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Master of Arts in Education (MAE) Catalog, 1990-1992
Course Catalogs
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-.Jnformation Sessions
Individuals interested in the Master of Arts in EducationLeadership program at Augsburg College are encouraged to
attend an information session. These free,...
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-.Jnformation Sessions
Individuals interested in the Master of Arts in EducationLeadership program at Augsburg College are encouraged to
attend an information session. These free, two-hour sessions are
scheduled at various times prior to the beginning of each trimester. Please call the Master of Arts inEducation- Leadership Office
(330-1786) for details or to register for one of these information
Thursday, May9, 1991
Tuesday, June 18, 1991
Thursday, July 18, 1991
Saturday, October 26, 1991
Tuesday, May 12, 1992
Tuesday, June 16, 1992
Thursday, July 16, 1992
7:00 - 8:00p.m.
10:00 a.m. - noon
10:00 a.m. - noon
9:00 - 11:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m. - noon
10:00 a.m. - noon
10:00 a.m. - noon
10:00 a.m. - noon
For more information write or call:
Master of Arts in Education-Leadership Office
Augsburg College
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Augsburg Colleg0
,6iee and Payment
~ . ;:
.., ...·.·
Application Fee (payable once, non-refundable)
Tuition (per trimester course)
(one course =6 quarter credits or 4 semester credits)
Enrollment Reservation Deposit (non-refundable,
applicable to first semester's tuition)
Leadership Practicum Fee (per term for six terms)
Thesis Continuation Fee $100.00
Late Fee, per day (charged to any student registering
after the scheduled registration date).
Late registration includes incomplete registration as
defined: a) Unsigned Registration Form or
b) Unapproved Payment Plan
Registration Change after First Class Meeting
(cancel/add/change grade option, or combination
at one time)
Transcript Fee (per copy after first, which is free)
Finance Charge: A finance charge is applied at a
simple rate of 1% per month on any account with
an open balance of 30 days or more.
The application fee ($25) is due on or before the application deadline
for a given term. The $100 non-refundable deposit (applied to first
semester's tuition) reserves a place in the program in a given term,
once a person is accepted. Tuition is due at the time of registration.
Payment Options*
1) Payment in Full: Due day of registration.
2) Payment Plan: Upon application and after college approval, a 3pay plan is available each trimester. Payment plans will be offered
only if previous plans have been adhered to.
3) Company Reimbursement: Full courses, or equivalent, which are
company reimbursed require a deposit of $150 per course reimbursed,
with full payment due within 50 days after the end of the term.
Tuition is set on an annual basis, payable in three equal installments at
the beginning of each trimester. Registration is permitted only if the
student's account for a previous term is paid in full as agreed. Augsburg
College will not release diplomas or academic transcripts until all student
accounts are paid in full. This also applies for student loan funds
administered by the college (Perkins Student Loan); they must be current
according to established repayment schedules.
•A non-sufficient-funds check will declare your registration invalid and could affect
further credit extended by the college.
•nformation Sessions
Individuals interested in the Master of Arts in EducationLeadership program at Augsburg College are encouraged to
attend an information session. These free, two-hour sessions are
scheduled at various times prior to the beginning of each trimester. Please call the Master of Arts inEducation- Leadership Office
(330-1786) for details or to register for one of these information
Thursday, May 9, 1991
Tuesday, June 18, 1991
Thursday, July 18, 1991
Saturday, October 26, 1991
Tuesday, May 12, 1992
Tuesday, June 16, 1992
Thursday, July 16, 1992
7:00 - 8:00p.m.
10:00 a.m. - noon
10:00 a.m. -noon
9:00 - 11 :00 a.m.
10:00 a.m. - noon
10:00 a.m. - noon
10:00 a.m. - noon
10:00 a.m. -noon
' \ ...:f
·t.rj". ...
For more information write or call:
Master of Arts in Education-Leadership Office
Augsburg College
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Augsburg Col leg0
MN 55454
z ·: .· ·
B alendar
1991- '92
Saturday Schedule: 8:30 a.m. - Noon and 1:15 - 4:45 p.m.
Thursday Schedule: 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. and 8:00 - 9:30 p.m.
Fall Trimester 1991
Class Dates
Thursday, September 5
Saturday, September 14
Thursday, September 19
Saturday, September 28
Thursday, October 3
Saturday, October 12
Thursday, October 17
Thursday, October 31
Saturday, November 9
Thursday, November 14
Saturday, November 23
Thursday, December 5
Leadership Practicum Dates
Saturday, September 7: Workshop for returning students
Saturday, September 21: Assessment Center for new students
Saturday, October 5: Assessment Center for new students
Other Important Dates
Monday, August 19: Application deadline
Wednesday, September 4: Orientation
Monday, September 9: Last day to register and/or drop
Saturday, November 23: Last day to withdraw from class
Monday, December 16: Final grades due
Winter Trimester 1992
Class Dates
Thursday, January 9
Saturday, January 18
Thursday, January 23
Saturday, February 1
Thursday, February 6
Thursday, February 20
Thursday, March 5
Saturday, March 14
Thursday, March 19
Saturday, March 28
Leadership Practicum Dates
Saturday, January 11: Workshop for returning students
Saturday, January 25: Assessment Center for new students
Other Important Dates
Monday, December 2: Application deadline
Wednesday, January 8: Orientation
Monday, January 13: Last day to register and/or drop class
without record notation
Saturday, March 14: Last day to withdraw from class
Monday, April 6: Final grades due
.·- -~ ~.~
.·: ·.
Spring Trimester 1992
Class Dates
Thursday, April 2
Saturday, April 11
Thursday, April 16
Saturday, April 25
Thursday, April 30
Saturday, May 9
Thursday, May 14
Thursday, May 21
Saturday, May 30
Thursday, June 4
Saturday, June 13
Thursday, June 18
Saturday, June 27
tr.f ~,
Leadership Practicum Dates
Saturday, April 4: Workshop for returning students
Other Important Dates
Monday, March 9: Application Deadline
Wednesday, April 1: Orientation
Monday, April 6: Last day to register and/ or drop without notation
Saturday, May 30: Last day to withdraw from class
Monday, July 6: Final grades due
ljee and Payment
Application Fee (payable once, non-refundable)
Tuition (per trimester course)
(one course= 6 quarter credits or 4 semester credits)
Enrollment Reservation Deposit (non-refundable,
applicable to first semester's tuition)
Leadership Practicum Fee (per term for six terms)
Thesis Continuation Fee $100.00
Late Fee, per day (charged to any student registering
after the scheduled registration date).
Late registration includes incomplete registration as
defined: a) Unsigned Registration Form or
b) Unapproved Payment Plan
Registration Change after First Class Meeting
(cancel/add/change grade option, or combination
at one time)
Transcript Fee (per copy after first, which is free)
Finance Charge: A finance charge is applied at a
simple rate of 1% per month on any account with
an open balance of 30 days or more.
The application fee ($25) is due on or before the application deadline
for a given term. The $100 non-refundable deposit (applied to first
semester's tuition) reserves a place in the program in a given term,
once a person is accepted. Tuition is due at the time of registration.
Payment Options*
1) Payment in Full: Due day of registration.
2) Payment Plan: Upon application and after college approval, a 3pay plan is available each trimester. Payment plans will be offered
only if previous plans have been adhered to.
3) Company Reimbursement: Full courses, or equivalent, which are
company reimbursed require a deposit of $150 per course reimbursed,
with full payment due within 50 days after the end of the term.
Tuition is set on an annual basis, payable in three equal installments at
the beginning of each trimester. Registration is permitted only if the
student's account for a previous term is paid in full as agreed. Augsburg
College will not release diplomas or academic transcripts until all student
accounts are paid in full. This also applies for student loan funds
administered by the college (Perkins Student Loan); they must be current
according to established repayment schedules.
> ::.:
•A non-sufficient-funds check will declare your registration in'Clalid and could affect
further credit extended by the college.
1 he most important key to developing a collective will to
overcome many of our commonplace problems is leadership.
Certainly leadership is characterized by more than knowing. It is
also more than acting. It is ultimately defined in coalescing others
to act when they otherwise might not have. Leadership, including
teacher leadership, is ultimately proven in the efforts of others to
attempt to scale heights of human achievement and plunge depths
of human caring not otherwise envisioned."
-Ken Howey
Augsburg College
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Calendar for 1990-'91 .................................................................... 4
Introduction to the Master of Arts in Education-Leadership ... 6
Leadership Development Model ................................................. 7
Curriculum Design ....................................................................... 9
Course Descriptions .................................................................... 10
Graduate Faculty ........................................................................ 12
Library .......................................................................................... 12
Accreditation and Affiliations ................................................... 12
Student Support Services ........................................................... 13
Student Rights ............................................................................. 13
Admission Requirements ........................................................... 14
Application Procedures ...... ......... ..... ........... ..................... ...... .... 14
Evaluation Standards ................................................................. 15
Academic Policies ....................................................................... 16
Fee and Payment Schedule ........................................................ 17
Financial Aid ...... ................... ...................................................... 18
About Augsburg ......................................................................... 21
Campus Map ......................................................... .......... ............ 22
Campus Location ............................... ........... .............................. 23
B alendar
1990-'91 Calendar
Saturday Schedule: 8:30 AM - Noon and 1:15 - 4:45 PM
Thursday Schedule: 6:00 - 7:30 PM and 8:00 - 9:30 PM
Fall Trimester 1990
. ...
Class Dates
Thursday, September 6
Thursday, September 13
Saturday, September 22
Thursday, September 27
Saturday, October 6
Thursday, October 11
Saturday, October 20
Thursday, October 25
Saturday, November 3
Thursday, November 8
Saturday, November 17
Thursday, November 29
Saturday, December 1
Leadership Practicum Dates
Saturday, September 8
Saturday, September 15
Other Important Dates
Monday, August 20: Application Deadline
Wednesday, September 5: Orientation
Monday, September 10: Last day to register and/ or drop
class without record notation
Saturday, November 17: Last day to withdraw from class
Monday, December 17: Final Grades Due
Attendance Policy
Because leadership issues are presented, discussed and analyzed in the classroom, regular attendance is highly important and should be considered a responsibility, not only to
one's self, but to one's classmates and the course instructor.
Irregular attendance may, at the discretion of the instructor,
adversely affect one's grade.
Winter Trimester, 1991
Class Dates
Thursday, January 3
Saturday, January 12
Thursday, January 17
Saturday, January 26
Thursday, January 31
Saturday, February 9
Thursday, February 14
Saturday, February 23*
Thursday, February 28
Saturday, March 9
Thursday, March 14
Saturday, March 23
Thursday, March 28
Leadership Practicum
Saturday, January 5
*One week between classes
Other Important Dates
Monday, December 3: Application Deadline
Wednesday, January 2: Orientation
Monday, January 7: Last day to register and/ or drop
class without record notation
Saturday, March 16: Last day to withdraw from class
Monday, April 1: Final Grades Due
Spring Trimester 1991
Class Dates
Thursday, April 11
Saturday, April 20
Thursday, April 25
Saturday, May 4
Thursday, May 9
Saturday, May 18
Thursday, May 23
Saturday, June 1
Thursday, June 6
Saturday, June 15*
Thursday, June 20
Saturday, June 22
Thursday, June 27
Leadership Practicum
Saturday, April 6
*One week between classes
Other Important Dates
Monday, March 4: Application Deadline
Wednesday, April 10: Orientation
Monday, April 15: Last day to register and/ or drop
class without record notation
Saturday, June 1: Last day to withdraw from class
Monday, July 8: Final Grades Due
6,Jntroduction to the
Master of Arts in
Developing Leaders for Education
The Masters of Arts in Education-Leadership is a program for
educators who value and enjoy their direct contact with
students and want to retain that focu in their careers. It is a
program that at the outset promotes the imp rtance of teaching.
It is also a program that values the role educators can play as
leaders within their places of work.
People who become part of this Master of Arts program will
have opportunities to:
• Examine what "leadership" is and who leads;
• Explore who they are as leaders, both within an educational
setting and outside of it;
• Gain specific knowledge of education and leadership that
can support their development; and
• Develop skills that can increase the effectiveness of their
This program values the role that good educators play in the
lives of students and operates from the belief that educators
need to exercise leadership within the workplace without relinquishing the role of teacher.
Accommodating the Full-Time Work Schedule
The Master of Arts in L adership pr gram is designed to meet
the needs and preferences ol working adults. The pr gram is
bas don the assum,ption that the men and women who enroll
are employed, self-disciplined and well-motivated individuals
who seek a balance of classroom experience, group interaction
and individual study. Each course is, therefore, divided into
period of tudy, group effort and clas pr paration. To accommodate this format for learning, each cla s meet on alternate Saturdays for thr e-and- ne-half hours and alternate
Thursday evenings for one-and-one-half hours.
Leadership Development Model
Th Ma ter of Art in Education-L adership program promotes
leadership as a pl'oce which 1) inspires cooperation among
people who must compete for limit d resource , 2) pr motes
productivity within and beyond the organizati n, and 3) works
toward progress. To accomplish this, individuals aspiring to
positions of leadership must possess thre k y attributes: a
sen e of vision, the ability to persuade and the ability to direct
action. Underlying thes attributes is a broad range of abilities
and awarenesse . Thes abilitie and awarenesses, outlined in
the diagram on page 7, serve as specific outcomes for the
Leadership Development Model
Sense of
Toward Action
+ Social awareness
+ Environmental
+ Tolerance of
religious and
+ Appreciation
of situational
Facility for
+ Long-term
+ Flexibility
+ Adaptability
+ Innovativeness
+ Effective listener
• Effective speaker
+ Effective writer
+ Diplomatic
+ Effective team
+ Interpersonal
Risk Assumptive
+ Curiosity
+ Achievement
+ Self-esteem
+ Self-confidence
+ Analytical ability
+ Ability to think
+ Understanding of
+ Ability to manage
+ Appreciation
for cultural
• World-view
• Tolerance of
Master of Arts in Education-Leadership. Augsburg's model of
leadership development is designed to assess, promote, enhance
and refine these capabilities within the individual.
Community of Learners
Essential to the goals of the Master of Arts in Education-Leadership is participation in a community of learners. Learning can be
enhanced when the student is involved in a stable community
that provides opportunity and encouragement for active participation both in and out of the classroom. This community will be
enriched by the presence of men and women who bring to the
program a variety of work and life experiences.
. ...
To facilitate this kind of community interaction, Augsburg
encourages graduate students to make use of college facilities
such as the library, meeting rooms and the Christensen Center; to
take the opportunity to share meals and coffee breaks; to participate in optional lunchtime seminars; and to attend other college
activities such as music and dramatic presentations and athletic
Leadership Practicum
Master of Arts in Education-Leadership students enroll in a half
course called "Leadership Practicum." Students are required to
enroll in this professional assessment and development course
for six terms during their graduate work at Augsburg. Upon
completion of the entire practicum, students receive a half-course
Early in the program a major component of this practicum is a
full day professional assessment to determine students' abilities
and potential relative to each of the outcomes of the Leadership
Development Model (see page 3). Assessment instruments
include paper and pencil exercises and simulation and group
experiences. Following the assessment, students meet individually with a trained assessor who provides guidance in personal
goal setting and in the creation of a professional development
plan focused on dimensions of leadership.
In subsequent terms "Leadership Practicum" includes workshops designed to meet the needs of students in the following
areas: communication skills, self-assessment measures, group
processes, and other professional development topics identified
by graduate students and staff. These workshops are developed
by students enrolled in the course "Creativity and Problem
Framing. " The Assessment and Leadership Practicum also asks
students to focus on leadership opportunity within their
workplace, or in an appropriate volunteer setting. Students will
develop a learning agreement which outlines the scope of their
project and what they hope to accomplish and learn through that
project. Students will be supported throughout this project by
peer and faculty coaching sessions which meet as an ongoing
part of the Assessment and Leadership Practicum.
B urriculum Design
The Master of Arts in Education-Leadership program is
composed of 12 courses. Each course uses a variety of learning
techniques appropriate to adult learners including case study,
debate, written and oral seminar presentations and small group
activity. These courses develop targeted leadership abilities
and understandings as a boundary crossing endeavor in need
of the leadership skills and visions of people from all levels of
an organization.
The Master of Arts in Education-Leadership will provide opportunities for students to:
conceptual frameworks of leadership
issues of leadership
history of education
current issues in education
conceptual models of teaching and learning
• on the various natures of leadership
• on themselves as leaders
• options and opportunities for leadership in
• on ethics and values in leadership
• themselves as leaders
• situations in which they lead
• programs, projects and ideas
• creative leadership both individual and collective
• a variety of thought processes
Integrate • viewpoints on leadership with p r anal experiences
• viewpoints on education from a variety of
Required Courses Include:
Ethics and Leadership
Legacy of Education
Models of Teaching and Learning
Diversity and Education
Evaluation and Documentation
Creativity and Problem Framing
Models of Educational Process
Politics and Public Policy of School Offerings
Assessment and Leadership Practicum
Thesis Research Seminar I
Thesis Research Seminar II
Thesis Consultation
a ourse Descriptions
EDU 510 Ethics and Leadership
Study of leadership within the context of personal and professional ethics, values and faith. Weighing and balancing competing values within an ethical framework will be explored as a
part of experiential exercises. Leadership issues of gender,
ethnic origins, and culture will be explored. Leaders of past and
present, recognized and unrecognized, will be studied. This
course views the nature and purpose of leadership from a
variety of disciplines and perspectives.
EDU 511 Legacy of Education
Comparative study of education through political, historical,
economic and sociological perspectives. This course will provide a knowledge base for students to discharge their leadership
responsibilities with wisdom gained from knowing the past.
EDU 512 Models for Teaching and Learning
Study of the teaching and learning processes. Recent research
findings about teaching and learning will be examined. Interpretation of the research findings in light of prejudgments
concerning teaching and learning will be explored. Technological applications to the field of teaching and learning will be
EDU 513 Diversity and Education
An exploration of the interrelatedness of world concerns and
cultural diversity as they impact on the field of education.
EDU 514 Evaluation and Documentation
Evaluation and documentation of programs, projects, and ideas
as they relate to educational policy and practice. Qualitative
and quantitative tools will be discussed.
EDU 515 Creativity and Problem Framing
Study and application of the thinking processes as they affect
problem solving and decision making. Models of goal formation, program planning and implementation will be included.
Students will create seminars, to be conducted for peers in the
EDU 516 Models of Educational Process
Exploration of supervisory and consultative models, both
within and outside the field of education. Major topics include
mentoring, peer collaboration, varieties of administrative
processes and procedures and observational techniques.
Developing partnerships and collaborative ventures among
programs and institutions within the community will be a part
of this course. An underlying focus of this course is that of
change: identifying where it's needed, initiating the process,
and adapting to the outcomes.
EDU 517 Politics and Public Policy of School Offerings
Study of school curriculum; selection of curricular offerings,
society's impact on school offerings, politics of curricular
change and offerings, curriculum development and research in
content areas.
EDU 500 Assessment and Leadership Practicum
A professional assessment and practicum which spans six
terms. This course includes a full-day professional assessment;
subsequent seminars designed by the students in the course,
"Creativity and Problem Framing"; and opportunity to design
and implement a leadership project within the workplace with
the support of peer and faculty coaching. Half course. Graded
on a P /N basis.
EDU 590 Thesis - Research Seminar I
This course provides each individual the opportunity to
develop a research topic and to synthesize previous study and
work experience. Graded on P /N basis.
EDU 591 Thesis - Research Seminar II: Synthesis of
This seminar focuses on the results of individual projects
developed in Research Seminar I. At the completion of the
seminar, students present their final results orally and submit
written theses. Graded on P /N basis.
EDU 592 Thesis Consultation
A series of meetings with a faculty thesis advisor simultaneous
with EDU 591 and during the term in which the thesis is being
prepared for final submission. Half course. Graded P /N.
(Students not completing the thesis during the same term in
which they enrolled in EDU 591 are required to pay a thesis
continuation fee during each subsequent term until the thesis
is completed.
a raduate Faculty
Faculty who teach in the Master of Arts in Education-Leadership
program are full-time senior faculty with doctorates or appropriate professional degrees. Some courses are team taught by
bringing together faculty from different disciplines or combining
a faculty member with professionals from relevant fields. In
these situations, at least one member of the team has a Ph.D. and
substantial teaching experience. All of the program faculty have
extensive experience teaching adult learners.
The Augsburg library houses over 160,000 books, periodicals,
records, tapes and films. Music, chemistry and art history libraries are located within the departmental areas. Access to over
1,000,000 volumes is available via daily interloan and courier
service among seven private liberal arts colleges and the Hill
Reference Library. Through Minitex, the statewide network, the
additional resources of the Minnesota and Wisconsin libraries
are accessible to Augsburg faculty and students.
'Blccreditation and
Students who successfully complete Augsburg's EducationLeadership program will receive a Master of Arts Degree.
Augsburg is accredited by the North Central Association of
Colleges and Schools. The college is a member of the Associated
Colleges of the Twin Cities (ACTC), Lutheran Education Council
in North America and Minnesota Private College Council.
Augsburg College is registered with the Minnesota Higher Education Coordinating Board. Registration is not an endorsement
of the institution. Registration does not (necessarily) mean that
credits earned at the institution can be transferred to other
institutions or that the quality of the educational programs
would meet the standards of every student, educational institution, or employer.
Support Services
The Augsburg Master of Alis i11 Education-Leadership
Program assists stud nts i:n making education and career
plans, in working on their personal developme1\t, and in
participating in activities beyond th classroom. Some of thes
service, are listed below.
Academic Planning
In addition to the facu lty who provide consultation and advice,
academic planning is guided by the Leadership Practicum assessors, thesis advisers, and Ma ter of Arts in
Education-Leadership staff.
Career Services available include:
• Professional assessment through the Leadership Practicum
• Self/ career assessment counseling through the Career
Services Office (330-1162)
• Development of a resume and a career-search plan through
the Career Services Office
• Work experience related to a student's field of specialization
through the Coop rative Education Office (330-1148)
• tudent Rights
The College has adopted a statem nt f student rights and responsibilities and ha pr vided for du proce sin the matters
of disciplin, ry action, grievances and grade appeal. Students
who wish to identify appropriate procedmes for complaint
hould contact the Vic President for Student Affair (3 0-1160).
Th College operates in compliance with the Family Rights and
Privacy Act and Title IX. Students hav the right to insp ct aJJ
official records which pertain to them and which are maintained in the Registrar's Office and the Placement Office
(except where a waiver f access ha been signed) and to
challenge inac urate or misleading information. Students hav
a right t experienc education free from discrimination ba ed
on sex, race, tlmic or cultural background, handicap, creed,
marital status or age.
A)dmissions Requirements
Applicants to the programs must hold a baccalaureate degree
from an accredited four-year college or university.
Applicant to the program are expected to have a minimum
undergradua te grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale in an
accredited master's program or demonstration of 3.0 course
work b yond the bachelor' plus a probationary term.
Applicants to the program must have two years of experience
(or equivalent) in a position demonstrating leadership potential
in an educational setting.
Decisions about admission to the program will be made on an
individual basi . Ad mi sion to each entering graduate class will
be given t the most highly qualified individuals. Selection of
candidates will be made on the basis of an evaluation of each
• previous college record
• letters of recommendation
• experience and organizational background
• Miller Analogies Test scores
• written statement and possible interview
m pplication Procedures
To apply, student must submit the following materials to the
Master of Arts in Leader hip Office:
• Completed application form with $25 (non-refundable)
application fee.
• Written statement relating the applicant's career and life
goals focusing on leadership a pirations.
• Letter of recommendation from an immediate supervisor,
assessing leadership potential.
• Letter of recommendation from a co-worker (at the same
level) describing applicant's work style and potential as a
• Official transcripts of undergraduate and graduate work from
each institution attended indicating degrees conferred.
• Official set of re ults on the Miller Analogies Test, or for
applicants whose nativ · language is not English, a minimum
score of 600 on the Test of English as a Foreign Language
• Possible interview with a graduate program staff member.
ID valuation Standards
Evaluation of academic performance for the Master of Arts in
Education-Leadership will be based on number grades using a
4.0 point scale with these definitions:
Achieves highest standards of excellence
Achieves above basic course standards
Achieves the minimum passing standard
Achieves at or above the 2.0 level (not computed
in grade point average)
Does not meet minimum course standards (no credit and
non-punitive-not computed in grade point average)
Grade given when course is dropped
Incomplete grade given when student is unable
to complete course requirements for reasons beyond the
student's control (to receive an incomplete, a student
must file a petition with the Graduate Program staff
stating reasons for the request, the plan and date for
removing the incomplete grade, the signature of the
instructor, and any other necessary docw11entation).
No more than two courses with a grade below 3.0 will count
toward the degree. No more than two courses with a grade
below 2.0 can be repeated. Only the credits and grades earned
the second time are counted in the grade point average.
Academic Probation and Dismissal
Student must maintajn a 3.0 cumulative grade point average.
If a tudent falls bel w a 3.0 average, the student will be plac d
on probation for the following term. A 3.0 cumulatjve grade
point average must be restored in order for a student to b
removed from probation. If a student receives a grade of N in
a course, the student must petition successfully with the
Graduate Program Committee before being permitted to continue in the program. A plan for the student to follow would
be outlined at that time. If the cumulative grade point average
again fall s below 3.0, the student may be dismissed from the
program by the Graduate Program Committee. Students also
may be dismissed by the Graduate Program Committee for
behavior detrimental to the program such as a gross violation
of college policy (as published in the Student Guide). Dismissal would occur only after established procedures were
followed .
Credit for Prior Education, Training and Experience
Transfer credits will be evaluated on an individual basis. No
more than three courses will be accepted for transfer into the
Masters of Leadership-Education program.
Credit and Contact Hours
Each graduate course in the Master of Arts in EducationLeadership program is the equivalent of four semester credits
or six quarter credits. Students meet in class a total of 30 hours
and are responsible for a significant amount of individual
study and preparation.
Enrollment Policy/Leaves of Absence
Students may take either one or two courses each trimester.
Enrolling in two courses per trimester enables a student to
complete the program in two years. All students are required
to comple te th program within fou r years. Extensions beyond
four y ars will b considered on the basi of petition to the
Graduate Program Committee. Students who leave the program for more than one term mu t request a leave of absence
in writing from the Graduate Program Committee.
Last Date to Withdraw from Class
The last date on which students may withdraw from a class
and receive a "W" on their records is noted on pp. 4 and 5.
ee and Payment
Application Fee (payable once, non-refundable)
Tuition (per trimester course)
(one course = 6 quarter credits or 4 semester credits)
Enrollment Reservation Deposit (non-refundable,
applicable to first semester's tuition)
Leadership Practicum Fee (per term for six terms)
Thesis Continuation Fee
Late Fee (charged to any student registering
after the scheduled registration date.)
Late registration includes incomplete registration as
defined: a) Unsigned Registration Form or
b) Unapproved Payment Plan
Registration Change after First Class Meeting
(cancel/add / change grade option, or combination
at one time)
Transcript Fee (per copy after first, which is free)
Finance Charge: A finance charge is applied at a
simple rate of 1% per month on any account with
an open balance of 30 days or more.
per day
The application fee ($25) is due on or before the application
deadline for a given term. The $100 non-refundable deposit
(applied to first semester's tuition) reserves a place in the program in a given term, once a person is accepted. Tuition is due
at the time of registration.
Payment Options*
1) Payment in Full: Due day of registration.
2) Payment Plan: Upon application and after college approval,
a 3-pay plan is available each trimester. Payment plans will be
offered only if previous plans have been adhered to.
3) Company Reimbursement: Full courses, or equivalent,
which are company reimbursed require a deposit of $150 per
course reimbursed, with full payment due within 50 days after
the end of the term.
Tuition is set on an annual basis, payable in 3 equal installments at the beginning of each trimester. Registration is permitted only if the student's account for a previous term is paid
in full as agreed. Augsburg College will not release diplomas
or academic transcripts until all student accounts are paid in
full. This also applies for student loan funds administered by
the college (Perkins Student Loan); they must be current according to established repayment schedules.
*A non-sufficient-funds check will declare your registration invalid and
could affect further credit extended by the college.
Refund Schedule
A per-course tuition refund will be made on the following
basis: (In order to be eligible for the refund, students are responsible for cancelling courses with the Registrar's Office.)
Prior to
Prior to
Prior to
Prior to
Prior to
Prior to
the first scheduled class meeting-100 %
the second scheduled class meeting-90%
the third scheduled class meeting-80 %
the fourth scheduled class meeting-70%
the fifth scheduled class meeting-60%
the sixth scheduled class meeting-50 %
Iiinancial Aid
In a number of ways, students may receive assistance in meeting Graduate Program costs. Enrollment in two courses per
trimester allows the student to be classified as full-time . One
course is considered half-time enrollment. The Office of Student Financial Services (330-1046) assists students in assessing
financial aid eligibility and offers financial aid from available
alternatives, including the following:
Augsburg Tuition Grant
Augsburg College may provide grants and scholarships to
graduate students who show academic potential and have financial need.
Funded Scholarships
Augsburg actively pursues outside funding for special scholarships. The availability of such scholarships enables the participation of individuals of limited financial means as well as individuals working for volunteer agencies and other organizations
not likely to provide tuition reimbursement.
Company Tuition Assistance Programs
Many companies, agencies and corporations offer full or partial
tuition assistance to employees who participate in work-related
or degree-related college programs. Augsburg College provides several payment plans by which employees may handle
tuition reimbursement.
Bureau of Indian Affairs, Tribal and State Indian
American Indian students who meet federal, state or tribal
requirements may apply for these scholarships. Indian grants
generally supplement other sources of financial aid. For assistance in application please contact Augsburg's American Indian
Support Program Director at 330-1138 or your tribal agency.
Federal and State Aid Programs
The Office of Student Financial Services determines eligibility
for any Federal or State financial aid programs available to
graduate students. Determination of eligibility is based on
standard, nationally accepted methodology.
+ Perkins Student Loan-Joint Augsburg College-federally
funded program administered through the College for students who demonstrate financial eligibility. No interest
accrues nor do payments have to be made on the principal at
any time while you are enrolled at least half-time. Simple
interest of 5% and repayment of the principal (at the minimum
of $30 a month) begin six months after you leave school (nine
months for new borrowers after 7-1-87). Repayment may
extend up to 10 years. The maximum which may be borrowed
for combined undergraduate and graduate study is $18,000.
+ SLS (Supplemental Loans for Students)-A Federal loan
program. Independent students may borrow up to $4,000 per
year to a maximum of $20,000 and must be enrolled at least
half-time. Variable interest rate is set annually with a cap of
12%; payment usually begins within 60 days after disbursement. Principal may be deferred until the student ceases halftime enrollment. Interest may, at the lender's option, accumulate until the in-school deferment ends. Students must apply
for financial aid.
+ SELF (Student Educational Loan Fund)-A Minnesota
State loan program. Students may borrow up to $4,000 per
year ($16,000 cumulative) as undergraduates with a $25,000
aggregate maximum when graduate study is included ($1,000
minimum). Interest rate is variable, paid by the borrower
quarterly while in school. Principal payments begin 13 months
after leaving school. Students must apply for financial aid and
be enrolled at least half-time.
+ Stafford Student Loan (formerly the Guaranteed Student
Loan)-Loan funds are obtained directly from a local lender or
state agency in certain states. While the student is attending at
least half-time, there is no interest charge. Simple annual
interest of 8% on the loan balance and repayment of the
principal begin six months after leaving school. Repayment
may extend up to 10 years. The maximum loan is $2,625 for
the first two years and $4,000 for the remaining years of undergraduate study and $7,500 per year for graduate study. The
cumulative undergraduate and graduate maximum is $54,750.
To Apply for Financial Aid:
1) Complete the Application for Admission and indicate your
desire to also apply for financial aid.
2) The Office of Student Financial Services will send you the
necessary application and financial statement form (or you
may pick them up in the Office of Student Financial
Services, 152 Science Hall, or the 'Master of Arts in
Education-Leadership Program Office, 2222 Murphy Place).
3) All students must have a Financial Aid Transcript on file
with Augsburg from each previously attended institution
even if they did not receive aid. Forms are available from
the College.
4) Complete and return the financial aid forms by the
deadlines indicated.
5) Accept the financial aid offered, in whole or in part, within
the deadline stated.
• bout Augsburg
Augsburg was the first seminary founded by Norwegian
Lutherans in America. Named after the confession of faith
presented by Lutherans in Augsburg, Germany, in 1530,
Augsburg opened in September, 1869, in Marshall, Wisconsin,
and moved to Minneapolis in 1872.
Campus Location
Augsburg's campus is located in the heart of the Twin Cities
surrounding Murphy Square, the oldest of 155 parks in the
"City of Lakes." Adjacent to the campus are Fairview and
St. Mary's Hospitals, the West Bank campus of the University
of Minnesota and Mississippi River parkways.
Augsburg College has made a major effort to become one of
the most accessible campuses in the region. Skyways, tunnels
and elevators provide accessible connections between nine of
the 14 major buildings-student housing towers, Christensen
Center, main academic and administrative halls, the library
and music building. In addition, there are programs for
students with learning and physical disabilities.
Church Affiliation
Augsburg is a college of The Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America. About 59 percent of the students are Lutheran,
14 percent other Protestant and 19 percent Roman Catholic.
Several other affiliations are represented among students and
Non-Discrimination Policy
Augsburg College does not discriminate on the basis of race,
creed, national or ethnic origin, age, marital status, sex or
handicap as required by Title IX of the 1972 Educational
Amendments of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
as amended in its admission policies, educational programs,
activities, and employment practices.
D ampusMap
Admissions House
George Sverdrup Library
Science Hall
Old Main
West Hall
Mortensen Tower
Urness Tower
Christensen Center
Memorial Hall
Music Hall
2222 Murphy Place
Melby Hall
Ice Arena
Stage II Theatre
Center for Global
Scandinavian Center
Foss, Lobeck, Miles Center
for Worship, Drama and
Youth and Family Institute
19. Office Annex House
20. Tutor House
21. American Indian Support
and Minority Education
A. Admissions Parking
B. Student Parking
Visitor Parking
D. The Quad
E. Faculty /Staff Parking
F. Murphy Square
G. Anderson-Nelson
Athletic Field
H. Fairview I St. Mary's
Parking Ramp
I. Husby-Strommen
Tennis Courts
J. Resident Parking Only
I6. I
Accessible Entrance
From Minneapolis
Interstate 94 east to 25th A venue exit, left to Riverside
Avenue, left to 21st Avenue South, left at Augsburg sign.
From St. Paul
Interstate 94 west to Riverside exit, right on Riverside
Avenue to 21st Avenue South, left at Augsburg sign.
All posted Augsburg College parking lots are free and
open for student use from 4:30 p.m. Friday through
Sunday evening. Lots are located on 7th Street between
21st and 22nd A venues and north of 8th Street on 21st
A venue. Most street parking is two hour parking, seven
days a week. Additional parking is available in the
Riverside Medical Center ramp, or U of M parking lots
on the north side of Riverside A venue.
Augsburg College__;
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Master of Arts in Education (MAE) Catalog, 1992-1994
Course Catalogs
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1 he most important key
to developing a collective will to
overcome many of our commonplace problems is leadership.
Certainly leadership is characterized by more than knowing. It is
also more than acting. It is ultimately defined in coalescing others
to act when they otherwise might not have. Leadership, including
teacher leadership, is ultimately proven in the efforts of others to
attempt to scale heights of human achievement and plunge depths
of human caring not otherwise envisioned."
-Ken Howey
Augsburg College
731 21st A venue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Table of Contents
Introduction to the Master of Arts in Education-Leadership ... 4
Leadership Development Model ................................................. 5
Curriculum Design ....................................................................... 7
Course Descriptions ..................................................................... 9
Graduate Faculty ........................................................................ 11
Library ......................................................................................... 11
Accreditation and Affiliations ................................................... 11
Student Support Services ........................................................... 12
Student Rights ............................................................................. 12
Admission Requirements ........................................................... 13
Application Procedures .............................................................. 13
Evaluation Standards ................................................................. 14
Academic Policies ....................................................................... 15
Fee and Payment Information ................................................... 16
Financial Aid ............................................................................... 17
Campus Map ............................................................................... 20
Campus Location ........................................................................ 21
About Augsburg ......................................................................... 22
Faculty and Administration ....................................................... 23
Introduction to the Master
of Arts in EducationLeadership
Developing Leaders for Education
The Master of Arts in Education-Leadership is a program for
educators who value and enjoy their direct contact with
students and want to retain that focus in their careers. It is a
program that at the outset promotes the importance of teaching.
It is also a program that values the roles educators can play as
leaders in their places of work.
People who become part of this Master of Arts program will
have opportunities to:
• Examine what '1eadership" is and who leads;
• Explore who they are as leaders, both within an educational
setting and outside of it;
• Gain specific knowledge of education and leadership that
can support their development; and
• Develop skills that can increase the effectiveness of their
This program values the role that good educators play in the
lives of students and operates from the belief that educators
need to exercise leadership within the workplace without
relinquishing the role of teacher.
Accommodating the Full-Time Work Schedule
The Master of Arts in Education-Leadership program is
designed to meet the needs and preferences of working adults.
TI1e program is based on the assumption that the men and
women who enroll are employed, self-disciplined and wellmotivated individuals who seek a balance of classroom experience, group interaction and individual study. Each course is,
therefore, divided into periods of study, group efforts and class
preparation. To accommodate this format for learning, each
class meets on alternate Saturdays for three-and-one-half hours
and alternate Thursday evenings for one-and-one-half hours.
Leadership Development Model
The Master of Arts in Education-Leadership program promotes
leadership as a process which 1) inspires cooperation among
people who must compete for limited resources, 2) promotes
productivity within and beyond the educational organization,
and 3) works toward progress within the educational community. To accomplish this, individuals aspiring to positions of
leadership must possess three key attributes: a sense of vision,
the ability to persuade and the ability to direct action. Th ese
abilities and awarenesses, outlined in the diagram on page 5,
Leadership Development Model
Sense of
Toward Action
+ Long-term
+ Flexibility
• Adaptability
• Innovativeness
Risk Assumptive
+ Curiosity
+ Achievement
• Self-esteem
+ Social awareness
+ Environmental
+ Tolerance of
religious and
+ Appreciation
of situational
Facility for
Effective listener
Effective speaker
Effective writer
+ Effective team
+ Interpersonal
+ Self-confidence
• Analytical ability
+ Ability to think
• Understanding of
• Ability to manage
+ Appreciation
for cultural
• World-view
+ Tolerance of
serve as specific outcomes for the Master of Arts in EducationLeadership. Augsburg's model of leadership development is
designed to assess, promote, enhance and refine these capabilities within the individual.
Community of Learners
Essential to the goals of the Master of Arts in EducationLeadership is participation in a community of learners. Leaming can be enhanced when the student is involved in a stable
community that provides opportunity and encouragement for
active participation both in and out of the classroom. This
community will be enriched by the presence of men and
women who bring to the program a variety of life and work
-. '
To facilitate this kind of community interaction, Augsburg
encourages graduate students to make use of college facilities
such as the library, meeting rooms and the Christensen Center;
to take the opportunity to share meals and coffee breaks; to
participate in optional lunchtime seminars; and to attend other
college activities such as music and dramatic presentations and
athletic events.
Leadership Practicum
Master of Arts in Education-Leadership students enroll in a half
course called "Leadership Practicum." Students are required to
enroll in this professional assessment and development course
for six terms during their graduate work at Augsburg. Upon
completion of the entire practicum sequence, students receive a
half-course credit.
Early in the program, a major component of the practicum is a
full day assessment to determine students' abilities and potential relative to each of the outcomes of the Leadership Development Model. Assessment instruments include paper and p_encil
exercises and simulation and group experiences. Following the
assessment, students meet individually with a trained assessor
who provides guidance in personal goal setting and in the
creation of a professional development plan focused on dimensions of leadership.
In subsequent terms, "Leadership Practicum" includes workshops designed to meet the needs of students in the following
areas: communication skills, self-assessment measures, group
processes and other professional development topics as identified and designed by participants. Also included is the opportunity for participants to develop and monitor a leadership
project within their workplace.
Curriculum Design
The Master of Arts in Education-Leadership is composed of ten
course credits composed of eight full credit and four half credit
courses. Each course uses a variety of learning techniques
appropriate to adult learners including case study, debate,
written and oral seminar presentations and small group
activity. These courses develop targeted leadership abilities and
understandings as a boundary crossing endeavor in need of the
leadership skills and visions of people from all levels of an
The Master of Arts in Education-Leadership will provide
opportunities for students to:
Exercise •
Integrate •
conceptual frameworks of leadership
issues of leadership
history of education
current issues in education
conceptual models of teaching and learning
on the various natures of leadership
on themselves as leaders
options and opportunities for leadership in education
on ethics and values in leadership
themselves as leaders
situations in which they lead
programs, projects and ideas
creative leadership both individual and collective
a variety of thought processes
viewpoints on leadership with personal experiences
viewpoints on education from a variety of disciplines
Core Courses (4 course credits)
The following core courses are required of all students in the
Master of Arts in Education-Leadership program:
EDU 500 Assessment and Leadership (.5 credit course)
EDU 513 Diversity and Education OR
ML 560 Developing a Multi-Cultural Perspective
EDU 514 Evaluation and Documentation OR
ML 514 Research Methods
EDU 593 Thesis-Research Seminar I (.5 credit course)*
EDU 594 Thesis-Research Seminar II (.5 credit course)*
EDU 592 Thesis Consultation (.5 credit course)
Elective Courses (4-6 course credits)
The Master of Arts in Education-Leadership program requires,
at a minimum, that four of the six required elective courses be
selected from the following list:
Ethics and Leadership
Legacy of Education
Models of Teaching and Leaming
Creativity and Problem Framing OR
ML 511 Creativity and the Problem-Solving Process
EDU 516 Models of Educational Process
EDU 517 Politics and Public Policy of School Offerings
EDU 599 Special Topics (.5or1 credit course)
Master of Arts in Leadership Elective Courses
(0-2 course credits)
The Master of Arts in Education-Leadership program will allow
up to two electives from the Master of Arts in Leadership
program to be selected from the following list:
ML 510
ML 520
ML 521
ML 530
ML 531
ML 540
ML 545
Foundations of Leadership
Self-Identity, Values, and Personal Growth
Methods of Critical Thought
Ethics in Communication
The Dynamics of Change
Politics, History, and Leadership
Decision Making I: Qualitative Process and
Applica tion
ML 550 Decision Making and Technology
ML 599 Special Topics
Please see the Master of Arts -in Leadership program bulletin for
detailed descriptions of these courses.
*EDU 590 and EDU 591 are now known as EDU 593 and EDU
594, respectively. During program updating, EDU 591 was
listed as having a 0 course credit on student transcripts instead
of 1 course credit.
Course Descriptions
EDU 500 Assessment and Leadership Practicum
A professional assessment and practicum which spans six terms.
Includes a full-day assessment, seminars designed by the participants in the practicum and opportunities to develop and monitor a
leadership project within the workplace with the support of peer
and faculty coaching. Half credit course. Graded on a P /Nbasis.
EDU 510 Ethics and Leadership
Study ofleadership within the context of personal and professional ethics, values and faith. Weighing and balancing competing values within an ethical framework will be explored as a
part of experiential exercises. Leadership issues of gender,
ethnic origins and culture will be explored. Leaders of past and
present, recognized and unrecognized, will be studied. This
course views the nature and purpose of leadership from a
variety of disciplines and perspectives.
EDU 511 Legacy of Education
Comparative study of education through political, historical,
economic and sociological perspectives. This course will provide
a knowledge base for students to discharge their leadership
responsibilities with wisdom gained from knowing the past.
EDU 512 Models for Teaching and Learning
Study of the teaching and learning processes. Recent researd1
findings about teaching and learning will be examined. Interpretation of the research findings in light of prejudgments concerning
teaching and learning will be explored. Technological applications
to the field of teaching and learning will be included.
EDU 513 Diversity and Education
An exploration of the interrelatedness of world concerns and
cultural diversity as they impact on the field of education.
EDU 514 Evaluation and Documentation
Evaluation and documentation of programs, projects and ideas
as they relate to educational policy and practice. Qualitative
and quantitative tools will be discussed. Students generally take
this course near the end of their graduate program, but before
taking Thesis-Research Seminar I.
EDU 515 Creativity and Problem Framing
Study and application of the thi11king processes as they influence problem solving and decision making will be explored.
'foeories and myths of creativity will be investigated. Framing
and examining challenges from a variety of perspectives will be
EDU 516 Models of Educational Process
Exploration of supervisory and consultative models, both
within and outside the field of education. Major topics include
mentoring, peer collaboration, varieties of administrative
processes and procedures and observational techniques.
Developing partnerships and collaborative ventures among
programs and institutions within the community will be a part
of this course. An underlying focus of this course is that of
change: identifying where it's needed, initiating the process and
adapting to the outcomes.
EDU 593 Thesis-Research Seminar I: Research in Leadership
This course provides each individual with the opportunity to
develop a research topic and to synthesize previous study and
work experience. Half credit course. Graded on a P /N basis.
EDU 594 Thesis-Research Seminar Il: Synthesis of
This seminar focuses on the results of individual projects
developed in Research Seminar I. Students will develop, write
and discuss the thesis work during the class. Half credit course.
Grad ed on a PIN basis.
EDU 599 Special Topics
Study of selected topics in educational leadership that are not
treated extensively through current course offerings. Specific
topics will be published prior to registration.
Graduate Faculty
Faculty who teach in the Master of Arts in Education-Leadership program are full-time senior faculty with doctorates or
appropriate professional degrees. Some courses are team taught
by bringing together faculty from different disciplines or
combining a faculty member with professionals from relevant
fields. In these situations, at least one member of the team has a
Ph.D. and substantial teaching experience. All of the program
faculty have extensive experience teaching adult learners.
The Augsburg library houses over 160,000 books, periodicals,
records, tapes and films. Music, chemistry and art history
libraries are located within the departmental areas. Access to
over 1 million volumes is available via daily interloan and
courier service among seven private liberal arts colleges and the
Hill Reference Library. Through Minitex, the statewide network, the additional resources of the Minnesota and Wisconsin
libraries are accessible to Augsburg faculty and students.
Accreditation and
Students who successfully complete Augsburg's Education Leadership program will receive a Master of Arts degree.
Augsburg is accredited by the North Central Association of
Colleges and Schools. The College is a member of the Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities (ACTC), Lutheran Education
Council in North America and Minnesota Private College
Augsburg College is registered with the Minnesota Higher
Education Coordinating Board. Registration is not an endorsement of the institution. Registration does not (necessarily) mean
that credits earned at the institution can be transferred to other
institutions or that the quality of the educational programs
would meet the standards of every student, educational
institution or employer.
Student Support Services
The Augsburg Master of Arts in Education-Leadership Program
assists students in making education and career plans, in
working on their personal development and in participating in
activities beyond the classroom. Some of these services are:
Academic Planning
In addition to the faculty who provide consultation and advice,
academic planning is guided by the Leadership Practicum
assessors, thesis advisors and Master of Arts in EducationLeadership staff.
Career Services Available Include:
• Professional assessment through Leadership Practicum
• Self/career assessment counseling through the Career
Services Office (330-1162)
• Development of a resume and a career-search plan through
the Career Services Office
• Work experience related to a student's field of specialization
through the Cooperative Education Office (330-1148)
Student Rights
The College has adopted a statement of student rights and
responsibilities and has provided for due process in the matters
of disciplinary action, grievances and grade appeal. Students
who wish to identify appropriate procedures for compJaints
should contact the Vice President for Student Affairs (330-1160).
The College operates in compliance with the Family Rights and
Privacy Act and Title IX. Students have the right to inspect all
official records which pertain to them and which are maintained in the Registrar's Office and the Placement Office (except
when a waiver of access has been signed) and to challenge
inaccurate or misleading information. Students have a right to
experience education free from discrimination based on sex,
race, ethnic or cultural background, handicap, creed, marital
status or age.
Admission Requirements
Applicants to the program must hold a baccalaureate degree
from an accredited four-year college or university.
Applicants are expected to have a minimum cumulative
undergraduate grade point average of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) OR a
minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 for graduate
courses completed at an accreclited college or university, with a
possible probationary term. Applicants holding a master's or
other advanced degree from an accredited college or univcrsi ty
are academically admissible.
Applicants to the program must have two years of full-time
experience (or equivalent part-time experience) in a position
demonstrating lead ership potential in an educational setting.
Admissions are handled on a "rolling" basis, with students
admitted at the beginning of the fall, winter, spring and
summer terms. Selection of candidates will be made on the
basis of an evaluation of each applicant's:
previous college record
letters of recommendation
experience and organizational background
Miller Analogies Test score
written statement
possible interview
Application Procedures
To apply, the following materials must be submitted to the
Graduate Programs Office:
• Completed applica.tion form
• $25.00 application fee (non-refundable)
• A brief (1-3 page) statement relating the applicant's
career and life goals to his or her leadership aspirations
• Letter of recommendation from an immediate supervisor,
assessing leadership potential
• Letter of recommendation from a co-worker (at the same
level) describing the applicant's work style and potential
as a leader
• Official transcripts from all undergraduate institutions
attended listing all courses taken and any degree(s)
• Official transcripts from all graduate institutions a ttended Listing courses taken and degree(s) a:mferred, if any
• Official set of results on the Miller Analogies Test, or for
students whose native language is not English, a minimum
score of 550 on the Test of English as a Foreign Language
• Possible interview with graduate programs faculty and/
or staff member.
Evaluation Standards
Evaluation of academic performance in the Master of Arts in
Education-Leadership will be based on number grades using a
4.0 point scale with these definitions:
4.0 Achieves highest standards of excellence
3.0 Achieves above basic course standards
2.0 Achieves the minimum passing standard
.: .·.·
Achieves at or above the 2.0 level (not computed in grade
point average)
Does not meet minimum course standards (no credit and
non-punitive - not computed in grade point average)
W Grade given when a student withdraws from a course after
the registration period .
Incomplete grade given when a student is unable to
complete course requirements for reasons beyond the
student's control. (To receive an incomplete, a student must
file a petition with the Graduate Programs Office stating
reasons for the request, the plan and date for removing the
incomplete grade, the signature of the instructor and any
other necessary documentation.)
No more than two courses with a grade below 3.0 will count
toward the degree. Students who receive an N in a course must
successfully petition the Master of Arts in Education-Lead ership Committee before being allowed to continue in their
program. If a second grade of N is received, the student may be
dismissed from the program.
No more than two courses with a grade of or below 2.5 can be
repeated. Only the credits and grades earned the second time
are counted in the grade point average.
Attendance Policy
Because leadership issues are presented, discussed and analyzed
in the classroom, regular attendance is highly important and
should be considered a responsibility, not only to one's self, but
to one's classmates and course instructor. Irregular attendance
may, at the discretion of the instructor, adversely affect one's
Academic Policies
Academic Probation and Dismissal Policies
Students must maintain a 3.0 cumulative grade point average. If
a student falls below a 3.0 average, the student will be placed on
probation for the following term. A 3.0 cumulative grade point
average must be restored in order for a student to be removed
from probation. If a student receives a grade of Nin a course, the
student must petition successfully with the Master of Arts in
Education-Leadership Program Committee before being allowed
to continue in the program. A plan for the student to follow
would be outlined at that time. If a second grade of N is received,
the student may be dismissed from the program by the Master of
Arts in Education-Leadership Program Committee. Students
may also be dismissed by the Master of Arts in EducationLeadership Program Committee for behavior detrimental to the
program, such as a gross violation of college policy (as published
in the Student Guide). Dismissal would occur only after established procedures were followed.
Credit for Prior Education
Transfer credits will be evaluated on an individual basis. The
only courses that will be considered for transfer credit are those
whose course content is comparable to those in the Master of
Arts in Education-Leadership program. No more than two
courses will be accepted for transfer credit.
Credit and Contact Hours
Each full credit graduate course in the Master of Arts in
Education-Leadership program is the equivalent of four
semester credits or six quarter credits. Students meet in class a
total of 31.5 hours and are responsible for a significant amount
of individual study and preparation.
Enrollment Policy/Leaves of Absence
Students may take either one or two courses per term plus
Leadership Practicum. Enrolling in two courses per term
enables a student to complete the program in under two years.
All students are required to complete all components of the
program within five years. Extensions beyond five years will be
considered on the basis of petition to the Master of Arts in
Education-Leadership Program Committee.
Students who leave the program for more than one term must
request a leave of absence in writing from the Associate Dean of
Graduate and Non-Traditional Programs. A leave of absence
may be granted for up to one calendar year. Time spent on an
official leave of absence will not count toward the five year
deadline for degree completion.
Last Day to Withdraw from Class
The last date on which students may withdraw from a class and
receive a "W" on their records is published annually in the
Master of Arts in Education-Leadership Program Supplement.
Fee and Payment
A schedule of fees is published separately in the Master of Arts
in Education- Leadership Program Supplement. Tuition is set
on an annual basis. EDU 592, EDU 593 and EDU 594 are half
credit courses and are charged half of the current full credit
tuition. EDU 500 Assessment and Leadership Practicum is a
separate charge. Please refer to the current supplement.
Various Payment Plans are Available:•
1) Payment in Full: Due day of registration.
Three-Pay Plan: Upon application and after college approval, a
three - pay plan is available each trimester. Payment plans will
be offered only if the student has adhered to previous plam.
3) Company Reimbursement Full courses or equivalent, which
are company reimbursed, require a deposit of $150 per course
reimbursed, with full payment due within 45 days after the end
of the term. A letter from the employer stating the company's
reimbursement policy must be annually filed with the Business
Registration is permitted only if the student's account for a
previous term is paid in full as agreed. Augsburg College will not
release diplomas or academic transcripts until all student accounts
are paid in full. This also applies for students loan funds administered by the college (Federal Perkins Student Loan); they must be
current according to established repayment schedules.
,. A non-sufficient-frmds check will declare your registration invalid
and could affect further credit extended by the college.
Refund Schedule
In order to be eligible for a refund, students are responsible for
canceling courses with the Registrar's Office. A per- course
tuition refund will be made on the following basis:
Prior to the first scheduled class meeting- 100%
Prior to the second scheduled class meeting- 90%
Prior to the third scheduled class meeting - 80%
Prior to the fourth scheduled class meeting - 70%
Prior to the fifth scheduled class meeting- 60%
Prior to the sixth scheduled class meeting - 50%
Financial Aid
ln a number of ways, students may receive assistance in meeting
Graduate Program costs. Enrollment in two courses per trimester allows the student to be classified as full-time. One course is
considered half-time enrollment The Office of Student Financial
Services (330-1046) assists students in assessing financial aid
eligibility and offers financial aid from available alternatives,
including the following:
Augsburg Tuition Grant
Augsburg College may provide grants and scholarships to
graduate students who show academic potential and have
financial need.
Funded Scholarships
Augsburg actively pursues outside funding for special scholarships. The availability of such scholarships enables the participation of individuals of li mited financial means as well as individuals who work for volunteer agencies and other organizations that are not likely to provide tuition reimbursement.
Company Tuition Assistance Programs
Many companies, agencies and corporations offer full or partial
tuition assistance to employees who participate in work-related
or degree-rela ted college programs. Augsburg College offers
several payment plans by which employees may handl e tuition
Bureau of Indian Affairs, Tribal and State Indian Scholarships
American Indian students who meet federal, state or tribal
requirements may apply foT these scholarships. Indian grants
generally supplement other sources of financial aid. For assistance in application, please contact Augsburg's American Indian
Support Program Director at 330-1138 or your tribal agency.
Federal and State Aid Programs
TI1e Office of Student Financial Services determines eligibility
for any federal or state financial aid programs available to
graduate students. Determination is based on standard nationally accepted methodology.
• Federal Perkins Loan Program - Joint Augsburg ColJcgefederally funded program administered through the College
for students who demonstrate financial eligibility. No interest
accrues nor do payments have to be made on the principal at
any time while you are enrolled at least half-time. Simple
interest of 5% and repayment of the principal begin six
months after you leave school (nine months for new borrowers after July 1, 1987). Repayment may extend up to ten years.
The maximum which may be borrowed is $15,000 for
undergraduate study and $15,000 for graduate, for a maximum cumulative amount of $30,000.
• Federal SLS (Supplemental Loans for Students) - Independ ent students may borrow up to $5,000 per year to a maximum of $20,000 and must be enrolled at least half-time.
Variable interest rate is set annually with a cap of 12% (11 %
beginning October 1, 1993). Payment usually begins within
60 days after disbursement. Principal may be deferred until
the student ceases half-time enrollment. Interest may, at the
lender's option, accumulate until the in-school deferment
ends. Students must apply for financial aid. Aggregate
maximum borrowing for undergraduates is $23,000 and for
graduates is $73,000.
• SELF (Student Educational Loan Fund) -A Minnesota state
loan program. Students may borrow up to $4,000 per year
($16,000 cumulative) as undergraduates with a $25,000
aggregate maximum when graduate study is included
($1,000 minimum). Interest rate is variable, paid by the
borrower quarterly while in school. Principal payments begin
13 months after leaving school. Students must apply for
financial aid and be enrolled at least half-time.
• Federal Stafford loan Program - Loan funds are obtained
directly from a local lender or state agency in certain states.
While the student is attending at least half-time, there is no
interest charge. Simple annual interest of 8% on the loan
balance and repayment of the principal begin six months
after leaving school. Beginning October 1, 1992, the rate for
new borrowers is a variable rate of T-bill plus 3.1 % with a
cap of 9%. Repayment may extend up to ten years. The
maximum loan for graduate study is $7,500 per year ($8,500
after October 1, 1993). The cumulative undergraduate and
graduate maximum is $65,500.
To Apply for Financial Aid
1) Complete the Application for Admission and indicate your
desire to also apply for financial aid.
2) The Office of Student Financial Services will send you the
necessary application and financial statement form (or you
may pick them up at the Office of Student Financial Services,
152 Science Hall or at the Graduate Programs Office, 2222
Murphy Place).
3) All students must have a Financial Aid Transcript on file
with Augsburg from each previously attended institution
even if they did not receive financial aid. Forms are available
from the College.
4) Complete and return the financial aid forms by the deadlines
5) Accept the financial aid offered, in whole or in part, by the
deadline stated.
Campus Map
i1 '
_ 94
-' . t. -
DouglasJ Mclaulfhlin 1991 • ReYi!IKl919:?
Admissions House
George Sverdrup Library
Science Hall
Old Main
West Hall
Mortensen Tower
Urness Tower
Christensen Center
Memorial Hall
Music Hall
2222 Murphy Place
Si Melby Hall
Ice Arena
Stage II Theatre
College Relations
Nordic Center
Foss, Lobeck, Miles Center
for Worship, Drama and
Center for Global
Jeroy C. Carlson Alumni
20. Youth and Family
21. American Indian Support
and Minority Education
22. Site of new residence hall
A. Admissions Parking
B. Student Parking
c. Visitor Parking
D. The Quad
E. Faculty /Staff Parking
F. Murphy Square
G. Anderson-Nelson
Athletic Field
H . Fairview /St. Mary's
Parking Ramp
I. Husby-Strommen
Tennis Courts
J. Resident Parking Only
K. Student/ Commuter
~ Accessible Entrance
Campus Location
..... .....
, ......
..... ......
From Minneapolis
Interstate 94 east to 25th Avenue exit, left to Riverside
A venue, left to 21st A venue South, left at Augsburg sign.
From Sl Paul
Interstate 94 west to Riverside exit, right on Riverside
A venue to 21st A venue South, left at Augsburg sign.
All posted Augsburg College parking lots, with the exception of resident parking lots in front and behind the residence halls, are free and open for student use from 4:30 p.m.
Friday through Sunday evening and Monday through
Thursday evenings after 4:30 p.m. until 8:00 a.m. Lots are
located on 7th Street between 21st and 22nd Avenues, north
of 8th Street on 21st Avenue and on Butler Place next door
to the Nordic Center. Most street parking is four hour
parking and available seven days a week, except for the
parking meters on Riverside Avenue. The parking meters
are as posted by the City of Minneapolis. Additional
parking is available for a fee in the Riverside Medical Center
About Augsburg
Augsburg was the first seminary founded by Norwegian
Lutherans in America. Named after the confession of faith
presented by Lutherans in 1530 in Augsburg, Germany.
Augsburg opened in September, 1869, in Marshall, Wisconsin,
and moved to Minneapolis in 1872.
Campus Location
Augsburg's campus is located in the heart of the Twin Cities
surrounding Murphy Square, the oldest of 155 parks in the
"City of Lakes". Adjacent to the campus are Riverside Medical
Center, the West Bank campus of the University of Minnesota
and Mississippi River parkways.
Augsburg College has made a major effort to become one of the
most accessible campuses in the region. Skyways, tunnels and
elevators provide accessible connections between nine of 14
major buildings - student housing towers, the Christensen
Center, main academic and administrative halls, the library and
the music building. In addition, there are programs for students
with learning and physical disabilities.
Church Affiliation
Augsburg is a college of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America. We are a diverse community with many strong
religious traditions represented among the students, faculty
and staff, including Lutheran, Protestant, Roman Catholic,
American Indian Spirituality and Thought, Buddhist and
Islamic faiths.
Non-Discrimination Policy
Augsburg College does not discriminate on the basis of race,
creed, national or ethnic origin, age, marital status, sex or
handicap as required by Title IX of the 1972 Educational
Amendments of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as
amended in its admission policies, educational programs,
activities and employment practices.
Faculty and
Elizabeth Bruch, Associate Dean of Graduate and Nontraditional Programs. B.A., Elmhurst College; M.S., Indiana
University; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin.
Mary G. Endorf, Assistant Professor of Education. B.A.,
Hamline University; M.S.A., SUNY-Cortland; Ph.D., University
of Minnesota.
Laura L. Ericksen, Coordinator of Graduate Programs in
Leadership. B.S., Illinois State University; M.A., University of
Joseph A. Erickson, Assistant Professor of Education. B.A.,
M.A., College of St. Thomas; M.A., Luther Northwestern
Theological Seminary; Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Ethelind K. Garetz, Assistant Professor, part-time. B.A.,
University of Minnesota; M.S., University of Nebraska; Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota.
Richard Germundsen, Assistant Professor of Education. B.S.,
Mankato State University; M.A., School of International Service,
American University; Cand. Mag. Universitet i Bergen, Norway; Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Ryan LaHurd, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of
the College. B.A., Mt. Carmel College; M.A., University of
Chicago; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin.
Marie 0. McNeff, Professor of Education, Director of Faculty
Development. B.S., M.Ed., Ed.D., University of Nebraska.
Vicki B. Olson, Assistant Professor of Education. B.S., M.A.,
Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Jacqueline 0. Richardson, Assistant Professor of Education.
B.S., Morris Brown College; M.S., Fort Valley State College;
Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Barry Sullivan, Instructor, part-time. B.A., St. Cloud State
University; M.A., University of North Dakota; Ph.D., University
of Minnesota.
The provisions of this document are not to be regarded as an irrevocable contract between the student and the College. The College
reserves the right to change any provisions or requirements at any
time within the student's term of residence.
Printed on recycled paper with soy-based inks
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Master of Arts in Education (MAE) Catalog, 1994-1996
Course Catalogs
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''Teacher leadership means that a teacher is able to have
the power to influence policy, curriculum and procedures
within the individual school and the school district. It means
teachers having responsibility for instruction of children,
... evaluation of their peers and of administrators [in order to]
influence what happens in schools.''
' ' ... a leader [is] someone who has the ability to encourage
colleagues to change, to do things they wouldn't ordinarily
Q • •.
consider without the influence of the leader. .. [T]eacher
leadership [is] the ability of the teacher leader to engage
colleagues in experimentation and then examination of more
powerful instructional practices in the service of more
engaged student learning. ' '
• II
Teachers Who Lead: The Rhetoric of Reform and the Realities of Practice
by Patricia A. Wasley. Teachers College Press, 1991.
''There is no question that as a leader you have responsibil-
ities to teach ... 'Teachership and leadership go hand-in-glove.
The leader must be willing to teach skills, to share insights
and experiences, and to work very closely with people to help
them mature and be creative' ... ' '
The Art of the Leader by William A. Cohen. Prentice-Hall, 1990
Graduate Programs Office
2211 Riverside Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55454
.. .
.. . "
· ~
.. .
. ....
· .·.
,. l
. . ' •'
to developing educational leaders who foster student learning
•. t
by being knowledgeable in their fields, being capable in peda-
The Augsburg College Education Department commits itself
gogy, valuing learning, thinking critically, nurturing self-esteem,
.· ' ..
embracing diversity, and being ethical in their practice .
An educational leader believes in the worth of self and others.
-..' •
An educational leader believes him/herself to be a life-long
...... . ..
An educational leader views students as individuals with
varying needs who all possess the potential to learn .
An educational leader believes learning is a constructive
... . ·.
.,,., : ... ·'
process in which students actively participate and find
personal reward. This learning process is affected by
students' learning styles, motivations, abilities and self
concepts .
An educational leader believes that the act of teaching needs
to be informed by research, practice and personal reflection.
...,,. .. ·.
An educational leader believes in the value of knowledge as
an essential tool for thinking critically and participating
effectively as a world citizen.
An educational leader believes that teaching is a multifaceted
., 1
· .'
. ...
. . ..
personal involvement in the areas of classroom, school,
profession and community.
An educational leader believes that sf he contributes signifi-
endeavor, governed by a code of ethics, which requires
cantly to the culture and environment of the institutions in
which children learn .
· ·. .·
.., .···
... .
'& . •
Introduction to the Master of Arts in Education Leadership ....... .4
Leadership Development Model .................................................. 5
Curriculum Design .................................... ................................... 6
Thesis/Leadership Application Project Requirement ................... 7
Course Descriptions ...................................................................... 8
Admission Requirements & Procedures ..................................... 10
International Applicants ...................................................... ........ 11
Evaluation Standards ....................................................... ........... 12
', ·~
~. '
. fl
Student Rights ................................... .............. ............................ 12
. •
. "
Attendance Policy ..................... .................................................. 13
Academic Policies ...................................................................... 13
. .
Student Support Services ............................................................ 14
Library ........................................................................................ 14
Accreditation and Affiliations .................................................... 14
Fee and Payment Information ..................................................... 15
Financial Aid .............................................................................. 16
About Augsburg .......................................................................... 18
Campus Location and Map ......................................................... 19
Faculty and Administration ........................................................ 20
. . ,·
'.. .·..
. •'!••
. .,.
,.. ,
• Convenient course schedule
for working adults.
• Campus services (computer
labs, library, financial aid,
bookstore, etc.) accommodate
the schedule of working
• Small college, personalized
• Accessible campus in the heart
of the Twin Cities with free
• :,
. ·.
. ..
. ..",.
Features of the Master of
Arts in Education Leadership Program:
• A Masters Degree with a dual
focus on classroom practice
and educational leadership.
• A welcoming academic environment respectful of your
knowledge and experience.
.. .•.l.
. •.
•.. '
• High quality courses taught by
Augsburg professors and qualified adjunct faculty.
• Individualized pacing; two
courses each trimester makes
it possible to complete the
degree in as little as 24 months
or students have up to five
years to complete the degree
. <·• ..
... ·:
. .·.
• Students from various locations
and backgrounds learning
together in a supportive
campus community.
'· .
• Class sizes typically no more
than 15 students.
As practitioners, teachers are
concerned with enhancing their
teaching skills and their
students' learning. As
professionals, teachers are
increasingly responsible for and
concerned about educ;ational
decision-making. Augsburg
College offers a program that
addresses this dual focus of
classroom practitioner and
teacher leader. The Master of
Arts in Education-Leadership
(MEL) program offers opportunities to increase knowledge and
skills (1) for teaching today and
(2) for leading education into
the future. This program values
the role that good teachers play
in the lives of students and operates from the belief that teachers
can exercise leadership, inside
and outside the classroom,
without relinquishing the role of
teacher .
The Minnesota Board of
Teaching, in its requirements for
teacher licensure programs,
acknowledges the importance of
developing teachers who have
the knowledge and skill to act as
leaders, or change agents.
Beginning teachers, however,
often feel overwhelmed with
issues of classroom practice;
thus, it is logical to offer a
program which includes a
"change agent" focus at the
degree level sought by veteran
teachers. The MEL program
incorporates an educational
leadership focus alongside the
more traditional classroom practice focus to address the
expanded role teachers play in
today's schools .
As a part of this program you
• Study issues of classroom
practice, including teaching
and learning, creativity, and
multi-cultural ism;
• Gain specific know ledge of
educational institutions and
• Examine who and what leadership is about and explore
ways to exercise leadership
within your workplace;
• Develop expertise in an area
of personal interest through an
individualized, capstone
research project.
.. ·.
' '
. ...
• '•
The MEL program promotes
leadership as a process which
I) inspires cooperation among
people, 2) promotes productivity
within and beyond the educational organization, and
3) works toward growth and
change within the educational
organization. Individuals in
leadership roles identify three
key attributes of leadership: a
sense of vision, the ability to
persuade, and the ability to
direct action. These attributes
form the framework for the
Leadership Developm~nt Model
incorporated into the MEL
. .:
:.. . ·. ·.
program philosophy.
. ..
.:..' .
Sense of Vision
• Social awareness
• Environmental
• Tolerance of
religious and
• Appreciation of
Facility for
Toward Action
• Flexibility
• Adaptability
• Innovativeness
Effective listener
Effective speaker
Effective writer
Diplomatic ability
Effective team
• Interpersonal
. .
• Appreciation for
cultural differences
• World-view
• Tolerance of
. ...
•. ~. : .I. .'",,.
, "•; .
•... "
. •• •• t
. .•
... .·.
Risk Assumptive
• Curiosity
• Achievement motivation
• Self-esteem
Analytical ability
Ability to think critically
Understanding of
• Ability to manage
.. . .
.. ,.
..... .
' ,.
. ·,
The MEL program is
composed of a minimum
of9 course credits
conslsting of2.5 to 4.5
Classroom Issues and
Practice courses (Focus I)
and 4.5 to 6.5 Education
Leadership courses
(Focus II). Elective
courses in both
components allow
students to build
individual programs
Focus I: Classroom
Issues and Practice
(2.5-4.5 course credits)
These courses are offered to
degree and non-degree seeking
students. A maximum of 4.5
courses may be selected from
the list below. One of these
must be EDU 513 or ML 560.
EDU 512 Models of Teaching
and Learning (1 .0)
EDU 513 Diversity and
Education (or ML 560
Developing a Multi-Cultural
Perspective) ( 1.0)
EDU 515 Creativity and
of study that address
specific needs and
Problem Framing (or ML 511
Creativity and the Problem
Solving Process) (1.0)
EDU 516 Models of
Educational Process (I .0)
EDU 518 Teaching and
Learning: Service Leaming in
Your Classroom (.5)
EDU 519 Teaching and
Learning: Teaching with the
NCTM Math Standards (.5-1.0)
Paideia Institutes (.25-1.0)
New courses related to topics
and issues of current interest in
education are added to this list
Focus II: Education
Leadership Courses
(4.5-6.5 course credits)
These courses are required of
students pursuing the MEL
degree and are not available to
students who are not enrolled in
the degree program. Educational
leadership courses provide
students with a supportive framework within which to investigate
leadership and the institution of
education, to consider themselves as leaders, and to develop
expertise in a topic of choice.
Both thesis and applied project
options are available as capstone
research experiences .
At least one of these three courses
is required for the MEL degree:
EDU 511 Legacy of Education
EDU 51 7 Politics and Public
Policy in Education (1.0)
EDU 599 Topics in Educational
Leadership (.5-1.0)
All of the following courses are
required for the MEL degree:
EDU 510 Ethics and Leadership
in Education (or an approved
MAL alternative) (1.0)
EDU 514 Evaluation and
Documentation (or ML 514
Research Methods) (1.0)
.' ..
EDU 592 Research Consultation
EDU 593, 594 Research Seminar
1. _.
(.5 credit course taken in
conjunction with EDU 594)
I, II (.5 credit each) (or ML 593,
594 Research Seminars I, II)
(0°2 course c1redlits)
on the interests and orientation
of the student.
These courses are available to
degree seeking students but are
not available to non-degree
seeking students. For students
wanting to explore issues of
leadership and organizational
change within a broader context,
the MEL program will allow up
to two electives from the Master
of Arts in Leadership program.
These courses become part of
the Focus II component of the
MEL program. See the Master
of Arts in Leadership program
bulletin for courses.
Some students express a theoretical and/or empirical interest in
the study of education and/or
leadership and identify topics
which lend themselves to a
more traditional thesis project.
An example of a thesis project
would be a comparison of the
effects of two instructional
strategies on student learning.
The connection to leadership
comes as the thesis writer
considers how to share his/her
expertise with others.
1[' ~M;~ lis:/LcaidlcrsllAil p
Aipip ~katnrnrn
P rnjed:
At, or near, the completion of
the course work for the MEL
program, students are required
to develop and carry out a study
or project related to education
and leadership. The focus can be
on an issue in education with
opportunities for personal
leadership, or it can focus on
leadership itself within the
context of education. This
research-based capstone
experience affords students the
opportunity to become an expert
in an area of personal interest as
well as to "tie together" what
has been learned throughout the
MEL program. Students have
the option to select either a
Thesis or a Leadership
Application Project. The decision as to which of these
alternatives is selected depends
Other students express interest
in an applied project which
includes the development and
implementation of an idea
related to education. These
students find the Leadership
Application Project to be the
appropriate culminating
experience. An example of a
leadership application project is
one which includes the development and implementation of a
peer mediation training program
at the middle school level.
Leadership issues emerge as
part of the training of students
and staff in the use of the
In both capstone experiences,
research forms the foundation
for decision-making and
,,. ' ·
.. ',..' .
•• t '
, •
. .
EDU 510 Ethics and
Leadership (1.0 course)
EDU 513 Diversity and
Education (1.0 course)
Study of leadership within the
context of personal and professional ethics and values.
Weighing and balancing
competing values within an
ethical framework will be
explored as a part of experiential
exercises. Leadership issues of
gender, ethnic origins and
culture will be explored .
Leaders of past and present,
recognized and unrecognized,
will be studied. This course
views the nature and purpose of
leadership from a variety of
disciplines and perspectives.
The field of education is
impacted significantly by diversity in and out of the classroom.
This course broadens the definition of diversity to include
gender, religion, ethnicity, abili-
: ,·
EDU 511 Legacy of
Education (1.0 course)
. ..
from knowing the past.
EDU 512 Models of
Teaching and Learning
(1.0 course)
.; . \,
•.., '·.ii
Comparative study of education
through political, historical,
economic and sociological
perspectives. This course will
provide a knowledge base for
students to discharge their
educational leadership responsibilities with wisdom gained
A focused study of the teaching
and learning process. A variety
of strategies for teaching and
learning will be examined,
discussed, and modeled.
Technological applications to
the field of teaching and
learning will be included.
ties, lifestyle, and economic
class. Examines issues related to
diversity in the workplace,
EDU 515 Creativity and
Problem Framing
(1.0 course)
The study and application of the
thinking processes as they
influence problem solving and
decision making will be
explored. Theories and myths of
creativity will be investigated. A
variety of perspectives will be
used to frame problems and
including classroom issues and
teaching strategies. PIN grading
optional. This course meets the
Minnesota Human Relations
examine challenges.
EDU 514 Evaluation and
(1.0 course)
Exploration of supervisory and
consultative models, both within
and outside the field of education. Major topics include
mentoring, peer collaboration,
community collaboration and
partnerships, varieties of
administrative processes and
procedures and observational
techniques. An underlying focus
of this course is that of change:
identifying where it's needed,
initiating the process, and
directing and/or adapting to the
An introduction to basic
concepts of research methodology. Serves as an introduction
to the capstone research project
and builds skills in formulating
research questions, reviewing
literature, selecting appropriate
research methodology,
conducting and interpreting
basic data analysis, and
developing research project
proposals. Students generally
take this course near the end of
the program and just prior to
EDU 593 Thesis/Leadership
Project Seminar I.
EDU 516 Models of
Educational Process
(1.0 course)
EDU 517 Politics and
Public Policy of
Education (1.0 course)
Study of the politics of education and its impact on school
curriculum. Examine society's
impact on school offerings, the
politics of school change, and
the processes through which
decisions and changes are made.
..: .
• )\.
EDU 518
Service-Learning in Your
Classroom (.5 course)
President Clinton talks about
service-learning as an important
means for providing community
service and deepening academic
learning. What is ServiceLeaming? How does it differ
from community service and
volunteerism and how can it be
implemented in the classroom?
By exploring these questions
you will develop an understanding of the theory and
process of service-learning and
how to use it with your students.
EDU 538 Educational
Processes: Supervision of
Student Teachers
( .25 course)
Offered in workshop format,
this course will provide training
for licensed teachers who want
to increase their effectiveness as
supervisors of student teachers.
Many of the skills learned in the
course will also be useful in
peer coaching.
EDU 592
Application Project
Consultation (.5 course)
A series of meetings with a
faculty thesis advisor simultaneous with EDU 594 and during
the term in which the thesis is
being prepared for final statement.
Graded on a P/N basis. (Students
not completing their thesis project
during the term for which they
same term in which they are
enrolled in EDU 594 are required
to pay a thesis continuation fee
during each subsequent term
until the thesis is completed.)
EDU 599 Special Topics
(.5-1.0 course)
Study of selected topics in
educational leadership that are
not treated extensively through
current course offerings.
register for EDU 592 must pay a
thesis continuation fee of $125 .00
for each additional term.)
EDU 539
Paideia Institutes
(.25-1.0 course)
EDU 593
Thesis/Leadership Project
Seminar I (.5 course)
Titles such as Seeing with a
Native Eye and Six Great Ideas
for Teaching: Truth, Goodness,
Beauty, Liberty, Equality,
Justice have been offered.
Paideia Institutes are opportunities for education professionals
to learn specific strategies related
to Paideia program methodology
(i.e., seminar leadership and
coaching) to enlarge understanding of ideas, values and
contemporary issues. Specific
topics will be published prior to
This course provides each
individual with the capstone
opportunity to conduct research
in an area of interest related to
education, using either a thesis
or leadership application project
framework. Support and guidance are provided by fellow
students, course instructor, and
faculty advisor. Graded on a
PIN basis.
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EDU 594
Project Seminar II
(.5 course)
This seminar focuses on the
results of individual projects
developed in Research Seminar
I. Students will develop, write
and discuss thesis/project work
during the class. Graded on a
PIN basis. (Students not
completing the thesis during the
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' •
in an educational setting.
Admissions are handled on a
'rolling' basis, with students
admitted at the beginning of the
fall, winter, spring, and summer
terms. Selection of candidates
will be made on the basis of an
evaluation of each applicant's:
• previous college record
• letters of recommendation
• experience and organizational
• Miller Analogies Test score
• written statement
• possible interview
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Admission to the
MEL Degree Program
Applicants must hold a
baccalaureate degree from an
accredited college or university
and have a minimum cumulative
undergraduate grade point
average of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale)
OR a minimum cumulative
grade point average of 3.0 for
graduate courses completed at
an accredited college or university. Applicants holding other
advanced degrees from accredited colleges or universities are
academically admissible.
Should an applicant not meet
the minimum GPA requirements, a probationary term may
be possible as decided on a case
by case basis. Applicants to the
program must have two years of
full-time work experience (or
equivalent part-time experience)
To apply, the following materials must be submitted to the
Graduate Programs Office:
• Completed application form;
• $25.00 application fee (nonrefundable);
• A brief (1-3 page) statement
relating the applicant's career
and life goals to his or her
leadership aspirations;
• Letter of recommendation
from an immediate supervisor,
assessing leadership potential;
• Letter of recommendation
from a co-worker (at the same
level) describing the applicant's
work style and potential as a
• Official transcripts from all
undergraduate institutions
attended listing all courses
taken and any degree(s)
• Official transcripts from all
graduate institutions attended
listing courses taken and
degree(s) conferred, if any;
• Official set of results on the
Miller Analogies Test;
• Applicant may be asked to
participate in an interview
with graduate program
faculty and/or a staff member.
Admission to the
Non-Degree Program
Applicants wanting to take any
MEL course must hold a
baccalaureate degree from an
accredited college or university
and be in good academic and
financial standing with all
previous academic institutions.
To apply, submit the following
materials to the Graduate
Programs Office:
• Completed course application/registration form
• $50.00 non-refundable deposit
per course, each term, to be
applied towards course tuition.
For additional information on
application requirements, please
call the Graduate Programs
Office at (612) 330-1786.
.. .
Augsburg College Graduate
Programs Office encourages
qualified applicants from other
countries and feels that these
students contribute significantly
to the program. Students typically take only two classes per
trimester for a yearly total of six
classes. With this schedule
students can complete the
required course work in two
years. See the section under
Admission Requirements for a
general description of the
admission process, selection
criteria and work experience
Application materials required
for international applicants are:
• Completed application form;
• $25.00 application fee (nonrefundable) payable in U.S.
• Official marksheets with
certified translations from all
undergraduate institutions
attended listing all courses
taken, marks earned, dates
attended, and degree(s) or
diploma(s) conferred, if any;
• Official marksheets with
certified translations from all
graduate institutions attended
listing all courses taken, marks
earned, dates attended and
degree(s) or diploma(s)
conferred, if any;
• Official results on the Test of
English as a Foreign Language
(TOEFL) with a minimum
score of 550; and
NOTE: Additional information
may be required, as requested by
Augsburg College, to more accurately evaluate educational
credentials. Furthermore,
supplemental information may be
needed to issue an 1-20 or J-1 for
students admitted to the Master
ofArts in Education-Leadership
program. Information requested
for the 1-20 or J-1 will not be
used to make an admission
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$• •
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• Applicant may be asked to
participate in an interview
with graduate program faculty
and/or a staff member, if applicant is in the United States.
•A brief(l-3 page) statement
relating the applicant's career
and life goals to his or her
leadership aspirations;
• Completed Declaration of
Finances (see below for
additional information);
• Letter of recommendation in
English from an immediate
supervisor, assessing
leadership potential;
• Letter of recommendation in
English from a co-worker (at
the same level) describing the
applicant's work style and
potential as a leader;
Because limited financial aid
from Augsburg College may or
may not be available students and
their sponsor must complete a
Declaration of Finances as part of
the application for admission, along
with appropriate certifications.
Students will need to provide
proof of availability of funds for
tuition, books and living costs.
For the 1994-1995 academic year,
we require students to provide
proof of a minimum of $10,000 in
U.S. funds for living expenses
plus the cost of tuition must be
added to this amount. Students
wishing to have spouses and/or
children accompany them, must
plan on having additional funds
available for their support.
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Evaluation of academic perfonnance in the Master of Arts in
Education-Leadership will be based on number grades using a 4.0
point scale with these definitions:
Achieves above basic course standards.
Perfonnance below basic course standards.
Unacceptable perfonnance (no credit for the course).
Achieves at or above the 2.0 level (not computed in
grade point average).
Course was audited; student met expectations as agreed
upon with the instructor.
Does not meet minimum course standards (no credit and
non-punitive - not computed in grade point average) .
Grade given when a student withdraws from a course.
Incomplete grade given when student is unable to complete
course requirements for reasons beyond the student's
control. (To receive an incomplete, a student must file a
petition with the Graduate Programs Office stating reasons
for the request, the plan and date for removing the
incomplete grade, the signature of the instructor and any
other necessary documentation.)
Achieves highest standards of excellence.
Achieves the minimum passing standard.
Courses not offered on the
numbered grading system are
noted in the course descriptions
in this bulletin as being graded on
a PIN basis. In order to receive a
grade of P, a student must
achieve at least a grade of 2.0.
No more than two courses with
a grade below 3.0 will count
toward the degree. Students who
receive an N or 0.0 in a course
must work with the MEL
Director to devise a plan for
academic improvement. This
plan will be shared with the
MEL Advisory Committee and
placed in the student's file. If a
second grade of N or 0.0 is
received, the student may be
dismissed from the program.
No more than two courses with
a grade of 2.5 or below can be
repeated. Only the credits and
grades earned the second time
are counted in the grade point
...' .
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The College has adopted a
statement of student rights and
responsibilities and has
provided for due process in the
matters of disciplinary action,
grievances and grade appeal.
Students who wish to identify
appropriate procedures for
complaints should contact the
Vice President for Student
Affairs (330-1160).
The College operates in compliance with the Family Rights and
Privacy Act and Title IX.
Students have the right to
inspect all official records which
pertain to them and which are
maintained in the Registrar's
Office and the Placement Office
(except where a waiver of
access has been signed) and to
challenge inaccurate or
misleading infonnation.
Students have a right to experience education free from
• • I
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Regular attendance is highly
one's self, but to one's class-
discretion of the instructor,
important and should be consid-
mates and course instructor.
adversely affect one's grade.
ered a responsibility, not only to
Irregular attendance may, at the
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Academic Probation and
Dismissal Policies
Students must maintain a 3.0
cumulative grade point average.
If a student falls below a 3.0
Credit and Contact Hours
Each full credit graduate course
in the MEL program is the equiv-
Last Day to Withdraw
from Class
alent of four semester credits or
The last date on which students
may withdraw from a class and
six quarter credits. Students meet
receive a "W" on their record is
average, the student will be placed
in class a minimum of 31.5 hours
published annually in the MEL
on probation for the following
and are responsible for a
Program Supplement.
term. A 3.0 cumulative grade
significant amount of individual
study and preparation.
point average must be restored in
order for a student to be removed
from probation. If a student
receives a grade of N or 0.0 in a
course, the student must work
with the MEL Director to develop
an academic improvement plan.
This plan will be shared with the
MEL Advisory Committee and
placed in the student's file.
Policy/Leaves of Absence
College should register for an
audit of each course.
nents of the program within five
• MEL degree-seeking or non-
a second grade of N or 0.0 is
received or for behavior detrimental to the program, such as a
years. Extensions beyond five
years will be considered on the
basis of petition to the MEL
degree seeking students can
audit Focus I, MEL courses.
gross violation of college policy
(as published in the Student
Advisory Committee.
Guide). Dismissal would occur
Students who leave the program
only after established procedures
were followed.
for more than one trimester must
than two courses will be accepted
for transfer credit.
• Students wanting CEU's for
courses successfully completed
will be granted a Certificate Of
Attendance by the Graduate
Programs Office and issued an
of the MEL program. A leave of
absence may be granted for one
Audited courses that are not
calendar year. Time spent on an
successfully completed will be
indicated by a grade of 'W'.
count toward the five year deadline for degree completion.
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in the future .
official transcript showing the
audit by the Registrar's Office.
official leave of absence will not
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be converted to graduate credit
the MEL Advisory Committee if
on an individual basis. No more
• Courses taken as audit cannot
Students may be dismissed by
Transfer credits will be evaluated
Education Units (CEU's) rather
in two years. All students are
required to complete all compo-
Credit for Prior Education
• Students wanting Continuing
credits per trimester. Enrolling
in two credits per trimester
request a leave of absence request
in writing to the Faculty Director
Auditing Courses
than credit for Focus I graduate
level courses at Augsburg
the course work in the program
Students may take up to two
enables a student to complete
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' '• , II
• Academic advising from the
MEL Director, for program
planning is available. As
students approach the capstone
experience, they select thesis
or project advisors to guide
them throughout the completion of their programs.
also available to help students
with non-academic advising
• Professional assessment experiences and opportunities
through the Graduate
Programs Office.
Graduate program staff are
• Self/career assessment,
counseling and resume development through the Career
Services Office (330-1162)
• Work experience related to a
student's field of specialization
through the Cooperative
Education Office (330-1148)
' .·•
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holdings of Augsburg and six
other private liberal arts college
libraries in the metropolitan
area. Daily courier services
among these libraries facilitates
the sharing of these resources.
Additional library resources are
accessible through MINITEX, a
regional library network, and
through OCLC, an international
library network. Remote,
off-campus computer access to
all these services is provided via
a telecommunications link.
The Augsburg library collection
includes over 175,000 books,
periodicals, films, audio and
video cassette tapes, and microfonns. Access to the collecti0n
is provided via a computerized
library catalog that includes the
Students who successfully
complete Augsburg ' s Education
Leadership program will receive
a Master of Arts degree.
Augsburg is accredited by the
North Central Association of
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Colleges and Schools. The
College is a member of the
Associated Colleges of the Twin
Cities (ACTC), Lutheran
Education Council in North
America and Minnesota Private
College Council.
Augsburg College is registered
with the Minnesota Higher
Education Coordinating Board.
Registration is not an endorsement of the institution.
Registration does not (neces-
sarily) mean that credits earned
at the institution can be transferred to other institutions or
that the quality of the educational programs would meet the
standards of every student,
educational institution or
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A schedule of fees is published
separately in the MEL Program
Supplement. Tuition is determined annually.
Various Payment Plans
are Available: *
1) Payment in Full: Due day of
2) Payment Plan: Upon application and after college
approval, a three-pay plan is
available each trimester.
Payment plans will be
offered only if the student
has adhered to previous
3) Company reimbursement:
Full courses or equivalent
which are company reimbursed require a deposit of
$100 per course reimbursed,
with full payment due within
50 days after the end of the
final exam date. A letter from
the employer, stating the
company's reimbursement
policy, must be filed annually
with the Business Office.
Registration is permitted only if
the student's account for a
previous term is paid in full as
agreed. Augsburg College will
not release diplomas or academic transcripts until all student
accounts are paid in full. This
also applies to student loan
funds administered by the
College (Federal Perkins
Student Loan); they must be
current according to established
repayment schedules.
*A non-sufficient-funds check
will declare your registration
invalid and could affect further
credit extended by the college.
Refund Schedule
In order to be eligible for a
refund, students are responsible
for canceling courses with the
Registrar's Office. A per-course
tuition refund will be made on
the following basis:
Focus I: Classroom Issues and
Courses have varying refund
schedules. Call the Graduate
Program Office for the refund
policy of a specific course.
Focus II: Education
Leadership Courses
Prior to the first scheduled class
meeting - l 00%
Prior to the second scheduled
class meeting - 90%
Prior to the third scheduled class
meeting - 80%
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Prior to the fourth scheduled
class meeting - 70%
Prior to the fifth scheduled class
meeting - 60%
. ...
Prior to the sixth scheduled
class meeting - 50%
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such scholarships may enable
the participation of individuals
of limited financial means as
well as individuals working for
volunteer agencies and other
organizations not likely to
provide tuition reimbursement.
Company Tuition
Assistance Programs
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Financial assistance is available
to degree seeking students
enrolled in the MEL program.
Non-degree seeking students are
not eligible for any type of
financial aid through Augsburg
College. Two full-credit courses
per trimester is considered fulltime. One course is considered
half-time enrollment. The Office
of Student Financial Services
(330-1046) assists students in
assessing financial aid eligibility
and offers financial aid from
available alternatives, including
the following:
Augsburg Tuition Grant
Augsburg College may provide
grants and scholarships to graduate students who show academic
potential and have financial need.
.... .
Sponsored Scholarships
Augsburg actively pursues nonAugsburg funding for special
scholarships. The availability of
:•... ' ..
Many companies, agencies and
corporations offer full or partial
tuition assistance to employees
who participate in work-related
or degree-related college
programs. Augsburg College
offers several payment plans by
which employees may handle
tuition reimbursement.
Bureau of Indian Affairs,
Tribal and State Indian
American Indian students who
meet federal, state or tribal
requirements may apply for these
scholarships. Indian grants generally supplement other sources of
financial aid. For assistance in
application, please contact
Augsburg's American Indian
Support Program Director at
330-1138, or your tribal agency.
Federal and State Aid
The Office of Student Financial
Services determines eligibility
for any Federal or State financial
aid programs available to graduate students. Determination is
based on standard, nationally
accepted methodology.
• Federal Stafford Loan
Common Loan Provisions:
Effective with enrollment
periods beginning after October
1, 1993, graduate student may
borrow up to $18,500 per year
with an aggregate of $128,500
(undergraduate and graduate). A
student may borrow from either
the unsubsidized or subsidized
programs or a combination of
both, but cannot exceed the
annual loan limits.
annually variable interest rate is
determined by the 91-day TBills +3.1 %, capped at 8.25%,
and changes each July 1st for all
borrowers. The interest rate for
enrollment periods beginning
between July 1, 1994 and June
30, 1995 is 7.43%.
Repayment begins six months
after you ceased to be enrolled
at least half-time in an eligible
program leading to a degree or
certificate. Repayment may
extend up to ten years.
DEFERMENTS : In most cases,
deferments are granted for
continued education, disability
and unemployment. Contact
your lender if you think you are
eligible for a deferment.
Program Specific Provisions:
(SUBSIDIZED): The Office of
Student Financial Services has
determined that based on the
financial information you
submitted, you qualify for up to
. . ..· .
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the amount listed on your
Award Notice.
INTEREST: No interest accrues
during the time the student is
enrolled at least half-time.
FEES: An origination fee of 3%
and a guarantee fee of up to 1%
will be deducted from the loan
check before you receive it.
You may borrow up to the
amount listed on your Award
INTEREST: Interest accrues
during the period of enrollment
and may be capitalized.
FEES: An origination fee of 3%
and a guarantee fee of 1% will be
deducted from the loan check
before your receive it.
