Auggies Opponenfs IOTMWU ,. , or ., .St. Cloud , V _ 7,87 35 r, ., . , Concordia . r ., 64 ‘ 7 H V. , r ,, , Macalester , , 80 62, . , Gustavus r 81 71 St. Olaf , 59 79 W7artburg 87 64 “'heaton 80 62 St. Thomas 70 96 St. John's 34 62 Hamline 59 69 Duluth 77 78 Mary's 8 7] Mat-almlnr 6!} 62... Show moreAuggies Opponenfs IOTMWU ,. , or ., .St. Cloud , V _ 7,87 35 r, ., . , Concordia . r ., 64 ‘ 7 H V. , r ,, , Macalester , , 80 62, . , Gustavus r 81 71 St. Olaf , 59 79 W7artburg 87 64 “'heaton 80 62 St. Thomas 70 96 St. John's 34 62 Hamline 59 69 Duluth 77 78 Mary's 8 7] Mat-almlnr 6!} 62 Carlvton 78 ()4- Cuklavus 6‘) =' 70 Com-nrdiu 57 75 St. Thomas 72 I (H 51. John-k ()0 ll 4‘) Hamlim- ()5 u‘ 72 5|. “.1er 77 i ()6 Duluth ()2 74 SI. 0qu 1}] (In-ualplnin Jim I’lummhalll. \\|III um Mill in HM hm”. |m~L\ Inn-h! in w \! \: u _ l- H m N wmjnp in llw ('ullh'rmu't'. \\.'|~ IIHHIHI in HI“ \IIII- Hn|\ umJflAHl \\:\ limlm tn lu w: wind ‘ 1h n:‘:l|mli~ flunk \\ lilvh' \H (,unh-h'nm- 'lmm, 'I‘llo' lc‘llllll u' I'lnnwhhl ll‘ In |.1u‘ ‘ u I" r lt-tuln oi Vin (whyin hum wniw yaw \uplrurg ~hunlul law “I: Hum-l Hm I. u- 2w n1 \l x. l I llu- m-wh'd Ill‘igl'fl :1! HIV ('l'lllt'l lumliun. Show less
Recreation—what a vocation! W. A. . president, Val Bosmoe; sports recorder, Lin- nea Dahl; secretary-treasurer, Jeanette Olson; and social director. Ruth Ysteboe seem pretty happy about it. Wonder if they work for a pastime ? First row, leh to right: 3. Laufenburgor, S l. Dohl, O. Christensen, A.... Show moreRecreation—what a vocation! W. A. . president, Val Bosmoe; sports recorder, Lin- nea Dahl; secretary-treasurer, Jeanette Olson; and social director. Ruth Ysteboe seem pretty happy about it. Wonder if they work for a pastime ? First row, leh to right: 3. Laufenburgor, S l. Dohl, O. Christensen, A. Johnson, A. Twedt, D. Anderson, V. osmoe, R. Yi’ObOB, A. ‘I’wut, J. Olson, Mrs. Peterson. What orderly confusion this symmetrical arrangement of arms and legs makes! - o wonder all the athletes "hang out in the gym. WHAT A COUNTER PART! Every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon the Women‘s Athle— tic Association girls were queens of the gun floor as thev participated in varied recreational activities. Badminton. \ol- leyball. basketball. and shufllehoard were played during the winter months. but in the spring the W. A. A. girls came out of hibernation to engage in their choice of outdoor sports like softball. tennis. soccer. or field ball. Bowling and swimming were all-season favorites. Pins. letters. and sweaters were awarded according: to the number of points earned. Points were accumulated In e\'lra- curricular participation in any sport. including hiking and biking. Show less
