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Augsburg College Catalog, 1953-1954
Course Catalogs
Search Result
Minneapolis 4, Minnesota
Founded 1869
Catalog Record for 1953-1954
Announcements for
19561955 and 1955-1956
Vol. XVI, No. 3
Catalog Number
April, 1954
Published bi-monthly and one additional issue in Ap...
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Minneapolis 4, Minnesota
Founded 1869
Catalog Record for 1953-1954
Announcements for
19561955 and 1955-1956
Vol. XVI, No. 3
Catalog Number
April, 1954
Published bi-monthly and one additional issue in April by Augsburg College and
Theologicol Seminary at Minneapolis, Minnesota. Entered as secondtloss matter March
21, 1947 at the post office at Minneapolis, Minnesota, under the act of August 24, 1912.
and Membership in Educational
Augsburg College is accredited by the
North Central Association of Colleges and
Secondary Schools, the regional accrediting agency. It is approved by the Minnesota Department of Education. It is a
member of the Association of American
Colleges, the National Lutheran Educational Conference, the Association of Minnesota Colleges, and the State Council of
Minnesota Colleges.
Academic Calendar . . . . . . . .
Board of Trustees . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . .
. . . . .
. . .
Committees of the Faculty
The Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
General Information
Financial Information
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Student Community Life .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Academic Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Graduation Requirements
. .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Curriculums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . .
Divisional Organization .
Student Personnel Services
CoursesofStudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Division of Religion and Philosophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Division of the Humanities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Division of the Social Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Division of the Natural Sciences and Mathematics . . . .
The Theological Seminary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 3
General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Courses of Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !$.!....,+..
. , . . . . . - . .105
Student Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I. I I
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .124
For 1954-55and 1955-56
Freshman Days
Sept. 9-13
Sept. 9, 10,
Classes begin
Sept. 14, 8:00 a.m.
Sept. 17
Late Registration Fee
Sept. 17
Oct. 22-24
Oct. 28-30
Sept. 9-13
Sept. 9,
10, 11,
Sept. 14, 8:00 a.m.
End of &st half of Semester
Nov. 25, 26
Thanksgiving Recess
Nov. 24, 25
Dec. 17, 4:zo p.m.
Christmas Recess begins
Dec. 16, 4:20 p.m.
Jan. 3, 8:00 a.m.
Classes begin after Christmas
Jan. 3, 8:00 a.m.
Jan. 20-26
College Examinations
Jan. 24-27
Seminary Examinations
Jan. 23-26
Jan. 26
First Semester Ends
Jan. 25
Registration for Second
Jan. 16-31
Jan. 17 to Feb.
Jan. 19-25
Feb. 2, 8:00 a.m.
Classes begin
Feb. 5
Late Registration Fee
Feb. 4
Feb. zz
Washington's Birthday
End of first half of Semester
April 4
8:00 a.m.
Easter Recess begins
Mar. 27, 4:2o p.m
April 12, 8:00 a.m.
Easter Recess ends
April 3, 8:00 a.m.
May 27
Seminary Commencement
May 25
College Examinations
May 2 5 to June
May 30
Decoration Day
May 30
May 29
June 3, 8:00 p.m.
Baccalaureate Service
June 3
College Commencement
June 4. 8:00 p.m.
April 6, 4:20 p.m.
May 26 to June
REV. ERNESTG. LARSON,President, Minneapolis, Minn.. . Term
J. CARLSEN, Vice-President, Minneapolis,
Minn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Term
MR. G. S. MICHAELSEN, Secretary, Minneapolis, M i . . . Term
MR. R. E. MYHRE, Treasurer, Minneapolis, Minn.. . . . . . . Term
Duluth, Minn.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Term
MR. EVEN OSE, Thief River Falls, Minn. . . . . . . . . . . . .. Term
min not, N. D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Term
k v . GEORGEJ. KNUDSON,Marinette, Wis. . . . . . . . . Term
MR. GILBERTBERG, Seattle, Washington . . . . . . . . . . . . . Term
expires 1954
195 8
I 9 54
I 9 56
Advisory Members
President, Lutheran Free Church, Minneapolis, Minn.
DR. BERNHARDCHRISTENSEN,President, Augsburg College and Theological
Seminary, Minneapolis, Minn.
BERNHARDCHRISTENSEN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .President
MAILTINQUANBECK. . . . .Dean of the Colkge and Director of Veterans Agairs
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dean of the Theological Seminary
BURTONP. FOSSE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Business Manager
K. BERNERDAHLEN.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dean of Students
GERDAMORTENSEN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dean of Women r . . Efi CL e . . . . . . . .Director of Public Relatims
MILDREDJOEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Registra~,Secretary of the General F a d t y
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Secretary of the Theological Famlty
AGNESB. TANGJERD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Librarian
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Director of Placement
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cdlege Pastor
FREDEL WINDMANN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Assistant Treasurer
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Field Representative
IRWGHOEL.. . . . . . .Purchasing Agent, Supervisor of Buildings a d Grounds
AINO SINKO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Director of Food Sewice
J. KLEVEN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Curator of the Musewm
IVER B. OLSON.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Arcbivkt
CARL WOYKE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Publicity Director
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Registrar
.bd. e . e ..& . . . Admissions Counselor
REV. CLIFFORDM. JOHNSON.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Director of Building Fund
Office Staff: Beatrice Nelson, Secretary to the President and the Dean of the
College; Arthur C. Engen, Bookkeeper; Lyla Bratland, Secretary to Business
Manager; Bertha Lilehei, Secretary, Student Personnel Office; Lyla Olson, Secretary, Public Relations Office; Tena Mehus, Clerk, Registrar's m c e ; Mrs.
Arnold Drange, Secretary, Placement Bureau; Joyce Nelson, Secretary, Admissions Ogce; Ruth Hanson, Secretary, Building Fund Office; Borghild Estness,
Secretary, Registrar's Office; David Rokke, Student Employment Manager; Mrs.
Erna Staub, Secretary, Library; Donna Storley, Faculty Secretary, Mimeographing; Mrs. Mavis Hafstad, Receptionist and Switchboard Operator.
Resident Counselors in Dormitories: Memorial Hall, Lloyd Kallevig; Sivertsen Hall, Mrs. Eleanor Cotton Miller; Miriam House, Miriam Majander; Morton
Hall, Darlene Deem; Edda House, Alice Swenson.
Supervisor of Hmekeeping: Olga Hermunslie.
Dr. C. R. Wall and Dr. S. V. Thorson, Physicians; Alice Swenson, R.N.,
Nurse; Bernice Olson, R.N., Assistant Nurse.
Administration: Christensen, Quanbeck, Stensvaag, Dahlen, Fosse, C. Strommen,
Miss Mortensen, Miss Joel.
Curriculum: M. Quanbeck, Christensen, Nash, Olson, Stensvaag, Kleven, Miss
Admissions and Scholarship: Miss Joel, Quanbeck, Thorson, Nash, Hammarberg.
Student Personnel: Dahlen, Miss Mortensen, M. Strommen, Savold, E. W. Anderson, Hammarberg.
Library: Helland, Miss Pederson, Landa, Aldre, Chrislock.
Athletics: Soberg, E. W . Anderson, Bertness, M. Strommen, Walton.
Social: Mrs. Fylling, Miss Mortensen, Dahle, Mrs. Bergman, Mrs. Peterson.
Studies: Miss Joel, Trautwein, R. Anderson, Colacci, Mrs. Nelson.
Convocations: Thut, Miss Lund, Sonnack, E. Nelson (student members also
included in this committee).
Student-Faculty: Dahlen, Miss Mortensen, Soberg, Miss Segolson (student members also included in this committee).
Teacher Education: Bertness, Urdahl, Sateren, Miss Tangjerd.
Religious Life: Strommen, Sonnack, Landahl (student members also included
in this committee).
Faculty Council: M. Quanbeck, Miss Lund, Miss Pederson, L. Quanbeck, Thelander, Thorson, Chrislock, Dahlen, Hammarberg, Colacci, Mrs. Peterson,
Mrs. Nelson, Savold.
Board-Faculfy Committee: Urdahl, Miss Segolson, Sonnack (Board members also
included in this committee).
The Faculty
Th.M., Ph.D., President und Professor of Theology
A.B., Augsburg College, 1922; Augsburg Theological Seminary, 1922-25;
ThM., Princeton Theological Seminary, 1927; Ph.D., Hartford Seminary
Foundation, 1929. Additional study: Columbia, Chicago, Berlin, G ~ t t i n ~ e n .
Teaching: Oak Grove Seminary, Fargo, North Dakota, 1925-26. Pastoral
work, Broololyn, New York, 1928-30. At Augsburg since 1930. President
since 1938.
Ph.D., S.T.D., Professor Emeritw of C h r c h History
A.B., Schwerin, 1897; C.T., Wartburg Seminary, 1900; B.D., Chicago
Theological Seminary, 1914; S.T.M., 1925; S.T.D., 1933; A. M., University of Minnesota, 1925; Ph.D., 1927. Pastor 1900-21. Teaching: Wartburg College, Waverly, Iowa, 1921-25; University of Minnesota, 1925-29.
At Augaburg 1928-1952.
h h ~ v mA. HELLAND,
S.T.M., Ph. D., Professor of New Testommt, Secretary
of tbe Theological Faculty
A.B., Augsburg College, 1915; C.T., Augsburg Theological Scxnhqy,
1918; S.T.M., Hartford Seminary Founddon, 1919; Ph.D., 1930. Additional study; Grenoble, Chicago. Educational Missionary in Madagascar,
1921-38; Professor of New Testament, Lutheran Theological Seminary,
Ivory, Madagascar, 1938-40. A t Augsburg since 1941.
IVER B. OLSON,AM., Th.B., Associate Professor of S y s t d i c Theology
A.B., Augsburg College, 1935; Th.B., Augsburg Theological k u h r y ,
1936; A.M., University of, Minnrs~ta, 1945. A d d i b d study: Chicago,
Minnesota, Luther Theological Seminary, Chicago Lutheran Theological
Seminarp. Teaching: Oak Grove Seminary, 1936-39; University of Mhuesota, 1945-46. Pastor, Sand Creek, Wisconsin, 1939-44. Adviser oo SPAN
Group in Scandinavia, 1950. At Augsburg since 1945.
A.B., Th.B., Assistant Professor of C h r c h History
A.B., Augsburg College, 1942; C.T., Augs'burg Theological Seminary, 1945;
Th.B., 1947. Additional study: Divinity School, University of Chicago.
Pastor, Moose Lake, Minn., 1945-47. At Augsburg since 1949.
S.T.M., Ph.D., Professor of Old Testamunt
A.B., Augsburg College, I 93 6 ; Th.B., Augsburg Theological Seminary,
1939; S.T.M., Hartford Seminary Foundation, I 940; Ph.D., 194I. Additi& study: Johns Hopkii. Pastor, Minneapolis, Minn., 1942-46. At
Augsburg since 1942.
ERLINGM. TUNGSETH,C.T., Guest Lecturer in Practical Theology, 1953-54
A.B., Concordia College, Moorhead, Minn., 1940; C.T., Augsburg Theological Seminary, 1944. Teaching: Augsburg College, 1943-44, 1946-47.
A.B., C.T., S.T.M.* Special Lecturer, Director of Chaplaincy Service, Lutheran Welfare Society of Minnesota.
*In cooperation with the Lutheran Welfare Society of Minnesota.
KARL ERMISCI-I, Ph.D., S.T.D., Professor Emeritzu of G m a n
For statement of academic preparation and experience, see Theological
Seminary Faculty listing.
A.M., Professor Emeritus of English
A.B., University of Minnesota, 1908; A.M., 1909. A d d i t b d s d y : &4hnesota, Chicago. Teaching: Asmistant in English, Univc*
of -es~m,
1908-10; Ellsworth College, 1913-11. At Augsburg I~IJ-1952.
MANIVALDALDRE, M.S., Assistant Professor of Cbemjstry
Diploma of Chemical Engineer, Estonian State University of Technology,
T a b , Estonia, 1941; MS., University of Minnesota, 1951. Teaching:
Amhant in Chemistry, Estonian State University of Technology, 1941-42.
At Atigsbug since 1949.
M.Mus., Instructor in Music
A.B., Macalester College, 1930; A.A.G.O., Northwestern University, 1936;
MMus., Northwestern University, 1937. Teaching: Roosevelt High School,
Minneapolis; Michigan State College; Minneapolis College of Music. At
Augsburg since I 9 5 3.
ERNEST W. ANDERSON,M.Ed., Associate Professor of Health and P W d
Edwrtion, BaRetbdl C w c b
A.B., Augsburg Callege, 1937; M.Ed., University of Minnesota, 1947.
Teaching: High Sohool, 1937-41. U. S. Army, 1941-46. At Augsburg
since 1946.
RAYMOND E. ANDERSON,AM., Assistmt Professor of Speecb
B.S., University of Ivfjnn~ita,1946; A.M., 1950. Additiond study: Minnenesota. Teuching: University of; Vermont, 1949. U. S. Navy, 1946. At
Augsburg since 1949.
FRANKARIO, A.B., Instructor in Physical Education
A.B., Augsburg College, 1950. Additional study: M h e s t a . U. S. Army,
1943-46. At Augsbwg since 1950.
, Instrwtor in MllSjc
B.S., University of .Minnesota, 1949. Additional study: University of Minnesota. At Augsburg since 1953.
AM., Instructor in Bwiness Administration
B.S., University of Minnesota, 1928; A.M., 194s. Additional study: Minnesota. Teaching: High School, 1931-42; Northern State Tea~hersCollege,
A b e r d ~ S.
, Dak., 1942-47; H?mline University, St. Paul, Minn., 1947-50;
University of Minnesota, 1950-52. At Augsburg since 1952.
J. BELGUM,A.M., M. Soc. Work, Instructor in Sociology
A. B., Luther College, Decorah, Iowa, 1933; A.M., University of Iowa,
1937; M. Soc. Work, University of Minnesota, 1951. Teaching: Mission
House College, Plymouth, Wis., 1934-3 8 ; Elmhurst College, 1938-42; Lakeside School for Boys, Seattle, Wash., 1942-44. Assistant Executive Secretary,
Director caf Social Work Services, Lutheran Welfare Society of Minnesota.
A t Augsbug since 1954.
LUCYMAE E. BERGMAN,M.S., Instructor in Speech
B.S., Kansas State Teachers College, 1934; M.S., 1935. Additional study:
University of Minnesota. Teaching: High School, 1935-39; University of
Minnesota, 1939-47. A t Augsburg since 1952.
HENRYJ. BERTNESS,A.M., Assistant Professor of Education
A.B., Augsbug CaUege, r 947; A X , Unhcrsity of Minnesota, 1948. Additional study: Miunesora. Washington. U. S. Navy, 1943-46. teach in^:
Tacoma Public Schools, 1948-49. A t Augsburg since 1949.
A.M., Assistant Professor of Hisfory and Political Science
A.B., Augsburg College, 1937; A.M., University of Minnesota, 1947. Additional study: Minnemta. Teaching: High School, 1939-44; Tracy Junior
College, 1947-48; Augustana College, Sioux Falls, S. D., 1948-5 I. At Augsburg since 1952.
MARIOCOLACCI,Th.D., D.Litt., Assistant Professor of Classical Languuges
Pontificium Atheneum Roman Major Seminary, Th.D., 1932; Pontifical
Biblical Institute de Urbe, Rome, L.R.B., 1934; University of Naples,
D.Litt., 1940. Teaching: Regional Seminary, Benevento, Italy, 1935-40;
Mario Pagano College and Normal Institute, Campobasso, Italy, 1941-49.
A t Augsburg since 1952.
LELAND9.DAHLE, M.S., Instructor in Chemistry
B.A., St. Olaf College, 1950; M.S., Purdue University, 1952. U. S. Armed
Forces, 1944-46. At Augsburg since 1952.
K. BERNERDAHLEN,A.M., Dean of Students mad Associate Professor of English
A.B., Augsburg College, 193I; A.M., University of Minnseota, 1940. Mditioa;ll 6mdy: Mbwu. Teaching: High School, 193 1-39; Crosby-Ironton
Junior College, I 940-41. U. S. Army Ak Forces, 1942-41. A t Augsburg
since 1941.
BURTONP. FOSSE,B.B.A., B.M.E., Business Manager
B.B.A., and B.M.E., University of Minnesota, 1949. U. S. Army, 1943-46.
Industrial Engineering Work, 1949-5 3. At Augsburg since 1953.
CLARICE A. h-LLING, B.S., Assistant Librarian
A.B., Augsburg College, 1940; B.S., University of Minnesota, 1941. Teaching: High School, 1941-43. Minneapolis Public Library, 1943-53. A t Augsburg since 195 3.
Cand.rer.nat., Instructor in Art
Cand.rer.nat., University of Latvia, Riga, 1940;Academy of Art, Latvia,
Riga. Teaching: Private Studio, 1938-49.At Augsburg since 1952.
A.M., Assisktlt Professor of Psychology and Education
A.B., Gustavus Adolphus CoIIegr, 1932; A.M., University of Minnesota,
1948. Additional study: Minnesota. Teaching: Bethany College, Lindsborg,
Kan., 1948-53. tit Augsburg since 1953.
MELVINA. HELLAND,S.T.M., Ph.D., Professor of Greek ond Religion
For statement of academic preparation and experience, see Theological
Seminary Faculty listing.
ALMAM. JENSEN, A.M., Assistant Professor of Sociology
A.B., Colorado State CoI1ege of Education, 1 9 2 7 ; A.M., 1928. Additional
smdy: Minnesota, Copenhagen. Teaching: Eesrera State Teachers Cdege,
Madiwn, South Dakota, 1921-25; Dickinson Stare Teachers W e g e , 192836; Colondo State College of Education, 19 3 6-37. Educational research:
University of Minnesota and State Department of Education, 1937-39;
Minnesota Historical Society, 1941-44. At Augsburg since 1943.
V. JOEL, A.M., Registrar
rind Assistant Professor
A.B., Augsburg GIIcge, 1940; A.M., University of Minnesota, 1947. Additional srud y : Szrbtdrcwan, Minnesota. Teaching: High School, 1941-46.
At Augsburg since r947.
EBBA I. JOHNSON,A.B., B.S. in L.S., Assistant Librarian
A.B., University of Minnesota, 1950;B.S. in L.S., 1953.At Augsburg since
MEMI B. KINGSLEY,A.M., Assistrrnt Professor of Spanish
A.B., Maryville College, r936; A.M., Uni~ersiryof Mexiw, 1944. Additional study: Columbia, Minnmta. Teaching : Wagner College, Staten
Island, N. Y., 1941-42;Friends School, Bmklyn, N. Y., 1946-47. A,t
Augsburg since 1947.
J. &EVEN, Ph.D., Professor of History and Political Science
A.B., Augsborg College, 1922; A. M, University of Minnesota, 1930;
Ph.D., 194r. Addirional study: Hamard. Teaching: High Schml, 192215: Whsaton Cauege, 1946-47. At Augsburg, 1937-46,and since 1947.
W. LAMARRKOPP, A.B., Instructor in Germun
A.B., Goshen College, Indiana, 1952.Additional study: University of Minnesota. A t Augsburg since 19~3.
ARNOLDM. LAHTI,A.B., Instructor in Physics
.4.13., Western Washington CoIlege. Bellingham, Wash., 1947 and 1948.
Addirional m d y : Unircrsicy of Minnesota. Teaching: Western Washington
College, 1947-48: ToIedo Jr. High, 1948-49;University of Minnesota,
~ 4 Augburg
Skcf 191 j.
BJARNEE. LANDA,PhD., A t r d t c Professor of
A.B., Vass Statt Cdege, N m y , 1925; 0,Unhtnity of Southern
Gdifornia, 1928: U ,1930;Ph.D., Univ-tg
of W r a , r952. Teaching: High School, 1930-31; University of Minnesota, 1938-42; Fisk University, 1945-47. U. S. O&e of Censorship, 1942-45. A t Augsburg since
M.Mus., Instructor in Mwic
A.B., Ud&ty
d Minnwtg rg3r; BXw., C o I d m School of Mllfit,
Chicago, 1933; XMtvi., 1934; BD., C&omia Baptist neologicd Seminary, 1950. Teaching: Pdvate Teaching, Chicago, 1931-40; Dnkota WBleyan Unberzity, Mitchell, S. D.,1940-42;Northwestern khwls, ?&meapolis, 1950-59. A t Augsburg since 1952.
MMus., I n s t m t o r in P i m o ond Organ
B.S., University bf Minnesota, 1940; B,Mus., & c P h d School of Music,
1940; M.Mus., 1944. Teaching: Ma~Phail School of Music rime 1937.
A t Augsburg since 1946.
E. LARSEN,A.M., Assistant Professor of Philosophy
A.B., Luther College, Decorah, Iowa, 1944; A.M., University of Minnesota, 1952. Additional study: Minnesota. Teaching Waldorf College, 194648. A t Augsburg since 1953.
S. LUND,A.M., Instructor in Secretarial Science
AB., Augsburg College, 1936; AM., UniPckty of Minnesom, 1911.
Teaching: High School, 1943-41; West C m d SchQol of A & d e
Morris, 1945-47; Duluth Business University, 1947-48; High S ~ h d 1948,
49. A t Augsburg since 1950.
Imtructos in English
A.B., Wheaton College, Wheaton,
1940; A.M., Wheaton College, 1945.
Additional study: South Dakota State College. Teaching: High School,
1940-43, 1945-46; South Dakota State College, 1949-53. At Augsburg
since 1953.
MUTON, A.M., Instructor in English.
A.B., University of Minnesota, 1948; A.M., 1951. Additional study:
Minnesota. Armed Forces, 1943-46. A t Augsburg since 1949.
MORTENSEN,AM., Dean of Women and Professor
B.S., University of Minnesota, 1923; A.M., Columbia University, 1928.
Additional study: Minnesota. Teaching: Junior High School, 1917-21; Hankow Private School, Hankow, China, 1934-3 5. A t Augsburg since 1923.
ARTHURNASH, Ph.D., Professor of Biology
A.B., Augsburg College, I 922; Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 1938.
Additional study: Minnesota; Seminar to Australia, 1934-35. U. S. Army
Air Force, 1942-46. Dean, Augsburg College, 1946-50. A t Augsburg since
M.Ed., Assistmt Professor of Pbysical Education m d Coach.
of Football md Baseball
AB., Augsburg College, 1938; &Ed., University of Minneso~, 1948.
Teaching: High School, 1938-41. U. S. Army, 1941-46. A t Augsburg since
Ph.D., h i s k f f l Profer~orof H m e Economics
B.S., University of Minnesota, 1938; M.S., 1941; Ph.D., rgTz. Twding:
H g h S h l , 1938-42; Warem hkhigan CoIIege, K a ~ u f i a ~ m1942-44;
University of California, 1944-46; Iowa Srare Teachers College, Su 1948,
1949. At Augsburg since 1951.
A.M., Th.B., Associate Professor of Scandinavian
For statement of academic preparation and experience, see Theologicd
Seminary Faculty listing.
A.M., A~soriate Pro~PISOI.of English
A.B., Augsburg College, I gj 2; A.M.,Universiry of Minnesota, I 9; 5 . Addir k n d study: Minnwta, ColumKia. Tnching: High Scbml, 1945-46;
Sari Matm Junior College, California, one semesttr, 1946. At Augburg,
1932-44, and since 1946.
PETERSON,A.M., Instructor in Physical Education for Women
A.B., Augsburg College, 1950; A.M., University of Montana, 1953. Additional study: hhnesota, Montana, MacPhail School of Music. At Augsburg
since 1950.
A.B., Director of Admissions
A.B., Augsburg College, 1947. Additional study: Minnesota. U. S. Navy..
1944-46. Minneapolis YMCA, 1947-1 I. A t Augsburg since 195 I.
Ph.D., Dem
of Ihe Comegc and Professor a j Edlccstion
A.B., Augsbwg ColIege, ~ 9 2 9 A.M.,
University of Minnesota, 1933: Ph.D.,
1952. High S r b d admioistrarion, k t o n r ~ c Minn.,
1929-36. Teaching:
W d d ~ r fa U e g t , 1936-38. Registrar, Augsburg College, r 939-46; Dta,
1942-46 and since 1950. A t Augsburg since 19rS.
A.M., Professor of Music
AB., Augsburg College, 1935 ; A.M., Universirp of Minnesota, 194 j. Additional study: Campsicion with Donald F e r g w n (-Minneapolis), 1941-43.
Teaching: Ehgh School, 193 y-39. M d c Director, Radio Starion KUOM,
University of Minnesota, 1940-4 3. Educational Director, Civilian Public
Service, 1444-46. At Augsbwg 1941-43.and since 1946.
A. M. SAVOLD,A.B., Assistant Professor of Music
A a . , Luther College, 1941. Teaching: Beman County Agriculture and'
Tnining SchmI, Maddock, N. D., 1934-37; Lvnberton Pdblic Schools,
1941-42 and 1946-48. U. S. Armed Forces, 194s-45; Glenwood Public
Scboofs, 1948-52. A t Augsburg since 1952.
RUTH SEWLSON,M.S., Professor of Home Economics
B.S., University of Minnesota, 1925; M.S., 1938. Additional study: Minnesota and Syracuse University. Teaching: High School, 1925-28; University of Minnesota, 1928-44; Washington State College, Summer 1936.
A.t Augsburg since 1944.
GEORGESOBERG,A.B., C.T., Professor of Mathematics
A.B., Augsburg College, 1926; C.T., Augsburg Theological Seminary, 1950.
Additional study: Minnesota. A t Augsburg since 1926.
PAULG. SONNACK,A.B., Th.B., Assistant Professor of Religion
For statement of academic preparation and experience, see Theological Seminary Faculty listing.
S.T.M., Ph.D., Professor of Religion
For statement of academic preparation and experience, see Theological
Seminary Faculty listing.
CLAIRE. STROMMEN,A.B., Director of Public Relations
A.B., Augsburg College, 1946. Teaching: High School, Springfield, Minn.
Insurance salesman, 1946-13. At Augsburg since 195 I.
A.B., l%.B., College Pastor and Assistant Professor of
A.B., Augsburg College, 1943; C.T., Augsburg Theological Seminary,
1944; Th.B., 1951. Additional study: Minnesota. Pastor, Mora, Minnesota,
1944-47. At Augsburg since 1947.
OLIlP H. SWENSON,A.M., Instructor in Sociology
A.B., Gustavus Adolphus College, 1943; A.,M., University of Minnesota,
19 50. Teaching: Gustavus Adolphus College, 1947-49, 1950-5 I. Probation
Ofice, Hennepin County, 191 I-. A t Augsburg since 1953.
AM., Librarian and Associate Professor of Library
A.B., St. O l d College, 1920; B.S. in L.S., University of h&mesota, 1939;
A.M., 1944. Additional study: Minnesota. With Zion Society for Israel,
1922-28. Teaching: High School, 1929-3 6. Eau Claire Public Library,
1936-38. At Augsburg since 1940.
DANIELB. TETZLAFF,B.S., Instructor in Brass Instrzlments
B.S., University of Minnesota, 1946. Additional study: University of Minnesota. Teaching: Southern College of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas, 1948;
Hamline University, 19 5 2-5 3. At Augsburg since 1953.
ROY PHUIP THELANDER,M.S., Instructor in Biology
A.B., University of Utah, 1949; M.S., 1950. Additional study: Minnesota.
U. S. A m y Air Forces, 1942-46. Teaching: Part-time, University of Utah,
1947-50. At Augsburg since 1950.
GERALDH. THORSON,A.M., Assistant Professor of English
A.B., Augsburg College, 1943; A.M., University of Minnesota, 1948. Additional study: Grenoble, Wisconsin, Oslo, Minnesota, Columbia, U. S.
A m y , 1943-46. Teaching: Wagner College, 195 I. At Augsburg since 1946.
A.B., M.Mus., Assistant Professor of Voice
A.B., Goshen College, 1923; B.Mus., American Conservatory of Music,
1929; M.Mus., 1936. Additional study: Minnesota. Teaohing: Bethel College, 1924-27; h e r i c a n Conservatory of Music, 1931-44; Colorado State
College of Education, 1946-47. YMCA War Prisoners Aid, England and
Belgium, 1944-46. A.t Augsburg since 1947.
VERA THUT, B.Mus., Instnrctor
in Piano
B.Mus., American Conservatory of Music, 1927. Additional study: American Conservatory of Music and Minnesota; Master Class Work with
Silvio Scionti; Robyn Normal Teachers Training Course; Studied under
Kurt Wanieck. Teaching: American Conservatory of Music, 1926-46;
Colorado State College of Education, 1946-47. At Augsburg since 1947.
A.M., Associate Professor of Sociology
A.B., Augsburg College, 1938; A.M., University of Minnesota, 1940. Additional study: Minnesota. Director of Education and Public Relations, Midland Cooperative Wholesale, 1945-47. A t Augsburg 1938-42, and since
A.B., Augsburg College, 1937; A.M., University of Minnesota, 1953. Additional study: Minnesota. Teaching: High School, 1937-47. At Augsburg
since 1949.
V E.
A.M., Assistant Professor of Psychology and Education
A.B., University of Nebraska, 1935 ; A.M., Columbia, 1940. Additional
study: Hamard, Hawaii, Minnesota. Teaching: High School, 1936-42;
Dean, Norfolk Junior College, 1942. Staff, Education and Training m c e r ,
V. A., Fort Snelling, 1946-48. Research Assistant and Counselor, University of Minnesota, 1948-50. U. S. Army Air Force, 1942-46. A t Augsburg
since 1950.
ERLINGJ. URDAHL,A.M., Associate Professor of Biology and Psychology
A.B., Concordia College, 1930; A.M., University of Minnesota, 1940. Additional study: Minnesota. Teaching: High School, 1931-35. Principal, Cannon Fdls, Minnesota, 1935-41. At Augsburg since 1943.
S w r r D. WALTON,Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Business Administration ad
B.S., University of Minnesota, 1947; Y.B.A., Harvard University, 1949;
PbD., Iowa State College, 1953. Teaching: Iowa State College, 1949-52.
University of Minnesota, 1912-5 3. At Augsburg since 1953.
General Information
Augsburg College is a four-year liberal arts college sponsored
by the Lutheran Free Church for the purpose of giving young
people an opportunity to obtain a broad education in a Christian
environment. In addition to a general education, students may prepare themselves for such vocations as high school teaching, business administration, medical technology, secretarial work, parish
work, missions, and social work. They may prepare for further
study in the fields of dentistry, engineering, law, medicine, nursing, and theology, as well as for graduate study in various fields.
The Skminary, with its facilities on the same campus, offers a
three-year rheological course leading to a Bachelor of Theology
degree. Its purpose is to prepare pastors and missionaries for the
Lutheran Free Ohurch.
Augsburg College and Theological Seminary is located in the
Riverside Park area of South Minneapolis, across the Mississippi
River from the University of Minnesota and within walking distance of the main business section of the city. Science Hall, containing the administration offices, is located at the corner of Seventh Street and Twenty-first Avenue South. Augsburg students
have the advantage of getting their college education in a metropolitan center pulsating with industrial, social, and cultural activities. They have access to libraries, museums, and art collections.
They may hear the best in music and lectures. Minneapolis is
recognized throughout the nation as a vital center of religious
life and activity. Outstanding leaders in many fields both from
other parts of America and from foreign countries are frequent
visitors. College students in the Twin Cities have abundant opportunity to contact present day life at one of its focal points.
Augsburg was begun as a seminary in I 869, at Marshall, W'~sconsin. It was the first theological seminary started by Norwegian
Lutherans in America. Through an arrangement with a private
institution known as Marshall Academy the Seminary was housed
in the academy building. Students who needed further preparation in academic subjects were to obtain this in the academy. This
arrangement failed to work out satisfactorily; so the theological
group moved to a private dwelling, where classes continued until
1872. In the autumn of that year the Seminary was removed to
Minneapolis, Minnesota, where a building had been erected for its
use. In the same year the school was incorporated under the laws
of Minnesota. The aim of the institution was to train ministers
for the Lutheran congregations which were being organized in
growing numbers in the pioneer settlements that were spreading
rapidly over the Northwest.
The college was established when it became evident that in order
to get students who were adequately prepared for theological
study a college department was needed. So in 1874 a college curriculum was planned which provided for one year of preparatory
studies and four years of college work along two lines, a classical
course to prepare students for theology, and a scientific course to
prepare for the professions. The latter course, however, had to be
discontinued, partly for lack of funds and partly because too
few students selected the course. The first college students were
enrolled in 1874 and the first class was graduated in 1879.
In 1900 a high school course covering three years was established
which in 1910 was expanded to a standard four-year course. This
was discontinued in 1933. In the years 1916-1919 the college
course was thoroughly revised. As a result of this and of subsequent growth, the earlier classical course was greatly modified and
supplemented by social and scientific studies and a more general
emphasis upon the study of the humanities. In recent years there
has ,been continuous study and modification of the curriculum including the introduction of a number of new majors to meet the
developing needs of the students. The Divisional organization was
adopted in 1945. At the present time majors are offered in 17 fields.
Coeducation was introduced in the College in 1921.
In the Theological Seminary there has likewise been a continuing revision of the curriculum and the addition of new courses.
The requirement of a six-month period of internship was added
in 1939. Standards of admission have ,been raised so that a bachelor's degree or equivalent is now the required scholastic preparation. While the Theological Seminary has its own organization, the
Seminary and the College function in close cooperation. Long
experience has proved this arrangement to be mutually wholesome
and stimulating.
Five presidents have served Augsburg during the course of its
history. The terms of o6ce of two of these cover a span of over
half a century. The first president was August Weenaas, who
served from 1869 to 1876. He was succeeded by Georg Sverdrup,
1876 to 1907. Sven Oftedal served from 1907 to 1911 and was
followed by George Sverdru~,whose term extended from 191I to
1937. H. N. Hendrickson served as acting president from 1937
until 1938. Bernhard Christensen, the present president, has served
since that time.
The educational purposes of Augsburg College and Theological
Seminary spring from the conviction that Christianity is the fundamental force for good in human life. All the aims of the College,
as well as those of the Seminary, are bound together by this principle. To express more distinctly the meaning of this, the following statement of aims has been formulated by the College faculty:
T o lead the student to cr deeper understanding and personal
realization of the truth and pvwer of the Chistian Gospel, to
the end that he may become an eeective participant in the
evangelical and missionary task of the Church and an earnest
advocate of the Christian way of life both for the individual and
for society.
To familiarize the student with the clcltare of our own and
other civilizatiolts, not only for the enjoyment this knowledge
affords but also for the development of a more sympathetic
understanding of our fellow men throughout the world.
T o develop the student's ittterest in the attahment of the
comnum pwposes of our counhy, so that he may work for the
welfare of our institutions and for the preservation of our
liberties in community and nation, and also develop an enlightened interest and participation in human affairs throughout the rest of the world.
T o cdtivate in the student a Christian social spirit, in order
that he may realize in his life a right balance between what he
expects of others and the service he will render his fellow men.
To teach t h e student t o discipline his own urges, interests,
amhtiuns, and demands in a way that will effectively contribute toward the development of good character.
To train t h e student in scientific methods of study and also
develop his understanding of the relations of science to the
welfare of humanity.
To stimulate intellectual interest and develop s c h o l l y insight, so that the student may learn to think with accuracy
and comprehension a t the same time as he experiences an understanding of truth which will help him to integrate the findings of science with the deepest spiritual reality.
To awaken and foster in the student a n intelligent appreciation and enjoyment of t h e best in t h e fields of t h e fine arts.
T o guide the student in the understanding of social relationships in order that he may take his place in groups and gatherings with propriety and grace, motivated in his conversation
and conduct by the principles of Christian courtesy and sincerity.
T o provide guidance fw the student in the discovery and
clarification of his aptitudes and his life Purposes so that as
early as possible he may plan his educational program wisely.
T o train students in vocational and professicmaZ lines, giving full preparation for high school teaching, business administration, home economics, and parish work; furnishing partial
training towards the study of medicine, dentistry, nursing, engineering, law, and social service, and offering a four-year
college course preparing for the study of theology.
T o help the student develop certain skills, as in language,
music, physical activities, use of the library, laboratory work,
and typewriting, together with other skills, which will increase
his eaciency in the various relationships of life.
T o agord t h e student wholesome recreational experience which
will contribute toward an effective use of leisure time and develop such qualities as leadership, sportsmanship, and self-control, with good recreational habits, thus providing a constant
source of social and personal satisfaction.
T o instruct t h e student in principles, attitudes, and ideas
pertaining to health, and also to train him in practices and
skills which will promote his physical and mental well-being
and make him better fit to meet the responsibilities of life.
The work of the whole institution, both the Seminary and the
College, is done on the basis of Christianity. The students who
come are invited to take up their college work with the distinct
understanding that the Christian spirit is determining in all things.
They are asked to cooperate willingly in the program of the school
towards that end. The entire program of the school, curricular and
extra-curricular, and the discipline thought wise in order to make
possible the carrying out of this program, spring from the aim "to
see all things through the eyes of Christ."
Enrollment in Augsburg College and Theological Seminary presupposes on the part of the student full cooperation in the ways
prescribed for the attainment of these aims.
From I 870 to I 890, Augsburg was supported by the NorwegianDanish Lutheran Conference. The merger of that church body
with two others, in 1890, resulted in the afdiation of Augsburg
with the newly created United Norwegian Lutheran Church. Due
to cMerences concerning the control of Augsburg a division arose,
and in x 897 congregations whose sympathia were deeply rooted in
Augsburg formed the Lutheran Free Church. The resulting close
association, in educational and spiritual activity, of Augsburg and
the Lutheran Free Church has been marked by complete harmony
of purpose and ideals for more than half a century.
The control exercised by the Lutheran Free Church is indirect.
The Annual Conference of the Church nominates the members
of the Augsburg Corporation and the Board of Trustees. The Corporation through the Board of Trustees exercises direct control
over property, finance, and personnel. Academic control is vested
in the President and the Faculty.
In addition to the income from student tuition and fees, which
has materially increased with the growth and development of the
College, rhe chief financial support of the institution comes from
the congregations of the Lutheran Free Church. In recent years a
growing circle of friends also outside the Lutheran Free Church,
both alumni and others, have contributed financially to the sup-
port of the school. Augsburg welcomes and invites such support on
the part of all who believe in her program of vital Christian education.
Augsburg College is fully accredited by rhe North Central Association of Colleges and Secondmy Schools as a degree-granting
institution. It is a member of the Association of American Colleges, the National Lurheran Educational Conference, the Association of Minnesota colleges, and the State Council of Minnesota Colleges.
The Augsburg Alumni Association has as its goal to enable the
graduates of the College and Seminary to maintain effective contact and cooperation with one another and with their A h a Mater.
The annual meeting is held at Commencement time each year.
Regional meetings also are held from time to time.
The present ogcers are: Henry J. Bertness, President; Esther
Aune, Vice-president; Marian Lowrie, Recording Secretary; Gloria
Nelson, Harvey Peterson, and Kennet,h Sorenson, Advisers.
The Augsburg Foundation, formerly the Augsburg Foundation
Fellowship, is an association of alumni, former students, and other
friends of Augsburg, having as its purpose to give united and
systematic support, ,both spiritual and financial, to the school. The
Foundation was estgblished in 1941 by joint action of the Board
of Trustees and the Alumni Association. Its work is directed by a
General Committee of nine members. A Foundation Day is held
each year.
The Main, erected in 1900, contains the Chapel, the Library,
the Seminary classrooms and oflices, and a number of college classrooms and oflices.
Science Hall, erected in 1948-49, is a large and completely modern college building. It includes, besides the administration of-
fices, well-equipped laboratories for Chemistry, Physics, Biology,
and Home Economics, as well as the student organization &ces,
the Student Center, a small auditorium, classrooms, and faculty
osces. On the fourth floor is the Tower Prayer Chapel.
Sverdrup-Oftedal Memorial Hall, erected in 1938, is a modem,
fireproof dormitory affording living quarters for about 150 men.
On the ground floor of this building is the college cafeteria and
dining hall.
Sivertsen Hall, acquired in 1939, is a comfortable dormitory
accommodating about 50 women.
Morton Hall, erected in 1888, Edda House, purchased and
remodeled in 1948, and Miriam House, acquired in 195 I, are
smaller dormitories for women, each accommodating about 20
During 1947 two new buildings were added, both located on
~ 3 r Avenue
across the Square from the older part of the Campus.
The Gymnasium, an adequate temporary structure, was erected for
the College by the Federal Works Agency as a part of a program
providing educational facilities for veterans. The Music Hall was
acquired by purchase and remodeled to serve the needs of the
Music Department.
Quite a number of dwellings have been acquired in recent years
in the expanded campus area, which are used for faculty and
student housing until this need can be met through more permanent structures. Also three temporary housing units have been
erected by the Federal Works Agency on the campus ground.
The President's Home, a residence of modern architectural
design, located at the south of the Square, was erected in 1949.
Some years ago the beginning was made of a Museum for the
school. Members of the Alumni Association have presented many
. There are several collections: a Madagascar Cdvaluable d
lection, a Santal Collection, and a considerable collection of rare
minerals, curios, etc. Contributions to the Museum are invited.
In the spring of 1929 the Augsburg Archive Society was organized. The purpose of this organization is to gather and preseme
documents, books, and other articles of historical value. To house
the Archives a fire-proof room which was provided in the Main
has been replaced recently by a large room on the ground floor of
Science Hall. Here are now found a fine collection of periodicals,
old and rare books, manuscripts, letters, and pictures, and also
about I ,000 volumes of Norwegian-American literature, affording rich resources for scholarly research. Further contributions
to the Archives should be sent to Prof. Iver Olson, Archivist.
The collections in the Library aggregate about 27,700 volumes
exclusive of pamphlets.
About three hundred of the best periodicals, and pamphlets dealing with various subjects, and a number of serials devoted to the
interests of special fields are received currently.
Students have access to the Library daily from 7:45 A. M. to
1o:oo P. M. On Saturday the Library closes at 4:30 P. M.
In the Twin City area other libraries are located-which make
their holdings available to Augsburg students, notably, the St.
Paul and Minneapolis public libraries, the latter of which issues
library cards to out-of-town students for each school year; the
James Hill Reference Library in St. Paul, which has one of the
finest reference collections in the Northwest; and the University
of Minnesota Library, which is within walking distance of the
Augsburg campus and is a splendid source of materials for research
papers. Each year Augsburg students make extensive use of all
these libraries.
The laboratories of the Natural Sciences are located in the
Science Hall.
Three laboratories and two storerooms for Biology are located
on the second floor; three laboratories and a large storeroom for
Chemistry, and a laboratory and the .two storerooms for Physics
are located on the third floor.
To facilitate instruction the college provides many excellent
visual and auditory aids. Available for classroom use, and for the
use of other college activities, are the following: Two 16mm.
sound movie projectors, two 3 I/4x4 inch slide projectors, three
2x2 slide projectors, a Balopticon, a sound amplification system,
two film strip projectors, and a magnetic tape recording machine.
There is also a well equipped photography department.
The Auditorium in Science Hall is fully equipped for visual
education classes and lectures. Several classrooms are dso provided
with facilities for projection.
Evening classes are held as a community sexvice for adults not
enrolled in the day school. Announcement of course to be offered
are made in the fall. Information about the evening school may
be obtained from the o6ce of the Dean.
Student nurses in the Schools of Nooursing
at the Lutheran Deaconess and Swedish Hospitals in Minneapolis receive much of their
first semester of instruction at Augsburg College. Application for
admission to the Schools of Nursing should be made to the hospitals directly.
In cooperation with the Minneapolis General Hospital, Augsburg offers work which enables the student to receive a college
degree with a major in Medical Technology. The first three years
of this work are taken at Augsburg and a final twelve-month program is completed at the hospital.-
Financial Information
A considerable part of the income on whiah Augsburg operates
is derived from endowment and from gifts, a major part of the
latter coming from the supporting church. Therefore, the fees
charged the student do not constitute h e whole cost of his education, for he enjoys the benefits of the gifts of those who 'believe
in and support rhe work of the school. Fm theological students,
the church assumes the full cost of tuition; a statement of other
expenses in attending the seminary is given in the Seminary section of the catalog.
Tuition in College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200.00
This covers instruction, use of the library, and admission
to all athletic events.
h k s , &C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25.00 t0 40.00
Student activity fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Health fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Matriculation fee (for those registering the first time) . . .
Key deposit (refundable) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I .oo
Locker (optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I .oo
Mail box fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.5 o
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $245.50 to 260.50
Students registered for more than the maximum number of
credit hours (17 in the College) are charged at the rate of $10.00
for each additional credit hour a week per semester.
Special students will pay at the rate of $17.00 per credit hour
up to 1 1 credits. Those who register for 12 or more credit hours
will pay the regular tuition charge.
The fee for auditing a course is $7.50 per credit hour.
Special students and auditors enrolled for 5 hours or more of
class work per week pay the student activity fee and health fe.
Subject to change.
Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 63.00
Board (estimate) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I 60.00
Late registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $
Change of registration after the beginning of the second
week of classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Registration with the Placement Bureau . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Placement fee, depending upon the methad of
placement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.oo to
Graduation fee. for seniors in both the College and the Seminary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Final examinations taken at another hour than the one
scheduled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Examination making up an incomplete or a condition . . . . .
Comprehensive examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 .00
5 oo
Voice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Organ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Brass (private instruction) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Brass (class instruction) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Piano rental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Organ rental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Choir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chord Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Art I and 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.00
Art 3 and 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Home Economics 2, 36, 76 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Home Economics 39 and 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00
Biology 60 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I .oo- 2.00
Biology, 1,2,3N,4, 52, 5 3 , a n d f s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.50
Biology 7N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Biology 13, 14, 25, 26, and 54
Subject to change
Chemistry I, 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chemistry 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chemistry 3N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
54,andss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Physics I, 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Physics 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Physics 5 and 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Physics 51 and 52 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Secretarial Studies 2, 8, 5 I, and 52 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Secretarial Studies I, 5 3, and 54. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Education 96 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.5 o
2.5 o
I. 50
Resident students
General expenses . .
, , . . .
. . . . . . .$245.50 to 260.50
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223.00
Room and Board
Special, music, or course fees. . . . . . . . . . . . . -2.00 to 3 5.00
Total, approximately
. . . . . . . . $ 4 7 o . ~ oto ~ 1 8 . y o
OiX-campus students
General expenses . . . . . . . . . .
Special, music, or course fees
Total, approximately . . . . . .
. . . . $245.50 to 260.50
. . . . . .2.00 to 35.00
. . .
$247.50 to 295.50
Srude~~acwunzsare.&hMarthe cimaofre&~ationin
S q t d s and Felmwy. Parena may dqmit money in advan* at
the school or the d e n t may d e dx papent whenhe tegbter~s.
dmt paymest of fees in f d ac reg;sWarjon p e s a
h a n d p m k im v e e &e c&ge bas -toted
s '"deferred p a w - parn". Unde this-plan.%
miniftlum df 205% of the
tuition fee, room fee, and minimum board bill is paid at registration together with all special course and miscellaneous fees. T h e
balance may be paid in monthly installments during the semester.
To defray the cost of the plan a charge of $1.00 is made for each
payment on the student's account after registration.
Subject to change.
Students who cancel their registration before the middle of any
semester pay tuition at the rate of $14.00 per week for the time
during which they have been in attendance. Students who cancel
out after the middle of the semester receive no refund of tuition.
No refunds are made of the Matriculation and Student Activity
fees. Course fees are paid at the rate of 10% per week ,by students
who cancel out before the middle of the semester.
Papments for board and room are refunded in proportion to
the time students have been in residence. Students who move out
of dormitories but do not cancel out of school are charged the full
semester room rent.
Financial aids in the form of loan funds, scholarships, grantsin-aid, and employment assistance are available a t Augsburg. Students must meet certain requirements to qualify for loans or
scholarships. The college gives assistance to students in securing
work both on and off the campus.
Several loan funds have been established to assist students in
working out their financial problems. Loans may be arranged at a
reasonable rate of interest for various periods of time.
The Gewral Studmt Loan Fund, established through the gifts
of many individual donors, is chiefly maintained by contributions from the Augsburg College Women's Club. It extends assistance to members of all classes.
The Charles and Nora Crmch Student Loan Fund, established
in 1954, likewise extends assistance to members of all classes.
The Jhnand Anna Jorgiw Gregory Theological Studmt Lorvn
Fuwd is available to students who are preparing for the ministry.
The Student Aid Fund of the Zion Lutheran Hour, established
under the auspices of Zion Lutheran Church of Minot, North
Dakota, likewise extends loans to students preparing for the minis~ry.
Arrangements for the loans are made through a conference with
the Dean of Students, chairman of the faculty committee on
student loans. In addition ro arranging loans, the committee
counsels students on h c i d matters w i d rhe objective in mind
of helping rhe mudent work out a sat$factorg plan for 'hisfinances.
Prize Scholarships, amounting t o tuition for the second half of
the Fr&a
year, are offered to the highest ranking boy and
the highest ranking &I in each Minnesota high school graduating
class. A number of su& schoIamhips are alsu awarded to other
outstanding high school graduates selected by the Scholarship Committee.
The Opseth Memorial Music Scho1arsh;iP was established in 1953
in memory of Henry P. Opseth, former head of the Music Department and director of tbe Augsburg Cullege Choir. It is awarded
annually to a sophomore w j d ~ student
of outstanding promise
or achievement in the field of music.
The Gewge Svmdmp Gadaate F~Elws&$ was atabhhed by
the Board of Trustees of Augsburg in 1947 to honor the menory
of George Sverdrup, Praident of Augsburg from r91 x to 1937.
It is awarded annually to an Augsburg graduate of outstanding
character and abiLity who plans to prepare further for the mcatiOn
of teaching. The amount of the Fellowship is five hundred dollars.
The Keith E. H o # w n M&I
Sckohshifi was established in
1945 by Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Hoffman of Minneapolis in
memory of their son who gave his life in the conquw of Okinawa.
The d o l a d i p wnsists of the income from a fund of $ I ,075 and
is awarded annually t o a student selected on the basis of academic
achievement, personal character, and ability in the field of athletics.
T& Lastberan E r o f k h d SchIarshij of $300 is provided by
the Lutheran Brotherhood Life Insurance Society and awarded
each fall to an outstanding Lurheran college senior. The student
is selected by the college in the spring of the junior year on the
basis of religious leadership and &ohtic standing.
The Alcgsburg College Wotnen's Club Scholarship awards, totaling $400, are granted each year to two or more students of outstanding character and excellent scholarship.
T h Adolph Pmlson Mem&Z Prize, from a fund established
by members of the Paulson family in memory of Professor Adolph,
Paulson who taught Social Science at Augsburg from 193o to I 93 5,
is awarded annually to a college student for the best essay written
on an assigned subject in the general field of Christian Sociology.
The amount of the prize is $40.00.
The Celia Fredricksm Schlursbip consists of the income from
a fund of one thousand dollars. It is awarded annually to an Augsburg student from the Lamberton, Minnesota, parish of the Lutheran Free Church.
The Greater Augsburg Alumni AssocilEtim Scholarship of $250
is awarded annually to an outstanding alumnus of Augsburg in
order to encourage and assist promising students in the carrying
out of projects of graduate study.
The Women's Missionary Federation Scholarship is awarded by
the Federation to returned missionaries pursuing further study or
to Lutheran students of recognized Christian character and good
scholastic records who are making preparation for mission work
in evangelistic, medical, educational, literary, agricultural, or other
fields approprite for missionary work. The scholarship is granted
for one year at a time in amounts varying from $so.oo to $250.00
per year for academic and professional training. Higher awards are
possible for graduate work or medical study.
The employment service, located in the Placement Ogce, has
been successful in placing hundreds of men and women students
in pairt-time positions. The types of work secured are of many
kinds, including recreational leadership, restaurant work, domestic
service, sales work, and secretarial and clerical work.
Students ai-e employed by the college in many activities. For
these positions preference is given to upper-class students who
have maintained a good scholastic average.
Assistance in securing summer employment is also provided
each spring by the Employment Service.
Application forms for part-time employment on or off campus
may be secured from the Admissions or Placement Offices.
Student Community Life
The influences which mould life and character on a college campus are of many kinds. While the exercises of classroom, laboratory,
and library form the organizing basis of college activity, they need
to be supplemented by other than academic forces. These intangible
but very real supplementary iQuences have much t o do with
creating the spirit of an institution. At Augsburg d e h i t e emphasis is placed upon the maintenance of a wholesome spirit of
Christian community living. Students are urged to give conscious
attention to this personal and spiritual side of their development
and thus contribute toward the prevalence of a vital and happy
Christian atmosphere on the campus.
It is the earnest desire of those who direct the policies of Augsburg that the institution may constantly be permeated by an atmosphere in which the quest for Truth as it is in Christ is prayerf d y fostered in each life.
All students are required to register for two class hours per week
in one of the courses offered in Religion. There are numerous voluntary religious activities in which students are encouraged to
participate. Spiritual Emphasis Week is held twice each year. It is
assumed that every Augsburg student will h d a church home
in Minneapolis and attend its services regularly.
I t is expected of each student that his life, conduct, and influence, both on and 06 campus, shall be worthy of a member of a
Christian College. Those who do not feel drawn to this quality
of life and to the fellowship in which it is nourished should not
seek to be enrolled at Augsburg. A truly Christian spirit and
environment must be the product of the united effort and prayer
of faculty, students, and administration.
The heart of Augsburg's program of Christian education is the
daily Chapel Service, where the faculty and students gatfier for
united worship, prayer, and a brief meditation upon the Word of
God. Regular attendance is expected of all students.
The Christian ideals of Augsburg give no room for such demoralizing practices as gambling, drinking, frequenting of public
dances, indiscriminate attendance at movies, and objectionable
card playing. Students enrolled at Augsburg are expected, therefore, not to participate in such practices.
Augsburg reserves the right to dismiss or to discipline any student who is not amenable to advice and direction. The school likewise reserves the right to dismiss any student whose general conduct or influence is unwholesome. Such a student may be removed
although no formal charge is made against him.
Augsburg's location in Minneapolis gives its students unique
opportunities to make use of some of the finest educational and
cultural advantages offered in the Upper Midwest. Excellent
art collections are to be found in The Minneapolis Institute of
Arts and the Walker Art Gallery. The Twin City libraries are
large and extensive in their services. The Historical Museum in
St. Paul gives access to large collections of historical material. The
Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra programs and other concerts
afford rich opportunity for music appreciation.
In the Twin Cities are located both the University of Minnesota
and several colleges, affording contacts which are conducive to intellectual and cultural stimulus and development.
Regular convocation programs are held at Augsburg throughout
the year. These programs aim to acquaint the campus community
with outstanding personalities and problems in various fields. A
wide range of interests is covered, including the scientiiic, political,
social, religious, and artistic.
"No man is a hypocrite in his pleasures." To learn to enjoy the
right form of recreational activities is an important aspect of preparation for life. At Augsburg there is a definite attempt to encourage the formation of helpful recreational habit-patterns, not
only as regards the definitely planned play-program supervised and
directed by the Department of Physical Education, but as regards
the use of leisure time in general. Wholesale social activities of of
many kinds are fostered and encouraged.
The Student Center, the Student Council Room, the Augsburgian and Augsburg Echo Offices in Science Hall are headquarters
for many student events and provide opportunity for students,
both campus and city, to meet informally and to promote student
activities. The recreation room at Sivertsen Hall, the gymnasium,
the Dining Hall, and the reception rooms in the various residences
provide opportunities for informal social gattherings and for study
and discussion groups.
The Tower Prayer Chapel in Science Hall is open during the day
for times of quiet and meditation. Smaller groups may request the
use of the chapel for devotional meetings.
Student activities are regarded as an integral part of the educational experience of college students. The oflice of Coordinator
of Student Activities has been created to provide centralized services, continuity, and concern for the e~ectivefunctioning of all
student activities.
The program of student activities is organized through the
Student Council. College direction is provided by the StudentFaculty Committee, the Coordinator of Student Activities, and
the faculty sponsors of the several organizations. The Student-Faculty Committee serves as a liaison lbetween the Student Council and
the Faculty Council.
The Student Society. Its purpose is to guide student affairs and
to provide students with training in practical democracy and in
developing student initiative and leadership. An organization of
the entire student body, it is the agency for student government
on the campus. It delegates the authori'ty "to promote and govern
the all-student activi,tiesmof the college to The Augsburg Student
Council. The president of the Council and the major chairmen
are elected by The Student Society. Other memibers are elected
by each of the College classes and The Theological Seminary as
their representatives. A local council of the National Stdent
Association has !ken formed by the Student Council.
Associated Women Students consists of all women enrolled in
Augsburg College. The purpose of this organization is to provide
an organization for self-government, to create a sense of hacrmony
and fellowship among the women of the College, to promote and
maintain a high standard of honor and integrity in matters of
personal conduct, and to encourage participation in college activities.
Memorial Hall Hmse Council is made up of the counselors and
representative students from each house in Memorial Hall. The
members aid in establishing policies for the residents, and assist in
maintaining order in che Hall.
Class Organizations. Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors
each have their own class organization and participate in student
Aristotelians. Membership is open to students who specialize in
the natural sciences. Programs are planned to develop and further
the scientific interests of the students.
The Business Club draws membership from the Business and
Secretarial Studies classes. The development of professional interests is the major objective.
T b German Society. This organization is for the purpose of
cultivating an appreciation of the German language and culture.
The Home Economics Club, open to all students in &at department, is an organization promoting professional attitudes toward
all aspects of home and community life.
The Nmse Club. This club is composed of students who are
interested in Norwegian history, literature, music, and art.
The Spanish Club gives members of the Spanish classes opportunity to exercise Ithe use of their knowledge in informal gatherings.
The Camera Club. Camera fans meet regularly to exahange ideas
about their hobby and to develop skill in photography.
The Drama Club has been formed 'to give interested students
opportunity for self-expression in the field of the drama.
Film Society. Students interested in lbringing iilms to the campus subscribe to a series each year. Discussions follow on the sociological, psychological, or literary merits of the production.
Forensics. Augsburg is annually represented by men and wornen debaters at intercollegiate contests which are held in various
colleges in Minnesota and neighboring states. There are also local
and intercollegiate contests in oratory. Reading recitals and plays
are additional means of oral expression.
Music. A comparatively large number of students take part in
the musical activities of the school. These are composed of the
choirs and the band and a variety of smaller groups. The aim of
these organizations is to spread the Christian Gospel &rough the
fellowship of music and song.
Membership in the choral organizations and the band is based
upon musical aptitude and interest. College credit is given to members who fulfil the requirements outlined by the Department of
The Augsbzcrg Cdkge Choir consists of albout sixty memlbers.
From year to year che Choir has toured in various parts of the
United States, singing an average of twenty-five to thirty concerts
during each season. The itinerary has included the West Coast,
East Coast, Canada, and the Midwestern states.
The Augsburg C h a l Club serves as a preparatory choir, and
also trains for concerts which are given both in the Twin Cities
and in ocher parts of Minnesota and neighboring states.
The Augsburg College Concert B d presents regular concerts
on tour. In addition, it gives practical experience in instrumental
music and &us furnishes training for the prospective teacher.
The Male C h u s affords opportunity to those interested in this
special type of group singing. The chorus meets once a week.
In addition to the Choir, Choral Clulb, Male Chorus, and Band,
there are at Augsburg many smaller musical groups, both vocal
and instrumental. For many years Augsburg has sent out duos,
trios, quartets, and similar groups among the churches. These organizations are usually formed and directed by the ,students themselves, subject to the approval of the music department.
Each year the chairman of Music and of Speech together with
faculty representatives of the Music and Speech departments
and a student chairman, sponsor a light opera. The 195 3 presentation was Gilbert and Sullivan, HMS P h f o r e ; the 1954 presentation was Gilbert and Sullivan, The M i U o .
Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra F m m , inaugurated in I 9 5 31954, invites Augsburg students and faculty to sdbscribe to a
series of six concerts of the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra at
Northrop Auditorium on the University of Minnesota campus at
a special rate. The subscribers constitute a forum for discussion of
musical art. Speakers at the forums at Augsburg in 1953-1954
were Antal Dorati, conduct'or of the Symphony; John K. Sherman, Arts Critic of the Star-Tribune; and Isaac Stern, violinist.
The Writers Club. This organization is composed of students
interested in creative writing. Members submit articles for group
criticism at the regular meetings. This group annually sponsors a
"Creative Night" where all types of creative arts, music, painting,
sculpture, as well as writing, are demonstrated and exhibited.
All students and faculty are admitted t o home athletic contests
upon presentation of their athletic cards, which are distributed at
the beginning of the school year.
Physical Edzlcatim and Recreatim. Under the direction of
the Department of Physical Education a wide range of activities
of a recreational nature is arranged for general student participation. Every student is urged to find some activity in which to participate for his own pleasure and recreation.
Co-Rec, or recreational sports, evenings are arranged twice a
week for both men and women to provide recreation and to foster
and increase interest in recreational games and sports.
Imtrmural Athletics. Through the intramural department
competition is maintained in touchball, basketball, table rennis,
badminton, softball, handball, volleyball, horseshoe, tennis, and
shdeboard. Climaxing the intramural program is the Conference Extramural Meet, a special Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference event in which champions of all intramural sports
of member schools compete for Conference intramural championships.
The "A" Club. Membership in the "A" Club is limited to
men who have won a major A at Augsburg. The aim of this organization is "to bind the 'A' men of the past, present, and future
into a more intimate bond of fellowship, and to keep the athletics
of Augsburg on the highest possible plane."
Women's Athletic Association. The Women's Athletic Association is an honorary organization. Membership is gained by participation in d i v i d u d and group recreation activities with awards
given on a point basis. The Augsburg W.A.A. is a member of
the Minnesota Athletic Association of College Women.
The Pep Club is organized to develop a vigorous interest in support of the college games and sports.
Imtercollegiate Athletics. Augsburg is a member of the Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference. The college is represented annually by teams in football, basketball, baseball, track,
tennis, and golf.
It is the purpose of Augsburg to provide an intercollegiate
athletic program which is in harmony with its Christian philosophy. This philosophy is to 'be reflected in the conduct and outlook of lboth the players and =he spectators. The educational program of the college recognizes that recreation and play are a
fundamental part of human life, and that t'&s phase of life needs
to be cultivated if physical, mental, and emotional health are to
be maintained. Intercollegiate athletics, as a phase of that program, gives recognition to the fact that competitive play can contribute to the development of student interests, skills, insights, and
More specifically, the following outcomes are sought: ( I ) The
student participating in athletics should acquire and exhibit, 'both
in and out of athletics, such ,basic qualities of character as self-
discipline, honesty, sense of fair play, and cmperation. ( 2 ) The
participant should develop the knowledge, interests, and skills
which will be of special use to him in such vocations as teaching
and coaching or recreational leadership, or in his own recreational
activities. Far from being set apart from his educational goal or in
any way competing with it, the student's participation in intercollegiate athletics must either contribute directly to this goal or
be complementary to his other educational activities. ( 3 ) The student spectator should acquire and exhibit some of the finer qualities of Christian character, such as self-restraint, sense of fair play,
appreciation of high grade performance on the part of both opponents and fellow-students, and respect for individual personality.
(4) The intercollegiate a~hleticprogram should contribute to the
development of a unified and healthy "schml spirit". Enthusiasm
for intercollegiate athletics or other cocurricular activities should
not overshadow pride in high scholastic achievement, nor can it
take the place of a well-rounded and effective intramural and general recreational program.
Brotherhood Week. The last week in February is devoted to
developing Christian concepts of brotherhood, with speakers for
the Campus Chest Fund Campaign speaking for Brotherhood.
Future Teachers of America. The Martin Quanbeck chapter on
the Augsburg campus is open to all students who are interested in
education and especially those preparing for the teaching profession. The program is designed to develop professional understanding and attitudes.
Relatiom Club is an organization of students w'ho
major in one of the social sciences or d o are particularly interested in human relations.
Organized Field Trips. Various departments arrange for field
trips to places of special interest, such as the State Prison, State
Capitol, social settlement houses, and industrial and financial institutions.
rr9elitical Action Conference. Students interested in history or
political science cooperate with the NSA chairman and the head of
the history department in sponsoring a three-day conference on
Political Action during March.
The Republican Club and the Young Democratic-Farm-Labor
Club are organized to faster interest in political activity and good
government, and to provide an opportunity to discuss issues of
the day.
SPAN. Augsburg participates in Student Project for Amity
Among Nations, a Minnesota organization for students who quali.fy for study abroad according to its program.
The Co-Ed Toastmasters Club. This Augsburg Club is open to
both men and women interested in improving public speaking
Student Projects. Augsburg students participate in a large number of projects, such as Campus Chest Fund Campaign, Library
Drive, +he Minneapolis Community Chest Fund, Red Cross,
March of Dimes, Blood Bank, Lutheran World Action, and community surveys.
Students interested in journalism can get practical experience in
campus publications. All student publications are under the supervision of the Board of Publications, composed of students and
faculty advisers. Each year this board edits the Student Handbook
and Directory.
The Augsburg Echo, a bi-weekly newspaper, offers opportunities for a selected number of students to participate in both journalistic and creative work.
The Augsburgian yearbouk provides outlets for students whose
interests lie in writing, photography, and art.
All publications are student operated. Their primary function
is t o present ehe Augsburg story from day to day and year to
year from the perspective of the student.
The Religious Life Committee is ,the unit through which the
students and faculty endeavor to promote a religious program
that will supplement and enhance the inherent Christian program
of the college. Co-chairmen of this council are &e student Director
of Religious Activities and the College Pastor. Areas for which
this committee carries responsibility or concern are the Mid-Week
services, dormitory devotions, $iritual Emphasis Weeks, prayer
meetings, and 'similar volunteer group meetings.
This council also serves as a coordinating agency for all volunteer Christian organizations on campus. The two principal organizations are listed as follows:
Missimz Society. This organization promotes mission concern
through a program of study, fellowship, worship, and service. A
highlight of the year is the Mssion Festival.
Lwtberan Student Assochtimz. This group seeks to serve as a
stimulus and outlet for Christian faith and life. Students participate in regional and national LSA Conferences.
Students at Augsburg are given opportunity for social training
and social recreation. The Student Council &rough the Chairman
of Social Activities, assisted by a Committee on Social Education,
sponsors a monthly all-school activity of a social nature which all
students are urged to attend. Most of these are informal. The Sophomores and Juniors sponsor semi-formal banquets. The Associated
Women Students and a number of other organizations sponsor
teas, dinners, and social affairs on and off campus.
Honors are given each spring at the Honor Convocatiun in
recognition of students who have taken noteworthy part in student activities.
The C h s of 1918 Oratorical Cup was presented to the College
as a prize to arouse interest in oratory. The name of the winner
of the annual contest is engraved upon the cup, which is to remain in the possession of the College and is placed on exhibition
in the % i c e Hall.
The 1927 Class Cup for Scholarship is awarded to the Senior
student of highest scholastic standing who has attended for at least
two years.
The 1925 Class Cup in Athktdcs is awarded to the athlete who
has made outstanding records both in athletics and in scholarship.
Tbe Harold A. Johnsm Trophy, presented by Gerald L. Johnson in 1943, is awarded annually to the student who is judged to
be the most valuable player on the basketball team.
Student Personnel Services
College students face many new opportunities and not a few
problems. Some problems disappear soon after the student has
enrolled .but in many cases others appear during the four years
of college. In order to help students to make the most of the
opportunities and to provide help in the solution of problems,
Augsburg College has developed a number of services for students.
These include Freshman orientation, vocational and aptitude testing, counseling, housing and food service, health service, recreation
and leisure time activities, hancial aids, student employment service, and extra-curriculdr activities. Graduating seniors and alumni
benefit from the services of the Placement Oflice. The administrative phase of these services is centered in the of6ce of the Dean
of Students. Plans and policy are formulated by the Student Personnel Committee.
Freshmen and other new students participate in "Freshman
Days" before the beginning of classes in the fall semester. The
students take tests, inspect the college facilities, and become acquainted with heir fellow students, with the faculty, and especially with their own faculty counselors. Several conferences with
the faculty counselors are scheduled for the students, during
which they plan their program of study.
All freshmen enroll-in a class in Orientation. In this course,
the students learn about standards and requirements of various
areas of college life. Methods and habits of study and related
techniques are explored. Personal health, social adjustment, personal
finances and vocational aims are discussed.
A battery of aptitude, ability and interest tests are administered free to all new students during Freshman Days. College aptitude scores, English and reading ability scores are obtained far
later use by counselors in helping students plan their programs.
Personal adjustment scores and vocational interest scores help the
students select occupational goals and future careers.
The purpose of counseling is to give the student individual
help in all areas of adjustment to college life. The insight and
techniques of adjustment learned will also serve him later in life.
Each new student is assigned a faculty counselor who may serve
for two years. Counselors for juniors and seniors are their major
advisers. The deans and other administrative oi3icers are general
counselors to all students.
The Faculty counselor helps the student plan his educational
program in accordance with 'his life aims and interests. The student {becomesaware of his own abilities and aptitudes through the
analysis and interpretation of test data by his counselor.
Through a system of referral, students may obtain counsel from
any member of the faculty, or from qualiiied persons within the
college community.
Vocational counseling is introduced to freshmen through the
use of a vocational interest test. An Occupational Information
iile in the college library provides study materials for vocational
planning. Career conferences annually bring many professional
people to the campus for group sessions and individual counseling
on job opportunities. By means of such informational material
and *he help of his counselor, the student is able to make a vocational choice appropriate to his ability and vocational interests.
Students who have difticult personal problems may iind help
through discussing the prdblem with their counselor. Finances,
social adjustments, and church activities are common topics of
discussions. Students v h o have spiritual prablems may confer with
their counselors, or other faculty members, particularly the College Pastor and members of the Department of Religion.
Sverdrup-Oftedal Memorial Hall provides housing for about
I yo men. Fifty women are accommodated at Sivertsen H d , with
House and Edda House
Morton Hall housing twenty, %am
each housing eighteen women.
The college maintains several small apartments for married studena. Applications may be made in the o6ce of the Dean of Students.
Students not living at home must five in college-operated housing, and must take their meals in the college dining hall. Students
may under certain conditions be permitted ,tomake other arrangements, after consultation with the Dean of Women or the Dean
of Students.
Residence halls are open to new students a day before regular
schedules 'begin and are closed wi& twenty-four hours after che
term closes. The rule applies also to vacations. Students who wish
to stay in residence halls during vacations must have special permission from the Deans.
Room rent and b a r d must :bepaid in advance. Rooms are furnished except for bed linen, towels, and blankets. The women
may also provide their own ,bedspreads and drapes. Laundry
facilities are available in each unit. Residents are held responsible
for any beakage or injury to furniture, fixtures, or equipment,
beyond ordinary wear and tear.
Application for rooms should be sent to the Dean of Students
or the Dean of Women as soon as the student receives notice of
acceptance. Room assignments are made in order of application.
Residents are reassigned for the next year before August first. '
After all residence halls have been filled, students are assisted
in finding rooms in private homes. The oflice of the Dean of Students maintains a selected list of available housing.
The ground floor of Sverdrup-Oftedal Memorial Hall houses
a cafeteria and dining hall, a social room, and a private dining
room available to students and other groups upon request.
All students, campus and off campus, share in the privilege of
using these service units. The dining hall will furnish food at
cost to student groups, for special parties or picnics.
The Student Health Service provides campus dispensary service
during school days with a registered nurse in charge. The College
Physician has daily office hours on campus for consultation and
for emergency treatment. Physical examinations arc given all entering students. Correcrive treatment is provided where needed,
and a school-wide program of recreation and physical training is
conducted. I d r r n a t y rooms are adjacent to the dispensary. T h e
Health Service is housed in a ground floor section of Memorial
Hall, the men's residence.
Students, faculty, and stafi have chest X-rays taken semi-annually through the cooperation of the Hennepin County Tuberculosis Association Mobile Unit.
The Placement Bureau assists seniors and alumni in securing
P0s;tions. Continuous contact is maintained with business, governmental, welfare, and educational institutions and organizations
a t the local as well as the state and national levels. Interviews are
arranged both on and off the campus. A registration fee and a
small placement fee are charged.
The employment service which assists students in obtaining
part-time employment is also located in the Placement Oflice.
Augsburg College
Admission Procedure
Application for admission should be made on the regular admission form, which can (be secured from the Office of Public M a tions of from t h e Oflice of the Regimar. These forms are generally available also in Mmnesota high schools. The application,
together wi& t h e high school record, p r k o u s college record, if
any, two letters of recommendation, and a small photograph,
should be sent to the Office of PubIic Relations. A student seeking
adrmssion in t h e fall semester should apply not later than Septernkt 1 5 and for rhe spring semester by February I .
Requirements for Admission
~ u g s b u College
admits as students, men and women of g o d
moral character and sound health who appear to have the ability
to succeed in college. Escimate of ability is determined by rank
in the high school graduating cIass and in the college aptitude test.
The normal basis for admission is the completion of the courses
of grades nine to twelve in an accredited high school. No definite
pattern of subjects is required, but it is recommended that rhe last
four years of high school include four units of English, or three
units of English and two of a foreign language, two units of social
studies, and one unit of mathematics. A unit is defined as a course
covering one academic year and equivalent to at least 120 hours
of classwork. Graduates of unaccredited high schools are considered for admission on the basis of their rank in high school and
their achievement in a college aptitude examination and an English
achievement test.
Applicanrs who are not high school graduates bur who give
evidence of sugcient maturity are considered for admission upon
recornmmdation and on rhe bash of achievement in a college aptitude test, English achievement test, and General Educational
Development Tests on literary materials, social science materials,
and natural science materials.
For most graduates of Minnesota high schools the results of the
college aptitude and English achievement tests are available in ad-
vance if they have been taken in the state-wide testing program.
The General Educational Development tests are available to service
men through the Armed Forces Institute. All tests may, however,
be taken at Augsburg by arrangement with the Registrar.
The College reserves the right to reject the applications of students whose previous records or aptitudes, as measured by tests,
indicate they may have difliculty with college work.
Applicants who have been accepted for admission with a deficiency in English will be required to register for a special course
in English. Such deficiency and the requirements with regard
to additional training will be determined at the beginning of
the Freshman year by means of tests. The requirements include
the attainment of definite standards as to spelling, grammar, pronunciation, and general correctness in the use of the English lanPage.
Transfer and Advanced Standing
Students are accepted by transfer from other institutions if they
did satisfactory work and were otherwise in good standing there.
If their previous work was unsatisfactory, they will be admitted
at Augsburg only under special circumstances.
Advanced standing, that is, credit for courses completed, is
granted to students d h o present satisfactory transcripts from accredited institutions. In certain cases advanced standing is granted
on &e basis of comprehensive examinations.
Admission of Veterans
Veterans, qualiiied for educational benefits under any of the
government programs, may study at Augdburg and receive these
benefits. The veteran must secure a c e d c a t e of eligibility from
the regional office of the Veterans Administration. Application
for benefits must be made in advance of registration, except that
veterans who are eligible for assistance under Public Law 5 50 may
make application for entitlement when they enroll at rhe college.
In order to receive college credit for experience in the military
services, the veteran must present a photostatic or certiiied copy of
his Separation Record at the Registrar's W c e . Evaluation will
be made according to the recommendations of rhe American Council on Education. Veterans who have completed basic or recruit
training will be granted a total of 4 semester credits, 2 in health
and 2 in physical activities. Some college credit is given for the
completion of the work in certain service schools and for some
courses taken through the Armed Forces Institute.
Students who have been accepted for admission should register
on the days designated in the Calendar for this purpose. Students
who register later than three days after classes begin are charged
a late registration fee of $3.00. No student may register for or
enter a course later than .two weeks after the beginning of classes.
In registering, care ~hould\betaken to include the Lower Division
requirements during the first two yms. However, if such registration is delayed beyond the second year, a student will neither be
required nor permitted to register beyond the allowed number of
credit hours per semester in order to make it up.
No credit will )begiven a student for any subject for which he
has not registered. The college reserves the right to cancel any
course for which there is not sugcient registration.
Registration means that the student accepts all the rules and
regulations established by the school.
The normal registration is 16 credit hours. A credit hour is
defined as one recitation period a week throughout a semester.
The privilege of registering for more than 17% credit hours
may be granted only to students who have gained an average
record of By or two honor points per credit, in their previous
college studies. Exceptions to this rule may be made under certain
conditions determined by the Admissions and Scholarship Committee. No student is permitted to carry work for more than
20 credits per semester.
Students working part-time are urged to arrange the amount of
their registration accordingly.
In case a student desires to make any changes in his registration,
he must obtain a form from the Registrar's oflice on which he may
make application, stating clearly his reasons for desiring the change.
Approval of the teachers concerned and the student's adviser
and the Registrar must be obtained before a change will be permitted. A course which is abandoned without being cancelled through
the Registrar's Oilice will result in a grade of F.
Changes of registration which involve the adding of courses
cannot be made later than two weeks after the beginning of classes.
Changes which involve canceling a course cannot be made after
the middle of the semester.
A fee of $1.00 is charged for each change of registration after
the lbeginning of the second week of classes.
A student who finds it necessary to leave school before the end
of a semester must cancel his registration at the Registrar's o6ce
in order to remain in good standing.
By arrangement with the University of Minnesota, students may
register for courses at the University. But such registration will
not be allowed unless the student has a grading of C average, or
I honor point per credit, in his courses at Augsburg. Also, the
combined number of credits in any semester must not exceed 17.
The credits thus gained a t the University may be transferred to
Augsburg College and counted towards graduation.
In order to be classified in one of the college classes, a student
must be carrying a minimum of twelve hours of work in which
college credit is given.
Classification is based on the attainment of the following number of credit hours together with an equal number of honor points:
Sophomore, 24; Junior, 58; Senior, 92.
Classification for the Catalog, the Student Directory, and for
all other purposes is determined by this regulation.
Probation and Elimination
There will be a meeting of the Admissions and Scholarship Cornrnittee a t the end of each semester to consider students who are
doing unsatisfactory work, in order to drop from the rolls those
students for whom further attendance is deemed inadvisable.
Freshmen who obtain honor point ratios of .5 or below, Sophomores
.6 or below, and Senior College students .8 or below, as well as
students with 6 or more credits of F, at the end of a semester are
placed on probation during the semester that follows. They remain on probation until an honor point ratio of I is attained for
one semester. A student is not allowed to remain in college on
probation for more than two semesters consecutively, except by
special permission.
In order to be eligible for membership in inter-collegiate athletics, a student must have obtained in his last semester a passing
grade in at least 12 hours of college work, 6 of which must be C
or better.
Class Attendance
Regular attendance in class is required. Students who h d it
necessary to be absent because of illness or for other reasons should
confer with their teachers.
Students are expected to arrange the hours of part-time employment so that work does not contlict with classes. Any exception
to this rule must be agreed to by the teacher of the class affected
and must be approved by the Dean of the College.
A record of attendance is kept by each teacher, and periodic
reports are submitted to the Registrar. A t the end of the semester,
a record is made of the total absences of each student for the
Absences for tours, field trips and other instructor-arranged
activities are cleared with the Dean of the College. Lists of participants, with information as to exact periods albsent, are issued
by rhe Dean to all instructors involved.
Teachers deal wirh tardiness as they see fit. Students arriving in
class late must assume responsibility for reporting their presence
to the teacher.
Students are urged to plan their work well from the very beginning since tests are given periodically throughout the semester.
During the first part of each semester reports of the grades attained
are made to the Registrar and the counselors. In addition to this,
h d reports are made at the close of each semester.
Regular written examinations are held at the close of each semester. N o student or class may arrange to take a h a 1 examination
in any course before the examination week.
Absence from a final examination without a s d c i e n t reason
will result in a grade of failure in the course concerned.
A student who has to be absent from a h a 1 examination because of a conflict with outside work from which he cannot obtain an excuse may arrange to take such an examination during
some period after the time on which the subject is scheduled.
If a student has obtained permission from the proper authorities
to take a h a 1 at another hour than the one scheduled, he is charged
a fee of two dollars for such an examination. The fee is to be
paid to the Treasurer of the school, and, before the student takes
an examination, he must obtain a statement from the Registrar's
oflice and bring it to the teacher concerned. The teacher will give
no examination before he has this statement.
A condition or an incomplete received at the end of the semester
must be removed within the first five weeks of classes of the following semester of attendance or within a year if the student has
not 're-enrolled. Extension of this time may be made by the Registrar's Of3ice in cases of illness. If incompletes and conditions are
not removed within the time allowed, the condition automatically
becomes a failure and the incomplete may be changed to a passing
grade only when the average of the previous work is suf3iciently
high. The final grade after the condition examination is taken
may not be higher than D A fee of $2.00 is charged for an examination making up an incomplete or a condition received at the
end of a semester.
Comprehensive examinations may be ,permitted in courses in
which the Admissions and Scholarship Committee feels the student
has adequate preparation or background. Students who wish to
take a comprehensive examination must apply in writing to this
committee. When permission is granted, the necessary approval
forms may be secured at the oilice of the Registrar. A fee of $5.00
is charged for each examination and must be paid in advance.
Examination questions and the answers will be filed in the Registrar's oilice.
Grade Values
g honor points per credit
%Very good, 2 honor points per credit
I honor point per credit
M a s s a b l e , no honor points per credit
F -Failure, minus I honor point per credit
I -Incomplete
In order to qualify for the Bachelor of Arts degree, certain requirements must be met with regard to credits, courser, and
grades. A student who ~ l a n sto graduate from Augsburg is urged
to study the requirements as outlined in this section of the catalog
and: in the department in which he plans to major. It is the responsibility of the student to see that he includes the required
subjects at the right time in his program of studies. The faculty
advisers, .&e Dean, and the Registrar will gladly assist him in planning his program.
Lower Division
For a proper distribution of subjects among the fundamental
fields of knowledge the following credits are required of all students in the Lower Division, laying rhe basis for study in profescollege education.
sional fields or for a
credits each semester
English: Course 1-2 or 3-4
6 credits
Students exempted from Freshman English must earn
6 credits in literature.
3 credits
Speech: Course I I
Foreign Language
8 credits
Students who have studied a foreign language for
three years in high school and students with majors in
Home Economics are exempted from &is requirement.
Social Sciences: Hist. I -2, 2 I, 22, or SOC.
credits in Sociology, or Phil. I 5 , I 6
Natural kiences
and 3 other
6 credits
8 credits
Health and Physical Education: Courses 2, 3 and 4
3 credits
Students with majors in Home Economics will substitute H. Ec. 68 for P. E. 2.
Psychology required in certain fields
Orientation required of all Freshmen
4 credits
Upper Division
A student is required to complete a major and one or more
minors for graduation. The major subject is determined by the
student's aims as well as by his particular interests and aptitudes
as shown in the quality of work he does in the Lower Division.
It is well for the student to know in his Freshman year what
major ' h e of study he will pursue. Students who are still undecided as to their major choice when they appear for registration in
the junior year, should, before they register, consult with a faculty
counselor and with heads of the various departments to determine
their field of major work. In planning the major, a student is required to consult with the Head of the Department offering the
major. Majors are offered in the following areas: Religion, Philosophy, Greek, English, Speech, Music, History, Sociology, Social
Science, Business Administration, Business Education, Home Economics, Biology, Chemistry, Natural Science, Mathematics, and
Physical Education.
For major and minor requirements as to hours of credit see
departmental statements.
Electives are planned with the purpose of properly distributing
a student's choices among the fundamental fields of knowledge and
culture, as well as among the correlatives of the major. Upper
Division students should, as a rule, choose their electives from
courses designated as Upper Division Courses. At least thirty
credits in Upper Division Courses must be completed for graduation. Courses numbered 50 or above are designated as Upper Division Courses.
The amount of work required for graduation comprises a
minimum of 128 credits with an average grade of C, or one honor
point for each credit taken. A credit equals one recitation period
a week throughout one semester.
Honor points are computed at the rate of one honor point for
each credit with a grade of C, two honor points for each credit
with a grade of B, and three honor points for each credit with a
gade of A.
In order to qualify for the A.B. degree a student must demonstrate a proficiency in the writing and speaking of English.
To receive the A.B. degree the candidate must spend at least
the concluding year for such a degree in residence.
The A.B. degree with distinction is conferred as follows:
Average honor pointa
per credit
Summa Cum Laude
Magna Cum Laude
Cum Laude
Only students who have spent at least two years in residence
are eligible for honors.
In order to receive a recommendation for graduate work, a
student must attain an average grade of By or two honor points
per credit.
The following courses of study are outlined as guides for the
student and his adviser in planning a program which will prepare
him for tbe vocation of his choice.
Tbe Christiafi Ministry
Completion of the pre-seminary curriculum qualifies the student
for admission into the three-year course in the Theological Seminary, which prepares students for the Christian ministry as pastors
or missionaries. The following program gives the approximate
pre-seminary course. Separate curriculums have been worked out
by which a student may major in History, or Philosophy, or English, or Sociology. The student should seek the counsel of the
Seminary adviser as early as possible, as variations according to
the major chosen may affect the choice of courses even in the
Freshman year.
The Seminary adviser for candidates for Augsburg Seminary is
Mr. Stensvaag, for candidates for other Seminaries, Mr. Helland.
Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Health .......................
Physical Education . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Freshman English ..............
Foreign Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
hropcan Civilization . . . . . . . . . . .
or Natural Science. 8 Cr.
kiobgy .....................
speech ....................
Natmal Science . . . . . . . . . . . . .
or English Literature, 6 Cr.
New Testament Greek.. . . . . . .
Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
History ....................
or English Literature, 6 Cr.
Typewriting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
New Testament Greek.. ........
Foreign Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Humanities or Philosophy. . . . . . . .
History or English . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hymns of the Churoh.. . . . . . . . . .
Electives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Youth Work in the Church.. . . . .
Principles of Christian Education. ..
History or English.. . . . . . . . . . . .
Philmphy or Logic... . . . . . . . . . .
Economics or Education or Political
Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
English (for major or minor). . . .
Electives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The foreign language requirement includes 16 semester credits
in Greek, and 14 semester credits in Latin, German, or Norwegian.
Parish and Missionary Workers
The purpose of this course is to train men and women for effective service in the Church at home or abroad; that is, as teachens
in vacation, week-day and Sunday schools, as youth leaders, and
as parish workers. The course is so arranged that the student will,
upon its satisfactory conclusion, receive the A.B. degree and also
a certificate indicating that he is a qualified parish worker.
Students interested in becoming parish workers should consult
with Mr. Stensvaag, parish work adviser.
The suggested schedule provides for a minor in Religion and
makes it possible to plan for a major in History, English or Sociology. It is also possible ta plan for a major in Religion with a
minor in Home Economics or some other field. The courses essential for the securing of the Parish Worker's Certificate are itdctzed
in the outline below.
Bmic Bible . . . . . . . . . . .
Freshman English . . . . . .
Natural Science . . . . . . .
Typewriting . . . . . . . . . .
Principles of Sociology . .
So&l Problems . . . . . . .
Orientation . . . . . . . . . . .
Phpical Activities . . . . .
Electives . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Beginning Public Speaking . . . . . . . 3
Types of Plcblic Spcecb.. . . . . . . . . 3
Foreign Language
Electives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Tbe Missionary Enterprise . . . . . . . .
Principles of Christian Edwatim . . .
Tbe Christian Churches . . . . . . . . .
Tbe Lutheran Cbnrch . . . . . . . . . . .
Social Psychology or Urban Sociology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Acting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Story Telling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Elemumkry Shorthand . . . . . . . . . . .
Recreational Activities . . . . . . . . . . .
General Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Health ........................ z
First Aid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Electives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Parish Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Youth W i d in the C h r c h . . . . . .
Educational Psychology . . . . . . . . .
Hymlrr and Mwic of tbe Chnrcb.
Fandamentalr of J w m h . . . . .
Craf tr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fields of Social Work. . . . . . . . . . .
Secretarial Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Electives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 3
Each state ,sets certain requirements for obtaining a teacher's
c e d c a t e . The course outlined below satisfies the requirements for
a c e d c a t e for high school teaching in Minnesota. The same p r e
gram will meet the demands set by most of the neighboring states.
The m d m t should apply to the Department of Education for
admission to the Education curriculum during his Sophomore
year. Admission will be determined by a committee on rhe
basis of scholarship and other qua~cations. In addition to departmental majors, broad majors for teaching may be secured in
natural science, social science, and business education.
' ~ e l i ~ i o n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
\ F r e h t m ~ n ~ l i r.h. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
E m p a n Civiliz&on . . . . . . . . . . . 6
\3Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
~ o r r i g a-ge
or N.N.~
Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Speech ....................... 3
. . . . . . . . . . .Foreign
. . . Language
. . . I or N a d
phpricd Edmcadon , . . . . . . . . . . ., I
Saence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
T q
h l t h ........................ 2 \I ~sychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Electmcs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Electives . . . . . . . . .
- 13
C .7.,
Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Educarional Pqchology . . . . . . . . . 3
Twhinng in High School.. ....... 3
W p h y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Group Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
in Major or Minor.- . . . .14
Principlw of Guidm-. . . . . - . . . . . 3
History and Philosophy of
Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Student Teaching . . . . . . . . . . 4 or 5
Special T&g
....... 3
Electives ..................... .I4
The program in bminesc administration is intended for students
who are planning for work in the fields of bwiness and industry.
The course affords thorough preparation for a business vocation
and r d t a in a Bachelor of A r t s degree.
Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Freshman English ............... 6
European C i v h t i o n or Sociology. . 6
Principles of Accounting . . . . . . . . . 6
Foreign Language .............. 8
Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . z
Physical Education .............
Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
United Statca History . . . . . . . . . . 6
h Law .................. 3
Advanced Accounting . . . . . . . . . . 3
Business Finance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Money and Banking . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Speech ...............
Natural Science ........
Psychology ............
Principles of Economics . .
Introduction to Statistics.
Elective credits . . . . . . . . .
Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Marketing or Production . . . . . . . . 3
Labor and Management Relations . . 3
Public Finance and Taxation . . . . . . 3
Elective credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 1 9
Secretarial Work
Preparation for teaching [businesssubjects in high school requirca
work in the departments of Business Admidstration and Secre6 1 Studies An outline of the requirements in business education appears under the Department of Seoretarial Studies
The first year of ihe following program provides preparation for
certain oflice positions Completion of the second year provides
more advanced training A student who has had similar coursed
in high school may be admitted to advanced classes on the basis of
a proficiency test
Pint Year
Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fmhman E n g U . . . . . . .
Elementary Shorthand . . .
Elementary Typewriting .
Intermediate Typewriting
P.rinciplea of AccoUdn'g .
Phyniul Education ......
Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Electives . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Second Year
Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
speech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Advanced Typewriting . . . . . . . . . . z
Advanced Shorthand ............ 4
Psydlology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Secretarial Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
O9ice Machines ................ 2
Coneumer Edocttion ............ z
Electives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
V o c a t in
~ Home EEmwmics
From the vocational point of view, the work in the Department
of Home Economics is intended to prepare students for homemaking, to equip them for the teaching of home economics in
high school, and to give them the &st two years of the training
required for such vocations as dietetics, institution management,
home economics in business, home economics and journalism, and
home economics extension.
Each student who plans for a vocation in this field should consult members of the home economics staff about the details of the
program when she lbegins her college work. A curriculm for a
home economics education major is given lklow. Courses in italics
are not required for a general home economics major.
Religion . . . . . . . . . . .
Physical Education . . . .
English . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Principles of Physics. . .
Principles of Chemistry
Art in Daily Living. . . .
Clothing Selection . . . .
Nutrition . . . . . . . . . . .
Clorhiig Construction .
Speech . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Religion . . . . . . . . . . .
Psychology . . . . . . . . .
Economics . . . . . . . . . .
Marriage and Family
Principles af Sociology
Anatomy . . . . . . . . . .
Child Development . .
Foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Electives . . . . . . . . . . .
Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Educational Psychology . . . . . . . . .
Group Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Teaching in High School.. . . .
Bacteriology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Textiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Color and Design . . . . . . . .
Home Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Family Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Electives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Special Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Student Teaching . . . . . . . . . . . .
Principles of Guidance . . . . . . . .
History and Philosophy of Educa-
Home Management Problems. . . .
Home Management Laboratory. .
Advanced Clothing Construction
Electives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Electives must be in the minor field which the student selects.
Preparation for the study of dentistry can generally be completed in two years. The following schedule will meet the ordinary
requirements for admission.
Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
F r e h m n Englhh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Inorganic and Qualitative ChemLtry
Inuoduciiom to Mathematical Aa-
. .. ... .. . ... .. . . . . . .. .. I 0
orientadon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
H d t h . . . . . .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. . . . . 2
Physical Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . .
European C i v h t i o n . . . . . . . . . . .
Zoology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Organic Chemistry . . . . . . . . - . - .
General Physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Most hospitals prefer that applicants to their nurses training
schooIs have at least one year of college. In many instances, two
or more years of college work would be desirable. A twu-year
schedule may be arranged with the Registrar for those planning
to enter the School of Nursing at the University of Minnesota.
Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Freshman English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
N s d Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - 8
.. . .. . . ... . . . . . . . . . 4
r'qSodob8p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . 6
Elanen01 of Nutridon.. . . . . . . . . . 3
orht8tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
W M Educstiw . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- 4
History or Politid Science-. . . . . . 6
. .. . .. ... .. . . . . . . . . . 6
Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
N a d
Physical Education . . . . . . . .
Electives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The following courses of the School of Nursing of the Lutheran
Deaconess Hospital, Minneapolis, Minnesota, are offered at Augsburg College. This is a part of the three-year course offered by
the hospital. Application for admission to the School of Nursing
should ;be made to the Lutheran Deaconess Hospital, Minneapolis,
First Year
Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . z
Anatomy and Physiology.. . . . . . . 4
B o c ~ l o g y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
a d t r y
Second Year
Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 2
Sociology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . .
Medical T e c h l o g y
Students may complete a course leading to the Bachelor of Arts
degree with a major in Medical Technology by completing three
years of work at Augsburg College and twelve months at General
Hospital, Minneapolis. This course prepares them for examination
for certification in Medical Technology. It is recommended that
students in this curriculum choose a minor in an unrelated field.
The following program is suggested.
Religion . . . . . . . . . .
Freshman English . .
General Zoology . . .
Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
horganic and Qualitative Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
General Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . .
S p e d ........................
Foreign Language ..............
Electives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
sacialsciexlce . . . . .
Orientatkn . . . . . . .
.Health . . . . . . . . . . .
Physical Education
Electives .........
-Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
h d y d c a l Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Bacteriology . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . 4
l%lecrives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0
Lectnres, laboratory and pmcticd
work at General 1for
twelve months.
A student may take two full years of pre-engineering at Augsburg More transferring. The course outlined below applies to the
fields of aeronautical, electrical, agricultural, civil, industrial, and
mechanical engineering and engineering mathematics at the University of Minnesota. The chemistry and chemical engineering
programs will be slightly different.
Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Freshman English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Introduction to Mathematical Andy& . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lo
Engineering Drawing and Descriptive Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
General Physics ................ 8
Orientation .................... I
Physical Education ............. I
Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r
Elementary Calculus and Differential Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IOI
Modem Physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:
Electricity and Magnaism . . . . . . . 4
Inorganic and Qualitative Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:
Survey of European Civilization or
Principles of Sociology and Social
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.
Statics may be taken at the University of Minnesota in the first
quarter of the junior year, except for the course in civil engineering, in which case it must (be taken in summer session.
The following two-year program is planned especially to meet
the needs of students who purpose to transfer to the Law School!
at the University of Minnesota. It is p s i b l e to modify the program for admission to other law schools.
Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Freshman English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
P.&ciplea of Aammtiug. ......... 6
Hnmanitk .................... 6
Eozopean Ci...........6
O r i e n h ....................
He4lrh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pbpkd Activitk ..............
Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r.
chIis&n Ethiu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2P,k&p1ea of Ecanomkr... . . . . . . . 6.
American Government ........... 6
Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
History of Philomphy.. . . . . . . . . . .3;
General Psychlogy . . . . . . . . . . . . . +
HistoryofEngland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
speech or sociology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . f
bat: Q I I ~ gtadsnts
~ C ~& &d btamtol
~ p ~ t h e i r ~ w o r k . M a f ' e e n ~ ~
The f ~ ~ g p r o g mwdl
mmee the requkrmts af mosr m d h l
dm&, bcft 5 is a d v i d e for &ti atudtnt to m d y tbe reg*men@of the medid dm1 to which he plans to a&.
Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Freshman English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Inorganic and Qualitative Chernistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
introduction to Mathematical Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Health ........................ z
Physical Education ............. I
Religion ......................
History or Phdomphy ........... 6
Zoology ..............,....... 8
Psychology ....................
Qualitative Analyaia ............ q
Quantitative Analysin ? .
, ...... 5
Speech .................. , ..... 3
Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
d Science ..................
German .......................
Organic Chemistry .............
Phyeica .......................
Religion ....................... 4
Sociology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
German ....................... 6
Physical Chemistry ... , , ........ I
Genetics ...................... 4
Electives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ro
Social Wad
For students who plan to enter the field of social work the following program is suggested. The same program is appropriate
for those who plan to enter graduate training in this field.
Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Freshman English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
/ European Civilization . . . . . . . . . . . @
Principles of Sociology. . . . . . . . . . . 3
Natural Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Orientation ................... I
Health ........................ r
Physical Educaaon . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Electives . . . . . . . . . . .
Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Principles of Economics . . . . . . . . .
Sociology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . .
History of Philosophy.. . . . . , . . .
Electives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
American Government . . . . . . 6
Foreign Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sociology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . -6
Speech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
................. , 4
.................... 3
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..16
Students who plan to enter the Social Work Field should consult the major adviser in the Sociology Department relative to
recommended courses, minors, and electives.
A program whereby a Deaconess candidate can prepare for service in the areas of parish work, social service, high school teaching, missionary work, nursing, or secretarial work may (be arranged in consultation with the Directing Sister of the Lutheran
Deaconess Home, the Dean of Women, and the Registrar.
Divisional Organization
College courses are organized into four divisions in order to
make interdepartmental coordination more convenient and cooperative aims more easily achieved. A chairman is appointed for
each division.
Major and minor requirements are indicated in the departmental
Mr. Stensvaag, Chm'rmsn
Mr. Olson,-C
Greek, Latin, Hebrew
English, Journalism, Speech
German, Scandinavian, French, Spanish
Music, Art
OF THE SOGSCIENCES Mr. Quanbeck, Chairman
-.-History, Political Science, Sociology
Education, Psychology
Library Science
Business Administration and Economics, Secretarial Studies
Home Economics
Biology, Chemistry, Physics
Health and Physical Education
Mr. Nash, Chairman
Courses of Study
Courses marked I are offered &st semester
Courses marked I1 are offered m n d semester
Division of Religion and Philosophy
Through the rtudy of religion and philosophy, the individual ia apprised of
and encouraged to build an the certainties of the
Chrktian faith. The work proceeds on the usumptim that Christianity alone
can furnish a unifying principle which givea meaning to human existence. The
s t u d e a t ia challenged to accept chis +t
of view--to relate himself to Christ
aa the center, to evaluate a l l him studies and experiences in the light of revealed
and to make a consistent use of all his talents and training. The goal to
be desired ia the development of an informed and integrated Christian personality dedicated to the realization of God's kingdom on earth.
tbe central realities of Me
Department of Religion
The courses in Religion are designed to give the student a working knowledge of the Bible, to acquaint him with the &tory, doctrines, and ethics of the
&I&, and .m prepare him for effective aervice in the congregation. The funh , d aim in inrtruction is to lead as many as possible to penond faith in
Christ, and to nurture the Christian life.
All full time d e n t s are required to register for two clam houm per week
in one of the COoffered in religion during each runeater of their rtudiea.
Raghtration in New Tutament Greek sa&es tb.ia requirement.
