Starting April 22 you may schedule
Summer School courses at the
Registrar's Office on an ongoing basis
during regular office hours. Each course
scheduled must be accompanied by a
$50.00 tuition deposit. This deposit is
applied to designated course tuition and
is non-refundable except when a... Show more
Starting April 22 you may schedule
Summer School courses at the
Registrar's Office on an ongoing basis
during regular office hours. Each course
scheduled must be accompanied by a
$50.00 tuition deposit. This deposit is
applied to designated course tuition and
is non-refundable except when a course
is cancelled. When this happens, you
may elect to receive a deposit refund or
substitute another course. To avoid
disappointment in course selection,
schedule as soon as you can. Many
courses with limited enrollment fill
early. Conversely, courses with low
preregistration enrollment may be
cancelled before the first day of the term.
Students must confirm registration in
person at the Business Office or they will
be dropped from the course.
Term I Summer School students are
required to finalize their registrations on
May 26 or 27. Term I1 registrations must
be finalized on June 22 or 23. This
procedure applies to all courses,
including internships and independent
studies. Finalizing registration will take
place at the Business Office, 114 Science
Hall, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and
6:00 p.m. on May 26 and 27, and June 22
and 23. The balance owing for tuition
must be paid before registration is
Augsburg students please note: Balance
due on Augsburg account from
previous term/s must be paid in full
before you can finalize registration. A
late fee of $50.00 will be assessed for
Term I registrations completed on May
28. A late fee of $50.00 will be assessed
for Term I1 registrations completed on
June 24. Registrations will not be
accepted after these dates.
To change your registration, cancel your
registration, add a course, or drop a
course and enroll in another course, fill
out a Cancel/Add form at the
Registrar's Office. There is a charge of
$50.00 for changing a registration after
the second day of each term. This must
be done by 3:30 p.m. on May 28 for
Term I courses and by 3:30 p.m. on June
24 for Term I1 courses. This procedure
applies to internships and independent
studies as well as scheduled courses.
Any refund or adjustment of fees is
determined according to the "Tuition
Refund Policy."
Summer 1992
Term I
Term I1
Beginning of scheduling
(must be confirmed in person
at the Business Office)
April 22
May 26-27
April 22
June 22-23
Classes begin
Balance of tuition due
May 26
May 26-27
June 22
June 22
May 28
May 28
May 28
June 24
June 24
June 24
July 4
June 12
June 19
June 24
July 17
July 31
August 5
Last day to:
*Change grading option
*Drop class without notation
*Register with late fee of $50
(no registrations will be
accepted after this date)
Last day to withdraw from class (W)
Classes end
Grades due in Registrar's office
Augsburg College does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, national or ethnic origin, age, marital status,
sex or handicap as required by Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation
Act of 1973, a s amended, in its admission policies, educational programs, activities and employment practices.
The tuition charge for 1992 Summer
School courses is as follows: $650.00 for
full-credit courses, $350.00 for half-credit
courses, and $175.00 for fourth-credit
courses. Audits are charged at the
tuition rates listed above.
Tuition Refund
The $50.00 per course deposit is not
refundable. Refund of all or part of the
remaining fee is calculated from the date
of the student's official course
cancellation at the Registrar's Office.
Schedule of Refunds:
*Prior to the second scheduled class
meeting - 100%of the refundable
portion of the fee.
*Prior to the fourth scheduled class
meeting - 75% of the refundable
portion of the fee.
*Prior to the sixth scheduled class
meeting - 50% of the refundable
portion of the fee.
Courses with fewer than 12 scheduled
class sessions will use a prorated version
of the schedule of refunds.
Financial A i d
Financial aid is limited to the
Guaranteed Student Loan. Any student
taking one course is regarded as a halftime student for the summer and is
eligible to apply for a Guaranteed
Student Loan. Contact the Financial Aid
Office to make loan arrangements (3301046).The deadline for applying for
Financial Aid for Summer School is
April'l5,1992. You must have a
complete file in the Financial Aid Office
by April 15 in order to receive an award
for Summer. Please pick up a Summer
School Financial Aid Application from
the Financial Aid Officer or from the
Summer School Office.
1 , . Admissions House
2, George Sverdrup Library
3 , . Science Hall
Mortensen Tower
, Urness Tower
Christensen Center
Center for Global Education
Admissions Parking
35W from the North Take Washington Avenue exit and turn
left of Washington (turns right onto
Cedar Avenue), turn left at Riverside
Avenue, right at 21st Avenue South.
Campus Location
1-94 East from Minneapolis Take 25th Avenue exit, turn left at 25t
Avenue, turn left at Riverside Avenue,
turn left at 21st Avenue Sc
1-94 West from St. Paul Take Riverside exit, turn right at
Riverside Avenue, turn left at 21st
Avenue South.
35W from the South Follow the 1-94 St. Paul signs (move to
right lane after each of two mergers).
Take 25th Avenue exit and turn left at
Riverside Avenue, turn left at 21st
Avenue South.
Augsburg College is a four-year, fully
accredited liberal arts college affiliated
with The Evangelical Lutheran Church
in America and is located in the heart of
Minneapolis. The small college
environment, about 3,000 students
during the academic year, is enriched by
the many cultural, sport and recreational
activities found in this vibrant
metropolitan area. An active summer
combining classes and
participation in metropolitan
events is a delightful
- and
broadening experience.
the Summer
Augsburg College provides a
diverse summer curriculum including
regular courses, internships and
independent studies. Term I runs from
- June 19, Term I1 runs from June
22 - July 31. This brochure presents the
Summer School Program and was
correct at the time of publication.
Summer students may take one course
during Term I and two courses during
Term 11. Unless otherwise indicated, all
courses carry a value of one course
credit, the equivalent of four semester
credits or six quarter credits.
Courses fulfilling Augsburg
distribution and perspective
requirements are so noted in the
course descriptions.
Course levels are indicated by the first
digit of the three digit course number: 1
or 2, lower division, primarily for
freshmen and sophomores; 3 or 4, upper
division, primarily for juniors and
seniors; and 5, graduate level.
Courses regularly taught during the
academic year are more fully described
in the Augsburg College Catalog. If you
need more information about a special
summer offering, please contact the
S u m 1 1 . School
Independent study and internships, in
addition to those listed, may be pursued
during the summer in a number of
departments. Internships involve work
experience related to the academic
program in an agency, government or
industry. Consult the Summer School
Office for information.
Students who need housing may obtain
information from the Director of
Residence Life.
The College Reserves the Right to cancel
listed courses
and Forms
Additional information and registration
forms may be obtained from:
Murphy Place
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Call 6121330-1786 or call toll-free
Elizabeth Bruch, Director
Barbara Pappenfus, Secretary
Persons in good standing at regionally
accredited colleges and universities,
graduates of such institutions, and
students admitted for the next Fall Term
are eligible to attend Augsburg Summer
School. Good standing implies that the
student has been admitted and not
subsequently dropped by that
Other persons wishing to take summer
school work should contact the Director
of Summer School to ascertain eligibility
under special circumstances.
Acceptance as a summer student does
not imply admission as a regular
student of Augsburg College. Those m.
wishing to begin a degree program at
the College should apply for admission
though the Office of Admissions.
ART 107-8100
Drawing in pencil, charcoal, ink, pastels. Subjects
include still-life, figures, building interiors, exteriors,
experimental work. Dist.: Art/Music; Persp.: Aesthetics.
M,T, W,Th
OM 17
6:OO-9:00 p.m.
ART 352-8101
A study of the creative role of women in the visual arts,
including the fine arts, the work of Native American
women. Dist.: Art/Music, Minority Studies; Persp.:
M,T, W,Tli
Foss 43
1:00-4:OO p.111.
HUS 175-8102
An introduction to microcompu ter-based information
systems. Study features of hardware, operating systems,
languages and current applications. Learn to use MSDOS, Lotus 123 (graphics, database and logical
functions) dBase I I I t and Minitab. May study other
applications (Microsoft Works, Word Perfect). (Prereq.:
MPG I1 or else a Pass in MAT 103, a self-paced course)
Dist.: None; Persp.: None
M,T, W,TIi
Foss 20
6:OO-9:OO p.m.
BUS 221-8103
Introduction to business activities, basic concepts and
fundamentals of accounting, the accou~itingcycle and
preparation of financial statements. Dist.: None; Persp.:
8:30-10:50 a.rrl.
M,T, W,Th
OM 10
BUS 242-8104
Development of the theory of management,
organization, staffing, planning and control. The nature
of authority, accountability and responsibility, analysis
of the role of the professional manager. Dist.: None;
Persp.: None
M,T, W,Th
6:OO-9:OO p.~tl.
BUS 322-8105
An analysis of financid accounting with emphasis on
accounting theory pertaining to financial statements,
income concepts, valuation concepts, FASB statements
and other relevant issues as applied to assets. (Prereq.:
BUS 222 and EC0 113)
M,T, W,Th
6:OO-9:00 p.m.
BUS 331-8106
Theory of acquisition, allocation, and management of
funds within the firm. Sources and uses of long an short
term funds, cost of capital, capital budgeting, leverage,
dividend policy, and related topics. (Prereq.: BUS 222,
ECO 113) Dist.: None; Persp.: None
M,T, W,Th,F
OM 11
8:30-10:50 n.111.
ECO 110-8107
Study of economic implications of problclns facing a
nlctro-urban environment. By ~ndepcndcntstudy. Dist :
Urban Collccrns; Pcrsp : None
AI ~.nrl~ed
ECO 112-8108
Introduction to macro-economics, national income
analysis, monetary and fiscal policy, international trade,
economic growth. Dist.: Economics/ Polttical Science;
Pcrsp.: Western Heritagc
6:00-9:00 p.l!r
M,T, W,TIi,F
M 24
EDU 264-8109
Study and investigation of various aspects of the
teaching profession Dist.: Yes, when combined with
EDE 363 or ED5 352 (1 12 course); Persp : Thc City
6:OU-9:00 p.rrr
1. 1
EDS 282-8110
Introduction to the field of special education Examines
the nature, causes, and educational intcrventiol~sfor
such exceptionalitics as mental retardation, physical
disability, hearing and vision impairment, learning
disabilities, behavior disorders and gtftcdness. Dist.:
1:OiJ-4:00 p.111.
OM 13
EDU 341-8111
Psychological and philosophical dimensions of
communication through the ~ l s of
c instructional
technology. Selection, prcparation, production and
evaluation of effective audio-visual materials for
tcaching/leaming situation Computer training will be
included in this course Dist.: None; Pcrsp.: None
9:30-11:50 n ! I ! .
EDE 382-8112
Examination and preparation of materials and resources
for mathematics instruction at the kindergarten and
elementary levels. Dist.: None (112 course); Pcrsp.. None
6:00-9:00 p.trl
1. 4
EDU 388-8113
Emphasis on the study of values, of communication
techniques, and of the major minority groups in
Minnesota for the development of interpersonal
relations skills applicable to teaching and other
professional vocations Open to all. Required for all
Elementary and Secortdary Education majors. Dist :
Nonc. (112 course)
5:30-8:30 p.111.
OM 13
ENG 225-8114
The dcvclopment of essays in a variety of rhetorical
modes. Particular attmtion will be given to stylistic and
organizational matters through the course's workshop
format. (Prcreq.: ENG 111)
G:O0-9:fJO p.r!r.
ENG 245-8115
111 this course studcnts arc initiated into the for~nalstudy
of narrative, drama and poetry in order to appreciate
morc fully the plcas~~rcs
of 1iterature.Thc course alms to
expand students' cxposurc to literature and thcrcforc
draws on works from several periods, from different
cultures and races, f m ~ nmale and fcmalc writers. As the
prerequisite for all upper courses in literature,
Introduction to Literature aims in particular to develop
students' critical and analytical skills in reading about
literature. Dist.: ILitcrature; Pcrsp.: Aesthetics
9:30-11:50 n.111.
M,7', W,TII,F
OM 18
GER 111-8116
Classroqm practice speaking, understanding and
reading basic German for studcnts with no previous background in German. Dist.: Foreign Language; Persp.:
8:30-10:50 ~ . I I I .
M,T, W,Tlr,F
OM 27
SPA 111-8117
SPA 111-8118
Aims to develop four basic skills: understanding,
speaking, reading and writing of elelnc~itary
Spanish. Introduction to cul turc of Spanishspeaking world. Dist.:.Foreign Language; Persp.:
Intercultural A w a r c ~ l c s I1
8:30-20:50 n.lrr.
M,T,W,Tlr,F (Ssctiorr 1)
5:30-7350 p.rlr.
M,T, W,TIi,F fS~.ctiorr11) OM 25
H P E 320-8119
Techniques for developing a course of s t u d y based
u p o n g r o w t h a n d development for g r a d e s K-12.
Special w o r k units in nulrition and diseases.
(Prcreq: All courses in t h e major sequence
numbered in the 100 and 200 series a n d consent of
5:30-9:30 p , ~ ! ,
O M 22
HIS 348-8120
Tlic coursc offers an introductory historical survey
of Llic Sovict Union. It begins with a brief
examination of Russian history before turning to
the Russiaii Revolutions of 1917, the Civil War and
Lenin's consolidation of power. Idatcr topics
include: tlic rise of Stalin, his Great Terror, World
War 11, the Cold War and the slow rejcctio~iof
Stalinisin culminating in an examination of recent
cvciits since L11c emergence of Gorbacliev. The
coursc will emphasizc political, diplomatic,
cconomic and cultural liistory by focusing on
Sovict political practices and institutions
9:30-11:50 0
M,T, W,T/I,F
O M 23
INS 1991399-8121
A work-based learning experience in wliich a
student designs a learning agreement (witli a
faculty member) which links the ideas and
methods of their major to the opportunities found
in the placement. Participation in a weekly
seminar is expected. Persp.: The City
PHI 110-8124
This course provides tlic student with some
experience in examining ideas and thereby
sliarpcniiig the critical and analytical skills
required to evaluate and construct a system of
ideas and beliefs. Dist.: I-listory/Philosopl~y;
Pcrsp.: I-[unian Identity
8:30-10:50 n.111.
PHY 101-8125
A descriptive course covering our solar system,
stars and galaxies. In addition the coursc traces the
development of scientific t h o ~ ~ g lfrom
l t early
civilizatioli to the present day, The necessary
optical instrun~eiitsarc cxplai~lcdand use is made
of 12-inch reflecting telescope, an eight-incli
Cclcstron and a tlircc-inch Qucstar. Night vicwiilg
and laboratory sessions are important components
of the coursc. (Three one-hour lccturcs) (Prcrcq:
Matliematics Placement Group 11) Dist.:
MatIi/Physics; Pcrsp.: Natural World I1
5:30-8:30 / ~ . r i r .
M , T , W,TIi
INS 225-8122
This coursc is designed by a practicing Muslim Lo
present his perception of Islam to non-M~~slims.
Thc coursc will cover the ideological foundations
of Islam, its basic concepts and tenets, Islamic law
(Shari'ah), Islamic economic and political systems,
and Islamic patterns of lifc. Tlierc will also be a
consideration of the differences between tlic
Islamic sects (Sunnis, Slii'its, Sufis, etc.); some
effort to deal witli the similarities and differences
bctwccii Islam and both Christianity and Judaism;
and a visit to one of the mosques in tlic T w'~ n
Cities. Dist.: Mii~ority-UrbanStudie?
R:30-10:50 f l . r r r .
M , T , W,Tlr,F
Have you ever wondered why women liave been
charged more than men for annuities and received
lower pension benefits than men? Or why women
liave paid less than men for life insurance? Or how
lifc pay~neiitsare figured out? Or liow muc11
money to invest in order to accumulate a certain
lump sum or annual payment at a certain date in
the future? Tlicn this coursc may bc meant for you.
These and otlicr interesting and useful topics in the
~iiatlicmaticsof financial transactions will be
covered. This coursc should be uscf~ilfor students
in business and economics or for any students
interested in careers in finance-related fields. Math
Placement Group I11 Dist : MatIi/Physics
POL 342-8126
SPC 342-8127
Effects of mass cominunications on iildividual
behavior; the uses and control of mass media for
political and social purposes including a study of
censorship, newsmaking, entertainment and public
affairs programming Dist.: Urban Concerns
5:30-8:30 u.111
MP 3
M H 323
MAT 173-8123
12:OO-3:00 p.111.
PSY 325-8128
Social factors wliicli influei~ccindividual and
group behavior in naturalistic and cxperimcntal
settings, Topics include: cooperation, competition,
affiliation, conformity and attitudes. (Prereq.: 102
or 1 0 )
M,7', W,Tlr,F
O M 16
REL 472-8129
A study of the Apostle Paul including his liistorical
background, his relationship to the early cliurcli
and some of the tl~eincsfound in his writings.
Dist.: Religion; Persp.: Christian Faith
8:30-10:50 fl.111.
M,T, W,Tlr,F
REL 483-8130
The bases of Cliristian social responsibility, in
terms of theological and sociological dynamics.
Emphasis on developing a constructive
perspective for critical reflection upon moral
action. Uist.: Religion; Persp.: Christian Faith 2, 3
M,T, W,TIi
OM 78
SOC 1991399-8131
A work-based learning cxpcriencc in wliicli a
student designs a leariiiiig agrccmcnt (with a
faculty member) wliicli links the ideas and
methods of sociology to tlie opportunities found in
tlie placcinciit. Participation in a weekly seminar is
expected. Persp.: The City
SOC 265-8132
The dimensions of racial and minority group
relations. Major attention is focused upon prejudice,
racism, and the role of self-understanding. (l'/N
grading only) Dist.: Minority Studies; I'crsp.:
lntcrcultural Awareness 1
6:OO-9:OO ~ I . I I I .
MP 4
SOC 375-8133
An examination of the idea of "group," its
.elationship to individual behavior and society. An
111alysisof the ideas of "self" and "identity" and
what part they play in ~~iidcrstailding
interpersonal relations and h u ~ n a nbehavior. A
sociological view of mental health. A look at tlic
major assumptions and processes underlying our
everyday life-a look at the trivial, the ordinary
and the taken-for-granted. "Symbolic interaction,"
an important orientation in social psychology, will
be used as a way of dealing with the major issucs
in tlic course. (Prcrccl.: 121, junior or senior
students 011ly)
8:30-11:OO o.111
M,T, W,Tlr
OM 29
SPC 347-8134
A video production coursc wliicli intcgra tcs
lccture and criticism with hands-on experience
dealing will1 non-fiction subjects. Students will
work in production tcams, gainiilg cxpcricncc in
field production and editing.
9:30-11:50 ~ . I I I .
M,T, W,TIi,F
Fuss 170
SPC 351-8135
Application of standards for sound cvidencc and
reasoning in public speaking, discussion and
debates. Key objectives include increasing skill in
analyzing argumentative claims, being able to
distinguish between strong and weak arguments,
understanding tests for evidence and fallacies in
reasoning and learning to apply pri~lciplcsof
argu~neiltationto contemporary public issucs.
Students have tlic opportunity to enhance their
skills in debate and discussion and also learn to
analyze and critique argi~~nciits
they encounter in
their daily lives
12:00-3:00 )J.III.
M,T, W,Tlr,F
O M 10
SPC 352-8136
Theory of how people are influenced to change
attitudes and bcliavior. Tlie course deals with a
broad range of topics, iiicluding obstacles to
persuasion; the usc of logical and psycl~ological
appeals; empirical rcscarcli in pcrsuasion; how
pcrsuasion is used in politics, sales, advertising,
and interpersonal contexts; the nature of mass
movemcnts and campaigns; the impact of tlie mass
media on persuasion, and ethical issues related to
pcrsi~asion.Students analyze persuasive messages
in contemporary society, with practical work in
speech and promotional projects.
9:30-11:50 0.111,
M,T, W,TIi,F
M 22
ART 132-8200
ART 132-8201
The camera used as a tool for visual creativity and
expression using black and white photographic
processes. Need access to a 35mm camera. Dist.:
Art/Music; Persp.: Aesthetics. Estimated cost of film,
etc.: $150.00-$175.00. (Class size limited.)
M,W (Section I)
1:30-5:00 p.m.
5:30-9:00 p.m.
M,W (Section 11)
MIS 175-8202
An introduction to microcomputer-based information
systems. Study features of hardware, operating systems,
languages and current applications. Learn to use MSDOS, Lotus 123 (graphics, database and logical
functions) dBase IIIt and Minitab. May study other
applications (Microsoft Works, Word Perfect). The
completion of MIS 370 with a passing grade will serve as
a substitute for MIS 175. (Prereq.: MPG I1 or else a Pass
in MAT 103, a self-paced course).
Foss 20
5:30-9:00 p.m.
BUS 222-8203
Introduction to business activities, accountina for
corporations. Basic concepts and fundament& of
managerial accounting, planning and controlling
processes, decision-making and behavioral
considerations. (Prereq.: BUS 221) Dist.: None
10:05-11:30 a.m.
M,T, W,Th,F
OM 10
BUS 323-8204
A continuation of 322. An analysis of financial
accounting with emphasis on accounting theory
pertaining to financial sta tements, income concepts,
valuation concepts, FASB statements and other relevant
issues as applied to liabilities and stockholders' equity.
(Prereq.: BUS 322)
M, W
MH 323
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
BUS 340-8205
Personnel functions in business, acauisition and
utilization of human resources; desirable working
relationships; effective intearation of the worker with
the goals o'f the firm and society.
(Prereq: BUS 242)
OM 10
6:00-9:00 p.m.
BUS 440-8206
Concepts and principles related to the management of
operating functions. Examples from service industries,
non-profit organizations and manufacturing. Taught
from a managerial point of view. Topics include an
overview of operations, planning operation processes,
productivity measurement, standards, forecasting,
concepts of quality, inventory management, principles
of scheduling and operational control information
systems. (Prereq.: BUS 242 or consent of instructor)
6:OO-9:00 p.m.
ECO 110-8207
Study of economic implications of problems facing a
metro-urban environment. By independent study only.
Dist.: Urban Concerns
ECO 113-8208
Introduction to micro-economics, the theory of the
household, firm, market structures and income
distribution. Application of elementary economic theory
to market policy. Dist.: Economics/Political Science;
Persp.: Social World
Foss 43
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
ECO 315-8209
ECO 315-8210
Monetary and banking systems, particularly commercial
banks, and the Federal Reserve System; monetary theory
and policy. (Prereq.: Eco 112,113) Dist.: None
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
M, W (Section I)
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
T,Th (Section 11)
Foss 42
A class for Elementarv and Secondarv students designed
to address the educational needs of ;diverse studen?
body. Includes strategies for teaching special education
students in the regular classroom as well as teaching the
student at risk. Students are encouraged to take
introduction to Special Education (282) prior to . registering for this course.
10:05-11:30 a.m.
M,T, W,Th
EDE 375-8212
Kindergarten curriculum, materials, teaching
approaches. Lab arr. Prerequisite to student teaching at
kindergarten level and to obtaining a license for teaching
at that level. (Prereq.: Consent of instructor) Dist.: None.
(1/ 2 course)
1:301:30 p
Dntes: J I I I I23,24,25,30,
EDU 377-8213
Examination and preparation of materials and resources
for science at the cindergarten and elementary level.
(114 course)
10:OO-12 M,W Dntes: J~rly6,8,13,15,20,22
OM 4
EDE 386-8214
Examination and preparation of materials and resources
for children's literature at the kindergarten and
elementary levels. Lab experiences. Dist.: None. (1/2
5:30-9:00 p.m.
EDE 387-8215
Examination and preparation of materials and resources
for language arts at the kindergarten and elementary
levels. Laboratory experiences. (Prereq.: EDE 255 or EDS
265) (1/2 course)
Dotes: 1u11e23,24,25,30
OM 11
July 1,2,7,8,9,10
EDE 388-8216
Emphasis on the study of values, of communication
techniques, and of the major minority groups in
Minnesota for the development of interpersonal
relations skills applicable to teaching and other
professional vocations. Required for all Elementary and
Secondary Education majors. Open to all. Dist.: None.
(1/2 course)
OM 18
10:05-12:lO p.ti~.
M, W
Emphasis is on exposition, including learning research
techniques and writing critical reviews. At least one
work of literature is assigned. Attention is given to
increasing students' effectiveness in choosing,
organizing and developing topics, thinking critically,
and revising for clarity and style. The minimum passing
grade for this course 2.0. Dist.: Writing-entry level skill
10:05-11:30 ~ . I I I .
M,T, W,TIi,F
OM 13
ENG 2401342-8218
In this course, students will read a variety of fictional
works and learn to better understand fiction by writing
their own story. The course will involve practice in ways
of approaching literature and will include study of tlie
basic critical terminology. Students are expected to read
the assigned stories and novel, participate in class
discussions, write an analysis paper on a selected short
story, write an original short story, and take several
quizzes and a final exam. Students taking this course for
upper division credit will write an additional critical
analysis essay and will read an additional novel and
prepare a substantial paper/class presentation on it. All
students will be asked to contribute $5 to enable printing
and distribution of selected original fiction from class.
(Prereq.: Completion of Effective Writing) Dist.:
English/Speech; Persp.: Aesthetics
OM 13
6:OO-9:30 p.111.
ENG 241-8219
An investigation of the cinematic qualities, theoretical
principles and historical evolution of the film medium.
The emphasis is on film as an audiovisual language. The
course includes the viewing and analysis of both
features length and short films illustrating the
international development of film form and selected
aesthetic movements such as the American Studio Film
and its Genres, German Expressionism, Soviet Montage,
Italian Neorealism and the French New Wave. Dist.:
None: Persp.: Aesthetics
6:00-9:30 p.111.
OM 27
ENG 282-8220
Examining the political, religious, and geographical
factors behind the literature of "magic realism," we will
read short stories and novels by authors such as
Carpentier, Fuentes, Garcia Marquez and Allende. We
will also compare the written text with contemporary
Latin American painting and sculpture.
OM 13
11:40-1:25 p.m.
M,T, W,Th
ENG 282-8221
This course will study archetypal patterns of tlie heroic
journey, as well as specific examples of such journeys. It
will emphasize the ideas of Joseph Campbell, but will
also consider other interpretations of heroic journeys.
Since Western civilization usually assumes that the hero
is a man, usually a white man belonging to a warrior
class, we will analyze the heroic warrior myth both as it
is depicted in ancient and medieval epics and myths, but
also as it appears in contemporary American popular
narratives. But the heroic journey is a human journey,
and thus the course will also emphasize the heroic
journeys of women and men who may be neither white
nor warriors as they are depicted in folktales and novels.
Dist.: En~lish/Sueech
GER 112-8222
Classroom practice in speaking, understanding and
reading basic German. Lab. Dist.: Foreign Language;
Persp.: Intercultural Awareness I11
M,T, W,TIi
OM 27
SPA 112-8223
SPA 112-8224
Aims to develop the four basic skills: understanding,
speaking, reading, and writing of elementary Spanish.
Iiitroduction to culture of Spanish-speaking world. Dist.:
Foreign Language; Persp.: I~~tercultural
Awareness 111
M,T, W,TIi (Sectio~i1)
M,T, W,TIi (Sectioii JJ)
PHI 175-8228
What is the nature of romantic love, sexual desire and
friendship, both healthy and dysfunctional? We will
consider the following ethical issues concerning sex: (a)
Is there such a thing as sexual immorality? (b) Is
promiscuity bad? What strengths and weaknesses does
the institution of monogamy have? Is adultery immoral?
(c) Is sexual perversion a viable concept? Are
homosexuality and lesbianism sexual perversion? Or are
they merely alternative sexual preferences? Dist.:
History/Pliilosophy; Persp.: Human Identity
6:OO-9:30 prrr.
Historical background, legal bases, school health
services and relationships to community health program
and resources. Methods and materials in health
education with laboratory experience in classroom and
community. (Prereq.: 320)
PHY 106-8229
A study of the science and wonders of the atmosphere.
The course is designed to provide a working knowledge
of the basic science principles required for
understanding weather and climate. Laboratory
exercises are included as an integral part of the course.
