‘AUEEBURG BEHINARY Awum ASSOCIATION Alumni Wham la whim of M! gnaw flat at tlm Collage Md Thwlnsicai It 1mm: an annual Easiness mating- during Cam» mmmt‘ wuk. The annual alumni Banquet w- ears on the evenings?! the my tummy Cummanw» mun: Dun ‘ mrmmm at the alumni are being or- ‘lh infludfi in their... Show more‘AUEEBURG BEHINARY Awum ASSOCIATION Alumni Wham la whim of M! gnaw flat at tlm Collage Md Thwlnsicai It 1mm: an annual Easiness mating- during Cam» mmmt‘ wuk. The annual alumni Banquet w- ears on the evenings?! the my tummy Cummanw» mun: Dun ‘ mrmmm at the alumni are being or- ‘lh infludfi in their mmmup all Era/din» ‘m‘m’tha Calm and WWW mummy. Th; ot'fim in to 1m» flung um bind flan gradual” of Autumn m fllfll‘ 31m: mamyand‘ m ymmofic‘ flu: {hm-mu; at Manhuqu an «situation! and npirilml mutter. at the Mum! Amman m u 38 7 7 Wm: V 8mm Sm»: ;, Vith Gonna" Hum: ,,. Emu Emu ' 8mm Gamma ‘ HEW, ‘ dim Committee: mm Swamp ‘ " Br, Pedal-m Show less
GENERAL INFORMATION DIPLOMAS AND DEGREES The degree of Candidatus Theologiw will be con- ferred upon graduates of the Theological Seminary. The degree of Bachelor of Arts will be conferred upon any student of good moral character who has completed the required work in the College. Any student of... Show moreGENERAL INFORMATION DIPLOMAS AND DEGREES The degree of Candidatus Theologiw will be con- ferred upon graduates of the Theological Seminary. The degree of Bachelor of Arts will be conferred upon any student of good moral character who has completed the required work in the College. Any student of good moral character who has obtained sixteen (16) units in the Academy will be given a certificate of graduation. DAILY ROUTINE The schooLyear is divided into three quarters. The first begins the last week in September and con- tinues till Christmas; the second begins the first week in January, and closes the last part of March; the third begins about the first of April and closes in June. The school is in session from 8:00 A. M. to 3:50 P. M., six days of the week except that on Saturday the sessions close at 12 M. The students observe study hours from 7:30—10:00 P. M. Daily devotion, led by one of the professors, is held in the Seminary chapel at 9:45 A. M. Attend- ance is required of all students, and failure to attend at any time must be reported. LIBRARIES The Augsburg Seminary Library comprises the books of the Old Library, Heggtveit Addition, Idun, Missionary, Theological, and Temperance Libraries. There are at present 17,000 volumes in the Library. The Library and the Reading Rooms are open all day on week days. The students have access to the large libraries of the city. Show less
r“: ; wm': AUGSBURB fiEIKNMW 2! Lflonfl‘l‘ofims BMW—We laboratory In lmfiad an the am floor of the Mn lecture 1M1! Student: have 11mm Vinita! flak: am! do individual mark Sufism: mic- mops: are nmvidmd and than: is a suitable mam» mine and shining and animating «mm-mun far in elementary Mammy. charm and... Show morer“: ; wm': AUGSBURB fiEIKNMW 2! Lflonfl‘l‘ofims BMW—We laboratory In lmfiad an the am floor of the Mn lecture 1M1! Student: have 11mm Vinita! flak: am! do individual mark Sufism: mic- mops: are nmvidmd and than: is a suitable mam» mine and shining and animating «mm-mun far in elementary Mammy. charm and model: my»:va emu—am 1mm”; mom 53 WNW with .I. “liable for Wmlm damnmtmflon mm summed with when m. mdflwtfla «I'an 1h: libel-awry in maimed-fur work is: wag-mil. um. Mic-l. 11ml»: chunk—y. Individual mm, m and Wm m nmvidod. A amtmpa in Ame {at work in quflifiaflw mm Whit! trim a». damn current. @1139me min «a vacuummmfian. Purim—mo mum Inth an: with and cold mm. m eimflnflm mw3'powarfim for no audm‘ A» Gt 1M «quip- mant mum 1 Why” vacuum pump»: Miner and‘ mm angina; Wm: mmurim‘r ,fimmu mull; IL mm: Manila and 1&3me d'Amm n‘l‘ Wuhan portable mam EWEC’FOBSY’ , A 'dlnlng‘mm in mailman; urbane mm: m Warm Board is mm In Mum. At gingham;ng attach month the mam my: WWW dollar: my At flu: of the month m a computed and the mm: 1; mam m: mm mm m the mm in. The math :m am 9w main fipmmmv ham a 1mm number In! meant: to work m- tlulr baud. Show less