Major, 2 8 credits; Minor, 2 2 credits. Credits in New Testament Greek, except the first semester, Course I , may be applied toward a Religion major
or minor.
4 Cr.
A brief introduction to the Bible followed 'by the rtudy of the Goepel of M u k
and of one or two books in the Old Testament. The second semeater i, devoted
to the study of two or three ;books in the New Testament, including Romans,
and of brief portions from the Old Testament. Reading assignments include
the entire ~ e ; Testament.
I, 2.
s Cr.
A brief nuvq of the main eveno in the hbtory of the Church for dw purp o b ~of developing r more intelligent and appreciative church membenhip.
2 0.
A s d y of the Christian faith in its relatiomhip to the secular movemenm
and rival faith of modern Western civilization. The course is designed to give
to the c d e n t m undemanding, fmm the stadpoint of the Chriaisn faibh,
of the prerent co&ts and criser in Western culture.
s Cr.
The &nary
motives, means, and r d t s are studied as thae are seen in their
varied emphases in the history of missionary work in heathen lands. (Offered
r Cr.
Seelu to develop a fundamental understanding of Christina Education, io
history, abjectives, and methods, especially as applied to Sunday School and
Vacation Bible School teaching.
2 Cr.
The lives of outstanding Christian men and women from the d a p of Christ
until the prwent are studied. Special repom, clam discussion.
The problems of human duty arc studied in the light of various human philosophiu of morals. Validity ia determined by reference to the Word of God.
The maiu emphasis is on the new life in Christ, io creation, development and
preservation, and its manifestation in the various p h e s of life.
See Course 10 under che Department of Music.
See Course $ 3 under Education.
Upper Division Colcrses
4 Cr.
A study of the origin, growth, teachings, and social rutrlw of wme ten or
twelve of the great non-Christian relighna of the world
z a.
Thb coorre lime to give the student an insight into the origin, dcrelopment,
docvinrl ponition, and practices of the various branches of the C h r h h Church.
$4. THE Lurnunw GXURCH.
2 Cr.
A study of the Lutheran Church, ita doctrines and practicer. Attention m
given to L u t h e d in America and to the basic principles of the Lutherra
F m churck.
2 CI.
A wnnideration of some of the fundamental quertiona connected with living
the Christian life: such as, the ysurancc of salvation, the devotionrl life, sandu& of conduct, the me of the Bible, stewardship, choice of vocation, life in the
local wngrcgation. The Epistle to the Philippians is studied.
5 5.
z Cr.
A rtlrdy of principles, methods, and m a t e d in youth work for the purpae of derJoping d e e d r e Chrirtian leadenhip in thir sphere.
PI~PNwou. L
Thb e o ~ ueka
to f m d k h the student with &e work of
tion a d Gution. St range in mpc from
4 be mpplunmtcd by n c d fieM work.
2 Cr.
parish orgmizlroul-can to surveys. Clm lecmres
z cr.
The rich and varied aspects of the Hebrew life with God discovered and
made aipdicant for our day through the study of
number of g n a t passages,
including selections in Isaiah and the Psalms.
2 ~ r .
A discovery of the essence of the Christian Faith through a careful study of
representative sections, including passages in the Gospel of John and the Letters
to the Ephesians and the Hebrews.
Department of Philosophy
The courses in p & h P h y seek to assist the student in becoming familiar
with the thoughts of the B r a t men and intellectual movements in the history of
Werrtcm ~~~, to create a n understanding of the principles of sound reasoning, and to develop a Christian philosophy of life.
Major, 24 credits. Minor, 16 credits. Courses 25, 26, 41, 42, 58 are required
for the major. Courses 41, 42 arc required for the minor.
15, 16. TIIEH U M A N ~IN
WESTFXN no^. I, I,.
A m e y course dcPling with th dmcbpment of W~utcrnthought
6 Cr.
u rdlected
in outrrroding workr in the &I&
of p h p h y , litcprturr, political and aocial
thought, religion, md the am Thc m is a~ccptcdin fulfillment of the
Lower Division requirement in the Social Sciences. (OfFered 195 5-5 6.)
SO. I.
3 Cr.
By means of reading selected source material, supplemented by classroom lecture and discusion, the student i s acquinttd with the terminology of philosophical dhcuion. Selected phiIoscrphifd problems are treated, including those
of ethics, rnetn~hysia,and theory of knowledge.
26. LOGIC.So. 11.
valid inference. Topics considered inA study of the formal rules
clude: immediate inference, syllogism, scientific method, and a brief introduction to the notation of symbolic logic.
6 cr.
An historical mrvey of the outstanding men and movemenu in the develop
ment of philosophical thought from the Greeks through Kant.
41, 42.
Upper Division Courses
51, 52. C o x m w m RELIGION.I, IL
See course 5 I, 5 2 under Department of Religion.
5 4 ~ O L OF
Jr., Sr.
See c o w 54 under Political Science.
PHILOSOPHY.Prereq. 42, I.
3 Cr.
An historical survey of the main currents of philosophical thought since h t .
Topics dealt with include: German idealism and romanticism, existentialism,
Marxism, positivism, and pragmatism. (Offered 1954-55.)
X I E R ~ G A A RPrereq.
41 or 42. 11.
3 crA study of selected writings of the Danish existentialist with emphasis on his
contribution tci &wry of knowledge as it relates to philosophy of religion and
theology. (Offered 1954-55.)
5 8. TO. Prereq. 41.11.
3 Cr.
A careful study and analysis of a number of the dialogues of Plato, including
selected portions of the Republic. (Offered 195 5-5 6.)
OF ART. n.
3 Cr.
The spirit and substance of art and the art experience in their various forms
through demonstrations, lectures, and readings in the philosophy of art. (Offered 1955-56.)
3 Cr.
61. PHILOSOPHYOF RELIGION.Prereq. 3 credits in Philosophy. I.
An inquiry into the nature of religious faith and the religious experience
from the viewpoint of philosophy and psychology. ( m e r e d 1955-56.)
Division of the Humanities
The Division of the Humanitier ~ e k to
s pas^ on to the coming gcnaation
a knowledge and interest in the field of the human cultural inheritance of the
ages, and to give to each student the development that come, from finding hh
place within this culture. The Division creeks to promote the knowledge of there
t r e m of maukind, in language, literature, and the fine arts, and to connect
their expression and growth with the basis of Christian faith and life.
Department of Classical Lampages
The courier in the c l d c a l languages aim to tnin .the rtrrdent to master f o r m
and syntax, to acquire solme facility in translation, and to get mme insight into
clmical culture and its bearing ,upon the present.
Some knowledge of Latin is essential for the study of linguistics and for the
underatanding of historical documents and scientXc terms. A knowledge of
New Testament Greek ic a prerequisite in standard Theological Seminaries.
Major, 24 credits; minor, 16 credits.
A course in New Testament Greek satisfies the religion requirement for
the raneater in which it ir taken. Except for C o m e I in the h a t -ester,
in New Testament Greek may be applied toward a Religion major or minor.
I, R.
8 0.
Text: New Testament Greek for Beginners, J. G. Machen. In addition to a
study of the theoretical and practical grammar, the course will cover the manuscript transmission of the N. Testament Greek text, with the description of the
main Uncial Mss. and ancient versions.
Upper Division Caurses
f I,
52. fin,AND ACTS I-=.
53, 54.
8 Cr.
8 Cr.
These courses in the Upper Division give special emphasis to parsing, syntax,
and exegesis of the Greek text. Courses 5 I, 52 will be offered in 1955-56;
'xmrs= 53, 54 in 1954-55.
w n t i n u a t i o n course. To receive credit for this course, a student must complete
both semesters.
Grammar, e q prone, c o e t i o n . A year's course.
8 0.
6 Cr.
Continuation of grammar and syntax. Reading of Caesar's Gallic War and
St. Augustine's Confessions. ( H e r e d 1955-5 6.)
3, 4.
83-84.? Hmmw FOR BEGINNERS.I, TI.
See Theological Seminary, No. 9-10.
6 Cr.
8 5, 86. HEBREW
See Theological Seminary, No. 17, 18.
4 Cr.
Department of English
The Department of English aims to train the student in the proper use of
English in oral and written expression; to increase proficiency in reading and
note-taking and handling thought materials; ,to develop a deeper understanding
of the fundamental truths and realities of life revealed in great literature; and
to integrate all these purposes through the principles of Christianity.
The department prepares specijically for the teaching of English in secondary
schools and for graduate study.
Freshman English, courses 1-2 or 3-4, required of all and prerequisites to
other courses in the department. (Students exempted from Freshman English
must register for 6 credits above Freshman English.)
Major: 26 credits above Freshman English, including courses 21, 22, 74, 91-92;
6 credits in American literature; and 2 credits in writing (courses 25, 26,
Journ. I, or Journ. 3).
Minor: 18 credits above Freshman English, including courses 21, 22, 74, 9192; and 3 credits in American literature.
Teaching major: 26 credits above Freshman English; courses l i e d for nonteaching major plus 71.
Teaching minor: 18 credits above Freshman English, including courses 21,
22, 71, 91-92; and 3 credits in American literature.
A minor in speech or library science is recommended for those who plan to
teach English in high schools.
Students who plan to do graduate work in English should include courses
7 5 and 76.
+Continuation course. To receive credit for this course, a student must complete
both semesters.
o Cr.
For students who do not meet the minimum requirements i n the entrance
English tests. Emphasis placed on the basic principles of writing and correct
English usage. One double period per week. Wered in connection with English I.
o Cr.
A developmental program for students who wish to improve speed and comprehension in reading. Open to all students. Limited enrollment.
6 Cr.
For students attaining the required standard in the entrance English tests.
A study of language, composition, and literature. Themes and research papers.
6 Cr.
For students who attain a high score in the entrance English tests. Interpretation of reading materials and frequent compositions.
6 Cr.
Reading, analysis, and discussion of some of the world's great cllssics, selected
on the basis of a unifying theme. Techniques of fiction, poetry, and drama.
21, 22.
EXPOSITORYWRITING. I. Prereq. 1-2 or 3-4.
2 Cr.
The practice of logical thinking, organization, and expression as related to
exposition and argumentation through the writing of original and research
papers. Reading and analysis of models.
WRITING.TI. Prereq. 1-2 or 3-4.
2 Cr.
Practice in description and especially narration from direct observation and
experience. Supplementary study of the technique and contemporary practice
of the short story. Individual and group projects.
Upper Division Colcrses
so. CORRECTIWWRITING. Offered both semesters.
I Cr.
Required of 211 students who show insufficient ability in the sophomore English
examinations. Designed to develop correctness in writing.
6 Cr.
The growth of American literature from colonial times to the present. Its
themes, techniques, and place in intellectual movements. (Offered 1955-56.)
5 I, 5 2.
3 Cr.
A study of the art of the short story and the novel in America, concentrating upon the major writers. ( m e r e d 1954-55.)
5 3.
3 Cr.
Selections from the major American poets from the colonial to the modern
period, with s u e s placed on the Romantic period. Attention t o the major historical, philosophical, and literary movements. (Wered 1954-55.)
W n t i n u a t i o n course. To receive credit for this course, a student must complete
both semesters.
2 Cr.
See course 55 under the Department of Scandinavian Language and Literatarc.
(Offered 1954-55.)
5 5.
D w . II.
7. Cr.
See course 56 under the Department ob Scandinavian Language and Literature.
(Offered 1954-55.)
2 Cr.
The development of the novel in England. A study of the major novelires
and their novels. (Offered 195 5-5 6.)
The development of Romanticism in England between
3 Cr.
1798 and 1832. Stress
on the five major ,poem. Some attention given to the prose writers and minor
poets. (Offered 1914-55.)
~ E R A T U B B .II.
3 0Writers of the period from 1832 to 1900 in relation to the rnovemcncs in
thought and society. Emphasis placed on the two poets, Tennyson and Browning.
(Offered 1955-56.)
67. E I G H T E E
2 Cr.
The principal authors from Dryden to Blake. Discussion of literary moremenu and historical backgrounds.
2 Cr.
A study of same basic historical texts, with emphasis on the principles and
issues which have special relevance for modern thought.
3 cr.
The rtudy of American English vocabulary, sounds, and grammar. Decigned
to give prospective high-school English teachers an introduction to the study
of language.
Reading of some of the plays. Attention given to the principles of drama
and the ,historical background.
z Cr.
A study of Milton's major poems and selected prose worka in relation to the
important intellectual movements of the seventeenth century. (Wered 19$5 -5 6.)
2 Cr.
Chaucer's poetry in relation to the thought and culture of the Middle Ages.
Emphasis on The Canterbury Tales. (Offered 1954-55.)
2 cr.
A survey of the chief dramatists from the time of h e n . Representative plap
studied as literature and as theater. (Ogered 1954-55.)
~ h n ~ n n u11
2 Cr.
The more important literary movements of the present century in England,
concentrating on leading anthon and notable productions.
2 Cr.
Designed to acquaint the student with the methods and problems of bibliography and research. Selected topics in American and British literature. Limited to seniors.
See course 93 under Education.
% Cr.
z Cr.
An introdncdon to the theory and practice of journalism. When pursued in
connection with Tbc Augsburg Ecbo or Tbc Augsburgian an additional credit
may be earned. See courses 4 to 7.
z Cr.
A amtinuation of course I, in which the mechanics of newspaper production
m d d t with in detail. PmMema of ryle and policy relative to coho01 and
church pnblicidopc are studied. Participation in work of Tbe Augsburg Ecbo ir
required. (Offered 1954-15.)
2 Cr.
articles and their placement in various
The p l d g and writing of featpublications. Ability to write good English is a requirement. (mered 1955-56.)
2 Cr.
Stlldma who m regular memben of Tbe Avgrburg Ecbo S d and nho
may receive credit for ,their work must register for the weekly r d meetings.
These meetings are also open to members of course I. Hour arranged.
4~ 5.
Aylrbmgiw, STAFF ME~~INGS.
t C
Studentr who are regdar mcmben of the Augsbnrgia r d and who may
receive credit for their work must register for the scheduled weekly st& meet4,7.
Department of Speech
The speech department aims to relate the development of speech to personality with & purpose of improving the adjustment of the individual to his environment. It meks to develop skill in platform deportment and speech comporition, and .tof w e r the hzbit of critical listening. Through its comes in interp m t i v e reading and dramatics an appreciation of poetry and drama in sought.
The department offem a major in general speech which prepares the student
for the teaohing of speech in the secondary schools and for graduate work in
general apeech, radio, theater, or speech pathology.
.fiContinuation course. To receive credit for this course, a student must complete
both ouneeters.
All students are required to earn 3 credits in speech for graduation. Speech 1 1
ia designed mpecirlly for thir requirement.
Major: 21 credits above Speech 11, including comes 12, 31, 32, 11, 61, 76.
Also required is Phil. 26. English is recommended as a minor.
Minor: 15 credits above Speech 11. For Education students at least one
course Qromeach of the following groups: 12, 5 I; 3 I, 32; 61,62; 74, 76.
Open to all studena.
o Cr.
For students needing individual attention to various kinds of speech pioblemo
such as stuttering, lisping, foreign dialect, and excessive stage fright.
3 Cr.
BEGINNINGSPEECH.Fr., 50. Offered \bothsemesters.
A study of basic problems of effective speaking and critical listening, with
emphasis on informative speech.
I I.
3 Cr.
An i a d ~ # : t i o na togamenution and peramion, &usah, debate, intapretative readiug, and parliamentary procedure. Pamiciperion in various q m h g
I 2.
I Cr.
Selection and preparation of stories for various age groups. Observation and
practice in story telling. (Offered 1914-5 1.)
~ .II. Open to d 8mdantl.
The work of this group is based upon the intercollegiate debate
21, 22.
question for
the year.
I Cr.
Preparation and delivery of an original oration for collegiate oratorical contents. Arrangements to be made with the instructor.
Open to all students. I.
I V E So. I.
3 Cr.
Basic principles of oral interpretation of literature. Practice in reading various
k i d s of prose, poetry, and drama. (Wered 195 5-56.)
3 I.
3 Cr.
32. ACTING.SO. 11.
An introduction to the art of acting. Creation and presentation of scenes and
skits; participation in dramatic productions.
Upper D i v i s h Cmrses
Jr., Sr. I.
z Cr.
Principles and types of discussion. Practice in group discussion techniques.
(Offered 1954-51.)
SPEECH.Jr., Sr. 11.
54. WIO
z Cr.
Exercises and projects in preparation and production of radio programs. Emphasis on projects suitable for speech work in secondary schools. (Wered
I I, Philosophy 26. Jr., Sr. I
2 Cr.
Applicationr of logic in public address. Techniques of logical criticism, preparation and delivery of argumentative speeches and participation in debates.
(Offered 1955-56.)
2 Cr.
Prereq. 11, Psy. 3 or 5. Jr., Sr. 11.
Applications of psychology in public address. Preparation and delivery of
various kinds of persuasive speeches. (Offered 195 5-5 6.)
Jr., Sr. 11.
s Cr.
A study in scene construction, lighting, and costuming with emphasis en high
school theatrical productions. Laboratory experience in dramatic productions.
(Offered 1955-56.)
STAGEDIRECTION.Prereq. 32. Jr., Sr. 11.
2 Cr.
Theory of stage direction, exercises and projects in blocking and directing
play rehearsals. Laboratory experience in dramatic productions. ( m e r e d
2 Cr.
Prereq. Psy. 3 or 5. Jr., Sr. LI.
Principles of mental hygiene in relation to ,personality and development of
speech habits with emphasis on the role of the classroom teacher. (Offered
Jr., Sr. 11.
3 Cr.
Detection and correction of speech defects. Field trips to speech clinics;
laboratory experience in speech therapy. Designed especially for teachers and
social workers. (Offered 195 5-5 6.)
See course 95 under Education.
Department of Germatm
The general aim of the COWSCB in German is to help the student develop an
u n d d g of the Gsmm idiom and an ippreciabon of ,the ethical and
athetic d u e s contained in German literature In particular, the aim is to provide techniul training for sthe student who plans m study theology and for the
candidate for higher academic degrees.
Minor, 20 credits.
8 0.
A d y af & grammar and vocsbulary of the G e m language w h a t the
student attains a reading knowledge.
6 Cr.
This omme w n h to build up the vocabulary of thc mclent Amugh the
study of easy prose and poetry.
both -eaters.
course. To receive credit for this course, a student
must complete
Upfir Division Cmrses
5 I, 5 z. GERM~N
I, TI.
6 Cr.
Reading of standard authors. Brief survey of German literature.
Sr. I.
See course 74 under Education.
Department of Scandi~vianLanguage and Literature
This Department aims to impart to the student the knowledge of a foreign
language as a factor in stimulating a sympathetic interest in the people for
whom it is the main channel of expression. It zto aims to give the student a
working knowledge of the Norwegian language. It furthennore seeks to develop
an interest in the history of the Norwegian nce, as well as to transmit to American life the best of the cultural heritage of the Scandinavian peoples.
Minor, 24 credia.
I, n.
8 0.
Reading, translation, spelling, and exercises in writing and in pronunciation.
SO. I, TI.
6 Cb.
Further rtndy of granmmu. Reading of standard authors. Brief surrey of
Norwegian literature. Composition.
3 Cr.
A brief survey of the history of the Scandinavian peoples. (Ogered 1955-56.)
I I.
3 Cr.
A survey of social &ought and life in Scandinavia from I 8 I 5 to the present
day, studied against the background of the general cond,itions in Europe. (Offered 1955-56.)
Upper Division Co~rses
NOVEL.Prereq. 3-4, or six credits in liter2 Cr.
ature. Jr., Sr. I.
The course includes selected mveh by Jonas Lie, Sigrid Undret, Selma Lagerlef, and others. Knowledge of a Scandinavian language not required. (Ogered
DRAMA.Prereq. 3-4, or six credits in litera56. THE MODERNSCANDINAVIAN
2 Cr.
ture. Jr., Sr. 11.
The wurse includes elnmsc by 8j@tnron, h e n , and Strindberg. Knowledge
of a Scandinavian language not required. (mered 1954-55.)
Sr. I.
t(=ontinua&n course. To receive credit for this course, a student must complcb
Borh semesters.
Department of Romance Languages
T h a ~ c e ~ ~ ~ t n i m r ~ m t r r i n & ~ f o r ~ d
work, nsd bntintrr -tiom
indhigh r h l teoehing,
p t b k a u r w c o b l e h
time; and &ally, to make a contribution toward world peace by fostering in
d e n u an undemtanding of other peoples, their language, institutions, c u l ~ ,
and id&.
Minor, zo credits
8 GThe collne includes che study of French sounds and their rpelling, the erenchb of grammar, oral and written work, and the reading of suitable selections
from French literature. Offered 1954-5 5 . )
6 CrOne half of the time is devoted to the further rtudy of grunmu, cornpodtion, d oral work. JE.e other half is spent in reading repre~~ltative
French literature. (Ogered 1955-56.)
Upper Division Courses
5 I.
3 Cr-
Th couree cornprim leotarea by the inatrucmr on authon and l i t e r q moremenu of the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth e e n d u , and readingr d
reports by the students. (Offered only as an honors course for selected students.)
fr C ~ M W S ~ OIL
3 Cr.
A thorough study of French sounds, phaoetic symbols, drill an pronunciation, phonetic readings, various types of oral mrk, memorization. dictation and'
composition. (Offered only as an honors course for selected students.)
See course 78 under Education.
zo credits.
8 0.
The cotuse includes further study of grammar, oral and written work, and
e reading af rhort rtorics, novels, and plays in the Splnish language.
tQntinuacDn course. To receive credit lor thi, coune, a student
QW complete
6 Cr.
The course includes the essentiah of grammar, oral and written work, and
the r e d i g of stories in the Sp?nish language.
Upper Division Collrses
3 Cr.
The c o r n consirtr of reading and reports, a d provides a general survey of
well known Spanish and Spanish-American authors and their works. (Offered
only as an honors course for selected students.)
3 Cr.
Some further study of Spanish gmmmar is included with special emphasis on
developing the ability to use the language both orally and in writing. (Offered
only as an honors course for selected students.)
Sr. I.
I % Cr.
See course 78 under Education.
5 I.
Department of Music
Thicdeptmmtdm~iusmw&n~rtrtdcnurbam~pbm d y i n & e a ~ t i o ~ d ~ ~ ~ ~ & m o d e d t h c p t l r t r m , m
a d d i t i o n m g i i i n g ~ ~ t o b w & ~ t o ~ & a f
w d dhctam af choral md
d pjrma.lh
tLtduponthetichmwicdbodtageof r f r c ~ C Theh ~
A Graduation Major (36#edits)
the cmnple-
7, 8, 15-16, 55-56, 6 x 4 or 63-64, 6 ~ 66;
, q &&e
77, 78; and 8 credits in Agpfd M&c (hdndiog nt
of the following:
credits from 10,
z credits in piano
or organ.)
A Teaching Major (36 credits) requires the completion of the following:
I, 2, 7, 8, 15-16, 61-62'' or 63-64*, 61, 66, 87, 88; z elective credits from
77, 78; and 6 credits in Applied EAusic (including at least 2 credits in piano
or organ).
One public recital in each of the junior and senior years is required of dl
music majors.
~ t h u t h cno w .
both semesters.
To receive cradit &or thiu course, r student mwt d
* A s & t d E r = ~ h ~ M d b t & f o r b o & d o n d
~ t d ~ ~ r k U & h e t n k e o b o d ~ ~ , h i s w m k i n A
Xbaresip~facGharnlT~ac,diavoEnImoaicifhotogiamk~m e n d Technique.
A Graduation Minor (26 credits) requires the completion of the following:
7, 8, 15-16, 78; 4 elective credits from 10, 55-56, 65, 66, 77; and 6
credits in Applied Music (in which at least 2 credits must be earned in private
lessons in either vocal or instrumental music).
I, 2 ,
A Teaching Minor (26 credits) requires the completion of the following:
15-16, 61-62 or 63-64, 65, 66, 78, 87, 88, and 4 credits in Applied Music.
I, 2,
Two semester credits are given for membership for one year in the Choir, the
Chord Club, or the Band. One credit is given for membership for one y e a in
,&e M e Cham Credits are not 'granted for less &an two successive, complete
Ow credit per semester is granted to studem taking a minimum of sirteen
thirty-minute lessons per semester in either voice, piano, organ, or brass.
Fees per semester:
Choir $5.00, Choral Clvb $2.50, Voice $35.00, Piano $35.00, Organ $35.00.
Piano rental $8.00, Organ rental $20.00. Brass (private instruction) $40.00,
Brass (class instruction) $14.00.
(Ren,d entitles the student to use the instnunent for I hour per day.)
I, 11.
4 fi.
course including the basic fundamentala of music: notation, terminology.
r , > k
and melody. Special attention is given to right
tcales, intervals, triads, ih+,
ringing, ear training, elementary keyboard harmony and Lnnonic dictation.
4 Cr.
An historical approach to the appreciation of the world's greatest music.
Supplemented by musical scores and record illustrations. For students with or
without a musical background. Students should complete 7 before registering
bor 8, or have consent of instructor.
,7, 8.
OF THE Cnvacn. ILL
a Cr.
A nrrrey c o u m dealing with . h e development of the myic of the Chrhti.n
Cbrud, with &s
attention to Promtant Hymnody. Designed for the general
d e n t , the coum also will prove 'helpful to orgmirts, choir directom, and prewminirirru. The anme ir accepted aa fulfilling rhe requirement of a w m in
of rcales, intervals, and chord forniation in written
u e r k Writtin .work includes ~ ~ b n i z a t i oofn fi&d bur and given melodia u well aa opportunity for simple cmtive writing.
amme. To ieceive credit for this coruse, a student must oomplete
both semesters.
Upper Division Cwrses
monkation of +ed
bass and given melodies. Thorough study of mod&tion,
advanced chord formadom, the use of wpensionr, retardrtions, and ornunam
of m&. S h t r should have mme knowledge of piano.
Prercq. I, 2. I, IL
4 QC h intruction in string, reed, and brvr instruments, preparing the prospective public school music teacher and director for work in band and orchestra.
63-6.4.? CHORALTECHNIQUE. Prereq. I,2.
4 (3-
Clav instruction in the fundamentals of voice u related to singing, preparing
the prospective public school music teacher and director for work in vocal music.
65, 66. C~NDUCTU~G.
Jr. I, ll.
z, or z Cr. in piano, organ, or equivalent.
4 Cr.
A come designed for students planning to enter the field of public school
music, as directors of vocal or instrumental music or both, and for thore who
wish training in church choir administration and direction.
Prereq. 15-16, 5 5 . I.
z Cr.
Strict counterpoint in one, two, three and four-part writing in all the species.
Prereq. I, 2, I 5-16,1f, 77. 11.
2 Cr.
A detailed study of rhe structure and form of music, together with the study
of the harmonies constituting any musical composition.
See course 87 under Education.
See course 88 under Education.
s Cr.
z Cr.
M m s CHORUS.I, 11.
I Cr.
These organizatiom exist not only for the benefit of the music rtudent but
for anyone enrolled u a student who wishes to participate in group affording
the opportunity for musical expression. Credit not granted for 1 s than two NCcessive, complete semesters.
s Cr.
All grades of instruction are given, from elementary to the most advanced.
The methods are modem, embodying the system of arm weight and arm rotation. One thirty-plinutc lesson per week.
?Continuation course. To receive credit b r this course, a student must complete
both semesters.
ORGAN.I, 11.
z Cr.
Inrtruction in organ technique and repertoire. Basic piano technique is recommended u a foundation. One thirty-minute lesson per week.
I or 2 Cr.
Voice instruction includes correct habits of pronunciation and articulation,
breath control, flexibility, ear training in some cases, and interpretation of song
classics, both sacred and aecular. One thirty-minute lesson per week.
I, 11.
I or z Cr.
Private or class instruction on the brass instruments of the band and orchestra
is offered as follows:
a) Private instruction-ne
lent) per semester. I credit.
thirty-minute lesson per week (or its equiva-
thirty-minute lesson per week (or its equivalent)
b) Class instruction-ne
per semester, in groups of not less than three pupils. f/z credit.
I, II.
4 Cr.
Design in three-dimensional form. Modeling of portraits, human figures and
animal forms. Plaster casting. ( m e r e d 19 54-5 5.)
I , 2.
4 Cr.
Still life and landscape painting. Theory of composition and color. Problems
3, 4.
in line, form, space, color mixing, and practical problems. (Offered 1955-56.)
Division of the Social Sciences
I t is the general purpose of the work in this division to improve the student'#
u n d e r s t d i n g of human relationships and his appreciation of ,their importance
and rrhq especially in their Christian interpretation. The work pmxedhg
u n d u the d a n c e of the faculty in this division is therefore intended to develop a Bightr grade of citizenship and to improve the individual's adaption to
his vocation.
Department of History and Political S d e n c e
The work of this Department is designed to give the student an understanding and appreciation of the events, functions, motivations, and opemtiona of
the phenomcnn in the fields of History and Political Science. It affords preparation for graduate study and for teaching in secondary schools.
Major, 30 credits; minor, zr credits. Students who h a ~ ea major or minor in
History and who plan to teach in this field must include History 21 and 2s.
For non-majors, prerequisitu may be waived on consent of the instructor.
6 Cr.
This course is a rapid survey of European history from ancient times and
up to the present. Designed to lay the foundation for future work in History.
3 Cr.
See Course I I under Department of Scandinavian Language and Literature.
I I.
6 Cr.
A survey of the life of the American people, and the development of their
ideas and institutions. First semester to 1865, second semester to present.
Upper Division Cmrses
Prereq. 1-2. Jr. I.
3 Cr.
A study of the economic, social, political, cultural, and religious movements
that marked the transition from medieval to modem civilization and culture.
TO 1800. Prereq. 1-2. Jr., Sr. 11.
3 Cr.
Emphasis placed upon the constitutional development of England and the
factors which shaped the background of U. S. History. (Mered 1954-5 5.)
Jr., Sr. I.
A study of Latin America and its development.
!Continuation wune. To receive credit for this course, a student must complete
both semesters.
EUROPE. Prereq. 1-2. Jr., Sr. II.
The history of elstern Europe w i h e m p M on the development of
OF THE UNITED STATES. Prereq. 21, 22. Jr.,
3 Cr.
Sr. I.
A history of the United States from about 1900 to the present, including
consideration of international policies.
Prereq. U. S. H h or Am. Gor. Jr.,
Sr. 11.
3 cr.
A consideration of {oreign relations of the United States from the Revolutionary War to the present.
Prereq. 1-2. Jr., Sr. I.
3 Cr.
A c u l d and political history of ancient civilizations and their contn%utions
to modem cultures. (Offered I 9 5 5 - 5 6.)
Jr., Sr. 11.
3 Cr.
The development of Canada from early explorations to the present, with
special emphasis on Canadian-United .States relations. (Offered 1955-56.)
EUROPE.Prereq. 12 Cr. in Hist. I, 11. 6 Cr.
A study of international relations as affected by nationalism, socialism, industrialism, militarism, and imperialism. World War I and the rise of the totalitarian states and World War 11. (Wered 195 5 - 5 6.)
Prereq. 12 Cr. in Hist. Sr. I, 11.
6 Cr.
A surrey of recent developments in the world, stemming from the first World
War. Some study of current affairs in the light of historical investigation.
(Offered 1954-55.)
SEMINAR.Sr. I. Prereq. approval of history faculty.
z Cr.
A survey of historical writings and source material. A research project will
be required in this course. Recommended for students who plan on continuing
the study of hiitory in a graduate school.
I, . 11.
\,6 C .
Foundations of American government. A study od the Constitution and'yivil
rights, of federal, state, and local governments and their functions, and of
citizenship, popular control of government, and political parties. Contemporary
issues are stressed. Students may enter the second semester.
Upper Division Courses
3 ,Cr.
A review of American parties, their organization, methods, functions, pressure groups.
?Continuation course. To receive credit for this course, a student must complete
both smesters.
54. HISTORYOF P o u n c u THOUGHT.
Jr., Sr. 11.
A study of political philosophy and its influence and historical sigtk6tance
from ancient Greeks to the present.
!he c o m e 56 under History.
60. PUBLICFINANCE. Prereq. for Minors in Political Science, Econ. 15 or
3 Cr.
American Government. Jr., Sr. 11.
See course 60 under Busines Administration and Economics.
See course 86 under Education.
% Cr.
Combined Major in Sociul Sciences for T e o c h g
Requirement: 21 credits in History (including History 21 and 22) and
Human Geography, and 6 credits each in Sociology, Economics, and Political
Science 41-42.
Minor in Socid Science
Requirement: 6 credits each in Sociology, Economics, and Political Science
Department of Sociology
The objectives of this Department are to give the student a better understanding of the motivating farces which operate within our wuntry in particular, and in society in general. A study is made of the institutions through
which these forces make themselves operative. As a Christian college we have
the funher goal of seeking ways by which the Christian principles can be made
w have greater effectiveness upon the forces of our society. Students may prepare to teach in high school or may lay the groundwork for further preparation i n the field of social services.
Sociology major, 24 credits including Sociology I. History 1-2, or 21 and 22,
required for a sociology major or minor.
Combined Social Science major, same as requirements listed under Department
of History and Political Science.
Sociology minor, I 5 credits including Sociology I. History 1-2, or z I and 2 2
also required.
Teaching minor in Social Science, at least 6 semester credits in each of rociology, economics, and political science.
Introduction to Statistics is recommended for majors and minors in Sociology
or Social Science.
Physical Education 6 and 8 y may be approved for Sociology credit by the
Sociology Department.
A wurse in general sociology for nurses. Two lectures per week.
Fr., So. Offered both semesters.
3 GA atudy of the nature of society, its interests, attitudes, social facton, st-me, contmlr, and process of change.
2. %Brto-s.
Prertq. kc. I . Er., So. IL
3 crT%c d h c proct=w a t the mot of contempmry problems m@cr *irh
wx & p i n
of the pemml, f d y , commanity, and po&fic~+~~wmie
djwmww to shm processw. k i d plicits in the m i n g arc nndyLtd in terms of
there proceand adjustment problems.
Fr., So. 11.
3 Cr.
See course 4 under Department of Business Administration.
3 0A s d y of geographical facton influencing social institutions.
3 Cr.
See Couree 16 under Department of Scandinavian Language and Literature.
OF R u m L
IE. Prereq. Soc. I. So. II.
3 Cr.
Study of the structural, vital, and material elements of the rural community,
and the anal@ of rural institutions and social patterns of behavior. Emphasis
ia placed on the dynamics of change.
3 Cr.
See course 42 under Department of Home Economics.
Upper Division Courses
OF URBANLIFE. Prereq. I. Jr. I.
3 0Study of the city as to ,historical background, causes of growth, social communities, maladjustments, urban planning, housing pioblemr, health factors,
cultural centera, and rural-urban relationships.
CRIME AND SOCIETY.Prcreq. SOC. I. Jr., Sr. 11.
3 0A rmdy of the nature of delinquency and crime in our contemporary world.
An examination of c a w 1 facton, methoda of apprehedon, treatment, and
prevention of delinquency and crime.
3 Cr.
THSPWY. Pmreq. SDE. I. Jx., St. I.
j of rhe b m r y md ftlncbon of the family as a buic insamtion, the
~ of modern
nnde emmmic rhnnm on family interactions, organization,
and disorganization. (Offered 1 9 1 1-1 6.)
Soc. I. Jr., Sr. II.
3 Cr.
54. PUBLICW E L F ~Prereq.
An introduction to the historical development, basic concepts, legislative
policies, organizational structure, and institutional functions of social welfare,
including a survey of contemporary public welfare and social security.
Jr., Sr. I.
3 0.
Chncteriatics a d contributions of ethnic groups in the United Stam, causes
md cunrequencu of race and group prejudice, mechrnirm and problems of
group adjustments, proposed solutions for intercultural conflicts. (Offered 195455.)
56. . h E O R AND ~ ~ N A G E M B N T~ A T I O N S . n.
See course 56 under Department of Business Administration.
Prereq. Soc. I. Jr., Sr. I.
An introductory course to acquaint the student with the scope, nature,
functions of social work. A survey of private and public social agencies in
field of family welfare, child welfare, medical social work, group work,
other community agencies.
t Cr.
The course provides laboratory experience in community activities under the
direction of trained personnel in social agencies. General supervision of the
program is exercised by a member of the sociology staff.
59, 60.
Prereq. Psy. 3 or 5 , and 6 and Soc. I. Jr., Sr. I. 3 Cr.
A audy of the psychological ,backgrounds of group behavior, the development
of .pnanrlity in oocial situations, the principles of character formation, the deveIo-t
of public attitudes and opinion, the laws of progress, social c o d k t s ,
and eocial control.
See course 86 under Education.
% Cr.
Department of Psychology and Education
Courses i n orientation are offered to freshmen as a part of the total program
designed to m i s t in the adjustments that the incoming student needs to make.
The work in psychology is designed to aid the student in more adequately understanding, predicting, and controlling his own behavior as well as that ob ht
fellowmen. The education curriculum has been designed primarily for those
preparing to do high school teaching, although any student who is preparing
to work with youth is encouraged to study in this area. The work in this department will qualify the teaching graduate for a Minnesota Teacher's c e d cate on the junior and senior high school level, as well as for further study in
the field of education.
Admission to the teacher education curriculum requires an application to be
approved 'by the Committee on Teacher Education. Application must be made
during the second semester of the Sophomore year if the student is to complete
the program in the regular time of two years. Approval is granted on the basir
of a satisfactory health report, favorable personality characteristics, and a
minimum in scholastic achievement of a 1.5 honor point ratio in the major, a
1.0 ratio in the minor, and a 1.0 ratio for the over-all average. The applicant
should be preparing for competency in at least two subject-matter fields that are
also taught on ,the high school level.
AS1 students admitted to the teacher education curriculum m w t secure two
credits of Group Activity usually to be taken in connection with Ed. 51 and 52.
In addition to the regular lower division requirements, students in teacher
education are required to have four semester hours in general psychology, these
hours to be completed before taking Educational Psychology.
No student will be permitted to modify the two-year teacher education
curriculum in his program unless that change is approved by the Committee
on Teacher Education.
All questions regarding the teaoher education curriculum should be referred
to the Committee on Teacher Education.
O~NTATION.Required. Fr. m e r e d hoch semesters.
freshmen in making the proper adjustaxent to rhdr mrk
aa sndente in college, iududing metho& of study, vocational choice and prep
aration, and development of personality.
D e a i g d .to &st
Fr. I.
This course combines the aims and course content of Psychology
3 Cr.
and Psychology 5 . Emphasis is placed on group and individual personal counseling, helping the student use his knowledge of psychological principles involving his personal problems. Two one-hour lecture periods and two one-hour laboratory
periods per week. Registration restricted.
An introductoq course in psychology intended for n m . T l o lecturer
per week.
I, TI.
4 Cr.
A study of the basic processes underlying human behavior. The
piinciplea, methods and problems of psychology are discussed and the following
topics a ~ estressed: learning, intelligence, emotion, motivation, the sensory pmc5, 6.
eses and perception, individual differences, thinking, imagination, memoq.
heredity and growth. The second semeswr emphasizes the application of the
principles of psychology to the problems of everyday life.
See course 61 under Department of Sociology.
3 Cr.
3 Cr.
Prereq. 3 or 5, and 6. Jr., Sr. 11.
A survey of the history of the treatment of mental disorders and a atudy of
their nature, causes, prevention, and present treatment. ( M e r e d
5 - 5 6.)
Prereq. Psy. 3 or 5 , and 6. Jr. I.
3 Cr.
A d y of human development, learning, and adjustment in order to better
understand human behavior, especially the ,behavior ob adolescente in a school
IN HIGHSCHOOL.Prereq. 5 I . Jr. 11.
T d b gw
Min m b h m
w md c
3 Cr.
h management. hcludu a study of the secondary
need# of
53, 54.
r Cr.
This is not given as a separate course, but offered in connection with Religion
6, 57, and $8; Physical Education 6, I I , I 3, 14, and 5 5, 56; Education 5 I and
52; and Home Economics 36. The nature of the experience will vary with the
course with which it is associated, and may include such activities as teac,&g,
supervising recreation, and advising clubs. The cooperation of the agencies involved is necessary, with reports from the supervisor and the student to the
teacher of the course with which the work is connected. A student may not
receive more than z credits in Group Activity.
OF GUIDANCE.Prereq. 5 I. Sr. 11.
3 G.
A d y of the guidance function of the cl.uuoom teacher, toola and techniquea med in d y i n g students, and methods rpprapriate for &t
gaidaria, including counseling.
5 5.
3 Cr.
traw the development of modern education and roeh to aaaiat
the aohnt in developing an understanding of rhe present educational program
and the ruions modem philobophies of education. The aapecta of the atate
edmtiasrl p g r u n important for the orientation of the new teacher are
Tbe casn
Specid Tescbing Metbods
The special methods courses include the study of the materide, organization,
lad tuahing procedurer of the field for which they are given; applications of
the principles of teaching are made in the ape&c field. U d y , each student
is required to take two of these courses to prepare for student teaching. Thh
mesm one courae related to the major and one to the minor. Prcrequisitu are
a major or a minor in the field and Education 52. In special situations, a student
may be permitted to regiater for more than the a m o a t of d t W.
OF G ~ M A N I C
Sr. I.
Sr. I.
Sr. I.
T E A C H ~ OF
% Cr.
% Cr.
I % Cr.
z Cr.
r Cr.
t Cr.
1 % Cr.
4 to 5 Cr.
Prereq. Educ. 5 I , 52. Sr. I.
Obeervation, participation in teaching activitier, and experience in actnal
contml of the clamnmm situation. Direction of the program is shared by the
college mpervisor and selected critic t&.
The f o h w h g coumes prepare the emdent to meat the state requiremenu for a
ahe &l . . &ra,nyB
n pqming bob and other librecy a n a d for circulation,
. a iwho01
library, and h making iatdigat and effective use of
Minor, 16 credits.
3 Cr.
Jr. I, 11.
Designed to acquaint the student with the place of the library in the school
and community; local public, county, state, and national services; standards;
relations with school administration daculty, students, and community; the
budget; planning, housing, and equipment; library records; organization of
materials; school library administration. Two credits first semester; one credit,
second. (Offered each year beginning 195 5-56.)
y 5-56?.
Jr., Sr. I, 11.
4 Cr.
Library materials for the elementary school library; book selection, principles
and standard lists; correlating the library holdings with the grade cumculum;
reviewing of individual titles. Sources. (Offered alternate years beginning
MATERIALS.Jr., Sr. I. 11.
6 Cr.
Introduction to book selection; book selection in subject fields, including
reference books and related fiction; periodicals and other non-book materials,
their use and preparation for circulation, standard lists for book selection; reviewing of individual titles. Sources. (Offered alternate years beginning 1956-57.)
I Cr.
Giving che student practice experience in school libraries; teaching the use
of the library; weeding and withdrawal procedures. (Offered each year beginning 1956-57.)
2 Cr.
Remedial reading in the school as it relates to the school library, reading
ladders; student's personal library; professional literature in the field, lists, testing, and records; guiding individual students in their recreational reading.
(Offered each year beginning 195 6-57.)
t Continuation course. To receive credit for this course, a student must complete both semesters.
Department of Business Admm&ration and Economics
and.Seaetarial Studies
The objective of thia deparanent is to help students gain a broad knowledge
and round perspective of b u s h a and our economic aocieq. Such knowledge
and p e n p a i v e is m e s s q for success in apecSc positions in our complex
business world a d h u l d provide the background to facilitate advancement,
with experience, to positions of respomibiliq. A degree with a business major
is a connmon requirement of business h and government agencies. The
department giver a general background in economics; together with secretarial
studies, it provides a teaching major or minor; and it prepares for graduate
work in business and economics.
Major, P d i t s ; courses required are
Speech I I and History 21 and 22.
I , 2,
Minor, 2 I credits; 'courses required are
Upper Division courses.
I, 2.
I 1, I 6,
z, 4,
I y,
13. Also required are
and six credits in
FL I, n.
An introduction to the -principles
of accounting and their application
single proprietorship, pzrtnerahip, and corporate foof bu&er; prepuation
and a d + of h a n c i a l statements; procedure in recording bwinar tranaacdonr;
and an introduction to manufacturing and cost accounting.
A study of the collection, presentation, analysis, aud interpretation
t i 4 data. It includes a e t d y of the memum of central tendency, time, series,
tabulation, graphic representation, and the application of t h e statistical techniques to various types of data.
SO. I,n.
A s t d y of the social organization of oar economy, hca1 and monGai$
p o k , value, prices, the distribution af d t h , and alternative economic systern. The objective H to help the s t u d e n t to develop the ability to a n a l p
economic hu they h e in his personal and vocational activities and ia
public life.
Upper Division Courses
MONEY AND BANXING.Prereq. I, 2, 4, I 1, 16.Jr., Sr. I.
3 0.
A study of the commercial banlu, the Federal Reserve Syrtem,the price l e d ,
and monetnty m d h a 1 policies. The parpooe is to lead the mdent to i n d gate thomufly the place and importance of money and priceq in bushus and
5 I.
in the economy in general, emphasizing the problem of business fluctuations.
(OfTered 1951-16.)
social implications of marketing activities in our economy. The prvpoae ir to
give the atudent an analytical baais for judging business iltemativa and zlro
governmeat legislation.
3 Cr.
RELATIONS. Prereq. 15, 16.Jr., Sr. 11.
A study of management, of labor, of their relations, and of their control by
d h &dr
The objective ia to picture the
dtsFsmPt I#dtionr Oi h p u p io aur
and to investigate pordbiitk
cb rt%ir*ing b
cam^ of &e whole through edacation and
government control.
3 Cr.
PRODUCTION. prereq. I 5, 16. Jr., sr. 1.
An operating subject dealing with the more important production procedures
and techniques commonly employed in progressive manufacturing plants. The
techniques are studied with reference to their contribution to the attainment of
established manufacturing objectives to provide the student with an appreciation
of the relationships of production to other operating problems of business and
an awareness of the significance of production aspects of general administration
problems. (Offered 1954-55.)
Prereq. I,
4, 15, 16.
E. I.
3 Cr.
The p-e
of this course is to provide analytical accounting techniques
which will enable the atudent to interpret &ancia1 data, a d to q u a i n t the
student with c a t accounting principles and procedures. Preparation and anal*
of 6nanci.l statements, comparative statements, and statements ahowing t h e
disposition of working capital; and proceedings in job-order and standard uwting are scremcd.
3 Cr."
Prereq. 15. Jr., Sr. II.
The course is designed to acquaint the student with the ecanomie
sf taxation and national budgetary policy. A study is made of the elemenm
of h a 1 policy and management of the public debt, considering the role of taxes,
expenditures and debt management in economic stabilization.
FINANCE.Prereq. I , z, 4, 15, 16, 59. Jr., Sr. 11.
A study of the subject of business h a n c e concentrating upon the
problems of going concerns to provide the student with a grasp of the rela62.
tion of financial decisions to over-all company objectives and policies of such
major departments as production and sales. Both working capital and long-term
capital financing are studied.
6 Cr.
A x v k of businea practice and problem in our economy, pointing olrt
tbe opportunities for individual endeavor, followed 'byan original project by
each student i n which he makes an investigation of his own. The project mry
be in m y business field; for example, lcco~ting,invwtments, pemmrl selling,
market research, economic analysis. Offered only as an honors course for selected
seniors in business.
71, 72.
?&r coumw aim to prepare student( for stenographic and d poribarinea o&w, m k t in ,the preparation for the rerching of borincr
~ ~ i n ~ & l s d f o r ~ d ~ r k , a n d n o p r w i d e
oppmmhy for tihe development of of- s k i b for p a m d ue.
t h o in
A orsjor may be abtaiued in business education by completing a ntinimum
hous, including
I, 2, 3-4, 8, 51, 52, 53-54, Business Adminiatration
16, 13, and one other Upper Division Course or Home Economics 73.
A minor may b h i n d by completing a minimum of 26 h
I , 2, 3-4, 8, 51, 52, 53-54, Bushers Administration I, 2, or 15, 16.
of 37
I . 2, I J ,
T Y P E W R ~Offered
G . both semesters.
I Cr.
A ooarse for the development of the fundamental skills of typewriting. Three
burs , p r week.
EMTBU~EDIA~ T Y P E ~ R ~ N G11..
P m b in typing tabulations, manuscript typing, use of carbons, addreaing
envelopes, and i n letter arrangements. Four hours per week.
6 Cr.
Prereq. 2. I, 11.
Training in the dundamentals of Simplified Gregg shorthand. Practice in dictation and transcription. Four hours per week.
,OFFICEMACHINES.Prereq. I , 2. Wered both semesters.
2 Cr.
S t d y and practice in the operation of such machines as the dictaphone, calculator, adding machine, mimeograph, mimeoscope, addresograph, and dupli,cator. Two hours per week.
course. To receive credit for this course, a student must oompkte
both semesters.
5 I.
Upper Division Cmrses
P R a c n a . Prereq.
z CrFurther development of typewriting technique with practical training in
businer kctar arrangement, billing, tabulating, and the typing of legal documento. Prerequisite I, 2 , or high achool credit in typing. Open to studenra having
attained s speed of 40 words per minute. Four hours per week.
I , 2,
3-4. 11.
3 Cr.
Pra~tialapplication of secretarial dutier including dictation, business letterwriting, telephoning, use of businem and legal forma, personality development,
and guidance in writing application letten and mrking application far r job.
Mimeographing i included in this course for those who include this as s part
of the plrish workers' course. Four hours per week.
I, n.
4 Cr.
Advanced study of the theory and principles of Gregg shorthand. Rapid dictatioa Prerequisite 3-4 or high school credit in shorthand. Open to students
who cam take dictation at a minimum speed of 80 words per minute and trmscribe ~ t a hhigh degree of accuracy. Four ,hours per week.
I % Cr.
Sr. I.
See course 82 under Education.
J 3-54.$
Depertment of Home Economics
Thc abjectiwa of the department are threefold: first, to provide c o w that
l help atudenu solve penonal, home, and family living problems; eecond,
to offer training for homemaking; and third, .to offer training for the teaching
of home economics. Courses are open to all students and recommended for general education.
N o n - m h g major, 33 c d u ; courses are I , z, 3, 7, 39, 40, 42, 44, 57.
66, 68. 71,72. Also required are Chemistry 4 or 5-6, Physics 3, Economics IJ.
Sociology I, Biology 4 or 13-14 and 54, and Psychology 3 or 5 , and 6.
Graduation minor, 18 credits including cotuses I, 3, 7, 39, 40 and 42 or
'I'cidiag msjor, 38 credits; caurser bted for non-terching major plus 33 md
76. T e d h g mipcws possible in Biology, chemhy, Speech, SocLl Sdcnce or
Physical Eduution. C o d t a member of &e home ecommh faculty for course
C a m , AND bus. I.
3 fi.
A study of the factom involved in the choice, care, and repair of dothing.
B a u g in dcrign, bewmingnem, appropriateness, and some of the textile fabrics
suitable for ditferent wea are topiu considered.
both semesters.
course. To receive credit for this course, a student must complete
2 Cf.
course provides laboratory experience in making simple gmmnts in
cotton and rayon. I t includes experiences in planning, cutting, fitting, and
Nitable ,techniques in making garments, the use of the sewing mochiae, a;lteration of garments. Home Economics I prerequisite for Home Economia edocotion majors. Two double laboratory periods, one lecture discussion period per
3 CrA study of m ?s it is met in the activitica of everyday living. Open to all
E L B ~ ~ NOF
3 Cr.
Noranal human nutrition applied to food selection for the promotion and
maintenance of health will be considered; student and recommended dietaries
will be analyzed.
See courses 53, 54 under Education.
3 Cr.
A study of the principle of design and color related to selecting, rrrrnging,
and G g a i n g of household farnishings. Lettering and rimple poster d-.
Some craft experience. Home Economics 3 prerequisite for Home Eumomica
mapn. Three double laboratory perio& per week.
Laboratory experience in various crafts which can be done at home or at
camps with simple equipment. Principles of design and color in their application to crafts will be studied. Two double laboratory periods per week. (Offered
Prereq. 7 or
af h u u c t o r . I, 11.
6 Cr.
Laboratory experience in menu planning, merl service. food purchasing, m d
food preparation. Three double laboratory periods a week.
39, 40.
3 Cr.
A c o r n applying principlw of cultural living to everyday problem of home
life. Discussions of penond f d y relationships, prepantion for muriap, the
Christian home and its iduence in the community, and related mbjecta. Regular lecturer, talks by guest speakers, illustrated lectures, and t o m .
2 Cr.
A study of the core and trahing of the pug c&ild = ,to to physical, mental,
and social development. One lecture period plus one double laboratory period
per week.
Upper Division Cmrses
s Cr.
Study of textile fibers, fabrics, and hishes with special emphub on selection,
me, and care d common household and clothing textiles. Two dcmble laboratory
hours a week.
OF ART. 11.
2 Cr.
A study of the historical development of architecture, decoration, costume,
furnitcue, painting, and sculpture. Two regdar hours scheduled and field
trips arranged. (Offered 1954-55.)
66. HOME
3 GThir conme included a consideration of housing, an anal* of &or pluls,
r study of the design of exteriors and interiors, and problems in ulecting,
arrmgiug, and conserving home furnishings. Home Economics 3 and 33 prereqaisite for Home Economics Education majors. Three double lalbomtory periods per
68. F ~ I L HEALTH.
r Cr.
Basic f a c a and practical application of home care of the sick Problems
relating to environmental disease, prevention of illness and safety measures, as
well as to individual health problems within the family group.
71. HOME
2 Cr.
Consideration of problems relating to planning, directing, guiding, and oo&ating
the resources of the home for happy, satisfying family W g . One
lecture period and one double laboratory period per week.
2 Cr.
~ c ' t u a lexperience in the regular activities of homemaking such as meal preparation and service, entertaining, care of the house and equipment. Also experience in various aspects of management met in home living such as management of money, time, energy, and equipment. Six weeks residence in a home
management house with one conference hour per week. Food costs to be determined by the group. (Offered 1955-56.)
It.T .
t CT.
The wise choice of .consumer goods and services available on the market
and the necessity of a careful plan for spending are topics which will be considered for the purpose of helping the student receive greater satisfaction from
the use of money income.
Prereq. 2. U
z Cr.
This course provides laboratory experience in making garments in wool.
More advanced problems in fitting and construction are used than those in the
c l m in Clothing Construction. Some experience in planning and c o n s t ~ c t i n g
garments for children is also given. Two three-hour laboratory periods per week.
Prereq. 3 2 credits in home economics
and Education 5 2. Sr. I.
z Cr.
Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
l e n rhc p
w of che division of Nattml Scienfc ta pmvidc trriPing in
metho& uld technique; ta interpret N a d Scienu in the light of
the Word of Gud; to acqruinr the student with the
of Narurd
Sdcnce i n a modem, changing world; w e m p k a wund mind and r r m n g
body; to vain for vocations in various fields o f N a r d Science; and to q u i p
tbe student with a scientific background which wiIl enrich his life ind the lives
of his feuow men.
Department of Biology
The aim of thir Department is to give the student z broader scientific background through the study of Biology, to further the use of leisure time, and to
prepare for vocations or graduate study.
Major, 24 credits; minor, 1 6 credits. Courses 1-2, 3N, 4, 7N no not count
toward the major or minor.
O Cr.
The development of scientific foundations in the physical and biological sciper week consistkg or :xtures, lecture demonstrations, and
ences. Four
Fr. I.
4 Cr.
A professional course in human anacorn, 1 - J ohyslology with special em&ash on structure. Two lectures and two d o ~ b l elaboratory periods per week.
Designed particularly for student nurses.
Fr. 11.
4 Cr.
A professional course in human anatomy and physiology with emphasis on
both structure and function. Two lectures and two double laboratory periods
per week. Students who have credit for Biol. 3N will not receive credit for
Biol. 4.
3 Cr.
A course in general bacteriology for nurses. Two lectures and two double
laboratory periods per week.
3 - ~ 4GENERAL
ZOOLOGY.Fr. I, 11. '
8 Cr.
A survey of the animal kingdom with emphasis on the habitat, morphology,
physiology, adaptation, and reproduction of type animals. Biological principles
are emphasized. Two lectures m d two double laboratoq periods per week.
$ ~ o n t ; ~ & $ &course. To receive credit for this course, a student must complete
b t h sem+ters.
8 ~r.
y of the morphology and physiology of higher plants, f
by a -.
of the plant kingdom. Emphadia is llro placed on ;bacmieal principles. Flowering plenta arc identified in the spring. Three lectures and one
double laboratory period per week
25, 26.
Thk m a d
Upper Division Courses
GENETICS.Prereq. 13-14,or 25, 26. So., Jr. I.
4 Cr.
A study of the laws involved in heredity and variation. Special emphasis is
placed on the practical application of the genetical laws. Four lectures per week.
(Offered 1955-56.)
4 Cr.
Prereq. 13-14or 25, 26. So., Jr. II.
A survey of local ecological communities, and a study of the general principles of biological amciation and succession. Two iectura and one laboratory
period or field trip per week. (Offered 1955-56.)
Prereq. 13-14.Sr. I.
A study of the habitat, morphology, physiology, reproduction, and classification of insects. Two lectures and one double laboratory period per week. (Offered 1954-55.)
BACTERIOLOGY.Prereq. Chem. 5-6. II.
4 Cr.
A review of the general &ld of bacteriolom, including the cause, control, and
prevention of important diiasu. Training in modern labontory techniques. Two
lectures and two double Izboratory periods per week.
3 Cr.
PLANTS.Prereq. 25, 26. Sr. 11.
Taxonomy of flowering plants. Special emphasis is placed on systematic principles, systems of classi6cation, rules of nomenclature, etc. Two lectures and
one double laboratory period per week. (Offered 1954-55.)
Sr. U.
1-2 Cr.
Pnctical work in mounting of microscopic slides, photography, and doing
projecu useful to teachers. (Oflered 1954-55.)
1% Cr.
The course consisa of methods of teaching natural sciences in secondary
Department of Physical Sciences
The counes offered provide fundamental background in the basic principles
of chemical and physical phenomena.
The primary objective u promotion of acient%c
thinking and sciendfic ap-
Thorough study in these courses will prepare the student for teaching the
natural sciences in secondary dooh. The courses in Chemistry will prepare
h i for further study in such specialized fields as Medicine, Ruearch, Engineering, Nursing, Pharmacy, and other related fields.
The course in Physics will prepare him for study in Exigineering and Applied
Major, 24 credits; minor, 16 credits. Courses 1-2, jN, 4 do not count toward
the major or minor.
For course description see Department of Biology.
8 Cr.
3 Cr.
A lecture and laboratory course covering subjects related to nursing in the
fields of inorganic and organic chemistry and biochemistry. Two lectures and
one double laboratory period per week.
4 Cr.
A lecture demonstration course designed to provide a general knowledge of
the laws and phenomena of chemistry as meets the needs and interests of nonscience majors. Students who complete Chem. 5-6 may not receive credit for
Chem. 4.
8 cr.
A study of laws and theories of chemistry and of non-metals and metals and
their compounds. Systematic qualitative analysis of cations. Three lectures and
four hours of laboratory per week.
Upper Division Courses
Prereq. 5-6. So., Jr., Sr. I.
4 Cr.
Systematic semimicro qualitative analysis of cations and anions. Short induction in general methods of quantitative analysis, volumetric and gmvimetric.
Two lectures and six hours of laboratory per week.
5 Cr.
General principles, methods and procedure of quantitative analysis, volumetric
and gravimetric. One lecture, eight hours labratory per week.
5 2.
Prereq. 5-6. Jr., Sr. I, II.
8-10 Cr.
A discussion of the important c l w u of aliphatic and aromatic compoands.
Laboratory work in preparation and study of typical organic substances. Three
lectures, four or six hours of laboratory per week. (Ofiered 1951-56.)
$6ntinnation course. To receive credit for this course, a student mupt complete
both semesters.
PHYSICALCHEMISTRY.Prereq. Math. 2, Chem. 5 1 and 52, and Physics
5 and 6. Sr. II.
5 Cr.
An introductory course coveting the gzr laws, solutions, chemical equilibrium,
rates of reactions, and colloids. Three lectutes and one double laboratory period
per week. (Offered 1954-55.)
Minor, 16 credits. Courses 1-2 and 3 do not count toward the minor.
8 Cr.
For corn description see Department of Biology.
PRINCIPLESOF PHYSICS.Prereq. H. S. Algebra and Plane Geometry. Fr. I.
4 Cr.
A lecture demonstration course which includes mechanics, heat, sound, light
and electricity. Emphasis is placed on the application of physics in the home.
or concurrent registration in Math. I.
4 Cr.
A general elementary course in mechanics, sound, and heat. Three lectures,
one quiz, and one two-hour laboratory period per week.
6. GENERALPHYSICS.Prereq. 5. So. 11.
4 Cr.
This course is a continuation of Gen. Phys. 5 and covers electricity, magnetism, and light. Three lectures, one quiz, and one two-hour laboratory period
per week.
Upper Division Courses
A study of modem topics in the field of physics including atomic
nuclear transformations, radiation phenomena, biophysical applications of
and other topics. Philosophical implications of mcdern physical science
5 I.
4 Cr.
will be
Prereq. Phys. 6 and Math. 5 1 or concurrent registration in Math. 51. Jr., Sr. 11.
4 Cr.
An advanced course with emphasis on fundamental laws, electric and magnetic field phenomena, high and low frequency circuits, and electrical instruments. Two lectures and two two-horn laboratory periods per week.
Combined Science Major for Teacbiug
Requirement: 40 credits in Natural Science, including Chemistry 5-6 with
either 5 1 and 52 or 53-54;Biology 13-14and 25, 26; Physics 5 and 6.
TContinuation course. To receive credit for this course, a student must complete
both semesters.
Dqxrtment of Mathematics
The Department of Mathematics aims to give students a working knowledge
of mathematics s d c i e n t for solving the simpler problems of life, also to d o r d
students in special fields the mathematical foundation needed for a fuller understanding of their subjects, and to open to those who major in the subject a wider
horizon with experience that will make them escient workers in their chosen
fields and also give them confidence to pursue further study.
Major, 26 credits; minor, r o credits.
Courses A, B, 5 and 6 do not count toward the major or minor in mathematics, but A and B must be completed as prerequisites to other courses.
Prereq. H. S. Algebra. Fr. I.
3' Cr.
Fundamentals of algebra continued and proper foundation laid for more advanced work in mathematics. Four hours per week.
Prereq. Plane Geometry. Fr. !J.
3 Cr.
Geometry applied to solids and planes. Area and volume formulas developed.
Spherical triangles and polygons introduced. Four hours per week.
ANALYSIS.Prereq. Math. A. Fr., So.
I, II.
10 Cr.
This is an integrated course inoluding college algebra, trigonometry and plane
analytical geometry.
I , 2.
DRAWING. Prereq. B. I.
3 Cr.
Elements of drafting with an introduction to the use of graphs and formulas. Eight hours a week.
Prereq. 5. II. 3 Cr.
Methods of representation. Graphical and algebraic solutions. Eight hours
a week.
Upper Division Courses
5 I , 5 Z.
SO., Jr. I, 11.
Fundamental concepts are introduced. Formulas for Merentiation and integration, and solutions for various types of ordinary dzerential equations are
developed and applications made.
Prereq. z. Sr. I
3 Cr.
Lines and planes in space are studied and their equations developed. Quadratic
surfaces and ' d o r m a t i o n are given their proper emphasb.
Prereq. Math. 51. Sr. 11.
3 Cr.
This course includw the study of & numben, determinants ?ad o h e r
topics that aid in the solution of equations of higher degree.
Department of Health and Physical Education
The aim of the Department of Health and Physical Education is to promote
a weli-rounded physic21 education program.
health and physical fitness &ugh
to develop character md good s p o r a d p throrrgh the intnmunl and inrercollegiate sports program, to further the worthy use of leisure cime, and to provide an effecrive training program for praspctivt reachers of h d t b and physical education.
All students are required to take a physical examination by the college physician as a part of the registration procedure before participating in any phlse
of the physical education program.
A course in Personal and Community Health is required of all freshmen and
new upper class students who have not had an equivalent course in college.
One year of physical activities, courses 3 and 4, is required of all students.
Major and Minor Requirements:
Major for men, 33 credits, including courses 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 27, 5 0 ,
5 1 9 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 84.
Major for women, 3 0 credits, including courses z, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 13, 14, 16,
17, 27, 50, 52, 53, 54, 84.
credits, including courses z, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 5 I, 53, and 54
j,4, 5, 6, 8, 13, 14, 16, 17, 53, and 54borwomen.
Biology 4; Psychology 5, 6; and Education 51, 52, 53, 54, 5 5, $8, 94, and 96
Bhould be included for a teaching major in phyuical education.
~ T H Fr.. Offered both semesters.
2 Cr.
A study of modem concepts and practices ob health and healthful living
applied to the individual and the community.
3, 4.
ACTIVITIES.(Men). Fr., So. I, 11.
3, 4.
(Women). Fr. I, 11.
Fr. I.
2 Cr.
A brief preview of the three present day interrelated fieldc of health education, physical education, and recreation as they function in the public school
I cr.
Theory and practice in teaching recreational activities, social recreation, quiet
gamer, l o r organized games, noon hour activities, camp nights, relays, and
FIRSTAID. Fr., So. 11.
American Red Cross First Aid Course. (Offered 1955-56.)
(Men). So. I.
2 Cr.
A study of technique, rules, and teaching of lead-up games for soccer, speedball, and volleyball.
Team Games: Touch football, softball, speedball, soccer, and volleyball.
I I.
Theory and practice in teac,hhg badminton, shdeboard, handball, aerial darts,
table tennis, horseshoes, paddle tennis, archery, and golf.
4 Cr.
Theory and practice in the coaching and oiciating of field hockey, soccer,
basketball, volleyball, and softball. (Offered 195 5-5 6.)
2 Cr.
Theory and practice in teaching skating, skiing, badminton, table tennis,
shuffleboard, archery, tennis, and golf. (Offered 1954-5 5.)
ACTIVITIES.(Women). So. I.
I Cr.
Theory and technique of teaching stunts and tumbling. (Offered 1954-55.)
Prereq. Biology 4. So. I.
This is a study of body movements and the mechanics in the effecting of efficient movements.
r Cr.
Instruction and application of technique and rules of osciating in football,
basketball, baseball, and track. (Offered 195 5-56.)
Ufifier Division Courses
Biol. 4, and P.E. 27. Jr. 11.
2 Cr.
Procedures and interpretation of physical examinations. Analyak of functional
and organic abnormalities and suggested adapted activities for atypical c-.
(Offered 1954-55.)
2 Cr.
Theory and practice in teaching individual and dual stunts, apparatus,
bumbling, boxing, and wrestling.
5 I.
Jr. II.
I 0.
Folk games and gymnastic rhythms. Separate sections for men and women.
(Offered 1955-56.)
Prereq. 5. Jr., Sr. I.
3 Cr.
Aims, scope, and objectives of health and physical education.
An analysis and evaluation of the elementary and secondary achool heakh
and physical education curriculum.
Sr. IL
3 Cr.
Problems of organization, administration, and supervision of health and
physical education.
2 Cr.
Theory a d techniques of aching. Seniors only, or approval of in4tructor.
Theory and technique of coaching. Seniors only, or approral of instructor.
Sr. II.
I Cr.
A survey and evaluation of tests in physical education. (Offered 1954-5 5.)
r Cr.
PraLlems of community recreation including programs and program planning,
a awey of activities, and the organization and adminkmation of recreational
work. (Offered 1954-55.)
E D U C ~ ~ OSr.
N . I.
Mcchods and materials in health and physical education.
Augsburg Theological Seminary
Augrburg Theological Seminary is the taining school for the paston and
missionaries of the Lutheran Free Church. It offers a regular three-year course
of preparation for the Christian ministry, including both theoretical and practical training. In harmony with the Principles of the Lutheran Free Church
it aims to stress particularly the training of p+on and spiritual leaden dedicated to the ideal of building Lutheran congregations where the Gifts ef
Grace are freely cultivated and nurtured under the authority of the Word a d
the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
The normal prerequisite for admission to the Seminary is the Bachelor's degree from a liberal arts college. The college coune must hare included the
following prerequisite subjects:
German, or
Latin, or
In the case of mature students of outrtanding ability and experience, an occasional exception from these requirements may be made by special action of
the Committee on Admissions.
In order that students may derive the greatest possible advantage from their
dxological studies, it is recommended that their college course of study, besides
fulfilling requirements as to a major and a minor, in addition to the subjects
indicated above, include as many as possible of the following:
Natural Science
Sociology, or Economics, or
Political Science, or Education
All candi&tes for a W m n to the Seminary must have achieved a good
academic rewrd in their preparatory studies in college.
Applications for Admission
Applications for admission to the S e m k q should be addressed to the Secretary of the Theological Faculty, and should include the following:
I. A fonnal letter of application for admission as a s d m t in the Seminary,
including a personal statement by the candidate concerning his background,
including baptism, confirmation, spiritual experience, doctrinal convictions, and
church membership.
A transcript of the candidate's record in college.
3. Two letters of recommendation from pastors. Normally one of these
should be from the pastor of the candidate's local church.
4. A catificate of good health.
These documents must be in the hands of the Secretary of the Seminary
Faaulty before July &st.
The Committee on Admissions consists of the Faculty and the Seminary Committee of the Board of Trustees.
The &st year of study is always considered a probationary year.
Transfer of Credits and Advanced Standing
Students are admitted to the Seminary with the understanding that their
studies are to be pursued under the direction of the Theological Faculty. Any
arrangement to take a part of the theological course at another seminary must
have the prior approval of the Theological Faculty at Augsburg.
Adrrnced standing is granted in certain instances, when a student applying
for admission presenu a transcript of credits indicating work done in orher
theological seminaries of recognized standing.
Conditions and Incompletes
A condition or an incomplete received at the end of the semester must be
removed within the &st five weeks af classes of the following semester of
attendance. If incompletes and conditions are not removed within the time
allowed, the condition automatically becomes a failure and the incomplete may
be changed to a passing grade only when the average of previous work is su6ciently high.
Seminuy studmta pay no tuition. They do, however, pay the regular student
activity fee, health fee and a general Seminary fee of ten dollars per axnester.
S a c n h q students living in the domitory receive a special grant to m r
the eort of room rent. The cost of board is the same u for the College d e n t s .
See page 2 5 .
Graduation and Degrees
The Seminary course consists of a h e - y n r cycle of lectans and study plw
six months of practical service in the cxmgng~tions. Students who campIete all
the requirements of the regular c o m e are graduated with the degree of Bachelor
of Theology. These requirements may be summarized as follows:
I. A minimum of 102 semester credits, including a seminar course in each
of the following four major fields: Old Testament, New Testament, Church
History, and Systematic Theology.
2. Courses in the Biblical languages, Hebrew and Greek, as regularly dered.
3. The attainment of an honor-point ratio of at least 1.5 (C+ average)
throughout the rhree years of Seminary work.
4. Six months of practical Christian service under the direction of the
Facultv Committee on Service. See below.
5 . The preparation of a scholarly thesis, approximately 8,000 words in
length, on an approved theological subject. The subject must be submitted for
faculty approval before April 1 5 of the Middler year and the thesis must be
completed by January 10 of the Senior year.
6. A comprehensive examiaation, written and oral, in Old Testament, New
Testament, Church History, and Systematic Theology taken during the third
week of March. Written and oral examination sermons.
Students who complete the required number of credits for graduation with
an honor point ratio of 1.0 ( C average) and the six months of practical service, but who have not met all the normal academic prerequisites for admission,
or who have not attained an honor point ratio of 1.5 in their studies, are graduated with the degree of Graduate in Theology.
Seminary Internship
In addition to the three years of theological study in the Seminary each student is required to spend six months in practical Christian service, as appointed
and supervised by the Committee on Service. This work is done during the
summer vacations between the beginning and conclusion of the Seminary coune.
A limited amount 06 assigned collateral reading is required during the in-service
The Seminary students are also encouraged to engage in a limited amount of
practical church work during rhe school year either in the Twin Cities or ia
nearby commnnities. This should be done in consultation with the Committee
on Service.
Theological Orientation Courses
THE BACKGROUNDAND S m c - r m m OF rn BIBLE A reading course
giving the student a preliminary orientation i n the Book which is the chief
source in theological study. Geography of Bible lands. General outline of Biblical
*With ohe exception of the Theological Orientation Gunes, offered m u a l l y
for Juniors, the Seminary courses are rotated in a three-year cycle.
History and contemporaneous secular history. Brief m e y of the historical
z Cr.
origin of the Biblical writings.
PROPAEDEUTIC. A survey of the main divisions of Christian
Theology; their subdivisions; their relation to the entire field of Thcology and
to the whole realm of human knowledge.
I Cr.
A preliminary study of the Ecumenical
Creeds, the Augsburg Codeasion, Luther's Large Catechism, and the Life of
I Cr.
Old Testament
The &st year is devoted to a study of the
9-10. HEBREW
essentials of Hebrew grammar, using Creager and Alleman's text, and the reading of selected passages from Deuteronomy. (Oflered 1954-15.)
6 Cr.
11. THE PENTATEUCH.The course includes a general introduction to the
books and a careful exegetical study of selected passages. (Offered 195556.)
3 Cr.
BOOKS.A survey of the history of Israel with emphasis
on religious valuea and the rise of prophetism. Selected p a g e s from the bis3 Cr.
torical books are studied. (Offered 1955-56.)
13. THE PROPHETISAIAH. A careful study of the Biblical data concerning
the political and religious conditions of Israel and Judah, together with a survey
of ,the contemporary history of Assyria, Syria, and Egypt. Attention is given
to the beauty, sublimity, and spiritual richness of the book. (Offered 195657.)
3 Cr.
14. THE PROPHET JEREMIAH. A study of the political, moral, and religious
trends of the time of Jeremiah. Special attention is given to Jeremiah's personal
character, his Messianic hope, and to his portrayal of the struggle for spiritual
3 Cr.
freedom. (Offered 1916-57.)
I 5. THE BOOK OF JOB. A course which aims to make clear the teaching of
the Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament in regard to fundamental probz Cr.
lems of life. (Offered 1954-55.)
16. PSALMS.The course includes an historical survey, a general introduction
to the larger groups, and a careful exegetical study of a number of Psalms.
Reading assignments give special attention to the religious developments af the
3 Cr.
post-Exilic period. (Offered 1914-55.)
17-18. HEBREW
EXEGESIS. Review of the grammar followed by an exegetical
study of Amos and the cursory reading of selected passages from other books
in the Old Testament. (Offered 1955-56.)
4 Cr.
A study of archaeological discov19. SEMINARIN BIBLICALARCHAEOLOGY.
eries and their signi6cance in relation to the Bible. The course consists of a
number of introductory lectures followed by student presentations of assigned
I Cr.
topics and class discussion. (Oflered 1954-51.)
New Testament
GREEK.TWOyears of Greek is a requirement for
admission to the Seminary; in exceptional cases a remedial course may be taken
without credit in the Seminary, with no reduction of normal load.
A survey of the contents of
the New Testament, together with the authorship, date, and purpose of the
various books. The process by which these books became a New Testament
Canon will be considered and also the transmission of the text in Greek manuscripts and early versions. (Offered 1956-57.)
3 Cr.
23. THE GOSPELOF MARK. Readings from the Gospel of Mark in Greek,
with selections from Luke, considered in the historical frame of Jesus' ministry.
Each student will be expected to master a knowledge of the historical outline
3 Cr.
of Jesus' ministry. (Wered I 9 5 6-57.)
24. THE GOSPELOF MATTHEW.Translation from the Greek text with commentary of the more important discourse passages of this Gospel. Special emphasis on the study of the Jewish background of the times and of this Gospel's
appeal to the Jews. (Offered 1955-56.)
3 Cr.
25. THE GOSPEL OF JOHN. The purpose and special characteristics of the
Fourth Gospel, its authenticity and peculiar value. The latter part of the semester is devoted to the study of the account of Christ's passion, based on the
r Cr.
English text with the aid of a Gospel harmony. (Offered 1954-55.)
This will be followed by a study of the Epistle to the Hebrews and the
Epistle of James as literature written especially for Jewish Christians. (Ogered
3 Cr.
27. L P - ~AND EPISTLESOF PAUL. A rapid study of the life of Paul as given in
Acts, the historical occasion of his epistles, and the study of selected portions
in English. (Offered 1955-56.)
3 Cr.
OF ROMANS.Reading of the doctrinal portion in Greek
with use of commentaries; the essence of the Gospel as set forth by Paul. The
problem of Israel's rejection of Christ (chs. 9-11), and the section on the
,Christian life (chs. 12-16) will be studied as time permits. ( m e r e d 195451.1
2 Cr.
OF EPHESIANS.In the study of Ephesians special em29. INTERPRETATION
phasis is laid upon the place of the universal Christian Church as the Body of
Christ and the spiritual goal of history. (Offered 1956-57.)
2 Cr.
OF JOHN. The course aims at a
mastery of the contents of the book and its interpretation in the light of Holy
Scriptures in general. Special study of the forms of apocalyptic literature. (Offered 1955-56.)
Church History
40-41. 'lh.
EARLYCHURCH. The History of the Christian Church frem the
Apostolic Age to the time of Gregory the Great (590). The orgmization, doctrine, government, and worship of the Early Church; the downfall of heathcnism in the Roman Empire, and the rise of the Papacy. The course begins with
a brief survey of the Book of Acts. (Offered 19j5-56.)
4 Cr..
42. THE CHURCHOF THE MIDDLEAGES. A general survey of the developof Christianity in Western Europe from 590 to the period of the Protestant Reformation. T h e course includes the study of the development and decay
of Papacy, monastic orders, scholasticism, and of movements toward re3 Cr.
form. (Offered 1956-57.)
43. THE REFORMATION.A study of the causes which led up to the Protestant Reformation; the Reformation itself and its results, including the Roman
3 Cr..
Catholic Counter-Reformation. (Offered I 9 j 6-57.)
44. THE CHURCHA F ~ E R TIIE REFORMATION.733 course covers the period
from the Reformation and up to the present time, aich special emphasis on
2 Cr,
the history of the Lutheran Church. (Offered 1914-51.)
Early colonization; planting of churches;
45. &=CAN
church government, religious life and worship; separation of church and state;
revivals; denominationalism. The history of the Lutheran Church in America
2 Cris studied with special care. ( m e r e d 1954-1 5 . )
OF CHRISTIANDOCTRINE. A study of the development
of Christian doctrine and its crystallization into creeds and confessions, including the Patristic, Scholastic, and Reformation periods. (Offered 1 9 5 ~ - ~ 6 2. ) Cr.
47. THE LUTHERANCHURCHIN THE WORLDTODAY.A study of the constitution and work of the Lutheran Churches in the various countries of the world.
Special attention to the work of the Lutheran World Federation. (Ofiered
I Cr-
intended to introduce the student to the field
50. I ~ r a o ~ u c n oA~course
of Christian truth in its systematic form. The course includes an outline of
2 Cr.
the entire field. (Offered 1954-55.)
~LNDANTHROPOLOGY.A study in the systematic exposition
of the teachings of the Bible concerning God and man. Papers on special
3 Cr.
topics. (Offered 1954-55.)
52-53. SOTERIOLOGY.The doctrine concerning the restoration and maintenance of the true oommunion between God and man. The Person of Christ
is work; the Holy Spirit; the meaning and method of salvation in relaand H
tion to the individual and to society; rhe nature and function of the Church.
4 Cr.
(Offered 1955-56.)
54-15. CHESSTIANETHICS. A study of the religious and ethical implicatiolls
.of the Christian experience. Special attention is given to the development and
application of Christian ethics with reference to the individual, organized in:stitutions, and society as a whole. (Offered 1956-57.)
4 Cr.
56. SYAQWLICS. A careful study of the Book of Concord, containing the
creeds subacribcd to by the Lutheran Church. The genesis of each creed, its
.doctrinal significance, and its place in the present life of the Church. (Ofdered 1954-55.)
z Cr.
AND RELIGIOUSCULTS. A comparative study
of the creeds of the great divisions of the Christian Church, and of the teach4ngs of various modern religious sects and cults. (Offered 1956-57.)
z Cr.
Practical Theology
All members of the Theological Faculty give instruction in thin field.
A. Pastoral Theology
THEOLOGY.This course, which is based on the
Pastoral Epistles, comprises the historical and theoretical study of the foundat Cr.
tions of the pastoral o6ce and the New Testament ministry.
LFE. A study of Christian experience
and its varied expressions, and of the basic principles of soul-care. Collateral
reading from the great classics of the spiritual life. (Offered 195 5-56.) z Cr.
COUNSELING.Rev. Fredric M. Norstad.
This course deals with the dynamics underlying human behavior in both
normal and deviated forms. It seeks to acquaint the student with the qpes of
emotional and mental distu~banceswith which he will be most frequently confronted in his pastoral ministry. The course attempts to help the student to
recognize the deviations and distinguish between those thiigs which are properly handled by a pastor and those which the pastor must refer ,to other competent help.
I Cr.
A course dealing with foreign, home, and inner missions,
2 Cr.
.and various types of evangelism. (Offered 195 5-5 6.)
E PREACHING.Technical and psychological
,elements of preaching. Emphuis upon sermons. Juniors.
z Cr.
The application of the principles of preaching to the out66. HOMILETICS.
and presentation of brief sennons. Emphasis upon thorough preparation
and constant practice in delivery. Middlea.
z Cr.
A course in the preparation and delivery of sermons. Both
the structural and spiritual elements are emphasized. Sermons by great preachers
are studied. Senion.
2 Cr.
C. Polity, Worship, and Parish work
70. CHURCHPOLITY. A course dealing with the Biblical theory of the congregation; oficers, organization, and government in the apostolic times; the
growth of the idea of the Church; the idea of a free church. I and II Corinthians
are studied as the best source. (Offered 1954-55.)
z Cr.
71. CHURCH ~DMINISTRA~ON. A study of the variow aspects of -regational organization. Methods of increasing ef3iciencp in the performance of
the pastor's duties. Effective o6ce procedures. The practice and teaching of
Ghristian stewardship. (Offered 1954-55.)
I Cr.
72. PASTORALPROBLEMS. A series of lectures and discussions dealing with
practiul problems in the pastor's work in the parish and the local community.
The approach to the unchurched. Congregational evangelism. Making the occasional services effective. Problems of pastoral ethics. ( m e r e d 1956-57.)I Cr.
73. LITURGICS.The principles and forms of public worship. A study of
liturgy as a means of expressing and moulding religious life with emphasis on
its relation to varying conceptions of the Church. ( m e r e d 1956-57.) I Cr.
An historical s w e y of the best selections of hymns from
the early Christian Church and the Church in Germany, Scandinavia, England,
and America. Special attention is given to Lutheran hymnody. (Offered 195455.)
I Cr.
D. Christim Education and Sociology
Studies in the application of basic
principles and methods of education to the subject matter used in catechetical
instruction, Sunday schools, Parochial schools, and Bible classes. Emphasis upon
an educational program which includes the whole parish. (Offered 195657.)
z Cr.
78. THE CHURCHAND HUMANS o c ~ ~ nA. study of the relation between
the Christian Church and present-day civilization and culture, and of the organized movements in contemporary society with which the Church must deal.
Emphasis upon the social duties of Christians and upon the world-wide task
z Cr.
of the Church. The Ecumenical Movement.
WOE This course is designed to give the
candidate for the ministry contact with the field of social work, and to enable
him to appreciate its close relation to the work of the Church. Lectures, re2 Cr.
ports, and institutional visits.
Student Register
Third Year
Berkland, Theodore A.
Christopherson, James E.
Valley City, N. D.
. . . . . ..Minneapolis
. . . . . . .
Erickson, Stanley R.
Gudim, Milo D.
. . . . .McVille,
N. D.
. . . . . .Minneapolis
Halverson, Philip J. . . . . . . . . .
Kallevig, Lloyd C. . . . . . . . . . . .
Soli, John C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .Willmar
. . . . . . .Minneapolis
Storley, Calvin . . . .
Vaagenes, Morris G.
. . . . . .Roslyn, S. D.
. . . . . . Minneapolis
Second Year
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
. . . . Minneapolis
. . . . . . . . . . . ..Aitkin
. . . . . .Minneapolis
Anenson, LeRoy H. . .
Dahle, Norman A. . . . .
Halverson, William H.
Johnson, Morris M. . .
Oman, Lyman F.
.Racine, Wis.
. . . .
Rokke, David H.
Swanson, Edward E. . .
Amery, Wis.
. . . . .Minneapolis
Thorpe, Gordon D. . .
Underbakke, Leland B.
Aniwa, Wis.
. . . .
. . .
First Year
Edinburg, N. D.
Berntson, Rudolph E.
Carlsen, Glenn T. . .
Goodrich, Quentin A.
Lyngdal, Lloyd W.
Peterson, Gerald J.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mmneapolis
, , , , , , , ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . ..Duluth
. . . .. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Quanbeck, Quentin G.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rimmereid, Arthur V.
. . .
Stenberg, Roger W.
Unseth, Malcolm W.
. . . . . . . . . . . . Bertha
New Rockford, N. D.
. . . . .Portland, Ore.
Estness, Borghild
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
. .
Thompson, Milford A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Seattle, Wash.
Vetvick, Leo (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
, , , ,
, , , .
. .Minneapolis
Vick, Oliver K. (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(2) Registered for second semester only.
Aosen, Hildegarde E. .
Allor, Donold J. . . . . . .
Andersen, Donald W. . .
Anderson, Arthur L. . . .
Anderson, Janice A. . . .
Anderson, Robert H. (1)
. . .Winger
. . . .Wayzoto
. Minneapolis
Becker, Louis 0. . . . . . .
Berntsen, Ruth A. . . . .
Bloke, Shirlee A. . . . .
Botko, Willord J. . . . .
St. Louis Park
. .Minneapolis
. .Ottowo, Ill.
Corlson, Erwin L. (1) . .
Corlson, Roger E. . . . .
Chilstrom, Herbert W. .
Cote, Arthur J. Jr. . . . .
. .Minneapolis
. Minneopolis
Dill, Donald J.
Dorr, Ardis S.
.Elk River
. .Mentor
Argusville, N. D.
Longseth, Robert V. .
Larson, Arlene J. . . . . . . . . . . .Wadena
Lorsson, Kenton D. . . . . .Taylors Folls
Lusk, George W. . . . . . . . . . .St. Paul
Lyngdol, Colette P. . . . ..Minneapolis
Marquordt, William G.
. . . . . .St. Paul
. . . .Worthington
Mothiason, Alan E.
Mattison, Robert T. (11 . . . .Minneapolis
Melby, Naomi E. . . . . . . . . .Lake Lillior.
Munson, Paul C. . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Nelson, Gordon A.
. . . . .Minneapolis
Nelson, Janet A. . . . . . . . ..Ellendale
Northfelt, Richard A. . . . . . .Minneapolis
Norum, Donald A. . . . . . . . . . . .Hollock
Cumberland, Wis.
Nyhus, Edward 0.
Nystuen, Winifred H. Erickson, Man., Con.
Olesen, Esther . . . . . . . . . .Rocine, Wis.
Eldol, Phyllis S. . . . . . . . . .
Minneapolis Olson, julion R. . . . . . . .
~ i ~ ~ ~
Elness, S. Jerome . . . . . . . Gorfield
Erlandson, Wolloce E. (1) . Minneapolis Porkhurst, Milford C. . . . .Mondovi, Wis.
Evenson, Leland E. . . . . .
. ~ a n s k a Peterson, Clinton J. . . . . . . . . . . . .Jackson
Phillips, Merton C.
. . . . . . . . . .Excelsior
W. . . . . . . . . .
Porten, Horace A. . . . . . . . .Alvarodo
Froilond, David C. . . . . . . Minneapolis pribble, ~~~d C. . . . . . . . . . . ~ , ~ ~ + i ~
Fullerton, Gerald L. . . . Minneapolis
Reimer, Donna E. (1) . . . . . . . . . ..Duluth
Gonte, Marshall H. . . . . . .Minneapolis
~ ~ i ~~~l~~~
~ r K.t ~
. . .~. . .~ ~
Geisendorfer, James V. (2). . .Minneapolis
b paulette
t . .~. whitefish,
~ M, ~ ~ ~ .
Gustafson, Violet E.. . . . ..McGregor, N. D.
P. . . . . . . . . . . .,st. pOul
kolf, ~~~i~
Ingman, Robert C. . . . . . . . . Minneapolis
Isaocson, Edsel C. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..St. Poul
Rust* Gary R. . . . . . .Harwood. N. D.
Sandness, Albert J. . . . . . LoMoure, N. D.
Sandquist, Shirley K.
. . . . .Cambridge
Shiell, James L. . . . . . . . . . . .Hoffman
Skogen, Clyde L.
. . . . . . . . . . Isle
Skovholt, Ardelle E. . , .Mooreton, N. D.
Soiseth, Marilyn H. . . . . . .Williston, N. D.
tSolberg, Marilyn Y..
. . . . . . .Ray, N. D.
Sonsteng, Ruth E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Solol
Sorenson, James A. . . . . . . Eleva, Wis.
Jensen, Alice K. . . . . . . . . . . . . Rosemount
Johnson, Marcellus L.. Newman Grove, Neb.
Johnson, Marjorie A. . . . . . .Minneopolis
Johnson, Richard J. . . . . . . . Minneapolis
Thoreson, Allon R. . . . . . . . . . .Peterson
Tjornhom, Barbara L. . . . . . . . . . .St. Paul
Trelstad, Jerome C. .
. . . .Minneapolis
Twiton, Robert E. . . . . Sun Prairie, Wis.
Kleven, Lowell H. . . . . Blonchardville, Wis.
Knudson, Noel M. . . . . . . . . Minneapolis
Knutson, Maryan A. . . . . . . Granite Falls
Kyllo, Valborg L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kenyon
Warner, Elaine W. (1)
. . . . . . . . Duluth
Westphol, Joanne C. . . . . . . . .Madeha
Hambera, Elaine L.. . . . ..Williston, N. D.
~orkmon, Moryls A. . . . . . . . Cokoto
Horrison, Jean . . . . . . . Minneapolis
Hellond, Florence L. . . . . . ..Binford, N. D.
Hielmeland, Selmer J.. . . ..Williston, N. D.
Hoeft, Robert L. . . . . . . . . . . . ..Shofer
Huglen, Erling S. B. . . . . . . . .Newfolden
Hushogen, Orpha L. . . . . . . . . . .Gonvick
(1) Registered for first semester only.
(2) Registered for second semester only.
t Deceased, September 28, 1953.
Vick, Oliver K. (1) . . .
Men ............
Women . . . . . . . . .
Spring Grove
Adorns, Patricia A. . . . . . . . . . . .Westbrook
Aho, Arnold D. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Amundson, Robert E. . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Anderson. Curtis M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bruno
Anderson, Donna Lou ...... .Argyle, Wis.
Anderson, James W. ....... .Minneapolis
Anderson, Norman E. ....... .Alexandria
.St. Paul
Anderson, Theodore W.
Benson, John E. ....... .Milwaukee, Wis.
Berge, Mavis S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lanesboro
Bodin, Wesley J.
Bosmoe, Valborg J.. ...... .Pierpont, S. D.
Bouchord, Janet A. . . . . . . . . .Minneupolis
Bremseth, Janice M. . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Briggs, Walter C. . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Britton, Paul R. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Collins, Jane B.
............. .Monticello
Dahlin, Maxine M. ............. .Cokato
Danger, Mary J. ............. Stanchfield
Drake, Spencer R. . . - . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Dronen, Richard A.
Egertson, Darrell J. . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Eide, Delores M. . . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Fogelquist, Roger H. ( 1 ) . . . . . .Minneapolis
Fuerstenau, Eugene H.. Cedor Rapids, lowa
Gilbertson, Nora M.. .Frontier, Sask., Can.
Grinde, Lloyd C.. . . . . . . . .Estherville, Iowa
Gronseth, Phillip N. . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Hagestuen, Richard M. . . . . . . . . . Starbuck
Halling, Beverly J.
Halvorson, Helen A. . . . .Golwburg. N. D,
Hansen, Ronald M.
.Park Ridge, 121.
Honson, L. David .......... .long Prairis
Hanson, James E. . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Hanson, Phillip J. . . . . . . .Estherville, Iowa
Hanson, Wallace L. ............. Waseca
Helland, Rachel E.. ...... .Thief River Falls
Heng, Rolf 0.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Minnmpolis
Henjum, Raymond G. .......... .Hoffman
Holcombe, Thomas E. ....... .Minneapolis
Holt, Everett V. ................ .Carver
Jenson, John R. ........... .Minneapolis
Jerdee, Mary L. ............ .Minneapolis
Johnson, James A. .............. Kenyon
Johnson, Merlyn R. (2).
Karlstad, Elmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Salol
Krueger, Wallace T. (2). .... .Minneapolis
Kvamme, Anden ......... .Voss, Norway
Larson, Audrey V. ......... .Robbindale
Lanon, Myrtle I. .......... Berwick, N. D.
Larson, Richard J. ............Kerkhoven
Larson, Robert D. (1). ........ .Moorhead
Lelvis, Patricia M.
.Chatham, Mich.
Ludviksen, Stanley B.
.Portland, Ore.
Lunow, Arthur . . . . . . . . . . . . .St. Louis Park
Maeland, Arnulf ....... .Fairhaven, Mass.
Mahre, Richard A. . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Mickelberg, Erwin D. ..... .Onalaska, Wis.
Moe, Dorothy R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D m n
Mulliken, John K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .St. Paul
........ .Minneapolis
.........Golden Valley
Nelson, Lennart D.
Nelson, Philip A.
Nordstrom, Ethel C.
Olson, Damaris R.
Olson, Monroe B. .......... .Minneapolis
Omdahl, Beverly F. ............. .Faston
Pousi, Ruth M.
Quanbeck, Paul M.
Rodvik, Erling S. (2) ........Minneapolis
Roesler, William A. (2)
.St. Paul
Saari, Corwyn J. . . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Seaver, John E. ............ .Minneapolis
Seover, Roma R. . . . . . . . . . . .Capron, Ill.
Siegel, Donald W. (1).
.Chicago, Ill.
Skaar, David W.
Rockford, Ill.
Skierseth, Donald ........ .Bracket, N. D.
Sneitzer, Robert F. ............ .St. Paul
Soderberg, LaVonne A. ........ Kandiyohi
Steinbrecher, Wayne G. ..... .Minneapolis
Stensrud, Richard H. ........ .Minneapolis
Strande, Nels A. D.. . . . . . . . . . . . .Brooten
Strondlie, Wenona C. ........... Benson
Thoreson, Wayne 1..
Twedt, Agnes S.
Tweet, Agnes M.
........ .McHenry, N. D.
.......Tunbridge, N. D.
West, Kenneth W. ....... .Maple Park, Ill.
Wolden, Gerhard P.
Estherville, Iowa
(1) Registered for first semester only.
(2) Registered for second semester only.
......................... 87
Almquist, James A. . . Sond Creek, Wis.
Anderson, Deloris A. . . . . . .Ogilvie
Anderson, Keith 0. .
. .Sacred Heart
Anderson, E. William . . . . Ashland, Wis.
Arneson, Suzanne M. . . . .Forgo, N. D.
Arvidson, Kenneth V. . . . .Rockford, 111.
Homme, Gloria (1)
. . .Minneapolis
Honebrink, Elsa M. . . . . Minneapolis
Honstad, Janet M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bagley
Hovden, Robert A. . . . . . . . St. James
Hoversten, Thomas H. . . . . . ..Alden, Iowa
Hunt, Elaine H. . . . . . . Minneapolis
Barber, Robert E. . . . . .
Boxter, Gerald . . . . . .
Berg, Robert M. (1) . . .
Berkas, Theodore S. .
Berntson, Irving E.
Beyers, Jomes R. M. .
Boroos, J. Shermon .
Bullock, Richord W. ( 1 )
Jacobson, Doris M. . . . . . . . . . Racine
Jonsen, David G. . . . . . . . . . Minneapolis
Johnson, Ervin T. . . . . . . . . . .St. Paul
Johnson, Forolyn M. . . . . . . . .Malmo
Jorgensen, Beverly M. . . . . . . . . . Delano
Jorgensen, Dorothy L. (1) . . . . . . .St. Paul
.Saginow, Mich.
. . . .Robbinsdale
. . . . . . . St. Paul
. . . . . . Kenyon
. . ..Minneapolis
. . . . .Minneapolis
. . . . . . . .Dowson
. . . . .Minneapolis
Carlson, Ann C. . . . . . . Minneapolis
. .Clorkfield
Christensen, Orlo J. . .
Christianson, Mary J. . . . . Knapp, Wis.
. . . . . . . Brainerd
Conyers, LeRoy H.
Currey, Donald E. (2) . . . . . . . .Appleton
Dohl, Marilyne J. .
Dohl, Sylva M. . . .
Dickens, Clora M. .
Doerr, Wayne P. (2)
. . Glenburn, N. D.
. . . . . . . . .Wasem
. Harrisburg, S. D.
. . . . . Minneapolis
Emery, Curtis V. . . . . . . Minneapolis
Enstad, Luther W. . . . . .Grand Forks, N. D.
Erickson, George H.
Tacoma, Wash.
Erickson, Leland F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Morris
Ericbon, Rodney 0. J. .
Evovold, Charles A. . . . . . . Battle Lake
Everhort, Joan M. . . . . . .
Field, Marvin W. . . . . . . .
Fitch, Gory D. . . . . . . . .
Floistod, Dorothy M.. . . . ..Milwaukee, Wis.
Fowlds, Carol M. . . . . . . . . . . Glenwood
Fox, Mary Ann E. . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Gennrich, Gretchen G.
. . . .Minneapolis
Gilbert, Verner L. . . . . . . . . . . . ..Barnum
Gimse, I. Shelby . . . . . . . . . . .Minot, N. D.
Giengdohl, Robert A. . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Greguson, Miriam E. . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Hogen, Elizabeth G. . . . . . . . .Montevideo
Honggi, Glen 0. . . . . .. . . . . . . . ..St. Paul
Hanson, Neol E. . . . . . . .Fargo, N. D.
Haugen, Jomes S. . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Hoynes, John W. . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Helgaas, Margaret A. . . . . .Madison, S. D.
Hemingway, Jerome . . . . . . . . Minneapolis
Hendricks, Dean M. . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Herman, Robert M. . . . .. . . . . .Minneapolis
(1) Registered for first semester only.
(2) Registered for second semester only.
Kollmon, Ralph A. . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Kirchner, Robert J. . . . . . . .Farmington
Kunkel, Lucille M. . . . . . . . . Almena,
Lorson, Richard Arthur . . . . . .Minneapolis
Lecander, Roger V. . . . . .Plum City, Wis.
Lee, Russell C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fosston
Lockwood, Robert R. . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Lolond, Ruth L. . . . . . . . . . ..Seattle, Wash.
Lower, Corolyn E. . . . . . . . . . . .St. James
Lundin, Harvey A. . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Meredith, Patricia J. . . . . . . . . . .Big Lake
Midthun, Betty A. . . . . Menomonie, Wis.
Moe, Donovan R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dawson
Moen, Ardell J. . . . . . . . . Hillsboro, N. D.
Mortensen, Elizobeth A. . . . . .Minneapolis
Moylan, Robert L. . . . . . .Spokane, Wash.
Mulen, Shirley A. . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Munson, Christine C. . . . . . . . . . . .Atwater
Murins, Valdis . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hopkins
Nelson, Morlys E. . . . . . . . . . . Belgrode
Nerheim, Lawrence E. . . . . . .Minneapolis
Nevin, LeRoy E. . . . . . . Cumberland, Wis.