Six he—men constituted Augsburg‘s tennis team for ’55. After weeks of get- ting into shape the men were ready to give their opponents some well-played competition. The season was highly suc- cessful. with each player adding an inch to his biceps. KEEN COMPETITION Pint row, left to right: D.... Show moreSix he—men constituted Augsburg‘s tennis team for ’55. After weeks of get- ting into shape the men were ready to give their opponents some well-played competition. The season was highly suc- cessful. with each player adding an inch to his biceps. KEEN COMPETITION Pint row, left to right: D. Bloomquist, A. lunow, J. Norman. Second ow: D. Skoar, J. Purupaky, A. Brodin. While most people were going pic- nicking or swimming, the members of the golf team spent their afternoons on the public links. The team depended primarily on the ability of letter winners Ralph Johnson and Robert Bullock to play good con- sistent golf. ". I an. i ‘9 -. Left 90 right: R. Bullock, 0. Maine, r. Rykken, a iohmon -\gain this )ear Augsburg .set up u \arietl intramural program under the supenision of l‘irling lluglen. (Tom petition was held in sewn sports during the sehool )eer. The niman in basketball. \ollmlmll. badminton. haml- ball. and ping pong represented Augsburg in the \l.|.’\.(f. lntramural Tournament. Although the competition is beeoming keener bet-alm- of the growing interest. there is opportunitv for ever\' Augsburg student to participate in intramural sportm Show less
- - ,. ,1 v.7 BAVOLAK JOEL LINDBERG LUND " SOBERG WALTON BUSINESS. COMMERCIAL, AND MATH EVA BAVOLAK MILDRED V. JOEL JOHN A. lINDBERG GERTRUDE S. lUND Instructor in Business Assistant Professor of Graduate Assistant in Instructor in Secretarial Science Administration Mathematics Mathematics... Show more- - ,. ,1 v.7 BAVOLAK JOEL LINDBERG LUND " SOBERG WALTON BUSINESS. COMMERCIAL, AND MATH EVA BAVOLAK MILDRED V. JOEL JOHN A. lINDBERG GERTRUDE S. lUND Instructor in Business Assistant Professor of Graduate Assistant in Instructor in Secretarial Science Administration Mathematics Mathematics Augsburg College, B.A.,- Univer- University of Minnesota, 3.5.; Augsburg College, B.A.; Univer- Wagner College, Staten island, sity of Minnesota, M.A. M.A.; Additional study: Minne- sity of Minnesota, M.A.,- Addi- 3.5;. Additional study: University sota. tional study: Saskatchewan, Min- of Minnesota. nesoto. GEORGE SOBERG SCOTT D. WALTON Professor of Mathematics Assistant Professor at Business I Augsburg College, B.A.; Augs- Administration and Economics burg Theological Seminary, C.T.; University of Minnesota, 3.5.,- Additional study: Minnesota. Harvard University, M.I.A.,- Iowa State College, PhD. Show less
SENIORS Dawn ROKKE Strum/quid, Minnesota Has accepted a call to serve St. Luke’s Lutheran Chuzch, Minneapolis, Minnesota. EDWARD SWANSON Minneapolis, Minnesota Will enter the Armed Forces Chaplaincy. GORDON THORPE Aniwa, Wisconsin Has accepted a call to serve the Barton Lu- theran Parish, Barton,... Show moreSENIORS Dawn ROKKE Strum/quid, Minnesota Has accepted a call to serve St. Luke’s Lutheran Chuzch, Minneapolis, Minnesota. EDWARD SWANSON Minneapolis, Minnesota Will enter the Armed Forces Chaplaincy. GORDON THORPE Aniwa, Wisconsin Has accepted a call to serve the Barton Lu- theran Parish, Barton, North Dakota. LELAND UNDERBAKKE Argyle, Minnesota Has accepted a call to serve the Edinburg Lu- theran Parish, Edinburg, North Dakota. CARL VAAGENES Minneapolix, Minnesota Has accepted a call as missionary to Madagascar. Show less