The course is designed to be an elective or to satisfy the
distribution/general education requirement for the
liberal arts student. (Five 1 1/2 hour lectures) (Prereq.:
Mathematics Placement Group 11) Dist.: Math/Physics;
Persp.: Natural World I or I1
M,T, W,TIi,F
SCJ 205
10:05-11:30 n.1i1.
This is a survey of the volatile Middle East from the rise
of nationalism and the decline of the Turkish Ottoman
Empire in the 19th Century to the current crisis hot spots
in the Persian Gulf and the Levant. The goal is a better
understanding of how the Middle East reached its
contemporary complexity, its role in the wider world.
OM 13
6:OO-9:00 p.m.
INS 199/32;7?~
INTERNS P... -.Hesser
A work-based learning experience in which a student
designs a learning agreement (with a faculty member)
which links the ideas and methods of their major to the
opportunities found in the placement. Participation in a
weekly seminar is expected. Persp.: The City
POL 121-8230
The politics of American government including the
forms of political ideas, the pattern of participation, the
dynamics of congressional, presidential and
bureaucratic policy making, and current issues in
American society. Dist: Economics/Political Science;
Persp.: Social World I
6:OO-9:30 ~ . I I I .
M ,W
OM 23
POL 475-8231
The course seeks to provide the undergraduate student
with an introductory understanding of the functioning
of our legal system. As such, it will explore: the law's
interdependence with the social environment; the law's
social junctions; the social and moral limits of the law;
and, the law as a system, describing the aspects and
problems of each of the law's agencies (courts,
legislative, administrative, and executive agencies).
Dist.: Economics/Political Science; Persp.: None
Foss 2 l A
5:30-9:30 y.rrr.
POL 499-8232
Topics defined through consultation between instructor
and student. (Prereq.: consent of instructor)
PSY 362-8233
An introduction to maladaptive human behaviors from
the social, organic and psychological points of view
Visitation to a variety of community service agencies
will accompany classroom learning. (Prereq.: PSY 105)
Dist.: None; Persp.: None
8:30-10:OO 17.111.
Foss 42
PSY 373-8234
Theoretical conceptualizations of organizational
behavior. Factors and practices such as management
styles, evaluation and maintenance of work
effectiveness, and social influences. (Prereq.:PSY 105)
Persp: None
OM 23
REL 440-8235
A study of selected spiritualities from the Christian
tradition and of contemporary developments, including
12-Step Spirituality, Feminist, Ecological, and NonWestern Christian Spiritualities. An introduction to the
basic practices of spiritualities, especially prayer and
meditation. (Prereq.: REL 111 or 221) Dist: Religion;
Persp.: None
6:OO-9:30 p.rrr.
OM 18
REL 441-8236
Holt & Stratton
This course will consider the central ideas of Christianity
and feminism and how they might be compatible.
Attention will be given to religious influences on societal
roles for women and men, feminist interpretation of the
Bible, and the impact of feminism on Christian theology,
especially in terms of language and metaphor.
"Minorities and men are especially urged to enroll."
Dist.: Religion or Women's Studies; Persp.: Christian
Faith I, 11, or 111
6:OO-9:30 p.111.
M 22
SWK 257-8239
This course identifies different approaches to family
health and social services in both theory and practice in
the USA and UK. Through inter-disciplinary dialogue
and a blend of classroom and field encounters, strategies
for preventive, community-based service are analyzed
and evaluated. A unique feature of this course is the
opportunity to prepare with an intensive first week's
orientation in the USA and to work with British
professionals and students in family health and social
services and debrief with USA- based faculty. All
students will have a personal British tutor in addition to
group leaders, to help focus on their particular interest
and to facilitate connections with resources needed to
achieve their objectives. Dist.: None; Persp.: The City
OM 25
SPC 24-8240,
This course explores both the problems and the potential
of communication between persons of different cultural
groups. Students examine Western and non-Western
cultural rules, values, assumptions and stereotypes and
how they affect the transmission of verbal and nonverbal messages. The course stresses both a general
theoretical understanding of the dynamics of crosscultural interaction as well as specific knowledge of how
these principles relate to particular cultural groups.
Dist.: None; Persp.: Intercultural Awareness
Foss 21 B
SPC 414-8241
INS 414-8242
The rhetoric of selected American feminists will be
analyzed in order 1) to develop a rhetorical perspective
on American feminism, and 2) to develop skill in
rhetorical criticism. Dist.: Women's Studies; Persp.:
530-9:00 p.m.
A work-based learning experience in which a
student designs a learning agreement (with a
faculty member) which links the ideas a n d
methods of sociology to the opportunities found in
the placement. Participation in a weekly seminar is
expected. Persp.: The City
SOC 356-8238
Analysis of adult correctional programs and processes.
Lectures, discussion, and site visits to correctional
institutions and the government offices. Dist.: None
1:30-5:00 p.rrr.
OM 23
Summer Schoo
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The $50.00 per course deposit is not refundable. Rcfund of all or part of the remaining
fee is calculated from the date of the student's official course cancellation at the
Registra~'s Office.
Schcdtrle of Reft~llr~ds:
1'1 ior to tlie second sclicdulcd class meeting... Show more
The $50.00 per course deposit is not refundable. Rcfund of all or part of the remaining
fee is calculated from the date of the student's official course cancellation at the
Registra~'s Office.
Schcdtrle of Reft~llr~ds:
1'1 ior to tlie second sclicdulcd class meeting - 100'%>
of tlic rcf~lndablrportion of the fcc
11f the rclundablc p111 tion of the fee
I'rior to the follrtli schcdulcd class mcrting 75'%,
PI ior t11 the sixth schcd~~lcd
class ~iic~tirig
- 500<,of tlic refundable poutic~nof the fcc.
Augsburg College is a four-year, fully accredited liberal arts college affiliated wit11
The Eva~igelicalLutheran Cl~urcliof America. Located in tlie heart of Minneapolis,
the small collcge environment, about 3,000 students during the academic year, is
enriched by t11c many cultural, sport and recreatiol~alactivities found in this vibrant
~netropolitanarea. An active summer combining classes and participation in
metropolitan events is a delightf~~l
and broadening experience.
Campus Location
ugsburg in the Summer
Augsburg College provides a diverse summer curriculum including regular courses,
internships and independent studies. Term I runs from May 28 -June 21, Term I1 runs
2. This brochure presents the Summer School Program and
from June 24 - A u
? of publication.
was correct at bh-
nmer 1991
Beginnii~gof Scheduling
Classes Beg
Balance of Tuition Due
Term I
Term I1
April 24
April 24
May 28-29
35W from the NorthTake Washington Avenue exit and turn
lcft on Washington (turns right o ~ i t o
Cedar A v e ~ ~ u cTurli
) , left at Riverside,
right at 21st A v e ~ ~ S.
June 24-25
Last Day to:
Change Grading Option
Drop Class Without Notation
Register with a Late Fee of $50
(no registrations will be
accepted after this date'
May 30
June 26
July 4
1-94 East from MinneapolisTake 25th Avenue exit, ~ L I ~ left
I I at 25th
Avenue, turn left at Riverside, turn left
at 21st Avenue S.
Last Day to Withdraw from Class (W)
June 11
July 15
Classes End
June 21
August 2
Grades Due in Registrar's
June 26
August 7
1-94 West from St. PaulTake Riverside exit, turn right at Riverside,
turn left at 21st Avenue S.
35W from the SouthFollow 1-94 St. Paul signs (move to right lane
after each of two mergers). Take 25th Avenue
exit and turn left at Riverside, t ~ ~ left
r n at 21st
Avenue S.
Augsburg College does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed,
national or ethnic origin, age, marital status, sex or handicap as required by
Title IX of the 1972 Educational Aineildments or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, in its admission policies, educational
.. ...
Summer Students may take one coursc during Term I and two courses during Term
11. Unlcss otherwise indicated, all courses carry a valuc of one coursc credit, the
equivalent of four semester crcdits or six quartcr credits. Courses fulfilling Augsb ~ ~ distribution
requirements are so noted in the course descriptions.
Course Levels are indicated by the first digit of the three digit course number: 1 or 2,
lower division, primarily for freshmcn and sophomores; 3 or 4, upper division,
primarily for juniors and seniors; and 5, graduate level.
Courses Regularly Taught during the academic year are more fully described in thc
Augsburg College Catalog. If you need more information about a special summer
offering,please contact the Summer Scliool Officc.
Independent Study and Internships, in addition to those listed, may be pursued
during the summer in a number of departments. Internships involve work experience related to the academic program in an agency, government, or industry.
Consult the Summcr School Office for information
Students needing housing may obtain information from the Dircctor of Resident Life
The College Reserves the Right to cancel listed courses.
Information and Forms
Additio~ialinformation and registration
forms may be obtained from the Surnmcr
School Officc
Persons in Good Standing at
regionally accrcdited colleges and
universities, graduates of such
institutions, and students admitted for
tlie next Pall Term arc clieiblc to
attend Augsburg Sumrncr School.
Good standing implies that thc
has bcc~iadmitted and not
s ~ ~ b s ~ q ~droppcd
~ e ~ i t l by
y that
Write or call:
Murphy Place
731 21st Aven~~e
Miluieapolis, M N 55454
Elizabeth VanderScliaaf, Dirccto~
Jay Dixen, Secretary
Financial Aid
Financial Aid is limited to the Guaranteed
Student Loan Any st~ldenttaking one
course is regarded as a half-time student
for tlie summer and is eligible to apply for
a G~laralitcedStudent Loan. Contact the
Financial Aid Officc to make loan
arrangements (330-1046) The dcadli~icfor
applying for Financial Aid for Sumrncr
School is April 15, 1991. You must have a
complete filc in the Financial Aid Officc
by April 15 in order to rcccivc an award
Other persons wishing to takc
sulnmcr school w o ~k shoi~ldcontact
the Dircctor of Summer Scliool to
ascel tain eligibility under special
Acceptance as a sulnlncr student does
not imply admission as a regular
student of A~lgsburgCollege.Those
wishing to bcgin a degree program at
tlic College should apply for
admission tlirougli tlie Office of
itarting April 24 you may schedule Summer School courses at the Regist.-. _
lffice on an ongoing basis during regular office hours. Each cours'e scheduled must
,e accompanied by a $50.00 tuition deposit. This deposit is appliedlo dc>SI'bmated
Jourse tuition and is non-refundable except when a course is cancelled. When this
happens, you may elect to receivc a deposit refund or substitute another course. To
avoid disappointment in course selection, schedule as soon as you can. Many
courses with limited enrollment fill early. Conversely, courses with low preregistration enrollment may be cancelled before the first day of the term
Term I Summer School students are required to finalize their registrations on May
28 or 29. Term I1 registrations must be finalized on June 24 or 25. This proccdurc
applies to all courses, including internships and independent studies. Finalizing
registration will takc place at the Business Office, 114 Science Hall, between the
lours of 8:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on May 28 and 29, and June 24 and 25. T11c balance
)wing for tuition must be paid before registration is finalized.
Augsburg students please note: Balance due on Augsburg account from previous
term/s must be paid in full before you can finalize registration. A late fee of $50.00
will be assessed for Term I registrations completed on May 30. A late fee of $50.00
will be assessed for Term I1 registrations completed on June 26. Registrations will
not be accepted after these dates.
To change your registration, cancel your registration, add a course, or drop a course
and enroll in another course, fill out a Cancel/Add form at the Registrar's Office.
There is a charge of $5.00 for changing a registration after tlie second day of each
term. This must be done by 3:30 p.m. on May 30 for Term I courses and by 3:30 p.m
In June 26 for Term I1 courses. This procedure applies to internships and independent studies as well as scheduled courses. A]-., -?fund or adjustment of fees is
determined accnrdino the "Tuition Refunc
The tuition charge for 1991 Summer Schc
cs is as follows. $595.00 for full
credit courses, $320.00 for half-credit courses, and $160.00 for fourth-credit courses.
Audits are charged at the tuition ratcs listed above.
Examination and preparation of materials and
resources for lnatlielnatics instruction at the kindergarten and clelncntary levcls. Dist : No. (1/2 coursc)
6:00-9:00 }I 111
ART 107-8100
Drawing in pencil, charcoal, ink, pastels. Subjects
include slill-life, figures, building interiors, cxtcrio~s,
cupcrimcntal work Dist : Yes
6:f-Of I
OM 17
ART 118-8101
ART 335-8102
Watcrcolcr~-acrylic; translating thc visual world of
n a t ~ ~ rlandscapes,
still-life, sing design concepts,
developing personal cxplcssion and cxplo~ing variety
of Lcchnicli~cs.Weekly critiques Dist : Yes.
6:OO-9:OO / I 111
OM1 7
BUS 322-8108
Analysis of accounting theory pertaining to financial
statements, illcome concepts, current and non-c~~rrcnt
oist: N~ prerca,: BUS 221, ECO 113,
BUS 331-8109
Theory of acq~~isiticln,
allocation, and management of
funds wilhin the firm. Sources and uses of long and
s h o ~t term funds, cost of capital, capital budgeting,
lcvcmgc, dividend policy, and related topics Prereq.:
BUS 222, ECO 113
S:30-1U:J'O n.111. M,T, W,TII,F
ART 352-8103
A s t ~ ~ of
d ythe placc of women in the history of the visual
~ ~ t ~ - artists,
~ . :
as subjects, and as patrons
M,T, W,T/I
Foss 4.3
.'.biological concepts from an anthropocentric "
point of view. An ,Ittempt to answer silcli questions
as: What makes Inan just another member of the biotic
fold? Docs man have a niche in the ecosystem? What
inllucnce does man have on tlie environment? What
influcncc docs the cn\,ironmcnt, especially tlie urban
environment, have on man? (A s t ~ ~ d emay
n t not
~rcccivccredit for both 101 and 103.) Dist.: Yes.
BUS 221-8105
Int~udicctionto business activities, basic concepts and
lundamcntals of accounting, the a c c o ~ ~ n t i ncycle
g and
preparation of financial statements. Dist . No.
S:30-10:51J 11 I I I
BUS 242-8106
Development of tlie tlicory of managc~ucnt,organi~ation,staffing, planning and control.'Slic n a t u ~ cof
accountability and responsibility, analysis
of tlic role or Lhc professional Inanagcr Dist : No.
6:fJO-9:00 JI.III,
M,T, W,Tlr
BUS 252-8107
Basic policy and strategy issi~csin
ma1 keting. I>cgal,cthical, competitive, beliavio~al,
economic and technological factors as they affect
prc~motion,ma1 kcting channel and p~icing
decisions. Dist.: No
8:.?0-J 0:50 11 111
M,T, W,'~/I,/-'
OM 13
ENG 225-8113
The development of essays in a val icty 01 lrletorical
I ~ a r t i c ~ ~attmtin~i
will Lx given to stylistic
and organizational mattels througl~the course's
workshclp format
Prercq : ENG 111
6:00-9:OU p.111
ENG 351-8115
SINCE 1920
A study of some recent and contemporary writers and
literary mo\,ements.Attention is given to the dynamics
of American society and its intricate relationship to
the literature. Special emphasis is ~ i v e nto the city as
settintr and svmbol in modern
:an literature.
BUS 301-8110
Is there a mural fclilndatio~ito Capitalism? As a social
system bascd on a malkct monomy, Capitalism may be
practical,but ~~nlc?;s
it ismoral it lacks humanity And
givcn the many forms of Capitalism, whid~ofthesc,are
moral? This coulsc f t r u s c ~on contcmporaly authors who
argue that unde~certain conditions Capitalism can bemord.
Emplwsis is ~ 1 1 a1 n i ~ d c p t hvc~baland writtmanalysis of the
pcr;itio~isadvanccd by tllcsc vcly asscrtivc authors.
M,T, W,'1'11
EDU 388-8143
Emphasis on the study 11f values, of commu~iication
techniques, and of the major minority groups in Minnesota for Ihe development of interpersonal relations
skills applicable to teaching and other professional
vclcations. Open to all Dis t : No (1Rco~11sc).
for all Elc~nentaryalld Secondary Education majors.
5:30-8:30 {I 111
M, W
ECO 110-8111
Study of economic implications of
metro-urban en\,ironment. By indl
Dist.: Yes.
facing a
ECO 112-8112
I~itroductionto macro-economics; national income
analysis, monetary and fiscal policy, international
trade, economic growth. Dist.: Yes.
6:00-9:00 p.111.
M,T, W,Tlr,F
EDU 264-8140
Stildv and investi~ationof various aspects of the
tcacl;ing plofessi;.
Dist.: Yes, when combuied wi
EDE 363 or EDS 352. (1/ 2 course)
6:OO-9:00 /I.III
EDS 282-8141
Introduction to tlie field of special education Examines
tlic nat~lrc,causes, and educational interventions for
such cxccptionalities as mental retardation, physical
disability, hearing and vision impairnient, learning
disabilities, behavior disorders
and giftedness Dist.:..No.
- . -.
GER 111-8116
Classroom practice speaking, understanding and
reading basic German for students with no pre\lious
background in German. Dist.: Yes.
S:30-10:50 n 111
SPA 111-8117
SPA 111-8118
" ,
to develop four basic skills: Understanding,
speaking, reading and writing of clemc~ltarySpanish
Introduction to culti~rcof Spanish-speaking world.
Dist.: Yes
S:30-10:50 n
M,T.W,Tlr.F(Scctiolr I)
HPE 114-8120
Principles and practices of safety cducation in school
and co~nmunitylifc. Includes information about
school health programs and prevalent health needs
and problems of school age children, and American
Red Cross First Aid course Dist.: No (1/2 coursc )
5:UU - S:00 p 111
HIS 341-811~
This course examines Britain during a cent~lryof
glorious decline I'olitics and culture from thc
Edwardian era a1 the tr~p,the World Wars and
Depression, postwar adji~strncnts,and Thatcher's
efforts to give Britain a second wind and a placc in the
new European commi~nity.
12:UO-3:UO p 111.
INS 199-8138
INS 399-8139
MAT 173-8122
Have you ever wondered why women have been
charged more than men for annuities and received
lower pension benefits than men? Or why women
have paid less than men for lifc insurance? Or how
life insurance p r e n i i ~ l ~ are
n s calculated? Or how
installment loan payments arc f i g ~ ~ r eout?
d Or how
much money to invest in order to accumulate a certain
lump sum or iumual payment at a certain date in the
future? Then this coursc may be meant for you
These and other interesting and usefill topics in the
mathematics of financial transactions will be covered.
This course shoitld bc useful for s t ~ ~ d e nint sbusiness
and economics or for any s t ~ ~ d e ninterested
careers in finance-related fields. Dist.: Yes Math
Placement Group I11
6:.?0-9:30 p.111.
SC1 I12
MUS 218-8138
or students and professionals interested in learning
LLI develop recreational music activities for people
with special needs Basic Music Therapy techniqucs;
also Orff Schulweik and non-traditional guitar
Dist : No (1/2 course)
30-1 1 5 0 ~ . I I I . M,W
PHI 110-8123
This coursc provides the student with some experience
in examining ideas and thereby sharpening the critical
and analytical skills required to evaluate and
construct a system of ideas and beliefs
S:30-10:5U n 111.
OM1 6
PHY 106-8124
The course provides a workuig knowledge of the basic
science principles required for understanding weather
and chnatc. Attcntiun will be givcn to the overall
weather patterns of the earth and to many varied aspects
of tlie weather Dist.: Yes Math Placc~nentGroup 11.
1:004:00 p III.
POL 121-8125
The politics of A~nr.rlcangc~vc?-n~~~t!nl
Including thc
forms of political ~cl~v~is;
lht' Ix!ll~'rnoi ~ltirticipation;
the dynamics of ctrri~n?;s~r~n,rl,
bureaucratic policy t~i~lklnj;;
~trclc~lrrcnlissues in
American society Dist.: Ycs.
9:30-71:50 17.rrr.
POL 342-8126
SPC 342-8145
Effects of mass comm~~nications
on individual
behavior; the uses and control of mass media for
political and social purposes including a study of
censorship, newsmaking, cntertainmcnt and public
affairs pr~gr~amming.
Dist.: Yes.
2:00-5:00 ~ . I J J . M, 7', W, Tlr, F
relations. Major attention is focused upon prejudice,
racism, and the rolc of self-understanding.
( P / N grading only.) Dist.: Yes.
5:00-8:OU p.111.
SOC 375-8133
An cxarnination of the idea of "group," its relationship to individual behavior and society. An analysis
of the ideas of "self" and "identity" and what part
thcy play in ~~nderstanding
intcrpcrsonal relations
and human behavior. Prcreq.: SOC 121
S:3U-10:50 n.111. M,T,W,Tlr,F
SOC 399-8134
SPC 329-8135
POL 459-8127
Thisrrjrlrw will cxlrlo1.c brhllr lhr' probll~tllhll~ldIhc
Ix,lrvo:rt IWIWIIS rrfrliffi6~.c.rrl
nllltlr,lt ~::T"UI~!%l'rl~~41~s
s11cll ;ti t ' I ~ ~ l l l . ~ . ~ r l I ~ / ~ t ~ \ .
This course will analyze the formation of the
~ I r r i * r ~ t y l ~pr~judicr.,
i r ~ c l ~ ~ Llrc
t l i ~I:r~ropi!an
l : c o ~ i t > ~C.-c)~iirri~~~~ity,
~ I I L i- ~ ~ c ~ , ~ a si ~i nn}p: t ~ r l ~ of
l ~ ~ c i -1ic111-vr-rbnlqrrnhol:, will hr rh,irnirlcll.
l?:olt-3:(~1~ I , I I I ,
tlit. E u r t j l ~ ~ ei ~nr n r r r ~ r u ~ini i Erlrrlpcalt
d l i ~ lwurltl
n r dIrrrlr!)~c~l~lt!nl
pvelils wlll lhr c ~ ~ . ~ t r ~ iAn
SPC 347-8136
with four sessions: May 31, June 7, 14 and 21.
9:30-11:50 n.111
A video production course which integrates lecture
and criticism with hands-on expericnce dealing with
non-fiction subjects. Sh~dcntswill work in production
teams, gaining experience in ficld production and editing.
PSY 105-8128
FOSS A V Se~rririflr~
An introduction to the methods and approaches used
in psychology for the purpose of understanding
behavior. The structure of the field of psychology is
' isized, including its major sub-areas. Dist.: Yes.
0 0I .
M, T, W, 7'11
REL 369-8129
Particularities of religious discernment, symbolism
and world view. Reading and discussion of nine
works (novels, poetry, etc.). Dist.: Yes.
9:30-11:50 n.111.
SWK 260-8131
SPC 354-8137
A study dlprap d y m k s wd batfcrsldp with
emphas~son lndon d ~ t u d
to docision makink s y k s
of leadership, n~ul
conflict man~%emmt."niiuC O W
comblnes IW~UI'C with pnutical e x p u h c e !u he$ the
student become a more effect~veand product~ve
member of a task-orlcnted small group
9 30-1 1 50 n.111
M,T, W,Tlr,F
PtuvId~b w t e d p dhuaan pwth thpygh hUfr
cyE6C,*fuidkt inlqiay 01 ~
i nnd,
fmw$ w M Innu~vmtheigrurnthcd
Tndlvldunlsmdf n r d h ihumt~npotd~y
f c ~ e Growth
related to populahons and groups whtch
represent e t h c and/or Lf-tyle ~ I V P K Ih~n ~ c t\In
I2 00-3 00 p 111
SOC 265-8132
The dimensions of racial and minority g r o u ~
Summer S_chool
EDE 387-8236
Examination and preparation of materials and
resources for l a n g ~ ~ a garts
c at the kindergarten and
elemental y Icvcls. Laborato~y expcl.icnces
Prcrcq.: EDE 255 or EDS 265. (1R course)
: ( - 2 I I
June 24 -August 2
- - ---
ART 132-820G
ART 132-8201
The camera ~ ~ s as
c da tool for vist~alcreativity and
expression: using black and white photograpl~ic
processes Need access to a 351nni calilcra Dist : Yes.
Estimated cost of lilm, ctc : $150 00-$175.00.
(Class size limited )
1 : - J i I
M, W ( S L ' C ~ 1)
5 : - 9 : I
M,W (Sectio~r11)
BUS 222-8202
Illt~oductionto bus~ncssactivities, accounting for
corporalions Basic ct)nccpts and fundamentals of
Ilianag" ial acco~~nting,
planning and controlling
prtrcssc3, decision-niaking and bchaviord considerations.
Dist : No.
I'rercq : BUS 221
10:-I 3 I I
M,T, W.Tlr,F
BUS 242-8203
Development of the theory uf management, organization, staffing, planning and control.The nature of
authority, accc~i~ntability
and responsibility, 'inalysis
of the role of the professional m~inagerDist : No.
6:OO-900 11 111
BUS 323-8204
An analysis of accoi~ntingtlicol-y pertaining to
invcstnlcnts, Langiblc and intangible fixed assets,
liabilities and ~ c s ved,
e ~ acti~nrialtopics. Additional
cmpliasis on income dctcrmination, considering p~ice
Icvcl changes Dist: No. I'rcrcq : BUS 322
6:UlJ-9:30 p 111,
M, W
BUS 340-8205
Cerri to
l'ersonncl function in business, acquisition and
utilization of h u ~ n a nresources; dcsirablc working
relationships; effective integration of the worker with
tlie g o d s of the firm and society Prcreq.: BUS 242
6:00-9:30 }i.~rr.
ECO 110-8206
S t ~ ~ of
d y~ C O I I O I I I ~ Cin~plicatio~ls
of p ~ ~ b l e m
metro-urban environment. By independent s t ~ ~ only
Dist : Yes.
AI 1n11pi
Emphasis on the study of values, of communication
a i d of the major minority groLlps in
Minncwta for the developnient of interpc~sonalrelations
to tFdiing and other profcssk)~ialvocations
Open to all Dist : No (1/2 course) Required for all
Elenientary and Secondary Education majors
M, W
ECO 113-8207
hitroduct~onto micro-economics, the theory of the
liouscliold, firm, market structi~rcsand income
distribution. Application of elementary economic
theory to market policy. Dist.: Yes
ECO 315-8208
ECO 315-8209
Monetary and banking systems, particularly commercial
banks, and Lhc Federal Reserve System; monetary
lieory and policy Dist.: No I'rereq.: Eco 112, 113
:I-9: I
M.W (Sectiorr I)
5:OU-9:30 p 111.
T,TII (Scctiu~~
An investigationof the a~tisticqi~alitieand the liistorical
drvelo~mentof the film niedium. Tlie coulse includes the
HIS 115-8213
This is a survey of Lhc volatile Middle East from the rise
ol nationalism and tlic dcclu~eof the Turkish Ottoman
Empile in tlie 19th Century to tlic current crisis hot
spots in the I'ersian Gulf and the Levant The goal is a
better ~~ndcrstanduig
of how the Middle East readled its
conteniporaly co~nplexity,its role in the wider world
10:OlJ-17:30 n.111 M,T,W,TIl,F
PHI 130-8216
Suppose someone gives you reasons, and then says
you 111ilstaccept a particular concli~sion.Must you?
When docs a conclusion validly follow from premisc
I-lcre we examine tlie rules which govern valid
argi~mcntsand work to develop your ability to
and construct sound arguments. Dist.: Yes.
8:30-955 n 111
EDU 341-8231
Psychological and philosophical dimensions of
communication through the use of instructional
technology. Selection, preparation, production, and
evaluation of effective ai~dio-\,isual materials c-teaching/learning sit~~ations.
Dist.: No. (1 / 2 c
10:05-12:10 }I.III.
ENG 282-8211
This course will study archetypal patterns of the
heroic journey, as well as specific examples of such
journeys. It will emphasize thc ideas of Joseph
Canipbell, but will also consider other interpretations
of heroic journeys. Since western civilization usually
assumes that the hero is a man, usually a white man
belonging to a warrior class, we will analyze the
heroic warrior myth both as it is depicted in ancient and
medieval epics and myths, but also as it appears in
contemporary American popular narratives. But tlie
heroic journey is a human journey, and thus the
course will also emphasize the lleroic journcys of
women a i d men who may be neither white nor warriors
as they are depicted in folktales a i d novels. Dist.: Yes.
