70 AUGSBURG SEMINARY metals and their compounds. Three lectures and three two-hour laboratory periods a week. 15 credits. 4-5-6. GENERAL INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. For those who have had High School Chemistry. A study of the laws and theories of Chemistry, and of the non—metals and the metals and their... Show more70 AUGSBURG SEMINARY metals and their compounds. Three lectures and three two-hour laboratory periods a week. 15 credits. 4-5-6. GENERAL INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. For those who have had High School Chemistry. A study of the laws and theories of Chemistry, and of the non—metals and the metals and their compounds. Three lectures a week and three two-hour periods in the laboratory or special topics. 15 credits. 7. QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. Laboratory work in systematic qualitative chemical analysis with lectures on solutions, ionization, chemical and physical equilibrium, oxidation, reduction, etc. Three lectures and three two-hour laboratory periods a week. 5 credits. 8-9. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. A discussion of the im- portant classes of organic compounds both aliphatic and aromatic. The laboratory work requires the prepara- tion of typical substances and instruction in the funda- mentals of organic laboratory practice. Three lectures and three two-hour laboratory periods a week. 10 credits. 10. QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. Introductory course in the general methods of quantitative analysis gravi- metric and volumetric. Attention is paid to proper laboratory practice. One lecture and four two-hour. laboratory periods a week. 5 credits. 11-12. T EACHERs’ COURSE IN NATURAL SCIENCE. Arranged for those who intend to teach natural science subjects in the high schools. Several high school texts are reviewed. Special attention is given to demonstra- tion work and the selection of problems illustrating each of the principles studied. A study is made of laboratory equipment and management. Two or three periods a week. Prerequisites: Biology 1-2—3, or Physics 1-2-3 and 25 credits of college chemistry. Open only to Seniors II and III. 2, 4, or 6 credits. Show less
84 AUGSBURG SEMINARY , V A-B-C. 'OUTLINE BOOK STUDIES. One period a week will be given to Bible study. The books of the New Testament will be read and outlined so as to give the student a grasp of the contents and purpose of these books. Two periods a. week. Fourth Academy. V2 unit. VI RELIGIOUS... Show more84 AUGSBURG SEMINARY , V A-B-C. 'OUTLINE BOOK STUDIES. One period a week will be given to Bible study. The books of the New Testament will be read and outlined so as to give the student a grasp of the contents and purpose of these books. Two periods a. week. Fourth Academy. V2 unit. VI RELIGIOUS PEDAGOGY. See page 48, 49. ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE I A-B—C. GRAMMAR, COMPOSITION, CLASSICS. Themes once a week. Oral presentation of the theme subjects, careful outlining, and the correction of errors in speech and writing. Study begun on the principles of composi— tion and the qualities of style. Emphasis on grammar, including parsing and the study of sentence structure. Practice in expression, with a view to correct pronuncia- tion and clear enunciation. Study of spelling and punctu- ation. Class study of the following: “Selections from the Old Testament", "Merchant of Venice”, "Robinson Crusoe”, Irving’s “Sketch Book”, Curry’s “Literary Readings.” The following are assigned for home reading: Gos- pel of Matthew, f‘Midsummer Night’s Dream”, Cooper’s “Last of the Mohicans”, Stevenson’s “Treasure Island", “Christmas Carol”, “Chimes” and “Cricket on the Hearth” by Dickens, Scott’s “IvanhOe”; “Man With- out a Country”, selections from Lincoln’s “Addresses and Letters”, Hawthome’s “Wonder Book”, “Tangle- wood Tales”, Longfellow’s “Hiawatha” and “Evange line”, Scott’s “Lay of the Last Minstrel" and “Mar- mion”. Show less