BELCUM CHRISLOCK KLEVEN SWENSON TORSTENSON HISTORY, POLITICAL SCIENCE. AND SOCIOLOGY HAROLD J. BELGUM CARL CHRISLOCK BERNHARDT J. KLEVEN Instructor in Sociology Assistant Professor of History Professor of History and Luther College, B.A.; University and Political S(ien(e Political Science of Iowa... Show moreBELCUM CHRISLOCK KLEVEN SWENSON TORSTENSON HISTORY, POLITICAL SCIENCE. AND SOCIOLOGY HAROLD J. BELGUM CARL CHRISLOCK BERNHARDT J. KLEVEN Instructor in Sociology Assistant Professor of History Professor of History and Luther College, B.A.; University and Political S(ien(e Political Science of Iowa, M.A.; University of Augsburg College, B.A.; Univer- Augsburg College, B.A.,- Univer- Minnesota, M. Soc, Work. sity of Minnesota, M.A., PhD. sity of Minnesota, M.A,, Ph,D.,- Additional study: Harvard. OLAF H. SWENSON JOEL S. TORSTENSON Instructor in Sociology Associate Professor of Sociology Gustavus Adolphus College, B.AJ Augsburg College, B.A.; Univer- University of Minnesota. MA. sity pi Minnesota, M.A.; Addi» tionnl study: Minnesota Show less
Presenting DELORES Erma. one of 29 students awarded the 1954 LUTHERAN BROTHERHOOD College Scholarships. Congratulations and our best wishes for a DELORES EIDE Minneapolis. Minn. most successful future to the I955 graduates of AUGSBURG COLLEGE THIS IS ?m LIFE INSURANCE SOCIETY flothoron Brotherhood... Show morePresenting DELORES Erma. one of 29 students awarded the 1954 LUTHERAN BROTHERHOOD College Scholarships. Congratulations and our best wishes for a DELORES EIDE Minneapolis. Minn. most successful future to the I955 graduates of AUGSBURG COLLEGE THIS IS ?m LIFE INSURANCE SOCIETY flothoron Brotherhood LEGAL RESERVE LIFE INSURANCE CARI. F. GRANRUD, President HOME OFFICE: 608 Second Avenue South 0 Minneapolis, Minnesota THE RIVERSIDE DRIVE-IN CAFE 23rd and Riverside HAMBURGERS - THICK MALTS SHORT ORDERS Orders to Take Out FRANK’S BARBER SHOP "FOR THAT TRIM LOOK” 2205 Riverside Ave. Delivery Orders Motala, Jon 67, 124. Mateo , Norma 60, 105. McLeod Robert I26 Mel , lennis 67 Menken, Ruth- Meredith, Patricia I02, I03. Midthun, Betty 54. Mlucko, eora— Millchewsky, Earlin 67. MI Ge Moe, Dorothy 46, 87, 89. 90. Mae, Erwin 60, IOI. Moe, Sylvia 55. Me n Ardell 54, IOI. Mooney, Charlotte 68, 85. Moore, Ian— Moren l 95 4 , 94, . Munson, Christiza 54, 86, 90, 92, II7. Muneon, ale Murine, Valdris 54. Myhre, Cliflord— Myrvik, Donald 68, IOI. Nateke, Audrey 68. a d 68. Nelson, Elaine 68. 85, 94, I09. es 68. ll y . Nelsen, Marlys 54. Nelson. Philip SI, 47, 8|, IOI. I16. IOI. 54. 