• Federal Perkins Loan
ProgramJoint Augsburg College-federally
funded program administered
through the College for students
who demonstrate financial eligibility. No checks are issued, but
the student is required to sign a
promissory note at least once per
term. Funds are put on the
student account after the note is
may borrow up to $3,000 per
year as a graduate student with a
$30,000 maximum.
Simple interest of 5% and
repayment of principal (at a
minimum of $40 per month)
begins nine months after you
graduate or leave school. Partial
or total loan cancellation privileges exist for certain types of
teaching, disability and, in
certain circumstances, military
while the student is enrolled.
Principal payments begin in the
13th month after you leave
DEFERMENTS: There are no
DEFERMENTS: No interest
accrues nor do payments need to
be made at any time you are
enrolled at least half-time or for
serving three years in the military, Peace Corps or VISTA.
Contact our student loan coordinator if you think you are
eligible for a deferment.
deferments. Contact the
Minnesota Higher Education
Coordinating Board regarding
special circumstances and
• SELF (Student Educational
LoanFund)The SELF is administered
through the Minnesota Higher
Education Coordinating Board.
Applications are available from
the Office of Student Financial
Services and should be
completed by the borrower and
co-signer and returned to
Student Financial Services for
further processing. Loan checks
arrive once per term and are
made co-payable to the student
and Augsburg College.
Graduate students may borrow
up to $9,000 per year minus any
other student loan indebtedness.
Maximum graduate borrowing
cannot exceed $40,000
including undergraduate. The
minimum loan amount per year
is $500.
The interest rate is variable.
Interest payments begin 90 days
after the loan is disbursed and
continue quarterly thereafter
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To Apply for Financial
I) Complete the Application for
Admission and indicate your
desire to also apply for
financial aid.
.• .' ·
• r°,
I. •
· ~
2) The Office of Student
Financial Services will send
you the necessary application
and financial statement form
(or you may pick them up at
the Office of Student
Financial Services, 152
Science Hall, or at the
Graduate Programs Office,
2222 Murphy Place).
'It •
.. ..
3) All students must have a
Financial Aid Transcript on
file with Augsburg from each
previously attended institution even if they did not
receive financial aid. Forms
are available from the College.
4) Complete and return the
financial aid forms by the
deadlines indicated.
5) Accept the financial aid
offered, in whole or in part,
by the deadline stated.
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housing towers, the Christensen
Center, main academic and
administrative halls, the library
and the music building. In
addition, there are programs for
students with learning and
physical disabilities.
Church Affiliation
Augsburg is a college of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America. We are a diverse
community, with many strong
religious traditions represented
among the students, faculty and
staff, including but not limited
to Lutheran, Roman Catholic,
American Indian Spirituality
and Thought, Buddhist and
Islamic faiths.
Non~ Discrimination
It is the policy of Augsburg
......... .
Augsburg was the first seminary
founded by Norwegian Lutherans
in America. Named after the
confession of faith presented by
Lutherans in Augsburg, Germany,
in 1530. Augsburg opened in
September, 1869, in Marshall,
Wisconsin, and moved to
Minneapolis in 1872.
Campus Location
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Augsburg's campus is located in
the heart of the Twin Cities
surrounding Murphy Square, the
oldest of 155 parks in the "City
of Lakes." Adjacent to the
campus are Fairview-Riverside
Medical Center, the West Bank
campus of the University of
Minnesota and Mississippi
River parkways .
Augsburg College has made a
major effort to become one of
the most accessible campuses in
the region. Skyways, tunnels
and elevators provide accessible
connections between nine of 14
major buildings -student
College not to discriminate on
the basis of race, color, creed,
religion, sexual or affectional
preference, national or ethnic
origin, age, marital status, sex or
status with regard to public
assistance or disability as
required by Title IX of the 1972
Educational Amendments of
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation
Act of 1973 as amended in its
admissions policies, educational
programs, activities and
employment practices.
.., .,.
Directions to Campus
35W from the North-Take
Washington Avenue exit and tum
left off Washington (turns right onto
Cedar Avenue), tum left at
Riverside Avenue, right at 21st
A venue South.
1-94 East from
Minneapolis-Take 25th
Avenue exit, tum left at
25th A venue, tum left at
Riverside A venue, tum
left at 21st Avenue South.
Graduate Programs Location
1-94 West from St.
Paul-Take Riverside
exit, tum right at
Riverside Avenue, tum
left at 21st Avenue South.
Public Parking
35W from the SouthFollow the I-94 St. Paul signs
(move to right lane after each of
two mergers). Take 25th Avenue
exit and tum left at Riverside
A venue, tum left at 21st A venue
.. '
The Graduate Programs Office·is in
Murphy Place and is located on the
comer of 23rd A venue South and
71/2 Street.
.· .. .~~
All posted Augsburg College staff,
faculty and commuter lots are free
and open for use from 4:30 p.m.
Monday through Sunday evening.
Lots are located on 7th Street between
21st and 22nd Avenues and north or
south of 8th Street between 24th and
25th Avenues. Additional parking is
available in the Fairview-Riverside
Medical Center ramp, or U of M
parking lots on the north side of
Riverside Avenue.
Admissions House
George Sverdrup Library
Science Hall
Mortensen Tower
Urness Tower
Christensen Center
Sverdrup-Oftedal Memorial
JO. Music Hall
11. 2222 Murphy Place
12. Si Melby Hall
13. Ice Arena
14. Stage II Theatre
15. College Relations
16. Nordic Center
17. Foss, Lobeck, Miles Center
for Worship, Drama and
18. Center for Global
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Alumni Center
20. Youth and Family Institute
21. American Indian Support
and Black Student Affairs
22. Oscar Anderson Hall
23. East Hall
24. Murphy Square
25. Anderson-Nelson Athletic
26. Husby-Strommen Tennis Courts
Parking Lots
A. Admissions Parking
B. Faculty/Staff/Commuter/
Residence Parking
C. Faculty/Staff Parking
D. Faculty/Staff/Commuter Parking
E. Commuter - Street Parking
F. Resident Parking
G. Visitor Parking
H. Fairview/St. Mary's Parking
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Virginia Allery
Vivian Johnson
Associate Professor of
Education/Director of American
Indian Studies Minor. B.S.,
Viterbo College; M.S., Eastern
Montana College; Ph. D.,
University of Minnesota.
Instructor. B.A., University of
Colorado; M.A.T., Monmouth
College; M.S., University of
Oregon; Ph.D., University of
Oregon .
Mary G. Endorf
Instructor. B.A., Hamline
University; M.S.A., SUNYCortland; Ph.D., University of
Interim Vice-President for
Academic Affairs and Dean of
the College and Professor· of
Education. B.S., M.Ed., Ed.D.,
University of Nebraska.
Joseph A. Erickson
Mildred Mueller
Assistant Professor of
Education. B.A., M.A., College
of St. Thomas; M.A., Luther
Northwestern Theological
Seminary; Ph.D., University of
Minnesota .
Assistant Professor of
Education. B.A., M.A., Central
Michigan University; Ed.D.,
University of Minnesota.
Marie 0. McNeff
Vicki B. Olson
Assistant Professor of
Education. B.S., M.A., Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota.
Director, Master of Arts in
Education-Leadership and
Associate Professor of
Education. B.S., M.A., Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota .
Ethelind K. Garetz
Barry Sullivan
Assistant Professor of
Education, part-time. B.A.,
University of Minnesota; M.S.,
University of Nebraska; Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota.
Instructor. B.A., St. Cloud State
University; M.A., University of
North Dakota; Ph.D., University
of Minnesota.
Ann Fleener
Richard Germundsen
. .-:
The majority of faculty who
teach in the Master of
Education-Leadership program
are full-time Augsburg faculty
members with doctorates or
appropriate professional
degrees. Adjunct faculty with
specific expertise teach courses
in their related fields. All faculty
have experience teaching adult
learners and value the opportunity to work with educators in a
classroom setting.
Assistant Professor of
Education. B.S., Mankato State
University; M.A., School of
International Service, American
University; Cand. Mag.
Universitet i Bergen, Norway;
Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Nancy Hall
Coordinator of Graduate
Programs in Leadership. B.A.,
University of Kansas; MS.Ed.,
Southern Illinois University at
Carbondale .
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Master of Arts in Education (MAE) Catalog, 2005
Course Catalogs
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"If we are not for our children, who shall we be for?"
-Paul Wellstone
Welcome ... .............. ... . ... ....... . ..... .... .. .... .... 1
Education Department ..... . .. . .. ........ . .. . ... . ............ .2
Introduction ..... . .... . .. .... . ............ .....
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"If we are not for our children, who shall we be for?"
-Paul Wellstone
Welcome ... .............. ... . ... ....... . ..... .... .. .... .... 1
Education Department ..... . .. . .. ........ . .. . ... . ............ .2
Introduction ..... . .... . .. .... . ............ ... ..... .. . ...... .3
Elementary Education ..... .. ................ . . . ...... ........ 5
Secondary Education .... .. ............... .. .. . . .............. 6
Special Education . . ... . .. . . .......... . . . ...... ... . .... . ...... 7
Reading Endorsement .. . .. ............................... . .. .9
Student Teaching .... . .... ... . ... . ... . ........ . .....•... . .... 9
Graduate Degree Completion ........ .. .. ...................... 10
Course Descriptions ... ... .. .................. . . . ..... . ...... 12
Admissions Requirements .. .............. . .. . . . .... . .. . ...... 18
International Applicants .... . . .. . ............................. 19
Academic Policies ......... .. .... ............ .... . . . . .. . ... . .20
Fee and Payment Information . . .. ... . .. . ...................... 23
Financial Aid ........ . . . . ............................ . ..... 25
About Augsburg .. .... .... ............... . . .. . ........ . . . ... 27
MAE Faculty . .... . . .. . ... ............... .. .. . ... . . . . . ...... 28
Campus Maps ........ . ... ........................... back cover
We are pleased that you are interested in the Master of Arts in Education (MAE)
program, which offers teaching licensure within a master's degree. Augsburg has a
long history in teacher education with alumni of our programs teaching throughout
Minnesota. We know that Augsburg College is an excellent choice for you to pursue
your teaching dreams and goals-and here's why.
OUR PHILOSOPHY. The Education Department program theme-Teacher as
developing professional from classroom decision-maker to educational leadersuggests the expectations we have that our students will leave our programs prepared
to exercise leadership in the classroom and, eventually, the institution. Our
department mission statement goes beyond leadership to also lay out our expectations
for fostering "student learning and well-being by being knowledgeable in content,
being competent in pedagogy, being ethical in practice, building relationships,
embracing diversity, reflecting critically, and collaborating effectively. "
Our urban setting provides yet another dimension to our programs through course content, field experiences, and
classroom instructors. Our goal is that students leave our programs prepared to be knowledgeable, collaborative,
capable beginning teachers who imbue their practice with ethics, tolerance, and compassion.
OUR FACULTY. Augsburg faculty members who teach in the MAE program are a mix of full-time and adjunct
instructors, all of whom have K-12 teaching experience. Many adjunct instructors are currently teaching in K-12
settings; all full-time faculty members are frequent visitors to K-12 settings through student teaching and field
experience supervision, volunteer work, and/or in-service education. We understand the importance of what we do
and what you hope to do . We value good teaching and, most especially, we value good teachers.
OUR ACCESSIBILITY. We realize that though teaching is your dream, your reality likely includes work, family, and
personal responsibilities. Because we understand the demands adult students face , we offer flexible scheduling. A
majority of licensure and graduate-level courses are taught in the evenings and weekends to allow you to manage
these responsibilities while pursuing your goals.
As a student in Augsburg's Master of Arts in Education licensure and degree program, you will find yourself among
interesting students and dedicated professors who believe that all children deserve a good, highly qualified
teacher-the teacher you can become.
Vicki Olson, Ph.D.
Program Director
The Augsburg College Education Department commits itself to developing future educational leaders who foster student
learning and well-being by being knowledgeable in content, being competent in pedagogy, being ethical in practice,
building relationships, embracing diversity, reflecting critically, and collaborating effectively.
Teacher as developing professional, from competent classroom decision-maker to educational leader.
What we do-concepts and strategies of teaching (being competent in pedagogy; building relationships)
I How to assess and evaluate student ability and performance (MSEP 8: Assessment).
I How to plan instruction to meet student needs (MSEP 7: Planning Instruction)
I How to implement instruction to promote student learning (MSEP 4: Instructional Strategies)
I How to manage children and classroom life effectively (MSEP 5: Learning Environment)
I How to help students develop emotionally and socially (MSEP 2: Student Leaming; MSEP Standard 5: Learning Environment)
I How to integrate technology and service learning into a learning environment.
Who we teach-knowledge of children and youth (embracing diversity)
I How students develop and learn (MSEP 2: Student Learning)
I Similarities/differences across communities, cultures, learning styles, abilities, special needs , and lifestyles (MSEP 3:
Diverse Learners)
I Current issues affecting children and youth (MSEP 9: Reflection and Professional Development; MSEP 10 Collaboration,
Ethics, and Relationships)
Where we work-contexts of schools (collaborating effectively; being knowledgeable in content)
I Foundational knowledge of schools and education in the U.S. (MSEP 9: Reflection and Professional Development)
I Collaboration and teaming skills (MSEP 10: Collaboration, Ethics, and Relationships)
Who we are as individuals and teachers-personal stance and
knowledge base (reflecting critically; being knowledgeable in content;
being ethical in practice; developing future educational leaders)
I Leadership skills (MSEP 9: Reflection and Professional Development;
MSEP 10 Collaboration, Ethics, and Relationships)
I I know and how I learn (MSEP 1: Subject Matter)
I How I think: critically, creatively, ethically, reflectively (MSEP Subject
Matter; MSEP 9: Reflection and Professional Development)
I What I believe to be true about education and people; personal
philosophy of education (MSEP 9: Reflection and Professional
I What I can do to develop as a professional (MSEP 9: Reflection and
Professional Development)
I How I communicate and understand the communication of others
(MSEP 6: Communication: MS 10: Collaboration, Ethics, and
At Augsburg College you can pursue your dreams of becoming a teacher
while continuing to work. We offer you an opportunity to earn your
education licensure as a component of a Master of Arts in Education
(MAE) degree through classes that primarily meet every other weekend
and limited weekday evenings.
Augsburg's MAE degree is flexible, for people who:
I have a baccalaureate degree already and are seeking teaching
licensure with an option to complete a master's degree;
I are licensed teachers seeking a master's degree;
I are seeking a master's degree in education without teaching
Through weekend and weekday evening classes, students can earn
licensure in:
I Elementary education with a middle school specialty. Specialty
areas in communication arts, math, and social studies are available
through this program. The science specialty is available through a
combination of weekday, weekday evening, and weekend courses. All
education courses are available through weekend and weekday
evening courses.
I Secondary and K-12 education. Undergraduate majors in licensable content areas serve as the foundation for secondary
and K-12 education licensure. These majors are evaluated by Augsburg's content area departments to determine
remaining content area courses necessary for licensure. In general, a minimum of two courses within the licensure major
must be completed at Augsburg. Social studies, art, and communication arts/literature are available entirely through
weekend and weekday evening classes. Other licensure majors are offered primarily through weekday courses, including
biology, chemistry, health education, mathematics, music education, physical education, physics, and theatre arts. All
education courses are available through weekend and weekday evening courses.
I Special education. Licensure areas in special education include emotional/behavioral disabilities and learning disabilities.
These programs, designed primarily for people who have already earned a baccalaureate degree and now want a
teaching license, are comprised of two distinct parts.
First is the licensure component. If you are seeking licensure and qualify for admission into the MAE program, you can take
a portion of the licensure courses at the graduate level. While these courses do not fulfill all MAE degree requirements, they
form the core of the master's degree.
Second is the graduate degree completion component. Between four to six licensure courses completed at the graduate level
with a 3.0 or better cumulative GPA can be applied towards the MAE degree. Once licensure is achieved, you can continue
to take graduate classes in education and leadership to complete the MAE degree.
Already licensed teachers can work towards the MAE degree through the following options:
I Special education E/BD and LD
I Reading licensure
People seeking an education-related master's degree who do not want licensure can pursue an MAE degree, as well. These
programs are made up of a core of graduate level education courses plus additional courses in leadership.
Whether seeking licensure and/or a master's degree, this program allows you to change or enhance your career while fulfilling
your family and professional commitments in the company of adults with similar goals.
Teacher leadership is the theme that threads through our graduate licensure and degree completion program. The Augsburg
Education Department believes that teachers are leaders in their classrooms and should be leaders in their institutions and
The leadership focus plays out in two ways. First, the additional work required in
focuses on providing graduate students the chance to exercise leadership as well a:
requirements. Second, in the degree completion component, students are required
courses from our Master of Arts in Leadership (MAL) program. This provides the :
aspects of leadership as part of their degree program.
Communication Arts
Social Studies
Communication Arts/Literature
Social Studies
Health Education
Physical Education
Theatre Arts/Dance
he graduate versions of the "slash" courses
extend their knowledge beyond the basic
o include at least two graduate-level
udents the chance to focus on some
Emotional/Behavioral Disorders
Learning Disabilities
The K-6 elementary with a middle school specialty license
allows you to teach in grades K-6 and in your specialty
area of math, science, social studies, or language arts in
middle school. Augsburg Weekend College offers this
license to people who already hold a bachelor's degree and
meet admissions requirements, as well as to people seeking
a bachelor's degree.
Licensure requirements are offered at undergraduate/
graduate level. That means classes will consist of both
undergraduate and graduate students, with graduate
students having additional course responsibilities. The
graduate course numbers are taken at the 500 level.
The following requirements are offered at both the
undergraduate and graduate level. All courses must be
taken for licensure, and between four and six may also be
applied toward the master's degree in education.
EDC 200/522
EDC 206/566
EDC 310/533
EDC 410/544
EDC 480/580
EED 320/520
Orientation to Education (1.0) *
Diversity/Minnesota American Indians (1.0)
Learning and Development (l.O) *
Special Needs Learner (I.O) *
School and Society (1.0)
K-6 Methods: Reading (l.O) *
To complete the license, you will also need to complete
certain requirements at the undergraduate level:
HPE ll5
Chemical Dependency (.5)
EDC 220
Educational Technology (.5)
EED 310
K-6 Methods: Health/PE (.5)
EED 330
K-6 Methods: Children's Lit./Lit. Arts (1.0)
K-6 Methods: Art (.25)
EED 34 I
EED 342
K-6 Methods: Mustic (.25)
EED 350
K-6 Methods: Math (1.0)*
EED 360
K-6 Methods: Science (l.O)
EED 370
K-6 Methods: Social Studies (.5)
EED 380
Kindergarten Methods (.5) *
Middle School methods in specialty* (.5-1.5)
Student Teaching (2.0)
EED 48I,483
*Field experience hours are required in these courses. A
minimum of 100 hours in classrooms and education-related
settings are required prior to student teaching. Students spend
approximately 20 hours per term in field experiences.
The number of supporting liberal arts courses required for
licensure depends upon the courses taken previously as part
of the bachelor's degree. Requirements are determined by:
I Minnesota licensure standards for specific college level
coursework in math, biology, physics, and earth science
for all students seeking elementary licensure.
I Minnesota licensure standards in a specialty area for
middle school. Subject area specialties are offered in
language arts, social studies, math, and science.
Previous coursework can be accepted into the licensure
program if it meets Minnesota standards and if a grade of C
or better was achieved. The Education Department
determines the courses that are accepted. Transcripts,
course descriptions, and course syllabi are used to make
these determinations.
In limited cases, life experience can be considered as a
substitute for specific program requirements. In such cases
students must provide significant evidence of competency
in the affected standards. The College's Applicat~on of Prior
Learning (APL) process is used as a framework. The
Education Department determines what is accepted.
K-12 and 5-12 licensures in several content areas are
offered in Weekend College through a combination of
graduate and undergraduate coursework. Education
requirements are offered primarily on a weekend schedule
(along with a limited number of weekday evening courses) .
Graduate-level licensure coursework is available to people
who already hold a bachelor's degree and meet admissions
The following majors are offered almost entirely through
Weekend College: communication arts/literature, history or
economics or psychology or sociology (all for social
studies), studio art.
The following requirements are offered at both the
undergraduate and graduate level. All courses must be
taken for licensure, and four to six may also be applied
toward the master's degree in education.
People seeking 5-12 licensure in social studies and biology,
chemistry, or physics must complete a broad-based core of
courses in their selected field in addition to the major.
Previous coursework is accepted when appropriate. This is
part of the evaluation of major coursework.
EDC 200/522
EDC 206/566
EDC 310/533
EDC 410/544
EDC 480/580
ESE 300/500
Orientation to Education (1.0) *
Diversity/Minnesota American Indians (1.0)
Learning and Development (l.O) *
Special Needs Learner (l.O) *
School and Society (1.0)
Reading and Writing in Content Area (l.O)
To complete the license, students also will need to complete
certain requirements at the undergraduate level:
HPE 115
Chemical Dependency (.5)
EDC 220
Educational Technology (.5)
ESE 325
Creating Learning Environments (l.O)*
K-12 or 5-12 Special Methods (1.0 -2.0)*
ESE 481 , 483, 485 Student Teaching (2.0-3.0)
*Field experience hours are required in these courses. A
minimum of 100 hours in classrooms and education-related
settings are required prior to student teaching. Students spend
approximately 20 hours per term in field experiences.
The equivalent of a major in a content area is required for
K-12 and 5-12 licensure. Students who have majored in a
field in which we offer licensure must have their previous
coursework evaluated by the major department at
Augsburg. Additional coursework tied to licensure
standards is generally required.
The following majors are offered primarily or entirely
through the weekday program: biology, chemistry, physics,
health and physical education, theatre/dance, mathematics.
Learning Disabilities Core
There are two licensure options in the K-12 Special
Education program: emotional/behavioral disabilities, and
learning disabilities. Both of these programs qualify you to
teach in special education programs and positions. Many
students get licensure in both emotional/behavioral and
learning disabilities.
Students wishing to earn a Learning Disabilities licensure in
addition to a Emotional/Behavioral licensure will take the
above courses in the Emotional/Behavioral core, and two
additional specialty courses.
Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities Core
SPE 434/534
The following requirements are offered at both the
undergraduate and graduate level. All courses must be
taken for licensure, and up to six may also be applied
toward the master's degree in education.
EDC 200/522
EDC 206/566
EDC 310/533
EDC 410/544
EED 320/520
SPE 400/500
SPE 410/510
Orientation to Education (1.0) *
Diversity/Minnesota American Indians (1.0)
Learning and Development (1.0) *
Special Needs Learner (1.0) *
K-6 Methods: Reading (l.O)*
Teaching Students with Emot./Behavioral
Disabilities (1.0)**
Implementing Assessment Strategies
SPE 420/520
SPE 430/530
Planning, Design, and Delivery (1.0) **
Instructional and Behavioral Practices
SPE 440/540
Parent and Professional Planning (1.0)**
SPE 424/524
Etiology and Origins of Learning
Disabilities (l.O)**
Teaching Content Areas to Students with
Learning Disabilities (1.0)**
A student wishing to earn only a Learning Disabilities
licensure would take all of the Emotional/Behaviorial
Disabilities core class as well, with the exception of SPE
4 30/530 Instructional and Behavioral Practices.
To complete the license, students will also need to complete
certain requirements at the undergraduate level:
HPE 115
EDC 220
EED 330
EED 350
EED 360
Chemical Dependency (.5)
Educational Technology (.5)
K-6 Methods: Children's Lit.IL.Arts (1.0)
K-6 Methods: Math (1.0)*
K-6 Methods: Science (1.0)*
Student Teaching (1.0-2.0)
*10-20 hours of field experience are required as part of this
course. Students currently working in schools can often use
their school employment for their field experience.
**These courses are taken during the internship year. A
significant amount of contact with students labeled EBD or LD
is required. The ideal situation for the internship year is to be
working in a K-12 setting with these students. Students not
currently employed in schools must be available for extensive
volunteer field placements during the internship year.
Previous coursework can be accepted into the licensure
program if it meets Minnesota standards and if a grade of C
or better was achieved. The Education Department
determines the courses that are accepted. Transcripts,
course descriptions, and course syllabi are used to make
these determinations.
To be eligible to apply to the Special Education program,
students must:
I have college credits, an associate degree, or degree and/or
licensure in another field; and
I be currently employed in a K-12 setting as a
paraprofessional or licensed teacher; and/or
I have experience working with students who are labeled
with emotional, behavioral, or learning disabilities, as
well as considerable time available for volunteer field
Innovative Model
This program is based on an internship model that allows
coursework and experience to occur simultaneously In
addition to student teaching, students must complete two
40-hour field placements where they will gain experience
working with students from age groups different from their
internship site.
This program is built on an inclusive education model.
Under this model, students learn how to work closely with
both special and regular educators to facilitate inclusion of
special education students into the regular education
Augsburg College also offers a K-12 Reading Endorsement program. This endorsement has been established to provide teachers
with existing teaching licenses an opportunity to expand their knowledge and practices in the area of reading instruction.
Candidates for this license will complete 4.5 credits of coursework that have been designed to meet the requirements
established for this license by the Minnesota Board of Teaching. Students may use these courses to fulfill requirements for
the Master of Arts in Education degree.
These courses include:
EED 520
K-6 Methods: Reading (LO)*
ESE 500
Reading/Writing in the Content Areas (LO)*
EDC 505
K-12 Literature in the Classroom (.5)
EDC 508
K-12 Reading Assessment and Evaluation (LO)
EDC 510
Clinical and Reading Program Leadership (LO)
EED 320/520 and ESE 300/500 are offered to both undergraduate and graduate students. EED 320/520 is part of the
elementary and special education initial licensure programs, and ESE 300/500 is part of the secondary initial licensure
program. The rigor of the course is increased for those taking it at the graduate level. The following policies apply for
licensed teachers seeking the reading endorsement:
I Reading license candidates who have already received their initial teaching license and who are graduates of Augsburg
College or completers of Augsburg licensure programs within the past seven years will not be required to retake the
entire version of EED 520 or ESE 500. However, they will be expected to complete the requirement for the graduate
portion of the course that they may have taken at the undergraduate level (EED 320 or ESE 300) within the context of a
half-credit graduate level independent study. If the graduate level of the course was taken as part of the initial license
(EED 520 or ESE 500) within the past seven years, students do not need to repeat it or do the independent study.
I Reading license candidates who have already received their initial teaching license and who are graduate/completers of
Augsburg College, but not within the past seven years, will be required to take EED 520 and/or ESE 500 at the graduate level.
I Reading license candidates who have already received their initial teaching license and who are not graduates of Augsburg
College will be expected to take EED 520 and ESE 500 at the graduate level as part of the endorsement program.
All education students are required to complete student teaching in their content area. In the MAE program, student teaching
is completed after the core education classes are completed, but before the master's completion electives and final project.
Student teaching generally lasts for 12 weeks; however, it may vary slightly for some specific content areas. During that
time, students work full time as student teachers and are supervised by an Augsburg faculty member. Students register for
two credits of student teaching, and meet at Augsburg College for a student teaching seminar three times during the term.
Most placements are in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metropolitan area. However, students do have the opportunity to teach
abroad, where students do half of the student teaching experience in the metro area, and the remaining portion in
another country. Opportunities to teach abroad are available around the world, and it is a wonderful opportunity to
build a global perspective in education.
Students progress in graduate coursework during the licensure program. The licensure coursework forms the Master of Arts
in Education core, with up to six Augsburg graduate-level licensure courses fulfilling the master's requirements.
Declaration of Intent to Complete
Students who have been admitted into the MAE program must formally declare their intent to complete the master's degree
beyond licensure. This can be done any time during coursework, and up to one year after completing student teaching.
Students have seven years to complete the degree after filing the intent to complete form
The declaration of intent is made to the MAE program coordinator. Graduate-level courses in which a 3.0 or better is
achieved will be accepted into the degree program. If a graduate course is graded 2.5 it can be accepted into the MAE
degree completion program as long as the cumulative GPA remains at 3.0 or higher. A maximum of two courses at 2.5 can
be used to complete the MAE degree. Students need nine graduate-level courses to complete the MAE. Between four and six
courses can be drawn from the appropriate core; the remaining courses will be education or leadership requirements and
Once graduate-level students have declared their intent to complete the master's degree, they are eligible to take Master of
Arts in Leadership and other education graduate courses. If education graduate courses are used as electives in the degree
completion component, they must be drawn from a pool of education non-licensure courses offered at the graduate level. In
most cases students will complete the licensure component prior to the graduate degree.
The MAE program is also open to students seeking a master's degree without licensure. Students taking this path file Intent
to Complete forms with the MAE program director prior to taking their first graduate-level course. The same GPA standards
apply (3.0 or better on coursework) and the core of the graduate program is made up of four to six graduate-level licensure
courses, plus the degree completion options outlined for those seeking licensure. The difference is that these students are
not required to complete the undergraduate courses in education and liberal arts that are required for licensure.
Graduate Degree Completion
To earn a master's degree beyond the core of education classes, students
will need to successfully complete a minimum of three additional
graduate-level courses. They are:
I A research methods course, typically ML 514
I An elective course, chosen from leadership-focused courses in the Master
of Arts in Leadership (MAL) program (see page 11)
I A research- or leadership-based final project
Students bringing fewer than six graduate-level licensure courses into the
degree program must complete additional leadership or education
graduate courses to reach the total of nine required courses.
The research methods course will help prepare students to evaluate and
document research for use in their final project or paper. In this course, both qualitative and quantitative research methods
will be examined. The leadership elective courses allow students to examine issues of leadership at a personal or
institutional level. The goal for the graduate degree completion component is to foster the development of teachers as
leaders within the institution and community as is in line with our program theme and department mission statement.
Students have two options for fulfilling their Master of Arts in
Education final project, which serves as the capstone of the
master's program: a Leadership Application Project or action
The Leadership Application Project is a research-based study
that links issues of leadership and education with the degree
candidate's personal interests. The character of the project will
vary with the nature of the investigation and the materials
involved, but will always be application oriented. The central
component of the Leadership Application Project is the
demonstration of leadership ability through a concrete
research-based project appropriate to the candidate's
workplace or place of service. Students taking this option will
register for EDC 585 Independent Study and work closely
with a project adviser from Augsburg College.
Visions of Leadership
ML 511
Creativity and Problem-Solving
ML 520
Self Identity, Values, and Personal
The second option is action research in education. Action
research is a collaborative, self-reflective research method
designed to be used in real situations, and is aimed at solving
real problems. The goal of action research is to gain better
knowledge of one's practice while improving the situation in
which the practice is conducted. This option is composed of
two half-credit courses taken in sequential terms. The first
course, EDC 586, introduces students to action research, a
form of research that simultaneously contributes to the
practical concerns of people while furthering the goals of
social science. The second course, EDC 587, is focused on
collecting and analyzing data. It culminates in a symposium
where students present their research in a public forum.
Personality and Systems Theories
ML 530
Ethics in Communication
ML 531
The Dynamics of Change
ML 545
Decision Making and Leadership
ML 550
Communication, Decision Making,
and Technology
ML 560
Developing a Multicultural
ML 565
Women and Leadership
Many education courses in the Master of Arts in Education
program are offered at both the undergraduate and graduate
level. Both undergraduate and graduate students take
courses together, with graduate students having additional
responsibilities and expectations. Graduate courses are
offered at the 500 level. All courses are 1.0 credit unless
noted otherwise.
EDC 410/544
The Special Needs Learner
The study of students with disability, special needs, and
giftedness. Emphasis on techniques and resources to help
all students achieve maximum outcomes and special focus
on needs of urban students. Fieldwork experience. (Prereq.:
PPST and admission to department or special permission of
EDC 200/522
Orientation to Education in an Urban Setting
Career exploration and overview of the teaching profession.
Emphasis on historical and philosophical foundations of the
American school system. Urban fieldwork experience.
(Undergraduate prereq.: ENG 111, sophomore standing)
EDC 206/566
Diversity/Minnesota American Indians
Emphasis on points of view about the role of school in
modern society, relationships with parents and community,
collaborative models, leadership, and professional
development. Serves as final theoretical preparation for
student teaching. (Prereq.: PPST and admission to
EDC 505
Literature in the Classroom (.5 course)
This course will examine human diversity and human
relations. It will provide an awareness and critical analysis
of how prejudice, discrimination, and stereotypes impact us
personally, as well as how these elements impact our
schools and communities. Also addressed in this course is
Minnesota Standard of Effective Practice 3.G: Understand
the cultural content, worldview, and concepts that comprise
Minnesota-based American Indian tribal government,
history, language, and culture.
The study of student reading development, the knowledge
and use of gathering and analyzing data of students'
reading, and designing and applying appropriate reading
curriculum based on this information.
EDC 220
Educational Technology (.5 course)
EDC 510
Clinical and Reading Program Leadership
Psychological and philosophical dimensions of communication
through the use of instructional technology. Selection,
preparation, production, and evaluation of effective audio
and/or visual technology for teaching/learning situations.
The study of effective leadership and professional
development strategies for individual schools and school
districts, reading standards, state and federal reading
legislation, and fiscal and budgetary operations. The
focused implementation of knowledge and skills gained in
reading licensure coursework.
EDC 310/533
Learning and Development in an Educational Setting
A survey of educational psychology topics as applied to
teaching and learning. Special emphasis is placed on
classroom applications. Fieldwork experience. (Prereq.:
PPST and admission to department)
EDC 480/580
School and Society
The study and use of literature in the K-12 classroom.
EDC 508
K-12 Reading Assessment and Evaluation
EEO 310
K-6 Methods: Health/Physical Education (.5 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
physical education and health at the kindergarten and
elementary levels. (Prereq.: PPST and admission to
EEO 320/520
K-6 Methods: Reading
The study and use of a variety of teaching techniques and
resources in reading, including the diagnosis and correction
of reading difficulties. Fieldwork experience. (Prereq.: PPST
and admissions to department)
EEO 330
K-6 Methods: Language Arts/Children's Literature
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
children's literature and language arts at the kindergarten
and elementary levels. (Prereq.: PPST and admission to
EEO 331
Middle School Methods: Communication
Arts/Literature-Writing (.5 course)
Introduction to the teaching of writing at the middle school
level. (Prereq.: PPST and admission to department)
EEO 341
K-6: Methods: Visual Arts (.25 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
visual arts at the kindergarten and elementary levels.
(Prereq.: PPST and admission to department)
EEO 342
K-6: Methods: Music (.25 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
music at the kindergarten and elementary levels. (Prereq.:
PPST and admission to department)
EEO 350
K-6 Methods: Mathematics
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
mathematics at the kindergarten and elementary levels.
Fieldwork experience. (Prereq.: PPST and admission to
EEO 360
K-6 Methods: Science
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
science at the kindergarten and elementary levels.
Fieldwork experience. (Prereq.: PPST and admission to
EEO 370
K-6 Methods: Social Studies/Thematic Studies (.5 course)
Examination and preparation of materials and resources for
social studies and thematic teaching at the kindergarten and
elementary levels. (Prereq.: PPST and admission to
EEO 380
Kindergarten Methods (.5 course)
Study and use of a variety of techniques and resources for
teaching kindergarten. Fieldwork experience. (Prereq.: PPST
and admission to department)
EEO 481, 483, 485
Student Teaching
Two to three courses of full-time, supervised classroom
experience. Required for licensure. Occurs upon satisfactory
completion of licensure program and program portfolio.
ESE 340
5-12 Methods: Science
ESE 300/500
Reading/Writing in the Content Areas
Introduction to the teaching of the natural sciences in
middle and high schools. Emphasis on instructional
strategies and curriculum development. Middle school
portion required for elementary concentration in science
taught concurrently as ESE 341 Middle School Methods:
Science (.5 course). Fieldwork experience. (Prereq.: PPST
and admission to department)
The study and use of a variety of middle school and
secondary techniques and resources to teach reading and
writing through the content areas. (Prereq.: PPST and
admission to department)
ESE 325
Creating Learning Environments
An introduction to assessment, lesson planning, and
classroom organization based in the Minnesota Graduation
Rule, state testing, and national standards. Emphasis on
creating environments conducive to learning. Fieldwork
experience. (Prereq.: PPST and admission to department)
ESE 310
5-12 Methods: Social Studies
Introduction to the teaching of the social sciences in middle
and high schools. Emphasis on instructional strategies and
curriculum development. Middle school portion required
for elementary concentration in social studies taught
concurrently as ESE 311 Middle School Methods: Social
Studies (.5 course). Fieldwork experience. (Prereq.: PPST
and admission to department)
ESE 320
5-12 Methods: Theatre/Dance
Introduction to the teaching of theatre and dance in
schools. Emphasis on instructional strategies and
curriculum development. Fieldwork experience. (Prereq.:
PPST and admission to the department)
ESE 330
5-12 Methods: Mathematics
Introduction to the teaching of mathematics in middle and
high schools. Emphasis on instructional strategies and
curriculum development. Middle school portion required
for elementary concentration in mathematics taught
concurrently as ESE 331 Middle School Methods:
Mathematics (.5 course). Fieldwork experience. (Prereq.:
PPST and admission to department)
ESE 350
5-12 Methods: Literature and Reading
Introduction to the teaching of literature and reading in the
middle and high schools. Emphasis on instructional
strategies and curriculum development. Required for
elementary concentration in communication arts/literature
and for communication arts/literature license. Fieldwork
experience. (Prereq.: PPST and admission to department.
NOTE: Students seeking 5-12 communication arts/literature
license do not need to take ESE 300.)
ESE 351
5-12 Methods: Speaking and Listening (.5 course)
Introduction to the teaching of speaking and listening in
middle and high schools. Emphasis on instructional
strategies and curriculum development. Required for
communication arts/literature license. (Prereq.: PPST and
admission to department)
ESE 352
5-12 Methods: Media Literacy (.5 course)
Introduction to the teaching of media literacy in middle
school and high school. Emphasis on instructional
strategies and curriculum development. Required for
communication arts/literature license. (Prereq.: PPST and
admission to department)
ESE 360
K-12 Methods: Visual Arts
Introduction to the teaching of visual arts in the schools.
Emphasis on instructional strategies and curriculum
development. Fieldwork experience.(Prereq.: PPST and
admission to department)
ESE 370
K-12 Methods: Music
SPE 420/520
Planning, Design, and Delivery
Introduction to the teaching of music in the schools.
Emphasis on instructional strategies and curriculum
development. Fieldwork experience. (Prereq.: PPST and
admission to department)
This course provides students with skills to write and
implement individual program plans and to create effective
learning environments for students labeled EBD. Particular
attention is paid to inclusion models, diversity of student
need, and forming partnerships with key school personnel.
(Prereq: PPST and admission to the department)
ESE 481, 483, 485
Student Teaching
Two to three courses of full-time, supervised student teaching
required for licensure. Occurs upon satisfactory completion of
licensure program and program portfolio.
SPE 315
Critical Issues: Special Education Seminar (.5)
This course is designed to support students seeking special
education licensure throughout their internship year. Issues
related to special education and their specific settings are
the focus of the course. The department portfolio is
completed as a part of this course.
SPE 400/500
Teaching Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities
This course presents an overview of learners with emotional
and behavioral disabilities and learning disabilities. It
addresses the historical and philosophical aspects of the
EBD category, examines origins of student behavior and
student learning styles, and addresses theoretical
perspectives and conceptual models as they relate to this
category of disability. (Prereq: PPST and admission to the
SPE 410/510
Implementing Assessment Strategies
This course examines the assessment process from the prereferral to the recommendation stage. Students gain
understanding of key assessment tools and how they
influence student placement and programming. A
qualitative and person-centered assessment process is
emphasized. (Prereq: PPST and admission to the
SPE 424/524
Etiology and Origins of Learning Disabilities
This course will focus on the history and context of
learning disabilities, which includes the medical and
sociological aspects specific to learning disabilities. It will
also teach students how to access information relevant to
the field.
SPE 430/530
Instructional and Behavioral Practices
This course examines behavioral support options used with
students who are labeled EBD . It emphasizes the use of
reflective, pro-active, and non-aversive approaches drawn
from current best practices and including positive
behavioral supports, person centered planning, and
functional assessment. (Prereq: PPST and admission to the
SPE 434/534
Teaching Content Areas to Students with Learning
This course will teach students how to identify, adapt, and
implement developmentally appropriate instruction and
strategies that support the learning of students identified as
having learning disabilities. The specific focus will be on the
areas of reading, writing, and listening comprehension; and
math, reasoning, and problem solving skills.
SPE 440/540
Parent and Professional Planning
This course examines the role of families of students with
special needs, specifically those families of students labeled
EBD. A family systems perspective is introduced and
applied. The need to form strong connections with
community agencies is emphasized. (Prereq: ENG 111,
PPST and admission to department).
ML 514
Research Methods
Evaluation and documentation of programs, projects, and
ideas as they relate to leadership theories and practice.
Qualitative and quantitative tools will be discussed.
ML 530
Ethics in Communication
Interdisciplinary study of ethics and communication
through the investigation of a variety of ethical perspectives
within human communication. This course places particular
attention on the use and abuse of communication in
politics, advertising, and interpersonal relationships. It
emphasizes sensitivity to ethical conflicts that arise in social
and organizational settings.
At least one elective must be taken from the following
Master of Arts in Leadership courses.
ML 510
Visions of Leadership: A Historical and Literary Journey
Introduction to selected concepts of leadership, providing a
historical and philosophical framework for the program.
This course views the nature and purpose of leadership
from a variety of disciplines and perspectives.
ML 511
Creativity and the Problem-Solving Process
Exploration of creativity from the perspective of traditional
aesthetics as well as contemporary organizational thinking. This
course uses creativity as a method, and it examines techniques
for solving problems in organizations, for enhancing
innovation, and for seeking an integrative world-view.
ML 520
Self-Identity, Values, and Personal Growth
Study of the concepts of self-identity, value formation, and
personal growth as they relate to professional life; factors
that influence the development of self-identity and personal
values; and the effect of personal values of learning and
leadership strategies.
ML 525
Personality and Systems Theories
Study of leadership in the dual context of personality theory
and systems theory. Contributions of Jung, Fromm, Maslow,
May, and others to personality theory are considered as are
the systems' theories of von Bertalanffy and Bateson. The
theories are applied to the concrete realities of leadership in
a variety of settings.
ML 531
The Dynamics of Change
This course offers an exploration of the context of social
change and varying responses to diverse human needs.
Ways of achieving well-being may be viewed differently by
leaders in public and private domains and across cultures.
The course explores these various perspectives, including
areas of conflict and opportunities for leadership in social
and organizational change. Sociological, human
development, and economic theories are applied to
contemporary public and private sector issues for social
ML 545
Decision Making and Leadership
Review of the decision-making process-the setting, goals,
and contingencies-as it affects leaders and leadership.
Analysis of arguments and explanations; analysis of basic
statistical concepts and their relationship to decision
making. Assessment of major social decisions, past and
present-their intentions, consequences, arguments,
explanations, and justification.
ML 550
Communication, Decision Making, and Technology
Analysis of the role various forms of digitally-mediated
communication play in our society and how
communication, decision making, and leadership have been
altered by these technologies. Students examine how they
can engage and manage these processes in their
concrete project appropriate to the candidate's workplace or
place of service.
EDC 586
Action Research in Education (.5 course)
This course will introduce students to action research, a
form of research that simultaneously contributes to the
practical concerns of people while furthering the goals of
social science. It requires active self-reflective inquiry and
collaboration. Action research is used in real situations, and
is aimed at solving real problems. The goal of action
research is to gain better knowledge of one's practice while
improving the situation in which the practice is conducted.
This is the first of a two-trimester course.
ML 560
Developing a Multicultural Perspective
EDC 587
Action Research (.5 course)
This course focuses on the ability to function and lead in
culturally diverse contexts within the U.S. Goals include
improved communication skills and interpersonal
sensitivity, appreciation for the complexity of the racial and
ethnic groupings, and awareness of key issues facing those
The second term of this course involves intensive data
analysis, writing, and sharing of the degree candidate's
research. It requires active self-reflective inquiry and
collaboration. The trimester will culminate with a
symposium in which student work will be presented in a
public forum.
ML 565
Women and Leadership
A seminar exploring the theory and practice of women and
leadership: entrepreneurial, political, and social. An
interdisciplinary approach to issues of women and
leadership. Topics include analysis of alternative approaches
to leadership, women and careers, and women in society
past and present. The course is intended to enhance the
analytical and leadership skills of the participants.
EDC 585
Leadership Application Project
The Leadership Application Project is a research-based
study that links issues of leadership and education with the
degree candidate's personal interests. The character of the
project will vary with the nature of the investigation and the
materials involved, but will always be application oriented.
The central component of the Leadership Application
Project is the demonstration of leadership ability through a
Admission into the Master of Arts in Education program is a two-step process: admission into Augsburg College Graduate
Studies, and admission into the Education Department.
Immediate graduate admission requires applicants to hold a baccalaureate
degree from an accredited four-year college or university with a minimum
undergraduate cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (on a scale of A= 4.0).
Any graduate courses taken will also be factored into the cumulative grade
point average. However, if an applicant holds a graduate degree with at least a
3.0 grade point average, he or she is waived from holding a minimum
undergraduate cumulative grade point average .
Applicants with cumulative grade point averages between 2.5 - 3.0 will be
admitted to the undergraduate-level licensure program until they achieve a
3.0 or better in 2.0 courses at Augsburg College.
Decisions about admission to the program will be made on an individual
basis by the Education Department Admissions Committee. Admissions are
handled on a rolling basis, with students being admitted at the beginning of
the fall, winter, and spring terms.
To apply to the College, the following materials must be submitted to the
Office of Graduate Admissions:
I Completed application form
I $35 non-refundable application fee
I A one-to-three page statement about the applicant's teaching aspirations
I Official transcripts from all undergraduate institutions
attended, listing all courses taken and any degree(s)
I Official transcripts from all graduate institutions attended,
listing all courses taken and degree(s) conferred, if any.
Once accepted into the College, students may take lower
division courses in education and required content areas. Prior
to taking the upper division courses, students must be
admitted to the Education Department. In order to be accepted
into the Education Department, students must take the PreProfessional Skills Test (PPST), have the required cumulative
grade point average, and submit two letters of
To obtain an Education Department admissions packet, go the
Education Department office in Sverdrup Hall 11.
Augsburg College encourages qualified applicants from
other countries. See Admission Requirements for a
description of the admission process and selection criteria.
Application materials required for international
applicants are:
I Completed application form
I $35 application fee (non-refundable) payable in U.S.
I A one-to-three page statement relating the applicant's
career and life goals to leadership aspirations
I Completed Declaration of Finances (see below for
further information)
I Official mark-sheets with certified translations from all
undergraduate institutions attended listing all courses
taken, marks earned, dates attended, and degree(s) or diploma(s)
conferred, if any; plus, a U.S. evaluation from an evaluation
I Official mark-sheets with certified translations from all graduate
institutions attended listing all courses taken, marks earned, dates
attended, and degree(s) or diploma(s) conferred, if any; plus, a
U.S. evaluation from an evaluation center
I Official results on the Test of English as a Foreign Language
(TOEFL) with a minimum score of 600 for the paper test, or 250
for the computer version
Applicants may be asked to participate in an interview, in person or
over the phone, with graduate program faculty and/or staff
Students and their financial sponsor must complete a Declaration of
Finances as part of the application for admission, along with
appropriate certifications.
In accordance with federal regulations, applicants seeking an F-1
student visa or J-1 exchange visitor visa must provide
documentation to the school that they have financial resources
adequate to cover all expenses for the duration of the program.
Once a student has been accepted into the program, the appropriate
school official will issue the student an 1-20 (if seeking an F-1) or
DS-2019 (if seeking aj-1).
Evaluation of academic performance in the MAE program will
be based on number grades using a 4.0 point scale and as defined below.
Courses not offered on the numbered grading system are noted in the
course descriptions in this catalog as being graded on PIN basis. In order
to receive a grade of P, a student must achieve at least a grade of 2.0. No
more than two courses with a grade below 3.0 will count toward the
degree. No more than two courses with a grade of or below 2.5 can be
repeated. Only the credits and grades earned the second time are
counted in the grade point average.
Achieves highest standards of excellence
Achieves above basic course standards
Achieves the minimum passing standard
Performance below basic course standards
Unacceptable performance (no credit for the course)
Achieves at or above the 2.0 level (not computed in grade point
Does not meet minimum course standards (no credit and nonpunitive-not computed in grade point average)
Grade given when a student withdraws from a course after the deadline without notation on the record
An incomplete grade (I) may be awarded when the instructor grants permission after determining that a student
emergency may delay completion of coursework. Students who receive an incomplete grade should be capable of
passing the course if they satisfactorily complete outstanding course requirements.
To receive an incomplete grade, a student must file an Application for Incomplete Grade form with the Office of the Registrar
that states the reasons for the request, outlines the work required to complete the course, and includes the course instructor's
signature. The instructor may stipulate the terms and conditions that apply to course completion. The student must complete
the outstanding work in enough time to allow evaluation of the work by the instructor and the filing of a grade before the final
day of the following academic term. If the work is not completed by the specified date of the following academic term, the grade
for the course becomes a 0.0.
Attendance is highly important and should be considered a responsibility, not only to one's self, but to one's classmates and course
Students must maintain a 3.0 cumulative grade point
average. If a student falls below a 3.0 average, the student
will be placed on probation for the following term. A 3.0
cumulative grade point average must be restored in order
for a student to be removed from probation. If a student
receives a grade of N or 0.0 in a course, the student must
petition successfully with the MAE program director
before being allowed to continue in the program. A plan
for the student to follow would be outlined at that time.
If a second grade of N or 0.0 is received, the student may
be dismissed from the program by the MAE program
director. Students may also be dismissed by the MAE
program director for behavior detrimental to the
program, such as a gross violation of college policy (as
published in the Student Guide). Dismissal would occur
only after established procedures were followed.
Students may petition the MAE program director for
approval of any variation in the curriculum including the
transfer of credit. Transfer credits will be evaluated on an
individual basis.
The only courses that will be considered for transfer
credit are those earned from accredited colleges and
universities, whose course content is comparable to those
in the MAE program. No more than two courses will be
accepted for transfer credit.
Each full-credit graduate course is the equivalent of four
semester credits or six quarter credits. Students meet in
class a total of 28 hours and are responsible for a
significant amount of individual study and preparation.
The last date on which students may withdraw from a
class and receive a "W" on their records is published
annually in the Weekend College class schedule and on
the Weekend College Web site <> and on the registrar's Web page at
A joint Augsburg College-federally funded program
administered through the College for students who
demonstrate financial eligibility. A signed a promissory
note is required per term after which funds are credited
to the student account. Awards are made based on
available funds.
Borrowing Limits: You may borrow up to $6,000 per
year as a graduate student with a $40,000 aggregate
Interest and Repayment: Simple interest of 5% and
repayment of principal begin nine months after you
graduate or leave school. Partial or total loan cancellation
privileges exist for certain types of teaching, disability
and, in certain circumstances, military service.
Deferments: No interest accrues nor do payments need
to be made at any time you are enrolled at least half time
or for serving three years in the military, Peace Corps, or
VISTA. Contact the Enrollment Center if you think you
are eligible for a deferment.
SELF (Student Educational Loan Fund)
The SELF is administered through the Minnesota Higher
Education Services Offices. Applications are available
from the Enrollment Center and should be completed by
the borrower and co-signer and returned to the
Enrollment Center for further processing. Loan proceeds
are released through eiectronic funds transfer.
Borrowing Limits: Graduate students may borrow up to
$9,000 per year minus any other student loan
indebtedness. Maximum graduate borrowing cannot
exceed $40,000 including undergraduate. The minimum
annual loan is $500.
Interest and Repayment: The interest rate is variable.
Interest payments begin 90 days after the loan is
disbursed and continue quarterly thereafter while the
student is enrolled. Principal payments begin in
the 13th month after you leave school.
Deferments: There are no deferments. Contact the
Minnesota Higher Education Services Office regarding
special circumstances and repayment.
Financial aid application materials are available at
< Applicants must be admitted
to Augsburg as regular students or be returning students
in good academic standing.
The financial aid application will be processed when the
following documents are received:
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid
(FAFSA) or the renewal FAFSA. Apply online at
Federal income tax return(s) .
3) Verification worksheet. Obtain a copy at
< and return it to the
Enrollment Center.
Enrollment Center 612-330-1046, 1-800-458-1721,, or <
Augsburg was the first seminary founded by Norwegian Lutherans in
America, named after the confession of faith presented by Lutherans in
Augsburg, Germany, in 1530. Augsburg opened in September 1869 in
Marshall, Wisconsin, and moved to Minneapolis in 1872.
Augsburg's campus is located in the heart of the Twin Cities,
surrounding Murphy Square, the first of 155 parks in the "City of
Lakes." The University of Minnesota West Bank campus and one of the
city's largest medical complexes-Fairview University Medical Centerare adjacent to Augsburg, with the Mississippi River and the Seven
Corners theatre district just a few blocks away.
Augsburg College has made a major effort to become one of the most
accessible campuses in the region. Skyways, tunnels, and elevators
provide accessible connections among major buildings-student
housing towers, the Christensen Center, main academic and
administrative halls, the library, and the music building. In addition,
there are programs for students with learning, physical, and psychiatric
Augsburg is a college of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
in America. It has a diverse community with many strong religious
traditions represented among the students, faculty,
and staff, including Lutheran, Protestant, Roman Catholic, Jewish,
American Indian spirituality and thought, Buddhist, and Islamic faiths.
Augsburg College, as affirmed in its mission, does not discriminate on
the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national or ethnic origin, age,
gender, sexual orientation, marital status, status with regard to public
assistance, or disability in its education policies, admissions policies,
scholarship and loan programs, athletic and/or school administered
programs, except in those instances where religion is a bona fide
occupational qualification. Augsburg College is committed to providing
reasonable accommodations to its employees and students.
Any questions concerning Augsburg's compliance with federal or state
regulations implementing equal access and opportunity can be directed
to the Office of Human Resources, CB 79, Augsburg College, 22Il
Riverside Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55454, or 612-330-1023.
JOY E. BARTLETT, Assistant Professor
MARY BETH KELLY, Instructor, part-time
B.A., West Virginia State College; M.A., University of
B.S., University of Wisconsin; M.Ed., Bethel College.
WILLIAM P. BIERDEN, Instructor, part-time
B.S., Southwest State University; M.S., Mankato State
University; Ed.D., University of St. Thomas.
CAROL KNICKER, Assistant Professor
B.S., M.S., Mankato State University.
CHRIS BROWN, Instructor
LYNN E. LIN DOW, Assistant Professor
B.S., Bemidji State University; M.Ed., University of Sydney,
Sydney, Australia.
B.S., Mankato State University; M.S., North Dakota State
University; Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
PATSY H. MOGUSH, Instructor, part-time
B.A., University of St. Thomas; M.A., Luther Seminary; Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota.
B.A., .B.S., University of Minnesota; M.A., University of
St. Thomas; Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
JEANINE A. GREGOIRE, Assistant Professor
SUSAN E. O'CONNOR, Associate Professor
B.S., M.A., Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
B.S., University of Minnesota; M.S., Ph.D., Syracuse University.
RICHARD A. GRESCZYK, Instructor, part-time
VICKI L. OLSON, Associate Professor, Dept. Chair
B.S., M.Ed., University of Minnesota.
B.S., M.A., Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
LISA L. HYLAND, Instructor, part-time
B.S., M.S., University of Wisconsin.
B.A., M.A., University of St. Thomas.
RICHARD W. PEARL, Instructor, part-time
GRETCHEN K. IRVINE, Assistant Professor
RONALD W. PETRICH, Assistant Professor
B.A., College of St. Teresa; M.S., University of WisconsinRiver Falls; Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
B.A., Augsburg College; M.A., United Theological Seminary.
MARY J. JACOBSON, Assistant Professor
B.S., University of North Dakota; M.A.Ed., Ed.D., Hamline
DEBORAH D. KATZ, Instructor, part-time
A.B., Stanford University; Ed.M., Harvard Graduate School of
Education; Ed.D., National-Louis University.
LINDA L. STEVENS, Assistant Professor
B.A., University of Northern Colorado; M.A., Mankato State
University; Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
BARBARA A. WEST, Instructor/Director of Student
Teaching Placement and Licensing
B.S., St. Cloud State University; M.S., Syracuse University.
ANNE M. KAUFMAN, Associate Professor
B.S., M.A., Ph.D., University of Minnesota .
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Master of Arts in Leadership (MAL) Catalog, 1988-1989
Course Catalogs
Search Result
. I
·. I
Those who hope to lead had better understand both
rationally and intuitively the people who might be theix
followers, and the society in which they are embedded.
They had better comprehend the values of our common
culture, past and present, know ho...
Show more
. I
·. I
Those who hope to lead had better understand both
rationally and intuitively the people who might be theix
followers, and the society in which they are embedded.
They had better comprehend the values of our common
culture, past and present, know how our political and
economic systems work, and understand how and why
science has changed the world ... Leaders need
specialists as advisers and staff members. But leaders
themselves are generalists ... At higher levels of
leader hip they cannot achieve their full potential
without considerable breadth of knowledge. Only this
way can they shape the contexts for decisions where
expert knowledge is used.
-- John Gardner
Augsburg College
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
IJnformation Sessions
Individuals in terested in the Master of Arts in Lead ership program
at Augsburg ollege are encouraged to attend an information
session. These free, two-hour sessions are scheduled at various
times prior to the beginning of each trimester. Please call the
Graduate Program Office (330-1787) to receive further details or to
register for one of these information sessions:
Saturday, April 16, 1988
9:00 - 11:00 AM
Thursday, May 26, 1988
6:00 - 8:00 PM
Tuesday, June 21, 1988
6:00 - 8:00 PM
Tuesday, July 19, 1988
6:00 - 8:00 PM
Saturday, October 22, 1988
9:00 - 11:00 AM
Saturday, February 25, 1989
9:00 - 11:00 AM
Saturday, April 22, 1989
9:00 - 11:00 AM
Thursday, May 25, 1989
6:00 - 8:00 PM
Tuesday, June 20, 1989
6:00 - 8:00 PM
Tuesday, July 18, 1989
6:00 - 8:00 PM
For more information write or call:
Graduate Program Office
Augsburg College
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Information Sessions .................... . .. . . . . . . . . . .. .... . 2
Calendar for 1988-89 .............. .. ... . . ..... ...... .. .... .4
Introduction to the Master of Arts in Leadership ..... . ..... .. .. . 6
Leadership Development Model ............. ... . .. . . . ..... . . 7
Curriculum Design ........... .. ... .. ... . ... ............... 9
Course Descriptions ... .. ................... ...... . .. .. ... . 10
Graduate Faculty .................... .. . . ................. 12
Library ..................................... . ..... ...... . 12
Accreditation and Affiliations ........ . . .. .. ... ... . .. ... . .... 12
Student Support Services .. .............. . .. . .. .. ... .... . .. 13
Student Rights .. .. .... .. .................. . .. . ..... .... .. 13
Admission Requirements ... . ...... .. ..... . .... ·.... ....... . 14
Application Procedures ....... .. .......... . . .. . ............ 14
Deadlines ...... .. . .. . ......... .. .. .... .... .. ... ... ..... . . 14
Evaluation Standards ......... .. ............ . . .... . .. . .... . 15
Academic Policies . . .... .. .... .. .... .. ...... .... .... .... . . . 16
Fee and Payment Schedule ...... . ........ . . ............ . .. 17
Financial Aid ..... .. ......... . ..... ... ..... ...... ...... ... 18
About Augsburg ..... . ..................... ... ..... .. . ... . 19
Campus Map ............................. . . . .. ..... .. .. . 20
Campus Location .. .. . . . .. .. ... .... .. ... ............. ... .. 21
Faculty and Administration ................. .... . . ......... 22
Advisory Council to the Graduate Program ... .......... . . . ... 24
lllaster of Arts in
1988-89 Calendar
Saturday Schedule: 8:30 - Noon and 1:15 - 4:45 PM
Thursday Schedule: 6:00 - 7:30 PM and 8:00 - 9:30 PM
Fall Trimester, 1988
Monday, August 15, 1988
Saturday, August 27
Thursday, September 8
Saturday, September 10
Thursday, September 15
Saturday, September 24
Thursday, September 29
Saturday, October 8
Thursday, October 13
Thursday, October 20
Saturday, October 22
Thursday, October 27
Saturday, November 5
Thursday, November 10
Saturday, November 19
Wednesday, November 23
Saturday, December 3
Saturday, December 10
Monday, December 19
Application Deadline
Classes Begin
Leadership Practicum
Leadership Practicum
Last day to Withdraw
Last Class
Final Grades Due
Winter Trimester, 1989
Monday, November 28, 1988
Thursday, January 5, 1989
Saturday, January 7
Saturday, January 14
Thursday, January 19
Saturday, January 28
Thursday, February 2
Saturday, February 11
Thursday, February 16
Thursday, February 23
Saturday, February 25
Thursday, March 2
Thursday, March 9
Saturday, March 11
Thursday, March 16
Saturday, March 18
Thursday, March 23
Monday, April 3
Application Deadline
Classes Begin/Registrati n
Leadership Practicum
Leadership Practicum
Last day to Withdraw
Last Class
Final Grades Due
Spring Trimester, 1989
Monday, March 6, 1989
Thursday, April 6
Saturday, April 8
Thursday, April 13
Saturday, April 22
Thursday, April 27
Saturday, May 6
Thursday, May 11
Thursday, May 18
Saturday, May 20
Thursday, May 25
Saturday, June 3
Thursday, June 8
Thursday, June 15
Saturday, June 17
Saturday, June 24
Thursday, June 29
Monday, July 10
Application Deadline
Classes Begin/Registn1lion
Leadership Practicum
Leadership Practicum
Last day to Withdraw
Last Class
Final Grades Due
to the
Master ofArts in Leadership
Developing Leaders for Organizations and the
Th Mtt ·ter o( ArlS in Lead r hip•" ponds to th lead r hip
d vclopm nt n ed - of profit and nut-for-profit org<1niz.11tion . While
diff rent in stru lur and pm po e, mo tor <1niz.nti n s ek leaders
with the fo llowi ng qunlitie :
• a vision which is ethically <md mornlly responsible, extending
beyond immediate concerns;
• an understanding of how change occurs and ciffects the
immediate environment;
• a sensitivity to the omplex problems organizations face, cind an
ability to achieves lutions consistent with an organization's
• th abili t to motivate and inspire individui11S and groups to
work toward a common goill; and
• th e ability to effectively represent the organiu1tion both
internally and externally.
The Ma ter of Arts in Lend rship provides a mean by which
individuals aspiring to enhance th ii' I , d , r hip skills mny di cover
and refin lhes nnd th r abilitie and awnre nesses fundmnental
to effective leadership.
Accommodatin!? the Full!fime Work Schedule
The Mast r of Arts in Lead r hip pmgr<1m is de i ned to meet the
n ds and pi: ~ f .•r n es of working fldults. The prog rnm is based on
th a umption that th m n and women wh enr 11 are
employed, self-disciplined and well-motivated individuals who
s ·ek a balance of clas room experience, group interaction and
individual study. fa1 h CO lll' e i , th refore, divid d into period of
. tudy, group ffor ts and cliiss preparntion. lo accommodat this
ormal f 1· learning, each d o s m ts on alternate Sah1rday for
tl11: e and one half hours and all' mate Thur day evenings for on
and ne hnlf hours.
leadership Development Model
The Master of Art in Lead rship program promt,te lead 1· hip as
a pro ess which 1) inspires cooperation am ng people who must
compete fo r limited re our es, 2) promotes productivity within and
beyond th organizati n and 3) w rks toward progres . To
nccompli h thi , individuals aspiring to position. of I aders hip
mu t po es three k y attribute : a ens of vision, th ability to
persuade and the ability to dir ct ac tion. Und rlying these
ri th·ibutes i a road rai1g of abilities and awnre nesses. These
abilities and awar ne e 1 outlin d in the diagram on pn e 7, ·erve
a specific utcom ·for the Master of Arts in Lead r hip.
Aug burg's m d I of lead rship d ev lopm nt is designed to assess,
promote, enhance and refine these capabilities within the individual.
Leadership Development Model
lW i1.l1 \i ·f or
for.~q,ioi n
C> 11i(in ttitfon !tii•:a~d
\'i· t1.1n
C ulturally
a\v;i ren
Environmenta l
Tolerance o[
r ligiuus and
diffe rences
Appreciati on
f s ituational
pers pect ive
Ri sk
As sumptive
Curio- ity
Ii 'lener
Effe tive
team 'm ember
Jnterp rsonal
Ability to
of research
Ability to
f r cu ll ural
pers pective
Tolerance of
Community of learners
Essential to the goals of the Master of Arts in Leadership is
participation in a community of learners. Learning can be
enhanced when the student is involved in a stable community that
provides opportunity and encouragement for active participation
both in and out of the classroom. This community will be enriched
by the presence of men and women who bring to the program a
variety of work and life experiences. To facilitate this kind of
community interaction, Augsburg encourages graduate students to
make use of college facilities such as the library, meeting rooms and
college center; to take the opportunity of having shared meals and
coffee breaks; to participate in optional lunchtime seminars; and to
attend other college activities such as music and dramatic
presentations and athletic events.
leadership Practicum
Master of Arts in Leadership students enroll in a half course called
"Leadership Practicum." Students are required to enroll in this
professional assessment and development course for six terms
during their graduate work at Augsburg. Upon completion of the
entire practicum, students receive a half course credit. In each
term, one Saturday and one Thursday evening are devoted to
"Leadership Practicum."
Early in the program a major component of this practicum is a fullday professional assessment to determine students' abilities and
potential relative to each of the outcomes of the Leadership
Development Model (see page 7) . Assessment instruments
include paper and pencil exercises and simulation and group
experiences. Following the assessment students meet individually
with a trained assessor who provides guidance in personal goal
setting and in the creation of a professional development plan or
In subsequent terms "Leadership Practicum" includes workshops
designed to meet the needs of the students in the following areas:
communication skills, self-assessment measures, group processes,
and other professional development topics identified by graduate
students and staff.
"Leadership Practicum'' concludes with a final assessment followed
by an individual meeting with a trained assessor.
The Master of Arts in Leadership program is composed of 12
courses. Each course unites two or more liberal arts disciplines,
ncournge pursuit of the designated outcomes, and uses a variety
of learning t clrniqu app ropriate to adult learners. In tructional
techniques ar varied, u h as ca e tudy, d bate, written and oral
presentations and group c ctivity. Th s tech niques, which have
had demonstra ted ·ucce in advanced cour e , d v lop targeted
l ader hip abilities and understandings. Continual reinforcement
occur·, s students employ these capacities in multiple c urses.
Students ar encouraged to c abilili sand understandings as
Goss-d is iplinar 1 and to e · co.ntent area a integrated . Th very
form of the pr gra m reflect the vi w that lhe world in whi h we
operate i complex and that dealing with it successfu lly requires
well developed integrative ability.
Required Courses Include:
ML 510
Foundations of Leadership (to be taken during on e
of the first three trimesters)
Thesis-Research Seminar I
Thesis-Research Seminar II (These two seminars are
to be taken in a student's last two consecutive
Thesis Consultation (a half course to be taken
simultaneously with ML591 and in the term in
which the thesis is completed)
Leadership Practicum (a half course which spans six
Students are required to complete eight additional
courses chosen from the following courses:
ML 511
Creativity and the Problem-Solving Process
Self-Identity, Values and Personal Growth
ML 520
Methods of Critical Thought
ML 521
Ethics in Communication
ML 530
ML 531
The Dynamics of Change
Politics, History and Leadership
ML 540
Analytical Reasoning for Qualitative Decisions
ML 545
Decision-Making Technology
ML 550
Developing a Multi-Cultural Perspective
ML 560
Other courses as added
D ourse Descriptions
ML 510 Foundations of Leadership
lnh'oduction to the co n ept of leader hip, pr viding an hi t rical
and philosophical fram work for th pr gram. Thi ourse views
the nature and purpos o leadership from a variety of disciplin
and per pectives. Th role of the liberal arts, various learning
tyle , method of research and inquiry, student
outcomes and program expectations are examined.
ML 511 Creativity and the Problem-Solving Process
Exploration of creativity from the perspective of traditional
aesthetics as well as contemporary organizational thinking. This
ourse uses creativity as a method and it examines techniques for
ol ing problem in organizations, for enhancing innovation, and
for . eking an integrativ world-view.
ML 520 Self-Identity, Values and Personal Growth
tudy of the c n epts of self-identity, alue and per nal grow th
a · r lat •d to professional and per ona l life. Thi course may
employ psycho!()gical, philosoph.ical, and the logi al perspective
to expl re the role of the individual in the laTger social context.
Major topics in Jude the acquisition, development and evolution of
self- identity and values, the influence of sex roles, and the
relationship to spiritual growth.
ML 521 Methods of Critical Thought
lnvestigntion of the proce se of critical thinking drawing from
ur e f cu e n th
philosophy and other disciplines. Thi
relation hips betwe n idea and th expre si n and application of
id as. St uden apply dial ctical pruces e in the ffective
formation, presentation and use of ideas in organizational
ML 530 Ethics in Communication
Interdi ciplinary study of ethics and communication through the
inv tigation of a variety of ethical perspectives within human
communication. This course places particular attention on the use
and abuse of communication in politics, adverti ing and interpersonal relationship . It emphasizes a en itivity to ethical
conflict which aris in social and rganizati nal setting .
ML 531 The Dynamics of Change
Examination of the proce es by which change occurs. This course
applies economic and ociological theories to such critical social
issues as human , nd natural resume management. Dmph i is
on identifying th .tl ed for hang , th >m ans of initiating it <lnd
the adaptation of so ial grnup to ha ng .
ML 540 Pol itics, History and Leadership
Analy i · of th politi al 11 p ts of nation-states and oth r
organizations. This ours focuses on th pro ess of a hi ving
individu, I, group or nationnt go;il . Ornwing on a vari ty of
culture and nations, it examines significanJ hi ·tori al ent ;in I
the leaders who shaped them.
ML 545 Ana lytical Reasoning for QuaJitative Decisions
Exploration of the m thods f mathemati al reasoning as rt
·truclure for apprort hing probl ems. This COlll's Io u ·e n th
logic and ratitmale und rlying m. thematica l models, nd , n I ti al
d is ion making te hniq ues.
ML 550 Decision-Making and Technology
Historical, nalysis of th decision making and p.robl 111 s 1lving
process. This coms focu . nth d •wlopment oft 'Chn logy as
both th ' ciuse fin th · solution of prob! ms by invesl1gatLng
various cases.
ML 560 Developing n Multi· ultu.ral Perspective
Investigation of il'lter-cultuJ'al i ues. This rnurs · n han e · the
11bilily lo I •ad cind 1·v ork more eff> tively with people of different
ullur, l b11 kgrounds through U1c st udy of d ivers va lues, b Hers
and trad ition 1·vithin th, globa l commun ity.
ML 590 Thesis-Research Seminar I: Research in Leadership
Firstha lfof. two- ·u ur ·e"capston " ·eq u n efor !h M cislerof
Art s in Leadership prngram . This rnurse provide , h individu, I
the opportunity lo develop <1 resea rch l pie to synth siz pr viou.
stLldy 11nd work xperience, nd to d monstrate an ·und erstnnding
of the program's principles. rnd don, P/1 bci:;i '.
ML 591 Thesis-Research Seminar II: Synthesis of Findings
onlinu ticm of the "cap tone" eminCll'. Th i e minnr focu s> on
th - method of inqu.iry and results Llf individual projects. l\t the
completion of the seminar students pres nl th ir fin, I resul orally
and s ubmit written theses. rad don a P/N basis.
ML 500 Leadership Practicum
A profo -· ional <1ss s me nt and development course which spans
si terms. This Colli' e includes a full-day professional assessment
and st1bsequ nt workshops in the following cir as: ommuniration
skills, s lf-asse sment m a ures, group processes. 111 ours
culminates .in a fin a l prof ssion, I ass1t. s men l. I iRl f r>dil. ,rad<"d
on a PIN basis.
ML 592 Thesis Consultation
A eries of m eling with" f, ully thesis ad vi er simul taneous
with ML591. and during the trimest r in whi h th thesis i ·being
pr -'pilred for final ubmission . H, If credit. raded on l I basis.
Students not completi ng the th ·is durin • th sci m •term in whic h
th!:!y a r e nrolled in ML 591. re requi l"'d tor gist r for "Thcsi ·
on ultalion" during ead1 s ubseq uent term until the th s is is
I.tlraduate Faculty
Faculty teaching in th grad uate program are full-Lim enior
faculty with doctorates or appropriate professiona l d grees. 0 111
ou rse ai;e team taught, by bringing together facu lty from different
disciplines or combinin a faculty member with professionals from
r 1 v<1nt fields. In these ituati n. , at least one member of the team
ha <1 Ph.D. and ub tantial teaching experience. All of th program
faculty have extensive exp rience teaching ad ult learn r . .rnduate
fo ulty are Ii t d at the · n,d of thi bulletin .
The Aug burg librnry h u o er 160,0 0 b kl, pcri dical ,
records, tapes and fiJms. lu ic, h mi IT' and Art 1 istory
libraries Cl!' located within !he departmental rea . Access to ov r
1,000,000 volumes i ava ilable via daily interloan and courier service
among seven private liberal arts colleges and the Hill Reference
Library. Thr ugh Minitex, lhe statewide network, the additional
resources of the Minnesota and Wisconsin libraries are accessible to
Augsburg faculty and students.
Blccreditation and
tudents who uccessfull y ·ompl t Aug bur 's lead rship
program wi ll receive a Master of Art Degr . Augsburg i fully
, ccred ited by the orth Central A sociati n of liege · and
chools. he coll ge is a member of th A ~o i<Jt d olleg · of the
Twin Ci li (ACTq, Lutheran Ed ucation ouncil in orth America
and Minnesota Private College Council.
Aug ·burg College is registered with the Minn sota Higher
Education oordinating Board. R gi tration i not an -ndorsement
of the in tituti n. Regi trati n do snot (necessarily) mean that
credit ea rned at th in tituti n ca n be tran ferr d to ther
institution or that the quality of the educational progr, m would
meet the tandards of every student, ed ucational institution, or
l#Jtudent Support Services
Thi:' u burg rndqate Pn1gram a ist · hi dents in making
education and career plans, in workin on their per (ll1al
d velopment, and in particJpating in activities beyond th
la sro m. om of these rvice are Ii ted b low.
Academic Planning
In additi n t the fa ulty who provide c nsllltation and advice,
a ademicplimning is g uided by the Leader hip Practicum
assessors, the i advi. ers, and the Grad uate Program staff.
Career Planning Services
Career Services available are
• professional assessment through the Leadership Practicum
• self/career assessment counseling through the Career Services
Office (330-1162)
• developm nt of a resume and a career-search plan through the
Career ervices Office
• work experience related to a student's field of specialization
through the Cooperative Education Office (330-1148)
The olleg ha ado pted a stat ment of student rights and
re pon ibilities and ha provided fo r du proces · in the matter of
di ciplinary, ction, grievance and grade appeal. Any student wh
wish s to identify appropriate pro edur f r a complaint hould
contact the Vice Pre idenl for Sh1d nt Affairs. (I hone 330-1160)
The ollege op Tates in compliance wifh the Family Rights and
Priva y Act and Title IX. Students have the right to inspect all
official record. which pertain to them and whi hare maintained in
the Registrar's Hi e and the Placement Office ( c pt wher a
waiver of acces ha b en igned) and to challenge inaccurate or
misleading information. Student have a right to peri nee
ducatio.n fr e fr m di c.riminalion ba ed on sex, race, ethnic or
cultural background, handicap, creed, marital status or age.
'BJdmission Requirements
Applicants to the program must hold a baccalaureate degree from
an accredited four-year college or university.
Applicants to the program are expected to have a minimum
undergraduate grade point average of 3.0 (on a scale of A=4.0).
Applicants to the program must have fiv years of e, perien (or
equivalent) with one or m i·e organizations Jn a position(s) of
leadership or position(s) demonstrating leadership p Jtentinl.
Decisions about admission to th pmgram will be made on an
individual basis by the Grnduate Program Committee. Admis ion
tu each entering graduate clas will be given tu th must highly
qualified individuals. Selection of candidates wi!l be made on th
ba i · of a comp ite compari ·on f each applicant's
previous college record,
letters of recommendation,
experience and organizational background,
Miller Analogies Test scores and
written statement and possible interview.
Alpplication Procedures
To apply, students must submit the following materials to the
Graduate Program Office:
ompleted application form with $25 (non-refundable)
application fee .
Written tat ment relating the applicant's career and life goals
focusing on leader hip aspirations.
Letter of recommendation from an immediat supervi ·or,
assessing leadership potential.
Letter of recommendation from a co-worker (at the ·ame level)
describing applicant's work style and potential as a leader.
Official transcripts of undergraduate and gradurite work from
each in stitution attended indicating degrees conferred.
Official set of results on the Miller Analogies Test.
Possible interview with graduate program staff member.
Fall Trimeste1; 1988 - Monday, August :15, 1988
Winter Trimeste1; 1989 - Monday, November 28, 1988
Spring Trimester, 1989 - Monday, March 6, 1989
Fall Trimester, 1989 - Monday, Augu t 14, 1989
D valuation Standards
Evaluation of academic performance for the Master of Arts in
Leadership will be based on number grades using a 4.0 point scale
with these definitions:
4.0 Achieves highest standards of excellence
3.0 Achieves above basic course standards
2.0 Achieves the minimum passing standard
Achieves at or above the 2.0 level (not computed in grade point
Does not meet minimum course standards (no credit and nonpunitive - not computed in grade point average)
Grade given when course is dropped
Incomplete grade given in case where student is unable to
complete course requirements for reasons beyond the
student's control (to receive an incomplete, a student must file
a letter with the Graduate Program staff stating reasons for the
request, the plan and date for removing the incomplete grade,
the signature of the instructor, and any other necessary
documentation) .
Not more than two courses with a grade below 3.0 will count
toward the degree. Not more than two courses with a grade below
2.0 can be repeated . Only the credits and grades earned the second
time are counted in the grade point average.
Alcademic Policies
Academic Probation and Dismissal
Students must maintain a 3.0 cumulative grade point average. If a
student falls below a 3.0 average, the student will be placed on
probation for the following term. A 3.0 cumulative grade point
average must be restored in order for a student to be removed from
probation. If a student receives a grade of Nin a course, the
student must petition successfully with the Graduate Program
Committee before being permitted to continue in the program. A
plan for the student to follow would be outlined at that time. If the
cumulative grade point average again falls below 3.0, the student
may be dismissed from the program by the Graduate Program
Committee. Students also may be dismissed by the Graduate
Program Committee for behavior detrimental to the program such
as a gross violation of college policy (as published in the Student
Guide). Dismissal would occur only after established procedures
were followed.
Credit for Prior Education, Training and Experience ·
Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the courses in the Master of
Arts in Leadership program, it is unlikely that courses taken
elsewhere may be substituted for a particular course in the
curriculum. Students may petition the Graduate Program
Committee for approval of any variation in the curriculum
including the transfer of credit or the receipt of credit for other
Credit and Contact Hours
Each graduate course in the Master of Arts in Leadership program
is the equivalent of four semester credits or six quarter credits.
Students meet in class a total of 30 hours (excluding finals) and are
responsible for a significant amount of individual study and
Enrollment Policy/Leaves of Absence
Students may take either one or two courses each trimester.
Enrolling in two courses per trimester enables a student to
complete the program in two years. All students are required to
complete the program within four years. Extensions beyond four
years will be considered on the basis of petition to the Graduate
Program Committee. Students who leave the program for more
than one term must request a leave of absence in writing from the
Graduate Program Committee.
Last Date to Withdraw from Class
The last date on which students may withdraw from a class and
receive a "W" on their records is the date of the eighth class
Application Fee (payable once, non-refundable)
Tuition (per trimester course)
(one course = 6 quarter credits or 4 semester credits)
Enrollment Reservation Deposit (non-refundable)
Leadership Practicum Fee (per term for six terms)
Late Fee (chm-g d to any tud nt registering after
per day
tht' ·ch du ! d regi !ration date. l....1te regi tration
in lude incomplete regi trati n as defined:
a) Unsigned Regish-ation Form or b) Um1ppr ved Payment Plan)
Registration Chang After First Cl,1 s Meeting
(cancel/add/change grade option, or ombination
at one time)
Transcript Fee (per copy after first, which is free)
Finance Charge: A finance charge is applied at a
simple rate of 1% per month on any account with an
open balance of 30 days or more.
The applicati n fe ($25) i ' due on orb fore the appli ation
deadline for a given term. The $100 non-refundable dep it
r serv · a plac in th pmgram in a given term, once a person is
accepted. Tuition i due at th time of r gistralion.
Payment Options*
1) Payment in Full: Due Day of Registration.
2) Pay ment Plan: Upon application and after college approval, a
3- pay plan is available each trime t r. Paym nt plan will be
offered only if previ u plans hav been adhered l .
ompany R imbur eme nt : Full cm11 e , r equivale nt, wh ich
ar company reimbur ed requir a d posit of $150 per cow e
rei mbursed, with full payment due wi thin 45 days aft r the end
of the term .
A finance charge is applied at a simple rate of 1% per month on any
amount with an open balance of 30 days or more.
Tu iti .n is s t 0 11 an annual ba is, pay<ible in 3 qua! in tallment al
the b ginning of each trim ster. Registration is permitted on'ly if the
stud ent's account fo r a pr viou term is paid in fu ll as agreed .
II g will n t release dip! ma r academic tran cripts
until all student accounts are paid in foll. This also appli s f r
student loan funds administered by the college (Perkins Student
Loan); they must be current according to established repayment
"'A no n-sufficien t-fund check wi ll declare your reglstriltion inva lid <md cou ld affect fu r ther credit
exte nded by the college.
Refund Schedule
A per-cour e tuition refund will be made on the following basis: (In
order to be ligible for the refund, students are respon ible for
cancelli11g courses with the Regish·ar's ffice.)
Prior to
Prior to
Prior to
Prior to
Prior to
Prior to
the fir t scheduled clas meeting - 100%
the second d1eduled class meeting - 90%
the third cheduled class meeting - 80%
the fourth scheduled class meeting - 70%
the fifth cheduled class meeting - 60%
the ixth sch duled class meeting - 50%
B inancial Aid
. •,
In, number of way , students may receive assistance in meeting
Graduate Progi·am cost . Enrollment in two com e per trimester
allows the student to be classified as full-time. One course is
considered half-time enrollment. The Financial Aid Office
(330-1046) will assist students in assessing financial need and
constructing an aid/payment program from available alternatives,
including the follow ing:
Company Tuition Assistance Programs
Many companies, agencies and corporation ffe.r full or partial
tuition assi tqnce to employees who participate in work~relat d or
degree-related college programs. Augsburg College provides
several payment plans by which employees may handle tuition
Federal and State Aid Programs
The Financial Aid Office will assist student in determining
eligibility for m1y Federal or State grant or loan programs available
to graduate students. Determination f eligibility will be based on
standard nationally accepted form · and methodologies including:
• Family Financial Statement (FFS)
• Financial Aid Form (FAF)
• Graduate and Professional Scholastic Aid Service
Funded Scholarships
Augsburg actively pur ue outside funding for special scholarships
to facilitate the participation of qualified candidates with limited
financi11l resources. The availability of such scholarship enables
the program to guarantee the participation of Individuals of Limited
financial means as we!J as individuals working for volunteer
agencies and other organizations not likely to provide tuition
Alternative payment plans will be available to all students for the
payment of tuition.
Veterans of Military Service
Augsburg College is approved by the State Approving Agancy for
Veteran's Training. Veteran should contact the Registrar's Office
about completion of the enrollment certification and forwarding
other information to the Veteran's Ad mini tration .
AJbout Augsburg
Augs bu rg was th e first seminary founded by Norwegian Lutherans
in Ameri ·a. Named after the confession of faith presented by
Lulhern ns in Augsburg, Germany, in 1530, Augsburg opened in
Se pt m b "!' 1869 in Marshall, Wi sconsin and moved to
Minneapolis in 1872.
Campus Location
Augsburg's campus is located in the henrt of the Twin ities,
; urrmind ing M urp hy Squnrc, th fi rs t of 155 parks in the "City ()f
Lak ·s." Ad jace nt to the ca m pus ar fairv iew and St. Mary's
Hospitil ls, the West Bank cam pus of th e Unive rsity of Minne ota
and Mlssis ip pi Rive r P<rkway .
Augsbm g olfege Im made ii major effort to become o ne of th e
mo t accessible ca mpuses in th region . Skyw11ys, tunnels and
•levato rs provide acce sible connectio ns b twe n 9 of the ·14 majo r
building - stud · nt hou si ng tower , College Center, main
ncndemic a nd admini ·trali ve h. 11 ·, the library and mu ic building.
In addition, there is a program for students with learning or
physical disabilities .
Church Affiliation
Augsburg is a college of The Evangelical Lut he rnn Church in
A mericct. About 59% of the stude nts are Luthcrnn, 14% other
Protestant and 19% Roman Catholic. Several oth er affiliations are
represented among stude nts and faculty.
Non-Discrimination Policy
Aug ·burg oil · g " does no t d iscriminate nn the basis f rnce, creed ,
tion, I or thnic origin, age, mnri tal status, sex or hnndica p as
r ' 'JU ired by Ti tl · IX of the 1972 Ed ucatio nal Amend me nts of Section
504 of th'e Re h, bilit, tion Ac 1lf ·1973 r. ctmended in its ndmissio n
policies, educational programs, activities, and employme nt
a ampus Map
Admissions House
George Sverdrup Library
Science Hall
West Hall
Mortensen Tower
Urness Tower
College Center
Memorial Hall
10. Music Hall
11. 2222 Murphy Square
12.Melby Hall
13. Ice Arena
14. Stage II Theatre
15. Center for Global
16. Scandinavian Center
17. Foss, Lobeck, Miles Center
for Worship, Drama and
18. Youth and Family Ministry
A. Admissions I arking
B. Student Parking
C. Visitor Parking
D. The Quad
E. Faculty/Staff Parking
F. Murphy Square
G. Anderson-Nelson Athletic
H. Fairview/St. Mary's Parking Ramp
I. Husby-Strommen Tennis
I<5'. I
Accessible Entrance
All p ted Au sburg
lleg parking Lots are free and open for
student use fro m 4:30 p.m. Fridcy through Saturd ay even in . Lots
are l ated on 7th Street between 21st and 22nd Avenu and uth
of 8th Street on 21st Avenue.
R ampus Incation
From Minneapolis
Interstate 94 east to 25th Avenue exit, left to Riverside Avenue, left
to 21st Avenue South, left to Augsburg sign.
From St. Paul
Interstate 94 west to Riverside exit, right on Riverside to 21st
Avenue South, left at Augsburg sign.
liaculty and Administration
The following faculty and administrators are currently involved in
the Master of Arts in Leadership program:
Ruth Aaskov, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages. BA,
Augsburg College; MA, Middlebury College; Ph.D., University of
Earl Alton, Professor and Department Chairperson of Chemistry.
BA, St. Olaf College; MS, Ph.D., University of Michigan.
Margaret Anderson, Associate Professor, Head Librarian. BS, MA,
University of Minnesota.
Raymond Anderson, Professor of Speech, Communication and
Theatre. BA, MS, Ph.D., University of Minnesota .
: .·
Kenneth Bailey, Professor of Philosophy. BA, St. Olaf College; MA,
Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
John Benson, Professor of Religion. BA, Augsburg College; BD,
Luther Theological Seminary; MA, Ph.D. Columbia University.
Maria Brown, Assistant Professor of Social Work. BA, MA,
American University; MSW, University of Minnesota.
Robert Clyde, Associate Professor of Sociology, Institutional
Research Analyst. BA, Coe College; MA, Rockford College; Ph.D.,
University of Iowa.
Larry Crockett, Assistant Professor of Mathematics/Computer
Science. BA, MA, Pacific Lutheran University; M.Div. Luther
Theological Seminary.
Grace Dyrud, Professor of Psychology. BA, MA, Ph.D., University
of Minnesota.
Norman Ferguson, Professor of Psychology. BA, Franklin and
Marshall College; MS, Ph.D. , University of Wisconsin .
Mark Fuehrer, Associate Professor and Department Chairperson of
Philosophy. BA, College of St. Thomas; MA, Ph.D., University of
Jerry Gerasimo, Professor of Sociology. BA, Lake Forest College;
MA, Ph.D., University of Chicago.
Arlin Gyberg, Professor of Chemistry. BS, Mankato State
University; Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Paul Halvorson, Lecturer in Business Administration and
Economics. BA, Augsburg College; MA, The American University.
Milda Hedblom, Professor of Political Science. BA, Macalester
College; MA, Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Edwina Hertzberg, Associate Professor of Social Work, Director of
Faculty Development. BA, Cedar Crest College; MSW, Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota.
Garry Hesser, Professor of Sociology, Director of Cooperative
Education Program. BA, Phillips University; M.Div., Union
Theological Seminary; Ph.D., University of Notre Dame.
Khin Khin Jensen, Professor of History, Director of East and
Southeast Asian Studies. BA, Rangoon University, Burma; MA,
Bucknell University; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin.
Barbara Johnson, Assistant Professor of Sociology. BS, Gustavus
Adolphus College; MS, Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Joanne Karvonen, Graduate Program Coordinator. BA, Gustavus
Adolphus College; MA, University of Georgia.
Edith Kromer, Weekend Librarian. BA, Hamline University; MA,
University of Minnesota.
Ryan LaHurd, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dean of the
College and Director of the Graduate Program. BA, Mt. Carmel
College; MA, University of Chicago; Ph.D., University of
Rosemary Link, Assistant Professor of Social Work. MSc, London
University (Bedford College); Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Marie McNeff, Associate Professor of Education. BS, M.Ed.,
Ed.D., University of Nebraska.
Thomas Morgan, Assistant Professor of Business Administration
and Economics. BS, Juniata College; MBA, University of Denver;
MS, University of Oregon.
Gordon Nelson, Professor and Department Chairperson of
Sociology. BA, MA, University of Minnesota; BD, Luther
Theological Seminary; MA, Ph.D., University of Chicago.
Richard Nelson, Professor and Department Chairperson of
History. BA, University of Nebraska; MA, Ph.D., University of
Beverly Nilsson, Associate Professor and Chairperson of Nursing.
BSN., MS, University of Minnesota.
Norma Noonan, Professor of Political Science. BA, University of
Pennsylvania; MA, Ph.D., University of Indiana.
Noel Petit, Associate Professor of Mathematics and Computer
Science. BA, St. Olaf College; MS, Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Diane Pike, Associate Professor of Sociology. AB, Connecticut
College; Ph.D., Yale University.
Larry Ragland, Associate Professor of Mathematics and Computer
Science. BS, MA., Central Missouri State College; Ph.D.,
University of Texas at Austin.
Bruce Reichenbach, Professor of Philosophy. BA, Wheaton
College; MA, Ph.D., Northwestern University.
Carol Stack, Director of Admissions. AB, Macalester College.
Myles Stenshoel, Professor of Political Science. BA, Concordia
College, Moorhead; MA, Ph.D., University of Colorado.
Richard Thoni, Director of Weekend College and Assistant to the
Dean. BA, St. Olaf College; Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
iAJdvisory Council to the
Graduate Program
Linda Geisen, Training and Development Manager,
City of St. Paul.
Dan Hanson, Vice President, Food Ingredients Division,
land-0- lakes, Inc.
Cynthia Marsh, Ph.D. Consulting Psychologist, Personnel
Decisions, Inc.
Dean Newman, Consultant.
Robert Odom, Senior Vice President of US Specialty Divisions,
HB Fuller Company.
Richard Ploetz, Customer Education Manager, Medtronic, Inc.
Rosemarie Ramirez, Human Resources Officer, St. Paul
Companies, Inc.
The provisions of this document are not to be regarded as an
irrevocable contract between the student and the College. The
College reserves the right to change any provisions or requirements
at C!ny time within the student's term of residence.
Augsburg Collegu
. .,. ..
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Master of Arts in Leadership (MAL) Catalog, 1989-1990
Course Catalogs
Search Result
aster ofArts in
. ...
-- John Gardner
Augsburg ollege
731 21 t A enue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
IJnformation Sessions
Individua ls interest din the l<tsler of Arls in L ader-!1ip program
at Augsburg ollcgc are encouraged to 11lle...
Show more
aster ofArts in
. ...
