The annual Christmas buffet will he he?!" in (he Commons December 1?. The affair will he a stamie fame]. one: sport coats for thc .6135; nice dresses for the 911-19. Serving times are from has nnfi 6-7= wi 01 a serving of punch in the Alumni Lounvs- humming at 3130. Board plan students will not be... Show moreThe annual Christmas buffet will he he?!" in (he Commons December 1?. The affair will he a stamie fame]. one: sport coats for thc .6135; nice dresses for the 911-19. Serving times are from has nnfi 6-7= wi 01 a serving of punch in the Alumni Lounvs- humming at 3130. Board plan students will not be chm-pad, hut tickets must be picked up in advance at the center reception desk-oedmission is by ticket only" Off» campus students will he charged “v.50; 1110 event in open to students, staff, faculty? administration, and regents. Because of the size problem, students are asked not to invite peofle not connected with the school. with the evceptio-n that married students may brine their spousesfl Chuck Olson tied for the MAC Tend in scoring in soccer as the Magpie Squdd Med for second wince with St. John's two pnins hohmd 399mm champion Gustavus. Olson's total of 8 90.913 Med the fimre amassed by Pachy Lopez of Gustavus; Paul Holmes was the second best Aum-‘le scorer” z-dth four- eonls 9:16 a third place finish in conference scoring. The final team stand‘l ngs arr- as follows: l«Yon Lost Tied Ptst GF GA Gustavus 0 1 9 75 1 Augsburg ? 0 3 7 1-3 5 St. Jchn's 3 1 1 7 11 5 Macalesber 2 2 1 5 9 1h St. Thomas 0 h 1 1 n 17 Hemline O h 1 1 h 7“ Mr. Stephen Gahdelsen of the Augsburg music departm ment will perfom in an organ recital at Diamond Lake Lutheran church, 5760 Portland Avenue Southa on Wednesday, December 10 at 8 p.121» All students are encouraged to a‘tend this open «wash. -7. Show less
51521:“!!9’1K'w? WW-‘Gmrfiaon *Mmamuumré new to {my 1-? ' .meméflmg’uuma CoUoko »» WWO?’ '1‘?!“ _ ‘séuro was ' v an n: .maI-rf) dam meme-a W" ' v V :m‘muwormm‘fldfi wan on it was , an“ up Mitchel-39W:- Mama" This "orronnnt's v wwnukmwmrwwmt'hfir ans IW ' g AMQfltflidgmu-Thr ‘ ~ , scan was h9-31 in favor... Show more51521:“!!9’1K'w? WW-‘Gmrfiaon *Mmamuumré new to {my 1-? ' .meméflmg’uuma CoUoko »» WWO?’ '1‘?!“ _ ‘séuro was ' v an n: .maI-rf) dam meme-a W" ' v V :m‘muwormm‘fldfi wan on it was , an“ up Mitchel-39W:- Mama" This "orronnnt's v wwnukmwmrwwmt'hfir ans IW ' g AMQfltflidgmu-Thr ‘ ~ , scan was h9-31 in favor-‘6? "Afiéskurpn . ' o ahcand m1 half was more exciting us Aurvus- ' hm tied tha score with 1?:50 rmmininv‘. ' ‘ .3 The Auguatnm conchimv staff can hn thankea : M—hmnhutinn two“ nts at that, point. on a 3 dalhlo technical foul. For a while it lookod like A; In poinp to and up 9 c105: game. but bugskuw ifl'ucnd to control the ball and Hw- h'oards to null Gal-the:- ahepd in tho fins] Nimbus to obtain their SIM win. 'I'hny my son, now-r befor tho. you is (Wer-e ~ nick Kelly has to he picked the most valuable m of the Pan. But it was an all-out team effort kept Auaskure 1n the loud. “any, A 517 foot mard,vas hivh point mu m- Hu- nioht «ms 3 $31.11*” 17 of £56259 9"" 1n tho-v1”! rat half. “3 V "turned in flu- Inoond ha]! aftor an influx-y. Hut _ “19 h» we play“!!! 3?. less than Yul} spend in tap closing dmtos, ’19- throw in 5 points and sat up now with his maiden 13:11:: = Jim cooks wand 11 for tbs mum. nnfi also * hdpr‘ K011: ant ur - 1M. mo. The 6'1” ward. ‘ fllflnfim deflhnt hall inhaling. ability, was ‘ flu deadly lhoodm from the cuisine Freshmn 1 Inc! all" junior 61m Bruins. with " and 7 "' film chly. proved to coach Errfia Avior "i‘ can that Lawn" shouldn't have too mun!» tremble ‘* «an oar-rd post?“ this yo-r. The ban? 111.9 of mm Johnson. Gary swar- 4? son. and John Evert cantro'l‘ed the he r65. hot)» on offense orr' dofersa. Bike Hang, :2 6'9" K, aophmrn, sew-M two points Hut wosfouvh on tha ‘ hoards. BMG' Wessmn has" a goof mam. vi”: 6 points. «M sophomors Dam Lehrlm prom-d thw he gun 53-911 11; mt. any time. . N V. ,1 5m Show less