Nichols, James E. . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Norby, Robert D. . . . . . . . . . . . .Appleton
Nordling, James B. . . . . Ishpeming, Mich.
Ohlin, Paul I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Olsen, Mary H. . . . . . . . . . Minneapolis
Olson, Bernice A. . . . . . Thief River Falls
Olson, Laurence 0. . . . . . .Maple Pork, Ill.
Olson, R. Luther ........... .Minneapolis
Olson, Magne B. . . . . . . . . . . ..Minneapolis
Ose, Roger K. . . . . . . . .Thief River Falls
Overlund, Ervin K. . . . . . . ..Silverton, Ore.
Peorson, James K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Askov
Pedersen, Virginia M. (2). . . . .Greenbush
Pederson, James L. . . . . . . . . . . Nye, Wis.
Pederson, Richard D. . . . . . .Minneapolis
Petersen, Marilyn J. . . . .
Peterson, Joyce A. . . . . . .
Pooler, Harold E. . . . . . . . Minneapolis
. . . . . . . . Bertha
. . . . . . . .McVille, N. D.
Quanbeck, Norman J.
Rowig, Bruce W.
Rudell, Violeite I. . . . .
. . . . .Minneapolis
Aniwa, Wis.
Thorpe, Mark C. . . . .
Thorson, Marilyn J. . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Thorvig, Kathryn L.
. . . . Minneapolis
Urness, John L.
.Thief River Falls
Saastad, Jerrold A. .
Sarff, Donohue R. . . . -. . . . . . . .Palisade
Northwood, N. D.
Sather, Dayne W. .
Schoess, Alden J. . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Stanerson, Noomi . . . . . Estherville, lowa
Stensland, Arlen H.. . . . . .Portland, N. D.
. . .Buxton, N. D.
Stoa, Harold M. . . . .
Sunde, John P. . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Suther, Paul R. (1). . . . . . . . . . . .Cass Lake
Sylvester, lone L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Starbuck
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mclntosh
Tader, David L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Staples
Thompson, Andrew . . . . .... .Minneapolis
Thompson, John T. . . . . . . . . . .Kandiyohi
Thompson, Norman E. . . . . .Leonard, N. D.
Tharpe, Glenn C. . . . . .. . . . . .Aniwa, Wis.
Vaagenes, Bonnie B. . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Voeks, George H. . . . . . . . . . ..Minneapolis
Wahlstrorn, Vernon J. S.. . . . . . .Grasston
Warnes, Wanda E. . . . . . . . . . . . .Stephen
Wellington, Richard J. (1). . . . .Minneapolis
White, Merlin J. . . . . . . . . . . ..Minneapolis
Williams, Beverly A. . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Ysteboe, Ruth 1. (2)
Fargo, N. D.
Men . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Women . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Ahlness, Daniel E. . . . . . . . . . . . . .New Ulm
Almlie, Vernon E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Foley
Anderson, Duane F. . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Anderson, Dwight L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dassel
Anderson, Ellen M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hanska
Anderson, lvar C. (1) . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Anderson, Laverne J. . . . . . . . .Zimmerman
Anderson, Lewis H. . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Anderson, Richard A. . . . . . . . . .Wayzata
Anfinsen, Arthur M., Jr.. . . . . . . . .Hopkins
Anklam, Robert D. . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Arme, Donald A. (1) . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Arrnstrong, James W. . . . . . . . . . . .St. Paul
Aronson, Donald W. . .Los Angeres, Calif.
Asplin, Myron T. (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cokato
Asplin, Russell W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Dassel
Baker, James G. (2). . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Baker, Stanley B. . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Bartel, Henry P. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hastings
Bebensee, Fred C. (2). . . . . . . . .Stanchfield
Beckman, James L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Waseca
Berg, Sidney D. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Bergeland, Martin E. . . . . . . . . . . . . Dawson
Bergren, John C. . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Berndt, Donald R. . . . . . . . . . . .Robbinsdale
Bernier, Jack L. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Berntsen, R. Maxine. . . . . .Escanaba, Mich.
Bockhaus, Mary G. (2). . . . . . . . . . .Mound
Bolstad, Kermit E. (1) . .Homestead, Mont.
Borman, Dennes L. ............ .Le Sueur
(1) Registered for first semester only.
(2) Registered for second semester only.
Borrevik, Kothleen M. . . . . . . . . . . . .Duluth
Bragg, James A. (1). . . . . . . . Chicago, Ill.
Braseth, Mary Ann . .
. .Amery, Wis.
Bredeken, Ronald D. . . . . . . . . . . Starbuck
Brodin, Arlen G. . . . . . . . . . Minneapolis
Brown, Con . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Crystal
Bueide, David H. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Willmar
Bullock, Robert L. . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Burke, Dorothy A.
. . . . . . ..Minneapolis
Carlson, Jerry D. . . .
Carlson, Roger A. . .
Carlson, Stanley C. . .
Carrelli, Robert A. . .
Christensen, Arlett P.
Christensen. Don E. .
Christensen, Larry J. . . . . . . . ..Minneapolis
Christensen, Marilyn A. (1). . . .Minneapolis
Christianson, ~ a r l o nC. . . . . . . . . . . Bagley
Christianson, Rita I. . . . . . . . . . . .Glenwood
Cook, James E. . . . . . . . . . . ., . Robbinsdale
Cruys, George H. . . . . . . . . . . Minneapolis
Dahl, Linnea M. . . . . . . . . Minneapolis
Dahlgren, Gerald N. (1) . . . .Minneapolis
Dale, Allen B. (1) . . . . . . St. Louis Pork
Dalland, John K. (2). . . . . . .. .Minneapolis
Dieken, Doris A. . . . . . .
. .Montevideo
Dumpys, Ruth M. . . . . . . . . . . . .Hutchinson
Egesdal, Sanford E. ( I ) . . . . . . . Elmore
Eichstadt, Harlen E. . . . . . . . . .Larnberton
Ellefson, Jon R. . . . . . . . . . . Minneapolis
West Concord
Emerson, Myron A. (2) .
Engelman, Fred B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clarissa
Erb, Ronald L . . . . . . . . . . . ..Lester Prairie
Erickson, Barbara M. . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Erickson, Orin N. (2). . . . . . . . .Lake Lillian
Fahlin, Paul V. (1) . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Faust, Daniel G.. . . . . . .Valley City, N. D.
Feig, Phillip S. (1) ... ...... .Minneapolis
Fering, Charles A. . . . . . . . . . . . Lamberton
Finnesgaard, Carl 0. ........... Kenyon
Flann, Douglas E. . . . .. . . . . . .Lake Lillian
Flockoi, Rolf A. (1).
. Bellingharn, Wash.
Fans, Grace 1. ..... ...... .Minneapolis
Franklin, Gary N. .... . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Frantz, John J. . . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Freedland, David A. . . . . . . . . . . .St. Paul
Garthwaite, Ronald G. . . . . . Rockford, Ill.
Geary, Wendell G. .......... Pemberton
Gibson, Bruce A. . . . . . . . . . . . Lamberton
Glasoe, James C. (1). . . . . . . .Minot, N. D.
Gorder, Harold J. ............. Starbudc
G r d , Marian C. ............. .Donnelly
Grant, Gaylord 0. . . . . . . . .Spring Grove
Grant, Gloria H. . . . . . .Cumberland, Wis.
Graus, Gilbert L. ........... .MeGregor
Grimtad, S a m ................Benson
Gryth, Marian J. ........ .Pembina, N. D.
Gutrmann, Edward C. (1) ...... .St. Paul
Hagen, Louise B. . . . . . . . . .Westby, Mont.
Halvorson, Gloria J. ..... ....... .Roseau
Hamberg,Glenn E. . . . . . . .Williston, N. D.
Hamre, Paul A. . . . . . . . . . . . .Mantevideo
Hansen, Warren R. ...... .Portland, Ore.
Hanson, A. Richard ..... . . . . . . .St. Paul
Hanson, Mary Ann (2). . . ......... Aitkin
Hanson, Sandra J. . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Harris, Dave 0.. . . . . . . . . .. .Granite Falls
Herald, Darroll S. (2) . . . . .La Crosse, Wis.
Hofflander, Tom M. . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Holm, Marlys N. . . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Holmes ,Dean K. . . . . . . . . . .Cannon Falls
Holmgren, Charles G. (1). . . . . . . . St. Paul
Holstein, Rosemary A. ... . . . .Minneapolis
Homme, Donald W. . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Hang, Raydon E. ....... . . .Roslyn, S. D.
Hushagen, Naomi R. A.. . . . . . . . . .Gonvick
Jensen, Donald N. . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Jeska Robert ................... Fosston
Johansen, Rosemarie ....... .Rockford, Ill.
Johanson, Eldri R. .. .Newman Grove, Neb.
Johnson, Aldemar E. . . . . . . . . . . .Mentor
Johnson, Eunice B. . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Johnson, Jerome L. (2). . . . . . .Minneapolis
(1) Registered for first semester only.
(2) Registered for second semester only.
Johnson, Marshall D. . . . . . . .Middle River
Johnson, Mary E. .... . . . . . . . . . .Kenyan
Johnson, Priscilla M. . . . . . . . ..Minneuclpolis
Johnson, Ralph S. .... . . . . . . . . . . .Duluth
Johnson, Ronald B. (2) . . . ..Minneapolis
Johnson, Ronald C. . . . . . . . . .St.
. Paul
Johnson, Ruby L. . . . . .. . . . . Minneapolis
Johnson, Wayne C. . . . . . .
St. Paul
Josephson, Earl R. . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Paul
Kahl, Herman J. . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Keller, Lee E. . . . . . . . . . . . Neillsville, Wis.
Kelsey, Arthur R. . . . . . . . . . ..Minneapolis
Kennen, Bernard G. (1) ....... .St. Francis
Kjelstrom, Verna C. . . . . . . . ..Rugby, N. D.
Knapton, Shirley A. (2) .......... St. Paul
Knox, Philip S. . . . ............ Wayzata
Kolden, Lois J. .
. . . . . . .Portland, Ore.
Konsterlie, Esther T. ............ Willmar
Koplen, Charles F. . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Krider, Richard D. . . - . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Kroshus, Tilford I.. . ... Valley City, N. D.
Kutz, Donald N. . . . ............ Braham
Kvamme, Bryniulv . . ....... .Voa, Norway
Lacis, Jake (2) ..... .New Richmond, Wis.
Laidig, Anneliese ............... Willmar
Lanning, James W. ......... .Minneapolis
Larson, Carol M. . . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Larson, Melvin W. . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Larson, Monroe 8. ............. .St. Paul
Larson, Patricia A. ..........Minneapolis
Larson, Richard Alvin . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Laufenburger, Barbara A. . . . . . . . .Roseau
LaVictoire, Lawrence A. (1). .. .Minneapolis
Lind, Delano E. (2) . . . . . . . . . .Newfolden
Locke, Michael G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .St. Paul
Lomness, Edward E. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fosston
Ludvicksen, Joyce H. ..... .Partland, Ore.
Lumbar, Stanley L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Orr
Lundeen, Walter G. (2). . . . . . .Minneapolis
Mackey, Roger C. . . . . . . . . . ..Minneapolis
Manguson, Jean M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tracy
Manos, George M. . . . . . . . Minneapolis
Martin, Robert N. . . . .Valley Stream, N. Y.
Martinsen, John P.. . . . . .Menominee, Mich.
Matson, Norman R. ......... .Minneapolis
Mattison, David D. (1) ....... .Lamberton
Menken, Ruth 1E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Litchfield
Mickelson, Thoris C. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Morris
Milbrandt, Janette C. C.. . . . . .Minneapolis
Miller, Kenneth E.. .... .Valley City, N. D.
Milton, Mary Lee . . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Mindrum, Gerald G. . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Missling, Arlen H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jeffers
Moe, Erwin J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Moren, Orval K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mentor
Morris, Eugene . . . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Munson, Dale E. . . . . . . . . . . . .Robbinsdale
. . . . . . . .St. James
Munson, Howard E.
Munter, Marilyn I. . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
. . . . .Minneapolis
Murch, Constance H.
Nascene, Sheldon L. . . . . . . . . .Stanchfield
Nelson, Victor E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dalbo
Nelson, Wayne L. . . . . . . . .Marinette, Wis.
Norling, Jerry C. . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Norman, James A. . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Nyhus, Paul L. . . . . . . . Cumberland, Wis.
Ohlin, John L. . . . . . . . . . . . ..Minneapolis
Oie, Robert G. (2) . . . . . . . Robbinsdale
. . . . . .St. James
Olsen, Duane A. . . . .
Olsen, Vernon E. (2) . . . . L'Anse, Mich.
Olson, Beverly J. . . . . . . . . . . .Cottonwood
Olson, David W. . . . . . . . .. .New London
Olson, Eddie D. . . . . . . . . . Clearbrook
. . . .Minneapolis
Olson, Jeanette I. . . . .
Olson, Richard M. (1). . . . . .Minneapolis
Ose, Gaylen V. . . . . . . . Thief River Falls
Ose, Ray A. (2) . . . . . . . ..Thief River Falls
Paton, Richard J. . . . . . . . . . . .Minneopoiis
Pearson, Jean C. ........... .Minneapolis
Person, Paul R. . . . . . . . . . . . . Minneapolis
Peterson, Donald D. . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Peterson, W. Fred . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Peterson, Mike D. (1) . . . . . .Minneapolis
Pfeifer, LaReign A. . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Phillips, Edythe A. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Excelsior
Plvmedahl, James D.. . . . . . . . .Robbinsdale
Porter, Janis R. . . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Prentice, Shirley M. . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Prevss, Gerhart L. (1). . . . . . . . Benson
. . . .Minneapolis
Rodintz, Rolland A. .
Rauner, Robert E. . . . . . . . . . Minneapolis
Reesnes, Alfred, Jr. (2). . . . . . Racine, Wis.
. . . Minneapolis
Reinke, Martin F. (2). .
Rogers, Monica J. . . . . . . . Minot, N. D.
Rokke, Robert J.
. . . . . . . ..Strandquist
Roufs, Kenneth L. (1). . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Rust, Curtis V. . . . . . . . - . Harwood, N. D.
Sandberg, Janet L. . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Sother, Judith A. . . . . . . . . . .Donnelly
Schams, Ronald T. (2) . . .La Crose, Wis.
Schelen, John R. . . . . . . . . . . . ..St. Paul
Schoes, Marilyn E. . . . . . . . Minneapolis
Schuelein, Marlys A. . . . . . . . Minneapolis
(1) Registered for first semester only.
(2) Registered for second semester only.
Seaver, Roy E. (1) . . . . Minneapolis
Serstock, Emanuel A. . . . . . . ..Minneapolis
Shelstad, Roger E. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Doran
Sherry, Richard J. . . . . . . . . .Westby, Wis.
Sideen, Wesley T. (1). . . . . . . . . .St. Paul
Skaar, Donald L. . . . . . . . . . .Rockford, Ill.
Skovholt, Verna J. . . . . . . Mooreton, N. D.
Smedstad, Carol A. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Morris
Snider, Neal E. . . . . . . . .Pembina, N. D.
Sorenson, Norma J. . . . . . . . . Ekva, Wis.
Sorenson, Peggy-Joyce . . . . Minneapolis
Sortland, Eunice E. . . . . . . ..Minneapolis
Staff, Clarice A. . . . . . Bismarck, N. D.
Steenbsrg, Thomas A. . . . . . ..Circle Pines
Stewart, Williom H. (1)
. . . .Minneapolis
Svalstad, Theora J. . . . . . . .Sisseton, S. D.
Swenson, Darwin W. . . . . .Lake Lillian
Swiggum, Daniel R. . . . . . . . . . . Utica
Stenberg, Robert F. (2). . . . ..Rockford, Ill.
. . . . . .Minneapolis
Tatting, Jean F. .
Thompson, Theodore T. . . . . .Minneapolis
Thorbeck, Duane E. . . . . . . . . . . . .b g l e y
Tollefson, Connie L. . . . . . ..Minneapolis
Tollefson, Lorraine G.. . Osnabrock, N. D.
Trelstad, Gordon A. . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Turner, Gary E. . . . . . . . . . Minneapoiis
Tweet, Swanhild T. . . . . . .Tunbridge, N. D.
Velde, Ellayne T. . . . . . . . .Granite Falls
Vevle, Richard H. . . . . . . ..Minneapolis
Vollmer, Howard R. . . . . . . . . . .St. Paul
Wahlberg, Arden G. (2). . . . . .Minneapolis
Wareberg, S. Dawn . . . . . . . .Polson, Mont.
Warme, Tom M. . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Waznak, Arnold H. . . . .Jarnestown, N. Y.
Weigle, Eugene D. (2) . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Welckle, John E. . . . . . . . . . . . .Wood Lake
Westby, Allan J. (1) . . . . . .Minneapolis
Westerlund, Robert C. (2). . . . . . . . Braham
Weston, David M. . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Wiegers, Gloria C. M. . . . . . . .Sauk Centre
Willing, Darrel K. . . . . . . . . . . . .Rochester
Windahl. Naomi J. (1) ..... .Fergus Falls
Wolhowe, Richard L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bagley
Wright, Richard T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Waseca
Zakariasen, Lloyd A. (2) . . . . . . . .Excelsior
Zoebisch, Harold L. (1) . . . . . .Minneapolis
Men . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .188
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
-. . . . 262
Aiken. Frank L.. Jr.. . . . . . .Bradenton, Fla.
Ario, Frank L. . . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Bergstrand, Dolores Y. (2) . . .Minneapolis
Boomgarden, Irene (2) . . . . . .Minneapolis
Bratberg, Elva L. (1). . . . . . .Holmen, Wis.
Manthie, Russell ( 1 )
Martinsen, Ralph W. (2)
Meier, Thurlough F. L. (2)
ill^^, james
W. (2). . . . . .
~l W.
l ~ N.
d D. ,
Carlson, Erland E. (2). . . . . . . . .St. Paul
Caviness, David C. . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Coltvet, Helen (2) . . . . . .Duncombe, Iowa
Cummings. Frank W. (1) Atlantic City, N. J.
paulson, philip H.
Dahlen, Richard J. . . . . . . . . . Minneapolis
Deem, Darlyne G.. . . .Medicine Lake, Mont.
keichstadt, ~
l H. ~. . ~
Rundquist, Bertil G. (1)
. . . .Pardeeville, Wis.
Fenske, Delmour W.
Gohrick, J a n e E. (1). . . . . Shelton, Wash.
Hafstad, Wallace L. . . . . . . . . . . kiawley
Hegge, Hjalmer M. (1). . . Williston, N. D.
Hibbard, Gerald C. (1). . . . .Minneapolis
Okan, ROY C. (1).
oudol, Yvonne M.
d. .Center City
, Minneapolis
,. .
Chicago, Ill.
Siegel, David
Sigle, Clara 0.
Thompson. Agnes E. . . . .
Thompson, Glenn K. . . . . . .Minneapolis
Thorson, Arthur W.
New Brighton
Thorud, Richard A. . . . . . . . . Minneapolis
Tinseth, Leslie J. (1) . . . . . . . . . . .C~rus
Jacobsen, Gilbert N. . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Jacobson, Luther H. . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Johnson, Beryl R. . . . . . .~ i ~ n e a p o l iUndseth,
Marvin S. . . .
Johnson, Ina M. ( I ) . . . . . . .Osakis
Voeks, Mildred L. (2) . . .
Kallevig, Lloyd C. (1). .
Larson, Robert C. (1)
Magnuson, Albert C.
Men . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 42
Andrews, Carole F. . . . . .Annandale
. .Hallock
Axelson, Evangeline L
Grand Marais
Bocklund, Elizabeth A. .
Superior, Wis.
Barbo, Betty A. . . . .
Bruss, Joan E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Echo
Carlson, Darlene L.
Duis, Elaine E.
. . . ,Winger
Flermoen, DeLois C.
Herald, Berdine L. .
Horton, Barbara A.
Jacobson, Melba L.
Johnson, Esther M.
. . . .
La Crosse, Wis.
. Minneapolis
. . . . .Sebeka
Viroqual Wis.
(1) Registered for first semester only.
(2) Registered for second semester only.
. . .Minneapolis
Langford, Phyllis A.
Larsen, Jane E. . . . . . . La Crosse, Wis.
Larsen, Janet E. . . . . . La Crosse, Wis.
0krina, ~~~l~~
E. . . . . . . .
J. . . . . .
Schauer, Carol F. . .
Shultz, Joan C. . . . .
Stenseth, Claudine M.
Tollefson, Junice K.
veitch, b r b a r a L.
Vik, Margaret A.
. .
. . . . . .Canby
. . . . . . . .Waseca
Spokane, Wash.
.Wallace, S. D.
.L'Anse, Mich.
Wagner, lone M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Badger
Wickman, Betty J. . . . , .Marineite, Wis.
St. Paul
Wolff, Joan A. . . . . .. . . . .
. . . . . . . .
Adelsman, Barbara J..
. . . . . Fergus Falls
Anderson, Lenore J.. . . . .Forest City, Iowa
Arndt, Marlene D. . . . . . . . . . . . .Granada
Herman, Marilyn K. . . . . . . . . . . . .Wayzata
Hoff, Yvonne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Underwood
Hurlbert, Betty J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bemidji
Backstrom, Rita I. . . . . . . . . . . Moorhead
Bahls, Shirley M. . . . . . . .
. . . . . Huntley
Balstad, Gelene E. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Winger
Baumann, Clarice A. . . . . . . . . . .Le Sueur
Bensend, Mary B. . . . .
. Dallas, Wis.
Benson, Corrine C. . . . . .. .ClarMield
Bergin, Marilyn M. . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Bergsrud, Annabelle E. . . . . . . . .Winona
Birkeland, Ruth A. . . . . . . . . New Brighton
Bjonerud, Ruth J. . . . . . . . . . Calmar, lowa
Borgen, Joan M. . . . . . . . . .. . . . .Chatfield
Bucher, Carol J. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Zumbrota
Buller, Lois A. . . . . . . . . . . . . Hendricks
Burandt, Donna J. . . . . . .. . . . ..Mound
Burmeister, Lorraine A. . . . . . .Brook Park
Burzlaff, Mary J. . . . . . . . . . .Faribault
Butler, Carol J. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Iverson, Ellenetta
Carlstrom, Nancy A.. .New Richmond,
Carson, Florence E. . . . . . . . .Leland,
Christiansen, Alta J.. . . . . . . . .Fergus
Cutsforth, Carol S. . . . . . . . . .Chetek,
Denison, Rosella J.
Driessen, LaVon M.
. . . . . . . Minneapolis
. . . . . . . . Faribault
Ebens, Shirley L. . . . . . . . . . .Rockford, Ill.
Ekstrom, Florence E. . . . . . . . . . . . Chaska
Emch, June R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aitkin
Erickson, Elaine G. . . . . Fairdale, N. D.
Erickson, Elaine L. ,
. .Monmouth, Ill.
Evenson, M. Elaine
. . Wallace, S. D.
Fagerstrom, Arleen R. . . . . . . .Radium
Fancher, Beverly L. . . . . Minneapolis
Fehrs, Joanne E. . . . . . . . . . .Willow River
Fennie, Delores J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kenyon
Frauendienst, Virgene C.
. . .Brownton
Fuller, Laurel J. . . . . . . . . . .Monkato
Gangestand, Thelma 1. .Eagle Grove, lowa
Geschwind, Marlene A.
. . . .Sleepy Eye
Gilbertson, Dorothy E. . . Thief River Falls
Hanson, Carol D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .St. Peter
Hanson, Janet E. . . . . . . . . . . .Chisago City
Hanson, Lois J.. ........ .Thief River Falls
Hark, Barbara A. . . . . .Menominee, Mich.
Hendricksen, Ruth M. . . . . .Minneapolis
Hendrickson, Geraldine H. Eau Claire, Wis.
Henke, Naomi D.. . . . . . . . . . ..Wood Lake
Herberg, Jane E. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Monkat0
(1) Registered for first semester only.
. . . . . . . . Decorah,
Jacobsen, Carol M. . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Johnson, Gladys M. . . . . . . . . . . .Sandstone
Johnson, Lucille C.. . . . . . .Stockholm, Wis.
Johnson, Phyllis M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Russell
Johnson, Thelma M. . . . . . . . . . .Faribault
Judd, Joyce L . . . . . . . . . . . . .D-n
Jurgens, Shirley J. . . . . . . . . . . . .James
Kirkpatrick, Helen L. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Olivia
Kittleson, Olive E. . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisburg
Klukken, Ruth E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Osakis
Kriese, Shirley H. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Madison
Lamson, Katherine L. . . . . . . . . . . .St. Paul
Larson, Jenean M. . . . . . . ... .Minneapolis
Lindholm, Lorraine H. . . ..... .Ortonville
Lindrothe, Carol A. . . . . .. . . .Minneapolis
Lodien, Jean L. . . . . . . . . ........ .Isanti
Lundberg, Shirley J.. . . . .Berasford, S. D.
Lundell, Janice J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wadena
Luxhen, Romona S. . . . . . ........ Benson
Luttmann, Jwnne M. . . . . ........ Frazee
McGinnis, Catherine F..Albuquerque, N. M.
Redfield, S. D.
Mager, Delvonna C. . . . .
Melvie, Lorraine E. . . . . . . . . . .Viking
Meyer, Terryl A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fairmont
Miller, Marcia R. . . .
Grantsburg, Wis.
Molzen, Cleone J. . . . . . ..Le Mars, Iowa
. . . . . . . . Benson
Mortenson, Marjorie A.
Moss, Mardella N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Isle
Nelson, Marian B. . . . . . . . . . Underwood
Nepsund, Marlys J. . . . . . . . Paynesville
, .Pennington
Neuman, Loris E. . .
Nibbe, Arlene M. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ormsby
Nordby, Janet C. . . . . . . . . . . . .Ada
. . . . . .Bagley
Norley, Clarice R. .
Norstrom, Shirley A. . .
. . . . . .Siren
Nyberg, Joan M. . .
Olson, Diane E. . . . . . . . . .
Olson, Marya M. . . . . . . . . . .Farmington
. . . . .Ada
Olson, Sonia L.
Pedersen, Hildegarde S.. . . . . . . .Wyoming
Pederson, Marian G. . . . . . . . . . ..Fertile
Peterson, Janice L. . . . . . . . . . . .St. James
Plahn, Joan C. . . . . . . . . . . ..Hudson, Wis.
Pottsmith, Mary E. . . . . . . . .Sturgeon Lake
Raduenz, Janice B.
Rancore, Dorothy C.
. . . . . . . Blackduck
Raudio, Helen A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Warba
Rauner, Kathryn M. . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
~ jane
~ E. ~. . .~ . . , . M~~ b k e
RUS~, Judith R. . . . . . . . . . . . ..sourn
Sandvig, Helen A.. . . . - . ..Hudson, S. D.
Satrang, Joan K.. . . . . . . . . .Britton. S. D.
Seemann, Johanna L. . . . . . . .Courtland
. . . . . .Willmar
Selseth, Ruth E. . . . . .
Skaaden, Ruth E. . . . . .S.~ r i n aGrove
Snustad, Margaret . .
. , , Winger
Stake, Carolyn N. . . . . . . .'Cambrid,ge
Steen, H. Gael ...
. . 'SuperiOrf Wis'
Stone, Glorio A. . .
Strandell, June E. .
. .Warren
Sugg, Joan M. . . . .
. . .Ladysmith'
Sullivan, Mortha I. . . . . . . . .Springfield
Swedberg, Janet M.
. . . . . . . .La Moille
. . . . . . Fergus
Swenson, Marlys G..
.Lake Mills. Iowa
Thompson, Darlene M.
Thureen, Elaine A. . . . . . . . . Grand Forks
Tykeson, Jewel1 F. . . . . . . . . . .Kennedy
Uleberg, Janet A.
Ullestad, Mavis B.
. . . . . . . . . . . . .Madelia
Van Diest, Frances L..
Leland, Iowa
. . . . . . St. Cloud
Walthall, Betty K.. . . . . . .Iowa Falls, Iowa
Weidert, Erma E. . . . . . . . ..Eden Valley
Wendt, Jane D. . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Wennerblom, Shirley A. . . . . . .Minneapolis
Werp, Elaine A. . . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Wold, Marilyn J. . . . . . . . . . . .Underwood
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
With the degree of Bachelor of Theology
Edinburg, N. D.
Berntson, Gordon N.. . .
Carlsen, Erling N. . . . . . . . . . Minneapolis
Huglen, Raynard 0.J. . . . . . . .Newfolden
Jergenson, Arnold 0. . . . . . . . . . . Donnelly
Oscarson, Elder W.. . . . . . . . . . Fergus Falls
Sortland, Allan B.. . . . . . . .Fargo, N. D.
Tollefson, Harold 0.. Osnabrock, N. D.
With the degree of Graduate in Theology
Jystad, Torgney B. . . . . . . . . .Wanamingo
Mayer, Henry A.. . . . . . . . . .West St. Paul
Peterson, James E. . . . . . . . ..Minneapolis
Schafer, Harold R.
Wessington Springs, S. D.
Sevig, Palmer E.. . . . . . . . . . . .Minot, N. D.
With the degree of Bachelor of Arts
Carlson, Erland E. . . . . . . . . St. Paul
Aaskov, Ruth Lucille
Cumberland Center, Maine
Alfsen, Thomas Charles . . . . . . . .Rochester
Amdahl, Oliver D.. . . . . . . .Flandreau, S. D.
Anderson, Roger Vincent. . . . . . . . .St. Paul
Baker, Eleanor Marie. . . . .Spokane, Wash.
Becklin, Joyce L. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Combridge
Benson, Stanley G. . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Berntson, Rudolph E.. . . . Edinburg, N. D.
Bobendrier, Jeanne M. . . . . Minneapolis
Bodin, C. Allan . . . . . . . . . . . Minneapolis
Carlsen, Beverly Nystuen . . . . . Minneapolis
Corlsen, Glenn T.. . . . . . . . Minneapolis
Corlstedt, Faith E. . . . . . . . . .Finlayson
Carlstedt, Rhoda Lois . . . . . . . . .Finlayson
Christensen, Duane J. . . . .Kenmare, N. D.
Christina, Joseph . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Cleary, Joseph J. . . . . . . . .New Brighton
Cummings, Frank ... .Atlantic Cily, N. J.
Danielson, H. Emmett . . . . . . . . Watertown
Deem, Darlyne G.. . . .Medicine Lake, Mont.
Dickhart, Daniel A. . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Dillon, Donald V. . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Dixen, Arvid Daniel . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Dorn, Arthur W. . . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Dorn, Roy V. .............. .Minneapolis
Drury, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Eckhoff, Joyce Jorgensen ......... .Delano
Egeberg, Herman . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Elness, Marilyn E.. .......... Fargo, N. D.
Emerson, Robert Charles . . . . .Minneapolis
Engseth, Jerome Martin. ........ Wayzata
Evenson, Robert A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hanska
Fairbanks, Leland L. . . . . . . . . . . .Harmony
Fenske, Delmour . . . . . . . .Pardeeville, Wis.
Fox, Curtis Andrew . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Frosig, Kristian Vester ....... .Minneapolis
Giesdahl, Alice Elaine. . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Gwdrich, Quentin Allan .... .Minneapolis
Grender, Carol Handahl . . . . . . . . .St. Paul
Gustofson, Charles Richard. . . .Minneapolis
. . . . . . . . .Zimmerman
Hagen, Marvin L.
Halling, Lloyd L. . . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Hamre, James S. . . . . . . . . . . . .Montevideo
Hansen, Clarence C. ........ .Minneapolis
Hegge, Hjalmer Martin.. ..Williston, N. D.
Hill, Lorne H. ............ .Veblen, S. D.
Hodne, Richard Haldor
Hokanson, Betty M. . . . . . . . . . . . Butterfield
Hushagen, Berton R. ........ .Minneapolis
Jacobsen, Alice Amelia. . . .Thief River Falls
Jensen, Sherman R. . . . . . . . . . . . .St. Paul
Johnson, Arlan Kenneth, Grand Forks, N. D.
Johnson, James Lyle . . . . . . . . . . . . Kenyon
Johnson, Joan M. M. . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Johnson, Norman Francis. . . . . .Formington
Johnson, Roger A. . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Kirchoff, Ralph Mirlen
. . . . . . .Minneapolis
Lapham, Dean L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Le Sueur
Lingen, John Russell
Loh, Ellen . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Formosa, China
Lundeen, Donovan T. . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Lundgren, David Dean
Parizek, Gloria Mae . . . . . . . .Minot, N. D.
Patana, R. Raymond J.. .Crystal Falls, Mich.
Pearson, Howard Erwin . . . . . .Minneapolis
Pearson, Richard Leroy . . . . . .Minneapolis
Peterson, Harold Everett . . . . .Minneapolis
Petterson, Leroy M.. . . . .Drummond, Mont.
Quanbeck, Kent B. . . . . . . . .McVille, N. D.
Radde, Leon R. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Razook, Patricia R.. . . . . . . . . .Rugby, N. D.
Reimer, Donald James. . . . . .Mountain Lake
Rimmereid, Arthur V.. .New Rockford, N. D.
Ringstad, Ruth J. . . . . . . . .Escanaba, Mich.
Rykken, David A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Roseau
Schultz, C. Arthur.. . . . . . .Spokane, Wash.
Sigler, Fred C. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Silrum, Edwin 0. . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Silverstein, Richard Stanley.. . . . . .St. Paul
Skogsbergh, Samuel P. . . . . . .Minneapolis
Steineke, Donald Duane. . . . . .Moose Lake
Stenoien, Vernon S. . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Stensland, Donald E. . . . . .Portland, N. D.
Straiton, Thomas Paul. . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Strommen, Dorothy M.. Blanchardville, Wis.
Tamm, William C. . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Thompson, Carol Joyce.. . . . .Binford, N. D.
Tuff, Harry Airth.. . . . . . . . . .Rugby, N. D.
Unruh, Peter D., Jr.. . . . . . . .Mountain Lake
Valtinson, Joseph Olai, Jr.. . . . .DeKalb, Ill.
Vetvick, Leo B. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Vik, Phyllis June . . . . . . . . . .Wauboy, S. D.
Werts, Harold Glenn . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Wilson, Woodrow W. . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Youngquist, Edmund R. . . . . . . . . . . Bolaton
Manger, Elizabeth J.. . . . . . . .Wilmette, Ill.
Mattson, Harold S. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hoffman
Nofer, Herman Frederick, Jr.
Olson, Harry Edwin, Jr.. . . . . .Minneapolis
Olson, Howard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Winger
Oren, Donald Gerald . . . . . . . . . . .St. Paul
Oscarson, Rhoda Knutson . . . . . .Minneapolis
Ostrem, Gloria Ruth . . . . . . . . . Joliet, Ill.
Oudal, Wilmer Jayson . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Ohno, Tom Tomeo . . . . . . . . . .Minneapolis
Ollila, Douglas J. ....... lshpeming, Mich.
Zustiak, Mildred Ruth
Men . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Women . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
. . . . . . . . . . .
Men Students . . . . . .
Women Students . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . .
. . . .
Men Students . .
Women Students
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Total Enrollment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Deducting those counted more than once . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Men Students ...................................................
Women Students .......................................
Men Students
Women Students
Total Enrollment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Deducting those counted more than once . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Men Students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Women Students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Men Students .........................
Women Students ................................................
Total Enrollment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Deducting those counted more than once . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
, ,
, . . - - -
, , , ,
- -
. . . . . . . . .
Total Graduates
Academic. Administration ........... 44
Amunts. Payments of .............. 16
Accreditation ................... .2. 20
Admission. College ................ 44
Admission. Seminary ............... 103
Administration ....................
Administrative Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Aims. Fundamental ................
Alumni Association. The ............ 20
Archives. The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80. 93
Athletics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35. 36
Attendance. Chapel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Attendance. Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
AudieVisual Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Awards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Band ........................ .34,
Biology. Department of . . . . . . . . . . .
Board of Trustees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Buildings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Business Administration. Curriculum . .
Business Administration. Economics. and
Secretarial Studies. Department of . .
Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Cancellation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Chapel Service. The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Choir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34, 79
Choral Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34, 79
Christian Education and Sociology . . . . 110
Christian Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Church History (Seminary) . . . . . . . . . 108
Classical Languages, Department of . . . 68
Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Classwork, Amount of . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Clubs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-39
College, Augsburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
College Students (1953-1954) . . . . . . . 112
committees of the Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Contents. Table of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Convocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1
Counseling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Course Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Courses of Study. College . . . . . . . . . 64
Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..46. 52
Cultural Opportunities . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Curriculums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Debate ond Oratory . . . . . . . . . . .34. 73
Degree. Bachelor of Arts . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Dentistry. Pre-Dental Courses . . . . . . . . 58
Diaconate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Dining Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Discipline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Distinction, Degree with . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Divisional Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3
Drama . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34, 73
Economics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Education, Department of Psycholm
and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Education01 Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Electives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Elimination of Students . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 7
Employment Service . . . . . . . . . . . . .W,
Engineering, Pre-Engineering Courses . . 60
English, Department of . . . . . . . . . . . . 69.
English, Proficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Enrollment Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Entrance Requirements, College . . . . . 44
Evening School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Examinations, Comprehensive . . . . . . . . 49.
Examinations, Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . .48, 49
Expenses, Student . . . . . ..24, 25, 26, 104
Faculty. The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24. 25. 26
Financial Information . . . . . . . . . .
Financial Support and Control . .
Food Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Foundation. Augsburg . . . . . . . . . .
French . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fundamental Aims . . . . . . . . . . . . .
General Information . . . . . . . . . . .
German. Department of . . . . . . . .
Grade Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Graduate Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Graduates 1953 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Graduates (1870.1953). Summary
Graduation Requirements. College
Greek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Health and Physical Education. Department of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Health Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Hebrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69. 106
High School Teaching. Curriculum . . . . 55
Historical Sketch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
History and Political Science. Department of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Home Economics. Department of . . . . . . 92
Home Economics. Vocations in . . . . . . . 57
Homiletics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Honor Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52'
Honors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39. 5 2
Hospital Affiliation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
. . . . 68
lncompletes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
Journalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72
Lower Division Requirements . . . . . .
Humanities. Division of the
Laboratories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Latin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Law. Pre-Law Courses . . . . . . . . . . .
Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .
Library Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Loan Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Majors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Mothemotics. Department of ........ 99
Medical St& . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Medical Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . .23. 59
Medicine. Pre-Medic Courses . . . . . . . . 61
Membership in Educational Associations 20
Ministry. Preparation for the . . . .53. 103
Minors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Missionary Work. Preparation for . . . . 54
Museum. The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Music. Department of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Music Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Music. Organizations . . . . . . . . .34. 35. 79
Natural Sciences and Mathematics.
Division of ..................... 95
New Testament (Seminary) . . . . . . . . . 107
Norwegian. Courses in . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Nursing. Pre-Nursing Courses . . . . . . . 58
Nursing. Affiliation with Schools of .23. 59
Old Testament (Seminary) . . . . . . . . 106
Oratory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34. 73
Organ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80
Organizations. Student . . . . . . . . . -32-39
Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40. 86
Parish Work. Preparation for . . . . . . . 54
Pastoral Theology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Payment of Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Personnel Services. Student . . . . . . . . 40
Philosophy. Department of . . . . . . . . . . 66
Physical Education. Department of
Health and .................... 100
Physical Sciences. Department of . . . . . 96
Physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Piano . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Placement Service for Graduates . . . . 43
Political Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Polity. Worship. and Parish Work . . . . 110
Practical Theology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -109
Pre-Seminary Curriculum . . . . . . . .53. 103
Prizes. Scholarships and . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Probation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Psychology and Education. Department of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Recreation and Social Life . . . . . . . . . .
Refunds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Registration. Change of . . . . . . . . . . . .
Religion and Philcsophy. Division of . . .
Religious Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . .
Residence Requirement . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Romance Languages. Department of . . .
Room Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Scandinavian Language and Literature.
Department of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Scholarships and Prizes . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Secretarial Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Secretarial Work Curriculum . . . . . . . 56
Seminary. Admission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Seminary. Faculty .................
Seminary. Courses of Study . . . . . . . . . 105
Seminary. Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . .25. 104
Seminary. Graduation and Degrees . . 105
Seminary Internship ............... 105
Social Life. Recreation and . . . . . . . . . . 39
Sociology. Department of . . . . . . . . . . 83
Social Sciences. Division of the . . . . . . 81
Social Work Curriculum . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Spanish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Special Programs of Study . . . . . . . . . . 23
Special Students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Speech. Department of . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Student Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Student Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Student Community Life . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Student Government . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Student Nurses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Student Personnel Services . . . . . . . . . . 40
. . . . . 111
Student Register . . . . . . . . .
Student Society. The . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Systematic Theology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .108
Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Teachefs Certificate . . . . . . . . . .55. 85
Teaching Curriculum . . . . . . . . . . - 5 5
Testing ................ .40. 44. 48. 49
Theology. College Preparation for . 53. 103
Theological Orientation Courses . . . . . 105
Theological Seminary. Augsburg . . . . . 103
Theological Students (1953.1954) . . . . . 111
Transfer and Advanced Standing .45. 104
Trustees. b a r d of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Tuition and Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24. 25
University Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Upper Division Requirements . . . . . . . . 52
Veterans. Admission of . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Voice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Augsburg College is located on Twenty-first Avenue South
between Seventh and Eighth Streets South with adminisvative
o h located in Science Hall on Seventh Street a t Twenty-first
Avenue South.
The college may be reached, via public transportation on &e
following Jines:
The Franklin bus to Twenty-first Avenue South and Franklin
?he Minnehaha Falls or Fort Snelling bus to Twenty-first
Avenue South and Riverside
3. The Plymouth-East Twenty-fifth Street bus to Seventh
Street and Cedar Avenue
4. The Olson Highway bus to Seventh Street and Cedar Avenue
- - -
= s ~ M - e H d
Hours: Monday through F r i d a y y : 5 5
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a m to 5 :oo p.m.
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- MA 9949
MA 9229
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and requirements for admission, advertising and publicity,
and general information about the institution.
ADMISSION TO THE SEMINARY-Information and requests
for admission to the Theological Seminary.
EVALUATION OF CREDITS Transcript of credits, requirements for graduation, transfer of credits, scholastic progress, and withdrawal of matriculated students.
HOUSING OF STUDENTS Questions pertaining specifically to housing and dormitory life.
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Minneapolis 4, Minnesota
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Augsburg University Undergraduate Catalog, 2017-2018
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Undergraduate Catalog
Official Publication of Augsburg University
2211 Riverside Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55454
The Augsburg University Undergraduate Catalog contains information about academic program requirements and
academic and student policies and procedures for...
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Undergraduate Catalog
Official Publication of Augsburg University
2211 Riverside Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55454
The Augsburg University Undergraduate Catalog contains information about academic program requirements and
academic and student policies and procedures for Fall Semester 2017 - Summer Semester 2018. It is subject to change
without notice.
The catalog is intended to complement other University publications including the Student Guide and University
website. It is important for students to be familiar with all University policies and procedures. Students are strongly
encouraged to consult their advisor(s) at least once each semester to be certain they are properly completing degree
Published 2017
Phone: 612-330-1000
A Greeting from the President
A university catalog is a wonderful text, full of detail and data that offer all of us a map to our lives together as a
university community. This is a map grounded in Augsburg’s mission: “To educate students to be informed citizens,
thoughtful stewards, critical thinkers, and responsible leaders.”
What has prompted you to study this map of Augsburg University? If you’re already enrolled at Augsburg, I trust you will
continue to find here the awe and wonder of an educational experience that is meaningful and challenging. I hope you
will be reminded of the relationships and commitments you have formed at Augsburg—they will last a lifetime. I also
hope that you find in this map signposts of the progress you have made in your vocational journey and that you will
continue to believe that you have rightly chosen Augsburg as the community in which you will spend time for the next
several years.
If you are studying this map to find out more about Augsburg University and an Augsburg education, welcome. I believe
you will find it not only tells you about the character and essence of our institution, but also about our mission of
service, particularly about those whom we serve in a modern, vibrant city. Augsburg is located in the heart of the Twin
Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, and it is in the city that our University both serves and thrives. As you study here, you
will find a setting that not only provides remarkable learning opportunities, but one in which you will be able to share
your own talents and skills. Augsburg’s challenging academic environment is enhanced by both education and service
experiences that transform theory into action and unite the liberal arts with the practical in preparing students as
faithful citizens in a global society.
The experience you are undertaking at Augsburg—or thinking of undertaking—will occur on a small campus in the core
of a great city; it will be led by faculty preoccupied with your welfare and the emergence and refinement of your
vocational plans.
As you join Augsburg University, or consider doing so, please know that those of us who await you here find the
University an exciting place, full of diversity and yet possessed of a community dedicated to higher learning and good
living. Here you can find your way in the world.
May this map be your faithful guide!
Sincerely yours,
Paul C. Pribbenow, Ph.D.
About Augsburg
At Augsburg University, we believe that the university experience should be a time of exploration, of discovery, of new
experiences, and of new possibilities. We also believe that a liberal arts education is the best preparation for living in the
fast-paced, changing, and complex world of today and tomorrow. Augsburg graduates will be able to demonstrate not
only the mastery of a major field of study, but also the ability to think critically, creatively solve problems, and
communicate effectively.
Discovering Your Gifts and Talents
The heart of an Augsburg undergraduate education is the Augsburg Core Curriculum—designed to prepare students to
become informed citizens, thoughtful stewards, critical thinkers, and responsible leaders; and thus achieve the
educational goals of our mission. Through “Search for Meaning” courses, students explore their own unique gifts and
interests and find where their own talents intersect with the needs of our global society; their vocation
At the same time, courses across all disciplines stress the skills that will serve for a lifetime: writing, speaking, critical
thinking, and quantitative reasoning, to name a few.
Thanks to Augsburg’s prime locations in the heart of thriving metropolitan areas, many courses are able to offer rich and
varied learning opportunities in real-life situations through academic internships, experiential education, volunteer
community service, and cultural enrichment. In a sense, the resources of the Twin Cities and Rochester are extended
campuses for Augsburg students.
Mission Statement
Students who graduate from Augsburg are well prepared to make a difference in the world. They stand as
testaments to the University motto, “Education for Service,” and mission:
Augsburg University educates students to be informed citizens, thoughtful stewards, critical thinkers, and
responsible leaders. The Augsburg experience is supported by an engaged community that is committed to
intentional diversity in its life and work. An Augsburg education is defined by excellence in the liberal arts and
professional studies, guided by the faith and values of the Lutheran Church, and shaped by its urban and global
Campus Location
Augsburg University is located in the heart of the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota. The campus is
bordered by Riverside Avenue and Interstate 94, near the University of Minnesota West Bank campus and the University
of Minnesota Medical Center.
Downtown Minneapolis is just minutes away, providing access to internships and careers with some of the country’s
leading companies, as well as entertainment, arts, sports venues, shopping, dining, and transportation. The campus is
blocks from the METRO Green and Blue light rail lines, which provide easy access to destinations in Minneapolis and St.
Paul, as well as the Minneapolis International Airport.
A College of the Church
Augsburg was the first seminary founded by Norwegian Lutherans in America, named after the confession of faith
presented by Lutherans in Augsburg, Germany, in 1530. Augsburg opened in September 1869, in Marshall, WI, and
moved to Minneapolis in 1872. The first seminarians were enrolled in 1874, and the first graduation was in 1879.
Early Leaders Establish a Direction
August Weenaas was Augsburg’s first president (1869-1876). Professor Weenaas recruited two teachers from Norway—
Sven Oftedal and Georg Sverdrup. These three men clearly articulated the direction of Augsburg: to educate Norwegian
Lutherans to minister to immigrants and to provide such “college” studies that would prepare students for theological
In 1874 they proposed a three-part plan: first, train ministerial candidates; second, prepare future theological students;
and third, educate the farmer, worker, and businessman. The statement stressed that a good education is also practical.
Augsburg’s next two presidents also emphatically rejected ivory tower concepts of education. This commitment to
church and community has been Augsburg’s theme for more than 140 years.
Education for Service
Keeping the vision of the democratic college, Georg Sverdrup, Augsburg’s second president (1876-1907), required
students to get pre-ministerial experience in city congregations. Student involvement in the community gave early
expression to the concept of Augsburg’s motto, “Education for Service.”
In the 1890s, Augsburg leaders formed the Friends of Augsburg, later called the Lutheran Free Church. The church was a
group of independent congregations committed to congregational autonomy and personal Christianity. This change
made Augsburg the only higher educational institution of the small Lutheran body. The college division, however, was
still important primarily as an attachment to the seminary.
The Focus Changed
Traditional attitudes began to change after World War I. In 1911, George Sverdrup, Jr. became president. He worked to
develop college departments with an appeal to a broader range of students than just those intending to be ministers.
Augsburg admitted women in 1922 under the leadership of longtime dean of women, Gerda Mortensen.
The College’s mission assumed a double character: ministerial preparation together with a more general education for
life in society. In 1937, Augsburg elected Bernhard Christensen, an erudite and scholarly teacher, to be president (19381962). His involvement in ecumenical and civic circles made Augsburg a more visible part of church and city life.
After World War II, Augsburg leaders made vigorous efforts to expand and improve academic offerings. Now the College
had become a larger part of the institution than the seminary and received the most attention.
Accreditation for the College
Augsburg added departments essential to a liberal arts college, offering a modern college program based on general
education requirements and elective majors. Full accreditation of the College was achieved in 1954.
A study in 1962 defined the College’s mission as serving the good of society first and the interests of the Lutheran Free
Church second. The seminary moved to Luther Theological Seminary (now Luther Seminary) in St. Paul in 1963 when the
Lutheran Free Church merged with the American Lutheran Church. Subsequently, the American Lutheran Church
merged with two other Lutheran bodies in 1988 to form the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
A College in the City
Under the leadership of President Oscar A. Anderson (1963-1980), Augsburg became a vital and integral part of the city
of Minneapolis. The College began to reach out to nontraditional student populations, ensuring educational opportunity
for all students. Also in these years, Augsburg added the Music Hall, Mortensen Hall, Urness Hall, Christensen Center, Ice
Arena, and Murphy Place.
Dr. Charles S. Anderson led the College from 1980 to 1997. He guided Augsburg’s commitment to liberal arts education,
spiritual growth and freedom, diversity in enrollment and programs, and a curriculum that draws on the resources of the
city as extensions of campus and classroom. Some of the accomplishments during his tenure include instituting two
graduate degree programs, hosting national and international figures at College-sponsored forums and events,
increasing accessibility, and the addition of the Foss, Lobeck, Miles Center for Worship, Drama, and Communication; the
Oscar Anderson Residence Hall; and the James G. Lindell Family Library.
Dr. William V. Frame became president in August 1997 and retired in 2006. Under his leadership, the College sharpened
its identity as a college of the city, providing an education grounded in vocational calling that provides students both the
theoretical learning and the practical experience to succeed in a global, diverse world. Augsburg’s Rochester learning
site was added in 2002, further expanding Augsburg’s presence in key cities in the state of Minnesota.
Dr. Paul C. Pribbenow became president in July 2006. Under his leadership, Augsburg aims to educate students of all
ages—in the midst of a great city—to be faithful citizens of the world. Augsburg became “Augsburg University” on
September 1, 2017.
Augsburg Today
Augsburg continues to reflect the commitment and dedication of the founders who believed:
An Augsburg education should be preparation for service in community and church.
Education should have a solid liberal arts core with a practical dimension in order to send out productive, creative,
and successful citizens.
The city—with all its excitement, challenges, and diversity—is an unequaled learning laboratory for Augsburg
The vision of the University’s work today is lived out in the phrase, “We believe we are called to serve our neighbor.
Through common commitments to living faith, active citizenship, meaningful work, and global perspective, Augsburg
prepares its students to become effective, ethical citizens in a complex global society.
In addition to Augsburg’s undergraduate program of liberal arts and sciences, Augsburg offers numerous master’s
degree programs as well as a doctoral program in nursing practice. For information about graduate programs, go to
Undergraduate and graduate education is offered in a variety formats. In addition to its Minneapolis campus, Augsburg
has a learning site in Rochester, MN.
Centers of Commitment
The four Centers of Commitment articulate core values that inform the institutional mission of Augsburg University both
internally and externally: each Center provides a bridge between curriculum and community; each works to realize the
University’s strategic intention to "educate for lives of meaning and purpose" as well as to ensure the University is "at
the table" with community partners in relationships of mutual benefit that enhance the University’s distinctive identity
and deepen the educational experiences of our students. Their themes are reflected in Augsburg's mission: informed
citizens, thoughtful stewards, critical thinkers, and responsible leaders.
Minneapolis-based Day Program
Augsburg’s Minneapolis-based Day program offers more than 50 majors—or you can create your own major, either on
campus or through the Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities (ACTC). The Day Program provides an educational
opportunity for students who want to earn a bachelor’s degree through courses that meet during the day or in the
evening. Students in the Day Program pay comprehensive tuition that allows them to register for between 12-19
semester credits per term. ACTC is a five-college consortium that allows Day Program students to take courses on other
campuses without additional charge while a full-time student at Augsburg. The ACTC consortium includes Augsburg
University, St. Catherine University, Hamline University, Macalester College, and the University of St. Thomas. (See
Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities (ACTC) section).
Adult Undergraduate Program
Augsburg’s Adult Undergraduate Program provides an educational opportunity for adults who want to earn a bachelor’s
degree with a flexible schedule and with a learning environment that acknowledges the real life experience adult
students bring to the classroom. It is a means by which men and women can gain skills for professional advancement,
prepare for a career change, or pursue a personal interest in one or more areas of the liberal arts and professional
Adult Undergraduate Schedule
The AU schedule is designed to meet the needs of adult students. Courses in individual majors will meet on the same
night of the week, on an alternating bi-weekly schedule for the duration of the major. The alternating weeks of the
semester are labeled “Maroon” and “Silver.” Students select courses from both the maroon and silver schedules,
creating an alternating schedule of classes.
Face-to-face meetings occur on alternating weeks for three-and-a-half hours on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or
Thursday, depending on the program. Online and out-of-class work occurs during the non-class meeting week. AU
students may attend part-time or full-time each semester.
Minneapolis - Adult Undergraduate Program
Augsburg’s adult undergraduate program is designed to help students finish a bachelor’s degree quickly and efficiently,
in as little as two years. Delivered in a hybrid-learning format, it combines the benefits of face-to-face classroom
instruction with the convenience of online learning.
Augsburg also offers courses from several Day Program majors during the evening in a traditional classroom setting.
Please note that not all of the required courses for the Day Program majors are offered in the evening. For a complete
list of degree completion programs offered in the AU Program, visit
Rochester - Adult Undergraduate Program
Augsburg’s branch site in Rochester was established in 1998 as a natural extension of the institution’s mission and its
expertise in teaching working adults. A variety of undergraduate majors are offered.
The Rochester site classrooms and offices are located at Bethel Lutheran Church (ELCA), a few blocks south of the heart
of the city, which is home to more than 100,000 residents. It is a city that enjoys a rich ethnic diversity and superior
technological resources.
In Rochester, Minnesota, students complete the same degree requirements as students in the Minneapolis
undergraduate program. Augsburg classes in Rochester meet on a semester schedule with classes taking place on
weekday evenings, making them accessible to working adults. As with the adult undergraduate program in Minneapolis,
Rochester classes are delivered in a hybrid-learning format, combining the benefits of face-to-face classroom instruction
with the convenience of online learning. There are 8 majors offered in Rochester, some of which must be completed by
taking courses at the Minneapolis campus. In addition to the degree programs that can be completed entirely in this
location, students may work on a variety of other majors through a combination of Rochester and Minneapolis-based
evening courses.
Students at the Rochester site are Augsburg University students. They are supported through an array of e-learning
resources ranging from access to Lindell Library databases to the use of online course management software.
Information about the Rochester site is available at or by calling the Rochester office at
Minneapolis Campus Facilities
Instruction facilities and student housing at Augsburg’s main campus are conveniently located near each other. A
tunnel/ramp/skyway system connects the two tower residence halls, the five buildings on the Quadrangle, plus the
Music Hall, Lindell Library, Oren Gateway Center, and the Foss, Lobeck, Miles Center for Worship, Drama, and
Admissions Office—The Office of Admissions is located on the lower level of Christensen Center.
Anderson Hall (1993)—Named in honor of Oscar Anderson, President of Augsburg from 1963 to 1980, and this
residence hall is located at 2016 8th Street. Anderson Hall contains four types of living units and houses 192 students, as
well as the Center for Wellness and Counseling, the Sabo Center for Democracy and Citizenship, and the Office of
Marketing and Communication.
Center for Wellness and Counseling—The Center for Wellness and Counseling, located in Anderson Hall, offers
programs and services that enhance student learning by promoting personal development and well-being.
Christensen Center (1967)—The University Center includes the Admissions Office, a student lounge, the Strommen
Center for Meaningful Work, the Commons dining facility and Einstein Bros. Bagels, two art galleries, the copy center
and mailroom, Events and Conference Planning, the Center for Global Education and Experience, International Student
and Scholar Services, Latin@ Student Services, American Indian Student Services, Pan-Afrikan Student Services, PanAsian Student Services, Campus Activities and Orientation, LGBTQIA Student Services, and the Auggie’s Nest, a meeting
place for student organizations.
Edor Nelson Field—The athletic field, located at 725 23rd Avenue, is the playing and practice field of many of the
Augsburg teams. An air-supported dome covers the field during winter months, allowing year-round use.
Foss, Lobeck, Miles Center for Worship, Drama, and Communication (1988)—The Foss Center is named in recognition
of the Julian and June Foss family. The Tjornhom-Nelson Theater, Hoversten Chapel, and the Arnold Atrium are also
housed in this complex, which provides space for Campus Ministry, the Christensen Center for Vocation (CCV), the
departments of Theater and Communication Studies, Film, and New Media, classrooms, and administrative offices
(Facilities Management and the Enterprise Information Systems and Systems and Networking teams in IT).
Hagfors Center (2018)
Ice Arena (1974)—Two skating areas provide practice space for hockey and figure skating, and recreational skating for
Augsburg and the metropolitan community.
Kennedy Center (2007)—Completed in 2007 as a three-story addition to Melby Hall and named for Dean (’75) and Terry
Kennedy, it features a state-of-the-art wrestling training center, fitness center, classrooms for health and physical
education, and hospitality facilities.
The James G. Lindell Family Library (1997)—This library and information technology center houses all library functions
and is located on the corner of 22nd Avenue and 7th Street. It houses the TechDesk and User Support team in IT and the
Gage Center for Student Success: the Deidre Middleton Office of Academic Advising, the Academic Skills Office, the
Center for Learning and Adaptive Student Services (CLASS), and TRIO/Student Support Services.
Luther Hall (1999)—Named for theologian Martin Luther, Luther Hall is a three-story apartment complex along 20th
Avenue, between 7th and 8th Streets that houses juniors and seniors in units from efficiencies to two-bedroom suites.
Melby Hall (1961)—Named in honor of J. S. Melby (dean of men from 1920 to 1942, basketball coach, and head of the
Christianity Department). It provides facilities for the health and physical education program, intercollegiate and
intramural athletics, the Hoyt Messerer Fitness Center, and general auditorium purposes. The Ernie Anderson Center
Court was dedicated in 2001.
Mortensen Hall (1973)—Named in honor of Gerda Mortensen (dean of women from 1923 to 1964), it has 104 one- and
two-bedroom apartments that house 312 upper-class students, the Department of Public Safety and a lounge area.
Charles S. Anderson Music Hall (1978)—Contains Sateren Auditorium, a 217-seat recital hall, classroom facilities, two
rehearsal halls, music libraries, practice studios, and offices for the Music department faculty.
Old Main (1900)—Home for the Department of Art and the Department of Languages and Cross-Cultural Studies, with
classrooms used by other departments. Extensively remodeled in 1980, Old Main combines energy efficiency with
architectural details from the past. It is included on the National Register of Historic Places.
Oren Gateway Center (2007)—Named for lead donors and alumni Don and Beverly Oren, it is home for the StepUP
program, Institutional Advancement offices, the Alumni and Parent and Family Relations Offices, the Master of Business
Administration Program, the Master of Arts in Leadership program, the Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing program,
and substance-free student housing. It also houses the Barnes & Noble Augsburg Bookstore, Nabo Café, Gage Family Art
Gallery, and the Johnson Conference Center.
Science Hall (1949)—Houses classrooms, laboratories, and a medium-sized auditorium; the departments of Nursing,
Physics, Mathematics & Statistics, Biology, and Chemistry; the Undergraduate Research and Graduate Opportunity
(URGO) Office, McNair Scholars, and Administrative Accounting.
Sverdrup Hall (1955)—Named in honor of Augsburg’s fourth president, it contains the Enrollment Center (Registrar’s
Office and Student Financial Services), the Women’s Resource Center, the Honors Desk, classrooms and computer labs,
and the departments of Education and Computer Science.
Sverdrup-Oftedal Memorial Hall (1938)—Built as a residence hall and named in honor of Augsburg’s second and third
presidents, it contains the President’s Office, Human Resources, the Nobel Peace Prize Forum (aka “Norway Hub”), the
Academic Affairs Office, Student Affairs Offices, and faculty offices for Political Science, History, Philosophy, American
Indian Studies, English, Religion, Psychology, Economics, Business, and Sociology.
Urness Hall (1967)—Named in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Urness, this tower provides living quarters for 324 firstyear students. Each floor is a “floor unit,” providing 36 residents, housed two to a room, with their own lounge, study,
and utility areas.
Accreditation, Approvals, and Memberships
Augsburg University is accredited by:
The Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA)
Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) (Bachelor, Master, and Doctorate level degrees)
Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) (Bachelor, Master level degrees)
Augsburg’s programs are approved by:
American Chemical Society (ACS)
American Music Therapy Association (AMTA)
Minnesota Board of Teaching
National Association of Schools of Music (NASM)
Augsburg University is an institutional member of:
American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U)
American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE)
American Association of Higher Education (AAHE)
American Music Therapy Association, Inc. (AMTA)
Association of International Education Administrators (AIEA)
Campus Compact
Council of Independent Colleges (CIC)
Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE)
Diversity Abroad Network
The Forum on Education Abroad
Institute of International Education (IIE)
Lutheran Education Council in North America (LECNA)
National Association of International Educators (NAFSA)
National Association of Schools of Music (NASM)
National Society for Experiential Education (NSEE)
Physician Assistant Education Association
Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities (ACTC)
Higher Education Consortium for Urban Affairs (HECUA)
Minnesota Private College Council MPCC)
Twin Cities Adult Education Alliance (TCAEA)
Augsburg University is registered with the Minnesota Office of Higher Education pursuant to sections 136A.61 to
136A.71. Registration is not an endorsement of the institution. Credits earned at the institution may not transfer to all
other institutions. Minnesota Office of Higher Education, 1450 Energy Park Dr., Suite 350, St. Paul, MN 55108,; 651-642-0533.
Non-Discrimination Policy
Augsburg University, as affirmed in its mission, prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religious belief,
national or ethnic origin, age, disability, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, familial
status, genetic information, status with regard to public assistance, or citizenship in its educational policies, admissions
policies, employment, scholarship and loan programs, athletic and/or school-administered programs, except in those
instances where there is a bona fide occupational qualification or to comply with state or federal law. Augsburg
University is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to its employees and students with disabilities.
(Approved by Board of Regents on October, 2014)
For further information, please contact the University’s Title IX Officer:
Ann Garvey| Vice President of Student Affairs| Student Affairs
Memorial Hall, Room 118G| 612-330-1168|
Additionally, the University has four Deputy Officers:
Deputy Officer for Students:
Sarah Griesse| Dean of Students
Memorial Hall, Room 118F| 612-330-1489|
Deputy Officer for Employees:
Lisa Stock| Director and Chief Human Resources Officer
Memorial Hall, Room 19| 612-330-1783|
Deputy Officer for Athletics:
Kelly Anderson Diercks| Associate Athletic Director
Si Melby Hall, Room 205E| 612-330-1245|
Deputy Officer:
Leif Anderson| Vice President and Chief Information Officer
Memorial Hall, Room 124D| 612-330-1497|
The Deputies work with the Title IX Coordinator to identify any patterns or systemic problems that arise and may assist
as investigators of complaints.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), as amended, provides certain rights to students
regarding their education records. Each year Augsburg University is required to give notice of the various rights accorded
to students pursuant to FERPA. In accordance with FERPA, you are notified of the following:
Right to inspect and review education records
You have the right to review and inspect substantially all of your education records maintained by or at Augsburg
University. The student must request to review their education records in writing with their signature. The University
will respond in a reasonable time, but no later than 45 days after receiving the request.
Right to request amendment of education records
You have the right to seek to have corrected any parts of an education record that you believe to be inaccurate,
misleading, or otherwise in violation of your right to privacy. This includes the right to a hearing to present evidence that
the record should be changed if Augsburg decides not to alter your education records according to your request.
Right to give permission for disclosure of personally identifiable information
You have the right to be asked and to give Augsburg your permission to disclose personally identifiable information
contained in your education records, except to the extent that FERPA and the regulations regarding FERPA authorize
disclosure without your permission. One such exception which permits disclosure without consent is for disclosure to
school officials who have legitimate education interests. A school official is a person employed by the University in an
administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel
and health staff); person or company with whom the University has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, or
collection agent); a person serving on the board of regents, or a student serving on an official committee, such as a
disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official performing his or her tasks. A school official has
a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her
professional responsibility.
Right to withhold disclosure of “directory information”
FERPA uses the term “Directory Information” to refer to those categories of personally identifiable information that may
be released for any purpose at the discretion of Augsburg University without notification of the request or disclosure to
the student.
Under FERPA you have the right to withhold the disclosure of the directory information listed below. Please consider
very carefully the consequences of any decision by you to withhold directory information. Should you decide to inform
Augsburg University not to release Directory Information, any future request for such information from persons or
organizations outside of Augsburg University will be refused.
“Directory information” includes the following:
The student’s name
The student’s address
The student’s telephone number
The student’s e-mail address
The student’s date and place of birth
The student’s major and minor field of study
The student’s academic class level
The student’s enrollment status (FT/HT/LHT)
The student’s participation in officially-recognized activities and sports
The student’s degrees and awards received (including dates)
The weight and height of members of athletic teams
The student’s dates of attendance
Previous educational agencies or institutions attended by the student
The student’s photograph
Augsburg University will honor your request to withhold all Directory Information but cannot assume responsibility to
contact you for subsequent permission to release it. Augsburg assumes no liability for honoring your instructions that
such information be withheld. The Registrar’s Office must be notified in writing of your intent to withhold your Directory
Right to complain to FERPA Office
You have the right to file a complaint with the Family Policy Compliance Office, US Department of Education, 400
Maryland Ave. SW, Washington, DC, 20202, concerning Augsburg’s failure to comply with FERPA.
Reporting Educational Information
Letters of reference must be requested in writing and explicitly indicate what information may be reported in the letter.
Annual Security Report
The Annual Security Report (ASR) for Augsburg University contains statistics on reported crimes on and near Augsburg
property and campus, as well as institutional policies concerning campus security and crime. The Department of Public
Safety prepares this annual Crime Report to comply with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and
Crime Statistics Act. The report is available online at For a
printed copy, contact Augsburg’s Department of Public Safety at 612-330-1717.
Student Rights
The University has adopted a statement of student rights and responsibilities and has provided for due process in the
matter of disciplinary action, grievances, and grade appeal, as outlined in the Augsburg Student Guide, at
Official Notices
A University-provided e-mail account shall be an official means of communication with students, faculty, and staff of
Augsburg University. Students, faculty, and staff are responsible for all information sent to them via the Universityprovided e-mail account. Students should regularly check their e-mail account. If a student, faculty or staff member
chooses to forward their Augsburg e-mail, they are responsible for all information and attachments sent to the
forwarded e-mail account. Students will also receive official notices via the A-Mail online publication and should
routinely review the A-Mail. Day program students will also receive notices through the student campus mail system
(student campus box) and should check their campus mailbox regularly.
Augsburg University strives to create a strong, rich, and vibrant campus community with students representing a large
number of backgrounds, viewpoints, experiences, talents, and cultures. Selection of students for Augsburg University is
based upon careful consideration of each candidate’s academic achievement, personal qualities and interests,
participation in activities and employment, and potential for development as a student and as a graduate of Augsburg
Visit Campus
Firsthand appraisal of programs, facilities, and academic atmosphere is valuable. First-year and transfer applicants are
encouraged to visit the campus and meet with an admissions counselor. Arrangements can be made to meet with a
member of the faculty and to attend classes when school is in session. Augsburg’s undergraduate admissions staff is
ready to help students and families with planning. Call any weekday between 8:30 am and 5:30 pm—612-330-1001 or
toll-free 1-800-788-5678—and we’ll assist with your questions and arrange a tour for you. Admissions visits and tours
are available Monday through Friday. The Admissions Office is located on the lower level of the Christensen Center and
serves traditional, non-traditional, and graduate students.
Application Procedures
First-year Day Program Students
Application for Admission
Students should complete the application for admission, including the essay, and submit them to the Admissions
Office. Students may apply online for free at or
An official transcript from the high school is required of first-year applicants. First-year applicants who are still high
school students at the time of application should have their most recent transcript sent, followed by a final, official
transcript upon graduation. If the student has taken college courses, including while in high school, an official
transcript from each institution should also be sent. General Education Development (GED) scores may be presented
instead of the high school transcript.
Test Scores
First-year applicants are required to submit results from a college entrance examination unless he or she has been
out of high school for more than five years. The American College Test (ACT) is preferred; results from the SAT are
also accepted. Test scores recorded on the official high school transcript are sufficient. Augsburg strongly
recommends completing the writing portion of either the ACT or SAT.
One letter of academic recommendation is required for all students. A letter may be submitted by a teacher,
counselor, or pastor (spiritual leader).
First-year applicants are required to provide a 1-2 page essay (approximately 500 words) on a topic(s) chosen by
Augsburg faculty/staff/students.
Additional Information
If there is additional information that may have affected the applicant’s previous academic performance, it may be
included within the application and discussed individually with an admissions counselor. On occasion, the
Admissions Committee may defer a decision on a candidate’s admission until additional information has been
received. For example, new test scores, results of the present semester’s coursework, additional letters of
recommendation, or writing samples may be requested by the committee. If any additional credentials are needed,
the Office of Undergraduate Admissions will inform the candidate.
Notification of Admissions Decision
Admissions decisions are made on a rolling basis. Applicants are notified of the admissions decision usually within
three weeks after the application file is complete and has been evaluated by the Admissions Committee. Notification
of admission status for completed applications begins in late September.
Confirmation of Admission
Accepted students are asked to make a $150 enrollment deposit* to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.
Students who wish to live in University housing must submit a housing contract to the Residence Life Office.
*Nonrefundable after May 1.
Note: Admission to a major—a separate process from admission to the University—is sometimes required. Check
with the Admissions Office and consult the specific department’s section of this catalog.
Day Program Transfers and Adult Undergraduate (AU) Students
A cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.50 (on a 4.0 scale) in previous college work is recommended for
transfer admission to the University. Information regarding transfer credit policies is found in the Academic Information
section of the catalog. Students who are applying to the AU program should have attempted a minimum of 12 semester
credit, including courses in foundation areas (writing, etc.)
Application for Admission
Students should complete the application for admission, including the essay, and submit them to the Admissions
Office. Students may apply online for free at or
Official transcripts from all previous postsecondary institutions, as well as final high school transcripts (unless the
student has already obtained an A.A. degree) must be sent directly to the Admissions Office. The GED test certificate
may be presented instead of the high school transcript.
One letter of academic recommendation is required for all transfer applicants. Letters may be submitted by a
supervisor, counselor, professor, or pastor (spiritual leader).
Additional Information
If there is personal information that may have affected the applicant’s previous academic performance, it may be
included with the application and discussed individually with an admissions counselor. Academic recommendations
may be required by the Admissions Committee before an admission decision is made. On occasion, the Admissions
Committee may also defer a candidate’s admission until other information has been received. For example, test
scores, results of current coursework, additional letters of recommendation, or writing samples may be requested
by the committee. If any additional credentials are needed, the Admissions Office will inform the candidate.
Notification of Admissions Decision
Augsburg University uses a rolling admissions plan. Students are notified of the admission decision usually within
two weeks after the application file is complete and has been evaluated by the Admissions Committee.
Note: Admission to a major—a separate process from admission to the University—is sometimes required. Check with
the Admissions Office and consult the specific department’s section of this catalog.
Day students who have not registered for courses at Augsburg University for one semester or more, and AU/Rochester
students who have not registered for courses at Augsburg University for two or more semesters, must apply for
readmission through the Registrar’s Office to resume attendance. Students who have attended other institutions during
their absence from Augsburg must have an official transcript sent from each institution to the Registrar’s Office.
Returning students do not pay the application fee.
To apply for readmission after withdrawing from the University, students must submit an Application for Readmission.
The last day to be approved for readmission is the Friday prior to the start of the term. Please note that processing
may take up to 10 business days.
If the student has attended other institutions since leaving Augsburg, official transcripts must be submitted to the
Registrar’s Office.
All financial holds must be cleared before a student can be approved for readmission.
If the student was academically suspended, withdrew while on academic warning or probation, or has a GPA below
2.0, they will need to submit a personal statement explaining their circumstances for review by the Student Standing
If the student withdrew for medical reasons, a doctor’s note indicating the student is well enough to resume studies
must be submitted with the application.
Non-Degree Students
Individuals may take coursework at Augsburg University as non-degree seeking students, enrolling on a space-available
basis. Registration dates are included in the University’s Academic Calendar. To apply for admission as a non-degree
seeking student, submit the completed application, academic intent, and all necessary unofficial transcripts to the
Admissions Office. Individuals who intend to become degree-seeking in the future must submit official transcripts.
Contact the Admissions Office regarding which unofficial/official transcripts you may need for your application file.
Non-degree seeking students who wish to pursue a degree must reapply for admission by submitting the completed
application, academic intent, and all official transcripts to the Admissions Office.
Second Degree Students
Students who have graduated from Augsburg who are returning to complete an additional major will not be awarded a
second degree unless it is a different degree from the first awarded.
Students who have completed a four-year degree at an accredited college or university may complete a second degree
at Augsburg University. A second degree will not be awarded unless it is a different degree from the first awarded.
Second degree requirements include a minimum of 32 semester credits taken at Augsburg, completion of a major, and
completion of any liberal arts requirements not covered by a previous degree. Depending on the student’s previous
degree, completion of a second major (non-degree) may also be an option.
International Students
International students are a vital part of the Augsburg community. We welcome students from all over the world
wishing to start or complete their degrees at Augsburg. Any student requiring a student (F-1) visa to study in the United
States will be considered an international applicant.
For admission and/or financial aid questions, please contact us by emailing or calling 612-3301359.
Foreign Credential Evaluation
Students who have attended a college or university outside of the United States are required to submit international
transcript(s) accompanied by a professional credit evaluation.
This evaluation should include the following:
Course-by-course evaluation to show a complete course listing with credit values and grades received for each
Calculation of grade point average to demonstrate the cumulative grade point average using the standard US
grading system, i.e., A=4.0, B=3.0, C=2.0, D=1.0, F=0.0
Translation to English (if applicable)
Analysis of credentials (if applicable)
The evaluation report must be sent directly to Augsburg’s Office of Admissions. Preferred evaluation services are World
Education Services ( or Educational Credential Evaluators (, though Augsburg will accept
evaluations from any member of the National Association of Credential Evaluators (
The Board of Regents approves the costs for the academic year. The board reviews costs annually and makes changes as
required. Augsburg reserves the right to adjust charges should economic conditions necessitate.
Full-Time vs. Half-Time
Students will need to be enrolled in 6 credits to be considered half-time and 12-19 credits to be considered full-time.
This is an important distinction for charges and for accessing financial aid.
Day Program Tuition and Fees
Tuition and fees are published online at
Fees (full-time enrollment)
The standard program fees are the Student Activity Fee, Technology Fee, Newspaper Readership Fee, MPIRG Fee, and
the Campus Greening Fee. Specific courses or programs may have additional fees associated with them, such as lab or
supply fees.
Full-Time Cost – Fall and Spring 2017-2018
Tuition – Full-Time (12-19 credits per term)
Fees – (12-19 credits per term)
Overload Fee – (over 19 credits)
$1,155 per credit
$4,620 per 4 credits
Part-Time Cost – Fall and Spring 2017-2018
Tuition –Part-Time (less than 12 credits)
Fees – (less than 12 credits)
$1,155 per credit
$183.00 per term
$4,620 per 4 credits
Other Costs
Audit Fee (taking a class for no credit)
Music Lesson Fees
½ Hour Lesson
1 Hour Lesson
$1,000.00 per course
Room and Board Costs
Detailed housing rates are available through Residence Life Office at
Detailed meal plan rates and flex point options can be found at
Adult Undergraduate Tuition and Fees
Tuition and fees are published online at
Students are charged per credit. Students are charged based on their program regardless if they take a course through a
different program. All associated costs must be paid by the beginning of each semester to avoid accruing finance
charges, unless you have enrolled in an official payment plan through Student Financial Services.
Specific courses or programs may have additional fees associated with them, such as lab or supply fees.
Adult Undergraduate - Minneapolis
$420.00 per credit
$1,680.00 per 4.0 credits
Adult Undergraduate - Rochester
Rochester Fee
$410.00 per credit
$1,640 per 4.0 credits
$50 per term
Semester Charges
Prior to the start of each semester, a statement of estimated charges showing charges and financial aid credits
designated by the Student Financial Services Office is sent to the student via e-mail. All statements are available online
through AugNet’s Records and Registration site. Payments can be made online at Augsburg may charge late fees
and interest on delinquent accounts. Review the full policy regarding past due balances online at
Payment Options
Augsburg University offers payment plan options for all students. Information about payment plans is available online at
Payment Policy
Students at Augsburg University are obligated to pay Term Fees and additional charges when they register for each
academic term. “Term Fees” include tuition, room and board charges and other fees initiated during your time as a
student. Students are responsible to pay for all of these charges regardless of whether financial aid is received or
employers or other third parties pay as agreed. “Term Fees” are subject to refund only to the extent allowed under the
Augsburg University Tuition Refund Policy.
Augsburg accepts the following forms of payment:
Students and guest payers may make cash payments in-person at the Enrollment Center. Cash should never be
mailed. Students will receive a receipt of their cash payment.
Students and guest payers may pay their term fees via check either in-person at the Enrollment Center, through mail, or
online using e-check/ACH. A $30 NSF Fee will be added for any payment returned by the bank for Non-Sufficient
Funds. A receipt will automatically be sent electronically for any online payments. Students who pay in-person or
through mail may request a receipt of the check payment.
Credit Card/Debit Card
Students and guest payers may make student account payments online with a Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American
Express credit card. As of June 10th, 2016, Augsburg will no longer accept credit card or debit card payments in-person,
over the phone, or through the mail. Credit cards will only be accepted online via Cashnet, a vendor contracted by
Because Cashnet charges Augsburg for their services, a credit card service fee of 2.75 percent will be associated with any
credit card payment made to the University. This is to offset the approximately $250,000 in costs that Augsburg accrues
annually for providing credit card payment options to our students. Augsburg will not receive any part of the service fee
and will not be profiting from it.
Financial Aid
All students who wish to be considered for financial assistance must reapply each year. In addition to reapplying for aid,
students must make satisfactory academic progress toward the attainment of their degree or certificate as stipulated in
the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) section of this catalog.
Financial assistance awarded through Augsburg may be a combination of scholarships, grants, loans, and part-time work
opportunities. The University cooperates with federal, state, church, and private agencies in providing various aid
The primary responsibility for financing a university education rests upon the student and family. Financial aid
supplements student and family resources.
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) helps determine the amount of assistance for which a student is
eligible. This analysis takes into account such family financial factors as current income, assets, number of dependent
family members, other educational expenses, retirement needs, and special considerations.
Types of Aid
A student applying for aid from Augsburg applies for assistance in general rather than for a specific scholarship or grant
(except as noted).
Augsburg may offer both merit-based and need-based financial aid to undergraduate students at the time of admission.
First year students can find specific information at Transfer students can find
information at
Augsburg will also determine students’ eligibility to receive financial aid grants from both federal and state entities.
These grants include Minnesota State Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG), Federal Pell
Grant, Federal TEACH Grant, and Bureau of Indian Affairs/Tribal and State Indian Scholarship. Contact Student Financial
Services if you need any additional information about any of these programs.
In addition to aid administered by Augsburg University, students are urged to investigate the possibility of scholarships
and grants that might be available in their own communities. It is worthwhile to check with churches, the company or
business employing parents or spouses, high schools, service clubs, and fraternal organizations for information on aid
available to students who meet their requirements. In addition to these sources, some students are eligible for aid
through Rehabilitation Services, Educational Assistance for Veterans, and Educational Assistance for Veterans’ Children,
and other sources.
Loan Assistance
Students must be enrolled at least half-time (6 or more credits) to be eligible for any federal loans.
Federal Perkins Student Loan
o A federally-funded program administered through Augsburg University for students who demonstrate
financial eligibility. No interest accrues nor do payments have to be made on the principal at any time you
are enrolled at least half-time in school. Simple interest of 5 percent and repayment of principal (at the
minimum of $40 a month) begin nine months after you leave school. Repayment may extend up to 10 years.
The loan offers a teacher cancellation clause. The maximum that may be borrowed for undergraduate study
is $16,000.
Federal Stafford Student Loan
o Subsidized Stafford Loans are need-based loans that the federal government subsidizes by paying the
interest while the student is in school and during the grace period.
o For the Unsubsidized Stafford Loan, interest begins accruing on the date of disbursement and the borrower
is responsible for all interest. The borrower may choose to make payments while in school or may defer
payments and allow interest to accrue and be capitalized (added to the balance of the loan).
Federal Parent Loan Program (PLUS)
PLUS is a loan program to help parents meet university costs of their dependent children. Parents may
borrow up to the cost of attendance (minus all other student financial aid). Repayment begins within 60
days of final disbursement.
Further information about all student and parent loan programs can be found at
Student Employment
Students are able to apply for work study positions through Augsburg’s Human Resources Office. Part-time work
provided by the University is considered financial aid, just like scholarships, loans, and grants. Students are limited to a
maximum of 20 hours of on-campus employment per week. The number of hours a student can work is dependent on
the position and the needs of the department. However, work is not guaranteed.
All on-campus work is governed by policies stipulated in the work contract issued to the student employee for each
placement. Payment is made bi-weekly by check to the student employee.
Federal College Work Study Program and Minnesota State Work Study Program
o Under these programs, the federal or state government supplies funds on a matching basis with the
University to provide part-time work opportunities.
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
Federal regulations require that all higher education institutions establish and implement a policy to measure whether
students receiving financial aid are making satisfactory academic progress toward the completion of a degree. The
purpose of this policy is to make sure that students who receive financial aid are using this money wisely. It is meant to
curtail the use of financial aid by students who fail to successfully complete their course work. Failure to meet the
following standards makes a student ineligible for all institutional, federal, and state financial aid.
Augsburg’s Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy follows the Satisfactory Academic Policy.
Student Account Financial Disclosure
Students at Augsburg University are obligated to pay Term Fees and additional charges when they register for each
academic term. “Term Fees” include tuition, room and board charges and other fees initiated during their time as a
student. Students are responsible to pay for all of these charges regardless of whether financial aid is received or
employers or other third parties pay as agreed. “Term Fees” are subject to refund only to the extent allowed under the
Augsburg University Tuition Refund Policy. Statements and account history are available online through AugNet Records
and Registration.
Augsburg University may require someone to co-sign on the student’s obligations in special cases, such as when a
student has a history of late or missed payments. When a co-signer’s signature is required, both students and co-signers
are responsible for payment of all costs incurred (including collection costs and fees of any collection agency and/or
attorney, if applicable) and all other conditions outlined on the Student Account Financial Disclosure.
Results of Balances Not Paid in Full
Augsburg may charge late fees and interest on delinquent accounts. Missed or late payments will be subject to a late
payment charge and/or a finance charge on the overdue balance from the date the balance was due until payment in
full is received. If your account is not paid in full on the first day of the term, finance charges at the rate of 8% per year
(.67% per month) will be added onto your student account balance. For example, this means that for every $1,000
owed you will receive $6.70 a month in finance charges. A $30 NSF Fee will be added for any payment returned by the
bank for Non-Sufficient Funds.
Past Due Accounts
If the student does not set up a formal payment plan with Augsburg’s Student Financial Services department, Augsburg
reserves the right to demand payment of the entire balance owed by that student and to take steps to collect it.
Augsburg may cancel the student’s registration, prevent the student from registering for future terms, withhold
transcripts or diplomas, remove the student from on-campus housing, turn the student’s account over to a collection
agency, or take legal action to collect any past due balance. Each student authorizes Augsburg to release financial
information about her or his account and other pertinent information such as address and phone number to third
parties who are dealing with the collection of the account balance. By providing us with a telephone number for a
cellular phone or other wireless device, you are expressly consenting to receive communications – including but not
limited to prerecorded or artificial voice message calls, text messages, and calls made by an automatic telephone dialing
system – from us and our affiliates and agents at that number. This express consent applies to each such telephone
number that you provide to us now or in the future and permits such calls regardless of their purpose. Calls and
messages may incur access fees from your cellular provider. Each student also agrees to reimburse Augsburg University,
or its agents, the fees of any collection agency, which may be based on a percentage at a maximum of 40% of the debt,
and all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, we incur in such collection efforts. Please note that,
due to the Bankruptcy Reform Act, educational benefits are generally exempt from discharge under bankruptcy. The
terms of this agreement remain in effect until all Term Fees and other charges are paid in full.
Tuition Refund
Students are eligible for a 100% tuition refund for any courses they drop without notation through the date labeled “Last
day to drop without a ‘W’ grade & 100% refund – Full Semester class” on the Academic Calendar. After this date,
students are no longer eligible for any refund of tuition unless they withdraw from all of their courses. This policy is
effective whether or not a student has attended classes.
Students withdrawing from all of a term’s courses may receive a 50% tuition refund when they withdraw by the date
labeled “Last day to withdraw with 50% refund – Full Semester class” on the Academic Calendar.
Students are responsible for cancelling courses through the Registrar’s Office (or online) in order to be eligible for any
refund. Students who unofficially withdraw (stop attending) but do not complete the drop/add form are responsible for
all charges. Financial aid may be adjusted based on the student’s last recorded date of attendance. Refund calculations
are based on the date that the drop/add form is processed.
Medical Refund
If a student is forced to withdraw from one or more courses in a term due to illness or an accident, a request for a
medical refund should be made through the Academic/Financial Petition. Petition forms are available through the
Registrar’s Office website. An extra medical refund may be granted by the Committee upon submission of
documentation from the attending doctor, on letterhead, verifying the medical circumstances.
Unofficial Withdrawal
Federal regulations require that records of financial aid recipients who earn failing grades in all their classes be
reviewed. If courses are not completed (e.g., unofficial withdrawal, stopped attending), the University is required to
refund financial aid to the appropriate sources according to federal or Augsburg refund policies based on the last
recorded date of attendance. Students are responsible for the entire cost of the term, including the portion previously
covered by financial aid should they stop attending. Students are strongly urged to follow guidelines for complete
withdrawal from the University. If there are extenuating circumstances, a petition to have the cost of tuition refunded
can be made. Petition forms are available online through the Registrar’s Office website.
A student who registers, does not attend any classes, and does not withdraw may petition to withdraw retroactively.
The student must petition within six months of the end of term and provide proof of non-attendance. Proof can include,
but is not limited to, statements from each instructor that the student never attended, or documentation of attendance
for the term at another college or university. If approved, grades of W will be recorded and tuition charges for the term
will be replaced with an administrative cancellation fee of $300.
Financial Aid Policy
Financial aid such as federal, state, and institutional grants and scholarships are awarded based upon the total number
of registered credits on the “Last day to add with faculty signature – Full Semester class” as noted on the Academic
Calendar. Students must register for internships, Time 2 classes, and ACTC classes before the “Last day to add with
faculty signature-Full Semester class.” Financial aid will not be adjusted for classes added after this date.
Students must earn the financial aid they are awarded each semester by actively attending and participating in classes
throughout the semester. Financial aid is recalculated when students do any of the following: drop classes without a
“W” grade, fail to begin classes, cease to attend classes, fail all classes, or fully withdraw from all classes.
Financial Aid - Return of Aid
Students must earn the financial aid they are awarded each semester. A student can earn their aid by attending classes,
or in the event of hybrid/online courses, by being an active participant in the course.
Federal/State Aid Adjustments
Augsburg is required to return unearned federal/state aid for students who fully withdraw from their courses. Students
are eligible to keep more aid the longer they attend their courses. After 60% of the term has passed, students are
eligible to keep all of their federal/state aid. If you are planning to completely withdraw from your courses, please see a
Student Financial Services counselor to determine what aid may need to be returned.
Institutional Aid Adjustments
Augsburg will return institutional aid for students who partially withdraw or fully withdraw from courses. If students
withdraw from their courses, they will receive a 50% tuition refund and 50% of their institutional aid will be removed. If
a student withdraws after the last day to receive a tuition refund, there will be no adjustment to their institutional aid.
Credit Refund
Augsburg students may be eligible to receive a credit refund if their financial aid exceeds tuition and fee charges for a
term. Credit refunds are issued within two weeks after the last day to drop courses without recorded notation. Financial
aid needs to be finalized and applied to a student’s account before the credit refund can be issued. (You can verify your
financial aid status online through Track Your Financial Aid. You can check your transaction history online to verify that
all of your financial aid has been applied to your account and nothing is left pending.)
Changes in enrollment status, housing status, and program status may affect financial aid eligibility and credit refunds.
Students who are enrolled less than half-time (less than 6.0 credits for undergraduates; less than 3.0 credits for
graduates) may not be eligible for financial aid; however, students may apply for private alternative loans. Registration
changes made from the first week of the term through midterm may require a return of financial aid funds. Students
who drop courses may receive a tuition refund, but some forms of financial aid may have to be adjusted before a refund
will be available. Financial aid return of funds may take up to 30-45 days to be processed.
Students who are registered for the upcoming term will be allowed to charge up to $700 to their student account.
Students DO NOT need to request a bookstore account this year.
Please plan ahead and purchase books and supplies before the scheduled cut-off dates. Plan ahead for courses that start
midterm as you will be unable to charge anything to your student account after the cut-off date.
Students’ accounts will be billed for only what was spent on their bookstore accounts before credit refunds were issued.
If your bookstore charges create a balance on your account, you need to make payments in accordance with your
statement. Bookstore purchases charged to a student account are intended for students who have excess financial aid
funds to cover their tuition, fees, AND their books or supplies. Please contact Student Financial Services before you
purchase books if you need to discuss payment options.
Due to the financial aid cycle, you can only charge expenses to your bookstore account during specific times.
Third Party
If you are expecting a third party to cover the cost of your books, you will need to turn in an itemized receipt of your
purchases to the Student Financial Services Office, along with your invoice request.
Additional Funds
If the cost of your textbooks and supplies are above $700 in one term, you have enough financial aid to cover the
additional costs, and you would like to charge the additional amount to your student account, please send the following
information to Student Financial Services ( All requests need to be in writing.
Subject: Request for additional funds
Full Name:
Student ID number:
Additional request:
Students will receive an e-mail when the additional request has been processed. Accounts are opened as quickly as
possible, but it could take up to two business days for activation.
Consumer Information
Loss of Financial Aid Eligibility Due To a Drug Offense
A student convicted of a state or federal offense involving the possession or sale of an illegal drug that occurred while
the student was enrolled in school and receiving Title IV aid is not eligible for Title IV funds. [An illegal drug is a
controlled substance as defined by the Controlled Substance Act and does not include alcohol and tobacco.]
A borrower’s eligibility is based on the student’s self-certification on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid
(FAFSA). Convictions that are reversed, set aside or removed from the student’s record, or a determination arising from
a juvenile court proceeding do not affect eligibility and do not need to be reported by the student.
A student who is convicted of a drug-related offense that occurred while the student was enrolled in school and
receiving Title IV aid loses Title IV eligibility as follows:
For the possession of illegal drugs
First offense: one year from the date of conviction
Second offense: two years from the date of the second conviction
Third offense: indefinitely from the date of the third conviction
For the sale of illegal drugs
First offense: two years from the date of conviction
Second offense: indefinitely from the date of the second conviction
A school must provide a student who loses Title IV eligibility due to a drug-related conviction with a timely, separate,
clear, and conspicuous written notice. The notice must advise the student of his or her loss of Title IV eligibility and the
ways in which the student may regain that eligibility.
Regaining Eligibility after a Drug Conviction
A student may regain eligibility at any time by completing an approved drug rehabilitation program and by informing the
school that he or she has done so. A student regains Title IV eligibility on the date he or she successfully completes the
program. A drug rehabilitation program is considered approved for these purposes if it includes at least two
unannounced drug tests and meets one of the following criteria:
The program received or is qualified to receive funds directly or indirectly under a federal, state, or local government
The program is administered or recognized by a federal, state, or local government agency or court.
The program received or is qualified to receive payment directly or indirectly from a federally or state licensed
insurance company.
The program administered or recognized by a federally or state-licensed hospital, health clinic, or medical doctor.
Policies may change throughout an academic year if necessary to comply with federal, state, or institutional changes or
Residence Life
Students who choose to make Augsburg their home find a friendly, 23-acre village in the midst of a major metropolitan
area. They make many new friends among roommates and classmates. They are just steps away from Lindell Library,
classrooms, Hoversten Chapel, the ice arena, fitness center, and Christensen Center. With just over 1,000 students living
on campus, most students and faculty greet each other by name.
Augsburg recognizes the importance of the residential experience during the college years. Studies show that students
who live on campus are more likely to persist academically, to be involved on campus, and tend to have a slightly higher
grade point average. Residence Life staff are professional and student team members available to support students in
their academic and co-curricular experiences. Through their efforts residential community members become acquainted
with life at Augsburg through educational and social opportunities.
Living on campus offers many opportunities for learning, leadership, and fun. Numerous events are planned to welcome
students to the community, including dances, movie nights, open mic nights, and weeks devoted to special themes or
Resident students have access to a 24-hour computer lounge, wireless internet, study lounges, 24-hour security, laundry
facilities, and vending. All rooms and apartments are equipped with hook-ups for telephone, cable television,
computers, and internet access. A skyway connecting the lobby of Urness Hall and Mortensen Hall to Christensen Center
and Oren Gateway Center to the Lindell Library keeps students out of the weather on the way to class.
To secure housing on campus, students need to submit the following items:
Residence Life and Dining contract:
During spring semester, current Augsburg students are provided with information on the process to secure housing for
the next academic year.
Urness Hall—One home to new Auggies and upper-class resident advisors, this nine-story high-rise houses 313 students.
Each floor is considered a house-unit providing 36 students (two to a room) with their own lounge, study, and utility
areas. In Urness Hall, rooms are furnished with a bed, dresser, desk, and chair. Meal plans are required.
Mortensen Hall—This building is a 13-story high-rise apartment building. It contains 104 one-bedroom and twobedroom apartments to accommodate 312 upper-class students. Mortensen Hall is carpeted and contains kitchenette
units. It is furnished with beds and dressers. Meal plans are required.
Anderson Hall—Contains four types of living units: two-bedroom apartments, two-room suites, floor houses, and
townhouses. This residence houses 192 upper-class students, and the Neighborhood program. All rooms are furnished
with beds, dressers, desks, and chairs. Meal plans are required.
Anderson Hall Neighborhoods—This is available to students who are interested in creating a living/learning
environment by designing their own house system. All members meet to determine their program focus, educational
goals, and community agreement guidelines.
Luther Hall—Opened in 1999, this apartment residence includes studios and two- and four-bedroom apartments with
full kitchens. Beds, dressers, desks, and chairs are provided. Underground parking is available at an additional cost. Meal
plans are optional.
Oren Gateway Center— The new “front door” to the Augsburg campus, Oren Gateway Center offers substance-free
living connected to a dining area, underground parking, and classrooms. Opened in 2007, Oren Gateway Center houses
the StepUP first-year and upperclass students committed to an alcohol- and drug-free environment. Flats, apartments,
and studios are furnished with bed, desk, and dressers.
Food Service
Commons—Situated on the top floor of Christensen Center, this is the main food service facility for students, faculty,
and staff. This spacious room features small-table units for easy conversation overlooking the University quadrangle and
Murphy Square. Students on board plans who live in residence halls eat their meals in the Commons. We offer a mealto-go program for those on a tight schedule. Students have the option of using one meal exchange each week at
Einsteins or Nabo to supplement the Commons.
Einstein Bros. Bagels—On the main level of Christensen Center, Einstein Bros. Bagels sells coffee, smoothies, hot and
cold sandwiches, wraps, soups, salads, and snacks.
Nabo—This eatery is located in the Oren Gateway Center. Pronounced “náh-bu,” with the accent on the first syllable,
featured food options include pasta, cold and hot sandwiches, a pasta bar, pastries, and beverages.
Student Activities and Organizations
Augsburg’s mission focuses on student learning in the broadest sense. Experiences in the classroom are an important
part of college life, yet learning and development also occur in formal and informal activities of the University and the
surrounding area. Whether students take classes in the day or evening, the climate for learning and living at Augsburg
will add dimension to their education. There are over 50 student organizations that students can join, and students may
also create their own with three peers. For more information, visit
Athletics and Sports
Intercollegiate Athletics
Augsburg is affiliated with the Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (MIAC) and is a member of the National
Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division III. Men annually compete in football, soccer, cross country, basketball,
ice hockey, wrestling, baseball, indoor and outdoor track and field, and golf. Women annually compete in lacrosse,
volleyball, cross country, soccer, basketball, ice hockey, softball, swimming, indoor and outdoor track and field, and golf.
At Augsburg, the facilities are for all students, faculty and staff. Check schedules for times when there is open use of the
gymnasium and ice arena. On-campus facilities include a double-rink ice arena, a 3-court gymnasium, a multi-purpose
athletic field, fitness center with workout machines, a weight room, a racquetball court, and an air-supported dome over
the athletic field for winter fitness, rentals, and spring sport practices.
Every student is urged to participate in activities for recreation and relaxation. An intramural program provides
competition in a variety of team sports as well as individual performance activities. Check schedules on the Athletics
website for times when there is open use of the athletic field/dome, gymnasium, and ice arena.
Campus Activities and Orientation
Campus Activities and Orientation (CAO) creates and implements innovative programming that fosters individual and
community development and creates an environment where students can connect, engage, and invest in the Augsburg
community. CAO programming works to enhance and supplement the liberal arts and professional studies at Augsburg
University through quality transitional programs for new students as well as through leadership education.
CAO is made up of four program areas:
Campus Activities
CAO offers several programs and activities throughout the academic year designed to connect and engage students with
the Augsburg and surrounding community.
Student and Group Leadership Development
Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) is an initiative designed to develop new leadership at Augsburg University by
empowering incoming students to cultivate and apply their inherent leadership skills through a semester-long skillbuilding training program.
Student Group Development is provided to student organizations with advising and focusing on inclusion, recruitment,
event planning, meeting facilitation, conflict resolution, and other pertinent areas of development. In addition, CAO
designs and hosts the annual Student Leadership Institute which is required for all student organizations.
Orientation Programs
SOAR is a required two-day, overnight orientation experience for incoming first-year day students designed to help with
the transition to Augsburg University. Students will meet fellow classmates, faculty, and staff; learn about Augsburg
resources and services; and get a taste of life on campus.
Parent SOAR is an optional orientation experience for the parents and guardians of first-year students that runs
concurrently with the students’ SOAR session. Parents obtain important information about the campus; meet fellow
parents, faculty, and staff; learn about Augsburg resources and services; and get a taste of what life will be like for their
students on campus.