-- John Gardner
Augsburg ollege
731 21 t A enue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
IJnformation Sessions
Individua ls interest din the l<tsler of Arls in L ader-!1ip program
at Augsburg ollcgc are encouraged to 11llend an inform<1tion
sessil n . Thes free, two-hour essit1n arc sch duled at various
times prior to the beginning of a h trimester. Please call the
Graduate Program Office (330-1786) to receive further details or to
register for one of these information sessions:
Saturday, October 21, 1989
9:00 - 11:00 AM
Saturday, February 24, 1990
9:00 - 11:00 AM
Saturday, April 21, 1990
9:00 - 11:00 AM
Thursday, May 24, 1990
6:00 - 8:00 PM
Thursday, June 21, 1990
6:00 - 8:00 PM
Tuesday, July 17, 1990
6:00 - 8:00 PM
For more information write or call:
Graduate Program Office
Augsburg College
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Information Sessions ....... . ................ . . . . . ... .. . . . . . 2
Calendar for 1989-90 ........ .. . .. .......... ............... . 4
Introduction to the Master of Arts in Leadership ........... . .. .. 6
Leadership Development Model ............. . ... . ..... . ... .. 7
Curriculum Design .. .. ..... .. . .. ...... .... ... .. ..... . .... . 9
Course Descriptions ......... ...... . .. . . . . .. ....... . .. .... . 10
Graduate Faculty ........... . ......... . .. .. . . .. ... .. ..... . 12
Library . ............. . ............ .... ... ................ 12
Accreditation and Affiliations ...... . ......... ............... 12
Student Support Services ......... ..... . ... ... . . . . . ....... . 13
Student Rights . .. ..... .... . .... .......... . .... .... . ...... 13
Admission Requirements .................. ... . ... . .. . ..... 14
Application Procedures .. . ...... ..... .. . .... ........... .. .. 14
Deadlines ........ . ...... . . . .............. ... , .. . . . ... . . . . 14
Evaluation Standards ....... . .. . .... . ...... .. . ........ .. . . . 15
Academic Policies .................. . .. . ... ... .. ......... . . 16
Fee and Payment Schedule ................. . .. ........... . 17
Financial Aid . ............................ .. . ... . ..... ... . 18
About Augsburg ............... .... . .. . . .. ................ 19
Campus Map . ... . .. . ... . ......... .. ...... ....... ... .... . 20
Campus Location ............. ..... .. . .. .. . . .... . ... .. .... 21
Faculty and Administration ................ . ... . ........... 22
Advisory Council to the Graduate Program .... . .... .......... 24
Jllaster of Arts in
1989-90 Calendar
Saturday Schedule: 8:30 - Noon and 1:15 - 4:45 PM
Thursday Schedule: 6:00 - 7:30 PM and 8:00 - 9:30 PM
Fall, 1989
Monday, August 14
Tuesday, September 5
Thursday, Sep tember 7
Saturday September 9
Monday, September 11
Ap plication Deadline
Classes Begin
Leader. hi p Practicum
Last day to register and/or drop class
without record notation
Classes Meet
Saturday, September 16
Classes Meet
Thursday, September 21
Saturday, September 23
Leadership Practicum
Classes Meet
Saturday, September 30
Classes Meet
Thursday, October 5
Classes Meet
Saturday, October 14*
Thursday, October 19*
Classes Meet
Classes Meet
SClturday, October 21*
Classes Meet
Thursday, October 26
Thursday, November 2
Leadership Practicum
Classes Meet
Saturday, November 4
Classes Meet
Thursday, November 9
Classes Meet-Last day
Saturday, November 18
to withdraw from class
Last Class
Saturday, December 2
Final Grades Due
Monday, December 18
*denotes one week period between classes
Attendance Policy
Ea h la ·s meet for s vcn Saturdcy sessio ns a nd . ix 11rnr day
session . Sine · it i. in the la. sn < m that l cide rs hip is ues are
presl'nted, discussed ;md anal 1zed, rcgul,1 r al te nd. nee is high ly
important , nd hmlid b unsidered a re pan ·ibility, not only to
o ne's s If, but to on 's cla smM s a n Lhe our e in tructo r.
Irregular attendance may, at the discretion of the instructor,
adversely affect one's grade.
Winter, 1990
Wcdnc d, y, Jan uary 3
Thursday, January 4
Saturday, January 6
Monday, January 8
rie ntal ion / Registrnlion
Classes Begin
Leadership Practicum
Last day to register and/or drop
class without record notation
Classes Meet
Saturday, January 13
Classes Meet
Thursday, January 18
Classes Meet
Saturday, January 27
Thursday, February 1
Classes Meet
Silturday, February 10
Classes Meet
Classes Meet
Thursd av, February 15
Thursday, February 22
Leadership Practicum
Classes Meet
Saturdily, February 24
Classes Meet
Thursday, March 1
Classes Meet-Last day to
Saturday, Milrch 10
withdraw from class
Thursday, March 15
Classes Meet
Saturday, Milrch 24*
Classes Meet
Saturday, March 31*
Last Class
Monday, A11 ril 9
*denotes one week period between classes
Spring, 1990
Tuesday, April 3
Thursday, April 5
Silturday, Ap ril 7
Monday, April 9
Classes Begin
Leadership Practicum
last day to register and/or drop
class without record notation
Classes Meet
Thursday, April 12
Classes Meet
Saturday, April 21
Classes Meet
Thursd(ly, April 26
Classes Meet
Saturday, May 5
Thursday, May 10
Classes Meet
Leadership Practicum
Thursday, May 17
Classes Meet
Saturday, May 19
Thursday, May 24
Classes Meet
Classes Meet-Last day to withdraw from class
aturd ay, June 2
Classes Meet
Thursday, June 7
SatL1rday, June 16*
Classes Meet
Saturday, June 23*
Last Class
Final Grades Due
Monday, July 2
*denotes one week p eriod between classes
6Jntroduction to the
Master ofArts in Leadership
Developing Leade1·s for Organizations and the
The !faster of Arts in Lead rship re pond l the I ad r hip
d ·velopm nt need of profit and not-for-profit organizations. While
differ nt in lru lur and purpo e, m t organizati n eek I· aders
with th fol lowin qualiti :
• a vision which is ethically and morally responsible, extending
beyond immediate concerns;
• an understanding of how change occurs and affects the
immediate nvironment;
• a sensitivity to the mpl x problems organizations face, and an
ability to achieve soluti ns consistent with an organization's
the abil ity to motivate and inspire individuals and groups to
work tow, rd a common goal; and
• the ability to effectively represent the organization both
internally and externally.
The .J, stcr of Arl in Leader ·hip prnvides a m n b , whi h
individuals aspiring to enhan c their leadership skill may discover
and r fine the '· and th r abilities and aw< nm es fundamental
to effective leadership.
Acconunodating the Full-Time Work Schedule
la t r f Arts in Leadership program i de ign d L meet the
n d · <md pref r nc s of working adu lts. The program is based on
the assumption that the men and women who enroll are
employed, self-disciplined and well-motivated individuals who
seek a balance ()f cla room experience, group interaction and
individual study. ~ach course is, therefore, divided into periods f
tudy, gr(lup fhrt and la. prepardion. To accommodate this
format for learning, each cla meet · on alternate Sahird, y fo.r
thre and ne half hour and alternate Thursday evening· for one
and on hal hours.
leadership Development Model
he Master of Arts in Leadership program promote lead r hip,
a pro ess which 1) in pires cooperation among people who mu l
compete for Umited resour es, 2) prom()te. productivity within a nd
beyond the organization and 3) works t ward progr ·ss. To
a compli h thi , individual aspiring to positions of lead rship
must poss ss three k y attributes: a ens of vi ion, the abi.IHy to
per ·u d and the, biJity to direct action. Underlying the e
<1ltribu t i a broad range of abilitie and< waren sses. These
<bilities and awarenesses, outlined in the diagram n page 7, s rv
a p ifi outcomes for th Master of Arts in Leadership.
Augsburg's model of I ader hip dev •lopme.nt i d signed t a ·ess,
prom tc, enhanc and refin these capabilities within the individual.
Leadership Development Model
/ \
nda l
Lo ng-le rm
pers pe li ve
Y:lt,>xibilll y
aw, rcness
"rwin.mni •11t,1I
a\.varencs . .
1i l ~r.rnc
Effe live
Di pl omari c
abil ity
team memb >r
! nterpersunal
Ap prl;'ci. tinn
u( sit uational
Ded ive
Ass umptive
C urio ily
A hicvern ent
' if-este •m
· f~ ·c live
clfo nfid nee
A11<1l)'lic11 l
a b il ity
Abilit y to
cril ica lly
Understand ing
of research
Ab il ity lo
A ppr •ela tion
fo r ultural
Effecti ve
· pe11ker
d iffemnc
cnmp lexit
liste n •r
phi loso phirn l
Cul tucally
ommunicat ive
r·elig iuu a nd
Fa~ i lit for
Pers uasion
O rientation toward
Se nse of
Vi ion
dirfet n es
per. peclive
lblenrnce of
indi vidual
d iffcrences
Community of Learners
Ess nti.a l to the goals of th Master of Arts in Lead ership is
participali n in a community of I arner . Learning can b
enh, need when the stud nt is involved in a stab! immunity that
pr vide opportunity and n uragem · nt for active participation
both in and out of the classro m. Thi community will be enri hed
by the pres n of men and wom en who bring to the program a
vari ty of work and life exp ri n e . To facil itat th i kind f
community interaction, Augsburg ' ncourages gradual stud · nts to
make LLS of colleg faciliti .s u h as th library, meeting room and
college center; to take the opportun it y of having ·ha red menls and
off e br ak. ;to parlicipat in option al lunchtimes minars; and t
, ttend th r college acti vities uch as nrnsi and dramatic
presentations and athletic events.
Leadership Practicum
Ma ter of Arts in Leadersh ip students e nroll in a half ourse all d
"Leadership Pra ticum ." Student. ar r 1uired t enroll in th is
professional assessment ;md development course fo r ix term
d uring their graduate work at Augsburg. Upt n completion of lh
entire practicum , tudimt r eive a half cour ·e red it. In ach
term, one Saturday and one Thursday evening are devoted to
"Leadership Practicum ."
Early in the program a major component of this practicum is a fullday professional assessment to determine students' abilities and
p oten tial 1 Jative to each of the outcomes of the Leadership
Oevelopm nt Model (see page 7). Assessment instruments
in lude paper and pen i1 i:xercise ilnd simulati n and grol1 p
e p · riences. r lluwing the as ssment student meet individually
with a trnined asse sor who pr vid guidance in p 1· o.nal goal
etling and in th e reation of a professiom1l development pl<l n r
''bl ue print :•
In subsequent terms "Lendershi p Practicum" includes works h ps
designed !o meet th ne cl (th , tudents in the following areas:
·ommunication kills, sdf-assessmenl mea:mP , group proces e ,
and other prof i nal developm nt l pies id ntified b graduate
students and staff.
"Leadership Practicum" concludes with a fin al assessment followed
by an individual meeting with a trained assessor.
The Master of Arts in Leadership program is composed of 12
courses. Each course unites two or more liberal arts disciplines,
en ourages pursuit of the d signated outcomes, and uses a vari ty
of learni ng techn ique approprial to <1dull learners. lnstTuctional
t -hniques .ir VMied, such as a e tudy, d bate, written a nd ora l
pr s nl<1lions and group activity. These t liniqu , which have
had demonstrated u es in advan ed ourses, develop targeted
I adersh ip abililie · and under. landings. ontinual reinfo.rc m · nl
oc ms as students employ th s capacitie in mul tiple ourses.
Students Me en ouraged to se abilities and understandings as
cm ·-disciplinar and to see content area · a inlegrat d. The very
form of the prngrnm reflect the vi w that lhe world in which w
op mt i omplcx and that dea ling with it successfull y requires
well dt-vcloped integTative ability.
Required Courses Include:
ML 510
ML 592
Foundations of Leadership (to be taken during one
of the first three trimesters)
Thesis-Research Seminar I
Thesis-Research Seminar II (These two seminars are
to be taken in a student's last two consecutive
Thesis Consultation (a half course to be taken
simultaneously with ML591 and in the term in
which the thesis is completed)
Leadership Practicum (a half course which spans six
Students are required to complete eight additional
courses chosen from the following courses:
ML 511
Creativity and th e Problem-Solving Process
Self-Identity, Values and Personal Growth
ML 520
ML 521
Methods of Critical Thought
ML 530
Ethics in Communication
Th Dynamics of hange
ML 531
I olitics, History and Leadership
ML 540
ML 545
Analytical Reasoning for Qualitative Decisions
ML 550
Decision-Making Technology
ML 560
Developing a Multi-Cultural Perspective
Other courses as added
D]ourse Descriptions
MC. 510 Foundation of Leadership
lntroducti n t the oncept of 1 ader hip, pr viding an histori al
and philo ophi al framework for the progra m . Thi
the nAtme and purp >se f lead 1" hip fr m a v<lriet
< nd pers pectives. The rol of th liberal arts, vari u
·tyle , m thod of res arch and inquiry. student
out mnes and progra m expectation are amin d .
ML 511 Creativity and th e Prob! m-Solving Process
E plor<i tion of a-ea tivity rom the per pe ti ve of trad itional
, sthe L-i · as well , c nt mporar ' orga nizational thinking . Th ' ·
cour e uses er alivity a , method and it exa min ·s t · hnique for
( lving problem s in orga11izalions, fo r nh i'l n ing innovation, <1 nd
for eeking an int grativ world-vie1 .
ML 520 Self-Identity, Values and Personal Growth
Ludy of U1e oncept of If-identity, value c nd p r ·
a related to profess ional and personal life. Thi C() Ul'S ma
mploy p y h Jo ice I, philo "(>phi , I, , nd theolog ica l p rs pectives
Lo explore the rol of the individual In the I, rger so ial ontext.
Major topic in Jud th > cquis ition, development and ev lution of
self- identity and values, the lnflue nc >f s rol , , nd th
relationship to spiritual growth.
ML 521 Methods of Cdtical Thought
Investigation f the pro s e of criti al thinking drawing fr 111
philo phy and other di ip line . Thi· ours fo u son the
relati 11ships between ideas a nd th expre ion nd appli at ion of
ideas. Students, pply d ial ctical processes in the -ffective
fo rmation, pre nlation and LIS f ideas in rga nizationa l
ML 530 Ethics in Communication
lnterdi ciplinary study of ethics and c mmunication through the
in\lestigation of a variety of ethical pers pe tives within human
ommunic, lion. Thi course places pcu·ticul11r, ttenti n on the use
1111d abu e of communicati n in politi , advertising and interp rsonal r lationships. It mpha iz a ensitivity to ethicaJ
o nflicts which ri e in social , nd organ izational settings.
ML 531 The Dynamics of Change
Examination f th processe by which change occurs. This course
applies economic , nd sociological theories to such critical social
i sues a human <111d na tural resource management. Emphasis is
on identifying the need fo.r change, the m ans of initiating it and
the ada ptation of social gr o ups to ch anije.
ML 540 Politics, History and Leadership
Ana lys is f the political a ·pects f n <1 tio n-sta t sa nd o ther
rgan iz<ltions. This course Io u es on th p r e s f a hi ving
individual . g rnup o r nali nal goal . Drawing n a variety of
cultures nnd nati ns, it exarnines sig nificant his torical ven ts, nd
the leaders who shaped them.
ML 545 Analytical Reasoning for Qualitative Decisions
··xp.loration of the m •tho d s of ma th >matica l reasoning as a
.tru tu re for a pproa hing prob! m s. This course fo use o n th
logi and rationale underlying mathe matica l mod I and an aly tica l
d ecis i n meking techniq ues.
ML 550 Decision-Making and Technology
I i tori al a n. ly ·i (>f th d ecision ma king and prob! m olving
pr es. . Th is course fo uses on the dcvelupm nt of te Im logy as
both the a u. a nd the olutio n of pro bl m b inv stiga ting
various cases.
ML 560 Developing a Multi-Cultural Perspective
Investigation of inter-cultural is u s. This our e nha n e the
abilit' to lead c nd wo rk more effe·tively with peopl, of d iff r nt
cultural backgro unds th ro ugh the tud of di ve r vnlu es. b lief
a nd traditio ns within tlw g loba l community.
ML 590 Thesis-Research Seminar I: Research in leadership
First hal of n two- o ur e" ap to ne" equ n , f r the M s ter o
r in Leadership prog rnm . T his comse provides ad1 ind ivid ucil
th e o pportunity to dev lop a res ar h topi to ·y nthe ize pr vious
tudy and wo rk exp ·•rience ;i nd to d em mstrate an und e rstand ing
o f the prog rnm's principles. raded on a Pl ba i .
ML 591 Thesis-Research Seminar II: Synthesis of Findings
intinuatio n of th "c. ps to n "s mi nar. This e min ar focu s on
th metho d of inquiry a nd resul ts of individual projects. t the
om pl tio n of th semina r tu dents prese.nt their fin, I result orally
a nd submi t wr.itte n th se . rad d o n a PIN ba is.
ML 500 Leadership Practicum
A prof·ssional ass s ment a nd d ev l prnen l ourse wh ic h span s
·ix term . Thi course includ es a full-day pr fess io na l a · me nt
and s ubsequen t work. ho p · in the fc !lowing nreas: co mmunicatio n
kill , elf-a sessme nl mea ure , gr(lup process s. he cours •
culminat sin a fin al professional ass ssm n t. H nlf er •d it. ra d ed
on a P/N basis.
ML 592 Thesis Consultation
A ri s f meetings wi th a fac ulty th is ad ls r simultane u
with ML 591 and during Lhe h·im •ster in w hi h the thesis is b ing
pre par d fo r fin nl ubmi s io n . Half red it. raded o n I /N bas i .
tudenls not o mpleling the l'hesis during th • sa m · t rm in w hich
they are enrolled in M 591 , r requir d to regi te r fo r •rn1e is
in ultation" during ead1 . u b quent te rm un l'il the thesis is
faculty leaching in the gradual pr gram ar full-lime senior
fa lilty with doctorates or a ppro priate profe sional degr · e . ome
courses are tea m taug ht, by bringing together faculty from diffe rent
disciplin s or combining a fac ul ty memb r with prnfe sio nal from
relevant field . l. n th s itu ations, at leas t one mem b r f the team
has a Ph.D. and substantial leaching perience. All of the program
faculty have extensive expedence teaching adult learners. Gradu, te
faculty are listed at th nd of this bulletin.
• ibrary
The Augsburg library houses ovei: 160,000 books, period ica ls,
r ords, tap sand films. Mu i , ' hemi try ctnd A rt I is tory
librarie ,1re lo ated within the departmentctl ct r as. Ac e s to over
1,000,000 volume is a ailable via laily interloan and courier service
among seven private liberal arts colleges and the Hill R ference
Library. Through Minitex, the statewide network, the additional
resources of the Minnesota and Wisconsin libraries are accessible to
Augsburg faculty and students.
B)ccreditation and
tudents who u C' sfti llyc m plete Au ·burg' l , dershi p
progrc m will receive a Maste r of Arts 0 gre . Augsburg is
a credit •d by th North enh·a l Association of oil ges and
ch.uols. Th college is, m mb r of th As o iated o lleg of the
Twin itie (ACT1 ), uth eran Educa tio n oun ii in orth America
and Minnesota Private College Council.
Augsburg College is regi tered with th Minnesota Hi >her
Education oordinati ng Board . Registrati n i not a n e ndorsement
of the in titution. R gis trnlion does not (necessarily) mea n that
redit fl rned ctt the in tituli n can
transferred to other
institutions or that the quality of the edu alional programs would
meet the s tiindards of every student, educationa l institution, or
L:Jtudent Support Services
The Augsburg Graduate Program assists students in making
education and career plans, in working on their personal
development, and in participating in activities beyond the
classroom. Some of these services a re Ii t · d below.
Academic Planning
In addition to the faculty who provide consultation and advice,
academic planning is guided by the Leadersh ip Practicum
assessors, thesis advisers, and the Graduate Program staff.
Career Planning Services
Career Services available are
• professional assessment through the Leadership Practicum
• self/career assessment counseling through the Career Services
Office (3 O-Tl62)
• development of a resume and a career-search plan through the
Career Services Office
• work experience related to a student's field of specialization
through the Cooperative Education Office (330-1148)
• tudent Rights
Th College has, dopted a statement of tudent right and
responsibilities and has provided for due pro ss in the matters of
disciplinary action, grievanc s <n'd gr, de appe, I. Any tudent w ho
wi he to identify appropriate procedmes for a com plain t should
contact the Vi Presid nt for tudent Affairs. (Ph.on 330-1160)
lhge operates in compliance with the Family Rights and
Privacy A l, nd Title TX. Students hav the right to in pe tall
official r c rd whi h pertain to th m and which are mainta in din
the .Registrar's Off.i e and the Pl acemen! ffice ( c pt where a
waiv r f ac · s h, · been igned) and to hallenge inac urale or
misleading information. Students have a right to experience
education free from discrimination based on sex, race, ethnic or
cultural background, handicap, creed, marital status or age.
Bldmission Requirements
Applicants to the program must hold a baccalaureate degree from
an accredited four-year college or university.
Applirnnts to the program are expected to have a minimum
undergraduate grade point average of 3.0 (on a scale of A=4.0).
Applicants to the program have five y ar of xp rien (or
equivalent) with one OJ" mor organization in, position(s) of
leadersh ip or position(s) demons trating leader ·hip potential.
Decisions about admission to the progr. m will be made on an
individual basis by the Graduate Pn.Jgram Committee. Admission
to each entering graduate class will be given to the most highly
qualified individuals. Selection of candidates will be made on the
basis of an evaluation of each applicant's
previous college record,
letters of recommendation,
experience and organizational background,
Miller Analogies Test scores and
written statement and possible interview.
Alpplication Procedures
To apply, students must submit the following materials to the
Graduate Program Office:
ompleted application form with $25 (non-refundable)
application fee.
Written statement relating the applicant's career and life goals
focusing n leadership aspirations.
Lett r of recommendation from an imm diat st1p · rvisor,
a ·sessin leadersh ip pot ntial.
Letter of r omm ndation from o-worker (at-the sa me lev 1)
describing applicant's work style and potential a a leader.
Official transcripts of undergraduate and grn duat work from
>a h insLitution attended indicating degrees conferred.
Official set of results on the Mi.Iler Analogie Te l .
Po ·sible interview with grad uate pr gra m staff m mber.
Fall Trimester, 1989-Monday, August 14, 1989
Winter Trimester, 1989-Monday, November 27, 1989
Spring Trim ster, 1989-Monday, March 5, 1990
Fall Trime lei~ 1990-Monday, August 13, 1990
Jlvaluation Standards
Evaluation of academic perform ance for the Master of Arts in
Leadership will be based o n num ber grades using a 4.0 point scale
with these definitions:
4.0 Achieves highest standards of excellence
3.0 Achieves above basic course standards
2.0 Achieves the minimum passing standard
Achieves at or above the 2.0 level (not computed in grade point
Does not meet minimum course standards (no credit and nonpunitive - not computed in grade point average)
Grade given when course is dropped
Inco mplete grade g iven in a e w he re s tud nt is unabl Lo
C\lm pl le o ur c requir "ments foi' reaso ns b yond th e
student's co ntrol (to receive a n inc:umpl ct , a tud nt mu st file
, p ·lit io n with lh
rn ctua l Progran1 s ta ff ra ting reas ns fo r
th r ·quest, the plan , n l dal'e for re moving the incom p le te
g rad e, Lhe s ig nature of th ins tru ·to1;, nd ;m y o t'h r n ·e sa ry
documentation) .
. ot mo re than l\ <> o ur e w ith a grad e below 3.0 w ill count
towa rd Lhe d g r e. N l mo re than two courses w ith a grade below
2.0 can be re peated . O nly the redit nnd rild
arned th e second
time are counted in the grade point average.
Alcademic Policies
Academic Probation and Dismissal
Students must maintain a 3.0 cumu lativ<:> grade point average. lf a
student fall below a 3.0 average, the t:udent will b plnced on
probation for the following te rm. A 3.0 cumulative grade point
average must be restor d in ord r fl r a stud nt t b r moved fro m
probation. lf a student receiv ·' a grade f in a cour·s , the
tudent mu t petition successfu lly with the raduate Program
ommitl e before being permitted t onlinu in th program. A
plan for the student to follow wou ld be ou tlined at tlrnt tim . If the
umulative grade point· averag again fu ll b low .0, the student
may be dismissed fr m the program b ' U1e raduate Program
mm itt . tudcnts al ·o may be dismiss cl by the raduat
Progra m ommill' for b havior d trimental lo th program such
a a gr · violation of college policy (as publ' h d in Lhe tudcn l
uide). Di missal would o ur nl ,1ft 1· stabli hed pro edm s
were followed.
Credit for Prior Education, Training and Experience
Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the courses in the Master of
Arts in Leadership program, it is unlik I that course taken
elsewhere ma b ub tituted for a particular course in the\
urri ulum . Stt1dents may petition the radu ate Program
ommill'e for appm al of any vilrin tion in the urri ul um
including the transfer of credit or the receipt of credit for other
Credit and Contact Hours
·Cl h g raduate cour e in th Master o( Arts in Le. dership program
is the equivalent of four emestcr credit or six quarter redil .
tudents meet in cln • total of 30 hou rs (e eluding fimil s) and are
responsible for a ign ificant amount of individu I ·tudy and
Enrollment Policy/Leaves of Absence
tudent ma r take either one or two courses each trimester.
Enrolling in two cour 'S per trimest · r enables a tudent to
ompl •t · th pr gram in two year . All students are requir d to
complete th program with in fo ur year . · tensions beyond four
years will be onsidered on the ba i of p titi n t the ,raduat•
Program Commit! e. Students wht> I ave the program for more
than one term mu ·tr ques t a leilve of ab en e in writing from th
Graduate Program ommittee.
Last Date to Withdraw from Class
The las t date on which students may withd raw from a class and
receive a "W" on their record s is noted on p p. 4 and 5.
Application Fee (payable once, non-refundable)
Tuition (per trimester course)
(one course = 6 guarter credits or 4 semester credits)
Enrollment Reservation Deposit (non-refundable)
Leadership Practicum Fee (per term for six terms)
La~ fi· ( harg d to a ny student regi teri ng aft r
the · hedu l d registration date. Late registration
per day
includes in o mplet t ·gistrati n as d ·fined:
, ) Unsig n •d R gi !ration form r b) Unapprov d Payment Plan)
Registration Change After First Class Meeting
(cancel/add /change grade option, or combination
at one time)
Transcript Fee (per copy after first, which is free)
Finance Charge : A finance charge is applied at a
simple rate of 1% per month on any account with an
open balance of 30 days or more.
The application fee ($25) i due on or bef r th , pplication
deadline for a given term . Th' $100 no n-refundabl d posit
reserves a place in the program in a given term, once a person is
accepted. Tuition is due at the time of registration .
Payment Options*
1) Paymen t in Full:
ue Day of Registration.
2) Payment Plan: Upon application and after college approval, a
3-pay plan is available each trimester. Payment plans will be
offered only if previous plans have been adhered to.
3) Company Reimbursement: Full courses, or eguivalent, which
are company reimbursed require ad · p(> it of $150 per course
reimbursed, with full payment d ue with in 45 days after the end
of the term.
A finance charge is applied at a simple rate of 1% per month on any
amount with an open balance of 30 days or more.
Tuili n is set on an annual basis, payable in 3 equal installments at
the begin ning of each trim est r. R >gistrat i.on is permitted only if the
student's accmml for a previ u term i paid in full as agreed.
Augsburg ollege will not release diplomas or a ad -mi transcripts
until all student accounts are paid in full . This also appl'ies for
student loan funds administered by the college (Perkins Student
Loan); they must be current according to established repayment
*A non-s ufficien t-fund check w ill declare yo ur registratio n in va lid and cou ld affect furth er credit
extended by the college-
Refund Schedule
A per-course tuition r fund will be made n the fo llow ing ba is: (In
order to b ligi bl > fo r th r~·fund, students arc res pon ibl for
c,in elling om se with the Registrn r's ffice.)
Prior to th first ch du led la · m ting - 100%
Prior to the second sch eduled la me ting - 90%
Prior to the third chedul d c.lass meeting - 80%
Prior t th fo ur th ~ heduled cl<i meeting - 70%
Prior to the fifth scheduled class m eting - 60%
Prior to th ·ixth s h duled clas m elin - 50%
D inancial Aid
... .
In fl number o wa , student ma 1 r ei v a i ta n e in m ting
G rad uat Pr grn m co. t ·. Enrollm ·nt in two courses per trimc ter
, llow the tudent to b classified as full-tim ' · O n omse i •
considered half-time enrollment. The Financial Aid Office
(330-1046) will assist students in assessing financial need and
constructing an aid/payment program from available alternatives,
including the following:
Company Tuition Assistance Programs
Ma ny compa nie , gencie and corporation off r full r partial
tui tion assistan ce to employ s w ho participate in work-r>laLed or
deg r' -r l a t~ d olleg p rogram . Augs bu r ollcge prov.ides
v nil pay m nt plan by w hich employe may ha nd l tuit i n
reimburscm n t.
Federal and State Aid Programs
The Fi na ncial Aid Offic w ill assist stud ents in determining
el igi bil ity for a ny Fi deral or t te g rant or loa n program availabl
to graduat students. Det r111irn1tio11 of eligibili ty will be based on
slu nda rd nationally acce pted fo rms an d method.ologie incl ud ing:
• Family Financial Statement (FFS)
• Financial Aid Form (FAF)
• Graduate and Professional Scholastic Aid Service
Funded Scholarships
Augsbur active.I purs ue outside funding ror p cial scholarships
to facilit, le the participation of qualifi d ca nd ida t wi th limited
fi nancial resO LLrC s. The availability of uch ·cholar h ip enabl
th p rogra m to guarante the participation f indi viduals of limi ted
fi nancial means a well a individual worki ng for v lunteer
agencies and other organizations not likely to provide tuition
Alternative payment plans will be available to all students for the
payment of tuition.
Veterans of Military Service
Aug bmg Co!Jege is a pproved by the State A ppr ving Ag ncy for
Vet ran' · Trnining . Vi teran hould c ntac t the Reg i ·trn r's O ffice
about 'Clmpl tion of the enrollment rtifica ti n an d forwarding
oth r inf rm ation to the Veteran's Administratio n.
Albout Augsburg
ugsburg was the first seminary founded by Norwegian Lutherans
ill America . Named after the confession of faith presented by
Lu thera n in Augsburg, Germany, in 1530, Augsburg opened in
Sept mb r 1869 in Marshall, Wisconsin and moved to
Minneapolis in 1872.
Campus Location
ampu s i lncnt din the he(lrt of th Twin it:i •s,
uar , the firs t of 'JS~ pm·ks in th e '1 ity of
Llikes:' · djacen t to the , mpu are Faii;vi w an I I. Mary'
I lo:;pita l , th' We t l3ank ·a mpu of the Univ 1 ii of inn . ot·1
and Mississippi River parkways.
su 1'1'o unding Murph
Augsburg College ha s made i major eff rt· tti b Cl>me n of the
mo lccc ssiblecampu · in he r -g io n. kywa • , tunnels;ind
el valor provide accc ·sible connections bet we n 9 of the 1 l major
bu ild in · - stude nt ho us in towe r , o llege en te 1~ main
a adem i and ad mini trativ · ha lls, ll e librnry and mus ic build ing.
In addition, there is a program for students with learning or
physical disabilities .
Church Affiliation
Augsburg is a college of The Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America. About 59% of th e students are Lutheran, 14% other
Protestant and 19% Roman Catholic. Several other affiliations are
re presented among students and faculty.
Non-Discrimination Policy
Aug·burg ollcgedoesnotdiscrimin ateon th • ba ·i. fra e, r'ed,
na tional or thni o rigin, a , rnal.'il11l tatu , " or h<111'di ap «
r qu iPd by Till IX f th ·1 72 Education al Amendments of ection
504 o the Rehabilitation Act of 1 73 as< m · nded in it ,id mi ssi n
policies, educational programs, activities, and employment
• ampusMap
Admissions House
George Sverdrup Library
Science Hall
West Hall
Mortensen Tower
Urness Tower
College Center
Memorial Hall
10. Music Hall
11. 2222 Murphy Square
12.Melby Hall
13. Ice Arena
14. Stage II Theatre
15. Center for Global
16. Scandinavian Center
17. Foss, Lobeck, Miles Center
for Worship, Drama and
18. Youth and Filmily Ministry
A. Admissi ('l n Parki ng
B. Student Parking
C. Visitor Parking
D. The Quad
E. Faculty/Staff Parking
F. Murphy Square
G. Anderson-Nelson Athletic
H. Fairview/St. Mary's Parking Ramp
I. Husby-Strommen Tennis
Accessible Entrance
All po ted Aug burg 'ollege parking I I ill' fre and op n f r
student use from 4:30 p.m. Friday through aturday v ning. Lo is
are I cated on 7th Slr l between 2'1 t and 22nd Avenues and south
of 8th Street on 21st Avenue.
liampus Incation
From Minneapolis
Interstate 94 east to 25th Avenue exit, left to Riverside Avenue, left
to 21st Avenue South, left to Augsburg sign.
From St. Paul
Interstate 94 west to Riverside exit, right on Riverside to 21st
Avenue South, left at Augsburg sign.
llaculty and Mministration
The following faculty and administrators are currently involved in
the Master of Arts in Leadership program:
Earl Alton, Professor and Department Chairperson of Chemistry.
BA, St. Olaf College; MS, Ph.D., University of Michigan.
Margaret Anderson, Associate Professor, Head Librarian . BS, MA,
University of Minnesota .
Raymond Anderson, Professor of Speech, Communication and
Theatre. l3A, S, Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Kenneth Bailey, Professor of Philosophy. BA, St. Olaf College; MA,
Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
.· .·.·
John Benson, Professor of Religion. BA, Augsburg College; BD,
Luther Theological Seminary; MA, Ph.D. Columbia University.
Maria Brown, Assistant Professor of Social Work. BA, MA,
American University; MSW, University of Minnesota.
John Cerrito, Assistant Professor in Business Administration and
Economics. BA , Rhode Island College; MS, University of
Francine Chakolis, Assistant Professor of Social Work. BS,
Augsburg College; MSW, University of Minnesota.
Larry Crockett, s ist<1nt Professor of Mathemati
mpul r
Science. BA, MA, Pacilic Lutheran University; M . iv. Luther
Theologica l eminar .
Grace Dyrud, Professor of Psychology. BA, MA, Ph.D., University
of Minnesota.
Mark Engebretson, As ·ociale Pro ess >.r & Dept. Chairperson of
Physi . BA, Lulher oll g ; I. Div., Luther Theological
eminnr ; M , Ph .D., Un iversity of Minn sotn.
Norman Ferguson, Professor of Psychology. BA, Franklin and
Marshall Colleg ; MS, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin .
Jerry Gerasimo, Professor of Sociology. BA, Lake Forest College;
MA, Ph.D. , University of Chicago.
Milda Hedblom, Professor of Political Science. BA, Macalester
College; MA, Ph.D., University of Minnesota .
Edwina Hertzberg, Associate Professor of Social Work, Director of
Faculty Development. BA, Cedar Crest College; MSW, Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota.
Garry Hesser, Prof ssor of Socio logy, Director of Cooperative
Edu alion Program. BA, Phillip Univer ·ity; I.Div., Union
Theolog i al Sem inary; Ph.D., Univer ity of N >Lre Dame.
Joanne Karvonen, Graduate Program Coordinator. BA, Gustavus
Adolphus College; MA, University of Georgia.
Edith Kromer, Weekend Librarian. BA, Hamline University; MA,
University of Minnesota.
Ryan LaHurd, Vice Pre idenl for Acad mi Affairs, Dean of the
ollege. BA, Mt. Cann I oil ge; MA, Univcr ity or hicago;
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin.
David Lapakko, Assistant Professor of Speech, Communication
and Theatre. B.A., Macal ster College; MA, Ph.D., University
of Minnesota.
Rosemary Link, A sista nl Pr C ssor of So ial Work. I , London
University (Bedford illege); Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Janet M. Mathison, Instructor, part-time, Religion. Associate
Directo1~ Center for Global Education. BA, Alverno College; MA,
Ed.D, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
Marie McNeff, Associate Professor of Education. BS, M.Ed.,
Ed.D., University of Nebraska.
Nancy Medcraft, Co-director, Counseling Services, BA, MA,
University of Minnesota.
Thomas Morgan, Assistant Professor of Business Ad mini tration
and E nomi s. BS, Juniata Colle e; Ml3A, Universit of Denver;
MS, University of Oregon.
Richard Nelson, Professor and Department Chairperson of
History. BA, University of Nebraska; MA, Ph.D., University of
Beverly Nilsson, Associate Professor and Chairperson of Nursing.
BSN., MS, University of Minnesota.
Norma Noonan, Professor of Political Science. BA, University of
Pennsylvania; MA, Ph.D., University of Indiana.
Ronald Palosaari, Professor of English. BA, Bethel College; B. Div.,
Bethel Seminary; MA, Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Diane Pike, Associate Professor of Sociology. AB, Connecticut
College; Ph.D., Yale University.
Larry Ragland, Associate Professor of Mathematics and Computer
Science. BS, MA., Central Missouri State College; Ph.D.,
University of Texas at Austin.
Richard Thoni, Director of Weekend College. BA, St. Olaf College;
PH.D., University of Minnesota.
Elizabeth Vander Schaaf, Associate Dean for Graduate and Special
Programs. BA, Swarthmore College; MA, Ph.D., University of Iowa .
Maria Woroby, Reference Librarian & Weekend Supervisor. BS,
MA, University of Minnesota.
Linda Geisen, Training and Development Manager,
City of St. Paul.
Dan Hanson, Vice President, Food Ingredients Division,
Land-0- Lakes, Inc.
Cynthia Marsh, Ph.D. Consulting Psychologist, Personnel
Decisions, Inc.
Dean Newman, Consultant.
Robert Odom, Senior Vice President of US Specialty Divisions,
HB Fuller Company.
Richard Ploetz, Customer Education Manager, Medtronic, Inc.
Rosemarie Ramirez, Human Resources Officer, St. Paul
Companies, Inc.
The provisions of this document are not to be regarded as an
irrevocable contract between the student and the College. The
College reserves the right to change any provisions or requirements
at any time within the student's term of residence.
Augsburg College
Recommendation Form
To the applicant: Please give this recommendation form to a
co-worker or supervisor with whom you work. Before you do,
however, please indicate whether you reserve the right to
review the recommendation once it is written or waive your
right of access to this information.
I (
waive) my right to review this
Augsburg College
Recommendation Checklist
Please evaluate the applicant on each of the following dimensions.
Low, needs much
1) Self-Awareness - - 2) Self-Confidence
High, welldeveloped
(Circle one)
- - - - - - - - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6
3) Integrity, Well-developed Value System - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6
Augsburg College
Recommendation Form
To the applicant: Please give this recommendation form to a
co-worker or supervisor with whom you work. Before you do,
however, please indicate whether you reserve the right to
review the recommendation once it is written or waive your
right of access to this information.
I (
waive) my right to review this
. ....-. ·-·
Augsburg College
Recommendation Checklist
Please evaluate the applicant on each of the following dimensions.
Low, needs much
1) Self-Awareness - - - - - - - 2) Self-Confidence
- - - - - - - -
High, welldeveloped
(Circle one)
- 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
3) Integrity, Well-developed Value System - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6
Augsburg College
Master of Arts in Leadership
Application Form
omplete all sections of the attached application form. Please print
or type.
Application Fee
Make check or money order payable to Augsburg College.
Mail application form with the $25, non-refundable application
fee to:
Graduate Program Office
Augsburg College
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Have official transcripts from each post-secondary institution
attended (including credits/degrees and dates) sent to the Graduate
Program Office.
Test Scores
Scores from the Miller Analogies Test (MAT) must be submitted to
the Graduate Program Office. The MAT may be taken at the
University of Minnesota Testing Office at Room 9 Eddy Hall
(624-3323). The one-hour test is given Monday through Friday on a
walk-in basis either at 10:00 a.m. or 2:00 p.m. Please ask to have
your scores sent to Augsburg. The results will be available in 4 or 5
working days. The cost is $30
Please ask for a recommendation (please use the forms available
from the Graduate Program Office) to be sent to the Graduate
Program Office from each of the following:
Immediate Supervisor - Assessing your leadership potential.
Co-worker (at the same level) - Describing your work style and
potential as a leader.
Written Statement
Submit a written statement relating your career and life goals,
focusing on leadership aspirations and describing how you
anticipate the Master of Arts in Leadership will facilitate your
You may be asked to have a personal interview with a member of
the Graduate Program Staff.
Augsburg College
Application for Admission
Middle Initial
Other surname used at
a college or university
City _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ __ State _ _ _ _ _ _ Zip _ _ _ __ _ County _ __ _ __
Horne Phone
Male D Female D
Work Phone
Social Security Number
Age - -- -- - - Birthdate - -- - -- - - Marital Status _ _ __
Citizen of U.S. Yes D No D Religious Affiliation _ __ _ _ __ _ Denomination _ _ _ __ __ _
Predominant Ethnic
Background (optional)
Caucasian D Black/Afro American D Asian American D
Chicano/Mexican American D American Indian D Other D
Current Occupation
Preferred Entry Date
September, 1988 D
January, 1989 D
April, 1989 D
Previous Education
Please list in chronological order all post-secondary institutions you have attended.
Indicate the approximate number of credits earned and any degrees received.
School _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ __
Location - - - - -- -- - - -- -- - - - -- - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- -- Degrees or
Dates Attended - - - -- - - - - -- - - Credits Earned - - - -- -- - - - -- School _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __
Location - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - -- -- - - - -- -Degrees or
Dates Attended - - -- -- - - -- - - - Credits Earned - -- -- - -- -- - - School _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ __
Degrees or
Dates Attended - - - -- -- - - -- -- Credits Earned - - -- - - - - -- -- School _ __ _ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __
Location - - -- - -- -- - -- - - -- - -- - -- - -- - - -- -- - - - - - Degrees or
Dates Attended - - -- - - -- - -- - - Credits Earned - -- - - -- -- - - - -
Professional Experiences
Position - - -- - - -- - --
Location _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ Dates _ _ _ _ _ __ _
Position - - - - - - - - - - - Employer - - -- -- - - - -- -- - - -- - -- - Location _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dates _ _ _ _ __ __
Position - -- - -- - -- - Employer
Location _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ Dates _ _ _ __ __ _
Forthcoming Recommendations
Please have your supervisor and a co-worker send recommendations (please use the forms
available from the Graduate Program Office) on your behalf to the Graduate Program Office.
List the people writing recommendations below:
Have you requested that your post-secondary transcripts be sent to the
Graduate Program Office?
Test Scores
Have you taken the Miller Analogies Test (MAT) and requested that the
scores be sent to the Graduate Program Office?
Written Statement
Are you enclosing your written statement with this application?
Yes D
Financial Aid
Do you wish to apply for financial aid?
Yes D
Date I plan to take the MAT - - - -- -- - - -- -- - - -- -
To the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete.
Please send this completed application, along with a non-refundable application fee of $25, to Graduate
Program Office, Augsburg College, 73121st Avenue South, Minneaplis, MN 55454.
Augsburg Collegu
-4 J
-root-i vation, Acnievement or iefnta ti on
5) Flexibility, Adaptability
- - - - - - - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6
6) Creativity, Innovativeness - - - - - - - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6
7) Tolerance of Individual Differences
- - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6
8) Broad World View (beyond organization) - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6
9) Overall Potential for Leadership - - - - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6
Please send this checklist and your letter of recommendation to
the Graduate Program Off ice at the address on the reverse side of
this sheet.
Signature of person writing recommendation
To the writer of this recommendation: Thank you for your
willingness to-Provide information to the Augsburg College
Graduate Admissions Committee. Please fill out the
checklist on the reverse side of this sheet and then in a
letter expand on your evaluation of the applicant's
potential for graduate study and for assuming more advanced
leadership positions. Include in your letter how long you
have known the applicant and in what capacities. Please
mail the checklist and your letter directly to the Graduate
Program Office at the following address. Thank you.
Graduate Program Off ice
Augsburg College
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
"t J
1'1U LJ.. VC1 LJ..UU r
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5) Flexibility, Adaptability
- - - - - - - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6
6) Creativity, Innovativeness - - - - - - - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6
7) Tolerance of Individual Differences
- - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6
8) Broad World View (beyond organization) - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6
9) Overall Potential for Leadership - - - - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6
Please send this checklist and your letter of recommendation to
the Graduate Program Off ice at the address on the reverse side of
this sheet.
Signature of person writing recommendation
To the writer of this recommendation: Thank you for your
willingness to-Provide information to the Augsburg College
Graduate Admissions Comrnittee. Please fill out the
checklist on the reverse side of this sheet and then in a
letter expand on your evaluation of the applicant's
potential for graduate study and for assuming more advanced
leadership positions. Include in your letter how long you
have known the applicant and in what capacities. Please
mail the checklist and your letter directly to the Graduate
Program Office at the following address. Thank you.
Graduate Program Off ice
Augsburg College
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
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Master of Arts in Leadership (MAL) Catalog, 1990-1991
Course Catalogs
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Those who hope to lead had better understand both rat...
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Those who hope to lead had better understand both rationally and
intuitively the people who might be their followers, and the society
in which they are embedded. They had better comprehend the
values of our common culture, past and present, know how our
political and economic systems work, and understand how and
why science has changed the world ... Leaders need specialists as
advisers and staff members. But leaders themselves are generalists ... At higher levels of leadership they cannot achieve their full
potential without considerable breadth of knowledge. Only this
way can they shape the contexts for decisions where expert
knowledge is used.
- John Gardner
Augsburg College
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
• nformation Sessions
Individuals interested in the Master of Arts in Leadership
program at Augsburg College are encouraged to attend an information session. These free, two-hour sessions are scheduled
at various times prior to the beginning of each trimester.
Please call the Master of Arts in Leadership Office (330-1786)
for details or to register for one of these information sessions:
Saturday, April 21, 1990
Thursday, May 24, 1990
Thursday, June 21, 1990
Tuesday, July 17, 1990
Saturday, October 20, 1990
Saturday, February 23, 1991
Saturday, April 20, 1991
Thursday, May 23, 1991
Thursday, June 20, 1991
Tuesday, July 16, 1991
Tuesday, August 6, 1991
For more information write or call:
Master of Arts in Leadership Office
Augsburg College
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
9:00-11 :00
9:00-11 :00
9:00-11 :00
Information Sessions .............................................................. .. .. 2
Calendar for 1990-'91 ................................................................. 4
Introduction to the Master of Arts in Leadership .................. 6
Leadership Development Model ............................................. 7
Curriculum Design ............................................. ........................ 9
Course Descriptions ........................................ ..... .................... 10
Graduate Faculty ...................................................................... 13
Library ........................................................................................ 13
Accreditation and Affiliations ................................................ 13
Student Support Services ........................................................ 14
Student Rights ........................................................................... 15
Admission Requirements ........................................................ 15
Application Procedures ......................................................... .. 15
Deadlines ................................................................................... 16
Evaluation Standards ......... ...................................................... 16
Academic Policies ..................................................................... 17
Fee and Payment Schedule ..................................................... 18
Financial Aid ............................................................................. 19
Campus Map ............................................................................. 22
Campus Location .. .................................................................... 23
About Augsburg ....................................................................... 24
Faculty and Administration .................................................. .. 25
Advisory Council to the Graduate Program ........................ 28
D alendar
1990-'91 Calendar
Saturday Schedule: 8:30 AM - Noon and 1:15 - 4:45 PM
Thursday Schedule: 6:00 - 7:30 PM and 8:00 - 9:30 PM
Fall Trimester 1990
. : -·
Class Dates
Thursday, September 6
Thursday, September 13
Saturday, September 22
Thursday, September 27
Saturday, O ctober 6
Thursday, October 11
Saturday, October 20
Thursday, October 25
Saturday, N ovember 3
Thursday, November 8
Saturday, November 17
Thursday, November 29
Saturday, D ecember 1
Leadership Practicum Dates
Saturday, September 8
Saturday, September 15
Other Important Dates
Monday, August 20: Application Deadline
Wednesday, September 5: Orientation
Monday, September 10: Last day to register and / or drop
class without record notation
Saturday, November 17: Last day to withdraw from class
Monday, December 17: Final Grades Due
Attendance Policy
Bernuse leader hip i sue are presented, d is u e and a nalyzed in the cla sroom, r gular attendance is highly importMt
a nd hould be con idered a responsibility, not on ly to o n ·'
elf, bu t to ne' cla , mat sand the cour instruct r. Irregula1- attendance may, at the di er tion f th · in tructo r, , dversely affect one's grade.
Winter Trimester, 1991
Class Dates
Thursday, January 3
Saturday, January 12
Thursday, January 17
Saturday, January 26
Thursday, January 31
Saturday, February 9
Thursday, February 14
Saturday, February 23*
Thursday, February 28
Saturday, March 9
Thursday, March 14
Saturday, March 23
Thursday, March 28
Leadership Practicum
Saturday, January 5
*One week between classes
Other Important Dates
Monday, December 3: Application Deadline
Wednesday, January 2: Orientation
Monday, January 7: Last day to register and / or drop
class without record notation
Saturday, March 16: Last day to withdraw from class
Monday, April 1: Final Grades Due
Spring Trimester 1991
Class Dates
Thursday, April 11
Saturday, April 20
Thursday, April 25
Saturday, May 4
Thursday, May 9
Saturday, May 18
Thursday, May 23
Saturday, June 1
Thursday, June 6
Saturday, June 15*
Thursday, June 20
Saturday, June 22
Thursday, June 27
Leadership Practicum
Saturday, April 6
*One week between classes
Other Important Dates
Monday, March 4: Application Deadline
Wednesday, April 10: Orientation
Monday, April 15: Last day to register and / or drop
class without record notation
Saturday, June 1: Last day to withdraw from class
Monday, July 8: Final Grades Due
Developing Leaders for
Organizations and the Community
The Master of Arts in Leadership responds to the leadership
development needs of profit and not-for-profit organizations.
While different in structure and purpose, most organizations
seek leaders with the following qualities:
• a vision which is ethically and morally responsible,
extending beyond immediate concerns;
• an understanding of how change occurs and affects the
immediate environment;
• a sensitivity to the complex problems organizations face,
and an ability to achieve solutions consistent with an
organization's mission;
"' the ability to motivate and inspire individuals and groups to
work toward a common goal; and
• the ability to effectively represent the organization both
internally and externally.
The Master of Arts in Leadership provides a means by which
individuals aspiring to enhance their leadership skills may
discover and refine these and other abilities and awarenesses
fundamental to effective leadership.
Accommodating the Full-Time Work Schedule
The Master of Arts in Leadership program is designed to meet
the needs and preferences of working adults. The program is
based on the assumption that the men and women who enroll
are employed, self-disciplined and well-motivated individuals
who seek a balance of classroom experience, group interaction
and individual study. Each course is, therefore, divided into
periods of study, group efforts and class preparation. To accommodate this format for learning, each class meets on alternate Saturdays for three-and-one-half hours and alternate
Thursday evenings for one-and-one-half hours.
Leadership Development Model
The Master of Arts in Leadership program promotes leadership as a process which 1) inspires cooperation among people
who must compete for limited resources, 2) promotes productivity within and beyond the organization, and 3) works
toward progress. To accomplish this, individuals aspiring to
positions of leadership must possess three key attributes: a
sense of vision, the ability to persuade and the ability to direct
action. Underlying these attributes is a broad range of abilities
and awarenesses. These abilities and awarenesses, outlined in
the diagram on page 7, serve as specific outcomes for the
Master of Arts in Leadership. Augsburg's model of leadership
development is designed to assess, promote, enhance and
refine these capabilities within the individual.
Leadership Development Model
Sense of
Toward Action
"" Social awareness
"" Environmental
"" Tolerance of
religious and
"" Appreciation
of situational
"" Long-term
"" Flexibility
"" Adaptability
"" Innovativeness
Facility for
Effective listener
Effective speaker
Effective writer
Diplomatic ability
Effective team
"" Interpersonal
Risk Assumptive
"" Curiosity
"" Achievement
"" Self-esteem
Analytical ability
"" Ability to think
"" Understanding of
.& Ability to manage
"" Appreciation
for cultural
"" World-view
"" Tolerance of
Community of Learners
Essential to the goals of the Master of Arts in Leadership is
participation in a community of learners. Learning can be.
enhanced when the student is involved in a stable community
that provides opportunity and encouragement for active
participation both in and out of the classroom. This community will be enriched by the presence of men and women who
bring to the program a variety of work and life experiences.
To facilitate this kind of community interaction, Augsburg
encourages graduate students to make use of college facilities
such as the library, meeting rooms and the Christensen Center;
to take the opportunity to share meals and coffee breaks; to
participate in optional lunchtime seminars; and to attend other
college activities such as music and dramatic presentations and
athletic events.
Leadership Practicum
. .,
.· .·.·
Master of Arts in Leadership students enroll in a half course
called "Leadership Practicum." Students are required to enroll
in this professional assessment and development course for six
terms during their graduate work at Augsburg. Upon completion of the entire practicum, students receive a half course
credit. In each term, specific activities related to the practicum
are scheduled.
Early in the program a major component of this practicum is a
full-day professional assessment to determine students' abilities and potential relative to each of the outcomes of the Leadership Development Model (see page 7). Assessment instruments include paper and pencil exercises and simulation and
group experiences. Following the assessment students meet
individually with a trained assessor who provides guidance in
personal goal-setting and in the creation of a professional development plan or "blueprint."
In subsequent terms "Leadership Practicum" includes workshops designed to meet the needs of the students in the following areas: communication skills, self-assessment measures,
group processes, and other professional development topics
identified by graduate students and staff.
.Liurriculum Design
Master of Arts in Leadership students are required to complete
12 courses and a thesis. Each course unites two or more liberal
arts disciplines, encourages pursuit of the designated outcomes, and uses a variety of learning techniques appropriate to
adult learners. Instructional techniques are varied, such as
case study, debate, written and oral presentation and group
activity. The e techniques, which have had demon trat d
succes in advan d courses, develop targeted leadership
abilities and understandings. Continual reinforcement occurs
as students employ these capacities in multiple courses.
Students are encouraged to see abilities and understandings as
cross-disciplinary and to see content areas as integrated. The
very form of the program reflects the view that the world in
which we operate is complex and that dealing with it successfully requires well-developed integrative ability.
Required Courses Include:
ML 500
ML 510
ML 590
ML 591
ML 592
Leadership Practicum (a half course which
spans six trimesters)
Foundations of Leadership (to be taken during
one of the first three trimesters)
Thesis-Research Seminar I
Thesis-Research Seminar II (These two seminars
are to be taken in a student's last two consecutive
Thesis Consultation (a half course to be taken
simultaneously with ML 591 and in the term in
which the thesis is completed)
Students are required to complete eight additional
courses chosen from the following courses:
ML 511 Creativity and the Problem-Solving Process
ML 520 Self-Identity, Values and Personal Growth
ML 521 Methods of Critical Thought
ML 530 Ethics in Communication
ML 531 The Dynamics of Change
ML 540 Politics, History and Leadership
ML 545 Analytical Reasoning for Qualitative Decisions
ML 550 Decision-Making Technology
ML 560 Developing a Multi-Cultural Perspective
ML 598 Independent Study
ML 599 Special Topics
Other courses as added
urse Descriptions
ML 500 Leadership Practicum
A professional assessment and development course which
spans six terms. This course includes a full-day professional
assessment and subsequent workshops in the following areas:
communication skills, self-assessment measures, group
processes. The course culminates in a final professional
assessment. Half credit. Graded on a P /N basis.
ML 510 Foundations of Leadership
Introduction to the concept of leadership, providing an historical and philosophical framework for the program. This course
views the nature and purpose of leadership from a variety of
disciplines and perspectives. The role of th liberal arts, various learning styles, methods of research and inquiry, student
outcomes and program expectations are examined.
ML 511 Creativity and the Problem-Solving Process
Exploration of creativity from the perspective of traditional
aesth · tics as well as contemporary organizational thinking.
Thi cour e uses creativity as a method and it examines techniques for solving problems in organizations, for enhancing
innovation, and for seeking an integrative world-view.
ML 520 Self-Identity, Values and Personal Growth
Study of the concepts of self-identity, values and personal
growth as related to professional and personal life. This course
may employ psychological, philosophical, and theological perspectives to explore the role of the individual in the larger
social context. Major topics include the acquisition, development and evolution of self-identity and values, the influence of
sex roles, and the relationship to spiritual growth.
ML 521 Methods of Critical Thought
Investigation of the processes of critical thinking drawing from
philosophy and other disciplines. This course focuses on the
relationships between ideas and the expression and application
of ideas. Students apply dialectical processes in the effective
formation, presentation and use of ideas in organizational
ML 530 Ethics in Communication
Interdisci plinary study of ethics and communica tion through
the in vestigation of a v<1riety of ethical perspectives within
human comm uni at:ion. This course places particular a ttention
on the use and abuse of communication in politics, advertising
and interpersonal relationships. It emphasizes a sensitivity to
ethical conflicts which arise in social and organizational settings.
ML 531 The Dynamics of Change
Exami na tion of the processes by which change occurs. This
course , ppli s economic and sociological theories to such critical social issues as human and natural resource management.
Emphasis is on identi fying the need for change, the means of
initiating it and the adaptation of social groups to change.
ML 540 Politics, History and Leadership
Analy is of the p Litical aspects of nation-sta tes and other
organiza tions. This course focuses on the proces of achieving
individual, group or .national goa ls. Dra wi1tg on a variety of
cultures and uati n , it examines significant historica l events
and the leaders who shaped them.
ML 545 Analytical Reasoning for Qualitative Decision
Exploration of th methods of ma th ma tica l r asoning as a
structure for a pproa ling problems. This c ur focuses on
the logic and ra tional und erlying ma thematica l models and
analytical decision making techniques.
ML 550 Decision-Making and Technology
Historica l a naly i of th decision ma king an d p roblem solving
pr ce . Thi cour e foc uses on the development of technology
as both the cause and th e solutio1~ of problem s by investigating
various cases.
ML 560 Developing a Multi-Cultural Perspective
Investiga tion of inter-cultura l issues. This course enhances the
ability to lead and work m re effectively with p pie of differen t cultural backgro und throu gh the study of djverse valu ,
beliefs and traditions within the global community.
ML 590 Thesis-Research Seminar I:
Research in Leadership
First half of a two-course "capstone" sequence for the Master
of Arts in Leadership program. This course provides each individual the opportunity to develop a research topic to synthesize previous study and work experience and to demonstrate
an understanding of the program's principles. Grad d n a PI
N basis.
ML 591 Thesis-Research Seminar II:
Synthesis of Findings
Continuation of the "capstone" seminar. This seminar
focuses on the methods of inquiry and results of individual
projects. At the completion of the seminar students present
their final results orally and submit written th ses. Graded
on a PI N basis.
ML 592 Thesis Consultation
A series of meetings with a faculty thesis adviser simultaneous
with ML 591 and during the trimester in which the thesis is
being prepared for final submission. Half credit. Graded on
P / N basi . Students not compl tjng the th s is during the same
term in which they are enrolled in ML 591 are r quired to pay
a thesis continuation fee of $100 durulg each sub equent term
until the thesis is completed .
ML 598 Independent Study
Provides directed independent study in an area of the
student's choice. Open to students who have completed at
lea t three courses with a grad of at least 3.0. Requires
consent of th Associate Deai1 for Graduate and Special Programs.
ML 599 Special Topics
Study of selected topics in leadership that are not treated extensively through current course offerings. Specific topics will
be published prior to registration.
a raduate Faculty
Faculty who teach in the Master of Arts in L ader hip program
are full-time senior faculty with doctorates or appropriate
professional d g re s. Som our s are team taught by bringing tog th r fa ulty from diff rent discipline or combining a
faculty m mb r with profes ionals from relevant fields. In
th s ituation , at least on member of the team has a Ph.D.
and substantial teaching experience. All of the program
faculty have extensive experience teaching adult learners.
Graduate faculty are listed at the end of this bulletin.
• ibrary
The Augsburg library houses over 160,000 bo k , p riodicals,
records, tapes and film . Music, chemistry a nd art hi t ry libraries nre I ca ted within the departmental areas. Ace s to
over 1,000,000 volumes is available via daily interloan and
courier service among seven private liberal arts colleges and
the Hill Reference Library. Through Minitex, the statewide
network, the additional resources of the Minnesota and Wisconsin libraries are accessible to Augsburg faculty and students .
• ccreditation and
Students who successfully complete Augsburg's leadership
prngram will rec ive a Master of Arts Degr · . Augsbu rg is accredited by t11e orth ent.ral A oc:iation of Coll g and
Schools. Th · colleg is a member f the A
iated oll ges of
th Twin Citie (ACTC), Luth tan Educati n owlcil in orth
America and Minnesota Private College Council.
Augsburg College is registered with the Minnesota Higher
Ed u ation Coordinating Board . Registration is not an endorsement of the institution. Registration does not (necessarily)
mean that credits earned at the institution can be transferred to
other institutions or that the quality of the educational programs would meet the standards of every student, educational
institution, or employer.
ll]tudent Support Services
The Augsburg Master of Arts in Leadership Program assists
students in making education and career plans, in working on
their personal development, and in participating in activities
beyond the classroom. Some of these services are listed below.
Academic Planning
In addition to the faculty who provide consultation and advice,
academic planning is guided by the Leadership Practicum assessors, thesis advisers, and Master of Arts in Leadership staff.
Career Services available include:
• Professional assessment through the Leadership Practicum
• Self/ career assessment counseling through the
Career Services Office (330-1162)
• Development of a resume and a career-search plan
through the Career Services Office
• Work experience related to a student's field of specialization
through the Cooperative Education Office (330-1148)
The College has adopted a statement of student rights and responsibilities and has provided for due process in the matters
of disciplinary action, grievana a nd grad appeal. Students
who wish to identify appropriate procedur s f01· complaints
should c nta t the Vi President for Stud ent Affai_rs (330-1160).
The C liege perates in comp.liaiu e with th Family Right and
Privacy Act and Tit! IX. Sh1dents hav · th right to in p ct all
official r cord which pertain to th m a nd w hich ar maintained in the Registrar's Office and the Placement Office
(except where a waiver of access has been signed) and to
challenge inaccurate or misleading information. Students have
a right to experience education free from discrimination based
on sex, race, ethnic or cultural background, handicap, creed,
marital status or age.
'Almission Requirements
Applicants to the program must hold a baccalaureate degree
from an accredited four-year college or university.
Applicants to the program are expected to have a minimum
undergraduate grade point average of 3.0 (on a scale of A=4.0).
Applicants to the program must have five years of experience
(or equivalent) with one or more organizations in a position(s)
of leadership or position(s) demonstrating leadership potential.
Decisions about admission to the program will be made on an
individual basis by the Master of Arts in Leadership Committee. Admission to each entering graduate class will be given to
the most highly qualified individuals. Selection of candidates
will be made on the basis of an evaluation of each applicant's:
Previous college record,
Letters of recommendation,
Experience and organizational background,
Miller Analogies Test scores, or for applicants whose native
language is not English, a minimum score of 600 on the Test
of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), and
• Written statement and possible interview.
Alpplication Procedures
To apply, students must submit the following materials to the
Master of Arts in Leadership Office:
• Completed application form with $25 (non-refundable)
application fee.
• Written statement relating the applicant's career and life
goals focusing on leadership aspirations.
• Letter of recommendation from an immediate supervisor,
assessing leadership potential.
• Letter of recommendation from a co-worker (at the same
level) describing applicant's work style and potential as a
• Official transcripts of undergraduate and graduate work
from each institution attended indicating degrees conferred.
• Official set of results on the Miller Analogies Test, or for
applicants whose native language is not English, a minimum
score of 600 on the Test of English as a Foreign Language
• Possible interview with graduate program staff member.
Fall Trimester, 1990-Monday, August 20, 1990
Winter Trimester, 1991-Monday, December 3, 1990
Spring Trimester, 1991-Monday, March 4, 1991
Fall Trimester, 1991-Monday, August 19, 1991
m valuation Standards
Evaluation of academic performance for the Master of Arts in
Leadership will be based on number grades using a 4.0 point
scale with these definitions:
Achieves highest standards of excellence
Achieves above basic course standards
Achieves the minimum passing standard
Achieves at or above the 2.0 level (not computed
in grade point average)
Does not meet minimum course standards (no credit and
non-punitiv~not computed in grade point average)
Grade given when course is dropped
Incomplete grade given when student is unable
to complete course requirements for rea ons beyond the
student's control (to receive an incomplete, a student
must file a petition with the Graduate Program staff
stating reasons for the request, the plan and date for
removing the incomplete grade, the signature of the
instructor, and any other necessary documentation).
No more than two courses with a grade below 3.0 will count
t ward the degree. N more than two courses with a grad
below 2.0 can be r peated. Only the credits and grades earned
th s ·cond time are c unt ·d in th grad point average.
Alcademic Policies
Academic Probation and Dismissal
Students must maintain a 3.0 cumulative grade point average.
If a student falls below a 3.0 average, the student will be placed
on probation for the following term. A 3.0 cumulative grade
point average must be restored in order for a student to. be
removed from probation. If a student receives a grade of N in
a course, the student must petition successfully with the
Master of Arts in Leadership Committee before being permitted to continue in the program. A plan for the student to follow would be outlined at that time. If the cumulative grade
point average again falls below 3.0, the student may be dismissed from the program by the Master of Arts in Leadership
Committee. Students also may be dismissed by the Master of
Arts in Leadership Committee for behavior detrimental to the
program such as a gross violation of college policy (as published in the Student Guide). Dismissal would occur only after
established procedures were followed.
Credit for Prior Education, Training and Experience
Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the courses in the Master
of Arts in Leadership program, it is unlikely that courses taken
elsewhere may be substituted for a particular course in the curriculum. Students may petition the Master of Arts in Leadership Committee for approval of any variation in the curriculum including the transfer of credit or the receipt of credit for
other training.
Credit and Contact Hours
Each graduate course in the Master of Arts in Leadership program is the equivalent of four semester credits or six quarter
credits. Students meet in class a total of 30 hours and are
responsible for a significant amount of individual study and
Enrollment Policy/Leaves of Absence
Students may take either one or two courses each trimester.
Enrolling in two courses per trimester enables a student to
complete the program in two years. All students are required
to complete the program within four years. Extensions beyond
four years will be considered on the basis of petition to the
Master of Arts in Leadership Committee. Students who leave
the program for more than one term must request a leave of
absence in writing from the Master of Arts in Leadership
Last Date to Withdraw from Class
The last date on which students may withdraw from a class
and receive a "W" on their records is noted on pp. 4 and 5.
n ee and Payment
Application Fee (payable once, non-refundable)
Tuition (per trimester course)
(one course = 6 quarter credits or 4 semester credits)
Enrollment Reservation Deposit (non-refundable,
applicable to first semester's tuition)
Leadership Practicum Fee (per term for six terms)
Thesis Continuation Fee
Late Fee (charged to any student registering
after the scheduled registration date.)
Late registration includes incomplete registration as
defined: a) Unsigned Registration Form or
b) Unapproved Payment Plan
Registration Change after First Class Meeting
(cancel/ add/ change grade option, or combination
at one time)
Transcript Fee (per copy after first, which is free)
Finance Charge: A finance charge is applied at a
simple rate of 1% per month on any account with
an open balance of 30 days or more.
per day
The application fee ($25) is due on or before the application
deadline for a given term. The $100 non-refundable deposit
(applied to first semester's tuition) reserves a place in the program in a given term, once a person is accepted. Tuition is due
at the time of registration.
Payment Options*
1) Payment in Full: Due day of registration.
2) Payment Plan: Upon application and after college approval,
a 3-pay plan is available each trimester. Payment plans will be
offered only if previous plans have been adhered to.
3) Company Reimbursement: Full courses, or equivalent,
which are company reimbursed require a deposit of $150 per
course reimbursed, with full payment due within 50 days after
the end of the term.
Tuition is set on an annual basis, payable in 3 equal installments at the beginning of each trimester. Registration is permitted only if the student's account for a previous term is paid
in full as agreed . Augsburg College will not release diplomas
or academic transcripts until all student accounts are paid in
full . This also applies for student loan funds administered by
the college (Perkins Student Loan); they must be current according to established repayment schedules.
*A non-sufficient-funds check will declare your registration invalid and
could affect further credit extended by the college.
Refund Schedule
A per-course tuition refund will be made on the following
basis: (In order to be eligible for the refund, students are responsible for cancelling courses with the Registrar's Office.)
first scheduled class meeting-100%
second scheduled class meeting-90%
third scheduled class meeting-80%
fourth scheduled class meeting-70%
fifth scheduled class meeting-60%
sixth scheduled class meeting-50%
m inancial Aid
In a number of ways, students may receive assistance in meeting Graduate Program costs. Enrollment in two courses per
trimester allows the student to be classified as full-time. One
course is considered half-time enrollment. The Office of Student Financial Services (330-1046) assists students in assessing
financial aid eligibility and offers financial aid from available
alternatives, including the following:
Augsburg Tuition Grant
Augsburg College may provide grants and scholarships to
graduate students who show academic potential and have financial need.
Funded Scholarships
Augsburg actively pursues outside funding for special scholarships. The availability of such scholarships enables the participation of individuals of limited financial means as well as individuals working for volunteer agencies and other organizations not likely to provide tuition reimbursement.
Company Tuition Assistance Programs
Many companies, agencies and corporations offer full or
partial tuition assistance to employees who participate in
work-related or degree-related college programs. Augsburg
College provides several payment plans by which employees
may handle tuition reimbursement.
Bureau of Indian Affairs, Tribal and State Indian
American Indian students who meet federal, state or tribal
requirements may apply for these scholarships. Indian grants
generally supplement other sources of financial aid. For assistance in application please contact Augsburg's American
Indian Support Program Director at 330-1138 or your tribal
Federal and State Aid Programs
Th Office of Student Financial Services determines eligibility
for any Federal or State financial aid programs available to
graduate students. Determination of eligibility is based on
standard, nationally accepted methodology.
"' Perkins Student Loan-Joint Augsburg College-federally
funded program administered through the College for students who demonstrate financial eligibility. No interest
accrues nor do payments have to be made on the principal at
any time while you are enrolled at least half-time. Simple
interest of 5% and repayment of the principal (at the minimum
of $30 a month) begin six months after you leave school (nine
months for new borrowers after 7-1-87). Repayment may
extend up to 10 years. The maximum which may be borrowed
for combined undergraduate and graduate study is $18,000 .
.... SLS (Supplemental Loans for Students)-A Federal loan
program. Independent students may borrow up to $4,000 per
year to a maximum of $20,000 and must be enrolled at least
half-time. Variable interest rate is set annually with a cap of
12%; payment usually begins within 60 days after disbursement. Principal may be deferred until the student ceases halftime enrollment. Interest may, at the lender's option, accumulate until the in-school deferment ends. Students must apply
for flnancial aid .
.... SELF (Student Educational Loan Fund)-A Minnesota
State Joan program. Students may borrow up to $4,000 per
year ($16,000 cumulative) as undergraduates with a $25,000
aggregate maximum when graduate study is included ($1,000
minimum). Interest rate is variable, paid by the borrower
quarterly while in school. Principal payments begin 13 months
after leaving school. Students must apply for financial aid and
be enrolled at least half-time .
.... Stafford Student Loan (formerly the Guaranteed Student
Loan)-Loan funds are obtained directly from a local lender or
state agency in certain states. While the student is attending at
least half-time, there is no interest charge. Simple annual
interest of 8% on the loan balance and repayment of the
principal begin six months after leaving school. Repayment
may extend up to 10 years. The maximum loan is $2,625 for
the first two years and $4,000 for the remaining years of undergraduate study and $7,500 per year for graduate study. The
cumulative undergraduate and graduate maximum is $54,750.
To Apply for Financial Aid:
Complete the Application for Admission and indicate your
desire to also apply for financial aid.
The Office of Student Financial Services will send you the
necessary application and financial statement form (or you
may pick them up in the Office of Student Financial
Services, 152 Science Hall, or the Master of Arts in
Leadership Program Office, 2222 Murphy Place).
All students must have a Financial Aid Transcript on file
with Augsburg from each previously attended institution
even if they did not receive aid. Forms are available from
the College.
Complete and return the financial aid forms by the
deadlines indicated.
Accept the financial aid offered, in whole or in part, within
the deadline stated.
Admissions House
George Sverdrup Library
Science Hall
Old Main
West Hall
Mortensen Tower
Urness Tower
Christensen Center
Memorial Hall
Music Hall
2222 Murphy Place
Melby Hall
Ice Arena
Stage II Theatre
Center for Global
Scandinavian Center
Foss, Lobeck, Miles Center
for Worship, Drama and
Youth and Family Institute
19. Office Annex House
20. Tutor House
21. American Indian Support
and Minority Education
A. Admissions Parking
B. Student Parking
C. Visitor Parking
D. The Quad
E. Faculty /Staff Parking
F. Murphy Square
G. Anderson-Nelson
Athletic Field
H. Fairview/St. Mary's
Parking Ramp
I. Husby-Strommen
Tennis Courts
J. Resident Parking Only
I~ I
Accessible Entrance
ampus Location
From Minneapolis
Interstate 94 east to 25th A venue exit, left to Riverside
Avenue, left to 21st Avenue South, left at Augsburg sign.
From St. Paul
Interstate 94 west to Riverside exit, right on Riverside
A venue to 21st A venue South, left at Augsburg sign.
All posted Augsburg College pa rking lot are fr and
p en for student us from 4:30 p.m. Friday tlu· ugh
Sunday vening. Lots are loca.ted on 7th Street between
21st and 22nd Avenues and north of 8th Street on 21st
A venue. Most street parking is two hour parking, seven
days a week. Additional parking is available in the
Riverside Medical Center ramp, or U of M parking lots
on the north side of Riverside A venue.
.. '
Ang burg was the first seminary founded by orwegian
Lutherans in America. Named after the confess ion of faith
presented by Lutheran in Aug burg, Germa ny, in 1530,
Aug burg opened in September, 1869, in Marshall, Wisconsin,
and moved to Minneapolis in 1872.
Campus Location
Augsburg's campus is located in the heart of the Twin Cities
surrounding Murphy Square, the oldest of 155 pC1 rks in the
"City of Lakes." Adjacent to the ca mpu are Fairview an d
St. Mary' Hospitals, th West 13ank campus of the Univer ity
f Minne ota and Mississippi River parkway .
Augsburg College has made a majo r effort to becom on of
th most accessible campu es in the regi n. Skyway , tunnel
and eleva tors provide accessible connections be tween nine of
th 14 major b uildings- sh.1dent housi ng towers, Chri ten ell
Cent r, main academic and administrative halls, the library
and music building. In addition, there are progra ms for
students with learning a nd physical disabili ties.
Church Affiliation
Augsburg is a college of The Evangelical Lu thera n Church in
America. About 59 p rcent of the students are Lu th ra11,
14 perc nt other Protes ta nt a nd 19 percent Roman Ca tholic.
Several other affiliations are repre ented among s h.1dents a nd
Non-Discrimination Policy
Augsburg College does not discriminate on the basis of race,
creed, national r ethnic origin, age, marital status, sex or
handicap a required by Title IX of the 1972 Educational
Amendments of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
as amended in its admission policies, educational programs,
activities, and employment practices.
The following faculty and administrators are currently involved in
the Master of Arts in Leadership program:
Earl Alton, Professor and Department Chairperson of Chemistry.
B.A., St. Olaf College; M.S., Ph.D., University of Michiga11.
Kenneth Bailey, Professor of Philosophy. B.A., St. Olaf College;
M.A., Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
John Benson, Professor of Religion. B.A., Augsburg College; B.D.,
Luther Theological Seminary; M.A., Ph.D. Columbia University.
Maria Brown, Assistant Professor of Social Work. B.A., M.A.,
American University; M.S.W., University of Minnesota.
John Cerrito, Assistant Professor of Business Administration and
Economics. B.A., Rhode Island College; M.S., University of
Francine Chakolis, Assistant Professor of Social Work. B.S.,
Augsburg College; M.S.W., University of Minnesota.
Larry Crockett, Assistant Professor of Mathematics/Computer
Science. B.A., M.A., Pacific Lutheran University; M.Div., Luther
Theological Seminary.
Grace Dyrud, Professor of Psychology. B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Mark Engebretson, Associate Professor and Department Chairperson of Physics. B.A., Luther College, M.Div., Luther Theological
Seminary; M.S., Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Norman Ferguson, Professor of Psychology. B.A., Franklin and
Marshall College; M.S., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin.
Nancy Guilbeault, Director, Counseling Services. B.A., M.A., University of Minnesota.
Satya Gupta, Professor of Business Administration and Economics,
B.S., M.S., Agra University, India; M.S., Ph.D., Southern Illinois
Milda Hedblom, Professor of Political Science. B.A., Macalester
College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Edwina Hertzberg, Associate Professor of Social Work, Director of
Faculty Development. B.A., Cedar Crest College; M.S.W., Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota.
Garry Hesser, Professor of Sociology, Director of Cooperative
Education Program. B.A., Phillips University; M.Div., Union
Theological Seminary; Ph.D., University of Notre Dame.
Edith Kromer, Weekend Librarian. B.A., Hamline University;
M.A., University of Minnesota.
Ryan LaHurd, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dean of the
College. B.A., Mt. Carmel College; M.A., University of Chicago;
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin.
David Lapakko, Assistant Professor of Speech, Communication
and Theatre. B.A., Macalester College; M.A., Ph.D., University
of Minnesota.
Rosemary Link, Assistant Professor of Social Work. B.A.,
Southhampton University; C.Q.S.W., London University;
Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Janet M. Mathison, Instructor of Religion, Associate Director,
Center for Global Education. B.A., Alverno College; M.A.,
Ed.D., University of Pennsylvania.
Marie McNeff, Professor of Education. B.S., M.Ed., Ed.D.,
University of Nebraska.
Thomas Morgan, Assistant Professor of Business Administration
and Economics. B.S., Juniata College; M.B.A., University of
Denver; M.S., University of Oregon.
William Morris, Adjunct Professor of Political Science. B.A.,
Oakland University; Ph.D., Carnegie-Mellon University.
Richard Nelson, Professor and Department Chairperson of
History. B.A., University of Nebraska; M.A., Ph.D., University
of Minnesota .
Beverly Nilsson, Professor and Chairperson of Nursing. B.S.N.,
M.S., Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Norma Noonan, Professor of Political Science. B.A., University
of Pennsylvania; M.A., Ph.D., University of Indiana.
Vicki B. Olson, Assistant Professor of Education, B.S., M.A.,
Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Ronald Palosaari, Professor of English. B.A., Bethel College;
B.Div., Bethel Seminary; M.A., Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Diane Pike, Associate Professor of Sociology. A.B., Connecticut
College; Ph.D., Yale University.
Larry Ragland, Associate Professor of Mathematics and Computer
Science. B.S., M.A., Central Missouri State College; Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin.
Stuart M. Stoller, Assistant Professor of Business Administration
and Economics, B.S., M.S., Long Island University.
William Swenson, Adjunct Professor of Philosophy. A.B., Ph.D.,
University of Chicago.
Elizabeth Vander Schaaf, Associate Dean for Graduate and Special
Programs. B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A., Ph.D., University of
Maria Woroby, Reference Librarian and Weekend Supervisor.
B.S., M.A., University of Minnesota.
Linda Geisen, Training and Development Manager,
City of St. Paul.
Dan Hanson, Vice President, Food Ingredients Division,
Land-0-Lakes, Inc.
Cynthia Marsh, Ph.D. Consulting Psychologist,
Personnel Decisions, Inc.
Dean Newman, Consultant.
Robert Odom, Senior Vice President of U.S. Specialty Divisions,
H.B. Fuller Company.
Richard Ploetz, Customer Education Manager, Medtronic, Inc.
Rosemarie Ramirez, Human Resources Officer,
St. Paul Companies, Inc.
The provisions of this document are not to be regarded as an
irrevocable contract between the student and the College. The
College reserves the right to change any provisions or requirements at any time within the student's term of residence.
Augsburg College_;
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Master of Arts in Leadership (MAL) Catalog, 1991-1993
Course Catalogs
Search Result
Those who hope to lead had better understand both rationally and
intuitively the people who might be their followers, and the society
in which they are embedded. They had better comprehend the
values of our common culture, pas...
Show more
Those who hope to lead had better understand both rationally and
intuitively the people who might be their followers, and the society
in which they are embedded. They had better comprehend the
values of our common culture, past and present, know how our
political and economic systems work, and understand how and
why science has changed the world ... Leaders need specialists as
advisers and staff members. But leaders themselves are generalists ... At higher levels of leadership they cannot achieve their full
potential without considerable breadth of knowledge. Only this
way can they shape the contexts for decisions where expert
knowledge is used.
- John Gardner
Augsburg College
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
• able of Contents
Introduction to the Master of Arts in Leadership .................. 3
Leadership Development Model .............................................. 5
Curriculum Design ..................................................................... 6
Course Descriptions ................................................................... 7
Graduate Faculty ...................................................................... 10
Library ............. ........................................................................... 10
Accreditation and Affiliations ................................................ 10
Student Support Services ........................................................ 11
Student Rights ........................................................................... 11
Admission Requirements ....................... :................................ 12
Application Procedures ........................................................... 12
Evaluation Standards ............................................................... 13
Academic Policies ..................................................................... 14
Payment Schedule .. ................ ....................................... ..... ...... 15
Financial Aid ............................................................................. 15
About Augsburg .. ..................................................................... 18
Campus Map ............................................................................. 19
Campus Location ...................................................................... 20
Faculty and Administration .................................................... 21
Advisory Council to the Graduate Program ........................ 23
•nformation Sessions
Individuals interested in the Master of Arts in Leadership
program at Augsburg College are encouraged to attend an
information session. These free, two-hour sessions are scheduled at various times prior to the beginning of each trimester.
Please call the Master of Arts in Leadership Office (330-1786) for
details or to register for one of these information sessions:
Thursday, May 23, 1991
Thursday, June 20, 1991
Tuesday, July 16, 1991
Saturday, October 12, 1991
Saturday,February15, 1992
Thursday, May 14, 1992
Thursday, June 18, 1992
Tuesday, July 14, 1992
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
9:00 - 11:00 a.m.
9:00 - 11:00 a.m.
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
For more information write or call:
Master of Arts in Leadership Office
Augsburg College
73121st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Augsburg College_,;
ljee and Payment
Application Fee (payable once, non-refundable)
Tuition (per trimester course)
(one course =6 quarter credits or 4 semester credits)
Enrollment Reservation Deposit (non-refundable,
applicable to first semester's tuition)
Leadership Practicum Fee (per term for six terms)
Thesis Continuation Fee $100.00
Late Fee, per day (charged to any student registering
after the scheduled registration date).
Late registration includes incomplete registration as
defined: a) Unsigned Registration Form or
b) Unapproved Payment Plan
Registration Change after First Oass Meeting
(cancel/add/change grade option, or combination
at one time)
Transcript Fee (per copy after first, which is free)
Finance Charge: A finance charge is applied at a
simple rate of 1% per month on any account with
an open balance of 30 days or more.
The appUcation fee ($25) is due on or before the application deadline
for a given term. The $100 non-refundable deposit (applied to first
semester's tuition) reserves a place in the program in a given term,
once a person is accepted. Tuition is due at the time of registration.
Payment Options*
1) Payment in Full: Due day of registration.
2) Payment Plan: Upon application and after college approval, a 3pay plan is available each trimester. Payment plans will be offered
only if previous plans have been adhered to.
3) Company Reimbursement: Full courses, or equivalent, which are
company reimbursed require a deposit of $150 per course reimbursed,
with full payment due within 50 days after the end of the term.
Tuition is set on an annual basis, payable in three equal installments at
the beginning of each trimester. Registration is permitted only if the
student's account for a previous term is paid in full as agreed. Augsburg
College will not release diplomas or academic transcripts until all student
accounts are paid in full. This also applies for student loan funds
administered by the college (Perkins Student Loan); they must be current
according to established repayment schedules.
•A non-sufficient-funds check will decliire your registriition in"Dtilid iind could iiffect
further credit extended l1y the college.
Developing Leaders for
Organizations and the Community
The Master of Arts in Leadership responds to the leadership
development needs of profit and not-for-profit organizations.
While different in structure and purpose, most organizations
seek leaders with the following qualities:
.& a vision which is ethically and morally responsible,
extending beyond immediate concerns;
... an understanding of how change occurs and affects the
immediate environment;
.& a sensitivity to the complex problems organizations face,
and an ability to achieve solutions consistent with an
organization's mission;
... the ability to motivate and inspire individuals and groups to
work toward a common goal; and
.& the ability to effectively represent the organization both
internally and externally.
The Master of Arts in Leadership provides a means by which
individuals aspiring to enhance their leadership skills may
discover and refine these and other abilities and awarenesses
fundamental to effective leadership.
Accommodating the Full-Time Work Schedule
The Master of Arts in Leadership program is designed to meet
the needs and preferences of working adults. The program is
based on the assumption that the men and women who enroll
are employed, self-disciplined and well-motivated individuals
who seek a balance of classroom experience, group interaction
and individual study. Each course is, therefore, divided into
periods of study, group efforts and class preparation. To accommodate this format for learning, each class meets on alternate Saturdays for three-and-one-half hours and alternate
Thursday evenings for one-and-one-half hours.
Leadership Development Model
The Master of Arts in Leadership program promotes leadership as a process which 1) inspires cooperation among people
who must compete for limited resources, 2) promotes productivity within and beyond the organization, and 3) works
toward progress. To accomplish this, individuals aspiring to
positions of leadership must possess three key attributes: a
sense of vision, the ability to persuade and the ability to direct
action. Underlying these attributes is a broad range of abilities
and awarenesses. These abilities and awarenesses, outlined in
the diagram on page 7, serve as specific outcomes for the
Master of Arts in Leadership. Augsburg's model of leadership
development is designed to assess, promote, enhance and
refine these capabilities within the individual.
Community of Learners
Essential to the goals of the Master of Arts in Leadership is
participation in a community of learners. Learning can be
enhanced when the student is involved in a stable community
that provides opportunity and encouragement for active
participation both in and out of the classroom. This community
will be enriched by the presence of men and women who bring
to the program a variety of work and life experiences.
To facilitate this kind of community interaction, Augsburg
encourages graduate students to make use of college facilities
such as the library, meeting rooms and the Christensen Center;
to take the opportunity to share meals and coffee breaks; to
participate in optional lunch time seminars; and to attend other
college activities such as music and dramatic presentations and
athletic events.
Leadership Practicum
Master of Arts in Leadership students enroll in a half course
called "Leadership Practicum." Students are required to enroll
in this professional assessment and development course for six
terms during their graduate work at Augsburg. Upon completion of the entire practicum, students receive a half course
credit. In each term, specific activities related to the practicum
are scheduled.
Early in the program a major component of this practicum is a
full-day professional assessment to determine students' abilities
and potential relative to each of the outcomes of the Leadership
Development Model (see page 5). Assessment instruments
include paper and pencil exercises and simulation and group
experiences. Following the assessment students meet individually with a trained assessor who provides guidance in personal
goal-setting and in the creation of a professional development
plan or "blueprint."
In subsequent terms "Leadership Practicum" includes workshops designed to meet the needs of the students in the following areas: communication skills, self-assessment measures,
group processes, and other professional development topics
identified by graduate students and staff.
Leadership Development Model
Sense of
Toward Action
FacilitlJ for
Social awareness
Tolerance of
religious and
of situational
Risk Assumptive
• Achievement
i. Self-esteem
Analytical ability
Ability to think
Understanding of
Ability to manage
.:· '.·..
Master of Arts in Leadership students are required to complete
12 courses and a thesis. Each course unites two or more liberal
arts disciplines, encourage pursuit of the de ignated outcomes, and uses a variety of learning techniques appropriate to
adult learners. Instructional technique ar varied, uch as
case study, debate, written and oral presentations and group
activity. These techniques, which have had demon trated
success in advanced courses, develop targeted leadership
abilities and understandings. Continual reinforcement occurs
as students employ these capacities in multiple courses.
Students ar encourag d to ee abilitie and understandings as
cross-disciplinary and to see content areas as integrated. The
very form of the program reflects the view that the world in
which we operate is complex and that dealing with it successfully requires well-developed integrative ability.
Required Courses Include:
ML 500
ML 510
ML 590
ML 591
ML 592
Leadership Practicum (a half course which
spans six trimesters)
Foundations of Leadership (to be taken during
one of the first three trimesters)
Thesis-Research Seminar I
Thesis-Research Seminar II (These two seminars
are to be taken in a student's last two consecutive
Thesis Consultation (a half course to be taken
simultaneously with ML 591 and in the term in
which the thesis is completed)
Students are required to complete eight additional
courses chosen from the following courses:
ML 511 Creativity and the Problem-Solving Process
ML 520 Self-Identity, Values and Personal Growth
ML 521 Methods of Critical Thought
ML 530 Ethics in Communication
ML 531 The Dynamics of Change
ML 540 Politics, History and Leadership
ML 545 Analytical Reasoning for Qualitative Decisions
ML 550 Decision-Making Technology
ML 560 Developing a Multi-Cultural Perspective
ML 598 Independent Study
ML 599 Special Topics
Other courses as added
.Dourse Descriptions
ML 500 Leadership Practicum
A professional assessment and development course which
spans six terms. This course includes a full-day professional
assessment and subsequent workshops in the following areas:
communication skills, self-assessment measures, group
processes. The course culminates in a final professional
assessment. Half credit. Graded on a PIN basis.
ML 510 Foundations of Leadership
Introduction to the concept of leadership, providing an historical and philosophical framework for the program. This course
views the nature and purpose of leadership from a variety of
disciplines and perspectives. The role of the liberal arts, various learning styles, methods of research and inquiry, student
outcomes and program expectations are examined.
ML 511 Creativity and the Problem-Solving Process
Exploration of creativity from the perspective of traditional
aesthetics as well as contemporary organizational thinking.
This course uses creativity as a method and it examines techniques for solving problems in organizations, for enhancing
innovation, and for seeking an integrative world-view.
ML 520 Self-Identity, Values and Personal Growth
Study of the concepts of self-identity, values and personal
growth as related to professional and personal life. This course
may employ psychological, philosophical, and theological perspectives to explore the role of the individual in the larger
social context. Major topics include the acquisition, development and evolution of self-identity and values, the influence of
sex roles, and the relationship to spiritual growth.
ML 521 Methods of Critical Thought
Investigation of the processes of critical thinking drawing from
philosophy and other disciplines. This course focuses on the
relationships between ideas and the expression and application
of ideas. Students apply dialectical processes in the effective
formation, presentation and use of ideas in organizational
ML530 Ethics in Communication
Interdisciplinary study of ethics and communication through
the investigation of a variety of ethical perspectives within
human communication. This course places particular attention
on the use and abuse of communication in politics, advertising
and interpersonal relationships. It emphasizes a sensitivity to
ethical conflicts which arise in social and organizational settings.
ML531 The Dynamics of Change
This course offers an exploration of the context of social change
and varying responses to diverse human needs. Ways of
achieving well-being may be viewed differently by leaders in
public and private domains and across cultures. The course
explores these various perspectives including areas of conflict
and opportunities for leadership in social and organizational
change. Sociological, human development and economic
theories are applied to contemporary public and private
sector issues for social change.
ML540 Politics, History and Leadership
Analysis of the political aspects of nation-states and other
organizations. This course focuses on the process of achieving
individual, group or national goals. Drawing on a variety of
cultures and nations, it examines significant historical events
and the leaders who shaped them.
ML545 Decision Making I: Qualitiative Process
and Application
Decision making is fundamental to all human endeavor,
particularly in leadership. Leaders, regardless of their field,
are continually held accountable for decisions in settings
characterized by incomplete information and limited time. The
constrained nature of the typical decision making environment
necessitates the use of a systematic and objective decision
making process. Drawing on various disciplines, course
participants will examine th different tage of th deci ion
making process, including: analysis of the decision setting and
its relevant boundaries, identification of acceptable decision
outcomes, definition of the implementation of the decision and
appraisal of potential contingencies. While emphasis is given to
the qualitative rather than quantitative aspects of decision
making, about 20 percent of the course will include the
development of some basic analytical concepts: data collection,
graphs and charts, measuring central tendency and dispersion,
and association.
ML550 Decision Making and Technology
Hi torical analysis of th decision making and problem solving
process. This cours focuses on the development of technology
a both the cau e and the solution of problems by investigating
various cases.
ML560 Developing a Multi-Cultural Perspective
Investigation of inter-cultural is ·ues. This course enhances the
ability to lead and work more effectively with p ople of
different cultural background through the study of di.ver e
values, beliefs and traditions within the global community.
ML 590 Thesis-Research Seminar I:
Research in Leadership
First half of a two-course "capstone" sequence for the Master of
Arts in Leadership Program. This course provides each
individual the opportunity to develop a research topic to
synthesize previous study and work experience and to
demonstrate an understanding of the program's principles.
Graded on a P /N basis.
ML591 Thesis-Research Seminar II:
Synthesis of Findings
Continuation of the "capstone" seminar. This seminar focuses
on the methods of inquiry and results of individual projects. At
the completion of the seminar, students present their final
results orally and submit written thesis. Graded on a P /N basis.
ML592 Thesis Consultation
A series of meetings with a faculty thesis adviser simultaneous
with ML591 and during the trimester in which the thesis is
being prepared for final submission. Half credit. Graded on PI
N basis. Students not completing the thesis durin,g the same
term in which they are emolled in ML591 are required to pay a
thesis continuation fee of $100 during each subsequent term
until the thesis is completed.
Provid s directed independent study in an area of the student's
choice. Open to students who have completed at least three
courses with a grade of at least 3.0. Requires consent of the
Associate Dean for Graduate and Special Programs.
ML599 Special Topics
Study of selected topics in leadership that are not treated
extensively through current course offerings. Specific topics
will be published prior to registration.
. ...·,·
Faculty who t ach in the Master of Arts in Leadership program
are full-time senior faculty with doctorates or appropriate
professional degrees. Some course are team taught by bringing together faculty from different disciplines or combining a
faculty member with professionals from relevant field . In
these situations, at least one member of the team has a Ph.D.
and substantial teaching experience. AU of the program
faculty have exten ive experience teaching adult learners.
Graduate faculty are listed at the 1d of thj bulletin.
The Augsburg library houses over 160,000 books, periodicals,
records, tapes and films. Music, chemistry and art history libraries are located within the departmental areas. Access to
over 1,000,000 volumes is available v:ia daily interloan and
courier service among seven private liberal art colleges and
the Hill Reference Library. Through Minitex, the statewide
network, the additional resources of the Minnesota and Wisconsin libraries are accessible to Augsburg faculty and students.
:.ccreditation and
Students who successfully c mplet Augsburg's leadership
program will receive a Ma ter of Arts Degree. Augsburg .is accredited by the North Central Ass ciation of Colleges and
Schools. The college i a member of the Associated Colleges of
tbe Twin Cities (ACTC), Lutheran Education Cow1cil in North
America and Minnesota Private College Council.
Augsburg College is registered with the Minnesota Higher
Education Coordinating Board. Registration is not an endorsement of the institution. Registrati n do snot (necessarily)
mean that credits earned at the institution can be transferred to
other institutions or that the quality of the educational programs would meet the standards of every student, educational
institution, or employer.
udent Support Services
The Augsburg Master of Arts in Leadership Program assists
students in making education and career plans, in working on
their personal development, and in participating in activities
beyond the classroom. Some of these services are listed below.
Academic Planning
In addition to the faculty who provide consultation and advice,
academic planning is guided by the Leadership Practicum assessors, thesis advisers, and Master of Arts in Leadership staff.
Career Services available include:
• Professional assessment through the Leadership Practicum
• Self/ career assessment counseling through the
Career Services Office (330-1162)
• Development of a resume and a career-search plan
through the Career Services Office
• Work experience related to a student's field of specialization
through the Cooperative Education Office (330-1148)
• tudent Rights
The College has adopted a statement of student rights and responsibilities and has provided for due process in the matters
of disciplinary action, grievances and grade appeal. Students
who wish to identify appropriate procedures for complaints
should contact the Vice President for Student Affairs (330-1160).
The College operates in compliance with the Family Rights and
Privacy Act and Title IX. Students have the right to inspect all
official records which pertain to them and which are maintained in the Registrar's Office and the Placement Office
(except where a waiver of access has been signed) and to
challenge inaccurate or misleading information. Students have
a right to experience education free from discrimination based
on sex, race, ethnic or cultural background, handicap, creed,
marital status or age.
• dmission Requirements
Applicants to the program must hold a baccalaureate degree
from an accredited four-year college or university.
Applicants to the program are expected to have a minimum
undergraduate grade point average of 3.0 (on a scale of A=4.0).
Applicants to the program must have five years of experience
(or equivalent) with one or more organizations in a position(s)
of leadership or position(s) demonstrating leadership potential.
Decisions about admission to the program will be made on an
individual basis by the Master of Arts in Leadership Committee. Admission to each entering graduate class will be given to
the most highly qualified individuals. Selection of candidates
will be made on the basis of an evaluation of each applicant's:
Previous college record,
Letters of recommendation,
Experience and organizational background,
Miller Analogies Test scores, or for applicants whose native
language is not English, a minimum score of 600 on the Test
of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), and
• Written statement and possible interview.
A)pplication Procedures
To apply, students must submit the following materials to the
Master of Arts in Leadership Office:
• Completed application form with $25 (non-refundable)
application fee.
• Written statement relating the applicant's career and life
goals focusing on leadership aspirations.
• Letter of recommendation from an immediate supervisor,
assessing leadership potential.
• Letter of recommendation from a co-worker (at the same
level) describing applicant's work style and potential as a
• Official transcripts of undergraduate and graduate work
from all institutions attended.
• Official set of results on the Miller Analogies Test, or for
applicants whose native language is not English, a minimum
score of 600 on the Test of English as a Foreign Language
• Possible interview with graduate program staff member.
mlvaluation Standards
Evaluation of academic performance for the Master of Arts in
Leadership will be based on number grades using a 4.0 point
scale with these definitions:
Achieves highest standards of excellence
Achieves above basic course standards
Achieves the minimum passing standard
Achieves at or above the 2.0 level (not computed
in grade point average)
Does not meet minimum course standards (no credit and
non-punitive-not computed in grade point average)
Grade given when course is dropped
Incomplete grade given when student is unable
to complete course requirements for reasons beyond the
student's control (to receive an incomplete, a student
must file a petition with the Graduate Program staff
stating reasons for the request, the plan and date for
removing the incomplete grade, the signature of the
instructor, and any other necessary documentation).
No more than two courses with a grade below 3.0 will count
toward the degree. No more than two courses with a grade
below 2.0 can be repeated. Only the credits and grades earned
the second time are counted in the grade point average.
Alcademic Policies
Academic Probation and Dismissal
Students must maintain a 3.0 cumulative grade point average.
If a student falls below a 3.0 average, the student will be placed
on probation for the following term. A 3.0 cumulative grade
point average must be restored in order for a student to be
removed from probation. If a student receives a grade of N in a
course, the student must petition successfully with the Master
of Arts in Leadership Committee before being permitted to
continue in the program. A plan for the student to follow
would be outlined at that time. If the cumulative grade point
average again falls below 3.0, the student may be dismissed
from the program by the Master of Arts in Leadership
Committee. Students also may be dismissed by the Master of
Arts in Leadership Committee for behavior detrimental to the
program such as a gross violation of college policy (as
published in the Student Guide). Di missal would occur only
after established procedmes were followed.
Credit for Prior Education, Training and Experience
Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the courses in the Master
of Arts in Leadership Program, it is unlikely that courses taken
elsewhere may be substituted for a particular course in the
curriculum. Students may petition the Master of Arts in
Leadership Committee for approval of any variation in the
curriculum including the transfer of credit or the receipt of
credit for other training.
Credit and Contact Hours
Each graduate course in the Master of Arts in Leadership
Program is the equivalent of four semester credits or six
quarter credits. Students meet in class a total of 30 hours and
are responsible for a significant amount of individual study
and preparation.
Enrollment Policy/Leaves of Absence
Students may take either one or two courses each trimester.
Enrolling in two courses per trimester enables a student to
complete the program in two years. All students are required
to complete the program within five years. Extensions beyond
five years will be considered on the basis of petition to the
Master of Arts in Leadership Committee. Students who leave
the program for more than one term must request a leave of
absence in writing from the Master of Arts in Leadership
Last Date to Withdraw from Class
The last date on which students may withdraw from a class and
receive a "W" on their records is noted in the calendar insert.
Payment Options*
1) Payment in Full: Due day ofregistration.
2) Payment Plan: Upon application and after college approval,
a 3-pay plan is available each trimester. Payment plans will be
offered only if previous plans have been adhered to.
3) Company Reimbursement: Full courses, or equivalent,
which are company reimbursed require a deposit of $150 per
course reimbursed, with full payment due within 50 days after
the end of the term.
Tuition is set on an annual basis, payable in 3 equal
installments at the beginning of each trimester. Registration is
permitted only if the student's account for a previous term is
paid in full as agreed. Augsburg College will not release
diplomas or academic transcripts until all student accounts are
paid in full. This also applies for student loan funds
administered by the college (Perkins Student Loan); they must
be current according to repayment schedules.
*A non-sufficient-funds check will declare your registration invalid and could affect
further credit extended by the college.
Refund Schedule
A per-course tuition refund will be made on the following
basis: (In order to be eligible for the refund, students are
responsible for cancelling courses with the Registrar's Office.)
Prior to the first scheduled class meeting-100%
Prior to the second scheduled class meeting-90%
Prior to the third scheduled class meeting-80%
Prior to the fourth scheduled class meeting-70%
Prior to the fifth scheduled class meeting-60%
Prior to the sixth scheduled class meeting-50%
inancial Aid
In a number of ways, students may receive assistance in
meeting Graduate Program costs. Enrollment in two courses
per trimester allows the student to be classified as full-time.
One course is considered half-time enrollment. The Office of
Student Financial Services (330-1046) assists students in
assessing financial aid eligibility and offers financial aid from
available alternatives, including the following:
Augsburg Tuition Grant
Augsburg College may provide grants and scholarships to
graduate students who show academic potential and have
financial need.
Funded Scholarships
Augsburg actively pursues outside funding for special
scholarships. The availability of such scholarships enables the
participation of individuals of limited financial means as well
as individuals working for volunteer agencies and other
organizations not likely to provide tuition reimbursement.
Company Tuition Assistance Programs
Many companies, agencies and corporations offer full or partial
tuition assistance to employees who participate in work-related
or degree-related college programs. Augsburg College
provides several payment plans by which employees may
handle tuition reimbursement.
Bureau of Indian Affairs, Tribal and State Indian
American Indian students who meet federal, state or tribal
requirements may apply for these scholarships. Indian grants
generally supplement other sources of financial aid. For assistance
in application please contact Augsburg's American Indian
Support Program Director at 330-1138 or your tribal agency.
Federal and State Aid Programs
The Office of Student Financial Services determines eligibility
for any Federal or State financial aid programs available to
graduate students. Determination of eligibility is based on
standard, nationally accepted methodology.
..6. Perkins Student Loan-Joint Augsburg College-federally
funded program administered through the College for
students who demonstrate financial eligibility. No interest
accrues nor do payments have to be made on the principal at
any time while you are enrolled at least half-time. Simple
interest of 5% and repayment of the principal (at the minimum
of $30 a month) begin six months after you leave school (nine
months for new borrowers after 7-1-87). Repayment may
extend up to 10 years. The maximum which may be borrowed
for combined undergraduate and graduate study is $18,000 .
..6. SLS (Supplemental Loans for Students)-A Federal loan
program. Independent students may borrow up to $4,000 per
year to a maximum of $20,000 and must be enrolled at least
half-time. Variable interest rate is set annually with a cap of
12%; payment usually begin within 60 days after
disbursement. Principal may be def rred until the student
ceases half-time enrollment. Interest may, at the lender's
option, acnunu late w1til the in-school deferment ends.
Students mu t apply for financial aid.
• SELF (Student Educati nal Loan Fund)-A Minnesota State
loan program. Stud nts may borrow up to $4,000 per year
($16,000 cumulative) as tmdergraduate with a $25,000
aggregate maximum when graduat study is included ($1,000
minimum). Interest.rate is variabl , paid by the borrower
qua1terly while in d1 I. Principal payments begin 13 month
after I aving d1 ol. Student must apply for financial aid and
be enrolled at least half-time.
• Stafford Student Loan (formerly the Guaranteed Student
Loan)-Loan funds are obtained directly from a local lender or
tate agency in certain states. While the student is attending at
lea t half-time, there is no interest charge. Simple annual
interest of 8% on the loan balance and repayment of the
principal begin six months after leaving school. Repayment
may extend up to 10 years. The maximum loan is $2,625 for the
fir t two years and $4,000 for the remaining years of
W1dergraduate study and $7,500 per year for graduate study. The
cumulative Wldergraduate and graduate maximum is $54,750.
To Apply for Financial Aid:
Complete the Application for Admission and indicate
your desire to also apply for financial aid.
The Office of Student Financial Service will send you
necessmy application and financial statement form (or
you may pick up them up in the Office of Student
Financial Service , 152 Science Hall, or the Master of
Arts in Leadership Program Office, 2222 Muipl1y Place.)
AJJ students must have a Financial Aid Transcript on
file with Augsburg from each previously attended
institution even if they did not receive aid. Forms are
available from the College.
Complete and return the financial aid forms by the
deadlines indicated.
Accept the financial aid offered, in whole or in part,
within the deadline stated.
Albout Augsburg
. ...
Augsburg was the first seminary founded by Norwegian
Lutherans in America. Named after the confession of faith
presented by Lutherans in Augsburg, Germany, in 1530,
Augsburg opened in September, 1869, in Marshall, Wisconsin,
and moved to Minneapoli in 1872.
Campus Location
Augsburg's campus is located in the heart of the Twin Cities
smrounding Murphy Square, the oldest of 155 parks in the
"City of Lakes." Adjacent to the campus ar Fairview and
St. Mary's Hospitals, the West Bank campus of the University
of Minnesota and Mississippi River parkways.
Augsburg College has made a major effort to become one of
the most accessible campuses in the region. Skyways, tunnels
and elevators provide accessible connections between nine of
the 14 major buildings-student housing towers, Christensen
Center, main academic and administrative halls, the library
and music building. In addition, there are programs for
students with learning and physical disabilities.
Church Affiliation
Aug burg is a college of The Evange lical Lutherru1 Church in
America. About 59 p rcent of the students are Lutheran,
14 percent other Protestant a nd 19 p rcent Roman Catholic.
Several other affiliations ar e represented among student and
faculty .
Non-Discrimination Policy
Augsburg College does not discriminate on the basis of race,
creed, national or ethnic origin, age, marital status, sex or
handicap a required by Title IX of the 1972 Educational
Amendments f Section 504 of the Rehabilita tion Act of 1 73
as amended in its admission policies, educational programs,
activities, and employment practices.
Admissions House
George Sverdrup Library
Science Hall
Old Main
West Hall
Mortensen Tower
Urness Tower
Christensen Center
Memorial Hall
Music Hall
2222 Murphy Place
Melby Hall
Ice Arena
Stage II Theatre
Center for Global
Scandinavian Center
Foss, Lobeck, Miles Center
for Worship, Drama and
Youth and Family Institute
19. Office Annex House
20. Tutor House
21. American Indian Support
and Minority Education
A. Admissions Parking
B. Student Parking
C. Visitor Parking
D. The Quad
E. Faculty /Staff Parking
F. Murphy Square
G. Anderson-Nelson
Athletic Field
H. Fairview /St. Mary's
Parking Ramp
I. Husby-Strommen
Tennis Courts
J. Resident Parking Only
I6. I
Accessible Entrance
ampus Location
From Minneapolis
Interstate 94 east to 25th Avenue exit, left to Riverside
Avenue, left to 21st Avenue South, left at Augsburg sign.
From St. Paul
Interstate 94 west to Riverside exit, right on Riverside
Avenue to 21st Avenue South, left at Augsburg sign.
All posted Augsburg College parking lots are free and
open for student use from 4:30 p.m. Friday through
Sunday evening. Lots are located on 7th Street between
21st and 22nd A venues and north of 8th Street on 21st
Avenue. Most street parking is two hour parking, seven
days a week. Additional parking is available in the
Riverside Medical Center ramp, or U of M parking lots
on the north side of Riverside A venue.
m acultyand
The following faculty and administrators are currently
involved in the Master of Arts in Leadership Program:
Earl Alton, Professor and Department Chairperson of Chemistry.
B.A., St. Olaf College; M.S., Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
John Benson, Professor of Religion. B.A., Augsburg College; B.D.,
Luther Theological Seminary; M.A., Ph.D. Columbia University.
Maria Brown, Assistant Professor of Social Work. B.A., M.A.,
American University; M.S.W., University of Minnesota.
John Cerrito, Assistant Professor of Business Administration. B.A.,
Rhode Island College; M.S., University of Wisconsin-Stout.
Francine Chakolis, Assistant Professor of Social Work. B.S.,
Augsburg College; M.S.W., University of Minnesota.
Lany Crockett, Assistant Professor of m<1 tics/Computer
Science. B.A., M.A., Pacific Lutheran Uni ersity; M.Div ., Luther
Theological Seminary.
Grace Dyrud, Professor of Psychology. B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University
of Minnesota.
Mark Engebretson, Associate Professor and Department
Chairperson of Physics. B.A., Luther College, M.Div., Luther
Theological Seminary; M.S., Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Norman Ferguson, Professor of Psychology. B.A., Franklin and
Marshall College; M.S., Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Nancy Guilbeault, Director, Counseling Services. B.A., M.A., Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota.
Satya Gupta, Professor of Economics. B.S., M.S., Agra University,
India; M.S., Ph.D., Southern Illinois University.
Milda Hedblom, Professor of Political Science. B.A., Macalester
College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Edwina Hertzberg, Associate Professor Social Work, Director of
Faculty Development. B.A., Cedar Crest College; M.S.W., Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota.
Garry Hesser, Professor of Sociology, Director of Cooperative
Education Program. B.A., Phillips University; M.Div., Union
Theological Seminary; Ph.D. University of Notre Dame.
Ryan LaHurd, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dean of the
College. B.A., Mt. Carmel College; M.A., University of Chicago;
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin.
David Lapakko, Assistant Professor of Speech, Communication and
Theatre. B.A., Macalester College; M.A., Ph.D., University of
Rosemary Link, Assistant Professor of Social Work B.A.,
Southhampton University; S.Q.S.W., London University; Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota.
Marie McNeff, Professor of Education. B.S., M.Ed., Ed.D., University
of Nebraska.
Fekri Meziou, Assistant Professor of Business Administration, B.A.,
University of Tunis, Tunisia; M.A., Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Thomas Morgan, Assistant Professor of Business Administration.
B.S., Juniata College; M.B.A., University of Denver; M.S., University
of Oregon.
William Morris, Adjunct Professor of Political Science. B.A., Oakland
University; Ph.D., Carnegie-Mellon University.
Richard Nelson, Profes on md DepartmentChairper n of History.
B.A., University of N braska; M.A., Ph.D., University f Min.n sota.
Beverly Nilsson, Prof ,sor and Chairperson of Nursing. B.S.N., M.S.,
Ph.D., University of Minne ota.
Norma Noonan, Professor of Political Science. B.A., University of
Pennsylvania; M.A., Ph.D., University of Indiana.
Vicki B. Olson, Assistant Professor of Education, B.S., M.A., Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota.
Diane Pike, Associate Professor of Sociology. AB., Connecticut
College; Ph.D., Yale University.
Larry Ragland, Associate Professor Mathematics and Computer
Science. B.S., M.A., Central Missouri State College; Ph.D., University
of Texas at Austin.
Stuart M. Stoller, Assistant Professor of Business Administration.
B.S., M.S., Long Island University.
William Swenson, Adjunct Professor of Philosophy. AB., Ph.D.,
University of Chicago.
Elizabeth Vander Schaaf, Associate Dean for Graduate and Special
Programs. B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A. Ph.D., University of Iowa.
Theresa Welcher, Assistant Professor of Nursing. B.S., and two M.S.
degrees, South Dakota State University.
#;)dvisory Council to the
Master of Arts in
Leadership Program
Linda Geisen, Training and Development Manager,
City of St. Paul.
Dan Hanson, Vice President, Food Ingredients Division,
Land-0-Lakes, Inc.
Cynthia Marsh, Ph.D. Consulting Psychologist,
Personnel Decisions, Inc.
Dean Newman, Consultant.
Robert Odom, Senior Vice President of U.S. Specialty Divisions,
H.B. Fuller Company.
Richard Ploetz, Customer Education Manager, Medtronic, Inc.
Rosemarie Ramirez, Human Resources Officer,
St. Paul Companies, Inc.
The provisions of this document are not to be regarded as an
irrevocable contract between the student and the College. The
College reserves the right to change any provisions or requirements at any time within the student's term of residence.
Augsburg Colleg0
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Master of Arts in Leadership (MAL) Catalog, 1993-1995
Course Catalogs
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rationally and intuitively the people who might be
? •
their followers, and the society in which they we embedded.
They had better comprehend the values of our common
culture, past and present, know how our political and
economic systems work, and understand how and why
science has changed the world. .. Leaders need specialists
:.. ~ . ..
. t'
• -~ 1• •
. ..
as advisers and staff members. But leaders themselves are
generalists . .. At higher levels of leadership they cannot
achieve their full potential without considerable breadth of
'• .
knowledge. Only this way can they shape the contexts for
decisions where expert knowledge is used.
• •"
• ..
.. •
John Gardner
:. ~·
. . . ,'
. ... .
llf I
Graduate Programs Office
2211 Riverside Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55454
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Introduction to the Master of Arts in Leadership ......................... 3
Leadership Development Model ................... ............................... 5
Curriculum Design ..................................................... ..................6
' •
Thesis/Leadership Application Project Requirement.. ................. ?
Course Descriptions ...................................... ............... ................. 8
t I•
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' ' •.
!>'•' . . .
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. ..
Accreditation and Affiliations .................................................... 12
Student Support Services ....................... ........................ ............. 13
Student Rights ................................... ...... ..... ............... .. .... ... ....... 13
Admission Requirements ........... ................... .... .. ....... .... .... ......... 14
Attendance Policies ............. .... .... ............. ....... ..... ...... ................ 16
International Applicants ......................... ....... ............ ................. 15
Evaluation Standards ................... .. ............... .. ..... ....... ................. 16
Library ..................................................................... .. ................. 12
Application Procedures ................................. ...... ..... ................... 14
Graduate Faculty ....................................... ....... .. .. .. .. ................... 12
Academic Policies ........................................................... ........... 17
Fee and Payment Information ..................................................... 18
.. :'· •. ';
• . • •4 · ·:·.
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•' ..
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About Augsburg .......................................................................... 22
Campus Location Map ................................. ~ .............................. 23
Financial Aid .............................................................................. 19
Campus Map ............................... ..... ..... .. ........... ... ................... ... 23
Faculty and Administration .............. ............... ............... ... .........24
. ....
·- ·.
• • I
..:· '
Developing Leaders for
Organizations and the
The Master of Arts in Leadership
responds to the leadership
development needs of profit and
not-for-profit organizations.
While different in structure and
purpose, most organizations
seek leaders with the following
• a vision which is ethically and
morally responsible, extending
beyond immediate concerns;
• an understanding of how
change occurs and affects the
immediate environment;
• a sensitivity to the complex
problems organizations face,
and an ability to achieve
solutions consistent with an
organization's mission;
• the ability to motivate and
inspire individuals and groups
to work toward a common
goal; and
• the ability to effectively
represent the organization both
internally and externally.
The Master of Arts in Leadership
provides a means by which individuals may discover and refine
these and other abilities and
awareness fundamental to effective leadership.
Accommodating the
Full-Time Work Schedule
The Master of Arts in
Leadership program is designed
. .. ....
to meet the needs and preferences of working adults. The
program is based on the
assumption that the men and
women who enroll are
employed, self-disciplined and
well-motivated individuals who
seek a balance of classroom
experience, group interaction
and individual study. Each
course is, therefore, divided into
periods of study, group efforts
and class preparation. To
accommodate this format for
learning, each class meets on
alternate Saturdays for
three-and-one-half hours and
alternate Thursday evenings for
one-and-one-half hours.
Leadership Development
. • t .
The Master of Arts in
Leadership program promotes
leadership as a process which I)
inspires cooperation among
people who must compete for
limited resources, 2) promotes
productivity within and beyond
the organization, and 3) works
toward progress for the individual and the organization. To
accomplish this, individuals
aspiring to positions of leadership must possess three key
attributes: a sense of vision, the
ability to persuade, and the
ability to direct action.
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Underlying these attributes is a
broad range of abilities and
awareness. These abilities and
awarenesses, outlined in the
diagram on page 5, serve as
specific outcomes for the Master
of Arts in Leadership. Augsburg's
model of leadership development
is designed to assess, promote,
enhance and refine these capabilities within the individual.
Community of Learners
. ..
..,..•'•· ,
.. ·..
. ' ·•
Essential to the goals of the
Master of Arts in Leadership is
participation in a community of
learners gathered together on the
Augsburg campus. Learning is
enhanced when the student is
involved in a stable community
that provides opportunity and
encouragement for active participation both in and out of the
classroom. This community will
be enriched by the presence of
men and women who bring to
the program a variety of work
and life experiences. To facilitate this kind of community
interaction, Augsburg encourages graduate students to make
use of college facilitates such as
the library, computer labs and
the Christensen Center; to take
the opportunity to share meals
and coffee breaks; to participate
in optional lunch time seminars;
and to attend other college activities such as music and dramatic
presentations, and athletic
Individual Professional
Master of Arts in Leadership
students enroll in a half course
called Leadership Practicum.
Students are required to enroll
in this professional assessment
and development course for six
tenns during their graduate
work at Augsburg. Upon
completion of the entire
practicum, students receive a
half course credit. In each tenn,
specific activities related to the
practicum are scheduled.
Early in the program a major
component of this practicum is a
full-day professional assessment
to determine students' abilities
and potential relative to each of
the outcomes of the Leadership
Development Model (see page
5). Assessment instruments
include paper and pencil exercises, and simulation and group
experiences. Following the
assessment, students meet individually with a trained assessor
who provides guidance in
personal goal-setting and in the
creation of a professional development plan or "blueprint".
Augsburg has contracted with
Personnel Decisions, Inc. (PDI)
to organize and facilitate the
practicums. PDI is a professional consulting firm providing
the full range of psychological
and human resource services to
enhance individual and organizational effectiveness. The
practicums work on a rotating
series of six, one per trimester.
The practicums are designed to
meet the needs of the students in
the following areas: effective
persuasion, communication
techniques, identifying and
defining problems, decision
making, interpersonal skills
required for leadership and other
professional development
topics. Each practicum will
focus on a specific topic and use
mini-lectures, small group exercises and experiential learning.
Students are required to participate in the practicum workshop
with PDI during the same term
they participate in the professional assessment.
;·, .._.,.
.•.•: .
• ·.
Sense of
Toward Action
• Social awareness
• Environmental
• Tolerance of
religious and
• Appreciation
of situational
.• .
Facility for
+ Long-term
+ Flexibility
• Adaptability
• Innovativeness
Effective listener
Effective speaker
Effective writer
• Effective team
• Interpersonal
: .. ,
• Appreciation
for cultural
• World-view
• Tolerance of
' IJ • .,.
.. ....
Risk Assumptive
• Curiosity
+ Achievement
• Self-esteem
• Self-confidence
• Analytical ability
+ Ability to think
• Understanding of
• Ability to manage
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The Master of Arts in
Leadership program is
comprised of 12 course credits
made up of 10 full credit
courses and four half credit
courses. Unless otherwise indicated, each course is equivalent
to one course credit.
Elective Courses
(6 - 8 course credits)
The. following core courses are
required of all students in the
Master of Arts in Leadership
The Master of Arts in
Leadership program requires
that a minimum of six of the
required eight elective courses
be selected from the following
ML 500 Leadership Practicum
(A half course which spans six
ML 5 I 0 Foundations of
Leadership (To be taken during
one of the first three trimesters.)
ML 514 Research Methods OR
EDU 514 Evaluation and
Documentation (To be taken
during one of the first three
trimesters, preferably after the
student has taken ML 510
Foundations of Leadership.)
course list:
ML 51 l Creativity and the
Problem-Solving Process
(Student may not receive credit
for both EDU 515 and ML 511.)
ML 520 Self-Identity, Values,
and Personal Growth
ML 521 Methods of Critical
ML 530 Ethics in
ML 531 The Dynamics of
ML 593 Leadership Research
Seminar I (.5 course)
Ml 594 Leadership Research
Seminar II (.5 course) (These
ML 540 Politics, History, and
two seminars are to be taken in a
student's last two consecutive
terms or when the student has
completed at least six electives.)
ML 545 Decision Making I:
ML 592 Thesis/Project
Consultation (.5 course) (To be
taken simultaneously with ML
594 and in the term in which the
thesis/project is completed.)
ML 560 Developing a Multi-
Qualitative Process and
ML 550 Decision Making and
Cultural Perspective (Student
may not receive credit for both
EDU 513 and ML 560.)
ML 596 Women and Leadership
ML 598 Independent Study
Other courses as added .
have had demonstrated success
in advanced courses, develop
targeted leadership abilities and
understandings. Continual reinforcement occurs as students
employ these capacities in
multiple courses. Students are
encouraged to see abilities and
understandings as cross-disciplinary and to see content areas as
integrated. The very form of the
program reflects the view that the
world in which we operate is
complex and that dealing with it
successfully requires well-developed integrative ability.
Core Courses
(4 course credits)
ML 599 Special Topics
. ·:-.
The Master of Arts in Leadership
students are required to complete
12 course credits and a thesis or
leadership application project.
Each course unites two or more
liberal arts disciplines, encourages pursuit of the designated
outcomes, and uses a variety of
learning techniques appropriate
to adult learners. Instructional
techniques are varied, such as
case study, debate, written and
oral presentations, and group
activity. These techniques, which
: :··' .
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Master of Arts in
Education - Leadership
Elective Courses (0 - 2
course credits)
The Master of Arts in
Leadership program will allow
for the selection of up to two
electives from the Master of
Arts in Education - Leadership
program. The electives can be
selected from the following list:
EDU 510 Ethics and Leadership
EDU 511 Legacy of Education
EDU 512 Models of Teaching
and Learning
EDU 513 Diversity and
Education (Student may not
receive credit for both EDU 513
and ML560.)
EDU 515 Creativity and
Problem Framing (Student may
not receive credit for both EDU
515 andML511.)
EDU 516 Models of
Educational Process
EDU 517 Politics and Public
Policy of School Offerings
EDU 599 Special Topics
(.5 or I course)
Please see the Master of Arts in
Education - Leadership program
bulletin for detailed descriptions
of these courses.
Application Project
At, or near, the completion of
the course work for the Master
of Arts in Leadership program,
students are required to develop
and carry out a study of some
aspect of leadership or leadership related topic. This research
based study affords the student
the opportunity to "tie together"
what has been learned from the
study of leadership in the course
work, course related activities
and the practicum sessions.
Students in the Master of Arts in
Leadership program have the
option to do either a Thesis or a
Leadership Application Project
for completion of the Master of
Arts in Leadership degree. The
decision as to which of these
capstone alternatives is selected
depends on the interests and
orientation of the student. Some
students express a theoretical
interest in the study of leadership and identify topics which
lend themselves to a more traditional thesis project. Other
students express interest in a
more applied approach to leadership and wish to pursue
investigations which are not
appropriate for more traditional
thesis topics. Students with
more practical topics in mind
are likely to select the
Leadership Application Project.
Both the Thesis and the
Leadership Application Project
should be seen as the culmination of the Master of Arts in
Leadership program, offering
participants the opportunity to
either investigate some aspect of
leadership in depth or explore
the application of what has been
studied. The principal distinction between these two options
lies in their underlying orientation. The Thesis will have a
more theoretical orientation,
while the Leadership
Application Project will be
based on a more practical
applied orientation. The difference between these two options
will be explored in more detail
in the ML 514 Research
Methods course, taken during
the first year of the student's
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variety of disciplines and
perspectives. The role of the
liberal arts, various learning
styles, methods of research and
inquiry, student outcomes and
program expectations are examined. Must be taken during one of
the student's first three trimesters.
ML 511 Creativity and the
Problem-Solving Process
Exploration of creativity from
the perspective of traditional
aesthetics as well as contemporary organizational thinking.
This course uses creativity as a
method and it examines techniques for solving problems in
organizations, for enhancing
innovation and for seeking an
integrative world-view.
(Students cannot receive credit
for both this course and EDU
5 I 5 Creativity and Problem
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ML 500 Leadership
A professional assessment and
development course which
spans six terms. This course
includes a full-day professional
assessment and six workshops
in the following areas: Leader as
Communicator, Leader as
Problem-Solver, Leader as
Diplomat, Situational
Leadership, Leader as
Coach/Counselor and Leader as
Adaptor/ Achiever. The workshops are offered in conjunction
with Personnel Decisions, Inc .
Students are expected to participate in both an Assessment
Center and a workshop during
their first term of registration.
Half credit. Graded on a P/N
basis. (Students in the Master of
Arts in Leadership program are
required to take this course.
Credit will not be granted for
EDU 500 Assessment and
Leadership Practicum.)
ML 510 Foundations of
Introduction to the concept of
leadership, providing an historical and philosophical
framework for the program.
This course views the nature and
purpose of leadership from a
ML 514 Research
Evaluation and documentation
of programs, projects and ideas
as they relate to leadership theories and practice. Qualitative
and quantitative tools will be
discussed. Must be taken during
one of the first three trimesters,
preferably after the student has
taken ML 5 I 0 Foundations of
Leadership. (Students can not
receive credit for both this
course and EDU 514 Evaluation
and Documentation.)
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ML 520 Self-Identity,
Values, and Personal
sensitivity to ethical conflicts
which arise in social and organizational settings.
ML 545 Decision Making
I: Qualitative Process
and Application
Study of the concepts of self-identity, values and personal growth
ML 531 The Dynamics of
Decision making is fundamental
to all human endeavor, particu-
as related to professional and
personal life. This course may
employ psychological, philosophical and theological perspectives
to explore the role of the individual in the larger social context.
Major topics include the acquisition, development and evolution
of self-identity and values, the
influence of sex roles and the
relationship to spiritual growth.
ML 521 Methods of
Critical Thought
Investigation of the processes of
critical thinking drawing from
philosophy and other disciplines.
This course focuses on the relationships between ideas and the
expression and application of
ideas. Students apply dialectical
processes in the effective formation, presentation and use of
ideas in organizational structures.
ML 530 Ethics in
Interdisciplinary study of ethics
and communication through the
investigation of a variety of
ethical perspectives within
human communication. This
course places particular attention on the use and abuse of
communication in politics,
advertising and interpersonal
relationships. It emphasizes a
This course offers an exploration of the context of social
change and varying responses to
diverse human needs. Ways of
achieving well-being may be
viewed differently by leaders in
public and private domains and
across cultures. The course
explores these various perspectives including areas of conflict
and opportunities for leadership
in social and organizational
change. Sociological, human
development and economic
theories are applied to contemporary public and private sector
issues for social change.
ML 540 Politics, History,
and Leadership
Analysis of the political aspects
of nation-states and other organizations. This course focuses
on the process of achieving individual, group or national goals.
Drawing on a variety of cultures
and nations, it examines
significant historical events and
the leaders who shaped them.
larly in leadership. Leaders,
regardless of their field, are
continually held accountable for
decisions in settings characterized by incomplete information
and limited time. The
constrained nature of the typical
decision making environment
necessitates the use of a systematic and objective decision
making process. Drawing on
various disciplines, course
participants will examine the
different stages of the decision
making process including:
analysis of the decision setting
and its relevant boundaries,
identification of acceptable decision outcomes, definition of the
implementation of the decision
and appraisal of potential
contingencies. While emphasis
is given to the qualitative rather
than quantitative aspects of
decision making, about 20
percent of the course will
include the development of
some basic analytical concepts:
data collection, graphs and
charts, measuring central
tendency and dispersion, and
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ML 550 Decision Making
and Technology
Historical analysis of the
decision making and problem
solving process. This course
focuses on the development of
technology as both the cause
and the solution of problems by
investigating various cases.
ML 560 Developing a
Multi-Cultural Perspective
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Investigation of inter-cultural
issues. This course enhan~es the
ability to lead and work more
effectively with people of
different cultural backgrounds
through the study of diverse
values, beliefs and traditions
within the global community.
(Students can not receive credit
for this course and EDU 513
Diversity and Education.)
ML 592 Thesis/Project
A series of meetings with a faculty
thesis/project adviser simultaneous with ML 594 Leadership
Research Seminar II: Synthesis of
Findings and during the trimester
in which the thesis/project is being
prepared for final submission.
Half credit. Graded on PIN basis.
Students not completing the
thesis/project during the same
term in which they are enrolled
in ML 594 are required to pay a
thesis/project continuation fee of
$100 during each subsequent term
until the thesis/project is
completed. (Students in the
Master of Arts in Leadership
program must take this course .
Credit will not be granted for
students present their final
results orally and submit a
written thesis or leadership
EDU 592 Thesis Consultation.)
application project. Half credit.
Graded on a PIN basis.
(Students in the Master of Arts
in Leadership program must
take this course. Credit will not
be granted for EDU 594 ThesisResearch Seminar II: Synthesis
of Findings.)
ML 593 Leadership
Research Seminar I:
Research in Leadership
First half of a two-course
"capstone" sequence for the
Master of Arts in Leadership
Program to be taken in a
student's last two consecutive
terms or after the completion of
at least six electives. This course
provides each individual the
opportunity to develop a research
topic to synthesize previous
study and work experience and
to demonstrate an understanding
of the program's principles. Half
credit. Graded on a PIN basis.
(Students in the Master of Arts in
Leadership program must take
this course. Credit will not be
granted for EDU 593 ThesisResearch Seminar I: Research in
ML 594 Leadership
Research Seminar II:
Synthesis of Findings
Continuation of the "capstone"
seminar, taken in the term
immediately following the
student's registration in ML 593
Leadership Research Seminar I:
Research in Leadership. This
seminar focuses on the methods
of inquiry and results of individual projects. At the
completion of the seminar,
ML 596 Women and
A seminar exploring the theory
and practice of women and leadership - political,
entrepreneurial and social.
Opportunity for research on a
topic and area of interest will be
provided. An interdisciplinary
approach to issues of women
and leadership with an emphasis
on literature developed by political scientists will be taken. The
course ·is intended to enhance
the critical thinking skills of the
students and to enhance the
leadership skills of those dealing
with women and of the women
ML 598 Independent
Provides directed independent
study in an area of the student's
choice. Open to students who
have completed at least three
courses with a grade of at least
3.0. Students must complete a
Proposal for Independent Study
and have it signed by the supervising professor. The proposal
then must be approved by the
Associate Dean for Graduate
and Special Programs prior to
final registration for the course.
Study of selected topics in
leadership that are not treated
extensively through current course
offerings. Specific topics will be
published prior to registration.
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taught by bringing together
faculty from different disciplines or combining a faculty
member with professionals from
relevant fields. In these situations, at least one member of the
team has a Ph.D. and substantial
teaching experience. All of the
program faculty have extensive
experience teaching adult
learners. Graduate faculty are
listed at the end of this bulletin.
The Augsburg library collection
includes over 175,000 books,
periodicals, films, audio and
video cassette tapes, and microforms. Access to the collection
is provided via a computerized
library catalog that includes the
holdings of Augsburg and six
other private liberal arts college
libraries in the metropolitan
area. Daily courier services
among these libraries facilitates
accessible through MINITEX, a
regional library network, and
through OCLC, an international
library network. Remote,
off-campus computer access to
all these services is provided via
a telecommunications link.
Students who successfully
complete Augsburg's
Leadership program will receive
a Master of Arts degree.
Augsburg is accredited by the
North Central Association of
Colleges and Schools. The
College is a member of the
Associated Colleges of the Twin
Cities (ACTC), Lutheran
Education Council in North
America and Minnesota Private
College Council.
Faculty who teach in the Master
of Arts in Leadership program
are predominantly full-time
senior faculty with doctorates or
appropriate professional
degrees. Some courses are team
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the sharing of these resources.
Additional library resources are
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Augsburg College is registered
with the Minnesota Higher
Education Coordinating Board.
Registration is not an endorsement of the institution.
Registration does not (neces-
sarily) mean that credits earned
at the institution can be transferred to other institutions or
that the quality of the educational programs wou Id meet the
standards of every student,
educational institution or
.. .'
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The Augsburg Master of Arts in
Leadership Program assists
students in making education
and career plans, in working on
their personal development and
in participating in activities
beyond the classroom. Some of
these services are:
Academic Planning
In addition to the faculty who
provide consultation and advice,
academic planning is guided by
the Leadership Practicum assessors, thesis advisors and Master
of Arts in Leadership staff.
Career Services
Available Include:
• Development of a resume and
a career-search plan through
the Career Services Office
·.. . ~ • 4l
• Work experience related to a
student's field of specialization through the Cooperative
Education Office (330-1148)
• Professional assessment
through Leadership Practicum
• Self/career assessment
counseling through the Career
Services Office (330-1162)
The College has adopted a statement of student rights and
responsibilities and has
provided for due process in the
matters of disciplinary action,
grievances and grade appeal.
Students who wish to identify
appropriate procedures for
complaints should contact the
Vice President for Student
Affairs (330-1160).
The College operates in compliance with the Family Rights and
Privacy Act and Title IX.
Students have the right to
inspect all official records which
pertain to them and which are
maintained in the Registrar's
Office and the Placement Office
(except where a waiver of
access has been signed) and to
challenge inaccurate or
misleading information.
Students have a right to experience education free from
discrimination based on sex,
race, ethnic or cultural background, handicap, creed, marital
status or age .
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Applicants to the program must
hold a baccalaureate degree
from an accredited four-year
college or university.
Applicants are expected to have
a minimum cumulative undergraduate grade point average of
3.0 (on a scale of A- 4.0) OR a
minimum cumulative grade
point average of 3.0 for graduate
courses completed at an accredited college or university, with a
possible probationary tenn.
Applicants holding a Master's
or other advanced degree from
an accredited college or university are academically
Applicants to the program must
have five years of experience (or
equivalent) with one or more
organizations in a position(s) of
leadership or position(s) demonstrating leadership potential.
Decisions about admission to
the program will be made on an
individual basis by the Master
of Arts in Leadership
Committee. Admission to each
entering graduate class will be
given to the most highly
qualified individuals.
Admissions are handled on a
"rolling" basis, with students
admitted at the beginning of the
Fall, Winter and Spring terms.
Selection of candidates will be
made on the basis of an evaluation of each applicant's:
• Previous college record,
• Letters of recommendation,
• Experience and organizational
• Miller Analogies Test scores,
for applicants who do not meet
the published admissions
• For applicants whose native
language is not English, a
minimum score of 550 on the
Test of English as a Foreign
Language (TOEFL),
• Written statement, and
• Possible interview .
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To apply, the following materials must be submitted to the
Graduate Programs Office:
• Completed application fonn;
• $25.00 application fee (nonrefundable);
• A brief ( 1-3 page) statement
relating the applicant's career
and life goals to his or her
leadership aspirations;
·.•., .
• Letter of recommendation
from an immediate supervisor,
assessing leadership potential;
• Letter of recommendation
from a co-worker (at the same
level) describing the applicant's
work style and potential as a
• Official transcripts from all
undergraduate institutions
attended listing all courses
taken and any degree(s)
• Official transcripts from all
graduate institutions attended
listing courses taken and
degree(s) conferred, if any;
• Official set of results on the
Miller Analogies Test will be
requested directly of applicants
by the Graduate Programs
Office, who do not meet the
published admissions standards;
• Official Test of English as a
Foreign Language (TOEFL)
score with a minimum score of
550, for applicants whose
native language is not English;
• Applicant may be asked to
participate in an interview
with graduate programs
faculty and/or staff member .
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Augsburg College Graduate
Programs Office encourages
qualified applicants from other
countries and feels that they
contribute significantly to the
program. International applicants should keep in mind that
classes meet on alternating
Thursday evenings and
Saturdays. Students can take
only two classes plus a
practicum per trimester for a
yearly total of six classes and
three practicums. With this
schedule students can complete
the required course work in two
Please see the section under
Admission Requirements for a
general description of the
admission process, selection
criteria and work experience
Application materials required
for international applicants are:
• Completed application form;
• $25.00 application fee (nonrefundable) payable in U.S.
• A brief ( 1-3 page) statement
relating the applicant's career
and life goals to his or her
leadership aspirations;
• Completed Declaration of
Finances (see below for
additional information);
• Letter of recommendation in
English from an immediate
supervisor, assessing
leadership potential;
• Letter of recommendation in
English from a co-worker (at
the same level) describing the
applicant's work style and
potential as a leader;
• Official marksheets with
certified translations from all
undergraduate institutions
attended listing all courses
taken, marks earned, dates
attended, and any degree(s)
conferred (diploma(s));
• Official marksheets with
certified translations from all
graduate institutions attended
listing courses taken, marks
earned, dates attended and
degree(s) or diploma(s)
conferred, if any;
• Official results on the Test of
English as a Foreign Language
(TOEFL) with a minimum
score of 550; and
• Applicant may be asked to
participate in an interview
with graduate programs
faculty and/or staff member, if
applicant is in the United States.
As a first step toward application,
all international students must
arrange for their own financial
sponsorship, because limited
financial aid from Augsburg
College may or may not be available. Students and their sponsor
must complete a Declaration of
Finances as part of the application for admission, along with
appropriate certifications.
Students will need to provide
proof of availability of funds for
tuition, books and living costs.
For the 1993-1994 academic
year, we require students to
provide proof of a minimum of
$10,000 in U.S. funds for living
expenses and the cost of tuition
must be added to this amount.
Students wishing to have spouses
and/or children accompany them,
must plan on having additional
funds available for their support.
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NOTE: Additional information
may be required, as requested by
Augsburg College, to more accurately evaluate educational
credentials. Furthermore,
supplemental information may be
needed to issue an 1-20 or J -1 for
students admitted to the Master
of Arts in Leadership program.
Information requested for the 120 or J- 1 will not be used to
make an admission decision.
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Evaluation of academic perfonnance in the Master of Arts in
Courses not offered on the
numbered grading system are
Leadership will be based on number grades using a 4.0 point scale
noted in the course descriptions
with these definitions:
in this bulletin as being graded on
a P/N basis. In order to receive a
..... ·,
Achieves highest standards of excellence.
grade of P, a student must
Achieves above basic course standards.
achieve at least a grade of 2.0.
Achieves the minimum passing standard.
No more than two courses with
a grade below 3.0 will count
Performance below basic course standards.
toward the degree. Students who
Unacceptable performance (no credit for the course).
receive an Nor 0.0 in a course
must successfully petition the
.. ..
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Committee before being
Does not meet minimum course standards (no credit and
allowed to continue in their
non-punitive - not computed in grade point average).
program. If a second grade of N
or 0.0 is received, the student
Grade given when a student withdraws from a course after
the deadline for dropping without notation on the record
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Incomplete grade given when student is unable to complete
course requirements for reasons beyond the student's
control. (To receive an incomplete, a student must file a
petition with the Graduate Programs Office stating reasons
for the request, the plan and date for removing the
incomplete grade, the signature of the instructor and any
other necessary documentation.)
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Master of Arts in Leadership
... .
Achieves at or above the 2.0 level (not computed in
grade point average) .
may be dismissed from the
No more than two courses with
a grade of or below 2.5 can be
repeated. Only the credits and
grades earned the second time
are counted in the grade point
Because leadership issues are
presented, discussed and
important and should be considered a responsibility, not only to
Irregular attendance may, at the
discretion of the instructor,
analyzed in the classroom,
regular attendance is highly
one's self, but to one's class-
adversely affect one's grade.
mates and course instructor.
. ..~. . .~
Academic Probation and
Dismissal Policies
Students must maintain a 3.0
cumulative grade point average.
If a student falls below a 3.0
average, the student will be
placed on probation for the
following term. A 3.0 cumulative grade point average must be
restored in order for a student to
be removed from probation. If a
student receives a grade of Nor
0.0 in a course, the student must
petition successfully with the
Master of Arts in Leadership
Program Committee before
being allowed to continue in the
program. A plan for the student
to follow would be outlined at
that time·. If a second grade of N
or 0.0 is received, the student
may be dismissed from the
program by the Master of Arts
in Leadership Program
Committee. Students may also
be dismissed by the Master of
Arts in Leadership Program
Committee for behavior detrimental to the program, such as a
gross violation of college policy
(as published in the Student
Guide). Dismissal would occur
only after established procedures were followed.
Credit for Prior
Education, Training and
Due to the interdisciplinary
nature of the courses in the
Master of Arts in Leadership
program, it is unlikely that
courses taken elsewhere may be
substituted for a particular
course in the curriculum.
Students may petition the
Associate Dean of Graduate and
Non-traditional Programs for
approval of any variation in the
curriculum including the
transfer of credit. Transfer
credits will be evaluated on an
individual basis. The only
courses that will be considered
for transfer credit are those
earned from accredited colleges
and universities whose course
content is comparable to those
in the Master of Arts in
Leadership program. No more
than two courses will be
accepted for transfer credit.
Credit and Contact
Each full credit graduate course
in the Master of Arts in
Leadership program is the
equivalent of four semester
credits or six quarter credits.
Students meet in class a total of
31.5 hours and are responsible
for a significant amount of individual study and preparation.
..:. ..
Policy/Leaves of Absence
Students may take either one or
two courses per trimester plus a
Leadership Practicum. Enrolling
in two courses per trimester
enables a student to complete
the course work in the program
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in two years. All students are
required to complete all components of the program within five
years. Extensions beyond five
years will be considered on the
basis of petition to the Master of
Arts in Leadership Program
Students who leave the program
for more than one trimester
must request a leave of absence
in writing from the Associate
Dean of Graduate and NonTraditional Programs. A leave
of absence may be granted for
one calendar year. Time spent
on an official leave of absence
will not count toward the five
year deadline for degree
Last Day to Withdraw
from Class
The last date on which students
may withdraw from a class and
receive a "W" on their records is
published annually in the Master
of Arts in Leadership Program
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A schedule of fees is published
separately in the Master of Arts
in Leadership Program
Supplement. Tuition is set on an
annual basis. ML 592, ML 593
and ML 594 are half credit
courses and are charged half of
the current full credit tuition.
ML 500 Leadership Practicum
is a separate charge. Please refer
to the current supplement.
Various Payment Plans
are Available: *
1) Payment in Full: Due day of
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2) Payment Plan: Upon application and after college
approval, a three-pay plan is
available each trimester.
Payment plans will be
offered only if the student
has adhered to previous
plans .
3) Company reimbursement:
Full courses or equivalent
which are company
reimbursed require a deposit
of $100 per course reimbursed, with full payment
due within 45 days after the
end of the tenn. A letter from
the employer, stating the
company's reimbursement
policy, must be annually
filed with the Business
Registration is permitted only if
the student's account for a
previous term is paid in full as
agreed. Augsburg College will
not release diplomas or academic transcripts until all student
accounts are paid in full. This
also applies for students loan
funds administered by the
College (Federal Perkins
Student Loan); they must be
current according to established
repayment schedules.
* A non-sufficient-funds check
will declare your registration
invalid and could affect further
credit extended by the college.
Refund Schedule
In order to be eligible for a
refund, students are responsible
for canceling courses with the
Registrar's Office. A per-course
tuition refund will be made on
the following basis:
Prior to the first scheduled class
meeting - 100%
Prior to the second scheduled
class meeting - 90%
Prior to the third scheduled class
meeting - 80%
Prior to the fourth scheduled
class meeting - 70%
Prior to the fifth scheduled class
meeting - 60%
Prior to the sixth scheduled
class meeting - 50%
. .. ·, ·.. :
In a number of ways, students
may receive assistance in meeting
Graduate Program costs. Enrollment in two full credit courses
per trimester allows the student
to be classified as full-time. One
course is considered half-time
enrollment. The Office of Student
Financial Services (330-1046)
assists students in assessing
financial aid eligibility and offers
financial aid from available alternatives, including the following:
Augsburg Tuition Grant
Augsburg College may provide
grants and scholarships to graduate students who show academic
potential and have financial need.
Sponsored Scholarships
Augsburg actively pursues
outside funding for special
scholarships. The availability of
such scholarships may enable
the participation of individuals
of limited financial means as
well as individuals working for
volunteer agencies and other
organizations not likely to
provide tuition reimbursement.
Company Tuition
Assistance Programs
Many companies, agencies and
corporations offer full or partial
tuition assistance to employees
who participate in work-related
or degree-related college
programs. Augsburg College
offers several payment plans by
which employees may handle
tuition reimbursement.
Bureau of Indian Affairs,
Tribal and State Indian
American Indian students who
meet federal, state or tribal
requirements may apply for these
scholarships. Indian grants generally supplement other sources of
financial aid. For assistance in
application, please contact
Augsburg's American Indian
Support Program Director at
330-1138 or your tribal agency.
Federal and State Aid
The Office of Student Financial
Service determines eligibility
for any Federal or State financial
aid programs available to graduate students. Determination is
based on standard, nationally
accepted methodology.
• Federal Perkins Loan
ProgramJoint Augsburg College-federally funded program
administered through the
College for students who
demonstrate financial eligibility.
No checks are issued, but the
student is required to sign a
promissory note at least once
per term. Funds are put on the
student account after the note is
may borrow up to $3,000 per
year as an undergraduate with a
$15,000 undergraduate maximum
($30,000 as a graduate student).
Simple interest of 5% and
repayment of principal (at a
minimum of $40 per month)
begins nine months after you
. .: ".
. :.
graduate or leave school. Partial
or total loan cancellation privileges exist for certain types of
teaching, disability and, in
certain circumstances, military
DEFERMENTS: No interest
accrues nor do payments need to
be made at any time you are
enrolled at least half-time or for
" t•
,, t
three years of military, Peace
Corps or VISTA. Contact our
student loan coordinator if you
think you are eligible for a
• Federal SLS (Supplemental
Loans for Students) Federal SLS is a federally sponsored loan program which
permits independent students to
borrow to finance their cost of
education. Applications are available from the Office of Student
Financial Services anct must be
completed and returned to
Financial Services for processing.
Checks are delivered co-payable
to the College and the student.
Undergraduates may borrow up
to an aggregate maximum of
$23,000. Graduate students may
borrow up to $10,000 per year
with an aggregate maximum of
$73,000 (including undergraduate).
Variable interest rates are
adjusted each July !st with an
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11 % cap. Interest payments
begin 60 days after the loan is
disbursed, but in many cases,
interest can be allowed to accrue
and is added to the principal.
Repayment begins 60 days after
you leave school or cease to be
enrolled at least half time. (For
7/1/92 - 6/30/93 the rate is
DEFERMENTS: Deferments
exist for continued education or
disability. Contact your lender
for details.
• SELF (Student Educational
Loan Fund)The SELF is administered
through the Minnesota Higher
Education Coordinating Board.
Applications are available from
the Office of Student Financial
Services and should be
completed by the borrower and
co-signer and returned to
Student Financial Services for
further processing. Loan checks
arrive once per term and are
made co-payable to the student
and Augsburg College.
Graduate students may borrow
up to $6,000 per year minus any
other student loan indebtedness.
Maximum undergraduate
borrowing cannot exceed
$16,000 ($25,000 including
graduate). The minimum loan
amount per year is $1,000.
The interest rate is variable.
Interest payments begin 90 days
after the loan is disbursed and
continue quarterly thereafter
while the student is enrolled.
Principal payments begin in the
13th month after you leave
DEFERMENTS: There are no
deferments. Contact the
Minnesota Higher Education
Coordinating Board regarding
special circumstances and
• Federal Stafford Loan
Common Loan Provisions:
Effective with enrollment
periods beginning after October
1, 1993, graduate students may
borrow up to $8,500 per year
with an aggregate of $65,500. A
student may borrow from either
the unsubsidized or subsidized
programs or a combination of
both, but cannot exceed the
annual loan limits.
INTEREST RA TES: The annually variable interest rate is
determined by the 91-day TBills +3 .1%, capped at 9%, and
changes each July I st for new
borrowers (those borrowing for
enrollment periods beginning
after October I, 1992). The
interest rate for enrollment
periods beginning between
October I, 1992 and June 30,
I 993 is 6.94%. Repeat
borrowers will continue at the
same interest rate as their
previous outstanding Stafford
Loans (7%, 8%, 8/10%, or 9%) .
Repayment begins six months
after you ceased to be enrolled
at least half-time in an eligible
program leading to a degree or
certificate. Repayment may
extend up to ten years .
DEFERMENTS: In most cases,
deferments are granted for
continued education, disability
and unemployment. Contact
your lender if you think you are
eligible for a deferment.
Program Specific Provisions:
(SUBSIDIZED): The Office of
Student Financial services has
determined that based on the
financial information that you
submitted, you qualify for up to
the amount listed on your
Award Notice.
INTEREST: No interest accrues
during the time the student is
enrolled at least half-time.
FEES: An origination fee of 5%
and a guarantee fee of up to 3%
will be deducted from the loan
check before you receive it.
You may borrow up to the
amount listed on your Award
INTEREST: Interest accrues
during the period of enrollment
and may be capitalized.
FEES: An origination fee of
6.5% will be deducted from the
loan check before your receive it.
To Apply for Financial
I) Complete the Application for
Admission and indicate your
desire to also apply for
financial aid.
2) The Office of Student
Financial Services will send
you the necessary application
and financial statement form
(or you may pick them up at
the Office of Student
Financial Services, 152
Science Hall, or at the
Graduate Programs Office,
2222 Murphy Place).
3) All students must have a
Financial Aid Transcript on
file with Augsburg from each
previously attended institution even if they did not
receive financial aid. Forms
are available from the College.
4) Complete and return the
financial aid forms by the
deadlines indicated.
5) Accept the financial aid
offered, in whole or in part,
by the deadline stated.
I ·.
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Augsburg College has made a
major effort to become one of
the most accessible campuses in
the region. Skyways, tunnels
and elevators provide accessible
connections between nine of 14
major buildings -student
housing towers, the Christensen
Center, main academic and
administrative halls, the library
and the music building. In addition, there are programs for
students with learning and physical disabilities.
Church Affiliation
Augsburg is a college of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America. We are a diverse
community, with many strong
religious traditions represented
among the students, faculty and
staff, including Lutheran,
Protestant, Roman Catholic,
American Indian Spirituality
and Thought, Buddhist and
Islamic faiths.
'· .•.
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Campus Location
Augsburg was the first seminary
founded by Norwegian Lutherans
in America. Named after the
confession of faith presented by
Lutherans in Augsburg, Germany,
in 1530, Augsburg opened in
September, 1869, in Marshall,
Wisconsin, and moved to
Minneapolis in 1872.
Augsburg's campus is located in
the heart of the Twin Cities
surrounding Murphy Square, the
oldest of 155 parks in the "City
of Lakes." Adjacent to the
campus are Riverside Medical
Center, the West Bank campus
of the University of Minnesota
and Mississippi River parkways.
Augsburg College does not
discriminate on the basis of race,
creed, national or ethnic origin,
age, marital status, sex or handicap as required by Title IX of the
1972 Educational Amendments
of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation
Act of 1973 as amended in its
admission policies, educational
programs, activities and employment practices .
• • 'I
• I
.... ·'
From St. Paul
Interstate 94 west
to Riverside exit,
right on Riverside
Avenue to 21st
Avenue South, left
at _Augsburg sign.
From Minneapolis
Interstate 94 east to 25th
A venue exit, left to Riverside
Avenue, left to 21st Avenue
South, left at Augsburg sign.
All posted
Augsburg College
parking lots, with the exception
of resident parking lots in front
and behind the residence halls,
are free and open for student use
from 4:30 p.m. Friday through
Sunday evening and Monday
through Thursday evenings after
4:30 p.m. until 8:00 a.m. Lots
are located on Seventh Street
between 21st and 22nd A venues
and north of Eighth Street on
21st Avenue. Most street
parking is four hour parking and
available seven days a week,
except for the parking meters on
Riverside A venue. The parking
meters are as posted by the City
of Minneapolis. Additional
parking is available in the
Fairview Riverside Medical
Center ramp.
• •'!
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19. Jeroy C. Carlson Alumni
20. Youth and Family Institute
21. American Indian Support
and Minority Education
22. Oscar Anderson Hall
23. East Hall
A. Admissions Parking
B. Student Parking
c. Visitor Parking
D. The Quad
E. Faculty/Staff Parking
F. Murphy Square
G. Anderson-Nelson
Athletic Field
H. Fairview/St. Mary's
Parking Ramp
I. Husby-Strommen
Tennis Courts
J. Resident Parking Only
K. Student/Commuter Parking
6. Accessible Entrance
' 11,'.
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Larry Crockett
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. ,.
Norman Ferguson
Instructor of Speech,
Communication and Theatre. B.A.,
Augsburg College; M.A.,
University of Minnesota.
Assistant Professor of Education.
B.A., M.A. , University of
St. Thomas; M.A., Luther
Northwestern Theological
Seminary; Ph.D., University of
Dan Hanson
., .,
Laura L. Ericksen
Coordinator of Graduate Programs
in Leadership. B.S., Illinois State
University; M.A., University of
Arkansas .
Professor of Psychology. B.A.,
Franklin and Marshall College;
M.S., Ph.D., University of
Associate Professor of Computer
Science. B.A., M.A., Pacific
Lutheran University; M.Div .,
Luther Theological Seminary;
Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Joseph A. Erickson
... .; ...,
John Benson
Professor of Religion. B.A.,
Augsburg College; B.S., Luther
Theological Seminary; M.A., Ph.D.,
Columbia University.
. :·
The following faculty and administrators are currently involved in the
Master of Arts in Leadership
Garry Hesser
Professor of Sociology, Director of
Cooperative· Education Program,
Director of Metro-Urban Studies.
B.A., Phillips University; M.Div.,
Union Theological Seminary; M.A.,
Ph.D., University of Notre Dame.
Ryan LaHurd
Vice President for Academic
Affairs, Dean of the College. B.A.,
Mt. Carmel College; M.A.,
University of Chicago; Ph .D.,
University of Wisconsin .
David Lapakko
Larry Ragland
Assistant Professor of Speech,
Communication and Theatre. B.A.,
Macalester College; M.A., Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota.
Associate Professor Computer
Science. B.S., M.A., Central
Missouri State College; Ph.D.,
University of Texas at Austin.
Thomas Morgan
Milo A. Schield
Associate Professor of Business
Administration/MIS. B.S., Juniata
College; M.B.A., University of
Denver; M.S., University of
Oregon; Ph.D., University of
Associate Professor of Business
Administration/MIS. B.S., Iowa
State University; M.S., University
of Illinois; Ph.D., Rice University.
William D. Morris
William Swenson
Instructor of Philosophy . A.B.,
Ph.D., University of Chicago.
Instructor of Political Science. B.A.,
Oakland University; Ph.D.,
Carnegie-Mellon University.
· Richard Nelson
Professor and Department
Chairperson of History. B.A.,
University of Nebraska; M.A.,
Ph.D., University of Minnesota .
Beverly Nilsson
Professor and Chairperson of
Nursing. B.S.N., M.S., Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota.
Norma Noonan
Acting Director of Master of Arts in
Leadership Program and Professor
of Political Science. B.A.,
University of Pennsylvania; M.A.,
Ph.D., Indiana University .
Michael O'Neal
Instructor of Sociology . B.A.,
University of Missouri; M.A.,
Ph.D., University of Minnesota .
Magdalena M. Paleczyny-Zapp
Assistant Professor of Business
Administration/MIS. B.A., M.A.,
Central School for Planning and
Statistics, Warsaw; Ph.D.,
Akademia Ekonomiczna, Krakow.
Alisa Potter
Instructor in Sociology. B.A.,
Concordia College; Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota .
Diane Pike
Associate Professor and Department
Chair of Sociology. A.B.,
Connecticut College; Ph.D., Yale
The provisions of this document are
not to be regarded as an irrevocable
contract between the student and
the College. The College reserves
the right to change the provisions
or requirements at any time within
the student's term of residence .
Show less
Master of Arts in Leadership (MAL) Catalog, 1995-1997
Course Catalogs
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Please have your supervisor and a co-worker ~end recommendations (please use the atta~hed forms available.from the Graduate
Programs Office) on your behalf to'the Graduate Programs Office. List the people writing recommendations belmy:
Supervisor Name--------------------------~--------------Title __________________Organization/Institution _____ __________ _ __ _ __
Co-worker Name --------~------------------------------------·
Title _______________ _ _Organizalionl lnstitution - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - -
Do you .wish to apply for fina~cial aid?. Yes D No D
, Would you .like us to send you finan~ial aid forms? Yes 0
No 0 .
WiH you be using a company tuitio,n reimbur~ement plan? Yes D No 0
I certify that the information which I have given is true to the be$t of my knowledge. If I am accepted to the Augsburg MAL
Piogram, I _agree to comply with all regulations· of the college and to read the catalog and agree to the terms therein.
Information froin this form may qe used by officials of the College.
Any misrepresentation pn the patt of the applicant is 'Cause.for non-acceptance, cancellation of accepta.nce or dismissal from
school. All documents submitted in suppot1 of the application become_lhc property of ttie college and are not returnable or
My signature below indicate~ -that all the information in my applic~tion is complete, factually correct and honestly presented.
Signature of Applicant - - - - -- - -- - - - -- - - - - - -- -- - - - --
Date - - - - - -- -- -
The $25 non-refundable application fee must accompany this form. This application11nd fee should be returned to: Augsburg Graduate Programs
Office, 2211 Riverside Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55454
II is lhc po licy ol' Augsburg College no1 10 discriminate on lhc basi; of raLc, cofor. creed, rpligion, sc11.ual or'affcc tion al preference, n-ati onal or ethnic origin, ager. ma.rilal status, se x., s1a1us with regard to public
ass istance, or disability a .~ required by Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments ol SeL·tion 504 of the Rehabilitation Act or 1973, as amended in its admi ssions policies. ec.1\ICiltional progrdms, activities and
em ployment practices.
Augsburg College
Winter Trimester
Master of Arts in Leadership
Academic Calendar
New Students Orientation: Thursday August 29
Fall Trimester
Last day for add/drop:
New Student Assessment:
Last day to withdraw:
Final grades due:
Leadership Practicum:
Thursday, August 29
Thursday, September 5
Wednesday, September 11
Tuesday, September. 24th
Thursday, October 31
Friday, December 20
To Be Arranged
Information Sessions
Saturday, October 19, 1996 9:00 a.m.
Thursday, November 7, 1996 6:00 p.m.
Class Dates
Thursday, September 5
Saturday, September 14
Thursday, September 19
Saturday, September 28
Thursday, October 3
Saturday, October 12
Thursday, October 17
Saturday, October 26
Thursday, October 31
Saturday, November 9
Thursday, November 14
Saturday, November 23
Saturday, December 7
Spring Trimester
Last day for add/drop:
Last day to withdraw:
Final grades due:
Leadership Practicum:
Tuesday, January 7, 1997
Thursday, January 9, 1997
Wednesday, January 15, 1997
Thursday, February 20, 1997
Monday, April
To Be Arranged
Information Sessions:
Saturday, January 18, 1997 9:00 a.m.
Saturday, March 15, 1997 9:00 a.m.
Class Dates
Thursday, January 9
Saturday, January 18
Thursday, January 23
Saturday, February 1
Thursday, February 6
Saturday, February 15
Thursday, February 20
Saturday, March 1
Thursday, March 6
Saturday, March 15
Thursday, March 20
Saturday, April 5
SPRING BREAK: March 24-31
EASTER: March 30
Last day to add/drop:
New Student Assessment:
Last day to withdraw:
Final grades due:
Leadership Practicum:
Information Sessions:
Saturday, April 19, 1997
Saturcay, June 21 , 1997
Thursday, July24, 1997
Class Dates
Thursday, April 10
Saturday, April 19
Thursday, April 24
Saturday, May 3
Thursday, May 8
Saturday, May 17
Thursday, May 22
Saturday, May 31
Thursday, June 5
Saturday, June 14
Saturday, June 21
Thursday, June 26
Tuesday, April 8
Thursday, April 10
Wednesday, April 16
Thursday, May 1st
Thursday, May 8
Monday, July 7
To Be Arranged
9:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
Candidates for Masters Degree:
March 1, 1997:
Last day to schedule defense of Thesis or
Application Project with the Graduate
Programs Office
May 15, 1997:
Last day to defend Thesis or Application
Project in order to participate in
Allgurt l , 1996
May 25, 1997:
1996-1997 Fee and Payment Schedule
Application fee
(non-refundable, paid when application is submitted)
per trimester course, one course =
6 quarter credits or 4 semester credits)
Optional Leadership Practicum Fee
(per trimester for six terms)
Thesis/Project Continuation Fee
(per trimester)
Late Fee, (per day, charged to any student registering
after the scheduled registration date, includes incomplete
registration as unsigned registration form or unapproved
payment plan)
Registration change after first class meeting
(canceVadd/change grade option, or
combination at one time)
Transcript fee (per copy; the first is free)
Finance charge: charge is applied at a simple rate of
1% per month on any account with an open balance
of 30 days or more.
Payment Options*
1) Payment in Full: Due day ofregistration
2) Payment Plan: Upon application and after college approval, a 3-pay plan is available each
trimester. Payment plans will be offered only if previous plans have been adhered to.
3) Company Reimbursement: Full courses or equivalent, which are company reimbursed, require a.
deposit of $100.00 per course reimbursed, with full payment due within 50 days after the end of'
the term.
Tuition is set on an annual basis, payable is three equal installments at the beginning of each
trimester. Registration is permitted only if the student's account from a previous term is paid in
full as agreed. Augsburg College will not release diplomas or academic transcripts until all student
accounts are paid in full. This also applies for student loan funds administered by the college
(Perkins Student Loan) which must be current according to established repayment schedules.
•A non-mfficient funds check will declare your registration invalid and could effect fanher credit extended by the college.
fecpay sch - WINDOWS
Catalog Supplement
for MAL
A Hon-thesis Option for Completion of the MAL Program (Plan B)
In March 1996 the MAL program approved a Plan B alternative
to provide a third choice for students completing their MAL
degree. Plan B involves both a different number and configuration
of course requirements than Plan A. (See below for details)
The Thesis and the Leadership Application Project are
described in the 1995-1997 catalog.
The thesis and leadership
application project are similar in approach and methodology. They
differ principally in the degree of application.
thesis, leadership application project, and g1an B are options
available to all HAL atudents.
PLAN B Option:
The Plan B option requires 11 courses.
Plan B students must
ML 580 Contemporary Theories of Leadership
ML 510 Visions of Leadership
ML 514 Research Methods.
Plan B students will write two major papers:
l'irst Paper:
In ML 580 Contemporary Theories of
Leadership students write one major paper(approximately 30 pages).
This paper will fulfill one of required Plan B papers if a grade
of 3.5 or batter is achieved.
Students are required to give an
oral presentation based on their major paper at the end of the
semester. (If the grade achieved on this paper is less than 3.5 and
the student has elected the Plan B option, the student will re-
work the paper.*)
*A readers' panel, selected by the MAL Advisory committee, will
review the revised paper.
Second Paper:
one of two ways:
The second major paper may be handled in
1) An Independent study ML 59·9 (1. 0 credit) taken with an
Advisor. There will be a major paper(approximately 30-35
pages) required. The student must earn at least a grade of
2) Thesis Seminar ML 593-594 sequence (.5 er each-1.0 er
total) and complete a major paper(approximately 30-35 pages).
The second Plan B Paper will be reviewed by the readers' panel.
The task of the readers' panel is to determine whether the paper
is at the 3.5 level or better and to maintain consistent quality
across differing project~ and subject areas.
The second Plan B paper will be presented at an annual
Colloquium held for students, faculty, alumni and invited guests.
Students will present an Abstract (approximately 15 minutes) of
their second plan B paper completed during a given academic year.
The presentation is part of the requirement to complete the Plan B
MAL Course Schedule 1996 -1997 (As of 2/96)
Fall 1996
Time I
ML 510 Visions of Leadership:
Winter 1997
Time I
ML 531 Dynamics of CbangePike & Morgan
Spring 1997
Time I
ML 596 Women and Leadership
ML 520 Self Identity, Values &
Personal Growth- Ferguson
ML /EDU 514 Research Methods
& Evaluation
ML/EDU 594 Leadership Seminar II
Swenson Music 4
ML 580:
Colloquium on
Contemporary Theories of
Leadership : Endorf, Noonan,
Swanson,McNeff,Mugge, Hanson
ML 540 Political Leadership
Morris & Noonan
ML 510: Visions of Leadership
Time II
ML/EDU 514 Research
Time II
ML 560 Developing a
Time II
ML 521 Methods of Critical Thought
ML/EDU 593: Leadership
ML 511 Creativity/ Problem-Solving
Seminar I
ML 530 Ethics in Communication:
Organizational Leadership
Dyrud, Morris, Pike
Time I:
Thursday, 6:00-7:30 pm &
Saturday, 8:30 a.m. -12:00 noon
Time II: Thursday, 8:00-9:30 pm &
Saturdav. 1:00 - 4: 30 p.m.
.·· . . "
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.: :
hose who hope to lead had better understand both
.. . .
rationally and intuitively the people who might be
... ~
their followers, and the society in which they are embedded.
They had better comprehend the values of our common
., ..
... . ..
...•..., .- ,-.'·' ·
' I
culture, past and present, know how our political and
economic systems work, and understand how and why
science has changed the world. .. Leaders need specialists
as advisers and staff members. But leaders themselves are
generalists . .. At higher levels of leadership they cannot
achieve their full potential without considerable breadth. of
knowledge. Only this way can they shape the contexts for
decisions where expert knowledge is used.
. ..
.·. ......... •.
... .·• .......
... ..
• ,.a,
- John Gardner
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.· .
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.. ..
. :.• .. .....
...,.. . ..
. ..
' • •,
Graduate Programs Office
Box 144
2211 Riverside Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55454
.' . ._;i
... ·.
" l.
·, .
,, :
. •.
Introduction ...................... ................... ... ............ .... ..... .. .. .. .. ......... 3
Leadership Development Model .... .. .................. ....... .................. .4
Curriculum Design ... .. ...................... .............. ...... .. ..................... .5
Thesis/Leadership Application Project.. ............. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..............6
Course Descriptions ... ........................ ............ ... ........ .................... 7
Admission Requirements & Procedures .. ............. ...................... 10
International Applicants ...... ... ....... .. .......... ..... .. ........... ....... ....... .. 11
•. I .' • t" • • ~
... .
.. '
Evaluation Standards ............. ............. ..... ....... .......... ........ .... .... .. 12
Student Rights .............. ...... .......... ............ ....... .... ...... ........ ... ....... 12
Attendance Policies ................. .. ............ ....... ... ..... .. ........ ..... ....... 13
. ,.. .
Academic Policies ................ ............... ...... .. ............................. .. 13
Student Support Services ......... ... ................................. .. ... .. .. ...... 14
Library ... .... ..... ......... .... ... ......... ..... ............... .. ...... .. ... ............ ...... 14
Accreditation and Affiliations ..... .. ........ :.. ...................... .... ........ 14
.... ..
Fee and Payment Information .. ............. .... ... ..... ... ... .. ....... .. .. .. ..... 15
.. . '
Financial Aid ....... ............ .... ...... ...... .. .. ..... .......... .... ... ....... ......... . 16
About Augsburg ............. ... ............ ...................... .... ... .. .. .. ..... ... ... 18
Campus Location & Map ....... .......... .... ..... ...... ... .. ................... ... 19
Faculty and Administration ...... ..... ....... ... ................ ..... ............. .20
. ..
,.. .•
,• I
Developing Leaders for
Organizations and the
The Master of Arts in
Leadership (MAL) program
responds to the leadership
development needs of both
profit and not-for-profit
organizations. While different in
structure and purpose, most
organizations seek leaders with
the following qualities: a vision
which is ethically and morally
responsible, extending beyond
immediate concerns; an
understanding of how change
occurs and affects the
immediate environment; a
sensitivity to the complex
problems organizations face,
and an ability to achieve
solutions consistent with an
organization's mission; the
ability to motivate and inspire
individuals and groups to work
toward a common goal; and the
ability to effectively represent
the organization both internally
and externally.
The MAL program provides a
means by which individuals
may discover and refine these
and other abilities fundamental
to effective leadership.
Accommodating the
Full-Time Work Schedule
Designed to meet the needs and
preferences of working adults,
the MAL program is based on
the assumption that the students
who enroll are career oriented,
self-disciplined, and wellmotivated individuals, seeking a
balance of classroom experience,
group interaction, and individual
study. Most courses are
organized as seminars with
opportunity for discussion and
dialogue, and classes meet on
alternate Saturdays for threeand-one-half hours and alternate
Thursday evenings for one-andone-half hours.
Community of Learners
Essential to the goals of the
MAL program is participation in
a community of learners
gathered together on the
Augsburg campus. This
community is enriched by the
students with a variety of work
and life experiences. To
facilitate community interaction,
students are encouraged to make
use of the Augsburg library,
computer labs, and Christensen
Center. Students share meals
and coffee breaks; participate in
optional lunch time seminars;
and attend music and dramatic
presentations and athletic events.
Individual Professional
A major component of the MAL
program is the professional.
assessment. Given in the first
year of study, the assessment
can help students to identify
leadership skills and preferred
work and learning styles.
Nationally recognized test
instruments are used and based
. ..
on the results, students are
encouraged to create
personalized goals and plans to
strengthen areas which may
require further development.
MAL students are encouraged to
enroll in ML 500, Leadership
Practicum. Students may enroll
in this professional development
series for six terms and upon
completion of six Practica,
receive a half-course credit to be
used as an elective. Scheduled
each term, Practica are designed
to meet student needs in areas
such as interpersonal
communication, approaches to
career change, coping with
workplace issues, and other
areas related to leadership and
professional development. In
consultation with the Director, the
student may also apply to receive
credit for attending seminars
related to his or her employment
as part of the Practicum course.
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The MAL program promotes
leadership as a process which
1) inspires cooperation among
people who must compete for
limited resources, 2) promotes
productivity within and beyond
the organization, and 3) works
toward progress for the
individual and the organization.
To accomplish this, individuals
aspiring to positions of
leadership must possess three
key attributes: a sense of vision,
the ability to persuade, and the
ability to direct action.
Underlying these attributes is a
broad range of abilities and
awareness, outlined in the
Leadership Development Model,
that serve as specific outcomes
for the MAL Program.
Augsburg's model of leadership
development is designed to
assess, promote, enhance, and
refine these capabilities within
the individual.
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Sense of Vision
• t•
.. • • •
. ...
• Social awareness
• Environmental
• Tolerance of
religioLis and
• Appreciation of
Facility for
Toward Action
• Flexibility
• Adaptability
• Innovativeness
Effective listener
Effective speaker
Effective writer
Diplomatic ability
Effective team
• Interpersonal
, ..
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~ ... ~
.. .. .
Risk Assumptive
..•. .
.· ...
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.' .
" • i"'., .
• Curiosity
•Achievement motivation
• Self-esteem
Analytical ability
Ability to think critically
Understanding of
•Ability to manage
• Appreciation for
cultural differences
• Tolerance of
.. .
. ."'..... .·
MAL students are required to
complete 10.5 course credits
(42 semester hours) and a
Thesis or Leadership
Application Project. Each
course includes two or more
liberal arts disciplines,
encourages pursuit of the
designated outcomes, and
uses a variety of learning
techniques appropriate to
adult learners. Instructional
techniques include case
studies, debate, written and
oral presentations, and group
activity. These techniques,
which have had demonstrated
success in advanced courses,
develop targeted leadership
abilities and understanding.
Students are encouraged to
see abilities and
understandings as crossdisciplinary and to see
content areas as integrated.
The very form of the program
reflects the view that the
world in which we operate is
complex and that dealing with
it successfully requires well-
Core Courses
(3.5 course credits)
(These two seminars are to be
taken in a student's last two
consecutive terms, or when the
The following core courses are
required of all students in the
student has completed at least
five electives.)
MAL program:
developed integrative ability.
ML 510 Visions of Leadership
ML 514 Research Methods
ML 593 Leadership
Research Seminar I
ML 594 Leadership
Research Seminar II
ML 592 Thesis/Application
Project Consultation (to be taken
simultaneously with ML 594 and
in the term in which the Thesis/
Application Project is in progress).
.. ;
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. ...
Elective Courses
(at least 7.0 course credits)
The MAL program requires that a
minimum of five of the seven
elective courses be selected from
the following course list:
ML 500 Leadership Practicum
ML 511 Creativity and the
. •'
Problem-Solving Process
ML 520 Self-Identity, Values,
and Personal Growth
ML 521 Methods of
Critical Thought
ML 530 Ethics in Communication
ML 531 The Dynamics of Change
ML 540 Politics, History,
and Leadership
ML 545 Decision Making I:
Qualitative Process
and Application
·.. "
• •
.... ·:. ;
ML 598 Independent Study
ML 599 Special Topics
... ,.. •'
. •'•.
~- .
. ·.. .:
ML 580 Colloquium on
Contemporary Theories
of Leadership
ML 596 Women and Leadership
The MAL program will allow
students to take up to two
electives from the Master of
Arts in Education - Leadership
(MEL) program. See the MEL
program bulletin for detailed
descriptions of these courses.
Application Project
At, or near, the completion of
the course work for the MAL
program, students are required
to develop and carry out a
study of some aspect of
leadership or of a
leadership-related topic. This
research-based study affords
students the opportunity to "tie
together" what has been
learned from the study of
leadership in the course work
and course-related activities.
Cultural Perspective
ML 560 Developing a Multi-
' '\
ML 550 Decision Making
and Technology
Master of Arts in
Education - Leadership
Elective Courses
(up to 2 course credits)
Students have the option to do
either a Thesis or Leadership
Application Project for
completion of the degree. The
Thesis or Application Project
should be seen as the
culmination of the MAL
program, offering participants
the opportunity to investigate
either some aspect of leadership
in depth or explore the
application of what has been
studied. The distinction between
these two options lies in their
orientation. The Thesis will
have a more theoretical
orientation, while the
Leadership Application Project
will be based on a more
practical application orientation.
Students who do not complete
their Thesis or Leadership
Application Project while
enrolled in ML 594 are
required to pay a continuation
fee during each subsequent
term until the Thesis/Project
is completed.
• •.•
ML 500 Leadership
Practicum (.5 credit for
6 Practicum attended)
Professional development
workshops and seminars which
span six terms. One-half course
credit. Graded on a P/N basis.
This course is especially
recommended for students who
want or need more applied
workplace case studies.
ML 510 Visions of
Leadership: An
Historical and Literary
Journey (1.0 course)
Introduction to selected
concepts of leadership,
providing an historical and
philosophical framework for the
program. This course views the
nature and purpose of leadership
from a variety of disciplines
and perspectives.
ML 511 Creativity and
the Problem-Solving
Process (1.0 course)
Exploration of creativity from
the perspective of traditional
aesthetics as well as
contemporary organizational
thinking. This course uses
creativity as a method, and it
examines techniques for solving
problems in organizations, for
enhancing innovation, and for
seeking an integrative worldview. (Students can not receive
credit for this course and
EDU 515 Creativity and
Problem Framing.)
ML 514 Research
Methods (1.0 course)
Evaluation and documentation
of programs, projects, and ideas
as they relate to leadership
theories and practice.
Qualitative and quantitative
tools will be discussed.
(Students can not receive credit
for this course and EDU 514
Evaluation and Documentation.)
ML 520 Self-Identity,
Values, and Personal
Growth (1.0 course)
Study of the concepts of selfidentity, values and personal
growth as related to
professional, personal life. This
course may employ
psychological, philosophical,
and theological perspectives to
explore the role of the
individual in the larger social
context. Major topics include
the acquisition, development
and evolution of self-identity
and values, the influence of sex
roles, and the relationship to
spiritual growth.
ML 521 Methods of
Critical Thought
(1.0 course)
Investigation of the processes of
critical thinking drawing from
philosophy and other
disciplines. This course focuses
on the relationships between
ideas and the expression and
application of ideas. Students
apply dialectical processes in
the effective formation,
presentation, and use of ideas in
organizational structures.
ML 530 Ethics in
(1.0 course)
Interdisciplinary study of ethics
and communication through the
investigation of a variety of
ethical perspectives within
human communication. This
course places particular
attention on the use and abuse of
communication in politics,
advertising, and interpersonal
relationships. It emphasizes a
sensitivity to ethical conflicts
which arise in social and
organizational settings.
.• .
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ML 531 The Dynamics of
Change (1.0 course)
This course offers an
exploration of the context of
social change and varying
responses to diverse human
needs. Ways of achieving wellbeing may be viewed differently
by leaders in public and private
domains and across cultures.
The course explores these
various perspectives, including
areas of conflict and
opportunities for leadership in
social and organizational
change. Sociological, human
development, and economic
theories are applied to
contemporary public and private
sector issues for social change.
ML 540 Politics, History
and Leadership
(1.0 course)
...,. ..
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ML 545 Decision Making
I: Qualitative Process
and Application
(1.0 course)
Decision making is fundamental
to all human endeavor,
particularly in leadership .
Leaders, regardless of their
Analysis of leadership
perspectives in selected political
systems and other organizations.
Special focus on significant
leadership theories and leaders,
past and present. Most theories
studied are relevant to business
and non-profit organizations as
well as to politics.
field, are continually held
accountable for decisions in
settings characterized by
incomplete information and
limited time. The constrained
nature of the typical decisionmaking environment
necessitates the use of a
systematic and objective
decision making process .
Drawing on various disciplines,
course participants will examine
the different stages of the
decision-making process,
including: analysis of the
decision setting and its relevant
boundaries, identification of
acceptable decision outcomes,
definition of the implementation
of the decision, and appraisal of
potential contingencies. While
emphasis is given to the
qualitative rather than
quantitative aspects of decision
making, about 20 percent of the
course will include the
development of some basic
analytical concepts: data
collection, graphs and charts,
measuring central tendency and
dispersion, and association.
ML 550 Decision Making
and Technology
(1.0 course)
Historical analysis of the
decision- making and problemsolving process. This course
focuses on the development of
technology as both the cause
and the solution of problems by
investigating various cases.
ML 560 Developing a
Perspective (1.0 course)
Investigation of multicultural
issues. This course will enhance
one's ability to lead and work
more effectively with people of
different cultural backgrounds
through the study of diverse
values, beliefs, and traditions
within the global community.
(Students can not receive credit
for this course and EDU 513
Diversity and Education.)
ML 580 Colloquium on
Contemporary theories
of leadership (1.0 course)
Selected contemporary theories
of leadership presented by
instructors who participate in
this seminar. Emphasis on critical thinking, discussion, written
analysis. Prerequisite: One year
course work in MAL program
and ML 510.
ML 592 Thesis/Project
Consultation (.5 course)
A series of meetings with a
faculty thesis/project adviser
simultaneous with ML 594 and
during the trimester in which the
Thesis/Project is being prepared
for final submission. Graded on
PIN basis. Students not
completing the Thesis/Project
during the same term, in which
they are enrolled in ML 594, are
required to pay a Thesis/Project
continuation fee during each
subsequent term until the
Thesis/Project is completed.
(Credit will not be granted to
MAL students for EDU 592
Thesis Consultation.)
ML 593 Leadership
Research Seminar I:
Research in Leadership
(.5 course)
First half of a two-course
"capstone" sequence for the
MAL program to be taken in a
student's last two consecutive
terms or after the completion of
at least five electives. This
course provides each individual
the opportunity to develop a
research topic, to synthesize
previous study and work
experience, and to demonstrate
an understanding of the
program's principles. Graded on
a P/N basis.
ML 594 Leadership
Research Seminar II:
Synthesis of Findings
(.5 course)
Continuation of the "capstone"
seminar, taken in the term
immediately following the
student's registration in ML
593. This seminar focuses on
the methods of inquiry and
results of individual projects. By
the completion of the seminar,
students should have made
significant progress on the
Thesis or Leadership Application
Project. Graded on a P/N basis.
ML 596 Women and
Leadership (1.0 course)
A seminar exploring the theory
and practice of women and
leadership - political,
entrepreneurial, and social. An
interdisciplinary approach to
issues of women and leadership
with an emphasis on literature
developed by political scientists.
The course is intended to
enhance the critical thinking
skills of the participants and the
leadership skills of women and
of those working with women.
Opportunity for research on
topic and area of interest.
ML 598 Independent
Study (.5-1.0 course)
Provides directed independent
study in an area of the student's
choice. Open to students who
have completed at least three
courses with a grade-point
average of at least 3.0. Students
must complete a Proposal for
Independent Study and have it
signed by the supervising
professor. The proposal then
must be approved by the MAL
Program Director prior to
registration for the course.
ML 599 Special Topics
(.5-1.0 course)
Study of selected topics in
leadership that are not treated
extensively through current
course offerings. Specific topics
will be published prior to
registration for each term.
.... ' '
• written statement
• Miller Analogies Test score,
if requested
• interview, if requested
To apply, the following
materials must be submitted to
the Graduate Programs Office:
• Completed application form;
• $25.00 non-refundable
application fee;
• A brief (1-3 page) statement
relating the applicant's career
and life goals to his or her
leadership aspirations;
• Recommendation letter and
checklist from an immediate
supervisor, assessing
' ,.
organizations in a position(s) of
hold a baccalaureate degree
leadership or position(s)
demonstrating leadership
checklist from a co-worker (at
college or university and must
the same level) describing the
have a minimum cumulative
undergraduate grade point
average of 3.0 (on a scale of A=
4.0) and a minimum cumulative
grade point average of 3.0 for
graduate courses completed at
an accredited college or
university. Applicants holding a
Master's or other advanced
degree from accredited colleges
or universities are admissible.
..•• .
Should an applicant not meet
·.. .\
requirements, a probationary
.... .. .
the minimum admissions
term may be possible as decided
applicant's work style and
the program will be made on an
leadership potential;
individual basis by the MAL
• Official transcripts from
Admissions Committee .
all undergraduate
Admission to each entering
institutions attended listing
graduate class will be given to the
courses taken and any
most highly qualified individuals.
degree(s) conferred;
Admissions are handled on a
"rolling" basis, with students
• Official transcripts from all
admitted at the beginning of the
graduate institutions attended
fall. winter, and spring terms.
listing courses taken and
Selection of candidates will be
degree(s) conferred, if any;
made on the basis of an
evaluation of each applicant's:
• previous college record
Applicants to the program must
• letters of recommendation
• If requested, official results on
the Miller Analogies Test
• Applicant may be asked to
participate in an interview
with graduate program faculty
have five years of experience (or
• experience and organizational
• Recommendation letter and
Decisions about admission to
on a case-by-case basis.
equivalent) with one or more
leadership potential;
from an accredited four-year
Applicants to the program must
and/or staff member.
·~ . ~ . .'
The Augsburg College Graduate
applicant's work sty le and
Programs Office encourages
potential as a leader;
qualified applicants from other
countries and because these
students contribute significantly
to the program. International
applicants should keep in mind
that classes meet on alternating
Thursday evenings and
Saturdays and that students can
take only two classes (plus a
practicum per trimester if
desired) for a yearly total of six
• Official marksheets with
certified translations from all
undergraduate institutions
attended listing all courses
taken, marks earned, dates
attended, and degree(s) or
diploma(s) conferred, if any;
• Official marksheets with
certified translations from all
classes and three Practica. With
graduate institutions attended
listing all courses taken, marks
this schedule students can
complete the required course
earned, dates attended , and
degree(s) or diploma(s)
work in two years. See the
conferred, if any;
section under Admission
Requirements for a general
description of the admission
process, selection criteria, and
• Official results on the Test of
English as a Foreign Language
(TOEFL) with a minimum
minimum of $10,000 in U.S.
funds for living expenses for
themselves plus the cost
of tuition.
NOTE: Additional information
may be required, as requested
by Augsburg College to more
accurately evaluate educational
credentials more accurately.
Furthermore, supplemental
information may be needed to
issue an 1-20or1-1 for students
admitted to the MAL program.
Information requested for the 120or1-1 will not be used to
make an admission decision.
.. ..
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• .. . ..
. .....
score of 590; and
work experience requirements.
• Applicant may be asked to
Application materials required
for international applicants are:
participate in an interview
with graduate program
• Completed application form;
faculty and/or staff member,
if applicant is in the
• $25.00 non-refundable
application fee payable in
U.S. dollars;
• A brief (1-3 page) statement
relating the applicant's career
and life goals to his or her
leadership aspirations;
• Completed Declaration
of Finances;
• Letter of recommendation in
English from an immediate
supervisor, assessing
leadership potential;
• Letter of recommendation in
English from a co-worker (at
the same level) describing the
United States.
Very limited financial aid from
Augsburg College may or may
not be available, therefore,
students and their financial
sponsor must complete a
Declaration of Finances as part
of the application for admission,
along with appropriate
certifications. Students will need
to provide proof of availability
of funds for tuition, books, and
living costs for each academic
year in which they want to
attend. The College requires
students to provide proof of a
. .-: ·.
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.•.. ,.
Evaluation of academic performance in the MAL program will be
based on number grades using a 4.0 point scale with these definitions:
Achieves highest standards of excellence.
Achieves above basic course standards.
Achieves the minimum passing standard.
Performance below basic course standards.
.'·.- .
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Unacceptable performance (no credit for the course).
Achieves at or above the 2.0 level (not computed in
grade-point average).
Does not meet minimum course standards (110 credit and
non-punitive - not computed in grade-point average).
Grade given when a student withdraws from a course after
the deadline for dropping without notation on the record
Incomplete grade given when student is unable to complete
course requirements for reasons beyond the student's
control. (To receive an incomplete, a student must file a
petition with the Graduate Programs Office stating reasons
for the request, the plan and date for removing the
incomplete grade, the signature of the instructor and any
other necessary documentation.)
. ,.
Courses not offered on the
numbered grading system are
noted in the course descriptions
in this bulletin as being graded on
a PIN basis. In order to receive a
grade of P, a student must
achieve at least a grade of 2.0.
No more than two courses with
a grade below 3.0 will count
toward the degree. Students who
receive an Nor 0.0 in a course
must successfully petition the
MAL Advisory Committee
before being allowed to
continue in the program. If a
second grade of N or 0.0 is
received, the student may be
dismissed from the program .
No more than two courses
with a grade of or below 2.5
can be repeated. Only the credits
and grades earned the second
time are counted in the gradepoint average.
The College has adopted a
statement of student rights and
responsibilities and has
provided for due process in the
matters of disciplinary action,
grievances, and grade appeal.
Students who wish to identify
appropriate procedures for
complaints should contact the
Vice President for Student
Affairs (330-1160).
The College operates in
compliance with the Family
Rights and Privacy Act and
Title IX. Students have the right
to inspect all official records
which pertain to them and
which are maintained in the
Registrar's Office and the
Placement Office (except where
a waiver of access has been
signed) and to challenge
inaccurate or misleading
information. Students have a
right to experience education
free from discrimination.
..., . ..
t ••
Because leadership issues are
important and should be
instructor. Irregular attendance
presented, discussed, and
considered a responsibility, not
only to one's self, but to one's
may, at the discretion of the
analyzed in the classroom,
regular attendance is highly
classmates and course
..• '.
.•.. ..•
instructor, adversely affect
one's grade.
~ .
Academic Probation and
Dismissal Policies
Credit for Prior
Enrollment Policy/Leaves
of Absence
Students must maintain a 3.0
Due to the interdisciplinary
nature of the courses in the
Students may take either one or
cumulative grade point average.
If a student falls below a 3.0
average, the student will be
MAL program, it is unlikely that
courses taken elsewhere may be
placed on probation for the
following trimester. A 3.0
substituted for a particular
course in the curriculum.
cumulative grade-point average
must be restored in order for a
student to be removed from
probation. If a student receives a
Students may petition the MAL
Program Director for approval
of any variation in the
two courses per trimester plus a
Leadership Practicum. Enrolling
the course work in two years.
All students are required to
complete all components of the
program within five years.
Extensions beyond five years
grade of Nor 0.0 in a course,
the student must petition
successfully with the MAL
credits will be evaluated on an
individual basis. The only
Advisory Committee before
being allowed to continue in the
courses that will be considered
for transfer credit are those
program. A plan for the student
to follow would be outlined at
earned from accredited colleges
and universities, whose course
absence in writing from the
MAL Program Director. A
that time. If a second grade of N
or 0.0 is received, the student
content is comparable to those
leave of absence may be
granted for one calendar year.
in the MAL program. No more
than two courses will be
in two courses per trimester
enables a student to complete
curriculum including the
transfer of credit. Transfer
will be considered on the basis
of petition to the MAL Advisory
Committee. Students who leave
the program for more than one
trimester must request a leave of
program by the MAL Advisory
Committee. Students may also
accepted for transfer credit.
Time spent on an official leave
of absence will not count
be dismissed by the MAL
Advisory Committee for
Credit and Contact Hours
toward the five-year deadline
for degree completion.
may be dismissed from the
behavior detrimental to the
Each full credit graduate course
in the MAL program is the
program, such as a gross
violation of college policy (as
published in the Student Guide).
equivalent of four semester credits
or six quarter credits. Students
meet in class a total of 31.5 hours
Dismissal would occur only
after established procedures
each term and are responsible for
a significant amount of individual
may withdraw from a class and
receive a "W" on their records is
published annually in the MAL
were followed.
study and preparation.
Program Supplement.
.. ..
Last Day to Withdraw
from Class
The last date on which students
. .... . •.
.... ......
·, .
., . . ..
... ·:•
Academic advising from the
MAL Director for program
planning is available. As
stuoents approach the capstone
experience, they select thesis or
project advisors to guide them
throughout the completion of
their program. Graduate
program staff will also assist
students with non-academic
advising issues.
Professional assessment through
Leadership Practicum and the
Graduate Programs Office is
also available .
Self/career assessment
counseling, resume
development, and a careersearch plan through the Career
Services Office (330-1162) can
be obtained as well.
Work experience related to a
student's field of specialization
through the Cooperative
Education Office (330-1148)
' •
. •...
The Augsburg library collection
includes over 175,000 books,
pe1iodicals, films, audio and video
cassette tapes, and microforms.
Access to the collection is
provided via a computerized
library catalog that includes the
·.. ...
holdings of Augsburg and six
other private liberal arts college
libraries in the metropolitan
area. Daily courier services
among these libraries facilitate
the sharing of these resources.
Additional library resources are
accessible through MINITEX, a
regional library network, and
through OCLC, an international
library network. Remote, offcampus computer access to all
these services is provided via a
telecommunications link.
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. ...
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.... .
Students who successfully
complete Augsburg's
Leadership program will receive
a Master of Arts degree.
Augsburg is accredited by the
North Central Association of
Colleges and Schools. The
College is a member of the
Associated Colleges of the Twin
Cities (ACTC), Lutheran
Education Council in North
America, and Minnesota Private
College Council.
Augsburg College is registered
with the Minnesota Higher
Education Coordinating Board.
Registration is not an
endorsement of the institution.
Registration does not
(necessarily) mean that credits
earned at the institution can be
transferred to other institutions
or that the quality of the
educational programs would
meet the standards of every
student, educational institution,
or employer.
\ .
·~ .
" ...
. .....
A schedule of fees is published
separately in the MAL Program
Supplement. Tuition is
determined annually. ML 592,
ML 593, and ML 594 are halfcredit courses and are charged
half of the current full credit
tuition. ML 500 Leadership
Practicum is a separate charge.
Various Payment Plans
are Available:
1) Payment in Full: Due the day
of registration.
2) Payment Plan: Upon
application and after college
approval, a three-pay plan is
available each trimester.
Payment plans will be offered
only if the student has adhered
to previous plans.
3) Company reimbursement:
Full courses, or equivalent,
which are company reimbursed
require a deposit of $100 per
course reimbursed, with full
payment due within 50 days
after the end of the final exams.
A letter from the employer,
stating the company's
reimbursement policy, must
be filed annually with the
Business Office.
loan funds administered by the
college (Federal Perkins Student
Loan); they must be current
according to established
repayment schedules.
*A non-sufficient-funds check
will declare your registration
invalid and could affect further
Registration is permitted only if
the student's account for a
previous term is paid in full as
agreed with the exception of
approved company-reimbursed
students. Augsburg College will
not release diplomas or
academic transcripts until all
student accounts are paid in full.
This also applies to student
credit extended by the college.
Refund Schedule
In order to be eligible for a
refund, students are responsible
for withdrawing from courses
with the Registrar' s Office. A
per-course tuition refund will be
made on the following basi s:
Prior to the first scheduled class
meeting - l 00%
. ....
Prior to the second scheduled
class meeting - 90%
Prior to the third scheduled class
meeting - 80%
Prior to the fourth scheduled
class meeting - 70%
Prior to the fifth scheduled class
meeting - 60%
Prior to the sixth scheduled
class meeting - 50%
t I
·. •.•
·.· ..
.. .
Financial assistance is avail able
to degree-seeking students
enrolled in the MAL program.
Non-degree-seeking students
are not eligible for any type of
financi al aid through Augsburg
College. Two full-credit courses
per trimester is considered full-
of Student Financial Services
f •.
. .·.
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. ...
• . ·..
··: ' "' .
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.6 .
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Federal and State Aid
determined by the 91-day TBills +3.1 %, capped at 8.25 %,
and changes each July 1st for all
borrowers. The interest rate for
enrollment periods beginning
between July 1, 1994, and June
30, 1995, is 7.43 %.
Repayment begins six months
after you ceased to be enrolled
at least half-time in an eligible
program leading to a degree or
certificate. Repayment may
extend up to ten years.
The Office of Student Financial
DEFERMENTS: In most cases,
deferments are granted for
Augsburg actively pursues non-
Services determines eligibility
for any Federal or State financial
continued education, disability
and unemployment. Contact
aid programs available to
graduate students.
your lender if you think you are
eligible for a deferment.
Program Specific Provisions:
of limited financial means as
well as individuals working for
Determination is based on
standard, nationally accepted
volunteer agencies and other
organizations not likely to
• Federal Stafford Loan
provide tuition reimbursement.
Common Loan Provisions:
Augsburg funding for special
scholarships. The availability of
such scholarships may enable
the participation of individuals
Company Tuition
Assistance Programs
Effective with enrollment
pe1iods beginning after October 1,
Many companies, agencies and
1993, graduate students may
corporations offer full or partial
tuition assistance to employees
borrow up to $18,500 per year
with an aggregate of $128,500
(undergraduate and graduate). A
who participate in work-rel ated
or degree-related college
Indian Support Program Director
at 330-1138, or your tiibal agency.
annually variable interest rate is
Sponsored Scholarships
' . .;
these scholarships. Indian grants
assistance in application, please
contact Augsburg's American
the following:
meet federal, state or tribal
requirements may apply for
time. One course is considered
half-time enrollment. The Office
and offers financial aid from
available alternatives, including
American Indian students who
generally supplement other
sources of financial aid. For
(330-1046) assists students in
assessing financi al aid eligibility
Bureau of Indian Affairs,
Tribal and State Indian
programs. Augsburg College
offers several payment plans by
which employees may handle
tuition reimbursement.
student may borrow from either
the un subsidized or subsidized
programs or a combination of
both, but cannot exceed the
annual loan limits.
borrow up to the amount listed
on your Award Notice.
INTEREST: No interest accrues
during the time the student is
enrolled at least half-time.
FEES: An origination fee of 3%
and a guarantee fee of up to 1%
will be deducted from the loan
proceeds before you receive it.
You may bonuw up to the amount
listed on your Award Notice.
INTEREST: Interest accrues
during the period of enrollment
and may be capitalized.
FEES: An origination fee of 3%
and a guarantee fee of 1% will be
. ..
• • J_. ,
. ·..
deducted from the loan proceeds
before your receive it.
the Office of Student Financial
Services and should be
• Federal Perkins Loan
completed by the borrower and
Joint Augsburg College-federally
funded program administered
through the College for students
who demonstrate financial
eligibility. No checks are issued,
but the student is required to sign a
promissory note at least once per
term. Funds are put on the student
account after the note is signed.
may borrow up to $3,000 per
year as a graduate student with a
$30,000 maximum. (Graduate &
co-signer and returned to
Student Financial Services for
further processing. Loan checks
arrive once per term and are
made co-payable to the student
and Augsburg College.
Graduate students may borrow
up to $9,000 per year minus any
other student loan indebtedness.
Maximum graduate borrowing
cannot exceed $40,000
including undergraduate. The
1) Complete the Application for
minimum loan amount per
Admission and indicate your
year is $500.
desire to also apply for
financial aid.
Simple interest of 5% and
repayment of principal (at a
The interest rate is variable.
Interest payments begin 90 days
minimum of $40 per month)
after the Joan is disbursed and
continue quarterly thereafter
begins nine months after you
graduate or leave school. Partial or
total Joan cancellation privileges
exist for certain types of teaching,
disability and, in certain
circumstances, military service.
DEFERMENTS: No interest
accrues nor do payments need to
be made at any time you are
enrolled at least half-time or for
serving three years in the
military, Peace Corps or
VISTA. Contact our student
loan coordinator if you think
you are eligible for a deferment.
• SELF (Student Educational
Loan Fund)The SELF is administered
through the Minnesota Higher
Education Coordinating Board.
Applications are available from
while the student is enrolled.
Principal payments begin in the
13th month after the student
leaves school.
DEFERMENTS: There are no
deferments. Contact the Minnesota
Higher Education Coordinating
Board regarding special
circumstances and repayment.
• '
To Apply for Financial Aid
... ..
. ...
2) The Office of Student
Financial Services will send
you the necessary application
and financial statement form
~.. f
I '· ·
.. ..
• 1·
(or you may pick them up at
the Office of Student
Financial Services, 152
Science Hall, or at the
Graduate Programs Office,
2222 Murphy Place).
.··"· ' .
3) All students must have a
Financial Aid Transcript on
file with Augsburg from each
previously attended institution even if they did not
receive financial aid. Forms
are available from the College.
4) Complete and return the
t .".
•.. ..
...... .·
.. ··....
financial aid forms by the
deadlines indicated.
. ·:
.... .
5) Accept the financial aid
offered, in whole or in part,
by the deadline stated.
. .:·.
. .;
.,. ,
Church Affiliation
Augsburg is a college of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America. We are a diverse
community, with many strong
religious traditions represented
among the students, faculty, and
staff, including but not limited
to Lutheran, Roman Catholic,
Jewish, American Indian
Spirituality and Thought,
Buddhist, and Islamic faiths.
Non-Discrimination Policy
It is the policy of Augsburg
College not to discriminate on
the basis of race, color, creed,
religion, sexual or affectional
preference, national or ethnic
origin, age, marital status, sex or
status with regard to public
Augsburg was the first seminary
founded by Norwegian
. ...
Educational Amendments of
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation
Act of 1973 as amended in its
admissions policies, educational
presented by Lutherans in
Augsburg, Germany, in 1530,
Augsburg College has made a
major effort to become one of
programs, activities, and
employment practices.
the most accessible campuses in
in 1872.
the region . Skyways, tunnels,
and elevators provide accessible
connections between nine of
Campus Location
fourteen major buildings student housing towers, the
Augsburg's campus is located in
the heart of the Twin Cities
. •\I
assistance or disability as
required by Title IX of the 1972
Lutherans in America. Named
after the confession of faith
Augsburg opened in September,
1869, in Marshall, Wisconsin,
and moved to Minneapolis
campus of the University of
Minnesota, and Mississippi
River parkways.
surrounding Murphy Square, the
oldest of 155 parks in the "City
of Lakes." Adjacent to the
campus are Fairview-Riverside
Medical Center, the West Bank
Christensen Center, main
academic and administrative
halls, the library, and the music
building. In addition, there are
programs for students with
learning and physical disabilities.
3SW from the North-Take
Washington Avenue exit and turn
left off Washington (turns right onto
Cedar Avenue), turn left at
Riverside A venue, right at 21st
A venue South.
Admissions House
George Sverdrup Library
Science Hall
Mortensen Tower
Urness Tower
Christensen Center
Memorial Hall
l 0. Music Hall
11. 2222 Murphy Place
12. Si Melby Hall
13. Ice Arena
14. Stage II Theatre
15. College Relations
16. Nordic Center
17. Foss, Lobeck, Miles Center
for Worship, Drama
and Communication
18. Center for Global
19. Jeroy C. Carlson
Alumni Center
20. Youth and Family Institute
21. American Indian Support
and Black Student Affairs
22. Oscar Anderson Hall
23. East Hall
24. Murphy Square
25. Anderson-Nelson
Athletic Field
26. Husby-Strommen Tennis Courts
.. J
Public Parking
All posted Augsburg College staff,
faculty and commuter lots are free
and open for use from 4:30 p.m.
Monday through Sunday evening.
Lots are located on 7th Street between
21st and 22nd A venues and north or
south of 8th Street between 24th and
25th Avenues. Additional parking is
available in the Fairview-Riverside
Medical Center ramp, or U of M
parking lots on the no11h side of
Riverside Avenue.
3SW from the SouthFollow the I-94 St. Paul signs
(move to right lane after each of
two mergers). Take 25th Avenue
exit and turn left at Riverside
A venue, turn left at 21st
Avenue South.
..... . •.
. ..
• t ••
-. . .
The Graduate Programs Office is in
Murphy Place and is located on the
corner of 23rd Avenue South and
7 y, Street.
1-94 West from St.
Paul-Take Riverside
exit, turn right at
Riverside Avenue, turn
left at 21st Avenue South.
Graduate Programs Location
1-94 East from
Minneapolis-Take 25th
Avenue exit, turn left at
25th A venue, turn left at
Riverside Avenue, turn
left at 21st A venue South.
Directions to Campus
I ...
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Parking Lots
A. Admissions Parking
B. Faculty/Staff/Commuter/
Residence Parking
C. Faculty/Staff Parking
D. Faculty/Staff/Commuter Parking
E. Commuter - Street Parking
- .,.
F. Resident Parking
G. Visitor Parking
H. Fairview/St. Mary's
Parking Ramp
,. 19 1
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Faculty who teach in the MAL
program are predominately fulltime senior faculty with
doctorates or appropriate
professional degrees. Some
courses are team taught by
faculty from different
disciplines or occasionally by
combining a faculty member
with professionals from relevant
fields. All of the program's
faculty have extensive experience
teaching adult learners.
John Benson, Professor of
Religion. B.A., Augsburg
College; B.S., Luther
Theological Seminary ; M.A.,
Ph.D., Columbia University.
Dan Hanson, Adjunct
Professor. B.A. , Augsburg
College; M.A., University of
Minnesota. Vice President,
Land O' Lakes Corporation
Garry Hesser, Professor of
Sociology, Director of
Cooperative Education
Program, Director of MetroUrban Studies. B.A., Phillips
University; M.Div., Union
Theological Seminary; M.A.,
Ph.D., University of Notre Dame.
Marie 0. McNeff, Interim
Vice-President for Academic
Affairs and Dean of the College
and Professor of Education.
B.A., M. A., Ed .D., University
of Nebraska.
Larry Crockett, Associate
Professor of Computer Science.
B.A. , M.A., Pacific Lutheran
University; M.Div., Luther
Theological Seminary; Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota .
Thomas Morgan, Associate
Professor of Business
Administration/MIS. B.S.,
Juniata College; M.B.A.,
University of Denver; M.S.,
University of Oregon; Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota.
Mary Endorf, Adjunct
Professor, B.A. Hamline
University, M.A. State
University of New YorkCortland, Ph.D., University
of Minnesota. Principal,
Orono Public Schools.
William D. Morris, Instructor
of Political Science. B.A.,
Oakland University; Ph.D.,
Carnegie-Mellon University.
President, Decision
Resources, Ltd.
Joseph A. Erickson, Assistant
Professor of Education. B.A.,
M.A ., College of St. Thomas;
M.A., Luther Northwestern
Theological Seminary; Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota.
Norman Ferguson, Professor
of Psychology. B.A., Franklin
and Marshall College; M.S.,
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin.
Richard Nelson, Professor and
Chair, Department of History.
B.A., University of Nebraska;
M.A., Ph.D., University
of Minnesota.
Beverly Nilsson, Professor and
Chair, Department of Nursing.
B.S.N., M.S., Ph.D., University
of Minnesota.
Norma Noonan, Professor of
Political Science, Director of the
Master of Arts in Leadership
Program, and Director of the
International Relations Program.
B.A., University of
Pennsylvania; M.A., Ph.D.,
Indiana University.
Magdalena M. Paleczny-Zapp,
Assistant Professor of Business
Administration/MIS and
Coordinator of the Russian and
East European Area Studies
Program. B.A., M.A., Central
School for Planning and Statistics,
Warsaw; Ph.D., Akademia
Ekonomiczna, Krakow.
Ronald G. Palosaari, Professor
of English. B.A., Bethel
College; B. Div., Bethel
Seminary; M.A., Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota.
Diane Pike, Professor and
Chair, Department of Sociology.
A.B., Connecticut College;
Ph.D., Yale University.
Larry Ragland, Associate
Professor Computer Science.
B.S., M.A., Central Missouri
State College; Ph.D., University
of Texas at Austin.
Milo A. Schield, Associate
Professor of Business
Administration/MIS. B.S., Iowa
State University; M.S.,
University of Illinois; Ph.D.,
Rice University .
William Swenson, Instructor of
Philosophy. A.B., Ph.D.,
University of Chicago.
Show less
Master of Arts in Leadership (MAL) Catalog, 1997-1999
Course Catalogs
Search Result
rationally and intuitively the people who might be
their followers, and the society in which they are embedded.
They had better comprehend the values of our common
culture, past and present, know how our political and
economic systems work, and understand how and why
science has changed the...
Show more
rationally and intuitively the people who might be
their followers, and the society in which they are embedded.
They had better comprehend the values of our common
culture, past and present, know how our political and
economic systems work, and understand how and why
science has changed the world. ... Leaders need specialists
as advisers and staff members. But leaders themselves are
generalists . ... At higher levels of leadership they cannot
achieve their fall potential without considerable breadth of
knowledge. Only this way can they shape the contexts for
decisions where expert knowledge is used.
- John Gardner
Graduate Programs Office
Box 144
2211 Riverside Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55454
(612) 330-1786
Introduction .............................. ...... ...... ....... ........ ... ...................... 3
Leadership Development Model ................................... .............. .4
Curriculum Design ....................................................................... 5
Thesis/Leadership Application Project Option ...................... 5
Non-Thesis Option .............. .................. ........ ....... .................. 5
Course Descriptions ............... .......... ......................................... .... 7
Admission Requirements and Procedures .................................. 10
International Applicants ................................ .... ............... ........... 11
Evaluation Standards ........................... ...... ....... .... ... .... ............... 12
Student Rights ............................. ....................... ... ...................... 12
Attendance Policy .................... .. ........................ ...... ................... 13
Academic Policies .................................... .................. .............. .. 13
Student Support Services .................. .................. ....... ....... .. ........ 14
Library ............................... ......................................................... 14
Accreditation and Affiliations ....................... ............................. 14
Fee and Payment Information ..................................................... 15
Financial Aid .............................................................................. 16
About Augsburg .............................................................. ............ 18
Campus Location .............. ......................................................... 19
Campus Map ........................ ..................... .. ................................ 19
MAL Faculty ............................... .............................. .. ........... .... 20
This catalog was current at the time of publication. It is subject to
change without notice.
Augsburg does nor discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sexual or affectional
preference, national or ethnic origin, age, marital status, sex, status with regard to public assissrance,
or disability as required by Tirle IX of the 1972 Education Amendments or Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, in its admission policies, educational programs, activities and
employment practices.
Developing Leaders for
Organizations and the
The Master of Arts in
Leadership (MAL) program
responds to the leadership
development needs of both
profit and not-for-profit organizations. While different in
structure and purpose, most
organizations seek leaders with
the following qualities: a vision
that is ethically and morally
responsible, extending beyond
immediate concerns; an understanding of how change occurs
and affects the immediate environment; a sensitivity to the
complex problems organizations
face and an ability to achieve
solutions consistent with an
organization's mission; the
ability to motivate and inspire
individuals and groups to work
toward a common goal; and the
ability to effectively represent
the organization both internally
and externally.
The MAL program provides a
means by which individuals
may discover and refine these
and other abilities fundamental
to effective leadership.
Accommodating the FullTime Work Schedule
Designed to meet the needs and
preferences of working adults,
the MAL program is based on
the assumption that the students
who enroll are career-oriented,
self-disciplined and well-
motivated individuals, seeking a
balance of classroom experience, group interaction and
individual study. Most courses
are organized as seminars with
the opportunity for discussion
and dialogue. Classes meet on
alternate Saturdays for threeand-one-half hours and alternate
Thursday evenings for one-andone-half hours.
Community of Learners
Essential to the goals of the
MAL program is participation
in a community of learners
gathered together on the
Augsburg campus. This community is enriched by the students
with a variety of work and life
experiences. To facilitate
community interaction, students
are encouraged to make use of
the Augsburg library, computer
labs and Christensen Center.
Individual Professional
An important component of
the MAL program is the
professional assessment.
The assessment can help
students to identify leadership
skills and preferred work and
learning styles. Nationally
recognized test instruments are
used; based on the results,
students are encouraged to
create personalized goals
and plans to strengthen areas
that may require further
development. MAL Practica
are designed to meet student
needs in areas such as interpersonal communication,
approaches to career change,
coping with workplace
problems, time management
and other issues related to
leadership and professional
The MAL program promotes
leadership as a process that
1) inspires cooperation among
people who must compete for
limited resources, 2) promotes
productivity within and beyond
the organization, and 3) works
toward progress for the
individual and the organization.
Leadership Development Model,
that serve as specific outcomes
for the MAL program.
Augsburg's model of leadership
development is designed to
assess, promote, enhance and
refine these capabilities within
the individual.
To accomplish this, individuals
aspiring to positions of leadership must possess three key
attributes: a sense of vision,
the ability to persuade and the
ability to direct action.
Underlying these attributes is a
broad range of abilities and
awareness, outlined in the
Sense of Vision
• Social awareness
• Environmental
• Tolerance of
religious and
• Appreciation of
Toward Action
Facility for
• Flexibility
• Adaptability
• Innovativeness
• Effective listener
• Effective speaker
• Effective writer
• Diplomatic ability
• Effective team
• Interpersonal
• Appreciation for
cultural differences
• World-view
• Tolerance of
Risk Assumptive
• Achievement motivation
• Self-esteem
• Self-confidence
• Analytical ability
• Ability to think critically
• Understanding of
• Ability to manage
(This model was developed by Augsburg Faculty Graduate Advisory Committee, 1985-87.)
There are two ways to complete
the MAL degree. In the
Thesis/Leadership Application
Project (Thesis/LAP) Option,
students complete a thesis or a
major leadership application
project and 10.5 credits. In the
Non-Thesis Option, students
must complete 11 credits, two
papers, but no thesis.
Augsburg uses a course system
rather than a credit system in its
curriculum. An Augsburg
course is equivalent to four
semester credits or six quarter
credits. Each course includes
two or more liberal arts disciplines, encourages pursuit of the
designated outcomes and uses a
variety of learning techniques
appropriate to adult learners.
Instructional techniques include
case studies, debate, written and
oral presentations, and group
activity. These techniques
develop targeted leadership
abilities and understanding.
Students are encouraged to see
abilities and understandings as
cross-disciplinary and to view
content areas as integrated. The
program reflects the view that
the world in which we operate is
complex and that dealing with it
successfully requires welldeveloped integrative abilities.
Thesis/LAP Option
Students who select the
Thesis/LAP Option are required
to develop and carry out an indepth study of some aspect of
leadership or of a leadershiprelated topic. This researchbased study gives the student
the opportunity to "tie together"
what has been learned from the
study of leadership and courserelated activities.
The principal distinction between
the Thesis and the Leadership
Application Project lies in their
underlying orientation. A Thesis
has a more theoretical orientation, while the Leadership
Application Project is based on
practical application. Both
require similar rigor and preparation. For either alternative, the
student must register for ML 592,
593 and 594. Differences
between these two options will
be explored in ML 514 Research
Methods and in ML 593
Leadership Research Seminar I.
Students who do not complete
their Thesis or Leadership
Application Project while
enrolled in ML 594 Leadership
Research Seminar II are
required to pay a continuation fee.
Non-Thesis Option
An alternative to the thesis is the
successful completion of two
major papers, as described
below. The first of these papers
will be written in conjunction
with ML 580. A student must
get a grade of 3.5 or higher on
this major paper to complete the
Non-Thesis requirement. If the
grade for the paper is below 3.5,
the student will revise the paper
Elective Courses for
Both Options: (at least
7.0 course credits)
and submit it to the MAL faculty
panel for review and approval.
The second paper will be written
while enrolled in ML 597 NonThesis Independent Project. A
student must get a grade of 3.5
or higher on this paper; it will
then be submitted to the MAL
faculty panel for review and
approval. The judgment
of the MAL faculty panel is
the final one. The independent
research projects approved
each year will be presented in
a special annual colloquium.
All courses are valued at
1.0 credit, unless otherwise
ML 592 Thesis/LAP
Consultation (0.5 course)
ML 521 Methods of Critical
(Note: If students wish to
(ML 592 is taken in conjunction
with ML 594.)
ML 530 Ethics in
ML 593 Leadership Research
Seminar I (0.5 course)
ML 531 The Dynamics of
ML 594 Leadership Research
Seminar II (0.5 course)
ML 535 Organizational Theory
and Leadership
(ML 592, 593 and 594 are to be
taken in a student's last two
consecutive terms or after the
student has completed at least
five electives and ML 510.)
ML 540 Political Leadership:
change from the Thesis Option
to the Non-Thesis Option after
completing the Research
Seminars, they may petition
the MAL committee.)
Core Courses for
Thesis/LAP Option:
(3.5 course credits)
The following core courses are
required for all Thesis/LAP
students in the MAL program:
ML 510 Visions of Leadership
ML 514 Research Methods
The MAL program requires that
seven elective courses be
selected from the following
course list*:
ML 511 Creativity and the
Problem-Solving Process
ML 520 Self-Identity, Values
and Personal Growth
Theory and Practice
ML 545 Decision Making and
ML 550 Decision Making and
Core Courses for
Non-Thesis Option:
(4.0 course credits)
ML 510 Visions of Leadership
ML 514 Research Methods
ML 580 Contemporary Theories
of Leadership
ML 597 Non-Thesis
Independent Project
Computer Technology
ML 560 Developing a Multi-
cultural Perspective
ML 565 Women and Leadership
ML 580 Colloquium on
Contemporary Theories
of Leadership
(elective for Thesis/
LAP Option students)
ML 598 Independent Study
ML 599 Special Topics
*No more than two courses may be transferred from a comparable graduate program. Transfer credits must be approved by the
director prior to enrollment in the MAL program No more than 1.0 course of independent study may be applied to the degree.
ML 500 Leadership
The MAL program sponsors
professional development workshops and seminars. These
workshops are offered to
students and alumni who desire
more applied case studies or
wish to address topics not
included in the courses.
ML 510 Visions of
Leadership: A Historical
and Literary Journey
(1.0 course)
Introduction to selected concepts
of leadership, providing a
historical and philosophical
framework for the program.
This course views the nature
and purpose of leadership
from a variety of disciplines
and perspectives.
ML 511 Creativity and
the Problem-Solving
Process (1.0 course)
Exploration of creativity from
the perspective of traditional
aesthetics as well as contemporary organizational thinking.
This course uses creativity as a
method, and it examines techniques for solving problems in
organizations, for enhancing
innovation and for seeking an
integrative world view.
ML 514 Research
Methods (1.0 course)
Evaluation and documentation
of programs, projects and ideas
as they relate to leadership
theories and practice.
Qualitative and quantitative
tools will be discussed.
ML 520 Self-Identity,
Values and Personal
Growth (1.0 course)
Study of the concepts of selfidentity, values and personal
growth as related to professional,
personal life. This course may
employ psychological,
philosophical and theological
perspectives to explore the role
of the individual in the larger
social context. Major topics
include the acquisition,
development and evolution of
self-identity and values, the
influence of sex roles and the
relationship to spiritual growth.
ML 521 Methods of
Critical Thought
(1.0 course)
Investigation of the processes of
critical thinking, drawing from
philosophy as well as natural
and social science. The course
will survey a variety of contemporary approaches to critical
thinking, including the use of
logic and analytical reasoning,
the relationship of evidence to
the confirmation of theories and
the value of appeals to scholarly
studies. A special focus of the
course will be an assessment of
the ways in which natural and
social sciences can (and cannot)
assist leaders in addressing
problems and seeking solutions.
ML 530 Ethics in
(1.0 course)
Interdisciplinary study of ethics
and communication through the
investigation of a variety of
ethical perspectives within
human communication. This
course places particular attention on the use and abuse of
communication in politics,
advertising and interpersonal
relationships. It emphasizes a
sensitivity to ethical conflicts
that arise in social and organizational settings.
ML 531 The Dynamics of
Change (1.0 course)
This course offers an exploration
of the context of social change
and varying responses to diverse
human needs. Ways of achieving
well-being may be viewed
differently by leaders in public
and private domains and across
cultures. The course explores
these various perspectives,
including areas of conflict and
opportunities for leadership in
social and organizational
change. Sociological, human
development and economic
theories are applied to contemporary public and private sector
issues for social change.
ML 535 Organizational
Theory and Leadership
(1.0 course)
In-depth exploration of organizational theory plus related
concepts, issues and concerns.
The course is designed to enable
the student to acquire knowledge
and develop skills in order to
function as a responsible, ethical
participant within various types
of organizational structures
and cultures.
ML 540 Political
Leadership: Theory and
Practice (1.0 course)
Analysis of leadership perspectives in selected political
systems and other organizations.
Special focus on significant
leadership theories and leaders,
past and present. Most theories
studied are interdisciplinary and
relevant to business and nonprofit organizations as well as
to politics.
ML 545 Decision Making
and Leadership
(1.0 course)
Review of the decision-making
process - the setting, goals and
contingencies - as it affects
leaders and leadership. Analysis
of arguments and explanations;
analysis of basic statistical
concepts and their relationship
to decision making. Assessment
of major social decisions, past
and present - their intentions,
consequences, arguments,
explanations and justification.
ML 550 Decision Making
and Computer
Technology (1.0 course)
Analysis of the relationship
between decision making and
some of the technology that has
developed in recent years, most
notably, the computing and
communication revolutions.
Some experience using
computers would be helpful,
but is not required.
ML 560 Developing a
Multicultural Perspective
(1.0 course)
Investigation of multicultural
issues. This course will enhance
one's ability to lead and work
more effectively with people of
different cultural backgrounds
through the study of diverse
values, beliefs and traditions
within the global community.
ML 565 Women and
Leadership (1.0 course)
A seminar exploring the theory
and practice of women and
leadership - political,
entrepreneurial and social. An
interdisciplinary approach to
issues of women and leadership
with an emphasis on literature
developed by political scientists.
The course is intended to
enhance the critical-thinking
skills of the participants and the
leadership skills of the participants. Opportunity for research
on topic and area of interest.
ML 580 Colloquium on
Contemporary Theories
of Leadership
(1.0 course)
Selected contemporary theories
of leadership presented by
instructors who participate in
the seminar. Emphasis on critical thinking, discussion, written
analysis. Prerequisite: One year
course work in MAL program
and ML 510.
ML 592 Thesis/LAP
Consultation (0.5 course)
A series of meetings with a
faculty thesis/project adviser
taken simultaneously with ML
594 Leadership Research
Seminar II and during the
trimester in which the
thesis/project is being prepared
for final submission. Graded
on PIN basis. Students not
completing the thesis/applica-
tion project during the same
term in which they are enrolled
in ML 594 are required to pay
a continuation fee for each subsequent term until the Thesis/LAP
is completed.
ML 593 Leadership
Research Seminar I
(0.5 course)
First half of a two-course thesis
capstone sequence for the MAL
program to be taken in a
student's last two consecutive
terms or after the student has
completed at least five electives
and ML 510. This course
provides each individual the
opportunity to develop a
research topic, to synthesize
previous study and work experience, and to demonstrate an
understanding of the program's
principles. Graded on a PIN basis.
ML 594 Leadership
Research Seminar II
(0.5 course)
Continuation of the "capstone"
seminar, taken in the term
immediately following the
student's registration in ML 593
Leadership Research Seminar I.
This seminar focuses on the
methods of inquiry and results
of individual projects. By the
completion of the seminar,
students should have made
significant progress on their
thesis or Leadership Application
Project. Graded on a PIN basis.
ML 597 Non-Thesis
Independent Project*
(1.0 course)
Major written project to be
completed in an area of the
student's choice, reviewed
by the MAL faculty panel
and presented in a colloquium
in partial fulfillment of
requirements for the
Non-Thesis Option.
ML 598 Independent
Study* (1.0 course)
Provides directed independent
study in an area of the student's
choice. Open to students who
have completed at least three
courses with a grade of at least
3.0. Students must complete a
Proposal for Independent Study
and have it signed by the supervising professor. The proposal
then must be approved by the
MAL program director prior to
registration for the course.
ML 599 Special Topics
(1.0 course)
Study of selected topics in
leadership that are not treated
extensively through current
course offerings. Specific
topics will be published prior
to registration.
*A student may count only one of the following for credit toward the MAL degree:
ML 597 or ML 598.
• experience and organizational
• written statement
• interview, if requested
To apply, the following materials must be submitted to the
Graduate Programs Office:
• Completed application form
• $25.00 non-refundable
application fee
• A 1-3 page statement relating
the applicant's career and life
goals to leadership aspirations
Applicants to the program
must hold a baccalaureate
degree from an accredited
four-year college or university
and must have a minimum
cumulative undergraduate grade
point average of 3.0 (on a scale
of A= 4.0) and a minimum
cumulative grade point average
of 3.0 for graduate courses
completed at an accredited
college or university. Applicants
holding a master's or other
advanced degree from accredited
colleges or universities are
admissible. Should an applicant
not meet the minimum admission
requirements, a probationary
term may be possible as decided
on a case-by-case basis.
Applicants to the program must
have five years of experience (or
equivalent) with one or more
organizations in a position of
leadership or position demonstrating leadership potential.
Decisions about admission to
the program will be made on an
individual basis by the MAL
Admissions Committee.
Admission to each entering
graduate class will be given to
the most highly qualified individuals. Admissions are handled
on a "rolling" basis, with
students admitted at the beginning of the fall, winter and
spring terms. Selection of
candidates will be made on
the basis of an evaluation of
each applicant's:
• previous college record
• letters of recommendation
• Recommendation letter and
checklist from an immediate
supervisor, assessing
leadership potential
• Recommendation letter and
checklist from a work
colleague (at the same level)
describing the applicant's
work style leadership potential
• Official transcripts from all
undergraduate institutions
attended, listing all courses
taken and any degree(s)
• Official transcripts from all
graduate institutions attended,
listing courses taken and
degree(s) conferred, if any
Applicants may be asked to
participate in an interview with
graduate program faculty and/or
staff members.
The Augsburg College Graduate
Programs Office encourages
qualified applicants from other
countries. International applicants should keep in mind that
classes meet on alternating
Thursday evenings and
Saturdays and that students can
take only two classes (plus an
optional practicum per trimester,
if desired) for a yearly total of
six classes. With this schedule
students can complete the
required course work in less
than two years. See Admission
Requirements for a description
of the admission process,
selection criteria and work
experience requirements.
Application materials
required for international
applicants are:
• Completed application form
• $25.00 application fee (nonrefundable) payable in U.S.
• A 1-3 page statement relating
the applicant's career and life
goals to leadership aspirations
• Completed Declaration of
Finances (see below for
further information)
• Letter of recommendation in
English from an immediate
supervisor, assessing
leadership potential
• Letter of recommendation in
English from a work colleague
(at the same level) describing
the applicant's work style and
potential as a leader
• Official marksheets with
certified translations from
all undergraduate institutions
attended listing all courses
taken, marks earned, dates
attended and degree(s) or
diploma(s) conferred, if any
• Official marksheets with
certified translations from all
graduate institutions attended
listing all courses taken, marks
earned, dates attended and
degree(s) or diploma(s)
conferred, if any
• Official results on the Test of
English as a Foreign Language
(TOEFL) with a minimum
score of 590
Applicants may be asked to
participate in an interview with
graduate program faculty and/or
staff members, if the applicant is
in the United States.
Students and their financial
sponsor must complete a
Declaration of Finances as
part of the application for
admission, along with
appropriate certifications.
Students will need to provide
proof of availability of funds for
tuition, books and living costs
for the academic year in which
they want to attend. The College
requires students to provide
proof of a minimum of $10,000
in U.S. funds for living
expenses for themselves plus the
cost of tuition.
NOTE: Additional information
may be required, as requested by
Augsburg College, to accurately
evaluate educational credentials. Furthermore, supplemental
information may be needed to
issue an 1-20 or J-1 for students
admitted to the MAL program.
Information requested for the
1-20 or J-1 will not be used to
make an admission decision.
Evaluation of academic performance in the MAL program will be
based on number grades using a 4.0 point scale with these definitions:
Achieves highest standards of excellence.
Achieves above basic course standards.
Achieves the minimum passing standard.
Performance below basic course standards.
Unacceptable performance (no credit for the course).
Achieves at or above the 2.0 level (not computed in
grade point average).
Does not meet minimum course standards (no credit and
non-punitive - not computed in grade point average).
Grade given when a student withdraws from a course after
the deadline for dropping without notation on the record
Incomplete grade given when student is unable to complete
course requirements for reasons beyond the student's
control. (To receive an incomplete, a student must file a
petition with the Graduate Programs Office stating reasons
for the request, the plan and date for removing the
incomplete grade, the signature of the instructor and any
other necessary documentation.)
Courses not offered on the
numbered grading system are
noted in the course descriptions
in this catalog as being graded
on PIN basis. In order to receive
a grade of P, a student must
achieve at least a grade of 2.0.
No more than two courses with
a grade below 3.0 will count
toward the degree.
No more than two courses with
a grade of or below 2.5 can be
repeated. Only the credits and
grades earned the second time
are counted in the grade point
The College has adopted a
statement of student rights and
responsibilities and provides due
process in matters of disciplinary
action, grievances and grade
appeal. Students who wish to
identify appropriate procedures
for complaints should contact
the Vice President for Student
Affairs (330-1160).
The College operates in
compliance with the Family
Rights and Privacy Act and
Title IX. Students have the right
to inspect all official records
that pertain to them and that are
maintained in the Registrar's
Office and the Placement Office
(except where a waiver of
access has been signed) and
to challenge inaccurate or
misleading information.
Students have a right to
experience education free
from discrimination.
Because leadership issues are
presented, discussed and
analyzed in the classroom,
regular attendance is highly
important and should be considered a responsibility, not only to
one's self, but to one's classmates
and course instructor.
Irregular attendance may, at the
discretion of the instructor,
adversely affect one's grade.
Academic Probation and
Dismissal Policies
Credit for Prior
Enrollment Policy/
Leaves of Absence
Students must maintain a 3.0
cumulative grade point average.
If a student falls below a 3.0
average, the student will be
placed on probation for the
following term. A 3.0 cumulative
grade point average must be
restored in order for a student to
be removed from probation. If
a student receives a grade of N
or 0.0 in a course, the student
must petition successfully with
the MAL Advisory Committee
before being allowed to
continue in the program. A plan
for the student to follow would
be outlined at that time. If a
second grade of Nor 0.0 is
received, the student may be
dismissed from the program by
the MAL Advisory Committee.
Students may also be dismissed
by the MAL Advisory
Committee for behavior detrimental to the program, such as a
gross violation of college policy
(as published in the Student
Guide). Dismissal would occur
only after established procedures
were followed.
Due to the interdisciplinary
nature of the courses in the
MAL program, it is unlikely that
courses taken elsewhere may be
substituted for a particular
course in the curriculum.
Students may petition the MAL
program director for approval of
any variation in the curriculum
including the transfer of credit.
Transfer credits will be evaluated on an individual basis.
The only courses that will be
considered for transfer credit are
those earned from accredited
colleges and universities, whose
course content is comparable to
those in the MAL program. No
more than two courses will be
accepted for transfer credit.
Students may take either one or
two courses per trimester.
Enrolling in two courses per
trimester enables a student to
complete the course work in
the program within two years.
All students are required to
complete all components of the
program within five years.
Extensions beyond five years
will be considered on the basis
of petition to the MAL Advisory
Committee. Students who leave
the program for more than one
trimester must request a leave of
absence in writing from the
MAL program director. A leave
of absence may be granted for
one calendar year. Time spent
on an official leave of absence
will not count toward the five
year deadline for degree
Credit and Contact
Each full-credit graduate course
in the MAL program is the
equivalent of four semester
credits or six quarter credits.
Students meet in class a total of
31.5 hours and are responsible
for a significant amount of individual study and preparation.
Last Day to Withdraw
from Class
The last date on which students
may withdraw from a class and
receive a "W" on their records is
published annually in the MAL
Academic advising from the
MAL director for program
planning is available. As
students approach the capstone
experience, they select thesis or
project advisers to guide them
throughout the completion of
their program. Graduate
program staff are also available
to help students with nonacademic advising issues.
and a career-search plan are
available through the Career
Services Office, (612) 330-1162.
Professional assessment is
administered through the
Graduate Programs Office.
Work experience related to a
student's field of specialization
is possible through the
Cooperative Education Office,
(612) 330-1148.
Self/career assessment counseling, resume development
A new four-level, 73,000-squarefoot library offers state-of-the-art
technology, multimedia classrooms and study areas with
network access. The library
collection includes over 175,000
books, periodicals, films, audio
and video cassette tapes, and
microfilms. A computerized
library catalog includes the
holdings of Augsburg and six
other private liberal arts college
libraries in the metropolitan area.
Additional library resources are
accessible through MINITEX, a
regional library network, and
through OCLC, an international
library network. Remote, offcampus computer access to all
these services is provided via a
telecommunications link.
Students who successfully
complete Augsburg' s
Leadership program will receive
a Master of Arts degree.
Augsburg is accredited by the
North Central Association of
Colleges and Schools*. The
College is a member of the
Associated Colleges of the Twin
Cities (ACTC), Lutheran
Education Council in North
America and the Minnesota
Private College Council.
Augsburg College is registered
with the Minnesota Higher
Education Services Office.
Registration is not an endorsement of the institution.
Registration does not mean that
credits earned at the institution
can be transferred to other institutions or that the quality of the
educational programs would
meet the standards of every
student, educational institution
or employer.
*North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Institutions of Higher Education, 30 North LaSalle St.,
Suite 2400, Chicago, IL 60602-2504; (312) 263-0456.
A schedule of fees is published
previous term is paid in full as
separately in the MAL Program
agreed. Augsburg College will
Supplement. Tuition is
determined annually. ML 592,
not release diplomas or academic
transcripts until a student's
ML 593 and ML 594 are half-
account is paid in full. This also
credit courses and are charged
applies to student loans administered by the College (e.g.,
half of the current full credit
tuition. ML 500 Leadership
Practicum is a separate charge.
Augsburg offers the
following payment
Various payment plans are
1) Payment in Full:
Due day of registration.
2) Payment Plan:
Perkins Student Loan). They
must be current according to
established repayment schedules.
Refund Schedule
Students are responsible for
canceling courses with the
Registrar's Office in order to be
eligible for a refund. Students
who unofficially withdraw (stop
attending) and do not complete
the drop/add form are respon-
A three-pay plan is available
each trimester upon applica-
sible for all charges. Financial
aid may be adjusted based on
tion and after College
the student's last recorded date
of attendance. A per-course
approval. Payment plans
will be approved only if
previous plans have been
satisfactorily completed.
3) Company Reimbursement:
Full courses, or equivalent,
that are company reimbursed
require a deposit of $100 per
course reimbursed, with full
payment due within 50 days
after the end of the term. A
letter from the employer,
stating the company's reimbursement policy, must be
annually filed with the
tuition refund will be made on
the following basis:
Through the first scheduled
class meeting -100% of
tuition (less a $7 5 administration fee if withdrawing from
current term entirely)
Prior to the second scheduled
class meeting - 80% of tuition
Prior to the third scheduled class
meeting - 60% of tuition
No refund after the third
scheduled class meeting.
Business Office.
Registration is permitted only
if the student's account for a
*A non-sufficient funds check will declare your registration invalid and could affect further credit extended by the College.
Financial assistance is available
to degree-seeking students
emolled in the MAL program.
Non-degree-seeking students are
not eligible for any type of
financial aid through Augsburg
College. Two full-credit courses
per trimester are considered full
time. One course is considered
half-time enrollment. The Office
of Student Financial Services,
(612) 330-1046, assists students
in assessing financial aid eligibility and offers financial aid
from available alternatives,
including the following:
Sponsored Scholarships
Augsburg actively pursues nonAugsburg funding for special
scholarships. The availabilily uf
such scholarships may enable
the participation of individuals
of limited financial means as
well as individuals working for
volunteer agencies and other
organizations not likely to
provide tuition reimbursement.
Company Tuition
Assistance Programs
Many companies, agencies and
corporations offer full or partial
tuition assistance to employees
who participate in work-related
or degree-related college
programs. Augsburg College
offers several payment plans by
which employees may handle
tuition reimbursement. Students
should contact the Business
Office to make payment arrangements using the company
reimbursement payment plan.
Bureau of Indian Affairs,
Tribal and State Indian
American Indian students who
meet federal, state or tribal
requirements may apply for these
scholarships. Indian grants
generally supplement other
sources of financial aid. For
assistance in application, please
contact Augsburg's American
Indian Student Support Program
director at (612) 330-1144 or
your tribal agency.
Federal and State Aid
The Office of Student Financial
Services uses standard, nationally
accepted methodology to determine eligibility for federal and
state financial aid programs.
• Federal Stafford Loan
Common Loan Provisions:
Effective with enrollment
periods beginning after October
1, 1993, graduate students may
borrow up to $18,500 per year
with an aggregate of $128,500
(undergraduate and graduate).
A student may borrow from
either the unsubsidized or
subsidized programs or a
combination of both but cannot
exceed the annual loan limits.
annually variable interest rate
is determined by the 91-day
T-Bills +3.1 %, capped at 8.25%
and changes each July 1st for
all borrowers. The interest rate
for enrollment periods beginning between July 1, 1996 and
June 30, 1997 is 7.66%.
Repayment begins six months
after you cease to be enrolled at
least half time in an eligible
program leading to a degree or
certificate. Repayment may
extend up to 10 years.
DEFERMENTS: In most cases,
deferments are granted for
continued education, disability
and unemployment. Contact
your lender if you think you are
eligible for a deferment.
Program Specific Provisions:
(SUBSIDIZED): The Office of
Student Financial Services has
determined that, based on the
financial information
submitted, students qualify for
up to the amount listed on their
Award Notice.
INTEREST: No interest accrues
during the time the student is
enrolled at least half time.
FEES: An origination fee of 3%
and a guarantee fee of up to 1%
will be deducted from the loan
check before you receive it.
You may borrow up to
the amount listed on your
Award Notice.
during the period of enrollment
• SELF (Student Educational
Loan Fund)
and may be capitalized.
The SELF is administered
INTEREST: Interest accrues
FEES : An origination fee of 3%
through the Minnesota Higher
and a guarantee fee of 1% will
Education Coordinating Board.
be deducted from the loan check
Applications are available from
before you receive it.
the Office of Student Financial
• Federal Perkins Loan
completed by the borrower and
A joint Augsburg Collegefederally funded program
administered through the College
for students who demonstrate
financial eligibility. No checks
are issued, but the student is
required to sign a promissory
note at least once per tenn.
Funds are put on the student
account after the note
is signed.
You may borrow up to $3,000
per year as a graduate student
with a $30,000 maximum.
Simple interest of 5% and
repayment of principal (at a
minimum of $40 per month)
begin nine months after you
graduate or leave school.
Partial or total loan cancellation
privileges exist for certain
types of teaching, disability
and, in certain circumstances,
military service.
DEFERMENTS : No interest
accrues nor do payments need to
be made at any time you are
enrolled at least half time or for
serving three years in the
military, Peace Corps or
VISTA. Contact our student
loan coordinator if you think
you are eligible for a deferment.
Services and should be
co-signer and returned to
Student Financial Services for
further processing. Loan checks
arrive once per term and are
made co-payable to the student
and Augsburg College.
Graduate students may borrow
To Apply for Financial Aid:
up to $9,000 per year minus any
Financial Aid application
other student loan indebtedness.
materials are available from
Maximum graduate borrowing
the Graduate Programs or
cannot exceed $40,000
Student Financial Services
including undergraduate.
office. Applicants must be
The minimum loan amount
admitted to Augsburg as regular
per year is $500.
students or be returning students
in good academic standing.
The interest rate is variable.
Interest payments begin 90 days
after the loan is disbursed and
continue quarterly thereafter
while the student is enrolled.
Principal payments begin in
The Financial Aid application
will be processed when the
following documents are
1) The Free Application for
the 13th month after you
Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
leave school.
or the Renewal F AFSA
DEFERMENTS: There are no
deferments. Contact the
2) Augsburg Financial Aid
Minnesota Higher Education
Coordinating Board regarding
special circumstances and
3) Federal income tax return(s)
and W-2(s)
Church Affiliation
Augsburg is a college of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America. We are a diverse
community with many strong
religious traditions represented
among the students, faculty and
staff, including Lutheran,
Protestant, Roman Catholic,
Jewish, American Indian
Spirituality and Thought,
Buddhist and Islamic faiths.
It is the policy of Augsburg
Augsburg was the first seminary
founded by Norwegian
Lutherans in America. Named
after the confession of faith
presented by Lutherans in
Augsburg, Germany, in 1530,
Augsburg opened in September
1869, in Marshall, Wisconsin,
and moved to Minneapolis
in 1872.
Campus Location
Augsburg's campus is located
in the heart of the Twin Cities
and surrounds Murphy Square,
the oldest of 155 parks in the
"City of Lakes." Adjacent to the
campus are Fairview-University
Medical Center, the West Bank
campus of the University of
Minnesota, and Mississippi
River parkways.
Augsburg College has made a
major effort to become one of
the most accessible campuses in
the region. Skyways, tunnels,
and elevators provide accessible
connections among major
buildings -student housing
towers, the Christensen Center,
main academic and administrative halls, the library and the
music building. In addition,
there are programs for students
with learning, physical and
psychiatric disabilities.
College not to discriminate on
the basis of race, color, creed,
religion, sexual or affectional
preference, national or ethnic
origin, age, marital status, sex or
status with regard to public
assistance or disability as
required by Title IX of the 1972
Educational Amendments or
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation
Act of 1973, as amended, in its
admissions policies, educational
programs, activities, and
employment practices.
Graduate Programs Location
I-94 East from
Minneapolis-Take 25th
Avenue exit, turn left at
25th Avenue, turn left at
Riverside Avenue, turn
left at 21st Avenue South.
The Graduate Programs Office is in
Memorial Hall (second floor).
Public Parking
All Augsburg College staff, faculty
and commuter lots are free and open
for use after 4:30 p.m. Monday
through Friday, and on weekends,
unless otherwise posted. Lots are
located on 7th Street, between 21st
and 22nd A venues and north or
south of 8th Street between 24th and
25th Avenues. Additional parking is
available in the Fairview-University
Medical Center ramp, or University
of Minnesota parking lots on the
north side of Riverside A venue.
I-94 West from St.
Paul-Take Riverside
exit, turn right at
Riverside Avenue, tum
left at 21st Avenue South.
Directions to Campus
35W from the North-Take
Washington Avenue exit and turn
left on Washington (curves right
onto Cedar Avenue), turn left at
Riverside Avenue, right at 21st
A venue South.
l. Admissions Weekday Program
2. Air Structure Entrance
November through March
3. American Indian Student Support
Program and Pan-Afrikan
Student Services
4. Anderson-Nelson Athletic Field and
Seasonal Air Structure
5. Center for Global Education and
International Programs
6. Christensen Center,
Information Desk
7. East Hall
8. Foss , Lobeck, Miles Center for
Worship, Drama and
9. Husby-Strommen Tennis Courts
10. Ice Arena
11. Jeroy C. Carlson Alumni Center
12. Maintenance and Grounds Shop
13. Mortensen Tower
14. Murphy Place
Weekend College
15. Murphy Square
16. Music Hall
17. Nordic Center
18. Old Main
19. Oscar Anderson Hall
20. Public Relations and
21. Quad
22. Science Hall
23. Security Dispatch Center
24. Shipping and Receiving
25. Si Melby Hall
26. Sverdrup Library
27. Sverdrup-Oftedal Memorial Hall
Master of Social Work Admissions
Master of Arts in Leadership
28. Urness Tower
29. Youth and Family Institute
30. New Library to open Fall 1997
35W from the SouthFollow the I-94 St. Paul signs
(move to right lane after each of
two mergers). Take 25th Avenue
exit, turn left at 25th Avenue, turn
left at Riverside Avenue, turn left
at 21st Avenue South.
6th Street S,
7th Street
7 1/2 Street s.
8th Sl~etS.
Buller Place
~~~~~~~~~~~~--11-~~~~~~~~~-- · ~
~Interstate 94 West
Interstate 94 East ~
Parking Lots
A. Admissions/Faculty/Staff Parking
B. Faculty/Staff/Commuter/Resident
C. Faculty/Staff Parking
D. Faculty/Staff/Commuter Parking
E. Commuter Parking
F. Resident Parking
G. Visitor Parking
H. Riverside Professional Building Ramp
Pay parking available
Faculty who teach in the MAL
program are predominantly
full-time senior faculty with
doctorates or appropriate
professional degrees. Some
Lucie Ferrell, Associate
Professor of Nursing. B.S.,
College of St. Catherine; M.N.,
University of California-Los
Angeles; Ph.D., Adelphi
courses are team taught by
faculty from different disciplines
or occasionally by combining a
f acuity member with professionals
from relevant fields. All of
the program'sfaculty have
extensive experience teaching
adult learners.
John Benson, Professor of
Religion. B.A., Augsburg
College; B.S., Luther
Theological Seminary; M.A.,
Ph.D., Columbia University.
Larry Crockett, Associate
Professor of Computer Science.
B.A., M.A., Pacific Lutheran
University; M.Div., Luther
Theological Seminary; Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota.
Mary Endorf, Adjunct
Professor. B.A., Hamline
University; M.A., State
University of New YorkCortland; Ph.D., University of
Minnesota. Principal, Orono
Joseph A. Erickson, Assistant
Professor of Education. B.A.,
M.A., College of St. Thomas;
M.A., Luther Northwestern
Theological Seminary; Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota.
Norman Ferguson, Professor of
Psychology. B.A., Franklin and
Marshall College; M.S., Ph.D.,
University of Wisconsin.
Garry Hesser, Professor of
Sociology, Director of
Cooperative Education Program,
Director of Metro-Urban
Studies. B.A., Phillips
University; M.Div., Union
Theological Seminary; M.A.,
Ph.D., University of Notre
Marie 0. McNeff, VicePresident for Academic Affairs
and Dean of the College and
Professor of Education. B.A.,
M.A., Ed.D., University of
Thomas Morgan, Professor of
Business Administration/MIS.
B.S., Juniata College; M.B.A.,
University of Denver; M.S.,
University of Oregon; Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota.
William D. Morris, Instructor
of Political Science. B.A.,
Oakland University; Ph.D.,
Carnegie-Mellon University.
President, Decision Resources,
Richard Nelson, Professor and
Chair, Department of History.
B.A., University of Nebraska;
M.A., Ph.D., University of
Beverly Nilsso"'"~P.rofessor and
Chair, Department of Nursing.
B.S.N., M.S., Ph.D., University
of Minnesota.
Norma Noonan, Professor of
Political Science, Director of
MAL program, and Director of
the International Relations
Program. B.A., University of
Pennsylvania; M.A., Ph.D.,
Indiana University.
Ronald Palosaari, Professor of
English. B.A., Bethel College;
B. Div., Bethel Seminary; M.A.,
Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Curt Paulsen, Associate
Professor of Social Work. B.A.,
St. Olaf College; M.S.W.,
University of Minnesota; Ph.D.,
Clinical Psychology, Fielding
Diane Pike, Professor and Chair,
Department of Sociology. A.B.,
Connecticut College; Ph.D.,
Yale University.
Milo A. Schield, Associate
Professor of Business
Administration/MIS. B.S., Iowa
State University; M.S.,
University of Illinois; Ph.D.,
Rice University.
Barbara Swanson, Adjunct
Professor. B.A., Macalester
College; M.A., Augsburg
College; Ed.D., University of St.
Thomas. Assistant Professor of
Graduate Education, Hamline
William Swenson, Instructor of
Philosophy. A.B., Ph.D.,
University of Chicago.
Joseph Volker, Instructor of
Psychology. B.A., University of
California-Irvine; M.A., Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota.
Licensed psychologist at MDA
Show less
Master of Arts in Leadership (MAL) Catalog, 2000-2001
Course Catalogs
Search Result
"Those who hoye to lead had better
Table of Contents
understand both rationally and
intuitively the yeoyle who mtght be
Leadership Development Model
their followers, and the society in
Curriculum Design
which they are embedde...
Show more
"Those who hoye to lead had better
Table of Contents
understand both rationally and
intuitively the yeoyle who mtght be
Leadership Development Model
their followers, and the society in
Curriculum Design
which they are embedded. They had
Thesis/Leadership Application Project Option
better comyrehend the values of our
Non-Thesis Option
Course Descriptions
Admission Requirements and Procedures
systems work, and understand how
International Applicants
and why science has changed the
Student Support Services
world ... Leaders need syecialists as
Evaluation Standards
Student Rights
Attendance Policy
leaders themselves are generalists ...
Academic Policies
At higher leveh of leadershty they
Accred itation and Affiliations
cannot achieve their fall yotential
Fee and Payment Information
Financial Aid
About Augsburg
knowledge. only this way can they
Campus Location
shaye the contexts for decisions where
Campus Map
exyert knowledge is used."
MAL Faculty
common culture, yast and yresent,
know how our yolitical and economic
advisers and staff members. But
without considerable breadth of
- John Gardner
This catalog was current at the time of publication .
It is subject to change without notice.
Accommodating the Full-Time
Work Schedule
Communitv of Learners
Designed to meet the needs and
MAL program is participation
The Master of Arts in
preferences of working adults,
in a community of learners
Leadership (MAL) program
the MAL program is based on
gathered together on the
responds to the leadership
the assumption that the students
Augsburg campus. This
development needs of both
who enroll arc career-oriented,
community is enriched by the
profit and not-for-profit
self-disciplined and well-
students with a variety of work
Developing Leaders for
Organizations and the
Essential to the goals of the
organizations. While different in
motivated individuals, seeking a
and life experiences. To facilitate
structure and purpose, most
balance of classroom experience,
community interaction, students
organizations seek leaders with
group interaction and individual
are encouraged to make use of
the following qualities: a vision
study. Most courses are organized
the Lindell library, computer
that is ethically and morally
as seminars with the opportunity
for disrnssion and dialogue.
labs, and Christensen Center.
responsible, extending beyond
immediate concerns; an
Classes meet on alternate
understanding of how change
Saturdays for three-and-one-
occurs and affects the immediate
half hours* and alternate
environment; a sensitivity to the
Thursday evenings for one-
complex problems organizations
and-one-half hours.
face and an ability to achieve
* In spring trimester, Saturday
solutions consistent with an
organization's mission; the ability
sessions meet for four hours.
to motivate and inspire
individuals and groups to work
toward a common goal; and the
Asample class schedule for a month in the MAL program
ability to effectively represent
Satur ay
Period II
and externally. The MAL
which individuals may discover
Period I
the organization both internally
program provides a means by
Period I
oak t o
Period II
and refine these and other
Period I
abilities fundamental to effective
Period II
Period I
ok lour
Period II
Period I
Period II
Period I
Period II
Thursday 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m
Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon
Thursday 8:00 p.m . to 9:30 p.m.
Saturday 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Note: Each class taken commits a student to either Period I or Period 11.
Leadership Development ModelAuosburu College
The MAL program promotes
To accomplish this, individuals
Leadership Development Model ,
leadership as a process that
aspiring to positions of
that serve as specific outcomes
1) inspires cooperation among
leadership must possess three key
for the MAL program.
people who must compete for
attributes: a sense of vision, the
Augsburg's model of leadership
limited resources, 2) promotes
ability to persuade, and the
development is designed to
productivity within and beyond
ability to direct action.
assess, promote, enhance, and
the organizat ion, and 3) works
Underlying these attributes are
refine these capabilities within
toward progress for the
a broad range of abilities and
the individual.
individual and the organization.
awareness , outlined in the
Sense of Vision
• Social awareness
• Environmental awareness
• Tolerance of religious and
philosophical differences
• Appreciation of situational
Toward Action
Long-term perspective
Facility for
Risk Assumptive
(This model was
develofJed l;ry the
Augsburg Faculty
Graduate Advisoiy
Commiuee, 1985-87.)
• Curiosity
• Achievement motivation
• Self-esteem
Effective listener
Effective speaker
Effective writer
Diplomatic ability
Effective team member
Interpersonal sensitivity
Culturally Aware
• Appreciation for
cultural differences
• World-view perspective
• Tolerance of individual
Analytical ability
Ability to think critically
Understanding of research
Ability to manage conflict
Curriculum Design
There are two ways to complete
related topic. This research- based
Non-Thesis Independent Project.
the MAL degree. In the
study gives the student the
The independent research
Thesis/Leadership Application
opportunity to "tie together" what
projects approved each year will
Project (Thesis/ LAP) Option,
has been learned from the study of
be presented in an annual
students complete a thesis or a
leadership and course-related
colloquium. Students who do
major leadership application
not complete their independent
project and 10.5 credits. In the
The principal distinction
project while enrolled in
Non-Thesis Option, students must
between the Thesis and the
ML 597 are required to pay a
complete 11 credits, two papers,
Leadership Application Project
continuation fee.
but no thesis.
lies in their underlying
For more information
Augsburg uses a course
orientation. A Thesis has a more
regarding the Non-Thesis option,
system rather than a credit system
theoretical orientation, while the
refer to the Information and
in its curriculum. An Augsburg
Leadership Application Project is
Guidelines for the Non-Thesis
course is equivalent to four
based on practical application.
Project booklet.
semester credits or six quarter
Both require similar rigor and
credits. Each course includes two
preparation. For either alternative,
or more liberal arts disciplines,
the student must register for ML
encourages pursuit of the
592, 593, and 594. Differences
designated outcomes and uses a
between these two options will be
variety of learning techniques
explored in ML 514 Research
appropriate to adult leamers.
Methods and in ML 593
Instructional techniques include
Leadership Research Seminar I.
case studies, debate, written and
For more information
oral presentations, and group
regarding the Thesis/LAP option,
activity. These techniques develop
targeted leadership abilities and
Guidelines for the Thesis and
the Information and
understanding. Students are
Leadership Application Project
encouraged to see abilities and
understandings as cross-
Students who do not
complete their Thesis or Leadership
Application Project while enrolled
in ML 594 Leadership Research
Seminar II are required to pay a
continuation fee.
disciplinaty and to view content
areas as integrated. The program
reflects the view that the world in
which we operate is complex and
that dealing with it successfully
requires well-developed integrative
Non-lhesis Option
Core Courses for Thesis/LAP
Option: (3.5 course credits)
Elective Courses for Both Options:
(at least 7.0 course credits)
The following core courses are
required for all Thesis/LAP students
in the MAL program:
ML 510 Visions of Leadership
ML 514 Research Methods
ML 592 Thesis/LAP Consultation
(0.5 course)
(ML 592 is taken in conjunction
with ML 594.)
ML 593 Leadership Research
Seminar I (0.5 course)
ML 594 Leadership Research
Seminar II (0.5 course)
(ML 592, 593, and 594 are to be taken
in a student's last two consecutive
terms or after the student has
completed at least five electives and
ML 510.)
The MAL program requires that seven
elective courses be selected from the
following course list:
ML 511 Creativity and the
Problem-Solving Process
ML 520 Self-Identity, Values, and
Personal Growth
ML 521 Methods of Critical
ML 525 Personality and Systems
ML 530 Ethics in Communication
ML 531 The Dynamics of Change
ML 535 Organizational Theory and
ML 540 Political Leadership:
Theory and Practice
ML 545 Decision Making and
ML 550 Decision Making and
Computer Technology
ML 560 Developing a Multi-cultural
ML 565 Women and Leadership
ML 580 Colloquium on
Contemporary Theories
of Leadership (elective for
Thesis/ LAP Option
ML 598 Independent Study
ML 599 Special Topics
Core Courses for Non·Thesis
Option: (4.0 course credits)
ML 510
ML 514
ML 580
An alternative to the thesis is the
lhesis/LAP Opdon
successful completion of two
Students who select the
major papers, as described below.
Thesis/LAP Option are required
The first of these papers will be
to develop and carry out an in-
written in conjunction with ML
depth study of some aspect of
580. The second paper will be
leadership or of a leadership-
written while enrolled in ML 597
(Note: If students wish to
change from the Thesis
Option to the Non-Thesis
Option after completing the
Research Seminars, they
may petition the MAL
ML 597
Visions of Leadership
Research Methods
Contemporary Theories
of Leadership
Non-Thesis Independent
All courses are valued at 1.0 credit unless otherwise designated.
Course Descriptions
ML 500
Leadership Practicum
ML 521
Methods of Critical Thought
(1.0 course)
ML 531
The Dynamics of Change
(1.0 course)
Introduction to selected concepts of
leadership, providing a historical and
philosophical framework for the
program. This course views the
nature and purpose of leadership
from a variety of disciplines and
Investigation of the processes of
critical thinking, drawing from
philosophy as well as natural and
social science. The course will survey
a variety of contemporary approaches
to critical thinking, including the use
of logic and analytical reasoning, the
relationship of evidence to the
confirmation of theories and the value
of appeals to scholarly studies. A
special focus of the course will be an
assessment of the ways in which
natural and social sciences can (and
cannot) assist leaders in addressing
problems and seeking solutions.
This course offers an exploration of
the context of social change and
varying responses to diverse human
needs. Ways of achieving well-being
may be viewed differently by leaders
in public and private domains and
across cultures. The course explores
these various perspectives, including
areas of conflict and opportunities for
leadership in social and organizational
change. Sociological, human
development and economic theories
are applied to contemporary public
and private sector issues for
social change.
ML 511
Creativity and the Problem-Solving
Process (1.0 course)
ML 525
Personality and Systems Theories
(1.0 course)
ML 535
Organizational Theory and
Leadership (1.0 course)
Exploration of creativity from the
perspective of traditional aesthetics
as well as contemporary
organizational thinking. This course
uses creativity as a method, and it
examines techniques for solving
problems in organizations, for
enhancing innovation and for seeking
an integrative world-view.
Study of leadership in the dual
context of personality theory and
systems theory. Contributions of
Jung, Fromm, Maslow, May and
others to personality theory are
considered as are the systems'
theories of von Bertalanffy and
Bateson. The theories are applied
to the concrete realities of
leadership in a variety of settings.
In-depth exploration of organizational
theory plus related concepts, issues
and concerns. The course is
designed to enable the student to
acquire knowledge and develop
skills in order to function as a
responsible, ethical participant within
various types of organizational
structures and cultures.
The MAL program occasionally
sponsors professional development
workshops and seminars for
students, alumni and interested
community members .
ML 510
Visions of Leadership: A Historical
and Literary Journey (1.0 course)
ML 514
Research Methods (1.0 course)
Evaluation and documentation of
programs, projects and ideas as they
relate to leadership theories and
practice. Qualitative and quantitative
tools will be discussed.
Self-Identity, Values and Personal
Growth (1.0 course)
Study of the concepts of self-identity,
value formation , and personal growth
as they relate to professional life;
factors that influence the
development of self-identity and
personal values; and the effect of
personal values of learning and
leadership strategies.
Ethics in Communication
(1.0 course)
Interdisciplinary study of ethics
and communication through the
investigation of a variety of ethical
perspectives within human
communication. This course places
particular attention on the use and
abuse of communication in politics,
advertising and interpersonal
relationships . It emphasizes
sensitivity to ethical conflicts that
arise in social and organizational
ML 540
Political Leadership: Theory and
Practice (1.0 course)
Analysis of leadership perspectives
in selected political systems and
other organizations. Special focus
on significant leadership theories
and leaders, past and present.
Most theories studied are
interdisciplinary and relevant to
business and non-profit organizations
as well as to politics.
ML 545
Decision Making and Leadership
(1.0 course)
ML 580
Colloquium on Contemporary
Theories of Leadership (1.0 course)
Review of the decision-making
process - the setting , goals, and
contingencies - as it affects leaders
Selected contemporary theories of
leadership presented by instructors
who participate in the seminar.
Emphasis on critical thinking ,
discussion, written analysis.
Prerequisite: One-year coursework
in MAL program and ML 510.
and leadership. Analysis of
arguments and explanations; analysis
of basic statistical concepts and their
relationship to decision making.
Assessment of major social
decisions, past and present - their
intentions, consequences, arguments,
explanations, and justification .
ML 550
Communication, Decision Making,
and Technology (1.0 course)
Analysis of the role various forms of
digitally-mediated communication
play in our society and how
communication, decision making,
and leadership have been altered
by these technologies. Students
examine how they can engage and
manage these processes in their
ML 560
Developing a Multicultural
Perspective (1.0 course)
Investigation of multicultural issues.
This course will enhance one's ability
to lead and work more effectively
with people of different cultural
backgrounds through the study of
diverse values, beliefs, and traditions
within the global community.
ML 565
Women and Leadership (1.0 course)
A seminar exploring the theory and
practice of women and leadership:
entrepreneurial, political, and social.
An interdisciplinary approach to
issues of women and leadership.
Topics include analysis of alternative
approaches to leadership, women
and careers, and women in society
past and present. The course is
intended to enhance the analytical
and leadership skills of the
ML 592
Thesis/LAP Consultation
(0.5 course)
A series of meetings with a faculty
thesis/project adviser, taken
simultaneously with ML 594
Leadership Research Seminar II .
Graded on PIN basis. Students not
completing the thesis/application
project during the same term in
which they are enrolled in ML 594
are required to pay a continuation
fee for each subsequent term until
the Thesis/LAP is completed.
ML 593
Leadership Research Seminar I
(0.5 course)
First half of a two-course thesis
capstone sequence for the MAL
program to be taken in a student's
last two consecutive terms or after
the student has completed at least
five electives and ML 510. This
course provides each individual the
opportunity to develop a research
topic, to synthesize previous study
and work experience, and to
demonstrate an understanding of
the program's principles. Graded
on a PIN basis.
By the completion of the seminar,
students should have made
significant progress on their thesis or
Leadership Application Project.
Graded on a PI N basis.
ML 597
Non-Thesis Independent Project
(1.0 course)
Major written project to be completed
in an area of the student's choice, in
consultation with an adviser and a
reader. The research is presented in
a colloquium in partial fulfillment of
requirements for the Non-thesis
Students who do not complete the
project during the term in which they
are enrolled are required to pay a
continuation fee for each subsequent
term until the project is completed.
ML 598
Independent Study* (1.0 course)
Provides directed independent study
in an area of the student's choice.
Open to students who have
completed at least three courses with
a grade of at least 3.0. Students must
complete a Proposal for Independent
Study and have it signed by the
supervising professor. Proposals
must be approved by the MAL
program director prior to registration
for the course.
ML 599
Special Topics (1 .0 course)
Study of selected topics in leadership
that are not treated extensively
through current course offerings.
Specific topics will be published prior
to registration.
ML 594
Leadership Research Seminar II
(0.5 course)
Continuation of the "capstone"
seminar, taken following the student's
registration in ML 593 Leadership
Research Seminar I. This seminar
focuses on the methods of inquiry
and results of individual projects.
•A student may count only one of the following for credit toward the MAL degree: ML 597 or ML 598.
Please refer to the Thesis/LAP and Non-Thesis Project booklets for additional information.
The James G. Lindell Fam
library, which opened in
1997, houses over 175,001
items and provides access
the holdings of the seven
private liberal arts college
in the Twin Cities.
Admission Requirements and Procedures
Applicants to the program must
beginning of the fall, winter,
hold a baccalaureate degree
and spring terms. Selection of
graduate institutions attended,
from an accredited four-year
candidates will be made on the
listing courses taken and
college or university and must
bas is of an evaluation of each
degree (s) conferred, if any.
have a minimum cumulative
undergraduate grade point
• Previous college record
to participate in an interview
average of 3.0 (on a scale of
• Letters of recommendation
with graduate program faculty
A = 4.0) and a minimum
• Experience and organizational
and/or staff members.
cumulative grade point average
Applicants may be asked
of 3.0 fo r graduate courses
• Written statement
completed at an accredited
• Interview, if requested
college or university. Applicants
International Applicants
The Augsburg College MAL
holding a master's or other
To apply, the following
Program Office encourages
advanced degree from accredited
materials must be submitted to
qualified applicants from other
colleges or universities are
the MAL Program Office:
countries. International
admissible. Should an applicant
• Completed application form
applicants should keep in mind
not meet the minimum
• $35.00 non-refundable
admission requirements, a
probationary term may be
possible as decided on a case-bycase bas is. Applicants to the
application fee
experience (or equivalent) with
one or more organizations in a
position of leadership or position
demonstrating leadership
Decisions about admission
Saturdays and that students can
the applicant's career and life
take only two classes for a yearly
goals to leadership aspirations
• Recommendation letter and
checklist from an immediate
supervisor, assessing leadership
• Recommendation letter and
checklist from a work
to the progra m will be made on
colleague (at the same level)
an individual basis by the MAL
describing the applicant's
Admissions Committee.
work-style leadership potential
Admission to each entering
that classes meet on alternating
Thursday evenings and
• A 1-3 page statement relating
program must have five years of
• O fficial transcripts from all
• Official transcripts from all
graduate class will be given to
undergraduate institutions
the most highly qualified
attended, listing all courses
individuals. Admissions are
taken and any degree(s)
handled on a "rolling" basis,
total of six classes. With this
schedule students can complete
the required course work in less
than two years. See Admission
Requirements for a description
of the admission process,
selection criteria, and work
experience requirements.
Application materials required
for international applicants are:
• Completed application form
• $35.00 application fee (nonrefundable) payable in U.S.
with students admitted at the
• A 1-3 page statement relating
the applicant's career and life
goals to leadership aspirations
• Completed Declaration of
Finances (see below for further
• Letter of recommendation in
English from an immediate
supervisor, assessing leadership
• Letter of recommendation in
English from a work colleague
(at the same level) describing
the applicant's work style and
potential as a leader
• Official mark-sheets with
Applicants may be asked
to participate in an interview
with graduate program faculty
Academic advising for
program planning is available.
certified translations from all
and/or staff members, if the
undergraduate institutions
applicant is in the United States.
attended listing all courses
Students and their
taken, marks earned, dates
financial sponsor must complete
attendee\, and clegree(s) or
a Declaration of Finances as part
cliploma(s) conferred, if any
of the application for admission,
• Official mark-sheets with
certified translations from all
graduate institutions attended
along with appropriate
Students will need to
listing all courses taken, marks
provide proof of availability of
earned, dates attended, and
funds for tuition, books, and
degree(s) or diploma(s)
living costs for the academic year
conferred, if any
in which they want to attend.
• Official results on the Test of
The College requires students to
As students approach the
capstone experience, they
select thesis or project
advisers to guide them
throughout the completion of
their program. Graduate
program staff is also available
to help students with nonacademic advising issues.
Self/career assessment
counseling, resume
development and a career-
English as a Foreign Language
provide proof of a minimum of
(TOEFL) with a minimum
$10,000 in U.S. funds for living
search plan are available
through the Center for
Service, Work, and Learning,
score of 590
expenses for themselves plus the
(612) 330-1148.
cost of tuition.
NOTE: Additional information may be required, as requested by Augsburg College, to accurately evaluate
educational credentials. Furthermore, supplemental information may be needed to issue an 1-20 or J-1
for students admitted to the MAL program. Information requested for the 1-20 or J-1 will not be used to
make an admission decision.
Fee and Pavment Information
A schedule of fees is published
letter from the employer,
A per-course tuition refund will
separately in the MAL Program
stating the company's
be made on the following basis:
Supplement. Tuition is
reimbursement policy, must
• T hrough the first scheduled
determined annually. ML 592,
be filed annually with the
class meeting - 100% of tuition
ML 593, and ML 594 are half-
Business Office.
(less a $75 administration fee
credit courses and are charged
Registration is permitted
half of the current full credit
only if the student's account for
tuition. A continuation fee is
a previous term is paid in full as
charged to students who do not
agreed. Augsburg College will
complete their capstone project
not release diplomas or academic
during the terms they are
transcripts until a student's
account is paid in full. This also
applies to student loans
Augsburg otters the following
pavment options:
administered by the College
Various payment plans are
They must be current according
to established repayment
1) Payment in Full:
if withdrawing from current
term entirely).
• Prior to the second scheduled
class meeting - 80% of tuition.
• Prior to the third scheduled
class meeting - 60% of tuition.
• No refund after the third
scheduled class meeting.
(e.g., Perkins Student Loan).
Due day of registration.
2) Payment Plan:
Refund Schedule
A three-pay plan is available
Students are responsible for
each trimester upon
canceling courses with the
application and after College
registrar's office in order to be
approval. Payment plans will
eligible for a refund. Students
be approved only if previous
who unofficially withdraw (stop
plans have been satisfactorily
attending) and do not complete
the drop/add form are
3) Company Reimbursement:
responsible for all charges.
Full courses, or equivalent,
Financial aid may be adjusted
that are company reimbursed,
based on the student's last
require a deposit of $100 per
recorded date of attendance.
course reimbursed, with full
payment due within 50 days
after the end of the term. A
Financial Aid
Financial assistance is available
to degree-seeking students
enrolled in the MAL program.
students are
not eligible for any type of
financial aid through Augsburg
College. Two full-credit courses
per trimester are considered full
time. One course is considered
half-time enrollment. The
Federal and State Aid
Enrollment and Financial
or degree-related college
Services Center (EFSC),
programs. Augsburg College
(612) 330-1046, assists students
offers several payment plans by
The Enrollment and Financial
in assessing financial aid
which employees may handle
Services Center (EFSC) uses
eligibility and offers financial aid
tuition reimbursement. Students
standard, nationally accepted
from available alternatives,
should contact the EFSC to make
methodology to de termine
including the following:
payment arrangements using
eligibility for federal and state
the company reimbursement
financial aid programs.
Sponsored Scholarships
Augsburg actively pursues nonAugsburg funding for special
scholarships. The availability of
payment plan.
• Federal Stafford Loan Program
Bureau of Indian Affairs. Tribal
and State Indian Scholarships
Common Loan Provisions:
Borrowing Limits: Graduate
American Indian students who
students may borrow up to
participation of individuals of
meet federa l, state, or tribal
$18,500 per year with an
limited financial means as well as
requirements may apply for these
aggregate of $128,500
individuals wocking for volunteer
scholarships. Indian grants
(undergraduate and graduate).
agencies and other organizations
generally supplement other
such scholarships may enable the
not likely to provide tuition
Companv Tuition Assistance
from either the unsubsidized or
assistance in application, please
subsidized programs or a
contact Augsburg's American
combination of both but cannot
Indian Student Services Program
exceed the annual loan limits.
director at (612) 330-1144 or
your tribal agency.
Many companies, agencies, and
corporations offer full or partial
tuition assistance to employees
who participate in work-related
A student may borrow
sources of financial aid. For
Interest Rates: The annually
variable interest rate is
determined by the 91-day
T-Bills +3.1 %, capped at 8.25%
and changes each July 1st for all
Financial Aid, continued
borrowers. The interest rate for
Fees: An origination fee of 3%
Borrowing Limits: You may
enrollment periods beginning
and a guarantee fee of up to 1%
borrow up to $3 ,000 per year
between July 1, 2000 and
will be deducted from the loan
as a graduate student with a
June 30, 2001 is 7.59%.
check before you receive it.
$30,000 maximum.
Repayment Terms: Repayment
Federal Stafford Loans
Interest and Repayment:
begins six months after you cease
(Unsubsidized): You may
Simple interest of 5% and
to be enrolled at least half time
borrow up to the amount listed
repayment of principal (at a
in an eligible program leading
on your award notice.
minimum of $40 per month)
begin nine months after you
to a degree or certificate.
Repayment may extend up
Interest: Interest accrues
to 10 years.
during the period of enrollment
graduate or leave school.
Partial or total loan
and may be capitalized.
cancellation privileges exist
deferments are granred for
Fees: An origination fee of
disability and, in certain
continued education, disability,
3 % and a guarantee fee of
circumstances, military service.
and unemployment. Contact
1% will be deducted from
Deferments: In most cases,
for certain types of teaching,
your lender if you think you are
the loan check before you
Deferments: No interest accrues
eligible for a deferment.
receive it.
nor do payments need to be
made at any time you are
enrolled at least half time or for
Progrnm Specific Provisions :
•Federal Perkins Loan Program
serving three years in the
Federal Stafford Loan
A joint Augsburg College-
military, Peace Corps, or VISTA.
(Subsidized): The Enrollment
federally funded program
Contact the EFSC if you think
and Financial Services Center
administered through the
you are eligible for a deferment.
has determined that, based on
College for students who
the financial information
demonstrate financial eligibility.
submitted, students qualify for
No checks are issued, but the
up to the amount listed on
student is required to sign a
•SELF (Student Educational
Loan Fund)
their Award Notice.
promissory note at least once
The SELF is administered
per term. Funds are put on the
through the Minnesota Higher
Interest: No interest accrues
student account after the
Education Coordinating Board.
during the time the student is
note is signed.
Applications are available from
enrolled at least halftime.
the EFSC and should be
completed by the borrower and
co-signer and returned to the
To APPIV tor Financial Aid
EFSC for further processing.
Financial Aid application
Loan checks arrive once per
materials are available from the
term and are made co-payable
MAL Program or EFSC.
to the student and Augsburg
Applicants must be admitted to
Augsburg as regular students or
be returning students in good
Borrowing Limits: Graduate
academic standing.
students may borrow up to
The financial aid
$9,000 per year minus any
application will be processed
other student loan indebtedness.
when the following documents
Maximum graduate borrowing
are received:
cannot exceed $40,000
1) The Free Application for
including undergraduate.
Federal Student Aid
The minimum loan amount
(FAFSA) or the Renewal
per year is $500.
Interest and Repayment:
The interest rate is variable.
Interest payments begin 90 days
after the loan is disbursed and
2) Augsburg Financial Aid
3) Federal income tax return(s)
and W-2(s)
continue quarterly thereafter
while the student is enrolled.
Principal payments begin in
For further information,
the 13th month after you
leave school.
Enrollment and Financial
Services Center
Deferments: There are no
deferments. Contact the
Minnesota Higher Education
Coordinating Board regarding
special circumstances and
(612) 330-1046
About Augsburg
Augsburg was the first seminary
founded by Norwegian
Lutherans in America, named
after the confession of faith
presented by Lutherans in
Augsburg, Germany, in 1530.
Augsburg opened in September
1869, in Marshall, Wisconsin,
and moved to Minneapolis
in 1872.
Campus Location
Augsburg's campus is located in
the heart of the Twin Cities,
surrounding Murphy Square, the
main academic and
orientation, marital status, status
administrative halls, the library,
with regard to public assistance,
and the music building. In
or disability in its education
addition, there are programs for
policies, admissions policies,
students with learning, physical,
scholarship and loan programs,
and psychiatric disabilities.
athletic and/or school
administered programs, except in
first of 155 parks in the "City of
Lakes." The University of
Church AHiliation
Minnesota West Bank campus
Augsburg is a college of the
and one of the city's largest
Evangelical Lutheran Church
medical complexes-Fairview
in America. It has a diverse
University Medical Center-are
community with many strong
adjacent to Augsburg, with the
religious traditions represented
Mississippi River and the Seven
among the students, faculty,
Corners theatre district just a
and staff, including Lutheran,
few blocks away.
Protestant, Roman Catholic,
Jewish, American Indian
Augsburg College has made a
Spirituality and Thought,
Buddhist, and Islamic faiths.
major effort to become one of
the most accessible campuses in
Hon-Discrimination Policv
the region. Skyways, tunnels,
those instances where religion is
a bona fide occupational
qualification. Augsburg College
is committed to providing
reasonable accommodations to
its employees and students.
Any questions concerning
Augsburg's compliance with
federal or state regulations
implementing equal access and
opportunity can be directed to
Lora Steil, affirmative action
coordinator, Office of Human
Resources, CB 79, Augsburg
College, 2211 Riverside Avenue,
Augsburg College, as affirmed in
Minneapolis, MN 55454. She
and elevators provide accessible
its mission, does not discriminate
can be reached by telephone
connections among major
on the basis of race, color, creed,
at (612) 330-1023; or by e-mail,
buildings-student housing
religion, national or ethnic
towers, the Christensen Center,
origin, age, gender, sexual
Campus Location
Campus Map
6lh Street S
Directions to Campus
35W from the North Take Washington Avenue exit
and turn left on Washington
(cu1ves right onto Cedar Avenue),
turn left at Riverside Avenue,
right at 21st Avenue South.
I-94 East from Minneapolis Take 25th Avenue exit, turn left
at 25th Avenue, turn left at
Riverside Avenue, turn left at
21st Avenue South.
I-94 West from St. Paul Take Riverside exit, turn right
at Riverside Avenue, turn left
at 21st Avenue South.
35W from the South Follow the 1-94 St. Paul signs
(move to right lane after each
of two mergers). Take 25th
Avenue exit, turn left at 25th
Avenue, turn left at Riverside
Avenue, turn left at 21st
Avenue South.
~ lnlerslala 94 West
Master of Arts in Leadership
Program office location
Please call (612) 330-1786 for
directions to the Master of Arts
in Leadership Program office.
College Map Information
Public Parking
All Augsburg College staff,
faculty and commuter lots are
free and open for use after
4:30 p.m. Monday through
Friday, and on weekends, unless
otherwise posted. Lots are
located on 7th Street, between
21st and 22nd Avenues and
north or south of 8th Street
between 24th and 25th
Avenues. Additional parking
is available in the FairviewUniversity Medical Center
ramp, or University of
Minnesota parking lots on
the north side of Riverside
11 .
Admissions Weekday Program
Air Structure Entrance
(November through March)
Anderson-Nelson Athletic Field
and Seasonal Air Structure
Christensen Center
(Information Desk)
East Hall
Faculty Guest House
Foss, Lobeck, Miles Center
for Worship, Drama and
Comunication (TjornhomNelson Theatre, Hoversten
George Sverdrup Hall
Husby-Strommen Tennis Courts
Ice Arena
Jeroy C. Carlson Alumni Center
Lindell Library
Maintenance and Grounds Shop
Mortensen Hall
Murphy Place
Murphy Square
Music Hall
New Residence Hall
Old Main
Oscar Anderson Hall
Public Relations &
Science Hall
Security Dispatch Center
Shipping and Receiving
Si Melby Hall
Sverdrup-Oftedal Memorial Hall
Urness Hall
Parking Lots
A. Admissions/Faculty/Staff
B. Faculty/Staff/Commuter/
Resident Parking
C. Faculty/Staff Parking
D. Faculty/Staff/Commuter Parking
E. Commuter Parking
F. Resident Parking
G. Visitor Parking
H. Fairview-University Parking
Ramp (pay parking available)*
John E. Benson, Professor of
Religion . B.A. , Augsburg College;
B.S., Luther Theological Seminary;
M.A., Ph .D., Columbia University.
Larry J. Crockett, Professor of
Computer Science. B.A., M.A., Pacific
Lutheran University; M.Div., Luther
Theological Seminary; Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota.
Rosemary J. Link, Professor of
Social Work, BNHons. University of
Southampton, Post graduate diploma
& C.Q.S.W. University of London,
U.K., Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Marie 0. McNeff, Professor of
Education. B.A., M.A., Ed.D.,
University of Nebraska.
Diane L. Pike, Professor and Chair,
Department of Sociology. A.B .,
Connecticut College; Ph.D., Yale
Milo A. Schield, Associate Professor
of Business Administration/MIS. B.S.,
Iowa State University; M.S.,
University of Illinois; Ph.D., Rice
Thomas F. Morgan, Professor of
Cass Dalglish, Associate Professor
Faculty who teach in the
MAL program are
predominantly full-time
senior faculty with
doctorates or appropriate
professional degrees. Some
courses are team taught by
faculty from different
disciplines or occasionally
by combining a faculty
of English . B.A. , College of St.
Catherine; M.F.A. , Vermont College;
Ph.D., The Union Institute.
Business Administration/MIS. B.S.,
Juniata College; M.B.A., University of
Denver; M.S., University of Oregon;
Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Joseph A. Erickson, Associate
William D. Morris, Assistant
Professor of Education. B.A., M.A.,
College of St. Thomas; M.A., Luther
Northwestern Theological Seminary;
Ph .D., University of Minnesota.
Professor of Political Science. B.A.,
Oakland University; Ph.D., CarnegieMellon University. President, Decision
Resources, Ltd.
Garry W. Hesser, Professor of
Sociology, Director of Cooperative
Education Program, Director of
Metro-Urban Studies. B.A., Phillips
University; M .Div., Union Theological
Seminary; M.A., Ph.D ., University of
Notre Dame.
Beverly J. Nilsson, Professor of
Nursing. B.S.N ., M.S., Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota.
David V. Lapakko, Associate
Professor of Speech, Communication
and Theatre. B.A. Macalester
College, M.A. and Ph.D., University
of Minnesota.
member with professionals
from relevant fields. All of
the program 's faculty have
extensive experience
teaching adult learners.
Velma Lashbrook, Instructor. B.S .•
Speech Communication, Iowa State
University, M.S., Speech
Communication, Illinois State
University, Ed.D., Communication
and Educational Psychology, West
VirginiaUniversity. President,
Strategy Implementation Associates .
John S. Schmit, Associate Professor,
English ; B.S., St. John's University
(MN); M.A. , University of New
Orleans; Ph.D. , The University of
Texas at Austin.
Joseph M. Vo lker, Instructor of
Psychology. B.A., University of
California-Irvine; M.A., Ph.D. ,
University of Minnesota. Licensed
psychologist at MDA Associates.
Norma Noonan, Professor of Political
Science, Director of MAL program,
and Director of the International
Relations Program. B.A., University of
Pennsylvania; M.A., Ph.D., Indiana
Catherine L. Paulsen, Instructor in
Psychology, B.A. , St. Olaf College,
M.A. , Lone Mountain College, San
Curt Paulsen, Associate Professor of
Social Work. B.A., St. Olaf College;
M.S.W., University of Minnesota;
Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, Fielding
Master of Arts in
Master of Arts in
LEADERSHIP _____P_rogram
office hours, location, & phone
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Class Saturdays, appointments only
Anderson Hall
2016 South 8th St.
(612) 330-1786
FAX: (612) 330-·ffl55-
Master of Arts in
Information Sessions
Adults who are interested in the Master of Arts in Leadership Program are encouraged to attend one of the information
sessions scheduled throughout the year. Information sessions are free of charge and approximately two hours in length.
Call the Master of Arts in Leadership Office at (612) 330-1786 for details or to sign up for one of the following dates:
Fall Trimester 2000-200 I
Spring Trimester 2000-200 I
Thursday, July 6, 6 p.m.
Wednesday, August 2, 6 p.m.
Wednesday, February 7, 5:30 p.m.
Saturday, March 10, 9 a.m.
Winter Trimester 2000-2001
Fall Trimester 2001-2002
Tuesday, October 17, 5:30 p.m.
Thursday, November 16, 5:30 p.m.
Tuesday, May 8, 5:30 p.m.
Tuesday, June 26, 5:30 p.m .
For more information, write or call :
The Master of Arts in Leadership Program
Campus Box 144
2211 Riverside Avenue
Minneapolis MN 55454
Master of Arts in
Phone: (612) 330-1786
Fax: (612) 330-1355
2000-2001 Program Calendar
New Students
Application Deadline
New Student Orientation
August 7
August 29
December 15
January 4
March 5
March 29
Current Students
Mail Registration Begins
Mail Registration Ends
Syllabi Available
Payment Information Sent
Confirmation Due
June 19
July 7
August 7
August 7
August 31
October 9
October 23
December 11
December 11
January 6
February 5
February 19
March 12
March 12
March 31
Master of Arts in
2000-2001 Academic Calendar
Fall Trimester 2000
Classes meet
Winter Trimester 2001
Thursday, August 31
Saturday, September 9
Saturday, September 16
Thursday, September 21
Saturday, September 30
Thursday, October 5
Saturday, October 14
Thursday, October 19
Thursday, October 26
Saturday, November 4
Thursday, November 9
Saturday, November 18
Saturday, January 6
Thursday, January 11
Saturday, January 20
Thursday, January 25
Saturday, February 3
Thursday, February 8
Saturday, February 17
Thursday, February 22
Saturday, March 3
Thursday, March 8
Saturday, March 17
Thursday, March 22
Spring Trimester 200 I
Saturday, March 31
Saturday, April 7
Thursday, April 12
Saturday, April 21
Thursday, April 26
Saturday, May 5
Thursday, May 10
Saturday, May 19
Thursday, May 24
Saturday, June 2
Last day to add/drop* :
Wednesday, April 11, 2001
Last day to add/drop*:
Last day to add/drop* :
Wednesday, September 6, 2000
Wednesday, January 10, 2001
Last day to withdraw:
Thursday, May 10, 2001
Last day to withdraw:
Last day to withdraw:
Thursday, October 12, 2000
Thursday, February 15, 2001
Final grades due:
Monday, July 2, 2001
Final grades due:
Final grades due:
Friday, December 15, 2000
Friday, April 20, 2001
Saturday Classes during Spring 2001
are four hours.
1st period: 8 a.m.-noon
2nd period: 1-5 p.m.
*Refer to MAL Catalog for refund schedule.
The College reserves the right to change the above dates should it be necessary. In such cases sufficient advance notice will be given.
In case of severe weather listen to WCCO 830 AM or call (612) 330-1786 for cancellation information.
2000-2001 Tuition & Fees
Application Fee (payable once, non-refundable)
Tuition (per course)
Technology Fee (per course)
Thesis/Project Continuation Fee (per trimester)
Campus Access Fee (per trimester)
Audit a Course
Late Fee (per day)
Registration change after first class meeting (cancel/add)
Transcript Fee (first is free)
~ IS' l'd.'64
A finance charge is applied at a simple rate of one percent per month on any account with an open balance of 30 days or more.
Augsburg College reserves the right to adjust charges should economic conditions necessitate.
Commencement 2001
In order to participate in Commencement 2001, application forms must be submitted by March 1, 2001 :
• Thesis/Application Project students: Must have defended their thesis/application project by May 16.
• Non-thesis (Plan B) students: Must have successfully completed ML580 and ML597 including the presentation (May 16).
When all the degree requirements are completed , your diploma will be mailed.
Class Schedule & Course Offering s
Fall Trimester
Time period I:
Time period II:
Thursday 6-7:30 p.m . and Saturday 8:30 a.m.-noon
Thursday 8-9:30 p.m. and Saturday 1-4:30 p.m .
Time period I:
ML510 Visions of Leadership
ML599 Topics: Spirituality and Leadership in the Workplace
Time period II :
ML514 Research Methods
ML550 Communication, Decision-Making & Technology
Winter Trimester
Time period I:
Time period II:
Thursday 6-7:30 p.m. and Saturday 8:30 a.m.-noon
Thursday 8-9:30 p.m. and Saturday 1-4:30 p.m.
Time period I:
ML525 Personality and Systems Theories
ML580 Colloquium of Contemporary Theories in Leadership
Time period II:
ML535 Organizational Theory and Leadership
ML593 Leadership Seminar I
ML599 Topics
Spring Trimester
Time period I:
Time period II:
Thursday 6-7:30 p.m. and Saturday 8 a.m -noon
Thursday 8-9:30 p.m. and Saturday 1-5 p.m.
Note: Classes on Saturday are 4 hours instead of 3.5 hours long
Time period I:
ML521 Methods of Critical Thought
ML540 Political Leadership
ML594 Leadership Seminar II
Time period II :
ML510 Visions of Leadership
ML530 Ethics in Communication
Summer Trimester
Time : to be determined
ML560 Developing a Multi-cultural Perspective
These course offerings may change.
PO Box 144
2211 Riverside Avenue
Minneapolis. MN 55454
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Master of Arts in Leadership (MAL) Catalog, 2002-2005
Course Catalogs
Search Result
My life-changing experience in the Augsburg MAL Program has
provided me with a strong foundation to pursue a leadership role in
both my personal and professional life. In addition to being a strong,
challenging program, it is also geared toward flexibility to accommodate
the adult...
Show more
My life-changing experience in the Augsburg MAL Program has
provided me with a strong foundation to pursue a leadership role in
both my personal and professional life. In addition to being a strong,
challenging program, it is also geared toward flexibility to accommodate
the adult learner. A program in my opinion that goes unmatched!
-Ann Dejongh 02
Attaining the MAL degree was a
transforming experience both
personally and professionally. It
increased my self-confidence, enabled
me to recognize and develop my
strengths, and also provided a
valuable networking opportunity with
fellow students and faculty.
-Luann Watson '02
The primary mission of the Center for Leadership Studies (CLS) at Augsburg
College is to develop leaders for organizations and the community. The core
program of the center is the Master of Arts in Leadership (MAL). The
program, which was launched in 1987, responds to the leadership
development needs of both profit and not-for-profit organizations. While
different in structure and purpose, most organizations seek leaders with the
following qualities: a vision that is ethically and morally responsible,
extending beyond immediate concerns; an understanding of how change
occurs and affects the immediate environment; a sensitivity to the complex
problems organizations face and an ability to achieve solutions consistent
with an organization's mission; the ability to motivate and inspire individuals
and groups to work toward a common goal; and the ability to effectively
represent the organization both internally and externally. The MAL program
provides a means by which individuals may discover and refine these and
other abilities fundamental to effective leadership.
Designed to meet the needs and preferences of working adults, the MAL
program is based on the assumption that the students who enroll are careeroriented, self-disciplined, and well-motivated individuals, seeking a balance
of classroom experience, group interaction, and individual study. Most
courses are organized as seminars with the opportunity for discussion and
dialogue. Classes meet on alternate Saturdays for four hours.
Essential to the goals of the MAL program is participation in a community of
learners gathered together on the Augsburg campus. This community is
enriched by the students, who have a variety of work and life experiences. To
facilitate community interaction, students are encouraged to make use of the
Augsburg library, computer labs , and Christensen Center. The Center for
Leadership Studies also offers some special colloquia and seminars each year
to supplement and complement the course work of the master's program.
8:00 a.m . to 12:00 noon
1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Note: Each class taken commits a student to either Period I or Period II;
on average two meetings a month.
The MAL program promotes leadership as a process that
1) inspires cooperation among people who must compete for limited resources, 2) promotes productivity within and
beyond the organization, and 3) works toward progress for the individual and the organization. To accomplish this,
individuals aspiring to positions of leadership must possess three key attributes: a sense of vision, the ability to
persuade, and the ability to direct action. Underlying these attributes are a broad range of abilities and awareness,
outlined in the Leadership Development Model, that serve as specific outcomes for the MAL program. Augsburg's
model of leadership development is designed to assess , promote, enhance, and refine these capabilities within the
Toward Action
Sense of Vision
• Social awareness
• Environmental awareness
• Tolerance of religious and
philosophical differences
• Appreciation of situational
Long-term perspective
Facility for
Risk Assumptive
• Curiosity
• Achievement motivation
• Self-esteem
Effective listener
Effective speaker
Effective writer
Diplomatic ability
Effective team member
Interpersonal sensitivity
Analytical ability
Ability to think critically
Understanding of research
Ability to manage conmct
Culturally Aware
• Appreciation for
cultural differences
• World-view perspective
• Tolerance of individual
There are two ways to complete the MAL degree. In the Thesis/Leadership Application Project (Thesis/ LAP) Option,
students complete a thesis or a major leadership application project and 10.5 credits. In the Non-Thesis Option,
students must complete 11 credits, two papers, but no thesis.
Augsburg uses a course system rather than a credit system in its curriculum. An Augsburg course is equivalent to
four semester credits or six quarter credits. Each course includes two or more liberal arts disciplines, encourages
pursuit of the designated outcomes and uses a variety of learning techniques appropriate to adult learners.
Instructional techniques include case studies, debate, written and oral presentations, and group activity. These
techniques develop targeted leadership abilities and understanding. Students are encouraged to see abilities and
understandings as cross-disciplinary and to view content areas as integrated. The program reflects the view that the
world in which we operate is complex and that dealing with it successfully requires well-developed integrative
Students who select the Thesis/LAP Option are required to develop and carry out an in-depth study of some aspect of
leadership or of a leadership-related topic. This research-based study gives the student the opportunity to "tie
together" what has been learned from the study of leadership and course-related activities.
The principal distinction between the thesis and the Leadership Application Project lies in their underlying
orientation. A thesis has a more theoretical orientation, while the Leadership Application Project is based on practical
application. Both require similar rigor and preparation. For either alternative, the student must register for ML 592,
593, and 594. Differences between these two options will be explored in ML 514 Research Methods and in ML 593
Leadership Research Seminar I.
For more information regarding the Thesis/LAP option, refer to the Information and Guidelines for the Thesis and
Leadership Application Project booklet.
Students who do not complete their thesis or Leadership Application Project while enrolled in ML 594 Leadership
Research Seminar II are required to pay a continuation fee.
An alternative to the thesis is the successful completion of two major papers, as described below. The first of these
papers will be written in conjunction with ML 580. The second paper will be written while enrolled in ML 597 NonThesis Independent Project. The independent research projects approved each year will be presented in an annual
colloquium. Students who do not complete their independent project while enrolled in ML 597 are required to pay a
continuation fee.
For more information regarding the Non-Thesis option, refer
Project booklet.
the Information and Guidelines for the Non-Thesis
(3.5 course credits)
The following core courses are required for all Thesis/LAP students in the MAL program:
ML 510
Visions of Leadership
ML 514
Research Methods
ML 592 Thesis/LAP Consultation (0.5 course)
ML 592 is taken in conjunction with ML 594.
ML 593
Leadership Research Seminar I (0.5 course)
ML 594
Leadership Research Seminar II (0.5 course)
(ML 592, 593, and 594 are to be taken in a student's last two
consecutive terms or after the student has completed at least five
electives and ML 510.)
(4.0 course credits)
Ml 510
Visions of Leadership
ML 514
Research Methods
ML 580
Contemporary Theories of Leadership
Ml 597
Non-Thesis Independent Project
ELECTIVE COURSES FOR BOTH OPTIONS: (at least 7.0 course credits)
The MAL program requires that seven elective courses be selected from the following course list:
ML 511
Creativity and the Problem-Solving Process
ML 520
Self-Identity, Values, and Personal Growth
ML 521
Methods of Critical Thought
ML 525
Personality and Systems Theory: Perspectives on Leadership
ML 527
Spirituality and Leadership in the Workplace
ML 530
Ethics in Communication
ML 531
The Dynamics of Change
ML 535
Organizational Theory and Leadership
ML 540
Political Leadership: Theory and Practice
ML 545
Decision Making and Leadership
ML 550
Communication, Decision Making, and Technology
ML 557
Language of Leadership
ML 560
Developing a Multicultural Perspective
ML 565
Women and Leadership
ML 580
Colloquium on Contemporary Theories of Leadership (elective for Thesis/ LAP Option students)
ML 598
Independent Study
ML 599
Special Topics
ML 500
Leadership Practicum
The MAL program sponsors professional development workshops
and seminars. These workshops are offered to students and
alumni who desire more applied case studies or wish to address
topics not included in the courses. (Offered occasionally)
ML 510
Visions of Leadership: A Historical and Literary journey
(1.0 course)
Introduction to selected concepts of leadership, providing a
historical and philosophical framework for the program. This
course views the nature and purpose of leadership from a variety
of disciplines and perspectives.
ML 511
Creativity and the Problem-Solving Process (1.0 course)
Exploration of creativity from the perspective of traditional
aesthetics as well as contemporary organizational thinking. This
course uses creativity as a method, and it examines techniques for
solving problems in organizations, for enhancing innovation, and for seeking an integrative world view.
ML 514
Research Methods (1.0 course)
Evaluation and documentation of programs, projects and ideas as they relate to leadership theories and practice.
Qualitative and quantitative tools will be discussed.
ML 520
Self-Identity, Values and Personal Growth (1.0 course)
Study of the concepts of self-identity, value formation, and personal growth as they relate to professional life; factors
that influence the development of self-identity and personal values; and the effect of personal values of learning and
leadership strategies.
ML 521
Methods of Critical Thought (1.0 course)
Investigation of the processes of critical thinking, drawing from philosophy as well as natural and social science. The
course will survey a variety of contemporary approaches to critical thinking, including the use of logic and analytical
reasoning, the relationship of evidence to the confirmation of theories and the value of appeals to scholarly studies. A
special focus of the course will be an assessment of the ways in which natural and social sciences can (and cannot)
assist leaders in addressing problems and seeking solutions.
ML 525
Personality and Systems Theory: Perspectives on Leadership (1.0 course)
Study of leadership in the dual context of personality theory and systems theory. Contributions of Jung, Fromm,
Maslow, May, and others to personality theory are considered as are the systems theories of von Bertalanffy and Bateson.
The theories are applied to the concrete realities of leadership in a variety of settings.
ML 527 Spirituality and Leadership in the Workplace (1.0 course)
The wide-ranging spirituality movement in the workplace is a notable feature of contemporary life. This course
explores the dimensions of this trend and its implications for leadership through a variety of sources and perspectives.
ML 530
Ethics in Communication (1.0 course)
Interdisciplinary study of ethics and communication through the investigation of a variety of ethical perspectives within
human communication. This course places particular attention on the use and abuse of communication in politics,
advertising, and interpersonal relationships. It emphasizes sensitivity to ethical conflicts that arise in social and
organizational settings.
ML 531
The Dynamics of Change (1 .0 course)
This course offers an exploration of the context of social change and varying responses to diverse human needs. Ways
of achieving well-being may be viewed differently by leaders in public and private domains and across cultures. The
course explores these various perspectives, including areas of conflict and opportunities for leadership in social and
organizational change. Sociological, human development, and economic theories are applied to contemporary public
and private sector issues for social change.
ML 535
Organizational Theory and Leadership (1.0 course)
In-depth exploration of organizational theory plus related concepts, issues, and concerns. The course is designed to
enable the student to acquire knowledge and develop skills in order to function as a responsible, ethical participant
within various types of organizational structures and cultures.
ML 540
Political Leadership: Theory and Practice
(1.0 course)
Analysis of leadership perspectives in selected
political systems and other organizations. Special
focus on significant leadership theories and leaders,
past and present. Most theories studied are
interdisciplinary and relevant to business and nonprofit organizations as well as to politics.
ML 545
Decision Making and Leadership (1.0 course)
Review of the decision-making process-the setting,
goals, and contingencies-as it affects leaders and
leadership. Analysis of arguments and explanations;
analysis of basic statistical concepts and their
relationship to decision making. Assessment of major
social decisions, past and present-their intentions,
consequences, arguments, explanations, and
ML 550
Communication, Decision Making, and Technology (1.0 course)
Analysis of the role various forms of digitally-mediated
communication play in our society and how communication, decision
making, and leadership have been altered by these technologies.
Students examine how they can engage and manage these processes in
their organizations.
ML 557
Language of Leadership (1.0 course)
Students analyze language from a variety of rhetorical and
sociolinguistic perspectives and learn to make judgments about
rhetorical and stylistic strategies. Topics include the use of language as an organizing principle for social interaction;
speech act theory; strategies for giving effective directives; the creation and manipulation of style; the development of
persuasive appeals; the protection of "face;" and strategies for maintaining personal relationships across hierarchical
levels in organizations.
ML 560
Developing a Multicultural Perspective (1.0 course)
This course focuses on the ability to function and lead in culturally diverse contexts within the U.S. Goals include
improved communication skills and interpersonal sensitivity, appreciation for the complexity of the racial and ethnic
groupings, and awareness of key issues facing those groups.
ML 565
Women and Leadership (1.0 course)
A seminar exploring the theory and practice of women and leadership: entrepreneurial, political, and social. An
interdisciplinary approach to issues of women and leadership. Topics include analysis of alternative approaches to
leadership, women and careers, and women in society past and present. The course is intended to enhance the
analytical and leadership skills of the participants.
ML 580
Colloquium on Contemporary Theories of Leadership (1.0 course)
Selected contemporary theories of leadership presented by instructors
who participate in the seminar. Emphasis on critical thinking,
discussion, written analysis. Prerequisite: One-year coursework in
MAL program and ML 510.
ML 592
Thesis/LAP Consultation (0.5 course)
A series of meetings with a faculty thesis/project adviser, taken
simultaneously with ML 594 Leadership Research Seminar II. Graded
on PIN basis. Students not completing the thesis/application project
during the same term in which they are enrolled in ML 594 are
required to pay a continuation fee for each subsequent term until the
Thesis/LAP is completed.
ML 593
Leadership Research Seminar I (0.5 course)
First half of a two-course thesis capstone sequence for the MAL program to be taken in a student's last two consecutive
terms or after the student has completed at least five electives and ML 510. This course provides each individual the
opportunity to develop a research topic, to synthesize previous study and work experience, and to demonstrate an
understanding of the program's principles. Graded on a PIN basis.
ML 594
Leadership Research Seminar II (0.5 course)
Continuation of the "capstone" seminar, taken following the student's registration in ML 593 Leadership Research
Seminar I. This seminar focuses on the methods of inquiry and results of individual projects. By the completion of the
seminar, students should have made significant progress on their thesis or Leadership Application Project. Graded on a
PIN basis.
ML 597
Non-Thesis Independent Project (1.0 course)
Major written project to be completed in an area of the student's choice, in consultation with an adviser and a reader.
The research is presented in a colloquium in partial fulfillment of requirements for the non-thesis option. Students
who do not complete the project during the term in which they are enrolled are required to pay a continuation fee for
each subsequent term until the project is completed.
ML 598
Independent Study* (1.0 course)
Provides directed independent study in an area of the student's choice. Open to students who have completed at least
three courses with a grade of at least 3.0. Students must complete a Proposal for Independent Study and have it signed
by the supervising professor. Proposals must be approved by the MAL program director prior to registration for the
ML 599
Special Topics (1.0 course)
Study of selected topics in leadership that are not
treated extensively through current course
offerings. Specific topics will be published prior to
*A student may count only one of the following
for credit toward the MAL degree: ML 597 or ML
598, except with permission of the MAL program
Please refer to the Thesis/LAP and Non-Thesis
Project booklet for additional information.
Applicants to the program must hold a baccalaureate degree from an accredited four-year college or university and must
have a minimum cumulative undergraduate grade point average of 3.0 (on a scale of A= 4.0) and a minimum
cumulative grade point average of 3.0 for graduate courses completed at an accredited college or university. Applicants
holding a master's or other advanced degree from accredited colleges or universities are admissible. Should an applicant
not meet the minimum admission requirements, a conditional admission may be possible as decided on a case-by-case
basis. Applicants to the program must have three years of experience (or equivalent) with one or more organizations in
a position of leadership or position demonstrating leadership potential.
Decisions about admission to the program will be made on an individual basis by the MAL Admissions Committee.
Admission to each entering graduate class will be given to the most highly qualified individuals. Admissions are
handled on a "rolling" basis, with students admitted at the beginning of the fall, winter, and spring terms. Selection of
candidates will be made on the basis of an evaluation of each applicant's:
I Previous college record
I Letters of recommendation
I Experience and organizational background
I Written statement
I Interview, if requested
To apply, the following materials must be submitted to the MAL Program Office:
I Completed application form
I $35.00 non-refundable application fee
I A 1-3 page statement relating the applicant's career and life goals to leadership aspirations
I Recommendation letter and checklist from an immediate supervisor, assessing leadership potential
I Recommendation letter and checklist from a work colleague (at the same level) describing the applicant's work-style
leadership potential
I Official transcripts from all undergraduate institutions attended, listing all courses taken and any degree(s) conferred
I Official transcripts from all graduate institutions attended, listing courses taken and degree(s) conferred, if any.
Applicants may be asked to participate in an interview with graduate program faculty and/or staff members.
The Augsburg College MAL Program Office encourages qualified applicants from other countries. International
applicants should keep in mind that classes meet on alternate Saturdays and that students can take only two classes for
a yearly total of six classes. With this schedule students can complete the required course work in less than two years.
See Admission Requirements for a description of the admission process, selection criteria, and work experience
Application materials required for international applicants are:
I Completed application form
I $35.00 application fee (non-refundable) payable in U.S. dollars
I A 1-3 page statement relating the applicant's career and life goals to leadership aspirations
I Completed Declaration of Finances (see below for further information)
I Letter of recommendation in English from an immediate supervisor, assessing leadership potential
I Letter of recommendation in English from a work colleague (at the same level) describing the applicant's work style
and potential as a leader
I Official mark-sheets with certified translations from all undergraduate institutions attended listing all courses taken,
marks earned, dates attended, and degree(s) or diploma(s) conferred, if any; plus, a U.S. evaluation from an
evaluation center
I Official mark-sheets with certified translations from all graduate institutions attended listing all courses taken,
marks earned, dates attended, and degree(s) or diploma(s) conferred, if any; plus, a U.S. evaluation from an
evaluation center
I Official results on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) with a minimum score of 590
Applicants may be asked to participate in an interview with graduate program faculty and/or staff members, if the
applicant is in the United States.
Students and their financial sponsor must complete
a Declaration of Finances as part of the application
for admission, along with appropriate certifications.
In accordance with federal regulations, students on
F-1 visas must provide reliable documentation that
they have financial resources adequate to meet
expenses while studying at Augsburg.
NOTE: Additional information may be needed to
issue an I-20 or J-1 for students admitted to the
MAL program. Information requested for the I-20
or J-1 will not be used to make an admission
Evaluation of academic performance in the MAL program will
be based on number grades using a 4.0 point scale and as defined
Courses not offered on the numbered grading system are noted in
the course descriptions in this catalog as being graded on PIN basis.
In order to receive a grade of P, a student must achieve at least a
grade of 2.0. No more than two courses with a grade below 3.0 will
count toward the degree. No more than two courses with a grade of
or below 2.5 can be repeated. Only the credits and grades earned the
second time are counted in the grade point average.
Achieves highest standards of excellence
Achieves above basic course standards
Achieves the minimum passing standard
Performance below basic course standards
Unacceptable performance (no credit for the course)
Achieves at or above the 2.0 level (not computed in grade point average)
Does not meet minimum course standards (no credit and non-punitive-not computed in grade point average)
Grade given when a student withdraws from a course after the deadline without notation on the record
Incomplete grade given when student is unable to complete course requirements for reasons beyond the
student's control. (To receive an incomplete, a student must file a petition with the MAL Program Office
stating reasons for the request, the plan
and date for removing the incomplete
grade, the signature of the instructor, and
any other necessary documentation.)
Because leadership issues are presented, discussed
and analyzed in the classroom, regular attendance is
highly important and should be considered a
responsibility, not only to one's self, but to one's
classmates and course instructor.
Students must maintain a 3.0 cumulative grade point
average. If a student falls below a 3.0 average, the
student will be placed on probation for the following
term. A 3.0 cumulative grade point average must be
restored in order for a student to be removed from
probation. If a student receives a grade of N or 0.0 in a
course, the student must petition successfully with the
MAL Advisory Committee before being allowed to
continue in the program. A plan for the student to
follow would be outlined at that time. If a second
grade of N or 0.0 is received , the student may be
dismissed from the program by the MAL Advisory
Committee. Students may also be dismissed by the
MAL Advisory Committee for behavior detrimental to
the program, such as a gross violation of college policy
(as published in the Student Guide). Dismissal would
occur only after established procedures were followed.
Due to the interdisciplinaiy nature of the courses in the
MAL program, it is unlikely that courses taken
elsewhere may be substituted for a particular course in
the curriculum. Students may petition the MAL program
director for approval of any variation in the curriculum
including the transfer of credit. Transfer credits will be
evaluated on an individual basis.
The only courses that will be considered for transfer
credit are those earned from accredited colleges and
universities, whose course content is comparable to
those in the MAL program. No more than two courses
will be accepted for transfer credit.
Each full-credit graduate course in the MAL program is
the equivalent of four semester credits or six quarter
credits. Students meet in class a total of 28 hours and
are responsible for a significant amount of individual
study and preparation.
Students may take either one or two courses per
trimester. Enrolling in two courses per trimester
enables a student to complete the coursework in the
program within two years. All students are required to
complete all components of the program within five
years. Extensions beyond five years will be considered
on the basis of petition to the MAL Advisory
Committee. Students who leave the program for more
than one trimester must request a leave of absence in
writing from the MAL program. A leave of absence may
be granted for one calendar year. Time spent on an
official leave of absence will not count toward the fiveyear deadline for degree completion.
The last date on which students may withdraw from a
class and receive a "W" on their records is published
annually in the MAL Supplement.
The College has adopted a statement of student rights
and responsibilities and has provided for due process
in the matter of disciplinary action, grievances, and
grade appeal, as outlined in the Augsburg College
Catalog and the Student Guide. Students have a right to experience
education without discrimination.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, as
amended, provides certain rights to students regarding their education
records. Each year Augsburg is required to give notice on the various
rights accorded to students pursuant to FERPA. A copy of Augsburg's
policy is published in the Augsburg College Catalog and in the
Studertt Guide distributed to students.
Augsburg College understands that no information other than
"directory information" can be released without the written
permission of the student. Students must give permission in writing
for educational information to be released to anyone outside of the
official personnel (faculty and administration) at Augsburg. This
means that faculty or others cannot write letters of
support/recommendation or nominate students for awards unless
explicit written permission is given by the student to release non"directory information." It is not sufficient to ask for letters of
Complete information about Augsburg's procedures with regard to
FERPA are available from the registrar's office.
Students who successfully complete Augsburg's leadership program will receive a Master of Arts degree. Augsburg is
accredited by The Higher Leaming Commission, North Central Association* and is a member of the Associated Colleges of
the Twin Cities (ACTC), Lutheran Education Council in North America, and the Minnesota Private College Council.
Augsburg College is registered with the
Minnesota Higher Education Services
Office. Registration is not an endorsement
of the institution. Registration does not
mean that credits earned at the institution
can be transferred to other institutions or
that the quality of the educational
programs would meet the standards of
every student, educational institution or
*The Higher Leaming Commission,
North Central Association
1-800-621-7440 or 312-263-0456
A schedule of fees is published separately in the MAL
Catalog Supplement. Tuition is determined annually.
ML 592, ML 593, and ML 594 are half-credit courses
and are charged half of the current full credit tuition. A
continuation fee is charged to students who do not
complete their capstone project during the terms they
are enrolled.
Various payment plans are available:
Payment in Full:
Due after registration and before the beginning of
the trimester. No finance charge or administrative
fee. Late payment fee $25 . Finance charge of 8%
APR will apply toward any unpaid balance after
the start of the term.
Payment Plan:
A three-payment plan is available each trimester
upon application and after College approval.
Payment plans will be approved only if previous
plans have been satisfactorily completed.
Payments for each trimester are due in three equal
installments. There is an administrative fee of $35
per trimester. No finance charge if paid in full by
end of payment plan. Late payment fee $25.
Finance charge of 8% APR will apply if not paid in
full by the end of the payment plan period.
Company Reimbursement:
Full courses, or equivalent, that are company
reimbursed, require a deposit of $100 per course
reimbursed, with full payment due within 50 days
after the end of the term. An application for
Employer Reimbursement Payment Plan must be
filed once each academic year. Student is
responsible for payment if employer does not pay
for any reason. Finance charge of 8% APR will
accrue on the deferred balance once the term has
Registration is permitted only if the student's account
for a previous term is paid in full as agreed. Augsburg
College will not release diplomas or academic
transcripts until a student's account is paid in full. This
also applies to student loans administered by the
College (e.g., Perkins Student Loan). They must be
current according to established repayment schedules.
Students who withdraw from Augsburg College may be
eligible for a refund of a portion of their charges based
on the appropriate refund schedule (except for the
minimum charge of $100 to cover administrative
costs) . Financial aid may also be adjusted for those
students who withdraw from the College or drop one
or more courses and receive financial assistance.
[NOTE: Tuition refunds and financial aid
adjustments are not necessarily made on a one-to-one
basis. For example, you could receive a 60% tuition
refund but have 80% of your financial aid returned.
Be sure you understand the financial consequences of
making adjustments to your registration.]
Students are responsible for canceling courses through
the Enrollment Center in order to be eligible for any
refund. Students who unofficially withdraw (stop
attending) but do not complete the drop/add form are
responsible for all charges. Financial aid may be
adjusted based on the student's last recorded date of
attendance. Refund calculations are based on the date
that the drop/add form is processed.
The refund schedule is effective whether or not a
student has attended classes. All refunds of charges will
be applied to the student account and all adjustments
for aid, loans, fines, deposits, etc. will be made before
eligibility for a cash refund of any resulting credit
balance is determined. Please allow two weeks for
a refund.
The refund is a percentage of the full tuition charged,
not a percentage of any deposit paid toward tuition,
e.g. deposits made under the employer reimbursement
payment plan.
For information about refunds and the refund
schedule, see the Payment Information Booklet or visit
< ..
A per-course tuition refund will be made on the
following basis:
I Through the first scheduled class meeting - 100% of
tuition (less a $100 administration fee if
withdrawing from current term entirely).
I Prior to the second scheduled class meeting - 80% of
I Prior to the third scheduled class meeting - 60% of
I Prior to the fourth scheduled class meeting - 40% of
I No refund after the fourth scheduled class meeting.
Financial assistance is available to degree-seeking
students enrolled in the MAL program. Non-degreeseeking students are not eligible for any type of
financial aid through Augsburg College. Two full-credit
courses per trimester are considered full time. One
course is considered half-time enrollment. The
Enrollment Center, 612-330-1046, or 1-800-458-1721,
or <, assists students in
assessing financial aid eligibility and offers financial aid
from available alternatives, including the following:
Augsburg actively pursues non-Augsburg funding for
special scholarships. The availability of such
scholarships may enable the participation of
individuals of limited financial means as well as
individuals working for volunteer agencies and other
organizations not likely to provide tuition
Many companies, agencies, and corporations offer full
or partial tuition assistance to employees who
participate in work-related or degree-related college
programs. Augsburg College offers a payment plan by
which employees may handle tuition reimbursement.
Students should contact the Enrollment Center to
make payment arrangements using the company
reimbursement payment plan.
American Indian students who meet federal, state, or
tribal requirements may apply for these scholarships.
Indian grants generally supplement other sources of
financial aid. For assistance in application, please
contact Augsburg's American Indian Student Services
Program director at 612-330-1144 or your tribal
Common Loan Provisions
Borrowing Limits: Graduate students may borrow up
to $18,500 per year with an aggregate of $138,500
(undergraduate and graduate).
A student may borrow from either the unsubsidized or
subsidized programs or a combination of both but
cannot exceed the annual loan limits.
Interest Rates: The annually variable interest rate is
determined by the 91-day T-Bills +2.3%, capped at
8.25% and changes eachJuly 1. For example, the
interest rate from July 1, 2002 to June 30, 2003 is
4.06% for repayment.
Repayment Terms: Repayment begins six months after
you cease to be enrolled at least half time in an eligible
program leading to a degree or certificate. Repayment
may extend up to 10 years.
Deferments: In most cases, deferments are granted for
continued education, disability, and unemployment.
Contact your lender if you think you are eligible for a
The Enrollment Center uses standard, nationally
accepted methodology to determine eligibility for
federal and state financial aid programs.
A joint Augsburg College-federally funded program
administered through the College for students who
demonstrate financial eligibility No checks are issued,
but the student is required to sign a promissory note at
least once per term. Funds are put on the student
account after the note is signed.
Borrowing Limits: You may borrow up to $6,000 per
year as a graduate student with a $40,000 maximum.
Interest and Repayment: Simple interest of 5% and
repayment of principal begin nine months after you
graduate or leave school. Partial or total loan
cancellation privileges exist for certain types of
teaching, disability and, in certain circumstances,
military service.
Deferments: No interest accrues nor do payments need
to be made at any time you are enrolled at least half
time or for serving three years in the military, Peace
Corps, or VISTA. Contact the Enrollment Center if you
think you are eligible for a deferment.
SELF (Student Educational Loan Fund)
The SELF is administered through the Minnesota
Higher Education Services Offices. Applications are
available from the Enrollment Center and should be
completed by the borrower and co-signer and returned
to the Enrollment Center for further processing. Loan
proceeds are released through electronic funds transfer.
Borrowing Limits: Graduate
students may borrow up to $9,000
per year minus any other student
loan indebtedness. Maximum
graduate borrowing cannot exceed
$40,000 including undergraduate.
The minimum annual loan is $500.
Interest and Repayment: The interest rate is variable.
Interest payments begin 90 days after the loan is
disbursed and continue quarterly thereafter while the
student is enrolled. Principal payments begin in
the 13th month after you leave school.
Deferments: There are no deferments. Contact the
Minnesota Higher Education Services Office regarding
special circumstances and repayment.
Financial aid application materials are available at
< Applicants must be
admitted to Augsburg as regular students or be
returning students in good academic standing.
The financial aid application will be processed when
the following documents are received:
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid
(FAFSA) or the renewal FAFSA. Apply online at
Augsburg Financial Aid Application (for new
3) Federal income tax return(s) .
Enrollment Center 612-330-1046, 1-800-458-1721,, or <
Augsburg was the first seminary founded by Norwegian
Lutherans in America, named after the confession of faith
presented by Lutherans in Augsburg, Germany, in 1530.
Augsburg opened in September 1869 in Marshall, Wisconsin,
and moved to Minneapolis in 1872.
Augsburg's campus is located in the heart of the Twin Cities,
surrounding Murphy Square, the first of 155 parks in the "City
of Lakes." The University of Minnesota West Bank campus and
one of the city's largest medical complexes-Fairview
University Medical Center-are adjacent to Augsburg, with the
Mississippi River and the Seven Corners theatre district just a
few blocks away.
Augsburg College has made a major effort to become one of the
most accessible campuses in the region. Skyways, tunnels, and
elevators provide accessible connections among major
buildings-student housing towers, the Christensen Center,
main academic and administrative halls, the library, and the
music building. In addition, there are programs for students
with learning, physical, and psychiatric disabilities.
Augsburg is a college of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
in America. It has a diverse community with many strong
religious traditions represented among the students, faculty,
and staff, including Lutheran, Protestant, Roman Catholic,
Jewish, American Indian spirituality and thought, Buddhist,
and Islamic faiths.
Augsburg College, as affirmed in its mission, does not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national
or ethnic origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status,
status with regard to public assistance, or disability in its
education policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan
programs, athletic and/or school administered programs, except
in those instances where religion is a bona fide occupational
qualification. Augsburg College is committed to providing
reasonable accommodations to its employees and students.
Any questions concerning Augsburg's compliance with federal
or state regulations implementing equal access and opportunity
can be directed to the Office of Human Resources, CB 79,
Augsburg College, 2211 Riverside Avenue, Minneapolis, MN
55454, or 612-330-1023.
Faculty who teach in the MAL program are predominantly full-time senior faculty with doctorates or appropriate
professional degrees. Some courses are team taught by faculty from different disciplines or occasionally by combining
a faculty member with professionals from relevant fields. All of the program's faculty have extensive experience
teaching adult learners.
ANDREW AOKI, Associate Professor of Political
Science B.A., University of Oregon; M.A., Ph.D.,
WILLIAM D. MORRIS, Assistant Professor of
Political Science B.A., Oakland University; Ph.D.,
University of Wisconsin.
Carnegie-Mellon University. President, Decision
Resources, Ltd.
JOHN BENSON, Professor of Religion B.A., Augsburg
College; B.D., Luther Theological Seminary; M.A., Ph.D.,
Columbia University.
NORMA NOONAN, Professor of Political Science;
Director of the Center for Leadership Studies and
the MAL Program B.A., University of Pennsylvania;
CASS DALGLISH, Associate Professor of English B.A. ,
M.A., Ph.D., Indiana University.
College of St. Catherine; M.FA., Vermont College; Ph.D.,
The Union Institute.
JOSEPH A. ERICKSON, Associate Professor of
Education B.A., M.A., College of St. Thomas; M.A.,
Luther Northwestern Theological Seminary; Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota.
of Business Administration B.A. , M.S., Academy of
Economics, Warsaw; Ph.D., Academy of Economics,
Krakow, Poland.
CATHERINE PAULSEN, Instructor of Psychology
B.A., St. Olaf College; M.A., Lone Mountain College.
ROBERT C. GROVEN, Assistant Professor of Speech/
Communication and Theatre Arts B.A., Concordia
College-Moorhead; M.A.,j.D., University of Minnesota.
CURTIS PAULSEN, Associate Professor of Social
Work B.A., St. Olaf College; M.S.W, University of
Minnesota; Ph.D., Fielding Institute.
GARRY HESSER, Professor of Sociology and Director
of Metro-Urban Studies B.A., Phillips University;
DIANE PIKE, Professor and Chair, Department of
Sociology A.B., Connecticut College; Ph.D. , Yale
M.Div., Union Theological Seminary; M.A., Ph.D. ,
University of Notre Dame.
DAVID LAPAKKO, Associate Professor of Speech/
Communication, and Theatre Arts B. A., Macalester
MILO A. SCHIELD, Professor of Business
Administration B.S., Iowa State University; M.S.,
College, M.A., and Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
University of Illinois; Ph.D., Rice University.
JOHNS. SCHMIT, Associate Professor of English and
Associate Dean for Adult Programs B.S., St. john's
B.S. , Iowa State University; M.S., Illinois State University;
Ed.D., West Virginia University. President, Strategy
Implementation Associates.
ROSEMARY LINK, Professor of Social Work, BA.,
B.A., University of Southampton, Post graduate diploma
& C.Q.S.W , University of London; Ph.D., University of
THOMAS MORGAN, Professor of Business
Administration and Vice President for Enrollment
and Market Development B.S.,juniata College; M.B.A.,
University of Denver; M.S., University of Oregon; Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota.
University; M.A., University of New Orleans; Ph.D., The
University of Texas-Austin.
KATHRYN SWANSON, Professor and Chair,
Department of English B.A., St. Olaf College; M.A.,
Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
JOSEPH VOLKER, Instructor of Psychology B.A.,
University of California-Irvine; M.A., Ph.D., University of
Minnesota. Licensed psychologist at MDA Associates.
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Master of Arts in Leadership (MAL) Catalog, 2005
Course Catalogs
Search Result
Leadership Development Model-3
Curriculum Design-4
Course Design-7
Admission Requirements-11
International Appl icants-12
Academic Policies-13
Fee and Payment lnformation-16
Financial Aid-1 7
About Augsburg-19
Leadership Studie...
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Leadership Development Model-3
Curriculum Design-4
Course Design-7
Admission Requirements-11
International Appl icants-12
Academic Policies-13
Fee and Payment lnformation-16
Financial Aid-1 7
About Augsburg-19
Leadership Studies Faculty-20
Dear Friend:
Welcome to the Master of Arts in Leadership (MAL) program's catalog. Launched
in 1987, the program has been a vital part of the Augsburg College curriculum
ever since.
The MAL program offers students an excellent opportunity to explore leadership
within the context of the liberal arts. The program design broadens the skills and
mindset you need to improve your leadership capabilities in your current and
future positions, as well as in your life.
The MAL program is taught by senior Augsburg faculty from a variety of
disciplines. The faculty are committed to an interdisciplinary approach to leadership studies. Our students
represent a wide array of occupations including business, health care, and the non-profit sector. This diverse
learning community provides a rich environment for you to explore leadership beyond your own realm of
Our program will help you develop skills you need to be an effective leader in an ever-changing world. I am
frequently told by students that the program has changed their lives, has sharpened their understanding of
themselves and others, and has opened doors that would otherwise have remained closed. To learn even more
about the program, please visit our Web site at <>.
I would be happy to help you determine how Augsburg's Master of Arts in Leadership program may benefit
you. You may contact me via e-mail at <> or by telephone at 612-330-1198. I look
forward to seeing you on campus soon!
Norma C. Noonan, Ph.D.
Director, M.A. in Leadership Program
The Master of Arts in Leadership (MAL) is the core program of Augsburg's Center for Leadership Studies (CLS).
The MAL program, which was launched in 1987, responds Lo the leadership development needs of both for-profit
and not-for-profit organizations. While different in structure and purpose, most organizations seek leaders with the
following qualities: a vision that is ethically and morally responsible, extending beyond immediate concerns; an
understanding of how change occurs and affects the immediate environment; a sensitivity to the complex problems
organizations face and an ability to achieve solutions consistent with an organization's mission; the ability to
motivate and inspire individuals and groups to work toward a common goal; and the ability to effectively represent
the organization both internally and externally. The MAL program provides a means by which individuals may
discover and refine these and other abilities fundamental to effective leadership.
Leadership studies is a growing field in American higher education, and the MAL program has significantly
developed and modified its curriculum in response to new trends in the field . The program has a deep theoretical
base in leadership studies yet attempts also to offer its students practical approaches to leadership that can be
applied in the workplace and society.
Designed to meet the needs and preferences of working adults, the MAL program is based on the assumption that
the students who enroll are career-oriented, self-disciplined, and well-motivated individuals seeking a balance of
classroom experience, group interaction, and individual study. Most courses are organized as seminars with the
opportunity for discussion and dialogue. During the academic year, classes meet on alternate Saturdays for four
hours. A few courses are taught by the immersion model, which has fewer sessions but longer meeting times. Most
courses incorporate some online work into their agenda. MAL students may take up to seven courses during the
calendar year; with that schedule it is possible to complete the degree within two years.
Essential to the goals of the MAL program is participation in a community of learners gathered on the Augsburg
campus. This community is enriched by the students, who have a variety of work and life experiences. To facilitate
community interaction, students are encouraged to make use of the Augsburg library, computer labs, and
Christensen Center. The Center for Leadership Studies also offers special colloquia and seminars each year to
supplement and complement the course work of the master's program.
8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Note: Each class taken commits a student to either Period I or Period II, an average of two meetings a month. A
Jew courses are taught on an immersion model which features fewer but longer sessions.
Augsburg College has two summer sessions. The MAL program usually offers at least two classes during the
summer; the courses are five weeks in duration, meeting normally two nights a week, except for special immersion
The MAL program promotes leadership as a process that
1) inspires cooperation among people who must compete for limited resources , 2) promotes productivity within and
beyond the organization, and 3) works toward progress for the individual and the organization. To accomplish this ,
individuals aspiring to positions of leadership must possess three key attributes: a sense of vision, the ability to
persuade, and the ability to direct action. Underlying these attributes are abilities and awareness, outlined in the
Leadership Development Model, that serve as specific outcomes for the MAL program. Augsburg's model of
leadership development is designed to assess, promote, enhance, and refine these capabilities within the individual.
Toward Action
Sense of Vision
• Social awareness
• Environmental awareness
• Tolerance of religious and
philosophical differences
• Appreciation of situational
Long-term perspective
Facility for
Risk Assumptive
• Curiosity
• Achievement motivation
• Self-esteem
Effective listener
Effective speaker
Effective writer
Diplomatic ability
Effective team member
Interpersonal sensitivity
Culturally Aware
• Appreciation for
cultural differences
• World-view perspective
• Tolerance of individual
Analytical ability
Ability to think critically
Understanding of research
Ability to manage conflict
Augsburg uses a course system rather than a credit system in its curriculum. An Augsburg course is equivalent to
four semester credits or six quarter credits. Each course normally includes two or more liberal arts disciplines,
encourages pursuit of the designated outcomes, and uses a variety of learning techniques appropriate to adult
learners. Instructional techniques include case studies, debate, written and oral presentations, and group activity.
These techniques develop targeted leadership abilities and understanding. Students are encouraged to see abilities and
understandings as cross-disciplinary and to view content areas as integrated. The program reflects the view that the
world in which we operate is complex and that dealing with it successfully requires well-developed integrative
There are three ways to complete the MAL degree. In the Thesis/Leadership Application Project (Thesis/LAP) Option
(Plan A), students complete a thesis or a major leadership application project and 10.5 credits. In the Non-Thesis
Option (Plan B), students must complete 11 credits, two papers, but no thesis. For the third option, the
Comprehensive Exam Seminar (Plan C), students complete 11 credits, including the comprehensive exam seminar.
Students who select the Thesis/LAP Option are required to develop and carry out an in-depth study of some aspect of
leadership or of a leadership-related topic. This research-based study gives the student the opportunity to "tie
together" what has been learned from the study of leadership and course-related activities.
The principal distinction between the thesis and the leadership application project lies in their underlying
orientation. A thesis has a more theoretical orientation, while a leadership application project is based on practical
application. Both require similar rigor and preparation. For either alternative, the student must register for ML 592
and 593 .
For more information regarding the Thesis/LAP Option, refer to the Thesis/LAP and Non-Thesis Project Guidelines
booklet. Students who do not complete their thesis or leadership application project within two years are required to
pay a continuation fee each trimester.
One alternative to the thesis is the successful completion of two major papers. The first of these papers will be written
in conjunction with ML 580. The second paper will be written while enrolled in ML 597 Non-Thesis Independent
Project. The independent research projects approved each year will be presented in an annual colloquium.
For more information regarding the Non-Thesis Option, refer to the Thesis/LAP Project&: Non-Thesis Project
Guidelines booklet. Students who do not complete their independent project within a year of registering for ML 597 are
required to pay a continuation fee each trimester.
The third completion option involves one paper written in conjunction with ML 580 (as in Plan B) and a
Comprehensive Exam Seminar (ML 589). This course must be taken as the last course in the program or in
conjunction with another course during the last term. This course is taken on a pass/fail basis, and when the course
and the oral, written, and take-home examinations are successfully completed, the program requirements will be
(3.5 course credits)
The following core courses are required for all Thesis/LAP
students in the MAL program:
ML 510
Visions of Leadership
ML 514
Research Methods
ML 592
Thesis/LAP Consultation I
ML 593
Thesis/LAP Consultation II (0.5 course)
(4.0 course credits)
ML 510
Visions of Leadership
ML 514
Research Methods
ML 580
Contemporary Theories of Leadership
ML 597
Non-Thesis Independent Project
(4.0 course credits)
ML 510 Visions of Leadership
ML 514
Research Methods
ML 580
Contemporary Theories of Leadership
ML 589
Comprehensive Exam Seminar
ELECTIVE COURSES FOR ALL OPTIONS: (at least 7.0 course credits)
The MAL program requires that seven elective courses be selected from the following course list:
ML 511
Creativity and the Problem-Solving Process
ML 520
Self-Identity, Values, and Personal Growth
ML 521
Methods of Critical Thought
ML 525
Personality and Systems Theory: Perspectives on Leadership
ML 527
Spirituality and Leadership in the Workplace
ML 530
Ethics in Communication
ML 531
The Dynamics of Change
ML 535
Organizational Theory and Leadership
ML 539
Communicating a Self in the Modern Organization
ML 540
Political Leadership: Theory and Practice
ML 545
Decision Making and Leadership
ML 548
Coaching and Consulting
ML 550
Communication, Decision Making, and Technology
ML 557
Language of Leadership
ML 560
Developing a Multicultural Perspective
ML 565
Women and Leadership
ML 568
The Global Business Environment
ML 580
Colloquium on Contemporary Theories of
ML 598
Independent Study (special permission required)
ML 599
Topics: special courses offered only once or twice
ML 500
Leadership Practicum
The MAL program sponsors professional development workshops
and seminars. These workshops are offered to students and
alumni who desire more applied case studies or wish to address
topics not included in the courses. (Offered occasionally)
ML 510
Visions of Leadership: A Historical and Literary Journey
(1.0 course)
Introduction to selected concepts of leadership, providing a
historical and philosophical framework for the program. This
course views the nature and purpose of leadership from a variety
of disciplines and perspectives.
ML 511
Creativity and the Problem-Solving Process (1.0 course)
Exploration of creativity from the perspective of traditional
aesthetics as well as contemporary organizational thinking. This
course uses creativity as a method , and it examines techniques for
solving problems in organizations, for enhancing innovation, and for seeking an integrative world view.
ML 514
Research Methods (1.0 course)
Evaluation and documentation of programs, projects and ideas as they relate to leadership theories and practice.
Qualitative and quantitative tools will be discussed.
ML 520
Self-Identity, Values, and Personal Growth (1.0 course)
Study of the concepts of self-identity, value formation, and personal growth as they relate to professional life; factors
that influence the development of self-identity and personal values; and the effect of personal values on learning and
leadership strategies.
ML 521
Methods of Critical Thought (1.0 course)
Investigation of the processes of critical thinking, drawing from philosophy as well as natural and social science. The
course will survey a variety of contemporary approaches to critical thinking, including the use of logic and analytical
reasoning, the relationship of evidence to the confirmation of theories and the value of appeals to scholarly studies. A
special focus of the course will be an assessment of the ways in which natural and social sciences can (and cannot)
assist leaders in addressing problems and seeking solutions. (not offered currently)
ML 525
Personality and Systems Theory: Perspectives on Leadership (1.0 course)
Study of leadership in the dual context of personality theory and systems theory. Contributions of Jung, Fromm,
Maslow, May, and others to personality theory are considered as are the systems theories of von Bertalanffy and Bateson.
The theories are applied to the concrete realities of leadership in a variety of settings.
ML 527 Spirituality and Leadership in the Workplace (1.0 course)
The wide-ranging spirituality movement in the workplace is a notable feature of contemporary life. This course
explores the dimensions of this trend and its implications for leadership through a variety of sources and perspectives.
ML 530
Ethics in Communication (1.0 course)
Interdisciplinary study of ethics and communication through the investigation of a variety of ethical perspectives within
human communication. This course places particular attention on the use and abuse of communication in politics,
advertising, and interpersonal relationships. It emphasizes sensitivity to ethical conflicts that arise in social and
organizational settings.
ML 531
The Dynamics of Change (1.0 course)
This course offers an exploration of the context of social change and varying responses to diverse human needs. Ways
of achieving well-being may be viewed differently by leaders in public and private domains and across cultures. The
course explores these various perspectives, including areas of conflict and opportunities for leadership in social and
organizational change. Sociological, human development, and economic theories are applied to contemporary public
and private sector issues for social change.
ML 535
Organizational Theory and Leadership (1.0 course)
In-depth exploration of organizational theory plus related concepts, issues, and concerns. The course is designed to
enable the student to acquire knowledge and develop skills in order to function as a responsible, ethical participant
within various types of organizational structures and cultures.
ML 539
Communicating a Self in the Modern Organization (1.0 course)
Understanding through reading, reflecting, and dialogue of the
functions of communication in organizational settings with particular
emphasis on the self-defining aspects of the social contract between the
individual and the organization in a changing world. Supplementary
reading packet, open dialogue, and individual projects.
ML 540
Political Leadership: Theory and Practice
(1.0 course)
Analysis of leadership perspectives in selected political systems and
other organizations. Special focus on significant leadership theories
and leaders, past and present. Most theories studied are
interdisciplinary and relevant to business and non-profit organizations
as well as to politics.
ML 545
Decision Making and Leadership (1.0 course)
Review of the decision-making process-the setting, goals, and
contingencies-as it affects leaders and leadership. Analysis of
arguments and explanations; analysis of basic statistical concepts and
their relationship to decision making. Assessment of major social
decisions, past and present-their intentions, consequences,
arguments, explanations, and justification.
ML 548
Coaching and Consulting (1.0 course)
The purpose of this course is to develop influence skills through the
exploration and application of consulting and coaching practices. To fulfill that purpose participants will read the work
of master consultants and coaches, develop a toolkit, practice consulting as both a consultant and a client, and reflect
on these experiences to develop their own purpose, principles, and practices for influencing others.
ML 550
Communication, Decision Making, and Technology (1.0 course)
Analysis of the role various forms of digitally-mediated communication play in our society and how communication,
decision making, and leadership have been altered by these technologies. Students examine how they can engage and
manage these processes in their organizations.
ML 557
Language of Leadership (1.0 course)
Students analyze language from a variety of rhetorical and sociolinguistic perspectives and learn to make judgments
about rhetorical and stylistic strategies. Topics include the use of language as an organizing principle for social
interaction; speech act theory; strategies for giving effective directives; the creation and manipulation of style; the
development of persuasive appeals; the protection of "face;" and strategies for maintaining personal relationships across
hierarchical levels in organizations.
ML 560
Developing a Multicultural Perspective (1.0 course)
This course focuses on the ability to function and lead in
culturally diverse contexts within the U.S. Goals include
improved communication skills and interpersonal sensitivity,
appreciation for the complexity of the racial and ethnic
groupings, and awareness of key issues facing those groups.
ML 565
Women and Leadership (1.0 course)
A seminar exploring the theory and practice of women and
leadership: entrepreneurial, political, and social. An
interdisciplinary approach to issues of women and
leadership. Topics include analysis of alternative approaches
to leadership, women and careers, and women in society past
and present. The course is intended to enhance the analytical
and leadership skills of the participants.
ML 568
The Global Business Environment (1.0 course)
Knowledge of the global business environment in the context of leadership studies is essential for modern, successful
leaders and other professionals. The course complements other offerings in the international cultural understanding of
ML 580
Colloquium on Contemporary Theories of Leadership (1.0 course)
Selected contemporary theories of leadership presented by instructors who participate in the seminar. Emphasis on
critical thinking, discussion, written analysis. Prerequisite: One-year coursework in MAL program and ML 510.
ML 589
Comprehensive Exam Seminar (1.0 course)
This course is a completion option for the Master of Arts in Leadership. Students prepare for the examination seriesoral, written, and take-home-through discussion, readings, and critical analysis in the seminar. It must be the final
course taken in the program.
ML 592
Thesis/LAP Consultation I (1.0 course)
Independent research project supervised by an academic adviser.
ML 593
Thesis/LAP Consultation II (0.5 course)
Completion of the thesis/LAP under the guidance of an academic adviser.
ML 597
Non-Thesis Independent Project* (1.0 course)
Major written project in an area of the student's choice, to be completed in consultation with an adviser and a reader.
The research is presented in a colloquium in partial fulfillment of requirements for the non-thesis option.
ML 598
Independent Study* (1.0 course)
Provides directed independent study in an area of the
student's choice. Open to students who have completed at
least three courses with a grade of at least 3.0. Students
must complete a Proposal for Independent Study and
have it signed by the supervising professor. Proposals
must be approved by the MAL program director prior to
registration for the course.
ML 599
Special Topics (1.0 course)
Study of selected topics in leadership that are not treated
extensively through current course offerings. Specific
topics will be published prior to registration.
*A student may count only one of the following for credit
toward the MAL degree: ML 597 or ML 598, except with
permission of the MAL program director.
Applicants to the program must hold a baccalaureate degree from an accredited four-year college or university and must
have a minimum cumulative undergraduate grade point average of 3.0 (on a scale of A= 4.0) and a minimum
cumulative grade point average of 3.0 for graduate courses completed at an accredited college or university Applicants
holding a master's or other advanced degrees from accredited colleges or universities are admissible. Should an
applicant not meet the minimum admission requirements, a conditional admission may be possible as decided on a
case-by-case basis. Applicants to the program must have three years of experience (or equivalent) with one or more
organizations in a position of leadership or position demonstrating leadership potential.
Decisions about admission to the program will be made on an individual basis by the MAL Admissions Committee.
Admission to each entering graduate class will be given to the most highly qualified individuals. Admissions are
handled on a "rolling" basis, with students admitted at the beginning of the fall, winter, and spring terms. Selection of
candidates will be made on the basis of an evaluation of each applicant's:
• Previous college record
• Letters of recommendation
• Experience and organizational background
• Written statement
• Interview, if requested
To apply, the following materials must be submitted to the Graduate Admissions Office:
• Completed application form
• $35.00 non-refundable application fee
• A 1-3 page statement relating the applicant's career and life goals to leadership aspirations
• Recommendation letter and checklist from an immediate supervisor, assessing leadership potential
• Recommendation letter and checklist from a work colleague (at the same level) describing the applicant's work style
and leadership potential
• Official transcripts from all undergraduate institutions attended, listing all courses taken and any degree(s) conferred
• Official transcripts from all graduate institutions attended, listing courses taken and degree(s) conferred, if any
Applicants may be asked to participate in an interview with graduate program faculty and/or staff members.
Graduate Admissions Office, 612-330-1101, 1-800-458-1721, <>, or <>.
The Augsburg College MAL Program Office encourages qualified applicants from other countries. The term
"international student" as used here refers exclusively to those students seeking to study at Augsburg in F-1
nonimmigrant status. Questions pertaining to program eligibility for other immigration categories will be directed to
the appropriate college personnel for a response.
International applicants should keep in mind that classes meet on alternate Saturdays and that students may take only
two classes per trimester plus one in the summer for a yearly total of seven classes. With this schedule, students can
complete the required course work in less than two years.
See Admission Requirements for a description of the admission process and selection criteria. Application materials
required for international students are:
• Completed application form
• $35.00 application fee (non-refundable) payable in U.S. dollars
• A 1-3 page statement relating the applicant's career and life goals to leadership aspirations
• Completed Certification of Finances and supporting documentation which reliably demonstrate that the student has
financial resources adequate to meet expenses while studying at Augsburg
• Letter of recommendation in English from an immediate supervisor assessing leadership potential
• Letter of recommendation in English from a work colleague (at the same level) describing the applicant's work style
and potential as a leader
• Official mark-sheets with certified translations from all undergraduate and graduate institutions attended listing all
courses taken, marks earned, dates attended, and degree(s) or diploma(s) conferred, if any
• Official results on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) with a minimum score of 600 (paper) or 250
(computer). TOEFL iBT (Internet-based test) minimum scores were not yet available at the time of this catalog's
publication. Please contact the MAL admissions counselor for updated information.
Participants may be asked to participate in a phone or
in-person interview with graduate faculty or staff.
Note: All F-1 international students and their
dependents are required to have adequate health
insurance coverage for the duration of their program.
Students will be enrolled in the College-recommended
plan unless they fill out a waiver verifying proof of
coverage through an alternative provider for the same
Evaluation of academic performance in the MAL program will be
based on number grades using a 4.0 point scale and as defined below.
Courses not offered on the numbered grading system are noted in
the course descriptions in this catalog as being graded on PIN basis.
In order to receive a grade of P, a student must achieve at least a
grade of 2.0. No more than two courses with a grade below 3.0 will
count toward the degree. No more than two courses with a grade of
or below 2.5 can be repeated. Only the credits and grades earned the
second time are counted in the grade point average.
Achieves highest standards of excellence
Achieves above basic course standards
Achieves the minimum passing standard
Unacceptable performance (no credit for the course)
Achieves at or above the 2.0 level (not computed in grade point average)
Does not meet minimum course standards (no credit and not computed in grade point average)
Grade given when a student withdraws from a course after the deadline without notation on the record
Performance below basic course standards
Incomplete grade given when student is unable to complete course requirements for reasons beyond the
student's control. (To receive an incomplete, a student must file a petition with the Office of the Registrar
stating reasons for the request and the plan and date for removing the incomplete grade. The signature of the
instructor and any other necessary
documentation must be included.)
Because leadership issues are presented, discussed,
and analyzed in the classroom, regular attendance is
highly important and should be considered a
responsibility, not only to one's self, but to one's
classmates and course instructor.
Students must maintain a 3.0 cumulative grade point
average. If a student falls below a 3.0 average, the
student will be placed on probation for the following
term. A 3.0 cumulative grade point average must be
restored in order for a student to be removed from
probation. If a student receives a grade of N or 0.0 in a
course, the student must petition successfully with the
MAL Advisory Committee before being allowed to
continue in the program. A plan for the student to
follow would be outlined at that time. If a second
grade of N or 0.0 is received, the student may be
dismissed from the program by the MAL Advisory
Committee. Students may also be dismissed by the
MAL Advisory Committee for behavior detrimental to
the program, such as a gross violation of College policy
(as published in the Student Guide). Dismissal would
occur only after established procedures were followed.
Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the courses in the
MAL program, it is unlikely that courses taken
elsewhere may be substituted for a particular course in
the curriculum. Students may petition the MAL program
director for approval of any variation in the curriculum
including the transfer of credit. Transfer credits will be
evaluated on an individual basis. Approved transfer
courses will appear on the student's Augsburg transcript
but will not be counted in the cumulative grade point
average. Semester and quarter credits will be
appropriately converted to Augsburg course credits.
The only courses that will be considered for transfer
credit are those earned from accredited colleges and
universities, whose course content is comparable to
those in the MAL program. No more than two courses
will be accepted for transfer credit.
Augsburg operates on a course credit system rather
than semester or quarter hours. Each full-credit
graduate course in the MAL program is the equivalent
of four semester credits or six quarter credits. Students
meet a total of 28 hours per course and are responsible
for a significant amount of individual study and
Students may take either one or two courses per
trimester. Enrolling in two courses per trimester
enables a student to complete the coursework in the
program within two years. All students are required to
complete all components of the program within five
years. Extensions beyond five years will be considered
on the basis of petition to the MAL Advisory
Committee. Students who leave the program for more
than one trimester must request a leave of absence in
writing from the MAL program. A leave of absence may
be granted for one calendar year. Students who return
to the program after a leave of one year or more must
fill out an Application for Readmission form and turn
it into the Office of the Registrar. Time spent on an
official MAL-approved leave of absence will not count
toward the five-year deadline for degree completion.
MAL follows the Weekend College schedule for the last
date each term on which students may withdraw from
a class and receive a "W" on their records. Please refer
to <!> for
up-to-date information.
The College has adopted a statement of student rights
and responsibilities and has provided for due process
in the matter of disciplinary action , grievances, and
grade appeal, as outlined in the Augsburg College
Catalog and the Student Guide. Students have a right to experience
education without discrimination.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, as
amended, provides certain rights to students regarding their education
records . Augsburg's policy is published in the Augsburg College Catalog
and in the Student Guide.
Augsburg College understands that no information other than
"directory information" can be released without the written
permission of the student. Students must give permission in writing
for educational information to be released to anyone outside of the
official personnel (faculty and administration) at Augsburg. This
means that faculty or others cannot write letters of
support/recommendation or nominate students for awards unless
explicit written permission is given by the student to release non"directory information." It is not sufficient to ask for letters of
Students who successfully complete Augsburg's leadership program will receive a Master of Arts degree. Augsburg is
accredited by The Higher Leaming Commission, North Central Association* and is a member of the Associated Colleges of
the Twin Cities (ACTC), Lutheran Education Council in North America, and the Minnesota Private College Council.
Augsburg College is registered with the Minnesota Higher Education Services Office. Registration is not an endorsement of
the institution. Registration does not mean that credits earned at the institution can be transfened to other institutions or
that the quality of the educational programs would meet the standards of every student, educational institution, or
*The Higher Learning Commission, North Central Association, <>.
A schedule of fees is published separately in the MAL
Catalog Supplement. Tuition is determined annually.
ML 593 is a half-credit course for which half of the
current full credit tuition is charged.
Various payment plans are available:
1) Payment in Full:
Payment is due after registration and before the
beginning of the trimester. No finance or
administrative fee is charged for payments made
during this period. The late payment fee is $25. A
finance charge of 8% APR will apply toward any
unpaid balance after the start of the term.
2) Payment Plan:
A three-payment plan is available each trimester
upon application and after College approval.
Payment plans will be approved only if previous
plans have been satisfactorily completed. Payments
for each trimester are due in three equal
installments. There is an administrative fee of $50
per trimester. There is no finance charge if
payment is made in full by end of the payment
plan. The late payment fee is $25. A finance charge
of 8% APR will apply if not paid in full by the end
of the payment plan period.
Company Reimbursement:
Full courses, or equivalent, that are company
reimbursed require a deposit of $100 per course
reimbursed, with full payment due within 50 days
after the end of the term. An application for the
Employer Reimbursement Payment Plan must be
filed once each academic year. The student is
responsible for payment if the employer does not
pay for any reason. A finance charge of 8% APR
will accrue on the deferred balance once the term
has begun.
Registration is permitted only if the student's
account for a previous term is paid in full as
agreed. Augsburg College will not release diplomas
1r academic transcripts until a student's account is
,>aid in full. This also applies to student loans
administered by the College (e.g., Perkins Student
; Jan). They must be current according to
established repayment schedules.
Students who withdraw from Augsburg College may be
eligible for a refund of a portion of their charges based
on the appropriate refund schedule (except for the
minimum charge of $100 to cover administrative
costs). Financial aid may also be adjusted for those
students who withdraw from the College or drop one
or more courses and receive financial assistance.
[NOTE: Tuition refunds and financial aid
adjustments are not necessarily made on a one-to-one
basis. For example, you could receive a 60% tuition
refund but have 80% of your financial aid returned.
Be sure you understand the financial consequences of
making adjustments to your registration.]
Students are responsible for canceling courses through
the Enrollment Center in order to be eligible for any
refund. Students who unofficially withdraw (stop
attending) but do not complete the drop/add form are
responsible for all charges. Financial aid may be
adjusted based on the student's last recorded date of
attendance. Refund calculations are based on the date
that the drop/add form is processed.
The refund schedule is effective whether or not a
student has attended classes. All refunds of charges will
be applied to the student account and all adjustments
for aid, loans, fines, deposits, etc. will be made before
eligibility for a cash refund of any resulting credit
balance is determined. Please allow two weeks for a
The refund is a percentage of the full tuition charged,
not a percentage of any deposit paid toward tuition,
e.g. deposits made under the employer reimbursement
payment plan.
For information about refunds and the refund
schedule, visit <
Financial assistance is available to degree-seeking
students enrolled in the MAL program. Non-degreeseeking students are not eligible for any type of
financial aid through Augsburg College. Two full-credit
courses per trimester are considered full time. One
course is considered half-time enrollment. The
Enrollment Center (612-330-1046, or 1-800-458-1721,
or < assists students in
assessing financial aid eligibility and offers financial aid
from available alternatives, including the following:
Augsburg actively pursues non-Augsburg funding for
special scholarships. The availability of such
scholarships may enable the participation of
individuals of limited financial means as well as
individuals working for volunteer agencies and other
organizations not likely to provide tuition
Many companies, agencies, and corporations offer full
or partial tuition assistance to employees who
participate in work-related or degree-related college
programs. Augsburg College offers a payment plan by
which employees may handle tuition reimbursement.
Students should contact the Enrollment Center to
make payment arrangements using the company
reimbursement payment plan.
American Indian students who meet federal, state, or
tribal requirements may apply for these scholarships.
Indian grants generally supplement other sources of
financial aid. For assistance in application, contact
Augsburg's American Indian Student Services Program
director at 612-330-1144 or your tribal agency.
Common Loan Provisions
Borrowing Limits: Graduate students may borrow up
to $18,500 per year with an aggregate of $138,500
(undergraduate and graduate).
A student may borrow from either the unsubsidized or
subsidized programs or a combination of both but
cannot exceed the annual loan limits.
Interest Rates: The annually variable interest rate is
determined by the 91-day T-Bills +2.3%, capped at
8.25% and changes each July l. For example, the
interest rate from July 1, 2002 to June 30, 2003 is
4.06% for repayment.
Repayment Terms: Repayment begins six months after
you cease to be enrolled at least half time in an eligible
program leading to a degree or certificate. Repayment
may extend up to 10 years.
Deferments: In most cases, deferments are granted for
continued education, disability, and unemployment.
Contact your lender if you think you are eligible for a
The Enrollment Center uses standard, nationally
accepted methodology to determine eligibility for
federal and state financial aid programs.
A joint Augsburg College-federally funded program
administered through the College for students who
demonstrate financial eligibility. No checks are issued,
but the student is required to sign a promissory note at
least once per term. Funds are put on the student
account after the note is signed.
Borrowing Limits: You may borrow up to $6,000 per
year as a graduate student with a $40,000 maximum.
Interest and Repayment: Simple interest of 5% and
repayment of principal begin nine months after you
graduate or leave school. Partial or total loan
cancellation privileges exist for certain types of
teaching, disability, and, in certain circumstances,
military service.
Deferments: No interest accrues nor do payments need
to be made at any time you are enrolled at least half
time or for serving three years in the military, Peace
Corps, or VISTA. Contact the Enrollment Center if you
think you are eligible for a deferment.
If additional financing is needed, the Enrollment Center
can offer guidance in selecting the appropriate loan.
Financial aid application materials are available at
< Applicants must be
admitted to Augsburg as regular students or be
returning students in good academic standing.
The financial aid application will be processed when
the following documents are received:
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid
(FAFSA) or the renewal FAFSA. Apply online at
Verification Form.
Federal income tax return(s).
Enrollment Center, 612-330-1046, 1-800-458-1721,
<>, or <
Augsburg College is a diverse, faith-based learning community in the heart
of the city that transforms individual interests, gifts, and talents into
opportunities to work, lead, and serve in the world.
Through a rigorous blending of classroom learning, one-on-one mentoring,
and real-world experience, Augsburg's liberal arts and sciences curricula
challenge students from diverse religious, cultural, ethnic, and experiential
backgrounds through research, study, and service opportunities.
Affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) ,
Augsburg serves the wide-ranging needs of more than 3,000 students in
day, weekend, and graduate programs.
Augsburg College was founded in 1869 in Marshall, Wis. , by Norwegian
immigrants as a training school for Lutheran ministers and was named for
the Augsburg Confession from 1530. Augsburg relocated to Minneapolis in
Augsburg's campus is located in the heart of the Twin Cities, surrounding
Murphy Square, the oldest park in the "City of Lakes." The University of
Minnesota-West Bank campus and one of the city's largest medical
complexes-Fairview-University Medical Center-are adjacent to
Augsburg, with vast cultural, recreational, and corporate resources within a
short distance from campus.
Augsburg College has made a major effort to become one of the most
accessible campuses in the region. Skyways, tunnels, and elevators provide
accessible connections among major buildings-student housing towers ,
the Christensen Center, main academic and administrative halls, the
library, and the music building. In addition, there are programs for
students with learning, psychiatric, and physical disabilities.
Augsburg College, as affirmed in its mission, does not discriminate on the
basis of race, color, creed, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, gender,
sexual orientation, marital status, status with regard to public assistance,
or disability in its education policies, admissions policies, scholarship and
loan programs, athletic and/or school-administered programs, except in
those instances where religion is a bona fide occupational qualification.
Augsburg College is committed to providing reasonable accommodations
to its employees and students.
Any questions concerning Augsburg's compliance with federal or state
regulations implementing equal access and opportunity can be directed to
the Office of Human Resources, CB 79, Augsburg College, 2211 Riverside
Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55454, or 612-330-1058.
The professors who teach in the MAL program are predominantly full-time senior faculty with doctorates or
appropriate professional degrees. Some courses are team taught by faculty from different disciplines or occasionally by
combining a faculty member with professionals from relevant fields . The program's faculty members have extensive
experience teaching adult learners.
ANDREW AOKI, Associate Professor of Political
Science B.A., University of Oregon; M.A., Ph.D.,
University of Wisconsin.
ROSEMARY LINK, Professor of Social Work B.A.,
University of Southampton, Post graduate diploma &
C.Q.S.W, University of London; Ph.D., University of
Ph.D., University of Minnesota; Ph.D., Moscow State
University: Associate Professor of Organization Leaming
and Development at the University of St. Thomas.
THOMAS MORGAN, Professor of Business
Administration and Vice President for Planning and
Market Development B.S. , Juniata College; M.B.A.,
JOHN BENSON, Professor Emeritus of Religion B.A.,
University of Denver; M.S., University of Oregon; Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota.
Augsburg College; B.D. , Luther Theological Seminary;
M.A., Ph.D., Columbia University:
LARRY CROCKETT, Professor of Computer Science
NORMA NOONAN, Professor of Political Science
and Director of the Center for Leadership Studies
and the MAL Program B.A., University of Pennsylvania;
B.A., M.A., Pacific Lutheran University; M.Div., Luther
Theological Seminary; Ph.D., University of Minnesota;
Priest, Episcopal Diocese of Minnesota.
M.A., Ph.D., Indiana University:
CASS DALGLISH, Associate Professor of English B.A.,
Economics, Warsaw; Ph.D., Academy of Economics,
Krakow, Poland.
College of St. Catherine; M.EA. , Vermont College; Ph.D.,
The Union Institute.
of Business Administration B.A. , M.S., Academy of
CATHERINE PAULSEN, Instructor B.A., St. Olaf
JOSEPH A. ERICKSON, Professor of Education B.A.,
M.A., College of St. Thomas; M.A., Luther Northwestern
Theological Seminary; Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
ROBERT C. GROVEN, Associate Professor of
Communication Studies, Director of Forensics, and
Director of the Honors Program B.A., Concordia
College-Moorhead; M.A., ].D., University of Minnesota.
College; M.A., Lone Mountain College.
CURTIS PAULSEN, Associate Professor of Social
Work B.A. , St. Olaf College; M.S.W , University of
Minnesota; Ph.D., Fielding Institute.
DIANE PIKE, Professor of Sociology and Director of
the Center for Teaching and Learning A.B.,
Connecticut College; Ph.D., Yale University:
DANIEL S. HANSON, Assistant Professor of
Communication Studies B.A. , Augsburg College; M.A. ,
University of Minnesota.
GARRY HESSER, Professor of Sociology and Director
of Metro-Urban Studies B.A., Phillips University;
M.Div., Union Theological Seminary; M.A., Ph.D.,
University of Notre Dame.
JOHN S. SCHMIT, Associate Professor of English and
Associate Dean for Adult Programs B.S. , St. John's
University; M.A., University of New Orleans; Ph.D., The
University of Texas-Austin.
KATHRYN SWANSON, Professor and Chair,
Department of English B.A., St. Olaf College; M.A.,
Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
DAVID LAPAKKO, Associate Professor of
Communication Studies B. A., Macalester College,
M.A. , and Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
VELMA J. LASHBROOK, Instructor B.S., Iowa State
University; M.S. , Illinois State University; Ed.D., West
Virginia University: President, Strategy Implementation
JOSEPH VOLKER, Instructor B.A., University of
California-Irvine; M.A., Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Vice President and Practice Area Leader, MDA
Leadership Consulting Inc.
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Master of Arts in Nursing (MAN) Catalog, 2005
Course Catalogs
Search Result
Welcon1e . . ... ... ... ........ . . ... . ... ...... ... . . . .. ....... . . 1
Transcultural Nursing in Community .... . . ...... ... . .. . . . ... . .. .2
Transformational Leadership and Management ..... . .... .......... .3
Thesis or Graduate Project ...............
Show more
Welcon1e . . ... ... ... ........ . . ... . ... ...... ... . . . .. ....... . . 1
Transcultural Nursing in Community .... . . ...... ... . .. . . . ... . .. .2
Transformational Leadership and Management ..... . .... .......... .3
Thesis or Graduate Project ................ . . ......•.. . . ... . .. . .4
Practica .................... . .......... .............. . ...... 5
Study Abroad Opportunities ............... .. ... ... . .... . ...... 5
Course Descriptions ............. . ...... .. .. .... .... .. ........ 6
Admissions Requirements and Procedures .... .. .. .. . ............ 10
International Applicants .................... . . . ..... ... . ..... . 11
Academic Policies ....................... .. .................. 12
Fee and Payment Information ... .... ...... ... . ... . ... ... .... .. 15
Financial Aid .......................... . . . . ....... ......... 17
About Augsburg . ... .................... .. . .......... . .. .. . . 19
MA Nursing Faculty .... . ..... . ........... . .. ..•.......... ... 20
Campus Maps ......................... ....... . ... . .. back cover
We are proud of the opportunities, the diversity of experiences and the breadth of
transcultural nursing knowledge you will encounter in the Master of Arts in Nursing
program at Augsburg College. You will find faculty and staff available and eager to
assist you in expanding your nursing practice and advancing your career while we
explore together our understanding of what it means to live and practice nursing in a
global society.
Students entering the Master of Arts in Nursing come from diverse cultural,
educational, and experiential backgrounds. While some master's degree candidates
enter directly from college, others are making mid-life career changes, and some are
returning to college after raising a family. The career options in nursing are more
variable and more rewarding than ever before.
As our population ages and becomes increasingly diverse, nurses are challenged to respond with creativity and
competence. The master's program prepares nurses for leadership across care settings, population groups, cultures,
and care systems, with particular emphasis on addressing global and local health inequities. Graduates of our
master's program are practicing in acute care, community and public health, nursing education, nursing
administration, and in emerging care settings that are responsive to the needs of culturally diverse and underserved
populations. Many of our graduates have created innovative practice and educational models that demonstrate
interdisciplinary leadership and economically feasible solutions to health inequities within communities.
Our curriculum invites persons into one of two tracks of study: Transcultural Nursing in Community or
Transformational Nursing Leadership and Management. Both tracks encourage students to apply for advanced
nursing certification through the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) or the Transcultural Nursing
Society (TCNS). Students certified in Advanced Community Health Nursing are eligible to apply for Clinical Nurse
Specialist (CNS) status through the Minnesota Board of Nursing. Courses are offered at the Augsburg campuses in
Minneapolis and Rochester, Minnesota, and the program is fully accredited by the Commission on Collegiate
Nursing Education (CCNE).
With its emphasis on nursing science and the liberal arts, the Master of Arts in Nursing fosters the development of
values and skills essential for transcultural nursing leadership in contemporary society. Faculty and staff at
Augsburg are receptive and committed to our students and to an educational process that equips you to transform
your unique gifts and interests into personal and professional service in the world.
Cheryl Leuning, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair
Department of Nursing
The Transcultural Nursing in Community track in the Master of Arts in Nursing program was designed to prepare nurses for
advanced population-focused practice in culturally diverse communities. The curriculum is grounded in nursing science, public
health principles, themy-guided practice, and transcultural care. The program of study focuses on reaching populations that are
underserved by traditional care systems and who exist outside of the social mainstream. As such, the program provides rich
alternative teaching and learning opportunities for graduate students locally and internationally This program prepares nurses to
apply for certification in Transcultural Nursing through the International Transcultural Nursing Society Also, graduates of this
track of the masters program will be eligible to apply to take the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) certification
exam in Advanced Community Health Nursing.
Students will take a total of 10 courses, plus a thesis or graduate project. Three courses form the Advanced Nursing Core,
which all Master of Arts in Nursing students must take, and five additional courses make up the Transcultural Nursing in
Community Track.
NUR 505 Theoretical Foundations for Advanced Nursing
NUR 520 Research Methods in Nursing
NUR 523 Theory, Research, and Practice Seminar
NUR 500 Transcultural Health Care
NUR 503 Transcultural Health, Families, and the Life
NUR 515 Managing Nursing Effectiveness within Care
Systems OR
NUR 541 The Politics of Health Care
Two of the
NUR 510
NUR 511
NUR 530
NUR 532
following courses: *
Advanced Community Health Nursing I
Advanced Community Health Nursing II
The Power of Ritual and Ceremony for
Transcultural Healing Practices
ELECTIVES - Students choose two of the following
graduate electives: (TWO COURSES)
ECO 520 Economics of Health Care in a Global
ML 510
Visions of Leadership
Creativity and the Problem-Solving Process
Ethics in Communication
ML 531
The Dynamics of Change
Developing a Multicultural Perspective
Investigation of Multicultural Issues
NUR 506 Nursing Leadership & Management Roles I **
NUR 507 Nursing Leadership &: Management Roles II **
NUR 530 The Power of Ritual and Ceremony for
NUR 532 Transcultural Healing Practices
required to complete either a thesis or a graduate
project: (ONE COURSE)
NUR 525 Graduate Field Project
NUR 535 Integrative Master's Thesis
*Students seeking certification in Advanced Community Health Nursing from the American Nurses Credentialing Center
(ANCC) must complete 500 hours of clinical practicum work and select NVR 510 and NVR 511; students seeking
certification from the International Transcultural Nursing Society may select NVR 530 and NVR 532. Clinical practicum
hours are integrated into several courses in the curriculum.
**Augsburg College grants graduate credit for participation in the Nursing Leadership Academy (NLA) workshops
provided through hospitals and healthcare systems. The credit can be applied to the Master of Arts in Nursing degree.
The Transformational Leadership and Management track unites the liberal arts with nursing science and practice. This
track is designed to develop nurse leaders who are analytical, articulate, and constructively critical and who will be able
to cope with high-level healthcare delivery issues. Curricular emphasis is on interdisciplinary collaboration across care
settings. Participation in nursing leadership practica and classroom dialogue provides opportunities for students to apply
knowledge and gain experience partnering with diverse care providers, populations, and communities to address health
inequities in creative and relevant ways. Specialty electives build on students' competencies and goals. Courses are offered
by the Department of Nursing faculty as well as faculty teaching in the Master of Arts in Leadership and Master of
Business Administration programs.
Students will take a total of 10 courses, plus a thesis or graduate project. Three courses form the Advanced Nursing Core,
which all Master of Arts in Nursing students must take, and five additional courses make up the Transformational
Leadership and Management Track.
NUR 505
NUR 520
NUR 523
Theoretical Foundations for Advanced Nursing
Research Methods in Nursing
Theory, Research, and Practice Seminar
NUR 500
NUR 521
BUS 520
Transcultural Health Care
Transformational Nursing Leadership
Management of the Healthcare Organization
Two of the following courses:
Creativity and the Problem-Solving Process
Spirituality and Leadership in the Workplace
Organizational Theory and Leadership
Women and Leadership
ELECTIVES - Students choose two of the following
graduate electives: (TWO COURSES)
ECO 520
ML 531
ML 560
NUR 506
NUR 507
NUR 530
NUR 532
Economics of Health Care in a Global
Visions of Leadership
Creativity and the Problem-Solving Process
Ethics in Communication
The Dynamics of Change
Developing a Multicultural Perspective
Investigation of Multicultural Issues
Nursing Leadership & Management Roles I **
Nursing Leadership & Management Roles II **
The Power of Ritual and Ceremony for
Transcultural Healing Practices
required to complete either a thesis or a graduate
project: (ONE COURSE)
NUR 525
NUR 535
Graduate Field Project
Integrative Master's Thesis
*The Transformational Leadership and Management track provides the academic background to apply for certification in
Advanced Nursing Administration from the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC).
**Augsburg College grants graduate credit for participation in the Nursing Leadership Academy (NLA) workshops provided
through hospitals and healthcare systems. The credit can be applied to the Master of Arts in Nursing degree.
Students have two options for fulfilling their Master of Arts
in Nursing final project, which serves as the capstone of
the master's program: a graduate field project, or an
integrative master's thesis.
The Graduate Field Project, NUR 525, is based on a selfselected issue relevant to transcultural community health
nursing, or nursing leadership. The student will focus
primarily on the application and integration of knowledge.
Working with an adviser, the student will design and/or
implement and evaluate a model of advanced practice
nursing applied to solving a transcultural problem related
to health inequities in a selected community, or a nursing
leadership issue.
The integrative thesis option, NUR 535, expands upon
and/or extends theoretical foundations or concepts
identified in transcultural nursing, community health
nursing, and/or nursing leadership literature. The thesis
project demonstrates the student's ability to do
independent research involving the exposition of
primary and secondary literature appropriate to the
topic, the collection and analysis of empirical data, and
the articulation of implications for advanced practice
Students register for their final project, with their
adviser's permission, near the end of the program.
Students must complete all coursework and defend the
project within one year after registration. After one year,
students must pay a continuation fee of $350 per term
in order to retain student status in the graduate
program, including library privileges, AugNet access,
and parking privileges.
Please refer to the "Graduate Field Project or Integrative
Thesis Procedures and Policies" booklet available in the Nursing Department for additional information.
Practice experience is emphasized in both tracks in the Master of Arts in Nursing program. Students who complete the
Transcultural Nursing in Community track will have enough practice hours to be eligible to apply to take the certification
exam in Advanced Community Health Nursing through the American Nurses Credentialing Center. Practice experience
with diverse populations will also provide students with the options to apply to take the certification exam in Transcultural
Nursing. In this track students practice in nontraditional settings with persons underserved or excluded from mainstream
health care. This practice emphasizes cultural diversity and health inequities across health care settings. Students in the
Transformational Leadership and Management track will have practice experience in several courses with preceptors in
leadership positions in a variety of care settings.
A unique opportunity offered for practica at Augsburg is provided by the Augsburg Central Nursing Center. The Nursing
Center provides services for persons struggling with poverty and homelessness in the city of Minneapolis. People from
diverse backgrounds, who have health experiences grounded in wide-ranging cultural contexts, provide many opportunities
for students to explore advanced nursing roles and new models and forms of practice.
The Nursing Department works closely with Augsburg's Center for Global Education in developing study abroad
opportunities. Currently, four study abroad opportunities exist for student practicum experience.
Annually, students may travel to Namibia in southwest
Africa to spend three weeks exploring health and health
care challenges within a rapidly developing country:
Practical experience with nurses in a variety of care settings,
meaningful dialogue with key resource persons, and critical
reflection foster personal and professional growth.
There are also week-long practica experiences on the Pine
Ridge Indian reservation in South Dakota. In this
experience, students live on the reservation and participate
with public health nurses providing health services.
Students also interact with tribal leaders and experience
cultural events relevant to the Lakota people of Pine Ridge.
Week-long experiences are available in Mexico and
Guatemala on alternating years. Students explore the
relationships of indigenous and Western health care, the
connection between social justice and health, and interact
with local indigenous healers.
Students may apply these study abroad experiences to the
practicum requirements for a variety of courses, including
the thesis and graduate field project.
NUR 500
Transcultural Health Care
NUR 510
Advanced Community Health Nursing I
This course explores meanings and expressions of health,
illness, caring, and healing transculturally. Focus is on
understanding and developing professional competence in
caring for individuals, families, groups, and communities
with diverse cultural backgrounds. Culture is examined as a
pervasive, determining "blueprint" for thought and action
throughout the human health experience. Patterns of
human interaction that foster health and quality of life are
analyzed, and health destroying patterns of interaction, e.g.,
stereotyping, discrimination, and marginalization, are
examined and submitted to moral and ethical reflection.
(36 hours of practice experience)
This course focuses on persons, families and groups living
in relationship. Emphasis is on applying the core functions
of community/public health - assessment, policy
development and assurance. Principles of epidemiology,
population demographics, and culture care are integrated
into community-focused health care delivery models.
Power structures within dominant social systems are
analyzed and critiqued with regard to resource access and
distribution among underserved populations. (72 hours of
practice experience)
NUR 503
Transcultural Health, Families, and the Life Cycle
The major curriculum concepts of individuals, health,
nursing, and society are developed further in this course as
the function of individuals living in families and in
communities is explored. Content about systems,
communication, small group, and nursing theories,
introduced earlier, is applied to family constellation. The
influence of the multigenerational family is examined in
terms of culture, belief system, roles, and healthcare
patterns, values, and goals. Specific concepts related to
values and culture are expanded and applied to the more
complex social structures of traditional and nontraditional
families as they interact in and with society.
NUR 505
Theoretical Foundations for Advanced Nursing Practice
This course focuses on nursing science and nursing theory
as foundational to advanced transcultural nursing practice.
Philosophical underpinnings of different theoretical and
research traditions in nursing are compared and related to
the provision of culturally competent care in diverse
communities. Nursing science is emphasized as a process of
theory advancement and as an accumulating body of
nursing knowledge. (36 hours of practice experience)
NUR 511
Advanced Community Health Nursing II
Emphasis is on the application of publidcommunity health
theory and research in providing health care to populations
and communities. Essential public health services are
assessed for adequacy in meeting community health needs
and addressing health goals. The impact of diversity,
privilege, resource limits, and globalization add depth and
reality to local and global community health concerns,
patterns of health, suffering, and health care provisioning.
Prerequisite: NUR 510. (72 hours of practice experience)
NUR 515
Managing Nursing Effectiveness within Care Systems
In planning and implementing nursing activities, healthcare organizations are considered subcultures of society,
which entail particular issues of access and utilization for
marginalized people. Strategies for negotiating structures of
privilege and professional control will be explored.
Working with marginalized populations, students will
identify and support the agency or persons who are seeking
help from these systems. Nursing action will focus on
mediating subcultures of clients with the subculture of
healthcare systems. Major emphasis will be placed on
mutuality with clients in planning actions and evaluating
outcomes. (72 hours of practice experience)
NUR 520
Research Methods in Nursing
Through a combination of literature review, field
experience, and class discussion, research methods relevant
to the exploration of culture and health will be examined.
Class topics will include formulating study questions to
explore collective foundations of meaning and explanation
in health and illness, practice in data collection procedures
of field research, and issues of interpretation and analysis in
qualitative research. (pre-requisite: a college-level statistics
and dialogue, which includes professional experience of
practice contexts, as well as theoretical and research
literature, students will formulate a transcultural nursing
model of care. (72 hours of practice experience)
NUR 525
Graduate Field Project
This course focuses on the application and integration of
knowledge to a student-selected issue or topic of concern
relevant to transcultural nursing, community health
nursing, and/or transformational nursing leadership.
Working with a nursing faculty adviser, students design
and/or implement and evaluate a theory-based model of
advanced practice nursing. Relevant coursework is
integrated into the project and the final written report.
Plans for disseminating the report for public and
professional use are encouraged . Students will defend the
project to their graduate committee (major faculty adviser
and two readers) and invited guests at the time of
NUR 521
Transformative Nursing Leadership
This course emphasizes transformational nursing leadership
and management in partnership with diverse groups.
Transcultural competence is lifted up as significant to the
evolving leadership and planning skills needed in emerging
care systems. Opportunities for students to engage in
designing relevant models of care delivery are woven into
clinical practica. (72 hours of practice experience)
NUR 523
Theory, Research, and Practice Seminar
Through a combination of literature review and class
discussion, conceptual models of nursing will be critiqued
for their effectiveness, their relevance, and their
substantiation. The conceptualization, investigation, and
application of nursing knowledge will be critiqued with
particular focus on the contribution to developing practice
in transcultural community health care. Through reflection
NUR 530
The Power of Ritual and Ceremony for Transformation
In this course, the student will explore ritual and ceremony
from a transcultural perspective. Attention will be focused
on rituals and ceremonies in specific cultures and religions,
and in the modern American medical system that sustains
its own rituals. In some cultures, formal or informal
religious practices may be integral to the ritual of ceremony
and healing. In modern American culture, the perceived
division between the mind, body, and spirit has led to ritual
and ceremony being considered adjunctive to the scientific
approach to healing. Students will have an opportunity to
interact with persons who integrate ritual and ceremony
into their lives and healthcare practices. Students will also
discuss the meaning of ritual and ceremony to their own
lives and professional practice.
NUR 532
Transcultural Healing Practices
This course will introduce students to complementary
healing practices including the historical and cultural
contexts in which they developed. Students will discuss the
philosophical underpinnings of therapeutic systems and
paradigms of healing in selected complementary therapies.
Selected complementary therapies are: music therapy,
traditional Chinese medicine, mind-body healing, spiritual
and faith practices, energy healing practices, movement
therapies, homeopathy, manual therapies, and nutrition and
nutritional supplements.
NUR 535
Integrative Master's Thesis
The integrative thesis expands upon or extends the
theoretical foundations in the literature of Transcultural
Nursing in Community or Transformational Leadership and
Management. It demonstrates the student's ability to do
independent research that integrates past and current
literature appropriate to the topic, the collection and
analysis of empirical data, and the articulation of
implications for advanced nursing practice or leadership in
nursing organizations. Students will defend the project to
their selected graduate committee (comprised of the
student's faculty adviser and two readers) and invited
guests. Plans for disseminating the report for public and
professional use are encouraged.
NUR 541
The Politics of Health Care
This course will explore how health and illness are related
to inequities in society and dynamics of power in systems
of health care. The following issues will be examined in the
course: How widening gaps in the distribution of wealth
diminish the health of all members of society; how social
inequities become medicalized as health disparities, how an
emphasis on profit in health care affects the distribution of
healing resources in the population, and what strategies the
poor and powerless employ to gain access to healthcare
resources. This course will include an optional study
abroad experience in Guatemala. (72 hours of practice
BUS 520
Management of the Healthcare Organization
This course provides an overview of the key organizational
and behavioral concepts which underlie effective
management practices in healthcare organizations. It
addresses both the theory and practice of effective
management. The course will emphasize the importance of
addressing the expectations, needs, and performances of
people in organizations, and recognizes the role of the
internal, external, and global cultures that impact
organizational structure, behavior, and change.
ECO 520
Economics of Health Care in a Global Community
At the end of the class, students will be better able to
apply economic concepts to the health systems of both the
United States and other parts of the world. The focus will
be on the public policy aspects of the healthcare system,
e.g., issues of access and cost.
leaders in public and private domains and across cultures.
The course explores these various perspectives, including
areas of conflict and opportunities for leadership in social
and organizational change. Sociological, human
development, and economic theories are applied to
contemporary public and private sector issues for social
ML 510
Visions of Leadership: A Historical and Literary Journey
Introduction to selected concepts of leadership, providing
a historical and philosophical framework for the program.