A' "'
6:00-9:30 p.111,
<inderprtcn curl i c i ~ l ~ ~materials,
teaching approaches
Lab. a1 r. Prerequisite to student teaching at kuidc~garten
lcvcl a i d h) obtaining a license for tcaching at that level.
Dist.: No. (1 /2 course) IJrerecl : Consent of instructor
Examination and preparation of niatelials and
resou~cesfor science at the kindergarten -*.-'
elementary lcvcl (1/4 course)
11:40-1:25 p ni.
M,W /111y15-AIIS.
Examina tion and !reparation of rnater~alsand
resources for phys~caleducation and health at tlie
kindergarten and elementary levels Lab experiences
Dist : No (1/2 course)
1:5-2:l I I
M , ,I
EDE 386-8235
Examination and preparation of materials and resources
for children's literature at the kindergarten and
clcmentary levels Lab exp','i"nr"' Dist.: No (1/2course)
6:01J-9:30 p.111.
lassroom practice in speaking, understanding and
eading basic German. Lab. Dist.: Yes.
:lo-955 n.111
PA 112-8213
%PA 112-8214
i i m s to develop the four basic skills: understanding,
;peaking, reading, and writing of elementary Spanish.
~ntroductionto culture of Spanish-speaking world.
8:10-955 n 111.
M,T, W,'r11 (Sectic111I)
5:30-7:15 p.111
M,T, W,TII (Sectiorr 11)
Study solar system, stars, galaxies. Explain optical
instruments; usel2-inch reflecting telescope, 8-inch
Celestron, 3-inch Questar. Dist.: Yes. Prereq.: Math
Placement Group 11
l.30-3:15 p.m.
POL 475-8220
The course seeks to provide the undergraduate
student with an introductory understanding of the
functioning of our legal system. As such, it will explore:
the law's interdependence with the social environment; the law's social junctions; the social and ~noral
limits of the law; and, the law as a system, describin:
the aspects and problems of each of the law's agenci
(courts, legislative, administrative,w d er-, ~~~,~
5:30-9:0U p.111.
jY 362-8218
. ..i uih.duction to maladaptive human behaviors from
tlie social, organic <mdpsychological points of view.
Visitation to a variety of community service agencies will
accompany classroom le'aming. Dist.: No. Prcreq.: FSY 105
OM1 1
1 : - 5 I
PSY 373-8219
Theoretical conceptualizations of orjianizational
bcliavior Factors and practices such as management
styles, evaluation and maintenance of work effectiveness, and social influences. Prereq.: PSY 105
10:05-I 1:30 n.111. M,T, W,Tfi,F
- - 121--PRINCIF
The rhetoric of selected American feminists will be
malyzed in order 1)to develop a rhetorical perspective
a American feminism, and 2) to develop skidl in
SOC 3568225
Analvsis of adult correctionalw o ~ r a m and
s processes.
~ect;res, discussion, and sitetiszs to correc'tional
institutions and government offices. Dist.: No.
1:30-5:00 p.m.
SOC 399-8226
SPC 414-8228
INS 414-8229
Show less
Augsburg College is a four-year, fully accredited liberal arts college affiliated with
The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. Located in the heart of Minneapolis
and St. Paul, the small college environment, about 2,700 students during the academic
year, is enriched by the many cultural... Show more
Augsburg College is a four-year, fully accredited liberal arts college affiliated with
The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. Located in the heart of Minneapolis
and St. Paul, the small college environment, about 2,700 students during the academic
year, is enriched by the many cultural, sport and recreational activities in this vibrant
metropolitan area. An active summer combining classes and metropolitan events is a
lelightful and broadening experience.
4ugsburg in the Summer
Augsburg College provides a diverse summer curriculum including regular courses,
internships, independent studies and student teaching over two terms. Term I runs
from May 29 -June 22, Term I1 runs from June 25 -August 3. This brochure presents
the Summer School Program and was correct at the time of publication.
.mer 1990
Term I
Term I1
April 23
April 23
May 29-30
June 25-26
May 31
June 27
Beginning of
Confirmation-of Registration
Classes Begin
Balance of T u p n Due
Last Day to:
Change Grading Option
Drop Class Without Notation
Register with a Late Fee of $50
(no registrations will be
accepted after this date)
July 4
Last Day to Withdraw from Class (W)
June 12
July 16
Classes End
June 22
August 3
Grades Due in Registrar's Office
June 27
August 8
Y ~ Q UN E E D
Summer Students may take one course during Term I and two courses during Term
11. Unless otherwise indicated, all courses carry a value of one course credit, the
equivalent of four semester credits or six quarter credits. Courses fulfilling Augsburg
distribution requirements are so noted in the course descriptions.
Course Levels are indicated by the first digit of the three digit course number: 1 or 2,
lower division, primarily for freshmen and sophomores; 3 or 4, upper division, primarily for juniors and seniors; and 5, graduate level.
Courses Regularly Taught during the academic year are more fully described in the
Augsburg College Catalog. If you need more information about a special summer
offering, please contact the Summer School Office.
Independent Study and Internships, in addition to those listed, may be pursued
during the summer in a number of departments. Internships involve work experience
related to the academic program in an agency, government, or industry. Consult the
Summer School Office for information.
Students Needing Housing may obtain information from the Director of Housing.
Persons Planning to Attend Summer School are advised to preregister as soon as
possible, since courses without substantial demand may be dropped.
The College Reserves the right to cancel listed courses.
Information and Forms
Additional information and registration
forms may be obtained from the
Summer School Office. Write or call:
Persons in Good Standing at regionally
accredited colleges and universities,
graduates of such institutions, and
students admitted for the next Fall Term
are eligible to attend Augsburg Summer
School. Good standing implies that the
student has been admitted and not
subsequently dropped by that institution.
Murphy Place
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
(612) 330-1786
Elizabeth Vander Schaaf, Director
Jay Dixen, Secretary
Financial Aid
Financial Aid is limited to the GuaranteedStudentLoan.An~studenttaking
one course is regarded as a half-time
student for the summer and is eligible to
apply for a Guaranteed Student Loan.
&tact the Financial Aid Office to make
loan arrangements (330-1046).
Other Persons wishing to take summer
school work should contact the Director
of Summer School to ascertain eligibility
under special circumstances.
Acceptance as a summer student does
not imply admission as a regular student
Augsburg College. Tllose wishing to
should apply for admission through the
Officeof Admission,
erm I Summer School students are required to confirm their registrations on
May 29 or 30. Term I1 registrations must be confirmed on June 25 and 26. This
procedure includes confirmation of all preregistered courses and applies to intc
ships and independent studies as well as to regularly scheduled courses.
Confirmation of Registration will taKe place at the Registrar's Office, 114 Science
Hall, between 8:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on May 29 and 30, and June 25 and 26.
The Balance uwed for tuition must be paid before registration
Augsburg students please note: Balance due on Augsburg accou~~r
from previni~q
rm/s must be paid in full before confirmation of registration.
.-Late Fee of $50.00 will be assessed for Term I registrations completed on May 31.
A late fee of $50.00 will be assessed for Term I1 registrations completed on June 27.
Registrations will not be accepted after these dates.
To Change Your Registration, cancel your registration, add a course, or drop a
course and enroll in another course, fill out a Cancel/Add form at the Registrar's
Office. There is a charge of $5.00 for changing a registration after the first day of each
term. This must be done by 3:30 p.m. on May 31 for Term I courses and by 3:30 p.m.
on June 27 for Term I1 courses. his procedure applies to internships and-independent studies as well as scheduled courses. Any refund or adjustment of fees is
determined according to the Tuition Refund Policy.
The Tuition Charge for 1989 Summe
School courses is as follows. ,$540.00
full-credit courses, $320.00 for halfcredit courses, and $160.00 for fourth,edit courses. Audits are charged at
tl~itionrat-= lict-d above.
tuition and is non-refundable and nontransferable except when a course is
cancelled due to low enrollment. When
this happens, you may elect to receive a
deposit refund or substitute anoth
Starting April 23 you may preregister
for Summer School courses at the Registrar's Office on an ongoing basis during
regular office hours. Each course
preregistration must be accompanied
by a $50.00 tuition deposit. This
deposit is applied to designated course
)id Disappointment in course
selection, preregistration is recommended. Many courses with limited
enrollment fill early. Conversely,
courses with low preregistration
enrollment may be cancelled before tl
first day of the term.
Tuition Refund Policy
The $50.00 per course deposit is not refundable. Refund of all or part of the remaining
fee is calculated from the date of the student's official course cancellation at the
Registrar's Office.
Schedule of Refunds:
Prior to the second scheduled class meeting - 100%of the refundable portion of the fee.
Prior to the fourth scheduled class meeting - 75% of the refundable portion of the fee.
Prior to the sixth scheduled class meeting - 50% of the refundable portion of the fee.
Note: Collrses with fewer that1 12 scheduled class sessions will use a prorated version of the schedr~leofrefi~nds
Campus Location
35W from the North -
Take Washington Avenue exit and turn
left on Washington (turns right onto
Cedar Avenue), turn left at Riverside,
right at 21st Avenue S.
1-94 East from Minneapolis -
Take 25th Avenue exit, turn left at 25th
Avenue, turn left at Riverside, turn left
at 21st Avenue S.
1-94 West from St. Paul Take Riverside exit, turn right at Riverside,
turn left at 21st Avenue S.
35W from the South -
Follow 1-94 St. Paul signs (move to right
lane after each of two mergers). Take 25th
Avenue exit and turn left on 25th Avenue,
turn left at Riverside, turn left at 21st
Avenue S.
Nondiscrimination Pol icy
Augsburg College does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, national or
ethnic origin, age, marital status, sex or handicap as required by Title IX of the
1972 Educational Amendments or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,
as amended, in its admission policies, educational programs, activities and
employment practices.
29 - June 22,1990
ART 107-8100
Drawing in pencil, charcoal, ink, pastels. Subjectsinclude
still-life,figures, building interiors, exteriors, experimental work. Dist.: Yes.
6:00-9:00 p.111 M,T, W,TIi
ART 118-8101
ART 335-8102
Watercolor - Acrylic; translating the visual world of nature, landscapes, still-life, using design concepts, developing personal cxpression and exploring variety of techniques. Weekly critiques. Dist.: Yes.
6:00-9:00 p.111 M,T,W,TIt
Basic biologicalconcepts from an anthropocenhicpoint of
view. An attempt to answ-sfi~h questions as: What
makes man just another member of the biotic foldlDoes
man have a niche in the ecosystem? What influence does
man have on the environment? What influence does the
environment, especially the urban environment, have on
man? (A student may not receive credit for both 101 and
1 3. Dist.: Yes.
: G-in.m. M,T,W,Th,F
BUS 221-8104
Introduction to business activities
S drtd
ic concepn
fundamentals of accounting, the accounting cycle and
preparation of financial statements. Dist.: N
8:30-l0:50 0.111. M,T, W,TIt,F
BUS 222-8105
A continuation of BUS 221. Introduction to business activities, accounting for corporations. Basic concepts and
fundamentalsofmanagerialaccounting,planningandconbolling processes, decision-making and behavioral considera tions. (Prereq.: BUS 221)
6:OO-9:00 p.ttt. M,T, W,Th
BUS 252-8106
Basic policy and strategy issues in marketing. Legal, ethical, competitive, behavioral, economic and technological
factorsas they affectproduct, promotion,marketingchannel and pricing decisions. Dist.: No.
5:00-8:00 p.ttr. M,T, W,Th
BUS 279-8107
An introduction to quantitative reasoning, descriptive
measures, probability, sampling distributions, inference,
and estimationwithemphasison their use in applied problems in business and economics. (Prereq.: Math Placement Group 111or a grade of at least 2.0 in MAT 104.)
9:30-11:50 a.rn M,T,W,Th,F
BUS 322-8108
Analysisof accounting theorypertaining tofinancialstatements, income concepts, current and non-current assets.
Dist.: No. Prerequisites: BUS 221, ECO 113.
6:OO-9:00 M,T,W,Th
BUSIECO 199-8109
Arranged with individual faculty in the nonartment of
Business Administration & Economicc
~ e c ~ n o m i c i r n ~ l i c a t i o nproblemsfacingametrosof
urban environment Ry independent study nist.: Yes.
ECO 112-8111
Introduction to macro-economics;na tional income analvsis, monetary and fiscal policy,
nomic growth. Dist.: Yes.
9:30-ll:50 a.m. M,T,W,Th,F
ECO 292-8112
An analysis of the conditions for East-West economic cooperation. A focus on recent developments in joint economic and industrial cooperation. An identification of
trends and alternatives in the 1990s.
9:30-11:50a.m. M,T,W,Th,F
allocation, analysis of consumer
nomics. Prerequisite: ECO 113
6:00-9:00 p.111, M,T, W,Th
EDE 253-8114
EDS 264-8115
Study and investigation of variousaspectsof the teaching
profession. Dist.: Yes, wlicn combined with EDE 363 ur
EDS 052. (1/ 2 course)
6:OO-9:00 11 111.M, W
EDE 341-8116
EDS 341-8117
I'sycliological n ~ i dpliilosopli~caldiniensic~nsof coininu~iicntiontliroi~glithe use of instructional tcclinology. Selection, preparation, production, and evaluation of cffcctiveaudio-visual niateriaIsf~~rteacliing/Icarniugsih~ations.
Dist.: No (1/2 course)
72:OO-3:00 )1 111 T,Ur
EDE 375-8118
~ n d e r ~ a r t ccurricu~uni,niatcria~s,
Lab. arr. Prcrcquisitc to studen t teaching at kindergarten
level and to obtaining a license fur teaching at that level.
Dist.: No. (1/2 cuursc) Prcrcq : Consent of instructor
930-71:50 0.111 M, W
EDE 382-8119
Examination and preparation of materials and resources
for mathematics instruction at the kindergarten and elementary levels. Dist.: No. (1 / E
.5:30-8:30 /l.rrr. T,TIr
EDE 383-8120
Examination and preparation of materials and resources
for pliysical education and healtli at tlie kindergarten and
elenientaryle\,els. 1.ab.experiences. Dist.: No. (1 /2coursc)
5:OO-8:OO J!.III. T,Tlr
EDE 388-8121
EDS 388-8122
tccliEmphasis on tlie study of values, 11f cc~~~imunicatioii
niqucs,a~idof tlie majr1rminc1rity groupsiii Minnesota for
'lie develc~pniciitof interpersonal relations skills appliable to tccicliingand other prolcssional vocations. Open
to all Dist : NO (1 /2 course) Ilrquired for all Elcmcntary
and Secondary I<ducatioii ~najors
5:.?0-5:30 11 III M, W
ENG 111-8123
limplinsis is on exposition, including Icariiing research
tccliniqucsand writiligcriticalrcvicws Atlcastonc work
of literature is assigned Attentic)n is given to increasing
sti~deiits'cffcctivcncss in choosing, organizing, and dcvcloping topics, tliiiiki~igcritically,and rcvisingforclarity
and style The ~ i i i n ~ n i upassing
gr,idc for this course
is 2 U Dist: Yes
9:30-1 1:501i 111.M,T, W,111,F
ENG 282-8124
Tlicsh~dyofthecmerin 'Iiterat~~reofAfricaanditsstn~ggle
to find its own cultural ~deiititywithin tlie uneasy co-existenccof Western c u l t ~ ~ r e a ncenturies-old
traditions Also
included in the coursc are some African-American writers
who have tried to discover the sigiiificaiicc of their lost
African licritagc.
12:OO-.3:00 11.111M,T, W.TI1
Classroom practice speaking, understanding and r e a d i ~ l ~
basic German for students with iio previous backgruuiid
in German Dist : Yes
8:30-70:50 n.111 M,T, W,7'11,F
SPA 111-8126
SPA 111-8127
Aims to develop four basic skills: Uiidc
ding, speaning, reading and writing of elementary S1
h. lntroduction to culture of Spanish-speaking world uist.: Yes
8:.30-70:50 n.111.M,T, W,Tlr,F fSectii1111)
5:30-7:50 }'.III. M,T, W,Tlr,F (S~~ctioli
HPE 410-8128
and relationsliGs to cornm:n~ty health program
and re:
sources. Dist.: No. ~ r c r e ~ z s i tHPE
e : 3%
5:30-8:30 J I . I ~ I . M,T, W,TII
HIS 341-8129
Bcgiiis with a study of Llic failule of liberalism, the rise of
Fasclsni, and the power ( ~ natic,iialism
in the pre-war era,
followed by an cxani~natio~i
of the coursc of the war itself
Concludes with an nltempt to understand post-war Europe including the state of Eastern Europe, the success of
the Ixft, and tlicatte~npttodcvclopo new Europcan unity
(Students wlio earned crcdit for Topics in European History offered in Suiiiiiicr Sessioii I, 1988, niay not takc tliis
coursc for crcdit ) T.ourcr division students may takc this
course with the permission of tlic History Dcpart~iicnt.
Dist : Ycs Additional work required for u u u c r
division crcdi t
12:00-3:OO 11I I I M,T, W,llr,
MAT 173-8130
Have you ever wondered why womenl~avebemcliarged
more than men for annuities and receive lower pension
benefits than men? Or why women have paid less than
men for life insurancc? Or how life insurancc premiums
are calculated? Or how installment loan payments arc
figured out? Or how much money to invest in order to
accumulate a certain lump sun1 or annual payment at a
certain date in the future? Then this course may be meant
for you. These and other interesting and useful topics in
the mathematics of financial transactions will be covered.
This course should be useful for students in business and
economics or for any s t u d c ~ ~i~ltcrested
in careers in finance-related fields Dist.: Ycs
6:00-900 11111 M,T, W.Tlr
PHI 130-8131 {
someone gives
you reasons, and then says
. .
must accept a particular conclusion Must you? When
does a conclusion validly follow from premises? Here we
examine therulcswhicligovcrli valid argumentsand work
to develop your ability to recognize and construct sound
arguments. Dist : Ycs
X:30-70:50 fl 111 M,T, W,TII,F
PHY 103-8132
An introductory course in which the applications, problcnis, and experiments arc selected not only to illustrate
fundamental principles, but also to demonshate the relevance of pliys~csto the life sciences. Tlie course is de~ ; ,to~
~ ~ in
. i
psychology, physical
ion (therapy programs), medical technology and
lealth science programs. The course is also a very
arts student. Prerequisite: Math Placement Croup I11
Dist.: Yes.
POL 453-8133
'~liiscoursewillanalyze thepolitics,economics,and social
changeofGerman reunification in relation toEurope,botli
Wcst and East Close analysis of West German reunification initiatives, East German reform initiatives and West
European reactions, all key elements in the creation of
single Europe. Dist.: Yes (Also satisfies either comparative politics or international relations areas for political
science major.) Independent Seminar in Tern1 [with fuur
?ssions, independent assignments, short papers Scniiardates: June 1,8,15, and 20.
,1111-11 :lJO 11 III
POL 455-8134
The course will analyze the politics, economics and social
cha~igcoftheconteniporary Soviet Union. Closecxami~iation of glasnost, perestroika, new thinking and democratization as political processes of tlie Gorbachev era. Dist.:
Yes. Independent seminar, seminar-discussio~i/lccturc
sessions, ~ n d e p e n d c writtc~i
assignments, short papers.
Seminar dates: May 30, June 6 , 11, 18, and 22, (Students
must attend all seminars.)
10:00- 12:00 IIOOII.
POL 199-8135
POL 399-8136
POL 499-8137
REL 445-8138
A study of the use and fuiictio~iof language in the Bible.
Tlie importance of recognizing the varied character of
language for understanding tlie Bibhcal text. Grades will
be based on class participation, a presentation to the class
and an examination. Dist.: No. I'rereq.: Re1 111 or 221, or
consent of instructor.
R:30-10:51111.1rr. M,T,W,TIi,F
SWK 399-8
M. Brown
SWK 499-8140
M. Brown
his coursc will cxplorc bc~tlithe prc)blems and the potcntial of communication between persons of diffcrcnt cultural groups. Factorssucli asetlinocc~itrism,stereotyping,
prejudice, role expectations, values, and nou-verbal synibols will be examined.
9:.?0-11:511 fl.111.M,T, W,Tlr,F
~urnmek 1
June 25 - August 3,1990
ART 132-8150
~ ~ i ~
ART 132-8151
Thecamera used as a tool for visual creativib and cxpression; black and white, color and photographic processcs.
Need access to a 35mmcamera. Dist.: Yes. Estimated cost
of film, etc.: $125.00-$150.00. (Class size limited.)
1:30-5300 }?.IJI. M, W (Sectio~rI)
6:00-9:30 y.rrr. M, W (Sectio~i11)
0 ~ 4
BUS 175-8152
Introduction to computerized data processing: BAS
LOTUS, DBASE,word processing, computerized business
graphics. Dist.: No Prerequisite: Hi h school algebra.
G:00-9:30 p.rrr. M, W
BUS 222-8153
Introduction to business activities, accounting for corporations. Basic concepts and fundamentals of managerial
accounting, plaiiiling and controlling processes, decisionmaking and behavioral considerations. Dist.: No. Prerequisite: BUS 221
M,T, W,TIi,F
- ON'BUS 242-8154
BUS 242-8155
rm I L : , ~ I I . I I ! . . I I I I ~ I I : , organization,
Developmentof the I;II.II[
staffing, planning al:, I t I I ; I I I . 'I 1 1 1 , I ~ , ! i l i rof
~ ~ authority,
accountability and I - W I.I I; .il~~i::
~ ~ l , . .In,\i;,..l!. of the role of
the professional manager. Dist : No
6:00-9:30 p.111.T,TIi (Sectiurl I )
6:00-9:30 y.rrr. M, W (Sectiorr 11)
Introduction to micro-economics, the theory of the housed hold,
~ firm,
~ market
i ~ structures
h ~ ~and ~income distribution.
Applicationof elementary c----7mic theory tomarketpolicy. Dist.: Yes.
ECO 315-81
ECO 315-8161
Monetaw and bank in^ svstems, varticularlv commercial
hanks .II\L~ the ~ e d e r a ~ ~ < e s e~ryvset e n monetary
.lnJ volicv. Ilist: No. Prereu.: Fco 112.113
6:00-930 ;.In. M,W (Sectiolt 1)'
:00-9:30p.111.T,Th (Section 11)
EDE 376-8162
Examination and preparation of materials and resources
for social studies at the kindergarten and elementary levels. Lab. experiences. Dist.: No. (1/4 cou
9:30-11:15n.1n. M,W (lurie 25-luly 9)
EDE 386-8163
V. Olsen
Examination and preparation of materials and resources
for children's literature at the kindergarten and elementary levels. Lab experiences Dist.: No (1/2 course)
9:30-11:15 n rr~.T,Th
EDE 387-8164
1- ..1111111,111011 ~11:~
1 I ~ I L ~ ~ . I I - , I I II L~~ materials
and resources
t h 9 1 I Iil1yu.r):~:
.lrl.. ,,! 1111, 1 ~ 1 1 ~!:,irtenand
elementarylev~ 1 , I . . L I ~ \ . \ I iIi ~t m ~ a ~ b mI ~m' ?>O , I I . I I EdE255orEdS265.)
1 1 10 1 ' > / 8 J t l 1 I!?
EDE 388-8165
BUS 323-8156
I 1,11~11,1~.i*.
O H t l ! , ~ : , 1 1 1 ~ 1-I~ 1.1l114"., I ~mmunication
twh~ \ I I , I I I , I ~ V ~ , <111111!11;
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :~It;~11i~(~~~1taiiungtoinvestmcnts,
L ~ ~ ~
I I I L I I I L . ...
. I I L I I ('1 I I I V I I I . L ~ I .I ~ I I IIIV
~ ~ ~:r-jl~p;in
l . ~ ~ ~ ; ,, 1r1i1~~ 11l1~1 1 ~ r ~ : ! , i l b : ~ , II.,,,~I..WI ..l:abilitiesand reserved,
111.11 1.11 lh11111 ? ~ I ~ 1 1 ~ 1 ~ ~ 1 ~ , ~ 1 ~ ~ 1 1 ~ ~ ~ I 1 . 1 ~ ~ i ~ o:I;,,
i ~ i n c o1m1 IeIdIeI t~1'1e. IrI::II.:I
mIi - 1*1:r-,wn.llr ~ k t i o n sskills apyli.
t , 1 1 ~ I l( #~ I~t , . ~ ( l u r i ! .,111~1
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ % m n a l v w uOpen
I I ~ n g e(Prerequisite:
1 , ~ . ~ 1I 1I I . . ~ :m-lh$ ( 1 I '. L ~ ~ I I - . , , I;,) quiradf~~rallElrmu~~t~
BUS 322) Dist.: No.
and Secondary Education majors.
6:00-9:30 p.111.M,W
8:30-10:15n.rrr. M,W
BUS 199-8157
Arranged with individual faculty in the Department of
E,, -82-8166
Business Administration and Ecoiiomics
Introduction to the field of special education Examines
the nature, causes, and educational interventions for
ECO 110-8158
such V.I I . ~ > ~ I ~ I I I . L ~ ,hi.
I I ~mental
retardation, physical disECONOMICS OF URBAN ISSUES
abililv, I : L . . ~ 11::: .411,I k 1v.1onimnsirment, learninl 'isabiliStudy ofeconomicimplicatioiisofproblemsfaciilgametrotie, I I I I I
edness. Dist.: I .
urbanenvironment. By independentstudy only. Dist.: Yes.
f j t
ENG 241-8167
An investigation of the artlstlc qualities and tlie historical
development of tlicfil~nmedium l'liccoirrscincl~rdcsthe
viewing and discussing of both feature length and short
fil~ns Some class periods will be cxtc~idcdto view films.
6:00-9:.30 / ~ , I I I Tr7l'1r
ENG 282-8168
ENG 482-8169
Evil, tliouglit tlie poet Edmund Spcnser, is a sort of encliant~ncnt In literature, evil is often interesting, charming, witty, and cvcn admirable Evil is also a liar Behind
the magical facade lies cniptincss and despair. Wlicrc
evil is the most self-import'int, it is likely to be the most
ridiculousor trivial Thcco~irsewillbegin witha s t ~ ~ of
Rcna~ssanccwritcrs like Sliakcspcarc, Marlowc and
Milton and conclude with works of 20th Century writers
IikeC S Lewis, Tolkien, and Iris Murdoch Dist : yes.
6:OO-9:30 y.rrr M, W
GER 112-8170
Classroom practicein speaking, understanding and rcading basicGerman. Lab. Dist.: Yes.
OM1 1
8:70-95.5 n 111. M,T, W,Tlr
SPA 112-8171
SPA 112-8172
Aims to develop the four basic skills: understanding,
speaking, reading, and writing of cleinmtary Spanish.
Introduction to culture of the Spiinish-speaklll- world.
