi,F
- ON'BUS 242-8154
BUS 242-8155
rm I L : , ~ I I . I I ! . . I I I I ~ I I : , organization,
Developmentof the I;II.II[
staffing, planning al:, I t I I ; I I I . 'I 1 1 1 , I ~ , ! i l i rof
~ ~ authority,
accountability and I - W I.I I; .il~~i::
~ ~ l , . .In,\i;,..l!. of the role of
the professional manager. Dist : No
6:00-9:30 p.111.T,TIi (Sectiurl I )
6:00-9:30 y.rrr. M, W (Sectiorr 11)
Introduction to micro-economics, the theory of the housed hold,
~ firm,
~ market
i ~ structures
h ~ ~and ~income distribution.
Applicationof elementary c----7mic theory tomarketpolicy. Dist.: Yes.
ECO 315-81
ECO 315-8161
Monetaw and bank in^ svstems, varticularlv commercial
hanks .II\L~ the ~ e d e r a ~ ~ < e s e~ryvset e n monetary
.lnJ volicv. Ilist: No. Prereu.: Fco 112.113
6:00-930 ;.In. M,W (Sectiolt 1)'
:00-9:30p.111.T,Th (Section 11)
EDE 376-8162
Examination and preparation of materials and resources
for social studies at the kindergarten and elementary levels. Lab. experiences. Dist.: No. (1/4 cou
9:30-11:15n.1n. M,W (lurie 25-luly 9)
EDE 386-8163
V. Olsen
Examination and preparation of materials and resources
for children's literature at the kindergarten and elementary levels. Lab experiences Dist.: No (1/2 course)
9:30-11:15 n rr~.T,Th
EDE 387-8164
1- ..1111111,111011 ~11:~
1 I ~ I L ~ ~ . I I - , I I II L~~ materials
and resources
t h 9 1 I Iil1yu.r):~:
.lrl.. ,,! 1111, 1 ~ 1 1 ~!:,irtenand
elementarylev~ 1 , I . . L I ~ \ . \ I iIi ~t m ~ a ~ b mI ~m' ?>O , I I . I I EdE255orEdS265.)
1 1 10 1 ' > / 8 J t l 1 I!?
EDE 388-8165
BUS 323-8156
I 1,11~11,1~.i*.
O H t l ! , ~ : , 1 1 1 ~ 1-I~ 1.1l114"., I ~mmunication
twh~ \ I I , I I I , I ~ V ~ , <111111!11;
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :~It;~11i~(~~~1taiiungtoinvestmcnts,
L ~ ~ ~
I I I L I I I L . ...
. I I L I I ('1 I I I V I I I . L ~ I .I ~ I I IIIV
~ ~ ~:r-jl~p;in
l . ~ ~ ~ ; ,, 1r1i1~~ 11l1~1 1 ~ r ~ : ! , i l b : ~ , II.,,,~I..WI ..l:abilitiesand reserved,
111.11 1.11 lh11111 ? ~ I ~ 1 1 ~ 1 ~ ~ 1 ~ , ~ 1 ~ ~ 1 1 ~ ~ ~ I 1 . 1 ~ ~ i ~ o:I;,,
i ~ i n c o1m1 IeIdIeI t~1'1e. IrI::II.:I
mIi - 1*1:r-,wn.llr ~ k t i o n sskills apyli.
t , 1 1 ~ I l( #~ I~t , . ~ ( l u r i ! .,111~1
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ % m n a l v w uOpen
I I ~ n g e(Prerequisite:
1 , ~ . ~ 1I 1I I . . ~ :m-lh$ ( 1 I '. L ~ ~ I I - . , , I;,) quiradf~~rallElrmu~~t~
BUS 322) Dist.: No.
and Secondary Education majors.
6:00-9:30 p.111.M,W
8:30-10:15n.rrr. M,W
BUS 199-8157
Arranged with individual faculty in the Department of
E,, -82-8166
Business Administration and Ecoiiomics
Introduction to the field of special education Examines
the nature, causes, and educational interventions for
ECO 110-8158
such V.I I . ~ > ~ I ~ I I I . L ~ ,hi.