88, 9 I03. Nordling, James 54, IN. Nordling, Jerry I05. Norman, James 83, 96, IN, II5, I27. Nystuen, Violet— P°”"°" aululr, Oakvik, Jerry 68. Pearson, Odden, Valoris Pearson, Ogow , Lia 68, 92, 95, I02, I08 Pearson Ohlin, John Pearson, Olen, Wallace 68, I01 Pearson, Ion ernice 9 Pederson Overland, Overlund, Palm, David 68. a , Jerry 62, 68, I20, I27 Paton, Richard IOI. Sylvia 55. Ervin I4, 55, I00 I . James 55, 84. Jean 60, , Lucille 69, 88, 99, I02, I03, l08 Lee 69. Petkert, Elaine 69 0" Petersen, Marilyn 55, 88, 89, 92 David 60, I08 Peterson Carsten— , Donald— Peterson, Clinton 20, 47, I05. Ole n, Eddie 60 105 Peterson, Fred 60 4 95 Olson, Elinor— Peter n Gerol Olson, Faythe 62, I03 Peterson Glen— Olson, Geraldine— Peterson James— Olson, Jeanette 60, 97. Peterson, ro e— Olson, Luther I20, I22. Peterson, Lawrence 69 Olson, Oscar— Peterson Llo d— Olson, Patricia I6, 68, 85, 94, 109. Peterso , Margaret— Olson, oger 68, 103 Peter on, Rus lI Omdahl, Beverly 47,13, 90, Wt, no. No ry- se Phillips, Edythe ' Ii ’n Do 30, as, 102, to: ' PK err na — Orvik, Charles 68. Plumedahl, Jim 96, I22, I25, I27 Osborn. Lorraine 68, 88 I02, I03. Powell, Gordon— Ose, Gaylen 60, 83, 85, 98, I05. Ose, Ray— Ose. Roger I6, 55, 83, 85, I08. no 68, 85. Oseth, Ed Quanbecli, be Overby, John I24. Overby, Richard I24, I25. Reinke, Mart leistad, Harold 69 Powell, Phyllis» Quam, Jean 69, 85 Paul 47, I05 Radde, Robert 55 Reesnes, Altred 99, IOS, I08 I ve ohn— In— l3] Show less
Comcc: FYLLING LANDA HELLAND KINGSLEY TANGJERD LANGUAGE AND LIBRARY MARIO COLACCI Assistant Professor of Classical Languages Pontificium Atheneum R o m a n Maior Seminary, Th.D.; Pontificial Biblical Institute de Urbe, Rome, L.R.B.; University of Naples, D. Litt. CLARICE A. FYLLING Assistant... Show moreComcc: FYLLING LANDA HELLAND KINGSLEY TANGJERD LANGUAGE AND LIBRARY MARIO COLACCI Assistant Professor of Classical Languages Pontificium Atheneum R o m a n Maior Seminary, Th.D.; Pontificial Biblical Institute de Urbe, Rome, L.R.B.; University of Naples, D. Litt. CLARICE A. FYLLING Assistant Librarian Augsburg College, B.A.; sity of Minnesota, 3.5. Univer- MELVIN A. HELLAND Professor of French Augsburg College, B.A.; Augs- burg Theological Seminary, C.T.; Hartford Seminary Foundation, S.T.M.; Ph.D.; Additional study: Grenoble, Chicago. MIMI B: KINGSLEY Assistant Professor of Spanish Maryville College, B.A.,- Univer- sity of Mexico, M,A.; Additional study: Columbia, Minnesota. BJARNE E. LANDA Associate Professor of Germanic Languages Voss State College, Norway, B.A.; University of Southern Cali- fornia, B.A.; University of Min» nesoto, PhD. IVER B. OLSON Associate Professor of Scandinavian Languages Augsburg College, B.A.; Augs- bbrg Theological Seminary, B.Th.; University of Minnesota, M.A.; Additional study: Chicago, Min- nesota, Luther Theological Semi- nary, Chicago Lutheran Theolo- gical Seminary. AGNES B. YANGJERD Librarian and Associate Professor of Library Science St. Olaf College, B.A.,- University of Minnesota, M.A.,- Additional study: Minnesota. With lion Society for Israel. Show less