26 AUGSBURG SEMINARY THE MUSEUM Some years ago the beginning was made of a Museum for the Seminary. The Alumni Association became interested, and its members made many valu- able gifts. There is a Madagascar Collection, 3 Santal Collection, a considerable collection of rare old books, minerals,... Show more26 AUGSBURG SEMINARY THE MUSEUM Some years ago the beginning was made of a Museum for the Seminary. The Alumni Association became interested, and its members made many valu- able gifts. There is a Madagascar Collection, 3 Santal Collection, a considerable collection of rare old books, minerals, curios, etc. Send contributions to Prof. Lars Lillehei, Curator. THE AUGSBURG ARCHIVE SOCIETY In the spring of 1929 the Augsburg Archive So- ciety was organized. The purpose of this organiza- tion is to gather and preserve documents, books, and other articles of historical value. A fireproof room has been secured in the New Main. Here is now found a fine collection of periodicals, old and rare books, manuscripts, letters, and pictures; also sev- eral hundred volumes of Norwegian-American liter- ature. With sufficient means a great Work can be done in augmenting and improving the collection, especially in the way of buying books and binding of periodicals. Send contributions to Augsburg Archive Society, Augsburg Seminary, Minneapolis, Minn. FORM OF REQUEST I give, devise, and bequeath to the Board of Trustees of Augsburg Seminary of Minneapolis, Minnesota, the sum of ..n-Nnnvwmeollars, for the support and maintenance of said Augsburg Sem~ mary. STUDENT ACTIVITIES GENERAL The Sturlents’ Society is an organization of the Whole student body. The Academy Club draWS its members from the Academy. Show less
x: L MMSBUM ‘SEHDMRY 2-7 Wum’a Sflffioyummna Awninth in flat: organization at me weds. ‘ The Anyabmixm Sawfly 5a the man's armin- flan. r Hummus 7 Then Con/479mm in cm: mlew at the lengical Mum. The aim»: 15 60mm of stude 33w mummified; in mama»; The Gum! Team 5:3 mm enme (31’ swam: mm a. number at mm... Show morex: L MMSBUM ‘SEHDMRY 2-7 Wum’a Sflffioyummna Awninth in flat: organization at me weds. ‘ The Anyabmixm Sawfly 5a the man's armin- flan. r Hummus 7 Then Con/479mm in cm: mlew at the lengical Mum. The aim»: 15 60mm of stude 33w mummified; in mama»; The Gum! Team 5:3 mm enme (31’ swam: mm a. number at mm mngmmuflnm M an: Fm Chunk each “mar. Wang “ume at the 3mm; Martina meurmmfimamundermewwutm DWameMflfiumbymm may. ‘ Emu 3mm 80ml fiaiam 0M. M emanation to Mar me Mpmt at m‘ in pmhim in mm» to mm» in mm. imam Science. 3mm and History. Snips?- m mm: and W tor Whflk 3mm gem lit: , Mafia: who! whim 1.3mm: ‘to‘ in or W mlhm’ Wivmwmumwmumarm mm“ m 133ml? mm“, jmwmummmm may.de ‘iummd' in lieu-ohms ‘ Max:514 Rm dam 1m manta» imam flu / album A mum mm “mm m m :purpm at teaming mum ‘ ‘ Show less