Transfer SOAR is a required day-long orientation experience for transfer students designed to help with the transition to
Augsburg University. Students will learn about Augsburg resources and services, hear about academic programs, and
discover why being a part of the Augsburg community is so rewarding.
Auggie Days is a required on-campus orientation experience for incoming first-year day students, which is designed to
complement SOAR, provide opportunities to enhance academic and personal success, and offer a helpful advantage in
starting at Augsburg University.
Student Organizations
Students have the opportunity to become involved in a number of different student organizations at Augsburg
University. Participation allows students to meet fellow classmates, have fun, and lead and develop an organization
around a common purpose while making an impact on both the Augsburg and greater community.
Campus Ministry
At Augsburg University, we are “guided by the faith and values of the Lutheran Church.” Because of this identity, we
seek to develop an environment where people are encouraged to use and discover gifts and a sense of call and vocation.
As a university of the church, we emphasize the development of this through attending to the sacred, living into radical
hospitality, and shaping community. The university pastors, Chaplain to Student Athletes, Muslim Student Advisor, and
campus ministry staff have offices in Foss, Lobeck, Miles Center for Worship, Drama, and Communication and are
available for spiritual guidance, counseling, support, or information.
Our concern for spiritual care is evident in the opportunities we encourage and provide for students to explore their
own faith. Daily worship, Wednesday Night Holy Communion, Bible studies, community outreach, retreats, peace and
justice events, concerts and gatherings, Friday prayer, and interfaith initiatives are examples of the wide varieties of
activities on campus.
Community Engagement
The Sabo Center for Democracy and Citizenship, rooted in Augsburg’s mission to educate students to be informed
citizens, thoughtful stewards, critical thinkers, and responsible leaders, aims to:
Create a culture of civic agency and engagement among students, faculty, staff, and our broader community so that
graduates are architects of change and pioneers in work of public significance.
Foster connections with local community based organizations and position Augsburg as an anchor institution in the
Twin Cities.
Revitalize the democratic and public purposes of higher education in a time when strengthening colleges’ visible
contributions to the common good, not simply to private benefit.
Bonner Leaders Program
In Fall of 2008 Augsburg University launched its first year of the Bonner Leaders Program. Through the Bonner program,
students develop deep community relationships and engage in long-term policy advocacy throughout their time at
Augsburg. Those selected to be Bonner Leaders are students with diverse ethnic and geographical backgrounds and
experience in community and public work. Through placements with partner nonprofit organizations and community
programs, students work an average of 220 hours each academic year supporting ELL classrooms, running an
employment education computer lab, coordinating a low-income housing program, community health outreach,
tutoring in afterschool programs, and more. Beyond their work-study placements, students participate in civic
engagement efforts on campus.
Through their participation with the Bonner Leaders Program, students engage in monthly guided reflections and
leadership development workshops. The Augsburg Bonner Leaders Program is a successful model that builds on the
University’s culture of community and civic engagement.
Campus Kitchen
The Campus Kitchen Project connects the campus community with the larger neighborhood by using food as a tool to
nourish bodies, develop leadership, and educate students through service learning. To accomplish these goals, four
programs focus on this engagement:
Food to Share
o Surplus food from the Augsburg Dining Service is donated, reheated, and served by student volunteers to
neighborhood partners, including homeless shelters, youth and senior programs, and others. Augsburg
students in need can also find free food at our food shelf on campus, the Campus Cupboard.
Food to Grow
o On the corner of campus, Augsburg staff and students manage a community garden composed of nearly 100
garden plots where community and campus members can grow their own food. The garden staff also hosts
classes on healthy living in which neighborhood youth learn to grow and cook healthy food.
Food to Buy
o Find fresh produce grown by local farmers at the weekly farmer’s markets Tuesdays through the summer:
11-1 pm at Foss Chapel on campus, and 2-5 pm at the Brian Coyle Center down the street. The market
doubles any purchase made with food stamps. Augsburg is also the host of an organic CSA farm that people
can become members of and get a large box of produce each week.
Food to Know
o Understanding our food system and community health through programs that educate on issues of hunger
and poverty, and cooking and gardening classes in the community and weekly on campus.
Common Table
The Common Table, located at 2001 Riverside in the Trinity Congregation Building, is devoted to building community
capacity to make change by connecting and equipping leaders.
Connecting campus community with neighborhood community.
Connecting students to local communities, professionals, and movements.
Connecting community members across boundaries at an intersection.
Equipping young people with the mentorship and connections to pursue their goals.
Equipping community members with the tools and experience of public work and organizing.
Equipping leaders with an equity analysis for equitable leadership.
We continue to welcome new ideas for utilizing this multi-purpose space to deepen the relationships between Augsburg
University, Trinity Lutheran, the Cedar Riverside neighborhood, and the Twin Cities.
Jane Addams School for Democracy
The Jane Addams School for Democracy brings immigrant families, college students and other community members
together to do public work and learning. It is a community-based initiative inspired by the vision of democracy,
productive citizenship, and popular education held by settlement house pioneers like Jane Addams, who created Hull
House in Chicago in 1889.
Participants in the school include long-time community residents, Hmong, Latino, and East African refugee and
immigrant adults and children, as well as students, faculty, and staff from nine Twin Cities colleges and universities. The
non-bureaucratic and non-hierarchical structure of Jane Addams School breaks down barriers so that people can work
together across language, culture, gender and age differences to address issues that impact their daily lives.
Public Achievement
The Public Achievement organizing model recognizes that people of every age have skills, talents and ideas, and that by
learning to work strategically with others they can solve problems and build sustainable democratic societies. In a school
setting, young people form teams to take action on a public problem that is important to them (for example, driving out
gang activity or improving classroom space). The team works with a coach—typically a teacher or college student—to
develop an action plan. Through practice and reflection, the team members develop public skills and confidence.
Service-Learning and Community Engagement/Community Service-Learning
Augsburg’s Community Service-Learning Program provides students with opportunities to understand and respond to
needs in the city through course-embedded service experiences and civic engagement activities. A key component of
community service-learning is reflection on and analysis of community issues in order to promote personal and
educational growth and civic responsibility. By connecting classroom content with service-learning experiences in the
city, Augsburg students deepen their understanding of abstract course concepts while learning about pertinent and
related community issues. This dynamic and interactive educational approach employs reciprocal learning between
students and their community. Service-learning components are embedded in most academic disciplines. Examples of
community service-learning sites include homeless shelters, cultural and environmental organizations, tutoring
programs, and literacy centers.
Fine Arts
Students have many opportunities to participate in music and drama. In addition to appearing on campus and in the city,
the Augsburg Choir, Concert Band, and Orchestra may perform on regional, national, and international tours. Many
other ensembles are available to cover the entire range of musical styles and previous musical experience. Students
stage several plays on campus each year under the direction of the Theater Program and have the opportunity to attend
a series of on-campus workshops with visiting arts professionals.
Student Center
Christensen Center, the Augsburg student union, serves students, faculty, staff, alumni, and guests. Traditionally
considered the “living room” of the campus, the student union provides a central gathering place for the diverse
populations of residential, commuter, Adult Undergraduate, and graduate students at Augsburg through the merging of
curricular and co-curricular programs and activities. Christensen Center also houses several student services, such as the
Admissions Office, Campus Activities and Orientation, the Strommen Center for Meaningful Work, Multicultural Student
Services, LGBTQIA Student Services, Event and Conference Planning, the Copy Center, Shipping and Receiving, the
Information Desk, A’viands Food Services, and Mail Services.
The Auggie’s Nest, located on the ground floor of Christensen Center, serves as the student organization office area and
houses the Augsburg Day Student Government, the Augsburg ECHO (campus newspaper) office and the KAUG (campus
radio) office. Lockers are also available in this area for student organization use.
Day Student Government
The Augsburg Day Student Government supports and advocates for student concerns, needs, and activities. Day Student
Government serves as the primary voice and liaison between Day students and the administration, faculty, and staff of
Augsburg University.
Student Resources/Academic and Support Services
Lindell Library Resources
Since 1997 the James G. Lindell Family Library has been home to a wide variety of print and digital collections, now
numbering almost 200,000 books, 60,000 e-books, 60,000 e-journals, 4,000 movies on DVD or VHS, and more than 120
databases. Through its streaming video services, Lindell Library provides access to an additional 50,000+ educational
videos. Lindell also houses significant collections of juvenile literature and K-12 curriculum materials, as well as the
University’s archives and special collections.
If that still isn’t enough, Lindell Library belongs to CLIC, Cooperating Libraries in Consortium, a network of seven private
liberal arts colleges in the Twin Cities. Augsburg students can borrow books and videos from any of the other CLIC
libraries and get those materials delivered directly to Lindell Library through CLIC’s daily courier service. Research
Research Support
Research help is always available, either online or in person, at Lindell Library’s Learning Commons. Our research guides,
available on the library’s website, provide access to key research materials on topics as wide-ranging as health and
physical education, film studies, computer science, or music therapy. Students can talk to an expert in person at Lindell’s
Learning Commons desk, by phone at 612-330-1604, by email at, or chat with an expert 24/7
through our Ask-A-Librarian service at
Other Cool Stuff
Libraries are more than just books and databases, they are places to gather for collaborative research or quiet study and
reflection. At Lindell Library, you can do both. Ten group study rooms are available on the top floor of Lindell Library,
and can be reserved up to two weeks in advance. The lower level is a designated quiet study space for those who prefer
to work alone. Whether working alone or in a large group, Augsburg students can check out a laptop from the Library’s
Circulation Desk. Other equipment is also available for check out; just ask our friendly staff for assistance.
The staff at Lindell Library are eager to help you with all your research needs. Stop by anytime that the library is open
(hours are always posted on the library’s website), or contact us at:
Information Technology Resources
Augsburg University has built a reputation as a leader in its commitment to provide students with relevant and timely
access to information technology and training. Visit the Student Technology website,, for
more on Information Technology at Augsburg.
Computer Labs
Students have access to more than 250 on-campus computers. Both PC and Macintosh desktop computers are available
in the Lindell Library Learning Commons and computer lab, and in the 24-hour Urness computer lab. The University has
four computer classrooms, 40+ technology-enhanced classrooms and one video conferencing-enabled classroom. The
circulation desk in Lindell Library has 40 laptops available for use in the library.
Several computer clusters are available for more specific student use within academic departments. A high-speed fiber
optic campus network provides access to AugNet online services, printing, and to the internet. Network-ready student
machines can connect to the campus network from residence hall rooms or any building on campus using WiFi. All of the
AugNet online services are available securely on- and off-campus.
Clair and Gladys Strommen Center for Meaningful Work
Career & Internship Services
The Career and Internship Services office is an integral component of the Clair and Gladys Strommen Center for
Meaningful Work. Our staff is committed to helping students develop lifelong career management skills that honor each
student’s unique gifts and aspirations, aligned with active citizenship in the world. The Career and Internship Services
office plays an essential role in students’ overall education and includes a comprehensive resource center that
emphasizes the importance and value for all students to engage in internships, career development, and the exploration
of vocation throughout their university years.
We help students and alumni:
Assess their values, interests, personality, strengths, and skills
Explore meaningful work options and majors that align with these elements
Link academic majors with career paths
Consider the role that vocation plays in their lives
Clarify their personal definition of meaningful work
Build experience through volunteer and internship learning opportunities
Prepare for the job search and/or graduate school
Build lifelong career management skills to successfully navigate the changing job market
Make a difference in our communities by contributing their unique gifts to the world
Augsburg offers several opportunities for students to gain on-the-job and internship experience. Our faculty and staff
have developed partnerships with community organizations and employers that provide learning opportunities to
students, many of which fulfill the Augsburg Experience requirement for graduation.
Internships for Academic Credit
o An internship for credit is a carefully planned, work- or service-based learning experience where a student
focuses on specific learning objectives that connect concepts of the major to the experience. An academic
internship is approved, supervised, and evaluated by a faculty member in the department in which the
student wishes to earn the internship credit. Interdisciplinary (INS) internships are also available. A learning
agreement plan, negotiated with the faculty supervisor and work supervisor, outlines the academic
objectives, strategies, and evaluation methods for receiving credit. Students complete internships in
nonprofits, small and large businesses, government agencies, museums, arts organizations, schools and
o Internships for credit are available in all majors and can be taken during any semester. Students must be
registered for their internship during the term in which they are completing the majority of their experience.
Credit will not be awarded for past experiences. Internships can be registered for 2 or 4 semester credits. A
two credit internship involves a minimum time commitment of, on average, 6 hours per week or 80 total
hours for the semester. Internships for four credits require a minimum time commitment of, on average, 12
hours per week or 160 total hours for the semester. A maximum of 16 semester credits of internship may
count toward the total credits required for the degree. Upper division internships completed off-campus for
credit will automatically fulfill the Augsburg Experience graduation requirement.
Non-credit internships
o Internships related to a student’s major or career interests can be registered for a zero-credit internship
(AUG EX3) to fulfill the Augsburg Experience graduation requirement. The goal is for students to apply
theory to practice in a real world setting and reflect on the experience. Internship opportunities are typically
part-time during the academic year and/or full-time during the summer, but may have flexible start dates
and schedules. Students choosing to complete this option will register the internship during the term in
which they will be completing the experience, set learning goals, complete a minimum of 80 hours, and
reflect on their experience. The Director or Assistant Director of Career and Internship Services supervises
non-credit internships and evaluates the reflection process.
Work Connections (Available to AU students only)
o Work Connections is a non-credit option available to AU students who are currently working full or parttime. The Work Connections option allows AU students to utilize their rich and often extensive work history
to meet the Augsburg Experience graduation requirement in lieu of a traditional internship. AU students
choosing to complete this option will register for the Work Connections course (AUG EX4) during the term in
which they intend to complete their reflection work. This option requires students to write learning
outcome goals that integrate their on-the-job experience with classroom learning and complete reflection
assignments describing an academic and work connection. Staff of Career and Internship Services supervises
and evaluates the Work Connections reflection process.
Gage Center for Student Success
The Gage Center assists all Augsburg students in setting and achieving optimal academic goals here at the University and
beyond. The Gage Center is located on the Link Level of Lindell Library. The center consists of five collaborating units:
Academic Advising
The professional academic advisors in the Deidre Middleton Office of Academic Advising work directly with students in
identifying academic interests and satisfying the curricular requirements. Our office advises all new Day and Adult
Undergraduate (AU) students with course selection and registration, and provides orientation to academic policies,
procedures, and resources. In addition, Academic Advising administers placement tests, interprets graduation
requirements, provides degree planning resources, and answers academic progress questions.
All incoming students are assigned a faculty and academic advisor. Academic advisors work closely with students to
ensure their understanding of available resources and support. As students become more familiar with the University,
they spend more time meeting with their faculty advisor and developing the faculty-student mentoring relationship.
Once a major is declared, each student will select a faculty advisor from their chosen discipline by completing the
Change of Major/New Advisor Form. While all students are required to meet with their faculty advisor(s) each term
prior to registration, students are encouraged to meet with their advisor(s) as often as necessary to support their
academic progress. Students must declare their major(s) by the end of their sophomore year. Majors and minors are
declared online in Augnet Service’s Records and Registration. Students confirm their majors and minors on an annual
basis until the Intent to Graduate form is submitted.
Academic Skills Office (ASO)
The Academic Skills Office helps students to achieve their academic goals and become self-directed learners.
Comprehensive academic support (e.g., training in time management, note-taking, reading, testing,
motivation/procrastination, problem solving, troubleshooting) is available for all Augsburg students through individual
and group appointments. In addition, the Academic Skills coaches address affective needs and aid in the overall
transition to higher education. Coaches also refer students to campus resources.
The Academic Skills Office coordinates several programs to support students:
Academic Skills Coaching
o All students in need of academic support services may meet with a professional member of our staff
(academic skills coach) to identify issues, find short-term solutions, problem-solve, and learn about
additional resources on and off campus.
Tutoring/Supplemental Instruction Services
o ASO coordinates free tutoring (individual and group drop-in) for most classes and supplemental instruction
in specific courses. Tutors and SI leaders are recommended by course professors and trained by ASO to
provide tutoring support. Complete the Tutor Request Form, call us at 612-330-1445, or e-mail your tutor
request to Response time varies based on tutor availability. You will receive an e-mail
as soon as a tutor is available.
CAP Program – Connect, Achieve & Progress
Each year, a limited number of students are admitted conditionally through the CAP program. If CAP
students do not meet the program requirements in their first semester, they will be continued in the CAP
program, placed on probation, or dismissed. Get more information at the Academic Skills Office website, See the Academic Progress, Probation, and Dismissal section of the
catalog for a description of probation and dismissal procedures.
Satisfactory Academic Progress Warning and Probation Advising
o Students who do not meet the University’s Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards, will be placed
on Warning, Probation, or Suspension. Students on Warning and Probation are required to meet with an
approved academic advocate and complete all necessary requirements as outlined on the Academic Skills
Office website at A registration hold is placed on the student’s record, which
will prevent registration until the necessary Probation requirements have been completed. Students who do
not complete the requirements as needed, may be suspended. For more information see the Satisfactory
Academic Progress (SAP) section of this catalog.
Center for Learning and Accessible Student Services (CLASS)
The Center for Learning and Accessible Student Services (CLASS) provides individualized accommodations and academic
support for students with documented learning, attention, psychiatric, sensory, and physical disabilities, as well as those
with temporary disabilities. CLASS has been recognized as a leader in its field, helping these students gain access to the
university curriculum. Its mission is a reflection of Augsburg’s commitment to providing a rigorous and challenging, yet
supportive, liberal arts education to students with diverse backgrounds, preparations, and experiences.
Each term, Disability Specialists work directly with students to develop a plan for ensuring they have equal access to
Augsburg courses, programs, activities, and facilities. Students are encouraged to meet regularly with their specialist,
and discussions may include:
Accommodations for testing and coursework (e.g., extended time, note-taking)
Referrals to other campus resources (e.g., tutoring, student technology assistance, academic advising, counseling,
financial aid)
Training and use of assistive technology through the Groves Accommodations Laboratory
Coaching on academic, organizational, and time management skills
Campus living accommodations
The Disability Specialists may also consult with instructors, academic advisors, and other members of the University
faculty, staff, or administration to support each student as they work toward success. Taking advantage of these
accommodations and services, however, remains the student’s responsibility.
Any Augsburg student who wants to establish eligibility for accommodations and services should schedule a meeting
with a Specialist to discuss their needs, as well as appropriate documentation of their disability. CLASS also provides
informal screenings for students who suspect they may have a learning-related disability. These screenings are meant
only to help students determine whether they should seek a thorough evaluation by a qualified professional.
Academic accommodations are intended to ensure access to educational opportunities for students with disabilities and
may not fundamentally alter the basic nature or essential components of an institution’s courses or programs.
The services and technology provided by CLASS are enhanced by generous support of the Gage family and Groves
Foundation. For further information, call 612-330-1053.
TRIO Programs
TRIO programs are funded by the US Department of Education, and hosted with additional funding by Augsburg
University. TRIO Programs seek to help students overcome class, social, academic, and cultural barriers to higher
education. They help students prepare for college, adjust to college life, persist in college, and maintain good academic
standing to graduate with a bachelor’s degree, as well as assist with preparation for graduate school.
TRIO/Student Support Services
Student Support Services (SSS) is a TRIO program designed to help students persist in college and graduate in a timely
manner. The program serves students who are low-income, first-generation college students (neither parent has a fouryear degree) and/or students with disabilities to develop the skills and motivation necessary to successfully pursue and
earn a bachelor’s degree. Participants in TRIO/SSS must also be US citizens or permanent residents or refugees, must
demonstrate academic need for program services, and must be committed to succeed in college.
Augsburg TRIO/SSS serves 160 students from the point of admission through graduation, including transfer students.
TRIO/SSS typically admits 40 new students to the program each year. Students meet regularly with their TRIO/SSS staff
advisor to address academic success issues through:
Individual academic advising and support, including appropriate goal attainment strategies and self-advocacy skillbuilding
Academic program planning, including pre-registration for each term, major and career decision-making, and longterm course planning
Preemptive tutoring during the first seven weeks of the semester
Financial aid counseling and financial literacy education
Information on and assistance with FAFSA renewal and supplemental scholarship applications
Academic progress monitoring
Weekly adjustment-to-college meetings for first-year students
Weekly progress meetings for students on academic probation and for students admitted through Conditional Admit
Program (CAP)
Career, academic and personal skills development, with referrals to appropriate resources
Information, preparation, and referral to on- and off-campus leadership, internship, job and service opportunities
Academic success workshops, group academic skill development
Graduate and professional school information and application assistance
Social and cultural activities and student-led events
Equipment lending program for short-term use of laptops, graphing calculators, Smart Pens
Five-week residential Summer Bridge program for 25 incoming first-year students, including free summer-term
university coursework, academic seminars, adjustment-to-college workshops, and advising
Need-based college completion scholarships for junior and senior students actively participating in TRIO/SSS
Students may apply for TRIO/SSS any time after admission to Augsburg University; however, preference is given to
students who apply within their first term of enrollment. For more information or an application, go to or contact program staff directly at 612-330-1311 or
TRIO-McNair Scholars Program
The Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement (McNair Scholars) Program, a federal TRIO program funded by
the US Department of Education, is designed to prepare participants for graduate school through involvement in
research and other scholarly activities. The goal is to increase the number of students in doctoral degree programs who
are low-income, first-generation and/or underrepresented in graduate education.
The Augsburg McNair program serves 26 students per year who are admitted during their sophomore or junior year.
Admission is competitive as students must demonstrate strong academic potential and have an interest in pursuing
doctoral studies. To be eligible for the program the student must be: (1) enrolled full-time at Augsburg University; (2) a
permanent resident or U.S. citizen; (3) qualify as BOTH low-income AND first generation; AND/OR a member of a group
underrepresented in graduate study—African American, American Indian, Alaskan Native, or Hispanic/Latino. A major
component of the Augsburg McNair Scholars Program is a summer research experience in collaboration with a faculty
mentor. Scholars receive a $4,000 research stipend, plus a room and board stipend, and funding for research supplies.
Stipends are also available for attending and presenting research at a professional conference.
McNair Scholars participate in:
A motivated, diverse, and supportive learning community;
Graduate school preparation and application assistance;
Intensive preparation for the Graduate Records Examination (GRE), the test required for admittance into most
graduate programs;
Social and cultural activities to enrich participants’ academic lives and perspectives;
Conference travel and professional presentation of participants’ research;
Financial aid exploration and financial incentives such as fee waivers for graduate school applications and the fee
reduction waivers for GRE, as well as McNair-designated national fellowships;
Academic workshops and the 2 credit course McNair 301: Research in the Disciplines;
Workshops to sharpen writing, library, technology, and oral presentation skills.
The McNair Scholars program is rigorous and highly respected among graduate institutions nationwide.
Office of Undergraduate Research and Graduate Opportunity (URGO)
The Office of Undergraduate Research and Graduate Opportunity is a resource for Augsburg students seeking research,
scholarship, and graduate and professional school opportunities. URGO also supports faculty and staff in their work to
engage students in these areas. Services include:
Undergraduate Research
Summer Research Program
o URGO Summer Research is a 10-week, on-campus program where students join a faculty member’s ongoing
research/creative line or carry out an individually designed project. Students receive $4,000, a supply budget
and a housing stipend.
Academic year research
o $1,000 to pursue scholarship with a faculty mentor
Off-campus Summer Research Opportunities
o URGO maintains a comprehensive website, listing off-campus research opportunities. URGO staff work with
students to craft and submit high-quality applications for research experiences across the U.S. and some
outside the U.S.
Nationally-Competitive Fellowships
Provide application assistance and interview preparation for awards such as the:
Fulbright US Student Program
Goldwater ($7,500 science scholarship)
Rhodes (two years at Oxford)
Truman (graduate fellowship for public service)
Mitchell (one-year study at Irish institution)
Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship
Marshall (two-year study at UK institution)
Udall ($7,000 for undergrad interested in environmental or tribal policy)
UK Summer Fulbright (first and second years study abroad at UK institution)
NSF (graduate fellowship)
Gates/Cambridge (two years at Cambridge)
Graduate School and Pre-Health Sciences Advising
Individualized advising and application assistance for:
Graduate school
Pre-health sciences (medical school, physician assistant program, pharmacy school, veterinary medicine, physical
therapy, occupational therapy, public health. etc.)
GRE Exam preparation course offered each summer at low cost
Other Initiatives
Zyzzogeton is our annual on-campus festival showcasing undergraduate research and creative activity.
Fund student travel to national academic conferences to present research findings.
Mayo Innovation Scholars Program is a collaborative research between select Minnesota private colleges, Augsburg
undergraduates, Augsburg’s MBA program, and the Mayo Clinic Office of Intellectual Property.
Bernhard Christensen Center for Vocation
Augsburg University has a deep and long-standing commitment to the concept of vocation--the idea that all people are
called by God to use their individual gifts to serve the neighbor. The Christensen Center for Vocation works with
students, faculty, and staff to explore how each person’s contributions can be uniquely valuable and how we might best
live in freedom and responsibility for the sake of the world. The commitment to keep this understanding of vocation
central to Augsburg’s mission is carried out by embedding the exploration of vocation in the curriculum as well as
through the Christensen Scholars program, internship and service opportunities, short term projects and public lectures.
The Christensen Center for Vocation also works to deepen and extend Augsburg’s commitment to interfaith
engagement. That commitment includes an Interfaith Scholars program, creating a campus culture in which people of
diverse religious traditions have welcoming sacred spaces, convening conversations that respect and explore our
differences while also engaging together in acts of service, peacemaking and working for justice. The Christensen Center
for Vocation is committed to working with churches, diverse religious communities, nonprofit organizations and other
schools of higher education as we live out Augsburg’s commitment to educate students to be informed citizens,
thoughtful stewards, critical thinkers and responsible leaders.
StepUP® Program
The StepUP program at Augsburg University strives to help students champion lives of recovery, achieve academic
success, and thrive in a residential community of accountability and support. The culture of StepUP is shaped by its core
elements: abstinence-based recovery models, mutual support groups, peer-to-peer recovery support, and other proven
pathways to healthy recovery - along with the residential component of the program. Our holistic approach to recovery
focuses around students developing healthy minds, bodies, spirits, and emotions.
Students live in on-campus recovery housing, have individual support meetings with licensed alcohol and drug
counseling staff, and participate in team and community-building activities. Students have access to academic skills
specialists and other support services on campus in order to ensure their educational success. Participation in StepUP
offers students leadership opportunities within the program, on campus, and in the greater Twin Cities community. Our
students give back through leadership and service and thrive in an alcohol- and drug-free environment. In StepUP,
students join together to form a community in which recovery is celebrated as a normal part of personal growth. Many
of the friendships and bonds that students form while participating in the program last a lifetime.
In order to qualify for the program, students must be committed to a 12-step or other proven, abstinence-based
recovery program, have a minimum of six months of continuous sobriety, agree to abide by the StepUP student
agreement, and live in StepUP housing.
Multicultural Student Services
American Indian Student Services
The American Indian Student Services program has been assisting American Indian students to further their academic
careers at Augsburg University since 1978. The program’s mission is to recruit, retain, and graduate Native students by
providing academic, financial, emotional, and cultural support and advocacy in a comfortable and friendly environment.
Some of the services provided include:
Assisting students with the admission process and financial aid application
Nurturing students’ identification as an American Indian and providing opportunities for students to learn about
their heritage
Providing opportunities for the campus community to learn about the variety of American Indian people and
Providing academic advising and course plans
Providing opportunities to network with other American Indian students, faculty, staff, and alumni
Providing a number of different scholarships, including the Bonnie Wallace Leadership Award, Minnesota Indian
Teacher Training Partnership Grant, and additional assistance in seeking and applying for other outside/tribal
Offering community and professional referrals, networking opportunities within the Native community and
information about jobs and internships
Latin@ Student Services
The mission of Latin@ Student Services (LSS) is to provide services, programs and resources that empower Latin@
students to persist and graduate, develop and strengthen their self-advocacy and leadership skills, and contribute to the
advancement of the communities they are part of.
Most importantly, LSS seeks to be a safe inclusive place where students feel a sense of belonging and community and
find pride in their self-identified identities, affinities, and culture.
Originally established in 1994 to support a majority of international and 2nd generation hispano/latino students, the
office of Hispano/Latino Student Services was re-branded in 2014 under the Latin@ Student Services (LSS) name in
recognition of the changing demographics and needs of current Latin@ students at Augsburg University.
During the 2014-15 academic year, LSS has served 177 self-identified Latin@ students who represent a diversity of
identities, cultural and national backgrounds, individual and community experiences, sexual orientation, religious
affiliation, class, and immigration statuses.
Pan-Asian Student Services
The Pan-Asian Student Services program was created in 1992 to recruit and retain Asian-American students and to
enhance the quality of their total experience while at Augsburg University. The program seeks to create opportunities
where Asian students can be involved in and contribute to all aspects of academic and student life.
The program provides assistance in the admissions and financial aid application process, orientation, registration and
coursework selection, career development, academic and non-academic pursuits, and employment and placement
The Augsburg Asian Student Association is affiliated with the program. The association organizes various activities during
the academic year to increase the network of friendship and support for Asians, other students at Augsburg, and the
surrounding community.
Pan-Afrikan Center
The Pan-Afrikan Center (PAC) traces its roots to the 1968 event, “One Day in May” when Augsburg students compelled
faculty and staff to respond to Civil Rights era challenges pro-actively through sit-ins and teach-ins held on and off
campus. As a result, Black Student Affairs was born. It has evolved over the years into the PAC. Today, the PAC is
primarily a resource center, providing culturally-conscious personal, academic, financial, pre-professional and
transitional support for students of African descent. This serves to enhance the recruitment, retention, and graduation
of our students and facilitates a more meaningful learning experience. The PAC brings the knowledge and experience of
Afrikan people in the Diaspora to the community through a variety of programming as well through advising the PanAfrikan Student Union. The Pan-Afrikan Student Union (PASU) is a commissioned organization whose purpose is to
enable students of African descent to share their diversity and collectively express their fellowship with the Augsburg
community. PASU sponsors a variety of social, intellectual, and cultural activities.
Scholastic Connections
Scholastic Connections is a scholarship and mentorship program for achievement-oriented, undergraduate students of
color. The goal of the program is to form a mentoring community that provides a network of belonging that recognizes,
supports, challenges, and inspires scholars to ensure their success at Augsburg and beyond.
Each year five new scholars are selected as program participants via an application process. Scholars receive a $5,000
scholarship for the academic year and are paired with a mentor who is an alumnus/alumna of color and is successful
within their chosen profession. Working with the Ethnic Services directors, scholar/mentor pairings are formed that,
ideally, match ethnic group and field of interest.
Eligible scholars have:
A GPA of 2.5 or higher
Demonstrated financial need
Demonstrated leadership ability or potential
Demonstrated community involvement both on and off campus
Program objectives are to:
Support scholars as they continue at Augsburg
Frame the questions: Who am I? Where do I belong? What are my gifts? How can I best serve the world?
Assist in discerning vocation
Prepare for life after Augsburg: career planning and implementation
Scholars who successfully complete program requirements are eligible to continue with the program each successive
year until graduation.
LGBTQIA Student Services
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and Asexual (LGBTQIA) Student Services works to improve the
campus climate for all students, staff, faculty and visitors at Augsburg University by developing and supporting inclusive
understandings of gender and sexuality, as well as fostering a community that honors and affirms the wholeness of all
LGBTQIA Students Services provides student advocacy and educational opportunities for the entire campus through a
variety of programs and ongoing initiatives. Queer Pride Alliance; Queer Indigenous People of Color; Ally Trainings; the
LGBTQIA Student Leadership Retreat, the Soup, Gender, and Sexuality series; and the LGBTQIA Newsletter offer learning
and networking opportunities for the entire campus on issues around gender and sexuality. In addition, the department
honors LGBTQIA and allied students each year during Lavender Celebration, where the recipients of the LGBTQIA
Student Leadership Awards, the Augsburg Pride Award, and the Karen Neitge Scholarship are honored.
For more information, visit
Women’s Resource Center
The Anne Pederson Women’s Resource Center at Augsburg University is located in Sverdrup Hall 207, offering a variety
of programming for Augsburg students of all gender identities and a meeting place for students, faculty, and staff alike.
It houses a Women’s Studies library, a seminar room for films and discussions, and a lounge space for studying, relaxing,
and just hanging out.
The Women’s Resource Center sponsors numerous programs and activities on topics such as sexuality education and
sexual assault advocacy, as well as broader topics such as The Vagina Monologues, monthly film showings, and monthly
brown-bag lunch discussions. The WRC’s largest event is the annual Koryne Horbal Convocation Lecture, which features
women and men who speak about the many issues important to women’s, as well as everyone’s, lives. The center also
regularly co-sponsors annual events for the Muslim Student Association’s Women in Islam Day and for Queer and
Straight in Unity. The WRC is also the home of the Student Feminist Collective.
We would love to support you as an intern or volunteer, or simply to co-sponsor your event! Contact us or friend us on
Facebook to find out about upcoming events and other opportunities for participation. Student staff positions at the
WRC are posted online with Human Resources as they become available.
Health and Fitness
Center for Wellness and Counseling (CWC)
CWC provides short-term personal counseling for students to discuss personal life challenges with professional mental
health counselors in a confidential and supportive setting. Through counseling, students can name personal strengths
and challenges, identify self-care and support resources, learn new relationship and coping skills, and increase
awareness of values and choices. Counseling services to students include individual counseling, group counseling,
assessment and referral to campus and mental health resources, educational workshops, and consultations in the case
of concern for another student.
Students bring many concerns to counseling, including stress, anxiety, depression, mood swings, relationship concerns,
grief and loss, roommate issues, intimacy and sexuality, alcohol and other drug concerns, family issues, eating concerns,
coming out and other sexual identity concerns, cultural identity, self-esteem, sleep difficulties, and other concerns.
Professional counseling can help increase student academic success both by increasing the opportunity for increased
self-understanding and personal growth, and by directly addressing potential barriers to academic success.
CWC also offers health promotion activities and events to increase student awareness of health issues and support
students in developing new behaviors for a healthier lifestyle, such as mindfulness events, stress management, and an
annual Health Fair. Health promotion also includes an active group of peer health educators, Engaging Peers on Issues
and Choices (EP!C) who are available to present an interactive alcohol education program to groups requesting the
program. Health promotion also works with various campus organizations and student groups to foster positive change
within the campus environment.
Health Insurance
Augsburg University does not require that students have health insurance, with the exception of international students
and student athletes. If a student is not covered by a health insurance plan, they may contact the Center for Wellness
and Counseling for more information on student health insurance plans.
Health Clinic Services
The University offers basic health care services to students through a contract with University Fairview Physicians –
Smiley’s Clinic. These services are limited. For students without health insurance, Smiley’s Clinic provides certain clinic
health services with a minimal co-pay at the time of the visit. Emergency services of any kind are not covered through
the contract between Augsburg and Smiley’s Clinic. Students with health insurance can also access Smiley’s Clinic for a
variety of clinic or other health services. A student’s health insurance provider will be billed for medical services and the
student will be responsible for any co-pays or deductibles associated with their insurance.
For more information regarding counseling, health promotion, health insurance, or health clinic services, call 612-3301707 or visit
Fitness Centers
Located on the lower level of Kennedy Center and Melby Hall the fitness centers are equipped with stationary bicycles,
stair steppers, treadmills, and other aerobic workout machines. They include a weight room with universal and free
weight systems. All staff, students, and faculty may use the centers; some hours are reserved for classes.
International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS)
ISSS is responsible for the enrollment planning, recruitment and advising of exchange students and degree-seeking
international students. Members of the ISSS team serve as Designated School Officials (DSO) for the University’s F-1
student visa program and as Responsible Officer (RO) and Alternate Responsible Officer (ARO) for the University’s J-1
student/scholar exchange program. A DSO ensures institutional and individual compliance with the law and government
policies pertaining to F-1 students. The RO and ARO ensure institutional and individual compliance with the law and
government policies pertaining to J-1 exchange students and scholars. ISSS advises students regarding the F and J
regulations so that students maintain their immigration status while completing their academic programs.
Examples of ISSS responsibilities include:
Recruiting international student applicants and guiding them through application and visa processing procedures
Managing international student recruitment partnerships
Marketing Augsburg University to the international community
Advocating on policy matters affecting international students
Advising the International Student Organization
Coordinating the International Student Mentor Program
Providing intercultural competence training and mentoring for students, faculty and staff
Implementing a mandatory international student orientation program each semester
Making referrals and providing guidance on issues related to health insurance, taxes, banking, and acquiring a
driver’s license, MN State ID or social security card
Special Academic Programs
Center for Global Education & Experience (CGEE)
Study abroad and away at Augsburg aims to provide students the skills needed to be successful in today’s highly
interconnected world. The University’s mission states, “An Augsburg education is defined by excellence in the liberal arts
and professional studies guided by the faith and values of the Lutheran Church, and shaped by its urban and global
settings.” This strong commitment to a global perspective provides the foundation to include study abroad or away in
every student’s degree program. Augsburg’s programs, including those of the Center for Global Education & Experience
as well as individual departments, as well as HECUA provide study abroad and away opportunities for students in all
Using an experiential education model that focuses learning on social justice issues, these programs challenge students
academically and personally to become “informed citizens, thoughtful stewards, critical thinkers, and responsible
In addition to the following programs, students have over 300 programs in nearly 90 countries, including the United
States from which to choose in order to meet their curricular and personal needs. CGEE (formerly Augsburg Abroad and
Center for Global Education) is the front door for students and faculty interested in study abroad, and provides advising
on programs, finances, and academics. Services provided through CGEE:
Study Abroad and Away in the USA program selection advising
Financial and academic advising
Pre-departure and re-entry support, including career integration
Program coordination for semester and short-term programs
Faculty resources to globalize courses at home and abroad
In addition to the services and programs listed above, CGEE works with the entire campus to increase the breadth and
depth of Global Education within the curriculum, in our campus life and to engage the community surrounding the
campuses in the Twin Cities and Rochester, and across the United States.
About a third of Augsburg undergraduate students enroll in off-campus study programs internationally and domestically
before graduating. Students can study a variety of disciplines in a wide variety of countries. For example, students have
the opportunity to examine Environmental Sustainability in the USA, study gender issues in Mexico, study social change
in Central America, carry out business simulations in Norway and Germany, complete student teaching in Italy, intern
with community organizations in Northern Ireland, do an internship in Namibia, do ecological field study in the
Galapagos Islands, take organic chemistry in England, and gain fluency in a foreign language where it is widely spoken.
Students can choose from more than 300 programs in 90+ countries including the United States. Programs vary in length
from one week to a year abroad. In addition to the Augsburg CGEE programs (Augsburg faculty-led short-term, Augsburg
in Central America, Mexico, and Southern Africa, Exchange, and HECUA programs), students can choose from Augsburg
Affiliated Programs.
Study Abroad & Study Away in the USA Programs
Augsburg in Central America, Mexico and Southern Africa
The mission of the CGEE signature Augsburg in Central America, Mexico and Southern Africa Programs is to provide
cross-cultural educational opportunities in order to foster critical analysis of local and global conditions so that personal
and systemic change takes place leading to a more just and sustainable world. Students experience three distinct types
of living situations: living with other students in a community house, spending several days in a rural setting, and living
several weeks with host families. In the Southern Africa programs, students travel together on two-week seminars—
Namibia to South Africa. Scholarships are available.
Augsburg in Central America
Social Change in Central America: Exploring Peace, Justice, and Community Engagement (Guatemala, Costa Rica,
Nicaragua)—Fall or Spring
This is an intensive semester of study and regional travel designed to introduce students to the key issues facing Central
Americans. Students will explore the history, culture, and struggles of the people of Central America in this provocative
and inspiring experience that develops Spanish language skills while immersing participants in the lives of host families,
urban and rural communities, and grassroots organizations dedicated to work on issues related to conflict, US foreign
policy, gender, and economic and social justice. Students spend the first five weeks in Guatemala, the next four weeks in
Costa Rica, and the final six weeks in Nicaragua. Students live with local host families for nine weeks. Prerequisites: one
course in college-level Spanish or its equivalent.
Students spend the first five weeks in Guatemala, the next four weeks in Costa Rica, and the final six weeks in Nicaragua.
All students will take the following four courses: one Spanish or Indigenous language course (for native Spanish
speakers) course, HIS/WST 355, and POL 310.
Augsburg in Mexico
Crossing Borders: Gender and Social Change in Mesoamerica—Fall
This program is an experientially-based and designed to introduce students to the important issues facing Mexico, USMexico relations, and the context in which many Mexicans are immigrating to the United States. Students will improve
Spanish language skills, as well as develop intercultural skills. Students will learn about key social, economic, political,
and cultural issues in Mexico, as well as explore the interconnectedness of race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, and
religion. Students will learn firsthand from diverse women and men involved in struggles for social change, as well as
business leaders, religious leaders, feminist activists and scholars, government representatives, politicians, and political
activists. Spanish courses range from beginning to advanced, including courses for bilingual students. The program
includes rural travel within Mexico and four-to-five-day seminar in Mexico City. Students stay in the Augsburg study
center for part of the semester and with Mexican host families for four to six weeks, although semester-long homestays
are available for Spanish majors and others upon request. Students may meet several AugCore and General Education
requirements (Augsburg Experience, Fine Arts, Humanities, Keystone, Natural Science and Mathematics, Search for
Meaning II, Social and Behavioral Science and Wellness) while in Mexico and/or take courses in the following four
concentrations: Business, Religion, Spanish and Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies. Spanish courses range from
beginning to advanced, including courses for bilingual students.
International Business and Global Citizenship—Fall
Today’s business leaders are increasingly well-served by a global perspective. Students gain international experience in
Mexico, the business capital of Latin America and the United States’ third largest trading partner. Students improve
Spanish language skills and understanding of Mexican culture in order to communicate with and serve the largest
immigrant group in the US – a group that is rapidly increasing in economic influence. This program emphasizes success in
business, while also encouraging a commitment to corporate responsibility, sustainability, and equality by exposing you
to both the opportunities and challenges of international business.
Students may take courses any of the following business courses in addition to any courses from the Crossing Borders
(see listing) program: Accounting Theory & Practice, Global Business Management, International Business, International
Marketing, Keystone, and Internship.
Language and Culture in Mexico—Summer
CGEE offers five, 3 1/2 week sessions (blocks) focusing on Spanish language and Mexican culture in which students can
take one course per session, and take up to five courses throughout the summer. Students can complete their full
Modern Language requirement in just 7 weeks. Students can also take ART/SPA231 (Fine Arts), Spanish (beginning to
advanced, including Spanish for Healthcare Professionals, Heritage speakers, and Ministry). 7 week Internships are
available in a number of disciplines (e.g., business, gender, sexuality and women’s studies, religion and more).
This community-based program includes homestays, a trip to Mexico City, the pyramids of Teotihuacan, optional
weekend excursions, and numerous guest speakers designed to help students learn about history, culture, and
contemporary struggles for peace, justice, and human rights.
Migration and Globalization: Engaging Our Communities—Spring
This is an intensive program that explores issues of migration, immigration, and globalization. It is ideal for students who
are interested in working with Spanish-speaking populations in the United States, as it includes intensive Spanish
language classes, an internship or independent research opportunity, and courses that help students understand the
connections between globalization and migration while learning from diverse communities that are organizing for
positive social change around issues of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic class, gender, sexuality, economics, and the
environment. Credit is available in Spanish, History, Political Science, Religion, and Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s
Studies. Students spend most of the semester living in Augsburg housing and approximately six weeks living with
Mexican host families.
Course offerings include: HIS/WST 357, POL/WST 341, RLN 200, an internship, independent study, and the choice of 1-2
Spanish courses from 16 different options (including ART 231, which meets the LAF requirement in Fine Arts). A
Recreational Wellness course (Latin Dance) is also available.
Spanish courses range from beginning to advanced, including courses for bilingual students.
Social Work in a Latin American Context—Spring
This program was created to satisfy the curricular requirements for the Bachelor in Social Work degree program. Its goal
is to develop cross-culturally competent, ethical social work professionals with a global perspective by providing a
semester of transformative, experiential learning focused on social and economic justice. It includes Spanish language
study and social work courses. Social work field experience is also available for qualified students. Students live with
Mexican host families for six weeks.
All students are expected to take SWK 294 as a core course. Other course offerings include SWK 295, SWK 316, a field
placement in social work, and the choice of one Spanish course from 16 different options (including SPA/ART 231, which
meet the LAF in Fine Arts). A Recreational Wellness course (Latin Dance) is also available.
Prerequisites: Approval of the Social Work Department and one college-level Spanish course or the equivalent highly
recommended. Students may choose to study Spanish in Mexico during the month of January prior to the start of the
Augsburg in Southern Africa
Nation-Building, Globalization, and Decolonizing the Mind: Southern African Perspectives (Namibia and South Africa)—
Fall or Spring
This program examines the crucial issues of nation-building, globalization, and decolonizing the mind, from the
perspectives of the new democracies in southern Africa. Namibia won its independence in 1990 after decades of
apartheid under South African colonization. South Africa had its first democratic election in 1994. As these nations
struggle to build nationhood and deal with the legacies of apartheid and colonialism, they are faced with the challenges
posed by today’s world—rapid globalization as well as under- and unequal development. Decolonizing the mind is a
long-term project. The program includes seminars in Johannesburg and Cape Town, South Africa. Available courses are:
HIS 327, POL 353, RLN376, ENV 100 and INS 312/POL 354. Internships are also available in eight different departments,
and a Recreational Wellness course (Yoga) is also available.
Exchange Programs
The Center for Global Education & Experience partners with universities around the world to provide semester and
academic year exchange opportunities to their students. Currently, Augsburg’s CGGE has active exchanges in China,
Finland, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Lebanon, Norway, and Slovenia. Students can choose from several
options in diverse disciplines. All coursework is in English with opportunity to student the host country language. Travel
scholarships are available for these programs. For further information on these programs and scholarships visit the CGEE
Faculty-led Short-term Programs
Faculty-led winter break, spring break, and summer programs offer opportunities to intensively study on a course
abroad with an Augsburg professor and other Augsburg students. Program travel length ranges from eight days to five
weeks. Program offerings change annually. Scholarships are available for some programs.
Higher Education Consortium for Urban Affairs (HECUA)
Augsburg, in consortium with other colleges and universities, offers full semester, summer and part-time programs in
Ecuador, Italy, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Norway, and the USA (Twin Cities and Jackson, Mississippi). All HECUA
programs explore civic engagement, community, and social change, and emphasize internships and field study.
Art for Social Change: Intersections of Art, Identity, and Advocacy—Spring
What is art for? Who is allowed to be an artist? Where do you find art, and what happens when it finds you? In the Twin
Cities-based Art for Social Change program, students seek the answers to these questions not in a gallery or a museum,
but on busy corners, vacant storefronts, and empty lots. Students will tap into a growing movement of artists pushing
the boundaries of what creative expression does and whose voice it amplifies. Art for Social Change is taught in
partnership with Pillsbury House + Theatre, an innovative center for creativity and community in South Minneapolis.
Students meet and intern with PH + T staff, resident artists, and a myriad of leaders from the Minneapolis City Council,
neighborhood associations, and local businesses. Students receive mentorship from public artists, and an individual
budget to create three community-engaged art projects.
Community Internships in Latin America (Ecuador)—Fall or Spring
The Community Internships in Latin America program, based in Quito, Ecuador, offers a semester of study experience
with a focus on community participation and social change. A hands-on internship designed to meet the learning goals
of the student is combined with a seminar, an independent project, and a homestay for an intensive immersion into
Latin American daily life and culture. In the second week of class, each student begins an individual placement at a
nonprofit community organization. Previous internship sites have included an organic farm, an arts hub for urban youth,
and a women’s safe house. Students learn firsthand about the social problems in Ecuadorian communities and explore
ways in which communities are addressing these challenges. All lectures, internships, and field projects are in Spanish,
with discussions in Spanish and English. Readings are mostly in Spanish. Papers may be written in English or Spanish.
Environmental Sustainability: Ecology, Policy, and Social Transformation—Fall
The most pressing environmental challenges today are global in scale and require scientific, creative, and systems
thinking approaches to understand their root causes and forge more just and equitable solutions. The four linked
semester courses of Environmental Sustainability apply systems thinking and sustainability theory to real world cases.
Students explore structural inequalities in their own communities, examining patterns of privilege, power, and
oppression. They study the restoration of degraded ecosystems, witness and participate in citizen science, and assess
how policies and partnerships foster ecologically sound transformation. Students also complete a 20 hour per week
internship at one of the many vibrant environmental organizations in the Twin Cities. Past internship placement sites
include the Land Stewardship Project, MN350, and Spark-Y Youth Action Labs. Students will leave prepared for
leadership roles at the intersection of environmental and climate justice, with a profound understanding of the work
being done locally and nationally in those fields.
Inequality in America: Policy, Community, and the Politics of Empowerment—Fall or Spring
In this Twin Cities-based semester program students actively delve into major challenges of our time: poverty,
inequality, and social change. This program asks: What are the root causes of increasing levels of economic, political,
social inequality and insecurity and how does this impact all social classes and groups in the United States? How are
economic, political, and social inequality reproduced? How do we create more opportunity for all Americans and what
are some concrete social change tools for making these changes? To answer these questions, the program examines and
connects the economy, housing systems, education, welfare, government policies, urban sprawl, regional race and class
segregation, and institutional discrimination. In professional internships, students work to explore solutions in
organizations committed to social transformation. Students have direct conversations and work with practitioners in
government, the private sector, nonprofits, labor unions, and schools, and other community institutions working to
address poverty and economic, political, and social inequality.
Sustainable Agriculture, Food, and Justice in Italy––Fall
Students live and work at the Castello Sonnino, a historic estate roughly 12 miles outside the major city of Florence.
Since the early 1800s, the Sonnino family has run the estate, and the current generation is deeply committed to cultural
and architectural preservation. Students live in apartments on the Sonnino grounds, overlooking 300+ acres of woods,
olive groves, and working farm land. They study the political and economic context of the farming and food movements
particular to Italy. They gain firsthand experience of sustainable local food systems and the role they play in maintaining
rural culture through an internship placement on the Sonnino farm, in the nearby village of Montespertoli, or in nearby
Florence. Students receive basic Italian instruction, and complete a guided independent study project.
New Zealand Culture and the Environment: A Shared Future—Fall or Spring
Beginning with five weeks of travel across the North Island and ultimately based in Wellington, this program examines
how social and environmental factors shape political and ecological dimensions of identity and culture, and how New
Zealanders from many different backgrounds are envisioning and creating a shared future. During the trip and in
Wellington, students learn about the history of colonization, the truth and reconciliation process that shape
contemporary life, Māori protest and social movements, key strategies used to achieve sustainability, new agricultural
practices, and more. Students intern at a nonprofit organization in Wellington. Internship placements in past years have
ranged from Kennett Brothers Mountain Bikes to Sustainable Coastlines, from the Green Party New Zealand to Zealandia
Urban Eco-Reserve. Links between environment, culture, policy, and community are at the heart of these field study and
internship opportunities.
Northern Ireland: Democracy and Social Change—Fall or Spring
The Northern Ireland: Democracy and Social Change program examines the historical, political, and religious roots of
conflict in Northern Ireland, the prospects for peace, and the progress being made. Through a seven-week internship,
students get hands-on experience with organizations working for social change. Field seminars focus on human rights,
conflict transformation, and education for democracy. The program is based at the International Conflict Research
Institute at Ulster University (Derry/Londonderry), and on facilitated trips, students compare that region of Northern
Ireland to the “borderland” area and to Dublin.
Race in America: Then and Now —Summer
The summer of 2014 saw the beginning of a dramatic shift in public conversation around race in the United States. As
the tragic deaths of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, Sandra Bland, Rekia Boyd, and other unarmed men and
women dominated the news, powerful protests forced American to face the twin realities of institutionalized racism and
police brutality. Race in America: Then and Now dives into questions of racial justice in America today, and the
continuing role of race in the United States. Students meet with civil rights activists who were active in the 1960s and
those who are active now, as well as lawyers, politicians, educators, and youth. The program is based in Jackson,
Mississippi, and is offered in collaboration with the Fannie Lou Hamer National Institute on Citizenship and Democracy
at COFO on the campus of Jackson State University, one of America's Historically Black Colleges and Universities
The New Norway: Globalization, National Identity and the Politics of Belonging—Fall
In less than 50 years, Norway has become one of the richest nations in the world and increasingly diverse. Twenty-five
percent of Oslo residents, for example, are not ethnic Norwegian. The program investigates dramatic changes in
Northern Europe by examining the contemporary challenges and opportunities for the Scandinavian welfare states in an
age of globalization and mass migration. Core topics include globalization and multiculturalism, nation-building and
national identity, governance and political party systems, European integration, racial thinking, histories of racialization,
the rise of the populist/far-right, international aid politics, and gender. Questions framing the program include: How
might Norway and the other Scandinavian welfare states adapt to the challenges of multiculturalism, European
integration and globalization? What factors have made possible the rise of populist / far-right parties in Scandinavia and
what has been their impact on politics and society more generally? How have film, literature and social movements
challenged conventional understandings of what it means to be Norwegian/Scandinavian? Students study Norwegian
language or do an independent research project, and intern with a leading NGO.
Agriculture and Justice: Building a Sustainable Food System––Spring
Two linked semester courses use hands-on, field based methods to unpack sustainable agriculture and justice, exploring
the food system, land ownership, labor practices, and policies. Students gain hands-on growing skills and travel to food
shelves, grocery stores, community centers, as wells as conventional and small-scale farms. Each student completes a
short-term stay on a sustainable farm, as well as a field project in a hunger relief organization or urban community farm.
A 4- to 8- credit food systems internship is available concurrently with the two courses, or in the summer following the
program. In past semesters students have interned with the Land Stewardship Project, Frogtown Green, Mill City
Farmers Market, and others,
Making Media, Making Change: Digital Technologies, Storytelling, and Action––Fall and Spring
This Twin Cities-based semester of two linked courses is taught in collaboration with St. Paul Neighborhood Network
(SPNN), a bustling studio and media access center that puts cameras into the hands of historically underrepresented
creators. Students of all experience levels will leave the class with three short films to their credit, including a final work
created in collaboration with a local nonprofit. In addition to hands-on training, students meet the leaders of the local
media justice landscape. Students see their work as part of a global movement to make media accessible, relevant, and
reflective of the diverse voices demanding to be heard. A 4- to 8- credit media production internship is available with
community partner SPNN simultaneously (for students who have advanced technical skills) or following the program.
Augsburg Affiliated Programs
The Center for Global Education & Experience maintains a robust portfolio of affiliated programs to enhance the global
education offerings available to Augsburg students. These affiliated programs allow Augsburg students to study
disciplines and locations that lie beyond CGEE’s signature, exchange and short-term faculty-led programs See website
for listings.
Application Process
In order to Study Abroad or Away in the USA students should follow these easy steps:
Attend and Information Session
Attend an optional Program Selection Workshop and/or search programs online
Apply by the deadline
Application Deadlines
September 30 - Spring semester and winter-break faculty-led programs
November 1 - Spring-break faculty-led programs
January 31 - Summer Session faculty-led programs
March 1 - Fall semester and other summer programs
Program provider deadlines vary; students need to meet all deadlines and eligibility requirements set by program
providers. Students should start planning in their first year for off campus study to be sure to do appropriate research
and meet all deadlines.
Academic Requirements and Credit
Students automatically fulfill the Augsburg Experience requirement on approved study abroad and study away in the
USA. Courses taken abroad can also fulfill graduation requirements including major, minor, language, Liberal Arts
Foundation, Recreational Wellness, Honors, and internship requirements. This is determined prior to departure when
students fill out the required Course Equivalency Form which is signed by faculty advisor(s), Assistant Registrar,
department chairs and assigned faculty to approve the course equivalencies.
Credits, Grades and Residency
Students must take a full load of credits while abroad on semester programs.
Students must take courses for a grade (P/NP not allowed) while abroad.
Grades received on affiliated and most exchange programs are reported as transfer credit on the transcript, and
thus are not figured into the GPA.
A grade of “C-” equivalent or higher must be received for the credit to transfer to Augsburg.
Courses taken on off-campus programs during the senior year meet the Augsburg residency requirement as students
remain enrolled at Augsburg while abroad.
Faculty-led Short-term Programs
Students must register for all courses required by the short-term program. Credit values may vary, so confirm the
specific program credit load with the Center for Global Education & Experience (CGEE) Office. Any courses removed by
the student without CGEE permission prior to the start of the program will be re-added to the student’s schedule. If no
work was completed in these reinstated courses, a grade of zero will be awarded.
Following are Augsburg University’s requirements for Study Abroad and Away in the USA:
Minimum 2.0 GPA at the time of application. Individual programs/courses may require a higher average. Students
with lower averages should consult with CGEE.
Sophomore, junior, or senior standing by the time you off campus. First-year students on a case-by-case basis may
be allowed to study at Augsburg’s Center for Global Education & Experience program-Mexico site during their
second term at Augsburg. Short-term, faculty-led programs will allow participation as a first-year if the student
receives approval from the faculty-leader and if space allows.
Transfer students must complete one semester at Augsburg before they may study off campus.
Students must be in good academic and social standing. Students placed on academic or disciplinary probation after
admittance to the off-campus study program may be withdrawn from the program. The student is responsible for all
non-recoverable program costs incurred.
Any outstanding balances on student accounts must be resolved before students will be allowed to study off
Note: Students applying to faculty-led programs who meet the above criteria are accepted to these programs on a first
applied, first accepted basis. Space is limited, so early application is recommended.
Costs and Financial Aid
The cost of semester off-campus study is comprised of program fees that generally include tuition, housing,
international health insurance, some meals, excursions, and off campus study fees. Airfare, personal expenses, books,
and other expenses are not included in the price of semester programs. Program costs vary; Augsburg University pays
the program provider on the student’s behalf and then bills the Augsburg student account. This allows students to
access their financial aid for off campus study. Students on semester programs will always pay a minimum of Augsburg
tuition plus living and travel expenses when studying abroad.
Students who receive financial aid, loans, scholarships, and/or grants to study at Augsburg can use that entire package
to cover their off-campus study program costs. Students receiving Augsburg institutionally-funded aid (e.g., President’s,
Regents’, Legacy, Promise, and other Augsburg gift aid/scholarships, and tuition benefit) may use their scholarships to
study off campus multiple times on Augsburg programs (see below in off-campus study program section). However,
institutionally-funded aid may be used only once toward off-campus costs on an affiliate program. Cost estimates for the
time abroad are drawn up to assist the student in planning and the financial aid office in awarding aid to students
studying abroad. Additional scholarships are available for semester and academic year programs.
The cost of short-term faculty-led programs is typically comprised of tuition (for summer programs), meals, airfare,
ground transportation, and interpretation/translation services. These costs are on top of any semester/year tuition
charges. Some scholarships are available, but are limited for short-term programs. Students often apply loans to fund
the additional cost of education travel.
Students should attend the required information session and read the advising handbook for any updates to
scholarships and financial aid policies.
Students are required to notify CGEE immediately if they choose not to continue with their off-campus study experience.
At the moment of notification, non-recoverable costs and a cancellation fee will be assessed and charged to the student
account. Depending on the time of notification of withdrawal, students may owe nothing; or they may owe the offcampus study fee, the deposit, or some or all of the program fee. Students are also subject to the cancellation and
refund policies of CGEE and their program provider.
The Center for Global Education & Experience offers a range of scholarships and financial aid to students with
demonstrated financial need and whose participation in a semester or summer academic program contributes to a
community of co-learners that values a variety of cultures and backgrounds.
CGEE Global Education Scholarship. Augsburg students automatically receive a $1000 scholarship on our Semester
programs at our sites in Central America, Mexico and Namibia/Southern Africa. This scholarship is also available to
students who participate on our semester exchange programs in designated countries (China, Finland. Germany,
Greece, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Lebanon, and Norway)
The Diversity Scholarship is for students who have not traditionally been represented in study abroad, specifically
students of color, students with disabilities, and LGBT students. Awards cover up to $6,000 off the cost of a
semester program abroad.
The Need-Based Scholarship is available for students with demonstrated financial need. Awards cover up to $2,000
of the cost of a semester program abroad.
Augsburg students receive an “Auggie Discount” of $1,000 on their first semester program (the Returnee Scholarship
will apply for the second program).
PJSA Member Discount is available for students whose home school is a member of the Peace and Justice Studies
Association. Automatic award of $500 toward a semester study abroad program in any CGE location. This discount
cannot be applied to the Social Work in a Latin American Context program.
Returnee Scholarship: Automatic discount of 10% off a second semester program for students who combine two
semester programs during their college career. There are no forms to submit for this discount.
Summer Discount: Students who participate in a full semester program in Mexico will receive a 10% discount off a
summer session (before or after the semester program).
Global Affiliate Scholarships are also available. These scholarships generally ranging from $500-$5000 are provided
directly through our affiliate partner programs.
CGEE and the Center for Learning and Accessible Student Services (CLASS) work closely with students with disabilities to
make every effort student needs are met while studying off-campus. Nevertheless, students are responsible for
requesting accommodations within a reasonable time frame prior to departure, ideally as early as program selection.
Students should be prepared for the fact that disability may be culturally defined. Attitudes toward disability and levels
of accessibility can vary greatly from country to country. The Americans with Disabilities Act mandates equal access to
university-sponsored programs and services to students with disabilities. However, providing access by US standards can
present unique challenges in international settings. The expectation on the part of US students and institutions is that
reasonable accommodations will be made. Depending on the country and culture, there may be different ways to define
accessibility and different expectations in terms of accommodations that can or should be made.
Continuing Education Program
The mission of Augsburg University continuing education program is to provide working adults with lifelong learning
opportunities that will enable them to continue to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually in their homes,
workplaces, and communities. The program strives to meet the needs of the community by offering credit and noncredit
programs consistent with the mission of Augsburg University.
Programs are developed through collaborations between academic and administrative departments of the University
and community organizations. These collaborations have included the Departments of Business, Biology, Education,
Nursing, Religion, Social Work, the Center for Leadership Studies, Institutional Advancement, and organizations including
Minneapolis and St. Paul public school districts, Minnesota Department of Education, and the Midwest Regional Office
of the College Board. Augsburg University is a Lifelong Learning Partner with the ELCA.
Honors Program
The Augsburg Honors Program offers an adventurous education where students with a passion for ideas can be their
best. We offer a friendly and welcoming atmosphere for students committed to an exceptional higher education.
Augsburg’s Honors Program is unlike any other honors program in the nation because it gives students the resources
and freedom to build their own ideal higher education. Students have the opportunity to create their own courses, edit
and write for the Honors Review of Undergraduate Scholarship, belong to an Honors House, and learn through small
reading groups, research projects, and travel around the world.
Each Honors course has been specifically created for Honors students, and includes a challenging “signature experience”
such as writing a play, putting great books on trial, or attending music, theater, and art performances. Honors courses
bring in professors from several different departments so students can learn from talented professors teaching their
For information, contact the Honors Desk at (612-330-1560) or Phil Adamo, Honors Program
director, at
Also see the Honors Program in the departmental pages of this catalog.
Inter-Institutional Programs
Augsburg cooperates with other colleges and institutions in the Twin Cities area on several programs.
Cooperating Libraries in Consortium (CLIC)
Through CLIC, the Twin Cities private college’s library consortium, the Augsburg community has direct access to more
than 2.5 million volumes and media resources of the 14 libraries.
Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities (ACTC)
Full-time Day students at Augsburg University, Hamline University, Macalester College, St. Catherine University, and the
University of St. Thomas may elect to take one course each semester (fall and spring) at one of the other campuses. No
additional fee is required for such an exchange, except for private instruction in music or approved independent studies.
Exchange courses are not transfer courses, and thus courses taken through ACTC are considered Augsburg University
courses and do not impact the residency requirement. The permanent record of courses for which an Augsburg student
has cross-registered is kept in the Registrar’s Office at Augsburg University, not at the host ACTC institution. Students
may elect to participate in the cooperative program to gain new perspectives, to get better acquainted with the other
schools, or to undertake a specific course or major not offered on the home campus.
AU/Rochester programs are not part of the ACTC consortium, and students in those programs may not register for ACTC
courses or complete ACTC majors under the terms of the ACTC consortium agreements.
Higher Education Consortium for Urban Affairs (HECUA)
Augsburg, in cooperation with 17 other colleges and universities, offers off-campus study semesters in Ecuador, New
Zealand, Northern Ireland, Norway, and the Twin Cities. (See HECUA programs in the International Programs and Urban
Studies sections of the departmental pages of this catalog.)
McNally Smith College of Music
Augsburg University full-time Day students may elect to take one course each semester at McNally Smith College of
Music (MSCM) providing that they meet all MCSM requirements. This program is open to sophomores, juniors, and
seniors. There is no additional fee for this program. Students should consult with their advisors to confirm if the classes
will count toward graduation requirements. In no instance may a McNally Smith course be used as a substitute for any
Augsburg course specifically listed within a degree program.
Exchange courses are not transfer courses. Courses taken through the Augsburg-McNally Smith exchange are considered
Augsburg University courses and do not impact the residency requirement. The permanent record of courses which a
student has completed through the exchange is kept in the Registrar’s Office at Augsburg University, not McNally Smith.
Air Force ROTC
AFROTC is a nationwide program that allows students to pursue commissions (become officers) in the United States Air
Force (USAF) while simultaneously attending college. AFROTC classes are held on college campuses throughout the
United States and Puerto Rico; students can register through normal course registration processes. AFROTC consists of
four years of Aerospace Studies classes (Foundations of the USAF, Evolution of USAF and Space Power, Air Force
Leadership Studies, and National Security Affairs/Preparation for Active Duty), and a corresponding Leadership
Laboratory for each year (where students apply leadership skills, demonstrate command and effective communication,
develop physical fitness, and practice military customs and courtesies). College students enrolled in the
AFROTC program (known as “cadets”) who successfully complete both AFROTC training and college degree
requirements will graduate and simultaneously commission as Second Lieutenants in the Active Duty Air Force.
The AFROTC program is currently offered at University of St. Thomas, which has a crosstown agreement that allows
Augsburg students to enroll in AFROTC and become full-fledged cadet participants. For more information
on AFROTC course descriptions, please review . For more information
on the AFROTC program, please review or contact the Department of Aerospace
Studies at the University of St. Thomas at (651) 962-6320.
Augsburg Day students may participate in the Army ROTC program at the University of Minnesota under an agreement
between Augsburg, the University of Minnesota, and the program. ROTC credits serve as electives at Augsburg. For more
information, contact the University of Minnesota: Twin Cities at
Academic Policies and Procedures
Students must be officially registered for all courses for which they are participating. All registered courses will be
reflected on a student’s AugNet Records and Registration page. Web registration through AugNet is the primary method
of registration, although registration can be processed through the Registrar’s Office with a Registration Form in
instances where online registration is not possible. Students are responsible for verifying the accuracy of their
Students are required to meet with their faculty advisor prior to registration for the fall, spring, and summer terms. As
some courses are offered only in alternate years, students should also consult with departmental advisors when
planning their academic program.
Specific registration dates and deadlines for each semester are listed in the Academic Calendar.
Students who are missing prerequisites for a course may be eligible for a prerequisite waiver if, after discussion with the
course instructor, the instructor determines that the prerequisite learning objectives have been met. Students who
believe they have already completed the prerequisite in question should contact the Registrar’s Office at 612-330-1036
The following registrations cannot be completed online and must be processed with a Registration Form:
THP courses (Theater practicum courses)
100-level MUP courses (Variable-credit music lessons)
Independent Study and Directed Study (Independent Study form available on the Registrar’s Office webpage)
Internships (Internship Registration form available on the Registrar’s Office webpage)
ACTC courses (Course listings are available online through each ACTC institution and should be checked to verify the
correct meeting times and room assignment.)
Credit Loads
Full-time day students normally register for 16 credits each semester. Students in the AU/Rochester programs typically
register for 4-8 credits each semester. Students registered for 12 or more credits in a semester are classified as full-time
students. Students registered for at least 6 credits are classified as half-time students.
To register for more than 19 semester credits, students must petition the Student Standing Committee unless the
following apply: Students with a cumulative GPA at Augsburg of 3.00 or greater may take a total of 20 semester credits
without petitioning; students with a cumulative GPA at Augsburg of 3.50 or greater may take a total of 22 semester
credits without petitioning. All overload registrations must be done through a Registration Form. (Note: For students in
the Day program there is an additional tuition charge for course loads over 19 semester credits. This includes combining
the credit load from both the DAY and AU programs. Auditing classes over the 19 semester credit limit will also incur a
tuition charge.)
Non-Attendance/Non-Participation Policy
Attendance/participation in class is important for academic success and financial aid. Therefore, students are dropped
for non-attendance/non-participation after the 10th business day of the term if reported by the instructor. Students are
ultimately responsible for dropping classes if they no longer plan to attend/participate. Students who have been
dropped and wish to re-enroll must submit an Academic/Financial Petition.
Internship Registration
A complete step-by-step guide is available on the Strommen Center website under the Internship Registration Guide
section. International students completing a paid internship will follow steps outlined on the Strommen Center website
under the International Student Paid Internship Registration section.
Registration of internships for credit consists of the following steps:
Students must register the internship for the academic term that coincides with the internship experience.
Students fill out the online Site Agreement Form on the Strommen Center website under the Internship
Registration Guide section (step 1).
Obtain the Internship Registration form (paper form) from the Strommen Center website under the Internship
Registration Guide section (step 2) and obtain the required signatures.
o Faculty Signature: Requires finding a faculty member willing to supervise and approve the internship
based on major discipline requirements.
o Department Chair Signature: Requires approval that the proposed internship experience meets the
major discipline requirements.
o Strommen Center Signature: Requires Assistant Director or Director to review important college-wide
internship information and ensure all required documents have been submitted.
Once the completed internship registration form is submitted to the Enrollment Center, additional requirements to
receive credit for an internship include:
Watch a short video about successful internships on the Strommen Center website under the Internship
Registration Guide section.
Complete the Learning Goals Form on the Strommen Center website under the Internship Registration Guide
section. Copies of the completed form are emailed to the student, their faculty supervisor, and the Strommen
Academic assignments (journals, reflection papers, projects, etc.) as determined by the faculty supervisor and/or
department guidelines.
Final evaluations are sent at the end of the semester. The student and the site supervisor will each complete an
evaluation of the student’s internship experience. Results are emailed to the student and the faculty supervisor.
Dropping or Withdrawing
Courses may be dropped or withdrawn online through AugNet Records and Registration or with a Registration Form. For
drop and withdrawal deadlines see the Academic Calendar.
Crossover Registration
Undergraduate students are enrolled in a home program (DAY, AU, ROCH) and may register online for fall and spring
semester courses outside of their home program based on course availability and subject to the restrictions listed
below. Students have registration priority in their home program. Students are charged the tuition rate of their home
program for crossover courses.
DAY Program Students
- Juniors and Seniors (based on earned credits) are permitted to crossover into AU courses without special permission.
- Pay the overload fee for any credits over 19 in their combined DAY/AU load each semester.
AU Program Students
- Are permitted to crossover into DAY courses.
ROCH Program Students
- Are permitted to register for AU courses as soon as their registration windows open and do not have to wait until
Crossover Registration begins.
Graduate Courses
Students must have completed an undergraduate degree and be admitted to a graduate program before taking
graduate level courses from that program. Exceptions are made for approved courses in the Department of Nursing and
the joint BA Accounting/MAL program. Undergraduate students enrolled in graduate courses will pay their standard
undergraduate rate for those courses. Any student enrolled in an Augsburg graduate level program wishing to take an
undergraduate course will pay their program's graduate rate for those courses.
Evaluation and Grading
Evaluation of academic performance is based on letter grades using an A ‐ F scale.
Student achievement in courses is measured by final examinations, shorter tests, written papers, oral reports, and other
types of evaluation.
Most courses are offered with grading options—traditional grading on an A - F scale or the Pass/No Pass grading system.
Explanation of grades:
Grade Points
Undergraduate: Good
Graduate: Satisfactory
Undergraduate only: Satisfactory
No Pass
*The letter grade equivalent of a P grade is a C- / 1.67 or higher for undergraduate courses and a B / 3.0 or higher for
graduate courses.
Pass/No Pass Grades
Students who choose the P/N option are cautioned:
In order to receive a grade of P, a student must achieve at least a grade of C-.
Some graduate and professional schools do not look favorably on a large number of
P-graded courses, or rank each as a C.
The maximum number of semester credits taken P/N that may be applied to graduation is 24 semester credits with a
grade of Pass (P).
P-graded courses do not count toward the requirement that 56 traditionally-graded semester credits be earned at
Augsburg in order to be considered for Latin honors. Transfer students should be especially aware of this
To be eligible for graduation with Latin honors, students may elect P/N grading for no more than eight semester
Certain courses have restrictions and are offered on one grading system only (e.g., lifetime wellness courses are graded
only P/N). In courses where there is a choice, students will be graded on the traditional system unless they indicate they
wish to use the P/N grading option. Any changes in choice of grading option must be made according to deadlines
published in the Academic Calendar each semester.
Incomplete (I) Grades
Incomplete grades (I) are to be given only in the case of extreme emergency (e.g. illness, family emergency, death in the
family, military commitment). If you have any questions regarding the qualifying emergency please contact the
Registrar’s Office for verification.
An incomplete grade (I) may be awarded when the instructor grants permission after determining that a student
emergency may delay completion of coursework. Students who receive an incomplete grade should be capable of
passing the course if they satisfactorily complete outstanding course requirements.
To receive an incomplete grade, a student must submit a completed Application for Incomplete Grade form to the
Registrar's Office by the grading deadline for the semester. This form states the reasons for the request, outlines the
work required to complete the course, and includes the course instructor’s signature. The instructor may stipulate the
terms and conditions that apply to course completion; however, students may not attend the same course (or a portion
of the same course) in a following term with an incomplete grade. The student must complete the outstanding work in
enough time to allow evaluation of the work by the instructor and filing of a grade by the grading deadline of the
following academic semester. If the work is not completed by the specified date of the following academic semester, the
grade for the course becomes F.
Extension (X) Grades
Internships, independent studies, and directed studies may sometimes last longer than one semester. When this is the
case, they must be completed by the grading deadlines within one year from the beginning of the semester of
registration. A grade of X (extension) is given by the instructor to indicate that the study is extended. It is expected that
students given X extensions will continue to communicate with their instructor and demonstrate that satisfactory
progress is being maintained. A final grade will be issued at the end of the semester in which the work is completed and
evaluated (but not longer than one year). An instructor has the right to not grant an extension where satisfactory
progress is not demonstrated. If the course is not completed, a grade of F will be assigned.
Withdrawal (W) Grade
A course is given a grade of W (withdrawn) when it is dropped after the deadline for dropping classes without a W grade
and before the last day to withdraw. Withdrawals negatively impact credit completion rate but do not negatively impact
the grade point average.
Repeated Courses
A course in which a grade of F, FN, D-, D, D+, C-, or N has been received may be repeated for credit. Courses in which
higher grades have been earned may not be repeated for credit and a grade, but may be audited (exceptions are made
for academic programs with minimum grade requirements of a C+ or higher or other catalog policies that require a
course to be retaken). All courses taken each semester and grades earned, including W and N, will be recorded on the
academic record. Only the credits and grades earned for the most recent attempt, for legitimately repeated courses, are
counted toward graduation and in the grade point average. Courses completed at Augsburg University must be repeated
at Augsburg to be included in the repeat policy.
Auditing Courses
Students who wish to take courses without credit or grade may do so by registering for Audit (V) on a space-available
basis. Full-time Day students will be charged an audit fee if their total credit load is over 19 credits. The charge to audit a
course is $1,000 for part-time DAY/AU/ROCH students. The signature of the instructor is required to register an audit.
Students who audit a course should confer with the instructor within two weeks of the beginning of the term to
determine expectations, attendance, and any other requirements. If expectations have been met, the course will be
listed on the transcript with a V grade. If expectations have not been met, the course will be listed with a grade of W.
Audited courses do not count toward graduation and do not fulfill general education requirements.
Grade Point Average
The grade point average (GPA) is based on final grades for all work at Augsburg. It does not include credit and grade
points for work transferred from other institutions.
The formula for calculating the GPA = Total grade points divided by number of credits attempted with A to F grades
The following grading symbols are not included in the GPA calculation:
Symbol Explanation
Fall 2017 to Present: Pass, C- or higher undergraduate or B or higher graduate work;
Prior to Fall 2017: Pass, 2.0 or higher undergraduate or 3.0 or higher graduate work
No pass, no credit
Audit, no credit
Extension, incomplete
In progress
Credit granted
Required lab component (a credit-bearing grade was earned in the corresponding
lecture course)
Not graded, no credit
Assessment of Student Learning
The faculty at Augsburg University is actively engaged in research about student learning and the efficacy of the
curriculum. To support such assessment of student learning activities, faculty may collect student work for evaluation
beyond grading. Any information or student work collected will be treated confidentially; the student's identity will not
be public information. Students who do not want their work collected for assessment purposes can opt out by
contacting Office of Academic Affairs.
Students are classified when grades are posted at the end of each semester. Classification is based on the number of
semester credits completed/earned.
Completed Semester Credits
0 – 27.99
28 – 59.99
60 – 91.99
92 or more
Academic Status Changes
Change of Program
Students may apply to change their “home program” by completing a Change of Program form. Applications are
reviewed by a committee. If approved, the change will take effect for the following semester. Changes are limited to
once each academic year. A Change of Program form must be submitted before the semester begins.
Withdrawal from University
Students are urged not to abandon courses for which they are registered because this will result in failing grades on
their official academic record. If necessary, students should instead submit a Withdrawal from University form. The
deadline to file a Withdrawal from University is the last Friday prior to finals week. Withdrawal from University and any
consequential adjustments in accounts are effective as of the date the Withdrawal from University form is submitted to
the Registrar’s Office. Students must be submit an Application for Readmission to re-enroll.
Students are responsible for keeping the Registrar’s Office informed of their current mailing address while away.
Leave of Absence (DAY Program Students)
Students in the Day Program may apply to for a Leave of Absence for one semester. The Leave of Absence allows
continued access to Augsburg email and AugNet Services. If a student on a Leave of Absence does not register for the
subsequent semester, the student’s file will be deactivated and the student must submit an Application for Readmission
to re-enroll. The deadline to file a Leave of Absence form is the Friday prior to the start of each semester.
Term Off (AU/ROCH Program Students)
Students in the AU/ROCH Programs may take up to two semesters off and have continued access to Augsburg email and
AugNet Services. If a student is not registered after the 10th business day of the third semester, the student’s file will be
deactivated and the student must submit an Application for Readmission to re-enroll.
Military Called to Active Duty
Augsburg University will allow students to withdraw from courses without penalty if they are called to active duty. This
shall include a 100 percent refund of tuition and fees upon verification of call to active duty. Students must submit an
Academic/Financial Petition and provide a copy of their orders to the Registrar’s Office.
If the student is called to active duty after the deadline to drop a course, the Registrar’s Office will place a W for the
course(s) along with a notation on the transcript that the student was called to active duty. This is to assist the student
with any financial aid complications that may arise and also indicate that the withdrawal was outside of the student’s
Alternatively, the University supports faculty in enabling students who are called to active duty and have substantially
completed a course, to assign a grade based upon the coursework completed, or to work out an incomplete agreement.
Students who are able to complete some of their courses would have their refunds adjusted to reflect this.
Students who are being placed on active duty should contact the Registrar’s Office so the University can notify all parties
and aid in this process.
Student Standing Committee
The Student Standing Committee is a standing committee of the University that reviews requests for exceptions to
academic and financial policy. Representatives from the faculty, Academic Advising, Registrar’s Office, Student Financial
Services, and Student Affairs serve on the committee.
Academic / Financial Petitions
Students who wish to request exceptions to academic and financial policies should carefully review and complete the
Academic/Financial Petition. Petitions must be submitted within 6 months from the end of the semester being
petitioned. The Committee typically meets to review petitions and Applications for Readmission every other week
during fall and spring semesters and once each month during the summer semester.
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Suspension Appeals
Students who have been academically suspended have the right to appeal their suspension to the Student Standing
Applications for Readmission
Students seeking to re-apply to the University after being placed on academic warning, probation or after being
academically suspended must submit an Application for Readmission for review by the Student Standing Committee.
Catalog Applicability
Active Students (Registered, Leave of Absence, Term Off)
May elect to satisfy the general education and departmental requirements outlined in the catalog in effect during
their first semester of enrollment or any of the subsequent catalogs in effect while an active student.
Inactive Students (Withdrawn)
Three or Fewer Years Away
o Inactive students who are readmitted after three or fewer years away (nine semesters, including summers)
may elect to satisfy the general education and departmental requirements outlined in the catalog in effect
during their first semester of initial enrollment or any of the subsequent catalogs in effect while an active
More than Three Years Away
o Inactive students who are readmitted after more than three years away (10 or more semesters, including
summers) must complete the general education and departmental requirements of the catalog in effect at
the time of re-enrollment or any of the subsequent catalogs in effect while an active student.
Second Majors and Degrees
Students with an existing baccalaureate degree from Augsburg or another institution may enroll to complete an
additional major(s) or minor(s). Students will not be awarded a second degree unless it is different from the original
degree awarded (BA, BM, BS). Students cannot earn multiple degrees for the same major, though it is possible to earn
multiple degrees from the same academic department if the majors are distinct. For example, a student cannot earn
both a BA in Computer Science and a BS in Computer Science, but may earn a BS in Computer Science and a BA in
Computational Philosophy.
Evaluation of Transfer Credit
The evaluation of transfer credits is completed by the Registrar’s Office and is based on a student’s official transcript(s).
Credit is granted for college-level coursework completed at regionally accredited institutions with a grade of C- or
better. Credit from non-regionally accredited institutions may be approved if there is a transfer agreement in place, or
by petition.
Courses that may be developmental, professional or occupational in nature are evaluated on a course-by-course basis in
collaboration with faculty from corresponding or similar departments. Augsburg does not grant transfer credit for
continuing education units (CEUs). Competency credits and exam credits issued by another institution will be evaluated
on an individual basis.
The Registrar’s Office evaluates coursework for credit and for applicability toward Augsburg's Core Curriculum
requirements. Academic departments are responsible for evaluating the applicability of coursework toward a student’s
major or minor. The University requires that certain courses and a minimum number of credits be taken at Augsburg.
(Refer to the Graduation section of the catalog.)
Courses and credits that are accepted in transfer are reported on the student’s transcript. Grades and grade points from
other institutions are not transferred to Augsburg and are not included in the student’s cumulative grade point average.
Students should consult with their academic and faculty advisors and the Registrar’s Office before taking courses at
other institutions to ensure compliance with transfer credit policy and residency requirements. Additional resources
about transferring credit are available on the Registrar’s Office website.
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum
Completion of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) will satisfy Augsburg’s Liberal Arts Foundation requirements
and will reduce the Search for Meaning requirement to one course (RLN 100).
Associate of Arts Degree
Completion of an Associate of Arts (A.A.) degree from a regionally accredited institution will satisfy Augsburg’s Liberal
Arts Foundation requirements, reduce the Search for Meaning requirement to one course (RLN 100), and will waive one
of two Health and Wellness requirements.
Note: Additional prerequisite coursework beyond the AA degree may be required in some Augsburg majors. Students
are advised to consult an academic advisor in the major department to discuss major requirements.
Advanced Transfer Students
Students who enter Augsburg with 52 or more semester credits accepted in transfer are considered Advanced Transfer
Students. The Augsburg Core Curriculum will be adjusted for advanced transfer students as outlined below:
Waiver of Search for Meaning II
Waiver of Augsburg Seminar
Waiver of Engaging Minneapolis
Waiver of one Health and Wellness requirement (depending on transfer evaluation)
All Augsburg Core Curriculum requirements not mentioned above remain unchanged for Advanced Transfer Students.
Waivers for Advanced Transfer are determined at the time of initial entry into Augsburg and will not be granted for
courses completed after initial enrollment.
Transfer Credit for Military Experience
Students are welcome to submit their military transcripts to the Registrar’s Office for transfer credit evaluation. A
military transcript will contain credit recommendations from the American Council on Education (ACE) for training and
courses completed in the US Armed Services. Augsburg will review a military transcript to determine if any of the credit
recommendations contained within it meet transfer credit guidelines.
Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, and Navy records are maintained on a Joint Services Transcript (JST).
Air Force records: Air University and Community College of the Air Force are regionally accredited institutions. Students
should submit official transcripts from these schools during the admission process.
Assessment of Previous Learning (APL) Program
Augsburg University recognizes that learning can and does take place in many life situations. Some of this learning may
be appropriate for credit recognition within the disciplines that comprise the academic program of a liberal arts college.
The Assessment of Previous Learning program (APL) at Augsburg provides a means by which a student’s previous
learning, other than that which is transferred from another accredited institution, may be presented for examination for
possible credit toward the completion of a bachelor’s degree.
Not all learning from life experience, however, is appropriate for credit recognition at a liberal arts college. Such learning
must meet two essential criteria: (1) it is relevant to coursework in a field of study within the Augsburg liberal arts
curriculum, and (2) it can be objectively demonstrated either by comprehensive examination or committee evaluation.
The APL program at Augsburg provides several means by which students may have previous learning assessed for credit
recognition. The following is a brief description of each of these means of assessment:
International Baccalaureate Program (IB)
Courses earned from the International Baccalaureate program will be considered by the University for appropriate
credit. IB exams may fulfill general education and/or major requirements. Credit granting guidelines are available on the
Registrar’s Office webpage.
Advanced Placement Program (AP)
Augsburg allows students to earn credit for scores of 3, 4, or 5 on selected Advanced Placement tests. For some exams, a
minimum score of 4 is required. AP exams may fulfill general education and/or major requirements. Credit granting
guidelines are available on the Registrar’s Office webpage.
The College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
This is a series of standardized tests developed by the College Board that are offered to students for a small fee at
regional testing centers. Students who score at or above the American Council on Education’s recommended score on
an approved examination may receive academic credit for that subject at Augsburg University. CLEP exams may fulfill
general education and/or major requirements. Credit granting guidelines are available on the Registrar’s Office
DSST Exams
DSST Exams are a series of standardized tests in college subjects that are comparable to the final examinations in
undergraduate courses. Exams are offered at testing centers worldwide for a small fee. Students who score at or above
the American Council on Education’s recommended score on an approved examination may receive academic credit for
that subject at Augsburg University. Credit granting guidelines are available on the Registrar’s Office webpage.
The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
These tests assess written and/or spoken proficiency in world languages. For a small fee, students can assess their level
of knowledge in world languages to earn college credit and/or waive the modern language requirement. More
information about eligibility and qualifying languages is available from Academic Advising.
Departmental Comprehensive Exams
These are available for students to use in obtaining credit for previous learning if the following conditions are met:
There is a departmental exam available for the subject area in question.
There is a faculty member designated by the department to administer the exam.
The Registrar approves the student’s request to take the exam.
Credit for departmental exams is not computed in the GPA, and there is a charge per exam of $100 per semester
Portfolio Assessment Program
This is a credit assessment alternative in which a faculty team completes a credit evaluation of a learning portfolio
submitted by the student. The faculty team is composed of two faculty members from fields of study directly related to
the student’s previous learning. Students who wish to prepare a portfolio of previous learning for credit assessment
should consult the Registrar’s Office. In completing the evaluation of a student’s previous learning, the faculty team
applies the following criteria:
There is documentable evidence of a cognitive component in the previous learning experience that involved
prescribed or systematic study of content material found within liberal arts coursework.
The learning has been objectively verified by individuals in addition to the presenting student.
The learning lends itself to both qualitative and quantitative measurement.
The learning relates well to the student’s educational goals.
The learning and skills involved are current and could be used at the present time.
Students may apply for the credit assessment process after completing at least one term of academic work at Augsburg
University with a cumulative Augsburg GPA of at least 2.50. It is strongly recommended that the process not be used
when four or fewer courses remain for graduation. There is a non-refundable application deposit of $200 to initiate the
credit assessment process for each course presented in a portfolio. An additional $200 is charged upon approval of each
course. Credit granted by portfolio review is not computed in the GPA.
Transcript credit will be recorded with the equivalent Augsburg course numbers as determined by faculty reviewers.
Maximum Credit Accepted for Previous Learning
While Augsburg University recognizes the validity of learning that takes place outside the traditional classroom, this
learning must be placed in the context of formal study in campus-based liberal arts courses. Therefore, Augsburg allows
a maximum of 32 credits (one-fourth of a bachelor’s degree) to be obtained through previous experiential learning. In
compiling the 32 credits for previous experiential learning, the student may use any combination of the assessment
processes available in the APL Program: AP, CLEP, IB, DSST, ACTFL, departmental comprehensive exams, and credit
granted through portfolio assessment.
Degree requirements include completion of a minimum number of credits, a major, the Augsburg Core Curriculum, a
minimum GPA in major(s)/minor(s) and in total coursework, and residence.
1. Completion of 128 semester credits—No more than these maximums may be applied toward the 128 total semester
credits required:
o Eight semester credits by independent/directed study
o 16 semester credits of internship
o 24 semester credits with a grade of Pass (P)
o To graduate with Latin honors, students may take no more than eight elective P/N graded semester credits.
o Students may apply no more than eight semester credits with P grades toward a major and no more than four
semester credits with a P grade toward a minor unless otherwise specified by an academic department.
Departments with major or minor programs that allow a different number of P-graded credits have defined
those limitations along with their major and minor requirements in the catalog.
2. Completion of a Major—Requirements for each major are listed under the departmental headings.
3. Completion of the Augsburg Core Curriculum—Requirements for the Augsburg Core Curriculum are listed under the
Augsburg Curriculum section.
4. Grade Point Average —Students must earn a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00. Additionally, all
majors and minors require at least a 2.00 grade point average in coursework for the major or minor. Some academic
programs require a higher grade point average or a specific minimum grade in each course. See the departmental
section for details about the grade and grade point average for individual majors and minors.
5. Residence Requirement — A minimum of 32 semester credits must be completed at Augsburg or within an approved
exchange program (ACTC, McNally Smith) or study abroad/away through the Augsburg Center for Global Education
and Experience.
Senior Residence Requirement
No fewer than 24 of the last 32 semester credits must be completed at Augsburg or within an approved
exchange program.
Transfer courses count against the senior residence requirement. Therefore, students are encouraged to
complete transfer work prior to the final 32 credits for the degree.
Assessment of Prior Learning (APL) credits -- including AP, CLEP, IB, DSST, ACTFL, departmental
comprehensive exams, and credit granted through portfolio assessment -- are not counted against the
senior residence requirement.
Some departments have a minimum number of credits that are required in residence within the major or minor.
Consult the departmental pages of this catalog for further information.
The responsibility for ensuring that all degree requirements are satisfied rests with the student. Each student is required
to file an Intent to Graduate application at the end of their junior year to confirm remaining graduation requirements.
Application forms are available on the Registrar’s Office webpage. Faculty advisors, the Academic Advising staff,
department chairs, and the Registrar’s Office are available for counsel and assistance in program planning.
Students who enter an academic program with a bachelor’s or higher degree should contact the Registrar’s Office about
specific requirements for a second bachelor’s degree or for the equivalent of a major.
All degree and course requirements must be completed and verified in the Registrar’s Office in order for the degree to
be conferred. There may be no incompletes or open courses on the academic record.
Latin Honors
Augsburg recognizes those students who have demonstrated exemplary academic achievement by conferring Latin
honors upon completion of a bachelor’s degree.
Students may also receive honors recognition for departmental honors and for participation in the Honors Program. (See
individual department and program descriptions for details.)
Qualification for Latin honors is determined as follows:
Summa Cum Laude
Magna Cum Laude
Cum Laude
3.90-4.00 GPA (plus successful completion of the Summa Oral Examination)
3.80-3.89 GPA
3.60-3.79 GPA
To be eligible, a student must complete a minimum of 56 traditionally-graded credits at Augsburg and have no more
than eight elective pass/no credit graded credits at Augsburg (classes offered only with P/N grading will not be counted).
For additional information, including the guidelines for the summa cum laude oral examination visit the Registrar’s
Office webpage.
Though the terms are often confused, the words “graduation” and “commencement” carry different meanings.
Graduation refers to the completion of all degree requirements. Students graduate when all requirements for the
degree have been fulfilled, meaning that one can graduate at any point during the academic year provided that all
requirements are complete.
Commencement is a ceremony. It is an opportunity for students, family, friends, and the Augsburg University community
to celebrate academic achievement. Participation in commencement, however, does not mean that a student has
graduated. A student will not graduate and a degree will not be conferred until all requirements are met, regardless of
participation in commencement.
Augsburg University holds two commencement ceremonies in the spring to accommodate the University’s different student
populations. One commencement ceremony is for students in the Day undergraduate program. The second ceremony is for
graduate program students and undergraduate students in the Adult Undergraduate and Rochester programs.
Undergraduate students who have not completed all degree requirements may participate in commencement if: (1) no
more than three requirements will remain in their program at the conclusion of spring semester; and (2) the remaining
requirements will be completed in the summer or fall semesters immediately following commencement.
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
At the end of each fall, spring, and summer semester, the University will review the academic progress of all non-degree
and degree-seeking undergraduate students registered for that semester.
In order to remain in good academic and financial aid standing, students are required to maintain a cumulative Augsburg
University GPA of at least 2.0 and cumulative credit completion rate of at least 66.67%.
GPA Calculation
Refer to the Evaluation and Grading section of this catalog.
Credit Completion Rate Calculation
Attempted credits: Includes transferred credits and unsatisfactory grades (W, X, I, F, FN, N, IP).
o Remedial and repeated courses do not count as attempted credits, so should be subtracted from the total
number of attempted credits.
Earned credits: Includes transferred credits and satisfactory grades (A - D-, P).
Divide earned credits by attempted credits (do not round numbers up or down)
o Example: 19 earned credits / 27 attempted credits = .7037 or 70.37%
o Example: 17 earned credits / 27 attempted credits = .6296 or 62.96%
Students who do not meet cumulative standards will be placed on Warning. At the end of the next semester attempted,
students meeting cumulative standards will be removed from Warning. If cumulative standards are not met, the
student’s semester term GPA and completion rate will be evaluated. Students earning a minimum of a 2.25 term GPA
and 66.67% term completion rate and completing all other Warning requirements ( will be
placed on Probation. If cumulative and term standards are not met, students will be Suspended.
Students on Probation must meet cumulative standards. At the end of the next semester attempted, students meeting
cumulative standards will be removed from Probation. If cumulative standards are not met, the student’s semester term
GPA and completion rate will be evaluated. Students earning a minimum of a 2.25 term GPA and 66.67% term
completion rate and completing all other Probation requirements ( will remain on
Probation. If cumulative and term standards are not met, students will be Suspended.
Students on Warning or Probation who voluntarily withdraw from Augsburg may apply for readmission. At that time, the
Student Standing Committee will review their application for readmission.
For more information about Warning and Probation requirements, visit
Students on Warning or Probation who do not meet cumulative and term standards will be suspended from the
University. Students may appeal their Suspension to the Student Standing Committee. The Committee decision is final.
Instructions for appeal are included in the Letter of Suspension.
Students who have been suspended may apply for readmission after one full academic year (including fall, spring, and
summer semesters). At that time, the Student Standing Committee will review the application for readmission.
Augsburg University reserves the right to intervene with students who earn less than a 2.00 and 66.67% in a semester
but are otherwise meeting cumulative standards.
Professional Program Dismissal
Students may also be dismissed from professional programs, such as social work, education, and nursing. A student
dismissed from a program may appeal the decision through the Program Dismissal Appeal Process. The process is
available at
Dean’s List
The Dean’s List, compiled after each semester, recognizes undergraduate students for outstanding achievement during
the term. Students can qualify for the Dean’s List in two ways:
Earning a semester GPA of 3.50 or higher based on 12 or more traditionally-graded credits
Earning a semester GPA of 3.75 or higher based on 6-11 traditionally-graded credits
Incomplete courses and other classes without final grades at the time the Dean’s List is compiled will not be considered.
The Dean’s List is published on Inside Augsburg and students can choose to submit announcements to their hometown
Enrollment/Degree Verification
Augsburg University has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to act as its agent for verification of student
enrollment and degree status.
Contact information is as follows:
National Student Clearinghouse
2300 Dulles Station Blvd, Suite 300
Herndon, VA 20171
Phone: 703-742-4200
Veterans of Military Service
Augsburg is approved by the state approving agency for VA education benefits. Veterans and eligible spouse and
dependents should consult with the VA School Certifying Officials in the Registrar’s Office and Student Financial Services
about completion of enrollment verification and the forwarding of other information to the Department of Veterans
Affairs. Veterans will need to meet the requirements of the Veterans Administration regarding repayment of
educational assistance funds received. Additional information about veterans’ education benefits can be found at
Augsburg Core Curriculum
Augsburg University is dedicated to educating students intellectually, physically, and spiritually. To live fully and act
effectively, humans must have a broad grasp of the world from which they have come, as well as the world in which they
live. Through providing courses in the humanities, fine arts, natural sciences, and social sciences, the core curriculum
introduces students to the breadth and complexity of human knowledge and our world.
“Search for Meaning” courses invite students to explore vocation, diversity, and pluralism through the study of Judaism,
Christianity, and Islam, and encourages students to consider their own religious, philosophical, and ethical commitments
in dialogue with other perspective. The Language courses introduce students to the skills and sensibilities necessary to
cross cultures and work across difference. Wellness courses offer students opportunities to develop skills and habits of
healthful living.
Students choose from more than 50 major areas of study to gain a depth of knowledge in a discipline and to prepare for
a career or further study. Thus, through a balance of curricular activities supported by full programs in student life and
religious life, an Augsburg University education strives to educate its students in a real world for the real world.
Undergraduate Student Learning Outcomes
The University’s mission statement offers a series of educational values:
Augsburg University educates students to be informed citizens, thoughtful stewards, critical thinkers, and responsible
leaders. The Augsburg experience is supported by an engaged community that is committed to intentional diversity in its
life and work. An Augsburg education is defined by excellence in the liberal arts and professional studies, guided by the
faith and values of the Lutheran Church, and shaped by its urban and global settings.
As part of this mission, Augsburg’s faculty have identified a set of outcomes for student learning
These areas reflect our shared commitment to offering a vibrant liberal arts education in tandem with career
preparation and vocational discovery. We expect students to achieve these outcomes cumulatively, through the
completion of the core curriculum, majors / minors, electives and co-curricular experiences.
As Informed Citizens, students are learning to …
engage their communities and demonstrate a sense of agency to create change in ethical and informed ways
explain diverse positions and collaborate effectively across social, cultural and geographic differences in local and
global contexts
As Thoughtful Stewards, students are learning to …
critically engage their own beliefs and articulate their gifts and goals for meaningful life and work in a pluralistic
identify the broad foundations for sustainable living and apply them in demonstrable ways
As Critical Thinkers, students are learning to …
use appropriate methods to gather and analyze evidence, identify underlying assumptions, and evaluate competing
construct coherent, polished and persuasive arguments, narratives and explications in written, oral and other
As Responsible Leaders, students are learning to …
employ the fundamental principles of quantitative literacy to arrive at thoughtful judgments
articulate and solve problems in creative, analytical, and integrative ways
Overview of the Curriculum
The Augsburg Curriculum is comprised of three main components: core curriculum (or general education requirements),
major requirements, and electives. Some students may need to complete entry-level skill courses before enrolling in
college-level classes. The general education requirements include a liberal arts foundation, signature courses and
experiences, skills development, and a keystone.
Entry Level Placement Tests
Math, Writing, English (if applicable), and language placement for Language courses.