with talented freshman like Sheldun Ania-non. Kipp Skadnn, Wan-an Larson and Gary Fillm'son (out with an ankle injury aftflr "auxin? 16 point! par Fame in the first two contests of the your). uni snothor 6'9” cantor, Rich Crrlson. 1n ream-w. the Aupcrlas have the potnntinl of putting a good club... Show morewith talented freshman like Sheldun Ania-non. Kipp Skadnn, Wan-an Larson and Gary Fillm'son (out with an ankle injury aftflr "auxin? 16 point! par Fame in the first two contests of the your). uni snothor 6'9” cantor, Rich Crrlson. 1n ream-w. the Aupcrlas have the potnntinl of putting a good club on the court at any when time. ‘ The first confer-anon gum is this "admde at 7:30 in Kelby Hall. The UHD M1602: providu the opposition. ~16- u' w' N“ v i ' ‘ ‘ 1 may" H c. I Vi 9.,1 , x r . u —.-«.':--.r":'«“- ,x'r'. \,,'~«:‘ r m no N not" ‘-"h’ Show less
A . y ,1"; .HL'._ .-: c;;._.: -;- ‘ _. ,.) T. , nod Ewen asbzbiLszej solely for tn= dcposl: ‘3 a; E) :aoeivej as c e:‘ in tn: LL 0, since {:3 money in txis 53C3L.: Ho; thrc=Fui§e «i . aai . r ~11ei to be used for tne improvoment of tne quality tni size a: 616 paper Hark believe} :‘ L tn: editors... Show moreA . y ,1"; .HL'._ .-: c;;._.: -;- ‘ _. ,.) T. , nod Ewen asbzbiLszej solely for tn= dcposl: ‘3 a; E) :aoeivej as c e:‘ in tn: LL 0, since {:3 money in txis 53C3L.: Ho; thrc=Fui§e «i . aai . r ~11ei to be used for tne improvoment of tne quality tni size a: 616 paper Hark believe} :‘ L tn: editors could use tne funds for tae Leno directly or indirectly: inarofore“ s a re- u .< to p"rt of tno staff taut mad workod :ne gull year wicxout Srisry~ 9:5 as an oppor- tunity to educ te rue new editors to cne procedures involvEd in editing tn! n wsgaper; M rk pldnned train trip to Chicago for tnosc,pcoploy de realized toe necessity of casnn “Clan and accordingly ue received verbal permission from hichsrd {enccn wao cud earlier ndb’ ed to define the policy for the expenditure of advertising funds“ .nd 10 received verb 1“ wonudissentins pernissicnfrc; bne :uclic tiocs Conalsrionentho Echo's direct superior. rne dry tact tno group w;s to loave for Cnica50--in foot” only about five nours boa fore tceir de,-rturo-~tnc new president of the Ltudent society called Mark andtold nim tnq~£ no could not ‘0 to Cnicsgo. rais was a tinely sug_estion indeed since tickets nod been bOUéflt nd reeervcticns and been made“ when H:rk returnod; a Sp861Al persecutionsry meeting of the btudent Council was neld. At this seating Mark was flogged verb 11y to sucn nn extent tn t me completely broke down, .1 nave nezrd tA~t suoa techniques of inter- ro._ticn nave been used in ocutnern JallSc but 1 didn’t realize Ens: it would-—or even¢n Jere. As a side noteD one of too urine interroa tors was fed Jonson» inis fall, th't some inborrosotorx as tae nesd of txe big-name entertainment connit- tee of £10 irogrsm Commission; Was instrnctod to book big—none groups for concerts at Aug» bur.s Je took = random poll and found tnst suéuécnts Wanted aroups Lust were pop-rock or raid-rock, A pop—rock group “.5 going to b; in the era, in tne fall9 and thereforeetneir price would be llizhtly lower. Bod booked tool with tne npyrov-l of George Dialman, the progr—u conciseioner: Lorhze Grindsl. the ,resident of tne student booiety;-nd Dcu; uskon tne director of tne college oentera In. concert lost