28 AUGSBURG SEMINARY Augsburg is annually represented by men’s and women’s debate teams which meet teams from the other colleges of the northwest. There are both local and inter—collegiate oratori- cal contests for college students. The College Class of 1918 has presented to the College a silver... Show more28 AUGSBURG SEMINARY Augsburg is annually represented by men’s and women’s debate teams which meet teams from the other colleges of the northwest. There are both local and inter—collegiate oratori- cal contests for college students. The College Class of 1918 has presented to the College a silver cup. The Class has given the cup as a prize to arouse interest in oratory. The name of the winner in the annual contest is engraved upon the cup, which is to remain in the possession of the College and is placed on exhibition in the Main Building. Sigvald Qvale Memorial Contests are held an— nually for college and academy students. JOURNALISM The Augsburg Echo is the student newspaper. The Dial is a literary magazine sponsored by the literary organizations of the College. The Augsburgimz is a pictorial and literary pub- lication issued biennially. The Press Club conducts the College press serv- ice. Iota Chi Sigma is the honorary journalistic or- ganization. MUSIC There are three organizations for students in- terested in music, the Men’s Glee Club, the Women’s Choral Saciety, and the Augsburg Orchestra. An- nual tours are made regularly. ATHLETICS Augsburg is a member of the Minnesota Inter- Collegiate Athletic Conference. The College is re- presented annually by basketball, football, baseball, heckey, tennis, and gymnastic teams. Show less
#UGSBUM SBIHNARY fl 3 _ I'M Wom'a 11mm Annotation is an ornat- ‘utim at Baum women «Wally inflamed in M gummy ' 1 7 Hum Du - Homflamhndwm_wdnmhaprmmrthe at We almith who hive taken acm- . m; in shame umqu ‘ n: 1921 can In: Scholarship ‘ in was Smalar ‘mms at him: animus- r who‘ but mm at ham: two... Show more#UGSBUM SBIHNARY fl 3 _ I'M Wom'a 11mm Annotation is an ornat- ‘utim at Baum women «Wally inflamed in M gummy ' 1 7 Hum Du - Homflamhndwm_wdnmhaprmmrthe at We almith who hive taken acm- . m; in shame umqu ‘ n: 1921 can In: Scholarship ‘ in was Smalar ‘mms at him: animus- r who‘ but mm at ham: two yams. » ‘ 1 qt 1925 C3943 «Lme m we Wham nude mutande records both in and in mailman. Show less
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS REGISTRATION AND CLASS WORK Every student is required to register for a de~ finite amount of work. In case a student desires to discontinue a subject for which he has been properly registered, whether for the purpose of carrying less work or in order to substitute another... Show moreGENERAL REQUIREMENTS REGISTRATION AND CLASS WORK Every student is required to register for a de~ finite amount of work. In case a student desires to discontinue a subject for which he has been properly registered, whether for the purpose of carrying less work or in order to substitute another subject, he must first have the permission of the Matriculation Committee and consult the instructor in charge of the work in question, and report to the Registrar. Neglect in doing this will result in a record of fail- ure in any course dropped. When it is advisable to have a student assigned to another grade of work, the teacher shall send him to the Registrar with a request for the proper change. Class Work lost on account of late registration or because of necessary absence must be made up. The work in each subject shall be assigned by the teacher of the subject, and no credit shall be given until such work has been done. Tardiness and absence from class without sufficient cause cannot be made up for credit. EXAMINATIONS Regular written examinations are held at the close of each quarter in all classes. Absence from examination in any subject, with- out sufficient cause, shall be regarded as a failure in that subject. SPECIAL EXAMINATIONS. Students may be granted special examination by applying to the President and paying a fee of one dollar. This rule applies to con- ditioned students and to those who have made up Show less