The Augsburg Core Curriculum
The Augsburg First Year
Augsburg Seminar
Engaging Minneapolis
Many Voices Project
The Augsburg Signature Curriculum
Religion, Vocation, and the Search for Meaning I and II
Augsburg Experience
Senior Keystone
The Liberal Arts Foundation
Natural Sciences and Math
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Fine Arts
The Augsburg Curriculum is designed to help students develop the skills necessary for successful careers and fulfilling
lives, including:
Critical Thinking
Oral Communication
Information Literacy
Quantitative Literacy
Religious Literacy
Problem Solving
Intercultural Competence
Civic Agency and Engagement
Health and Wellness
Entry Level Placement Tests
Prior to their first registration, students will complete placement tests in:
Language Placement
and, if applicable, English Language Learning
First-year students entering Augsburg in the fall of 2013 or later must complete developmental courses by the end of
their fourth term. Transfer students entering Augsburg in the fall of 2013 or later must complete all required
developmental courses by the end of their third term. The developmental courses subject to this policy are:
ENL 101
ENL 111 / HON 111 / ENL 112
ENL 217 / 218
MAT 103 / 105
For a strong start at Augsburg, students will take entry-level exams to determine their math placement group (MPG.) In
some cases, students who have transferred a mathematics course taken at another college may have their MPG
determined by the Registrar’s Office. All other students must take the Augsburg Math Placement Test, administered by
Academic Advising. Students are required to take the Math Placement Test before registering for the first term. Practice
questions and other information are available from Academic Advising -- students are encouraged to study for the exam.
Students may retake the Math Placement Test once during their first term of enrollment.
Based on the math placement test result, students will be enrolled in the appropriate courses or advised on preparation
for retaking the Math Placement Test. Students in Math Placement Group (MPG) 1 must take MAT 103 to advance to
MPG 2. Students in MPG 2 must take MAT 105 to advance to MPG 3. Students in MPG 3 must take MAT 114 to advance
to MPG 4, if planning to take calculus. No other MAT course changes a student’s MPG. A grade of Pass or C- or higher is
required to advance to the next math level.
Students are encouraged to advance their MPG as soon as possible. Students must achieve Math Placement Group
(MPG) 3 or higher to graduate. In addition, many courses require MPG 2, 3, or 4 as a prerequisite.
A writing sample is required of students to determine placement in an appropriate writing class. Students who transfer
an equivalent English composition course from another institution or Advanced Placement English Language and
Composition will be waived from the placement test. If we have official access to an ACT writing sample, we can use that
sample in place of the writing placement test. All other students must take the Writing Placement Test, administered by
Academic Advising.
Based on the writing sample, students are placed into the appropriate writing course. Students placed at Effective take
Effective Writing (or Advanced Effective Writing or Honors Effective Writing). Students placed at Developmental take
Developmental Writing (ENL 101) before taking Effective Writing. These students must pass Developmental Writing (ENL
101) with a grade of P, C-, or higher before enrolling in Effective Writing (ENL 111/112/HON 111).
Modern Language Assessment
Students with proficiency or experience in French, German, or Spanish complete a placement test. Students begin their
exploration of modern language at the level identified by the placement test. This online placement is administered by
Academic Advising. Placement for American Sign Language and Ojibwe is administered by faculty representing those
specific languages.
English Language Learners Assessment
Students whose primary language is other than English will complete a placement to determine preparedness for classes
taught in English and may need to complete an English Language Learning course(s). This placement is administered by
Academic Advising.
Core Skills Requirements
Effective Writing
Students must pass ENL 111 - Effective Writing, ENL 112 - Advanced Effective Writing, or HON 111 - Honors Effective
Writing with a grade of C-, P, or higher, or transfer in an equivalent course. Attendance at the first day of class is
For students who have not previously studied a second language, completion of a two-course sequence in the same
language with a minimum grade of C- or P in both courses is required. For a language previously studied, placement into
the 211 level or successful completion (minimum grade of C- or P) of 112 satisfies the graduation requirement.
Placement into French, German, and Spanish courses is based on assessment results from an online Brigham Young
University evaluation tool. Students proficient in other languages may seek a placement evaluation through faculty
fluent in the specified language at Augsburg or other ACTC schools. Details are available from Academic Advising.
Availability of assessment in all languages is not guaranteed.
Assessment is used for placement only and does not result in credit. Students may audit, but will not receive credit for
any course taken below their placement level. The Department of Languages and Cross-Cultural Studies may review and
sometimes override assessment results as deemed appropriate.
Modern language courses accepted in transfer may be applicable to this skills area for partial or full completion of the
Students who have demonstrated competence in American Sign Language by passing an approved course sequence will
have fulfilled the Language Core Skill.
Students whose first language is not English and whose score is below the minimum on the English Language Learners
(ELL) placement test must fulfill the ELL requirement. The requirement is satisfied by successfully completing the ELL
course(s) and achieving a score above the minimum on the ELL placement exam. Students who complete the ELL
requirement will receive credit for the Language Core Skill requirement. Contact Academic Advising or the English
Department for additional information.
Health and Wellness
Two health and wellness courses are required. WEL100 - Foundations of Wellness (formerly HPE001) is required of all
students. The second course may be chosen from a variety of different Recreational Wellness courses. Students may test
out of the Recreational Wellness course by demonstrating proficiency from a selected Recreational Wellness activity.
Proficiency exams are offered through the Health and Physical Education Department each semester. There is a fee to
take the Recreational Wellness Activity Proficiency Test. Intercollegiate athletes and Health and Physical Education
majors may not test out of this requirement.
The Augsburg Core Curriculum
The Augsburg Core Curriculum is designed to prepare students to become effective, informed, and ethical citizens
through their engagement in a curriculum that:
Provides a liberal arts foundation and promotes the acquisition of intellectual and professional skills
Calls for common inquiry into questions of faith and the search for meaning
Cultivates the transformative discovery of, and appreciation for, the student’s place of leadership and service in a
diverse world
The curriculum has three major components:
Liberal Arts Foundation
Signature Curriculum
Skills Development
The Augsburg First Year
To smooth the transition to higher education and their new community, first-year weekday program students are
required to take courses containing the following components:
Augsburg Seminar and Engaging Minneapolis
The Engaging Minneapolis requirement builds on Augsburg’s national leadership in experiential education as well as its
commitment to its urban location. Embedded in the first-year Augsburg Seminar experience, Engaging Minneapolis
introduces students to the city as a resource for intentional learning, typically through civic engagement, cultural
engagement, and/or service-learning.
Many Voices Project
Embedded in ENL 111, 112, and HON 111 (see Core Skills requirements), the Many Voices Project engages first-year
students in discussion of a common text addressing themes of cultural diversity and global awareness. Emphasizing ways
in which written communication can promote understanding and productive engagement among different cultures and
points of view, the Many Voices Project is intended to teach skills and methods that promote successful communication
among diverse writers and readers.
The Augsburg Signature Curriculum
Religion, Vocation, and the Search for Meaning
Guided by the faith and values of the Lutheran Church, the Search for Meaning courses encourage inquiry, welcome
diversity, wrestle with life’s complexities, and engage the world. Two required courses (RLN 100 plus a Search for
Meaning II course) highlight Augsburg’s commitment to developing religious literacy and nurturing students to think
critically about the concept of vocation.
Students from all faith traditions will find a generous spirit of hospitality in these courses. Whether you are Jewish or
atheist, Buddhist or seeker, Catholic or Muslim, Baptist, Lutheran, uncertain, disinterested, or someone who is “spiritual
but not religious,” these courses promote respect and understanding across faith traditions. All religion courses engage
with the concept of vocation and an understanding that we are called to live and serve as neighbors. RLN 100 explores
the idea that vocation is a model and lens for viewing the connections between our basic beliefs and the commitments
and actions we make in life.
The Liberal Arts Foundation
The Liberal Arts Foundation courses introduce students to knowledge and modes of inquiry across a wide range of
disciplines and subjects. The course offerings in the liberal arts provide the opportunity for students to acquire a broad
and solid foundation for their specialized study and professional preparation.
Students choose two approved LAF courses from two different departments in each domain: Natural Sciences and
Mathematics, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Humanities, and Fine Arts.
The official list of approved LAF courses is found on the Registrar’s Office webpage.
Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Two approved courses from two different departments: Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Mathematics,
Physics. One must be a lab science course.
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Two approved courses from two different departments: Anthropology, Economics, Environmental Studies, Political
Science, Psychology, Sociology.
Two approved courses from two different departments/programs: American Indian Studies, Communication Studies,
English, History, Philosophy, Religion, Languages and Cross-Cultural Studies (literature and culture courses), and Gender,
Sexuality, and Women’s Studies.
Note: The signature Search for Meaning (RLN 100 and 200) courses do not count as humanities Liberal Arts Foundation
requirements. If a student opts to take another approved upper-division RLN course to fulfill the Search for Meaning II
requirement, it may not count toward a Humanities LAF.
Fine Arts
Two approved courses or approved activities from two different departments: Art, Film, Music, Theater.
One fine arts LAF requirement can be met by participating in one of the following:
Four semesters in any combination of the major choral ensembles listed (MUE 111, 112, 114, 115)
Four semesters of orchestra (MUE 121)
Four semesters of concert band (MUE 141)
Senior Keystone
The Senior Keystone course provides a final opportunity for exploring the central themes of an Augsburg education—
vocation and the search for meaning in a diverse and challenging world. In this course, students reflect on the meaning
of their educational experiences and consider issues of transition as they prepare for their lives after Augsburg. Many
Keystone courses also meet major requirements.
The Senior Keystone course in each department connects the broad liberal arts foundation with the professional skills
and in-depth study of the major. It asks graduating students to think critically, reflectively, and ethically about their place
in the world as leaders and servants.
A student must complete a minimum of 128 semester credits in order to graduate. If the Core Curriculum and Major
requirements do not reach 128 semester credits, the student may take electives for credit in any subject area to reach
the minimum credit requirement.
For major requirements, see the appropriate departmental page(s) of this catalog or consult the department chair.
Graduation Skills
An Augsburg education aims to develop certain key skills during the years in college. Critical thinking, quantitative
reasoning, speaking, writing and information literacy are deliberate components of certain courses. Graduation skill
requirements typically are embedded in required courses in the major. Some departments, however, designate courses
outside the major or elective courses in the major that fulfill these requirements.
The Quantitative Reasoning (QR) skill incorporates both foundational mathematical skills and the application of those
skills. MPG 3 (Math Placement Group 3) is a prerequisite for all quantitative reasoning courses. See the appropriate
departmental page(s) in this catalog or consult the department chair for more information.
Core Curriculum Modifications
Some majors that result in a Bachelor of Science degree give students the ability to modify their Core Curriculum
requirements. For majors that allow both options, please note that students must choose either the Liberal Arts
Foundation waiver or the Language waiver. The two waiver options cannot be combined for a student.
Bachelor of Science/Liberal Arts Foundation (LAF) Waiver
Students who elect the Bachelor of Science/LAF Waiver must complete at least six of the eight LAF requirements,
provided at least one course is taken in each of the four domains. (e.g., two Natural Science and Mathematics courses,
two Social and Behavioral Science courses, one Fine Arts course, and one Humanities course) The following majors are
approved for the Bachelor of Science/LAF Waiver:
Actuarial Science (St. Thomas)
Elementary Education
Exercise Science
Health Education (teaching licensure only)
Mathematical Economics
Music Therapy
Physical Education (teaching licensure only)
Bachelor of Science/Language Waiver
Students who elect the Bachelor of Science/Modern Language Waiver are not required to complete modern language
courses as part of their degree. The following majors are approved for the Bachelor of Science/Modern Language
Actuarial Science (St. Thomas)
Mathematical Economics
Music Therapy
Majors and Minors
Majors, or concentrations of study, may be within one department, within one division, or may cross academic
Students are required to declare a major upon completion of 48 semester credits, and earlier in some disciplines. Details
of majors and minors are in the departmental pages of this catalog. Unless otherwise indicated, majors are part of the
Bachelor of Arts degree. Students are not required to complete a minor for graduation. Minors completed after a
bachelor’s degree is awarded are noted on the transcript.
Below is a complete list of majors, minors, and emphases. Listings that are in bold type are offered through both the Day
Program and the Adult Undergraduate (AU) program. Students are encouraged to discuss scheduling rotation of major
courses with their faculty advisors.
Majors and Areas of Emphasis
American Indian Studies
Art History
Studio Art
Graphic Design
Biology (BA or BS)
Life Sciences (BA)
Biopsychology (BS)
Business Administration
Economics/Business Administration
Music Business
Chemistry (BA or BS)
Communication Studies
Computer Science (BA or BS)
Computational Economics (BA)
Computational Philosophy (BA)
Applied Economics
Computational Economics
Economics/Business Administration
Economics/Political Science (teacher licensure
Mathematical Economics (BS)
Education Studies (non-licensure)
Elementary Education Studies (non-licensure)
Kindergarten-Elementary (BA or BS- licensure)
K-12 English as a Second Language
Special Education: Academic Behavioral
Secondary (non-major, licensure only)
Communication Arts/Literature (teacher
licensure major)
Creative Writing
Literature, Language, and Theory
Environmental Studies
Exercise Science (BA or BS)
Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies
Global Women’s and Gender Studies
Sexuality Studies
Health Education (BA or BS)
Interdisciplinary Studies
International Business
International Relations
International Business Concentration
Languages and Cross-Cultural Studies
Cross-Cultural Studies
Management Information Systems
Mathematics (BA or BS)
Medieval Studies
Music (BA)
Music Business (BA)
Music Education (BM)
Music Performance (BM)
Music Therapy (BS)
New Media
Promotional Communication
Game Design
Web Design
Nursing (BS-Evening program offered through AU only)
Computational Philosophy
Physical Education (BA or BS)
Physics (BA or BS)
Biophysics (BS)
Space Physics (BS)
Political Science
Political Science/Economics (teacher licensure
Public Policy and Political Change
Psychology and Law
Clinical Psychology
Social Psychology
Theology and Public Leadership
Social Work (BS)
Student-Designed Major
Urban Studies
American Indian Studies
Art History
Graphic Design
Studio Art
Business Administration
Business Minor for Science Majors
Communication Studies
Computer Science
Culture and Social Justice
Literature, Language, and Theory
Creative Writing
Environmental Studies
Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies
Global Women’s and Gender Studies
Sexuality Studies
Health Education
International Business
International Relations
Languages and Cross-Cultural Studies
Leadership Studies
Management Information Systems
Business Analytics
Medieval Studies
Music Business
New Media
Peace and Global Studies
Physical Education
Political Science
Public Policy and Political Change
Social Welfare
Special Education
Musical Theater
Urban Studies
Youth Studies
Student-Designed Major
Students may design their own major with the assistance and approval of three advisors from relevant fields and
subsequent final approval by the Augsburg University Academic Affairs Committee (AAC). A student-designed major
allows flexibility in selecting major courses. Any student wishing to design a major must complete a proposal, submit it
with approval and supporting letters from three faculty advisors, and obtain AAC approval of the program. Students
should seek AAC approval as early as possible so that any changes suggested by AAC may be incorporated into the
design without affecting the student’s proposed completion date. The deadline for initial submission of the program
design to AAC is the first term in which the student has achieved junior status; the final version must be approved the
term before the student achieves senior status.
Students wishing to design majors must:
1. Develop the student-designed major in concert with three faculty advisors from relevant fields, who together
constitute the Review Team. All advisors must sign the proposal cover sheet and submit supporting letters of
approval to AAC. Supporting letters should assess both the student’s ability to complete the proposed major and the
validity and value of the proposed major, including (in at least one of the letters) the proposed capstone course. The
advisors’ signatures and supporting letters represent their approval of the program, including the capstone course,
and their commitment to oversee the student’s progress.
2. Develop a student-designed major program proposal that includes:
A statement of learning goals and objectives
A list of proposed courses (minimum of 36 semester credits, no more than one of which is a lower-level
language course, and at least five of which are upper division) and a discussion of how the courses are related to
the program goals. Indicate how the proposed courses collectively support a specialized and cohesive plan
usually associated with an academic major. Proposals must include research describing comparable programs of
study at a minimum of three other academic institutions. In addition, students should consult with the Clair &
Gladys Strommen Center for Meaningful Work for additional information regarding career objectives. The
proposal should provide information showing how the Augsburg Core Curriculum requirements (including
graduation skills) are to be fulfilled.
A description of the student-designed major capstone to be taken some time during the senior year. The student
should devise the capstone in consultation with advisors. It should require an integrative project/paper that
draws together the coursework up to that point and/or prepares one for further study. In addition, at least one
of the advisors must specifically address the rationale for the proposed capstone in his or her supporting letter,
though approval of the student-designed major program by all advisors presumes their approval of the capstone
Submit the completed proposal and supporting documentation to the Office of Academic Affairs.
If AAC approves the proposed major program, the student will be expected to complete the program designed and still
meet all of the other Augsburg degree requirements as stated in the University catalog.
Students who design their own majors will meet with their advisors regularly throughout the design and subsequent
evaluation of their program. Changes in the approved student-designed major may be made through the normal
petition process to the Student Standing Committee with advisor approval.
ACTC Majors
Full-time Day students may complete other majors through the Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities (ACTC). Students
who wish to complete a major or minor offered at one of the other ACTC colleges must submit a completed ACTC Major
or Minor Declaration Form to the Registrar’s Office. This form must list all ACTC courses required and be signed by the
ACTC school advisor. Some majors may not be available or may have a competitive application process with acceptance
determined by the major department.
Students choosing an ACTC major will need to work with an advisor at the other campus to plan course schedules so
that the student is making progress towards the degree. Students should know that registration for ACTC courses can
be limited and are advised to submit registration materials at the earliest possible time.
Pre-Professional Programs
Students who plan to enter the fields of law, medicine, dentistry, ministry, veterinary science, or pharmacy can profit
from a liberal arts education at Augsburg.
It is recommended that requirements for admission to graduate schools or seminaries be reviewed and the course of
study at Augsburg planned accordingly. A faculty advisor is available in each field to assist students in their planning. In
addition, the Undergraduate Research and Graduate Opportunities (URGO) office includes a Health Science Advisor who
works directly with students pursuing health care fields. Students who want to plan a pre-professional program should
contact Academic Advising prior to or early in their first year to arrange for faculty advising.
List of Pre-Professional Programs
Pre-Health Science
o See Biology Departmental page
o Students considering a career in law should examine the handbook published by the Association of
American Law Schools. Pre-law students major in disciplines of their own choosing; most law school
entrance requirements will be satisfied with a record of solid achievement coupled with an acceptable Law
School Admission Test (LSAT) score.
o Augsburg has a program designed to fulfill minimum requirements of the College of Pharmacy at the
University of Minnesota: BIO 151, 353, 476; CHM 115, 116, 351, 352; COM 111 or 115; ECO 112 or 113; ENL
111, 220; MAT 145; PHY 121, 122; and two courses in behavioral sciences such as PSY 105 and SOC 121.
Requirements at other universities may vary.
o A student may enter a theological seminary with any of several different majors, such as history, philosophy,
English, psychology, sociology, or religion. Recommended preparation includes RLN 100, 200; at least two
semesters of history (Western civilization); one or more courses in the history of philosophy; and Greek in
the junior and/or senior year. The Bernhard Christensen Center for Vocation provides resources and
support, including scholarship opportunities, for students considering seminary.
Academic Organization and Departments
As a liberal arts institution, Augsburg University believes that knowledge and truth are interrelated and are integrated
into a whole. The tradition of the academic world, however, divides this unified truth into more manageable parts: the
academic disciplines. The knowledge of individual disciplines is subdivided into courses that make it more accessible to
students. These courses can be arranged in various ways to construct majors, to create the substance of a broad general
education, and to give students the opportunity to study areas of particular individual interest.
Degrees Offered
Augsburg offers the following undergraduate degrees:
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Music
Bachelor of Science
The heart of any educational institution is its faculty. Augsburg University is particularly proud of the excellence and
commitment of its professors. Most faculty hold a doctorate or the highest degree in their field, and all consider
teaching to be the focus of their activity. Faculty are also involved in a variety of professional and research activities that
support their teaching. They are actively involved in an exciting faculty development program that introduces them to
current thought in many fields, but especially in teaching techniques and theories.
Augsburg’s size and small classes encourage its tradition of close involvement between professors and students. Faculty
act as academic advisors and participate regularly in campus activities. Every incoming student is assigned both a faculty
and staff academic advisor. In this close interaction, faculty act as mentors for students, and the staff advisor primarily
guides course planning.
Course Descriptions
Course descriptions offer a brief summary of the subject matter to aid students in planning a program. Course
descriptions can be found at our Course Description Search. A syllabus containing a more detailed explanation of
content, approach, requirements, and evaluations for a particular course can be obtained from the instructor.
Internships and Independent Studies
Every department offers opportunities for internships and independent study. The course description and process for
registering for credit is normally the same for each department. Some departments have additional requirements that
are noted in the course description. Interdisciplinary internships are also available.
198 – Internship/On-campus
199 - Internship/Off-campus (4 credits)
A work or service-based learning experience typically at the sophomore level in which a student, faculty member, and
site supervisor design a learning agreement that links the ideas and methods of the discipline with the opportunities
inherent in the placement. Prior to the beginning of the term/registration, interested students must consult with the
departmental internship coordinator or a faculty member and the Strommen Center regarding requirements and
permission to register.
396 - Internship/On-campus (4 credits)
397 - Internship/Off-campus (2 credits)
398 - Internship/On-campus (2 credits)
399 - Internship/Off-campus (4 credits)
A work or service-based learning experience at the junior/senior level in which a student, faculty member, and site
supervisor design a learning agreement that links the ideas and methods of the discipline with the opportunities
inherent in the placement. For some majors, participation in a concurrent seminar may be expected. Prior to the
beginning of the term/registration, interested students must consult with the departmental internship coordinator or a
faculty member and the Strommen Center regarding requirements and permission to register. (Off-campus 397/399
internships are one option for the Augsburg Experience graduation requirement.)
Directed and Independent Studies
299 - Directed Study
An opportunity to study topics not covered in the scheduled offerings under the direction of an instructor. Approval
must be secured in writing from the instructor and the department chairperson before the term in which the study is
499 - Independent Study/Research
An opportunity for advanced and specialized research projects. Approval must be secured in writing from the instructor
and the department chairperson before the term in which the study is undertaken.
Academic Year
All Augsburg programs follow the semester calendar with fall, spring, and summer semester lengths ranging from 14-16
In Augsburg’s Day Program full-time students normally take 16 credits per semester. Day Program students are able to
take courses from the other four Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities during fall or spring semester.
Adult Undergraduate (AU) classes typically meet on the same night of the week, Monday through Thursday for threeand-a-half hours, on an alternating bi-weekly schedule. The alternating weeks of the semester are labeled “Maroon,”
and “Silver.” Online and out-of-class work occurs during the non-class meeting week. Students may take up to 19 credits
per semester.
Rochester (ROCH) campus classes are held on weekday evenings and meet alternate weeks. There are seven to eight
class sessions supplemented by online instruction each semester with each class meeting for 3.5 to 4 hours. Students
may take up to 19 credits per semester.
Courses and majors offered through AU/ROCH are equivalent to their Day Program counterparts. However, the
curriculum is limited to selected liberal arts courses and majors.
Course Offerings
In general, most courses are offered at least once per year unless otherwise indicated. Since some courses are offered
alternate years, it is important that the student review major requirements and course offerings with an advisor to
ensure that all requirements can be met.
Note: Not all courses are offered in all programs. Refer to AugNet Records and Registration for information on when
specific courses are offered.
Credit Hour Definition
Augsburg’s credit hour policy follows the federal guidelines in defining a semester credit hour as one fifty-minute period
of instruction and 100 minutes of out-of-class work per week for fifteen weeks, or the equivalent amount of student
work completed over a different time frame or via a different delivery method.
Courses numbered 100 -299 are classified as lower division. Courses numbered 300 and above are classified as upper
division. In general, courses in the 100s are primarily for first-years, 200s for sophomores, 300s for juniors, and 400s for
Courses that must be taken before enrolling in a higher level course are listed in the online Course Description Search as
prerequisites. While it is not recommended, a student may enroll in a course when a prerequisite has not been fulfilled if
there is prior approval by the professor teaching the course. Effective Writing (ENL111) and math placement
prerequisites cannot be waived by the instructor. Students may be dropped from a course they have registered for if
they do not earn a satisfactory grade in the prerequisite for that course in the preceding semester.
Divisions and Departments
The University curriculum is offered by 26 departments that are grouped into three divisions for administrative and
instructional purposes:
Fine Arts and Humanities
American Indian Studies, Art, Communication Studies, Film, and New Media, English, History, Languages and CrossCultural Studies, Music, Philosophy, Religion, Theater, Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies, University librarians.
Natural and Social Sciences
Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Economics, Mathematics, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology.
Professional Studies
Business Administration, Education, Health, Physical Education and Exercise Science, Nursing, Social Work.
Full explanation of departments and academic programs including major/minor requirements, graduation skills, and
other academic information is provided in the following pages, alphabetically by department.
American Indian Studies
American Indian Studies is a major that gives students the opportunity to learn about the original, indigenous cultures of
North America. Students will be provided with a multidisciplinary understanding of the history and present situation of
American Indians. The program emphasizes the interrelations among history, culture, language, literature, the arts,
philosophy, religion, political and social forces, and the legal status and sovereignty of American Indians. This course of
study exposes students to the richness and beauty of North American Indian cultures.
Eric Buffalohead (Chair), Elise Marubbio, Joaquin Munoz, Dale Weston, Vinodh Kutty, Sophia Jacobson
Degree and Major Requirements
American Indian Studies Major
Nine courses including:
AIS 105 - Introduction to American Indian Studies
AIS 205 - Contemporary American Indians
ENL 255 - American Indian Literature
or AIS 264 - American Indians in the Cinema
HIS 236 - American Indian History
RLN 370 - American Indian Spirituality and Philosophical Thought
In addition, students must complete four electives. At least four of the courses toward the major must be upper division.
Elective course options:
AIS 208 - Native American Women and Film
AIS 233 - Women: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
AIS 264 - American Indian in the Cinema
AIS 299 - Directed Study
AIS 305 - Indigenous Issues of the Americas
AIS 320 - American Indian Women
AIS 332 - Native American Storytelling
AIS 364 - Indigenous Filmmakers
AIS 396 - Internship
AIS 399 - Internship
AIS 408 - Native American Women and Film
AIS 405 - Indigenous Activism and Resistance in the Americas
AIS 490 - Indigenous Issues of the Americas
AIS 495 - Topics
AIS 498 - Independent Study/Research
AIS 499 - Independent Study
ART290 - Native American Art
ENL255 - American Indian Literature
ENL355 - Themes in American Indian Literature
OJB111 - Beginning Ojibwe I
OJB112 - Beginning Ojibwe II
*AIS Majors may complete the Keystone requirement either by taking AIS 490 (travel seminar), AIS 405, KEY 490 or
another approved keystone course.
Graduation Skills
Graduation skills in Critical Thinking (CT), Speaking (S), and Writing (W) are embedded throughout the offered courses
and are met by completing the major. The graduation skill in Quantitative Reasoning (QR) is met by GST 200, MAT 163,
MAT 164, or PHI 230. Transfer students must consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course
requirements to fulfill each of these skills.
American Indian Studies Minor
Five courses including AIS 105. At least two courses must be upper division.
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
Art is essential. It teaches us to see, claim beauty, make sense of pain, explore the world, and express ourselves.
At Augsburg University, inspiration and creativity flourish with diversity. A solid foundation of drawing, design, and
history is balanced with the development of technical skills, critical thinking, and creative exploration in a range of
media, including graphic design, drawing, painting, printmaking, ceramics, sculpture, photography, hand papermaking,
book arts, art history, architecture, and digital media. Through experiential learning and critical engagement, we foster
understanding of and respect for the crucial contributions of art to society. We are a small campus in the heart of a
major metropolitan area with an innovative faculty. Our classrooms extend into the city creating opportunities for
community engagement and real-life experiences.
On-campus galleries showcase student and professional artwork. Nearby museums, galleries, studio visits, and guest
artists provide art in real time. Service learning, internships, and study abroad are integral to our program.
We reach nearly 1,000 students a year from all disciplines, and graduate 15-20 majors annually with Bachelor of Arts
degrees in art history, graphic design, studio art, and art education. Minors in studio art, art history, graphic design, and
architecture provide additional opportunities for specialization.
For more than half a century, students have been earning degrees in art and art history at Augsburg University. We’re
excited to be here in the center of the city. You will be, too.
Art Faculty
Kristin M. Anderson, Christopher Houltberg, Daniel Ibarra, Robert K. Tom
Degree and Major Requirements
Note: All studio courses require 3-6 work hours per week outside of class sessions. Most studio courses have lab fees.
Graduation Skills
The Critical Thinking (CT), Writing (W) and Speaking (S) graduation skills are embedded throughout the offered courses
and is met by completing the majors.
Quantitative Reasoning (QR) requirement is met by completing one of the following courses:
GST 200, MAT 111, MAT 145, MAT 146, MAT 163, PHI 230, or PHY 119.
Studio Art Major
Majors should begin their programs with the required studio arts foundations:
ART 102 - Design
ART 107 - Drawing
One course in two-dimensional art from:
ART 118 - Painting I
ART 201 - Introduction to Graphic Design
ART 223 - Print Making I
ART 257 - Watercolor Painting I
One course in three-dimensional art from:
ART 221 - Sculpture I
ART 250 - Ceramics I
ART 280 - Hand Papermaking and Book Arts I
Five additional studio arts courses
Three courses in art history including:
ART 240 - Art History Survey
Two additional upper division art history courses from:
ART 349 - The Designed Environment
ART 352 - Women and Art
ART 382 - Scandinavian Arts
ART 385 - Prehistoric and Ancient Art
ART 386 - Medieval Art
ART 387 - Renaissance and Baroque Art
ART 388 - Modern Art
ART 389 - American Art
ART 390 - Native American Art
Portfolio and Exhibition/Project:
ART 305 - Mid-Program Portfolio Review
ART 405 - Senior Exhibition/Project and Review
Studio majors must participate in a group exhibition and review in their junior year, followed by a solo or two-person
show with a faculty review in their senior year, and the annual senior group exhibition.
Art Teaching Licensure Major
The State of Minnesota has specific licensing requirements for teachers that differ slightly in emphasis from the
Augsburg major requirements. The state requirements may also be subject to change after publication of this catalog.
Students therefore should consult with the Augsburg Department of Education to identify current Minnesota teacher
licensure requirements.
Majors should begin their programs with the required studio arts foundations:
ART 102 - Design
ART 107 - Drawing
One course in painting from:
ART 118 - Painting I
ART 257 - Watercolor Painting I
One course in three-dimensional art from:
ART 221 - Sculpture I
ART 250 - Ceramics I
One course in graphic arts from:
ART 132 - Photography I
ART 223 - Print Making I
One course in fibers:
ART 280 - Hand Papermaking and Book Arts I
One course in computer design from:
ART 201 - Introduction to Graphic Design
ART 202 - Typography
Two second-level courses in two different disciplines
Three courses in art history including:
ART 240 - Art History Survey
Two additional upper division art history courses from:
ART 349 - The Designed Environment
ART 352 - Women and Art
ART 382 - Scandinavian Arts
ART 385 - Prehistoric and Ancient Art
ART 386 - Medieval Art
ART 387 - Renaissance and Baroque Art
ART 388 - Modern Art
ART 389 - American Art
ART 390 - Native American Art
Portfolio and Exhibition/Project:
ART 305 - Mid-Program Portfolio Review
ART 405 - Senior Exhibition/Project and Review
Studio majors must participate in a group exhibition and review in their junior year, followed by a solo or two-person
show with a faculty review in their senior year, and the annual senior group exhibition.
Graphic Design Major
The following skill and workshop courses:
ART 124 - Graphic Design Production: InDesign
ART 125 - Graphic Design Production: Illustrator
ART 126 - Graphic Design Production: Photoshop
ART 127 - Graphic Design Production: HTML/CSS
ART 226 - Artist Workshop
The following core courses:
ART 133 - Introduction to Digital Photography
ART 201 - Introduction to Graphic Design
ART 202 - Typography
ART 240 - Art History Survey
ART 315 - Graphic Systems
ART 324 - Design Studio I
ART 326 - Design Studio II
ART 424 - Advanced Design Studio III
ART 425 - Advanced Design Studio IV
One of the following courses in drawing:
ART 107 - Drawing
ART 122 - Plein Air Sketching I
One of the following courses in three-dimensional art form:
ART 105 - Introduction to Architectural Drawing
ART 221 - Sculpture I
ART 250 - Ceramics I
ART 280 - Hand Papermaking and Book Arts I
One of the following courses in art history:
ART 349 - The Designed Environment
ART 352 - Women and Art
ART 382 - Scandinavian Arts
ART 385 - Prehistoric and Ancient Art
ART 386 - Medieval Art
ART 387 - Renaissance and Baroque Art
ART 388 - Modern Art
ART 389 - American Art
ART 390 - Native American Art
One elective ART course (4 credits):
Any other ART course not listed above
Portfolio and Exhibition/Project:
ART 305 - Mid-Program Portfolio Review
ART 405 - Senior Exhibition/Project and Review
Art History Major
Eight art history or architectural history courses including:
ART 240 - Art History Survey
ART 388 - Modern Art
Six other art history or architectural history courses
Two studio courses:
ART 102 - Design or ART 107 - Drawing
ART 118 - Painting I or ART 221 - Sculpture I
Portfolio and Exhibition/Project:
ART 305 - Mid-Program Portfolio Review
ART 405 - Senior Exhibition/Project and Review
Art History majors must participate in a group exhibition and review in their junior year, followed by creating and
curating a research-based exhibition with faculty review in their senior year.
Double Major
Students planning a double major in studio art and art history or a major/minor combination should meet with a
department advisor to plan appropriately.
Departmental Honors
GPA of 3.50 in the major and overall, portfolio of artwork (studio majors) or research (art history majors) reflecting the
highest quality work, and Art Department-approved special projects and/or research. Application should be made to the
department chair before the last term of the senior year.
Architecture Minor
Five courses including:
ART 105 - Introduction to Architectural Drawing
ART 210 - Drawing for Design in Architecture
ART 243 - History of Architecture to 1750
ART 244 - History of Architecture after 1750
ART 249/349 - The Designed Environment
Art History Minor
Five art history courses including ART 240 - Art History Survey.
Graphic Design Minor
The following skill courses:
ART 124 - Graphic Design Production: InDesign
ART 125 - Graphic Design Production: Illustrator
ART 126 - Graphic Design Production: Photoshop
ART 127 - Graphic Design Production: HTML/CSS
The following core courses:
ART 107 - Drawing or ART 122 - Plein Air Sketching I
ART 201 - Introduction to Graphic Design
ART 202 - Typography
ART 315 - Graphic Systems
ART 324 - Design Studio I
Studio Art Minor
Five courses including:
ART 107 - Drawing
ART 240 – Art History Survey
Three additional studio courses.
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
From transgenic crops to emerging diseases to being a member of the human species, biology affects – literally – every
part of your life. Because biology is such a broad field, the biology program at Augsburg emphasizes integration across
many sub-disciplines, including molecular, cellular, organismal, evolutionary, and ecological biology. Additionally, the
biology program at Augsburg coordinates with the mathematics, chemistry, and physics programs to ensure that our
students acquire the necessary knowledge to fully understand biological phenomena.
Augsburg’s Biology program is designed to provide students with the opportunities to (1) understand the fundamental
knowledge of the discipline, (2) know how scientific knowledge is generated and disseminated, (3) effectively
communicate scientific information in written and oral forms, (4) be proficient in common biological lab techniques, and
(5) demonstrate professionalism in the sciences. Additionally, Augsburg has a strong commitment to undergraduate
research, both on and off campus. There are a variety of opportunities to work on research projects with Biology faculty
and subsequently present your research at regional, national, and international meetings.
Graduates of our Biology program follow many different paths. Most of our graduates use their undergraduate major in
Biology as a springboard for further study. Augsburg graduates have gone on to graduate studies leading to careers in
post-secondary teaching, basic and applied research, and public health or have entered professional programs in
medicine, veterinary medicine, and dentistry. In addition, many of our students go directly into the workforce as
laboratory technologists and teachers.
Biology Faculty
Matthew Beckman (Chair), Jennifer Bankers-Fulbright, William Capman, David Crowe, Dale Pederson, Emily Schilling
Degree and Major Requirements
Students may choose one of the following degree options: Bachelor of Arts in biology, Bachelor of Science in biology, or
Bachelor of Arts in life sciences.
Bachelor of Arts in Biology
The total number of required courses in the department is nine courses. There are additional required supporting
courses that must be taken in other disciplines.
BIO 151 - Introductory Biology
BIO 152 - Evolution, Ecology, and Diversity
BIO 253 - Introductory Cellular Biology
BIO 255 - Genetics
MAT 114 - Precalculus
or MAT 145 - Calculus I
or MAT 163 - Introductory Statistics
or MAT 164 – Introductory Statistics for STEM
or PSY 215 - Research Methods and Statistics I
CHM 115 - General Chemistry I
CHM 116 - General Chemistry II
PHY 116 - Introduction to Physics
or PHY 107, 108 - College Physics I, II
or PHY 121, 122 - General Physics I, II
BIO 490 - Biology Keystone
or SCI 490 - Integrated Science
or HON 490 - Honors Senior Seminar
or another keystone with departmental approval
Five upper division electives, at least one of which must be BIO 361, BIO 440, or BIO 481. Students may take two
different BIO485 courses in place of one upper division elective:
BIO 351 - Invertebrate Zoology
BIO 353 - Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
BIO 361 - Plant Biology
BIO 369 - Biochemistry
BIO 440 - Plant Physiology
BIO 471 - Advanced Cellular and Molecular Biology
BIO 473 - Animal Physiology
BIO 474 - Developmental Biology
BIO 475 - Neurobiology
BIO 476 - Microbiology
BIO 481 - Ecology
BIO 485 - Advanced Topics in Biology
BIO 486 - Immunology
BIO 495 - Special Topics in Biology
PHY 317 - Biophysics
Bachelor of Science in Biology
The total number of required courses in the department is nine courses. There are additional required supporting
courses that must be taken in other disciplines.
BIO 151 - Introductory Biology
BIO 152 - Evolution, Ecology and Diversity
BIO 253 - Introductory Cellular Biology
BIO 255 - Genetics
CHM 115 - General Chemistry I
CHM 116 - General Chemistry II
CHM 351 - Organic Chemistry I
CHM 352 - Organic Chemistry II
PHY 121, 122 - General Physics I, II
or PHY 107, 108 - College Physics I, II
MAT 145 - Calculus I
MAT 146 - Calculus II
BIO 490 - Biology Keystone
or SCI 490 - Integrated Science
or HON 490 - Honors Senior Seminar
or another keystone with departmental approval
Five upper division electives, at least one of which must be BIO 361, BIO 440, or BIO 481. Students may take two
different BIO485 courses in place of one upper division elective:
BIO 351 - Invertebrate Zoology
BIO 353 - Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
BIO 361 - Plant Biology
BIO 369 - Biochemistry
BIO 440 - Plant Physiology
BIO 471 - Advanced Cellular and Molecular Biology
BIO 473 - Animal Physiology
BIO 474 - Developmental Biology
BIO 475 - Neurobiology
BIO 476 - Microbiology
BIO 481 - Ecology
BIO 485 - Advanced Topics in Biology
BIO 486 - Immunology
BIO 495 - Special Topics in Biology
PHY 317 - Biophysics
General Education Accommodation
BS biology majors may reduce their general education program by one or two courses. See Bachelor of Science/Liberal
Arts Foundation (LAF) Waiver in the Academic Information section of the catalog.
Bachelor of Arts in Life Sciences
This major is appropriate for students also seeking secondary teaching licensure in biology.
BIO 151 - Introductory Biology
BIO 152 - Evolution, Ecology, and Diversity
BIO 253 - Introductory Cellular Biology
BIO 255 - Genetics
MAT 114 - Precalculus
or MAT 145 - Calculus I
or MAT 163 - Introductory Statistics
or MAT 164 - Introductory Statistics for STEM
or PSY 215 - Research Methods and Statistics I
CHM 115 - General Chemistry I
CHM 116 - General Chemistry II
PHY 116 - Introduction to Physics
or PHY 107, 108 - College Physics I, II
or PHY 121, 122 - General Physics I, II
BIO 490 - Biology Keystone
or SCI 490 - Integrated Science
or HON 490 - Honors Senior Seminar
or another keystone with departmental approval
Two science courses from the following:
PHY 101 - Astronomy
SCI 106 - Introductory Meteorology
An introductory geology course
Four upper division electives, at least one of which must be BIO 361, BIO 440, or BIO 481:
BIO 351 - Invertebrate Zoology
BIO 353 - Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
BIO 361 - Plant Biology
BIO 369 - Biochemistry
BIO 440 - Plant Physiology
BIO 471 - Advanced Cellular and Molecular Biology
BIO 473 - Animal Physiology
BIO 474 - Developmental Biology
BIO 475 - Neurobiology
BIO 476 - Microbiology
BIO 481 - Ecology
BIO 486 - Immunology
BIO 495 - Special Topics in Biology
PHY 317 - Biophysics
Graduation Skills
Graduation skills in Critical Thinking (CT), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), and Writing (W) are embedded throughout the
offered courses and are met by completing the major. The graduation skill in Speaking (S) is met by completing COM 115
(preferred) or COM 111 or HON 130.
Transfer students must consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill each of
these skills.
Transfer course policy for majors and minors
All transfer courses, including ACTC courses, must be approved in writing by the department, subject to review by the
chair. Only those biology courses successfully completed (C- or above) within the last 10 years will be considered. At
least four upper division electives must be completed in residence (at Augsburg University). Some students take a 2
semester sequence of human anatomy and physiology either out of interest or to meet a prerequisite for Physician
Assistant or other programs. The Biology Department accepts the 2 semester sequence of Human Anatomy and
Physiology from several colleges as a replacement for 1 of the upper division electives, without written approval. Consult
with a Biology Department advisor to learn which anatomy and physiology courses at other colleges are accepted.
Custom Biology Programs
Students who have completed BIO 151, 152, 253, 255 and at least one upper division elective may, in consultation with
their advisor, seek approval from the department to complete major requirements with as many as four upper division
courses from other institutions.
Departmental Honors
The awarding of Departmental Honors recognizes a student’s outstanding achievement(s) in the Biology Major. Only
students who have a major GPA of 3.5 or higher and an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher may earn Departmental Honors by
successfully completing one of the following:
1. Continuation of a summer or academic year biology research internship via successful completion of BIO 297, BIO 399,
BIO 497, BIO 499 or HON 499. Before registering for one of these options, students must submit a formal letter of intent
to an Honors Committee of three biology faculty (to be determined by the mentor and student) at least 2 weeks prior to
the registration deadline. This formal letter of intent will be composed of no more than one page of text providing the
following: (1) Title of project; (2) abstract describing the project with special focus given to the questions that will be
addressed, the methods to be used and the expected outcomes; (3) name and signature (with date) of your faculty
advisor; and (4) list of the three Biology Department faculty who have agreed to serve as your Honors Committee. A
decision whether or not to approve registration will be made by the Honors Committee within one week of submission.
Successful completion of the Honors process requires a public presentation of your research and a written report in the
style of a typical peer-reviewed biological discipline journal article. The written report will be accepted or rejected by the
Honors Committee within 2 weeks of submission. Although there is no formal deadline for the submission of the final
paper it is advised that the student and committee establish a date for submission, typically no later than March 15, at
the time of the proposal submission so that successful recipients of departmental honors can be recognized during
graduation ceremonies.
2. Selection for, participation in, and completion of the Mayo Innovation Scholars Program (including the final
3. Scoring above the national 90th percentile on the ETS Major Field Test in Biology.
A course sequence in general chemistry and five biology courses including BIO 151, 152, and three additional BIO
courses (200 level or above). The majority of courses in biology must be taken at Augsburg University.
Other Requirements
In planning their courses of study, students are encouraged to work closely with members of the biology faculty. Biology
majors must have an advisor in the biology department. In order to complete all major requirements in four years, BIO
151 and 152 and General Chemistry should be taken in the first year, and BIO 253, BIO 255 and Organic Chemistry (when
appropriate) in the second year. Students should complete their math requirements early in their academic careers.
Students must earn a minimum grade of D and an average grade of C- in BIO 151 and 152. Supporting course
requirements in chemistry, mathematics, physics, and communication must be satisfied with a grade of C- or higher to
satisfy either major or prerequisite requirements. A grade of C- or higher is required in BIO 253 and BIO 255 in order to
fulfill major requirements and to fulfill the prerequisite requirements of several upper division biology electives. A grade
of C- or higher must be earned in all upper division biology courses applied toward meeting the requirements of a major.
All biology courses applied toward the major must be traditionally graded. A GPA of 2.5 in biology courses is required for
the life science major.
*Students completing majors in biology or life science will be required to take the ETS Major Field Test in Biology during
their final year of the program. The exam will appear on the graduation checklist.
Biology for Health Sciences
Prerequisite requirements for health sciences vary with the program and the institution. Care should be taken to study
the requirements for every program well in advance of making application. In general, the pre-medical curriculum
includes a year each of biology, general chemistry, organic chemistry, calculus and physics. Courses in biochemistry,
statistics, advanced biology, and social and behavioral sciences are also important preparation for the MR5 Medical
College Admissions Exam. Programs in physician assistant training, veterinary medicine, physical therapy, and such
typically have a more extensive list of prerequisites. Students considering a post-baccalaureate program in these areas
should consult early and often with health science advisors Catherina Kipper, Dixie Shafer, Dale Pederson, and Kelsey
Graduate Training in Biology
Graduate programs in biological fields typically require two semesters of general chemistry, organic chemistry, calculus,
and physics. Also required is extensive involvement in faculty-student research through URGO, McNair and other
research opportunities which satisfy the Augsburg Experience. Student also participate in research off campus through
internships and summer research experiences. Careful consultation with a biology advisor is recommended to select
among coursework and research options.
Teaching Licensure Major
The State of Minnesota has specific licensing requirements for biology teachers, the science portions of which are
satisfied by the Augsburg Life Sciences major only if BIO 476 Microbiology and BIO 481 Ecology are selected as two of
the upper division electives. The state requirements may be subject to change after the publication of this catalog.
Students should therefore consult with the Augsburg Department of Education to identify current Minnesota teacher
licensure requirements. All upper division biology requirements for secondary licensure must be completed before
beginning student teaching.
Post-Baccalaureate Teaching Licensure
Students who have earned a bachelor’s degree elsewhere and seek life science teaching licensure at Augsburg are
required to complete a minimum of two upper division biology courses at Augsburg with a GPA of 2.5 or higher.
Required or elective courses are determined by the department following review of transcripts and prior to
Beta Beta Beta
Membership in the Augsburg chapter of this national biology honor society is open to students who have completed at
least three semester courses in Biology, including at least one 200-level or higher biology course at Augsburg University.
Students must have a GPA of 3.0 in biology.
Cooperative Education and Service-Learning
The department works with the Strommen Center for Meaningful Work in identifying and defining cooperative
education experiences in laboratories and other settings in the Twin Cities.
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
The biopsychology major is designed to offer students an integrative perspective on the biological basis of behavior.
Towards this end, students will take courses in both psychology and biology to gain exposure to a broad range of
theories and research covering a variety of topics such as cognition, motor control, sensation/perception, emotion, and
psychopathology. These topics will be studied at multiple levels of analysis including genetic, neural, and environmental.
The biopsychology major will provide students with a strong foundation of courses in neuroscience, statistics, and
chemistry. This broad training can help prepare students for careers in research, medicine, public health, education, and
pharmaceutical or biotechnology industries.
Biopsychology Faculty
Matthew Beckman (Biology), Ralph Butkowski (Biology), David Crowe (Biology), Stacy Freiheit (Psychology), David Matz
(Psychology), Dale Pederson (Biology), Bridget Robinson-Riegler (Psychology), Nancy Steblay (Psychology), Henry Yoon
Degree and Major Requirements
Thirteen Courses:
BIO 151 - Introductory Biology
BIO 152 - Ecology, Evolution and Diversity
BIO 253 - Introductory Cellular Biology
BIO 475 - Neurobiology
PSY 105 - Principles of Psychology
PSY 215 - Research Methods and Statistics I
PSY 315 - Research Methods and Statistics II
PSY 355 - Biopsychology
Two Psychology electives from the following:
PSY 299 - Directed Study (Research in Biopsychology)
or PSY 360 - Psychology Laboratory (two semesters)
PSY 354 - Cognitive Psychology
PSY 391 - Individual Differences
PSY 410 - Clinical Neuropsychology
PSY 491 - Advanced Research Seminar
PSYC 322 - Sensation and Perception (St. Thomas)
PSYC 407 - Seminar in Behavioral Neuroscience (St. Thomas)
PSYC 378 - Psychology of Language (Macalester)
PSYC 486 - Seminar in Neuropharmacology (Macalester)
Two Biology electives from the following:
BIO 255 - Genetics
BIO 369 - Biochemistry
BIO 471 - Advanced Cell and Molecular Biology
BIO 473 - Animal Physiology
BIO 495 - Special Topics in Biology: Animal Behavior (this topic only)
BIOL 356 - Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (Macalester)
PHY 317 - Biophysics
Keystone (one required):
BIO 490 - Biology Keystone
PSY 400 - Keystone Internship
SCI 490 - Integrated Science
Note: Students will need to take the CHM 115/116 sequence to complete the biology courses. A minimum of five
courses must be from Augsburg.
Graduation Skills
Graduation skills in Critical Thinking (CT), Quantitative Reasoning (QR) and Writing (W) are embedded throughout the
offered courses and are met by completing the major. The graduation skill in speaking (S) is met by completing COM 111
or 115. Transfer students must consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill
these skills.
Other Requirements
An average grade of C-, with no grade below a D is required for BIO 151 and 152. A grade of C- or above is required for
all courses (200 level and above) applied to the major.
Transfer Course Policy for Majors
All transfer courses, including ACTC courses, must be approved in writing by the department chair(s). Only those biology
and psychology courses successfully completed (C- or above) within the last 10 years will be considered. In general,
courses that meet the transfer guidelines may only be applied to introductory or elective credit for the major.
Biopsychology Honors
GPA of 3.5 in the major, and 3.3 overall. Students must complete a high-quality research project, approved and
evaluated by three members of the Biopsychology faculty. Formal application must be made no later than the junior
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
Department of Business Administration
Our mission is to prepare students for professional careers in business or for graduate studies. This preparation involves
a curriculum that stresses analysis and communication, emphasizes both theory and practice, and is shaped by the
needs of the business community. The department fosters close ties with the corporate community that provide a
wealth of practical expertise, a variety of internship opportunities, and future job prospects. The faculty believe they can
best serve both the student and the community by providing an education that is technically competent, ethically based,
and socially aware.
Jeanne Boeh (Chair), John C. Cerrito, David A. Conrad, George F. Dierberger, Marc D. Isaacson, Phyllis Kapetanakis, Won
Yong Kim, Jayoung Koo, Lori L. Lohman, Marc C. McIntosh, Milo A. Schield, Peter J. Stark
General Requirements
The Department of Business Administration offers seven majors: Business Administration (Music Business
Specialization), Accounting, Finance, International Business, Management, Management Information Systems, and
Marketing. There is also a combined Business and Economics major, which incorporates courses from both the
Departments of Business Administration and Economics.
Minors provide students the opportunity to study and obtain a professional credential in an area of study that is in
addition to their major. The Department of Business Administration offers eight minors: Business Administration (for
non-business majors only), Business Analytics, Business Minor for Science Majors, International Business, Music
Business, Accounting, Management Information Systems, and Marketing.
Transfer Students
Transfer students must complete at least four of the upper division courses required in the major at Augsburg, or at
least three courses in the minor, or obtain an exemption from the department. Transfer courses must be approved by
the department. Transfer courses taken more than 10 years ago will not be accepted. Business courses (ACC, BUS, FIN,
MIS, MKT) taken at Augsburg more than 10 years ago will not be applied toward a major unless approved by a faculty
member in the student's designated major area. Suitable intervening work experience will also be considered.
Students who plan to pursue any of our business majors are strongly encouraged to select a departmental advisor who
teaches in their major. This should be done by the end of sophomore year at the latest. In addition to advising,
departmental faculty can counsel students on their careers, assist in obtaining internships or jobs, and provide letters of
recommendation for prospective employers or graduate programs. The Business Administrator is also available for
advising questions relating to degree progress, course selection, and international courses abroad.
Departmental Honors
To complete departmental honors in the Department of Business Administration, students need to consult with the
Department Chair. Students need to apply to the department and start the process during their junior year. Students will
also have the opportunity to obtain the honorific of Scholar of Distinction, another method of earning departmental
honors, by scoring in the top 10% on the Major Field Test, a comprehensive assessment given during the senior year.
Please contact the Department Chair(s) for more specific information.
Students are strongly encouraged to work with the Strommen Center for Meaningful Work and department faculty to
obtain an internship during their junior or senior year. Internships can provide students with experience that may be
valuable in competing for jobs after graduation. Faculty advisors should be consulted about internships. The department
offers an internship course which can be taken for 2.0 or 4.0 credits (BUS 397/399). This course aids students in finding
an internship placement within an organization which supports their major and provides direction and support.
Study Abroad
The Department of Business Administration faculty actively support international study. For additional details, see the
section on Special Academic Programs: Study Abroad and Study Away in this catalog, or consult the Department Chair
and/or Departmental Administrator for international business courses or other overseas opportunities.
P/N Grades
Students may apply no more than 8 semester credits with P grades toward a major and no more than 4 semester credits
with a P grade toward a minor. Please refer to the Graduation section of this catalog for specific details regarding P/N
Business Core Requirements*
*The exceptions are the Business/Economics major and the Business Music major.
Thirteen courses including:
ACC 221 - Introduction to Financial Accounting
ACC 222 - Introduction to Managerial Accounting
BUS 200 - Exploring Business as a Vocation
or BUS 242 - Principles of Management
BUS 301 - Business Law
BUS 362 - International Business
ECO 112 - Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 113 - Principles of Microeconomics
FIN 331 - Financial Management
MIS 260 - Problem Solving for Business
MIS 264 - Statistical Literacy for Managers
or MIS 379* - Quantitative Methods for Business and Economics
*MIS 379 is required for Accounting and Finance majors
MKT 252 - Principles of Marketing
One of the following:
MAT 110 - Finite Mathematics
MAT 111 - Mathematics in Society
MAT 114 - Precalculus
MAT 145 - Calculus I
MAT 146 - Calculus II
MAT 171* - Discrete Mathematics for Computing
*MAT 171 is required for Management Information Systems majors
MAT 173 - Mathematics of Finance
MAT 273 - Statistical Modeling
One of the following:
COM 111 - Public Speaking
COM 112 - Contest Public Speaking
COM 115 - Scientific and Technical Public Speaking
ENL 240 - Introduction to Literary Study
ENL 241 - Introduction to Cinema Art
ENL 250 - American Voices
ENL 251 - Introduction to African American Literature
ENL 255 - American Indian Literature
ENL 260 - Authors
ENL 270 - Themes
ENL 280 - Genres
ENL 290 - Explorations in Language and Theory
ENL 291 - Thailand: Teaching ESL
HIS 102 - The Shaping of Western Civilization
HIS 103 - The Modern World
HIS 282 - The History of Women Since 1848
Further explanation of the above:
The mathematics requirement is fulfilled by any MAT course numbered 110 and above with LAF status (excluding
MAT 137, MAT 138, MAT 163, MAT 164, and MAT 287).
The communication requirement is fulfilled by courses identified for writing and speaking with Humanities LAF
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
Business Administration
The major in Business Administration prepares students for professional careers in business administration or for
graduate studies. Within this area, there is one specialization available to Day students called Music Business and
another option available to both Day and AU students called the Combined Business and Economics major. These two
areas provide students with a broad foundation so they can readily adapt to internal changes in interests and goals and
to external changes in circumstances and opportunities. These majors involve substantial courses from outside the
Department. The major requirements for these majors are shown below.
Degree and Major Requirements
Business Administration Major with a Specialization in Music Business
Six courses including:
ACC 221 - Introduction to Financial Accounting
ACC 222 - Introduction to Managerial Accounting
BUS 242 - Principles of Management*
or BUS 200 - Exploring Business as a Vocation*
FIN 331 - Financial Management
MIS 260 - Problem Solving for Business
MKT 252 - Principles of Marketing
Two allied requirements in economics:
ECO 112 - Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 113 - Principles of Microeconomics
Note: All business majors are encouraged to take KEY 490 - Vocation and the Meaning of Success to fulfill the Augsburg
Core Curriculum Senior Keystone Requirement.
Music Courses:
MUS 205 – Legal Issues in Music, Entertainment, and the Arts
MUS 335 – Music Business
MUS 336 - Arts Management and Concert Promotion
MUS/BUS 399 - Internship
MUS 162 – Entrepreneurship for Creative Businesses**
MUS 408 – Current and Future Issues in the Music Industry**
**Students may substitute 4 credits of business elective (chosen in consultation with the faculty adviser) in place of
MUS162 and MUS408
12 elective credits in MUS or 8 semester credits in MUS credits and 4 semester credits in MUE (8 credits must be in
residence at Augsburg), selected from:
MUS 113 - Music Theory and Aural Skills I
MUS 114 - Music Theory and Aural Skills II
MUS 130 - Introduction to Music in the Fine Arts
MUS 220 - Worlds of Music
MUS 241 - History of Jazz
(other MUS courses as approved by advisor)
*Music Business majors may substitute BUS 254 in place of BUS 242 or 200.
Graduation Skills
Graduation skills in Critical Thinking (CT), Speaking (S), and Writing (W) are embedded throughout the offered courses.
The Quantitative Reasoning (QR) graduation skill is met by completing two courses: MIS 260 (QF) and either MIS 264 or
MIS 379 (QA).
Transfer students must consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill each of
these skills.
Note: All business majors are encouraged to take KEY 490 - Vocation and the Meaning of Success to fulfill the Augsburg
Core Curriculum Senior Keystone Requirement.
Combined Major in Business Administration and Economics
Eleven courses including:
ACC 221 - Introduction to Financial Accounting
ACC 222 - Introduction to Managerial Accounting
BUS 242 - Principles of Management
or BUS 200 - Exploring Business as a Vocation
MKT 252 - Principles of Marketing
MIS 379 - Quantitative Methods for Business and Economics
or FIN 331 - Financial Management
One other upper division BUS, ACC, FIN, MIS, or MKT course
ECO 112 - Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 113 - Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 312 - Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECO 313 - Intermediate Microeconomics
One other upper division ECO course
Graduation Skills
Graduation skills in Critical Thinking (CT), Speaking (S), and Writing (W) are embedded throughout the offered courses
and are met by completing the combined major in Business Administration and Economics. The Quantitative Reasoning
(QR) graduation skill is met by completing: ECO 112 or 113 (QF) and either MIS 379, ECO 318, or ECO490 (QA).
Transfer students must consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill each of
these skills.
Note: All business majors are encouraged to take KEY 490 - Vocation and the Meaning of Success to fulfill the Augsburg
Core Curriculum Senior Keystone Requirement.
Minor in Business Administration (open to non-business majors only)
Six courses including:
ACC 221 - Introduction to Financial Accounting
ACC 222 - Introduction to Managerial Accounting
BUS 242 - Principles of Management
or BUS 200 - Exploring Business as a Vocation
MKT 252 - Principles of Marketing
MIS 379 - Quantitative Methods for Business and Economics
or MIS 264 - Statistical Literacy for Managers
or FIN 331 - Financial Management
ECO 112 - Principles of Macroeconomics
or ECO 113 - Principles of Microeconomics
Other configurations may be permitted with approval of the Department Chair.
Business Minor for Science Majors (open only to students majoring in Biology, Biopsychology, Chemistry, Computer
Science, Mathematics, Physics, Psychology)
Six courses including:
ACC 221 - Introduction to Financial Accounting
BUS 242 - Principles of Management
or BUS 200 - Exploring Business as a Vocation
or BUS 254 - Entrepreneurship
ECO 113 - Principles of Microeconomics
MKT 252 - Principles of Marketing
PHI 120 - Ethics
BUS 399 - Internship
or BUS 397 - Internship
Minor in Music Business
The Music Business minor is a course of study designed both for the music major desiring additional preparation in
business and for the non-music major interested in pursuing a career in the music industry. With the Music Business
minor, students are given the opportunity to enroll in coursework and participate in on-site field experiences that
address specific professional skills necessary to enter today’s music industry. The minor is a collaborative program
between the music and business departments. See the Music Department for requirements.
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
Accountants perform an important function in society by providing high-quality financial information. Augsburg
Accounting majors learn the requisite skills to do this through the study of theories and practices associated with the
areas of financial accounting, managerial accounting, tax accounting, and auditing. In addition, Accounting majors take
courses in other business areas necessary so that they have a broad understanding of how accounting serves the needs
of business managers and others who rely on accounting information.
Students completing the Accounting major will be prepared for entry-level positions as auditors and public accountants,
management accountants, tax accountants, and internal auditors. Their education will give them knowledge and skills to
work as accountants in business, government, and nonprofit organizations and to work in other positions requiring
engagement with financial information.
The Augsburg Accounting major also provides students with the accounting and business coursework required to take
the Uniform Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam. Students can sit for the CPA exam after they have completed their
Bachelor of Arts in Accounting. Students should note, however, that in order to be licensed as a CPA they must have
completed a total of 150 credit hours in either undergraduate or graduate coursework and have one year of relevant
work experience in auditing or taxation. Students will also have met the coursework requirements to take the Certified
Management Accountant (CMA) exam.
Accounting majors are encouraged to consider taking one of the professional accounting examinations upon graduation.
Students interested in learning more can find information at the following websites:
CPA exam general information:
State of Minnesota CPA exam requirements:
CMA exam:
Degree and Major Requirements
Accounting Major
Business Core Requirements
Must take MIS 379 rather than MIS 264
Required Accounting Courses:
Six courses including:
ACC 322 - Intermediate Accounting I
ACC 323 - Intermediate Accounting II
ACC 324 - Managerial Cost Accounting
ACC 326 - Tax Accounting
ACC 423 - Auditing
ACC 425 - Advanced Accounting
Graduation Skills
Graduation skills in Critical Thinking (CT), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), Speaking (S), and Writing (W) are embedded
throughout the offered courses and are met by completing the major.
Transfer students must consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill each of
these skills.
Note: All business majors are encouraged to take KEY 490 - Vocation and the Meaning of Success to fulfill the Augsburg
Core Curriculum Senior Keystone requirement.
Joint Bachelor of Arts in Accounting and Master of Arts in Leadership
A BA in Accounting and an MA in Leadership (MAL) can be earned in this five-year program designed for students who
wish to qualify for CPA certification and obtain a Master’s degree. By the end of the fifth year and successful completion
of all requirements, the student receives both a BA in Accounting and an MA in Leadership and will have fulfilled the
150-hour requirement to qualify for the CPA certification. Refer to the Graduate Studies Catalog for a complete list of
It is recommended that students meet with an Accounting advisor to create an effective plan for successful completion
of the five-year program.
Accounting students planning to pursue the five-year degree must apply for admission to the MAL program at the end of
their junior year. The application process includes submission of:
Completed application form
Two letters of recommendation (one from an Augsburg professor and one from an employer)
Personal statement
Example of their writing in an academic paper
GPA of at least 3.30
Interview with the Director of the MAL program
Students must also have faculty endorsement from the Accounting program. Students must complete at least one year
of accounting work experience (either a job or internship) by the time they graduate from the MAL program.
Program Coordinator: Marc McIntosh
Minor in Accounting
Six courses including:
ACC 221 - Introduction to Financial Accounting
ACC 222 - Introduction to Managerial Accounting
ACC 322 - Intermediate Accounting I
ACC 323 - Intermediate Accounting II
ACC 324 - Managerial Cost Accounting
One of the following:
ECO 112 - Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 113 - Principles of Microeconomics
FIN 331 - Financial Management
MIS 260 - Problem Solving for Business
MIS 379 - Quantitative Methods for Business and Economics
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
The Finance major prepares students for professional careers in corporate finance and the financial services industry.
Augsburg Finance majors learn requisite skills through courses focused on financial theory and practice, investment and
portfolio theory, intermediate accounting theory, money and banking, and international finance. In addition, Finance
majors take courses in other business areas necessary so that they have a broad understanding of how finance serves
the needs of business managers and others who rely on financial information. Besides careers in the finance/accounting
area in all businesses large and small, this major leads to careers in banking, asset management, insurance, and
investment banking. Students will gain the knowledge and skills to work as financial analysts and financial managers in
business, government, and nonprofit organizations, and to work in other positions requiring engagement with financial
Students are encouraged to complete an internship prior to graduation. Proficiency in the use of spreadsheets such as
Excel is expected. Coursework provides a foundation for graduate school and professional career examinations such as
the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), conducted by the CFA Institute, and the Certified Financial Planner (CFP).
Degree and Major Requirements
Finance Major
Business Core Requirements
Must take MIS 379 rather than MIS 264
Required Finance Courses
Five courses including:
ACC 322 – Intermediate Accounting I
ECO 315 - Money and Banking
FIN 433 - Financial Theory: Policy and Practice
FIN 438 - Investment Theory
FIN 460 - International Finance
Graduation Skills
Graduation skills in Critical Thinking (CT), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), Speaking (S), and Writing (W) are embedded
throughout the offered courses and are met by completing the major. Transfer students must consult an advisor about
potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill each of these skills.
Note: All business majors are encouraged to take KEY 490 - Vocation and the Meaning of Success to fulfill the Augsburg
Core Curriculum Senior Keystone requirement.
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
International Business
The objective of the international business major is to prepare students for the increasingly competitive and
interdependent international business world with which they must cope. It is absolutely necessary for American
graduates to be fully informed about how to compete and do successful business outside the US as well as in the US
market where much of their competition is from foreign firms.
Students will learn about business transactions between and within countries, exchange rates, the laws and logistics of
international trade, and investments made in foreign markets. Knowledge of other cultures is crucial to being a
successful international business person. Besides your studies in business, finance, banking, and the like, you will also
learn about different cultures and societies. A major in international business will lead you to exciting careers in a global
Degree and Major Requirements
International Business Major
Business Core Requirements
Required International Business Courses:
Four courses including:
BUS 465 - International Management
MKT 466 - International Marketing
ECO 360 - International Economics
or ECO 370 - International Economic Development
or FIN 460 - International Finance
FRE 211 - Intermediate French I
or GER 211 - Intermediate German I
or NOR 211 - Intermediate Norwegian I
or SPA 211 - Intermediate Spanish I
or other language in transfer
Further explanation of the above:
Students must complete three semesters of a foreign language (or equivalent). This does not include American Sign
Language. The language requirement may be waived for international students. Contact the International Business
Coordinator for details on language equivalents or other configurations, including transfer equivalencies.
Graduation Skills
Graduation skills in Critical Thinking (CT), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), Speaking (S), and Writing (W) are embedded
throughout the offered courses and are met by completing the international business major.
Transfer students must consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill each of
these skills.
Note: All business majors are encouraged to take KEY 490 Vocation and the Meaning of Success to fulfill the Augsburg
Core Curriculum Senior Keystone requirement.
Minor in International Business
Six courses including:
ACC 221 - Introduction to Financial Accounting
BUS 242 - Principles of Management
or BUS 200 - Exploring Business as a Vocation
or MKT 252 - Principles of Marketing
ECO 112 - Principles of Macroeconomics
or ECO 113 - Principles of Microeconomics
Three courses in International Business (one may be in international economics). Options include:
BUS 362 - International Business
BUS 465 - International Management
ECO 360 - International Economics
ECO 370 - International Economic Development
FIN 460 - International Finance
MKT 466 - International Marketing
Students should consult the area coordinator concerning acceptable alternatives in international economics.
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
The major in management prepares the student for a wide variety of careers in supervision and senior management.
Peter Drucker once commented that effective management is probably the main resource of developed countries and
the most needed resource in developing ones.
The role of a manager is to guide the organization and its employees toward the accomplishment of goals. The skills
developed in the study of this major are applicable in businesses of any size and in both the for-profit and nonprofit
In addition to the general business core courses, students take courses in human resources, strategy, international
management, project management and/or quantitative methods of management.
Degree and Major Requirements
Management Major
Business Core Requirements
Required Management Courses:
Four courses including:
BUS 340 - Human Resource Management
BUS 440 - Strategic Management
BUS 465 - International Management
MIS 376 - Project Management
or ECO 318 - Management Science
Graduation Skills
Graduation skills in Critical Thinking (CT), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), Speaking (S), and Writing (W) are embedded
throughout the offered courses and are met by completing the Management major.
Transfer students must consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill each of
these skills.
Note: All business majors are encouraged to take KEY 490 - Vocation and the Meaning of Success to fulfill the Augsburg
Core Curriculum Senior Keystone requirement.
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
Management Information Systems
The major in Management Information Systems prepares students for professional careers in information systems such
as application developer, business systems analyst, IT consultant, or project manager. MIS studies information systems
as both a resource and a tool for decision-making. Students learn to analyze and evaluate existing systems and to design
and develop new systems. MIS is an extensive major and includes courses from Computer Science, Economics, Business,
Accounting, Finance, and Marketing as well as from MIS.
Degree and Major Requirements
Management Information Systems Major
Business Core Requirements
Must take MAT 171 as math course
Required MIS Courses:
Seven courses including:
MIS 270 - Data Management for Business
MIS 375 - E-Commerce
MIS 376 - Project Management
MIS 475 - Systems Analysis and Design
MIS 476 - Information Systems Projects
CSC 160 - Introduction to Computer Science and Communication
CSC 170 - Introduction to Programming
or CSC 240 - Introduction to Networking and Communications
Graduation Skills
Graduation skills in Critical Thinking (CT), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), Speaking (S), and Writing (W) are embedded
throughout the offered courses and are met by completing the major.
Transfer students must consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill each of
these skills.
Note: All business majors are encouraged to take KEY 490 Vocation and the Meaning of Success to fulfill the Augsburg
Core Curriculum Senior Keystone Requirement.
Minor in Business Analytics
Seven courses including:
CSC 170: Introduction to Programming
MAT 163: Introductory Statistics
or MAT 164: Introductory Statistics for STEM
or MIS 379: Quantitative Methods for Business and Economics
MAT 171: Discrete Mathematics for Computing
or MAT 145: Calculus I
or MAT 122: Calculus for Social and Behavioral Sciences
MIS 270: Data Management for Business
or CSC 352: Database Management and Design
MIS 375: E-Commerce
MIS 479: Business Analytics
CSC 310 – Introduction to Data Science
Minor in MIS
Six courses including:
ACC 221 - Introduction to Financial Accounting
BUS 242 - Principles of Management
or BUS 200 - Exploring Business as a Vocation
or MKT 252 - Principles of Marketing
ECO 113 - Principles of Microeconomics
MIS 260 - Problem Solving for Business
Two courses selected from:
MIS 270 - Data Management for Business
MIS 375 - E-Commerce
MIS 376 - Project Management
or ECO 318 - Management Science
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
The Marketing major prepares students for professional careers in a wide variety of marketing functions within both
businesses and nonprofit organizations. Career avenues include marketing research, product management, marketing
communications (such as advertising, public relations and sales promotion), and sales. Marketing courses focus on
integrating both theory and practical applications, with an emphasis on hands-on projects. Augsburg’s metropolitan
location makes it easy for marketing students to complete marketing plans, research studies, and other projects for
leading Twin Cities companies and nonprofit organizations, and provides opportunities for working in the marketing field
after graduation.
Degree and Major Requirements
Marketing Major
Business Core Requirements
Required Marketing Courses:
Five courses including:
MKT 352 - Marketing Research and Analysis
MKT 450 - Marketing Management
MKT 466 - International Marketing
MKT 350 - Consumer Behavior
or MKT 354 - Sales Management
MKT 355 - Marketing Communications
or MKT 357 - Advertising
Graduation Skills
Graduation skills in Critical Thinking (CT), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), Speaking (S), and Writing (W) are embedded
throughout the offered courses and are met by completing the major.
Transfer students must consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill each of
these skills.
Note: All business majors are encouraged to take KEY 490 Vocation and the Meaning of Success to fulfill the Augsburg
Core Curriculum Senior Keystone requirement.
Minor in Marketing
Five courses including:
MKT 252 - Principles of Marketing
MKT 352 - Marketing Research and Analysis
MKT 355 - Marketing Communications
or MKT 357 - Advertising
Two additional marketing courses
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
Chemistry is the science that examines and works toward understanding matter and changes in matter. Chemistry has
been described as the central science because matter includes the entire physical world, such as the things we use, the
food we eat, and even ourselves. Correlating the insights of chemistry with physics, mathematics, and molecular biology
opens vistas that excite and offer opportunities to benefit the entire world.
Chemists as scientists must be knowledgeable in fact and theory for solving scientific problems and also capable of
providing a public understanding of their work, including potential problems as well as benefits.
Chemists as people must be broadly educated in order to understand themselves and their society. The liberal arts as
offered in the general education curriculum are imperative if a chemist is to be both truly human and truly scientific.
Augsburg’s Chemistry department is approved by the American Chemical Society (ACS) and offers a Chemistry major
that meets the chemistry background required by many fields.
Consonant with these ideals, the Chemistry Department has established the following objectives to help its students
develop into mature scientists:
To provide a course of study of sufficient rigor and depth to enable our graduates who complete our ACS Chemistry
major to compete successfully with their peers of similar ability in graduate school or research positions, as well as
professional goals other than traditional positions as chemists.
To provide an atmosphere of learning so that students will want to remain lifelong learners, thereby remaining
competent in their field, however that may change after graduation, and be able to move into new areas as
opportunities arise.
To encourage students to take a broad view of their education and to integrate outside study areas with the
To present the excitement of chemistry to non-science majors as an example of the methodology of the natural
sciences in examining the world around us. The presentation of major concepts underlying the changes in matter,
the opportunity to examine change in the physical world, and the reflection of the implications and limitations of
science in our society will enhance the ability of non-science persons to make better value judgments concerning
science questions in their own endeavors.
Chemistry Faculty
Vivian Feng(Chair), Amanda Case, Arlin E. Gyberg (Emeritus), David R. Hanson, Joan C. Kunz ,Michael Wentzel
Degree and Major Requirements
Bachelor of Arts
CHM 115 and CHM 115L- General Chemistry I and Lab
CHM 116 and CHM 116L - General Chemistry II and Lab
CHM 251 and CHM 251L - Organic Chemistry I and Lab
CHM 252 and CHM 252L - Organic Chemistry II and Lab
CHM 280 and CHM 280L - Quantitative Analytical Chemistry and Lab
CHM 362 - Physical Chemistry: Macroscopic Theory
or CHM 368 - Physical Chemistry: Microscopic Theory
CHM 491 - Chemistry Seminar (four semesters)
SCI 490 - Integrated Science or other approved Keystone
CHM 370, or BIO 369, or other approved biochemistry or chemical biology course
MAT 145 - Calculus I
MAT 146 - Calculus II
PHY 121 - General Physics I
PHY 122 - General Physics II
4 additional credits from:
CHM 362 - Physical Chemistry: Macroscopic Theory
CHM 368 - Physical Chemistry: Microscopic Theory
CHM 464 - Advanced Organic Chemistry
CHM 481 - Instrumental Analysis
CHM 482 - Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
CHM 494 - Topics in Chemistry (2 cr.)
CHM 495 - Topics in Chemistry
CHM 498 - Independent Study/Research (can be repeated once)
PHY 317 – Biophysics
2 credits from:
CHM 430 - Advanced Thermodynamic and Separation Lab
CHM 440 - Advanced Synthesis Lab
CHM 450 - Advanced Spectroscopy and Computational Chemistry Lab
Because upper division courses have Mathematics and Physics prerequisites, students should plan to take MAT 145, 146
in the first year and PHY 121, 122 in the sophomore year.
BA Chemistry majors are required to take either the ETS or DUCK standard exam in College Chemistry prior to
Teaching Licensure in Physical Science
The State of Minnesota has specific licensing requirements for teachers that may differ slightly in emphasis from the
Augsburg major requirements. The state requirements may also be subject to change after publication of this catalog.
Students therefore should consult with the Augsburg Department of Education to identify current Minnesota teacher
licensure requirements.
CHM 115 and CHM 115L- General Chemistry I and Lab
CHM 116 and CHM 116L - General Chemistry II and Lab
CHM 251 and CHM 251L - Organic Chemistry I and Lab
CHM 252 and CHM 252L - Organic Chemistry II and Lab
CHM 280 and CHM 280L - Quantitative Analytical Chemistry and Lab
CHM 362 - Physical Chemistry: Macroscopic Theory
CHM 370 - BioOrganic Chemistry (or a Biochemistry course)
CHM 491 - Chemistry Seminar (four semesters)
CHM 499 - Introduction to Chemical Research
SCI 490 - Integrated Science or other approved Keystone
MAT 145 - Calculus I
MAT 146 - Calculus II
PHY 121 - General Physics I
PHY 122 - General Physics II
COM 115 or COM 111 - a public speaking course
One course from:
CHM 464 - Advanced Organic Chemistry
CHM 482 - Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
2 credits from:
CHM 430 - Advanced Thermodynamic and Separation Lab
CHM 440 - Advanced Synthesis Lab
CHM 450 - Advanced Spectroscopy and Computational Chemistry Lab
Chemistry for Pre-Professional Students
Pre-medical students should plan to take at least three courses (and usually more) in Biology. Other pre-health and preprofessional students (physician assistant, pharmacy, etc.—see pre-professional program listings in the Academic
Information section) should consult the Chemistry Department for assistance in course planning early in their academic
Bachelor of Science (non-ACS-Approved)
CHM 115 and CHM 115L- General Chemistry I and Lab
CHM 116 and CHM 116L - General Chemistry II and Lab
CHM 251 and CHM 251L - Organic Chemistry I and Lab
CHM 252 and CHM 252L - Organic Chemistry II and Lab
CHM 280 and CHM 280L - Quantitative Analytical Chemistry and Lab
CHM 362 - Physical Chemistry: Macroscopic Theory
or CHM 368 - Physical Chemistry: Microscopic Theory
CHM 370, or BIO 369, or other approved biochemistry or chemical biology course
CHM 491 - Chemistry Seminar (four semesters)
MAT 145 - Calculus I
MAT 146 - Calculus II
PHY 121 - General Physics I
PHY 122 - General Physics II
SCI 490 - Integrated Science or other approved Keystone
12-credits from:
CHM 362 - Physical Chemistry: Macroscopic Theory
CHM 368 - Physical Chemistry: Microscopic Theory
CHM 464 - Advanced Organic Chemistry
CHM 481 - Instrumental Analysis
CHM 482 - Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
CHM 494 - Topics in Chemistry (2 cr.)
CHM 495 - Topics in Chemistry
CHM 498 - Independent Study/Research (can be repeated once)
PHY 317 - Biophysics
4 credits from:
CHM 430 - Advanced Thermodynamic and Separation Lab
CHM 440 - Advanced Synthesis Lab
CHM 450 - Advanced Spectroscopy and Computational Chemistry Lab
Bachelor of Science (American Chemical Society Approved Major)
CHM 115 and CHM 115L- General Chemistry I and Lab
CHM 116 and CHM 116L - General Chemistry II and Lab
CHM 251 and CHM 251L - Organic Chemistry I and Lab
CHM 252 and CHM 252L - Organic Chemistry II and Lab
CHM 280 and CHM 280L - Quantitative Analytical Chemistry and Lab
CHM 362 - Physical Chemistry: Macroscopic Theory
CHM 368 - Physical Chemistry: Microscopic Theory
CHM 430 - Advanced Thermodynamic and Separation Lab
CHM 440 - Advanced Synthesis Lab
CHM 450 - Advanced Spectroscopy and Computational Chemistry Lab
CHM 464 - Advanced Organic Chemistry
CHM 481 - Instrumental Analysis
CHM 482 - Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
CHM 491 - Chemistry Seminar (four semesters)
SCI 490 - Keystone or other approved Keystone
CHM 370, or BIO 369, or other approved biochemistry or chemical biology course
MAT 145 - Calculus I
MAT 146 - Calculus II
MAT 245 - Calculus III
PHY 121 - General Physics I
PHY 122 - General Physics II
4-credits from:
CHM 494 - Topics in Chemistry (2 cr.)
CHM 495 - Topics in Chemistry
CHM 498 - Independent Study/Research (can be repeated once)
PHY 317 - Biophysics
BS and BS-ACS Chemistry majors are required to take either the ETS or DUCK standard exam in College Chemistry prior
to graduation.
Recommended: PHY 245 - Modern Physics, additional mathematics, research experience, and computer proficiency.
General Education Accommodation
BS Chemistry majors are allowed a two-course reduction in the general education program. See the Core Curriculum
Modifications section of this catalog for details.
Graduation Skills
The Critical Thinking (CT), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), and Writing (W) graduation skills are embedded throughout the
chemistry major for both BA and BS degrees. ENL 111 should be taken in the first year. The Speaking (S) skill is met
through COM 115 (or COM 111 or HON 130 or other approved speaking course) and further developed in upper division
chemistry courses.
Departmental Honors
BS ACS major; GPA of 3.50 in Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics; 4 credits or summer of approved research;
participation in seminar.
Minor in Chemistry
Five courses that must include: CHM 115, 116, CHM 280, and any two other Chemistry courses above 200. At least one
of the elective courses numbered above 200 must be taken at Augsburg.
Other Requirements
At least three CHM courses numbered above 200 must be taken at Augsburg for the BA, BS or BS-ACS majors. At least
two CHM courses numbered above 200 must be taken at Augsburg for the chemistry minor.
Students must earn a minimum average GPA of 2.0 or better in the courses that apply toward the major or minor in
chemistry. A course must be completed with a grade of C- or higher to count as a prerequisite for any chemistry course.
A minimum average GPA of 2.0 in chemistry courses is required for any chemistry major.
Note: Other restrictions and prerequisites are in the course descriptions.
Transfer students must consult with a Chemistry Department Advisor about potential adjustments to their course
requirements for the major.
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
Communication Studies, Film, and New Media
Our discipline is grounded in rhetorical and scientific principles and is guided by the need to make communicative
choices that are artful, ethical, and effective. The department offers majors and minors in Communication Studies, Film,
and New Media.
Prospective majors should meet with a program advisor as early as possible to design an approved major program,
preferably by the end of the sophomore year.
Communication Studies
Kristen Chamberlain (co-chair), Robert Groven (co-chair), Wesley Ellenwood, Jenny Hanson, Rebecca John, David
Lapakko, Michelle Mcateer, Mackenzie Krzmarzick, Jenna McNallie
Film Studies
Jenny Hanson (Program Director), Michael Burden, Robert Cowgill, Wesley Ellenwood, Darcey Engen, Doug Green,
Rebecca John, Elise Marubbio, Jila Nikpay
New Media
Jenny Hanson (Program Director), Kristen Chamberlain, Larry Crockett, John Dean, Milda Hedblom, Christopher
Houltberg, Rebecca John, Emily Lyman, Julie Longo
Degree and Major Requirements
Communication Studies Major, Bachelor of Arts
For transfer students, at least six of these courses must be taken at Augsburg.
Required of all Communication Studies majors:
COM 111 - Public Speaking
or COM 112 - Contest Public Speaking
or COM 115 - Scientific and Technical Public Speaking
COM 120 - Mass Media and Popular Culture
COM 254 - Interpersonal Communication
or COM 355 - Small Group Communication
COM 280 - Introduction to Communication Studies
COM 281 - Research Methods
COM 329 - Intercultural Communication
COM 351 - Argumentation
COM 352 - Persuasion
COM 490 - Keystone: Critical Conversations about Vocation
A total of 3 electives must be taken from following categories (one course must be from COM):
1 to 3 electives from the following (may not count the same course twice):
COM 243 - Studio Production
COM 247 - Documentary History and Theory
COM 260 - Environmental Communication
COM 299 - Directed Study
COM 321 - Business and Professional Speaking
COM 345 - Organizational Communication
COM 399 - Internship
COM 405 - Nonverbal Communication
COM 415 - Advanced Critical Media Studies
COM 480 - Public Relations/Promotional Communication
COM 495 - Communication Topics
COM 499 - Independent Study
0 to 2 approved outside electives from another major, for example:
ART 132 - Photography I
ART 201 - Introduction to Graphic Design
ART 215 - Introduction to Web Design
BUS 242 - Principles of Management
ENL 227 - Journalism
ENL 228 - Broadcast and Online Journalism
FLM 399 - Internship
MKT 252 - Marketing
Another course approved by Communication Studies department
Communication Arts/Literature Teacher Licensure Major
This major, which includes secondary education coursework and student teaching requirements in the Education
Department, offers students the preparation necessary to become teachers of communication arts and literature in
public schools and allows them to become licensed to teach at the middle school through the secondary level.
Recommendation for teacher licensure is granted only to students who complete the requirements for this program
with a minimum grade of C in major courses and with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50 in the major. All requirements
in the major must be completed prior to student teaching. The course requirements for this program are listed in the
English Department section of the catalog.
Departmental Honors
Departmental Honors is designed to encourage overall excellence as well as outstanding achievement on a specific
project of special interest to the student. Departmental Honors students must maintain a 3.50 GPA in the major and a
3.00 GPA overall, and, as part of their major program, complete a substantial independent project of honors quality
(COM 499 registration). Honors candidates should meet with their faculty advisor prior to their senior year to develop a
proposal for the honors project.
Communication Studies Minor
For transfer students, at least three of these six courses must be courses offered at Augsburg.
Six courses including:
COM 111 - Public Speaking
COM 280 - Introduction to Communication Studies
COM 329 - Intercultural Communication
COM 351 – Argumentation
And two elective courses chosen from the following 4-credit courses:
COM 120 - Mass Media and Popular Culture
COM 243 - Studio Production
COM 247 - Documentary History and Theory
COM 254 - Interpersonal Communication
COM 260 - Environmental Communication
COM 281 - Research Methods
COM 299 - Directed Study
COM 321 - Business and Professional Speaking
COM 345 - Organizational Communication
COM 352 - Persuasion
COM 355 - Small Group Communication
COM 399 - Internship
COM 405 - Nonverbal Communication
COM 415 - Advanced Critical Media Studies
COM 480 - Public Relations/Promotional Communication
COM 490 - Keystone: Critical Conversations about Vocation
COM 495 - Communication Topics
COM 499 - Independent Study
Film Major
The Augsburg Film major reflects our belief that students are transformed through a well-rounded curriculum that
encourages creativity, critical analysis and inquiry, ethical considerations, and an understanding of the synergy between
theory and practice. The major explores the tension between art and commerce through dialogues with film industry
members, internship and mentorship opportunities, film symposia, and Study Abroad. Students will gain experience in
scripting, directing, editing, acting, and producing for both 16mm film and digital. Students will be introduced to the
study of film theory, criticism, and culture. Students are encouraged to double major or to seek minors in related fields
such as Art, English, Theater, Communication Studies, American Indian Studies, and Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s
Studies, to name a few.
Required of all Film Majors:
Nine Core Courses:
FLM 180 - Film Sight and Sound
FLM 216 - Film Production I
FLM 260 - Documentary Production I
FLM 420 - Issues in Contemporary Cinema
FLM 490 - Film Studies Keystone: Critical Conversations about Film and Vocation
COM 247 - Documentary History and Theory
ENL 241 - Intro to Cinema Arts
ENL 371 - History of Cinema
THR 232 - Acting
or THR 233 - Acting for Camera
Three electives must be chosen from the two defined tracks below in consultation with your advisor, who is designated
by the program director. Note that not all elective courses are offered every year, so alternatives within the track may
have to be chosen.
Track 1: Production
Students interested in producing films or videos choose from:
ART 132 - Photography
ART 215 - Introduction to Web Design
ART 315 - Graphic Systems
ART 340 - Digital Imaging
COM 243 - Studio Production
ENL 228 - Broadcast and Online Journalism
ENL 229 - Screenwriting
FLM 124- Monster Movies
FLM 240- Animation
FLM 312 - Film Production II
FLM 348 - Intermediate Video Production
FLM 399 - Internship
FLM 495- Topics
FLM 499 - Independent Study
MUS 130 - Introduction to Music in the Fine Arts
PHY 119 - Physics for the Fine Arts
THR 328 - Theatrical Design
Track 2: Theory and Culture
Students interested in analysis of film, film genres, and cultural context choose from:
AIS 264 - American Indian in the Cinema
AIS 364 - Indigenous Filmmakers
AIS 208/408 - Native American Women and Film
ART 240 - Art History Survey
ENL 221 - Intermediate Expository Writing About the Arts
ENL 228 - Broadcast and Online Journalism
ENL 229 - Screenwriting
ENL 240 - Introduction to Literary Study
ENL 430 - Advanced Studies in Theory and Method
FLM 124 - Monster Movies
FLM 399 - Internship
FLM 495- Topics
FLM 499 - Independent Study
PHI 120 - Ethics
PHY 119 - Physics for the Fine Arts
RLN 319 - Religion at the Movies
SPA 248 - Spanish and Latin American Culture Through Film
Film Minor
COM 120 - Mass Media and Popular Culture
COM 247 - Documentary History and Theory
ENL 241 - Introduction to Cinema Arts
ENL 371 - History of Cinema
FLM 180 - Film Sight and Sound
FLM 420 - Issues in Contemporary Cinema
New Media Major, Bachelor of Arts
The transdisciplinary New Media major is a course of study designed to engage students from all fields in an exploration
of new and emergent media, preparing them for achievement and scholarship in multifarious new media environments.
The program fosters learning to manage change in media, creating effective expressions (communications, creative
works, applications) in digital environments, and exploring the interrelationship of new media with other fields of study
to understand the relationships between technology and culture. The major involves options for courses in art, business,
communication, computer science, education, English, music, political science, and more. Students are encouraged to
double major and select a concentration in Game Design, Promotional Communication, or Web Design or design a path
of study as approved by the program advisor.
Required of all New Media Majors:
NMS 220 - Foundations of New Media
NMS 242/ENL 242 - Electronic Literature
COM 415 - Advanced Critical Media Studies
POL 371 - Internet Law
NMS 399 - Internship
or NMS 375 Practicum
or Internship, Practicum, or Workshop in Concentration
NMS 490 - Vocation and New Media
or Keystone in Concentration
Four courses or 16 credits from the new media electives list:
ART 102 - Design
ART 124 - Graphic Design Production: InDesign (1cr)
ART 125 - Graphic Design Production: Illustrator (1cr)
ART 126 - Graphic Design Production: Photoshop (1cr)
ART 133 - Introduction to Digital Photo
ART 180 - Intro to Community-based Photography
ART 201 - Introduction to Graphic Design
ART 202 - Typography
ART 215 - Introduction to Web Design
ART 226 - Artist Workshop (1cr)
ART 315 - Graphic Systems
ART 340 - Digital Imaging
COM 243 - Studio Production
CSC 250 - Game Programming on the Web
CSC 431 - Intro to AI Robotics
CSC 495 - Topics: Mobile Applications
EDC 220 - Educational Technology
ENL 221 - Intermediate Expository Writing about the Arts
ENL 226 - Introduction to Creative Writing
ENL 228 - Broadcast and Online Journalism
ENL 229 - Screenwriting
ENL 241 - Introduction to Cinema Art
ENL 290 - Explorations in Language and Theory
ENL 324 - Creative Non-Fiction
ENL 371 - History of Cinema
ENL 427 - Advanced Studies in Media, Ethics, and Theory
FLM 180 - Film, Sight, and Sound
FLM 240 - Animation
FLM 260 - Documentary Production I
FLM 495 - Topics: Producer
INS 330 - Art Praxis: Social Justice Theory and Practice in the Field
INS 331 - Art and Culture in Political, Social and Historical Context
MUS 221 - Intro to Music Technology
MUS 272 - Human Identity through the Creative Arts
MUS 336 - Arts Management and Concert Promotion
NMS 230 - Social Media
NMS 260 - New Media Production
NMS 295 - Topics in New Media
NMS 320 - Contemporary New Media Practices
NMS 495 - Topics in New Media
NMS 499 - Independent Study
PHI 260 - Philosophy and the Arts
PHY 261 - Electronics
POL 342 - Mass Communication and Society
POL 495 - Impact of the Internet
RLN 216 - Religion and Science in Popular Culture
New Media Concentration in Promotional Communication
This concentration emphasizes the importance of understanding message, purpose, goals, and audience to make
effective use of new media technologies.
Students are required to take the New Media core and four of the following courses:
COM 120 - Mass Media and Popular Culture
COM 480 - Public Relations/Promotional Communication
ENL 228 - Broadcast and Online Journalism
ENL 427 - Advanced Studies in Media, Ethics, and Theory
NMS 230 - Social Media
NMS 260 - New Media Production
NMS 320 - Contemporary New Media Practices
New Media Concentration in Game Design
This concentration emphasizes the social significance of computational problem solving within the game narrative and
game-based environments.
Students are required to take the New Media core and the follow courses:
CSC 240 - Networking and Communications
CSC 250 - Game Programming on the Web
Two from the following:
CSC 373 - Symbolic Programming and Artificial Intelligence
CSC 495 - Mobile Applications
CSC 431 - Intro to AI Robotics
New Media Concentration in Web Design
This concentration emphasizes visual design, interactivity, and web development. Students will obtain a foundation in
design, learn coding, and obtain valuable skills in understanding the impact of such on society.
Students are required to take the New Media core and the following courses:
ART 124 - Graphic Design Production: InDesign
ART 127 - Graphic Design Production: HTML/CSS
ART 201 - Introduction to Graphic Design
ART 202 - Typography
ART 215 - Introduction to Web Design
ART 315 - Graphic Systems
POL 495 - Impact of the Internet
New Media Minor
Four core courses:
NMS 220 - Foundations of New Media
NMS 242/ENL 242 - Electronic Literature
COM 415 - Advanced Critical Media Studies
POL 371 - Internet Law
Two courses or 8 credits from the new media elective list.
Departmental Honors
Departmental Honors is designed to encourage overall excellence as well as outstanding achievement on a specific
project of special interest to the student. Departmental Honors students must maintain a 3.25 GPA in the major and a
3.00 GPA overall, and, as part of their major program, complete a substantial independent project of honors quality
(COM 499/FLM 499/NMS 499 registration). Honors candidates should meet with their faculty advisor prior to their
senior year to develop a proposal for the honors project.
Graduation Skills
The Critical Thinking (CT), Speaking (S), and Writing (W) graduation skills are embedded throughout the offered courses
and are met by completing the major. The graduation skill in Quantitative Reasoning (QR) is met by completing the
following courses: COM 281 (QF) and COM 352 (QFA) for Communication Studies majors and one of MAT 163, MAT 164
or PHY 119 for Film and New Media majors.
Note: For transfer students, at least three of these six courses must be courses offered at Augsburg.
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
Computer Science
The Department of Computer Science at Augsburg strives to give students a sound theoretical and practical foundation
in computer science. We offer both a BA and a BS major. The coursework provides students a strong foundation in
computer science, with emphasis on concepts rather than applications. We encourage students to strengthen their
coursework by electing an internship, undergraduate research experience, or cooperative education experience. Our
location in the Twin Cities provides us with an excellent resource of such experiences for students, and allows them to
add practical applications to their education.
Computer Science Faculty
Larry Crockett, Erik Steinmetz
Degree and Major Requirements
Computer Science Major, Bachelor of Arts
CSC 160 - Introduction to Computer Science and Communication
CSC 170 - Introduction to Programming
CSC 210 - Data Structures
CSC 240 - Introduction to Networking and Communications
CSC 320 - Algorithms
CSC 345 - Principles of Computer Organization
CSC 385 - Formal Logic and Computation Theory
CSC 450 - Programming Languages and Compilers I
CSC 451 - Programming Languages and Compilers II
MAT 114 - Precalculus (or MPG 4)
MAT 171 - Discrete Mathematics for Computing (recommended)
or MAT 145 Calculus I
Two electives from:
CSC courses above 200
PHY 261 - Electronics
MIS 475 - Systems Analysis and Design
MAT 355 - Numerical Mathematics and Computation
At least one elective must be an upper division course.
Graduation Skills
The Critical Thinking (CT), Quantitative Reasoning (QR,) and Writing (W) graduation skills are embedded throughout the
offered courses and are met by completing the major. The Speaking (S) graduation skill is met by MAT 201, COM 111 or
115 (115 recommended) or a sequence of courses and presentations approved in consultation with the Computer
Science department. Consult your faculty advisor for details.
Transfer students must consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill each of
these skills.
Computer Science Major, Bachelor of Science
CSC 160 - Introduction to Computer Science and Communication
CSC 170 - Introduction to Programming
CSC 210 - Data Structures
CSC 240 - Introduction to Networking and Communications
CSC 320 - Algorithms
CSC 345 - Principles of Computer Organization
CSC 385 - Formal Logic and Computation Theory
CSC 450 - Programming Languages and Compilers I
CSC 451 - Programming Languages and Compilers II
MAT 145 - Calculus I
MAT 146 - Calculus II
Two courses from:
MAT 245 - Calculus III
MAT 246 - Linear Algebra
MAT 271 - Discrete Mathematical Structures (recommended)
MAT 369 - Modeling and Differential Equations in Biological and Natural Sciences
And three electives from:
CSC courses above 200
PHY 261 - Electronics
MIS 475 - Systems Analysis and Design
MAT 355 - Numerical Mathematics and Computation
At least two electives must be upper division courses.
Graduation Skills
The Critical Thinking (CT), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), and Writing (W) graduation skills are embedded throughout the
offered courses and are met by completing the major. The Speaking (S) graduation skill is met by: MAT 201, COM 111 or
115 (COM 115 recommended), or a sequence of courses and presentations approved in consultation with the Computer
Science Department. Consult your faculty advisor for details.
Transfer students must consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill each of
these skills.
Computational Economics
The Computational Economics major has been designed to serve students with need for some basic understanding of
computer science and economics. The major requires six courses from Computer Science, six from Economics, and a
required capstone independent study. Students interested in this major should consult with the faculty in Computer
Science, in Economics, or one of the coordinators.
Jeanne Boeh, Department of Economics
Major in Computational Economics
MAT 145 - Calculus I
CSC 160 - Introduction to Computer Science and Communication
CSC 170 - Introduction to Programming
CSC 210 - Data Structures
CSC 240 - Introduction to Networking and Communications
or CSC 320 - Algorithms
or CSC 352 - Database Management and Design
CSC 345 - Principles of Computer Organization
ECO 112 - Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 113 - Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 312 - Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECO 313 - Intermediate Microeconomics
ECO 315 - Money and Banking
ECO 318 - Management Science
CSC/ECO 499 - Independent Study
Graduation Skills
The Speaking (S), Critical Thinking (CT), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), and Writing (W) graduation skills are embedded
throughout the offered courses and are met by completing the major. Transfer students must consult an advisor about
potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill each of these skills.
Computational Philosophy
Computational Philosophy emphasizes areas of interest in which philosophy and computer science overlap: logic,
artificial intelligence, cognitive science, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of language. The major requires seven
courses from computer science, six from philosophy, and a required capstone topics course. Students interested in this
major should consult with the faculty in computer science, in philosophy, or one of the coordinators.