Dist.: Yes
8:10-9:55n r r r M,T, W,TII (Si,cliur~I)
5:30-7: 15 11 111. M.T, W,Tlr (S~ctiorr11)
HPE 320-8173
Techniques for developing a course o f ' k . I y based
growth and development for grades ! ? f 2 Special worl
units in nutrition and diseases. Dist.: No. Prcrcquisitc
Consent of instructor,
HIS 341-8174
This course will focus on three themes: 1)Thebackground
of the pcoplcsof East Central Eurupe and tlie Balkans and
tlieir current condition, 2) The ingenious institutions of
the Habsburgs that successfully met tlie challenge of Rcf'ormation, Libcral~sm,and Nationalism, 3) Tlie great cultural co~itributionof the Habsburgs at the meeting point
of Latin, Gcrman, and Slavic societies, c g Mozart,
Freud ctc Luwer division students may take this coursc
with per~iiissionof the History Department Dist : Yes
10:OS-1 1:.30n 111 M,T, W,Tlr,F
OM1 1
INS 225-8175
This coursc wrll examine the ideological foundations of
Islam, its b a s ~ cconcepts and tcnets, Islamic law, economic and political systems and Islamic patterns of life
Tliere will also be a considcratio~iof tlic diffcre~iccs
betweell the Islamic sects and some cffort to deal with
tlie similarities and differences between l s l a ~ nand
both Christianity a ~ i dJ~ldaism Dist : Yes
6:00-9:30 11 J I I . 1',Tlr
MUS 130-8176
Kelationsliip between music of each period and the 0th
fine arts. For non-music majors Dist.: Yes
70:05-7 1:30 n 111 M,T, W,Tlr
PHI 120-8177
Somcti~iicsyou say tha r t a i n action is right or condcln~iit as wrong. Why d o you thinkit is riglit? Because
you like it? Are there better reasons for thinking something right or wrong? This course takes a long, hard look
at possible grounds for making moral decisions, and at
the moral judgenients about personal and social issuresulting from them Dist.: Yes.
8:30-9:55 n 111 M.T, W,Tlr,F
PHY 101-8178
Study solar system, stars, galaxies. Explain optical instruments; use 12-inch reflecting telescope, 8-inch Celestron,
3-inch Questar. Dist.: Yes. Prerequisite: Matli Placement
Group I1
6:lJO-9:30 }I.III. T,TIi
POL 160-8179
Introduction to tlie processes and lssucs of international
politics, including the dynamics of the international
tem. theories of international relatio~is.and a focus
recent problems. Dist.: Yes.
p.1~.M,T, W,Tlr
POL 475-8180
Tlie coursc seeks to provide the undergraduate student
with an introductory understanding of tlie fu~ictioning
of our legal system. As such, it will explore: the law's
interdependence with tlie social environment; tlic law's
social junctions; the social and moral limits of tlie law;
and, tlic lawnsa system, describing tlie aspectsand problems of each of tlie law's agencies - courts, legislative,
administrative, and executiveagencies. (No class June25
and 27. Additional classes July 6 and 13.)
6:00-930 p 111. M, W
POL 199-8181
POL 399-8182
Tlie dimeiisi~~iis
of racial and minority group relations.
Majoratteiitir)~iisfocuscdLlponprejudice,racisni,alid the
roleofself-understandi~ig.(I'/N gradiugoiily.)Dist.: Yes.
i n introduction to the methods and approaches u s e d h 6:00-9:30/1.111.
~sycliologyfor the purpose of understanding behavThe shucture of tlie field of psychology, including its
SOC 356-8193
najor sub-areas, is emphasized. Dist.: Yes.
:30-955 0.111. M,7, W,TII,F
Analysis of adult corrcct~onalprograms and processes.
.'SY 362-8185
Lectures, discussion, and site visits tocorrectioiial instituABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY
tions and government offices. D ~ s t ,No.
An intruductioii to maladaptive human behaviors
"' " 6
from the social, organicand psychological poi~itsofview.
- -- -Visitation to a variety of community service agencies
will accompany classroom learning.
Dist.: No.
--I'rereq : 15Y 105
SPC 226-8194
Students will explore principles and styles of niovemci*
REL 366-8186
used in tlie art of acting. Tlie goal will be to illcrease tliCHRISTIANITY IN MODERN AFRICA
student's ability to communicate through movemciit, b
This coursc will focus on two regions of Africa: the
examining the principles of discipline, freedom, c'--"West a n d tlie South. Studelits will be introduced to
timing, concentration, and rhythm. Masks and iml
traditional African culture and religion, tlie iiitroduction
sa tion will beintroduced as tools forcorporealexpressio~
of Christianity, and the present develop~lleiitof indigcAll different aspects of movement will be explored: body
nous clii~rchesin West Africa. The newer "Independent
stance, facial expression, gesture, walking,etc. Movement
African Churches" will be studied, as well as attempts to
exercises will be built around short scenes, poems, and
formulate "African Christian Theology." A major section
play excerpts. Some principlesofOrieiital movement will
of tlie course will focus on contempor
also be introduced.
of churches in South Africa to tlie apart1
system of
. M,T,W,TIi,F
racial segrcgation. Dist.: Yes
1:30-3:1511 111. M,T, W.711
SPC 345-8195
REL 441-8187
INS 495-8188
An examinatioii of the c,,
of c~nirnu~iication
organizational settings Focuses 011such topics as supeThe objectives of this course include gaining knowleage
rior-subordinate relationships, formal and informal con1about feminism and Christianity: the history of women,
~nunicationnetworks, management styles, power and
feminist theory and history, the impact of the Christian
authority, motivatio~iof employees, organizational cultradition on societal roles of women and men, contempoture, perforinaiiccappraisal, effective useof meetings, and
rary feminist views of Christianity, and about the Bible,
sources of commuiiicatio~iproblc~ns111 the workplace
women in the Christian tradition, feminist theology and
Designed to enliance comniunication skills of both manethics, women in the church, worship and spirituality.
agersand subordinates Studentsboth investigate thelit90th women and men are welcome. Dist.: Yes
eraturc on orgaiiizatio~~al
communication and attempt to
:00-9:30 p 111 M,W
apply it to tlieir own experiences in organizations.
5:3O-9:W p.m. M,W
SWK 260-8189
Provides knowledge of Iiuman growth through tlie life
cycle,and of theinterplay ofsociocultural, biologica1,and
psychological factors wliicli influence tlic growtli of individuals and families in contemporary American families.
Growth related to populations and groups which represent ethnic and/or life-style diversity. Dist.: No.
10:05-11:30n III M,T, W,TII,F
SWK 399-8190
A rmlr ~<yed
SWK 499-8191
AI I . ~ I I , ~ L ~
SPC 414 -8196
INS 414 -8197
.ican fe~nin~sts
will be nnaThe rhetoric of selected
lyzed to develop a rlietc
perspective on American
feminism, and to develol skill in rhetorical criticism
.. ...r r ! .
Show less
ALL COURSES at Augsburg College,except those indicated, carry a value of
one Course Credit, the equivalent of four semester credits (6 qu. cr.).
LOWER-DIVISION COURSES, intended primarily for freshman and sophomore
students, are those with a 1 or 2 ... Show more
ALL COURSES at Augsburg College,except those indicated, carry a value of
one Course Credit, the equivalent of four semester credits (6 qu. cr.).
LOWER-DIVISION COURSES, intended primarily for freshman and sophomore
students, are those with a 1 or 2 as the third digit of the five-digit
Course Number. A 3 or 4 in that position indicates an upper-division
course, intended primarily for juniors or seniors. A 5 indicates a
Graduate course.
COURSES REGULARLY TAUGHT during the academic year are more fully described in the catalog issue of AUGSBURG COLLEGE NOW. If you need more
information about a special summer offering, please contact the Summer
School Office.
INDEPENDENT STUDY AND INTERNSHIPS may be pursued during the summer in a
number of departments. For information, consult the Summer School Office.
CHANGES IN REGISTRATION must be made at the Summer School Office. No
course may be added after it has met more than six hours elapsed class
time, except with the special permission of the instructor.
May 29
J u n e 22
J u n e 2 5 - Aug. 3
SLWER STUDENTS may t a k e one c o u r s e d u r i n g Term I and two
c o u r s e s d u r i n g Term 11, f o r a t o t a l o f t h r e e c o u r s e s i n t h e
two r e g u l a r t e r m s .
PERSONS PLANNING TO ATTEND Summer School a r e a d v i s e d t o p r e r e g i s t e r a s soon a s p o s s i b l e , s i n c e c o u r s e s w i t h o u t s u b s t a n t i a l demand may b e dropped.
SUMMER SCHOOL CHARGES include a General Fee of $20 per student. Tuition
is $220 per course. Laboratory or special fees may be charged for some
courses. (Students who preregister before March 19 will pay $200 per
course; between March 20 and April 20 - $210; after April 20 - $220 per
A DEPOSIT of $35 must accompany the Preregistration Form. This deposit
is refundable only if the courses listed by the student, including
alternates, should be cancelled. The deposit applies toward the
General Fee and Tuition.
CHARGE FOR AUDITING a course (taking it without college credit) is $110
plus $20 general fee. In courses with limited enrollment, preference
will be given to full-tuition students.
REGISTRATION is to be completed not later than the first day of each
term at the Summer School Office. ALL CHARGES for the term must be
paid by registration. NO PAYMENT PLANS ARE AVAILABLE. A late Registration Fee of $10 will be added for students who complete registration after the first day of the term.
TUITION REFUND for cancelled courses
will be allowed as indicated by the
table on the right. (Such refund is
limited by the non-refundable deposit.) No refund will be made after
the listed dates.
May 29-30
June 25-27
80% May 31-June1 June 28-July 2
June 4-5
July 3-6
June 6-7
July 9-11
STUDENTS NEEDING HOUSING may o b t a i n i n f o r m a t i o n from t h e D i r e c t o r o f Housing. L i m i t e d f o o d s e r v i c e i s a v a i l a b l e , supplemented by s e v e r a l r e s t a u r a n t s and s n a c k s h o p s i n t h e Augsburg v i c i n i t y .
FINANCIAL A I D FOR SUM-1ER SCHOOL - l i m i t e d t o t h e Guaranteed
S t u d e n t Loan. S t u d e n t s must c a r r y a t l e a s t one-half. t h e
normal f u l l - t i m e l o a d . R e g a r d l e s s o f f a m i l y income o f t h e
s t u d e n t , t h e F e d e r a l Government p a y s t h e i n t e r e s t w h i l e t h e
s t u d e n t i s i n c o l l e g e . When repayment b e g i n s , t h e s t u d e n t
p a y s t h e f u l l 7% i n t e r e s t . Maximum l o a n i s $2500 p e r y e a r
o r t h e c o s t of e d u c a t i o n , whichever i s l e s s , Lnd t h e aggreg a t e u n d e r g r a d u a t e maximum is $7500.
Loan a p p l i c a t i o n s a r e
a v a i l a b l e a t t h e C o l l e g e , a t some b a n k s , and from t h e Minne7 s o t a S t a t e Loan O f f i c e . D e a d l i n e : A p p l i c a t i o n s must b e on
f i l e w i t h t h e l e n d e r by March 1 , 1979, s i n c e p r o c e s s i n g t a k e s
up t o 1 2 weeks.
IT I S THE POLICY o f Augsburg C o l l e g e n o t t o d i s c r i m i n a t e on
t h e b a s i s of r a c e , c r e e d , n a t i o n a l o r e t h n i c o r i g i n , age,
m a r i t a l s t a t u s , s e x o r h a n d i c a p a s r e q u i r e d by T i t l e I X
o f t h e 1972 E d u c a t i o n a l Amendments o r S e c t i o n 504 o f t h e
R e h a b i l i t a t i o n Act o f 1973 as amended i n i t s a d m i s s i o n s
p o l i c i e s , e d u c a t i o n a l programs, a c t i v i t i e s and employment
ART 10242
ART 10100
Study of the head as a structural form, and creation of a
portrait likeness. Various media explored. Open to students
at all levels of development.
9:OO-12:00, M,W,Th
Art Studio
ART 10100
Discussion and observation of the expression and structural
elements of film with practical laboratory experience.
Add. $70.00 fee.
Arr. (1st meeting 6/25, 7:C0 p.m.)
East Hall
ART 10252
Introduction to the making of pottery with emphasis on handbuilding and glazing.
8:30-11:30 a.m., M,W,F
Art Studio
Transparent techinque of watercolor medium. Manipulation of
the medium in terms of object perception: Landscape, stilllife, figure or abstract. Open to students at all levels of
9:OO-12:00, M,T,W,Th
Art Studio
TEmf I
ART 10270
ART 10107
ART 10275
Fundamental techniques in weaving on any frame, round or
rectangular. Basic steps in ancient art of basketry in modern fibers and designs.
Arr. (1st meeting 5/29, 7:00 p.m.)
Art Studio
See History 56275
Design concepts explored through drawing in pencil, charcoal,
ink, and pastels. Subjects include still-life, figures,
building interiors and exteriors, and experimental work.
Arr. (1st meeting 5/29, 7:00 p.m.)
Art Studio 6
ART 10342
Advanced course for those with previous experience in film
making. Add. $70.00 fee.
East Hall
Arr. (1st meeting 6/25, 7:00 p.m.)
The camera used as a tool for
sion; black and white, color,
Need access to a 35mm camera.
Sec. I 1:35-3:20
Sec. I1 6:OO-9:30
ART 10161
visual creativity and expresand photographic processes.
Limit: 15 students.
p.m., M,T,W,Th
p.m., T,Th
Art Studio
Advanced work in ceramics with emphasis on throwing or handbuilding and a continuation of glazing. Limited enrollment.
8:30-11:30 a.m., M,W,F
Art Studio
Experimentation in batik and tie-dye. Projects: A batik
wall-hanging and the combination of batik and/or tie dye with
other art forms. Prereq.: Drawing I or consent of instructor.
9:OO-12:00, M,T,W,Th
Art Studio
ART 10165
ART 10351
Basic and advanced stitches of knitting and needlepoint. How
to design one's own creations from sweaters to wall hangings.
Bargello considered in needlepoint.
TERM I1 Arr. (1st meeting 6/25, 7:00 p.m.)
Art Studio 6
By special arrangements the following art courses may be
taken independently:
ECO 22122
Professional course in the structure and function of the
human body. Course runs 10 weeks.
6:30-9:30 p.m., T,Th
BIO 20107
Basic microbial features considered as well as application
of microbiology to fields of medicine and sanitation.
8:30-10:30 a.m., M,T,W,Th,F
Lab 11:OO-2:00 p.m., M,W,F
BUS 21101
Introduction to micro-economics, the theory of the household,
firm, market structures and income distribution. Application
of elementary economic theory to market policy.
6:OO-9:30 p.m., M,W
ECO 22392
Monetary and banking systems, particularly commercial banks,
and the Federal Reserve System. Emphasis on monetary theory
and policy. Prereq.: 122
8:50-10:15 a.m., M,T,W,Th,F
CHM 34105
Introduction to business activities, basic concepts and fundamentals of accounting, the accounting cycle and preparation
of financial statements.
8:30-11:OO a.m., M,T,W,Th,F
BUS 21262
ECO 22123
Use of standard keys of identification of local summer flora.
Recognition of common plants and understanding of taxonomic
relationships. Field trips.
11:lO-1:40 p.m., M,T,W,Th,F
BIO 20108
Introduction to macro-economics; nat'l income analysis, monetary and fiscal policy, international trade, economic growth.
9:50-12:20 p.m., M,T,W,Th,F
BIO 20103
The first semester of a two-semester sequence designed to
present the basic concepts of chemistry. High school chemistry not required.
8:50-10:15 a.m., M,T,W,Th,F
Lab 10:20-12:20 p.m., M,T,W,Th,F
Lab S327
CHM 34353
Analysis of accounting theory pertaining to financial state-,
ments, income concepts, capital stock and surplus accounts,
current and long term assets.
1:50-5:00 p.m., M,T,W,Th
Covers gravimetric and volumetric analysis and solution equilibrium in detail; gives an introduction to spectrophotometric techniques of analysis.
8:30-10:15 a.m., M,T,W,Th,F
Lab 10:20-1:20 p.m., M,T,W,Th,F
Lab S327
Study of economic implications of problems facing a metrourban environment. By Independent Study only.
Arr .
Kindergarten curriculum, materials, and teaching approaches.
Lab arr. Prerequisite to student teaching at kindergarten
level and to obtaining a license for teaching at that level.
Consent of instructor.
8:30-12:20 p.m., M,T,W,Th,F,
EDE 4 4 3 8 2 , 4 5 3 8 2 , 44582, 45582 TEACHING CHILDREN
ENG 54215
D e s i g n e d f o r s t u d e n t s who, h a v i n g g r a s p e d t h e f u n d a m e n t a l s
o f w r i t i n g , need a d d i t i o n a l h e l p i n o r g a n i z i n g , developing
and s t a t i n g i d e a s c l e a r l y a n d e f f e c t i v e l y . P r e r e q . : 111.
P r e f e r e n c e t o Jrs. & S r s .
7 : l O - 9 : 4 0 a . m . , M,T,W,Th,F
Ex.tamir?ation of l e a r n i n g p r o b l e m s f o u n d i n r e g u l a r c l a s s r o o m
Graduate o r undergraduate c r e d i t a v a i l a b l e .
8 : 50-10: 1 5 a . m . , M,T, W,Th,F
EDE 44481, 4 4 4 8 2 , 44483, 44484*
ENG 54219
S t u d e n t s r e q u i r e d t o have 160 c h i l d c o n t a c t h o u r s .
a r r a n g e m e n t by i n s t r u c t o r .
A c c e p t a n c e i n t o Educ.
D e p t . , c o n s e n t of i n s t r u c t o r .
Designed t o develop advanced s k i l l s i n e x p o s i t o r y w r i t i n g .
6:OO-9:30 p . m . , T , T h
I n v e s t i g a t i o n o f some t y p e s o f American f i l m , i n c l u d i n g Weste r n , g a n g s t e r , h o r r o r and o t h e r s .
Some f i l m v i e w i n g o u t s i d e
of c l a s s t i m e required.
6:OO-9:30 p . m . , M,W,
McNef f
Observing and d i r e c t i n g l e a r n i n g e x p e r i e n c e s i n elementary
s c h o o l s u n d e r s u p e r v i s i o n o f c o l l e g e and p u b l i c s c h o o l p e r s o n n e l . Add. $15 f e e . P r e r e q . :
A c c e p t a n c e , Educ. D e p t .
EDS 45361
ENG 54242
Students should confer with i n s t r u c t o r
a b o u t c o u r s e number.
EDE 44481, 44482
ENG 54382
S t u d y o f m a j o r a n d r e p r e s e n t a t i v e w o r k s o f s e l e c t e d American
n o v e l i s t s from t h e b e g i n n i n g t o t h e p r e s e n t .
8:50-10:15 a . m . , M,T,W,Th,F
MH 1
S e e ART 1 0 3 6 1 ( I n d e p e n d e n t S t u d y )
EDS 45481, 45482
O b s e r v i n g and d i r e c t i n g l e a r n i n g e x p e r i e n c e s on s e c o n d a r y
s c h o o l l e v e l under s u p e r v i s i o n o f c o l l e g e and h i g h s c h o o l
p e r s o n n e l . Add. $15 f e e .
A c c e p t a n c e , Educ. D e p t .
HPE 55114
P r i n c i p l e s a n d p r a c t i c e s of s a f e t y e d u c a t i o n i n s c h o o l a n d
community l i f e .
I n c l u d e s American Red C r o s s F i r s t A i d .
8:30-11:OO a . m . , M,T,W,Th,F
TERM I ( 1 s t h a l f )
HPE 55115
(1/2 Course)
S t u d y o f c o m p o s i t i o n w i t h e m p h a s i s upon e x p o s i t o r y w r i t i n g ;
c o r r e c t u s a g e , l o g i c a l o r g a n i z a t i o n and t h e r e s e a r c h p a p e r .
1 1 : l O - 1 : 4 0 p . m . , M,T,W,Th,F
(112 Course)
A n a l y s i s o f c h e m i c a l a b u s e a n d what c a n b e done f o r t h e
8:30-11:OO a.m., M,T,W,Th,F
TERM I ( 2 n d h a l f )
HIS 56185, 56385
HPE 55475
INJURIES (1/2 course)
Emphasis on preventing injuries. Treatment of common athletic
injuries. Practical experience in taping and training-room
procedures. Prereq.: 350
TERM I (1st half)
8:30-11:OO a.m., M,T,W,Th,F
Analysis of internal innovations in precolonial Africa as
well as historical roots of contemporary revolutionary processes. Case studies focus on southern Africa and the Horn.
8:50-10:15 a.m., M,T,W,Th,F
HPE 55477
Theory, technique and administrative aspects of coaching
TERM I (2nd half)
8:30-11:00 a.m., M,T,W,Th,F
HPE 55485
FRE 70112
. Aske
Consideration of ambulation, self care, adapted sports and
games, and swimming for the handicapped. Prereq.:350,351,055
6:30 p.m., T,TH & Arr.
(1st meeting 6/25, 6:30 p.m.)
Conversations, sentence practice, and readings to develop
communication, reading skills, and acquaintance with French
culture. 2 hours lab. Prereq.: 111 or equivalent.
7:lO-10:lO a.m., M,T,W,Th,F
(Includes lab)
GER 72111
Classroom practice speaking, understanding and reading basic
German for students with no previous background in German.
8:30-11:OO a.m., M,T,W,Th,F
Arr .
Study of the treatment of disease and injury. General principles and administration of neuro-muscular re-education.
Prereq.: 350,351,354
6:30 p.m., T,Th & Arr.
(1st meeting 5/29, 6:30 p.m.)
NOR 75111, 75112
or 75211
Credit is available through intensive four-week program in
Norway. Inquire: Camp Norway, Augsburg College.
HIS 56275
R. Nelson
Survey of the architecture, sculpture, painting and lesser
arts from the earliest beginnings in Egypt and Mesopotamia
through the Hellenistic period to the third century B.C.
Also ART 10275
9:50-12:20 p.m., M,T,W,Th,F
HIS 56567
Examination of rules which govern valid arguments and aid in
developing ability to recognize and construct sound arguments.
8:30-11:OO a.m., M,T,W,Th,F
R. Nelson
survey from the fall of Roman domination to beginning of the
Italian Renaissance. Personalities, feudalism, struggle between church and state, classical and scholastic learning
which formed the intellectual foundation of the middle ages.
10:25-11:50 a.m., M,T,W,Th,F
Analysis of key concepts of feminism in myth, literature,
religion and art; theories and implications of matriarchal/
patriarchal, pro-feministlanti-feminist cultures, courtly
and romantic love, and the cult of the virgin.
9:50-12:20 p.m., M,T,W,Th,F
PHY 84322
REL 87369
Particularities of religious discernment, symbolism and
world view. Reading and discussion of nine novels. Class
meets approximately every other day.
9:50-12:20 p.m., M,T,W,Th,F
Study of nuclear radiation with emphasis on applications and
"kands on" lab experience. 2 weeks at Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
Cost approx. $200.00. Consent of instructor.
Off campus, May 28 - June 8;
Added summary/evaluation at Augsburg
REL 87372
POL 85342
Historical, literary and sociological perspectives from antiquity to present. Uses primary texts, Hindu ritual films.
8:50-10:15 a.m., M,T,W,Th,F
Effects of mass communications on individual behavior; uses
and control of media for political and social purposes; censorship, newsmaking, entertainment, public affairs programmin
Also SPC 98342
9:50-12:20 p.m., M,T,W,Th,F
PSY 86105
Methods and approaches used in psychology for purpose of understanding behavior; research procedures associated with study
of behavior.
8:50-10:15 a.m., M,T,W,Th,F
PSY 86130
Development of the child's representation of events; stages
and examples in language, reasoning and judgement. Add. $3 fee
6:30-9:30 p.m., T,Th
PSY 86155
Through survey, inventory, self-report, checklist, preference
schedules and other means, investigation and evaluation of
your personality will be undertaken. Prereq.: 105
11:OO-1:40 p.m., M,T,W,Th,F
PSY 86375
See SOC 94375
Course focuses upon the human consequences of urbanization.
Extensive use of film series, simulated game, community investigation, and outside speakers.
6:OO-9:30 p.m., M,W
SOC 94241
Examination of the idea of culture; the person's relation to
culture; language as a major organizing element in how we
see the world. Analysis of selected aspects of U.S. culture.
4:30-7:30 p.m., M,T,W,Th
SOC 94356
Analysis of adult correctional programs and processes. Lectures, discussion, and site visits to correctional institutions and government offices.
1:30-5:00 p.m., T,Th
SOC 94375
Analysis of the ideas of f'group" and "self" as related to
individual behavior, interpersonal relations, and society.
PREREQ.: 121 and 105. Also PSY 86375.
8:30-11:OO a.m., M,T,W,Th,F
SWK 95255
W i l d e r n e s s camping a s f o c u s f o r b u i l d i n g group and i n d i v i d u a l
Add. $60.00 f e e .
'1st s e s s i o n 5/29, 9 : 5 0 a . m .
SWK Off .
PERSONS IN GOOD STANDING at,regionallyaccredited colleges and universities, as well as graduates of such institutions, are eligible to
attend Augsburg Sl'mmer School. Good standing implies that the student
has been admit'ied to a college and has not subsequently been dropped
by that institution.
SWK 95257
STUDENTS ADMITTED to Augsburg College for the Fall Term of the current
year are eligible to attend Summer School, as are persons admitted by
other colleges for the fall of this year.
Placement f o r 30 h o u r s p e r week a s a v o l u n t e e r i n a s o c i a l
agency o r i n s t i t u t i o n .
I n d e p e n d e n t s t u d y ; t e r m p a p e r , weekly
review conferences.
Recommended f o r freshmen o r sophomores.
Consent o f i n s t r u c t o r .
IF REGULARLY ATTENDING OR ADMITTED to another educational ingtitution,
the applicant must provide Augsburg Summer School with a statement
from an appropriate official of his college that he is in good standing and eligible to earn credits during the summer sessions. (A fonn
for this purpose is at the bottom of this page.) Credits cannot be
transferred until this requirement has been fulfilled.
OTHER PERSONS wishing to take summer school work should contact the
Director of Summer School to ascertain eligibility under special
B a s i c problems o f e f f e c t i v e s p e a k i n g and c r i t i c a l l i s t e n i n g .
9:50-12:20 p . m . , M,T,W,Th,F
SPC 98342
SPC 98111
S e e POL 85342
SPC 98367
ACCEPTANCE as a sumer student does not imply admission as a regular
student of Augsburg College. Persons wishing to begin a degree
program at the college should apply for admission through the Office
of Admissions.
(This form is to be used by students regularly attending institutions
other than Augsburg College. Augsburg Summer School credits may be
transferred to the student's home institution if approval is granted
by that college or university.)
Studying; v i e w i n g , and c r i t i q u i n g t h e a c t i n g and p r o d u c t i o n
of f i v e p l a y s .
6:OO-9:30 p.m., T,Th
2815 4 1 s t Ave. S .
( T e l : 721-2565)
Mpls. MN 55406
College or University:
The person named above is a student in good standing and is permitted
to earn summer school credits at Augsburg College.
GST 58115
E x p l o r a t i o n o f t h e n a t u r e of work i n r e l a t i o n t o p e r s o n a l
economic, s p i r i t u a l , and c u l t u r a l v a l u e s .
9:50-12:20 p.m., M,T,W,Th,F
Student's Name:
Restrictions or qualifications, if any:
Signature and Title (Dean, ~egistrar,or other ~esponsibleOfficer.)
(Return completed form to Summer School.
Augsburg College, Minneapolis, MN 55454)
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ffice d
May 30. June 23
June 26 August s
ALL COURSES a t Augsburg College c a r r y a v a l u e o f one Course C r e d i t ,
t h e e q u i v a l e n t of f o u r s e m e s t e r c r e d i t s ( s i x q u a ... Show more
ffice d
May 30. June 23
June 26 August s
ALL COURSES a t Augsburg College c a r r y a v a l u e o f one Course C r e d i t ,
t h e e q u i v a l e n t of f o u r s e m e s t e r c r e d i t s ( s i x q u a r t e r c r e d i t s ) .
LOWER-DIVISION COURSES, i n t e n d e d p r i m a r i l y f o r freshman and sophomore s t u d e n t s , a r e t h o s e with a 1 o r 2 a s t h e t h i r d d i g i t of t h e
f i v e - d i g i t Course Number. A 3 o r 4 i n t h a t p o s i t i o n i n d i c a t e s a n
upper-division course, intended primarily f o r juniors o r seniors.