money. Before this loss and bcccle evidentd inothar concert and becn planned. inis rock group lypczred to be more popular ,mong college studfints. nnd since it was a double lot the pros- pects were brignto dietary now recorder however, that tnis concert was s fiesoo of Jo 0V9“ 1°rter nature than the one proceeding itofi “"1t° n'tur 11!» People were upset:"Fiftoen tncus nd dollars is a helluv lot of money" Alotflfir Pfirsccutlonery neetinz wcs scheduleda fiut ginoe it was a matter in whicn the Counoh °°uld P0351bly have looked down tne barrel of 738 fin=er of guilt. the student body was gfl- en tn. opportunity or becoming too official y. Scoutionern At this meeting iod9 George and L race were tarbally flogged and G°u11 n v5 or krn down if the étt ck had been nor or 'riaat I“? rain: at t is nwrr Live is s..nplea E I notion and ccourred--bcthlest spring 3nd this f'll. rho fault coild accurately nave be found in tne structure of a government th:t would allow eucn “fl-grant violations". A so; ’cnt Was needed9 unwaverr since strrotures reflect the noticnl of noxone in particulor° _wiccn aunt H33 organized in both oasesq and igzgyitggf did it accomplish any positive soalé flank has happened has neppened, and we nod ‘ ' 35"! find OTScnizere refiner oneu a c sllse full of Spiro Agnew:7 Jae McCartnys 1,;gg'331'l Jflflsee. 1! action is to be taken, 1 ;snould be taken tale spring o: election --S. F. Show less
'T‘O the Hilton Z have addx‘essed the following remarks to President lecn find? in so doing, would like to share me «Uh the Augsburg comn‘ltyl "£13 a member of the small silent M110er! 1 feel that it is time to spuak out, hauling prev- iously haen uncertain and afraid of the Great Si— lent f... Show more'T‘O the Hilton Z have addx‘essed the following remarks to President lecn find? in so doing, would like to share me «Uh the Augsburg comn‘ltyl "£13 a member of the small silent M110er! 1 feel that it is time to spuak out, hauling prev- iously haen uncertain and afraid of the Great Si— lent f‘ajorityu Becausa I do not lava avnrything about Anny-ch; I suprose that I will eventually a have to not out, or wait to be thrown out with the other rotten cores and effnts- snobao But when I was a child, I believed America to be the good, the true? art? the beautiful: as I banana 3 man, I was forced to put away my univefe and was left with a residue of bitternessfi as if someonn had played my youth for 9 fool. "Insofar as the war hssfurther embittared no, I think that I can suggest what is mm? with it: I was not at all incredulous that our boys Hod slaughtered a community 09 civilians. I have shudder-a6 at every report of how mam 'suspoctod‘ Viet Com-r hnd been bombed, presumably kiTIod. «no now must put. my conscience at aaae war a massive 5] mi no of Vietnamese civilians. "In short, I havn come to believe that we are no bottom 11‘ no worse. than anyone else. just more walthy "nd more powrful {m and ther‘fore morn dangerous than most. And therein has the rub which has taken protesters into the streets and our future into 331.13. In more ways than one. the war h=sm~de criminals of us all, although ‘99-- Had no. the polices-H111 continue to go from "Dm‘endaws of th- vent W111. of sauna. shrug and 53319 war is hell. So be it. I would only add thnt if this justification will suffice, then we have sold our souls to the prince of hell and in time will reap our peace. if such things as universal justice aver Mist. "It is an unfair avorsimplificamon to any ;o,. Hut wannr=11y it 15 my opinion that the war has hpoucht out the worst I hl‘d feared “hmt t-*P“Eas the mace mam “’5 bPWEh" .510- Arm-1r 2; Show less