David Apolloni, Department of Philosophy
Major in Computational Philosophy
MAT 171 - Discrete Mathematics for Computing
or MAT 145 - Calculus I
CSC 160 - Introduction to Computer Science and Communication
CSC 170 - Introduction to Programming
CSC 210 - Data Structures
CSC 320 - Algorithms
CSC 373 - Symbolic Programming and Artificial Intelligence
CSC 385 - Formal Logic and Computation Theory
PHI 241 - History of Philosophy I: Ancient Greek Philosophy
PHI 242 - History of Philosophy II: Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy
PHI 343 - History of Philosophy III: Early Modern and 19th-Century Philosophy
PHI 344 - History of Philosophy IV: 20th-Century Philosophy
PHI 365 - Philosophy of Science
PHI 410 - Topics in Philosophy
or CSC 495 - Advanced Topics in Computer Science
One upper division elective in philosophy
Graduation Skills
The Speaking (S), Critical Thinking (CT), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), and Writing (W) graduation skills are embedded
throughout the offered courses and are met by completing the major.
Transfer students must consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill each of
these skills.
Departmental Honors
GPA of 3.50 in Computer Science major courses, GPA of 3.10 overall, and an independent study project.
Computer Science Minor
Six courses including CSC 160, 170, 210, 345, one additional upper division Computer Science course, and one of MAT
171 or MAT 145.
Course Grading
A course must be completed with a grade of C- or higher to be counted as completing a major or minor requirement.
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
Culture and Social Justice Minor
The Culture and Social Justice minor is an interdisciplinary program committed to engaging students with the histories,
struggles, knowledge, and agency of marginalized groups throughout our global society. Drawing on the diversity of
current and past voices from the Augsburg neighborhood, the minor connects local and national efforts to larger global
struggles for justice. The program explores the interplay of experiences that form and reform the current landscapes of
globalization, including Indigenous origins, diaspora, immigration, the impact of colonialism, postcolonialism, and
neocolonialism, cross-cultural and multicultural integration, and cultural thrivance. The interdisciplinary character of this
minor helps students develop professional skills for working across cultures and disciplinary audiences, enhances writing
and speaking skills for multicultural audiences, and provides preparation for the increasingly diverse and globalized
Andrew Aoki and Elise Marubbio
Minor Requirements
A total of six courses – one introductory course, four cluster courses, and one capstone course – are required. No more
than two classes from the same department can count toward the minor. At least 2 courses must be upper division. No
class can fulfill a requirement in more than one area. Courses noted with an asterisk have prerequisites.
One introductory course:
AIS 105 - Introduction to American Indian Studies
ANT 141 - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
CCS 100 - Introduction to Cultural Studies
Four courses are required from the four clusters:
Theory cluster: Courses from this cluster will help students develop the ability to use a variety of theoretical approaches
to understanding globalization and marginalization. One course is required.
AIS 208 - Native American Women and Film
AIS 364 - Indigenous Filmmakers
COM 329 - Intercultural Communication
PSY 261 - Personality and Cultural Context
SOC 240 - Protest and Social Change: Sociology of Social Movements
SOC 265 - Race, Class, and Gender
SOC 290 - Cultures of Violence
THR 245 - Introduction to Asian and Asian American Theater
WST 305* - Introduction to Queer Studies
WST 315 - Margins as Center: Feminist Theory
WST 324* - Liberationist, Feminist, Queer, and Postcolonial Theologies in Latin America
Local community cluster: Students will be able to describe the histories, politics, and cultures of the communities in
which Augsburg resides, and be able to explain how those communities have been shaped by and responded to
marginalization. One course is required.
AIS 105 - Introduction to American Indian Studies
AIS 205 - Contemporary American Indians
AIS 332 - Native American Storytelling
ENL 355* - Themes in American Indian Literature
POL 122 - Social Justice in Urban America
National cluster: Courses in this cluster will help students be able to explain the ways that the United States has been
constructed from a variety of cultures, and the economic, political, and social consequences of that. One course is
AIS 105 - Introduction to American Indian Studies
AIS 205 - Contemporary American Indians
AIS 264 - American Indian in the Cinema
AIS 320 - American Indian Women
AIS 332 - Native American Storytelling
ART 290/390 - Native American Art
ENL 250* - American Voices
ENL 251* - Introduction to African American Literature
ENL 255* - American Indian Literature
ENL 350* - Readings in African American Literature
ENL 365* - Contemporary Post-Colonial Fiction
HIS 236 - American Indian History
HIS 241, 242, 243 - African American History
POL 282 - Asian American Politics
THR 270 - Introduction to Black Theater
Global cluster: Courses in this cluster will help students be able to describe issues and question that cross national
boundaries, and the ways that people around the world are adapting to changing environments. One course is required.
AIS 305/490† - Indigenous Issues of the Americas [Travel seminar]*
ART 100† - special topic on pottery & spirituality; taught in Guatemala*
ART 231 - Pre-Columbian, Colonial, and Contemporary Mexican Art
HIS 150/350 - Latin American History
HIS 155/355 - Cultural Conflict and Change in Latin America
HIS 162/462 - Contemporary South Asia
HIS 327† - Racism and Resistance in Southern Africa and the United States*
HIS 357†* - Mexican History, Culture, and Cosmovision
POL 158 - Introduction to Political Science
POL 359* - Topics: Gender and Globalization
POL 459* - Topics in Comparative Politics
SPA 332* - Latin American Civilizations and Culture
WST 250 - Global Perspectives on Gender and Sexuality
WST 335†* - Contemporary Latin American Women
WST 341†* - Globalization, Social Struggles, and the Environment
CGE programs in Mexico, Namibia, and Guatemala can count toward 1 class requirement.
Note: Courses marked with a dagger (†) are not offered in the United States. Some are offered through the Center for
Global Education at one of their international locations, while others may be done through a study abroad seminar.
Courses marked with an asterisk have one or more prerequisites.
One capstone course:
In this capstone to the minor, students will review the connections between local, national, and global dynamics, and be
able to describe the ways that people around the world adapt to the forces of globalization, and the role that those
forces play in creating or reinforcing pressures of marginalization.
AIS 405: Indigenous Activism and Resistance in the Americas
INS 495: Topics
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
The Department of Economics offers a program that stresses a strong theoretical background, quantitative analysis, and
an emphasis on national and international issues. Students who graduate with an economics major are well prepared to
continue their education in a variety of fields or to work successfully in business and government because of the strong
liberal arts emphasis within the major.
The department offers six majors: Economics, Applied Economics, Mathematical Economics, Business and Economics,
Computational Economics, and Economics and Political Science (Education majors only).
The Economics major and the Applied Economics majors lead to careers in the business world or government. The
Mathematical Economics major is designed for students who intend to attend graduate school in economics or another
quantitative field such as finance or operations research. It is also designed to serve students to work in quantitative
fields immediately upon graduation, e.g., research analysts or actuaries. Computational Economics provides a liberal arts
entry into the field of computer science. The combined Economics/Business Administration major allows students great
flexibility in order to explore both fields. Finally, the teaching major in Political Science/Economics allows secondary
education licensure students to obtain a solid background for teaching economics.
The study of economics provides a firm foundation for confronting change because it presents a disciplined way to
analyze and make choices. An Economics major prepares students for community leadership and leads to a great
diversity of career opportunities including law, teaching, journalism, and private and public international service. Pre-law
and potential Master of Business Administration students are especially encouraged to consider Economics as a major or
a minor.
Students are able to combine an Economics major with other disciplines such as Business Administration, International
Relations, Mathematics, Management Information Systems, Political Science, History, and area study programs.
Students who are interested in any type of quantitatively-oriented graduate program in economics or in business are
encouraged to either major or minor in Mathematics. These students should also take courses in Computer Science.
Consult an advisor for specific course suggestions.
For the Economics and Applied Economics majors, the capstone experience is ECO 490 - Research Methods in
Econometrics. Students in other majors should consult their advisor for alternatives. Internships are recommended.
Students must consult with the department chair and the Strommen Center before registering for an internship for
academic credit.
Note: Transfer students must complete at least three upper division economics courses for a major and two for a minor.
Transfer classes must have been completed in the last 10 years with at least a C- grade.
Economics Faculty
Keith Gilsdorf (Chair), Jeanne Boeh, Stella Hofrenning
Degree and Major Requirements
Major in Economics, BA
ECO 112- Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 113 - Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 312 - Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECO 313 - Intermediate Microeconomics
ECO 490 - Research Methods in Econometrics
Three four-credit upper division economics electives
MIS 379 - Quantitative Methods for Business and Economics and MIS 260 - Problem Solving for Business
or MAT 163 - Introductory Statistics or MAT 164 – Introductory Statistics for STEM
MAT 114 - Precalculus
or MAT 145 - Calculus I
or MAT 146 - Calculus II
Graduation Skills
Graduation skills in Critical Thinking (CT), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), Speaking (S), and Writing (W) are embedded
throughout the offered courses and are met by completing the major. Transfer students must consult an advisor about
potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill each of these skills.
Major in Applied Economics, BA
ECO 112 - Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 113 - Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 312 - Intermediate Macroeconomics
or ECO 315 - Money and Banking
ECO 313 - Intermediate Microeconomics
ECO 318 - Management Science
ECO 350 - Labor Economics
ECO 360 - International Economics
ECO 490 - Research Methods in Econometrics
ECO 399 - Internship Program
or ECO 499 - Independent Study
MIS 379 - Quantitative Methods for Business and Economics and MIS 260 - Problem Solving for Business
or MAT 163 - Introductory Statistics or MAT 164 – Introductory Statistics for STEM
ENL 223 - Writing for Business and the Professions
PHI 120 - Ethics
or PHI 125 - Ethics and Human Identity
Graduation Skills
Graduation skills in Critical Thinking (CT), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), Speaking (S), and Writing (W) are embedded
throughout the offered courses and are met by completing the major.
Transfer students must consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill each of
these skills.
Major in Computational Economics, BA
See Computer Science.
Combined Major in Economics and Business Administration, BA
Five Economics courses and supporting courses in other departments:
ECO 112 - Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 113 - Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 312 - Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECO 313 - Intermediate Microeconomics
ACC 221 - Introduction to Financial Accounting
ACC 222 - Introduction to Managerial Accounting
BUS 242 - Principles of Management
or BUS 200 - Exploring Business as a Vocation
MKT 252 - Principles of Marketing
FIN 331 - Financial Management
or MIS 379 - Quantitative Methods for Business and Economics and MIS 260 - Problem Solving for Business
One four-credit upper division Economics course elective
One four-credit upper division Business elective
Graduation Skills
Graduation skills in Critical Thinking (CT), Speaking (S), and Writing (W) are embedded throughout the offered courses
and are met by completing the major. The Quantitative Reasoning (QR) graduation skill can be met by completing two
courses: (1) ECO 112 or 113 (QF) and (2) MIS 379 or ECO 318 or ECO 490 (QA). Consult your department chair or
academic advisor if you wish to choose an alternative approach to meeting the QR graduation skill.
Transfer students must consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill each of
these skills.
Major in Mathematical Economics, BS
ECO 112 - Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 113 - Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 312 - Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECO 313 - Intermediate Microeconomics
ECO 416 - Mathematical Economics
ECO 490 - Research Methods in Econometrics
MAT 145 - Calculus I
MAT 146 - Calculus II
MAT 245 - Calculus III
MAT 246 - Linear Algebra
MAT 373 - Probability Theory
MAT 374 - Statistical Theory and Applications
MAT 324 - Analysis
or MAT 369 - Modeling and Differential Equations in the Biological and Natural Sciences
or MAT 377 - Operations Research
Two four-credit upper division economics course electives
Recommended Courses:
CSC 160 - Introduction to Computer Science and Communication
CSC 170 - Introduction to Programming
Graduation Skills
Graduation skills in Critical Thinking (CT), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), Speaking (S), and Writing (W) are embedded
throughout the offered courses and are met by completing the major.
Transfer students must consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill each of
these skills.
Teacher Licensure Major
The State of Minnesota has specific licensing requirements for teachers that may differ slightly in emphasis from the
Augsburg major requirements. The state requirements may also be subject to change after publication of this catalog.
Students, therefore, should consult with the Augsburg Department of Education to identify current Minnesota teacher
licensure requirements.
Teaching Major in Political Science and Economics
See Political Science.
Departmental Honors
GPA of 3.50 in the major and 3.00 overall; a senior thesis and comprehensive oral examination in the major field of
Minor in Economics
ECO 112 - Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 113 - Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 312 - Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECO 313 - Intermediate Microeconomics
One additional four-credit upper division economics course
Other configurations may be permitted by consulting with the department chair.
Note: Students who plan to major in the department are strongly encouraged to select a faculty advisor as soon as
possible in order to carefully plan their program of study.
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
The Department of Education maintains liberal arts-based teacher education programs that are approved by the
Minnesota Board of Teaching. These programs lead to recommendation for licensure to the State of Minnesota for:
Elementary (grades K-6)
Secondary—grades 5-12 in communication arts/literature, health, mathematics, and social studies; grades 9-12 in
life science, chemistry, and physics
K-12 licenses in visual arts, physical education, music, English as a Second Language (ESL) and the NEW special
education: Academic Behavioral Strategist (ABS) license. (Note the ESL and ABS programs are available in weekday
evening program only*)
General Science (5-8) initial license
Optional endorsements for a K-6 elementary license include, mathematics (grades 5-8), general science (grades 5-8),
social studies (grades 5-8), or communication arts/literature (grades 5-8).
Program Availability
Degree and/or licensure programs are available in both the Day and AU (weekday evening*) programs. Augsburg
Undergraduate (AU) degree and licensure programs are limited to elementary, secondary communication arts/literature
and social studies, and K-12 visual arts, ESL and ABS. Additional licensure programs are available through the Day
program and open to AU students who can take courses on a weekday schedule. All prerequisite courses, elementary
core courses, and professional education courses are available on a weekday evening schedule*. P-12 field service
requirements associated with courses and student teaching must be completed during regular P-12 school hours. All
students must have some time available each term for field service in P-12 educational settings.
Graduate Master of Arts in Education
A graduate level licensure option is available in the AU* program to those already holding a BA/BS degree. Graduate
courses taken for licensure can be applied to a Master of Arts degree in Education (MAE).
Licensure only
Students who have completed a BA/BS degree may complete a licensure only program within the day or AU*
undergraduate program. Contact the Education Department or the Office of Admissions for information.
Program Overview
Students in all degree and/or licensure programs must apply for acceptance into the licensure program prior to
beginning most 300-400 level courses. (EDC 310 may be taken prior to admission). All students are required to meet the
statutory requirements for a skills exam in reading, writing and math. The Minnesota Basic Skills requirement may be
met by providing passing scores on one of the three test batteries (NES, SAT, or ACT Plus Writing). Additional criteria for
acceptance into the Education Department are available through the department website. Students complete a
semester of full-time student teaching at the conclusion of their degree and/or licensure. Students must complete the
EdTPA during their student teaching semester. State law requires passing appropriate exams (basic skills, pedagogy, and
content exams) prior to recommendation for licensure. Students who entered Augsburg University under earlier
catalogs must comply with the requirements of the new licensure programs.
The Education Department offers non-licensure majors in Elementary Education and Education Studies. Contact the
department for details. The department also offers a Special Education minor which is described at the end of this
Students are assigned an Education Department program advisor upon request or at the outset of EDC coursework. All
students are expected to become knowledgeable about programs and follow through with department policies.
Handbooks outlining programs and policies are available through the Education Department and website.
Student Teaching Abroad
Selected Education Department students may participate in an international student teaching program. Those interested
in further information should contact the Education Department at least one year prior to student teaching. Students
who teach abroad will do part of their student teaching in the Twin Cities area under direct Augsburg faculty
supervision. In addition to gaining Education Department approval for student teaching abroad, students must apply
through the Study Abroad and Study Away Office in the Center for Global Education and Experience.
Education Faculty
Margaret Finders (Chair), Joseph Erickson, Jennifer Diaz, Jeanine Gregoire, Audrey Lensmire, Rachel Lloyd, Cari Maguire,
Susan O’Connor, Donna Patterson, Christopher Smith, Barbara West, Terrance Kwame-Ross, Joaquin Munoz, Kaycee
Rogers, Jason Lukasik
Elementary Education
Major and Licensure Requirements
Elementary Education majors are required to complete the following non-major and major courses. To be licensed they
must also complete a student teaching experience. Degree-seeking students follow the Bachelor of Science Liberal Arts
Foundation requirements.
Non-departmental Core Courses
These requirements should be taken during freshman/sophomore year; many of these courses will also fulfill liberal arts
ENL 111 - Effective Writing
HPE 115 - Chemical Dependency Education
Math sequence for students
(Do NOT take if seeking 5-8 math endorsement.) MPG 3 pre-requisite.
MAT 137 - Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I (fall)
MAT 138 - Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II (spring)
Science sequence for students
(Do NOT take if seeking 5-8 general science endorsement.)
Option A is for Day students who do not have college-level science courses in their background.
BIO 102 - The Biological World or ENV 120 - Environmental Science
PHY 203 - Physics and Earth Science for Elementary Education Teachers
Option B is for weekday, AU*, and/or transfer students with at least one college-level science course accepted in
transfer, or for weekday students who have already started this sequence.
PHY 203 - Physics and Earth Science for Elementary Education Teachers
EED 203 - Physical Science for Elementary Teachers (summer session, Time 1 only) and EED 200 - Elementary Education
Earth Science (summer session, Time 2)
BIO 102 - The Biological World or ENV 120 - Environmental Science
Option C (Rochester only).
SCI 110 - Natural Science I (Physical Science)
SCI 111 - Natural Science II (Biological and Earth Science)
Major Courses
Foundations Block I
EDC 200 - Orientation to Education in an Urban Setting**
EDC 210 - Diversity in the School or EDC 110 - Teaching in a Diverse World (Freshman only)
and EDC 211 - Minnesota American Indians
or EDC 206 - Diversity/Minnesota American Indians
EDC 220 - Educational Technology
EED 225 - Foundations of Literacy
Foundations Block II
EDC 310 - Learning and Development in an Educational Setting
Methods Block I (Courses from this point on require admission to the department)
EED 311 - K-6 Methods: Health
EED 312 - K-6 Methods: Physical Education
EED 325 - K-6 Methods: Literacy
EED 326 - Elementary Reading K-6 Field Experience**
EED 386 - K-6 Methods: Children’ Literature
Methods Block II
EED 336 - Advanced Literacy Methods**
EED 341 - K-6 Methods: Art
EED 342 - K-6 Methods: Music
EED 350 - K-6 Methods: Mathematics**
EED 360 - K-6 Methods: Science**
EED 370 - K-6 Methods: Social Studies/Thematics
EED 380 - Kindergarten Methods**
Capstone Block
EDC 410 - Learners with Special Needs**
EDC 490 - School and Society
Student Teaching Block
Student teaching is required for licensure. Students with an Elementary major who do not complete student teaching
can graduate through the Elementary Education non-licensure major.
EDC 481 - Student Teaching: Initial License (12-14 weeks)
EED 489 - Teacher Performance Assessment and Student Teaching Seminar
Endorsements (optional to add on to elementary license, secondary biology, chemistry, physics)
Communication Arts (5-8)
ENL 220 - Intermediate Expository Writing
ENL 240 - Introduction to Literary Study
COM 254 - Interpersonal Communication
or COM 329 - Intercultural Communication
or COM 351 - Argumentation
or COM 355 - Small Group Communication
EED 331 - Middle School Methods Writing
ESE 300 - Reading/ Writing in the Content Area**
ESE 350 - 5-12 Methods: Literature and Reading**
EDC 482 - Student Teaching: Endorsement
Social Studies (5-8th grade)
POL 121 - American Government and Politics
HIS 120 - America to 1848
or HIS 121 - 19th-Century United States
or HIS 122 - 20th-Century United States
ECO 113 - Principles of Microeconomics
HIS 103 - The Modern World
or HIS 104 - Decolonizing Asia and Africa
or PSY 105 - Principles of Psychology
or SOC 121 - Introduction to Sociology
or ANT 141 - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
ESE 220 - Introduction to Human Geography
ESE 300 - Reading/Writing in the Content Area**
ESE 311 - Middle School Methods: Social Studies**
EDC 482 - Student Teaching: Endorsement
Mathematics (5-8th grade)
MAT 114 - Precalculus (or MPG 4)
MAT 145 - Calculus I
MAT 163 - Introductory Statistics
or MAT 164 – Introductory Statistics for STEM
MAT 252 - Exploring Geometry
MAT 271 - Discrete Mathematical Structures
MAT 287 - History of Mathematics
ESE 300 - Reading/Writing in the Content Area**
ESE 331 - Middle School Methods: Mathematics**
EDC 482 - Student Teaching: Endorsement
General Science (5-8th grade)
BIO 102 - The Biological World
BIO 121 - Human Biology
CHM 115 - General Chemistry I
CHM 116 - General Chemistry II
PHY 116 - Introduction to Physics
SCI 106 - Introductory Meteorology
Geology - (take elsewhere—see Education Department for suggestions)
ESE 300 - Reading/Writing in the Content Area**
ESE 341 - Middle School Methods: Natural Science**
EDC 482 - Student Teaching: Endorsement
Graduation and Licensure/ Endorsement Requirements
A minimum GPA of 2.50 overall, 2.50 in the major, 2.00 in the specialty area, and grades of P in student teaching courses
are required for licensure as well as C or better in all required core, specialty, and education major courses. The
equivalent of two full courses graded P/N, plus student teaching, is the maximum allowed within the Elementary
Education major requirements.
Graduation skills in Critical Thinking (CT), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), Speaking (S), and Writing (W) are embedded
throughout the offered courses and are met by completing the major.
Transfer students must consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill each of
these skills.
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
K-12 English as a Second Language
The K-12 English as a Second Language (ESL) undergraduate major is available as an initial license as well as an
endorsement to an existing license. This license qualifies teachers to work with K-12 students for whom English is a
second language across a range of subject areas. A prerequisite to program admissions is two years of high school level
or one year of college level language instruction.
The K-12 ESL program is offered in a hybrid format with a mix of face-to-face and online instruction throughout the
semester. Program courses are offered in a weekday evening* framework during the academic year and summer
semester to make them accessible to working adults.
Major and Licensure Requirements
Required Non-major Courses:
HPE 115 - Chemical Dependency Education
ENL 111 - Effective Writing
Modern language pre-requisites (2 years high school or 1 year college language)
Required Education Courses for ESL:
EDC 200 - Orientation to Education in an Urban Setting**
EDC 210 - Diversity in the School or EDC 110 - Teaching in a Diverse World (Freshman only)
and EDC 211 - Minnesota American Indians
or EDC 206 - Diversity/Minnesota American Indians
EDC 220 - Educational Technology
EDC 310 - Learning and Development in an Educational Setting
EDC 410 - Learners with Special Needs**
ESE 325 - Creating Learning Environments **
EED 325 - K-6 Methods: Literacy
EED 326 - Elementary Reading K-6 Field Experience**
ESL Major Courses
ESL 310 - Second Language Acquisition
ESL 320 - Introduction to Linguistics
ESL 330 - History and Structure of the English Language
ESL 340 - ESL Literacy**
ESL 410 - ESL Testing and Evaluation
ESL 420 - ESL Methods **
ESL 490 - Language, Culture, and Schools (Keystone requirement)
EDC 483 - Student Teaching: Initial License in PE, Music, Art, or ESL
ESL 489 - Teacher Performance Assessment and Student Teaching Seminar
Graduation Skills
Graduation Skills in Critical Thinking (CT), Speaking (S), and Writing (W) are embedded throughout the offered courses
and are met by completing the major.
Transfer students must consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill each of
these skills.
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
Secondary Education
It is the responsibility of each student to meet all specific requirements of the Education Department and the subject
area major. Secondary and K-12 licensure students are expected to have advisors in both their subject area major and in
the Education Department. K-12 licensure is available in art, music, health and physical education. A 5-12 secondary
licensure program is available in communication arts/literature, mathematics, and social studies. A 9-12 secondary
licensure program is available in life science, chemistry, and physics with an additional general science endorsement for
grades 5-8.
Licensure requirements in the state of Minnesota for teaching in secondary schools are met through the Augsburg
University Education Department licensure program. These requirements are: bachelor’s degree, academic major in an
approved teaching area, and completion of an approved licensure program.
Consult with your subject matter advisor for Graduation Skills requirements in Critical Thinking (CT), Quantitative
Reasoning (QR), Speaking (S), and Writing (W).
Major and Licensure Requirements
Non-Departmental Requirements
ENL 111 - Effective Writing
HPE 115 - Chemical Dependency Education
Program Requirements
Foundations Block I
EDC 200 - Orientation to Education in an Urban Setting**
EDC 210 - Diversity in the School or EDC 110 - Teaching in a Diverse World (Freshman only)
and EDC 211 - Minnesota American Indians
or EDC 206 - Diversity/Minnesota American Indians
EDC 220 - Educational Technology
Foundations Block II
EDC 310 - Learning and Development in an Educational Setting
Courses from this point and on require admission to the Education Department.
Methods Block I
ESE 300 - Reading/Writing in the Content Area**
ESE 325 - Creating Learning Environments**
Methods Block II
ESE 3XX - K-12 or 5-12 Methods in Content Area**
Capstone Block
EDC 410 - Learners with Special Needs**
EDC 490 - School and Society
Student Teaching Block
EDC 481 - Student Teaching: Initial License (12-14 weeks)
or EDC 483 - Student Teaching: Initial License in PE, Music, Art, or ESL
ESE 489 - Teacher Performance Assessment and Student Teaching Seminar
A minimum GPA of 2.50 overall, 2.50 in education, 2.50 in the teaching major, and P (pass) in student teaching are
required for licensure. All required major, non-departmental requirements, and education program courses must have a
grade of C or better.
Art, Music, and Physical Education Licensure (K-12)
Students preparing for licensure in one of these areas follow the Secondary Education program even though they may
plan to teach at the elementary school level. A person with a major in one of these special areas will take three to four
courses in student teaching and do some student teaching at both the secondary and elementary levels. Note:
Recommendation for teacher licensure in music is granted only to students who successfully complete the requirements
for the Bachelor of Music Education major. Art, music, and physical education teacher education programs lead to
licensure for grades K-12. Students may no longer license in a minor field of study.
A graduate level licensure option is available through the AU* evening program. Licensure is obtained through a
combination of graduate and undergraduate credits. Contact the Education Department or the Undergraduate and
Graduate Admissions Offices for information.
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
Special Education: Academic Behavioral Strategist
The special education ABS major is available only through the AU* program. This major is ideally suited to people who
are currently working in schools with K-12 special education students. Students must complete field service
requirements in K-12 special education and general education mainstreamed settings as part of course and program
requirements; field service requirements are during the regular school times and calendar year.
A graduate-level licensure option is available through AU*. Licensure is obtained through a combination of graduate and
undergraduate credits.
Special Education Coordinator: Susan O’Connor
Major and Licensure Requirements
Special Education Major
Non-departmental core courses - These requirements should be taken during freshman/sophomore year; many of these
courses will also fulfill liberal arts requirements:
ENL 111 - Effective Writing
HPE 115 - Chemical Dependency Education
MAT 137 - Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I (MPG 3 prerequisite)
Required Education Courses for ABS:
EDC 200 - Orientation to Education in an Urban Setting**
EDC 210 - Diversity in the School or EDC 110 - Teaching in a Diverse World (Freshman only)
and EDC 211 - Minnesota American Indians
or EDC 206 - Diversity/Minnesota American Indians
EDC 220 - Educational Technology
EDC 310 - Learning and Development in an Educational Setting
EED 225 - Foundations of Literacy
(Students must be admitted to Education Department to take courses beyond this point)
EED 325 - K-6 Methods: Literacy
EED 326 - Elementary Reading K-6 Field Experience**
EED 336 - Advanced Literacy Methods**
EED 350 - K-6 Methods: Mathematics**
EED 360 - K-6 Methods: Science**
EDC 410 - Learners with Special Needs**
EDC 330 - Building the Public Good: Public Achievement and Organizing I
EDC 331 - Practicum in Public Achievement I
EDC 332 - Building the Public Good: Public Achievement and Organizing II
EDC 333 - Practicum in Public Achievement II
SPE 410 - Implementing Assessment Strategies
SPE 411 - Etiology and Theory of Mild to Moderate Disabilities
SPE 415 - Theory to Practice
SPE 425 - Transition and Community
SPE 430 - Instructional and Behavioral Practices
SPE 490 - Parent and Professional Planning
EDC 481 - Student Teaching: Initial License (12-14 weeks)
SPE 489 - Teacher Performance Assessment and Student Teaching Seminar
Graduation Skills
Graduation Skills in Critical Thinking (CT), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), Speaking (S), and Writing (W) are embedded
throughout the offered courses and are met by completing the major.
Transfer students must consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill each of
these skills.
Special Education Minor
The Special Education minor requires six courses (five plus one prerequisite psychology course) that encompass an
interdisciplinary perspective on the field of disability. The minor is designed to fit the needs of students in various
disciplines interested in disability issues. This minor is available through the weekday program.
Required courses:
EDC 410 - Learners with Special Needs**
EDU 491 - Practicum and Seminar in Special Education**
PSY 105 - Principles of Psychology
SOC 231 - Family Systems: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
Choose one from the following:
PSY 250 - Child Development
PSY 252 - Adolescent and Young Adult Development
PSY 253 - Aging and Adulthood
Choose one from the following:
PSY 357 - Behavior Analysis
PSY 359 - Assessment
SOC 265 - Race, Class and Gender
SWK 301 - History and Analysis of Social Policy
Interested students should contact the director of Special Education at the outset of coursework
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
Through the study of English we witness life’s complexity, experience life as others do, and thus better understand the
world in which we live and work. Literature helps us contemplate the pains and joys of human existence and allows us to
frame human events within diverse world views. Those who study English typically believe that an intense concern for
words, ideas, and images helps people understand who they are and who they can become. At the same time, the
English Department’s emphasis on writing helps our students to clarify and share their thoughts.
English relates closely to other majors. Like the other arts, English is concerned with the pleasure that comes from
artistic creation and with the contemplation of works of art. Like psychology and sociology, English is concerned with
individual and group behavior. Like philosophy, English is interested in ideas and in the relation between meaning and
language. Like science, English is interested in discovering order and determining structures. Like speech and
communication, English studies the effective use of language. Like history and the other social sciences and humanities,
English studies the way people have acted and thought at different times and in various cultures.
Augsburg’s English Department integrates its programs with cultural opportunities available in this vital urban area.
Plays, films, and readings are available near the campus, often within walking distance. English majors also have
opportunities to use and refine their skills by working in internships on and off campus, tutoring English Language
Learner (ELL) students, or tutoring in the Writing Lab.
Students who complete an Augsburg English major pursue careers in elementary, secondary, and college education,
journalism, government, law, the ministry, library science, medicine, advertising, public relations, publishing, writing,
and other professions and businesses.
English Faculty
Robert Cowgill (Chair), Stephan Clark, Douglas Green, Sarah Groeneveld, Dallas Liddle, John Schmit, Lindsay Starck,
Kathryn Swanson, Mzenga Wanyama, Cary Waterman
Degree and Major Requirements
Choosing a Concentration
Students majoring in English have the opportunity to choose one of three concentrations: literature, language, and
theory; creative writing; and secondary licensure in communication arts/literature.
While some of our courses explicitly address theoretical approaches to literature, especially those that examine race,
class, and gender, all of our courses infuse these concerns in their engagement with primary works of fiction, poetry,
creative nonfiction, film, and drama. All literature classes involve students in multiple forms of literary examination and
are taught by professors who love teaching and who love literature. Our classes develop and demand the skills of
aesthetic receptivity, perceptive and critical reading, open and clear speaking, and analytical and engaging writing—skills
of the educated and employable citizen.
English Major with a Literature, Language, and Theory Concentration
The Literature, Language, and Theory concentration provides students various approaches to the study of the written
word and visual text. Spotlight courses focus on specific authors, genres, or themes, and enable the discovery of new
literary experiences. Courses in African American, Native American, Asian American, and postcolonial literatures
reconfigure the nature of traditional literary studies. Survey courses in English, American, and world literatures are
organized by historical periods and provide a classically structured framework of study. Courses in literary theory
demand the intense and intellectually challenging engagement of text, culture, and self. The Literature, Language, and
Theory concentration offers courses of study cross-listed with American Indian Studies, Art, Communication Studies,
Film, Theater, and Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies.
This concentration requires nine courses above ENL 111, or HON 111, or ENL 112 including:
ENL 220 - Intermediate Expository Writing
or ENL 221 - Intermediate Expository Writing About the Arts
At least two 200-level literature courses as prerequisites for upper division courses in English. No more than two 200level literature courses may count for the major.
At least five 300-level courses, with one each in British literature, American literature, and world literature.
At least one 400-level course. Any 300-level course serves as a prerequisite for the 400-level.
Minor in Literature, Language, and Theory
Five courses above ENL 111, or HON 111, or ENL 112 are required, including:
ENL 220 - Intermediate Expository Writing
or ENL 221 - Intermediate Expository Writing About the Arts
Four literature, language, and theory courses, three of which must be upper division courses.
English Major with a Creative Writing Concentration
The English Creative Writing concentration helps students develop professional writing skills by focusing their efforts in
the creative modes: poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, playwriting, and screenwriting. Over the course of the major,
students master terminology; engage the field’s aesthetic and ethical issues; and read and study the works of
established writers. The creative writing concentration expands competencies in observation, research, and analysis that
enable writers to gather and interpret material from a variety of sources and perspectives for their work; it attends
particularly to the artistic aspects of the writer’s craft, such as form, affect, and revision. English majors in Creative
Writing engage the interdisciplinary demands inherent in literary endeavors, including issues of design, and enhance
their appreciation of the aesthetic possibilities inherent in the writing life.
Creative Writing courses are taught by dedicated professors, who are themselves practicing writers. The writing
concentration offers courses of study cross-listed with Art, Communication Studies, and Theater.
To complete this concentration students must take 10 courses above ENL 111, or HON 111, or ENL 112, including three
literature, language, and theory courses. At least one of these must be at the 300-level or higher.
ENL 220 - Intermediate Expository Writing
or ENL 221 - Intermediate Expository Writing About the Arts
ENL 226 - Introduction to Creative Writing
ENL 320, 321 - Fiction One, Fiction Two
or ENL 322, 323 - Poetry One, Poetry Two
ENL 420 - Advanced Studies in Writing (Keystone)
ART 215 - Introduction to Web Design
or ART 201 - Introduction to Graphic Design
One elective from:
ENL 227 - Journalism
ENL 228 - Broadcast and Online Journalism
ENL/FLM 229 - Screenwriting
ENL 320 - Fiction One
ENL 322 - Poetry One
ENL 324 - Creative Non-Fiction
ENL/THR 325 - Playwriting I
ENL 396 - Internship in Teaching Writing
ENL 397/399 - Internship
An approved ACTC creative writing course
Minors in Writing
A minor with an open emphasis requires five writing courses above ENL 111, or HON 111, or ENL 112, including at least
one course from the 200-level and two from the 300-level.
A minor with a creative emphasis requires five writing courses above ENL 111, or HON 111, or ENL 112 and must include
ENL 226, and at least three upper division creative writing courses, two of which must be a 300 two-course writing
Communication Arts/Literature Teacher Licensure Major
The Communication Arts/Literature Teacher Licensure concentration is for students who seek to be licensed to teach
communication arts/literature in Minnesota. Students are encouraged to take courses toward their major during the
first and sophomore years and to apply for the education licensure program no later than the spring of their junior year.
Students in both programs must work with advisors in the English Department and the Education Department in order
to meet the professional requirements within the Education Department as well as the requirements for the major.
Should licensure not be possible, graduation can be achieved through an English major, which requires at least two
additional, specific courses, or through a communication studies major.
Prerequisite: ENL 111, or HON 111, or ENL 112
Major Requirements (eight courses in English):
ENL 220 - Intermediate Expository Writing
ENL 240 - Introduction to Literary Study
ENL 365 - Contemporary Post Colonial Fiction
ENL 380 - Introduction to the English Language
ENL 396 - Internship in Teaching Writing
One upper division ENL British literature course
One upper division ENL American literature course
One additional ENL literature, language, or theory course chosen from ENL360, 361, 362, 367, 368, 371, 385, 394, 410,
and 430
Experiential Requirement (no credit):
One college-level experience required in forensics, debate, newspaper, literary journal, or related activity (subject to
departmental approval)
Additional Courses (outside the English Department):
COM 111 - Public Speaking
COM 254 - Interpersonal Communication
COM 351 - Argumentation
One of COM 120, COM 243, or POL 342
Special Methods (two courses):
ESE 350 - 5-12 Methods: Literature and Reading
ESE 351 - 5-12 Methods: Speaking and Listening
Additional ESE and EDC courses are required for licensure. See the Education Department section for a listing of
secondary education licensure requirements. In addition to consulting your designated ENL advisor, contact an
Education Department advisor for information about education courses.
Graduation Skills
Graduation Skills in Critical Thinking (CT), Speaking (S), and Writing (W) are embedded throughout the offered courses
and are met by completing the major.
Transfer students must consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill each of
these skills.
The Quantitative Reasoning (QR) graduation skill is met by completing the following courses:
GST 200, MAT 163, MAT 164, or PHY 119
Departmental Honors
GPA of 3.5 in the major and 3.0 overall; submit proposal to department chair by early October in senior year for
department approval. Submit and defend paper before faculty committee. Honors project may receive independent
study credit (refer to departmental guidelines).
Transfer Students
Note: Transfer undergraduate English majors must take at least three of their English courses at Augsburg. Transfer
students who minor in English must take at least two of their English courses at Augsburg.
Transfer English education students with a BA in English from another college must take at least three of their English
courses at Augsburg (preferably upper division courses). These courses must be taken before the department can
recommend a student for student teaching.
The English Placement Test
A writing sample is required of students to determine their placement in an appropriate writing class. Students having
completed AP (Advanced Placement) courses in composition must have a score of 4 or 5. Students who need to develop
competence in composition skills—such as stating and supporting a thesis, organizing clearly, and constructing
paragraphs and sentences—are required to enroll in Developmental Writing (ENL 101) where they receive more
individual instruction than is possible in Effective Writing (ENL 111). These students must pass Developmental Writing
(ENL 101) with a grade of P, C-, or higher before enrolling in Effective Writing (ENL 111).
Note: Students should register for ENL 101 during the first semester of attendance if possible. ENL 111, 112, or HON 111
should be completed, if possible, during the first year.
Students in Developmental Writing (ENL 101), Effective Writing (ENL 111), HON 111, or ENL 112 can elect the traditional
grading system or P/N grading in consultation with their instructor up through the last week of class (without special
Service Courses
The department offers these service courses for students as required by a placement test.
Literature, Language, and Theory Courses
The 200-level courses in the literature, language, and theory track of the English major develop foundational
competencies in reading and interpreting literary texts, and provide opportunities for diverse literary discovery. These
courses require ENL 111, or HON 111, or ENL 112 as a prerequisite or co-requisite.
Upper Level Courses
The 300-level courses in the literature track in English concentrate on primary texts in historical and cultural contexts.
These courses ask students to practice interpreting literary texts by employing techniques, terminology, and research
methods of the discipline, resulting in effective and substantive expository writing about the subject. Unless otherwise
indicated, students must take ENL 220 or 221 (see writing courses), or one 200-level literature, language, or theory
course, or gain consent of the instructor as a prerequisite.
The 400-level literature, language, and theory courses emphasize scholarship, criticism, and theory, and ask students to
write and speak professionally about literary texts. Any 300-level literature course or permission of the instructor serve
as a prerequisite for the 400-level. One 400-level course must fulfill the keystone requirement.
Writing Courses
Note: First day attendance in all writing courses is mandatory for a student to hold their place in the course.
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
Environmental Studies
Environmental Studies is the interdisciplinary investigation of human relations with the natural world. The program
pursues a multifaceted examination—across the natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, and professional studies—
of the interdependence shared by people and nature. It provides an understanding of the material world as well as the
ecological, social, and cultural processes and problems that bind that world together. Through the study of politics,
biology, literature, chemistry, social work, economics, communications and history, Environmental Studies students
focus on the most pressing local, regional, national, and global issues of our day.
Augsburg University’s location in the city offers a particular opportunity for the close study of complex urban
environments. Although many equate environmental issues with rural areas, most people live in cities. Urban residents
shape nature in innumerable ways, including through energy, food, and water consumption; transportation; and
industrial production. In turn, cities often serve as the settings in which environmental injustice flourishes. With that in
mind, Augsburg’s Environmental Studies program fosters the simultaneous study of ecological quality and social justice.
The program provides undergraduate training leading to a BA or a minor in Environmental Studies. Upon completion of
the program, students will be able to comprehend ecological processes, recognize the many and varied forms of nature
in the city, distinguish stakeholders’ interests in policy debates, decipher the context and variety of human experiences
in nature, identify inequities in the access to and use of natural resources, and articulate responses grounded in multiple
disciplinary insights to current urban environmental challenges. Drawing on their experiences in settings as diverse as
the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood, the upper Mississippi River Valley, and Mexico, graduates of the program pursue
vocations in nonprofit organizations, government policy and planning positions, law and graduate school, education,
ministry, and corporate settings.
Environmental Studies Faculty
Christina Erickson (Social Work), Matthew Beckman (Biology), Kristen Chamberlain (Communication Studies), Lars
Christiansen (Sociology), Z. Vivian Feng (Chemistry), Nancy Fischer (Sociology), Keith Gilsdorf (Economics), David Hanson
(Chemistry), Joan Kunz (Chemistry), Michael Lansing (History), Emily Schilling (Biology/Environmental Studies), Joseph
Underhill (Political Science Director), John Zobitz (Mathematics).
Degree and Major Requirements
Environmental Studies Major
Standard Track Requirements
Core courses:
ENV 100 - Environmental Connections
ENV 120 - Environmental Science
SWK 210 - Environmental Justice and Social Change
POL 241 - Environmental and River Politics
or ENV 310 - Environmental Politics Field Seminar
or POL 325 - Politics and Public Policy
or POL/WST 341 - Globalization, Social Struggle and the Environment (CGE)
or SOC 381 - City and Regional Planning
COM 260 - Environmental Communication
or RLN 333/WST 313 - Environmental Theology and Ethics (CGE)
HIS 316 - Nature, Cities, and Justice: U.S. Urban Environmental History
ECO 365 - Environmental Economics
ENV Internship (ENV 396, 397, 398, or 399)
ENV 492 - The City and Environment Keystone
or ENV 490 - Environmental Studies Independent Project (Keystone)
Biology requirements:
BIO 151 - Introductory Biology
BIO 152 - Ecology, Evolution and Diversity
BIO 481 - Ecology
Chemistry requirements:
CHM 115 - General Chemistry I
CHM 116 - General Chemistry II
HECUA Track Requirements
ENV 100 - Environmental Connections
SWK 210 - Environmental Justice and Social Change
COM 260 - Environmental Communication
or RLN 333/WST 313 - Environmental Theology and Ethics (CGE)
HIS 316 - Nature, Cities, and Justice: U.S. Urban Environmental History
INS 345, INS 346, INS 399 - (HECUA Environmental Sustainability Semester, four courses: Adaptive Ecosystem
Management; Social Dimensions of Environmental Change, Field/Research Methods and Investigation, Internship and
Integration Seminar)
ENV 492 - The City and Environment Keystone
or ENV 490 - Environmental Studies Independent Project (Keystone)
Biology requirements:
BIO 151 - Introductory Biology
BIO 152 - Ecology, Evolution, and Diversity
BIO 481 - Ecology
Chemistry requirements:
CHM 115 - General Chemistry I
CHM 116 - General Chemistry II
Environmental Studies Minor
Five courses:
ENV 100 - Environmental Connections
ENV 120 - Environmental Science
Complete three courses from at least two of the four divisions:
COM 260 - Environmental Communication
ENL 270 - Themes
HIS 316 - Nature, Cities, and Justice: U.S. Urban Environmental History
RLN 333/WST 313 - Environmental Theology and Ethics (CGE)
Social Sciences
ECO 365 - Environmental Economics
ENV 310 - Environmental Politics Field Seminar
POL 241 - Environmental and River Politics
POL 325 - Politics and Public Policy
POL/WST 341 - Globalization, Social Struggle and the Environment (CGE)
SOC 380 - Disaster and Resilience
Professional Studies
SWK 210 - Environmental Justice and Social Change
Natural Sciences
BIO 152 - Evolution, Ecology, and Diversity
BIO 481 - Ecology
CHM 115 - General Chemistry I
Graduation Skills
Graduation skills in Critical Thinking (CT), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), Speaking (S), and Writing (W) are embedded
throughout the offered courses and are met by completing the major.
Transfer students must consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill each of
these skills.
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies
The Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies program provides students with the opportunity to examine critically
women’s contributions and experiences in various historical and cultural contexts. This is an inter-college program with
course offerings at Augsburg University, Hamline University, St. Catherine University, and the University of St. Thomas.
Courses are drawn from many disciplines and combine theoretical, practical, and research components that focus not
only on gender, but also acknowledge that race, class, and sexual identity are crucial aspects of women’s experiences.
The Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies program offers both a major and a minor, and provides students with
academic preparation for careers in human services, education, and social work as well as graduate study.
Adriane Brown (director), Kristin M. Anderson, Janelle Bussert, Kristin Chamberlain, Sarah Combellick-Bidney, Ankita
Deka, Jacqueline deVries, Grace B. Dyrud, Darcey Engen, Nancy Fischer, Doug Green, Milda Hedblom, Sophia Jacobsen,
Michael Lansing, Barbara Lehmann, Lynne Lorenzen, Mary Lowe, Ann Lutterman-Aguilar, M. Elise Marubbio, Kathleen
McBride, Sarah Myers, Norma Noonan, Pary Pezechkian-Weinberg, Timothy Pippert, Beverly J. Stratton, Kathryn
Swanson, James Vela-McConnell, Mzenga Wanyama
Degree and Major Requirements
Ten courses that must include:
WST 201 - Introduction to Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies
WST 315 or another mid-level course in feminist theory selected from an approved list
WST 485 - Senior Seminar
WST 199/399 - Internship
The remaining six electives are to be selected from approved Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies courses, and
should include one course with a racial, ethnic, or global emphasis and one course with a sexuality emphasis. At least
three of the six electives must be upper division courses. Students may take courses at any of the colleges participating
in the Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies program. However, at least three courses must be completed at
Each student’s program must have the written approval of the Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies program
Both majors and minors are encouraged to participate in one of the gender-focused semester study abroad programs
offered through Augsburg’s Center for Global Education. Two programs have been pre-approved for Gender, Sexuality,
and Women’s Studies credit: Crossing Borders: Gender and Social Change in Mesoamerica (offered fall semester) and
Migration and Globalization: Engaging Our Communities (offered spring semester).
Graduation Skills
The Speaking (S), Writing (W), and Critical Thinking (CT) graduation skills are embedded at all levels and are met by
completing the major. The Quantitative Reasoning (QR) graduation skill can be met by completing GST 200 or MAT 163
or MAT 164. Transfer students must consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements to
fulfill each of these skills.
Minors and Concentrations
Students majoring in Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies can pursue a concentration in Sexuality and/or Global
Women’s and Gender Studies. A concentration will be noted on the transcript at the point of graduation, not a minor.
Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies Minor
Five courses that must include WST 201; WST 315; and three electives, one of which must be upper division. Courses
may be taken from the other ACTC colleges as well as Augsburg. Each student’s program must have the written approval
of the Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies Program Coordinator.
Sexuality Studies Minor or Concentration
The 20-credit minor/concentration in Sexuality Studies offers students the opportunity to explore the history, social
construction, and physiology of sexuality and to examine the cultural meanings of gender, sexual orientation, and sexual
practice on a global level. Students are required to take three core courses plus two electives (one of which must be
upper division), as follows:
Core Courses in Sexuality Studies:
WST 201 - Introduction to Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies
SOC 266 - Sociology of Sexualities
WST 305 - Introduction to Queer Studies
Elective Courses in Sexuality Studies:
WST 250 - Global Perspectives on Gender and Sexuality
WST 315 - Margins as Center: Feminist Theory
HPE 316 - Human Sexuality
WST 281/481 - Topics
Global Women’s and Gender Studies Minor or Concentration
The 20-credit minor/concentration in Global Women’s and Gender Studies offers students the opportunity to focus on
women’s roles, experiences, and worldviews in a global context. Students are required to take three core courses plus
two electives (one of which must be upper division), as follows:
Core Courses in Global Women’s and Gender Studies:
POL 359 - Topics: Women in Comparative Politics
WST 201 - Introduction to Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies
WST 315 - Margins as Center: Feminist Theory
Elective Courses in Global Women’s and Gender Studies:
WST 250 - Global Perspectives on Gender and Sexuality
WST 281/481 - Topics
WST 313 - Environmental Theology and Ethics (CGE)
WST 341 - Globalization, Social Struggles and the Environment (CGE)
WST 357 - Mexican History, Culture and Cosmovision (CGE)
WST 362 - Walking the Truth: Culture, Gender and Millennium Development Goals in Sub Saharan Africa
WST 366 - Latin American Liberation Theologies (CGE)
AIS 208/408 - Native American Women and Film
AIS 233 - Women: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
AIS 305 - Indigenous Issues of Central America
AIS 320 - American Indian Women
ENL 365 - Contemporary Post Colonial Fiction
HIS 195 - Topics in History: Promoting Justice and Seeking Equality - Globalization and Women’s Grassroots Movements
in Latin America
Students are strongly encouraged to study abroad or to take at least one travel seminar.
Transfer Students
Students who transfer to Augsburg University and wish to complete a major or minor in Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s
Studies are urged to consult with the director of Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies immediately upon transfer.
The Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies program has an articulation agreement with Century College and with
Inver Hills Community College that governs students from these institutions with a Women’s Studies certificate who
transfer to Augsburg. Transfers from other colleges and universities must consult with the director of Gender, Sexuality,
and Women’s Studies for approval of courses for the major or minor.
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
Health, Physical Education, and Exercise Science
All students at Augsburg University will interact at some point during their experience with the Department of Health,
Physical Education, and Exercise Science. Departmental goals include providing quality experiences and preparation for
careers in education and allied health and fitness professions, along with an education that leads to lifelong participation
in wellness activities. The department ensures that all students - recreational participants as well as student athletes will find ample opportunity for developmental activities.
The Physical Education program prepares students for careers in physical education endeavors in schools and in allied
The Health Education program prepares students for careers in school health education, wellness, and allied
professions. This program offers a comprehensive view of wellness that examines prevention and promotion needs for
individuals, schools, and the community.
The Exercise Science program prepares students with practical application of the knowledge needed to become a health
fitness or community health professional. Interested students will also be prepared to move on to graduate or
professional school in allied health professions such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, athletic training, and
chiropractic studies.
Eileen Kaese Uzarek (Chair), Chris Brown, Anthony Clapp, Carol Enke, Jill Everett, Aaron Griess, Melissa Lee, Michael
Navarre, Ana Ribeiro, Eric Rolland, Missy Strauch, Nathan Tenut , Kassondra Valek, Steve Verlennich, Jackie Voigt
Degree and Major Requirements
Health Education Major
HPE 104 - Components of Fitness Training
HPE 110 - Personal and Community Health
HPE 114 - Health and Safety Education
HPE 115 - Chemical Dependency Education
HPE 215 - Health and Exercise Psychology
HPE 316 - Human Sexuality
HPE 320 - School Health Curriculum
HPE 357 - Measurement in Health, Physical Education and Exercise Science
HPE 358 - Assessment in Health and Physical Education
HPE 390 - Instructional Methods and Materials in Health Education
HPE 410 - Administration and Supervision of the School Health Program
HPE 450 - Current Health Issues
BIO 103 - Human Anatomy and Physiology
PSY 250 - Child Development
or PSY 252 - Adolescent and Young Adult Development
Graduation Skills
Graduation skills in Critical Thinking (CT), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), Speaking (S), and Writing (W) are embedded
throughout the offered courses and are met by completing the major.
Transfer students must consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill each of
these skills.
Health Education Minor
HPE 104 - Components of Fitness Training
HPE 110 - Personal and Community Health
HPE 114 - Health and Safety Education
HPE 115 - Chemical Dependency Education
HPE 316 - Human Sexuality
HPE 320 - School Health Curriculum
HPE 390 - Instructional Methods and Materials in Health Education
HPE 450 - Current Health Issues
BIO 103 - Human Anatomy and Physiology
(The Minnesota Board of Teaching does not license minors in teaching.)
Teaching Licensure
The Minnesota Board of Teaching has specific licensing requirements for teachers that may be subject to change after
the publication of this catalog. It is the responsibility of the student to consult with the Augsburg Education Department
to identify current Minnesota teacher licensure requirements.
A Bachelor of Science degree is available for students seeking teacher licensure. Students must consult with a faculty
advisor concerning the Augsburg Core Curriculum requirements under the Bachelor of Science option.
All students seeking teaching licensure must receive a minimum grade of C in all required courses with an HPE prefix.
Physical Education Major
HPE 104 - Components of Fitness Training
HPE 114 - Health and Safety Education
HPE 115 - Chemical Dependency Education
HPE 205 - Introduction to Health, Physical Education, and Exercise Science
HPE 220 - Motor Learning and Development
HPE 254 - Introduction to Developmental/Adapted Physical Education
HPE 275 - Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries
HPE 324 - K-6 PE Games and Activities
HPE 334 - 7-12 Sport Skills and Activities
HPE 335 - Outdoor Education
HPE 340 - Organization and Administration of Physical Education Programs
HPE 350 - Kinesiology
HPE 351 - Physiology of Exercise
HPE 357 - Measurement in Health, Physical Education, and Exercise Science
HPE 358 - Assessment in Health and Physical Education
HPE 473 - Physical Education Curriculum
BIO 103 - Human Anatomy and Physiology
Graduation Skills
Graduation skills in Critical Thinking (CT), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), Speaking (S), and Writing (W) are embedded
throughout the offered courses and are met by completing the major.
Transfer students must consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill each of
these skills.
Physical Education Minor
HPE 104 - Components of Fitness Training
HPE 115 - Chemical Dependency Education
HPE 205 - Introduction to Health, Physical Education, and Exercise Science
HPE 324 - K-6 PE Games and Activities
HPE 334 - 7-12 Sport Skills and Activities
HPE 351 - Physiology of Exercise
(The Minnesota Board of Teaching does not license minors in teaching.)
Coaching Certification
The Minnesota Board of Teaching does not require coaching certification. The following courses are recommended for
those interested in coaching in Minnesota public schools:
HPE 114 - Safety Education
HPE 275 - Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries
HPE 280 - Coaching Theory
The Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) requires all head varsity coaches of interscholastic sports to complete
a coaching effectiveness program offered through the MSHSL.
Teaching Licensure
The Minnesota Board of Teaching has specific licensing requirements for teachers that may be subject to change after
the publication of this catalog. It is the responsibility of the student to consult with the Augsburg Education Department
to identify current Minnesota teacher licensure requirements.
A Bachelor of Science degree is available for students seeking teacher licensure. Students must consult with a faculty
advisor concerning the Augsburg Core Curriculum requirements under the Bachelor of Science option.
All students seeking teaching licensure must receive a minimum grade of C in all required courses with an HPE prefix.
Exercise Science Major, BA
HPE 104 - Components of Fitness Training
HPE 110 - Personal and Community Health
HPE 114 - Health and Safety Education
HPE 115 - Chemical Dependency Education
HPE 205 - Introduction to Health, Physical Education, and Exercise Science
HPE 215 - Health and Exercise Psychology
HPE 220 - Motor Learning and Development
HPE 275 - Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries
HPE 300 - Nutrition for Exercise Science
HPE 304 - Advanced Fitness Training
HPE 305 - Stress Management
HPE 315 - Exercise Testing and Prescription
HPE 350 - Kinesiology
HPE 351 - Physiology of Exercise
HPE 357 - Measurement in Health, Physical Education, and Exercise Science
HPE 397/399 - Internship in Exercise Science
HPE 450 - Current Health Issues
HPE 452 - Advanced Biomechanics
HPE 490 - Exercise Science Seminar and Keystone
BIO 103 - Human Anatomy and Physiology
Exercise Science Major, BS
Pre-Health Science Track
This major is available for those wishing to satisfy the prerequisites for graduate school in exercise science allied
professions such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, athletic training, and chiropractic.
HPE 104 - Components of Fitness
HPE 110 - Personal and Community Health
HPE 114 - Health and Safety Education
HPE 115 - Chemical Dependency Education
HPE 205 - Introduction to Health, Physical Education, and Exercise Science
HPE 215 - Exercise and Health Psychology
HPE 275 - Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries
HLTH 345 - Nutrition for Health (St. Thomas)
HPE 304 - Advanced Fitness Training
HPE 305 - Stress Management
HPE 315 - Exercise Testing and Prescription
HPE 350 - Kinesiology
HPE 351 - Physiology of Exercise
HPE 357 - Measurement in Health, Physical Education, and Exercise Science
HPE 397/399 - Internship
HPE 450 - Current Health Issues
HPE 490 - Exercise Science Seminar and Keystone
Supporting courses:
BIO 151 - Introductory Biology
BIO 152 - Evolution, Ecology and Diversity
BIO 253 - Introductory Cellular Biology
BIO 353 - Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
BIO 473 - Animal Physiology
CHM 115 and CHM 115L- General Chemistry I and Lab
CHM 116 and CHM 116L - General Chemistry II and Lab
EXSS 4300 - Advanced Biomechanics (St. Catherine)
MAT 114 - Precalculus
INDI 2220 - Medical Terminology (St. Catherine)
HPE 220 - Motor Learning and Development
PHYS 1080 - Physics for Health Science I (St. Catherine)
PHYS 1090 - Physics for Health Science II (St. Catherine)
PSY 105 - Principles of Psychology
PSY 215 - Research Methods and Statistics I
PSY 262 - Abnormal Psychology
Graduation Skills
Graduation skills in Critical Thinking (CT), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), Speaking (S), and Writing (W) are embedded
throughout the offered courses and are met by completing the major.
Transfer students must consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill each of
these skills.
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
History is to society what memory is to an individual; it brings to a civilization an understanding of its identity. The
distinguished medievalist J.R. Strayer expressed it this way: “No community can survive and no institution can function
without constant reference to past experience. We are ruled by precedents fully as much as by laws, which is to say that
we are ruled by the collective memory of the past. It is the memory of common experiences that makes scattered
individuals into a community.”
The study of history enables us to deal more knowledgeably with continuity and change in society. The construction of
an informed sense of our past is a fundamental ingredient in appreciating and understanding the present as well as
anticipating the future. History majors are prepared to be active and contributing members of their society. The study of
history, which has long held a major role in the liberal arts, is an entry to elementary and secondary education, graduate
study in many fields, and a wide range of employment opportunities that require abilities in communication,
conceptualization, and processing of information.
History Faculty
Michael J. Lansing (Chair), Phillip C. Adamo, Jacqueline deVries, William Green, Maheen Zaman
Degree and Major Requirements
History Major
Nine courses, including HIS 280 and HIS 480. At least four of these courses must be upper division. A major must have at
least one course (either survey or upper level) from each of the four areas: ancient and medieval, modern Europe,
United States, and non-Western.
History Area Courses
Ancient and Medieval: HIS101, 102, 360, 361, 369, 370, 374, 378, or HUM120
Modern Europe: HIS102, 103, 282, 348, 352, or 354
United States: HIS120, 121, 122, 225, 234, 236, 241, 242, 243, 249/349, 300, 316, 331, 332, 335, 336, 338, or 343
Non-Western: HIS104, 140/440, 150/350, 155/355, 162/462, 323, 327, 346, 357, or 474
Graduation Skills
The Critical Thinking (CT) graduation skill is embedded throughout the offered courses and is met by completing the
major. Speaking (S) and Writing (W) skills are also developed throughout the major, but are given special emphasis in
the following courses (both required for majors):
S: HIS 480
W: HIS 280 and HIS 480
The Quantitative Reasoning (QR) graduation skill may be fulfilled by taking HIS 369, GST 200, MAT 145, MAT 146,
MAT163, or PHI 230.
Teaching Licensure
The State of Minnesota has specific licensing requirements for teachers that may differ slightly in emphasis from the
Augsburg major requirements. The state requirements may also be subject to change after publication of this catalog.
Students therefore should consult with the Augsburg Department of Education to identify current Minnesota teacher
licensure requirements.
Five courses, at least three of which must be upper division.
Departmental Honors
GPA of 3.6 in the major and 3.0 overall; except in special instances, application before the end of the first term of the
junior year; two years of a foreign language at the college level (or its equivalent); an honors thesis (equal to four
credits) to be defended before a faculty committee.
Other Requirements
First-year students should enroll in one or more 100-level courses. 200-level courses are normally reserved for
sophomore or upper division students. Upper division courses are numbered 300 and above.
Satisfactory completion of a lower division course (100- or 200-level) is normally required before enrolling in an upper
division course (300- and 400-level). See instructor for permission to waive prerequisites.
Transfer Students
Transfer students planning a major must normally take at least three of their courses at Augsburg including HIS 280 and
480. A minor normally requires two courses taken at Augsburg.
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
Honors Program – HON
The Augsburg Honors Program offers an adventurous education where students with a passion for ideas can be their
best. We offer a friendly and welcoming atmosphere for students committed to an exceptional higher education.
Augsburg’s Honors Program is unlike any other honors program in the nation because it gives students the resources
and freedom to build their own ideal higher education. Students have the opportunity to create their own courses, edit
and write for the Honors Review of Undergraduate Scholarship, belong to an Honors House, and learn through small
reading groups, research projects, and travel around the world.
Each Honors course has been specifically created for Honors students, and includes a challenging “signature experience”
such as writing a play, putting great books on trial, or attending music, theater, and art performances. Honors courses
bring in professors from several different departments so students can learn from talented professors teaching their
For information, contact the Honors Desk at, (612-330-1560) or Phil Adamo, Honors Program
director, at
Honors Program Recognition
Students who complete the Honors Program requirements receive special transcript notation, special graduation
recognition, résumé-building positions, and special access to academic advising and career options.
Honors Admission Requirements and Academic Scholarships
Students with a demonstrated record of achievement are eligible to enter the Augsburg Honors Program. Prospective
students may demonstrate achievement in a variety of ways. Most students who are admitted have a composite ACT
score of 27 or higher (or a combined SAT score of 1250 or higher), and a high school GPA of 3.50 or higher. However,
students without these numeric requirements may be eligible if they have exceptional records of extracurricular activity
or other exceptional experiences. All students are encouraged to apply. To apply, students should fill out the online
application at
Students applying for the Honors Program also automatically apply for the University’s highest academic scholarships:
the President’s, Honors Regents’, International President’s, and Hanwick/Agre Scholarships.
Qualifying Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, College in the Schools, and Postsecondary Option courses
may satisfy Honors Program requirements, and/or be granted credit. Contact Academic Advising or the Honors Program
director for further information.
Students may enter the Honors Program at any point in their academic career, so long as they have the time left to
complete the 28 credits needed to satisfy the Honors requirements. This usually means by the start of their junior year.
All Honors students must complete the three required, 4-credit courses (HON 120, HON 130, and HON 490), and the
junior colloquium (HON 340).
Honors Program Requirements
All Honors students must complete the University’s General Education core requirements, including RLN 100, RLN
200, ENL 111, and two Liberal Arts Foundation (LAF) courses in each of the four disciplinary areas (Humanities, Fine
Arts, Social and Behavioral Science, Natural Science and Mathematics). Unless exempt, Honors students must also
fulfill the foreign language and physical education requirements.
Some Honors courses, both required and elective, may also satisfy Gen Ed requirements. Students should use this
circumstance to their advantage where it helps them toward degree completion. For example, students may take
HON 100, HON 200, or HON 111 to fulfill the Gen Ed requirements met by RLN 100, RLN 200, or ENL 111,
At the same time, exemption from certain Gen Ed requirements does not mean exemption from Honors
requirements. For example, students may be exempt from the Humanities LAF, but this does not make them exempt
from taking HON 130-Liberating Letters, which all Honors students must take, usually in their first year.
In order to graduate with the Honors Program distinction, all Honors students must participate in a substantial
research process. This may be accomplished in a variety of ways, including HON 260 Honors Review, HON 470
Independent Research Collaboration, and URGO summer research.
All Honors students must complete 28 credits in Honors to meet the Honors requirements for graduation.
Students may transfer up to 8 credits from another institution toward their total of 28 Augsburg Honors credits.
Transfer credits may come from AP, IB, PSEO, or other courses, through pre-established reciprocity agreements,
participation in a chapter of the PTK community college honors society, or a portfolio of leadership activities. All
transfer credits are subject to the approval of the Honors director. (This effectively means that some students may
only take 20 Honors credits at Augsburg.)
Honors Co-Curricular Activities
Honors Houses
All Honors students must belong to an Honors House for the purpose of receiving academic advising and program
information. All Honors students are required to attend mandatory meetings of the Honors Program or of their houses.
These meetings are necessary for advising, information, and governance. When students enter the Honors Program they
choose to join one of the four Honors Houses:
The Crockett Scholars House coordinates scholarship, research, fellowship, major award or prize opportunities, and
graduate school placement for all Honors students. Crockett House also organizes scholarship events.
The Pike Stewards House coordinates public relations, job placement, and fundraising opportunities for all Honors
students. Pike House also organizes events for alumni and fundraising.
The Griffin Citizens House coordinates recruiting, social activities, admission and scholarship applications, and the
Honors website opportunities for all Honors students. Griffin House also organizes events for recruiting and
socializing, such as banquets, parties, and high school recruiting trips.
The Hesser Servants House coordinates service-learning, social justice, experiential learning, and political activity
opportunities for all Honors students. Hesser House also organizes related events, such as Honors service days and
Augsburg experiences.
Augsburg Honors Review
Students manage, edit, write, and publish an interdisciplinary journal of undergraduate scholarship. The Review accepts
submissions from students at Augsburg and other colleges and universities around the nation.
Student Leadership Opportunities
Students elected to leadership within their Honors House may serve as house presidents or serve in other program
leadership positions. The house presidents sit on the Honors Student Presidents Council and make critical decisions
about program courses and resources.
Student-Created Learning Experiences (SCLE)
Honors students may learn through established courses or through student-created learning experiences. These
student-created experiences may substitute for Honors curricular requirements, or may simply enrich a student’s
education. Such student created experiences may count toward requirements in majors and satisfy Honors
requirements, or simply be an elective course.
Student-created learning experiences may take almost any form. Some possible forms include:
Student-created courses (created in collaboration with faculty)
Full course (10-20 students)
Reading Groups (29 students)
Individual Reading and Examination (individual study)
Student/Faculty Research (may be one or many students)
Process: A student-created learning experience may be proposed by any Honors student or by any Augsburg faculty or
staff person. The interested student should speak with either an Honors Council member or the Honors Program
director. Next, a proposal should be drafted in accord with the Honors student-created learning experience form. Finally,
the proposal should be submitted by the student to the Honors Program director who will carry the proposal to the
Honors Council for review.
Honors Curriculum
These courses may best be taken in the order listed below, but can be taken out of order if scheduling conflicts require
First year at Augsburg: Fall
Required course:
HON 120 - Scholar Citizen (includes theater lab, satisfies speaking skill and critical thinking skill requirements)
Electives that also satisfy Gen Ed requirements:
HON 100 - Religion, Vocation, and the Search for Meaning I
First year at Augsburg: Spring
Required course:
HON 130 - Liberating Letters (also satisfies humanities LAF and speaking skill)
Electives that also satisfy Gen Ed requirements:
HON 111 - Effective Writing for Liberating Letters (also satisfies effective writing requirement)
Subsequent years at Augsburg
Required course:
HON 340 - Junior Colloquium (taught over two semesters by the Honors Director; P/N grading, fulfills Honors Grants,
Fellowships, and Awards application requirement)
Electives that also satisfy Gen Ed requirements:
HON 200 - Religion, Vocation, and the Search for Meaning II
HON 220 - Scholar Scientist (satisfies non-lab natural sciences and mathematics LAF and quantitative reasoning skill
HON 230 - Arts and the City (satisfies fine arts LAF)
HON 240 - Science, Technology, and Citizenship (satisfies natural sciences and mathematics lab LAF)
HON 250 - Social Scientist (satisfies social and behavioral sciences LAF)
Other Electives:
HON 380 - Student Created Learning Experience (1, 2, or 4 credits)
HON 499 - Independent Study (1, 2, or 4 credits.
These may be fulfilled by one summer of URGO research, independent study within a department, an internship within a
department, or completing a departmental honors project.) All HON 499 courses are subject to the approval of the
Honors director.
Certain courses cross-listed in other departments
Final year at Augsburg: Fall or Spring
Required course:
HON 490 - Honors Senior Seminar
As needed
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
Interdisciplinary Studies
Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies
The B. A. in Interdisciplinary Studies degree includes the following requirements:
A student must complete at least 40 credits for the major.
Within the 40 credit minimum, a student must complete 24 credits of 300- or 400-level courses and can only include
4 credits of 200-level language courses.
A student must select at least one concentration field of study and take at least 20 credits (including 12 credits at a
300- or 400-level) from that field of study (those from a single course prefix, for example AIS, or courses that are
typically part of a major in that field). If a student elects to have two concentration fields of study, the student will
take 20 credits (including 12 credits at a 300- or 400-level) from each of two fields of study (will have 20 credits from
each of two different course prefixes).
A student must also complete all core and signature curriculum requirements.
A student must complete a capstone and/or keystone as a culminating experience. (Credits for KEY 490 are not
included in the 40 credit total.) Options include:
o A capstone/keystone course in one of their concentration disciplines;
o An internship or faculty mentored research and KEY 490; or
o An independent study capstone experience and KEY 490.
A student must compile a portfolio of learning experiences that demonstrate the achievement of each of the
selected learning outcomes. A template for the portfolios will be developed by the faculty committee proposing this
major in consultation with the Director of Assessment and the Director of General Education by April 2017.
The name of the major noted on the transcript with by Interdisciplinary Studies, and the concentration(s) will be
noted on the transcript.
The faculty advisor will assist the student in determining which of the institutional learning outcomes align with the
proposed major. Each major will include at least 3 institutional student learning outcomes.
a. use appropriate methods to gather and analyze evidence, identify underlying assumptions, and evaluate
competing claims
b. construct coherent, polished and persuasive arguments, narratives and explications in written, oral and other
c. critically engage their own beliefs and articulate their gifts and goals for meaningful life and work in a pluralistic
d. identify the broad foundations for sustainable living and apply them in demonstrable ways
e. employ the fundamental principles of quantitative literacy to arrive at thoughtful judgments articulate and solve
problems in creative, analytical, and integrative ways
f. engage their communities and demonstrate a sense of agency to create change in ethical and informed ways
g. explain diverse positions and collaborate effectively across social, cultural and geographic differences in local
and global contexts
All Interdisciplinary Studies majors will include the following learning outcome.
h. demonstrate the ability to apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate theories and/or concepts from one or more
fields studied in depth
The student will work with one faculty member as their advisor and get input from other faculty as needed to develop a
major plan. Specialized training will be developed for faculty advisors who are working with students in this major
developed with input from Academic Advising, the Director of General Education, and the Director of Assessment.
Having one faculty advisor will ensure the consistency of the information for the student and can be accommodated by
our current academic management software. The major plan will be approved by the advisor, the department chair of
each concentration, and the Dean of Arts and Sciences or the Dean of Professional Studies before submission to the
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
International Relations
International Relations is an interdisciplinary major which provides students with the basis for informed global
citizenship, preparing them for graduate study or careers in foreign service, nonprofit organizations, or international
business. The student may focus on a discipline or geographic area of the world. The program consists of a core of seven
courses and six electives chosen from a wide list of offerings at Augsburg and other colleges. Students are encouraged to
consider foreign study opportunities; most of our majors do study abroad at some point during their time at Augsburg.
Competency in one foreign language is required, and some students study two languages. All majors complete a
significant senior research project and thesis on a topic of their own choosing, such as immigration, conflict resolution,
economic development, or climate change.
The goal of the program is to give students a broad exposure to international studies with considerable freedom to
choose options for specialization. Students often combine this major with a second major in History, Political Science,
International Business, or a foreign language. Numerous combinations of majors and minors are possible with the
international relations major.
Joseph Underhill
Degree and Major Requirements
International Relations Major
Required core courses:
ECO 112 - Principles of Macroeconomics
or ECO 113 - Principles of Microeconomics
HIS 103 - The Modern World
or HIS 104 - Decolonizing Asia and Africa
POL 158 – Introduction to Political Science
or POL 160 - World Politics
POL 490 - International Relations Keystone
or KEY 480 - Topics in Global Interdependence
Four terms (or equivalent) of college work in a modern language other than English
One of the following lower division electives:
ANT 141 - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
INS 225 - Introduction to Islam
POL 241 - Environmental and River Politics
SWK 230 - Global Peace and Social Development
WST 250 - Global Perspectives on Gender and Sexuality
or one additional upper division course from the list of required electives listed below.
Two of the following:
HIS 332 - History of United States Foreign Relations
POL 368 - Model United Nations
POL 459 - Topics: Comparative Politics
POL 461 - Topics: International Politics
Five of the following (not more than three from any one discipline may be counted toward the major):
BUS 362 - International Business
BUS 465 - International Management
COM 329 - Intercultural Communication
ECO 360 - International Economics
ECO 365 - Environmental Economics
ECO 370 - International Economic Development
ENV 310 - Environmental Politics Field Seminar
FIN 460 - International Finance
FRE 332 - French Civilization Today
GER 332 - German Civilization and Culture II
HIS 323 - Modern China
HIS 346 - Namibia and South Africa: A Historical Perspective
HIS 352 - The Holocaust in German History
HIS 354 - Modern Britain and Ireland
HIS 440 - Topics in World History
HIS 474 - World and the West
MKT 466 - International Marketing
POL 350 - Topics: European Politics
POL 459 - Topics: Comparative Politics
POL 483 - Political Statistics and Methodology
RLN 276 - World Religions
SPA 331 - Spanish Civilization and Culture
SPA 332 - Latin American Civilization and Culture
Seminars, independent study, topics courses, and courses at other colleges/universities can be considered here with the
approval of the program director, as well as a fourth term or higher of college work in a second foreign language.
Note: Only the fourth or higher term of language counts toward the major; prerequisite courses or competencies cannot
be credited toward the 13 required courses. Students should confer with the program director about regional and
disciplinary concentrations possible within the major; for example, a concentration in a geographic area or one of the
major disciplines in the program.
Graduation Skills
The Critical Thinking (CT) and Writing (W) graduation skills are embedded throughout the offered courses and are met
by completing the major. The graduation skill in Speaking (S) is met by completing ECO 365
The graduation skill in Quantitative Reasoning (QR) may be met by completing the IR elective POL 483 or MAT 163 or
MAT 164.
Transfer students must consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill each of
these skills.
International Relations Major with International Business Concentration
Required core courses of the International Relations major, three of the following courses:
BUS 362 - International Business
BUS 465 - International Management
FIN 460 - International Finance
MKT 466 - International Marketing
One of the following:
ECO 360 - International Economics
ECO 365 - Environmental Economics
ECO 370 - International Economic Development
One elective from the list of International Relations major electives, excluding other Business, Economics, and Marketing
Note: Several of the Business courses have prerequisites. Please consult the catalog and your academic advisor before
registering for one of the advanced courses.
Departmental Honors
GPA of 3.50 in the major; 3.00 overall. In addition to fulfilling the requirements for the major, the student must enroll in
an independent study (POL 499) course and complete an honors thesis no later than April 1 of the senior year and must
defend the thesis before a faculty committee. Students should declare their intention to complete an honors major by
the end of their junior year.
International Relations Minor
ECO 112 - Principles of Macroeconomics
or ECO 113 - Principles of Microeconomics
HIS 103 - The Modern World
or HIS 104 - Decolonizing Asia and Africa
POL 158 - Introduction to Political Science
or POL 160 - World Politics
HIS 332 - History of United States Foreign Relations
or POL 461 - Topics: International Politics
One year of modern language
Three courses from the list of required electives for the major
Not more than two courses from any department can count toward the minor.
Peace and Global Studies Minor
The Peace and Global Studies minor focuses on the centrality of justice, tolerance, and intercultural understanding in
moving toward a less violent world; it takes advantage of the campus resources of the Peace Prize Forum (co-hosted
each year by Augsburg University), the Center for Global Education, and the international diversity of our surrounding
neighborhoods. The minor is structured as a learning community that involves students, faculty, staff, and community
members; it focuses on experiential learning that emphasizes the interconnections between peace, justice, and
environmental sustainability. Students in the program draw on study abroad in taking local actions to address global
The minor consists of two required courses, two upper division electives, a senior keystone seminar, a study abroad
requirement, and participation in local peace-related activities. See International Relations program director for full
program description.
POL 160 - World Politics
SWK 230 - Global Peace and Social Development
Two upper division electives from:
ECO 365 - Environmental Economics
ECO 495 - Topics
ENL 365 - Contemporary Post-Colonial Fiction
HIS 332 - History of United States Foreign Relations
HIS 346 - Namibia and South Africa: A Historical Perspective
HIS 350 - Latin American History
INS 312 - The Politics of Development in Southern Africa
POL/WST 341 - Globalization, Social Struggles and the Environment
POL 353 - Political and Social Change in Namibia
RLN 333 - Environmental Theology and Ethics
RLN 336 - Latin American Liberation Theologies
RLN 376 - The Church and Social Change in Southern Africa
SOC 240 - Protest and Social Change: The Sociology of Social Movements
Other topics or study abroad courses with approval of program director
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
Languages and Cross-Cultural Studies
The Department of Languages and Cross-Cultural Studies at Augsburg University contributes in many ways to realizing
the University’s mission of providing liberal arts education for service in today’s world. The department is committed to
the view that education should go beyond career preparation and that familiarity with the language and culture of
another people is an essential step in the development of a truly global perspective.
The department offers language, literature, and culture courses leading to majors in French, German, and Spanish, as
well as an interdisciplinary major in Cross-Cultural Studies. Introductory courses in Latin, Ojibwe, and American Sign
Language are offered at Augsburg, and courses in Ancient Greek, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, and Portuguese are
available to Augsburg students through Augsburg’s four partner institutions in the Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities
(ACTC) consortium.
Knowledge of several languages, perhaps combined with the study of linguistics, is essential in preparing for careers in
second-language education and translation, but also represents a valuable special qualification in many other
professions. Students anticipating careers in international business, law, social work, the diplomatic corps, the health
professions, or the ministry may wish to take a second major or minor in languages. In addition, a minor in languages is a
valuable research tool for those intending to pursue graduate study in most academic disciplines.
Languages and Cross-Cultural Studies Faculty
Michael Kidd (Chair), Cédric Briand, Randi Cowmeadow, Sarah Degner-Riveros, Randy Gresczyk, Diane McDonagh, Kate
Reinhardt, Joseph Towle, John Van Cleve
Degree and Major Requirements
Language Major
CCS 100 - Introduction to Cultural Studies
9 courses above 211 including:
One course in literature
KEY 480 - Topics in Global Interdependence
A semester of study abroad (15 weeks) is required
Students are expected to take as many courses in the target language as possible. Other than CCS 100 and KEY 480, any
course taught in English must be approved by the advisor for credit toward the major.
Cross-Cultural Studies Major
The Cross-Cultural Studies major consists of three core courses, a language requirement, a study-abroad requirement,
and three electives, as specified below.
Core courses:
CCS 100 - Introduction to Cultural Studies
CCS 399 - Internship
KEY 480 - Topics in Global Interdependence
Language requirement:
Minor in French, German, or Spanish or completion of the 212 level in two different languages. Placement waivers of the
core skill in languages do not fulfill any part of the language requirement for the Cross-Cultural Studies major. Heritage
speakers must earn credit by examination for 212, if following the two-language path, or complete the coursework for a
minor in available languages (consult Academic Advising for testing in less commonly taught languages).
Study-abroad requirement (consult Augsburg Abroad for offerings):
One semester (15 weeks) on an approved study abroad program or two short-term international study experiences
approved by the department
Three upper-division courses in related areas. Courses must be chosen in consultation with the student’s academic
advisor and must include comparative study of a non-English speaking culture. Seminars, independent study, topics
courses, and courses at other colleges and universities can be considered here. No more than two courses may be
counted from a single department.
Graduation Skills
For all majors, the Critical Thinking (CT) graduation skill is embedded throughout the offered courses and is met by
completing the major. The graduation skills in Speaking (S) and Writing (W) are met by completing CCS 100 and KEY 480.
The Quantitative Reasoning (QR) graduation skill is met with one of the following courses: GST 200, HIS 369, MAT 111,
MAT 145, MAT 146, MAT 163, MAT 164, NUR 410, PHI 230, PHY 119, POL 483, or the QR from a second major.
Transfer students must consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill each of
these skills.
Language Minor
Four courses above 211
Students are expected to take all courses in the target language. Any course taught in English must be approved by the
advisor for credit toward the minor.
Departmental Honors
Majors seeking graduation with departmental honors must apply to the chair of the department in their junior year.
Requirements include a 3.50 GPA both in the major and overall, and an honors thesis written in the target language.
Any prerequisite must be completed with a minimum grade of C- or P.
Transfer Students
Transfer students intending to major or minor in languages must take a minimum of one upper division course per year
at Augsburg. See major/minor above for limits on non-Augsburg courses. Courses accepted for transfer must have been
taken within the past seven years.
Study Abroad
A semester of study abroad (15 weeks) is required for Language majors, and some study abroad is strongly
recommended for minors. See advisor for guidelines on portfolio documentation of coursework taken abroad. Majors in
Cross-Cultural Studies must complete a semester abroad (15 weeks) or two short-term international study experiences
approved by the department.
An advanced-level internship in the major language (399) or an interdisciplinary internship (INS 199) that links language
skills with community service and career exploration may be arranged pending faculty availability.
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
Leadership Studies Minor
The Leadership Studies minor is designed for students who are, and have been, engaged in leadership experiences and
to tie their experiences with the academic study of leadership.
Successful completion of the undergraduate minor in leadership will allow the student advanced standing in the MA in
Leadership program at Augsburg. They would not be required to take ML 505 Foundations and would only have to take
10 courses to complete the MA instead of 11.
Five courses are required for the minor: LST 205, LST 485 and three electives as specified below. Note: some of these
courses may have a prerequisite.
LST 205 - Introduction to Leadership Studies
LST 485 - Leadership Seminar: Integrating Leadership Theory and Practice
At least three electives chosen from the two core areas of leadership focus – communication and cultural competence in
organizations. At least one course from each area. Courses must be selected from at least two different departments.
Students must have a C- grade or above in all of the courses in the minor to qualify for graduation with the minor. Note:
some of these courses may have prerequisites.
Leaders must have skills in imparting or exchanging of information. Choose at least one of the courses below, or a
director approved elective:
COM 321 - Business and Professional Speaking
COM 345 - Organizational Communication
COM 355 - Small Group Communication
COM 480 - Public Relations/Promotional Communication
ENL 220 - Intermediate Expository Writing
ENL 385 - Language and Power
Director approved elective
Cultural Competence in Organizations
All leadership takes place within the context of an organization. Leaders should be able to understand, appreciate, and
interact with persons from cultures and/or belief systems other than their own within those organizations. Choose at
least one of the courses below, or a director approved elective:
COM 329 - Intercultural Communication
INS 359 - Political Sociology of Building Power, Change, and Equity
SOC 265 - Race, Class and Gender
SOC 349 - Organizations and Society: Understanding Nonprofits and Corporations
SWK 280 - Diversity and Inequality in Professional Practice
Approved CGEE Study Abroad Course
Director approved elective
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
Mathematics and Statistics
Mathematics is the study of structure and relationships and provides tools for solving a wide variety of problems.
Mathematical language describes our world from the perspectives of the natural, physical, and social sciences. Engaging
in mathematical thinking helps strengthen the problem solving and quantitative reasoning skills that are increasingly
expected of every member of contemporary society. Moreover, as mathematics has had a formative impact on the
development of civilization, it is an important part of a liberal arts education.
Students majoring in Mathematics acquire the skills necessary to serve society through a variety of careers. In addition
to acquiring computational and problem solving skills, Mathematics majors at Augsburg develop their abilities to reason
abstractly; to conjecture, critique, and justify their assertions; to formulate questions; to investigate open-ended
problems; to read and comprehend precise mathematical writing; to speak and write about mathematical ideas; and to
experience working in teams on mathematical projects. Students can prepare for graduate school, for work in business,
industry, or nonprofit organizations, or for teaching mathematics in grades K-12. Students majoring in many disciplines
find it helpful to acquire a minor or a second major in Mathematics.
Students may choose coursework supporting the study of Mathematics as a liberal art (through the BA degree) or
choose a more focused program of courses (through the BS degree). BS focus areas include theoretical mathematics,
statistics, teaching mathematics, and the application of mathematics to science and engineering, actuarial science,
computing, business, or economics. Augsburg’s urban location allows students to gain experience working with
mathematics through internships, service learning, and the colloquium course. Augsburg students can also choose to
complete a major in Actuarial Science at University of St. Thomas, offered through ACTC.
Mathematics and Statistics Faculty
Suzanne Dorée (Chair), Pavel Bělík, , Richard Flint, Matthew Haines, Jody Sorensen, John Zobitz
Degree and Major Requirements
Mathematics Major, BA
Nine courses including:
MAT 145 - Calculus I
MAT 146 - Calculus II
MAT 245 - Calculus III
MAT 246 - Linear Algebra
MAT 271 - Discrete Mathematical Structures
MAT 491 - Mathematics Colloquium (to be taken during junior and senior years)
A “theoretical structures” course from:
MAT 304 - Graph Theory
MAT 314 - Abstract Algebra
MAT 324 - Analysis
Other courses approved by the department.
Three additional electives chosen from MAT courses numbered above 250, at least two of which are numbered above
300. Note that PHY 327 counts as a 300 level MAT course.
Students must earn a grade of C- or better in each course that applies toward the major.
At least two MAT courses numbered above 250 must be taken at Augsburg.
Graduation Skills
Graduation skills in Critical Thinking (CT), Quantitative Reasoning (QF and QA), and Writing (W) are embedded in the
MAT courses and are met by completing the major. An additional course in Speaking (S) is also required and may be met
by either MAT 201 together with the major, COM 111, COM 115, student teaching, another speaking skill course
approved by the department, or completion of another major that includes the speaking skill. Students transferring in
mathematics course(s) must consult their faculty advisor about potential additional skills courses needed.
Mathematics Major, BS
Twelve courses including:
MAT 145 - Calculus I
MAT 146 - Calculus II
MAT 245 - Calculus III
MAT 246 - Linear Algebra
MAT 271 - Discrete Mathematical Structures
MAT 491 - Mathematics Colloquium (to be taken during junior and senior years)
Four electives chosen from MAT courses numbered above 250, at least three of which are numbered above 300. Note
that PHY 327 counts as a 300 level MAT course.
Three additional electives chosen from MAT courses numbered above 250, or the following list of supporting courses (or
substitutes with departmental approval); BIO 355, BIO 473, BIO 481, MIS 379, CHM 353, CHM 362, CHM 368, CSC 160
(recommended), CSC 170, CSC 210, CSC 320, CSC 385, CSC 457, ECO 112 or ECO 113 (cannot count both), ECO 318, ECO
416, ECO 490, ESE 330, FIN 331, MAT 163, MAT 164, MAT 173, MKT 352, PHY 121, PHY 122, PSY 215, PSY 315, SOC 362,
SOC 363. (Not more than one of MAT 163, MAT 164, MAT 173, MKT 352, PHY 121, PHY 122, PSY 215, PSY 315, SOC 362,,
MIS 379, PSY 215, SOC 362 may count).
These seven electives must include a(n):
“Theoretical Structures” course: MAT 304, MAT 314, MAT 324, or other courses approved by the department.
“Applied Project” course: MAT 355, MAT 369, MAT 374, MAT 377, or other courses approved by the department.
“Statistical Perspectives’’ course: MAT 373, MAT 163, MAT 164, MAT 173, MKT 352, PHY 121, PHY 122, PSY 215, PSY
315, SOC 362, MAT 394, MIS 379, PSY 215, SOC 362, or other courses approved by the department.
At least five of the seven electives must be chosen from a focus area approved by the department.
Sample focus areas:
Biological Sciences: one of MAT 163, MAT 164, MAT 173, MKT 352, PHY 121, PHY 122, PSY 215, PSY 315, SOC 362,,
PSY 215; two of BIO 355, BIO 473, BIO 481; two of MAT 363, MAT 369, MAT 373
Business, Economics, or Actuarial Science: ECO 112 or ECO 113; two of CSC 160, MIS 379, ECO 318, ECO 416, ECO
490, FIN 331, MAT 163, MAT 164, MAT 173, MKT 352, MAT 373; MAT 374 or MAT 377. (Only one of MIS 379, MAT
163 and MAT 164 may count).
Computational Mathematics: CSC 170; CSC 210; one of CSC 320, CSC 385, CSC 457; two of MAT 304, MAT 355, MAT
363, MAT 377.
Physical Sciences: two of PHY 121, PHY 122, CHM 353, CHM 362, CHM 368; two of MAT 324, PHY 327, MAT 355,
MAT 369; a fifth course from this list.
Statistics: One of MAT 163, MAT 164, MIS 379, PSY 215, SOC 362; MAT 324; MAT 373; MAT 374 or MAT 394; one of
ECO 490, MKT 352, PSY 315, SOC 363, or another applied statistics course approved by the department.
Teaching Mathematics: ESE 330; MAT 252; MAT 287; MAT 314; MAT 324
Theoretical Mathematics: MAT 314; MAT 324; at least three of MAT 252, MAT 287, MAT 304, MAT 363, MAT 373, or
regularly offered courses at other ACTC colleges in Complex Variables, Topology, Measure Theory/Real Analysis II,
Abstract Algebra II, Combinatorics.
In addition, an experiential component in the focus area is required, such as an internship, volunteer or paid work
experience, undergraduate research project, student teaching in mathematics, or other experiences approved by the
department. Such experiences may also fulfill the Augsburg Experience requirement if approved. For an undergraduate
research project, the work may build upon a course-based project, but significant work beyond the course is expected.
Students must earn a grade of C- or better in each course that applies toward the major.
At least two MAT courses numbered above 250 must be taken at Augsburg.
Graduation Skills
Graduation skills in Critical Thinking (CT), Quantitative Reasoning (QF and QA), and Writing (W) are embedded in the
MAT courses and are met by completing the major. An additional course in Speaking (S) is also required and may be met
by either MAT 201 together with the major, COM 111, COM 115, student teaching, another speaking skill course
approved by the department, or completion of another major that includes the speaking skill. Students transferring in
mathematics course(s) must consult their MAT advisor about potential additional skills courses needed.
Teaching Licensure Major
The State of Minnesota has specific licensing requirements for teachers. The state requirements are subject to change
after publication of this catalog. Students therefore should consult with the Augsburg Education Department to identify
current Minnesota teacher licensure requirements.
At the time of publication, the mathematics requirements for secondary education licensure to teach mathematics in
grades 5-12 are the same as the BS major, but the electives must include:
ESE 330 5-12 - Methods: Mathematics
MAT 252 - Exploring Geometry
MAT 287 - History of Mathematics
MAT 314 - Abstract Algebra
MAT 324 - Analysis
an “Applied Project” course
One of the following:
MAT 163 - Introductory Statistics
MAT 164 – Introductory Statistics for STEM
MAT 373 - Probability Theory
At the time of publication, the mathematics requirements for a concentration in mathematics to teach in grades 5-8
under elementary education licensure are:
MAT 114 - Precalculus (or MPG 4)
MAT 145 - Calculus I
One of the following:
MAT 163 - Introductory Statistics
MAT 164 – Introductory Statistics for STEM
or MAT 373 - Probability Theory
MAT 252 - Exploring Geometry
MAT 271 - Discrete Mathematical Structures
MAT 287 - History of Mathematics
ESE 331 - Middle School Methods: Mathematics
Elementary Education majors seeking middle school mathematics licensure are strongly encouraged to consult with a
Mathematics faculty advisor before enrolling in the 200 level MAT courses.
Departmental Honors in Mathematics and Statistics
To be considered for departmental honors, a student must be involved with Mathematics beyond the classroom, have a
GPA of at least 3.50 in MAT courses numbered above 200, have an overall GPA of at least 3.0, complete a project with
significant mathematical content (usually beginning before senior year), and obtain the approval of the Mathematics
and Statistics Department. The project may build upon a course-based project, but significant work beyond the course is
expected. The project results must be presented in a public forum. A proposal to complete departmental honors in
mathematics should be submitted to the Mathematics and Statistics Department chair at least one year prior to
graduation. Specific requirements are available from the department.
Pi Mu Epsilon
Membership in the Augsburg chapter of this national mathematics honor society is by invitation. To be considered,
students must have a declared Mathematics major, junior or senior status, and a GPA of 3.00 in their major and overall.
Mathematics Minor
Five courses including:
MAT 145 - Calculus I
MAT 146 - Calculus II
Three MAT electives numbered above 200, at least one of which is numbered above 300. Note that PHY 327 counts as a
300 level MAT course.
Alternatively students may complete a minor by taking the six courses:
MAT 145 - Calculus I
MAT 146 - Calculus II
MAT 163 - Introductory Statistics
or MAT 164 - Introductory Statistics for STEM
MAT 252 - Exploring Geometry
MAT 271 - Discrete Mathematical Structures
MAT 287 - History of Mathematics
Students must earn a grade of C- or better in each course that applies toward the minor.
At least one MAT course numbered above 250 must be taken at Augsburg.
Statistics Minor
Six courses or five courses and a research experience or internship, as detailed below:
An introduction to statistics - one of:
MAT 163 - Introduction to Statistics
MAT 164 - Introduction to Statistics for STEM
MIS 379 - Quantitative Methods for Business and Economics
PSY 215 - Research Methods and Statistics I
SOC 362 - Statistical Analysis
MAT 213 - Data Visualization and Statistical Computing
MAT 273 - Statistical Modeling
A project-based statistics course - one of:
BIO 481 - Ecology
ECO 490 - Research Methods in Econometrics
MAT 374 - Statistical Theory and Applications
MKT 352 - Marketing Research and Analysis
POL 483 - Political Statistics and Methodology
PSY 315 - Research Methods and Statistics II
SOC 363 - Research Methods
Two electives chosen from the following:
MAT 373 - Probability Theory
MAT 394 - Topics in Statistics
No more than one of the following:
CSC 170 - Introduction to Programming
CSC 352 - Database Management and Design
CSC 310 - Introduction to Data Science
MIS 270 - Data Management
MIS 479 - Business Analytics
POL 483 - Political Statistics & Methodology
A second project-based course:
BIO 481 - Ecology
ECO 490 - Research Methods in Econometrics
MAT 374 - Statistical Theory and Applications
MKT 252 - Marketing Research & Analysis
POL 483 - Political Statistics and Methodology
PSY 315 - Research Methods and Statistics II
SOC 363 - Research Methods
No more than one of the following, with prior approval from the Mathematics and Statistics Department:
PSY 491 - Advanced Research Methods
Advanced statistics electives taught in the ACTC or in transfer
An undergraduate research experience or internship using statistics
Either the project-based course or one of the electives must be taught by a content department other than Mathematics
and Statistics.
Students interested in graduate work in statistics are encouraged to select MAT 373 Probability Theory as one elective
and MAT 374 Statistical Theory and Applications as the project-based course, and also to complete MAT 145 Calculus 1,
MAT 146 Calculus 2, MAT 245 Calculus 3, and MAT 246 Linear Algebra -- which completes a mathematics minor.
Math Placement Group (MPG)
Before enrolling in any Mathematics course and many other courses that have Math Placement prerequisites, students
must have the required Math Placement. All students are required to have their Math Placement Group (MPG)
determined. MPG measures student’s current skill in and understanding of Basic Math (MPG 2), Algebra (MPG 3),
Precalculus (MPG 4), and Calculus I (MPG 5).
Students who have taken the ACT test within the last five years are assigned an initial MPG based on their mathematics
subscore, illustrated below. Students who have recently completed a mathematics course at another college or
university are assigned an initial MPG by the Registrar’s Office as part of Transfer Credit Evaluation, if the course covers
Basic Math, Algebra, Precalculus, or Calculus. Students who receive a grade of 4 or 5 on the Advanced Placement Exam
in Calculus (AB or BC) are assigned MPG 5. Students are allowed to take the Math Placement Exam to determine if they
should be placed into a higher MPG than their initial placement. In particular, students whose initial placement is MPG
1 or MPG 2 are expected to take the Math Placement Exam.
All other students must take the Augsburg Math Placement Exam, which is administered by Academic Advising. The
exam is given during Summer Orientation and Registration (SOAR) sessions for first-year students, and before new
student registration appointments for transfer and AU students. Other times can be scheduled on an individual basis.
Students are also permitted to retake the Math Placement Exam once during their first semester of enrollment at
Augsburg University.
Practice questions and other information are available from Academic Advising. Students in MPG 1 take MAT 103 to
advance to MPG 2. Students in MPG 2 take MAT 105 to advance to MPG 3. Students in MPG 3 may take MAT 114 to
advance to MPG 4. No other MAT course changes a student’s MPG.
ACT Math Subscore
Initial Math Placement
Required Math Placement Exam
18 and below
Basic Math; Algebra
No exam needed
22-25 and successful high school precalculus,
trigonometry, or calculus
Precalculus (if seek MPG 4)
26+ and successful high school precalculus,
trigonometry, or calculus
No exam needed
A course must be completed with a grade of C- or higher to count as a prerequisite for a Mathematics course.
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
Medieval Studies
The objective of Medieval Studies is to introduce students to the culture of the Middle Ages—its diverse history and
beliefs, its arts and literature—and to the disciplinary and interdisciplinary skills necessary for its serious study.
The major in Medieval Studies fulfills the original (medieval) ideal of a liberal arts education. Since the study of the
liberal arts was developed in the Middle Ages, students majoring in Medieval Studies find an ideal context for the pursuit
of a liberal arts degree in the modern world.
As was the case in medieval universities, Augsburg’s major in Medieval Studies prepares students for life beyond college.
Because of its emphasis on precise reading and analysis of texts, careful writing, and spirited discussion, the major in
Medieval Studies offers a solid foundation for graduate or professional study, as well as employment opportunities that
require abilities in communication, critical and abstract thinking, and processing information.
Medieval Studies Faculty
Michael Kidd (Languages and Cross-Cultural Studies, Program Director), Phillip C. Adamo (History), Kristin M. Anderson
(Art), Mark L. Fuehrer (Philosophy), Douglas E. Green (English), Merilee Klemp (Music), Philip A. Quanbeck II (Religion),
Martha E. Stortz (Religion), Mark D. Tranvik (Religion), Hans Wiersma (Religion), Maheen Zaman (History)
Degree and Major Requirements
Eleven courses, including:
Six core requirements:
HUM 120 - Medieval Life in 12th-Century Europe
LAT 101 - Beginning Latin I
LAT 102 - Beginning Latin II
HIS 369 - The Early and High Middle Ages
HIS 370 - The Late Middle Ages to 1648
HUM 490 - Keystone: Medieval Studies Project
One of the following literature courses:
ENL 330 - Shakespeare
ENL 332 - British Literature: Renaissance and Reformation
ENL 360 - The Classical Tradition
ENL 361 - The Medieval World
SPA 352 - Survey of Spanish Literature I
One of the following religion or philosophy courses:
HIS 378 - Medieval Church
PHI 242 - History of Philosophy II: Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy
RLN 342 - Martin Luther and the Reformation
One of the following history of arts courses:
ART 386 - Medieval Art
ART 387 - Renaissance and Baroque Art
MUS 231 - History and Literature of Music I
THR 361 - Theater History and Criticism I
Two electives from the following courses:
HIS 374 - Medieval Crusades
HIS 440 - Topics in World History: Monks and Heretics
POL 380 - Western Political Thought
SPA 331 - Spanish Civilization and Culture
Any literature, religion/philosophy, or history of arts courses not already taken may be taken as electives.
