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Augsburg Weekend College Catalog Supplement, 1993-1994
Course Catalogs
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Academic Calendar.....................................................................................2
1993-1994Tuition and Fees ................
Show more
Academic Calendar.....................................................................................2
1993-1994Tuition and Fees ........................................................................4
Program Information Sessions
General Education Guidelines ..................................................................
Graduation Requirements .........................................................................
Class Schedule, Fall 1993-1994..................................................................7
Class Schedule, Winter 1993-1994...........................................................ll
Class Schedule, Spring 1993-1994..
Class schedule changes may occur after this schedule is published. Students
should consult the course list each term for the most current schedule of classes.
Aue 27
Dec 3
Mar 14
Applicant File Completion Deadline
Sept 3
Dec 17
Mar 28
New Student Orientation
Sevt 11
Tan 3
Aur 4
June 4
July 30
Oct 29
Nov 24
Jan 28
Feb 28
Payment & Registration Conhation
Mail Deadline
Aug 27
New StudentsIMake-up
Sept 11
Dec 17
Jan 3
Mar 25
Apr 4
Classes Begin
Jan 7-9
Apr 8-10
Application Deadline
Sept 17-19
Last Day to Add or Drop Class Without Record Notation
Sept 19
Jan 9
Apr 10
Last Day to Change Grade Option
Oct 31
Feb 13
Mav 23
Last Day to Drop a Class
Nov 15
Feb 21
Tune 6
Classes End
Dec 10-12
Mar 25-27
Tun 24-26
Final Grades Due
Dec 20
Apr 4
July 5
Classes Meet
Sept 17-19
Oct 1-3
Oct 15-17
O d 29-31
Nov 12-14''
Nov 19-21
Dec 3-5,
Dec 10-12
Jan 7-9*
Jan 14-16
Jan 28-30
Feb 11-13*
Feb 18-20
Mar 14-6
Mar 18-20*
Mar 25-27
Apr 8-10
Apr 22-24
May 6-8
May 2@221Y
June 3-5
June 17-1Y
June 24-26
One week between classes
** Classes scheduled on Sunday, May 22, will meet Monday night, May 23,from 6-10
p.m. to allow students to participate in graduation ceremonies.
The college reserves the right to change one or more of the above dates should it be necessay. In such cases, suficient adwnce notice will be given.
Program Information Sessions
Adults who are interested in Augsburg Weekend College are encouraged to attend one of the information sessions that are scheduled
throughout the year These information sessions are free of charge
and are approximately two hours in length. Please call the Weekend
College Ofice (330-1782) to receive further details on these information sessions or to sign up for one of the following dates:
For Fall Trimester, 1993-1994
Tuesday, May 25
Saturday, June 12
Tuesday, June 29
Saturday, July 17
For Winter Trimesteq 1993-1994
Tuesday, October 12
Saturday, November 13
For Spring Trimester, 1993-1994
Tuesday, January 25
Saturday, February 26
For more information write or call:
Augsburg Weekend College Office
Augsburg College
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55454
Phone: 6121330-1782
FAX. 6121330-1649
5:30 p.m.
9:00 a.m.
1993 - 1994
Tuition and Fees
Application Fee (payable once, non-refundable)
Tuition (per course)
($221.25 per semester credit)
Tuition (per summer course; 1993)
Activity Fee (per trimester)
Audit a Course
Lifetime Sports:
Fee for course
Fee for Assessment of Previous Learning
Nursing Clinical Fee
Student Teaching Fee (per course)
Late Fee (per day)
Registration change after first class meeting
(cancel/add/change grade option, or combination at one time)
Transcript Fee (first is free, per copy after first)
Finance Charge: A finance charge is applied at a simple rate of 1%per
month on any account with an open balance of 30 days or more.
Augsburg College resmes the right to adjust charges should economic conditions
General Education Guidelines
Students who entered Augsburg during the 1991-1992academic year and
transferred in seven or more Augsburg course equivalents will follow the
General Distribution requirements; students who transferred in less than
seven Augsburg course equivalents will follow the Liberal Arts Perspectives
along with the requirements for their major.
Students who entered Augsburg during the 1992-1993academic year and
transferred in 16 or more Augsburg course equivalents will follow the
General Distribution requirements; students who transferred in less than 16
Augsburg course equivalents will follow the Liberal Arts Perspectives along
with the requirements for their major.
Students who entered Augsburg during the 1993-1994academic year and
transferred in 25 or more Augsburg course equivalents will follow the
General Distribution requirements; students who transferred in less than 25
Augsburg course equivalents will follow the Liberal Arts Perspectives along
with the requirements for their major.
A list of courses that fulfill Liberal Arts Perspectives is made available with
registration materials or may be obtained from the Registrar's office.
Graduation Requirements
Each student must apply for graduation at the time specified by the
Registrar. Application forms are available in the Registrar's Office.
All degree and course requirements must be completed and verified in the
Registrar's Office prior to the anticipated date of graduation (there may be
no incompletes or open courses on the academic record).
1. Students under general education distribution requirements must
complete 35 courses?
2. Students under Liberal Arts Perspectives requirements will follow the
guidelines listed below:
If you matriculated at Augsburg between September 1,1991, and
December 31,1992, you must complete 34 courses: meet the full Liberal
Arts Perspectives requirements, Entry Level Skills Assessments, and
Graduation Skills Requirements.
If you matriculated at Augsburg on or after January 1,1993, and transferred fewer than 14 Augsburg equivalent courses, you must complete 33
courses: meet the full Liberal Arts Perspectives requirements, Entry
Level Skills Assessments and Graduation Skills Requirements.
If you matriculated at Augsburg on or after January 1,1993, and transferred in 14 or more courses, you must complete 33 courses*, meet the
advanced-transfer Liberal Arts Perspectives, Entry Level Skills
Assessments, and Graduation Skills Requirements.
* At least 11 course credits must be Uppe~Division, numbered in t he 300s or 400s. Included
in the number of courses requiredfirgraduation must be the completion of a major.
Fall Trimester 1993-1994
Friday Evening, 6:00-9:30
ART 240
EDE 379
EDE 382
Art History Survey
Biological World*
Principles of Management
Marketing Communications
International Business
Business Law
Principles of Macroeconomics
Creating Learning Environments:Kindergarten-Elementary
(9117-11/12) 5
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum: Art (9117-10115) 2.5
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum: Mathematics
(10129-12/10) .5
Reading in the Content Areas (9117-11/12) .5
Learning and Development in an Educational Setting
Orientation to Education in an Urban Setting (9117-11/12) .5
British Literature: Medieval to Elizabethan
European Literature: Homer to Dante
Introduction to Liberal Arts (9117-11112) .5
Safety Education (9117- 11/12) .5
Contemporary Nursing I:
Communication *
Introduction to Nursing Research
Contemporary Nursing 111: Families
Philosophy of Religion (same as REL 350)
Astronomy *
Principles of Psychology
Psychology Internship
History of Religions
Theology of Paul
Family Systems: A Cross Cultural View
Culture: Ethnicity, Gender and Race
Public Speaking
Organizational Communication
Humans Developing
Saturday Morning, 8:30-1200
BIO 103 Human Anatomy and Physiology *
BUS 221 Principles of Accounting I
EDE 388
EDE 389
Financial Management
Business Law
Chemistry for Changing T i e s
Theory of Computation
Principles of Macroeconomics
Principles of Microeconomics
Intermediate Microeconomics
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum: Science (9/1&10/16) -25
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum: Language Arts
(10/30-12/11) .5
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum: Health (11/20-12/11) .25
Kindergarten-ElementaryCurriculum: Physical Education
(9/18-11/13) .5
Effective Writing
Introduction to Literature
African American Experience in America
Basic Mathematics (no credit toward graduation) *
Calculus I
Computer for Business, Economonics and MIS
Quantitative Methods for Business, Economics and MIS
Introduction to Philosophy
Mass Communications in Society
Psychology in Historical Perspective
Biblical Studies
Varieties of Christian Spirituality
Human Community and the Modem Metropolis
Small Group Communication
Community Organization and Development
Saturdav Afternoon, 1:15-445
The Biology of Aging
Principles of Accounting I
Principles of Accounting I1
Principles of Management
Principles of Marketing
Managerial Cost Accounting
Human Resource Management
Structured Programming
Intermediate Macroeconomics
Kindergarten-ElementaryCurriculum: Music (11/20-12/11) .25
Creating Learning Environments: Secondary
Orientation to Education in an Urban Setting (10/3@12/11) .5
Media Technology (9/18-11/13) .5
Readings in America Literature
American Literature to 1920
The Modern World
Health Concepts for Educators (10/3&12/11) .5
World Politics
Mass Communications in Society
Introduction to Theology
American Indian Spirituality and Philosophical Thought
Introduction to Human Society
Social Psychology
Interpersonal Communication
Exploring Human Services
Field Work 111
Sunday Afternoon, 1:15-445
ART 132 Photography
BUS 252 Principles of Marketing
BUS 322 Accounting Theory & Practice
ECO 313 Intermediate Microeconomics
EDE 351 Techniques for Teaching Reading
EDE 495 Topics: Kindergarten-ElementaryInterdisciplinary
StudiesISocial Studies (9119-11114) .5
EDU 388 Human Relations (10-31-12112)
ENG 225 Intermediate Expository Writing
HPE 115 Health and Chemical Dependency Education (10131-12/12).5
HPE 482 Coaching Theory of Sport
INS 233 Women in Cross-Cultural Perspective
MIS 175 Computers for Business, Economics, and MIS
MIS 279 Quantitative Methods for Business, Economics and MIS
MIS 375 Management Information Systems in Organizations
REL 441 Feminism and Christianity
SOC 265 Culture: Ethnicity, Gender, Race
SPA 111 Beginning Spanish I
SWE 111 Beginning Swedish I
SPC 352 Persuasion
SWK 361 Social Response to Human Needs
To Be Arranged
EDE 263 Kindergarten-ElementaryClinical Experiences .5
EDS 252 Clinical Experience .5
Evening Classes (meet weekly, September 8 through December 16)
145 Computing for the Liberal Arts, Thurs 6-9 pm
340 Digital Communication and Computer Networks, Thm 6-9 pm
414 Labor Economics, Tues 6-9 pm
345 Introduction to English Language, Tues 6-9 pm
364 English Methods, Thurs 4:50-8:00 pm
366 Foreign Language Methods, Thurs 4:50-8:00 pm, .5
374 Natural Science Methods, Thurs 4:50-8:00 pm .5
002 Racquet Sports, Tues 5:30- 7:30 pm
(9121, 9/28, 10/5,10/12,10/19,10/26)
Quantitative Methods for Business, Economics
and MIS, Thurs 6-9 pm
116 Introduction to Physics, Thurs 6-9 pm
325 Public Administration, Thurs 6:30-9:30 pm
370 Constitutional Law, Tues 630-930 pm
421 Topics in American Politics, Wed 690-9:30 pm
111 Beginning Spanish I, 6-9 pm, evenings TBA
Student Teaching (Prereq: Approval and Placement by Education Dept.) * **
481A K Student Teaching
481B K-El Student Teaching
481C El Student Teaching
482A K Student Teaching
482B K-El Student Teaching
482C El Student Teaching
48341 K Student Teaching
483B K-El Student Teaching
4 8 X El Student Teaching
484 El Student Teaching
481 Student Teaching
482 Student Teaching
483 Student Teaching
484 Student Teaching
* Extra class or lab sessions required
**Additionalclinicalfee required
Winter Trimester 1993-1994
Friday Evening, 6:OO-9:30
EDE 495
Principles of Management
Principles of Marketing
Financial Management
Human Resource Management
Principles of Computer Organization
Principles of Microeconomics
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum:InterdisciplinaryStudies
(3143125) .25
Topics: Kindergarten-ElementaryCurriculum: Language
Arts/Childrenls Literature
School and Society
Media Technology (117-2/18) .5
Introduction to Creative Writing
Health Concepts for Educators (2111-3/25) .5
Introduction to Music in the Fine Arts
Contemporary Nursing I1
Community Health Nursing
Ethics of Medicine and Health Care
Introductory Meteorology
Metropolitan Complex
Principles of Psychology
Organizational Psychology
World Justice and Hunger
Theology of Marriage
Introduction to Human Society
Culture: EthnicityIGender and Race
Interpersonal Communication
Humans Developing
Methods and Skills of Social Work
Saturday Morning, 8:30-12:OO
The Biology of Women
Principles of Accounting I
Principles of Accounting I1
Marketing Research and Analysis
Advanced Accounting
Financial Theory: Policy and Practice
B Y 105
REL 353
REL 363
SPC 111
SPC 355
SWK 465
Principles of Macroeconomics
Intermediate Microeconomics
Management Science
Techniques of Teaching Reading
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum: Social Studies
(118-1/29) .25
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum: Art (118-1129) .25
Kindergarten-ElementaryCurriculum: Math (2112-3126) .5
Orientation to Education in an Urban Setting (2112-3126) .5
Human Relations (21123126) .5
Writing for Business and the Professions
American Indian Women
Intermediate Algebra (no credit toward graduation) *
Mass Communications in Society
Principles of Psychology
Denominations and Religious Groups
Religion in America
Public Speaking
Small Group Communication
Social Policy
Saturday Afternoon, 1:15-4:45
Principles of Accounting I1
Principles of Marketing
Accounting Theory & Practice I1
International Management
Data Structures
Principles of Microeconomics
Intermediate Macroeconomics
Managerial Economics
Creating Learning Environments: Kindergarten-Elementary
(118-2119) .5
Kindergarten-ElementaryCurriculum: Science (118-1129) .25
Social Studies Methods (2112-3126) .5
Classroom Management (118-2119) .5
Introduction to Literature
American Literature since 1920
U.S. History since 1877
Chemical Dependency Education (2112-3126)-5
Finite Mathematics
Computers for Business, Economics and MIS
Quantitative Methods for Business, Economics and MIS
362 Behavior Disorders
111 Introduction to Theology
XXX Upper division -to be announced
111 Beginning Spanish I *
329 Intercultural Communication
351 Argumentation
364 Field Work1
469 Field WorkIV
Sunday Afternoon, 1:15-445
118 Painting
242 Principles of Management
326 Tax Accounting
440 Operations Management
315 Money and Banking
375 Discovery in the World of Kindergarten (2113-3127) .5
282 Introduction to Special Education
380 Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum: Music (119-1130) .25
388 Kindeqarten-Elementary Curriculum: Health (316-3127) .25
389 Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum: Physical Education
(119- 2/20) .5
111 Effective Writing
111 Beginning French I *
111 Beginning German I *
102 The Shaping of Western Civilization
114 Safety Education (2113-3127) .5
353 Kinesiology & Physiology
105 Introduction to American Indian Studies
175 Computers for Business, Economics and MIS
475 Systems Analysis and Design
221 Biblical Studies
375 Social Psychology
111 Beginning Spanish I *
112 Beginning Spanish I1 *
112 Beginning Swedish I1 *
260 Humans Developing
To Be Arranged
Kindergarten-Elementary Clinical Experiences .5
Clinical Experience .5
Coaching Practicum .5
The Church and Social Change in Latin America
Tentative trip date to Mexico: January 1522
- - - - --
Meets Weekly, WEC Winter Trimester, Jan 7- March 30
British Literature: Romantic to Victorian, Tues 6-9 pm
Lifetime Fitness, Thurs 5:N-7:N pm, 8 weeks
Pradicum in Nursing I, Thurs 6-9 pm
Beginning Spanish 11, Thurs, 6-9 pm
Meets weeklapring Day Schedule Jan 31-May 19
Communication Design, Tues 6-9 pm
Developmental Writing, Tues 6-9 pm
American Indian Literature, Wed 6:N-9:30 pm
Advanced Creative Writing, Wed 6-9 pm
Internship (DevelopmentalWriting), Tues 6-9 pm
Criticism, Thurs 6-9 pm
The Late Middle Ages to 1560, Wed 6-9 pm
student Teaching W e q : Approval and Placement by Education Dept) * "
481A K Student Teaching
481B K-El Student Teaching
481C El Student Teaching
48241 K Student Teaching
482B K-El Student Teaching
482C El Student Teaching
483A K Student Teaching
483B K-El Student Teaching
483C El Student Teaching
484 El Student Teaching
481 Student Teaching
482 Student Teaching
483 Student Teaching
484 Student Teaching
* Extra class or lab sessions required
**Additionalclinical fee required
Spring Trimester 1993-1994
Friday Evening, 6:OO-10:OO
EDE 376
MUS 472
Tribal Arts and Culture
Principles of Management
Business Ethics
International Marketing
Operating Systems and Computer Architecture
Creating Learning Environments: Kindergarten-Elementary
(418-5120) .5
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum: Social Studies
(613-6124) .25
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum: Music (418-516) .25
Creating Learning Environments
Human Relations (418-5120) .5
European Literature: Renaissance to Modern
Modern Fiction
Safety Education (418-5120) .5
Human Identity through the Creative Arts
(meets concurrently with MUS 472)
Human Identity through the Creative Arts
(meets concurrently with MUS 272)
Trends and Issues in Nursing *
Contemporary Nursing IV:Leadership and Management * **
Political Patterns and Processes
History of Philosophy
Principles of Psychology
Introduction to Theology
Upper Division to be announced
Introduction to Human Society
Public Speaking
Publication/ Promotional Communication
Humans Developing
Saturday Morning, 8:OO-1200
Human Biology
Principles of Marketing
Financial Management
Chemistry for Changing T i e s
CSC 450 Principles of Programming Languages
ECO 113 Principles of Microeconomics
Intermediate Microeconomics
Management Science
Techniques for Teaching Reading
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum: Science (419-517) .25
Reading in the Content Areas (5121-61251 .5
Media Technology ( 419-5121) .5
Effective Writing
British Novel
The Modern Non-Western World
Chemical Dependency Education (419-5121) .5
Elementary Functions *
Computers for Business, Economics and MIS
Ethics and Human Identity
Mass Communication in Society
Counseling Psychology
Religion in African American History
Television and Religion
Human Community and the Modern Metropolis
Advanced Methods and Skills of Social Work
Social Worker as Professional
Saturday A£ternoon, 1:OO-500
Biology and Society
Principles of Accounting I
Principles of Accounting I1
Marketing Communications
Structured Programming
Principles of Macroeconomics
Public Finance
International Trade and Finance
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum: Art (614-6125) .25
Children's Literature (419-5121) 5
Orientation to Education in an Urban Setting (419-5121) .5
Writing for Business & Professions
Introduction to Literature
Contemporary American Indians
Advanced Computing for Business, Economics and MIS
Psychology Seminar
Biblical Studies
Lutheran Heritage
Family Systems: A Cross Cultural View
Complex Organizations
SPA 112 Beginning Spanish I1 *
SPC 352 Persuasion
SWK 462 Field Work I1
Sunday Afternoon, 1:OO-500
ART 250 Ceramics
EDE 375
EDE 388
EDE 389
ENG 225
FRE 112
GER 112
HPE 116
INS 233
MAT 131
MIS 279
MIS 476
REL 221
REL 483
SOC 265
SPA 112
SPA 211
SWK 365
Principles of Management
Marketing Management
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum: Interdisciplinary Studies
(4110-518) 2.5
Discovery in the World of Kindergarten (5122-6126 ) .5
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum: Health (4110-518) .25
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum: Physical Education
(51224126) .5
Intermediate Expository Writing
Beginning French I1 *
Beginning German I1 *
Health Concepts for Educators (4110-5122) .5
Introduction to Women's Studies
Math for the Liberal Arts
Quantitative Methods for Business, Economics and MIS
Information Systems Projects
Biblical Studies
Culture: Ethnicity, Gender and Race
Beginning Spanish I1 *
Intermediate Spanish *
Quantitative Methods and Program Evaluation
To Be Arranged
K-El Clinical Experience .5
Clinical Experience .5
Community Health Nursing I1 * **
Practicum in Nursing I1 *
Meets Evenings
HPE 002 Lifetime Fitness, Thurs pm, meets weekly for eight weeks
HPE 475 Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries (Thurs., 6-10 pm
4/14,4/28,5/12,5/19) .5
Student Teaching (Prereq:Approval and Placement by Education Dept) * **
EDE 481A K Student Teaching
EDE 481B K-El Student Teaching
EDE 481C El Student Teaching
EDE 482A K Student Teaching
EDE 482B K-El Student Teaching
EDE 482C El Student Teaching
EDE 483A K Student Teaching
EDE 4838 K-El Student Teaching
EDE 4 8 X El Student Teaching
EDE 484 El Student Teaching
EDS 481 Student Teaching
EDS 482 Student Teaching
EDS 483 Student Teaching
EDS 484 Student Teaching
* Extra class or lab sessions required
**Additional clinical fee required
Augsburg College does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, national or ethnic origin,
age, marital status, sex or handicap as required by Title IX of the 1972 Education
Amendments or Section 504 of the Rehbilitation Act of 1973, as amended, in its admission
policies, educational programs, activities and employment practices
Show less
Augsburg Weekend College Catalog, 1985-1986
Course Catalogs
Search Result
Adults who are interested in Augsburg Weekend College
are encouraged to attend one of the information sessions
that are scheduled throughout the year These information
sessions are fret? of charge and are approximately two
hours In length, Please call the Weekend Colleg...
Show more
Adults who are interested in Augsburg Weekend College
are encouraged to attend one of the information sessions
that are scheduled throughout the year These information
sessions are fret? of charge and are approximately two
hours In length, Please call the Weekend College Off~ce
(330-1782) to recelve further deta~lson these ~nformation
sessions or to sign up for one of the following dates:
Saturday, May 18
Saturday, June 8
Saturday, June 22
Saturday, July 13
Tuesday, July 30
Saturday, August 10
Saturday, October 12
Saturday, November 9
Saturday, December 7
Saturday, January 18
Saturday, February 15
Tuesday, March 11
1985-86 Calendar
inside front cover
Introduction to Augsburg Weekend College
Characteristics of the Educational Program
Degrees and Majors - .
Business Administration
Communication 10
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Nursing - - 11
- 12
Social Work
- -13
Deans List
Student Support Services - .
Assessment of Previous Learning Program (APL) 1
Fees and Payment Schedule
Refund Schedule
Financial Aid
Admissions Procedure .- 18119
Campus Map - - 20
About Augsburg College -Campus Location
inside back cover
Augsburg Weekend College provides an educational alternative to
adults who desire college experience but who work or have other
commitments during the week. It is a means by which men and women
may earn a baccalaureate degree, gain skills for professional
advancement, prepare for career change, or pursue a personal interest
in one or more areas of the liberal arts.
The Adult as Student
The Augsburg Weekend College program is designed to meet the
needs and preferences of adult learners. The program is based on the
assumption that the men and women who enroll in Weekend College
will be mature, self-disciplined and well-motivated adult learners who
seek a balance of classroom experience and individualized study. Each
course is therefore divided into periods of concentrated on-campus
study separated by time for independent study and class preparation.
Alternate Weekends
To accommodate this format for learning, classes meet on alternate
weekends for three and a half hours on either Friday evening, Saturday
morning, Saturday afternoon, or Sunday afternoon. Each class selected
by the student involves commitment to one of these four class periods.
Weekend College students may take from one to four different courses
by attending class every other weekend.
Community of Learners
This bulletin is published for the convenience of Augsburg Weekend
College students. Weekend College is a program of Augsburg
College and is subject to the policies and provisions as stated in the
Augsburg .College catalog.
Essential to the goals of Augsburg Weekend College is participation in a
community of adult learners. Learning can be enhanced when the
student is involved in a stable community that provides opportunity and
encouragement to become involved in interaction both in and out of the
classroom. This community will be enriched by the presence of both
men and women with a variety of work and life experiences.
To facilitate this kind of community interaction, Augsburg encourages
Weekend College students to make use of college facilities such as the
library and college center, to take the opportunity of having shared
meals and coffee breaks, to participate in optional chapel services and
lunchtime seminars, and to attend other college activities such as music
and dramatic presentations and athletic events.
Educational Mission
For over a century Augsburg College has emphasized intellectual
freedom in the search for knowledge. Our academic program builds on
a liberal arts foundation to help students understand the past, interpret
the present, and plan for the future.
As in the weekday program, Augsburg Weekend College offers
students a unique combination of the liberal arts disciplines and
professional education. Our goals are to help students develop the
intellectual skills and attitudes to be life-long learners, increase their
competence in selected areas of professional work, and accomplish a
higher level of personal growth.
Accreditation and Affiliations
Augsburg College is fully accredited by the North Central Association of
Colleges and Secondary Schools and The National Council for the
Accreditation of Teacher Education (Secondary and Elementary). Our
programs are approved by The American Chemical Society, The
Council on Social Work Education and the National League for Nursing.
We are a member of the Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities
(ACTC), Lutheran Education Council in North America, Minnesota
Private College Council, National Association for Music Therapy, Inc.,
and are registered with the Minnesota Higher Education Coordinating
Board (HECB).
Augsburg College prides itself on its highly qualified faculty. Members of
the faculty serve as academic advisers to students who are in the premajor stage of planning as well as to students in declared major fields.
Students and faculty use a carefully selected library of some 138,000
volumes plus audio-visual materials, with access to over 5,000,000
volumes through the Twin Cities private college consortium and Minitex.
lnternships on and off campus are an established part of most
academic programs, helping students make career choices and develop
experience in their chosen fields.
Augsburg Weekend College allows adults to begin a baccalaureate
degree program or to continue their education after beginning at
another time or institution. It also enables adults to add a second major
to an already completed college degree. The following information
outlines what is involved in completing a degree or major in Augsburg
Weekend College.
Baccalaureate Degree
The baccalaureate degree program in Augsburg Weekend College is
essentially the same as the weekday program. A total of 35 semester
courses are required to graduate and may be fulfilled through transfer
of previous work, assessment of previous learning experience, or
Weekend College coursework. (Augsburg semester courses are valued
at 4 semester credits and 6 quarter credits.) Included in the 35 total
courses must be an approved major program, eleven upper division
courses, and courses selected from the following liberal arts spectrum
(transfer courses and courses taken in the major may also be counted
for distribution requirements):
One approved course from each of seven areas:
Art- Music
History - Philosophy
Economics- Political Science
English-Speech, Communication and Theater Arts
(devoted to the study of literature)
Psychology -Sociology
Chemistry- Biology
Mathematics- Physics
A course in writing (English 111) or demonstrated proficiency
Two courses or demonstrated competence in a foreign language
Three courses (or one course per year of study) in religious studies
One course in the area of urban concerns, women's studies, or minority
Demonstrated proficiency in two lifetime sports
Augsburg Weekend College students may select from five separate
majors, each with a number of career concentrations. A minor is available
in each of these academic areas except nursing.
This major prepares students in the areas of management, financial
accounting, finance, and marketing. To provide a combination of
applied skills and theoretical background, each of these majors is
interdisciplinary in approach, including an average of ten business
administration courses and six courses from supporting fields such as
economics, computer programming, communications, philosophy, and
mathematics. Majors in Business Administration are candidates for the
Bachelor of Arts degree.
Core Courses
All students who pursue a major in Business Administration will
complete the following core courses:
BUS 101 Principles of Financial Accounting
BUS 102 Principles of Managerial Accounting
BUS 131 Business Law
BUS 135 Fundamentals of Marketing
BUS 145 Fundamentals of Management
BUS 250 Computers in Business and Economics
BUS 261 Fundamentals of Finance
BUS 379 Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business
ECO 122 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 123 Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 251 lntermediate Microeconomics
ECO 258 lntermediate Macroeconomics
or 391 Public Finance
or 392 Money and Banking
Accounting Concentration
Students who wish to pursue a Business Administration major with a
concentration in accounting will complete the following courses in
addition to the core:
BUS 262 lntermediate Accounting I
BUS 263 lntermediate Accouting II
BUS 381 Managerial Cost Accouting
BUS 382 Tax Accounting
or 483 Auditing
or 484 Advanced Accounting
Students in this major should seriously consider one or more courses
from the following list:
PHI 120 Ethics
ENG 223 Writing for Business and the Professions
BUS 399 lnternship
Those planning a career in accounting are strongly encouraged to
complete the remaining courses in the 382, 483 and 484 sequence.
Finance Concentration
Students wishing to pursue a Business Administration major with a
concentration in finance will complete the following courses in addition
to the core:
BUS 262 lntermediate Accounting I
BUS 373 Financial Management: Theory and Cases
BUS 478 Investments and Financial Institutions
ECO 340 Managerial Decision Making
or 445 Managerial Economics
or 479 lntermediate Quantitative Methods
Students in this major should seriously consider one
or more courses from the following list:
PHI 120 Ethics
ENG 223 Writing for Business and the Professions
BUS 381 Managerial Cost Accouting
BUS 382 Tax Accounting
BUS 399 lnternship
Management Concentration
Students wishing to pursue a Business Administration major with a
concentration in management will complete the following courses in
addition to the core:
BUS 340 Personnel Management
BUS 440 Operations Management
ECO 340 Managerial Decision Making
PSY 373 Organizational Psychology
Students in this major should seriously consider one or more courses
from the following list:
PHI 120 Ethics
PSY 371 Psychology of the Individual
SOC 241 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
SOC 375 Social Psychology
SOC 383 Racial and Minority Group Relations
SPC 111 Beginning Speech
ENG 223 Writing for Business and the Professions
SPC 354 Interpersonal Communications
BUS 399 lnternship
Marketing Concentration
Students wishing to pursue a Business Administration major with a
concentration in marketing will complete the following courses in
addition to the core:
(Continued Next Page)
BUS 330 Marketing Research and Analysis
BUS 430 Marketing Management
ECO 445 Managerial Economics
SPC 353 Advertising
Students in this major should seriously consider one or more courses
from the following list:
PHI 120 Ethics
SPC 351 Argumentation
SPC 352 Persuasion
ENG 223 Writing for Business and the Professions
BUS 399 lnternship
Business Minor
BUS 101 Principles of Financial Accounting
BUS 135 Fundamentals of Marketing
BUS 145 Fundamentals of Management
BUS 261 Fundamentals of Finance
ECO 122 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 123 Principles of Microeconomics
Other configurations of the Business Administration minor may be
permitted on consultation with department chairperson.
Communication is an interdisciplinary major which is broad in scope
and practical in application. The program consists of 15 courses; five in
related supporting fields such as psychology, sociology, speech, and
philosophy. Included is at least one course of internship experience in a
work setting serving the career goals of individual students. Students
may focus their lecture courses toward the development of career skills
in public relations and advertising, human relations, or supervisory
management. Majors in communication are candidates for the Bachelor
of Arts degree.
Required Communications Core
SPC 342 Mass Communications in Society
SPC 351 Argumentation
or 352 Persuasion
SPC 354 Interpersonal Communication
SPC 399 lnternship
ENG 225 Advanced Writing
Required Supporting Courses:
SPC 113 Public Speaking
PHI 130 Logic
PSY 105 General Psychology
SOC 121 Principles of Sociology
or 241 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
SOC 375 Social Psychology
Communication Electives
With the help of an academic advisor, the student will select five (5)
elective courses designed to meet additional background and skill
requirements in the career areas of public relations and advertising,
human relations, or supervisory management.
The following are some of the electives recommended in each area:
Public Relations and Advertising:
BUS 135 Introduction to Marketing
BUS 145 Fundamentals of Management
BUS 379 Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business
ENG 226 or 227 Creative Writing or Journalism
PSY 373 Organizational Psychology
SPCIART 132 Photography
SPCIART 225, 230 Visual Communications I, I1
SPC 353 Advertising
SPC 480 Public RelationsiPromotionaI Communications
Human Relations:
PSY 373 Organizational Psychology
PSY 485 Counseling Psychology
SOC 231 Sociology of the Family
SOC 383 Racial & Minority ,Group Relations
SPC 329 Intercultural Communication
SPC 353 Small Group Communication
SPC 480 Public Relations Promotional Communications
Supervisory Management:
Fundamentals of Management
Data Processing
Personnel Administration
Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business
Operations Management
Managerial Decision-Making
Organizational Psychology
Small Group Communication
Public Relations Promotional Communications
Communication Minor
Five courses approved by the department.
This MIS major prepares students to work in the growing field of
information management. The major combines courses and skills from
both the business and computer science majors to help students learn
about the identification, organization, analysis and processing of
information in a business setting.
MIS Major
Principles of Financial Accounting
Principles of Managerial Accounting
Fundamentals of Marketing
Fundamentals of Management
Com~utersin Business and Economics
~undamentalsof Finance
Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business
Principles of Macroeconomics
Principles of Microeconomics
Intermediate Microeconomics
Major Emphasis
CSC 170 lntroduction to Structured Programming
CSC 240 Elementary Computer Science
CSC 352 Data Bases
BUS 375 lnformation Systems in the Organization
BUS 475 lnformation Systems Analysis
BUS 476 Structured Systems Analysis and Design
BUS 479 lntermediate Quantitative Methods
ECO 340 Managerial Decision Making
Students in this major should seriously consider one or both of the
following courses:
PHI 120 Ethics
ENG 223 Writing for Business and the Professions
CSC 340 Digital Communications and Computer Networks
BUS 399 Internship
MIS Minor
Principles or Financial Accounting
Fundamentals of Marketing
Fundamentals of Management
lnformation Systems in the Organization
lnformation Systems Analysis
Principles of Microeconomics
Introduction to Structured Programming
Additional Information
When do you plan to
enter Augsburg
Weekend College?
Fall Trimester 19 -
Winter Trimester 19 - Spring Trimester 19 -
Second Major
(baccalaureate level)
Classes for personal
interest (nondegree)
Planned Major or Area of Academic Interest
Do you wish to
apply for financial
Doyou need
Assistance in
locating lodging
for the weekendsthat classes are held?
Classes for wok
Competency (nondegree)
Anticipated number
Doyou need
assistance in
arranging daycare
for the time periods
that classes are held?
Please summarize your reasons for wanting to attend Augsburg Weekend College. How did Augsburg Weekend College gain your
attention and why have you come to seriously consider it? In this summary please indude a descnptbn of your tentative educational
objectives and previous work, school, m i l i i , or community activities which may be of interest to us.
When completed, retum this application to the Augsburg Weekend College Office, Augsburg College, 731 21st Avenue South,
Minneapolis, MN 55454. Include with it an a p p l i i n fee of $15.00. This is a one-time fee for processingyour application and will not
be refundable or applied to your bill. If you have questions about the application process or about the programs of Augsburg Weekend
College, please call S 1 7 8 2 .
Augsburg Weekend College offers registered nurses an upper division
nursing major as a second step toward the completion of the Bachelor of
Science degree. Fully accredited by the National League for Nursing, this
major is a professional program that is accessible to nurses who work and
are unable to attend classes during the weekdays.
Admission to the BSN program includes first being accepted into
Augsburg Weekend College through the procedures described on page
17. As candidates for the nursing major, RN's must demonstrate
evidence of completion of an associate degree or diploma program,
current nursing practice, and Minnesota licensure. While an RN may
take general education courses and prerequisite courses for the nursing
major, further progress in the major is contingent upon:
1. Satisfactory completion at a college or university of the prerequisite
courses (Anatomy and Physiology, Microbiology, Inorganic Chemistry,
Organic or Biochemistry, English Composition, Introductory Sociology
and lntroductory Psychology).
2. A cumulative gradepoint average of at least 2.5
3. Successful completion of validation testing for transfer of credit for
basic nursing courses.
Required Courses in the Nursing Major
31 1
Contemporary Nursing I: Communication and Process
Contemporary Nursing II: Paradigms in Nursing
Community Health Nursing I
Community Health Nursing II
Trends and Issues in Nursing
Introduction to Nursing Research
Contemporary Nursing Ill: Nursing with Families
Contemporary Nursing IV: LeadershipIManagement
Practicum in Nursing I
Practicum in Nursing II
Required Supporting Courses
PHI 380
REL 483
PSY 353
Ethics of Medicine and Health Care
Christian Ethics
or an approved ethics course
Brain and Behavior
Accredited by the Council on Social Work Education, the Bachelor of
Science in Social Work degree program at Augsburg College is built on
a solid liberal arts foundation, on theory-based training, and on
professionally directed field experiences. As important, social work
education at Augsburg is built on an appreciation for the needs,
concerns, and values of the individuals and groups who constitute
today's multi-cultural society. The Social Work major in Augsburg
Weekend College includes nine courses from the departments of
psychology, biology, and sociology. Concentrations are possible in the
areas of aging, chemical dependency, corrections, social ministries, and
youth work. Field work is an important component of the program.
Social Work Courses*
SWK 257 Practicum in Human Services
SWK 260 Humans Developing
SWK 361 Systems of Social Welfare
SWK 359/360 Methods and Skills of Social Work
SWK 364 Field Work I
SWK 459/460 Advanced Methods and Skills in Social Work
SWK 462 Field Work II
SWK 463 Community Development and Organization
SWK 464 Field Work IV
SWK 465 Social Policv: Analvsis and Develolsment
SWK 466 Field Work ill (Yz course)
SWK 467 The Social Worker as Professional
Required Supporting Courses:
BIO 101 Human Biology
PSY 105 General Psychology
SOC 121 Principles of Sociology
SOC 231 Socioloav of the Familv
SOC 365 ~ u a n t i t s v eAnalysis and Program Evaluation
SOC 375 Social Psychology
SOC 383 Racial and Minority Group Relations
*Students interested in Social Work should begin their program with the
required supporting courses. The professional sequence will be offered
when a sufficient number of students are ready for that portion of the
Social Welfare Minor
6 courses including 257 or department approved alternative internship,
361, 463; Psychology 351 or Sociology 375; Sociology 383; and
Political Science 121 or 158 or 325. or Social Work 465.
Augsburg Weekend College provides a number of student services to
assist adults in making educational and career plans, accomplishing the
academic tasks of a college education, working on their own personal
development, and participating in activities beyond the classroom.
Some of these services are:
Academic Planning
All Augsburg Weekend College students will have access to expert
academic advising services on an on-going basis to provide for
efficient, effective planning. Students enrolling in Weekend College who
have had college experience will have their previous work evaluated
early in the admissions process.
Career Planning Services
Staff from the Career Planning and Placement Office will assist adults in
assessing their career goals and personal abilities. This service, in
combination with sound academic advising from faculty in a chosen
major field, can result in an appropriate and manageable educational
and career plan for the individual involved.
Academic Skills Center
This center exists to help students enhance their skills in the areas of
writing, reading, math, time management, and study skills. Academic
tutors in specialized course areas are also available through the Center.
CounselinglSupport Groups
Individual and group activities are available to students who wish to
work on a personal growth interest or concern or who simply want to
have the experience of being in a support group of people who share
some similar characteristics and/or interests.
The Dean's list is published after each trimester, listing students whose grade
point average for the trimester is 3.5 or better, based on a minimum of two full
courses, or equivalent, graded on the traditional grading system, with no
incompletes in the courses offered for credit.
Augsburg College recognizes that learning can and does take place in
many life situations. Some of this learning may be appropriate for credit
recognition within the disciplines that compose the academic programs
of a liberal arts college. The APL program (Assessment of Previous
Learning) at Augsburg provides a means by which a student's previous
learning, other than that which is transferred from another accredited
institution, may be presented for examination for possible credit toward
the completion of a baccalaureate degree.
Not all learning from life experience, however, is appropriate for credit
recognition at a liberal arts college. Such learning must meet two
essential criteria: (1) it is relevant to coursework in a field of study within
the Augsburg liberal arts curriculum and (2) it can be objectively
demonstrated either by comprehensive examination or committee
The APL program at Augsburg provides several means by which
students may have their previous learning assessed for credit
CLEP (College Level Examination Program)
Students who achieve acceptable scores in CLEP exams may receive
academic credit in Augsburg College. CLEP exams are available in a
variety of general and specific subject areas. For more information,
contact the Admissions Office (330-1002).
Departmental Assessment
Students who wish to receive credit for a specific academic course and
do not have transcript evidence of completed work may request a
departmental assessment of previous learning. This will most often
include an examination that covers the essential components of the
course involved. For more information, contact the Registrar's
Office (330-1036).
CAP (Credit Assessment Process)
This is a credit assessment alternative in which a faculty committee
completes a credit evaluation of a learning portfolio submitted by the
student. Informational meetings and consultation are provided for
students who wish to prepare a portfolio of previous learning for credit
assessment. Students may apply for CAP after completing at least four
courses of academic work at Augsburg College with a cumulative GPA
of at least 2.5. For more information, contact the Registrar's
Office (330-1036).
Application Fee
(payable once, non-refundable)
(per trimester course)*
(per summer course)*
Lifetime Sports:
Fee for course
Fee for assessment of previous learning
There will be a $10 additional fee for registration after the regularly
scheduled time, and a $25 late fee for registration after the first class
A per course tuition refund will be made on the following basis:
(Students are responsible for cancelling courses with the Registrar's
Office in order to be eligible for the tuition refund.)
Prior to the first scheduled class meeting - 100%
Prior to the second scheduled class meeting - 80%
Prior to the third scheduled class meeting - 60%
No refund after the third scheduled class meeting.
*Augsburg courses are comparatively large blocks of academic credit
One Augsburg course is the equivalent of 6 quarter credits. 35 total
courses are needed to graduate.
*"Tuition charge for 1985 summer terms.
There are a number of ways in which students may receive assistance
in meeting the costs of Augsburg Weekend College. The Financial Aid
Office will assist adults in assessing financial need and constructing an
aidlpayment program from the following alternatives:
Company Tuition Assistance Programs
Many companies, agencies, and corporations offer full or partial tuition
assistance to employees who participate in work-related or degreeoriented college programs. Augsburg provides several payment plans
by which employees may handle tuition reimbursement.
Pell Grant Program
This is a federal aid program, based on need, that is available to
students who take at least a two-course load in Weekend College.
Minnesota Parbtime Student Grant Program
The State of Minnesota provides an aid program, based on need, for
state residents who take a part-time load in an eligible Minnesota
institution such as Augsburg College.
Augsburg Tuition Grant
Augsburg College will provide grants and scholarships to Weekend
College students who show academic potential and have financial need.
Guaranteed Student LoanlMinnesota State Student
Loan Program
Students must carry at least one-half the normal full-time load. Eligibility
for the loan is determined by the Office of Student Financial Services.
When repayment begins, the student pays the full interest; 9 % for
borrowers after January 1, 1981. The maximum loan is $2,500 per year
or the cost of education, whichever is less, and the aggregate
undergraduate maximum is $12,500. Loan applications are available at
Augsburg, some banks, and the Minnesota State Loan Office.
To Apply for Financial Aid
1) Complete the Application for Admission and indicate your desire to
also apply for financial aid.
2) The Financial Aid Office will send you the necessary application
forms (or you may pick them up at the Financial Aid Office, 152
Science Hall).
3) Complete and return the financial aid forms by the deadlines
4) Accept the financial aid offered, in whole or in part, within the
deadline stated.
Who May Apply
Men or women who have:
1) Graduated from high school or have earned a G.E.D. Certificate.
2) Demonstrated academic ability with satisfactory performance in high
school or previous college work.
Admissions Process
1) Complete the attached application form and return it along with
$15.00 to the Augsburg Weekend College Office.
2) Have official transcripts from all previously attended post-secondary
institutions sent to the Augsburg Weekend College Office. Applicants
with less than one year of previous college work should include their
high school transcripts or G.E.D. Certificates.
3) The Augsburg Weekend College Admissions Committee will review
the application materials and notify students regarding acceptance
and registration procedures.
4) Students who are transferring previous college work to their
Augsburg Weekend College degree program will be informed with
their acceptance notification as to the number of courses and degree
requirements that remain to be completed for the baccalaureate
5) Students who are accepted and who choose to enroll in one or
more Augsburg Weekend College courses are asked to make a
$50.00 tuition deposit prior to registration for that term.
6) Students who wish to apply for financial aid please refer to that
section of this bulletin.
Augsburg Weekend College students will not be required to take
college entrance examinations. The Admissions Committee may,
however, request that the student have a personal interview with a
Weekend College facultylstaff member or submit letters of
recommendation to the Committee. Students who are admitted
conditionally may be referred to the Academic Skills Center and
encouraged to participate in the developmental skills programs that
are available.
Application Deadlines
Fall Trimester, 1985-August 12, 1985
Winter Trimester, 1986-December 9, 1985
Spring Trimester, 1986-March 10, 1986
Augsburg College was founded in 1869 in Marshall, Wisconsin and
moved to Minneapolis in 1872. The name Augsburg College and
Seminary changed in 1963 when the Lutheran Free Church merged
with The American Lutheran Church.
Augsburg's 23 acre campus is in the heart of the Twin Cities
metropolitan area, only blocks from downtown Minneapolis and the
intersection of Interstate Highways 94 and 35W. Adjacent to the
campus are Fairview and St. Mary's hospitals, the West Bank campus
of the University of Minnesota and the Mississippi River parkways.
Skyways, tunnels and elevators provide accessible connection between
9 of the 14 major buildings-student housing towers, College Center,
main academic and administrative halls, the Library and Music building.
We have made a major effort to become one of the most accessible
campuses in the region. Our skyway-tunnel system lets you reach any
of the nine major buildings without going outside. In addition to building
changes, we have a student-run program to increase awareness and
provide extra help for students with disabilities.
Church Affiliation
Augsburg is a college of The American Lutheran Church. About 51 % of
the students are Lutheran, 15% other Protestant and 15% Roman
Catholic. Several other affiliations are represented among students and
Nondiscrimination Policy
Augsburg College does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed,
national or ethnic origin, age, marital status, sex or handicap as required
by Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments or Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended in its admission policies,
educational programs, activities, and employment practices.
1985-1986 CALENDAR
August 12
Application Deadline
August 31
Orientation and Registration
September 13-15,27-29
October 11-13,25-27
November 8-10,22-24
December 6-8
December 13-15
December 9
January 2
January 4
Application Deadline
New Student Orientation
January 3-5,17-19
January 31-February 2, February 14-16
February 28-March 2, March 14-16,21-23
March 30
A ~ r i4-6
Application Deadline
March 10
April 10
New Student Orientation
April 12
April 11-13,25-27
Mav 9-11.16-18.30-June 1
June 6-8,20-22
June 27-29
Posbn8sler: Volume 116,Number I, Spring 1985 612/330-1782
AUGSBURG COLLEGE (USPS #490-310)is published four times a year in Spring, Summer, Fall
and Winter by Augsburg College. 731 21st Avenue South. Minneapoilis M N 55454. Second class
postage rates paid at Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Fees and Payment Schedule
A cademic-Dates
Aug 31,'85
Jan 2,'86
Apr 10, '86
Application Fee
(payable once, non-refundable)
(per trimester course)*
(per summer course)*
Lifetime Sports:
Fee for course
Fee for assessment of previous learning
Aug 31 ,I85
Classes Begin
Sep 13-15,'85 Jan 3-5,'86
Apr 11-13, '86
Late Fees
Sep 15,'85
Jan 5,'86
Apr 13, '86
There will be a $10 additional fee for registration after the regularly
scheduled time, and a $25 late fee for registration after the first class
Last day to designate
grade option
Oct 27,'85
Feb 16,'86
May 18,'86
Last day to withdraw
from class
Nov 24,'85
Mar 16,'86
Jun 8,'86
Last day to register
and/or drop class
. without record notation
Jan 4,'86
Apr 12, '86
Refund Schedule
Classes end
Dec 8,'85
Mar 22,'86
Jun 22, '86
Final exams
Dec 13-15,'85 Apr 4-6,'86
Jun 27-29, '86
Final grades due
Dec 23,'85
Jul 7, '86
Apr 14,'86
A per course tuition refund will be made on the following basis:
(Students are responsible for cancelling courses with the Registrar's
Office in order to be eligible for the tuition refund.)
Prior to the first scheduled class meeting - 100%
Prior to the second scheduled class meeting - 80%
Prior to the third scheduled class meeting - 60%
No refund after the third scheduled class meeting.
*Augsburg courses are comparatively large blocks of academic credit. One
Augsburg course is the equivalent of 6 quarter credits. 35 total courses are
needed to graduate.
**Tuition charge for 1985 summer terms.
Class Schedule
6:00- 9:30 SOC
Fundamentals of Management
American Literature Since 1920
Physics for the Life Sciences*
Racial and Minority Group Relations
Biology and Society
Princ~plesof Financial Accounting
Data Processing*
lntermediate Accounting I
lntermediate Quantitative Methods
General Chemistry*
lntermediate Microeconomics
Effective Writing
Advanced Writing
Calculus I*
Contemporary Nursing Ill: Families
Mass Communications in Society
lntroduction to Cultural Anthropology
Public Speaking
Methods and Skills of Social Work (.5 Course)
Field Work ll
8:30 I2m BUS
600 - 930 REL
1:15 - 4:45 BUS
Fundamentals of Finance
Quantitative Methods
Contemporary Nursing II: Paradigms in Nursing
Nursing Process
History of Religions
*This class will involve additional class or lab hours to be arranged.
Courses may be added to or subtracted from the class schedule on the
basis of enrollment
-- -
Fundamentals of Management
lntroduction to Fine Arts
Organizational Ps chology
Christian Views o t ~ e a l t hand Healing
Racial and Minority Group Relations
Public Speaking
Exploring Human Services
Principles of ~nancialAccounting
Principles of Managerial Account~ng
Financial Management
Tax Accounting
Organic and B~ologicalChemistry*
lntroduction to Structured Programming*
Data Base Management*
Topics in Literature: Women in Fiction
Community Health I*
Nursina Practicum I* **
Counseling Psychology
SOC 121 Principles of Sociology
SPC 354 lnterpersonal Communication
8:30 - 12:OO BUS
Saturday BUS 102 Principles of Managerial Accounting
Principles of Financial Accounting
Business Law
lntroduction to Marketing
Cost Accounting
Operations Management
Digital Communications and Computer Networks*
Developmental Writing
lntermediate Macroeconomics
Modern World
Basic Math ll*
Contemporary Nursing I: Communication and
PSY 105 General Ps chology
SPA 111 Beginning ipanish I*
SPC 354 Interpersonal Communication
1:15 - 4:45 NUR
Saturdav BIO 101 Human Biolo
Saturday ART 240 Art History Survey
Class Schedule
1.75 - 4:45 BUS
lntermediate Accounting II
Marketing Research and Analysis
Personnel Administration
Information Systems in the Organization
Managerial Economics
Writing for Business and the Professions
Roots of the Western Humanist Tradition
College Al ebra and Trigonometry*
Ethics of dedicine and Health Care
Metropolitan Complex
Social Psychology*
Beginning Spanish II*
Advanced Methods and Skills (.5 Course)
Field Work Ill
ART 102 EnvironmentalAesthetics
BUS 250 Data Processing*
ECO 122 Macroeconomics
Money and Banking
*This class will involve additional class or lab hours to be arranged.
**There will be an additional clinical fee for this course.
Courses may be added to or subtracted from the class schedule on the
basis of enrollment
Class Schedule
Course Descriptions
ART 1 0 2 Environmental Aesthetics
6:00 - 9:30 SPC
Saturday BIO
Introductionto Marketing
Women in American Culture
Theater History and Criticism
Public Relations/PromotionaI Communications
- -
- --
~ i c r o b i o l o ~Principles o *Managerial Accounting
Business Law
Fundamentals of Finance
Quantitative Methods
lntroduction to Computers
Elementary Computer Science*
Managerial Decision Making
Effective Writing
Modern Paris in History and Literature
Community Health Nursing II* **
Contemporary Nursing IV: Leadership and
PHI 120 ~ t h i c s
PSY 355 Brain and Behavior*
SOC 375 Social Psvcholoav*
8:30 - 12:OO.BUS
31 1
Saturday ART 225 Visual Communications
1:15 - 4:45 BUS
1:15 - 4:45 FRE
Anatomy and Physiology*
Personnel Administration
Marketing Management
Information Systems Analysis and Design
Advanced Writing
Trends and Issues in Nursing
lntroduction to Nursing Research*
World Politics
General Psychology
Biblical Studies
Small Group Communication
Advanced Methods and Skills (.5 Course)
Field Work lV
Advanced Accounting
Intermediate Microeconomics
Beginning French*
Beginning German*
Fine arts in the urban and world setting. Concern for the
visual content of experience in the environment leading
toward appreciation and criticism. Individual and group
projects explorin design problems in representation,
symbolism and a%straction.
Distribution: Urban Concerns
ART 225 Visual Communications I
The theory and practice of visual perception and communication usin elements such as color, line, shape, texture,
and pictorag images.
Distribution: Art
Majoc Elective in Public Relations/Advertising Major
ART 2 4 0 Art History Survey
A survey of art from prehistoric to modern times. Includes
reading, research, viewing of slides, and visits to museums.
Distribution: Art
ART 2 5 0 Ceramics
An introduction to the making of pottery with an emphasis
on handbuilding and glazing.
Distribution: Art
ART 3 5 2 Women's Art History
A study of women's image in the visual arts in relationship
to women's place within the cultural, economic, and
sociological environment of each period.
Distribution: Art, Urban Concerns/Minority Studies,
(upper division)
BIO 1 01
Human Biology
Basic biological concepts from an anthropocentric point of
view. An attempt to answer such questions as: What makes
man just another member of the biotic fold? Does man have
a niche in the ecosystem? What influence does man have
on the environment? What influence does the environment,
especially the urban environment, have on man? (Does not
apply to the major or minor).
Distribution: Biology
Majoc Required supporting course in Social Work
*This class will involve additional class or lab hours to be arranged.
**There will be an additional clinical fee for this course.
Courses may be added to or subtracted from the class schedule on the
basis of enrollment.
BIO 103
Anatomy and Physiology
A professional course in the structure and function of
the human body. Lecture arid laboratory. (For nursing atid
certain other paramedical students; Physical Education,
Music Therapy and other interested students. A student may
not receive credit for both I01 and 103. Does not apply to
the major or minor.)
BUS 13 1 Business Law
Legal rules relating to contracts, agency, negotiable instruments, property and business organizations under the
Uniform Commercial Code.
Majoc Required for Business Administration core
Distribution: Biology
Majoc Prerequisite for the BSN major
BIO 10 5
BIO 108
Biolqy and Society
What are some of the biologicall -based problems wilh
which our society must deal? W!I at threats are posed by
pollution, the prospect of war, and by shortages of food,
water and non-renewable resources? What are the implications of genetic research, scientific racism, sociobiology,
and inequities in the delivery of health care? (3 hour
lecture. Does not apply to the major or minor.)
Distribution: Biology or Urban Concerns
Major: Required in the Business Administration core,
elective in Public Relations/Advertisingmajor
Maloc Required for Bu
malor. elective in Publi
Basic microbial features are considered as well as
applications of microbiology to the field of medicine and
sanitation. For student nurses, health majors or consent of
the instructor. (Prereq: Chem 109 and concurrent registration in Chem 1 1 0 or consent of instructor. Does not apply
to major or minor).
Distribution: Biology
Majoc Prerequisite for the BSN major
BUS 101 Principles of Financial Accounting
BUS 2 5 0 Computers in Business and Economics
An introduction to COBOL and other non-scientific programming languages, software applications in Business.
Majoc Required in Business Administration core and MIS
major; elective in Supervisory Management major
BUS 2 6 1 Fundamentals of Finance
lntroduction to business activities, basic concepts, and
fundamentals of accounting, the accounting cycle and
preparation of financial statements.
Majoc Required for Business Administration and MIS major
BUS 102 Principles of Managerial Accounting
lntroduction to business activities, basic concepts and
fundamentals of managerial accounting. Planning and
controlling processes, decision-making and behavioral
considerations. (Prereq: 101).
Majoc Required for Business Administration core and
MIS major
BUS 2 6 2
Theory of acq
within the firm
funds, cost of
policy, and re1
Majoc Required for Business Administration core and
MIS major
,. .
Majoc Required in the Accounting and Finance majors
BUS 263 Intermediate AccountJng I1
An analysis of accounting theory pertaining to investments,
tanglble and intangible fixed assets, liabilities and reserved,
actuarial topics. Additional emphasis on income determination considering price level changes.
(Prereq: 262)
Major: Required in the Accounting major
BUS 3 8 1
Majoc Required in Accounting major (upper division)
BUS 382 Tax Accounting
The more common and important provisions of federal
income taxes for individuals and various forms of business
enterprises. (Prereq: 101,102, junior or senior, or consent
of instructor)
BUS 330 Marketing Research and Analysis
Research process as an aid to decision-making in
marketing management; research methodology; marketing
research results; evaluation of the effectiveness of research
in marketing. (Prereq: Bus. Ad. 135 or consent of instructor)
Majoc Required in the Marketing major (upper division)
BUS 430
BUS 340 Personnel Administration
Personnel function in business, acquisition and utilization
of human resources, desirable working relationships;
effective inte ration of the worker wiBi the goals af the firm
and society, ?prereq:Bus. Ad. 145 or consent d instructor)
Major: Required for Business Management major, elective in
Supervisory Management major (upper division)
Major: Required in the Marketing major (upper division)
BUS 440
BUS 373 Financial Management=Theoriesand Cases
Advanced financial theory; a systems approach to financial
structure and policy. Emphasis on decision-making, presentation through literature, readings, lectures and case
material. (Prereq: 261)
Major: Required in Finance major (upper division)
. .. .
BUS 375 Information Systems in the Otgmnixatiun
Design and implemenlatian of organizational structure and
structural change, An informational processing poinl ot view
to examine des~gnof communication, decision rriaking and
task systems.
Majoc Required in the MIS major (upper division)
BUS 379 Quantitative Methods for Economics
and Business
An introduction to quantitative reasoning, descriptive
measures, probability,sampling distributions, inference and
estimation with emphasis on their use in applied problems
in business and economics. (Prereq: high school Algebra)
Majoc Required for Business Administration core and MIS
major (upper division)
. .
Major: Required in the Business Management major and
an elective in the Supervisory Management major (upper
BUS 4 75
plan implementation.
Major: Required in the MIS major (upper division)
BUS 4 7 8 Investments and Financial Institutions
Appraisal of the risk/return relationships of various types of
securities from the viewpoint of both individual and institutional investors. Extensive coverage of capital markets and
portfolio management. (Prereq: 261. ECO 392 is strongly
Major: Required in Finance major (upper division)
BUS 4 7 9 Intermediate Quantitative Methods
Provides the opportunity to become familiar with statistical
research methods throuy h use of the electronic computer.
This course stresses the understanding of statistical
methods and computer programming techniques. The
materials to be resented in the course are: Computer
Progiarnmin &chniques: Statlslical Methods: General
Linear ~ o d e f sAnalysis
of Variance, etc. (Prereq: 379 or
equivalent, Junior or Sonior or consent 01 instructor)
Major: Required for MIS major
An introduction
includina a~wlie
and other areas, programming in a higher level language
such as PASCAL. (Prereq: MAT 124)
Major: Required prerequisite for MIS major
CSC 2 4 0 Elementaw Comnuter Science
assembly and m&h$i
bgic desi n,
number and c
components of compute~systems.Continued development
of structured programming concepts. (Prereq: Math 175 or
both Math 124 and Computer Science 170)
Major: Required in the MIS major
BUS 483 Auditing
Internal and external auditin procedures. Emphasis on
internal checks and canlrol or accounting systems. (Prereq:
263, Junior or Senior or consent of instructor)
BUS 484 Advanced Accounting
Accounting for business combinations, governmental
accounting, partnership accounting and fund accounting.
(Prereq: 263)
Major: Required in the Accounting major (upper division)
CHM 1 10 General, Organic and Biological Chemistry
Continuation of Chemistry 109. Organic and biological
chemistry with special applications to human physioloyical
chemistry. Will include arranged time for laboratory work.
Does not apply toward the major or minor in chemistry.
Distribution: Chemistry
Major: Required prerequisite for Nursing major
CSC 145 Introduction to Computers
An introduction to computers and computer applications.
Programming in a general higher level language. Primaril
for students in non-science areas. Does not count towarJ
the computer science major or minor.
CSC 340 Digital Communicationand Computer Networks
Principles and methods of data communications, distributed
processing systems, network protocols and security, and
general computer interfacing. (Prereq: 240)
CHM 109 General, Organic and Biological Chemistry
Designed for students who need a survey of the fundamentals of general, organic and biological chemistry for careers
in allied health areas such as nursing (including Augsburg's
upper division program). Open also to other students. First
term, general chemist principles and an introduction to
organlc chemistry. ~ i x n c l u d e
arranged time for laboratory
work. This course does not apply toward the major or
minor in chemistry.
Distribution: Chemistry
Major: Required prerequisite for Nursing major
. .
CSC 17 0 Introduction #m
ECO 122 Principles of Economics (Macro)
Distribution: Economics
ECO 123 .
May be taken independently of Economics 122 or 120.
Economics 122 and 123 may be taken in either order.
Distribution: Economics
Major: Required for Business Administration core
ECO 2 5 1 lnterm
of consumer
introduction to
welfare economics. (Prereq: 123)
Major: Required for Business Administration core
ECO 2 5 8 Intermediate Macroeconomics
Determinants of national income, employment and price
level analyzed via macromodels. Attention paid to areas of
monetary-fiscal policy, growth and the business cycle.
(Prereq: 122)
Major: One of a choice of three required courses in the
Business Administration core
ENG 101 Developmental Writing
A preparato course for effective writing for students
who need ayditional preparation. Instruction and practice in
basic writing skills will be given. Students will write short
papers based on their own observation, experience and
thought. The course counts as an elective toward graduation but does not meet the writing requirement.
ENG 1 1 1 Effective Writin
ECO 340 Managerial Decision Making
Provides a sound conceptual understanding of the modern
. techniques of management science to prepare students to
make better business and economic decisions. Emphasis is
the areas of transpornvironmental protecels, information
. Ad. 101 and high
asis on expository
ical organization, and
m for this course is
Distribution: Required for graduation
ENG 2 2 3 Writing for Business and the Professions
A ~racticalcourse desianed with em~hasison ex~ositorv
to use the
Major: Required for Business Management major and MIS
major, elective in Supervisory Management major (upper
Major: Recommended elective for Business Administration
ECO 392
ENG 2 2 5
(Prereq: 122)
Major: One of a choice of three required courses in the
Business Administration core (upper division)
ECO 445 Managerial Economics
Integrates economic theory and corresponding practices in
business. Among the topics considered are theories and
practices in forecasting, estimation of demand and cost
functions, price and non-price competition, production and
cost considerations, and an analysis of economic problems
of relevance to management. (Prereq: Eco 251 or equivalent
or consent of instructor)
Major: Required in the Marketing major (upper division)
Major: Required for Communications core
ENG 2 8 2 Women in Fiction
Reading and discussion of works by women writers of the
nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Distribution: English
ENG 3 5 1 American Literature Since 1920
Distribution: English or Urban Concerns (upper division)
Distribution: Urban Concerns/Minority Studies
Distribution: Foreign Language
GER 111
ScAool) "
Distribution: Foreign Language
HIS 103
HIS 3 13
Distribution: Math
Majoc Strongly recommended for Business Administration
major prior to taking Bus 379
The Modern World
A stud of the main currents in western civilization from the
time or~apoleonto the present.
Distribution: History
Mesomtamia to Monasticism: The Roofs of the
Western Humanist Tradition
Distribution: History
. ..,-
HIS41 1
European trip.
Distribution: Histow or Urban Concerns
MA T 124 Calculus I
Topics of plane and solid analytic geometry integrated with
differential and integral calculus.
Majoc Prerequisite for CSC 170 in MIS major
MUS 130 Introduction to the Fine Ads
NUR 3 1 1
Relationship between music of each period and the other
fine arts. For non-music majors.
Distribution: Music
Majoc Required for BSN major
**This course involves an additional clinical fee
NUR 3 2 5 Nursing Process
Distribution: Foreign Language
NUR 305
Major: Required for BSN major
.. . . -
Majoc Required for BSN major
soclal and
NUR 3 0 6 ,
Major Required for BSN major
NUR 3 5 0
Majoc Required for BSN major
Major: Required for BSN major
are explored.
Majoc Required for BSN major
Major: Required for BSN major
PHY 101 Astronomy
A descriptive course requiring elementary algebra. Our solar
syslenl stars and galaxies. The necessary optical itistruments are explained ancl use is made of a 12-inch reflecting
telescope, and eight-inch Celestron, and a 3.-inchQuestar.
Occasional night viewing. (3 one-hour lectures)
Distribution: Physics
Majoc Required for BSN major
PH Y 103 Physics for the Life Sciences
An introductory course in which the applications, problems
and experiments are selected not only to illustrate fundamental principles, but also to demonstrate the relevance of
physics to the life sciences. The course is designed to serve
students in biology, psychology, physical education (therapy
programs), medical technology and other health science
programs. The course is also a very suitable elective or
distribution requirement for the liberal arts student. (3 onehour lectures, 2-hour laboratory. Prereq: Elementary
Distribution: Physics
NUR423 .
Majoc Required for BSN major
**This course involves an additional clinical fee
PHI 120
POL 122 Metropolitan Complex
Politics in the urban setting, including important issues,
actors, and structures influencing public policy in the
modern urban complex. Discuss~on-lecture,simulation, and
meetings with political experts and activists.
Distribution: Political Science or Urban Concerns
Distribution: Philosophy
Malor Recommended elective in Business Administration
POL 160 World Politics
Introduction to the processes of international politics,
including the dynamics of the international system, theories
of international relations, and a focus on recent problems.
Distribution: Political Science
POL 17 0 Law in the United States
sound arguments.
Distribution: Philosophy
Maioc Required supporting course for Communication
PHI 380
A survey of American law and legal process. Theories of
law; law and society; roles of courts, police, lawyers, and
juries; the United States Constitution as "supreme" law, law
as politics; historic and contemporary legal issues.
Distribution: Political Science
Ethics of Medicine and Health Care
Application of ethical prin
the areas of health care a
tion, human engineering,
Distribution: Philosophy
Majoc Recommended for BSN major
POL 3 2 6 Political Parties and Behavior
The political behavior of the electorate emphasizing public
opinion and political parties in the electoral process. Field
work with political parties and interest groups and media in
presidential elections. (Prereq: 1 course in Political Science
or consent of instructor)
Distribution: Political Science (upper division)
POL 342 Mass Communicationsin Society
REL 22 1 Biblical Studies
The origin, literary character, and transmission of the Biblical
documents. The task of biblical interpretation. The history of
Israel and the emergence of the church.
Distribution: Religion
Effects of mass communications on individual behavior;
the uses and control of mass media for political and social
purposes including a study of censorship, newsmaking,
entertainment and public affairs programming.
Distribution: Urban Concerns (upper division)
Majoc Required for the Communication major
REL 3 4 1 Christian Views of Health and Healing
Exploration of health and healing in Christian teaching
and practice, including the role of scientific technology and
prayer and sacraments in healing.
Distribution: Religion
PS Y 105 General Psychology
An introduction to the methods and approaches used in
psychology for the purpose of understanding behavior. The
structure of the field of psychology, including its major subareas, is emphasized.
db, _
PS Y 3 7 3 Organizational Psychology
Theoretical conceptualizations of organizational behavior.
Factors and practices such as management styles, evaluation and maintenance of work effectiveness, and social
influences. An organizational field experience. (Prereq: 105)
Major: Required course for Business Management major
and elective for all Communications majors (upper division)
REL 3 6 3 Religion in America
ses d religion to the challenges of its
~istribution:Religion (upper division)
soc 121
Distribution: Sociology
Majoc Required supporting course for Communication
major and Social Work major
PS Y 485 Counseling Psychology
Principles, methods, and attitudes involved in the counseling
process. Consideration given to goals and ethical guidelines
for a counseling relationship.
Major: Elective in Communication major
# . m @ W m a j o r llv~ngrel~g~ons
m h b h ~ s mConfuc~anism,
some d~scuss~on
Distribution: Religion (upper division)
PS Y 355 Brain and Behavior
A survey of the functions of the nervous system which
are responsible for behavior in animals and human beings.
Major topics include: sleep and wakefulness, motivation and
emotion, learning and memory and mental disorders.
(Prereq: 105 and one course in biology)
Majoc Required prerequisite course BSN major
REL 3 5 6 Historv of Reliaions
Distribution: Psychology
Majoc Required supporting course for the Communication
majors and Social Work major, a prerequisite for advanced
courses in psychology
SOC 23 1
social institution. The
marital adjustment and
mily to its institutional and
REL 1 1 1 Introduction to Theology
An introduction to the academic discipline of theology and
to the dialogue between the church and the world which
concerns Christian doctrine.
Distribution: Religion
Majoc Required supporting course in Social Work major
and an elective in the Human Relations major
SPC 1 1 3 Public Speaking
3 1 3 Basic problems of effective speaking and listening. May be
SOC 2 4 1
Majoc An alternative in the core of the Communication
major, recommended elective in Business Management
SOC 375, Social Psvcholoav
taken for lower and upper division credit upon consultation
with instructor.
Majoc Required supporting course for Communication
major, elective supporting course in Business Management
SPC 3 5 2 Persuasion
Theory of persuasion and propaganda, practical work in
speech and promotional projects.
Majoc Required for Communications major, elective
supporting course in Marketing major (upper division)
SPC 3 5 3 Advertising
An introcluclion lo print and broadcast advertising and
promotion as imporlant elements in modern marketing
and communication.
upporting course for Communication
I Work major, elective supporting course
agement major (upper division)
SOC 383 Racial and Minority Group Relations
The dimensions of racial and minority group relations. Major
attention is focused upon prejudice, racism, and the role of
Distribution: Minority Studies
Majoc Required supporting course for Social Work major
and elective supporting course in the Business
Management major (upper division)
Distribution: Foreign Language
SPA 1 12 Beginning Spanish
Continuation of SPA 111.
Majoc Required supporting course in Marketing major,
elective in Public Relations/Advertisingand Supervisory
Management majors (upper division)
SPC 3 5 4 Interpersonal Communication
A study of the dynamics of human interaction through verbal
and non-verbal messages; emphasis on factors that build
relationships and help to overcome communications
Majoc Required for Communication core, elective
supporting course in Business Management major (upper
SPC 3 5 5 Small Group Communication
A study of group dynamics and leadership with emphasis
on factors involved in affective functioning within small
groups and organizations.
Majoc Recommended supporting course in the Business
Management, Human Relations and Supervisory
Management majors (upper division)
SPC 361
dramatic criticism.
Distribution: English/Speech
of plays from
ter productions.
matic production, and
S WK 364 Field Work I
SPC 480 Public Relations/PromotionaI Communications
Public Relations in the modern world of communication,
marketing and business. An overview of public relations as
a career and a survey of basic promotional communication
in profit and non-profit organizations.
Major: Elective in all Communication majors (upper division)
Majoc Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
S WK 4 5 9 Advanced Methods and Skills in Social Work
Majoc Required in Social Work major (upper division)
S WK 4 6 2 Field Work I1
Majoc Required in the Social Work major
Progressively responsible supervised professional social
work experience including work with individuals, families,
groups and/or communitites in a soci
hours per week, plus one supportive/d
per week. (Prereq: completion and 2.0
candidacy status; concurrent with 461 and 467)
Majoc Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
Major: Required in the Social Work major. (Prereq: 361)
(upper division)
S WK 3 6 1 Social Responses to Human Needs
This course describes the historical and contemporary
systems of human service. The major assumptions and
social movements which have contributed to the charitable
needs will be emisits highlight the
. .. . . .
of instructor) (upper
Majoc Required in the Social work major (upper division)
S WK 464 Field Work IV
Continuation of 466 during the spring term. (Prereq:
candidacy status, 2.0 in 466, concurrent with 467)
Majoc Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
S WK 466 Field Work 111
Continuation of 462 conducted durin interim. (Prereq:
candidacy status. 2.0 in 461. 462.4633
Major: Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
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Augsburg Weekend College Catalog, 1998-2000
Course Catalogs
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Official Publication of Augsburg College 221 1 Riverside Avenue
Minneapolis, M N 55454 (612) 330-1782
This catalog is a supplement to the Augsburg College Catalog and is published for the
convenience of Augsburg Weekend College students. Weekend College is a program of Augsburg
College and ...
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Official Publication of Augsburg College 221 1 Riverside Avenue
Minneapolis, M N 55454 (612) 330-1782
This catalog is a supplement to the Augsburg College Catalog and is published for the
convenience of Augsburg Weekend College students. Weekend College is a program of Augsburg
College and is subject to the policies and provisions as stated in the Augsburg College Catalog.
This catalog should answer most questions students have about Augsburg Weekend College and
its curriculum. Although information was current at the time of publication, it is subject to change
without notice. It is the responsibility of each student to know the requirements and academic
policies in this publication. If you have questions about anything in this catalog, consult the
Academic Advising Center, a faculty adviser, the dean of the College or the registrar. Key offices
are listed on page three of this publication for correspondence or telephone inquiries.
Published February 1998
................... ...................
.......................................... 3
Educational Program ..............
.................................................. 5
A Greeting from the President
Admissions Information.................................................................
Tuition and Financial Aid
........................................................... 12
Student Resources....................................................................... 17
Academic Information ................................................................. 27
Academic Majors ................................... ......................................
,. ....................................-56
Course Descriptions..............................
Maps ................................................................................. 9 8 99
Index........................................................................................ 100
Weekend College Office ........................................................................................................ 330-1782
Program Coordinator, Julie Olson ....................................................................................... .330- 1740
Administrative Assistant, Becki Frestedt ......................
Weekend College Admissions:
Director. Bill Kuehl ...............................................................................................................330-1414
Admissions Counselor, Carrie Carroll.................................................................................. .330- 1792
Admissions Assistant, Liz Williams ........................................................................................
Other Campus Phone Numbers:
General Information ..............................................................................................................330- 1000
Academic Advising Center .................................................................................................. .330- 1025
Bookstore, Christensen Center ......................................................................................... .... 330-1122
Business Office, Science Hall:
Cashier 8:30 a.m.-4.00 p.m. ......................................
Student Accounts, Jocelyn Palmer: 8:00 a.m.-4.30 p.m. ....................................................
Education Department, Sverdrup Hall ................................................................................. 3301 130
.330- 1046
Financial Aid Office, Science Hall ........................................................................................
.330- 1162
Career Services, Memorial Hall .............................................................................................
3 3 0 1160
Counseling, Memorial Hall ...................................................................................................
Lindell Library .....................................................................................................................330- 1017
Nursing Department .............................
Registrar. Science Hall ............................................................................................................
Summer School ................................................................................................................... 330-1787
Weekend College Office Hours:
Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m. .4:30 p.m.
Class Weekends:
Friday: 8:00 a.m. .6:00 p.m.
Saturday: 8:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Weekend College Office Location:
The Weekend College Office is located in Sverdrup Hall on the corner of 21st Avenue and 7th
Street on the Augsburg College campus (see #26 on map on page 99).
I hope you are looking at this catalog because you've enrolled at
Augsburg College. if so--Welcome to the College! All of us hope
you find, in the course of your study, a rising enthusiasm for the
work, a deepening appreciation of the profession and role to which
you feel called, and a confident sureness that you have rightly
chosen Augsburg for the purpose.
Ifyou are dipping into this little volume to figure out who and what
Augsburg College is and what education it offers-Welcome to
these pages! May they convey the fundamental proposition of our
education: that we provide an education especially serviceable in
the contemporary world because it has been designed in the midst
of and in full contact with the critical social, economic, religious,
and political phenomena of the modern city. This education,
however practical and professional, will be serviceable over the
long haul only to the degree that it respects and pursues certain of
what Martin Luther called "thefine liberal arts, " and it will be
exciting only to the degree it is offered for the sake of improving
both its students and the world itseg
The study you are undertaking at Augsburg-or thinking of undertaking-will occur on and at the core of the campus, with library,
food services, and other facilities open and operating; will be led by
permanent as well as adjunct members of the Augsburg faculty; will
be organized by the identical tried and tested curriculum used in the
day school; and will be conducted by a college that has declared the
Weekend College an integral aspect of its core educational business.
As you join the enterprise, or consider doing so, please know that
those of us who await you herefind the College an exciting setting,
full of diversity and yet dedicated to the cultivation of a learning
community, in which you can set off in new directions and in which
destinations are reachable.
Bon Voyage!
Sincerely yours,
William V. Frame
E d u c a t i o n a l
In fall of 1982 Augsburg
began Weekend College under
the directorship of
Dr. Richard Thoni. At that
time Weekend College had
three majors, 69 students, and
offered eight courses in the
first term.
Today with more than 1,000
students and 14 majors,
Augsburg's Weekend College
is the largest program of its
kind in the state. Faculty in
Weekend College are full-time
Augsburg professors as well
as adjunct professionals from
the work world. The Weekend
College student body is
involved in student government, and Weekend College
students participate in academic and extracurricular
activities such as the student
newspaper, travel seminars,
and the Weekend College
Augsburg Weekend College
continues to develop to meet
the changing needs of the adult
and nontraditional student of
Augsburg Weekend College
provides an educational alternative to adults who desire
college experience but who
work or have other commitments during the week. It is a
means by which men and
women may earn a baccalaureate degree, gain skills for
professional advancement,
prepare for career change, or
pursue a personal interest in
one or more areas of the
liberal arts.
Students who graduate from
Augsburg are well prepared to
make a difference in the
world. They stand as testaments to the College motto,
"Education for Service," and
to the mission of the College:
To nurture future leaders in
service to the world by
providing high quality educational opportunities, which are
based in the liberal arts and
shaped by the faith and values
of the Christian Church,
by the context of a vital
metropolitan setting, and by
an intentionally diverse
campus community.
Augsburg Weekend College is
designed to meet the needs
and preferences of adult
learners. The program is based
on the assumption that the
men and women who enroll in
Weekend College will be
mature, self-disciplined, and
well-motivated adult learners
who seek a balance of classroom experience and
individualized study. Each
course is therefore divided
into periods of concentrated
on-campus study separated by
time for independent study
and class preparation.
To accommodate this format
for learning, classes generally
meet on alternate weekends
for three and one-half hours
on either Friday evening,
Saturday morning, Saturday
afternoon, or Sunday afternoon. Each course selected by
the student involves commitment to one of these four class
periods. Laboratory sections or
additional class hours may be
scheduled during the week.
Weekend College students
may take from one to four
courses each term. Selected
courses are also available on
weekday evenings.
Essential to the goals of
Augsburg's Weekend College is
participation in a community of
adult learners. Learning can be
enhanced when the student is
active in a stable community
that provides opportunity and
encouragement for involvement
both in and out of the classroom. This community will be
enriched by the presence of
both men and women with a
variety of work and life experiences. To facilitate this kind of
community interaction,
Augsburg encourages Weekend
College students to make use of
College facilities such as the
Lindell Library and the
Christensen Center, to take the
opportunity of having shared
meals and coffee breaks, to
participate in optional lunchtime seminars, and to attend
other College activities such as
music and dramatic presentations and athletic events.
The heart of any educational
institution is its faculty, and
Augsburg College is particularly proud of the excellence
and commitment of its professors. Most faculty hold the
doctorate or other terminal
degree and all consider their
teaching to be the focus of their
activity. Faculty are involved in
social, professional, and a
variety of research activities,
but see these activities as
supporting their teaching. They
are actively involved in an
exciting faculty development
program that introduces them
to current thought in many
fields, but especially in teaching
techniques and theories.
Augsburg's size and small
classes encourage its tradition
of close involvement between
professors and students.
Faculty act as academic
advisers and participate regularly in campus activities.
Augsburg College and
Seminary was founded in 1869
in Marshall, Wisconsin, and
moved to Minneapolis in 1872.
In 1963 the name officially
became Augsburg College
when the Seminary left
campus as part of the Lutheran
Free Church merger with the
American Lutheran Church.
Augsburg's 23-acre campus is
in the heart of the Twin Cities
metropolitan area, only blocks
from downtown Minneapolis
and the intersection of Interstate
Highways 94 and 35W. Adjacent
to the campus are the FairviewUniversity Medical Center, the
West Bank campus of the
University of Minnesota, and
the Mississippi River parkways.
Augsburg's campus consists
of 16 major buildings, which
include student housing
towers, Christensen Center,
main academic and administrative halls, Lindell Library,
Music Hall, and the Foss
Center for Worship, Drama,
and Communication.
We have made a major effort
to become one of the most
accessible campuses in the
region. Our skyway-tunnel
system lets you reach any of 10
major buildings without going
outside. In addition to building
changes, we have a dedicated
program to provide support for
students with disabilities.
Church Affiliation
Augsburg is a college of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America. Although a strong
plurality of students are Lutheran,
20 percent represent other
Protestant denominations and
21 percent represent the Roman
Catholic Church. Several other
affiliations are represented
among students and faculty.
It is the policy of Augsburg
College not to discriminate on
the basis of race, color, creed,
religion, sexual or affectional
preference, national or ethnic
origin, age, marital status,
gender, or status with regard
to public assistance or
disability, as required by Title
IX of the 1972 Educational
Amendments or Section 504
of the Rehabilitation Act of
1973, as amended, in its
admissions policies, education
programs, activities and
employment practices.
Inquiries regarding compliance may be directed to the
coordinators listed in the
Augsburg College Catalog, or
to the director of the
Minnesota Department of
Human Rights, Bremer Tower,
Seventh Place at Minnesota
Street, St. Paul, MN 55101.
The College and its faculty
subscribe to the Statement of
Principles on Academic Freedom
as promulgated by the American
Association of University
Professors and the Association
of American Colleges.
Augsburg College is accredited by the North Central
Association of Colleges and
Schools* and the National
Council for the Accreditation
of Teacher Education
(Secondary and Elementary).
Our programs are approved by
the American Chemical
Society, the Council on Social
Work Education (BSW and
MSW), National Association
for Music Therapy, Inc., and
the National League for
Nursing. Augsburg College is
an institutional member of the
National Association of
Schools of Music (NASM),
the Council of Independent
Colleges (CIC), the American
Association of Colleges and
Universities (AACU), and the
American Association of
Higher Education (AAHE).
We are members of the
Associated Colleges of the
Twin Cities (ACTC), Lutheran
Education Council in North
America, and Minnesota
Private College Council.
Augsburg College is registered
with the Minnesota Higher
Education Services Office.
Registration is not an endorsement of the institution.
Registration does not mean that
credits earned at the institution
can be transferred to other
institutions or that the quality
of the educational programs
will meet the standards of
every student, educational institution, or employer.
*North Central Association
of Colleges and Schools
Commission on Institutions of
Higher Education, 30 N.
LaSalle Street, Suite 2400,
Chicago, IL 60602-2504,
(800) 621-7440
A d m i s s i o n s
n f o r m a t i o n
A d m i s s i o n s
I n f o r m a t i o n
Application for Admission
Complete the application form
and return it along with the
$20 nonrefundable application
fee to the Augsburg Weekend
College Admissions Office.
Have official transcripts from
all previously attended postsecondary institutions sent
directly to the Augsburg
Weekend College Office.
Applicants with less than one
year of previous transferable
college work should also have
their official high school transcript sent. The G.E.D. test
certificate may be presented
instead of the high school
Additional Information
If there is personal information
that may have affected the
applicant's previous academic
performance, it may be
included with the application or
discussed personally with the
admissions director. Academic
recommendations may be
required by the Admissions
Committee before an admissions decision is made.
On occasion, the Admissions
Committee may also defer on
a candidate's admission until
other information has been
received. For example, test
scores, results of current
coursework, additional letters
of recommendation, or writing
samples may be requested by
the committee. If any additional credentials are needed,
the Admissions Office will
inform the candidate.
Notification of Admissions
Augsburg College uses a
"rolling" admissions plan.
Students are notified of the
admissions decision, usually
within two weeks after the
application file is complete
and has been evaluated by the
Admissions Committee.
Admission to a major, as well
as admission to the College, is
sometimes necessary. Please
check with the admissions
coordinator and major sections
in this catalog to see if admission to the major is necessary.
Augsburg College welcomes
students who wish to transfer
after completing work at other
accredited colleges or univer-
sities. College credit is granted
for liberal arts courses satisfactorily completed at
accredited institutions. The
College reserves the right not
to grant credit for courses
where it considers the work
unsatisfactory, to grant provisional credit for work taken at
unaccredited institutions, and
to require that certain courses
be taken at Augsburg.
Augsburg College limits
transfer of credit from twoyear colleges once a student
has reached junior status. If all
transfer work has been taken
at a two-year college, a
maximum of 17 Augsburg
courses, or 96 quarter credits,
will be accepted toward the
minimum of 33 Augsburg
course credits required for the
baccalaureate degree.
Transfer Credit Evaluation
An evaluation of transfer
credit is completed by the
registrar upon admission for
each degree-seeking student
who is transferring previous
college work. This evaluation
indicates which of the
student's courses have been
accepted for transfer credit at
Augsburg College and how
many course credits the
student has earned in transfer.
The registrar also determines
which transfer courses may be
used to fulfill general education requirements and may
request that the student
provide course descriptions,
syllabi or other information to
assist in this determination.
For an evaluation of transfer
courses toward major, minor,
or licensure requirements, the
student should consult the
appropriate department chair.
The Academic Advising
Center advises all incoming
students, provides information
about general education
requirements, administers and
tracks entry level skill assessments, and advises students
placed on academic probation.
The Advising Center also
assists students with degree
planning and assigns each
student to a faculty adviser
during their first term at
Augsburg. The Advising
Center coordinates with the
Weekend College Office to
provide advising for New
Student Orientation.
If you have earned a baccalaureate degree and would like to
complete a second major or a
second degree at Augsburg,
you must submit the application form and application fee
and have official transcripts
sent to Augsburg Weekend
College from your degreegranting institution along with
transcripts from any subsequent colleges/institutions you
have attended.
Augsburg graduates and
students who have not
attended Weekend College for
more than one academic year
(three trimesters) must apply
for readmission through the
Registrar's Office. Students
who have attended any other
institution(s) during their
absence from Augsburg must
have an official transcript sent
from each institution to the
Registrar's Office.
Augsburg welcomes students
from countries around the
world. International students
should contact the Admissions
Office for information on the
application procedure.
Applications must be received
two months prior to the start
of the trimester.
For more information on the
admissions process, please call
(612) 330-1743 or write to:
Augsburg Weekend College
Campus Box #65
22 11 Riverside Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55454
For the exact tuition and fees
amounts, please refer to the
Catalog Supplement covering
the current academic year of
Fees are set on an annual basis
and are payable in the
trimester in which they are
incurred. Fees are charged
according to the following:
Application Fee
Payable once, nonrefundable
Activity Fee
Per trimester
Lute fee
Charged per day, up to five
working days for late completion of registration
Lifetime Sports Fee
Payable upon course registration
or completion of Assessment
of Previous Learning
Nursing Clinical Fee
Payable upon course registration
Registration Change
After first class meeting for a
cancel/add/change grade option,
or a combination at one time
Student Teaching Fee
Per student teaching course,
payable upon registration
Transcript Fee
Per copy after first, which is free
Payment Schedule
Confirmation in classes is
permitted only if the
student's account for a
previous term is paid in full
as agreed. Augsburg
College will not release
diplomas or academic transcripts until a student's
account is paid in full. This
also applies to student loans
administered by the College
(e.g., Perkins Student Loan).
They must be current
according to established
repayment schedules.
Augsburg offers the
following payment options:
1) Trimester payments in full.
2 ) Three Payment Plan
A three-payment plan is
available each trimester.
Payment plans will be
approved only if previous
plans have been satisfactorily
3) Company Reimbursement
Students whose employers
have tuition reimbursement
plans are allowed the
following payment terms:
$100 per course deposit
payable in order to
confirm classes.
Balance in full due
50 days after the end
of the term.
T u i t i o n a n d
F i n a n c i a l
Employer reimbursement
verification form on file
in Business Office for
current academic year.
Responsibility for
payment of balance
should employer not reimburse for whatever reason.
Finance charge of 1% per
month on unpaid balance.
A non-sufficient fund check
used for payment at registration
will declare that registration
invalid and could affect further
credit extended by the College.
Students are responsible for
cancelling courses with the
Registrar's Office in order to
be eligible for the tuition
refund. Students who unofficially withdraw (stop
attending) and do not
complete the dropladd form
are responsible for all charges.
Financial aid may be adjusted
based on the student's last
recorded date of attendance.
Augsburg College will determine the appropriate refund
calculation based on the
student's circumstances and
federal guidelines. The refund
calculation options are the
Augsburg Refund Policy, the
Pro-Rata Refund Policy, and
the Federal Refund Policy.
A i d
Augsburg Refund Policy
Applies to new and returning
Augsburg students who drop a
portion of their scheduled
course load. Also applies to
students who completely withdraw from college and do not
receive financial aid.
Through the first class
weekend100% of tuition
(less a $75 administrative fee
if withdrawing from current
term entirely)
Prior to the second scheduled
class meeting80% of tuition
Prior to the third scheduled
class meeting60% of tuition
No refund after the third
scheduled class meeting.
The Augsburg Refund
Schedule is effective whether
or not a student has attended
classes. All refunds of charges
will be applied to the account
of the student and all adjustments for aid, loans, fines,
deposits, etc, will be made
before eligibility for a cash
refund of any resulting credit
balance is determined. Please
allow two weeks for a refund.
Note: The refund is a percentage
of the full tuition charged, not a
percentage of any deposit made
toward tuition (e.g., deposits;
made under the company reimbursement payment plan).
Pro-Rata Refund Policy
Applies to new Augsburg
students who withdraw from
all courses during their first
term at Augsburg and receive
Federal Title IV financial aid.
(Federal Title IV financial aid
includes the Pell Grant, SEO
Grant, Perkins Loan, Stafford
Loan, and PLUS Loan.)
Tuition, fees, and room costs
will be calculated based on the
pro-rated portion of the term
completed. The student may
be eligible for a pro-rata
refund up to the 60 percent
point in time of the term. The
student account will be credited for that portion of tuition
and room for which he or she
was not enrolled. This calculation will use federal
government guidelines.
Federal Refund Policy
Applies to returning Augsburg
students who withdraw from
all courses for the current term
and receive Federal Title IV
financial aid. (Federal Title IV
financial aid includes the Pell
Grant, SEO Grant, Perkins
Loan, Stafford Loan, and
PLUS Loan.)
Augsburg College is required
by federal regulations to
complete two refund calculations for students who have
completed at least one full
term at Augsburg and receive
Title IV funds. Refunds will
be based on the calculation
that provides for the greatest
refund of tuition, fees, and
room charges to the student's
account and the greatest
refund of financial aid dollars
to the fund from which they
were awarded. The refund
calculations used are the
Augsburg College Refund
Policy as stated above and the
Federal Refund Policy as stipulated by federal guidelines
stated below.
Refund Amount
Refund Period
100% Through the first day
of classes (less $100
administrative fee)
After the first day of
classes through the
10% point in time of
the term
After the 10% point in
time through the 25%
point in time of the term
After the 25% point in
time through the 50%
point in time of the term
Students may appeal refund
decisions through the Petition
Medical Refund Policy
If a student is forced to withdraw because of accident or
illness, whether a physical or
mental health problem, the
refund may include the normal
percentage plus one-half of the
percentage adjustment.
Requests for this additional
refund must be made to the
Petition Committee and must
be accompanied by a written
report from the attending
health professional stating the
inability for, or inadvisability
of, continued study.
Students charged on a singlecourse fee basis who have
completed payment of
assessed tuition may choose
between this partial tuition
refund and a tuition-free
course retake credit. A retake
credit may be used only to
repeat the same course from
which the student withdrew.
This choice between refund
and tuition-free retake credit
must be made at the time of
the request to the Petition
Committee, and the choice of
monetary refund or retake
credit may not be changed
Students should be aware that
their choice of refund or
retake credit may adversely
affect their financial aid eligibility and that they bear full
responsibility for the effects of
their choices. Retake credits
must be used within one academic year or the next time the
course is offered if that is
longer than one year.
Many companies, agencies,
and corporations offer full or
partial tuition assistance to
employees who participate in
work-related or degreeoriented college programs.
Augsburg provides a payment
plan by which employees may
handle tuition reimbursement.
Students should contact the
Business Office to make
payment arrangements using
the company reimbursement
payment plan
Federal Pell Grant
This is a federal aid program,
based on need. Awards ranged
from $400 to $2,700 in
Minnesota State
Scholarship and
Grant Program
The Minnesota State
Scholarship and Grant Program
is available to Minnesota residents, based on financial need.
Awards ranged from $300 to
$6,180 in 1997-98.
T u i t i o n
a n d
F i n a n c i a l
Bureau of lndian Affairs,
Tribal and State Indian
American Indian students who
meet federal and state requirements may apply for these
scholarships. Indian grants
generally supplement other
sources of financial aid. For
assistance in application please
contact Augsburg's American
Indian Student Support
Program director at (612) 3301138 or your tribal agency.
Augsburg Tuition Grant
Augsburg College may provide
grants and scholarships to
Weekend College students
who show academic potential
and have financial need.
Federal Stafford Student
Subsidized and Unsubsidized
Stafford Loan funds are
obtained directly from a local
lender or state agency in states
that provide such programs.
Subsidized Stafford loans are
need-based loans that the
federal government subsidizes
by paying accrued interest
while in school and during the
grace period. Therefore, the
borrower is not responsible for
interest accrued while in
school or during the six-month
grace period.
Interest begins accruing on the
date of disbursement for the
Unsubsidized Stafford Loan,
A i d
and the borrower is responsible
for all interest. The borrower
may choose to make payments
while in school or may defer
payments and allow interest to
be capitalized (added to the
balance of the loan).
The interest rate for borrowers
through the Subsidized and
Unsubsidized Stafford Loan is
variable with a cap of 8.25
percent and changes annually
based on the 91-Day Treasury
Bill. The following borrowing
limits apply to the Stafford
Loan program:
Freshmen: $2,625 annually
($6,625 combined Subsidized
& Unsubsidized Stafford)
Sophomores: $3,500 annually
($7,500 combined Subsidized
& Unsubsidized Stafford)
Juniors/Seniors: $5,500 annually
($10,500 combined Subsidized
& Unsubsidized Stafford)
Aggregate maximum: $46,000
Note: Unsubsidized Stafford
loans are available only to
independent students and
dependent students who do not
meet the criteria for the
Subsidized Stafford loan.
Student Educational Loan
Fund (SELF)
This is a Minnesota state loan
program. SELF Limitsfreshmen and sophomore
students may borrow up to
$4,500 per year, juniors and
seniors up to $6,000 per year
with an undergraduate
maximum of $25,000 ($500
annual minimum). There is a
$40,000 combined maximum
for undergraduate and graduate
study. Interest rates are variable, paid by the borrower
quarterly while in school.
Principal and interest payments
begin 12 months after leaving
school. Students must apply
for financial aid and be
enrolled at least
Financial Aid application
materials are available from
the Weekend College
Admissions Office. Applicants
must be admitted to Augsburg
as regular students or be
returning students in good
academic standing.
The Financial Aid application
will be processed when the
following documents are
1) The Free Application for
Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
or the Renewal FAFSA
2) Augsburg Financial Aid
3) Federal income tax retum(s)
and W-2(s)
d e n t
r c e s
S t u d e n t
R e s o u r c e s .
The Academic Advising
Center advises all incoming
Weekend College students,
provides information on
matters of general education,
and administers and tracks all
entry level skills requirements.
The center also advises
students who have been placed
on academic probation or are
re-entering Augsburg after an
academic suspension. The
center coordinates advising for
the orientation program and
provides inservice training and
development for faculty
The Academic Enrichment
Program is designed to offer
students study skills assistance
so they may achieve their best
from studying. The program
includes four components: the
Learning Center, the Tutor
Center, the Learning
Laboratory, and the Center for
Learning and Adaptive
Student Services (CLASS).
The Learning Center
Located in Foss Center, Room
17, the Learning Center assists
students in improving their
skills in such areas as time
management, note taking, text-
book reading and comprehension, test-taking, and
concentration, and memory
improvement. Diagnostic
testing is also available to
assess skills in reading, vocabulary, spelling, study
strategies, and learning styles.
The staff will assist students in
developing effective and efficient study skills.
The Karen M. Housh
Tutor Center
Located in Foss Center, Room
18, the Tutor Center arranges
for students to meet with
tutors for content tutoring in
most freshman- and sophomore-level courses.
The john Evans
Learning Laboratory
Located in Foss Center, Room
18, the Learning Laboratory
offers students the opportunity
to improve skills in reading,
writing, and mathematics
through the use of computer
CLASS-The Center for
Learning and Adaptive
Student Services
Learning disabled students
have average or above average
intelligence but have difficulty
achieving their full potential.
Services available to such
students include educational
planning, learning aids, and
remedial instruction. If
students are concerned that
difficulties in school are more
than just temporary problems,
they can discuss their learning
style with the coordinator of
disabled students or the learning
disabilities specialists and
arrange assessment and structure assistance to increase their
potential for academic success.
Physically challenged students
also are served through this
office. Individualized attention
and services are provided for
and/or coordinated to meet the
mobility needs of students. For
more information, please
contact the CLASS office at
(612) 330-1053 to request a
copy of the CLASS brochure
and/or schedule an informational appointment with a
The Center for Service, Work,
and Learning is a comprehensive center incorporating an
educational focus emphasizing
the importance and value for
all students to engage in
service and work-based
learning experiences and
design of a four-year career
plan integrating their education
with a vocation and life plan.
The programs of the Center link
employers, community organizations, and the academic
program in a way that enriches
and expands a student's educational experience and personal
development. An underlying
assumption is that a liberal arts
education is an effective preparation for careers and
citizenship. The integration of
'knowing and doing" adds
breadth and depth to the liberal
arts curriculum and assists
students in making more
informed academic, career, and
personal decisions.