I I ~mental
retardation, physical disECONOMICS OF URBAN ISSUES
abililv, I : L . . ~ 11::: .411,I k 1v.1onimnsirment, learninl 'isabiliStudy ofeconomicimplicatioiisofproblemsfaciilgametrotie, I I I I I
edness. Dist.: I .
urbanenvironment. By independentstudy only. Dist.: Yes.
f j t
ENG 241-8167
An investigation of the artlstlc qualities and tlie historical
development of tlicfil~nmedium l'liccoirrscincl~rdcsthe
viewing and discussing of both feature length and short
fil~ns Some class periods will be cxtc~idcdto view films.
6:00-9:.30 / ~ , I I I Tr7l'1r
ENG 282-8168
ENG 482-8169
Evil, tliouglit tlie poet Edmund Spcnser, is a sort of encliant~ncnt In literature, evil is often interesting, charming, witty, and cvcn admirable Evil is also a liar Behind
the magical facade lies cniptincss and despair. Wlicrc
evil is the most self-import'int, it is likely to be the most
ridiculousor trivial Thcco~irsewillbegin witha s t ~ ~ of
Rcna~ssanccwritcrs like Sliakcspcarc, Marlowc and
Milton and conclude with works of 20th Century writers
IikeC S Lewis, Tolkien, and Iris Murdoch Dist : yes.
6:OO-9:30 y.rrr M, W
GER 112-8170
Classroom practicein speaking, understanding and rcading basicGerman. Lab. Dist.: Yes.
OM1 1
8:70-95.5 n 111. M,T, W,Tlr
SPA 112-8171
SPA 112-8172
Aims to develop the four basic skills: understanding,
speaking, reading, and writing of cleinmtary Spanish.
Introduction to culture of the Spiinish-speaklll- world.
Dist.: Yes
8:10-9:55n r r r M,T, W,TII (Si,cliur~I)
5:30-7: 15 11 111. M.T, W,Tlr (S~ctiorr11)
HPE 320-8173
Techniques for developing a course o f ' k . I y based
growth and development for grades ! ? f 2 Special worl
units in nutrition and diseases. Dist.: No. Prcrcquisitc
Consent of instructor,
HIS 341-8174
This course will focus on three themes: 1)Thebackground
of the pcoplcsof East Central Eurupe and tlie Balkans and
tlieir current condition, 2) The ingenious institutions of
the Habsburgs that successfully met tlie challenge of Rcf'ormation, Libcral~sm,and Nationalism, 3) Tlie great cultural co~itributionof the Habsburgs at the meeting point
of Latin, Gcrman, and Slavic societies, c g Mozart,
Freud ctc Luwer division students may take this coursc
with per~iiissionof the History Department Dist : Yes
10:OS-1 1:.30n 111 M,T, W,Tlr,F
OM1 1
INS 225-8175
This coursc wrll examine the ideological foundations of
Islam, its b a s ~ cconcepts and tcnets, Islamic law, economic and political systems and Islamic patterns of life
Tliere will also be a considcratio~iof tlic diffcre~iccs
betweell the Islamic sects and some cffort to deal with
tlie similarities and differences between l s l a ~ nand
both Christianity a ~ i dJ~ldaism Dist : Yes
6:00-9:30 11 J I I . 1',Tlr
MUS 130-8176
Kelationsliip between music of each period and the 0th
fine arts. For non-music majors Dist.: Yes
70:05-7 1:30 n 111 M,T, W,Tlr
PHI 120-8177
Somcti~iicsyou say tha r t a i n action is right or condcln~iit as wrong. Why d o you thinkit is riglit? Because
you like it? Are there better reasons for thinking something right or wrong? This course takes a long, hard look
at possible grounds for making moral decisions, and at
the moral judgenients about personal and social issuresulting from them Dist.: Yes.
8:30-9:55 n 111 M.T, W,Tlr,F
PHY 101-8178
Study solar system, stars, galaxies. Explain optical instruments; use 12-inch reflecting telescope, 8-inch Celestron,
3-inch Questar. Dist.: Yes. Prerequisite: Matli Placement
Group I1
6:lJO-9:30 }I.III. T,TIi
POL 160-8179
Introduction to tlie processes and lssucs of international
politics, including the dynamics of the international
tem. theories of international relatio~is.and a focus
recent problems. Dist.: Yes.
p.1~.M,T, W,Tlr
POL 475-8180
Tlie coursc seeks to provide the undergraduate student
with an introductory understanding of tlie fu~ictioning
of our legal system. As such, it will explore: the law's
interdependence with tlie social environment; tlic law's
social junctions; the social and moral limits of tlie law;
and, tlic lawnsa system, describing tlie aspectsand problems of each of tlie law's agencies - courts, legislative,
administrative, and executiveagencies. (No class June25
and 27. Additional classes July 6 and 13.)