‘ AUGSEURG gamma? 3: 69 m examination for credit. V Hanna Even- mam is mqulmd m ‘ mut’lfl following pledgu at the and of anal: 23min» Hank and test: them am on my ward of honor that in writing examination I have with-u given. ma- nnr mda use at any Mama. I GRADES m alphabetical mm is in rem-Mug... Show more‘ AUGSEURG gamma? 3: 69 m examination for credit. V Hanna Even- mam is mqulmd m ‘ mut’lfl following pledgu at the and of anal: 23min» Hank and test: them am on my ward of honor that in writing examination I have with-u given. ma- nnr mda use at any Mama. I GRADES m alphabetical mm is in rem-Mug the am mm wall MW mmtitum a crude Mid has the Sitinan flsniflmw: Emma! Goad 1m: WI: Gmdlunmd Mum mm A condition or an vlnmuplm at am end at a; quarter must be “Nu um m ‘m. wfiewndmonor implem- wilt!» In a No mam shill be allowed h: continue m unzmniirmothEheuwnwnMnum in more than two of“: mm m’ifififlw’? Show less
GENERAL EXPENSES For Theological students, tuition is free. The tuition for the College is $25 a quarter and for the - Academy $15 a quarter. Tuition for the Senior year will be refunded to those who enter Theology. Students taking more than the maximum num- ber of periods (17 in the College and... Show moreGENERAL EXPENSES For Theological students, tuition is free. The tuition for the College is $25 a quarter and for the - Academy $15 a quarter. Tuition for the Senior year will be refunded to those who enter Theology. Students taking more than the maximum num- ber of periods (17 in the College and 22 in the Ace.- demy) are charged at the rate of two dollars for each additional period a week per quarter. The following incidental fees are required of all students and are payable in advance: Caution _____________________ _.$ 2.00 Gymnasium _.1.e.1-_~_1__._._. 2.00 Library ....__...__.~.~._..__‘..__ 1.00 Student Activities _.__._~__ 10.00 Subject fees: College Chemistry, Physics, Biology .._‘..-__....._.1 ..._._. 10.00 each Diploma Fee (College) 1.__.___. 5.00 The estimated expenses for one year are about as follows: Tuition in College $25.00 per quarter 1......._._.._e...__-~__._$75.00 Board for 36 weeks ._ Books, etc. _...._..1..._._1__1M~. 25.00 Room rent, double room, each occupant ._.e...._..e___~.___._. 36.00 Room rent, single room._..._1 54.00 Library Fee 1._1____.~-.~_-_- 1.00 Gymnasium Fee__~,_.____1_1 2.00 Caution Fee ......1.____.____. 2.00 Laboratory Fee ...... “$5.00 or 10.00 Student Activities Fee__._“_ 10.00 9529000432400 Show less
COURSES OF STUDY The normal requirements are 54 quarter hours per academic year. (A quarter hour is equivalent to one hour a week for twelve weeks). There is a minimum requirement of 9 quarter hours in each of the following departments: Old Testament, New Testament, Church History, Systematic... Show moreCOURSES OF STUDY The normal requirements are 54 quarter hours per academic year. (A quarter hour is equivalent to one hour a week for twelve weeks). There is a minimum requirement of 9 quarter hours in each of the following departments: Old Testament, New Testament, Church History, Systematic Theology, and Practice. This allows 9 quarter hours each year for elecfives. The choice of electives is made under the guidance and supervision of the Theological Faculty. The minimum of required courses for graduation is 27 quarter hours in each of the de- partments. The remainder of the required number of quarter hours may be taken as electives. A total of 162 quarter hours is required for graduation. The course in Theology may not be completed in less than three years. DEPARTMENT OF OLD TESTAMENT In order to give the students more direct super- vision and guidance in their studies in the various fields of theology, seminar courses are offered in each of the five major branches, each seminar be- ing in charge of one or more of the theological pro- fessors. All students are required to complete six sem- inar courses during their three years of study. Normally these will be given during- the first and second quarters of each year. In each course the student embodies the result of his investigation in a thesis of 4,000 to 6,000 words, two typewritten copies of which are to be deposited with the Secretary of the Theological Faculty. At the time of the final examination all theses of the candidates for graduation will be read Show less