42 AUGSBURG SEMINARY Group A. Christianity 12 credits. Group B. English—Rhetoric 15 credits. Group C. Foreign Languages (Norse, French, German, Latin, Greek, Hebrew) Courses must be completed in the foreign languages ac- cording to the following schedule: Amount presented for Amount required:... Show more42 AUGSBURG SEMINARY Group A. Christianity 12 credits. Group B. English—Rhetoric 15 credits. Group C. Foreign Languages (Norse, French, German, Latin, Greek, Hebrew) Courses must be completed in the foreign languages ac- cording to the following schedule: Amount presented for Amount required: entrance: Four years of one language None or Three years of one language 5 credits in same language or Two years of one language 10 credits in language or Less than two years of one language 20 credits in language Group D. Social Sciences 12 credits Group E. Natural Sciences 15 credits Group F. Mathematics 15 credits required in certain curriculums One year or physical education is required. Students who show habitual deficiency in English in their work outside of the English courses will be reported to the English Department for special attention and drill in order to help them maintain the proper standard. Senior College Requirements When a student enters the Junior year he shall have determined in what line of study he will specialize. For the purpose of specialization majors and minors are offered. The line of study in which a student will particularly specialize constitutes his major. One or two additional lines of study must be pursued as supporting subjects. See Curriculums on pages 44—46. The major subject, since it means specialization, is determined by the student’s special aptitudes as shown in the quality of work he has done in the Junior College, where basic courses prerequisite to the major line of study are offered in sequences which lay the foundation for the major work. See departmental statements under Courses of Instruction. Show less
COMM! 17 mellow-Ilia; original compositions u well It works of mud oorltpooers for full orchestra. Two periods a week. 6 credits. 314243. Ellsullut. This gives the piano studcnl opportunity to play the grant violin and plum) mm with III ohle violinist It opens to the student: I new end tum; field... Show moreCOMM! 17 mellow-Ilia; original compositions u well It works of mud oorltpooers for full orchestra. Two periods a week. 6 credits. 314243. Ellsullut. This gives the piano studcnl opportunity to play the grant violin and plum) mm with III ohle violinist It opens to the student: I new end tum; field in trunk liter-tun: end tend: to develop a hilt: type of moldenthip. One period a week. 1 credils. 3445-36. A. Puma Mutton: Ann Puntce Teacu- nro. Piano tedmic bu undergone marked clump in thewdeudeortwo. 'l‘hieonurtegiveetotbestudmt aarefulnnderuandingofthemetltodn employedby the Npimmdmofthcpmmtday. Twoltouna wad: of supervised totalling is required. All teaching met he hued upon correct plydtologial principlel. The oomerdnllned eo-cnlled "methch ere mictly avoided. A ourvey of latching literature is included in the coune. Two periods a wait. 6 cfedili B. Pmuc Scnoot. Mustc Hummus. For slutlenb to teach music in the public school» One yet: of voice and one year of rollcggio Ire preroquisiles to this course. The work it carefully outlined for the fight grades end high drool. Predict in conducting is given. Tito period: I week. 6 crediu. Soumcxo. This develops the ability to sing well at light Ind is involulfle for voice students. All madam interested in (In club or chorus singing would do well to study one year of tolleuio. PRACTICAL MUSIC coma IN PIANO Mm Mums mm mm The fundamentals of technlc. arm weight. wrist work. MIDI-filamludcorreduuolthepedalmm W first. Composition- ol modem: difl‘iculty by Show less
38 AfiGSB‘URG SEM'I'NARY New Testament. The Gospel of John; Hebrews and James. New Testament Introduction. First and Second Corinthians. Church History. History of the Church after the Re- formation. Syxlenwtic Theology, Ethics. Pastoral Theology. Symbolics. Lectures given both in the Norse and... Show more38 AfiGSB‘URG SEM'I'NARY New Testament. The Gospel of John; Hebrews and James. New Testament Introduction. First and Second Corinthians. Church History. History of the Church after the Re- formation. Syxlenwtic Theology, Ethics. Pastoral Theology. Symbolics. Lectures given both in the Norse and the English languages. Show less
26 AUGSBURG SEMINARY The annual alumni banquet occurs on the evening of the day following Commencement Day. Local associations of the alumni are being organized to include in their membership all graduates of the College and Theological Divisions. The object of these associations is to keep... Show more26 AUGSBURG SEMINARY The annual alumni banquet occurs on the evening of the day following Commencement Day. Local associations of the alumni are being organized to include in their membership all graduates of the College and Theological Divisions. The object of these associations is to keep strong and vital the ties which bind the sons of Augsburg to their alma mater, and to promote the interests of Augsburg as an educational and spiritual center. One of the achievements of the associatim has been to erect a monument over the graves of the founders of Augsburg Seminary, the late professors Sverdrup and Oftedal. The officers of the Alumni Association are as follows: President . . THEO. BLEGEN (’10) Vicehpresident REV. C. S. VANG (’96) Secretary . . REV. J. R. GRONSETH ('12) Treasurer . . REV. E. BERNTSEN ('91) Show less