Dmmnn' l-‘lmxrAn Rmnnr AMUNDSON Ru'l/glml (‘hairm‘m \'i(‘(‘ Prrxii/t'nl, N.S./\., Chm. PAUL QUANmick FAROLYN JOHNSON Trmxm‘cr Srrrt'fary SHELBY GIMSE I’ri’xiilcnt AUGSBURG STUDENT SOCIETY DUxAU. ARONSON STUDENT-FACULTY COMMITTEE members look over the schedule of ARTHUR ANFINSEN _ ‘ several extra... Show moreDmmnn' l-‘lmxrAn Rmnnr AMUNDSON Ru'l/glml (‘hairm‘m \'i(‘(‘ Prrxii/t'nl, N.S./\., Chm. PAUL QUANmick FAROLYN JOHNSON Trmxm‘cr Srrrt'fary SHELBY GIMSE I’ri’xiilcnt AUGSBURG STUDENT SOCIETY DUxAU. ARONSON STUDENT-FACULTY COMMITTEE members look over the schedule of ARTHUR ANFINSEN _ ‘ several extra-curricular activities which it coordinates, controls and t. . 3‘1‘5” C/l‘urmd" schedules. Seated, left to right: Miss Segolson, Rt Amundson, Miss Mor- I’M/71ml) C/Ja’rman tensen, M. Danger, Mr. Soberg, A. Anfinsen. Standing: 5. Gimse, Mr. _\l.-\XINE BLRNTSEN MARY JEAN DANGER Dahlen. I’uhlit'ulium Chairman 1 Social Chairman - x _ ) -_t RICHARD STENSRUD 7 .1 .g" ROGER OSE A/hlvliw Chairman I ' i i" _ Forensics Chairman t k v t _; d ‘94 ‘1' — - * ‘ x‘ I \ .. i ‘ “I\‘ ‘ ‘ .0 "wlfl‘l‘ :0 3‘5“ .5, l v . . 1“ 4 - rt"'”’~‘ \ ~ .lll. 4 u a ::t-- - . x ' 82 Show less
‘rkrt—rm“‘w —-- 102 :2; First row, left to right: Director Thut, T. Kroshus, L. Nevin, G. Martin, D. Harris, D. Myrvik, W. Oien, D. Aho, J. Nordling. Second row: D. Flonn, W. Students engaged in active pursuit of knowledge in the Augsburg Lihrary were often distracted by the voices of the Male... Show more‘rkrt—rm“‘w —-- 102 :2; First row, left to right: Director Thut, T. Kroshus, L. Nevin, G. Martin, D. Harris, D. Myrvik, W. Oien, D. Aho, J. Nordling. Second row: D. Flonn, W. Students engaged in active pursuit of knowledge in the Augsburg Lihrary were often distracted by the voices of the Male Chorus in rehearsal on Tuesday evenings. The eighteen men of this or- ganization did not limit their concert to this select audience. however. They made an initial appear- ance at the Homecoming Choral Concert and in November and March led faculty and students into a spirit of praise during chapel hour. Holmes, D. Lind, A. Kelsey, B. Golie, J. Lindell, R. Bugley. In the spring of the year, the Male Chorus pulled stakes and presented several programs at Twin City churches. The group was especially interested in bringing classical sacred works to audiences of smaller congregations. One member of the chorus stated its purpose very aptly in these words: “We wish to sing for the glory of God!” The fraternal foursome, better known as the Augsburg College Quartet, will continue to repre- sent their alma mater on a concert tour of the Upper Midwest this summer as they have done in the Twin Cities area this past year. Composed of three music majors and a music minor, the group has compiled a repertoire of chorales, hymn arrangements, spirituals, and religi- ous classics. During the year these selections were performed at Radio City Holy Week services, Min- isterial Association breakfasts, and the two formal campus banquets as well as in chapel. This repertoire will be supplemented with secular numbers for limited use in youth groups on the summer agenda. The quartet will also man their brass instruments to present a group of ensemble arrangements during the program. left to right: A. Reesnes, L. Enstad, A. Brodin, P. Britten. Show less
{:1 \ 'xH 'mixrh 1w! Iiu‘ 5, “in the .l. 5.. Jam“... A cross-centered education pro- motes a Christ-centered life. Commencement—the beginning of a new life of experience and achievement.