6:00-930 p 111. M, W
POL 199-8181
POL 399-8182
Tlie dimeiisi~~iis
of racial and minority group relations.
Majoratteiitir)~iisfocuscdLlponprejudice,racisni,alid the
roleofself-understandi~ig.(I'/N gradiugoiily.)Dist.: Yes.
i n introduction to the methods and approaches u s e d h 6:00-9:30/1.111.
~sycliologyfor the purpose of understanding behavThe shucture of tlie field of psychology, including its
SOC 356-8193
najor sub-areas, is emphasized. Dist.: Yes.
:30-955 0.111. M,7, W,TII,F
Analysis of adult corrcct~onalprograms and processes.
.'SY 362-8185
Lectures, discussion, and site visits tocorrectioiial instituABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY
tions and government offices. D ~ s t ,No.
An intruductioii to maladaptive human behaviors
"' " 6
from the social, organicand psychological poi~itsofview.
- -- -Visitation to a variety of community service agencies
will accompany classroom learning.
Dist.: No.
--I'rereq : 15Y 105
SPC 226-8194
Students will explore principles and styles of niovemci*
REL 366-8186
used in tlie art of acting. Tlie goal will be to illcrease tliCHRISTIANITY IN MODERN AFRICA
student's ability to communicate through movemciit, b
This coursc will focus on two regions of Africa: the
examining the principles of discipline, freedom, c'--"West a n d tlie South. Studelits will be introduced to
timing, concentration, and rhythm. Masks and iml
traditional African culture and religion, tlie iiitroduction
sa tion will beintroduced as tools forcorporealexpressio~
of Christianity, and the present develop~lleiitof indigcAll different aspects of movement will be explored: body
nous clii~rchesin West Africa. The newer "Independent
stance, facial expression, gesture, walking,etc. Movement
African Churches" will be studied, as well as attempts to
exercises will be built around short scenes, poems, and
formulate "African Christian Theology." A major section
play excerpts. Some principlesofOrieiital movement will
of tlie course will focus on contempor
also be introduced.
of churches in South Africa to tlie apart1
system of
. M,T,W,TIi,F
racial segrcgation. Dist.: Yes
1:30-3:1511 111. M,T, W.711
SPC 345-8195
REL 441-8187
INS 495-8188
An examinatioii of the c,,
of c~nirnu~iication
organizational settings Focuses 011such topics as supeThe objectives of this course include gaining knowleage
rior-subordinate relationships, formal and informal con1about feminism and Christianity: the history of women,
~nunicationnetworks, management styles, power and
feminist theory and history, the impact of the Christian
authority, motivatio~iof employees, organizational cultradition on societal roles of women and men, contempoture, perforinaiiccappraisal, effective useof meetings, and
rary feminist views of Christianity, and about the Bible,
sources of commuiiicatio~iproblc~ns111 the workplace
women in the Christian tradition, feminist theology and
Designed to enliance comniunication skills of both manethics, women in the church, worship and spirituality.
agersand subordinates Studentsboth investigate thelit90th women and men are welcome. Dist.: Yes
eraturc on orgaiiizatio~~al
communication and attempt to
:00-9:30 p 111 M,W
apply it to tlieir own experiences in organizations.
5:3O-9:W p.m. M,W
SWK 260-8189
Provides knowledge of Iiuman growth through tlie life
cycle,and of theinterplay ofsociocultural, biologica1,and
psychological factors wliicli influence tlic growtli of individuals and families in contemporary American families.
Growth related to populations and groups which represent ethnic and/or life-style diversity. Dist.: No.
10:05-11:30n III M,T, W,TII,F
SWK 399-8190
A rmlr ~<yed
SWK 499-8191
AI I . ~ I I , ~ L ~
SPC 414 -8196
INS 414 -8197
.ican fe~nin~sts
will be nnaThe rhetoric of selected
lyzed to develop a rlietc
perspective on American
feminism, and to develol skill in rhetorical criticism
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