Graduation Skills
Graduation skills in Critical Thinking (CT), Speaking (S), and Writing (W) are embedded throughout the offered courses
and are met by completing the major. HIS 369 meets the Quantitative Reasoning (QR) graduation skill.
Transfer students must consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill each of
these skills.
Language Requirement
Students must take one year of college-level Latin as part of the major.
In addition, students must take one year of a college-level, modern language in which medieval scholarship is published
(e.g. Spanish, French, German, Norwegian, Arabic; NOT American Sign Language). This second language will fulfill the
Modern Language Core Skills requirement.
Augsburg Experience
As with all majors, an Augsburg Experience is required for graduation. For the Medieval Studies major this might include
study abroad, or internships at the University of Minnesota’s Rare Books Collection, the Hill Monastic Manuscript
Library, or the Minnesota Renaissance Festival. Prior approval of advisor is required for all Augsburg Experiences related
to Medieval Studies.
Five courses, including HUM 120. The remaining four courses must be in different disciplines, as grouped above (history,
literature, religion/philosophy, and history of arts).
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
The Music Department at Augsburg University offers education for music professions in the context of a liberal arts
curriculum through three degrees and five music majors. All Augsburg students with interest and/or background in
music, regardless of major, are eligible to participate in music courses and ensembles. Some music courses fulfill Liberal
Arts Foundation requirements.
Augsburg’s location in the heart of the vibrant artistic and cultural Twin Cities makes it an ideal place to study music, and
the Music faculty seek and encourage opportunities that connect the campus and the greater arts communities. These
opportunities allow students to explore the links between theory and applied knowledge and may take many forms,
including internships; community performances; Music Therapy practica; community-based learning projects; required
off-campus performance and concert attendance assignments; or travel and study within and outside the United States.
The Music Department is an institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM) and the
American Music Therapy Association (AMTA).
Daniel Albert, Jill Dawe, Susan Druck, Annie Heiderscheit, Roberta Kagin, Merilee Klemp, Emma Moonier, Reinaldo
Moya, Erika Svanoe, Sonja Thompson
Part-time Faculty
Trudi Anderson, Matt Barber, Thomas Bartsch, Jon Campbell, Deborah Carbaugh, Lynn Erickson, Erin Fox, Jennifer Gerth,
Edward Godbout, Nancy Grundahl, Mary Horozaniecki, Joan Hutton, Jim Jacobson, Linh Kauffman, Mark Kausch, Kathy
Kienzle, Ben Krywosz, Katie Lindenfelser, Steve Lund, Kameron Markworth, Lindsay Markworth, K. Christian McGuire,
Laurie Merz, Vladan Milenkovic, Barbara Nordstrom-Loeb, Rick Penning, O. Nicholas Raths, Mark Sedio, Andrea Stern,
Matthew Wilson
Consulting Chair
David Myers
Fine Arts Coordinator
Cathy Knutson
Departmental Administrator
Tina Brauer
Bachelor of Arts
Music Major
Music Major/Music Business Concentration
Bachelor of Music
Music Performance Major
Music Education Major (P-12 state licensure; community music)
Bachelor of Science
Music Therapy Major
Music Therapy Equivalency
Offers students with an undergraduate degree the preparation necessary to meet the American Music Therapy
Association requirements for becoming a Board Certified Music Therapist (MT-BC).
Music Minors
Music Business
Degree and Major Requirements
All students interested in majoring in music should consult with the music department prior to or during their first
semester of study at Augsburg University. Applying students are strongly encouraged to schedule a Fine Arts
Scholarship audition during their senior year of high school or, if transferring, in the year prior to entering Augsburg
University. Students intending to pursue a music major in any of the three music degree programs must declare their
major, perform a sophomore/transfer music major qualifying jury, and complete the Music Department degree
application by the end of their fourth semester of study. More detail is included in the Music Department Student
Handbook posted on the Music Students site on Moodle.
Students interested in a double major within music or between music and another discipline should consult with their
advisors before undertaking relevant course work.
Music Core
MUS 113 - Music Theory and Aural Skills I
MUS 114 - Music Theory and Aural Skills II
MUS 213 - Music Theory and Aural Skills III
MUS 214 - Music Theory and Aural Skills IV
MUS 231 - History and Literature of Music I
MUS 232 - History and Literature of Music II
MUS 331 - Music of the Baroque Era
or MUS 332 - Music of the Classical Era
or MUS 333 - Music of the Romantic Era
or MUS 334 - Music of the 20th Century
MUS 458 or 459 - Senior Recital
Performance Study on the principal instrument or voice in accordance with degree requirement
Four to eight semesters Large Ensemble/Chamber Music in accordance with degree requirement
Large Ensemble Options:
MUE 111 - Augsburg Choir
MUE 112 - Riverside Singers
MUE 114 - Masterworks Chorale
MUE 115 - Cedar Singers
MUE 121 - Augsburg Symphony Orchestra
MUE 141 - Augsburg Concert Band
Chamber Music Options:
MUE 113 - Vocal Chamber Music
MUE 122 - String Chamber Music
MUE 125 - Guitar Chamber Music
MUE 131 - Woodwind Chamber Music
MUE 142 - Brass Chamber Music
MUE 144 - Percussion Chamber Music
MUE 145 - Piano Chamber Music
Additional Requirements (refer to the Music Department Student Handbook for detail)
Pass a piano proficiency test or MUS 238 - Class Piano 4
Pass a sophomore/transfer music major qualifying jury
Complete the Music Department degree application
Graduation Skills
Bachelor of Arts, Major in Music; Bachelor of Music, Major in Music Education; Bachelor of Music, Major in
Graduation skills in Critical Thinking (CT) and Writing (W) are embedded throughout the offered courses and are met by
completing the major. The graduation skills in Speaking (S) and Quantitative Reasoning (QR) are met by completing the
following courses:
S: MUS 341
QR fulfilled with QFA: PHY 119, GST 200, MAT 145, MAT 146, MAT 163, or MAT 164.
Bachelor of Science in Music Therapy
Graduation skills in Critical Thinking (CT), Writing (W), Speaking (S), and Quantitative Reasoning (QR) are embedded
throughout the offered courses and are met by completing the major.
Bachelor of Arts, Music Major, Concentration in Music Business
Graduation skills in Critical Thinking (CT), Speaking (S), and Writing (W) are embedded throughout the offered courses
and are met by completing the major. The graduation skill in Quantitative Reasoning (QR) is met by completing the
following courses:
QR fulfilled with QFA: One of GST 200, MAT 145, MAT 146, MAT163, or PHY119
Transfer Students
Transfer Students and Graduation Skills: Transfer students must consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their
course requirements to fulfill each of these skills.
Music Major, Bachelor of Arts
Offers the broadest education in liberal arts and prepares the student for the greatest range of graduate, business, and
professional opportunities. Students who intend to pursue non-performance graduate study or desire to enter one of
the many music-related business fields most often choose this course of study.
Faculty advisor: Reinaldo Moya
Music Core, Additional Requirements and the following:
MUS 341 - Basic Conducting(S)
MUS 458 - Senior Recital
Eight credits of MUS electives
MUP 1xx - Performance Studies (four semesters of 1 credit lessons in principal instrument/voice)
MUP 3xx - Performance Studies (four semesters of 1 credit lessons in the principal instrument/voice)
Large Ensemble - eight semesters on the principal instrument or voice from:
Chamber Music - two semesters of chamber music/small ensemble courses on the principal instrument/voice
Music Major with Music Business Concentration, Bachelor of Arts
The Music Business concentration prepares students to enter today’s music industry and to pursue career opportunity
where the arts and commerce intersect. Courses in music, performing arts, and business combine with field
observations and internships. These experiences prepare students for careers in fields such as arts management,
promotion, the recording industry, and general music business. The program affords both the performing artist and the
business student the opportunity to pursue music business studies. The Music Business concentration has two tracks:
the Bachelor of Arts in Music with Music Business Concentration (designed with a music emphasis) and the Bachelor of
Arts in Business Administration with Specialization in Music Business (designed with business emphasis).
Music Core, Additional Requirements and the following:
ACC 221 - Introduction to Financial Accounting
ECO 113 - Principles of Microeconomics
MIS 260 - Problem Solving for Business
BUS 242 - Principles of Management
or BUS 254 - Entrepreneurship
or BUS 200 - Exploring Business as a Vocation
MUS 162 - Entrepreneurship for Creative Businesses
MUS 205 - Legal Issues in Music, Entertainment, and the Arts
MUS 335 - Music Business
MUS 336 - Arts Management and Concert Promotion
MUS 408 - Current and Future Issues in the Music Industry
MUS 399 - Internship
or BUS 399 - Internship
MUS 458 - Senior Recital
MUP 1xx - Performance Studies - four semesters of 1 credit lessons in principal instrument/voice
MUP 3xx - Performance Studies - four semesters of 1 credit lessons in the principal instrument/voice
Large Ensemble - eight semesters on the principal instrument or voice*
Chamber Music - two semesters of chamber music/small ensemble courses on the principal instrument/voice
*Students wishing to fulfill the large ensemble requirement in a performance area other than their principal instrument
or voice may petition the department.
Business Administration with Specialization in Music Business, Bachelor of Arts
See Business Administration for requirements.
Music Education Major, Bachelor of Music
A fully accredited program (Minnesota Board of Teaching), the Music Education major offers students preparation for
becoming licensed school music teachers and/or skilled teachers in studio and community settings. Those seeking
licensure must complete requirements as specified by the Minnesota Board of Teaching; those not pursuing licensure
have a wider range of options for their degree programs. All course requirements in and beyond music must be
complete prior to the student teaching semester. Admission to upper division music education courses requires an
overall academic GPA of at least 2.50 and a music GPA of at least 2.75. Approval for student teaching requires an overall
minimum academic GPA of 2.75 and a music GPA of 2.75. In addition to grades, applicants for student teaching
placements are reviewed for appropriate professionalism, dispositions, and attitudes for school settings.
Music Core, Additional Requirements and the following:
MUS 311 - Composition I
MUS 341 - Basic Conducting
MUS 358 - Junior Recital
MUS 459 - Senior Recital
HPE 115 - Chemical Dependency Education
EDC 200 - Orientation to Education in an Urban Setting
EDC 210 - Diversity in the School or EDC 110 - Teaching in a Diverse World (Freshman only)
and EDC 211 - Minnesota American Indians
or EDC 206 - Diversity/Minnesota American Indians
EDC 220 - Educational Technology
EDC 310 - Learning and Development in an Educational Setting
ESE 300 - Reading/Writing in the Content Area
ESE 325 - Creating Learning Environments
ESE 370 - K-12 Methods: Music
EDC 410 - Learners with Special Needs
EDC 490 - School and Society
EDC 483 - Student Teaching: Initial License in PE, Music, Art, or ESL
MUS 494 - Music Teacher Performance Assessment & Student Teaching Seminar
MUS 355 - Music Methods: Strings
MUS 356 - Music Methods: Brass and Percussion
MUS 357 - Music Methods: Woodwinds
MUS 359 - Music Methods: Vocal
Choose one of the following areas of emphasis:
Vocal Emphasis:
MUS 251 - English Diction
MUS 252 - Italian Diction
MUS 253 - German Diction
MUS 254 - French Diction
MUS 342 - Choral Conducting
MUS/THR 235 - Skills of Music Theater
Instrumental Emphasis:
MUS 344 - Instrumental Conducting
Music elective or approved courses
Performance Studies and Ensembles:
Students should choose the following courses in accordance with their area of emphasis**.
MUP 1xx - Performance Studies (four semesters of 1 credit lessons in the principal instrument/voice )
MUP 3xx - Performance Studies (three semesters or 1 credit lessons in the principal instrument/voice)
Large Ensemble - seven semesters on the principal instrument or voice
Chamber Music - two semesters of chamber music/small ensemble courses on the major
** Music Education majors whose principal instrument is piano, organ, or guitar are required to take a minimum of four
additional semesters of lessons on an instrument/voice that corresponds with their large ensemble requirement.
Music Performance Major, Bachelor of Music
This major is a focused classical training program designed to develop the skills, artistic voice, and performing ability of
the individual musician. This degree best prepares students who are interested in graduate school, professional
performance opportunities, or private studio teaching. Acceptance to the program requires a half-hour formal audition
and interview (see the Music Department Student Handbook).
Faculty advisor: Jill Dawe
Music Core, Additional Requirements and the following:
MUP 1xx - Performance Studies (four semesters of 1 credit lessons in the principal instrument/voice)
MUP 3xx - Performance Studies (four semesters of 1 credit lessons in the principal instrument/voice)
MUS 358 - Junior Recital
MUS 459 - Senior Recital
Large Ensemble - eight semesters on the principal instrument or voice*
Chamber Music - four semesters of chamber music/small ensemble courses on the principal instrument/voice
*For guitarists, harpists and pianists: either eight semesters of large ensemble or four semesters of large ensemble and
four additional semesters of chamber music or other assignment in consultation with advisor.
Voice Majors:
MUS 251 - English Diction
MUS 252 - Italian Diction
MUS 253 - German Diction
MUS 254 - French Diction
MUS 435 - Voice Repertoire
MUS 359 - Music Methods: Vocal
*MUS Elective (2 credits)
*Voice students are strongly encouraged to take MUS/THR 235 Skills of Music Theater and/or MUE 294 or 494 - Opera
Keyboard Majors:
MUS 436 - Piano Repertoire
MUS 456 - Piano Pedagogy
MUS Elective (2 credits)
MUS 356 - Music Methods: Brass/Percussion
or MUS 357 - Music Methods: Woodwinds
or MUS 355 - Music Methods: Strings
MUS Elective (4 credits)
Additional requirements:
BM performance major candidates must pass an extended performance audition and interview that is scheduled after
completion of the sophomore/transfer music major qualifying jury.
Music Therapy Major, BS
Fulfills the academic and clinical requirements for eligibility to take the Music Therapy Board Certification Examination.
The BS in Music Therapy is a four-and-one-half-year degree program, which includes a six month full-time internship in a
clinical facility approved by the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) or at a university-affiliated site. This course
of study is chosen by students who wish to become professional music therapists. A minimum grade of C in all music
therapy courses is required.
Faculty Advisor: Emma Moonier
Music Core (except for MUS 331, 332, 333, or 334*), Additional Requirements and the following:
MUS 135 - Class Piano 1
MUS 136 - Class Piano 2
MUS 152 - Class Voice
MUS 158 - Class Guitar 1
MUS 237 - Class Piano 3
MUS 238 - Class Piano 4
MUS 258 - Class Guitar 2
MUS 271 - Introduction to Music Therapy
MUS 273 - Functional Music Skills
MUS 315 - Psychology, Culture, and Community in Music
MUS 340 - Music Therapy Methods I
MUS 345 - Music Therapy Methods II
MUS 374 - Music Therapy Practicum
MUS 375 - Music Therapy Practicum
MUS 376 - Music Therapy Assessment, Treatment and Clinical Processes
MUS 385 - Music Therapy Clinical Improvisation
MUS 458 - Senior Recital
MUS 474 - Music Therapy Practicum
MUS 475 - Music Therapy Practicum
MUS 480 - Music Therapy Senior Seminar
MUS 481 - Music Therapy Clinical Internship
BIO 103 - Human Anatomy and Physiology
PSY 105 - Principles of Psychology
PSY 203 - Lifespan Development
PSY 215 - Research Methods and Statistics I
PSY 262 - Abnormal Psychology
MUP 1xx - Performance Studies (four semesters of 1 credit lessons in principal instrument/voice)
MUP 3xx - Performance Studies (four semesters of 1 credit lessons in the principal instrument/voice)
Large Ensemble - eight semesters on the principal instrument or voice
Chamber Music - two semesters of chamber music/small ensemble courses on the principal instrument/voice
Pass guitar proficiency test, piano proficiency test, and voice proficiency test
* Students majoring in Music Therapy are exempted from the Music Core requirement to complete one of MUS 331, MUS
332, MUS 333, or MUS 334.
Music Therapy Equivalency/Certification Program
The Music Therapy equivalency program is available to students who already have a bachelor’s degree in music and wish
to meet the requirements set by the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) to become a board-certified music
therapist (MT-BC). This equivalency program prepares students for eligibility to take the Music Therapy Board
Certification Examination. Depending upon the student’s degree and skill level, individual requirements will be outlined
by the director of Music Therapy. There is a minimum two-year residency requirement, which includes participation in a
major ensemble for four terms. Acceptance to the degree program requires the following:
Pass the sophomore/transfer music major jury and Music Department degree application
Pass guitar proficiency, piano proficiency, and voice proficiency
Music Minor
Faculty Advisor: Merilee Klemp
MUS 113 - Music Theory and Aural Skills I
MUS 114 - Music Theory and Aural Skills II
MUS 341 - Basic Conducting
MUS 231 - History and Literature of Music I
or MUS 232 - History and Literature of Music II
One additional course (2 credits or above) in music history or conducting
Other music courses may be approved by departmental petition
MUP 1xx - Performance Studies (four semesters of 1 credit performance studies in the principal instrument/voice)
Large Ensemble - four semesters in a large Augsburg ensemble
Additional requirements:
Submit a Music Department application for minor by spring semester, sophomore year
Music Business Minor
The Music Business minor is a course of study designed both for the Music major desiring additional preparation in
business and for the non-music major interested in pursuing a career in the music industry. With the Music Business
minor, students are given the opportunity to enroll in coursework and participate in on-site field experiences that
address specific professional skills necessary to enter today’s music industry. The minor is a collaborative program
between the Music and Business departments.
ACC 221 - Introduction to Financial Accounting
ECO 113 - Principles of Microeconomics
MIS 260 - Problem Solving for Business
MUS 162 - Entrepreneurship for Creative Businesses
MUS 205 - Legal Issues in Music, Entertainment, and the Arts
MUS 335 - Music Business
MUS 408 - Current and Future Issues in the Music Industry
MUS/BUS 399 - Internship (approved for the music business minor)
One of the following:
MUS 336 - Arts Management and Concert Promotion
BUS 301 - Business Law
BUS 254 - Entrepreneurship
Departmental Honors
Senior Music majors with a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher in Music courses may apply for Music departmental honors
by completing extended original work in their area of interest. Such work could include, but is not limited to, one of the
following: defending a senior thesis, presenting an additional recital, composing a substantial piece(s), conducting a
program, presenting a research paper, or some combination of any of the above.
Consideration for departmental honors requires a clearly written proposal that includes a project title, a transcript, and
a brief music résumé to be submitted to the music faculty by November 1 of the senior year with outlined plans to
complete the project by spring break of the senior year.
Piano Proficiency
All Augsburg Music majors are required to have basic piano skills that are either demonstrated by passing MUS 238 or by
meeting the standard required by the Piano Proficiency Test offered at the end of each semester. Students come to
Augsburg with a wide variety of prior training and experience in piano, and therefore can elect to develop their piano
skills and prepare for the proficiency test in several ways. Students with extensive training may be able to simply pass
the test; those with some training may register for private piano lessons; the majority of students are advised to take a
piano placement test that determines their appropriate placement within a sequence of four class piano courses (MUS
135/136/237/238) designed to teach the skills of the piano proficiency test. To maximize student learning, it is strongly
recommended that piano training is started during the first year, when piano study will complement and strengthen the
student’s experience in the music theory and aural skills curriculum. Consult the Music Student Handbook for piano
major and non-piano major requirements and test dates.
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
Natural Science Teaching Licensure
The Natural Science licensure program is designed to combine a strong content focus with early and ongoing teaching
preparation courses that meet Minnesota licensure requirements. Courses are designed to provide a broad background
in science and allow for specialization in an area. The following programs assume that the student will meet the general
education requirements of the University, the requirements for appropriate majors, required education courses (see
Secondary Education requirements), and, in the physical sciences, have at least one year of calculus. Early consultation
with the Education Department (in your sophomore year) is essential to complete undergraduate major and licensure
requirements on a timely basis.
Degree and Major Requirements
Teaching Licensure Major
The State of Minnesota has specific licensing requirements for teachers that may differ slightly in emphasis from the
Augsburg major requirements. The state requirements may also be subject to change after publication of this catalog.
Students therefore should consult with the Augsburg Education Department to identify current licensure requirements.
All upper division courses required for the Biology major must be completed before student teaching.
Licensure Requirements
General Science Endorsement (for grades 5-8):
Introductory Geology (taken off campus, offered through ACTC program)
SCI 106 - Introductory Meteorology
BIO 121 - Human Biology
BIO 102 - The Biological World
PHY 116 - Introduction to Physics
or PHY 121, 122 - General Physics I, II
CHM 115 - General Chemistry I
CHM 116 - General Chemistry II
*See the Biology, Chemistry, or Physics Department sections for teaching major requirements in those disciplines.
Post-baccalaureate Teaching Licensure
Students who have earned a bachelor’s degree elsewhere and seek Natural Science teaching licensure at Augsburg are
required to complete a minimum of two upper division biology courses at Augsburg with a GPA of 2.5 or higher.
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
Nursing (BSN) Bachelor of Science Completion
The Augsburg University BSN Completion program is designed exclusively for registered nurses (RNs) who want to
advance their education, increase their career opportunities, and address changing health needs in a variety of rapidly
changing care settings and communities. No longer do nurses practice only in hospitals, they are moving into
communities, corporations, faith-based organizations, schools, rehabilitation centers and long term care facilities.
Wherever they work, nurses are making a difference in community health and well-being by providing comprehensive
health care for diverse groups of persons and communities across the lifespan.
The BSN program at Augsburg prepares nurses to synthesize knowledge from the liberal arts with the art and science of
nursing. Educational opportunities are provided that challenge students’ interests and engage their creativity as they
increase skills in critical thinking, speaking, writing, ethics, nursing theories, community assessment, leadership,
decision-making and the role of citizen nurse. Classes that combine short-term immersion experiences of study both at
home and abroad are woven into the BSN curriculum. Students are invited to participate in these exciting endeavors as
they are able.
Within the context of the liberal arts and Christian values, the baccalaureate in nursing program prepares students to
uphold and improve health and human potential among persons, families, groups and communities across care settings
with particular emphasis on health inequities locally and globally.
Program Goals
The program goals at the baccalaureate level:
Prepare graduates of associate degree and diploma nursing programs for professional nursing practice in
contemporary and emerging roles.
Provide a sound scholarly foundation for transformative nursing practice and graduate study.
Create and sustain a teaching-learning environment that promotes personal growth, lifelong learning, and a
vocation of professional service in a global society.
Department of Nursing Faculty
Martha Aleman, Kathleen Clark, Kaija Freborg, Rebecca Hartwig, Cheryl Leuning, Virginia McCarthy, Kristin McHale,
Joyce Miller (Chair)
Staff: Sharon Wade, Linden Gawboy
Degree and Major Requirements
Nursing Major, BSN
Seven 4-semester credit hour courses, including:
NUR 300 - Trends and Issues in Nursing
NUR 305 - Communication
NUR 306 - Paradigms in Nursing
NUR 403 - Families and the Life Cycle
NUR 410 - Community Health Nursing I
NUR 411 - Practicum: Community Health Nursing II
NUR 490 - Leadership/Management
A minimum grade of C in each nursing course and a cumulative major GPA of 2.5 are required. Students also must
complete Augsburg’s residence and general education requirements.
Graduation Skills
The Critical Thinking (CT), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), Speaking (S), and Writing (W) graduation skills are embedded
throughout the required courses in the Nursing major and are met by completing the major.
Students petitioning to transfer in upper division nursing courses from another institution to meet requirements in the
nursing major at Augsburg must consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill
each of these graduation skills.
Other Information
The BSN program has been planned so that courses in the nursing major can be completed over 16 months of full-time
study taking two courses per semester. Students can pursue their studies as quickly as 12 months taking three courses
per semester, based on personal choice. Students will be assigned to a nursing faculty adviser to develop a plan of study.
More time may be required to complete the total course of study depending on the number of liberal arts (general
education) courses individual students need to complete the BSN degree and the number of credits each student
transfers to Augsburg University from other colleges or universities. Students in Nursing may take non-nursing courses in
both the Day and Adult Undergraduate programs. Students interested in pursuing the Nursing major should consult with
BSN admissions staff in the Admissions Office for assistance applying.
Admission to the Nursing Major
In addition to meeting admission requirements for Augsburg, admission to the Nursing major requires the following:
Completed application
Cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher in one’s basic nursing program
Unencumbered RN license–applicant must be a registered nurse who is licensed and currently registered to practice
in Minnesota prior to beginning the Nursing major
Evidence of HIPAA training
Up-to-date immunization records
Criminal background check (details provided in application process)
Special conditions:
o Students may be provisionally admitted to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at Augsburg with a
cumulative GPA of less than 2.5 in their basic nursing program. Full admission to the program requires
students to achieve a GPA of 3.00 or better in two liberal arts courses at Augsburg before being fully
admitted to the BSN program.
o Students may apply to Augsburg prior to completion of their degree program. However, all BSN program
admission requirements must be met prior to matriculating into the BSN program at Augsburg.
Credit for Previous Nursing Courses
Registered nurses transferring into Augsburg’s BSN completion program will be awarded up to 34 semester credits in
recognition of their previous lower division nursing coursework if the following standards are met:
Prior nursing education in the United States is taken in an associate degree in nursing (ADN) program or a diploma in
nursing program. Both must be state board-approved programs.
Nursing coursework taken outside of the United States requires a professional credit evaluation. See the
International Students section of this catalog for details about how to submit this evaluation. In addition, nursing
coursework must be verified for authenticity by the Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools (CGFNS).
Applicants must request CGFNS ( to forward the educational credentials report to the Minnesota
State Board of Nursing. Once their credentials are verified, applicants must apply for licensure and demonstrate
successful passing of the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX). Nurses who have previously submitted
CGFNS credential verification in a state other than Minnesota, and who have passed the NCLEX, will be considered
for admission and must meet the same residency requirements expected of all students.
Options for Completing the Degree
Augsburg recognizes that nurses have a variety of time schedules, personal responsibilities, and work demands that
must be taken into account in any decision to work toward a degree. For this reason, Augsburg offers full- and part-time
sequential alternatives for pursuing a Nursing degree.
Courses in the Nursing major are generally offered on weekday evenings with practicum courses (NUR 410 and 411)
requiring additional weekday time. Generally, nursing classes meet on alternate weekday evenings for four-hour time
blocks. Online instruction and activities occur between face-to-face class times. Optional immersion courses and
practicums at home and abroad are scheduled throughout the year. Check with the Department of Nursing for details.
It is recommended to work with an academic advisor for advice on liberal arts courses.
Transfer of Upper Division Nursing Courses
BSN students who are provisionally accepted into the Master of Arts in Nursing program at Augsburg may enroll in up to
three designated MAN courses, which can be used to fulfill elective credits in the BSN program as well as fulfill credits in
the MAN program. Note that these graduate courses may not transfer into another college or university as graduate
courses if they have been used to complete the BSN; Augsburg University, however, accepts the courses as also fulfilling
requirements in the MAN. The three graduate Nursing courses plus the practica include the following:
NUR 500 - Transcultural Health Care (3 semester credits)
NUR 500P - Practicum: Transcultural Health Care (1 semester credit)
NUR 532 - Transcultural Healing and Self Care (3 semester credits)
NUR 532P - Practicum: Transcultural Healing Practices and Self Care (1 semester credit)
NUR 541 - The Politics of Health Care (3 semester credits)
NUR 541P - Practicum: Politics of Health Care (1 semester credit)
Note: Students who decelerate for more than five years may be asked to audit courses already taken. There is a fee to
audit courses.
Departmental Honors
Admission to the honors major requires a GPA of at least 3.60 in the major and 3.30 overall, application to the
department chair by November 1 of the senior year, recommendation by nursing faculty, and an honors thesis to be
presented before a faculty committee by April 15. Candidates register for NUR 499 to complete the honors requirement.
Latin Honors
To be eligible for Latin honors, a student must meet minimum GPA standards as well as complete a minimum of 56
traditionally-graded credits at Augsburg and have no more than eight elective pass/no credit graded credits at Augsburg
(classes offered only as P/N by the department will not be counted, nor will N grades). For further information, see the
Latin Honors section in Academic Information.
The BSN program is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), which has accredited the
Master of Arts in Nursing and the Doctor of Nursing Practice programs at Augsburg. Augsburg is accredited by The
Higher Learning Commission.
For a complete list of Augsburg’s accreditations, approvals, and memberships, see the listing in the Accreditation,
Approvals, and Memberships section.
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
Philosophy, in an important sense, is the most fundamental of the disciplines. All sciences and most other disciplines
arose out of it. Moreover, philosophy is concerned with asking and answering the “big” questions that are the most
basic. For example: Is there a God? Is there life after death? Are there absolute moral standards? What kind of life is the
best? What is knowledge and what are its sources?
Students learn to ask and answer these and other similar questions for themselves through the development and use of
critical reasoning, assisted by the study of philosophers from the past and present.
The Philosophy major has been carefully planned so that students can easily graduate with two majors. Some Philosophy
majors continue on to graduate school in philosophy, while others use the major to prepare for other professional
studies such as law, medicine, religious ministry, or journalism.
Philosophy Faculty
David Apolloni (Chair), Larry Crockett, Markus Führer, Marit A. Peterson, Judith Stack-Nelson, Bernard Walker
Degree and Major Requirements
Philosophy Major
Eight courses including:
PHI 230 - Logic
or PHI 385 - Formal Logic and Computation Theory
PHI 241 - History of Philosophy I: Ancient Greek Philosophy
PHI 242 - History of Philosophy II: Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy
PHI 343 - History of Philosophy III: Early Modern and 19th-Century Philosophy
PHI 344 - History of Philosophy IV: 20th-21st Century Philosophy
A 400-level Philosophy course (other than PHI 499)
Two elective courses in Philosophy
Four courses must be upper division
Note: The Philosophy department at present does not offer a keystone PHI 499 course of its own. We recommend that
majors take the keystone course offered in the Religion Department, or (in the case of double majors) in the department
of the other major.
Graduation Skills
Graduation skills in Critical Thinking (CT), Speaking (S), and Writing (W) are embedded throughout the offered courses
and are met by completing the major. The Quantitative Reasoning (QR) graduation skill can be met by taking PHI 230.
Transfer students must consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill each of
these skills.
Language requirement
The Philosophy Department has no specific language requirement besides the one of the University, but it recommends
for Philosophy majors Greek, Latin, French, or German, at the discretion of the faculty advisor.
Major in Computational Philosophy
In addition to a major and minor in Philosophy, the Philosophy department also offers a cross-disciplinary major in
conjunction with the Computer Science department emphasizing areas of interest in which philosophy and computer
science overlap: logic, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of language. The
purpose of the major is to augment the technical skills of a computer scientist with the creativity and liberal arts
perspective of a philosopher. The result is a degree that is very marketable in industry and that provides an excellent
logical and philosophical background for those wishing to pursue graduate study in philosophy. See Computer Science
for more information.
Departmental Honors
Admission to the Philosophy honors program is by recommendation of the Philosophy faculty. Such recommendations
will be made at the end of the junior year. The program will consist of an honors thesis on an approved topic of the
student’s choice that involves research above the course level, and a defense of this thesis before the faculty of the
Philosophy Minor
Five courses, including two from:
PHI 241 - History of Philosophy I: Ancient Greek Philosophy
PHI 242 - History of Philosophy II: Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy
PHI 343 - History of Philosophy III: Early Modern and 19th-Century Philosophy
PHI 344 - History of Philosophy IV: 20th-21st Century Philosophy
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
Physicists are a curious and ambitious lot. Their aim is to understand the fundamental principles that describe and
govern all physical aspects of the universe. Historically called “natural philosophers,” physicists investigate by means of
controlled experimentation and mathematical analysis. Physics includes the study of systems ranging from sub-atomic
particles to the largest galaxies and from the relative stillness of near absolute zero to the fiery activity of stars. Physics
plays an important role in many of the liberal arts disciplines and contributes to society’s understanding of such areas as
energy, weather, medical science, and space exploration. A good background in physics (and the associated problem
solving skills obtained therein) will prepare you well for a multitude of careers.
Recognizing the importance of physics in contemporary life and the need to keep abreast of rapid technological
advances, the department strives to give students not only an understanding of basic concepts, but also insights into
recent developments. A rigorous major provides students with the preparation required for graduate study in physics. It
also provides flexibility, serving as a stepping stone to advanced work in related areas such as astronomy, engineering,
materials science, atmospheric science and meteorology, oceanography, biophysics, environmental science, and the
medical and health-related fields. The department serves the liberal arts by offering courses for non-science students
that enable them to attain a general understanding of a particular area of science. These courses provide the basis for
further study and enable students to follow new developments in science with heightened awareness and
The department administers Augsburg University’s portion of funds designated for the Minnesota Space Grant College
Consortium, funded by NASA. It also maintains active research programs through its Center for Atmospheric and Space
Sciences and the Sverdrup Laboratory for Biophysics, with support from the National Science Foundation, NASA, and
other private and public sources. Several students work as research assistants in these efforts during the academic year
and in the summer. Cooperative education, internship, and undergraduate research programs provide opportunities for
students to apply their knowledge and problem-solving skills in practical situations in industrial, governmental, and
academic settings.
Stuart Anderson (Chair), Mark Engebretson (professor emeritus), Jeffrey Johnson (professor emeritus), Ben Stottrup
Physics Research Staff: Jennifer Posch
Degree and Major Requirements
Physics Major, BA
PHY 121 - General Physics I
PHY 122 - General Physics II
PHY 245 - Modern Physics
PHY 351 - Mechanics I
PHY 362 - Electromagnetic Fields I
PHY 363 - Electromagnetic Fields II
PHY 395 - Comprehensive Laboratory I
PHY 396 - Comprehensive Laboratory II
Two elective physics courses above PHY 122
MAT 145 - Calculus I
MAT 146 - Calculus II
MAT 245 - Calculus III
PHY 327 - Special Functions of Mathematical Physics
or MAT 369 - Modeling and Differential Equations in Biological and Natural Sciences
Graduation Skills
Graduation skills in Critical Thinking (CT), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), and Writing (W) are embedded throughout the
offered courses and are met by completing the major.
The graduation skill in Speaking (S) is met by completing one of the following courses—COM 111, COM 115, or MAT 201
Transfer students must consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill each of
these skills.
Physics Major, BS
PHY 121 - General Physics I
PHY 122 - General Physics II
PHY 245 - Modern Physics
PHY 261 - Electronics
PHY 351 - Mechanics I
PHY 362 - Electromagnetic Fields I
PHY 363 - Electromagnetic Fields II
PHY 395 - Comprehensive Laboratory I
PHY 396 - Comprehensive Laboratory II
Two from the following:
PHY 317 - Biophysics
PHY 320 - Introduction to Space Physics
PHY 352 - Mechanics II
PHY 420 - Plasma Physics
PHY 430 - Introduction to Solid State Physics
PHY 486 - Quantum Mechanics
CHM 115 & 115L - General Chemistry I
CHM 116 & 116L - General Chemistry II
MAT 145 - Calculus I
MAT 146 - Calculus II
MAT 245 - Calculus III
PHY 327 - Special Functions of Mathematical Physics
or MAT 369 - Modeling and Differential Equations in Biological and Natural Sciences
Graduation Skills
Graduation skills in Critical Thinking (CT) and Writing (W) are embedded throughout the offered courses and are met by
completing the major. Consult your department chair or academic advisor for requirements for meeting the
Quantitative Reasoning (QR) graduation skill.
The graduation skill in Speaking (S) is met by completing the following course—COM 115
Transfer students must consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill each of
these skills.
Physics Major with Concentration in Space Physics, BS
It is the same as the BS major, with the addition of PHY 320 - Introduction to Space Science and PHY 420 - Plasma
Physics Major with Concentration in Biophysics, BS
It is the same as the Physics BS major, with the addition of PHY 317 - Biophysics, one independent project (PHY, CHM,
BIO, or MAT 499), and one elective from the following:
BIO 253 - Introductory Cellular Biology
BIO 355 - Genetics
BIO 369 - Biochemistry
BIO 471 - Advanced Cellular and Molecular Biology
BIO 475 - Neurobiology
BIO 476 - Microbiology
BIO 486 - Immunology
CHM 353 - Quantitative Analytical Chemistry
CHM 367 - Properties of Polymers
CHM 368 - Physical Chemistry: Microscopic Theory
CHM 464 - Advanced Organic Chemistry
CHM 470 - Principles of Medicinal Chemistry
CHM 481 - Instrumental Analysis
MAT 369 - Modeling and Differential Equations in Biological and Natural Sciences
PHY 327 - Special Functions of Mathematical Physics
PHY 430 - Introduction to Solid State Physics
Departmental Honors
A GPA of 3.50 in physics and 3.30 overall. An original research project on a significant topic in Physics with an oral
presentation and written report. Project proposals should be made to the department by Sept. 30 of the senior year.
Final project submissions are due to April 1st.
Other Requirements
In planning their courses of study, students are encouraged to work closely with members of the Physics faculty.
Normally, students should have MAT 145, 146, and PHY 121, 122 during the first year, and MAT 245 and 369 (or PHY
327) during the sophomore year.
Graduation Skills
Graduation skills in Critical Thinking (CT) and Writing (W) are embedded throughout the offered courses and are met by
completing the major. Consult your department chair or academic advisor for requirements for meeting the
Quantitative Reasoning (QR) graduation skill.
The graduation skill in Speaking (S) is met by completing the following course—COM 115
Transfer students must consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill each of
these skills.
Teaching Licensure Major
The State of Minnesota has specific licensing requirements for teachers that may differ slightly in emphasis from the
Augsburg major requirements. The state requirements may also be subject to change after publication of this catalog.
Students therefore should consult with the Augsburg Department of Education to identify current Minnesota teacher
licensure requirements.
PHY 121 - General Physics I
PHY 122 - General Physics II
PHY 245 - Modern Physics
PHY 351 - Mechanics I
PHY 362 - Electromagnetic Fields I
PHY 363 - Electromagnetic Fields II
PHY 395 - Comprehensive Laboratory I
PHY 396 - Comprehensive Laboratory II
SCI 490 - Integrated Science or other approved Keystone
Two additional physics courses above 122; PHY 261 recommended
MAT 145 - Calculus I
MAT 146 - Calculus II
MAT 245 - Calculus III
PHY 327 - Special Functions of Mathematical Physics
CHM 115 - General Chemistry I
CHM 116 - General Chemistry II
Physics Minor
Seven courses including:
PHY 121 - General Physics I
PHY 122 - General Physics II
MAT 145 - Calculus I
MAT 146 - Calculus II
Three elective physics courses above PHY 122
Society of Physics Students
The Augsburg chapter of the Society of Physics Students provides students the opportunities of membership in a
national physics society and of participating in the physics community on a professional basis. Membership in the society
is open to all students interested in physics.
Sigma Pi Sigma
Membership in the Augsburg chapter of this national physics honor society is open to those students who have
completed the equivalent of a minor in physics, have a GPA of 3.00 in physics and overall, and rank in the upper third of
their class.
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
Political Science
Political Science at Augsburg University helps prepare you for many paths: political engagement, pursuit of an advanced
degree, a successful career. Political science focuses on the role of power and authority in human affairs, something
relevant to any field you might choose. Understanding power and authority is also necessary for anyone interested in
political and social change.
The major prepares you for many options after graduation, including law school, or graduate work in areas such as
political science, public administration, and public policy. Our majors have gone on to work in government, business,
communications, the non-profit sector, education, and numerous other fields.
Internships are within easy reach of the campus, because of our location in the heart of the Twin Cities metro area.
Grounded in the diverse and international community around Augsburg, the department directly engages the world and
issues around us.
Numerous study abroad programs are also available, as well as learning opportunities throughout the country. The
Model UN program, which travels annually to New York, is a highlight for many students. Our majors experience an
education which can extend from the classroom to the surrounding community to places around the world.
Our experienced faculty teach in all major areas of political science, and also possess special expertise in campaigns and
elections, immigration and ethnic politics, urban and environmental politics, gender and politics, economic
development, comparative and international politics, mass communications and other information technology, and
American public law. Our broad, balanced, and flexible course offerings, combined with the many special educational
opportunities, enhance your potential for graduate study and a successful career.
Andrew Aoki (Chair), Sarah Combellick-Bidney, Milda Hedblom (Pre-Law Advisor), Elizabeth Klages, Norma Noonan
(emerita), Joseph Underhill
Degree and Major Requirements
A C- minimum grade is required in all courses taken for the major.
Political Science Major
Ten courses:
POL 158 - Introduction to Political Science
POL 483 - Political Statistics and Methodology
POL 484 - Political Analysis
One elective from the following:
POL 121 - American Government and Politics
POL 122 - Social Justice in Urban America
POL 160 - World Politics
POL 170 - Law in the United States
At least five other upper division courses in four out of five Political Science areas. A seminar in one of the five areas may
be counted for that area. Only one internship may count for an upper division area.
One other Political Science course in any area, upper or lower division
Political Science Area Courses
This is a list of commonly offered courses that fulfill the upper division area elective requirements. Students may also
satisfy the elective requirements with a variety of courses from study abroad experiences, HECUA, or other programs,
with the permission of the department. POL495 can be used toward area requirements with advisor approval. The
applicable area will vary based on the topic of the course.
Area 1 – American Government and Politics: POL325, 326, 342, or 421
Area 2 – Comparative Politics and Analysis: POL350, 359, or 459
Area 3 – International Politics: POL368, 461, or 490
Area 4 – Public Law: POL370 or 371
Area 5 – Political Theory and Analysis: POL380 or 381
Graduation Skills
The Critical Thinking (CT), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), and Writing (W) graduation skills are embedded throughout the
offered courses and are met by completing the major. The graduation skill in Speaking (S) is met by completing one of
the following courses: POL 325, POL 326, or POL 380
Transfer students must consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill each of
these skills.
Pre-Law Concentration in Political Science
11 required courses including:
POL 121 - American Government and Politics
POL 170 - Law in the United States
POL 483 - Political Statistics and Methodology
POL 484 - Political Analysis
Two of the following three courses:
ENL 220 - Intermediate Expository Writing
or ENL 223 - Writing for Business and the Professions
PHI 230 - Logic
COM 111 - Public Speaking
Electives (five total):
Three courses from the choices below:
POL 350 - Topics: European Politics
POL 370 - Constitutional Law
POL 371 - Topics
POL 380 - Western Political Thought
POL 381 - Topics: Democratic Theory
And two additional upper level courses in Political Science (can come from the list above, or be any other upper level
Political Science course).
Public Policy and Political Change Concentration in Political Science
10 courses plus an internship, including:
ECO 112 - Principles of Macroeconomics
or ECO 113 - Principles of Microeconomics
POL 121 - American Government and Politics
or POL 122 - Social Justice in Urban America
POL 325 - Politics and Public Policy
or POL 326 - Political Parties and Behavior
ECO 490 - Research Methods in Econometrics
or POL 483 - Political Statistics and Methodology
or SOC 362 - Statistical Analysis
POL 484 - Political Analysis
One Course from the Following:
POL 121 - American Government and Politics
POL 122 - Social Justice in Urban America
POL 124 - American Women and Politics
POL 158 - Introduction to Political Science
POL 160 - World Politics
POL 170 - Law in the United States
Four Courses from the Following:
POL 241 - Environmental and River Politics
POL 325 - Politics and Public Policy
POL 326 - Political Parties and Behavior
POL 342 - Mass Communication in Society
POL 370 - Constitutional Law
POL 371 - Topics
POL 381 - Topics: Democratic Theory
POL 421 - Topics: American Politics
POL 461 - Topics: International Politics
ECO 312 - Intermediate Macroeconomics
or ECO 313 - Intermediate Microeconomics
SOC 381 - City and Regional Planning
Plus an internship, usually taken as POL 399.
If both POL 121 and 122 are completed, one can count for section I and one for section II. The same course cannot
fulfill requirements in both sections.
If both POL 325 and 326 are completed, one can count for section I and one for section III. The same course cannot
fulfill requirements in both sections.
Only one economics course (either 312 or 313) can be counted toward the four courses required in Section III.
The internship can be taken for credit or not-for-credit. A student taking an internship not for credit must still have a
Political Science department faculty member supervising the internship, and must fulfill certain academic
requirements, which will be explained by the supervising faculty member.
Substitutions to the courses above can be approved by the department chair. For example, the department
sometimes offers relevant topics courses under numbers not listed above.
Political Science Areas
American Government and Politics
Comparative Politics and Analysis
International Politics
Public Law
Political Theory and Analysis.
Any course listed in more than one area may be counted in only one area toward major or minor requirements.
Departmental Honors
The honors major in Political Science includes the requirements listed above, plus the following:
The student’s GPA must be 3.50 in Political Science courses and 3.00 overall; the student must take an honors
independent study and a seminar, and must submit an honors thesis to be defended before a faculty committee.
Students may work with any member of the department on their honors thesis. For specific requirements, consult the
department chair.
For a student to be eligible for departmental honors, all courses in the major must be taken with traditional grading (not
P/N). Exceptions may be made in extraordinary circumstances.
Political Science Minor
Five courses, including:
POL 121 - American Government and Politics
or POL 122 - Social Justice in Urban America
or POL 170 - Law in the United States
POL 158 - Introduction to Political Science
And at least three upper-division courses in three out of five political science areas
POL 483 may not usually be used for a minor.
Pre-Law Minor
Four Required Courses:
POL 121 - American Government and Politics
POL 170 - Law in the United States
Two of the following:
ENL 220 - Intermediate Expository Writing
or ENL 223 - Writing for Business and the Professions
PHI 230 - Logic
COM 111 - Public Speaking
Two electives from the following:
POL 350 - Topics: European Politics
POL 370 - Constitutional Law
POL 371 - Topics
POL 380 - Western Political Thought
When necessary, substitutions can be approved by the chair (e.g. if a required course has to be canceled).
Public Policy and Political Change Minor
Core courses:
POL 121 - American Government and Politics
or POL 122 - Social Justice in Urban America
POL 325 - Politics and Public Policy
or POL 326 - Political Parties and Behavior
POL 399 - Internship
Three of the following:
POL 241 - Environmental and River Politics
POL 325 - Politics and Public Policy
POL 326 - Political Parties and Behavior
POL 342 - Mass Communication in Society
POL 381 - Topics in Democratic Theory
POL 421 - Topics in American Politics
POL 461 - Topics in International Politics
ECO 312 - Intermediate Macroeconomics
or ECO 313 - Intermediate Microeconomics
SOC 381 - City and Regional Planning
POL 140 can be substituted for POL 122, with advisor approval.
If both POL 325 and 326 are completed, one can count for section I and one for section II. The same course cannot
fulfill requirements in both sections.
Only one Economics course (either 312 or 313) can be counted toward the three courses required in Section II.
Teaching Major in Political Science and Economics
Total of 12 courses required: five courses in economics, five courses in political science, and two courses in education.
ECO 112 or 113 and POL 121 also fulfill requirements for the social studies core; education courses also fulfill licensure
requirements for secondary education.
Economics Courses:
ECO 112 - Principles of Macroeconomics (elective for social science core)
ECO 113 - Principles of Microeconomics (elective for social science core)
ECO 312 - Intermediate Macroeconomics
or ECO 315 - Money and Banking
ECO 313 - Intermediate Microeconomics
One other upper division Economics course
Education Courses:
EDC 200 - Orientation to Education in an Urban Setting (required for licensure)
ESE 310 - 5-12 Methods: Social Studies (Capstone course) (required for licensure)
Political Science Courses:
POL 121 - American Government (social science core course)
Two upper-level political science courses (must be in two different areas)
Two other Political Science courses
In addition, in order to graduate with this major, a student must have been admitted into the Department of Education.
To be licensed in social studies, additional education courses and the social studies core are required.
Note: Students interested in secondary education may take a Political Science major or the teaching major in Economics
and Political Science. Either option requires that the student also take courses required for the social studies core. For
more information, see the department chair.
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
Psychology is an exploration of behavior and mental processes. As an integral part of a liberal arts education, psychology
contributes to the understanding of individual and group behavior. The study of psychology equips students to
understand and use the scientific method to think creatively and critically beyond the classroom. To prepare students
for graduate study and work in psychology, the major emphasizes the complementary components of a strong
foundation in research and theoretical work with the application of knowledge and skills in coursework, research
experiences, and internships within the community. The curriculum’s emphasis on the experiential dimensions of
learning and the integration of liberal arts and professional domains prepares students for careers in many settings
including business, education, social services, research, law, government, religious institutions, and medicine.
Faculty members in the Department of Psychology have varied professional specializations including clinical, counseling,
neurobiological, developmental, social, cognitive, and industrial/organizational psychology as well as expertise in
psychological applications to health, law, and public policy. Students may tap this expertise through a variety of learning
experiences including group and individual projects, Psi Chi Honor Society, and faculty-student research teams.
Henry Yoon (Co-Chair), Stacy Freiheit (Co-Chair), Ben Denkinger, O. Evren Guler, David Matz, Bridget Robinson-Riegler,
Brian Rood, Nancy Steblay
Degree and Major Requirements
Psychology Major
The major is 10 courses including:
PSY 105 - Principles of Psychology
PSY 215 - Research Methods and Statistics I
PSY 315 - Research Methods and Statistics II
At least one course from the following:
PSY 325 - Social Behavior
PSY 354 - Cognitive Psychology
PSY 355 - Biopsychology
At least one course from the following:
PSY 491 - Advanced Research Seminar
PSY 493 - Seminar: Contemporary Issues
Professional Perspectives:
PSY 400 - Keystone Internship
At least one course from the following:
PSY 201 - Health Psychology
PSY 235 - Psychology and Law
PSY 263 - Sports Psychology
PSY 282 - Industrial and Organizational Psychology
PSY 357 - Behavioral Analysis
PSY 359 - Assessment
PSY 385 - Counseling Psychology
PSY 410 - Clinical Neuropsychology
Electives (three courses in psychology)
Majors are encouraged to take more than the minimum 10 required psychology courses.
Note: A minimum of five courses must be from Augsburg. No more than two courses from among PSY 199, 299,
399/396, 400 and 499 may be counted.
Graduation Skills
Graduation skills in Critical Thinking (CT), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), Speaking (S), and Writing (W) are embedded
throughout the offered courses and are met by completing the major.
Transfer students should consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill each of
these skills.
All psychology majors must have an advisor in the Psychology department.
Transfer Students
Transfer-course policy for majors and minors: All transfer courses, including ACTC courses, must be approved by the
chair. Only those psychology courses successfully completed (C- or above) within the last 10 years will be considered. In
general, courses that meet the transfer guidelines may only be applied to elective or PSY 105 credit for the major.
Teaching Licensure Major
The State of Minnesota has specific licensing requirements for teachers that may differ slightly in emphasis from the
Augsburg major requirements. The state requirements may also be subject to change after publication of this catalog.
Students therefore should consult with the Augsburg Department of Education to identify current Minnesota teacher
licensure requirements.
Biopsychology Major
The Psychology and Biology Departments jointly offer a program in Biopsychology. See Biopsychology in the
departmental pages of this catalog.
Concentration in Clinical Psychology
The Clinical Psychology concentration is designed to prepare students for careers and graduate education in mental
health care fields. Students will learn about the biological, psychological, and social factors related to defining,
understanding, and treating abnormal behavior. Emphasis is placed on developing knowledge and skills related to both
the science and practice of psychology. Experiential learning opportunities include collaborating on faculty-student
research projects and completing an internship in a real-world mental health setting.
PSY 105 - Principles of Psychology
PSY 215 - Research Methods and Statistics I
PSY 262 - Abnormal Psychology
PSY 315 - Research Methods and Statistics II
PSY 385 - Counseling Psychology
PSY 400 - Keystone Internship
At least two courses from the following:
PSY 325 - Social Behavior
PSY 354 - Cognitive Psychology
PSY 355 - Biopsychology
At least one course from the following:
PSY 491 - Advanced Research Seminar
PSY 493 - Seminar: Contemporary Issues
At least one course from the following:
PSY 261 – Personality and Cultural Context
PSY 359 - Assessment
Concentration in Psychology and Law
The field of psychology and law involves the application of scientific and professional aspects of psychology to questions
and issues relating to law and the legal system. This field encompasses contributions made in a number of different
areas- research, clinical practice, public policy, and teaching/training among them—from a variety of orientations within
the field of psychology, such as developmental, social, cognitive, neuropsychology, and clinical. Students in this
concentration will participate in at least three experiential learning venues: laboratory research, a community-based
internship, and study tours to Hennepin County courts.
PSY 105 - Principles of Psychology
PSY 215 - Research Methods and Statistics I
PSY 235 - Psychology and Law
PSY 262 - Abnormal Psychology
PSY 315 - Research Methods and Statistics II
PSY 325 - Social Behavior
PSY 354 - Cognitive Psychology
PSY 360 - Psychology Laboratory
PSY 400 - Keystone Internship
PSY 491 - Advanced Research Seminar
SOC 277 - Introduction to Criminology
At least one course from the following:
PSY 359 - Assessment
PSY 385 - Counseling Psychology
PSY 410 - Clinical Neuropsychology
At least one course from the following:
POL 170 - Law in the United States
POL 370 - Constitutional Law
Concentration in Social Psychology
Both the Psychology and Sociology Departments offer courses relevant to students with interests in social psychology.
The intent of the Social Psychology concentration is to provide students with a solid disciplinary foundation along with
specific coursework to strengthen a cross-disciplinary social psychological perspective. Coursework will emphasize
research skills, theoretical analysis, and applied work in areas intended to prepare students for careers in law,
consulting, research, and social policy, as well as many other areas. In addition, the Social Psychology concentration is
ideal for graduate school preparation.
PSY 105 - Principles of Psychology
PSY 215 - Research Methods and Statistics I
PSY 315 - Research Methods and Statistics II
PSY 325 - Social Behavior
PSY 400 - Keystone Internship
SOC 121 - Introduction to Sociology
SOC 375 - Social Psychology
At least one course from the following:
PSY 491 - Advanced Research Seminar
PSY 493 - Seminar: Contemporary Issues
At least one course from the following:
PSY 201 - Health Psychology
PSY 235 - Psychology and Law
PSY 263 - Sports Psychology
PSY 282 - Industrial and Organizational Psychology
PSY 357 - Behavior Analysis
PSY 359 - Assessment
PSY 385 - Counseling Psychology
PSY 410 - Clinical Neuropsychology
Electives (three additional courses in psychology)
Departmental Honors
GPA of 3.50 in the major and overall, and completion of a high-quality research project. Formal application must be
made during the junior year. Consult the department chair for more detailed requirements.
Five courses, including:
PSY 105 - Principles of Psychology
Four additional PSY electives
A minimum of two courses must be taken at Augsburg. If a student minoring in psychology elects to complete internship
courses, no more than two of the following courses can count toward the minor: PSY 199, 299, 396, 399, 400, and 499.
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
Religion – everyone has a notion of what it is. But try to define it, and words get tangled in the varieties of religious
expressions, experiences, systems, and cultures. Personal perspective and experience also come into play, creating
different and even conflicting attitudes and opinions about religion’s value and place in the 21 century.
But while religion is deeply personal, it is seldom private. Its impact is everywhere and affects everyone, from the most
committed believer and practitioner to the most convinced atheist. Because of the significance of religion in the public
sphere, “Religion and Public Life” serves as a guiding theme that emerges in various ways in the courses offered by the
Augsburg University Religion Department as we welcome students of all religious persuasions – and none – to explore
the role of religion:
In their own lives with a view toward how their beliefs, values, and commitments inform their place in society;
To gain knowledge and competency in relating to the religious beliefs, practices, and cultures of others whom
students may engage in their future professional and social contexts;
In considering their own career choices in service to the world through religious institutions and organizations;
For a deeper understanding of religion’s impact – past and present – in the world they inhabit, regardless of any
student’s own religious position.
All of these avenues to the exploration of religion in public life support and express the Augsburg University
commitment to an educational mission that is “guided by the faith and values of the Lutheran Church.” This tradition,
at the core of Augsburg’s own vocation in higher education, encourages inquiry, welcomes diversity, wrestles with life’s
complexities, and engages the world while preparing students of all backgrounds and persuasions “…to be informed
citizens, thoughtful stewards, critical thinkers, and responsible leaders.”
Mary Lowe (Chair), Lori Brandt Hale, Russell Kleckley, Matthew Maruggi, Jeremy Myers, Philip Quanbeck II, Marty Stortz,
Mark Tranvik, and Hans Wiersma
The Religion Department offers two majors: Religion and Theology & Public Leadership.
General Education Requirements
RLN 100: Religion, Vocation, and the Search for Meaning I
Augsburg embraces a world of many cultures, beliefs, and traditions. This introductory course invites students into that
engagement between religious commitment and the world through an exploration of vocation, pluralism, and diversity.
The course encounters the search for meaning through the narratives of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and
encourages students to consider their own religious, philosophical, and ethical commitments in dialogue with other
perspectives. Course related texts, activities, and experiences foster critical thinking and inquiry.
Religion, Vocation, and the Search for Meaning II
For their second required Religion course, students may choose from a wide range of courses that build on the
foundational themes established in RLNEL100 and continue the exploration of vocation, the search for meaning, and
role of religion in public life in the context of particular issues, topics, and people. These courses focus the study of
Religion through a specific topic or issue from the broad field of Religion and its connection to Public Life in a variety of
social, cultural, and historical settings. One option, RLNEL 200: Religion, Vocation, and the Search for Meaning II,
develops themes from RLNEL 100, including vocation, culture, pluralism, and interreligious dialogue. Other courses are
described in the course listings. Any course taken in fulfillment of this requirement may count toward a potential
Religion major or minor.
Degree and Major Requirements
Religion Major, BA
Courses offered toward a major in Religion highlight the theme of Religion in Public Life in four main areas: 1) Culture
and Society, 2) History and Theology, 3) Sacred Texts and Narratives, 4) Global Religions and Interfaith Studies. Students
majoring in Religion may choose one of these areas as a concentration for their degree by completing four courses
within the concentration out of the 8 total courses (32 credit hours) required for the major. Faculty in the department
work closely with students in selecting courses that match student interests and needs for graduate school, as well as to
make possible a double-major in a related field. The Religion major prepares students to think critically, read
analytically, write clearly, and speak confidently—skills that make our graduates attractive to graduate schools and
employers in any field.
Major/Concentration/Minor Requirements
Religion Major: 8 courses (beyond RLN 100; including RLN 209, RLN 400.)
Concentration within the major: Minimum 4 courses in the concentration
Religion Minor: 4 courses (beyond RLN 100)
Students majoring in Religion can pursue one of the four concentrations listed below.
Culture and Society – Sixteen credits from:
RLN205: Exploring Topics in Religion (depending on topic)
RLN216: Religion and Science in Popular Culture
RLN221: Feminism and Christianity
RLN222: Spirituality, Religion, and Popular Culture
RLN230: Self, Sex & Sin: Human Person in Christian & Contemporary Thought
RLN251: The Bible in Culture and Counterculture
RLN257: Heaven, Hell, and the End of the World
RLN319: Religion at the Movies
RLN409: Topics (depending on topic)
RLN441: Contemporary Theology
History and Theology – Sixteen credits from:
RLN205: Exploring Topics in Religion (depending on topic)
RLN214/MUS234: Church Music and Worship
RLN216: Religion and Science in Popular Culture
RLN221: Feminism and Christianity
RLN230: Self, Sex & Sin: Human Person in Christian & Contemporary Thought
RLN237: Giants of the Christian Faith
RLN240: Religion and the Rise of Science
RLN243: Religion in America
RLN245: The Lutheran Heritage
RLN257: Heaven, Hell, and the End of the World
RLN319: Religion at the Movies
RLN330: Theology of Death and Dying
RLN331: Christian Ethics
RLN342: Martin Luther and the Reformation
RLN340/HIS378: The Medieval Church
RLN370: American Indian Spirituality and Philosophical Thought
RLN374: Ethics and World Religions
RLN409: Topics (depending on topic)
RLN441: Contemporary Theology
Sacred Texts and Narratives – Sixteen credits from
RLN205: Exploring Topics in Religion (depending on topic)
RLN251: The Bible in Culture and Counterculture
RLN257: Heaven, Hell, and the End of the World
RLN261: Jesus and His Interpreters
RLN409: Topics (depending on topic)
Global Religions and Interfaith Studies – Sixteen credits from:
RLN205: Exploring Topics in Religion (depending on topic)
RLN275: Judaism
RLN276: World Religions
RLN370: American Indian Spirituality and Philosophical Thought
RLN374: Ethics and World Religions
RLN407: Interfaith Scholars Seminar I (2 semester credits)
RLN408: Interfaith Scholars Seminar II (2 semester credits)
RLN409: Topics (depending on topic)
Theology and Public Leadership Major, BA
The Theology and Public Leadership major is an interdisciplinary major that forms leaders for work at the intersections
of church and society. Students in this major are equipped with the necessary theological and theoretical frameworks,
leadership skills and servant hearts to lead a variety of communities in their expression of faith and their work for justice
in the world. This happens through the disciplined study of theology, scripture, the social sciences and ministry. A
distinctive element of the major is the combination of practical and theological training: students will have many
opportunities to apply their knowledge and discernment skills in specific ministry contexts, including a supervised
Graduates of this program do their work in the areas of youth ministry, congregational ministry, community organizing,
public policy and advocacy, non-profits and graduate school. Our vision is a generation of Christian leaders who are
equipped to lead the Christian church into the public square for the common good.
Students in this program earn a Bachelor of Arts in Theology and Public Leadership and are encouraged to combine this
degree with a concentration, minor or second major in an area of interest.
A Word about Youth and Family Ministry: For decades, Augsburg University has been a leader in the field of youth and
family ministry. The Youth and Family Ministry degree program has a long and storied history of pushing the envelope
with cutting edge approaches to ministry. This new version of the degree program stands proudly on that storied past.
Students who are pursuing a call to ministry with children, youth and families can prepare for this career by combining
the Theology and Public Leadership major with the Youth Studies concentration or minor.
Theology and Public Leadership Major (40-56 credits)
Theology core (20 credits):
RLN 209 - Research Methods in Religion
RLN 251 - The Bible in Culture and Counterculture
RLN 342 - Martin Luther and the Reformation
RLN 400 - Religion Keystone
RLN 441 - Contemporary Theology
Public ministry core (16 credits):
RLN 290 - Foundations for Public Ministry
RLN 295 - Church: Past, Present, Future
RLN 390 - The Art of Public Ministry
RLN 399 - Internship
Cross-Disciplinary Elective (4 credits) OR Concentration (16-20 credits)
Complete 4 credits in one of the concentrations listed below or complete the entire concentration
Minors and Concentrations
Students majoring in Theology & Public Leadership can pursue one of the concentrations listed below. A concentration
will be noted on the transcript at the point of graduation, not a minor.
Youth Studies Minor or Concentration
The 20-credit minor/concentration in Youth Studies offers students the opportunity to explore the history and practice
of work with children and youth, to form a critical and constructive framework for understanding and appreciating
young people, and to develop the necessary skill set for effective work with children and youth.
YST 210 - Rethinking Children and Youth
YST 320 - Working With Children and Youth
One human development course from:
PSY 203 - Lifespan Development
PSY 250 - Child Development
PSY 252 - Adolescent and Young Adult Development
SWK 303 - Human Development and the Social Environment
EDC 330, 331, 332, and 333 – Public Achievement sequence
Complete 4 credits in a YST elective from the courses listed below
HPE 115 - Chemical Dependency Education (2 cr.)
HPE 335 - Outdoor Education (2 cr.)
POL 122 - Social Justice in Urban America
POL 325 - Politics and Public Policy
PSY 262 - Abnormal Psychology
PSY 291 - Addiction and Recovery
SOC 231 - Family Systems: Cross Cultural Perspectives
SOC 265 - Race, Class, and Gender
SOC 300 - Mental Illness and Society (this topic only)
SOC 387 - Juvenile Delinquency
WST 281/481 – Topics: Girls, Culture, and Identity (this topic only)
Leadership and Management Concentration
This 16-credit concentration prepares students to manage and lead organizations, especially non-profits.
SOC 349 – Organizations and Society: Understanding Nonprofits and Corporations
BUS 242 – Principles of Management
COM 345 – Organizational Communication
NMS 230 – Social Media
Community Engagement Concentration
This 16-credit concentration prepares students to be effective community organizers and leaders who help organizations
effectively connect with their surrounding communities.
SOC 111 - City Life: Introduction to Urban Sociology or POL 122 – Social Justice in Urban America
SOC 240 - Protest and Social Change: The Sociology of Social Movements
SWK 230 - Global Peace and Social Development
COM 329 - Intercultural Communication
Worship and Music Concentration
This 16-credit concentration prepares students to be worship and music leaders in congregations and other faith
RLN 214/MUS 234 - Church Music and Worship
COM 111 - Public Speaking
Two other courses for this concentration will be chosen once the music department has hired someone for their new
Music, Human Development, and Learning position.
Environmental Stewardship Concentration
This 16-credit concentration prepares students to organize and educate faith communities and other non-profits around
practices of environmental stewardship.
ENV 100 - Environmental Connections
ENV 120 - Environmental Science
SWK 210 - Environmental Justice and Social Change
COM 260 - Environmental Communication
Advocacy & Public Policy Concentration
This 16-credit concentration prepares students to lead faith communities and other non-profits in their work around
advocacy and public policy.
POL 325 - Politics and Public Policy
SOC 390 - Social Problems Analysis
SOC 265 - Race, Class, and Gender
COM 329 - Intercultural Communication
Human Services Concentration
This 16-credit concentration prepares students to work in faith communities and other non-profits serving individuals
and families in need.
PSY 203 - Lifespan Development
PSY 262 - Abnormal Psychology or SOC 300 - Mental Illness and Society (this topic only)
SOC 231 - Family Systems: Cross Cultural Perspectives
SWK 100 - Introduction to Professional Social Work
Cross-Cultural Relations Concentration
This 16-credit concentration prepares students to help faith communities and other non-profits work effectively across
cultural differences.
Two semesters (8 credits) of a modern language at the 200-level or above, or its equivalency.
CCS 100 - Introduction to Cultural Studies
COM 329 - Intercultural Communication
Graduation Skills
The Critical Thinking (CT) graduation skill is embedded throughout the offered courses and is met by completing the
major. The graduation skills in Quantitative Reasoning (QR), Speaking (S) and Writing (W) are met by completing the
following courses:
Quantitative Reasoning: GST 200, MAT 145, MAT 146, MAT 163, MAT 164, or PHI 230; or by the QR requirement for a
second major
Speaking: Consult with advisor for an approved course outside the major
Writing: RLN 400 and one of the following: RLN 342, 370, or 441
Transfer students must consult a Religion Department advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements
to fulfill each of these skills.
RLN 100 is a prerequisite to all other RLN courses.
Transfer Courses
All transfer courses for majors and minors, including ACTC courses, must be approved in writing by the chair. Only
courses successfully completed within the last 10 years will be considered. In general, courses that meet the transfer
guidelines may only be applied to elective credit for the major.
All majors must have an advisor in the Religion Department.
Departmental Honors
GPA of 3.50 in the major and 3.00 overall, research project approved by the department, and colloquium with the
department. Application must be received by the department by December 30 of the student’s senior year.
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
Social Studies Teaching Licensure
The social studies licensure program is designed to combine a strong content focus with early and ongoing teaching
preparation courses that meet Minnesota licensure requirements. Students preparing to teach social studies at the
secondary level must complete a broad foundation program in the social sciences and professional requirements within
the Education Department.
Michael Lansing, History, Content Liaison
Rachel Lloyd, Secondary Education
Social Studies Teaching Licensure
Core requirements:
ECO 113 - Principles of Microeconomics
ESE 220 - Introduction to Human Geography
HIS 120 - America to 1815
or HIS 121 - 19th-Century United States
or HIS 122 - 20th-Century United States
POL 121 - American Government and Politics
PSY 105 - Principles of Psychology
SOC 121 - Introduction to Sociology
ANT 141 - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Plus a major in one of six fields—Economics, History, Political Economics, Political Science, Psychology, or Sociology.
Geography and anthropology are also acceptable fields, although they are not offered as majors on the Augsburg
An interdisciplinary Social Studies major is available for persons holding a bachelor’s degree and seeking licensure only.
Consult with Chris Brown for details.
Students considering a career in social studies education should consult the Augsburg Education Department and the
Social Studies coordinator by the beginning of their sophomore year.
Teaching Licensure Major
The State of Minnesota has specific licensing requirements for teachers that may differ slightly in emphasis from the
Augsburg major requirements. Students should consult with the Augsburg Education Department to identify current
Minnesota teacher licensure requirements.
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
Social Work
Professional social work is for students who have the desire to better the lives of people. Social work is for students who
want to learn the skills necessary for a successful and satisfying career for themselves and the lifelong benefit of working
with colleagues who also love their work. Our accredited program will immerse you in the skills and theories of social
work and interweave that body of knowledge with the liberal arts, psychology, sociology, economics, statistics, and
political science. The curriculum will prepare you for internships in a range of human service agencies including, schools,
hospitals, community centers, food shelves, women’s centers and a number of other settings in your junior and senior
year. The BSW program believes in social justice and teaches students how to engage the system to achieve it. The
program addresses multicultural professional practice through a required course.
The bachelor of social work degree awarded will allow you to be successful in your chosen areas of social work practice
and prepared to work in multicultural settings. Students graduating with a Social Work major will receive a Bachelor of
Science degree in social work and are eligible to apply for licensure as a generalist social worker. Over ninety-five
percent pass the exam on their first attempt.
Students interested in a graduate degree in social work (MSW) are encouraged to apply to our Master of Social Work
program. The undergraduate degree provides transferable credits toward the foundation year of an MSW program,
reducing the number of credits needed. Both the undergraduate and graduate Social Work programs are accredited by
the Council on Social Work Education. For more information about the MSW program, consult the Graduate Catalog.
Social Work Faculty
Michael Schock (Chair), Laura Boisen (MSW Field Coordinator), Lois Bosch (MSW Program Director), Christina Erickson
(BSW Field Coordinator), Bibiana Koh (BSW Program Director), Nishesh Chalise, Susan Conlin, Ankita Deka, Melissa
Hensley, Barbara Lehmann, Nancy Rodenborg, Paula Watts Zehringer
Admission to the Major
Students must apply to be admitted to the degree program in Social Work. This application process begins in the fall
semester of the sophomore year at Augsburg or in the summer months for junior transfer students. Each Social Work
major must complete the application materials and be officially admitted to the Social Work program before beginning
the first field placement in the junior year. Social Work majors must have a cumulative 2.50 GPA to apply to the
program. Students who do not meet this minimum GPA standard will be given an opportunity to explain their GPA and
may be considered for conditional admission. Admission to the program is required as a prerequisite for those 300 and
400 level courses restricted to Social Work majors only. After admission to the program, a cumulative 2.50 GPA is
required (in the supporting courses, upper division courses, and overall) to remain in good program standing. Please
contact the Social Work Department for details.
Degree and Major Requirements
The BSW degree consists of ten upper level courses and a total of seven supporting courses. Social Work courses that
are open to non-majors are designated with an asterisk.
The Supporting Courses
Select one of these three courses:
SWK 100 - Introduction to Professional Social Work*
SWK 210 - Environmental Justice and Social Change*
SWK 230 - Global Peace and Social Development*
Select one of these four courses:
ECO 112 - Principles of Macroeconomics
POL 121 - American Government and Politics
POL 122 - Social Justice in Urban America
POL 325 - Politics and Public Policy
Take these four courses:
BIO 121 - Human Biology
PSY 105 - Principles of Psychology
SOC 121 - Introduction to Sociology
SWK 280 - Diversity and Inequality in Professional Practice*
Select one of these three courses:
SOC 362 - Statistical Analysis
MAT 163 - Introductory Statistics
MAT 164 – Introductory Statistics for STEM
Graduation Skills
The Critical Thinking (CT), Speaking (S), and Writing (W) graduation skills are embedded throughout the curriculum and
are met by completing the major. The Quantitative Reasoning (QR) graduation skill is met by taking SWK 401 and MAT
163, MAT 164 or SOC 362.
Pass/No Credit Maximums for Majors
All Social Work majors must take their upper level courses with traditional grading.
Social Work Major
Ten upper level courses:
SWK 301 - History and Analysis of Social Policy*
SWK 303 - Human Development and the Social Environment*
SWK 306 - Social Work Practice 1: With Individuals
SWK 307 - Field Work 1: Integrative Seminar
SWK 316 - Social Work Practice 2: With Families and Groups
SWK 317 - Field Work 2: Integrative Seminar
SWK 401 - Social Work Research and Evaluation
SWK 406 - Social Work Practice 3: With Communities and Policies*
SWK 407 - Field Work 3: Integrative Seminar
SWK 417 - Field Work 4: Integrative Seminar (Senior Keystone course)
Social Welfare Minor (for non-social work majors)
The goal of the social welfare minor is to give non-majors a sense of the impact of social work on society and a means to
incorporate some social welfare perspectives to their chosen career.
Six courses including:
SWK 100 - Introduction to Professional Social Work
SWK 301 - History and Analysis of Social Policy
SWK 303 - Human Development and the Social Environment
SWK 406 - Social Work Practice 3: With Communities and Policies
SOC 265 - Race, Class and Gender
And one course from:
POL 121 - American Government and Politics
POL 158 - Introduction to Political Science
POL 325 - Politics and Public Policy
Required Social Work Field Placement
Students are required to take a field placement at a social service agency in their junior and senior year. The field
placements are a total 120 hours each semester which is 240 hours over the course of one year.
No credit for non-academic work
In accordance with accreditation standards, the Social Work Department does not grant credit for life experience or
previous work experience.
Departmental Honors
The Social Work Department offers students the opportunity to earn departmental honors through the completion of an
applied or scholarly project. Students may apply for departmental honors if they have earned and maintain an overall
GPA of 3.50 and maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.60 in all Social Work classes at the 300-level and above. Honors
applicants may take up to two non-social work courses as P/N (pass/no credit) and must complete a minimum of 56
traditionally-graded Augsburg credits. Other requirements include the successful completion of a paper or project
designed to demonstrate critical understanding of one area in the field of social work or social welfare. A faculty mentor
will guide and supervise work on this paper or project. Please consult with the advisor or BSW Program Director for
complete details and deadlines.
Social Work Honor Society
Phi Alpha Omicron Delta is the Augsburg University chapter of the national social work honor society. Phi Alpha fosters
high standards of education for social workers and invites into membership those who have attained excellence in
scholarship and achievement in social work.
Membership is open to juniors who have completed at least one semester and have a GPA of 3.75 or higher in upper
level courses.
Social Work Study Abroad Opportunities
The Augsburg BSW program is a leader in international education for its students. All majors are encouraged to study
abroad at some point in their academic career. Through The Center for Global Education and Experience, the BSW
program offers an award-winning semester study abroad program in Cuernavaca, Mexico. Students in the spring
semester of their junior year study social work in Mexico and finish their degrees on time. The Social Work department
also offers a rotating selection of faculty-led, short courses to countries such as China, Slovenian, South Africa and India.
Social Work Course Sequence
Social Work Entry Level Courses
The Social Work major offers three ways to begin the BSW degree: SWK 100 is for those students interested in the
breath of the profession; SWK 210 is for students whose interest is in environmental issues and social change strategies;
and SWK 230 is for students interested in international social work and global issues. All three courses are equal as
introductions to the major.
Each course features an experiential learning component. Students volunteer 40 hours in a human service agency,
program, or institution. The placement is selected by the student, approved by the course instructor, and supervised by
agency staff. These courses are also open to non-majors. The department also offers a course in human diversity, SWK
280, which is to be taken after the entry level courses.
Social Work upper level courses (300s and 400s) are taught in a two-year sequence. Courses are taught once a year. The
senior keystone is SWK 417: Field Work 4: Integrative Seminar. Consult the BSW Program Manual for the degree courseschedule flowchart.
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
Sociology is the scientific study of society and social interaction in groups. Our examination of human social organization
provides the opportunity to improve the world we have created and in which we live. The sociological perspective
provides an important way to critically understand how human beings come to think and act as they do in a variety of
social contexts.
The goal of the Department is to guide students in gaining knowledge of social processes and the social order, how it
affects them in their daily lives, and how it can be applied to their lives and vocations. Sociology majors develop an
understanding of the theories of society and social groups, learn to create and use scientific tools of analysis, and
practice the application of sociological concepts to the solution of social problems.
The Department urges students to use Augsburg’s metropolitan and international settings as a laboratory for learning.
Internships enable majors to apply the theories and research skills of sociology while they explore career alternatives.
Students also may take an independent study, special topics course, or field study toward that end.
The major in Sociology has equipped our alumni to understand and function more effectively in the social world as
professionals, citizens, and persons, providing the necessary knowledge base and analytical, writing, and critical thinking
skills. Augsburg alumni who have majored in Sociology are currently employed in the nonprofit sector, research
positions, human resources positions in both government and private corporations, the criminal justice field, and as
professors of sociology. Others have used the major as preparation for advanced study in areas such as law, human
services, social work, urban planning, and the ministry.
Sociology Faculty
Nancy Fischer (Chair), Lars Christiansen, Garry Hesser, Diane Pike, Tim Pippert, James Vela-McConnell
Degree and Major Requirements
Sociology Major
Sociology has a long-standing tradition as an excellent undergraduate major that applies to a number of fields from
human services to criminal justice to business to public service. The foundation of the major at Augsburg is that it
provides a clearly organized curriculum that is challenging, develops over the course of the major, and integrates and
reinforces a challenging set of important skills; those skills include abstract thinking, writing, critical analysis, basic
research, integration of theory and data, and the connection of the individual and collective perspectives in the unique
way of the sociological imagination. The five core courses intentionally develop those skills in our students. The electives
allow students to choose courses that add other skills related to areas of career interest.
The major includes a total of 10 courses: five required core courses and five electives, at least three of which are upper
division courses from the specified list below:
Core courses:
SOC 121 - Introduction to Sociology
SOC 362 - Statistical Analysis
SOC 363 - Research Methods
SOC 485 - Sociological Theory
SOC 490 - Senior Seminar and Keystone
Electives courses:
Five SOC electives, at least three of which must be upper division courses (Prerequisite: SOC 121).
Note: Majors must have a C- or higher in each required course (SOC 121, 362, 363, 485, and 490) to receive credit in the
major, and at least a cumulative 2.00 GPA in courses counting toward the major.
Graduation Skills
The Critical Thinking (CT), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), Speaking (S), and Writing (W) graduation skills are embedded
throughout the offered courses and are met by completing the major.
Transfer students must consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements.
Interest Tracks
In order to focus preparation for careers and further study, the Department offers interest tracks within the major.
These interest tracks are: City and Community; Crime and Deviance; Law; Organizations; and Social Psychology. Interest
tracks guide majors in selecting elective courses in a way that tailors their sociological training, experiences and skills.
Working with an advisor and following the guidelines and recommendations provided at the links below, Sociology
majors can design a pathway through the major that directs them toward careers or graduate work in criminal justice,
law, organizational development, public relations, social services, and urban studies.
Students who are interested in pursuing an interest track should discuss this with their advisor or the Sociology
Department chair. A full description of each interest track may be found at the Sociology Department website,
Teaching Licensure Major
The State of Minnesota has specific licensing requirements for teachers that may differ slightly in emphasis from the
Augsburg major requirements. The state requirements may also be subject to change after publication of this catalog.
Students therefore should consult with the Augsburg Department of Education to identify current Minnesota teacher
licensure requirements.
Departmental Honors
To complete departmental honors in Sociology, the student must have a minimum GPA of 3.50 in the major and overall.
See department chair and website for specific requirements. An application for departmental honors/graduation with
distinction must be completed by spring of the junior year.
Five courses including SOC 121 and at least two upper division courses taken at Augsburg University. Students are
required to have a C- or higher in SOC 121 and at least a cumulative 2.00 GPA in courses counting toward the minor.
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
Theater is an ever-changing field that is important to understand in cultural and societal context. In our courses,
productions, recitals, and artist series, the Theater Department explores both classical and new forms, examines global
and local perspectives, and encourages in-depth creative exploration. Students are challenged to deepen their critical
thinking abilities and to master professional skills while also exploring new approaches to theater through their studies
in design, directing, performing, and playwriting. Students thoughtfully interrogate issues of cultural representation,
diversity, and inclusion as they find and express their own creative visions. The program prepares them well to continue
with their education and/or to become leaders in the field of theater and performance studies.
The study of theater is firmly grounded in the liberal arts, integrating knowledge and principles from many academic and
artistic disciplines, including literature, history, philosophy, religion, speech, art, music, and dance. Both the high quality
curriculum and dramatic productions of our department offer valuable cross-disciplinary connections for students and
the campus, while providing a solid base in classical, modern, and contemporary theater from various cultural traditions.
In order to encourage non-majors to become involved in our department, we offer six Theater minors and welcome all
Augsburg students to become involved in our productions.
Augsburg’s location in the heart of a nationally recognized theater community makes it an ideal place to study theater.
At Augsburg we create every opportunity for students to grow both as theater artists and scholars by encouraging
connections between our campus and the greater arts community, and between theory and practice. Students have the
opportunity to make these connections through course study, theatrical production work, participation in the Artist
Series (an annual series of events featuring visiting theater professionals from the local community who work closely
with students), and attendance at numerous professional productions throughout the Twin Cities. Augsburg productions
are a valuable opportunity for students to enter into creative collaboration with faculty and professional artists-inresidence. We value and regard theater productions as a critical and vital laboratory for student learning and training,
and we hold our productions to the highest standards of the profession.
Many of the skills acquired by Theater majors or minors are valuable and transferable to other professions:
collaboration, verbal and nonverbal communication, organization, critical thinking, leadership, creativity, and selfexpression. Involvement in theater can help prepare students for successful careers in law, education, business,
communication, journalism, and many other fields, as well as in professional or academic theater, television, or film.
Theater Faculty
Sarah Myers (Chair), Darcey Engen (Chair), Jason Ballweber, Barbra Berlovitz, Warren C. Bowles, Michael Burden,
Christina Ham, Michelle Hutchison, Wu Chen Khoo, Karen Mulhausen, Kimberly Richardson, Joel Sass, Beliza Torres
Narváez, Stephanie Walseth, and Randy Winkler
Degree and Major Requirements
Bachelor of Arts
The Theater Department currently offers both a Theater major with one (or more) concentrations, a Theater major
without a concentration and two Theater minors. There are three choices for concentrations within the major:
performance, directing/dramaturgy/playwriting, and design/technical.
The Theater major with a concentration requires the following: the Theater core curriculum, three concentration
courses, plus two Theater major electives (12 total courses). The Theater major with no concentration requires the
following: the Theater core curriculum and two Theater major electives (9 total courses). The general Theater minor
requires any five courses from our department and the music theater minor requires five specified courses (see Theater
Each concentration requires 8 Theater Practicum Units (THPs). The Theater major without a concentration requires 5
THP practicum units. The Theater minors both require 3 THP practicum units. See Theater Practicum courses for specific
course information and transfer requirements.
Graduation Skills
The Theater Department addresses the graduation skills using the embedded model. Every course within the core
curriculum and most electives as part of a specific concentration require various projects that address Critical Thinking
(CT), Writing (W), and Speaking (S). The Quantitative Reasoning (QR) graduation skill can be met by completing GST 200,
MAT 111, MAT 145, MAT 146, MAT 163, MAT 164, PHI 230, or PHY 119.
Transfer students must consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill each of
these skills.
Theater Major
The following four courses are required:
THR 228 - Introduction to Stagecraft
THR 229 - Theatrical Design
THR 232 - Acting
THR 250 - Script Analysis: Foundations of Theater
Three from the following:
THR 245 - Introduction to Asian and Asian American Theater
THR 270 - Introduction to Black Theater
THR 273 - Latina/Latino Theater and Performance
THR 361 - Theater Histories: Origins to 1800
THR 362 - Theater Histories: 1800 to the Present
Two elective courses from the following:
THR 226 - Movement for Theater
THR/FLM 230 - Scenic Painting: Painting for Stage, Film and Faux Application
THR 233 - Acting for the Camera
THR 235 - Skills of Musical Theater
THR 237 - Dance for Musical Theater
THR 245 - Introduction to Asian and Asian American Theater
THR 255 - Introduction to Musical Theater
THR 265 - Computer Drafting for the Stage and Architecture
THR 270 - Introduction to Black Theater
THR 273 - Latina/Latino Theater and Performance
THR 275 - Lighting and Sound for the Stage
THR 280 - Costumes and Makeup for Performance
THR 295 - Topics
THR/ENL 325 - Playwriting I
THR/ENL 326 - Playwriting II
THR 350 - Voice for Speech, Stage and Screen
THR 355 - Performing Shakespeare
THR 361 - Theater Histories: Origins to 1800
THR 362 - Theater Histories: 1800 to the Present
THR 365 - Advanced Acting
THR 366 – Stage Direction
THR 367 - New Methodologies of Stage Direction and Dramaturgy
THR 490 - Theater Keystone: Exploring Vocation & Artistic Practice
ENL 221 - Expository Writing about the Arts
ENL 330 - Shakespeare
ENL 338 - British and Commonwealth Drama
ENL 358 - Readings in American Drama
ENL 368 - Readings in World Drama
The general Theater major requires four THP credits (Theater Practicum Units) in any area.
Theater Major with Concentration(s)
Theater majors with concentrations require an additional three courses, specified below. No course can be counted
twice as a major requirement and a concentration requirement. A total of twelve courses are required for Theater
majors with concentrations.
Theater majors with concentrations require eight THP credits: 1 performance, 1 stagecraft/crew, 1 lighting, 1 costuming,
and the remaining four in any area.
Transfer students with concentrations should complete the following number of THPs based on their transfer standing: 6
for sophomores, 4 for juniors, and 2 for seniors. The areas in which these THPs are completed should be determined
with an advisor.
Performance Concentration
Choose three from the following:
THR 226 - Movement for Theater
THR 350 - Voice for Stage, Speech, and Screen
THR 355 - Performing Shakespeare
THR 365 - Advanced Acting
Design/Technical Concentration
Choose three from the following:
THR/FLM 230 - Scenic Painting
THR 275 - Lighting and Sound for the Stage
THR 280 - Costumes and Makeup for Performance
THR 285 - Scenery Design
Directing/Dramaturgy/Playwriting Concentration
Choose three from the following:
THR/ENL 325 - Playwriting I
THR/ENL 326 - Playwriting II
THR 366 - Stage Direction
THR 367 - New Methodologies of Stage Direction & Dramaturgy
Theater Minor
Any five courses offered in Theater or listed above under Theater major electives. The Theater minor requires three
theater practicum units (THPs) in any area.
Musical Theater Minor
Choose five from the following:
THR 232 - Acting
THR/MUS 235 - Skills of Musical Theater
THR 237 - Dance for Musical Theater
THR 255 - Introduction to Musical Theater
THR 365 - Advanced Acting
MUE 294 - Opera Workshop
Three theater practicum units (THPs) in any area.
Curricular Planning Information
First-years planning to major in Theater should complete THR 228, 232, and 250 during their first year. Students who are
second-year, third-year, or fourth-year majors may choose from the following courses, depending on their concentration
and courses offered: THR 226, 229, 230, 235, 237, 245, 255, 270, 275, 280, 295, 325, 361, and 362. Theater majors who
are juniors or seniors may take THR 326, 350, 361, 362, 365, 366, 425, and 495. Note: While many courses are offered
annually, some courses are offered alternate years only and others are offered only on an occasional basis.
Departmental Honors
Designed to encourage overall excellence as well as outstanding achievement on a specific project of special interest to
the student. Departmental Honors students must maintain a 3.75 GPA in the major and a 3.60 GPA overall and complete
a substantial independent project of honors quality within the major. Honors candidates should meet with their
departmental advisor during spring semester of their junior year to develop a proposal for the honors project to be
submitted by mid-April. The Theater Department will assign an honors project advisor to students submitting successful
Transfer Students
Transfer students should meet with a transfer advisor upon acceptance to determine what credits taken at another
institution will transfer into the major. The majority of Theater core classes should, however, be taken at Augsburg.
Additionally, transfers are required to take a minimum of three upper-division Theater courses at Augsburg. Students
pursuing one of the three theater concentrations should complete eight practicum units to fulfill their major
requirements. Students transferring with sophomore standing should complete a minimum of six practicum units within
the department. Students transferring with junior standing should complete a minimum of four practicum units within
the department.
Theater Practicum Units
Theater Practicum Units (THPs) involve practicum teaching and learning in the context of play productions and are
required for the Theater Majors/Minors. Theater majors and minors will register for THPs and the THPs are taken for no
credit with pass/no credit grading. Evaluation by the faculty mentor will be based on: 1) Successful and timely
completion of the practicum area for which the student is registered; 2) Positive and professional attitude and work
ethic demonstrated by the student; and 3) Demonstrated competency in the practicum area. The positive evaluation of
each of the areas must be sufficient enough to lead to a minimum grade of C- in order to receive a P grade.
Theater Practicum Units require:
Consent and signature of instructor
Supervision by Theater faculty
A minimum of 25 hours of assessed participation by the student
Registration for THP in the semester the practicum is completed
THP course registration must meet the Registrar’s Office deadlines
Please Note:
THPs may be repeated
Crew work required classes/coursework does not count toward practicum credit
Work-study hours do not count towards practicum credit
3 THP credits are given for large stage management projects and 2 THP credits are given for small stage management
projects because of extraordinary amount of time required of the student.
Theatre Major THP (theater practicum units) Requirements for Major, Minor, and Transfer students:
Theater majors without a concentration are required to complete 4 THPs in any area.
Theater majors with a concentration are required to complete 8 THP units in the following areas: 1 performance, 1
stagecraft/crew, 1 lighting, 1 costuming, and the remaining four in any area.
Transfer Theater majors in all three concentrations should complete the following number of THPs at Augsburg
based on their transfer standing: 6 for Sophomores, 4 for Juniors, and 2 for Seniors. The areas in which these THPs
are completed should be determined with an advisor.
All Theater minors are required to complete 3 THP Credits (THP practicum units) in any area.
Theater Practicum Courses - Groupings
THP 111/121/131/141/151 - Theater Practicum: Acting/Performance
Students who complete participation as an actor in one midterm and one final student directing project for THR 366 may
be given one THP 151 credit.
THP 112/122/132 - Theater Practicum: House Management
THP 113 - Theater Practicum: Sets
THP 123 - Theater Practicum: Costumes
THP 133 - Theater Practicum: Lights
THP 114/124/134 - Theater Practicum: Running Crew
THP 115/125/135 - Theater Practicum: Stage Management-Small Project
THP 116/126/136 - Theater Practicum: Stage Management-Large Project
THP 117/127/137 - Theater Practicum: Artistic
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
Urban Studies
Urban Studies is the study of cities as social, political, economic, and cultural entities. Urban Studies brings many
different perspectives to the study of urban life. It is an interdisciplinary major where students use the tools of sociology,
political science, history, environmental studies, art and architecture to understand metropolitan areas in terms of
complex relationships that contribute to opportunities and challenges. The major is designed with experiences that
utilize the city as our classroom, demonstrating the interplay of urban design, policy, and lived experience. Coursework
often includes walking tours, field trips, and field research. Augsburg University’s Urban Studies program emphasizes the
themes of planning urban and suburban areas to be more environmentally sustainable, promoting the health and civic
engagement of citizens, and ways to engage in effective citizen engagement.
The Urban Studies major helps prepare students for careers and graduate work in community organizing, urban
planning, public administration, environmental advocacy and sustainability planning, government service, social welfare
and non-profit work, and architecture. All students participate in internships that reflect their career interests as part of
their experience.
Many students who major in Urban Studies often double-major in related disciplines such as Environmental Studies,
Political Science or Sociology. If you’re interested in double-majoring, please consult the director of Urban Studies about
how to best plan your academic schedule to accommodate both majors.
Nancy Fischer (Director, Sociology), Kristin Anderson (Art), Andrew Aoki (Political Science), Lars Christiansen (Sociology),
Keith Gilsdorf (Economics), Michael Lansing (History), and Joseph Underhill (Political Science).
Degree and Major Requirements
Urban Studies Major
A total of 11 courses, with the following required courses. A minimum GPA of C- in the core courses is required for the
Core Courses:
SOC/URB 111 - City Life: Introduction to Urban Sociology
POL/URB 122 - Social Justice in Urban America
ECO 113 - Principles of Microeconomics
SOC/URB 381 - City and Regional Planning
SOC/URB 399 - Internship
URB 492 - The City and the Environment Keystone
SOC 362 - Statistical Analysis
or POL 483 - Political Statistics and Methodology
SOC 363 - Research Methods
or POL 484 - Political Analysis
ART/HIS 249/349 - The Designed Environment
or HIS 316 - Nature, Cities, and Justice: U.S. Urban Environmental History
or SOC 380 - Disaster and Resilience
And two additional urban-related electives, approved by the Program Director. For electives, please see the following
list, which is not exhaustive. Please consult the Director of Urban Studies for other elective possibilities that suit your
career interests, including off-campus study, ACTC courses, or study abroad.
ART 243 - History of Architecture to 1750
ART 244 - History of Architecture after 1750
ART/HIS 249/349 - The Designed Environment
ECO 365 - Environmental Economics
ENV 100 - Environmental Connections
GEOG225 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (Macalester)
GEOG241 Urban Geography (Macalester)
GEOG321 Geographic Information Systems (St. Thomas)
HIS 316 - Nature, Cities, and Justice: U.S. Urban Environmental History
POL 241 - Environmental and River Politics
POL 325 - Politics and Public Policy
SOC 265 - Race, Class and Gender
SOC 349 - Organizations and Society: Understanding Nonprofits and Corporations
SOC 380 - Disaster and Resilience
URB 199 - Internship
URB 295 - Special Topic
URB 299 - Directed Study
URB 395 - Special Topic
Students who are thinking of careers in urban planning are highly encouraged to take courses in Geographic Information
Systems (GIS) at Macalester College (Geography 225, 363 and 365) or at the University of St. Thomas (Geography 221,
321 and 322).
Graduation Skills
Graduation skills in Critical Thinking (CT), Speaking (S), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), and Writing (W) are embedded
throughout the core courses and are met by completing the Urban Studies major.
Transfer students must consult the Director of Metro Urban Studies about potential adjustments in their course
requirements to fulfill these skills.
Urban Studies Minor
A total of five courses including:
Core Courses:
SOC/URB 111 - City Life: Introduction to Urban Sociology
POL/URB 122 - Social Justice in Urban America
SOC 381 - City and Regional Planning
One of the following:
HIS 316 - Nature, Cities, and Justice: U.S. Urban Environmental History
ART/HIS 249/349 - The Designed Environment
SOC 380 - Disaster and Resilience
URB 492 - The City and Environment Keystone
And an approved Urban Studies Elective (see list above).
Off-Campus Study and Study Abroad
Off-campus study is highly recommended for Urban Studies majors. Urban Studies faculty frequently lead short-term
study abroad courses over the winter break and summer. Please check the Center for Global Education and Experience
(CGSS) website and ask Urban Studies faculty about upcoming short-term abroad courses in the major.
For semester-length programs, the Higher Education Consortium for Urban Affairs’ (HECUA) Programs are highly
recommended. These semester-length and summer programs include: Inequality in America, The New Norway, and
Environment and Agriculture, and Art for Social Change Programs ( Other study abroad programs that
are particularly useful to Urban Studies majors include: IES Metropolitan Studies program in Berlin, Germany
(; and the Danish Institute of Study Abroad’s Urban Studies in Europe Program in Copenhagen,
Denmark ( Urban Studies students have participated in programs in other countries as well.
Please see the program websites, CGEE and the Director of the Urban Studies Program for completing Urban Studies
coursework in off-campus programs.
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
Youth Studies Minor
The Youth Studies minor is an interdisciplinary exploration of the lived realities of children and youth in today’s shifting
cultures. The minor is intended to supplement a student’s current course of study particularly if that student is
considering child or youth work in the future. The courses in this minor will help students develop a constructive and
critical lens for understanding how young people are viewed and treated within society and how young people interact
with and construct meaning and culture. Students in this minor will also gain practical skills through hands-on
experience working with children and youth in various settings. The underlying philosophy of the Youth Studies minor is
one of youth empowerment. Young people are often targeted as a menace to society, but we see young people as gifted
and empowered agents of positive change. Students in this minor will learn to take this approach to youth work into
their chosen professions.
Minor Requirements
20 credits including:
YST 210 – Rethinking Children and Youth
YST 320 – Working With Children and Youth
One human development course from:
PSY 203 - Lifespan Development
PSY 250 - Child Development
PSY 252 - Adolescent and Young Adult Development
SWK 303 - Human Development and the Social Environment
EDC 330, 331, 332, and 333 – Public Achievement sequence
Complete 4 credits in a YST elective from the courses listed below
HPE 115 – Chemical Dependency Education (2 cr.)
HPE 335 – Outdoor Education (2 cr.)
POL 122 – Social Justice in Urban America
POL 325 – Politics and Public Policy
PSY 262 - Abnormal Psychology
PSY 291 - Addiction and Recovery
SOC 231 – Family Systems: Cross Cultural Perspectives
SOC 265 – Race, Class, and Gender
SOC 300 – Mental Illness and Society (this topic only)
SOC 387 – Juvenile Delinquency
WST 281/481 – Topics: Girls, Culture, and Identity (this topic only)
For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.
Augsburg University Board of Regents
For more details, go to
Andra Adolfson
Ann B. Ashton-Piper
Karen A. Durant ’81
Matthew K. Entenza, J.D.
Mark A. Eustis
Nicholas C. Gangestad ‘86
Amit K. Ghosh ‘12 M.B.A., M.D.
Alexander J. Gonzalez ‘90
Norman R. Hagfors
Jodi L. Harpstead
Rev. Marlene Whiterabbit Helgemo
Bishop Richard N. Hoyme, ex-officio
Diane L. Jacobson, Ph.D.
Rev. Rolf A. Jacobson, Ph.D.
Wayne D. Jorgenson ‘71
Toby Piper LaBelle ‘96
The Honorable LaJune Thomas Lange ’75, J.D.
Steven E. Larson ’71, M.D.
André J. Lewis ’73, Ph.D.
Dennis J. Meyer ‘78
Pamela Hanson Moksnes ‘79
Paul S. Mueller ’84, M.D.
Jeffrey M. Nodland ’77
Lisa M. Novotny ’80
Paul C. Pribbenow, Ph.D.
Rachel Pringnitz ‘02, ‘07 M.B.A.
Earl W. Sethre ‘68
Dean A. Sundquist ‘81
Bishop Ann M. Svennungsen, ex-officio
Jill N. Thomas, J.D.
Rev. David L. Tiede, Ph.D.
Vicki L. Turnquist
Rev. Norman W. Wahl ’76, D.Min.
Rev. Mark N. Wilhelm, Ph.D., ELCA advisory member
Noya Woodrich, ‘92, ‘94 M.S.W.
ELCA Vocation and Education Program Unit
Executive Director
Rev. Stephen Bouman, D.Min.
Program Director for Colleges and Universities
Rev. Mark N. Wilhelm, Ph.D.
Faculty and Administration
Beginning year of service of faculty and staff is indicated with parentheses.
University Cabinet
Paul C. Pribbenow (2006). President. BA, Luther College; MA, PhD, University of Chicago.
Leif Anderson (1996). Vice President and Chief Information Officer. BA, MPP, University of Minnesota.
Ann L. Garvey (1998). Vice President of Student Affairs. BA, College of St. Catherine; MA, Loyola University; JD,
University of Minnesota.