The College's metropolitan
location makes possible a wide
range of opportunities. Students
have gained valuable learning
experiences in small and midrange companies, large
corporations, nonprofit organizations, schools, government
agencies, and community-based
Cooperative Education
Cooperative education is a
college supported and monitored, paid, work-learning
experience that is closely
related to a student's major or
career objective. The goal is to
combine theory with practice in
work or service-based settings.
Students also earn money to
help defray educational costs
while gaining important on-thejob experience. Cooperative
education jobs are flexible and
can begin and end anytime.
Cooperative education is not
credited in and of itself, but a
non-credit cooperative education transcript entry is
available during the academic
terms the student is employed.
Cooperative education students
are encouraged to complete at
least one internship for credit in
conjunction with their cooperative education participation.
Cooperative education is available to Augsburg students who
have completed their freshman
year and are in good academic
Academic Internships
An internship for academic
credit is a carefully planned,
work-based learning experience
where a student focuses on
specific academic and individual learning objectives. A
learning agreement plan-negotiated with a faculty supervisor
and work supervisor, outlining
the internship objectives, strategies, and evaluation
methods-is required. An academic internship is approved,
supervised, and evaluated by a
faculty member in the department in which the student
wishes to earn the internship
credit. Upper division internships are numbered 399 and
lower division internships are
numbered 199.
Information on registering for
internships may be obtained
from the Center for Service,
Work, and Learning.
Internships are available in all
majors and can be taken during
a Weekend College trimester
or summer session. For extension of an internship beyond
one term see the section of the
catalog under grading.
Augsburg's Community
combines response to human
needs in the community with a
conscious awareness and
understanding of issues, reflection, and educational growth.
Augsburg students learn from
and about the community and
society in which they live by
participating in orientation
sessions, direct servicelearning activities, and
seminars or class discussions.
Through direct service, such as
volunteering at a homeless
shelter, tutoring, building
housing for low income people,
or working with environmental
groups, students engage in a
dynamic and interactive
educational approach that
employs reciprocal learning
between the student(s) and the
community. Service-learning
includes course-imbedded
community service, tutoring,
internships, cooperative education, and a wide range of
volunteer options.
Career Services
The Career Services Office is
committed to assisting all
students with their career planning. To aid students in this
process, Career Services offers
students the opportunity to
participate actively in career
seminars, career assessments,
one-on-one counseling, selfpaced computer career planning
modules, and use of the Alumni
Resource Network for informational interviews.
The mission of Augsburg
College Continuing Education
is to provide working adults
with lifelong learning opportunities that will enable them to
continue to grow personally,
professionally, and spiritually
in their homes, workplaces, and
communities. Adult students
who wish to earn traditional
course credit that may be
applied toward an undergraduate academic degree should
contact the Weekend College.
The day program offers a wide
variety of majors and courses.
Weekend College students
interested in taking courses in
the day program must follow
the cross-over guidelines.
Some weekday evening courses
are open to both Day School and
Weekend College students. See
the class schedule for details on
the current term.
The Center for Global
Education, founded at
Augsburg in 1982, facilitates
cross-cultural learning experiences that prepare people to
think more critically about
global issues and to work
toward a more just and sustainable world. The center's
programs explore a diversity of
viewpoints and are grounded
in the perspectives of the poor
and of others struggling for
justice and human dignity.
Students may participate in
courses offered at the center's
program sites in Mexico,
Namibia, Norway, Central
America, South Africa, and
Southeast Asia.
Augsburg College offers two
graduate degree programs: the
Master of Arts in Leadership
and the Master of Social
Work. These programs require
separate admission.
The James G. Lindell Family
Library opened at the start of
the 1997-98 academic year.
The new, four-level, 73,000square-foot facility houses all
library and information technology functions of the
College. In addition to the
165,000 volume main collection, the Lindell Library
includes the Gage Family Art
Gallery, special collections
and archives, a curriculum
library and instructional technology lab, library instruction
classroom, and facilities for
media viewing and listening.
A bridge will link the new
building to Sverdrup Hall (the
former library), which will be
renovated to house additional
computer labs and multimedia
classrooms as well as a lounge
and a vending area.
Library Resources
A service oriented staff
provides students and faculty
alike with assistance to meet
diverse information needs,
including instruction in the use
of the library, reference
service, and guidance in
pursuing research.
Arrangements are made for
access by students with physical limitations and special
needs. Students can search a
wide variety of local, regional,
national, and international
databases. Electronic access to
the world of scholarship is
also available through the
Internet, and a computerized
on-line catalog and daily
courier service provide access
to the library holdings of the
seven private liberal arts
colleges in the Twin Cities.
Appropriately equipped laptop
computers can be connected to
any of several hundred data
ports throughout the building
to access these resources.
Information Technology
Augsburg College has been a
member of the National
Science Foundation's Internet
since 1990 and has built a
reputation as a leader in its
commitment to provide
students with the best access
to information technology and
training. In Newsweek magazine's Cyberscope section on
Aug. 1, 1994, for example,
Augsburg was cited as one of
two first-rate sources for information about the Internet.
Visit Augsburg's Web site
( for
more on IT at Augsburg.
Students have access to over
180 on-campus personal
computer systems. There are
desktop machines in three
computer labs and four
computer classrooms, as well
as a suite of laptops that can
be checked out at the IT
Service Center. Other
machines are available for
student use within academic
departments. A campus-wide
network offers a full range of
network services including
printing, electronic mail, newsgroups, the World Wide Web,
and access to resources available via Gopher, Telnet, and
FTP. Appropriately equipped
student-owned machines can
also be connected to the
network to provide access
from dormitory rooms.
S t u d e n t
R e s o u r c e s .
The Media Center provides a
large collection of sound
recordings, video tapes and
films as well as equipment for
instructional use. Audio and
video tape duplication within
the limits set by copyright law
is available. The Center
supplies TV sets, VCRs, video
cameras, video editing, tape
recorders, microphones, slideoverhead-, filmstrip- and
movie projectors as well as
screens and carts. Film bibliographies and advice on
materials selection are available. Facilities for classes in
broadcasting are located near
the Department of Communications in Foss Center.
Admission, advising, and
coordination services for 3M
cooperative chemistry,
computer science, and physics
majors are provided through
the Weekend College and the
Continuing Education Offices.
The American Indian Student
Support Program, located at
620 21st Avenue South, is a
multifaceted office established
to recruit and retain American
Indian students. Components
of the program are as follows:
American Indian Student
This program assists in admissions procedures, financial aid
procedures (including BIA),
tribal and Minnesota Indian
State Scholarship applications,
orientation and registration,
coursework selection,
Individual Education Plans,
academic advising, career
counseling, employment,
community and professional
referrals, internships, student
housing, and crisis intervention. This program also
supports the Inter-tribal
Student Union (ITSU).
Inter-tribal Student Union
ITSU serves as a peer support
group for incoming and
currently enrolled American
Indian students. ITSU also
organizes and cosponsors
cultural events.
Minnesota Indian Teacher
Training Partnership
MNITTP is a cooperative effort
between Augsburg College and
the Minneapolis and St. Paul
public school districts, intended
to increase the number of
American Indian teachers in
the MinneapolisISt. Paul public
schools. Funded by the
Minnesota State Legislature in
1990, this project is designed
as a special grant and loan
forgiveness program. Students
who are awarded state teaching
licensure may then apply for
loan forgiveness. For each year
the student teaches, one-fifth of
the loan will be forgiven.
Anishinabe Library Project
The Library houses a variety
of journals and scholarly
publications, research materials, American Indian
magazines and newspapers,
and over 125 VHS video
tapes. The library project
offers both a historical and
contemporary perspective on
the cultures of various tribal
nations in the United States.
The Pan Asian Student
Services Program was created
to recruit and retain Asian
American students and to
enhance the quality of their
total experience while at
Augsburg College. The
program provides assistance in
the admissions and financial
aid application procedures,
orientation, registration and
coursework selection, career
development, academic and
nonacademic difficulties, and
employment and placement
The Pan Asian Association is
affiliated with the Support
Program. The association
carries out various activities
during the academic year to
increase the network of friendship and support for Asian
American and other students
at Augsburg.
The Pan-Afrikan Student
Services Office, located at 620
21st Avenue South, is
committed to enhancing the
educational and personal
development of students of
African descent, and to
promote cultural and historical
awareness, academic achievement, and social interaction. It
sponsors events and activities,
such as celebrating Martin
Luther King's birthday,
Afrikana History Month,
Ujima Mentoring Program,
and Augsburg Black Alumni
Council gatherings.
The Pan-Afrikan Student
Union (PASU) provides
support to students, including a
schedule of social and cultural
activities. The headquarters is
in the Pan-Afrikan Student
Services Office.
The HispanicILatino support
program offers students
individualized attention in
many areas, including academic support and counseling.
This program assists students
with admissions and financial
aid procedures, career
counseling, housing, internships, and employment and
placement referrals.
The program advises the
Latino Student Association
and supports academic, social,
cultural, and other events and
activities to improve the academic and personal
development of Hispanic1
Latino students. The program
also provides awareness of the
unique aspects of the Hispanic
culture through events such as
Latino Week and Hispanic
Heritage Month.
The Weekend College Office
provides a variety of services
for current and prospective
students including: registration for Weekend College
students, coordination of mail
registration, orientation of
new students, seminars, and
special events.
The Weekender is a newsletter
published each class weekend
by the Weekend College Office
for Weekend students.
S t u d e n t
R e s o u r c e s .
The Office of the Registrar
maintains the primary academic record of all Augsburg
students. Services provided
include: processing loan deferments, enrollment verification,
providing copies of the official
transcripts, sending out grade
reports, and processing Weekend College and day school
program cross-registration.
Services provided by the
Business Office are: check
cashing, change of billing
address, student account information, adjustments to student
accounts, account payments,
account history copies, credit
refund requests, and collection.
Student Financial Services
provides the following financial assistance: processing
grants, loan checks, loans,
financial aid advising, and
As a college of the church,
Augsburg is concerned about
spiritual as well as academic
and social growth. The
College's concern for spiritual
growth is evident in many
opportunities for students to
explore their own faith.
Because the campus is
comprised of individuals from
many different religious and
cultural backgrounds, worship
life is characterized by a diversity and richness of tradition.
Bible studies, growth groups,
outreach teams and community outreach opportunities,
retreats, peace and justice
forums and projects, concerts,
and gatherings are examples
of the wide variety of activities on campus.
The college pastor and campus
ministry staff have offices in
the Foss, Lobeck, Miles
Center and are available for
spiritual guidance, counseling,
support and information.
Counseling provides a
supportive environment where
students have many opportunities to gain self-awareness
through personal exploration
with the assistance of trained,
experienced counselors.
Counselors serve as advocates
providing support and assistance with direction. Services
include individual counseling,
group counseling, assessment
and referral, workshops, and
consultation and outreach.
Through a relationship with a
skilled counselor, a student
may discuss personal issues
such as stress, depression,
family problems, motivation,
transitions, etc. Counseling is
an educational process in
which students learn to think
objectively about themselves
and learn methods of understanding themselves and
Health Promotion
Health Promotion offers a
wide spectrum of activities
and events that increase
awareness of health issues and
assist students in adapting new
behaviors for a healthier
lifestyle. Health Promotion
also works with various
campus departments to foster
positive change within the
campus environment.
Professional staff offer private
consultations and group workshops to accommodate the
needs of students.
Health Service
Smiley's Family Practice
Clinic serves as the Augsburg
College Health Service and is
a family practice residency
clinic affiliated with the
University of Minnesota. The
clinic is located five blocks
from campus at 2615 Franklin
Avenue South. Many services
are free for all Augsburg
students and are listed in the
Student Guide.
Students must check their
family's health coverage to
determine if they are included;
if not, they should contact the
health service coordinator for
information regarding student
health insurance and other
services available through
Smiley 's.
Located on the lower level of
Melby Hall, the Fitness Center
is equipped with stationary
bicycles, stair steppers, a
treadmill, and other aerobic
workout machines. It includes
a weight room with universal
and free weight systems.
The Commons
Situated on the top floor of the
Christensen Center, this is the
main food service facility for
students, faculty, and staff.
Located on the ground floor of
the Christensen Center,
Murphy's features sandwiches,
grill items, pizza, soups and
salads, desserts, and beverages, and is open weekdays
and during class weekends.
Located on the ground floor
of the Christensen Center,
Graphic Center services for
students include offset printing
and photocopying.
Fine Arts
Students have many opportunities to participate in music
and drama. In addition to
appearances on campus and in
the city, the Augsburg Choir,
Concert Band, and Orchestra
perform on national and international tours. Many other
ensembles cover the entire
range of musical styles and
participants' previous musical
experience. Students stage
several plays on campus each
year under the direction of the
Theatre Arts Department and
have the opportunity to attend
a series of on-campus workshops with visiting arts
Intercollegiate Athletics
Augsburg is affiliated with the
Minnesota Intercollegiate
Athletic Conference (MIAC)
and is a member of the
National Collegiate Athletic
Association (NCAA) Division
111. Men annually compete in
football, soccer, cross country,
basketball, hockey, wrestling,
baseball, tennis, track and
field, and golf. Women annually compete in volleyball,
cross country, soccer, basketball, track and field, softball,
golf, tennis, and ice hockey.
Intramural Sports
Students may participate in
activities for recreation and
relaxation. The intramural
program provides competition
in a variety of team sports as
well as individual performance
activities. Broomball has been
an especially popular coed
sport. Check schedules for
times when there is open use of
the gymnasium, fitness center,
ice arena, and the air structure,
which offers a place to walk or
run during winter months.
Social, Cultural,
Recreational Activities
Throughout the year, a variety
of social and cultural activities
takes place on campus as well
as in the Twin Cities. These
activities include dances,
films, theme events, name
S t u d e n t
R e s o u r c e s .
entertainment, and visiting
personalities in various fields.
Weekend College
The Weekend College
Commission (WECC) is a
student organization that plans
educational and social
programs for Weekend
College students and their
families. Membership is open
to all students.
Academic and
Learning Services
The Academic and Learning
Services Division is comprised
of the academic programs,
services, and activities dedicated to supporting students'
educational experience at
Augsburg College.
Student Government
Through student government
students secure a closer relationship with and better
understanding of the administration and faculty, and
provide input into the decision-making process at
Augsburg. Student government also sponsors and directs
student activities, protects
student rights, and provides
the means for discussion and
action on all issues pertaining
to student life at Augsburg.
Student government is organized into the executive
branch, the legislative branch,
and the judicial branch.
Representatives from the
Weekend College are elected
each year. Eleven Weekend
College representatives and
the Weekend College president comprise the Weekend
College delegation.
Many kinds of involvement are
possible-program planning,
writing, editing, or service
opportunities. Students who
are interested should contact
the president or vice-president
of the student body in their
offices in the lower level of the
Christensen Center.
Student Guide
Augsburg publishes its policies and procedures in the
Student Guide, which is available to every student. Included
are the Academic Honesty
Policy, Policy on Sexual
Harassment and Violence,
Disciplinary Policy and
Procedure, and the Grievance
Policy and Procedure.
Students wishing to obtain a
Student Guide may contact the
Student Life office.
Student standards of
behavior, complaints,
The College has adopted a
statement of standards for
student behavior and has
provided for due process in
matters of disciplinary action,
grievances, and grade appeal.
The College operates in
compliance with the Family
Educational Rights and
Privacy Act. Students have the
right to inspect certain official
records, files, and data that
pertain to them, which are
maintained in the Office of the
Registrar and the Placement
Office, and to challenge
inaccurate or misleading
Persons seeking additional
information on these topics
should contact the associate
dean for student affairs.
The following are the requirements for a baccalaureate
1) Fulfillment of entry level
skill requirements in these
areas: Math Placement,
Critical Thinking, and
Writing (ENG 111
Effective Writing or
2) Completion of a major
3) Completion of courses that
fulfill the following Liberal
Arts Perspective
Human Identity (one
Aesthetics (one course)
Social World (two courses
from different departments)
Western Heritage (two
courses from different
Intercultural Awareness
(one culture course and two
courses in a modern
Natural World (two courses
from different departments,
except a two-course
Christian Faith (three
courses, or as adjusted for
advanced transfer status)
The City (one course or
community service/
internship experience)
A single course may fulfill
one perspective only.
Only one course from a
department may be used to
fulfill a single category, except
Christian Faith, language, and
a year long science sequence
for Natural World.
No more than three courses
from any one department may
fulfill perspectives.
4) Completion of courses that
fulfill the following
Graduation Skills:
Writing (two courses, one
within the major)
Critical thinking (one
Speaking (one course)
Quantitative reasoning (one
These courses must be
completed with a minimum
grade of 2.0 or P.
?ate: A course may satisfy both a major or minor requirement, a perspective, and a graduation skill requirement.
5) Demonstration of proficiency in two Lifetime
6) Achievement of a Math
Placement Group score of 3
(College algebra level )
The following requirements
also must be met to graduate:
1) Completion of 33 course
1 1 of these must be upper
division (numbered 300 and
above); no more than 13
courses may be in any one
department with the exception of accounting and
social work.
2) Maintenance of a minimum
grade point average
A minimum GPA of 2.0 for
most majors is necessary to
graduate. A grade point
average of 2.0 is required
both in overall courses
taken and in courses that
apply toward the major.
Some majors, licensure, and
certification require higher
grades in each course or a
higher grade point average.
(For example, see
Licensure in Education,
Nursing, Social Work.) See
departmental section for
3) Residency
Seven of the last nine
course credits must be
completed at Augsburg. No
less than a total of nine
course credits are to be
taken at Augsburg College.
Contact the registrar if an
official interpretation is
4 ) Muximums-no more than:
Two course credits by
independentldirected study
Four course credits of
Eight course credits with a
grade of Pass (P)
Nontraditional grading (P)
also has these limits: two in
the major, except elementary education (two in the
major plus student
teaching) and nursing (no
P/N grading is permitted);
one in the minor, if
approved by the department
Students who have completed
a four-year degree at an
accredited college or university may complete a second
degree at Augsburg College.
Depending on the student's
previous degree, completion of
a second major (non-degree)
may also be an option. Second
degree requirements include:
a minimum of eight course
credits taken at Augsburg,
completion of a major, and
completion of any liberal arts
requirements not covered by
the previous degree.
The responsibility for
meeting all degree requirements rests with the student.
Academic advisers, department chairpersons, the
Advising Center, and the
registrar are available for
counsel and assistance in
program planning.
Each student must apply for
graduation. Students should
apply at the start of their last
academic year to confirm
remaining graduation requirements. Application forms are
available in the Registrar's
All degree and course requirements must be completed and
verified in the Registrar's
Office prior to the anticipated
date of graduation (there may
be no incomplete courses or
open courses on the academic
A c a d e m i c
(or 2.5 if receiving a
Minnesota State Student
Registration consists of two
Scheduling (choosing
classes)-A student reserves
a space in classes for each
trimester by completing a
schedule form. Scheduling
can be done in advance of
Payment (confirmation of
schedule)-A student who
has scheduled courses must
then confirm that schedule
by paying. Dates and deadlines for scheduling and
payment are listed in the
Weekend College Catalog
A student must be registered
for a course in order to
receive course credit for it.
A student in Weekend
College is considered fulltime if he or she registers
for two courses per trimester
Students are responsible for
obtaining registration materials from the Weekend
College Office.
A student who has not paid
or made partial payment
prior to the first day of
classes is not registered for
their course(s). The student
may register and confirm the
first class weekend, but late
fees will apply and their
space in the course(s) will
not be held.
It is expected that Weekend
College students complete
their degree requirements in
the Weekend College
schedule; however, students
may take a course in the day
schedule as a crossover. A
Weekend College student
wishing to attend a day
schedule course, or a day
student wishing to attend a
course in Weekend College,
must schedule at the Office of
the Registrar. Students taking
courses in both the day
program and Weekend
College program schedules
that total three or more
courses on any given date will
be charged comprehensive day
program tuition. A Weekend
College student taking one day
schedule course and who has
fewer than three total courses
will be charged the current
part-time tuition for day
Students will also follow these
Students may cross over for
one full course credit per
The course selected must
have space available.
Weekend College students
may not cross over to attend
ACTC (Associated Colleges
of the Twin Cities) courses,
except when required by the
major to do so.
Courses cross-listed in the
Weekend College schedule
and the day schedule are not
subject to cross over policy.
Contact the Office of the
Registrar for more information
on the crossover policy.
Students may drop (also
referred to as canceling or
withdrawing) a particular
course by completing a
CancelIAddChange of
Registration form at the Office
of the Registrar before the
deadline (published in the
Weekend College Catalog
Supplement). Dropping a class
will result in a W for withdrawal on an official academic
record. Students are urged not
to abandon courses for which
they are registered because this
may result in a failing grade on
their official academic record.
The refund schedule is listed
on page 14. Note: A student
may withdraw after the refund
schedule has expired.
Students who do not intend to
continue at Augsburg must file
a Withdrawal from College
form at the Office of the
Registrar. This is not necessary
if the student is taking a term
off; however, Weekend
College students who do not
attend courses for three
consecutive trimesters
(excluding summer) are
considered inactive and must
file an Application for
Re-admission form with the
Office of the Registrar in order
to resume their academic
program. Students are responsible for keeping the Office of
the Registrar informed of their
mailing address.
A syllabus is a course outline
written by the instructor that
may include a course description
and objectives, required text@),
course schedule, grading criteria,
and assignments. A syllabus is
especially important in Weekend
College because it advises the
student of any assignment due
the first class weekend. Students
are responsible for picking up
the course syllabus at the times
published in The Weekender,
the Weekend College informational publication.
Student achievement in
courses is measured by final
examinations, shorter tests,
written papers, oral reports,
and other types of evaluation.
Most courses are offered with
grading options-traditional
grading on a 4.0 scale or the
Pass/No Credit system, in
which P means a grade of 2.0
or better and N means no
credit and a grade of less than
2.0. Students who choose the
P/N option are cautioned:
In order to receive a grade
of P a student must achieve
at least a grade of 2.0.
Some graduate and professional schools do not look
favorably on a large number
of P-graded courses, or rank
each as a C.
P-graded courses do not
count toward the requirement that 14 traditionally
graded course credits be
earned at Augsburg in order
to be considered for graduation with distinction.
Transfer students should be
especially aware of this
See P/N limitations under
Graduation Requirements on
page 29.
Note: Certain courses are
offered on one grading system
only (e.g., Lifetime Sports are
graded P/N only).
In courses where there is a
choice, students will be graded
on the traditional system
unless they indicate on their
registration that they wish to
use the P/N grading option.
Any changes in choice of
grading system must be made
according to dates published
each term. A fee is charged for
any changes made after the
published deadline for dropping without record notation.
I n f o r m a t i o n .
Numeric grades are used with
these definitions:
4.0 Achieves highest
standards of excellence
3.0 Achieves above basic
course standards
2.0 Meets basic standards
for the course
1.0 Performance below basic
course standards
0.0 Unacceptable performance
(no credit for the course)
Grades of P (Pass) or N (No
credit) are not computed in the
grade point average.
An incomplete grade (I) may
be given only in the case of
extreme emergency. To
receive an incomplete grade, a
student must receive permission of the instructor and must
file a form with the Registrar's
Office stating the reasons for
the request, the work required
to complete the course, the
plan and date for completing
the work, and comments from
the instructor. The necessary
work must be completed in
enough time to allow evaluation of the work by the
instructor and filing of a grade
before the final day of the
following trimester. If the
work is not completed by that
date, the grade for the course
becomes a 0.0.
Internships, independent
studies and directed studies
may sometimes last longer
than one term. When this is
the case, they must be
completed by the grading
deadlines within one year
from the beginning of the first
term of registration. A grade
of X is given by the instructor
to indicate that the study is
extended. It is expected that
students given X extensions
will continue to communicate
with their instructors and
demonstrate that satisfactory
progress is being maintained.
A final grade will be issued at
the end of the term in which
the work is completed and
evaluated (but not longer than
one year). An instructor has
the option of not giving an X
where satisfactory progress is
not demonstrated.
A course in which a grade of
0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, or N has been
received may be repeated for
credit. Courses in which
higher grades have been
earned may not be repeated
for credit and a grade but may
be audited. All courses taken
and grades earned each term
remain on the academic
record. Only the credits and
grades earned the second time,
for legitimately repeated
courses, are counted toward
graduation and in the grade
point average.
Students who wish to take
courses without credit or grade
may do so by registering for
Audit (V). The charge for
auditing is listed in the current
year's Weekend College
Catalog Supplement. The
signature of the instructor is
required to register an audit.
Students who audit a course
should confer with the
instructor two weeks prior to
the beginning of the term to
determine expectations, attendance, and any other
requirements. If expectations
have been met, the course will
be listed on the transcript as
having been audited. If expectations have not been met, the
course will be listed with a
grade of W (Withdrawn).
Courses for which transfer
credit has been awarded may
not be repeated for credit at
Augsburg. This includes
courses that are substantially
similar despite different titles
or emphases.
The grade point average
(GPA) is based on final grades
for all work at Augsburg. It
does not include credit and
grade points for work transferred from other colleges.
Courses taken on the P/N
grading option are recorded,
but not computed in the GPA.
The formula for computing the
GPA is:
GPA = Total grade points
divided by number of course
credits attempted.*
* Using traditionally graded
course credits only.
Student classifications are
updated in August and at the
end of the fall trimester.
credits completed.
Juniors - 16 course credits
Seniors-24 course credits
The College requires that
students maintain the
following cumulative grade
point averages (GPA):
Freshman-A student who has
taken fewer than seven credits
with a cumulative GPA of 1.6
or higher
Sophomore-A student who
has taken fewer than 16
credits with a cumulative GPA
of 1.7 or higher
Junior-A student who has
taken fewer than 24 credits
with a cumulative GPA of 1.9
or higher
Senior-A student who has
taken 24 or more credits with
a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or
It should be noted that a
minimum GPA of 2.0 is
required for graduation with
certain majors requiring a
higher minimum GPA.
Students whose academic
achievement falls below these
guidelines will either be placed
on scholastic probation at the
end of the term, will be
continued on probation, or will
be dismissed from the College.
In addition, a freshman who
receives two zero grades or a
sophomore who receives three
zero grades will be considered
for probation or dismissal.
However, dismissal from the
College is not automatic. Each
case is reviewed by the
Committee on Student
Standing. Evidence of the
student's commitment to academic progress is the major
consideration in deciding
whether or not to dismiss a
student. Those on probation
who voluntarily withdraw from
the College, as well as those
who are dismissed, must have
special permission to re-enroll.
Students may be removed
from probation when the
cumulative GPA reaches the
minimum level stated above.
Students placed on probation
as freshmen for having earned
two zero grades may be
removed from probation if
their classification changes to
sophomore, if they have not
earned additional zero grades,
and if their cumulative GPA
reaches 1.7. Students placed
on probation as sophomores,
juniors, and seniors for having
earned three zero grades may
be removed from probation if
their classification changes to
junior and their cumulative
GPA reaches 1.9.
The College reserves the right
to dismiss any student who
does not meet the guidelines
stated above. Once a student is
dismissed, he or she may
appeal the decision within 10
days to the Committee on
Student Standing.
A c a d e m i c
The Dean's List is compiled
after each trimester, listing
students whose grade point
average for a trimester is 3.5
or better. Students must be
full-time (a minimum two full
course credits for a Weekend
College student), graded on
the traditional grading system,
with no incompletes in courses
offered for credit. If permission is given by the student, an
announcement is sent to the
hometown newspaper of each
student on the Dean's List.
Augsburg College recognizes
that learning can and does take
place in many life situations.
Some of this learning may be
appropriate for credit recognition within the disciplines that
compose the academic
program of a liberal arts
college. The Assessment of
Previous Learning (APL)
program at Augsburg provides
a means by which a student's
previous learning, other than
that which is transferred from
another accredited institution,
may be presented for examination for possible credit toward
the completion of a baccalaureate degree.
Not all learning from life
experience, however, is appropriate for credit recognition at
a liberal arts college. Such
learning must meet two essential criteria: (1) it is relevant to
course work in a field of study
within the Augsburg liberal
arts curriculum and (2) it can
be objectively demonstrated
either by comprehensive
examination or committee
The APL program at
Augsburg provides several
means by which students may
have their previous learning
assessed for credit recognition.
The following is a brief
description of each of these
means of assessment:
The College Level
Examination Program
This is a series of standardized
tests which have been developed by the College Board
and are offered to students for
a small fee at regional testing
centers. (The regional testing
center for this area is the
University of Minnesota.)
Students who score at or
above the 65th percentile on a
subject examination may
receive academic credit for
that subject at Augsburg
College. Additional information about CLEP tests is
available from the Office of
the Registrar.
Comprehensive Exams
These are available for students
to use in obtaining credit for
previous learning if the
following conditions are met:
There is a departmental
instrument available for the
subject area in question.
There is a faculty member
designated by the department to administer the
The registrar approves the
student's request to take the
exam. Credit for departmental exams is available on
a passlno credit basis only,
and there is a charge per
exam of one-half of tuition
for a full course credit.
The Portfolio Assessment
This is a credit assessment
alternative in which a faculty
team completes a credit evaluation of a learning portfolio
submitted by the student. The
faculty team is composed of
two faculty members from
fields of study directly related
to the student's previous
learning. Students who wish to
prepare a portfolio of previous
learning for credit assessment
should consult the Office of
the Registrar. In completing
the evaluation of a student's
previous learning, the faculty
team applies the following
There is documentable
evidence of a cognitive
component in the previous
learning experience that
involved prescribed and/or
systematic study of content
material found within liberal
arts course work.
The learning has been objectively verified by individuals
in addition to the presenting
The learning lends itself to
both qualitative and quantitative measurement.
The learning relates well to
the student's educational
The learning and skills
involved are current and
could be used at the present
Students may apply for the
credit assessment process after
completing at least four course
credits of academic work at
Augsburg College with a
cumulative Augsburg GPA of
at least 2.5. It is strongly
recommended that the process
not be used when four or
fewer courses remain for graduation. There is an application
deposit to initiate the credit
assessment process and a
charge for each semester
credit applied to the student's
transcript if credit is approved.
Transcript credit will be
granted on the basis of
semester credits, and the total
number of credits granted will
be divided by four to determine the number of course
credits applied to graduation.
These credits will be recorded
with the course number of
APL 2xx. Application of this
credit toward the Liberal Arts
Perspective requirements,
upper division requirements,
and academic majors and
minors may be subsequently
addressed by the associate
academic dean in response to
a formal request by the
Maximum Credit Accepted
for Previous Learning
While Augsburg College
recognizes the validity of
learning that takes place
outside the traditional classroom, this learning must be
placed in the context of formal
study in campus-based liberal
arts courses. Therefore,
Augsburg places a maximum
of eight course credits (about
one-fourth of a baccalaureate
degree) on transcript credit
that is obtained through
previous experiential learning.
In compiling the eight courses
of credit for previous experiential learning, the student
may use any combination of
assessment processes available
in the APL program: CLEP
exams, departmental exams,
and credit granted through
portfolio assessment.
Lifetime SportsAssessment of Previous
Learning (APL) Program
Students in the Weekend
College may complete one of
the two required graduation
skills of Lifetime Sports
through the APL process. The
Lifetime Sports graduation
skills are non-academic
courses and no credit is earned
by their completion; however,
fulfillment of two Lifetime
Sports is necessary to graduate. There is a fee for each
Lifetime Sport completed by
APL. Additional information
about Lifetime Sports APL is
available from the Weekend
College Office.
A c a d e m i c
M a j o r s .
The major in accounting
prepares students for professional careers in a wide
variety of accounting-related
positions. This major has two
tracks: General Accounting
and Professional Accounting.
The General Accounting
specialization is adequate for a
wide variety of positions. The
Professional Accounting track
includes two specializations:
public accounting and
managerial accounting. The
public accounting specialization is recommended for
positions with CPA firms. The
managerial accounting specialization is recommended for
positions with large or rapidlygrowing companies.
The two professional specializations relate to two
professional designations: the
CPA and the CMA. A CPA
(Certified Public Accountant)
focuses on external reporting;
a CMA (Certified Management
Accountant) focuses on
internal reporting. The public
accounting specialization
includes the materials emphasized on the CPA exam; the
managerial specialization
includes the materials emphasized on the CMA exam.
Designations have an experience requirement in addition
to passing the national exam.
Under the rules of the
Minnesota State Board of
Accountancy, accounting
majors in the public accounting
specialization are qualified to
sit for the CPA examination
during their last semester.
Accounting Core:
14 courses are required for
this major (an exception to
the 13-course limitation):
(It is recommended that
students take the courses in
the sequence given below.)
ECO 112
Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 113
Principles of Microeconomics
MIS 175
Principles of Computing for
Business or
MIS 370
Advanced Computing
for Business
BUS 242
Principles of Management
BUS 252
Principles of Marketing
ACC 221
Principles of Accounting I
ACC 222
Principles of Accounting I1
MIS 379
Quantitative Methods for
Business and Economics
BUS 301
Business Law
A c a d e m i c
BUS 331
Financial Management
ACC 322
Accounting Theory and
Practice I
ACC 323
Accounting Theory and
Practice I1
ACC 324
Managerial Cost Accounting
ACC 425
Advanced Accounting
Specialization in General
No additional courses required.
Specialization in Public
Accounting core plus:
ACC 326
Tax Accounting
ACC 423
Specialization in
Managerial Accounting:
Accounting core plus:
ACC 424
Internal and Operational Audit
MIS 375
Management Information
Systems in the Organization
A liberal arts college like
Augsburg is an ideal setting
for the study of art because it
provides a constant possibility
for the interaction of ideas,
disciplines, and attitudes. At
Augsburg, art study is further
enhanced by associations with
a significant number of art
galleries and museums in the
Twin Cities area.
Hundreds of specific careers
exist in the general area of art,
such as teaching in the public
schools and colleges,
ceramics, interior design,
photography, film and video
work, painting, gallery and
museum work, and design.
ART 223
Printmaking I
ART 225
Communication Design I
ART 360
Watercolor Painting
One course in three
dimensional art from:
ART 221
Sculpture I
ART 250
Ceramics I
Five additional studio arts
ART 240
Art History Survey
And two additional art
history courses
Studio Art Major
Majors are required to begin
their programs with the Studio
Arts Foundations:
ART 102
ART 107
One course in two
dimensional art from:
ART 118
Painting I
Teaching Licensure Major
The State of Minnesota has
specific licensing requirements
for teachers that may differ
slightly in emphasis from the
Augsburg major requirements.
The state requirements may
also be subject to change after
publication of this catalog.
Students therefore should
consult with the Augsburg
Education Department to identify current Minnesota teacher
licensure requirements.
BUS 252
Principles of Marketing
ECO 318
Management Science
MIS 379
Quantitative Methods for
Business and Economics
Specialization in Finance
Business core plus 4 courses:
BUS 301
Business Law
ACC 322
Accounting Theory and
Practice I
The major in Business
Administration prepares
students for professional careers
in business administration or
for graduate studies. The four
specializations within this
major share a common business
core. This common core
provides students with a broad
foundation so they can readily
adapt to internal changes in
interests and goals and to
external changes in circumstances and opportunities.
BUS 352
Marketing Research and
and one of the following:
ECO 311
Public Finance
Business Core
10 courses including:
BUS 355
Marketing Communications or
ECO 312
Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECO 112
Principles of Macroeconomics
BUS 331
Financial Management
Specialization in
Business core plus 3 courses:
BUS 357
BUS 433
Financial Theory: Policy and
BUS 438
Investment Theory
ECO 313
Intermediate Microeconomics
ECO 113
Principles of Microeconomics
BUS 450
Marketing Management
ECO 315
Money and Banking
MIS 175
Principles of Computing for
Business or
Specialization in
Business core plus 4 courses:
MIS 479
Intermediate Quantitative
Methods for Business and
MIS 370
Advanced Computing
for Business
BUS 340
Human Resource Management
ACC 221
Principles of Accounting I
ACC 222
Principles of Accounting I1
BUS 242
Principles of Management
BUS 440
Operations Management
BUS 465
International Management
MIS 376
Project Management or
Specialization in
International Business
Business core plus 4 courses:
BUS 362
International Business
BUS 465
International Management
A c a d e m i c
BUS 466
International Marketing
and one additional upper
division course in either
international business or
international economics.
Students must also complete
three semesters of a foreign
language (or equivalent).
Contact the international
business coordinator for
details on language equivalents or other configurations.
Minor in Business
Seven courses including:
ECO 112 or ECO 113, ACC
221 and 222, BUS 242 and
252, BUS 331 and MIS 379.
The minor is automatically completed while completing a major
in accounting or management
information systems (MIS).
Our quality of life, both
personally and professionally,
depends in large part upon the
quality of our communication.
A communication major at
Augsburg is designed to
enhance understanding of
communication in a variety of
contexts and to improve
communication skills.
Since careers in communication demand a broad
educational background, the
department strongly encour-
ages a second major or two
minors in fields such as business, economics, English,
history, international relations,
political science, psychology,
religion, social work, sociology, or theatre arts.
SPC 351
The Augsburg communication
major focuses on competency
in both speech and writing as
well as effective use of media.
Since the study and practice of
communication is grounded in
both the humanities and the
social sciences, majors are
encouraged to include such
related subjects as aesthetics,
ethics; philosophy, logic, literature, statistics, and research
methods in their programs.
SPC 355
Small Group Communication
All communication majors
must complete a core group of
seven required courses, supplemented by five electives in one
of the following concentrations: public relations and
advertising, marketing communication, human relations, or
supervisory management.
Prospective majors should meet
with a departmental adviser as
early as possible to design an
approved major program,
preferably by the end of the
sophomore year. Majors in
communication are candidates
for the Bachelor of Arts degree.
Communication Core
Six courses including:
SPC 111
Public Speaking
SPC 352
SPC 354
Interpersonal Communication
and at least one course from
the following:
ENG 223
Writing for Business and the
ENG 225
Intermediate Expository
ENG 226
Introduction to Creative Writing
ENG 227
In addition, six courses must
be completed within one of
the following concentrations:
Public Relations and
Students interested in the Public
Relations emphasis are strongly
urged to take ENG 227
(Journalism) as part of the major.
ART 132
ART 224
Publication Design
ART 225
Communications Design I
. .
BUS 242
Principles of Management
SPC 399
BUS 252
Principles of Marketing
SPC 480
Public Relationsffromotiona1
BUS 355
Marketing Communications
MIS 379
Quantitative Methods for
Business and Economics
PSY 373
Organizational Psychology
SOC 349
Complex Organizations
SPC 345
Organizational Communication
SPC 399
SPC 480
Public Relationsffromotional
POL 342
Mass Communication in
BUS 252
Principles of Marketing
BUS 352
Marketing Research and Analysis
BUS 355
Marketing Communications
BUS 357
BUS 450
Marketing Management
POL 342
Mass Communication in
Human Relations
PSY 373
Supervisory Management
BUS 242
Principles of Management
BUS 340
Human Resource Management
BUS 440
Operations Management
MIS 175
Computers for Business,
Accounting, Economics and
PSY 485
Counseling Psychology
MIS 379
Quantitative Methods for
Business and Economics
SOC 231
Family Systems: A CrossCultural View
PSY 373
SOC 265
Culture: Ethnicity, Gender,
and Race
SOC 349
Complex Organizations
soc 349
Complex Organizations
SOC 375
Social Psychology
SPC 329
Intercultural Communication
SPC 345
Organizational Communication
SPC 399
SPC 480
Public Relations/Promotional
SPC 345
Organizational Communication
SPC 399
Minor in Communication
Six courses including SPC 111,
POL 342, SPC 351 or SPC 352,
SPC 354, SPC 345, or SPC 355,
and any one of the following:
ENG 223,225,226, or 227.
Prospective minors must obtain
prior approval from a communication faculty adviser.
Note: For transfer students, at
least three of these six courses
must be upper division courses
offered at Augsburg.
A c a d e m i c
M a j o r s .
CSC 340
Introduction to Networking
and Communications
The Augsburg Computer
Science Department strives to
give students a sound theoretical and practical foundation in
computer science. The
computer science curriculum
places emphasis on networks,
communications, and the use
of computers as an information
access tool. The coursework
provides students a strong base
in computer science, with
emphasis on concepts rather
than on applications.
CSC 345
Principles of Computer
Some courses may need to be
taken in an evening schedule.
Students should meet with a
faculty adviser as soon as possible
to plan their course of study.
Computer Science
Major-Bachelor of Arts
11 courses including:
CSC 160
Introduction to Computer
Science and Communication
CSC 170
Structured Programming
CSC 210
Data Structures
CSC 320
CSC 450
Programming Languages and
Compilers I
CSC 451
Programming Languages and
Compilers I1
MAT 122
Calculus for the
Behavioral Sciences or
MAT 145
Calculus I
And two electives from CSC
courses above 200, at least one
of which is above 300.
Computer Science Minor
Six courses including CSC
160, 170,210,345, MAT 145,
and one upper division
computer science course.
The Economics Department
offers a program that stresses a
strong theoretical background,
quantitative analysis, and an
emphasis on both national and
international issues. Students
who graduate with a major in
the Department of Economics
are well prepared to continue
their education in a variety of
fields or to work successfully
in the business world and
government because of the
strong liberal arts emphasis
within the major.
Economics Major
ECO 112
Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 113
Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 312
Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECO 313
Intermediate Microeconomics
ECO 414
Welfare Economics
MIS 175
Principles of Computing for
MIS 379
Quantitative Methods for
Business and Economics
MAT 114
Elementary Functions or
MAT 121
Finite Mathematics or
MAT 122
Calculus for the
Behavioral Sciences
Three additional upper division economics courses
Combined Major in
Economics/ Business
Five economics courses
ECO 112
Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 113
Principles of Microeconomics
Major in Applied
ECO 112
Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 113
Principles of Microeconomics
ENG 223
Writing for Business and
the Professions
ECO 311
Public Finance or
PHI 120
Ethics or
ECO 312
Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECO 312
Macroeconomics or
ECO 313
Intermediate Microeconomics
ECO 315
Money and Banking
One other upper division
economics course
ECO 313
Intermediate Microeconomics
Six accounting, business
administration, and MIS
courses including:
ECO 360
International Economics
ACC 221
Principles of Accounting I
ACC 222
Principles of Accounting I1
BUS 242
Principles of Management
BUS 252
Principles of Marketing
BUS 331
Financial Management or
MIS 379
Quantitative Methods
for Business and Economics
One other upper division business course
MIS 379
Quantitative Methods for
Business and Economics
ECO 318
Management Science or
ECO 415
Managerial Economics
ECO 413
Labor Economics
ECO 399
Internship Program or
ECO 499
Independent Study
MIS 175
Computers for Business,
Accounting, Economics
and MIS
PHI 125
Ethics and Human Identity
Economics Minor
ECO 112, 113,312,313, and
one additional upper division
economics course. Other
configurations may be
permitted on consultation with
the department.
Note: Students who plan to
major in economics are
strongly encouraged to meet
with a faculty adviser in the
department as soon as possible
in order to carefully plan their
program of study.
A c a d e m i c
M a j o r s .
NOTE: Major changes in
Minnesota teacher licensure will
be implemented fall 1998 and
beyond. As of the date of publication of this catalog, details of
these changes have yet to be
announced. All candidates for
teacher licensure will have to
meet the standards set by the
State and follow the State's
timeline. Teacher candidates are
expected to maintain frequent
contact with an Education
Department faculty adviser and
to stay informed about their
license program requirements.
Elementary Teaching
Teaching licensure programs
are offered for both K-6 and
1-6 Elementary Education
through the Weekend College
Program. To be admitted to
the Education Department the
student will have achieved an
overall 2.5 GPA in a liberal
arts based degree plus a 2.5
GPA in hisfher major field.
All professional courses with
the exception of clinical
experience and student
teaching are available on a
weekend schedule. Clinical
experience and student
teaching courses must be
completed during regular
weekday hours in a K-6
classroom setting.
Contact an Education
Department adviser for information in your field of study
and for an application for
admission to the Department of
Education. Students wanting K6 licensure must take EDE 375.
EDE 263
Clinical Experience (.5 course)
EDU 264
Orientation to Education in an
Urban Setting (.5 course)
One college level mathematics
Professional level courses
required for licensure
(enrollment with PPST and
admission to department only):
All students must be admitted
into the Education Department
prior to beginning 300-400
level courses. The State of
Minnesota requires that the
Pre-Professional Skills Test
(PPST) be taken before beginning professional education
courses (those numbered in
the 300-400 level). Any
education program course
grade below 2.0 must be
EDE 375
Discovery in the World of
Kindergarten (-5 course)
Introductory level courses
required for Licensure:
EDE 377
K-El Science (.25 course)
HPE 114
Safety Education (.5 course)
EDE 379
K-El Art (.25 course)
HPE 115
Chemical Dependency (.5 course)
EDE 380
K-El Music (.25 course)
HPE 116
Health Concepts for Educators
(.5 course)
EDE 382
K-El Mathematics (.5 course)
EDU 210
Learning and Development in
an Educational Setting
EDU 341
Media Technology (.5 course)
EDE 350
Creating Learning
Environments (.5 course)
EDE 351
Techniques of Teaching Reading
EDE 383
K-El Health, Physical
Education, First Aid
EDU 384
K-El Social Studies, Thematic
Studies (.5 course)
EDE 386
Children's Literature (.5 course)
EDE 387
Language Arts (-5 course)
EDE 388
K-El Health (.25 course)
EDU 388
Human Relations (-5 course)
EDE 481
Student Teaching
EDE 482
Student Teaching
EDE 483
Student Teaching
EDE 484
Student Teaching
Academic Minor or
Second Major
Students must be admitted to
the Education Department
before they can be considered
for student teaching.
Applications for student
teaching must be submitted to
the Education Department by
the published due dates.
Secondary Education
Augsburg Weekend College
grants Secondary licensure in
English-language arts and in
social studies (only for
economics, psychology, and
history majors). To be
admitted to the Education
Department the student will
have achieved an overall 2.5
GPA in a liberal arts-based
degree program plus a 2.5
GPA in hislher major field.
All professional courses with
the exception of clinical experience and student teaching
courses are available on a
weekend schedule. Clinical
experience and student
teaching courses must be
completed during regular
weekday hours in a K- 12
classroom setting.
All students must be admitted
into the Education Department
prior to beginning 300-400
level courses. The State of
Minnesota requires that the
PPST test be taken before
beginning professional education courses (those numbered
in the 300-400 level). Any
Education Program course
with a grade below 2.0 must
be retaken.
Secondary Education
Professional Courses
Introductory level courses
required for licensure:
HPE 114
Safety Education (.5 course)
(optional for 7-12 majors)
HPE 115
Chemical Dependency (.5 course)
HPE 116
Health Concepts for Educators
(.5 course)
EDU 210
Learning and Development in
an Educational Setting
EDS 252
Clinical Experience (.5 course)
EDU 264
Orientation to Education in an
Urban Setting (.5 course)
Professional level courses
required for licensure
(enrollment with PPST and
admission to department only):
EDU 341
Media Technology (.5 course)
EDS 350
Reading in the Content Areas
(.5 course)
EDS 353
Creating Learning Environments
EDU 388
Human Relations (.5 course)
A c a d e m i c
M a j o r s .
EDS 478
School and Society
A major in one of five
EDS 481
Student Teaching
EDS 482
Student Teaching
Political Science (available
in day schedule)
EDS 483
Student Teaching
EDS 484
Student Teaching
Special Methods in Licensure
Students must be admitted to the
Education Department before
they can be considered for
student teaching. Applications
for student teaching must be
submitted to the Education
Department by the published
due dates.
Licensure in Social Studies
Students preparing to teach
social studies on the high
school level must complete:
The professional requirements within the
Department of Education
The social science core, a
competency program
designed to provide a broad
foundation in the social
sciences (6 courses):
ECO 112
Microeconomics or
ECO 113
HIS 222
20th Century U.S.
POL 158
Political Patterns and
SOC 121
Introduction to Human
SOC 336
Cultural Anthropology
(available in day schedule)
Human Geography (not
available in Weekend
College or day schedule)
Students considering a career in
social studies education must
consult the Augsburg Department of Education and the social
studies coordinator as soon as
possible in order to make full
use of their time at Augsburg.
Transfer students with a B.A. in
history or another major in the
social science field from another
college must take at least two
courses within their disciplinary
major or the social science core
at Augsburg (preferably upper
division). These courses must
be taken before the department
can recommend a student for
student teaching.
Licensure in EnglishLanguage Arts
Students preparing to teach
English-Language Arts on the
high school level must complete,
in addition to the professional
requirements to be met within
the Department of Education, a
competency program designed to
provide a foundation in English.
Specific requirements for the
English-language arts licensure
program are outlined under the
English major in this catalog
and are subject to change per
the Department of Education.
Those who study English
believe that an intense concern
for words, ideas, and images
helps people understand who
they are and who they can
become. Writing helps us
clarify and share our thoughts.
Literature helps us contemplate the pains and joys of
human existence. Through the
study of English we see life's
complexity, experience life as
some others do, and understand better the world in
which we live and work.
English relates closely to other
majors. With the other arts,
English is concerned with the
pleasure that comes from
artistic creation and with the
contemplation of works of art.
With psychology and sociology, English is concerned
with individual and group
behavior. With philosophy,
English is interested in ideas
and the relation between
meaning and language. With
science, English is interested
in discovering order and determining structures. With speech
and communication, English
studies the effective use of
language. With history and the
other social sciences and
humanities, English studies the
way people have acted and
thought at different times and
indifferent cultures.
ENG 336
British Literature: 17th and
18th Centuries
Students with an English
major pursue careers in
elementary, secondary, and
college education, journalism,
government, law, the ministry,
library science, medicine,
advertising, public relations,
publishing, writing, and other
professions and businesses.
ENG 337
British Literature: the
Romantics and the Victorians
English Major:
Nine courses above ENG 111,
ENG 225
Intermediate Expository Writing
ENG 245
Introduction to Literature
One course in European
ENG 27 1
European Literature: Homer to
Dante or
ENG 272
European Literature:
From the Renaissance to
the Modern Period
Two survey courses in British
literature from:
ENG 33 1
British Literature: Medieval to
One upper division course in
American literature:
ENG 350
American Literature to 1920 or
ENG 35 1
American Literature
Since 1920
One 400-level course
Two additional electives.
Majors are encouraged to
consult their departmental
adviser regularly. A student
with a double major or special
program that involves considerable work in the English
Department should also work
closely with an adviser in the
English Department.
Note: Transfer students must
take at least three of their
English courses at Augsburg.
English-Language Arts
Teaching Major:
10 courses, including those
listed under the major, and:
ENG 345
Introduction to the English
ENG 399
Internship in Teaching Writing
EDS 364
English Methods
and one course with a component in non-Western literature
(for example, ENG 361
Studies in Modern Fiction).
In addition, two ACTC
courses-Communications Skills
in the English Classroom and
Teaching Mass Media-are
required. Courses in early
American literature,
Shakespeare, and film are
recommended. Some of the
required courses, including the
internship, are not offered on
weekends. Students in this
program must work with advisers
in the English Department and
the Education Department in
order to meet the professional
requirements within the
Education Department as well as
requirements in the major.
Transfer students with a B.A.
in English from another college
must take at least two of their
English courses at Augsburg
(preferably upper division
courses). These courses must
be taken before the department
can recommend a student for
student teaching. Students
should consult the English
Department chair soon after
ENG 111 Effective Writing is
strongly recommended but not a
prerequisite for a lower
division literature course.
Prerequisite for an upper
division literature course is ENG
245 or consent of the instructor.
Five courses above ENG 111
including ENG 245; an upper
division literature course; and
an additional writing course.
History is to society what
memory is to an individual; it
brings to a civilization an
understanding of its identity.
The distinguished medievalist
J.R. Strayer expressed it this
way: "No community can
survive and no institution can
function without constant
reference to past experience.
We are ruled by precedents
fully as much as by laws,
which is to say that we are
ruled by the collective
memory of the past. It is the
memory of common experiences which makes scattered
individuals into a community."
The English Placement Test:
A writing sample is required
of students to determine their
placement in an appropriate
writing class. Students who do
not show competence in
composition skills such as
stating and supporting a thesis,
organizing clearly, and
constructing paragraphs and
sentences are required to
enroll in ENG 101
Developmental Writing, where
they will receive more individual instruction than is
possible in ENG 11I Effective
Writing. These students must
pass ENG 101 Developmental
Writing before enrolling in
ENG 111 Effective Writing.
The study of history enables
us to deal more knowledgeably with continuity and
change in society. The
construction of an informed
sense of our past is a fundamental ingredient in
appreciating and understanding the present as well as
anticipating the future. History
majors are prepared to be
active and contributing
members of their society. The
study of history, which has long
held a major role in the liberal arts,
is an entry to elementary and
secondary education, graduate
study in several fields, and a wide
range of employment opportunities that require abilities in
communication, conceptualhtion,
and processing of information.
Degree and Major
Eight courses plus one
seminar. At least four of these
courses must be upper division. A major must have at
least one course (either survey
or upper level) from each of
the four areas: ancient and
medieval, modern Europe,
U.S., and non-Western.
Five courses, at least three of
which must be upper division.
Other Requirements
First-year students should
enroll in one or more of the
101- 104 courses; 200-level
courses are normally reserved
for sophomore or upper division students. Upper division
courses are numbered
300 and above.
Satisfactory completion of a
lower division course is
normally required before
enrolling in an upper division
course. See instructor for
Transfer Students
Transfer students planning a
major must normally take at
least three of their courses at
Augsburg. A minor normally
requires two courses taken at
The major in management
information systems prepares
students for professional careers
in information systems. MIS
studies information systems as
both a resource and a tool for
decision-making. Students learn
to analyze and evaluate existing
systems and to design and
program new systems. MIS is an
extensive major (16 courses) and
includes courses from computer
science, mathematics,
economics, business, and
accounting as well as fmm MIS.
MIS Major
16 courses including:
A. Six courses in economics,
business, and accounting:
ECO 113
Principles of Microeconomics
BUS 242
Principles of Management
BUS 252
Principles of Marketing
BUS 331
Financial Management
ACC 221
Principles of Accounting I
ACC 222
Principles of Accounting I1
B. Three courses in mathematics
and computer science:
CSC 170
Structured Programming
MAT 114
Pre-Calculus (for students at
MPG 3)
MAT 121
Finite Mathematics or
any higher level math course
(for students at MPG 4)
CSC 340
Introduction to Networking
and Communications
C. Seven courses in MIS
MIS 175
Principles of Computing for
Business * or
CSC 160
Introduction to Computing
and Communications
MIS 370
Advanced Computing for
Business or
CSC 352
Data Base Management
and Design
MIS 375
Management Information
Systems in Organizations
MIS 376
Project Management
MIS 379
Quantitative Methods for
Business and Economics
MIS 475
Systems Analysis and Design
MIS 476
Information Systems Projects
* MIS 175 is waived (without
credit) for students who do not
take MIS 175 and pass MIS
370. Students who pass MIS
370 without receiving credit
for MIS 175 (or a similar
course) and who desire academic credit ( P N grading) for
MIS 175 may obtain credit by
applying for an APL
(Assessment of Previous
Learning) through the
Registrar's Office.
Minor in MIS
MIS 175, ACC 221, BUS 242
or BUS 252, MIS 370, MIS 375,
and one of the following: MIS
376,475,479, or ECO 318.
The Augsburg nursing
program is designed exclusively for registered nurses
who want to increase their
opportunities in the health
care field.
The scope of nursing practice
is changing and expanding.
Nurses are being called on to
function in a variety of
settings that differ from those
in the past. Today nurses work
in hospitals, clinics, corporations, government agencies,
schools, and community organizations; some are selfemployed, running their own
businesses. Nurses provide
health care for individuals
from all cultures and socioeconomic levels throughout their
life span.
The bachelor's degree equips
nurses with a working knowledge of the biological,
physical, social, behavioral,
and nursing sciences. The
nursing program at Augsburg
also provides the educational
opportunities to increase
skills in critical thinking,
clinical investigation and
decision-making that prepare
nurses to handle challenging
new positions in today's
health care field.
Augsburg's nursing program,
leading to a Bachelor of
Science degree with a major in
nursing, is accredited by the
National League for Nursing.
Graduates of the program are
eligible to apply for Public
Health Nurse registration in
Minnesota. With two additional courses, they are
eligible to apply for School
Nurse certification.
Nursing Major
Ten courses including:
NUR 305
Contemporary Nursing I:
NUR 306
Contemporary Nursing 11:
Paradigms in Nursing
NUR 310
Community Health Nursing I
NUR 311
Community Health Nursing 11:
NUR 330
Trends and Issues in Nursing
NUR 350
Introduction to Nursing
NUR 403
Contemporary Nursing 111:
NUR 423
Practicum in Nursing I:
Nursing of the Family
NUR 43 1
Leadership and Management:
Theory and Practice
PHI 380
Ethics of Medicine and Health
Courses in the nursing major,
including PHI 380, may not be
taken on a PIN grading basis.
Other requirements:
A minimum grade of 2.0
in each nursing course
A cumulative GPA of 2.5 at
the completion of Level I
and Level I1 courses of
study is required. Students
also must complete
Augsburg's residence and
General Education
Courses in the nursing major
are offered on weekends with
clinical courses requiring additional weekday time. While
courses are designed so that
the major may be completed
within two years, more time
may be required to complete
the total course of study
depending on the number of
credits transferred from other
colleges or universities.
Students interested in pursuing
the nursing major should
consult with an adviser from
the Nursing Department for
program planning.
Nursing Honors Major:
Requires a GPA of at least 3.6
in the major and 3.3 overall;
application to the department
chairperson by Nov. 1 of the
senior year; recommendation
by nursing faculty; honors
thesis to be defended before a
faculty committee by April 15,
(Candidates register for NUR
499 to complete the thesis.)
If the practicums in nursing
are not taken concurrently
with their respective theory
courses, students are required
to consult with faculty prior to
registration regarding review
of the theoretical content.
Nursing Program Entrance
The following steps may be
taken in any order, but all
must be completed prior to
application for admission into
the nursing major:
1.Admission to Augsburg
College: Before you can
apply to the nursing
program, you must first be
admitted into Augsburg
College. All applicants must
present a high school
diploma or equivalent and a
2.0 GPA.
2. Unencumbered RN
Licensure in Minnesota:
Applicant must be a registered nurse licensed in
Minnesota or be registered
to take the State Board
Exams prior to beginning at
3. Prerequisite course content:
The following courses must
have been completed with a
GPA of 2.0 or better: chemistry, anatomy, and
physiology, microbiology,
English composition, introductory sociology, and
introductory psychology.
These courses may be taken
at Augsburg or at another
accredited college or
4. Current clinical practice:
applicants must give
evidence of current nursing
clinical practice (within the
past five years). This may
include: graduation from a
school of nursing (a
minimum overall GPA of
2.5 is required), work experience, or completion of a
nursing refresher course or
an acceptable equivalent.
A c a d e m i c
Psychology is an exploration
of behavior and mental
processes. As an integral part
of a liberal arts education,
psychology contributes to the
understanding of individual
and group behavior.
Psychology's scientific
method also equips students to
understand and use scientific
research and to make more
informed judgments about
claims in the popular media.
To prepare students for graduate study and work in
psychology, the major emphasizes the complementary
components of a strong foundation in research and
theoretical work with application of knowledge and skills in
coursework, research experience, and internships within
the community. The curriculum's emphasis on
problem-solving skills and
current information about
human development and interaction is also relevant to
careers in many related
settings-business, education,
social services, research, law,
government, church, and
Faculty members in the
Department of Psychology
have varied professional
counseling, physiological,
developmental, social, cognitive, environmental, and
psychology-as well as expertise in psychological
applications to health, law,
and public policy. Students
may tap this expertise through
a variety of learning experiences-within and outside the
classroom, with group and
individual projects, and
through association with
Augsburg's active Psychology
Club, Psi Chi Honor Society,
and faculty-student research
Psychology Major
10 courses including:
PSY 102
Individual in a Social World or
PSY 105
Principles of Psychology
PSY 200
Psychological Science
PSY 230
Research Methods: Design,
Procedure, and Analysis I
PSY 330
Research Methods: Design,
Procedure, and Analysis I1
PSY 399
And at least one course from
the following:
PSY 354
Perception and Cognition
PSY 355
PSY 359
And at least one course from
the following:
PSY 491
Advanced Research Seminar
PSY 493 Seminar:
Contemporary issues
And at least three additional
psychology courses. (Majors
are strongly encouraged to
take more than 10 psychology
courses; no more than 13
count for graduation.)
Note: A minimum of five
courses must be from
Augsburg. No more than two
courses from PSY 299, 399, or
499 may be counted.
Transfer course policy for
majors and minors: all transfer
courses, including ACTC
courses, must be approved in
writing by the chair. Only
those psychology courses
successfully completed (2.0 or
above) within the last 10 years
will be considered. In general,
courses that meet the transfer
guidelines may only be applied
to elective or PSY 105 credit
for the major.
WEC psychology courses are
offered on an alternating year
All psychology majors must
have an adviser in the
Psychology Department.
Psychology Minor
Five courses including PSY
102 or 105 and four electives.
A minimum of two courses
must be from Augsburg. Not
more than two courses from
PSY 299,399, and 499 may
be counted toward the minor.
Religion asks fundamental
questions of life and meaning.
Who are we as human beings?
Where did we come from?
Where did the world come
from? What do good and evil
mean in this time and place?
Students will wrestle with
these questions and with
responses from the Christian
traditions and from the
perspectives of the other major
world religions.
Through this study of religion,
students will learn to understand, appreciate, and
articulate the Christian faith,
as based in the Bible, as lived
in the Christian fellowship, as
embodied in the Christian
Church and its history, and as
interactive in the contemporary world and with other
world religions. Students will
also develop the ability to read
and interpret the Bible, other
religious texts, and various
expressions and practices of
faith so that their meaning for
human life in relation to God
becomes evident. In addition
students will develop skills for
becoming leaders in the religious communities to which
they belong and for living as
responsible citizens with
others whose religious views
and practices differ from their
own. A religion major encourages students to seek their
future in the world and/or
church through a sense of
vocation, serving as pastors,
associates in ministry, nurses,
and youth and family ministry
lay professionals in congregations, and as social service and
human resource professionals
in a wide variety of settings.
Religion Major
Eight courses including:
REL 111
Introduction to Theology
REL 221
Biblical Studies
REL 356
History of Religions
REL 481
Contemporary Theology
REL 495
Three additional religion
courses, two of which must be
upper division courses.
Note: Seminar, especially for
majors, should be taken in the
junior or senior year. (Before
taking the seminar, each major
must have written one formal
research paper and placed it
on file with the department
Department approval is necessary before courses taken at
other colleges can be accepted
for Religion Department
course credit.
All majors must consult with
the department chair.
Completion of this major may
require enrollment in one or
more courses offered in an
evening weekday schedule.
Religion Minor
Five religion courses.
Note: Not all courses that meet
the Christian faith perspective
are religion courses. Only
Religion Department courses
count toward the religion
major and minor.
The Social Work major
prepares graduates for entrylevel generalist professional
practice in the field of social
work. The program is accredited by the Council on Social
Work Education and leads to a
Bachelor of Science degree.
The program is based on a
generalist model of practice,
enabling graduates to work
with individuals, families,
groups, and communities, and
to develop and analyze social
policy. Courses within the
program utilize a student
empowerment model for
teaching and learning.
Augsburg's social work major
also provides a strong foundation for graduate studies in a
variety of fields. Augsburg
also offers a full-time Master
of Social Work degree on a
weekend schedule.
Social Work Major
10 core courses:
SWK 301
History and Analysis of
Social Policy
SWK 306
Social Work Practice I:
With Individuals
SWK 307
Field Work I: Integrative
SWK 316
Social Work Practice 11:
With Families and Groups
Field Work 11:
Integrative Seminar
Research: Evaluation of
Practice and Programs
SWK 406
Social Work Practice 111:
With Communities and
SWK 407
Field Work 111:
Integrative Seminar
Social Worker as Professional
Seven supporting courses:
SWK 257
Exploring Human Services
Introduction to Human Society
SOC 231"
Family Systems: A CrossCultural Perspective
SOC 265
Culture: Ethnicity, Gender and
A minimum grade of 2.0 is
required for each course in the
core program and a 2.0
average is required in the
supporting program.
Students interested in social
work should begin their
program with the required
supporting courses. The
professional sequence will be
offered when a sufficient
number of students are ready
for that portion of the
SWK 260
Humans Developing
*See adviser for optional
substitution of electives.
BIO 101
Human Biology
Social Welfare Minor
Six courses including SWK
257 or department approved
alternative internship, SWK
260, SWK 301, SWK 406,
SOC 265, and one course from
SWK 465, POL 121, POL
158, POL 325.
PSY 105
General Psychology
Students may not earn both
the major and minor.
In addition to minors offered
in business, communication,
economics, English, MIS,
psychology, religion, and
social welfare (listed under
each respective major),
Weekend College students are
able to complete minors in the
following areas:
American Indian Studies
The American Indian Studies
minor offers courses that
encompass the range of
American Indian contributions
to North American culture,
including art, religion, literature, and history.
Requirements: Five courses
including INS 105 and at least
one upper division course
from the list below. Indian
Studies courses may also be
taken as part of majors or
minors in other academic
subjects or to meet general
education requirements.
Courses offered include:
ART 290
Tribal Arts and Culture
ENG 216
American Indian Literature
INS 105
Introduction to American
Indian Studies
INS 233
Women: A Cross-Cultural
INS 260
Contemporary American
INS 264
American Indians in the
INS 320
American Indian Women
Requirements: Five courses
which must include INS 201
Foundations in Women's
Studies; three electives, one of
which must be upper division;
and INS 495 or 499. Each
student's program must have
the written approval of the
women's studies coordinator.
REL 370
American Indian Spirituality
and Philosophical Thought
Course options include:
OJB 111 and 112
Beginning Ojibwe
ENG 2361436
Women and Fiction
Sociology is the study of society
as a whole and of human social
organization in groups. The
sociological perspective
provides a way to better
understand the social world
and how human beings come
to think and act as they do.
INS 233
Women: A Cross-Cultural
Requirements: Five courses
including SOC 121
Introduction to Human Society
and two upper division sociology courses, at least two of
which must be taken at
Augsburg College.
Women's Studies
The program in women's
studies provides students with
the opportunity to critically
examine women's contributions and experience in various
historical and cultural contexts.
ART 352
Women's Art History
INS 320
American Indian Women
INS 499
Independent Study
HIS 380
The History of Women in the
West to 1870
HIS 381
The History of Women in the
West Since 1870
POL 124
American Women and Politics
ENG 480
WST 201
Foundations in Women's
WST 495
Women's Studies Seminar
It is expected that students
attend every class. If more
than one class meeting will be
missed, the student should not
register for the course. Some
faculty and courses require
100 percent attendance for a
student to earn a passing
grade. Most Weekend College
classes meet seven times
during a trimester plus Finals
Class Weekend. Some courses
meet for the entire period on
Finals Class Weekend.
Classes marked with an
asterisk (*) on the Class
Schedule require or recommend that students attend
additional class meetings, the
dates and times of which are
either listed on the course
syllabus or determined by the
class at the first meeting.
There are three trimesters in
Weekend College-fall,
winter, and spring. A calendar
of class weekends for each
trimester and a tentative
schedule of courses offered
can be found in the Weekend
College Catalog Supplement.
Many courses are offered at
least once a year; however,
since some courses are offered
in alternate years, it is important that the student review
major requirements and
course offerings with an
adviser to ensure that all
requirements can be met.
Descriptions and schedules for
courses offered in the day
schedule, January Interim,
Summer School, the Master of
Arts in Leadership, and the
Master of Social Work
programs are published in
separate publications.
Courses numbered below 300
are lower division courses.
Courses numbered 300 and
above are classified as upper
One course credit at Augsburg
is approximately equivalent to
four semester credits or six
quarter credits.
The majority of Augsburg
courses are one course credit.
Some courses in the education, health and physical
education, and music departments have .5 credit value
(one-half course) or .25 credit
value (one-quarter course).
A prerequisite is a course or a
specific skill level, e.g. Math
Placement Level, which must
be completed before the
student enrolls in a higherlevel course. Prerequisites are
listed in the course description. When a prerequisite has
not been fulfilled, a student
may enroll in the course only
if there is prior approval from
the course instructor.
Liberal Arts Perspectives and
Graduation Skill requirements
that are fulfilled by completing
a course are listed in the
course descriptions.
Additional courses may have
been approved to meet these
requirements since the publication of this catalog. See the
Perspectives and Skills list
available in the Registrar's
Office for the most current
C o u r s e
D e s c r i p t i o n s .
ACC 221
Principles of Accounting I
Introduction to business activities, basic concepts, and fundamentals of accounting,
the accounting cycle and preparation of financial statements.
ACC 222
Principles of Accounting II
A continuation of ACC 221. Introduction to business activities, accounting for
corporations. Basic concepts and fundamentals of managerial accounting, planning
and controlling processes, decision-making, and behavioral considerations.
(Prereq.: ACC 221)
ACC 322
Accounting Theory and Practice I
An analysis of financial accounting with emphasis on accounting theory pertaining
to financial statements, income concepts, valuation concepts, FASB statements, and
other relevant issues as applied to assets. (Prereq.: ACC 222)
Accounting Theory and Practice II
A continuation of ACC 322. An analysis of financial accounting with emphasis on
accounting theory pertaining to financial statements, income concepts, valuation
concepts, FASB statements, and other relevant issues as applied to liabilities and
stockholders' equity. (Prereq.: ACC 322)
Managerial Cost Accounting
Accounting tools for heavy manufacturing systems as well as for managerial decision making. Planning, budgeting, standard cost systems, as well as other
quantitative and behavioral topics. (Prereq.: ACC 221, 222, BUS 242, 252, MIS
379, or consent of instructor)
Tax Accounting
The more common and important provisions of planning and compliance for
income taxes. (Prereq.: ACC 221, BUS 331, ECO 112, 113, or consent of
Internship Program
A student may receive course credits through an internship program which is
applicable to graduation but not to the major. This program will afford the student
the opportunity to spend one full term working with an organization. In addition,
the student will write a report on histher activities. (Prereq.: consent of instructor)
Internal and external auditing procedures. Emphasis on the CPA's role to form the
basis of opinion on a set of financial statements. Graduation Skills: Writing and
Speaking (Prereq.: ACC 323)
ACC 323
ACC 324
ACC 326
ACC 399
ACC 423
ACC 424
Internal and Operational Audit
Integrating the business arts of accounting, finance, management, marketing, and
MIS to incorporate and learn the techniques of internal and operation auditing. Also
integrated are the professional skills of oral and written communications, problemsolving in an unstructured environment, and team projects. (Prereq.: ECO 113,
ACC 221,222, BUS 242,252,331, MIS 175,379)
ACC 425
ACC 499
ASL 101,102
Advanced Accounting
Accounting for business combinations, consolidations, governmental accounting,
partnership accounting, and fund accounting. (Prereq.: ACC 323)
Independent Study
The student may earn independent study credits through individually supervised
projects designed to afford himher the opportunity to analyze some topic or issue
in depth. (Prereq.: consent of instructor)
Beginning American Sign Language
An introduction to deaf culture and the signs and syntax of ASL. Students observe
the demonstration of signs, practice their own signing, and learn the facial expression and body language needed to communicate clearly with deaf and
hard-of-hearing people.
ART 102
A study of design as the unifying foundation for the visual arts. Two- and threedimensional projects demonstrating the use of the basic design elements and
principles. Liberal Arts Perspective: Aesthetics; Graduation Skill: Speaking
ART 106
Introduction and practice of calligraphic writing and designing with emphasis on
the broad-edged pen. Liberal Arts Perspective: Aesthetics
ART 107
Drawing in graphite pencils, pen, and pastel pencils. Subjects include still-life,
figures, building interiors, and exteriors and experimental work. Liberal Arts
Perspective: Aesthetics
ART 118
Painting I
Introduction to painting media and technique in acrylic and oil. Liberal Arts
Perspective: Aesthetics
ART 132
The camera used as a tool for visual creativity, expression, and communication
with attention to black and white photographic processes. Students need access to a
35mm, single lens reflex camera. Materials will cost approximately $175-200.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Aesthetics
C o u r s e
ART 221
Sculpture I
An introduction to sculpture in the medium of clay. Liberal Arts Perspective:
ART 224
Publication Design I
An introduction to traditional design concerns and procedures related to publication
design as well as design for desktop publishing. Theory and practice of coordinating visual images and typography with content in publications. Study of design
in magazines, newspapers, newsletters, books, and miscellaneous publications.
Students design and produce a publication as a group project. Liberal Arts
Perspective: Aesthetics
ART 225
Communication Design I
An introduction to the principles and techniques of graphic design. Students will
develop visual communication skills working with typography, symbols, logos, and
illustration. Liberal Arts Perspective: Aesthetics; Graduation Skill: Speaking
ART 240
Art History Survey
A survey of art of the Western world from prehistoric to modern times. Includes
reading, research, viewing of slides, and visits to museums. Liberal Arts
Perspectives: Western Heritage, Aesthetics; Graduation Skill: Critical Thinking
ART 250
Ceramics I
An introduction to the making of pottery with an emphasis on hand building and
glazing. Liberal Arts Perspective: Aesthetics
ART 290
Tribal Arts and Culture
The rich heritage of indigenous cultures of the Americas, particularly within the
United States, is explored through the visual arts. Other content includes poetry,
dance, mythology, ritual, religion, and drama of many American Indian tribes.
Students will produce various art projects in weaving, basket-making, pottery,
jewelry, sculpture, or prints.
ART 306
Calligraphy II
Advanced work in calligraphic media and design. Liberal Arts Perspective:
ART 352
Women and Art
A study of the creative role of women in the visual arts, including the fine arts, the
"traditional" arts, and the work of Native American woinen. Liberal Arts
Perspective: Aesthetics; Graduation Skill: Writing
ART 478
Sculpture II
Advanced work in sculpture in the medium of clay. (Prereq.: ART 221)
BIO 101
BIO 102
BIO 103
BIO 105
BIO 185
BIO 231
Human Biology
Basic biological concepts from an anthropocentric point of view: what makes a
human just another member of the biotic fold? Do humans have a niche in the
ecosystem? What influence do humans have on the environment? What influence
does the environment, especially the urban environment, have on humans? (Threehour lectures. A student may not receive credit for both BIO 101 and 103.) Liberal
Arts Perspective: Natural World 2
The Biological World
The basic concepts of biology pertaining to both plants and animals are emphasized. The nature of science and the approach used by scientists to gather and
analyze data, purpose and test theories are considered. Three hours of laboratory for
each class meeting are required. Lab time is usually scheduled for an evening.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Natural World 1 or 2; Graduation Skill: Critical Thinking
Human Anatomy and Physiology
A professional course in the structure and function of the human body. Lecture and
laboratory. Additional time per class meeting is required for the laboratory, usually
scheduled on an evening. (A student may not receive credit for both BIO 101 and
Biology and Society
A consideration of the biological basis of some of the problems facing society, such
as toxic pollutants in air, water, and soil, genetic engineering, AIDS, genetic
diseases, and counseling, extinction, wilderness ethics, global warming, cancer,
hunger, drugs, biodiversity. (Does not apply to the major or minor.) Liberal Arts
Perspective: Natural World 2
The Biology of Aging
At some time in our lives most of us will directly experience aging or be influenced
by people undergoing age-related changes. This course will concentrate on the
biological aspects of such changes. Liberal Arts Perspective: Natural World 2
The Biology of Women
The objective of this course is to provide a basic understanding of the structure and
functioning of the female human organism as well as to evaluate misconceptions
about women that have arisen in the history of biology. Liberal Arts Perspective:
Natural World 2
C o u r s e
BUS 242
Principles of Management
Development of the theory of management, organization, staffing, planning, and
control. The nature of authority, accountability and responsibility, analysis of the
role of the professional manager.,
BUS 252
Principles of Marketing
Principles of basic policy and strategy issues in marketing. Legal, ethical, competitive, behavioral, economic, and technological factors as they affect product,
promotion, marketing channel, and pricing decisions.
BUS 254
The process of transforming an idea into an organization that can market the idea
for the benefit of all. Examines the construction of a viable business plan with
attention to the resources needed for success.
BUS 301
Business Law
Legal rules relating to contracts, agency, negotiable instruments, property, and
business organizations under the Uniform Commercial Code.
Business Ethics
Examines individual choices in business using various ethical standards. Reviews
critical thinking skills in relation to moral reasoning. Analyzes and evaluates
various business practices and policies. Emphasizes conceptual precision in
thinking, writing, and speaking. (Prereq.: BUS 301 or PHI 120 or PHI 125, or
juniorlsenior standing)
BUS 302
BUS 331
Financial Management
Theory of acquisition, allocation, and management of funds within the firm.
Sources and uses of long- and short-term funds, cost of capital, capital budgeting,
leverage, dividend policy, and related topics. (Prereq.: ECO 113, ACC 222, MIS
379, and MPG 3)
BUS 340
Human Resource Management
Personnel function in business, acquisition, and utilization of human resources;
desirable working relationships; effective integration of the worker with the goals
of the firm and society. (Prereq.: BUS 242)
BUS 352
Marketing Research and Analysis
Research process as an aid to decision-making in marketing management; research
methodology; marketing research results; evaluation of the effectiveness of
research in marketing. (Prereq.: BUS 252, 379, ECO 113, or consent of instructor)
BUS 355
Marketing Communications
Integration of advertising, public relations, sales promotion, and personal selling
into a coherent promotion mix. Emphasis is placed on the design and evaluation of
marketing communications programs. (Prereq.: BUS 252) Note: Either BUS 355 or
357 can be taken for graduation credit but not both.
BUS 357
BUS 362
BUS 368
BUS 399
BUS 433
BUS 438
BUS 440
BUS 450
An introduction to print and broadcast advertising and promotion as important
elements in modern marketing and communications. Note: Either BUS 355 or 357
can be taken for graduation credit but not both.
International Business
Introduction to the problems and possibilities of doing business in an international
context. Appreciation of the perspective required for successful planning and
management of any enterprise operating abroad is emphasized by foreseeing both the
opportunities and the difficulties inherent in international business. (Prereq.: ECO 112
or 113, and BUS 242 or 252, or consent of instructor) Graduation Skill: Writing
Responding to the Challenge of Japan
An examination of current Japanese business practices using a cultural perspective.
A multimedia approach will be employed, involving film, television documentaries,
and readings from current periodicals in addition to text materials. A seminar
model will be used with substantial participation expected on the part of students.
(Prereq.: junior standing or consent of instructor) Liberal Arts Perspective:
Intercultural Awareness 1
Internship Program
A student may receive course credits through an internship program that is applicable to graduation but not to the major. This program will afford the student the
opportunity to spend one full term working with an organization. In addition, the
student will write a report on hisher activities. (Prereq.: consent of instructor)
Financial Theory: Policy and Practice
A system's approach to financial structure and policy. Emphasis on decision
making, presentation through literature, readings, lectures, and case material. (Prereq.:
BUS 331)
Investment Theory
Appraisal of the risktreturn relationships of various types of securities from the viewpoint of both individual and institutional investors. Extensive coverage of capital
markets and portfolio management. (Prereq.: all core courses or consent of instructor)
Operations Management
Concepts and principles related to the management of operating functions. Taught
from a managerial viewpoint with examples from various industries and sectors.
(Prereq.: BUS 242)
Marketing Management
Integration of marketing with other business functions; marketing management and
decision making, planning marketing programs, channels of distribution, pricing,
product selling promotion policies. (Prereq.: BUS 352 and either BUS 355 or 357)
Graduation Skill: Writing
C o u r s e
D e s c r i p t i o n s .
BUS 465
lnternational Management
To provide the student with a private sector manager's perspective on the influence
of national and international institutions on the multinational corporation and on the
strategies, structures, practices, and effects of the national corporation in the world
today. (Prereq.: BUS 242. BUS 362 is recommended) Graduation Skill: Writing
BUS 466
lnternational Marketing
This course examines those issues and activities unique to marketing in an international setting. Emphasis is also placed on adaptation of a marketing mix according
to the international marketing environment. (Prereq.: BUS 252, 362)
Contemporary Issues in lnternational Business and Trade
Conditions and motivations for world trade, business, and industrial cooperation.
Practical applications of the commercial policies of the major trading nations.
Examination of the impact of systematic changes on the volume and structure of
world trade. (Prereq.: BUS 465, 466)
BUS 468
BUS 499
Independent Study
The student may earn independent study credits through individually supervised
projects designed to afford himher the opportunity to analyze some topic or issue
in depth. (Prereq.: consent of instructor)
CHM 100
CHM 101
Chemistry for Changing Times I
This is a non-laboratory course based on a popular book by John H. Hill of the
same title. It is not a traditional chemistry course and does not assume a science
background. Most of the problems we face are molecular in nature. What then but
chemistry can help us to understand ourselves, our society, our world, and our
universe? Come join us as we take a molecular look at the human condition. This
course does not apply toward a major or minor in chemistry nor does it meet any
chemistry prerequisite requirements. (Prereq.: MPG 2) Liberal Arts Perspective:
Natural World 2
Chemistry for Changing Times II
Designed for liberal arts students. Emphasis is on developing basic chemistry
concepts, through films and articles relating chemistry to life and society. CHM
101 includes laboratory. Does not apply as prerequisite for other chemistry courses.
(Prereq.: MPG 3) Liberal Arts Perspective: Natural World 1; Graduation Skill:
Quantitative Reasoning
CSC 160
Introduction to Computing and Communications
An introduction to computer science topics in hardware, software, theory, and
computer communications: algorithm design, logical circuits, finite automata,
context-free languages, Turing machines, network concepts, and the Internet.
(Prereq.: MPG 3)
CSC 170
Structured Programming
An introduction to problem-solving, algorithm development, and' programming
using a high-level programming language Three hours of lecture, 1.5 hours of lab.
(Prereq.: CSC 160 or MIS 370 and one of MAT 114 or MAT 122 or MIS 379 or
MPG 4) Graduation Skill: Critical Thinking
CSC 210
Data Structures
Data structures such as linked lists, stacks, and queues; recursion. (Prereq.: CSC
170) Graduation Skill: Critical Thinking
CSC 270
Study of the FORTRAN programming language. It is assumed that the student has a
knowledge of programming methods and has done programming in some other
language. (Prereq.: CSC 170 or another course with a study of a programming language)
UNIX and C
Study of UNIX operating system and the C programming language. It is assumed
that the student has a knowledge of programming methods and has done programming in some other language. (Prereq.: CSC 170 or another course with a study of
a programming language)
A systematic study of algorithms and their complexity, including searching and
sorting algorithms, mathematical algorithms, scheduling algorithms, and tree and
graph traversal algorithms. The limitations of algorithms, Turing machines, the
classes P and NP, NP-complete problems and intractable problems. (Prereq.: CSC
210 and MAT 145 or 122 or 124) Graduation Skills: Quantitative Reasoning,
Critical Thinking
lntroduction to Networking and Communications
Principles and methods of data communications, information theory, distributed
processing systems, network protocols and security, standards, network management, and general computer interfacing. (Prereq.: CSC 170, MAT 122 or 124 or
Principles of Computer Organization
An introduction to computer architecture, processors, operating systems, instruction
sets, and assembly language programming. (Prereq.: CSC 210)
CSC 272
CSC 320
CSC 340
CSC 345
c o u r s e
CSC 352
Database Management and Design
Structure of database management systems, query facilities, file organization and
security, and the development of database systems. (Prereq.: CSC 210)
CSC 399
A work-based learning experience in which a student, faculty member, and site
supervisor design a learning agreement which links the ideas and methods of
computer science to the opportunities found in the placement. Students must
consult with the Computer Science Department and Internship Office before registering for academic credit. May be taken on a PIN grading basis only.
CSC 440
Advanced Networking and Operating Systems
Network management; clienttserver databases and workstations; TCPDP and other
network examples. Elements of operating systems, memory and process management, interactions among major components of computer systems, and a detailed
study of the effects of computer architecture on operating systems. (Prereq.: CSC
340 and 345)
Programming Languages and Compilers I
Principles that govern the design and implementation of programming languages.
Topics include formal languages, programming language syntax and semantics,
parsing, and interpretation. Emphasis on design issues. (Prereq.: CSC 320)
Programming languages and Compilers II
Continuation of CSC 450: compilers, data structures, control structures, and the
run-time environment. Emphasis on implementation issues. (Prereq.: CSC 345 and
Advanced Topics in Computer Science
Study of advanced topics from areas of computer science not included in other
courses. This course may be repeated when the topics vary but may not be counted
more than twice as part of the requirement for the major. (Prereq.: consent of
Independent StudyIResearch
Topics defined through consultation between student and the department.
CSC 450
CSC 451
CSC 495
CSC 499
ECO 110
ECO 112
Economics of Urban Issues
Study of economic implications of many problems facing a metro-urban environment. Some of the topics to be discussed are fundamental microeconomic tools
introduced to facilitate discussion of various topics, e.g. crime prevention, education, discrimination. (This is a basic course designed for those students who do not
plan to major in economics or business administration or MIS.) Liberal Arts
Perspectives: The City, Social World 1 or 2
Principles of Macroeconomics
An introduction to macroeconomics: national income analysis, monetary and fiscal
policy, international trade. Application of elementary economic theory to current
ECO 113
ECO 311
ECO 312
ECO 313
ECO 315
ECO 318
ECO 360
ECO 41 3
ECO 414
economic problems. May be taken independently of ECO 113. ECO 112 and 113
may be taken in either order. (Prereq.: MPG 2) Liberal Arts Perspective: Western
Principles of Microeconomics
An introduction to microeconomics: the theory of the household, firm, market
structures, and income distribution. Application of elementary economic theory to
market policy. May be taken independently of 112. ECO 112 and 113 may be taken
in either order. (Prereq.: MPG 2) Liberal Arts Perspective: Social World 1 or 2
Public Finance
Analysis of the principles of taxation and public expenditures; the impact of fiscal
policy on economic activity; debt policy and its economic implications. (Prereq.:
ECO 113)
lntermediate Macroeconomics
Determinants of national income, employment, and price level analyzed via macromodels. Attention paid to areas of monetary-fiscal policy, growth and the role of
expectations. (Prereq.: ECO 112)
lntermediate Microeconomics
Theory of resource allocation, analysis of consumer behavior, firm and industry;
the pricing of factors of production and income distribution; introduction to welfare
economics. (Prereq.: ECO 113)
Money and Banking
Functioning of the monetary and banking systems, particularly commercial banks,
the Federal Reserve System and its role in relation to aggregate economic activity.
Emphasis placed on monetary theory and policy. (Prereq.: ECO 112)
Management Science
Provides a sound conceptual understanding of the modern techniques of management science to prepare students to make better business and economic decisions.
Emphasis is on applications, which are taken from the areas of transportation,
marketing, portfolio selection, environmental protection, the shortest route, inventory models, information systems, etc. (Prereq.: ECO 113, MPG 3) Graduation
Skills: Quantitative Reasoning, Writing
International Economics
A study of the underlying forces affecting the economic relations among nations.
Development of the basis for international trade, balance of payments, exchange
rate systems, and commercial policy. (Prereq.: ECO 113)
Labor Economics
Analysis of labor markets, labor as a factor of production, determination of wage
collective bargaining, labor legislation, and effects upon society. (Prereq.: ECO 313)
Welfare Economics
Basic concepts and propositions; Pareto optimality, economic efficiency of alternative market structures; social welfare functions; normative concepts of economic
theory. (Prereq.: ECO 313)
c o u r s e
D e s c r i p t i o n s . L-
EDE 263
EDE 350
EDE 351
EDE 375
EDE 377
EDE 379
EDE 380
EDE 382
EDE 383
EDE 384
Kindergarten-ElementaryClinical Experience (.5 course)
Students should enroll for K-Elementary Clinical Experience in the first or second
trimester of their K-Elementary course sequence. Includes 160 hours of field experience. Seminars are arranged by the instructor in the Education Department.
Creating Learning Environments: Kindergarten-Elementary (.5 course)
The study of strategies and methods of teaching and learning in the contexts of
educational, psychological, and sociological theories. (Prereq.: PPST and admission
to dept.)
Techniques of Teaching Reading
The study and utilization of a variety of teaching techniques and resources in reading,
including the diagnosis and correction of reading difficulties. (Prereq.: PPST and
admission to dept.)
Discovery Learning in the World of Kindergarten (.5 course)
Study and utilization of a variety of techniques and resources for teaching kindergarten. (Prereq.: PPST and admission to dept.)
Kindergarten-ElementaryCurriculum: Science (.25 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for science at the kindergarten and elementary levels. (Prereq.: PPST and admission to dept.)
Kindergarten-ElementaryCurriculum: Art (.25 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for art at the kindergarten
and elementary levels. (Prereq.: PPST and admission to dept.)
Kindergarten-ElementaryCurriculum: Music (.25 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for music at the kindergarten and elementary levels. (Prereq.: PPST and admission to dept.)
Kindergarten-ElementaryCurriculum: Mathematics (.5 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for mathematics at the
kindergarten and elementary levels. (Prereq.: PPST and admission to dept.)
Kindergarten-ElementaryCurriculum: Health, Physical Education,
First Aid
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for physical education and
health at the kindergarten and elementary levels. (Prereq.: PPST and admission to
Kindergarten-ElementaryCurriculum: Social StudiesIThematic
Studies (.5 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for social studies and
thematic teaching at the kindergarten and elementary levels. (Prereq.: PPST and
admission to dept.)
EDE 386
Kindergarten-ElementaryCurriculum: Children's Literature (.5 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for children's literature at
the kindergarten and elementary levels. (Prereq.: PPST and admission to dept.)
EDE 387
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum: Language Arts (.5 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for language arts at the kindergarten and elementary levels. (Prereq.: PPST, EDU 264 and admission to dept.)
Graduation Skill: Writing
EDE 388
Kindergarten-ElementaryCurriculum: Health (.25 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for health instruction at the
kindergarten and elementary levels. (Prereq.: PPST and admission to dept.)
EDE 389
Kindergarten-ElementaryCurriculum: Physical Education (.5 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for physical education
instruction at the kindergarten and elementary levels. (Prereq.: PPST and admission
to dept.)
EDE 481, 482,
Student Teaching K-6 and Seminar (1 .O each course)
Observing and teaching at the kindergarten and elementary levels under the supervision of college and elementary school personnel. Students must apply for Student
Teaching at least three months prior to enrolling for the courses. A full term of
student teaching is required for all students pursuing an initial license. (Prereq.: All
K-Elementary course work satisfactorily completed and admission into the
Education Department licensure program) Graduation Skill: Speaking
EDS 252
Clinical Experience (.5 course)
Students should enroll for Clinical Experience by the second trimester of their
secondary course sequence. Includes 60 hours of field experience. Seminars are
arranged by the instructor in the Education Department.
EDS 350
Reading in the Content Areas (.5 course)
The study and utilization of a variety of techniques and resources to assist students
in teaching reading through the content areas. Major: Required for Secondary
Education. Upper division. (Prereq.: PPST and admission to dept.)
EDS 353
Creating Learning Environments: Secondary
The study of strategies, methods, and evaluation of teaching and learning in the
context of educational, psychological, and sociological theories. (Prereq.: PPST and
admission to dept.))
EDS 364
English Methods
Materials and methods suitable for students in secondary schools. Emphasis on the
preparation of lesson and unit plans. Some teaching experience in a local high
school. The study of adolescent literature is included. Joint Day and WEC.
(Prereq.: EDS 354 and PPST and admission to dept.)
c o u r s e
EDS 375
Social Studies Methods (.5 course)
Introduction to the teaching of social sciences and history in secondary school
classrooms. Emphasis on instructional strategies and curriculum development.
Consult with the Education Department. Joint Day and WEC. (Prereq.: EDS 354
and PPST and admission to dept.)
EDS 390
Communication Skills in the English Classroom
This course is for English-education majors who plan to teach high school English.
It is designed to improve students' skills in public speaking, oral interpretation,
listening, and small group discussions as well as explore the methodologies for
teaching and incorporating these skills in the high school English cumculum.
(Prereq.: PPST and admission to dept.) Summer school only
EDS 478
School and Society
The emphasis in this course is on the school in relation to society. Current major
issues in education will be studied. Students should enroll as closely as possible to
the same term as their student teaching. (Prereq.: PPST, EDU 264, EDS 353, and
Methods in Subject Area)
EDS 481, 482,
Student Teaching and Seminar (1.0 each)
Observe and direct learning at the secondary level under supervision of college and
secondary school personnel. Three courses required of all 7-12 Licensure majors.
Four courses required of K-12 art, music, and physical education licensure majors.
Four courses required of double majors. (Prereq.: completion of all education
course work and admission to the Department) Graduation Skill: Speaking
EDU 210
Learning and Development in an Educational Setting
A survey of educational psychology topics as applied to teaching and learning.
Special emphasis is placed on classroom applications. (PSY 105 Principles of
Psychology is strongly recommended.) Liberal Arts Perspective: Human Identity
EDU 264
Orientation to Education in an Urban Setting (.5 course)
Study and investigation of various aspects of the teaching profession as students
evaluate their interest and suitability for a career in teaching. Open to all students.
(Prereq.: ENG 111) Liberal Arts Perspective: The City
EDU 282
Introduction to Special Education
An examination of the nature, causes, and educational interventions for such exceptionalities as mental retardation, physical disability, hearing and vision impairment,
learning disabilities, behavior disorders, and giftedness.
EDU 341
Media Technology (.5 course)
Psychological and philosophical dimensions of communication through the use of
instructional technology. Selection, preparation, production, and evaluation of
effective audio-visual materials for teachingtlearning situations. Computer training
will be included in this course. (Prereq.: PPST and admission to dept.)
EDU 388
Human Relations (.5 course)
Emphasis on the study of values, of communication techniques, and of the major
minority groups in Minnesota for the development of interpersonal relations skills
applicable to teaching and other professional vocations. Open to all.
ENC 101
Developmental Writing
A preparatory course for ENG 111 Effective Writing, this course is required of
students identified by a writing sample (the English Placement Test) as needing
additional preparation in composition. Students receive course credit, but this does
not fulfill the graduation requirement in writing. The minimum passing grade for
this course is 2.0.
ENC 111
Effective Writing
Emphasis is on exposition, including learning research techniques and writing critical reviews. Attention is given to increasing students' effectiveness in choosing,
organizing and developing topics, thinking critically, and revising for clarity and
style. A writing lab is provided for those needing additional help. The minimum
passing grade is 2.0.
American Indian Literature
A study of poetry and fiction by selected American Indian writers. Discussion and
analysis will focus on ways in which literature reflects and illuminates American
Indian culture and traditions.
ENC 216
ENC 223
ENC 225
Writing for Business and the Professions
A practical course designed to improve writing skills for those preparing for business and professional careers. The writing of reports, letters, and proposals is
emphasized. Students are encouraged to use material from their own areas of
specialization. (Prereq.: ENG 111) Graduation Skill: Writing
Intermediate Expository Writing
This course builds on the practices and methods of ENG 111 Effective Writing. Its
workshop format stresses style and organization, the process of revision, self and
peer evaluation, and the relationship between reading and writing. (Prereq.: ENG
111) Graduation Skill: Writing
ENC 226
lntroduction to Creative Writing
The purpose of the course is to introduce students to the process of creative writing
and to various genres, emphasizing poetry and short fiction, but including journal
keeping and creative prose. (Prereq.: ENG 111) Liberal Arts Perspective: Aesthetics
ENC 227
An introductory news writing course with emphasis on writing for the print and
broadcast media, including practice in writing for radio and television. Students
consider how to recognize news, gather and verify facts, and write those facts into a
news story. An introduction to legal and ethical questions is included. (Prereq.:
ENG 111) Liberal Arts Perspective: The City; Graduation Skill: Writing
ENC 245
lntroduction to Literature
An initiation into the formal study of fiction, poetry, and drama, drawing on works
from several periods, different cultures and races, and male and female writers. As
the prerequisite for all upper level courses in literature, Introduction to Literature
aims in particular to develop students' critical and analytical skills in reading literature and writing about it. Liberal Arts Perspective: Aesthetics.
ENC 2361436
Women and Fiction
A study of novels and short stories by women. Emphasis on the conditions that
have affected women's writing (including race and class), the reflection of
women's unique experiences in their writing, and they ways in which women
writers have contributed to and modified the Western literary heritage. Upper division option includes reading of theoretical essays. (Prereq.: For ENG 436, consent
of instructor.)
ENC 271
European Literature: Homer to Dante
Study of major works of Greek and Roman literature, including works by such
authors as Homer, Virgil, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, Ovid,
and Dante. These works are studied with reference to their mythological foundations, their cultural background, their influence on later literature, and their enduring
relevance. Liberal Arts Perspective: Western Heritage; Graduation Skill: Writing
ENC 272
European Literature: From the Renaissance to the Modern Period
Study of masterpieces of literature, chiefly European, from the medieval to the
modern period, including such authors as Moliere, Cervantes, Rabelais, Voltaire,
and Ibsen. Liberal Arts Perspective: Western Heritage; Graduation Skill: Writing
ENC 282
Topics in Literature
Individual courses designed to investigate specific themes, movements, authors, or
works. The subjects selected for study in any year are listed in the class schedule
for that year. Recent offerings have included Contemporary Poetry, Women and
Fiction, and Grow Old Along with Me.