COURSES REGULARLY TAUGHT d u r i n g t h e academic y e a r a r e more f u l l y
I f you need
d e s c r i b e d i n t h e c a t a l o g i s s u e o f AUGSBURG COLLEGE NOW.
more i n f o r m a t i o n about a s p e c i a l summer o f f e r i n g , p l e a s e c o n t a c t
t h e Summer School O f f i c e .
INDEPENDENT STUDY AND INTERNSHIPS may be pursued d u r i n g t h e summer
i n a number of departments.
For i n f o r m a t i o n , c o n s u l t t h e Summer
School Off i c e .
CHANGES I N REGISTRATION must be made a t t h e Surwer School O f f i c e .
No course may be added a f t e r i t h a s met more t h a n s i x h o u r s e l a p s e d
c l a s s time, e x c e p t w i t h t h e s p e c i a l permission of t h e i n s t r u c t o r .
SUMMER SCHOOL CHARGES i n c l u d e a General Fee of $20. T u i t i o n i S $220
p e r course.
Laboratory o r s p e c i a l f e e s may be charged f p r some
c o u r s e s . (Students who p r e r e g i s t e r b e f o r e March 17 w i l l pay $200 p e r
c o u r s e ; between March 18 and A p r i l 14
$210, a f t e r A p r i l 14
per course.)
A DEPOSIT of $35 must accompany t h e P r e r e g i s t r a t i o n Form. T h i s d e p o s i t
i s r e f u n d a b l e o n l y i f t h e courses l i s t e d by t h e s t u d e n t , i n c l u d i n g
a l t e r n a t e s , should be c a n c e l l e d . The d e p o s i t a p p l i e s toward t h e
General Fee and T u i t i o n .
CHARGE FOR AUDITING a course ( t a k i n g i t w i t h o u t c o l l e g e c r e d i t ) i s
$110 p l u s $20 g e n e r a l f e e . I n courses w i t h l i m i t e d e n r o l l m e n t , p r e f e r e n c e w i l l be g i v e n t o f u l l - t u i t i o n s t u d e n t s .
REGISTRATION i s t o be completed not l a t e r than t h e f i r s t day of each
term a t t h e Summer School O f f i c e . ALL CHARGES f o r the term must be
p a i d b e f o r e t h e r e g i s t r a t i o n i s complete. A Late R e g i s t r a t i o n Fee o f
$10 w i l l be added f o r s t u d e n t s who complete r e g i s t r a t i o n a f t e r t h e
f i r s t day o f t h e term.
TUITION REFLTND f o r c a n c e l l e d c o u r s e s
w i l l be allowed a s i n d i c a t e d by t h e
t a b l e on t h e r i g h t . (Such refund i s
l i m i t e d by t h e non-refundable d e p o s i t . )
No refund w i l l be made a f t e r t h e l i s t e d
11 12
18 19
3 0
. 2
3 1
15 16
22 23
May 30
June 26
June 23
August 4
S W R STUDENTS may take one course d u r i n g Term I and two courses
d u r i n g Term 11, f o r a t o t a l of t h r e e courses i n t h e two r e g u l a r
PERSONS PLANNING t o a t t e n d Summer School a r e advised t o p r e r e g i s t e r
a s soon a s p o s s i b l e , s i n c e courses w i t h o u t s u b s t a n t i a l demand may be
May 30-31 June 26-28
June 1-2 June 29-July 3
June 5-6
J u l y 5-7
June 7-8
J u l y 10-12
STUDENTS NEEDING HOUSING may o b t a i n i n f o r m a t i o n from t h e D i r e c t o r of
Limited food s e r v i c e i s a v a i l a b l e , supplenented by s e v e r a l
r e s t a u r a n t s and snack shops i n the Augsburg v i c i n i t y .
FINANCIAL A I D FOR SUMMER SCHOOL - l i m i t e d t o t h e Guaranteed Student
Loan. For s t u d e n t s c a r r y i n g a t l e a s t one-half t h e normal f u l l - t i m e
load. I f the a d j u s t e d family income of t h e s t u d e n t i s l e s s than $25,000 per y e a r o r i f f i n a n c i a l need i s e s t a b l i s h e d f o r t h o s e n o t
i n t h i s c a t e g o r y , t h e F e d e r a l Government pays t h e f u l l i n t e r e s t on
the loan while t h e s t u d e n t i s i n c o l l e g e . When repayment b e g i n s ,
the s t u d e n t pays t h e f u l l 7% i n t e r e s t on t h e loan. Maximum loan
is' $2500 per y e a r o r t h e c o s t of e d u c a t i o n , whichever i s l e s s and
t h e aggregate maximum i s $7500. Loan a p p l i c a t i o n s a r e a v a i l a b l e
a t t h e College, a t some banks, and from Minnesota S t a t e Loan O f f i c e .
Deadline: A p p l i c a t i o n s must be f i l e d w i t h t h e l e n d e r by March 20,
1978. S i n c e p r o c e s s i n g takes up t o 10 weeks, t h e a p p l i c a t i o n must
be f i l e d t h i s e a r l y .
It is the policy of Augsburg College not to d~scrirn~nate
on the
basis of race, ,creed, national or ethn~corigin, age, marital
status, sex or handicap as required by Title IX of the 1972
Educational Amendments or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1 9 7 3 as amended In its admission policies, educational programs, activities and employment practices
A r t 10165
Art 10107
Drawing i n p e n c i l , c h a r c o a l , i n k , and p a s t e l s .
i n c l u d e s t i l l - l i f e , f i g u r e s , b u i l d i n g i n t e r i o r s and
e x t e r i o r s , and experimental work.
I n s t r u c t o r : Dorothy Williamson
( 1 s t meeting 5/30,
Class meets: Term I , Time arranged.
7:00 p.m.
Location: A r t S t u d i o 6
Needle A r t
B a s i c and advanced s t i t c h e s of k n i t t i n g and n e e d l e p o i n t .
How t o d e s i g n o n e ' s own c r e a t i o n s from s w e a t e r s t o w a l l
B a r g e l l o w i l l be considered i n n e e d l e p o i n t .
I n s t r u c t o r : Beverly Skoglund
Class meets: Term 11, Time arranged. ( 1 s t meeting 6/26
Location: A r t S t u d i o 6
A r t 10221
A r t 10132
Title :
The camera used a s a t o o l f o r v i s u a l c r e a t i v i t y and
expression with a t t e n t i o n given t o black and w h i t e , c o l o r
and photographic processes.
Should have a c c e s s t o a
35 mm camera. Limited t o 15 s t u d e n t s .
I n s t r u c t o r : Robert F r i e d e r i c h s e n
Class meets: Term 11, Time arranged. ( 1 s t meeting 6/26
7:00 p.m.)
Location: A r t S t u d i o
Sculpture I
An i n t r o d u c t i o n t o s c u l p t u r e . Thre-dimensional problems
d e a l i n g p r i m a r i l y w i t h form and s c a l e . P r o j e c t s w i l l be
developed from w i t h i n s t r i c t d e s i g n l i m i t a t i o n s toward
f r e e and c r e a t i v e s o l u t i o n s .
I n s t r u c t o r : Robert F r i e d e r i c h s e n
Class meets: Term 11, 6:OO-9:30 p.m.
Location: A r t S t u d i o - Lower l e v e l
A r t 10242
A r t 10161
I n t r o d u c t i o n t o B a t i k and Tie Dye
Experiments with a v a r i e t y of a r t forms i n b a t i k and
t i e dye.
Creation of a b a t i k wall-hanging, and t h e
combination of b a t i k and/or tie-dye w i t h o t h e r a r t forms.
P r e r e q u i s i t e : Drawing I o r consent of i n s t r u c t o r .
I n s t r u c t o r : Eleanor Conrad
Class meets: Term I , 9:50-12:OO and 12:30-1:40 -M-W-F
Location: A r t S t u d i o
Film Making I
Discussion and o b s e r v a t i o n of t h e e x p r e s s i o n and s t r u c t u r a l
elements of f i l m w i t h p r a c t i c a l l a b o r a t o r y experience.
Add. $70.00 f e e .
I n s t r u c t o r : Paul Rus t e n
Class meets: Term 11, Time arranged.
( 1 s t meeting 6/26
7:00 p.m.
Location: E a s t H a l l
Art 10270
Portable F i b e r Techniques
Basic techniques i n weaving on any frame, round o r
rectangular. Basic s t e p s i n the a n c i e n t a r t of basketry
i n modern f i b e r s and designs.
I n s t r u c t o r : Beverly Skoglund
Class meets : Term I, Time arranged.
( 1 s t meeting 5/30
Ceramics I
An i n t r o d u c t o r y t o t h e making of p o t t e r y w i t h an emphasis
on h a n d b u i l d i n g and g l a z i n g . Limited e n r o l l m e n t .
I n s t r u c t o r : Norman Holen
Class meets: Term 11, 8:30-11:30 a.m. M-W-F
Location: A r t S t u d i o
Lower l e v e l
A r t Studio
A r t 10290
A r t 10350
A r t H i s t o r y Survey
A survey of a r t from p r e h i s t o r i c t o modern times. Includes
reading, r e s e a r c h , viewing of s l i d e s , v i s i t s t o museums.
I n s t r u c t o r : Mary Swanson
Class meets: Term I , 1:50-5:00 p.m. M-T-W-Th-F
Location: A r t Studio 6
A r t 10351
Ceramics I1
Advanced work i n ceramics w i t h an emphasis on throwing
o r h a n d b u i l d i n g and a c o n t i n u a t i o n of g l a z i n g .
I n s t r u c t o r : Norman Holen
C l a s s meets: Term 11, 8:30-11:30 a.m.
Location: A r t S t u d i o
Lower l e v e l
A r t 10342
Film Making I1
Advanced course f o r those with previous experience i n
f i l m making. Add. $70.00 fee.
I n s t r u c t o r : Paul Rusten
Class meets: Term 11, Time arranged.
( 1 s t meeting 6/26
7:00 p.m.
Location: East Hall
By s p e c i a l arrangements t h e f o l l o w i n g c o u r s e s may be
taken independently:
A r t 10118 & 10355
P. Thompson
P a i n t i n g I and I1
Printmaking I and I1
A r t 10223 & 10368
P. Thompson
A r t Methods
Education 45361
D. Williamson
Biology 20367
Biology 20103
Title :
Human Anatomy and Physiology
A p r o f e s s i o n a l course i n t h e s t r u c t u r e and f u n c t i o n of t h e
human body.
Course runs 10 weeks.
I n s t r u c t o r : Erwin Mickelberg
Class meets: Terms I and 11, 6:30-9:30 p.m. T,Th
Location: Science 205 l e c t u r e
Science 214 l a b
Biology 20107
An i n t r o d u c t o r y c o n s i d e r a t i o n of t h e chemistry of p r o t e i n ,
c a r b o h y d r a t e s , l i p i d s and n u c l e i c a c i d s i n c l u d i n g i n t e r mediary metabolism.
I n s t r u c t o r : Ken Holman
Class meets: Term I, 10:30-12:30 M-T-W-Th-F
Location: Science 212
Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n 21101
Minnesota Summer Flowering P l a n t s
Use of standard keys of i d e n t i f i c a t i o n of l o c a l summer
f l o r a . Recognition of common p l a n t s and understanding of
taxonomic r e l a t i o n s h i p s . F i e l d t r i p s f o r study and
c o l l e c t i n g purposes.
I n s t r u c t o r : Roberta L m e r s
Class meets: Term I, 8:30-11:OO a.m.,
Location: Science 205
Biology 20108
I n t r o d u c t i o n t o b u s i n e s s a c t i v i t i e s , b a s i c concepts
and fundamentals of a c c o u n t i n g , t h e accounting c y c l e
and p r e p a r a t i o n of f i n a n c i a l s t a t e m e n t s .
I n s t r u c t o r : Amin Kader
Class meets: Term I , 7:lO-9:40 a.m.
Location: Main 19
Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n 21262
Basic m i c r o b i a l f e a t u r e s a r e considered a s w e l l a s
a p p l i c a t i o n of microbiology t o the f i e l d s of medicine.
and s a n i t a t i o n .
I n s t r u c t o r : Ken Holman
Class meets : Term I, Lecture 8:OO-10:OO a.m. M-T-W-Th-F
Lab 10:30-1:30 M-W-F
Location: Lecture
Science 212; Lab
Science 202
P r i n c i p l e s of F i n a n c i a l Accounting
I n t e r m e d i a t e Accounting I
An a n a l y s i s of a c c o u n t i n g t h e o r y p e r t a i n i n g t o f i n a n c i a l
s t a t e m e n t s , income concepts, c a p i t a l s t o c k and s u r p l u s
a c c o u n t s , c u r r e n t and l o n g term a s s e t s .
I n s t r u c t o r : Amin Kader
Class meets: Term I , 1:50-5:00 p.m.
Location : Science 2.2
&emistry 34105
Economics 22120
Economics of Urban I s s u e s
This course, t h e f i r s t semester of a two semester sequence
i s designed t o present an i n t r o d u c t i o n t o some of the b a s i c
concepts of chemistry which a r e important i n any a r e a
involving t h e use of chemical science.
Chemical language,
chemical r e a c t i o n s and e q u a t i o n s , c a l c u l a t i o n s , i n s i g h t
i n t o the chemical bond and p r o p e r t i e s of s o l u t i o n s a r e a l l
a p a r t of t h i s i n t r o d u c t i o n . The l a b o r a t o r y w i l l
i l l u s t r a t e some of the concepts presented. High School
Chemistry i s n o t required.
I n s t r u c t o r : E a r l Alton
Class meets: Term 11, Lecture 10:25-11:50 a.m. M-T-W-Th-F
Lab 12:OO-3:00 p.m.
Location: Lecture
Science 315
Science 327
Study of economic i m p l i c a t i o n s of many problems f a c i n g
a metro-urban environment.
I n s t r u c t o r : Edward S a b e l l a
Class meets: Term I, 6:50-10:OO p.m.
Location: Science 212
Economics 22122
Title :
P r i n c i p l e s of Economics (Macro)
An i n t r o d u c t i o n t o macro-economics; n a t i o n a l income
a n a l y s i s , monetary and f i s c a l p o l i c y , i n t e r n a t i o n a l
t r a d e , economic growth.
I n s t r u c t o r : Garson Sher
Class meets: Term I , 6:50-10:OO p.m.
Location: Memorial H a l l 1
P r i n c i p l e s of Economics (Micro)
Q u a n t i t a t i v e A n a l y t i c a l blemistry
Covers g r a v i m e t r i c and volumetric a n a l y s i s and s o l u t i o n
equilibrium i n d e t a i l ; g i v e s an i n t r o d u c t i o n t o s p e c t r o photometric techniques of a n a l y s i s .
I n s t r u c t o r : A r l i n Gyberg
Class meets: Term 11, Lecture 8:50-10:15 a.m. M-T-W-Th-F
Lab 10 :30- 12 :30 T-W-Th
Location: Lecture and Lab
Science 318
Economics 22123
An i n t r o d u c t i o n t o micro-economics, t h e t h e o r y o f t h e
household, firm, market s t r u c t u r e s . a n d income d i s t r i b u t i o n .
A p p l i c a t i o n of elementary economic t h e o r y t o market p o l i c y .
I n s t r u c t o r : Edward S a b e l l a
Class meets: Term 11, 6:OO-9:30 M,W
Location: Memorial 1
Chemistry 34353
P r i n c i p l e s of Chemistry
Education 44375
Discovery i n the World of Kindergarten
A study of the kindergarten curriculum, e x p l o r a t i o n of
m a t e r i a l s , and review of teaching approaches. Laboratory
experience i n classroom. (Limited enrollment.
Consent of
i n s t r u c t o r required. )
Instructor: Lauretta Pelton
Class meets : Term I , Time arranged
Library 4
English 54231
T i t l e : Modern Women W r i t e r s ;
Education 44481, 44482, 44483 o r 44484
The c l a s s w i l l begin with a d i s c u s s i o n of modernism, and
go on t o e x p l o r e t h e r e l a t i o n s h i p o f a number of B r i t i s h
women w r i t e r s t o t h e modernist t r a d i t i o n . Among the
q u e s t i o n s t o be asked a r e , a r e we a s women doubly
a l i e n a t e d ? I s o u r a r t d i f f e r e n t from men's? How do we
c r e a t e o u r sense of o u r own i d e n t i t y ? Equal a t t e n t i o n
w i l l be given t o t h e a e s t h e t i c , s t r u c t u r a l , thematic
and p o l i t i c a l a s p e c t s of t h e reading.
I n s t r u c t o r : Toni Clark
Class meets: Term I , 8:30-11:OO a.m.
Location: Main 8
Student Teaching (Elementary, Kindergarten o r
Nursery School)
Experience i n observing and d i r e c t i n g l e a r n i n g experiences
i n elementary schools under s u p e r v i s i o n of c o l l e g e and
public school personnel. Add. $15 fee.
P r e r e q u i s i t e : Acceptance i n t o the education department
I n s t r u c t o r : Steve Reuter
Class meets: Term I and/or Term I1
Location : Arranged
English 54111
English 54242
E f f e c t i v e Writing
The study of composition with emphasis upon expository
Correct usage, l o g i c a l o r g a n i z a t i o n and t h e
research paper.
I n s t r u c t o r : Richard Sargent
Class meets : Term I, 11:10-1 :40 M-T-W-Th-F
Location: Library 1
S t u d i e s i n t h e American Film
This course w i l l i n v e s t i g a t e some o f the d i f f e r e n t types
of American f i l m , i n c l u d i n g t h e Western f i l m , the g a n g s t e r
f i l m , the h o r r o r f i l m and o t h e r s . We w i l l c o n s i d e r what
elements i n a f i l m h e l p u s determine a f i l m type and how
t h e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of a f i l m type o f f e r us a means of
understanding and a p p r e c i a t i n g many f i l m s . Some f i l m
viewing o u t s i d e of c l a s s time w i l l be r e q u i r e d .
I n s t r u c t o r : Ronald P a l o s a a r i
Class meets: Term 11, 6:OO-9:30 p.m.
Location: L i b r a r y 1
English 54219
Advanced Writing: Exposition
Designed t o develop advanced s k i l l s i n e x p o s i t o r y w r i t i n g .
I n s t r u c t o r : John M i t c h e l l
Class meets: Term 11, 6:OO-9:30 p.m.
Location: A r t Studio 6
E n g l i s h 54382
The American Novel
A s t u d y of major and r e p r e s e n t a t i v e works of s e l e c t e d
American n o v e l i s t s from t h e beginning t o t h e p r e s e n t .
I n s t r u c t o r : Ronald P a l o s a a r i
Class meets: Term 11, 8:50-10:15 a.m.
Location: Memorial H a l l 1
German 72111
H i s t o r y 56163156363
Beginning German I
Classroom p r a c t i c e i n speaking, understanding and r e a d i n g
b a s i c German f o r s t u d e n t s with no previous background i n
Ge m a n .
I n s t r u c t o r : William Oyler
Class meets: Term I , 8:30-11:OO a.m.
Location : Science 22
Beginning German I1
For s t u d e n t s who have had German 111 o r e q u i v a l e n t o r
l e s s t h a n two y e a r s of h i g h school German.
I n s t r u c t o r : William Oyler
Class meets: Term 11, 8:50-10:15 a.m.
Location: Science 22
Music 82110
Western C i v i l i z a t i o n and I t s E s t h e t i c T r a d i t i o n
Based on Kenneth C l a r k ' s f i l m s e r i e s " C i v i l i z a t i o n
Personal View" t h i s i n t r o d u c t o r y course u s e s a s a background the c i t i e s , b u i l d i n g s , and museum works of Europe
t o view and d i s c u s s Western C i v i l i z a t i o n a s seen through
i t s a r t i s t i c t r a d i t i o n from t h e Middle Ages t o t h e 20th
Century. The f i l m s w i l l be supplemented by r e a d i n g s ,
l e c t u r e s and d i s c u s s i o n s .
I n s t r u c t o r : Orloue G i s s e l q u i s t
Class meets: Term I, 8:30-11:OO a.m.
Location: A r t S t u d i o 6
Music Therapy:
A C l i n i c a l Overview
V i s i t a t i o n t o approximately 10 music therapy c l i n i c a l s i t e s
and f a c i l i t i e s with handicapped i n d i v i d u a l s i n Minnesota.
P o s s i b i l i t y of an o v e r n i g h t t r i p t o a neighboring s t a t e .
Classroom d i s c u s s i o n of b a s i c s i n t h e f i e l d of music therapy.
Designed f o r both music t h e r a p y undergraduate s t u d e n t s a s
w e l l a s non-therapy majors. -$lo f e e t o cover c o s t of
t r a n s p o r t a t i o n . Need for f l e x i b i l i t y i n time, a s some
t r i p s w i l l be scheduled i n morning, a f t e r n o o n , e n t i r e day,
perhaps o v e r n i g h t .
(Previously o f f e r e d a s I n t r o d u c t i o n t o
Music Therapy. )
I n s t r u c t o r : Roberta Metzler
Class meats: Term I, 8:30-11:OO a.m. M-T-W-Th-F
Main 28
LO ca t i o n :
His t o r y 56215
I n every f i e l d t h e r e have been v i s i o n a r i e s whose p e r c e p t i o n
of t h e i r world surpassed t h e i r contemporaries. Among
s e v e r a l f i g u r e s t o be s t u d i e d a r e Alexander t h e Great and
J u l i u s Caesar, P e r i c l e s and Cicero, S o c r a t e s and Paul of
Tarsus, Homer and V i r g i l .
I n s t r u c t o r : Richard Nelson
Class meets: Term 11, 10:25-11:50 a.m.
Location: Science 22
German 72112
Larger Than L i f e : A Study of Major P e r s o n a l i t i e s
of the Ancient World and T h e i r Contribution t o
Wes t e r n C i v i l i z a t i o n
Philosophy 83130
Suppose someone g i v e s you reason and then says you must
accept a p a r t i c u l a r conclusion. Do you? When does a
conclusion follow from premises? Here we examine the r u l e s
which govern v a l i d arguments and work t o develope your
a b i l i t y t o recognize and c o n s t r u c t sound arguments.
I n s t r u c t o r : Kenneth Bailey
Class meets: Term I , 8:30-11:00 a.m.
Location: Main 21
Philosophy 83390
The Nature of t h e Mystic Vision
This course w i l l examine some of t h e key concepts of
mysticism with r e s p e c t t o t h e i r p h i l o s o p h i c a l i m p l i c a t i o n s .
The concepts of negation, e c s t a c y , purgation, contemplation
w i l l be s t u d i e d a s w e l l a s t h e r e l a t i o n of t h e s o u l t o God,
n a t u r e mys t i c i s m , c u l t mysticism e t c . W r i t e r s such a s
P l o t i n u s , John of the Cross, Meister Eckhart w i l l be read.
The r e l a t i o n of mysticism t o p o e t r y , a r t , and music w i l l
a l s o be i n v e s t i g a t e d . No p r e r e q u i s i t e s .
I n s t r u c t o r : Mark Fuehrer
Class meets: Term I, 3:30-6:40 p.m.
Location : Science 205
Physical Education 55 107
Basic S a i l b o a t Cruising
This course i s designed f o r the beginning and intermediate
s a i l o r . It w i l l begin with classroom i n s t r u c t i o n on
terminology, equipment, p o i n t s of t h e wind, navigation e t c .
On t h e water i n s t r u c t i o n w i l l be a major p a r t of the course.
An a c t u a l c r u i s e has been planned on Lake Superior i n a
3 2 ' f i x e d k e e l boat. You w i l l a c t a s a crew member, a s
w e l l a s helmsperson on t h i s c r u i s e . A $100 f e e w i l l be
charged i n a d d i t i o n t o t u i t i o n . This w i l l cover boat
r e n t a l a s w e l l a s food on t h e extended c r u i s e .
Maximum r e g i s t r a t i o n i s 12.
I n s t r u c t o r : Joyce P f a f f
Class meets: Term I , 5:10-8:20 p.m. M-T-W-Th
Location: S i Melby 24
Health Education 55110
Personal and Community Health
Modern concepts and p r a c t i c e s of h e a l t h and h e a l t h f u l
l i v i n g applied t o t h e i n d i v i d u a l and t h e community.
I n s t r u c t o r : Pam Paulson
Class meets: Term I, 12:30-3:20 p.m.
Location: S i Melby 12
Philosophy 83450
Physical Education 55231
Title :
Philosophies of Feminism
P h i l o s o p h i c a l a n a l y s i s of key concepts of feminism i n
myth, l i t e r a t u r e , r e l i g i o n and a r t ; t h e o r i e s and implicat i o n s of matriarchial/patriarchial, p r o - f e m i n i s t l a n t i f e m i n i s t c u l t u r e s , c o u r t l y and romantic l o v e , and t h e
c u l t of the v i r g i n .
I n s t r u c t o r : Mark Fuehrer
Class meets : Term I , 11:.lo-1 :40
Location: Science 22 -
I n d i v i d u a l and Dual Sports
Theory and p r a c t i c e i n s k i l l s , teaching, and o f f i c i a t i n g
i n d i v i d u a l and d u a l s p o r t s .
I n s t r u c t o r : Ervin I n n i g e r
Class meets: Term I, 9:50-12:20
Location: S i Melby 12
Health Education 55320
School Health Curriculum
Techniques f o r developing a course of s t u d y based upon
growth and development f o r grades K-12.
S p e c i a l work
u n i t s i n n u t r i t i o n and d i s e a s e s .
(Prerequisites: A l l courses i n the major sequence numbered i n the 100 and
200 s e r i e s ; a l s o permission of i n s t r u c t o r . )
I n s t r u c t o r : Richard Borstad
Class meets: Term I, 6:50-10:00 p.m. M-T-W-Th
Location: ~i elb by 13
Department of P h y s i c a l Education 55477 &
Coaching of B a s k e t b a l l
Theory, t e c h n i q u e and a d m i n i s t r a t i v e a s p e c t s o f coaching
b a s k e t b a l l . (2nd h a l f of Term I )
I n s t r u c t o r : Ervin Inniger
Class meets: 7:lO-9:40 a.m.
Location: S i Melby 24
P h y s i c a l Education 55485 .
Health Education 55410
T i t l e : Applied Adapted A c t i v i t i e s
Administration and Supervision of t h e School
Health Program
Course i n c l u d e s c o n s i d e r a t i o n of ambulation, s e l f c a r e ,
adapted s p o r t s and games, and swimming f o r t h e handicapped.
Prerequisites: 350, 351; H. Ed. 355
Chester Nelson
Class meets: Term I, Time a r r a n g e d , 1st meeting 5/30, 6:30
Location: S i Melby 12
H i s t o r i c a l background, l e g a l b a s e s , school h e a l t h s e r v i c e s ,
and r e l a t i o n s h i p t o community h e a l t h program and resources.
Methods and m a t e r i a l s i n h e a l t h education with l a b o r a t o r y
experience i n classroom and community.
P r e r e q u i s i t e : 320
, Instructor:
Richard Bors tad
Class meets : Term 11, 8 :50-10 :15 M-T-W-Th-F
Location: S i Melby 12
Department of Physical Education 55475 (112 course)
P h y s i c a l Education 55491
Prevention and Care of A t h l e t i c I n j u r i e s
Emphasis placed on preventing i n j u r i e s . Treatment of
common a t h l e t i c i n j u r i e s .
P r a c t i c a l experience i n t a p- i n g
and training-room procedures. ( 1 s t h a l f - of Term I )
'1 L
P r e r e q u i s t e : 350
I n s t r u c t o r : Ervin I n n i g e r
Class meets: 7:lO-9:40 a.m.
Location: S i Melby 24
A s t u d y of t h e t r e a t m e n t of d i s e a s e and i n j u r y .
g e n e r a l p r i n c i p l e s and a d m i n i s t r a t i o n o f neuro-muscular
350, 351; H.Ed. 354.
C h e s t e r Nelson
Class meets: Term 11, Time a r r a n g e d , 1 s t meeting 6/26, 6:30
S i Melby 12
Therapeutic Exercise
Physics 84101
Psychology 86105
A d e s c r i p t i v e course r e q u i r i n g elementary a l g e b r a . Our
s o l a r system, s t a r s and g a l a x i e s .
The n e c e s s a r y o p t i c a l
instruments a r e explained and use i s made of a 12-inch
r e f l e c t i n g t e l e s c o p e , an e i g h t - i n c h C e l e s t r o n , a s w e l l a s
a 3-inch Questar.
I n s t r u c t o r : Mark Engebretson
Class meets: Term 11, 6:OO-9:30 p.m.
Location: Science 22
General Psychology
Methods and approaches used i n psychology f o r t h e purpose
of understanding behavior, and research procedures a s s o c i a t e d
with t h e study of behavior.
I n s t r u c t o r : Richard Marken
Class meets: Term 11, 7:15-8:40 a.m.
Locat ion;
Science 205
I --
Psychology 86130
P o l i t i c a l s c i e n c e 85170
Law i n the United S t a t e s
A survey of American Law and l e g a l process.
of law; law and s o c i e t y ; r o l e s of c o u r t s , p o l i c e , lawyers,
and j u r i e s ; t h e United S t a t e s C o n s t i t u t i o n a s "supreme"
law; law a s p o l i t i c s ; h i s t o r i c and contemporary l e g a l i s s u e s .
I n s t r u c t o r : Myles Stenshoel
Class meets: Term 11, 10:25-11:50 a.m.
Location: L i b r a r y 1
The C h i l d ' s World:
Cognitive Development
The development of the c h i l d ' s r e p r e s e n t a t i o n of e v e n t s ,
n o t i n g s t a g e s and examples i n language, reasoning and
judgment. Add. $3.00 f e e .
I n s t r u c t o r : Grace Dyrud
Class meets: Term 11, 6:OO-9:30 p.m.
Location: Library 1
P o l i t i c a l Science 85342
Mass Communications i n S o c i e t y
E f f e c t s of mass connnunications on i n d i v i d u a l behavior;
the uses and c o n t r o l of mass media f o r p o l i t i c a l and
s o c i a l purposes i n c l u d i n g the s t u d y of censorship, newsmaking, entertainment and p u b l i c a f f a i r s programming.
I n s t r u c t o r : Milda Hedblom
Class meets: Term I, 1:50-5:00 p.m.
Location: L i b r a r y 1
Psychology 86320
Title :
he. Peer
Group : A Developmental View
This course w i l l i n v e s t i g a t e t h e r o l e of t h e peer group
i n normal development, peer p r e d i c t i o n of a d u l t maladjustment, and the use of peer groups. This course w i l l be
o f f e r e d a s an upper d i v i s i o n course according t o the above
d e s c r i p t i o n and a s a graduate course with the a d d i t i o n of
a research paper on a s p e c i f i c t o p i c w i t h i n peer group
I n s t r u c t o r : Grace Dyrud
Class meets: Term 11, 1:35-3:30 p.m.
Location: Science 205
Sociology 94111
Psychology 86351
Developmental Psychology:
Emphasis on normal c h i l d development and behavior.
Consideration of t h e o r e t i c a l systems used f o r viewing
t h e developmental sequence and process.
Inquiry i n t o
p r a c t i c a l i m p l i c a t i o n s and a p p l i c a t i o n s of d a t a and
theory i n r e s p e c t t o t h e development of c h i l d r e n .
I n s t r u c t o r : Duane Johnson
Class meets: Term I , 8:30-11:00 a.m.
~ o c a t i o t:i Science 205
L i t e r a t u r e of C h r i s t i a n Devotion
S i g n i f i c a n t w r i t i n g s from t h e second c e n t u r y t o t h e p r e s e n t .
Among works considered a r e t h o s e of Augustine, Bernard of
Clairvaux, Catherine of Siena and D i e t r i c h Bonhoeffer;
understanding o f t h e s p i r i t u a l l i f e a s d i s c l o s e d i n t h e s e
Christian classics.
I n s t r u c t o r : P h i l i p Quanbeck
Class meets: Term I , 7:lO-9:40 a.m.
Location: Memorial H a l l 1
Religion 87372
R e l i g i o n s of I n d i a :
Sociology 94121
P r i n c i p l e s of Sociology
Sociology a s a mode of a n a l y s i s o r way of knowing.
a p p l i c a t i o n s t o an understanding of b a s i c a s p e c t s of
s o c i e t y ; s o c i a l i z a t i o n , family l i f e , s o c i a l i n e q u a l i t i e s ,
l a r g e - s c a l e i n s t i t u t i o n s , e t c . Sociology a s an academic
d i s c i p l i n e and p r o f e s s i o n .
I n s t r u c t o r : Robett Grams
Class meets: Term 11, 10:25-11:50 a.m. M-T-W-Th-F
Location: Memorial H a l l 1
Sociology 94255
Hinduism and Buddhism
H i s t o r i c a l , l i t e r a r y and s o c i o l o g i c a l p e r s p e c t i v e s from
a n t i q u i t y t o the present.
Uses primary t e x t s , f i l m s of
Hindu r i t u a l .
I n s t r u c t o r : John Benson
Class meets: Term 11, 8:50-10:15 a.m.
Location: Science 205
Che c u l t u r a l and s t r u c t u r a l dynamics of t h e modern world
viewed from t h e p e r s p e c t i v e of t h e m e t r o p o l i t a n s i t u a t i o n ,
1 with a focus on t h e p o s s i b i l i t i e s of human c o m u n i t y i n t h e
context of urban i n s t i t u t i o n s and processes.
I n s t r u c t o r : Garry Hesser
Class meets: Term I , 8:30-12:00
Loc.ation: Main 7
Religion 87370
T i t l e : Human Community and the Modern Metropolis
Youth Work i n a Wilderness Medium
Wilderness camping a s focus f o r b u i l d i n g groups and
i n d i v i d u a l r e l a t i o n s h i p s . Add. $60.00 f e e .
I n s t r u c t o r : Doug Perry
Class meets : Tern I, 1st s e s s i o n 5/30, 9 :50 a.m.
Location: Memorial H a l l 1
Speech, Communication, T h e a t e r A r t s 98111
Sociology 94356
Title :
Contemporary C o r r e c t i o n s
Beginning Speech
Basic problems of e f f e c t i v e speaking and c r i t i c a l l i s t e n i n g .
I n s t r u c t o r : J u l i e Driver
Class meets: Term I , 11:lO-1:40 M-T-W-Th-F
Location: Science 123
An a n a l y s i s of a d u l t c o r r e c t i o n a l programs and p r o c e s s e s .
L e c t u r e s , d i s c u s s i o n , and s i t e v i s i t s t o c o r r e c t i o n a l
i n s t i t u t i o n s and government o f f i c e s .
- r : Vern Bloom
Class meets: Term 11, 1:35-5:00 p.m.
Location: Memorial H a l l 1
Speech, Communication & Theater A r t s 98367
Sociology 94375
Theater i n Minneapolis
Title :
Studying, viewing and c r i t i q u i n g both t h e a c t i n g and
production s i d e of f i v e plays.
I n s t r u c t o r : Ailene Cole
S o c i a l Psychology
An examination of t h e i d e a of "groupYtfi t s r e l a t i o n s h i p t o
i n d i v i d u a l behavior and s o c i e t y . An a n a l y s i s of t h e i d e a s
of " s e l f " a n d t ' i d e n t i t y " and what p a r t they p l a y i n
understanding i n t e r p e r s o n a l r e l a t i o n s and human behavior.
:121 and Psych. 105
I n s L r u c t o r : J e r r y Gerasimo
Class meets: Term I , 8:30-11:OO a.m.
-Class meets:
Term 11, 6:OO-9:30 p.m.
2815 4 1 Avenue So., Minneapolis, Minnesota 55406
Telephone: 721-2565
I n t e r d i s c i p l i n a r y S t u d i e s 60382/60383/60499
San Francisco Summer Term
S o c i a l Work 95472
Three course c r e d i t s on t h e 4-1-4 c o l l e g e system, o r t h e i r
e q u i v a l e n t , a r e earned i n the San Francisco Summer Term.
The eight-week summer program r e q u i r e s 45 hours of academic
and f i e l d work experience p e r week.
S o c i a l S e r v i c e s f o r Older Persons
Focus upon p e r s o n a l and s o c i a l needs of i s o l a t e d e l d e r l y
of t h e community, and r e s i d e n t s of n u r s i n g homes.
C o m u n i c a t i o n s , e f f e c t i v e r e l a t i o n s h i p and p r a c t i c e s t y l e ,
family f a c t o r s , and s o c i a l work p r a c t i c e .
P r e r e w i t e s : S o c i a l Work major, j u n i o r o r s e n i o r
s t a n d i n g o r consent of i n s t r u c t o r
I n s t r u c t o r : Nancy English
Course meets : Term 11, 6 :00-9:30 p.m.
Location: Memorial H a l l 1
The program w i l l o p e r a t e from June 6
August 1, 1978.
The academic c e n t e r w i l l be the f a c 5 l i t i e s of the U n i v e r s i t y
of San Francisco. I n t e r n s h i p placements w i l l be i n t h e
City of San Francisco.
For f u r t h e r information on t h i s program c o n t a c t t h e
summer school O f f i c e o r D r . Garry Hesser, HECUA r e p r e s e n t a w
t i v e on t h e Augsburg campus.
P h y s i c a l E d u c a t i o n 55111
S a f e t y and Drug E d u c a t i o n
An a n a l y s i s o f d r u g a b u s e and what can be done f o r t h e
a b u s e s . A l s o i n c l u d e s American Red Cross F i r s t Aid
Instructor: Staff
C l a s s m e e t s : Term I, 8:30-11:OO a.m., M-T-W-Th-F
S i Melby 1 3
PERSONS I N GOOD STANDING a t r e g i o n a l l y a c c r e d i t e d c o l l e g e s and univers i t i e s , a s w e l l a s g r a d u a t e s of such i n s t i t u t i o n s , a r e e l i g i b l e t o
a t t e n d Augsburg Summer School. Good s t a n d i n g i m p l i e s t h a t t h e s t u d e n t
h a s been a d m i t t e d t o a c o l l e g e and h a s n o t s u b s e q u e n t l y been dropped
by t h a t i n s t i t u t i o n .
$ &~%~ITI?@
$0 hg.!~bwrg C o f i g e doh Z h e Fa&?
T m 04 Z h e cuhhent
$@ &-tend S m m SchooL, ab m e ~ U L A O V L A a d m i t t e d b y
p ; o k h p
&&J%~io &&.@d
Rkis y m .
I F REGULARLY ATTENDING OR ADMITTED t o a n o t h e r e d u c a t i o n a l i n s t i t u t i o n ,
t h e a p p l i c a n t must p r o v i d e Augsburg S-er
School w i t h a s t a t e m e n t
from a n a p p r o p r i a t e o f f i c i a l of h i s c o l l e g e t h a t h e is i n good s t a n d i n g and e l i g i b l e t o e a r n c r e d i t s d u r i n g t h e s ~ e s er s s i o n s .
(A form
C r e d i t s cannot b e
f o r t h i s purpose is a t t h e bottom of t h i s page.)
t r a n s f e r r e d u n t i l t h i s requirement h a s been f u l f i l l e d .
B u s i n e s s A d m i n i s t r a t i o n 21120
OTHER PERSONS & k i n g t o &kc A ~ ~ U ~Wc V
h oLo LWO& ~ h o u R dwntaot Xhe
DhCLCdoh 06 SlImVWL S c h o o l ZO ab C e h t k n C . & g i b a y ~ d U bi p e d d
ACCEPTANCE a s a summer s t u d e n t does n o t imply admission a s a r e g u l a r
s t u d e n t of Augsburg College. Persons w i s h i n g t o b e g i n a degree
program a t t h e c o l l e g e s h o u l d a p p l y f o r admission through t h e O f f i c e
of Admissions.
I n t r o d u c t i o n t o Business
A s u r v e y c o u r s e o f contemporary American b u s i n e s s , i n c l u d i n g i t s r e s p o n s e s t o environment, t h e forms o f o w n e r s h i p ,
i n t e r n a l o r g a n i z a t i o n and management.
Topics i n c l u d e :
p r o d u c t i o n , m a r k e t i n g , f i n a n c e , s t a f f i n g and management.
The c o u r s e p r o v i d e s t h e b u s i n e s s s t u d e n t w i t h a f o u n d a t i o n
f o r advanced c o u r s e s ; f o r o t h e r s , i t p r o v i d e s a b a s i s f o r
s o l v i n g t h e more common i n d i v i d u a l and f a m i l y economic
I n s t r u c t o x : Mary J o Wammer
C l a s s m e e t s : Term 11, 6:OO-9:30
L o c a t i o g : Main 19
(This form i s t o b e used by s t u d e n t s r e g u l a r l y a t t e n d i n g i n s t i t u t i o n s
o t h e r than Augsburg College. Augsburg Summer School c r e d i t s may b e
t r a n s f e r r e d t o t h e s t u d e n t ' s home i n s t i t u t i o n i f a p p r o v a l i s g r a n t e d
by t h a t c o l l e g e o r u n i v e r s i t y . )
S t u d e n t ' s Name:..
- .
C o l l e g e o r U n i v e r s i t y .;
- .-
The person named above i s a s t u d e n t i n good s t a n d i n g and i s p e r m i t t e d
t o e a r n summer s c h o o l c r e d i t s a t Augsburg College.
R e s t r i c t i o n s o r q u a l i f i c a t i o n s , i f any:
S i g r t a t u m a n d lcwe TVean,
w-G o h~
o . ,
~ ~ i
m ~ e b ~ or ~ ~ c E
dam t o S w n m m S c h o o l ,
A u g ~ b w r g C o l l e g e , U i n n e a p o U , Mn. 55454)
( ReXww~ c o m p l e t e d
Show less
ALL COURSES a t Augsburg College c a r r y a v a l u e of one Course C r e d i t ,
t h e e q u i v a l e n t of s i x q u a r t e r c r e d i t s o r f o u r s e m e s t e r c r e d i t s .
PROJECTED SUMMER OFFERINGS a r e l i s t e d i n t h i s brochure.,
LOWER-DIVISION COURSES, i n t e n... Show more
ALL COURSES a t Augsburg College c a r r y a v a l u e of one Course C r e d i t ,
t h e e q u i v a l e n t of s i x q u a r t e r c r e d i t s o r f o u r s e m e s t e r c r e d i t s .
PROJECTED SUMMER OFFERINGS a r e l i s t e d i n t h i s brochure.,
LOWER-DIVISION COURSES, i n t e n d e d p r i m a r i l y f o r freshman and sophomore s t u d e n t s , a r e t h o s e w i t h a 1 o r 2 a s t h e t h i r d d i g i t of t h e
f i v e - d i g i t Course Number. A 3 o r 4 i n t h a t p o s i t i o n i n d i c a t e s a n
upper-division course, intended primarily f o r juniors o r seniors.
COURSES REGULARLY TAUGHT d u r i n g t h e academic y e a r a r e more f u l l y
I f you need
d e s c r i b e d i n t h e c a t a l o g i s s u e of AUGSaURG COLLEGE NW.
more i n f o r m a t i o n about a s p e c i a l summer o f f e r i n g , p l e a s e c o n t a c t
t h e Summer School O f f i c e .
INDEPENDENT STUW, while not f i t e d among M e couhbe o66&n@, may
be pwlnued d d n g M e nummm i n a nwnbm 06 d e p a h t m e d . Fok &dotm d o n , cons& M e Summm School O66ice.
CHANGES I N REGISTRATION must b e made a t t h e Summer School O f f i c e .
No c o u r s e may b e added a f t e r i t h a s met more t h a n s i x h o u r s e l a p s e d
c l a s s time, e x c e p t w i t h t h e s p e c i a l permission of t h e i n s t r u c t o r .
SUMMER SCHOOLCHARGES i n c l u d e a G e n e r a l Fee of $15. T u i t i o n i s $190
p e r c o u r s e . Laboratory o r s p e c i a l f e e s may b e charged f o r some
A DEPOSIT of $30 must accompany t h e A p p l i c a t i o n Form. T h i s d e p o s i t
i s r e f u n d a b l e o n l y i f t h e c o u r s e s l i s t e d by t h e s t u d e n t , i n c l u d i n g
a l t e r n a t e s , should b e c a n c e l l e d .
The d e p o s i t a p p l i e s toward t h e
General Fee and T u i t i o n .
CHARGE FOR AUDITING a c o u r s e ( t a k i n g i t w i t h o u t c o l l e g e c r e d i t ) i s
I n courses with limited enrollment, ere$90 p l u s $15 g e n e r a l f e e .
ference w i l l be given t o f u l l - t u i t i o n students.
REGISTRATTON .in t o be compL&ed not Latea Man t h e
6 h t
tm at M e Summm School Oddice. A L L CHARGES doh .the tm mwt be
paid bedote tegh-thation -in compLete. A L d e Reghthation Fee 06
$10 w i l l 2 be added doh ntudemh who compleXe,hztion a 6 t m t h e
6 i h 6 t day 0 6 M e t e r n .
TUITION REFUND f o r c a n c e l l e d c o u r s e s
w i l l b e allowed a s i n d i c a t e d by t h e
t a b l e on t h e r i g h t .
( S U ~~ I C ~ U .in
J I ~--ToO%June 1-2 J u n e 28-30
fieimited by M e ion-he,jmdabLedepirn-LZ.) 80X
June 3-4
~ u l y1-6
No r e f u n d - w i l l be made a f t e r t h e l i s t e d
June 7-8
J u l y 7-9
June 9-10 J u l y 12-14
I I T ~ T ~
ART 10 132
F h i ~ ~ e n~ h n
The camera used a s a t o o l f o r v i s u a l c r e a t i v i t y and express i o n w i t h a t t e n t i o n g i v e n t o b l a c k and w h i t e , c o l o r and photographic processes.
Time a r r . ( 1 s t meeting 6/28 7:00 p.m. A r t S)
ART 10242
RLUt e n
D i s c u s s i o n and o b s e r v a t i o n of t h e e x p r e s s i v e and s t r u c t u r a l
elements of f i l m w i t h p r a c t i c a l l a b o r a t o r y e x p e r i e n c e . Add. $70
Time a r r . ( 1 s t meeting 611 7:00 p.m. EH)
ART 10342
Advanced c o u r s e f o r t h o s e w i t h p r e v i o u s e x p e r i e n c e i n f i l m
making. Add. $70 f e e .
Time a r r . ( 1 s t meeting 611 7:00 p.m. EH)
BIO 20103
A p r o f e s s i o n a l c o u r s e i n t h e s t r u c t u r e and f u n c t i o n of t h e
human body.
Course r u n s 10 weeks.
6:OO-9:00 p.m. T,TH
K a h
BUS 21101
I n t r o d u c t i o n t o b u s i n e s s a c t i v i t i e s , b a s i c c o n c e p t s and
fundamentals of a c c o u n t i n g , t h e a c c o u n t i n g c y c l e and p r e p a r a t i o n
of f i n a n c i a l s t a t e m e n t s .
1:50-5:00 p.m. M-Th
MH- 1
BUS 21 102
I n t r o d u c t i o n t o b u s i n e s s a c t i v i t i e s , b a s i c concepts and
fundamentals o f m a n a g e r i a l a c c o u n t i n g .
11:lO-1:40 p.m. M-F
BED 33108
Operation of ten-key a d d i n g machine; r o t a r y , p r i n t i n g and
electronic calculators.
8:30-11:OO a.m. M-F
CHM 34105
Concepts and laws u n d e r l y i n g c h e m i s t r y i l l u s t r a t e d by a
v a r i e t y of examples i n c l u d i n g o r g a n i c and e n v i r o n m e n t a l systems.
12:OO-1:25 p.m. M-F, Lab 1:25-4:00 p.m. T-Th
S-205, S-323
CHM 3435 3
Covers g r a v i m e t r i c and v o l u m e t r i c a n d y s i s and s o l u t i o n
e q u i l i b r i u m i n d e t a i l ; g i v e s an i n t r o d u c t i o n t o s p e c t r o p h o t o m e t r i c t e c h n i q u e s of a n a l y s i s .
10:25-11:50 a.m. M-F, Lab 12:OO-4:00 p.m. N-Th
S-205, S-327
ECO 22120
Study of economic i m p l i c a t i o n s of many problems f a c i n g a
metro-urban environment.
6:50-10:OO p.m. M-Th
ECO 22122
An i n t r o d u c t i o n t o macro-economics; n a t i o n a l income a n a l y s i s , monetary and f i s c a l p o l i c y , i n t e r n a t i o n a l t r a d e , economic
6:OO-9:30 p.m. M,W
L- 1
ECO 22123
An i n t r o d u c t i o n t o micro-economics, t h e t h e o r y of t h e housen o l d , f i r m , market s t r u c t u r e s and income d i s t r i b u t i o n .
6:oO-9:30 p.m.
I n v e s t i g a t i o n of v a r i o u s a s p e c t s of t n e t e a c h i n g p r o f e s s i o n and o p p o r t u n i t y f o r in-school work.
8:30-11:OO a.m. M-F
EDE 44255
EDE 44425
Learning about and d e m o n s t r a t i n g knowledge and s k i l l s of
t e a c h i n g t h e young c h i l d .
6:OO-9:30 p.m. T,Th
EDE 44481
Observing and d i r e c t i n g l e a r n i n g e x p e r i e n c e s i n elementary
s c h o o l s under s u p e r v i s i o n of c o l l e g e and elementary s c h o o l pers o n n e l . $15 f e e
TERU 1 0 . t 11
Time a r r a n g e d
EDS 44265
I n v e s t i g a t i o n of v a r i o u s a s p e c t s of t h e t e a c h i n g p r o f e s s i o n
and o p p o r t u n i t y f o r i n - s c i ~ o o l work.
9:50-12:20 p.m. M-F
EDS 45482
O p p o r t u n i t i * arm p r , d d e d zb?c;q e r s - q e s i n o b s e r v i n g
and d i r e c t i n g l e a r n i n g e x p e r i e n c e s on t h e s e c o n d a r y s c h o o l
l e v e l u n d e r t h e s u p e r v i s i o n of c o l l e g e and h i g h s c h o o l personnel.
$15.00 f e e .
Time a r r a n g e d .
TOPIC: T H R E E m $ m k W R I T E R S
A u t h o r s s t u d i e d a r e Rolvaag, Lewis, and F i t z g e r a l d . F i e l d
t r i p s included.
12:OO-1:25 p.m. M-F
ENG 54338
An e x a m i n a t i o n of t h e m a j o r t r e n d s i n modern B r i t i s h l i t e r a t u r e , f o c u s i n g on James J o y c e , D.H. Lawrence, V i r g i n i a Woolf,
T.S. E l i o t a n d o t h e r s .
1:50-5:00 p.m. M-Th
ENG 54340
P d 0 h ~
T h i s c o u r s e w i l l i n v e s t i g a t e t h e d i f f e r e n c e s between w r i t t e n n a r r a t i v e and f i l m e d n a r r a t i v e . P r e r e q u i s i t e : c o l l e g e literature or film class.
6:OO-9:30 p.m. M,W
I~ n i g e h
HPE 55482
Theory and t e c h n i q u e s of c o a c h i n g and p r e v e n t i o n and c a r e
of a t h l e t i c i n j u r i e s .
7:lO-9:40 a . m . M-F
C. ~ V e k o n
HPE 55485
Course i n c l u d e s c o n s i d e r a t i o n o f a m b u l a t i o n , s e l f c a r e ,
a d a p t e d s p o r t s and games, a n d swimming f o r t h e handicapped.
F r i d a y e v e . , S a t u r d a y mom. G-12
HPE 55491
C. Nchon
A s t u d y of t h e t r e a t m e n t o f d i s e a s e and i n j u r y .
g e n e r a l p r i n c i p l e s and a d m i n i s t r a t i o n of n e u r o m u s c u l a r re-education.
F r i d a y e v e . , S a t u r d a y mom. G-12
HPE 55495
Actual h o s p i t a l experience i n c o r r e c t i v e therapy; psychia t r y , orthopedics, neurology, and r e h a b i l i t a t i o n .
Time a r r a n g e d .
G- 12
Jem en
HIS 56103
A s t u d y of t h e main c u r r e n t s i n w e s t e r n c i v i l i z a t i o n
from t h e t i m e of Napoleon t o t h e p r e s e n t .
6:50-10:OO p.m. M-Th
FRE 70212
Aan ko w
T w e n t i e t h - c e n t u r y l i t e r a r y works a r e e x p l o r e d w i t h t h e
g o a l s of communicating i d e a s a n d b u i l d i n g s u f f i c i e n t r e a d i n g
s k i l l t o p u r s u e g e n e r a l r e a d i n g and l i t e r a r y s t u d y i n F r e n c h .
9:50-12:20 p.m. M-F
S-20 1
A b a s i c c o u r s e i n t h e development of a n c i e n t c i v i l i z a t i o n ,
f o c u s i n g on t h e c e n t r a l theme of t h e p l a c e of women, b o t h publ i c and p r i v a t e , w i t h i n t h a t c u l t u r e .
10:25-11:50 a.m. M-F
GER 72111
Classroom p r a c t i c e i n s p e a k i n g , u n d e r s t a n d i n g and r e a d i n g
b a s i c German f o r s t u d e n t s w i t h no p r e v i o u s background i n G e r man.
7: 10-9:40 a.m. M-F
GER 72112
For s t u d e n t s who h a v e h a d 72111 o r e q u i v a l e n t o r l e s s
t h a n two y e a r s of h i g h s c h o o l German.
7: 15-8:40 a.m. ?I-F
S-20 1
HPE 55111
An a n a l y s i s o f d r u g a b u s e and what c a n b e done f o r t h e
a b u s e s . A l s o i n c l u d e s American Red C r o s s F i r s t Aid c o u r s e .
7:lO-9:40 a.m. M-F
INS 60110/60310
P + Z L Lm~ d Py.'iud
The s o c i a l s c i e n c e , h i s t o r i c a l and l i t e r a l v i a r p o i n c s of
power; i t s h o l d e r s , t h e a d a p t i o n of t h o s e l e s s p o w e r f u l a n d t h e
d i f f u s i o n of power t o o t h e r p o p u l a t i o n s w i l l b e i n c l u d e d .
6:OO-9:30 p.m. T , Th
L- 1
PHI 83130
Examination of t h e r u l e s which g o v e r n v a l i d a r g u m e n t s ;
d e v e l o p a b i l i t y t o r e c o g n i z e and c o n s t r u c t sound arguments.
8:30-9:40 a.m. & 11:lO-12:20 p.m. M-F
L-4, L-1
PHI 83450
P h i l o s o p h i c a l a n a l y s i s of key concepts of feminism i n myth,
l i t e r a t u r e , r e l i g i o n and a r t ; t h e o r i e s and i m p l i c a t i o n s of matr i a r c h i a l l p a t r i a r c h i a l , pro-feministlanti-feminist c u l t u r e s ,
c o u r t l y and romantic l o v e , and t h e c u l t of t h e v i r g i n . No prerequisites
10:25-11:50 a.m. Y-F
L- 1
PHY 84101
Pa& on
A d e s c r i p t i v e c o u r s e of o u r s o l a r system, s t a r s , and gal-
a x i e s . Requires elementary a l g e b r a .
6:OO-9:30 p.m. ?I,W
PSY 86375
An examination o f t h e i d e a o f "group", i t s r e l a t i o n s h i p t o
i n d i v i d u a l b e h a v i o r and s o c i e t y .
12:OO-1:25 p.m. M-F
L- 1
PSY 86493
P o i n t s of view w i t h i n b e h a v i o r a l s c i e n c e on contemporary
p r o f e s s i o n a l and s o c i e t a l i s s u e s . P r e r e q u i s i t e :
3 courses i n
11:lO-1:40 p.m. M-F
MH- 1
MH- 1
POL 85170
Sten5 hoed
A s u r v e y of American law and l e g a l p r o c e s s . T h e o r i e s of
law; law and s o c i e t y ; r o l e s of c o u r t s , p o l i c e , l a w y e r s , and
j u r i e s ; t h e U.S. C o n s t i t u t i o n a s "supreme" law; law as p o l i t i c s ;
h i s t o r i c and contemporary l e g a l i s s u e s .
10:25-11:50 a.m. N-F
POL 85295
An approach t o t h e u n d e r s t a n d i n g of p o l i t i c a l i s s u e s and
p r o c e s s e s through s i m u l a t i o n .
8:30-11:OO a.m. N-F
Place a r r .
POL 85342
E f f e c t s of mass communications on i n d i v i d u a l b e h a v i o r ;
t h e u s e s and c o n t r o l of mass media f o r p o l i t i c a l and s o c i a l
purposes i n c l u d i n g p u b l i c o p i n i o n r e s e a r c h and p o l i t i c a l publ i c relations.
ERA4 1
12:30-3:20 p.m. M-Th
L- 1
REL 87111
Quad ecir
An i n t r o d u c t i o n t o t h e academic d i s c i p l i n e of theology and
t o t h e d i a l o g u e between t h e church and t h e world view which concerns Christian doctrine.
8:50-10:15 a.m. M-F
L- 1
REL 87372
H i s t o r i c a l , l i t e r a r y and s o c i o l o g i c a l p e r s p e c t i v e s from
a n t i q u i t y t o t h e p r e s e n t . Uses primary t e x t s , f i l m s of Hindu
8:50-10: 15 a.m. M-F
REL 87369
P a r t i c u l a r i t i e s of r e l i g i o u s discernment, symbolism and
world view w i l l b e d i s c u s s e d i n c o n v e r s a t i o n format.
9:50-12:20 p.m. M-F
PSY 86 105
Fehcju OM-1,Mahhen-11
Methods and approaches used i n psychology f o r t h e purpose
of u n d e r s t a n d i n g b e h a v i o r .
TEa.1 1
8:30-11:OO a.m. Y-F
8:50-10:15 a.m. M-F
S-34 (hiahken]
** PSY
SOC 94231
An examination of t h e p a i r e d r e l a t i o n s h i p i n mass s o c i e t y ;
t h e p r o c e s s of d a t i n g and mate s e l e c t i o n ; m a r r i a g e and i t s a l t e r n a t i v e s ; and t h e dynamics and s t r u c t u r e of t h e f a m i l y u n i t .
8:30-11:OO a.m. M-F
SOC 94241
A s t u d y w i l l b e made of t h e development of t h e c h i l d ' s
r e p r e s e n t a t i o n of e v e n t s , t h e s t a g e s , and example i n language,
reasoning and judgement.
Field t r i p .
$5 m a t e r i a l s f e e .
TERhi 11
8:50-10:15 a.m. Y-F
?lH- 1
PSY 8635 1
A c t i v e i n q u i r y i n t o p r a c t i c a l i m p l i c a t i o n s and a p p l i c a t i o n s
of d a t a and t'neory i n r e s p e c t t o t h e development of c h i l d r e n .
7: 10-9:40 a.m. TI-F
*(I( PbyCjloLogq C O ~ &Zed,
~ A
E d u c d o n heqLLihement.
u,rCI, - PSY
b6105 meea .the Genehd
- .--
G e ~ ~ a h o
An examination of t h e i d e a of c u l t u r e ; t h e p e r s o n ' s r e l a t i o n t o c u l t u r e ; language a s a major o r g a n i z i n g element i n t h e
way we s e e t h e world.
8:30-11:OO a.m. M-F
MH- 1
SOC 94255
Wilderness camping a s focus f o r b u i l d i n g groups and i n d i vidual relationships.
Add. $60 f e e .
Time a r r .
PERSONS I N GOOD STANDING a t r e g i o n a l l y a c c r e d i t e d c o l l e g e s and
u n i v e r s i t i e s , a s w e l l a s g r a d u a t e s of s u c h i n s t i t u t i o n s , a r e e l i g i b l e t o a t t e n d Augsburg Summer S c h o o l . Good s t a n d i n g i m p l i e s t h a t
t h e s t u d e n t h a s b e e n a d m i t t e d t o a c o l l e g e and h a s n o t s u b s e q u e n t l y
b e e n dropped by t h a t i n s t i t u t i o n .
STUDENTS ADMITTED to Augnbutg CoLCsge dcri -tire F& Tern 0 6 Lize cuhyyem m e e&g.ibBe t o attend .%InIm~h Sdlool, a5 ahe p C h 5 O r z h admiLted by otheh coLLeg~5 6oh t h e ha?? 0 6 t k i a yeah.
I F REGULARLY ATTENDING OR ADMITTED t o a n o t h e r e d u c a t i o n a l i n s t i t u t i o n , t h e a p p l i c a n t must p r o v i d e Augsburg Summer S c h o o l w i t h a s t a t e ment from a n a p p r o p r i a t e o f f i c i a l of h i s c o l l e g e t h a t h e i s i n good
s t a n d i n g and e l i g i b l e t o e a r n c r e d i t s d u r i n g t h e summer s e s s i o n s .
(A form f o r t h i s p u r p o s e i s a t t h e b o t t o m of t h i s p a g e . )
c a n n o t b e t r a n s f e r r e d u n t i l t h i s r e q u i r e m e n t h a s been f u l f i l l e d .
OTHER PERSONS whlzing t o .take bwnmeh school tuohk nizodd contact Rhe
D i h e c t o ~0 6 Sunnnek School t o ancehtain &ig-ibiLLty u n d u opecide
cihcmtancch .
3 : 3Ct-,i 1 :-OQ a:.rri .
.* ,\
ACCEPTANCE a s a summer s t u d e n t d o e s n o t imply a d m i s s i o n a s a r e g u l a r
s t u d e n t of Augsburg C o l l e g e .
Persons wishing t o begin a degree
program a t t h e c o l l e g e s h o u l d a p p l y f o r a d m i s s i o n t h r o u g h t h e O f f i c e
of Admissions.
? â¬
C:G.tTviE r ' S , w x g S
3SS%2iiatkn ar.4 ;ri-.tics i n s ?uryterLing and
( T h i s form i s t o b e u s e d by s t u d e n t s r e g u l a r l y a t t e n d i n g i n s t i t u t i o n s
o t h e r t n a n Augsburg C o l l e g e . Augsburg Summer S c h o o l c r e d i t s may b e
t r a n s f e r r e d t o t h e s t u d e n t ' s home i n s t i t u t i o n i f a p p r o v a l i s g r a n t e d
by t n a t c o l l e g e o r u n i v e r s i t y . )
.%LLP,r,,bIS:T?)W~ ~ O ~ ~ I C TI $f O V
&e.ilirig t:r'i-t%,
t h r advarc?? 8 t e ~ s sO F tell?vislo%
v r o b u z i n g and 3irecCLnq.
a m
S2Z- $824:
$- ,,urse
S t u d e n t ' s Name:
College o r University:
The p e r s o n named above i s a s t u d e n t i n good s t a n d i n g and i s p e r m i t t e d
t o e a r n summer s c n o o l c r e d i t s a t Augsburg C o l l e g e .
332 983x5
o m - 2 : ~ r i ; s g ~ . ? . . ~ ,--
s&,,t 6.
R e s t r i c t i o n s o r q u a l i f i c a t i o n s , i f any:
C of t h e :roll?
-Sagn -uhe aiiz
= -
( R e t w completed damn t o Summeh
ScCzool, Augbbwrg CoUege, Minneapa&,
Mn. 5 5 4 5 4 )
middle o r maiden
I am now a s t u d e n t a t Augsburg College and have been s i n c e
-I p r e v i o u s l y a t t e n d e d Augsburg College (When?)
n o t a n Augsburg s t u d e n t b u t a t t e n d
-II am
am t r a n s f e r r i n g t o Augsburg; I (have)
-I have
earned a b a c h e l o r ' s degree from
(have n o t ) been admitted.
have been admitted t o Augsburg a s a Freshman f o r n e x t f a l l .
I p l a n t o a t t e n d Augsburg College only f o r t h e Summer School.
-So. -Jr. -Sr. -Other
My PRESENT classification:-Fr.
I plan t o t a k e t h e f o l l o w i n g courses:
I f my above courses a r e c a n c e l l e d , I would s u b s t i t u t e t h e following:
A non-m6wrdabt.e t&tion d e p o ~ do d $30.00 muax a ~ n p a n y.tkid 60m.
U chrvrgeb do* TERM 1 wt
Ckeckd nne payable ;to Axgbuhg College. A
be paid &I 6uR.t n o t eatm d?a
Tueddaq, Jule T , 1976. TERM I I chnngea
mwt be paidno2 & ~ r . t h a n Jwe 2 8 , r976. R e h m
---19 76
Show less
about summer courses
COURSES a t Augsburg College carry a value of one Course Credit,
the equivalent of six quarter credits o r four semester credits.
May 28
June 24
June 20
- August
P ~ ~ F ESUM
DMER OFFERI... Show more
about summer courses
COURSES a t Augsburg College carry a value of one Course Credit,
the equivalent of six quarter credits o r four semester credits.
May 28
June 24
June 20
- August
P ~ ~ F ESUM
DMER OFFERINGSare l i s t e d i n the center of t h i s brochure.
LOWER-DIVISION courses, intended primarily for freshman and sophomore
students, are those with a '1 or 2 as the third digitof the five-digit
Course Number. A 3 o r 4 i n t h a t position indicates an upper-division
course, intended primarily for juniors or seniors.
COURSES REGULARLY taught during the academic year are described i n
I f you need more informathe catalog issue of Augsburg C o l l e g e Now.
tion about special summer offerings, please consult the Summer School
August 5
INmPENDENT STUDY, while not l i s t e d among the course offerings, may
be pursued during the summer in a number of depaments. For information consult the Summer School Office.
CHANGES I N REGISTRATION must be made a t the Sunmrer School Office.
No course may be added a f t e r it has met more than s i x hours elapsed
class time, except with the special permission of the instructor.
the r i g h t t o cancel l i s t e d courses.
SUMMER SCHOOL CHARGES i n c l u d e a General Fee o f $15, p l u s T u i t i o n o f
$170 per course.
Laboratory o r s p e c i a l f e e s may be charged f o r same
A DEPOSIT cf $30 must accompany t h e A p p l i c a t i o n Form. T h i s d e p s i t
i s r e f u n d a b l e only i f the courses l i s t e d b y the s t u d e n t , i n c l u d i n g
a l t e r n a t e s , should be c a n c e l l e d . The d e p o s i t a p p l i e s toward t h e
General Fee and T u i t i a n .
CHARGE FOR AUDITING a course ( t a k i n g it w i t h o u t c o l l e g e c r e d i t ) i s
$80. In courses w i t h l i m i t e d e n r o l l m e n t , p r e f e r e n c e w i l l be g i v e n t o
full-tuition students.
SUMMER STUDENTS may take one course during Term I and two courses
during Term 11, f o r a t o t a l of three courses i n the two regular
terms. The Japanese Print Making Workshop, beginning August 5, may
be taken i n addition t o courses completed i n the regular terms.
PERSONS PLANNING t o attend Summer School are advised t o apply as soon
as possible, since courses without substantial demand may be dropped.
STUDENTS NEEDING HWSING may o b t a i n i n f o r m a t i o n from t h e D i r e c t o r of
Limited food s e r v i c e i s a v a i l a b l e , supplemented b y s e v e r a l
r e s t a u r a n t s and snack shops i n t h e Augsburg v i c i n i t y .
C O V E R :
REGISTRATION i s t o be completed not l a t e r than the f i r s t day o f each
term a t the Summer School O f f i c e , Memorial H a l l 111. ALL CHARGES f o r
t h e term must be paid before r e g i s t r a t i o n i s complete. A Late Regist r a t i o n Fee o f $10 w i l l be added f o r students who complete registrat i o n a f t e r t h e f i r s t day o f the term.
TUITION REFUND f o r c a n c e l l e d courses
w i l l b e allowed a s i n d i c a t e d b y the
t a b l e on t h e r i g h t .
Such r e f u n d i s
l i m i t e d b y the non-refundable dep o s i t . No r e f u n d w i l l be m d e a f t e r
t h e l i s t e d dates.
1 TERM I i
:z 1
100%f Mav 28-29 1 June 25-27
May 30-31
June 28-30
J i e 3-4
July 1-3
40% June 5-6
July 5-10
E a r l y jazz h e r i t a g e s and t h e b l u e s ; New Orleans and
Chicago Dixieland,
ragtime, boogie-woogie,
swing, bop, cool and
funky s t y l e s ; our e c l e c t i c e r a and p o s s i b l e f u t u r e s .
a b i l i t y n o t required; includes a paper o r p r o j e c t a p p r o p r i a t e t o
D r . James Carlson. Term I I . See MUS 82240.
s t u d e n t ' s jazz capacity.
Students design and produce a 16m sound film.
language of f i l m , f i l m design, s c r i p t i n g , production planning; cinemato9raphy, l i g h t i n g , sound recording; c a s t i n g , d i r e c t i n g , s t a g i n g ;
Lab f e e of $50 provides a l l s t u d e n t needs,
l a b o r a t o r y techniques.
Instructor i s Paul Rusten.
See ART 10242,
s u p p l i e s , equipment use.
1 Summer School -Memori a1
2 Sverdrup L i b r a r . ~
3 ~ ce ni c e l ~ d mni i s t r a t i on
4 OldMain
5 Augsburg College Center
6 Mortensen Tower
7 Urness Tower
8 Murphy Square (Park)
9 A r t Studio
10 S i Melby H a l l
11 Music B u i l d i n g
12 Drama-Speech B u i l d i n g
S t . Paul
ENG 54244, SPC 98242.
The a r t of s t i l l camera photography.
Development of
s k i l l s of photographic composition; using p i c t u r e s t o communicate;
camera techniques and l i m i t a t i o n s ; photographic processing possiART 101 32.
b i l i t i e s , darkroom. work. Robert Friederichsen, Term I .
MOVING IMAGE MEDIA, The s h o r t f i l m and t e l e v i s i o n ;
p r e t a t i o n , production techniques.
Work i n 8mm f i l m
For e n t h u s i a s t s a s w e l l a s t e a c h e r s who want t o use
Taught by John Mitchell, Term I I .
analysis, interand video media.
f i l m and t e l e v i -
AUGSBURG COLLEGE i s i n the Cedar-Riverside area o f Minneapolis, where
i t s r ' n s t i t u t i ona'l neighbors include the U n i v e r s i t y o f Minnesota (West
Bank) and Fairview and S t . Mary's h o s p i t a l s . The College i s e a s i l y
accessible from Interstate Highway 94. Approaching from t h e west,
use t h e 25th Avenue-Riverside e x i t ; from t h e e a s t , e x i t t o Riverside.
A readings course i n works of contemporary African n o v e l i s t s , p o e t s , d r a m a t i s t s , s h o r t s t o r y w r i t e r s ,
and e s s a y i s t s t o f a m i l i a r i z e s t u d e n t s with t h e growing wealth of
African l i t e r a t u r e , themes and t r a d i t i o n s , and t o s t i m u l a t e a crossTerm I I .
See ENG 54364.
c u l t u r a l human experience. John Mitchell.
A study of c r e a t i v i t y with emphasis upon
ways of c u l t i v a t i n g c r e a t i v e behavior and applying it t o v a r i o u s
a s p e c t s of problem solving; p h i l o s o p h i c a l and psychological dimenD r . Raymond Anderson.
Term I I .
See SPC 98356.
s i o n s of t h e task.
Passionate l o v e i n lite r a t u r e from a n t i a u i t -v t o today; i d e a s about sex and
love i n contemporary popular music, t e l e v i s i o n & film.
D r . Ronald Palosaari.
Term I .
See ENG 54269.
s i g n i f i c a n t w r i t i n g s from t h e second
century t o t h e present.
Among works considered a r e those of August i n e , Bernard of Clairvaux, Catherine of Siena and D i e t r i c h Bonhoeff e r ; understandings of t h e s p i r i t u a l l i f e a s d i s c l o s e d i n t h e s e
D r . Philip Quanbeck. Term I .
See REL 87370.
Christian classics.
Hinduism & Buddhism.
H i s t o r i c a l , l i t e r a r y and
s o c i o l o g i c a l p e r s p e c t i v e s from a n t i q u i t y t o t h e present. Also t r e a t s
Jainism, Sikkhism and Islam.
Uses primary t e x t s , films of Hindu
Instructor: D r . John Benson.
Term I I .
See REL 87372.
WOMAN: Image and Reality
s e l e c t e d female w r i t e r s of t h e
twentieth century, including V i r g i n i a Woolf and S y l v i a P l a t h , who
have explored i n t h e i r works what it means t o be a woman; reading i n
depth t h e work of a woman w r i t e r of each s t u d e n t ' s choice.
Taught by D r . Catherine Nicholl. ' Term I .
See EN6 54239.
PSYCHOLOGY AND WOMEN. c u l t u r a l assumptions and psychological premise s of presumed s e x - r e l a t e d c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s ;
research on sex d i f f e r Taught by Lila Anderegg.
ences, including s t a t u s and r o l e s .
11, evenings.
See PSY 86395 308.
Philosophical a n a l y s i s of key concepts
of feminism i n myth, l i t e r a t u r e , r e l i g i o n and a r t ; t h e o r i e s and imp l i c a t i o n s ofmatriarchical/patriarchical, pro-feminist/anti-feminist
c u l t u r e s , c o u r t l y and romantic love, and t h e c u l t of t h e v i r g i n .
Taught by D r . Mark Fuehrer.
Term I I .
See PHI 83450.
(Descriptions continued after listings)
551 11
31 7
Environmental E s t h e t i c s
Friederichsen I 1
Painting I
Friederichsen I
Yoshi da
Printmaking I (Japanese Wood-Block)
Painting I 1
Printmaking I 1 (Japanese Wood-Block)
Elementary T y p e w r i t i n g (no c r e d i t )
Advanced T y p e w r i t i n g
Human Anatomy and Physiology
I n t r o d u c t i o n t o Management
P r i n c i p l e s o f Chemistry
Q u a n t i t a t i v e Analysis
Economics o f Urban Issues
Sabel 1a
Student Teaching, Elementary
Student Teaching, Secondary
E. Johnson
C. N i c h o l l
Women W r i t e r s and Woman's I d e n t i t y
Love i n L i t . and Media
Pal o s a a r i
Moving Image Media
Twentieth Century B r i t i s h L i t e r a t u r e
M itchel 1
Contemporary A f r i c a n L i t e r a t u r e
Beginning German I
Oyl e r
Beginning German I 1
Minnesota Discovery
Chrislock/R. Nelson
S a f e t y and Drug Education
C. Nelson
A p p l i e d Adapted A c t i v i t i e s
C. Nelson
Therapeutic Exercise
I n t r o d u c t i o n t o Jazz S t y l e s
Carl son
Philosophies o f Feminism
Games o f P o l i t i c s
Hedbl om
O r r i L p i U n f o r S o c i a l Change
Schei be1
International Politicians
General Psychology
Developmental Psycho1 ogy: C h i l d
D. Johnson
Experimental Psychology
S o c i a l Psycho1 ogy
Psychology and Women
Themes i n Human I d e n t i t y
Knefel kamp/Widick
C h r i s t i a n Devotional Classics
Religions o f I n d i a
Youth Work i n Wilderness Medium
Youth Work i n Wilderness Medium
O r g a n i z a t i o n f o r S o c i a l Change
Schei be1
Aging i n Urbanized America
S o c i a l Psychology
Urban New Towns
Beginning Spanish I
Beginning Spanish I 1
Beginning Speech
C r e a t i v e Dramatics
C r e a t i v e Problem-Solving
ReAnderson I 1
A-110 $50
A r r . $15
Arr. $15
S-205 $10
A-110 $50
S-205 Yes
S-34 Yes
5-34 Yes
Times arranged
August 5-23, 8:30 am t o noon
1:OO-5:00 pm, MTWT
Times arranged
August 5-23, 8:30 am t o noon
T u i t i o n = $80; 6:45-9pm MTTh
6:45-9:00 pm, MTTh
10 weeks, 6-9 pm, T & Th
L e c t u r e = 4; l a b = 5
L e c t u r e = 3; l a b = 5
June 17 through J u l y 26;
Dept. o f Education
( consult
pm, MTWT
About $75 t r a v e l costs
(People, E l i t e s & For. Pol.)
P e r i o d D meets i n S-34
A v a i l a b l e e i t h e r term. ca,
f o r wilderness t r i p .
( $60
6:OO-10:OO pm, Tues.,
UNLESS OTHERWISE noted under "SPECIAL COMMENTS," Term I classes extend from Tuesday, May 28, through Thursday, June 20,
and Term I 1 courses a r e t a u g h t from Monday, June 24, through Friday, August 2. The schedules below i n d i c a t e t h e hours
and days o f t h e week when classes meet, keyed t o t h e l e t t e r o r number l i s t e d above under "TIME".
NOTE t h a t most Term I
courses meet e i g h t t o t e n times p e r week; thus "A+BM means t h a t a c l a s s meets
7:10 t o 8:20 and 8:30 t o 9:40.
A =
5:lO-6:40 ~ r n
6:50-8:20 bm
=8 : 3 o - i o : o o ~ m
TERM B = 8:30-9:40am
C = 9:50-11 :00 am
D = 11:lO am-12:20 pm
E = 12:30-1:40 pm
1:50-3:20 pm
May28 G = 3:30-5:00 pm
J u n e 2 0
JUW 24
Aug. 2
1 = 7:15-8:40am
2 = 8:50-10:15am
4 = 12:OO-1:25 pm
5 = 1:35-3:20pm
6 = 3:30-5:15pm
7 = 6:00-9:30 pm
9 =
Room Locations
M. w
0m-10 ~
A r t Bui 1d i n g
A r t Bui 1d i n g
L i b r a r y (basement)
Science B u i l d i n g
Science Bui l d i ng
Old~ Main ~
Memorial H a l l (SE,
This Summer in the SOCIAL SCIENCES
MINNESOTA DISCOVERY. H i s t o r i c a l s i t e s and museums a s an approach t o
understanding s t a t e and a r e a h i s t o r y . Students supply camping equipment and provisions f o r extended f i e l d t r i p s .
Cooperation with t h e
Minnesota H i s t o r i c a l Society, readings and p r o j e c t s , t o introduce
career opportunities.
T r i p s w i l l r e q u i r e some a d d i t i o n a l expense.
Term I. See HIS 56260.
Professors Carl Chrislock & Richard Nelson.
The powers behind f o r e i g n p o l i c y decisions i n t h e United S t a t e s , focusing upon t h e Cuban m i s s i l e c r i s i s
and i t s r e s o l u t i o n ; t h e r o l e of e l i t e s and determinants of a l t e r n a Term I. See POL 85365.
Taught by D r . Norma Noonan.
An approach t o t h e understanding of p o l i t i c a l
i s s u e s and processes through simulation.
Consideration of s t r e n g t h s
and l i m i t a t i o n s of games a s media of teaching and learning.
No preTerm II. See POL 85295.
Taught by Dr. Milda Hedblom.
Fundamental concepts and p r i n c i p l e s of
management, r e l a t i n g o r g a n i z a t i o n a l g o a l s , o b j e c t i v e s and p o l i c i e s
t o t h e planning and c o n t r o l processes.
Behavioral, s t r u c t u r a l , t a s k
M . O'ffalley.
Term I. See BUS 21121,
and resource considerations.
~ u m m b rWorkshops
TOSHI YOSHIDA, c e l e b r a t e d Japanese printmaker, r e t u r n s t o Augsburg
College f o r a three-week workshop August 5 t o 23. L i m i t e d t o t h i r t y
students, t h e workshop provides an e x t r a o r d i n a r y o p p o r t u n i t y t o study
t r a d i t i o n a l and contemporary approaches t o t h e unique a r t o f t h e
Japanese wood-block p r i n t .
The Augsburg workshop i s one o f f o u r throughout t h e U n i t e d States
Member o f t h e t h i r d generawhich Mr. Yoshida i s teaching i n 1974.
t i o n o f a r t i s t s i n t h e y o s h i d a f a m i l y , he has had more than 100 oneman shows i n t h e United States. H i s works a r e i n t h e permanent c o l l e c t i o n s o f many major museums, among them t h e Museum o f Modern A r t
i n New York, t h e Museum o f Modern A r t i n Tokyo, t h e Museum o f Fine
A r t s i n Boston, t h e A r t I n s t i t u t e o f Chicago, and t h e Sydney Museum
i n Australia.
Students may r e g i s t e r f o r t h e Yoshida Workshop under Printmaking I
(ART 10223) o r Printmaking I 1 (ART 10368), depending upon previous
Comprehensive community planning i n t h e modern
t h e European experience;
s t r u c t u r e s , processes and
i s s u e s of community planning i n American c i t i e s ; Cedar-Riverside and
D r . J o e l Torstenson.
Term I. See SOC 94480.
Wilderness camping a s focus f o r
building group, i n d i v i d u a l r e l a t i o n s h i p s .
The youth subculture;
p r i n c i p l e s , techniques of youth work; wilderness camping s k i l l s ;
(Canoe-trip l a b o r a t o r y i n Boundary Waters a r e a involves
added costs.)
Anthony Wagner.
Term I o r Term II. See SOC 94256.
Understanding r a c i a l , c u l t u r a l and economic groups; developing s k i l l s ir. hpadling d i s c r i m i n a t i o n and b i a s
and i n c r e a t i n g p o s i t i v e i n t e r p e r s o n a l r e l a t i o n s h i p s .
Minimum of 60
hours c l a s s and f i e l d work.
F u l f i l l s t h e EDU 521 S t a t e Department
Taught by
of Education requirement of human r e l a t i o n s f o r t e a c h e r s .
D r . Sheldon Fardig.
See EDE 44488, EDS 45488.
Note s p e c i a l dates.
Demographic r e a l i t i e s of aging; sociol o g i c a l , p o l i t i c a l , economic and psychological a s p e c t s of aging. New
o r g a n i z a t i o n a l and programmatic approaches i n t h e seventies.
by D r . Paul Steen.
Term I. See SOC 94372,
ORGANIZATION FOR SOCIAL CHANGE. For persons d e s i r i n g t o p a r t i c i p a t e
i n giving d i r e c t i o n t o s o c i a l change; l e d by James Scheibel of t h e
Center f o r Urban Encounter.
The n a t u r e of change, t h e understanding
of power, t h e d e f i n i t i o n of i s s u e s , t h e implementation of change.
Term II. See POL 85367 o r SOC 94367.
New t h i s y e a r , t h e Jazz Workshop w i l l be a
one-week experience f o r jazz musicians and music d i r e c t o r s .
a r e June 16-21.
With work i n performance, arranging and composing,
t h e workshop w i l l be under t h e l e a d e r s h i p of Steve Wright, A r t i s t i n
Residence a t Augsburg.
College c r e d i t is a v a i l a b l e . For information
Michael Walgren, Augsburg College, Minneapolis, MN 55404,
I n t e r d i s c i p l i n a r y course i n psychology
and l i t e r a t u r e emphasizing themes i n human i d e n t i t y a s found i n modern l i t e r a t u r e and i n p e r s o n a l i t y theory.
Limited t o freshmen,
sophomores and f i r s t - t e r m juniors.
Taught by Lee Knefelkamp and
See PSY 86395 315.
Carole Widick.
Term 11, evenings.
SATEREN CHORAL WORKSHOP. This y e a r ' s workshop w i l l be h e l d June 16
through June 21.
I n a d d i t i o n t o D r , Lee Sateren and D r . Dale
Warland, guest composer w i l l be D r . Daniel Pinkham of t h e f a c u l t y of
t h e New England Conservatory of Music, who i s a l s o music d i r e c t o r of
h i s t o r i c King's Chapel i n Boston.