Am:an 53mm.“ as by the censor; and mafia a part 01' the hula for the mall mam. 1. Oun‘mauam Immvnmw. A atudy at the individual writings of the Old Teammmt; the library of «the Old Tasmth Canon; the mm” of the 0M Temmmfl Text; Required: ‘6 quarter 13mm. 2. Manama AN!) mens 39 Ow T331531:th Gunman. A... Show moreAm:an 53mm.“ as by the censor; and mafia a part 01' the hula for the mall mam. 1. Oun‘mauam Immvnmw. A atudy at the individual writings of the Old Teammmt; the library of «the Old Tasmth Canon; the mm” of the 0M Temmmfl Text; Required: ‘6 quarter 13mm. 2. Manama AN!) mens 39 Ow T331531:th Gunman. A study at anti: pmbiems an my arias in munwflaa with certain (31d Trauma: Mobs, lo- authgr with ma imminent»: m the [Madman a! Biblical cflflcinm. m they are applied in {film flatly of mom ’1‘th and in the 31mm» :0 naive Mesa problem. Marina; 3 quanta Imam. 3. Tan Norm MM!» A amid mdy all the Biblical! data of the mamas mime“ mm Wmofknelmdlm‘kh in maximal“ Man. to. W with a may of the: watempomry hllmr)‘ a! Wu» 3% mu! mph Amflw in than. to an: beam. sublimiw. um! wiritud ridmm u! ao— lnebul park ni’ the bunk. Maxim: 6 antiwar noun, 4L m mam Jmnma. A My in as. him at flu! dawnward mnm‘ mm in was; be- W‘wn‘ Isaiah and Jemiah. Mus m the warm I: may animated Jeremiah. 3W ‘mman to given whim 013mm, and to his mince “19mm. to)“: Mauhnic how. andme mwhlflh Imam! mohmwma‘mmuh us. inguinal: 3 quarter ham mmm with a. 5. ‘Tnnrmemm Alwayormfim Wm Gwflviflsy an! ill spiritual Alumna far the M11: 05 GM. Mmm with: 4, 6. Tamils Wmmmmm W survey. and a mom mmmion £9 an Show less
86 AUGSBURG SEMINARY larger groups of Psalms; a careful ex‘egetical study of a number of Psalms, with special emphasis on their permanent message and religious value. Required: 6 quarter hours. 7. THE BOOK or J 013. A course which aims to make clear the teaching of the Wisdom Literature of the... Show more86 AUGSBURG SEMINARY larger groups of Psalms; a careful ex‘egetical study of a number of Psalms, with special emphasis on their permanent message and religious value. Required: 6 quarter hours. 7. THE BOOK or J 013. A course which aims to make clear the teaching of the Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament in regard to fundamental prob- lems in life, how the urge to understand and ex— plain necessarily is tempered by a resignation in faith in the wisdom and love of God. Elective: 3 quarter hours. 8. POST~EXILIC LITERATURE. A course in the literature, history, and religion of Judaism in the exile, and post-exilic periods from Ezekiel to the New Testament times. Required: 3 quarter hours. DEPARTMENT OF NEW TESTAMENT 11. NEW TESTAMENT INTRODUCTION. The course consists of an historical investigation of the origin, authorship, and interrelation of the individual books of the New Testament, and the history of the canon and text of the New Testament. Special attention is given to those books which are not treated in other courses. Required: 3 quarter hours. 12. ANALYSIS WORK. A course in analysis of certain New Testament books. Written exercises, prepared outside of the regular class periods, are handed in for criticism and returned with sugges- tions from the instructor. The purpose of the course is to discover the thought of the book studied, and to master its contents. Elective: 3 quarter hours. 13. HISTORY AND LITERATURE or JUDAISM. An introduction to the Jewish literature of the period from Alexander the Great to the year 70 A. D. The course is intended to furnish a. general View of the Show less