ENC 327
Advanced Journalism:Interviewing and Editing
Emphasis is on interviewing, organizing, and writing the story, and editing the
work of others. Students conduct interviews and critique the interview skills of
others. They edit their own work and that of other writers. An brief introduction to
layout and design is included. (Prereq.: ENG 227)
ENC 331
British Literature, Medieval to Elizabethan
A study of Chaucer and the medieval milieu as well as the development of English
poetry and drama in the English Renaissance. (Prereq.: ENG 245 or consent of
ENC 336
British Literature, 17th and 18th Centuries
Reading, analysis, and discussion of works of selected writers from the metaphysical poets to the Pre-Romantics, with attention to the historical, intellectual and
social influences and the major literary movements. (Prereq.: ENG 245 or consent
of instructor)
ENC 337
British Literature, the Romantics and the Victorians
A study of major writers of the 19th century, emphasizing Romantic and Victorian
poetry, Victorian prose, and two or three novels of the period. Relationships among
these writers are emphasized as well as their relationship to their own age and their
lasting contribution to the forms of poetry and prose. (Prereq.: ENG 245 or consent
of instructor) Graduation Skill: Critical Thinking
ENC 341
ENC 345
Advanced Creative Writing
The purpose of this course is to help the experienced student improve creative
writing in a single genre as announced in the class schedule. (Prereq.: ENG 226 or
consent of instructor on the basis of submitted work)
Introduction to the English Language
A structural and historical overview of theoretical and social issues concerning the
English language, including theories of language acquisition. Students will be introduced to the primary components of linguistics, the development of the English
language, and the social impact of language. (Prereq.: ENG 245 or consent of
ENC 347
Quantitative journalism: Computer-Assisted Reporting and Research
This course introduces students to computer-assisted informational investigation
and the interpretation of quantitative data in the writing of expository essays and
news reports. This course is designed for persons wishing to explore the use of
computer-assisted research and those preparing to enter the communication professions. (Prereq.: ENG 225 or ENG 227 or consent of instructor, MPG 3)
C o u r s e
ENG 350
American Literature before 1920
Reading of selected writers from colonial times to the beginning of the the 20th
century. Attention given to the intellectual, social, and literary movements that
stimulated the writers. The writers' continuing influence on our modem sensibility
will be discussed.
ENG 351
American Literature Since 1920
Writers are selected to represent the literary variety and the regional, ethnic, and
racial diversity of the men and women who have responded significantly in literary
works to the changing conditions of modern American life. (Prereq.: ENG 245 or
consent of instructor)
ENG 361
Studies in Modern Fiction
Emphasis is on significant works of selected prose writers, chiefly non-Western, of
the 20th century. (Prereq.: ENG 245 or consent of instructor) Liberal Arts
Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 1; Graduation Skill: Writing
ENG 399
The department offers on-campus internships in teaching writing and English as a
Second Language and various off-campus internships in writing and editing. Interns
meet with faculty advisers or seminar groups. Interested students should consult the
department chair.
ENG 423
Studies in the British Novel
A survey of the development of the novel in England from its 18th century beginnings to the 20th century. Novels studied are selected from the works of such
authors as Defoe, Richardson, Fielding, Sterne, Austen, Dickens, Bronte, Eliot,
Joyce, and Woolf. (Prereq.: ENG 245 or consent of instructor)
ENG 438
Study of major plays-comedies, histories, and tragedies. Additional plays are
assigned for reading analysis. (Prereq.: ENG 245 or consent of instructor)
ENG 445
Creative Non-Fiction: Advanced Expository Writing
Designed for the self-motivated writer, the course emphasizes the conventions of
professional writing, including appropriate styles, voice, subjects, and techniques
for gathering information. (Prereq.: ENG 225)
ENG 480
The course focuses on a variety of recent critical theories 'and approaches with which
graduate programs in English expect some familiarity. In a seminar setting, students
read and discuss original theoretical essays and experiment with applications to a small
group of literary and cinematic texts. (Prereq.: ENG 245 or consent of instructor)
ENG 482
Topics in Language and Literature
Individual courses designed to investigate specific themes, movements, authors, or
works. The subjects selected for study in any year are listed in the class schedule
for that year.
ENG 499
Independent Study
Open to junior or senior En@h w a r s with an werall GPA d 3,O or consent of
department chair. Designed to enable advanced students to pursue a topic not
covered by course offerings. The student must define a topic and a tentative reading
list, then seek a faculty member willing and able to supervise the project.
Department chair approval required.
FRE 111, 112
Beginning French
Aims to develop communication skills of understanding, speaking, reading, and
writing. Through conversations, classroom practice, and readings, these courses
work toward the discovery of French culture and way of life. Additional three-hour
laboratory per class meeting is required, usually scheduled on a weekday evening.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 2 & 3
GST 140
Introduction to the Liberal Arts
An introduction to the philosophy of the liberal arts curriculum and the student
services available at Augsburg College. The course also focuses on improving
those skills so important to academic success: reading rate and comprehension, note
taking and textbook reading, time management, vocabulary, spelling, test taking,
concentration and memorization, conflict management, assertiveness training,
career planning, and decision making.
GST 200
Quantitative Reasoning
Critical thinking about statistical claims. Primary focus is on evaluating the strength
of arguments involving predictions and explanations. Topics include reading and
evaluating tables, graphs, and statistical models as well as traditional confidence
intervals and hypothesis tests. Emphasis on interpretation, evaluation, and cornrnunication. (Prereq.: MPG 3) Graduation Skill: Quantitative Reasoning
GST 209
City Seminar: Experiential Education (no course credit)
Students engage in a minimum of 50 hours of internship/service/cooperative education and use that experience as a catalyst for learning about the Twin Cities as an
urban community system. Students do a series of five or six reflective assignments
designed to introduce them to a systematic way of thinking about how their particular organization interacts with the larger community. The seminar meets six times
and enables the student to utilize experiential education options to meet the objectives of the City Perspective. (Prereq.: consent of instructor) Liberal Arts
Perspective: The City
GER 111, 112
Beginning German
Aims at developing basic skills. Classroom practice in speaking, understanding and
reading basic German. Goals: ability to read extended narratives in simple German,
insights into German culture and participation in short conversations. Laboratory materials available. Additional three-hour laboratory per class meeting is required, usually
scheduled on a weekday evening. Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 2 & 3
HPE 002 I003
HPE 101
Lifetime Sports (no course credit)
Two hours per week. Two Lifetime Sports meet the General Education requirements. No course credit.
Fitness for Life
A course designed to provide the knowledge and skills to modify personal health
and fitness. Liberal Arts Perspective: Human Identity
HPE 115
Health and Chemical Dependency Education (.5 course)
An analysis of chemical abuse and what can be done for the abuser. Includes information about school health education and services.
HPE 116
Health Concepts for Educators (.5 course)
A course to prepare future teachers for their role in the school health program.
Includes common childhood health problems with an emphasis on prevention.
HIS 101
HIS 102
HIS 103
HIS 104
HIS 195
The Beginning of the Western Culture
An analysis of the primary civilizations in the Near East, the classical world of
Greece and Rome, and the middle ages of Europe into the 13th century. Liberal
Arts Perspective: Western Heritage
The Shaping of Western Civilization
A consideration of European institutions and values from the waning of the Middle
Ages through the remodeling of Europe by Napoleon. Liberal Arts Perspective:
Western Heritage
The Modern World
A study of the main currents in Western civilization from the time of Napoleon to
the present. Liberal Arts Perspective: Western Heritage
The Modern Non-Western World
An introduction to various centers of cultural and political power in Asia and
Africa of the last 200 years. Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 1
Topics in History
An introduction to selected historical topics not regularly offered in lower division
classes. The specific topics to be offered will be announced prior to registration.
HIS 220
America to 1815
The historical evolution of America to 1815 beginning with the contact of
American, African, and European cultures, then turning to the political, religious,
and racial diversity of colonial life. After treating independence and the creation of
a new republic, the course will conclude with the examination of the expansion and
democratization of that republic. Liberal Arts Perspective: Western Heritage;
Graduation Skill: Critical Thinking
HIS 221
19th Century U.S.
A historical survey of the United States during the 19th century, emphasizing the
social changes brought about by immigration, expansion, sectionalism and the
slavery debate. After considering the Civil War and Reconstruction, the course will
conclude with an examination of political, economic, and cultural changes influenced by industrialization and urbanization. Liberal Arts Perspective: Western
Heritage; Graduation Skill: Critical Thinking
HIS 222
20th Century U.S.
A historical survey of the United States in the 20th century, focusing on the
nation's adjustment to industrialization and urbanization, the emergence of the U.S.
as a world power, the rise of a strong federal government, the implications of
increasing racial and ethnic diversity, and the impact of affluence. Liberal Arts
Perspective: Western Heritage; Graduation Skill: Critical Thinking
HIS 225
History of the Twin Cities
A local history course using the MinneapolisISt. Paul metropolitan area as a case
study for examining large themes and issues in U.S. urban history. Topics considered include frontier urbanism, industrialization, and economic change,
transportation, immigration and ethnicity, and urban politics and reform. Liberal
Arts Perspective: The City
HIS 242
History of African-American Civil Rights, 1619-1915
A survey of the development of African-American civil rights focusing on legal,
economic, and political issues influenced by race and class, emphasizing emancipation and integration of slaves and former slaves.
HIS 243
History of African-American Civil Rights, 1915-1972
A continuation of History 242 with special emphasis on the contributions of
W.E.B. DuBois, Marcus Garvey, A. Philip Randall, Charles Houston, Thurgood
Marshall, and Martin Luther King, Jr.
HIS 331
Topics in U.S. History
In-depth exploration of selected topics in U.S. history not regularly examined in
other departmental offerings. The specific topics to be offered will be announced
prior to registration.
HIS 380
The History of Women in the West to 1870
A thematic and comparative examination with primary focus on Europe and North
America, emphasizing changing conceptions of women's work, public roles, sexuality, life cycles and familial roles in the Renaissance, early American,
Enlightenment, and Victorian periods.
C o u r s e
- D e s c r i p t i o n s .
HIS 381
HIS 440
HIS 474
HIS 495
History of Women Since 1870
This class emphasizes class, racial, and ethnic differences among women, and
examines the changing legal, political, economic, social, and sexual status of
women in Europe and North America since the Victorian period.
Topics in World History
This course will investigate topics in world history that are not included in regular
course offerings. The specific topics to be offered will be announced prior to registration.
The World and the West
This course begins with Europe's discovery of the rest of the world, considers
cultural interaction and conflict, the building of European empires in Asia and the
Americas, and concludes with the breakdown of these imperial systems at the end
of the 18th century.
History Seminar
This course is required for the major, and enrollment is normally restricted to
students who have nearly finished their coursework. Selected topics will be
announced prior to registration. Permission of the instructor is required. (Offered at
least once each year, during the Fall term)
INS 105
WST 201
INS 225
Introduction to American Indian Studies
This course is an introduction to the content areas of the American Indian Studies
cumculum, including an overview of American Indian history and literature,
federal Indian policy, land issues, reservation and urban issues, cross-cultural influences, art, music, and language. (Required for American Indian Studies minor.)
Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 1
Foundation in Women's Studies
This multidisciplinary course introduces students to the contributions of women in
history, religion, literature, philosophy, sciences, and the arts, and how the questions
and methodologies of these disciplines differ when seen from women's perspectives.
Students will also study the diversity of women's experiences in terms of race, sexual
orientation and class, and other contemporary issues. Graduation Skill: Speaking
lntroduction to Islam
This course is designed by a practicing Muslim to present his perception of Islam to
non-Muslims. The course will cover the ideological foundations of Islam, its basic
concepts and tenets, Islamic law (Shari'ah), Islamic economic and political
systems, and Islamic patterns of life. There will also be a consideration of the
differences between the Islamic sects (Sunnis, Shi'its, Sufis, etc.). There will also
be some effort to deal with the similarities and differences between Islam and both
Christianity and Judaism, including a visit to one of the mosques in the Twin
Cities. Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 1
INS 232
The African-American Experience in America
An overview of the major issues related to the African-American experience,
focusing on historical, sociological, economic, legal, and psychological aspects of
that experience. Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 1
INS 233
Women: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
This course examines a variety of issues concerning the biological, evolutionary,
and historical origins of women's roles and status in society. Comparative roles of
women are examined in tribal contexts across various indigenous cultures. Studies
include the role of women in Native American and African tribes, peasant societies
of Eastern Europe, Mexico, the Middle East, and China. Liberal Arts Perspective:
Intercultural Awareness 1
INS 260
Contemporary American lndians
This course examines the situation of American Indians in the United States since
the Indian Reorganization Act (1934). Emphasis is on such current issues as tribal
sovereignty, treaty rights, and education. The tension of cultural change and religious, traditional persistence among selected American Indian tribes today is
highlighted. Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 1
American lndians in the Cinema
The course will be an historical survey of Hollywood movies that created and
continue to foster images to the North American Indian in American society. Movies
will include: "Drums Along the Mohawk," "Shadow Catcher, Broken Arrow,"
"Little Big Man," and "Pow-Wow Highway." Issues to be discussed will be authenticity, misrepresentation, stereotypes, and the use of Indian and non-Indian actors.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 1
American Indian Women
The focus is on the roles played by women in the tribal cultures of North America.
It explores the continuity of women's roles over time, as well as changes in these
roles, precipitated by the influence of Western colonialism. It examines the life
histories of Indian women and assesses their contributions to Indian community life
today. (Prereq.: one course in Women's Studies or American Indian Studies or
consent of instructor.) Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 1
INS 264
INS 320
WST 495
INS 499
Women's Studies Seminar
This advanced course will include student research and presentations that incorporate feminist theory. The seminar is required of all majors and minors who do not
elect to do an Independent Study (INS 499).
Independent Study
The student must present a written proposal containing rationale, objectives, and
methodology of the proposed study according to program guidelines. (Must be
approved by the Women's Studies Coordinator.)
C o u r s e
D e s c r i p t i o n s .
MPC 1-5
Math Placement Croup (MPC)
Before enrolling in any mathematics course, students must have the required math
placement. All students are required to have their Math Placement Group (MPG)
determined. In some cases, students who have transferred in a mathematics course
taken at another college may have their Math Placement Group determined by the
Registrar's Office. Students who have passed the College Board Advanced Placement
Exam in calculus should consult with the Mathematics Department. All other students
must take the Augsburg Math Placement Exam, which is administered by the
Academic Advising Center. The exam is given during college registration sessions
and at other announced times during the year. Practice questions and other information about the Math Placement Exam are available from the Academic Advising
MAT 105
Applied Algebra
Concepts of linear, exponential, logarithmic, and other models. Emphasis on applications to the social and natural sciences, business, and everyday life. Successful
completion advances students to MPG 3. Students in MPG 3 or 4 should consult
the department, as should students preparing for MAT 114. (Prereq.: MPG 2 and
either a year of high school algebra or consent of instructor.)
MAT 121
Finite Mathematics
Concepts from areas such as combinatorics, probability, matrices, linear programming, and graph theory. Emphasis on quantitative reasoning. Students who have
completed MAT 271 may not register for credit. (Prereq.: MPG 3.)
MAT 122
Calculus for the Social and Behavioral Sciences
Concepts of differential and integral calculus with applications in the social and
behavioral sciences. Emphasis on quantitative reasoning. Students who have
completed MAT 145 may not register for credit. (Prereq.: MPG 3.)
MAT 131
Mathematics for the Liberal Arts
An examination of the interaction between the development of mathematics and
that of western civilization. Primarily for students not intending further study in
mathematics. (Prereq.: MPG 3)
MAT 132
Numeracy for Contemporary Society
An examination of mathematics in an interdisciplinary and applied setting with an
emphasis on quantitative reasoning and connections to students' life, work, and
interests. Primarily for students not intending further study in mathematics.
Students who have completed another Quantitative Reasoning Graduation Skill
course may not register for credit. (Prereq.: MPG 3).
MAT 173
Math of Interest
Concepts from elementary financial mathematics such as annuities, loan payments
and mortgages, and life insurance. Emphasis on quantitative reasoning. (Prereq.:
MPG 3).
MIS 175
Principles of CompUtlng for Business
An introduction to miorocomputer-based information systems. Introduction to business applications, operating systems, computer hardware, and languages. Strong
emphasis on spreadsheets (basic commands, functions, graphics, and database).
Lesser emphasis on database. Emphasis on concepts and relation to business. (To
waive MIS 175, pass either a comprehensive exam or MIS 370.) (Prereq.: MPG 3)
MIS 370
Advanced Computing for Business
An investigation of programmable systems using personal computers. Examine
basic algorithms and associated flow charts. Apply these concepts by programming
various applications (spreadsheets, word processing and database) and applicationoriented languages such as Visual Basic. (Prereq.: MPG 3. Also, MIS 175 or CSC
170, or, with permission of instructor, extensive experience with spreadsheets, and
personal computers.)
MIS 375
Management lnformatlon Systems in the Organization
Use of a systms approach in analyzing the role of information system in o m zations. Analyze various kinds of information systems in terms of their computer
components and their benefits to staff and management. Introduction to a CASE
tool such as Excelerator. (Prereq.: ACC 221, BUS 242 or 252, and one computer
course such as MIS 175, 370, CSC 160 or 170. Recommended: ECO 113, ACC
221, BUS 242, MIS 379, BUS 331.) Graduation Skill: Writing
MIS 376
Project Management
Dsvelops project management gkilIs n
d to
plan, Icad, modtor, and
complete projects. Combines theories, techniques, group activities, and computer
tools such as Microsoft Project. Emphasizes technical and communications skills
needed to manage inevitable changes and problems associated with project management. (Prereq.: ACC 221, BUS 242, MIS 175 or 370) Graduation Skill: Speaking
MIS 379
Quantitative Methods for Business and Economics
An introduction to quantitative reasoning to assist students in reading and interpreting data. Topics include descriptive measures, probability, sampling
distributions, estimation and hypothesis testing. Emphasis on their use in applied
problems in business and economics. Computer software may be used to analyze
survey data. (Prereq.: MIS 175 and either Math Placement Group III or a grade of
at least 2.0 in MAT 104) Graduation Skill: Quantitative Reasoning
MIS 399
Internship Program
A student may receive credit through an internship program that is applicable to
graduation but not to the major. This program will afford the student the opportunity to spend one full term working with an organization. In addition, the student
prepares a written report on the activities involved. (Prereq.: consent of instructor)
C o u r s e
MIS 475
Systems Analysis and Design
Identify the necessary steps of systems analysis and design. Investigate various
representations for information, processes, and relationships. Utilize analytical tools
such as data flow diagrams and CASE tools such as Excelerator. Complete a rudimentary systems design. (Prereq.: MIS 375)
MIS 476
Information Systems Projects
Using skills developed in MIS 37.5 and 475, generate a complete and extensive
project of systems analysis and design. (Prereq.: MIS 475)
Intermediate Quantitative Methods for Business and Economics
Advanced modeling using computer software. Specific topics may include PATH
analysis, Monte Carlo simulations, queuing models and ANOVE. (Prereq.: MIS
MIS 479
MIS 499
Independent Study
The student may earn independent study credits through individually supervised
projects designed to analyze a topic in depth. (Prereq.: consent of instructor)
MUS 130
MUS 241
Introduction to Music in the Fine Arts
Relationship between music of each period and the other fine arts. For non-music
majors. Liberal Arts Perspective: Aesthetics
The History of jazz
Jazz is a national treasure that has influenced our national music identity and inspired
composers and performers throughout the world. This course will examine the
evolution of jazz from its black secular roots to the electronically influenced contemporary idiom. Performers from each period will be analyzed as well as the influence
of this art form on artists of other disciplines. Daily listening and reading assignments
will supplement lectures, demonstrations, and selected films and video tapes.
MUS 272
Human Identity Through the Creative Arts
A study of the aesthetic expression and experience as they relate to human identity,
with an emphasis on psychological, cultural, and biological aspects of musical
behavior. An understanding of the relationships of the creative therapies of art,
music, drama, and movement. Liberal Arts Perspective: Human Identity
NOR 111, 112
Beginning Norwegian
Introduction of the four basic language skills: speaking, listening, reading and
writing. Stress on spoken rather than literary Norwegian. Additional three-hour
laboratory per class meeting is required, usually scheduled on a weekday evening.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 2 & 3
NUR 305
Contemporary Nursing I: Communication
A course that introduces the components of the professional role and begins the profes-
NUR 306
NUR 310
NUR 311
NUR 330
NUR 350
NUR 403
sional socialization process. The communicative process is emphasized as one means
by which the nurse-client relationship is negotiated. Interactive and group theories are
explored for their applicability to changing professional roles and practice. Graduation
Skill: Writing
Contemporary Nursing II: Paradigms in Nursing
An introduction to theories and conceptual thinking in the process of professional development. The function of theory in guiding nursing practice is emphasized. Selected
nursing conceptual models are studied and their application to practice is examined.
Community Health Nursing I
This course focuses on community health delivery systems. Health care is examined within the cultural, political and economic diversity of the city. Students
complete an assessment of an elderly person and an urban community and critically discuss the ethical issues of health care delivery. Liberal Arts Perspective:
The City
Community Health Nursing II: Practicum **
This course provides a clinical experience in the practice of public health nursing
in which students give direct care to culturally diverse clients and groups. Students
will provide care to both disease and disability and health promotion clients.
Students analyze a specific community system and the community's provision of
health-related services. (Prereq.: NUR 3 10)
Trends and Issues in Nursing
This transitional course is designed to investigate the current responsibilities of the
professional nurse. Current economic, social, political, and professional trends and
issues are explored in relation to their implications for nursing practice. Graduation
Skill: Speaking if NUR 431 is also taken
Introduction to Nursing Research**
The research process and methods appropriate to nursing are emphasized in this
course. Issues of ethics in nursing research are explored. Students critique nursing
research for its applicability to nursing practice and design a research proposal.
Graduation Skills: Critical Thinking, Quantitative Reasoning
Contemporary Nursing Ill: Families
This course provides a theoretical basis for nursing interventions with culturally
diverse families and explores theories related to family structure and functioning
throughout the life span. Consideration is given to the role of the nurse in family
health care. (Prereq.: NUR 3 11) Graduation Skill: Writing
** This course involves an additional clinical fee.
NUR 423
Practicum in Nursing I: Nursing of the Family **
A clinical practicum that offers the student an opportunity to provide complex
nursing care to families in a selected practice setting. (Prereq.: NUR 403)
NUR 431
Leadership and Management: Theory and Practice **
This course examines the professional nurse roles of leader and manager. Concepts
of change, conflict, and system dynamics are explored. Ethics, accountability, and
advocacy in the leader-manager role are studied. Application of theory occurs in
selected practice settings. (Prereq.: NUR 423) Graduation Skill: Speaking if NUR
330 is also taken
NUR 432
Topics in Nursing
A course designed to provide in-depth exploration of selected topics in nursing. The
subjects studied will vary depending upon the interests of the faculty and students.
NUR 499
Independent Study
This learning experience provides the opportunity for the student to study a
selected topic or issue in depth. Students consult with faculty and submit written
proposals, objectives, and methods of evaluation prior to registration.
OJB 111, 112
Beginning Ojibwe
An introduction to the language and culture of the Ojibwe (Chippewa). Emphasis is
on vocabulary, reading, writing, and conversational skills. Classroom practice will
include linguistic patterns and oral interaction. Liberal Arts Perspective:
Intercultural Awareness 2 & 3
Introduction to Philosophy
Philosophy raises some of the most basic questions that human beings can ask
about meaning, ideas, beauty, and truth. The purpose of this course is to provide
the student with some experience in examining these concepts, thereby to sharpen
the critical and analytical skills required to evaluate and construct a system of ideas
and beliefs. Liberal Arts Perspective: Human Identity
PHI 120
Ethics studies our moral beliefs and helps students consider the bases they use to
make moral judgments. The course explores the major philosophical approaches to
evaluating moral actions, and then applies them to contemporary personal and
social moral issues. Throughout the course Christian ethics will inform our considerations. Students taking PHI 120 may not take PHI 125. Liberal Arts Perspective:
Christian Faith 3; Graduation Skill: Critical Thinking
** This course involves an additional clinicalfee.
PHI 125
Ethics and Human Identity
This course is a philosophical study of the role of human understanding, feelings,
and action with respect to the pursuit of happiness. We begin by asking what the
end or purpose of human life is; assess the role of reason, will and passion with
respect to this end; and then decide on the moral and intellectual virtues required to
reach the end. The topic of friendship and human love is investigated next. The
course ends with an analysis of human happiness. Students taking PHI 125 may not
take PHI 120. Liberal Arts Perspective: Human Identity
PHI 175
Philosophy of Love and Sex
Study of some common conceptions and misconceptions of romantic love and look at
some philosophers' definitions of it. What it is like to be in love with someone, and
how this differs from just being friends, or desiring that person sexually. Exploration of
ethical issues concerning sex. Liberal Arts Perspective: Human Identity
Students learn to distinguish arguments from exposition. Then they learn the rules
that govern valid arguments and develop their ability to recognize and construct
sound arguments. The last part of the course focuses on inductive reasoning.
Graduation Skill: Critical Thinking
PHI 230
PHI 241
History of Philosophy I: The Classical Philosophers
The writings of Plato and Aristotle are the foundations of all philosophical thought
in Western civilization. In this course students read and analyze some of the key
works by Plato and Aristotle as well as work in Stoicism, Epicureanism and
Neoplatonism. Liberal Arts Perspective: Western Heritage
PHI 350
Philosophy of Religion
What is the relation between faith and reason? Does God exist, and if so, what can
be said about God? Can we reconcile the goodness of God with human and animal
suffering? We will conduct a systematic inquiry into these questions that form the
basis of Western religious beliefs. (Suggested: one prior course in philosophy)
Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 2 or 3
PHI 380
Ethics of Medicine and Health Care
Application of ethical principles to problems which arise in the areas of health care
and delivery, human experimentation, genetic engineering, abortion, care for the
dying, and euthanasia. Liberal Arts Perspective: Human Identity
PHY 101
A descriptive course covering our solar system, stars and galaxies. In addition the
course traces the development of scientific thought from early civilization to the
present day. Night viewing and laboratory sessions are important components of the
course. (Prereq.: MPG 2) Extra laboratory hours are required. Lab time may be
scheduled for an evening. Liberal Arts Perspective: Natural World 2
c o u r s e
D e s c r i p t i o n s .
PHY 106
Introductory Meteorology
A survey of the basic principles involved in understanding Earth's weather and
climate. Topics include winds, fronts, cyclones, clouds and precipitation, thunderstorms, tornados and hurricanes, climate and climate change, global warming, and
ozone depletion. (Prereq.: MPG 2) Three hours of laboratory per class are required.
Lab time is usually scheduled for an evening. Liberal Arts Perspective: Natural
World 1 or 2; Graduation Skill: Critical Thinking
POL 121
American Government and Politics
The politics of American government including the forms of political ideas; the
pattern of participation; the dynamics of congressional, presidential, and bureaucratic policy making; and current issues in American society. Liberal Arts
Perspective: Social World 1 or 2
POL 122
Metropolitan Complex
Examines politics in metropolitan areas, emphasizing central cities, and focusing on
actors, structures, and other influences on urban public policy. Discussion-lecture,
case studies of Twin Cities' metro and meetings with public officials and activists.
Liberal Arts Perspectives: The City, Social World 1 or 2
POL 124
American Women and Politcs
This course investigates the roles women play in the political system as citizens,
activists, and office holders. It focuses on two questions: how women affect
government, politics, and public policy; and how government, politics, and public
policy affect women. Political, economic and social issues will be explored from
contemporary and historical perspectives.
POL 140
Social Justicein America
Development and defense of standards of social justice and examination of conditions
in the United States against these standards. Involves active exchange of ideas and
student involvement. Liberal Arts Perspective: The City
POL 158
Political Patterns and Processes
An analysis of basic patterns in the political system and decision-making process
with some comparison of major political systems and discussion of contemporary
issues. Liberal Arts Perspective: Social World 1 or 2
POL 160
World Politics
Introduction to the processes and issues of international politics, including the
dynamics of the international system, theories of international relations, and a focus
on recent problems. Liberal Arts Perspective: Social World 1 or 2
POL 170
Law in the United States
A survey of American law and legal process. Theories of law; law and society;
roles of courts, police, lawyers, and juries; the United States Constitution as
"supreme" law; law as politics; historic and contemporary legal issues. Liberal Arts
Perspective: Social World 1 or 2
POL 342
Mass Communications in Society
A study of the effects of new information technology, of new communications
networks such as the Internet, and of the traditional electronic media. Covers uses
of technology and media for newsmaking, selling, entertainment, and public affairs.
Includes issues such as ethics, censorship, and internationalism. (Prereq.: sophomore standing)
POL 495
Seminar in Communications
Selected topics. Consult department chair concerning terms and subject matter.
PSY 101
Self-Identity and Values
A study of personal life and the role of the individual in the larger social context.
Topics include the development of identity and gender roles. (This course does not
substitute for PSY 105 as a prerequisite to upper division psychology courses.)
Liberal Arts Perspective: Human Identity
PSY 102
The Individual in a Social World
A scientific investigation of social issues, with analysis of both individual and
group factors. Topics include media, prejudice, conformity, legal processes, and
consumer issues. Research participation is required. (This course may substitute for
PSY 105 as a prerequisite to upper division psychology courses.)
PSY 105
Principles of Psychology
An introduction to the methods and principles of psychology. Applications of
psychological concepts to everyday situations are emphasized. Research participation is required. Liberal Arts Perspective: Human Identity
PSY 200
Psychological Science Laboratory
An introduction to the science of psychology through problem-solving. The focus is
application of psychological principles to real-world issues. Emphasis on data
collection, summary, and communication. (Prereq.: PSY 102 or 105)
PSY 201
Health Psychology
Consideration of the impact of psychological, behavioral, social, and biological
interactions on health. (Prereq.: PSY 102 or 105)
PSY 230
Research Methods: Design, Procedure and Analysis I
Part one of a two-term sequence. Scientific method as practiced in psychology.
Emphasis on skills of bibliographic research, research design and data collection,
statistical analysis and interpretation, computer-assisted data analysis, and APAstyle presentation of research findings. PSY 230 must precede PSY 330. (Prereq.:
PSY 200; MPG 3) Graduation Skill: Quantitative Reasoning
PSY 325
Social Behavior
Social factors that influence individual and group behavior in natural and laboratory settings. Topics include: social cognition, group behavior, social influence,
attitude formation, and change. (Prereq.: PSY 200 or consent of instructor)
PSY 330
Research Methods: Design, Procedure, and Analysis II
Part two of a two-term sequence (see PSY 230). PSY 330 should be taken in the
term immediately following PSY 230. PSY 230 may be taken for one course credit
without taking PSY 330. (Prereq.: PSY 230 with a grade of 2.0 or higher)
Graduation Skill: Writing
PSY 351
Child Development
Emphasis on normal child development and behavior. Practical implications of data
and theory are stressed. (Prereq.: PSY 102 or PSY 105)
PSY 352
Adolescent and Young Adult Development
Emphasis on normal development and behavior. Practical implications of data and
theory are stressed. (Prereq.: PSY 102 or 105)
PSY 353
Aging and Adulthood
Development through middle and older adulthood. Consideration of positive and
negative aspects of aging. Content is especially relevant to those who study and
work with the largest growing segment of our population-the elderly. (Prereq.:
PSY 102 or 105)
PSY 354
Cognitive Psychology
Theory, data, and practical applications relevant to the following topics: attention,
perception, pattern recognition, memory, mental imagery, problem solving, decision-making, and language. (Prereq.: PSY 230)
PSY 355
Relationship between brain and behavior. Considers biological bases of learning
and cognition, emotions, abnormal psychology, personality, normal, and altered
states of consciousness. (Prereq.: PSY 230)
PSY 356
Environmental Psychology
This course uses a cultural-ecological viewpoint to study the influence of the environment, both natural and human-made, on behavior. (Prereq.: PSY 102 or 105)
Liberal Arts Perspective: The City
PSY 357
Behavior Analysis
Principles of learning behavior change and their application to self-management,
family, work, school, and clinic settings. Individualized projects. (Prereq.: PSY 102
or PSY 105) Graduation Skill: Writing
PSY 359
Theory and scientific methods of assessing human aptitudes, achievement, personality, abnormal behavior, vocational interests, and impacts of the environment on
behavior. Examination of a variety of tests, concepts of reliability and validity, and
legal and ethical issues. (Prereq.: PSY 230)
PSY 361
Theory, research, and assessment of behavior patterns of individuals. Historical and
current views of personality with attention to cultural factors. (Prereq.: PSY 102 or
PSY 105)
PSY 362
Abnormal Psychology
An introduction to maladaptive human behaviors from social, organic, and psychological points of view. (Prereq.: PSY 102 or 105)
PSY 371
Psychology of Gender
Emphasis on the social construction of gender and its impact on the lives and
behavior of individuals. (Prereq.: PSY 102 or 105)
Industrial/Organizational Psychology
The theoretical and applied study of organizations: group processes and organizational change; member characteristics, and appraisal. (Prereq.: PSY 102 or 105)
PSY 373
PSY 381
Historical Perspectives
Consideration of psychological questions and theoretical positions as they developed historically. Changes from philosophical roots to scientific method and
postmodernism. (Prereq.: two psychology courses)
PSY 399
A work-based learning experience in which a student, faculty member, and site
supervisor design a learning asreement that links the ideas and methods of
psychology with the opportunities found in the placement. Participation in a
concurrent seminar is required. Students must consult with the department and the
Internship Office before registration. (Prereq.: PSY 330)
PSY 485
Counseling Psychology
Principles and methods involved in the counseling process. Consideration of goals
and ethical guidelines for the counseling relationship. (Prereq.: three PSY courses
and junior standing)
Current Topics in Psychology
Specific topics will be published prior to registration. (Prereq.: PSY 230 and
consent of instructor)
Advanced Research Seminar
Research team experience in a seminar format. Designed to extend students'
knowledge of statistical and methodological techniques and to explore contemporary research issues. Recommended for students headed for graduate school and
those electing an honors major. (Prereq.: PSY 330 or comparable course approved
by instructor)
Seminar: Contemporary Issues
Discussion and exploration of contemporary societal issues from a psychological
viewpoint. Faculty-supervised student research. (Prereq.: 230 and junior standing)
Graduation Skill: Critical Thinking
PSY 490
PSY 491
PSY 493
I I 1, 221,or 33 1 is a prerequisite for all other religion courses.)
REL 111
Introduction to Theology
An introduction to the academic discipline of theology and to the dialogue between
the church and the world that concerns Christian doctrine. Liberal Arts Perspective:
Christian Faith 2 or 3
REL 221
Biblical Studies
The origin, literary character, and transmission of the biblical documents. The task
of biblical interpretation. The history of Israel a& the emergence of the church.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 1 or 3
REL 231
Religion in African-American History
An examination of selected topics related to the Black experience, e.g., African
backgrounds, religion under slavery, and evangelicalism. Liberal Arts Perspective:
Christian Faith 3
REL 263
REL 331
REL 339
REL 353
REL 356
World Justiceand Hunger: Developing a New World View
The course will survey and discuss the most recent reports and analysis of the current
holocaust of global hunger including the root causes, the inter-connectedness of other
issues, the biblical mandate, and the roles of justice, charity, oppression and liberation.
The purpose will be to build greater global awareness, become sensitized to ethical
choices, energize us for action and responsible living, and explore pedagogical principles for social justice. Liberal Arts Perspectives: Social World 2, Christian Faith 3
Foundations in Bible and Theology
An advanced introduction to the biblical and theological foundations of the
Christian faith that focuses on writing and advanced critical thinking skills. Open
only to junior or senior transfer students. Not accepted for credit for students who
have taken REL 111 or REL 221. Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 1, 2 or 3
Television and Religion
After considering the role of television in American life, this course considers religion's relationships with television in order to understand popular perceptions of
religion. Topics include news coverage of religion, religion in commercial
programs, television evangelists, television influences on religious practice, and
television as a religion.
Denominations and Religious Croups in America
A study of the beliefs and worship practices of the major Christian denominations
and of many contemporary American religious groups. Some controversial religious
movements will also be considered. (Prereq.: REL 111, 221 or 331) Liberal Arts
Perspective: Christian Faith 2 or 3
History of Religions
An introductory survey of some of the major living religions of the world including
Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shinto, and Islam. Lectures plus
some discussion of primary documents from these religious communities. (Prereq.:
REL 111,221 or 33 1) Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 3
REL 361
REL 362
REL 363
REL 366
REL 370
REL 386
REL 420
The Church in the First Four Centuries
A study of the early Christian Church, including such topics as persecution and
martyrdom, the development of the creeds, Christianity in conflict with Gnosticism
and mystery religions, monasticism and mysticism, early Christian worship, and
theology. (Prereq.: REL 111, 221 or 331) Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 2
or 3
Theology of the Reformers
An introduction to the theological thought of the Protestant reformers of the 16th
century. Special attention to the writings of Martin Luther and other representative
figures. (Prereq.: REL 111, 221 or 331) Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 2
Religion in America
A study of the history of religion in America. Special attention to the rise of religious liberty, revivalism, denominations, and the responses of religion to the
challenges of its environing culture. (Prereq.: REL 111, 221 or 331) Liberal Arts
Perspective: Christian Faith 2 or 3
The Church and Social Change in Latin America
This course focuses on the relationship of the church to poverty, political oppression, and social injustice in Latin America. Central to the course is an examination
of the emerging "Theology of Liberation" as articulated by prominent Latin
American theologians as well as by people directly involved in local parishes and
development projects in Cuernavaca. Special attention will be given to the complex
interactions between women and religious institutions. Global Education travel
seminar. (Prereq.: one course in religion or theology) Liberal Arts Perspectives:
Christian Faith 3, Intercultural Awareness 1
American Indian Spirituality and Philosophical Thought
Religious beliefs, spiritual customs, and philosophy of North American Indians are
studied. Within these broad areas, the subjects of medicine, healing, shamanism,
dreams, visions, myths, and spiritual power are also included. Tribal similarities
and differences are explored as are tribal relationships with nature, religious oversight of life cycles, sacred ritual ceremonies, and beliefs in an afterlife. (Prereq.:
REL 111, 221 or 331) Liberal Arts Perspectives: Christian Faith 3, Intercultural
Awareness 1
Speaking of Genesis
An investigation of scholarship on Genesis and the role of interpretation through
study of the characters and values portrayed in Genesis and related biblical texts.
(Prereq.: REL 111, 221 or 331) Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 1 or 3;
Graduation Skill: Speaking
The Russian Orthodox Church
This course will explore the history, theology, and liturgical life of the Eastern
Orthodox Christian Church. Theology and history will be considered primarily
from the perspective of those Christians who live in Greece, Turkey, and Eastern
Europe, with special attention to the Orthodox Church in Russia. (Prereq.: REL
111, 221 or 33 1) Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 2 or 3
REL 430
REL 440
REL 441
REL 471
REL 472
REL 473
REL 481
REL 483
Christians Seeking Unity
This course will introduce students to the effort in unifying the Christian church
which began in 1910 and continues today through bilateral dialogues. The goal is
for the churches to be in full communion with each other. Students will examine
the current conversations and assess the gains that have been made. Churches
involved include Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Lutheran, Anglican, and Reformed.
(Prereq.: REL 111, 221 or 331) Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 2 or 3
Varieties of Christian Spirituality
A study of selected spiritualities from the Christian tradition and of contemporary
developments, including 12-step spirituality, feminist, ecological, and non-Western
Christian spiritualities. An introduction to the basic practices of spiritualities, especially prayer and meditation. (Prereq.: REL 111, 221 or 331) Liberal Arts
Perspective: Christian Faith 2 or 3
Feminism and Christianity
This course will consider the central ideas of Christianity and feminism and how
they might be compatible. Attention will be given to religious influences on societal roles for women and men, feminist interpretation of the Bible, and the impact
of feminism on Christian theology, especially in terms of language and metaphor.
(Prereq.: REL 111, 221 or 331) Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 1, 2 or 3
Jesusand His Interpreters
Consideration of the New Testament documents, particularly the Gospels, dealing
with their context, literary structure, and relationships. Attention to the variety of
interpretations given the person of Jesus, including the "quests for the historical
Jesus." (Prereq.: REL 111, 221 or 331) Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 1
or 3
Paul the Apostle
A study of the Apostle Paul including his historical background, his relationship to
the early church, and some of the themes found in his writings. (Prereq.: REL 111,
221 or 331) Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 1 or 3; Graduation Skill:
Critical Thinking
The Message of the Old Testament
The various types of Old Testament literature. The distinctive ideas of Hebrew
thought with emphasis on the message of the prophets. (Prereq.: REL 111, 221 or
331) Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 1 or 3
Contemporary Theology
An introduction to some representative trends in Christian theological thought
today, as seen from the systematic perspective, in the light of the continuing theological task of the Christian Church. By arrangement. (Prereq.: REL 111,221 or
331) Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 2 or 3
Christian Ethics
The bases of Christian social responsibility, in terms of theological and sociological
dynamics. Emphasis on developing a constructive perspective for critical reflection
upon moral action. (Prereq.: REL 111, 221 or 331) Liberal Arts Perspective:
Christian Faith 2 or 3
REL 486
Psychology of Religion and Theology
A study of current psychological views of religion in the context of the traditional
Christian view of human nature. Special attention will be given to the classics in
the field by Freud, Jung, and William James, and to those Christian theologians
who have been influenced by them. (Prereq.: REL 111,221 or 331)
REL 495
Selected topics. Required of major in hisfher junior or senior year. Others by
permission of instructor. (Prereq.: REL 111, 221 and 356 or 481) Graduation Skill:
SWK 257
Exploring Human Services
This course is designed to help students learn about themselves in relation to a
possible major or future career in social work. Students must arrange to perform 80
hours of work in a human service agency and must attend the seminar. Liberal Arts
Perspective: The City
SWK 260
Humans Developing
This course provides the knowledge basic to an understanding of human growth
through the life cycle and of the sociocultural, biological, and psychological factors
that influence the growth of individuals and families. Growth related to diverse
populations and groups or special stresses is also a focus. Liberal Arts Perspective:
Human Identity
SWK 301
History and Analysis of Social Policy
This course describes the historical and contemporary systems of human service.
The values and social movements that form the charitable and governmental
responses to human needs will be explored. (Prereq.: junior standing or consent of
instructor) Liberal Arts Perspective: Social World 2
SWK 306
Social Work Practice I: With Individuals
This course covers the basic features of the helping process, theoretical foundations, principles, and techniques of social work with individuals and small groups,
and development of relationship building skills. Includes videotaping laboratory
sessions. (Prereq.: previous or concurrent registration with SWK 301, junior
SWK 364
Field Work I: Integrative Seminar
Beginning supervised professional practicum experience in a social work agency
that focuses on interviewing experience and relationship building. A total of 120
hours, plus small group integrative seminars. (Prereq.: SWK 301, junior standing,
concurrent with SWK 306)
C o u r s e
SWK 401
Research: Evaluation of Practice and Programs
Overview of commonly-used research methods, especially experimental designs
and applications to program and practice evaluations, plus use of data-processing
equipment for statistical analysis. (Prereq.: MPG 3) Graduation Skill: Quantitative
SWK 316
Social Work Practice II: With Families and Croups
Enlargement and refinement of practice skills recognizing adaptations of the
problem-solving model to diverse populations through lecture, classroom exercise,
and regular class work. Enlargement of social group and family work skills,
emphasis on development of generalist practice skills, and eclectic approaches with
a focus on diversity of professionals and client populations. (Prereq.: SWK 306,
307, concurrent with SWK 3 17) Graduation Skill: Writing
Field Work II: lntegrative Seminar
Continuation of practicum begun in Field Work I. A total of 120 hours, plus
integrative seminars. (Prereq.: candidacy status, concurrent with SWK 461)
Social Work Practice Ill: With Communities and Policies
This course focuses on social change through community organization, development and social action with emphasis on history, theories and issues relevant to
social change, understanding of communities and human service agencies, and
practice in the local community.
Social Policy: Analysis and Development
This course includes the study of theories of social policy formulation and methods
of analysis. Development and implementation will be viewed firsthand through
work with a public policy agency or official. (Prereq.: senior standing or consent of
instructor) Graduation Skill: Critical Thinking
Field Work Ill: lntegrative Seminar
Beginning of second practicum plus integrative seminars. (Prereq.: concurrent with
SWK 406)
Field Work IV: lntegrative Seminar
Continuation of SWK 407; 120 hours plus integrative seminars. (Prereq.: candidacy
The Social Worker as Professional
This course reviews ethical practice, bureaucratic survival, professional job attainment, strategies for agency change, and empowering clients. (Prereq.: candidacy
status) Graduation Skill: Writing
SWK 317
SWK 406
SWK 465
SWK 407
SWK 41 7
SWK 419
SOC 121
SOC 21 1
Introduction to Human Society
What is society and how does it make us who we are? As a unique way of understanding, sociology offers insights into discovering the world and one's place in it.
Course study focuses on an understanding of culture, social structure, institutions,
and our interactions with each other. Liberal Arts Perspective: Social World 1 or 2
Human Communities and the Modern Metropolis
The course asks a fundamental question of our times: how is community possible
in the face of multicultural, economic and ideological forces that are characteristic
of urban life? The cultural and structural dynamics of the Twin Cities are a basis
for exploring this possibility. Liberal Arts Perspective: The City
SOC 231
Family Systems: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
The human family system is explored in its variations among world cultures and
within sub-cultures in the United States. Students prepare and deliver oral reports
on three topics of their choice: a world family pattern, an American sub-cultural
pattern and a family process. Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 1;
Graduation Skill: Speaking
SOC 265
Gender, Race and Ethnicity
Who gets what, when, and how? Individuals and groups from diverse backgrounds-such as race, ethnicity, class, gender, and sexuality-receive unequal
portions of wealth, power, and prestige within our society. This course focuses on
both the collective and individual processes involved in social inequality. Liberal
Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 1
SOC 349
Complex Organizations
What is the nature of these modern organizations in which we spend so much of
our daily lives? Organizations as corporate actors are analyzed with respect to their
goals, culture, technology, and structure, as well as corporate deviance. (Prereq.:
SOC 121 or consent of instructor) Graduation Skill: Critical Thinking
SOC 360
Religion and Society
An examination of the interaction of religion and society in terms of sociological
analysis, with particular emphasis on contemporary sociological research on religious movements in American society. Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 2 or 3
SOC 375
Social Psychology
How does society construct the individual? How does the individual construct
society? This course analyzes the dynamic tension between the self and society, as
well as the major questions, issues, perspectives and methods of the field. (Prereq.:
SOC 121 or consent of instructor)
SPA 111, 112
Beginning Spanish (1.0 each)
Aims to develop the four basic skills: understanding, speaking, reading, and writing
of elementary Spanish. Introduction to the culture of the Spanish-speaking world.
Additional three-hour laboratory per class meeting is required, usually scheduled on
a weekday evening. Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 2 & 3
SPA 21 1
Intermediate Spanish
Through the reading of selected Latin American and Spanish texts that stimulate
intellectual growth and promote cultural understanding, students review all of the
basic structures of Spanish and build conversational skills through class discussions.
Additional three-hour laboratory per class meeting is required, usually scheduled on
a weekday evening. Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 3
SPC 111
Public Speaking
Theory and practice of effective speaking and critical listening. Students give
several speeches and receive feedback from the class and the instructor. The course
focuses on developing self-confidence, speech preparation and organization, audience analysis and adaptation, effective delivery, style and language, and critical
thinking and listening. Graduation Skill: Speaking
SPC 329
Intercultural Communication
This course explores both the problems and potential of communication among
persons of different cultural groups. Factors such as ethnocentrism, stereotyping,
prejudice, role expectations, values, language, and non-verbal symbols are examined in this course. Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 1
SPC 345
Organizational Communication
An examination of the dynamics of communication in organizational settings.
Focuses on topics such as superior-subordinate relationships, formal and informal
communication networks, management styles, power and authority, motivation of
employees, organizational culture, performance appraisal, effective use of meetings, and sources of communication problems in the workplace.
SPC 351
Application of standards for sound evidence and reasoning in public speaking,
discussion, and debates. Stresses skill in analyzing the quality of argumentative
claims, understanding tests for evidence and fallacies in reasoning, and learning to
apply principles of argumentation to contemporary public issues. Students enhance
their skills in debate and discussion and learn to analyze and critique arguments
they encounter in their daily lives. Graduation Skill: Critical Thinking
SPC 352
SPC 354
Theory of how people are influenced to change attitudes and behavior. Examines
obstacles to persuasion; cultural dimensions of persuasion; the use of logical and
psychological appeals; empirical research in persuasion; how persuasion is used in
politics, sales, advertising and interpersonal contexts; the nature of mass movements and campaigns; the impact of the mass media on persuasion; and ethical
issues related to persuasion.
Interpersonal Communication
A study of the dynamics of human interaction through verbal and non-verbal
messages; emphasis on factors that build relationships and help to overcome
communication barriers. This course combines theory and practice to help the
student understand and manage communication problems more effectively.
SPC 355
Small Croup Communication
A study of group dynamics and leadership with emphasis on factors related to decision making, styles of leadership, and conflict management. This course combines
lecture with practical experiences to help the student become a more effective and
productive member of a task-oriented small group.
SPC 399
(Consult faculty in area of emphasis.)
Public Relations/PromotionaI Communication
Public relations in the modem world of communication, marketing and business.
An overview of public relations as a career and a survey of basic promotional
communication in profit and nonprofit organizations.
SPC 480
SPC 495
Topics: Effective Business Speaking
Theory and practice of effective oral presentations in professional settings. Topics
include developing an effective oral style, organizational patterns for complex
presentations, creating and using visual aids using computer software, Q&A
sessions, speaking impromptu, and dealing with hostile audiences. Students are
encouraged to use actual presentations from work as the basis for speaking practice
sessions. (Prereq.: SPC 111 or consent of instructor)
THR 222
Introduction to Theatre
An introduction to dramatic art including major historical periods, plays, artists;
dramatic structure; values; basic concepts, and techniques of the play production
process. Students attend and review live productions. Crew requirement. Liberal
Arts Perspectives: Aesthetics, Western Heritage
THR 360
Interpretive Reading
Basic principles of oral interpretation of prose, poetry, and drama. Study, discuss,
practice and perform readings in prose, poetry, and drama before small and large
groups. Liberal Arts Perspective: Aesthetics; Graduation Skill: Speaking
Directions to Campus
35W from the NorthTake Washington Avenue exit
and turn left off Washington
(bends right to become Cedar
Avenue), turn left at Riverside
Avenue, right at 21st Avenue
1-94 East from MinneapolisTake 25th Avenue exit, turn left at
25th Avenue, turn left at Riverside
Avenue, turn left at 21st Avenue
1-94 West from St. PaulTake Riverside exit, turn right at
Riverside Avenue, turn left at 21st
Avenue South.
35W from the SouthFollow the 1-94 St. Paul signs
(move to right lane after each
of two mergers). Take 25th
Avenue exit and turn left at
Riverside Avenue, turn left at
21st Avenue South.
Weekend College Office
The Weekend College Office is in
Sverdrup Hall and is located on
the comer of 21st Avenue South
and 7th Street.
Public Parking
All posted Augsburg College lots
are free and open for use from
490 p.m. Friday through
Sunday evening. Lots are
between 21st and 22nd Avenues
off Riverside and north or south
of 8th Street between 24th and
25th Avenues. Most street
parking is four-hour parking,
Seven days a week. The
Fairview-University Medical
Center ramp is free Weekend
College students on weekends
when class is in session.
College Map Information
1. Admissions Weekday Program
2. Air Structure Entrance
Mmmber chmgh M m h
3. Amarlan lndlan Student Support
P m p m and Pnn-Afrlkim Student
4. Anderson-Nelson Athletic Field and
Seasonal Air Structure
5. Center for Global Education and
International Programs
6. Christensen Center, Informatlon
7. East Hall
8. Foss, Lobeck, Miles Center for
Worshi~.Drama and
9. Husby-Strommen Tennis Courts
10. Ice Arena
11. Jeroy C. Carlson Alumni Center
12. Maintenance and Grounds Shop
13. Mortensen Tower
14. Murphy Place
15. Murph Square
16. Mus~c&all
17. Nord~cCenter
18. Old Main
19. Oscar Anderson Hall
20. Public Relations and
21. Quad
22. Science Hall
28. Urness Tower
29. Youth and Family Institute
30. James G. Lindell Family Library
Parkinq Lots
Pay parking available
About Augsburg . . . . . . . . . . .7
Academic Advising . . . . . . 11. 18
Academic and Learing
Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
Academic Information . . . . . . 27
Academic Progress. Probation
and Dismissal . . . . . . . . . .33
Academic Enrichment
Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
Academic Majors . . . . . . . . . .36
Accessibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Accounting Courses . . . . . . . . 58
Accounting Major . . . . . . . . .37
Accreditation and
Memberships. . . . . . . . . . . .8
Activites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Admissions Information . . . . . . 9
Advising . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 1. 18
American Indian Studies. . . . . 55
American lndian Student
Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
American Sign Language . . . . 59
Anishinabe Library Project
Application Procedures . . . . . 10
Applied Economics Major. . . . 43
Art Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59
Art Major . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
Assessment of Previous Learning
(APL) Program . . . . . . . . . .34
Athletics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Attendance Policy . . . . . . . . .57
Auditing Courses . . . . . . . . . . 32
Biology Courses . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Bureau of Indian Affairs . . . . . 16
Business Administration
Major . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
Business Courses . . . . . . . . . . 62
Business Office. . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Campus Location. . . . . . . . . . 98
Campus Map . . . . . . . . . . . .99
Campus Ministry . . . . . . . . . .24
Career Services . . . . . . . . . . .20
Center for Counseling and
Health Promotion . . . . . . .24
Center for Global Education . . 20
Center for Learning
and Adaptive Student
Services (CLASS) . . . . . . . .18
Center for Service. Work
and Learning . . . . . . . . . . .19
Characteristics of the
Educational Program . . . . . .5
Chemistry Courses . . . . . . . . . 64
Church Affiliation. . . . . . . . . . .8
CLASS Program . . . . . . . . . . .18
Class Schedule. . . . . . . . . . . .57
Classification (Class Year) . . . . 33
College Level Examination
Program (CLEP) . . . . . . . . . 34
Commons. The . . . . . . . . . . .25
Communication Courses . . . . 96
Communication Major . . . . . . 40
Community Service Learning 20
Company Reimbursement
Payment Plan. . . . . . . . . . .13
Company Tuition Assistance
Computer Resources . . . . . . . 21
Computer Science
Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65
Computer Science Major . . . . 42
Computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Continuing Education
Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Cooperative Education. . . . . . 19
Counseling and Health
Promotion . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Course Descriptions . . . . . . . .56
Credit for Previous Learning 35
Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Crossover Policy. . . . . . . . . . .30
Cultural Activities . . . . . . . . . .25
Day Program . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Dean's List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Departmental Comprehensive
Exams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Discrimination Complaints
Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Disabled Student Program
Dismissal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Economic Courses . . . . . . . . .66
Economics Major . . . . . . . . . .43
Education Courses . . . . . . . . .68
Education Major . . . . . . . . . .44
Educational Program . . . . . . . .5
Elementary Education
Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68
Elementary Education Major 44
English Courses . . . . . . . . . . .71
English Language Arts
Teaching Major . . . . . . . . .48
English Major . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Entry Level Skills . . . . . . . . . .28
Evaluation and Grading . . . . . 31
Evangelical Lutheran Church
in America (ELCA) . . . . . . . .8
Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Fees and Payment Schedule I3
Finance Specialization
Financial Aid . . . . . . . . . .15. 24
Financial Policies . . . . . . . . . . 1 3
Fine Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Fitness Center
Food Service . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Former Students . . . . . . . . . . 1 1
French Courses . . . . . . . . . . .75
Full-time Students . . . . . . 13. 30
General Accounting
Specialization . . . . . . . . . . . .38
General Education
Curriculum . . . . . . . . . . . .28
General Education
Development (GED) Test . . 10
General Studies Courses . . . . . 75
German Courses . . . . . . . . . . 76
Global Education Center . . . . 20
Grade Point Average . . . . . . . 33
Grading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Graduate Programs . . . . . . . .21
Graduation Level Skills . . . . . . 57
Graduation Requirements . . . .28
Grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Graphics Center . . . . . . . . . .25
Greeting from the President . . . 4
Health and Physical
Education Courses . . . . . . . 76
Health Promotion . . . . . . . . . 24
Health Service . . . . . . . . . . . .25
HispaniclLatino Student
Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
History Courses . . . . . . . . . . . 76
History Major . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
History of Weekend College
Hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Human Relations . . . . . . . . . .41
Incomplete Grade . . . . . . . . .32
lnformation Technology
Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Intercollegiate Athletics . . . . . 25
Interdisciplinary Studies1
Women's Studies . . . . . . . . 78
International Business
Specialization. . . . . . . . . . .39
International Students . . . . . . 1 1
Internet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Intertribal Student Union . . . . 22
Internships . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Intramural Sports . . . . . . . . . .25
Kt L
Teaching Licensure . . . . . .44
Language Courses . . . 75. 84. 95
Latino Support Program. . . . .23
Learning Center . . . . . . . . . . .18
Learning Laboratory........ 18
Learning Disabilities Program. . 18
Licensure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44
Liberal Arts Perspectives
Library and lnformation
Technology Services. . . . . . 21
Library Resources. . . . . . . . . .21
Lifetime Sports . . . . . . . . . . .35
Loan Assistance . . . . . . . . . . .15
Location Map . . . . . . . . . . . .98
Management lnformation
Systems Major . . . . . . . . . .49
Management Specialization 39
Managerial Accounting
Specialization. . . . . . . . . . .38
Maps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..98.99
Marketing Communications . . 41
Marketing Specialization . . . . 39
Mathematics Courses. . . . . . . 80
Mathematics Placement Group
(MPG) Requirements . . . . . 80
Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Medical Refund Policy . . . . . . 15
Memberships . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Ministry. Campus . . . . . . . . .24
Minnesota Indian Teacher
Training Partnership. . . . . . 22
Minnesota State Scholarship
and Grant Program . . . . . . 15
Minors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38/55
Mission Statement . . . . . . . . . . 6
Murphy's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Music Courses . . . . . . . . . . . .82
No-Credit Grades . . . . . . . . . 32
Norwegian Courses . . . . . . . - 8 2
Numbering of Courses . . . . . . 57
Numeric Grades . . . . . . . . . . 32
Nursing Courses . . . . . . . . . .83
Nursing Major . . . . . . . . . . . .50
Office Hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Ojibwe Courses . . . . . . . . . . . 84
3M. Augsburg Cooperative
Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Majors and Minors. . . . . . 38. 55
Management lnformation
Systems Courses
Pan-Afrikan Student Services . 23
Pan Asian Student Services
Part-time Students . . . . . 13. 30
Pass/No Credit . . . . . . . . . . .31
Payment Schedule . . . . . . . . .13
Pell Grant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Perspectives. . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Philosophy Courses . . . . . . . .85
Physical Disabilities Program. . 18
Physics Courses . . . . . . . . . . .85
Policies . . . . . . . . . . . .8. 14. 30
Political Science Courses . . . . 86
PortFolio Assessment
Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Test (PPST) . . . . . . . . . . . .44
Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . .57
President's Greeting. . . . . . . . .4
Probation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Psychology Courses . . . . . . . .87
Psychology Major . . . . . . . . .52
Public Accounting
Specialization. . . . . . . . . . . 38
Public Relations and
Advertising . . . . . . . . . . . .41
Recreational Activities. . . . . . . 25
Refund Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Registrar's Office . . . . . . . . . . 24
Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Religion Courses . . . . . . . . . . 90
Religion Major . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Religious Affiliation. . . . . . . . . .8
Repeating Courses . . . . . . . . . 32
Residency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Service Learning . . . . . . . . . . 20
Sign Language . . . . . . . . . . .59
Skills Requirements . . . . . . . . 57
Social. Cultural. Recreational
Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Social Welfare Minor . . . . . . . 54
Social Work Courses . . . . . . .93
Social Work Major . . . . . . . . .54
Sociology Courses . . . . . . . . .95
Sociology Minor . . . . . . . . . .55
Spanish Courses . . . . . . . . . .96
Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96
Sports. Intramural . . . . . . . . . 25
Stafford Loan . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Standards of Behavior . . . . . . 26
Student Affairs . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Student Financial Services . . . 16
Student Government . . . . . . . 26
Student Guide . . . . . . . . . . . .26
Student Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Student Records . . . . . . . . . .26
Student Resources . . . . . . . . .17
Student Standards of Behavior.
Complaints. Records . . . . . 26
Studio Art Major . . . . . . . . . .38
Supervisory Management
Specialization. . . . . . . . . . .41
Support Programs . . . . . . . . . .22
Syllabus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Schedule of Alternate
Weekends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Scholarships . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Second Degree or
Second Major . . . . . . . . . .11
Secondary Education . . . . . . .45
SELF Loan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Teaching Licensure (see
also Majors) . . . . . . . . . . . .44
Telephone Numbers . . . . . . . . 3
3M. Augsburg Cooperative
Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Transcripts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Transfer Credit . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Transfer Students. . . . . . . . . .11
Tribal and State Indian
Scholarships. . . . . . . . . . . .16
Tuition and Financial Aid . . . . 12
Tuition Grants . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Tuition Refund Policy . . . . . . . 14
Tutor Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Theatre Courses. . . . . . . . . . . 97
Weekend College
Commission. . . . . . . . . . . .26
Weekend College Office . . . . . 23
Weekend College Office Hours. . 3
Withdrawal from College . . . . 31
Withdrawal from Courses. . . . 31
Women's Studies . . . . . . . . . .78
World Wide Web Access . . . . 22
Show less
Augsburg Weekend College Catalog, 1990-1991
Course Catalogs
Search Result
1990 Fall
1991 Winter
1991 Spring
Trimester *
Application Deadline
Aug 15
Nov 26
Mar 4
Applicant Pile Completion
Aug 27
Dec 17
Mar 18
Aug 25
Sept 6
Mar 30
Aug 17
Aug 25
S e ~ t6
Dec 14
Jan 3
Mar 22
Mar 30
Sept 7-9
Show more
1990 Fall
1991 Winter
1991 Spring
Trimester *
Application Deadline
Aug 15
Nov 26
Mar 4
Applicant Pile Completion
Aug 27
Dec 17
Mar 18
Aug 25
Sept 6
Mar 30
Aug 17
Aug 25
S e ~ t6
Dec 14
Jan 3
Mar 22
Mar 30
Sept 7-9
New Student Orientation
Registration (Schedule
Mail Deadline
New Students/Make-up
Classes Begin
Last Day t o add or drop
Sept 9
class without record notation
Last Day t o change grade
Oct 21
option 7June 3
Nov 18
Classes end
Nov 30-Dec 2 Mar 15-17
June 14-16
Final Exams
Dec 7-9
Mar 22-24
June 21-23
Final Grades Due
Dec 17
Classes Meet
30 -Dec 2
Mar 11
Last Day t o drop a class
31 2
*Classesin Spring Trimester will be four hours in length instead of three and
one-halfhours. See page 34for exact times.
Frequently Called Telephone Numbers
Weekend College Office ..........................................
........... ............ ..,330-1640
Director, Rick Thoni .................., ...
Operations, Laurel Orthmeyer ......... .. .... ...... .... .........330-1740
Admissions ............................................ ................... 330- 1792
Data Entry, Robin Sanderson ...................................330-1652
Secretary, Ruth Danielson ........ ..... .......................... .330-1782
....,,., 330-1777
Enrollment, Deidre Middleton .......................
Other Campus Numbers:
Bookstore, Christensen Center .................................330.1'122
Business Office, Science Hall:
Cashier: 8:30 a.m.4:OO p.m. ............................. 330-1028
Billing: 8:00 a.m.4:30 p.m. ...............................330-1790
Education Department, Library Bldg. .......................330-1130
Financial Aid Office, Science Hall ......................... ....330-1046
Counseling and Career Planning, Memorial Hall ......330-1162
Library ..................................................................... 330-1017
Nursing Department, Memorial Hall ........................330-1209
Registrar (transcripts, grades), Science Hall ...............330-1036
General Information .................................................330-1000
Weekend College Office Hours:
Monday-Friday - 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. (evening hours by
Office Hours on Class Weekends:
Friday - 5:30 p.m.-6:15 p.m., Old Main 12
Saturday - 8:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Old Main 12 or WEC office
Sunday - 12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m., Old Main 12
Weekend College Office Location:
The Weekend College Office is at 2222 Murphy Place, located
on the corner of 23rd Avenue and 7 1/2 Street on the Augsburg
College Campus (see map on page 81).
This bulletin is a supplement to the Augsburg College Catalog and is
published for the convenience of Augsburg Weekend College students.
Weekend College is a program of Augsburg College and is subject to the
policies and provisions as stated in the Augsburg College Catalog.
......................................... 4
GENERAL INFORMATION .....................
Introduction to Augsburg Weekend College ...................... .............4
Characteristics of the Educational Program .........................................-. 6
........................................... 7
Student Support Services ....................
Career Placeme~lt..............................................................................
Academic Skills Center (Tutoring) ................................................
Veterans of Military Service ..............................
....,., .........................7
Disabled Student Program ................................,.................................7
ACADEMIC INFORMATION ...........................................................
Degrees and Majors .............................................................................
......................................... .
........................................................ 12
Computer Science ............................................................................ 1 4
Economics .................... ...........................................*........*.........
Education ........................................................................................
Teaching Licensure ....................,.... ..,.........................................
English ......................
Management Illformation Systems (MIS) .........................................19
Nursing .....................
Psychology ...........................................................
Religioll .....................
. * . . *Work
. . . . . ....................
. . . . . . . . . . ..
Minors ...............................................................................................
..............2 3
Math Placeme~ltGroup Requirements .................................
. Dean's
. List
. .................................
Academic Progress, Probation and Dismissal ..........................................24
..,.,.. . . .....-..
Attendance Policy ..........................................
Department Course Limits ......................
Grading Procedures ............................
Withdrawal from College .............................. . .................................
Graduation with Distinction ................................................................
Assessment of Previous Learning (APL) ................,.......+......,............... 28
CLASS SCHEDULE 1990-1991 ........................................
.................................. 3
COURSE DESClUPTIONS ......................
Admissions Requirements and Procedures ............................. ,
Aid ............................ .
Fees and Payment Schedule ...................
,,.............................................7 8
Payment Options .........................
Refund Schedule .............................,..................+..................... ...........79
Tuition Refund Policy ...........................................~................~..~.....~a
........................,.. .,,.............................80
CAMPUS GUIDE .......................
. . . . . . . ...................................82
Introduction to Augsburg Weekend College
Augsburg Weekend College provides an educatio~lalalternative to adults
who desire college experience but who work or have other commitments
during the week. I t is a means by which men and women may earn a
bachelor's degree, gain skills for professio~laladvancement, prepare for
career change, or pursue a personal interest in one or more areas of the
liberal arts.
The Augsburg Weekend College program is designed to meet the needs
and preferences of adult learners. The program is based on the assumption that the lnen and women who enroll in Weekend College will be
mature, self-disciplined and well-motivated adult learners who seek a
balance of classroo~nexperience and individualized study. Each course is
therefore divided into periods of concentrated on-campus study separated by time for independent study and class preparation.
T o accommodate this format for learning, classes meet o n alternate
weekends for three and a half hours on either Friday evening, Saturday
morning, Saturday afternoon, or Sunday afternoon.* Each class selected
by the student illvolves comlnitmellt t o one of these four class periods.
Weekend College students may take from one to four different courses
by attending class every other weekend.
Community of Learners
Essential to the goals of Augsburg Weekend College is participation in a
community of adult learners. Learning can be ellhanced when the
t y provides opportunity and
student is i~lvolvedin a stable c o ~ n m u ~ l ithat
encouragement to become involved in interaction both in and out of the
classroom. This comm~ulitywill be enriched by the presence of both
Inen and wolnen with a varietv of work and life experiences.
T o facilitate this kind of comrnu~lityinteraction, Augsburg encourages
Weekend College students to make use of college facilities such as the
library and college center, t o take the opportunity of having shared
meals and coffee breaks, to participate in optional lunchtime seminars,
and t o attend other college activities such as music and dramatic presen'
tations and athletic events.
* Laboratory sections or additional class hours way be scheduled on
evenin~sduring the ~veelz.
Information Sessions
Adults who are interested in Augsburg Weekend College are encouraged
to attend one of the information sessions that are scheduled throughout
the year. These information sessions are free of charge and are approximately two hours in length. Please call the Weekend College Ofice
(330-1782) to receive further details on these information sessions or to
sign up for one of the following dates:
For Fall Trimester, 1990
Tuesday, May 15
Saturday, June 2
Saturday, June 23
Tuesday, July 10
Saturday, July 28
Thursday, August 9
5:30 PM
5:30 PM
5:30 PM
For Winter Trimester, 1991
Saturday, October 6
Thursday, November 1
5:30 PM
Saturday, November 17
For Spring Trimester, 1991
Saturday, January 26
Thursday, February 7
5:30 PM
Saturday, February 23
For more information write or call:
Augsburg Weekend College Office
Augs burg College
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, M N 55454
FAX: 612/330-1695
Educational Mission
For over a century Augsburg College has emphasized intellectual
freedom in the search for knowledge. Our academic program builds on
a liberal arts foundation to help students understand the past, interpret
the present, and plan for the future.
As in the weekday program, Augsburg Weekend College offers students
a unique combination of the liberal arts disciplines and professional education. Our goals are to help students develop the intellectual skills and
attitudes to be life-long learners, increase their competence jn selected
areas of professional work, and accomplish a higher level of personal
Accreditation and Affiliations
Augsburg College is hlly accredited by the North Central Association of
Colleges and Secondary Sc.hools and the National Council for the
Accreditation of Teacher Education (Secondary and Elementary). Our
programs are approved by the American Chemical Society, The Council
on Social Work Education and the National League for Nursing. We are
a member of the Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities (ACTC),
Lutheran Education Council in North America, Minnesota Private
College Council, and the National Association for Music Therapy, Inc.
Augsburg College is registered with the Minnesota Higher Education
Coordinating Board. Registration is not an endorsement of the institution. Registration does not mean that credits earned at the institution
can be transferred to other institutions or that the aualitv of the educa-
Augsburg College prides itself on its highly qualified faculty. Members
of the faculty serve as academic advisers to students who are in the premajor stage of planning as well as to students in declared major fields.
Students and faculty use a carefully selected library of some 150,000
volumes plus audio-visual materials, with access to over 5,000,000
volumes through the Twin Cities private college consortium and
Student Support Services
Augsburg Weekend College provides a number of student services to
assist adults in making educational and career plans, accomplishing the
academic tasks of a college education, working 011 their own personal
development, and participating in activities beyond the classroom. Some
of these services are:
Academic Planning
All Augsburg Weekend College students will have access t o expert
academic advising services on an on-going basis t o provide for efficient,
effective planning. Students enrolling in Weekend College who have had
college experience will have their previous work evaluated early in the
Career Planning Services
Staff from the Career Planning and Placement Office will assist adults in
assessing their career goals and personal abilities. This service, in combination with sound academic advising from faculty in a chosen major field,
can result in an appropriate and manageable educatio~laland career plan
for the individual involved.
Academic Skills Center (Tutoring)
This center exists t o help students enhance their skills in the areas of
writing, reading, math, time management, and study skills. Academic
tutors in specialized course areas are also available through the center.
Counseling/Support Groups
Individual and group activities are available to students who wish to work
o n a perso~lalgrowth interest or concern or who simply want t o have the
experience of being in a support group of people who share some similar
characteristics and/or interests.
Veterans of Military Service
Augsburg is approved by the State Approving Agency for Vetera~ls
Training. Veterans should c o ~ ~ s uwith
l t the Office of the Registrar about
completio~lof the enrollment certificate and the forwarding of other
information t o the Veterans Administration. (Please refer to the
Augsburg College Catalog for more detailed information.)
American Indian Support Program
Staff from this program are available t o assist students in the areas of
financial aid, admissions, academic and personal counseling.
Disabled Student Programs
Learning disabled st~tdentshave average or above average intelligence
but have difficulty achieving their fill1 potential. Services available t o
such students include: diagnostic evaluation, educational planning,
learning aids and remedial instruction. If students are concerned that
difficulties in school are more than just temporary problems, they can
discuss their learning style with the Coordi~latorof Disabled Students or
the learning disabilities specialists, and arrange assessment and structures
assistance t o increase their potential for academic success.
Physically challenged students also are served through this office.
Individualized attention and services are provided for and/or coordinated t o meet the mobility needs of students.
ademic Information
egrees and Majors
Augsburg Weekend College allows adults to begin a bachelor's degree
program or to continue their education after beginni~lgat another time
or institution. It also enables adults to add a second major to an already
completed college degree. The followi~lginformation outlines what is
involved in completing a degree or major in Augsburg Weekend
College. (For more detailed information regarding graduation requirements, please refer to the Augsburg College Catalog.)
Bachelor's Degree
The bachelor's degree program in Augsburg Weekend College is
essentially the same as the weekday program. A total of 35 semester
courses are required to graduate and may be fulfilled through combinations of transfer of previous college credit, assessment of previous
learning experience, and Weekend College courses. (Augsburg semester
courses are valued at 4 semester credits and 6 quarter credits.) I~lcluded
in the 35 total courses must be an approved major program, 11 upper
division courses, and courses selected from the following liberal arts
spectrum (transfer courses and courses taken in the major may also be
counted for distribution requirements):
w One approved course from each of seven areas:
1. Art/Music
2. History/Philosophy
3. Economics/PoliticaI Science
4. English/Speech, Communication and Theater Arts (devoted to
the study of literature)
5 . Psychology 105/Sociology 121 (or the equivalent transfer
6. Chernistry/Biology
7. Matl~ematics/Pl~ysics
w A course in writing (English 111) or demonstrated proficiency
a Two courses or demonstrated competence in a second language
w Three courses (or one course per year of study) in religious studies
w One course in the area of urban concerns, women's studies, or
minority studies.
35 total courses, a student must demonstrate
proficiency in two lifetime sports.
w I n addition to the
Augsburg Weekend College students may select from 11 separate
majors, several with a number of career concentrations. A minor also is
available in several o f these academic areas as well as in Sociology and
Women's Studies. (See page 23 for details.)
Business Administration
This major prepares students in the areas of management, financial
accounting, finance, marketing and international business. T o provide a
combination of applied skills and theoretical background, each of these
majors is interdisciplinary in approach, including an average of 1 0
business administration courses and six courses from supporting fields
such as economics, computer programming, communications, philosophy, and mathematics. Majors in Business Administration are candidates
for the Bachelor of Arts degree.
Core Courses
All students who pursue a major in Business Administration will com
plete the following core courses:
BUS/MIS 175 Computers for Business, Economics and MIS
BUS 22 1 Principles of Accounting I
BUS 222 Principles of Accounting I1
BUS 242 Principles of Management
BUS 252 Principles of Marketing
BUS/MIS 279 Quantitative Methods for Business, Economics
and MIS
BUS 33 1 Financial Management
BUS 391 Business Law
ECO 112 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 113 Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 31 1 Public Finance
ECO 3 12 Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECO 315 Money and Banking
ECO 3 1 3 Intermediate Microeconomics
Accounting Concentration
Students who wish to pursue a Business Administration major with a
concentration in accounting will complete the following courses in
addition to the core:
Accounting Theory and Practice I
Accounting Theory and Practice I1
Managerial Cost Accounting
Tax Accounting
423 Auditing
425 Advanced Accounting
Students in this major should seriously consider one or more courses
from the following list:
BUS 399 Internship
ENG 223 Writing for Business and the Professions
PHI 120 Ethics
Those planning a career in accounting are strongly encouraged to
complete the remaining courses in the 326, 423 and 425 sequence.
Finance Concentration
Students wishing to pursue a Business Administration major with a
concentration in finance will complete the following courses in addition
to the core:
Accounting Theory and Practice I
Financial Theory: Policy and Practice
Investment Theory
Management Science
41 5 Managerial Economics
479 Intermediate Quantitative Methods for Business,
Economics and MIS
Students in this major should seriously consider one or more courses
from the following list:
Managerial Cost Accounting
Tax Accounting
Writing for Business and the Professions
International Business Concentration
Students wishing to pursue a Business Administration major with a
concentration in international business will complete 11 of the 12 core
courses (ECO 31 1 or 312 or 315 is not required) and the following:
International Business
International Marketing
International Management
499 Independent Study
360 International Trade and Finance
semesters of a foreign language
Management Concentration
Students wishing to pursue a Business Administration major with a
concentration in management will complete the following courses in
addition to the core:
BUS 340 Human Resource Management
BUS 440 Operations Management
ECO 318 Management Science
PSY 373 Organizational Psychology
SOC 349 Complex Organizations
Students in this major should seriously consider one or more courses
from the following list:
Writing for Business and the Professions
Psychology of the Individual
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Social Psychology
Racial and Minority Group Relations
Public Speaking
Interpersonal Communication
Marketing Concentration
Students wishing to pursue a Business Administration major with a
concentration in marketing will complete the following courses in
addition to the core:
BUS 352 Marketing Research and Analysis
BUS 450 Marketing Management
ECO 41 5 Managerial Economics
BUS 355 Marketing Communication
Students in this major should seriously consider one or more courses
from the following list:
BUS 399 Internship
ENG 223 Writing for Business and the Professions
PHI 120 Ethics
SPC 35 1 Argumentation
SPC 352 Persuasion
Business Minor
BUS 22 1 Principles of Accounting I
BUS 242 Principles of Management
BUS 252 Principles of Marketing
BUS 33 1 Financial Management
ECO 112 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 113 Principles of Microeconomics
Other configurations of the Business Administration minor may be
permitted on consultation with the department chairperson.
Master of Arts in Leadership
Weekend College students should be aware that Augsburg College offers
a Master of Arts in Leadership degree. This unique program offers
multi-disciplinary liberal arts courses with a specific focus on leadership
issues in profit and not-for-profit organizations. Designed to meet the
needs and preferences of working adults, these graduate program classes
meet on alternate Saturdays and alternate Thursday evenings. For
information on this master's degree program, please call 330-1786.
Our quality of life, both personally and professionally, depends in large
part upon the quality of our communication. The communication major
at Augsburg is designed to enhance understanding of communication in
a variety of contexts and to improve communication skills. All communication majors must complete a core group of eight required courses,
supplemented by five electives in one of the following concentrations:
public relations and advertising, marketing communication, human
relations, or supervisory management. Prospective majors should meet
with a departmental adviser as early as possible to design an approved
major program, preferably by the end of the sophomore year. Majors in
communication are candidates for the Bachelor of Arts degree.
Required Communication Core
SPC 11 1 Public Speaking
SPC 342 Mass Communication in Society
SPC 35 1 Argumentation
SPC 352 Persuasion
SPC 354 Interpersonal Communication
SPC 355 Small Group Communication
Any two of the following: ENG 223,225,226, or 227
Communication Electives
With the help of an academic adviser, students select five elective courses
in one of the following concentrations: public relations and advertising,
marketing communication, human relations, or supervisory management. Listed below are some of the electives recommended for each
Public Relations and Advertising
Students interested in the Public Relations emphasis are strongly urged
to take ENG 227 (Journalism) as part of the major.
BUS 242 Principles of Management
BUS 252 Principles of Marketing
BUS/MIS 279 Quantitative Methods for Business, Economics
and MIS
BUS 355 Marketing Communications
ENG 226 Creative Writing
ENG 227 Journalism
PSY 373 Organizational Psychology
SOC 349 Complex Organizations
SPC/ART 132 Photography
SPC/ART 224 Publication Design
SPC/ART 225/230 Visual Communications I, I1
SPC 345 Organizational Communication
SPC 399 Internship
SPC 480 Public Relations/Promotiona1 Communications
Marketing Communications
BUS 252 Principles of Marketing
BUS 352 Marketing Research and Analysis
BUS 355 Marketing Communications
BUS 450 Marketing Management
SPC 399 Internship
SPC 480 Public Relations/PromotionaI Communications
Human Relations
48 5
Organizational Psychology
Counseling Psychology
Sociology of the Family
Racial and Minority Group Relations
Complex Organizations
Intercultural Communication
Organizational Communication
Public Relations/Promotional Communications
Supervisory Management
BUS/MIS 175 Computers in Business, Economics and MIS
BUS 242 Principles of Management
BUS/MIS 279 Quantitative Methods for Business, Economics
and MIS
BUS 340 Human Resource Management
BUS 35 5 Marketing Communications
BUS 440 Operations Management
PSY 373 Organizational Psychology
SOC 349 Complex Organizations
SPC 345 Organizatio~lalCommunication
SPC 399 Internship
SPC 480 Public Relations/Promotiona1 Communicatio~ls
Communication Minor
SPC 111 Public Speaking
SPC 342 Mass Communication in Society
SPC 351 Argumentation
SPC 352 Persuasio~l
SPC 354 Interpersonal Communication
SPC 345 Organizatiollal Communication
SPC 355 Small Group Communication
Any one of the following: ENG 223,225,226, or 227
Prospective minors must obtain prior approval from a communication
faculty adviser.
Computer Science
At least since Socrates, scholars have appreciated the value of mathematics in developing skills of critical thinking, understanding abstract
concepts, and analyzing and solving problems. Computer Science
courses at Augsburg are intended to help develop these skills. In
addition, an increasing number of academic disciplines require a working
knowledge of the tools of mathematics and computer science. This
major serves students studying/working in a wide variety of fields.
Some courses may need to be taken in an evening schedule. Students
should meet with a faculty adviser as soon as possible to plan their course
of study.
Introductory Courses
Structured Programmiilg
Data Structures
Discrete Mathematics
Calculus I
Core Courses
Theory of Computation
Principles of Computer Organization
Priilciples of Programming Language
Three electives from the following, two of which must be selected from
courses with an asterisk:
*CSC 270
*CSC 340
*CSC 352
CSC 399
*CSC 445
CSC 495
CSC 499
CSC 491
261 Electronics
Digital Communications and Computer Networks
Database Management and Design
Operating Systems and Computer Architecture
Advanced Topics in Computer Science
Independent Study
Computer Science Colloquium is required for all juniors
and seniors. This no-credit course meets weekly.
Computer Science Minor
Six courses including the four introductory courses and two of the core
This major is also available in the Weekend schedule. However, one
course (ECO 414) may need to be taken on an evening schedule.
Students are encouraged to meet with a faculty adviser as soon as
possible to carelidly plan their program of study.
BUS 22 1 Principles of Accounting I
BUS 222 Principles of Accounting I1
ECO 112 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 11 3 Principles of Microeconomics
ECO/MIS 279 Quantitative Methods for Business, Economics
and MIS
ECO 3 12 Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECO 3 1 3 Intermediate Microeconomics
ECO 414 Welfare Economics
MAT 114 Elementary Functions
Three additional upper division economics courses
Students in this major should seriously consider one or more courses
from the following list:
MAT 124
MAT 125
MIS 370
175 Computers for Business, Economics and MIS
Calculus I
Calculus I1
Advanced Computing for Business, Economics and MIS
Economics Minor
ECO 112, 113, 312, 313 and one additional upper division course.
Other configurations may be permitted on consultation with the department.
Teaching Licensure
Teaching licensure programs are offered for Kindergarten-Elementary
and selected Secondary fields through Weekend College. Individualized
programs are worked out with an adviser in either Elementary or Secondary education. T o be admitted to the Education Department the
student will have achieved an overall 2.5 G.P.A. plus a 2.5 G.P.A. in
his/her major field. All professional courses with the exception of
Clinical Experience and Student Teaching are available on a weekend
schedule. In addition to Kindergarten-Elementary, Augsburg Weekend
College grants secondary licenses in English-Language Arts and Social
Studies. Students may also work individually on the following majors
offered in conjunctio~lwith day school: French, German, Health, Life
Science, Mathematics, Physical Science (Chemistry or Physics), Science
(grades 5-9), Spanish, Speech, Theater Arts, and in the special areas of
Art (I<-12), Band (K-12), and Classroom Music (5-12), Orchestra (K1 2 ) and Classroom Music (5-12), Vocal and Classroom Music (I<-9),
Vocal and Classroom Music (5-12), and Physical Education (I<-12).
Contact an Education Department adviser for information in your field
of study and for an application for admission to the Department of
Education. Students entering the licensure program in Fall, 1989, or
later and wanting I<-6 licensure, must take EDE 375.
All students must apply for acceptance into the Education Department and take a PPST test before beginning professional education
courses (those numbered in the 300-400 level). Any course grade
below 2.0 must be retaken.
Elementary Education
EDE 350 Creating Learning Environments (.5 course)
EDE 35 1 Techniques of Teaching Reading
EDE 363 Clinical Experiences (.5 course)*
EDE 364 I~lterdisciplinaryStudies (.25 course)
EDE 375 Discovery in the World of Itindergarten (.5 course)
EDE 376 I<-El Social Studies (.25 course)
EDE 377 K-El Science (.25 course)
EDE 379 I<-El Art (.25 course)
EDE 380 K-El Music (.25 course)
EDE 382 I<-El Math (.5 course)
EDE 386 Children's Literature (.5 course)
EDE 387 Language Arts (.5 course)
EDE 388 I<-El Health (.25 course)
EDE 389 I<-El Physical Educatio~l(.25 course)
EDE 4 8 1 Student Teaching
EDE 482 Student Teaching
EDE 483 Student Teaching
EDE 484 Student Teaching
E D U 264 Orientation to Education in an Urban Setting (.5 course)*
E D U 341 Media Technology (.5 course)
E D U 388 Human Relations (.5 course)
H P E 114 Safety Education (.5 course)
H P E 115 Chemical Dependency (.5 course)
SWI< 260 Humans Developing
College Level Math Course
Academic Minor or Second Major
*Field Experience Separate
Applications for student teaching must be completed by October
30, 1990, for Winter/Spring Student Teaching 1991 and March
30, 1991, for Fall Student Teaching 1991. Students must be
admitted to the Education Department before they can be considered for student teaching.
Secondary Education
EDS 350 Reading in the Content Areas (.5 course)
EDS 352 Clinical Experience (.5 course)*
EDS 353 Creating Learning Enviro~llnents
EDS 4 7 7 School and Society Seminar (.5 course)
EDS 481 Student Teaching
EDS 482 Student Teaching
EDS 483 Student Teaching
EDS 484 Student Teaching
E D U 264 Orientation to Education in an Urban Setting (.5 course)"
E D U 341 Media Technology (.5 course)
E D U 388 Human Relations ( . 5 course)
H P E 114 Safety Education (.5 course)
H P E 115 Chemical Dependency ( . 5 course)
SWIG 260 Humans Developing
Special Methods in Licensure Field
*Field Experience Separate
Applications for student teaching must be completed by October
30, 1990, for Winter/Spring Student Teaching 1991 and March
30, 1991, for Fall Student Teaching 1991. Students must be
admitted to the Education Department before they can be considered for student teaching.
Major for Secondary Teaching
Licensure in Social Studies
Students preparing to teach social studies on the high school level must
complete, in addition to the professional requirements to be met within
the Department of Education, a competency program designed to
provide a broad foundation in the social sciences. Students must
complete a major in one of five fields - Economics, History, Political
Science, Psychology or Sociology (the History major is described below)
plus seven courses (ECO 112 or 113, Human Geography, HIS 222,
POL 158, PSY 105, SOC 121 and 336). Students considering a career
in social studies education should consult, as soon as possible, the
Augsburg Department of Education and the Social Studies Coordinator.
History Major: Eight courses plus one seminar. At least four of these
courses must be upper division. A major must have at least one course
(either survey or upper level) from each of these four areas: Ancient and
Medieval; Modern Europe; U.S.; and non-Western.
Coaching Endorsement
Students interested in adding a coaching endorsement must complete
these courses in Physical Education: 353, 475, 482, and 489. Individuals must hold a valid Minnesota Teaching License to qualify for the
coaching endorsement.
Prerequisite: BIO 103: Human Anatomy and Physiology
Those who study English believe that an intense concern for words,
ideas and images helps us understa~idwho we are and who we can
become. Writing helps us clarify and share our thoughts. Literature
helps us conte~nplatethe pains and joys of human existence. Through
English study we see life's complexity, experience life as some others do,
and understand better the world in which we live and work.
English relates closely to other majors. With the other arts, English is
concerned with the pleasure that comes from artistic creation and with
the conte~nplationof works of art. With psychology and sociology,
English is concer~ledwith individual and group behavior. With philosophy, English is interested in ideas and the relation between meaning and
language. With science, English is interested in discovering order and
deternlining structures. With speech and comm~~nications,
studies the effective use of language. With history and the other social
sciences and humanities, English studies the way people have acted and
thought at different times and in different cultures.
Major: Nine courses above 111, including 225; one course in American
literature; one course in Western literary tradition (271 or 272); and
three courses in British literature, one o n literature before 1660 (for
example, 331 or 438) and one that surveys a n u ~ n b e rofwriters (336,
337, 423). Majors are encouraged t o take ENG 245 early in their
college work and to co~lsulttheir departmental adviser regularly. A
student with a double major or special program that involves considerable work in the English department should also work closely with an
adviser in the department.
Note on Prerequisites: ENG 1 11 is strongly reconl~nendedbut not a
prerequisite for a Lower Division literature course. Prerequisite for an
Upper Division course is successh~lcompletion of a Lower Division
literature course or consent of the instructor.
Note: Transfer students must take at least three of their English
courses at Augsburg.
English-Language Arts Teaching Major: Ten courses, including those
listed under the major, a course in the English language, and an internship in the teaching of writing. One course must include a component
in non-Western literature. In addition, the ACTC courses Communications Skills in the English Classroo~nand Teaching Mass Media are
required. Courses in early American literature, Shakespeare, and film are
recommended. Several of the required courses, including the internship,
are not offered o n weekends. Students in this program must work with
advisers in the English Department and the Education Department in
order t o meet the professional require~nentswithin the Education Department as well as requirements in the major.
Students in this program who are transferring fro111other colleges should
consult the English Department chair soon after enrolling.
Minor: Five courses above 111 including one course in British literature
and one writing course above the freshman level (223, 225, 226, or 227).
Management Information Systems (MIS)
This MIS major prepares students to work in the growing field of
information management. The major combines courses and skills from
both the business and computer science majors to help students learn
about the identification, organization, analysis and processing of information in a business setting. Students should meet with their adviser as
soon as possible to plan their program.
MIS Major
BUS 221 Principles of Accounting I
BUS 222 Principles of Accounting I1
BUS 242 Principles of Management
BUS 252 Principles of Marketing
BUS 33 1 Financial Management
ECO 112 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 113 Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 3 1 3 Intermediate Microeconomics
ECO 318 Management Science
CSC 170 Structured Programming
CSC 210 Data Structures
MAT 121 Finite Mathematics
MIS 175 Computers for Business, Economics and MIS
MIS 279 Quantitative Methods for Business, Economics and MIS
MIS 370 Advanced Computing for Business, Economics and MIS
CSC 352 Database Management and Design
MIS 375 Management Information Systems in Organizations
MIS 475 Systems Analysis and Design
MIS 476 Information Systems Projects
Students in this major should seriously consider one or more of the
following courses:
PHI 130 Logic
MIS 479 Intermediate Quantitative Methods for Business,
Economics and MIS
MAT 114 Elementary Functions
MAT 122 Calculus for the Social and Behavioral Sciences
MIS Minor
221 Principles of Accounting I
242 Principles of Management
252 Principles of Marketing
175 Computers for Business, Eco~lomicsand MIS
370 Advanced Computing for Business, Economics and MIS
352 Database Management and Design
375 Management Information Systems in Organizations
475 Systems Analysis and Design
318 Management Science
479 Intermediate Quantitative Methods for Business, Economics and MIS
Augsburg Weekend College offers registered nurses an upper division
nursing major as a second step toward the co~npletio~i
of the Bachelor of
Science degree.* Fully accredited by the National League for Nursing,
this major is a professiollal program that is accessible on weekends t o
nurses who are unable t o attend classes during the weekdays. Classes are
primarily scheduled on alternate weekends, but all courses in the major
may have additional class o r lab hours beyond the weekend schedule.
Preparation for school nurse lice~lsureis available.
Admissions Procedures
Admission to the nursing program includes first being accepted into
Augsburg Weekend College through the procedures described on page
75. As candidates for the nursing major, RNs must demonstrate
evidence of co~npletionof an associate degree or diploma program,
current llursing practice, and Minnesota licensure. While an RN may
take general education courses and prerequisite courses for the nursing
major, further progress in the major is continge~ltupon:
at a college or university of the prerequisite
1. Satisfactory cornpletio~~
courses: Anatomy and Physiology, Microbiology, Inorganic
Chemistry, Organic or Biochemistry, English Composition,
I~ltroductorySociology and I~ltroductoryPsychology.
2. A cu~nulativegrade point average of at least 2.5.
3. Successful completion of testing t o validate lower division nursing
* Graduates of the program are elkible t o apply to the Minnesota Department of Health for certification as a public health nurse.
Please see the Augsburg College general catalog for complete information about the nursing major (pp. 154- 157), includi~lgadditional special
fees for entrance and exit testing (p. 23).
Required Courses in the Nursing Major
31 1
Contemporary Nursing I: Communication*
Co~ltemporaryNursing 11: Paradigms in Nursing*
Commu~lityHealth Nursing I*
Commu~lityHealth Nursing 11: Practicum**
Trends and Issues in Nursing*
Introduction to Nursing Research*
Contemporary Nursing 111: Families*
Contemporary Nursing IV: Leadership and Management*
Practicu~nin Nursing I: Nursing of the Family**
Practicu~nin Nursing 11: Leadership and Management**
* These courses may require extra class or lab sessions.
**These courses require extra time and cost for clinical ~vorlz.
Required Supporting Courses
380 Ethics of Medicine and Health Care
4 8 3 Christian Ethics, or an approved ethics course
353 Brain and Behavior
Psychology, with its emphasis on behavioral observatio~land data,
provides a perspective on human activities which is an integral part of
liberal education. The goal of the Psychology program is the improved
understanding of human behavior by studying how people cope with
their environment and interact with each other.
Psychologists use a variety of methods to study behavior, i~lcluding
experimentation, observation and clinical case analysis. Faculty members
in the Department of Psychology at Augsburg have varied professional
specializations which include areas such as counseling, pl~ysiological
psychology, 11uman development, personality and computer applications.
All psycl~ologymajors MUST have an adviser in the Psychology Department. The following courses in the Psycl~ologycore will be offered
when a sufficient number of students are ready for that portion of their
program: PSY 264,265, 381,493. This may delay an individual
student's ablility to complete the major in the Weekend schedule.
Required courses will be available regularly in the Weekday schedule.
Core Courses
General Psychology
Research Methods: Design, Procedure and Analysis I
Research Methods: Design, Procedure and Analysis I1
Psychology in Historical Perspective
Seminar: Contemporary Issues
Four additional upper division courses such as PSY 351 Developmental
Psychology: Child, PSY 373 Organizational Psychology or PSY 485
Counseling Psycl~ology.Students should consult with their adviser
regarding these major electives.
Five courses including PSY 105, with a minimum of two courses at
Augsburg. Not more than one course from PSY 299, 399 and 499 may
be counted toward the minor.
Augsburg College understands itself as a college of the church and it is
persuaded that the Christian faith provides an appropriate perspective
from which to undertake its educational task. The biblical faith and
tradition of the Christian Church have influenced the Western world to a
degree much greater than is sometimes recognized.
The student encounters this influence in studying language, literature,
history, values and political structures. The study of religion and
theology is intended to make such encounters more meaningful through
a better knowledge of biblical history and that of the Christian Church,
and by a larger acquaintance with tl~eologicalthougl~t. Large segments
of the earth's population live by religious concepts and ideas which are
different from those prominent in the West. The Depart~nentof Religion also seeks to introduce students to some of these major religious
Core Courses
Introduction to Theology
Biblical Studies
History of Religions
Contemporary Theology
Major Electives
Three additio~lalReligion courses approved by the department chairperSOll.
Religion Minor
Five courses approved by the department chairperson.
Note: It is important for Religion majors to consult with the department
chairperson during their first year at Augsburg College. Religion 111 or
221 is prerequisite to all other courses. Department approval is necessary before courses taken at other colleges call be accepted for Religion
Department and/or general education course credit. Completion of this
major may require enrollment in one or more courses offered in an
evening schedule.
Social Work
Accredited by the Cou~lcilon Social Work Education, the Bachelor of
Science in Social Work degree program at Augsburg College is built on a
solid liberal arts foundation, on theory-based training, and on professionally directed field experiences. As important, social work education
at Augsburg is built on an appreciatio~lfor the needs, concerns, and
values of the i~ldividualsand groups who constitute today's multicultural society. The Social Work major in Augsburg Weekend College
includes seven courses from the Departments of Psychology, Biology,
and Sociology. Conce~ltrationsare possible in the areas of aging,
chemical dependency, corrections, social ministries, and youth work.
Field work is an important cornpollent of the program.
Social Work Core Courses*
Quantitative Analysis and Program Evaluation
Exploring Human Services
Humans Developing
Social Kesponse to Human Needs
Methods and Skills of Social Work
Field Work I
Advanced Methods and Skills in Social Work
Field Work I1
Community Developme~ltand Orga~lizatio~l
Social Policy: Analysis and Developme~lt
Field Work I11 (.5 course)
The Social Worker as Professio~lal
Field Work IV
Required Supporting Courses *
Human Biology
General Psychology
Principles of Sociology
Sociology of the Family
Racial and Minority Group Relations
Social Psycl~ology
*Students interested in Social Work should begin their program
with the required supporting courses. The professional sequence
will be offered when a sufficient number of students are ready for
that portion of the program.