enemy: “is speech was addressed to that group at“ . 1 'n‘ mum puppets known as the silrnt majomty and he‘i ' A " did not Seem to hate any desire to say anvt‘ninf ' relevant to the young. Yet any young misc" interested in the fate of the corntry (nh‘ichvis this overwhrlning majority of young... Show moreenemy: “is speech was addressed to that group at“ . 1 'n‘ mum puppets known as the silrnt majomty and he‘i ' A " did not Seem to hate any desire to say anvt‘ninf ' relevant to the young. Yet any young misc" interested in the fate of the corntry (nh‘ichvis this overwhrlning majority of young pfoplu) was “voted in front of the television set that night. On the other hand, Allen Ginsberg and Eldridge C waver cannot relate to -fixon, who has hem.- their 57111501 0f "pi reprossion" in this cmn’nry. Clea. vor rernrs to Ronald Reagan as n‘f-ickey House, and those "ho are hip to What is happening today in California are inclined to agree with that. Won” message is interspersed with gunfire and napalm. some people ca relate 0 "but. 'Ihose. who, get rich 0 r naplnm r‘an certainly relate to that. Hohhot: that the bullets are being shot- nt American citi- ' zons in their own comnunitiea, mostly young people, there can he no rapport until the establistnnent disarms itselfo This is how young people feel today. Look at the alienati n, thr enormous "hole, that this situation muses. How can there be any meaning- ful living taking place- in a world where there is this kind of turmoil? The problem does not end with the ymmg versus the old. It begins there. The train of confine sion m-~VPs from there to the less obvious conflict of; youth versus itself. There is much talk of the salvation that young proplr will brim; wit” them as they grow into adulthood. Bat this salvation is ' Wishful thinking. The younger generation must begin to understand that the phrase "come together" means spiritually. . ' r There are many good example-a 01’ Your": P991119 coming together for a short period of time. The Democratic convention and the subsequent, violence . that surrounded Chicago did much to pull 00905108 . factions of yonng ngple together. For fihe time they were forced to an: the r“ a1 HIM 1"” ‘ V face, in living color, with a can of macminv'one: hand, a bi'vly club in the other, and a snout as fl _.‘- . long and ugly as on: history 01’ Min-‘3 “9911.9: 3'15}? realization brought ’6 ousands or white young?“ If to their senses and cauefivthen to 301“ MWB‘M their black brethren and form a Y1.“ “W31 , V Show less
u w lrrollosrint schedule will bn fol'l (wed ns 1 a» possible for tho: combined m‘xltcations “9‘ and the “aspen r1, 9¢~-'rm‘spsr 7 w-‘Wtzo (Snow Days Issue} I If 294311813“? ' v ary- 9"”?1113p931' tar-1 mfifis'pw pm. 27w‘n111spnr ay “mum? M_ V studehta wishing to get a story of any v whim-b :Itho... Show moreu w lrrollosrint schedule will bn fol'l (wed ns 1 a» possible for tho: combined m‘xltcations “9‘ and the “aspen r1, 9¢~-'rm‘spsr 7 w-‘Wtzo (Snow Days Issue} I If 294311813“? ' v ary- 9"”?1113p931' tar-1 mfifis'pw pm. 27w‘n111spnr ay “mum? M_ V studehta wishing to get a story of any v whim-b :Itho Whisper would act than tc the mm the Friday artsy-nan before pumicvtion ‘ banning whisper. The editor retain“: the ,. ‘mlnfde '0‘:- mt inoludq: it in t‘hepsparn " fitngptsi will be shade to £33109: the 53m: ‘sanfatfllbh of news in the 59112 n the Echo. as" concerning the publ‘! coHon of ~ Fahd Should be direm‘ed to Dar- . In 't Echo an office Or room 120 of ' 1" Si) fiéattpns 101.11 be appreciated» ’ comments 'ahout Iousy twain". ’ in bér the three tyevritnv-s in 3:1: Bfokan 1n di'férant ways. "W3 9 matnst typlatsin thr ' ' produce Wrens-y - If ousstions Show less