48 AUGSBURG SEMINARY Roman church, the Protestant Revolution, the Pietistic Movement and the Church in the 19th century, will be outlined in order to acquaint the student with the main facts in the history of the Church of Christ on earth. Two periods a week. Freshman III. 2 credits. l—2-3b.... Show more48 AUGSBURG SEMINARY Roman church, the Protestant Revolution, the Pietistic Movement and the Church in the 19th century, will be outlined in order to acquaint the student with the main facts in the history of the Church of Christ on earth. Two periods a week. Freshman III. 2 credits. l—2-3b. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION. The application of the accepted principles of teaching to religious instruc- tion. To make more certain and definite the work of teachers of religious subjects and form a working basis for presentation of the subject—matter of religious teach- ing. Two periods a week. 6 credits. 4~5-6. THE HISTORY OF MISSIONS. This course is designed to give the student a general knowledge of the work which the Church of Christ has accomplished among the nations of the world. Special stress is laid on the period after the Reformation. Two periods a week. Sophomore I. II, and III. 6 credits. 7-8-9. OUTLINE STUDIES or THE BIBLE. This course is designed to give the student a clear grasp of the con- tents of the books of the Bible, of their relation to one another, and of the progressive plan of God’s revelation to men. Two periods a week. Sophomore I, II, and III. 6 credits. 12. THE PROTESTANT REVOLUTION. See History 3. The Renaissance and the Reformation. 4 credits. 13. THE SOCIAL TEACHINGS or THE PROPHETS or THE OLD TESTAMENT. The aim of this course is to study the prophets to see how the spiritual truths find their ap- plication in the daily life of the people and of the indi- vidual. The spirit of Christ is the necessary spirit for right living. and Christ the solution for all human prob- lems. Prerequisites: Courses 1, 2 A. Two periods a week. Junior I. 2 credits. 14. THE SOCIAL TEACHINGS or THE NEw TESTA- MENT. This course is designed to give a survey of the social teachings of Christ and of the Apostles. The ob- Show less
32 AUGSBURG SEMINARY neither mere exegesis nor mere introduction. They are studied as historical documents of the greatest value to those who wish to become acquainted with the Apostolic Age and to judge it rightly, especially in regard to its conception and teaching of the Gospel of Christ. Both... Show more32 AUGSBURG SEMINARY neither mere exegesis nor mere introduction. They are studied as historical documents of the greatest value to those who wish to become acquainted with the Apostolic Age and to judge it rightly, especially in regard to its conception and teaching of the Gospel of Christ. Both the Gospels and the Epistles are preeminently historical, and not dogmatic documents, and should be studied as such. But the Gospel record relates not only to Our Lord; as “good tidings" it stands in a most intimate relation to . all mankind. It not only tells about the Messenger; it is in itself a message to a fallen race. This view-point is given special attention in the study of the Gospel accord- ing to Luke, which forms the most important part of the Second Course of New Testament Theology. From the same view-point some of the Epistles of Paul are also studied as a part of this Course. There is yet another eternal truth of the highest im- portance revealed in the Gospel records and other New Testament writings. It is the intimate connection be— tween Christ and his Church, a connection spoken of by Our Saviour Himself as like unto that of the good shep- herd and his flock and of the true vine and its branches, Christ has not only done certain things for us; He has, so to speak, opened His own heart to us, so that we may get a glimpse of the depth of His love. And in so doing He has revealed the Father also. It is of the greatest importance to realize this living connection, which makes the Church the body of Christ, a holy temple built of living stones, Himself being the chief corner-stone. It is the realization of this connection which forms the neces- sary basis for the Christian faith in eternal salvation and the "restoration of all things." It therefore naturally leads up to and culminates in the study of “the last things." As the best source for this part of the study of the u- l Show less
28 AUGSBURG SEMINARY The estimated expenses for one year are about as follows: Tuition in Academy $15 per quarter, including room rent. . .$ 45.00 Tuition in College $20 per quarter, including room rent. . . . 60.00 Each student should come pro- vided with a pillow, two pillow- slips, four sheets... Show more28 AUGSBURG SEMINARY The estimated expenses for one year are about as follows: Tuition in Academy $15 per quarter, including room rent. . .$ 45.00 Tuition in College $20 per quarter, including room rent. . . . 60.00 Each student should come pro- vided with a pillow, two pillow- slips, four sheets, blankets, towels, and a laundry bag. Board for 36 weeks . . . . . . . . . . 145.00 Books, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.“) Electric light and steamheat, double room. each occupant. . . . 2211) Single room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29.00 Fumiture rent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.“) Library fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11D Gymnasium fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 Medical Aid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 $282.00 $297.“) Show less
54 AUGSBURG SEMINARY tion. A somewhat thoro acquaintance with his genius and personality sought. Three periods a week. 3 credits. 10. CHAUCER AND SPENSER. A. Study of Chaucer and his age, including an analysis of his character and of the materials brought together in his works, with special... Show more54 AUGSBURG SEMINARY tion. A somewhat thoro acquaintance with his genius and personality sought. Three periods a week. 3 credits. 10. CHAUCER AND SPENSER. A. Study of Chaucer and his age, including an analysis of his character and of the materials brought together in his works, with special emphasis upon “The Canterbury Tales”. A minute study of a number of the pilgrims with their stories. B. SPENSER’s life, personality, and art. His use of the influences of the Renaissance and the Reformation. Detailed study of selected works. Special consideration of Book I of “The Faerie Queene.” Attention is given to language changes. Three periods a week. 3 credits. 11. ANGLo-SAXON. Anglo-Saxon grammar is studied in connection with translations from Anglo-Saxon prose and poetry. Anglo-Saxon poetry is analyzed as to form and content. "The Gospel of Saint John in West-Saxon" and parts of “Beowulf” or other classics are translated. Three periods a week. 3 credits. 12. MILTON. His life and works as a whole, the qualities of his culture and Puritanism, his relation to his age, and analysis of his peculiar genius. Special emphasis upon “Paradise Lost” and “Samson Agonistes.” Three periods a week. - 3 credits. 13-14-15. PUBLIC SPEAKING AND READING. A course in the fundamental principles of oral expression; concerning correct breathing, voice placement, resonance, pronunciation and enunciation, qualities of interpreta- tion, action, qualities of voice, together with practice upon selections and in the delivery of speeches. One period a week. Sophomore I, II, and III. 3 credits. 16. ARGUMENTATION AND DEBATE. Training in logi- cal analysis of questions and in the construction of briefs. together with the development of keen perception in dis— Show less
E37“ WY 3: benfledumurhupom'flemlhegmwinghannd nindofthcdaild. mmhvdmlbowledgeol thetyflunuieuleodeeBihleforinumaioouvdlu ormmmmmmm I. WNW? Mmdmmmuhlmmddnmn- Wuducumunionoluinumnofimoqmlv mmmxotmmmmm‘ak finafihegmflnoflhidaoftheflmnhunlc‘u orpninfionmdingincmaolidm;dridaoflhen- form u to Church mt.... Show moreE37“ WY 3: benfledumurhupom'flemlhegmwinghannd nindofthcdaild. mmhvdmlbowledgeol thetyflunuieuleodeeBihleforinumaioouvdlu ormmmmmmm I. WNW? Mmdmmmuhlmmddnmn- Wuducumunionoluinumnofimoqmlv mmmxotmmmmm‘ak finafihegmflnoflhidaoftheflmnhunlc‘u orpninfionmdingincmaolidm;dridaoflhen- form u to Church mt. upedllly that ol lathe; the mods-n W I'm the Sum Gunman. uddnidaofaimflmmhumrdingmmdk unamuniqueindnnclulndmhlmpualbywoddly Indulinnflilticmahudsot orguiafionnndgom- M. C. PWNIOWY This mm W the My of lhe founduiou offlnputotflofieanndtheNnTmnmlminiflry: hafl:meuiniuefipawulmnmfionmdmal ofhilull:flxemmnofhhprepunljon;hisremimm hhpmplezhhluderfllbiudnmfioninnflmc- mMmmhipJnumaiommcufifiauonol the W and In in mind- mimics; the Mm.nnd6nnflymeminmgfl are of nouln. Thismvmhwpplunmmdbylmumbymmn inactive-urine. I. PAUL'S m N m comm-Hum ThueEpisflaanukuuphmvithChutdl Pofityuoflefinzthebatdowmurymmeofw‘ly Grandma“ THPDLOGICAL PROPAEDEUTICS ' Monmnimwubowthcputpouduuaummd Mofmmmmofmundmm‘ Show less