Social Welfare Minor
Six courses i~icludiilgSWIC 257 or department approved alternative
internship, SWIC 361, 463; PSY 351 or SOC 375; SOC 265; and
POL 121 or 158 or 325, or SWIC465.
In addition t o minors offered in Business, Communication, Economics,
English, MIS, Psychology, Religion and Social Welfare (listed under each
respective major), Weekend College studellts are able t o complete minors
in the followiilg areas:
Sociology Minor
Five courses including S O C 121 and two upper division courses (numbered 300 and above).
Women's Studies Minor
Five courses which must include INS 201, three electives (one of which
must be upper division) and INS 495 or 499. A student's program must
have the written approval of the Women's Studies Coordinator.
Approved electives from other academic departments:
ART 352 Women's Art History
ENG 282 Topics in Literature: Women and Fiction
Mathematics Placement Group Requirements
MIS 1 7 5 , 2 7 9 , 4 7 9 ; CSC 170,210; and all 100-level MAT courses
have Math Placement Group requirements. Since all majors in Business,
Economics or Management Information Systems must take MIS 279,
all students in these areas must have at least MPG 111. Other specific
courses such as SOC 365 and PHY 1 0 3 also have MPG requirements.
Please refer t o thc course description for ally given course t o determine
if there is an MPG requircd by the department. Some instructors
require MPGs in courses they teach. This should be noted in the
syllabi for their course(s).
The Math Placement Requirement can be met by transfer courses,
Augsburg coursework or the Math Placement Assessment. This Assessment is given at New Student Orientation each trimester, or by appointment during the academic calendar year. (The Math Department may
disregard math courses talten more than five years ago, or may choose to
lapse an MPG gi\len more than five years ago.)
Dean's List
The Dean's List is co~npiledafter each semester, listing students whose
grade point average for a semester is 3.5 or better, based on a minimum
of two full courses, or equivalent, graded on the traditional grading
system, with no i~lcompletesin courses offered for credit.
Academic Progress, Probation and Dismissal
The College requires that students maintain the following cumulative
grade point averages (GPA):
Freshman - a student who has taken fewer than 7 courses
cumulative GPA of 1.6 or higher
Sophomore - a student who has taken fewer than 16 courses
cumulative GPA of 1.7 or higher
a student who has taken fewer than 2 5 courses
Junior cumulative GPA of 1.9 or higher
a student who has taken 25 o r more courses
Senior cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher.
It should be noted that a ~ninimumGPA of 2.0 is required for graduation with certain majors requiring a higher minimum GPA.
Students whose academic acl~ievementfalls below these guidelines will
either be placed 011 scl~olasticprobation at the end of the term, o r will
be continued on probation, or will be dismissed from the College. In
addition, a freshman who receives two zero grades or a sophomore who
receives three zero grades will be considered for probation or dismissal.
However, dismissal fro111 the College is not automatic. Each case is
reviewed by the Committee on Student Standing. Evidence of the
student's coln~nit~nent
t o academic progress is the major consideration
in deciding whether or not t o dismiss a student. Students who have a
poor academic record may be strongly advised t o withdraw before the
end of a term. Those on probation who voluntarily withdraw from the
College, as well as those who are dismissed, must have special permission
t o re-enroll.
Students may be removed from probation when the cumulative GPA
reaches the minimum levels stated above. St~tdentsplaced on probation
as freshmen for having earned two zero grades may be removed from
probation if their classification changes t o sophomore, if they have not
earned additional zero grades, and if their cumulative GPA reaches 1.7.
Students placed on probation as sophomores for having earned three
zero grades may be removed from probation if their classification
changes to junior and their cumulative GPA reaches 1.9.
The College reserves the right to dismiss any student who does not meet
the guidelines stated above. Once a student is dismissed, he or she may
appeal the decision within 10 days t o the Conlmittee on Student
Attendance Policy
It is expected that students attend every class. If a student knows she/he
will miss more than one class meeting, she/he should not register for
the course. Some faculty/courses require 100 percent attendance for a
student to earn a passing grade.
Most Weekend College classes meet seven times during a trimester plus
Finals Class Weekend. Some courses meet for the entire period on Finals
Class Weekend. Classes marked with an asterisk ( * ) on the Class Schedule require additional class meetings, the dates and times of which are
either listed on the course syllabus or determined by the class at the first
meeting. Depending on the course, these additional meetings are either
required or optional.
Department Course Limits
Augsburg College's graduation requirements allow a maximum of 1 3
courses from each department except in certain approved majors (Social
Work, Nursing). Business Administration, Economics and Management
Information Systems are considered different departments for graduation
requirement purposes.
Grading Procedures
Evaluation and Grading
Student achievement in courses is measured primarily by final examina
tions. Shorter tests, written papers, oral reports, and other types of
evaluation are also used.
Most courses are offered with grading options - traditional grading on a
4.0 to 0.0 scale or the Pass/No Credit system, in which P means a grade
of 2.0 or better and N means no credit and a grade of less than 2.0.
Students are cautioned to use the P/N grade option with care since some
graduate and professional schools do not look favorably on a large
number of P-graded courses, or rank each as a "C". Transfer students are
cautioned that P-graded courses do not count in the requirement that 14
traditionally graded courses be earned at Augsburg in order to be considered for graduation with distinction. See P/N limitations under
Graduation Requirements in the Augsburg College general catalog.
Certain courses are offered on one grading system only. Sociology 265 is
graded only on the P/N grading system and some education courses are
graded only on the P/N system or only on the traditional system.
English 111 is graded P or N, or 2.0-4.O/N. Some other courses are
graded only P, 1.O, N. Lifetime Sports are graded P/O.O.
In courses where this is a choice, students will be graded on the traditional system unless they indicate on their registration that they wish to
use the P/N grading option. Any changes in choice of gkading system
must be made according to the dates published each term. A fee is
charged for any changes made after registration.
Explanation of Grades
Number grades are used with these definitions:
4.0 Achieves highest standards of excellence.
3.0 Achieves above basic course standards.
2.0 Meets basic standards for the course.
1.0 Performance below basic course standards.
0.0 Unacceptable performance (no credit for the course).
Grade of P (Pass) or N (No credit) are not computed in the grade point
average. A grade of P represents work at or above the 2.0 level; N
represents work at the 1.5 or below level.
An incomplete grade may be given only in the case of an extreme
emergency. To receive it, a student must file an Application for Incomplete form with the Committee on Student Standing stating the reasons
for the request, the plan and date for removing it, and comments from
the instructor. If permission is granted, the incomplete must be removed
during the following semester, or it becomes the grade submitted by the
teacher along with the incomplete.
Internships, independent studies, and directed studies may sometimes
last longer than one term. When this is the case, they must be completed
by the grading deadlines within one year from the beginning of the first
term of registration. A grade of X is given by the instructor to indicate
that the study is extended. It is expected that students given X extensions will continue to communicate with their instructors and demonstrate that satisfactory progress is being maintained. A final grade will be
issued at the end of the term in which the work is completed and
evaluated (but not longer than one year). An instructor reserves the
discretion of not giving an X where satisfactory progress is not demonstrated. Withdrawal from college, or dropping these continued courses
will terminate their registration. Under this circumstance, a registration
as 1X by the student would be necessary if done during registration
periods within one year of initial registration; if done after one year a new
registration would be necessary.
Auditing Courses
Students who wish to take courses without credit or grade may do so by
registering for Audit (V). The charge for auditing a course is listed
under Fees and Payment Schedule. Students who audit a course should
confer with the instructor within two weeks of the beginning of the term
to determine expectations, attendance and any other requirement. If
expectations have been met, the course will be listed on the transcript as
having been audited. If expectations have not been met, the course will
be listed a grade of W (Withdrawn).
Grade Point Average
The grade point average (GPA) is based on final grades for all work at
Augsburg. It does not include credit and grade points for work transferred from other colleges. Courses taken on the P/N grading option
are recorded, but not computed in the GPA.
Students are classified in August and at the end of fall and winter terms as
Sophomores - 7 courses completed with at least 14 grade points.
Juniors - 16 courses completed with at least 32 grade points.
Seniors - 25 courses completed with at least 50 grade points.
Withdrawal from College
Students are urged not to abandon courses for which they are registered,
since this results in a failing grade on the official record. Cancellation of
courses or withdrawal from college must be done in the Registrar's
Office. Withdrawal from college cannot occur during final examination
weekend unless a petition is approved by the Student Standing Committee.
Withdrawal from college and resulting adjustments in accounts are effective
as of the date the completed Withdrawal From College form is returned to
the Registrar's Office.
Graduation with Distinction
Graduation with distinction is determined as follows:
Summa cum laude - 3.8 to 4.0 cumulative GPA
Magna cum laude - 3.6 up to but not including 3.8 cumulative GPA
Cum laude - 3.3 up to but not including 3.6 cumulative GPA
T o qualify for graduation with distinction, transfer students must have
completed two years (14 traditionally graded courses) of work at Augsburg.
Assessment of Previous Learning (APL)
Augsburg College recognizes that learning can and does take place in
many life situations. Some of this learning may be appropriate for credit
recognition within the disciplines that compose the academic programs
of a liberal arts college. The APL program (Assessment of Previous
Learning) at Augsburg provides a means by which a student's previous
learning, other than that which is transferred from another accredited
institution, may be presented for examination for possible credit toward
the completion of a bachelor's degree.
Not all learning from life experience, however, is appropriate for credit
recognition at a liberal arts college. Such learning must meet two
essential criteria: (1) it is relevant to coursework in a field of study within
the Augsburg liberal arts curriculum and (2) it can be objectively
demonstrated either by comprehensive examination or committee
evaluation. The APL program at Augsburg provides several means by
which students may have their previous learning assessed for credit
CLEP (College Level Examination Program)
Students who achieve acceptable scores in CLEP exams may receive
academic credit in August College. CLEP exams are available in a variety
of general and specific subject areas. For more information, contact
Weekend College Admissions (330.1792) or the regional CLEP center
at the University of Minnesota (624-3323).
Departmental Assessment
Students who wish to receive credit for a specific academic course and d o
not have transcript evidence of completed work may request a departmental assessment of previous learning. This will most often include an
examination that covers the essential components of the course involved.
For more information, contact the Registrar's Ofice (330.1036).
CAI? (Credit Assessment Process)
This is a credit assessment alternative in which a faculty committee
completes a credit evaluation of a learning portfolio submitted by the
student. Informal meetings and consultation are provided for students
who wish to prepare a portfolio of previous learning for credit assessment. Students may apply for CAP after completing at least four courses
of academic work at Augsburg College with a cumulative GPA of at least
2.5. For more information, contact the Registrar's Office (330-1036).
1990 Fall Trimester Class Schedule
Friday Evening (6:OO-9:30)
35 5
Biology of Aging
Marketing Communications
Principles of Management
Business Law
Principles of Macroeconomics
Creating Learning Environments (9/7 - 11/2)(.5)
K-El Art (9/7-10/5) (.25)
K-El Math (10/19-12/7) (.5)
K-El Language Arts (10/19-12/7) (.5)
Reading in the Content Areas (9/7-11/2) (.5)
Orientation to Education (9/7-11/2) (.5)
Human Relations (9/7-11/2) (.5)
British Literature: Chaucer to the Elizabethans
Math for the Liberal Arts*
Contemporary Nursing I: Communication*
Introduction to Nursing Research
Physics for the Life Sciences*
Mass Communications in Society
General Psychology
Social Behavior
Religion in America
Racial and Minority Group Relations
Public Speaking
Organizational Communication
Humans Developing
Saturday Morning (8:30-12:OO)
22 1
31 3
Human Anatomy and Physiology*
Principles of Accounting I
Principles of Accounting I1
Principles of Management
Managerial Cost Accounting
International Business
General Chemistry*
Principles of Macroeconomics
Principles of Microeconomics
Intermediate Microeconomics
Clinical Experience (.5)
K-El Social Studies (10/20-11/17) (.25)
I<-El Science (9/8-10/6) (.25)
K-El Health (9/8-10/6) (.25)
Clinical Experience (.5)
Introduction to Literature
Basic Mathematics* (no credit)
Calculus I*
Computers for Business, Economics and MIS
Music Therapy: Clinical Overview
Introduction to Music in the Fine Arts
Contemporary Nursing 111: Families*
Introduction to Philosophy
Mass Communications in Society
General Psychology
Biblical Studies
Public Speaking
Community Development and Organization
Saturday Afternoon (1:1 5 4 4 5 )
11 3
3 12
Women'sArt History
Principles of Accounting I
Principles of Management
Principles of Marketing
Accounting Theory & Practice I
Business Law
Structured Programming
Principles of Microeconomics
Intermediate Macroeconomics
K-El Music (11/17-12/8) (.25)
Children's Literature (9/8-11/3) ( 5 )
Creating Learning Environments
Orientation to Education (9/8-11/3) (.5)
Media Technology (9/8-11/3) ( 5 )
Effective Writing*
Intermediate Expository Writing*
American Literature Since 1920
U.S. History Since 1877
Safety Education (E/S) (9/8-11/3)
Practicum in Nursing I: Families * * *
World Politics
Brain and Behavior
Introduction to Theology
Lutheran Heritage
Principles of Sociology
Beginning Spanish I*
Interpersonal Communication
Social Response to Human Needs
Sunday Afternoon (1:15-4:45)
33 1
35 1
Principles of Accounting I
Financial Management
Techniques for Teaching Reading
Interdisciplinary Studies (10/21-11/18) (.25)
K-El Physical Education (9/9-10/7) (.25)
English Methods
Foreign Language Methods (9/9-11/4) (.5)
Effective Writing*
The American City
Chemical Dependency (10/21-12/9) (.5)
Computers in Business, Economics and MIS
Quantitative Methods for Business, Economics and MIS
Management Information Systems in the Organization
History of Religions
Principles of Sociology
Racial and Minority Group Relations
Beginning Spanish I*
Evening Courses
Digital Communications and Computer Networks (Thurs.)
Lifetime Sports: Racket Sports (TBA)
Student Teaching* *
Student teaching courses in elementary and secondary education are
available during fall trimester. The Student Teaching Seminar (EDS 486)
is available on an arranged basis.
*Extra class or lab sessions required.
**Additional clinical fee required.
1991 Winter Trimester Class Schedule
Friday Evening (6:OO-9:30)
Publication Design
Principles of Management
Principles of Marketing
Principles of Macroeconomics
Clinical Experience (.5)
K-El Health (3/1-3/22) (.25)
K-El Physical Education Methods (3/1-3/22) (.25)
Clinical Experience (.5)
Media Technology (1/4-2/22) (.5)
Effective Writing*
Modern Fiction
Introduction to Women's Studies
Math for the Liberal Arts*
Contemporary Nursing 11: Paradigms in Nursing*
Introductory Meteorology*
Organizational Psychology
World Justice and Hunger: Developing a New World View
Principles of Sociology
Racial and Minority Group Relations
Interpersonal Communication
Humans Developing
Saturday Morning (8:30-12:OO)
BIO 101 Human Biology
BUS 221 Principles of Accounting I
BUS 222 Principles of Accounting I1
BUS 340 Human Resource Management
BUS 362 Marketing Research & Analysis
BUS 391 Business Law
BUS 433 Financial Theory: Policy and Practice
CHM 110 Organic and Biological Chemistry*
CSC 345 Principles of Computer Organization
ECO 112 Principles of Macroeconomics
EDE 351 Techniques of Teaching Reading
EDE 379 K-El Art Methods (1/4-1/25) (.25)
EDE 382 K-El Math Methods (1/4-2/22) (.5)
EDE 387 Language Arts (1/5-2/23) (.5)
EDU 264 Orientation to Education (1/5-2/23) (.5)
EDU 388 Human Relations (2/9-3/23) (.5)
ENG 111 Effective Writing*
ENG 336 British Literature: 17th & 18th Century
MAT 104 Intermediate Algebra* (no credit)
MIS 279 Quantitative Methods in Business, Economics and MIS
NUR 310 Community Health I*
NUR 404 Contemporary Nursing IV*
POL 342 Mass Communications in Society
PSY 105 General Psychology
REL 445 The Bible, Language and Interpretation
SOC 375 Social Psychology*
SPC 111 Public Speaking
SWK 465 Social Policy: Analysis and Development
Saturdav Afternoon (1:15-4:45)
Principles of Accounting I1
Principles of Marketing
Accounting Theory and Practice I1
Financial Management
International Management
Managerial Economics
Creating Learning Environments (2/9-3/23) (.5)
K-El Science (1/5, 1/12, *2/2 a.m.) (.5)
Children's Literature (2/9-3/23) (.5)
Creating Learning Environments (2/9-3/23) (1.O)
School and Society (1/5-2/23) (.5)
Writing for Business & the Professions*
Topics: Women and Fiction
Beginnings of Western Culture
Chemical Dependency Education (E/S) (1/26-3/16) (.5)
Finite Mathematics*
Discrete Mathematics*
Computers for Business, Economics and MIS
Intermediate Quantitative Methods for Business,
Economics and MIS
Ethics of Medicine and Health Care
Environment and Behavior
REL 111
REL 221
SOC 121
SPA 112
SPC 352
SWK 466
Introduction to Theology
Biblical Studies
Principles of Sociology
Beginning Spanish 11*
Field Work I11
Sunday Afternoon (1:15-445)
106/306 Calligraphy
222 Principles of Accounting I1
242 Principles of Management
326 Tax Accounting
440 Operations Management
113 Principles of Microeconomics
3 1 3 Intermediate Microeconomics
3 15 Money and Banking
282 Introduction to Special Education
364 Interdisciplinary Studies (3/3-3/24) (.25)
375 Disc. in the World of Kindergarten (2/10-3/24) (.5)
376 K-El Social Studies (1/6-1/27) (.25)
380 K-El Music (1/6-1/27) (.25)
375 Social Studies Methods (2/9-3/23) ( . 5 )
111 Beginning French I*
111 Beginning German I*
114 Safety Education (E/S) (1/6-2/24) (.5)
353 Kinesiology and Physiology of Exercise
489 Coaching Practicum (.5) (time to be arranged)
231 Religion in African American History
175 Computers for Business, Economics and MIS
475 Systems Analysis and Design
111 Beginning Norwegian*
111 Beginning Spanish I*
112 Beginning Spanish 11*
Student Teaching*
- *
Student teaching courses in elementary and secondary education are
available during winter trimester. The Student Teaching Seminar
(EDS 486) is available on an arranged basis.
Lifetime S ~ o r t s
HPE 002
Lifetime Sports: Beginning Aerobics (TBA)
*Extra class or lab sessions required.
**Additional clinical fee required.
1991 Spring Trimester Class Schedule
Fridav Evening (6:OO-10:OO)
BUS 242
BUS 252
Principles of Management
Principles of Marketing
~nteriational~ a r k e t i * ~
Principles of Macroeconomics
Creating Learning Environments (5/17-6/21) (.5)
K-El Music Methods (5/31-6/21) (.25)
K-El Math Methods (5/3-6/14) (.5)
Creating Learning Environments
Orientation to Education (4/5-5/17) (.5)
Human Relations (4/5-5/17) (.5)
Effective Writing*
European Literature: Homer to Dante
Safety Education (4/6-5/18) (.5)
Women in American Culture
Math for the Liberal Arts*
Introduction to Music in the Fine Arts
History of Religions
Principles of Sociology
Public Speaking
Public Relations/Promotional Communications
Humans Developing
Saturday Morning (8:OO-12:OO)
35 1
35 1
Business Law
Chemistry for Changing Times
Computing for the Liberal Arts
Principles of Programming Languages
Principles of Microeconomics
Management Science
Techniques of Teaching Reading
I<-El Science (6/1-6/22) (.5)
Reading in the Content Areas (4/6-5/18) (.5)
Media Technology (4/6-5/18) (.5)
Effective Writing*
Introduction to Creative Writing*
Topics in Literature
Tale of Twin Cities
Chemical Dependency (4/6-5/18) ( 5 )
Elementary Functions*
Quantitative Methods for Business, Economics and MIS
Practicum in Nursing 11: Leadership & Management* * *
Mass Communications
General Psychology
Biblical Studies
Christian Ethics
Social Psychology
Social Worker as Professional
Saturdav Afternoon (1:OO-500)
BIO 105 Biology and Society
BUS 221 Principles of Accounting I
BUS 2 i 2 Principles of Accounting I1
BUS 252 Principles of Marketing
BUS 331 Financial Management
BUS 425 Advanced Accounting
BUS 438 Investments
BUS 450 Marketing Management
CSC 210 Data Structures
ECO 112 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 311 Public Finance
ECO 360 International Trade and Finance
EDE 363 Clinical Experience (.5)
EDE 386 Children's Literature (4/6-6/1) ( 5 )
EDE 388 K-El Health Methods (4/6-5/4) (.25)
EDS 352 Clinical Experience (.5)
EDS 477 School & Society (4/6-6/1) (.5)
ENG 223 Writing for Business and the Professions
ENG 327 Advanced Journalism*
HPE 475 Prev./Care of Athletic Injuries (4/8-5/18) (.5)
MIS 370 Advanced Personal Computing
NUR 330 Trends and Issues in Nursing*
POL 158 Political Patterns and Processes
PSY 105 General Psychology
REL 369 Religious Imagination in Modern Literature*
SOC 349 Complex Organizations
SPC 360 Interpretive Reading
SPC 355 Small Group Communication
SWK 469 Field Work IV
Sunday Afternoon (1:OO-5:OO)
Principles of Management
Human Resource Management
Principles of Microeconomics
Intermediate Microeconomics
Interdisciplinary Studies (4/7-5/5) (.25)
I<-El Art Methods (6/2-6/23) (.25)
K-El Language Arts (4/7-5/19) (.5)
K-El Physical Education Methods (4/7-5/5) (.25)
Beginning French II*
Beginning German 11*
Coaching Theory of Sport
Coaching Practicum (-5)(time to be arranged)
Computers for Business, Economics and MIS
Information Systems Projects
Beginning Norwegian 11*
Introduction to Theology
Racial and Minority Group Relations
Quantitative Methods & Program Evaluation
Beginning Spanish 11*
Student Teaching**
Student teaching courses in elementary and secondary education are
available during spring trimester. The Student Teaching Seminar
(EDS 486) is available on an arranged basis.
NUR 31 1 Community Health Nursing 11* * *
*Extra class or lab sessions required.
**Additional clinical fee required.
arse Descriptions
ART 102
Environmental Aesthetics
Fine arts in the urban and world setting. Concern for the
visual content of experience in the environment leading
toward appreciation and criticism. Individual and group
projects exploring design problems in representation, symbolism and abstraction.
Distribution: Urban Concerns; Art/Music
ART 106/
ART 107
Development of calligraphic writing and drawing skills with
emphasis o n the broad-edged pen. Attention given to the
historical development of calligraphy and the elements of
design through readings and demonstrations. Class time and
assignments center on practice in calligraphic concepts with
special attention given to foundational, italic, Gothic and
unicial styles. Three original projects are required and
evaluation is based on quality of work plus participation and
growth factors. Upper division students are required t o
complete demonstration sheets in three historical writing
styles plus an expanded project.
Distribution: Art/Music
Drawing in graphite pencils, pens, and pastel pencils. Subjects
include still-life, figures, building interiors and exteriors and
experimental work.
Distribution: Art/Music
ART 118
Painting I
Introduction to painting media and techniques in acrylic and
Distribution: Art/Music
ART 132
The camera used as a tool for visual creativity and expression
with attention to black and white photography process. Need
access to 35mm single lens reflex camera (materials will cost
Distribution: Art/Music
Major: Elective in Public Relations/Advertising major
Publication Design
An introduction to traditional design concerns and procedures related to publication design as well as design for
desktop publishing. Theory and practice of coordinating
visual images and typography with content in publications.
Study of design in magazines, newspapers, newsletters, books,
and miscellaneous publications. Students design and produce
a publication as a group project.
Major: Elective in Public Relations/Advertising
ART 225
Visual Communications I
The theory and practice of visual perception and communication using elements such as color, line, shape, type, and
pictorial images. Emphasis will be placed on the creative
thought process.
Major: Elective in Public Relations/Advertising major
ART 240
Art History Survey
A survey of art from prehistoric to modern times. Includes
reading, research, viewing of slides, and visits to museums.
Distribution: Art/Music
ART 250
Ceramics I
An introduction to the making of pottery with an emphasis
on handbuilding and glazing.
Distribution: Art/Music
ART 352
Women's Art History
A study of the place of women in the history of the visual arts
- as artists, as subjects, and as patrons.
Distribution: Art/Music, Urban Concerns/Minority Studies
Minor: Elective in Women's Studies minor (upper division)
BIO 101
Human Biology
Basic biological concepts from an anthropocentric point of
view. An attempts to answer such questions as: What makes
man just another member of the biotic fold? Does man have
a niche in the ecosystem? What influences does the environment, especially the urban environment, have on man? (A
student may not receive credit for both BIO 101 and 103.
Does not apply to the major or minor.)
Distribution: Biology
Major: Required supporting course in Social Work
BIO 103
Human Anatomy and Physiology
A professional course in the structure and hnction of the
human body. Lecture and laboratory. (A student may riot
receive credit for both BIO 101 and 103. Does not apply to
the major or minor.)
Distribution: Chemistry/Biology
Major: Required prerequisite for BSN major/Coaching
BIO 105
Biology and Society
What are some of the biologically-based problems with which
our society must deal? What threats are posed by pollution,
the prospect of war, and by shortages of food, water and non-
renewable resources? What are the implications of genetic
research, scientific racism, sociobiology, and inequities in the
delivery of health care? (Does not apply to the major or
Distribution: Chemistry/Biology or Urban Concerns
BIO 108
Basic microbial features are considered as well as applications
of microbiology to the field of medicine and sanitation. For
student nurses, health majors or consent of the instructor.
(Prereq: CHM 110 or consent of instructor. Does not apply
t o major or minor.)
Distribution: Chemistry/Biology
Major: Prerequisite for the BSN major
BIO 185
The Biology of Aging
At some time in our lives most of us will directly experience
aging or be influenced by people undergoing age-related
changes. This course will concentrate on the biological
aspects of such changes.
Distribution: Chemistry/Biology
BIO 231
The Biology of Women
The objective of this course is to provide a basic understanding of the structure and hnctioning of the female human
organism as well as to evaluate misconceptions about women
that have arisen in the history of biology.
Distribution: Chemistry/Biology or Women & Minority
Computers for Business, Economics and MIS
(See under MIS 175)
BUS 221
Principles of Accounting I
Introduction to business activities, basic concepts, and
fundamentals of accounting, the accounting cycle and
preparation of financial statements.
Major: Required for Business Administration, Economics core
and MIS major
BUS 222
Principles of Accounting I1
Introduction to business activities, basic concepts and
fundamentals of managerial accounting. Planning and
controlling process, decision-making and behavioral considerations. (Prereq: BUS 22 1)
Major: Required for Business Administration, Economics core
and MIS major
BUS 242
Principles of Management
Development of the theory of management, organization,
staffing, planning and control. The nature of authority,
accountability and responsibility, analysis of the role of the
professional manager.
Major: Required for Business Administration core and MIS
major, elective in Public Relations/Advertising and Supervisory Management majors in Communication
BUS 252
Principles of Marketing
Pri~lciplesof basic policy and strategy issues in marketing.
Legal, ethical, competitive, behavioral, economic and technological factors as they affect product, promotion, marketing
channel and pricing decisions.
Major: Required in the Busi~lessAdministration core, elective
in Public Relations/Advertising and Marketing Cornmunications major
Quantitative Methods for Business Economics, and
(See under MIS 279)
BUS 322
Accounting Theory & Practice I
An analysis of accountillg theory pertaining to fi~la~lcial
statements, income concepts, capital stock and surplus account,
currellt and long-term assets. (Prereq: BUS 222, E C O 113)
Major: Required in the Accou~ltingand Finance majors (upper
BUS 323
Accounting Theory and Practice I1
An analysis of accoullti~lgtheory pertaining to investments,
tangible and intangible fixed assets, liabilities and reserved,
actuarial topics. Additional emphasis on income determination
collsideri~lgprice level changes. (Prereq: BUS 322)
Major: lcequired in the Accounting major (upper division)
BUS 324
Managerial Cost Accounting
Accounting tools for planning and control of economic
activities. Planning, budgeting, standard cost system, as well as
other quantitative and behavioral topics. (Prereq: BUS 222,
242, 252, MIS 279 or consent of instructor)
Major: lcequired in the Accounting major (upper division)
BUS 326
Tax Accounting
The more common and important provisions of federal illcome
taxes for i~ldividualsand various forms of business enterprises.
(Prereq: BUS 221, 331, E C O 112, 113, or consent of
Major: One of a choice of three required courses in the
Accounting major (upper division)
BUS 331
Financial Management
Theory of acquisition, allocation and management of funds
within the firm; sources and uses of long and short term funds,
cost of capital, capital budgeting, leverage, dividend policy,
and related topics. (Prereq: BUS 222, E C O 113)
Major: Required for Business Ad~nillistratio~l
core and MIS
major (upper division)
BUS 340
Human Resource Managenlent
Personnel functio~lin business, acquisition and utilization of
human resources, desirablc working relatio~~ships;
integration of the worker with the goals of the firm and
society. (Prereq: BUS 242)
Major: lcequired for Business M a n a g e m e ~ major,
elective in
Supervisory Management major (upper division)
BUS 352
Marketing Research and Analysis
Research process as an aid to decision making in marketing
management; research methodology; marketing research
results; evaluation of the effectiveness of research in marketing. (Prereq: BUS 252, ECO 113, MIS 279 or consent of instructor)
Major: Required in the Marketing major and an elective in the
Marketing Communications major (upper division)
BUS 355
Marketing Communications
A look at the communications aspects of marketing by integrating advertising, public relations, sales promotion, and
personal selling into a coherent promotion mix. Emphasis will
be placed on the design and evaluation of marketing communications programs, particularly advertising; selection of
media; copy-creative effort; advertiser-agency relationship;
management of the personal selling function including sales
force selection, compensation, territorial design, and performance appraisal. (Prereq: BUS 252)
Major: Required in the Marketing major, elective in Marketing Communications major, Public Relations/Advertising
major, or Supervisory Management (upper division)
BUS 362
International Business
Introduction to the problems and possibilities of doing
business in an international context. Appreciation of the
perspective required for successful planning and management
of any enterprise operating abroad is emphasized by foreseeing
both the opportunities and the difficulties inherent in international business. (Prereq: Two business and economics courses
or consent of instructor)
Major: Required in International Business major (upper
Advanced Computing for Business, Economics, and
(See under MIS 370)
BUS 391
Business Law
Legal rules relating to contracts, agency, negotiable instruments, property and business organizations under the
Uniform Commercial Code.
Major: Required for Business Administration core (upper
BUS 423
Internal and external auditing procedures. Emphasis on
internal checks and control for accounting systems. (Prereq:
BUS 323)
Major: One of a choice of three required courses in the Accounting major (upper division)
BUS 425
Advanced Accounting
Accounting for business combinations, gover~lmentalaccounting, partnership accounting and fund accounting. (Prereq:
BUS 323)
Major: One of a choice of three required courses in the Accounting major (upper division)
BUS 433
Financial Theory: Policy and Practice
Advanced financial theory; a system approach to financial
structure and policy. Emphasis o n decision-making, presentation through literature, readings, lectures and case material.
(Prereq: BUS 331)
Major: Required in Finance major (upper division)
BUS 438
Investment Theory
Appraisal of the risk/return relationships of various types of
securities from the viewpoint of both individual and institutional investors. Extensive coverage of capital markets and
portfolio management. (Prereq: all core courses or consent of
Major: Required in Finance major (upper division)
BUS 440
Operations Management
Concepts and principles related to the management of
operating functions. Examples from service industries, nonprofit organizations and manufacturing. Taught from a
managerial point of view. Topics include: an overview of operations, planning operation processes, productivity measurement, standards, forecasting, concepts of quality, inventory
management, principles of scheduling, and operational co~ltrol
information systems. (Prereq: BUS 242)
Major: l<equired in the Business Management major and an
elective in the Supervisory Management major (upper division)
BUS 450
Marketing Management
Integration of marketing with other business functions;
marketing rnallagemellt and decision making, planning
marketing programs, channels of distribution, pricing, product
selli~lgand promotion policies. (Prereq: BUS 352)
Major: Required in the Marketing major and an elective in the
Marketing Communications major (upper division)
BUS 465
International Management
A comparative study of management styles across cultures.
Models will be reviewed and developed which consider the
implications of culture on the effective~lessof particular styles
of leadership, human resource management, and strategic
Major: Required in the Inter~latiollalBusiness major (upper
BUS 466
International Marketing
This course is devoted to those issues and practices which are
unique to marketing a product and service in an inter~~atiolial
setting. Topics include international environmental scanni~lg
and analysis; comparative marketing research; strategic planning; and marketing mix issues in multinational markets.
Major: Required in the I~lternationalBusiness major
Intermediate Quantitative Methods for Business,
Economics and MIS
(See under MIS 479)
BUS 495
Topics: Risk Management and Insurance
A study of risk management. Emphasis on the fiulction of (1)
determination of exposure to risk; ( 2 ) analysis of risk and
losses; (3) methods of combating risks; and (4) administration
of risk insurance program. How to recognize and evaluate the
property liability and personnel risks facing a business, a nonprofit organization, a government unit, or an individual or
family. How to select and deal with an insurer. Public policy
issues such as availability of i~lsura~lce
are examined to identify
and evaluate the role of insurance in the financial framework
of the economy.
Major: Elective for Business Administration major
(upper division)
CHM 100
Chemistry for Changing Times
This is a non-laboratory chemistry coursc based o n the very
popular book by John H. Hill of the same title. It is not a
traditional chemistry course and does not assume a science
background. Most of the problems we face are molecular in
nature. What then but cl~emistrycan help us to understand
ourselves, our society, our world, and our universe? Come
join us as we take a molecular look at the human condition.
This course does not apply toward the major or minor in
chemistry nor does it meet any prerequisite chemistry requirements.
Distribution: Chemistry/Biology
CHM 109
General, Organic and Biological Chemistry
Designed for students who need a survey of the fundamentals
of general, organic and biological chemistry for careers in
allied health areas such as nursing (including Augsburg's
upper division program). Open also to other students. First
term, general chemistry pri~lciplesand an introduction to
organic chemistry. Will include arranged time for laboratory
work. This course does not apply toward the major or minor
in chemistry.
Distribution: Chen~istry/Bioloby
Major: l<equired prerequisite for Nursing major
CHM 110
General, Organic and Biological Chemistry
Continuation of C H M 109. Organic and biological chemistry
with special applicatio~lsto human physiological chemistry.
Will include arranged time for laboratory work. Does not
apply toward the major or minor in chemist~y.
Distribution: Chemistry /Biology
Major: Required for Nursing major
CSC 145
Computing for the Liberal Arts
An i~ltroductio~l
to computers, programming, and computer
applications, as well as some of the social and philosophical
issues associated with computers. Primarily for stude~ltsin
non-science arcas. Does not apply toward the computer
science major or minor.
CSC 170
Structured Programming
An introduction to computers, problem-solving, algorithm
development and programming using Pascal. This course
provides a foundation for further studies in computer science.
(Prereq: MAT 114 or MAT 122 or MIS 279 or Math
Placement Group IV)
Major: Required for Computer Science and MIS majors
CSC 210
Data Structures
Data Structures and their implementation, recursion,
searching and sorting algorithms, and continued development
of programming methods using Pascal. (Prereq: CSC 170.
Coreq: MAT 121 or 171)
Major: Required for Computer Science and MIS majors
(See under PHY 261)
CSC 270
Study of the FORTRAN programming language. It is
assumed that the student has a knowledge of programming
methods and has done programming in some other language.
(Prereq: CSC 170 or another programming language course)
Major: Elective for Computer Science major
CSC 320
A systematic study of algorithms and their complexity,
including searching and sorting algorithms, mathematical
algorithms, and tree and graph traversal algorithms. The
limitations of algorithms, the classes P and NP, NP-complete
problems, and intractable problems. (Prereq: CSC 210 and
MAT 124)
Major: Elective for Computer Science major (upper division)
CSC 330
Theory of Computation
Basic theoretical principles embodied in formal languages,
automata, computability, and computational complexity.
Topics include Turins machines, Church's thesis, the halting
problem, and unsolvability. (Prereq: CSC 210 and MAT
Major: Required for Computer Science major (upper
CSC 340
Digital Communications and Computer Networks
Principles and methods of data communications, distributed
processing systems, network protocols and security, and
general computer interfacing. (Prereq: CSC 210)
Major: Elective for Computer Science major (upper division)
CSC 345
Principles of Computer Organization
An introduction to computer architecture, processors,
operating systems, instruction sets, and assembly language
programming. (Prereq: CSC 210)
Major: Required for Computer Science major (upper
CSC 352
Database Management and Design
Structure of database management systems, query facilities, file
organization and security, including the development of an
elementary database system. (Prereq: CSC 210)
Major: Elective for Computer Science and MIS major (upper
CSC 399
A combined effort of student, faculty, and employer to
complete a specific task and learn in a workplace. The
internship often is under the auspices of the Cooperative
Education Ofice as well as the computer science internship
Major: Elective for Computer Science major (upper division)
CSC 445
Operating Systems and Computer Architecture
Elements of operating systems, memory and process management, interactions among major components of computer
systems, and a detailed study of the effects of computer
architecture on operating systems. (Prereq: CSC 345)
Major: Elective for Computer Science major (upper division)
CSC 450
Principles of Programming Languages
Principles that govern the design and implementation of
programming languages. Topics include programming
language syntax and semantics, BNF, parsing, compilers,
interpreters, data structures, control structures, and the runtime environment. (Prereq: CSC 210)
Major: Required for Computer Science major (upper
CSC 491
Mathematics/Computer Science Colloquium
This colloquium, which has no course credit, meets weekly to
keep the mathematics and computer science community
informed about contemporary developments in the field and
about interesting ideas that don't arise in courses. Junior and
senior majors must attend, and others are welcome. All
seniors give a talk. Other sessions are presented by faculty
members or outside visitors.
Major: Required for Computer Science major (no credit)
CSC 495
Advanced Topics in Computer Science
Study of advanced topics from areas of computer science not
included in other courses. This course may be repeated when
the topics vary. (Prereq: Consent of instructor)
Major: Elective for Computer Science major (upper division)
CSC 499
Independent Study
Topics defined through consultation between student and the
ECO 112
Principles of Macroeconomics
An introduction to macroeconomics; national income analysis,
monetary and fiscal policy, international trade, economic
growth. Application of elementary economic theory to
current economic problems. May be taken independently of
ECO 113. ECO 112 and 113 may be taken in either order.
Distribution: Economics/Political Science
Major: Required for Business Administration, Economics
core, and MIS major
ECO 113
Principles of Microeconomics
An introduction to microeconomics, the theory of the
household, firm, market structures and income distribution.
Application of elementary economic theory to market policy.
May be taken independently of ECO 112. ECO 112 and 113
may be taken in either order. (Prereq: MPG I1 )
Distribution: Economics/Political Science
Major: Required for Business Administration, Economics
core and MIS major
Computers for Business, Economics and MIS
(see under MIS 175)
Quantitative Methods for Business, Economics
and MIS
(See under MIS 279)
ECO 311
Public Finance
Analysis of the principles of taxation and public expenditures;
the impact of fiscal policy on economic activity; debt policy
and its economic implications. (Prereq: ECO 112, 113;
strongly recommend ECO 3 13)
Major: One of a choice of three required courses in the
Business Administration core, elective for Economics major
(upper division)
ECO 312
Intermediate Macroeconomics
Determinants of national income, employment and price level
analyzed via macromodels. Attention paid to areas of
monetary-fiscal policy, growth and the business cycle.
(Prereq: ECO 112)
Major: One of a choice of three required courses in the
Business Administration core, required for Econo~nicsmajor
(upper division)
ECO 313
Intermediate Microeconomics
Theory of resource allocation, analysis of consumer behavior,
firm and industry; the pricing of factors of production and
income distribution; introduction to welfare economics.
(Prereq: ECO 113)
Major: Required for Business Administration, Economics core
and MIS major (upper division)
ECO 3 15
Money and Banking
Functioning of the monetary and banking systems, particularly
commercial banks, the Federal Reserve System and its role in
relation to aggregate economic activity. Emphasis placed on
monetary theory and policy. (Prereq: ECO 112,113)
Major: One of a choice of three required courses in the
Business Administration core, elective for Economics major
(upper division)
ECO 318
Management Science
Provides a sound conceptual understanding of the modern
techniques of management science to prepare students to
make better business and economic decisions. Emphasis is on
applications, which are taken from the areas of transportation,
marketing, portfolio selection, environmental protection, the
shortest route, inventory models, information systems, etc.
(Prereq: ECO 313)
Major: Required for Business Management major and MIS
major, one of a choice of three required courses for the
Finance major, elective in Economics and Supervisory
Management majors (upper division)
ECO 360
International Trade and Finance
A study of the underlying forces affecting the economic
relations among nations. Development of the basis of
international trade; balance of payment; exchange rate systems
and commercial policy. (Prereq: ECO 112, 113 or consent of
Major: Required for International Business major, elective for
Economics major (upper division)
ECO 415
Managerial Economics
Integrates economic theory and corresponding practices in
business. Among the topics considered are theories and
practices in forecasting, estimation of demand and cost
functions, price and non-price competition, production and
cost considerations, and an analysis of economic problems of
relevance to management. (Prereq: ECO 313, MIS 279)
Major: Required in the Marketing major and one of a choice
of three required courses in the Finance major, elective for
Economics major (upper division)
Intermediate Quantitative Methods for Business,
Economics and MIS
(See MIS 479)
EDE 350
Creating Learning Environments: KindergartenElementary (. 5 course)
The study of strategies, methods, and evaluation of teaching
and learning in the contexts of educational, psychological,
sociological and neuro-scientific theories.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major (upper
EDE 351
Techniques for Teaching Reading
The study and utilization of a variety of techniques and
resources in the teaching of reading and the diagnosis and
correction of reading problems. Field placement requirement
included in this class.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major
(upper division)
EDE 363
Kindergarten-Elementary Clinical Experiences
(.5 course)
Includes 160 hours in-class experience. Register for two
seminar sessions in addition to the 160 hours. A video tape
of classroom or simulated teaching will be prepared by each
student. Membership in one of the professional teacher organizations is required. Students must apply in the Education
Department for Clinical at least two months prior to date
they intend to begin Clinical. Enroll for course approximately half-way through the I<-Elementary course sequence.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major (upper
EDE 364
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum:
Interdisciplinary Studies (.25 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
integrating specific skill developments through various
subjects at the kindergarten and elementary levels.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major (upper
EDE 375
Discovery in the World of Kindergarten (.5 course)
This class prepares the student for the unique experiences and
responsibilities of a kindergarten classroom. Major: Required
for I<-6 licensure (upper division)
EDE 376
Social Studies (.25 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
social studies at the kindergarten and elementary levels.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major (upper
EDE 377
Science (.25 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
science at the kindergarten and elementary levels.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major (upper
EDE 379
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum:
Art (.25 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
art at the kindergarten and elementary levels.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major (upper
EDE 380
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum:
Music (.25 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
music at the kindergarten and elementary levels.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major (upper
EDE 382
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum:
Mathematics (.5 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
mathematics instruction at the kindergarten and elementary
levels. (Prereq: EDU 264)
Major: Required for Elementary Education major (upper
EDE 386
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum:
Children's Literature (.5 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
children's literature at the kindergarten and elementary levels.
(Prereq: EDU 264)
Major: Required for Elementary Education major (upper
EDE 387
Language Art (.5 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
language arts instruction at the kindergarten and elementary
levels. (Prereq: EDU 264)
Major: Required for Elementary Education major (upper
EDE 388
Health (.25 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
health instruction at the kindergarten and elementary levels.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major (upper
EDE 389
Physical Education (.25 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
physical education instruction at the kindergarten and
elementary levels.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major (upper
EDE 481,
EDS 350
Student Teaching K, K-6,or 1-6
Students must apply to student teach by Oct. 30 for Winter/
Spring 1991 Student Teaching and March 30 for Fall 1991
Student Teaching. A minimum of three courses (481,482,
483) unless otherwise advised by the department. Observing
and facilitating learning at the kindergarten and elementary
levels under the supervision of college and elementary school
personnel. Admission into the Education Department is
required prior to student teaching placement. Membership in
one of the professional teacher organizatio~lsis required.
(Prereq: All K-Elementary coursework satisfactorily completed or permission of Department for exception.)
Major: Required for Elementary Education major (upper
Reading in the Content Areas (.5 course)
The study and utilization of a variety of techniques and
resources to assist students in teaching reading through the
content areas.
Major: Required for Secondary Education major (upper
EDS 352
Clinical Experience ( .5 course)
Students must apply in the Education Department for Clinical
Experience at least two months prior to the date they intend
to begin Clinical Experience. Students should enroll for
course approximately half-way through the Secondary course
sequence. I~lcludes70 hours in-school experiences, seminars.
Membership in a professional teacher organization is required.
Major: Kequired for Secondary Education major (upper
EDS 353
Creating Learning Environments: Secondary
The study of strategies, methods, and evaluation of teaching
and learning in the context of educational, psychological,
sociological and neuro-scientific theories.
Major: lcequired for Secondary Education major (upper
EDS 364
English Methods
Materials and methods suitable for students in secondary
schools. Emphasis on the preparation of lesson and unit
plans. Some teaching experience in a local high school. The
study of adolescent literature is included. (Prereq: EDU 264
and EDS 353 or consent of instructor.)
Major: Required for Secondary Education English Language
Arts major (upper division)
EDS 366
Foreign Language Methods (.5course)
Language learning theory. The theory and practice of
language teaching. (Consult with the Foreign Language
Major: Required for Secondary Education Foreign Language
major (upper division)
EDS 375
Social Studies Methods (.5 course)
Introduction to the teaching of social studies and history in
secondary classrooms. Emphasis on instructional strategies
and curriculum development.
Major: Required for Secondary Education Social Studies
major (upper division)
EDS 477
School and Society (.5 course)
The emphasis in this course is on the school in relation to
society. Current major issues in education will be studied.
Students should enroll as closely as possible to the same term
as their student teaching. (Prerequisite: EDU 264, EDS 353
and Methods in Subject Area)
Major: Required for Secondary Education major (upper
EDS 481,
482, 483,
EDU 264
Student Teaching
Students must apply to student teach through the Education
Department by Oct: 30 for Winter/Spring 1991 Student
Teaching and March 30 for Fall 1991 Student Teaching.
Observing and directing learning at the secondary level under
supervision of college and secondary school personnel. A
minimum of three courses, except four courses required of
Art, Music, Physical Education majors. Membership in a professional organization is required. (Prerequisite: ALL
Secondary Education and major coursework successfully
completed or permission of the Department for an exception.)
Major: Required for Secondary Education major
(upper division)
Orientation to Education in an Urban Setting
(.5 course)
Study and investigation of various aspects of the teaching
profession as students evaluate their interest and suitability for
a career in teaching. Open to all students. Suggested as first
course to be taken.
Major: Required for Elementary and Secondary Education
EDU 341
Media Technology (.5 course)
Psychological and philosophical dimensions of communication
through the use of instructional technology. Selection,
preparation, production, and evaluation of effective audiovisual materials for teaching/learning situations. Computer
training will be included in this course.
Major: Required for Elementary and Secondary Education
major (upper division)
EDU 388
Human Relations (.5 course)
Emphasis on the study of values, of communication techniques, and of the minority groups in Minnesota for the
development of interpersonal relations skills applicable to
teaching and other professional vocations. Open to all.
Major: Required for Elementary and Secondary Education
majors (upper division)
ENG 111
Effective WritingEmphasis is o n exposition, including learning research
techniques and writing critical reviews. At least one work of
literature is assigned. Attention is given to increasing students' effectiveness in choosing, organizing and developing
topics, thinking critically, and revising for clarity and style. A
writing lab is provided for those needing additional help. The
minimum passing grade for this course is 2.0.
Distribution: Required for graduation
ENG 209
Grow Old Along With Me
This course will focus on what poets, dramatists, and novelists
have to say about the aging process. Students will be
expected to interview older people to discover how they feel
society regards the aging.
Distribution: English/Speech
ENG 223
- for Business and the Professions
A practical course designed with emphasis on expository
writing skills for those preparing for business and professional
careers. The writing of reports, letters, and proposals will be
emphasized. Students will be encouraged to use the material
from their own areas of specialization. (Prereq: ENG 111 or
Major: Recommended elective for Business Administration
~najor,meets one writing requirement for Co~nmu~lication
major, an elective for English major.
ENG 225
Intermediate Expository Writing
The development of essays in a variety of rhetorical ~nodes,
which may include identification, definition, classification,
illustration, compariso~land contrast, and analysis. Particular
attention will be given to stylistic and orga~lizationalmatters
tl~roughthe course's workshop format, in which students'
papers are read and discussed. (Prereq: ENG 1 11 or equivalent)
Major: Required for English major, meets one writing
requirement for Communication major.
ENG 226
Introduction to Creative Writing
The purpose of this course is to introduce stude~ltsto the
process of creative writing and to various genres, emphasizing
poetry and short fiction but including journal keeping, drama,
and creative prose. (Prereq: ENG 1 11 or equivalent)
Major: Meets one writing requirement for Comlnunication
major, an elective for Englisl~major.
ENG 227
This is an introductory newswriting course. Emphasis will be
placed on writing for the print media, but students will learn
to write for radio and television as well. Students will
consider: how t o recognize news, how to gather and verify
facts, and how to cover basic copy preparation and editing
practices. This includes all introduction t o legal and ethical
questions faced by journalists. (Prereq: ENG 111 or equivalent)
Major: Required for Public Relations major, meets one
writing requirement for Communication major, an elective
for English major
ENG 240/
ENG 245
The Short Story
The course will involve practice in ways of approaching
literature and will include study of the basic critical terminology. It is an appropriate course for students who have not yet
studied literature at the college level. Effective Writing is not
a prerequisite but students will be expected to write with
Distribution: English/Speech
Major: An elective for English major
Introduction to Literature
An introduction to the study of fiction, drama, and poetry.
Particular attention will be devoted to developing critical and
analytical skills in reading and writing about literature.
Strongly recommended for English majors and minors.
Distribution: English/Speech
Major: Strongly recommended for English major
ENG 250
American Literature to 1920
Reading and analysis of some significant works of selected
American writers from colonial times to the emergence of
literary naturalism. Attention is also given to the writer's
contribution to the historical development of American
Distribution: English/Speech
Major: Meets American literature requirement
ENG 261
Modern Fiction
Significant works of selected prose writers, chiefly European,
of the Twentieth Century. Some non-Western writers will be
Distribution: English/Speech
Major: An elective for English major
ENG 271
European Literature: Homer to Dante
A study of major works of Greek and Roman literature, for
example, the epics of Homer and Virgil, the tragedies of
Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides, the comedies of Aristophanes and Ovid's Metamorphoses. Dante's Inferno will be
studied as a work in which the Christian and the classical traditions are combined. These works will be studied with
reference to their mythological foundations, their cultural
background, their influence on later literature, and their
enduring relevance.
Distribution: English/Speech
Major: Meets Western tradition requirement
ENG 272
European Literature: From the Renaissance to the
Modern Period
A study of masterpieces of literature, chiefly European, from
the medieval to the modern period, including such authors as
Moliere, Cervantes, Montaigne, Goethe, Dostoyevsky.
Distribution: English/Speech
Major: Meets Western tradition requirement
ENG 282/
ENG 327
Topics in Literature
Individual courses designed to investigate specific themes,
movements, authors, or works. The subjects selected for
study in any year will be listed in the class schedule for that
year. Recent offerings have included Scandinavian Literature.
Twentieth Century Poetry, Comedy, and Women and Fiction.
Distribution: English/Speech
Major: An elective for English major
Advanced Journalism: Interviewing and Editing
Emphasis is placed first on interviewing and then on organizing and writing the interview story. The second half of the
course will concentrate on editing the work of others and
learning layout and design. The course will include workshop
sessions during which students conduct interviews and critique
the interview skills of fellow students. There will also be
laboratory sessions devoted to layout and design. (Prerequisite: ENG 227)
Major: An elective for English and Communication majors
(upper division)
ENG 331
British Literature: Chaucer to the Elizabethans
Chaucer and the medieval milieu will be studied as well as the
development of English poetry and drama in the English
Distribution: English/Speech
Major: Meets British literature requirement (upper division)
ENG 336
British Literature: Seventeenth and Eighteenth
Reading, analysis and discussion of works of selected writers
from the metaphysical poets up to Blake, with attention to the
historical, intellectual, and social influences and the major
literary movements.
Distribution: English/Speech
Major: Meets British literature requirement (upper division)
ENG 337
British Literature: The Romantics and the
A study of major writers of the nineteenth century, emphasizing Romantic poetry, Victorian poetry, Victorian prose and
two or three novels of the period. Relationships among these
writers and their influence on one another will be emphasized
as well as their relationship to their own age and their lasting
contribution to the forms of poetry and prose.
Distribution: English/Speech
Major: Meets British literature requirement (upper division)
ENG 351
American Literature Since 1920
A study of some recent and contemporary writers and literary
movements. Attention is given to the dynamics of American
society and its intricate relationship to the literature. Special
emphasis is given to the city as setting and symbol in modern
American literature.
Distribution: English/Speech, Urban Concerns
Major: Meets American literature requirement (upper
ENG 399
The department offers on-campus internships in teaching
writing or English as a Second Language and various offcampus internships. Interested students should consult the
departmei~tchairperson. (Upper division)
ENG 423
Studies in the British Novel
A survey of the development of the novel in England from its
Eighteenth Century beginnings up to the Twentieth Century.
Novels studied will be selected from the works of such
authors as Defoe, Richardson, Fielding, Sterne, Austen,
Dickens, Bronte, Thackeray, Eliot, Hardy and Butler. Attention will be given to the conditions contributing to the rise of
the novel and its emergence by the Twentieth Century as the
dominant literary form.
Distribution: English/Speech
Major: Meets British literature requirements (upper division)
ENG 438
Study of ten or twelve major plays - comedies, histories,
tragedies - with attention to the development of
Shakespeare's dramatic and poetic art. Additional plays
assigned for reading analysis.
Distribution: English/Speech
Major: Meets British literature requirement (upper division)
ENG 499
Independent Study
Open to junior or senior English majors with a grade of 3.0
or consent of department chairperson. Provides directed
independent study in the area of the student's choice.
FRE 111
Beginning French
Designed to introduce the student with no previous background in French to the language and to French culture. The
pronunciation system and basic sentence structures are taught
to enable understanding and expression on a rudimentary
Distribution: Foreign Language
FRE 112
Beginning French
Continuation of FRE 111
Distribution: Foreign Language
GER 111
Beginning German
For students with no previous background. Aims at developing basic skills. Classroom practice in speaking, understanding and reading basic German. Goals: ability to read extended narratives in simple German, insights into German
culture and participation in short conversations. Laboratory
materials available.
Distribution: Foreign Language
GER 112
Beginning German
Continuation of GER 1 11
Distribution: Foreign Language
HIS 103
The Modern World
A study of the main currents in western civilization from the
time of Napoleon to the present.
Distribution: History/Philosophy
HIS 104
The Modern Non-Western World
An introduction to various centers of cultural and political
power in Asia and Africa of the last 200 years.
Distribution: History/Philosophy
HIS 162
20th Century South Asia
This geographic area has produced the largest working
democracy in the world today; it is a standard example for
population crisis and world hunger illustrations. This course is
designed for the student who has interest but little or no background in non-western subjects.
Distribution: History/Philosophy
HIS 222
U.S. History Since 1877
An assessment of the century which proceeds our modern day.
Distribution: History/Philosophy
HIS 331
A Tale of Twin Cities: Minneapolis/St. Paul
A local history course using the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area as a case study for examining large themes and
issues in U.S. urban history. Topics considered include
frontier urbanism, industrialization and economic trends,
transportation, immigration and ethnicity, urban politics and
reform. Field trips included.
Distribution: History/Philosophy (upper division)
HIS 440
Topics in World History
This course will investigate topics in world history which are
not included in regular course offerings. The specific topics to
be offered will be announced prior to registration.
Distribution: History/Philosophy (upper division)
HPE 114
Health and Safety Education (.5 course)
Principles and practices of safety education in school and
community life. Includes information about school health
programs and prevalent health needs and problems of school
age children, and American Red Cross First Aid course.
Major: Required for Elementary and Secondary majors
HPE 115
Health and Chemical Dependency Education
(.5 course)
An analysis of chemical abuse and what can be done for the
abuser. Includes information about school health programs
and prevalent health needs and problems of school age
Major: Required for Elementary and Secondary majors
HPE 353
Kinesiology and Physiology of Exercise and Sport
Mechanics of movement with special emphasis upon the
muscular system and analysis of movement. The major effects
of exercise upon the systems of the body and physiological
principles applied to exercise programs and motor training.
(Prereq: BIO 103)
Certificate: Required for Coaching Certification (upper
HPE 475
Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries (.5 course)
Emphasis placed on preventing injuries. Treatment of athletic
injuries. Practical experience in taping and training-room
procedures. (Prereq: HPE 353)
Certificate: Required for Coaching Certification (upper
HPE 482
Coaching Theory of Sport
The psychology of coaching, coaching theory, techniques and
administrative aspects of coaching athletics.
Certificate: Required for Coaching Certification (upper
HPE 489
Coaching Practicum (.5 course)
Theory and practice of sports techniques included with
supervised field experience in coaching consisting of no fewer
than 40 clock hours. The practicum must be done in grades
7-12 over an entire sport season and in a school setting in a
state high school sponsored sport.
Certificate: Required for Coaching Certification (upper
INS 201
Introduction to Women's Studies
This multidisciplinary course will introduce students to the
contributions of women in history, religion, literature,
philosophy, sciences, and the arts and how the questions and
methodologies of these disciplines differ when seen from
women's perspectives. Students will also study the history of
the women's movement, diversity of women's experiences in
terms of race, sexual orientation and class, and other contemporary issues raised by feminists.
Distribution: Urban Concerns/!Women's Studies
Minor: Required in Women's Studies minor
INS 233
Women: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
This course will examine a variety of issues concerning the
biological, evolutionary and historic origins of women's roles
and status in human society. Emphasis will be placed on the
comparative roles of women in different cultures. This
comparison will include such North American models as the
Pygmies and other tribal groups, and the peasant societies of
eastern Europe, Mexico, and the middle East and rural China.
Distribution: Urban Concerns/Women's Studies
Minor: Elective in Women's Studies minor
INS 265
Women in American Culture
Through a discussion of works by women historians and
selections from women's journals, speeches, articles, short
stories, poems, plays and other aesthetic creations, the class
will collectively assess the position of Black and white women
in American culture from the founding of the colonies to the
present. Contributions by Indian women, Chicanas and other
"invisible" women minorities will be included.
Distribution: Urban Concerns/Women's Studies
Minor: Elective in Women's Studies minor
INS 495
Selected topics. Required of minors who do not elect to do
an Independent Study. T o be completed after the introductory course and electives.
Minor: Elective in Women's Studies minor (upper division)
INS 499
Independent Study
In consultation with a faculty member and with the approval
of the Women's Studies Coordinator, a student selects a
specific topic for study. Required of minors who do not elect
to participate in the seminar.
Minor: Elective in Women Studies minor (upper division)
MAT 103
Basic Mathematics
A self-paced course for students needing a review of arithmetic
and transition to algebra. Topics include integers, fractions,
decimal numbers, ratios, percents, metric system, exponents,
radicals, and evaluation of algebraic expressions. Counts as
one course in semester's load but does not give credit toward
graduation. Admission only by Augsburg Mathematics
Placement Test. Meets weekly. (Prereq: Placement Group I.
P/N grading only.)
MAT 104
Intermediate Algebra
A self-paced course for students needing to review basic
algebraic skills and concepts. Topics include operations with
polynomials and rational expressions; exponents and radicals;
solving linear and quadratic equations and inequalities; and
graphing of linear and quadratic functions. Counts as one
course in semester's load but does not give credit toward
graduation. Admission only by Augsburg Mathematics
Placement Exam. Meets weekly. (Prereq: Math Placement
Group 11. P/N grading only.)
MAT 114
Elementary Functions
A study of functions: algebraic, exponential, logarithmic, and
trigonometric. For students planning to take MAT 124 or
171. Students who have completed 124 or 171 may register
for credit only with consent of instructor. Meets weekly.
(Prereq: MAT 104 or Math Placement Group 111)
Distribution: Math/Physics
Major: Strongly recommended for Business Administration
major prior to taking MIS 279
MAT 121 Finite Mathematics
Topics in finite mathematics (combinatorics, probability,
matrices, linear programming and graph theory) of primary
interest to students in the social and behavioral sciences,
business and information science. Students who have completed MAT 171 may not register for credit.
(Prereq: MAT 104 or MPG 111)
Major: Required in MIS major
MAT 122
Calculus for the Social and Behavioral Sciences
Differential and integral calculus of a single variable with
applications to the social and behavioral sciences. Students
who have completed MAT 124 may not register for credit.
Meets weekly. (Prereq: MAT 104 or Placement Group 111)
Distribution: Math/Physics
MAT 124,
MAT 131
Calculus I, I1
Differential and integral calculus, including calculus of several
variables and series, with applications primarily from the
physical sciences, integrated with topics from plane and solid
analytic geometry. Primarily for students in mathematics or
the sciences. (Prereq: MAT 114 or Placement Group IV for
124; MAT 124 for 125.)
Math for the Liberal Arts
An examination of the interaction between the development
of mathematics and that of civilization. Primarily for students
not intending further mathematics. (Prereq: MAT 104 or
Placement Group 111)
Distribution: Math/Physics
MAT 171
Discrete Mathematics
Topics in discrete mathematics such as sets and logic, combinatorics, probability, relations and functions, vectors and
matrices, boolean algebra, and graph theory of primary
interest to students in Computer Science and Mathematics.
Students who have completed MAT 121 may register for
credit only with consent of the instructor.
(Prereq: Placement Group IV.)
Major: Required for Computer Science major
MIS 175
Computers for Business, Economics and MIS
An introduction to microcomputer-based information
systems. Study features of hardware, operating systems,
languages and current applications. Learn to use MS-DOS,
Lotus 123 (graphic, database and logical functions) and
dBASE (index, query and view). May study other applications (Microsoft Works, Word Perfect, and Minitab). T o test
out of MIS 175, pass either a comprehensive exam or MIS
370. (Prereq: Math Placement Group I1 or Pass in MAT 103)
Major: Required in Business Administratio11 and Economics
core, MIS major, elective in Supervisory Management major.
MIS 279
Quantitative Methods for Business, Economics and
An introduction to quantitative reasoning, descriptive
measures, probability, sampling distributions, inference and
estimation. Emphasis is placed on their use in applied
problems in Business and Economics. Minitab may be
required. (Prereq: MIS 175 and either Math Placement
Group I11 or Pass in MAT 104)
Major: Required in the Business Administration and Economics core, MIS major, elective in Supervisory Management and
Public Relations majors
MIS 370
Advanced Computing for Business, Economics and
An investigation of programmable systems. Examine basic
algorithms and associated flowcharts and psuedocode. Apply
these concepts by programming some of these software:
BASIC, DOS, Lotus, dBASE, Minitab, and Word Perfect.
(Prereq: Math Placement Group I11 or Pass in MAT 104; MIS
175 or CSC 170 or with extensive knowledge of Lotus and
DOS which has been verified by instructor.
Major: One of two choices in MIS major (upper division)
MIS 375
Management Information Systems in Organizations
Use of a systems approach in analyzing the role of information
systems in organizations. Review the features of computers
(hardware and software) and various types of information
systems. May involve several case studies: review the business
needs, summarize the relevant finding (hardware, software,
systems, etc.), identify the options and communicate the
recommendations. Learn to use a CASE tool such as Excelerator for systems analysis. (Prereq: BUS 221, BUS 242 or
252, and one computer course such as MIS 175 or 370.
Consult with the instructor about variances in prerequisites.
Recommended: PHI 130 and ENG 223.)
Major: Required in MIS major (upper division)
MIS 475
Systems Analysis and Design
Identify the necessary steps of systems analysis and design.
Investigate various representations for information, processes
and relationships. Utilize analytical tools such as data flow
diagrams and CASE tools such as Excelerator. Complete a
rudimentary systems design. (Prereq: MIS 375)
Major: Required in MIS major (upper division)
MIS 476
Information Systems Projects
Using skills developed in MIS 375 and 475, generate a
complete and extensive project of systems analysis and design.
(Prereq: MIS 475)
Major: Required in MIS major (upper division)
MIS 479
Intermediate Quantitative Methods for Business,
Economics and MIS
Utilize computer systems relevant to quantitative analysis:
Lotus, Minitab, SPSS or MathCad. Investigate statistical
descriptions, statistical inference and analysis of variance.
Investigate linear models, queuing models and Monte Carlo
simulations. (Prereq: MIS 175, 279 and either Math Placement Group IV or grade of 2.0 or higher in MAT 114, 121,
122, or 171. Recommended: MIS 370 and ECO 318)
Major: Recommended in MIS major and one of a choice of
three required courses in the Finance major (upper division)
MUS 130
Introduction to Music in the Pine Arts
Relationship between music of each period and the other fine
arts. For non-music majors.
Distribution: Art/Music
NOR 111
Beginning Norwegian
Introduction of the four basic language skills: speaking,
listening, reading and writing. Stress on spoken rather than
literary Norwegian. Laboratory work expected.
Distribution: Foreign Language
NOR 112
Beginning Norwegian
Continuation of NOR 111.
Distribution: Foreign Language
NUR 305
Contemporary Nursing I: Communication
A transitional course that introduces the components of the
professional role and begins the professional socialization
process. A communicative process is emphasized as one
means by which the nurse-client relationship is negotiated.
Interactive and group theories are explored for their applicability to changing professional roles and practice. (Prereq: or
concurrent enrollment: PSY 355)
Major: Required for Nursing major (upper division)
NUR 306
Contemporary Nursing 11: Paradigms in Nursing
AII introduction to theories and conceptual thinking in the
process of professional development. The function of theory
in guiding nursing practice is emphasized. Selected nursing
conceptual models are studied and their application to
practice is examined using the nursing process format.
(Prereq: NUR ?05)
Major: Required for Nursing major (upper division)
NUR 3 10
Community Health Nursing I
This course focuses on community health delivery systems
and the practice of nursing within them. Concepts of health
are examined as they apply to current community health
problems and issues. Clinical application of course content
will involve making a health related assessment and exploring
a community health issue. Ethical issues related to community health decision making with aggregate groups are
explored. (Prereq: NUR 330)
Major: Required for Nursing major (upper division)
NUR 311
Community Health Nursing 11: Practicum**
This course provides a basis for understanding community
characteristics and cultural diversity related to health care.
The nurse's role as a generalist and as a member of the health
team is explored. This course is primarily a clinical course.
The student will demonstrate knowledge of community health
concepts in providing care to a selected caseload of clients.
(Prereq: NUR 3 10)
Major: Required for Nursing major (upper division)
**This course involves an additional clinical fee.
NUR 330
Trends and Issues in Nursing
This course is designed to investigate the current responsibilities of the professional nurse. Contemporary economic,
social, political and professional trends and issues are explored
in relation to their implications for nursing practice. (Prereq:
NUR 306, REL 483 or PHI 380, or concurrent enrollment)
Major: Required for Nursing major (upper division)
NUR 350
Introduction to Nursing Research
The research process and methods appropriate to nursing are
the focus of this course. Issues of ethics in nursing research
are explored. Students critique nursing research for its
applicability to nursing practice. (Prereq: NUR 330, may be
taken concurrently with NUR 310)
Major: Required for Nursing major (upper division)
NUR 403
Contemporary Nursing 111: Families
This course provides a theoretical basis for family nursing care.
Content includes family as a primary group and family
dynamics in light of situational and developmental events.
Consideration is given to the role of the nurse in family health
care. (Prereq: NUR 311, NUR 350, may be taken prior or
concurrently with NUR 423)
Major: Required for Nursing major (upper division)
NUR 404
Contemporary Nursing IV: Leadership and
This course provides a theoretical basis for leadership and
management as emerging professional nurse roles. Concepts
of change, conflict, communication, and system dynamics are
explored. Ethics, accountability and advocacy provide the
basis for role development and professionalism. (Prereq:
NUR 403)
Major: Required for Nursing major (upper division)
NUR 423
Practicum in Nursing I: Nursing of the Family**
A clinical practicum offering the student an opportunity to
apply content from NUR 403 in providing complex nursing
care to families in selected practice setting. (Prereq: NUR 403
or concurrent enrollment)
Major: Required for Nursing major (upper division)
**This course i~lvolvesan additional clinical fee
NUR 427
Practicum in Nursing 11: Leadership and
This clinical practicum utilizes knowledge and skills from
NUR 404. Opportunity is provided to apply leadership and
management theory in a selected agency setting. (Prereq:
NUR 404 or concurrent enrollment)
Major: Required for Nursing major (upper division)
**This course involves an additional clinical fee
NUR 432
Topics in Nursing
A course designed to provide in-depth exploration of selected
topics in nursing. The subjects studies will vary depending
upon the needs and interests of the faculty and students.
(Prereq: Senior standing or consent of instructor. 011
Major: Elective for Nursing major (upper division)
NUR 499
Independent Study
This learning experience provides the opportunity for the
students to study a selected topic or issue in depth. Students
consult with faculty and submit written study proposals,
objectives, and methods of evaluation prior to registration.
Major: Elective for Nursing major (upper division)
PHI 110
Introduction to Philosophy: Ideas and Methods
Though each person has his or her own set of ideas and
beliefs, rarely are they critically analyzed or evaluated for their
consistency, adequacy or truth. One reason for this is that
individuals lack the needed skills. Another is that they may
have had little opportunity to examine critically some of the
ideas basic to western culture. The purpose of this course is
to provide the student with some experience in examining
ideas, and thereby to sharpen the critical and analytical skills
required to evaluate and construct a system of ideas and
Distribution: History/Philosophy
PHI 120
Sometimes you say that a certain action is right or condem~lit
as wrong, Why do you think it is right? Because you like it?
Are there better reasons for thinking something right or
wrong? This course takes a long, hard look at possible
grounds for making moral decisions, and at the moral judgements about personal and social issues resulting from them.
Distribution: History/Philosophy
Major: Recommended elective in Business Administration
PHI 130
Suppose someone gives you reasons, and then says you must
accept a particular conclusion. Must you? When does a
conclusion validly follow from premises? Here we examine
the rules which govern valid arguments and work to develop
your ability to recognize and construct sound arguments.
Distribution: History/Philosophy
Major: Recommended elective in Business Administration
and MIS major
PHI 380
Ethics of Medicine and Health Care
Application of ethical principles to problems which arise in the
areas of health care and delivery, human experimentation,
human engineering, abortion, care for the dying and
Distribution: History/Philosophy
Major: PHI 380 or REL 483 required for Nursing major
(upper division)
PHY 101
A descriptive course covering our solar system, stars and
galaxies that requires elementary algebra. The necessary
optical instruments are explained and use is made of a 12-inch
reflecting telescope, and 8-inch Celestron, and a 3-inch
Questar. Occasional night viewing. (Prereq: Math Placement
Group 11)
Distribution: Math/Physics
PHY 103
Physics for the Life Sciences
An introductory course in which the applications, problems
and experiments are selected not only to illustrate f ~ ~ n d a m e n tal principles, but also to demonstrate the relevance of physics
to the life sciences. The course is designed to serve students
in biology, psychology, physical education (therapy programs), medical technology and other health science programs. The course is also a very suitable elective or distribution requirements for the liberal arts student. (Prereq: Math
Placement Group 111)
Distribution: Math/Physics
PHY 106
Introductory Meteorology
A study of the science of meteorology which will provide a
working knowledge of the principles of atmospheric science.
Attention will bc given to four basic areas: observing the
weather (including state of the art instrumentation), understanding weather patterns, forecasting weather changes and
understanding the world's climate. (Prereq: Math Placement
Group 11)
Distribution: Math/Physics
P H Y 11 1
Physics, Computers, and Society
A study of thc historical development of selected topics in
physical science. Attention will be given to the interaction of
physics and its associated technology with philosophy,
religion, and culture. St~tdyof mechanics, electricity, and
digital electronics will lead up to discussion of the mcaning of
Twentieth Century physics and of the role of electronics and
colnputers in modern society. Microconip~itcrswill be used
extensively in the laboratory. (Prereq: Math Placement Group 11)
Distribution: Math/Physics
PHY 261
A review of AC and D C circuits and study of analog electronics co~nprisesthe first half of the course. The second half ,
includes study of digital electronics culminating in analysis and
use of microprocessors and microcomputer systems. (Prereq:
PHY 103, 111 or 122; and MAT 122 or 125)
Major: Elective for Co~nputerScience major
POL 160
World Politics
Introduction to the processes of international politics,
including the dynamics of the international system, theories of
international relations, and a focus on recent problems.
Distribution: Economics/Political Science
POL 170
Law in the United States
A survey of American law and legal process. Theories of law;
law and society; roles of courts, police, lawyers, and juries; the
United States Constitution as "supreme" law; law as politics;
historic and contemporary legal issues.
Distribution: Economics/Political Science
Mass Communications in Society
Effects of mass communications on individual behavior; the
uses and control of mass media for political and social
purposes including a study of censorship, newsmaking,
entertainment and public affairs programming.
Distribution: Urban Concerns or Economics/Political Science
Major: Required for the Communication major (upper division)
Topics in American Politics: Uses of Mass
This course offers advanced study in mass communications.
Topics include "Comparison of World Wide Media Systems,"
"The Role of Government Regulations and Law in Shaping
American Mass Media," "The Impact of Media on American
Society, Politics, and Culture." (It is desirable to have taken
If not, talk with instructor
POL 342 Mass Commu~~icatio~~s.
before registration.)
Distribution: Economics/Political Science (upper division)
PSY 105
General Psychology
An introduction to the methods and approaches used in
psychology for the purpose of understanding behavior. The
structure of the field of psychology, including its major subareas, is emphasized.
Distribution: Psychology/Sociology
Major: Required for Psychology and Social Work major, a
prerequisite for advanced courses in Psychology
PSY 264/
Research Methods: Design, Procedure and Analysis
I, I1
A two-term sequence including experimentation in human
learning, problem solving, social psychology, and sensationperception. Emphasis will be placed on both statistical and
experimental design methodology. Research Methods I may
be taken for credit without continuing in Research Methods
11. Majors in psychology must take both courses in sequence
in consecutive terms.
Major: Required for Psychology major
PSY 355
Brain and Behavior
A survey of the functions of the nervous system which are
responsible for behavior in animals and human beings. Major
topics include: sleep and wakefi~lness,motivation and cmotion, learning and memory and mental disorders. (Prereq: PSY
105 and one course in biology)
Major: Kequired prerequisite course for Nursing major
(upper division)
PSY 356
Environment and Behavior
A study of the influence which the environment, both natural
and man-made, has o n behavior. Major topics include:
overcrowdi~lgand environmental stress, territoriality, defensible space and crime, and built environme~ltssuch as rooms,
buildings and cities. (Prereq: PSY 105)
Distribution: Urban Concerns
Major: Elective for Psychology major (upper division)
PSY 373
Organizational Psychology
Theoretical conceptualizations of organizational behavior.
Factors and practices such as management styles, evaluation
and mainte~la~lcc
of work effectiveness, and social influences.
(Prereq: PSY 105)
Major: Required for Busi~lessManagement major and elective
for Psychology major and three Commu~licatio~l
(upper division)
PSY 38 1
Psychology in Historical Perspective
Historical developme~ltof psychological viewpoints and
theoretical positions. (Prereq: two psychology courses)
Major: Required for Psychology major (upper division)
PSY 399
Prior to the beginning of the trimester in which a student
desires an internship, interested students should consult with
the Departmental Internship Coordinator regarding requirements and permission to register for this course. Grading is
on a P/N basis.
Major: Required for Psychology major (upper division)
PSY 485
Counseling Psychology
Principles, methods, and attitudes involved in the cou~lseling
process. Consideration given to goals and ethical guidelines
for a counseling relationship. (Students with two or more
completed courses in Psychology will have priority in registration. Others rnay be accepted if space is available AND if they
receive consent of the instructor.)
Major: Elective for Psychology and Human Relations major
(upper division)
PSY 493
Seminar: Contemporary Issues
Discussion of contemporary societal issues from a psychological viewpoint. Consideration of the approaches and methods
used by psychologists in studying such issues. (Prereq: five
PSY courses)
Major: lcequired for Psychology major (upper division)
REL 11 1
Introduction to Theology
An introduction to the academic discipline of theology and to
the dialogue between the church and the world which
concerns Christian doctrine.
Distribution: Religion
Major: Required for Religion major
REL 215
Archaeology and the Bible
Discussion of archaeological method, problems in biblical
archaeology, and review of some current findings.
Distribution: Religion
Major: An elective for Religion major
REL 221
Biblical Studies
The origin, literary character, and transmission of the biblical
documents. The task of biblical interpretation. The history
of Israel and the emergence of the church.
Distribution: Religion
Major: Required for Religion major
REL 263
World Justice and Hunger: Developing a New
World View
The course will survey the most recent reports and analysis of
the current holocaust of global hunger including the root
causes, the i~ltercon~lected~less
of other issues, the biblical
mandate and the role of justice education. Attitudes toward
poverty and wealth, justice and charity, oppressio~iand liberation will be discussed. The purpose will be to build greater
global awareness, become sensitized to ethical choices,
energize us for action and responsible living, and explore
pedagogical principles for social justice.
Distribution: Religion
Major: Elective for Religion major
REL 353
Denominations and Religious Groups in America
A study of the beliefs and worship practices of the major
and religious groups. Some contemporary
cultic movements will also be considered.
Distribution: Religion
Major: Elective for Religion major (upper division)
REL 356
History of Religions
An introductory survey of some of the major living religions
of the world, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism,
Taoism, Shinto and Islam. Lectures plus some discussion of
primary docume~ltsfrom these religious communities.
Distribution: Religion
Major: Required for Religion major (upper division)
REL 360
Religion and Society
An exami~lationof the i~lteractionof religion and society in
terms of sociological analysis with particular emphasis on
contemporary sociological research on religious movements in
American society.
Distribution: Religion
Major: Required for Religion major (upper division)
REL 363
Religion in America
A study of the developmellt of religion in America. Special
attention to the rise of religious liberty, revivalism, denominations and the responses of religion to the challenges of its
environing culture.
Distribution: Religion
Major: Elective for Religion major (upper division)
REL 445
The Bible, Language and Interpretation
A study of the use and function of language in the Bible. The
importance of recognizing the varied character of language for
understandi~lgthe biblical text.
Distribution: Religion
Major: Elective for Religion major (upper division)
REL 475
A survey of the history of Judaism from the end of the Old
Testament period to modern times, with emphasis placed
upon the religious development. A special interest in such
modern Jewish thinkers as Buber and Heschel. The Jewish
Chataqua Society annually makes a grant to Augsburg College
in partial support of this course in Judaism offered in the
religion department.
Distribution: Religion
Major: Elective in Religion major (upper division)
REL 481
Contemporary Theology
An introduction to some representative trends in Christian
tl~eologicalthought today, as seen from the systematic
perspective, in the light of the continuing theological task of
the Christian Church.
Distribution: Religion
Major: Required for Religion major (upper division)
REL 483
Christian Ethics
The basis of Christian social responsibility, in terms of
theological and sociological dynamics. Emphasis on developing a constructive perspective for critical reflection upon moral
Distribution: Religion
Major: Required for Religion major, REL 4 8 3 or PHI 380
required for Nursing major (upper division)
REL 486
Psychology of Religion and Theology
A study of curre~ltpsychological views of religion in the
context of the traditional Christian view of human nature.
Special attention will be given to the classics in the field by
Freud, Jung, Vikta Frankl, Ernest Becker, and to those
Christian theologians who have been influe~lcedby them.
Distribution: Religion
Major: Elective in Religion major (upper division)
REL 495
Selected topics. Required of majors in their junior or senior
year. Others by per~nissio~l
of instructor.
Major: Required for Religion major (upper division)
SOC 121
Principles of Sociology
Sociology as a mode of analysis or way of knowing. Its
application to an understanding of basic aspects of society;
socialization, family life, social inequalities, large-scale
institutions, etc. Sociology as an academic discipline and
Distribution: Sociology/Psychology
Major: Required supporting course for Social Work major
SOC 231
Sociology of the Family
An examination of the family as a social institution. The
relationship of the family to its institutional and cultural
context from a sociological perspective.
Major: Required supporting course in Social Work major and
an elective in the H ~ ~ m Relations
SOC 265
Racial and Minority Group
- Relations
The dimensions of racial and minority group relations. Major
attention is focused upon prejudice, racism, and the role of
self-understanding. (P/N grading only)
Distribution: Minority Studies
Major: Required supporting course for Social Work major and
elective supporting course in the Business Ma~lageme~lt
SOC 336
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
The concept of culture examined in a~lthropologyand in the
way we see and live in the world. An analysis of basic assumptions underlying the ideas of "primitive," "civilized," and
"progress." The person's relation to culture. An analysis of
selected aspects of Western culture. (Prereq: SOC 121 or
consent of instructor)
Major: Required for Social Studies major, recommended
elective in Business Management major (upper division)
SOC 349
Complex Organizations
There is little in contemporary American life that is not
somehow affected by organizations. This course
sociologically exami~les(both theoretically and empirically)
how organizations survive as entities and what life is like for
people within those organizations. Through lecture, discussion, guest speakers, and participation we will explore the
topics of organizational goals, technology, structure and
process; as well as corporate and white collar deviance, gender
issues, and organizational change. (Prereq: SOC 121 or
permission of instructor)
Major: Recommended elective in Human Relations, Public
Relations/Advertisi~lg, and Supervisory Ma~lagementmajors
(upper division)
SOC 365
Quantitative Methods and Program Evaluation
Overview of commonly-used research methods, especially
experimental designs and applications to program evaluations.
Co~lsumeroverview of methods of organizing, cornparing and
interpreting quantitative information. Use of data-processing
eq~iipmentfor statistical analysis. Designed for social work
majors. Not to be taken by sociology majors. (Prereq: Level
I11 Math Placement Test)
Major: Required in Social Work major
SOC 375
Social Psychology
An examination of the idea of "group," its relationships to
individual behavior and society. An analysis of the ideas of
"self" and "identity" and what part they play in understanding
interpersonal relations and human behavior. A sociological
view of mental health. A look at the major assumptions and
processes underlying our everyday life - a look at the trivial,
the ordinary and the taken-for-granted. "Symbolic interaction," an important orientation in social psychology, will be
used as a way of dealing with the major issues in the course.
(Prereq: SOC 121)
Major: Required supporting course for Social Work major,
elective supporting course for Business Management major
(upper division)
SPA 11 1
Beginning Spanish
Aims to develop the four basic skills: understanding, speaking,
reading and writing of elementary Spanish. Introduction to
culture of Spanish-speaking world. Laboratory work is an
integral part of the course.
Distribution: Foreign Language
SPA 1 12
Beginning Spanish
Continuation of SPA 11 1
Distribution: Foreign Language
SPC 11 1
Public Speaking
Theory and practice of effective speaking and critical listening.
Students have the opportunity to give several speeches and
receive feedback about their performance from the class and
the instructor. The course focuses on such topics as developing self-confidence, speech preparation and organization,
audience analysis and adaptation, effective delivery, style and
language, and critical thinking and listening.
Major: Required for Communication major, elective supporting course in Business Management major
SPC 222
Introduction to Theatre
A survey of dramatic art including dramatic structure,
principles, and values with a focus on major historical periods,
plays, and artists. This class will discuss the basic concepts of
the play production process.
Distribution: English/Speech
SPC 224
Publication Design
(See under AKT 224.)
SPC 329
Intercultural Communication
This course will explore both the problems and potential of
com~nunicationbetween persons of different cultural groups.
Factors such as ethnocentrism, stereotyping, prejudice, role
expectations, values, and non-verbal sy~nbolswill be examined
in this course.
Major: l<ecommended supporting course in Human Relations
major (upper division)
SPC 342
Mass Communications in Society
(See under POL 342.)
SPC 345
Organizational Communication
An examination of the dynamics of communication in
organizatio~lalsettings. Focuses on topics such as superiorsubordinate relationships, formal and i~lformalcommunication networks, management styles, power and authority, motivation of employees, organizational culture, performa~lce
appraisal, effective use of meetings, and sources of communication problems in the workplace. Designed to enhance
skills of both managers and subordinates.
Students both investigate the literature on organizatio~lal
communication and attempt to apply it to their own experiences in organizations.
Major: Elective for three of the Commullicatio~lmajors
(upper division)
SPC 351
Application of standards for sound evidence and reasoning in
public speaking, discussion, and debates. Key objectives
include increasing skill in analyzing argumentative claims,
being able to distinguish between strong and weak arguments, understanding test for evidence and fallacies in
reasoning, and learni~lgto apply priilciples of argume~ltatio~l
to contemporary public issues. Students have the opportunity
to enhance their skills in debate and discussio~land also learn
to analyze and critique arguments they encounter in their
daily lives. (Prereq: SPC 111 or consent of instructor)
Major: Required for the Commu~licatio~l
major (upper
SPC 352
Theory of how people are i~lfluencedto change attitudes and
behavior. The course deals with a broad range of topics,
includi~lgobstacles to persuasion, cultural dime~lsio~ls
persuasion; the use of logical and psychological appeals,
empirical research in persuasion; how persuasio~~
is used in
politics, sales, advertising, and interpersonal contexts; the
nature of mass movements and campaigns; the impact of the
mass media o n persuasion; and ethical issues related t o persuasion. Students analyze persuasive messages in contemporary society, with practical work in speech and promotio~lal
projects. (Prereq: SPC 111 or co~lsentof instructor)
Major: Required for Communication major, elective supporting course in Business Marketing major (upper division)
SPC 354
Interpersonal Communication
A study of the dynamics of human interaction through verbal
and non-verbal messages; emphasis on factors that build
relationships and help to overcome communication barriers.
This course combines theory and practice to help the student
understand and manage commu~licatio~l
problems more
Major: Required for Commu~licationmajor, elective supporting course in Business Management major (upper division)
SPC 355
Small Group Communication
A study of group dynamics and leadership with emphasis o n
factors related to decision-making, styles of leadership and
conflict management. This course combines lecture with
practical experience to help the student become a more
effective and productive member of a small, task-oriented
group. (Prereq: SPC 354)
Major: Required for Communication major, recommended
for supporting course in the Busi~lessManagement major
(upper division)
SPC 360
Interpretive Reading
Basic principles of oral interpretation of literature. Study,
u~lderstandingand practice in reading prose, poetry and
drama before small and large groups.
Distribution: English/Speech (upper division)
SPC 421
Uses of Mass Communications: Advanced Topics
(See under POL 42 1.)
SPC 480
Public Relations/Promotional Communication
Public Relations in the modern world of communication,
marketing and business. An overview of public relations as a
career and a survey of basic promotional communication in
profit and non-profit organizations.
Major: Elective in all Commu~licationmajors (upper division)
SWK 257
Exploring Human Services
With faculty approval, student selects a placement for 80
hours per term as a volunteer in a social agency or institution.
Opportunity to know human service professionals, minority
professionals, social service delivery systems, and career aspects
of the helping vocations. Indepe~ldentstudy with a term
paper report and weekly review conferences. Career exploration: open t o all students.
Major: Required in the Social Work major
SWK 260
Humans Developing
This course provides the knowledge basic t o an understanding
of human growth through the life cycle, and of the interplay
of sociocultural, biological, and psychological factors which
influence the growth of individuals and families in contemporary American society. Emphasized is the role of the "nurturing environment" in relation to human growth, the impact of
the "sustaining environment" factors, and other special
stresses relevant to growth. Growth related to populatio~ls
and groups which represent ethnic and/or life-style diversity is
also a focus. Students will gain self-understanding through
use of their own experiences. Open to all students.
Major: Required in the Social Work major and Elementary/
Secondary Education ~najor
SWK 361
Social Responses to Human Needs
This course describes the historical and contemporary systems
of human service and diversity of professio~laland client
groups. The major assumptio~lsand social movements whicl~
have contributed to the charitable and governmental re-
sponses t o human needs will be emphasized. Guest speakers
and agency visits highlight the course. (Prereq: Junior or
consent of instructor)
Major: Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
SWK 363
Methods and Skills of Social Work
Basic features of the helping process; theoretical foundations,
principles and techniques of social work interventive methods,
and practical experience necessary for social work practice
with individuals and small groups with a diversity of professio~lalsand client groups; development of the student's repertoire of relationship building skills. (Prereq: SWK 361,
Major: Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
SWK 364
Field Work I
Beginning supervised professio~lalexperience in a social work
agency focusing on interviewing experience and relationship
building. Ten hours per week, plus one small group supportive/discussion seminar per week. (Prereq: SWIC 361, Junior,
concurrent with SWIC 363)
Major: Kequired in the Social Work major (upper division)
SWK 46 1
Advanced Methods and Skills
and refinement of practice skills recognizing
adaptations of the problem-solving model to diverse populations through lecture, classroom exercise and regular class
work. Enlargement of social group work skills, emphasis o n
development of gelleralist practice skills and eclectic approaches with focus on diversity of professio~lalsand client
populatio~ls.Lectures and/or laboratory exercises each week.
(Prereq: 2.0 in SWK 363 and 364, candidacy status, concurrent with SWIC 462)
Major: Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
SWK 462
Field Work I1
Progressively responsible supervised professio~~al
and social
work experience including work with individuals, families,
groups and/or commu~litiesin a social service agency. Ten
hours per week, plus one supportive/discussion seminar per
week. (Prereq: concurrent with SWIC 461, candidacy status)
Major: Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
SWK 463
Community Development and Organization
Locality developme~ltand social change through c o ~ n m u ~ l i t y
organization, social planning, and social action. Emphasis on:
1)survey of historical forms of commu~lityorganization and
social change; 2 ) understanding the theories, basic issues and
strategies relevant t o social protest and change; 3 ) examination of the role of staff, and of the functions and interrelationships of commu~lityorganizations; and 4 ) knowledge of and
actual practice in the essential principles and techniques of
organizing. Open t o all students. (Prereq: Senior or consent
of instructor)
Distribution: Urban Co~lcer~ls
Major: Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
SWK 465
Social Policy: Analysis and Development
Includes the study of theories of Social Policy formulation and
methods of analysis associated with needs and services, and
analysis of the impact of policy on social work practice. Development and implementation will be viewed first hand through
work with an elected public policy maker. Readings and
analytical paper integrate class concepts with practical experience. (Prereq: SWK 361,463 and Senior or consent of
Major: Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
SWK 466
Field Work I11
Continuation of SWK 462. (Prereq: candidacy status, 2.0 in
SWK 461,462,463)
Major: Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
SWK 467
The Social Worker as a Professional
Ethical practice, bureaucratic survival, professional job
attainment, affirmative action and sexual harassment issues,
personnel policies and practices, organizational theory, and
resource development will be studied in the course. The field
work practice becomes the laboratory for class exercises.
(Prereq: candidacy status, 2.0 in SWK461,462,463)
Major: Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
SWK 469
Field Work IV
Continuation of SWK 466. (Prereq: candidacy status, 2.0 in
SWK 466, concurrent with SWK 467)
Major: Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
Financial Information
Admissions Requirements and Procedures
Who May Apply
Men or women who have:
1. Graduated from high school or have earned a G.E.D. Certificate.
2 . Demonstrated academic ability with satisfactory performance in
high school or previous college work.
Admissions Process
1. Complete the application form and return it along with the $15
application fee to the Augsburg Weekend College Office.
2 . Have official transcripts from all previously attended post-secondary institutions sent directly to the Augsburg Weekend College
Office. Applicants with less than one year of previous college
work should include their high school transcripts or G.E.D.
3. The Augsburg Weekend College Admissions Committee will
review the application materials and notify students regarding
acceptance and registration procedures. The Admissions Committee may request that the student submit a personal statement
or have a personal interview with a Weekend College faculty/staff
member or submit letters of recommendation to the Committee.
4. Students who are transferring previous college work to the
Weekend College program will be informed with their acceptance
notification as to the number of courses and degree requirements
that remain to be completed for the bachelor's degree.
5. Students who wish to apply for financial aid should refer to that
section of this bulletin.
Application Deadlines
Fall Trimester 1990 -August 15, 1990
Winter Trimester 1991 - November 26, 1990
Spring Trimester 1991 - March 4, 1991
Financial Aid
Company Tuition Assistance Program
Many companies, agencies, and corporations offer full or partial
tuition assistance to employees who participate in work-related or
degree-oriented college programs. Augsburg provides a payment
plan by which employees may handle tuition reimbursement.
Grants and Scholarships
Pel1 Grant
This is a federal aid program, based on need, that is available to
students who take at least one course in Weekend College. Awards
range from $250-2,300 per year.
Minnesota Part-time Student Grant Program
The State of Minnesota provides an aid program, based on need, for
state residents who take one course at Augsburg.
Minnesota State Scholarship and Grant Program
The Minnesota State Scholarship and Grant Program is available to
Minnesota residents, attending at least half-time per term, based on
financial needs. Awards ranged from $100 to $3,546 for 1989-1990.
Bureau of Indian Affairs, Tribal and State Indian Scholarships
American Indian students who meet federal and state requirements
may apply for these scholarships. Indian grants generally supplement
other sources of financial aid. For assistance in application please
contact Augsburg's American Indian Support Program Director at
330-1138 or your tribal agency.
Augsburg Tuition Grant
Augsburg College may provide grants and scholarships to Weekend
College students who show academic potential and have financial
Loan Assistance
Perkins Student Loan - Joint Augsburg College-federally funded
program administered through the College for students who demonstrate financial eligibility. No interest accrues nor do payments have
to be made on the principal at any time you are enrolled at least halftime. Simple interest of 5% and repayment of the principal (at the
minimum of $30 a month) begin six months after you leave school
(nine months for new borrowers after 7-1-87). Repayment may
extend up to 10 years. The maximum which may be borrowed for
undergraduate study is $9,000, and $18,000 if graduate study is
Stafford Student Loan (formerly the Guaranteed Student
Loan) - Loan hnds are obtained directly from a local lender or state
agency in states which provide such programs. While the student is
attending at least half-time, there is no interest charge. Simple annual
interest of 8%on the loan balance and repayment of the principal
begin six months after you leave school. Repayment may extend up
to 10 years. The maximum loan is $2,625 for the first two years and
$4,000 for the remaining years of undergraduate study with the
cumulative undergraduate maximum of $17,250 and $54,750 for
graduate students. Applications are available at the College and some
SLS (Supplemental Loans for Students) -A Federal loan program. Independent students may borrow up to $4,000 per year to a
maximum of $20,000 and must be enrolled at least half-time. Variable interest rate is set annually with a cap of 12%;payment usually
begins within 60 days after disbursement. Students must apply for
financial aid.
SELF (Student Educational Loan Fund) - A Minnesota State
Loan Program. Students may borrow up to $4,000 per year ($16,000
cumulative) as an undergraduate with a $25,000 maximum for
graduate students. ($1,000 minimum.) Interest rate is variable, paid
by the borrower quarterly while in school. Principal and interest
begin 12 months after leaving school. Students must apply for
financial aid and be enrolled at least half-time.
To Apply for Financial Aid
1) Complete the Application for Admission and indicate your desire
to also apply for financial aid.
2) The Financial A d Ofice will send you the necessary application
and financial statement form (or you may pick them up at the
Financial Aid Office, 152 Science Hall, or the Weekend College
3) All students transferring from any post secondary institution must
have a Financial Aid Transcript on file with Augsburg from each
previously attended institution even if you did not receive aid.
4 ) Complete and return the financial aid forms by the deadlines
5) Accept the financial aid offered, in whole or in part, within the
deadline stated.
Refund Schedule
A per course tuition refund will be made on the following basis:
(Students are responsible for cancelling courses with the Registrar's
Office in order to be eligible for the tuition refund.)
Prior to the first scheduled class meeting - 100%
(less a $75 Administrative Fee if withdrawing from current term
Prior to the second scheduled class meeting - 80%
Prior to the third scheduled class meeting - 60%
No rehnd after the third scheduled class meeting.
The refund schedule is effective whether or not a student has attended
classes. All rehnds of charges will be applied to the account of the
student and all adjustments for aid, loans, fines, and deposits, etc. will
be made before eligibility for a cash refund of any resulting credit
balance is determined. Please allow two weeks for a refund.
Tuition Refund Policy
If a student is forced to withdraw because of accident or illness,
whether a physical or mental health problem, the refund may include
the normal percentage plus one-half of the percentage adjustment.
Requests for this additional refund must be made to the Petitions
Committee and must be accompanied by a written report from the
attending health professional stating the inability for, or inadvisability
of, continued study. Students charged on a single-course fee basis
who have completed payment of assessed tuition may choose between
this partial tuition rehnd and a tuition-free course retake credit. A
retake credit may be used only to repeat the same course from which
the student withdrew. This choice between rehnd and tuition-free
retake credit must be made at the time of the request to the Petitions
Committee, and the choice of monetary refund or retake credit may
not be changed subsequently. Students should be aware that their
choice of refund or retake credit may adversely affect their financial aid
eligibility and that they bear h l l responsibility for the effects of their
choices. Retake credits must be used within one academic year or the
next time the course is offered if that is longer than one year.