AUGSBURG SEIIINARY 3? historical baakmnnd at the New Tammi. Res united: fl er‘huum Minx-runes with mum M. 14. mmmmrmm *m NW WMMENT Timo- my. all Inductive amdy at that Maw Tasmmgm koala for the yam-mam of Examining the man: fun- damental ‘mchmgs a)! an: Lard me Christ. and 13f the 59mm Church;... Show moreAUGSBURG SEIIINARY 3? historical baakmnnd at the New Tammi. Res united: fl er‘huum Minx-runes with mum M. 14. mmmmrmm *m NW WMMENT Timo- my. all Inductive amdy at that Maw Tasmmgm koala for the yam-mam of Examining the man: fun- damental ‘mchmgs a)! an: Lard me Christ. and 13f the 59mm Church; Spain! {.3in MN m Muggian for thesis work. Ailmrnums with warm: 13. 15. Emma? or NEW Twmnzm Tamas. A may of the I'lnllmniuii‘c nix-Wraiin and Gantrmxmr» I17 Judaism In their relation: w L‘Thrisfimmy. The mum includes :1 names: of um Minimal and mm mndifiom. and of the mligioun mm M um wrim. Eimfim: :5 Warner hum-a. m. Putnam or (Summary ma: Emma. mum hade ma introducflan m the min- dplm of criticism M upwind Ln um tax: at Hm New Tmm and Aim :1 study a! the prin- nlnla of Emma! awash mlnciplea an givan pmflm applicnum in a study at the Emma“: to the miilppmm. Elam-e: 3 mnth Mum 1'1. Warm»: or arm: Gmmb 0!? MM- IKW. Thin mum ‘includm a Mary at the mm mm at the bank. and a amid slutty at the farm walnuts at Christ's Immhing. mad mum batman the 0k! and the New Teammm. Requimfi: 4 warm:- Mum. '18. mmmamou w um Gavan 0? MARK on L983. Ann umlyais a? with” of mm Gmwlm me a MEDIth to film may at the Gospel «f mmva In the study at Luke. special alumina» in $31sz an the parting net (mind in the cum Gavawies‘ Required: 4 qwer hours. 19. Imam»: at THE Goavu w JflfiN. A supplementary study hi the Km at mum. with ‘, , ‘ , r 51 "‘ ‘1‘} g l ‘ Show less
38 AUGSBURG SEMINARY special reference to the development of faith and un- belief, in their relation to His person and teaching. Required: 4 quarter hours. 20. THE BOOK OF ACTS. This book is studied in connection with the course in the History of the Early Church. 21. INTERPRETATION OF ROMANS.... Show more38 AUGSBURG SEMINARY special reference to the development of faith and un- belief, in their relation to His person and teaching. Required: 4 quarter hours. 20. THE BOOK OF ACTS. This book is studied in connection with the course in the History of the Early Church. 21. INTERPRETATION OF ROMANS. The purpose of the study of this book is to gain a. comprehensive view of the Gospel of Christ, as preached by the Apostle Paul to the Gentiles. The course also forms the basis of the study of the teachings of the Apos~ tolic Church, as given in the course in Introduction to New Testament Theology. Required: 3 quarter hours. 22. A STUDY IN THE FIRST AND SECOND CORIN- THIANS. An historical interpretation of these Epistles; or, this course may also be given in con- nection with the course in Church Polity. Elective: 3 quarter hours. 23. INTERPRETATION OF GALATIANS. A survey of the historical background of the Epistle, together with a study of Paul’s message to the Gentiles. Required: 2 quarter hours. 24. INTERPRETATION OF EPHESIANS‘. The pur— pose of this course is similar to that of course 23. Special attention is given to the principles of Be- demption and the Christian life, as reflected in this Epistle. ' Required: 3 quarter hours. 25. INTERPRETATION OF COLOSSLANS. An exe- gesis of the Epistle, with special reference to the heretical doctrines which loom in the background, and which Paul is refuting. Elective: 3 quarter hours. 26. THE PASTORAL EPISTLES. These Epistles are studied in connection with the course in Pas- toral Theology. Show less
AUGsBURG SEMINAR”! 39 2?. lmmmm‘mw or flmws. A «may of 1:113 fundamental chamhar of the Chriatiun religion. as revealed in the warrant priexumod (at our Mn! Jesus Wrist. maim- with a survey of the mm“- ti'cns cut a! which the Epistle to the Nabmwa flaw. Requimd: 2 wer 11mm. Alarming with 38,. 28.... Show moreAUGsBURG SEMINAR”! 39 2?. lmmmm‘mw or flmws. A «may of 1:113 fundamental chamhar of the Chriatiun religion. as revealed in the warrant priexumod (at our Mn! Jesus Wrist. maim- with a survey of the mm“- ti'cns cut a! which the Epistle to the Nabmwa flaw. Requimd: 2 wer 11mm. Alarming with 38,. 28. mmwmmmu or ma Ema-mm a? hum As this is perhaps the antiwar af um New Tmmwmt ‘booka. it has a mum Maui-mace. «mummy in M Wu! sawing. 89min! ammflm is given m the main munch“ of the Balkan. and be me simulim at in W readers. Micrmbw with Calms 21". 28. {mum {is m1: Emmes Cir Jana. An magenta! «My M 1m- Emu“. with amid m {meme to the wndmm cut: at“ whieh they grow. 151mm: 8 auxqu Imam. 30. INWA’HON at THE Rama'on or loan. The mum aims at a mastery or film mutants of flu book. and 1m imrpmuon «1‘ its camellia in the light of flu: flour Scrmmm in when}. Aman- flon In 9130 given to the upmlypue “mum of the film. Elma“: 3 quill-tar Mum DEPARTMENT OF GWRE'H HISTORY ‘31. KM?! or m: Ema! Emma». 'mw my”! the christian church from flan Acka Axe Mfliefimaotemmfimt (59015.90 1%. denim with the IIng dwtrina. gownmnt. {mi Wonhlp at $11!! Early Church: flu: gravel-aim a! m laden: Mum: Empire on the mm; the downfall at humanism; mailman, and the flu of Many. The Mk an! Act: is nudist! in con»- nacflun with this mum. Required: ‘1 QW' hon”, Show less
40 AUGSBURG SEMINARY 32. HISTORY on THE CHURCH DURING THE MIDDLE AGES. A general survey of the development of Christianity in Western Europe from 590 to the Period of the Protestant Reformation. The course includes the study of the conversion and education of the barbarians by Whom the Roman... Show more40 AUGSBURG SEMINARY 32. HISTORY on THE CHURCH DURING THE MIDDLE AGES. A general survey of the development of Christianity in Western Europe from 590 to the Period of the Protestant Reformation. The course includes the study of the conversion and education of the barbarians by Whom the Roman Empire was subverted. The development and decay of Papacy; Mohammedanism; monastic orders; church discip- line, worship, and ceremonies; the crusades; scholas- ticism; conflict of the Eastern and Western churches; the Renaissance; the Inquisition; and movements toward reform through councils and in- dividuals. Required: 4 quarter hours. 33. HISTORY or THE REFORMATION PERIOD. A study of the causes which led up to the Protestant Reformation; the Reformation itself and its results; the Counter-Reformation. Required: 6 quarter hours. 34. HISTORY OF THE CHURCH AFTER THE REFOR- MATION. This course covers the period from the Reformation and up to the present time, with special emphasis on the history of the Lutheran Church. Required: 8 quarter hours. 35. AMERICAN CHURCH HISTORY. Early coloni- zation; planting of churches in the colonies: church government; religious life and worship; separation of church and state; revivals; the larger denomina— tions, their development and characteristics; modern developments in the Church in America. The his- tory of the Lutheran Church in America is studied with special care. Required: 3 quarter hours. 37. HISTORY or RELIGION. This course includes a general introduction to the history of religions, and historical review of the great religious systems of the world, ancient and modern, together with a care- Show less