FRESHMEN JAMES URNESS Winger, Minnesota RICHARD VAN KREVELEN Minneapolis, Minnesota ARDEN WAHLBERG Minneapolis, Minnesota ROBERT WELCI—I Dawson, Minnesota RICHARD WENHOLZ Mora, Minnesota RALPH WEST CIar/zfirld, Minnesota WILLIAM WEST Clarkfiald, Minnesota JOSEPHINE WHITE EAGLE Minneapolis, Minnmota... Show moreFRESHMEN JAMES URNESS Winger, Minnesota RICHARD VAN KREVELEN Minneapolis, Minnesota ARDEN WAHLBERG Minneapolis, Minnesota ROBERT WELCI—I Dawson, Minnesota RICHARD WENHOLZ Mora, Minnesota RALPH WEST CIar/zfirld, Minnesota WILLIAM WEST Clarkfiald, Minnesota JOSEPHINE WHITE EAGLE Minneapolis, Minnmota GEORJEAN WICKSTROM Roman, Minnesota M. STANLEY WILSON Million/n, Wisconsin JOYCE WINDAIII. Frrgus Fallx, Minnt’sota WILTON ZINN St. Paul, Minm'mta lira/Imp" am/ uMum/annnn a///.¢ NIH lllllx" n mun/In tlu‘n I/n'm/vm/ I‘m/II g: ./.l\\ IAI//’ th/‘t u'./w/ Natural “or/J amt Mull «lawn m1 «II/II NIH/ll ttl(lllltll‘q\. T/n' mum] of alarm 11m [w IIHC/Il‘u‘, [/4 mzlgvratmx [rm/I mill/mm .m, Jul mmumn .fim uax [mu/{huh Hid/l (4/ mmI/ In .Mimul .m./ um HIM/Imus All/ItlIJI' nit/I u/m/v (ill/l \. -/u./Iu/ II. In: t/wn Ital). / l Show less
CONCORDIA SOCIETY Concordia Society officers are ‘ ~ , seated, left to n ht: Johnson,-Pre51dent.; Q. Goodrich, librarian. Standin : Anen- son, Religious Director; L. Lyngdal, Secretary—Treasurer; G. Carlson, Vice President; R. Berntson, Council Representative. If you would drop by the seminary... Show moreCONCORDIA SOCIETY Concordia Society officers are ‘ ~ , seated, left to n ht: Johnson,-Pre51dent.; Q. Goodrich, librarian. Standin : Anen- son, Religious Director; L. Lyngdal, Secretary—Treasurer; G. Carlson, Vice President; R. Berntson, Council Representative. If you would drop by the seminary room during the fourth hour on Tuesday you would probably find fair-haired Mo John- son presiding over a group of handsome young men who call themselves the Concordia Society. The Concordia Society is not an association for the distribu- tion and use of hymnals, but is an organization of regularly enrolled students of the Theological Seminary. The name comes from a Latin word meaning “an agreement by covenant.” This idea is expressed in the objective: “to create a closer fellowship between Seminarians.” Throughout the year the Concordia Society sponsors a num- ber of supper meetings. one of them being sponsored jointly with the L.F.C. for future seminarians now in the college. Twice a year inter-seminary conferences are attended. News, features, editorials, reviews——the things that go to make up a well-balanced and academic periodical are the same ingre- dients one will find in the seminary publication. the Concord. With a minimum of three issues throughout the year. the Con- cord ofiers the best in reading. The purpose of the news maga- zine is to strengthen the bonds of fellowship between the semi- nary and the pastors of the Lutheran Free Church. First row, left to right: C. Lyngdal, M. Evenson, J. Stenberg, P. Berntson, A. Shiel, L. Rokke, C. Carlson, Underbakke, M. Johnson. Back row: D. Anensan, E. M. Halvorson, G. Thorpe, E. Dahlo, E. Swanson, R. Vaagenos, L. Unuth. First row, left to right: W. Hanson, L. Evenson, E. Huglen, n. Second row: N. Dahle, W. Halverson, Sandnetjs, Q. Goodrich, M. Unseth, G. Thor 2. Third Berntson, J. Elness. Fourt row: Lyngdal, G. Carlsen, . . . ohnson, D. Helland, A. Rimmereid, D. Rakke, E. Swanson, L. Anenson. 9).:- ufifi First Editor; THE CONCORD Halvorson, Associate Editor, L row, left to right: ' ditor; Q GOO(lil(l\, , News Editor; E. Anderson, Makeup . Secon row: N. Dahle, News Editor; Ed Swanson, Sports G. Thorpe, Business Manager. SEMINETTES The fairer side of the seminary i~ the part that the men meet “hell they get home. The “ilt' ul .1 seminarian must ltt’ \ersutile. .‘he nin~t lu‘ «wink. mother. secretary. and (’nttthi‘lut. to mention it few of the duties. There i~ a brighter .i~pm'l ol it. though. At regular ineetinp the seminary Wl\(’.~ get together to share ltlt'th helpful in preparation for hennay it pastor-s nile. 'l‘ln- pinup sponsors occasional \lN'lttl senire projw t~. 'l he} also imite spt‘ttlu'rs In their titeelintl‘ “hm ton- tribute \ital inlornmtiun relatiw to the pmitmn and duties of the pa~tur'~ wife. 3 '2 Show less