Augsburg College was founded in 1869 in Marshall, Wisconsin, and
moved to Minneapolis in 1872. The name Augsburg College and
Seminary changed in 1963 when the Lutheran Free Church merged
with The American Lutheran Church.
Augsburg's 23-acre campus is in the heart of the Twin Cities metropolitan area, only blocks from downtown Minneapolis and the
intersection of Interstate Highways 9 4 and 35W. Adjacent to the
campus are the Riverside Medical Center, the West Bank campus of
the University of Minnesota and the Mississippi River parkways.
Skyways, tunnels and elevators provide accessible connection between
1 0 of the 1 5 major buildings - student housing towers, College
Center, main academic and administrative halls, the Library, Music
Hall and Foss Center for Worship, Drama and Communication.
We have made a major effort to become one of the most accessible
campuses in the region. Our skyway-tunnel system lets you reach any
of 10 major buildings without going outside. In addition to building
changes, we have a program to increase awareness and
provide extra help for students with disabilities.
Church Affiliation
Augsburg is a college of The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. About 51 percent of the students are Lutheran, 1 5 percent other
Protestant and 1 5 percent Roman Catholic. Several other affiliations
are represented among students and faculty.
Non-Discrimination Policy
A ~ ~ g s b u College
does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed,
national or ethnic origin, age, marital status, sex or handicap as
required by Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments or Section
504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended in its admission
policies, educational programs, activities, and employment practices.
Ausburg College
Admissions House
George Sverdrup Library
Science Hall
Old Main
5. West Hall
6. Mortensen Tower
Urness Tower
Christensen Center
Sverdrup-Oftedal Memorial Hall
Music Hall
2222 Murphy Place
Melby Hall
Ice Arena
Stage I1 Theatre
Center for Global Education
Scandinavian Center
Foss. Lobeck. Miles Center for
worship, ~ r a h and
18. Youth and Family Institute
19. Office Annex House
20. Tutor House
21. American Indian Support
and Minority Education
A. Admissions Parking
B. Student Parking
C . Visitor Parking
D. The Quad
E. Faculty/Staff Parking
F. Murphy Square
G. Anderson-Nelson Athletic Field
H. Fairview/St. Mary's Parking Ramp
I. Husby-Strommen Tennis Courts
J. Resident Parking Only
Accessible Entrance
Find A a ~ s b a r ~
From Minneapolis
Interstate 9 4 east to 25th Avenue exit, left to Riverside Avenue, left
to 21st Avenue South, left at Augsburg sign.
From St. Paul
Interstate 9 4 west to Riverside exit, right on Riverside Avenue to 21st
Avenue South, left at Augsburg sign.
All posted Augsburg College parking lots are free and open for
student use from 4:30 p.m. Friday through Sunday evening. Lots are
located o n 7th Street between 21st and 2211d Avenues and north of
8th Street on 21st Avenue. Most street parking is two hour parking,
seven days a week. Additional parking is available in the Riverside
Medical Center ramp, or U of M parlung lots on the north side of
Riverside Avenue.
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Augsburg Weekend College Catalog Supplement, 1997-1998
Course Catalogs
Search Result
Program Calendar ..,,,,.,..,....,,,....-.........
Academic Calendar................................................
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Program Calendar ..,,,,.,..,....,,,....-.........
Academic Calendar..............................................................................................................
Information Sessions
1997-1998 Tuition and Fees ....................................................................................................................6
Class Schedule, Fall 1997-1998 .............................................................................................................. 7
Class Schedule, Winter 1997-1998
Class Schedule, Spring 1997-1998 ........................................................................................................ 17
Schedule of Courses by Department
2 2 . .;, . .....
Schedule of Courses by PerspectiveISkill
............ 32
Note: Class schedule changes may occur afer this schedule is published. Students should
consult the course list each term for the most current schedule of classes.
Weekend College Office Hours
Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Office Hours on Class Weekends
Friday: 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
Saturday: 8:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Academic Advising Center Oftice Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday: 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Thursdays: 8:00 a.m.-6 p.m.
Office Hours on Class Weekends
Friday: 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
Saturday: 8:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
The Weekend College Office and Academic Advising Center are located on campus
in the Murphy Place building on the corner of 23rd Avenue and 7 112 Street.
Weekend College phone: (612) 330-1782
Academic Advising Center phone: (612) 330- 1025
FAX: (612) 330-1784
Augsburg College does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, national or ethnic origin,
age, gender, sexual preference, marital status, or handicap as required by Title lX
of the 1972 Education Amendments or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,
as amended, in its admission policies, educational programs, activities and employment practices.
Adults who are interested in
Augsburg Weekend College are
encouraged to attend one of the
Information Sessions that are
scheduled throughout the year.
Information Sessions are free of
charge and are approximately
one hour in length. Please call
the Weekend College
Admissions Office at 330-1743
for details or to sign up for one
of the following dates:
For Fall Trimester 1997-1998
Saturday, May 17 ....................................................................................................................
9 0 0 a.m.
9 : a.m.
Saturday, June 7 ....................................................................................................................
6 3 0 p.m.
Tuesday, June 17 ......................................................................................................................
Saturday, July 12 ........................................................................................................................9 0 0 a.m.
Thursday, July 24 ...................................................................................................................
6 3 0 p.m.
Saturday, August 16 .................................................................................................................
9:OO a.m.
For Winter Trimester 1997-1998
..................................................................................................................6 3 0 p.m.
Saturday, November 15 ............................................................................................................
9:OO a.m.
Tuesday, October 21
For Spring Trimester 1997-1998
..................................................................................................................6 3 0 p.m.
Saturday, February 21 ..............................................................................................................9:OO a.m.
Tuesday, January 27
For more information write or call:
Augsburg Weekend College Admissions
Campus Box 65
221 1 Riverside Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Phone: (612) 330-1743
FAX: (612) 330-1784
New Students (enrolling for the first time or in the readmission process)
Fall Trimester
Winter Trimester
Spring Trimester
Application Deadline
Aug 22
Dec 15
Mar 27
Applicant File
Completion Deadline
Aug 29
Dec 22
Apr 3
Registration Begins
June 13
Nov 7
Feb 13
Registration Ends
Sept 6
Jan 3
Apr 14
Syllabi Available
Aug 11
Dec 5
Mar 27
New Student Orientation
Sept 6
Jan 3
Apr 14
Payment Information Sent
Aug 11
Dec 8
Mar 16
Confirmation Due
Sept 6
Jan 3
Apr 14
New students are encouraged to register as early as possible. New degree-seeking students will
receive registration materials when they meet with an adviser from the Academic Advising Center,
(612)330-1025. Students in a non-degree program will receive registration materials by mail.
Current Students
Fall Trimester
Winter Trimester
Spring Trimester
Mail Registration Begins
June 13
Nov 7
Feb 13
Mail Registration Ends
Aug 8
Dec 5
Mar 13
Syllabi Available
Aug 11
Dec 5
Mar 27
Payment Information Sent
Aug 11
Dec 8
Mar 16
Confirmation Due
Aug 25
Dec 26
Mar 30
All Students
Fall Trimester
Winter Trimester
Sprinq Trimester
Classes Meet
Sept 12-14
Sept 26-28
Oct 10-12
Oct 24-26
Nov 7-9
Nov 21-23
Dec 5-7*
Dec 12-14
Jan 9-ll*
Jan 16-18
Jan 30-Feb 1
Feb 13-15
Feb 27-Mar 1
Mar 13-15
Mar 27-29"
Apr 3-5
Apr 17-19
May 1-3
May 15-17
May 29-3 1*
June 5-7
June 19-21*
June 26-28
Dec 12-14
Apr 3-5
June 26-28
Last Day to Add or Drop
Class Without Record Notation*" Sept 15
Jan 12
Apr 20
Last Day to Change
Grade Option
Oct 13
Feb 2
May 18
Last Day to Withdraw
from Class
Oct 27
Feb 16
June 1
Final Grades Due
Dec 22
Apr 13
July 3
*One week between classes
**Courses may not be added after the first scheduled class meeting.
The College reserves the right to change the above dates should it be necessary. In such cases,
suflcient advance notice will be given.
1997-1998 TUITION
Application Fee (payable once, non-refundable)
Tuition (per course)
Tuition (per summer course 1997)
Activity Fee (per trimester)
Audit a Course
Lifetime Sports: Fee for Course
Lifetime Sports: Fee for Assessment of Previous Learning
Nursing Clinical Fee
Supplementary Student Teaching Fee (per course credit)
Late Fee (per day)
Registration change after first class meeting (cancelladd)
Transcript Fee (first is free)
Finance Charge: A finance charge is applied at a simple rate of one percent per month on any account
with an open balance of 30 days or more.
Augsburg College reserves the right to adjust charges should economic conditions necessitate.
F a l l
Friday Evening
6:OO-9: 30
ART 240
BUS 242
BUS 301
BUS 355
BUS 440
CSC 330
ECO 112
EDE 379
EDE 387
EDS 350
EDU 210
EDU 264
EDU 341
ENG 27 1
ENG 351
HIS 102
HPE 116
NUR 350
PHI 241
PHY 106
REL 356
SOC 121
SOC 231
SPC 345
SWK 260
Saturday Morning
ACC 221
ACC 322
ACC 324
BIO 102
BIO 185
Art History Survey
Principles of Management
Business Law
Marketing Communications
Operations Management
Theory of Computation
Principles of Macroeconomics
K-El Curriculum: Art (0.25 credit)
K-El Curriculum: Language Arts (0.5 credit)
Reading in the Content Areas (0.5 credit)
Learning and Development in an Educational Setting
Orientation to Education in an Urban Setting (0.5 credit)
Media Technology (0.5 credit)
European Literature: Home1 to Dante
American Literature Since 1920
The Shaping of Western Civilization
Health Concepts for Educators (0.5 credit)
Introduction to Nursing Research
History of Philosophy I: The Classical Philosophers
Introductory Meteorology*
History of Religions
Introduction to Human Society
Family Systems: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
Organizational Communication
Humans Developing
Principles of Accounting I
Accounting Theory and Practice I
Managerial Cost Accounting
The Biological World*
The Biology of Aging
*Extra class or lab sessions required.
F a l l
T r i m e s t e r
BUS 33 1
BUS 340
CHM 100
CSC 340
ECO 113
ECO 360
EDE 377
EDE 382
EDE 384
EDE 386
EDS 353
ENG 227
ENG 245
MAT 122
MIS 175
MUS 2721472
PHI 120
POL 295
POL 342
PSY 105
PSY 362
REL 362
REL 441
SPC 111
SPC 352
SWK 257
SWK 463
Saturday Afternoon
1 :15-4:45
ACC 222
BUS 252
BUS 295
Financial Management
Human Resource Management
Chemistry for Changing Times I*
Introduction to Networking and Communications
Principles of Microeconomics
International Economics
K-El Curriculum: Science Methods (0.25 credit)
K-El Curriculum: Mathematics (0.5 credit)
K-El Curriculum: Social Studiesrnematic Studies (0.5 credit)
K-El Curriculum: Children's Literature (0.5 credit)
Creative Learning Environments: Secondary
Introduction to Literature
Calculus for the Social and Behavioral Sciences*
Principles of Computing for Business
Human Identity Through the Creative Arts
Women and Politics
Mass Communications in Society
Principles of Psychology
Behavior Disorders
Theology of the Reformers
Feminism and Christianity
Public Speaking
Exploring Human Services
Community Development and Organization
Principles of Accounting I1
Principles of Marketing
Sunday Afternoon
BUS 362
International Business
CSC 170
Structured Programming
ECO 112
Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 312
Intermediate Macroeconomics
EDE 350
Creating Learning Environments: K-El (0.5 credit)
EDS 375
Social Studies Methods (0.5 credit)
EDU 264
Orientation to Education in an Urban Setting (0.5 credit)
EDU 388
Human Relations (0.5 credit)
ENG 225
Intermediate Expository Writing
ENG 361
Studies in Modern Fiction
MIS 379
Quantitative Methods for Business and Economics*
POL 160
World Politics
POL 342
Mass Communications in Society
PSY 351
REL 331
Developmental Psychology: Child
Foundations in Bible and Theology
REL 363
Religion in America
soc 21 1
SPA 111
Human Communities and the Modern Metropolis
Beginning Spanish I*
SPC 355
Small Group Communication
SWK 361
Social Responses to Human Needs
ACC 221
Principles of Accounting I
ART 132
BUS 252
EDE 351
Principles of Marketing
Techniques of Teaching Reading
EDE 380
K-El Curriculum: Music (0.25 credit)
EDE 388
K-El Curriculum: Health (0.25 credit)
EDE 389
K-El Curriculum: Physical Education (0.5 credit)
ENG 111
Effective Writing
British Literature: Medieval to Elizabethan
ENG 331
FRE 111
Beginning French I*
*Extra class or lab sessions required.
T r i m e s t e r
Weekend Schedule
Evening and Other
Evening Classes
(Day school schedule,
meet weekly Sept. 3
through Dec. 12.)
GST 140
Introduction to the Liberal Arts
HPE 115
Health and Chemical Dependency Education (0.5 credit)
INS 233
MAT 131
Women: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
MIS 175
Principles of Computing for Business
MIS 375
PSY 361
MIS in the Organization
REL 221
Biblical Studies
REL 370
American Indian Spirituality and Philosophical Thought
SOC 265
Culture: Ethnicity, Gender and Race
SPA 111
Beginning Spanish I*
SWK 466
Field Work n I
EDE 263
EDS 252
K-El Clinical Experience (0.5 credit) (Sat. noon)
Clinical Experience (0.5 credit) (Sat. noon)
HPE 002
Lifetime Spoas: Fitness Walking
(8 weeks, Thurs., 530-7:30 p.m.)
NUR 330
Trends and Issues in Nursing (Thurs., 6-9:30 p.m.)
NUR 403
Contemporary Nursing 111: Families (Thurs., 6-9:30 p.m.)
CSC 210
Data Structures (Thurs., 6-9 p.m.)
CSC 495
EDE 375
Advanced Topics in Computer Science (Wed., 6-9 p.m.)
Mathematics for the Liberal Arts*
Discovery Learning in World of Kindergarten (0.5 credit) (TBA)
EDS 364
ENG 223
English Methods (Thurs., 6-9 p.m.)
ENG 345
Introduction to the English Language (Tues., 6-9 p.m.)
ENG 399
ENG 445
Internship in Developmental Writing (Arranged)
Advanced Expository Writing: Creative Non-Fiction
(Mon., 6-9 p.m.)
GST 209
City Seminar: Experiential Education (0.0 credit) (TBA)
HIS 495
History Seminar (Tues., 6-9 p.m.)
Writing for Business and the Professions (Wed., 6-9 p.m.)
INS 105
Introduction to American Indian Studies (Tues., 6-9 p.m.)
INS 260
Contemporary American Indians (Thurs., 6-9 p.m.)
INS 320
MIS 479
American Indian Women (Thurs., 6-9 p.m.)
MUS 241
OJB 111
The History of Jazz (TBA)
PHY 116
Introduction to Physics (Mon. and Thurs., 6-9 p.m.)
Research Methods: Design, Procedure and Analyisis I
(Mon. and Thurs., 6-7:30 p.m.)
PSY 230
PSY 399
REL 111
Student Teaching
(Prereq.: Approval
and Placement by
Education Dept.)**
Intermediate Quantitative Methods for Business and Economics
(Tues., 6-9 p.m.)
Beginning Ojibwe I (Wed., 6-9 p.m.)
Internship (Mon., 6-9 p.m.)
REL 111
Introduction to Theology (Tues., 6-9 p.m.)
Introduction to Theology (Thurs., 6-9 p.m.)
REL 495
Seminar (Wed., 6-9 p.m.)
EDE 481A
Student Teaching K & Seminar
EDE 48 1B
Student Teaching El & Seminar
EDE 481C
Student Teaching K-El& Seminar
Student Teaching K & Seminar
EDE 482A
EDE 482B
Student Teaching El & Seminar
EDE 482C
Student Teaching K-El& Seminar
EDE 483A
Student Teaching K & Seminar
EDE 483B
Student Teaching El & Seminar
EDE 483C
Student Teaching K-El Seminar
EDE 484A
Student Teaching K & Seminar
Student Teaching El & Seminar
EDE 484B
EDE 484C
Student Teaching K-El& Seminar
EDS 481
Student Teaching & Seminar
EDS 482
Student Teaching & Seminar
EDS 483
Student Teaching & Seminar
EDS 484
Student Teaching & Seminar
*Extra class or lab sessions required.
**Additional clinical fee required.
Friday Evening
ART 224
BUS 252
BUS 340
BUS 433
CSC 160
CSC 495
ECO 113
EDE 350
EDE 383
EDS 478
EDU 282
HPE 115
MIS 376
NUR 310
PHI 110
PHY 106
REL 111
REL 481
SPC 354
SPC 495
SWK 363
Saturday Morning
ACC 221
ACC 222
BIO 101
BUS 301
BUS 352
BUS 465
CHM 101
CSC 345
ECO 112
ECO 313
Publication Design I
Principles of Marketing
Human Resource Management
Financial Theory: Policy and Practice
Introduction to Computing and Communications
Advanced Topics in Computer Science
Principles of Microeconomics
Creating Learning Environments: K-El (0.5 credit)
K-El Curriculum: Health, Physical Education, First Aid
School and Society
Introduction to Special Education
Health and Chemical Dependency Education (0.5 credit)
Project Management
Community Health Nursing I
Introduction to Philosophy
Introductory Meteorology*
Introduction to Theology
Contemporary Theology
Interpersonal Communication
Topics: Effective Business Speaking
Methods and Skills of Social Work
Principles of Accounting I
Principles of Accounting I1
Human Biology
Business Law
Marketing Research and Analysis
International Management
Chemistry for Changing Times 11*
Principles of Computer Organization
Principles of Macroeconomics
Intermediate Microeconomics
ECO 318
Management Science
EDE 351
Techniques of Teaching Reading
EDE 379
K-El Curriculum: Art (0.25 credit)
EDU 341
Media Technology (0.5 credit)
ENG 438
HIS 243
African American Civil Rights
HPE 116
Health Concepts for Educators (0.5 credit)
INS 225
Introduction to Islam
Applied Algebra
MAT 105
MAT 121
MIS 175
MIS 375
Principles of Computing for Business
PHI 380
Ethics of Medicine and Health Care
Social Justice in America
POL 140
MIS in the Organization
SPC 352
Developmental Psychology: Child
THR 222
Introduction to Theatre
ACC 222
Principles of Accounting I1
ACC 323
Accounting Theory and Practice I1
ACC 425
Advanced Accounting
ART 107
BUS 242
Principles of Management
BUS 252
Principles of Marketing
BUS 440
Operations Management
CSC 210
Data Structures
ECO 110
ECO 113
Economics of Urban Issues
EDE 382
K-El Curriculum: Mathematics (0.5 credit)
EDE 495
Topics: Language ArtsIChildren's Literature
EDU 210
Learning and Development in an Educational Setting
PSY 35 1
Saturday Afternoon
1 :15-4:45
Finite Mathematics
Principles of Microeconomics
*Extra class or lab sessions required.
EDU 264
Orientation to Education in an Urban Setting (0.5 credit)
ENG 337
British Literature: the Romantics and the Victorians
HPE 116
Health Concepts for Educators (0.5 credit)
INS 260
Contemporary American Indians
PSY 373
IndustriaVOrganizational Psychology
World Justice and Hunger: Developing a New World View
Denominations and Religious Groups in America
REL 263
REL 353
SPA 111
Complex Organizations
Beginning Spanish I*
SPA 112
Beginning Spanish 11*
SPC 329
Intercultural Communication
SWK 364
Field Work I
SWK 465
Social Policy: Analysis and Development
ACC 322
Accounting Theory and Practice I
ACC 326
BUS 242
Tax Accounting
Principles of Management
BUS 331
Financial Management
ECO 315
Money and Banking
Discovery Learning in the World of Kindergarten
SOC 349
Sunday Afternoon
1 :15-4:45
EDE 375
EDE 377
EDE 380
K-El Curriculum: Science (0.25 credit)
ENG 225
Intermediate Expository Writing
FRE 112
GER 111
GST 140
Beginning French 11*
Introduction to the Liberal Arts
GST 209
City Seminar: Experiential Education (0.0 credit)
INS 105
MIS 379
Introduction to American Indian Studies
Quantitative Methods for Business and Economics*
MIS 475
Systems Analysis and Design
PSY 105
Principles of Psychology
PSY 359
Psychological Assessment
K-El Curriculum: Music (0.25 credit)
Beginning German I*
REL 22 1
Biblical Studies
SOC 265
Culture: Ethnicity, Gender and Race
SPA 111
Beginning Spanish I*
SPA 112
Beginning Spanish 11*
SPC 351
EDE 263
K-El Clinical Experience (0.5 credit) (Sat, noon)
EDS 252
Clinical Experience (0.5 credit) (Sat. noon)
HPE 002
Lifetime Sports: Step Aerobics (0.0 credit)
(8 weeks, Thurs., 5:30-7:30 p.m.)
NUR 305
Contemporary Nursing I: Communication
(Thurs., 6-9:30 p.m.)
NUR 423
Practicum in Nursing: Family** (Thurs., 6-9:30 p.m.)
Evening Classes
CSC 440
Advanced Networking and Communications (Thus., 6-9 p.m.)
(Day school schedule,
ECO 414
Welfare Economics (Tues., 6-9 p.m.)
meet weekly, Feb. 2
ENG 101
Developmental Writing (Tues. and Thurs., 6-7:30 p.m.)
through May 15.)
ENG 216
American Indian Literature (Thurs., 6-9 p.m.)
ENG 341
Advanced Creative Writing: Fiction (Wed., 6-9 p.m.)
ENG 399
Internship in Developmental Writing
(Tues. and Thurs., 6-7:30 p.m.)
ENG 480
Criticism (Wed., 6-9 p.m.)
HIS 326
American Indian History (Wed., 6-9 p.m.)
HIS 380
History of Women to 1870 (Tues., 6-9 p.m.)
HIS 495
History Seminar (Wed., 6-9 p.m.)
INS 233
Women: A Cross-Cultural Perspective (Tues., 6-9 p.m.)
MIS 370
Advanced Computing for Business (Thurs., 6-9 p.m.)
OJB 112
Beginning Ojibwe I1 (Wed., 6-9 p.m.)
REL 366
The Church and Social Change in Latin America
(Mexico travel course - arranged)
REL 370
American Indian Spirituality and Philosophical Thought
(Tues., 6-9 p.m.)
SWK 469
Field Work IV (TBA)
Weekend Schedule
Evening and Other
*Extra class or lab sessions required.
**Additional clinical fee required.
Student Teaching
(Prereq.: Approval
and Placement by
Education Dept.)**
EDE 481A
EDE 481B
EDE 48 1C
EDE 482A
EDE 482B
EDE 482C
EDE 483A
EDE 483B
EDE 483C
EDE 484A
EDE 484B
EDE 484C
EDS 481
EDS 482
EDS 483
EDS 484
Student Teaching K & Seminar
Student Teaching El & Seminar
Student Teaching K-El& Seminar
Student Teaching K & Seminar
Student Teaching El & Seminar
Student Teaching K-El& Seminar
Student Teaching K & Seminar
Student Teaching El & Seminar
Student Teaching K-El& Seminar
Student Teaching K & Seminar
Student Teaching El & Seminar
Student Teaching K-El& Seminar
Student Teaching & Seminar
Student Teaching & Seminar
Student Teaching & Seminar
Student Teaching & Seminar
Friday Evening
BUS 242
Principles of Management
BUS 466
International Marketing
CSC 320
K-El Curriculum: Mathematics (0.5 credit)
Orientation to Education in an Urban Setting (0.5 credit)
EDE 382
EDU 264
ENG 272
Human Relations (0.5 credit)
European Literature: Renaissance to the Modern Period
HPE 114
Health and Safety Education (0.5 credit)
INS 264
NUR 306
American Indians in the Cinema
Contemporary Nursing 11: Paradigms in Nursing
PHI 175
Philosophy of Love and Sex
PHY 101
POL 158
Political Patterns and Processes
PSY 105
Principles of Psychology
PSY 357
Behavior Analysis
SOC 121
SPC 351
Introduction to Human Society
SPC 480
SWK 461
Advanced Methods and Skills in Social Work
SWK 467
The Social Worker as Professional
Saturday Morning
BIO 231
The Biology of Women
BUS 301
Business Law
BUS 357
ECO 113
Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 3 18
EDE 350
Management Science
Creative Learning Environments: K-El(0.5 credit)
EDE 386
K-El Curriculum: Children's Literature (0.5 credit)
EDU 388
Public Relations/Promotiona1 Communication
*Extra class or lab sessions required.
**Additional clinical fee required.
T r i m e s t e r
EDS 353
EDU 210
ENG 111
ENG 226
HIS 222
MIS 175
MIS 379
MUS 130
POL 495
PSY 485
REL 360
REL 430
SOC 231
SPC 354
Saturday Afternoon
1 :OO-5:OO
ACC 221
ACC 222
ACC 323
BUS 252
BUS 331
BUS 368
BUS 438
BUS 450
CSC 170
CSC 445
ECO 112
ECO 311
Creative Learning Environments: Secondary
Learning and Development in an Educational Setting
Effective Writing
Introduction to Creative Writing
20th Century U.S.
Principles of Computing for Business
Quantitative Methods for Business and Economics
Introduction to Music in the Fine A r t s
Seminar in Communications
Counseling Psychology
Religion and Society
Christians Seeking Unity
Family Systems: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
Interpersonal Communication
Principles of Accounting I
Principles of Accounting I1
Accounting Theory and Practice I1
Principles of Marketing
Financial Management
Responding to the Challenge of Japan
Investment Theory
Marketing Management
Structured Programming
Operating Systems
Principles of Macroeconomics
Public Finance
EDE 351
Techniques of Teaching Reading
EDE 377
K-El Curriculum: Science (0.25 credit)
EDE 379
K-El Curriculum: Art (0.25 credit)
EDE 380
K-El Curriculum: Music (0.25 credit)
EDE 388
K-El Curriculum: Health (0.25 credit)
EDE 389
K-El Curriculum: Physical Education (0.5 credit)
ENG 25 1
Readings in American Literature
ENG 423
Studies in the British Novel
HPE 116
Health Concepts for Educators
MIS 370
Advanced Computing for Business
MIS 376
Project Management
PSY 381
Psychology in Historical Perspective
REL 111
Introduction to Theology
REL 339
Television and Religion
SPA 112
Beginning Spanish 11*
SPC 355
Small Group Communication
SWK 462
Field Work I1
Sunday Afternoon
ACC 423
ART 221
Sculpture I
ART 478
Sculpture I1
EDE 384
K-El Curriculum: Social Studies/'Thematic Studies (0.5 credit)
EDU 341
Media Technology (0.5 credit)
ENG 223
Writing for Business and the Professions
ENG 245
Introduction to Literature
GER 112
Beginning German 11*
HPE 101
Fitness for Life
*Extra class or lab sessions required.
HPE 115
MAT 132
MIS 476
PSY 355
REL 221
SOC 265
SPA 112
SPC 111
SWK 365
Weekend Schedule
Evening and Other
Health and Chemical Dependency Education (0.5 credit)
Numeracy for Contemporary Society
Information Systems Projects
Brain and Behavior
Biblical Studies
Culture: Ethnicity, Gender and Race
Beginning Spanish 11*
Public Speaking
Quantitative Analysis and Program Evaluation
SOC 336
Painting I (TBA)
Painting I1 (TBA)
K-El Clinical Experience (0.5 credit) (Sat. noon)
Clinical Experience (0.5 credit) (Sat, noon)
Lifetime Sports: Racquet Sports (0.0 credit)
(8 weeks, Mon., 530-7:30 p.m.)
Community Health Nursing 11: Practicum*"
(Thurs., 6-10 p.m.)
Leadership and Management: Theory and Practice
(Thurs., 6-10 p.m.)
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (TBA)
EDE 481A
EDE 481B
EDE 481C
EDE 482A
EDE 482B
EDE 482C
Student Teaching K & Seminar
Student Teaching El & Seminar
Student Teaching K-El& Seminar
Student Teaching K & Seminar
Student Teaching El & Seminar
Student Teaching K-El& Seminar
ART 118
ART 355
EDE 263
EDS 252
HPE 003
NUR 311
NUR 431
Student Teaching
(Prereq.: Approval
and Placement by
Education Dept.)**
EDE 483A
EDE 483B
EDE 483C
EDE 484A
EDE 484B
EDE 484C
EDS 481
EDS 482
EDS 483
EDS 484
Student Teaching K & Seminar
Student Teaching El & Seminar
Student Teaching K-El& Seminar
Student Teaching K & Seminar
Student Teaching El & Seminar
Student Teaching El & Seminar
Student Teaching & Seminar
Student Teaching & Seminar
Student Teaching & Seminar
Student Teaching & Seminar
*Extra class or lab sessions required.
**Additional clinical fee required.
Courses by
Christian Faith Area 1
Christian Faith Area 2
Christian Faith Area 3
Human Identity
Intercultural Awareness Area 1
Intercultural Awareness Area 2 (Language Level 1)
Intercultural Awareness Area 3 (Language Level 2)
Natural World Area 1
Natural World Area 2
Social World Area 1
Social World Area 2
Western Heritage
ACC 221
ACC 222
ACC 322
ACC 323
ACC 324
ACC 326
ACC 423
ACC 425
ART 107
ART 118
- -
Critical Thinking
Graduation Level Writing
Quantitative Reasoning
Daymeekend joint class
- -
S a.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
-- -
ART 132
ART 22 1
ART 224
ART 240
ART 355
ART 478
BIO 101
BIO 102
BIO 185
BIO 231
BUS 242
BUS 252
BUS 295
BUS 301
BUS 331
BUS 340
BUS 352
BUS 355
BUS 357
BUS 362
BUS 368
BUS 433
BUS 438
BUS 440
BUS 450
BUS 465
BUS 466
CHM 100
CHM 101
CSC 160
CSC 170
CSC 210
CSC 320
CSC 330
CSC 340
CSC 345
CSC 440
CSC 495
ECO 110
ECO 112
ECO 113
ECO 311
ECO 312
ECO 313
ECO 315
ECO 318
ECO 360
ECO 414
EDE 263
S p.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
D m , TH EVE
S p.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
D m , TH EVE
D m , W EVE
S p.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
D m , T EVE
S noon
S noon
S noon
EDE 350
EDE 35 1
EDE 375
EDE 377
EDE 379
EDE 380
EDE 382
EDE 383
EDE 384
EDE 386
EDE 387
EDE 388
EDE 389
EDE 481
EDE 482
EDE 483
EDE 484
EDE 495
EDS 252
S p.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S noon
S noon
Pers~ectives Skills
Courses by
EDS 350
EDS 353
EDS 364
EDS 375
EDS 478
EDS 481
EDS 482
EDS 483
EDS 484
EDU 210
EDU 264
EDU 282
EDU 341
EDU 388
ENG 101
ENG 111
ENG 216
ENG 223
ENG 225
ENG 226
ENG 227
ENG 245
ENG 25 1
ENG 27 1
S a.m.
S a.m.
D m , TH EVE
S p.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
D m , T & TH EVE
S a.m.
D m , TH EVE
D m , W EVE
S p.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
Term ENG 272
ENG 331
ENG 337
ENG 341
ENG 345
ENG 351
ENG 361
ENG 399
ENG 423
ENG 438
ENG 445
ENG 480
FRE 111
FRE 112
GER 111
GER 112
GST 140
GST 209
HIS 102
HIS 222
HIS 243
HIS 326
HIS 380
HIS 495
HPE 002
HPE 003
HPE 101
HPE 114
HPE 115
S p.m.
S p.m.
Dm, T & TH EVE
S p.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
*Also requires Clinical Experience to satisfy City perspective.
Courses by
HPE 116
INS 105
INS 225
INS 233
INS 260
INS 264
INS 320
MAT 105
MAT 121
MAT 122
MAT 131
MAT 132
MIS 175
MIS 370
MIS 375
MIS 376
MIS 379
MIS 475
MIS 476
MIS 479
MUS 130
MUS 241
MUS 2721472
S a.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
D m , T EVE
S a.m.
D m , T EVE
S p.m.
D m , TH EVE
S a.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
D m , T EVE
S a.m.
S a.m.
IA 1
NUR 305
NUR 306
NUR 310
NUR 311
NUR 330
NUR 350
NUR 403
NUR 423
NUR 43 1
OJB 111
OJB 112
PHI 110
PHI 120
PHI 175
PHI 241
PHI 380
PHY 101
PHY 106
PHY 116
POL 140
POL 158
POL 160
POL 295
POL 342
POL 495
PSY 105
PSY 230
PSY 351
PSY 355
PSY 357
PSY 359
PSY 361
PSY 362
PSY 373
S a.m.
S a.m.
Dm, M & TH EVE
S a.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
Dm, M & TH EVE
S p.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
NW1 or 2
SWl or 2
SWl or 2
*Both NUR 330 and 431 are required to satisfy Speaking skill.
PSY 381
PSY 399
PSY 485
REL 111
REL 221
REL 263
REL 331
REL 339
REL 353
REL 356
REL 360
REL 362
REL 363
REL 366
REL 370
REL 430
REL 441
REL 481
REL 495
SOC 121
SOC 211
SOC 231
SOC 265
SOC 336
SOC 349
SPA 111
S p.m.
S a.m.
D m , TH EVE
S p.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
D m , T EVE
S a.m.
S a.m.
D m , W EVE
S p.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
proposed for CF
CF1,2 or 3
CF2 or 3
SPA 112
SPC 111
SPC 329
SPC 345
SPC 351
SPC 352
SPC 354
SPC 355
SPC 480
SPC 495
SWK 257
SWK 260
SWK 361
SWK 363
SWK 364
SWK 365
SWK 461
SWK 462
SWK 463
SWK 465
SWK 466
SWK 467
SWK 469
THR 222
S p.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
Human Identity
MUS 2721
PSY 105
SWK 260
PHI 110
PHI 380
p s y 105
HPE 101
PHI 175
PSY 105
Social World Area 1
SOC 121
SWK 463
PHY 106
SOC 121
ECO 112
THR 222
ART 221
ENG 226
ENG 245
MUS 130
POL 342
SOC 121
SWK 361
SWK 463
REL 263
S o C 121
Natural World Area 2
Western Heritage
ART 240
ECO 112
ENG 27 1
HIS 102
MAT 131
PHI 241
ART 224
THR 222
Social World Area 2
Natural World Area 1
PHY 106
PHY 116
ART 240
ENG 245
BIO 102
CHM 100
PHY 106
BIO 101
BIO 231
ECO 110
EDU 264
GST 209"
POL 140
EDU 264
The City
ECO 112
ENG 25 1
ENG 272
HIS 222
EDU 264
ENG 227
GST 209*
SWK 257
SWK 463
Intercultural Awareness Area 1
Intercultural Awareness Area 2
and 3 (Language)
ENG 361
INS 105
INS 233
INS 260
INS 320
MUS 241
SOC 231
SOC 265
REL 370
OJB 111
SPA 111
GER 111
OJB 112
SPA 111
SPA 112
SPA 112
HIS 243
INS 105
INS 225
INS 233
INS 260
REL 366
REL 370
SOC 265
SPC 329
BUS 368
INS 264
SOC 23 1
SOC 265
Christian Faith Area 1
Christian Faith Area 2
REL 331
REL 441
REL 111
REL 362
REL 363
REL 441
REL 111
REL 481
REL 111
Christian Faith Area 3
PHI 120
REL 111
REL 221
REL 331
REL 356
REL 363
REL 370
REL 441
REL 263
REL 353
REL 366
REL 370
RE1 481
REL 339
REL 360
REL 430""
*Non-credit course.
Graduation Skills/Critical Thinking
ART 240
BIO 102
CSC 210
MAT 131
NUR 350
PHI 120
PHY 106
CSC 210
ENG 337
SOC 349
SPC 351
CSC 170
CSC 320
p s y 381
SPC 351
BUS 362
CSC 495
ENG 223
ENG 225
ENG 227
ENG 27 1
ENG 361
HIS 495
MIS 375
NUR 403
REL 495
Quantitative Reasoning
MIS 379
NUR 350
PHY 116
PSY 230
ENG 399
HIS 495
NUR 330*
SOC 231
SPC 111
MAT 121
MIS 379
CSC 320
ECO 318
MAT 132
MIS 379
SWK 365
BUS 465
CSC 495
ECO 318
ENG 225
HIS 495
MIS 375
NUR 305
ACC 423
BUS 450
ECO 318
ENG 223
ENG 226
ENG 272
PSY 357
SWK 461
SWK 467
ENG 399
HIS 495
MIS 376
p s y 373
ACC 423
MIS 376
NUR 431*
SOC 23 1
SPC 111
*Both NUR 330 and 431 are required to satisfy Speaking skill.
221 1 Riverside Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55454
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Augsburg Weekend College Catalog, 1989-1990
Course Catalogs
Search Result
Weekend College
1989-1990 Calendar
1989 Fall
Sept 15-17
Sept 17
April 6-8
April 8
Last day to change
Oct 22
May 20
grade option Last day to withdraw
from class
Nov 19
Mar 11
June 3
Classes end
Dec 3
Mar 25
June 17
Final exams
Dec 8-10
Mar 30Au...
Show more
Weekend College
1989-1990 Calendar
1989 Fall
Sept 15-17
Sept 17
April 6-8
April 8
Last day to change
Oct 22
May 20
grade option Last day to withdraw
from class
Nov 19
Mar 11
June 3
Classes end
Dec 3
Mar 25
June 17
Final exams
Dec 8-10
Mar 30Auril 1
June 22-24
Final grades due
Dec 18
Sept 15-17
Sept 29-Oct 1
Oct 13-15
Oct 20-22
Nov 3-5
Nov 17-19
Dec 1-3
Dec 8-10
Classes begin
Last day to add
or drop class without
record notation
Classes meet
1990 Spring
New Student Orientation Sept 9
Seut 9
1990 Winter
30-Apr 1
April 5
Mar 31
"Classes in SpringTrimester will be four hours in length instead of three
and one half hours. See page 28 for exact times.
Most Weekend College classes meet seven times during a trimester. It is
expected that students attend every class. If a student needs to miss one
class period, the instructor should be contacted. Some courses will meet
for the entire period on Finals Class Weekend.
Cover Art: "Desigved for the Working Mind" by Philip
Thompson, Chair, Augsburg College Art Departnzcnt.
Frequently Called Telephone Numbers
Weekend College Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . ,330-1782
Director, Rick Thoni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .330-1640
Operations, Laurel Orthmeyer . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .330-1740
Admissions, Sylvia Stasiukonis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,330-1792
Data Entry, Robin Sanderson . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ,330-1652
Secretary, Debbie Olin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .330-1782
Enrollment, Deidre Middleton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .330-1777
Other Campus Numbers:
Bookstore, College Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-1122
Business Office, Science Hall
Cashier: 8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .330-1028
Billing: 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .330-1790
Education Department. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,330-1130
Financial Aid Office, Science Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-1046
Counseling and Career Planning, Memorial Hall. . . . . . . . . . . . .330-1162
Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. . . . . , . 330-1017
Nursing Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. , .. . . . . 330-1209
Registrar (Transcripts, Grades) Science Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,330-1036
General Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . , . . .330-1000
Weekend College Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. (evening hours by appointment)
Office Hours on Class Weekends:
Friday - 5:30 p.m.-6:15 p.m. - Old Main 18
Saturday - 8:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m. - Old Main 18 or WEC office
Sunday - 12:30p.m.-1:30 p.m. - Old Main 18
Weekend College Office Location:
The Weekend College Office is 2222 Murphy Square, located on the
corner of 23rd Avenue and 7% Street on the Augsburg College
Campus (number 11on the map found on page 7 l ) .
This bulletin is a supplement to the Augsburg College Catalog and is
published for the convenience of Augsburg Weekend College students.
Weekend College is a program of Augsburg College and is subject to the
policies and provisions as stated in the Augsburg College Catalog.
able of Contents
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.
FREQUENTLY CALLED TELEPHONE NUMBERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
GENERAL INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Introduction to Augsburg Weekend College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Information Sessions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Characteristics of the Eductional Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .h
Student Support Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Career Placement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7.
Tutoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Veterans of Military Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.
ACADEMIC INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
DegreesandMajors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Business Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.
Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Tcacliing Licensure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Management Information Systems (MIS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-16
Nursing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . # . . . 17
Social Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -18
Minors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Deai-isList . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Probation and Dismissal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Grading Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Withdrawal from College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Graduation with Distinction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 2 2
Assessment of Previous Learning (APL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
CLASS SCHEDULE 1989-90 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
COURSE DESCRIPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 3 0
ADMISSIONS1 FINANCIAL INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Admissions Requirements and Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68
Financial Aid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69
Fecs and Payment Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71
Payment Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71
liefund Scliedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
CAMPUS GUIDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
CAMPUS LOCATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75
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eneval Information
Introduction to Augsburg Weekend College
Augsburg Weekend College provides an educational alternative to adults
who desire college experience but who work or have other commitments
during the week. It is a means by which men and women may earn a
bachelor's degree, gain skills for professional advancement, prepare for
career change, or pursue a personal interest in one or more areas of the
liberal arts.
The Adult as Student
The Augsburg Weekend College program is designed to meet the needs
and preferences of adult learners. The program is based on the
assumption that the men and women who enroll in Weekend College
will be mature, self-disciplined and well-motivated adult learners who
seek a balance of classroclm experience and individualized study. Each
course is therefore divided into periods of concentrated on-campus study
separated by time for independent study and class preparation.
Alternate Weekends
To accommodate this format for learning, classes meet on alternate
weekends for three and a half hours on either Friday evening, Saturday
morning, Saturday afternoon, or Sunday afternoon.* Each class selected
by the student involves commitment to one of these four class periods.
Weekend College students may take from one to four different courses by
attending class every other weekend.
Community of Learners
Essential to the goals of Augsburg Weekend College is participation in a
community of adult learners. Learning can be enhanced when the
student is involved in a stable community that provides opportunity and
encouragement to become involved in interaction both in and out of the
classroom. This community will be enriched by the presence of both men
and women with a variety of work and life experiences.
To facilitate this kind of community interaction, Augsburg encourages
Weekend College students to make use of college facilities such as the
library and college center, to take the opportunity of having shared meals
and coffee breaks, to participate in optional lunchtime seminars, and to
attend other college activities such as music and dramatic presentations
and athletic events.
*Laboratory sections or additional class hours may be scheduled on evenings
during the week.
Information Sessions
Adults who are interested in Augsburg Weekend College are encouraged
to attend one of the information sessions that are scheduled throughout
the year. These information sessions are free of charge and are
approximately 2 hours in length. Please call the Weekend College Office
(330-1782)to receive further details on these information sessions or to
sign up for one of the following dates:
For Fall Trimester, 1989
5:30 PM
Saturday, June 3
Saturday, June 24
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
Tuesday, July 25
Thursday, August 10
For Winter Trimester 1990
Saturdav. October 14
Thursday, November 2
Saturday, November 18
For Spring Trimester, 1990
Saturday, January 27
Thursdav, Februarv 8
Saturdav. Februarv 24
For more information write or call:
Augsburg Weekend College Office
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
612 I 330-1782
FAX: 612 1330-1695
5:30 PM
5:30 PM
9:00 AM
5:30 PM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
5:30 PM
9:00 AM
Characteristics of the Educational Program
Educational Mission
For over a century Augsburg College has emphasized intellectual freedom
in the search for knowledge. Our academic program builds on a liberal
arts foundation to help students understand the past, interpret the
present, and plan for the future.
As in the weekday program, Augsburg Weekend College offers students a
unique combination of the liberal arts disciplines and professional
education. Our goals are to help students develop the intellectual skills
and attitudes to be life-long learners, increase their competence in
selected areas of professional work, and accomplish a higher level of
personal growth.
Accreditation and Affiliations
Augsburg College is fully accredited by the North Central Association of
Colleges and Secondary Schools and The National Council for the
Accreditation of Teacher Education (Secondary and Elementary). Our
programs are approved by The American Chemical Society, The Council
on Social Work Education and the National League for Nursing. We are a
member of the Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities (ACTC), Lutheran
Education Council in North America, Minnesota Private College Council,
National Association for Music Therapy, Inc., and are registered with the
Minnesota Higher Education Coordinating Board (HECB).
Augsburg College prides itself on its highly qualified faculty.
Members of the faculty serve as academic advisers to students who are in
the pre-major stage of planning as well as to students in declared major
Students and faculty use a carefully selected library of some 150,000
volumes plus audio-visual materials, with access to over 5,000,000
volumes through the Twin Cities private college consortium and Minitex.
Internships on and off campus are an established part of most academic
programs, helping students make career choices and develop experience
in their chosen fields.
Student Support Services
Augsburg Weekend College provides a number of student services to
assist adults in making educational and career plans, accomplishing the
academic tasks of a college education, working on their own personal
development, and participating in activities beyond the classroom. Some
of these services are:
Academic Planning
All Augsburg Weekend College students will have access to expert
academic advising services on an on-going basis to provide for efficient,
effective planning. Students enrolling in Weekend College who have had
college experience will have their previous work evaluated early in the
admissions process.
Career Planning Services
Staff from the Career Planning and Placement Office will assist adults in
assessing their career goals and personal abilities. This service, in
combination with sound academic advising from faculty in a chosen
major field, can result in an appropriate and manageable educational and
career plan for the individual involved.
Academic Skills Center
This center exists to help students enhance their skills in the areas of
writing, reading, math, time management, and study skills. Academic
tutors in specialized course areas are also available through the center.
CounselinglSupport Groups
Individual and group activities are available to students who wish to
work on a personal growth interest or concern or who simply want to
have the experience of being in a support group of people who share
some similar characteristics andlor interests.
Veterans of Military Service
Augsburg is approved by the State Approving Agency for Veterans
Training. Veterans should consult with the Office of the Registrar about
completion of the enrollment certificate and the forwarding of other
information to the Veterans Administration. (Please refer to the Augsburg
College Catalog for more detailed information.)
American Indian Support Program
Staff from this program are available to assist students in the areas of
financial aid, admissions, academic and personal counseling.
Degrees and Majors
Augsburg Weekend College allows adults to begin a bachelor's degree
program or to continue their education after beginning at another time or
institution. It also enables adults to add a second major to an already
completed college degree. The following information outlines what is
involved in completing a degree or major in Augsburg Weekend College.
(For more detailed information regarding graduation requirements,
please refer to the Augsburg College Catalog.)
Bachelor's Degree
The bachelor's degree program in Augsburg Weekend College is
essentially the same as the weekday program. A total of 35 semester
courses are required to graduate and may be fulfilled through
combinations of transfer of previous college credit, assessment of
previous learning experience, and Weekend College courses. (Augsburg
semester courses are valued at 4 semester credits and 6 quarter credits.)
Included in the 35 total courses must be an approved major program,
eleven upper division courses, and courses selected from the following
liberal arts spectrum (transfer courses and courses taken in the major may
also be counted for distribution requirements):
One approved course from each of seven areas:
1. ArtlMusic
2. HistorylPhilosophy
3. EconomicslPolitical Science
4. English - Speech, Communication and Theatre Arts
(devoted to the study of literature)
5. Psychology 1051Sociology 121 (or the equivalent transfer course)
6. ChemistrylBiology
7. MathematicslPhysics
A course in writing (English 111)or demonstrated proficiency
Two courses or demonstrated competence in a second language
Three courses (or one course per year of study) in religious studies
One course in the area of urban concerns, women's studies, or minority
In addition to the 35 total courses, a student must demonstrate
proficiency in two lifetime sports.
Augsburg Weekend College students may select from 7 separate majors,
several with a number of career concentrations. A minor is available in
each of these academic areas as well as economics, psychology, religion
and sociology.
Business Administration
This major prepares students in the areas of management, financial
accounting, finance, and marketing. To provide a combination of
applied skills and theoretical background, each of these majors is
interdisciplinary in approach, including an average of ten business
administration courses and six courses from supporting fields such as
economics, computer programming, communications, philosophy, and
mathematics. Majors in Business Administration are candidates for the
Bachelor of Arts degree.
Core Courses
All students who pursue a major in Business Administration will
complete the following core courses:
Computers for Business and Economics
Principles of Accounting I
Principles of Accounting I1
Principles of Management
Principles of Marketing
Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business
Financial Management
Business Law
Principles of Macroeconomics
Principles of Microeconomics
Public Finance
Intermediate Macroeconomics
Money and Banking
Intermediate Microeconomics
Accounting Concentration
Students who wish to pursue a Business Administration major with a
concentration in accounting will complete the following courses in
addition to the core:
Accounting Theory and Practice I
Accounting Theory and Practice I1
Managerial Cost Accounting
Tax Accounting
Advanced Accounting
Students in this major should seriously consider one or more courses
from the following list:
BUS 399 Internship
ENG 223 Writing for Business and the Professions
PHI 120 Ethics
Those planning a career in accounting are strongly encouraged to
complete the remaining courses in the 326,423 and 425 sequence.
Finance Concentration
Students wishing to pursue a Business Administration major with a
concentration in finance will complete the following courses in addition
to the core:
Accounting Theory and Practice I
Financial Theory: Policy and Practice
Investment Theory
M'anagement Science
Managerial Economics
Intermediate Quantitative Methods for Economics and
Students in this major should seriously consider one or more courses
from the following list:
Managerial Cost Accounting
Tax Accounting
Writing for Business and the Professions
Management Concentration
Students wishing to pursue a Business Administration major with a
concentration in management will complete the following courses in
addition to the core:
Human Resource Management
Operations Management
Management Science
Organizational Psychology
349 Complex Organizations
Students in this major should seriously consider one or more courses
from the following list:
Writing for Business and the Professions
Psychology of the Individual
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Social Psychology
Racial and Minority Group Relations
Public Speaking
Interpersonal Communication
Marketing Concentration
Students wishing to pursue a Business Administration major with a
concentration in marketing will complete the following courses in
addition to the core:
Marketing Research and Analysis
Marketing Management
Managerial Economics
Marketing Communication
Students in this major should seriously consider one or more courses
from the following list:
Writing for Business and the Professions
Business Minor
Principles of Accounting I
Principles of Management
Principles of Marketing
Financial Management
Principles of Macroeconomics
Principles of Microeconomics
Other configurations of the Business Administration minor may be
permitted on consultation with department chairperson.
Communication is an interdisciplinary major which is broad in scope and
practical in application. The program consists of 15 courses; five in related
supporting fields such as psychology, sociology, speech, and philosophy.
Included is at least one course of internship experience in a work setting
serving the career goals of individual students. Students may focus their
lecture courses toward the development of career skills in public relations
and advertising, marketing communications, human relations, or
supervisory management. Majors in communication are candidates for
the Bachelor of Arts degree.
Required Communication Core
ENG 223,225,226 or 227: An Advanced Writing Course
SPC 342 Mass Communications in Society
SPC 351 Argumentation
or 352 Persuasion
SPC 354 Interpersonal Communication
SPC 399 Internship
Required supporting courses:
PHI 130 Logic
PSY 105 General Psychology
SOC 121 Principles of Sociology
or 336 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
SOC 375 Social Psychology
SPC 111 Public Speaking
Major also includes satisfactory performance on competency tests in
writing and typing. This must be done before taking upper division
courses. A literature course may be substituted for SOC 121 or SOC 375.
Communication Electives
With the help of an academic adviser, the student will select five (5)
elective courses designed to meet additional background and skill
requirements in the career areas of public relations and advertising,
marketing communications, human relations, or supervisory
The following are some of the electives recommended in each area:
Public Relations and Advertising
Students interested in the Public Relations emphasis are strongly urged
to take ENG 227 (Journalism) as part of the major.
242 Principles of Management
252 Principles of Marketing
279 Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business
355 Marketing Communications
226 Creative Writing
227 Journalism
373 Organizational Psychology
349 Complex Organizations
ART 132 Photography
ART 224 Publication Design
ART 2251230 Visual Communications I, 11
345 Organizational Communication
480 Public RelationslPromotional Communications
Marketing Communications
Principles of Marketing
Marketing Research and Analysis
Marketing Communications
Marketing Management
Public RelationslPromotiona1 Communications
Human Relations
Organizational Psychology
Counseling Psychology
Sociology of the Family
Racial and Minority Group Relations
Complex Organizations
Intercultural Communication
Organizational Communication
Small Group Communication
Public Relations Promotional Communications
Supervisory Management
Computers in Business and Economics
Principles of Management
Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business
Human Resource Management
Marketing Communications
Operations Management
Organizational Psychology
Complex Organizations
Organizational Communication
Small Group Communication
Public RelationslPromotional Communications
Communication Minor
Five courses approved by the department.
Teaching Licensure
Teaching licensure programs are offered for Kindergarten-Elementary
and selected Secondary fields through Weekend College. Individualized
programs are worked out with an adviser in either Elementary or
Secondary education. To be admitted to the Education Department the
student will have achieved an overall 2.5 G.P.A. plus a 2.5 G.P.A. in
hislher major field. All professional courses with the exception of Clinical
Experience and Student Teaching are available in the weekend schedule.
In addition to Kindergarten-Elementary, Augsburg Weekend College
grants secondary licenses in English-Language Arts and Social Studies.
Students may also work individually on the following majors offered in
conjunction with day school: French, German, Health, Life Science,
Mathematics, Physical Science (Chemistry or Physics), Science (grades
5-9), Spanish, Speech, Theater Arts, and in the special areas of Art (K-l2),
Band (K-12) and Classroom Music (Grades 5-12), Orchestra (K-12) and
Classroom Music (5-12), Vocal and Classroom Music (K-9), Vocal and
Classroom Music (5-12), and Physical Education (K-12).
Contact an Education Department adviser for information in your field of
study and for application for admission to the Department of Education.
Students entering the licensure program in Fall, 1989 or later and want
K-6 licensure, must take EDE 375.
All students must apply for acceptance into the Education Department
and take the PPST test before beginning professional education courses
(those numbered in the 300-400 level). Any course grade below 2.0 must
be retaken.
Elementary Education
EDE 253 Orientation to Education in an Urban Setting* (.5 course)
EDE 341 Media Technology (.5 course)
EDE 350 Creating Learning Environments (.5 course)
EDE 351 Techniques of Teaching Reading
EDE 363 Clinical Experiences (.5 course)"
EDE 364 Interdisciplinary Studies (.25 course)
EDE 375 Discovery in the World of Kindergarten (.5 course)
EDE 376 K-El Social Studies (.25 course)
EDE 377 K-El Science (.25 course)
EDE 379 K-El Art (.25 course)
EDE 380 K-El Music (.25 course)
EDE 382 K-El Math (.5 course)
EDE 386 Children's Literature (.5 course)
EDE 387 Language Arts (.5 course)
EDE 388 K-El Health (.25 course)
EDE 389 K-El Physical Education (.25 course)
EDE 481 Student Teaching
EDE 482 Student Teaching
EDE 483 Student Teaching
EDE 484 Student Teaching
EDS 388 Human Relations (.5 course)
IlPE 114 Safety Education (.5 course)
HPE 115 Chemical Dependency (.5 course)
SWK 260 Humans Developing
College Level Math Course
Academic Minor or Second Major
*Field Experience Separate
Secondary Education
EDS 264 Orientation to Education in an Urban Setting* (.5 course)
EDS 341 Media Technology (.5 course)
EDS 350 Reading in the Content Areas (.5 course)
EDS 352 Clinical Experience* (.5 course)
EDS 353 Creating Learning Environments
EDS 388 Human Relations (.5 course)
EDS 477 School and Society Seminar (.5 course)
EDS 481 Student Teaching
EDS 482 Student Teaching
EDS 483 Student Teaching
EDS 484 Student Teaching
EDS 486 Student Teaching Seminar (.5 course)
HPE 114 Safety Education (.5 course)
HPE 115 Chemical Dependency (.5 course)
PSY 105 General Psychology
Special Methods in Licensure Field
"Field Experience Separate
Major for Secondary Teaching Licensure in Social Studies
Students preparing to teach social studies on the high school level must
complete, in addition to the professional requirements to be met within
the Department of Education, a competency program designed to
provide a broad foundation in the social sciences. Students must
complete a major in one of five fields - Economics, History, Political
Science, Psychology or Sociology (the History major is described below)
plus 7 courses (ECO 112 or 113, Human Geography, HIS 222, POL 158,
PSY 105, SOC 121 and 336). Students considering a career in social
studies education should consult, as soon as possible, the Augsburg
Department of Education and the Social Studies Coordinator.
History Major: 8 courses plus 1seminar. At least four of these courses
must be upper division. A major must have at least one course (either
survey or upper level) from each of the four areas: Ancient and Medieval;
Modern Europe; U.S.; and non-Western.
Those who study English believe that an intense concern for words, ideas
and images helps us understand who we are and who we can become.
Writing helps us clarify and share our thoughts. Literature helps us
contemplate the pains and joys of human existence. Through English
study we see life's complexity, experience life as some others do, and
understand better the world in which we live and work.
English relates closely to other majors. With the other arts, English is
concerned with the pleasure that comes from artistic creation and with
the contemplation of works of art. With psychology and sociology,
English is concerned with individual and group behavior. With
philosophy, English is interested in ideas and the relation between
meaning and language. With science, English is interested in discovering
order and determining structures. With speech and communications,
English studies the effective use of language. With history and the other
social sciences and humanities, English studies the way people have
acted and thought at different times and in different cultures.
Major: 9 courses above 111, including 225; one course in American
literature; one course in Western literary tradition (271 or 272); and three
courses in British literature, one on literature before 1660 (for example, 331
or 438) and one that surveys a number of writers (336, 337, 423). Majors
are encouraged to take ENG 245 early in their college work and to consult
their departmental advisor regularly. A student with a double major or
special program that involves considerable work in the English
department should also work closely with an advisor in the department.
Note: Transfer students must take at least three of their English courses
at Augsburg.
English-Language ArtsTeaching Major: 10 courses, including those listed
under the major, a course in the English language, and an internship in
the teaching of writing. One course must include a component in nonWestern literature. In addition, the ACTC courses Communications Skills
in the English Classroom and Teaching Mass Media are required.
Courses in early American literature, Shakespeare, and film are
recommended. Several of the required courses, including the internship,
are not offered on weekends. Students in this program must work with
advisers in the English Department and the Education Department in
order to meet the professional requirements within the Education
Department as well as requirements in the major.
Students in this program who are transferring from other colleges should
consult the English department chair soon after enrolling.
Minor: 5 courses above 111including one course in British literature and
one writing course above the freshman level (223, 225, 226, or 227).
Management Information Systems (MIS)
This MIS major prepares students to work in the growing field of
information management. The major combines courses and skills from
both the business and computer science majors to help students learn
about the identification, organization, analysis and processing of
information in a business setting.
MIS Majors
BUS 175 Computers for Business and Economics
BUS 221 Principles of Accounting I
BUS 222 Principles of Accounting I1
BUS 242 Principles of Management
BUS 252 Principles of Marketing
BUS 279 Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business
BUS 331 Financial Management
ECO 112 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 113 Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 313 Intermediate Microeconomics
CSC 170 Structured Programming
MAT 171 Discrete Mathematics
CSC 210 Data Structure
BUS 370 Advanced Computing for Business and Economics
BUS 375 Information Systems in the Organization
BUS 475 Information Systems Analysis and Design
BUS 476 Information Systems Projects
ECO 318 Management Science
Students in this major should seriously consider one or more of the
following courses:
Digital Communications and Computer Networks
Writing for Business and the Professions
MIS Minor
Principles of Accounting I
Principles of Management
Principles of Marketing
Advanced Computing for Business and Economics
Information Systems in the Organiiation
Information Systems Analysis and Design
479 Intermediate Quantitative Methods
318 Management Science
113 Principles of Microeconomics
Aupburg W ~ P ~ CCnIl~gc~
I T ~ (llfvn t i ~ ~ i s nilrsrs
l ~ ~ c~n~upper
I I L I T ~ S ~ I Itiia~or
as a sercmd stvp Iowarrl thr completioti (11 the Rachrlot trf
I ~ ~ ~ gfoi.
i iNursillg,
Scicncr*dcgwe? Fully accrrciited t h National
rnnj~lris ir prr,lcssional prr>Kramthat is arrrsriblt. on weukcnds to nltrscs
\vho arc unablc tu a ttcnd cldvscd tluriilg thr wcckda)~.Classes a s
primarily scheduled on alternate weekends, but all courses in the major
may have additional class or lab hours beyond the weekend schedule.
Preparation for school nurse licensure is available.
Admissions Procedures
Admission to llic ili~rsingprogram includes lirst bcing acc~~ptcil
Augsburg Weekend Cr,llcgc thrrrugh t l ~ cprrxedures dcscrihed rln page
66. As candidntcr Ibr the nu.siny: nlajor, RNs m ~ ~demonstrate
evidence rjf tlo~npt~tion
of d n ,i~sociated r ~ ~ . (n.
e ediploma program,
current nursing pmcticc, and Minnesota lirensiit.~.Wliilc an RN may take
general ccluration cruascs and pi4ert!clui5ilecrlufics frlr the nursing major,
tingent upon:
further pnlgtvss in the major i s a111
1. SatisF{~clrrrycr?lnplctic~n
at n cnllcgc or university of the prerequisite
c.ourws: Analomy a ~ r dPh~siulugy,Microbiology, Inorganic Chemistry,
Organic or Bi~lchcmislry,English Composition, Introductory
Sncicllngy nnrl Intrrrdurtcwy I'sych(11ogy.
2. A cumulative gradepoint average of at least 2.5
3. Successful completion of testing to validate lower division nursing
"Graduates of the program are eligible to apply to the Minnesota Department of
Health for certification as a public health nurse.
Required Courses in the Nursing Major
Contemporary Nursing I: Communication*
Contemporary Nursing 11: Paradigms in Nursing*
Community Health Nursing I*
Community Health Nursing 11: Practicum**
Trends and Issues in Nursing*
Introduction to Nursing Research*
Contemporary Nursing 111: Families*
Contemporary Nursing IV: Leadership and Management*
Practicum in Nursing I: Nursing of the Family**
Practicum in Nursing 11: Leadership and Management**
*These courses may require extra class or lab sessions.
**Thesecourses require extra time and cost for clinical work.
Required Supporting Courses
PHI 380 Ethics of Medicine and Health Care
REL 483 Christian Ethics, or an approved ethics course
PSY 353 Brain and Behavior
Social Work
Accredited by the Council on Social Work Education, the Bachelor of
iii S~iciniWork d q r r r prugmm a[ A t t g s b u ~
CofIcjie is hililt on a
qrrlid lihr~,ilarks i+ot~t~da(ir)t~,
on tlicorv-1-ascd klinirly:, an11 cln
~ . ~ n ~ t c s s kdlrr5cleri
m , ~ l ~ l'iclrl P X F P T ~ C ~ I C PAS
~ . in~rn>rtnnt,
social r+~r)l.k
vducaiion al AupI3urg is built rui an appr~ciatir~r~
for 111c nccds,
ronctlrns, and valucs of lhc i~~clividuals
atid grix~psw i r c ~constituk
loday's multi-cultt~ralsrtc.1et.y.T l i p Socta1 Work n ~ i l j t i ~A* ii ~~ g~s h ~ r j :
W~ckendCuHcjie i n c l ~ ~ dsraven
e s cr)ulnses( ~ ~ o the
r n tlcpxt~nrnlstrf
bir )logv, and sircic~irlg!l. Ct)~lccnlmiions
n r r po~~i14i'
i n tlw
uf aginl;, clic~niz~~l
clcpcnrlrncy, c~~mctions,
social ministries, ,~nd
youth work. Field work is an important component of the program.
Social Work Courses*
SWK 257
SWK 260
SWK 361
SWK 363
SWK 364
SWK 461
SWK 462
SWK 463
SWK 465
SWK 466
SWK 467
SWK 469
Exploring Human Services
Humans Developing
Social Response to Human Needs
Methods and Skills of Social Work
Field Work I
Advanced Methods and Skills in Social Work
Field Work I1
Community Development and Organization
Social Policy: Analysis and Development
Field Work 111(.5course)
The Social Worker as Professional
Field Work IV
Required Supporting Courses*
Human Biology
General Psychology
Principles of Sociology
Sociology of the Family
Racial and Minority Group Relations
Quantitative Analysis and Program Evaluation
Social Psychology
*Students interested in Social Work should begin their program with the
required supporting courses. The professional sequence will be offered
when a sufficient number of students are ready for that portion of the
Social Welfare Minor
6 courses including 257 or department approved alternative internship,
361, 463; Psychology 351 or Sociology 375; Sociology 265; and Political
Science 121 or 158 or 325, or Social Work 465.
In addition to minors offered in Business, Communication, English, MIS
and Social Welfare (listed under each respective major), Weekend College
students are able to complete minors in the following areas:
Economics Minor
ECON 112, 113, 312, 313 and one additional Upper Division course. Other
configurations may be permitted on consultation with the Department.
Psychology Minor
5 courses including 105, with a minimum of 2 courses at Augsburg. Not
more than one course from 299,399 and 499 may be counted toward the
Religion Minor
5 courses approved by the department.
Sociology Minor
5 courses including 121and two upper division courses (numbered 300
and above).
Dean's List
The Deanb 1-is1 is compiIeb aftvr each scmcster, listing students whose
~ r a d point
a\lcr,lf;tx fcrr a scrncstcr i s 3.5 or butterAL>ascdon a minimum of
I wrl lull c t ~ ~ w c or
s , rquivalent, grilded on thc hlditirrnal ~mdiiigsystem,
with no incompletes in courses offered for credit.
Probation and Dismissal
A student will be placed on scholastic probation at the end of the term if
his or her achievement is unsatisfactory. Dismissal from the College is not
automatic. Each case is reviewed by the Committee on Student Standing.
A student who has a poor academic record may be strongly advised to
withdraw before the end of the term. A student who has been on
probation for two terms and withdraws from the College voluntarily must
have special permission to re-enroll. See Augsburg College Catalog for
complete explanation.
Grading Procedures
Evaluation and Grading
Student achievement in courses is measured primarily by final
examinations. Shorter tests, written papers, oral reports, and other types
of evaluation also are used.
Most courses are offered with grading options - traditional grading on a
4.0 to 0.0 scale or the PasslNo Credit system, in which P means a grade of
2.0 or better and N means no credit and a grade of less than 2.0. Students
are cautioned to use the PIN grade option with care since some graduate
and professional schools do not look favorably on a large number of Pgraded courses, or rank each as a "C." Transfer students are cautioned
that P-graded courses do not count in the requirement that 14
traditionally graded courses be earned at Augsburg in order to be
considered for graduation with distinction. See PIN limitations under
Graduation Requirements in the Augsburg College Catalog.
Certain courses are offered on one grading system only. Sociology 265 is
graded only on the PIN grading system and some education courses are
graded only on the PIN system or only on the traditional system. English
111is graded P or N, or 2.0-4.01N. Some other courses are graded only P,
1.0, N. Lifetime Sports are graded P1O.O.
In courses where this is a choice, students will be graded on the
traditional system unless they indicate on their registration that they wish
to use the PIN grading option. Any changes in choice of grading system
must be made according to dates published each term. A fee is charged
for any changes made after Registration.
Explanation of Grades
Number grades are used with these definitions:
4.0 Achieves highest standards of excellence
3.0 Achieves above basic course standards
2.0 Meets basic standards for the course
1.0 performance below basic course standards
0.0 Unacceptable performance (no credit for the course)
Grade of P (Pass) or N (No credit) are not computed in the grade point
average. A grade of P represents work at or above the 2.0 level; N
represents work at the 1.5 or below level.
An incomplete grade may be given only in the case of extreme
emergency, To receive it, a student must file a petition with the
Committee on Student Standing stating the reasons for the request, the
plan and date for removing it, and comments from the instructor. If
permission is granted, the incomplete must be removed during the
following semester, or it becomes the grade submitted by the teacher
along with the incomplete.
Internships, independent studies, and directed studies may sometimes
last longer than one term. When this is the case, they must be completed
by the grading deadlines within one year from the beginning of the first
term of registration. A grade of X is given by the instructor to indicate that
the study is extended. It is expected that students given X extensions will
continue to communicate with their instructors and demonstrate that
satisfactory progress is being maintained. The Registrar's Office will
automatically continue the registration in response to an X grade. A final
grade will be issued at the end of the term in whcih the work is
completed and evaluated (but not longer than one year). An instructor
reserves the discretion of not giving an X where satisfactory progress is
not demonstrated. Withdrawal from college, or dropping these continued
courses will terminate their registration. Under this circumstance, a reregistration as 1X by the student would be necessary if done during
registration periods within one year of initial registration; if done after
one year a new registration would be necessary.
Auditing Courses
Students who wish to take courses without credit or grade may do so by
registering for Audit (V). The charge for auditing a course is listed under
Fees and Payment Schedule. Students who audit a course should confer
with the instructor within two weeks of the beginning of the term to
determine expectations, attendance and any other requirement. If
expectations have been met, the course will be listed on the transcript as
having been audited. If expectations have not been met, the course will
be listed with a grade of W (Withdrawn).
Grade Point Average
The grade point average (GPA) is based on final grades for all work at
Augsburg. It does not include credit and grade points for work
transferred from other colleges. Courses taken on the PIN grading option
are recorded, but not computed in the GPA.
Students are classified in August and at the end of fall and winter terms.
Sophomores - 7 courses completed with at least 14 grade points.
Junior - 16 courses completed with at least 32 grade points.
Seniors - 25 courses completed with at least 50 grade points.
Withdrawal from College
Students are urged not to abandon courses for which they are registered,
since this results in a failing grade on the official record. Cancellation of
courses or withdrawal from college must be done in the Registrar's Office.
Withdrawal from college cannot occur during final examination week
unless a petition is approved by the Student Standing Committee.
Withdrawal from college and resulting adjustments in accounts are
effective as of the date the completed Withdrawal From College form is
returned to the Registrar's Office.
Graduation with Distinction
Graduation with distinction is determined as follows:
Summa cum laude 3.8 to 4.0 cumulative GPA
Magna cum laude 3.6 up to but not including 3.8 cumulative GPA
Cum laude 3.3 up to but not including 3.6 cumulative GI'A
To qualify for graduation with distinction, transfer students must have
completed two years (14 traditionally graded courses) of work at
Augsburg .
Assessment of Previous Learning (APL)
Augsburg College recognizes that learning can and does take place in
many life situations. Some of this learning may be appropriate for credit
recognition within the disciplines that compose the academic programs
of a liberal arts college. The APL program (Assessment of Previous
Learning) at Augsburg provides a means by which a student's previous
learning, other than that which is transferred from another accredited
institution, may be presented for examination for possible credit toward
the completion of a bachelor's degree.
Not all learning from life experience, however, is appropriate for credit
recognition at a liberal arts college. Such learning must meet two essential
criteria: (1)it is relevant to coursework in a field of study within the
Augsburg liberal arts curriculum and (2) it can be objectively
evaluation. The APL program at Augsburg provides several means by
which students may have their previous learning assessed for credit
CLEP (College Level Examination Program)
Students who achieve acceptable scores in CLEP exams may receive
academic credit in Augsburg College. CLEP exams are available in a
variety of general and specific subject areas. For more information,
contact Weekend College Admissions (330-1792) or the regional CLEP
center at the University of Minnesota (624-3323).
Departmental Assessment
Students who wish to receive credit for a specific academic course and do
not have transcript evidence of completed work may request a
departmental assessment of previous learning. This will most often
include an examination that covers the essential components of the
course involved. For more information, contact the Registrar's Office
CAP (Credit Assessment Process)
This is a credit assessment alternative in which a faculty committee
completes a credit evaluation of a learning portfolio submitted by the
student. Informal meetings and consultation are provided for students
who wish to prepare a portfolio of previous learning for credit
assessment. Students may apply for CAP after completing at least four
courses of academic work at Augsburg College with a cumulative GPA of
at least 2.5. For more information, contact the Registrar's Office (330-1036).
H# -,
:. ,
lass Schedule 1989-90
Fall Trimester, 1989 Class Schedule
Friday Evening (6:OO-9:30)
Biology of Aging
BUS 355
Marketing Communications
BUS 242
Principles of Management
BUS 391
Business Law
ECO 112
Principles of Macroeconomics
EDE 253
Orientation to Education (9115-1113) (.5)
EDE 350
Creating Learning Environments (9116-1114) (.5)
EDE 379
K-El Art (9115-10113) (.25)
EDE 387
K-El Math (10120-1218) (.5)
EDS 264
Orientation to Education (9115-1113)(.5)
EDS 353
Creating Learning Environments
EDS 350
Reading in the Content Areas (9115-1113) (.5)
ENG 272
European Literature: Renaissance to Modern
MAT 131
Math for the Liberal Arts*
NUR 305
Contemporary Nursing I: Communication*
PHY 101
Introduction to Theology
SOC 265
Racial and Minority Group Relations
Organizational Communication
SWK 260
Humans Developing
Saturday Morning (8:30-1200)
Human Anatomy and Physiology
BUS 175
Computers for Business and Economics
BUS 221
Principles of Accounting I
BUS 222
Principles of Accounting I1
BUS 242
Principles of Management
BUS 324
Managerial Cost Accounting
BUS 362
International Business
CHM 109
General Chemistry*
ECO 112
Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 113
Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 313
Intermediate Microeconomics
EDE 363
Clinical Experience* (.5)
EDE 376
K-El Social Studies (10121-11118)(.25)
K-El Science (9116-10114)(.25)
EDE 388
K-El Health (9116-10114)(.25)
EDS 352
Clinical Experience* (.5)
ENG 227
ENG 438
MAT 124
Calculus I*
MUS 130
Introduction to Music in the Fine Arts
NUR 403
Contemporary Nursing 111: Families
Introduction to Philosophy
POL 342
Mass Communications in Society
Biblical Studies
SOC 121
Principles of Sociology
Public Speaking
SPC 352
Saturday Afternoon (1:15-4:45)
ART 240
Art History Survey
BUS 221
Principles of Accounting I
BUS 252
Principles of Marketing
BUS 322
Accounting Theory and Practice I
BUS 391
Business Law
CSC 170
Structured IJrogramming
ECO 113
Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 312
Intermediate Macroeconomics
Media Teclinology (9116-1114) (.5)
K-El Music (11118-1219)(.25)
Children's Literature (9116-1114) (.5)
EDS 341
Media Technology (9116-1114)(.5)
ENG 111
Effective Writing*
ENG 225
Iiitermediate Expository Writing*
ENG 245
Introduction to Literature
U.S. History Since 1877
HPE 114
Safety Education (EIS) (9110-1115) (.5)
MAT 103
Basic Mathematics*
MAT 104
Intermediate Algebra*
NUR 423
Practicum in Nursing I1 * **
Logic *
General Psychology
Brain and Behavior
Feminism and Christianity
Beginning Spanish I*
SOC 336
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Interpersonal Communication
SWK 361
Social Response to Human Needs
Sunday Afternoon (1:15-4:45)
Computers in Business and Economics
BUS 279
Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business
BUS 252
Principles of Marketing
BUS 331
Financial Management
BUS 375
Information Systems in the Organization
BUS 423
Techniques for Teaching Reading
Interdisciplinary Studies (10122-1119)(.25)
K-El Physical Education (9117-10115)(.25)
English Methods
Foreign Language Methods (9117-1115) (.5)
Effective Writing"
ENG 111
A Tale of Twin Cities: Minneapolis & St. Paul, 1883-1988
HPE 115
Chemical Dependency (10122-12110)(.5)
History of Religions
Beginning Spanish I*
Student TeachingM
Student teaching courses in elementary and secondary education are
available during fall trimester. The Student Teaching Seminar (EDS 486)
is available on an arranged basis.
HPE 002
Lifetime Sports: Racket sports (TBA)
*Extra class or lab sessions required.
""Additional clinical fee required.
Winter Trimester, 1990 Class Schedule
Friday Evening (6:OO-9:30)
ART 224
Publication Design
BUS 242
Principles of Management
BUS 252
Principles of Marketing
ECO 112
Principles of Macroeconomics
EDE 253
Orientation to Education (115-2123)(.5)
EDS 264
Orientation to Education (115-2123) (.5)
EDE 351
Techniques of Teaching Reading
K-El Language Arts (115-2123) (.5)
K-El Health (319-3130) (.25)
EDS 350
Reading in Content Areas (115-2123)(.5)
ENG 111
Effective Writing*
ENG 261
Modern Fiction
MAT 131
Math for the Liberal Arts*
NUR 306
Contemp. Nursing 11: Paradigms in Nursing*
PHY 106
Introductory Meteorology
General Psychology
Organizational Psychology
World Justice and Hunger: Developing a New World View
SOC 265
Racial and Minority Group Relations
SPC 354
Interpersonal Communication
Saturday Morning (Classes meet 8:30-1200)
Human Biology
BUS 221
Principles of Accounting I
BUS 222
Principles of Accounting I1
BUS 279
Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business
BUS 340
Human Resource Management
BUS 352
Marketing Research and Analysis
BUS 391
Business Law
BUS 433
Financial Theory: Policy and Practice
CHM 110
Organic and Biological Chemistry*
ECO 112
Principles of Macroeconomics
Media Technology (116-2124) (.5)
Clinical Experience* ( . 5 )
K-El Art (116-1127)(.25)
EDE 382
K-El Math (116-2124)(.5)
EDE 389
K-El Physical Education (3110-3131) (.25)
EDS 341
Media Technology (116-212) (.5)
EDS 352
Clinical Experience* (.5)
ENG 111
Effective Writing*
ENG 337
British Literature: Romantic and Victorian
MAT 104
Intermediate Algebra*
MAT 125
Calculus 11*
NUR 310
Community Health I*
NUR 404
Contemporary Nursing IV*
POL 342
Mass Communications in Society
The Lutheran Heritage
SOC 375
Social Psychology*
Public Speaking
SWK 363
Basic Methods and Skills
- -
Saturday Afternoon (1:E-4:45)
Environmental Aesthetics
Computers for Business and Economics
BUS 222
Principles of Accounting I1
BUS 252
Principles of Marketing
BUS 323
Accounting Theory and Practice I1
BUS 331
Financial Management
BUS 465
International Management
BUS 479
Intermediate Quantitative Methods
ECO 113
Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 415
Managerial Economics
Creating Learning Environments (2110-3130)(.5)
K-El Science (116, 1113, *213 a.m.) (.25)
Children's Literature (2110-3130)( . 5 )
Creating Learning Environments
School and Society (116-2124)(.5)
ENG 223
Writing for Business & the Professions*
ENG 250
American Literature to 1920
The Modern World
MAT 122
Calculus for Social and Behavioral Sciences*
Discrete Mathematics*
Ethics of Medicine and Health Care
Counseling Psychology
Religion and Society
SOC 121
Principles of Sociology
Beginning Spanish 11*
SPC 352
SWK 364
Field Work I
Sunday Afternoon (1:E-4:45)
Painting I
BUS 242
Principles of Management
BUS 326
Tax Accounting
BUS 440
Operations Management
BUS 475
Information Systems Analysis & Design
ECO 113
Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 313
Intermediate Microeconomics
ECO 315
Money and Banking
Interdisciplinary Studies (3111-411)(.25)
K-El Social Studies (117-1128)(.25)
K-El Music (117-1128)(.25)
Beginning French I*
Beginning German I*
GER 111
HPE 353
Kinesiology and Physiology of Exercise
HPE 115
Chemical Dependency Education (EIS) (1128-3125)(.5)
Life of the Church in the City
Beginning Spanish 11*
SWK 260
Humans Developing
Student Teaching*
Student teaching courses in elementary and secondary education are
available during winter trimester. The Student Teaching Seminar (EDS
486) is available on an arranged basis.
Lifetime Sports
HPE 002
Beginning Aerobics (TBA)
*Extra class or lab session required.
**Additionalclinical fee required.
Spring Trimester, 1990 Class Schedule
Friday Evening (6:OO-10:OO)
BUS 242
Principles of Management
BUS 252
Principles of Marketing
ECO 112
Principles of Macroeconomics
Orientation to Education (418-5120) (.5)
Creating Learning Environments (5119-6123)(.5)
K-El Music (611-6122) (.25)
K-El Math (514-6115) (.5)
EDS 264
Orientation to Education (418-5120) (.5)
EDS 363
Creating Learning Environments
ENG 111
Effective Writing*
ENG 282
HPE 114
Safety Education (EIS) (416-5118) (.5)
Women: A Cross Cultural Perspective
MAT 131
Math for the Liberal Arts*
MUS 130
Introduction to Music in the Fine Arts
PHY 103
Physics for the Life Sciences*
Introduction to Theology
SOC 121
Principles of Sociology
SPC 480
Public RelationslPromotiona1 Communications
Saturday Morning (Classes meet 8:OO-1200)
BUS 279
Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business
BUS 391
Business Law
BUS 466
International Marketing
CHM 100
Chemistry for Changing Times
CSC 145
Computing for the Liberal Arts
CSC 352
Database Management and Design
ECO 113
Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 318
Management Science
Media Technology (417-5119)(.5)
Techniques for Teaching Reading
K-El Science (612-6123) (.25)
Media Technology (417.5119) (.5)
Effective Writing*
Introduction to Creative Writing*
American Literature Since 1920
Topics in World History
Chemical Dependency (417-5119)(.5)
Elementary Functions*
Community Health Nursing 11* **
Practicum in Nursing 11: Learning & Management* **
Christian Ethics
Social Psychology
Advanced Methods and Skills
Saturday Afternoon (1:OO-5:OO)
Biology of Women
BUS 221
Principles of Accounting I
BUS 222
Principles of Accounting I1
BUS 252
Principles of Marketing
BUS 331
Financial Management
BUS 370
Advanced Personal Computing
BUS 425
Advanced Accounting
BUS 438
BUS 450
Marketing Management
CSC 210
Data Structures
ECO 112
Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 414
Welfare Economics
Clinical Experience* (.5)
Children's Literature (417-612)(.5)
K-El Health (417-515) (.25)
EDS 352
Clinical Experience* (.5)
EDS 477
School and Society (417-612)(.5)
ENG 327
Advanced Journalism*
HPE 482
Coaching Theory of Sport
NUR 330
Trends and Issues in Nursing*
POL 158
Political Patterns and Processes
General Psychology
Religious Imagination in Modern Literature
SOC 349
Complex Organizations
Interpretive Reading
Small Group Communication
SWK 462
Field Work I1
Sunday Afternoon (1:OO-5:OO)
Ceramics I
Computers for Business and Economics
BUS 242
Principles of Management
BUS 340
Human Resource Management
BUS 476
Structure Systems Analysis and Design
ECO 113
Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 313
Intermediate Microeconomics
Interdisciplinary Studies (418-516) (.25)
K-El Art (613-6124) (.25)
1.1 11:
K-El Language Arts (5120-6124) (.5)
K-El Ph$icay~ducation (418-518)(125)
EDS 375
Social Studies Methods (418-5120) (.5)
Beginning French 11*
GER 112
Beginning German 11*
HPE 475
Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries (.50)
Archeology and the Bible
SOC 265
Racial and Minority Group Relations
SOC 365
Quantitative Methods & Program Evaluation
Student Teachingc*
Student teaching courses in elementary education are available during
spring trimester. The Student Teaching Seminar (EDS 486) is available on
an arranged basis.
*Extra class or lab sessions required.
**Additionalclinical fee required.
T p ' o u r s e Descriptions
ART 102
Environmental Aesthetics
Fine arts in the urban and world setting. Concern for the
visual content of experience in the environment leading
toward appreciation and criticism. Individual and group
projects exploring design problems in representation,
symbolism and abstraction.
Distribution: Urban Concerns
ART 106
Study of the art and craft of calligraphy. Development of
calligraphic skills in pen and brush with ink and paint.
Distribution: ArtlMusic
ART 107
Drawing in graphite pencils, pens, and pastel pencils.
Subjects include still-life, figures, building interiors and
exteriors and experimental work.
Distribution: ArtlMusic
ART 118
Painting I
Introduction to painting media and techniques in acrylic
and oil.
Distribution: ArtlMusic
ART 132
The camera used as a tool for visual creativity and expression
with attention to black and white photography process. Need
access to 35mm single lens reflex camera (materials will cost
Distribution: ArtlMusic
Major: Elective in Public RelationslAdvertising Major
Publication Design
An introduction to traditional design concerns and
procedures related to publication design as well as design for
desktop publishing. Theory and practice of coordinating
visual images and typography with content in publications.
Study of design in magazines, newspapers, newsletters,
books, and miscellaneous publications. Students design and
produce a publication as a group project.
Major: Elective in Public RelationslAdvertising major
ART 225
Visual Communications I
The theory and practice of visual perception and
communication using elements such as color, line, shape,
type, and pictoral images. Emphasis wil be placed on the
creative thought process.
Distribution: ArtlMusic
Major: Elective in Public RelationslAdvertising Major
ART 240
Art History Survey
A survey of art from prehistoric to modern times. Includes
reading, research, viewing of slides, and visits to museums.
Distribution: ArtlMusic
ART 250
Ceramics I
An introduction to the making of pottery with an emphasis
on handbuilding and glazing.
Distribution: ArtlMusic
ART 352
Women's Art History
A study of the place of women in the history of the visual
arts - as artists, as subjects, and as patrons.
Distribution: ArtlMusic, Urban ConcernslMinority Studies,
(upper division)
BIO 101
Human Biology
Basic biological concepts from an anthropocentric point of
view. An attempt to answer such questions as: What makes
man just another member of the biotic fold? Does man have a
niche in the ecosystem? What influence does man have on
the environment? What influence does the environment,
especially the urban environment, have on man? (A student
may not receive credit for both 101 and 103. Does not apply to
the major or minor.)
Distribution: Biology
Major: Required supporting course in Social Work
BIO 103
Human Anatomy and Physiology
A professional course in the structure and function of the
human body. Lecture and laboratory. (A student may not
receive credit for both 101 and 103. Does not apply to the
major or minor.)
Distribution: ChemistrylBiology
Major: Required prerequisite for BSN majorlCoaching Endorsement
BIO 105
Biology and Society
What are some of the biologically-based problems with
which our society must deal? What threats are posed by
pollution, the prospect of war, and by shortages of food,
water and non-renewable resources? What are the
implications of genetic research, scientific racism,
sociobiology, and inequities in the delivery of health care?
(Does not apply to the major or minor.)
Distribution: Biology or Urban Concerns
BIO 108
Basic microbial features are considered as well as applications
of microbiology to the field of medicine and sanitation. For
student nurses, health majors or consent of the instructor.
(Prereq: CHM 110 or consent of instructor. Does not apply to
major or minor.)
Distribution: Biology
Major: Prerequisite for the BSN major
BIO 185
The Biology of Aging
At some time or another in our lives most of us will either
directly experience aging or be influenced by people
undergoing age-related changes. This course will concentrate
on the biological aspects of such changes.
Distribution: ChemistrylBiology
BIO 231
The Biology of Women
The objective of this course is to provide a basic
understanding of the structure and functioning of the female
human organism as well as to evaluate misconceptions about
women that have arisen in the history of biology.
Distribution: ChemistryIBiology or Women & Minority
BUS 175
Computers for Business and Economics
An introduction to computerized data processing. Learn a
higher-level language (BASIC). Learn about computerized
spreadsheets (LOTUS) and data bases (DBASE). Learn
about word processing and computerized business
graphics. (Prereq.: Math Placement Group I1 or high school
Major: Required in Business Administration core and MIS
major; elective in Supervisory Management major
BUS 221
Principles of Accounting I
~ntrodictionto business activities, basic concepts, and
fundamentals of accounting, the accounting cycle and
preparation of financial statements.
Major: Required for Business Administration and MIS
BUS 222
Principles of Accounting I1
Introduction to business activities, basic concepts and
fundamentals of managerial accounting. Planning and
controlling processes, decision-making and behavioral
considerations. (Prereq: BUS 221)
Major: Required for Business Administration core and MIS
BUS 242
Principles of Management
Development of the theory of management, organization,
staffing, planning and control. The nature of authority,
accountability and responsibility, analysis of the role of the
professional manager.
Major: Required for Business Administration core and MIS
major, elective in Public RelationslAdvertising and
Supervisory Management majors in Communication
BUS 252
Principles of Marketing
Principles of basic policy and strategy issues in marketing.
Legal, ethical, competitive, behavioral, economic and
technological factors as they affect product, promotion,
marketing channel and pricing decisions.
Major: Required in the Business Administration core,
elective in Public RelationslAdvertising and Marketing
Communications major
BUSlECO Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business
An introduction to quantitative reasoning, descriptive
measures, probability, sampling distributions, inference
and estimation with emphasis on their use in applied
problems in business and economics. (Prereq: Math
Placement I11 or a grade of 2.0 or better in MAT 104)
Major: Required in the Business Administration core and
MIS major
BUS 322
Accounting Theory & Practice I
An analysis of accounting theory pertaining to financial
statements, income concepts, capital stock and surplus
account, current and long- term assets. (Prereq: BUS 222,
ECO 113)
Major: Required in the Accounting and Finance majors
(upper division)
BUS 323
Accounting Theory and Practice I1
An analysis of accounting theory pertaining to investments,
tangible and intangible fixed assets, liabilities and reserved,
actuarial topics. Additional emphasis on income
determination considering price level changes. (Prereq:
BUS 322)
Major: Required in the Accounting major (upper division)
BUS 324
Managerial Cost Accounting
Accounting tools for planning and control of economic
activities. Planning, budgeting, standard cost systems, as
well as other quantitative and behavioral topics. (Prereq:
BUS 222,242, 252,279 or consent of instructor)
Major: Required in the Accounting major (upper division)
BUS 326
Tax Accounting
The more common and important provisions of federal
income taxes for individuals and various forms of business
enterprises. (Prereq: BUS 221, 331, ECO 112, 113, or consent
of instructor)
Major: One of a choice of 3 required courses in the
Accounting major (upper division)
BUS 331
Financial Management
Theory of acquisition, allocation and management of funds
within the firm; sources and uses of long and short term
funds, cost of capital, capital budgeting, leverage, dividend
policy, and related topics. (Prereq: BUS 222, ECO 113)
Major: Required for Business Administration core and MIS
major (upper division)
BUS 340
Human Resource Management
Personnel function in business, acquisition and utilization
of human resources, desirable working relationships;
effective integration of the worker with the goals of the firm
and society. (Prereq: BUS 242)
Major: Required for Business Management major, elective
in Supervisory Management major (upper division)
BUS 352
Marketing Research and Analysis
Research process as an aid to decision making in marketing
management; research methodology; marketing research
results; evaluation of the effectiveness of research in
marketing. (Prereq: BUS 252, 279, ECO 113, or consent of
Major: Required in the Marketing major and an elective in
the Marketing Communications major (upper division)
BUS 355
Marketing Communications
A look at the communications aspects of marketing- by
integrating advertising, public relations, sales promotion,
and personal selling into a coherent promotion mix.
Emphasis will be placed on the design and evaluation of
marketing communications programs, particularly
advertising; selection of media; copy-creative effort;
a d v e r t i ~ e r ~ a g e relationship;
management of the
personal selling function including salesforce selection,
compensation, territorial design, and performance
appraisal. (Prereq: BUS 252)
Major: Required in the Marketing major, elective in
Marketing Communication major, Public
RelationslAdvertising major, or Supervisory Management
(upper division)
BUS 370
Advanced Computing for Business and Economics
Current topics involving programmable spreadsheets
(LOTUS), programmable data bases (DBASE), graphics,
information retrieval using telecommunications, and other
packages (statistical analysis, project management, expert
systems, etc.). Solve common problems in economics,
finance and marketing. (Prereq: One computer course such
as BUS 175 or CSC 145, 170 or 174. Recommended BUS 279.)
Major: Required in the MIS major (upper division)
BUS 375
Information Systems in the Organization
Use of systems approach in analyzing the use of
information systems in the organization. Analyze business
needs and information requirements, identify relevant
solutions and communicate recommendations. Emphasis
on management consulting skills including written and
verbal communications.
(Prereq: Two computer courses such as BUS 175 and 370)
Major: Required in the MIS major (upper division)
BUS 391
Business Law
Legal rules relating to contracts, agency, negotiable
instruments, property and business organizations under
the Uniform Commercial Code.
Major: Required for Business Administration core
(upper division)
BUS 423
Internal and external auditing procedures. Emphasis on
internal checks and control for accounting systems. (Prereq:
BUS 323)
Major: One of a choice of 3 required courses in the
Accounting major (upper division)
BUS 425
Advanced Accounting
Accounting for business combinations, governmental
accounting, partnership accounting and fund accounting.
(Prereq: BUS 323)
Major: One of a choice of 3 required courses in the
Accounting major (upper division)
BUS 433
Financial Theory: Policy and Practice
Advanced financial theory; a systems approach to financial
structure and policy. Emphasis on decision-making,
presentation through literature, readings, lectures and case
material. (Prereq: BUS 331)
Major: Required in Finance major (upper division)
BUS 438
Investment Theory
Appraisal of the risklreturn relationships of various types of
securities from the viewpoint of both individual and
institutional investors. Extensive coverage of capital markets
and portfolio management. (Prereq: all core courses or
consent of instructor)
Major: Required in Finance major (upper division)
BUS 440
Operations Management
Concepts and principles related to the management of
operating functions. Examples from service industries, nonprofit organizations and manufacturing. Taught from a
managerial point of view. Topics include: an overview of
operations, planning operation processes, productivity
measurement, standards, forecasting, concepts of quality,
inventory management, principles of scheduling, and
operational control information systems. (Prereq: BUS 242)
Major: Required in the Business Management major and an
elective in the Supervisory Management major
(upper division)
BUS 450
Marketing Management
Integration of marketing with other business functions;
marketing management and decision making, planning
marketing programs, channels of distribution, pricing,
product selling and promotion policies. (Prereq: BUS 352)
Major: Required in the Marketing major and an elective in
the Marketing Communications major (upper division)
BUS 475
Information Systems Analysis and Design
Analyze information requirements and design systems
specifications. Utilize relational data base software to quickly
implement several system designs. Utilize project
management software to manage the life cycle process
including documentation and implementation. (Prereq: all
lower level core courses, BUS 375. Recommended: BUS 370)
Major: Required in the MIS major (upper division)
BUS 476
Information Systems Projects
Using skills developed in BUS 375 and 475, complete
information analysis and systems design for several business
situations. Utilize both case studies and actual businesses.
(Prereq: BUS 375,475. Recommended: BUS 479)
Major: Required in the MIS major (upper division)
BUSIECO Intermediate Quantitative Methods for Economics and
Utilizing computer packages relevant to statistical analysis.
Programming tools include spreadsheets, Minitab, SPSS and
other statistical packages. Areas of interest include statistical
descriptions, analysis of variance and statistical inference
plus linear models, queuing models and Monte Carlo
simulations. (Prereq: BUS 175, 279, Math Placement Group
IV or a grade of at least 2.0 in MAT 114, 121, or 122.
Recommended: BUS 370)
Major: Required for MIS major and one of a choice of 3
required courses in the Finance major (upper division)
BUS 495
Topics: Risk Management and Insurance
A study of risk management. Emphasis on the function of (1)
determination of exposure to risk; (2) analysis or risk and
losses; (3) methods of combating risks; and (4) administration of risk insurance program. How to recognize and
evaluate the property liability and personnel risks facing a
business, a non-profit organization, a government unit, or an
individual or family. How to select and deal with an insurer.
Public policy issues such as availability of insurance are
examined to identify and evaluate the role of insurance in the
financial framework of the economy.
Major: Elective for Business Administration major
CHM 100
Chemistry for Changing Times
This is a non-laboratory chemistry course based on the very
popular book by John H. Hill of the same title. It is not a
traditional chemistry course and does not assume a science
background. Most of the problems we face are molecular in
nature. What then but chemistry can help us to understand
ourselves, our society, our world, and our universe? Come
join us as we take a molecular look at the human condition.
This course does not apply toward the major or minor in
chemistry nor does it meet any prerequisite chemistry
Distribution: ChemistrylBiology
CHM 109
General, Organic and Biological Chemistry
Designed for students who need a survey of the
fundamentals of general, organic and biological chemistry for
careers in allied health areas such as nursing (including
Augsburg's upper division program). Open also to other
students. First term, general chemistry principles and an
introduction to organic chemistry. Will include arranged time
for laboratory work. This course does not apply toward the
major or minor in chemistry.
Distribution: Chemistry
Major: Required prerequisite for Nursing major
CHM 110
General, Organic and Biological Chemistry
Continuation of Chemistry 109. Organic and biological
chemistry with special applications to human psysiological
chemistry. Will include arranged time for laboratory work.
Does not apply toward the major or minor in chemistry.
Distribution: Chemistry
Major: Required for Nursing major
CSC 145
Computing for the Liberal Arts
An introduction to computers, programming, and computer
applications, as well as some of the social and philosophical
issues associated with computers. Primarily for students in
non-science areas. Does not apply toward the computer
science major or minor.
CSC 170
Structured Programming
An introduction to computer languages and algorithms.
Applications from mathematics, business, and natural
sciences. Programming in a higher level language such as
Pascal. (Prereq. : MAT 124.)
Major: Required for MIS major
CSC 210
Data Structures
Data Structures and their implementation, recursion,
searching and sorting algorithms, and continued
development of programming methods using Pascal.
