With the Servicees Death of Keith Hoffman (4043) on Okinawa, S/Sgt. Charles Held (40—42), and Robert Tousley (39' 40) in Europe, raised the total of gold stars on the Auggie flag to seventeen. A memorial service was held for Keith in the Augsburg Chapel at his parents‘ request June first. Keith‘s... Show moreWith the Servicees Death of Keith Hoffman (4043) on Okinawa, S/Sgt. Charles Held (40—42), and Robert Tousley (39' 40) in Europe, raised the total of gold stars on the Auggie flag to seventeen. A memorial service was held for Keith in the Augsburg Chapel at his parents‘ request June first. Keith‘s passing is especially hard for his fellow athletes because all of them had enjoyed the hospi’ tality of the Hoffman home many times. Mrs. Hoffman has been active too in the Augsburg Women‘s Club. Charles Held was very well known and a splendid athlete. Though Ro' bert Tousley was not so well known, he won many friends during his year at Augsburg. Blessed be the memory of these boys! Lt. Com. Herbert Magnusson (26'28, 31'32) survived the Frank! lin ordeal. He was blown about when explosions wracked the carrier. He was hospitalized for shock. . . . Cpl. “Cliff” Dahlep (4043) says he was put in the“? est hospital in England“ for a fook' wound. . . . Pvt. Marshall Steen (40'43) suddenly met Arnold Hermunslie (3943) and Ens. Victor Emerson (41'43) aboard ship somewhere in the Pacific on their way to the battle zone. Liberated prisoners: Fred Ander’ son (3840); Henry Eastman (4042) (now home in Minneapolis); and Elmo Peterson (39—41) . Ens. George E. Knutsen, ‘37, has been seriously wounded in the Pacific. . . . Lt. Margie Jensen (3940) wrote from France in early February: “The work is very interesting but it hurts so much way down to see what‘s happening to our American boys. I do think they are getting very good care however." . . . Sgt. Truman C. Anderson. ’34, serves as a Chaplain‘s assistant'ih Italy. . . . Lt. Lorraine Hovland (40'41) writes from Camp Carson, Colorado, saying that “it‘s really wonderful to be able to do some little thing for these fellows who have gone through and seen much." There are five other "Deac" girls with Lorraine. . . . Lt. Juel Erickson, ‘41, is back in the U.S.A. He won the D.F.C. and air medal with four oak leaf clusters. . . . Re! turned too is Capt. Phillip Helland. ~42. Lt. Earl Lanes, ‘40, has been re' tained to teach after finishing his years course at Annapolis. . . . Cpl. Gerald Thorson, ’43, writes to tell that he and a friend had been in! spired by sitting down and singing together Prof. P. A. Sveeggen’s new poem, "The Battle of the Free,“ to the tune of America The Beautiful. Lt. H. Norman Hanson, ‘34, with the Seventh Fleet, now edits a daily newspaper aboard his ship. . . . Capt. Arian Nibbelink, '35, of the Medical Corps, found a bride in Wales. . . . In the Star-Journal of June 12, Lt. John Hanschen (3940) got “bout quets“ for his speeches in behalf of the Seventh War Loan Drive. John, who lost his left leg just below the knee, in fighting in France, left for Washington to lay plans for a new veteran's organization. He was picr tured together with another war loan speaker, Com. Jack Dempsey. Last Minute Flashes Resignations: Rev. C. J. Carlsen, pastor at Minot, N. D. He is to go to St. Olaf Lutheran in Minneapolis; Rev. Torgney Kleven of Battle Lake, Minn, to go to Blanchardville, Wis. Honor: Cpl. Norman Myrvik sang at the reception for General Eisen— hower in his home state of Kansas. Deaths: Rev. K. G. Nilsen, ‘09, after some months of illness; Prof. Elmer Busby, long a teacher at Augsburg. Id 4; Show less
Auggies Near in Building Auggie participation in the Vic' tory Building Fund Drive will have to be stepped up if the former stu' dent section is to keep pace with the general progress in the congregar tions. Of the $75,000 former student goal, about $35,000 has been sub' scribed—close to 50 per... Show moreAuggies Near in Building Auggie participation in the Vic' tory Building Fund Drive will have to be stepped up if the former stu' dent section is to keep pace with the general progress in the congregar tions. Of the $75,000 former student goal, about $35,000 has been sub' scribed—close to 50 per cent. The grand total, however, has passed the $150,000 mark—0r about 60 per cent of the goal. About 700 of the 2,500 present and former students whose addresses are known have contributed to the $35,000 fund. A humbling fact to ‘Stayrat' homes" is the liberal participation of Auggies in the service. And some of them have been risking their lives in frontrline service too! :1: Something to Ponder His name is Joe Seto. That tells his nationality. I suppose some of his relatives will be "rubbed out" in the present obliteration bombing of Jar pan. We have special interest in Joe. He attended Augsburg the past two years, was an outstanding athlete and contributed much to the life of the school. Saturday he left for Omaha to be inducted. Yes, Joe has been working his way through col! lege, but one of the last things he did here was to come and bring in a gift for the Building Fund. He has had a couple of weeks full'time work since examinations. And today he came in, with $25. It is something to ponder. N.CA. Half-way Mark Fund Drive Along with the Gift. . . “I give to Augsburg with grati' tude to God for its high ideals, for the Christian fellowship enjoyed there, and for the friendships from school days that continue to be a source of blessing." —Peder Konsterlie, ’11. * “I deem it a privilege to have a share in the Victory Building Pro' gram. The contribution I give is only a small expression of gratitude for what my Alma Mater means to me. It was at Augsburg that my spi— ritual life was deepened. Thanks be to God!“ —Florence Borstad, ’42. It: “It is my sincere hope and fervent prayer that the necessary funds for the erection of a much needed build' ing on the Augsburg Campus may soon be realized. Augsburg‘s strate‘ gic location in a large city in the heart of the great Middle West places a grave responsibility upon the friends of Augsburg." —James R. Gronseth, '12. at “I am glad to have even a small part in this Building Fund campaign. Augsburg has meant so many good things to all of us. Certainly her work is going to be needed more than ever in the days to come. Let's build for an ever greater Augsburg!" —Marion Lund, '39. 3 “We are erecting a monument that will speak to coming genera! tions of our faith, loyalty, and will' ingness to give. Let us undergird and fortify our school now." —P. G. Sonnack, '19. Show less
Pulpit Built by "Augs- burg’s Grand- father” in l877 The central place of the Bible in the Christian education program of Augsburg and its graduates work is portrayed in this Minneapolis Tribune picture of June 8. The pulpit built by "Augsburg‘s grandfather." Rev. Ole I’aulson, in 1877 really... Show morePulpit Built by "Augs- burg’s Grand- father” in l877 The central place of the Bible in the Christian education program of Augsburg and its graduates work is portrayed in this Minneapolis Tribune picture of June 8. The pulpit built by "Augsburg‘s grandfather." Rev. Ole I’aulson, in 1877 really seems to be made of one Bible layingT flat upon another, or others, which are set on end. “Hasps” of the top “Bible” are plainly visible as is also the "binding" of the lower and central “Bible.” The picture was taken at the time of the Lutheran Free Church Annual Conference. Rev. J. Mortensen, ‘91, and Rev. Melvin J. Olson, ‘15. listen to Prof. Andreas Helland, ‘93, who is in the pulpit. Rev. Paulson‘s picture is in the background. The pulpit is now a part of the Augsburg Museum, in the attic of the Main, but it will perhaps find a better resting place in some part of the new building. ,1, Show less
Harhu, Haugen. Huuglan Haven. All Clarence d. Harold l.. Melvin '“Hedwall. Truman Heez. Clarence Hegg, Donald G Held. C Helland. Helland. harles Maurice 0. Philip C. Helleckson. Russell Hendrickson, Chester Hendrickson. Elmer A. Henrickson. Palmer N Hermstad. Norman Hermunslie. Arnold L. Heusser,... Show moreHarhu, Haugen. Huuglan Haven. All Clarence d. Harold l.. Melvin '“Hedwall. Truman Heez. Clarence Hegg, Donald G Held. C Helland. Helland. harles Maurice 0. Philip C. Helleckson. Russell Hendrickson, Chester Hendrickson. Elmer A. Henrickson. Palmer N Hermstad. Norman Hermunslie. Arnold L. Heusser, Lucius H. Hinsverk. Cleo Hinsverk. Donald W. Hjelmervik. Clarence Hoberg. Hodne, Chester R. Clayton Hognander. Orville Hoel. Irving Hollman . Keith Holey. Melvin Hoirenn Hoiseth. Holland. Holten. Holum. Hoplin. Hoplin. ing. Ralph W. Bendix H. Donald R. Herman Glen Donald Glenn C. Horne. Philip A. Hoven. Lester R. ’Hovland. Melvin L. Husveg. Randulf Huus. Arnold H. L. Iverson. Erling acobson. Kenneth C. ohnson, ohnson. ohnson. ohnson. ohnson. ohnson, ohnson. ohnson, ohnson. ohnson, ohnson. ohnson. ohnson. ohnson, ohnson. ohnson. ohnson. ensen, John Vernon ensen. Lloyd Orville ergenson. C. S. ohannessen. William Alden Arthur Ben Carl Eli Carl Richard Daniel Edwin Gerald L. Lester G. Lester T. Lloyd M. Marvin W. Maynard Berdeen Richard Robert L. Russell B. Vernel Vernon W. orgensen. Gotthilf E. Jones. Laurence J. Mather, Virgil O. Mattison. Norris H. Manson. \Villard M. Mcline. Harvey Mclom. Arnold *Mestad. John Mickelson. Donald Mickelson. Sanford C. Midtaune. Jens Miller. Victor E. xMoIVik. Arthur T. Morgan. Luther C. Mork. Harold E. Morseth. Harvey S. Mortensen. Ralph H. Mueller, William Murphy. Donald Gordon Myking. Brenton G. Myrvik. Norman C. Myrvik. Quentin N. McGuigan. Richard F. McKeever. Eugene D. McKinny. Willard C. Nash. Arthur Jones. Lawrence M. Jurck. Lours Kaldor. Lloyd Keehaugh. Harry Kelly. James A. Kennedy. Dean C. Kennedy. Harlow Kennedy. Rupert Kcnstad. Vincent Kildahl. Philip A. Kilde. Paul Kleven. E, Milton Klukan. Philip M. Knudson. Arthur M. Knudsun, Elrie Knutscn. George Knutson. Alton Koplitz. Richard J. Krohn, Karl l. Lanes, Earl V. Lange, George W. Langhus. Gunnar Langum. Milton T. Larsen, Mentor R. Larson. Carroll M. Nelson. Edor C. Larson. Elmer J. Nelson. Robert H. Larson. Leonard V. Nelson. Robert Myron Larson, Orvil Nelson. Semore Lasseson. Ernest Nelson. Sheldon Lea. Albert P. Nelson. Stanford Lee. Harold T. Nesvig. A. Lee. Leroy O. Nesvig. Lars C. Lee. Robert E. Newman. Paul Lee. Sherman Nibbelink. Arion B. Lecbens. W. M. Lemke, Waldo “Lewis. Lyle Liabo. Palmer 0. Lillehei. Lawrence Lillehei. Ralph D. Linberg. Robert O. Nielsen. Otto F. Nokleberg. Roald Nordberg. John Nygaard. Fergus V. Nygren, Norris A. ()ie. Maynard Oleson. Lyle D. Lind. Russell Olson. Alfons O. Lindahl. Burton J. Olson, Charles E. Lindell. James Olson, Harold M. Lindgren. Duane G. Olson. Herman S. Lindroos. Toivo Olson. Kenneth V. Lockert. Norman Olson. Laurell Loe. Elgin Olson. Norman P. Loitness. Melvin Olson. Orville Loklresmoe. Martin L. Olson. Robert E. Lokkesmoe. Peter A. Opseth. A. A. Lund. David W. Lund. Peder Lundberg, Donald 0. Lovaas. Dorothy T. *Lund. Clarence A. Lunde. Donald Ott. William Oudal. Justin Overgard. Conrad Overvold, Alexander Overvold. Carl M. Parson, Guilford Lundquist. Warren Paulson. Carl 0. Magnusson Herbert *Paulson. B. E. Manger. Henry l’aulson. Eric Randolph Marben. Arthur Paulson. Luther J. Martinson. Emil C. l’aulson, Norman C. Mart. Kenneth (Continued. page 10) Show less
Pautz. Richard R. l’ederson. Durward L. l’ederson. James . l’ederson. Kenneth G. Person. Gerald A. Person, Glen Person. Stanley Petersen. Walter Peterson. Burton E. Peterson. Arno Peterson. Donald 0. xPctcrson. Elmo Peterson. George W. Peterson. Lynn Duane Peterson. Russell B. Peterson, William l... Show morePautz. Richard R. l’ederson. Durward L. l’ederson. James . l’ederson. Kenneth G. Person. Gerald A. Person, Glen Person. Stanley Petersen. Walter Peterson. Burton E. Peterson. Arno Peterson. Donald 0. xPctcrson. Elmo Peterson. George W. Peterson. Lynn Duane Peterson. Russell B. Peterson, William l’lotz. Stanley W. Prymack. John P. Quanhcck. Gordon Quanhcck. Russell J. Rachie. Kenneth Ready. L. Joy Reidhead. Albert Retrum. Charles Retrum. Paul Retruru. Robert E. Retrum. Wallace Rhodes, Delbert Rimarcik. Paul Rislov. Sigurd Rodmyre, Floyd Rogne. Robert Romfo. Melvin Ronnie. Selmer J. Roth. Roy R. Rothausen. 5. Bill Roufs. Henry Rowberg, Harlan Rowberg. Philip W. Rue. Leroy Rusdahl. Bert Rusdahl. Herbert Rusdahl. Kenneth Rusnacko. George Russell. Lawrence Byornstad. Else M. "DiTomo. Mrs. Joseph A. (Nee Ruth Erickson) Enga. Arlett Farness. Laurine - Hagen. Petra Anderson, Norman C. Dahlen. Lester Evenson. Eldor A. Hanson. Alfred Helland. Olaf Johanson. John O. Benson. Hamar Bergquist. Allen C. Brecto. Chester Dahlen. Johan Rye. Claus Theodore Rylander, Cordon Stuart Sampson. Aldin Sampson. Selvin E. Sandhern. Myron B. Sanders. Vern V. Sateren. Donald Sather. Clifford Saugen. John 0. Sawdey, Roland Schleif. Wayne Schmit. Kenneth L. Schubert. Curtis D. Schultz. Arnold M. Sedio. Edward P. Sedio. Milan Seifert. Lawrence Severson. Ellery Shaughnessy. Roy W. Shellum. Lloyd C. Sherstad. Carlyle Simensen. Roger C. Siinenson. Gerold Simenson, Kenneth Skaar. Arnold Skaar. Lloyd H. Sliterman. Harold Soderberg. George Soderherg. Warren Solherg. Carl T. Sorenson. Kenneth S. Springer, Glen M. Stageberg. Milton Staub, Henry Steen. Marshall Steen. Russell C. Stenberg. Kenneth Stenberg. Vernon Stocklan, Genot Ingvald Storien. Odin Sturmo. Donald Stowell. Harold Roife Strand. Carl Stromquist. Roy B. Sundal. Arnold WOMEN'S AUXILIARY. Hanson. Ruby Hinrichs. Inez E. Konsterlie, Margaret Larsen. Helga Melhus, Muriel CHAPLAINS Johnson. Horace O. Knudsen. Richard Larson, Clarence A. Voelzke. O. W. Mydland. Didrich Purdy. Ralph A. Sveeggen. Gerald E. $\erdrup. George Sverdrup. Leif Swanson. Carl R. Sween. Donald chnson. Jasper S. Swenson. Sigurd M. Swiggum. Elmer Gordon Tammen, Delbert Tande, Lude Tangen. Neil M. Tharp, Robert I. Thoen, Harland Thompson, Clayton S. Thompson. Jennings Thompson. John E. Thompson. Roger Thorberg. Arlcigh Thoreson. Elliot H. Thorson. Gerald N. Thorson. Loren M. Thorvig, Richard Tindcrholt. Adrian C. Toldeo. Lawrence Tolleison. Richard C. Tolleison. Robert Torgerson. Richard Tousley. Robert Trulson. Maruice Twito. Archie L. Ulring. Joseph Ulvesaker, Nels Valvik. Tom 0. Vigtel. Harvey G. Vollrath. Marvin Warn. Clarence B. Watson. Robert W. Weflin, Merle Wentzel. Arthur Wetzler. John Williamson. Norman Wold. Norman Wolden. Sidney Xavier. Valdemar A. Yattaw. Edwin Ness. Agnes Ortenstone. Eleanor Quamme, Doris A. Wagner. Mrs. Olga (Nee Olga Torvick) \Veeks. Clara J. Spande. Thomas Sveom. Freeman 0. Walstad, C. E. If'you want addresses of “nervicee’s” listed here send your request to me at Augsburg with a stamped, self-adduced envelope. We can supply up-to-date addresses they are constantly changing. 10 in most cases. though —Norman C. Anderson. Show less
a. .l a $7 STUDENT BOARD OF DIRECTORS, 1943-1944 \NHAT THEY SAY: LuVerne Nelson, President: “Every Auggie behind Augsburg in a great forward step of faith“ Ruth Weltziii: "Forward where Christ reveals the way.“ Randolph Quanbeek: "The Augsburg spirit to build for the future. and to bUild in... Show morea. .l a $7 STUDENT BOARD OF DIRECTORS, 1943-1944 \NHAT THEY SAY: LuVerne Nelson, President: “Every Auggie behind Augsburg in a great forward step of faith“ Ruth Weltziii: "Forward where Christ reveals the way.“ Randolph Quanbeek: "The Augsburg spirit to build for the future. and to bUild in Christ" Mamie Opsal: “Our school, a mighty instrument in the hands of Christ " Vera Thorson: ” ‘Ye shall know the truth“ our sure foundation.‘~ Marvin Sulzdorf: "Augsburg taught us the meaning of service." Helene Thorstensun: "There is no direction to go but forwade Lowell Larson: "Augsburg must continue to present the challenge of Life," Justin Toi'grimson: “Augsburg can attain victory in the fulfillment of her hopes only through faith and sacrifice." "Barbara Muhaupt: “Let us sacrifice to build the things that are worthwhile“ *Paul Sonnaelfi: "The great question in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving. Augsburg must move forward. Augsburg will move forward." “Absent when picture was taken. 14 Show less
Augsburg Serves, on the home Front Auggics scrw In many \‘Ug‘dtlllnh. bu sxdcs those rsprcscntcd hcrc, Scncntitic rcsmrch. Liw, guvcrnmcnt scrwcc, cn' ginccrmg‘ medium. business‘ music, Jnul" nail-51117110: to furgct hulncrimlung‘ these are sumc of the nthurs. ‘| l ' Pres. Christensen a 7 Over... Show moreAugsburg Serves, on the home Front Auggics scrw In many \‘Ug‘dtlllnh. bu sxdcs those rsprcscntcd hcrc, Scncntitic rcsmrch. Liw, guvcrnmcnt scrwcc, cn' ginccrmg‘ medium. business‘ music, Jnul" nail-51117110: to furgct hulncrimlung‘ these are sumc of the nthurs. ‘| l ' Pres. Christensen a 7 Over 500 Auggies z «I In: :1 i? ‘ uni :: w MINISTRY H, "a: :1 Christian G. Olson : Willmar, Minn. ‘m‘: It . it . a. . Q. . My ,, :3 ‘ t0 : o t ; 1»: to EDUCATIONAL ‘3 ‘ ADMINISTRATION ' Elmer J. Waltzin St. Paul, Minn. Show less
1944-45 ls the Severity-sixth School year Calendar Sept. 20 Entrance tests Septll'll Freshman registration Sept. 23, 15 Upper class registration Sept. 26 Classes begin Jan. 12—19 Registration for Ind semester Courses l’re'profcssional Courses in Theology. Mel dicine. Law. Dentistry. Engineering.... Show more1944-45 ls the Severity-sixth School year Calendar Sept. 20 Entrance tests Septll'll Freshman registration Sept. 23, 15 Upper class registration Sept. 26 Classes begin Jan. 12—19 Registration for Ind semester Courses l’re'profcssional Courses in Theology. Mel dicine. Law. Dentistry. Engineering. Background courses for careers in Chemist try, Music, Nursing, Home Economics. Jour' nalism. Busmess. Complete professional training for High School teaching. Costs Tuition in College. per year ............. ..3125.()() Student Activity Fee ccccccccccccccccccccc .. 10.00 Laboratory Fee ........... ._ $5.00 or 10.00 Board. per week 6.00 Room. per week ............................. .. 2.00 Extra-Curricular Activities are especially valuable inasmuch a> they help in the development of per» sonality. At Augsburg there is a wide variety of these. open to all students: Choir. Band. Echo Stall. Intercollegiate and in t r a ' mu r a] sports. Augsburgian. Dial. Language Clubs. Debate. Oratory. Aristotelian Society. Writers Club. Augsburg Women‘s Society. Women‘s Atlile' tic Asociation. Religious Activities Include Witness teams Prayer and other devotional serVices L S A Conferences Mission Society Daily Chapel Noted speakers. some of whom are world famous. appear from time to time. AUGSBURG CHOIR, 1943-44 15 Show less
SERVICE HONOR ROLL WE HONOR THESE WHO GAVE THEIR ALL Virgil Knudson Joseph Nelson Richard W. Peterson Leland Vojta Ellard E. Wold AND THESE WHO SERVE VALIANTLY NOW Edward E. Berntsen Curtis L. Johnson James P. Johnson Mentor Johnson Norwood Johnson $ Honorary Discharge x Missing in Action I... Show moreSERVICE HONOR ROLL WE HONOR THESE WHO GAVE THEIR ALL Virgil Knudson Joseph Nelson Richard W. Peterson Leland Vojta Ellard E. Wold AND THESE WHO SERVE VALIANTLY NOW Edward E. Berntsen Curtis L. Johnson James P. Johnson Mentor Johnson Norwood Johnson $ Honorary Discharge x Missing in Action I Prisoner of War Aasen. Omar B. Agrimson. Oran O. Ahlbom. Harold Ahlquist. Willard E. Amundson. Arthur Anderson. Arnold Anderson. Carroll N. Anderson. Clarence Anderson. David E. Anderson. Ernest W. xAnderson, Fred G. xAnderson. Gerald B. Anderson. John Raymond Anderson. Leland H. Anderson. Marlyn Anderson. Milton Anderson. Norman Gulack Anderson. Norman 5. Anderson. Raymond l.. Anderson. Theodore Andreassen.. E. C. Arntzen. Walter Ausland. Carl H. A. Bahre. Maynard C. Barstad. Robert Beck. Linwood Benson, Gerald Benson. Stanley E. Benson. William A. ‘Berg. Hans Berg. Norman Berg. Ohed Berger. Orvis Bertness. Henry Biesanz, J. Theodore Bjurquist. Alton Bjurquist, Gordon Blikstad. Vernon Born. Wayne Boraas. Byron Botten. Arthur Brand. Glen C. “Bretheim. Reuben Broman. Donald A. Broman. Lester M. 6 