conun- ‘1 ‘ firmlth ofoneor two [onign Im- .Mdhgougndmtesdmidm. “’1' for (Mun: study for the PM). autumml-Z-SmIGJMW. 7 hAmdthoflmlmignlnog‘n-gn, iwmmmflndmmed. mmmmmmm ZJ crediu Methamphindudin‘munu 8-11. I. Forth:th Requirmudunnmu «inmforgwlmumly. 2. FuhTuha’uCafiiuu: Lilliancumul-Z-wa. hflhor:ml7... Show moreconun- ‘1 ‘ firmlth ofoneor two [onign Im- .Mdhgougndmtesdmidm. “’1' for (Mun: study for the PM). autumml-Z-SmIGJMW. 7 hAmdthoflmlmignlnog‘n-gn, iwmmmflndmmed. mmmmmmm ZJ crediu Methamphindudin‘munu 8-11. I. Forth:th Requirmudunnmu «inmforgwlmumly. 2. FuhTuha’uCafiiuu: Lilliancumul-Z-wa. hflhor:ml7-Is.bddu23auiiuabovc0m m.indnfilgcuuna8-ll. ‘3. memwhopllnbenmfllenfininry. The lorlndnimrrequhtnmhmdumnflmfor unflinching. mmmuama under mm. W Mbdumdhodofdmfingmjonmd nu'nonm Norunflytheaquncewuinedhelow h fol- , Cour-e I-zakmulfiutodl (unherer Juno: Conan; Conan: ‘ (l5 audit): required at Madame... 4.5.6; 13-1445; (12 «um; prhmrily (or Sopho- m _ ‘ Sum: Coma Counts: 7.8.9; 16;(lluudih);opato]ulanmd5uion. Show less
ss AUGSBURG SEMINAR? tention to the fundamental principles of composition, the qualifies of style, the development of the student‘s voca- bulary, and the knowledge and use of idiomatic English. Class study of the following: Isaiah, “Macbeth”, and “The Scarlet Letter”. The following are assigned... Show moress AUGSBURG SEMINAR? tention to the fundamental principles of composition, the qualifies of style, the development of the student‘s voca- bulary, and the knowledge and use of idiomatic English. Class study of the following: Isaiah, “Macbeth”, and “The Scarlet Letter”. The following are assigned for the home reading: The Gospel of Luke, “Romeo and Juliet”, “Adam Bede", and “The Vicar of Wake— field”. B-C. AMERICAN LITERATURE. Outlines of Ameri- can Literature. An accurate knowledge Of the main facts and movements required. Careful study of selected masterpieces. Rapid reading of the representative works from the various periods. Study of the short story. Drill in oral expression. Weekly themes required. Five periods a week. 1 unit. IV A. ADVANCED RHETORIC, COMPOSITION, PUBLIC SPEAKING. Principles of structure and forms of dis- course are stressed thruout in theme work. The course in Public Speaking aims to improve the delivery of speeches with a view to greater perfection and mastery of the art of speaking. Students are expected to gather, select, arrange, and present material effectively. in the delivery of speeches regularly once a week. Special study of “Hamlet” and “the Book of Job”. Five periods a week. B-C. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Outlines of English Literature. This course includes a survey of the origin and history of English Literature from the earliest be- ginnings to the present age. A careful study is made of selected masterpieces from “Beowulf” and down to modern times. Considerable reading of illustrative selec- tions from the various periods. Themes required on sub- jects studied. Drill in expression. Five periods a week. 1 unit. “1‘. V754 hi '9‘?" Show less
64 AUGSBURG SEMINARY advised to take four periods of method in their major and two in their minor. A total of six credits in Method is required of all candidates for the state certificate. Ob- servation work is given in connection with Technique and Practice Teaching. To be taken by Seniors only... Show more64 AUGSBURG SEMINARY advised to take four periods of method in their major and two in their minor. A total of six credits in Method is required of all candidates for the state certificate. Ob- servation work is given in connection with Technique and Practice Teaching. To be taken by Seniors only during the second or third quarter or both. Two or three periods a week. Listing of Teachers‘ Courses: page A. Teachers’ Course in English 55 B. Tcachers’ Course in Ancient Languages 58 C. Teachers’ Course in Modern Languages 60 D. Teachers’ Course in History and Social Science 67 E. Teachers' Course in Natural Science 70 F. Teachers’ Course in Mathematics 72 Prerequisites: Education 7, 8, 9, 10, and a major or minor in the department in which the Method is taken. 7 2, 4, or 6 credits. 