(Prereq. : 170. Coreq. : MAT I n . )
Major: Required for MIS major.
CSC 240
Survey of Computer Sciences
An introduction to computer organization and structure,
assembly and machine languages, computer logic design,
number and character representations, and functions of
components of computer systems. Continued development
of structured programming concepts. (Prereq: MAT 175; or
both 170 and MAT 124 and concurrent registration in MAT
Major: Elective for MIS major
CSC 340
Digital Communications and Computer Networks
Principles and methods of data communications, distributed
processing systems, network protocols and security, and
general computer interfacing. (Prereq: CSC 240)
Major: Elective for MIS major (upper division)
CSC 352
Database Management and Design
Structure of database management systems, query facilities,
file organization and security, including the development of
an elementary database system. (Prereq: CSC 240)
Major: Elective for MIS major (upper division)
ECO 112
Principles of Macroeconomics
An introduction to macroeconomics; national income
analysis, monetary and fiscal policy, international trade,
economic growth. Application of elementary economic
theory to current economic problems. May be taken
independently of ECO 113. ECO 112 and 113 may be taken
in either order.
Distribution: EconomicslPolitical Science
Major: Required for Business Administration core
ECO 113
Principles of Microeconomics
An introduction to micro-economics, the theory of the
household, firm, market structures and income distribution.
Application of elementary economic theory to market policy.
May be taken independently of ECO 112. ECO 112 and 113
may be taken in either order.
Distribution: EconomicslPolitical Science
Major: Required for Business Administration core
ECO 311
Public Finance
Analysis of the principles of taxation and public
expenditures; the impact of fiscal policy on economic
activity; debt policy and its economic implications. (Prereq:
ECO 112, 113)
Major: One of a choice of three required courses in the
Business Administration core (upper division)
ECO 312
Intermediate Macroeconomics
Determinants of national income, employment and price
level analyzed via macromodels. Attention paid to areas of
monetary-fiscal policy, growth and the business cycle.
(Prereq: ECO 112)
Major: One of a choice of three required courses in the
Business Administration core (upper division)
ECO 313
Intermediate Microeconomics
Theory of resource allocation, analysis of consumer behavior,
firm and industry; the pricing of factors of production and
income distribution; introduction to welfare economics.
(Prereq: ECO 113)
Major: Required for Business Administration core
(upper division)
ECO 325
Money and Banking
Functioning of the monetary and banking systems,
particularly commercial banks, the Federal Reserve System
and its role in relation to aggregate economic activity.
Emphasis placed on monetary theory and policy. (Prereq:
ECO 112,113)
Major: One of a choice of three required courses in the
Business Administration core (upper division)
ECO 318
Management Science
Provides a sound conceptual understanding of the modern
techniques of management science to prepare students to
make better business and economic decisions. Emphasis is
on applications, which are taken from the areas of
transportation, marketing, portfolio selection, environmental
protection, the shortest route, inventory models, information
systems, etc. (Prereq: ECO 313)
Major: Required for Business Management major and MIS
major and one of a choice of 3 required courses for the
Finance major, elective in Supervisory Management major
(upper division)
ECO 415
Managerial Economics
Integrates economic theory and corresponding practices in
business. Among the topics considered are theories and
practices in forecasting, estimation of demand and cost
functions, price and non-price competition, production and
cost considerations, and an analysis of economic problems of
relevance to management. (Prereq: ECO 313, BUS 279)
Major: Required in the Marketing major and one of a choice
of 3 required courses in the Finance major (upper division)
ECO 479
Intermediate Quantitative Methods for Economics and
(See under Business.)
EDE 253
Orientation to Education in an Urban Setting (-5course)
Study and investigation of various aspects of the teaching
profession as students evaluate their interest and suitability
for a career in teaching. Open to all students. Suggested as
first course to be taken.
Major: Required for Elementary major
EDElEDS Media Technology (.5 course)
Psychological and philosophical dimensions of
communication through the use of instructional technology.
Selection, preparation, production, and evaluation of
effective audio-visual materials for teachingllearning
situations. Computer training will be included in this course.
Major: Required for Elementary and Secondary Education
major (upper division)
EDE 350
Creating Learning Environments: Kindergarten-Elementary
(.5 course)
The study of strategies, methods, and evaluation of teaching
and learning in the contexts of educational, psychological,
sociological and neuro-scientific theories.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major
(upper division)
EDE 351
Techniques of Teaching Reading (1.0 course)
The study and utilization of a variety of techniques and
resources in the teaching of reading and the diagnosis and
correction of reading problems. Field placement requirement
included in this class.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major
(upper division)
EDE 363
Kindergarten-Elementary Clinical Experiences (.5 course)
Includes 160 hours in-class experiences. Register for 2 seminar
sessions in addition to the 160 hours. A video tape of classroom or simulated teaching will be prepared by each student.
Membership in one of the professional teacher organizations
is required. Students must apply in the Education
Department for Clinical at least 2 months prior to date they
intend to begin Clinical. Enroll for course approximately halfway through the K-Elementary course sequence.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major
(upper division)
EDE 364
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum: Interdisciplinary
Studies (.25 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
integrating specific skill developments through various
subjects at the kindergarten and elementary levels.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major
(upper division)
EDE 375
Discovery in the World of Kindergarten (.5 course)
This class prepares the student for the unique experiences
and responsibilities of a kindergarten classroom. Required for
K-6 licensure (upper division).
EDE 376
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum: Social Studies
(.25 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
social studies at the kindergarten and elementary levels.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major
(upper division)
EDE 377
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum: Science (.25 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
science at the kindergarten and elementary levels.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major
(upper division)
EDE 379
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum: Art (.25 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
art at the kindergarten and elementary levels.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major
(upper division)
EDE 380
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum: Music (.25 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
music at the kindergarten and elementary levels.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major
(upper division)
EDE 382
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum: Mathematics
(.5 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
mathematics instruction at the kindergarten and elementary
levels. (Prereq: EDE 253 or EDS 264)
Major: Required for Elementary Education major
(upper division)
EDE 386
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum: Children's Literature
(.5 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
children's literature at the kindergarten and elementary
levels. (Prereq: EDE 253 or EDS 264)
Major: Required for Elementary Education major
(upper division)
EDE 387
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum: Language Arts
(.5 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
language arts instruction at the kindergarten and elementary
levels. (Prereq: EDE 253 or EDS 264)
Major: Required for Elementary Education major
(upper division)
EDE 388
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum: Health (.25 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
health instruction at the kindergarten and elementary levels.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major
(upper division)
EDE 389
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum: Physical Education
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
physical education instruction at the kindergarten and
elementary levels.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major
(upper division)
EDE 481,
482, 483,
Student Teaching K, K-6, or 1-6
Students must apply to student teach at least three months
prior to date they intend to student teach. A minimum of
three courses (481,482,483) unless otherwise advised by the
department. Observing and facilitating learning at the
kindergarten and elementary levels under the supervision of
college and elementary school personnel. Admission into the
Education Department is required prior to student teaching
placement. Membership in one of the professional teacher
organizations is required. (Prereq: All K-Elementary
coursework satisfactorily completed or permission of
Department for exception.)
Major: Required for Elementary Education major
(upper division)
EDS 264
Orientation to Education in an Urban Setting (-5course)
Investigates various aspects of the teaching profession. Open to
all students. Suggested as one of the first courses to be taken.
Major: Required for Secondary Education major
(upper division)
EDS 350
Reading in the Content Areas (.5 course)
The study and utilization of a variety of techniques and
resources to assist students in teaching reading through the
content areas.
Major: Required for Secondary Education major
(upper division)
EDS 352
Clinical Experience (.5 course)
Students must apply in the Education Department for
Clinical Experience at least 2 months prior to the date they
intend to begin Clinical Experience. Students should enroll
for course approximately half way through the Secondary
course sequence. Includes 70 hours in-school experiences,
seminars. Membership in one of the professional teacher
organizations is required.
Major: Required for Secondary Education major
(upper division)
EDS 353
Creating Learning Environments: Secondary
The study of strategies, methods, and evaluation of teaching
and learning in the contexts of educational, psychological,
sociological and neuroscientific theories.
Major: Required for Secondary Education major
(upper division)
EDS 364
English Methods (1.0 course)
Materials and methods suitable for students in secondary
schools. Emphasis on the preparation of lesson and unit
plans. Some teaching experience in a local high school. The
study of adolescent literature is included. (Prereq: EDS 264
and 353 or consent of instructor.)
Major: Required for Secondary Education English Language
Arts major (upper division)
EDS 366
Foreign Language Methods (.5 course)
Language learning theory. The theory and practice of language
teaching. (Consult with the Foreign Language Department.)
Major: Required for Secondary Education Foreign Language
major (upper division)
EDS 375
Social Studies Methods (.5 course)
Introduction to the teaching of social studies and history in
secondary classrooms. Emphasis on instructional strategies
and curriculum development.
Major: Required for Secondary Education Social Studies
major (upper division)
EDS 388
Human Relations (.5 course)
Emphasis on the study of values, of communication
techniques, and of the major minority groups in Minnesota
for the development of interpersonal relations skills
applicable to teaching and other professional vocations.
Open to all.
Major: Required for all Elementary and Secondary Education
majors (upper division)
EDS 477
School and Society (-5course)
The emphasis in this course is on the school in relation to
society. Current major issues in education will be studied.
Students should enroll as closely as possible to the same
term as their student teaching. (Prerequisite: Introduction to
Education, Creating Learning Environments and Methods in
Subject Area)
Major: Required for Secondary Education major
upper division)
EDS 481,
Student Teaching
Students must apply to student teach through the Education
Department at least three months prior to the date they
intend to begin student teaching. Observing and directing
learning at the secondary level under supervision of college
and secondary school personnel. A minimum of two
courses, except three courses required of Art, Music, Physical
Education majors. Membership in one of the professional
organizations is required. (Prerequisite: ALL Secondary
Education and major coursework successfully completed or
permission of the Department for an exception.)
Major: Required for Secondary Education major
(upper division)
EDS 486
Student Teaching Seminar (.5 course)
Companion course to student teaching. In-depth analysis of
teaching effectiveness and problem solving. A video tape of
classroom teaching will be prepared by each student. Membership is one of the professional teacher organizations is
required. For students who took Creating Learning
Environments as a .5 course. Enroll for this course in same
term as student teaching.
Major: Required for Secondary Education major
(upper division)
ENG 171
Effective Writing
Emphasis is on exposition, including learning research techniques and writing critical reviews. At least one work of literature is assigned. Attention is given to increasing students'
effectiveness in choosing, organizing and developing
topics, thinking critically, and revising for clarity and style.
A Writing Lab is provided for those needing additional
help. The minimum passing grade for this course is 2.0.
Distribution: Required for graduation
ENG 209
Grow Old Along With Me
This course will focus on what poets, dramatists, and
novelists have to say about the aging process. Students will
be expected to interview older people to discover how they
feel society regards the aging.
Distribution: EnglishlSpeech
ENG 223
Writing for Business and the Professions
A practical course designed with emphasis on expository
writing skills for those preparing for business and
professional careers. The writing of reports, letters, and
proposals will be emphasized. Students will be encouraged
to use the material from their own areas of specialization.
(Prereq: ENG 111or equivalent)
Major: Recommended elective for Business Administration
major. Meets writing requirement for Communications
major. An elective for English major.
ENG 225
Intermediate Expository Writing
The development of essays in a variety of rhetorical modes,
which may include identification, definition, classification,
illustration, comparison and contrast, and analysis. Particular
attention will be given to stylistic and organizational matters
through the course's workshop format, in which students'
papers are read and discussed. (Prereq: ENG 111)
Major: Required for English major, meets writing
requirement for Communication major.
ENG 226
Introduction to Creative Writing
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the
process of creative writing and to various genres,
emphasizing poetry and short fiction but including journal
keeping, drama, and creative prose. (Prereq: ENG 111)
Major: Meets writing requirement for Communications
major. An elective for English major.
ENG 227
This is an introductory newswriting course. Emphasis will be
placed on writing for the print media, but students will learn
to write for radio and television as well. Students will
consider: how to recognize news, how to gather and verify
facts, and how to cover basic copy preparation and editing
practices. This includes an introduction to legal and ethical
questions faced by journalists. (Prereq: ENG 111)
Major: Required for Public Relations major, meets writing
requirement for Communications major, an elective for
English major
ENG 2401
The Short Story
The course will involve practice in ways of approaching
literature and will include study of the basic critical
terminology. It is an appropriate course for students who
have not yet studied literature at the college level. Effective
Writing is not a prerequisite but students will be expected to
write with clarity.
Distribution: EnglishlSpeech
Major: An elective for English major
ENG 245
Introduction to Literature
An introduction to the study of fiction, drama, and poetry.
Particular attention will be devoted to developing critical and
analytical skills in reading and writing about literature.
Strongly recommended for English majors and minors.
Distribution: EnglishlSpeech
Major: Strongly recommended for English major
ENG 250
American Literature to 1920
Reading and analysis of some significant works of selected
American writers from colonial times to the emergence of
literary naturalism. Attention is also given to the writer's
contribution to the historical development of American literature.
Distribution: EnglishlSpeech
Major: Meets American literature requirement
ENG 261
Modern Fiction
Significant works of selected prose writers, chiefly European,
of the twentieth century. Some non-western writers will be included.
Distribution: EnglishlSpeech
Major: An elective for English major
ENG 271
European Literature: Homer to Dante
A study of major works of Greek and Roman literature, for
example the epics of Homer and Virgil, the tragedies of
Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides, the comedies of
Aristophanes and Ovid's Metamorphoses. Dante's Inferno
will be studied as a work in which the Christian and the
classical traditions are combined. These works will be
studied with reference to their mythological foundations,
their cultural background, their influence on later literature,
and their enduring relevance.
Distribution: EnglishlSpeech
Major: Meets Western tradition requirement
ENG 272
European Literature: From the Renaissance to the Modern Period
A study of masterpieces of literature, chiefly European, from
the medieval to the modern period, including such authors
as Moliere, Cervantes, Montaigne, Goethe, Dostoyevsky.
Distribution: EnglishlSpeech
Major: Meets Western tradition requirement
ENG 2821 Topics in Literature
Individual courses designed to investigate specific themes,
movements, authors, or works. The subjects selected for
study in any year will be listed in the class schedule for that
year. Recent offerings have included Scandinavian literature,
Twentieth Century Poetry, Comedy, and Women and Fiction.
Distribution: EnglishlSpeech
Major: An elective for English major
ENG 327
Advanced Journalism:Interviewing and Editing
Emphasis is placed first on interviewing and then on
organizing and writing the interview story. The second half
of the course will concentrate on editing the work of others
and learning layout and design. The course will include
workshop sessions during which students conduct
interviews and critique the interview skills of fellow students.
There will also be laboratory sessions devoted to layout and
design. (Prerequisite: ENG 227)
Major: An elective for English and Communications majors
(upper division)
ENG 331
British Literature, Chaucer to the Elizabethans
Chaucer and the medieval milieu will be studied as well as
the development of English poetry and drama in the English
Distribution: EnglishlSpeech
Major: Meets British literature requirement
(upper division)
ENG 336
British Literature, Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
Reading, analysis and discussion of works of selected writers
from the metaphysical poets up to Blake, with attention to
the historical, intellectual, and social influences and the
major literary movements.
Distribution: EnglishlSpeech
Major: Meets British literature requirement
(upper division)
ENG 337
British Literature, the Romantics and the Victorians
A study of major writers of the nineteenth century,
emphasizing Romantic poetry, Victorian poetry, Victorian
prose and two or three novels of the period. Relationships
among these writers and their influence on one another will
be emphasized as well as their relationship to their own age
and their lasting contribution to the forms of poetry and
Distribution: EnglishISpeech
Major: Meets British literature requirement
(upper division)
ENG 351
American Literature Since 1920
A study of some recent and contemporary writers and
literary movements. Attention is given to the dynamics of
American society and its intricate relationship to the
literature. Special emphasis is given to the city as setting and
symbol in modern American literature.
Distribution: EnglishlSpeech, Urban Concerns
Major: Meets American literature requirement
(upper division)
ENG 396
Highlights of British Literature
Works by major British authors such as Chaucer,
Shakespeare, Donne, Swift, Wordsworth, Austen, Dickens,
and Woolf.
Distribution: EnglishlSpeech
Major: Meets British literature requirement
(upper division)
ENG 399
The department offers on-campus internships in teaching
writing or English as a Second Language and various offcampus internships. Interested students should consult the
department chairperson.
(upper division)
ENG 423
Studies in the British Novel
A survey of the development of the novel in England from its
eighteenth century beginnings up to the twentieth century.
Novels studied will be selected from the works of such
authors as Defoe, Richardson, Fielding, Sterne, Austen,
Dickens, Bronte; Thackeray, Eliot, Hardy and Butler.
Attention will be given to the conditions contributing to the
rise of the novel and its emergence by the twentieth century
as the dominant literary form.
Distribution: EnglishlSpeech
Major: Meets British literature requirement
(upper division)
ENG 438
Study of ten or twelve major plays - comedies, histories,
tragedies - with attention to the development of
Shakespeare's dramatic and poetic art. Additional plays
assigned for reading analysis.
Distribution: EnglishlSpeech
Major: Meets British literature requirement
(upper division)
ENG 499
Independent Study
Open to junior or senior English majors with a grade of 3.0 or
consent of department chairperson. Provides directed
independent study in the area of the student's choice.
FRE 111
Beginning French
Designed to introduce the student with no previous
background in French to the language and to French culture.
The pronunciation system and basic sentence structures are
taught to enable understanding and expression on a
rudimentary level.
Distribution: Foreign Language
FRE 112
Beginning French
Continuation of FRE 111.
Distribution: Foreign Language
GER 111
Beginning German
Course 111is for students with no previous background.
Aims at developing basic skills. Classroom practice in
speaking, understanding and reading basic German. Goals:
ability to read extended narratives in simple German,
insights into German culture and participation in short
conversations. Laboratory materials available.
Distribution: Foreign Language
GER 112
Beginning German
Continuation of GER 111.
Distribution: Foreign Language
HIS 103
The Modern World
A study of the main currents in western civilization from the
time of Napoleon to the present.
Distribution: HistorylPhilosophy
HIS 104
The Modern Non-Western World
An introduction to various centers of cultural and political
power in Asia and Africa of the last 200 years.
Distribution: HistorylPhilosophy
HIS 162
20th Century South Asia
This geographic area has produced the largest working
democracy in the world today; it is a startdard example for
population crisis and world hunger illustrations. This course
is designed for the student who has interest but little or no
background in non-western subjects.
Distribution: HistorylPhilosophy
HIS 222
U.S. History Since 1877
An assessment of the century which precedes our modern day.
Distribution: HistorylPhilosophy
HIS 331
A Tale of Twin Cities: MinneapolislSt. Paul 1883-1988
A local history course using the Minneapolis-St. Paul
metropolitan area as a case study for examining large themes
and issues in U.S. urban history. Topics considered include
frontier urbanism, industrialization and economic trends,
transportation, immigration and ethnicity, urban politics and
reform. Field trips included.
Distribution: HistorylPhilosophy (upper division)
HIS 440
Topics in World History
This course will investigate topics in world history which are
not included in regular course offerings. The specific topics to
be offered will be announced prior to registration.
(upper division)
HPE 114
Health and Safety Education (.5 course)
Principles and practices of safety education in school and
community life. Includes information about school health
programs and prevalent health needs and problems of school
age children, and American Red Cross First Aid course.
Major: Required for Elementary and Secondary major
HPE 115
Health and Chemical Dependency Education (.5 course)
An analysis of chemical abuse and what can be done for the
abuser. Includes information about school health programs
and prevalent health needs and problems of school age
Major: Required for Elementary and Secondary major
INS 233
Women: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
This course will examine a variety of issues concerning the
biological, evolutionary and historic origins of women's roles
and status in human society. Emphasis will be placed on the
comparative roles of women in different cultures. This
comparison will include such North American models as the
Pygmies and other tribal groups, and the peasant societies of
eastern Europe, Mexico, and the middle East and rural China.
Distribution: Urban ConcernslWomen's Studies
MAT 103
Basic Mathematics
A self-paced course for students needing a review of
arithmetic and transition to algebra. Topics include integers,
fractions, decimal numbers, ratios, percents, metric system,
exponents, radicals, and evaluation of algebraic expressions.
Counts as one course in semester's load but does not give
credit toward graduation. Admission only by Augsburg
Mathematics Placement Test. Meets weekly. (Prereq:
Placement Group I. PIN grading only.)
MAT 104
Intermediate Algebra
A self-paced course for students needing a review of basic
algebraic skills and concepts. Topics include operations with
polynomials and rational expressions; exponents and
radicals; solving linear and quadratic equations and
inequalities; and graphing of linear and quadratic functions.
Counts as one course in semester's load but does not give
credit toward graduation. Admission only by Augsburg
Mathematics Placement Exam. Meets weekly. (Prereq: Math
Placement Group 11. PIN grading only.)
MAT 114
Elementary Functions
A study of functions: algebraic, exponential, logarithmic, and
trigonometric. For students planning to take 124 or 174.
Students who have completed 124 or 174 may register for
credit only with consent of instructor. Meets weekly. (Prereq:
MAT 104 or Math Placement Group 111)
Distribution: MathlPhysics
Major: Strongly recommended for Business Administration
major prior to taking BUS 279
MAT 122
Calculus for the Social and Behavioral Sciences
Differential and integral calculus of a single variable with
applications to the social and behavioral sciences. Students
who have completed 124 may not register for credit. Meets
weekly. (Prereq: MAT 104 or Placement Group 111)
Distribution: MathlPhysics
MAT 124,
Calculus I, I1
Differential and integral calculus, including calculus of
several variables and series, with applications primarily
from the physical sciences, integrated with topics from
plane and solid analytic geometry. Primarily for students in
mathematics or the sciences. (Prereq: 114 or Placement
Group IV for 124; 124 for 125.)
MAT 131
Math for the Liberal Arts
An examination of the interaction between the development
of mathematics and that of civilization. Primarily for students
not intending further mathematics. (Prereq: MAT 104 or
Placement Group 111)
Distribution: MathlPhysics
MAT 171
Discrete Mathematics
Topics in discrete mathematics such as sets and logic,
combinatorics, probability, relations and functions, vectors
and matrices, boolean algebra, and graph theory. (Prereq:
114 or 121 or Placement Group IV.)
Major: Required for MIS major
MUS 130
Introduction to Music in the Fine Arts
Relationship between music of each period and the other
fine arts. For non-music majors.
Distribution: ArtlMusic
NOR 111
Beginning Norwegian
Introduction of the four basic language skills: speaking,
listening, reading and writing. Stress on spoken rather than
literary Norwegian. Laboratory work expected.
Distribution: Foreign Language
NOR 112
Beginning Norwegian
Continuation of NOR 111.
Distribution: Foreign Language
NUR 305
Contemporary Nursing I: Communication
A transitional course that introduces the components of the
professional role and begins the professional socialization
process. A communicative process is emphasized as one
means by which the nurse-client relationship is negotiated.
Interactive and group theories are explored for their
applicability to changing professional roles and practice.
(Prereq. or concurrent enrollment: PSY 355)
Major: Required for nursing major (upper division)
NUR 306
Contemporary Nursing 11: Paradigms in Nursing
An introduction to theories and conceptual thinking in the
process of professional development. The function of theory
in guiding nursing practice is emphasized. Selected nursing
conceptual models are studied and their application to
practice is examined using the nursing process format.
(Prereq: NUR 305)
Major: Required for nursing major (upper division)
NUR 310
Community Health Nursing I
This course focuses on community health delivery systems
and the practice of nursing within them. Concepts of health
are examined as they apply to current community health
problems and issues. Clinical application of course content
will involve making a health related assessment and
exploring a community health issue. Ethical issues related to
community health decision making with aggregate groups
are explored. (Prereq: NUR 330)
Major: Required for nursing major (upper division)
NUR 311
Community Health Nursing 11: Practicum**
This course provides a basis for understanding community
characteristics and cultural diversity related to health care.
The nurse's role as a generalist and as a member of the
health team is explored. This course is primarily a clinical
course. The student will demonstrate knowledge of
community health concepts in providing care to a selected
caseload of clients. (Prereq: NUR 310)
Major: Required for nursing major (upper division)
**Thiscourse involves an additional clinical fee.
NUR 330
Trends and Issues in Nursing
This course is designed to investigate the current
responsibilities of the professional nurse. Contemporary
economic, social, political and professional trends and
issues are explored in relation to their implications for
nursing practice. (Prereq: NUR 306, REL 483 or PHI 380, or
concurrent enrollment)
Major: Required for nursing major (upper division)
NUR 350
Introduction to Nursing Research
The research process and methods appropriate to nursing
are the focus of this course. Issues of ethics in nursing
research are explored. Students critique nursing research
for its applicability to nursing practice. (Prereq: NUR 330,
may be taken concurrently with NUR 310)
Major: Required for nursing major (upper division)
NUR 403
Contemporary Nursing 111: Families
This course provides a theoretical basis for family nursing
care. Content includes family as a primary group and family
dynamics in light of situational and developmental events.
Consideration is given to the role of the nurse in family
health care. (Prereq: NUR 311, NUR 350, may be taken prior
or concurrently with NUR 423)
Major: Required for nursing major (upper division)
NUR 404
Contemporary Nursing IV: Leadership and Management
This course provides a theoretical basis for leadership and
management as emerging professional nurse roles.
Concepts of change, conflict, communication, and system
dynamics are explored. Ethics, accountability and advocacy
provide the basis for role development and professionalism.
(Prereq: 403)
Major: Required for nursing major (upper division)
NUR 423
Practicum in Nursing I: Nursing of the Family**
A clinical practicum offering the student an opportunity to
apply content from 403 in providing complex nursing care
to families in a selected practice setting. (Prereq: NUR 403 or
concurrent enrollment)
Major: Required for nursing major (upper division)
**This course involves an additional clinical fee
NUR 427
Practicum in Nursing 11: Leadership and Managementx*
This clinical practicum utilizes knowledge and skills from
404. Opportunity is provided to apply leadership and
management theory in a selected agency setting. (Prereq:
NUR 404 or concurrent enrollment)
Major: Required for nursing major (upper division)
**Thiscourse involves an additional clinical fee
NUR 432
Topics in Nursing
A course designed to provide in-depth exploration of
selected topics in nursing. The subjects studied will vary
depending upon the needs and interests of the faculty and
students. (Prereq: Senior standing or consent of instructor.
O n demand.)
NUR 499
Independent Study
This learning experience provides the opportunity for the
student to study a selected topic or issue in depth. Students
consult with faculty and submit written study proposals,
objectives, and methods of evaluation prior to registration.
PHI 110
Introduction to Philosophy: Ideas and Method
Though each person has his or her own set of ideas and
beliefs, rarely have they been critically analyzed or
evaluated for their consistency, adequacy or truth. One
reason for this is that individuals lack the needed skills.
Another is that they may have had little opportunity to
examine critically some of the ideas basic to western culture.
The purpose of this course is to provide the student with
some experience in examining ideas, and thereby to
sharpen the critical and analytical skills required to evaluate
and construct a system of ideas and beliefs.
Distribution: HistorylPhilosophy
PHI 120
Sometimes you say that a certain action is right or condemn
it as wrong. Why do you think it is right? Because you like
it? Are there better reasons for thinking something right or
wrong? This course takes a long, hard look at possible
grounds for making moral decisions, and at the moral
judgements about personal and social issues resulting
from them.
Distribution: HistorylPhilosophy
Major: Recommended elective in Business Administration
PHI 130
Suppose someone gives you reasons, and then says you
must accept a particular conclusion. Must you? When does
a conclusion validly follow from premises? Here we
examine the rules which govern valid arguments and work
to develop your ability to recognize and construct sound
Distribution: HistorylPhilosophy
Major: Required supporting course for Communication
PHI 380
Ethics of Medicine and Health Care
Application of ethical principles to problems which arise in
the areas of health care and delivery, human
experimentation, human engineering, abortion, care for the
dying and euthanasia.
Distribution: HistorylPhilosophy
Major: PHI 380 or REL 483 required for Nursing major
(upper division)
PHY 101
A descriptive course covering our solar system, stars and
galaxies that requires elementary algebra. The necessary
optical instruments are explained and use is made of a
12-inch reflecting telescope, and eight-inch Celestron, and a
3-inch Questar. Occasional night viewing. (Prereq: Math
Placement Group 11)
Distribution: MathlPhysics
PHY 103
Physics for the Life Sciences
An introductory course in which the applications, problems
and experiments are selected not only to illustrate
fundamental principles, but also to demonstrate the
relevance of physics to the life sciences. The course is
designed to serve students in biology, psychology, physical
education (therapy programs), medical technology and
other health science programs. The course is also a very
suitable elective or distribution requirement for the liberal
arts student. (Prereq: Math Placement Group 111)
Distribution: MathlPhysics
PHY 106
Introductory Meteorology
A study of the science of meteorology which will provide a
working knowledge of the principles of atmospheric
science. Attention will be given to four basic areas:
observing the weather (including state of the art
instrumentation), understanding weather patterns,
forecasting weather changes and understanding the world's
climate. (Prereq: Math Placement Group 11)
Distribution: MathlPhysics
PHY 111
Physics, Computers, and Society
A study of the historical development of selected topics in
physical science. Attention willbe given to the interaction of
physics and its associated technology with philosophy,
religion, and culture. Study of mechanics, electricity, and
digital electronics will lead-up to discussion of the meaning
oftwentieth century physicsBnd of the role of electronics
and computers in modern society. Microcomputers will be
used extensively in the laboratory. (Prereq: Math Placement
Group 11)
Distribution: MathlPhysics
POL 158
Political Patterns and Processes
An analysis of basic patterns in the political system and
decision making process with some comparison of major
political systems and discussion of contemporary issues.
Distribution: Urban Concerns
POL 160
World Politics
Introduction to the processes of international politics,
including the dynamics of the international system, theories
of international relations, and a focus on recent problems.
Distribution: EconomicslPolitical Science
POL 170
Law in the United States
A survey of American law and legal process. Theories of
law; law and society; roles of courts, police, lawyers, and
juries; the United States Constitution as "supreme" law;
law as politics; historic and contemporary legal issues.
Distribution: EconomicslPolitical Science
POLISPC Mass Communications in Society
Effects of mass communications on individual behavior; the
uses and control of mass media for political and social
purposes including a study of censorship, newsmaking,
entertainment and public affairs programming.
Distribution: Urban Concerns or EconomicslPolitical Science
Major: Required for the Communication major
(upper division)
POLISPC Topics in American Politics: Uses of Mass Communications
This course offers advanced study in mass communications.
Topics include "Comparison of World Wide Media Systems,"
"The Role of Government Regulations and Law in Shaping
American Mass Media," "The Impact of Media on American
Society, Politics, and Culture." (It is desirable to have taken
342, Mass Communications. If not, talk with instructor
before registration.)
(upper division)
PSY 105
General Psychology
An introduction to the methods and approaches used in
psychology for the purpose of understanding behavior. The
structure of the field of psychology, including its major subareas, is emphasized.
Distribution: PsychologylSociology
Major: Required supporting course for the Communication
majors and Social Work major, a prerequisite for advanced
courses in psychology.
PSY 355
Brain and Behavior
A survey of the functions of the nervous system which are
responsible for behavior in animals and human beings.
Major topics include: sleep and wakefulness, motivation and
emotion, learning and memory and mental disorders.
(Prereq: PSY 105 and one course in biology)
Major: Required prerequisite course for nursing major
(upper division)
PSY 356
Environment and Behavior
A study of the influence which the environment, both
natural and man-made, has on behavior. Major topics
include: overcrowding and environmental stress,
territoriality, defensible space and crime, and built
environments such as rooms, buildings and cities.
(Prereq: PSY 105)
Major: Urban Concerns (upper division)
PSY 373
Organizational Psychology
Theoretical conceptualizations of organizational behavior.
Factors and practices such as management styles, evaluation
and maintenance of work effectiveness, and social
influences. (Prereq: PSY 105)
Major: Required course for Business Management major and
elective for three Communications majors (upper division)
PSY 485
Counseling Psychology
Principles, methods, and attitudes involved in the counseling
process. Consideration given to goals and ethical guidelines
for a counseling relationship. (Students with 2 or more
completed courses in Psychology will have priority in
registration. Others may be accepted if space is available
AND if they receive consent of the instructor.)
Major: Elective in the Human Relations major (upper division)
REL 111
Introduction to Theology
Ail introduction to the academic discipline of theology and to
the dialogue between the church and the world which
concerns Christian doctrine.
Distribution: Religion
REL 215
Archaeology and the Bible
Discussion of archaeological method, problems in biblical
archaeology, and review of some current findings.
Distribution: Religion
REL 221
Biblical Studies
The origin, literary character, and transmission of the biblical
documents. The task of biblical interpretation. The history of
Israel and the emergence of the church.
Distribution: Religion
REL 263
World Justice and Hunger: Developing a New World View
The course will survey the most recent reports and analysis
of the current holocaust of global hunger including the root
causes, the interconnectedness of other issues, the biblical
mandate and the role of justice education. Attitudes toward
poverty and wealth, justice and charity, oppression and
liberation will be discussed. The purpose will be to build
greater global awareness, become sensitized to ethical
choices, energize us for action and responsible living, and
explore pedagogical principles for social justice.
Distribution: Religion
REL 353
Denominations and Religious Groups in America
A study of the beliefs and worship practices of the major
denominations and religious groups. Some contemporary
cultic movements will also be considered.
Distribution: Religion (upper division)
REL 356
History of Religions
An introductory survey of some of the major living religions
of the world, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism,
Taoism, Shinto and Islam. Lectures plus some discussion
of primary documents from these religious communities.
Distribution: Religion (upper division)
REL 360
Religion and Society
An examination of the interaction of religion and society in
terms of sociological analysis with particular emphasis on
contemporary sociological research on religious movements
in American society.
Distribution: Religion (upper division)
REL 363
Religion in America
A study of the development of religion in America. Special
attention to the rise of religious liberty, revivalism,
denominations and the responses of religion to the
challenges of its environing culture.
Distribution: Religion (upper division)
REL 445
The Bible, Language and Interpretation
A study of the use and function of language in the Bible.
The importance of recognizing the varied character of
language for understanding the biblical text.
Distribution: Religion (upper division)
REL 475
A survey of the history of Judaism from the end of the Old
Testament period to modern times, with emphasis placed
upon the religious development. A special interest in such
modern Jewish thinkers as Buber and Heschel. The Jewish
Chataqua Society annually makes a grant to Augsburg
College in partial support of this course in Judaism offered in
the religion department.
Distribution: Religion (upper division)
REL 481
Contemporary Theology
An introduction to some representative trends in Christian
theological thought today, as seen from the systematic
perspective, in the light of the continuing theological task of
the Christian Church.
Distribution: Religion (upper division)
REL 483
Christian Ethics
The basis of Christian social responsibility, in terms of
theological and sociological dynamics. Emphasis on
developing a constructive perspective for critical reflection
upon moral action.
Distribution: Religion (upper division)
Major: REL 483 or PHI 380 required for nursing major
REL 486
Psychology of Religion and Theology
A study of current psychological views of religion in the
context of the traditional Christian view of human nature.
Special attention will be given to the classics in the field by
Freud, Jung, Vikta Frankl, Ernest Becker, and to those
Christian theologians who have been influenced by them.
Distribution: Religion (upper division)
SOC 121
Principles of Sociology
Sociology as a mode of analysis or way of knowing. Its
application to an understanding of basic aspects of society;
socialization, family life, social inequalities, large-scale
institutions, etc. Sociology as an academic discipline and
Distribution: Sociology
Major: Required supporting course for Communication
major and Social Work major
SOC 231
Sociology of the Family
An examination of the family as a social institution. The
relationship of the family to its institutional and cultural
context, from a sociological perspective.
Major: Required supporting course in Social Work major and
an elective in the Human Relations major
SOC 265
Racial and Minority Group Relations
The dimensions of racial and minority group relations. Major
attention is focused upon prejudice, racism, and the role of
self-understanding. (PIN grading only)
Distribution: Minority Studies
Major: Required supporting course for Social Work major
and elective supporting course in the Business Management
SOC 336
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
The concept of culture examined in anthropology and in the
way we see and live in the world. An analysis of basic
assumptions underlying the ideas of "primitive," "civilized,"
and "progress." The person's relation to culture. An analysis
of selected aspects of Western culture. (Prereq: SOC 121 or
consent of instructor)
Major: An alternative in the core of the Communication
major, recommended elective in Business Management
major (upper division)
SOC 349
Complex Organizations
There is little in contemporary American life that is not
somehow affected by organizations. This course
sociologically examines (both theoretically and empirically)
how organizations survive as entities and what life is like for
people within those organizations. Through lecture,
discussion, guest speakers, and participation we will explore
the topics of organizational goals, technology, structure and
process; as well as corporate and white collar deviance,
gender issues, and organizational change. (Prereq: Soc 121 or
permission of instructor)
Major: Recommended elective in Human Relations, Public
RelationslAdvertising, and Supervisory Management majors
(upper division)
SOC 365
Quantitative Methods and Program Evaluation
Overview of commonly-used research methods, especially
experimental designs and applications to program
evaluations. Consumer overview of methods of organizing,
comparing and interpreting quantitative information. Use of
data-processing equipment for statistical analysis. Designed
for social work majors. Not to be taken by sociology majors.
(Prereq: Level I11 Math Placement Test.)
Major: Required in Social Work major
SOC 375
Social Psychology
An examination of the idea of "group," its relationships to
individual behavior and society. An analysis of the ideas of
"self" and "identity" and what part they play in
understanding interpersonal relations and human behavior.
A sociological view of mental health. A look at the major
assumptions and processes underlying our everyday life - a
look at the trivial, the ordinary and the taken-for-granted.
"Symbolic interaction," an important orientation in social
psychology, will be used as a way of dealing with the major
issues in the course. (Prereq: SOC 121)
Major: Required supporting course for Communication
major and Social Work major, elective supporting course for
Business Management major (upper division)
SPA 111
Beginning Spanish
Aims to develop the four basic skills: understanding,
speaking, reading and writing of elementary Spanish.
Introduction to culture of Spanish- speaking world.
Laboratory work is an integral part of the course.
Distribution: Foreign Language
SPA 112
Beginning Spanish
Continuation of SPA 111.
Distribution: Foreign Language
SPC 1111
Public Speaking
Theory and practice of effective speaking and critical
listening. Students have the opportunity to give several
speeches and receive feedback about their performance from
the class and the instructor. The course focuses on such
topics as developing self-confidence, speech preparation and
organization, audience analysis and adaptation, effective
delivery, style and language, and critical thinking and
Major: Required supporting course for Communication
major, elective supporting course in Business Management
SPC 222
Introduction to Theatre
A survey of dramatic art including dramatic structure,
principles, and values with a focus on major historical
periods, plays, and artists. This class will discuss the basic
concepts of the play production process.
Major: EnglishlSpeech
SPC 224
Publication Design
See ART 224.
SPC 329
Intercultural Communication
This course will explore both the problems and the potential
of communication between persons of different cultural
groups. Factors such as ethnocentrism, stereotyping,
prejudice, role expectations, values, and non-verbal symbols
will be examined in this course.
Major: Recommended supporting course in Human
Relations major (upper division)
SPCIPOL Mass Communications in Society
(See course description under POLISPC 342)
SPC 345
Organizational Communication
An examination of the dynamics of communication in
organizational settings. Focuses on topics such as superiorsubordinate relationships, formal and informal
communication networks, management styles, power and
authority, motivation of employees, organizational culture,
performance appraisal, effective use of meetings, and
sources of communication problems in the workplace.
Designed to enhance communication skills of both managers
and subordinates. Students both investigate the literature on
organizational communication and attempt to apply it to
their own experiences in organizations.
Major: Elective for 3 of the Communication majors
(upper division)
SPC 351
Application of standards for sound evidence and reasoning
in public speaking, discussion, and debates. Key objectives
include increasing skill in analyzing argumentative claims,
being able to distinguish between strong and weak
arguments, understanding test for evidence and fallacies in
reasoning, and learning to apply principles of argumentation
to contemporary public issues. Students have the
opportunity to enhance their skills in debate and discussion
and also learn to analyze and critique arguments they
encounter in their daily lives. (Prereq: SPC 111or consent of
Major: This course or SPC 352 is required for the
Communication core (upper division)
SPC 352
Theory of how people are influenced to change attitudes and
behavior. The course deals with a broad range of topics,
including obstacles to persuasion, cultural dimensions of
persuasion; the use of logical and psychological appeals,
empirical research in persuasion; how persuasion is used in
politics, sales, advertising, and interpersonal contexts; the
nature of mass movements and campaigns; the impact of the
mass media on persuasion; and ethical issues related to
persuasion. Students analyze persuasive messages in
contemporary society, with practical work in speech and
promotional projects. (Prereq: SPC 111 or consent of
Major: This course or SPC 351 is required for the
Communication core, elective supporting course in
Marketing major (upper division)
SPC 354
Interpersonal Communication
A study of the dynamics of human interaction through
verbal and non-verbal messages; emphasis on factors that
build relationships and help to overcome communication
barriers. This course combines theory and practice to help
the student understand and manage communication
problems more effectively.
Major: Required for Communication core, elective
supporting course in Business Management major
(upper division)
SPC 355
Small Group Communication
A study of group dynamics and leadership with emphasis
on factors related to decision-making, styles of leadership
and conflict management. This course combines lecture with
practical experience to help the student become a more
effective and productive member of a small, task-oriented
group. (Prereq: SPC 354)
Major: Recommended for supporting course in the
Business Management, Human Relations and Supervisory
Management majors (upper division)
SPC 360
Interpretive Reading
Basic principles of oral interpretation of literature. Study,
understanding and practice in reading prose, poetry and
drama before small and large groups.
Distribution: EnglishlSpeech (upper division)
SPCIPOL Uses of Mass Communications: Advanced Topics
(See course description under POLISPC 421)
SPC 480
Public RelationslPromotiona1 Communication
Public Relations in the modern world of communication,
marketing and business. An overview of public relations as a
career and a survey of basic promotional communication in
profit and non-profit organizations.
Major: Elective in all Communication majors (upper division)
SWK 257
Exploring Human Services
With faculty approval, student selects a placement for 80
hours per term as a volunteer in a social agency or
institution. Opportunity to know human service
professionals, minority professionals, social service delivery
systems, and career aspects of the helping vocations.
Independent study with a term paper report and weekly
review conferences. Career exploration: open to all students.
Major: Required in the Social Work major
SWK 260
Humans Developing
This course provides the knowledge basic to an
understanding of human growth through the life cycle, and
of the interplay of sociocultural, biological, and psychological
factors which influence the growth of individuals and
families in contemporary American soceity. Emphasized is
the role of the "nurturing environment" in relation to human
growth, the impact of the "sustaining environment" factors,
and other special stresses relevant to growth. Growth related
to populations and groups which represent ethnic andlor
life-style diversity is also a focus. Students will gain selfunderstanding through use of their own experiences. Open
to all students.
Major: Required in the Social Work major and Elementary
Education Licensure.
SWK 361
Social Responses to Human Needs
This course describes the historical and contemporary
systems of human service and diversity of professionals and
client groups. The major assumptions and social movements
which have contributed to the charitable and governmental
responses to human needs will be emphasized. Guest
speakers and agency visits highlight the course. (Prereq:
Junior or consent of instructor)
Major: Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
SWK 363
Methods and Skills of Social Work
Basic features of the helping process; theoretical foundations,
principles and techniques of social work interventive methods,
and practical experience necessary for social work practice with
individuals and small groups with a diversity of professionals
and client groups; development of the student's repertoire
of relationship building skills. (Prereq: SWK 361, Junior)
Major: Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
SWK 364
Field Work I
Beginning supervised professional experience in a social
work agency focusing on interviewing experience and
relationship building. Ten hours per week, plus one small
group supportiveldiscussion seminar per week. (Prereq:
SWK 361, Junior, concurrent with SWK 363)
Major: Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
SWK 461
Advanced Methods and Skills
Enlargement and refinement of practice skills recognizing
adaptations of the problem-solving model to diverse
populations through lecture, classroom exercise and regular
class work. Enlargement of social group work skills, emphasis
on development of generalist practice skills and eclectic and client
approaches with a focus on diversity of professionals populations.
Lectures andlor laboratory exercises each week.
(Prereq: 2.0 in SWK 363 and 364, candidacy status.
Concurrent with SWK 462.)
Major: Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
SWK 462
Field Work I1
Progressively responsible supervised professional and social
work experience including work with individuals, families,
groups andlor communities in a social service agency. Ten
hours per week, plus one supportiveldiscussion seminar per
week. (Prereq: concurrent with SWK 461, candidacy status)
Major: Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
SWK 463
Community Development and Organization
Locality development and social change through community
organization, social planning, and social action. Emphasis
on: 1) survey of historical forms of community organization
and social change, 2) understanding the theories,-basic issues
and strategies relevant to social protest and change,
3) examination of the role of staff, and of the functions and
interrelationships of community organizations, and
4) knowledge of and actual practicein the essential principles
and techniques of organizing. Open to all students.
(Prereq: Senior or consent of instructor)
Distribution: Urban Concerns
Major: Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
SWK 465
Social Policy: Analysis and Development
Includes the study of theories of Social Policy formulation
and methods of analysis associated with needs and services,
and analysis of the impact of policy on social work practice.
Development and implementation will be viewed first hand
through work with an elected public policy maker. Readings
and analytical paper integrate class concepts with practical
(Prereq: SWK 361, 463 and senior or consent of instructor)
Major: Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
SWK 466
Field Work I11
Continuation of SWK 462. (Prereq: candidacy status, 2.0 in
SWK 461,462,463)
Major: Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
SWK 467
The Social Worker as a Professional
Ethical practice, bureaucratic survival, professional job
attainment, affirmative action and sexual harrassment issues,
personnel policies and practices, organizational theory, and
resource development will be studied in the course. The field
work practice becomes the laboratory for class exercises.
(Prereq: Candidacy status, 2.0 in SWK 461,462,463)
SWK 469
Field Work IV
Continuation of 466. (Prereq: candidacy status, 2.0 in SWK
466, concurrent with SWK 467)
Major: Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
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dmissions and
Financial Information
Admissions Requirements and Procedures
Who May Apply
Men or women who have:
1. Graduated from high school or have earned a G.E.D. Certificate.
2. Demonstrated academic ability with satisfactory performance in high
school or previous college work.
Admissions Process
1. Complete the application form and return it along with $15.00 to the
Augsburg Weekend College Office.
2. Have official transcripts from all previously attended post-secondary
institutions sent directly to the Augsburg Weekend College Office.
Applicants with less than one year of previous college work should
include their high school transcripts or G.E.D. Certificates.
3. The Augsburg Weekend College Admissions Committee will review
the application materials and notify students regarding acceptance
and registration procedures. The Admissions Committee may request
that the student submit a personal statement or have a personal
interview with a Weekend College facultylstaff member or submit
letters of recommendation to the Committee.
4. Students who are transferring previous college work to the Weekend
College program will be informed with their acceptance notification as
to the number of courses and degree requirements that remain to be
completed for the bachelor's degree.
5. Students who wish to apply for financial aid should refer to that
section of this bulletin.
Application Deadlines
Fall Trimester 1989 - August 21, 1989
Winter Trimester 1990 - November 27 1989
Spring Trimester 1990 - March 5, 1990
Financial Aid
Company Tuition Assistance Programs
Many companies, agencies, and corporations offer full or partial tuition
assistance to employees who participate in work-related or degreeoriented college programs. Augsburg provides a payment plan by which
employees may handle tuition reimbursement.
Grants and Scholarships
Generally, the scholarships and grants are limited to students enrolled in
programs leading to the student's first undergraduate degree.
Pel1 Grant
This is a federal aid program, based on need, that is available to students
who take at least one course in Weekend College. Awards range from
$250-2200 per year.
Minnesota Part-time Student Grant Program
The State of Minnesota provides an aid program, based on need, for state
residents who take one course at Augsburg.
Minnesota State Scholarship and Grant Program
The Minnesota State Scholarship and Grant Program is available to
Minnesota residents, attending at least half-time per term, based on
financial need. Awards ranged from $100 to $3293 for 1988-89.
Bureau of Indian Affairs, Tribal and State Indian Scholarships
American Indian students who meet federal and state requirements may
apply for these scholarships. Indian grants supplement all other sources
of financial aid. For assistance in application please contact Augsburg's
American Indian Support Program Director at 330-1138 or your tribal agency.
Augsburg Tuition Grant
Augsburg College may provide grants and scholarships to Weekend
College students who show academic potential and have financial need.
Loan Assistance
Perkins Student Loan - Joint Augsburg College-federally funded
program administered through the College for students who
demonstrate financial eligibility. No interest accrues nor do payments
have to be made on the principal at any time you are enrolled at least
half-time. Simple interest of 5% and repayment of the principal (at the
minimum of $30 a month) begin six months after you leave school (nine
months for new borrowers after 7-1-87). Repayment may extend up to 10
years. The maximum which may be borrowed for undergraduate study
is $9000.
Stafford Student Loan - (formerly the Guaranteed Student Loan)
Loan funds are obtained directly from a local lender or state agency in
states which provide such programs. While the student is attending at
least half-time, there is no interest charge. Simple annual interest of 8%
on the loan balance and repayment of the principal begin six months
after you leave school. Repayment may extend up to 10 years. The
maximum loan is $2625 for the first two years and $4000 for the
remaining years of undergraduate study with the cumulative
undergraduate maximum of $17250. Applications are available at the
College and some banks.
SLS (Supplemental Loans for Students) - A Federal loan program.
Independent students may borrow up to $4000 per year to a maximum
of $20,000 and must be enrolled at least half-time. Variable interest rate is
set annually with a cap of 12%; payment usually begins within 60 days
after disbursement. Students must apply for financial aid.
S E L F (Student Educational Loan Fund) - A Minnesota State Loan
Program. Students may borrow up to $4,000 per year ($16,000
cumulative) as an undergraduate with a $25,000 maximum for graduate
students. ($1,000 minimum). Interest rate is variable, paid by the
borrower quarterly while in school. Principal and interest begin 12
months after leaving school. Students must apply for financial aid and
be enrolled at least half-time.
To Apply for Financial Aid
1) Complete the Application for Admission and indicate your desire to
also apply for financial aid.
2) The Financial Aid Office will send you the necessary application and
financial statement form (or you may pick them up the Financial
Aid Office, 152 Science Hall or the Weekend College Office).
3) All students transferring from any post secondary institution must
have a Financial Aid Transcript on file with Augsburg from each
previously attended institution even if you did not receive aid.
4) Complete and return the financial aid forms by the deadlines
5) Accept the financial aid offered, in whole or in part, within the
deadline stated.
Fees and Payment Schedule
Application Fee (pavable once, non-refundable)
Tuition (per trimester course)
(one course 6 quarter credits or 4 semester credits)
Tuition (per summer course)
(tuition charge for 1989 summer terms)
Activity Fee (per trimester)
Audit a Course
Lifetime Sports:
Fee for course
Fee for Assessment of Previous Learnine
Nursing Clinical Fee
Education Clinical & Field Experience Fee
Late Fee $50.00 per day (Five working days after Registration are allowed
to complete late registrations)
Charged to any student registering after the scheduled registration date.
Late registration includes incomplete registration as defined:
a,) Unsigned Registration Form b.) Unapproved Payment Plan
Registration change after first class meeting
(cancelladdlchange grade option, or combination at one time)
Transcript Fee (per copy after first, which is free)
Finance Charge: A finance charge is applied at a simple rate of 1% per
month on anv account with an oven balance of 30 davs or more.
Tuition is set on an annual basis payable in 3 equal installments at the
beginning of each Trimester. Registration is permitted only if the
student's account for a previous term is paid in full as agreed. Augsburg
College will not release diplomas or academic transcripts until all student
accounts are paid in full. This also applies for student loan funds
administered by the College (Perkins Student Loan). They must be
current according to established repayment schedules.
Augsburg Offers the Following Payment Options:
1) Trimester payments in full on day of Registration.
2) Payment Plan - Upon application and after College approval, a
3-payment plan is available each trimester. Payment plans will be
approved only if previous plans have been adhered to.*
3) Company Reimbursement - Full courses, or equivalent, which are
company reimbursed require a deposit of $100 per course reimbursed,
with full payment due within 45 days from the end of the term.
*A non-sufficient fund check used for payment at registration will declare
that registration invalid and could affect further credit extended by the
Refund Schedule
A per course tuition refund will be made on the following basis:
(Students are responsible for cancelling courses with the Registrar's
Office in order to be eligible for the tuition refund.)
Prior to the first scheduled class meeting - 100%
(less a $75 Administrative Fee if withdrawing from current term entirely)
Prior to the second scheduled class meeting - 80%
Prior to the third scheduled class meeting - 60%
No refund after the third scheduled class meeting.
The refund schedule is effective whether or not a student has attended
classes. All refunds of charges will be applied to the account of the
student and all adjustments for aid, loans, fines, and deposits, etc. will be
made before eligibility for a cash refund of any resulting credit balance is
determined. Please allow two weeks for a refund.
F a r m
bout Augsburg College
Augsburg College was founded in 1869 in Marshall, Wisconsin and
moved to Minneapolis in 1872. The name Augsburg College and
Seminary changed in 1963 when the Lutheran Free Church merged with
The American Lutheran Church.
Augsburg's 23 acre campus is in the heart of the Twin Cities metropolitan
area, only blocks from downtown Minneapolis and the intersection of
Interstate Highways 94 and 35W. Adjacent to the campus are Fairview and
St. Mary's hospitals, the West Bank campus of the University of
Minnesota and the Mississippi River parkways.
Skyways, tunnels and elevators provide accessible connection between 10
of the 15 major buildings - student housing towers, College Center, main
academic and administrative halls, the Library, Music building and Foss
Center for Worship, Drama and Communication.
We have made a major effort to become one of the most accessible
campuses in the region. Our skyway-tunnel system lets you reach any of
10 major buildings without going outside. In addition to building
changes, we have a student-run program to increase awareness and
provide extra help for students with disabilities.
Church Affiliation
Augsburg is a college of The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Ainerica.
About 51% of the students are Lutheran, 15% other Protestant and 15%
Roman Catholic. Several other affiliations are represented among
students and faculty.
Non-Discrimination Policy
Augsburg College does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed,
national or ethnic origin, age, marital status, sex or handicap as required
by Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments or Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended in its admission policies,
educational programs, activities, and employment practices.
Augsburg College
1. Admissions
2. George Sverdrup Library
3. Science Hall
4. Old Main
5. West Hall
6. Mortensen Tower
7. Urness Tower
8. College Center
9. Sverdrup-Oftedal Memorial Hall
10. Music Hall
11.2222 Murphy Square
(Weekend College Office)
12. Melby Hall
13. Ice Arena
14. Stage I1 Theatre
15. Center for Global Education
16. Scandinavian Center
17. Foss, Lobeck, Miles Center for Worship,
Drama and Communication
18. Youth and Family Ministry
A. Admissions Parking
B. Student Parking
C. Visitor Parking
D. The Quad
E. FacultylStaff Parking
F. Murphy Square
G. Anderson-Nelson Athletic Field
H. Fairview-St. Mary's Parking Ramp
I. Husby-Strommen Tennis Courts
Accessible Entrance
ampus Location
To Find Augsburg
From Minneapolis
Interstate 94 east to 25th Avenue exit, left to Riverside Avenue, left to 21st
Avenue South, left at Augsburg sign.
From St. Paul
Interstate 94 west to Riverside exit, right on Riverside Avenue to 21st
Avenue South, left at Augsburg sign.
All posted Augsburg College parking lots are free and open for
student use from 4:30 pm Friday through Sunday evening. Lots are
located on 7th Street between 21st and 22nd Avenues and south of 8th
Street on 21st Avenue. Most street parking is 2 hour parking, seven days a
week. Additional parking is available in the St. Mary's Hospital ramp, or
U of M parking lots on the north side of Riverside Avenue.
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Augsburg Weekend College Catalog, 1988-1989
Course Catalogs
Search Result
ugsburg Weekend College
1988-1989 Calendar
Application Deadline
New Student Orientation
Classes begin
Last day to register
andlor drop class
without record notation
Last day to designate
grade option
Last day to withdraw
from class
Classes end
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ugsburg Weekend College
1988-1989 Calendar
Application Deadline
New Student Orientation
Classes begin
Last day to register
andlor drop class
without record notation
Last day to designate
grade option
Last day to withdraw
from class
Classes end
Final exams
Final grades due
Classes meet
1988 Fall
Aug 15
1989 Winter
Nov 28
1989 Spring
Mar 6
May 21
Nov 20
Mar 12
June 4
Dec 4
Mar 19
June 18
Dec 9-11
Mar 31April 2
June 23-25
*Classes in Spring Trimester will be four hours in length instead of three
and one half hours. See page 28 for exact times.
Most Weekend College classes meet seven times during a trimester. It is
expected that students attend every class. If a student needs to miss one
class period, the instructor should be contacted.
Frequently Called Telephone Numbers
Weekend College Office .................................
Director, Rick Thoni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-1640
Operations, Laurel Orthmeyer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .330-1740
Admissions, Sylvia Stasuikonis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-1792
Data Entry, Robin Sanderson ............................. 330-1786
Secretary, Kristi Anderson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,330-1782
Other Campus Numbers:
Bookstore, College Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,330-1122
Business Office, Science Hall
Cashier: 8:30-11:OO a.m., 1:30-3:00 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -330-1028
Billing: 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,330-1790
Education Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..330-1130
Financial Aid Office, Science Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-1046
Counseling and Career Planning, Memorial Hall. . . . . . . . . . . . ,330-1162
Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .330-1017
Nursing Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .330-1209
Registrar (Transcripts, Grades) Science Hall ................ .330-1036
General Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .330-1000
Weekend College Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. (evening hours by appointment)
Office Hours on Class Weekends:
Friday - 5:30 p.m.-6:15 p.m. - Old Main 18
Saturday - 8:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m. - Old Main 18 or WEC office
Sunday -- 2 3 0 p.m.-1:30 p.m. -Old Main 18
Weekend College Office Location:
The Weekend College Office is 2222 Murphy Square, located on the
corner of 23rd Avenue and 7% Street on the Augsburg College
Campus (number 11on the map found on page 7l).
This bulletin is a supplement to the Augsburg College Catalog and is
published for the convenience of Augsburg Weekend College students.
Weekend College is a program of Augsburg College and is subject to the
policies and provisions as stated in the Augsburg College Catalog.
able of Contents
ACADEMIC CALENDAR FOR 1988-1989 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
.................. 2
GENERALINFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Introduction to Augsburg Weekend College ....................... 4
Information Sessions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Characteristics of the Eductional Program .........................6
StudentSupportServices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Careerplacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Tutoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.
Veterans of Military Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
ACADEMIC INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
DegreesandMajors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Business Administration ......................................9
Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -11
Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . + . . . . 13
Teaching Licensure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Coaching Endorsement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Management Information Systems (MIS) .......................
Nursing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Socialwork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
Minors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Dean'sList . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Probation and Dismissal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Grading Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Withdrawal from College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Graduation with Distinction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- 2 2
Assessment of Previous Learning (APL) .........................
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
COURSE DESCRIPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-.3 0
Admissions Requirements and Procedures ......................-66
FinancialAid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Fees and Payment Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68
Paymentoptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Refund Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-69
ABOUT AUGSBURG COLLEGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-70
CAMPUS LOCATION ..........................................
Introduction to Augsburg Weekend College
Augsburg Weekend College provides an educational alternative to adults
who desire college experience but who work or have other commitments
during the week. It is a means by which men and women may earn a
bachelor's degree, gain skills for professional advancement, prepare for
career change, or pursue a personal interest in one or more areas of the
liberal arts.
The Adult as Student
The Augsburg Weekend College program is designed to meet the needs
and preferences of adult learners. The program is based on the
assumption that the men and women who enroll in Weekend College
will be mature, self-disciplined and well-motivated adult learners who
seek a balance of classroom experience and individualized study. Each
course is therefore divided into periods of concentrated on-campus study
separated by time for independent study and class preparation.
Alternate Weekends
To accommodate this format for learning, classes meet on alternate
weekends for three and a half hours on either Friday evening, Saturday
morning, Saturday afternoon, or Sunday afternoon.* Each class selected
by the student involves commitment to one of these four class periods.
Weekend College students may take from one to four different courses by
attending class every other weekend.
Community of Learners
Essential to the goals of Augsburg Weekend College is participation in a
community of adult learners. Learning can be enhanced when the
student is involved in a stable community that provides opportunity and
encouragement to become involved in interaction both in and out of the
classroom. This community will be enriched by the presence of both men
and women with a variety of work and life experiences.
To facilitate this kind of community interaction, Augsburg encourages
Weekend College students to make use of college facilities such as the
library and college center, to take the opportunity of having shared meals
and coffee breaks, to participate in optional lunchtime seminars, and to
attend other college activities such as music and dramatic presentations
and athletic events.
*Laboratory sections or additional class hours may be scheduled on evenings
during the week.
Information Sessions
Adults who are interested in Augsburg Weekend College are encouraged
to attend one of the information sessions that are scheduled throughout
the year. These information sessions are free of charge and are
approximately 2 hours in length. Please call the Weekend College Office
(330-1782) to receive further details on these information sessions or to
sign up for one of the following dates:
For Fall Trimester, 1988
Saturday, May 14
Saturdav, Tune 4
Saturday, June 25
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
Saturday, July 16
Thursday, July 28
9:00 AM
6:00 PM
Tuesday, August 9
6:00 PM
For Winter Trimester, 1989
Saturday, October 8
9:00 AM
Saturday, November 5
Saturday, November 19
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
- -
For S ~ r i n Trimester,
Saturday, January 14
9:00 AM
Tuesdav. March 7
6:00 PM
For more information write or call:
Augsburg Weekend College Office
Augsburg College
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Characteristics of the Educational Program
Educational Mission
For over a century Augsburg College has emphasized intellectual freedom
in the search for knowledge. Our academic program builds on a liberal
arts foundation to help students understand the past, interpret the
present, and plan for the future.
As in the weekday program, Augsburg Weekend College offers students a
unique combination of the liberal arts disciplines and professional
education. Our goals are to help students develop the intellectual skills
and attitudes to be life-long learners, increase their competence in
selected areas of professional work, and accomplish a higher level of
personal growth.
Accreditation and Affiliations
Augsburg College is fully accredited by the North Central Association of
Colleges and Secondary Schools and The National Council for the
Accreditation of Teacher Education (Secondary and Elementary). Our
programs are approved by The American Chemical Society, The Council
on Social Work Education and the National League for Nursing. We are a
member of the Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities (ACTC), Lutheran
Education Council in North America, Minnesota Private College Council,
National Association for Music Therapy, Inc., and are registered with the
Minnesota Higher Education Coordinating Board (HECB).
Augsburg College prides itself on its highly qualified faculty.
Members of the faculty serve as academic advisers to students who are in
the pre-major stage of planning as well as to students in declared major
Students and faculty use a carefully selected library of some 150,000
volumes plus audio-visual materials, with access to over 5,000,000
volumes through the Twin Cities private college consortium and Minitex.
Internships on and off campus are an established part of most academic
programs, helping students make career choices and develop experience
in their chosen fields.
Student Support Services
Augsburg Weekend College provides a number of student services to
assist adults in making educational and career plans, accomplishing the
academic tasks of a college education, working on their own personal
development, and participating in activities beyond the classroom. Some
of these services are:
Academic Planning
All Augsburg Weekend College students will have access to expert
academic advising services on an on-going basis to provide for efficient,
effective planning. Students enrolling in Weekend College who have had
college experience will have their previous work evaluated early in the
admissions process.
Career Planning Services
Staff from the Career Planning and Placement Office will assist adults in
assessing their career goals and personal abilities. This service, in
combination with sound academic advising from faculty in a chosen
major field, can result in an appropriate and manageable educational and
career plan for the individual involved.
Academic Skills Center
This center exists to help students enhance their skills in the areas of
writing, reading, math, time management, and study skills. Academic
tutors in specialized course areas are also available through the center.
CounselinglSupport Groups
Individual and group activities are available to students who wish to
work on a personal growth interest or concern or who simply want to
have the experience of being in a support group of people who share
some similar characteristics andlor interests.
Veterans of Military Service
Augsburg is approved by the State Approving Agency for Veterans
Training. Veterans should consult with the Office of the Registrar about
completion of the enrollment certificate and the forwarding of other
information to the Veterans Administration. (Please refer to the Augsburg
College Catalog for more detailed information.)
cademic Information
Degrees and Majors
Augsburg Weekend College allows adults to begin a bachelor's degree
program or to continue their education after beginning at another time or
institution. It also enables adults to add a second major to an already
completed college degree. The following information outlines what is
involved in completing a degree or major in Augsburg Weekend College.
(For more detailed information regarding graduation requirements,
please refer to the Augsburg College Catalog.)
Bachelofs Degree
The bachelor's degree program in Augsburg Weekend College is
essentially the same as the weekday program. A total of 35 semester
courses are required to graduate and may be fulfilled through
combinations of transfer of previous college credit, assessment of
previous learning experience, and Weekend College courses. (Augsburg
semester courses are valued at 4 semester credits and 6 quarter credits.)
Included in the 35 total courses must be an approved major program,
eleven upper division courses, and courses selected from the following
liberal arts spectrum (transfer courses and courses taken in the major may
also be counted for distribution requirements):
One approved course from each of seven areas:
1. ArtlMusic
2. HistorylPhilosophy
3. EconomicslPolitical Science
4. English - Speech, Communication and Theatre Arts
(devoted to the study of literature)
5. Psychology 1051Sociology 121 (or the equivalent transfer course)
6. ChemistrylBiology
7. MathematicslPhysics
A course in writing (English 111)or demonstrated proficiency
Two courses or demonstrated competence in a second language
Three courses (or one course per year of study) in religious studies
One course in the area of urban concerns, women's studies, or minority
In addition to the 35 total courses, a student must demonstrate
proficiency in two lifetime sports.
Augsburg Weekend College students may select from 7 separate majors,
several with a number of career concentrations. A minor is available in
each of these academic areas as well as economics, psychology, religion
and sociology.
Business Administration
This major prepares students in the areas of management, financial
accounting, finance, and marketing. To provide a combination of
applied skills and theoretical background, each of these majors is
interdisciplinary in approach, including an average of ten business
administration courses and six courses from supporting fields such as
economics, computer programming, communications, philosophy, and
mathematics. Majors in Business Administration are candidates for the
Bachelor of Arts degree.
Core Courses
All students who pursue a major in Business Administration will
complete the following core courses:
Computers for Business and Economics
Principles of Accounting I
Principles of Accounting I1
Principles of Management
Principles of Marketing
Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business
Financial Management
Business Law
Principles of Macroeconomics
Principles of Microeconomics
Public Finance
Intermediate Macroeconomics
Money and Banking
Intermediate Microeconomics
Accounting Concentration
Students who wish to pursue a Business Administration major with a
concentration in accounting will complete the following courses in
addition to the core:
Accounting Theory and Practice I
Accounting Theory and Practice I1
Managerial Cost Accounting
Tax Accounting
Advanced Accounting
Students in this major should seriously consider one or more courses
from the following list:
BUS 399 Internship
ENG 223 Writing for Business and the Professions
PHI 120 Ethics
Those planning a career in accounting are strongly encouraged to
complete the remaining courses in the 326,423 and 425 sequence.
Finance Concentration
Students wishing to pursue a Business Administration major with a
concentration in finance will complete the following courses in addition
to the core:
Accounting Theory and Practice I
Financial Theory: Policy and Practice
Investment Theory
Management Science
Managerial Economics
Intermediate Quantitative Methods for Economics and
Students in this major should seriously consider one or more courses
from the following list:
Managerial Cost Accounting
Tax Accounting
Writing for Business and the Professions
Management Concentration
Students wishing to pursue a Business Administration major with a
concentration in management will complete the following courses in
addition to the core:
Human Resource Management
Operations Management
Management Science
Organizational Psychology
301 Complex Organizations
Students in this major should seriously consider one or more courses
from the following list:
BUS 399 Internship
ENG 223 Writing for Business and the Professions
PHI 120 Ethics
PSY 371 Psychology of the Individual
SOC 336 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
SOC 375 Social Psychology
SOC 265 Racial and Minority Group Relations
SPC 111 Public Speaking
SPC 354 Interpersonal Communications
Marketing Concentration
Students wishing to pursue a Business Administration major with a
concentration in marketing will complete the following courses in
addition to the core:
Marketing Research and Analysis
Marketing Management
Managerial Economics
Marketing Communications
Students in this major should seriously consider one or more courses
from the following list:
Writing for Business and the Professions
Business Minor
Principles of Accounting I
Principles of Management
Principles of Marketing
Financial Management
Principles of Macroeconomics
Principles of Microeconomics
Other configurations of the Business Administration minor may be
permitted on consultation with department chairperson.
Communication is an interdisciplinary major which is broad in scope and
practical in application. The program consists of 15 courses; five in related
supporting fields such as psychology, sociology, speech, and philosophy.
Included is at least one course of internship experience in a work setting
serving the career goals of individual students. Students may focus their
lecture courses toward the development of career skills in public relations
and advertising, marketing communications, human relations, or
supervisory management. Majors in communication are candidates for
the Bachelor of Arts degree.
Required Communication Core
ENG 223,225,226 or 227: An Advanced Writing Course
SPC 342 Mass Communications in Society
SPC 351 Argumentation
or 352 Persuasion
SPC 354 Interpersonal Communication
SPC 399 Internship
Required supporting courses:
PHI 130 Logic
PSY 105 General Psychology
SOC 121 Principles of Sociology
or 336 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
SOC 375 Social Psychology
SPC 111 Public Speaking
Major also includes satisfactory performance on competency tests in
writing and typing. A literature course may be substituted for SOC 121 or
SOC 375.
Communication Electives
With the help of an academic adviser, the student will select five (5)
elective courses designed to meet additional background and skill
requirements in the career areas of public relations and advertising,
marketing communications, human relations, or supervisory
The following are some of the electives recommended in each area:
Public Relations and Advertising
Students interested in the Public Relations emphasis are strongly urged
to take ENG 227 (Journalism)as part of the major.
BUS 242 Principles of Management
BUS 252 Principles of Marketing
BUS 279 Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business
BUS 355 Marketing Communications
ENG 226 Creative Writing
ENG 227 Journalism
PSY 373 Organizational Psychology
SOC 301 Complex Organizations
SPCl ART 132 Photography
SPCl ART 224 Publication Design
SPCl ART 2251230 Visual Communications I, I1
SPC 345 Organizational Communication
SPC 480 Public RelationslPromotiona1 Communications
Marketing Communications
Principles of Marketing
Marketing Research and Analysis
Marketing Communications
Marketing Management
Public RelationslPromotiona1 Communications
Human Relations
Organizational Psychology
Counseling Psychology
Sociology of the Family
Racial and Minority Group Relations
Complex Organizations
Intercultural Communication
Organizational Communication
Small Group Communication
Public Relations Promotional Communications
Supervisory Management
Computers in Business and Economics
Principles of Management
Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business
Human Resource Management
Marketing Communications
Operations Management
Organizational Psychology
Complex Organizations
Organizational Communication
Small Group Communication
Public RelationslPromotiona1Communications
Communication Minor
Five courses approved by the department.
Teaching Licensure
Teaching licensure programs are offered for Kindergarten-Elementary
and selected Secondary fields through Weekend College. Individualized
programs are worked out with an adviser in either Elementary or
Secondary education. To be admitted to the Education Department the
student will have achieved an overall 2.5 G.P.A. plus a 2.5 G.P.A. in
hislher major field. All professional courses with the exception of Clinical
Experience and Student Teaching are available in the weekend schedule.
In addition to Kindergarten-Elementary,Augsburg Weekend College
grants secondary licenses in English-Language Arts and Social Studies.
Students may also work individually on the following majors offered in
conjunction with day school: French, German, Health, Life Science,
Mathematics, Physical Science (Chemistry or Physics), Science (grades
5-9), Spanish, Speech, Theater Arts, and in the special areas of Art (K-V),
Band (K-12) and Classroom Music (Grades 5-12), Orchestra (K-12) and
Classroom Music (5-12), Vocal and Classroom Music (K-9), Vocal and
Classroom Music (5-12), and Physical Education (K-12).
Contact an Education Department adviser for information in your field of
study and for application for admission to the Department of Education.
All students must apply for acceptance into the Education Department
before beginning professional courses.
Elementary Education
EDE 253 Orientation to Education in an Urban Setting* (.5course)
EDE 341 Media Technology (.5 course)
EDE 350 Creating Learning Environments* (.5 course)
EDE 351 Techniques of Teaching Reading
EDE 363 Clinical Experiences (.5 course)
EDE 364 Interdisciplinary Studies (.25 course)
EDE 376 K-El Social Studies ( 2 5 course)
EDE 377 K-El Science (.25 course)
EDE 379 K-El Art ( 2 5 course)
EDE 380 K-El Music ( 2 5 course)
EDE 382 K-El Math ( 2 5 course)
EDE 386 Children's Literature (.5 course)
EDE 387 Language Arts (.5 course)
EDE 388 K-El Health ( 2 5 course)
EDE 389 K-El Physical Education ( 2 5 course)
EDE 481 Student Teaching
EDE 482 Student Teaching
EDE 483 Student Teaching
EDE 484 Student Teaching
EDS 388 Human Relations (.5 course)
HPE 114 Safety Education (.5 course)
HPE 115 Chemical Dependency (.5 course)
SWK 260 Humans Developing
College Level Math Course
Academic Minor or Second Major
*Field Experience Separate
Secondary Education
EDS 264 Orientation to Education in an Urban Setting* (.5 course)
EDS 341 Media Technology (.5 course)
EDS 350 Reading in the Content Areas (.5 course)
EDS 352 Clinical Experience (.5 course)
EDS 353 Creating Learning Environments* (.5 course)
EDS 388 Human Relations (.5 course)
EDS 477 School and Society Seminar (.5 course)
EDS 481 Student Teaching
EDS 482 Student Teaching
EDS 483 Student Teaching
EDS 484 Student Teaching
EDS 486 Student Teaching Seminar (.5 course)
HPE 114 Safety Education (.5 course)
HPE 115 Chemical Dependency (.5 course)
PSY 105 General Psychology
Special Methods in Licensure Field
"Field Experience Separate
Major for Secondary Teaching Licensure in Social Studies
Students preparing to teach social studies on the high school level must
complete, in addition to the professional requirements to be met within
the Department of Education, a competency program designed to
provide a broad foundation in the social sciences. Students must
complete a major in one of five fields - Economics, History, Political
Science, Psychology or Sociology (the History major is described below)
plus 7 courses (ECO 112 or 113, Human Geography, HIS 222, POL 158,
PSY 105, SOC 121 and 336). Students considering a career in social
studies education should consult, as soon as possible, the Augsburg
Department of Education and the Social Studies Coordinator.
History Major: 8 courses plus 1seminar. At least four of these courses
must be upper division. A major must have at least one course (either
survey or upper level) from each of the four areas: Ancient and Medieval;
Modern Europe; U.S.; and non-Western.
Coaching Endorsement
Students interested in adding a coaching endorsement must complete
required courses in the Physical Education program. If interested, please
contact the Education Department at 330-1130 for further information.
Those who study English believe that an intense concern for words, ideas
and images helps us understand who we are and who we can become.
Writing helps us clarify and share our thoughts. Literature helps us
contemplate the pains and joys of human existence. Through English
study we see life's complexity, experience life as some others do, and
understand better the world in which we live and work.
English relates closely to other majors. With the other arts, English is
concerned with the pleasure that comes from artistic creation and with
the contemplation of works of art. With psychology and sociology,
English is concerned with individual and group behavior. With
philosophy, English is interested in ideas and the relation between
meaning and language. With science, English is interested in discovering
order and determining structures. With speech and communications,
English studies the effective use of language. With history and the other
social sciences and humanities, English studies the way people have
acted and thought at different times and in different cultures.
Major: 9 courses above 111, including 225; one course in American
literature; one course in Western literary tradition (271or 272); and three
courses in British literature, one on literature before 1660 (for example, 331
or 438) and one that surveys a number of writers (336,337, 423). Majors
are encouraged to take ENG 245 early in their college work and to consult
their departmental advisor regularly. A student with a double major or
special program that involves considerable work in the English
department should also work closely with an advisor in the department.
English-Language Arts Teaching Major: 10 courses, including those
listed under the major, a course in linguistics, and an internship in the
teaching of writing. One course must include a component in nonWestern literature. In addition, the ACTC courses Communications Skills
in the English Classroom and Teaching Mass Media are required.
Courses in early American literature, Shakespeare, and film are
recommended. Several of the required courses are not offered on
Weekends. Students in this program must work with advisers in the
English Department and the Education Department in order to meet the
professional requirements within the Education Department as well as
requirements in the major.
New licensure rules become effective July 1, 1989. Students who seek
licensure after that time will be subject to the new licensure rules.
Minor: 5 courses above 111including one course in British literature and
one writing course above the freshman level (223, 225, 226, or 227).
Management Information Systems (MIS)
This MIS major prepares students to work in the growing field of
information management. The major combines courses and skills from
both the business and computer science majors to help students learn
about the identification, organization, analysis and processing of
information in a business setting.
MIS Major
BUS 175 Computers for Business and Economics
BUS 221 Principles of Accounting I
BUS 222 Principles of Accounting I1
BUS 242 Principles of Management
BUS 252 Principles of Marketing
BUS 279 Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business
BUS 331 Financial Management
ECO 112 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 113 Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 313 Intermediate Microeconomics
CSCl M I 7 4 Math for Computing I
CSCl M I 7 5 Math for Computing I1
BUS 370 Advanced Computing for Economics and Business
BUS 375 Information Systems in the Organization
BUS 475 Information Systems Analysis and Design
BUS 476 Information Systems Projects
BUS 479 Intermediate Quantitative Methods for Economics and
ECO 318 Management Science
Students in this major should seriously consider one or more of the
following courses:
Digital Communications and Computer Networks
Writing for Business and the Professions
MIS Minor
Principles of Accounting I
Principles of Management
Principles of Marketing
Advanced Computing for Business and Economics
Information Systems in the Organization
Information Systems Analysis and Design
Principles of Microeconomics
Augsburg Weekend College offers registered nurses an upper division
nursing major as a second step toward the completion of the Bachelor of
Science degree. Fully accredited by the National League for Nursing, this
major is a professional program that is accessible on weekends to nurses
who are unable to attend classes during the weekdays. Classes are
primarily scheduled on alternate weekends, but all courses in the major
may have additional class or lab hours beyond the weekend schedule.
Admissions Procedures
Admission to the nursing program includes first being accepted into
Augsburg Weekend College through the procedures described on page
66. As candidates for the nursing major, RNs must demonstrate
evidence of completion of an associate degree or diploma program,
current nursing practice, and Minnesota licensure. While an RN may take
general education courses and prerequisite courses for the nursing major,
further progress in the major is contingent upon:
1. Satisfactory completion at a college or university of the prerequisite
courses: Anatomy and Physiology, Microbiology, Inorganic Chemistry,
Organic or Biochemistry, English Composition, Introductory
Sociology and Introductory Psychology.
2. A cumulative gradepoint average of at least 2.5
3. Successful completion of testing to validate lower division nursing
Required Courses in the Nursing Major
Contemporary Nursing I: Communication*
Contemporary Nursing 11: Paradigms in Nursing*
Community Health Nursing I*
Community Health Nursing 11: Practicumx*
Trends and Issues in Nursing*
Introduction to Nursing Research*
Contemporary Nursing 111: Families*
Contemporary Nursing IV: Leadership and Management*
Practicum in Nursing I: Nursing of the Family**
Practicum in Nursing 11: Leadership and Management**
*These courses may require extra class or lab sessions.
**Thesecourses require extra time and cost for clinical work.
Required Supporting Courses
PHI 380 Ethics of Medicine and Health Care
REL 483 Christian Ethics, or an approved ethics course
PSY 353 Brain and Behavior
Social Work
Accredited by the Council on Social Work Education, the Bachelor of
Science in Social Work degree program at Augsburg College is built on a
solid liberal arts foundation, on theory-based training, and on
professionally directed field experiences. As important, social work
education at Augsburg is built on an appreciation for the needs,
concerns, and values of the individuals and groups who constitute
today's multi-cultural society. The Social Work major in Augsburg
Weekend College includes seven courses from the departments of
psychology, biology, and sociology. Concentrations are possible in the
areas of aging, chemical dependency, corrections, social ministries, and
youth work. Field work is an important component of the program.
Social Work Courses*
SWK 257
SWK 260
SWK 361
SWK 363
SWK 364
SWK 461
SWK 462
SWK 463
SWK 465
SWK 466
SWK 467
SWK 469
Exploring Human Services
Humans Developing
Social Response to Human Needs
Methods and Skills of Social Work
Field Work I
Advanced Methods and Skills in Social Work
Field Work I1
Community Development and Organization
Social Policy: Analysis and Development
Field Work I11 (.5 course)
The Social Worker as Professional
Field Work IV
Required Supporting Courses*
Human Biology
General Psychology
Principles of Sociology
Sociology of the Family
Racial and Minority Group Relations
Quantitative Analysis and Program Evaluation
Social Psychology
*Students interested in Social Work should begin their program with the
required supporting courses. The professional sequence will be offered
when a sufficient number of students are ready for that portion of the
Social Welfare Minor
6 courses including 257 or department approved alternative internship,
361, 463; Psychology 351 or Sociology 375; Sociology 265; and Political
Science 121or 158 or 325, or Social Work 465.
In addition to minors offered in Business, Communication, MIS and
Social Welfare (listed under each respective major), Weekend College
students are able to complete minors in the following areas:
Psychology Minor
5 courses including 105, with a minimum of 2 courses at Augsburg. Not
more than one course from 299,399 and 499 may be counted toward the
Religion Minor
5 courses approved by the department.
Sociology Minor
5 courses including 121 and two upper division courses (numbered 300
and above).
Dean's List
The Dean's List is compiled after each semester, listing students whose
grade point average for a semester is 3.5 or better, based on a minimum of
two full courses, or equivalent, graded on the traditional grading system,
with no incompletes in courses offered for credit.
Probation and Dismissal
A student will be placed on scholastic probation at the end of the term if
his or her achievement is unsatisfactory. Dismissal from the College is not
automatic. Each case is reviewed by the Committee on Student Standing.
A student who has a poor academic record may be strongly advised to
withdraw before the end of the term. A student who has been on
probation for two terms and withdraws from the College voluntarily must
have special permission to re-enroll. See Augsburg College Catalog for
complete explanation.
Grading Procedures
Evaluation and Grading
Student achievement in courses is measured primarily by final
examinations. Shorter tests, written papers, oral reports, and other types
of evaluation also are used.
Most courses are offered with grading options - traditional grading on a
4.0 to 0.0 scale or the PasslNo Credit system, in which P means a grade of
2.0 or better and N means no credit and a grade of less than 2.0. Students
are cautioned to use the PIN grade option with care since some graduate
and professional schools do not look favorably on a large number of Pgraded courses, or rank each as a "C." Transfer students are cautioned
that P-graded courses do not count in the requirement that 14
traditionally graded courses be earned at Augsburg in order to be
considered for graduation with distinction. See PIN limitations under
Graduation Requirements in the Augsburg College Catalog.
Certain courses are offered on one grading system only. Sociology 265 is
graded only on the PIN grading system and some education courses are
graded only on the PIN system or only on the traditional system. English
111is graded P or N, or 2.0-4.01N. Some other courses are graded only P,
1.0, N. Lifetime Sports are graded P1O.O.
In courses where this is a choice, students will be graded on the
traditional system unless they indicate on their registration that they wish
to use the PIN grading option. Any changes in choice of grading system
must be made according to dates published each term. A fee is charged
for any changes made after Registration.
Explanation of Grades
Number grades are used with these definitions:
4.0 Achieves highest standards of excellence
3.0 Achieves above basic course standards
2.0 Meets basic standards for the course
1.0 performance below basic course standards
0.0 Unacceptable performance (no credit for the course)
Grade of P (Pass) or N (No credit) are not computed in the grade point
average. A grade of P represents work at or above the 2.0 level; N
represents work at the 1.5 or below level.
An incomplete grade may be given only in the case of extreme
emergency. To receive it, a student must file a petition with the
Committee on Student Standing stating the reasons for the request, the
plan and date for removing it, and comments from the instructor. If
permission is granted, the incomplete must be removed during the
following semester, or it becomes the grade submitted by the teacher
along with the incomplete.
Internships, independent studies, and directed studies may sometimes
last longer than one term. When this is the case, they must be completed
by the grading deadlines within one year from the beginning of the first
term of registration. A grade of X is given by the instructor to indicate that
the study is extended. It is expected that students given X extensions will
continue to communicate with their instructors and demonstrate that
satisfactory progress is being maintained. The Registrar's Office will
automatically continue the registration in response to an X grade. A final
grade will be issued at the end of the term in whcih the work is
completed and evaluated (but not longer than one year). An instructor
reserves the discretion of not giving an X where satisfactory progress is
not demonstrated. Withdrawal from college, or dropping these continued
courses will terminate their registration. Under this circumstance, a reregistration as 1X by the student would be necessary if done during
registration periods within one year of initial registration; if done after
one year a new registration would be necessary.
Auditing Courses
Students who wish to take courses without credit or grade may do so by
registering for Audit (V). The charge for auditing a course is listed under
Fees and Payment Schedule. Students who audit a course should confer
with the instructor within two weeks of the beginning of the term to
determine expectations, attendance and any other requirement. If
expectations have been met, the course will be listed on the transcript as
having been audited. If expectations have not been met, the course will
be listed with a grade of W (Withdrawn).
Grade Point Average
The grade point average (GPA) is based on final grades for all work at
Augsburg. It does not include credit and grade points for work
transferred from other colleges. Courses taken on the PIN grading option
are recorded, but not computed in the GPA.
Students are classified in August and at the end of fall and winter terms.
Sophomores - 7 courses completed with at least 14 grade points.
Junior - 16 courses completed with at least 32 grade points.
Seniors - 25 courses completed with at least 50 grade points.
Withdrawal from College
Students are urged not to abandon courses for which they are registered,
since this results in a failing grade on the official record. Cancellation of
courses or withdrawal from college must be done in the Registrar's Office.
Withdrawal from college cannot occur during final examination week
unless a petition is approved by the Student Standing Committee.
Withdrawal from college and resulting adjustments in accounts are
effective as of the date the completed Withdrawal From College form is
returned to the Registrar's Office.
Graduation with Distinction
Graduation with distinction is determined as follows:
Summa cum laude 3.8 to 4.0 cumulative GPA
Magna cum laude 3.6 up to but not including 3.8 cumulative GPA
Cum laude 3.3 up to but not including 3.6 cumulative GPA
To qualify for graduation with distinction, transfer students must have
completed two years (14 traditionally graded courses) of work at
Augsburg .
Assessment of Previous Learning (APL)
Augsburg College recognizes that learning can and does take place in
many life situations. Some of this learning may be appropriate for credit
recognition within the disciplines that compose the academic programs
of a liberal arts college. The APL program (Assessment of Previous
Learning) at Augsburg provides a means by which a student's previous
learning, other than that which is transferred from another accredited
institution, may be presented for examination for possible credit toward
the completion of a bachelor's degree.
Not all learning from life experience, however, is appropriate for credit
recognition at a liberal arts college. Such learning must meet two essential
criteria: (1) it is relevant to coursework in a field of study within the
Augsburg liberal arts curriculum and (2) it can be objectively
demonstrated either by comprehensive examination or committee
evaluation. The APL program at Augsburg provides several means by
which students may have their previous learning assessed for credit
CLEP (College Level Examination Program)
Students who achieve acceptable scores in CLEP exams may receive
academic credit in Augsburg College. CLEP exams are available in a
variety of general and specific subject areas. For more information,
contact Weekend College Admissions (330-1792) or the regional CLEP
center at the University of Minnesota (624-3323).
Departmental Assessment
Students who wish to receive credit for a specific academic course and do
not have transcript evidence of completed work may request a
departmental assessment of previous learning. This will most often
include an examination that covers the essential components of the
course involved. For more information, contact the Registrar's Office
CAP (Credit Assessment Process)
This is a credit assessment alternative in which a faculty committee
completes a credit evaluation of a learning portfolio submitted by the
student. Informal meetings and consultation are provided for students
who wish to prepare a portfolio of previous learning for credit
assessment. Students may apply for CAP after completing at least four
courses of academic work at Augsburg College with a cumulative GPA of
at least 2.5. For more information, contact the Registrar's Office (330-1036).
'lass Schedule 1988-89
Fall Trimester, 1988 Class Schedule
Friday Evening (6:OO 9:30)
BUS 355 Marketing Communications
BUS 242 Principles of Management
ECO 112 Principles of Macro-economics
EDE 253 Orientation to Education (919-1114)(.5)
EDS 264 Orientation to Education (919-1114)(.5)
EDE 379 K-El Art (919-1017) (.25)
EDE 382 K-El Math (10121-1219)(.25)
EDS 350 Reading in the Content Areas (919-1114)(.5)
ENG 111 Effective Writing*
ENG 245 Introduction to Literature
MAT 131 Math for the Liberal Arts*
NUR 305 Contemporary Nursing I: Communication*
PHY 101 Astronomy*
REL 363 Religion in America
SOC 265 Racial and Minority Group Relations
SPC 345 Organizational Communication
Saturday Morning (8:30-1200)
BIO 185 Biology of Aging
BUS 221 Principles of Accounting I
BUS 242 Principles of Management
BUS 324 Managerial Cost Accounting
BUS 495 Risk Management and Insurance
CHM 109 General Chemistry*
CSCl M I 7 4 Math for Computer Science*
ECO 113 Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 313 Intermediate Microeconomics
EDE 350 Creating Learning Environments (9110-1115)(.5)
EDS 353 Creating Learning Environments (9110-1115)(.5)
EDE 376 K-El Social Studies (10122-11119)(.25)
EDE 377 K-El Science (9110-1018)(.25)
EDE 388 K-El Health (9110-1018)(.25)
ENG 227 Journalism*
ENG 336 British Literature: 17th and 18th Century
MAT 104 Intermediate Algebra (no credit)
NUR 306 Contemporary Nursing 11: Paradigms in Nursing *
PHI 110 Introduction to Philosophy
POL 342 Mass Communications in Society
SOC 121 Principles of Sociology
SPC 113 Public Speaking
SWK 257 Exploring Human Services
--Afternoon (1:15-4:45)
ART 352 Women's Art History
BUS 221 Principles of Accounting I
BUS 252 Principles of Marketing
BUS 322 Accounting Theory and Practice I
BUS 391 Business Law
BUS 495 Ethics in Business
ECO 113 Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 312 Intermediate Macroeconomics
EDE 341 Media Technology (9110-1115)(.5)
EDS 341 Media Technology (9110-1115)(.5)
EDE 380 K-El Music (11119-12110) (.25)
EDE 386 Children's Literature (9110-1115) (.5)
ENG 111 Effective Writing*
ENG 225 Intermediate Expository Writing*
HIS 104 The Modern Non-Western World
HPE 114 Safety Education (EIS) (9110-1115)(.5)
NUR 423 Practicum in Nursing I1 * **
PHI 130 Logic *
PSY 105 General Psychology
PSY 355 Brain and Behavior
REL 215 Archaeology and the Bible
SPA 111 Beginning Spanish I*
SPC 354 Interpersonal Communication
SWK 361 Social Response to Human Needs
Sunday Afternoon (1:15- 4:45)
ART 132 Photography
BUS 175 Computers in Business and Economics
BUS 279 Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business
BUS 331 Financial Management
BUS 375 Information Systems in the Organization
BUS 423 Auditing
EDE 351 Techniques for Teaching Reading (9111-12111)
EDE 364 Interdisciplinary Studies (10123-11/20)(.25)
EDE 389 K-El Physical Education (9111-1019) (.25)
EDS 364 English Methods (9111-1214)
EDS 366 Foreign Language Methods (9111-1116)
REL 486 Psychology of Religion and Theology
SOC 265 Racial and Minority Group Relations
SPA 111 Beginning Spanish I *
SWK 260 Humans Developing
Student Teaching (Dav Schedule Onlv)
Student teaching courses in elementary and secondary education are
available during fall trimester. The Student Teaching Seminar (EDS 486) is
available on an arranged basis.
*Extra class or lab sessions required.
**Additionalclinical fee required.
Winter Trimester, 1989 Class Schedule
Friday Evening (6:OO-9:30)
ART 106 Calligraphy
BUS 242 Principles of Management
EDE 253 Orientation to Education (116-2124) (.5)
EDS 264 Orientation to Education (116-2124) (.5)
EDE 387 K-El Language Arts (116-2124) (.5)
EDE 388 K-El Health (3110-3131) (.25)
EDS 350 Reading in the Content Areas (S) (116-2124)(.5)
ENG 282 Topics in Literature: Women in Fiction
NUR 350 Introduction to Nursing Research *
NUR 432 Topics in Nursing: Critical Care Nursing *
PHY 111 Physics, Computers & Society*
PSY 373 Organizational Psychology
REL 111 Introduction to Theology
SPC 354 Interpersonal Communication
Saturday Morning (8:30- 1200)
BIO 101 Human Biology
BUS 221 Principles of Accounting I
BUS 222 Principles of Accounting I1
BUS 279 Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business
BUS 340 Human Resource Management
BUS 352 Marketing Research and Analysis
BUS 391 Business Law
BUS 433 Financial Theory: Policy and Practice
CHM 110 Organic and Biological Chemistry*
CSCl M I 7 5 Math for Computer Science 11*
ECO 112 Principles of Macroeconomics
EDE 341 Media Technology (117-2125) (.5)
EDS 341 Media Technology (117-2125) (.5)
EDE 363 Clinical Experience Seminar (3111-3118)(.5)
EDS 352 Clinical Experience Seminar (3111-3118)(.5)
EDE 379 K-El Art (117-1128) (.25)
EDE 382 K-El Math (117-2111) (.5)
ENG 111 Effective Writing*
NUR 306 Contemporary Nursing 11: Paradigms in Nursing*
NUR 310 Community Health I *
NUR 404 Contemporary Nursing IV *
POL 342 Mass Communications
REL 445 The Bible, Language and Interpretation
SOC 375 Social Psychology*
SPC 111 Public Speaking
SPC 329 Intercultural Communication
SWK 363 Basic Methods and Skills
Afternoon (1:E-445)
BUS 175 Computers for Business and Economics
BUS 222 Principles of Accounting I1
BUS 252 Principles of Marketing
BUS 323 Accounting Theory and Practice I1
BUS 331 Financial Management
BUS 479 Intermediate Quantitative Methods
ECO 113 Microeconomics
ECO 415 Managerial Economics
EDE 350 Creating Learning Environments (2111-411) (.5)
EDS 363 Creating Learning Environments (2111-411) (.5)
EDE 377 K-El Science (117, 1114,214) (.25)
EDE 386 Children's Literature (2111-411) (.5)
EDE 389 K-El Physical Education (117-1128) (.25)
EDS 477 School and Society (117 - 2/25) (.5)
ENG 223 Writing for Business and the Professions*
ENG 396 Highlights of British Literature
HIS 222 U.S. History since 1877
INS 231 Religion in African American History
MAT 122 Calculus for the Social and Behavioral Sciences*
NUR 432 Topics: Critical Care Nursing
PHI 380 Ethics of Medicine and Health Care
SOC 121 Principles of Sociology
SPA 112 Beginning Spanish 11*
SPC 352 Persuasion
SWK 364 Field Work I
Sunday Afternoon (1:E 445)
ART 224 Publication Design
BUS 326 Tax Accounting
BUS 440 Operations Management
BUS 475 Information Systems Analysis and Design
ECO 315 Money and Banking
EDE 364 Interdisciplinary Studies (2112-3112) (-25)
EDE 376 K-El Social Studies (118-1129) (.25)
EDE 380 K-El Music (118-1129) (.25)
EDS 375 Social Studies Methods (118-2126) (.5)
FRE 111 Beginning French I*
HPE 115 Chemical Dependency Education (EIS) (1129-3119) (.5)
NOR 111 Beginning Norwegian I*
REL 475 Judaism
SPA 112 Beginning Spanish 11*
SWK 260 Humans Developing
Student Teaching (Day Schedule Only)
Student teaching courses in elementary and secondary education are
available during winter trimester. The Student Teaching Seminar (EDS
486) is available on an arranged basis.
*Extra class or lab session required.