Brooks. Chester L. Buseth. Archie C. Butherus. Herman Campbell, Theodore Carlson. Arnold xCarIson, Charles V. Carlson. Chester Carlson. Frank F. Carlson. Harold l‘". Carlson, Jeroy Carlson. Kenneth Carlson. Robert Carlson. Robert 5. Caspersen. Harold Caspersen. Ralph Chapman, Henry Chiodo. Art Christensen. Clillord R Clyne. Alfred P. Cote. Art J. Cross, Douglas Dahl. Daniel Dahl. George Dahl. Oliver Dahlager. Lorrin Dahlen. Clillord Dahlen. Karl Berner Dalland, Harold DeMong. Vance Disrud, Grant Manlord Dixen, Jens Alfred IEastman. Henry Ecklie, Oscar W. Egeberg. Ruben N. Egeland. Willard Delmore Eikrem. Einar I. Eldevik. Ragnvald Ellingson. Emil *Elster. LeRoy Embretson. Donald A. Emerson. Robert Emerson. Victor Engan. Earl Erdahl. Lawrence Erickson. Donald Erickson, Juel E. Erickson. Lloyd Erickson. Reynold Erickson. Roger Erickson. Roy Chester Ericson. Paul E. Evans. Walter Evenson. Edward Fauske, Paul Fischer, Winston Fisher. Earl Harold l’luvog. Philip Noni. Louis Foley. Charles l’ormo. Lowell D. l‘orsell. Alfred Fossan. Emil Fosse, Burton P. Fragodt. Elmer Franz. Willis M. Fredrickson. Jerrol T. Fridlund. Paul R. Fullwiler. Floyd K. Gaare. Kenneth Gallop. Leroy Germundson. Carl N. Gilles. Kenneth Gisvold. Marvin W. Glarborg. Earl A. Glesne. Glen A. Gordon. Arnold Warren Gordon. Roy E. Gosen. Elmer Gronseth. James R. Gullickson. Wesley Gundersen. George Gunderson. James Gustafson, Arnold Haaland. John Hagen. Arnold Hagert. Marcus W. Hagert. Philip H. Haley, John Halversen. Stephen Halvorson, Clarence l. Halvorson. Howard D. Halvorson, Luther A. Hanschen. John Hansen. Leon C. Hansen. Rudolph Hanson, Daryl M. Hanson. Harold Hanson, Martin H. Show less
and on the battle Front “Augsburg is represented throughout the the world by men who know how to fight Al good fight with Christ by thcir side. This is a good thing. Augsburg can be proud of this tradition.“ 7A "Services", March 24, 1944. ‘ "‘0 O s are in the armed forces HIGHER EDUCATION Theodore... Show moreand on the battle Front “Augsburg is represented throughout the the world by men who know how to fight Al good fight with Christ by thcir side. This is a good thing. Augsburg can be proud of this tradition.“ 7A "Services", March 24, 1944. ‘ "‘0 O s are in the armed forces HIGHER EDUCATION Theodore N. Nydnhl Mnnkalo, Minn. N‘URSING Katharine Sverdrup Minneapolis, Minn. COMMUNITY SERVICE George Kolesar Minneapolis, Minn. LIBRARY WORK Clarice Nundahl Minneapolis, Minn. Show less
Making Possible Both Teaching and Learning L. Gudmestad B. A. 1940 C. T. 1943 "He improves With age" Prof. H, N. Hendrickson too IS 75 in 1944, but as youthful in spirit as ever. Campus News Architects' drawings of the proposed new Library and Classroom Building were examined by the Board of Trus... Show moreMaking Possible Both Teaching and Learning L. Gudmestad B. A. 1940 C. T. 1943 "He improves With age" Prof. H, N. Hendrickson too IS 75 in 1944, but as youthful in spirit as ever. Campus News Architects' drawings of the proposed new Library and Classroom Building were examined by the Board of Trus’ tees at its recent meeting. . . . The Board announces the purchase of ground for a play field on Riverside Avenuc, between 23rd and 24th Ave nues. Recently received was a bequest of $7,400 to be used for the erection of a new Presidents Residence. The donor was from Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin (L.F.C.). Dr. M. A. Helland will direct new seminarians in their government speed! ed'up studies which begin July 1, on the campus, after a month (June) spent in the congregations. At the Foundation Day Chapel ser' vice, April 24, A. B. Batalden spoke on the subject of the students' share in making Augsburg. The Augsburg Band played. Books and pamphlets written by Auggies were displayed. The dinner gathering at Sivertsen Hall heard Presir dent Christensen speak on the "Future Augsburg." New chaplain (inductee) Lester Dahlen was in attendance with his wife, also Cpl. and Mrs. N. Myrvik. The Choir will be heard in concert at Rochester, May 15, at 50th Anni! versary Services. Recordings have been made at the W.T.C.N. Studios for use in the Church Music Appreciation Hour. The NBC network will broad— cast the Choir offerings soon. Prof, Lawrence Jones, science teach! er, is now a Captain in the U. S. Army, having entered active service May 1. Ingathering for Augsburg for 1943- 44 had passed the $40,000 mark by April 22. Pre'seminarians who have not fin’ ished their preparatory work by July first will be drafted for army service immediately according to a recent rul‘ ing. 13 Show less
Augsburg Girds For Greater Service "The next forward step in equrpping Augsburg to nn prove the training of its students is the erection of .r new Library and Classroom building.“ john A. Houkom, President Board of Trustees. uThe building of a school With a Christian emphasis 14 an investment... Show moreAugsburg Girds For Greater Service "The next forward step in equrpping Augsburg to nn prove the training of its students is the erection of .r new Library and Classroom building.“ john A. Houkom, President Board of Trustees. uThe building of a school With a Christian emphasis 14 an investment that will yield good dividends from gen' eration to generation." Olaf Rogue. Executive Secretary Augsburg Foundation Fellowship. uThe Christian College of today must equip itself in every possible manner for the preservation and promo' tion of Christian culture in the world of tomorrow." Ernest C. Larson, Chairman Financial Com. for new building. " ‘Hats off to the accomplishments of the past. Coats off to the challenge of the present.‘ We all agree to the sense of these words. Now, FORWARD MARCH.“ Jerome Formo, President Augsburg Alumni Association. Show less
Builders Dr. George Sverdrup Prof. S. Melby President 1911-37 Tmchcr. Dean (lunch 1910—44 Down Through The Years—- 18(w9mAugsburg foundcd int Marshu11‘ \Xr'lsconsin 187} rMovcd to Minneapolis 1873;747-Arrivul ()1: Lmdcrs Svcrdrup and Ot‘tcddl 19(1277Dcdicution «If "Ncw Main" 1911w(}curgc Svcrdrup... Show moreBuilders Dr. George Sverdrup Prof. S. Melby President 1911-37 Tmchcr. Dean (lunch 1910—44 Down Through The Years—- 18(w9mAugsburg foundcd int Marshu11‘ \Xr'lsconsin 187} rMovcd to Minneapolis 1873;747-Arrivul ()1: Lmdcrs Svcrdrup and Ot‘tcddl 19(1277Dcdicution «If "Ncw Main" 1911w(}curgc Svcrdrup. Jr. hccumcs l’rcsidcnt 1922777Cweduczmun introduced 193777Drivc bcgun for Mcmurml Hall 193% l’rcsldcnt Burnhurd Christenscn installed 1939~chrtscn Hull :icqu1rcd 19411r4177H1gh point of student cnmlmcntw495 194} Centennial Your Debt paid, Memorial Hall, Symbol of Growing Faith in the Mission of Augsburg Show less