17-18. PRACTICE TEACHING AND OBSERVATION. Pro- vision is made to satisfy the requirement in practice teaching by registering for such in connection with the courses in Method (14—15). The student will be ex- pected to devote the equivalent of three periods a week for two quarters to some form of classroom work and the amount of time necessary to prepare for such work. The minimum number of periods of actual teaching must be thirty-six. The credits in practice teaching may be earned during the second or third quarter or both of the senior year. The student is required to do systematic observation and make reports. The technique involved in Education 10 is worked out in practice teaching. Prerequisites: Education 7, 8, 9, 10, 14~15, and a major or minor in the department in which the practice teach- ing is done. 2 credits. Show less
88 AUGSBURG SEMINARY between ancient and medieval civilization and to point out those elements which combined to give medieval cul- ture its peculiar character. The leading topics will be Rome and the Germans, Charlemagne, the Papacy, the Holy Roman Empire, Feudalism, the Crusades, the growth of... Show more88 AUGSBURG SEMINARY between ancient and medieval civilization and to point out those elements which combined to give medieval cul- ture its peculiar character. The leading topics will be Rome and the Germans, Charlemagne, the Papacy, the Holy Roman Empire, Feudalism, the Crusades, the growth of cities and commerce, Scholasticism, the Re- vival of Learning, and the new geographical discoveries. Text-book, historical geography, note-book, quizzes, re- ports, collateral reading. Five periods a week. B. MODERN HISTORY FROM 1500 To 1815. The Re- formation, the Catholic Reaction, the wars of religion, absolutism and the rise of national states, commercial ri- valry, modern science and spirit of reform, the French Revolution, Napoleon. Method of work as above. Five periods a week. C. EUROPE AFTER THE CONGRESS OE VIENNA. The political reconstruction, the Industrial Revolution, po- litical revolution, unification of Italy and Germany, modern democratic reform, international rivalry, Imper— ialism, the War of 1914. Five periods a week. 1 unit. 111 A-B-C. ADVANCED UNITED STATES HISTORY. A general course in the social and political history of the United States, including a study of the colonial period, the growth Of political institutions, the Revolutionary period and subsequent development, slavery, the Civil War, reconstruction, industrial and economic growth, and the new problems resulting from this and the more recent expansion. Text-books, collateral reading. reports. Five periods a week. 1 unit. IV A—B. ELEMENTARY SOCIOLOGY. The course aims to present tO the Student the fundamentals of Sociology. It deals with the principles which function in the forma- tion and growth of human society and includes a study of the present phases of society viewed from basic Show less
Acmnv u CHRISTIANITY I A-B-C. Emu": Bum. This mum will out-ht inedireauudyofuvmlhooluofthelfihle. The of link, the Gospel of John. aid the Acts 0! the Apostle! will he artfully reviewed in ordet to «- qminl. the widen! with the main led: in the life and tacking! of Quiet and at the Apostles. Two... Show moreAcmnv u CHRISTIANITY I A-B-C. Emu": Bum. This mum will out-ht inedireauudyofuvmlhooluofthelfihle. The of link, the Gospel of John. aid the Acts 0! the Apostle! will he artfully reviewed in ordet to «- qminl. the widen! with the main led: in the life and tacking! of Quiet and at the Apostles. Two periods a rd. y. unit. ll A’B-C. Ow Tunney" Hts‘mu'. This course is designed to give I thom review of Old Tli His- tory. Ellkie't “Manuel ol’ Bible History” is the text and. 111i; will he Wm! by extensive reading of sdetted patient at the Old Testament. Two pe- riod: I M 54 unit. Ill A-B-C. Fauna-numb“. This mane i: intended to gheemieuofthelundemullol theChn‘uinn Re- ligiou- Theinmuctionwillhegiven in Wldl inorder to lanai-rile the student with the Christian termimlogy ofth Twoperiodelwcdt. y. unit ‘ [V A-B-C. Munoqu Bmuruv. This com»: (on- eiltsolleeriaofbiognphial undies olmenuid womanhohlveobeyddie commend of Chriu to pludltlleC-otholllntionl. vaillconllltol talks.dincuui0t\s.and wide radiulnthefieldofhiognphkallimmre. The m object of the coune i! to lcqulint the nude: wait the even wotk which the Holy Spirit IluutheamrchofChristonunh. Auoonduy lltoinh‘oduoethelmdemtotlwheroamd Wofuisdonnenddmtompeoplaofother nude. MAW. Twopefiodslwoek. Munit. ii v wwrw a 1.;- 2”}:"zi'm 7‘ -- i Show less