**Additionalclinical fee required.
Spring Trimester, 8 8 9 Class Schedule
Friday Evening (6:OO- 10:OO)
BUS 242 Principles of Management
BUS 252 Principles of Marketing
EDE 380 K-El Music (612-6123) (-25)
EDE 382 K-El Math (515-6116) (.5)
ENG 261 Modern Fiction
HPE 114 Safety Education (EIS) (417-5119) (.5)
INS 265 Women in American Culture
MUS 130 Introduction to Music in the Fine Arts
PHY 103 Physics for the Life Sciences*
REL 263 World Justice and Hunger: Dev. a New World View
SPC 480 Public RelationslPromotiona1Communications
Saturday Morning (8:OO- 1200)
BIO 108 Microbiology*
BUS 279 Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business
BUS 391 Business Law
CSC 145 Computing for the Liberal Arts
CSC 340 Digital Communication and Computer Networks
ECO 113 Principles of Micro-economics
ECO 318 Management Science
EDE 341 Media Technology (418-5120) (.5)
EDS 341 Media Technology (4186120) (.5)
EDE 351 Techniques of Teaching Reading (418-6124)
EDE 377 K-El Science (613-6124) (.25)
EDS 477 School & Society (418-613) (.5)
ENG 111 Effective Writing*
ENG 351 American Literature Since 1920
HIS 440 Topics in World History
HPE 115 Chemical Dependency (418-5120) (.5)
MAT 114 Elementary Functions*
NUR 311 Community Health Nursing 11* **
NUR 427 Practicum in Nursing 11: Leadership & Management * **
PHI 120 Ethics
REL 483 Christian Ethics
SOC 231 Sociology of the Family
SPC 351 Argumentation
SWK 461 Advanced Methods and Skills
Saturday Afternoon (1:OO - 5:OO)
BIO 105 Biology and Society
BUS 222 Principles of Accounting I1
BUS 252 Principles of Marketing
BUS 331 Financial Management
BUS 370 Advanced Personal Computing
BUS 425 Advanced Accounting
BUS 438 Investments
BUS 450 Marketing Management
ECO 132 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 311 Public Finance
EDE 350 Creating Learning Environments (5120-6124)(.5)
EDS 363 Creating Learning Environments (5120-6124) (.5)
EDE 363 Clinical Experience Seminar (5120-6117) (.5)
EDS 352 Clinical Experience Seminar (5120-6117) (.5)
EDE 386 Children's Literature (418-613) (.5)
EDE 388 K-El Health (418-516) (.25)
EDS 468 Student Teaching Seminar (418-613) (.5)
ENG 327 Advanced Journalism *
NUR 330 Trends and Issues in Nursing*
NUR 350 Introduction to Nursing Research*
PHI 130 Logic
POL 158 Political Patterns and Processes
PSY 105 General Psychology
REL 369 Religious Imagination in Modern Literature
SOC 301 Complex Organizations
SPC 355 Small Group Communication
SWK 462 Field Work I1
Sunday Afternoon (1:OO - 5:OO)
ART 107 Drawing
BUS 340 Human Resource Management
BUS 476 Structure Systems Analysis and Design
ECO 313 Intermediate Microeconomics
EDE 253 Orientation Education (419-5121) (.5)
EDS 264 Orientation to Education (419-5121) (.5)
EDE 379 K-El Art (614-6/25)(.25)
EDE 387 K-El Language Arts (5121-6125) ( 5 )
EDE 389 K-El Physical Education (419-517)(.25)
FRE 112 Beginning French 11*
NOR 112 Beginning Norwegian 11*
SOC 365 Quant. Methods & Program Evaluation
Student Teaching-.(Day Schedule Only)
Student Teaching courses in elementary education are available during
spring trimester. The Student Teaching Seminar (EDS 486) is available on
an arranged basis.
"Extra class or lab sessions required.
**Additionalclinical fee required.
~ o t l r s Descriptions
ART 102
Environmental Aesthetics
Fine arts in the urban and world setting. Concern for the
visual content of experience in the environment leading
toward appreciation and criticism. Individual and group
projects exploring design problems in representation,
symbolism and abstraction.
Distribution: Urban Concerns
ART 106
Study of the art and craft of calligraphy. Development of
calligraphic skills in pen and brush with ink and paint.
Distribution: ArtlMusic
ART 107
Drawing in graphite pencils, pens, and pastel pencils.
Subjects include still-life, figures, building interiors and
exteriors and experimental work.
Distribution: ArtlMusic
ART 118
Painting I
Introduction to painting media and techniques in acrylic
and oil.
Distribution: ArtlMusic
ART 132
The camera used as a tool for visual creativity and expression
with attention to black and white photography process. Need
access to 35mm single lens reflex camera (materials will cost
Distribution: ArtlMusic
Major: Elective in Public RelationslAdvertising Major
Publication Design
An introduction to traditional design concerns and
procedures related to publication design as well as design for
desktop publishing. Theory and practice of coordinating
visual images and typography with content in publications.
Study of design in magazines, newspapers, newsletters,
books, and miscellaneous publications. Students design and
produce a publication as a group project.
Major: Elective in Public RelationslAdvertising major
ART 225
Visual Communications I
The theory and practice of visual perception and
communication using elements such as color, line, shape,
type, and pictoral images. Emphasis wil be placed on the
creative thought process.
Distribution: ArtlMusic
Major: Elective in Public RelationslAdvertising Major
ART 240
Art History Survey
A survey of art from prehistoric to modern times. Includes
reading, research, viewing of slides, and visits to museums.
Distribution: ArtlMusic
ART 250
Ceramics I
An introduction to the making of pottery with an emphasis
on handbuilding and glazing.
Distribution: ArtlMusic
ART 352
Women's Art History
A study of the place of women in the history of the visual
arts - as artists, as subjects, and as patrons.
Distribution: ArtlMusic, Urban ConcernslMinority Studies,
(upper division)
BIO 101
Human Biology
Basic biological concepts from an anthropocentric point of
view. An attempt to answer such questions as: What makes
man just another member of the biotic fold? Does man have a
niche in the ecosystem? What influence does man have on
the environment? What influence does the environment,
especially the urban environment, have on man? (A student
may not receive credit for both 101and 103. Does not apply to
the major or minor.)
Distribution: Biology
Major: Required supporting course in Social Work
BIO 103
Human Anatomy and Physiology
A professional course in the structure and function of the
human body. Lecture and laboratory. (A student may not
receive credit for both 101 and 103. Does not apply to the
major or minor.)
Distribution: ChemistrylBiology
Major: Required prerequisite for BSN major
BIO 105
Biology and Society
What are some of the biologically-based problems with
which our society must deal? What threats are posed by
pollution, the prospect of war, and by shortages of food,
water and non-renewable resources? What are the
implications of genetic research, scientific racism,
sociobiology, and inequities in the delivery of health care?
(Does not apply to the major or minor.)
Distribution: Biology or Urban Concerns
BIO 108
Basic microbial features are considered as well as applications
of microbiology to the field of medicine and sanitation. For
student nurses, health majors or consent of the instructor.
(Prereq: CHM 110 or consent of instructor. Does not apply to
major or minor.)
Distribution: Biology
Major: Prerequisite for the BSN major
BIO 185
The Biology of Aging
At some time or another in our lives most of us will either
directly experience aging or be influenced by people
undergoing age-related changes. This course will concentrate
on the biological aspects of such changes.
Distribution: ChemistrylBiology
BIO 231
The Biology of Women
The objective of this course is to provide a basic
understanding of the structure and functioning of the female
human organism as well as to evaluate misconceptions about
women that have arisen in the history of biology.
Distribution: ChemistrylBiology or Women & Minority
BUS 175
Computers for Business and Economics
An introduction to computerized data processing. Learn a
higher-level language (BASIC). Learn about computerized
spreadsheets (LOTUS) and data bases (DBASE). Learn
about word processing and computerized business
graphics. (Prereq. : Math Placement Group I1 or high school
Major: Required in Business Administration core and MIS
major; elective in Supervisory Management major
BUS 221
Principles of Accounting I
Introduction to business activities, basic concepts, and
fundamentals of accounting, the accounting cycle and
preparation of financial statements.
Major: Required for Business Administration and MIS
BUS 222
Principles of Accounting I1
Introduction to business activities, basic concepts and
f u n d a ~ e n t a l of
s managerial accounting. Planning and
controlling processes, decision-making and behavioral
considerations. (Prereq: BUS 221)
Major: Required for Business Administration core and MIS
BUS 242
Principles of Management
Development of the theory of management, organization,
staffing, planning and control. The nature of authority,
accountability and responsibility, analysis of the role of the
professional manager.
Major: Required for Business Administration core and MIS
major, elective in Public RelationslAdvertising and
Supervisory Management majors in Communication
BUS 252
Principles of Marketing
Principles of basic policy and strategy issues in marketing.
Legal, ethical, competitive, behavioral, economic and
technological factors as they affect product, promotion,
marketing channel and pricing decisions.
Major: Required in the Business Administration core,
elective in Public RelationslAdvertising and Marketing
Communications major
BUSlECO Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business
An introduction to quantitative reasoning, descriptive
measures, probability, sampling distributions, inference
and estimation with emphasis on their use in applied
problems in business and economics. (Prereq: Math
Placement I11 or a grade of 2.0 or better in MAT 104)
Major: Required in the Business Administration core and
MIS major
BUS 322
Accounting Theory & Practice I
An analysis of accounting theory pertaining to financial
statements, income concepts, capital stock and surplus
account, current and long- term assets. (Prereq: BUS 222,
ECO 113)
Major: Required in the Accounting and Finance majors
(upper division)
BUS 323
Accounting Theory and Practice I1
An analysis of accounting theory pertaining to investments,
tangible and intangible fixed assets, liabilities and reserved,
actuarial topics. Additional emphasis on income
determination considering price level changes. (Prereq:
BUS 322)
Major: Required in the Accounting major (upper division)
BUS 324
Managerial Cost Accounting
Accounting tools for planning and control of economic
activities. Planning, budgeting, standard cost systems, as
well as other quantitative and behavioral topics. (Prereq:
BUS 222,242,252,279 or consent of instructor)
Major: Required in the Accounting major (upper division)
BUS 326
Tax Accounting
The more common and important provisions of federal
income taxes for individuals and various forms of business
enterprises. (Prereq: BUS 221,331, ECO 112, 113, or consent
of instructor)
Major: One of a choice of 3 required courses in the
Accounting major (upper division)
BUS 331
Financial Management
Theory of acquisition, allocation and management of funds
within the firm; sources and uses of long and short term
funds, cost of capital, capital budgeting, leverage, dividend
policy, and related topics. (Prereq: BUS 222, ECO 113)
Major: Required for Business Administration core and MIS
major (upper division)
BUS 340
Human Resource Management
Personnel function in business, acquisition and utilization
of human resources, desirable working relationships;
effective integration of the worker with the goals of the firm
and society. (Prereq: BUS 242)
Major: Required for Business Management major, elective
in Supervisory Management major (upper division)
BUS 352
Marketing Research and Analysis
Research process as an aid to decision making in marketing
management; research methodology; marketing research
results; evaluation of the effectiveness of research in
marketing. (Prereq: BUS 252,279, ECO 113, or consent of
Major: Required in the Marketing major and an elective in
the Marketing Communications major (upper division)
BUS 355
Marketing Communications
A look at the communications aspects of marketing by
integrating advertising, public relations, sales promotion,
and personal selling into a coherent promotion mix.
Emphasis will be placed on the design and evaluation of
marketing communications programs, particularly
advertising; selection of media; copy-creative effort;
advertiser-agency relationship; management of the
personal selling function including salesforce selection,
compensation, territorial design, and performance
appraisal. (Prereq: BUS 252)
Major: Required in the Marketing major, elective in
Marketing Communication major, Public
RelationslAdvertising major, or Supervisory Management
(upper division)
BUS 370
Advanced Computing for Business and Economics
Current topics &volving programmable spreadsheets
(LOTUS), programmable data bases (DBASE), graphics,
information retrieval using- telecommunications, and other
packages (statistical analysis, project management, expert
systems, etc.). Solve common problems in economics,
finance and marketing. (Prereq: One computer course such
as BUS 175 or CSC 145, 170 or 174. Recommended BUS 279.)
Major: Required in the MIS major (upper division)
BUS 375
Information Systems in the Organization
Use of systems approach in analyzing the use of
information systems in the organization. Analyze business
needs and information requirements, identify relevant
solutions and communicate recommendations. Emphasis
on management consulting skills including written and
verbal communications.
(Prereq: Two computer courses such as BUS 175 and 370)
Major: Required in the MIS major (upper division)
BUS 391
Business Law
Legal rules relating to contracts, agency, negotiable
instruments, property and business organizations under
the Uniform Commercial Code.
Major: Required for Business Administration core
(upper division)
BUS 423
Internal and external auditing procedures. Emphasis on
internal checks and control for accounting systems. (Prereq:
BUS 323)
Major: One of a choice of 3 required courses in the
Accounting major (upper division)
BUS 425
Advanced Accounting
Accounting for business combinations, governmental
accounting, partnership accounting and fund accounting.
(Prereq: BUS 323)
Major: One of a choice of 3 required courses in the
Accounting major (upper division)
BUS 433
Financial Theory: Policy and Practice
Advanced financial theory; a systems approach to financial
structure and policy. Emphasis on decision-making,
presentation through literature, readings, lectures and case
material. (Prereq: BUS 331)
Major: Required in Finance major (upper division)
BUS 438
Investment Theory
Appraisal of the risklreturn relationships of various types of
securities from the viewpoint of both individual and
institutional investors. Extensive coverage of capital markets
and portfolio management. (Prereq: all core courses or
consent of instructor)
Major: Required in Finance major (upper division)
BUS 440
Operations Management
Concepts and principles related to the management of
operating functions. Examples from service industries, nonprofit organizations and manufacturing. Taught from a
managerial point of view. Topics include: an overview of
operations, planning operation processes, productivity
measurement, standards, forecasting, concepts of quality,
inventory management, principles of scheduling, and
operational control information systems. (Prereq: BUS 242)
Major: Required in the Business Management major and an
elective in the Supervisory Management major
(upper division)
BUS 450
Marketing Management
Integration of marketing with other business functions;
marketing management and decision making, planning
marketing programs, channels of distribution, pricing,
product selling and promotion policies. (Prereq: BUS 352)
Major: Required in the Marketing major and an elective in
the Marketing Communications major (upper division)
BUS 475
Information Systems Analysis and Design
Analyze information requirements and design systems
specifications. Utilize relational data base software to quickly
implement several system designs. Utilize project
management software to manage the life cycle process
including documentation and implementation. (Prereq: all
lower level core courses, BUS 375. Recommended: BUS 370)
Major: Required in the MIS major (upper division)
BUS 476
Information Systems Projects
Using skills developed in BUS 375 and 475, complete
information analysis and systems design for several business
situations. Utilize both case studies and actual businesses.
(Prereq: BUS 375,475. Recommended: BUS 479)
Major: Required in the MIS major (upper division)
BUSlECO Intermediate Quantitative Methods for Economics and
Utilizing computer packages relevant to statistical analysis.
Programming tools include spreadsheets, Minitab, SPSS and
other statistical packages. Areas of interest include statistical
descriptions, analysis of variance and statistical inference
plus linear models, queuing models and Monte Carlo
simulations. (Prereq: BUS 175, 279, Math Placement Group
IV or a grade of at least 2.0 in MAT 114, 121, or 122.
Recommended: BUS 370)
Major: Required for MIS major and one of a choice of 3
required courses in the Finance major (upper division)
BUS 495
Topics: Risk Management and Insurance
A study of risk management. Emphasis on the function of (1)
determination of exposure to risk; (2) analysis or risk and
losses; (3) methods of combating risks; and (4) administration of risk insurance program. How to recognize and
evaluate the property liability and personnel risks facing a
business, a non-profit organization, a government unit, or an
individual or family. How to select and deal with an insurer.
Public policy issues such as availability of insurance are
examined to identify and evaluate the role of insurance in the
financial framework of the economy.
Major: Elective for Busines Administration major
CHM 100
Chemistry for Changing Times
This is a non-laboratory chemistry course based on the very
popular book by John H. Hill of the same title. It is not a
traditional chemistry course and does not assume a science
background. Most of the problems we face are molecular in
nature. What then but chemistry can help us to understand
ourselves, our society, our world, and our universe? Come
join us as we take a molecular look at the human condition.
This course does not apply toward the major or minor in
chemistry nor does it meet any prerequisite chemistry
Distribution: ChemistrylBiology
CHM 109
General, Organic and Biological Chemistry
Designed for students who need a survey of the
fundamentals of general, organic and biological chemistry for
careers in allied health areas such as nursing (including
Augsburg's upper division program). Open also to other
students. First term, general chemistry principles and an
introduction to organic chemistry. Will include arranged time
for laboratory work. This course does not apply toward the
major or minor in chemistry.
Distribution: Chemistry
Major: Required prerequisite for Nursing major
CHM 110
General, Organic and Biological Chemistry
Continuation of Chemistry 109. Organic and biological
chemistry with special applications to human psysiological
chemistry. Will include arranged time for laboratory work.
Does not apply toward the major or minor in chemistry.
Distribution: Chemistry
Major: Required for MIS major
CSC 145
Computing for the Liberal Arts
An introduction to computers, programming, and computer
applications, as well as some of the social and philosophical
issues associated with computers. Primarily for students in
non-science areas. Does not apply toward the computer
science major or minor.
CSClMAT Mathematics for Computing I, I1
A study of discrete and continuous mathematics with
applications to computer science, integrated with learning
structured programming. Primarily for students planning to
major in computer science. Meets weekly. (Prereq: MAT 114
or Placement Group IV for MAT 174; MAT 174 for MAT 175)
Major: Required for MIS major
CSC 240
Survey of Computer Sciences
An introduction to computer organization and structure,
assembly and machine languages, computer logic design,
number and character representations, and functions of
components of computer systems. Continued development
of structured programming concepts. (Prereq: MAT 175; or
both 170 and MAT 124 and concurrent registration in MAT
Major: Elective for MIS major
CSC 340
Digital Communications and Computer Networks
Principles and methods of data communications, distributed
processing systems, network protocols and security, and
general computer interfacing. (Prereq: CSC 240)
Major: Elective for MIS major (upper division)
CSC 352
Database Management and Design
Structure of database management systems, query facilities,
file organization and security, including the development of
an elementary database system. (Prereq: CSC 240)
Major: Elective for MIS major (upper division)
ECO 112
Principles of Macroeconomics
An introduction to macroeconomics; national income
analysis, monetary and fiscal policy, international trade,
economic growth. Application of elementary economic
theory to current economic problems. May be taken
independently of ECO 113. ECO 112 and 113 may be taken
in either order.
Distribution: EconomicslPolitical Science
Major: Required for Business Administration core
ECO 113
Principles of Microeconomics
An introduction to micro-economics, the theory of the
household, firm, market structures and income distribution.
Application of elementary economic theory to market policy.
May be taken independently of ECO 112. ECO 112 and 113
may be taken in either order.
Distribution: EconomicslPoliticalScience
Major: Required for Business Administration core
ECO 311
Public Finance
Analysis of the principles of taxation and public
expenditures; the impact of fiscal policy on economic
activity; debt policy and its economic implications. (Prereq:
ECO 112, 113)
Major: One of a choice of three required courses in the
Business Administration core (upper division)
ECO 312
Intermediate Macroeconomics
Determinants of national income, employment and price
level analyzed via macromodels. Attention paid to areas of
monetary-fiscal policy, growth and the business cycle.
(Prereq: ECO 112)
Major: One of a choice of three required courses in the
Business Administration core (upper division)
ECO 313
Intermediate Microeconomics
Theory of resource allocation, analysis of consumer behavior,
firm and industry; the pricing of factors of production and
income distribution; introduction to welfare economics.
(Prereq: ECO 113)
Major: Required for Business Administration core
(upper division)
ECO 315
Money and Banking
Functioning of the monetary and banking systems,
particularly commercial banks, the Federal Reserve System
and its role in relation to aggregate economic activity.
Emphasis placed on monetary theory and policy. (Prereq:
ECO 112,113)
Major: One of a choice of three required courses in the
Business Administration core (upper division)
ECO 318
Management Science
Provides a sound conceptual understanding of the modern
techniques of management science to prepare students to
make better business and economic decisions. Emphasis is
on applications, which are taken from the areas of
transportation, marketing, portfolio selection, environmental
protection, the shortest route, inventory models, information
systems, etc. (Prereq: ECO 313)
Major: Required for Business Management major and MIS
major and one of a choice of 3 required courses for the
Finance major, elective in Supervisory Management major
(upper division)
ECO 415
Managerial Economics
Integrates economic theory and corresponding practices in
business. Among the topics considered are theories and
practices in forecasting, estimation of demand and cost
functions, price and non-price competition, production and
cost considerations, and an analysis of economic problems of
relevance to management. (Prereq: ECO 313, BUS 279)
Major: Required in the Marketing major and one of a choice
of 3 required courses in the Finance major (upper division)
ECO 479
Intermediate Quantitative Methods for Economics and
(See under Business.)
EDE 253
Orientation to Education in an Urban Setting (.5 course)
Study and investigation of various aspects of the teaching
profession as students evaluate their interest and suitability
for a career in teaching. Open to all students. Suggested as
first course to be taken.
Major: Required for Elementary major
EDElEDS Media Technology (.5 course)
Psychological and philosophical dimensions of
communication through the use of instructional technology.
Selection, preparation, production, and evaluation of
effective audio-visual materials for teachingllearning
situations. Computer training will be included in this course.
Major: Required for Elementary and Secondary Education
major (upper division)
EDE 350
Creating Learning Environments:Kindergarten-Elementary
(.5 course)
The study of strategies and methods of teaching and learning
in the contexts of educational, psychological, sociological and
neuro-scientific theories.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major
(upper division)
EDE 351
Techniques of Teaching Reading (1.0 course)
The study and utilization of a variety of techniques and
resources in the teaching of reading and the diagnosis and
correction of reading problems. Field placement requirement
included in this class.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major
(upper division)
EDE 363
Kindergarten-Elementary Clinical Experiences (.5 course)
Includes 160 hours in-class experiences. Register for 2 seminar
sessions in addition to the 160 hours. A video tape of classroom or simulated teaching will be prepared by each student.
Membership in one of the professional teacher organizations
is required. Students must apply in the Education
Department for Clinical at least 2 months prior to date they
intend to begin Clinical. Enroll for course approximately halfway through the K-Elementary course sequence.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major
(upper division)
EDE 364
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum: Interdisciplinary
Studies (.25 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
integrating specific skill developments through various
subjects at the kindergarten and elementary levels.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major
(upper division)
EDE 376
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum: Social Studies
(.25 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
social studies at the kindergarten and elementary levels.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major
(upper division)
EDE 377
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum: Science (.25 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
science at the kindergarten and elementary levels.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major
(upper division)
EDE 379
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum: Art (.25 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
art at the kindergarten and elementary levels.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major
(upper division)
EDE 380
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum: Music (.25 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
music at the kindergarten and elementary levels.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major
(upper division)
EDE 382
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum: Mathematics
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
mathematics instruction at the kindergarten and elementary
levels. (Prereq: EDE 253 or EDS 264)
Major: Required for Elementary Education major
(upper division)
EDE 386
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum: Children's Literature
(.5 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
children's literature at the kindergarten and elementary
levels. (Prereq: EDE 253 or EDS 264)
Major: Required for Elementary Education major
(upper division)
EDE 387
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum: Language Arts
(.5 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
language arts instruction at the kindergarten and elementary
levels. (Prereq: EDE 253 or EDS 264)
Major: Required for Elementary Education major
(upper division)
EDE 388
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum: Health (.25 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
health instruction at the kindergarten and elementary levels.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major
(upper division)
EDE 389
Kindergarten-Elementary Curriculum: Physical Education
(.25 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
physical education instruction at the kindergarten and
elementary levels.
Major: Required for Elementary Education major
(upper division)
EDE 481,
482, 483,
Student Teaching K, K-6, or 1-6
Students must apply to student teach at least three months
prior to date they intend to student teach. A minimum of
three courses (481,482, 483) unless otherwise advised by the
department. Observing and facilitating learning at the
kindergarten and elementary levels under the supervision of
college and elementary school personnel. Admission into the
Education Department is required prior to student teaching
placement. Membership in one of the professional teacher
organizations is required. (Prereq: All K-Elementary
coursework satisfactorily completed or permission of
Department for exception.)
Major: Required for Elementary Education major
(upper division)
EDS 264
Orientation to Education in an Urban Setting (.5 course)
Investigates various aspects of the teaching profession. Open to
all students. Suggested as one of the first courses to be taken.
Major: Required for Secondary Education major
(upper division)
EDS 350
Reading in the Content Areas (.5 course)
The study and utilization of a variety of techniques and
resources to assist students in teaching reading through the
content areas.
Major: Required for Secondary Education major
(upper division)
EDS 352
Clinical Experience (.5 course)
Students must apply in the Education Department for
Clinical Experience at least 2 months prior to the date they
intend to begin Clinical Experience. Students should enroll
for course approximately half way through the Secondary
course sequence. Includes 70 hours in-school experiences,
seminars. Membership in one of the professional teacher
organizations is required.
Major: Required for Secondary Education major
(upper division)
EDS 353
Creating Learning Environments: Secondary (.5 course)
The study of strategies and methods of teaching and learning
in the contexts of educational, psychological, sociological and
neuroscientif'ic theories.
Major: Required for Secondary Education major
(upper division)
EDS 364
English Methods (1.0 course)
Materials and methods suitable for students in secondary
schools. Emphasis on the preparation of lesson and unit
plans. Some teaching experience in a local high school. The
study of adolescent literature is included. (Prereq: EDS 264
and 353 or consent of instructor.)
Major: Required for Secondary Education English Language
Arts major (upper division)
EDS 366
Foreign Language Methods (.5 course)
Language learning theory. The theory and practice of language
teaching. (Consult with the Foreign Language Department.)
Major: Required for Secondary Education Foreign Language
major (upper division)
EDS 375
Social Studies Methods (.5 course)
Introduction to the teaching of social studies and history in
secondary classrooms. Emphasis on instructional strategies
and curriculum development.
Major: Required for Secondary Education Social Studies
major (upper division)
EDS 388
Human Relations (.5 course)
Emphasis on the study of values, of communication
techniques, and of the major minority groups in Minnesota
for the development of interpersonal relations skills
applicable to teaching and other professional vocations.
Open to all.
Major: Required for all Elementary and Secondary Education
majors (upper division)
EDS 477
School and Society (.5 course)
The emphasis in this course is on the school in relation to
society. Current major issues in education will be studied.
Students should enroll as closely as possible to the same
term as their student teaching. (Prerequisite: Introduction to
Education, Creating Learning Environments and Methods in
Subject Area)
Major: Required for Secondary Education major
upper division)
EDS 481,
Student Teaching
Students must apply to student teach through the Education
Department at least three months prior to the date they
intend to begin student teaching. Observing and directing
learning at the secondary level under supervision of college
and secondary school personnel. A minimum of two
courses, except three courses required of Art, Music, Physical
Education majors. Membership in one of the professional
organizations is required. (Prerequisite: ALL Secondary
Education and major coursework successfully completed or
permission of the Department for an exception.)
Major: Required for Secondary Education major
(upper division)
EDS 486
Student Teaching Seminar (.5 course)
Companion course to student teaching. In-depth analysis of
teaching effectiveness and problem solving. A video tape of
classroom teaching will be prepared by each student. Membership in one of the professional teacher organizations is
Enroll for this course in same term as student teaching.
Major: Required for Secondary Education major
(upper division)
ENG 111
Effective Writing
Emphasis is on exposition, including learning research techniques and writing critical reviews. At least one work of literature is assigned. Attention is given to increasing students'
effectiveness in choosing, organizing and developing
topics, thinking critically, and revising for clarity and style.
A Writing Lab is provided for those needing additional
help. The minimum passing grade for this course is 2.0.
Distribution: Required for graduation
ENG 209
Grow Old Along With Me
This course will focus on what poets, dramatists, and
novelists have to say about the aging process. Students will
be expected to interview older people to discover how they
feel society regards the aging.
Distribution: EnglishlSpeech
ENG 223
Writing for Business and the Professions
A practical course designed with emphasis on expository
writing skills for those preparing for business and
professional careers. The writing of reports, letters, and
proposals will be emphasized. Students will be encouraged
to use the material from their own areas of specialization.
(Prereq: ENG 111or equivalent)
Major: Recommended elective for Business Administration
major. Meets writing requirement for Communications
major. An elective for English major.
ENG 225
Intermediate Expository Writing
The development of essays in a variety of rhetorical modes,
which may include identification, definition, classification,
illustration, comparison and contrast, and analysis. Particular
attention will be given to stylistic and organizational matters
through the course's workshop format, in which students'
papers are read and discussed. (Prereq: ENG 111)
Major: Required for English major, meets writing
requirement for Communication major.
ENG 226
Introduction to Creative Writing
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the
process of creative writing and to various genres,
emphasizing poetry and short fiction but including journal
keeping, drama, and creative prose. (Prereq: ENG 111)
Major: Meets writing requirement for Communications
major. An elective for English major.
ENG 227
This is an introductory newswriting course. Emphasis will be
placed on writing for the print media, but students will learn
to write for radio and television as well. Students will
consider: how to recognize news, how to gather and verify
facts, and how to cover basic copy preparation and editing
practices. This includes an introduction to legal and ethical
questions faced by journalists. (Prereq: ENG 111)
Major: Required for Public Relations major, meets writing
requirement for Communications major, an elective for
English major
ENG 2401 The Short Story
The course will involve practice in ways of approaching
literature and will include study of the basic critical
terminology. It is an appropriate course for students who
have not yet studied literature at the college level. Effective
Writing is not a prerequisite but students will be expected to
write with clarity.
Distribution: EnglishlSpeech
Major: An elective for English major
ENG 245
Introduction to Literature
An introduction to the study of fiction, drama, and poetry.
Particular attention will be devoted to developing critical and
analytical skills in reading and writing about literature.
Strongly recommended for English majors and minors.
Distribution: EnglishlSpeech
Major: Strongly recommended for English major
ENG 250
American Literature to 1920
Reading and analysis of some significant works of selected
American writers from colonial times to the emergence of
literary naturalism. Attention is also given to the writer's
contribution to the historical development of American literature.
Distribution: EnglishlSpeech
Major: Meets American literature requirement
ENG 261
Modern Fiction
Significant works of selected prose writers, chiefly European,
of the twentieth century. Some non-western writers will be included.
Distribution: EnglishlSpeech
Major: An elective for English major
ENG 271
European Literature: Homer to Dante
A study of major works of Greek and Roman literature, for
example the epics of Homer and Virgil, the tragedies of
Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides, the comedies of
Aristophanes and Ovid's Metamorphoses. Dante's Inferno
will be studied as a work in which the Christian and the
classical traditions are combined. These works will be
studied with reference to their mythological foundations,
their cultural background, their influence on later literature,
and their enduring relevance.
Distribution: EnglishlSpeech
Major: Meets Western tradition requirement
ENG 272
European Literature: From the Renaissance to the Modern Period
A study of masterpieces of literature, chiefly European, from
the medieval to the modern period, including such authors
as Moliere, Cervantes, Montaigne, Goethe, Dostoyevsky.
Distribution: EnglishlSpeech
Major: Meets western tradition requirement
ENG 2821
Topics in Literature
Individual courses designed to investigate specific themes,
movements, authors, or works. The subjects selected for
study in any year will be listed in the class schedule for that
year. Recent offerings have included Scandinavian literature,
Twentieth Century Poetry, Comedy, and Women and Fiction.
Distribution: EnglishlSpeech
Major: An elective for English major
ENG 327
Advanced Journalism:Interviewing and Editing
Emphasis is placed first on interviewing and then on
organizing and writing the interview story. The second half
of the course will concentrate on editing the work of others
and learning layout and design. The course will include
workshop sessions during which students conduct
interviews and critique the interview skills of fellow students.
There will also be laboratory sessions devoted to layout and
design. (Prerequisite: ENG 227)
Major: An elective for English and Communications majors
(upper division)
ENG 331
British Literature, Chaucer to the Elizabethans
Chaucer and the medieval milieu will be studied as well as
the development of English poetry and drama in the English
Distribution: EnglishlSpeech
Major: Meets British literature requirement
(upper division)
ENG 336
British Literature, Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
Reading, analysis and discussion of works of selected writers
from the metaphysical poets up to Blake, with attention to
the historical, intellectual, and social influences and the
major literary movements.
Distribution: EnglishlSpeech
Major: Meets British literature requirement
(upper division)
ENG 337
British Literature, the Romantics and the Victorians
A study of major writers of the nineteenth century,
emphasizing Romantic poetry, Victorian poetry, Victorian
prose and two or three novels of the period. Relationships
among these writers and their influence on one another will
be emphasized as well as their relationship to their own age
and their lasting contribution to the forms of poetry and
Distribution: EnglishlSpeech
Major: Meets British literature requirement
(upper division)
ENG 351
American Literature Since 1920
A study of some recent and contemporary writers and
literary movements. Attention is given to the dynamics of
American society and its intricate relationship to the
literature. Special emphasis is given to the city as setting and
symbol in modern American literature.
Distribution: EnglishlSpeech, Urban Concerns
Major: Meets American literature requirement
(upper division)
ENG 396
Highlights of British Literature
Works by major British authors such as Chaucer,
Shakespeare, Donne, Swift, Wordsworth, Austen, Dickens,
and Woolf.
Distribution: EnglishlSpeech
Major: Meets British literature requirement
(upper division)
ENG 399
The department offers on-campus internships in teaching
writing or English as a Second Language and various offcampus internships. Interested students should consult the
department chairperson.
(upper division)
ENG 423
Studies in the British Novel
A survey of the development of the novel in England from its
eighteenth century beginnings up to the twentieth century.
Novels studied will be selected from the works of such
authors as Defoe, Richardson, Fielding, Sterne, Austen,
Dickens, BronG, Thackeray, Eliot, Hardy and Butler.
Attention will be given to the conditions contributing to the
rise of the novel and its emergence by the twentieth century
as the dominant literary form.
Distribution: EnglishlSpeech
Major: Meets British literature requirement
(upper division)
ENG 438
Study of ten or twelve major plays - comedies, histories,
tragedies - with attention to the development of
Shakespeare's dramatic and poetic art. Additional plays
assigned for reading analysis.
Distribution: EnglishlSpeech
Major: Meets British literature requirement
(upper division)
ENG 499
Independent Study
Open to junior or senior English majors with a grade of 3.0 or
consent of department chairperson. Provides directed
independent study in the area of the student's choice.
FRE 111
Beginning French
Designed to introduce the student with no previous
background in French to the language and to French culture.
The pronunciation system and basic sentence structures are
taught to enable understanding and expression on a
rudimentary level.
Distribution: Foreign Language
FRE 112
Beginning French
Continuation of FRE 111.
Distribution: Foreign Language
GER 111
Beginning German
Course 111is for students with no previous background.
Aims at developing basic skills. Classroom practice in
speaking, understanding and reading basic German. Goals:
ability to read extended narratives in simple German,
insights into German culture and participation in short
conversations. Laboratory materials available.
Distribution: Foreign Language
GER 112
Beginning German
Continuation of GER 111.
Distribution: Foreign Language
HIS 103
The Modern World
A study of the main currents in western civilization from the
time of Napoleon to the present.
Distribution: HistorylPhilosophy
HIS 104
The Modern Non-Western World
An introduction to various centers of cultural and political
power in Asia and Africa of the last 200 years.
Distribution: HistorylPhilosophy
HIS 162
20th Century South Asia
This geographic area has produced the largest working
democracy in the world today; it is a standard example for
population crisis and world hunger illustrations. This course
is designed for the student who has interest but little or no
background in non-western subjects.
Distribution: HistorylPhilosophy
HIS 2191
Myths and Myth Making
A myth is not something patently false or absurd, although
popular usage has emphasized its fictional quality. Myth is
the means by which people and cultures explain themselves
to others and to themselves. In this course we will examine
mythopoeic thought and the myths which that process
evolved in the ancient Near East.
Distribution: HistorylPhilosophy
HIS 222
U.S. History Since 1877
An assessment of the century which precedes our modern day.
Distribution: HistorylPhilosophy
HIS 341
Topics: European History - Europe in the Era of World War I1
Beginning with the rise of facism in the 1930's, this course
will emphasize the unsuccessful attempts at appeasement,
the course of the war, and conclude with the development of
the cold war to 1950.
Distribution: HistorylPhilosophy (upper division)
HIS 440
Topics in World History
This course will investigate topics in world history which are
not included in regular course offerings. The specific topics to
be offered will be announced prior to registration.
(upper division)
HPE 114
Health and Safety Education (.5 course)
Principles and practices of safety education in school and
community life. Includes information about school health
programs and prevalent health needs and problems of school
age children, and American Red Cross First Aid course.
Major: Required for Elementary and Secondary major
HPE ll5
Health and Chemical Dependency Education (.5course)
An analysis of chemical abuse and what can be done for the
abuser. Includes information about school health programs
and prevalent health needs and problems of school age
Major: Required for Elementary and Secondary major
INS 233
Women: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
This course will examine a variety of issues concerning the
biological, evolutionary and historic origins of women's roles
and status in human society. Emphasis will be placed on the
comparative roles of women in different cultures. This
comparison will include such North American models as the
Pygmies and other tribal groups, and the peasant societies of
eastern Europe, Mexico, and the middle East and rural China.
Distribution: Urban ConcernslWomen's Studies
MAT 103
Basic Mathematics
A self-paced course for students needing a review of
arithmetic and transition to algebra. Topics include integers,
fractions, decimal numbers, ratios, percents, metric system,
exponents, radicals, and evaluation of algebraic expressions.
Counts as one course in semester's load but does not give
credit toward graduation. Admission only by Augsburg
Mathematics Placement Test. Meets weekly. (Prereq:
Placement Group I. PIN grading only.)
MAT 104
Intermediate Algebra
A self-paced course for students needing a review of basic
algebraic skills and concepts. Topics include operations with
polynomials and rati~nalex~ressions;
exponents and
radicals; solving linear and quadratic equations and
inequalities; and graphing of linear and quadratic functions.
Counts as one course in semester's load but does not give
credit toward graduation. Admission only by Augsburg
Mathematics Placement Exam. Meets weekly. (Prereq: Math
Placement Group 11. PIN grading only.)
MAT 114
Elementary Functions
A study of functions: algebraic, exponential, logarithmic, and
trigonometric. For students planning to take 124 or 174.
Students who have completed 124 or 174 may register for
credit only with consent of instructor. Meets weekly. (Prereq:
MAT 104 or Math Placement Group 111)
Distribution: MathlPhysics
Major: Strongly recommended for Business Administration
major prior to taking BUS 279
MAT 122
Calculus for the Social and Behavioral Sciences
Differential and integral calculus of a single variable with
applications to the social and behavioral sciences. Students
who have completed 124 may not register for credit. Meets
weekly. (Prereq: MAT 104 or Placement Group 111)
Distribution: MathlPhysics
MAT 131
Math for the Liberal Arts
An examination of the interaction between the development
of mathematics and that of civilization. Primarily for students
not intending further mathematics. (Prereq: MAT 104 or
Placement Group 111)
Distribution: MathlPhysics
MUS 130
Introduction to Music in the Fine Arts
Relationship between music of each period and the other
fine arts. For non-music majors.
Distribution: ArtlMusic
NOR 111
Beginning Norwegian
Introduction of the four basic language skills: speaking,
listening, reading and writing. Stress on spoken rather than
literary Norwegian. Laboratory work expected.
Distribution: Foreign Language
NOR 112
Beginning Norwegian
Continuation of NOR 111.
Distribution: Foreign Language
NUR 305
Contemporary Nursing I: Communication
A transitional course that introduces the components of the
professional role and begins the professional socialization
process. A communicative process is emphasized as one
means by which the nurse-client relationship is negotiated.
Interactive and group theories are explored for their
applicability to changing professional roles and practice.
(Prereq. or concurrent enrollment: PSY 355)
Major: Required for nursing major (upper division)
NUR 306
Contemporary Nursing 11: Paradigms in Nursing
An introduction to theories and conceptual thinking in the
process of professional development. The function of theory
in guiding nursing practice is emphasized. Selected nursing
conceptual models are studied and their application to
practice is examined using the nursing process format.
(Prereq: NUR 305)
Major: Required for nursing major (upper division)
NUR 310
Community Health Nursing I
This course focuses on community health delivery systems
and the practice of nursing within them. Concepts of health
are examined as they apply to current community health
problems and issues. Clinical application of course content
will involve making a health related assessment and
exploring a community health issue. Ethical issues related to
community health decision making with aggregate groups
are explored. (Prereq: NUR 330)
Major: Required for nursing major (upper division)
NUR 311
Community Health Nursing 11: Practicum**
This course provides a basis for understanding community
characteristics and cultural diversity related to health care.
The nurse's role as a generalist and as a member of the
health team is explored. This course is primarily a clinical
course. The student will demonstrate knowledge of
community health concepts in providing care to a selected
caseload of clients. (Prereq: NUR 310)
Major: Required for nursing major (upper division)
**Thiscourse involves an additional clinical fee.
NUR 330
Trends and Issues in Nursing
This course is designed to investigate the current
responsibilities of the professional nurse. Contemporary
economic, social, political and professional trends and
issues are explored in relation to their implications for
nursing practice. (Prereq: NUR 306, REL 483 or PHI 380, or
concurrent enrollment)
Major: Required for nursing major (upper division)
NUR 350
Introduction to Nursing Research
The research process and methods appropriate to nursing
are the focus of this course. Issues of ethics in nursing
research are explored. Students critique nursing research
for its applicability to nursing practice. (Prereq: NUR 330,
may be taken concurrently with NUR 310)
Major: Required for nursing major (upper division)
NUR 403
Contemporary Nursing 111: Families
This course provides a theoretical basis for family nursing
care. Content includes family as a primary group and family
dynamics in light of situational and developmental events.
Consideration is given to the role of the nurse in family
health care. (Prereq: NUR 311, NUR 350, may be taken prior
or concurrently with NUR 423)
Major: Required for nursing major (upper division)
NUR 404
Contemporary Nursing IV: Leadership and Management
This course provides a theoretical basis for leadership and
management as emerging professional nurse roles.
Concepts of change, conflict, communication, and system
dynamics are explored. Ethics, accountability and advocacy
provide the basis for role development and professionalism.
(Prereq: 403)
Major: Required for nursing major (upper division)
NUR 423
Practicum in Nursing I: Nursing of the Family**
A clinical practicum offering the student an opportunity to
apply content from 403 in providing complex nursing care
to families in a selected practice setting. (Prereq: NUR 403 or
concurrent enrollment)
Major: Required for nursing major (upper division)
""This course involves an additional clinical fee
NUR 427
Practicum in Nursing 11: Leadership and ManagementH
This clinical practicum utilizes knowledge and skills from
404. Opportunity is provided to apply leadership and
management theory in a selected agency setting. (Prereq:
NUR 404 or concurrent enrollment)
Major: Required for nursing major (upper division)
**Thiscourse involves an additional clinical fee
NUR 432
Topics in Nursing
A course designed to provide in-depth exploration of
selected topics in nursing. The subjects studied will vary
depending upon the needs and interests of the faculty and
students. (Prereq: Senior standing or consent of instructor.
On demand.)
NUR 499
Independent Study
This learning experience provides the opportunity for the
student to study a selected topic or issue in depth. Students
consult with faculty and submit written study proposals,
objectives, and methods of evaluation prior to registration.
PHI 110
Introduction to Philosophy: Ideas and Method
Though each person has his or her own set of ideas and
beliefs, rarely have they been critically analyzed or
evaluated for their consistency, adequacy or truth. One
reason for this is that individuals lack the needed skills.
Another is that they may have had little opportunity to
examine critically some of the ideas basic to western culture.
The purpose of this course is to provide the student with
some experience in examining ideas, and thereby to
sharpen the critical and analytical skills required to evaluate
and construct a system of ideas and beliefs.
Distribution: HistorylPhilosophy
PHI 120
Sometimes you say that a certain action is right or condemn
it as wrong. Why do you think it is right? Because you like
it? Are there better reasons for thinking something right or
wrong? This course takes a long, hard look at possible
grounds for making moral decisions, and at the moral
judgements about personal and social issues resulting
from them.
Distribution: HistorylPhilosophy
Major: Recommended elective in Business Administration
PHI 130
Suppose someone gives you reasons, and then says you
must accept a particular conclusion. Must you? When does
a conclusion validly follow from premises? Here we
examine the rules which govern valid arguments and work
to develop your ability to recognize and construct sound
Distribution: HistorylPhilosophy
Major: Required supporting course for Communication
PHI 380
Ethics of Medicine and Health Care
Application of ethical principles to problems which arise in
the areas of health care and delivery, human
experimentation, human engineering, abortion, care for the
dying and euthanasia.
Distribution: HistorylPhilosophy
Major: PHI 380 or REL 483 required for Nursing major
(upper division)
PHY 101
A descriptive course covering our solar system, stars and
galaxies that requires elementary algebra. The necessary
optical instruments are explained and use is made of a
12-inch reflecting telescope, and eight-inch Celestron, and a
3-inch Questar. Occasional night viewing. (Prereq: Math
Placement Group 11)
Distribution: MathlPhysics
PHY 103
Physics for the Life Sciences
An introductory course in which the applications, problems
and experiments are selected not only to illustrate
fundamental principles, but also to demonstrate the
relevance of physics to the life sciences. The course is
designed to serve students in biology, psychology, physical
education (therapy programs), medical technology and
other health science programs. The course is also a very
suitable elective or distribution requirement for the liberal
arts student. (Prereq: Math Placement Group 111)
Distribution: MathlPhysics
PHY 106
Introductory Meteorology
A study of the science of meteorology which will provide a
working knowledge of the principles of atmospheric
science. Attention will be given to four basic areas:
observing the weather (including state of the art
instrumentation), understanding weather patterns,
forecasting weather changes and understanding the world's
climate. (Prereq: Math Placement Group 11)
Distribution: MathlPhysics
PHY 111
Physics, Computers, and Society
A study of the historical development of selected topics in
physical science. Attention will be given to the interaction of
physics and its associated technology with philosophy,
religion, and culture. Study of mechanics, electricity, and
digital electronics will lead up to discussion of the meaning
of twentieth century physics and of the role of electronics
and computers in modern society. Microcomputers will be
used extensively in the laboratory. (Prereq: Math Placement
Group 11)
Distribution: MathlPhysics
POL 160
World Politics
Introduction to the processes of international politics,
including the dynamics of the international system, theories
of international relations, and a focus on recent problems.
Distribution: EconomicslPoliticalScience
POL 170
Law in the United States
A survey of American law and legal process. Theories of
law; law and society; roles of courts, police, lawyers, and
juries; the United States Constitution as "supreme" law;
law as politics; historic and contemporary legal issues.
Distribution: EconomicslPolitical Science
POL 326
Political Parties and Behavior
The political behavior of the electorate emphasizing public
opinion and political parties in the electoral process. Field
work with political parties and interest groups and media in
presidential elections. (Prereq: 1course in Political Science
or consent of instructor)
Distribution: EconomicslPolitical Science (upper division)
POLISPC Mass Communications in Society
Effects of mass communications on individual behavior; the
uses and control of mass media for political and social
purposes including a study of censorship, newsmaking,
entertainment and public affairs programming.
Distribution: Urban Concerns or EconomicslPolitical Science
Major: Required for the Communication major
(upper division)
POLISPC Topics in American Politics: Uses of Mass Communications
This course offers advanced study in mass communications.
Topics include "Comparison of World Wide Media Systems,"
"The Role of Government Regulations and Law in Shaping
American Mass Media," "The Impact of Media on American
Society, Politics, and Culture." (It is desirable to have taken
342, Mass Communications. If not, talk with instructor
before registration.)
(upper division)
POL 461
Topics in International Politics: Challenges for American
Foreign Policy
Examines foreign policy strategies, analyzes how foreign
policy decisions are made, and looks at major issues being
debated by American leaders in a changing world economy.
(Prereq: one course in Political Science or consent of instructor)
(upper division)
PSY 105
General Psychology
An introduction to the methods and approaches used in
psychology for the purpose of understanding behavior. The
structure of the field of psychology, including its major subareas, is emphasized.
Distribution: PsychologylSociology
Major: Required supporting course for the Communication
majors and Social Work major, a prerequisite for advanced
courses in psychology.
PSY 355
Brain and Behavior
A survey of the functions of the nervous system which are
responsible for behavior in animals and human beings.
Major topics include: sleep and wakefulness, motivation and
emotion, learning and memory and mental disorders.
(Prereq: PSY 105 and one course in biology)
Major: Required prerequisite course for nursing major
(upper division)
PSY 356
Environment and Behavior
A study of the influence which the environment, both
natural and man-made, has on behavior. Major topics
include: overcrowding and environmental stress,
territoriality, defensible space and crime, and built
environments such as rooms, buildings and dties.
(Prereq: PSY 105)
Major: Urban Concerns (upper division)
PSY 373
Organizational Psychology
Theoretical conceptualizations of organizational behavior.
Factors and practices such as management styles, evaluation
and maintenance of work effectiveness, and social
influences. (Prereq: PSY 105)
Major: Required course for Business Management major and
elective for three Communications majors (upper division)
PSY 485
Counseling Psychology
Principles, methods, and attitudes involved in the counseling
process. Consideration given to goals and ethical guidelines
for a counseling relationship. (Students with 2 or more
completed courses in Psychology will have priority in
registration. Others may be accepted if space is available
AND if they receive consent of the instructor.)
Major: Elective in the Human Relations major (upper division)
REL 111
Introduction to Theology
An introduction to the academic discipline of theology and to
the dialogue between the church and the world which
concerns Christian doctrine.
Distribution: Religion
REL 215
Archaeology and the Bible
Discussion of archaeological method, problems in biblical
archaeology, and review of some current findings.
Distribution: Religion
REL 221
Biblical Studies
The origin, literary character, and transmission of the biblical
documents. The task of biblical interpretation. The history of
Israel and the emergence of the church.
Distribution: Religion
REL 263
World Justiceand Hunger: Developing a New World View
The course will survey the most recent reports and analysis
of the current holocaust of global hunger including the root
causes, the interconnectedness of other issues, the biblical
mandate and the role of justice education. Attitudes toward
poverty and wealth, justice and charity, oppression and
liberation will be discussed. The purpose will be to build
greater global awareness, become sensitized to ethical
choices, energize us for action and responsible living, and
explore pedagogical principles for social justice.
Distribution: Religion
REL 353
Denominations and Religious Groups in America
A study of the beliefs and worship practices of the major
denominations and religious groups. Some contemporary
cultic movements will also be considered.
Distribution: Religion (upper division)
REL 356
History of Religions
An introductory survey of some of the major living religions
of the world, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism,
Taoism, Shinto and Islam. Lectures plus some discussion
of primary documents from these religious communities.
Distribution: Religion (upper division)
REL 360
Religion and Society
An eiamination of the interaction of religion and society in
terms of sociological analysis with particular emphasis on
contemporary sociological research on religious movements
in American society.
Distribution: Religion (upper division)
REL 363
Religion in America
A study of the development of religion in America. Special
attention to the rise of religious liberty, revivalism,
denominations and the responses of religion to the
challenges of its environing culture.
Distribution: Religion (upper division)
REL 475
A survey of the history of Judaism from the end of the Old
Testament period to modern times, with emphasis placed
upon the religious development. A special interest in such
modern Jewish thinkers as Buber and Heschel. The Jewish
Chataqua Society annually makes a grant to Augsburg
College in partial support of this course in Judaism offered in
the religion department.
Distribution: Religion (upper division)
REL 481
Contemporary Theology
An introduction to some representative trends in Christian
theological thought today, as seen from the systematic
perspective, in the light of the continuing theological task of
the Christian Church.
Distribution: Religion (upper division)
REL 483
Christian Ethics
The basis of Christian social responsibility, in terms of
theological and sociological dynamics. Emphasis on
developing a constructive perspective for critical reflection
upon moral action.
Distribution: Religion (upper division)
Major: REL 483 or PHI 380 required for nursing major
REL 486
Psychology of Religion and Theology
A study of current psychological views of religion in the
context of the traditional Christian view of human nature.
Special attention will be given to the classics in the field by
Freud, Jung, and William James, and to those Christian
theologians who have been influenced by them.
Distribution: Religion (upper division)
SOC 121
Principles of Sociology
Sociology as a mode of analysis or way of knowing. Its
application to an understanding of basic aspects of society;
socialization, family life, social inequalities, large-scale
institutions, etc. Sociology as an academic discipline and
Distribution: Sociology
Major: Required supporting course for Communication
major and Social Work major
SOC 231
Sociology of the Family
An examination of the family as a social institution. The
relationship of the family to its institutional and cultural
context, from a sociological perspective.
Major: Required supporting course in Social Work major and
an elective in the Human Relations major
SOC 265
Racial and Minority Group Relations
The dimensions of racial and minority group relations. Major
attention is focused upon prejudice, racism, and the role of
self-understanding. (PIN grading only)
Distribution: Minority Studies
Major: Required supporting course for Social Work major
and elective supporting course in the Business Management
SOC 336
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
The concept of culture examined in anthropology and in the
way we see and live in the world. An analysis of basic
assumptions underlying the ideas of "primitive:' "civilized,"
and "progress." The person's relation to culture. An analysis
of selected aspects of Western culture. (Prereq: SOC 121or
consent of instructor)
Major: An alternative in the core of the Communication
major, recommended elective in Business Management
major (upper division)
SOC 349
Complex Organizations
There is little in contemporary American life that is not
somehow affected by organizations. This course
sociologically examines (both theoretically and empirically)
how organizations survive as entities and what life is like for
people within those organizations. Through lecture,
discussion, guest speakers, and participation we will explore
the topics of organizational goals, technology, structure and
process; as well as corporate and white collar deviance,
gender issues, and organizational change. (Prereq: Soc 121or
permission of instructor)
Major: Recommended elective in Human Relations, Public
RelationslAdvertising, and Supervisory Management majors
(upper division)
SOC 375
Social Psychology
An examination of the idea of "group," its relationships to
individual behavior and society. An analysis of the ideas of
"self' and "identity" and what part they play in
understanding interpersonal relations and human behavior.
A sociological view of mental health. A look at the major
assumptions and processes underlying our everyday life - a
look at the trivial, the ordinary and the taken-for-granted.
"Symbolic interaction," an important orientation in social
psychology, will be used as a way of dealing with the major
issues in the course. (Prereq: SOC 121)
Major: Required supporting course for Communication
major and Social Work major, elective supporting course for
Business Management major (upper division)
SPA 111
Beginning Spanish
Aims to develop the four basic skills: understanding,
speaking, reading and writing of elementary Spanish.
Introduction to culture of Spanish- speaking world.
Laboratory work is an integral part of the course.
Distribution: Foreign Language
SPA 112
Beginning Spanish
Continuation of SPA 111.
Distribution: Foreign Language
SPC 1111
Public Speaking
Theory and practice of effective speaking and critical
listening. Students have the opportunity to give several
speeches and receive feedback about their performance from
the class and the instructor. The course focuses on such
topics as developing self-confidence, speech preparation and
organization, audience analysis and adaptation, effective
delivery, style and language, and critical thinking and
Major: Required supporting course for Communication
major, elective supporting course in Business Management
SPC 222
Introduction to Theatre
A survey of dramatic art including dramatic structure,
principles, and values with a focus on major historical
periods, plays, and artists. This class will discuss the basic
concepts of the play production process.
Major: EnglishlSpeech
SPC 224
Publication Design
See ART 224.
SPC 329
Intercultural Communication
This course will explore both the problems and the potential
of communication between persons of different cultural
groups. Factors such as ethnocentrism, stereotyping,
prejudice, role expectations, values, and non-verbal symbols
will be examined in this course.
Major: Recommended supporting course in Human
Relations major (upper division)
SPCIPOL Mass Communications in Society
(See course description under POLISPC 342)
SPC 345
Organizational Communication
An examination of the dynamics of communication in
organizational settings. Focuses on topics such as superiorsubordinate relationships, formal and informal
communication networks, management styles, power and
authority, motivation of employees, organizational culture,
performance appraisal, effective use of meetings, and
sources of communication problems in the workplace.
Designed to enhance communication skills of both managers
and subordinates. Students both investigate the literature on
organizational communication and attempt to apply it to
their own experiences in organizations.
Major: Elective for 3 of the Communication majors
(upper division)
SPC 351
Application of standards for sound evidence and reasoning
in public speaking, discussion, and debates. Key objectives
include increasing skill in analyzing argumentative claims,
being able to distinguish between strong and weak
arguments, understanding test for evidence and fallacies in
reasoning, and learning to apply principles of argumentation
to contemporary public issues. Students have the
opportunity to enhance their skills in debate and discussion
and also learn to analyze and critique arguments they
encounter in their daily lives.
Major: This course or SPC 352 is required for the
Communications core (upper division)
SPC 352
Theory of how people are influenced to change attitudes and
behavior. The course deals with a broad range of topics,
including obstacles to persuasion, cultural dimensions of
persuasion; the use of logical and psychological appeals,
empirical research in persuasion; how persuasion is used in
politics, sales, advertising, and interpersonal contexts; the
nature of mass movements and campaigns; the impact of the
mass media on persuasion; and ethical issues related to
persuasion. Students analyze persuasive messages in
contemporary society, with practical work in speech and
promotional projects.
Major: This course or SPC 351 is required for the
Communications core, elective supporting course in
Marketing major (upper division)
SPC 354
Interpersonal Communication
A study of the dynamics of human interaction through
verbal and non-verbal messages; emphasis on factors that
build relationships and help to overcome communication
barriers. This course combines theory and practice to help
the student understand and manage communication
problems more effectively.
Major: Required for Communication core, elective
supporting course in Business Management major
(upper division)
SPC 355
Small Group Communication
A study of group dynamics and leadership with emphasis
on factors related to decision-making, styles of leadership
and conflict management. This course combines lecture with
practical experience to help the student become a more
effective and productive member of a small, task-oriented
Major: Recommended for supporting course in the Business
Management, Human Relations and Supervisory
Management majors (upper division)
SPC 361
Theatre History and Criticism I
Overview of theater history; examination of plays from
various periods. Attendance at local theater productions.
Introduction to theories of drama, dramatic production, and
dramatic criticism.
Distribution: EnglishlSpeech (upper division)
SPCIPOL Uses of Mass Communications: Advanced Topics
(See course description under POLISPC 421)
SPC 480
Public RelationslPromotiona1 Communications
Public Relations in the modern world of communication,
marketing and business. An overview of public relations as a
career and a survey of basic promotional communication in
profit and non-profit organizations.
Major: Elective in all Communication majors (upper division)
SWK 257
Exploring Human Services
With faculty approval, student selects a placement for 80
hours per term as a volunteer in a social agency or
institution. Opportunity to know human service
professionals, minority professionals, social service delivery
systems, and career aspects of the helping vocations.
Independent study with a term paper report and weekly
review conferences. Career exploration: open to all students.
Major: Required in the Social Work major
SWK 260
Humans Developing
This course provides the knowledge basic to an
understanding of human growth through the life cycle, and
of the interplay of sociocultural, biological, and psychological
factors which influence the growth of individuals and
families in contemporary American soceity. Emphasized is
the role of the "nurturing environment" in relation to human
growth, the impact of the "sustaining environment" factors,
and other special stresses relevant to growth. Growth related
to populations and groups which represent ethnic andlor
life-style diversity is also a focus. Students will gain selfunderstanding through use of their own experiences. Open
to all students.
Major: Required in the Social Work major and Elementary
Education Licensure.
SWK 361
Social Responses to Human Needs
This course describes the historical and contemporary
systems of human service and diversity of professionals and
client groups. The major assumptions and social movements
which have contributed to the charitable and governmental
responses to human needs will be emphasized. Guest
speakers and agency visits highlight the course. (Prereq:
Junior or consent of instructor)
Major: Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
SWK 363
Methods and Skills of Social Work
Basic features of the helping process; theoretical foundations,
principles and techniques of social work interventive methods,
and practical experience necessary for social work practice with
individuals and small groups with a diversity of professionals
and client groups; development of the student's repertoire
of relationship building skills. (Prereq: SWK 361, Junior)
Major: Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
SWK 364
Field Work I
Beginning supervised professional experience in a social
work agency focusing on interviewing experience and
relationship building. Ten hours per week, plus one small
group supportiveldiscussion seminar per week. (Prereq:
SWK 361, Junior, concurrent with SWK 363)
Major: Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
SWK 461
Advanced Methods and Skills
Enlargement and refinement of practice skills recognizing
adaptations of the problem-solving model to diverse
populations through lecture, classroom exercise and regular
class work. Enlargement of social group work skills, emphasis
on development of generalist practice skills and eclectic and client
approaches with a focus on diversity of professionals populations.
Lectures andlor laboratory exercises each week.
(Prereq: 2.0 in SWK 363 and 364, candidacy status.
Concurrent with SWK 462.)
Major: Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
SWK 462
Field Work I1
Progressively responsible supervised professional and social
work experience including work with individuals, families,
groups andlor communities in a social service agency. Ten
hours per week, plus one supportiveldiscussion seminar per
week. (Prereq: concurrent with SWK 461, candidacy status)
Major: Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
SWK 463
Community Development and Organization
Locality development and social change through community
organization, social planning, and social action. Emphasis
on: 1)survey of historical forms of community organization
and social change, 2) understanding the theories, basic issues
and strategies relevant to social protest and change,
3) examination of the role of staff, and of the functions and
interrelationships of community organizations, and
4) knowledge of and actual practice in the essential principles
and techniques of organizing. Open to all students.
(Prereq: Senior or consent of instructor)
Distribution: Urban Concerns
Major: Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
SWK 465
Social Policy: Analysis and Development
Includes the study of theories of Social Policy formulation
and methods of analysis associated with needs and services,
and analysis of the impact of policy on social work practice.
Development and implementation will be viewed first hand
through work with an elected public policy maker. Readings
and analytical paper integrate class concepts with practical
(Prereq: SWK 361,463 and senior or consent of instructor)
Major: Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
SWK 466
Field Work 111
Continuation of SWK 462. (Prereq: candidacy status, 2.0 in
SWK 461,462, 463)
Major: Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
SWK 467
The Social Worker as a Professional
Ethical practice, bureaucratic survival, professional job
attainment, affirmative action and sexual harrassment issues,
personnel policies and practices, organizational theory, and
resource development will be studied in the course. The field
work practice becomes the laboratory for class exercises.
(Prereq: Candidacy status, 2.0 in SWK 461, 462, 463)
SWK 469
Field Work IV
Continuation of 466. (Prereq: candidacy status, 2.0 in SWK
466, concurrent with SWK 467)
Major: Required in the Social Work major (upper division)
dmissions and
Financial Information
Admissions Requirements and Procedures
Who May Apply
Men or women who have:
1. Graduated from high school or have earned a G.E.D. Certificate.
2. Demonstrated academic ability with satisfactory performance in high
school or previous college work.
Admissions Process
1. Complete the application form and return it along with $15.00 to the
Augsburg Weekend College Office.
2. Have official transcripts from all previously attended post-secondary
institutions sent to the Augsburg Weekend College Office. Applicants
with less than one year of previous college work should include their
high school transcripts or G.E.D. Certificates.
3. The Augsburg Weekend College Admissions Committee will review
the application materials and notify students regarding acceptance
and registration procedures. The Admissions Committee may request
that the student submit a personal statement or have a personal
interview with a Weekend College facultylstaff member or submit
letters of recommendation to the Committee.
4. Students who are transferring previous college work to the Weekend
College program will be informed with their acceptance notification as
to the number of courses and degree requirements that remain to be
completed for the bachelor's degree.
5. Students who wish to apply for financial aid should refer to that
section of this bulletin.
Application Deadlines
Fall Trimester 1988 - August 15,1988
Winter Trimester 1989 - November 28, 1988
Spring Trimester 1989 - March 6, 1989
Financial Aid
There are a number of ways in which students may receive assistance in
meeting the costs of Augsburg Weekend College. The Financial Aid
Office will assist adults in assessing financial need and constructing an
aidlpayment program from the following alternatives:
Company Tuition Assistance Programs
Many companies, agencies, and corporations offer full or partial tuition
assistance to employees who participate in work-related or degreeoriented college programs. Augsburg provides a payment plan by which
employees may handle tuition reimbursement.
Pel1 Grant
This is a federal aid program, based on need, that is available to students
who take at least one course in Weekend College. Awards range from
$150-2100 per year.
Minnesota Part-time Student Grant Program
The State of Minnesota provides an aid program, based on need, for state
residents who take one course at Augsburg.
Minnesota State Scholarship and Grant Program
The Minnesota State Scholarship and Grant Program is available to
Minnesota residents, attending at least half-time per term, based on
financial need. Awards ranged from $100 to $3172 for 1987-88.
Augsburg Tuition Grant
Augsburg College may provide grants and scholarships to Weekend
College students who show academic potential and have financial need
Guaranteed Student LoanlMinnesota State Student Loan
Students must carry at least one-half the normal full-time load. Eligibility
for the loan is determined by the Office of Student Financial Services.
When repayment begins, the student pays the full interest at 8%. The
maximum loan is $2625 per year for the first two years of undergraduate
study and $4000 for the remaining years of undergraduate study or the
cost of education, whichever is less. The aggregate undergraduate
maximum is $17,250. Loan applications are available at Augsburg.
To Apply for Financial Aid
1) Complete the Application for Admission and indicate your desire to
also apply for financial aid.
2) The Financial Aid Office will send you the necessary application
forms (or you may pick them up at the Financial Aid Office, 152
Science Hall or the Weekend College Office).
3) All students transferring from any post secondary institution must
have a Financial Aid Transcript on file with Augsburg from each
previously attended institution even if you did not receive aid.
4) Complete and return the financial aid forms by the deadlines
5) Accept the financial aid offered, in whole or in part, within the
deadline stated.
Fees and Payment Schedule
Avvlication Fee (vavable once, non-refundable)
Tuition (per trimester course)
(one course 6 auarter credits or 4 semester credits)
Tuition (per summer course)
(tuition charge for 1988 summer terms)
Audit a Course
Lifetime Sports:
Fee for course
Fee for Assessment of Previous Learning
Nursing Clinical Fee
Education Clinical & Field Experience Fee
Late Fee $10.00 per day (Five working days after Registration are allowed
to complete late registrations)
Charged to any student registering after the scheduled registration date.
Late registration includes incomplete registration as defined:
a,) Unsigned Registration Form b.) Unapproved Payment Plan
Registration change after first class meeting
(cancelladdlchange grade option, or combination at one time)
Transcript Fee (per copy after first, which is free)
- -
Finance Charge: A finance charge is applied at a simple rate of 1% per
month on any account with an open balance of 30 days or more.
Payment Options
Tuition is set on an annual basis payable in 3 equal installments at the
beginning of each Trimester. Registration is permitted only if the
student's account for a previous term is paid in full as agreed. Augsburg
College will not release diplomas or academic transcripts until all student
accounts are paid in full. This also applies for student loan funds
administered by the College (Perkins Student Loan). They must be
current according to established repayment schedules.
Augsburg Offers the Following Payment Options:
1) Trimester payments in full on day of Registration.
2) Payment Plan - Upon application and after College approval, a
3-payment plan is available each trimester. Payment plans will be
approved only if previous plans have been adhered to.
3) Company Reimbursement - Full courses, or equivalent, which are
company reimbursed require a deposit of $100 per course reimbursed,
with full payment due within 45 days from the end of the term.
*A non-sufficient fund check used for payment at registration will declare
that registration invalid and could affect further credit extended by the
Refund Schedule
A per course tuition refund will be made on the following basis:
(Students are responsible for cancelling courses with the Registrar's
Office in order to be eligible for the tuition refund.)
Prior to the first scheduled class meeting - 100%
(less a $75 Administrative Fee if withdrawing from current term entirely)
Prior to the second scheduled class meeting - 80%
Prior to the third scheduled class meeting - 60%
No refund after the third scheduled class meeting.
The refund schedule is effective whether or not a student has attended
classes. All refunds of charges will be applied to the account of the
student and all adjustments for aid, loans, fines, and deposits, etc. will be
made before eligibility for a cash refund of any resulting credit balance is
determined. Please allow two weeks for a refund.
Augsburg College was founded in 1869 in Marshall, Wisconsin and
moved to Minneapolis in 1872. The name Augsburg College and
Seminary changed in 1963when the Lutheran Free Church merged with
The American Lutheran Church.
Augsburg's 23 acre campus is in the heart of the Twin Cities metropolitan
area, only blocks from downtown Minneapolis and the intersection of
Interstate Highways 94 and 35W. Adjacent to the campus are Fairview and
St. Mary's hospitals, the West Bank campus of the University of
Minnesota and the Mississippi River parkways.
Skyways, tunnels and elevators provide accessible connection between 10
of the 15 major buildings - student housing towers, College Center, main
academic and administrative halls, the Library, Music building and Foss
Center for Worship, Drama and Communication.
We have made a major effort to become one of the most accessible
campuses in the region. Our skyway-tunnel system lets you reach any of
10 major buildings without going outside. In addition to building
changes, we have a student-run program to increase awareness and
provide extra help for students with disabilities.
Church Affiliation
Augsburg is a college of The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
About 51% of the students are Lutheran, 15% other Protestant and 15O/0
Roman Catholic. Several other affiliations are represented among
students and faculty.
Non-Discrimination Policy
Augsburg College does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed,
national or ethnic origin, age, marital status, sex or handicap as required
by Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments or Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended in its admission policies,
educational programs, activities, and employment practices.
Augsburg College
1. Admissions
2. George Sverdrup Library
3. Science Hall
4. Old Main
5. West Hall
6. Mortensen Tower
7. Urness Tower
8. College Center
9. Sverdrup-Oftedal Memorial Hall
10. Music Hall
11.2222 Murphy Square
(Weekend College Office)
12. Melby Hall
13. Ice Arena
14. Stage I1 Theatre
l5. Center for Global Education
16. Scandinavian Center
17. Foss, Lobeck, Miles Center for Worship,
Drama and Communication
18. Youth and Family Ministry
A. Admissions Parking
B. Student Parking
C . Visitor Parking
D. The Quad
E. FacultylStaff Parking
F. Murphy Square
G. Anderson-Nelson Athletic Field
H. Fairview-St. Mary's Parking Ramp
I. Husby-Strommen Tennis Courts
Accessible Entrance
To Find Augsburg
From Minneapolis
Interstate 94 east to 25th Avenue exit, left to Riverside Avenue, left to 21st
Avenue South, left at Augsburg sign.
From St. Paul
Interstate 94 west to Riverside exit, right on Riverside Avenue to 21st
Avenue South, left at Augsburg sign.
All posted Augsburg College parking lots are free and open for
student use from 4:30 pm Friday through Sunday evening. Lots are
located on 7th Street between 21st and 22nd Avenues and south of 8th
Street on 21st Avenue. Most street parking is 2 hour parking, seven days a
week. Additional parking is available in the St. Mary's Hospital ramp, or
U of M parking lots on the north side of Riverside Avenue.
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Augsburg Weekend College Catalog Supplement, 1998-1999
Course Catalogs
Search Result
................................,,..,,......... ................................~.................
....,..............,,......... 3
Program Calendar ..........................................................................
Show more
................................,,..,,......... ................................~.................
....,..............,,......... 3
Program Calendar .................................................................................................................................... 4
Academic Calendar.............................. ...................................................................................................5
1998-99 Tuition and Fees ........................................................................................................................ 6
Class Schedule, Fall 1998-99 ..........................,.,.,. .................................................
.............,,,,....... .,....7
Class Schedule, Winter 1998-99 ...................
.. +............................d........... ................,.,.......,,,..., 12
.......... ......... ......... ...............~....,.,,,..,,,.,,,,.,.,,.~,,,....,..,,,.,.,,
Class Schedule, Spring 1998-99.............
Schedule of Courses by Department .....,......,........,............ .......,
.................. ............ 32
Schedule of Courses by Perspective/Skills ....................
Information Sessions
Note: Class schedule changes may occur after this schedule is published. Students should consult
the course list each term for the most current schedule of classes.
Weekend College Office Hours
Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Office Hours on Class Weekends
Friday: 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
Saturday: 8:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Academic Advising Center Office Hours
Monday-Wednesday, Friday, 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Thursdays, 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
Office Hours on Class Weekends
Friday: 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
Saturday: 8:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
The Weekend College Office and the Academic Advising Office are both located in Sverdrup Hall.
707 21st Ave. S.
Weekend College phone: (612) 330-1782
Academic Advising Center phone: (612) 330-1025
FAX: (612) 330-1784
Augsburg College does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, national or ethnic origin,
age, gender, sexual preference, marital status, or handicap as required by Title IX
of the 1972 Education Amendments or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,
as amended, in its admission policies, educational programs, activities, and employment practices.
Adults who are interested in
Augsburg Weekend College are
encouraged to attend one of the
Information Sessions that are
scheduled throughout the year.
Information Sessions are free of
charge and are approximately
one hour in length. Please call
the Weekend College
Admissions Office at 330-1743
for details or to sign up for one
of the following dates:
For Fall Trimester 1998-1999
Saturday, May 16 .....................................................................................................................
9 0 0 a.m.
9 0 0 a.m.
Saturday, June 6 ..........................................................................................................................
Tuesday, June 16 ...................................................................................................................6 : 3 0 p.m.
Saturday, July 11 ......................................................................................................................9 0 0 a.m.
6 3 0 p.m.
Thursday, July 23 ........................................................................................................................
Saturday, August 15 ................................................................................................................9 0 0 a.m.
For Winter Trimester 1998-1999
Tuesday, October 20
...........................................................................................................6 3 0 p.m.
Saturday, November 14 ......................
9 0 0 a.m.
For Spring Trimester 1998-1999
Tuesday, January 26, 1999
6 : 3 0 p.m.
Saturday, March 6, 1999 ........................................................................................................9 : O O a.m.
For more information write or call:
Augsburg Weekend College Admissions
Campus Box 65
22 11 Riverside Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Phone: (612) 330-1743
FAX: (612) 330-1784
New Students (enrolling for the first time or in the readmission process)
Fall Trimester
Winter Trimester
Spring Trimester
Application Deadline
August 21
December 14
March 26
Applicant File
Completion Deadline
August 28
December 21
April 5
Registration Begins
June 19
November 6
February 12
Registration Ends
September 1
January 5
April 13
Syllabi Available
August 10
December 4
March 12
New Student Orientation
September 1
January 5
April 13
Payment Information Sent
August 10
December 7
March 15
Confirmation Due
September 1
January 5
April 13
New students are encouraged to register as early as possible. New degree-seeking students will
receive registration materials when they meet with an adviser from the Academic Advising Center,
(612) 330-1025. Students in a non-degree program will receive registration materials by mail.
Current Students
Fall Trimester
Winter Trimester
Sprinq Trimester
Mail Registration Begins
June 19
November 6
February 12
Mail Registration Ends
August 7
December 4
March 12
Syllabi Available
August 10
December 4
March 12
Payment Information Sent
August 10
December 7
March 15
Confirmation Due
August 28
December 28
March 29
All Students
Fall Trimester
Winter Trimester
S ~ r i n aTrimester
Sept 11-13
Sept 25-27
Oct 9-11
Oct 23-25
Dec 4-6*
Dec 11-13
Jan 8-lo*
Jan 15-17
Jan 29-31
Feb 12-14
Feb 26-28
Mar 12-14
Mar 26-28
Apr 9-ll*
Apr 16-18
Apr 30-May 2
May 14-16*
May 21-23
June 4-6
June 18-20*
June 25-27
Dec 11-13
Apr 9-11
June 25-27
Last Day to Add or Drop
Class Without Record Notation** Sept 14
Jan 11
Apr 19
Last Day to Change
Grade Option
Oct 12
Feb 1
May 17
Last Day to Withdraw
from Class
Oct 26
Feb 15
May 24
Final Grades Due
Dec 21
Apr 19
July 6
Classes Meet
* One week between classes
**Courses may not be added after the first scheduled class meeting.
The College reserves the right to change the above dates should it be necessary. In such cases
suficient advance notice will be given.
. .......
1998-99 TUITION
Application Fee (payable once, non-refundable)
Tuition (per course)
Tuition (per summer course 1998)
Activity Fee (per trimester)
Audit a Course
Lifetime Sports: Fee for Course
Lifetime Sports: Fee for Assessment of Previous Learning
Nursing Clinical Fee
Supplementary Student Teaching Fee (per course credit)
Late Fee (per day)
Registration Change after first class meeting (canceuadd)
Transcript Fee (first is free)
A finance charge is applied at a simple rate of one percent per month on any account with an open
balance of 30 days of more.
Augsburg College reserves the right to adjust charges should economic conditions necessitate.
T r i m e s t e r
Friday Evening
ART 352
Women and Art
BUS 242
Principles of Management
BUS 254
BUS 301
Business Law
BUS 355
Marketing Communications
CSC 340
Introduction to Networking and Communications
EDE 379
K-EL CWiculum:
EDE 495
Topics: Children's Literature and Language Arts
EDS 350
EDU 210
Reading in the Content Areas (0.5 credit)
EDU 264
Orientation to Education in an Urban Setting (0.5 credit)
Art Methods (0.25 credit)
Learning and Development in an Educational Setting
EDU 341 Media Technology (0.5 credit)
EDU 388
Human Relations (0.5 credit)
ENG 245
Introduction to Literature
ENG 350 American Literature Before 1920
HPE 116 Health Concepts for Educators (0.5 credit)
MIS 370 Advanced Computing for Business
NUR 350 Introduction to Nursing Research*"
PHI 175
Philosophy of Love and Sex
PHI 350 Philosophy of Religion
PHY 106 Introductory Meteorology*
PSY 105
REL 331
Principles of Psychology
REL 356
SOC 121
History of Religions
SOC 231
Family Systems: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
Foundations in Bible and Theology
Introduction to Human Society
SPC 345 Organizational Communication
SWK 260 Humans Developing
*Extra class or lab sessions required.
**Additional clinical fee required.
Saturday Morning
ACC 221
Principles of Accounting I
ACC 322
BIO 102
Accounting Theory and Practice I
The Biological World*
BUS 331
Financial Management
BUS 340
Human Resource Management
CSC 352
Database Management and Design
ECO 112 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 113 Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 318
Management Science
ECO 360
International Economics
EDE 377
K-EL Curriculum: Science Methods (0.25 credit)
EDE 382
K-EL Curriculum: Mathematics (0.5 credit)
EDE 384
K-EL Curriculum: Social and Thematic Studies (0.5 credit)
EDS 353
Creative Learning Environments: Secondary
ENG 227
ENG 27 1 European Literature: Homer to Dante
ENG 361
Studies in Modern Fiction
HIS 495
MAT 122 Calculus for Social and Behavioral Sciences*
MIS 175
Principles of Computing for Business
MIS 370
Advanced Computing for Business
PHI 125
Ethics and Human Identity
POL 342
Mass Communications in Society
PSY 362
Abnormal Psychology
REL 362
Theology of the Reformers
SPC 111
Public Speaking
SPC 352
SWK 257 Exploring Human Services
SWK 463 Community Development and Organization
Saturday Afternoon
1 :15-4:45
ACC 222
Principles of Accounting I1
BUS 252
Principles of Marketing
BUS 362
International Business
BUS 440
Operations Management
CSC 160
Introduction to Computing and Communications
ECO 112
Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 3 12
Intermediate Macroeconomics
EDE 350
Creating Learning Environments: K-EL (0.5 credit)
EDS 375
Social Studies Methods (0.5 credit)
EDU 264
Orientation to Education in an Urban Setting (0.5 credit)
ENG 225
Intermediate Expository Writing
ENG 2361436
Women and Fiction
MIS 375
MIS in the Organization
MIS 379
Quantitative Methods for Business and Economics*
POL 160
World Politics
POL 342
Mass Communications in Society
PSY 373
REL 363
Religion in America
SOC 21 1
Human Community and Modern Metropolis
SPA 111
Beginning Spanish I*
SPC 355
Small Group Communication
SWK 361 Social Responses to Human Needs
Sunday Afternoon
1 :15-4:45
ACC 221
Principles of Accounting
ACC 324 Managerial Cost Accounting
ART 132 Photography
BUS 252
Principles of Marketing
EDE 35 1
Techniques of Teaching Reading
EDE 380
K-EL Curriculum: Music Methods (0.25 credit)
EDE 388
K-EL Curriculum: Health Methods (0.25 credit)
*Extra class or lab sessions required.
F a l l
T r i m e s t e r
EDE 389
K-EL Curriculum: Physical Education (0.5 credit)
ENG I l l
Effective Writing
FRE 111
Beginning French I*
GST 140
Introduction to the Liberal Arts
HIS 242
History of African American Civil Rights 1619-1915
HPE 115
Chemical Dependency Education (0.5 credit)
MAT 131 Mathematics for the Liberal Arts
MIS 175
Principles of Computing for Business
MIS 375
MIS in the Organization
PSY 200
Psychological Science Lab
REL 221
Biblical Studies
REL 370
American Indian Spirituality and Philosophical Thought
SOC 265
Gender, Race, and Ethnicity
SPA 111
Beginning Spanish I*
SWK 466 Field Work I11
Weekend Schedule
Evening and Other
Fall Trimester
CSC 210
Data Structures (Thurs., 6-9 p.m.)
EDE 263
Clinical Experience (Sat. noon) (0.5 credit)
EDS 252
Clinical Experience (Sat. noon) (0.5 credit)
HPE 002
Lifetime Sports: Fitness Walking (Thurs., 5:30-9:30 p.m.)
NUR 330 Trends and Issues in Nursing (Thurs., 6-9:30 p.m.)
NUR 403
Contemporary Nursing 111: Families (Thurs., 6-9:30 p.m.)
Evening Classes
ASL 101
American Sign Language I (Mon. and Wed., 6-8 p.m.)
(Day school schedule)
BUS 465
EDE 375
International Management (Wed., 6-9 p.m.)
Discovery Learning in the World of Kindergarten (0.5 credit)
(Thurs., 5:30-9 p.m.)
EDS 364
English Methods (Thurs., 450-8 p.m.)
ENG 223
Writing for Business and the Professions (Wed., 6-9 p.m.)
ENG 331
British Literature, Medieval to Elizabethan (Wed., 6-9 p.m.)
ENG 345
Introduction to the English Language (Tues., 6-9 p.m.)
GST 209
City Seminar: Experiential Education (0.0 credit) (Thurs., 5-6:30 p.m.)
HIS 440
Topics in World History (Wed., 6:30-9:30 p.m.)
INS 105
Introduction to American Indian Studies (Wed., 6:30-9:30 p.m.)
INS 233
Women: A Cross-Cultural Perspective (Thurs., 6:30-9:30 p.m.)
INS 260
Contemporary American Indians (Thurs., 6:30-9:30 p.m.)
INS 320
American Indian Women (Thurs., 6:30-9:30 p.m.)
MIS 479
Intermediate Quantitative Methods (Mon., 6-9 p.m.)
MUS 2201320
Student Teaching
Worlds of Music (Wed., 6-9 p.m.)
OJB 111
Beginning Ojibwe I (Wed., 6:30-9:30 p.m.)
POL 124
American Women and Politics (Wed., 6:30-9:30 p.m.)
PSY 230
Research Methods (Mon. and Thurs., 6:30-8 p.m.)
REL 1 11
Introduction to Theology (Tues., 6-9 p.m.)
REL 111
Introduction to Theology (Thurs., 6-9 p.m.)
REL 495
Seminar (Wed., 6-9:30 p.m.)
SPA 105
Living Spanish I (Mon, and Wed., 7-9 p.m.)
WST 201
Foundations in Women's Studies (Tues., 6:30-9:30 p.m.)
EDE 481 A
Student Teaching K & Seminar
EDE 481 B
Student Teaching EL & Seminar
EDE 481 C
Student Teaching K-EL & Seminar
EDE 482 A
Student Teaching K & Seminar
EDE 482 B
Student Teaching EL & Seminar
EDE 482 C
Student Teaching K-EL & Seminar
EDE 483 A
Student Teaching K & Seminar
EDE 483 B
Student Teaching EL & Seminar
EDE 483 C
Student Teaching K-EL & Seminar
EDE 484 A
Student Teaching K & Seminar
EDE 484 B
Student Teaching EL & Seminar
EDE 484 C
Student Teaching K-EL & Seminar
EDS 481
Student Teaching & Seminar
EDS 482
Student Teaching & Seminar
EDS 483
Student Teaching & Seminar
EDS 484
Student Teaching & Seminar
*Extra class or lab sessions required.
Friday Evening
ART 224
Publication Design
BUS 252
Principles of Marketing
BUS 340
Human Resource Management
BUS 433
Financial Theory: Policy and Practice
CSC 345
Principles of Computer Organization
ECO 113
Principles of Microeconomics
EDE 350
Creating Learning Environments: K-EL (0.5 credit)
EDE 383
K-EL Curriculum: Health and Physical Education
EDS 478
School and Society
EDU 282
Introduction to Special Education
ENG 245
Introduction to Literature
HPE 101
Fitness for Life
HPE 115
Chemical Dependency Education (0.5 credit)
MAT 173 Math of Interest
MIS 376 Project Management
NUR 310 Community Health Nursing I
PHI 120 Ethics
PHY 106 Introductory Meteorology*
PSY 105
Principles of Psychology
REL 111
Introduction to Theology
REL 441
Feminism and Christianity
REL 486
Psychology of Religion and Theology
Interpersonal Communication
SPC 354
SWK 363 Methods and Skills of Social Work
Saturday Morning
ACC 221
Principles of Accounting I
ACC 222
Principles of Accounting I1
ACC 322
Accounting Theory and Practice I
BIO 185
The Biology of Aging
BUS 301
Business Law
BUS 352
Marketing Research and Analysis
BUS 465
International Management
CSC 170
Structured Programming
CSC 450
Programming Language and Compilers I
ECO 112
Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 313
Intermediate Microeconomics
ECO 315
Money and Banking
EDE 351
Techniques of Teaching Reading
EDE 379
K-EL Curriculum: Art Methods (0.25 credit)
EDU 341
Media Technology (0.5 credit)
ENG 438
HPE 116
Health Concepts for Educators (0.5 credit)
INS 225
Introduction to Islam
MAT 105 Applied Algebra
MIS 175 Principles of Computing for Business
Saturday Afternoon
1 :15-4:45
PHI 110
Introduction to Philosophy
PHI 380
Ethics of Medicine and Health Care
POL 140
Social Justice in America
PSY 351
Child Development
REL 430
Christians Uniting
SOC 231
Family Systems: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
SPC 352
ACC 222
Principles of Accounting I1
ACC 425
Advanced Accounting
ART 118
Painting I
ART 355
Painting I1
BUS 242
Principles of Management
BUS 252
Principles of Marketing
*Extra class or lab sessions required.
T r i m e s t e r
BUS 440
Operations Management
ECO 110 Economics of Urban Issues
ECO 113 Principles of Microeconomics
EDE 382 K-EL Curriculum: Mathematics (0.5 credit)
EDE 495
Topics: Children's Literature and Language Arts (0.5 credit)
EDU 210
Learning and Development in an Educational Setting
EDU 264
Orientation to Education in an Urban Setting (0.5 credit)
ENG 337
British Literature: Romantics to the Victorians (two extra
classes, arranged)
HPE 116
Health Concepts for Educators (0.5 credit)
INS 260
Contemporary American Indians
MIS 375
MIS in the Organization
MIS 376
Project Management
Behavior Analysis
PSY 357
REL 263
REL 353
World Justice and Hunger
Denominations and Religious Groups
SOC 349
Complex Organizations
SPA 111
Beginning Spanish I*
SPA 112
Beginning Spanish 11*
SPC 329
Intercultural Communication
SWK 364 Field Work I
SWK 465 Social Policy: Analysis and Development
Sunday Afternoon
ACC 323
Accounting Theory and Practice I1
ACC 326
Tax Accounting
Principles of Management
Financial Management
Discovery Learning in the World of Kindergarten (0.5 credit)
K-EL Curriculum: Science Methods (0.25 credit)
K-EL Curriculum: Music Methods (0.25 credit)
BUS 242
BUS 331
EDE 375
EDE 377
EDE 380
ENG 225
Intermediate Expository Writing
FRE 112 Beginning French 11*
GER 111 Beginning German I*
GST 140
Introduction to the Liberal Arts (0.5 credit)
INS 105
Introduction to American Indian Studies
INS 232
The African American Experience in America
MIS 379
Quantitative Methods for Business and Economics*
MIS 475
Systems Analysis and Design
PSY 359
Psychological Assessment
REL 221
Biblical Studies
REL 48 1
Contemporary Theology
SOC 265
Gender, Race, and Ethnicity
SPA 111
Beginning Spanish I*
SPA 112
Beginning Spanish 11*
SPC 35 1
SWK 469 Field Work IV
Weekend Schedule
Evening and Other
CSC 320
Algorithms (Thurs., 6-8 p.m.)
ECO 413
Labor Economics (Thurs., 6-8 p.m.)
EDE 263
Clinical Experience (Sat, noon)
EDS 252
Clinical Experience (Sat. noon)
ENG 399
Internship (Tues. and Thurs., 6-9 p.m.)
HPE 002
Lifetime Sports: Aerobics (Thurs., 6-8 p.m.)
MIS 370
Advanced Computing for Business (Thurs., 6-8:30 p.m.)
NUR 305 Contemporary Nursing I: Communication (Thurs., 6-8:30 p.m.)
NUR 423 Practicum in Nursing: Family** (Thurs., 6-8:30 p.m.)
Evening Classes
(Day school schedule)
REL 366
The Church and Social Change in Latin America (TBA)
ASL 102
American Sign Language I1 (Mon. and Wed., 6-8 p.m.)
ENG 101 Developmental Writing (Tues. and Thurs., 6-8 p.m.)
ENG 216
American Indian Literature (Thurs., 6-8 p.m.)
ENG 327
Advanced Journalism (Wed., 6-8 p.m.)
ENG 341
Advanced Creative Writing: Poetry (Tues., 6-8 p.m.)
*Extra class or lab sessions required.
**Additional clinical fee reauired.
T r i m e s t e r
ENG 347
Quantitative Journalism (Tues. and Thurs., 6-8 p.m.)
GST 209
City Seminar: Experiential Education (0.0 credit)
(Thurs., 5-6:30 p.m.)
HIS 326
American Indian History (Tues., 6:30-8:30 p.m.)
HIS 381
The History of Women Since 1870 (Wed., 6:30-8:30 p.m.)
INS 233
Women: A Cross-Cultural Perspective (Tues., 6:30-8:30 p.m.)
INS 264
American Indians in the Cinema (Tues., 6:30-8:30 p.m.)
MUS 241 The History of Jazz (Tues., 6-8 p.m.)
Student Teaching
OJB 112
Beginning Ojibwe I1 (Wed., 6:30-8:30 p.m.)
PSY 330
Research Methods I1 (Mon. and Thurs., 6:30-8 p.m.)
REL 357
Giants of the Christian Faith (Mon., 6-8 p.m.)
EDE 481 A Student Teaching K & Seminar
EDE 481 B Student Teaching EL & Seminar
EDE 481 C Student Teaching K-EL & Seminar
EDE 482 A Student Teaching K & Seminar
EDE 482 B Student Teaching EL & Seminar
EDE 482 C Student Teaching K-EL & Seminar
EDE 483 A Student Teaching K & Seminar
EDE 483 B Student Teaching EL & Seminar
EDE 483 C Student Teaching K-EL & Seminar
EDE 484 A Student Teaching K & Seminar
EDE 484 B Student Teaching EL & Seminar
EDE 484 C Student Teaching K-EL & Seminar
EDS 481
Student Teaching & Seminar
EDS 482
Student Teaching & Seminar
EDS 483
Student Teaching & Seminar
EDS 484
Student Teaching & Seminar
Friday Evening
BUS 242
Principles of Management
BUS 466
International Marketing
CSC 440
Advanced Networking and Communication
EDE 382
K-EL Curriculum: Mathematics (0.5 credit)
EDU 264
Orientation to Education in an Urban Setting (0.5 credit)
EDU 388
Human Relations (0.5 credit)
ENG 272
European Literature: Renaissance to Modern
MIS 376
Project Management
NUR 306 Contemporary Nursing 11: Paradigms in Nursing
PHY 101 Astronomy*
POL 121
American Government and Politics
PSY 105
Principles of Psychology
PSY 354
Cognitive Psychology
REL 385
Process Theology and Christian Faith
SOC 121
Introduction to Human Society
SPC 351
SPC 480
Public Relations and Promotional Communication
SWK 461 Advanced Methods and Skills in Social Work
SWK 467 The Social Worker as Professional
Saturday Morning
ART 107 Drawing
BIO 101
Human Biology
BUS 301
Business Law
BUS 357
*Extra class or lab sessions required.
CSC 160
Introduction to Computing and Communications
CSC 340
Introduction to Networking and Communications
CSC 451
Programming Language and Compilers I1
ECO 113 Principles of Microeconomics
EDE 350
Creating Learning Environments: K-EL (0.5 credit)
EDE 377
K-EL Curriculum: Science Methods (0.25 credit)
EDE 386
K-EL Curriculum: Children's Literature (0.5 credit)
EDS 353
Creating Learning Environments: Secondary
EDU 210
Learning and Development in an Educational Setting
ENG 111 Effective Writing
ENG 226 Introduction to Creative Writing
HIS 225
History of the Twin Cities
MIS 175
Principles of Computing for Business
MIS 379
Quantitative Methods for Business and Economics*
MUS 130 Introduction to Music in the Fine Arts
Saturday Afternoon
1 :OO-5:OO
PHI 120
POL 342
Mass Communications in Society
PSY 356
Environmental Psychology
PSY 361
SPC 354
Interpersonal Communication
ACC 221
Principles of Accounting I
ACC 222
Principles of Accounting I1
ACC 323
Accounting Theory & Practice I1
ACC 424
Internal and Operational Auditing
BUS 252
Principles of Marketing
BUS 331
Financial Management
BUS 438
Investment Theory
BUS 450
Marketing Management
CSC 210
Data Structures
ECO 112 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 311
Public Finance
EDE 351
Techniques of Teaching Reading
EDE 379
K-EL Curriculum: Art Methods (0.25 credit)
EDE 380
K-EL Curriculum: Music Methods (0.25 credit)
EDE 388
K-EL Curriculum: Health Methods (0.25 credit)
EDE 389
K-EL Curriculum: Physical Education (0.5 credit)
ENG 25 1 Readings in American Literature
HPE 116
Health Concepts for Educators (0.5 credit)
MIS 370
Advanced Computing for Business
MIS 495
REL 111
Introduction to Theology
REL 483
Christian Ethics
SPA 112
Beginning Spanish 11*
SPC 355
Small Group Communication
SWK 462 Field Work I1
Sunday Afternoon
ACC 423
ART 250
Ceramics I
ART 35 1
Ceramics II
*Extra class or lab sessions required.
T r i m e s t e r
EDE 384
K-EL Curriculum: Social and Thematic Studies (0.5 credit)
EDU 341
Media Technology (0.5 credit)
ENG 223
Writing for Business and the Professions
ENG 245
Introduction to Literature
GER 112 Beginning German 11*
GST 200
Quantitative Reasoning
HPE 115
Chemical Dependency Education (0.5 credit)
INS 232
African American Experience in America
MAT 132 Numeracy for Contemporary Society
MIS 476
Information Systems Projects
PSY 493
Seminar: Relationships
REL 22 1
Biblical Studies
SPA 112
Beginning Spanish 11*
SOC 265
Gender, Race, and Ethnicity
SPC 111
Public Speaking
SWK 365 Quantitative Analysis and Program Evaluation
Weekend Schedule
EDE 263
Clinical Experience (Sat. noon) (0.5 credit)
HPE 003
Lifetime Sports: Racquet Sports (Mon., 5:30-7:30 p.m.)
NUR 3 11 Community Health Nursing 11: Practicum** (Thurs., 6-9 p.m.)
NUR 431 Leadership and Management: Theory and Practice**
(Thurs., 6-9 p.m.)
Student Teaching
EDE 48 1 A Student Teaching K & Seminar
EDE 481 B Student Teaching EL & Seminar
EDE 481 C Student Teaching K-EL & Seminar
EDE 482 A Student Teaching K & Seminar
EDE 482 B Student Teaching EL & Seminar
EDE 482 C Student Teaching K-EL & Seminar
EDE 483 A Student Teaching K & Seminar
EDE 483 B Student Teaching EL & Seminar
EDE 483 C Student Teaching K-EL Seminar
EDE 484 A Student Teaching K & Seminar
EDE 484 B Student Teaching EL & Seminar
EDE 484 C Student Teaching K-EL & Seminar
EDS 481 Student Teaching & Seminar
EDS 483
Student Teaching & Seminar
Student Teaching & Seminar
EDS 484
Student Teaching & Seminar
EDS 482
*Extra class or lab sessions required.
**Additional clinical fee required.
Christian Faith Area 1
Christian Faith Area 2
Christian Faith Area 3
Human Identity
Intercultural Awareness Area 1
Intercultural Awareness Area 2 (Language Level 1)
Intercultural Awareness Area 3 (Language Level 2)
Natural World Area 1
Natural World Area 2
Social World Area 1
Social World Area 2
Western Heritage
ACC 221
ACC 222
ACC 322
ACC 323
ACC 324
ACC 326
ACC 423
ACC 424
ACC 425
ART 107
ART 118
ART 132
ART 224
S a.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
Critical Thinking
Graduation Level Writing
Quantitative Reasoning
DayIWeekendjoint class
ART 250
ART 351
ART 352
ART 355
ART 499
ASL 101
ASL 102
BIO 101
BIO 102
BIO 185
BUS 242
BUS 252
BUS 254
BUS 301
BUS 331
BUS 340
BUS 352
BUS 355
BUS 357
BUS 362
BUS 433
BUS 438
BUS 440
BUS 450
BUS 465
BUS 466
S p.m.