Rebecca John (2010). Vice President of Marketing and Communication. BA, University of St. Thomas; MA, University of
Phoenix, MBA, Augsburg University.
Karen Kaivola (2013). Provost and Chief Academic Officer and Professor of English BA, Georgetown University; MA,
Ph.D., University of Washington.
Beth Reissenweber (2014). Chief Financial Officer. BS, Elmhurst College; MBA, Indiana University; PhD, University of
Heather Riddle (2012). Vice President for Institutional Advancement. BA, Concordia College, Moorhead.
Ron Blankenship (2014) Director, Adult Undergraduate Program, BS, Christian Brothers University, MBA, Christian
Brothers University.
Harry Boyte (2009). Director of the Center for Democracy and Citizenship and Sabo Senior Fellow. BA, Duke University;
MDiv, University of Chicago Divinity School; PhD, Union Institute.
Scott Brownell (2014). Director of Public Safety & Risk Management. AA, Chippewa Valley Technical College; BS, Mount
Senario College; Certified Emergency Manager, Minnesota Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management.
Tom Carroll (2014). Director of Budget, Finance and Administration. BA, Loras College; MBA Keller Graduate School of
Management of DeVry University.
Katie Code. Director of Alumni & Constituent Relations. BA, Augsburg University.
Jodi Collen (2007). Director, Events and Conference Planning. BA, Wartburg College; MTA, George Washington
Crystal Comer (2012). Registrar. BS, Bemidji State University; MS, Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Amy Cram Helwich (2009). Executive Director of the Minnesota Urban Debate League. BS, University of Wyoming; MPA,
University of Pittsburgh.
Monica Devers. (2017). Dean of Professional Studies. MA, MSc, University of Glasgow; MA, PhD, University of
Rebekah Dupont (1995, 2008). Director, STEM Programs and Associate Professor of Mathematics. BA, University of
Wisconsin, Madison; MS, Ph.D., Washington State University.
Amanda Erdman (2007). Director, Residence Life. BA, Coe College; MAE, University of Northern Iowa.
Elaine Eschenbacher. Director, Sabo Center for Democracy and Citizenship. BA, University of Minnesota.
Nathan Gorr (2006). Director of Graduate Admissions. BA, University of Minnesota, Morris.
Amy Gort (2009). Dean of Arts and Sciences. Associate Professor of Biology. BS, University of Wisconsin; MS, PhD,
University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana.
Sarah Griesse (2006). Dean of Students, Student Affairs. BA, Wittenberg University; MA, Ohio State University; PhD,
Loyola University-Chicago.
Nancy Guilbeault (1980). Director, Counseling and Health Promotion. BA, MA, PhD, LP, University of Minnesota.
Nathan J. Hallanger (2008). Director of Academic Administration. BA, Augustana College; MTS, Harvard Divinity School,
Harvard University; PhD, Graduate Theological Union and Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary.
Mary A. Hollerich (2015). Director of Library Services. AB, MS, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Stephen Jendraszak (2015). Director, Marketing Communication. BA, MA, Ball State University.
Scott Krajewski (2000). Director of IT Services, Information Technology. BS, Augsburg University; MS, Iowa State
Mark Lester (1987). Co-site director, Central America, Center for Global Education. BA, St. Pius X Seminary; MA, Mt. St.
Mary Seminary.
Ann Lutterman-Aguilar (1993). Site director, Mexico, Center for Global Education. BA, Earlham College; MDiv, Yale
University; DMin, San Francisco Theological Seminary.
Kathleen McBride (1988). Co-site director, Central America, Center for Global Education. BA, George Mason University;
EdM, Harvard University.
Donna McLean (1985). Director of Leadership Gifts. BA, University of Minnesota.
Patrick Mulvihill (2017). Assistant Provost of Global Education & Experience. BA, St. Olaf College; MPA, University of
Minnesota, Humphrey School of Public Affairs.
Keith Munson (2010, 2012). Director, Career and Internship Services. BA, St. Olaf College; MS, Minnesota State
University, Mankato.
Ruby Murillo (2017). Director, Latin@ Student Services. BS, Iowa State University; MS, Miami University.
Alyson C. Olson (2001). Director, Student Support Services/TRiO. BA, Grinnell College; MA, University of Minnesota.
Steve Peacock (2008). Director of Community Relations. BA, College of Wooster; MURP, University of Minnesota.
Joanne Reeck (2008). Director of Campus Activities and Orientation. Chief Diversity Officer. BA, MA, University of
Mohamed Sallam (2006). Director, Pan-Afrikan Center. BA, MA, Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Patrice M. Salmeri (2002). Executive Director for Recovery Advancement. BS, Kent State University; MA, Saint Mary’s
Doug H. Scott (2007). Director of Leadership Gifts. BA, Eastern University; MDiv, Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Dixie Shafer (2000). Director, Office of Undergraduate Research and Graduate Opportunity. BA, Moorhead State
University; EdM, Rutgers University.
Jennifer R. Simon (2007). Director, American Indian Student Services. BA, University of Minnesota; MA, Minnesota State
University, Mankato.
Leah Spinosa de Vega (2008). Director of Global Initiatives and Off-campus Study. BA, MA, University of Minnesota.
David St. Aubin (2008). Director, Athletic Facilities. BS, University of Minnesota.
Lisa Stock (2013). Director and Chief Human Resources Officer. BSW, MSW, Augsburg University.
Jeffrey F. Swenson (1986). Athletic Director. BA, Augsburg University; MA, University of Minnesota.
Erica Swift (2013). Director, Sponsored Programs. BA, University of Minnesota; MS, The George Washington University.
Tina Maria Tavera (2001, 2008). Director, McNair Scholars Program. BA, MA, University of Minnesota.
Jim Trelstad-Porter (1990). Director of International Student and Scholar Services. BA, Augustana College; MA, American
Martha Truax (2007). Director of Annual Giving. BA, Macalester College.
Mary Laurel True (1990). Director of Service-Learning and Community Engagement. BA, St. Catherine University; MSW,
University of Connecticut.
Hli Vang (2014). Director of Pan-Asian Student Services. BS, University of Wisconsin-River Falls; MA, University of
Wisconsin- Lacrosse.
Stephanie Weiss (2010). Director, News and Media Services. BA, University of Minnesota.
Faculty (Full-time)
Phillip C. Adamo (2001). Professor of History. BA, SUNY-Albany; MA and PhD, Ohio State University.
Beth J. Alexander (2000). Associate Professor of Physician Assistant Studies. BS and DPharm, University of Minnesota.
Kristin M. Anderson (1984). Professor of Art. AB, Oberlin College; MA, University of Minnesota; MA, LutherNorthwestern Seminary; PhD, University of Minnesota.
Stuart M. Anderson (1989). Associate Professor of Physics. BA, Augsburg University; PhD, University of Minnesota.
Andrew L. Aoki (1988). Professor of Political Science. BA, University of Oregon; MA, PhD, University of WisconsinMadison.
David B. Apolloni (1989). Associate Professor of Philosophy. BA, University of Minnesota; MDiv, Luther-Northwestern
Seminar; PhD, University of Minnesota.
Jennifer Bankers-Fulbright (2008). Associate Professor of Biology. BA, College of Saint Benedict; PhD, Mayo Clinic
College of Medicine.
Eric Barth (2008). Assistant Professor of Physician Assistant Studies. BA, University of St. Thomas; BS, Trevecca Nazarene
University; MPAS, University of Nebraska.
Bruce Batten (2008). Assistant Professor of Business Administration. BS, Davidson College; PhD, Medical College of
Matthew Beckman (2008). Associate Professor of Biology. BA, Brandeis University; PhD, University of Alabama.
Pavel Bělík (2008). Associate Professor of Mathematics and Statistics. PhD, University of Minnesota.
Vanessa Bester (2017). Assistant Professor of Physician Assistant Studies. BS, University of Pittsburgh. MPA, University
of Florida.
Jeanne M. Boeh (1990). Professor of Economics. BS, MA, PhD, University of Illinois.
Laura S. Boisen (1996). Professor of Social Work. BA, Wartburg College; MS, University of Wisconsin-Madison; MPA,
Iowa State University; PhD, University of Minnesota.
Lois A. Bosch (1997). Professor of Social Work. BA, Northwestern College; MSW, University of Iowa; PhD, University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Adriane Brown (2012). Assistant Professor of Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies. BA, Wichita State University; MS,
Minnesota State University, Mankato; PhD, Ohio State University.
Eric L. Buffalohead (1997). Associate Professor of American Indian Studies. BA, MA, PhD, University of Minnesota.
Michael R. Burden (1990). Associate Professor of Theater (Designer and Technical Director). BA, Augsburg University;
MFA, University of Minnesota.
William C. Capman (1994). Associate Professor of Biology. BA, University of Illinois-Chicago; PhD, University of Illinois at
Amanda S. Case (2016). Assistant Professor of Chemistry. BS, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point; PhD, University of
John C. Cerrito (1983). Assistant Professor of Business Administration. BA, Rhode Island College; MS, University of
Wisconsin-Stout; EdD, University of Minnesota.
Nishesh Chalise (2015). Assistant Professor of Social Work. BSc, Kathmandu University; MSW, PhD, Washington
University in St. Louis.
Kristen A. Chamberlain (2007). Associate Professor of Communication Studies, Film, and New Media. BS, PhD, North
Dakota State University.
Lars D. Christiansen (2001). Associate Professor of Sociology. BA, Clark University; MS, PhD, Florida State University.
Anthony J. Clapp (2001). Associate Professor of Health, Physical Education, and Exercise Science. AA, Golden Valley
Lutheran College; BA, Texas Lutheran College; MA, Southwest Texas State University; PhD, University of Alabama.
Kathleen Clark (2009). Lecturer, Nursing. BSN, University of Wisconsin; MA and DNP, Augsburg University.
Stephan Clark (2011). Associate Professor of English. BA, University of Southern California; MA, University of California,
Davis; PhD, University of Southern California.
Sarah Combellick-Bidney (2009). Associate Professor of Political Science. BA, Oberlin College; MA, PhD, Indiana
Susan Conlin (2015). Instructor of Social Work. BA, University of Minnesota; MS, University of Wisconsin-Madison; MS;
University of Wisconsin-Stout.
David A. Conrad (2000). Associate Professor of Business Administration. BA, Winona State University; MA, EdD, St.
Mary’s University of Minnesota.
Robert J. Cowgill (1991). Associate Professor of English. BA, MA, PhD, University of Minnesota.
Larry J. Crockett (1985). Professor of Computer Science. BA, MA, Pacific Lutheran University; MDiv, Luther Theological
Seminary; PhD, University of Minnesota
David Crowe (2008). Associate Professor of Biology. BA, Gustavus Adolphus College; PhD, University of Minnesota.
Jill A. Dawe (1994). Associate Professor of Music. BM, Memorial University of Newfoundland; MM, DMA, Eastman
School of Music.
Susan Degner Riveros (2015). Lecturer in Languages and Cross-Cultural Studies. BA, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign; MA, Ph.D, Columbia University.
Ankita Deka (2008). Associate Professor of Social Work. BA, Delhi University; MA, Tata Institute of Social Sciences; PhD,
Indiana University.
Benjamin Denkinger (2011). Assistant Professor of Psychology. BA, Hamline University; PhD, University of Minnesota.
Jacqueline R. deVries (1994). Professor of History. BA, Calvin College; MA, PhD, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign.
Jennifer D. Diaz (2015). Assistant Professor of Education. BS, MS, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
George Dierberger (2012). Assistant Professor of Business Administration. BA, University of Minnesota; MBA, Fairleigh
Dickinson University; MIM, EdD, University of St. Thomas.
Suzanne I. Dorée (1989). Professor of Mathematics and Statistics. BA, University of Delaware; MA, PhD, University of
Susan Druck (1993). Instructor of Music. BA, Iowa State University; MA, University of Iowa.
Rebekah Dupont (2012). Associate Professor of Mathematics and Statistics, and Director, STEM Programs. BA, University
of Wisconsin-Madison; PhD, Washington State University.
Wesley B. Ellenwood (2002). Assistant Professor of Communication Studies, Film, and New Media. BA, University of
Minnesota; MFA, Syracuse University.
Darcey K. Engen (1997). Professor of Theater. BA, Augsburg University; MFA, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Jacob Enger (2017). Instructor of Business Administration. BA, St. John’s University; MPAcy, University of Washington.
Carol A. Enke (1986). Instructor of Health, Physical Education, and Exercise Science.. BS, MEd, University of Minnesota.
Christina L. Erickson (2004). Associate Professor of Social Work. BS, University of Minnesota; MSW., University of
Minnesota – Duluth; PhD, University of Illinois – Chicago.
Joseph A. Erickson (1990). Professor of Education. BA, MA, College of St. Thomas; MA, Luther-Northwestern Theological
Seminary; PhD, University of Minnesota.
Zengqi Vivian Feng (2008). Associate Professor of Chemistry. BS, Linfield College; PhD, University of Illinois.
Margaret J. Finders (2014). Professor of Education. BA, MA, PhD, University of Iowa.
Nancy L. Fischer (2005). Associate Professor of Sociology. BA, Hamline University; MA, The American University; PhD,
State University of New York – Albany.
Richard M. Flint (1999). Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics. BA, St. Olaf College; MS, Iowa State
Kaija Freborg (2011). Assistant Professor of Nursing. BS, University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire; MA, DNP, Augsburg
Stacy R. Freiheit (2005). Associate Professor of Psychology. BA, University of Central Florida; MA, PhD, Case Western
Reserve University.
Mark L. Fuehrer (1969). Professor of Philosophy. BA, College of St. Thomas; MA, PhD, University of Minnesota.
Suzanne Gikas (2017). Assistant Professor of Education. BA, University of Essex; Postgraduate degree, Christ Church
College; MEd, Phd, Kent State University.
Keith F. Gilsdorf (2001). Professor of Economics and Interim Dean of Arts and Sciences . BS, Moorhead State University;
MA, North Dakota State University; PhD, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Douglas E. Green (1988). Professor of English. BA, Amherst College; MA, PhD, Brown University.
William D. Green (1991). Professor of History. BA, Gustavus Adolphus College; MA, PhD, JD, University of Minnesota.
Jeanine A. Gregoire (1996). Associate Professor of Education. BS, MA, PhD, University of Minnesota.
Sarah Groeneveld (2016). Assistant Professor of English. BA, Westmont College; MA, PhD, University of WisconsinMadison.
Kellie Groon (2017). Instructor of Business Administration. BS, Delaware Valley College; MBA, University of South
Robert C. Groven (1997). Associate Professor of Communication Studies, Film, and New Media. BA, Concordia CollegeMoorhead; MA, JD, University of Minnesota.
Evren Guler (2011). Associate Professor of Psychology. BA, University of North Carolina; PhD, University of Minnesota.
Matthew J. Haines (2001). Professor of Mathematics and Statistics. BA, St. John’s University; MS, PhD, Lehigh University.
Lori Brandt Hale (1998). Associate Professor of Religion. BA, University of Iowa; MA, University of Chicago; PhD,
University of Virginia.
David R. Hanson (2006). Assistant Professor of Chemistry. BA, PhD, University of Minnesota.
Jenny L. Hanson (2013). Assistant Professor of Communication Studies, Film, and New Media. BA, Augsburg University;
MFA, Donau-Universität Krems.
Rebecca Hartwig (2017). Lecturer of Nursing. BS, Idaho State University; MS, University of Colorado; DNP, Augsburg
Milda K. Hedblom (1971). Professor of Political Science. BA, Macalester College; MA, JD, PhD, University of Minnesota.
Annie Heiderscheit (2013). Assistant Professor of Music. BME, Wartburg College; MS, Iowa State University; PhD,
University of Minnesota.
Melissa Hensley (2010). Associate Professor of Social Work. AB, MSW, Washington University; MHA, University of
Missouri–Columbia; PhD, Washington University.
Stella K. Hofrenning (2000). Associate Professor of Economics. BS, University of Maryland; PhD, University of Illinois.
Christopher Houltberg (2011). Assistant Professor of Art. BA, Azusa Pacific University; MFA, Art Institute of Boston.
Marc D. Isaacson (1998). Assistant Professor of Business Administration. BA, St. Olaf College; MS, Rensselaer Polytechnic
Roberta S. Kagin (1974). Professor of Music (Music Therapy). BA, Park College; BMusicEd, MMusicEd, University of
Kansas; PhD, Temple University.
Phyllis Kapetanakis (2015). Assistant Professor of Business Administration. BA, BS, Creighton University; MT, Arizona
State University.
Scott Kerlin (2017). Instructor of Computer Science. BS, MS, University of North Dakota.
Michael Kidd (2008). Associate Professor of Languages and Cross-Cultural Studies. BA, Pomona College; PhD, Cornell
Won Yong Kim (2016). Assistant Professor of Business Administration. BA, MA, Yonsei University; MBA, Thunderbird
School of Global Management, Arizona State University; PhD, Drexel University.
Russell C. Kleckley (2002). Associate Professor of Religion. BA, Newberry College; MDiv, Lutheran Theological Southern
Seminary; DTh, University of Munich.
Merilee I. Klemp (1980). Professor of Music. BA, Augsburg University; MA, University of Minnesota; PhD, Eastman
School of Music.
Jenny Kluznik (2014). Assistant Professor of Physician Assistant Studies. BA, Hamline University; MPH, George
Washington University; MPA, Augsburg University.
Bibiana D. Koh (2012). Assistant Professor of Social Work. BA, Hartwick College; MA, Columbia University; MSW, Smith
College; PhD, University of Minnesota.
Christine Kohnen (2017). Instructor of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science. BA, St. Olaf College; MS, PhD,
Duke University.
Jayoung Koo (2015). Assistant Professor of Business Administration. BA, MA, Yonsei University; PhD, University of
Elyse Krautkramer (2017). Assistant Professor of Chemistry. BS, St. Norbert College; MS, PhD (ABD) University of
Joan C. Kunz (1987). Associate Professor of Chemistry. BS, University of Missouri-St. Louis; PhD, University of WisconsinMadison.
Terrance Kwame-Ross (2016). Associate Professor of Education. BA, National Louis University; Med, PhD, University of
Michael J. Lansing (2005). Associate Professor of History. AB, College of William and Mary; MA, Utah State University;
PhD, University of Minnesota.
David V. Lapakko (1986). Associate Professor of Communication Studies, Film, and New Media. BA, Macalester College;
MA, PhD, University of Minnesota.
Martha Laskar-Aleman (2008). Assistant Professor of Nursing. BS, University of Minnesota; MA, Augsburg University.
Barbara A. Lehmann (2001). Associate Professor of Social Work. BA, Knox College; MSW,Tulane University; PhD, Case
Western Reserve University.
Audrey Lensmire (2011). Associate Professor of Education. BA, Indiana University; MAT, National-Louis University; PhD
University of Minnesota.
Cheryl J. Leuning (1996). Professor of Nursing. BA, Augustana College; MS, University of Minnesota; PhD, University of
Holly Levine (2009). Assistant Professor of Physician Assistant Studies. BA, Northwestern University; MD, Loyola
University Chicago.
Dallas H. Liddle (1999). Associate Professor of English. BA, Grinnell College; PhD, University of Iowa.
Rachel Lloyd (2014). Assistant Professor of Education. BA, Carleton College; MA, PhD, University of Minnesota.
Lori L. Lohman (1990). Associate Professor of Business Administration. BA, MBA, PhD, University of Minnesota.
Mary E. Lowe (2003). Associate Professor of Religion. BA, Pacific Lutheran University; MDiv, Luther Northwestern
Theological Seminary; PhD, Graduate Theological Union.
Spencer Luebben (2017). Instructor of Biology. BS, PhD, University of Minnesota.
Brian Lukasavitz (2017). Instructor of Music. BFA, University of Minnesota-Duluth; JD, University of St. Thomas.
Jason Lukasik (2016). Assistant Professor of Education and Director, Master of Arts in Education. BA, Med, PhD,
University of Illinois at Chicago.
Caroline Maguire (2013). Assistant Professor of Education. BA, Macalester College; MA, University of Minnesota.
M. Elise Marubbio (2003). Associate Professor of American Indian Studies. BFA, Cleveland Institute of Art; MA, PhD,
University of Arizona.
Matthew Maruggi (2008). Assistant Professor of Religion. BA, MA, University of Dayton; PhD, University of St. Thomas.
David C. Matz (2001). Professor of Psychology. BA, Bemidji State University; MS, North Dakota State University; PhD
Texas A & M University.
Virginia McCarthy (2011). Assistant Professor of Nursing. BSN, Creighton University; MN, University of Washington;
DNP, St. Catherine University.
Kristin McHale (2014). Assistant Professor of Nursing. BS, Winona State University; MA, DNP, Augsburg University.
Marc C. McIntosh (2007). Assistant Professor of Business Administration. BS, DePaul University; MBA, Harvard
University; DBA, Argosy University.
Jenna McNallie (2016). Assistant Professor of Communication Studies, Film, and New Media. BA, Concordia College; MA,
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; PhD, Purdue University.
Joyce P. Miller (2004). Associate Professor of Nursing. AA, Rochester State Junior College; BS, MA, Augsburg University.
Thomas. F. Morgan (1983). Professor of Business Administration. BS, Juniata College; MBA, University of Denver; MS,
University of Oregon; PhD, University of Minnesota.
Joaquin Munoz (2016). Assistant Professor of Education. BA, MA, PhD, University of Arizona.
Jeremy P. Myers (2006). Associate Professor of Religion. BS, University of Minnesota; MA, PhD, Luther Seminary.
Sarah Myers (2009). Associate Professor of Theater. BS, Northwestern University; MFA, PhD, University of Texas.
Susan E. O’Connor (1994). Associate Professor of Education. BS, University of Minnesota; MS, PhD, Syracuse University.
Tammy Olney (2017). Lecturer in Nursing. BSN, Coe College; DNP, Augsburg University.
Donna R. Patterson (2006). Assistant Professor of Education. BA, MEd, University of Minnesota.
Dale C. Pederson (1992). Associate Professor of Biology. BA, Augsburg University; PhD, University of Minnesota.
Diane L. Pike (1981). Professor of Sociology. AB., Connecticut College; PhD, Yale University.
Timothy D. Pippert (1999). Professor of Sociology. BA, MA, PhD, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Alicia Quella (2015). Associate Professor and Program Director, Physician Assistant Studies. BS, Drake University; MPA,
PhD, University of Iowa.
Philip A. Quanbeck II (1987). Associate Professor of Religion. BA, St. Olaf College; MDiv, PhD, Luther Theological
Kathy J. Reinhardt (1997). Instructor of Language and Cross-Cultural Studies. MA, Middlebury College.
Ana Ribeiro (2014). Assistant Professor of Health, Physical Education, and Exercise Science. BA, UniverCidade; MS, St.
Cloud State University; PhD, University of Minnesota.
M. Bridget Robinson-Riegler (1994). Professor of Psychology. BS, Indiana University; MS, PhD, Purdue University.
Nancy A. Rodenborg (2000). Professor of Social Work. BS, Indiana University; MSW, University of Minnesota; PhD,
Arizona State University.
Rafael Rodriguez (2017). Lecturer of Music. BS, United States Naval Academy; MS, National University; MM, San Diego
State University; PhD (ABD), University of Colorado.
Kaycee Rogers (2016). Instructor of Education. BA, Luther College; MEd, University of Wisconsin, La Crosse.
Brian A. Rood (2015). Assistant Professor of Psychology. BA, BS, Drake University; MA Illinois School of Professional
Psychology; MPH, DePaul University; MA, PhD, Suffolk University.
Anna Sanchez (2016). Lecturer in Nursing. BA, St. Olaf College; MS, University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire.
Milo A. Schield (1985). Professor of Business Administration. BS, Iowa State University; MS, University of Illinois; PhD,
Rice University.
Emily Schilling (2014). Assistant Professor of Biology and Environmental Studies. BA, Colgate University; MS, PhD,
University of Maine.
John S. Schmit (1990). Professor of English. BS, St. John’s University; MA, University of New Orleans; PhD, The University
of Texas.
Michael D. Schock (1993). Associate Professor of Social Work. BA, University of Washington; MSW, University of
Minnesota; PhD, University of Washington.
Deborah Schuhmacher (2014). Assistant Professor of Nursing. BS, University of North Dakota; MA, DNP, Augsburg
Christopher Smith (2011). Associate Professor of Education. BS, MS, Purdue University; PhD, University of Minnesota,
Twin Cities.
Jody M. Sorensen (2005). Associate Professor of Mathematics and Statistics. BA, St. Olaf College; MA, PhD,
Northwestern University.
Lindsay Starck (2016). Assistant Professor of English. BA, Yale University; MFA, University of Notre Dame; PhD,
University of North Carolina.
Peter J. Stark (2007). Assistant Professor of Business Administration. BS, Northwestern University; MBA, Pepperdine
Nancy K. Steblay (1988). Professor of Psychology. BA, Bemidji State University; MA, PhD, University of Montana.
Erik S. Steinmetz (1998). Assistant Professor of Computer Science. BA, Augsburg University; MS, University of
Stuart M. Stoller (1986). Professor of Business Administration. BS, MS, Long Island University.
Martha E. Stortz (2010). Bernhard Christensen Professor of Vocation and Religion. BA, Carleton College; MA, PhD, The
Divinity School, The University of Chicago.
Benjamin L. Stottrup (2005). Associate Professor of Physics. BA, University of Minnesota, Morris; PhD, University of
Erika Svanoe (2016). Lecturer in Music. BME, University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire; MM, Oklahoma State University; DMA,
Ohio State University.
Kathryn A. Swanson (1985). Professor of English. BA, St. Olaf College; MA, PhD, University of Minnesota.
Liaila Tajibaeva (2017). Assistant Professor of Economics. BS, University of Minnesota; MA, University of WisconsinMadison; PhD, University of Minnesota.
Sonja K. Thompson (1993). Assistant Professor of Music. BM, University of Minnesota; MM, The Juilliard School.
Robert K. Tom (2002). Associate Professor of Art. BFA, University of Hawaii; MFA, Temple University.
Beliza Torres Narváez (2015). Assistant Professor of Theater. BA, University of Puerto Rico; MA, New York University;
PhD, University of Texas.
Joseph Towle (2011). Associate Professor of Language and Cross-Cultural Studies. BA, North Dakota State University;
MA, PhD, University of Minnesota.
Mark D. Tranvik (1995). Professor of Religion. BA, Luther College; MDiv, Yale University; ThD, Luther Seminary.
Alan J. Tuchtenhagen (2011). Director, Master of Arts in Leadership. BS, Westmar College. MA, University of Nebraska;
DPA, Hamline University.
Joseph Underhill (1998). Associate Professor of Political Science. BA, University of California-Berkeley; MA, San Francisco
State University; PhD, University of Michigan.
Eileen Kaese Uzarek (2001). Assistant Professor of Health, Physical Education, and Exercise Science. BA, Gustavus
Adolphus College; MS, Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Lisa Van Getson (2012). Assistant Professor of Nursing. BS, College of St. Teresa; MA, St. Catherine University; MS,
Winona State University.
James A. Vela-McConnell (1997). Professor of Sociology. BA, Loyola University; PhD, Boston College.
Mzenga A. Wanyama (2006). Associate Professor of English. BA, MA, University of Nairobi; PhD, University of
Michael T. Wentzel (2011). Assistant Professor of Chemistry. BS, Creighton University; MS, University of Pennsylvania;
PhD, University of Minnesota.
Barbara A. West (1997). Instructor of Education. Faculty Coordinator of Teacher Placement /Licensing. BS, St. Cloud
State University; MS, Syracuse University.
Hans H. Wiersma (2004). Associate Professor of Religion. BA, University of California, San Diego; MDiv, PhD, Luther
Henry Yoon (2009). Associate Professor of Psychology. BA, University of California; MA, PhD, University of Minnesota.
Maheen Zaman (2014). Assistant Professor of History. BA, SUNY Stony Brook University; MA, MPhil, PhD, Columbia
John M. Zobitz (2007). Associate Professor of Mathematics and Statistics. BA, St. John’s University; MA, PhD, University
of Utah.
Faculty Emeriti
Ruth L. Aaskov. Professor Emerita of Modern Languages. BA, Augsburg University; MA, Middlebury College; PhD,
University of Wisconsin.
Earl R. Alton. Professor Emeritus of Chemistry/Dean Emeritus. BA, St. Olaf College; MS, PhD, University of Michigan.
Lyla M. Anderegg. Professor Emerita of Psychology. BA, University of Minnesota; MA, Northwestern University.
Elizabeth Ankeny. Professor Emerita of Education. BA, Augustana College; MA, Morningside College; PhD, Colorado
State University.
John E. Benson. Professor Emeritus of Religion. BA, Augsburg University; B.D., Luther Theological Seminary; MA, PhD,
Columbia University.
Anthony A. Bibus, III. Professor Emeritus of Social Work. BA, University of St. Thomas; MA, University of Virginia; PhD,
University of Minnesota.
Julie H. Bolton Professor Emerita of Theater. BS, MFA, University of Minnesota.
Richard A. Borstad. Professor Emeritus of Health and Physical Education. BA, MA, PhD, University of Minnesota.
Nora M. Braun. Professor Emerita of Business Administration. BSBA, University of Missouri-Columbia; MBA, PhD,
University of Minnesota.
Maria L. Brown. Professor Emerita of Social Work. BA, MA, American University; MSW, University of Minnesota.
Francine Chakolis. Professor Emerita of Social Work. BS, Augsburg University; MSW, University of Minnesota.
Cathleen A. Dalglish. Professor Emerita of English. BA, Saint Catherine University; MFA, Vermont College; PhD, The
Union Institute and University.
Grace Dyrud. Professor Emerita of Psychology. BA, MA, PhD, University of Minnesota.
Mark J. Engebretson. Professor Emeritus of Physics. BA, Luther College; MDiv, Luther Theological Seminary; MS, PhD,
University of Minnesota.
Kenneth N. Erickson. Professor Emeritus of Physics. BA, Augsburg University; MS, Michigan State University; PhD,
Colorado State University.
Ronald L. Fedie. Professor Emeritus of Chemistry. BA, University of St. Thomas; PhD, University of Minnesota.
Norman B. Ferguson. Professor Emeritus of Psychology. BA, Franklin and Marshall College; MS, PhD, University of
Marilyn E. Florian. Professor Emeritus of Health and Physical Education. BA, Augsburg University; MS, St. Cloud State
Satya P. Gupta. Professor Emeritus of Economics. BS, MS, Agra University, India; MS, PhD, Southern Illinois University.
Donald R. Gustafson. Professor Emeritus of History. BA, Gustavus Adolphus College; MA, PhD, University of Wisconsin.
Arlin E. Gyberg. Professor Emeritus of Chemistry. BS, Mankato State University; PhD, University of Minnesota.
Daniel S. Hanson. Professor Emeritus of Communication Studies. BA, Augsburg University; MA, University of Minnesota.
Peter A. Hendrickson. Professor Emeritus of Music. BA, Augsburg University; MA, Macalester College; MA, Columbia
University; DMA, Manhattan School of Music.
Edwina L. Hertzberg. Professor Emerita of Social Work. BA, Cedar Crest College; MSW, PhD, University of Minnesota.
Garry W. Hesser Professor Emeritus of Sociology. BA, Phillips University; MDiv, Union Theological Seminary; MA, PhD,
University of Notre Dame.
Norman D. Holen. Professor Emeritus of Art. BA Concordia College-Moorhead; MFA, University of Iowa.
Bradley P. Holt. Professor Emeritus of Religion. BA, Augsburg University; BD, Luther Theological Seminary; MPhil, PhD,
Yale University.
John R. Holum. Professor Emeritus of Chemistry. BA, St. Olaf College; PhD, University of Minnesota.
Gretchen Kranz Irvine. Professor Emerita of Education. BS, College of St. Teresa; MS, University of Wisconsin-River Falls;
PhD, University of Minnesota.
Irene Khin Khin Jensen. Professor Emerita of History. BA, Rangoon University, Burma; MA, Bucknell University; PhD,
University of Wisconsin.
Duane E. Johnson. Professor Emeritus of Psychology. BA, Huron College; BA, University of Minnesota; ME, South Dakota
State University; PhD, University of Minnesota.
Jeffrey E. Johnson. Professor Emeritus of Physics. BS, MS, MBA, PhD, University of Minnesota.
Martha Johnson. Professor Emerita of Theater. BA, MA, PhD, University of Wisconsin.
Amin Kader. Professor Emeritus of Business Administration. BComm, University of Cairo; MBA, University of Michigan.
Kenneth S. Kaminsky. Professor Emeritus of Mathematics. AB, MS, PhD, Rutgers University.
Ashok K. Kapoor. Professor Emeritus of Business Administration. BA, MA, University of Delhi; MA, MBA, University of
Minnesota; PhD, Temple University.
Anne M. Kaufman. Professor Emeritus of Education. BS, MA, PhD, University of Minnesota.
Mary A. Kingsley. Professor Emerita of Modern Languages. BA, St. Olaf College; MA, Middlebury College.
Boyd N. Koehler. Professor Emeritus, Library. BA, Moorhead State College; MA, University of Minnesota.
Alvin L. Kloppen. Professor Emeritus of Health and Physical Education. BS, Augustana College; MA, University of South
Steven LaFave. Professor Emeritus of Business Administration. BA, MA, Michigan State University; MBA, University of
Lynn E. Lindow. Professor Emerita of Education. BS, Mankato State University; MS, North Dakota State University; PhD,
University of Minnesota.
Lynne F. Lorenzen. Professor Emerita of Religion. BA, University of Iowa; MDiv, Northwestern Lutheran Theological
Seminary; MA, PhD, Claremont Graduate School.
Dawn B. Ludwig. Professor Emerita of Physician Assistant Studies. BA, University of Colorado, Denver; MS, PA
Certification, University of Colorado Health Science Center; PhD, Capella University.
Esther G. McLaughlin. Professor Emerita of Biology. BA, PhD, University of California-Berkeley.
Fekri Meziou. Professor Emeritus of Business Administration. BA, University of Tunis; MA, PhD, University of Minnesota.
Erwin D. Mickelberg. Professor Emeritus of Biology. BA, Augsburg University; MA, University of Minnesota.
Mildred “Mike” Mueller. Professor Emerita of Education. BA, MA, Central Michigan University; EdD, University of
Richard C. Nelson. Professor Emeritus of History. BA, University of Nebraska; MA, PhD, University of Minnesota.
Catherine C. Nicholl. Professor Emerita of English. BA, Hope College; MA, University of Michigan; PhD, University of
Beverly J. Nilsson. Professor Emerita of Nursing. BS, MS, PhD, University of Minnesota.
Norma C. Noonan. Professor Emerita of Political Science. BA, University of Pennsylvania; MA, PhD, Indiana University.
Sandra L. Olmsted. Professor Emerita of Chemistry. BA, Augsburg University; MS, University of Wisconsin; PhD,
University of Minnesota.
Vicki L. Olson. Professor Emerita of Education. BS, MA, PhD, University of Minnesota.
Magdalena M. Paleczny-Zapp. Professor Emerita of Business Administration. BA, MA, Central School for Planning and
Statistics, Warsaw; PhD, Akademia Ekonomiczna, Krakow.
Ronald G. Palosaari. Professor Emeritus of English. BA, Bethel College; BDiv, Bethel Seminary; MA, PhD, University of
Patricia A. Parker. Associate Academic Dean Emerita. BA, Eastern Michigan University; MA, PhD, University of Michigan.
Curtis M. Paulsen. Professor Emeritus of Social Work. BA, St. Olaf College; MSW, University of Minnesota; PhD, The
Fielding Institute.
Lauretta E. Pelton. Professor Emerita of Education. MEd, Marquette University.
Noel J. Petit. Professor Emeritus of Computer Science. BA, St. Olaf College; MS, PhD, University of Minnesota.
Joyce M. Pfaff. Professor Emerita of Health and Physical Education. BA, Augsburg University; MEd, University of
Philip A. Quanbeck, Sr. Professor Emeritus of Religion. BA, Augsburg University; BD, Augsburg Theological Seminary;
MTh, ThD, Princeton Theological Seminary.
Larry C. Ragland. Professor Emeritus of Computer Science. BS, MA, Central Missouri State College; PhD, University of
Texas at Austin.
Deborah L. Redmond. Professor Emerita of Communication Studies. BA, MA, University of Minnesota.
Bruce R. Reichenbach. Professor Emeritus of Philosophy. BA, Wheaton College; MA, PhD, Northwestern University.
Glenda Dewberry Rooney. Professor Emerita of Social Work. BS, University of North Texas; MSW, University of Illinois;
PhD, University of Minnesota.
Marianne B. Sander. Dean of Students Emerita. BA, Valparaiso University; MA, University of Minnesota.
Kathryn Schwalbe. Professor Emerita of Business Administration. BS, University of Notre Dame; MBA, Northeastern
University, PhD, University of Minnesota.
Frankie B. Shackelford. Professor Emerita of Languages and Cross-Cultural Studies. BA, Texas Christian University; PhD,
University of Texas.
Charles M. Sheaffer. Professor Emeritus of Computer Science. BA, Metropolitan State University; MS, PhD, University of
Eugene M. Skibbe. Professor Emeritus of Religion. BA, St. Olaf College; BT., Luther Theological Seminary; ThD, University
of Heidelberg, Germany.
Robert J. Stacke. Professor Emeritus of Music. Band and Jazz Director. BA, Augsburg University; MACI, College of St.
Thomas; PhD, University of Minnesota.
Clarice A. Staff. Professor Emerita of Social Work. BA, Augsburg University; MS, DSW, Columbia University.
Stuart M. Stoller. Professor Emeritus of Business Administration. BS, MS, Long Island University.
Beverly Stratton. Professor Emerita of Religion. BA, MA, Boston University; ThD, Luther Seminary.
Grace K. Sulerud. Professor Emerita, Library. BA, Augsburg University; MA, University of Minnesota.
Karen T. Sutherland. Professor Emerita of Computer Science. AB, Augustana College; two MS degrees; PhD, University of
Tara K. Sweeney. Professor Emerita of Art. BS, University of Wisconsin-Stout; MFA, Minneapolis College of Art and
Maryann Syers. Professor Emerita of Social Work. BA, Arizona State University; MSW, PhD, University of Minnesota.
Philip J. Thompson. Professor Emeritus of Art. BA, Concordia College, Moorhead; MFA, University of Iowa.
David L. Tiede. Bernhard M. Christensen Professor Emeritus of Vocation and Religion. BA, St. Olaf College; BD, Luther
Theological Seminary; PhD, Harvard University.
Rita R. Weisbrod. Professor Emerita of Sociology. BA, MA, University of Minnesota; PhD, Cornell University.
Mary Louise Williams. Professor Emerita of Social Work. BFA, MSW, University of Pennsylvania.
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Augsburg College Catalog, 1954-1956
Course Catalogs
Search Result
Minneapolis 4, Minnesota
Founded 1869
1954 - 1955
1 955 - 1956
1956 - 1957
1957 - 1958
Published bi-monthly and one a...
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Minneapolis 4, Minnesota
Founded 1869
1954 - 1955
1 955 - 1956
1956 - 1957
1957 - 1958
Published bi-monthly and one additional issue in April by Augsburg College and
Theological Seminary at Minneapolis, Minnesota. Entered as second-class matter March
21, 1947, at the post office at Minneapolis, Minnesota, under the act of August 24, 1912.
Academic Calendar
General Information
Financial Information
Student Community Life
- 33
The College
Academic Administration
Courses of Study
Division of Religion and Philosophy
Division of the Humanities
- 59
Division of the Natural Sciences and Mathematics .-----.......-86
Division of the Social Sciences
The Theological Seminary
General Requirements
Courses of Study
Board of Trustees
Committees of the Faculty
The Faculty
Student Enrollment
1 1 8
For 195657 and 1957-58
1 957-58
Freshman Days
Sept. 12-15
!%pt. 11-14
Sept. 17, 8:oo a.m.
College Classes 'bgin
Sept. 16, 8:oo t m
Sept. 17, 8:00 a.m.
Seminary Convenes
Sept. 16, 8:00 a.m.
Late Registration Fee
sept. 19
Oct. 19-21
Nm. 1-3
Nov. 13
End of first half of Semester Nov.
Thanksgiving Recea
Nov. 28, 29
Dec. 19, 4:so p.m.
Christmas Recess begins
Dec. so, 4:2o p.m.
Jan. 3, 8:00 a.m.
Classes Resume
Jan. 6, 8:00 a.m.
Jan. 21-25
College Examinations
Jan. 22-28
Jan. 22-25
Seminary Examinations
Jan. 23-28
First Semester Ends
Jan. 28
2 j
Jan. 14-30
Registration for
Jan. 16-3 I
Jan. 31, 8:00 a.m.
Classes begin
Feb. 3, 8:00 a.m.
Feb. 4
Late Registration Fee
FA. 6
Lincoln's Birthday
Feb. I 2
Mar. 30
End of first half of Semester April
April 17, 4:zo p.m.
Easter Recess begins
April 2, 4:2o p.m.
April 23, 8:oo a.m.
Easter Recess ends
April 8, 8:oo a.m.
May 24
Seminary Commencement
May 28
May 24-31
College Examinations
May 23-29
May 30
Decoration Day
h,fa~ 30
Baccalaureate Service
College Commencement
June 3
Augsburg College is a four-year liberal arts college sponsored by
the Lutheran Free Church for the purpose of giving young people
an opportunity to obtain a broad education in a Christian environment. In addition to securing a general education, students may prepare themselves for such vocations as high school teaching, business
administration, social work, medical technology, secretarial work,
parish work, and missions. They may prepare for further study in the
fields of dentistry, engineering, law, medicine, nursing, and theology,
as well as for graduate study in various fields.
Augsburg Theological Seminary, with its facilities on the same campus, offers a three-year course of study leading to a Bachelor of
Theology degree. Its chief purpose is to prepare pastors and missionaries for the Lutheran Free Church.
Augsburg College and Theological Seminary is located in the Riverside Park area of Minneapolis, across the Mississippi River from the
University of Minnesota and within walking distance of the main
business section of the city. Science Hall, containing the administration offices, is located at the corner of Seventh Street and Twenty-first
Avenue South. Augsburg students have the advantage of getting their
college education in a metropolitan center pulsating with industrial,
social, and cultural activities. They have access to libraries, museums,
and art collections. They may hear the best in music and lectures.
Minneapolis is recognized throughout the nation as a vital center of
religious life and activity. Outstanding leaders in many fields both
from other parts of America and from foreign countries are frequent
visitors. College students in the Twin Cities have abundant opportunity to contact contemporary American life at one of its focal points.
Augsburg College is accredited by the North Central Association
of Colleges and Secondary Schools, the regional accrediting agency.
It is approved by the Minnesota Department of Education for the
training of secondary school teachers.
Augsburg was begun as a seminary in 1869, at Marshall, Wisconsin.
It was the first theological seminary founded by Norwegian Lutherans
in America. Through an arrangement with a private institution known
as Marshall Academy, the Seminary was at first housed in the academy
building. Students who needed further preparation in academic subjects were to obtain this in the academy. This arrangement failed to
work out satisfactorily; so the theological group moved to a private
dwelling, where classes continued until 1872. In the autumn of that
year Augsburg Seminary was removed to Minneapolis, Minnesota,
where a building had been erected for its use. In the same year the
school was incorporated under the laws of Minnesota. The aim of the
institution was to train ministers for the Lutheran congregations which
were being organized in growing numbers in the pioneer settlements
that were spreading rapidly over the Northwest.
The college was established when it became evident that in order
to get students who were adequately prepared for theological study
a college department was needed. So in 1874 a college curriculum
was planned which provided for one year of preparatory studies and
four years of college work along two lines, a classical course to prepare students for theology, and a scientific course to prepare for the
professions. The latter course, however, had to be discontinued, partly
for lack of funds and partly because too few students selected the
course. The first college students were enrolled in 1874 and the first
class was graduated in 1879.
In 1900 a high school course covering three years was established
which in 1910 was expanded to a standard four-year course. This
was discontinued in 1933. In the years 1916-1919 the college course
was thoroughly revised. As a result of this and of subsequent growth,
the earlier classical course was greatly modified and supplemented by
social and scientific studies and a more general emphasis upon the
study of the humanities. In recent years there has been continuous
study and modification of the curriculum including the introduction
of a number of new majors to meet the developing needs of the students. The Divisional organization was adopted in 1945. At the present
time majors are offered in 17 fields.
Coeducation was introduced in the College in 1921.
In the Theological, Seminary there has likewise been a continuing
revision of the curriculum and the addition of new courses. The requirement of a six-month period of internship was added in 1939.
Standards of admission have been raised so that a bachelor's degree
or equivalent is now the required scholastic preparation. While the
Theological Seminary has its own organization, the Seminary and the
College function in close cooperation. Long experience has proved
this arrangement to be mutually wholesome and stimulating.
Five presidents have served Augsburg during the course of its history. The terms of office of two of these cover a span of over half a
century. The first president was August Weenaas, who served from
1869 to 1876. He was succeeded by Georg Sverdrup, 1876 to 1907.
Sven Oftedal served from 1907 to 1911 and was followed by George
Sverdrup, whose term extended from 1911 to 1937. H. N. Hendrickson
served as acting president from 1937 until 1938. Bernhard Christensen,
the present president, has served since that time.
The educational purposes of Augsburg College and Theological
Seminary spring from the conviction that in the Christian religion
there are revealed the most basic truths concerning both man and
God, and that Christianity is the fundamental force for good in human
life and society. All the aims of the College, as well as those of the
Seminary, are integrated with this principle. To express more distinctly
some major aspects of its program of Christian higher education, the
following statement of aims has been formulated by the college faculty:
T o 2ead the student to a deeper understanding and personal experience of the truth and power of the Christian Gospel, to the end
that he may become both an effective participant in the work of
the Christian Church and an earnest adirocate of the Christian way
of life.
To familiarize the student with the culture of our own and other
civilizations, not only for the enjoyment this knowledge affords
but also for the development of a more sympathetic understanding
of our fellow men throughout the world.
To develop the student's interest in the attainment of the common
purposes of our country, so that he may work for the welfare of
our institutions and for the preservation of our liberties in community and nation, and also develop an enlightened interest and
participation in human affairs throughout the rest of the world.
T o cultivate i n the student a Christian social spirit, in order that
he may realize in his life a right balance between what he expects
of others and the service he will render his fellow men.
T o teach the student to discipline his own urges, interests, ambitions, and demands in a way that will effectively contribute toward
the development of good character.
T o train the student i n scientific methods of study and also develop his understanding of the relations of science to the welfare of
T o stimulate intellectual interest and develop scholarly insight,
so that the student may learn to think with accuracy and comprehension at the same time as he experiences an understanding of
truth which will help him to integrate the findings of science with
the deepest spiritual reality.
T o awaken and foster i n the student an intelligent appreciation
and enjoyment of the best i n the fields of the fine arts.
T o guide the student in the understanding of social relationships
in order that he may take his place in groups and gatherings with
propriety and grace, motivated in his conversation and conduct by
the principles of Christian courtesy and sincerity.
T o provide guidance for the student in the discovery and clarification of his aptitudes and his life purposes so that as early as
possible he may plan his educational program wisely.
T o train students in vocational and professional lines, giving full
preparation for high school teaching, business administration, home
economics, and parish work; furnishing partial training towards
the study of medicine, dentistry, nursing, engineering, law, and
social service, and offering a four-year college course preparing
for the study of theology.
T o help the student evelop certain skills, as in language, music,
physical activities, use o the library, laboratory work, and typewriting, together with other skills, which will increase his efficiency
in the various relationships of life.
To afford the student wholesome recreational experience which
will contribute toward an effective use of leisure time and develop
such qualities as leadership, sportsmanship, and self-control, with
good recreational habits, thus providing a constant source of social
and personal satisfaction.
T o instrut the student in principles, attitudes, and ideas pertuining to health, and also to train him in practices and skills which
will promote his physical and mental well-being and make him
better fit to meet the responsibilities of life.
Students who enroll at Augsburg are invited to take up their college
work with the distinct understanding that the Christian spirit is determining in all things, They are expected to cooperate wholeheartedi~in
the program of the school towards that end. The entire program of the
school curricular and e*a-curricular,
and the discipline necessary
to make poscfible the carrying out of this program, v r i n g from the
aim "to see all hings through the e p s of Christ."
From 1870 to 1890, Augsburg was supported by the NorwegianDanish Lutheran Conference. The merger of that church body with
two others, in 1890, resulted in the a5liation of Augsburg with the
newly created United Norwegian Lutheran Church. Due to differences
concerning the control of Augsburg, a division arose, and in 1897 congregations whose sympathies were deeply rooted in Augsburg formed
the Lutheran Free Church. The resulting close association, in educational and spiritual activity, of Aug'sburg and the Lutheran Free
Church has been marked by complete harmony of purpose and ideals
for more than half a century.
The control exercised by the Lutheran Free Church is indirect. The
Annual Conference of the Church nominates the members of the
Augsbu~gCorporation and the Board of Trustees. The Corporation
through the Board of Trustees exercises direct control over property,
finance, and personnel. Academic control is vested in the President
and the Faculty.
In addition to the income from student tuition and fees, which has
materially increased with the growth and develop~nentof the Callege,
the chief financial support of the i n s t i t ~ i o ncomes from the congcgstions of the Lutheran Free Church. In recent years a praning circle
of friends also outside the Lutheran Free Chu~ch.both alumni and
others, have contributed financially to the support of the school. Augsburg welcomes and invites such support on the part of all who believe
in her program of vital Christian education.
Augsburg College is fully accredited by the North Central Associa-
tion of Colleges and Secondary School as a degree-granting institution.
It is a member of the American Council on Education, the Associatioll
of American Colleges, the Lutheran Educational Conference, the Association of Minnesota Colleges, and the State Council of Minnesota
The Augsburg Alumni Association has as its goal to enable the
graduates of the College and Seminary to maintain effective contact
and cooperation with one another and with their Alma Mater. The
annual meeting is held at Commencement time each year. Local Augsburg clubs are promoted, and a bi-monthly bulletin is published. The
affairs of the Association are under the leadership of the Board of
Directors. Mr. Kenneth Lower is the Executive Secretary and editor of
the Bulletin. The Alumni Ofice is located in Science Hall.
The Augsburg Foundation, formerly the Augsburg Foundation
Fellowship, is an association of alumni, former students, and other
friends of Augsburg, having as its purpose to give united and systematic support, both spiritual and financial, to the school. The Foundation was established in 1941 by joint action of the Board of Trustees
and the Alumni Association. Its work is directed by a General Committee of nine members. A Foundation Day is held each year.
The Main, erected in 1900, ,contains a large number of classrooms
and offices, the Chapel, and the museum.
Science Hall, erected in 1948-49, is a large and completely modem
building. It includes the general administration offices, well-equipped
laboratories for Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Home Economics; the
student organization offices and the student center; a small auditorium,
and several classrooms and faculty offices. On the fourth floor is the
Tower Prayer Chapel.
The George Sverdrup Library, named in honor of Augsburg's fourth
president, was erected and dedicated in 1955. Adjacent to Science Hall
and of similar contemporary architectural design, it contains spacious
reading rooms, seminars, work rooms, a visual-education center, the
Augsburg Archives, and a number of classrooms and faculty offices.
There is stack space for approximately 100,000 volumes.
The classrooms and offices of the Theological Seminary are located
in one section of the Library building.
Sverdmp-Oftedal Memorial Hall, erected in 1938, is a modern, fireproof dormitory affording living quarters for about 150 men. On the
ground floor of this building is the college cafeteria and dining hall.
Sivertsen Hall, acquired in 1939, and remodeled in 1955 as a wing
of the new Residence for Women, provides comfortable modern housing for 45 women students.
The beautiful new Residence for Women, adjoining Sivertsen Hall
at 6th Street and 24th Avenue, was erected in 1955. It provides excellent and completely modern housing for 105 women students, as well
as apartments for the resident head and her assistants.
Morton Hall, erected in 1888, and Miriam House, acquired in 1951,
are smaller dormitories, each housing about 20 students.
The Gymnasium, an adequate temporary structure, was erected in
1947 for the College by the Federal Works Agency as a part of a program providing educational facilities for veterans.
The Music Hall was acquired by purchase, also in 1947, and ha*
been remodeled to serve the needs of the music and drama departments.
A large number of dwellings have also been acquired in recent years
in the expanded campus area, and are in use for faculty, staff, and
married student housing.
The President's Home, a residence of modern architectural design
located at the south of the Square, was erected in 1949.
The Museum is located on the ground floor of the Main. Members
of the Alumni Association have presented many valuable gifts. There
are several collections: a Madagascar Collection, a Santal Collection,
and a considerable collection of rare minerals, curios, etc. Contributions
to the Museum are invited. Professor Kleven is the curator.
The Augsburg Archive Society was organized in 1929, for the purpose of gathering documents, books, and other articles of historical
value. For a number of years a fire-proof room in the Main housed
the archives collections. With the erection of the George Sverdrup
Library in 1955, adequate, fire-proof quarters for the archives were
provided. Here are now found a fine collection of periodicals, old and
rare books, manuscripts, letters, and pictures, and also about 1,000
volumes of Norwegian-American literature, affording extensive resources for scholarly research. Contributions to the Archives should
he sent to Prof. Iver Olson, Archivist.
The beautiful and spacious new George Sverdrup Library provides
a central study-workshop for both faculty and students. It contains
about 30,000 volumes, exclusive of pamphlets, all available on open
stacks. The two large reading rooms have book stacks and reading
tables arranged in such a way that a place for study is always close
.to the books one may need. Additional conveniences include conference rooms, where from 2 to 6 students may study together, and
seminar rooms for larger groups or small classes. A typing corner is
provided in the ground floor reading room.
The library subscribes to about 300 of the best periodicals and
pamphlets dealing with a large variety of subjects as well as a number of serials devoted to the interests of special fields.
In the Twin City area other libraries are located which make their
holdings available to Augsburg students, notably, the St. Paul and
Minneapolis public libraries, the latter of which issues library cards
to out-of-town students for each school year; the James Hill Reference
Library in St. Paul, which has one of the finest reference collections
in the Northwest; and the University of Minnesota Library, which is
within walking distance of the Augsburg campus. Each year Augsburg
students make extensive use of all these libraries.
The laboratories of the Natural Sciences are located in the Science
IIall. Three laboratories and two storerooms for Biology are located on
the second floor; three laboratories and a large storeroom for Chemistry, and a laboratory and two storerooms for Physics are located
on the third floor.
To facilitate instruction the college provides many excellent visual
and auditory aids. The audio-visual center is l~catedon the ground
floor of the Library. Available for classroom use, and for the use of
other college activities, are the following: Two 16 mm. sound movie
projectors, one combination 2x2 inch slide projector and 16 mm. film
strip projector, one 3x5 slide projector, a Balopticon, a sound amplification system, and magnetic tape recording machines. There is also a
well equipped photography department.
The auditorium in Science Hall is fully equipped for visual education classes and lectures. Several classrooms are also provided with
facilities for projection.
Evening classes are held as a community service for adults not enrolled in the day school. Announcement of courses to be offered are
made in the fall. Information about the evening school may be obtained from the office of the Dean.
Student nurses in the Schools of Nursing at the Lutheran Deaconess
and Swedish Hospitals in Minneapolis receive much of their first
semester of instruction at Augsburg College. Application for admission
to the Schools of Nursing should be made to the hospitals directly.
In cooperation with the Minneapolis General Hospital, Augsburg
offers work which enables the student to receive a college degree with
a major in Medical Technology. The first .three years of this work are
taken at Augsburg and a final twelve-month program is completed at
the hospital.
Augsburg participates in the SPAN (Student Project for Amity
among Nations) program. This is a joint venture of the University of
Minnesota and several colleges in the state. Qualified students are
selected to spend a summer in informal study abroad. Applications are
made in the spring of the Sophomore year.
A considerable part of the income on which Augsburg operates is
derived from endowment and from gifts, a major part of the latter
coming from the supporting church. Therefore, the fees charged the
student do not constitute the whole cost of his education, for he enjoys
the benefits of the gifts of those who believe in and support the work
of the school. For theological students, the church assumes the full
cost of tuition; a statement of other expenses in attending the seminary
is given in the Seminary section of the catalog.
.. .
Tuition in College
Books, etc.
2 5 . 0 to 40.00
Student activity fee I - - . - 8.00
Library fee ..
-.- 7.50
Health fee
Matriculation fee (for those registering the first time)
Key deposit (refundable)
Locker (optional) -.
- 1.00
Mail box fee
$253.00 to 268.00
Students registered for more than the maximum number of credit
hours (17 in the College) are charged at the rate of $10.00 for each
additional credit hour a week per semester.
Special students will pay at the rate of $17.00 per credit hour up
to 11 credits. Those who register for 12 or more credit hours will pay
the regular tuition charge.
The fee for auditing a course is $7.50 per credit hour.
Special students and auditors enrolled for 7 credit hours or more
of class work per week pay one-half of the student activity, health,
and library fees.
Board (estimate)
1 Subiect to change.
...$65.00 to 80.00
A limited number of rooms are available at the lower cost.
Men students are required to buy and use a minimum of
$125.00 of meal book coupons per semester, women students
Late registration
Change of registration after the beginning of the second week
of classes
Registration with the Placement Bureau ,
Placement fee, depending upon the method
of placement
$ 3 . 0 to
Graduation fee, for seniors in both the College and Seminary..
Final examinations taken at another hour than the one
---Examination making up an incomplete or a condition -----------Comprehensive examination --Transcript of credits (after first one which is free) ---..~.---------~-MUSIC FEES PER SEMESTER
Organ -Erass or Wood wind (private instruction)
Rrass or Wood wind (class instruction) --..
Piano stodio rental8(one hour per day)
Organ reap1 -Vctice studio rental (one hour per day)
Choir -.-Choral Club -
. . . $35.00
- 35.00
Art 1 and 2
Art 3 and 4 - 2.00
Home Economics 2, 36, 76 ----5.00
Home Economics 39 and 40
Biology 60 ....................................................................1.00-2.00
-.----.- -Biology, 1, 2, 3N, 4, 52, 53, and 55
Biology 7N
Biology 13, 14, 25, 26, and 54
1 Subject to change.
Chemistry 1, 2
--Chemistry 4
Chemistry 3N Chemistry 5, 6, 51, 52, 53, 54, and 55
Physics 1, 2 Physics 3
-Physics 5 and 6 Physics 51
Physics 52
Secretarial Studies 2, 8, 51, and 52
Secretarial Studies 1, 53, and 54
Education 96 --
Resident students
General expenses -.
$253.00 to 268.00
223.00 to 240.00
Room and Board
Special, music, or.course fees
2.00 to 35.00
Total, appro~imately
3478.00 to X3.00
Off -campus students
$253.00 to 268.00
General expenses -Special, music, or course fees
-- 2.00 to 35.00
Total, approximately ..............................$25500
These estimates do n6t include transportation, clothing, or
personal expenses.
Student accounts are due in full at the time of registration in September and February. Parents may deposit money in advance at the
school or the student may make the payment when he registers. Recognizing that payment of fees in full at registration poses a financial
problem in some cases, the college has instituted a "deferred payment
plan". In this plan the college will accept, at the time of registration
in September and again in February, a
of $150.00 in the
case of resident. students and $75.00 for off-campus students. The
balance may be paid in monthly installments during the semester. To
defray the cost of the plan a charge of $1.00 is made for each payment on the student's account after registration.
1 Subjea to change.
Students who cancel their registration before the middle of any
semester pay tuition at the rate of $14.00 per week for the t'ime during
which they have been in attendance. Students who cancel out after
the middle of the semester receive no refund of tuition. No refunds
are made of the Matriculation and Student Activity fees. Course fees
are paid at the rate of 10% per week by students who cancel out before the middle of the semester.
Payments for board and room are refunded in proportion to the
time students have been in residence. Students who move out ,of dormitories but do not cancel out of school are charged the full semester
room rent.
Financial aids in the form of loan funds, scholarships, grants-in-aid,
and employment assistance are available at Augsburg. Students must
meet certain requirements to qualify for loans or scholarships. The
college gives assistance to students in securing work both on and off
the campus.
Several loan funds have been established to assist students in working out their financial problems. Loans may be arranged at a reasonable rate of interest for various periods of time.
The General Student Loan Fund, established through the gifts of
many individual donors, is chiefly maintained by contributions from
the Augsburg College Women's Club.
The Olaf Rogne Fund, established in 1954, extends assistance to
students in the Seminary.
The Charles and Nora Crouch Student Loan Fund, established in
1954, extends assistance to members of all classes.
The Senior Loan Fund, established by the class of 1955, is available
to selected graduating seniors.
The John and Anna Jorgine Gregory Theo2ogical Student Loan Fund
is available to students who are preparing for the ministry.
The Student Aid Fund of the Zion Lutheran Hour, established by the
Zion Lutheran Church of Minot, North Dakota, likewise extends loans
to students preparing for the ministry.
Arrangements for the loans are made through a conference with the
Dean of Students, chairman of the faculty committee on student loans.
In addition to arranging loans, the committee counsels students on
financial matters with the objective in mind of helping the student work
out a satisfactory plan for his finances.
Forty Freshman Scholarships, amounting to tuition for the second
half of the Freshman year, are offered to outstanding high school
The American Indian Scholarship was established in 1955 by Spring
Lake Park Lutheran Church, Minneapolis. It is a scholarship of
$200.00 to be applied on tuition at Augsburg College. It is to be
awarded to an American Indian student selected on the basis of
scholarship and economic need.
The Henry P . Opseth Music Scholarship was established in 1953 in
memory of Henry P. Opseth, former head of the Music Department
and director of thk Augsburg College Choir. It is awarded annually
to a sophomore or junior student of outstanding promise or achievement in the field of music.
The Marilyn Solberg Voice Scholarship in memory of Marilyn
Yvonne Solberg, a member of the Augsburg College Choir from 1950
until the time of her death in 1953, was established in 1955 by her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Iver Solberg and her brother, Dorvan. It is
awarded to an Augsburg student for outstanding promise or achievement in the art of singing.
The George Sverdrup Graduate Fellowship was established by the
Board of Trustees of Augsburg in 1947 to honor the memory of
George Sverdrup, President of Augsburg from 1911 to 1937. It is
awarded annually to an Augsburg graduate of outstanding character
and ability who plans to prepare further for the vocation of teaching.
The amount of the Fellowship is five hundred dollars.
The Keith E. Hoffman Memorial Scholarship was established in
1945 by Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Hoffman of Minneapolis in memory
of their son who gave his life in the conquest of Okinawa. The scholarship consists of the income from a fund of $1,075 and is awarded
annually to a student selected on the basis of academic achievement,
personal character, and ability in the field of athletics.
T w o Lutheran Brotherhood Scholarships of $300 each are provided
b y the Lutheran Brotherhood Life Insurance Society and awarded each
fall to outstanding Lutheran college seniors. The students are selected
by the college in the spring of the junior year on the basis of religious
leadership and scholastic standing
The Augsburg College Women's Club Scholarship awards, totaling
$400, are granted each year to two or more students of outstanding
character and excellent scholarship.
The Adolph Paulson Memorial Prize, from a fund established by
members of the Paulson family in memory of Professor Adolph Paulson who taught Social Science at Augsburg from 1930 to 1935, is
awarded annually to a college student for the best essay written on an
assigned subject in the field of Christian Sociology. The amount of
the prize is $50.00.
The Celia Fredrickson Scholarship consists of the income from a
fund of one thousand dollars. It is awarded annually to an Augsburg
student from the Lamberton, Minnesota, parish of the Lutheran Free
The Greater Augsburg Alumni Association Scholarship of $350 is
awarded annually to an outstanding alumnus ~f Augsburg in order to
encourage and assist promising students in the carrying out of projects
of graduate study.
The Women's Missionary Federation Scholarship is awarded by the
Federation to returned missionaries or to Lutheran students of recognized Christian character and good scholastic records who are making
preparation for mission work. The scholarship varies from $50.00 to
$250.00 per year. Higher awards are possible for graduate work or
medical study.
A few grants-in-aid are made to students in good standing who are in
special need of financial assistance. To qualify for a grant, a student
r.11ust make application, providing information about his own and his
family's resources and anticipated expenses.
The employment service, located in the Placement Office, has been
successful in placing hundreds of men and women students in parttime positions. The types of work secured are of many kinds, including recreational leadership, restaurant work, domestic service, sales
work, and secretarial and clerical work.
Students are employed by the college in many activities. For these
positions preference is given to upper-class students who have maintained a good scholastic average.
Assistance in securing summer employment is also provided each
spring by the Employment Service.
Application forms for part-time employment on or off campus may
be secured from the Admissions or Placement Offices.
The influences which mould life and character on a college campus
are of many kinds. While the exercises of classroom, laboratory, and
Library form the organizing basis of college activity, they need to
be supplemented by other than academic forces. These intangible but
very real supplementary influences have much to do with creating the
spirit of an institution. At Augsburg definite emphasis is placed upon
the maintenance of a wholesome spirit of Christian community living.
Students are urged to give conscious attention to this personal and
spiritual side of their development and thus contribute toward the
prevalence of a vital and happy Christian atmosphere on the campus.
It is the earnest desire of those who direct the policies of Augsburg
that the institution may constantly be permeated by an atmosphere in
which the quest for Truth as it is in Christ is prayerfully fostered in
each life.
All students are required to register for two class hours per week
in one of the courses offered in Religion.
There are numerous voluntary religious activities in which students are encouraged to participate. Spiritual Emphasis Week is held twice each year. It is assumed
that every Augsburg student will find a church home in Minneapolis
and attend its services regularly.
It is expected of each student that his life, conduct, and influence,
both on and off campus, shall be worthy of a member of a Christian
College. Those who do not feel drawn to this quality of life and to the
fellowship in which it is nourished should not seek to be enrolled at
Augsburg. A truly Christian spirit and environment must be the
product of the united effort and prayer of faculty, students, and
The heart of Augsburg's program of Christian education is the daily
Chapel Service, where the faculty and students gather for united worship, prayer, and a brief meditation upon the Word of God. Regular
attendance is expected of all students.
The Religious Life Committee, composed of students and faculty,
endeavors to promote a religious program that will stimulate growth
of Christian life in the Augsburg community. Co-chairmen of this
council are the student Director of Religious Activities and the College
Pastor. Areas for which this committee carries primary responsibility
are the Mid-Week services, Spiritual Emphasis Weeks, prayer meetings, and informal group meetings.
This committee also serves as a coordinating agency for all volunteer
Christian organizations on campus. The two principal organizations
are the Lutheran Student Association and the Mission Society.
The Mission Society promotes interest in missions through a program of study, fellowship, worship, and seriice. A highlight of the
year is the Mission Festival, a week-end conference devoted to the
study of missionary activity, and recruitment of workers. The Lutheran
Student Association seeks to serve as a stimulus and outlet for Christian faith and life. Students participate in regional and national LSA
Conferences, and conduct a schedule of meetings on campus.
The Concordia Society is an organization for all the students in the
Theological Seminary.
Regular convocation programs are held at Augsburg throughout
the year. These programs acquaint the campus community with outstanding personalities in various fields. A wide range of interests is
covered, including the scientific, political, social, religious, and artistic.
Students at Augsburg are given many opportunities for social training and recreation. The Student Council through the Chairman of
Social Activities, assisted by a Committee on Social Education, sponsors each month an all-school social activity which all students may
attend. Most of these are informal. The Sophomore and Junior classes
sponsor semi-formal banquets. The Associated Women Students and
a number of other organizations sponsor teas, dinners, and social
affairs on and off campus.
"No man is a hypocrite in his pleasures." To learn to enjoy the
right form of recreational activities is an important aspect of preparation for life. At Augsburg there is a definite attempt to encourage the
formation of helpful recreational habit-patterns, not only with regard
to the planned play program supervised by the Director of Recreation
and the Department of Physical Education, but also with regard to
the use of leisure time in general.
Augsburg's location in Minneapolis gives its students unique oppqrtunities to make use of some of the finest educational and cultural
advantages which the Northwest has to offer. Excellent art collections
are to be found in the Minneapolis Institute of Arts and the Walker
Art Center. The Twin City libraries are .extensive in their services.
The Historical Museum in St. Paul gives access to large collections of
historical material. The Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra programs
and other concerts afford rich opportunity for music appreciation.
Many students and faculty attend Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra
concerts by virtue of a special college season ticket arrangement.
Season tickets are available also for other University concerts and
the University Theater drama programs. Symphony Forums are held
.on campus each year, with speakers from the Orchestral Association
or the Orchestra.
A bi-weekly bulletin, Events of Interest in Minneapolis, listing pro.
grams, concerts, art displays and exhibitions is compiled and issued
from the Student Personnel Office.
Institutional services to students are organized and administered
in accordance with plans and policies established by the Student Personnel Committee. Included are such services as Counseling, Testing,
Freshman Orientation, Student Records, The Student Health Service,
Housing and Food Service, Placement, S t u d a t Employment, and Coordination of Student Activities. The administration of these services
is centered in the Office of the Dean of Students.
Under the counseling program at Augsburg each student is assigned
a faculty counselor to assist him in the planning of his total college
program. All faculty members participate in counseling. The broad
intellectual interests of the faculty member are combined with the
professional skill and techniques of trained counselors to provide
counseling at various levels, and in many areas of student needs. Personal, social, and spiritual problems as well as vocational choice and
financial needs are given consideration.
As far as possible, the work of obtaining the necessary data about
the individual student and organizing the total program of counseling
is carried out by the Office of the Dean of Students in accordance with
the plans and policies established by the Student Personnel Committee.
These plans include testing, assignment of counselors, scheduling of
group conferences and counseling periods. Each new student is assigned a faculty member who is his counselor for two years. When
a student enters the Upper Division, he chooses a major field of study.
The major adviser then becomes his counselor. Faculty counselors
confer with their counselees at regular intervals throughout the year
and at other times as the needs of the individual student appear. If a
serious problem develops which demands professional skill and more
time than the professor has to spend in counseling, the student is referred by way of the Office of the Dean of Students to professionally
qualified counselors. The Dean of Women and the Dean of Students
are special counselors to the women and the men, respectively.
Students receive vocational counseling in conference with their
counselors, and have frequent opportunities to confer with persons who
are eminently successful in the particular professions selected by
students as their tentative occupational choices. An Occupational Information file in the college library provides materials for a study of
vocations. The Orientation course, required of all freshmen, includes a
unit on vocational planning. The results of a vocational interest test
are available for all students.
Students who have various personal problems are encouraged to seek
help through counseling conferences. Often students have been able
to solve problems of finances, social adjustment, and personality
through counseling sessions.
Those who have spiritual problems may confer with the College
Pastor, or with members of the Department of Religion as well as
with their faculty counselor. By a system of referral, students may
receive counsel from any member of the faculty, or from qualified
persons beyond the college community. The Personnel deans are available at all times for special counseling conferences.
The college physician is consulted in regard to all problems pertaining to physical and mental health.
Counselors and major advisers strive to help students develop their
latent abilitjr. Students who distinguish themselves acad&nically are
named on the Dean's List, and are thereby qualified to participate
in a study program designed to develop their special talents to the
highest degree. Honor societies such as the Augsburg Guild of Honor
and Lambda Iota Tau recognize students who have excelled in several
All new students are given a battery of tests during Freshman Days.
College aptitude scores, English, and reading ability scores are used
by counselors to help students plan their initial programs. Personal
adjustment scores and the vocational interest test profile help the
students learn to know more about themselves, in order to make the
best choice of subjects and occupational goals. Sophomores participate in a nation-wide testing program. Seniors also take a nationally
standardized test.
Freshmen and other new students participate in Freshman Days
before the beginning of classes each semester. The students take tests,
inspect the college facilities, and become acquainted with their fellow
students, with the faculty, and especially with their own faculty counselors. The faculty counselors and students have several conferences
during which they plan the student's program of study.
All freshmen enroll in a class in Orientation. In this course, the
students learn about standards and requirements of various areas of
college life. Methods and habits of study and related techniques are
explored. Personal health, social adjustment, personal finances, and
vocational aims are discussed.
Individual student records are kept in the Records Office under the
supervision of the Registrar. These records include admissions data,
academic achievement, student participation and achievement in nonacademic activities, test scores, reports of counseling and other information.
The Student Personnel Office maintains a file of clubs and societies,
including the constitutions, activities, schedules, and membership roster.
The Student Health Service provides campus dispensary service
with a registered nurse in charge. The college physician has daily office
l~ours on campus for consultation and for emergency treatment.
Physical examinations are given all entering students and seniors.
Corrective treatment is prescribed where needed. Infirmary rooms are
adjacent to the dispensary. The Health Service is housed in a ground
floor section of Memorial Hall, the men's residence hall.
Students, faculty, and staff have chest X-rays taken semi-annually
through the cooperation of the Hennepin County Tuberculosis Association Mobile Unit. The Department of Physical Education conducts a
program of recreation for all students. All freshmen are required to
take a course in personal and community health.
Students not living at home must live in college operated housing
and take their meals in the college dining hall. Under certain conditions, students may make other arrangements after consultation with
the Dean of Women or Dean of Students.
Residence halls are open to students a day before regular schedules
become effective, and close a day after the term closes. Students who
wish to stay in residence during vacations must apply for the privilege.
Rooms are furnished except for bed linen, towels and blankets.
Laundry facilities are available in each residence. Bed linens and towels
may be rented at a reasonable cost. This service includes laundering,
pick up and delivery.
Augsburg's beautiful new Residence for Women, located at Sixth
Street and Twenty-fourth Avenue South, adequately houses one hundred fifty women, and provides a lounge, recreation facilities, and
grill service for all students. Sverdrup Ojtedal Memorid Hall, a men's
residence hall, houses one hundred fifty men, and also contains the
college dining rooms, and the student health service.
The Placement Bureau assists seniors and alumni in securing positions. Continuous contact is maintained with business, governmental,
welfare, and educational institutions and organizations at the local
as well as the state and national levels. Interviews are arranged both
on and off the campus. A registration fee and a small placement
fee are charged.
An employment service, located in the Placement Office, assists students in obtaining part time remunerative work. Many students find
it possible to pay part of their college expenses by this income. Employment can be obtained more satisfactorily after students have been
at the college for a time, and consequently, it is .desirable that a new
student should have sufficient funds to pay his entire expenses for at
least one semester.
Students are employed by the college in many phases of its opera-
tion. For these positions preference is given to upper-class students
who have maintained a good scholastic average and have a good employment record.
Assistance in securing summer employment is also provided for students each spring.
The Christian ideals of Augsburg give no room for such demoralizing practices as gambling, drinking, frequenting of public dances,
indiscriminate attendance at movies, and objectionable car'd playing.
Students enrolled at Augsburg are expected, therefore, not to participate in such practices.
Augsburg reserves the right to dismiss or to discipline any student
who is not amenable to advice and direction. The school likewise
reserves the right to dismiss any student whose general conduct or
influence is unwholesome. Such a student may be removed although
no formal charge is made against him.
Disciplinary problems, other than academic failure, are handled
through the Office of the Dean of Students. In all cases, careful investigation and counseling precedes any action.
The Coordinator of Student Activities assists student officers to
maintain effective functioning of student activities, and keeps on file
the club constitutions, rosters, and schedules of meetings. Faculty
sponsors are approved by the Coordinator.
The program of student activities is a primary responsibiiity of the
Student Council, legislative and executive body of the Augsburg Student Society. Faculty concern and responsibility for all student activities and the co-curricular program is assigned to the Faculty Council.
Liaison between the Student Council and the Faculty Council is the
function of the Student-Faculty Committee, whose special responsibility it is to promote student activity, and to keep the college activities
calendar. The Calendar is kept in the office of the Coordinator of Student Activities.
A weekly bulletin of events is furnished all college personnel by
the offiee of Student Personnel.
The Augsburg Student Society, comprisingGthe whole student body
of Augsburg College and Theological Seminary, is organized to conduct student affairs, develop student initiative and leadership, and
provide opportunity for practical experience in the democratic processes of group activity.
The administration of student government is delegated to the Student
Council, a representative group of twenty-five students elected by the
various classes. The top five positions are nominated and elected
directly by the Student Society.
Each of the college classes has its own officers and participates in
student government through its representative on the Council.
Augsburg is a member of the National Student Associution. The local
NSA Council is elected by the Student Council.
The Student Council directs several service projects of interest to
the college community. These projects include the annual Campus
Chest Campaign, Political Action and Brotherhood weeks, and two
Leadership Training projects.
Counseling of freshmen by upper class students is conducted through
Campus-Brother Campus-Sister groups.
Associated Women Students, composed of all the women students,
provides opportunity for the women to develop a degree of self g ~ v ernment. It aims to create a sense of harmony and fellowship, to promote and maintain high standards of honor and integrity in personal
conduct, and it encourages participation in all college activities. It is
affiliated with the Intercollegiate Associated Women Students, a national organization.
The Student Council office and the Council Room adjoin the Augsburg Echo and Augsburgian offices on the ground floor of Science
Hall. The student post office and Student Center occupy a prominent
place on the same floor, and serve as a focal point for student
The Augsburg Echo, the college newspaper, is published by a student
staff. The top staff members are named by The Board of Publications,
one of the Student Council agencies. The Faculty adviser teaches
courses in journalism. Staff members enrolled in the classes earn
academic credit.
Augsburg's yearbook, the Augsburgiun, provides a pictorial record
of the activities of the year. Work on the annual provides opportunity
for creative expression in artistic design as well as in photography.
A student editor, named by the Board of Publications, with the
assistance of the Registrar, compiles the annual Student Handbook
and Directory.
The enthusiasm and energy of students motivate them to pursue
their interests beyond the classroom. For most effecthe participation,
Several of
students with similar interests have united to form cI&.
these are extensions of courses beyond the class room. Others are
devoted to interests not offered in the curriculum. New clubs are
formed as the occasion demands.
The Aristotelian Society unites those who have a common interest
in scientific knowledge and experimentation. Thus they may develop
their interest in the various branches of science and perhaps infuse
some of that spirit of interest thrmghout the college.
The Art Club is organized to satisfy the student's creative urge in
the field of art, to educate members, as well as others, in the field of
art and all that it contains, and to promote an interest in art among
the student body.
The Business Club draws membership from the Business and Secretarial Studies classes. The development of professional interests is
the major objective.
The Canera Cbb is composed of camera fans who meet regularly
to exchange ideas about their hobby and to develop skill in photography.
The Cosmopolitan Club brings together foreign and American students who have a mutual interest in the cult'ure, language and people
of the various countries.
The Drama Society provides for its members an opportunity to
learn from participation in stage presentations and from field trips,
as well as from reading and seeing plays produced. Membership is
open to all students.
The F ~ u r eTeachers of America offers to its members associate
membership in professional education associations and strives to
acquaint future teachers with the importance of teaching as a profession. Interest in education or in the teaching profession is the only
requirement for membership.
The Home Economics Club, open to all students in the Home Economics Department, aims to promote professional attitudes toward all
aspects of home and community life.
The Public Aflairs Federation aims to stimulate interest in public
affairs and give students opportunity to participate actively in local,
state, and national politics, and in other human relations activities.
The Writers Club includes students who enjoy creative expression
in various forms of writing. The members share their literary efforts
in an informal atmosphere, and benefit from mutual criticism.
The Choir has about sixty members selected from all classes. In
addition to local concerts, the choir goes on tour each year to various
parts of the United States and occasionally to Canada.
The band meets for rehearsal at a regularly scheduled period four
times per week. The concert band makes an annual tour and presents
public concerts in Minneapolis. A pep band entertains at athletic
The choral club is composed of approximately fifty members. It
participates in school programs and concerts and makes short tours
This organization is for men who like to sing in a men's group.
Rehearsals are held twice a week. The Chorus sings at various churches
in the Twin City area and makes short tours in the vicinity.
Augsburg College participates in intercollegiate debating, both in
Minnesota and in the neighboring states. Students may also participate
in local and intercollegiate oratorical contests.
Membership in the "A" Club is limited to men who have won a
major A at Augsburg. The aim of this organization is "to bind the 'A'
men of the past, present, and future into a more intimate bond of
fellowship, and to keep the athletics of Augsburg on the highest
possible plane."
Membership in the Women's Athletic Association is gained by participation in individual and group recreational activities with awards
given on a point basis. The Augsburg W.A.A. is a member of the
Minnesota Athletic Association of College Women.
Under the direction of the Department of Physical Education, a
wide range of recreational activities is arranged for general student
participation. Every student is urged to participate in some activity
for his own recreation and relaxation.
An intramural program provides competition in a variety of team
sports as well as individual performance activities. Climaxing the intramural program is the Extramural Meet, a tournament for the winners
of intramural schedules in various colleges.
Augsburg is a member of the Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic
Conference. The college is represented annually by teams in football,
basketball, hockey, baseball, track, tennis, and golf.
It is the purpose of Augsburg College to provide an intercollegiate
athletic program which is in harmony with its Christian philosophy.
This philosophy is to be reflected in the conduct and outlook of both
the players and the spectators. The educational program of the collegerecognizes that recreation and play are a fundamental part of human
life, and that this phase of life needs to be cultivated if physical,
mental, and emotional health are to be maintained. Intercollegiate
athletics, as a phase of that program, gives recognition to the fact that
competitive play can cnntribute to the development of student interests,
skills, insights, and loyalties.
More specifically, the following outcomes are sought: (1j The student participating in athletics should acquire and exhibit, both in and
out of athletics, such basic qualities of character as self-discipline,
honesty, sense of fair play, and cooperation. (2) The participant
should develop the knowledge, interests, and skills which will be of
special use to him in such vocations as teaching and coaching or re-,
creational leadership, or in his own recreational activities: Far from
being set apart from his educational goal or in any way competing
with it, the student's participation in intercollegiate athletics must
either contribute directly to this goal or be complementary to his
other educational activities. (3) The student spectator should acquire
and exhibit some of the finer qualities of Christian character, such
as self-restraint, sense of fair play, appreciation of high grade ,performance on the part of both opponents and fellow-students, and respect for individual personality. (4) The intercollegiate athletic program should contribute to the development of a unified and healthy
"school spirit." Enthusiasm for intercollegiate
athletics or other cocurricular activities should not overshadow pride in high scholastic
achievement, nor can it take the place of a well-rounded and effective
intramural and general recreational program.
The 1925 Class Cup in Atfitics is awarded to the athlete who has
made outstanding records both in athletics and in scholarship.
The Harold A. Johnson Trophy, presented by Gerald L. Johnson
in 1943, is awarded annually to the student who is judged to be the
most valuable player on the basketball team.
The Class of 1918 Oratorical Cup was presented to the college as a
prize t o arouse interest in oratory. The name of the winner of the
annual contest ishengraved upon the cup, which is to remain in the
possession of the college and is placed on exhibition in the Science
The 1927 Class Cup for Scholarship is awarded to the senior student
of highest scholastic standing who has attended Augsburg for at least
two years.
Omicron Chapter of Lambda Iota Tau, a national honor society, is
open to English majors who have attained a high scholastic average
and have presented a paper on a literary topic before a public audience.
The Augsburg Guild of Honor is an organization to recognize and
honor those members of the senior graduating class who have shown
themselves to be well rounded individuals, excelling to an outstanding degree in scholarship, leadership, and participation in extra-curricular activities.
The Dean's List includes students who have achieved an honor point
ratio of 2.5 or better in the previous semester of work a t m
Application for admission should be made on the regular admission
form, which can be secured from the Office of Admissions. This
form is generally available also in Minnesota high schools. The application, together with the high school record, previous college record,
if any, two letters of recommendation, a small photograph, and an
admissions deposit of $10.00 should be sent to the Office of Admissions. The deposit, which will be applied on first semester tuition,
is refunded if the application is not accepted or if it is withdrawn
by the applicant before August 1. A student seeking admission in the
fall semester should apply not later than September 10 and for the
spring semester by January 30.
Augsburg College admits as students, men and women of good
moral character and sound health who appear to have the ability to
succeed in college. Estimate of ability is determined by rank in the
high school graduating class and college aptitude tests, and by the
high school record or previous college record.
The normal basis for admission is the completion of the courses of
grades nine to twelve in an accredited high school. No definite pattern
of subjects is required, but it is recommended that the last four years
of high school include four units of English, or three units of English
and two of a foreign language, two units of social studies, and one
unit of mathematics. A unit is defined as a course covering one academic year and equivalent to at least 120 hours of classwork. Graduates of unaccredited high schools are considered for admission on the
basis of their rank in high school and their achievement in a college
aptitude examination and an English achievement test.
Applicants who are not high school graduates but who give evidence
of s d c i e n t maturity are considered for admission upon recommendation and on the basis of achievement in a college aptitude test, English achievement test, and General Educational Development Tests on
literary materials, social science materials, and natural science materials.
For most graduates of Minnesota high schools the results of the
college aptitude and English achievement tests are available in advance if they have been taken in the state-wide testing program. The
General Educational Development tests are available to service men
through the Armed Forces Institute. All tests may, however, be taken
at Augsburg by arrangement with the Registrar.
The College reserves the right to reject the applications of studepts
whose previous records or aptitudes, as measured by tests, indicate
they may have difliculty in doing college work.
Applicants who have been accepted for admission with a deficiency
in English will be required to register for a special course in English.
Such deficiency and the requirements with regard to additional training will be determined at the beginning of the Freshman year by
means of tests. The requiremenb include the attainment of definite
standards as to spelling, grammar, pronunciation, and general correctness in the use of the English language.
Students are accepted by transfer from other institutions if they
did satisfactory work and were otherwise in good standing there. If
their previous work was unsatisfactory, they are admitted to Augsburg
only under special circumstances.
Advanced standing, that is, credit for courses completed, is granted
to students who present satisfactory transcripts from accredited institutions. In certain cases advanced standing is granted on the basis of
comprehensive examinations.
Veterans, qualified for educational benefits under any of the government programs, may study at Augsburg and receive these benefits.
The veteran must secure a certificate of eligibility from the regional
office of the Veterans Administration. Application for benefits must
be made in advance of registration, except that veterans who are
eligible for assistance under Public Law 550 may make application
for entitlement when they enroll at the college.
In order to receive credit for experience in the military services,
the veteran must present a photostatic or certified copy of his Separation Record at the Registrar's Office. Evaluation is made according to
the recommendation of the American Council on Education. Some
college credit is given for the completion of the work in certain service
schools and for some courses taken through the Armed Forces Institute.
Students who have been accepted for admission should register on
the days designated in the Calendar for this purpose. Students who
register later than three days after classes begin are charged a late
registration fee of $3.00. No student may register for or enter a
course later than two weeks after the beginning of classes.
In registering, care should be taken to include the Lower Division
requirements during the first two years. However, if such registration
is delayed beyond the second year, a student will neither be required
nor permitted to register beyond the allowed number of credit hours
per semester in order to make it up.
- No credit will be given a student for any subject for which he has
not registered. The college reserves the right to cancel any course for
which there is not sufficient registration.
Registration means that the student accepts all the rules and regulations established by the school.
The normal registration is 16 credit hours. A credit hour is defined
as one recitation period a week throughout
a semester.
The privilege of registering for more than 17% credit hours may
be granted only to students who have gained an average record of B,
or two honor points per credit, in their previous college studies. Exceptions to this rule may be made under certain conditions determined
by the Admissions and Scholarship Committee. No student is permitted to carry work for more than 20 credits per semester.
Students working part-time are urged to arrange the amount of
their registration accordingly.
In case a student desires to make any changes in his registration,
he must obtain a form from the Registrar's o6ce on which he may
make application, stating clearly his reasons for desiring the change.
Approval of the teachers concerned and the student's adviser and the
Registrar must be obtained before a change will be permitted. A
course which is abandoned without being cancelled through the Registrar's Office will result in a grade of F.
Changes of registration which involve the adding of courses cannot
be made later than two weeks after the beginning of classes. Changes
which involve canceling a course cannot be made after the middle of
the semester.
A fee of $1.00 is charged for each change of registration after the
beginning of the second week of classes.
A student who finds it necessary to leave school before the end of
a semester must cancel his registration at the Registrar's office in
order to remain in good standing.
By arrangement with the University of Minnesota, students may
register for courses at the University. But such registration will not
be allowed unless the student has a grading of C average, or 1 honor
point per credit, in his courses at Augsburg. Also, the combined number of credits in any semester must not exceed 17. The credits thus
gained at the University may be transferred to Augsburg College and
counted towards graduation.
In order to be classified in one of the college classes, a student
must be carrying a minimum of twelve hours of work in which college
credit is given. Classification is based on the attainment of the following number of credit hours together with an equal number of
honor points: Sophomore, 24; Junior, 58; Senior, 92. Students are
classified by this regulation at the time of their registration each
school year.
The Admissions and Scholarship Committee meets at the end of each
semester to consider the status of students who are doing unsatisfactory work. Freshmen who obtain honor point ratios of .5 or below,
Sophomores .6 or below, and Senior College students .8 or below, as
well as students with 6 or more credits of F, at the end of a semester
are placed on probation during the semester that follows. They remain
on probation until an honor point ratio of 1 is attained for a semester.
A student is not allowed to remain in college on probation for more
than two semesters consecutively, except by special permission. He is
dropped for low scholarship if he fails to maintain a satisfactory
scholastic record.
Regular attendance in class is required. Students who find it necessary to be absent because of illness b r for other reasons should confer
with their teachers.
Students are expected to arrange the hours of part-time employment so that work does not conflict with classes. Any exception to this
rule must be agreed to by the teacher of the class affected and must
be approved by the Dean of the College.
A record of attendance is kept by each teacher, and periodic reports
are submitted to the Registrar. At the end of the semseter, a record
is made of the total absences of each student for the semester.
Absences for tours, field trips and other instructor-arranged activities are cleared with the Dean of the College. Lists of participants,
with information as to exact p i o d s absent, are issued by the Dean
to all instructors involved.
Teachers deal with tardiness as they see fit. Students arriving' in
class late must assume responsibility for reporting their presence to
the teacher.
Tests are given periodically throughout the semester. In the course
of each semester, reports of the grades attained are made to the
Registrar who forwards them to the counselors and students. Final
reports are sent at the close of each semester to the parents and
Written examinations are regularly scheduled at the close of each
semester. No student or class may arrange to take a final examination
in any course before the examination week.
Absence from a final examination without a sufficient reason will
result in a grade of failure in the course concerned.
A student who has to be absent from a final examination because
of a conflict with outside work from which he cannot obtain an excuse
may arrange to take such an examination during some period after
the time on which the subject is scheduled.
If a student has obtained permission from the Dean of the College
to take a final examination at another hour than that scheduled, he is
a fee of two dollars for such an examination. Before the stues the examination, he must obtain a statement from the Registrar's office and bring it to the teacher concerned. The teacher will
give no examination before he has this statement.
A condition or an incomplete received at the end of the semester
must be removed within the first five weeks of classes of the following
semester of attendance or within a year if the student has not re-enrolled. Extension of this time may be made by the Registrar's O5ce
in cases of illness. If incompletes and conditions are not removed
within the time allowed, the condition automatically becomes a failure
and the incomplete may be changed to a passing grade only when
the average of the previous work is sufficiently high. The final grade
after the condition examination is taken may not be higher than D.
A fee of $2.00 is charged for an examination making up an incomplete or a condition reecived at the end of a semester.
Compre)lensive examinations may be permitted in courses in which
the Admissions and Scholarship Committee feels the student has adequate preparation or background. Students who wish to take a comprehensive examination must apply in writing to this committee.
When permission is granted, the necessary approval forms may be
secured at the office of the Registrar. A fee of $5.00 is charged for
each examination and must be paid in advance. Examination questions and the answers will be filed in the Registrar's office.
3 honor points per credit
good, 2 honor points per credit
1 honor point per credit
no honor points per credit
minus 1 honor point per credit
In order to qualify for the Bachelor of Arts degree, certain requirements must be met with regard to credits, courses, and grades. A
student who plans to graduate from Augsburg is urged to study the
requirements as outlined in this section of the catalog and in the
department in which he plans to major. It is the responsibility of the
student to see that he includes the required subjects at the right time
in his program of studies. The faculty advisers, the Dean, and the
Registrar will gladly assist him in planning his program.
Lower Division Requirements
For a general college education and as a basis for study in professional
fields students are required to complete the following credits in lower
division courses :
Each semester, 2 credits
6 credits
Course 1-2. Students exempted from
Freshman English must earn 6 credits
above Freshman English.
3 credits
Course 11.
Fine Arts
2 credits
MU. 7, 8, Phil. 15, 60 or any literature
H. Ec. 3, a,
course satisfies this requirement.
Foreign Language
8 credits
Students who have studied a foreign language for three years in high school and
students with majors in Home Economics
are exempted from this requirement.
Social Sciences
6 credits
Hist. 1-2, 21, 22, or Soc. 1, and 3 other
credits in Sociology, or Phil. 15, 16.
Natural Sciences
8 credits
Health and Physical Education
3 credits
Courses 2, 3 and 4. Students with majors
in Home Economics will substitute H. Ec.
68 for P. E. 2.
4 credits
Required in certain fields.
1 credit
Required of all Freshmen.
Major and Minors
'A student is required to complete a major and one or more minors
for graduation. The major subject is determined by the student's
aims as well as by his particular interests and aptitudes as shown in
f work he does in the Lower Division.
-It is well for the student to know in his Freshman year what major
line of study he will pursue. Students who are still undecided as to
their major choice when they appear for registration in the junior
year, should, before they register, consult with a faculty counselor
and with heads of the various departments to determine their field
of major work. In planning the major, a student is required to consult with the Head of the Department offering the major. Majors are
offered in the following areas: Religion, Philosophy, Greek, English,
Speech, Music, History, Sociology, Social Science, Business Administration, Business Education, Secretarial Studies, Home Economics,
istry, Natural Science, Mathematics, and Physical Edu-
For major and minor requirements as to houys cf credit see departmental statements.
Electives are planned with the purpose of properly distributing a
student's choices among the fundamental fields of knowledge and culture, as well as among the correlatives of the major. Juniors and
Seniors should, as a rule, choose their electives from courses designated as Upper Division Courses, that is courses numbered 50 or
above. At least thirty credits in Upper Division Courses must be completed for graduation.
Total Credits and Honor Points
The amount of work required for graduation comprises a minimum
of 128 credits with an average grade of C, or one honor point for each
credit taken. A credit equals one recitation period a week throughout
one semester.
Honor points are computed at the rate of one honor point for each
credit with a grade of C, two honor points for each credit with a
grade B, and three honor points for each credit with a grade of A.
In order to qualify for the A.B. degree a student must demonstrate
proficiency in the writing and speaking of English.
M- Magna Cum Laude
Cum Laude
be eligible for these honors, the student must hwr compked
at least two years of work at Augsburg, and his record at Augsburg,
as well as his total record must meet the requirements as given above.
which prepares students for the Christian ministry as pastors or mis
choice of courses even in the Freshman year.
Physical Education . . . . . .
. .
Freshman English
New Testament Greek
Foreign Language . . . .
Humanities or Philosophy
History or English
or English Literature, 6 Cr.
New Testament Greek
or English Literature, 6 Cr.
Youth Work in the Church
.. z
Principles of Christian Education
History or English
Philosophy or Logic
Economics or Education or Political
T - ; " p.'*Lm,m,%
The purpose of this course is to train men and women for effective
service in the Church at home or abroad; that is, as teachers in vacation, week-day and Sunday schools, as youth leaders, and as parish
workers. The course is so arranged that the student will, upon its satisfactory conclusion, receive the A.B. degree and also a certificate
indicating that he is a q u a u e d parish worker.
Students interested in becoming parish workers should consult with
Mr. Stensvaag, parish work adviser.
The suggested schedule provides for a minor in Religion and makes
it possible to plan for a major in Home Economics, History, English
or Sociology. It is also possible to plan for a major in Religion with a
minor in some other field. The courses essential for the securing of the
Parish Worker's Certificate are italicized in the outline below.
Freshman English . . . .
Natural Science . . . .
Typewriting . . . . .
Basic Bible . . . . . . . .
Principles of Sociology
Social Problems . . . . .
Orientation . . . . .
Physical Activities .
Electives . . . . . .
Beginning Speech . . .
Types of Public Speech
General Psychology .
. . . . . . . .
First Aid . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Electives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
. .
... 6
.. 3
. . 3
. . .
Foreign Language . .
. 3
..... 4
. . z
3 7.
T h e Missionary Enterprise . . . . . z
Principles of Christian Education. . 2
T h e Christian Churches . . . . . . z
T h e Lutheran Church . . . . . . . . z
Social Psychology or Urban Sociol. . . . . . . . . . 3
. . . . . . . . . . . 3
.... I
Elementary Shorthand
Recreatiimal Activities
. . . 6
. . . I
Parish W o r k
. . . . . . . . .
Youth Work in the C h w c h . . .
Edrrcational Psychology . . . . . . . . .
H y m n s and Music o f the Church.
Fundamentals o f Journalism . . . .
Crafts . . . . . . . . . . 1'. . . . . . . . .
Fields of Social Work . . . . . . . .
Secretarial Practice
Fine Arts
. . . . . . . . .
Each state sets certain requirements for obtaining a teacher's certificate. The course outlined below satisfies the requirements for a e r tificate for teaching in Minnesota at the junior and senior high school
level. The same program will meet the demands set by most of the
neighboring states. The student should apply to the Department of
Education for admission to the Education curriculum during his Sophomore year. Admission will be determined by a committee on the basis
of scholarship and other qualifications. Students should prepare for
competency in at least two subject-matter fields that are also taught in
the high schools. In addition to departmental majors, broad majors for
teaching may be secured in natural science, social science, and business
Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Freshman English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
European Civilization . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Foreign Language or Natural
Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Physical Education . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . - . . . . . . 2
Electives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - . . . . - .4
Religion . . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Speech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Foreign Language or Natural
............. 8
Science . . . . .
Psychology . . .
Fine Arts . . . . .
Electives . . . . .
Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4
Educational Psychology . . . . . . . 3
Teaching in High School . . . . . . . . 3
Philosophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Group Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2
Electives in Major or Minor . . . .14
.................. 4
Principles of Guidance . . . . . . . . . . 3
Issues in Contemporary Education. 3
Student Teaching . . . . . . . . . . .4or 5
Special Teaching Methods . . . . . . . . 4
Electives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -14
3 2 or 33
From the vocational point of view, the work in the Department of
Home Economics is intended to prepare students for homemaking,
to equip them for the teaching of home economics in high school,
and to give them the first two years of the training required for such
vocations as dietetics, institution management, home economics in business, home economics and journalism, and home economics extension.
Each student who plans for a vocation in this field should consult
members of the home economics staff about the details of the program
when she begins her college work. A curriculum for a home economics
education major is given below. Courses in italics are not required for
a general home economics major.
Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Physical Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Principles of Physics . . . . . . . - . . . .4
Principles of Chemistry . . . . . . . - . 4
Art in Daily Living . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Clothing Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Nutrition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Clothing Construction . . . . . . . . . . 2
Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Economics ....................
Marriage and Family ............ 3
Sociology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Anatomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Child Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Educational Psychology . . . . . . . 3
Group Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s
Teaching in High School . . . . . . . . 3
Bacteriology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Textiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Color and Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Home Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Family Health . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . 2
Electives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Special Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Student Teaching . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Principles of Guidance . . . . . . . . . .
Contemporary Issues in Education.
Home Management Problems . . . .
Home Management Laboratory . . .
Advanced Clothing Construction. .
Electives must be in the minor field which the student selects.
The program in business administration is intended for students
who are planning for work in the fields of business and industry. In
addition to giving preparation for a business vocation the following
suggested course of study leads to the Bachelor of Arts degree.
Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Freshman English . . . . . . . . . . . . .
European Civilization or Sociology.
Principles of Accounting . . . . . . . .
Foreign Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .