Golden Valley
Published Annually by
Golden Valley Lutheran College
6125 Olson Highway
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422
Phone (612) 542-1216
Golden Valley Lutheran College is accredited by... Show more
Golden Valley
Published Annually by
Golden Valley Lutheran College
6125 Olson Highway
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422
Phone (612) 542-1216
Golden Valley Lutheran College is accredited by the North Central
Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.
Directions for Correspondence
General College Policy ...... Bernt C. Opsal, President of the College
Academic Information ........ J. Philip Worthington, Academic Dean
Admissions .............. Thomas R. Hanson, Director of Admissions
Business and Financial Affairs .... Vivian Wiemerslage, Business Office
Development ......... Russell B. Helgeson, Director of Development
Financial Aid .............. Brenda Johnson, Director of Financial Aid
Records and Transcripts ................. Marilyn J. Adams, Registrar
Student Affairs .................... Harold Moore, Dean of Students
Golden Valley Lutheran College in compliance with State and Federal laws and
regulations, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex,
age, marital status, handicap, or status as a veteran in the administration of its
admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, educational programs, activities
and employment policies. Inquiries regarding compliance and grievance procedures
may be directed to the college office manager, Vivian Wiemerslage.
This catalog supersedes The Golden Valley Lutheran College 1983-84 Catalog.
College Calendar
President's Greeting
General Information
History, The Campus and Its Location, Philosophy and Objectives,
Accreditation and Transfer of Credit, Affiliations, General Guidelines.
Student Life
New Student Pre-Registration, Counseling Services, Health Services,
Library, Insurance, Housing Services, Student Government and Social
Life, Religious Life, Chapel, Student Use of Automobiles, Alcohol and
Drug Abuse, Athletics, Music, Drama, Honor Society, Alumni Association.
Admissions Information
Application Procedure, Transfer Students, Adult Students, International Students.
Student Costs, Charges by Quarter, Payment Plan, Refund Schedule,
Books and Supplies.
Financial Aid
Gift Aid, Loans, Work Opportunities, Procedure for Applying for
Financial Aid, Scholarships.
Academic Program
General Academic Information, Orientation and Registration.
Graduation Requirements
Liberal Arts and Transfer Program, Specialized Program, Junior College
Certificate, One-Year Vocational Certificate.
Programs of Study
Course Descriptions
Divisions: Biblical and Theological Studies; Communications; Social
Science; Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Computer Science; Physical
Education and Recreation Leadership; Creative Arts; Business and
Vocational Studies.
Board of Regents, Administration, Faculty, Student Services Personnel.
CALENDAR 1984-85
Fall Quarter
September 3-7
September 8
September 9
September 10
September 10
September 12
September 21
September 28
October 5
October 8-12
October 13
November 5-8
November 16-21
November 21
Student orientation and registration for all
President's Reception - 6:00 p.m. - Gymnasium
All college worship
Classes begin
Opening convocation - 9:50 a.m.
Final day for payment of fall quarter fees
without late fee
Final day to add a class or change a class section
Final day to withdraw from a course with a grade of W
Final day to submit work for incomplete courses
Midquarter examinations
Registration for winter quarter
Final examinations
Quarter ends after completion of final examinations
Winter Quarter
December 3
December 5
January 7
January 11
January 14-18
January 22-24
February 4-7
February 25-28
February 28
Classes begin
Final day for payment of winter quarter fees without
late fee
Final day to add a class or change a class section
Festival of the Christ Child
Final day to withdraw from a course with a grade of W
Christmas vacation begins after the traditional observance at 11:30 a.m.
Classes resume
Final day to submit work for incomplete courses
Midquarter examinations
Days of Prayer and Praise
Registration for spring quarter
Final examinations
Quarter ends after completion of final examinations
Spring Quarter
March 11
March 13
March 22
March 29
April 4
April 5-7
April 8
April 8-12
April 23-25
May 3
May 7
May 20-23
May 24
Classes begin
Final day for payment of spring quarter fees
without late fee
Final day to add a class or change a class section
Final day to withdraw from a course with a grade of W
Final day to submit work for incomplete courses
Easter vacation
Classes resume
Midquarter examinations
Pre-registration for fall quarter
Spring banquet
Honors Day
Final examinations
Calendar Subject to Change
Experiences during the first year after high school play a major role in
one's development of a philosophy of life. This consequently determines
how one lives his or her life.
Golden Valley Lutheran College was established with the main
purpose of providing an opportunity for the student to develop a
philosophy of life founded on Christian convictions.
We strive to provide this foundation for life by emphasizing a
personalized education which includes the opportunity for the study of
both liberal arts and the Scriptures. This is a curriculum we believe will
best help the student understand the world in which he or she will be
living and working.
We ask that those who come have an open mind, a grateful heart and a
desire to learn. Preparation for "making a living" is not sufficient for the
Christian today. Golden Valley Lutheran College is also designed to
provide an education which will serve as preparation for "making a life."
Bernt C. Opsal, President
Golden Valley Lutheran college is a two-year coeducational liberal arts
college established in 1967 by The Lutheran Bible Institute of Minneapolis. Beginning as a Bible institute in 1919, The Lutheran Bible Institute
moved from St. Paul to Minneapolis in 1929. In 1961 it moved to Golden
Valley, a suburb four miles west of downtown Minneapolis. Through the
years this educational institution has addressed itself to the needs of
people and has sought to meet those needs by establishing programs
appropriate to the times. The College is inter-Lutheran and is not directly
affiliated with any particular Lutheran synod. It cooperates with and
seeks to serve all synods and society as a whole. The College admits qualified
men and women from various geographic, cultural, economic, racial, and
religious backgrounds.
The Campus and Its location
Golden Valley Lutheran College is located on a beautiful 30-acre
campus in Golden Valley, a western suburb of Minneapolis. The greater
Twin City area is a cultural, recreational, and sports center of the Upper
The academic life of the students is centered in a large two-level
complex. Classrooms, library, faculty and administrative offices, a prayer
chapel, the College auditorium-gymnasium, cafeteria and lounges are
located in this building.
Four residence halls on campus, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta
dormitories, house approximately 400 students. The facilities include
fireplace lounges, laundry facilities, rooms for prayer and meditation,
and apartments for residence hall directors. Adjacent to Gamma dormitory
is the Commons, a student lounge and recreation area. A student center
is located in Delta dormitory.
Philosophy and Objectives
Golden Valley Lutheran College is a liberal arts institution w1tn
programs of study in general education, Biblical literature, music,
physical development, and semi-professional training. It seeks to provide
two years of higher education for students interested in the arts and
sciences, and also to give opportunity for a study of the sources of the
Christian faith. Through special activities the College provides the basis
for personal growth and cultural enrichment. Students are encouraged
to participate in community and church activities.
In order to reach these goals, Golden Valley Lutheran College offers
students a choice of one of the following curricula:
1. Completion of a two-year liberal arts education that functions
according to the standards common to the academic enterprise
and that prepares the student to transfer to a four-year college or
2. Completion of a two-year program that provides the basis for semiprofessional employment in the fields of church staff work,
mission, secretarial work, sodal service, recreational leadership,
law enforcement and a cooperative computer training program.
3. Study of the Bible and liberal arts in a collegiate setting for
individuals who do not intend to pursue a degree or a semiprofessional program.
Golden Valley Lutheran College strives to supplement these curricular
programs by emphasizing the following objectives with opportunities ...
to develop knowledge of the Judea-Christian world view as set
forth in the literature of the Old and New Testaments and an
analysis on the part of each student concerning his or her basic
beliefs and spiritual commitments.
to develop service motivated standards of conduct for young
adults as they move into the many areas of national life, including
social improvement, community involvement and active membership in Christian congregations.
to appreciate the great works of art, music and the theatre th rough
courses and cultural events which take place on the campus and in
the metropolitan area.
to attain physical well-being through the application of standards
conducive to good health and through participation in physical
education and sports activities.
to develop personal self-confidence through the determination
of individual goals, the building of relationships with other people
and the experience of companionship in a Christian setting.
Accreditation and Transfer of Credit
Golden Valley Lutheran College received regional accreditation
through the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools in
July of 1978. Thus, entering students can be confident that if they
make a creditable record at Golden Valley Lutheran College, their
credits will normally transfer to other colleges and universities. Students
who are planning to continue their education at a college with limited
transfer of religion credits may register for the religion courses which are
listed in the liberal arts departments. Through the proper selection, most
religion courses are transferable. A student with a satisfactory academic
record can normally complete a bachelor's degree two full academic
years after receiving the Associate in Arts degree from Golden Valley
Lutheran College.
North Central Association of Colleges and Schools
Registered with the Minnesota Higher Education Coordinating Board
Lutheran Educational Conference of North America
National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities
American Association of Community and Junior Colleges
Minnesota Association of Community and Junior Colleges
National Junior College Athletic Association - Region XIII
Minnesota Community College Conference
General Guidelines
Golden Valley Lutheran College is oriented to the Christian Gospel
and expects its students to live accordingly. Each student is expected to
be familiar with the regulations and standards pertaining to student
conduct as described in the Student Life Handbook.
The College reserves the right not to accept an applicant or to
withdraw the privilege of a student to return after any quarter and to
discipline those who conduct themselves in a manner which is not in the
best interest of the individual, other students, or the College.
Campus life at Golden Valley Lutheran College provides activities and
experiences which help develop the whole person. The programs of the
College provide wholesome recreation designed to stimulate spiritual
and intellectual growth. Students are involved in the planning of social
activities which can enrich college life and foster friendships.
New Student Pre ... Registration
Prior to the start of the fall quarter, new students are invited to the
campus to participate in pre-registration activities. During this time the
student will have an opportunity to learn more about the College and
meet staff and faculty personnel who will assist in course planning for the
coming year.
Selected sophomores are available to help the new students become
familiar with and adjust to college life.
Counseling Services
The major decisions which students have to make during their early
college years are often difficult and perplexing. Counseling provides a
service which helps students learn ways of solving their academic,
vocational, social, emotional and spiritual problems.
Each student is assigned to a faculty advisor who will assist him or her in
planning an appropriate schedule of classes for each academic term. In
addition to individual counseling, several counseling groups, concerned
with matters such as personal growth, chemical dependency and other
problems, meet regularly. Each student also may make appointments to
visit with instructors, residence hall directors, the deans, the College
nurse or others on the staff who can give assistance.
Study skills assistance is provided for students who need to improve
their reading rate, reading comprehension, spelling, mathematics skills,
study skills, or writing skills.
Health Services
The College has a full-ti me registered nurse on the staff to provide basic
medical services. Stu'dents requiring additional treatment are usually
referred to the Golden Valley Clinic which is located less than a mile from
the campus. Major Twin City hospitals also are readily accessible.
The library, located on the ground floor of the Main building, provides
a variety of materials and services to support the college curricula. There
are over 30,000 volumes, 247 periodicals, local and national newspapers,
and a substantial vertical file in the collection. Through the Minnesota
Interlibrary Telecommunications Exchange (MINITEX) the student has
access to a vast network of more than ten million volumes in a five state
area. In addition, there is a sizeable audiovisual collection including
phonograph records and casssettes, as well as filmstrips with necessary
listening and viewing equipment available to the students.
The College does not assume any responsibility for the loss of or
damage to personal property. Many families have homeowners policies
that will cover losses of family members at college.
Housing Services
Golden Valley Lutheran College is primarily a residential college. If
space is available, full-time students live in the College residence halls.
Exceptions are those who are married, commute from their homes, or who
work for their board and room. Students living on campus participate in
the cafeteria program which provides three meals a day, seven days a
week. The price fixed for the weekly 21 meal plan is set with the
knowledge that a certain percentage of the meals will be missed during a
week. Students who are commuting may purchase individual meals in
the College cafeteria.
Student Government and Social Life
A forum for student expression and student-initiated improvements in
campus life is provided by a Student Senate chosen from the student
body. This representative group serves as a coordinator of studentfaculty relations. It seeks continually to improve and make student life
more enjoyable.
The social program of the College is under the supervision of the
Student Activities Commission (SAC). Homecoming, Sno-Daze and the
Spring Banquet are examples of the many social activities available.
Disciplinary problems are arbitrated by the student Judiciary Board.
Religious life
As an institution of Christian higher education, Golden Valley Lutheran
College believes that religious life activities are an integral part of its
program. Therefore the College provides regularly scheduled chapel
services, campus worship services, transportation to local church services,
all-campus devotions, dormitory devotions and Christian student organizations. Special programs include the Days of Prayer & Praise and the
Christmas Festival of the Christ Child. Religious activities are coordinated
by the faculty Chapel & Special Events Committee and by a student Faith &
Life Commission.
Many students also participate in Christian Service activities in the
community and in world mission activities. The College has a Fellowship
of Christian Athletes chapter in which many students take an active part.
There also is an opportunity to serve on outreach teams which travel to
present the Gospel in word and song.
All classes are dismissed each morning for a 25-minute chapel
program. These programs are varied in content. Some are in the nature of
worship services conducted by students, faculty, or guest speakers, while
others include films, lectures, drama, music or other special convocation
The chapel service is the heart and center of our collegiate program. It
is here that messages are shared from the Scriptures, and opportunity is
given for worship, intellectual stimulation and the development of a
sense of community.
Each student is encouraged to participate in the chapel services of the
college community and to attend public worship every Sunday.
Student Use of Automobiles
Parking space is limited on campus. Those students who do not need
an automobile for commuting or transportation to or from work are
urged not to bring a vehicle to college. Those who do need an
automobile or motorcycle must secure a parking permit through the
business office. The Dean of Students has the right to terminate a permit
at any time if circumstances warrant such action. The College assumes no
responsibility for damage, theft, or vandalism involving student vehicles.
Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Goiden Vaiiey Lutheran Coiiege strongiy discourages aii students from
using alcohol and/or mood altering drugs. Students possessing, using, or
under the influence of alcohol or drugs on campus, in college-approved
housing, or at college-sponsored events both on and off campus will be
subject to disciplinary action. In instances where college officials are
informed that Golden Valley Lutheran College students have caused a
disturbance off campus in connection with the use of alcohol or drugs
the College reserves the right to take disciplinary action.
Golden Valley Lutheran College upholds all federal and state statutes
pertaining to the illegal use of alcohol or drugs. A student who uses,
possesses, or persuades someone else to use alcohol or drugs in violation
of the law will be subject to disciplinary action. The College's action will
be determined by the circumstances surrounding each individual case.
The College provides counseling services and support groups for those
with chemical dependency problems.
Through the physical education and athletic programs the College
seeks to teach the value of good health and physical fitness, to cultivate
interest in the proper use of leisure time, to develop character and good
sportsmanship and to give instruction in various sports and games used in
recreational activities. Intercollegiate athletic competition for men is
available in football, baseball, basketball, soccer, track, marathon, and
cross country. Women may participate in intercollegiate basketball, cross
country, softball, volleyball, marathon and track competition. The College
is a member of the Minnesota Community College Conference, and the
National Junior College Athletic Association.
Intramural programs are available for both men and women. These
include activities such as volleyball, basketball, broomball and softball.
Golden Valley Lutheran College is sensitive to the cultural and spiritual
values that music contributes to our society. It desires, therefore, to
cultivate and nurture student interest and participation in music by
giving opportunity for self-expression as a member of a performing
group. These groups include the Golden Valley Lutheran College Choir,
a selected group of 65 voices; the Madrigal Singers, a smaller ensemble
which specializes in certain types of music literature; the Golden Valley
Singers, a women's chorus; a pep band and concert band; the Golden
Valley Orchestra, a community and college organization; and various
vocal and instrumental ensembles. In addition to specific courses in the
field of music, the College offers private voice and instrumental
The location of the College in the Twin City area provides opportunity
for students to gain a new appreciation of the fine arts. Community
concerts, the Minnesota Orchestra, the Minneapolis Civic Orchestra, the
St. Paul Chamber Orchestra, and programs given by other colleges
including the University of Minnesota, offer continuing opportunities
for cultural enrichment.
The drama program at Golden Valley Lutheran College is two-fold in its
purpose. It attempts to expose the student to the inner workings of the
College theatre, and it seeks to foster a sense of appreciation for
drama by encouraging active participation in the field.
Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society
A chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, a national honor society for two-year
colleges, was established in 1981 at Golden Valley Lutheran College. The
purpose of the honor society is to recognize and encourage scholarship.
Alumni Association
The Golden Valley Lutheran College Alumni Association works with
former students to maintain an on-going relationship with the College
and with each other. It seeks to develop a well-informed and supportive
group of alumni through social events and programs planned each year.
All former students are considered alumni of the College.
Golden Valley Lutheran College seeks students who are interested in a
quality education with a Christian orientation. All applicants for admission
must have earned a high school diploma or its equivalent. In addition,
each applicant must furnish required references, satisfactory test scores,
and complete a personal interview with an admissions counselor.
Perhaps the best way to determine if Golden Valley Lutheran College
can meet your needs is to visit our campus. Accordingly, we invite you
and your parents to the campus so that you can become acquainted with
our faculty, students, and administration. For an appointment please
write or call the Office of Admissions.
The admissions office is located in the main classroom building and is
open Monday through Friday from 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Saturdays from
9:00 a.m. to 1 :00 p.m. and at other times by appointment.
Application Procedure
Application materials are available from the Office of Admissions.
Applicants are advised to follow these steps in applying:
1. Complete and return the Application for Admission together with
the non-refundable $10 application fee to: Office of Admissions,
Golden Valley Lutheran College, 6125 Olson Highway, Minneapolis,
Minnesota 55422.
Request your high school and all colleges you have attended to
forward your academic transcript(s) to the Office of Admissions.
Submit test results from the American College Test (ACT), the
Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT), or the Scholastic
Aptitude Test (SAT).
Applications are considered in the order they are received. The
student is generally notified of the admissions decision within two
weeks of the time the application file is complete. Although there
is no absolute deadline for applying, high school students are
advised to apply for admission as early in their senior year as
possible. This is particularly true for those who desire financial aid.
A student who is offered admission must notify the Office of
Admissions if he or she accepts the offer. A $100.00 tuition deposit
is required within three weeks after notification of acceptance has
been made. The deposit is refundable until May 1st. The date the
College receives this deposit determines the order in which a
student will register for the fall quarter. This tuition deposit is
applied to the first quarter tuition when the student enrolls.
Priority for dormitory room assignment is given on the basis of the
date the tuition deposit is received. A student contracts for a room
for the entire school year, beginning with fall term.
After the student has accepted the offer of admission, the College
will provide the medical history form to be completed and
Room assignments and matriculation information will be mailed
during the summer.
Transfer Students
College work completed at other accredited institutions may be
applied toward a degree at Golden Valley Lutheran College. Transfer
students are required to follow regular admission procedures and submit
an official transcript of their record from each college attended. Credit
for college work will be accepted toward an Associate in Arts Degree
providing the work is satisfactory in quality and is applicable toward the
divisional requirements of the College. Transfer credit will not be
granted for courses in which a grade below C- was received.
Adult Students
An admissions counselor provides guidance for adult students
-who are deciding to attend college for the first time or
-who are now planning to return after their college education has
been interrupted.
Counseling is available for adult students concerning entrance requirements, transfer of credits, financial aid and course planning. For
those who apply and are eligible, scholarship funds are available. Both
full-time and part-time students may apply.
International Students
All international students seeking admission to Golden Valley Lutheran
College must submit an International Student Application for Admission,
a declaration of finances and appropriate school transcripts. International
students are strongly encouraged to submit results of writing the Test of
English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).
Student Costs
The following explains the basic costs to the student and the financial aids that are available to assist the student in meeting these costs.
The College reserves the right to change the costs of tuition, board, room
or fees at any time.
The charges that are made to students for tuition, room and board do
not adequately cover the costs of operating the College. Approximately
35% of the cost of operation must come from gifts and grants. In the
present budget, this amounts to over one million dollars a year.
Therefore, over and above all help given, each student receives the
equivalent of a $2,000 scholarship per year in order to cover the total
expenses of the operation.
The College does not receive direct financial support from any
denomination or Lutheran synod. Gift income is received from congregations, organizations and foundations, and by matching funds from
Lutheran Brotherhood and other corporations.
Most of the funds, however, come as individual gifts from alumni,
parents and friends of the College. Over 600 people are supporting the
College through the INASMUCH program whereby they have pledged
and/or paid from $1,000 to $25,000 over a three year period. As we make
our needs known, the Lord answers our prayers through the gifts of these
many friends.
Board, Room, and Telephone
Charges By Quarter
The College operates on a quarter system with three quarters per
academic year. A student who registers for 12 credits or more is
considered a full-time student; one who registers for less than 12 credits
is considered a part-time student.
Tuition for full-time student ............................. . $1,755.00
Tuition per credit for part-time student .................. .
Board, room, and telephone (average) ................... .
Laboratory fees per course .............................. .
Physical education fees per course
Varsity courses ....................................... .
Fee for swimming, karate, bowling,
golf, and tennis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00-26.00
Fee for all other P. E. activity courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Humanities 200 fee per credit
For GVLC students currently enrolled .................. .
For students not currently enrolled at GLVC ............ .
Music fees
Private voice and instrument lessons ................... .
Voice and piano classes per student. ................... .
Organ rental ......................................... .
Practice room fee .................................... .
Late registration fee .................................... .
This fee is charged if a student fails to register during the
registration period for any quarter. It is waived only in cases
of illness or family emergencies.
Late payment fee ....................................... .
This fee is charged to a student who does not pay the
balance on his or her account within two days after classes
begin for the quarter.
Special fees not refundable after 10th day of classes include:
laboratory, personal orientation, physical education, organ
rental, practice room, and music fees for voice and
instrument lessons.
Miscellaneous fees
Car registration and parking permit per quarter ......... .
Damage deposit ...................................... .
Special examinations .................................. .
Transcript fee (first two copies free) .................... .
Advance tuition deposit for second year students ......... .
Fall Registration is based upon the order in which the
above payment is received. (Non-refundable).
P~yment Plan
The account of each student is payable at the time of registration and in
accordance with the Full Payment Plan listed in this section.
Students in need of credit must make arrangements with the Business
Office before registration can be completed. When credit is extended, a
finance charge of one and one half percent a month (18% APR) is added.
No student is permitted to register if the account for a preceding
quarter has not been paid in full. Grades cannot be released, transcripts
cannot be forwarded, and degrees cannot be granted until all financial
obligations have been met.
Payment Schedule for 1984-85
On Campus
Fall Quarter
$ 750.00
June 19
July 17
August 17
Registration Day
Winter Quarter On Campus
$ 750.00
September 28
October 15
November 1
Spring Quarter On Campus
$ 750.00
December 12
January 9
February 1
Off Campus
$ 700.00
+ Sp. fees
Sp. fees
Off Campus
$ 700.00
+ Sp. fees
Off Campus
$ 700.00
+ Sp. fees
+Sp. fees
+ Sp. fees
Refund Schedule
Students who decide to withdraw from college after they have
registered and paid their tuition will receive a tuition refund computed
from the date the withdrawal form was signed and returned to the
During first week. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90%
During second week....................................... 75%
During the third through the fifth week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50%
During sixth week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25%
After sixth week ...................................... No refund
Room and Board Refunds. If the student leaves school after the sixth
week, there will be no room refund. Through the sixth week, the student
will be charged for the time spent on campus plus a two-week room
charge. Students will be charged for board through the end of the week
in which they leave the campus. If a refund is due the student, a check will
be sent within a reasonable time.
Books and Supplies
Textbooks, art, and coiiege suppiies may be purchased at the coiiege
bookstore. Stationery, college seals, banners, and other items also are
available for the convenience of students. All purchases must be paid for
in cash. Students should have $100.00 to $125.00 available at the beginning
of the school year for books. Estimated book costs for the entire year are
$200.00 to $300.00.
Golden Valley Lutheran College recognizes the close relationship between students, parents, and the College in meeting the costs of a quality
education. Our program of financial assistance is designed to help
qualified students who desire a Golden Valley Lutheran College education.
Golden Valley Lutheran College Aid
Academic Scholarships are awarded to those students who graduate in
the top quarter of their high school class or to transfer students who have
a 3.00 grade average with a minimum of 12 hours. Scholarships vary in
amount and are renewed each year provided the recipient maintains a
3.00 grade average in academic work at Golden Valley Lutheran College.
Presidential Scholarships are special awards to students graduating in
the top 5% of their high school class.
Activity Awards are available to students who show special abilities in
music, drama, art, or athletics. These awards are based on recommendations from coaches and professors with respect to talent and ability to
perform. Athletic recipients also must abide by the rules and regulations
of the Minnesota Community College Conference.
Christian Service/Leadership Grants are available to students who have
been active in their church and community. Aspects of Christian service
or leadership that are considered include, but are not limited to,
teaching, music, volunteer work and counseling.
Special Grants and Scholarships have been established by alumni and
other friends of the College. These funds are for students whose
qualifications meet the conditions and requirements of the specified
Minnesota State Aid
Minnesota State Scholarships and Grants are available to Minnesota
residents planning to attend one of the eligible Minnesota colleges.
Awards are based on financial need and educational costs and may range
up to $3,251 per year.
Students may apply for a grant by completing an ACT Family Financial
Statement (FFS), including the section for Minnesota State Scholarship
and Grant-In-Aid applicants.
Federal Government Aid
Pell Grants are available frorn the federal government for students
meeting certain financial need qualifications. Such grants may total up to
$1,900 per year and do not have to be repaid. Students may apply for this
grant by checking the appropriate box on either the ACT Family Financial
Statement or CSS Financial Aid Form.
National Direct Student Loans are funded by the federal government
and administered by the College. Loans are granted on the basis of
validated financial need. The loans are made at an interest rate of 5% with
the student paying neither interest nor principal until six months after
graduation or leaving college. Repayment must be completed within 10
Guaranteed Student Loans enable eligible students to borrow directly
up to $2,500 annually from participating banks or other lenders at an
interest rate of 8%. Repayment of loan principal and interest begins six
months after graduation or leaving college.
The Minnesota Student Loan Program provides Guaranteed Student
Loans to eligible students who are unable to find a participating lender to
fund them.
Parent Loans for Undergraduate Student (Plus). This program helps
parents borrow money to pay for their children's cost of attending
postsecondary schools without the constraint of collateral securing the
loan. Parents of undergraduate students may borrow $3,000 per year for
each dependent, undergraduate student to a maximum of $15,000 per
student. Repayment begins within 60 days of disbursement. Normal
repayment is made over a five to ten year period at an interest rate of 12%.
The number and amount of each payment depends on the size of the
debt and the parents' ability to pay. The minimum repayment is $600 per
year. PLUS loans do not require a needs test.
Work Opportunities
College Work - Study enables students who demonstrate financial
need an opportunity to help defray college expenses through part-time
employment. Work - Study students may be employed in the cafeteria,
in maintenance, as clerical assistants to professors, library and audiovisual assistants, resident assistants, or in other available positions.
Student Employment. There are numerous part-time employment
positions available in the Golden Valley community and the surrounding
area. Our College bulletin board carries notices of available employment.
Other Assistance Programs
College Payment Schedule: Because most people prefer to pay
educational expenses in installments, Golden Valley Lutheran College
has set up a tuition payment plan. This plan is a convenient payment
program beginning in June and ending in February.
Hidden Subsidy: Golden Valley Lutheran College gives a "hidden
subsidy" each year to every student who attends the College as a full-
time student. This "hidden subsidy" reflects the fact that the total
instructional program at the College costs more than the total amount
received from tuition and fees. Such a "hidden subsidy" is made possible
by gifts from many sources, especially church congregations, alumni, and
friends of the College. The College also receives income from endowment funds.
Lutheran Brotherhood Loan - If a member of the student's family
holds a Lutheran Brotherhood Insurance policy, a student may borrow
up to $2,500 per year from the Lutheran Brotherhood Insurance Society
at the same rates described under Federal Insured Student Loans.
Other Grants - There are a number of grants and scholarships
available from other sources. The student is encouraged to consult his or
her high school counselor and the Director of Financial Aid at Golden
Valley Lutheran College for other federal, state, and communitysponsored scholarships and grants.
Procedure for Applying for Financial Aid
To apply for admission to Golden Valley Lutheran College, request
an application form from the Office of Admissions, Golden Valley
Lutheran College, 6125 Olson Highway, Golden Valley, MN 55422.
2. If you are applying only for Golden Valley Lutheran scholarships and
grants - and not for state or federal grants - indicate this on the
Golden Valley Lutheran College Financial Aid Application.
3. To apply for federal or Minnesota aid you must complete a Family
Financial Statement and a Student Data Form using income information
for the 1983 tax year and submit it to ACT. Forms are available from
your high school guidance counselor or by writing the Office of
Admissions at Golden Valley Lutheran College. Although the FFS is
preferred, non-Minnesota residents may submit the CSS Financial
Aid Form. Allow six to eight weeks for processing of the ACT Family
Financial Statement.
4. Since all financial aid programs have limited funds, within ten days of
our notifying you that you will receive financial aid you must let us
know that you accept the offer. Funds that are not accepted are given
to other students who need them.
All types of financial assistance are made for only one academic year.
Students, however, may expect to receive financial assistance for the
second year if they remain in good academic and personal standing and if
their financial need continues. If a student withdraws during any quarter,
he or she forfeits the entire amount of gift aid that has been awarded
from College funds for the quarter. He or she also forfeits proportionate
amounts of aid awarded from state or federal funds for that quarter.
Golden Valley Lutheran College makes every effort to enable all
accepted students to attend regardless of financial resources. Your
financial need may be met through a combination of federal, state, and
institutional financial aid programs. We encourage students and parents
to visit campus to discuss financial planning.
The AAi.. Lutheran American Minority Scholarship Program is available
for any Lutheran American minority person who is a member of a
Lutheran church, or is an immigrant who has been sponsored by a
Lutheran organization and is attending Golden Valley Lutheran College.
In any case, the recipient must be a member of a Lutheran church.
Scholarships range from $200 to $1,000 and can be renewed each year.
The AAL Lutheran Campus Scholarship Program is for students who
hold a certificate of membership and insurance from the Aid Asssociation
for Lutherans. The awards are based on academic achievement, Christian
character and professional promise.
The Berean Scholarship is given annually by the Bereans, an organization
of wives of the faculty and staff members at the College.
The David Bjelland Memorial Scholarship is given by Mrs. David
Bjelland because of her late husband's keen interest in Bible study and
the training of lay people for service to the Lord.
The Ethel Borge Memorial Scholarship has been established by Pastor
and Mrs. Alton C.O. Halverson in memory of her aunt, Ethel Borge.
The Ronald Chagnon II Memorial Scholarship has been established by
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Chagnon, Sr. in memory of their son Ron who was a
student at Golden Valley Lutheran College.
The Wilson Fagerberg Memorial Scholarship has been established in
memory of Pastor Wilson Fagerberg, a long time faculty member in the
Department of Biblical Studies at Golden Valley Lutheran College.
The Gjernes Scholarship is provided annually through the Martha
Gjernes Estate.
The James Robert and John William Gustafson Scholarship has been
established by Mrs. Thora Tofte in memory of her husband and son. It is
awarded to a student interested in Christian service, ministry, missionary
work or Bible study.
The Haaland Scholarship has been established by Mrs. 0. T. Haaland to
be awarded to a student interested in a career of Christian service.
The Jackson Scholarship is given by Mrs. Eddie Jackson and the late Mr.
Jackson in recognition of their keen interest in Bible study and the
training of lay people for service to the Lord.
The Gunnar I. Johnson Memorial Scholarship has been established by
the Johnson family in memory of Mr. Johnson who was the contractor for
the construction of the Golden Valley Lutheran College Campus, 19611977.
The William A. Johnson Scholarship has been established by William A.
Johnson to be awarded each year to a worthy student of strong Christian
character who is interested in a business career.
The Liberian Student Scholarship has been established by Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Overdahl and Dr. and Mrs. Scot Hutton to assist students from
The M. T. lillehaugen Memorial Scholarship is in memory of the late
Mr. Lillehaugen who was a good friend and supporter of the College. It is
to be used to "help defray the expenses for some g'ood student going into
church work, a person with a Christian commitment and one who
indicates a good Christian example."
The Lovaas Scholarship has been established by the late Samuel Lovaas
to be used for the training of a missionary student who intends to enter
missionary work.
The Lutheran Brotherhood Junior College Scholarship is awarded on
the basis of scholastic achievement and religious leadership.
The Lutheran Brotherhood Graduate Award for junior and senior years
at a Lutheran College is awarded to a sophomore student planning to
transfer to a four-year Lutheran college.
The Mai Scholarship is an annual scholarship from Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Mai, former students, as an expression of appreciation for what this
school has meant to them.
The Richard Melvig Memorial Scholarship has been established in
memory of Ricky Melvig who had wanted to become a doctor but didn't
live to realize his dream. It is given to a returning student who exhibits
faith, character, and an interest in the sciences.
The Nelson Mission Scholarship has been established by Dr. and Mrs.
Russell E. Nelson to be awarded each year to a worthy student who has
chosen to prepare for full-time work in the area of mission. Dr. Nelson
was a faculty member and director of mission at the College.
The Edith B. Norberg Scholarship has been established in memory of
Edith and Edwin Norberg to provide scholarships for students pursuing a
career in church music.
The Pihl Scholarship has been established by Mr. and Mrs. Charles R.
Pihl. Mr. Pihl served as chairman and member of the Board of Regents of
the College.
The Ponwith Scholarship has been provided by Miss Sadie Ponwith, a
former student, teacher, and librarian, and her sister, the late Miss Alice
Ponwith, also a former student and staff member. It is awarded to
students showing evidence of Christian character, leadership, and
The Golden Valley Rotary Scholarship provided by the Golden Valley
Rotary Club awards two scholarships annually to two worthy students.
The Sampson Memorial Scholarship is given in memory of August and
Mabel Sampson, parents of Mrs. Russell B. Helgesen, the wife of our
Development Di rector.
The Savik Memorial Scholarship has been established by the family of
the late Oscar Savik, who was a member of the Board of Regents of the
College and advisor to the President.
The Tang Scholarship is provided by Dr. Christopher Tang, a former
faculty member, and Mrs. Tang in memory of their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Han Ching Tang and Mr. and Mrs. Zi Hui Chang.
The Tang Church History Scholarship is given by Dr. and Mrs.
Christopher Tang in honor of Anna C. Tang and is intended for a student
who has shown excellence in church history courses.
The Manda Twete Scholarship has been provided by Miss Manda
Twete, a friend of the College. It is awarded to a student on the basis of
Christian character and demonstrated need.
The Mary D. Wagner Scholarship Fund has been established by Mrs.
Wagner for needy and worthy students who are particularly interested in
the study of the Bible.
Golden Valley Lutheran College grants three types of two-year
completion awards: the Associate in Arts Degree (Liberal Arts and
Transfer Program), the Associate in Arts Degree (Specialized Program),
and the Junior College Certificate. A one-year Vocational Certificate is
awarded for completion of a selected one-year vocational curriculum.
Golden Valley Lutheran College is a liberal arts institution which allows
a student to concentrate in the areas of general education, Biblical and
theological studies, or a specific vocation.
Students who plan to earn a four-year degree are encouraged to satisfy
general education requirements while attending Golden Valley Lutheran
College. When this suggestion is followed, students may concentrate on
their major and other requirements during the last two years of college.
General education courses invite the student to learn about the world,
the scientific method, the society in which he or she lives, the fine arts
and humanities, and the eternal values perceived in Biblical and
theological studies.
General Academic Information
Credit load and Student Classification
A normal credit load consists of 16 credits per quarter. Exceptions to
this credit load will be considered in consultation with a student's
academic advisor. Permission to take more than 18 credits must be
granted by the Academic Dean. Individuals enrolled for 12 or more
credits per quarter are considered full-time students. Individuals with
less than 12 credits are considered part-time students. A student who has
earned less than 45 cumulative credits is classified as a freshman. A
student who has earned 45 or more cumulative credits is classified as a
The auditing of courses is not encouraged since classroom capacities
are needed by students interested in earning college credit. Auditors are
required to do all work assigned by the instructor and tuition costs are the
same as costs for credit.
Grading and Honor Point System
/\ student's grade point average is computed at the end of each
quarter. The grade point average is determined by dividing the number
of earned honor points by the number of credits attempted. Honor
points are computed by the following scale:
Honor Points
Per Credit
Above Average
c Average
Below Average
Withdrawn, failing**
for J.C.C. only
*Incomplete work, must be made up satisfactorily by the end of the
fourth week of the next term the student attends or within one year if the
student does not return to Golden Valley Lutheran College. If a student
desires an extension beyond four weeks, he or she must secure approval
of the instructor involved and must petition the Scholastic Standing
Committee for the extension. If the work is not completed in the allotted
time, the grade becomes an F.
**Withdrawals after the third week of classes and through mid-term
are indicated by W or WF (to be determined by the instructor); and after
the mid-term and until the last regularly scheduled class day of each
quarter by a W, WF, or Fas determined by the instructor. A student may
not drop a course after final examinations begin.
***The grading system of Sand U is used only for those courses which
are taken to meet the requirements of the Junior College Certificate. An
S counts as two honor points per credit for the Junior College Certificate
only and will not be credited toward an Associate in Arts Degree. The U
grade yields no honor points or credits.
Academic Honors
An Honors List composed of those students who have earned a grade
point average of 3.00-3.49 is compiled at the end of each term. Those
students who achieve a grade point average of 3.50 or better are included
on the Dean's List.
Academic Progress
In accordance with policies established by the administration and
faculty, a student will be counseled in relation to academic progress
toward the Associate in Arts degree: (a) when a student's grade point
average is less than 2.00; (b) when his or her transcript shows two or more
grades of I (Incomplete) in one quarter. If a student's grade point average
falls below 1.50 he or she will be placed on academic probation until the
grade point average is raised to 1.50 or above. The College reserves the
right to dismiss a student if his or her academic performance is regarded
as unsatisfactory.
Eligibility for Varsity Sports
Eligibility rules for participation in varsity sports at Golden Valley
Lutheran College conform to the National Junior College Athletic
Association eligibility rules. In general, in order to participate in a varsity
sport, a student must be a full-time (12 credits) student during the
qualifying and competing quarter. During the qualifying quarter, he or
she must earn a grade point average of 1.5 or better in at least 10 hours of
course work listed in the College Catalog. Freshmen enrolled at GVLC in
their first quarter of college are exempt from the qualifying quarter
requirements. A student's eligibility is reviewed each quarter and all
hours of a complete course (subject) must be counted in computing a
student's grade point average. (See NJCAA Eligibility Rules.)
No student shall be certified on an eligibility list until the College has
received the final transcript indicating the high school graduation date
and any college transcript(s), if another college has been previously
attended. The responsibility to obtain any such transcripts rests upon the
individual student.
Credit by Special Examination
Under special circumstances, a student may seek to gain credits or
exemption by special examination, in accordance with specific departmental policies.
Transfer Students
The actual number of credits accepted in transfer from other institutions
are entered on the student's record, but transferred credits and grade
points are not included in the computation of the grade point average.
Transfer credit will not be granted for courses in which a grade below
C- was received.
Class Attendance
Each student is responsible for regular class attendance and for
completing work as required in each class. With respect to unexcused
absences, excused absences, or make-up work, it is the student's
responsibility to learn the policy of each instructor. The instructor's
policy is usually stated in the course outline. At the discretion of the
instructor, a student may be withdrawn from a course for an excessive
number of unexcused absences or uncompleted assignments.
Independent Study
A maximum of six credits in Independent Study may be applied toward
the Associate in Arts Degree. The student must meet the criteria
established by the department and have the approval of the chairperson of
the department in which he or she plans to do the study. Standards
require a 3.0 average in the department in which Independent Study is
taken, a limit of four credits per term in Independent Study, and a
demonstration of relevance to the student's academic objectives. Independent Study applications are available in the Registrar's Office.
Bible and English Requirements
All students enrolled for eight credits or more are required to take at
least one Bible course each quarter that they attend classes at the
College. A student who transfers from another college is not required to
complete the full 18 credits in Bible but is required to take one course
each quarter while enrolled at the College. All Bible core courses listed in
the Department of Biblical Studies will satisfy this requirement.
All degree seeking students are required to register for English until
the sequence, English 111and112 - College Composition, and English
113 - Introduction to Literature, has been completed. Placement in
English 100, 110, or 111 will be determined by specific English Placement
tests administered to all new students during student orientation in the
fall, or at the time of their registration for winter or for spring quarters.
Co-Curricular Activity Credits
A total of nine credits in co-curricular activities may be applied toward
an Associate in Arts Degree. The three credits of required physical
education are not included in this category. Co-curricular activities
include all music ensembles, theatre practice, Christian service, additional physical education activity courses after the three required courses
are completed, and activity credits that a transfer student might bring to
the College.
With regard to co-curricular activities other than varsity sports, a
student who earns a grade point average of less than 1.Sfor a quarter may
have co-curricular activities curtailed or programs of study reduced, at
the discretion of the Scholastic Standing Committee.
Orientation and Registration
All students must report to the College for Orientation Days as
indicated in the calendar in this catalog.
The orientation period includes a series of placement and personality
tests which are used to provide a more effective placement and
counseling service for students. Both new and returning students are
required to register on the days indicated in the calendar.
Registration is not completed until the student has made settlement for
the quarter charges at the Bookkeeping Office.
All students have at their disposal the advice and counsel of faculty
advisors. Before registering for any term, the student must consult with
his or her advisor concerning the schedule of study. The selection of the
proper courses is the individual student's responsibility.
Changes in Registration
Necessary changes to eliminate conflicts and to correct evident
mistakes in registration may be permitted during the first ten days of
classes, with the written approval of the academic advisor. A Change of
Course Permit for this purpose may be obtained in the Registrar's Office.
After the tenth day, no regularly scheduled classes may be added except
by special permission.
Repeating a Course
A student may repeat only courses in which a grade of Dor F has been
received. The intention to repeat a course must be certified at the time of
registration for the course. If a student repeats a course in which a Dor F
grade has been received, only the more recent grade and credit earned
will be included in the computation of the grade point average. Both
grades, however, will remain on the student's permanent record.
Withdrawals from the College
A student who wishes to withdraw from the College during any term,
must make application for this action in the Office of the Registrar.
Failure to comply with this regulation may deprive a student of refund
privileges and result in an F grade in all classes. Partial refunds on fees
already paid will be based on the date the application was signed and
returned to the Registrar's Office.
The responsibility rests with the student for seeing that his or her
program includes all requirements for graduation.
Applicants for admission should study the requirements for graduation outlined in this section of the catalog and plan their college
program as a whole as early as possible. A student who is in doubt about
how certain requirements are interpreted should consult with his or her
academic advisor, the Registrar, or the Academic Dean. When circumstances might warrant a justifiable modification in a requirement, a
petition (obtained from the Registrar) should be submitted to the
Committee on Academic Affairs.
Associate in Arts Degree:
Liberal Arts and Transfer Program
This program is designed for students who intend to gain a general
knowledge of the arts and sciences and who intend to transfer to a fouryear college or university for completion of a Bachelor's Degree. A
student receiving this degree must be in residence three terms, one of
which must be the term in which the student graduates. The requirements for this degree are:
1. Completion of the divisional requirements as outlined below. The
further requirements in a selected curriculum are recommended
and the student should attempt to fulfill them.
2. Completion of 92 credits with a minimum cumulative grade point
average of 2.00 (C average).
3. The approval of the faculty.
4. Fulfillment of all financial obligations to the College.
Biblical and Theological
Social Science
Mathematics and
Natural Sciences
Bible Core
Creative Arts
Physical Education
English 111, 112, 113
Business 200, 210 and all Social
Science courses except History
102, Humanities 200, Personal
Orientation and Social Service
All Mathematics or Natural
Science courses except
Mathematics 100, 101
All Creative Arts courses except
Applied Music, Ensembles,
Theatre 120
Three one credit Physical Education activity courses. (One
credit only per varsity sport)
Associate in Arts Degree:
Sp.ecialized Program
This program is designed for students who intend to seek employment
after two years of college or for those who intend to pursue an education
of a specialized nature. A student receiving this degree must be in
residence three terms, one of which must be the term in which the
student graduates. The requirements for this degree are:
1. Completion of the divisional requirements as outlined below plus
the additional requirements of a selected curriculum.
2. Completion of 92 credits with a minimum cumulative grade point
average of 2.00 (C average).
3. The approval of the faculty.
4. Fulfillment of all financial obligations to the College.
Biblical and Theological
Social Science
Bible Core
Mathematics and
Natural Sciences
Creative Arts
Physical Education
English 111, 112, 113
All Social Science courses except
History 102, Humanities 200, Personal Orientation and Social Service courses
All Mathematics or Natural
Science courses except
Mathematics 100, 101
All Creative Arts courses except
Applied Music, Ensembles, Theatre 120
Three one credit Physical Education activity courses. (One credit
only per varsity sport)
The Junior College Certificate
This certificate will be awarded to those students who cornplete two
years of work on a curriculum but do not satisfy the requirements for an
Associate in Arts Degree. The requirements for the Junior College
Certificate are:
1. Completion of a minimum of 88 credits including one Bible
Course per term.
2. A minimum cumulative grade point average of 1.00.
3. The approval of the faculty.
4. Fulfillment of all financial obligations to the College.
The One-Year Vocational Certificate
This certificate will be awarded to those students who fulfill the
following requirements:
1. Completion of 46 credits (including one Bible Course per quarter)
with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00 (C average).
2. Completion of the requirements for a selected curriculum.
3. The approval of the faculty.
4. Fulfillment of all financial obligations to the College.
Details of the curricula listed below are outlined on the pages which
follow. The student should select a curriculum and be familiar with its
requirements before registration. The College reserves the right to
change curriculum requirements when the necessity arises.
A. Curricula leading to the Associate in Arts Degree: Liberal Arts and
Transfer Program
1. Basic Liberal Arts
2. Liberal Arts with concentration in Basic Science
3. Liberal Arts with concentration in Biblical and Theological
4. Liberal Arts with concentration in Business Administration
5. Liberal Arts with concentration in Computer Science
6. Liberal Arts with concentration in courses for Specific Professions
a. Agriculture
b. Classics
c. Corrective Therapy
d. Dentistry
e. Education - Elementary
Education - Secondary
g. Education - Special
h. Forestry
j. Medicine
k. Music (Pre-Bachelor of Arts)
I. Music (Pre-Bachelor of Music)
m. Nursing
n. Occupational Therapy
o. Pharmacy
p. Physical Education
q. Physical Therapy
r. Recreation Leadership
B. Curricula leading to the Associate in Arts Degree: Specialized
1. Church Staff Work
2. Computer Training and Electronics Technican
3. Law Enforcement
4. Office Administration
5. Secretarial - General
6. Secretarial - Legal
7. Secretarial - Medical
8. Secretarial - Parish
9. Social Service
10. World Mission
C. Curricula leading to the One-Year Vocational Certificate
1. General Secretarial
2. Legal Secretarial
3. Medical Secretarial
4. Office Administration
A. Curricula leading to The Associate in Arts Degree:
liberal Arts and Transfer Program
1. BASIC LIBERAL ARTS This curriculum is recommended for those planning
to transfer to a university or four-year college. The courses listed below fulfill
the normal two-year general education requirements for the Bachelor of Arts
Degree. Since many colleges require one or two years of foreign language or
variations of work in some of the fields, the student and his or her advisor will
make the relevant selections in relation to the student's future plans and the
school to which a transfer is planned. Completion of this curriculum leads to
the Associate in Arts Degree.
Required and Recommended Courses and Credits
Biblical Studies
Social Science
Mathematics and
Natural Sciences
Creative Arts
Physical Education
Foreign Language
Bible Core
English 111, 112, 113
Speech 100 or 120
Business 200, 210 and all Social Science
courses except History 102,
Humanities 200, Personal Orientation
and Social Service courses
All courses except Mathematics 100, 101
All courses except Applied Music,
Ensembles, Theatre 120
Three one credit Physical Education
activity courses
See department listings
Courses in special field of interest
curriculum is recommended for those planning to transfer to a university or
four-year college for degrees in science or technology. The student, with the
aid of his or her advisor, will make the relevant course selections in relation
to his or her future plans and the school to which a transfer is planned.
Completion of this curriculum leads to the Associate in Arts Degree.
Required and Recommended Courses and Credits
Biblical Studies
Social Science
Mathematics and
Natural Sciences
Creative Arts
Physical Education
Foreign Language
Bible Core
English 111, 112, 113
Speech 100 or 120
Business 200, 210 and all Social Science
courses except History 102,
Humanities 200, Personal Orientation
and Social Service courses.
Selections from Mathematics (except
100, 101), Biology, Chemistry, and
All courses except Applied Music,
Ensembles, Theatre 120
Three one credit Physical Education
activity courses
German 101, 102, 103 recommended
STUDIES This curriculum is recommended for those who want to combine
their general studies in the liberal arts and sciences with a more extensive
program of Biblical and theological studies. The Bible core sequence may be
supplemented by more extensive offerings in the study of the Bible,
Theology, and Applied Christianity. Completion of this curriculum leads to
the Associate in Arts Degree.
Required and Recommended Courses and Credits
Biblical Studies
Social Science
Mathematics and
Natural Sciences
Creative Arts
Physical Education
Foreign Language
Bible Core; Theology 121, 122, 123;
selections from New Testament
English 111, 112, 113
Speech 100 or 120
Business 200, 210 and all Social Science
courses except History 102
Humanities 200, Personal
Orientation and Social Service courses
All courses except Mathematics 100, 101
All courses except Applied Music,
Ensembles, Theatre 120
Three one credit Physical Education
activity courses
Greek 101, 102, 103 recommended
See department listings
This curriculum offers courses to satisfy requirements for two years of a fouryear degree program. Admissions requirements for junior-year status at fouryear institutions vary. Students should be guided by the program requirements
of the universities to which they plan to transfer. Advisors will assist in planning a
program that will meet the four year college's lower division requirements.
Completion of this curriculum leads to the Associate in Arts Degree.
Required and Recommended Courses and Credits
Biblical Studies
Mathematics and
Natural Sciences
Computer Science
Social Science
Bible Core
English 111, 112, 113
Speech 100 required
All courses except Mathematics 100, 101
Computer Science 160 required
Business 200, 210 required; Sociology
100, Psychology 202-203
All courses except Applied Music,
Ensembles, Theatre 120
Three one credit Physical Education
activity courses
Business 101, 102, 103, 120, 150
Creative Arts
Physical Education
Required Courses
Business Electives
General Electives
Electives in Business should be selected
after consulting the four-year
college's requirements
See department listings
curriculum is recommended for those planning to transfer to a university or
four-year college for degrees in computer science or technology. The
student, with the aid of his or her advisor, will make the relevant course
selections in relation to his or her future plans and the college to which a
transfer is planned. Completion of this curriculum leads to the Associate in
Arts Degree.
Required and Recommended Courses and Credits
Biblical Studies
Bible Core
English 111, 112, 113
Speech 100 or 120 recommended
Social Science
Business 200, 210 recommended
Mathematics and
Mathematics 102 required;
Natural Sciences
Mathematics 103, 110, 120
Computer Science
Computer Science 160, 170, 210, 220
All courses except Applied Music,
Creative Arts
Ensembles, Theatre 120
Physical Education
Three one credit Physical Education
activity courses
German 101, 102, 103 recommended
Foreign Language
See department listings
PROFESSIONS The College has established specific preliminary training for
students desiring entrance into certain professions. Students interested in
these professions should consult the appropriate college catalogs, discuss
plans with their faculty advisor, and check with the Registrar to insure proper
course selection. Completion of one of the following curricula leads to an
Associate in Arts Degree and satisfies the basic requirements for the first two
years of the particular professional program.
a. Agricultural
The Basic Liberal Arts
Curriculum and including:
b. Classics
The Basic Liberal Arts
Curriculum and including:
c. Corrective Therapy
The Basic Liberal Arts
Curriculum and including:
d. Dentistry
The Basic Science
Curriculum and including:
Speech 100 or 120
History 201, 202, 203
Geography 100
Mathematics 102, 103
Biology 111, 112, 113
Chemistry 101, 102, 103
Business 200, 210
English 221
History 111, 112
Anthropology 100
Greek 101, 102, 103, 300
German 101, 102, 103 Recommended
Speech 100 or 120
Psychology 202, 203
Biology 111, 232, 233
Physical Education 120, 130, 200, 210
Mathematics 102, 103, 201
Biology 111, 112, 113
Chemistry 101, 102, 103
Education Students planning to teach on the elementary or secondary level
will need a four-year program in the Liberal Arts or Sciences and the teacher
education courses required for a certificate. The curricula outlined below
fufill requirements for a Minnesota certificate for the first two years.
Completion of any one of these curricula leads to the Associate in Arts
e. Education -
The Basic Liberal Arts
Curriculum and including:
Geography 100
History 201, 202, 203
Psychology 202, 203, 210
Biology 113
Physical Education 120, 130
Private lessons in piano and voice are
f. Education - Secondary
The Basic Liberal Arts
Curriculum and including:
Psychology 202, 203, 210
Sociology 110, 210, 212
Physical Education 120, 130
Emphasis on a special field of interest
g. Education - Special
The Basic Liberal Arts
Curriculum and including:
h. Forestry
The Basic Science
Curriculum and including:
i. law
The Basic Liberal Arts
Curriculum and including:
Psychology 202, 203, 210
Sociology 110, 210, 212
Physical Education 120, 130
Mathematics 102, 103, 110, 200
Biology 111, 112, 121, 222, 223
Chemistry 101, 102, 103
Physics 102
Business 200, 210
Speech 100 or 120
History 201, 202, 203
Political Science 100, 200
Psychology 202, 203
Sociology 110, 210, 212
Business 200, 210, 230
j. Medicine
The Basic Science
Curriculum and including:
k. Music (Pre-Bachelor of Arts)
The Basic Liberal Arts
Curriculum and including:
I. Music (Pre-Bachelor of Music)
Required Courses and Credits
Biblical Studies
Social Science
Natural Science
Physical Education
Creative Arts
m. Nursing
The Basic Science
Curriculum and including:
Mathematics 102, 103, 201
Biology 111, 112, 113
Chemistry 101, 102, 103
Physics 102, 103
One year of foreign language when
History 121, 122, 123 recommended
Music 111, 112, 113, 211, 212, 213;
Applied Music - 6 credits;
Ensembles - 6 credits
Bible Core
English 111, 112, 113
History 121, 122, 123 recommended
Biology 113 recommended
Three one credit Physical Education
activity courses
Music 111, 112, 113, 121, 122, 123, 131,
132, 133, 211, 212, 213; Applied Music
- 6 credits; Ensembles - 6 credits
See department listings
Psychology 202
Sociology 100 or 110
Biology 111, 232, 233
Chemistry 101, 102
Physics 102
German 101, 102, 103 recommended
n. Occupational Therapy
The Basic Liberal Arts
Curriculum and including:
Speech 100 or 120
Psychology 202, 203, 210
Biology 111, 112, 232, 233
Chemistry 101, 102
Physical Education 120, 130
o. Pharmacy
The Basic Science
Curriculum and including:
Mathematics 102, 103
Biology 111, 112, 113, 231
Chemistry 101, 102, 103
p. Physical Education
The curriculum outlined below will earn the Associate in Arts Degree and
provides the necessary prerequisites leading to the Minnesota teaching
History 121, 122, 123, 201, 202, 203, or
The Basic Liberal Arts
Sociology 100, 110, 210 or Psychology
Curriculum and including:
202, 203 recommended
Biology 111, 112, 232, 233
Physical Education 110, 120, 130, 200,
q. Physical Therapy
The Basic Liberal Arts
Curriculum and including:
Speech 100 or 120
Mathematics 102
Physics 102, 103
Biology 111, 112, 232, 233
Physical Education 120, 130
Psychology 120 or 210
Chemistry 101, 102, 103 recommended
r. Recreation Leadership
The Basic Liberal Arts
Curriculum and including:
Speech 100 or 130
Sociology 100, 110, 212 or Psychology
202, 203 recommended
Physical Education 110, 120, 200, 210;
three one credit Physical
Education activity courses
Recreation Leadership 110, 120, 210,
220, 230
B. Curricula Leading to The Associate in Arts Degree:
Specialized Program
1. CHURCH STAFF WORK The following curriculum ,provides training for
the responsibilities of a church staff worker. The responsibilities that may be
assigned to a church staff worker often fall into the following general
categories; parish education, youth work, visitation, and parish secretary.
Completion of this curriculum leads to an Associate in Arts Degree.
Required Courses and Credits
Biblical Studies
Theology and Church
Social Science
Mathematics and
Natural Sciences
Physical Education
Creative Arts
Secretarial Science
Applied Christianity
Bible Core
Theology 121, 122, 123; Church
History 200
English 111, 112, 113
Speech 150
Psychology 120, Sociology 120
Biology 113 recommended
Three one credit Physical
Education activity courses
All courses except Applied Music,
Ensembles, Theatre 120
Secretarial Science 102 (101, 103 may be
required depending on course
background of student)
Applied Christianity 122, 123, 130,
201, 202, 203' 211, 221, 223' 230
Sociology and Psychology courses
educational programs are available between Golden Valley Lutheran College and Control Data Institute for training as computer technicians and
programmers, and between GVLC and Northwestern Electronics Institute
for training in the field of Electronics Technician. Students spend at least one
academic year at the College and complete a specified course with Control
Data or Northwestern Electronics. A maximum of 45 credits from these
institutions will be accepted toward the Associate in Arts Degree. Completion
of the entire curriculum leads to the Associate in Arts Degree.
Required and Recommended Courses and Credits
Biblical Studies
Bible Core
English 111, 112, 113
Social Science
Selections from History 123, Sociology
100, 110, 120 recommended
Selections from Mathematics
Mathematics and
102, 103, Physics 102, 103
Natural Sciences
Three one credit Physical Education
Physical Education
activity courses
All courses except Applied Music,
Creative Arts
Ensembles, Theatre 120
See department listings
3. LAW ENFORCEMENT The following curriculum, combining courses in
Biblical studies, the liberal arts and law enforcement, leads to the Associate in
Arts Degree and provides a foundation for a career in law enforcement.
Required Courses and Credits
Biblical Studies
Social Science
Mathematics and
Natural Sciences
Physical Education
Creative Arts
Law Enforcement
Bible Core
English 111, 112, 113
Speech 100 or 120
Selections from Political Science 100,
Psychology 120, Sociology 100,
110, 120, 210, 212 recommended
Biology 113 recommended
Physical Education 150 and
three one credit Physical Education
activity courses
All courses except Applied Music,
Ensembles, Theatre 120
Law Enforcement 100, 110, 120, 130,
150, 160, 170, 180
See department listings
4. OFFICE ADMINISTRATION This two-year curriculum offers a variety of
business administration and office skills courses for the student interested in
an entry-level business position. Completion of this curriculum leads to the
Associate in Arts Degree.
Required Courses and Credits
Biblical Studies
Social Science
Mathematics and
Natural Sciences
Physical Education
Creative Arts
Secretarial Science/
Computer Science
Bible Core
English 111, 112, 13
All courses except History 102,
Humanities 200, Personal
Orientation and Social Service courses
All courses except Mathematics
100, 101
Three one credit Physical Education
activity courses
All courses except Applied Music,
Ensembles, Theatre 120
Business 101, 102, 120, 140, 150
(Secretarial Science 101 may
be required depending on
background of the student)
Selections from Business,
Secretarial Science, Computer
Science courses
See department listings
5. GENERAL SECRETARIAL Completion of this two-year curriculum, combining instruction in Biblical s.tudies, the liberal arts and secretarial skills,
leads to the Associate in Arts Degree and prepares the student for a career as
a general secretary.
· ·
Required Courses and Credits
Biblical Studies
Social Science
Mathematics and
Natural Sciences
Computer Science
Physical Education
Creative Arts
Bible Core
English 111, 112, 113
All courses except History 102,
Humanities 200, Personal
Orientation and Social Service courses
All courses except Mathematics 100, 101
Computer Science 160
Three one credit Physical Education
activity courses
All courses except Applied Music,
Ensembles, Theatre 120
Business 110, 140, 150;
Secretarial Science 102, 103, 110,
112, 113, 122, 212, 213, 242, 243
(Secretarial Science 101, 111 may be
required depending on background
of the student)
Secretarial Science 220 recommended
6. LEGAL SECRETARIAL Completion of this two-year curriculum, combining
courses in Biblical studies, the liberal arts and legal secretarial training, leads
to the Associate in Arts Degree and prepares the student for a career as a
legal secretary.
Required Courses and Credits
Biblical Studies
Social Science
Mathematics and
Natural Sciences
Computer Science
Creative Arts
Physical Education
Bible Core
English 111, 112, 113
All courses except History 102,
Humanities 200, Personal
Orientation and Social Service courses
All courses except Mathematics 100, 101
Computer Science 160
All courses except Applied Music,
Ensembles, Theatre 120
Three one credit Physical Education
activity courses
Business 140, 150, 230; Secretarial
Science 102, 103, 110, 112, 113,
122, 212, 213, 231, 242, 243
(Secretarial Science 101, 111 may be
required depending on background
of the student)
Secretarial Science 220 recommended
7. MEDICAL SECRETARIAL Completion of this two-year curriculum, combining courses in Biblical studies, the liberal arts and medical secretarial
training, leads to the Associate in Arts Degree and prepares the student for a
career as a medical secretary.
Required Courses and Credits
Biblical Studies
Social Science
Mathematics and
Natural Sciences
Computer Science
Physical Education
Creative Arts
Bible Core
English 111, 112, 113
All courses except History 102,
Humanities 200, Personal
Orientation and Social Service courses
Biology 111, 232 required
Computer Science 160
Three one credit Physical Education
activity courses
All courses except Applied Music,
Ensembles, Theatre 120
Business 140, 150; Secretarial
Science 102, 103, 110, 112,
113, 122, 212, 213, 221, 242, 243
(Secretarial Science 101, 111 may
be required depending on
background of the student)
Secretarial Science 220 recommended
8. PARISH SECRETARIAL Completion of this curriculum, which combines
training in Biblical studies, secretarial skills and liberal arts, prepares the
student for the position of Parish Secretary, and leads to the Associate in Arts
Required Courses and Credits
Biblical Studies
Social Science
Mathematics and
Natural Sciences
Physical Education
Creative Arts
Applied Christianity
Bible Core
English 111, 112, 113
Psychology 120 required;
Psychology or Sociology
courses recommended
All courses except Mathematics 100, 101
Three one credit Physical Education
activity courses
All courses except Applied Music,
Ensembles, Theatre 120
Business 140, 150; Secretrial
Science 102, 103, 110, 112, 113,
122, 212, 213, 242, 243
(Secretarial Science 101, 111 may
be required depending on
background of the student)
Applied Christianity 122, 123, 130,
221, 230
Secretarial Science 220 recommended
9. SOCIAL SERVICE This program is designed to train the student to assist the
professional Social Service Worker in areas of reception, group care, case
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of this curriculum leads to the Associate in Arts Degree. The program is
designed for students who wish to find employment after two years in
Required Courses and Credits
Biblical Studies
Social Science
Social Service
Mathematics and
Natural Sciences
Creative Arts
Physical Education
Bible Core
English 111, 112, 113
Speech 120 required; Speech 150
Psychology 202, 203, 210; Sociology
100, 110, 120
Selections from Social Service 101,
102, 103, 201, 202, 203
All courses except Mathematics 100, 101
All courses except Applied Music,
Ensembles, Theatre 120
Three one credit Physical Education
activity courses
Physical Education 120, 130, Recreation
Leadership 220, Sociology 210
10. WORLD MISSION Current trends indicate that the Church's need is for
candidates with bachelor's degrees or with training in specialized fields such
as Bible and theology, medicine, education, business, agriculture, electronics,
aviation or secretarial skills. Interested students should plan for extended
and thorough preparation. The curriculum outlined below combines
concentrated Bible study, a liberal arts background, an introduction to the
missionary task, and opportunities for a variety of contacts with people
directly involved in church work in various parts of the world. Completion of
the two-year curriculum leads to the Associate in Arts Degree.
Required Courses and Credits
Biblical Studies
Social Science
Mathematics and
Natural Sciences
Physical Education
Creative Arts
Christian Service
Applied Christianity
World Mission
Bible Core
Theology 121, 122, 123
English 111, 112, 113
Speech 100 or 120
All courses except History 102,
Humanities 200, Personal
Orientation and Social Service courses
Biology 113 recommended
Three one credit Physical Education
activity courses
All courses except Applied Music,
Ensembles, Theatre 120
Christian Service 110
All Applied Christianity courses
Mission 100, 110, 120
See department listings
C. Curricula leading to the One-Year Vocational Certificate
GE~JERAL SECRET,.'\Rli\!. Completion of this one-year curriculum} combining instruction in secretarial skills and Biblical studies, leads to a
Vocational Certificate.
Required Courses and Credits
Biblical Studies
Physical Education
Bible Core
A one credit Physical Education
activity course
(Business 110 or Computer
Science 160), Business 140, 150;
Secretarial Science 110, 112,
113, 122, 212, 242, 243
(Secretarial Science 102, 103, 111
may be required depending on
background of the student)
Secretarial Science 220 recommended
Students entering the One-Year General Secretarial Program must have
completed one year of high school typing. Business 150 substitutes for
college composition. Students, however, must take English 100 and/or
English 110 if test results indicate need.
2. LEGAL SECRETARIAL Completion of this one-year curriculum, combining
Biblical studies and legal secretarial courses, leads to a Vocational Certificate.
Required Courses and Credits
Biblical Studies
Physical Education
Busi ness/Secreta rial
Bible Core
A one credit Physical Education activity
Business 140, 150, 230; Secretarial
, Science 110, 112, 113, 122, 212,
231, 242, 243 (Secretarial
Stience 102, 103, 111
may be required depending
on background of the student)
Secretarial Science 220 recommended
Students entering the One-year Legal Secretarial Curriculum must have
completed one year of high school typing. Business 150 substitutes for
college composition. Students, however, must take English 100 and/or
English 110 if test results indicate need.
3. MEDICAL SECRETARIAL Completion of this one-year curriculum, combining Biblical studies and medical secretarial courses, leads to a Vocational
Required Courses and Credits
Biblical Studies
Physical Education
Busi ness/Secreta ri aI
Bible Core
A one credit Physical Education activity
Business 140, 150; Secretarial Science
110, 112, 113, 122, 212, 221, 242, 243
(Secretrial Science 102, 103, 111 may
be required depending on
background of the student)
Secretarial Science 220 recommended
Students entering the One-year Medical Secretarial Program must have
completed one year of high school typing. Business 150 substitutes for
college composition. Students, however, must take English 100 and/or
English 110 if test results indicate need.
4. OFFICE ADMINISTRATION Completion of this one-year curriculum,
combining Biblical studies and office administration courses, leads to a
Vocational Certificate.
Required Courses and Credits
Biblical Studies
Physical Education
Busi n ess/Secreta rial
Science Electives
Bible Core
A one credit Physical Education
activity course
Business 140, 150;
Secretarial Science 110, 122
(Secretarial Science 101 may
be required depending on
background of the student)
Selections from Business,
Secretarial Science,
Computer Science courses
See Department Listings
Business 150 substitutes for college composition. Students, however, must
take English 100 and/or English 110 if test results indicate need.
5. WORLD MISSION Completion of the one-year curriculum leads to a
Vocational Certificate.
Required Courses and Credits
Biblical Studies
Theology and Church
Social Science
Physical Education
Christian Service
Applied Christianity
World Mission
Bible Core
Theology 121, 122, 123; Church History
English 111, 112
Selections from Philosophy 211, 212, 213;
Political Science 200;
Anthropology 100, 110
A one credit Physical Education
activity course
Christian Service 110
Applied Christianity 130, 150, 211
Mission 100, 110, 120, 200
See department listings
The descriptions of courses are arranged according to divisions. The
course numbering system is as follows: The first digit of the course
number indicates (1) freshman course, (2) sophomore course, or (3)
special course for advanced students. The second digit indicates the
standing of the course within the Department. The third digit indicates
the term in which the course is offered - (1) fall quarter, (2) winter
quarter, (3) spring quarter, and (0) flexible scheduling.
The College reserves the right to cancel classes with inadequate
enrollment or to change course offerings when the necessity arises.
A sequence of Biblical courses has been established to provide maximum
coverage of Biblical concepts by students taking the minimum Bible requirement.
The Bible Core courses are:
N.T. 101, 103, 110, 120, 130, 140, 202, 203
O.T. 102, 201
Greek 101, 102, 103
History 102
English 230
The Bible Core Sequence is as follows:
N.T. 101 or 120
Fall Quarter
Winter Quarter
O.T. 102 or N.T. 140
or History 102
N.T. 103 or 110 or 130
Spring Quarter
O.T. 201
N.T. 202
N.T. 203 or English 230
A student may substitute Greek 101, 102, 103 for 9 credits of required Bible Core
O.T. 102 Covenant History of the Old Testament
3 credits
The covenant purposes and acts of God as they appear in the historical record of
God's people in the Old Testament, with some reference to the continuation and
fulfillment of the covenant promise in the New Testament, especially the Gospel
of John. Student may not receive credit for both 0.T. 102 and History 102.
O.T. 201 Isaiah-Jeremiah
3 credits
An historical survey of the last two centuries of the Kingdom of Judah and a study
of the prophecies of Isaiah and Jeremiah as they reached their fulfillment in the
Messiah of the New Testament.
N.T. 101 Luke-Acts
3 credits
A study of the life of Christ and the fundamental teachings of the Christian
Church through the student's personal involvement with the text of Scripture.
N.T. 103 Pauline Epistles
3 credits
The structure, historical setting, purposes and content of Paul's Epistles to the
Galatians, I Corinthians and Prison Epistles are studied with an emphasis upon
their relevance to our day.
N.T. 110 The Gospel According to Matthew
3 credits
A brief survey of the Jewish, Greek and Roman backgrounds, a short introduction
to the Gospels, and an intensive study of the life and work of Christ in the light of
Old Testament prophecy. Offered alternate years.
N.T. 120 Epistle to the Hebrews
3 credits
A study of the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy in Jesus Christ and His
supremacy and finality. The student is involved with the inductive method of
studying the Bible. Offered alternate years.
N.T. 130 General Epistles
3 credits
An inductive study of the Epistles of James, Peter, John and Jude with special
attention paid to their unique features as compared to other New Testament
epistles. Offered alternate years.
N.T. 140 The Gospel of John
3 credits
An inductive study concentrating upon the Person and work of Jesus Christ as
seen uniquely in the theology of John.
N.T. 202 Romans
3 credits
An intensive study of the Epistle to the Romans, considering its background,
doctrinal content and inspirational message, and emphasizing the doctrine of
justification by faith with its implications for the Christian life.
N.T. 203 Apocalyptic Literature
3 credits
A survey of the struggle of the Church against Rome, 70-100 A.D. and the central
Christology of the Book of Revelation with student interpretation and evaluation of study results.
Bible 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Study of special Biblical problems or areas suited to students' needs and interests.
Department approval necessary.
Courses in this department cannot be substituted for the Bible core courses.
Theology 121 God's Way of Salvation
2 credits
A study of justification, sanctification and the Christian hope of eternal life as set
forth by the Scriptures. The course utilizes the inductive method.
Theology 122 The God of Redemption
2 credits
A study of the Scriptures and other sources utilizing the inductive technique and
with concentration on the attributes of God, the incarnation, the Person and
redemptive work of Christ, the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit, and the
relevance of faith in the Triune God in relation to the great fact of redemption.
Theology 123 The Church and the Means of Grace
2 credits
A study of Scripture and collateral readings using the inductive technique with
respect to the means of grace and the role of the Church as custodian thereof.
Theology 300 Independent Study
1 to 2 elective credits per term
Study of special theological problems or areas suited to students' needs and
interests. Department approval necessary.
Church History 200 Religion in Modem America
3 credits
Survey of the role and importance of religion in the United States with emphasis
upon changing conditions and practices among the various religious groups and
upon the Lutheran heritage. Especially for the Church Staff Work Curriculum.
Church History 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Special problems and areas of study in Church History. Department approval
Placement in ESL, English 100, 110, or 111 is determined by specific English
Placement tests administered to all new students during student orientation in
the fall, or at the time of their registration for winter or for spring quarters.
English ESL English as a Second Language
2 elective credits per term
ESL is a course in English for international students. Emphasis is placed on spoken
English and on students' development of their communication skills. By
repeating pronunciation drills, memorizing dialogues, reviewing basic grammar
and practicing American idioms and sentence patterns, students increase their
fluency in English. Students in ESL must be enrolled concurrently in an English
composition course. ESL requires three scheduled hours per week, provides two
elective credits per quarter, and normally is required of all international students
each quarter they are in attendance.
English 100 Basic Composition I
1 credit for junior College Certificate only
Designed for the student needing individualized instruction in basic sentence
and paragraph construction. Successful completion of the course (passing grade)
is necessary before the student can enter English 110 and then the required
English sequence (English 111, 112, 113). This course meets three hours each week.
English 110 Basic Composition II
3 elective credits
For students entering college who need intensive work in mastering basic
academic skills in English Composition. Successful completion of this course
(passing grade) is necessary before these students can enter the required
sequence of English courses (English 111, 112, 113). Students are granted elective
credit toward the AA Degree, but since this course may not transfer to four-year
colleges, students are advised to take more than the normal 92 credits. Students in
this course are required to attend four hours of class and/or additional sessions
each week.
English 111, 112, 113 (A, B, C, D, E or F) College Composition and
Introduction to Literature
3 credits per course
The regular series of courses in freshman College Composition English 111 and
112 place emphasis on the students' development and competence in English
writing skills and their ability to understand and respond to selected readings.
English 113 offers study of specific genre, themes and/or topics in literature.
Course titles may vary and may include studies in the Immigrant Experiences,
Satire, Social Concerns in Literature, Poetry, the Contemporary Short Novel and
the Experience of Fiction. Nine credits of College English are required of all
students (with the exception of one-year vocational students). Normally, College
English courses must be taken in sequence.
English 120 Directed Study in Journalism
1 elective credit per term
(maximum of 3 credits)
Students are involved in the production of a major publication, including
exercise in layout and design, copywriting, photography, and editing.
English 130 Creative Writing
3 credits
Students are given the opportunity to write poetry, short stories, essays and other
literary forms. Topics such as literary criticism and marketing are discussed.
Students read and evaluate each other's work.
English 210 Topics in Literature
3 credits
Study of specific genre, themes and/or topics in literature. Course titles may vary
and may include studies in the Immigrant Experiences, Satire, Social Concerns
in Literature, Poetry, the Contemporary Short Novel and the Experience of
English 211, 212, 213 American Literature
3 credits per course
211: The New Garden of Eden: The 17th & 18th Centuries
212: The Snake in the Garden: The 19th Century
213: The Garden Becomes a Wasteland: The 20th Century
English 221, 222, 223 World Literature
3 credits per course
Chronological survey of major writers, works, genres, themes and movements in
world thought and literature from ancient to modern times. Fall Term: Ancient
East, Greece, Rome and the Middle Ages. Winter Term: Renaissance, Neoclassical and Romantic Literature. Spring Term: The Modern Age (1850 to the
English 230 Literature of the Bible
3 credits
Students do extensive reading of the narratives, poems, and apocalyptic writings
primarily from the Old Testament. Emphasis is placed on reading the selections as
pieces of literature.
English 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Special study programs to fit student needs and interest. May be taken any term.
Department approval necessary.
Speech 100 Fundamentals of Public Speaking
3 credits
A study of the basic concepts used in organizing and delivering speeches.
Emphasis on preparing and giving informative speeches.
Speech 120 Interpersonal Communication
3 credits
Study of the concepts of interpersonal communication patterns and the
characteristics of ineffective and effective communication behavior.
Speech 130 Oral Interpretation
3 credits
Theory and practice of the techniques of selecting and performing literature
orally. Students will study methods of analyzing literature, and will develop
techniques for reading prose,\ poetry and other literary selections. Offered
alternate years.
3 credits
Speech 150 Small Group Communications
Participation in and analysis of behavioral and work norms in small groups.
Includes a study of leadership roles, conflict resolution patterns, informal
counseling, and the decision making process.
Speech 210 Public Speaking
3 credits
A study of theories and ethics of persuasion. Practice in the art of speaking to
persuade or actuate. Prerequisite: Speech JOO or instructor's approval.
Speech 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Research or other creative projects within a speech communication discipline.
Department approval necessary.
German 101, 102, 103 Elementary German
4 credits per course
Fundamentals of grammar, vocabulary, pronounciation, writing, reading and
speaking; reading of some simple German prose and poetry. Prerequisite:
completion of or concurrent registration in English 111.
German 201, 202, 203 Intermediate German
3 credits per course
Review of Elementary German and further study of literary selections; emphasis
is on speaking, reading and writing German during the winter and spring terms.
Prerequisite: German 101, 102, 103 or two years of high school German or
instructor's approval.
German 210 Directed Readings in German
2 credits per term
(maximum 6 credits)
Students become familiar with selected works of German literature, and increase
their reading speed and comprehension of German. Department approval
German 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Special study programs to fit students' needs and interests. May be taken any
term. Department approval necessary.
5 credits per course
Greek 101, 102, 103 Elementary Greek
Theoretical and practical study of elementary Greek grammar; readings and
parsing of selections from the Book of Acts and other selections. Instructor's
approval necessary for first year students.
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Greek 300 Independent Study
Special study programs to fit students' needs and interests. Department approval
Additional Languages-Arrangements can be made for the study of other
languages, such as Spanish, French, and Russian if students can provide their own
transportation. Interested students should contact the Academic Dean.
History 102 History of Ancient Israel
3 credits
Survey of the history of Ancient Israel and the development of the religious
insight of the Hebrew people. Attention also is given to the importance of
Mesopotamia and Egyptian contributions to the literature of the Bible. Student
may not receive credit for both O.T. 102 and History 102.
History 111 History of Ancient Greece
3 credits
Survey of Greek history and culture from the Minoan period through Hellenistic
History 112 History of Ancient Rome
3 credits
Survey of Roman history and culture from prehistoric times through the late
Roman Empire.
3 credits
History 113 History of Medieval Europe
Survey of European civilization from the transformation of the Roman Empire
through the fifteenth century.
History 121, 122, 123 History of Western Civilization
3 credits per course
Survey of the development and accomplishments of Western Civilization with
emphasis on institutional, intellectual and spiritual aspects. Fall term: Late
Medieval, Renaissance and Reformation. Winter term: Early Modern Europe.
Spring term; Modern Europe in a World Setting.
History 201, 202, 203 History of the United States
3 credits per course
Survey of the history of the American people with primary emphasis on their
social, intellectual, political, and economic growth. Fall: Pre-Colonial through
Early National Period; Winter: War of 1812through Reconstruction; Spring: 1877
to the present.
History 230 Topics in History
3 credits
Topics in history of special interest to students and instructors, such as the history
of women, ethnic histories, period histories, movement studies or institutional
histories. Prerequisite: Relevant survey course or consent of instructor.
History 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Special historical periods and problems; research into particular areas of student
interest. May be taken any term. Department approval necessary.
Political Science 100 American Government and Politics
3 credits
Study of the principles and structure of Federal Government in the United States
and of political issues of the current scene.
Political Science 200 Modern Political Thought
3 credits
Comparative study of Communism, Fascism and Modern Capitalism in the light
of the contemporary Christian thought.
Political Science 210 Topics in Political Science
3 credits
Topics in political science of special interest to students and instructors, such as
comparative political thought, practical politics, foundations of democratic
thought or study of political institutions. Prerequisite: Relevant survey course or
instructor's approval.
Political Science 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Research into special areas of student interest. May be taken any term. Department approval necessary.
Geography 100 Human Geography
3 credits
Survey of the basic tools and concepts of geography and the distribution patterns
of physical and human environment, plus emphasis on selected areas.
Geography 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Special interests and area studies. May be taken any term. Department approval
Philosophy 101 Introduction to Philosophy
3 credits
Introduction to the functions and problems of philosophy with more detailed
consideration of the problems of knowledge, existence, freedom, good and evil.
Philosophy 102 Ethics
3 credits
Study of the reality of conscience and the implications of Christian faith for
ethical standards of conduct as related to self, family, society, church and state.
Emphasis is placed on students' practical questions concerning right and wrong.
Philosophy 103 Logic
3 credits
A study of the principles of correct reasoning with emphasis on the recognition
and assessment of arguments. Equal consideration is given to informal and formal
Philosophy 200 Topics in Philosophy
3 credits
Philosophical problems and topics of special interest to particular students.
Philosophy 201, 202, 203 History of Western Philosophy
3 credits per course
Survey of the important men and movements in the development of philosophical thought from the Greeks to the present. Fall term: Ancient philosophy.
Winter term: Medieval philosophy. Spring term: Modern philosophy. Offered
alternate years.
Philosophy 211, 212, 213 Philosophy of
Non-Christian Religions
3 credits per course
A study of the philosophical systems of the major religions of the world, exclusive
of Christianity. Fall: Introduction to Philosophy of Religion, African and other
traditional religions, Islam; Winter: Review of Philosophy of Religion, Judaism;
Spring: Eastern religions (Hinduism, Shinto, Taoism, Confucianism) with special
emphasis on Buddhism.
Philosophy 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Study of special philosophical problems or areas appropriate to the students'
needs and interests. Department approval necessary.
Humanities 200 Travel and Study
1 to 3 elective credits
Cultural enrichment through travel. Tours guided or arranged by faculty
members. Substantial papers and reports required. Normally this course counts
as elective credit. Credits may be used to fulfill divisional requirements upon
divisional approval.
Psychology 120 Psychology of Adjustment
3 credits
Development of a knowledge of psychology that will be useful in attaining more
effective personal living and relationships with other people.
Psychology 202, 203, General Psychology
3 credits per course
Study of the more significant facts and principles in the field of human behavior,
provides a basic introduction to several areas of specialization in psychology.
Prerequisite for Psychology 203: Psychology 202.
Psychology 210 Child Development
3 credits
Study of human growth and development from conception through preadolescence. Review of research and theories. Prerequisite: Two or more terms
of college work completed or instructor's approval.
Psychology 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Designed for students who wish to investigate special interests. May be taken any
term. Department approval necessary.
Personal Orientation 100 Individual Work in College Study Skills
one credit per term for junior College Certificate only.
Arranged on an individual basis for students desiring to work on a single aspect of
study skills, mathematics, reading, spelling or vocabulary development. Laboratory
sessions in the skills center.
Personal Orientation 110 Efficient Reading
1 elective credit
Arranged on an individual basis to enable students to develop skills in
vocabulary, reading comprehension, and reading rate for success in college and
later life. Laboratory sessions in the skills center.
Personal Orientation 120 College Vocabulary Development 2 elective credits
Designed to introduce students to basic principles of vocabulary development.
Aimed at general vocabulary as well as the specific vocabularies of various
academic disciplines.
Personal Orientation 130 How to Study in College
1 elective credit
Practice of methods of study developed from information based on research and
student experience. Concerned with efficient and effective methods of concentration, use of time, taking lecture notes, textbook reading, organizing
material, preparing for and taking examinations.
Personal Orientation 160 Fundamentals of Spelling
1 elective credit
Designed to provide the student with a systematic approach to spelling; the
course will utilize a self-paced, audio-tutorial format.
Personal Orientation 170 The Research Paper
1 or 2 elective credits
Designed to provide the student with the skills necessary to create a research
paper; the course will utilize the self-paced, audio-tutorial format. The end result
of the course will be the production of a research paper for another class.
Prerequisite: English 111 or instructor's permission. Laboratory sessions in the skills
Personal Orientation 200 Career and life Planning
2 elective credits
Designed to teach skills for making career decisions appropriate to the student's
values, needs, aptitudes, skills or talents, interests and goals. Laboratory sessions
in the library.
Sociology 100 Introduction to Sociology
3 credits
Study of the structures and functions of society and culture as seen through
sociological perspectives; focus is on selected problems, social organizations and
socialization in the context of change.
Sociology 110 Social Problems
3 credits
Survey of contemporary social problems with development of the students'
understanding of the processes involved in historical, social and cultural change.
Sociology 120 Marriage and Family
3 credits
Study of the life cycle, mate selection, marital adjustment and parent-child
relationships; to provide practical help for those interested in preparing for
marriage from a Christian point of view.
Sociology 130 Urban Field Experience
1 elective credit per course
(maximum 3 credits)
Combines theoretical and practical knowledge and experience designed to
orient students to the urban setting. Different offerings of the course will focus
on different topics. Hours arranged for lectures and laboratory periods.
Sociology 210 The Urban Center
3 credits
Introduction to the problems of modern cities, urban ecology, urban institutions
and the urban way of life. Prerequisite: Sociology 100 or instructor's approval.
Offered alternate years.
Sociology 212 Minority Group Relations
3 credits
Study of minority groups, especially Native and Black Americans, and the
problems of the contemporary scene. Prerequisite: Sociology 100 or instructor's
approval. Offered alternate years.
Sociology 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Special sociological problems and areas of study to fit the students' interests. May
be taken any term. Department approval necessary.
Social Service, 101, 102, 103, 104, 201, 202, 203, 204 Internship 1-3 credits per term
Practical experience and observation in working with social service agencies;
orientation and help in choosing vocational goals in different areas of social
service. Designed for the Social Service Curriculum.
Anthropology 100 Introduction to Physical Anthropology and Archaeology
3 credits
Survey of the field of physical anthropology and the archaeological methods
used in the study of prehistory. Offered alternate years.
Anthropology 110 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
3 credits
Survey of the field of cultural anthropology with the study of the varieties of the
human race, their origins, cultural characteristics, and spiritual orientation.
Offered alternate years.
Anthropology 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Special anthropological problems and areas of study to fit the students' interests.
Department approval necessary.
Mathematics 100 Basic Algebra
1 credit for
junior College Certificate only
Review of arithmetic, factoring, the fundamental algebraic operations, rational
expressions, linear equations, roots and radicals, quadratic equations. Class
meets three hours per week.
Mathematics 101 Intermediate Algebra
3 elective credits
Introduction to basic mathematical concepts, sets, the number system, factoring,
fractions, inequalities, linear, and quadratic equations. Students are required to
attend three hours of class and an additional fourth hour each week in the skills
center. Prerequisite: one year of high school algebra.
Mathematics 102 College Algebra
5 credits
Algebraic operations with real numbers, linear and quadratic functions, polynomials, combinations, binomial theorem, probability, mathematical induction, analytic geometry, matrices and determinants. Prerequisite: Mathematics
101 or instructor's approval.
Mathematics 103 Pre-Calculus
4 credits
Functions and inverse functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometric functions and trigonometric identities, solution of triangles, complex
numbers, polar coordinates and analytic geometry. Prerequisite: Mathematics
102 or instructor's approval.
Mathematics 110 Introductory Statistics
4 credits
Study of basic statistical concepts: probability, sampling, normal distribution,
statistical estimation, and hypothesis testing. Problems are applied in the fields of
business, social and physical sciences. Prerequisite: Mathematics 101 or instructor's approval.
Mathematics 120 Finite Mathematics
5 credits
Computing with BASIC computer language. Principles of counting and probability, business mathematics, matrices and inverse matrices, Markov chains,
linear programming including simplex method. Prerequisite: Mathematics 101 or
instructor's approval.
Mathematics 200 Elements of Calculus
5 credits
A short course with applications in biology, business and social sciences. Short
review of algebra. Continuity and the limit of a function. Derivative and its
interpretation, maximum and minimum problems, antiderivative, the definite
integral, exponential and logarithmic functions, functions of several variables.
Prerequisite: Mathematics 102 or instructor's approval.
Mathematics 201 Calculus I
5 credits
Short review of algebra, introduction to plane analytic geometry. The derivatives
of functions and their applications. The integration of simpler functions and the
applications. Prerequisite: Mathematics 103 or instructor's approval.
Mathematics 202 Calculus II
5 credits
Differentiation and integration of trigonometric and logarithmic functions.
Techniques of integration: by parts, by change, of variable, by approximation
methods, etc. Parametric equations and polar coordinates. Applications to
geometrical and physical problems. Prerequisite: Mathematics 201 or instructor's
Mathematics 203 Calculus Ill
5 credits
Vector treatment of three-dimensional analytic geometry, functions of two or
m~re variables, multiple integrals, indeterminate forms, infinite series, and
differential equations. Applications. Prererequisite: Mathematics 202 or instructor's approval.
Mathematics 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Special projects and problems for advanced students. Department approval
Physics 100 Environmental Physics
4 credits
Survey of physics as related to the environment and everyday experiences of the
physical world. The concepts in mechanics, heat, sound, light and atomic physics
are developed non-mathematically. One double laboratory per week is devoted
to student projects or to experiments in the laboratory. Primarily for non-science
majors. No prerequisite.
Physics 102 General Physics I
5 credits
Study of physical principles in mechanics, fluids, wave motion, and heat, with
applications to practical situations. Demonstration lectures and problem sessions. One double laboratory period per week. Primarily for students in science
or in various technical areas. Prerequisite: Mathematics 101 or instructor's
Physics 103 General Physics II
5 credits
The fundamental physical concepts in electricity, magnetism, optics, and nuclear
physics will be studied using practical applications. Demonstration lectures and
problem sessions. One double laboratory period per week. Primarily for students
in science or in technical areas. Prerequisite: Physics 102 or instructor's approval.
Physics 120 Field Experience in Physics 1 credit per course (maximum 4 credits)
Hours arranged for lecture and laboratory periods.
Physics 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Special projects and problems for advanced students. Department approval
Biology 111 Life Studies 1
4 credits
Introduction to biology - life versus non-life, cellular design and process,
organism types (unity amidst complexity), energy sources, yields, and efficiencies
in life systems. One lecture period, two discussions and one two-hour research
laboratory weekly.
Biology 112 Life Studies II
4 credits
The individual life pattern - cell regulation and division, sex cell formation and
union, genetics and embryology, intercellular effects and immune response,
physiology and neuromechanisms. One lecture period, two discussions and one
two-hourresearch laboratory weekly.
Biology 113 Environmental Biology
4 credits
Traces exploration - conservation - ecology - consciousness through perspectives of behavior, populations, ecosystems and biosphere understanding
and application. One lecture period, two discussions and one two-hour
research laboratory weekly.
Biology 114 Field Ecology
4 credits per term
An ecosystem approach to the local flora and fauna of selected geographic areas.
Hours arranged for lecture and laboratory periods.
Biology 120 Field Experience in Biology 1 credit per course (maximum 4 credits)
Combines theoretical and practical knowledge and e>,<perience designed to
provide career guidance and development to better direct educational and
occupational planning. Hours arranged for lecture and laboratory periods.
Biology 121 Plant Studies
4 credits
The study of plant cells and tissues with a survey of the major phyla of the nonvascular plants and their adaptions to the environment. Some field studies and
taxonomy of the local trees and fall flowers. Two lectures and two double
laboratory periods per week.
Biology 213 Introduction to Botany
4 credits
The study of major phyla of vascular plants and plant growth, regulations,
reproduction and photosynthesis. This course will give experience in the green
house environment. Two lectures and two double laboratory periods per week.
Prerequisite: Biology 111or112 or 113 or instructor's approval.
Biology 223 Introduction to Ecology
4 credits
The study of the structure and function of an ecosystem with field studies of at
least two major ecosystems. Two lectures and two double laboratory periods per
week. Prerequisite: Biology 111 or 112 or 113 or instructor's approval.
Biology 231 Microbiology
4 credits
Practical application of bacteriological techniques in analyzing disease parameters, public health measures, agricultural and industrial usefulness of the
smallest life systems. Two lectures and two double laboratory periods per week.
Prerequisite: Biology 111 or concurrent registration in Biology 111 or instructor's
Biology 232 Anatomy
4 credits
Gross and microscopic structure of the human body from a functional standpoint
utilizing charts, models, skeletons and manikins. Cat dissection to demonstrate
mammalian anatomy. Two lectures and two double laboratory periods per week.
Prerequisite: Biology 111 or 112 or instructor's approval.
Biology 233 Physiology
4 credits
Organ systems of the human body. Laboratory exercises include blood typing,
recording of the heart beat, respiration, muscle contraction, experiments on
digestion, urinalysis, coordinated with a brief study of the anatomy of each
system. Two lectures and two double laboratory periods per week. Prerequisite:
Biology 232, or instructor's approval.
Biology 242 Animal Studies
4 credits
A study of the diversity and hetertrophic way of life of animals common to this
area. Two lectures and two double laboratory periods per week. Prerequisite:
Biology 111 or instructor's approval.
Biology 243 Genetics
4 credits
An introductory course in the principles of heredity will begin with Mendelian
genetics, and then progress to cell division and reproduction, molecular
structure, DNA, protein synthesis, gene expression, mutagenesis, and conclude
with population genetics, genetic engineering, and variabilities. Emphasis will be
on human inheritance. Three lectures and one double laboratory period per
week. Prerequisite: Biology 111 or instructor's approval.
Biology 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Special projects for advanced students. Department approval necessary.
Chemistry 100 Environmental Chemistry
4 credits
Study of the environment and the role chemistry plays in life. Topics of current
interest such as storage of atomic wastes, food additives, air pollution, solid
wastes and the development of the environment are discussed, along with the
chemical principles required for a more thorough understanding of them. Three
lectures and one double laboratory period per week. Primarily for non-science
majors. No prerequisite.
Chemistry 101, 102, 103 General Chemistry
4 credits per course
Chemistry 101 is introductory, including measurement, reactions, stiochiometry,
atom structure, molecule bonding and structure, equilibrium, acids and pH.
Chemistry 102 has topics of states of matter, periodic table and properties of
elements, industrial applications, organic and biochemistry. Chemistry 103
stresses environmental concerns, redox and electrochemistry, chemical analysis,
nuclear chemistry, energy, and consumer chemistry. Laboratory sessions
parallel the lecture topics, with experiments on measurement, scientific method,
separations, equilibrium, acid-base, electrochemistry, polyrf\ers, organic reactions, biochemistry, gas laws, qualitative analysis of ions, and water analysis for
dissolved oxygen and hardness. Chemistry 101, 102, 103 must be taken in
sequence. Three lectures and one double period of laboratory per week.
Chemistry 201, 202, 203, Organic Chemistry
4 credits per course
Study of structure, reactions and nomenclature of both aliphatic and aromatic
hydrocarbons, halides, alcohols, ethers, carboxylic acids, aldehydes, ketones,
and amines. The latter part of the course deals with larger functional groups such
as keto acids, etc. Considerable time will be spent on l.R. spectra and N.M.R.
spectra to help identify compounds. Three lectures and one double lab per week.
Prerequisite for Chemistry 201 is Chemistry 103 or instructor's approval.
Chemistry 201, 202, 203 must be taken in sequence.
Chemistry 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Special projects for advanced students. Department approval necessary.
3 credits
An introduction to computers, the role of computers, current uses in business
and education, and functions in terms of hardware and software.
Computer Science 170 Introduction to Programming-Basic
3 credits
Fundamentals of programming with emphasis on the logical processes necessary
for the use of computers. Students work with computers, programs and the
construction of algorithms. Basic language. Laboratory sessions. Prerequisite:
Math 102 or concurrent registration in Math 102 or instructor's approval.
Computer Science 210 Structured Programming Techniques-Pascal
3 credits
Structured programming, file management, variable types, and algorithm
realizations. Laboratory sessions. Prerequisite: Computer Science 160 or 170 or
instructor's approval.
Computer Science 220 Advanced Programming
3 credits
Topics include data base management, real time systems, engineering and
business applications. Pascal and Fortran. Laboratory sessions. Prerequisite:
Computer Science 210 or instructor's approval.
Computer Science 160 Introduction to Computer Science
Physical Education 101, 102, 103 (Activity Courses)
1 credit per course
101E Bowling
102R Badminton
103L Baseball
1011 Conditioning
102B Basketball
103E Bowling
102E Bowling
101] Cross Country
1031 Conditioning
101A Football
1021 Conditioning
103W Golf
101 N Karate
102Q Cross Country Skiing
103N Karate
101 S Soccer
102V Volleyball
103X Softball
101D Swimming
103D Swimming
101T Tennis
103T Tennis
101V Volleyball
103U Track
Physical Education 110 Introduction to Physical Education
3 credits
Study of physical education and athletics in the schools, and the philosophy and
basic principles of physical education and recreation leadership.
Physical Education 120 Health and First Aid
3 credits
Study of modern concepts and practices of health applied to the individual and
community. Also includes the American Red Cross First Aid Course.
Physical Education 130 Drugs and Chemical Dependency
2 credits
Study of the personal use and misuse of dependency on tobacco, alcohol, drugs
and other chemicals. Identification of users and information regarding the
resources and help available to people. Designed to meet certification requirements.
Physical Education 140 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) 1 elective credit
The procedure used when cardiac arrest occurs. Course includes instruction and
Official Certification in the skills of CPR.
Physical Education 150 Advanced First Aid
3 credits
Offered for Law Enforcement students as a part of the curriculum required by the
Minnesota Board of Peace Officers Standards and Training. Includes the practices
and procedures for advanced first aid, CPR, and rescue methods and techniques.
Class meets 40-50 hours per term.
Physical Education 160 Football Officiating
1 elective credit
Philosophy, principles and problems of officiating at football games. Interpretations of game rules and officiating procedures. One lecture period per week.
Additional hours arranged by the instructor.
Physical Education 170 Basketball Officiating
1 elective credit
Philosophy, principles and problems of officiating at basketball games. Interpretations of game rules and officiating procedures. One lecture period per
week. Additional hours arranged by the instructor.
Physical Education 180 Baseball and Softball Officiating
1 elective credit
Philosophy, principles and problems of officiating at baseball and softball games.
Interpretations of game rules and officiating procedures. One lecture period per
week. Additional hours arranged by the instructor.
Physical Education 200 Individual and Dual Sports
3 credits
Study of theory and practice in teaching and officiating individual and dual
Physical Education 210 Team Sports
3 credits
Study of theory and practice in teaching and officiating team sports.
Physical Education 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Special projects for advanced students. Department approval necessary.
Recreation Leadership 110 Introduction to Recreation and Park Leadership
3 credits
Examination of the history and development of park and recreation movement;
professional and service organizations; orientation to the professional field.
Recreation Leadership 120 Introduction to Recreation Programming
3 credits
Introduction to the directing and leading of recreation work and the writing of
recreation programs. (YMCA, YWCA, Boy Scouts,' Girl Scouts, churches, community centers, etc.)
Recreation Leadership 210 Camp Craft
3 credits
Basic skills and practical experience in various phases of camping and outdoor
Recreation Leadership 220 Leadership in Social Activities
3 credits
Techniques of leadership in social games, parties and outings.
Recreation Leadership 230 Internship
1 to 3 elective credits per course
Practical experience under the direction of full-time workers in the fields of
parks, recreation management and Y.M.C.A.-Y.W.C.A.
Art 100 Introduction to Visual Arts
3 credits
Introduction to visual art through the study of aesthetics, philosophy, techniques
and history of art. Includes attending art exhibits and other cultural events and
researching personal ideas as they relate to the world of art.
Art 101, 102, 103 Art History of the Western World
3 credits per course
Survey of painting, sculpture and architecture as they relate to history and
culture in the Western world. Fall Term: Pre-history to Early Christian. Winter
Term: Middle Ages to Baroque. Spring Term: Nineteenth Century to Present.
Offered alternaie years.
Art 110 Two Dimensional Design
3 credits
A basic study of the principles of design together with the discovery of design
sources in nature.
Art 121 Basic Drawing
3 credits
Exploration and use of various drawing materials and methods. Emphasis on
the development of visual perception and personal aesthetics.
Art 122 Drawing
3 credits
An extension of Art 121 with more extensive experiences in the manipulation
of visual elements and pictorial structure. Prerequisite: Art 121 or instructor's
Art 123 Drawing
3 credits
Continuation of Art 121 and 122. Students learn to see design and form
relationships and experiment with a variety of drawing media. Subject matter
includes still life and the figure. Prerequisite Art 122 or instructor's approval.
Art 130 Printmaking
3 credits
An exploration and study of wood and other materials for making prints in
monochrome and color.
Art 140 Watercolor
3 credits
An introduction to the watercolor medium with emphasis on compositional and
technical problems. Subject matter includes still life and landscape.
Art 202, 203 Painting
3 credits per course
Basic experiences in the use of oil and acrylic to acquaint the student with the
mediums and to encourage the development of personal imagery and technique. Prerequisite: Art 121 or instructor's approval.
Art 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Special study for advanced students based upon the proposal of the student in
consultation with the instructor. Department approval required.
Music 100 Introduction to Music
3 credits
The development of perceptive listening through the study of representative
musical works, their styles, structure and relationship to cultural history. Primarily
for non-music majors.
Music 111,112, 113 Theory
4 credits per course
Course sequence in music theory developing the student's knowledge and skills
in part writing, keyboard sight-singing and ear-training. Includes studies of the
science of sound, the rudiments of music, intervals, triads and inversions,
survey of non-harmonic tones and seventh chords. Music 111, 112, 113 must be
taken in sequence.
Music 121, 122, 123 History of Music
3 credits per course
Survey of musical thought and achievement from primitive origins to the
twentieth century. Intended for music majors but may be taken by any student
upon approval of the instructor. Offered alternate years.
Music 131, 132, Choral Conducting
2 credits per course
Study of the fundamentals of conducting with practical experience in conducting
student ensembles. Includes studies of vocal problems, score and clef reading,
baton technique and transpositions. Meets three periods per week. Offered
alternate years.
2 credits
Music 133 Instrumental Conducting
Study of the fundamentals of conducting with practical experience in conducting
student ensembles. Includes studies of instrumental problems, score and clef
reading, baton technique and transpositions. Meets three periods per week.
Offered alternate years.
Music 211, 212, 213 Advanced Theory
4 credits per course
Study of Baroque composition including detailed study of non-harmonic tones,
seventh chords, altered chords, modal harmony and two-, three-, four-part
counterpoint. Also includes a survey of music styles from the Baroque to the
present with a concentration on twentieth century techniques of music composition. Prerequisite: Music 111, 112, 113 or instructor's approval. Music 211, 212,
213 must be taken in sequence.
Music 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Special projects for advanced students. May be taken any term. Department
approval necessary.
Applied Music 110A Voice Lessons
1 credit per term
Study of vocal technique and literature. Emphasis on sacred literature including
oratorio, with time devoted to Italian and German art songs. One half-hour
lesson per week.
Applied Music 1108 Piano Lessons
1 credit per term
Instruction in piano performance, including study of techniques through scales,
arpeggios and other exercises. One half-hour lesson per week.
Applied Music 110C Organ Lessons
1 credit per term
Graded course in organ playing beginning with study .of manual and pedal
techniques. Literature studies include examples from all periods of music.
Renaissance to Neo-Classic. Service playing problems also are studied. One halfhour lesson per week.
Applied Music 1100 Brass Lessons
1 credit per term
Graded instruction on a brass instrument. One half-hour lesson per week.
Applied Music 110E Percussion Lessons
1 credit per term
Graded instruction on a percussion instrument or instruments. One half-hour
lesson per week.
Applied Music 110F String Lessons
1 credit per term
Graded instruction on a string instrument. One half-hour lesson per week.
Applied Music 110G Woodwind Lessons
1 credit per term
Graded instruction on a woodwind instrument. One half-hour lesson per week.
Applied Music 110H Guitar Lessons
1 credit per term
Graded instruction on guitar. One half-hour lesson per week.
Applied Music 110P Piano Class Lessons
1 credit per term
Basic keyboard skills and music reading, designed for the adult beginner with little or
no background. ~v1eets 2 periods pei vveek.
Applied Music 110V Voice Class Lessons
1 credit per term
A study of basic vocal techniques of singing. Songs and other materials used will
be suited to the individual student. This class is intended for the beginner as well
as students preparing for private study. It is open to music majors and anyone
interested in developing their vocal abilities. Meets 2 periods per week.
Music Ensemble 110A Golden Valley Lutheran College Choir 1 credit per term
Open to all students by audition, but limited to 65 members. Examples from all
periods of music literature are selected for performance. Besides numerous
concerts in and around the Twin City area, an extended tour is made each spring.
The choir meets four periods per week.
Music Ensemble 110B Golden Valley Singers
1 credit per term
Open to all women students of the College. Study and presentation of treble
choral music, both accompanied and a cappella. The chorus meets four periods
per week.
Music Ensemble 110C The Madrigal Singers
1 credit per term
Students are selected from the Golden Valley Lutheran College Choir. Literature
used includes Madrigal and Carol. Numerous concerts are given through the
Music Ensemble 1100 Symphonic Choir
)12 credit per term
Open to all members of the student body and the community.
Music Ensemble 110H Band
1 credit per term
Open to all college students by audition. The group performs literature from all
eras and styles. A tour is organized each year. The band performs regularly for
College convocations and presents formal concerts each quarter. The stage band
is formed from this group. The band meets four periods per week.
Music Ensemble 1101 College-Community Orchestra
1 credit per term
Open to all qualified students and community members by audition. The
orchestra performs standard orchestral literature each quarter in addition to
accompanying the College choirs at Christmas.
Small Ensembles
1 credit per term
Students are given the opportunity to participate in small instrumental ensembles.
The ensembles perform regularly for convocations, concerts and at local church
services. Membership is by audition or consent of director.
Music Ensemble 110J Brass Ensemble
Music Ensemble 110K Percussion Ensemble
Music Ensemble 110L Stage Band
Music Ensemble 110M String Ensemble
Music Ensemble 110N Woodwind Ensemble
Theatre 100 Introduction to Theatre
3 credits
Stu·dy of Theatre as a performing art. The aesthetic function of theatre and its role
in Western culture will be discussed, as well as the role and function of the various
theatre artists such as actor, director, and designer.
Theatre 110 Beginning Acting
3 credits
An experiential course which focuses on honesty in characterization through
various means including theatre games, improvisation, and the development of
Theatre 120 Theatre Practice
1 elective credit per term (maximum: 3 credits)
Participation in College sponsored theatre productions. Open to students
assigned performing or technical roles. Instructor's approval required.
Theatre 130 Elements of Technical Theatre
4 credits
A basic introduction to both design theory and design execution in the theatre.
Emphasis placed on the technical aspects of scene design, lighting, costuming
and sound. Prerequisite: Theatre 100 or instructor's approval.
Theatre 200 History of Theatre
3 credits
An examination of the phenomenon of Theatre Arts from a historical perspective. Emphasis will be placed on a particular period. The historical development
of both dramatic literature and staging techniques will be examined, as well as the
influence of other historical events upon them. Prerequisite: Theatre 100
or instructor's approval.
Theatre 210 Advanced Acting
3 credits
Intense scene study directed toward the development of a personal technique of
honest characterization through various periods and styles of plays. Prerequisite:
Theatre 110 or instructor's approval.
Theatre 220 Directing for the Theatre
4 credits
An introduction to the role and function of the director in modern theatre.
Emphasis will be placed on the elements of the director's craft as well as his
relationship to the other theatre artists. Preparation of scenes and exercises will
culminate in a final scene or a short one-act play. Prerequisite: Theatre 100 &
Theatre 110 or instructor's approval.
Theatre 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Special projects for advanced students of research projects within selected
theatre disciplines. Department approval necessary.
Business 100 Computer Keyboarding
1 credit
Introductory keyboarding theory designed for students in computer science or
general education.
Business 101 Accounting I
4 credits
Study of fundamental principles and procedures of accounting; classifying and
reporting data on balance sheets and income statements.
Business 102 Accounting 11
4 credits
Continuation of Accounting I; analyzing financial statements and analytical
functions of accounting; partnership and corporate accounting. Prerequisite:
Business 101 or instructor's approval.
Business 103 Accounting 111
4 credits
Accounting as a planning and controlling tool in the decision-making process of
management; funds statements; cost accounting: job order and process cost.
Prerequisite: Business 102 or instructor's approval.
Business 110 Personal Finance
3 credits
Fundamental concepts of personal financial management: insurance, budgeting,
credit, savings, investments, retirement and estate problems and consumer
concerns. General Education course open to all students.
Business 120 Introduction to Business
3 credits
A survey of the ownership, organization, management, major functions, environment, and ethics of American business. Aimed at assisting students to
establish more specific career goals in the field of business. General Education
course open to all students.
Business 140 Business Mathematics
3 credits
Application of mathematical skills to practical business situations. Topics include:
fundamentals review, percentages, interest, discounts, payroll, taxes, profits,
losses, stocks, bonds, and insurance.
Business 150 Business Communications
3 credits
General principles of effective communication in business; writing of various
types of business letters and reports; stress on vocabulary and the mechanics of
language as applied to writing business reports and letters.
Business 200 Principles of Economics - Macroeconomics
4 credits
National income economics, gross national product, indicators of economic
activity, the money and banking system, monetary and fiscal policies to fight
inflation and unemployment, principles of world economics, international trade,
and the balance of payments.
Business 210 Principles of Economics - Microeconomics
4 credits
Supply, demand and price, competition, monopoly, oligopoly, and anti-trust
policy. Pricing of the factors of production and distribution of income. Prerequisite: Business 200 or instructor's approval.
Business 230 Legal Environment
3 credits
The study and discussion of the various legal institutions and principles which
may effect an individual within society.
Business 270 Marketing
3 credits
Examination of the total marketing process, including the distribution of goods
and services from producer to consumer; processes of retailing, wholesaling,
pricing and government regulations. Offered alternate years.
Business 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Special projects for advanced students. Department approval necessary.
3 credits
Secretarial Science 101 Personal Typewriting
Mastery of the keyboard and proper technique of typewriting. Not open to
students with one year of high school typing except by instructor's approval.
Secretarial Science 102 Typewriting II
4 credits
Students build speed and accuracy in straight-copy typing, and increase their
skills in composition, rough-draft typing, editing production and analysis of the
following components of typewriting communication: business letters, memos,
manuscripts, business reports, business forms and tables. Prerequisite: Secretarial
Science 101 or instructor's approval.
Secretarial Science 103 Executive Typewriting
4 credits
This course emphasizes performance at the executive level requiring sustained
high-level production speed with the ability to edit, organize, solve problems
and produce high-quality work. Speed and accuracy in straight-copy and
production work are stressed. Prerequisite: Secretarial Science 102 or instructor's
Secretarial Science 110 Accounting Fundamentals
4 credits
General office accounting procedures; payroll records, tax records, records of a
physician and an attorney. Practice Set which will include basic accounting cycle.
General Education course open to all students.
Secretarial Science 111 Elementary Shorthand
4 credits
Fundamentals of Forkner Shorthand Theory for beginning students or for
students who have had less than one year of Forkner or Gregg Shorthand.
Secretarial Science 112 Intermediate Shorthand
4 credits
Emphasis on speed, accuracy and vocabulary. Prerequisite: Secretarial Science
111 or instructor's approval.
Secretarial Science 113 Advanced Shorthand
4 credits
Advanced dictation and transcription. Prerequisite: Secretarial Science 112 or
instructor's approva I.
Secretarial Science 122 Machine Calculation
3 credits
Instruction in the use of electronic printing calculators, electronic display
calculators, plus study of practical business computations.
Secretarial Science 212 Introduction to Word Processing
2 credits
Introductory concepts of word ·processing with practical exercises in entering,
editing, and printing letters and manuscripts using a word processing program.
Secretarial Science 213 Shorthand Transcription
2 credits
Refresher course for Gregg and Forkner students with emphasis on speed
building and transcription techniques. Prerequisite: Secretarial Science 113 or
instructor's approval.
Secretarial Science 220 Supervised Work Experience 1 elective credit per term
Credit for work experience in an office-type environment. Students must
register during quarter in which they receive credit. Applications must be
approved by secretarial science department in advance.
Secretarial Science 221 Medical Terminology
2 credits
Study of medical terms used in the branches of medicine; emphasis on prefixes
and suffixes; use of medical reference books.
Secretarial Science 231 legal Terminology
2 credits
Study of legal terms used in probate, real estate, litigations, wills, estates,
partnerships and corporations.
Secretarial Science 242 Administrative Office Procedures
4 credits
A study of office duties, responsibilities, activities and procedures with emphasis
on obtaining a job, records management (filing) and business attitudes. Individualized
instruction in specialized areas including medical, legal, and general office
Secretarial Science 243 Specialized Machine Transcription
4 credits
Individualized machine transcription for general, medical, and legal specialties.
Secretarial Science 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Special projects for advanced students. Department approval necessary.
Law Enforcement 100 Introduction to Criminal Justice
3 credits
Survey of the history and principles of law enforcement in American society, the
criminal justice system, courts, state and federal agencies.
Law Enforcement 110 Law Enforcement Operations and Procedures
3 credits
An overview of the relationships between the police and community and the era
of crime prevention, the elements of verbal and non-verbal communication, and
their role in effective law enforcement procedure.
Law Enforcement 120 Juvenile Problems & Justice
3 credits
An overview of the principles of the juvenile justice system, its laws, problems,
and procedures.
Law Enforcement 130 Criminal Evidence and Procedure
3 credits
Criminal evidence for police, types of evidence, criminal procedures in various
courts, arrest, search and seizure, collection of evidence, interviews and line-up
Law Enforcement 150 Criminal Law
3 credits
The development, application and enforcement of local, state and federal laws
that deal with criminal behavior, including a study of the Minnesota Criminal
Law Enforcement 160 Constitutional Law
3 credits
Study and analysis of the United States Constitution and its amendments that
pertain to law enforcement. Also studied are Federal and State legal decisions
that apply to law enforcement problems.
Law Enforcement 170 Psychology for Law Enforcement
3 credits
An introduction to the psychological aspects of the law enforcement profession
with particular attention to the personal and professional adjustments demanded
by this career.
Law Enforcement 180 Report Writing 2 credits
Interviews and Interrogation
Designed for law enforcement students. The course will have intensive work in
the techniques of interviewing and interrogations, field note taking, criminal
investigative and follow-up report writing.
Law Enforcement 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Special projects and research into areas of student interest in the fields of law
enforcement. Department approval necessary.
Christian Service 110A, 1108, 110C Christian Service Projects
1 credit per course per term
Student assignments to various projects provide in-service training in various
phases of Christian work. Regular reports to the department are required.
Applied Christianity 122, 123 Christian Education
3 credits per course
Winter term: Study of the human relations of the teaching-learning process,
acquaintance with the age of ability differences, and individual potential of
children. An in-depth child study will be made by each student. Spring term:
Study of the objectives of Christian Education and practice of teaching methods.
Applied Christianity 130 Youth Leadership
3 credits
Study of the needs and goals of youth leadership in the church, and of the
philosophies, organizational structures, resources and materials of the youth
organizations and departments of the major Lutheran synods.
Applied Christianity 150 Evangelism
3 credits
The evangelical task of the church is recognized as of prime importance, and the
responsibility of the individual Christian to personalize the Gospel within the
parish and community is stressed.
Applied Christianity 201, 202, 203 Christian Education Project
1/2 to 11/ 2 credits per term (3 cr~dits required).
Classroom orientation and practical teaching experience under supervision.
Applied Christianity 211 Christian Education Seminar
3 credits
Study of materials available in the field of Christian Education; discussion of
teaching experiences (Applied Christianity 201); acquaintance with methods and
materials in adult Christian education.
Applied Christianity 221 Church Staff Work 1
3 credits
Study of basic principles and their relationship to professional ethics, professional relationships, the ministry of the laity, the organization and functioning
of the parish, techniques of visitation and public relations. For parish workers,
parish secretaries, and lay assistants.
Applied Christianity 223 Church Staff Work II
3 credits
Study of strategies and models for the development of programs designed to
meet a congregation's particular needs.
Applied Christianity 230 Church Staff Field Work
1 to 3 credits
Practical experience in the various aspects of parish work through personal
supervised field work with the cooperation of local congregations. Twenty-four
hours of work are required for one credit.
Applied Christianity 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Designed for students who wish to investigate special interests. May be taken any
term. Department approval necessary.
Mission 100 Introduction to Mission
2 credits
Study of the theology of mission, some basic principles of communciating the
Gospel to non-Christian people, and some current practices in the work of the
Church in various countries of the world.
Mission 110 History of World Mission I
2 credits
Study of the major leaders and developments in the missionary effort of the
nineteenth century.
Mission 120 History of World Mission II
2 credits
Study of the major leaders and developments in the missionary effort of the
twentieth century.
Mission 200 Mission Internship
1 to 6 credits
A flexible program of study designed to provide the student opportunities for
contact with people directly involved in church work in various countries of the
world. Students may study and serve under the supervision of experienced
missionaries at times to be arranged.
Mission 300 lndepen·dent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
~pec~~I ~r?jec!:. fort.he _:;tudent who has a se~ious interest in the world mission of
Board of Regents
Vice Chairman/
ALC, Farming, Homemaker
Halstad, Minnesota
ALC, Pastor
Immanuel Lutheran Church
St. Paul, Minnesota
Regent Emeritus
ALC, Chairman of the Board
T.S. Denison & Co., Inc.
Minneapolis, Minnesota
LCA, President
Maid of Scandinavia
Minneapolis, Minnesota
LCA, Pastor
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
St. Paul, Minnesota
ALC, Officer and Director
F.C. Hayer Company
Edina, Minnesota
ALC, Counseling Services; Chair,
Minnesota lnterreligious Committee
for Bio-Medical Ethics; Coordinator,
Jewish-Christian Relations, ALC;
Consultant, The National Hospice
Edina, Minnesota
LCA, Specialist in Internal Medicine
Quain & Ramstad Clinic
Bismarck, North Dakota
ALC, Vice Chairman of the Board
Lutheran Brotherhood
Minneapolis, Minnesota
ALC, Executive Vice President
Willmar Poultry Co.
Willmar, Minnesota
ALC, Past President
Elmer N. Olson Co.
Minneapolis, Minnesota
LCA, Manager
Higher Education Support
Fraternal Division
Lutheran Brotherhood
Minneapolis, Minnesota
ALC, Pastor
Woodlake Lutheran Church
Richfield, Minnesota
LCA, Chief Executive Officer
Rupp Industries
Burnsville, Minnesota
LCA, Pastor
Zion Lutheran Church
Buffalo, Minnesota
ALC, Assistant Pastor
Como Park Lutheran Church
St. Paul, Minnesota
LC-MS, Pastor
Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church
New Hope, Minnesota
LCA, Officer and Director
Century Mfg. Co.
Excelsior, Minnesota
LCA, Officer and Director
Century Mfg. Co.
Excelsior, Minnesota
LC-MS, Vice President and Director
of Acquistions and Mergers
The Pillsbury Company
Minneapolis, Minnesota
ALC, Publisher, Manager
American Guidance Service
Circle Pines, Minnesota
MYRON H. BLANCH/Law Enforcement
B.A., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; M.A., University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. 1979ROY BLOOMQUIST/Radio Director
B.A., Wisconsin State University, Superior, WI; Augustana Theological
Seminary, Rock Island, IL; Maywood
Seminary, Chicago, IL 1961-
LCA, Chaplain
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
WILLIAM BOLM/Physical Education,
B.S., Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Ml; M.A. (Physical Education),
St. Thomas College, St. Paul, MN; M.A.
(Counseling), St. Thomas College, St.
Paul, MN 1971-
LC-MS, Pastor
Peace Lutheran Church
Robbinsdale, Minnesota
ROGER W. BROWN/Law Enforcement
B.A., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; graduate study, Mankato
State University, Mankato, MN 1979-
B.S. and M.Ed., University of North
Dakota, Grand Forks, North Dakota
ALC, Attorney
Best & Flanagan
Minneapolis, Minnesota
BERNT C. OPSAL/President
Academic Dean
Dean of Students
of Public Relations
THOMAS R. HANSON/Director of
Business Office Manager
JACQOL YN CHERNE/English, Applied
B.A., Augsburg College, Minneapolis,
MN; M.A., United Theological Seminary, New Brighton, MN; graduate
study, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 1967, 1970
GERALD L. DAHL/Sociology
B.A. Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL;
M.S.W., University of Nebraska,
Lincoln, NB; member of Academy of
Certified Social Workers. 1975SONJA M. DAHLAGER/Business
B.A., St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN;
graduate study, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 1979-
Physical Education
B.A., St. Olaf College, f'"~orthfield, ~v1N;
M.S., South Dakota State University,
Brookings, S.D.; graduate work at:
Colorado School Mines, Golden, CO;
University of Chattanooga, TN; University of West Virginia, Morgantown,
WV; University of Vermont, Burlington, VT; Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science, PA; Boyce Thompson Plant Research Institute, Yonkers,
N.Y.; Ripon College, WS; Knox College, Galesburg, IL. 1979WILLIAM P. EFFERTZ/Law
B.B.A., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; advanced study, FBI
Academy, 1976JANICE EGGERSGLUESS/Business
B.A., Gustavus Adolphus College St.
Peter, MN; M.S., St. Cloud State
University, St. Cloud, MN 1969JEANNE EKHOLM/Music
B.A., St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN
B.S., Bemidji State University, Bemidji,
MN 1972JOHN V. GRONLl/Philosophy,
Biblical Theology
B.A., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; M. Div., Luther Theological Seminary, St. Paul, MN; M.A.,
Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma,
WA; additional graduate study, Pacific
Lutheran Theological Seminary, Berkeley, CA; D. Min., Luther Theological
Seminary, St. Paul, MN 1976RUTH A. HALVERSON/Journalism
B.A., St. Cloud State University, St.
Cloud MN; additional study, University
of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 1977LEE ANNE HANSEN/English, German
B.A., Augsburg College, Minneapolis,
MN; Graduate School, University of
Munich, Munich, Germany; finished
courses for Ph.D., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 1973-
of Admissions
B.S. B, University of ~v1i n nesota, l"v1i napol is, MN; M.B.A., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Troy, NY 1982DOROTHY L. HAUGEN/Physical
B.S., Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL
1978PAUL T. HIRDMAN/Sociology,
Psychology, Counselor
A.A., Waldorf College, Forest City, IA;
B.A., Augsburg College, Minneapolis,
MN; M. Div., Luther Theological Seminary, St. Paul, MN; Ph.D., University of
North Dakota, Grand Forks, North
Dakota 1979JUDY HYLAND/World Mission
B.A., St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN;
graduate study, University of California
at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA; College of
Chinese Studies, Baguio, Philippines
1981JEAN JOHNSON/Business Education
B.S., University of North Dakota,
Grand Forks, ND 1974PATRICIA M. JOHNSON/Speech
B.A., St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN;
graduate study, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. and University
of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 1981PRllDU KllVE/Physics, Mathematics
B.A., Berea College, Berea, KY; M.A.
University of Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 1973MARK KROLL/Computer Science
Bachelor of Mathematics; Masters in
E.E.; course work completed for Ph.D.
in Electrical Engineering, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 1982GAIL LANDO/English
B.A., Wisconsin State, Eau Claire, WI;
M.A., St. Cloud State University, St.
Cloud, MN 1972PHYLLIS LARSON/English, Mission
B.A., St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN;
M.A., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; M.A.T., College of St.
Thomas, St. Paul, MN; course work
completed for Ph.D. in Asian Studies,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,
MN 1973-
RICHARD LAUE/History, Political
B.A., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; M.A., University of Minnesota; additional graduate study,
University of Strasbourg, France and the
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,
MN 1966JAMES L. LEFFERTS/Chemistry,
A.B. Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME;
Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA; Post-doctoral
Fellow, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 1983SEVERT LEGRED/Physical Education
B.A., St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN;
M.A., Mankato State College, Mankato, MN; additional graduate study,
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL. 1969LUTHER LERSETH/Biblical
Theology, Applied Christianity
B.A., Augustana College, Sioux Falls, S.
Dakota; B. Th., Luther Theological Seminary, St. Paul, MN 1978DEON M. LIEN/Residence
Hall Director, Physical Education
B.A., St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN
B.S., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; M.Ed., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 1966WILLIAM J. MAVITY/Law Enforcement
B.A., University of Minnesota, Minneaps, MN; J.D., University of Minnesota Law School, Minneapolis, MN
1983HAROLD E. MOORE, JR./Dean of
Students, Business, Director
of Counseling Services
B.A., University of Denver, Denver,
CO; J.D., University of Denver, College of Law, Denver, CO; additio~al
study, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; United Theological
Seminary, New Brighton, MN 1980-
JOHN F. NELSON/Residence Hall
Director, Physical Education
B.A., St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN;
M.A. graduate program, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 1983PATRICIA NORTWEN/Piano
B.A., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; M.A., University of Minnesota 1967WA YNE D. OLSON/English
B.A., University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD; M.A., Mankato State University, Mankato, MN; additional graduate study, New York University, New
York, NY 1983BERNT C. OPSAL/President
B.A., Upsala College, East Orange,
NJ; B. Th., Luther Seminary, St. Paul,
MN; Biblical Seminary, New York, NY;
M.A., New York University, New York,
NY; additional graduate stud~, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN;
Litt. D., Concordia College, St. Paul,
MN 1954BRYAN J. PHILLIPS/Computer Science
Bachelors of Industrial Engineering,
General Motors Institute, Flint, Ml 1983MAHLON PITNEY /Psychology, Personal
Orientation, Counselor
B.A., Macalester College, St. Paul, M.N;
M.A., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 1970.MARLO F. PUTZ/Biology
B.S., Gustavus Adolphus College, St.
Peter, MN; M.A., St. Cloud State
University, St. Cloud, MN 1968PAUL 0. ROMSTAD/Theology
B.A., St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN;
M. Div., Luther Theological Seminary,
Law Enforcement
B.S. in Commerce, University of North
Dakota, Grand Forks, ND; J.D., University of North Dakota Law School,
Grand Froks, ND; Training Coordinator
for the FBI in Minneapolis, MN 1983-
and Choral
B.M., Westminster Choir College,
Princeton, NJ; graduate study, Chicago
Opera Guild; Eastman School of Music,
Rochester, NY; University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 1962JOHN C. SEAGARD/Music, Choral,
B.M., M.M., Eastman School of Music,
Rochester, NY; Lutheran Bible Institute;
Augustana College, Rock Island, IL;
Westminster Choir College, Princeton,
NJ; Chicago Opera Repertoire Guild;
additional graduate study, Eastman
School of Music, Rochester, NY 1962RICHARD M. SERENA/Librarian
B.S., Columbia University, New York,
NY; M.L.S., Columbia University, New
York, NY 1976MARY S. SICILIA/American Studies,
Personal Orientation
B.S., Northwestern College, Minneapolis, MN; M.A., University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; Ph.D.,
course work completed University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 1977PAUL W. SIEMERS/Theatre
B.A., Bethel College, Roseville,
M.A., University of Minnesota,
neapolis, MN; Ph.D. course work
pleted, University of Minnesota,
neapolis, MN 1981-
ROGER SNYDER/Music, Band and
B.S., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; M.A., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 1977MARIL YN A. ST ALHEI M/English and
Applied Christianity
B.S., University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire,
WI; M.S., University of Wisconsin, Stout,
B.A., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; M.F.A., University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 1972KATHRYN SWANSON/English
B.A., St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN;
M.A., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 1971-
LOIS UTZINGER/String Lessons
and Ensembles
B.A., Carleton College, Northfield,
Minnesota; M.M., Uni~ersity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ml; additional graduate study, University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, Ml; University of North Dakota,
Grand Forks, ND 1978RUSSELL A. VIKSTROM/Biblical
Theology, Philosophy
B.A., Augustana College, Rock Island,
IL; M. Div., Augustana Seminary, Rock
Island, IL; additional graduate study,
Biblical Seminary, New York, NY; Luther Theological Seminary, St. Paul,
Theology, Greek
B.A., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; B.A., Luther College, Decorah, IA; B.Th., Luther Theological
Seminary, St. Paul, MN; Ph.D., University of St. Andrews, Scotland; graduate
study Edinburgh University, Edinburgh,
Scotland 1982J. PHILIP WORTHINGTON/Academic
Dean, Biblical Theology
B.A., Gustavus Adolphus College, St.
Peter, MN; C.T.; Luther Theological
Seminary, St. Paul, MN; S.T.M., Biblical
Seminary, New York, NY; M.A., New
York University, course work completed for Ed.D., New York University,
New York, NY 1974-
Student Services Personnel
B.A.;St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN;
B.D., Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, Chicago, IL; S.T.M., Luther Theological Seminary, St. Paul, MN; S.T.D.,
San Francisco Theological Seminary,
San Francisco, CA 1978CHERYL M. ECKSTAM/Housing
Director, Counselor
B.A., University of North Carolina at
Greensboro, Greensboro, NC; M.Ed.,
University of Virginia. Charlottesville,
LORI J. NORNES/Residence Hall
Director, SAC Coordinator
A.A., Golden Valley Lutheran College;
B.A., Mankato State University, Mankato, MN
LOIS NYSTUL/Director of
Health Service
R.N., Fairview School of Nursing, Minneapolis, MN; B.A., Metropolitan State
University, St. Paul, MN
TIMOTHY ). SAVARESE/Residence Hall
Director, Intramural Coordinator
A.A., Golden Valley Lutheran College;
B.A., Concordia College, Moorhead,
DOUGLAS L. SILL/Manager of
Student Union
A.A., Golden Valley Lutheran College,
Minneapolis, MN; additional study,
South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD; Dunwoody Institute, Minneapolis, MN; St. Paul Bible College,
St. Bonifacius, MN
SALLY TAVERNIER/Security Officer
A.A., Golden Valley Lutheran College,
Minneapolis, MN
CAROL TOMER/Residence Hall
Director, Director Campus Activities
B.A., Luther College, Decorah, IA; additional study, University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, MN; Luther Northwestern
Theological Seminary, St. Paul, MN 1980-
Academic Honors ................ 32
Academic Program ............... 31
Academic Progress ............... 33
Accreditation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 11
Administration ................... 81
Admissions Information .......... 19
Adult Students ................... 20
Affiliations ....................... 11
Agriculture ...................... 45
Alcohol and Drug Abuse ......... 16
Alumni Association ............... 17
Anthropology .................... 65
Application Procedure ............ 19
Applied Christianity .......... 78, 79
Art .............................. 72
Associate in Arts Degree ...... 38, 39
Athletics .................... 16, 33
Attendance, Classroom ........... 34
Automobiles ..................... 15
Band ........................ 16, 74
Biblical and Theological
Studies ................. 43, 57, 58
Bible Requirement ............... 34
Biology ...................... 67, 68
Board and Room Costs ....... 21, 22
Board of Regents ............ 80, 81
Books and Supplies .............. 24
Business ..................... 43, 76
Calendar ........................ 6
Chapel .......................... 15
Charges by Quarter .............. 22
Chemistry ....................... 69
Choir ....................... 16, 74
Christian Service ................. 78
Church History .................. 58
Church Staff Work ............... 48
Classics .......................... 45
Co-curricular Activity Credits ..... 34
College Objectives ............... 10
Communications .......... 59, 60, 61
Computer Science ........... 44, 69
Computer Training ............... 48
Corrective Therapy ............... 45
Correspondence, Directions For ... 2
Costs ......................... 21-24
Counseling Services .............. 13
Course Descriptions ........... 57-79
Creative Arts ................. 72-75
Degree and Certificates ........ 38-40
Dentistry ........................ 45
Deposits and Fees ......... 19, 21, 22
Directory ..................... 80-85
Dormitories ..................... 14
Drama .......................... 17
Education ....................... 45
Electronics Technician ............ 48
Eligibility for Varsity Sports ........ 33
Employment, Student ............. 26
English ...................... 59, 60
English Requirement ............. 34
Faculty ....................... 81-84
Fees ..................... 19, 21, 22
Financial Aid .................... 25
Forestry ......................... 46
General Guidelines ............... 11
General Information ............. 9
Geography .................. 62, 63
German ......................... 61
Grading and Honor Point System .. 32
Graduation Requirements ........ 37
Greek ........................... 61
Health Services .................. 13
History .......................... 62
Honor Society ................... 17
Housing Services ................. 14
Humanities ...................... 63
Incomplete Work ................ 32
Independent Study ............... 34
Instrumental Lessons ......... 73, 74
Insurance ....................... 14
International Students ............ 20
Junior College Certificate ......... 40
Languages ....................... 61
Law ............................. 46
Law Enforcement ............ 49, 78
Liberal Arts, Basic ................ 42
Library .......................... 14
Loans ........................... 26
Location of the College .......... 5,9
Map ............................ 5
Mathematics ................. 66, 67
Medicine ........................ 46
Mission .................. 52, 55, 79
Music .............. 16, 46, 72, 73, 74
New Testament Studies ....... 57, 58
Nursing ......................... 46
Occupational Therapy ............ 47
Office Administration ........ 49, 55
Old Testament Studies ............ 57
Orchestra ................... 16, 74
Orientation and Registration ...... 35
Part-Time Students ............... 31
Payment Plan .................... 23
Personal Orientation ............. 64
Pharmacy ........................ 47
Philosophy of College ............ 10
Philosophy ...................... 63
Physical Education ........ 47, 70, 71
Physical Therapy ................. 47
Physics .......................... 67
Political Science .................. 62
Pre-registration .................. 13
Probation, Academic ............. 33
Programs of Study ............. 41-55
Psychology ...................... 64
Recreation Leadership ........ 47, 71
Refund Schedule ................. 23
Registration ..................... 35
Registration, Changes in .......... 35
Religious Life .................... 15
Repeating a Course .............. 35
Room and Board Costs ....... 21, 22
Science, Basic .................... 42
Scholarships ................. 28, 29
General ................... 50, 54
Legal ...................... 50, 54
Medical ................... 51, 55
Parish ......................... 51
Secretarial Science ........... 77, 78
Social Life ....................... 14
Social Science ................ 62-65
Social Service ................ 52, 65
Sociology ........................ 65
Special Examination .............. 33
Speech .......................... 60
Student Government ............. 14
Student Life ..................... 13
Student Services Personnel ........ 85
Study Skills Assistance ........ 13, 64
Theatre ......................... 75
Theology ........................ 58
Transfer of Credits ........... 11, 33
Transfer Students ............ 20, 33
Tuition ...................... 21, 22
Vocational Certificate ............ 38
Vocational Studies ............ 77-79
Voice Lessons .................... 73
Withdrawals from Class ........... 35
Withdrawals from the College ..... 35
Work Opportunities .............. 26
Office of Admissions
Golden Valley Lutheran College
6125 Olson Memorial Highway (55)
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422
(612) 542-1212
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Published Annually by
Golden Valley Lutheran College
6125 Olson Highway
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422
(612) 542-1216
Golden Valley Lutheran College is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.
Directions for Co... Show more
Published Annually by
Golden Valley Lutheran College
6125 Olson Highway
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422
(612) 542-1216
Golden Valley Lutheran College is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.
Directions for Correspondence
General College Policy.
. .. Bernt C. Opsal, President of the College
Academic Information.
. J. Philip Worthington, Academic Dean
. Thomas R. Hanson, Director of Admissions
Business and Financial Affairs
.. Vivian Wiemerslage, Business Office
Development . .
. . Russell B. Helgeson, Director of Development
Financial Aid.
. .. Thomas R. Hanson, Director of Financial Aid
Records and Transcripts . .
. . Marilyn J. Adams, Registrar
Student Affairs
. Harold Moore, Dean of Students
Golden Valley College Reserves the Right to Modify
The provisions of this catalog are to be considered informative and
directive in character and not as an irrevocable contract between the
student and the college. The college reserves the right to make any
changes that may to the college seem to be necessary or desirable.
Golden Valley Lutheran College in compliance with State and Federal laws and regulations,
does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, marital status,
handicap, or status as a veteran in the administration of its admissions policies, scholarship
and loan programs, educational programs, activities and employment policies. Inquiries
regarding compliance and grievance procedures may be directed to the college office
manager, Vivian Wiemerslage.
This catalog supersedes The Golden Valley Lutheran College 1984-85 Catalog.
College Calendar
President's Greeting
General Information
History, The Campus and Its Location, Philosophy and Objectives,
Accreditation and Transfer of Credit, Affiliations, General Guidelines.
Student Life
New Student Pre-Registration, Counseling Services, Health Services,
Library, Insurance, Housing Services, Student Government and Social
Life, Religious Life, Chapel, Student Use of Automobiles, Alcohol and
Drug Abuse, Athletics, Music, Drama, Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society,
Alumni Association.
Admissions Information
Application Procedure, Transfer Students, Adult Students, International
Student Costs, Charges by Quarter, Payment Plan, Refund Schedule,
Books and Supplies.
Financial Aid
Colden Valley Lutheran College Aid, Minnesota State Aid, Federal
Government Aid, Work Opportunities, Other Assistance Programs, Procedure for Applying for Financial Aid, Scholarships.
Academic Program
General Academic Information, Orientation and Registration.
Graduation Requirements
Liberal Arts and Transfer Program, Specialized Program, Junior College
Programs of Study
Course Descriptions
Divisions: Biblical and Theological Studies; Communications; Social
Science; Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Computer Science; Physical Education and Recreation Leadership; Creative Arts; Business and
Specialized Programs.
Board of Regents, Administration, Faculty, Student Services Personnel.
CALENDAR 198.'i-R6
Fall Quarter
September 2-6
September 7
September 8
September 9
September 9
September 20
September 27
October 4
October 7-11
November 2
November 4-7
November 18-21
November 21
Student orientation and registration for all students
President's Reception-6:00 p.m. -Gymnasium
All college worship
Classes begin
Opening convocation-9:50 a.m.
Final day to add a class or change a class section
Final day to withdraw from a course with a grade of W
Final day to submit work for incomplete courses
Midquarter examinations
Registration for winter quarter
Final examinations
Quarter ends after completion of final examinations
Winter Quarter
January 6
January 10
January 13-17
January 21-23
February 3-6
February 24-27
February 27
Classes begin
Final day to add a class or change a class section
Festival of the Christ Child
Final day to withdraw from a course with a grade of W
Christmas vacation begins after the traditional observance
Classes resume
Final day to submit work for incomplete courses
Midquarter examinations
Days of Prayer and Praise
Registration for spring quarter
Final examinations
Quarter ends after completion of final examinations
Spring Quarter
March 10
March 21
March 27
March 28-30
March 31
April 4
April 7-11
April 22-24
May 2
May 6
May 19-22
May 23
Classes begin
Final day to add a class or change a class section
Final day to withdraw from a course with a grade of W
Easter vacation
Classes resume
Final day to submit work for incomplete courses
Midquarter examinations
Pre-registration for fall quarter
Spring banquet
Honors Day
Final examinations
Calendar Subject to Change
Experiences during the first year after high school play a major role in
one's development of a philosophy of life. This consequently determines
how one lives his or her life.
Golden Valley Lutheran College was established with the main purpose of providing an opportunity for the student to develop a philosophy
of life founded on Christian convictions.
We strive to provide this foundation for life by emphasizing a personalized education which includes the opportunity for the study of both
liberal arts and the Scriptures. This is a curriculum we believe will best
help the student understand the world in which he or she will be living
and working.
We ask that those who come have an open mind, a grateful heart and a
desire to learn. Preparation for "making a living" is not sufficient for the
Christian today. Golden Valley Lutheran College is also designed to provide an education which will serve as preparation for "making a life."
Bernt C. Opsal, President
Golden Valley Lutheran College is a two-year coeducational liberal
arts college established in 1967 by The Lutheran Bible Institute of Minneapolis. Beginning as a Bible institute in 1919, The Lutheran Bible Institute
moved from St. Paul to Minneapolis in 1929. In 1961 it moved to Golden
Valley, a suburb four miles west of downtown Minneapolis. Through the
years this educational institution has addressed itself to the needs of
people and has sought to meet those needs by establishing programs
appropriate to the times. The College is inter-Lutheran and is not directly
affiliated with any particular Lutheran synod. It cooperates with and
seeks to serve all synods and society as a whole. The College admits
qualified men and women from various geographic, cultural, economic,
racial, and religious backgrounds.
The Campus and Its Location
Golden Valley Lutheran College is located on a beautiful 30-acre
campus in Golden Valley, a western suburb of Minneapolis. The greater
Twin City area is a cultural, recreational, and sports center of the Upper
The academic life of the students is centered in a large two-level complex. Classrooms, library, faculty and administrative offices, a prayer
chapel, the College auditorium-gymnasium, cafeteria and lounges are
located in this building.
Four residence halls on campus, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta
dormitories, house approximately 400 students. The facilities include
fireplace lounges, laundry facilities, rooms for prayer and meditation,
and apartments for residence hall directors. Adjacent to Gamma dormitory is the Commons, a student lounge and recreation area. A student
center is located in Delta dormitory.
Philosophy and Objectives
Colden Valley Lutheran College is a liberal arts institution with programs of study in general education, Biblical literature, music, physical
development, and semi-professional training. It seeks to provide two
years of higher education for students interested in the arts and sciences,
and also to give opportunity for a study of the sources of the Christian
faith. Through special activities the College provides the basis for personal growth and cultural enrichment. Students are encouraged to
participate in community and church activities.
In order to reach these goals, Colden Valley Lutheran College offers
students a choice of one of the following curricula:
1. Completion of a two-year liberal arts education that functions
according to the standards common to the academic enterprise and
that prepares the student to transfer to a four-year college or university.
2. Completion of a two-year program that provides the basis for semiprofessional employment in the fields of church staff work, mission,
administrative assistant, law enforcement, and a cooperative computer training program.
3. Study of the Bible and liberal arts in a collegiate setting for individuals who do not intend to pursue a degree or a semi-professional
Colden Valley Lutheran College strives to supplement these curricular
programs by emphasizing the following objectives with opportunities ...
to develop knowledge of the Judeo-Christian world view as set forth
in the literature of the Old and New Testaments and an analysis on
the part of each student concerning his or her basic beliefs and
spiritual commitments.
to develop service motivated standards of conduct for young adults
as they move into the many areas of national life, including social
improvement, community involvement and active membership in
Christian congregations.
to appreciate the great works of art, music and the theatre through
courses and cultural events which take place on the campus and in
the metropolitan area.
to attain physical well-being through the application of standards
conducive to good health and through participation in physical
education and sports activities.
to develop personal self-confidence through the determination of
individual goals, the building of relationships with other people,
and the experience of companionship in a Christian setting.
Accreditation and Transfer of Credit
Golden Valley Lutheran College received regional accreditation
through the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools in 1978.
Thus, entering students can be confident that if they make a creditable
record at Golden Valley Lutheran College, their credits will normally
transfer to other colleges and universities. A student with a satisfactory
academic record can normally complete a bachelor's degree two full
academic years after receiving the Associate in Arts degree from Golden
Valley Lutheran College.
North Central Association of Colleges and Schools
Registered with the Minnesota Higher Education Coordinating Board
Lutheran Educational Conference of North America
National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities
American Association of Community and Junior Colleges
Minnesota Association of Community and Junior Colleges
National Junior College Athletic Association - Region XI 11
Minnesota Community College Conference
General Guidelines
Golden Valley Lutheran College is oriented to the Christian Gospel and
expects its students to live accordingly. Each student is expected to be
familiar with the regulations and standards pertaining to student conduct
as described in the Student Life Handbook.
The College reserves the right not to accept an applicant or to withdraw the privilege of a student to return after any quarter and to discipline those who conduct themselves in a manner which is not in the best
interest of the individual, other students, or the College.
Campus life at Golden Valley Lutheran College provides activities and
experiences which help develop the whole person. The programs of the
College provide wholesome recreation designed to stimulate spiritual
and intellectual growth. Students are involved in the planning of social
activities which can enrich college life and foster friendships.
New Student Pre-Registration
Prior to the start of the fal I quarter, new students are invited to the
campus to participate in pre-registration activities. During this time the
student will have an opportunity to learn more about the College and
meet staff and faculty personnel who will assist in course planning for
the coming year.
Selected sophomores are available to help the new students become
familiar with and adjust to college life.
Counseling Services
The major decisions which students have to make during their early
college years are often difficult and perplexing. Counseling provides a
service which helps students learn ways of solving their academic, vocational, social, emotional and spiritual problems.
Each student is assigned to a faculty advisor who will assist him or her
in planning an appropriate schedule of classes for each academic term.
In addition to individual counseling, several counseling groups, concerned with matters such as personal growth, chemical dependency and
other problems, meet regularly. Each student also may make appointments to visit with instructors, residence hall directors, the deans, the
College nurse or others on the staff who can give assistance.
Study skills assistance is provided for students who need to improve
their reading rate, reading comprehension, spelling, mathematics skills,
study skills, or writing skills.
Health Services
The College has a full-time registered nurse on the staff to provide
basic medical services. Students requiring additional treatment are
usually referred to the Golden Valley Clinic which is located less than a
mile from the campus. Major Twin City hospitals also are readily accessible.
The library, located on the ground floor of the Main building, provides
a variety of materials and services to support the college curricula. There
are over 32,000 volumes, 245 periodicals, local and national newspapers,
and a substantial vertical file in the collection. Through the Minnesota
Interlibrary Telecommunications Exchange (MINITEX) the student has
access to a vast network of more than ten million volumes in a five state
area. In addition, there is a sizeable audiovisual collection including
phonograph records and cassettes, as well as filmstrips with necessary
listening and viewing equipment available to the students.
The College does not assume any responsibility for the loss of or
damage to personal property. Many families have homeowners policies
that will cover losses of family members at college.
Housing Services
Golden Valley Lutheran College is primarily a residential college. If
space is available, full-time students live in the College residence halls.
Exceptions are those who are married, commute from their homes, or
who work for their board and room. Students living on campus participate in the cateteria program which provides three meals a day, seven
days a week. The price fixed for the weekly 21-meal plan is set with the
knowledge that a certain percentage of the meals will be missed during a
week. Students who are commuting may purchase individual meals in
the College cafeteria.
Student Government and Social Life
A forum for student expression and student-initiated improvements in
campus life is provided by a Student Senate chosen from the student
body. This representative group serves as a coordinator of studentfaculty relations. It seeks continually to improve and make student life
more enjoyable.
The social program of the College is under the supervision of the
Student Activities Commission (SAC). Homecoming, Sno-Daze and the
Spring Banquet are examples of the many social activities available.
Guidance regarding student life on campus is provided by the Student
Life Handbook.
Religious Life
As an institution of Christian higher education, Golden Valley
Lutheran College believes that religious life activities are an integral part
of its program. Therefore the College provides regularly scheduled
chapel services, campus worship services, transportation to local church
services, all-campus devotions, dormitory devotions and Christian
student organizations. Special programs include the Days of Prayer &
Praise and the Christmas Festival of the Christ Child. Religious activities
are coordinated by the faculty Chapel & Special Events Committee and
by a student Faith & Life Commission.
Many students also participate in Christian Service activities in the
community and in world mission activities. The College has a fellowship
of Christian Athletes chapter in which many students take an active part.
There also is an opportunity to serve on outreach teams which travel to
present the Gospel in word and song.
All classes are dismissed each morning for a 25-minute chapel program. These programs are varied in content. Some are worship services
conducted by students, faculty, or guest speakers, while others include
films, lectures, drama, music or other special convocation programs.
Chapel is the heart and center of our collegiate program. It is here that
messages are shared from the Scriptures, and opportunity is given for
worship, intellectual stimulation and the development of a sense of community.
Each student is encouraged to participate in chapel programs of the
college community and to attend public worship every Sunday.
Student Use of Automobiles
Parking space is limited on campus. Those students who do not need
an automobile for commuting or transportation to or from work are
urged not to bring a vehicle to college. Those who do need an automobile or motorcycle must secure a parking permit through the Business
Office. The Dean of Students has the right to terminate a permit at any
time if circumstances warrant such action. The College assumes no
responsibility for damage, theft, or vandalism involving student vehicles.
Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Colden Valley Lutheran College strongly discourages all students from
using alcohol and/or mood altering drugs. Students possessing, using, or
under the influence of alcohol or drugs on campus, in college-approved
housing, or at college-sponsored events both on and off campus will be
subject to disciplinary action. In instances where college officials are
informed that Colden Valley Lutheran College students have caused a
disturbance off campus in connection with the use of alcohol or drugs
the College reserves the right to take disciplinary action.
Colden Valley Lutheran College upholds all federal and state statutes
pertaining to the illegal use of alcohol or drugs. A student who uses,
possesses, or persuades someone else to use alcohol or drugs in violation
of the law will be subject to disciplinary action. The College's action will
be determined by the circumstances surrounding each individual case.
The College provides counseling services and support groups for those
with chemical dependency problems.
Through the physical education and athletic programs the College
seeks to teach the value of good health and physical fitness, to cultivate
interest in the proper use of leisure time, to develop character and good
sportsmanship and to give instruction in various sports and games used in
recreational activities. Intercollegiate athletic competition for men is
available in football, baseball, basketball, soccer, track, marathon, and
cross country. Women may participate in intercollegiate basketball,
cross country, softball, volleyball, marathon and track competition. The
College is a member of the Minnesota Community College Conference,
and the National Junior College Athletic Association.
Intramural programs are available for both men and women. These include activities such as volleyball, basketball, broomball and softball.
Colden Valley Lutheran College is sensitive to the cultural and
spiritual values that music contributes to our society. It desires, therefore, to cultivate and nurture student interest and participation in music
by giving opportunity for self-expression as a member of a performing
group. These groups include the Colden Valley Lutheran College Choir, a
selected group of 65 voices; the Madrigal Singers, a smaller ensemble
which specializes in certain types of music literature; the Colden Valley
Singers, a women's chorus; a pep band and concert band; the Colden
Valley Orchestra, a community and college organization; and various
vocal and instrumental ensembles. In addition to specific courses in the
field of music, the College offers private voice and instrumental instruction.
The location of the College in the Twin City area provides opportunity
for students to gain a new appreciation of the fine arts. Community concerts, the Minnesota Orchestra, the Minneapolis Civic Orchestra, the
St. Paul Chamber Orchestra, and programs given by other colleges including the University of Minnesota, offer continuing opportunities for
cultural enrichment.
The drama program at Golden Valley Lutheran College is two-fold in
its purpose. It attempts to expose the student to the inner workings of the
College theatre, and it seeks to foster a sense of appreciation for drama
by encouraging active participation in the field.
Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society
A chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, a national honor society for two-year
colleges, was established in 1981 at Golden Valley Lutheran College. The
purpose of the honor society is to recognize and encourage scholarship.
Alumni Association
The Golden Valley Lutheran College Alumni Association works with
former students to maintain an on-going relationship with the College
and with each other. It seeks to develop a well-informed and supportive
group of alumni through social events and programs planned each year.
All former students are considered alumni of the College.
Golden Valley Lutheran College seeks students who are interested in a
quality education with a Christian orientation. All applicants for admission must have earned a high school diploma or its equivalent. In addition, each applicant must furnish required references, satisfactory test
scores, and complete a personal interview with an admissions counselor.
Perhaps the best way to determine if Golden Valley Lutheran College
can meet your needs is to visit our campus. Accordingly, we invite you
and your parents to the campus so that you can become acquainted with
our faculty, students, and administration. For an appointment please
write or call the Office of Admissions.
The admissions office is located in the main classroom building and is
open Monday through Friday from 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Saturdays from
9:00 a.m. to 1 :00 p.m. and at other times by appointment.
Application Procedure
Application materials are available from the Office of Admissions.
Applicants are advised to follow these steps in applying:
1. Complete and return the Application for Admission together with
the non-refundable $10 application fee to: Office of Admissions,
Golden Valley Lutheran College, 6125 Olson Highway, Minneapolis,
Minnesota 55422.
2. Request your high school and all colleges you have attended to forward your academic transcript(s) to the Office of Admissions.
3. Submit test results from the American College Test (ACT), the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT), or the Scholastic Aptitude
Test (SAT).
4. Applications are considered in the order they are received. The
student is generally notified of the admissions decision within two
weeks of the time the application file is complete. Although there is
no absolute deadline for applying, high school students are advised
to apply for admission as early in their senior year as possible. This
is particularly true for those who desire financial aid.
5. A student who is offered admission must notify the Office of Admissions if he or she accepts the offer. A $100.00 tuition deposit is required within three weeks after notification of acceptance has been
made. The deposit is refundable until May 1st. The date the College
receives this deposit determines the order in which a student will
register for the fall quarter. This tuition deposit is applied to the
first quarter tuition when the student enrolls.
6. Priority for dormitory room assignment is given on the basis of the
date the tuition deposit is received. A student contracts for a room
for the entire school year, beginning with fall term.
7. After the student has accepted the offer of admission, the College
will provide the medical history form to be completed and ieturned.
8. Room assignments and matriculation information will be mailed
during the summer.
Transfer Students
College work completed at other accredited institutions may be
applied toward a degree at Golden Valley Lutheran College. Transfer
students are required to follow regular admission procedures and submit
an official transcript of their record from each college attended. Credit
for college work will be accepted toward an Associate in Arts Degree
providing the work is satisfactory in quality and is applicable toward the
divisional requirements of the College. Transfer credit will not be granted
for courses in which a grade below C- was received.
Adu It Students
An admissions counselor provides guidance for adult students
-who are deciding to attend college for the first time or
-who are now planning to return after their college education has
been interrupted.
Counseling is available for adult students concerning entrance requirements, transfer of credits, financial aid and course planning. For those
who apply and are eligible, scholarship funds are available. Both fulltime and part-time students may apply.
International Students
All international students seeking admission to Golden Valley Lutheran College must submit an International Student Application for Admission, a declaration of finances and appropriate school transcripts. International students are strongly encouraged to submit results of writing the
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).
Student Costs 1985-86
The following sections explain the basic costs to the student and the
financial aids that are available to assist the student in meeting these
costs. The College reserves the right to change the costs of tuition, board,
room or fees at any time.
The charges that are made to students for tuition, room and board do
not adequately cover the costs of operating the College. Approximately
35% of the cost of operation must come from gifts and grants. In the
present budget, this amounts to over one million dollars a year. Therefore, over and above any financial aid given, each student receives the
equivalent of a $2,000 scholarship per year in order to cover the total
expenses of the operation.
The College does not receive direct financial support from any
denomination or Lutheran synod. Gift income is received from congregations, organizations and foundations, and by matching funds from
Most of the funds, however, come as individual gifts from alumni,
parents and friends of the College. Over 600 people are supporting the
College through the INASMUCH program whereby they have pledged
and/or paid from $1,000 to $25,000 over a three-year period. As we make
our needs known, the Lord answers our prayers through the gifts of these
many friends.
Board, Room, and Telephone
Charges by Quarter
The College operates on a quarter system with three quarters per
academic year. A student who registers for 12 credits or more is considered a fu I I-time student; one who registers for less than 12 credits is
considered a part-time student.
Tuition for full-time student
Tuition per credit for part-time student
Board, room, and telephone (average)
Laboratory fees per course
Physical education fees per course
Varsity courses
Fee for swimming, bowling, and tennis.
''' 10.00-20.00
Fee for all other P.E. activity courses
Humanities 200 fee per credit
For CVLC students currently enrol led
For students not currently enrolled at CVLC
Music fees
Private voice and instrument lessons
Classes for voice and piano lessons- per student .
Organ rental
Practice room fee .
Late registration fee
This fee is charged if a student fails to register during the
registration period for any quarter. It is waived only in cases
of illness or family emergencies.
Special fees not refundable after 10th day of classes include:
laboratory, personal orientation, physical education, organ
rental, practice room, and music fees for voice and instrument lessons.
Miscellaneous fees
Car registration and parking permit per quarter
Damage deposit
............ .
Special examinations .
Academic Transcript fee (first two copies free) .
Transcripts will be withheld if the student owes the College money.
Advance tuition deposit for second year students.
Reservations for fall registration and dormitory room are
based upon the order in which the above payment is received. (Non-refundable).
Payment Schedule
Student accounts are payable in accordance with the schedule listed
Students will receive credit on payments each quarter equal to onethird of the amount of grants and scholarships in their financial aid
Students in need of credit or another payment plan must make
arrangements with the Student Accounts Manager.
No student is permitted to register or participate in College activities if
the account for a preceding quarter has not been paid in full. Grades cannot be released, transcripts cannot be forwarded, and degrees cannot be
granted until all financial obligations have been met.
When credit is extended after registration, a finance charge of one and
one-half percent a month (18% APR) is added.
Payment Schedule for 1985-86
Fall Quarter
June 19
July 19
August 19
Registration Day
On Campus
Winter Quarter
September 28
October 15
November 1
On Campus
Sp. Fees
Sp. Fees
Spring Quarter
December 9
January 6
January 31
On Campus
Sp. Fees
Off Campus
Off Campus
Off Campus
Sp. Fees
Sp. Fees
Sp. Fees
Refund Schedule
Students who decide to withdraw from college after they have
registered and paid their tuition will receive a tuition refund computed
from the date the withdrawal form was signed and returned to the
Registrar. Also see information under Financial Aid concerning withdrawals.
During first week .
During second week
During the third through the fifth week .
During sixth week
After sixth week
No refund
Room and Board Refunds. If the student leaves school after the sixth
week; there wil! be no room refund. Through the sixth vveek, the student
will be charged for the time spent on campus plus a two-week room
charge. Students will be charged for board through the end of the week in
which they leave the campus. If a refund is due the student, a check will
be sent within a reasonable time.
Books and Supplies
Textbooks, art, and college supplies may be purchased at the college
bookstore. Stationery, college seals, banners, and other items also are
available for the convenience of students. All purchases must be paid for
in cash. Students should have $125.00 to $150.00 available at the beginning of the school year for books. Estimated book costs for the entire
year are $250.00 to $350.00.
Colden Valley Lutheran College recognizes the close relationship between students, parents, and the College in meeting the costs of a quality
education. Our program of financial assistance is designed to help qualified students who desire a Colden Valley Lutheran College education.
Golden Valley Lutheran College Aid
The Presidential Scholarship is our most prestigious award. Selection is
highly competitive and is based on superior academic ability, excellent
character, and demonstrated leadership and service to the church and
community. The amount of this scholarship is $5,000 and it is renewable
each year provided the student maintains a 3.5 grade point average at
Colden Valley Lutheran College. Students must rank in the top 10% of
their high school class and submit two recommendations that evidence
their service and leadership in their church and community to be considered for the award.
Academic Honor Scholarships are awarded to those students who
graduate in the top 30% of their high school class or to transfer students
who have a 3.00 grade point average with a minimum of 12 transfer credit
hours completed. Scholarships vary in amount up to $2,500 and are
renewed each year, provided the recipient maintains a 3.00 grade point
average in academic work at Colden Valley Lutheran College.
Christian Service Awards are available to students who have been
active in their church and community. Awards vary in amount up to
Music, Drama and Athletic Awards each vary in amount up to $1,500.
These awards are based on recommendations from professors and
coaches with respect to talent and ability to perform. Athletic recipients
must abide by the rules and regulations of the Minnesota Community
College Conference, the National Junior College Athletic Association,
and the rules and regulations of the College.
Special Grants and Scholarships have been established by alumni and
other friends of the College. These funds are for students whose qualifications meet the conditions and requirements of the specified award.
Minnesota State Aid
Minnesota State Scholarships and Grants are available to Minnesota
residents planning to attend Colden Valley Lutheran College. Awards are
based on financial need and educational costs and may range up to
$3,500 per year.
Students can apply for a grant by completing an ACT Family Financial
Statement (FFS), including the section for Minnesota State Scholarship
and Grant-In-Aid applicants.
Federal Government Aid
Pell Grants are available from the federal government for students
meeting certain financial need qualifications. Such grants may total up
to $2,100 per year and do not have to be repaid. Students may apply for
this grant by checking the appropriate box on either the ACT Family
Financial Statement or CSS Financial Aid Form.
National Direct Student Loans are funded by the federal government
and administered by the College. Loans are granted on the basis of validated financial need. The loans are made at an interest rate of 5% with
the student paying neither interest nor principal until six months after
graduation or leaving college. Repayment must be completed within 10
Guaranteed Student Loans enable eligible students to borrow directly
up to $2,500 annually from participating banks or other lenders at an
interest rate of 8%. Repayment of loan principal and interest begins six
months after graduation or leaving college.
The Minnesota Student Loan Program provides Guaranteed Student
Loans to eligible students who are unable to find a participating lender to
fund them.
Parent Loans for Undergraduate Student (PLUS). Parents of undergraduate students may borrow $3,000 per year for each dependent,
undergraduate student to a maximum of $15,000 per student. Repayment
is made over a five- to ten-year period at an interest rate of 12 % . PLUS
loans do not require a needs test.
Work Opportunities
College Work-Study enables students who demonstrate financial need
an opportunity to help defray college expenses through part-time
employment. Work-Study students may be employed as cafeteria or
maintenance workers, as clerical assistants to professors or as library and
audio-visual assistants, as resident assistants, or in any of the numerous
available positions.
Student Employment. There are numerous part-time employment positions available in the Golden Valley community and the surrounding
area. Our College bulletin board carries notices of available employment.
Other Assistance Programs
College Payment Schedule: Because many people prefer to pay educational expenses in installments, Golden Valley Lutheran College has set
up a tuition payment plan. This plan is a convenient payment program
beginning in June and ending in February.
Hidden Subsidy: Golden Valley Lutheran College gives a "hidden subsidy" each year to every student who attends the College as a full-time
student. This "hidden subsidy" reflects the fact that the total instruc-
tional program at the College costs more than the total amount received
from tuition and fees. Such a "hidden subsidy" is made possible by many
gifts from many sources, especially church congregations, alumni, and
friends of the College. The College also receives income from endowment funds.
Lutheran Brotherhood Loan: If a member of the student's family holds
a Lutheran Brotherhood Insurance policy, a student may borrow up to
$2,500 per year from the Lutheran Brotherhood Insurance Society at the
same rates described under Federal Insured Student Loans.
Other Grants: There are a number of grants and scholarships available
from other sources. The student is encouraged to consult his or her high
school counselor and the Director of Financial Aid at Golden Valley
Lutheran College for other federal, state, and community-sponsored
scholarships and grants.
Procedure for Applying for Financial Aid
1. Apply and be accepted for admission to Golden Valley Lutheran College. Request an application form from the Office of Admissions,
Golden Valley Lutheran College, 6125 Olson Highway, Golden Valley,
MN 55422.
2. If you are applying only for Golden Valley Lutheran College scholarships and grants, and not for state or federal grants, indicate this on
the Golden Valley Lutheran College Financial Aid Application.
3. To apply for federal or Minnesota aid you must complete a Family
Financial Statement (FFS) and a Student Data Form using income information for the 1984 tax year and submit it to ACT. Forms are available from your high school guidance counselor or by writing the
Office of Admissions at Golden Valley Lutheran College. Although the
FFS is preferred, non-Minnnesota residents may submit the CSS Financial Aid Form. Allow six to eight weeks for processing of the ACT Family Financial Statement.
4. Since all financial aid programs have limited funds, within ten days of
our notifying you that you will receive financial aid you must let us
know that you accept the offer. Funds that are not accepted are given
to other students who need them.
All types of financial assistance are made for only one academic year.
Students, however, may expect to receive financial assistance for the
second year if they remain in good academic and personal standing and
if their financial need continues. If a student withdraws during any
quarter, he or she forfeits the entire amount of gift aid that has been
awarded from College funds for the quarter. He or she also forfeits proportionate amounts of aid awarded from state or federal funds for that
Golden Valley Lutheran College makes every effort to enable all
accepted students to attend regardless of financial resources. Your financial need may be met through a combination of federal, state, and
institutional financial aid programs. We encourage students and parents
to visit campus to discuss financial planning.
The AAL Lutheran American Minority Scholarship Program is available
for any Lutheran American minority person who is a member of a
Lutheran church, or is an immigrant who has been sponsored by a
Lutheran organization and is attending Golden Valley Lutheran College.
In any case, the recipient must be a member of a Lutheran church.
Scholarships range from $200 to $1,000 and can be renewed each year.
The AAL Lutheran Campus Scholarship Program is for students who
hold a certificate of membership and insurance from the Aid Association
for Lutherans. The awards are based on academic achievement, Christian
character, professional promise and financial need.
The Berean Scholarship is given annually by the Bereans, an organization of wives of the faculty and staff members of the College.
The David Bjelland Memorial Scholarship is given by Mrs. David
Bjelland because of her late husband's keen interest in Bible study and
the training of lay people for service to the Lord.
The Ethel Borge Memorial Scholarship has been established by Pastor
and Mrs. Alton C.O. Halverson in memory of her aunt, Ethel Borge.
The Ronald Chagnon II Memorial Scholarship has been es tab I ished by
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Chagnon, Sr. in memory of their son Ron who was a
student at Golden Valley Lutheran College.
The Wilson Fagerberg Memorial Scholarship has been established in
memory of Pastor Wilson Fagerberg, a long time faculty member in the
Department of Biblical Studies at Golden Valley Lutheran College.
The Gjernes Scholarship is provided annually through the Martha
Gjernes Estate.
The James Robert and John William Gustafson Scholarship has been
established by Mrs. Thora Tofte in memory of her husband and son. It is
awarded to a student interested in Christian service, ministry, missionary
work or Bible study.
The Haaland Scholarship has been established by Mrs. 0. T. Haaland
to be awarded to a student interested in a career of Christian service.
The Ruth Homdrom Scholarship has been established by Alton Homdrom in memory of his wife, Ruth Homdrom.
The Jackson Scholarship is given by Mrs. Eddie Jackson and the late
Mr. Jackson in recognition of their keen interest in Bible study and the
training of lay people for service to the Lord.
The Gunnar I. Johnson Memorial Scholarship has been established
by the Johnson family in memory of Mr. Johnson who was the contractor
for the construction of the Golden Valley Lutheran College Campus,
The William A. Johnson Scholarship has been established by William
A. Johnson to be awarded each year to a worthy student of strong Christian character who is interested in a business career.
The M. T. Lillehaugen Memorial Scholarship is in memory of the late
Mr. Lillehaugen who was a good friend and supporter of the College. It is
to be used to "help defray the expenses for some good student going into
church work, a person with a Christian commitment and one who indicates a good Christian example."
The Logefeil Memorial Scholarship is given by Mrs. Logefeil and the
late Dr. R. C. Logefeil who was the school doctor at one time. The
scholarship is to be used to aid a worthy student preparing for the
ministry, missionary or some full-time service in the Lord's work.
The Lovaas Scholarship has been established by the late Samuel
Lovaas to be used for the training of a missionary student who intends to
enter missionary work.
The Lutheran Brotherhood Junior College Scholarship. is awarded on
the basis of scholastic achievement, religious leadership and financial
The Lutheran Brotherhood Graduate Award for junior and senior years
at a Lutheran College is awarded to a sophomore student planning to
transfer to a four-year Lutheran college.
The Mai Scholarship is an annual scholarship from Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Mai, former students, as an expression of appreciation for what this
school has meant to them.
The Richard Melvig Memorial Scholarship has been established in
memory of Ricky Melvig who had wanted to become a doctor but didn't
live to realize his dream. It is given to a returning student who exhibits
faith, character, and an interest in the sciences.
The Nelson Mission Scholarship has been established by Dr. and Mrs.
Russell E. Nelson to be awarded each year to a worthy student who has
chosen to prepare for full-time work in the area of mission. Dr. Nelson
was a faculty member and director of mission at the College.
The Olga A. Monson Memorial Scholarship has been es ta bl ished by
Richard and Carol Halverson in memory of her aunt, Olga A. Monson.
The Edith B. Norberg Scholarship has been established in memory of
Edith and Edwin Norberg to provide scholarships for students pursuing a
career in church music.
The Pihl Scholarship has been established by Mr. and Mrs. Charles R.
Pihl. Mr. Pihl served as chairman and member of the Board of Regents of
the College.
The Ponwith Scholarship has been provided by Miss Sadie Ponwith, a
former student, teacher, and librarian, and her sister, the late Miss Alice
Ponwith, also a former student and staff member. It is awarded to
students showing evidence of Christian character, leadership, and
The Jessie Roseland Memorial Scholarship has been established by
Richard and Lois Bellows in memory of his mother, to be used for an
appreciative student who shows a sincere interest in Christian service to
The Golden Valley Rotary Scholarship provided by the Golden Valley
Rotary Club awards two scholarships annually to two worthy students.
The Sampson Memorial Scholarship is given in memory of August and
,"v1abc! Sampson, parents of t'v1is. Russell B. Helgesen, the wife of our
Development Director.
The Savik Memorial Scholarship has been established by the family of
the late Oscar Savik, who was a member of the Board of Regents of the
College and advisor to the President.
The Tang Scholarship is provided by Dr. Christopher Tang, a former
faculty member, and Mrs. Tang in memory of their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Han Ching Tang and Mr. and Mrs. Zi Hui Chang.
The Tang Church History Scholarship is given by Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Tang in honor of Anna C. Tang and is intended for a student who has
shown excellence in church history courses.
The Manda Twete Scholarship has been provided by Miss Manda
Twete, a friend of the College. It is awarded to a student on the basis of
Christian character and demonstrated need.
The Mary D. Wagner Scholarship Fund has been established by Mrs.
Wagner for needy and worthy students who are particularly interested in
the study of the Bible.
Golden Valley Lutheran College grants three types of two-year
completion awards: the Associate in Arts Degree (Liberal Arts and Transfer Program), the Associate in Arts Degree (Specialized Program), and the
Junior College Certificate.
Golden Valley Lutheran College is a liberal arts institution which
allows a student to concentrate in the areas of general education,
Biblical and theological studies, or a specific vocation.
Students who plan to earn a four-year degree are encouraged to satisfy
general education requirements while attending Golden Valley Lutheran
College. When this suggestion is followed, students may concentrate on
their major and other requirements during the last two years of college.
General education courses invite the student to learn about the world,
the scientific method, the society in which he or she lives, the fine arts
and humanities, and the eternal values perceived in Biblical and theological studies.
General Academic Information
Credit load and Student Classification
A normal credit load consists of 16 credits per quarter. Exceptions to
this credit load will be considered in consultation with a student's
academic advisor. Permission to take more than 18 credits must be
granted by the Academic Dean. Individuals enrolled for 12 or more
credits per quarter are considered full-time students. Individuals with
less than 12 credits are considered part-time students. A student who has
earned less than 45 cumulative credits is classified as a freshman. A
student who has earned 45 or more cumulative credits is classified as a
The auditing of courses is not encouraged since classroom capacities
are needed by students interested in earning college credit. Auditors are
required to do all work assigned by the instructor and tuition costs are
the same as costs for credit.
Grading and Honor Point System
A student's grade point average is computed at the end of each
quarter. The grade point average is determined by dividing the number of
earned honor points by the number of credits attempted. Honor points
are computed by the following scale:
Honor Points
Per Credit
Above Average
Below Average
Withdrawn, failing**
for J.C.C. only
*A grade of I will be granted to a student for reasons beyond the
student's control if the student has done satisfactory work prior to the
emergency and after consultation by the student with the course instructor. Incomplete work must be made up satisfactorily by the end of
the fourth week of the next term the student attends or within one year if
the student does not return to Colden Valley Lutheran College. If a
student desires an extension beyond four weeks, he or she must secure
approval of the instructor involved and must petition the Scholastic
Standing Committee for the extension. If the work is not completed in the
allotted time, the grade becomes an F.
**Withdrawals after the third week of classes and through mid-term
are indicated by W or WF (to be determined by the instructor); and after
the mid-term and until the last regularly scheduled class day of each
quarter by a W, WF, or Fas determined by the instructor. A student may
not withdraw from a course after final examinations begin.
***The grading system of Sand U is used only for those courses which
are taken to meet the requirements of the Junior College Certificate. An S
counts as two honor points per credit for the Junior College Certificate
only and will not be credited toward an Associate in Arts Degree. The U
grade yields no honor points or credits.
Academic Honors
An Honors List composed of those students who have earned a grade
point average of 3.00-3.49 is compiled at the end of each term. Those
students who achieve a grade point average of 3.50 or better are included
on the Dean's List.
Academic Progress
In accordance with policies established by the administration and
faculty, a student will be r:ounseled in relation to academic progress
toward the Associate in Arts degree: (a) when a student's grade point
average is less than 2.00; (b) when his or her transcript shows two or more
grades of I (Incomplete) in one quarter. If a student's grade point average
falls below 1.50 he or she will be placed on academic probation. The
College reserves the right to dismiss a student if his or her academic performance is regarded as unsatisfactory.
A student who earns a grade point average of less than 1.5 for a quarter
may have co-curricular activites curtailed or programs of study reduced
at the discretion of the Scholastic Standing Committee.
U nsatisfadory Academic Progress
For purposes of reporting, a full-time student shall be considered as
making unsatisfactory progress if the student fails to earn 31 credits within each academic year.
Eligibility for Varsity Sports
Eligibility rules for participation in varsity sports at Golden Valley
Lutheran College conform to the National Junior College Athletic Association eligibility rules. In general, in order to participate in a varsity sport,
a student must be a full-time (12 credits) student during the qualifying
and competing quarter. A student's eligibility is reviewed each quarter.
(See NJCAA Eligibility Rules.)
No student shall be certified on an eligibility list until the College has
received the final transcript indicating the high school graduation date
and any college transcript(s), if another college has been attended. The
responsibility to obtain any such transcripts rests upon the individual student.
Credit by Special Examination
Under special circumstances, a student may seek to gain credits or
exemption by special examination, in accordance with specific departmental policies.
Transfer Students
The actual number
tions are entered on
grade points are not
Transfer credit will
C- was received.
of credits accepted in transfer from other instituthe student's record, but transferred credits and
included in the computation of the grade point
not be granted for courses in which a grade below
Class Attendance
Each student is responsible for regular class attendance and for completing work as required in each class. With respect to absences or makeup work, it is the student's responsibility to learn the policy of each instructor. The instructor's policy is usually stated in the course outline. At
the discretion of the instructor, a student may be withdrawn from a
course for an excessive number of absences or uncompleted assignments.
Independent Study
A maximum of six credits in Independent Study may be applied toward
the Associate in Arts Degree. The student must meet the criteria established by the department and have the approval of the chairperson of the
department in which he or she plans to do the study. Standards require a
3.0 average in the department in which the Independent Study is taken, a
limit of four credits per term in Independent Study, and a demonstration
of relevance to the student's academic objectives. Independent Study
applications are available in the Registrar's Office.
Bible and English Requirements
All students enrolled for eight credits or more are required to take at
least one Bible course each quarter that they attend classes at the College. A student who transfers from another college is not required to
complete the full 18 credits in Bible but is required to take one course
each quarter while enrolled at the College. All Bible core courses listed in
the Department of Biblical Studies will satisfy this requirement.
All degree seeking students are required to register for English until the
sequence, English 111 and 112-College Composition, and English 113lntroduction to Literature, has been completed. Placement in English as
a Second Language and English 100or110, or 111 will be determined by
specific English Placement tests administered to all new students during
student orientation in the fall, or at the time of their registration for
winter or for spring quarters.
Co-Curricular Activity Credits
A total of nine credits in co-curricular activities may be applied toward
an Associate in Arts Degree. Co-curricular activities include all music
ensembles, theatre practice, Christian service, additional physical education activity courses after the three required courses are completed, and
activity credits that a transfer student might bring to the College.
Orientation and Registration
All students must report to the College for Orientation Days as indicated in the calendar in this catalog.
The orientation period includes a series of placement and personality
tests which are used to provide a more effective placement and counseling service for students. Both new and returning students are required
to register on the days indicated in the calendar.
Registration is not completed until the student has made settlement
for the quarter charges at the Bookkeeping Office.
All students have at their disposal the advice and counsel of faculty
advisors. Before registering for any term, the student must consult with
his or her advisor concerning the schedule of study. The selection of the
proper courses is the individual student's responsibility.
Changes in Registration
Necessary changes to eliminate conflicts and to correct evident mistakes in registration may be permitted during the first ten days of classes
with the written approval of the academic advisor. A Change of Course
Permit for this purpose may be obtained in the Registrar's Office. After
the tenth day, no regularly scheduled classes may be added except by
special permission. A student may not withdraw from a course after final
examinations begin.
Repeating a Course
A student may repeat only courses in which a grade of Dor F has been
received. The intention to repeat a course must be certified at the time of
registration for the course. If a student repeats a course in which a Dor F
grade has been received, only the more recent grade and credit earned
will be included in the computation of the grade point average. Both
grades, however, will remain on the student's permanent record.
Withdrawals from the College
A student who wishes to withdraw from the College during any term
must make application for this action in the Office of the Registrar.
When the application has been signed and returned to the Office of the
Registrar, grades of W will be recorded for all courses. Partial refunds on
fees already paid will be based on the date that the application is returned to the Registrar. Failure to comply with this regulation may
deprive a student of refund privileges and result in an F grade in all
The responsibility rests with the student for seeing that his or her program includes all requirements for graduation
Applicants for admission should study the requirements for graduation
outlined in this section of the catalog and plan their college program as a
whole as early as possible A student who is in doubt about how certain
requirements are interpreted should consult with his or her academic
advisor, the Registrar, or the Academic Dean. When circumstances might
warrant a justifiable modification in a requirement, a petition (obtained
from the Registrar) should be submitted to the Committee on Academic
Associate in Arts Degree:
Liberal Arts and Transfer Program
This program is designed for students who intend to gain a general
knowledge of the arts and sciences and who intend to transfer to a fouryear college or university for completion of a Bachelor's Degree. A
student receiving this degree must be in residence three terms, one of
which must be the term in which the student graduates. The requirements
for this degree are:
1. Completion of the divisional requirements as outlined below. The
further requirements in a selected curriculum are recommended
and the student should attempt to fulfill them.
2. Completion of 92 credits with a minimum cumulative grade point
average of 2.00 (C average).
3. The approval of the faculty.
4. Fulfillment of all financial obligations to the College.
Biblical and Theological
Social Science
Mathematics and
Natural Sciences
Creative Arts
Physical Education
Bible Core
English 111, 112, 113
Business 200 or 210 or any Social
Science courses except History
102, Humanities 200, Personal
Orientation and Social Service
Any Mathematics or Natural
Science courses except Biology
130, Mathematics 100, 101
Any Creative Arts courses except
Applied Music, Ensembles,
Theatre 120
Any three different one credit
activity courses
Associate in Arts Degree:
Specialized Program
This program is designed for students who intend to seek employment
after two years of college or for those who intend to pursue an education
of a specialized nature. A student receiving this degree must be in
residence three terms, one of which must be the term in which the student graduates. The requirements for this degree are:
1. Completion of the divisional requirements as outlined below plus
the additional requirements of a selected curriculum.
2. Completion of 92 credits with a minimum cumulative grade point
average of 2.00 (C average).
3. The approval of the faculty.
4. Fulfillment of all financial obligations to the College.
Biblical and Theological
Social Science
Mathematics and
Natural Sciences
Creative Arts
Physical Education
Bible Core
English 111, 112, 113
Any Social Science courses
except History 102, Humanities
200, Personal Orientation and
Social Service courses
Any Mathematics or Natural
Science courses except Biology
130, Mathematics 100, 101
Any Creative Arts courses except
Applied Music, Ensembles,
Theatre 120
Any three different one credit
activity courses
The Junior College Certificate
This certificate will be awarded to those students who complete two
years of work on a curriculum but do not satisfy the requirements for an
Associate in Arts Degree. A student receiving this certificate must be in
residence three terms, one of which must be the term in which the student graduates. The requirements for the Junior College Certificate are:
1. Completion of a minimum of 88 credits including one Bible course
per term.
2. A minimum cumulative grade point average of 1.00.
3. The approval of the faculty.
4. Fulfillment of all financial obligations to the College.
Details of the curricula listed below are outlined on the pages which
follow. The student should select a curriculum and be familiar with its
requirements before registration. The College reserves the right to
change curriculum requirements when the necessity arises.
A. Curricula leading to the Associate in Arts Degree: Liberal Arts and
Transfer Program
1. Basic Liberal Arts
2. Liberal Arts with concentration in Basic Science
3. Liberal Arts with concentration in courses for Specific Professions
a. Agriculture
b. Biblical and Theological Studies
c. Business Administration
d. Classics
e. Computer Science
f. Corrective Therapy
g. Dentistry
h. Education-Elementary
i. Education-Secondary
j. Education-Special
k. Engineering
I. Forestry
m. Law
n. Medicine
o. Music (Pre-Bachelor of Arts)
p. Music (Pre-Bachelor of Music)
q. Nursing
r. Occupational Therapy
s. Pharmacy
t. Physical Education
u. Physical Therapy
v. Recreation Leadership
w. Social Work
B. Curricula leading to the Associate in Arts Degree: Specialized Program
1. Administrative Assistant
2. Administrative Assistant: Legal Office
3. Church Staff Work
4. Computer Training and Electronics Assistant
5. Law Enforcement
6. World Mission
A. Curricula Leading to The Associate in Arts Degree: Liberal Arts
and Transfer Program
Required Courses and Credits
Biblical Studies
Social Science
Mathematics and
Natural Sciences·
Creative Arts
Physical Education
Electives-minimum of
Bible Core
English 111, 112, 113
Business 200 or 210 or any Social Science
courses except History 102, Humanities
200, Personal Orientation and Social
Service courses
Any Mathematics except Mathematics 100,
101 or any Natural Science except
Biology 130
Any Creative Art courses except Applied
Music, Music Ensembles, Theatre 120
Any three different one credit activity
Speech 100or120, Computer Science 160,
Foreign Language recommended
Required Courses and Credits
Biblical Studies
Social Science
Mathematics and
Natural Sciences
Creative Arts
Physical Education
Electives-minimum of
Bible Core
English 111, 112, 113
Business 200 or 210 or any Social Science
courses except History 102, Humanities
200, Personal Orientation and Social
Service courses
Courses which will complete sequences in
Biology (except Biology 130) and/or
Chemistry and/or Physics and/or Mathematics (except Mathematics 100, 101)
Any Creative Art courses except Applied
Music, Music Ensembles, Theatre 120
Any three different one credit activity
A complete year of sophomore level
courses in Mathematics or Natural
Science recommended
3. LIBERAL ARTS CURRICULA FOR STUDENTS INTERESTED IN SPECIFIC PROFESSIONS The College has established specific preliminary training for students desiring
entrance into certain professions. Students interested in these professions should consult the appropriate college catalogs, discuss plans with their faculty advisor, and check
with the Registrar to insure proper course selection. Completion of one of the following
curricula leads to an Associate in Arts Degree and satisfies the basic requirements for
the first two years of the particular professional program.
a. Agriculture
The Basic Science
Curriculum and including:
b. Biblical and Theological Studies
The Basic Liberal Arts
Curriculum and including:
c. Business Administration
The Basic Liberal Arts
Curriculum and including:
d. Classics
The Basic Liberal Arts
Curriculum and including:
e. Computer Science
The Basic Liberal Arts
Curriculum and including:
f. Corrective Therapy
The Basic Science
Curriculum and including:
Biology 111, 112, 113, 121, 231, 242
Chemistry 101, 102, 103
Recommended courses-selections from:
Mathematics 102, 103
Business 200, 210
21-30 credits of Bible Core Courses
Theology 121, 122, 123
Recommended courses-selections from:
New Testament courses
Greek 101, 102, 103
Speech 100
Computer Science 160
Business 101, 102, 103, 120, 150, 200, 210
Business 100 if needed
Recommended courses-selections from:
Sociology 100
Psychology 202, 203
Business courses
Computer Science courses
English 221
History 111, 112
Anthropology 100
Greek 101, 102, 103, 300
Recommended courses- selections from:
German 101, 102, 103
Mathematics 102
Computer Science 160, 170, 210, 220
Recommended courses- selections from:
Business 200, 210
Mathematics 103, 110, 120
German 101, 102, 103
Speech 100 or 120
Psychology 202, 203
Biology 111, 112, 232, 233
Physical Education 120, 130, 200, 210
g. Dentistry
The Basic Science
Curriculum and including:
Biology 111, 112, 113, 231, 232, 233
Chemistry 101, 102, 103, 200
Recommended courses-selections from:
Mathematics 102 and 103 or 200
Psychology 202, 203, 210
Education Students planning to teach on the elementary or secondary level will need a
four-year program in the Liberal Arts or Sciences and the teacher education courses required for a certificate. The curricula outlined below fulfill requirements for a Minnesota certificate for the first two years Completion of any one of these curricula leads
to the Associate in Arts Degree
h. Education- Elementary
The Basic Liberal Arts
Curriculum and including:
i. Education- Secondary
The Basic Liberal Arts
Curriculum and including:
j. Education- Special
The Basic Liberal Arts
Curriculum and including:
k. Engineering
The Basic Science
Curriculum and including:
I. Forestry
The Basic Science
Curriculum and including:
m. Law
The Basic Liberal Arts
Curriculum and including:
Geography 100
History 201, 202, 203
Psychology 202, 203, 210
Biology 113
Physical Education 120, 130
Recommended courses-selections from:
Private lessons in piano and voice
Psychology 202, 203, 210
Sociology 110, 210, 212
Physical Education 120, 130
Recommended courses-selections from:
Special fields of interest
Psychology 202, 203, 210
Sociology 110, 210, 212
Physical Education 120, 130
Physics 102, 103
Mathematics 102, 103, and 200 or 201
Business 200, 210
Recommended courses-selections from:
Mathematics 202, 203
Chemistry 101, 102, 103
Biology 111, 112, 113, 121, 231, 242
Chemistry 101, 102, 103
Recommended courses-selections from:
Mathematics 102, 103
Business 200, 210
Speech 100or120
History 201, 202, 203
Political Science 100, 200
Psychology 202, 203
Sociology 110, 210, 212
Business 200, 210
n. Medicine
The Basic Science
Curriculum and including:
o. Music (Pre-Bachelor of Arts)
The Basic Liberal Arts
Curriculum and including:
p. Music (Pre-Bachelor of Music)
The Basic Liberal Arts
Curriculum and including:
Biology 111, 112, 231, 232, 233
Chemistry 101, 102, 103, 200
Recommended courses-selections from:
Psychology 202, 203, 210
Mathematics 102 and 103 or 200
Biology 243
Physics 102, 103
Music 111, 112, 113, 211, 212, 213
6 credits Applied Music
6 credits Music Ensembles
Recommended courses-selections from:
History 121, 122, 123
6-9 credits Social Science Courses
4 credits Mathematics or Natural Science
Music 111, 112, 113, 121, 122, 123, i31,
132, 133, 211, 212, 213
6 credits Applied Music
6 credits Music Ensembles
Recommended courses-selections from:
History 121, 122, 123
Biology 113
q. Nursing
The Basic Science
Curriculum and including:
r. Occupational Therapy
The Basic Science
Curriculum and including:
Psychology 202, 203, 210
Biology 111, 112, 231, 232, 233
Chemistry 101, 102, 103, 200
Recommended courses-selections from:
Sociology 100, 110, 120
Biology 243
Physics 102
Physical Education 120, 130
Psychology 202, 203, 210
Biology 111, 112, 231, 232, 233
Chemistry 101, 102, 103
Physical Education 120, 130
Recommended courses- selections from:
Sociology 100, 110, 120
Biology 243
s. Pharmacy
The Basic Science
Curriculum and including:
Biology 111, 112, 231, 232, 233
Chemistry 101, 102, 103, 200
Recommended courses-selections from:
Psychology 202, 203, 210
Biology 243
Mathematics 102 and 103 or 200
t. Physical Education
The curriculum outlined below will promote the necessary prerequisites leading to
the Minnesota teaching certificate.
The Basic Liberal Arts
Curriculum and including:
u. Physical Therapy
The Basic Science
Curriculum and including:
v. Recreation Leadership
The Basic Liberal Arts
Curriculum and including:
w. Social Work
The Basic Liberal Arts
Curriculum and including:
Biology 111, 112, 232, 233
Physical Education 110, 120, 130, 200, 210
Recommended courses-selections from:
History 121, 122, 123, 201, 202, 203
Sociology 100, 110, 210
Psychology 202-203
Psychology 202, 203, 210
Biology 111, 112, 231, 232, 233
Chemistry 101, 102, 103
Physical Education 120, 130
Recommended courses-selections from:
Sociology 100, 110, 120
Biology 243
Physics 102, 103
Speech 100 or 130
Physical Education 110, 120, 200, 210
Recreation Leadership 110, 120, 210, 220,
Recommended courses-selections from:
Sociology 100, 110, 212
Psychology 202, 203
Sociology 100
Psychology 202, 203
Biology 111, 112
Recommended courses-selections from:
Anthropology 100
Political Science 100
Sociology 100, 210, 212
Social Service Internship
Biology 232, 233
Mathematics 110
Business 200
Secretarial Science 220
B. Curricula Leading to The Associate in Arts Degree: Specialized
1. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Occupational objectives of the curriculum are in
the fields of executive secretary, word processing supervisor, administrative assistant,
office manager, private secretary, technical secretary.
The Specialized Program
Curriculum and including:
Office Information Systems 102, 103, 130,
140, 150, 200, 210, 230, 240, 250
Office Information Systems 101 if needed
Business 100, 140, 150
The Specialized Program
Curriculum and including:
Office Information Systems 103, 130, 140
150, 200, 210, 221, 222, 230, 240, 250
Business 100, 150
3. CHURCH STAFF WORK The responsibilities that may be assigned to a church staff
worker often fall into the following general categories: parish education, youth work,
visitation, and parish secretary.
The Specialized Program
Curriculum and including:
Theology 121, 122, 123
Church History 200
Speech 150
Psychology 120, Sociology 120
Office Information Systems 102
Applied Christianity 122, 123, 130, 201,
202, 203, 211, 221, 223, 230
Biology 113
Sociology and Psychology courses
programs are available between Golden Valley Lutheran College and Control Data
Institute for training as computer technicians and programmers, and between GVLC
and Northwestern Electronics Institute for training in the field of electronics technician.
Students spend at least one academic year at the College and complete a specified
course with Control Data or Northwestern Electronics: A maximum of 45 credits from
these institutions will be accepted toward the Associate in Arts Degree.
The Specialized Program
Curriculum and including:
10-15 credits Mathematics and Natural
Science (selections from Mathematics
102, 103, Physics 102, 103)
Recommended courses-selections from:
History 123
Sociology 100, 110, 120
The Specialized Program
Curriculum and including:
Speech 100 or 120
12 credits Social Science courses
Physical Education 150
Law Enforcement 100, 110, 120, 130, 150,
160, 170, 180
Recommended courses-selections from:
Political Science 100
Psychology 120
Sociology 100, 110, 120, 210, 212
Biology 113
The Specialized Program
Curriculum and including:
Theology 121, 122, 123
Speech 100 or 120
12 credits Social Science courses
8 credits Mathematics or Natural Science
Christian Service 110
9 credits Applied Christianity courses
Mission 100, 110, 120
Biology 113 recommended
The descriptions of courses are arranged according to divisions. The
course numbering system is as follows: The first digit of the course
number indicates (1) freshman course, (2) sophomore course, or (3)
special course for advanced students. The second digit indicates the
standing of the course within the Department. The third digit indicates
the term in which the course is offered - (1) fall quarter, (2) winter
quarter, (3) spring quarter, and (O) flexible scheduling.
The College reserves the right to cancel classes with inadequate enrollment or to change course offerings when the necessity arises.
A sequence of Biblical courses has been established to provide maximum
coverage of Biblical concepts by students taking the minimum Bible requirement.
The Bible Core courses are:
N.T. 101, 103, 110, 120, 13~ 140, 202, 203
O.T. 102, 201
Greek 101, 102, 103
History 102
English 230
A student may substitute Greek 101, 102, 103 for 9 credits of required Bible
Core courses.
0.T. 102 Covenant History of the Old Testament
3 credits
The covenant purposes and acts of God as they appear in the historical record of
God's people in the Old Testament, with some reference to the continuation and
fulfillment of the covenant promise in the New Testament, especially the Gospel
of John. Student may not receive credit for both O.T. 102 and History 102.
O.T. 201 Isaiah-Jeremiah
3 credits
An historical survey of the last two centuries of the Kingdom of Judah and a study
of the prophecies of Isaiah and Jeremiah. Special attention is given to the new
covenant and the suffering servant passages.
N.T. 101 Historical Foundations of the Christian Faith
3 credits
A study of the origins of Christianity with particular reference to the primary
sources, The Gospel of Luke and The Book of Acts. Particular reference is made to
the life and teachings of Christ.
N.T. 103 Historical Development of First Century Christianity
3 credits
A study of the structure and historical setting of the early Christian Church with
particular reference to Paul's Epistles to the Galatians, Corinthians and the Prison
N.T. 110 The Gospel According to Matthew
3 credits
A brief survey of the Jewish, Greek and Roman backgrounds, a short introduction
to the Gospels, and an intensive study of the life and work of Christ in the light of
Old Testament prophecy. Offered alternate years.
N.T.120 Epistle to the Hebrews
3 credits
A study of the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy in Jesus Christ and His
supremacy and finality. The student is involved with the inductive method of
studying the Bible. Offered alternate years.
N.T. 130 General Epistles
3 credits
An inductive study of the Epistles of James, Peter, John and Jude with special
attention paid to their unique features as compared to other New Testament
epistles. Offered alternate years.
3 credits
N.T. 140 The Gospel of John
An inductive study concentrating upon the Person and work of Jesus Christ as
seen uniquely in the theology of John.
N.T. 202 Romans
3 credits
An intensive study of the Epistle to the Romans, considering its background, doctrinal content and inspirational message, and emphasizing the doctrine of justification by faith with its implications for the Christian life.
N.T. 203 Apocalyptic Literature
3 credits
A survey of the struggle of the Church against Rome, 70-100 A.D. and the central
Christology of the Book of Revelation with student interpretation and evaluation
of study results.
Bible 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Study of special Biblical problems or areas suited to students' needs and interests.
Courses in this department cannot be substituted for the Bible core courses.
Theology 121 God's Way of Salvation
2 credits
A study of justification, sanctification and the Christian hope of eternal I ife as set
forth by the Scriptures. The course utilizes the inductive method.
Theology 122 The God of Redemption
2 credits
A study of the Scriptures and other sources utilizing the inductive technique and
with concentration on the attributes of God, the incarnation, the Person and
redemptive work of Christ, the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit, and the
relevance of faith in the Triune God in relation to the great fact of redemption.
Theology 123 The Church and the Means of Grace
2 credits
A study of Scripture and collateral readings using the inductive technique with
respect to the means of grace and the role of the Church as custodian thereof.
Theology 300 Independent Study
1 to 2 elective credits per term
Study of special theological problems or areas suited to students' needs and interests. Department approval necessary.
Church History 200 Religion in Modern America
3 credits
Survey of the role and importance of religion in the United States with emphasis
upon changing conditions and practices among the various religious groups and
upon the Lutheran heritage. Especially for the Church Staff Work Curriculum.
Church History 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Special problems and areas of study in Church History. Department approval
Placement in ESL, English 100 or 110, or 111 is determined by specific English
Placement tests administered to all new students during student orientation in the
fall, or at the time of their registration for winter or for spring quarters.
English ESL English as a Second Language
2 elective credits per term
ESL is a course in English for international students. Emphasis is placed on the
spoken English and on students' development of their communication skills. By
repeating pronunciation drills, memorizing dialogues, reviewing basic grammar
and practicing American idioms and sentence patterns, students increase their
fluency in English. Students in ESL must be enrolled concurrently in an English
composition course. ESL requires three scheduled hours per week and normally is
required of all international students each quarter they are in attendance.
English 100 Basic Composition I
1 credit for Junior College Certificate only
Designed for the student needing individualized instruction in basic sentence and
paragraph construction. Successful completion of the course (passing grade) is
necessary before the student can enter English 110 and then the required English
sequence (English 111, 112, 113). This course meets three hours each week.
English 110 Basic Composition II
3 elective credits
For students entering college who need intensive work in mastering basic
academic skills in English Composition. Successful completion of this course
(passing grade) is necessary before these students can enter the required sequence
of English courses (English 111, 112, 113). Students are granted elective credit
toward the AA Degree, but since this course may not transfer to four-year colleges, students are advised to take more than the normal 92 credits. Students in
this course are required to attend four hours of class and/or additional sessions
each week.
English 111, 112, 113 (A, B, C, D, E or F) College Composition and
Introduction to Literature
3 credits per course
The regular series of courses in freshman College Composition English 111 and
112 place emphasis on the students' development and competence in English
writing skills and their ability to understand and respond to selected readings. English 113 offers study of specific genre, themes and/or topics in literature. Course
titles may vary and may include studies in the Immigrant Experiences, Satire,
Social Concerns in Literature, Poetry, the Contemporary Short Novel and the
Experience of Fiction. Nine credits of College English are required of all students.
Normally, College English courses must be taken in sequence.
1 elective credit per term
(maximum of 3 credits)
Students are involved in the production of a major publication, including exercise
in layout and design, copywriting, photography, and editing.
English 120 Directed Study in Journalism
English 130 Creative Writing
3 credits
Students are given the opportunity to write poetry, short stories, essays and other
literary forms. Topics such as literary criticism and marketing are discussed.
Students read and evaluate each other's work.
English 210 Topics in Literature
3 credits
Study of specific genre, themes and/or topics in literature. Course titles may vary
and may include studies in the Immigrant Experiences, Satire, Social Concerns in
Literature, Poetry, the Contemporary Short Novel and the Experience of Fiction.
English 211, 212, 213 American Literature
3 credits per course
211: The f'Jevv Garden of Eden: The 17th & 18th Centuries
212: The Snake in the Garden: The 19th Century
213: The Garden Becomes a Wasteland: The 20th Century
English 221, 222, 223 World Literature
3 credits per course
Chronological survey of major writers, works, genres, themes and movements in
world thought and literature from ancient to modern times. Fall Term: Ancient
East, Greece, Rome and the Middle Ages. Winter Term: Renaissance, NeoClassical and Romantic Literature. Spring Term: The Modern Age (1850 to the
English 230 Literature of the Bible
3 credits
Students do extensive reading of the narratives, poems, and apocalyptic writings
primarily from the Old Testament. Emphasis is placed on reading the selections as
pieces of literature.
English 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Special study programs to fit student needs and interest. May be taken any term.
Department approval necessary.
Speech 100 Fundamentals of Public Speaking
3 credits
A study of the basic concepts used in organizing and delivering speeches. Emphasis on preparing and giving informative speeches.
Speech 120 Interpersonal Communication
3 credits
Study of the concepts of interpersonal communication patterns and the characteristics of ineffective and effective communication behavior.
Speech 130 Oral Interpretation
3 credits
Theory and practice of the techniques of selecting and performing literature
orally. Students will study methods of analyzing literature, and will develop techniques for reading prose, poetry and other literary selections. Offered alternate
Speech 150 Small Group Communications
3 credits
Participation in and analysis of behavioral and work norms in small groups.
Includes a study of leadership. roles, conflict resolution patterns, informal counseling, and the decision-making process.
Speech 210 Public Speaking
3 credits
A study of theories and ethics of persuasion. Practice in the art of speaking to persuade or actuate. Prerequisite: Speech 100 or instructor's approval.
Speech 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Research or other creative projects within a speech communication discipline.
Department approval necessary.
German 101, 102, 103 Elementary German
4 credits per course
Fundamentals of grammar, vocabulary, pronounciation, writing, reading and
speaking; reading of some simple German prose and poetry. Prerequisite: completion of or concurrent registration in English 111.
3 credits per course
German 201, 202, 203 Intermediate German
Review of Elementary German and further study of literary selections; emphasis is
on speaking, reading and writing German during the winter and spring terms. Prerequisite: German 101, 102, 103 or two years of high school German or instructor's
2 credits per term
(maximum 6 credits)
Students become familiar with selected works of German literature, and increase
their reading speed and comprehension of German. Department approval necessary.
German 210 Directed Readings in German
1 to 3 elective credits per term
German 300 Independent Study
Special study programs to fit students' needs and interests. May be taken any
term. Department approval necessary.
5 credits per course
Greek 101, 102, 103 Elementary Greek
Theoretical and practical study of elementary Greek grammar; readings and
parsing of selections from the Book of Acts and other selections. Instructor's
approval necessary for first year students.
Greek 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Special study programs to fit students' needs and interests. Department approval
Additional Languages-Arrangements can be made for the study of other languages, such as Spanish, French, and Russian if students can provide their own
transportation. Interested students should contact the Academic Dean.
History 102 History of Ancient Israel
3 credits
Survey of the history of Ancient Israel and the development of the religious insight of the Hebrew people. Attention also is given to the importance of Mesopotamia and Egyptian contributions to the literature of the Bible. Student may not
receive credit for both O.T. 102 and History 102.
3 credits
History 111 History of Ancient Greece
Survey of Greek history and culture from the Minoan period through Hellenistic
3 credits
History 112 History of Ancient Rome
Survey of Roman history and culture from prehistoric times through the late
Roman Empire.
3 credits
History 113 History of Medieval Europe
Survey of European civilization from the transformation of the Roman Empire
through the fifteenth century.
History 121, 122, 123 History of Western Civilization
3 credits per course
Survey of the development and accomplishments of Western Civilization with
emphasis on institutional, intellectual and spiritual aspects. Fall term: Late Medieval, Renaissance and Reformation. Winter term: Early Modern Europe. Spring
term: Modern Europe in a World Setting.
3 credits per course
History 201, 202, 203 History of the United States
Survey of the history of the American people with primary emphasis on their
social, intellectual, political, and economic growth. Fall: Pre-Colonial through
Early National Period; Winter: War of 1812 through Reconstruction; Spring: 1877
to the present.
3 credits
History 230 Topics in History
Topics in history of special interest to students and instructors, such as the history
of women, ethnic histories, period histories, movement studies or institutional histories. Prerequisite: Relevant survey course or consent of instructor.
History 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Special historical periods and problems; research into particular areas of student
interest. May be taken any term. Department approval necessary.
Political Science 100 American Government and Politics
3 credits
Study of the principles and structure of Federal Government in the United States
and of political issues of the current scene.
Political Science 200 Modern Political Thought
3 credits
Comparative study of Communism, Fascism and Modern Capitalism in the light of
the contemporary Christian thought.
Political Science 210 Topics in Political Science
3 credits
Topics in political science of special interest to students and instructors, such as
comparative political thought, practical politics, foundations of democratic
thought or study of political institutions. Prerequisite: Relevant survey course or
instructor's approval.
Political Science 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Research into special areas of student interest. May be taken any term. Department approval necessary.
Geography 100 Human Geography
3 credits
Survey of the basic tools and concepts of geography and the distribution patterns
of physical and human environment, plus emphasis on selected areas.
Geography 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Special interests and area studies. May be taken any term. Department approval
Philosophy 101 Introduction to Philosophy
3 credits
Introduction to the functions and problems of philosophy with more detailed consideration of the problems of knowledge, existence, freedom, good and evil.
Philosophy 103 logic
3 credits
A study of the principles of correct reasoning with emphasis on the recognition
and assessment of arguments. Equal consideration is given to informal and formal
Philosophy 130 Biological Ethics
3 credits
Theological and philosophical approach to the ethical concerns arising in biology
and technology of the late 20th century. Same as Biology 130.
Philosophy 200 Topics in Philosophy
3 credits
Philosophical problems and topics of special interest to particular students.
Philosophy 201, 202, 203 History of Western Philosophy
3 credits per course
Survey of the important men and movements in the development of philosophical
thought from the Creeks to the present. Fall term: Ancient philosophy. Winter
term: Medieval philosophy. Spring term: Modern philosophy. Offered alternate
Philosophy 211 Philosophy of Basic Religions and Islam
3 credits
A study of the philosophical systems, theology and practice of African and other
traditional religions, and the philosophy, culture and history of Islam. Course includes guest speakers and field trips.
Philosophy 212 Philosophy of Judaism
3 credits
A study of the philosophical system, theology, culture, practice and history of
Judaism. Course includes guest speakers and field trips to synagogues.
Philosophy 213 Philosophy of Eastern Religions
3 credits
A study of the philosophical systems, theology, practice and culture of Eastern
religions (Hinduism, Taoism, Confucianism, Shinto) with special emphasis on
Buddhism. Course includes guest speakers and field trips.
Philosophy 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Study of special philosophical problems or areas appropriate to the students'
needs and interests. Department approval necessary.
Humanities 200 Travel and Study
1 to 3 elective credits
Cultural enrichment through travel. Tours guided or arranged by faculty members.
Substantial papers and reports required. Normally this course counts as elective
credit. Credits may be used to fulfill divisional requirements upon divisonal
Psychology 120 Psychoiogy of Adjustment
3 credits
Development of a knowledge of psychology that will be useful in attaining more
effective personal living and relationships with other people.
Psychology 202, 203 General Psychology
3 credits per course
Study of the more significant facts and principles in the field of human behavior;
provides a basic introduction to several areas of specialization in psychology. Prerequisite for Psychology 203: Psychology 202.
Psychology 210 Child Development
3 credits
Study of human growth and development from conception through preadolescence. Review of research and theories. Prerequisite: Two or more terms of
college work completed or instructor's approval.
Psychology 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Designed for students who wish to investigate special interests. May be taken any
term. Department approval necessary.
Personal Orientation 100 Individual Work in College Study Skills
one credit per term for Junior College Certificate only.
Arranged on an individual basis for students desiring to work on a single aspect of
study skills, mathematics, reading, spelling or vocabulary development. Laboratory sessions in the skills center.
Personal Orientation 110 Efficient Reading
1 elective credit
Arranged on an individual basis to enable students to develop ski I Is in vocabulary,
reading comprehension, and reading rate for success in college and later life.
Laboratory sessions in the skills center.
Personal Orientation 120 College Vocabulary Development
2 elective credits
Designed to introduce students to basic principles of vocabulary development.
Aimed at general vocabulary as well as the specific vocabularies of various
academic disciplines.
Personal Orientation 130 How to Study in College
1 elective credit
Practice of methods of study developed from information based on research and
student experience. Concerned with efficient and effective methods of concentration, use of time, taking lecture notes, textbook reading, organizing material, preparing for and taking examinations.
Personal Orientation 160 Fundamentals of Spelling
1 elective credit
Designed to provide the student with a systematic approach to spelling; the
course will utilize a self-paced, audio-tutorial format.
Personal Orientation 170 The Research Paper
1 or 2 elective credits
Designed to provide the student with the skills necessary to create a research
paper; the course will utilize the self-paced, audio-tutorial format. The end result
of the course will be the production of a research paper for another class. Prerequisite: English 111 or instructor's permission. Laboratory sessions in the skills
Personal Orientation 200 Career and Life Planning
2 elective credits
Designed to teach skills for making career decisions appropriate to the student's
values, needs, aptitudes, skills or talents, interests and goals. Laboratory sessions
in the I ibrary.
Sociology 100 Introduction to Sociology
3 credits
Study of the structures and functions of society and culture as seen through sociological perspectives; focus is on selected problems, social organizations and
socialization in the context of change.
3 credits
Sociology 110 Social Problems
Survey of contemporary social problems with development of the students' understanding of the processes involved in historical, social and cultural change.
3 credits
Sociology 120 Marriage and Family
Study of the life cycle, mate selection, marital adjustment and parent-child relationships; to provide practical help for those interested in preparing for marriage
from a Christian point of view.
Sociology 130 Urban Field Experience
1 elective credit per course
(maximum 3 credits)
Combines theoretical and practical knowledge and experience designed to orient
students to the urban setting. Different offerings of the course will focus on different topics. Hours arranged for lectures and laboratory periods.
Sociology 210 The Urban Center
3 credits
Introduction to the problems of modern cities, urban ecology, urban institutions
and the urban way of life. Prerequisite: Sociology 100 or instructor's approval.
Offered alternate years.
Sociology 212 Minority Group Relations
3 credits
Study of minority groups, especially Native and Black Americans, and the problems of the contemporary scene. Prerequisite: Sociology 100 or instructor's
approval. Offered alternate years.
Sociology 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Special sociological problems and areas of study to fit the students' interests. May
be taken any term. Department approval necessary.
Social Service 101, 102, 103, 104, 201, 202, 203, 204 Internship
1-3 credits per term
Practical experience and observation in working with social service agencies;
orientation and help in choosing vocational goals in different areas of social service. For students entering Social Work.
Anthropology 100 Introduction to Physical Anthropology
3 credits
and Archaeology
Survey of the field of physical anthropology and the archaeological methods used
in the study of prehistory. Offered alternate years.
Anthropology 110 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
3 credits
Survey of the field of cultural anthropology with the study of the varieties of the
human race, their origins, cultural characteristics, and spiritual orientation.
Offered alternate years.
Anthropology 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Special anthropological problems and areas of study to fit the students' interests.
Department approval necessary.
Mathematics 100 Basic Algebra
1 credit for
Junior College Certificate only
Review of arithmetic of whole numbers, fractions and signed numbers, fundamental operations of algebra, factoring, linear equations and rational expressions.
Three class periods per week.
Mathematics 101 Intermediate Algebra
3 elective credits
Introduction to basic mathematical concepts, sets, the number system, factoring,
fractions, inequalities, linear, and quadratic equations. Students are required to
attend three hours of class and an additional fourth hour each week in the skills
center. Prerequisite: one year of high school algebra.
Mathematics 102 College Algebra
5 credits
Algebraic operations with real numbers, linear and quadratic functions, polynomials, combinations, binomial theorem, probability, mathematical induction,
analytic geometry, matrices and determinants. Prerequisite: Mathematics 101 or
instructor's approval.
Mathematics 103 Pre-Calculus
4 credits
Functions and inverse functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometric functions and trigonometric identities, solution of triangles, complex
numbers, polar coordinates and analytic geometry. Prerequisite: Mathematics 102
or instructor's approval.
Mathematics 110 Introductory Statistics
4 credits
Study of basic statistical concepts: probability, sampling, normal distribution,
statistical estimation, and hypothesis testing. Problems are applied in the fields of
business, social and physical sciences. Prerequisite: Mathematics 101 or instructor's approval.
Mathematics 120 Finite Mathematics
5 credits
Computing with BASIC computer language. Principles of counting and probability, business mathematics, matrices and inverse matrices, Markov chains, linear
programming including simplex method. Prerequisite: Mathematics 101 or instructor's approval.
Mathematics 200 Elements of Calculus
5 credits
A short course with applications in biology, business and social sciences. Short
review of algebra. Continuity and the limit of a function. Derivative and its interpretation, maximum and minimum problems, antiderivative, the definite integral,
exponential and logarithmic functions, functions of several variables. Prerequisite: Mathematics 102 or instructor's approval.
Mathematics 201 Calculus I
5 credits
Short review of algebra, introduction to plane analytic geometry. The derivatives
of functions and their applications. The integration of simpler functions and the
applications. Prerequisite: Mathematics 103 or instructor's approval.
Mathematics 202 Calculus II
5 credits
Differentiation and integration of trigonometric and logarithmic functions. Techniques of integration: by parts, by change, of variable, by approximation methods,
etc. Parametric equations and polar coordinates. Applications to geometrical and
physical problems. Prerequisite: Mathematics 201 or instructor's approval.
Mathematics 203 Calculus Ill
5 credits
Vector treatment of three-dimensional analytic geometry, functions of two or
more variables, multiple integrals, indeterminate forms, infinite series, and differential equations. Applications. Prerequisite: Mathematics 202 or instructor's
Mathematics 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Special projects and problems for advanced students. Department approval
Physics 100 Environmental Physics
4 credits
Survey of physics as related to the environment and everyday experiences of the
physical world. The concepts in mechanics, heat, sound, light and atomic physics
are developed non-mathematically. One double laboratory per week is devoted to
student projects or to experiments in the laboratory. Primarily for non-science
majors. No prerequisite.
Physics 102 General Physics I
5 credits
Study of physical principles in mechanics, fluids, wave motion, and heat, with
applications to practical situations. Demonstration lectures and problem sessions.
One double laboratory period per week. Primarily for students in science or in
various technical areas. Prerequisite: Mathematics 101 or instructor's approval.
Physics 103 General Physics II
5 credits
The fundamental physical concepts in electricity, magnetism, optics, and nuclear
physics will be studied using practical applications. Demonstration lectures and
problem sessions. One double laboratory period per week. Primarily for students
in science or in technical areas. Prerequisite: Physics 102 or instructor's approval.
Physics 120 Field Experience in Physics
1 credit per course (maximum 4 credits)
Hours arranged for lecture and laboratory periods.
Physics 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Special projects and problems for advanced students. Department approval
Biology 111 Life Studies 1
4 credits
Introduction to biology- I ife versus non-life, cellular design and process,
organism types (unity amidst complexity), energy sources, yields, and efficiencies
in life systems. One lecture period, two discussions and one two-hour research
laboratory weekly.
Biology 112 Life Studies II
4 credits
The individual life pattern: cell regulation and division, sex cell formation and
fertilization, genetics and embryology. Survey of the plant and animal kingdoms.
One lecture period, two discussions and one two-hour research laboratory weekly.
Prerequisite: Biology 111 or instructor's approval.
Biology 113 Environmental Biology
4 credits
Traces exploration - conservation -ecology-consciousness through perspectives of behavior, populations, ecosystems and biosphere understanding and
application. One lecture period, two discussions and one two-hour research
laboratory weekly.
Biology 114 Field Ecology
4 credits
An ecosystem approach to the local flora and fauna of selected geographic areas.
Hours arranged for lecture and laboratory periods.
Biology 120 Field Experience in Biology
1 credit per course (maximum 4 credits)
Combines theoretical and practical knowledge and experience designed to provide career guidance and development to better direct educational and occupational planning. Hours arranged for lecture and laboratory periods.
Biology 121 Plant Studies
4 credits
The study of plant cells and tissues with a survey of the major phyla of the nonvascular plants and their adaptations to the environment. Some field studies and
taxonomy of the local trees and fall flowers. Two lectures and two double laboratory periods per week.
Biology 130 Biological Ethics
3 elective credits
Theological and philosophical approach to the ethical concerns arising in biology
and technology of the late 20th century. No laboratory hours. Same as Philosophy
Biology 213 Introduction to Botany
4 credits
The study of major phyla to vascular plants and plant growth, regulations, reproduction and photosynthesis. This course will give experience in the greenhouse
environment. Two lectures and two double laboratory periods per week. Prerequisite: Biology 111 and 112 or instructor's approval.
Biology 223 Introduction to Ecology
4 credits
The study of the structure and function of an ecosystem with field studies of at
least two major ecosystems. Two lectures and two double laboratory periods per
week. Prerequisite: Biology 111 and 112 or instructor's approval.
Biology 231 Microbiology
4 credits
Fundamentals of microbial life. Laboratory techniques include the preparation of
media, culturing of microorganisms and analysis of results. Two lectures and two
double laboratory periods per week. Prerequisite: Biology 111 and 112 or instructor's approval.
Biology 232 Anatomy
4 credits
Gross and microscopic structure of the human body from a functional standpoint
utilizing charts, models, skeletons and manikins. Cat dissection to demonstrate
mammalian anatomy. Two lectures and two double laboratory periods per week.
Prerequisite: Biology 111 and 112 or instructor's approval.
Biology 233 Physiology
4 credits
Organ systems of the human body. Laboratory exercises include blood typing,
recording of the heartbeat, respiration, muscle contraction, experiments on digestion, urinalysis, coordinated with a brief study of the anatomy of each system.
Two lectures and two double laboratory periods per week. Prerequisite: Biology
232 or instructor's approval.
Biology 242 Animal Studies
4 credits
A study of the diversity and hetertrophic way of life of animals common to this
area. Two lectures and two double laboratory periods per week. Prerequisite:
Biology 111 and 112 or instructor's approval.
Biology 243 Genetics
4 credits
An introductory course in the principles of heredity will begin with Mendelian
genetics, and then progress to cell division and reproduction, molecular structure,
DNA, protein synthesis, gene expression, mutagenesis, and conclude with popula-
tion genetics, genetic engineering, and variabilities. Emphasis will be on human inheritance. Three lectures and one double laboratory period per week. Prerequisite: Biology 111 and 112 or instructor's approval.
Biology 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Special projects for advanced students. Department approval necessary.
Chemistry 100 Environmental Chemistry
4 credits
Study of the environment and the role chemistry plays in life. Topics of current interest such as storage of atomic wastes, food additives, air pollution, solid wastes
and the development of the environment are discussed, along with the chemical
principles required for a more thorough understanding of them. Three lectures
and one double laboratory period per week. Primarily for non-science majors. No
Chemistry 101, 102, 103 General Chemistry
4 credits per course
Chemistry 101 is introductory, including measurement, metric system, names and
symbols of the elements, naming chemical compounds, reactions, stio-chiometry,
the Periodic Table, and properties of the elements. Chemistry 102 topics include
atomic structure, electron configurations, molecular and ionic bonding, states of
matter, gas laws, properties of solutions, acids and bases. Topics in Chemistry 103
include redox-reactions, themochemistry, thermodynamics, equilibria and electrochemistry. Chemistry 101, 102, 103 must be taken in sequence. Three lectures and
one double laboratory period per week. One year of high school algebra or
chemistry is recommended for Chemistry 101.
Chemistry 200 Introduction to Organic Chemistry
4 credits
This course is for students interested in health-science fields, biology, or medicine.
Course content will include the structure, nomenclature, and reactivity patterns
of organic molecules with special emphasis on compounds of biological importance. Three lectures and one double laboratory per week. Prerequisite: Chemistry
103 or concurrent registration in Chemistry 103 or instructor's approval.
Chemistry 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Special projects for advanced students. Department approval necessary.
Computer Science 160 Introduction to Computer Science
3 credits
An introduction to computers, the role of computers, current uses in business and
education, and functions in terms of hardware and software.
Computer Science 170 Introduction to Programming-Basic
3 credits
Fundamentals of programming with emphasis on the logical processes necessary
for the use of computers. Students work with computers, programs and the construction of algorithms. Basic language. Laboratory sessions. Prerequisite: Math
102 or concurrent registration in Math 102 or instructor's approval.
Computer Science 210 Structured Programming Techniques-Pascal
3 credits
Structured programming, file management, variable types, and algorithm realizations. Laboratory sessions. Prerequisite: Computer Science 160 or 170 or instructor's approval.
Computer Science 220 Advanced Programming
3 credits
Topics include data base management, real time systems, engineering and business applications. Pascal and Fortran. Laboratory sessions. Prerequisite: Computer
Science 210 or instructor's approval.
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Physical Education 101, 102, 103 (Activity Courses)
101 E Bowling
102R Badminton
1011 Conditioning
102B Basketball
101) Cross Country
102E Bowling
101A Football
1021 Conditioning
101S Soccer
102Q Cross Country Skiing
101 D Swimming
102V Volleyball
101T Tennis
101V Volleyball
1 credit per course
103L Basebal I
103E Bowling
1031 Conditioning
103X Softball
1030 Swimming
103T Tennis
103U Track
Physical Education 110 Introduction to Physical Education
3 credits
Study of physical education and athletics in the schools, and the philosophy and
basic principles of physical education and recreation leadership.
Physical Education 120 Health and First Aid
3 credits
Study of modern concepts and practices of health applied to the individual and
community. Also includes the American Red Cross First Aid Course.
Physical Education 130 Drugs and Chemical Dependency
2 credits
Study of the personal use and misuse of dependency on tobacco, alcohol, drugs
and other chemicals. Identification of users and information regarding the
resources and help available to people. Designed to meet certification requirements.
Physical Education 150 Advanced First Aid
3 credits
Offered for Law Enforcement students as a part of the curriculum required by the
Minnesota Board of Peace Officers Standards and Training. Includes the practices
and procedures for advanced first aid, CPR, and rescue methods and techniques.
Class meets 40-50 hours per term.
Physical Education 160 Football Officiating
1 elective credit
Philosophy, principles and problems of officiating at football games. Interpretations of game rules and officiating procedures. One lecture period per week. Additional hours arranged by the instructor.
Physical Education 170 Basketball Officiating
1 elective credit
Philosophy, principles and problems of officiating at basketball games. Interpretations of game rules and officiating procedures. One lecture period per week. Additional hours arranged by the instructor.
Physical Education 180 Baseball and Softball Officiating
1 elective credit
Philosophy, principles and problems of officiating at baseball and softball games.
Interpretations of game rules and officiating procedures. One lecture period per
week. Additional hours arranged by the instructor.
3 credits
Physical Education 200 Individual and Dual Sports
Study of theory and practice i_n teaching and officiating individual and dual
Physical Education 210 Team Sports
Study of theory and practice in teaching and officiating team sports.
3 credits
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Physical Education 300 Independent Study
Special projects for advanced students. Department approval necessary.
Recreation Leadership 110 Introduction to Recreation and Park Leadership
3 credits
Examination of the history and development of park and recreation movement;
professional and service organizations; orientation to the professional field.
Recreation Leadership 120 Introduction to Recreation Programming
3 credits
Introduction to the directing and leading of recreation work and the writing of
recreation programs (YMCA, YWCA, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, churches, community centers, etc.).
Recreation Leadership 210 Camp Craft
3 credits
Basic skills and practical experience in various phases of camping and outdoor
Recreation Leadership 220 Leadership in Social Activities
Techniques of leadership in social games, parties and outings.
3 credits
Recreation Leadership 230 Internship
1 to 3 elective credits per course
Practical experience under the direction of full-time workers in the fields of parks,
recreation management and YMCA-YWCA.
Art 100 Introduction to Visual Arts
3 credits
Introduction to visual art through the study of aesthetics, philosophy, techniques
and history of art. Includes attending art exhibits and other cultural events and
researching personal ideas as they relate to the world of art.
Art 101, 102, 103 Art History of the Western World
3 credits per course
Survey of painting, sculpture and architecture as they relate to history and culture
in the Western world. Fall Term: Pre-history to Early Christian. Winter Term:
Middle Ages to Baroque. Spring Term: Nineteenth Century to Present. Offered
alternate years.
Art 110 Two Dimensional Design
3 credits
A basic study of the principles of design together with the discovery of design
sources in nature.
Art 121 Basic Drawing
3 credits
Exploration and use of various drawing materials and methods. Emp has is on the
development of visual perception and personal aesthetics.
Art 122 Drawing
3 credits
An extension of Art 121 with more extensive experiences in the manipulation of
visual elements and pictorial structure. Prerequisite: Art 121 or instructor's
Art 123 Drawing
3 credits
Continuation of Art 121 and 122. Students learn to see design and form relationships and experiment with a variety of drawing media. Subject matter includes
still life and the figure. Prerequisite Art 122 or instructor's approval.
Art 130 Printmaking
3 credits
An exploration and study of wood and other materials for making prints in monochrome and color.
Art 140 Watercolor
3 credits
An introduction to the watercolor medium with emphasis on compositional and
technical problems. Subject matter includes still life and landscape.
Art 202, 203 Painting
3 credits per course
Basic experiences in the use of oil and acrylic to acquaint the student with the
mediums and to encourage the development of personal imagery and technique.
Prerequisite: Art 121 or instructor's approval.
Art 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Special study for advanced students based upon the proposal of the student in
consultation with the instructor. Department approval required.
Music 100 Introduction to Music
3 credits
The development of the perceptive listening through the study of representative
musical works, their styles, structure and relationship to cultural history. Primarily
for non-music majors.
Music 111, 112, 113 Theory
4 credits per course
Course sequence in music theory developing the student's knowledge and skills in
part writing, keyboard sight-singing and ear-training. Includes studies of the
science of sound, the rudiments of music, intervals, triads and inversions, survey
of non-harmonic tones and seventh chords. Music 111, 112, 113 must be taken in
Music 121, 122, 123 History of Music
3 credits per course
Survey of musical thought and achievement from primitive origins to the twentieth century. Intended for music majors but may be taken by any student upon
approval of the instructor. Offered alternate years.
2 credits per course
Study of the fundamentals of conducting with practical experience in conducting
student ensembles. Includes studies of vocal problems, score and clef reading,
baton technique and transpositions. Meets three periods per week. Offered alternate years.
Music 131, 132 Choral Conducting
2 credits
Study of the fundamentals of conducting with practical experience in conducting
student ensembles. Includes studies of instrumental problems, score and clef
reading, baton technique and transpositions. Meets three periods per week.
Offered alternate years.
Music 133 Instrumental Conducting
4 credits per course
Study of Baroque composition including detailed study of non-harmonic tones,
seventh chords, altered chords, modal hormony and two-, three-, four-part
counterpoint. Also includes a survey of music styles from the f?aroque to the
present with a concentration on twentieth century techniques of music composition. Prerequisite: Music 111, 112, 113 or instructor's approval. Music 211, 212, 213
must be taken in sequence.
Music 211, 212, 213 Advanced Theory
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Special projects for advanced students. May be taken any term. Department
approval necessary.
Music 300 Independent Study
1 credit per term
Study of vocal technique and literature. Emphasis on sacred literature including
oratorio, with time devoted to Italian and German art songs. One half class period
lesson per week.
Applied Music 110A Voice Lessons
1 credit per term
Instruction in piano performance, including study of techniques through scales,
arpeggios and other exercises. One half class period lesson per week.
Applied Music 1108 Piano Lessons
1 credit per term
Graded course in organ playing beginning with study of manual and pedal techniques. Literature studies include examples from all periods of music. Renaissance
to Neo-Classic. Service playing problems also are studied. One half class period
lesson per week.
Applied Music 110C Organ Lessons
Applied Music 1100 Brass Lessons
1 credit per term
Graded instruction on a brass instrument. One half class period lesson per week.
1 credit per term
Graded instruction on a percussion instrument or instruments. One half class
period lesson per week.
Applied Music 110E Percussion Lessons
1 credit per term
Graded instruction on a string instrument. One half class period lesson per week.
Applied Music 110F String Lessong
Applied Music 110G Woodwind Lessons
1 credit per term
Graded instruction on a woodwind instrument. One half class period lesson per
Applied Music 110H Guitar Lessons
1 credit per term
Graded instruction on guitar One half class period lesson per week.
1 credit per term
Applied Music 110P Piano Class Lessons
Basic keyboard skills and music reading, designed for the adult beginner with
little or no background. Meets 2 periods per week.
Applied Music 110V Voice Class Lessons
1 credit per term
A study of basic vocal techniques of singing. Songs and other materials used will
be suited to the individual student. This class is intended for the beginner as well
as students preparing for private study. It is open to music majors and anyone interested in developing their vocal abilities. Meets 2 periods per week.
Music Ensemble 110A Golden Valley Lutheran College Choir
1 credit per term
Open to all students by audition, but limited to 65 members. Examples from all
periods of music I iterature are selected for performance. Besides numerous concerts in and around the Twin City area, an extended tour is made each spring. The
choir meets four periods per week.
Music Ensemble 110B Golden Valley Singers
1 credit per term
Open to all women students of the College. Study and presentation of treble
choral music, both accompanied and a cappella. The chorus meets four periods
per week.
Music Ensemble 110C The Madrigal Singers
1 credit per term
Students are selected from the Golden Valley Lutheran College Choir. Literature
used includes Madrigal and Carol. Numerous concerts are given through the year.
1/2 credit per term
Music Ensemble 1100 Symphonic Choir
Open to all members of the student body and the community.
Music Ensemble 110H Band
1 credit per term
Open to all college students by audition. The group performs literature from all
eras and styles. A tour is organized each year. The band performs regularly for
College convocations and presents formal concerts each quarter. The stage band
is formed from this group. The band meets four periods per week.
Music Ensemble 1101 College-Community Orchestra
1 credit per term
Open to all qualified students and community members by audition. The
orchestra performs standard orchestral literature each quarter in addition to
accompanying the College choirs at Christmas.
Small Ensembles
1 credit per term
Students are given the opportunity to participate in small instrumental ensembles.
The ensembles perform regularly for convocations, concerts and at local church
services. Membership is by audition or consent of director.
Music Ensemble 110J Brass Ensemble
Music Ensemble 110K Percussion Ensemble
Music Ensemble 110L Stage Band
Music Ensemble 110M String Ensemble
Music Ensemble 110N Woodwind Ensemble
3 credits
Theatre 100 Introduction to Theatre
Study of Theatre as a performing art. The aesthetic function of theatre and its role
in Western culture will be discussed, as well as the role and function of the
various theatre artists such as actor, director, and designer.
Theatre 110 Beginning Acting
3 credits
An experiential course which focuses on honesty in characterization through
various means including theatre games, improvisation, and the development of
Theatre 120 Theatre Practice
1 elective credit per term (maximum: 3 credits)
Participation in College-sponsored theatre productions. Open to students assigned
performing or technical roles. Instructor's approval required.
Theatre 130 Elements of Technical Theatre
4 credits
A basic introduction to both design theory and design execution in the theatre.
Emphasis placed on the technical aspects of scene design, lighting, costuming and
sound. Prerequisite: Theatre 100 or instructor's approval.
Theatre 200 History of Theatre
3 credits
An examination of the phenomenon of Theatre Arts from a historical perspective.
Emphasis will be placed on a particular period. The historical development of
both dramatic literature and staging techniques will be examined, as well as the
influence of other historical events upon them. Prerequisite: Theatre 100 or instructor's approval.
Theatre 210 Advanced Acting
3 credits
Intense scene study directed toward the development of a personal technique of
honest characterization through various periods and styles of plays. Prerequisite:
Theatre 110 or instructor's approval.
Theatre 220 Directing for the Theatre
4 credits
An introduction to the role and function of the director in modern theatre. Emphasis will be placed on the elements of the director's craft as well as his relationship
to the other theatre artists. Preparation of scenes and exercises will culminate in a
final scene or a short one-act play. Prerequisite: Theatre 100 and Theatre 110 or instructor's approval.
Theatre 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Special projects for advanced students of research projects within selected
theatre disciplines. Department approval necessary.
4 credits
Business 100 Accounting Fundamentals
General accounting principles of debits and credits, journal entries, and general
financial statements. A practice set wi II be used to cover the basic accounting
cycle. General education course open to all students.
Business 101 Accounting I
4 credits
Study of fundamental principles and procedures of accounting; classifying and
reporting data on balance sheets and income statements.
Business 102 Accounting II
4 credits
Continuation of Accounting I; analyzing financial statements and analytical functions of accounting; partnership and corporate accounting. Prerequisite: Business
101 or instructor's approval.
Business 103 Accounting Ill
4 credits
Accounting as a planning and control! ing tool in the decision-making process of
management; funds statements; cost accounting: job order and process cost. Prerequisite: Business 102 or instructor's approval.
3 credits
Business 110 Personal Finance
Fundamental concepts of personal financial management: insurance, budgeting,
credit, savings, investments, retirement a·nd estate problems and consumer concerns. General Education course open to all students.
3 credits
Business 120 Introduction to Business
A survey of the ownership, organization, management, major functions, environment, and ethics of American business. Aimed at assisting students to establish
more specific career goals in the field of business. General Education course open
to all students.
3 credits
Business 140 Business Computations
Application of mathematical skills to business/accounting functions, ratios,
percentages, present value, amortization, bank discount, payment of promissory
notes, annuities, sinking funds, and investment in stocks and bonds.
3 credits
Business 150 Business Communications
General principles of effective communication in business; writing of various
types of business letters and reports; stress on vocabulary and the mechanics of
language as applied to writing business reports and letters.
3 credits
Business 180 Basic Law
This course provides a general understanding and practical knowledge of the
following areas of the law: the court system, criminal law, torts, negligence, real
estate, wills, trusts, probate law, insurance and selected consumer protection
laws. General education course open to all students.
Business 200 Principles of Economics- Macroeconomics
4 credits
National income economics, gross national product, indicators of economic
activity, the money and banking system, monetary and fiscal policies to fight
inflation and unemployment, principles of world economics, international trade,
and the balance of payments.
Business 210 Principles of Economics-Microeconomics
4 credits
Supply, demand and price, competition, monopoly, oligopoly, and anti-trust
policy. Pricing of the factors of production and distribution of income. Prerequisite: Business 200 or instructor's approval.
Business 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Soecial oroiects for advanced st11rlPnts npn;irtmPnt ;innrnv;if nPr<>SS;>rV
Office Information Systems 101 Typewriting I/Keyboarding
3 credits
Keyboarding skills for the typewriter and computer terminal. Introduction to typewritten letters, tables, and reports. Not open to students with one year of high
school typing except by instructor's approval.
Office Information Systems 102 Typewriting II
4 credits
Students build speed and accuracy in straight-copy typing, and increase their
skills in composition, rough-draft typing, editing production and analysis of the
following components of typewriting communication: business letters, memos,
manuscripts, business reports, business forms and tables. Prerequisite: OIS 101 or
instructor's approval.
Office Information Systems 103 Executive Typewriting
4 credits
This course emphasizes performance at the executive level requiring sustained
high-level production speed with the ability to edit, organize and solve problems
and produce high-quality work. Speed and accuracy in straight-copy and production work are stressed. Prerequisite: OIS 102 or instructor's approval.
Office Information Systems 130 References for Transcript
3 credits
Correct application of reference materials for transcription tasks. Review of basic
grammar, mechanics, and usage.
Office Information Systems 140 Editing/Proofreading
3 credits
A study of editing and proofreading techniques designed to improve the organization, style, and clarity of office documents and general business writing. Offered
alternate years.
Office Information Systems 150 Machine Calculation
3 credits
Instruction in the use of electronic printing calculators, electronic display
calculators, plus study of practical business computations.
Office Information Systems 200 Word Processing I
3 credits
Word processing concepts and instruction in the basic operations of a word processor. Prerequisite: OIS 101 or instructor's approval.
Office Information Systems 210 Word Processing II
3 credits
Producing high-qua I ity work using the expanded functions of a word processor.
Prerequisite: OIS 200 or instructor's approval.
Office Information Systems 220 Professional Office Projects
1 credit per term
Credit for work experience in an office-type environment. Students must register
during the quarter in which they receive credit. Applications must be approved by
Office Information Systems Department in advance.
Office Information Systems 221 Legal Studies I
3 credits
Basic legal procedures in preparing legal documents and court papers; legal
typing and terminology. Offered alternate years. Prerequisite: OIS 102 or instructor's approval.
Office Information Systems 222 Legal Studies II
3 credits
Basic legal procedures in legal branches: probate, criminal law, domestic relations, real estate, and corporations; includes legal typing and terminology. Offered alternate years. Prerequisite: OIS 221 or instructor's approval.
Office Information Systems 230 Information Resource Management
3 credits
A study of the role of resource management and information processing defining
the relationship to business as well as social implications, types of data and data
collection systems, analysis and reports, information storage and retrieval, staffing and equipment, problem solving and evaluation.
Office Information Systems 240 Administrative Office Procedures
4 credits
A study of the profile of the administrative assistant: public and pe;sonal relations, organization of time and work flow, supervision, reprographics, equipment
and procedures, available services, sources of information, study of communications, preparation of communications, financial accountability activities, and
types of dictation.
Office Information Systems 250 Specialized Machine Transcription
Individualized machine transcription for general and legal specialties.
4 credits
Office Information Systems 300 Independent Study
3 elective credits per term
Special projects for advanced students. Department approval necessary.
Law Enforcement 100 Introduction to Criminal Justice
3 credits
Survey of the history and principles of law enforcement in American society, the
criminal justice system, courts, state and federal agencies.
Law Enforcement 110 Law Enforcement Operations and Procedures
3 credits
An overview of the relationships between the police and community and the era
of crime prevention, the elements of verbal and non-verbal communication, and
their role in effective law enforcement procedure.
Law Enforcement 120 Juvenile Problems and Justice
3 credits
An overview of the principles of the juvenile justice system, its laws, problems,
and procedures.
Law Enforcement 130 Criminal Evidence and Procedure
3 credits
Criminal evidence for police, types of evidence, criminal procedures in various
courts, arrest, search and seizure, collection of evidence, interviews and line-up
Law Enforcement 150 Criminal Law
3 credits
The development, application and enforcement of local, state and federal laws
that deal with criminal behavior, including a study of the Minnesota Criminal
Law Enforcement 160 Constitutional Law
3 credits
Study and analysis of the United States Constitution and its amendments that pertain to law enforcement. Also studied are Federal and State legal decisions that
apply to law enforcement problems.
Law Enforcement 170 Psychology for Law Enforcement
3 credits
An introduction to the psychological aspects of the law enforcement profession
with particular attention to the personal and professional adjustments demanded
by this career.
Law Enforcement 180 Report Writing- Interviews and Interrogation
2 credits
Designed for law enforcement students. The course will have intensive work in the
techniques of interviewing and interrogations, field note taking, criminal investigative and follow-up report writing.
Law Enforcement 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Special projects and research into areas of student interest in the fields of law
enforcement. Department approval necessary.
Christian Service 110A, 1108, 110C Christian Service Projects
1 credit per course per term
Student assignments to various projects provide in-service training in various
phases of Christian work. Regular reports to the department are required.
Applied Christianity 122, 123 Christian Education
3 credits per course
Winter term: Study of the human relations of the teaching-learning process,
acquaintance with the age of ability differences, and individual potential of
children. An in-depth child study will be made by each student. Spring term: Study
of the objectives of Christian Education and practice of teaching methods.
Applied Christianity 130 Youth Leadership
3 credits
Study of the needs and goals of youth leadership in the church, and of the philosophies, organizational structures, resources and materials of the youth organizations and departments of the major Lutheran synods.
Applied Christianity 150 Evangelism
3 credits
The evangelical task of the church is recognized as of prime importance, and the
responsibility of the individual Christian to personalize the Gospel within the
parish and community is stressed.
Applied Christianity 201, 202, 203 Christian Education Project
Y2 to 1 Y2 credits per term (3 credits required)
Classroom orientation and practical teaching experience under supervision.
Applied Christianity 211 Christian Education Seminar
3 credits
Study of materials available in the field of Christian Education; discussion of
teaching experiences (Applied Christianity 201 ); acquaintance with methods and
materials in adult Christian education.
Applied Christianity 221 Church Staff Work I
3 credits
Study of basic principles and their relationship to professional ethics, professional
relationships, the ministry of the laity, the organization and functioning of the
parish, techniques of visitation and public relations. For parish workers, parish
secretaries, and lay assistants.
Applied Christianity 223 Church Staff Work II
3 credits
Study of strategies and models for the development of programs designed to meet
a congregation's particular needs.
Applied Christianity 230 Church Staff Field Work
1 to 3 credits
Practical experience in the various aspects of parish work through personal supervised field work with the cooperation of local congregations. Twenty-four hours
of work are required for one credit.
Applied Christianity 300 Independent Study
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Designed for students who wish to investigate special interests. May be taken any
term. Department approval necessary.
Mission 100 Introduction to Mission
2 credits
Study of the theology of mission, some basic principles of communicating the
Gospel to non-Christian people, and some current practices in the work of the
Church in various countries of the world.
Mission 110 History of World Mission I
2 credits
Study of the major leaders and developments in the missionary effort of the nineteenth century.
Mission 120 History of World Mission II
2 credits
Study of the major leaders and developments in the missionary effort of the twentieth century.
Mission 200 Mission Internship
1 to 6 credits
A flexible program of study designed to provide the student opportunities for contact with people directly involved in church work in various countries of the
world. Students may study and serve under the supervision of experienced
missionaries at times to be arranged.
1 to 3 elective credits per term
Mission 300 Independent Study
Special projects for the student who has a serious interest in the world mission of
the Christian Church. Department approval necessary.
Board of Regents
Vice Chairman/
ALC, Pastor
Immanuel Lutheran Church
St. Paul, Minnesota
Regent Emeritus
ALC, Chairman of the Board
T.S. Denison & Company, Inc.
Minneapolis, Minnesota
LCA, President
Maid of Scandinavia
Minneapolis, Minnesota
LCA, Pastor
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
St. Paul, Minnesota
ALC, Officer and Director
F.C. Hayer Company
Edina, Minnesota
LCA, Pastor
Zion Lutheran Church
Buffalo, Minnesota
LC-MS, Pastor
Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church
New Hope, Minnesota
ALC, President
Teacher Federations Credit Union
Minneapolis, Minnesota
ALC, Counseling Services; Chair,
Minnesota lnterreligious Committee
for Bio-Medical Ethics; Coordinator,
Jewish-Christian Relations, ALC;
Consultant, The National Hospice
Edina, Minnesota
ALC Vice Chairman of the Board
Lutheran Brotherhood
Minneapolis, Minnesota
ALC, Vice President
Nordic Interiors
Burnsville, Minnesota
ALC, Executive Vice President
Willmar Poultry Company
Willmar, Minnesota
ALC, Past President
Elmer N. Olson Company
Minneapolis, Minnesota
LCA Lutheran Brotherhood
Frat~rnal Division, Retired
Minneapolis, Minnesota
ALC, Pastor
Woodlake Lutheran Church
Richfield, Minnesota
LCA, Chief Executive Officer
Rupp Industries
Burnsville, Minnesota
ALC, Luther Northwestern
St. Pau I, Minnesota
LCA, Officer and Director
Century Mfg. Company
Excelsior, Minnesota
ALC, Publisher, Manager
American Guidance Service
Circle Pines, Minnesota
WiLLiAiv'1 BOLM/Physicai Education,
Recreation, Counselor
B.S., Western Michigan University,
Kalamazoo, Ml; M.A. (Physical Education), St. Thomas College, St. Paul, MN;
M.A. (Counseling), St. Thomas College,
St. Paul, MN. 1971-
LCA, Chaplain, State Hospital
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
ROGER W. BROWN/Law Enforcement
B.A., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; graduate study, Mankato
State University, Mankato, MN. 1979-
LC-MS, Pastor
Peace Lutheran Church
Robbinsdale, Minnesota
B.S. and M.Ed., University of North
Dakota, Grand Forks, ND. 1978-
ALC, Attorney
Partner, Best & Flanagan
Minneapolis, Minnesota
BERNT C. OPSAL/President
Academic Dean
Dean of Students
Director of Development
Mount Carmel, Radio and
Church Relations
THOMAS R. HANSON/Director of
Admissions and Financial Aid
Business Office Manager
B.A., St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN;
graduate study, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. 1979PAUL E. DRANGEID/Biology
B.A., St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN;
M.S. South Dakota State University,
Brookings, SD; graduate work at Colorado School Mines, Golden, CO; University of Chattanooga, TN; University
of West Virginia, Morgantown, WV;
University of Vermont, Burlington, VT;
Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and
Science, PA; Boyce Thompson Plant
Research Institute, Yonkers, NY; Ripon
College, WS; Knox College, Galesburg,
B.B.A., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; advanced study, FBI
Academy, 1976JAN ICE EGGERSGLUESS/Business
B.A., Gustavus Adolphus College, St.
Peter, MN; M.S., St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN. 1969JEANNE EKHOLM/Music
B.A., St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN.
B.S., Bemidjii State University, Bemidji,
MN. 1972-
JOHN V. GRONLl/Philosophy,
Biblical Theology
B.A., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; M.Div., Luther Theological
Seminary, St. Paul, MN: M.A., Pacific
Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA;
additional graduate study, Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, Berkeley,
CA; D.Min., Luther Theological Seminary, St. Paul, MN. 1976RUTH A. HALVERSON/Journalism
B.A., St. Cloud State University, St.
Cloud, MN; additional study, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
1977LEE ANNE HANSEN/English, German
B.A., Augsburg College, Minneapolis,
MN; Graduate School, University of
Munich, Munich, Germany; finished
courses for Ph.D., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. 1973THOMAS R. HANSON/Director of
Admissions and Financial Aid
B.S.B., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; M.B.A., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Troy, NY. 1982DOROTHY L. HAUGEN/Physical
B.5., Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL.
1978PAUL T. HIRDMAN/Anthropology,
Sociology, Psychology, Counselor
A.A., Waldorf College, Forest City, IA;
B.A., Augsburg College, Minneapolis,
MN; M.Div., Luther Theological Seminary, St. Paul, MN; Ph.D., University of
North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND. 1979JUDY HYLAND/World Mission
B.A., St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN;
graduate study, University of California
at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA; College of
Chinese Studies, Baguio, Philippines.
1981JEAN JOHNSON/Business Education
B.5., University of North Dakota, Grand
Forks, ND. 1974PRllDU KllVE/Physics, Mathematics
B.A., Berea College, Berea, KY; M.A.,
University of Buffalo, Buffalo, NY.
MARK KROLL/Computer Science
Bachelor of Mathematics; Masters in
E.E.; course work completed for Ph.D.
in Electrical Engineering, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. 1982GAIL LANDO/English
B.A., Wisconsin State, Eau Claire, WI;
M.A., St. Cloud State University, St.
Cloud, MN. 1972PHYLLIS LARSON/English
B.A., St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN;
M.A., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; M.A.T., College of St.
Thomas, St. Paul, MN; course work
completed for Ph.D. in Asian Studies,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,
MN. 1973RICHARD LAUE/Geography, History
B.A., M.A., University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, MN; additional graduate
study, University of Strasbourg, France
and the University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, MN. 1966JAMES L. LEFFERTS/Chemistry,
A.B., Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME;
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA; Post-doctoral
Fellow, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK. 1983SEVERT LEGRED/Physical Education
B.A., St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN;
M.A., Mankato State College, Mankato,
MN; additional graduate study,
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL. 1969H ER BE RT C. LODDIGS/Biblical Theology, Greek (Emeritus)
B.A., Wagner College, Staten Island,
NY; New York University, Hartwick
Seminary, Brooklyn, NY; C.Th., Luther
Seminary, St. Paul, MN; additional
graduate study, College of Chinese
Studies, Baguio, Philippines; School of
Chinese Studies, Hankow, China;
Princeton Theological Seminary,
Princeton, NJ. 1957WILLIAM E. LUNDQUIST/Physical
B.5., M.Ed., University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, MN. 1966-
DALE P. MARTIN/Computer Science
A.A., Anoka Ramsey Community College, Coon Rapids, MN; B.S., Mankato
State University, Mankato, MN. 1984HAROLD E. MOORE, JR./Dean of
Students, Business, Director of
Counseling Services
B.A., University of Denver, Denver, CO;
J.D., University of Denver, College of
Law, Denver, CO; additional study,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,
MN; United Theological Seminary,
New Brighton, MN. 1980JOHN F. NELSON/Residence Hall
Director; Physical Education
B.A., St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN;
M.A., graduate program, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. 1983PATRICIA NORTWEN/Piano
B.A., M.A., University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, MN. 1967BERNT C. OPSAL/President
B.A., Upsala College, East Orange, NJ;
B.Th., Luther Seminary, St. Paul, MN;
Biblical Seminary, New York, NY; M.A.,
New York University, New York, NY;
additional graduate study, University
of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN;
Litt.D., Concordia College, St. Paul,
MN. 1954MAHLON PITNEY/Sociology,
Psychology, Personal Orientation,
B.A., Macalester College, St. Paul, MN;
M.A., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. 1970MARLO F. PUTZ/Biology
B.S., Gustavus Adolphus College, St.
Peter, MN; MA., St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN. 1968PAUL 0. ROMSTAD/Theology
B.A., St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN;
M.Div., Luther Theological Seminary,
Law Enforcement
B.S. in Commerce, University of North
Dakota, Grand Forks, ND; J.D., University, of North Dakota Law School,
Grand Forks, ND; Training Coordinator
for the FBI in Minneapolis, MN. 1983-
and Choral
B.M., Westminster Choir College,
Princeton, NJ: graduate study, Chicago
Opera Guild; Eastman School of Music,
Rochester, NY; University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. 1962JOHN C. SEAGARD/Music, Choral,
B.M., M.M., Eastman School of Music,
Rochester, NY; Lutheran Bible I nstitute; Augustana College, Rock Island,
IL; Westminster Choir College, Princeton, NJ; Chicago Opera Repertoire
Guild; additional graduate study, Eastman School of Music, Rochester, NY.
1962RICHARD M. SERENA/Librarian
B.S., Columbia University, New York,
NY; M.L.S., Columbia University, New
York, NY. 1976MARY S. SICILIA/American Studies,
Personal Orientation, Speech,
Church History
B.S., Northwestern College, Minneapolis, MN; M.A., Ph.D., course work
completed University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, MN. 1977PAUL W. SIEMERS/Theatre, Speech
B.A., Bethel College, Roseville, MN;
M.A., Ph.D. course work completed,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,
MN. 1981ROGER SNYDER/Music, Band and
B.S., M.A., University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, MN. 1977MARILYN A. STALHEIM/
Applied Christianity
B.S., University of Wisconsin, Eau
Claire, WI; M.S., University of Wisconsin, Stout, WI. 1976G ERALD SWANSON/Art
B.A., M.F.A., University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, MN. 1972KATHRYN SWANSON/English
B.A., St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN;
M.A., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. 1971-
LOIS UTZINGER/String Lessons
and Ensembles
B.A., Carleton College, Northfield,
Minnesota; M.M., University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ml; additional
graduate study, University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, Ml and University of North
Dakota, Grand Forks, ND. 1978RUSSELL A. VIKSTROM/Biblical
B.A., Augustana College, Rock Island,
IL; M.Div., Augustana Seminary, Rock
Island, IL; additional graduate study,
Biblical Seminary, New York, NY and
Luther Theological Seminary, St. Paul,
B.A., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; B.A. Luther College, Decorah, IA; B.Th., Luther Theological
Seminary, St. Paul, MN; Ph.D., University of St. Andrews, Scotland; graduate
study Edinburgh University, Edinburgh,
Scotland. 1982J. PHILIP WORTHINGTON/Academic
Dean, Biblical Theology
B.A., Gustavus Adolphus College, St.
Peter, MN; C.T., Luther Theological
Seminary, St. Paul, MN; S.T.M., Biblical
Seminary, New York, NY; M.A. and
course work completed for Ed.D., New
York University, NY. 1974-
Student Services Personnel
DALE DOBIAS/Manager of
Student Union
A.A., Golden Valley Lutheran College;
B.A., Taylor University, Upland, Indiana
Hall Director, SAC Coordinator
A.A., Golden Valley Lutheran College;
B.A., St. Cloud State University, St.
Cloud, MN
JOHN F. NELSON/Residence
Hall Director
B.A., St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN;
M.A., graduate program, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
LORI J. NORNES/Residence
Hall Director, Director of
Campus Activities
A.A., Golden Valley Lutheran College;
B.A., Mankato State University, Mankato, MN
LOIS NYSTUL/Director of
Health Service
R.N., Fairview School of Nursing, Minneapolis, MN; B.A., Metropolitan State
University, St. Paul, MN
Hall Director, Intramural
A.A., Golden Valley Lutheran College;
B.A., Concordia College, Moorhead,
CAROL J. TA TLEY/Residence
Hall Director
B.A., Concordia College, Moorhead,
MN; M.S., University of Wisconsin, La
Crosse, La Crosse, WI
Academic Honors.
. ... 32
Academic Program .
. ... 31
Academic Progress.
. ... 33
A cc red itation
... .74
Administrative Assistant
... .41
. ... 19
Admissions Information.
Adult Students
.... 20
.... 11
A ffi I iations
.... 43
Alcohol and Drug Abuse
.... 16
Alumni Association
... 17
.... S7
Application Procedure .
.. .. 19
Applied Christianity .
. ... 71
............ 64
Associate in Arts Degree
.16, 33
.. 34
Attendance, Classroom
. ... 1S
Automobiles .
.16, 66
Biblical and Theological Studies .... 43
Biblical and Theological Studies,
.49, SO
Division of.
Bible Requirement .
. .. 34
. S9, 60
Board and Room Costs .
. 21, 22
Board of Regents
... 73
Books and Supplies
... 24
Business. . . .
. 43
Business and Specialized Programs,
Division of
. 68-71
Charges by Quarter.
Christian Service.
Church History
Church Staff Work
Co-curricular Activity
College Objectives.
............. 6
. .. 1 s
. ... 22
. . . . . . . . . . . . 61
. 16, 66
. . . . SO
.. 47
... 43
.... 34
. ........... 10
Division of .
. ...... S1, S2, S3
Computer Science
. 43, 61
Computer Training .
. ... 47
Corrective Therapy . . ............ 43
Correspondence, Directions For ..... 2
Costs .
. . 21-24
Counseling Services ..
. ... 13
Course Descriptions
. .49-71
Creative Arts, Division of
.. 64-67
Credit Load & Student
.... 31
Degree and Certificates .
Dentistry ..
Deposits and Fees .
Dormitories .
Drama .
. ... 43
.19, 22
.. 73-77
. ... 14
. ... 17
Electronics Technician.
Eligibility for Varsity Sports.
Employment, Student.
Engineering .
English .
English Requirement
.... 44
. ... 47
... 33
.... 26
. ... 44
.... 34
Faculty .
Financial Aid .
Forestry .
. . 74-77
.19, 22
... 2S
... .44
General Guidelines.
.... 11
General Information .............. 9
.... S4
.. S3
Grading and Honor Point System ... 32
Graduation Requirements .
.... 37
.... S3
Greek .
Health Services .
.... 13
. ... S4
Honor Society- Phi Theta Kappa ... 17
.... 14
Housing Services
.... SS
Incomplete Work
Independent Study.
Instrumental Lessons
International Students .
) unior College Certificate
.. 32
...... 65, 66
. . 14
. 20
. . 39
. ... 61
Languages ...
.. 44
.47, 70
Law Enforcement .
Legal Office-Administrative
.. .47
. .42
Liberal Arts, Basic ...
Liberal Arts and Trans fer
Program .
Library .
Loans ..
..... 5, 9
Location of the College
... 5
Mathematics, Natural Sciences
and Computer Science,
Division of
. 58-61
Medicine .
. ... 44
. 47, 71
Music .
.16, 45, 65, 66
New Testament Studies
.. 49, 50
. 45
Occupational Therapy . .
. 45
Office Information Systems
. 69
Old Testament Studies..
. 49
. ... 16, 66
Orientation and Registration .
. .. 35
Part-time Students
Payment Plan/Schedule .
Personal Orientation
Philosophy of College
Physical Education ..
Physical Education and
Recreation Leadership,
. ... 23
. 56
.... 45
.. 55
... 10
....... 46
Division of .
Physical Therapy
Political Science ..
Pre-registration .
Probation, Academic
Programs of Study .
. .62, 63
. .46
. ... 59
.... 13
.. 33
.. 56
Recreation Leadership .
Refund Schedule
Registration ..
Registration, Changes in.
Religious Life
Repeating a Course .....
Room and Board Costs .
.... 23
. .. 35
. ... 35
.... 15
. ... 35
Science, Basic .
...... 28, 29, 30
. .14
Social Life ..
. 54-57
Social Science, Division of .
. . 57
Social Service .
Social Work .....
. . 57
. .. 33
Special Examination.
Specialized Programs .
Specific Professions .
Speech ...
Student Government
Student Life ..
Student Services Personnel
. .13, 56
Study Skills Assistance .
Transfer of Credits
Transfer Students
.... 67
. ........... 50
.. 11, 34
.20, 33
.... 21, 22
Unsatisfactory Academic Progress .. 33
Voice Lessons
Withdrawals from Class .
. 35
Withdrawals from the College. . . . 35
Work Opportunities . .
. . 26
Show less
Please write for application material to:
Lutheran Deaconess Hospital is a voluntary, non-profit hospital
affiliated with the American Lutheran Church;
A member of Fairvi... Show more
Please write for application material to:
Lutheran Deaconess Hospital is a voluntary, non-profit hospital
affiliated with the American Lutheran Church;
A member of Fairview Community Hospitals
Freshmen arrive
Sept. 2
Registration at Augsburg College
Sept. 3
Fall semester begins
Sept. 4
Thanksgiving holidays
Nov. 27-30
Last day of fall semester
Dec. 19
Dec. 20-Jan. 4 Christmas holidays
Interim begins
Jan. 5
Interim ends
Jan. 30
Feb. 4
Spring semester begins
April 16-21
Easter I spring holidays
May 21
Spring semester ends
Aug. 20-22
Orientation for transfer students
Aug. 25
First quarter begins
Oct. 24
First quarter ends
Nov. 3
Second quarter begins
Nov. 27-30
Thanksgiving holidays
Dec. 20-Jan. 4 Christmas holidays
Second quarter ends
Jan. 16
Third quarter begins
Jan. 26
Third quarter ends
Mar. 27
Fourth quarter begins
April 6
April 20
Easter holidays
Fourth quarter ends
June 5
The above schedule is tentative and subject to change.
1646 students have graduated from Lutheran Deaconess Hospital School of Nursing
128 students are currently enrolled.
Cover photograph by Miriam Weinstein
Gerald Simonson, Chairman
Dr. Kenneth C. Bailey
Mr. James W. Krause
Mr. George Michaelsen
Mr. Charles H. Clay
Mrs. Mary Ehrlichmann
Mr. Donald A. Nelson
Mrs. Marlene Engstrom
Rev. Maynard L. Nelson
Mr. Richard Franzmeier
Rev. John N. Parbst
Mr. Allen A. Housh
Mr. Clinton A. Schroeder
Dr. Richard D. Hovland
Dr. John M. Stensvaag
Dr. Donald Johnson
Dr. Francis J. Trost
Mr. Verne C. Johnson
Lutheran Deaconess Hospital
School of Nursing
Mr. Kurt W. Metzner, Administrator
Mr. Mark M. Enger, Assistant Administrator
Mrs. Mary Ehrlichmann, Chairwoman
Mr. George S. Michaelsen
Dr. Donald Johnson
Mr. Donald A. Nelson
Mrs. Gloria Nelson
Rev. John Parbst
Mr. Gerald Simonson
Mr. Kurt W. Metzner, Hospital Administrator
Mrs. Margaret Hermann, Director, School of Nursing
A three-year hospital-based diploma program
in basic nursing approved by the Minnesota Board of Nursing
and accredited by the National League for Nursing.
We believe our diploma program meets a
unique need. We intend to continue with our program
as long as we meet this need.
*Mary Catherine Hooke, R.N., B.S ................. Instructor of Pediatric Nursing
State University of New York-Binghamton, B.S.
Graduate work: University of Rochester, New York
University of Minnesota-Minneapolis
June lge, R.N., B.S.N ........................ Instructor of Fundamental Nursing
Hamline University, St. Paul, Minnesota, B.S.N.
Graduate Work: University of Minnesota-Minneapolis
College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota
*Genevieve McCarr, R.N., B.S., M. Ed ......... Instructor of Fundamental Nursing
College of St. Catherine, St. Paul, Minnesota, B.S.
University of Minnesota-Minneapolis, M.Ed.
*Rachel Nelson, R.N., B.S ........................ Instructor of Med-Surg Nursing
University of Minnesota-Minneapolis, B.S.
Jean Pekarek, R.N., A.A., B.S.N ................. Instructor of Med-Surg Nursing
St. Mary's School of Nursing, Minneapolis, Minnesota, R.N., A.A.
University of Minnesota-Minneapolis, B.S.N.
Graduate Work: University of Minnesota-Minneapolis
Dawn Ranger, R.N., B.S.N., M.S.N ............... Instructor of Med-Surg Nursing
West Suburban School of Nursing, Oak Park, Illinois, R.N.
Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, B.S.N.
De Paul University, Chicago, Illinois, M.S.N.
*Eva Schander, R.N., B.S.N ................... Instructor of Ortho-Neuro Nursing
University of Minnesota-Minneapolis, B.S.N.
Graduate Work: College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota
A. Marlin Stene, B.A., B.Th., S.T.M ............ Hospital Chaplain Supervisor and
Instructor of Religion
St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota, B.A.
Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota, B.Th.
Wartburg Seminary, Dubuque, Iowa, S.T.M.
Marie Joel ........................................................ Registrar
A~EA M~~ A
. G RELATIONSHIPS ............ 3
·~ .> ••••••••• , •• • ••• • ••••••••••••••• 4
·. I:~S ()F THE PROGRAM .......... 5
> .. S~ND PROCEDURES ............ 11
ENTRANCE RE ·.· . · .
STUDENT SERVIGEs ::~··)<.·~··v ... · ......................... 16
STUDENT ACTIVI'f~JSS ... :;,..: •..........•... , ................ 18
FINANCIAL INFORMATION .. : ............................. 19
FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION ............................ 21
ACADEMIC INFORMATION ................................. 23
CURRICULUM ORGANIZATION , ........................... 26
COURSE DESCRIPTIONS .................................... 29
SCHOOL OF NURSING FACULTY ............................ 34
The contents of this bulletin are subject to change without notice.
or information contained herein.
*Part-time instructors
. ..
'··· ,,
Flow Chart continued:
(/) (/) S- U1 • r- (/) U1 U1
VlS-OS-S::::S-<IJS<Cl ::::; ..o ::::; ,,_ ::::; E ::::;
.--- 0 <Cl Or- 0 <lJ 0
Fall Semester (16 weeks)
+Rehabilitation Nursing
+Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing
Trends in Nursing II: History
Interim (4 weeks)
Independent Nursing Studies
This supplement describes the changes that have occurred
in the school and the nursing program that it offers
since the printing of the bulletin.
Level IV
Spring Semester (16 weeks)
Nursing Intervention in Acute Care 48
Management of Patient Care
Trends in Nursing III:
Ethics of Medicine and Health Care 22
* * * * * *
The academic year at Lutheran Deaconess Hospital School of
Nursing has been changed so that all three years follow the 4-1-4
plan consisting of two semesters and an interim. Each semester
is 16 weeks in length, and the interim is 4 weeks.
* * * **
The following courses have been added or redefined in the
Tuition at Lutheran Deaconess
Tuition for Augsburg College
Health Fee
Dormitory Room Rent
Graduation Fee
Books, Supplies & Incidentals
Tuition and fees are estimated above. Effort will be made to keep charges
as estimated. However, all tuition and fees are subject to changes as
Op~rating Room Nursing is a Level II course which introduces the student to the nurses role during surgical
intervention and the maintenance of surgical asepsis. The
student functions with professional staff learning the
role of a circulating nurse and scrub nurse. Focus is on
responsibility to the patient pre-, intra-, and postoperatively. There are 36 hours of classroom theory and
72 hours of clinical experience in the operating room
or clinical area.
Nursing Intervention in Acute Care is a Level IV course
in which the student TS exposed to patients and their
families with complex threats to health. Focus is on
specific nursing interventions appropriate for patients
and their families in intensive care, coronary care and
emergency areas. There are 48 hours of classroom theory
and 192 hours of clinical, 160 hours of which is inhospital, and 32 hours of which is psychomotor skills
practice in a laboratory setting.
New Course Flow Chart continued:
Vl Vl
rtJ ~
,._ 0
Interim (4 weeks)
Pharmacology II
General, Organic & Biological
Chemistry II*
Spring Semester (16 weeks)
Fundamentals of Nursing II
General, Organic & Biological
Chemistry II* (continuation)
+Effective Writing
Level I
Fall Semester (16 weeks)
Fundamentals of Nursing I
Pharmacology I
General, Organic & Biological
Chemistry I*
Anatomy and Physiology*
+General Psychology*
u :r:
::r:. u:c (/) :r:
Vl •r- Vl Vl
s:: s...
~s .,..
rtJ 0 Ir- 0
E ~
a; 0
:r: (/) :r:
Level II
S- Vl .,.. Vl Vl
S- 0 S- s:: S- Q)
;:::) ..0 ;:::) .,.. ;:::) E
,... 0 rel 0 ,... 0 a;
In addition, Medical-Surgical Nursing 201 and 202 have been
combined into one course.
Independent Nursing Studies is the last course in Level
III and is taught during the four week interim of the
senior year. In this course, the student engages in
two self-selected independent learning projects. The
first project consists of a one week student investigation of the identification and possible use of health
care resources in an urban or rural setting. The
second project consists of a two week investigation of
a nursing topic selected by the student. For both
projects, the student develops a contract in conjunction
with an instructor. One week of the course is also
devoted to having the student obtain certification
in first aid and CPR if ne/she does not already possess
current certification valid through the date of
42 42
Fall Semester (16 weeks)
Medical-Surgical Nursing
Principles of Sociology**
Church and Sects of America**
Interim (4 weeks)
Operating Room Nursing
First Aid
Level I I I
Spring Semester (16 weeks)
+Pediatric Nursing
+Obstetrical Nursing
Developmental Psychology:The Child*
Trends in Nursing I: Assertiveness
*Courses taken at Augsburg College
**Cours,es offered by Augsburg Co 11 ege on
Deaconess Campus
+Course taken in the fall or spring semester
256 14
Margaret Hermann, R.N., B.S.N., M.A ........... Director, School of Nursing and
Instructor of Trends of Nursing
Milwaukee Lutheran Hospital School of Nursing, R.N.
University of Wisconsin-Madison, B.S.N.
College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota, M.A.
Barry L. Lundquist, B.S., M.A., Ed. S. . ........... Director of Curriculum Affairs
Bemidji State University, Bemidji, Minnesota, B.S.
Bemidji State University, Bemidji, Minnesota, M.A.
University of Minnesota-Minneapolis, Ed.S.
Graduate Work: University of Minnesota-Minneapolis
*Lisa Austin, R.N., B.S.N., M.S.N ................. Instructor of OB-GYN Nursing
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, B.S.N.
Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, M.S.N.
*Susan Bates, R.N., B.A., M.A .................... Instructor of Trends of Nursing
College of St. Catherine, St. Paul, Minnesota, B.A.
College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota, M.A.
Graduate Work: William Mitchell College of Law
Beverly Beling, R.N., B.S.N. Ed ................... Instructor of Pediatric Nursing
St. Luke's School of Nursing, Fargo, North Dakota, R.N.
University of Minnesota-Minneapolis, B.S.N. Ed.
Graduate Work: College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota
*LuAnn Dahle, R.N., B.S.N., M.S ................ Instructor of Psychiatric Nursing
University of Minnesota-Minneapolis, B.S.N.
University of Minnesota-Minneapolis, M.S.
Sharon Dodds, R.N., B.S.N., M.P.H ............. Instructor of Psychiatric Nursing
St. Mary's School of Nursing, Minneapolis, R.N.
University of Minnesota-Minneapolis, B.S.N.
University of Minnesota-Minneapolis, M.P .H.
Christine Erdahl, R.N ., B.S.N ................. Instructor of Ortho-Neuro Nursing
Abington Memorial School of Nursing, Abington, Pennsylvania, R.N.
Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, B.S.N.
Graduate Work: University of Minnesota-Minneapolis
Marjorie Erickson, R.N., B.S.N .................. Instructor of Med-Surg Nursing
Hamline University, St. Paul, Minnesota, B.S.N.
Graduate Work: College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota
*Loretta Hanafin, R.N., B.S.N., M.S.N ............ Instructor of Med-Surg Nursing
College of St. Teresa, Winona, Minnesota, B.S.N.
University of Minnesota-Minneapolis, M.S.N.
Carol Heupel, R.N., B.S.N., M.P.H ............... Instructor of OB-GYN Nursing
Memorial School of Nursing, Wilmington, Delaware, R.N.
University of Minnesota-Minneapolis, B.S.N.
University of Minnesota-Minneapolis, M.P.H.
--. ;:::::====:!::::===~~
Lutheran Deaconess Hospital School of Nursing is ideally located close to downtown
Minneapolis at 2315 14th Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
In addition to the facilities of the hospital, the nursing program is augmented by
relationships with the following institutions and agencies:
Fairview Hospital
2312 South 6th Street
Minneapolis, !'Jinnesota
Fairview Southdale Hospital
6401 France Avenue South
Edina, Minnesota
Augsburg College
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Planned Parenthood
127 South 10th Street
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Children's Health Center and Hospital
2525 Chicago A venue South
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Planned Parenthood
1965 Ford Parkway
St. Paul,Minnesota
Ebenezer Society
2532 Portland Avenue South
Minneapolis, Minnesota
NVR 340
Lutheran Deaconess Hospital was founded in 1888. The first building with a
maximum bed capacity of twelve was a frame dwelling at 2731 Hennepin A venue.
Young women called into the service of the Master as deaconesses cared for the patients. In 1891 the first building on the present site was purchased and remodeled for
hospital use. The sick continued to be cared for by deaconesses, graduates and
In 1916, on the foundations laid by the Diaconate, and in response to the demands
for more adequately prepared nurses, Lutheran Deaconess Hospital School of
Nursing was established under the direction of Miss Inger Bergh. The ideals of Christian service which inspired the pioneering deaconesses became also those of the leaders
who followed. Since the beginning, the School has offered a three year diploma program in basic nursing, preparing nurses to take the examinations leading to state
registration (R.N.). Continuous efforts have been made to meet nursing needs of people through many periods of social change.
Lutheran Deaconess Hospital is located within the metropolitan area of Minneapolis
and participates in the delivery of health care to the inner city residents. The present
bed capacity is two hundred forty-five.
In 1967 a nursing school building, Anna Bergeland Hall, was completed. This
building provides school offices, classrooms, library, lounges and recreational facilities
in addition to dormitory rooms for nursing students.
In 1973 Lutheran Deaconess Hospital entered into a consolidation with the Fairview
Hospitals to form the Fairview Community Hospitals.
In 1976 with the closing of Fairview Hospital School of Nursing, Lutheran
Deaconess Hospital School of Nursing became the school for the Fairview Community
This course consists of a study of the dynamics of human behavior, assessment of
the needs of the psychiatric and chemically dependent patient with a focus on emotional needs, therapeutic approaches, use of self as a therapeutic tool, implementation,
and evaluation. The student is provided with varied opportunities to work in collaboration with nurses and other mental health team members and to assess various community based mental health agencies. Laboratory experiences are focused on theory
based nursing interventions with emphasis on communication skills and group
dynamics. Prereq. NUR 203 & PSY 351 or concurrent registration 351.
NUR 400
Management of Patient Care is taught in the last quarter to all senior nursing
students. The course focuses on principles of leadership, management, research in nursing, and the nurse's role in disaster. The student spends 24 hours a week in the clinical
area caring for the critically ill adult patient, acting as co-team leader for a nursing
team and managing care for a group of 4 to 5 patients. Emphasis is placed on the integration of past and present knowledge in the management of patients' care. Prereq.
NUR 310, 320, 330, 340.
Lutheran Deaconess Hospital School of Nursing is:
accredited by: National League for Nursing
approved by: Minnesota Board of Nursing
member of: Gopher State Nurses Association
member of: Helene Fuld Health Trust
Lutheran Deaconess Hospital is:
accredited by: Joint Commission of Accreditation of Hospitals
8 Credits
NUR 212
.7 Credits
This course provides the student with a comprehensive study of the nature of professionalism as it applies to the field of nursing. Within this context, the student examines
the goals and requirements of licensure, the selection, application, and resignation processes as they apply to the employment of nurses, government programs and state and
federal legislation as they affect the field of nursing, and the nature and scope of continuing education programs for diploma graduates.
NUR 310
8 Credits
This course is a study of the normal maternity cycle related to the mother and
newborn infant with emphasis on family centered and mental health principles. The
student is introduced to the physiological, psychological and ethical concepts needed to
provide comprehensive nursing care to families during the child bearing cycle. Complications of pregnancy and selected disorders of the reproductive tract are also included. Seminars and selected clinical laboratory experiences in the care of the mother, the
newborn, prematures, and certain gynecological patients are provided. Prereq. NUR
203 & PSY 351 or concurrent registration 351.
NUR 320
8 Credits
This course provides the student with the basic principles of orthopedic-neurologic
nursing care and the rehabilitation process in hospital and community ambulatory settings. The student acquires facility in discharge planning, exploring selected health care
services and systems in rural and urban environments, and developing health assessment skills. Prereq. NUR 203.
NUR 330
8 Credits
Pediatric nursing concentrates on aiding the student develop: a knowledge of normal
growth and development from birth through adolescent years, an understanding of the
child and his family, a knowledge of normal and pathologic embryology, anatomy and
physiology, understanding of the diseases caused by disorders of the body systems,
proficiency in the application of the nursing process in the care of children, and proficiency in performing technical skills in caring for children. Prereq. NUR 203 & PSY 351
or concurrent registration 351.
The philosophy of Lutheran Deaconess Hospital School of Nursing is in harmony
with the Statement of Mission of the Fairview Community Hospitals of which
Lutheran Deaconess Hospital is a member.
The School of Nursing faculty believes that:
NURSING is a science and an art which seeks to preserve and promote health by
meeting physical, social, emotional, and spiritual needs of the patient as a member of
family and community. As a profession, nursing is the unique integration of the art of
caring with the application of the natural and behavioral sciences. The nursing process
is used to facilitate a person's ability to adapt and to move toward self-actualization.
EDUCATION is a life-long learning process, integrating and developing knowledge,
attitudes and skills. Through participation in the learning process, the learner should
be able to lead a full and purposeful life and function as a responsible citizen.
Specifically, nursing education provides systematic direction and guidance in using
scientific principles and the art of nursing to facilitate the development of knowledge,
attitudes and skills necessary for professional nursing.
LEARNING involves changes in the learner's cognitive, affective, and psychomotor
responses. Learning is an active, continuous process influenced by the learner's intellectual ability, experience, environment, and attitudes. Facilitation of learning occurs
when education is sequential and proceeds from simple to complex as students advance
in the educational program and when opportunities for practice are provided concurrently with theory. In addition, a Christian and democratic atmosphere promotes learning. Christian faith instills a spirit of love which promotes the ideas of worth of the individual and of service to one's fellow man, and the democratic process promotes
respect for the rights of others and for their opinions together with freedom to explore
and question.
The ROLE OF FACULTY is to facilitate the learning process by providing an environment conducive to acquiring knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to give
professional nursing care. The faculty assumes the responsibility for planning, implementing, evaluating and revising learning experiences. The STUDENT shares the
responsibility for his own learning and self-development through self-involvement and
utilization of guidance which fosters self-direction.
The SCHOOL meets its commitment of service to the community by preparing a
safe practitioner who responds to the health needs of the community as a member of
the interdisciplinary health care team by promoting wellness, intervening during illness,
and rehabilitating to optimum functioning. The school is responsible for meeting the
student's educational needs through providing a curriculum based on scientific fact,
current knowledge, sequential learning, continuity, and integration of major areas of
nursing. Furthermore, the school assumes the responsibility to provide an educationally prepared faculty who functions as effective instructors and role models, and requires
a high standard of performance by the student to meet the school's responsibility to the
community. Lastly, the school assumes the responsibility of providing the appropriate
and necessary facilities to allow for the optimum interaction of the students and the
faculty through the use of the curriculum.
NUR 201
8 Credits
Medical-Surgical Nursing I is the first course in the medical-surgical nursing sequence which introduces the student to pathophysiology, man's adaption to illness,
and the process of nursing. Attention is given to special nursing techniques, the aging
process, spiritual needs, communication and limited threats to health. The course is
taught on a body systems model composed of classroom and clinical experiences. The
student spends 128 hours a quarter in the hospital caring for the adult patient. Prereq.
NUR 103 or equiv.
NUR 202
8 Credits
Medical-Surgical Nursing II is th.e second course in the medical-surgical sequence
building on MS I, with attention focused on moderate threats to health, communication techniques, cultural influences on health and illness, and intermediate nursing
techniques. The student spends 128 hours a quarter in the hospital caring for the adult
patient with intermediate threats to health. Prereq. NUR 201.
NUR 203
8 Credits
Medical-Surgical Nursing III is the last course in the medical-surgical nursing sequence, building on MS I and MS II and focusing on multiple threats to health, community resources and complex nursing techniques facilitating adaptation. The student
spends 128 hours a quarter in the hospital caring for the adult patient with multiple
threats to health. Time is also devoted to visiting community resource agencies and correlating them with patient care. Prereq. NUR 202.
NUR 210
.7 Credits
This is an assertiveness class that assists the student in identifying characteristics of
assertive, non-assertive and aggressive behaviors. The student follows specific steps in
attaining assertiveness and learning to distinguish hindrances in reaching a specific
goal. Applications of principles are made to the professional career of nursing through
feedback and communication exercises.
NUR 211
.7 Credits
This course provides the student with the historical foundations of the nursing profession. The student examines a brief survey of the historical development of the nursing profession, focusing on the forces, trends, and issues of the past that have shaped
the profession into what it is today.
PSY 351
4 Credits
Emphasis on normal child development and behavior. Consideration of theoretical
systems used for viewing the developmental sequence and process. Active inquiry into
practical implications and applications of data and theory in respect to the development of children.
REL 353
A study of the beliefs and worship practices of the major denominations and sects.
Some contemporary cultic movements will be considered.
SOC 121
Lutheran Deaconess Hospital School of Nursing offers a program of nursing
education with a Christian influence at the diploma level. The graduate is prepared to
apply for licensure as Registered Nurse (R.N.).
4 Credits
Sociology as a mode of analysis or a way of knowing. Its applications to an understanding of basic aspects of society: socialization, family life, social inequalities, largescale institutions, etc. Sociology as an academic discipline and profession.
NUR 101
4 Credits
This course introduces the student to the nursing profession. It provides a guide for
the beginning student in the development of ideals of service in the care of the sick and
own life as a nurse. The course helps the student to understand the basic needs:
physical, psychosocial, and spiritual, and the means whereby these needs are met. The
student learns basic nursing skills in the classroom and in the hospital as she begins to
care for patients.
4 Credits
This course provides the nursing student with the biomedical background needed in
order to approach the subject of pharmacology rationally. It emphasizes the fundamental principles of pharmacology and concentrates on prototype drugs with which the
student will have to be familar in further encounters with pharmacology. The student
develops a habit of referring to various resources of drug information needed in more
advanced courses. Prereq. NUR 101.
4 Credits
This course, the last in the three-course sequence, focuses on man's interaction with
the environment. It considers basic human needs and reactions to threats of these
needs. The student utilizes a problem solving process to assess the health status of the
patient when planning and executing nursing intervention. Prereq. NUR 102.
The graduate of this program will:
Function as a beginning staff nurse in hospitals, clinics and similar health care institutions.
Function as a member of health care team and a member of and/or leader of the
nursing team.
Demonstrate by clinical performance the attainment of curriculum objectives.
Upon completition of this program of studies the graduate is prepared to:
Synthesize the principles from biological, physical, and behavioral sciences to the
nursing process.
Adapt the nursing process in providing nursing care.
Utilize appropriate communication skills to establish effective interpersonal relationships.
Utilize principles of teaching-learning in health care situations.
Integrate community resources in planning comprehensive health care.
Practice nursing according to legal, professional, and social responsibilities and
Practice safe nursing by making judgements based on scientific principles and
medical diagnosis.
Adapt to the changing role and demands of the nursing profession and the need
for continuing education.
Assume a leadership role in directing and coordinating the activities of the nursing
team in caring for patients.
Integrate Christian principles and values into the professional life.
BIO 103
The mission of The Fairview Community Hospitals is to provide high quality healthrelated services in a spirit of Christian concern to meet the personal needs and improve
the health status of the people and communities we serve.
In fulfillment of this mission, we affirm that Fairview Community Hospitals:
4 Credits
A professional course in the structure and function of the human body. Lecture and
BIO 108
4 Credits
>Is an expression of the healing ministry of Jesus Christ.
Basic microbial features are considered as well as applications of microbiology to the
fields of medicine and sanitation. 3 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory.
>Is committed to view those whom we serve as persons of dignity and worth,
regardless of race, sex, creed or social status.
Chem 103 & 104 GENERAL, ORGANIC &
>Shall reflect the Biblical vision of health as wholeness, and be committed to minister
to body, mind, and spirit through its medical staffs, personnel, programs, services,
and institutional roles.
Selected elements of general, organic, and biological chemistry around the theme:
the molecular basis of life. Lecture and laboratory.
>Shall fulfill or surpass established levels of excellence in its service and shall provide
an environment for growth and satisfaction of its employees.
>Is committed to operate as a private voluntary health care organization.
>Shall be a strong, growing, cost-effective organization through the application of
multi-unit organizational concepts.
>Will participate in and carry on research and educational activities supportive to the
mission of Fairview Community Hospitals.
>Views its focus for growth and development primarily as the Upper Midwest region
of the United States.
>Shall work in cooperation with other health care community agencies and social
organizations, and shall relate meaningfully with the Church and congregations.
ENG 111
4, 4 Credits
4 Credits
The study of composition with emphasis on expository writing. Attention to correct
usage, logical organization, and the research paper. The grading system for this course
is either PIN or 2.0-4.0/N. In order to hold a place in the course, the student must
either attend the first day or personally notify the instructor that he cannot be present.
Psy 105
4 Credits
An introduction to the methods and approaches used in psychology for the purposes
of understanding behavior. The structure of the field of psychology, including its major sub-areas, is emphasized.
2 Credits
Application of ethical principles to problems which arise in the areas of health care
and delivery, human experimentation, human engineering, abortion, care for the dying
and euthanasia.
Beginning of first year
Fall Semester (14 weeks)
101 Fundamentals of Nursing I
103 General, Organic & Biological Chem
103 Anatomy and Physiology 0
105 *General Psychology 0
Interim (4 weeks)
102 Fundamentals of Nursing II
Spring Semester (14 weeks)
103 Fundamentals of Nursing III
108 Microbiology 0
111 *Effective Writing 0
104 General, Organic & Bio Chem
Beginning of second year
First Quarter (9 weeks)
201 Medical-Surgical Nursing
210 Trends in Nursing I
121 Principles of Sociology 0 0
353 Denominations and Sects
Fourth Quarter (9 weeks)
One of the Following:
310 OB-Gyn Nursing
330 Pediatric Nursing
Second Quarter (9 weeks)
202 Medical-Surgical Nursing II
211 Trends in Nursing II
------------------------------------------------ ....
in America 0 0
Third Quarter (9 weeks)
203 Medical-Surgical Nursing III
212 Trends in Nursing III
351 Development Psychology: Child
Ortho-Neuro Nursing
Psychiatric Nursing
Developmental Psych. cont.
Begining of third year
First Quarter (9 weeks)
One of the Following:
310 OB-Gyn Nursing
330 Pediatric Nursing
320 Ortho-Neuro Nursing
340 Psychiatric Nursing
380 Medical Ethics 00
Fourth Quarter (9 weeks)
400 Management of Patient Care
Second Quarter (9 weeks)
One of the Following:
310 OB-Gyn Nursing
330 Pediatric Nursing
320 Ortho-Neuro Nursing
340 Psychiatric Nursing
Third Quarter (9 weeks)
One of the Following:
310 OB-Gyn Nursing
330 Pediatric Nursing
320 Ortho-Neuro Nursing
340 Psychiatric Nursing
Courses taught at Augsburg College
° Courses taught at Lutheran Deaconess Hospital School of Nursing by Augsburg Faculty
* Courses that can be taken during either the fall or spring semester
0 0
to enhance her performance of previous roles when the client is in a crisis situation and
to expand the student's teaching to groups. It introduces the role of the nurse as a
health counselor in various primary health care settings. This level also includes the
study of medical ethics.
During this level, the student completes an advanced level Management of Patient
Care course, which affords opportunities to apply principles of leadership in the nursing process and to supervise the care of individuals and groups of patients with multiple
and critical problems. The theory relative to collaborating and advocating is examined
as the student cares for clients in complex situations. Interactions with the health team
and with groups in the community help the student develop leadership skills.
At each level of the curriculum, there exists a set of courses or course that reflects a
disciplinary or a synthesis of disciplinary and competency based learning designs. The
disciplinary based learning design is featured in the courses offered at Augsburg College and in the classroom component of each course taught at the School of Nursing,
because this design stresses the importance of theory, its role in the curriculum, and the
changing nature of theory. The competency based learning design is featured in the
clinical component of the School of Nursing courses because it allows the student to
systematically apply theory to the nursing process through the mastery of specific nursing skills.
Curriculum Organization
Four levels of learning have been identified and courses are provided at each level to
assist the student in achieving the objectives at each of the levels. Such a curriculum
design was developed and implemented because it provides a continuous and sequential
learning environment that emphasizes a simple to complex learning approach.
Equal Opportunity Statements
Lutheran Deaconess Hospital School of Nursing is committed to the policy that
all applicants shall have equal access to the program without regard to race, color,
sex, age, religion, marital status or handicap. In adherence to this policy, the school
abides by the requirements of Title IX of the 1972 Education amendments, section
504 of P. L. 93-112, and other statutes relating to equal opportunity. Questions
regarding compliance may be directed to Director, Lutheran Deaconess Hospital
School of Nursing, 2315 14th Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404, or to
the Director of the Office of Civil Rights, Department of Health, Education, and
Welfare, Washington, D.C. 20201.
This level consists of fundamental science and psychosocial courses and introductory
courses in nursing and the health care system. Anatomy and physiology, chemistry,
microbiology, psychology, and English courses are taken at Augsburg College located
near the School of Nursing. These courses provide the essential scientific and social
scientific foundations upon which the nursing curriculum is developed. At the School
of Nursing, fundamental nursing skills and attitudes are developed through introductory nursing courses utilizing basic scientific principles and correlated clinical experiences. The emphasis is on the healthy individual, the client, and the nurse. The
nursing process is introduced as the student learns to assume the comforting and protecting roles for her clients.
The second level focuses on maintaining and promoting an individual's abilities to
meet health needs and assisting individuals in meeting these needs. Courses at this level
feature an emphasis on illnesses and representative common medical-surgical conditions that affect the adult client. The nursing process, a problem-solving approach to
meet both physical and psychological needs of the client and his family, becomes an
important means for translating theory into practice. The student begins to practice the
therapeutic role and to incorporate teaching in her care of patients, and she begins to
include the family to a greater extent. This level also includes the study of historical and
contemporary trends in nursing and advanced courses in psychology, religion and
A graduate of an accredited high school or its equivalent.
A course in high school chemistry or its equivalent.
Rank in upper 1/3 of her class.
The American College Testing Program (A.C.T. test) The applicant makes the arrangements for this with her high school. It is recommended that the first available
testing date during the senior year be used. Our A.C.T. code number is 2119.
5. If college attended, a GPA of at least 2.5 average in courses applicable to nursing.
6. After acceptance a certificate of immunizations as specified by the School.
7. Health and physical abilities of the applicant need to be such as to enable the applicant to meet the academic and clinical requirements of this program.
The third level is designed to have the nursing student apply the principles and practices
of nursing to special situations in which the nursing process is extended to the clinical
areas of obstetrical, pediatric, psychiatric, and ortho-neuro nursing. The student
rotates through a set of courses that emphasizes assisting the client with more complex
needs, requiring the student to develop and use more complex procedures for health
supervision and the teaching of the family. This level gives the student an opportunity
1. A request for information and application forms should be addressed to Registrar,
The School of Nursing reserves the right to terminate any student whose class work,
health, conduct or nursing practice make it inadvisable for her to remain in the School.
Lutheran Deaconess Hospital School of Nursing, 2315 14th Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55404.
Application forms to be submitted are:
a. Application for Admission.
b. Official transcript of high school credits and college, if attended. Rank in high
school class.
c. A.C.T. scores - each applicant must have A.C.T. Send complete score report
to school.
d. Three letters of reference. These references must come from persons who have
known the applicant well, in one of the following capacities. Only one reference
from a group.
(1) recent teacher, (2) recent counselor, (3) clergy man, (4) current or recent
employer, (5) personal friend or co-worker.
e. Application fee.
A personal interview may be required.
Further testing may be required.
Credit may be given for college level courses if the grade is a "C" or better, if
taken within the last 5 years, and if taken at an accredited school.
Within one month after all application materials are received, the applicant will be
notified of the decision of the Admissions and Promotions Committee.
After acceptance, applicants are eligible to apply for financial assistance. All applicants for financial aid are required to complete the FFS.
Acceptance is based on the following:
1. Complete record for review by the Admissions and Promotions Committee.
2. Satisfactory achievement of admission requirements.
1. The Admissions and Promotions Committee meets monthly from November
through June to review completed applications.
2. The Admissions and Promotions Committee notifies each applicant of its decision
in writing.
3. Notification will occur within one week of the decision.
Accepted applicants musl ,,,ign the note of intent and return the note with the
matriculation fee within two weeks after the date of the acceptance letter, or the application will be automatically withdrawn. The matriculation fee is non-refundable.
See re-admission under Entrance Requirements and Procedures.
Students who successfully complete all program requirements and who meet all
financial obligations to the School will be awarded the diploma and the pin of the
School of Nursing.
Upon graduation, the student is eligible to write the examination for licensure which
is given by the State Board of Nursing. Successful passing of this examination enables
the graduate to practice nursing as a registered nurse (R.N.) in the state which administered the examination.
Grade reports of students over 18 years of age may not be sent to parents or responsible parties without a signed waiver by the student.
Grade reports of students under 18 years of age may be sent to parents or responsible
parties upon request.
A student may request to see her academic record at any time. If the student is
over 18 years of age, a signed waiver by the student must be submitted to the Registrar
before parents or responsible parties may review the academic record.
If the student is under 18 years of age, parents or responsible parties may request the
Registrar to review the academic record.
A request to the Director of the School of Nursing or the Registrar may be made at
any time for the correction of an incorrectly transcribed item in the academic record.
The student or graduate when applying for employment must by written waiver
specify the items to be released from the academic record to the prospective employer.
For additional information see Records under Entrance Requirements and Procedures.
A transcript will be furnished only upon the written request of the student or
graduate. Such requests are to be sent to the Office of the Registrar, Lutheran
Deaconess Hospital School of Nursing. The first copy of a transcript is issued without
charge. Thereafter, a charge of $2.00 is made for each additional transcript.
The following grading scale has been adopted by the faculty. The numbers represent
percentages of points awarded for completed work.
If the applicant is not accepted for admission and wishes to appeal this decision, the
following procedure must be followed:
1. The applicant must notify the Admissions and Promotions Committee in writing
of her intent to appeal within two weeks of the date when she was notified of nonacceptance.
2. Upon receipt of the intent to appeal, the Committee will make provision for the
applicant to appear before the committe in person.
3. If the in-person appeal to the Admissions Committee is denied, the applicant may
present her appeal in writing and in person to the Executive Committee of the
Faculty Organization.
4. The decision of the Executive Committee is final.
- 100%
- 97%
- 93%
- 90%
- 87%
- 84%
Students who do not attain a "C" in any course must repeat the course.
Applicants may withdraw their applications at any time by notifying the Registrar.
The applicant's record will be retained in the files until one month after the class enters
in September and then will be destroyed.
Non-completed or non-processed records will be retained until one month after the
class enters in September and then will be destroyed.
Promotion from One Level to Another
Promotion from one level to the next is accomplished through a periodic review of
the student's level of achievement in the required areas of theory and clinical experiences of each level. In order to be promoted, the student must have a minimum
grade of "C" in theory and a "pass" in the clinical laboratory for all nursing courses
and a minimum grade of "C" in all other courses.
In the event that a student fails or drops out of a course, and would like to continue
in the program she must:
1. Petition to the Admissions and Promotions Committee to enroll in another course
in the curriculum.
2. Petition to the Admissions and Promotions Committee to retake the failed or
dropped course.
A course may be repeated only once, and students must always meet the prerequisites
of a course before they can take it.
The faculty has the authority and assumes the responsibility for determining whether
a student possesses the qualifications necessary for her to become a competent
nurse. In the event a student fails to demonstrate the personal and professional
qualifications, the student may be asked to withdraw from the School.
II. Moving from One Term to Another
Each student must have paid the tuition and school costs or made arrangements to
do so before the beginning of the next term. See the Director of the School if you have
any problems.
Students wishing to withdraw from the School must submit a written statement to
the Director of the School. Failure to report to class or clinical assignment is not an official withdrawal.
Candidates who have completed courses comparable in hours and content to those
currently offered by Lutheran Deaconess Hospital School of Nursing are considered
for course exemption on an individual basis. Exemptions will not be granted for
courses taken prior to five (5) years of the application date without special permission.
Exemption Requirements by Category
1. Non-nursing courses: applicants must provide
a. official school/ college transcript(s)
b. school/college catalog containing the course description(s) for which exemption(s) are being requested.
2. Nursing courses:
a. L.P.N. Graduates - exemptions may only be granted for First Level Nursing
courses. The applicant must:
1. have graduated from a state approved N.L.N. accredited school.
2. submit an official school transcript with satisfactory grades (C average
3. have a current L.P.N. license and be eligible to practice in the state of
4. satisfactorily achieve in faculty-designated examinations.
5. If academic requirements are met, the applicant may be admitted to the
Second Level for an evaluation period.
b. Students from professional nursing programs - The applicant must:
1. have been enrolled in a state approved and N.L.N. accredited program.
2. submit an official school transcript with satisfactory grades (C minimum)
in previous nursing courses.
3. submit references which include (1) from the director of the nursing program and (2) from nursing instructors who can adequately evaluate the applicant's previous nursing performance.
4. submit a school/college catalog containing course description(s) for which
exemption(s) are being requested. Only current credits earned within the
five years prior to application will be considered for exemption.
Exemption Procedure
1. In addition to furnishing the credentials required for admission, the applicant
must submit an Application for Exemption form and provide the appropriate data
listed in Section B above.
2. The following fee schedule will prevail:
a. non-nursing course exemption fee - $5.00 each.
b. nursing courses exemption fee - $10.00
c. standardized testing fees - at cost
3. The Admissions and Promotions Committee will approve or disapprove course exemption requests. Granting of final acceptance will be the responsibility of the
Faculty Organization.
4. In order to be eligible for graduation from this school, the student must complete a
full academic year at the school.
5. All requests for course exemptions must be submitted and approved before the
academic year begins. The deadline for submitting requests is May 30 prior to the
academic year in which the exemption is desired.
The academic year at Lutheran Deaconess Hospital, School of Nursing differs according to the level of the program. First year students, (Level I), follow Augsburg College's academic calender consisting of the 4-1-4 plan of two semesters and an interim.
Each semester is 14 weeks in length and the interim is 4 weeks. Second and third year
students (Levels II, III, IV) follow the School of Nursing calender consisting of 4
quarters, where each quarter is 9 weeks in length.
The academic year at the School of Nursing begins in the fall, and this is the time
that most students enter the School. Occasionally, transfer, returning, and special
students enter at the beginning of a quarter or semester during the year.
The unit of credit at Lutheran Deaconess Hospital School of Nursing is the semester
hour. For transfer students, 1.5 quarter hours is equivalent to 1 semester hour.
Students at the School of Nursing accumulate a total of 114 semester hours of credit,
of which 36 semester hours are recorded on an Augsburg College transcript and are
automatically transferred to the School of Nursing. These transferred credits represent
all work taken at Augsburg College and those courses taught by the Augsburg professors at the School of Nursing.
In any re-admission, the Admissions and Promotions Committee reserves the right
to require additional information and testing when there is an indicated need for it.
Re-admission Procedure
1. Should a former student desire re-admission, she must submit a new application,
including references, updated transcripts and physical examination report if the
period of time since the last admittance at Lutheran Deaconess Hospital School
of Nursing exceeds one year. A re-admission fee of $50.00 will be charged for this
2. Should a former student desire re-admission, and has been away from the school
less than one year, she will need to submit a letter of request for re-admission
containing (a) reasons tor re-admission to the program, (b) activities during
absences from the program, and (c) professional goals. A re-admissions fee of
$25.00 will be charged for this student.
Students at Lutheran Deaconess
as follows:
First year students
Second year students
Third year students
Hospital School of Nursing are divided into classes
Each freshman student is assigned to an instructor who functions as a counselor. It is
the responsibility of each counselor to meet with her advisees at the close of each course
to review academic progress and any problems that should occur.
See Advanced Placement under Entrance Requirements and Procedures.
Seven percent, simple-interest loans are granted from time to time. This fund provides
loans up to $1,000 per academic year. Applications may be obtained from the Director
of the School of Nursing.
Individuals may request permission to take selected nursing courses to meet personal
or professional objectives.
The candidate must:
1. have an interview with the Director of the program to assess and plan appropriately for courses to meet the objectives.
2. submit an Application for Admissions form and indicate course(s) desired.
3. submit the application fee for processing the record of $10.00.
This scholarship provides varying amounts of financial aid up to $1,000 per student
per year. This scholarship is available to students who are members of AAL. Recipients
are selected on the basis of financial need, Christian character, academic achievement,
and leadership potential. Information and applications can be obtained from the
Director of the School of Nursing.
State money is administered and distributed through the Higher Education Coordinating Commission. This money is available to students who meet the state requirements. Applications are made through the BEOG form and can be obtained from
the Director of the School of Nursing or from your high school counselor.
For unmarried full-time students if one parent (covered by Social Security) is retired,
deceased or disabled. The amount is dependent upon eligibility as determined by the
Social Security Administration. To apply, contact the Federal Social Security Administration Office in your area.
Eligible students may receive assistance from the Veteran's Administration under the
0.1. Bill.
In addition to loans, grants and scholarships, students can also seek employment to
help pay for their school costs. It is recommended that a student have sufficient funds
so that employment is not necessary for the first semester of the freshmen year, as
many students often need that period of time to adjust to the rigors of the program.
Employment may be available in various departments of Lutheran Deaconess
Hospital. Applications for employment may be made through the Personnel Department. This information concerning employment at Lutheran Deaconess Hospital is
subject to change in accordance with employment needs and policies of the hospital.
Prospective students or any other interested persons are invited to visit Lutheran
Deaconess Hospital School of Nursing campus at any time. School tours may be
scheduled with the secretary at the School of Nursing.
In addition to housing the School of Nursing, Anna Bergeland Hall contains a coed
residential facility for the nursing students. The third and fourth floors provide housing for female students, while the second floor contains rooms for male students.
Single students should live in the residence hall or with their parents if their homes are
within commuting distance. Two students share a room, and applicants may request to
live together. A few single rooms are available at a higher cost. Student accommodations include a desk, a bed, and a closet. Lounge and laundry areas are located on each
residential floor of the hall, and there is a main lounge on the first floor adjacent to the
library. The residence hall is connected to the hospital through a tunnel. A residence
hall director lives within the hall and is there to assist students with any problems that
should occur.
The following is a list of the major types of financial aid that students who attend the
School of Nursing may be eligible for. Students are encouraged to meet with their high
school counselors to discuss some of the following sources of aid as well as other
sources that they may be eligible for.
The Basic Educational Opportunity Grant Program is a federal aid program designed to provide financial assistance to those who need it to attend a post-high school
educational institution. The amount of a Basic Grant is determined on the basis of the
applicant's and her family's financial resources. Awards usually range between $50
and $1800. Applications may be obtained from the School of Nursing or from your
high school.
This fund is used to assist students in nursing either in the basic program or advanced
nursing program. Funds are generally awarded to second or third year students. Applications may be obtained from the Director of the School of Nursing.
The hospital offers complete cafeteria service to the nursing students, and meals can
be purchased at a reduced rate. There is also a hospital coffee shop. Within the resident
hall itself, there are limited facilities for food preparation.
Three percent, low interest, cancellable loans are available to students who meet
federal requirements. These loans are administered by the School of Nursing, and
graduates must work in a needs hospital in order to be eligible for the cancellation. The
loan is interest free until 9 months following graduation. Applications may be obtained
from the Director of the School of Nursing.
Available parking space near the School of Nursing is limited. Parking facilities exist
in the hospital's parking lots for students.
This unit of the American Legion provides several $100 scholarships for students in
the School of Nursing. Students are selected on the basis of academic achievement and
financial need. Applications may be obtained from the Director of the School of Nursing.
A nurse is in charge of the student health service at all times. Students are required
to carry group hospitalization insurance through the school unless they have insurance
under family policies. The specific services of the student health service are described in
the student handbook.
Seven percent interest loans administered through the Minnesota Higher Education
Coordinating Commission are available. These loans are cancellable if the graduate
works in a needs hospital, and are interest free until 9 months after graduation. Applications may be obtained from the Director of the School of Nursing or from your
high school counselor.
Payment Due
Health Fee
Graduation Fee
Room Rent
1st Term
2nd Term
3rd Term
4th Term
The school has a counseling program which is flexible enough to meet varying individual needs. The program assists the student in meeting and solving educational
and personal problems. Referral services are used as indicated or requested e.g.
pastors, psychiatrists and psychologists to assist the student in becoming more selfdirecting.
Additional expenses include: transportation to various clinical facilities and to
Augsburg College. Additional tours may also require additional charges. No attempt is
made to include personal expenses. Uniforms are purchased directly from the uniform
company. Books are purchased directly from nearby bookstores. Health insurance is
mandatory and may be purchased through the school.
Payment of Charges: Charges must be paid by due dates. If charges are not paid
and/or arrangements made, the student will not be allowed to attend classes.
Employment: The student academic hours allow time for employment. Many
students secure employment to help defray school expenses. It is suggested that
students not work during the first semester in the school.
Refunds: Tuition for a student leaving the school will be refunds as follows:
During the first
- 80%
- 70%
- 60%
- 50%
- 40%
No refund is made after the fifth week. No refunds are made for the Interim period.
Fees are not refundable.
Re-Admission: Should a former student apply for re-admission she will submit a
new application, including a physical examination report and 'references. A readmission fee of $25 will be charged to students returning after an absence of up to six
months. After an absence of more than six months, a $50 charge will be made in addition to the regular tuition charges. Transfer students pay the re-admission charge.
Lutheran Deaconess Hospital Inger Bergh Library is located on the first floor of
Anna Bergeland Hall and is under the direction of the medical librarian. This library
contains about 3,000 volumes and about 120 periodicals. The library also houses a student learning center. Nursing students also have full privileges at the Augsburg College
Library and at the Children's Health Center and Hospital library.
The maintenance and safety of the applicant's records is the responsibility of the
Procedure for Gaining Access to Records:
I. Student Records
a. Access to student progress records is limited to School Administration, the
Registrar, the individual student, and faculty members.
b. Anyone except the Registrar gaining access to the file shall sign and date the
access sheet in the file. The purpose of the access shall also be completed on
the access sheet.
2. Graduate Records
a. Access to graduate records is limited to the Director of the School or her
designee, the Registrar, and the graduate.
b. Anyone gaining access to a graduate file shall sign and date the access sheet
for that file and shall state to what purpose the file was viewed.
c. No information is given from any graduate file unless upon the written request
of the graduate.
d. The above procedure also applies to files of resigned students.
For additional information see the Student Handbook.
Students are encouraged to practice the teachings of the Christian faith by attending
a church of their own affiliation and chapel services and by participating in student
groups that are sponsored by the churches or other religious organizations. As part of
the School's annual program of religious emphasis, six mission interest meetings are
held during the school year. The Good News Committee schedules chapel devotions
and plans activities for the annual spiritual emphasis week. The Taiwan project is a
plan in which one Lutheran Deaconess Hospital School of Nursing graduate annually
is given the opportunity to serve for a two-year period in the Chiayi Christian Hospital
in Taiwan. These arrangements are made with the Board of World Missions of the
American Lutheran Church.
Tuition and fees are estimated below. Effort will be made to keep charges as
estimated. However, all tuition and fees are subject to changes as necessary.
Pre-admission charges (not refundable)
Students automatically become members of the Deaconess Student Association (DSA)
of Lutheran Deaconess Hospital School of Nursing when they are admitted to the
School. Through this organization students learn self-direction, self-discipline, leadership and responsibility, thus helping them to adjust to group living and to their future
roles as professional nurses. Each class selects its own officers who conduct the
business and guide the activities of the class. A faculty member serves as an advisor for
each class.
Each student is encouraged to become a member of the State and National Association
of Nursing Students. Participation in these organizations fosters an opportunity for
students to develop an interest in and a need for membership in professional organizations as a registered nurse.
The Big Brother and Sister activities assist new students in becoming oriented and adjusted to the School. The School of Nursing has a choir directed by a qualified Director. Periodically this choir gives concerts of both religious and contemporary music,
and every spring the choir goes on a tour. Students are also encouraged to take advantage of the rich cultural environment which the Twin Cities provide by attending concerts, operas, ballets, theaters, films, museums, art galleries, sporting events and other
cultural-recreational events. There are limited funds made available from Lutheran
Deaconess Hospital Auxiliary for students to attend community cultural events.
For additional information see the Student Handbook.
Application Fee, submitted with application
Matriculation Fee, paid when appointment is accepted
Payment Due
Tuition at LDH
(Exclusive of pre-admission fees)
Charge for Augsburg Courses
Health Fee
Room Rent
1st Semester Interim 2nd Semester
January February
Payment Due
Tuition LDH
Health Fee
Room Rent
1st Term
2nd Term
3rd Term
4th Term
Show less
. I
·. I
Those who hope to lead had better understand both
rationally and intuitively the people who might be theix
followers, and the society in which they are embedded.
They had better comprehend the values of our common
culture, past and present, know ho... Show more
. I
·. I
Those who hope to lead had better understand both
rationally and intuitively the people who might be theix
followers, and the society in which they are embedded.
They had better comprehend the values of our common
culture, past and present, know how our political and
economic systems work, and understand how and why
science has changed the world ... Leaders need
specialists as advisers and staff members. But leaders
themselves are generalists ... At higher levels of
leader hip they cannot achieve their full potential
without considerable breadth of knowledge. Only this
way can they shape the contexts for decisions where
expert knowledge is used.
-- John Gardner
Augsburg College
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
IJnformation Sessions
Individuals in terested in the Master of Arts in Lead ership program
at Augsburg ollege are encouraged to attend an information
session. These free, two-hour sessions are scheduled at various
times prior to the beginning of each trimester. Please call the
Graduate Program Office (330-1787) to receive further details or to
register for one of these information sessions:
Saturday, April 16, 1988
9:00 - 11:00 AM
Thursday, May 26, 1988
6:00 - 8:00 PM
Tuesday, June 21, 1988
6:00 - 8:00 PM
Tuesday, July 19, 1988
6:00 - 8:00 PM
Saturday, October 22, 1988
9:00 - 11:00 AM
Saturday, February 25, 1989
9:00 - 11:00 AM
Saturday, April 22, 1989
9:00 - 11:00 AM
Thursday, May 25, 1989
6:00 - 8:00 PM
Tuesday, June 20, 1989
6:00 - 8:00 PM
Tuesday, July 18, 1989
6:00 - 8:00 PM
For more information write or call:
Graduate Program Office
Augsburg College
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Information Sessions .................... . .. . . . . . . . . . .. .... . 2
Calendar for 1988-89 .............. .. ... . . ..... ...... .. .... .4
Introduction to the Master of Arts in Leadership ..... . ..... .. .. . 6
Leadership Development Model ............. ... . .. . . . ..... . . 7
Curriculum Design ........... .. ... .. ... . ... ............... 9
Course Descriptions ... .. ................... ...... . .. .. ... . 10
Graduate Faculty .................... .. . . ................. 12
Library ..................................... . ..... ...... . 12
Accreditation and Affiliations ........ . . .. .. ... ... . .. ... . .... 12
Student Support Services .. .............. . .. . .. .. ... .... . .. 13
Student Rights .. .. .... .. .................. . .. . ..... .... .. 13
Admission Requirements ... . ...... .. ..... . .... ·.... ....... . 14
Application Procedures ....... .. .......... . . .. . ............ 14
Deadlines ...... .. . .. . ......... .. .. .... .... .. ... ... ..... . . 14
Evaluation Standards ......... .. ............ . . .... . .. . .... . 15
Academic Policies . . .... .. .... .. .... .. ...... .... .... .... . . . 16
Fee and Payment Schedule ...... . ........ . . ............ . .. 17
Financial Aid ..... .. ......... . ..... ... ..... ...... ...... ... 18
About Augsburg ..... . ..................... ... ..... .. . ... . 19
Campus Map ............................. . . . .. ..... .. .. . 20
Campus Location .. .. . . . .. .. ... .... .. ... ............. ... .. 21
Faculty and Administration ................. .... . . ......... 22
Advisory Council to the Graduate Program ... .......... . . . ... 24
lllaster of Arts in
1988-89 Calendar
Saturday Schedule: 8:30 - Noon and 1:15 - 4:45 PM
Thursday Schedule: 6:00 - 7:30 PM and 8:00 - 9:30 PM
Fall Trimester, 1988
Monday, August 15, 1988
Saturday, August 27
Thursday, September 8
Saturday, September 10
Thursday, September 15
Saturday, September 24
Thursday, September 29
Saturday, October 8
Thursday, October 13
Thursday, October 20
Saturday, October 22
Thursday, October 27
Saturday, November 5
Thursday, November 10
Saturday, November 19
Wednesday, November 23
Saturday, December 3
Saturday, December 10
Monday, December 19
Application Deadline
Classes Begin
Leadership Practicum
Leadership Practicum
Last day to Withdraw
Last Class
Final Grades Due
Winter Trimester, 1989
Monday, November 28, 1988
Thursday, January 5, 1989
Saturday, January 7
Saturday, January 14
Thursday, January 19
Saturday, January 28
Thursday, February 2
Saturday, February 11
Thursday, February 16
Thursday, February 23
Saturday, February 25
Thursday, March 2
Thursday, March 9
Saturday, March 11
Thursday, March 16
Saturday, March 18
Thursday, March 23
Monday, April 3
Application Deadline
Classes Begin/Registrati n
Leadership Practicum
Leadership Practicum
Last day to Withdraw
Last Class
Final Grades Due
Spring Trimester, 1989
Monday, March 6, 1989
Thursday, April 6
Saturday, April 8
Thursday, April 13
Saturday, April 22
Thursday, April 27
Saturday, May 6
Thursday, May 11
Thursday, May 18
Saturday, May 20
Thursday, May 25
Saturday, June 3
Thursday, June 8
Thursday, June 15
Saturday, June 17
Saturday, June 24
Thursday, June 29
Monday, July 10
Application Deadline
Classes Begin/Registn1lion
Leadership Practicum
Leadership Practicum
Last day to Withdraw
Last Class
Final Grades Due
to the
Master ofArts in Leadership
Developing Leaders for Organizations and the
Th Mtt ·ter o( ArlS in Lead r hip•" ponds to th lead r hip
d vclopm nt n ed - of profit and nut-for-profit org<1niz.11tion . While
diff rent in stru lur and pm po e, mo tor <1niz.nti n s ek leaders
with the fo llowi ng qunlitie :
• a vision which is ethically <md mornlly responsible, extending
beyond immediate concerns;
• an understanding of how change occurs and ciffects the
immediate environment;
• a sensitivity to the omplex problems organizations face, cind an
ability to achieves lutions consistent with an organization's
• th abili t to motivate and inspire individui11S and groups to
work toward a common goill; and
• th e ability to effectively represent the organiu1tion both
internally and externally.
The Ma ter of Arts in Lend rship provides a mean by which
individuals aspiring to enhance th ii' I , d , r hip skills mny di cover
and refin lhes nnd th r abilitie and awnre nesses fundmnental
to effective leadership.
Accommodatin!? the Full!fime Work Schedule
The Mast r of Arts in Lead r hip pmgr<1m is de i ned to meet the
n ds and pi: ~ f .•r n es of working fldults. The prog rnm is based on
th a umption that th m n and women wh enr 11 are
employed, self-disciplined and well-motivated individuals who
s ·ek a balance of clas room experience, group interaction and
individual study. fa1 h CO lll' e i , th refore, divid d into period of
. tudy, group ffor ts and cliiss preparntion. lo accommodat this
ormal f 1· learning, each d o s m ts on alternate Sah1rday for
tl11: e and one half hours and all' mate Thur day evenings for on
and ne hnlf hours.
leadership Development Model
The Master of Art in Lead rship program promt,te lead 1· hip as
a pro ess which 1) inspires cooperation am ng people who must
compete fo r limited re our es, 2) promotes productivity within and
beyond th organizati n and 3) w rks toward progres . To
nccompli h thi , individuals aspiring to position. of I aders hip
mu t po es three k y attribute : a ens of vision, th ability to
persuade and the ability to dir ct ac tion. Und rlying these
ri th·ibutes i a road rai1g of abilities and awnre nesses. These
abilities and awar ne e 1 outlin d in the diagram on pn e 7, ·erve
a specific utcom ·for the Master of Arts in Lead r hip.
Aug burg's m d I of lead rship d ev lopm nt is designed to assess,
promote, enhance and refine these capabilities within the individual.
Leadership Development Model
lW i1.l1 \i ·f or
for.~q,ioi n
C> 11i(in ttitfon !tii•:a~d
\'i· t1.1n
Ai: ~i.cm
C ulturally
a\v;i ren
Environmenta l
Tolerance o[
r ligiuus and
diffe rences
Appreciati on
f s ituational
pers pect ive
Ri sk
As sumptive
Curio- ity
Ii 'lener
Effe tive
team 'm ember
Jnterp rsonal
Ability to
of research
Ability to
f r cu ll ural
pers pective
Tolerance of
Community of learners
Essential to the goals of the Master of Arts in Leadership is
participation in a community of learners. Learning can be
enhanced when the student is involved in a stable community that
provides opportunity and encouragement for active participation
both in and out of the classroom. This community will be enriched
by the presence of men and women who bring to the program a
variety of work and life experiences. To facilitate this kind of
community interaction, Augsburg encourages graduate students to
make use of college facilities such as the library, meeting rooms and
college center; to take the opportunity of having shared meals and
coffee breaks; to participate in optional lunchtime seminars; and to
attend other college activities such as music and dramatic
presentations and athletic events.
leadership Practicum
Master of Arts in Leadership students enroll in a half course called
"Leadership Practicum." Students are required to enroll in this
professional assessment and development course for six terms
during their graduate work at Augsburg. Upon completion of the
entire practicum, students receive a half course credit. In each
term, one Saturday and one Thursday evening are devoted to
"Leadership Practicum."
Early in the program a major component of this practicum is a fullday professional assessment to determine students' abilities and
potential relative to each of the outcomes of the Leadership
Development Model (see page 7) . Assessment instruments
include paper and pencil exercises and simulation and group
experiences. Following the assessment students meet individually
with a trained assessor who provides guidance in personal goal
setting and in the creation of a professional development plan or
In subsequent terms "Leadership Practicum" includes workshops
designed to meet the needs of the students in the following areas:
communication skills, self-assessment measures, group processes,
and other professional development topics identified by graduate
students and staff.
"Leadership Practicum'' concludes with a final assessment followed
by an individual meeting with a trained assessor.
The Master of Arts in Leadership program is composed of 12
courses. Each course unites two or more liberal arts disciplines,
ncournge pursuit of the designated outcomes, and uses a variety
of learning t clrniqu app ropriate to adult learners. In tructional
techniques ar varied, u h as ca e tudy, d bate, written and oral
presentations and group c ctivity. Th s tech niques, which have
had demonstra ted ·ucce in advanced cour e , d v lop targeted
l ader hip abilities and understandings. Continual reinforcement
occur·, s students employ these capacities in multiple c urses.
Students ar encouraged to c abilili sand understandings as
Goss-d is iplinar 1 and to e · co.ntent area a integrated . Th very
form of the pr gra m reflect the vi w that lhe world in whi h we
operate i complex and that dealing with it successfu lly requires
well developed integrative ability.
Required Courses Include:
ML 510
Foundations of Leadership (to be taken during on e
of the first three trimesters)
Thesis-Research Seminar I
Thesis-Research Seminar II (These two seminars are
to be taken in a student's last two consecutive
Thesis Consultation (a half course to be taken
simultaneously with ML591 and in the term in
which the thesis is completed)
Leadership Practicum (a half course which spans six
Students are required to complete eight additional
courses chosen from the following courses:
ML 511
Creativity and the Problem-Solving Process
Self-Identity, Values and Personal Growth
ML 520
Methods of Critical Thought
ML 521
Ethics in Communication
ML 530
ML 531
The Dynamics of Change
Politics, History and Leadership
ML 540
Analytical Reasoning for Qualitative Decisions
ML 545
Decision-Making Technology
ML 550
Developing a Multi-Cultural Perspective
ML 560
Other courses as added
D ourse Descriptions
ML 510 Foundations of Leadership
lnh'oduction to the co n ept of leader hip, pr viding an hi t rical
and philosophical fram work for th pr gram. Thi ourse views
the nature and purpos o leadership from a variety of disciplin
and per pectives. Th role of the liberal arts, various learning
tyle , method of research and inquiry, student
outcomes and program expectations are examined.
ML 511 Creativity and the Problem-Solving Process
Exploration of creativity from the perspective of traditional
aesthetics as well as contemporary organizational thinking. This
ourse uses creativity as a method and it examines techniques for
ol ing problem in organizations, for enhancing innovation, and
for . eking an integrativ world-view.
ML 520 Self-Identity, Values and Personal Growth
tudy of the c n epts of self-identity, alue and per nal grow th
a · r lat •d to professional and per ona l life. Thi course may
employ psycho!()gical, philosoph.ical, and the logi al perspective
to expl re the role of the individual in the laTger social context.
Major topics in Jude the acquisition, development and evolution of
self- identity and values, the influence of sex roles, and the
relationship to spiritual growth.
ML 521 Methods of Critical Thought
lnvestigntion of the proce se of critical thinking drawing from
ur e f cu e n th
philosophy and other disciplines. Thi
relation hips betwe n idea and th expre si n and application of
id as. St uden apply dial ctical pruces e in the ffective
formation, presentation and use of ideas in organizational
ML 530 Ethics in Communication
Interdi ciplinary study of ethics and communication through the
inv tigation of a variety of ethical perspectives within human
communication. This course places particular attention on the use
and abuse of communication in politics, adverti ing and interpersonal relationship . It emphasizes a en itivity to ethical
conflict which aris in social and rganizati nal setting .
ML 531 The Dynamics of Change
Examination of the proce es by which change occurs. This course
applies economic and ociological theories to such critical social
issues as human , nd natural resume management. Dmph i is
on identifying th .tl ed for hang , th >m ans of initiating it <lnd
the adaptation of so ial grnup to ha ng .
ML 540 Pol itics, History and Leadership
Analy i · of th politi al 11 p ts of nation-states and oth r
organizations. This ours focuses on th pro ess of a hi ving
individu, I, group or nationnt go;il . Ornwing on a vari ty of
culture and nations, it examines significanJ hi ·tori al ent ;in I
the leaders who shaped them.
ML 545 Ana lytical Reasoning for QuaJitative Decisions
Exploration of the m thods f mathemati al reasoning as rt
·truclure for apprort hing probl ems. This COlll's Io u ·e n th
logic and ratitmale und rlying m. thematica l models, nd , n I ti al
d is ion making te hniq ues.
ML 550 Decision-Making and Technology
Historical, nalysis of th decision making and p.robl 111 s 1lving
process. This coms focu . nth d •wlopment oft 'Chn logy as
both th ' ciuse fin th · solution of prob! ms by invesl1gatLng
various cases.
ML 560 Developing n Multi· ultu.ral Perspective
Investigation of il'lter-cultuJ'al i ues. This rnurs · n han e · the
11bilily lo I •ad cind 1·v ork more eff> tively with people of different
ullur, l b11 kgrounds through U1c st udy of d ivers va lues, b Hers
and trad ition 1·vithin th, globa l commun ity.
ML 590 Thesis-Research Seminar I: Research in Leadership
Firstha lfof. two- ·u ur ·e"capston " ·eq u n efor !h M cislerof
Art s in Leadership prngram . This rnurse provide , h individu, I
the opportunity lo develop <1 resea rch l pie to synth siz pr viou.
stLldy 11nd work xperience, nd to d monstrate an ·und erstnnding
of the program's principles. rnd don, P/1 bci:;i '.
ML 591 Thesis-Research Seminar II: Synthesis of Findings
onlinu ticm of the "cap tone" eminCll'. Th i e minnr focu s> on
th - method of inqu.iry and results Llf individual projects. l\t the
completion of the seminar students pres nl th ir fin, I resul orally
and s ubmit written theses. rad don a P/N basis.
ML 500 Leadership Practicum
A profo -· ional <1ss s me nt and development course which spans
si terms. This Colli' e includes a full-day professional assessment
and st1bsequ nt workshops in the following cir as: ommuniration
skills, s lf-asse sment m a ures, group processes. 111 ours
culminates .in a fin a l prof ssion, I ass1t. s men l. I iRl f r>dil. ,rad<"d
on a PIN basis.
ML 592 Thesis Consultation
A eries of m eling with" f, ully thesis ad vi er simul taneous
with ML591. and during the trimest r in whi h th thesis i ·being
pr -'pilred for final ubmission . H, If credit. raded on l I basis.
Students not completi ng the th ·is durin • th sci m •term in whic h
th!:!y a r e nrolled in ML 591. re requi l"'d tor gist r for "Thcsi ·
on ultalion" during ead1 s ubseq uent term until the th s is is
I.tlraduate Faculty
Faculty teaching in th grad uate program are full-Lim enior
faculty with doctorates or appropriate professiona l d grees. 0 111
ou rse ai;e team taught, by bringing together facu lty from different
disciplines or combinin a faculty member with professionals from
r 1 v<1nt fields. In these ituati n. , at least one member of the team
ha <1 Ph.D. and ub tantial teaching experience. All of th program
faculty have extensive exp rience teaching ad ult learn r . .rnduate
fo ulty are Ii t d at the · n,d of thi bulletin .
The Aug burg librnry h u o er 160,0 0 b kl, pcri dical ,
records, tapes and fiJms. lu ic, h mi IT' and Art 1 istory
libraries Cl!' located within !he departmental rea . Access to ov r
1,000,000 volumes i ava ilable via daily interloan and courier service
among seven private liberal arts colleges and the Hill Reference
Library. Thr ugh Minitex, lhe statewide network, the additional
resources of the Minnesota and Wisconsin libraries are accessible to
Augsburg faculty and students.
Blccreditation and
tudents who uccessfull y ·ompl t Aug bur 's lead rship
program wi ll receive a Master of Art Degr . Augsburg i fully
, ccred ited by the orth Central A sociati n of liege · and
chools. he coll ge is a member of th A ~o i<Jt d olleg · of the
Twin Ci li (ACTq, Lutheran Ed ucation ouncil in orth America
and Minnesota Private College Council.
Aug ·burg College is registered with the Minn sota Higher
Education oordinating Board. R gi tration i not an -ndorsement
of the in tituti n. Regi trati n do snot (necessarily) mean that
credit ea rned at th in tituti n ca n be tran ferr d to ther
institution or that the quality of the educational progr, m would
meet the tandards of every student, ed ucational institution, or
l#Jtudent Support Services
Thi:' u burg rndqate Pn1gram a ist · hi dents in making
education and career plans, in workin on their per (ll1al
d velopment, and in particJpating in activities beyond th
la sro m. om of these rvice are Ii ted b low.
Academic Planning
In additi n t the fa ulty who provide c nsllltation and advice,
a ademicplimning is g uided by the Leader hip Practicum
assessors, the i advi. ers, and the Grad uate Program staff.
Career Planning Services
Career Services available are
• professional assessment through the Leadership Practicum
• self/career assessment counseling through the Career Services
Office (330-1162)
• developm nt of a resume and a career-search plan through the
Career ervices Office
• work experience related to a student's field of specialization
through the Cooperative Education Office (330-1148)
The olleg ha ado pted a stat ment of student rights and
re pon ibilities and ha provided fo r du proces · in the matter of
di ciplinary, ction, grievance and grade appeal. Any student wh
wish s to identify appropriate pro edur f r a complaint hould
contact the Vice Pre idenl for Sh1d nt Affairs. (I hone 330-1160)
The ollege op Tates in compliance wifh the Family Rights and
Priva y Act and Title IX. Students have the right to inspect all
official record. which pertain to them and whi hare maintained in
the Registrar's Hi e and the Placement Office ( c pt wher a
waiver of acces ha b en igned) and to challenge inaccurate or
misleading information. Student have a right to peri nee
ducatio.n fr e fr m di c.riminalion ba ed on sex, race, ethnic or
cultural background, handicap, creed, marital status or age.
'BJdmission Requirements
Applicants to the program must hold a baccalaureate degree from
an accredited four-year college or university.
Applicants to the program are expected to have a minimum
undergraduate grade point average of 3.0 (on a scale of A=4.0).
Applicants to the program must have fiv years of e, perien (or
equivalent) with one or m i·e organizations Jn a position(s) of
leadership or position(s) demonstrating leadership p Jtentinl.
Decisions about admission to th pmgram will be made on an
individual basis by the Grnduate Program Committee. Admis ion
tu each entering graduate clas will be given tu th must highly
qualified individuals. Selection of candidates wi!l be made on th
ba i · of a comp ite compari ·on f each applicant's
previous college record,
letters of recommendation,
experience and organizational background,
Miller Analogies Test scores and
written statement and possible interview.
Alpplication Procedures
To apply, students must submit the following materials to the
Graduate Program Office:
ompleted application form with $25 (non-refundable)
application fee .
Written tat ment relating the applicant's career and life goals
focusing on leader hip aspirations.
Letter of recommendation from an immediat supervi ·or,
assessing leadership potential.
Letter of recommendation from a co-worker (at the ·ame level)
describing applicant's work style and potential as a leader.
Official transcripts of undergraduate and gradurite work from
each in stitution attended indicating degrees conferred.
Official set of results on the Miller Analogies Test.
Possible interview with graduate program staff member.
Fall Trimeste1; 1988 - Monday, August :15, 1988
Winter Trimeste1; 1989 - Monday, November 28, 1988
Spring Trimester, 1989 - Monday, March 6, 1989
Fall Trimester, 1989 - Monday, Augu t 14, 1989
D valuation Standards
Evaluation of academic performance for the Master of Arts in
Leadership will be based on number grades using a 4.0 point scale
with these definitions:
4.0 Achieves highest standards of excellence
3.0 Achieves above basic course standards
2.0 Achieves the minimum passing standard
Achieves at or above the 2.0 level (not computed in grade point
Does not meet minimum course standards (no credit and nonpunitive - not computed in grade point average)
Grade given when course is dropped
Incomplete grade given in case where student is unable to
complete course requirements for reasons beyond the
student's control (to receive an incomplete, a student must file
a letter with the Graduate Program staff stating reasons for the
request, the plan and date for removing the incomplete grade,
the signature of the instructor, and any other necessary
documentation) .
Not more than two courses with a grade below 3.0 will count
toward the degree. Not more than two courses with a grade below
2.0 can be repeated . Only the credits and grades earned the second
time are counted in the grade point average.
Alcademic Policies
Academic Probation and Dismissal
Students must maintain a 3.0 cumulative grade point average. If a
student falls below a 3.0 average, the student will be placed on
probation for the following term. A 3.0 cumulative grade point
average must be restored in order for a student to be removed from
probation. If a student receives a grade of Nin a course, the
student must petition successfully with the Graduate Program
Committee before being permitted to continue in the program. A
plan for the student to follow would be outlined at that time. If the
cumulative grade point average again falls below 3.0, the student
may be dismissed from the program by the Graduate Program
Committee. Students also may be dismissed by the Graduate
Program Committee for behavior detrimental to the program such
as a gross violation of college policy (as published in the Student
Guide). Dismissal would occur only after established procedures
were followed.
Credit for Prior Education, Training and Experience ·
Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the courses in the Master of
Arts in Leadership program, it is unlikely that courses taken
elsewhere may be substituted for a particular course in the
curriculum. Students may petition the Graduate Program
Committee for approval of any variation in the curriculum
including the transfer of credit or the receipt of credit for other
Credit and Contact Hours
Each graduate course in the Master of Arts in Leadership program
is the equivalent of four semester credits or six quarter credits.
Students meet in class a total of 30 hours (excluding finals) and are
responsible for a significant amount of individual study and
Enrollment Policy/Leaves of Absence
Students may take either one or two courses each trimester.
Enrolling in two courses per trimester enables a student to
complete the program in two years. All students are required to
complete the program within four years. Extensions beyond four
years will be considered on the basis of petition to the Graduate
Program Committee. Students who leave the program for more
than one term must request a leave of absence in writing from the
Graduate Program Committee.
Last Date to Withdraw from Class
The last date on which students may withdraw from a class and
receive a "W" on their records is the date of the eighth class
Application Fee (payable once, non-refundable)
Tuition (per trimester course)
(one course = 6 quarter credits or 4 semester credits)
Enrollment Reservation Deposit (non-refundable)
Leadership Practicum Fee (per term for six terms)
Late Fee (chm-g d to any tud nt registering after
per day
tht' ·ch du ! d regi !ration date. l....1te regi tration
in lude incomplete regi trati n as defined:
a) Unsigned Regish-ation Form or b) Um1ppr ved Payment Plan)
Registration Chang After First Cl,1 s Meeting
(cancel/add/change grade option, or ombination
at one time)
Transcript Fee (per copy after first, which is free)
Finance Charge: A finance charge is applied at a
simple rate of 1% per month on any account with an
open balance of 30 days or more.
The applicati n fe ($25) i ' due on orb fore the appli ation
deadline for a given term. The $100 non-refundable dep it
r serv · a plac in th pmgram in a given term, once a person is
accepted. Tuition i due at th time of r gistralion.
Payment Options*
1) Payment in Full: Due Day of Registration.
2) Pay ment Plan: Upon application and after college approval, a
3- pay plan is available each trime t r. Paym nt plan will be
offered only if previ u plans hav been adhered l .
ompany R imbur eme nt : Full cm11 e , r equivale nt, wh ich
ar company reimbur ed requir a d posit of $150 per cow e
rei mbursed, with full payment due wi thin 45 days aft r the end
of the term .
A finance charge is applied at a simple rate of 1% per month on any
amount with an open balance of 30 days or more.
Tu iti .n is s t 0 11 an annual ba is, pay<ible in 3 qua! in tallment al
the b ginning of each trim ster. Registration is permitted on'ly if the
stud ent's account fo r a pr viou term is paid in fu ll as agreed .
II g will n t release dip! ma r academic tran cripts
until all student accounts are paid in foll. This also appli s f r
student loan funds administered by the college (Perkins Student
Loan); they must be current according to established repayment
"'A no n-sufficien t-fund check wi ll declare your reglstriltion inva lid <md cou ld affect fu r ther credit
exte nded by the college.
Refund Schedule
A per-cour e tuition refund will be made on the following basis: (In
order to be ligible for the refund, students are respon ible for
cancelli11g courses with the Regish·ar's ffice.)
Prior to
Prior to
Prior to
Prior to
Prior to
Prior to
the fir t scheduled clas meeting - 100%
the second d1eduled class meeting - 90%
the third cheduled class meeting - 80%
the fourth scheduled class meeting - 70%
the fifth cheduled class meeting - 60%
the ixth sch duled class meeting - 50%
B inancial Aid
. •,
In, number of way , students may receive assistance in meeting
Graduate Progi·am cost . Enrollment in two com e per trimester
allows the student to be classified as full-time. One course is
considered half-time enrollment. The Financial Aid Office
(330-1046) will assist students in assessing financial need and
constructing an aid/payment program from available alternatives,
including the follow ing:
Company Tuition Assistance Programs
Many companies, agencies and corporation ffe.r full or partial
tuition assi tqnce to employees who participate in work~relat d or
degree-related college programs. Augsburg College provides
several payment plans by which employees may handle tuition
Federal and State Aid Programs
The Financial Aid Office will assist student in determining
eligibility for m1y Federal or State grant or loan programs available
to graduate students. Determination f eligibility will be based on
standard nationally accepted form · and methodologies including:
• Family Financial Statement (FFS)
• Financial Aid Form (FAF)
• Graduate and Professional Scholastic Aid Service
Funded Scholarships
Augsburg actively pur ue outside funding for special scholarships
to facilitate the participation of qualified candidates with limited
financi11l resources. The availability of such scholarship enables
the program to guarantee the participation of Individuals of Limited
financial means as we!J as individuals working for volunteer
agencies and other organizations not likely to provide tuition
Alternative payment plans will be available to all students for the
payment of tuition.
Veterans of Military Service
Augsburg College is approved by the State Approving Agancy for
Veteran's Training. Veteran should contact the Registrar's Office
about completion of the enrollment certification and forwarding
other information to the Veteran's Ad mini tration .
AJbout Augsburg
Augs bu rg was th e first seminary founded by Norwegian Lutherans
in Ameri ·a. Named after the confession of faith presented by
Lulhern ns in Augsburg, Germany, in 1530, Augsburg opened in
Se pt m b "!' 1869 in Marshall, Wi sconsin and moved to
Minneapolis in 1872.
Campus Location
Augsburg's campus is located in the henrt of the Twin ities,
; urrmind ing M urp hy Squnrc, th fi rs t of 155 parks in the "City ()f
Lak ·s." Ad jace nt to the ca m pus ar fairv iew and St. Mary's
Hospitil ls, the West Bank cam pus of th e Unive rsity of Minne ota
and Mlssis ip pi Rive r P<rkway .
Augsbm g olfege Im made ii major effort to become o ne of th e
mo t accessible ca mpuses in th region . Skyw11ys, tunnels and
•levato rs provide acce sible connectio ns b twe n 9 of the ·14 majo r
building - stud · nt hou si ng tower , College Center, main
ncndemic a nd admini ·trali ve h. 11 ·, the library and mu ic building.
In addition, there is a program for students with learning or
physical disabilities .
Church Affiliation
Augsburg is a college of The Evangelical Lut he rnn Church in
A mericct. About 59% of the stude nts are Luthcrnn, 14% other
Protestant and 19% Roman Catholic. Several oth er affiliations are
represented among stude nts and faculty.
Non-Discrimination Policy
Aug ·burg oil · g " does no t d iscriminate nn the basis f rnce, creed ,
tion, I or thnic origin, age, mnri tal status, sex or hnndica p as
r ' 'JU ired by Ti tl · IX of the 1972 Ed ucatio nal Amend me nts of Section
504 of th'e Re h, bilit, tion Ac 1lf ·1973 r. ctmended in its ndmissio n
policies, educational programs, activities, and employme nt
a ampus Map
Admissions House
George Sverdrup Library
Science Hall
West Hall
Mortensen Tower
Urness Tower
College Center
Memorial Hall
10. Music Hall
11. 2222 Murphy Square
12.Melby Hall
13. Ice Arena
14. Stage II Theatre
15. Center for Global
16. Scandinavian Center
17. Foss, Lobeck, Miles Center
for Worship, Drama and
18. Youth and Family Ministry
A. Admissions I arking
B. Student Parking
C. Visitor Parking
D. The Quad
E. Faculty/Staff Parking
F. Murphy Square
G. Anderson-Nelson Athletic
H. Fairview/St. Mary's Parking Ramp
I. Husby-Strommen Tennis
I<5'. I
Accessible Entrance
All p ted Au sburg
lleg parking Lots are free and open for
student use fro m 4:30 p.m. Fridcy through Saturd ay even in . Lots
are l ated on 7th Street between 21st and 22nd Avenu and uth
of 8th Street on 21st Avenue.
R ampus Incation
From Minneapolis
Interstate 94 east to 25th Avenue exit, left to Riverside Avenue, left
to 21st Avenue South, left to Augsburg sign.
From St. Paul
Interstate 94 west to Riverside exit, right on Riverside to 21st
Avenue South, left at Augsburg sign.
liaculty and Administration
The following faculty and administrators are currently involved in
the Master of Arts in Leadership program:
Ruth Aaskov, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages. BA,
Augsburg College; MA, Middlebury College; Ph.D., University of
Earl Alton, Professor and Department Chairperson of Chemistry.
BA, St. Olaf College; MS, Ph.D., University of Michigan.
Margaret Anderson, Associate Professor, Head Librarian. BS, MA,
University of Minnesota.
Raymond Anderson, Professor of Speech, Communication and
Theatre. BA, MS, Ph.D., University of Minnesota .
: .·
Kenneth Bailey, Professor of Philosophy. BA, St. Olaf College; MA,
Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
John Benson, Professor of Religion. BA, Augsburg College; BD,
Luther Theological Seminary; MA, Ph.D. Columbia University.
Maria Brown, Assistant Professor of Social Work. BA, MA,
American University; MSW, University of Minnesota.
Robert Clyde, Associate Professor of Sociology, Institutional
Research Analyst. BA, Coe College; MA, Rockford College; Ph.D.,
University of Iowa.
Larry Crockett, Assistant Professor of Mathematics/Computer
Science. BA, MA, Pacific Lutheran University; M.Div. Luther
Theological Seminary.
Grace Dyrud, Professor of Psychology. BA, MA, Ph.D., University
of Minnesota.
Norman Ferguson, Professor of Psychology. BA, Franklin and
Marshall College; MS, Ph.D. , University of Wisconsin .
Mark Fuehrer, Associate Professor and Department Chairperson of
Philosophy. BA, College of St. Thomas; MA, Ph.D., University of
Jerry Gerasimo, Professor of Sociology. BA, Lake Forest College;
MA, Ph.D., University of Chicago.
Arlin Gyberg, Professor of Chemistry. BS, Mankato State
University; Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Paul Halvorson, Lecturer in Business Administration and
Economics. BA, Augsburg College; MA, The American University.
Milda Hedblom, Professor of Political Science. BA, Macalester
College; MA, Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Edwina Hertzberg, Associate Professor of Social Work, Director of
Faculty Development. BA, Cedar Crest College; MSW, Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota.
Garry Hesser, Professor of Sociology, Director of Cooperative
Education Program. BA, Phillips University; M.Div., Union
Theological Seminary; Ph.D., University of Notre Dame.
Khin Khin Jensen, Professor of History, Director of East and
Southeast Asian Studies. BA, Rangoon University, Burma; MA,
Bucknell University; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin.
Barbara Johnson, Assistant Professor of Sociology. BS, Gustavus
Adolphus College; MS, Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Joanne Karvonen, Graduate Program Coordinator. BA, Gustavus
Adolphus College; MA, University of Georgia.
Edith Kromer, Weekend Librarian. BA, Hamline University; MA,
University of Minnesota.
Ryan LaHurd, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dean of the
College and Director of the Graduate Program. BA, Mt. Carmel
College; MA, University of Chicago; Ph.D., University of
Rosemary Link, Assistant Professor of Social Work. MSc, London
University (Bedford College); Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Marie McNeff, Associate Professor of Education. BS, M.Ed.,
Ed.D., University of Nebraska.
Thomas Morgan, Assistant Professor of Business Administration
and Economics. BS, Juniata College; MBA, University of Denver;
MS, University of Oregon.
Gordon Nelson, Professor and Department Chairperson of
Sociology. BA, MA, University of Minnesota; BD, Luther
Theological Seminary; MA, Ph.D., University of Chicago.
Richard Nelson, Professor and Department Chairperson of
History. BA, University of Nebraska; MA, Ph.D., University of
Beverly Nilsson, Associate Professor and Chairperson of Nursing.
BSN., MS, University of Minnesota.
Norma Noonan, Professor of Political Science. BA, University of
Pennsylvania; MA, Ph.D., University of Indiana.
Noel Petit, Associate Professor of Mathematics and Computer
Science. BA, St. Olaf College; MS, Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Diane Pike, Associate Professor of Sociology. AB, Connecticut
College; Ph.D., Yale University.
Larry Ragland, Associate Professor of Mathematics and Computer
Science. BS, MA., Central Missouri State College; Ph.D.,
University of Texas at Austin.
Bruce Reichenbach, Professor of Philosophy. BA, Wheaton
College; MA, Ph.D., Northwestern University.
Carol Stack, Director of Admissions. AB, Macalester College.
Myles Stenshoel, Professor of Political Science. BA, Concordia
College, Moorhead; MA, Ph.D., University of Colorado.
Richard Thoni, Director of Weekend College and Assistant to the
Dean. BA, St. Olaf College; Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
iAJdvisory Council to the
Graduate Program
Linda Geisen, Training and Development Manager,
City of St. Paul.
Dan Hanson, Vice President, Food Ingredients Division,
land-0- lakes, Inc.
Cynthia Marsh, Ph.D. Consulting Psychologist, Personnel
Decisions, Inc.
Dean Newman, Consultant.
Robert Odom, Senior Vice President of US Specialty Divisions,
HB Fuller Company.
Richard Ploetz, Customer Education Manager, Medtronic, Inc.
Rosemarie Ramirez, Human Resources Officer, St. Paul
Companies, Inc.
The provisions of this document are not to be regarded as an
irrevocable contract between the student and the College. The
College reserves the right to change any provisions or requirements
at C!ny time within the student's term of residence.
Augsburg Collegu
. .,. ..
Show less
aster ofArts in
. ...
-- John Gardner
Augsburg ollege
731 21 t A enue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
IJnformation Sessions
Individua ls interest din the l<tsler of Arls in L ader-!1ip program
at Augsburg ollcgc are encouraged to 11lle... Show more
aster ofArts in
. ...
-- John Gardner
Augsburg ollege
731 21 t A enue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
IJnformation Sessions
Individua ls interest din the l<tsler of Arls in L ader-!1ip program
at Augsburg ollcgc are encouraged to 11llend an inform<1tion
sessil n . Thes free, two-hour essit1n arc sch duled at various
times prior to the beginning of a h trimester. Please call the
Graduate Program Office (330-1786) to receive further details or to
register for one of these information sessions:
Saturday, October 21, 1989
9:00 - 11:00 AM
Saturday, February 24, 1990
9:00 - 11:00 AM
Saturday, April 21, 1990
9:00 - 11:00 AM
Thursday, May 24, 1990
6:00 - 8:00 PM
Thursday, June 21, 1990
6:00 - 8:00 PM
Tuesday, July 17, 1990
6:00 - 8:00 PM
For more information write or call:
Graduate Program Office
Augsburg College
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Information Sessions ....... . ................ . . . . . ... .. . . . . . 2
Calendar for 1989-90 ........ .. . .. .......... ............... . 4
Introduction to the Master of Arts in Leadership ........... . .. .. 6
Leadership Development Model ............. . ... . ..... . ... .. 7
Curriculum Design .. .. ..... .. . .. ...... .... ... .. ..... . .... . 9
Course Descriptions ......... ...... . .. . . . . .. ....... . .. .... . 10
Graduate Faculty ........... . ......... . .. .. . . .. ... .. ..... . 12
Library . ............. . ............ .... ... ................ 12
Accreditation and Affiliations ...... . ......... ............... 12
Student Support Services ......... ..... . ... ... . . . . . ....... . 13
Student Rights . .. ..... .... . .... .......... . .... .... . ...... 13
Admission Requirements .................. ... . ... . .. . ..... 14
Application Procedures .. . ...... ..... .. . .... ........... .. .. 14
Deadlines ........ . ...... . . . .............. ... , .. . . . ... . . . . 14
Evaluation Standards ....... . .. . .... . ...... .. . ........ .. . . . 15
Academic Policies .................. . .. . ... ... .. ......... . . 16
Fee and Payment Schedule ................. . .. ........... . 17
Financial Aid . ............................ .. . ... . ..... ... . 18
About Augsburg ............... .... . .. . . .. ................ 19
Campus Map . ... . .. . ... . ......... .. ...... ....... ... .... . 20
Campus Location ............. ..... .. . .. .. . . .... . ... .. .... 21
Faculty and Administration ................ . ... . ........... 22
Advisory Council to the Graduate Program .... . .... .......... 24
Jllaster of Arts in
1989-90 Calendar
Saturday Schedule: 8:30 - Noon and 1:15 - 4:45 PM
Thursday Schedule: 6:00 - 7:30 PM and 8:00 - 9:30 PM
Fall, 1989
Monday, August 14
Tuesday, September 5
Thursday, Sep tember 7
Saturday September 9
Monday, September 11
Ap plication Deadline
Classes Begin
Leader. hi p Practicum
Last day to register and/or drop class
without record notation
Classes Meet
Saturday, September 16
Classes Meet
Thursday, September 21
Saturday, September 23
Leadership Practicum
Classes Meet
Saturday, September 30
Classes Meet
Thursday, October 5
Classes Meet
Saturday, October 14*
Thursday, October 19*
Classes Meet
Classes Meet
SClturday, October 21*
Classes Meet
Thursday, October 26
Thursday, November 2
Leadership Practicum
Classes Meet
Saturday, November 4
Classes Meet
Thursday, November 9
Classes Meet-Last day
Saturday, November 18
to withdraw from class
Last Class
Saturday, December 2
Final Grades Due
Monday, December 18
*denotes one week period between classes
Attendance Policy
Ea h la ·s meet for s vcn Saturdcy sessio ns a nd . ix 11rnr day
session . Sine · it i. in the la. sn < m that l cide rs hip is ues are
presl'nted, discussed ;md anal 1zed, rcgul,1 r al te nd. nee is high ly
important , nd hmlid b unsidered a re pan ·ibility, not only to
o ne's s If, but to on 's cla smM s a n Lhe our e in tructo r.
Irregular attendance may, at the discretion of the instructor,
adversely affect one's grade.
Winter, 1990
Wcdnc d, y, Jan uary 3
Thursday, January 4
Saturday, January 6
Monday, January 8
rie ntal ion / Registrnlion
Classes Begin
Leadership Practicum
Last day to register and/or drop
class without record notation
Classes Meet
Saturday, January 13
Classes Meet
Thursday, January 18
Classes Meet
Saturday, January 27
Thursday, February 1
Classes Meet
Silturday, February 10
Classes Meet
Classes Meet
Thursd av, February 15
Thursday, February 22
Leadership Practicum
Classes Meet
Saturdily, February 24
Classes Meet
Thursday, March 1
Classes Meet-Last day to
Saturday, Milrch 10
withdraw from class
Thursday, March 15
Classes Meet
Saturday, Milrch 24*
Classes Meet
Saturday, March 31*
Last Class
Monday, A11 ril 9
*denotes one week period between classes
Spring, 1990
Tuesday, April 3
Thursday, April 5
Silturday, Ap ril 7
Monday, April 9
Classes Begin
Leadership Practicum
last day to register and/or drop
class without record notation
Classes Meet
Thursday, April 12
Classes Meet
Saturday, April 21
Classes Meet
Thursd(ly, April 26
Classes Meet
Saturday, May 5
Thursday, May 10
Classes Meet
Leadership Practicum
Thursday, May 17
Classes Meet
Saturday, May 19
Thursday, May 24
Classes Meet
Classes Meet-Last day to withdraw from class
aturd ay, June 2
Classes Meet
Thursday, June 7
SatL1rday, June 16*
Classes Meet
Saturday, June 23*
Last Class
Final Grades Due
Monday, July 2
*denotes one week p eriod between classes
6Jntroduction to the
Master ofArts in Leadership
Developing Leade1·s for Organizations and the
The !faster of Arts in Lead rship re pond l the I ad r hip
d ·velopm nt need of profit and not-for-profit organizations. While
differ nt in lru lur and purpo e, m t organizati n eek I· aders
with th fol lowin qualiti :
• a vision which is ethically and morally responsible, extending
beyond immediate concerns;
• an understanding of how change occurs and affects the
immediate nvironment;
• a sensitivity to the mpl x problems organizations face, and an
ability to achieve soluti ns consistent with an organization's
the abil ity to motivate and inspire individuals and groups to
work tow, rd a common goal; and
• the ability to effectively represent the organization both
internally and externally.
The .J, stcr of Arl in Leader ·hip prnvides a m n b , whi h
individuals aspiring to enhan c their leadership skill may discover
and r fine the '· and th r abilities and aw< nm es fundamental
to effective leadership.
Acconunodating the Full-Time Work Schedule
la t r f Arts in Leadership program i de ign d L meet the
n d · <md pref r nc s of working adu lts. The program is based on
the assumption that the men and women who enroll are
employed, self-disciplined and well-motivated individuals who
seek a balance ()f cla room experience, group interaction and
individual study. ~ach course is, therefore, divided into periods f
tudy, gr(lup fhrt and la. prepardion. To accommodate this
format for learning, each cla meet · on alternate Sahird, y fo.r
thre and ne half hour and alternate Thursday evening· for one
and on hal hours.
leadership Development Model
he Master of Arts in Leadership program promote lead r hip,
a pro ess which 1) in pires cooperation among people who mu l
compete for Umited resour es, 2) prom()te. productivity within a nd
beyond the organization and 3) works t ward progr ·ss. To
a compli h thi , individual aspiring to positions of lead rship
must poss ss three k y attributes: a ens of vi ion, the abi.IHy to
per ·u d and the, biJity to direct action. Underlying the e
<1ltribu t i a broad range of abilitie and< waren sses. These
<bilities and awarenesses, outlined in the diagram n page 7, s rv
a p ifi outcomes for th Master of Arts in Leadership.
Augsburg's model of I ader hip dev •lopme.nt i d signed t a ·ess,
prom tc, enhanc and refin these capabilities within the individual.
Leadership Development Model
/ \
nda l
Lo ng-le rm
pers pe li ve
Y:lt,>xibilll y
aw, rcness
"rwin.mni •11t,1I
a\.varencs . .
1i l ~r.rnc
Effe live
Di pl omari c
abil ity
team memb >r
! nterpersunal
Ap prl;'ci. tinn
u( sit uational
Ded ive
Ass umptive
C urio ily
A hicvern ent
' if-este •m
· f~ ·c live
clfo nfid nee
A11<1l)'lic11 l
a b il ity
Abilit y to
cril ica lly
Understand ing
of research
Ab il ity lo
A ppr •ela tion
fo r ultural
Effecti ve
· pe11ker
d iffemnc
cnmp lexit
liste n •r
phi loso phirn l
Cul tucally
ommunicat ive
r·elig iuu a nd
Fa~ i lit for
Pers uasion
O rientation toward
Se nse of
Vi ion
dirfet n es
per. peclive
lblenrnce of
indi vidual
d iffcrences
Community of Learners
Ess nti.a l to the goals of th Master of Arts in Lead ership is
participali n in a community of I arner . Learning can b
enh, need when the stud nt is involved in a stab! immunity that
pr vide opportunity and n uragem · nt for active participation
both in and out of the classro m. Thi community will be enri hed
by the pres n of men and wom en who bring to the program a
vari ty of work and life exp ri n e . To facil itat th i kind f
community interaction, Augsburg ' ncourages gradual stud · nts to
make LLS of colleg faciliti .s u h as th library, meeting room and
college center; to take the opportun it y of having ·ha red menls and
off e br ak. ;to parlicipat in option al lunchtimes minars; and t
, ttend th r college acti vities uch as nrnsi and dramatic
presentations and athletic events.
Leadership Practicum
Ma ter of Arts in Leadersh ip students e nroll in a half ourse all d
"Leadership Pra ticum ." Student. ar r 1uired t enroll in th is
professional assessment ;md development course fo r ix term
d uring their graduate work at Augsburg. Upt n completion of lh
entire practicum , tudimt r eive a half cour ·e red it. In ach
term, one Saturday and one Thursday evening are devoted to
"Leadership Practicum ."
Early in the program a major component of this practicum is a fullday professional assessment to determine students' abilities and
p oten tial 1 Jative to each of the outcomes of the Leadership
Oevelopm nt Model (see page 7). Assessment instruments
in lude paper and pen i1 i:xercise ilnd simulati n and grol1 p
e p · riences. r lluwing the as ssment student meet individually
with a trnined asse sor who pr vid guidance in p 1· o.nal goal
etling and in th e reation of a professiom1l development pl<l n r
''bl ue print :•
In subsequent terms "Lendershi p Practicum" includes works h ps
designed !o meet th ne cl (th , tudents in the following areas:
·ommunication kills, sdf-assessmenl mea:mP , group proces e ,
and other prof i nal developm nt l pies id ntified b graduate
students and staff.
"Leadership Practicum" concludes with a fin al assessment followed
by an individual meeting with a trained assessor.
The Master of Arts in Leadership program is composed of 12
courses. Each course unites two or more liberal arts disciplines,
en ourages pursuit of the d signated outcomes, and uses a vari ty
of learni ng techn ique approprial to <1dull learners. lnstTuctional
t -hniques .ir VMied, such as a e tudy, d bate, written a nd ora l
pr s nl<1lions and group activity. These t liniqu , which have
had demonstrated u es in advan ed ourses, develop targeted
I adersh ip abililie · and under. landings. ontinual reinfo.rc m · nl
oc ms as students employ th s capacitie in mul tiple ourses.
Students Me en ouraged to se abilities and understandings as
cm ·-disciplinar and to see content area · a inlegrat d. The very
form of the prngrnm reflect the vi w that lhe world in which w
op mt i omplcx and that dea ling with it successfull y requires
well dt-vcloped integTative ability.
Required Courses Include:
ML 510
ML 592
Foundations of Leadership (to be taken during one
of the first three trimesters)
Thesis-Research Seminar I
Thesis-Research Seminar II (These two seminars are
to be taken in a student's last two consecutive
Thesis Consultation (a half course to be taken
simultaneously with ML591 and in the term in
which the thesis is completed)
Leadership Practicum (a half course which spans six
Students are required to complete eight additional
courses chosen from the following courses:
ML 511
Creativity and th e Problem-Solving Process
Self-Identity, Values and Personal Growth
ML 520
ML 521
Methods of Critical Thought
ML 530
Ethics in Communication
Th Dynamics of hange
ML 531
I olitics, History and Leadership
ML 540
ML 545
Analytical Reasoning for Qualitative Decisions
ML 550
Decision-Making Technology
ML 560
Developing a Multi-Cultural Perspective
Other courses as added
D]ourse Descriptions
MC. 510 Foundation of Leadership
lntroducti n t the oncept of 1 ader hip, pr viding an histori al
and philo ophi al framework for the progra m . Thi
the nAtme and purp >se f lead 1" hip fr m a v<lriet
< nd pers pectives. The rol of th liberal arts, vari u
·tyle , m thod of res arch and inquiry. student
out mnes and progra m expectation are amin d .
ML 511 Creativity and th e Prob! m-Solving Process
E plor<i tion of a-ea tivity rom the per pe ti ve of trad itional
, sthe L-i · as well , c nt mporar ' orga nizational thinking . Th ' ·
cour e uses er alivity a , method and it exa min ·s t · hnique for
( lving problem s in orga11izalions, fo r nh i'l n ing innovation, <1 nd
for eeking an int grativ world-vie1 .
ML 520 Self-Identity, Values and Personal Growth
Ludy of U1e oncept of If-identity, value c nd p r ·
a related to profess ional and personal life. Thi C() Ul'S ma
mploy p y h Jo ice I, philo "(>phi , I, , nd theolog ica l p rs pectives
Lo explore the rol of the individual In the I, rger so ial ontext.
Major topic in Jud th > cquis ition, development and ev lution of
self- identity and values, the lnflue nc >f s rol , , nd th
relationship to spiritual growth.
ML 521 Methods of Cdtical Thought
Investigation f the pro s e of criti al thinking drawing fr 111
philo phy and other di ip line . Thi· ours fo u son the
relati 11ships between ideas a nd th expre ion nd appli at ion of
ideas. Students, pply d ial ctical processes in the -ffective
fo rmation, pre nlation and LIS f ideas in rga nizationa l
ML 530 Ethics in Communication
lnterdi ciplinary study of ethics and c mmunication through the
in\lestigation of a variety of ethical pers pe tives within human
ommunic, lion. Thi course places pcu·ticul11r, ttenti n on the use
1111d abu e of communicati n in politi , advertising and interp rsonal r lationships. It mpha iz a ensitivity to ethicaJ
o nflicts which ri e in social , nd organ izational settings.
ML 531 The Dynamics of Change
Examination f th processe by which change occurs. This course
applies economic , nd sociological theories to such critical social
i sues a human <111d na tural resource management. Emphasis is
on identifying the need fo.r change, the m ans of initiating it and
the ada ptation of social gr o ups to ch anije.
ML 540 Politics, History and Leadership
Ana lys is f the political a ·pects f n <1 tio n-sta t sa nd o ther
rgan iz<ltions. This course Io u es on th p r e s f a hi ving
individual . g rnup o r nali nal goal . Drawing n a variety of
cultures nnd nati ns, it exarnines sig nificant his torical ven ts, nd
the leaders who shaped them.
ML 545 Analytical Reasoning for Qualitative Decisions
··xp.loration of the m •tho d s of ma th >matica l reasoning as a
.tru tu re for a pproa hing prob! m s. This course fo use o n th
logi and rationale underlying mathe matica l mod I and an aly tica l
d ecis i n meking techniq ues.
ML 550 Decision-Making and Technology
I i tori al a n. ly ·i (>f th d ecision ma king and prob! m olving
pr es. . Th is course fo uses on the dcvelupm nt of te Im logy as
both the a u. a nd the olutio n of pro bl m b inv stiga ting
various cases.
ML 560 Developing a Multi-Cultural Perspective
Investigation of inter-cultural is u s. This our e nha n e the
abilit' to lead c nd wo rk more effe·tively with peopl, of d iff r nt
cultural backgro unds th ro ugh the tud of di ve r vnlu es. b lief
a nd traditio ns within tlw g loba l community.
ML 590 Thesis-Research Seminar I: Research in leadership
First hal of n two- o ur e" ap to ne" equ n , f r the M s ter o
r in Leadership prog rnm . T his comse provides ad1 ind ivid ucil
th e o pportunity to dev lop a res ar h topi to ·y nthe ize pr vious
tudy and wo rk exp ·•rience ;i nd to d em mstrate an und e rstand ing
o f the prog rnm's principles. raded on a Pl ba i .
ML 591 Thesis-Research Seminar II: Synthesis of Findings
intinuatio n of th "c. ps to n "s mi nar. This e min ar focu s on
th metho d of inquiry a nd resul ts of individual projects. t the
om pl tio n of th semina r tu dents prese.nt their fin, I result orally
a nd submi t wr.itte n th se . rad d o n a PIN ba is.
ML 500 Leadership Practicum
A prof·ssional ass s ment a nd d ev l prnen l ourse wh ic h span s
·ix term . Thi course includ es a full-day pr fess io na l a · me nt
and s ubsequen t work. ho p · in the fc !lowing nreas: co mmunicatio n
kill , elf-a sessme nl mea ure , gr(lup process s. he cours •
culminat sin a fin al professional ass ssm n t. H nlf er •d it. ra d ed
on a P/N basis.
ML 592 Thesis Consultation
A ri s f meetings wi th a fac ulty th is ad ls r simultane u
with ML 591 and during Lhe h·im •ster in w hi h the thesis is b ing
pre par d fo r fin nl ubmi s io n . Half red it. raded o n I /N bas i .
tudenls not o mpleling the l'hesis during th • sa m · t rm in w hich
they are enrolled in M 591 , r requir d to regi te r fo r •rn1e is
in ultation" during ead1 . u b quent te rm un l'il the thesis is
faculty leaching in the gradual pr gram ar full-lime senior
fa lilty with doctorates or a ppro priate profe sional degr · e . ome
courses are tea m taug ht, by bringing together faculty from diffe rent
disciplin s or combining a fac ul ty memb r with prnfe sio nal from
relevant field . l. n th s itu ations, at leas t one mem b r f the team
has a Ph.D. and substantial leaching perience. All of the program
faculty have extensive expedence teaching adult learners. Gradu, te
faculty are listed at th nd of this bulletin.
• ibrary
The Augsburg library houses ovei: 160,000 books, period ica ls,
r ords, tap sand films. Mu i , ' hemi try ctnd A rt I is tory
librarie ,1re lo ated within the departmentctl ct r as. Ac e s to over
1,000,000 volume is a ailable via laily interloan and courier service
among seven private liberal arts colleges and the Hill R ference
Library. Through Minitex, the statewide network, the additional
resources of the Minnesota and Wisconsin libraries are accessible to
Augsburg faculty and students.
B)ccreditation and
tudents who u C' sfti llyc m plete Au ·burg' l , dershi p
progrc m will receive a Maste r of Arts 0 gre . Augsburg is
a credit •d by th North enh·a l Association of oil ges and
ch.uols. Th college is, m mb r of th As o iated o lleg of the
Twin itie (ACT1 ), uth eran Educa tio n oun ii in orth America
and Minnesota Private College Council.
Augsburg College is regi tered with th Minnesota Hi >her
Education oordinati ng Board . Registrati n i not a n e ndorsement
of the in titution. R gis trnlion does not (necessarily) mea n that
redit fl rned ctt the in tituli n can
transferred to other
institutions or that the quality of the edu alional programs would
meet the s tiindards of every student, educationa l institution, or
L:Jtudent Support Services
The Augsburg Graduate Program assists students in making
education and career plans, in working on their personal
development, and in participating in activities beyond the
classroom. Some of these services a re Ii t · d below.
Academic Planning
In addition to the faculty who provide consultation and advice,
academic planning is guided by the Leadersh ip Practicum
assessors, thesis advisers, and the Graduate Program staff.
Career Planning Services
Career Services available are
• professional assessment through the Leadership Practicum
• self/career assessment counseling through the Career Services
Office (3 O-Tl62)
• development of a resume and a career-search plan through the
Career Services Office
• work experience related to a student's field of specialization
through the Cooperative Education Office (330-1148)
• tudent Rights
Th College has, dopted a statement of tudent right and
responsibilities and has provided for due pro ss in the matters of
disciplinary action, grievanc s <n'd gr, de appe, I. Any tudent w ho
wi he to identify appropriate procedmes for a com plain t should
contact the Vi Presid nt for tudent Affairs. (Ph.on 330-1160)
lhge operates in compliance with the Family Rights and
Privacy A l, nd Title TX. Students hav the right to in pe tall
official r c rd whi h pertain to th m and which are mainta in din
the .Registrar's Off.i e and the Pl acemen! ffice ( c pt where a
waiv r f ac · s h, · been igned) and to hallenge inac urale or
misleading information. Students have a right to experience
education free from discrimination based on sex, race, ethnic or
cultural background, handicap, creed, marital status or age.
Bldmission Requirements
Applicants to the program must hold a baccalaureate degree from
an accredited four-year college or university.
Applirnnts to the program are expected to have a minimum
undergraduate grade point average of 3.0 (on a scale of A=4.0).
Applicants to the program mu.st have five y ar of xp rien (or
equivalent) with one OJ" mor organization in, position(s) of
leadersh ip or position(s) demons trating leader ·hip potential.
Decisions about admission to the progr. m will be made on an
individual basis by the Graduate Pn.Jgram Committee. Admission
to each entering graduate class will be given to the most highly
qualified individuals. Selection of candidates will be made on the
basis of an evaluation of each applicant's
previous college record,
letters of recommendation,
experience and organizational background,
Miller Analogies Test scores and
written statement and possible interview.
Alpplication Procedures
To apply, students must submit the following materials to the
Graduate Program Office:
ompleted application form with $25 (non-refundable)
application fee.
Written statement relating the applicant's career and life goals
focusing n leadership aspirations.
Lett r of recommendation from an imm diat st1p · rvisor,
a ·sessin leadersh ip pot ntial.
Letter of r omm ndation from o-worker (at-the sa me lev 1)
describing applicant's work style and potential a a leader.
Official transcripts of undergraduate and grn duat work from
>a h insLitution attended indicating degrees conferred.
Official set of results on the Mi.Iler Analogie Te l .
Po ·sible interview with grad uate pr gra m staff m mber.
Fall Trimester, 1989-Monday, August 14, 1989
Winter Trimester, 1989-Monday, November 27, 1989
Spring Trim ster, 1989-Monday, March 5, 1990
Fall Trime lei~ 1990-Monday, August 13, 1990
Jlvaluation Standards
Evaluation of academic perform ance for the Master of Arts in
Leadership will be based o n num ber grades using a 4.0 point scale
with these definitions:
4.0 Achieves highest standards of excellence
3.0 Achieves above basic course standards
2.0 Achieves the minimum passing standard
Achieves at or above the 2.0 level (not computed in grade point
Does not meet minimum course standards (no credit and nonpunitive - not computed in grade point average)
Grade given when course is dropped
Inco mplete grade g iven in a e w he re s tud nt is unabl Lo
C\lm pl le o ur c requir "ments foi' reaso ns b yond th e
student's co ntrol (to receive a n inc:umpl ct , a tud nt mu st file
, p ·lit io n with lh
rn ctua l Progran1 s ta ff ra ting reas ns fo r
th r ·quest, the plan , n l dal'e for re moving the incom p le te
g rad e, Lhe s ig nature of th ins tru ·to1;, nd ;m y o t'h r n ·e sa ry
documentation) .
. ot mo re than l\ <> o ur e w ith a grad e below 3.0 w ill count
towa rd Lhe d g r e. N l mo re than two courses w ith a grade below
2.0 can be re peated . O nly the redit nnd rild
arned th e second
time are counted in the grade point average.
Alcademic Policies
Academic Probation and Dismissal
Students must maintain a 3.0 cumu lativ<:> grade point average. lf a
student fall below a 3.0 average, the t:udent will b plnced on
probation for the following te rm. A 3.0 cumulative grade point
average must be restor d in ord r fl r a stud nt t b r moved fro m
probation. lf a student receiv ·' a grade f in a cour·s , the
tudent mu t petition successfu lly with the raduate Program
ommitl e before being permitted t onlinu in th program. A
plan for the student to follow wou ld be ou tlined at tlrnt tim . If the
umulative grade point· averag again fu ll b low .0, the student
may be dismissed fr m the program b ' U1e raduate Program
mm itt . tudcnts al ·o may be dismiss cl by the raduat
Progra m ommill' for b havior d trimental lo th program such
a a gr · violation of college policy (as publ' h d in Lhe tudcn l
uide). Di missal would o ur nl ,1ft 1· stabli hed pro edm s
were followed.
Credit for Prior Education, Training and Experience
Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the courses in the Master of
Arts in Leadership program, it is unlik I that course taken
elsewhere ma b ub tituted for a particular course in the\
urri ulum . Stt1dents may petition the radu ate Program
ommill'e for appm al of any vilrin tion in the urri ul um
including the transfer of credit or the receipt of credit for other
Credit and Contact Hours
·Cl h g raduate cour e in th Master o( Arts in Le. dership program
is the equivalent of four emestcr credit or six quarter redil .
tudents meet in cln • total of 30 hou rs (e eluding fimil s) and are
responsible for a ign ificant amount of individu I ·tudy and
Enrollment Policy/Leaves of Absence
tudent ma r take either one or two courses each trimester.
Enrolling in two cour 'S per trimest · r enables a tudent to
ompl •t · th pr gram in two year . All students are requir d to
complete th program with in fo ur year . · tensions beyond four
years will be onsidered on the ba i of p titi n t the ,raduat•
Program Commit! e. Students wht> I ave the program for more
than one term mu ·tr ques t a leilve of ab en e in writing from th
Graduate Program ommittee.
Last Date to Withdraw from Class
The las t date on which students may withd raw from a class and
receive a "W" on their record s is noted on p p. 4 and 5.
Application Fee (payable once, non-refundable)
Tuition (per trimester course)
(one course = 6 guarter credits or 4 semester credits)
Enrollment Reservation Deposit (non-refundable)
Leadership Practicum Fee (per term for six terms)
La~ fi· ( harg d to a ny student regi teri ng aft r
the · hedu l d registration date. Late registration
per day
includes in o mplet t ·gistrati n as d ·fined:
, ) Unsig n •d R gi !ration form r b) Unapprov d Payment Plan)
Registration Change After First Class Meeting
(cancel/add /change grade option, or combination
at one time)
Transcript Fee (per copy after first, which is free)
Finance Charge : A finance charge is applied at a
simple rate of 1% per month on any account with an
open balance of 30 days or more.
The application fee ($25) i due on or bef r th , pplication
deadline for a given term . Th' $100 no n-refundabl d posit
reserves a place in the program in a given term, once a person is
accepted. Tuition is due at the time of registration .
Payment Options*
1) Paymen t in Full:
ue Day of Registration.
2) Payment Plan: Upon application and after college approval, a
3-pay plan is available each trimester. Payment plans will be
offered only if previous plans have been adhered to.
3) Company Reimbursement: Full courses, or eguivalent, which
are company reimbursed require ad · p(> it of $150 per course
reimbursed, with full payment d ue with in 45 days after the end
of the term.
A finance charge is applied at a simple rate of 1% per month on any
amount with an open balance of 30 days or more.
Tuili n is set on an annual basis, payable in 3 equal installments at
the begin ning of each trim est r. R >gistrat i.on is permitted only if the
student's accmml for a previ u term i paid in full as agreed.
Augsburg ollege will not release diplomas or a ad -mi transcripts
until all student accounts are paid in full . This also appl'ies for
student loan funds administered by the college (Perkins Student
Loan); they must be current according to established repayment
*A non-s ufficien t-fund check w ill declare yo ur registratio n in va lid and cou ld affect furth er credit
extended by the college-
Refund Schedule
A per-course tuition r fund will be made n the fo llow ing ba is: (In
order to b ligi bl > fo r th r~·fund, students arc res pon ibl for
c,in elling om se with the Registrn r's ffice.)
Prior to th first ch du led la · m ting - 100%
Prior to the second sch eduled la me ting - 90%
Prior to the third chedul d c.lass meeting - 80%
Prior t th fo ur th ~ heduled cl<i meeting - 70%
Prior to the fifth scheduled class m eting - 60%
Prior to th ·ixth s h duled clas m elin - 50%
D inancial Aid
... .
In fl number o wa , student ma 1 r ei v a i ta n e in m ting
G rad uat Pr grn m co. t ·. Enrollm ·nt in two courses per trimc ter
, llow the tudent to b classified as full-tim ' · O n omse i •
considered half-time enrollment. The Financial Aid Office
(330-1046) will assist students in assessing financial need and
constructing an aid/payment program from available alternatives,
including the following:
Company Tuition Assistance Programs
Ma ny compa nie , gencie and corporation off r full r partial
tui tion assistan ce to employ s w ho participate in work-r>laLed or
deg r' -r l a t~ d olleg p rogram . Augs bu r ollcge prov.ides
v nil pay m nt plan by w hich employe may ha nd l tuit i n
reimburscm n t.
Federal and State Aid Programs
The Fi na ncial Aid Offic w ill assist stud ents in determining
el igi bil ity for a ny Fi deral or t te g rant or loa n program availabl
to graduat students. Det r111irn1tio11 of eligibili ty will be based on
slu nda rd nationally acce pted fo rms an d method.ologie incl ud ing:
• Family Financial Statement (FFS)
• Financial Aid Form (FAF)
• Graduate and Professional Scholastic Aid Service
Funded Scholarships
Augsbur active.I purs ue outside funding ror p cial scholarships
to facilit, le the participation of qualifi d ca nd ida t wi th limited
fi nancial resO LLrC s. The availability of uch ·cholar h ip enabl
th p rogra m to guarante the participation f indi viduals of limi ted
fi nancial means a well a individual worki ng for v lunteer
agencies and other organizations not likely to provide tuition
Alternative payment plans will be available to all students for the
payment of tuition.
Veterans of Military Service
Aug bmg Co!Jege is a pproved by the State A ppr ving Ag ncy for
Vet ran' · Trnining . Vi teran hould c ntac t the Reg i ·trn r's O ffice
about 'Clmpl tion of the enrollment rtifica ti n an d forwarding
oth r inf rm ation to the Veteran's Administratio n.
Albout Augsburg
ugsburg was the first seminary founded by Norwegian Lutherans
ill America . Named after the confession of faith presented by
Lu thera n in Augsburg, Germany, in 1530, Augsburg opened in
Sept mb r 1869 in Marshall, Wisconsin and moved to
Minneapolis in 1872.
Campus Location
ampu s i lncnt din the he(lrt of th Twin it:i •s,
uar , the firs t of 'JS~ pm·ks in th e '1 ity of
Llikes:' · djacen t to the , mpu are Faii;vi w an I I. Mary'
I lo:;pita l , th' We t l3ank ·a mpu of the Univ 1 ii of inn . ot·1
and Mississippi River parkways.
su 1'1'o unding Murph
Augsburg College ha s made i major eff rt· tti b Cl>me n of the
mo lccc ssiblecampu · in he r -g io n. kywa • , tunnels;ind
el valor provide accc ·sible connections bet we n 9 of the 1 l major
bu ild in · - stude nt ho us in towe r , o llege en te 1~ main
a adem i and ad mini trativ · ha lls, ll e librnry and mus ic build ing.
In addition, there is a program for students with learning or
physical disabilities .
Church Affiliation
Augsburg is a college of The Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America. About 59% of th e students are Lutheran, 14% other
Protestant and 19% Roman Catholic. Several other affiliations are
re presented among students and faculty.
Non-Discrimination Policy
Aug·burg ollcgedoesnotdiscrimin ateon th • ba ·i. fra e, r'ed,
na tional or thni o rigin, a , rnal.'il11l tatu , " or h<111'di ap «
r qu iPd by Till IX f th ·1 72 Education al Amendments of ection
504 o the Rehabilitation Act of 1 73 as< m · nded in it ,id mi ssi n
policies, educational programs, activities, and employment
• ampusMap
Admissions House
George Sverdrup Library
Science Hall
West Hall
Mortensen Tower
Urness Tower
College Center
Memorial Hall
10. Music Hall
11. 2222 Murphy Square
12.Melby Hall
13. Ice Arena
14. Stage II Theatre
15. Center for Global
16. Scandinavian Center
17. Foss, Lobeck, Miles Center
for Worship, Drama and
18. Youth and Filmily Ministry
A. Admissi ('l n Parki ng
B. Student Parking
C. Visitor Parking
D. The Quad
E. Faculty/Staff Parking
F. Murphy Square
G. Anderson-Nelson Athletic
H. Fairview/St. Mary's Parking Ramp
I. Husby-Strommen Tennis
Accessible Entrance
All po ted Aug burg 'ollege parking I I ill' fre and op n f r
student use from 4:30 p.m. Friday through aturday v ning. Lo is
are I cated on 7th Slr l between 2'1 t and 22nd Avenues and south
of 8th Street on 21st Avenue.
liampus Incation
From Minneapolis
Interstate 94 east to 25th Avenue exit, left to Riverside Avenue, left
to 21st Avenue South, left to Augsburg sign.
From St. Paul
Interstate 94 west to Riverside exit, right on Riverside to 21st
Avenue South, left at Augsburg sign.
llaculty and Mministration
The following faculty and administrators are currently involved in
the Master of Arts in Leadership program:
Earl Alton, Professor and Department Chairperson of Chemistry.
BA, St. Olaf College; MS, Ph.D., University of Michigan.
Margaret Anderson, Associate Professor, Head Librarian . BS, MA,
University of Minnesota .
Raymond Anderson, Professor of Speech, Communication and
Theatre. l3A, S, Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Kenneth Bailey, Professor of Philosophy. BA, St. Olaf College; MA,
Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
.· .·.·
John Benson, Professor of Religion. BA, Augsburg College; BD,
Luther Theological Seminary; MA, Ph.D. Columbia University.
Maria Brown, Assistant Professor of Social Work. BA, MA,
American University; MSW, University of Minnesota.
John Cerrito, Assistant Professor in Business Administration and
Economics. BA , Rhode Island College; MS, University of
Francine Chakolis, Assistant Professor of Social Work. BS,
Augsburg College; MSW, University of Minnesota.
Larry Crockett, s ist<1nt Professor of Mathemati
mpul r
Science. BA, MA, Pacilic Lutheran University; M . iv. Luther
Theologica l eminar .
Grace Dyrud, Professor of Psychology. BA, MA, Ph.D., University
of Minnesota.
Mark Engebretson, As ·ociale Pro ess >.r & Dept. Chairperson of
Physi . BA, Lulher oll g ; I. Div., Luther Theological
eminnr ; M , Ph .D., Un iversity of Minn sotn.
Norman Ferguson, Professor of Psychology. BA, Franklin and
Marshall Colleg ; MS, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin .
Jerry Gerasimo, Professor of Sociology. BA, Lake Forest College;
MA, Ph.D. , University of Chicago.
Milda Hedblom, Professor of Political Science. BA, Macalester
College; MA, Ph.D., University of Minnesota .
Edwina Hertzberg, Associate Professor of Social Work, Director of
Faculty Development. BA, Cedar Crest College; MSW, Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota.
Garry Hesser, Prof ssor of Socio logy, Director of Cooperative
Edu alion Program. BA, Phillip Univer ·ity; I.Div., Union
Theolog i al Sem inary; Ph.D., Univer ity of N >Lre Dame.
Joanne Karvonen, Graduate Program Coordinator. BA, Gustavus
Adolphus College; MA, University of Georgia.
Edith Kromer, Weekend Librarian. BA, Hamline University; MA,
University of Minnesota.
Ryan LaHurd, Vice Pre idenl for Acad mi Affairs, Dean of the
ollege. BA, Mt. Cann I oil ge; MA, Univcr ity or hicago;
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin.
David Lapakko, Assistant Professor of Speech, Communication
and Theatre. B.A., Macal ster College; MA, Ph.D., University
of Minnesota.
Rosemary Link, A sista nl Pr C ssor of So ial Work. I , London
University (Bedford illege); Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Janet M. Mathison, Instructor, part-time, Religion. Associate
Directo1~ Center for Global Education. BA, Alverno College; MA,
Ed.D, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
Marie McNeff, Associate Professor of Education. BS, M.Ed.,
Ed.D., University of Nebraska.
Nancy Medcraft, Co-director, Counseling Services, BA, MA,
University of Minnesota.
Thomas Morgan, Assistant Professor of Business Ad mini tration
and E nomi s. BS, Juniata Colle e; Ml3A, Universit of Denver;
MS, University of Oregon.
Richard Nelson, Professor and Department Chairperson of
History. BA, University of Nebraska; MA, Ph.D., University of
Beverly Nilsson, Associate Professor and Chairperson of Nursing.
BSN., MS, University of Minnesota.
Norma Noonan, Professor of Political Science. BA, University of
Pennsylvania; MA, Ph.D., University of Indiana.
Ronald Palosaari, Professor of English. BA, Bethel College; B. Div.,
Bethel Seminary; MA, Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Diane Pike, Associate Professor of Sociology. AB, Connecticut
College; Ph.D., Yale University.
Larry Ragland, Associate Professor of Mathematics and Computer
Science. BS, MA., Central Missouri State College; Ph.D.,
University of Texas at Austin.
Richard Thoni, Director of Weekend College. BA, St. Olaf College;
PH.D., University of Minnesota.
Elizabeth Vander Schaaf, Associate Dean for Graduate and Special
Programs. BA, Swarthmore College; MA, Ph.D., University of Iowa .
Maria Woroby, Reference Librarian & Weekend Supervisor. BS,
MA, University of Minnesota.
Linda Geisen, Training and Development Manager,
City of St. Paul.
Dan Hanson, Vice President, Food Ingredients Division,
Land-0- Lakes, Inc.
Cynthia Marsh, Ph.D. Consulting Psychologist, Personnel
Decisions, Inc.
Dean Newman, Consultant.
Robert Odom, Senior Vice President of US Specialty Divisions,
HB Fuller Company.
Richard Ploetz, Customer Education Manager, Medtronic, Inc.
Rosemarie Ramirez, Human Resources Officer, St. Paul
Companies, Inc.
The provisions of this document are not to be regarded as an
irrevocable contract between the student and the College. The
College reserves the right to change any provisions or requirements
at any time within the student's term of residence.
Augsburg College
Recommendation Form
To the applicant: Please give this recommendation form to a
co-worker or supervisor with whom you work. Before you do,
however, please indicate whether you reserve the right to
review the recommendation once it is written or waive your
right of access to this information.
I (
waive) my right to review this
Augsburg College
Recommendation Checklist
Please evaluate the applicant on each of the following dimensions.
Low, needs much
1) Self-Awareness - - 2) Self-Confidence
High, welldeveloped
(Circle one)
- - - - - - - - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6
3) Integrity, Well-developed Value System - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6
Augsburg College
Recommendation Form
To the applicant: Please give this recommendation form to a
co-worker or supervisor with whom you work. Before you do,
however, please indicate whether you reserve the right to
review the recommendation once it is written or waive your
right of access to this information.
I (
waive) my right to review this
. ....-. ·-·
Augsburg College
Recommendation Checklist
Please evaluate the applicant on each of the following dimensions.
Low, needs much
1) Self-Awareness - - - - - - - 2) Self-Confidence
- - - - - - - -
High, welldeveloped
(Circle one)
- 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
3) Integrity, Well-developed Value System - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6
Augsburg College
Master of Arts in Leadership
Application Form
omplete all sections of the attached application form. Please print
or type.
Application Fee
Make check or money order payable to Augsburg College.
Mail application form with the $25, non-refundable application
fee to:
Graduate Program Office
Augsburg College
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Have official transcripts from each post-secondary institution
attended (including credits/degrees and dates) sent to the Graduate
Program Office.
Test Scores
Scores from the Miller Analogies Test (MAT) must be submitted to
the Graduate Program Office. The MAT may be taken at the
University of Minnesota Testing Office at Room 9 Eddy Hall
(624-3323). The one-hour test is given Monday through Friday on a
walk-in basis either at 10:00 a.m. or 2:00 p.m. Please ask to have
your scores sent to Augsburg. The results will be available in 4 or 5
working days. The cost is $30
Please ask for a recommendation (please use the forms available
from the Graduate Program Office) to be sent to the Graduate
Program Office from each of the following:
Immediate Supervisor - Assessing your leadership potential.
Co-worker (at the same level) - Describing your work style and
potential as a leader.
Written Statement
Submit a written statement relating your career and life goals,
focusing on leadership aspirations and describing how you
anticipate the Master of Arts in Leadership will facilitate your
You may be asked to have a personal interview with a member of
the Graduate Program Staff.
Augsburg College
Application for Admission
Middle Initial
Other surname used at
a college or university
City _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ __ State _ _ _ _ _ _ Zip _ _ _ __ _ County _ __ _ __
Horne Phone
Male D Female D
Work Phone
Social Security Number
Age - -- -- - - Birthdate - -- - -- - - Marital Status _ _ __
Citizen of U.S. Yes D No D Religious Affiliation _ __ _ _ __ _ Denomination _ _ _ __ __ _
Predominant Ethnic
Background (optional)
Caucasian D Black/Afro American D Asian American D
Chicano/Mexican American D American Indian D Other D
Current Occupation
Preferred Entry Date
September, 1988 D
January, 1989 D
April, 1989 D
Previous Education
Please list in chronological order all post-secondary institutions you have attended.
Indicate the approximate number of credits earned and any degrees received.
School _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ __
Location - - - - -- -- - - -- -- - - - -- - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- -- Degrees or
Dates Attended - - - -- - - - - -- - - Credits Earned - - - -- -- - - - -- School _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __
Location - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - -- -- - - - -- -Degrees or
Dates Attended - - -- -- - - -- - - - Credits Earned - -- -- - -- -- - - School _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ __
Degrees or
Dates Attended - - - -- -- - - -- -- Credits Earned - - -- - - - - -- -- School _ __ _ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __
Location - - -- - -- -- - -- - - -- - -- - -- - -- - - -- -- - - - - - Degrees or
Dates Attended - - -- - - -- - -- - - Credits Earned - -- - - -- -- - - - -
Professional Experiences
Position - - -- - - -- - --
Location _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ Dates _ _ _ _ _ __ _
Position - - - - - - - - - - - Employer - - -- -- - - - -- -- - - -- - -- - Location _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dates _ _ _ _ __ __
Position - -- - -- - -- - Employer
Location _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ Dates _ _ _ __ __ _
Forthcoming Recommendations
Please have your supervisor and a co-worker send recommendations (please use the forms
available from the Graduate Program Office) on your behalf to the Graduate Program Office.
List the people writing recommendations below:
Have you requested that your post-secondary transcripts be sent to the
Graduate Program Office?
Test Scores
Have you taken the Miller Analogies Test (MAT) and requested that the
scores be sent to the Graduate Program Office?
Written Statement
Are you enclosing your written statement with this application?
Yes D
Financial Aid
Do you wish to apply for financial aid?
Yes D
Date I plan to take the MAT - - - -- -- - - -- -- - - -- -
To the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete.
Please send this completed application, along with a non-refundable application fee of $25, to Graduate
Program Office, Augsburg College, 73121st Avenue South, Minneaplis, MN 55454.
Augsburg Collegu
-4 J
-root-i vation, Acnievement or iefnta ti on
5) Flexibility, Adaptability
- - - - - - - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6
6) Creativity, Innovativeness - - - - - - - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6
7) Tolerance of Individual Differences
- - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6
8) Broad World View (beyond organization) - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6
9) Overall Potential for Leadership - - - - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6
Please send this checklist and your letter of recommendation to
the Graduate Program Off ice at the address on the reverse side of
this sheet.
Signature of person writing recommendation
To the writer of this recommendation: Thank you for your
willingness to-Provide information to the Augsburg College
Graduate Admissions Committee. Please fill out the
checklist on the reverse side of this sheet and then in a
letter expand on your evaluation of the applicant's
potential for graduate study and for assuming more advanced
leadership positions. Include in your letter how long you
have known the applicant and in what capacities. Please
mail the checklist and your letter directly to the Graduate
Program Office at the following address. Thank you.
Graduate Program Off ice
Augsburg College
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
"t J
1'1U LJ.. VC1 LJ..UU r
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5) Flexibility, Adaptability
- - - - - - - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6
6) Creativity, Innovativeness - - - - - - - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6
7) Tolerance of Individual Differences
- - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6
8) Broad World View (beyond organization) - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6
9) Overall Potential for Leadership - - - - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6
Please send this checklist and your letter of recommendation to
the Graduate Program Off ice at the address on the reverse side of
this sheet.
Signature of person writing recommendation
To the writer of this recommendation: Thank you for your
willingness to-Provide information to the Augsburg College
Graduate Admissions Comrnittee. Please fill out the
checklist on the reverse side of this sheet and then in a
letter expand on your evaluation of the applicant's
potential for graduate study and for assuming more advanced
leadership positions. Include in your letter how long you
have known the applicant and in what capacities. Please
mail the checklist and your letter directly to the Graduate
Program Office at the following address. Thank you.
Graduate Program Off ice
Augsburg College
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
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