l‘hc rornct trio Hill Schonclmum. Kcn Hagen and Kcn .‘\r\idson practice the Bugler's Holi- o’m. it's too had piclnrcs don‘t have sound ll':lt‘f\.\. Aided by Instructor Carl Landahl and Beethoven’s Sonaten, Curt An- derson “runs over” a few of the movements of Mozart’s Piano Con- certo which he... Show morel‘hc rornct trio Hill Schonclmum. Kcn Hagen and Kcn .‘\r\idson practice the Bugler's Holi- o’m. it's too had piclnrcs don‘t have sound ll':lt‘f\.\. Aided by Instructor Carl Landahl and Beethoven’s Sonaten, Curt An- derson “runs over” a few of the movements of Mozart’s Piano Con- certo which he will perform with the Rochester Civic Symphony February 27. . Betttnven The “en masse” introduction of the music de- partment at the freshman week musicale must have left a good impression with incoming Auggies if the extensive participation in musical activities and classes is any indication. The variety of ob- jcctives in this division’s courses may be a second- ary cause for the interest, however. The student who wishes to appreciate what other students are preparing to teach or perform is provided with courses keyed to his needs. This division incor- poralcs instruction in vocal, instrumental, compo- sitional. and conducting techniques with instruc- tion in ear training and the history and literature of music. Because many musical activities take place out- side of the classroom, some instructors in this meet the students on an informal plane which makes the music department unique, Although exploding fountain pens and desserts topped with shaving cream are not mentioned in the contract, they be- come occupational hazards on concert tours. Show less
All the ordered pictures are print- ed so Photographers Reesnes and Skaar can at last smile again—even when the Augsburgian editors are looking at them. \ AUGSBURGIAN STAFF “What is so rare” . . . as a yearbook stall that meets its dead- lines? The 1955 Augsburgian stall was not such a rarity,... Show moreAll the ordered pictures are print- ed so Photographers Reesnes and Skaar can at last smile again—even when the Augsburgian editors are looking at them. \ AUGSBURGIAN STAFF “What is so rare” . . . as a yearbook stall that meets its dead- lines? The 1955 Augsburgian stall was not such a rarity, but when an outside observer waded through the reams of paper posted about the office to remind staff members that March 15. 19. 25, and April 1 were respectively the last possible deadlines, he found a hard working group buried underneath, nonetheless. Despite the heated rivalry from its co-publication. The Echo (Oh blasphemy, to be linked in the same breath with it) and the distracting influence of Chin Wag on its Tuesday night work sessions. they did produce a book. In fact, before the last bit of copy was delivered into the waiting hands of the printer. speculations on the 1956 Augsburgian were circulating. ' left to right: l. Dahl, M. Holm, E. Velde, M. Johnson, L. Dyrlid, R. Moylan, M. i Braseth, J. Hanson. Caption writer Lucy Pearson. substituting for an absent typist. was caught erasing again. while picture editor Ellayne Velde madly searched the files for a picture she ordered several weeks ago. AUCSBURCIAN STAFF Editor ............................. ._ Robert Moylan Associate Editor ,Mary Ann Braseth Marshall Johnson Birgit Rirkcland Rachel llelland Dave Skaar. :\l Recsnes Ellaync Vcldc Lydia Dyrlid Pat Larson Sports Editor Dare llarris Staff MembersfiBill Anderson. John Rcrgrcn. innea Dahl. Jackie llanson. .\lar|\s Holm. Lucile Pearson. Gaye Sioblom. Adviser Mr. John \lilton Business Manager _ Circulation Manager Secretary .,, , ,, ,, Photographers . ,, Picture Editor Copy Editor , , Copy Reader Business manager Marshall Johnson calls the Echo uilln’ to haw some of their linIN om delivered. assistant editor Man Hmsvth rum- mages through ilu‘ filt' to find lln- Mll for Cider. while Nlitnr Boll \lnflnn llmullt“ on the layout sheets. 99 Show less