This course views the nature and purpose of leadership
from a variety of disciplines and perspectives.
ML 535
Organizational Theory and Leadership
In-depth exploration of organizational theory plus related
concepts, issues, and concerns. The course is designed to
enable the student to acquire knowledge and develop
skills in order to function as a responsible, ethical
participant within various types of organizational
structures and cultures.
ML 511
Creativity and the Problem-Solving Process
Exploration of creativity from the perspective of
traditional aesthetics as well as contemporary
organizational thinking. This course uses creativity as a
method, and it examines techniques for solving problems
in organizations, for enhancing innovation, and for
seeking an integrative worldview.
ML 527
Spirituality and Leadership in the Workplace
The wide-ranging spirituality movement in the workplace
is a notable feature of contemporary life. This course
explores the dimensions of this trend and its implications
for leadership through a variety of sources and
ML 530
Ethics in Communication
Interdisciplinary study of ethics and communication
through the investigation of a variety of ethical
perspectives within human communication. This course
places particular attention on the use and abuse of
communication in politics, advertising, and interpersonal
relationships. It emphasizes sensitivity to ethical conflicts
that arise in social and organizational settings.
ML 531
The Dynamics of Change
This course offers an exploration of the context of social
change and varying responses to diverse human needs.
Ways of achieving well-being may be viewed differently by
ML 560
Developing a Multicultural Perspective: Investigation of
Multicultural Issues
This course will enhance one's ability to lead and work
more effectively with people of different cultural
backgrounds through the study of diverse values, beliefs,
and traditions within the global community.
ML 565
Women and Leadership
A seminar exploring the theory and practice of women
and leadership: entrepreneurial, political, and social. An
interdisciplinary approach to issues of women and
leadership. Topics include analysis of alternative
approaches to leadership, women and careers, and women
in society past and present. The course is intended to
enhance the analytical and leadership skills of the
Applicants into the Master of Arts in Nursing program must hold a bachelor's degree in nursing from an accredited fouryear college or university, or must have an associate degree in nursing in addition to a bachelor's degree. Applicants must
hold a cumulative GPA of 3.0 (on a scale of A= 4.0) in all previous college coursework, have experience as a registered
nurse, and have professional liability insurance, and a current Minnesota nursing license.
A college-level statistics course is required for progression in the program.
Decisions about admission to the program will be made on an individual basis by the Graduate Admissions Committee.
Admissions are handled on a rolling basis, with students being admitted at the beginning of the fall, winter, and spring
terms. Selection of candidates will be made on the basis of an evaluation of the following items for each applicant:
I Previous college record and GPA
I Letters of recommendation
I Professional experience
I Written statement
To apply, the following materials must be submitted to the Graduate Studies Admissions Office:
I A completed application form
I $35 nonrefundable application fee
I A two- to three page-typed statement describing the applicant's professional and educational goals
I Three letters of recommendation addressing the applicant's character and ability for graduate study (Two of these
recommendations must be from professional colleagues.)
I Official transcripts from all undergraduate institutions attended, listing all courses taken and any degree(s) conferred
Official transcripts from all graduate institutions attended, listing all courses taken and degree(s) conferred, if any
Applicants may be asked to participate in an interview
with graduate program faculty and/or staff members.
Augsburg College encourages qualified applicants from other countries. See Admissions Requirements for a description of
the admission process, selection criteria, and work experience requirements.
Application materials required for international applicants include the following:
I A completed application form
I $35 application fee (nonrefundable) payable in U.S. dollars
I A two- to three-page typed statement describing the applicant's professional and educational goals
I Completed Declaration of Finances (see below for further information)
I Three letters of recommendation-in English-addressing the applicant's character and ability for graduate study. (Two
of these recommendations must be from professional colleagues.)
I Official mark-sheets with certified translations from all undergraduate institutions attended listing all courses taken,
marks earned, dates attended, and degree(s) or diploma(s) conferred, if any; plus, a U.S. evaluation from an evaluation
I Official mark-sheets with certified translations from all graduate institutions attended listing all courses taken, marks
earned, dates attended, and degree(s) or diploma(s) conferred, if any; plus, a U.S. evaluation from an evaluation center
I Official results on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) with a minimum score of 600 for the paper test,
and a minimum score of 250 for the computer version.
Applicants may be asked to participate in an interview, in person or over the phone, with graduate program faculty
and/or staff members.
Students and their financial sponsors must
complete a Declaration of Finances as part
of the application for admission, along with
appropriate certifications.
In accordance with federal regulations,
applicants seeking an F-1 student visa or
J-1 exchange visitor visa must provide
documentation to the school that they have
financial resources adequate to cover all
expenses for the duration of the program.
Once a student has been accepted into the
program, the appropriate school official
will issue the student an 1-20 (if seeking an
F-1) or DS-2019 (if seeking aj-1) .
Evaluation of academic performance in the Master of Arts in Nursing
program will be based on number grades using a 4.0 point scale and as
defined below.
Achieves highest standards of excellence
Achieves above basic course standards
Achieves basic course standards
Achieves the minimum passing standard
Unacceptable performance (no credit for the course)
Grade given when a student withdraws from a course after the
deadline without notation on the record
An incomplete grade (I) may be awarded when the instructor
grants permission after determining that a student emergency
may delay completion of coursework. Students who receive an
incomplete grade should be capable of passing the course if they
satisfactorily complete outstanding course requirements.
To receive an incomplete grade, a student must file an Application for
Incomplete Grade form with the Office of the Registrar that states the reasons for the request, outlines the work required to
complete the course, and includes the course instructor's signature. The instructor may stipulate the terms and conditions that
apply to course completion. The student must complete the outstanding work in enough time to allow evaluation of the work
by the instructor and the filing of a grade before the final day of the following academic term. If the work is not completed by
the specified date of the following academic term, the grade for the course becomes a 0.0.
Class attendance is expected and should be considered a responsibility; not only to one's self, but to one's classmates and course
Students must maintain a 3.0 cumulative grade point
average. If a student falls below a 3.0 average, the student
will be placed on probation for the following term. A 3.0
cumulative grade point average must be restored in order
for a student to be removed from probation. If a student
receives a grade of 2.0 or less in a course, the student
must petition successfully to the faculty of the Master of
Arts in Nursing program before being allowed to
continue in the program. A plan for the student to follow
would be outlined at that time. If a second grade of 2.0
or less is received, the student may be dismissed from the
program. Students may also be dismissed for behavior
detrimental to the program, such as a gross violation of
college policy (as published in the Student Guide).
Dismissal would occur only after established procedures
were followed.
Students may petition the Master of Arts in Nursing
faculty for approval of any variation in the curriculum
including the transfer of credit. Transfer credits will be
evaluated on an individual basis.
The only courses that will be considered for transfer
credit are those earned from accredited colleges and
universities, whose course content is comparable to those
in the Master of Arts in Nursing program. No more than
three courses will be accepted for transfer credit.
Each full-credit graduate course is the equivalent of four
semester credits or six quarter credits. Classes are
scheduled to meet the needs of working adults,
combining in-class and web-based components. Clinical
practica opportunities are included in selected courses.
The last date on which students may withdraw from a
class and receive a "W" on their records is published
annually in the Master of Arts in Nursing supplement.
The College has adopted a statement of student rights
and responsibilities and has provided for due process in
the matter of disciplinary action, grievances, and grade
appeal, as outlined in the Augsburg College Catalog and
the Student Guide. Students have a right to experience
education without discrimination.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
of 1974, as amended, provides certain rights to students
regarding their education records. Each year Augsburg is
required to give notice on the various rights accorded to
students pursuant to FERPA. A copy of Augsburg's policy
is published in the Augsburg College Catalog artd in the
Student Guide distributed to
Students must give
permission in writing for
educational information to be
released to anyone outside of
the official personnel (faculty
and administration) at
Augsburg. This means that
faculty or others cannot write
letters of support/
recommendation or nominate
students for awards unless
explicit written permission is
given by the student to
release non- "directory
information." It is not
sufficient to ask for letters of
Students who successfully complete this program will
receive a Master of Arts degree. Augsburg is accredited by
The Higher Leaming Commission, North Central
Association* and is a member of the Associated Colleges of
the Twin Cities (ACTC) , Lutheran Education Council in
North America, and the Minnesota Private College Council.
The Master of Arts in Nursing program is fully accredited by
the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE).
Augsburg College is registered with the Minnesota Higher
Education Services Office. Registration is not an
endorsement of the institution. Registration does not
mean that credits earned at the institution can be
transferred to other institutions or that the quality of the
educational programs would meet the standards of every
student, educational institution or employer.
*The Higher Learning Commission,
North Central Association
312-263-0456 or
<www. ncahigherlearn ingcommission. org>
Tuition is determined annually. A continuation fee is
charged to students who do not complete their final project
within a year.
Clinical practicum fees are charged in addition to course
tuition for study abroad practica.
Various payment plans are available:
1) Payment in Full:
Due after registration and before the beginning of the
trimester. No finance charge or administrative fee. Late
payment fee $25. Finance charge of 8% APR will apply
toward any unpaid balance after the start of the term.
Payment Plan:
Students may pay in installments, with payments due
according to the payment schedule published for each
term. By the first Extended Payment Plan due date, the
students must pay one-half of the balance obtained by
subtracting expected financial aid from the applicable
term fee, in addition to any previous or past due
balance. By the second Extended Payment Plan due
date, the term fee (less any pending financial aid) must
be paid in full. See Company Reimbursement below.
There is a $50 non-refundable administrative fee for
the Extended Payment Plan.
Employer Reimbursement:
Full courses, or equivalent, that are employer
reimbursed require a deposit of $100 per course
reimbursed, with full payment due within 60 days after
the end of the term. An application for Employer
Reimbursement Payment Plan must be filed once each
academic year. The student is responsible for payment
if the employer does not pay for any reason. A finance
charge of 8% APR will accrue on the deferred balance
once the term has begun.
Registration is permitted only if the student's account for a
previous term is paid in full as agreed. Augsburg College
will not release diplomas or academic transcripts until a
student's account is paid in full. This also applies to student
loans administered by the College (e.g., Perkins Student
Loan). They must be current according to established
repayment schedules.
Students who withdraw from Augsburg College may be
eligible for a refund of a portion of their charges except
for the minimum charge of $100 to cover administrative
costs. Financial aid may also be adjusted for those
students who withdraw from the College or drop one or
more courses and receive financial assistance.
[NOTE: Tuition refunds and financial aid adjustments
are not necessarily made on a one-to-one basis. For
example, you could receive a 60% tuition refund but
have 80% of your financial aid returned. Be sure you
understand the financial consequences of making
adjustments to your registration.]
Students are responsible for canceling courses through
the Enrollment Center in order to be eligible for any
refund. Students who unofficially withdraw (stop
attending) but do not complete the drop/add form are
responsible for all charges. Financial aid may be adjusted
based on the student's last recorded date of attendance.
Refund calculations are based on the date that the
drop/add form is processed.
The refund schedule is effective whether or not a student
has attended classes. All refunds of charges will be
applied to the student account and all adjustments for
aid, loans, fines, deposits, etc. will be made before
eligibility for a cash refund of any resulting credit balance
is determined. Please allow two weeks for a refund.
The refund is a percentage of the full tuition charged, not
a percentage of any deposit paid toward tuition, e.g.
deposits made under the employer reimbursement
payment plan.
For information about refunds and the refund schedule,
see the Payment Information brochure or visit
A per-course tuition refund will be made on the
following basis:
I Through the first scheduled class meeting-100% of
tuition (less a $100 administration fee if withdrawing
from current term entirely).
I Prior to the second scheduled class meeting80% of tuition.
I Prior to the third scheduled class meeting60% of tuition.
I Prior to the fourth scheduled class meeting40% of tuition.
I No refund after the fourth scheduled class meeting.
Financial assistance is available to degree-seeking
students enrolled in the Master of Arts in Nursing
program. Two full-credit courses per trimester are
considered full time. One course is considered half-time
enrollment. The Enrollment Center, 612-330-1046, or 1800-458-1721, or <, assists
students in assessing financial aid eligibility and offers
financial aid from available alternatives, including the
Many companies, agencies, and corporations offer full or
partial tuition assistance to employees who participate in
work-related or degree-related college programs.
Augsburg College offers a payment plan by which
employees may handle tuition reimbursement. Students
should contact the Enrollment Center to make payment
arrangements using the employer reimbursement
payment plan.
American Indian students who meet federal, state, or
tribal requirements may apply for these scholarships.
Indian grants generally supplement other sources of
financial aid. For assistance in application, please contact
Augsburg's American Indian Student Services Program
director at 612-330-1144 or your tribal agency.
The Enrollment Center will determine each financial aid
applicant's eligibility for federal and state financial aid
Interest Rates: The annually variable interest rate is
capped at 8.25% and changes each July 1. For example,
the interest rate from July 1, 2003 to June 30, 2004 is
3.42% for repayment.
Repayment Terms: Repayment begins six months after
you cease to be enrolled at least half time in an eligible
program leading to a degree or certificate. Repayment
may extend up to 10 years.
Deferments: In most cases, deferments are granted for
continued education, disability, and unemployment.
Contact your lender if you think you are eligible for a
Common Loan Provisions
Borrowing Limits: Graduate students may borrow up to
$18,500 per year with an aggregate of $138,500
(undergraduate and graduate).
A student may borrow from either the unsubsidized or
subsidized programs or a combination of both but cannot
exceed the annual loan limits.
Traineeship monies are available through a
grant from the Bureau of Health
Professions of the Department of Health
and Human Services Health Resources and
Services Administration. For information
on traineeship availability, please contact
the Nursing Department at 612-330-1209.
A joint Augsburg College-federally funded program
administered through the College for students who
demonstrate financial eligibility. A signed a promissory
note is required per term after which funds are credited
to the student account. Awards are made based on
available funds.
Borrowing Limits: You may borrow up to $6,000 per
year as a graduate student with a $40,000 aggregate
Interest and Repayment: Simple interest of 5% and
repayment of principal begin nine months after you
graduate or leave school. Partial or total loan cancellation
privileges exist for certain types of teaching, disability
and, in certain circumstances, military service.
Deferments: No interest accrues nor do payments need
to be made at any time you are enrolled at least half time
or for serving three years in the military, Peace Corps, or
VISTA. Contact the Enrollment Center if you think you
are eligible for a deferment.
Borrowing Limits: Graduate students may borrow up to
$9,000 per year minus any other student loan
indebtedness. Maximum graduate borrowing cannot
exceed $40,000 including undergraduate. The minimum
annual loan is $500.
Interest and Repayment: The interest rate is variable.
Interest payments begin 90 days after the loan is
disbursed and continue quarterly thereafter while the
student is enrolled. Principal payments begin in
the 13th month after you leave school.
Deferments: There are no deferments. Contact the
Minnesota Higher Education Services Office regarding
special circumstances and repayment.
Alternative Loans: Many education loan options are
available through private lenders. The Enrollment Center
staff can assist students in understanding all of their
financing options.
Financial aid application materials are available at
< Applicants must be admitted
to Augsburg as regular students or be returning students
in good academic standing.
The financial aid application will be processed when the
following documents are received:
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid
(FAFSA) or the renewal FAFSA. Apply online at
Federal income tax return(s).
Verification worksheet. Obtain a copy at
< and return it to the
Enrollment Center.
Enrollment Center 612-330-1046, 1-800-458-1721,, or <
Augsburg was the first seminary founded by Norwegian Lutherans in
America, named after the confession of faith presented by Lutherans in
Augsburg, Germany, in 1530. Augsburg opened in September 1869 in
Marshall, Wisconsin, and moved to Minneapolis in 1872.
Augsburg's campus is located in the heart of the Twin Cities,
surrounding Murphy Square, the first of 155 parks in the "City of
Lakes." The University of Minnesota West Bank campus and one of the
city's largest medical complexes-Fairview University Medical Centerare adjacent to Augsburg, with the Mississippi River and the Seven
Corners theatre district just a few blocks away.
Augsburg College has made a major effort to become one of the most
accessible campuses in the region. Skyways, tunnels, and elevators
provide accessible connections among major buildings-student
housing towers, the Christensen Center, main academic and
administrative halls, the library, and the music building. In addition,
there are programs for students with learning, physical, and psychiatric
Augsburg is a college of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
in America. It has a diverse community with many strong religious
traditions represented among the students, faculty, and staff, including
Lutheran, Protestant, Roman Catholic, Jewish, American Indian
spirituality and thought, Buddhist, and Islamic faiths.
Augsburg College, as affirmed in its mission, does not discriminate on
the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national or ethnic origin, age,
gender, sexual orientation, marital status, status with regard to public
assistance, or disability in its education policies, admissions policies,
scholarship and loan programs, athletic and/or school administered
programs, except in those instances where religion is a bona fide
occupational qualification. Augsburg College is committed to providing
reasonable accommodations to its employees and students.
Any questions concerning Augsburg's compliance with federal or state
regulations implementing equal access and opportunity can be directed
to the Office of Human Resources, CB 79, Augsburg College, 2211
Riverside Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55454, or 612-330-1023.
FACULTY who teach in the Master or Arts in Nursing
program are predominantly full-time senior faculty with
doctorates or appropriate professional degrees. All of the
program's faculty members have extensive experience in
practice and in teaching adult learners.
RUTH ENESTVEDT, Assistant Professor
B.A. , St. Olaf College; M.S. , University of Minnesota; Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota.
SUSAN M. HAGENESS, Adjunct Instructor
B.S.N., St. Olaf College; M.A., St. Mary's University.
LINDA HOLT, Adjunct Instructor
B.S.N., University of Minnesota; M.S.N., University of
Washington-Seattle; Certification in Transcultural Nursing,
Augsburg College.
KIA JAMES, Adjunct Instructor
B.S.N., St. Olaf College; M.A. , University of Minnesota; Ed.D.,
University of Minnesota.
CHERYL J. LEUNING, Professor, Department Chair
B.A., Augustana College; M.S., University of Minnesota; Ph.D.,
University of Utah.
SUSAN K. NASH, Associate Professor
B.S.N ., University of Minnesota; M.S.N., University of
Minnesota; Ed.D., University of Minnesota.
LUANN P. WATSON, Adjunct Instructor
B.S.N., Augsburg College; M.A.L. , Augsburg College.
PAMELA J. WEISS, Associate Professor
B.S.N., University of Nebraska; M.P.H., University of
Minnesota; Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
C 0 L L E G E
Transforming Education
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Master of Social Work (MSW) Catalog, 1990-1992
Course Catalogs
Search Result
he good we secure for ourselves
is precarious and uncertain ...
until it is secured for all of us
and incorporated into our common life."
-Jane Addams
Augsburg College
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Show more
he good we secure for ourselves
is precarious and uncertain ...
until it is secured for all of us
and incorporated into our common life."
-Jane Addams
Augsburg College
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
able of Contents
Introduction to the Master of Social Work Program .............. .4
Curriculum Design ...................................................................... 5
Course Descriptions ............. ........ ................................................ 8
Library .... ................................................................................. .... 14
Accreditation and Affiliations ......................... ......................... 14
Student Rights .................................. .. ......................................... 15
Admission Requirements .................... ...................................... 16
Application Procedures ........................................... .. ...... .......... 17
Evaluation Standards ..................... .............................. ........ ...... 18
Academic Policies ............................ ..... ..... .. ..... .... ........... ........... 19
Fee and Payment Schedule ............... .. .. ... ....... .......................... 20
Financial Aid ............................. .... ............................ .................. 22
About Augsburg .............................. ........................................... 25
Campus Guide ........................................... ........................ ......... 26
Campus Location ............................... ........................................ 27
Faculty and Administration ...................................................... 28
to the Master
of Social Work
Program Philosophy
The Master of Social Work program at Augsburg College builds
on the strengths of its Bachelor of Social Work program:
... Understanding of and respect for diverse people and
A solid foundation in and integration with the liberal arts
Responsibility and service to and with the broader
community in the interests of social justice
A focus on client empowerment
Preparation for ethical, competent, professional practice
A framework for practice of problem-solving within a
systems perspective.
In the Augsburg Master of Social Work Program, individuals
are recognized as capable of adaptation, growth and change.
Intellectual, physical, spiritual, emotional, psycho-social problems are addressed with clients in relation to the locus of the
issues, be they within the individual, the family, the community, or the larger societal systems. Client self-determination,
growth and empowerment (personal recognition of one's
ability, rights and place in the social change process) are
recognized and fostered through support and education. In the
interests of social justice and constructive social change,
students are educated as professionals to address institutional
oppression, e.g. age, race, religion.
Professional preparation at the Master of Social Work level at
Augsburg is founded on the following assumptions:
T Analysis and presentation of complex social issues and solutions must be based on solid research. Augsburg MSW students will develop competencies to conduct, analyze and
present practice-based research.
T The world is interdependent in all areas, including human
needs and the services to address them. Students will become
knowledgeable of social welfare policies and programs of the
world community which address changing needs.
Accommodating the Full-Time Work Schedule
The Master of Social Work Program is designed to meet the
needs of adult students, e.g. students who are employed, have
family obligations, must travel distances to obtain graduate
social work education. Classes will meet during alternate
weekends in four hour blocks: Friday evening (one class),
Saturday morning and afternoon (two classes). Students will
be required to meet one Sunday afternoon per trimester for a
program seminar on ethical or other professional issues.
urriculum Design
Students must complete 18 courses (12, if Professional Foundation is waived), including the Master's thesis and 900 hours of
professionally supervised, College-approved social work field
experience. The course of study must include the Professional
Foundation (unless waived), the Advanced Curriculum, one
concentration, and two elective courses.
The Professional Foundation is the basic core and is designed
for persons whose baccalaureate degree is in a subject or from
an institution not accredited by the Council on Social Work
Education. These six courses, including 420 hours of Collegeapproved, professionally-supervised field work, must be completed successfully prior to enrollment in the Advanced
Curriculum or Concentrations courses.
The Advanced Curriculum, required of all students, is the
entry point in the program for persons with baccalaureate
degrees in social work from institutions that are accredited by
the Council on Social Work Education, or by students who
have completed successfully the Professional Foundation
The Advanced Curriculum consists of three courses, including
the introductory courses to both concentrations.
Concentrations are in two areas: Family Practice and Program
Development, Policy and Administration. These concentrations total a minimum of six courses beyond the Advanced
Curriculum, including 480 hours of college approved, professionally-supervised field work.
Family Practice
Family, in its diverse forms, is central to society. "Family';
in this context, is interpreted flexibly as the nurturing system
surrounding people. It is inclusive of many areas of need.
As a growing number of family-related challenges face society,
there is an ever-increasing need for professionals who base
their professional practice on in-depth study of the broad
spectrum of issues that confront the family . In the Family
Practice concentration, students will concentrate on empowering the family nurturing systems from a developmental and
wholistic perspective.
Program Development, Policy and Administration
Social change is necessary for fostering policies and service that
respond to human need. The Program Development, Policy,
and Administration concentration has been developed in
response to the growing demand for creative leadership and
administration. Effective services require participative
development, competent practitioners, strong leadership and
effective administration. Students following this concentration
will develop the abilities and skills necessary to promote
and achieve needed change, and develop, lead, guide and
administer programs that will serve diverse people in a variety
of settings.
Students will select two electives beyond the required courses.
Master's Thesis
All students will complete a Master's Thesis synthesizing
research and field practice in their area of concentration.
T SWK589
T SWK 560-579
ourse Descriptions
Professional Foundation
SWK 500 Human Behavior In The Social Environment
This course provides the knowledge basic to an understanding
of human growth through the life cycle, and of the interplay of
sociocultural, biological, and psychological factors which influence the growth of individuals and families in contemporary
American society. Emphasized is the role of the "nurturing
environment" in relation to human growth, the impact of the
"sustaining environment," and other special stresses relevant to
growth. Growth related to populations and groups which
represent ethnic and/ or life-style diversity is also a focus. Students will gain self-understanding through use of their own
SWK 501 History of Social Welfare Policy
This course emphasizes the dynamic nature of social welfare
history and current social systems and social policy as they
relate to all our lives and especially to the lives of clients,
communities and social workers. Comparisons will be made
internationally, with a focus on Britain as influencing early U.S.
"poor law" and social welfare. Special emphasis will be placed
on analyzing the major assumptions, ideas and events which
contributed to the rise of the welfare state and the profession of
social work. The profession's values, ethics and historical
development will also be reviewed. Both theoretically and
practically, this course will enable students to assess the development of social welfare with an understanding of the influence
of social work and of the development and impact of social
SWK 502 Field Work I
Students will select their own field placement from a list of Programapproved agencies.
Beginning supervised professional experience in a social work
setting focusing on interviewing experience and relationship
building. Supportive seminars coordinate an integration of
theory and practice, as well as providing the supportive setting
for raising social work practice issues with peers.
SWK 503 Field Work II
Continuing supervised professional experience in the same social
work setting, consecutive to Field Work I, focusing on refining
previous skills and understanding and moving into new tasks,
showing initiative and progressively more independent work
over time.
SWK 504 Research I
Research plays an important role in building knowledge for
social work practice. This course will provide an overview of
methods commonly used in social science research, in addition to
the ethical and applicability concerns in social work research. Research design will be studied using both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Methods of program evaluation will be discussed. This course will examine various approaches to organizing, comparing and interpreting data. Students will have
beginning hands-on experience with the use of computers to
analyze data statistically.
SWK 505 Methods and Skills of Social Work
This course identifies basic features of the helping process;
theoretical foundation, principles and techniques of Social Work
intervention. It provides role play and simulation experience
necessary for social work practice with individuals, groups,
families and communities. The course also emphasizes system
and social change through an introduction to community organization, social planning and social action. Throughout the course,
work with a diversity of professional, natural helping networks
and client groups is stressed.
Advanced Curriculum
SWK 520 Introduction to Family Practice
Theories and concepts underlying wholistic professional social
work practice with families will be explored. This course will
address concepts of families in their diverse forms and function
in the context of the life cycle of their members, family systems
theory, dual perspective, and stressors which may shape or alter
family development. Ethical issues of professional social work
practice with families are integral to this course.
SWK 521 Introduction to Program Development and
Administration: Organizational Theory
Because social services are commonly carried out through organizations, social workers are usually members of organizations. Thus, organizations and the effective functioning of
social workers within them is the focus of this course. With an
assumption of "organizations as communities," an overview of
theories of organizational development, maintenance and
communication will be presented. The contributions of diversity in the agency I community will be an important focus .
Social workers' important roles in agencies, as well as professional, ethical, effective functioning in organizations will be
SWK 523 & 524 Field Work III & IV
The purposes of the Field Support Seminars are (1) to provide
the student opportunities to share experiences from his/her
practice in a confidential setting; (2) to give and get support,
honest feedback, and valid encouragement on issues regarding
field placements, in particular, and social work practice with
families or in administration/program development, in general;
(3) to discuss and help the student integrate course-work into
the practice experience and to address the objectives of the
course. These seminars accompany the 480 hours of professional supervised field work in the area of concentration.
SWK 527 Research II
This course offers a practice-oriented exploration of the range of
research methods used in social work, a critique of the role of
research in assessing effectiveness in the social service delivery,
and identification with the responsibility of social workers "to
expand the knowledge base" of social work. Building on the
basic research skills developed in Research I, students actively
adopt the researcher's role in relation to both their current
agency experience and their preferred practice setting. The
course will enable students to use basic statistical methods for
organizing, interpreting and analyzing quantitative data, plus
creative techniques for qualitative data.
SWK 589 Research III: Master's Thesis
The study of research, like all of social work, comes alive in the
implementation. A thesis is required of all Master of Social
Work candidates so they may experience and learn the utility of
research to social work practice, and so they can contribute to
the knowledge of social work practice and to the building of
social work theory. The Master of Social Work thesis will be
based on an area of the student's practice focus. The research
- to be selected by the student in consultation with the thesis
advisor - will focus on an area of social need, practice, service
and/ or policy.
Family Practice
SWK 540 Family Practice I
This course builds on content initiated in the Introduction to
Families course, focusing in-depth on the "normal" developmental crises of the family across the lifespan, developing problemsolving methods and learning cross-cultural models of practice.
Various therapy theories will be introduced and critiqued.
Focus on all theories and analysis of service delivery models will
center on their relevance to empowerment of families.
This course is a prerequisite to SWK 541 Family Practice II and
must be taken prior to or concurrent with SWK 523 Field
Work III.
SWK 541 Family Practice II
This course is a continuation of Family Practice I. It will further
explore the family as cause and effect in the community in benefitting from or changing social policy. Students will study issues
for further discussion, culminating in development of their own
service delivery models. Ethical and religious dilemmas (e.g.
abortion, euthanasia) will be raised. Advanced study of family
developmental issues, focusing on catastrophic events and on
empowering families and the profession to take leadership in
developing appropriate intervention strategies.
SWK 542 Family Diversity
This course will examine the various theories underlying professional practice with families in their many diverse forms. Recognizing that the family is the basic institution through which one
is socialized, this course will also examine how family membership shapes one's understanding and appreciation of ethnicity,
gender roles, sociological script. The course also will explore the
impact of discrimination and of political, social, and economic
disorder on diverse families.
SWK 543 Creative Problem Solving for Supervision
This course will examine how social workers can discover their
own creative abilities in relation to innovation in social work
supervision and practice. The course will examine the relationship of creativity and self-esteem. This course will also explore
ways to help others, e.g. workers, clients, agencies and communities to eliminate barriers which inhibit creative responses to
problem-solving and practice.
Program Development, Policy and
SWK 550 Processes of Program Planning and Development
Building on the community organization and research foundation (including needs determination and program evaluation),
the primary processes of program development study in this
course are: techniques of program planning and budgeting,
development of necessary community and larger public
support, identification and mobilization of resources, and
funding proposal preparation.
SWK 551 Organizational Development and Administration
The activities and skills necessary for effective program administration will be studied including short- and long-range
planning; leadership; program implementation and management; personnel recruitment, allocation, supervision and management; social work values and ethics in the workplace;
analysis of financial statements; administrative policy, board
relations and agency policy implementation.
SWK 552 lnterorganization, Community and
Political Relations
The development and maintenance of constructive relationships with external organizations in both the public and
private sectors are critical to successful implementation and
management of social service programs. An organization's
power to influence social policy is related to such relationships. The development and maintenance of these relationships so critical to the provision of services that address
community needs, and the influence of social policy to effect
social change will be the foci of this course. Among the topics
included are: interorganizational relations, public relations,
public information, political activity and leadership.
SWK 553 Advanced Social Policy
All social workers have impact on the development and modification of social policy whether intentionally or unconsciously. This course will provide an in-depth focus on the
development and implementation of social policy at the
various levels of the public and private sectors. The various
means by which social workers can have intentional impact on
policy-making and exercise leadership roles will be studied.
Reading, seminars and an internship in the policy area will be
SWK 560 Issues of Diversity
Students will explore the dynamics and impact of a range of
diversity issues which are inherent in a heterogenous society,
e.g. race, religion, culture, ethnicity, gender, age, mental and
physical condition, affectional orientation, and lifestyle.
SWK 561 Comparative International Social Policy
This course analyzes approaches to social policy in a number of
countries. The course expands U.S. perspective by exploring
alternative approaches to shared social issues, such as unemployment, day-care, income maintenance, education, personal
social service, health and housing. Attitudes toward quality of
life and personal values and assumptions arising from a monocultural viewpoint will be reviewed in a global context. The
operation, methodology and organizational structure of
programs in different countries will be compared with attention to social change and differing socio-political, economic
environments. Attention will be paid to the variety of funding
sources and partnerships between public and voluntary groups
plus the diversity of priorities and traditions which influence
an orientation to the public or voluntary sector. The course
also builds an awareness of current agencies promoting international social policy and poses our responsibility to be internationally aware.
SWK 562 Creativity and the Problem-Solving Process
This course will explore creativity from traditional aesthetics
and from contemporary organizational understanding, showing the similarities and differences in approach. Using creativity as a method, the course will examine techniques for solving
problems in social work practice, for enhancing innovation,
and for seeking an integrative world view. Systems theory will
be studied as an example of an attempt to use an integrative
approach to personal and professional behavior. The class will
integrate social work with other fields in order to broaden the
outcomes of intellectual understanding and self-awareness.
A variety of electives based on student-generated topics will be
offered in this program.
The Augsburg library houses over 160,000 books, periodicals,
records, tapes and films. Music, Chemistry and Art History
libraries are located within the departmental areas. Access to
over 1,000,000 volumes is available via daily interloan and
courier service among seven private liberal arts colleges and
the Hill Reference Library. Through Minitex, the statewide
network, the additional resources of the Minnesota and
Wisconsin libraries are accessible to Augsburg faculty
and students.
AJccreditation and
The Augsburg Master f Social Work program is in the process
of e tabli hing candidacy status with The Council on Social
Work Education. Augsburg is accredited by the North Central
A o iation of Coll ges and Schools. The college is am mber
of the Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities (ACTC), the
Lu'theran Edu ation C uncil in orth Am rica and th
Minnesota Private College Council.
Augsburg College is registered with the Minnesota Higher
Education Coordinating Board. Registration is not an endorsement of the institution. Registration does not (necessarily)
mean that credits earned at the institution can be transferred to
other institutions or that the quality of the educational programs will meet the standards of every student, ducational
institution, or employer.
. .tudent Rights
The College has adopted a statement of student rights and
responsibilities and has provided for due process in the
matters of disciplinary action, grievances and grade appeal.
Any student who wishes to identify appropriate procedures
for a complaint should contact the Vice President for Student
Affairs (330-1160).
The College operates in compliance with the Family Rights
and Privacy Act and Title IX . Students have the right to
inspect all official records which pertain to them and which are
maintained in the Registrar's Office and the Placement Office
(except where a waiver of access has been signed) and to
challenge inaccurate or misleading information. Students have
a right to experience education free from discrimination based
on sex, race, ethnic or cultural background, handicap, creed,
marital status or age.
1Jldmission Requirements
The Augsburg Master of Social Work Program promotes the
widest possible diversity within its student and faculty
populations and across its curriculum content. Therefore, the
admissions policies ensure· educational opportunities that
include persons from a range of abilities, backgrounds, beliefs
and cultures.
Because of the particular nature of the Master of Social Work
program, a strong liberal arts background in the behavioral
sciences is required including a course in biology that includes
study of the human systems, and course work in the social
sciences. Applicants who have completed majors in other than
behavioral sciences are encouraged to apply and will be given
consideration based on their composite assets.
Applicants to the program will be assessed on an individual
basis according to the following guidelines. Strengths in some
areas may balance other areas for development.
1. Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university.
2. A minimum grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
(B average) for the last two years of an undergraduate
program preferred.
3. A minimum of two years of employment or volunteer
experience, one year of which is in the human service area.
4. Personal written statement.
5. Letters of recommendation.
6. Possible interview.
A)pplication Procedures
To apply, students must submit the following materials to the
Department of Social Work:
1. Completed application form with $25 (non-refundable)
application fee.
2. Written personal statement and three letters of reference
which address the applicant's:
demonstrated ability to work with a diversity of people.
personal qualities including responsiveness to others,
judgement, creativity, oral and written communication
skills, integrity, leadership potential, and sensitivity to
the diversity of people.
potential for successful completion of graduate studies in
a professional social work program.
3. Official transcripts of undergraduate and graduate work
from each institution attended which indicate degrees
4. Possible interview with the committee of the Social Work
IB valuation Standards
Evaluation of academic performance for the Master of Social
Work degree will be based on number grades using a 4.0 point
scale with these definitions:
Achieves highest standards of excellence
Achieves above basic course standards
Achieves the minimum passing standard
Achieves at or above the 2.0 level (not computed in
grade point average)
Does not meet minimum passing standard (no credit
and non-punitive -not computed in grade point average)
Grade given when course is dropped
Incomplete grade given in case where student is unable
to complete course requirements for reasons beyond the
student's control. (To receive an incomplete, a student
must file a petition with the Graduate Program staff
stating reasons for the request, the plan and date for
removing the incomplete grade, the signature of the
instructor, and any other necessary documentation.)
Not more than two courses with a grade below 3.0 will count
toward the degree. Not more tha n two courses with a grad e
below 2.0 can b repea ted . Only the credits and grade ea rned
the second time are counted in the grade point average.
A)cademic Policies
Academic Probation and Dismissal
Students must maintain a 3.0 cumulative grade point average.
If a student falls below a 3.0 average, the student will be placed
on probation for the following term. A 3.0 cumulative grade
point average must be restored in order for a student to be
removed from probation. If a student receives a grade of N in
a course, the student must petition successfully with the
Graduate Program Committee before being permitted to
continue in the program. A plan for the student to follow
would be outlined at that time. If the cumulative grade point
average again falls below 3.0, the student may be dismissed
from the program by the Graduate Program Committee.
Students also may be dismissed by the Graduate Program
Committee for behavior detrimental to the program such as a
gross violation of college policy (as published in the Student
Guide). Dismissal would occur only after established procedures were followed.
Credit and Contact Hours
Each graduate course in the Master of Social Work program is
the equivalent of four semester credits or six quarter credits.
Students meet in class a total of 28 hours and are responsible
for a significant amount of individual study and preparation.
Enrollment Policy/Leaves of Absence
Students may take either two or three courses each trimester.
All students are required to complete the program within four
years. Extensions beyond four years will be considered on the
basis of petition to the Graduate Program Committee. Students who leave the program for more than one term must
request a leave of absence in writing from the Graduate
Program Committee.
Each student must be enrolled in the MSW program for the
equivalent of the last year or nine courses.
Transfer Students
Up to nine courses from a C.S.W.E. accredited MSW program
may be transferable if the grades are 3.0 or better. Transfer
students must meet the admissions and residency criteria.
The Augsburg Social Work Program requires both academic
and professional advisement. Both have the same purpose: to
promote student growth, development, and the achievement of
personal goals and professional education. Faculty office hours
are posted on office doors; in addition, students may meet with
faculty at other times by appointment. All social work faculty
are available to students, in addition to the advisor the student
chooses. Social Work faculty consider advising time a high
priority and work to be available.
ee and Payment Schedule
Application Fee (payable once, non-refundable) ............... $25.00
Tuition (per trimester course) ............................... .............. $815.00
(one course = 6 quarter credits or 4 semester credits)
Enrollment Reservation Deposit (non-refundable) ........ $100.00
Late Fee . ................................................. ............. ............. .......... $50.00
(charged to any student registering after the scheduled
registration date.) Late registration per day includes
incomplete registration as defined:
a. Unsigned Registration Form or
b. Unapproved Payment Plan
Registration Change after First Class Meeting .... ................ $5.00
(cancel/add/change grade option, or combination
at one time)
Transcript Fee (per copy after first, which is free) ............... $2.00
Finance Charge: A finance charge is applied at a simple rate
of 1% per month on any account with an open balance of
30 days or more.
The application fee ($25) is due on or before the application
deadline for a given term. The $100 non-refundable deposit
reserves a place in the program in a given term, once a person
is accepted. Tuition is due at the time of registration.
Refund Schedule
A per-course tuition refund will be made on the following
basis: (In order to be eligible for the refund, students are responsible for cancelling courses with the Registrar's Office.)
Prior to the first scheduled class meeting -100%
Prior to the second scheduled class meeting - 80%
Prior to the third scheduled class meeting - 60%
No refund after third scheduled class meeting.
Payment Options*
1. Payment in Full: Due Day of Registration.
2. Payment Plan: Upon application and after college approval,
a 3-pay plan is available each trimester. Payment plans will
be offered only if previous plans have been adhered to.
3. Company Reimbursement: Full courses, or equivalent,
which are company reimbursed require a deposit of $150
per course reimbursed, with full payment due within
45 days after the end of the term.
A finance charge is applied at a simple rate of 1 % per month on
any amount with an open balance of 30 days or more.
Tuition is set on an annual basis, payable in 3 equal installments at the beginning of each trimester. Registration is
permitted only if the student's account for a previous term is
paid in full as agreed. Augsburg College will not release
diplomas or academic transcripts until all student accounts are
paid in full . This also applies for student loan funds administered by the college (Perkins Student Loan); they must be
current according to established repayment schedules.
*A non-sufficient-funds check will declare your registration invalid and could affect
further credit extended by the college.
inancial Aid
....... ·:..
In a number of ways, students may receive assistance in
meeting Graduate Program costs. Enrollment in three courses
per trimester allows the student to be classified as full-time.
Two courses is considered part-time enrollment. The Office of
Student Financial Services (330-1046) will assist students in
assessing financial aid eligibility and offering financial aid
from available alternatives, including the following:
Augsburg Tuition Grant
Augsburg College may provide grants and scholarships to
graduate students who show academic potential and have
financial need.
Funded Scholarships
Augsburg actively pursues outside funding for special scholarships. The availability of such scholarships enables the
participation of individuals of limited financial means as well
as individuals working for volunteer agencies and other
organizations not likely to provide tuition reimbursement.
Company Tuition Assistance Programs
Many companies, agencies and corporations offer full or
partial tuition assistance to employees who participate in
work-related or degree-related college programs. Augsburg
College provides reimbursement.
Bureau of Indian Affairs, Tribal and State
Indian Scholarships
American Indian students who meet federal, state or tribal
requirements may apply for these scholarships. Indian grants
generally supplement other sources of financial aid. For
assistance in applying please contact Augsburg's American
Indian Support Program Director at 330-1138 or your tribal
Federal and State Aid Programs
The Office of Student Financial Services determines eligibility
for any Federal or State financial aid programs available to
graduate students. Determination of eligibility is based on
standard nationally accepted methodology.
Perkins Student Loan - A joint Augsburg Collegefederally funded program administered through the College
for students who demonstrate financial eligibility. No interest
accrues nor do payments have to be made on the principal at
any time you are enrolled at least half-time. Simple interest of
5 percent and repayment of the principal (at the minimum of
$30 a month) begin six months after you leave school (nine
months for new borrowers after 7-1-87). Repayment may
extend up to 10 years. The maximum which may be borrowed
for combined undergraduate and graduate study is $18,000.
SLS (Supplemental Loans for Students) - A federal
loan program. Independent students may borrow up to $4,000
per year to a maximum of $20,000 and must be enrolled at least
half-time. Variable interest rate is set annually with a cap of
12 percent; payment usually begins within 60 days after disbursement. Principal may be deferred until student ceases
half-time enrollment. Interest may, at the lender's option,
accumulate until the in-school deferment ends. Students must
apply for financial aid.
SELF (Student Educational Loan Fund) - A Minnesota State loan program. Students may borrow up to $4,000
per year ($16,000 cumulative) as an undergraduate with a
$25,000 aggregate maxiumum when graduate study is included ($1,000 minimum). Interest rate is variable, paid by the
borrower quarterly while in school. Principal payment begins
13 months after leaving school. Students must apply for
financial aid and be enrolled at least half-time.
Stafford Student Loan (formerly the Guaranteed Student
Loan) - Loan funds are obtained directly from a local lender
or state agency in certain states. While the student is attending
at least half-time, there is no interest charge. Simple annual
interest of 8 percent on the loan balance and repayment of the
principal begin six months after you leave school. Repayment
may extend up to 10 years. The maximum loan is $2,625 for
the first two years of undergraduate study and $7,500 per year
for graduate study. The cumulative undergraduate and
graduate maximum is $54,750.
To Apply for Financial Aid
1. Complete the Application for Admission and indicate your
desire to also apply for financial aid.
2. The Office of Student Financial Services will send you the
necessary application and financial statement form (or
you may pick them up in the Office of Student Financial
Services, 152 Science Hall, or the Graduate Program Office).
3. All students must have a Financial Aid Transcript on file
with Augsburg from each previously attended institution
even if you did not receive aid. Forms are available from
the College.
4. Complete and return the financial aid forms by the
deadlines indicated.
5. Accept the financial aid offered, in whole or in part, within
the deadline stated.
⢠bout Augsburg College
Augsburg College was founded in 1869 in Marshall, Wisconsin, and moved to Minneapolis in 1872. The name Augsburg
College and Seminary changed in 1963 when the Lutheran Free
Church merged with The American Lutheran Church.
Augsburg's 23-acre campus is in the heart of the Twin Cities
metropolitan area, only blocks from downtown Minneapolis
and the intersection of Interstate Highways 94 and 35W.
Adjacent to the campus are the Riverside Medical Center, the
West Bank campus of the University of Minnesota and the
Mississippi River parkways.
Skyways, tunnels and elevators provide accessible connection
between 10 of the 15 major buildings - student housing
towers, College Center, main academic and administrative
halls, the Library, Music Hall and Foss Center for Worship,
Drama and Communication.
We have made a major effort to become one of the most accessible campuses in the region. Our skyway-tunnel system lets
you reach any of 10 major buildings without going outside. In
addition to building changes, we have a student-run program
to increase awareness and provide extra help for students with
Church Affiliation
Augsburg is a college of The Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America. About 51 percent of the students are Lutheran,
15 percent other Protestant and 15 percent Roman Catholic.
Several other affiliations are represented among students and
Non-Discrimination Policy
Augsburg College does not discriminate on the basis of race,
creed, national or ethnic origin, age, marital status, sex or
handicap as required by Title IX of the 1972 Educational
Amendments or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as
amended in its admission policies, educational programs, activities, and employment practices.
ampus Guide
1. Admissions House
2. George Sverdrup Library
3. Science Hall
4. Old Main
5. West Hall
6. Mortensen Tower
7. Urness Tower
8. Christensen Center
9. Sverdrup-Oftedal Memorial
10. Music Hall
11. 2222 Murphy Place
12. Melby Hall
13. Ice Arena
14. Stage II Theatre
15. Center for Global Education
16. Scandinavian Center
17. Foss, Lobeck, Miles Center
for Worship, Drama and
18. Youth and Family Institute
19. Office Annex House
20. Tutor House
21. American Indian Support
and Minority Education
Admissions Parking
Student Parking
c. Visitor Parking
D. The Quad
E. Faculty /Staff Parking
F. Murphy Square
G. Anderson-Nelson
Athletic Field
H. Fairview /St. Mary's
Parking Ramp
Tennis Courts
J. Resident Parking Only
I6. I
Accessible Entrance
c ampus Location
From Minneapolis
Interstate 94 east to 25th A venue exit, left to Riverside
Avenue, left to 21st Avenue South, left at Augsburg sign.
From St. Paul
Interstate 94 west to Riverside exit, right on Riverside
Avenue to 21st Avenue South, left at Augsburg sign.
All posted Augsburg College parking lots are free and open
for student use from 4:30 p.m. Friday through Sunday
evening. Lots are located on 7th Street between 21st and
22nd Avenues and north of 8th Street on 21st Avenue. Most
street parking is two hour parking, seven days a week.
Additional parking is available in the Riverside Medical
Center ramp, or U of M parking lots on the north side of
Riverside A venue.
acuity and
Maria Brown, Assistant Professor of Social Work.
B.A., M.A., American University; M.S.W., University
of Minnesota.
Francine Chakolis, Assistant Professor of Social Work.
B.S., Augsburg College; M.S.W., University of
Edwina Hertzberg, Associate Professor of Social Work.
Director of Faculty Development. A.B., Cedar Crest
College; M.S.W., Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Rosemary Link, Assistant Professor of Social Work.
B.A. Southhampton University; C.Q.S.W., London
University (Bedford College); Ph.D., University of
Vincent Peters, Assistant Professor of Social Work.
B.A., Loyola College; M.S.W., University of Madras.
Mary Lou Williams, Associate Professor of Social Work.
B.F.A., M.S.W., University of Pennsylvania.
Edith Kromer, Weekend Librarian. B.A., Hamline
University; M.A., University of Minnesota.
Elizabeth Vander Schaaf, Associate Dean for Graduate and
Special Programs. B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A.,
Ph.D., University of Iowa.
Maria Woroby, Reference Librarian and Weekend Supervisor.
B.S., M.A., University of Minnesota.
Augsburg College_;
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Master of Social Work (MSW) Catalog, 1993-1994
Course Catalogs
Search Result
0 F
.L he good
we secure for ourselves
is precarious and uncertain ...
until it is secured for all of us
and incorporated into our common life."
-Jane Addams
Augsburg College
731 21st A venue South
Minneapolis, MN 5...
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0 F
.L he good
we secure for ourselves
is precarious and uncertain ...
until it is secured for all of us
and incorporated into our common life."
-Jane Addams
Augsburg College
731 21st A venue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Introduction to the Master of Social Work Program .............. .4
Curriculum Design ...................................................................... 6
Course Descriptions ..................................................................... 9
Library ......................................................................................... 15
Accreditation and Affiliations .................................................. 15
Student Rights ............................................................................ 16
Admission Requirements .......................................................... 17
Application Procedures ............................................................. 18
Evaluation Standards ................................................................. 20
Academic Policies ....................................................................... 21
Fee and Payment Schedule ....................................................... 22
Financial Aid ............................................................................... 24
About Augsburg ......................................................................... 27
Campus Guide ............................................................................ 28
Campus Location ....................................................................... 29
Faculty and Administration ...................................................... 30
to the Master
of Social Work
Program Philosophy
The Master of Social Work program at Augsburg College is
based on the following:
..- Understanding of and respect for diverse people and cultures
..- A tradition of excellence in its programs, faculty and students
..- Its metropolitan location which attracts students from diverse
..- Access to many challenging and rewarding field placements
..- A commitment to educate the whole person
..- A solid foundation in and integration with the liberal arts
..- Responsibility and service to and with the broader
community in the interests of social justice
..- Commitment to oppose oppression
..- A focus on client empowerment
..- Preparation for ethical, competent, professional practice
..- A framework for practice of problem-solving within a
systems perspective.
Dual concerns of the Augsburg Master of Social Work Program
are the delivery of service to families in all their diverse forms
and the planning, development and administration of services.
Social justice is a particular focus throughout the program, while
individuals are recognized as capable of adaptation, growth and
change. Intellectual, physical, spiritual, emotional and psychosocial issues are addressed with clients in relation to their locus,
be they within the individual, the family, the community or the
larger societal systems. Client self-determination, growth and
empowermen t (personal recognition of one's ability, rights and
place in the social change process) are recognized and fostered
through support and education. In the interests of constructive
social change that promotes social justice, students are educated
to address institutional oppression (e.g. , age, gender, race,
disability and religion).
Professional preparation at the Master of Social Work level at
Augsburg is founded on the following assumptions:
.., Analysis and presentation of complex social issues and
solutions must be based on solid research. Augsburg MSW
students will develop competencies to conduct, analyze and
present practice-based research .
.., The world is interdependent in all areas, including human
needs and the services to address them. Students will become
knowledgeable of social welfare policies and programs that
address changing needs of the world community.
Accommodating the Needs of Adult Learners
The Master of Social Work Program is designed to meet the
needs of adult students, (e.g. ,students who are employed, have
family obligations and/or must travel distance to obtain
graduate social work education). Augsburg College takes pride
in its focus on adult learners throughout its programs. TI1e
College is committed to education for experienced working
people. The Weekend College now equals the size of the
traditional day program. The library, student center, computer
center, counseling, parking, food service and many other
support services are open to accommodate students. Faculty
arrange office hours to meet student needs. Inexpensive oncampus accommodations are available for students who travel
to attend the program and wish to stay overnight. Classes meet
during alternate weekends in four hour blocks: Friday evening,
Saturday morning and Saturday afternoon. Students meet one
Sunday afternoon per trimester for a program seminar that
addresses specific professional issues related to ethics.
The MSW Program builds on the liberal arts base of the College
and supports the College's mission statement:
To dt.>velop future leaders of service to the world by providing
high quality educational opportunities wl11'ch are based in tlie
liberal arts and shaped by tlte faith and values of the Christian
Church, by the context of a vital metropolitan setting, and by an
intentionally diverse campus community.
The courses of study include the Core, the Concentration, one
elective and the Thesis seminar. Students must complete 18
courses (twelve, if the Foundation Core is waived). The complete program includes: nine core courses (six Foundation; three
Advanced) seven Concentration-related courses; one elective
and a Master's Thesis Seminar. This includes 900 hours of
professionally supervised, MSW Program-approved social work
field experience.
The Foundation Core begins the Augsburg MSW Program.
These six courses, including 420 hours of MSW Program
approved field work, must be successfully completed prior to
enrollment in the Advanced Core or concentration courses.
These courses may be waived for persons who hold a baccalaureate degree in Social Work from a CSWE accredited program.
The Pre-Concentration Core consists of three courses, which are
required of all students. These courses are the enrry point in the
program for persons with baccalaureate degrees in social work
from institutions accredited by the Council on Social Work
Concentrations are in two areas: Family Practice and Prognm
Development, Policy and Administration. These concentrations
include six courses beyond the Pre-Concentration Core, including 480 hours of college approved, professionally-supervised
field work. Research II focuses on practice of the concentration.
Family Practice
Family, in its diverse forms, is central to society. ''Pamily,"in this
context, is interpreted broadly as the nurturing system surrounding people. It is inclusive of many areas of need.
As a growing number of family-related challenges face society,
there is an ever-increasing need for professionals who base
their professional practice on in-depth study of the broad
spectrum of issues that confront the family. In the Family
Practice concentration, students will concentrate on promoting
empowerment of the family nurturing systems from a developmental and holistic perspective.
Program Development, Policy and Administration
Social change is necessary for fostering policies and service that
respond to human need. Tile Program Development, Policy, and
Administration concentration has been developed in response to
the growing demand for creative leadership and administration. Effective services require participative development,
competent practitioners, strong leadership and effective
administration. Students following this concentration will
develop the abilities and skills necessary to promote
and achieve needed change, and develop, lead, guide and
administer programs that will serve diverse people in a variety
of settings.
Students must select a minimum of one elective in their course
of study toward the MSW degree. Students are encouraged to
select other electives to develop special interests.
Master's Thesis and Seminar
The thesis is intended to represent the capstone of the student's
All students complete a Master's thesis based on practice in
their area of concentration. A thesis seminar supports students
in developing their theses.
.Dourse Descriptions
SWK 500 Human Behavior In The Social Environment
This course provides the knowledge basic to an understanding
of human growth through the life cycle, and of the interplay of
sociocultural, biological, and psychological factors which
influence the growth of individuals and families in contemporary American society. Emphasized is the role of the "nurturing
environment" in relation to human growth, the impact of the
"sustaining environment," and other special stresses relevant to
growth. Growth related to populations and groups which
represent ethnic and/or life-style diversity is a focus. Students
gain self-understanding through use of their own experiences.
SWK 501 History of Social Welfare Policy
This course emphasizes the dynamic nature of social welfare
history and current social systems and social policy as they
relate to all our lives and especially to the lives of clients,
communities and social workers. Comparisons are made
internationally, with a focus on England's influence on early U.S.
"poor law''and social welfare. Special emphasis will be placed
on analyzing the major assumptions, ideas and events which
contributed to the rise of the welfare state and the profession of
social work. The profession's values, ethics and historical
development are also reviewed. Both theoretically and practically, this course enables students to assess the development of
social welfare with an understanding of the influence of social
work and of the development and impact of social policy.
SWK 502 Field Work I
Students select their own field placement from a list of Programapproved agencies.
Beginning supervised professional experience in a social work
setting focuses on interviewing experience and relationship
building. Supportive seminars coordinate integration of theory
and practice, as well as providing the supportive setting for
raising social work practice issues with peers.
SWK 503 Field Work II
Continuing supervised professional experience in the same social
work setting, consecutive to Field Work I, focuses on refining
previous skills and understanding and moving into new tasks.
Initiative and progressively more independent work over time is
- ·_. ·:-..
SWK 505 Methods and Skills of Social Work I
This course identifies basic features of the helping process:
theoretical foundation, principles and techniques of Social
Work intervention. It provides role play and simulation
experience necessary for social work practice with individuals,
families and groups. Throughout the course, work with a
diversity of professional, natural helping networks and client
groups is stressed.
SWK 506 Methods and Skills of Social Work II
This course emphasizes systems and social change through a
focus on community organization, social planning and social
change and their connection to social policy. A focus on group
work continues into the macro setting with task oriented groups.
Other theories and methods appropriate to these macro approaches are studied. Skills are developed using role plays and
actual work with a community group. Throughout, the focus is on
work with diverse groups.
SWK 504 Research I
Research plays an important role in building knowledge for social
work practice. This course provides an overview of methods
commonly used in social science research, in addition to the
ethical and applicability concerns in social work research. Research design is studied using both qualitative and quantitative
approaches. Methods of program evaluation are discussed.
Students have beginning hands-on experience with the use of
computers to analyze data statistically.
SWK 520 Introduction lo Family Practice
Theories and concepts underlying holistic professional social
work practice with families are explored. This course addresses
concepts of families in their diverse forms and function in the
context of the life cycle of their members, family systems theory,
the dual perspective, and stressors which may shape or alter
family development. Ethical issues of professional social work
practice with families are integral to this course.
SWK 521 Introduction to Program Development, Policy and
Social services are commonly carried out through organizations;
thus social workers are usually members of organizations.
Organizations and the effective functioning of social workers
within them is the focus of this course. With an assumption of
"organizations as communities," an overview of theories of
organizational development, maintenance and communication
are presented. The contributions of diversity in the agencyI
community is an important focus. Social workers' important
roles in agencies, as well as professional, ethical, effective
functioning in organizations are explored.
SWK 523 & 524 Field Work III & IV
The purposes of the Field Support Seminars are (1) to provide
the student opportunities to share experiences from his/her
practice in a confidential setting; (2) to give and get support,
honest feedback, and valid encouragement on issues regarding
field placements, in particular, and social work practice with
families or in administration/program development, in general;
(3) to discuss and help the student integrate theories and
methods from other social work classes into the practice experience; and (4) to promote the development of students' leadership roles in organizations. These seminars accompany the 480
hours of professional supervised field work in the area of
SWK 527 Research II
This course offers a practice-oriented exploration of the range of
research methods used in social work, a critique of the role of
research in assessing effectiveness in the social service delivery,
and identification with the responsibility of social workers "to
expand the knowledge base" of social work. Building on the
basic research skills developed in Research I, students actively
adopt the researcher's role in relation to both their current
agency experience and their preferred practice setting. The
course will enable students to use basic statistical methods for
organizing, interpreting and analyzing quantitative data, plus
creative techniques for qualitative data.
Family Practice
SWK 540 Family Practice I
This course builds on content initiated in the Introduction to
Family Practice course, focusing in-depth on the "normal"
developmental crises of the family across the lifespan, and in
relation to the larger environment. Problem-solving methods and
cross-cultural models of practice are studied as well as policies
that affect families and practice.
This course is a prerequisite to SWK 541 Family Practice II and
must be taken prior to or concurrent with SWK 523 Field Work III.
SWK 541 Family Practice II
This course is a continuation of Family Practice I. It further
explores the family as cause and effect in the community in
benefitting from or changing social policy. Students will study
issues for further discussion, culminating in development of their
own service delivery models. Ethical and religious dilemmas (e.g.
abortion, euthanasia) will be raised. Advanced study of family
developmental issues focuses on catastrophic events and on
empowering families and the profession to take leadership in
developing appropriate intervention strategies and policies.
SWK 542 Family Diversity
This course examines the various theories underlying professional practice with families in their many diverse forms. Recognizing that the family is the basic institution through which one
is socialized, this course will also examine how family membership shapes one's understanding and appreciation of ethnicity,
gender roles, sociological script. The course also explores the
impact of policies, discrimination and political, social, and
economic disorder on diverse families.
SWK 543 Creative Problem Solving for Supervision
This course examines how social workers can discover their own
creative abilities in relation to innovation in social work supervision and practice. The course examines the relationship of
creativity and self-esteem. This course also explores ways to help
others, e.g. workers, clients, agencies and communities to
eliminate barriers which inhibit creative responses to problemsolving and practice.
Program Development, Policy and
SWK 550 Processes of Program Planning and Development
Building on the community organization and research foundation (including needs determination and program evaluation),
the primary processes of program development study in this
course are: techniques of program planning and budgeting,
development of necessary community and larger public support,
identification and mobilization of resources, and funding proposal preparation.
SWK 551 Organizational Development and Administration
The activities and skills necessary for effective program
administration are studied including short- and long-range
planning; leadership; program implementation and management; personnel recruitment, allocation, supervision and
management; social work values and ethics in the workplace;
analysis of financial statements; administrative policy, board
relations and agency policy implementation.
SWK 552 Interorganization, Community and
Political Relations
The development and maintenance of constructive relationships with external organizations in both the public and private
sectors are critical to successful implementation and management of social service programs. An organization's power to
influence social policy is related to such relationships. The
development and maintenance of these relationships so critical
to the provision of services that address community needs, and
the influence of social policy to effect social change are the foci
of this course. Among topics included are: interorganizational
relations, public relations, public information, political activity
and leadership.
SWK 553 Advanced Social Policy
All social workers have impact on the development and
modification of social policy whether intentionally or unconsciously. This course provides an in-depth focus on the development and implementation of social policy at the various
levels of the public and private sectors. The various means by
which social workers can have intentional impact on policymaking and exercise leadership roles is studied. Reading,
seminars and an internship in the policy area are included.
Topics 560
Topics such as the following are offered for students to choose
as electives:
SWK 560 Old Age: Identifying and addressing creatively, the
physical, psychological and socioeconomic needs of elderly
people, their families and the communities in which they live.
A variety of racial, cultural and life-style perspectives are
studied. Values and ethical considerations which accompany
geriatric knowledge and its technological advances are explore
together with existing and proposed public policies. Methods
of developing and changing social policy related to this population to promote social justice are studied.
SWK 560 Child Welfare: History Policy and Practice. An
overview of child welfare services. Permanency planning and
family-based services are the underlying themes through which
current child welfare policies and practices are examined. The
course will concentrate on ethnically sensitive practice to
address the disproportion of oppressed groups and persons
represented in the child welfare system.
SWK 560 Dual Diagnosis: Mental Health and Substance
Abuse. Focusing on individuals who suffer from both addictive
behaviors and mental health disorders, a broad array of related
topics are considered. The challenges involved with assessment;
comparisons and contrasts; psychopathology and the outcome
of psychoactive substances abuse; management approaches in
the human services delivery system; the effects of and response
to dual diagnosis cross-culturally; and available services are
among topics explored .
..· '. . .
SWK 560 Poverty, Equality and Income Support Policy:
Program and policy issues around poverty, income distribution
and social welfare reform are examined. Among issues explored are equality and income distribution, the changing
composition of the poverty population, causes and politics of
poverty, existing and proposed strategies. Current federal, state
and local approaches as well as new initiatives are studied such
as the social insurance program, child support policies, the
Earned Income Tax Credit concept, etc.
SWK 560 Contemporary Practices in Developmental Disabilities:
The nature of developmental disabilities and services needed
by persons with developmental disabilities and their families
are studied. Current systems of services, legal perspectives,
responsibilities and roles and functions of the various disciplines which provide services are explored.
SWK 560 Social Work with Involuntary Clients: Clients who
are required by legal mandates or other forces to have contact
with social workers and the involuntary transactions therein are
the foci of this course. Social work theory, ethical principles,
research findings and practice skills needed to help involuntary
clients are studied and applied.
SWK 589 Master's Thesis and Seminar
The study of research, like all of social work, comes alive in the
implementation. A thesis is required of all Master of Social
Work candidates so they may experience and learn the utility of
research to social work practice, and so they can contribute to
the knowledge of social work practice and to the building of
social work theory. The thesis is based on an area of the
student's practice focus. The research- selected by the student
in consultation with the thesis advisor - focuses on an area of
social need, practice, service and/or policy.
The thesis seminar is described in the Thesis Guidelines, which
all students must review. The seminar provides a forum for
students to develop their thesis plans, consult with each other
and the faculty leader, present research methodology and
identify how they will accomplish completion of the thesis.
The Augsburg library houses over 160,000 books, periodicals,
records, tapes and films. Music, Chemistry and Art History
libraries are located within the departmental areas. Access to
over 1,000,000 volumes is available via daily interloan and
courier service among seven private liberal arts colleges and
the Hill Reference Library. Through Minitex, the statewide
network, the additional resources of the Minnesota and Wisconsin libraries are accessible to Augsburg faculty and students.
Alccreditation and
The Augsburg Master of Social Work program is in candidacy
with The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE), part of
accreditation by CSWE. Augsburg is accredited by the North
Central Association of Colleges and Schools. The college is a
member of the Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities (ACTC),
the Lutheran Education Council in North America and the
Minnesota Private College Council.
Augsburg College is registered with the Minnesota Higher
Education Coordinating Board.
The College has adopted a statement of student rights and
responsibilities and has provided for due process in the matters
of disciplinary action, grievances and grade appeal. Any
student who wishes to identify appropriate procedures for a
complaint should contact the Vice President for Student Affairs
The College operates in compliance with the Family Rights
and Privacy Act and Title IX. Students have the right to inspect
all official records which pertain to them and which are maintained in the Registrar's Office and the Placement Office (except
where a waiver of access has been signed) and to challenge
inaccurate or misleading information. Students have a right to
experience education free from discrimination based on sex,
race, ethnic or cultural background, handicap, creed, marital
status or age.
m amission Requirements
The Augsburg Master of Social Work Program promotes the
widest possible diversity within its student and faculty populations and across its curriculum content. Therefore, the admissions policies ensure educational opportunities that include
persons from a range of abilities, backgrounds, beliefs and
Because of the particular nature of the Master of Social Work
Program, a strong liberal arts background in the behavior
sciences is required. A course in biology, physiology or
anatomy that includes studies of the human systems is required. A course that includes basic statistics is strongly
recommended. Applicants who have completed majors in areas
other than the behavioral sciences are encouraged to apply and
will be given consideration based on their composite assets.
Students who do not hold a Bachelor's degree in social Work
should apply as Foundation Level students. Students who meet
all of the criteria for Advanced Standing may apply for PreConcentration consideration.
Applicants to the program will be assessed on an individual
basis according to the following guidelines. Strengths in some
areas may balance other areas for development.
Foundation Core:
Admissions deadline: March 1
Notification of Admission: Early May
Matriculation date: Early September
Requirements: Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or
university; a minimum grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
(B average) for the last two years of an undergraduate program;
a minimum of two years employment or volunteer experience,
one of which is in the human service area; a course in human
biology, physiology or anatomy; a solid foundation in the
liberal arts.
Pre-Concentration Core:
Admissions deadline: October 1
Notification of Admission: Early December
Matriculation date: Early April
Requirements: Bachelor's degree in Social Work from a CSWE
accredited college or university; a minimum grade point
average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (B average) for the last two years of
an undergraduate program; a course in human biology, physiology or anatomy.
Alpplication Procedures
To apply, students must submit the following materials to the
Master of Social Work Program:
1. Completed application form with $25 (non-refundable)
application fee.
.·. ·
2. Written personal statement, the length of which is open
(typically 3-8 pages in length), that addresses: why the applicant
is interested in social work as a profession; the reasons for
seeking an MSW, at Augsburg, in particular; what strengths the
applicant brings to the Augsburg community; and what the
applicant intends to do with the MSW once the degree has been
3. Three letters of reference, including checklists, that address
the application evaluation criteria in relation to the applicant.
4. Official transcripts of undergraduate and graduate work,
which indicate degrees conferred, from each institution attended.
5. Possible interview with admission committee members.
Application Evaluation Criteria
Applicants will be evaluated on the following criteria:
1. Academic strengths and potential
2. Professional, volunteer and life experience
3. Professional orientation
a. Understanding of social work, including values and ethics
b. Motivation for pursuits of the Masters degree in Social
c. Relationship of past experience to decision to enter the
d. Applicant's perception of relationship of MSW to longterm career plans
4. Understanding of roles and functions of diversity in a
multicultural society and global environment
5. Commitment to social action and social justice
6. Ability to cope successfully with the stress inherent in a
graduate professional program.
lllvaluation Standards
Evaluation of academic performance for the Master of Social
Work degree will be based on number grades using a 4.0 point
scale with these definitions:
Achieves highest standards of excellence
Achieves at or above the 2.0 level (not computed in
grade point average)
Does not meet minimum passing standard (no credit and
non-punitive -not computed in grade point average)
Grade given when course is dropped
Incomplete grade given in case where student is unable to
complete course requirements for reasons beyond the
student's control. (To receive an incomplete, a student
must file a petition with the Graduate Program staff
stating reasons for the request, the plan and date for
removing the incomplete grade, the signature of the
instructor, and any other necessary documentation.)
Achieves above basic course standards
Achieves the minimum passing standard
No more than two courses with a grade below 3.0 will count
toward the degree. No more than two courses with a grade
below 2.0 can be repeated. Only the credits and grades earned
the second time are counted in the grade point average.
A)cademic Policies
Academic Probation and Dismissal
Students must maintain a 3.0 cumulative grade point average. If
a student falls below a 3.0 average, the student will be placed
on probation for the following term. A 3.0 cumulative grade
point average must be restored in order for a student to be
removed from probation. If a student receives a grade of Nin a
course, the student must petition successfully with the MSW
Program Committee before being permitted to continue in the
program. A plan for the student to follow would be outlined at
that time. If the cumulative grade point average again falls
below 3.0, the student may be dismi ssed from the program by
the MSW Program Committee. Students also may be dismissed
by the MSW Program Committee for behavior d etrimental to
the program such as a gross violation of college policy (as
published in the Student Guide). Dismissal would occur only
after established procedures were followed.
Credit and Contact Hours
Each graduate course in the Master of Social Work program is
the equival ent of four semester credits or six quarter credits.
Students meet in class a total of 32 hours and are responsible for
a significant amount of individual study and preparation. An
additional four-hour Sunday Seminar is required each trimester.
Enrollment Policy/Leaves of Absence
Students may take either two or three courses each trimester.
All students are required to complete the program within four
years. Students who leave the program for more than one term
must request a leave of absence in writing from the MSW
Program Committee.
Each student must be enrolled in the MSW program for the
equivalent of the last year or nine courses.
Transfer Students
Up to eight courses from a C.S.W.E. accredited MSW program
may be transferable if the grades are 3.0 or better. Transfer
students must meet the admissions and residency criteria.
The Augsburg Social Work Program Director assigns advisors
whose purpose it is to promote student growth, development,
and the achievement of personal goals and professional education. Faculty office hours are posted on office doors; students
may meet with faculty at other times by appointment. In
addition to to the academic advisor, all social work faculty are
accessible to students. Social Work faculty consider advising
time a high priority and work to be available.
m ee and Payment Schedule
Application Fee (payable once, non-refundable) ................ $25.00
Tuition (per trimester course) .............................................. $884.00
(one course= 6 quarter credits or 4 semester credits)
Enrollment Reservation Deposit (non-refundable) ......... $100.00
late Fee ...................................................................................... $25.00
(charged to any student registering after the scheduled registration date.) Late registration per day includes
incomplete registration as defined:
a. Unsigned Registration Form or
b. Unapproved Payment Plan
Registration Change after First Class Meeting ..................... $5.00
(cancel/add/change grade option, or combination
at one time)
Transcript Fee (per copy after first, which is free) ................ $2.00
Finance Charge: A finance charge is applied at a simple rate
of 1% per month on any account with an open balance of
30 days or more.
The application fee ($25) is due on or before the application
deadline for a given term. The $100 non-refundable deposit
reserves a place in the program in a given term, once a person is
accepted. Tuition is due at the time of registration.
Refund Schedule
A per-course tuition refund will be made on the following
basis: (In order to be eligible for the refund, students are
responsible for cancelling courses with the Registrar's Office.)
Prior to the first scheduled class meeting - 100%
Prior to the second scheduled class meeting - 80%
Prior to the third scheduled class meeting - 60%
No refund after third scheduled class meeting.
Payment Options*
1. Payment in Full: Due Day of Registration.
2. Payment Plan: Upon application and after college approval,
a 3-pay plan is available each trimester. Payment plans will
be offered only if previous plans have been adhered to.
3. Company Reimbursement: Full courses, or equivalent, which
are company reimbursed require a deposit of $100 per course
reimbursed, with full payment due within 45 days after the
end of the term.
A finance charge is applied at a simple rate of 1% per month on
any amount with an open balance of 30 days or more.
Tuition is set on an annual basis, payable in 3 equal installments
at the beginning of each trimester. Registration is permitted
only if the student's account for a previous term is paid in full
as agreed. Augsburg College will not release diplomas or
academic transcripts until all student accounts are paid in full.
This also applies for student loan funds administered by the
college (Perkins Student Loan); they must be current according
to established repayment schedules.
*A non-sufficient-funds check will declare your registration invalid
and could affect further credit extended by the college.
m inancial Aid
Students may receive assistance in meeting Graduate Program
costs in a number of ways. Enrollment in three courses per
trimester allows the student to be classified as full-time. Two
courses is considered part-time enrollment. The Office of
Student Financial Services (330-1046) will assist students in
assessing financial aid eligibility and offering financial aid from
available alternatives, including the following:
Augsburg Tuition Grant
Augsburg College may provide grants and scholarships to
graduate students who show academic potential and have
financial need.
Funded Scholarships
Augsburg actively pursues outside funding for special scholarships. The availability of such scholarships enables the participation of individuals of limited financial means as well as
individuals working for volunteer agencies and other organizations not likely to provide tuition reimbursement.
Company Tuition Assistance Programs
Many companies, agencies and corporations offer full or partial
tuition assistance to employees who participate in work-related
or degree-related college programs.
Bureau of Indian Affairs, Tribal and State
Indian Scholarships
American Indian students who meet federal, state or tribal
requirements may apply for these scholarships. Indian grants
generally supplement other sources of financial aid. For
assistance in applying please contact Augsburg's American
Indian Support Program Director at 330-1138 or your tribal
Federal and State Aid Programs
The Office of Student Financial Services determines eligibility
for any Federal or State financial aid programs available to
graduate students. Determination of eligibility is based on
standard nationally accepted methodology.
Federal Perkins Student Loan -A joint Augsburg
College-federally funded program administered through the
College for students who demonstrate financial eligibility. No
interest accrues nor do payments have to be made on the principal
at any time you are enrolled at least half-time. Simple interest of 5
percent and repayment of the principal (at the minimum of $40 a
month) begin six months after you leave school (nine months for
new borrowers after 7-1-87). Repayment may extend up to 10
years. The maximum which may be borrowed for combined
undergraduate and graduate study is $30,000.
The Federal Family Education Loan Program
1) Federal Stafford Loan. Available to students based on a
financial eligibility determination. Annual loan limits are up to:
$2,625 per year for first year undergraduates
$3,500 per year for second year undergraduates
$5,500 per year for third year and beyond
$8,500 per year for graduate students.
Aggregate loan limits are $23,000 for undergraduates and
$65,000 for graduates (including undergraduate borrowing).
Interest rates for new borrowers with loan periods beginning
10/1/92 or later are determined annually by the 91-day
T-Bill+3.1 %, with a cap of 9%. Students with outstanding
balances on Stafford Loans (Guaranteed Student Loan) will
continue with the interest rate on the previous loan. No interest
accrues to the student borrower while enrolled at least half-time
in an eligible program. The federal government subsidizes the
interest during this time.
2) Federal Stafford Loan - Unsubsidized. Program characteristics (loan limits, interest rate, etc.) are the same as the above
subsidized Stafford Loan, except that the interest accrues to the
student borrower while enrolled. This loan is available to those
who do not qualify for the subsidized Stafford Loan. A normal
financial aid application is required.
3) Federal Supplemental Loan for Students (SLS). Available to
independent students who are enrolled at least half-time.
Variable interest rate is set annually (on July 1) with a cap of
11 %. Payment usually begins within 60 days of disbursement.
Annual loan limits are $4,000 for first and second year students
and $5,000 for third year and beyond. Graduate students may
borrow up to $10,000 per year. Aggregate loan limits are
$23,000 for undergraduates and $73,000 for graduates (including undergraduate borrowing).
SELF (Student Educational Loan Fund) -A Minnesota State loan program. Students may borrow up to $4,000 per
year ($16,000 cumulative) as an undergraduate and $6,000 per
year for graduate students with a $25,000 aggregate maxiumum
when graduate study is included ($1,000 minimum). Interest
rate is variable, paid by the borrower quarterly while in school.
Principal payment begins 13 months after leaving school.
Students must apply for financial aid and be enrolled at least
To Apply for Financial Aid
1. Complete the Application for Admission and indicate your
desire to also apply for financial aid.
2. The Office of Student Financial Services will send you the
necessary application and financial statement form (or
you may pick them up in the Office of Student Financial
Services, 152 Science Hall, or the Graduate Program Office).
3. All students must have a Financial Aid Transcript on file
with Augsburg from each previously attended institution
even if you did not receive aid. Forms are available from
the College.
4. Complete and return the financial aid forms by the
deadlines indicated.
5. Accept the financial aid offered, in whole or in part, within
the deadline stated.
.B)bout Augsburg College
Augsburg College was founded in 1869 in Marshall, Wisconsin,
and moved to Mipneapolis in 1872. The name Augsburg
College and Seminary changed in 1963 when the Lutheran Free
Church merged with The American Lutheran Church.
Augsburg's 23-acre campus is in the heart of the Twin Cities
metropolitan area, only blocks from downtown Minneapolis
and the intersection of Interstate Highways 94 and 35W.
Adjacent to the campus are the Riverside Medical Center, the
West Bank campus of the University of Minnesota and the
Mississippi River parkways.
Skyways, tunnels and elevators provide accessible connection
between 10 of the 15 major buildings - student housing
towers, College Center, main academic and administrative
halls, the Library, Music Hall and Foss Center for Worship,
Drama and Communication.
We have made a major effort to become one of the most
accessible campuses in the region. Our skyway-tunnel system
lets you reach any of 10 major buildings without going outside.
In addition to building changes, we have a student-run program to increase awareness and provide extra help for students
with disabilities.
Church Affiliation
Augsburg is a college of The Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America. About 51 percent of the students are Lutheran,
15percent other Protestant and 15 percent Roman Catholic.
Several other affiliations are represented among students and
Non-Discrimination Policy
Augsburg College does not discriminate on the basis of race,
creed, national or ethnic origin, age, marital status, sex or
handicap as required by Title IX of the 1972 Educational
Amendments or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as
amended in its admission policies, educational programs,
activities, and employment practices.
D ampus Guide
Admissions House
George Sverdrup Library
Science Hall
Old Main
West Hall
Mortensen Tower
Urness Tower
Christensen Center
Sverdrup-Oftedal Memorial
10. Music Hall
11. 2222 Murphy Place
12. Si Melby Hall
13. Ice Arena
14. Stage II Theatre
15. College Relations
16. Nordic Center
17. Foss, Lobeck, Miles Center
for Worship, Drama and
18. Center for Global Education
19. Jeroy C. Carlson Alumni
20. Youth and Family Institute
21. American Indian Support
and Minority Education
22. Site of new residence hall
A. Admissions Parking
B. Student Parking
C. Visitor Parking
D. The Quad
E. Faculty /Staff Parking
F. Murphy Square
G. Anderson-Nelson
Athletic Field
H. Fairview/St. Mary's
Parking Ramp
I. Husby-Strommen
Tennis Courts
J. Resident Parking Only
K. Student/Commuter
6. Accessible Entrance
From Minneapolis
Interstate 94 east to 25th Avenue exit, left to Riverside
Avenue, left to 21st Avenue South, left at Augsburg sign.
From St. Paul
Interstate 94 west to Riverside exit, right on Riverside
Avenue to 21st Avenue South, left at Augsburg sign.
All posted Augsburg College parking lots are free and open
for student use from 4:30 p.m. Friday through Sunday
evening. Lots are located on 7th Street between 21st and
22nd Avenues and on Butler Place between 24th and 25th
Avenues South. Most street parking is four hour parking,
seven days a week. Additional parking is available for a fee
in the Riverside Medical Center ramp, or U ofM parking lots
on the north side of Riverside Avenue.
Anthony Bibus, Assistant Professor of Social Work
B.A., College of St. Thomas; M.A., University of Virginia;
Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Vern Bloom, Assistant Professor of Sociology, MSW Fieldwork
B.A., M.S.W., University of Minnesota.
Nancy Brennan, Associate Professor of Social Work
B.A., M.S.W., Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Maria Brown, Assistant Professor of Social Work,
BSW Program Director
B.A., M.A., American University; M.S.W., University
of Minnesota.
Elizabeth Bruch, Associate Dean of Graduate and
Non-traditional Programs
B.A., Elmhurst College; M.S., Indiana University; Ph.D.,
University of Wisconsin.
Francine Chakolis, Assistant Professor of Social Work, MSW
Program Director
B.S., Augsburg College; M.S.W., University of Minnesota.
Patrick Clemens, MSW Program Coordinator
B.A., Macalester College; M.T.S., Harvard University.
Blanca-Rosa Egas, Associate Professor of Social Work
M.D., M.Ed. and Psychiatry Residency, Universidad de
Guayaquil; M.P.H and Substance Abuse Fellowship,
University of Minnesota.
Kathy Enger, Reference Librarian
B.S.W., College of St. Catherine; M.L.I.S., University of Iowa.
Edwina Hertzberg, Professor of Social Work, Director of Faculty
A.B., Cedar Crest College; M.S.W., Ph.D., University of
Rosemary Link, Associate Professor of Social Work, Department
B.A. Southhampton University; C.Q.S.W., London
University (Bedford College); Ph.D., University of
Sharon Patten, Associate Professor of Social Work
B.A., St. Olaf College; M.S.W., M.A. (Public Affairs), Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota.
Curt Paulsen, Associate Professor of Social Work
B.A., St. Olaf College; M.S.W., University of Minnesota;
Ph.D., The Fielding Institute.
Douglas Perry, Assistant Professor of Social Work
B.A., M.S.W., University of Minnesota.
Vincent Peters, Assistant Professor of Social Work
B.A., Loyola College; M.S.W., University of Madras.
Edward Skamulis, Associate Professor of Social Work
B.A., Omaha University; M.S.W., Ph.D., University of
Mary Lou Williams, Assistant Professor of Social Work
B.F.A., M.S.W., University of Pennsylvania.
Augsburg College_;
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Master of Social Work (MSW) Catalog, 1995-1997
Course Catalogs
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he good we secure for ourselves
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is precarious and uncertain ...
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until it is secured for all of us and
incorporated into our common life.
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- Jane Addams
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Curriculum Design ....................................... ... ... ... .6
Course Descriptions .. .................. ........................... 8
Introduction ........................................................... 4
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Library .................................................................. 11
Accreditation and Affiliations .............................. 11
Student Rights ................................................... ... 11
Admission Requirements ..................................... 12
Application Procedures ........................................ 12
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International Applicants ......... .............. ...... .......... 13
Academic Policies ................................................ 14
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Fee and Payment Schedule ................. .. .... ............ 16
Financial Aid ..................................... ................... 17
About Augsburg ................................................... 20
. A
Campus Location Map ......................................... 21
Campus Map ........................................................ 21
Faculty and Administration .................................. 22
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Social Work graduate program
classes meet during weekends
(often alternate weekends) in
four hour blocks on Friday
evenings, Saturday mornings
and Saturday afternoons.
Students also meet one Sunday
afternoon per trimester for a
program seminar that addresses
specific professional issues.
The Master of Social Work
Program builds on the liberal
arts base of the College and
supports the College's mission
statement: To nurture future
leaders of service in the world
by providing high quality educational opportunities which are
based in the liberal arts and
shaped by the faith and values
of the Christian Church, by the
context of a vital metropolitan
setting, and by an intentionally
diverse campus community.
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Accommodating the
Needs of Adult Learners
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The Master of Social Work
Program is designed to meet the
needs of a wide range of
students who have family,
community or employment
obligations and/or must travel
distances to obtain graduate
social work education.
Augsburg College takes pride in
its focus on adult learners
throughout its programs and is
committed to education for
experienced working people.
The library, student center,
computer center, counseling,
parking, food service and many
other support services are open
to accommodate graduate
students. Faculty arrange office
hours to meet non-traditional
student needs. Inexpensive oncampus accommodations are
available for students who travel
to attend the program and wish
to stay overnight.
MSW Program concerns
The Augsburg Master of Social
Work Program has two program
concentrations: family practice
and program development,
policy and administration.
Professional preparation at the
Master of Social Work level at
Augsburg is founded on the
following assumptions:
• Analysis and presentation of
complex social issues and
solutions must be based on
solid research. Augsburg
MSW students will develop
competencies to conduct,
analyze and present practicebased research
• The world is interdependent in
all areas; students will become
knowledgeable of social
welfare policies and programs
that address changing needs of
the world community
• Social justice is a focus
throughout the program. In the
interests of constructive social
change that promotes social
justice, students are educated
to address institutional oppression because of age, gender,
race, disability, sexual orientation or religion
• Preparation for ethical, competent, professional practice
• A framework for practice of
problem-solving within a systems and strengths perspective
The Master of Social Work
Program is also based on:
• Tradition of excellence in
programs, faculty and students
• Metropolitan location which
attracts students from diverse
• Access to challenging
and rewarding field placements
•Building on a solid foundation
in the liberal arts
Program Philosophy
The Master of Social Work
program at Augsburg College is
based on the following:
• Understanding of and respect
for diverse people and cultures
• Commitment to educate the
whole person
• Responsibility and service to
the broader community in the
interests of social justice
• Commitment to oppose
• Focus on client empowerment
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The courses of study include the
Foundation, the Advanced and
the Concentration courses and
the Thesis Seminar. Students
must complete 18 courses (12,
if they hold the Bachelor of
Science in Social Work degree
and are approved for advanced
standing). The complete program includes nine Foundation
courses, five Advanced
curriculum courses, four
Concentration courses and a
thesis, and includes 900 hours
of professionally supervised,
program-approved social work
field experience.
The Foundation courses begin
the MSW Program. These nine
courses, including 420 hours of
MSW supervised field work,
must be successfully completed
prior to enrollment in the
Advanced Curriculum. Six of
these courses may be waived for
persons who hold a baccalaureate degree in social work from
a Council on Social Work
Education-accredited program
and who are approved for
advanced standing.
The Advanced courses include
two Integrative Field Work
Seminars, Research II and one
elective as well as the Thesis
Concentration courses are in
two areas: Family Practice and
Program Development, Policy
and Administration.
Family Practice
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Family, in its diverse forms, is
central to society. "Family,"
in this context, is interpreted
broadly as the nurturing system
surrounding people. It is inclusive of many areas of need.
As a growing number of familyrelated challenges face society,
there is an ever-increasing need
for professionals who base
their professional practice on indepth study of the broad
spectrum of issues that confront
the family . In the Family
Practice concentration, students
will concentrate on promoting
empowerment of the family
nurturing systems from a developmental and holistic
Program Develop111e11t, Policy
and ,\d111i11istratio11
Social change is necessary to
foster policies and services that
respond to human need. The
Program Development, Policy
and Administration concentration has been developed in
response to the growing demand
for creative leadership and
administration. Effective
services require participatory
development, competent practitioners, strong leadership and
effective administration.
Students in this concentration
will develop the abilities and
skills necessary to promote
and achieve needed change, and
to develop, lead, guide and
administer programs that will
serve diverse people in a variety
of settings.
Students must select one elective in their course of study
toward the MSW degree.
Master's Thesis and
All students will complete a
Master's thesis. The thesis is
intended to integrate research
and practice.
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Curriculum Plan
Courses are offered exclusively on a weekend format: Friday evenings and Saturdays.
Foundation Courses
(9 credits)
SWK 500 Human Behavior in the Social Environment
SWK 501 History of Social Welfare Policy
SWK 502 Integrative Field Work Seminar I
SWK 503 Integrative Field Work Seminar II
SWK 504 Research I
SWK 505 Practice Methods and Skills I
SWK 506 Practice Methods and Skills Il
SWK 520 Introduction to Family Practice
SWK 521 Introduction to Program Development, Policy and Administration
Advanced Courses
(5 credits)
SWK 523 Integrative Field Work Seminar III
SWK 524 Integrative Field Work Seminar IV
SWK 527 Research II
SWK 560 Elective "Topics"
SWK 589 Thesis Seminar
,' II •
Family Practice Concentration Courses
(4 credits)
SWK 540 Family Practice I
SWK 541 Family Practice II
SWK 542 Family Diversity (.5 er)
SWK 543 Creative Problem Solving for Supervision
SWK 545 Family Social Policy (.5 er)
Program Development, Policy and Administration
Concentration Courses
(4 credits)
SWK 550 Processes of Program Planning and Development
SWK 551 Organizational Development and Administration
SWK 552 Inter-Organizational, Community and
Political Relations
SWK 553 Advanced Social Policy
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Master of Social Work Degree
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Total credits required: 18 for Foundation level entry,
12 for Advanced Standing level entry.
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Foundation Courses
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SWK 500 Huma11 Behavior i11
the Social Environment
This course provides the
knowledge basic to an understanding of human growth
through the life cycle and of the
interplay of socio-cultural,
biological and psychological
factors .
SWK 501 History of Social
Welfare Policy
This course analyzes the
history of social welfare policy
in the United States and its
impact on current social
systems and social policy . The
course examines the major
assumptions, values, ideas and
events which contributed to the
rise of the welfare state and the
profession of social work.
SWK 502 and 503 Integrative
Field Work Seminar I and II
The integrative seminars are
courses where field practice
and classroom theory meet. The
goal is to strengthen the
connections between generalist
social work theory and practice.
SWK 504 Research I
This course provides an introduction to social science
research method and ethics
including practice and program
evaluation. The course presents
research designs, both quantitative and qualitative approaches,
and various ways to organize,
compare and interpret findings.
Students will be introduced to
the use of computers in data
SWK 505 Practice Methods
and Skills I
This course focuses on the
theoretical foundation, general
principles and practice techniques of the problem-solving
model of social work and basic
features of the helping process.
Work with a diversity of
professional and natural
helping networks and client
groups is stressed.
SWK 506 Practice Methods
and Skills II
This course emphasizes
problem-solving with small
groups, community and organizational systems, with an
emphasis on group task and
maintenance functions.
Throughout the course the
focus is on work with di verse
groups and organizations.
(Prerequisite: SWK 505)
SWK 520 Introduction to
Family Practice
This course explores concepts,
theories, policies and research
underlying holistic professional
social work practice with families. It provides an overview of
family practice using a systems
framework and the strengths
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SWK 521 Introduction to
Program Development, Policy
and Administration
This course presents the theories
of organizational development,
policy analysis, program development and budgeting. Roles of
generalist social workers in
agencies, as well as professional, ethical and effective
functioning within organizational structures, will be
Advanced Curriculum
SWK 523 and 524 Integrative
Field Work Seminar Ill and IV
The integrative seminars are
courses where field practice and
classroom theory meet. The goal
is to strengthen the connections
between generalist social work
theory and practice.
SWK 527 Research II
This course offers a practiceoriented exploration of the
range of research methods used
in social work, a critique of the
role of research in assessing
effectiveness in social service
delivery, and identification with
the responsibility of social
workers to expand the knowledge base of social work. A
research project will be
designed and initial planning for
the MSW thesis is incorporated.
(Prerequisite: SWK 504)
SWK 560 Elective Topics
The following are examples of
elective offerings. Students
should consult the Program
Schedule for current electives.
• SWK 560 Child Welfare:
History, Policy and Practice
• SWK 560 Contemporary
Services for Persons with
Developmental Disabilities
and Their Families
• SWK 560 Dual Diagnosis:
Mental Health and
Substance Abuse
• SWK 560 Old Age
• SWK 560 Peace and
Social Justice
• SWK 560 Poverty, Equality
and Income Support Policy
• SWK 560 Social Work with
Involuntary Clients
SWK 589 Thesis Seminar
The MSW thesis provides the
avenue for integration of knowledge and ·experience gained
during the course of study,
particularly emphasizing the
greater understanding of the
utility and importance of
research to social work practice.
The student, in consultation
with the thesis advisor, will
select an area of study focused
on social need, practice, service
and policy. The Thesis Seminar
will provide students with a
supportive group environment
in which to problem~solve theoretical, conceptual, c0ntent,
ethical and technical issues in
the design, implementation,
analysis, write-up and dissemination of thesis research.
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Family Practice
Concentration Courses
SWK 543 Creative Problem
Solving for Supervision
account organizational, financial
and technological dimensions
SWK 540 Family Practice I
within an analytical framework
of defined need and demand for
This course is designed to
This course includes knowledge
and skill building in the administrative, educational and
address contemporary work in a
context of historical references;
supportive functions of social
work supervision. The interac-
to provide the foundational
elements for individual family
tional model, creative problem-
practice model creation; to
synthesize universal family
practice principles with special
population requirements, and to
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SWK 545 Family Social Policy
(0.5 er.)
SWK 541 Family Practice II
This course explores the impact
of social policies on diverse
This course focuses on effective
family practice intervention. It
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addresses specific theorists,
compared and contrasted specif-
ically to the feminist
perspective, and demonstrates
the application of theory and
-,' .
practice to a variety of family
issues in different service
delivery settings.
SWK 542 Family Diversity
(0.5 er.)
This course examines the
variou s theories underlying
professional practice with families in their many diverse forms.
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variety of settings.
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understanding and influencing
the dynamics of supervision in a
integrate social policy and
research into all levels of family
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solving and strengths perspective are the frameworks for
families, including policies
which relate to housing, income
maintenance, health, long-term
care, education and discrimination . National and international
political, social and economic
systems are analyzed.
Program Development,
Policy and Administration
Concentration Courses
SWK 550 Processes of
Program Planning and
This course examines theoretical
and conceptual ideas concerning
Recogni zing that the family is
the basic institution through
which one is socialized, this
human services, their rationale
in a market economy, and their
relationship to public policy.
course examines how family
membership shapes one's understanding and appreciation of
ethnicity, gender roles and
sociological script.
Students will gain knowledge
and build skills in the planning,
implementation and evaluation
of services at various levels of
system design, taking into
SWK 551 Orga11izatio11al
Developlllent and
Ad111i11 istratio11
This course examines organizational theory and structure,
processes of development,
research and evaluation and
social work values and ethics in
the workplace.
SWK 552 lnter-Orga11izatio11al,
Community and Political
This course explores strategies
and methods for working effectively with other service
agencies, legislative and policymaking bodies, regulatory
agencies and advocacy groups.
stn; 553
Social Policy
This course examines theories,
concepts and analytical frameworks for analyzing policy. It
addresses the role of economics ,
demographics , politics, values
and other relevant factors on
policy design and implementation. The course emphasizes the
analyisis of selected existing or
proposed policies in such areas
as social insurance (e.g. Social
Security), welfare reform,
health care, long-term care
and tax policy including
tax expenditures .
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~BRARY .....
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The Augsburg Library is dedicated to supporting the
curriculum of the College. The
staff is experienced in guiding
graduate students to research
materials for course work as
well as for the thesis stage of the
Master of Social Work program.
Librarians will help students
acquire research skills through
individual appointments and
group instructional sessions.
The Library's collection of
160,000 volumes is complete
with the latest computerized
catalogs, indexes and CD ROM
stations for various academic
disciplines - e.g. Social Work
Abstracts, Psychlit, ERIC
(education) and CINAHL
(nursing and health). An online
catalog, CLICnet, reflects holdings of Augsburg and its six
partner Twin Cities private
college libraries. Twice-daily
courier service among these and
other local libraries (including
the University of Minnesota and
Minneapolis and St. Paul Public
Libraries) facilitates easy and
quick sharing of resources.
Additional collections nationwide are also accessible through
interlibrary loan arrangements.
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The Augsburg Master of Social
Work program is fully accredited by the Council on Social
Work Education (CSWE).
Augsburg College is accredited
by the North Central Association
of Colleges and Schools.
The college is a member of the
Associated Colleges of the Twin
Cities (ACTC), the Lutheran
Education Council in North
America and the Minnesota
Private College Council.
Augsburg College is registered
with the Minnesota Higher
Education Services Office.
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The College has adopted a statement of student rights and
responsibilities and has
provided for due process in the
matters of disciplinary action,
grievances and grade appeal.
Any student who wishes to
identify appropriate procedures
for a complaint should contact
the Vice President for Student
Affairs (330-1160).
The College operates in compliance with the Family Rights
and Privacy Act and Title IX .
Students have the right to
inspect all official records which
pertain to them (except where a
waiver of access has been
signed) and to challenge inaccurate or misleading information.
Students have a right to experience education free from
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The Master of Social Work
Program promotes the widest
possible diversity within its
student and faculty populations
and across its curriculum
content. Therefore, the admission policies ensure that
educational opportunities are
provided to persons with a range
of abilities, backgrounds, beliefs
and cultures.
A strong liberal arts background
in the behavioral sciences is
required. A course in biology,
physiology or anatomy that
includes studies of the human
systems is required as well as
completing a course that
includes basic statistics.
Applicants who have completed
majors in areas other than the
behavioral sciences are encouraged to apply and they will be
given consideration based on
their composite assets. Students
who do not hold a bachelor's
degree in social work should
apply as Foundation Level
students. Students who hold a
bachelor's degree in social work
from a Council on Social Work
Education (CSWE) accreditedprogram may apply for
Advanced Standing. Applicants
are reminded that admission to
the Advanced Standing is not an
automatic decision.
Academic credit is not given for
life or professional experience.
Application deadline:
January 15
Notification of acceptance:
April 1
• Bachelor's degree from an
accredited college or university
• A minimum grade point
average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
(B average) for the last two
years of an undergraduate
• A minimum of two years
employment or volunteer
experience (one of which is in
the human service area)
•A course in human biology,
physiology or anatomy
• A course that includes basic
• A solid foundation in the
liberal arts
Matriculation date:
Fall trimester for
Foundation level
Spring trimester for Advanced
Standing level
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2) Written personal statement
which addresses:
To apply, students must submit
the following to the Office of
Master of Social Work Program:
1) Completed application form
with $25 (non-refundable)
application fee.
.:, . . .
• Your perspective on social
welfare and society
• Your understanding of the
social work profession
. ·.. ::
• Your demonstrated ability to
work with a diversity of
• Your personal qualities that
equip you for the social work
• Your oral and written
communication skills
• Your employment and /or
volunteer work which
prepared you for pursuing a
Master of Social Work
• Your career and life goals
and how you anticipate the
MSW degree will facilitate
your development
3) Recommendations from
three sources using the
Recommendation Forms
available from the
Department of Social Work
• Your limitations which you
perceive as needing to be
addressed during the course
of your professional
4) Official transcripts of undergraduate and graduate work
from each institution attended.
All of the above must be
received by the deadline of
January 15.
,.!\ .
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The Augsburg College
Department of Social Work
encourages qualified applicants
from other countries to apply for
admissions to the program of
study leading to the Master of
Social Work degree. International applicants should keep
in mind that classes meet on the
weekends (Friday evening and
Saturday morning and afternoon) and that students can take
three courses per trimester for a
yearly total of nine classes
(including Field Work courses).
With this schedule, students can
complete the required course
work in two years. See the
section under Admission
Requirements for a general
description of the admission
process, selection criteria, and
work experience requirements.
All application requirements as
outlined under Admission
Requirements and Application
Procedures are to be submitted
in English.
Additional application materials
required for international applicants are:
• Completed Declaration of
• Official marksheets with certified translations from all
undergraduate institutions
attended listing all courses
taken, marks earned, dates
attended, and degree(s) or
diploma(s) conferred, if any
• Official marksheets with certified translations from all
graduate institutions attended
listing all courses taken, marks
earned, dates attended, and
degree(s) or diploma(s)
conferred, if any
• Official results on the Test of
English as a Foreign Language
(TOEFL) with a minimum
score of 590
• Applicant may be asked to
participate in an interview
with graduate program faculty ,
if applicant is in the United
Very limited financial aid from
Augsburg College may or may
not be available. Therefore,
students and their financial
sponsor must complete a
Declaration of Finances as part of
the application for admission,
along with appropriate
certifications. Students will
need to provide proof of availability of funds for tuition, books,
and living costs for each academic year in which they want to
attend. The College requires
students to provide proof of a
minimum of $10,000 in U.S.
funds for living expenses for
themselves plus the cost of
NOTE: Additional information
may be required, as requested
by Augsburg College to evaluate
educational credentials more
accurately. Furthermore,
supplemental information may
be needed to issue an 1-20 or
J-1 for students admitted to the
MSW program. Information
requested for the 1-20 or J-1 will
not be used to make an admission decision.
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Evaluation of academic performance for the Master of Social
Students must maintain a 3.0
Work degree will be based on number grades using a 4.0 point
scale with these definitions:
cumulative grade point average.
If a student falls below a 3.0
Achieves highest standards of excellence
average, the student will be
placed on probation for the
Achieves above basic course standards
following term. A 3.0 cumula-
Achieves the minimum passing standard
tive grade point average must
be restored in order for a
student to be removed from
I •
Achieves at or above the 2.0 level (not computed in
grade point average)
Does not meet minimum passing standard (no credit and
non-punitive -not computed in grade point average)
Grade given when course is dropped
Incomplete grade given in case where student is unable
to complete course requirements for reasons beyond the
student's control. (To receive an incomplete, a student
..· '
toward the degree. No more than two courses with a grade
below 2.0 can be repeated. Only the credits and grades earned
the MSW Program Committee.
Students also may be dismissed
by the MSW Program
Committee for behavior detrimental to the program such as a
No more than two courses with a grade below 3.0 will count
permitted to continue in the
program. A plan for the student
to follow would be outlined at
below 3.0, the student may be
dismissed from the program by
- ·..
Committee before being
A grade of X is given by the instructor to indicate that
term in which the work is completed and evaluated (but
not longer than one year).
student must petition successfully with the MSW Program
that time. If the cumulative
grade point average again falls
the study (Internships and Independent Studies) is
extended. A final grade will be issued at the end of the
probation. If a student receives
a grade of N in a course, the
must file a petition with the Registrar's Office.)
·- ~
Academic Probation and
Academic Evaluation
. '
the second time are counted in the grade point average.
gross violation of college policy
(as published in the Student
Guide). Dismissal would occur
only after established procedures were followed .
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Credit and Contact
Each graduate course in the
Master of Social Work program
is the equivalent of four
semester credits or six quarter
credits. Students meet in class a
total of 32 hours and are responsible for a significant amount of
individual study and preparation. In addition, attendance at a
four-hour Sunday Seminar is
required once during each
Trimester. Advanced standing
students must attend four seminars and Professional
Foundation students must attend
six Sunday Seminars for graduation clearance.
Policy/Leaves of Absence
Students may enroll on a full or
part-time basis, taking three or
two courses, respectively, each
trimester. All students are
required to complete the
program within four years.
Students who leave the program
for more than one term must
request a leave of absence in
writing from the MSW Program
Each student must be enrolled in
the MSW program for the
equivalent of the last year or
nine courses.
The MSW Program Director
assigns academic advisors
whose purpose it is to promote
student growth, development,
and the achievement of personal
goals and professional education. Faculty office hours are
posted on office doors; students
may meet with faculty at other
times by appointment. In addition to the academic advisor, all
social work faculty are accessible to students. Social work
faculty consider advising time a
high priority.
Transfer Students
Up to eight courses from a
CSWE-accredited MSW
program may be transferable if
the grades are 3.0 or better.
Transfer students must meet the
admissions and residency
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The application fee ($25) is due
1995-96 Tuition and Fees
on or before the application
Application Fee (payable once, non-refundable)
$ 100 non-refundable deposit
reserves a place in the program
in a given term, once a person is
accepted. Tuition is due at the
time of registration.
Refund Schedule
In order to be eligible for the
refund, students are responsible
(cancel/add/change grade option, or combination at one time)
Registration Change after First Class Meeting
Finance Charge: A finance charge is applied at a simple rate of
tuition refund will be made on
1 % per month on any account with an open balance of 30 days or more.
the following basis:
3) Company Reimbursement:
Full courses, or equivalent,
College will not release
class meeting -
which are company reim-
diplomas or academic tran-
Prior to the third scheduled class
bursed require a deposit of
scripts until all student accounts
meeting -
$150 per course reimbursed,
are paid in full. This also
with full payment due within
applies to student loan funds
No refund after third scheduled
45 days after the end of the
administered by the college
class meeting.
(Perkins Student Loan); they
approval, a 3-pay plan is
available each trimester.
Payment plans will be
.•... .
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A finance charge is applied at a
simple rate of 1% per month on
1) Payment in Full : Due day
of registration.
paid in full as agreed. Augsburg
Prior to the second scheduled
ication and after College
($25 per day up to a maximum of $125 charged to any
student registering after the scheduled registration date.)
Registrar's Office. A per-course
2) Payment Plan: Upon appl-
Transcript Fee (per copy after first, which is free)
Payment Options*
Late Fee
..,· '
' 11
Tuition for 1995-'96 (per trimester course)
Prior to the first scheduled class
... .
(non-refundable; applied toward tuition charges)
for canceling courses with the
meeting -
,• ••a
Enrollment Reservation Deposit
~ .Ill
deadline for a given term. The
offered only if previous
plans have been adhered to .
any amount with an open
must be current according to
established repayment schedules.
balance of 30 days or more.
Tuition is set on an annual basis,
payable in 3 equal installments
at the beginning of each
trimester. Registration is
permitted only if the student's
account for a previous term is
*A non-sufficient-funds check
will declare your registration
invalid and could affect further
credit extended by the College.
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Students may receive assistance
in meeting graduate program
costs in a number of ways.
Enrollment in two or more
courses per trimester allows the
student to be classified as fulltime for all federal and state
financial aid programs. The
Office of Student Financial
Services (612) 330-1046 will
assist students in assessing
financial aid eligibility and may
offer financial aid from available alternatives, including the
Bureau of Indian Affairs,
Tribal and State Indian
American Indian students who
meet federal, state or tribal
requirements may apply for
these scholarships. Indian grants
generally supplement other
sources of financial aid. For
assistance in applying, please
contact Augsburg's American
Indian Support Program
Director at 612-330-1138 or
your tribal agency.
Federal and State Aid
The Office of Student Financial
Services determines eligibility
for any Federal or State financial aid programs available to
graduate students.
Determination of eligibility is
based on a standard nationally
approved methodology.
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Funded Scholarships
Augsburg actively pursues
outside funding for special
scholarships. The availability of
such scholarships enables participation for individuals of
limited financial means as well
as individuals who work for
volunteer agencies and other
organizations not likely to
provide tuition reimbursement.
Company Tuition Assistance
Many companies, agencies and
corporations offer full or partial
tuition assistance to employees
who participate in work-related
or degree-related college
programs. Augsburg College
offers several payment plans by
which employees may handle
tuition reimbursement.
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The Federal Family Education
Loan Program
• Federal Stafford Loan
Available to students based on
a financial eligibility determination. Annual loan limits are
up to $18,500 per year for
graduate students, of which up
to $8,500 may be subsidized,
if eligible.
The aggregate loan limit is
$128,500 for graduate
students (including undergraduate borrowing). Interest rates
for new borrowers with loan
periods beginning October 1,
1992, or later are determined
annually by the 91 -day T-Bill
+3.1 %. with a cap of 8.25%.
Students with outstanding
balances on Federal Stafford
Student Loans will continue
with the interest rate on the
previous loan. No interest
accrues to the student
borrower while enrolled at
least half-time in an eligible
program. The federal government subsidizes the interest
during this time .
• Federal Stafford Loan Unsubsidized
Program characteristics (loan
limits, interest rates, etc.) are
the same as the above subsidized Stafford Loan, except
that the interest accrues to the
student borrower while
enrolled. This loan is available
to those who do not qualify
for the subsidized Stafford
Loan. A normal financial aid
application is required.
•Federal Perkins Student
A joint Augsburg Collegefederally funded program
administered through the
College for students who
demonstrate financial eligibility .
No interest accrues nor do
payments have to be made on
the principal at any time
students are enrolled at least
half-time. A student may
borrow a maximum of $3,000
per year as a graduate student
with a $30,000 maximum
(including undergraduate and
graduate amounts). Simple
interest of 5 percent and
repayment of the principal (at
the minimum of $40 a month)
begins nine months after the
student graduates or leaves
school. Repayment may
extend up to ten years.
• SELF (Student Educational
Loan Fund)
A Minnesota State loan
Students may borrow up to
$9,000 per year for graduate
students with a $40,000 aggregate maximum when graduate
study is included ($500
minimum). The interest rate is
variable, paid by the borrower
quarterly while in school.
Principal payments begin 13
months after leaving school.
Students must apply for financial aid and be enrolled at least
half-time .
To Apply for
Financial Aid
1) Complete the Application for
Admission and indicate a
desire to apply for financial aid.
2) The Office of Student
Financial Services will send
the necessary application and
financial statement forms (or
the student may pick them up
in the Office of Student
Financial Services, 152
Science Hall.
3) A student must have a
Financial Aid Transcript on
file with Augsburg from each
previously attended postsecondary institution even if
the student did not receive
aid. Forms are available from
the College.
4) Complete and return the
financial aid forms by the
deadlines indicated.
5) Accept the financial aid
offered, in whole or in part,
within the deadline stated.
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r., ·.;
outside, the skyways, tunnels
and elevators provide accessible
connections betw~en nine of 14
major buildings - student
housing towers, the Christensen
Center, main acad~mic and
administrative halls, the Library,
Music Hall and the Foss Center
for Worship, Drama and
Communication. In addition,
there are programs for students
with learning and physical
Church Affiliation
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Campus Location
Augsburg College was the first
seminary founded by
Norwegian Lutherans in
America. Named after the
confession of faith presented by
Lutherans in Augsburg,
Germany, in 1530, Augsburg
opened in September, 1869, in
Marshall, Wisc., and moved to
Minneapolis in 1872. The name
Augsburg College and Seminary
changed to Augsburg College
in 1963 when the Lutheran Free
Church merged with The
American Lutheran Church.
Augsburg's 23-acre campus is
located in the heart of the Twin
Cities surrounding Murphy
Square. Adjacent to the campus
are the Fairview Riverside
Medical Center complex, the
West Bank campus of the
University of Minnesota and
Mississippi River parkways .
Augsburg College has made a
major effort to become one of
the most accessible campuses in
the region. Without going
Augsburg is a college of The
Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America. The College is a
diverse community with many
strong religious traditions represented among the students,
faculty and staff, including but
not limited to Lutheran, Roman
Catholic, American Indian
Spirituality and Thought,
Buddhist and Islamic faiths.
Augsburg College does not
discriminate on the basis of
race, creed, national or ethnic
origin, age, marital status,
gender, sexual orientation or
disability as required by Title IX
of the 1972 Educational
Amendments or Section 504 of
the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
as amended in its admission
policies, educational programs,
activities, and employment
. ........ .
•. .•
From Minneapolis
Interstate 94 east to 25th
Avenue exit, left to Riverside
A venue, left to 21st A venue
South, left at Augsburg sign.
From St. Paul
Interstate 94 west to Riverside
exit, right on Riverside Avenue
to 21st Avenue South, left at
Augsburg sign.
Admissions House
George Sverdrup Library
Science Hall
Old Main
West Hall
Mortensen Tower
Urness Tower
Christensen Center
Memorial Hall
Music Hall
2222 Murphy Place
Si Melby Hall
Ice Arena
Stage II Theatre
College Relations
Nordic Center
Foss, Lobeck,
Miles Center for
Worship, Drama
and Communication
Center for Global Education
Jeroy C. Carlson Alumni
Youth and Family Institute
American Indian Support
and Minority Education
Oscar Anderson Hall
East Hall
All posted Augsburg
College parking lots,
with the exception of
resident parking lots in
front and behind the
residence halls, are free
and open for student
use from 4:30 p.m.
Friday through Sunday
evening and Monday through
Thursday evenings after 4:30
p.m. until 8:00 a.m. Lots are
located on Seventh Street
between 21st and 22nd A venues
and north of Eighth Street on
21st A venue. Most street
parking is four hour parking and
available seven days a week,
except for the parking meters on
Riverside Avenue. The parking
meters are as posted by the City
of Minneapolis. Additional
parking is available in the
Fairview Riverside Medical
Center ramp.
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• :f -- •••
Public Transportation
For schedules and specific information about city bus
transportation to Augsburg
College, call the Metropolitan
Transportation System
at (612) 373-3333.
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A. Admissions Parking
B. Student Parking
C. Visitor Parking
D. The Quad
E. Faculty/Staff Parking
F. Murphy Square
G. Anderson-Nelson
Athletic Field
H. Fairview/St. Mary's
Parking Ramp
I. Husby-Strommen
Tennis Courts
J. Resident Parking Only
K. Student/Commuter Parking
X. Accessible Entrance
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Blanca-Rosa Egas
Associate Professor.
MD, M.Ed. and Psychiatry
Residency, University of
Guayaquil; M.P.H. and
Substance Abuse Fellowship,
University of Minnesota.
Hans Eriksson
Visiting Professor.
B.A., Wilmington College
(OH); M.S.W., University of
Minnesota; Advanced Studies
in Social Work, Case Wes tern
Reserve University.
Carol F. Kuechler
Assistant Professor.
B.A., Marquette University;
M.S.W., University of
Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota.
Anthony Bibus III
Assistant Professor and BSW
Program Director.
B.A., College of St. Thomas;
M.A., University of Virginia;
Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
' 11
' '
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Vern Bloom
Assistant Professor and
Coordinator of Field Instruction.
B.A., M.S.W., University of
Minnesota .
Maria Brown
Associate Professor.
B.A. (German), M.A. (German),
American University; M.S.W.,
University of Minnesota.
Francine Chakolis
Assistant Professor.
B.S., Augsburg College;
M.S.W., University of
Rosemary J. Link
Associate Professor and
Department Chair.
B.A., Southampton University;
C.Q.S.W., London University
(Bedford College); Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota.
Sharon K. Patten
Associate Professor.
B.A., St. Olaf College; M.S.W.,
M.A. (Public Affairs), Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota.
Curt Paulsen
Associate Professor.
B.A., St. Olaf College; M.S.W.,
University of Minnesota; Ph .D.,
The Fielding Institute.
Glenda Dewberry Rooney
Associate Professor.
B.A., University of North
Texas; M.S.W., University of
Illinois-Chicago; Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota.
Michael Schock
Assistant Professor.
B.A., University of Washington;
M.S.W., University of
Minnesota; Ph.D., University of
Edward R. Skarnulis
B.A ., Omaha University;
M.S.W., Ph.D. , University of
Clarice Staff
Assistant Professor and MSW
Program Director.
B.A., Augsburg College;
M.S.S.W., D.S.W., Columbia
Mary Lou Williams
Assistant Professor.
B.F.A., University of
Pennsylvania; M.S.W.,
University of Pennsylvania.
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MSW Graduate Program Office
Campus Box No. 269
2211 Riverside Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55454
FAX 612/330-1493
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Show less
Master of Social Work (MSW) Catalog, 1997-1999
Course Catalogs
Search Result
he good we secure for ourselves
is precarious and uncertain ...
until it is secured for all of us and
incorporated into our common life.
- Jane Addams
Introduction ............. ........ .. ... .. ................
Show more
he good we secure for ourselves
is precarious and uncertain ...
until it is secured for all of us and
incorporated into our common life.
- Jane Addams
Introduction ............. ........ .. ... .. ............................. ..4
Curriculum Design ................................................. 6
Course Descriptions ........... .. ......... .. .... ................... 8
Library .................................................................. 11
Accreditation and Affiliations .. .... .. .. ... .. ..... .. ........11
Student Rights ...................................................... 11
Academic Policies ................................................ 12
Admission Requirements .. ...... ... .. ... ................. ....14
Application Procedures ............. ...... .. ............. ... ...15
International Applicants ....................................... 16
Fee and Payment Schedule ....... ... ....... .. .... .. .. ....... . 17
Financial Aid ... .... ... ........ ... ............... .. ... .. ..... .. ...... 18
About Augsburg .. .. ...................... .. ....... .. ... ...... ..... 20
Campus Location .............. .. ... .. .......................... ..21
Campus Map ..... .. .......................... .. ........ ..... .... .. .. 21
Officers of Administration .... .. .. .... ...................... .22
Officers of Instruction .................................. ........ 22
Accommodating the
Needs of Adult Learners
Augsburg College takes pride in
its focus on adult learners
throughout its programs and is
committed to education for experienced working people.
Graduate social work classes
meet during weekends in fourhour blocks on Friday evenings,
Saturday mornings and Saturday
afternoons. Students meet during
these times in small classes of
fewer than 22 students.
The Master of Social Work
program is designed to meet the
needs of a wide range of students
who have family, community or
employment obligations and/or
must travel distances to obtain
Master of Social Work
The Master of Social Work
program prepares students for
entering advanced social work
practice. The program builds on
the liberal arts base of the
College and supports the
College's mission statement: to
nurture future leaders in service
to the world by providing highquality educational
Program Philosophy
The Master of Social Work
program is based on the
• Preparation for ethical, competent, professional practice
• A framework for practice of
problem solving within a
systems framework and
strengths perspective
• Understanding of and respect
for diverse peoples and cultures
opportunities that are based in
the liberal arts and shaped by
the faith and values of the
• Commitment to educate the
Christian Church, by the context
of a vital metropolitan setting,
and by an intentionally diverse
campus community.
• Responsibility and service to
the broader community in the
interests of social justice
whole person
• Commitment to oppose
• Focus on client empowerment
graduate social work education.
The library, student center,
computer center, counseling,
parking, food service and many
other support services are open to
accommodate graduate students.
Faculty arrange office hours to
meet non-traditional student
need . Inexpensive accommodations may be available for students
who travel to attend the program
and wish to stay overnight.
The Master of Social Work
program is highlighted by:
• Tradition of excellence in
curriculum, faculty and students
• Intentional recruitment of
students from diverse backgrounds
• Metropolitan location
• Access to challenging and
rewarding field placements
Professional preparation at the
Master of Social Work level at
Augsburg is founded on the
following assumptions:
• Analysis and presentation of
complex social issues and solutions are based on solid
research. MSW students will
develop competencies to
conduct, analyze and present
practice-based research in oral
and written form.
• The world is interdependent in
all areas; students will become
knowledgeable of social welfare
policies and programs that
address changing needs of the
world community.
• In the interests of constructive
social change that promotes
social justice, students are
educated to address institutional
oppression created by issues of
age, gender, race/ethnicity,
class, disability, sexual orientation or religion. Social justice is
a focus throughout the program.
MSW Program
The Master of Social Work
program has two program
concentrations: Family Practice,
or Program Development, Policy
and Administration. Students
choose one of the two concentrations for their program focus.
Family Practice
Family, in its diverse forms, is
central to society. "Family,"
in this context, is interpreted
broadly as the nurturing system
surrounding people. It is inclusive of many areas of need.
As a growing number of familyrelated challenges face society,
there is an ever-increasing need
for professionals who base
their practice on in-depth study
of the broad spectrum of issues
that confront the family . In the
Family Practice concentration,
students will concentrate on
promoting empowerment of the
family-nurturing systems from a
developmental and holistic
Program Development, Policy
and Administration
Social change is necessary to
foster policies and services that
respond to human need. The
Program Development, Policy
and Administration concentration
was developed in response to the
growing demand for leadership
and administration. Effective
services require participatory
development, competent practitioners, strong leadership and
effective administration. Students
in this concentration will learn
the knowledge base and develop
the skills necessary to promote
and achieve needed change, and
to develop, lead, guide and
administer programs that will
serve diverse people in a variety
of settings.
Integrative Field Work
Seminars (including 480 hours
of MSW-supervised field work),
Research II, one elective and the
Thesis Seminar.
Upon completion of the
Foundation courses, students
continue their educational
program through one of the
areas of concentration: Family
Practice, or Program
Development, Policy and
Students must complete 18
courses: nine Foundation
courses, five Advanced
curriculum courses, and four
Concentration courses. Students
must complete 900 hours of
professionally supervised,
program-approved social work
field experience and complete a
Master's thesis.
If admitted with Advanced
Standing, students complete 12
courses, 480 hours of field experience and a Master's thesis.
Courses include three
Foundation courses, five
Advanced cmTiculum courses
and four Concentration courses.
The Foundation courses begin
the MSW program. These nine
courses, including 420 hours of
MSW-supervised field work,
must be successfully completed
prior to enrollment in the
Advanced curriculum. Six of
these courses may be waived for
persons who hold baccalaureate
degrees in social work from a
Council on Social Work
Education-accredited program
and who are approved for
Advanced Standing.
After successful completion of
the Foundation courses, students
may enroll in the Advanced
courses, which include two
Students are required to
successfully complete at least
one elective.
Field Work Placements
Students spend 900 hours in
professionally supervised,
program-approved field work
Master's Thesis
The MSW thesis provides the
avenue for integration of knowledge and experience gained
during the course of study,
particularly emphasizing greater
understanding of the utility and
importance of research to social
work practice. The student, in
consultation with the faculty
member who serves as the thesis
adviser, will select an area of
study focused on social need,
practice, service and policy.
Curriculum Plan
Courses are offered exclusively on a weekend format: Friday evenings, Saturday mornings and afternoons.
Foundation Courses
(9 credits)
SWK 500 Human Behavior in the Social Environment
SWK 501 History of Social Welfare Policy
SWK 502 Integrative Field Work Seminar I
SWK 503 Integrative Field Work Seminar II
SWK 504 Research I
SWK 505 Practice Methods and Skills I
SWK 506 Practice Methods and Skills II
SWK 520 Introduction to Family Practice
SWK 521 Introduction to Program Development, Policy and Administration
Advanced Courses
(5 credits)
SWK 523 Integrative Field Work Seminar III
SWK 524 Integrative Field Work Seminar IV
SWK 527 Research II
SWK 560 Elective Topics
SWK 589 Thesis Seminar
SWK 598 Independent Studies (as an elective)
- --
Concentration Courses: Family Pradice
(4 credits)
SWK 540 Family Practice I
SWK 541 Family Practice II
SWK 542 Family Diversity (0.5 er)
SWK 543 Creative Problem Solving for Supervision
SWK 545 Family Social Policy (0.5 er)
Concentration Courses:
Program Development, Policy and Administration
(4 credits)
SWK 550 Processes of Program Planning and Development
SWK 551 Organizational Development and Administration
SWK 552 Inter-Organizational, Community and
Political Relations
SWK 553 Advanced Social Policy
Master of Social Work Degree
Total course credits required: 18for Foundation students,
12 for Advanced Standing students.
Foundation Courses
Successful completion of these
courses must be achieved before
students may advance in the
SWK 500 Human Behavior in
the Social Environment*
This course provides the knowledge basic to an understanding
of human growth through the
life cycle and of the interplay
of socio-cultural, biological
and psychological factors, that
influence the growth of
individuals and families in
contemporary world society.
SWK 501 History of Social
Welfare Policy*
This course analyzes the history
of social welfare policy in the
United States and its impact on
current social systems and
social policy. The course examines the major assumptions,
values, ideas and events that
contributed to the rise of the
welfare state and the profession
of social work. Social welfare
policies of other countries are
SWK 502 and 503 Integrative
Field Work Seminar I and II*
The integrative seminars are
courses where field practice and
classroom theory meet. The
goal is to strengthen the connec-
tions between social work
theory and practice. Students
are expected to spend 420 hours
in a field work placement
during enrollment in these two
courses. (SWK 502 is prerequisite for SWK 503.)
SWK 504 Research I
This course provides an introduction to social science
research method and ethics
including practice and program
evaluation. The course presents
research designs, both quantitative and qualitative approaches,
and various ways to organize,
compare and interpret findings.
Students will be introduced to
the use of computers in data
analysis. Initial preparation for
the thesis is begun in this
SWK 505 Practice Methods
and Skills I*
This course focuses on the
theoretical foundation, ethics
and values, and the skills and
application of the problemsolving process of social work.
Work with a diversity of professional and natural helping
networks and client groups is
*May be waived if admitted with Advanced Standing.
SWK 506 Practice Methods
and Skills II*
This course emphasizes
problem solving with small
groups, community and organizational systems, with an
emphasis on group task and
maintenance functions.
Throughout the course, the
focus is on work with diverse
groups and organizations.
(Prerequisite: SWK 505)
SWK 520 Introduction to
Family Practice
This course explores concepts,
theories, policies and research
underlying holistic professional
social work practice with families. It provides an overview of
family practice using a systems
framework and the strengths
SWK 521 Introduction to
Program Development, Policy
and Administration
This course presents the theories of organizational
development, policy analysis,
program development and
budgeting. Roles of advanced
social workers in agencies, as
well as professional, ethical and
effective functioning within
organizational structures, will
be explored.
Advanced Courses
Successful completion of
Foundation courses must be
achieved before students
register for these courses.
SWK 523 and 524 Integrative
Field Work Seminar Ill and IV
The integrative seminars are
courses where field practice and
classroom theory meet. The goal
is to strengthen the connections
between social work theory and
advanced practice within the
framework of either of the two
program concentrations.
Students are expected to spend
480 hours in a field work placement during enrollment in these
two courses. (SWK 503 is
prerequisite for SWK 523; SWK
523 is prerequisite for SWK
SWK 527 Research I/
This course offers a practiceoriented exploration of the range
of research methods used in
social work, a critique of the
role of research in assessing
effectiveness in social service
delivery, and identification with
the responsibility of social
workers to systematically evaluate our practice and expand the
knowledge base of social work.
A research project will be
designed and initial planning for
the MSW thesis is incorporated.
(Prerequisite: SWK 504)
SWK 560 Elective Topics
The following are examples of
elective offerings. Students
should consult the Program
Schedule for current electives.
• SWK 560 Child Welfare:
History, Policy and Practice
• SWK 560 Contemporary
Services for Persons with
Disabilities and Their Families
• SWK 560 Exploring
Human Services in
International Settings
• SWK 560 Old Age
• SWK 560 Peace and
Social Justice
• SWK 560 Poverty, Equality
and Income Support Policy
• SWK 560 Social Work With
Involuntary Clients
SWK 589 Thesis Seminar
The Thesis Seminar will provide
students with a supportive group
environment in which to
problem-solve theoretical,
conceptual, content, ethical and
technical issues in the design,
implementation, analysis, write-up
and dissemination of thesis
research. (Prerequisite: SWK 527)
SWK 598 Independent Studies
Students may propose a course
of study as an elective in an area
not covered in the current
curriculum. An independent
study course may be used to
satisfy the elective requirements
of SWK 560. No course offered
in the current curriculum may be
taken as an independent study.
Concentration Courses:
Family Practice
(Prerequisite for all Family
Practice courses is SWK 520)
SWK 540 Family Practice I
This course is designed to
address contemporary work in a
context of historical references,
to provide the foundational
elements for individual family
practice model creation, to
synthesize universal family
practice principles with special
population requirements, and to
integrate social policy and
research into all levels of family
SWK 541 Family Practice II
This course focuses on effective
family practice intervention. It
addresses specific theorists,
compared and contrasted specifically to the feminist perspective,
and demonstrates the application
of theory and practice to a variety
of family issues in different
service delivery settings.
(Prerequisite: SWK 540)
SWK 542 Family Diversity
(0.5 credit)
This course examines the
various theories underlying
professional practice with families in their many diverse forms.
Recognizing that the family is
the basic institution through
which one is socialized, this
course examines how family
membership shapes one's understanding and appreciation of
ethnicity, gender roles and sociological script.
SWK 543 Creative Problem
Solving for Supervision
This course examines knowledge and skill building in the
administrative, educational and
supportive functions of social
work supervision. The interactional model, creative problem
solving and strengths perspective are the frameworks for
understanding and influencing
the dynamics of supervision in a
variety of settings.
SWK 545 Family Social Policy
(0.5 credit)
This course explores the impact
of social policies on diverse
families, including policies that
relate to housing, income maintenance, health, long-term care,
education and discrimination.
National and international political, social and economic
systems are analyzed.
Concentration Courses:
Program Development,
Policy and Administration
(Prerequisite for all Program
Development, Policy and
Administration Concentration
courses is SWK 521.)
SWK 550 Processes of Program
Planning and Development
This course examines theoretical
and conceptual ideas concerning
human services, their rationale
in a market economy, and their
relationship to public policy.
Students will gain knowledge
and build skills in the planning,
implementation and evaluation
of services at various levels of
system design, taking into
account organizational, financial
and technological dimensions
within an analytical framework
of defined need and demand for
SWK 551 Organizational
Development and
This course examines organizational theory and structure,
processes of development,
research and evaluation, and
social work values and ethics in
the workplace.
SWK 552 Inter-Organizational,
Community and Political
This course explores strategies
and methods for working effectively with other service
agencies, legislative and policymaking bodies, regulatory
agencies and advocacy groups.
(Prerequisite: SWK 551)
SWK 553 Advanced Social
This course examines theories,
concepts and analytical frameworks for analyzing policy. It
addresses the role of economics,
demographics, politics, values
and other relevant factors on
policy design and implementation. The course emphasizes the
analysis of selected existing or
proposed policies in such areas as
social insurance (e.g. Social
Security), welfare reform, health
care, long-term care and tax
policy including tax expenditures.
The Lindell Library, named for
donor James G. Lindell and
family, is a state-of-the-art
facility that houses the library
collection, academic and administrative computing services,
and audio-visual services. The
Library has a vast periodical
collection, other circulating
collections, a multi-media classroom, a copy center and a
library instruction room. There
are a variety of study spaces,
ranging from carrels and casual
seating to group study rooms
equipped with network access.
The Lindell Library's collection
of 175,000 volumes is complete
with the latest computerized
catalogs, indexes and CD-ROM
stations for various academic
disciplines-e.g. Social Work
Abstracts, Psychlit, ERIC
(education) and CINAHL
(nursing and health). An online
catalog, CLICnet, reflects holdings of Augsburg and its six
partner Twin Cities private
college libraries. Twice-daily
courier service among these and
other local libraries (including
the University of Minnesota and
Minneapolis and St. Paul Public
Libraries) facilitates easy and
quick sharing ofresources.
Additional collections nation-
wide are also accessible through
interlibrary loan arrangements.
Remote, off-campus computer
access to these services is
provided via a telecommunications link.
The library staff is experienced
in guiding graduate students to
research materials for coursework as well as for the thesis
stage of the Master of Social
Work program. Librarians will
help students acquire research
skills through individual
appointments and group
instructional sessions.
The Augsburg Master of Social
Work program is fully accredited
by the Council on Social Work
Education (CSWE). Augsburg
College is accredited by the North
Central Association of Colleges
and Schools.* Augsburg College
is a member of the Associated
Colleges of the Twin Cities
(ACTC), the Lutheran Education
Council in North America and the
Minnesota Private College
Council. Augsburg College is
registered with the Minnesota
Higher Education Services Office.
Registration does not mean that
credits earned at the institution
can be transferred to other institutions or that the quality of the
educational programs would
meet the standards of every
student, educational institution
or employer.
The College has adopted a statement of student rights and
responsibilities and has
provided for due process in the
matters of disciplinary action,
grievances and grade appeal.
These rights, responsibilities
and processes are outlined in the
Student Guide of Augsburg
College. Students are encour-
aged to participate in the
MSW Student Organization
where issues affecting them
are discussed.
The College operates in compliance with the Family
Educational Rights and Privacy
Act (FERPA) of 1974 as
amended and Title IX. Students
have the right to inspect certain
official records, files and data
which pertain to them (except
where a waiver of access has
been signed) and to challenge
inaccurate or misleading information. Students have a right to
experience education free from
*NCACS, Commission on Institutions of Higher Education, 30 N. LaSalle St., Suite 2400, Chicago IL 60602-2504; (312) 263-0456.
Academic Evaluation
Evaluation of academic performance in the Master of Social
Work program will be based on number grades using a 4.0 scale
with these definitions:
Achieves highest standards of excellence
Achieves above basic course standards
Achieves basic course standards
Performance less than basic course standards
Performance below basic course standards
Unacceptable performance (no credit--course must
be retaken)
Evaluation of academic performance in SWK 502, SWK 503,
SWK 523, SWK 524 and SWK 589 will be based on letter grades
with these definitions:
Achieves at or above the 3.0 level (not computed in
grade point average)
Does not meet minimum passing standard (no creditnot computed in grade point average)
(Student must petition to retake the course and to
continue in the MSW program.)
Definitions of other letter grades:
Grade given when course is dropped after midterm
Incomplete grade given in case where student is
unable to complete course requirements for reasons
beyond the student's control. To receive an incomplete, a student must complete a petition and return it
to instructor prior to the end of the course.
A grade of X is given by the instructor to indicate that
the study (Field Placement and Independent Studies)
is extended. A final grade will be issued at the end of
the term in which the work is completed and evaluated (but not longer than one year).
No more than two courses with a grade below 3.0 will count toward the
degree. If a course grade is below 2.0, the course must be repeated;
however, no more than two courses can be repeated. Only the credits and
grades earned the second time are counted in the grade point average.
Summary of Degree
The candidate for graduation
must successfully complete 18
courses, 900 hours of supervised field work, and a thesis as
outlined in the Curriculum Plan
with a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
The candidate who has been
admitted with Advanced
Standing must successfully
complete 12 courses, 480 hours
of supervised field work and a
thesis as outlined in the
Curriculum Plan with a GPA of
3.0 or higher.These courses,
field work and the thesis must
be completed within a four-year
Curriculum Policies
Three courses are offered per
term for the completion of the
program in a two-year period.
An alternative option of two
courses per term is offered;
however, students who enroll in
two courses should expect that
courses may not be available
every term, which may extend
the duration of the program to
varying lengths.
No course offered in the current
curriculum may be taken as an
independent study.
Attendance is expected and
missing more than one session
may result in a reduced grade.
Academic Probation and
Students must maintain at least
a 3.0 cumulative grade point
average. If a student falls below
a 3.0 average, the student will
be placed on probation for the
following term. A 3.0 cumulative grade point average must be
restored in order for a student to
be removed from probation. If
the cumulative grade point
average again falls below 3.0,
the student may be dismissed
from the program.
If a student receives a grade of
N in a course, the student must
successfully petition before
being permitted to repeat the
course and to continue in the
program. A plan for the student
to follow would be outlined at
that time.
Students may be dismissed from
the MSW program for behavior
detrimental to the program such
as a gross violation of college
policy (as published in the
Student Guide) or conduct unbecoming to social work practice
or in violation of professional
ethics. Dismissal would occur
only after established procedures were followed.
Credit and Contact
Each full-credit course in the
Master of Social Work program
is the equivalent of four semester
credits or six quarter credits.
Two courses (SWK 542 and
SWK 545) receive 0.5 credit.
Students meet in each class a
total of 32 hours and are responsible for a significant amount of
individual study and preparation.
Enrollment Policy/
Leaves of Absence
Students may enroll on a full- or
part-time basis, taking three or
two courses, respectively, each
trimester. All students are
required to complete the
program within four years of
matriculation. Students who
leave the program for more than
one term must request in writing
a leave of absence from the
MSW program. The leave of
absence must be requested prior
to the leave and may not exceed
one year. An approved leave of
absence will not count toward
the four year limit.
Each student must be enrolled in
the MSW program for the last
10 courses.
Transfer Students
Foundation level students may
request consideration to transfer
up to eight courses from a
CSWE-accredited MSW
program if the grades are 3.0 or
better. Advanced Standing
students may transfer no more
than two courses from a CSWEaccredited MSW program if the
grades are 3.0 or better.
The MSW program director
assigns each student to an
academic adviser who has
the responsibility to promote
student growth, development
and the achievement of personal
goals and professional education. Faculty office hours are
posted on office doors; students
may meet with faculty at other
times by appointment.
The Master of Social Work
program promotes the widest
possible diversity within its
student and faculty populations
and across its curriculum
content. Therefore, the admission policies ensure that
educational opportunities are
provided to persons with a range
of abilities, backgrounds, beliefs
and cultures.
A strong liberal arts background
in the behavioral sciences is
required. A course in human
writing, and critical and analytical thinking; basic computer
skills are recommended.
Applicants from a wide variety
of backgrounds are encouraged
to apply and they will be given
consideration based on their
composite assets. Applicants
who do not hold a baccalaureate
degree in social work should
apply as Foundation level
students. Applicants who hold a
baccalaureate degree in social
work from a Council on Social
Work Education (CSWE)
accredited program may apply
for Advanced Standing.
Admission to Advanced
Standing is not automatic.
Applicants may be asked to
participate in an interview with
members of the social work
Academic credit is not given for
life or professional experience.
Application deadline:
January 15
(for Foundation level)
October 1
(for Advanced Standing)
biology, physiology or anatomy
that includes comprehensive
study of the human systems is
required as well as a course that
includes basic statistics.
Applicants must demonstrate
strong graduate level skills in
(Applications completed after the
deadline will be reviewed if there
are any openings.)
Notification of acceptance:
April 1
(for Foundation level)
December 15
(for Advanced Standing)
Matriculation date:
Fall trimester for
Foundation students
Spring trimester for
Advanced Standing students
• Baccalaureate degree from an
accredited college or university; if applying for Advanced
Standing, applicant must have
a baccalaureate degree in
Social Work from a CSWEaccredited program
• A minimum grade point
average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
("B" average) for the last two
years of an undergraduate
•A minimum of one year, postdegree, supervised, human
service employment experience. For applicants to
Advanced Standing, this
requirement is in addition to
the social work field internship.
• A course in human biology,
physiology or anatomy (A
grade of "C" or better is
• A course that includes basic
statistics (A grade of "C" or
better is required.)
To apply, students must submit
the following to the Department
of Social Work-Master of
Social Work program:
1) Completed application form
with $25 (non-refundable)
application fee.
2) Typed personal statement
which addresses the
applicant's perspective
and understanding of:
• Social welfare and society
• Social work as a profession
• Personal qualities that
equip the applicant for the
social work profession
• Ability to work with a
diversity of people
• Employment and/or volunteer
work which prepared the
applicant for pursuing a
Master of Social Work degree
• Personal skills in oral and
written communication
• Career and life goals and
how the MSW degree will
facilitate the applicant's
• Personal and professional
limitations that the applicant
perceives as needing to be
addressed during the course of
the applicant's professional
3) Recommendations from three
sources using the
Recommendation Forms
provided by the Department
of Social Work
4) Official transcripts of undergraduate and graduate work
from each institution attended
5) Documentation of completion
of human biology and basic
statistics prerequisites
All of the above must be received
by the deadline of January 15 for
Foundation level and October 1
for Advanced Standing.
admission process, selection
criteria and academic/work
experience requirements.)
All application materials, as
outlined under Admission
Requirements and Application
Procedures, are to be submitted
in English.
Additional application materials
required for international
applicants are:
• Completed Declaration of
The Department of Social Work
encourages qualified applicants
from other countries to apply for
admission to the Master of
Social Work program.
International applicants should
note that classes meet on the
weekends (Friday evening and
Saturday morning and afternoon) and that students can take
three courses per trimester for
full time or two courses per
trimester for part-time study.
With a full-time schedule,
students can complete the
required coursework in two
years. (See the section under
Admission Requirements for a
general description of the
•Official marksheets with certified translations from all
undergraduate institutions
attended listing all courses
taken, marks earned, dates
attended, and degree(s) or
diploma(s) conferred, if any
• Official marksheets with certified translations from all
graduate institutions attended
listing all courses taken, marks
earned, dates attended, and
degree(s) or diploma(s)
conferred, if any
• Evaluation of credentials for
any international academic
transcript including analysis of
credentials, course by course
evaluation and calculation of
grade point average
• Official results on the Test of
English as a Foreign Language
(TOEFL) with a minimum
score of 600.
Applicants may be asked to
participate in an interview with
social work faculty if they are in
the United States
Limited financial aid from
Augsburg College may be available. Therefore, students and
their financial sponsors must
complete a Declaration of
Finances as part of the application for admission along with
appropriate certifications.
Students will need to provide
proof of availability of funds for
tuition, books and living costs
for each academic year in which
they want to attend. The College
requires students to provide
proof of a minimum of $10,000
in U.S. funds for living
expenses for themselves plus the
cost of tuition.
NOTE: Additional information
may be required, as requested
by Augsburg College, to
evaluate education credentials
more accurately. Furthermore,
supplemental information may
be needed to issue an I-20 or
1-1 for students admitted to the
MSW program. Information
requested for the I-20or1-1
will not be used to make an
admission decision.
The application fee ($25) is due
on or before the application
deadline. Upon acceptance into
the MSW program, a $100 fee is
due, which is credited toward
tuition and is non-refundable.
Refund Schedule
In order to be eligible for a
refund, students are responsible
for canceling courses with the
Registrar's Office. A per-course
tuition refund will be made on
the following basis:
Through the first scheduled
class meeting-I 00% of tuition
(minus $75 administrative fee if
withdrawing completely)
Prior to the second scheduled
class meeting-80% of tuition
Prior to the third scheduled class
meeting-60% of tuition
No refund after third scheduled
class meeting.
Payment Options*
1) Payment in Full: Due first
day of classes
2) Payment Plan: Upon application
for the payment plan and after
College approval, a 3-pay plan
is available each trimester with
1/3 tuition due every 30 days.
Payment plans will be offered
only if the student has adhered
to previous payment plans.
Tuition and Fees
Tuition for 1997-'98 (per trimester course)
Application Fee (payable once, non-refundable)
Enrollment Reservation Deposit
(non-refundable; applied toward tuition charges)
Late Registration Fee
($25 per day up to a maximum of $125 charged to any
student registering after the scheduled registration date.)
Registration Change After First Class Meeting
(cancel/add or combination at one time)
Transcript Fee (per copy after first, which is free)
Thesis Fee
(If a student continues the thesis process beyond the spring term of
the thesis year, the student shall pay a fee for each trimester until
completion of the thesis.)
Finance Charge: A finance charge is applied at a simple rate of 1 percent
per month on any account with an open balance of 30 days or more.
3) Company Reimbursement:
Courses that are company
reimbursed require a deposit
of $150 per course, with full
payment due within 45 days
after the end of the term.
Tuition is set on an annual basis
and is payable at the beginning
of each trimester. Registration is
permitted only if the student's
account for a previous term is
paid in full as agreed. Augsburg
College will not release
diplomas or academic transcripts until all student accounts
are paid in full. This policy
applies to student loan funds
administered by the College
(e.g. Perkins Student Loan);
payments must be current
according to the established
repayment schedules.
*A non-sufficient-funds check will declare your registration invalid and could affect further credit extended by the College.
Students may receive assistance
in meeting graduate program
costs in a number of ways.
Enrollment in two or more
courses per trimester allows the
student to be classified as full
time for all federal and state
financial aid programs. The
Office of Student Financial
Services will assist students in
assessing financial aid eligibility
and may offer financial aid from
available alternatives.
Funded Scholarships
Augsburg actively pursues
outside funding for special
funded scholarships. The availability of such scholarships
enables participation for individuals of limited financial means
as well as individuals who work
for volunteer agencies and other
organizations not likely to
provide tuition reimbursement.
Company Tuition Assistance
Many companies, agencies and
corporations offer full or partial
tuition assistance to employees
who participate in work-related
or degree-related college
programs. Augsburg College
offers several payment plans by
which employees may handle
tuition reimbursement.
Bureau of Indian Affairs,
Tribal and State Indian
American Indian students who
meet federal, state or tribal
requirements may apply for
these scholarships. Indian grants
generally supplement other
sources of financial aid. For
assistance in applying, please
contact Augsburg's American
Indian Student Support Program
director at (612) 330-1144 or
your tribal agency.
Federal and State Aid
The Office of Student Financial
Services determines eligibility
for any federal or state financial aid programs available to
graduate students.
Determination of eligibility is
based on a standard nationallyapproved methodology.
The Federal Family Education
Loan Program
• Federal Stafford Loan
Available to students based on a
financial eligibility determination. Annual loan limits are up
to $18,500 per year for graduate
students, of which up to $8,500
may be subsidized, if eligible.
The aggregate loan limit is
$128,500 for graduate students
(including undergraduate
borrowing). Interest rates for
new borrowers with loan
periods beginning October 1,
1992, or later are determined
annually by the 91-day T-Bill
+3.1 %, with a cap of 8.25%.
Students with outstanding
balances on Federal Stafford
Student Loans will continue
with the interest rate on the
previous loan. No interest
accrues to the student borrower
while enrolled at least half-time
in an eligible program. The
federal government subsidizes
the interest during this time.
• Federal Stafford Loan Unsubsidized
Program characteristics (loan
limits, interest rates, etc.) are the
same as the above subsidized
Stafford Loan, except that the
interest accrues to the student
borrower while enrolled. This
loan is available to those who do
not qualify for the subsidized
Stafford Loan. A normal financial aid application is required.
• Federal Perkins Student Loan
A joint Augsburg College-federally funded program
administered through the
College for students who
demonstrate financial eligibility.
No interest accrues nor do
payments have to be made on
the principal at any time
students are enrolled at least
half-time. A student may
borrow a maximum of $3,000
per year as a graduate student
with a $30,000 maximum
(including undergraduate and
graduate amounts). Simple
interest of 5 percent and repayment of the principal (at the
minimum of $40 a month)
begins nine months after the
student graduates or leaves
school. Repayment may extend
up to 10 years.
• SELF (Student Educational
Loan Fund)
A Minnesota State loan
Students may borrow up to
$9,000 per year for graduate
students with a $40,000 aggregate maximum when graduate
study is included ($500
minimum). The interest rate is
variable, paid by the borrower
quarterly while in school.
Principal payments begin 13
months after leaving school.
Students must apply for financial aid and be enrolled at least
Veterans Educational
Veterans may be eligible for
educational benefits from the
U.S. Department of Veterans
Affairs. The Office of Student
Financial Services has further
To Apply for
Financial Aid
1) Complete the Application for
Admission and indicate a desire
to apply for :financial aid.
2) The Office of Student
Financial Services will send
the necessary application and
financial statement forms (or
the student may pick them up
in the Office of Student
Financial Services, 152
Science Hall).
3) Complete and return the
financial aid forms by the
deadlines indicated. Your
financial aid application will
be processed after you have
been admitted to the MSW
program and the following
forms have been received:
results from the Free
Application for Federal
Student Aid (FAFSA),
Augsburg Financial Aid
Application, and Federal Tax
Return and W-2 form.
4) Accept the financial aid
offered, in whole or in part,
within the deadline stated.
Campus Location
Church Affi1iation
Augsburg's 23-acre campus is
located in the heart of the Twin
Cities of Minneapolis and St.
Paul and surrounds Murphy
Square. Adjacent to the campus
are the Fairview University
Medical Center complex, the
West Bank campus of the
University of Minnesota and
Mississippi River parkways.
Augsburg is a college of The
Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America. The College is a
diverse community with many
strong religious traditions represented among the students,
faculty and staff, including but
not limited to Lutheran, Roman
Catholic, American Indian
Spirituality and Thought,
Buddhist and Islamic faiths.
Augsburg College was the
first seminary founded by
Norwegian Lutherans in
America. Named after the
confession of faith presented by
Lutherans in Augsburg,
Germany, in 1530, Augsburg
College opened September
1869 in Marshall, Wisconsin
and moved to Minneapolis in
1872. Augsburg College and
Seminary changed its name to
Augsburg College in 1963
when the Lutheran Free Church
merged with The American
Lutheran Church.
Augsburg College has made a
major effort to become one of
the most accessible campuses in
the region. Without going
outside, the skyways, tunnels
and elevators provide accessible
connections between nine of 15
major buildings-student
housing towers, the Christensen
Center, main academic and
administrative halls, Music Hall
and the Foss Center for
Worship, Drama and
Communication. In addition,
there are services for students
with learning and physical
disabilities. The CLASS
Office phone number is
(612) 330-1648.
Augsburg College does not
discriminate on the basis of
race, creed, national or ethnic
origin, age, marital status,
gender, sexual orientation or
disability as required by Title IX
of the 1972 Educational
Amendments or Section 504 of
the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
as amended. This non-discrimination policy is incorporated as
part of its admission policies,
educational programs and activities, and employment practices.
seven days a week, except for
the parking meters on Riverside
A venue. The parking meters are
as posted by the City of
Minneapolis. Additional
parking is available in the
Fairview-University Medical
Center ramp.
From Minneapolis
Interstate 94 east to 25th
Avenue exit, left to Riverside
Avenue, left to 21st Avenue
South, left at Augsburg sign.
From St. Paul
Interstate 94 west to Riverside
exit, right on Riverside A venue
to 21st Avenue South, left at
Augsburg sign.
I. Admissions Weekday Program
2. Air Structure Entrance
November through March
3. American Indian Student Support Program
and Pan-Afrikan Student Services
4. Anderson-Nelson Athletic Field and
Seasonal Air Structure
5. Center for Global Education and
International Programs
6. Christensen Center-Information Desk
7. EastHall
8. Foss, Lobeck, Miles Center for Worship,
Drama and Communication
9. Husby-Strommen Tennis Courts
10. Ice Arena
11. Jeroy C. Carlson Alumni Center
12. M aintenance and Grounds Shop
13. Mortensen Tower
14. Murphy Place
15. Murphy Square
16. Music Hall
17. Nordic Center
18. Old Main
19. Oscar Anderson Hall
20. Public Relations and Communication
21. Quad
22. Science Hall
23. Security Dispatch Center
24. Shipping and Receiving
25. Si Melby Hall
26. Sverdrup Hall
27. Memorial Hall
Master of Social Work Admissions
28. Urness Tower
29. Youth and Family Institute
30. Lindell Library
All posted Augsburg
College parking lots,
with the exception of
resident parking lots in
front and behind the
residence halls, are free
and open for student
use from 4:30 p.m. Friday
through Sunday evening and
Monday through Thursday
evenings after 4:30 p.m. until
8:00 a.m. Lots are located
between 21st and 22nd Avenues
and north or south of Eighth
Street between 24th and 25th
Avenues. Most street parking is
four hour parking and available
Public Transportation
For schedules and specific
information about city bus
transportation to Augsburg
College, call the Metropolitan
Transportation System at
(612) 373-3333.
6th Street
7th Street S.
7 th S lreat S.
8th Street S.
Butler Place
94 West
Parking Lots
A. Admissions/Faculty/Staff Parking
B. Faculty/Staff/Commuter/Resident Parking
C. Faculty/Staff Parking
D. Faculty/Staff/Commuter Parking
Interstate 94 East ===;;;;>
E. Commuter Parking
F. Resident Parking
G. Visitor Parking
H. Fairview-University Medical Center ramp
Pay parking available
Barbara Gage, B.A.
Chair, Board of Regents
William Frame, Ph.D.
President of Augsburg College
Marie McNeff, Ed.D.
Vice President, Academic and
Learning Services and Dean of
the College
Glenda Dewberry Rooney, Ph.D.
Chair, Department of Social Work
Clarice Staff, D.S.W.
Director, Master of Social Work
Laura Boisen, Ph.D.
MSW Field Coordinator
Anthony Bibus III, Ph.D.
Director, Bachelor of Social
Work Program
Michael Schock, Ph.D.
BSW Field Coordinator
Janna Caywood
MSW Program Assistant
Amy Brallier, M.A.
Secretary, Department of Social
Doran Edwards, B.A.
Data Management Specialist
Anthony Bibus, III
Assistant Professor
B.A., College of St. Thomas;
M.A., University of Virginia;
Ph.D., University of Minnesota
Vern Bloom
Assistant Professor
B.A. , M.S.W., University of
Laura Boisen
Assistant Professor
B.S., Wartburg College;
M.S.S.W., University of
Wisconsin-Madison; M.P.A.,
Iowa State University; Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota
Lois Bosch
Assistant Professor
B.A., Northwestern College;
M.S.W., University of Iowa;
Ph.D., University of IllinoisChampaign-Urbana
Maria Brown
Assistant Professor
B.A. (German), M.A. (German),
American University; M.S.W.,
University of Minnesota
Francine Chakolis
Assistant Professor
B.S., Augsburg College;
M.S.W., University of Minnesota
Maria Dinis
Assistant Professor
B.A., M.S.W., California State
University; Ph.D., University of
California (Berkeley)
Annette Gerten
B.A., College of St. Catherine;
M.S.W., University of
Michigan; Ph.D., University of
Rosemary J, Link
Associate Professor
B.A., Southampton University;
C.Q.S.W., London University
(Bedford College); Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota
Glenda Dewberry Rooney
Associate Professor
B.A. University of North Texas;
M.S.W., University of IllinoisChicago; Ph.D., University of
Michael Schock
Assistant Professor
B.A., University of Washington;
M.S.W., University of
Minnesota; Ph.D., University of
Edward R. Skarnulis
B.A., Omaha University;
M.S.W., Ph.D., University of
Sharon K. Patten
Clarice Staff
Associate Professor
B.A., St. Olaf College; M.S.W.,
M.A. (Public Affairs), Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota
Assistant Professor
B.A., Augsburg College;
M.S.S.W., D.S.W., Columbia
Curt Paulsen
Associate Professor
B.A., St. Olaf College; M.S .W.,
University of Minnesota; Ph.D.,
The Fielding Institute
Mary Lou Williams
Assistant Professor
B.F.A., M.S.W., University of
This catalog was current at the time ofpublication.
It is subject to change without nolice.
MSW Graduate Program Office
Campus Box No. 269
2211 Riverside Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55454
(612) 330-1763
FAX (612) 330-1493
Augsburg College
Master of Social Work
Application Instructions
Please send all application material, which includes completed and signed application form, $25.00 application
fee, typed personal statement, three completed recommendation forms, and official post-secondary
transcript(s), by JANUARY 1 STH, for foundation applicants or by OCTOBER 1 ST for advanced standing
applicants, to the following address:
Augsburg College
Department of Social Work
Riverside Avenue South, CB #274
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Application Form and Fee
Complete all sections of the application form and sign. M1:1ke $25.00 non-refundable check or money order
payable to Augsburg College. Mail application form and application fee together.
Personal Statement
a typed personal statement (typically 3-8 pages) which addresses:
your perspective on social welfare and society
your understanding of the social work profession
your demonstrated ability to work with a diversity of people
your personal qualities that equip you for the social work profession
your oral and written communication skills
your career and life goals and how you anticipate the MSW degree will facilitate your development
your limitations which you view as needing to be addressed during your professional preparation
your employment and/or volunteer work which prepared you for pursuing a MSW degree
Explanation of GPA (optional -- one page limit)
Address any extenuating circumstances which may have affected past academic performance.
Please ask for recommendations from three references (use the forms available from the Department of Social
Work) to be sent to the MSW Program Director. At least one reference should be from a professor or someone
who can address your academic potential. One reference should be from a supervisor and should address your
human service employment and/or volunteer experience.
Have all official transcripts from each post-secondary institution attended sent to the Dept. of Social Work.
There are two circumstances in which a transcript is considered officiat
if it is sent directly to the Department of Social Work from another institution
if it is received by the Department of Social Work in a sealed, university envelope, with the Registrar's
stamp acr9ss the back
There are two conditions under which you are not required to submit an official transcript:
if you earned nine quarter (or six semester) credits or less at a particular institution and you do not
wish these courses to be considered
if courses taken at other institutions appear on your degree transcript, AND all credits and grades for
each transferred course appear on the degree transcript
If your transcript is from an institution outside the United States, it must be submitted in English and with
certified grade translations. International applicants should refer to the MSW catalog for further requirements.
You may be asked to have a personal interview with a committee of the Department of Social Work.
updated 9/97
Application for Admission
Last Name
First Name
Other Last Name Used
Address - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - - City
- - - - - - - - - - - State _____ Zip --------County
(Work) _ _ _ ,
Social Security Number - - - - -- - - - Birth Date - - - - - - - - - -U.S. Citizen? D Yes D No
Resident Status
Visa Type ____ _
--- --...
The following informatiQn is optional. This information will be used to report our
demographic statistics to the Council on Social Work Education.
D Male
Religious Affiliation - - - - - -- - - -- - - Denomination
Predominant Ethnic background:
American Indian
Asian/Pacific Islander
African American
Bi-racial (specify)
Other -----------------------------------
--- -·
-----------. -·-----------· --· -
... ·---
- -···---------------·-·-----·--------------·-· .. --------------- --------
----- ------- ---------
------·-------- -· - --- -·- --- ------------------
Applying for:
Professional Foundation (enter Fall trimester of next academic year)
Standing (enter Spring trimester of next academic year)
Concentration preference:
Plan to register as:
Must have a BA-BS in Social Work from a CSWE
accredited program to apply for Advanced Standing.
Family Practice
Program Development, Policy and Administration
Full-time (3 courses per trimester)
Part-time (2 courses per trimester)
Below. please identify your campleted prerequisite courses. Your grades in each course must be documented on
an official transcript. If you have not cor:npleted these courses, please indicate courses you intend to complete
and write the expected date of campletion in the space provided for "grade received." Bet h prerequisites must
be comple t~d and document ed in our records before enrollment in MSW courses will be allowed.
1) Human Biology, Physiology or Anatomy
Course #
2) Basic
Course Title
Grade Received
Grade Received
Course #
updated 9/97
Course Title
Augsburg College
2211 Riverside Avenue South
Minneapolis, Minnesota 5 5454
Name of Applicant: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __
Name of Recommender:
·- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -Address of Recommender: _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __
Please give this recommendation form to a person who you believe will be able to provide a valid
appraisal of your capacity to do graduate work and to function as a social worker. Please
indicate whether you reserve the right to review the recommendation once it is written or to
waive your right to have access to this information.
I (reserve ____ ) (waive ____ ) my right to review this recommendation.
Signed:._ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __
Thank you for your willingness to provide information to the Augsburg College Master of Social
Work Program. Please fill out the checklist on the reverse side of this sheet and then expand on
your evaluation by responding to the following question:
In what capacity and/or how long have you known the applicant? If you have personal knowledge
of any experience the applicant has had in the broad areas of social service, indicate the nature
of this experience and your assessment of the applicant's performance.
Using this grid, please compare the applicant with others you have known during your
professional career. For each of the categories below, please place the applicant in the
appropriate reference group.
to Observe
1 Intellectual
2 Analytical
3 Able to express ideas and feelings:
a. verbally
b. in writing
4 Capable of doing graduate work
5 Responsible
6 Person of integrity, well developed
value system
7 Creative, innovative
8 Mature and emotionally stable
9 Able to respect and work with
differences in people (race, class,
culture, and ethnicity)
10 Concerned and commited to working
toward solving social problems
11 Able to initiate and follow through
12 Willing to accept direction and/or
13 Other_ __ __ _ _ _ _ __
Summary Evaluation
I strongly recommend this applicant for admission and feel that he/she has the
capability to perform at a superior level.
I recommend this applicant for admission and feel his/her performance should be
comparable to that of most graduate students.
I feel that the applicant's qualifications are marginal, but if admitted, the
applicant would greatly benefit from study in the program.
I do not recommend this applicant for admission to the Augsburg College Master of
Social Work Program.
Signed:.____________________Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Thank you -for your cooperation. ·Please Tetum-this form to:
MSW Program Director
Department of Social Work
Augsburg College
ZZ 1 1 Riverside Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
List colleges and universities attended beginning with your most recent undergraduate experience. If you do not
plan to submit a transcript from a below listed institution, please indicate this by marking an asterisk next to
the name. If your Bachelor's degree is pending, please indicate your anticipated award date.
Dates Attended
Name & Location
Award Date
List all Human Service employment.
Employer /Occupation
Total years of paid social work experience _____________________ .
List Socjal Work field experiences (internships) - if any.
OTHER ACADEMIC PLACEMENT EXPERIENCES: List community service internships.
List Human Service volunteer activities.
Total years of unpaid social work experience ___________________ _
updated 9/97
Academic honors, awards, certificates, publications or honorary scholarships:
Please list the persons writing a recommendation. You should have recommendations sent to the MSW Program
Director (use the forms available from the Department of Social Work).
Have you requested that your official post-secondary transcripts be sent to the Department of Social Work?
Yes Cl
No D
{If your undergraduate transcript is from Augsburg College, you should send a request, in
writing, to the Registrar's Office and ask that an official copy be sent to the Department of
Social Work. Please note that grades for transferred credits do not appear on Augsburg
transcripts. )
Do you plan to apply for financial aid?
I certify that to the best of my knowledge the statements I have made on this form are correct and complete.
I understand that failure to submit all required materials, withholding information requested on this form, or
giving false information may make me ineligible for admission to the Master of Social Work program at
Augsburg College or subject to dismissal.
Please send this completed application, along with a non-refundable application fee of $25.00 to
Augsburg College, Department of Social Work, CB#274, 2211 Riverside Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN
Your application to the Master of Social Work Program is not considered complete until all
of the following are received:
completed and signed application form
non-refundable $25.00 application fee
typed personal statement
all official post-secondary transcript(s)
three completed and signed recommendation forms
The above items must be received by the Department of Social Work no later than Januarv 15th for
Foundation applicants or October 1st for Advanced Standing applicants. Applications completed after this
date will be reviewed on a "space available" basis only.
updated 9/97
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Master of Social Work (MSW) Catalog, 2000-2001
Course Catalogs
Search Result
"The good we secure for ourselves
Table of Contents
is precarious and uncertain ... until
it is secured for all of us and
Overview ................... .... . ....................... ... 1
incoryorated into our common life."
MSW Program Mission and Goals ............................... ...
Show more
"The good we secure for ourselves
Table of Contents
is precarious and uncertain ... until
it is secured for all of us and
Overview ................... .... . ....................... ... 1
incoryorated into our common life."
MSW Program Mission and Goals ............................... 2
-Jane Addams
MSW Program Format ....... .............................. ...3
MSW Curriculum Components .......................... .. .. .. .5
MSW Courses and Upcoming Changes ..... .................... .. 7
Field Work Education and Field Practicum ........................ 10
Admission to the MSW Program ....... ............... ....... .. 12
International Applicants ............... .................... .. 16
Summary of MSW Fees and Charges ..... .. ... ...... .. ........ .. 17
Financial Aid ........................ ........ . ...... .. ..... 18
Academic Policies ................... .. ...... .. ............ .20
MSW Program Management ........... ...................... .23
Department of Social Work Faculty ......... ... ..... ............ 24
Lindell Library and Information Technology .. .. . .. ... ............ 26
Accreditation .............................................. 27
About Augsburg College ..................................... 28
Campus Location and Map ... .................... .inside back cover
The Augsburg Master of Social Work
concentrations: Family Practice or
of other countries, including England,
is a small program of distinction and
Program Development, Policy and
Mexico, Norway, Portugal, Slovenia,
quality. Our purpose is to prepare
Administration. The academic
and Taiwan.
social work students for agency-based
coursework consists of 18 full courses
practice in public and non-profit
for regularly admitted students or 13
are internationally known for their
settings. We offer a challenging
full courses for those admitted with
teaching and research. Our adjunct
curriculum, combining social work
advanced standing (see explanation of
faculty are innovative practitioners
theory, policy, practice methods, skills
advanced standing on page 13).
training, research, and evaluation
Our philosophy is to emphasize
In addition to the academic
We have outstanding faculty who
and administrators from agency-based
settings. Our faculty provide expertise
coursework, students complete 900
in a broad range of areas within social
hours of field practica in two settings
work. All our faculty are available for
client strengths and empowerment;
and a summative evaluation project.
mentoring relationships. They
problem solving within a holistic,
The Twin Cities offer many unique
schedule office hours convenient to
systems framework; and practice
opportunities for field practicum sites
weekend students.
informed by solid research and
such as non-profit advocacy
evaluation. Throughout our
organizations, counseling centers,
the liberal arts base of the College and
The Augsburg MSW builds on
curriculum, we stress social work
neighborhood centers, state and
supports the College's mission: "To
values and ethics. We also emphasize
county agencies, schools, hospitals,
nurture future leaders in service to the
responsibility to the local and global
correctional facilities, and non-
world by providing high-quality
community, promotion of social and
governmental organizations. We have
educational opportunities, which are
economic justice, understanding of
field sites in both urban and rural
based in the liberal arts and shaped by
and appreciation for diverse peoples
the faith and values of the Christian
and cultures, and commitment to
oppose oppression of all forms.
Our classes are offered on a
weekend intensive format. Field
Church, by the context of a vital
metropolitan setting, and by an
placements are available weekdays, as
intentionally diverse campus
complete a year of generalist
well as some evenings and non-class
professional preparation (the
weekends. We maintain small class
foundation) and a year of advanced
sizes of 10 to 25 students. We offer
preparation in one of two
trips abroad to compare social services
Augsburg MSW students
MSW Program Mission and Goals
The mission of the
sound, scholarly
on combined strengths
Department of Social Work
research; and
of the client, group, or
is: "To develop social work
professionals for practice
that promotes social justice
and empowerment towards
the well-being of people in
community rather than
• how to evaluate the
effectiveness of your
As you progress through
our MSW curriculum, you
will learn:
• how an individual lives
of social work programs.
Student learning is guided
education, graduate or
by the following MSW
post-graduate, in social
program goals:
work or related fields;
1. prepare students to be
competent, creative,
and ethical social work
or her environment;
practitioners who
programs affect
individuals, families,
communities, and
• to use a range of client-
maintain a perspective
4. prepare students to
work for peace, social
justice, and human
well-being at a variety
of levels with a global
that is multi-cultural
and holistic (that is,
5. prepare students to
one which encompasses
apply critical thinking
the integrated needs of
skills within
individual, family, and
professional contexts
community), with
and to demonstrate the
centered approaches to
attention to the special
professional use of self;
practice with client
needs of our migrant,
groups of all types and
immigrant, and Native
American local
• to apply theories and
methods of practice
excel in problem-
placement experience;
solving within systems
practice informed by
perspective that creates
a holistic approach to
practice; and
through the field
• the importance of
6. integrate a liberal arts
2. prepare students to
of many sizes, to
3. prepare students for
continuing advanced
in and is affected by his
• how social policies and
social work practice and
a diverse and global
focusing on individual
7. provide students with
increased access to
social work education.
become advanced
practitioners who build
MSW Program Format
The Augsburg MSW degree
offered at the mid-point of
expectation of substantial
Fall Trimester 2000
is designed to meet the
class. Each class meets for
independent study outside
Class Weekends
needs of a wide range of
eight sessions in a given
of class.
Sept. 15-16
students with differing
responsibilities and time
commitments. Scheduling
classes in a weekend
intensive format allows
students some flexibility in
coordinating school
obligations with weekday
work and family
commitments. Our weekend
format also provides access
to an MSW education to
those living outside of the
Twin Cities metropolitan
area, who must travel some
Sept. 29-30
Cohons and Course
Oct. 13-14
MSW students are admitted
Nov. 3-4
Foundation students
with a particular "cohort."
Nov. 17-18
complete 18 full courses.
Cohorts are distinguished
Dec. 1-2
Full-time students enroll in
by: level of admission
Dec. 15-16
three courses per trimester
(foundation or advanced
for six trimesters, totaling
standing), rate of attendance
Winter Trimester 2001
two years. Part-time students
(full-time or part-time), and
Class. Weekends
enroll in one or two courses
preferred concentration
Jan. 5-6
per trimester for 12
(Family Practice or Program
Jan. 19-20
trimesters, totaling four
Development, Policy, and
Jan 26-27
years. Advanced standing
Feb. 9-10
students attend full time,
Augsburg offers six cohorts.
Feb. 16-17
Course Load and Program
enrolling in three courses
per trimester for five
Academic Calendar
trimesters, totalling 13 full
We follow a trimester
courses over one year and
academic calendar, offering
two trimesters. The part-
classes September through
time option is not offered for
June, exclusively on
those with advanced
weekends. Classes typically
standing. All students must
meet every other weekend
complete the MSW degree
with some back-to-back
in no more than four years
following matriculation.
Oct. 27-28
Mar. 2-3
Field Practicum
Mar. 16-17
MSW students spend 900
Mar. 23-24
hours in two field practica.
The foundation field
Spring Trimester 2001
practicum requires 420
Class Weekends
hours. The concentration
Apr 6-7
field practicum requires 480
Apr 20-21
hours. Each practicum
May 4-5
experience is spread out over
May 18-19
two trimesters (fall and
Jun 1-2
winter) and is completed
Jun 8-9
concurrent with enrollment
Jun 22-23
Classes meet in four-hour
Course Credh and contact
in integrative field work
Jun 29-30
blocks on Friday evenings,
A full credit MSW course
seminars (SWK 502-503 and
6 to 10 p.m., Saturday
( 1.0) is equal to 4 semester
SWK 523-524) as well as
mornings, 8 a.m. to noon,
credits or 6 quarter credits.
other MSW coursework.
and Saturday afternoons,
Each full course meets for 32
1 to 5 p.m. A short break is
contact hours, with the
Class Periods
Summatlve Evaluation
spend 15 to 20 hours per
Paul) have developed a dual
All students apply
week in the field practicum
degree: Master of Social
knowledge and skills from
during the fall and winter
Work and Master of Arts in
the foundation and
trimesters (a span of six or
Leadership for Mission
concentration curriculum in
seven months for each
(MSW/MA). The dual
completing a project
degree focuses on meeting
designed to evaluate their
projects. A student also may
In the final year of
Luther Seminary (in St.
the educational interests of
social work practice.
study, students complete a
people planning to serve the
Students conduct and
summative project, which
spiritual and social needs of
present this evaluation/
requires substantial
families, individuals, and
research project during their
independent research,
final year of study. They
analysis, and writing.
may also select the thesis
Some MSW students
A pilot project has
been approved by both
option as an elective (see
work full time while
schools. Augsburg is
page 6).
enrolled in the MSW
currently seeking approval
program. Most, however,
from the Council on Social
arrange to reduce their work
Work Education. For more
Time Commitment
Although classes meet on
weekends, students spend
time on their studies during
non-class weekends and
weekdays. The typical
student will spend 12 hours
in classes within a 23-hour
period. For every hour spent
in class, a student may
hours or request time away
information, contact the
during their graduate
Augsburg social work office,
studies. Each student's
(612) 330-1233, or Luther
situation is unique and must
Seminary, (651) 641-3521,
be decided individually. All
for their catalog. Applicants
students must develop
apply to each program
strategies for balancing
separately; admission to one
family, work, and academic
does not guarantee
admission to the other. This
spend 3 to 4 hours outside
of class, working on
Dual Degree
assignments or group
Augsburg College and
joint program is ecumenical
in its admissions policies
and academic outlook .
MSW Curriculum Components
The MSW curriculum, which
knowledge of theories and practice
Administration. In either
includes both academic coursework
methods in the foundation field
concentration, you will deepen your
and field education, has two
practicum. The field practicum is
knowledge of the primary issues
components: foundation and
completed concurrently with your
affecting families and communities,
enrollment in two integrative field
develop a range of client-centered
work seminar courses (SWK 502 and
approaches to practice, gain a broader
Foundation Curriculum
The foundation curriculum is made
up of nine courses and a generalist
field practicum. In the foundation
courses, you are introduced to social
work as a profession. You will learn
both historical and contemporary
theories, issues, and practice methods,
relating to both the individual and
503). The full foundation curriculum
understanding of human diversity,
is required of all students, with the
develop competencies in practice
exception of those admitted with
based-research, and learn practice or
advanced standing (see explanation
program evaluation techniques.
of advanced standing on page 13 ).
you will apply this advanced
curriculum, all foundation
knowledge of theories and practice
coursework and field hours must be
methods in the concentration field
successfully completed.
the environment. During the
foundation year, you will study
Concentration Curriculum
human behavior and the social
The concentration curriculum is
environment; history of social welfare
made up of nine courses and an
policy; and services, research
advanced field practicum. After
methods, practice methods,
completing the foundation
assessment frameworks, family and
requirements, you will enroll in the
community diversity, and social work
concentration curriculum of your
values and ethics.
choice. Augsburg offers two
In the foundation curriculum,
you will apply this generalist
[n the concentration curriculum,
Before beginning the concentration
concentrations: Family Practice and
Program Development, Policy, and
practicum experience. The field
practicum is relevant to your chosen
concentration and is completed
concurrently with your enrollment in
two field seminar courses (SWK 523
and 524). As a capstone to your
MSW program, you will complete a
summative evaluation project in
practice or program evaluation.
Family Practice
concentration was
building upon but separate
developed in response to
from the summative
Family, in its diverse forms,
the growing demand for
evaluation project. Course
is central to society.
leadership and
credit is given for this
"Family," in this context, is
administration. Effective
option as an elective.
interpreted broadly as the
services require competent
Students work with a thesis
nurturing system
practitioners to provide
adviser to develop more in-
surrounding people. It is
strong leadership and
depth research skills
inclusive of many areas of
effective administration. In
contributing to social work
need. As a growing number
this concentration you will
of family-related challenges
learn the knowledge and
face society, there is an
skills necessary to promote
ever-increasing need for
and achieve needed change,
professionals who base their
and to develop, lead, guide,
practice on in-depth study
and administer programs
of the broad spectrum of
that serve diverse people in
issues that confront the
a variety of settings.
family. In the Family
Practice concentration, you
will concentrate on
promoting empowerment of
the family-nurturing systems
from a developmental and
holistic perspective.
Program Development,
Degree Requirements
To be conferred with the
MSW degree, students must
achieve the following:
• successful completion of
18 MSW courses (13 for
advanced standing), with
Summatlve Evaluation
with a grade of 2.0 or 2.5,
All students will apply
and with a cumulative
knowledge and skills from
GPA of 3.0 or higher;
the foundation and
no more than two courses
• successful completion of
concentration curricula in
900 hours of approved
completing a final project
field practica ( 480 hours
designed to study social
for advanced standing);
Policy, and
work efficacy. Students will
conduct and present this
submission of the
Social change is necessary
advanced research project
summative evaluation
to foster policies and
during their final year of
project; and
services that respond to
human need. The Program
Development, Policy, and
Master's Thesis
Students have the option of
• successful completion and
• successful completion of
all degree requirements
within four years of
completing a thesis,
MSW Courses and Upcoming Changes
Below are two curricula: existing
intend for the new curriculum to
date. We will offer this new course in
and revised. The revisions are in
begin in 2001-02. This means
winter 2001-02. Because of the
response to feedback requested from
students who begin in 2000-01 will
earlier start for advanced standing
several constituencies, including
complete the first year under our
students, we will move the advanced
students, alumni, faculty, field
existing curriculum, but will complete
standing application deadline for
agencies, and CSWE. The revised
subsequent years under the revised
2001-02 admission to January
curriculum is approved by the social
work department and awaiting
15, 2001. (Advanced standing
For advanced standing students,
approval from the College Academic
the revised curriculum adds a new
Affairs Committee in 2000-01. We
course and requires a winter start
applicants previously applied in
EXISTING Curriculum
Foundation Courses:
Human Behavior and the Social Environment
Integrative Field Work Seminar II
Integrative Field Work Seminar I
Methods and Skills II
Methods and Skills I
Introduction to Family Practice
History of Social Welfare Policy
Introduction to Program Development, Policy & Admin.
Research I
Family Practice Concentration Courses:
Integrative Field Work Seminar III
Thesis Seminar
Family Practice I
Creative Problem Solving in Supervision
Research II
Family Diversity/Family Social Policy
Integrative Field Work Seminar IV
Family Practice II
Program Development, Policy, & Administration Concentration Courses:
Integrative Field Work Seminar lII
Thesis Seminar
Processes of Program Planning & Development
lnterorganizational, Community, Political Relations
Research II
Advanced Social Policy
Integrative Field Work Seminar IV
Organizational Development & Administration
REVISED Curriculum
Foundation Courses:
Human Behavior and the Social Environment
Methods and Skills II: Families & Groups
Field Work I: Integrative Seminar and Skills Lab
Community Development for Social Change
Methods and Skills I: Individuals
Theories of Family: Intro. to Family Practice
History of Social Welfare Policy
Research I
Field Work II: Integrative Seminar and Skills Lab
Advanced Practice Methods (advanced standing only)
Family Practice Concentration Courses:
Field Work III: Integrative Seminar (.5)
Family Practice II
Diversity in an Urban Environment I (.5)
Family Social Policy
Family Practice I
Creative Problem Solving in Supervision
Research II: Practice Evaluation
Family Practice Elective
Field Work IV: Integrative Seminar (.5)
General Elective
Diversity in an Urban Environment Il (.5)
Program Development, Policy, and Administration Concentration Courses:
Field Work III: Integrative Seminar (.5)
Planning and Policy Practice I
Diversity in an Urban Environment I ( .5)
Organizations/Social Admin Practice II
Organizations/Social Admin. Practice I
Planning and Policy Practice II
Research II: Program Evaluation
Organizations/Social Admin. Practice III
Field Work IV: Integrative Seminar (.5)
General Elective
Diversity in an Urban Environment II (.5)
Foundation • Full-time
Human Behavior & the Social
Field Work I: Integrative Seminar &
Skills Lab
Methods & Skills I: Individuals
(foundation practicum begins)
Field Work III: Integrative Seminar &
Diversity (.5 each)
Research II: Evaluation (practice
or program)
Concentration Course #l
(concentration practicum begins)
Winter History of Social Welfare Policy
Field Work II: Integrative Seminar &
Winter Field Work IV: Integrative Seminar &
Diversity (.5 each)
Skills Lab
Concentration Course #2
Methods & Skills II: Families & Groups
Concentration Course#}
(foundation practicum continues and finishes)
(concentration practicum continues
Spring Research I
and finishes)
Theories of Family: Intro. to Family Practice
Community Development for Social Change
General Elective
Concentration Course #4
Concentration Course #5
Advanced Standing • Full-time
No Courses
Field Work Ill: Integrative Seminar &
Diversity ( .5 each)
Winter Advanced Practice Methods
Research II: Evaluation (practice
Research I
or program)
Theories of Family: Intro. to Family Practice
Concentration Course # 1
Community Development for
(concentration practicum begins)
Social Change
Winter Field Work IV: Integrative Seminar &
Diversity ( .5 each)
Concentration Course #2
Concentration Course #3
(concentration practicum continues
and finishes)
General Elective
Concentration Course #4
Concentration Course #5
Foundation • Part-time
Human Behavior & the Social
Field Work I: Integrative Seminar/Skills Lab
Methods & Skills I: Individuals
(foundation practicum begins)
Winter History of Social Welfare Policy
Winter Field Work II: Integrative Seminar/Skills Lab
Research I
Methods & Skills II: Families & Groups
(foundation practicum continues and finishes)
Theories of Family: Intro. to Family Practice
Community Development for
Social Change
Field Work Ill: Integrative Seminar &
Diversity (.5 each)
Research II: Evaluation (practice
or program)
Concentration Course # 1
(concentration practicum begins)
Winter Field Work IV: Integrative Seminar &
Diversity ( .5 each)
Concentration Course #2
(concentration practicum continues
and finishes)
Concentration Course #3
General Elective
Winter Concentration Course #4
Concentration Course #5
Field Work Education and Field Practicum
Field Work Education and
Field Placement
work integrative seminars, is
education of the MSW
Social work education is
the arena for the
program is divided into two
not merely classroom based.
application of this
components: foundation
Through the field
philosophy. It is our belief
and concentration. The
experience, we expect that
that the collaborative efforts
foundation field practicum
you are able to demonstrate
between the student, the
requires 420 hours and is
your aptitude in bridging
field agency, and the MSW
completed by those students
theory and practice. The
program are essential.
admitted at the foundation
foundation of your practice
• ethical, competent
professional practice
• problem solving within a
systems framework and
strengths perspective
• an understanding of, and
respect for, diverse
peoples and cultures
• responsibility and service
to the broader community
in the interest of social
• a commitment to oppose
We recognize that the
field experience, called
"practica," with the field
Field Education Format
Under the instruction and
supervision of
MSW-level, and programapproved field instructors,
you will spend 900 hours in
two field practica. Each
practicum is spread out over
two trimesters (fall and
winter) and is completed
concurrently with
enrollment in field work
integrative seminars (SWK
502-503 and SWK 523524) as well as other MSW
The field work
level. The foundation
practicum puts emphasis on
developing competence as a
professional generalist social
worker. The concentration
field practicum requires 480
hours and is completed by
all students, including those
admitted at the foundation
level and those admitted
with advanced standing.
The concentration
practicum places emphasis
on advanced practice skills
and leadership qualities
related to the chosen
Process for Field Praclicum Selecuon
at an agency that is not on the
• senior resources
Field practicum selection for the fall
approved site list or is at your place of
• family social policy
of any academic year is done in the
employment. In either case, you can
previous spring during specified dates
work with the MSW field coordinator
determined by the MSW field
to determine if the site in which you
• corrections and probation
coordinator. You are required to
are interested is acceptable. All field
• public and
attend the student field orientation
practica must be supervised by
before beginning your field practicum
professionals who are approved as
Augsburg field instructors.
At the student field orientation,
the MSW field coordinator will
provide a list of field sites approved by
Augsburg's MSW program and
classified according to type of field
setting. Based on your area of interest
and your career goals, you will choose
two or more field sites and will
arrange interviews at each. Once
interviews are finished, you will rank
your choices of field sites, and the
field sites will rank their choices of
interns. The MSW field coordinator
• youth services
• developmental disabilities
Field practica are not only the basis
for a sound social work curriculum,
• American Indian family services
but are long-remembered. The
• chronically and persistently
primary goal of the field faculty at
mentally ill
Augsburg is the success of each
student in a stimulating and
•chemical dependency
challenging field practicum. Our
• court services
current list of approved field sites
• immigrant, migrant, refugee services
includes agencies in the following
areas of practice:
• family and children services
• child welfare
with field site preferences.
• mental health
In rare instances, you may
independent schools
• hospitals
Field Practicum Settings
strives to match student preferences
petition to complete a field practicum
• health and human services
• crisis intervention
• victims of torture
• Catholic and Lutheran social
• neighborhood services
Admission to the MSW Program
Entering a Master of Social
must be disciplined and
Work program requires a
hard working. Most
commitment to a
importantly, they must
and a commitment to
professional career of
exhibit a commitment to
social justice
serious responsibility. Social
the values of the social
workers serve children and
work profession.
adults who are arguably the
• awareness of social issues
• clear appreciation of the
value base of the social
work profession
most vulnerable people in
program promotes the
our society and need the
widest possible diversity
strongest support that can
within its student
the ability to work with
be provided on their behalf.
populations. Therefore, the
diverse peoples and
Therefore, social work is by
admission policies ensure
necessity a rigorous course
that educational
of study requiring
opportunities are provided
Augsburg MSW
knowledge and skills in
to persons with a range of
philosophy and focus on
complex procedures which
abilities, backgrounds,
agency practice
must be applied
beliefs, and cultures.
appropriately and
sensitively with diverse
individuals and
To excel in the
Augsburg MSW program,
students must manage a
demanding academic
curriculum. They must
employ well-developed
APPiicant Qualities
A strong candidate for the
MSW program will
demonstrate the following:
• outstanding academic
• a solid foundation in the
liberal arts
• the ability to think
analytical skills and critical
clearly and communicate
thinking abilities. They
must be open to examining
their own values and
worldview. They must be
collaborative, flexible, and
be able to accept
The Augsburg MSW
being of others
constructive criticism. They
• strong writing skills and
• leadership qualities and
• knowledge of the
APPiication Requirements
To apply for the MSW
program you must meet the
following minimum
• bachelor's degree from an
accredited, liberal arts
college or university;
• cumulative
undergraduate GPA of
3.0 or higher;
• liberal arts course work in
the social sciences,
command of the English
humanities, human
biological systems, and
• healthy sense of self and
concern for the well-
Conditions for low GPA
Human service experience
minimum score of 85 is required. To
If your undergraduate cumulative
Although it is not a requirement,
inquire about times the test is offered,
GPA (not including proprietary
we give strong preference to those
cost, study tools, testing facilities near
schools) is 2.99 - 2.50, you may file
applicants with work or volunteer
you, or to inquire about results of a
an application provided you show
experience in human services,
past test, please contact either testing
completion of at least one graduate
particularly experience that
service via their Web sites:
level course, from an accredited,
demonstrates responsibility and
<> or
academic institution, with a grade of
leadership. We consider human
B (3.0) or higher. If your cumulative
service experience to be direct or
GPA is 2.49 - 2.0, you may file an
indirect practice in a health and
application provided you show
human service organization. This
completion of at least two graduate
includes assessment; treatment
level courses, from an accredited,
planning and evaluation; case
academic institution, each with a
management; information and
grade ofB (3.0) or higher. All
referral; counseling; advocacy;
graduate courses must be completed
teaching; research; supervision;
and documented on an official
consultation; community
transcript at the time of application.
organization; and the development,
than seven years prior to the
implementation, and administration
desired MSW matriculation date;
Liberal arts coursework
All applicants to the MSW program
must show completion of the
following liberal arts courses, each
with a grade of C (2.0) or higher:
• four social science courses
• three humanities courses
Applicants also must show
completion of, or declare an
intention to complete, the following
courses, each with a grade of C (2.0)
or higher:
• one basic statistics course
• one human biology, physiology, or
anatomy course
of policies, programs, and activities.
Applicants are advised that MSW
field placement options may be
limited for those who lack prior
human service experience. Also, we
do not grant academic credit for work
or life experience.
Admission with Advanced Standing
Advanced standing is an application
category open to those with the
following qualifications:
• bachelor's degree in social work,
accredited by the Council on
Social Work Education (CSWE);
• BSW degree received no more
• cumulative undergraduate GPA of
3.0 or higher;
• liberal arts course work in the
social sciences, humanities,
mathematics, human biological
systems, and statistics.
If your undergraduate cumulative
Test of English as a Foreign
GPA is 2.99 or lower, you may not
apply for advanced standing and must
If English is not your native language,
apply at the foundation level,
you must take the Test of English as a
following the low GPA requirements
Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the
outlined above.
Michigan English Language
Assessment Battery (MELAB). For
the TOEFL, a minimum score of 600
These courses must be completed
(paper test) or 250 (computer test) is
prior to enrollment.
required. For the MELAB, a
request to apply to Augsburg
receive a grade of B (3.0) or
Advanced standing
as a transfer student. Transfer
higher. Transfer students may
applicants are asked to
students follow the same
receive credit for up to eight
identify courses from their
application timeline as
courses. All transfer students
BSW programs that are
foundation applicants, unless
must complete no fewer than
10 courses at Augsburg.
BSW parallel courses
parallel to the MSW courses
the foundation year has been
from which they seek
completed. In the latter case,
exemption. These courses
the transfer student should
include Human Behavior
follow the timeline for
and the Social Environment
advanced standing applicants.
501), Practice Methods I and
II (SWK 505/506), and
Integrative Field Work
Seminar I and II (SWK
502/503 ), which includes
420 field practicum hours.
Only BSW courses with
a grade of B (3.0) or higher
are eligible for consideration
as a parallel course. If an
advanced standing applicant
is admitted, but does not
have an eligible BSW course
for one (or more) of these
courses, he or she will
complete that MSW course
at Augsburg, prior to
enrolling in the advanced
standing curriculum.
Additional documents
Social Work,
Transfer students follow the
(612) 330-1233 or
same procedures as a new
applicant; however, the
The application packet
following additional
includes an application form,
documents are required:
a liberal arts checklist, a
• copy of the syllab