ABGSBU KG SEHIJNABY 41 In! at the philmhy of religion in the light at Biblical principlm. Elective: 3 quarter hours. 33. Hum)“ 01' CKWMN Momma. A MW at the development of Christian dmtrme and In immunization iummds-mrl mnfewionu, humming the Putz-mic, Melanie. and Reformnuan pal-ion. Required: 2... Show moreABGSBU KG SEHIJNABY 41 In! at the philmhy of religion in the light at Biblical principlm. Elective: 3 quarter hours. 33. Hum)“ 01' CKWMN Momma. A MW at the development of Christian dmtrme and In immunization iummds-mrl mnfewionu, humming the Putz-mic, Melanie. and Reformnuan pal-ion. Required: 2 quarter Mun. , a». Tamme Panama-rm. A ans-way at the main traditional divinity!“ of Chrintinm Thwlm: What these are in their minim m their mmu‘va mlbdiviaim; in their minim to the entire field of Theology; and in their mama to the whale realm of knnwladm Thu emu-ac and) includes a may En General Em:qu Mutual: 2 quarter incurs. DEPAR'JEMENT 0F SWTEMATIC THEOLOGY I. MMA‘I‘I‘J‘R 41. mmmrmu m Svmmu‘gc Tammi". A mum intendad‘ he mundane the Malawi: m the Md of Christian train in its: ayammaflc farm The mum lmflndm an outline at [2939 native flaw af Sys- tematic Thwflaxya flmuirgd: 3 quaner huum 42. meav [um Ammramx. a study in the Syntaxth minim at the wanking“ e! um Bible cumming God and man. and mm: mum to am neither. The mm indudes elm rlmmmn and mm»; mm at we mum at (main mt flnonloziam. Ranked: 5 QMMr imam 43. Wow-1. The Ghr‘iuflm dwlflm can» the ‘mtonflont mad mum at the m: oommwnion batman God and man. This mam» fa study «(the PM at Christ an! El: work; the Holy Spirit: the mining and mthnd at mint!“ Show less
42 AUGSBURG SEMINARY in relation to the individual and to society; the na- ture and function of the Church. Required: 6 quarter hours. 44. CHRISTIAN ETHICS. A study of the religi- ous and ethical implications of the Christian ex- perience. Special attention is given to the develop— ment and... Show more42 AUGSBURG SEMINARY in relation to the individual and to society; the na- ture and function of the Church. Required: 6 quarter hours. 44. CHRISTIAN ETHICS. A study of the religi- ous and ethical implications of the Christian ex- perience. Special attention is given to the develop— ment and application of Christian ethics with re- ference to the individual, organized institutions, and society as a whole. Required: 6 quarter hours. 46. PHILOSOPHY or RELIGION. A course in the principles of the Christian religion in their relation- ship to the thought and life of mankind. The Chris- tian world view, interpretations of history, and characteristic doctrines of the Person of Christ and Redemption thru Atonement are studied with re- ference to antagonistic theories. The course in— cludes a combination of lectures, text-book study, discussions, collateral readings, and comprehensive reviews. Required: 3 quarter hours. Alternates with Courses 47 and 48. 47. STUDIES IN RECENT PHILOSOPHY. One or more recent works in philosophy are studied by the class, with exposition and discussion. The results of such study are then made to bear upon recent theological movements, including Ritschlianism, modern theories of the Person of Christ, and the Atonement. Alternates with Courses 46 and 48. 48. MODERN RELIGIOUS CULTS. .A careful study of certain modern religious movements, such as New Thought, Christian Science, Theosophy, Ethical Cul- ture, Mormonism, Russelism, Secret Societies, etc. Alternates with Courses 46 and 47. 49. PROBLEMS or CHRISTIANITY. This course is based on a study of the problems that arise in con- nection with the controversy between positive and Show less