10 AUGSBURG SEMINARY History—Myers’ General History; Ancient History completed; five times a week.—Pettersen. Church History—A. Tollefsen’s Leerebog i Kirkehistorie for Folkeskolen; three times a week.—Blegcn. THIRD GREEK. Greek——Hadley & Allen’s Grammar; Xenophon’s Anabasis, Book III; Plato’s... Show more10 AUGSBURG SEMINARY History—Myers’ General History; Ancient History completed; five times a week.—Pettersen. Church History—A. Tollefsen’s Leerebog i Kirkehistorie for Folkeskolen; three times a week.—Blegcn. THIRD GREEK. Greek——Hadley & Allen’s Grammar; Xenophon’s Anabasis, Book III; Plato’s Apology, completed; Acts of the Apostles partly read; five times a week.—Nydahl. Latin—Bennet’s Grammar; Rolfe & Dennison’s Junior Latin Book; selections from Roman History, and Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, Books I. and II. read and translated; an- alysis, grammar, and composition; five times a week.— H. N. Hendrickson. English—Raub’s Rhetoric completed; Reading: Merchant of Venice, and Burke’s Conciliation with the Colonies; four times a week.— Urseth. Norwegian—Rolfsen’s Reader, Part V., completed; composi- tion; lectures on the Norwegian language and literature; three times a week.——Pettersen. History—Myers’ General History; Roman History reviewed; Mediaval History studied; four times a week.—Pettersen. German—Keller’s First Year in German, and Van Daell’s German Reader; three times a week.—Blegen. French—Longman’s Illustrated First French Reading Book and Grammar completed and reviewed; Longmans’ Sec- ond ditto, to Lesson 25; three times a week.—Oftedal. Religion—Greek Testament; Gospels of St. Mark and St. John read in the original; twice a week.—Blegen. FOURTH GREEK. Greek—Five times a week. Xenophon’s Anabasis, and Pla- to’s Apology reviewed. Plato’s Crito translated and an- alyzed. The grammar reviewed.—Sverdrup. Latin—Harkness’ Grammar, reviewed; Kelsey’s Orations of Cicero, read and translated; five times a week—Fetter- sen. German—Keller’s Bilder aus der deutschen Litteratur; and Theodor Storm’s Immensee read and translated; Jacob Lokke’s Grammar reviewed; three times a week.—Blegen. English—Halleck’s History of English Literature; essays; five times a week—Hove. - Norwegian—“Eriksens Dansk 0g Norsk Literaturhistorie til Skolebrug” carefully ‘studied; twice a week.—Pettersen. History—Myers’ General History; Modern History studied; the whole reviewed; three times a week.—Pettersen. Religion—“Sverdrups Forklaring” and “Vogts Kirkehistorie” completed; twice a week.—Oftedal. French—Twice a week“ Edgren’s French Grammar; Super’s French Reader.—Sverdrup. Show less