Dm, M & W EVE
Dm, M & W EVE
S a.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
IA2 or 3
IA2 or 3
NWl or 2
Courses by
CSC 160
CSC 170
CSC 210
CSC 320
CSC 340
CSC 345
CSC 352
CSC 440
CSC 450
CSC 451
ECO 110
ECO 112
ECO 113
ECO 311
ECO 312
ECO 313
ECO 315
ECO 318
ECO 360
ECO 413
EDE 263
EDE 350
EDE 351
EDE 375
S p.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S noon
S noon
S noon
S p.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
SW1 or 2, C
SW1 or 2
SWl or 2
SW1 or 2
SW1 or 2
EDE 377
EDE 379
EDE 380
EDE 382
EDE 383
EDE 384
EDE 386
EDE 388
EDE 389
EDE 48 1
EDE 482
EDE 483
EDE 484
EDE 495
EDS 252
EDS 350
EDS 353
EDS 364
EDS 375
EDS 478
EDS 481
EDS 482
EDS 483
EDS 484
S a.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S noon
S noon
S noon
S a.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
- -
Courses by
EDU 210
EDU 264
EDU 282
EDU 341
EDU 388
EDU 499
ENG 101
ENG 111
ENG 216
ENG 223
ENG 225
ENG 226
ENG 227
ENG 236
ENG 245
ENG 251
ENG 27 1
ENG 272
ENG 327
ENG 331
ENG 337
ENG 341
ENG 345
ENG 347
ENG 350
ENG 361
S p.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
D m , T & TH EVE
S a.m.
D m , W EVE
S p.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
D m , W EVE
D m , W EVE
S p.m.
D m , T EVE
D m , T & TH EVE
S a.m.
ENG 399
ENG 436
ENG 438
ENG 499
FRE 111
FRE 112
GER 499
GER 111
GER 112
GST 140
GST 200
GST 209
HIS 225
HIS 242
HIS 326
HIS 381
HIS 440
HIS 495
HPE 002
HPE 003
HPE 101
HPE 115
HPE 116
INS 105
INS 225
INS 232
INS 233
INS 260
S p.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
IA 1
IA 1
IA 1
IA 1
IA 1
*Also requires Clinical Experience to satisfy City perspective.
INS 264
INS 320
MAT 105
MAT 122
MAT 131
MAT 132
MAT 173
MIS 175
MIS 370
MIS 375
MIS 376
MIS 379
MIS 475
MIS 476
MIS 479
MIS 495
MUS 2201320
MUS 241
NUR 305
NUR 306
NUR 310
NUR 311
NUR 330
NUR 350
Perspectives Skills
S a.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
IA 1
IA 1
S p.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
- -
NUR 403
NUR 423
NUR 43 1
OJB 111
OJB 112
PHI 110
PHI 120
S a.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
D N , M & TH EVE
S a.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
PHI 125
PHI 175
PHI 350
PHI 380
PHY 101
PHY 106
POL 121
POL 124
POL 140
POL 160
POL 342
PSY 105
PSY 200
PSY 230
PSY 330
PSY 351
PSY 354
PSY 356
PSY 357
PSY 359
PSY 361
PSY 362
PSY 373
PSY 493
IA2 or 3
IA2 or 3
CF2 or 3
NW lor 2
NW1 or 2
SW1 or 2
SW1 or 2
SW1 or 2
*Both NUR 330 and 431 are required to
satisfy Speaking skill.
Courses by
REL 111
REL 221
REL 263
REL 331
REL 353
REL 356
REL 357
REL 362
REL 363
REL 366
REL 370
REL 385
REL 430
REL 44 1
REL 481
REL 483
REL 486
REL 495
SOC 121
SOC 21 1
SOC 231
SOC 265
SOC 336
SOC 349
SOC 499
SPA 105
SPA 111
D m , T EVE
S p.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
D m , W EVE
S p.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
D N , M, W EVE
S p.m.
S p.m.
CF2 or 3
CF2 or 3
CF2 or 3
CF2 or 3
CF1 or 3
CF1 or 3
CFl or 3
IA2 or 3
IA2 or 3
IA2 or 3
IA2 or 3
Term- Time
SPA 112
SPC 111
SPC 329
SPC 345
SPC 351
SPC 352
SPC 354
SPC 355
SPC 399
SPC 480
SPC 499
SWK 257
SWK 260
SWK 361
SWK 363
SWK 364
SWK 365
SWK 461
SWK 462
SWK 463
SWK 465
SWK 466
SWK 467
SWK 469
S p.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S p.m.
S a.m.
S p.m.
- -
IA2 or 3
1.42 or 3
IA2 or 3
IA2 or 3
/ S k i l l
Human Identity
EDU 210
PSY 105
SWK 260
EDU 210
PHI 380
PSY 105
EDU 210
Social World Area 1
POL 160
SOC 121
SWK 463
PHY 106
SOC 121
ART 250
ENG 226
ENG 245
MUS 130
POL 160
POL 342
SOC 121
SWK 361
SWK 463
POL 342
SOC 121
Natural World Area 2
Western Heritage
ENG 236
ENG 27 1
ENG 436
MAT 131
ART 224
ENG 245
Social World Area 2
Natural World Area 1
BIO 102
ART 352
ENG 245
MUS 2201
BIO 102
PHY 102
BIO 185
PHY 106
BIO 101
PHY 101
ECO 110
EDU 264
GST 209*
POL 140
EDU 264
HIS 225
PSY 356
The City
ENG 25 1
ENG 272
EDU 264
ENG 227
GST 209*
SWK 257
SWK 463
Intercultural Awareness Area 1
ENG 361
INS 105
INS 232
HIS 242
INS 225
INS 264
INS 105
INS 232
SOC 265
INS 260
INS 260
INS 320
SOC 231
MUS 241
SOC 265
SOC 231
SPC 329
SOC 265
REL 366
ASL 101
OJB 111
SPA 111
ASL 102
GER 111
OJB 112
SPA 111
SPA 112
GER 112
Christian Faith Area 2
Christian Faith Area 1
Intercultural Awareness
Areas 2 and 3
REL 221
REL 111
REL 331
REL 362
REL 363
REL 111
REL 357
REL 430
REL 481
REL 486
REL 111
REL 385
Christian Faith Area 3
PHI 350
REL 331
REL 356
REL 363
PHI 120
REL 111
REL 353
REL 357
REL 366
REL 441
REL 481
PHI 102
REL 111
REL 385
*Non-credit course.
Graduation Skills
Quantitative Reasoning
Critical Thinking
BIO 102
CSC 210
MAT 131
NUR 350
PHY 106
CSC 170
CSC 320
ENG 337
PHI 120
PHY 106
SOC 349
SPC 351
SWK 465
CSC 210
PHI 120
PSY 493
SPC 35 1
ART 352
BUS 362
BUS 465
ECO 318
ENG 223
ENG 225
ENG 227
ENG 27 1
ENG 361
HIS 495
MIS 375
NUR 403
POL 124
REL 495
ECO 318
MAT 122
NUR 350
PSY 230
CSC 320
ENG 347
MAT 173
MIS 379
MAT 132
MIS 379
SWK 365
BUS 465
CSC 450
ENG 225
MIS 375
NUR 305
PSY 330
PSY 357
ACC 423
ACC 424
BUS 450
ENG 223
ENG 226
ENG 272
SWK 461
SWK 467
EDE 481
EDE 482
EDE 483
EDE 484
EDS 48 1
EDS 482
EDS 483
EDS 484
HIS 495
NUR 330*
PSY 373
SOC 23 1
SPC 111
EDE 481
EDE 482
EDE 483
EDE 484
EDS 481
EDS 482
EDS 483
EDS 484
ENG 399
MIS 376
ACC 423
ACC 424
EDE 481
EDE 482
EDE 483
EDE 484
EDS 48 1
EDS 482
EDS 483
EDS 484
MIS 376
NUR 431"
SOC 231
SPC 111
*Both NUR 330 and 431 are required to satisfy Speaking skill.
22 1 1 Riverside A v e n ~ ~ e
Minneapolis, MN 55454
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Lutheran Deaconess Hospital School of Nursing Catalog 1980-1982
Course Catalogs
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Please write for application material to:
Lutheran Deaconess Hospital is a voluntary, non-profit hospital
affiliated with the American Lutheran Church;
A member of Fairvi...
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Please write for application material to:
Lutheran Deaconess Hospital is a voluntary, non-profit hospital
affiliated with the American Lutheran Church;
A member of Fairview Community Hospitals
Freshmen arrive
Sept. 2
Registration at Augsburg College
Sept. 3
Fall semester begins
Sept. 4
Thanksgiving holidays
Nov. 27-30
Last day of fall semester
Dec. 19
Dec. 20-Jan. 4 Christmas holidays
Interim begins
Jan. 5
Interim ends
Jan. 30
Feb. 4
Spring semester begins
April 16-21
Easter I spring holidays
May 21
Spring semester ends
Aug. 20-22
Orientation for transfer students
Aug. 25
First quarter begins
Oct. 24
First quarter ends
Nov. 3
Second quarter begins
Nov. 27-30
Thanksgiving holidays
Dec. 20-Jan. 4 Christmas holidays
Second quarter ends
Jan. 16
Third quarter begins
Jan. 26
Third quarter ends
Mar. 27
Fourth quarter begins
April 6
April 20
Easter holidays
Fourth quarter ends
June 5
The above schedule is tentative and subject to change.
1646 students have graduated from Lutheran Deaconess Hospital School of Nursing
128 students are currently enrolled.
Cover photograph by Miriam Weinstein
Gerald Simonson, Chairman
Dr. Kenneth C. Bailey
Mr. James W. Krause
Mr. George Michaelsen
Mr. Charles H. Clay
Mrs. Mary Ehrlichmann
Mr. Donald A. Nelson
Mrs. Marlene Engstrom
Rev. Maynard L. Nelson
Mr. Richard Franzmeier
Rev. John N. Parbst
Mr. Allen A. Housh
Mr. Clinton A. Schroeder
Dr. Richard D. Hovland
Dr. John M. Stensvaag
Dr. Donald Johnson
Dr. Francis J. Trost
Mr. Verne C. Johnson
Lutheran Deaconess Hospital
School of Nursing
Mr. Kurt W. Metzner, Administrator
Mr. Mark M. Enger, Assistant Administrator
Mrs. Mary Ehrlichmann, Chairwoman
Mr. George S. Michaelsen
Dr. Donald Johnson
Mr. Donald A. Nelson
Mrs. Gloria Nelson
Rev. John Parbst
Mr. Gerald Simonson
Mr. Kurt W. Metzner, Hospital Administrator
Mrs. Margaret Hermann, Director, School of Nursing
A three-year hospital-based diploma program
in basic nursing approved by the Minnesota Board of Nursing
and accredited by the National League for Nursing.
We believe our diploma program meets a
unique need. We intend to continue with our program
as long as we meet this need.
*Mary Catherine Hooke, R.N., B.S ................. Instructor of Pediatric Nursing
State University of New York-Binghamton, B.S.
Graduate work: University of Rochester, New York
University of Minnesota-Minneapolis
June lge, R.N., B.S.N ........................ Instructor of Fundamental Nursing
Hamline University, St. Paul, Minnesota, B.S.N.
Graduate Work: University of Minnesota-Minneapolis
College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota
*Genevieve McCarr, R.N., B.S., M. Ed ......... Instructor of Fundamental Nursing
College of St. Catherine, St. Paul, Minnesota, B.S.
University of Minnesota-Minneapolis, M.Ed.
*Rachel Nelson, R.N., B.S ........................ Instructor of Med-Surg Nursing
University of Minnesota-Minneapolis, B.S.
Jean Pekarek, R.N., A.A., B.S.N ................. Instructor of Med-Surg Nursing
St. Mary's School of Nursing, Minneapolis, Minnesota, R.N., A.A.
University of Minnesota-Minneapolis, B.S.N.
Graduate Work: University of Minnesota-Minneapolis
Dawn Ranger, R.N., B.S.N., M.S.N ............... Instructor of Med-Surg Nursing
West Suburban School of Nursing, Oak Park, Illinois, R.N.
Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, B.S.N.
De Paul University, Chicago, Illinois, M.S.N.
*Eva Schander, R.N., B.S.N ................... Instructor of Ortho-Neuro Nursing
University of Minnesota-Minneapolis, B.S.N.
Graduate Work: College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota
A. Marlin Stene, B.A., B.Th., S.T.M ............ Hospital Chaplain Supervisor and
Instructor of Religion
St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota, B.A.
Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota, B.Th.
Wartburg Seminary, Dubuque, Iowa, S.T.M.
Marie Joel ........................................................ Registrar
A~EA M~~ A
. G RELATIONSHIPS ............ 3
·~ .> ••••••••• , •• • ••• • ••••••••••••••• 4
·. I:~S ()F THE PROGRAM .......... 5
> .. S~ND PROCEDURES ............ 11
ENTRANCE RE ·.· . · .
STUDENT SERVIGEs ::~··)<.·~··v ... · ......................... 16
STUDENT ACTIVI'f~JSS ... :;,..: •..........•... , ................ 18
FINANCIAL INFORMATION .. : ............................. 19
FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION ............................ 21
ACADEMIC INFORMATION ................................. 23
CURRICULUM ORGANIZATION , ........................... 26
COURSE DESCRIPTIONS .................................... 29
SCHOOL OF NURSING FACULTY ............................ 34
The contents of this bulletin are subject to change without notice.
or information contained herein.
*Part-time instructors
. ..
'··· ,,
Flow Chart continued:
(/) (/) S- U1 • r- (/) U1 U1
VlS-OS-S::::S-<IJS<Cl ::::; ..o ::::; ,,_ ::::; E ::::;
.--- 0 <Cl Or- 0 <lJ 0
Fall Semester (16 weeks)
+Rehabilitation Nursing
+Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing
Trends in Nursing II: History
Interim (4 weeks)
Independent Nursing Studies
This supplement describes the changes that have occurred
in the school and the nursing program that it offers
since the printing of the bulletin.
Level IV
Spring Semester (16 weeks)
Nursing Intervention in Acute Care 48
Management of Patient Care
Trends in Nursing III:
Ethics of Medicine and Health Care 22
* * * * * *
The academic year at Lutheran Deaconess Hospital School of
Nursing has been changed so that all three years follow the 4-1-4
plan consisting of two semesters and an interim. Each semester
is 16 weeks in length, and the interim is 4 weeks.
* * * **
The following courses have been added or redefined in the
Tuition at Lutheran Deaconess
Tuition for Augsburg College
Health Fee
Dormitory Room Rent
Graduation Fee
Books, Supplies & Incidentals
Tuition and fees are estimated above. Effort will be made to keep charges
as estimated. However, all tuition and fees are subject to changes as
Op~rating Room Nursing is a Level II course which introduces the student to the nurses role during surgical
intervention and the maintenance of surgical asepsis. The
student functions with professional staff learning the
role of a circulating nurse and scrub nurse. Focus is on
responsibility to the patient pre-, intra-, and postoperatively. There are 36 hours of classroom theory and
72 hours of clinical experience in the operating room
or clinical area.
Nursing Intervention in Acute Care is a Level IV course
in which the student TS exposed to patients and their
families with complex threats to health. Focus is on
specific nursing interventions appropriate for patients
and their families in intensive care, coronary care and
emergency areas. There are 48 hours of classroom theory
and 192 hours of clinical, 160 hours of which is inhospital, and 32 hours of which is psychomotor skills
practice in a laboratory setting.
New Course Flow Chart continued:
Vl Vl
rtJ ~
,._ 0
Interim (4 weeks)
Pharmacology II
General, Organic & Biological
Chemistry II*
Spring Semester (16 weeks)
Fundamentals of Nursing II
General, Organic & Biological
Chemistry II* (continuation)
+Effective Writing
Level I
Fall Semester (16 weeks)
Fundamentals of Nursing I
Pharmacology I
General, Organic & Biological
Chemistry I*
Anatomy and Physiology*
+General Psychology*
u :r:
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Vl •r- Vl Vl
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rtJ 0 Ir- 0
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Level II
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In addition, Medical-Surgical Nursing 201 and 202 have been
combined into one course.
Independent Nursing Studies is the last course in Level
III and is taught during the four week interim of the
senior year. In this course, the student engages in
two self-selected independent learning projects. The
first project consists of a one week student investigation of the identification and possible use of health
care resources in an urban or rural setting. The
second project consists of a two week investigation of
a nursing topic selected by the student. For both
projects, the student develops a contract in conjunction
with an instructor. One week of the course is also
devoted to having the student obtain certification
in first aid and CPR if ne/she does not already possess
current certification valid through the date of
42 42
Fall Semester (16 weeks)
Medical-Surgical Nursing
Principles of Sociology**
Church and Sects of America**
Interim (4 weeks)
Operating Room Nursing
First Aid
Level I I I
Spring Semester (16 weeks)
+Pediatric Nursing
+Obstetrical Nursing
Developmental Psychology:The Child*
Trends in Nursing I: Assertiveness
*Courses taken at Augsburg College
**Cours,es offered by Augsburg Co 11 ege on
Deaconess Campus
+Course taken in the fall or spring semester
256 14
Margaret Hermann, R.N., B.S.N., M.A ........... Director, School of Nursing and
Instructor of Trends of Nursing
Milwaukee Lutheran Hospital School of Nursing, R.N.
University of Wisconsin-Madison, B.S.N.
College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota, M.A.
Barry L. Lundquist, B.S., M.A., Ed. S. . ........... Director of Curriculum Affairs
Bemidji State University, Bemidji, Minnesota, B.S.
Bemidji State University, Bemidji, Minnesota, M.A.
University of Minnesota-Minneapolis, Ed.S.
Graduate Work: University of Minnesota-Minneapolis
*Lisa Austin, R.N., B.S.N., M.S.N ................. Instructor of OB-GYN Nursing
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, B.S.N.
Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, M.S.N.
*Susan Bates, R.N., B.A., M.A .................... Instructor of Trends of Nursing
College of St. Catherine, St. Paul, Minnesota, B.A.
College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota, M.A.
Graduate Work: William Mitchell College of Law
Beverly Beling, R.N., B.S.N. Ed ................... Instructor of Pediatric Nursing
St. Luke's School of Nursing, Fargo, North Dakota, R.N.
University of Minnesota-Minneapolis, B.S.N. Ed.
Graduate Work: College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota
*LuAnn Dahle, R.N., B.S.N., M.S ................ Instructor of Psychiatric Nursing
University of Minnesota-Minneapolis, B.S.N.
University of Minnesota-Minneapolis, M.S.
Sharon Dodds, R.N., B.S.N., M.P.H ............. Instructor of Psychiatric Nursing
St. Mary's School of Nursing, Minneapolis, R.N.
University of Minnesota-Minneapolis, B.S.N.
University of Minnesota-Minneapolis, M.P .H.
Christine Erdahl, R.N ., B.S.N ................. Instructor of Ortho-Neuro Nursing
Abington Memorial School of Nursing, Abington, Pennsylvania, R.N.
Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, B.S.N.
Graduate Work: University of Minnesota-Minneapolis
Marjorie Erickson, R.N., B.S.N .................. Instructor of Med-Surg Nursing
Hamline University, St. Paul, Minnesota, B.S.N.
Graduate Work: College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota
*Loretta Hanafin, R.N., B.S.N., M.S.N ............ Instructor of Med-Surg Nursing
College of St. Teresa, Winona, Minnesota, B.S.N.
University of Minnesota-Minneapolis, M.S.N.
Carol Heupel, R.N., B.S.N., M.P.H ............... Instructor of OB-GYN Nursing
Memorial School of Nursing, Wilmington, Delaware, R.N.
University of Minnesota-Minneapolis, B.S.N.
University of Minnesota-Minneapolis, M.P.H.
--. ;:::::====:!::::===~~
Lutheran Deaconess Hospital School of Nursing is ideally located close to downtown
Minneapolis at 2315 14th Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
In addition to the facilities of the hospital, the nursing program is augmented by
relationships with the following institutions and agencies:
Fairview Hospital
2312 South 6th Street
Minneapolis, !'Jinnesota
Fairview Southdale Hospital
6401 France Avenue South
Edina, Minnesota
Augsburg College
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Planned Parenthood
127 South 10th Street
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Children's Health Center and Hospital
2525 Chicago A venue South
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Planned Parenthood
1965 Ford Parkway
St. Paul,Minnesota
Ebenezer Society
2532 Portland Avenue South
Minneapolis, Minnesota
NVR 340
Lutheran Deaconess Hospital was founded in 1888. The first building with a
maximum bed capacity of twelve was a frame dwelling at 2731 Hennepin A venue.
Young women called into the service of the Master as deaconesses cared for the patients. In 1891 the first building on the present site was purchased and remodeled for
hospital use. The sick continued to be cared for by deaconesses, graduates and
In 1916, on the foundations laid by the Diaconate, and in response to the demands
for more adequately prepared nurses, Lutheran Deaconess Hospital School of
Nursing was established under the direction of Miss Inger Bergh. The ideals of Christian service which inspired the pioneering deaconesses became also those of the leaders
who followed. Since the beginning, the School has offered a three year diploma program in basic nursing, preparing nurses to take the examinations leading to state
registration (R.N.). Continuous efforts have been made to meet nursing needs of people through many periods of social change.
Lutheran Deaconess Hospital is located within the metropolitan area of Minneapolis
and participates in the delivery of health care to the inner city residents. The present
bed capacity is two hundred forty-five.
In 1967 a nursing school building, Anna Bergeland Hall, was completed. This
building provides school offices, classrooms, library, lounges and recreational facilities
in addition to dormitory rooms for nursing students.
In 1973 Lutheran Deaconess Hospital entered into a consolidation with the Fairview
Hospitals to form the Fairview Community Hospitals.
In 1976 with the closing of Fairview Hospital School of Nursing, Lutheran
Deaconess Hospital School of Nursing became the school for the Fairview Community
This course consists of a study of the dynamics of human behavior, assessment of
the needs of the psychiatric and chemically dependent patient with a focus on emotional needs, therapeutic approaches, use of self as a therapeutic tool, implementation,
and evaluation. The student is provided with varied opportunities to work in collaboration with nurses and other mental health team members and to assess various community based mental health agencies. Laboratory experiences are focused on theory
based nursing interventions with emphasis on communication skills and group
dynamics. Prereq. NUR 203 & PSY 351 or concurrent registration 351.
NUR 400
Management of Patient Care is taught in the last quarter to all senior nursing
students. The course focuses on principles of leadership, management, research in nursing, and the nurse's role in disaster. The student spends 24 hours a week in the clinical
area caring for the critically ill adult patient, acting as co-team leader for a nursing
team and managing care for a group of 4 to 5 patients. Emphasis is placed on the integration of past and present knowledge in the management of patients' care. Prereq.
NUR 310, 320, 330, 340.
Lutheran Deaconess Hospital School of Nursing is:
accredited by: National League for Nursing
approved by: Minnesota Board of Nursing
member of: Gopher State Nurses Association
member of: Helene Fuld Health Trust
Lutheran Deaconess Hospital is:
accredited by: Joint Commission of Accreditation of Hospitals
8 Credits
NUR 212
.7 Credits
This course provides the student with a comprehensive study of the nature of professionalism as it applies to the field of nursing. Within this context, the student examines
the goals and requirements of licensure, the selection, application, and resignation processes as they apply to the employment of nurses, government programs and state and
federal legislation as they affect the field of nursing, and the nature and scope of continuing education programs for diploma graduates.
NUR 310
8 Credits
This course is a study of the normal maternity cycle related to the mother and
newborn infant with emphasis on family centered and mental health principles. The
student is introduced to the physiological, psychological and ethical concepts needed to
provide comprehensive nursing care to families during the child bearing cycle. Complications of pregnancy and selected disorders of the reproductive tract are also included. Seminars and selected clinical laboratory experiences in the care of the mother, the
newborn, prematures, and certain gynecological patients are provided. Prereq. NUR
203 & PSY 351 or concurrent registration 351.
NUR 320
8 Credits
This course provides the student with the basic principles of orthopedic-neurologic
nursing care and the rehabilitation process in hospital and community ambulatory settings. The student acquires facility in discharge planning, exploring selected health care
services and systems in rural and urban environments, and developing health assessment skills. Prereq. NUR 203.
NUR 330
8 Credits
Pediatric nursing concentrates on aiding the student develop: a knowledge of normal
growth and development from birth through adolescent years, an understanding of the
child and his family, a knowledge of normal and pathologic embryology, anatomy and
physiology, understanding of the diseases caused by disorders of the body systems,
proficiency in the application of the nursing process in the care of children, and proficiency in performing technical skills in caring for children. Prereq. NUR 203 & PSY 351
or concurrent registration 351.
The philosophy of Lutheran Deaconess Hospital School of Nursing is in harmony
with the Statement of Mission of the Fairview Community Hospitals of which
Lutheran Deaconess Hospital is a member.
The School of Nursing faculty believes that:
NURSING is a science and an art which seeks to preserve and promote health by
meeting physical, social, emotional, and spiritual needs of the patient as a member of
family and community. As a profession, nursing is the unique integration of the art of
caring with the application of the natural and behavioral sciences. The nursing process
is used to facilitate a person's ability to adapt and to move toward self-actualization.
EDUCATION is a life-long learning process, integrating and developing knowledge,
attitudes and skills. Through participation in the learning process, the learner should
be able to lead a full and purposeful life and function as a responsible citizen.
Specifically, nursing education provides systematic direction and guidance in using
scientific principles and the art of nursing to facilitate the development of knowledge,
attitudes and skills necessary for professional nursing.
LEARNING involves changes in the learner's cognitive, affective, and psychomotor
responses. Learning is an active, continuous process influenced by the learner's intellectual ability, experience, environment, and attitudes. Facilitation of learning occurs
when education is sequential and proceeds from simple to complex as students advance
in the educational program and when opportunities for practice are provided concurrently with theory. In addition, a Christian and democratic atmosphere promotes learning. Christian faith instills a spirit of love which promotes the ideas of worth of the individual and of service to one's fellow man, and the democratic process promotes
respect for the rights of others and for their opinions together with freedom to explore
and question.
The ROLE OF FACULTY is to facilitate the learning process by providing an environment conducive to acquiring knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to give
professional nursing care. The faculty assumes the responsibility for planning, implementing, evaluating and revising learning experiences. The STUDENT shares the
responsibility for his own learning and self-development through self-involvement and
utilization of guidance which fosters self-direction.
The SCHOOL meets its commitment of service to the community by preparing a
safe practitioner who responds to the health needs of the community as a member of
the interdisciplinary health care team by promoting wellness, intervening during illness,
and rehabilitating to optimum functioning. The school is responsible for meeting the
student's educational needs through providing a curriculum based on scientific fact,
current knowledge, sequential learning, continuity, and integration of major areas of
nursing. Furthermore, the school assumes the responsibility to provide an educationally prepared faculty who functions as effective instructors and role models, and requires
a high standard of performance by the student to meet the school's responsibility to the
community. Lastly, the school assumes the responsibility of providing the appropriate
and necessary facilities to allow for the optimum interaction of the students and the
faculty through the use of the curriculum.
NUR 201
8 Credits
Medical-Surgical Nursing I is the first course in the medical-surgical nursing sequence which introduces the student to pathophysiology, man's adaption to illness,
and the process of nursing. Attention is given to special nursing techniques, the aging
process, spiritual needs, communication and limited threats to health. The course is
taught on a body systems model composed of classroom and clinical experiences. The
student spends 128 hours a quarter in the hospital caring for the adult patient. Prereq.
NUR 103 or equiv.
NUR 202
8 Credits
Medical-Surgical Nursing II is th.e second course in the medical-surgical sequence
building on MS I, with attention focused on moderate threats to health, communication techniques, cultural influences on health and illness, and intermediate nursing
techniques. The student spends 128 hours a quarter in the hospital caring for the adult
patient with intermediate threats to health. Prereq. NUR 201.
NUR 203
8 Credits
Medical-Surgical Nursing III is the last course in the medical-surgical nursing sequence, building on MS I and MS II and focusing on multiple threats to health, community resources and complex nursing techniques facilitating adaptation. The student
spends 128 hours a quarter in the hospital caring for the adult patient with multiple
threats to health. Time is also devoted to visiting community resource agencies and correlating them with patient care. Prereq. NUR 202.
NUR 210
.7 Credits
This is an assertiveness class that assists the student in identifying characteristics of
assertive, non-assertive and aggressive behaviors. The student follows specific steps in
attaining assertiveness and learning to distinguish hindrances in reaching a specific
goal. Applications of principles are made to the professional career of nursing through
feedback and communication exercises.
NUR 211
.7 Credits
This course provides the student with the historical foundations of the nursing profession. The student examines a brief survey of the historical development of the nursing profession, focusing on the forces, trends, and issues of the past that have shaped
the profession into what it is today.
PSY 351
4 Credits
Emphasis on normal child development and behavior. Consideration of theoretical
systems used for viewing the developmental sequence and process. Active inquiry into
practical implications and applications of data and theory in respect to the development of children.
REL 353
A study of the beliefs and worship practices of the major denominations and sects.
Some contemporary cultic movements will be considered.
SOC 121
Lutheran Deaconess Hospital School of Nursing offers a program of nursing
education with a Christian influence at the diploma level. The graduate is prepared to
apply for licensure as Registered Nurse (R.N.).
4 Credits
Sociology as a mode of analysis or a way of knowing. Its applications to an understanding of basic aspects of society: socialization, family life, social inequalities, largescale institutions, etc. Sociology as an academic discipline and profession.
NUR 101
4 Credits
This course introduces the student to the nursing profession. It provides a guide for
the beginning student in the development of ideals of service in the care of the sick and
own life as a nurse. The course helps the student to understand the basic needs:
physical, psychosocial, and spiritual, and the means whereby these needs are met. The
student learns basic nursing skills in the classroom and in the hospital as she begins to
care for patients.
4 Credits
This course provides the nursing student with the biomedical background needed in
order to approach the subject of pharmacology rationally. It emphasizes the fundamental principles of pharmacology and concentrates on prototype drugs with which the
student will have to be familar in further encounters with pharmacology. The student
develops a habit of referring to various resources of drug information needed in more
advanced courses. Prereq. NUR 101.
4 Credits
This course, the last in the three-course sequence, focuses on man's interaction with
the environment. It considers basic human needs and reactions to threats of these
needs. The student utilizes a problem solving process to assess the health status of the
patient when planning and executing nursing intervention. Prereq. NUR 102.
The graduate of this program will:
Function as a beginning staff nurse in hospitals, clinics and similar health care institutions.
Function as a member of health care team and a member of and/or leader of the
nursing team.
Demonstrate by clinical performance the attainment of curriculum objectives.
Upon completition of this program of studies the graduate is prepared to:
Synthesize the principles from biological, physical, and behavioral sciences to the
nursing process.
Adapt the nursing process in providing nursing care.
Utilize appropriate communication skills to establish effective interpersonal relationships.
Utilize principles of teaching-learning in health care situations.
Integrate community resources in planning comprehensive health care.
Practice nursing according to legal, professional, and social responsibilities and
Practice safe nursing by making judgements based on scientific principles and
medical diagnosis.
Adapt to the changing role and demands of the nursing profession and the need
for continuing education.
Assume a leadership role in directing and coordinating the activities of the nursing
team in caring for patients.
Integrate Christian principles and values into the professional life.
BIO 103
The mission of The Fairview Community Hospitals is to provide high quality healthrelated services in a spirit of Christian concern to meet the personal needs and improve
the health status of the people and communities we serve.
In fulfillment of this mission, we affirm that Fairview Community Hospitals:
4 Credits
A professional course in the structure and function of the human body. Lecture and
BIO 108
4 Credits
>Is an expression of the healing ministry of Jesus Christ.
Basic microbial features are considered as well as applications of microbiology to the
fields of medicine and sanitation. 3 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory.
>Is committed to view those whom we serve as persons of dignity and worth,
regardless of race, sex, creed or social status.
Chem 103 & 104 GENERAL, ORGANIC &
>Shall reflect the Biblical vision of health as wholeness, and be committed to minister
to body, mind, and spirit through its medical staffs, personnel, programs, services,
and institutional roles.
Selected elements of general, organic, and biological chemistry around the theme:
the molecular basis of life. Lecture and laboratory.
>Shall fulfill or surpass established levels of excellence in its service and shall provide
an environment for growth and satisfaction of its employees.
>Is committed to operate as a private voluntary health care organization.
>Shall be a strong, growing, cost-effective organization through the application of
multi-unit organizational concepts.
>Will participate in and carry on research and educational activities supportive to the
mission of Fairview Community Hospitals.
>Views its focus for growth and development primarily as the Upper Midwest region
of the United States.
>Shall work in cooperation with other health care community agencies and social
organizations, and shall relate meaningfully with the Church and congregations.
ENG 111
4, 4 Credits
4 Credits
The study of composition with emphasis on expository writing. Attention to correct
usage, logical organization, and the research paper. The grading system for this course
is either PIN or 2.0-4.0/N. In order to hold a place in the course, the student must
either attend the first day or personally notify the instructor that he cannot be present.
Psy 105
4 Credits
An introduction to the methods and approaches used in psychology for the purposes
of understanding behavior. The structure of the field of psychology, including its major sub-areas, is emphasized.
2 Credits
Application of ethical principles to problems which arise in the areas of health care
and delivery, human experimentation, human engineering, abortion, care for the dying
and euthanasia.
Beginning of first year
Fall Semester (14 weeks)
101 Fundamentals of Nursing I
103 General, Organic & Biological Chem
103 Anatomy and Physiology 0
105 *General Psychology 0
Interim (4 weeks)
102 Fundamentals of Nursing II
Spring Semester (14 weeks)
103 Fundamentals of Nursing III
108 Microbiology 0
111 *Effective Writing 0
104 General, Organic & Bio Chem
Beginning of second year
First Quarter (9 weeks)
201 Medical-Surgical Nursing
210 Trends in Nursing I
121 Principles of Sociology 0 0
353 Denominations and Sects
Fourth Quarter (9 weeks)
One of the Following:
310 OB-Gyn Nursing
330 Pediatric Nursing
Second Quarter (9 weeks)
202 Medical-Surgical Nursing II
211 Trends in Nursing II
------------------------------------------------ ....
in America 0 0
Third Quarter (9 weeks)
203 Medical-Surgical Nursing III
212 Trends in Nursing III
351 Development Psychology: Child
Ortho-Neuro Nursing
Psychiatric Nursing
Developmental Psych. cont.
Begining of third year
First Quarter (9 weeks)
One of the Following:
310 OB-Gyn Nursing
330 Pediatric Nursing
320 Ortho-Neuro Nursing
340 Psychiatric Nursing
380 Medical Ethics 00
Fourth Quarter (9 weeks)
400 Management of Patient Care
Second Quarter (9 weeks)
One of the Following:
310 OB-Gyn Nursing
330 Pediatric Nursing
320 Ortho-Neuro Nursing
340 Psychiatric Nursing
Third Quarter (9 weeks)
One of the Following:
310 OB-Gyn Nursing
330 Pediatric Nursing
320 Ortho-Neuro Nursing
340 Psychiatric Nursing
Courses taught at Augsburg College
° Courses taught at Lutheran Deaconess Hospital School of Nursing by Augsburg Faculty
* Courses that can be taken during either the fall or spring semester
0 0
to enhance her performance of previous roles when the client is in a crisis situation and
to expand the student's teaching to groups. It introduces the role of the nurse as a
health counselor in various primary health care settings. This level also includes the
study of medical ethics.
During this level, the student completes an advanced level Management of Patient
Care course, which affords opportunities to apply principles of leadership in the nursing process and to supervise the care of individuals and groups of patients with multiple
and critical problems. The theory relative to collaborating and advocating is examined
as the student cares for clients in complex situations. Interactions with the health team
and with groups in the community help the student develop leadership skills.
At each level of the curriculum, there exists a set of courses or course that reflects a
disciplinary or a synthesis of disciplinary and competency based learning designs. The
disciplinary based learning design is featured in the courses offered at Augsburg College and in the classroom component of each course taught at the School of Nursing,
because this design stresses the importance of theory, its role in the curriculum, and the
changing nature of theory. The competency based learning design is featured in the
clinical component of the School of Nursing courses because it allows the student to
systematically apply theory to the nursing process through the mastery of specific nursing skills.
Curriculum Organization
Four levels of learning have been identified and courses are provided at each level to
assist the student in achieving the objectives at each of the levels. Such a curriculum
design was developed and implemented because it provides a continuous and sequential
learning environment that emphasizes a simple to complex learning approach.
Equal Opportunity Statements
Lutheran Deaconess Hospital School of Nursing is committed to the policy that
all applicants shall have equal access to the program without regard to race, color,
sex, age, religion, marital status or handicap. In adherence to this policy, the school
abides by the requirements of Title IX of the 1972 Education amendments, section
504 of P. L. 93-112, and other statutes relating to equal opportunity. Questions
regarding compliance may be directed to Director, Lutheran Deaconess Hospital
School of Nursing, 2315 14th Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404, or to
the Director of the Office of Civil Rights, Department of Health, Education, and
Welfare, Washington, D.C. 20201.
This level consists of fundamental science and psychosocial courses and introductory
courses in nursing and the health care system. Anatomy and physiology, chemistry,
microbiology, psychology, and English courses are taken at Augsburg College located
near the School of Nursing. These courses provide the essential scientific and social
scientific foundations upon which the nursing curriculum is developed. At the School
of Nursing, fundamental nursing skills and attitudes are developed through introductory nursing courses utilizing basic scientific principles and correlated clinical experiences. The emphasis is on the healthy individual, the client, and the nurse. The
nursing process is introduced as the student learns to assume the comforting and protecting roles for her clients.
The second level focuses on maintaining and promoting an individual's abilities to
meet health needs and assisting individuals in meeting these needs. Courses at this level
feature an emphasis on illnesses and representative common medical-surgical conditions that affect the adult client. The nursing process, a problem-solving approach to
meet both physical and psychological needs of the client and his family, becomes an
important means for translating theory into practice. The student begins to practice the
therapeutic role and to incorporate teaching in her care of patients, and she begins to
include the family to a greater extent. This level also includes the study of historical and
contemporary trends in nursing and advanced courses in psychology, religion and
A graduate of an accredited high school or its equivalent.
A course in high school chemistry or its equivalent.
Rank in upper 1/3 of her class.
The American College Testing Program (A.C.T. test) The applicant makes the arrangements for this with her high school. It is recommended that the first available
testing date during the senior year be used. Our A.C.T. code number is 2119.
5. If college attended, a GPA of at least 2.5 average in courses applicable to nursing.
6. After acceptance a certificate of immunizations as specified by the School.
7. Health and physical abilities of the applicant need to be such as to enable the applicant to meet the academic and clinical requirements of this program.
The third level is designed to have the nursing student apply the principles and practices
of nursing to special situations in which the nursing process is extended to the clinical
areas of obstetrical, pediatric, psychiatric, and ortho-neuro nursing. The student
rotates through a set of courses that emphasizes assisting the client with more complex
needs, requiring the student to develop and use more complex procedures for health
supervision and the teaching of the family. This level gives the student an opportunity
1. A request for information and application forms should be addressed to Registrar,
The School of Nursing reserves the right to terminate any student whose class work,
health, conduct or nursing practice make it inadvisable for her to remain in the School.
Lutheran Deaconess Hospital School of Nursing, 2315 14th Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55404.
Application forms to be submitted are:
a. Application for Admission.
b. Official transcript of high school credits and college, if attended. Rank in high
school class.
c. A.C.T. scores - each applicant must have A.C.T. Send complete score report
to school.
d. Three letters of reference. These references must come from persons who have
known the applicant well, in one of the following capacities. Only one reference
from a group.
(1) recent teacher, (2) recent counselor, (3) clergy man, (4) current or recent
employer, (5) personal friend or co-worker.
e. Application fee.
A personal interview may be required.
Further testing may be required.
Credit may be given for college level courses if the grade is a "C" or better, if
taken within the last 5 years, and if taken at an accredited school.
Within one month after all application materials are received, the applicant will be
notified of the decision of the Admissions and Promotions Committee.
After acceptance, applicants are eligible to apply for financial assistance. All applicants for financial aid are required to complete the FFS.
Acceptance is based on the following:
1. Complete record for review by the Admissions and Promotions Committee.
2. Satisfactory achievement of admission requirements.
1. The Admissions and Promotions Committee meets monthly from November
through June to review completed applications.
2. The Admissions and Promotions Committee notifies each applicant of its decision
in writing.
3. Notification will occur within one week of the decision.
Accepted applicants musl ,,,ign the note of intent and return the note with the
matriculation fee within two weeks after the date of the acceptance letter, or the application will be automatically withdrawn. The matriculation fee is non-refundable.
See re-admission under Entrance Requirements and Procedures.
Students who successfully complete all program requirements and who meet all
financial obligations to the School will be awarded the diploma and the pin of the
School of Nursing.
Upon graduation, the student is eligible to write the examination for licensure which
is given by the State Board of Nursing. Successful passing of this examination enables
the graduate to practice nursing as a registered nurse (R.N.) in the state which administered the examination.
Grade reports of students over 18 years of age may not be sent to parents or responsible parties without a signed waiver by the student.
Grade reports of students under 18 years of age may be sent to parents or responsible
parties upon request.
A student may request to see her academic record at any time. If the student is
over 18 years of age, a signed waiver by the student must be submitted to the Registrar
before parents or responsible parties may review the academic record.
If the student is under 18 years of age, parents or responsible parties may request the
Registrar to review the academic record.
A request to the Director of the School of Nursing or the Registrar may be made at
any time for the correction of an incorrectly transcribed item in the academic record.
The student or graduate when applying for employment must by written waiver
specify the items to be released from the academic record to the prospective employer.
For additional information see Records under Entrance Requirements and Procedures.
A transcript will be furnished only upon the written request of the student or
graduate. Such requests are to be sent to the Office of the Registrar, Lutheran
Deaconess Hospital School of Nursing. The first copy of a transcript is issued without
charge. Thereafter, a charge of $2.00 is made for each additional transcript.
The following grading scale has been adopted by the faculty. The numbers represent
percentages of points awarded for completed work.
If the applicant is not accepted for admission and wishes to appeal this decision, the
following procedure must be followed:
1. The applicant must notify the Admissions and Promotions Committee in writing
of her intent to appeal within two weeks of the date when she was notified of nonacceptance.
2. Upon receipt of the intent to appeal, the Committee will make provision for the
applicant to appear before the committe in person.
3. If the in-person appeal to the Admissions Committee is denied, the applicant may
present her appeal in writing and in person to the Executive Committee of the
Faculty Organization.
4. The decision of the Executive Committee is final.
- 100%
- 97%
- 93%
- 90%
- 87%
- 84%
Students who do not attain a "C" in any course must repeat the course.
Applicants may withdraw their applications at any time by notifying the Registrar.
The applicant's record will be retained in the files until one month after the class enters
in September and then will be destroyed.
Non-completed or non-processed records will be retained until one month after the
class enters in September and then will be destroyed.
Promotion from One Level to Another
Promotion from one level to the next is accomplished through a periodic review of
the student's level of achievement in the required areas of theory and clinical experiences of each level. In order to be promoted, the student must have a minimum
grade of "C" in theory and a "pass" in the clinical laboratory for all nursing courses
and a minimum grade of "C" in all other courses.
In the event that a student fails or drops out of a course, and would like to continue
in the program she must:
1. Petition to the Admissions and Promotions Committee to enroll in another course
in the curriculum.
2. Petition to the Admissions and Promotions Committee to retake the failed or
dropped course.
A course may be repeated only once, and students must always meet the prerequisites
of a course before they can take it.
The faculty has the authority and assumes the responsibility for determining whether
a student possesses the qualifications necessary for her to become a competent
nurse. In the event a student fails to demonstrate the personal and professional
qualifications, the student may be asked to withdraw from the School.
II. Moving from One Term to Another
Each student must have paid the tuition and school costs or made arrangements to
do so before the beginning of the next term. See the Director of the School if you have
any problems.
Students wishing to withdraw from the School must submit a written statement to
the Director of the School. Failure to report to class or clinical assignment is not an official withdrawal.
Candidates who have completed courses comparable in hours and content to those
currently offered by Lutheran Deaconess Hospital School of Nursing are considered
for course exemption on an individual basis. Exemptions will not be granted for
courses taken prior to five (5) years of the application date without special permission.
Exemption Requirements by Category
1. Non-nursing courses: applicants must provide
a. official school/ college transcript(s)
b. school/college catalog containing the course description(s) for which exemption(s) are being requested.
2. Nursing courses:
a. L.P.N. Graduates - exemptions may only be granted for First Level Nursing
courses. The applicant must:
1. have graduated from a state approved N.L.N. accredited school.
2. submit an official school transcript with satisfactory grades (C average
3. have a current L.P.N. license and be eligible to practice in the state of
4. satisfactorily achieve in faculty-designated examinations.
5. If academic requirements are met, the applicant may be admitted to the
Second Level for an evaluation period.
b. Students from professional nursing programs - The applicant must:
1. have been enrolled in a state approved and N.L.N. accredited program.
2. submit an official school transcript with satisfactory grades (C minimum)
in previous nursing courses.
3. submit references which include (1) from the director of the nursing program and (2) from nursing instructors who can adequately evaluate the applicant's previous nursing performance.
4. submit a school/college catalog containing course description(s) for which
exemption(s) are being requested. Only current credits earned within the
five years prior to application will be considered for exemption.
Exemption Procedure
1. In addition to furnishing the credentials required for admission, the applicant
must submit an Application for Exemption form and provide the appropriate data
listed in Section B above.
2. The following fee schedule will prevail:
a. non-nursing course exemption fee - $5.00 each.
b. nursing courses exemption fee - $10.00
c. standardized testing fees - at cost
3. The Admissions and Promotions Committee will approve or disapprove course exemption requests. Granting of final acceptance will be the responsibility of the
Faculty Organization.
4. In order to be eligible for graduation from this school, the student must complete a
full academic year at the school.
5. All requests for course exemptions must be submitted and approved before the
academic year begins. The deadline for submitting requests is May 30 prior to the
academic year in which the exemption is desired.
The academic year at Lutheran Deaconess Hospital, School of Nursing differs according to the level of the program. First year students, (Level I), follow Augsburg College's academic calender consisting of the 4-1-4 plan of two semesters and an interim.
Each semester is 14 weeks in length and the interim is 4 weeks. Second and third year
students (Levels II, III, IV) follow the School of Nursing calender consisting of 4
quarters, where each quarter is 9 weeks in length.
The academic year at the School of Nursing begins in the fall, and this is the time
that most students enter the School. Occasionally, transfer, returning, and special
students enter at the beginning of a quarter or semester during the year.
The unit of credit at Lutheran Deaconess Hospital School of Nursing is the semester
hour. For transfer students, 1.5 quarter hours is equivalent to 1 semester hour.
Students at the School of Nursing accumulate a total of 114 semester hours of credit,
of which 36 semester hours are recorded on an Augsburg College transcript and are
automatically transferred to the School of Nursing. These transferred credits represent
all work taken at Augsburg College and those courses taught by the Augsburg professors at the School of Nursing.
In any re-admission, the Admissions and Promotions Committee reserves the right
to require additional information and testing when there is an indicated need for it.
Re-admission Procedure
1. Should a former student desire re-admission, she must submit a new application,
including references, updated transcripts and physical examination report if the
period of time since the last admittance at Lutheran Deaconess Hospital School
of Nursing exceeds one year. A re-admission fee of $50.00 will be charged for this
2. Should a former student desire re-admission, and has been away from the school
less than one year, she will need to submit a letter of request for re-admission
containing (a) reasons tor re-admission to the program, (b) activities during
absences from the program, and (c) professional goals. A re-admissions fee of
$25.00 will be charged for this student.
Students at Lutheran Deaconess
as follows:
First year students
Second year students
Third year students
Hospital School of Nursing are divided into classes
Each freshman student is assigned to an instructor who functions as a counselor. It is
the responsibility of each counselor to meet with her advisees at the close of each course
to review academic progress and any problems that should occur.
See Advanced Placement under Entrance Requirements and Procedures.
Seven percent, simple-interest loans are granted from time to time. This fund provides
loans up to $1,000 per academic year. Applications may be obtained from the Director
of the School of Nursing.
Individuals may request permission to take selected nursing courses to meet personal
or professional objectives.
The candidate must:
1. have an interview with the Director of the program to assess and plan appropriately for courses to meet the objectives.
2. submit an Application for Admissions form and indicate course(s) desired.
3. submit the application fee for processing the record of $10.00.
This scholarship provides varying amounts of financial aid up to $1,000 per student
per year. This scholarship is available to students who are members of AAL. Recipients
are selected on the basis of financial need, Christian character, academic achievement,
and leadership potential. Information and applications can be obtained from the
Director of the School of Nursing.
State money is administered and distributed through the Higher Education Coordinating Commission. This money is available to students who meet the state requirements. Applications are made through the BEOG form and can be obtained from
the Director of the School of Nursing or from your high school counselor.
For unmarried full-time students if one parent (covered by Social Security) is retired,
deceased or disabled. The amount is dependent upon eligibility as determined by the
Social Security Administration. To apply, contact the Federal Social Security Administration Office in your area.
Eligible students may receive assistance from the Veteran's Administration under the
0.1. Bill.
In addition to loans, grants and scholarships, students can also seek employment to
help pay for their school costs. It is recommended that a student have sufficient funds
so that employment is not necessary for the first semester of the freshmen year, as
many students often need that period of time to adjust to the rigors of the program.
Employment may be available in various departments of Lutheran Deaconess
Hospital. Applications for employment may be made through the Personnel Department. This information concerning employment at Lutheran Deaconess Hospital is
subject to change in accordance with employment needs and policies of the hospital.
Prospective students or any other interested persons are invited to visit Lutheran
Deaconess Hospital School of Nursing campus at any time. School tours may be
scheduled with the secretary at the School of Nursing.
In addition to housing the School of Nursing, Anna Bergeland Hall contains a coed
residential facility for the nursing students. The third and fourth floors provide housing for female students, while the second floor contains rooms for male students.
Single students should live in the residence hall or with their parents if their homes are
within commuting distance. Two students share a room, and applicants may request to
live together. A few single rooms are available at a higher cost. Student accommodations include a desk, a bed, and a closet. Lounge and laundry areas are located on each
residential floor of the hall, and there is a main lounge on the first floor adjacent to the
library. The residence hall is connected to the hospital through a tunnel. A residence
hall director lives within the hall and is there to assist students with any problems that
should occur.
The following is a list of the major types of financial aid that students who attend the
School of Nursing may be eligible for. Students are encouraged to meet with their high
school counselors to discuss some of the following sources of aid as well as other
sources that they may be eligible for.
The Basic Educational Opportunity Grant Program is a federal aid program designed to provide financial assistance to those who need it to attend a post-high school
educational institution. The amount of a Basic Grant is determined on the basis of the
applicant's and her family's financial resources. Awards usually range between $50
and $1800. Applications may be obtained from the School of Nursing or from your
high school.
This fund is used to assist students in nursing either in the basic program or advanced
nursing program. Funds are generally awarded to second or third year students. Applications may be obtained from the Director of the School of Nursing.
The hospital offers complete cafeteria service to the nursing students, and meals can
be purchased at a reduced rate. There is also a hospital coffee shop. Within the resident
hall itself, there are limited facilities for food preparation.
Three percent, low interest, cancellable loans are available to students who meet
federal requirements. These loans are administered by the School of Nursing, and
graduates must work in a needs hospital in order to be eligible for the cancellation. The
loan is interest free until 9 months following graduation. Applications may be obtained
from the Director of the School of Nursing.
Available parking space near the School of Nursing is limited. Parking facilities exist
in the hospital's parking lots for students.
This unit of the American Legion provides several $100 scholarships for students in
the School of Nursing. Students are selected on the basis of academic achievement and
financial need. Applications may be obtained from the Director of the School of Nursing.
A nurse is in charge of the student health service at all times. Students are required
to carry group hospitalization insurance through the school unless they have insurance
under family policies. The specific services of the student health service are described in
the student handbook.
Seven percent interest loans administered through the Minnesota Higher Education
Coordinating Commission are available. These loans are cancellable if the graduate
works in a needs hospital, and are interest free until 9 months after graduation. Applications may be obtained from the Director of the School of Nursing or from your
high school counselor.
Payment Due
Health Fee
Graduation Fee
Room Rent
1st Term
2nd Term
3rd Term
4th Term
The school has a counseling program which is flexible enough to meet varying individual needs. The program assists the student in meeting and solving educational
and personal problems. Referral services are used as indicated or requested e.g.
pastors, psychiatrists and psychologists to assist the student in becoming more selfdirecting.
Additional expenses include: transportation to various clinical facilities and to
Augsburg College. Additional tours may also require additional charges. No attempt is
made to include personal expenses. Uniforms are purchased directly from the uniform
company. Books are purchased directly from nearby bookstores. Health insurance is
mandatory and may be purchased through the school.
Payment of Charges: Charges must be paid by due dates. If charges are not paid
and/or arrangements made, the student will not be allowed to attend classes.
Employment: The student academic hours allow time for employment. Many
students secure employment to help defray school expenses. It is suggested that
students not work during the first semester in the school.
Refunds: Tuition for a student leaving the school will be refunds as follows:
During the first
- 80%
- 70%
- 60%
- 50%
- 40%
No refund is made after the fifth week. No refunds are made for the Interim period.
Fees are not refundable.
Re-Admission: Should a former student apply for re-admission she will submit a
new application, including a physical examination report and 'references. A readmission fee of $25 will be charged to students returning after an absence of up to six
months. After an absence of more than six months, a $50 charge will be made in addition to the regular tuition charges. Transfer students pay the re-admission charge.
Lutheran Deaconess Hospital Inger Bergh Library is located on the first floor of
Anna Bergeland Hall and is under the direction of the medical librarian. This library
contains about 3,000 volumes and about 120 periodicals. The library also houses a student learning center. Nursing students also have full privileges at the Augsburg College
Library and at the Children's Health Center and Hospital library.
The maintenance and safety of the applicant's records is the responsibility of the
Procedure for Gaining Access to Records:
I. Student Records
a. Access to student progress records is limited to School Administration, the
Registrar, the individual student, and faculty members.
b. Anyone except the Registrar gaining access to the file shall sign and date the
access sheet in the file. The purpose of the access shall also be completed on
the access sheet.
2. Graduate Records
a. Access to graduate records is limited to the Director of the School or her
designee, the Registrar, and the graduate.
b. Anyone gaining access to a graduate file shall sign and date the access sheet
for that file and shall state to what purpose the file was viewed.
c. No information is given from any graduate file unless upon the written request
of the graduate.
d. The above procedure also applies to files of resigned students.
For additional information see the Student Handbook.
Students are encouraged to practice the teachings of the Christian faith by attending
a church of their own affiliation and chapel services and by participating in student
groups that are sponsored by the churches or other religious organizations. As part of
the School's annual program of religious emphasis, six mission interest meetings are
held during the school year. The Good News Committee schedules chapel devotions
and plans activities for the annual spiritual emphasis week. The Taiwan project is a
plan in which one Lutheran Deaconess Hospital School of Nursing graduate annually
is given the opportunity to serve for a two-year period in the Chiayi Christian Hospital
in Taiwan. These arrangements are made with the Board of World Missions of the
American Lutheran Church.
Tuition and fees are estimated below. Effort will be made to keep charges as
estimated. However, all tuition and fees are subject to changes as necessary.
Pre-admission charges (not refundable)
Students automatically become members of the Deaconess Student Association (DSA)
of Lutheran Deaconess Hospital School of Nursing when they are admitted to the
School. Through this organization students learn self-direction, self-discipline, leadership and responsibility, thus helping them to adjust to group living and to their future
roles as professional nurses. Each class selects its own officers who conduct the
business and guide the activities of the class. A faculty member serves as an advisor for
each class.
Each student is encouraged to become a member of the State and National Association
of Nursing Students. Participation in these organizations fosters an opportunity for
students to develop an interest in and a need for membership in professional organizations as a registered nurse.
The Big Brother and Sister activities assist new students in becoming oriented and adjusted to the School. The School of Nursing has a choir directed by a qualified Director. Periodically this choir gives concerts of both religious and contemporary music,
and every spring the choir goes on a tour. Students are also encouraged to take advantage of the rich cultural environment which the Twin Cities provide by attending concerts, operas, ballets, theaters, films, museums, art galleries, sporting events and other
cultural-recreational events. There are limited funds made available from Lutheran
Deaconess Hospital Auxiliary for students to attend community cultural events.
For additional information see the Student Handbook.
Application Fee, submitted with application
Matriculation Fee, paid when appointment is accepted
Payment Due
Tuition at LDH
(Exclusive of pre-admission fees)
Charge for Augsburg Courses
Health Fee
Room Rent
1st Semester Interim 2nd Semester
January February
Payment Due
Tuition LDH
Health Fee
Room Rent
1st Term
2nd Term
3rd Term
4th Term
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Augsburg College Graduate Catalog, 2016-2017
Course Catalogs
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Graduate Catalog
Official Publication of Augsburg College
2211 Riverside Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55454
The Augsburg College Graduate Catalog contains information about academic program requirements and academic and
student policies an...
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Graduate Catalog
Official Publication of Augsburg College
2211 Riverside Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55454
The Augsburg College Graduate Catalog contains information about academic program requirements and academic and
student policies and procedures for Fall Semester 2016 - Summer Semester 2017. It is subject to change without notice.
The catalog is intended to complement other College publications including the Student Guide and College website. It is
important for students to be familiar with all College policies and procedures. Students are strongly encouraged to
consult their advisor(s) at least once each semester to be certain they are properly completing degree requirements.
Published 2016
Phone: 612-330-1000
A Greeting from the President
I am pleased to know of your interest in Augsburg College’s exciting and innovative graduate programs. You are part of a
select and discerning group of professionals who seek to find a graduate program that combines an excellent
curriculum, a values-based approach to work, a talented and experienced faculty, and program formats that meet the
needs of busy and successful people. Augsburg College’s graduate-level programs in Business Administration, Creative
Writing, Education, Leadership, Nursing, Physician Assistant Studies, and Social Work are distinguished by the
opportunities they provide students to expand decision-making and strategic skills.
Augsburg College is characterized by a strong mission: Augsburg College educates students to be informed citizens,
thoughtful stewards, critical thinkers, and responsible leaders. The Augsburg experience is supported by an engaged
community that is committed to intentional diversity in its life and work. An Augsburg education is defined by excellence
in the liberal arts and professional studies, guided by the faith and values of the Lutheran church, and shaped by its
urban and global settings.
For our graduate programs, this mission helps to shape an innovative educational experience that features an expansive
perspective on social responsibility, economic realities, business initiative, and environmental sustainability.
At Augsburg College we believe that our distinctive educational purpose is to help you find your calling, at work and in
the world. Augsburg graduate programs are designed to offer you quality educational experiences, personal attention,
and opportunities to expand your personal and professional talents and skills. We are confident that our graduates are
prepared for leadership in our ever-changing global society, the hallmark of an Augsburg degree.
Paul C. Pribbenow, Ph.D.
Welcome from the Provost and Chief Academic Officer
Welcome to graduate study at Augsburg College! Augsburg has a long history of preparing students for leadership in
their communities and places of work. Across our array of graduate programs, our students acquire specialized
knowledge in a discipline or field, engage in applied and collaborative learning, develop advanced intellectual skills;
encounter diverse perspectives and ideas; test theory through real-world experiences, and equip themselves for the
next stage in their vocational journeys.
In joining the Augsburg community, you become part of the Augsburg story—a story of academic excellence,
experiential education, intentional diversity, commitment to service in a spirit of mutuality, and dedication of faculty
and staff to student learning. The College offers learning opportunities for traditional and adult students in state-of-theart physical and online classrooms. Our locations--in the Twin Cities, Rochester, and several international sites—offer
opportunities to apply what you learn in the neighborhood, the local community, and in various urban and rural
Inspired by the faith of our Lutheran founders to be inclusive to the early immigrants who came to Augsburg’s doors, we
welcome a diversity of cultures and faiths. Indeed, the diversity of our campus community helps ensure that our
graduates are uniquely prepared to meet the challenges and opportunities ahead. We actively encourage interdisciplinary study and opportunities for students to collaborate with others across disciplines. We ground professional
study in the best of the liberal arts tradition; we work to ensure that graduates from liberal arts disciplines are “career
ready.” We embrace the best in both traditions as we equip our students for future success.
While connected through these common commitments, each graduate program has its own distinctive identity and
curriculum. Your program offers a disciplinary home where you will join a community of faculty, staff, and fellow
students who will collectively extend your network of connections with prospective employers and expand your career
opportunities. You will have access to Augsburg alumni mentors; you will have opportunities to develop new global
connections through such public events as our annual Nobel Peace Prize Forum.
We’re delighted that you’ll be joining us.
Karen Kaivola
Provost and Chief Academic Officer
About Augsburg
At Augsburg College, we believe that graduate education should prepare gifted people for positions of leadership in
their communities and places of work. Augsburg graduates will be able to demonstrate not only the mastery of a major
field of study, but also the ability to apply critical thinking, problem solving, and advanced communication skills in a
collaborative approach within that discipline, thereby engaging others with diverse perspectives in the work of
advancing civic and global initiatives critical for a sustainable future.
The heart of an Augsburg education is the Augsburg mission, informed by the liberal and professional arts and sciences,
to serve our neighbors in the heart of the city and out into the world with faith-based, ethical values. We welcome
students from a diversity of backgrounds and experiences. Also, our programs look to the world through international
courses and cultural exchanges.
Mission Statement
Students who graduate from Augsburg are well prepared to make a difference in the world. They stand as testaments to
the College motto, “Education for Service,” and mission:
Augsburg College educates students to be informed citizens, thoughtful stewards, critical thinkers, and responsible
leaders. The Augsburg experience is supported by an engaged community that is committed to intentional diversity in its
life and work. An Augsburg education is defined by excellence in the liberal arts and professional studies, guided by the
faith and values of the Lutheran Church, and shaped by its urban and global settings.
Augsburg Today
Augsburg was the first seminary founded by Norwegian Lutherans in America, named after the confession of faith
presented by Lutherans in Augsburg, Germany, in 1530. Augsburg opened in September 1869, in Marshall, Wisconsin,
and moved to Minneapolis, Minnesota in 1872. A Rochester, Minnesota campus was added in 2002. A short history of
Augsburg College can be found at
Today, Augsburg continues to reflect the commitment and dedication of its founders who believed:
Education should have a solid liberal arts core at the graduate level; this focus centers on the ability to think critically
and broadly about the world and the work we do in it.
An Augsburg education should be preparation for service in community and centers of faith.
The city—with all its excitement, challenges, and diversity—is an unequaled learning environment.
The vision of the College’s work today is lived out in the phrase, “We believe we are called to serve our neighbor.”
Through common commitments to living faith, active citizenship, meaningful work, and global perspective, Augsburg
prepares its students to become effective, ethical citizens in a complex global society.
Degrees Offered
Augsburg offers the following graduate degrees:
Master of Arts in Education*
Master of Arts in Leadership
Master of Arts in Nursing*
Master of Business Administration*
Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing
Master of Music Therapy
Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies
Master of Social Work
Doctor of Nursing Practice* (with tracks in Transcultural Nursing and Family Nurse Practitioner)
Augsburg offers the following dual degrees:
Bachelor of Arts in Accounting/Master of Arts in Leadership
Master of Arts in Leadership/Master of Business Administration
Master of Social Work/Master of Business Administration
*Programs offered at both of Augsburg’s campuses (Minneapolis and Rochester, MN)
A Community of Learners
Essential to the goals of Augsburg’s graduate programs is participation in a community of adult learners. This community
is enriched by the presence of men and women with a variety of work and life experiences. To facilitate this kind of
community interaction, Augsburg encourages students to make use of all College facilities, whether a student in
Minneapolis or Rochester, and to participate in College activities such as music and dramatic presentations and
lecture/speaker events.
Graduate Faculty
The heart of any educational institution is its faculty, and Augsburg College is particularly proud of the excellence and
commitment of its professors. Most faculty hold the doctorate or other terminal degree, and all consider teaching and
service to be the focus of their activity at the College. Faculty are involved in social, professional, and a variety of
research activities, but these support and are secondary to their teaching. Faculty are actively involved in a dynamic
faculty development program that introduces them to best practices in teaching and learning techniques and theories.
Augsburg’s small classes encourage its tradition of close involvement between professors and students. Faculty act as
academic advisors and participate regularly in campus activities.
Minneapolis Campus
Augsburg College is located in the heart of the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota. The campus is
bordered by Riverside Avenue and Interstate 94, near the University of Minnesota West Bank campus and the University
of Minnesota Medical Center.
Downtown Minneapolis is just minutes away, providing access to internships and careers with some of the country’s
leading companies, as well as entertainment, arts, sports venues, shopping, dining, and transportation. The campus is
blocks from the METRO Green and Blue light rail lines, which provide easy access to destinations in Minneapolis and St.
Paul, as well as the Minneapolis International Airport.
Rochester campus
Augsburg’s branch campus in Rochester, Minnesota, was established in 1998 as a natural extension of the College’s
mission and its expertise in teaching working adults. Graduate degrees and undergraduate majors including business,
education, and nursing, are offered on the Rochester campus. Graduate programs in Rochester include the Master of
Business Administration, Master of Arts in Nursing*, Master of Arts in Education*, and Doctor of Nursing Practice*.
The Rochester campus classrooms and offices are located at Bethel Lutheran Church (ELCA), just a few blocks south of
downtown Rochester. Home to approximately 110,000 residents, Rochester is a city that enjoys a rich ethnic diversity
and superior technological resources.
Augsburg classes in Rochester meet on a semester schedule with classes taking place on alternating weekday evenings
and on occasional Saturdays, making them accessible to working adults. Students may also take courses within their
program on the Minneapolis campus.
Students at the Rochester campus are Augsburg College students. They are supported through an array of e-learning
resources ranging from access to Lindell Library databases to the use of online course management software.
Information about the Rochester campus is available at or by calling the Rochester office at
*Program includes some Minneapolis courses.
Abroad Locations
Augsburg is enhanced by its global centers in Namibia, Mexico, and Central America. Students can perform research,
take courses, or consult with faculty in those locations to gain new perspectives on their disciplines.
Instruction facilities and student housing at Augsburg are conveniently located near each other. A tunnel/ramp/skyway
system connects the two tower residence halls, the five buildings on the Quadrangle, plus Music Hall, Lindell Library,
Oren Gateway Center, and the Foss, Lobeck, Miles Center for Worship, Drama, and Communication.
Admissions Office—The Office of Admissions is located on the lower level of Christensen Center.
Anderson Hall (1993)—Named in honor of Oscar Anderson, President of Augsburg College from 1963 to 1980, and this
residence hall is located at 2016 8th Street. Anderson Hall contains four types of living units and houses 192 students, as
well as the Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies; Center for Global Education; and the Office of Marketing
and Communication.
Center for Wellness and Counseling—The Center for Wellness and Counseling offers programs and services that
enhance student learning by promoting personal development and well-being.
Christensen Center (1967)—The College center, with the Admissions Office, student lounge and recreational areas, the
Strommen Center for Meaningful Work, the Commons dining facility and Einstein Bros. Bagels, two art galleries, copy
center, and offices for student government and student publications.
Edor Nelson Field—The athletic field, located at 725 23rd Avenue, is the playing and practice field of many of the
Augsburg teams. An air-supported dome covers the field during winter months, allowing year-round use.
Foss, Lobeck, Miles Center for Worship, Drama, and Communication (1988)—The Foss Center is named in recognition
of the Julian and June Foss family. The Tjornhom-Nelson Theater, Hoversten Chapel, and the Arnold Atrium are also
housed in this complex, which provides space for campus ministry, the drama and communication offices.
Ice Arena (1974)—Two skating areas provide practice space for hockey and figure skating, and recreational skating for
Augsburg and the metropolitan community.
Kennedy Center (2007)—Completed in 2007 as a three-story addition to Melby Hall and named for Dean (’75) and Terry
Kennedy, it features a state-of-the-art wrestling training center, fitness center, classrooms for health and physical
education, and hospitality facilities.
The James G. Lindell Family Library (1997)—This library and information technology center houses all library functions
and brings together the computer technology resources of the College. It also houses the Gage Center for Student
Success. The library is located on the corner of 22nd Avenue and 7th Street and the Center for Learning and Adaptive
Student Services (CLASS).
Luther Hall (1999)—Named for theologian Martin Luther, Luther Hall is a three-story apartment complex along 20th
Avenue, between 7th and 8th Streets that houses juniors and seniors in units from efficiencies to two-bedroom suites.
Melby Hall (1961)—Named in honor of J. S. Melby (dean of men from 1920 to 1942, basketball coach, and head of the
Christianity Department). It provides facilities for the health and physical education program, intercollegiate and
intramural athletics, the Hoyt Messerer Fitness Center, and general auditorium purposes. The Ernie Anderson Center
Court was dedicated in 2001.
Mortensen Hall (1973)—Named in honor of Gerda Mortensen (dean of women from 1923 to 1964), it has 104 one- and
two-bedroom apartments that house 312 upper-class students, the Department of Public Safety and a lounge area.
Charles S. Anderson Music Hall (1978)—Contains Sateren Auditorium, a 217-seat recital hall, classroom facilities, two
rehearsal halls, music libraries, practice studios, and offices for the music faculty.
Old Main (1900)—Home for the Department of Art and the Department of Languages and Cross-Cultural Studies, with
classrooms used by other departments. Extensively remodeled in 1980, Old Main combines energy efficiency with
architectural details from the past. It is included on the National Register of Historic Places.
Oren Gateway Center (2007)—Named for lead donors and alumni Don and Beverly Oren, it is home for the StepUP
program, Institutional Advancement offices, the Alumni and Parent and Family Relations Offices, Bernhard Christensen
Center for Vocation, the Master of Business Administration Program, the Master of Arts in Leadership program, the
Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing program, and substance-free student housing. It also houses the Barnes & Noble
Augsburg Bookstore, Nabo Café, Gage Family Art Gallery, and the Johnson Conference Center.
Science Hall (1949)—Houses classrooms; laboratories for biology, chemistry, and physics; mathematics; a medium-sized
auditorium; faculty offices, administrative offices, and various other program offices.
Sverdrup Hall (1955)—Named in honor of Augsburg’s fourth president, it contains the Enrollment Center, as well as
classrooms and faculty offices.
Sverdrup-Oftedal Memorial Hall (1938)—Built as a residence hall and named in honor of Augsburg’s second and third
presidents, it contains the President’s Office, Human Resources, and other administrative and faculty offices.
Urness Hall (1967)—Named in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Urness, this tower provides living quarters for 324 firstyear students. Each floor is a “floor unit,” providing 36 residents, housed two to a room, with their own lounge, study,
and utility areas.
Accreditation, Approvals, and Memberships
Augsburg College is accredited by:
The Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) (Bachelor, and Master level degrees)
Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA)
Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) (Bachelor, Master and Doctoral level degrees)
Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) (Bachelor, and Master level degrees)
American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) (Bachelor, and Master level degrees)
Augsburg’s programs are approved or monitored by:
American Chemical Society (ACS)
American Music Therapy Association (AMTA)
Minnesota Board of Teaching
Minnesota Board of Nursing
Minnesota Office of Higher Education (MOHE)
National Association of Schools of Music (NASM)
Augsburg College is an institutional member of:
American Association of Colleges and Universities (AACU)
American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE)
American Association of Higher Education (AAHE)
American Music Therapy Association, Inc. (AMTA)
Association of International Education Administrators (AIEA)
Campus Compact
Council of Independent Colleges (CIC)
Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE)
Diversity Abroad Network
The Forum on Education Abroad
Institute of International Education (IIE)
Lutheran Education Council in North America (LECNA)
National Association of International Educators (NAFSA)
National Association of Schools of Music (NASM)
National Society for Experiential Education (NSEE)
Physician Assistant Education Association
Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities (ACTC)
Higher Education Consortium for Urban Affairs (HECUA)
Minnesota Private College Council MPCC)
Twin Cities Adult Education Alliance (TCAEA)
Augsburg College is registered with the Minnesota Office of Higher Education pursuant to sections 136A.61 to 136A.71.
Registration is not an endorsement of the institution. Credits earned at the institution may not transfer to all other
institutions. Minnesota Office of Higher Education, 1450 Energy Park Dr., Suite 350, St. Paul, MN 55108,; 651-642-0533.
Non-Discrimination Policy
Augsburg College, as affirmed in its mission, prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religious belief, national
or ethnic origin, age, disability, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, familial status,
genetic information, status with regard to public assistance, or citizenship in its educational policies, admissions policies,
employment, scholarship and loan programs, athletic and/or school-administered programs, except in those instances
where there is a bona fide occupational qualification or to comply with state or federal law. Augsburg College is
committed to providing reasonable accommodations to its employees and students with disabilities. (Approved by
Board of Regents on October, 2014)
For further information, please contact the College’s Title IX Officer:
Ann Garvey| Vice President of Student Affairs| Student Affairs
Memorial Hall, Room 118G| 612-330-1168|
Additionally, the College has four Deputy Officers:
Deputy Officer for Students:
Sarah Griesse| Dean of Students
Memorial Hall, Room 118F| 612-330-1489|
Deputy Officer for Employees:
Lisa Stock| Director and Chief Human Resources Officer
Memorial Hall, Room 19| 612-330-1783|
Deputy Officer for Athletics:
Kelly Anderson Diercks| Associate Athletic Director
Si Melby Hall, Room 205E| 612-330-1245|
Deputy Officer:
Leif Anderson| Vice President and Chief Information Officer
Memorial Hall, Room 124D| 612-330-1497|
The Deputies work with the Title IX Coordinator to identify any patterns or systemic problems that arise and may assist
as investigators of complaints.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), as amended, provides certain rights to students
regarding their education records. Each year Augsburg College is required to give notice of the various rights accorded to
students pursuant to FERPA. In accordance with FERPA, you are notified of the following:
Right to inspect and review education records
You have the right to review and inspect substantially all of your education records maintained by or at Augsburg
College. The student must request to review their education records in writing with their signature. The College will
respond in a reasonable time, but no later than 45 days after receiving the request.
Right to request amendment of education records
You have the right to seek to have corrected any parts of an education record that you believe to be inaccurate,
misleading, or otherwise in violation of your right to privacy. This includes the right to a hearing to present evidence that
the record should be changed if Augsburg decides not to alter your education records according to your request.
Right to give permission for disclosure of personally identifiable information
You have the right to be asked and to give Augsburg your permission to disclose personally identifiable information
contained in your education records, except to the extent that FERPA and the regulations regarding FERPA authorize
disclosure without your permission. One such exception which permits disclosure without consent is for disclosure to
school officials who have legitimate education interests. A school official is a person employed by the College in an
administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel
and health staff); person or company with whom the College has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection
agent); a person serving on the board of regents, or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or
grievance committee, or assisting another school official performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate
educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional
Right to withhold disclosure of “directory information”
FERPA uses the term “Directory Information” to refer to those categories of personally identifiable information that may
be released for any purpose at the discretion of Augsburg College without notification of the request or disclosure to the
Under FERPA you have the right to withhold the disclosure of the directory information listed below. Please consider
very carefully the consequences of any decision by you to withhold directory information. Should you decide to inform
Augsburg College not to release Directory Information, any future request for such information from persons or
organizations outside of Augsburg College will be refused.
“Directory information” includes the following:
The student’s name
The student’s address
The student’s telephone number
The student’s e-mail address
The student’s date and place of birth
The student’s major and minor field of study
The student’s academic class level
The student’s enrollment status (FT/HT/LHT)
The student’s participation in officially-recognized activities and sports
The student’s degrees and awards received (including dates)
The weight and height of members of athletic teams
The student’s dates of attendance
Previous educational agencies or institutions attended by the student
The student’s photograph
Augsburg College will honor your request to withhold all Directory Information but cannot assume responsibility to
contact you for subsequent permission to release it. Augsburg assumes no liability for honoring your instructions that
such information be withheld. The Registrar’s Office must be notified in writing of your intent to withhold your Directory
Right to complain to FERPA Office
You have the right to file a complaint with the Family Policy Compliance Office, US Department of Education, 400
Maryland Ave. SW, Washington, DC, 20202, concerning Augsburg’s failure to comply with FERPA.
Reporting Educational Information
Letters of reference must be requested in writing and explicitly indicate what information may be reported in the letter.
Annual Security Report
The Annual Security Report (ASR) for Augsburg College contains statistics on reported crimes on and near Augsburg
property and campus, as well as institutional policies concerning campus security and crime. The Department of Public
Safety prepares this annual Crime Report to comply with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and
Crime Statistics Act. The report is available online at For a printed copy, contact
Augsburg’s Department of Public Safety at 612-330-1717.
Copyright Policy
Augsburg College Graduate Programs follows the norms of the US Copyright Law in granting exclusive rights under the
Copyright Act to faculty and student authors to reproduce their original works, to use them as the basis for derivative.
Student Rights
The College has adopted a statement of student rights and responsibilities and has provided for due process in the
matter of disciplinary action, grievances, and grade appeal, as outlined in the Augsburg Student Guide, at
Official Notices
A College-provided e-mail account shall be an official means of communication with students, faculty, and staff of
Augsburg College. Students, faculty, and staff are responsible for all information sent to them via the College-provided email account. Students should regularly check their e-mail account. If a student, faculty or staff member chooses to
forward their Augsburg e-mail, they are responsible for all information and attachments sent to the forwarded e-mail
account. Students will also receive official notices via the A-Mail online publication and should routinely review the AMail.
All graduate programs require students to have a bachelor’s degree from a regionally-accredited four-year institution or
an equivalent degree from outside the US.
All graduate students must submit completed applications. Each graduate program also has additional program
requirements, which may include coursework, professional experience, testing, etc. See the program sections for these
additional requirements.
Please refer to each individual program’s catalog section (below) for additional instructions and for detailed information
on applying to graduate programs, refer to the Graduate Admissions website at
Graduate students who have not registered for courses at Augsburg College for two or more semesters, must apply for
readmission through the Registrar’s Office to resume attendance. Students who have attended other institutions during
their absence from Augsburg must have an official transcript sent from each institution to the Registrar’s Office.
Returning students do not pay the application fee.
The last day to receive approval for readmission to the College and register for classes is the Friday prior to the start of
the term. Pending approval by the graduate program, students who left on probation or who were dismissed from the
College must have their readmission application and file reviewed by the program director. (Please consult with
individual programs for information regarding readmission process).
Non-degree Students
Individuals may take coursework at Augsburg College as a non-degree-seeking student. Non-degree students can enroll
on a space-available basis. Registration dates are included in the College’s Academic Calendar. Admission requires
program director approval, and the student must be in good standing at all previously attended institutions.
To apply for admission as a non-degree seeking student, submit the completed application, academic intent, and
unofficial transcript from the bachelor’s degree granting institution to the Admissions Office. Some programs may have
additional application requirements.
A bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution is the minimum requirement for admission. Students who
have earned a bachelor’s degree outside of the United States must submit a copy of a foreign credential evaluation from
World Education Services (WES) or the National Association of Credential Evaluators (NACES) to confirm it is equivalent
to a United States bachelor’s degree or greater.
Non-degree status is conferred for only one term of enrollment. Additional terms require reapplication as a non-degree
seeking student. Students may count up to 6-8 semester credits earned as a non-degree seeking student toward an
Augsburg College degree with approval from the program director.
Non-degree seeking students who wish to pursue a degree must reapply for admission by submitting the completed
application, academic intent, official transcript from the bachelor’s degree granting institution, and any additional
materials required by the program.
International Students
Augsburg College graduate programs encourage qualified applicants from other countries to apply.
An F-1 student is a nonimmigrant who is pursuing a “full course of study” to achieve a specific educational or
professional objective at an academic institution in the United States that has been designated by the Department of
Homeland Security (DHS) to offer courses of study to such students, and has been enrolled in SEVIS (Student and
Exchange Visitor Information System).
A student acquires F-1 status using form I-20, issued by a DHS-approved school through SEVIS. Status is acquired in one
of two ways:
If the student is abroad, by entering the United States with the I-20 and an F-1 visa obtained at a US consulate.
If the student is already in the United States and not currently in F-1 status, by sending the I-20 to USCIS (United
States Citizenship and Immigration Services) with an application for change of nonimmigrant status.
A student who is maintaining valid F-1 status may transfer from another DHS-approved school to Augsburg by following
the transfer procedures set forth in the F-1 regulations.
In addition to fulfilling all general admission requirements for a particular graduate program, prospective F-1 students
must also comply with the following:
English Proficiency Requirements for International Graduate Applicants
To meet Augsburg College admission requirements, you must provide evidence of a sufficient command of both written
and spoken English to study college courses conducted entirely in English. Below is a list of the tests and programs
Augsburg College accepts as evidence for English proficiency.
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)
Score report of 80 on the Internet-based TOEFL (iBT) with a sub-score of 20 on the written and 20 on the speaking
sections. (The Augsburg College TOEFL code is 6014.)
IELTS (International English Language Testing System)
Score report of 6.5.
MELAB (Michigan English Language Assessment Battery)
Score report of 80, and score report must be accompanied by an official letter from the testing coordinator.
Successful completion of a previous undergraduate or graduate degree at an accredited college or university in the
US, the United Kingdom, Ireland, English-speaking Canada, New Zealand, or Australia.
Score reports must be sent to Augsburg directly from the testing center. Score reports must not be more than two years
Foreign Credential Evaluation
Augsburg requires foreign credential evaluation for any transcript(s) from an institution outside of the United States.
This evaluation should include the following:
Analysis of credentials to determine if your degree is equivalent to an accredited US bachelor’s degree
Verification the degree is equivalent, at a minimum, to a four-year US bachelor’s degree is required.
Course-by-course evaluation to show your complete course listing with credit values and grades received for each
course, may also be required for specific programs.
Calculation of grade point average to demonstrate your cumulative grade point average using the standard US
grading system, i.e., A=4.0, B=3.0, C=2.0, D=1.0, F=0.0.
Translation to English (if applicable)
The evaluation report must be sent directly to Augsburg’s Office of Admissions. Refer to World Education Services at or the National Association of Credential Evaluators (NACES) at for information on
how to obtain a foreign credential evaluation.
Proof of Financial Support
International applicants must provide reliable documentation that they have financial resources adequate to meet
expenses for the duration of their academic program, which include tuition and fees, books and supplies, room and
board, health insurance, personal expenses, and living expenses for dependents (if applicable).
Funds may come from any dependable source, including scholarships, fellowships, sponsoring agencies, personal funds,
or funds from the student’s family. Documentation of scholarships and fellowships may be in the form of an official
award letter from the school or sponsoring agency; documentation of personal or family funds should be on bank
letterhead stationery, or in the form of a legally binding affidavit. Government Form I-134, Affidavit of Support, or
Augsburg’s Financial Sponsorship form can be used to document support being provided by a US citizen or US legal
permanent resident. All financial documents such as bank statements must be dated within three months prior to the
date of application.
Health Insurance
All F-1 international students and their dependents (if applicable) are required to have adequate health insurance
coverage for the duration of their program. International students will be enrolled in the Augsburg international student
plan unless they fill out a waiver verifying proof of coverage through an alternative provider for the same period.
Financing Your Education
The Board of Regents approves the costs for the academic year. The board reviews costs annually and makes changes as
required. Augsburg reserves the right to adjust charges should economic conditions necessitate.
Full-Time vs. Half-Time
Graduate students will need to be enrolled in 3 credits to be considered half-time and 6 credits to be considered fulltime.
Tuition and Fees
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)
Master of Arts in Nursing (MAN)
Master of Arts in Education (MAE)
Master of Arts in Education Tribal (MAET)
Master of Arts in Leadership (MAL)
Master of Fine Arts (MFA)
Master of Social Work (MSW)
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Master of Arts in Music Therapy (MMT)
Master of Science in Physician Assistant (MPA)
$921 per 1.0 credit
$703 per 1.0 credit
$485 per 1.0 credit
UMD Rate
$799 per 1.0 credit
$642 per 1.0 credit
$668 per 1.0 credit
$799 per 1.0 credit
$822 per 1.0 credit
$761 per 1.0 credit*
*2015 start cohort
Students are charged per credit. All associated costs must be paid by the beginning of each semester to avoid accruing
finance charges, unless you have enrolled in an official payment plan through Student Financial Services.
Specific courses or programs may have additional fees associated with them, such as lab or supply fees.
Semester Charges
Prior to the start of each semester, a statement of estimated charges showing charges and financial aid credits
designated by the Student Financial Services Office is sent to the student via e-mail. All statements are available online
through AugNet’s Records and Registration site. Payments can be made online at Augsburg may charge late fees and interest on delinquent
accounts. Review the full policy regarding past due balances online at
Payment Options
Augsburg College offers payment plan options for all students. Information about payment plans is available online at
Payment Policy
Students at Augsburg College are obligated to pay Term Fees and additional charges when they register for each
academic term. “Term Fees” include tuition, room and board charges and other fees initiated during your time as a
student. Students are responsible to pay for all of these charges regardless of whether financial aid is received or
employers or other third parties pay as agreed. “Term Fees” are subject to refund only to the extent allowed under the
Augsburg College Tuition Refund Policy.
Augsburg accepts the following forms of payment:
Students and guest payers may make cash payments in-person at the Enrollment Center. Cash should never be
mailed. Students will receive a receipt of their cash payment.
Students and guest payers may pay their term fees via check either in-person at the Enrollment Center, through mail, or
online using e-check/ACH. A $30 NSF Fee will be added for any payment returned by the bank for Non-Sufficient
Funds. A receipt will automatically be sent electronically for any online payments. Students who pay in-person or
through mail may request a receipt of the check payment.
Credit Card/Debit Card
Students and guest payers may make student account payments online with a Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American
Express credit card. As of June 10th, 2016, Augsburg will no longer accept credit card or debit card payments in-person,
over the phone, or through the mail. Credit cards will only be accepted online via Cashnet, a vendor contracted by
Because Cashnet charges Augsburg for their services, a credit card service fee of 2.75 percent will be associated with any
credit card payment made to the college. This is to offset the approximately $250,000 in costs that Augsburg accrues
annually for providing credit card payment options to our students. Augsburg will not receive any part of the service fee
and will not be profiting from it.
Financial Aid
All students who wish to be considered for financial assistance must reapply each year. In addition to reapplying for aid,
students must make satisfactory academic progress toward the attainment of their degree or certificate as stipulated in
the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) section of this catalog.
Financial assistance awarded through Augsburg may be a combination of grants and loans. The College cooperates with
federal, state, church, and private agencies in providing various aid programs.
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) helps determine the amount of assistance for which a student is
eligible. This analysis takes into account such family financial factors as current income, assets, number of dependent
family members, other educational expenses, retirement needs, and special considerations.
Types of Aid
A student applying for aid from Augsburg applies for assistance in general rather than for a specific scholarship or grant
(except as noted).
Institutional Grants/Discounts
Augsburg offers grants/discounts for a variety of different students. Specific information about the different grants and
scholarships, along with eligibility requirements, can be found online at
Loan Assistance
Graduate students must be enrolled at least half-time in order to receive federal loans. Three semester credits per term
is considered half-time. Six semester credits per term is considered full-time.
Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Student Loan
Interest begins accruing on the date of disbursement and the borrower is responsible for all interest. The borrower
may choose to make payments while in school or may defer payments and allow interest to accrue and be
capitalized (added to the balance of the loan).
Federal Graduate Loan Program (PLUS)
Graduate PLUS is a loan program to help graduate students meet college costs. Students may borrow up to the cost
of attendance (minus all other student financial aid).
Further information about loan programs can be found online at
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
Federal regulations require that all higher education institutions establish and implement a policy to measure whether
students [1] receiving financial aid [2] are making satisfactory academic progress toward the completion of a degree.
The purpose of this policy is to make sure that students who receive financial aid are using this money wisely. It is meant
to curtail the use of financial aid by students who fail to successfully complete their course work. Failure to meet the
following standards makes a student ineligible for all institutional, federal, and state financial aid.
Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress
Minimum GPA requirements: Graduate Students must maintain a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA based on the entire
academic record.
Minimum Credits Completed: Graduate Students must earn a cumulative 66.67% of the credits attempted based on
the entire academic record. A completed credit has a grade of 4.0 – 2.5 or P. Credits earned and completed will
include accepted cumulative transfer credits as defined by the Registrar’s Office. Unsatisfactory grades “W
(withdrawn),” “I (Incomplete),” “0.0/F/FN (Zero),” and “N (Not Passing)” are counted towards the cumulative
attempted credits. Repeated and remedial courses are not counted towards the cumulative attempted credits.
Maximum Time Frame: To demonstrate academic progress, graduate students must complete their degree objective
within 150% of the length of the program.
Monitoring and Evaluating Progress
In order to ensure SAP standards are being met, the Student Financial Services Office will evaluate students’ academic
achievement at the end of each term. After the student’s record is evaluated and the Student Financial Services Office
determines the student’s GPA or completion rate to be unsatisfactory, the student will be placed on Financial Aid
Warning or Financial Aid Suspension. Students will be notified through their Augsburg email if they fail to meet SAP
Financial Aid Warning
A student who fails to meet SAP standards will be placed on Financial Aid Warning for the following term of enrollment.
Students placed on Financial Aid Warning will still be eligible to receive financial aid. Financial Aid Warning will last for
one term. If at the end of the term, the student meets SAP standards the Financial Aid Warning will conclude. Students
currently on Financial Aid Warning who do not meet SAP standards at the end of the term will be placed on Financial Aid
Financial Aid Suspension
A student who fails to meet either the minimum GPA requirement and/or minimum credits attempted while on
Financial Aid Warning will be placed on Financial Aid Suspension. A student on Financial Aid Suspension is ineligible to
receive any form of financial aid. A student on Financial Aid Suspension may submit an appeal to reinstate their financial
aid. Financial Aid Suspension will conclude when the student meets SAP standards, or successfully appeals.
Financial Aid will be suspended when a student placed on Financial Aid Suspension does not meet SAP standards.
Because grades may not be available before the beginning of the next scheduled term, it is possible that financial aid
may be disbursed to a student before the review can be conducted. In the event that a student is found to be ineligible
for the financial aid that has been disbursed due to a failure to meet one of the Standards, the aid that was disbursed
will be canceled, and returned to the appropriate program(s).
Right to Appeal
Students who have had their financial aid suspended may submit the SAP Appeal Form to the Student Financial Services
Office. The SAP Appeal Form must be completely filled out, along with any additional documents required by the SAP
Committee. The appeal should state reasons why the student failed to meet SAP standards, and what changed for the
student that will allow the student to demonstrate progress towards meeting SAP standards. The appeal will be decided
by the SAP Committee. All decisions made by the Committee are final.
If a student’s appeal is approved they will be placed on Financial Aid Probation. If a student’s appeal is denied they will
remain on Financial Aid Suspension and will remain ineligible for financial aid.
Financial Aid Probation
A student who has been placed on Financial Aid Suspension and successfully appeals SAP will be place on Financial Aid
Probation. A student on Financial Aid Probation will be eligible to receive financial aid. Financial Aid Probation will last
for one term. If at the end of the term, the students meets SAP standards, the Financial Aid Probation will conclude.
Students currently on Financial Aid Probation who do not meet the standards at the end of the term will be placed on
Financial Aid Suspension.
[1] Financial Aid is defined as: Augsburg Institutional Aid, Federal Title IV funding, and Minnesota
State Financial Aid programs.
Student Account Financial Disclosure
Students at Augsburg College are obligated to pay Term Fees and additional charges when they register for each
academic term. “Term Fees” include tuition, room and board charges and other fees initiated during your time as a
student. Students are responsible to pay for all of these charges regardless of whether financial aid is received or
employers or other third parties pay as agreed. “Term Fees” are subject to refund only to the extent allowed under the
Augsburg College Tuition Refund Policy. Statements and account history are available online through AugNet Records
and Registration.
Augsburg College may require someone to co-sign on the students’ obligations in special cases, such as when a student
has a history of late or missed payments. When a co-signer’s signature is required, both students and co-signers are
responsible for payment of all costs incurred (including collection costs and fees of any collection agency and/or
attorney, if applicable) and all other conditions outlined on the Student Account Financial Disclosure.
Results of Balances Not Paid in Full
Augsburg may charge late fees and interest on delinquent accounts. Missed or late payments will be subject to a late
payment charge and/or a finance charge on the overdue balance from the date the balance was due until payment in
full is received. If your account is not paid in full on the first day of the term, finance charges at the rate of 8% per year
(.67% per month) will be added onto your student account balance. For example, this means that for every $1,000
owed you will receive $6.70 a month in finance charges. A $30 NSF Fee will be added for any payment returned by the
bank for Non-Sufficient Funds.
Past Due Accounts
If the student does not set up a formal payment plan with Augsburg’s Student Financial Services department, Augsburg
reserves the right to demand payment of the entire balance owed by that student and to take steps to collect it.
Augsburg may cancel the student’s registration, prevent the student from registering for future terms, withhold
transcripts or diplomas, remove the student from on-campus housing, turn the student’s account over to a collection
agency or take legal action to collect any past due balance. Each student authorizes Augsburg to release financial
information about her or his account and other pertinent information such as address and phone number to third
parties who are dealing with the collection of the account balance. By providing us with a telephone number for a
cellular phone or other wireless device, you are expressly consenting to receive communications – including but not
limited to prerecorded or artificial voice message calls, text messages, and calls made by an automatic telephone dialing
system – from us and our affiliates and agents at that number. This express consent applies to each such telephone
number that you provide to us now or in the future and permits such calls regardless of their purpose. Calls and
messages may incur access fees from your cellular provider. Each student also agrees to reimburse Augsburg College, or
its agents, the fees of any collection agency, which may be based on a percentage at a maximum of 40% of the debt, and
all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, we incur in such collection efforts. Please note that, due to
the Bankruptcy Reform Act, educational benefits are generally exempt from discharge under bankruptcy. The terms
of this agreement remain in effect until all Term Fees and other charges are paid in full.
Financial Policy
Registration is permitted only if the student’s account for a previous term is paid in full or if the student is making
scheduled payments in accordance with an approved payment plan.
Augsburg College will not release student academic transcripts or graduation diplomas/certificates until all student
account charges are paid in full or, in the case of student loan funds administered by the College (Federal Perkins
Student Loan), are current according to established repayment schedules and the loan entrance and exit interviews have
been completed.
Tuition Refund
Students are eligible for a 100% tuition refund for any courses they drop without notation through the date labeled “Last
day to drop without a ‘W’ grade & 100% refund – Full Semester class” on the Academic Calendar. After this date,
students are no longer eligible for any refund of tuition unless they withdraw from all of their courses. This policy is
effective whether or not a student has attended classes.
Students withdrawing from all of a term’s courses may receive a 50% tuition refund when they withdraw by the date
labeled “Last day to withdraw with 50% refund – Full Semester class” on the Academic Calendar.
Students are responsible for cancelling courses through the Registrar’s Office (or online) in order to be eligible for any
refund. Students who unofficially withdraw (stop attending) but do not complete the drop/add form are responsible for
all charges. Financial aid may be adjusted based on the student’s last recorded date of attendance. Refund calculations
are based on the date that the drop/add form is processed.
Medical Refund
If a student is forced to withdraw from one or more courses in a term due to illness or an accident, a request for a
medical refund should be made through the Academic/Financial Petition. Petition forms are available through the
Registrar’s Office website. An extra medical refund may be granted by the Committee upon submission of
documentation from the attending doctor, on letterhead, verifying the medical circumstances.
Unofficial Withdrawal
Federal regulations require that records of financial aid recipients who earn failing grades in all their classes be
reviewed. If courses are not completed (e.g., unofficial withdrawal, stopped attending), the College is required to refund
financial aid to the appropriate sources according to federal or Augsburg refund policies based on the last recorded date
of attendance. Students are responsible for the entire cost of the term including the portion previously covered by
financial aid should they stop attending. Students are strongly urged to follow guidelines for complete withdrawal from
college. If there are extenuating circumstances, a petition to have the cost of tuition refunded can be made. Petition
forms are available online through the Registrar’s Office website.
A student who registers, does not attend any classes, and does not withdraw may petition to withdraw retroactively.
The student must petition within six months of the end of term and provide proof of non-attendance. Proof can include,
but is not limited to, statements from each instructor that the student never attended, or documentation of attendance
for the term at another college or university. If approved, grades of W will be recorded and tuition charges for the term
will be replaced with an administrative cancellation fee of $300.
Financial Aid Policy
Financial aid such as federal, state, and institutional grants and scholarships are awarded based upon the total number
of registered credits on the “Last day to add with faculty signature – Full Semester class” as noted on the Academic
Calendar. Students must register for internships, Time 2 classes, and ACTC classes before the “Last day to add with
faculty signature-Full Semester class”. Financial aid will not be adjusted for classes added after this date.
Students must earn the financial aid they are awarded each semester by actively attending and participating in classes
throughout the semester. Financial aid is recalculated when students do any of the following: drop classes without a
“W” grade, fail to begin classes, cease to attend classes, fail all classes, or fully withdraw from all classes.
Financial Aid - Return of Aid
Students must earn the financial aid they are awarded each semester. A student can earn their aid by attending classes,
or in the event of hybrid/online courses, be an active participant in the course.
Federal/State Aid Adjustments
Augsburg is required to return unearned federal/state aid for students who fully withdraw from their courses. Student
are eligible to keep more aid the longer they attend their courses. After 60% of the term has passed, students are
eligible to keep all of their federal/state aid. If you are planning to completely withdraw from your courses, please see a
Student Financial Services counselor to determine what aid may need to be returned.
Institutional Aid Adjustments
Augsburg will return institutional aid for students who