College c r e d i t a v a i l a b l e .
Michael Walgren, Augsburg College, Minneapolis, MN 55404.
augsburg summer school application form
FULL NAME : ---,--last----------first-----------rniddle
PmQNS IN GOOD SR4AQlNG a t r e g i o n a l l y a c c r e d i t e d c o l l e g e s and universities, as we22 a s graduates of such i n s t i t u t i o n s , are e l i g i b l e t o
a t t e n d Augsburg S-r
Sehoal. Good s t a n d i n g i m p l i e s t h a t the s t u d e n t
has been admitted t o a collage and h a s n o t s u b s e q u e n t l y b e e n dropped
by t h a t i n s t i t d o n .
- Single
- MF
STUDENTS AOEIITTED t o Augsburg C o l l e g e f o r the F a l l Term o f the ~ u r ~ n t.,
year a r e e l i g i b l e t o a t t e n d Summer School, a s a r e persons a d m i t t e d b y
o t h e r c o l l e g e s f o r the f a l l o f this year.
IP R B F U W ATTEw2?3NG or admitted to ataOthsr educaUonkX i n s t i t u t i o n ,
the applf cant must provide Rugsburg. S m m ~ f School w i t h a statement
f m an appropriate o f f i c i a l of his college that k is in gmd standi n g and eligfble tn earn credits d u r i n g the summer ~ e s s i o n s .
(A form
for this purpose i s at the Bottom of this page.)
C r e d i t s cannot be
transferred u n t i l this mqwirementr has been f u l f i l l e d .
o r maiden------
----county---------/----zip---/------telephone------------street ----------/-------city----------/----state---------county----------/----zip----/------telephone---------
I am now a student a t Augsburg College and have been since
- I previously attended Augsburg Col 1ege [When?]
Col l ege.
Iam n o t an Augshurg student b u t attend
I am t r a n s f e r r i n g t o Augsburg; L (have) (have n o t ) b e ~ nadmitted.
- I have been admitted t o Augsburg as a Freshman for next Fa1Coll
1. ege.
I have earned a bachelor's degree from
- I plan t o attend Augsburg College o n l y Tor t h e Sumner School.
So. - Jr.
Sr. - Other.
My PRESENT c l a s s i f i c a t i o n : - Fr.
Fr. --So.
- Jr.
C l a s s i f i c a t i o n SUMMER '74:
OTHER PERSONS wishing to take summer school work should contact the
Director of Summer School to ascertain eligibility under special
ACCEPTANCE a s a sunxner s t u d e n t does n o t i m p l y admission a s a r e g u l a r
s t u d e n t of Augsburg College.
Persons w i s h i n g t o b e g i n a degree
program a t the c o l l e g e should apply f o r admission through the O f f i c e
o f Admissions.
THE MAXIMUM LOAD f o r TERM I i s one course.
I s two courses.
The maximum f o r
approval form
fTkis form i s to be used by stuUeats regularly attending institutions
other than kugsbuq College. Augsburg Summer School credits may be
transferred to the student's home institution if approval is granted
by that college or universitg.)
Student's Name
I f my above choices are cancelled, Iwould s u b s t i t u t e the following:
College o r University
The person named above i s a student i n good standing and i s permitted
t o earn sumner school c r e d i t s a t Augsburg College.
Restrictions o r q u a l i f i c a t i o n s , i f any:
Signature and T i t l e
(Dean, R e g i s t r a r , o r o t h e r Responsible O f f i c e r )
(Return completed form to Summer School,
Augsburg C o l l e g e , Minneapolis, MN 55404
A non-refundable t u i t i o n deposit o f $30.00 must accompany t h i s form.
A l l charges f o r TERM Imust
Checks are payable t o Augsburg College.
be p a i d i n f u l l n o t l a t e r than Tuesday, May 28, 1974. TERM 11 charges
must be p a i d n o t l a t e r than June 24, 1974. Return t h i s form and
deposit, t o S u n e r School , Augsburg College, Minneapolis, MN 55404.
Show less
Assistant Registrar
PERSONS IN GOOD STANDING a t r e g i o n a l l y a c c r e d i t e d c o l l e g e s and u n i v e r s i t i e s , as w e l l a s graduates o f such i n s t i t u t i o n s , are e l i g i b l e t o
a t t e n d Auqsburg Summer S c... Show more
Assistant Registrar
PERSONS IN GOOD STANDING a t r e g i o n a l l y a c c r e d i t e d c o l l e g e s and u n i v e r s i t i e s , as w e l l a s graduates o f such i n s t i t u t i o n s , are e l i g i b l e t o
a t t e n d Auqsburg Summer S c h o o l . Good s t a n d i n g i m p l i e s t h a t t h e s t u d e n t
h a s b e e n a d m i t t e d t o a c o l l e g e and h a s n o t s u b s e q u e n t l y b e e n d r o p p e d
by that institution.
STUDENTS ADMITTED t o Auqsburq C o l l e g e f o r t h e F a l l Term o f t h e c u r r e n t
y e a r a r e e l i g i b l e t o a t t e n d Summer S c h o o l , a s a -r e p e r s o n s a d m i t t e d b y
o t h e r c o l l e g e s f o r t h e f a l l o f t h i s year.
I F REGULARLY ATTENDING o r a d m i t t e d t o a n o t h e r e d u c a t i o n a l i n s t i t u t i o n ,
the a p p l i c a n t m u s t p r o v i d e A u g s b u r g Summer S c h o o l w i t h a s t a t e m e n t
f r o m an a p p r o p r i a t e o f f i c i a l o f h i s c o l l e g e t h a t h e i s i n good s t a n d i n g and e l i g i b l e t o e a r n c r e d i t s d u r i n g t h e summer s e s s i o n s .
(A form
f o r t h i s p u r p o s e i s a t t h e b o t t o m o f t h i s page.)
C r e d i t s c a n n o t be
t r a n s f e r r e d un t i 1 t h i s r e q u i r e m e n t h a s been f u l f i l l e d .
PERSONS w i s h i n g t o t a k e summer s c h o o l w o r k s h o u l d c o n t a c t t h e
D i r e c t o r o f Summer S c h o o l t o a s c e r t a i n e l i g i b i l i t y u n d e r s p e c i a l
- -
- Six
June 1 2 t h r o u g h J u l y 21
Four Weeks
J u l y 24 t h r o u g h A u g u s t 1 8
18 19 20
25 26 27
9 10 11
16 17 18
23 24
14 15
21 22
ACCEPTANCE a s a summer s t u d e n t d o e s n o t i m p l y a d m i s s i o n a s a r e g u l a r
s t u d e n t o f Augsburg C o l l e g e .
Persons wishing t o b e g i n a degree
program a t the c o l l e g e s h o u l d a p p l y f o r a d m i s s i o n t h r o u g h the O f f i c e
o f Admissions.
T h i s f o r m i s t o be u s e d b y s t u d e n t s r e g u l a r l y a t t e n d i n g i n s t i t u t i o n s
o t h e r t h a n A u g s b u r g C o l l e g e . A u g s b u r y Summer S c h o o l c r e d i t s may be
t r a n s f e r r e d t o the s t u d e n t ' s home i n s t i t u t i o n i f a p p r o v a l i s g r a n t e d
by that college o r university.
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
3 4
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
S t u d e n t ' s Name
College o r University
The person named above i s a s t u d e n t i n good s t a n d i n g a t t h i s i n s t i t u t i o n and i s permitted t o earn Summer School c r e d i t s a t Augsburg College.
SUMMER STUDENTS may earn u p t o s e v e n t e e n T e r m C r e d i t s i n the t w o
The f i r s t s m e r t e r m p e r m i t s
s m e r s e s s i o n s a t Augsburg College.
p a r t i c i p a n t s t o a c h i e v e as many as t e n c r e d i t s over a p e r i o d o f s i x
For the s e c o n d summer t e r m , l a s t i n g f o u r w e e k s , t h e n o r m a l
maximum l o a d i s seven c r e d i t s .
PERSONS PLANNING t o a t t e n d Summer S c h o o l a r e a d v i s e d t o a p p l y a s
e a r l y a s p o s s i b l e , s i n c e c o u r s e s w i t h o u t s u b s t a n t i a l demand a r e
subject t o cancellation.
R e s t r i c t i o n s o r q u a l i f i c a t i o n s , i f any:
( R e t u r n c o m p l e t e d form t o Summer S c h o o l ,
* A u g s b u r g C o l l e g e , M i n n e a p o l i s , MN 5 5 4 0 4 )
- I1
AUGSBURG'S SUMMER URBAN PROGRAM p r o v i d e s an o u t s t a n d i n g and e x c i t i n g
a r r a y o f c o u r s e s t o s a t i s f y t h e s t u d e n t who r e c o g n i z e s t h e c r u c i a l
i m p o r t a n c e o f t h e c i t y i n c o n t e m p o r a r y l i f e and v a l u e s and who w i s h e s
t o d e e p e n h i s u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f t h e problems and t h e p o s s i b i l i t i e s o f
u r b a n e x i s t e n c e . T h i s summer's o f f e r i n g s i n c l u d e :
i n Term
PROJECTED COURSE OFFERINGS a r e l i s t e d o n t h e f o l l o w i n g pages.
w i t h f o u r - d i g i t numbers a r e Augsburg c o u r s e s ; t h o s e i d e n t i f i e d w i t h
t h r e e d i g i t s followed b y a l e t t e r are o f f e r e d a t Concordia College, S t
P a u l . Augsburg s t u d e n t s may r e g i s t e r f o r work o n b o t h campuses.
AUGSBURG COURSES i n t e n d e d p r i m a r i l y f o r j u n i o r s and s e n i o r s a r e t h o s e
whose l a s t two d i g i t s a r e 50 o r a b o v e ; f o r c o u r s e d e s c r i p t i o n s s e e t h e
c a t a l o g i s s u e o f Augsburg C o l l e g e Now. Concordia o f f e r i n g s numbered
300 and h i g h e r a r e s i m i l a r l y i n t e n d e d f o r u p p e r - d i v i s i o n s t u d e n t s ;
c o u r s e d e s c r i p t i o n s a r e found i n t h e C o n c o r d i a C o l l e g e C a t a l o g .
E n g l i s h 5490. 5 cr. An examina-
2010. 5 C r . A p e r i p h e r a l v i e w
t i o n o f a t t i t u d e s toward the c i t y :
i t s a c c e p t a n c e , c r i t i c i s m , o r rej e c t i o n b y p o e t s , novelists, and
e s s a y i s t s i n the U n i t e d S t a t e s i n
t h e 1 9 t h and 2 0 t h c e n t u r i e s .
o f e c o s y s t e m i n t r i c a c i e s and an
e x a m i n a t i o n o f human d i s r u p t i o n s :
problems o f p o p u l a t i o n and urbani z a t i o n ; a i r and w a t e r p o l l u t i o n ;
r a d i o a c t i v i t y , etc. R e l e v a n c e o f
the C h r i s t i a n e t h i c .
l a b o r a t o r y work and f i e l d s u r v e y .
CHANGES I N SUMMER SCHOOL r e g i s t r a t i o n m u s t b e made a t the Summer
School O f f i c e .
No c o u r s e may b e added a f t e r t h e t h i r d m e e t i n g o f a
d a y t i m e c l a s s o r a f t e r the second m e e t i n g o f an e v e n i n g c l a s s .
Sociology 9467 o r Pol. Sci 8567.
4 C r . C o m u n i t y o r g a n i z a t i o n sem-
SHOULD A STUDENT WITHDRAW from a c o u r s e d u r i n g t h e F i r s t Summer Term,
he m u s t do s o a t t h e Summer S c h o o l O f f i c e n o t l a t e r t h a n Thursday o f
the f i f t h week o f the t e r m . F i h a l w i t h d r a w a l d a t e f o r the Second Term
i s Monday o f t h e f o u r t h week. T i m e l y w i t h d r a w a l o b v i a t e s an "F" grade.
A r t
1002. 5 C r . F i n e a r t s i n t h e
i n a r l e d b y W i l l i a m Grace o f t h e
C e n t e r f o r Urban E n c o u n t e r .
Foc u s i n g on t h e n a t u r e o f change,
the u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f power, and
the d e f i n i n g o f i s s u e s , t h e c o u r s e
i s intended f o r persons wishing
t o participate i n giving direct i o n t o s o c i a l change.
urban and w o r l d s e t t i n g . P a r t i c i p a t i o n i n the c u l t u r a l l i f e o f
t h e community l e a d i n g toward
a p p r e c i a t i o n and cri tici sm.
T h e c u l t u r a l and
9459. 5 C r .
Cr. An f n v e s t i g a t i o n of econmic
i m p l i c a t i o n s of cantemmrary prob; rh lems of ci ti es and m e t r o p l i ta?
t o p i c s co.?sidered :
\*an a i l - v o l u n t e e r a-rmy; p p u i a t i o n
;y " c r i s i ~ " ;i n c o m e d i s t r i b u ~ o n ;
free bread; mass t r a n s i t s g s t e m s .
VALUES a t Augsburg C o l l e g e a r e measured
interchangeable w i t h Quarter Credits.
HUMAN RELATIONS LABORATORY. Educ a t i o n 4486, 4586, o r Sociology
9486. 4 O r 5 C r .
r a c i a l , c u l t u r a l , economic groups;
s k i l l i n dealing w i t h discriminat i o n and d e h u m a n i z i n g b i a s e s , and
i n creating learning experiences
t o a i d p o s i ti ve i n t e r p e r s o n a l rel a t io m .
Mu1 ti -media approach :
connnuni t y r e s o u r c e p e o p l e , simul a t i o n , f i e l d e x p e r i e n c e , TV m i c roteaching, assessment methods.
s o c i a l o r g a n i z a t i o n o f the c i t y
i n h i s t o r i c a l perspective; the
f o r m s , p r o c e s s e s , and problems o f
the modern m e t r o p o l i s .
Science 8558. 5 C r . E x a m i n a t i o n
o f power i n t h e u r b a n c o m n u n i t y .
Ana Z y s i s i n c l u d e s v a r i o u s m o d e l s
o f power, a n i d e n t i f i c a t i o n o f
the p o w e r f u l , t h e i r b a s e s o f
power, and their u s e s o f power i n
developing p o l i t i c a l i s s u e s .
INDEPENDENT S T U D Y , w h i l e n o t l i s t e d among t h e c o u r s e o f f e r i n g s , may b e
pursued d u r i n g t h e summer i n a number o f d e p a r t m e n t s . For i n f o r m a t i o n
c o n s u l t t h e Summer S c h o o l O f f i c e .
The C o l l e g e r e s e r v e s t h e r i g h t t o c a n c e l l i s t e d c o u r s e s .
SUMMER SCHOOL CHARGES i n c l u d e a General Fee o f $10.00, p l u s T u i t i o n o f
$32.00 per c r e d i t . Laboratory fees are charged f o r some courses.
the case o f Applied Music, p r i v a t e i n s t r u c t i o n fees amount t o $30.00
p e r c r e d i t i n a d d i t i o n t o the T u i t i o n and General Fee.
A TUITION DEPOSIT o f $30.00 must accompany the A p p l i c a t i o n & Preregist r a t i o n Form.
This d e p o s i t i s refundable o n l y i f the courses l i s t e d
by t h e student, i n c l u d i n g a1 ternates, should be cancel led.
ALL CHARGES are t o be p a i d i n f u l l
p l e t e d on the f i r s t day o f each term.
when Final. R e g i s t r a t i o n i s com-
I F A STUDENT DECIDES TO CANCEL r e g i s t r a t i o n , a r e f u n d o f t u i t i o n i s
allowed according t o t h e f o l l o w i n g schedule: FIRST TERM: June 13-16,
80%; June 19-23, 60%; June 26-30, 40%; no refund w i l l be made l a t e r
than June 30. SECOND TERM: J u l y 25-27, 80%; J u l y 28-August 1, 60%,
August 2-4, 40%; no r e f u n d w i l l be allowed l a t e r than August 4.
STUDENTS N E E D I N G HOUSING may o b t a i n i n f o r m a t i o n from t h e D i r e c t o r o f
L i m i t e d food service i s a v a i l a b l e , s u p p l e m e n t e d b y s e v e r a l
r e s t a u r a n t s and s n a c k s h o p s i n the Augsburg v i c i n i t y .
A r t 1002 005
A r t 1042 001
A r t 1053 008
Bio 2001 006
Bio 2006 005
Bio 2010 007
Bio 2067 007
BAd 2101 004
BAd 2102 002
Che 3405 008
Eco 2220 002
EdE 4456 000
EdE 4484 077
EdE 4484 143
EdS 4584 074
EdS 4584 140
EdS 4550 000
EdS 4586 046
Eng 5490 008
Eng 5490 206
Eng 5490 404
Eng 5464 003
Eng 5476 007
Eng 5495 007
Eng 5442 009
F r e '7001 001
F r e 7092 009
Ger 131B 008
Ger 132B 007
Ger 7203 003
Ger 7204 001
HPE 5520 002
HPE 5555 008
HPE 5556 006
HPE 5554 001
HPE 5560 008
HPE 5585 005
HPE 5591 003
H i s 5661 004
H i s 5653 001
Mat 6105 0 0 1
Mus 8263 006
Mus 8201 006
Mus 8209
Mus 8209
Mus 8257 008
P h i 8321 002
P h i 8323 008
Phy 8401 002
P o l 8558 009
P o l 8595 001
P o l 8595 050
P o l 8567 000
Psy 8605 008
Psy 8650 004
Psy 8652 000
Psy 8675 001
Psy 8695 009
Re1 8757 007
Re1 8765 000
SOC 9459 009
SOC 9461 005
SOC 9467 002
SOC 9475 005
SOC 9476 003
Spa 7601 008
Spe 9842 006
Spe 9860 008
Spe 9856 006
Environmental E s t h e t i c s
Friederichsen I
Film Making Workshop
D i v e r s i f i e d Summer R e c r e a t i o n P r o g
F r i e d ' s e n I-II
S t u d i o Courses
A rr
P r i n c i p l e s o f Biology
I 8:45-10:05
Human Anatomy & Physiology
Mickelberg 1-11 7-10 pm
Man and t h e Environment
I 1:15-2: 35
I1 10 :15-12 :30
P r i n c i p l e s o f Accounting, I
I 7 :15-8 :35
P r i n c i p l e s o f Accounting, I1
I I 7:45-1O:OO
P r i n c i p l e s o f Chemistry
I 2:45-4:05
Economic I s s u e s o f Urban Environment S a b e l l a
I 7-10 pm
O r i e n t a t i o n t o Education
I 11:45-1:05
S t u d e n t Teaching, Elementary
McNef f
1-11 Arr
S t u d e n t Teaching, Elementary
McNef f
1-11 A r r
S t u d e n t Teaching, Secondary
E. Johnson 1-11 Arr
S t u d e n t Teaching, Secondary
E. Johnson 1-11 A r r
E d u c a t i o n a l Psychology
I 1:15-2:35
Human R e l a t i o n s L a b o r a t o r y
I Arr
Science F i c t i o n
I 7-10 pm
L i b e r a t e d & Unlib. Women i n L i t .
I I 10 :15-12 :30
The C i t y i n American L i t e r a t u r e
I1 1:OO-3:15
A f r i c a n L i t e r a t u r e South o f S a h a r a
I 7-10 pm
Modern P o e t r y
I1 1:OO-3:15
I 10:15-11:35
Film Making Workshop
I 8-12 a m
Beginning French
M. Johnson
I 11:45-1:05
Beginning French
M. Johnson 11 7:45-1O:OO
Beginning German
I 1O:OO-11:50
Beginning German
I I 1 O : O O - 1 1 : 50
I n t e r m e d i a t e German
I1 7:45-1O:OO
Introduction t o Safety Education
I 7-10 pm
I n t r o . t o D r i v e r & T r a f f i c S a f e t y Ed.,Wagner
I 7-10 pm
Teaching D r i v e r & S a f e t y E d u c a t i o n
I I 7-10 pm
D i v e r s i f i e d Summer R e c r e a t i o n Prog
I-II 9-2 pm
School H e a l t h Education Curriculum
I 3:OO-4:20
Applied Adapted A c t i v i t i e s
C. Nelson
I1 A r r
Therapeutic Exercises
C. Nelson
I A rr
C u l t u r a l & P o l i t i c a l H i s t . o f Rome
R. Nelson
I1 10:15-12:30
Topics i n Minnesota H i s t o r y
I 10:15-11:35
P r i n c i p l e s o f Mathematics
I 8:45-10:05
Choral Workshop
I Day & Eve
Theory I
J. Johnson
I Arr
Applied Music, Voice
Applied Music, I n s t r u m e n t
D i v e r s i f i e d Summer R e c r e a t i o n Prog
1-11 9-2 pm
Man and I d e a s
Reichenbach I 8:45-1O:OS
Reichenbach I 11:45-1:05
I 7-10 pm
The Urban Powerful
I 1:15-2:35
Women i n Urban Tech. S o c i e t y
I I 1-3:15
Church, S t a t e & Supreme Court
11 1-3: 15
O r g a n i z a t i o n f o r S o c i a l Change
I 2:45-5:15
General Psychology
I 10:15-11:35
E d u c a t i o n a l Psychology
I 1:15-2:35
Developmental Psych: Adol. & Adult
D. Johnson
I 8:45-10:05
S o c i a l Psychology
I 10:15-11:35
Psychology o f Women
I 1:15-2:35
Readings i n S c i e n c e & R e l i g i o n
I 7:15-8:35
Church, S t a t e & Supreme Court
11 1-3:15
Modern Urban Community
T o r s t e n s o n I1 10: 15-12: 30
Social S t a t i s t i c s
I 7 :15-8: 35
O r g a n i z a t i o n f o r S o c i a l Change
I 2:45-5:15
S o c i a l Psychology
Dy r u d
I 10:15-11:35
Human S e x u a l i t y
I 11:45-1:05
Beginning Spanish
I 2:45-4:05
Film Making Workshop
I 8-12 am
I n t e r p r e t a t i v e Reading
I 7-10 pm
D i v e r s i f i e d Summer R e c r e a t i o n Prog
1-11 9-2 pm
T,Th L1
S t u d i o $50
S205 $ 5
T,Th S205
M-Th S34
T,Th S34
S t u d i o $50
MTThF Conf he
MTThF Conf
T,Th Conf
MTW Conf $10
June 18-23
June 12-July 7
June 12-July 28
A r r w i t h Dept
10-week c o u r s e
Lab A r r
5: 4586
EdE 4: 4486
EdE 5: 4486
SOC 4: 9486
SOC 5: 9486
OR: F r e 7095 003
Ger 7295 009
Spa 7695 000
Concordia, S t P
Concordia, S t P
June 12-July 28
Separate regis
T,Th L1
M-Th 534
T,Th L1
M-F S t u d i o $50
June 12-July 28
June 12-July 7
2815-41 AV S
June 12-July 28
'Fhysf cs
8 4 2 1 300
G Credf t-8,
General Physics, K.., Parmison
Texro I, G :: 45-10: 05 K-.P'
Lhb k i ..
Course O k . Y ~ 5 L E D u +
Po;B tics 8SSR OQ9
- 5 Credits,, The Wr!>inn Fowerful,. IledbPm - 'I'esfl~I ,
-- NCMZ :
;heill t~ i n t h e
Ikpa.rYmenl, w i l l =.r. , c ~he qrvan if yon sign up
the nlver,s:i f . i ~,:trr%~lel.
13ecrsrttion P r t 3 g . r ,,
~ HPE, Nusics ar~dSpeech erodlts are st i l l graated,
: a-
English 5464.
5 cr.
Readings i n works o f contemporary
A f r i c a n n o v e l i s t s , p o e t s , dramat i s t s , s h o r t s t o r y w r i t e r s and
e s s a y i s t s t o stimulate a crossc u l t u r a l human e x p e r i e n c e .
TOPICS I N MINNESOTA HISTORY. Hist o r y 5653. 5 c r . s e l e c t i v e t r e a t -
R e l i g i o n 8757. 5 c r .
and e f f e c t o f s c i e n t i f i c method
r e l a t e d t o message and t h e o l o g y
o f the c h u r c h .
5 Cr.
HUMAN SEXUALITY. Sociology 9476.
S p e c i f i c psychological,
5 cr.
Three courses l e a d i n g t o c e r t i f i c a t i o n as a t e a c h e r o f d r i v e r s '
e d u c a t i o n ; INTRODUCTION TO SAFETY
English 5495, French
German 7295, Spanish 7695.
Principles o f linguistics,
e m p h a s i z i n g recent d e v e l o p m e n t s
i n s y n t a c t i c t h e o r y and psychol i n g u i s t i c implications.
social -psychological, religious
and c r o s s c u l t u r a l d i m e n s i o n s o f
normal and d e v i a n t h u m n s e x u a l
L e c t u r e s , f i l m s , and
s m a l l group d i s c u s s i o n .
5520, 5555, & 5556. 4 c r . each.
m n t o f s i g n i f i c a n t themes from
1 9 t h and e a r l y 2 0 t h c e n t u r i e s :
I n d i a n - w h i t e r e l a t i o n s ; immigrat i o n ; e c o n o m i c and p o l i t i c a l dev e l o p m e n t ; emergence o f t h e Twin
C i ties. Guest l e c t u r e r s , resource
p e o p l e , and c u r r i c u l a r m a t e r i a l s
e m p h a s i z i n g Chippewa h i s t o r y from
t h e Minnesota H i s t o r i c a l S o c i e t y .
R e l i g i o n 8765 o r Pol. S c i . 8595.
5 Cr. Analysis o f attempts t o
, achieve
the religious neutrality
r e q u i r e d b y U. S . C o n s t i t u t i o n a s
seen i n s i g n i f i c a n t Supreme C o u r t
I c a s e s i n e d u c a t i o n , w o r s h i p , and
o t h e r church-s t a t e i n t e r a c t i o n s .
Historical, theological, & legalp o l i t i c a l factors are considered.
( N o t o p e n t o s t u d e n t s who h a v e
t a k e n P o l i t i c a l S c i e n c e 8520. )
English 5490 008.
A Ron P a Z o s a a r i s p e c i a l .
Number Cr. T i t l e
Term (Dates)
T i me
Fundamentals o f Design I
Sculpture I
Tchg Science & Health
Tchg P h y s i c a l Education I
Teaching Arithmetic
E a r l y Childhood Educ
Inner C i t y Tchg Prob
School & Commun Health I1
Alcohol, Narc, ;rug Ed I1
Colonial America
American Government
Old Testament I
Old Testament I1
Crime and Delinquency
( J u l y 3-21)
(June 12-30)
( J u n e 19-30)
( J u l y 10-21)
( J u l y 10-21)
(Aug. 7-18)
(Aug. 7-11)
7: 30-8:45a
Augsburg Colkge Summer Schod
THREE SEMINARS CREATED f o r t r e 1972 W r - Im
explore the r o l e o f
women from v a r y i n g p e r s p e c t i v e s .
F a c u l t y a r e Dr. Grace Dyrud, Associa t e Professor of Psycho1 o w ; Cheryl N i c h o l s , I n s t r u c t o r o f Enql i s h ;
and Dr. Norma Noonan, Associate P r o f e s s o r o f P o l i t i c a l Science and
Chairman o f t h e Department o f P o l i t i c a l Science. The t h r e e o f f e r i n a s :
Psych. 8695, 5 c r .
Grace Dyrud ( T e r m I )
E n g l i s h 5490, 5 c r .
Cheryl N i c h o l s (Term 1 1 )
P o l . S c i . 8 5 9 5 , 5 cr.
Norma Noonan ( T e r m 1 1 )
C l a s s and i n d i v i d u a l t o p i c s i n c l u d e :
C u l t u r a l a s s u m p t i o n s and p s y c h o l o g i c a l
rationales o f
c h a r a c t e r i s tics; research o n s e x d i f ferences, including status a n d roles.
An e x a m i n a t i o n o f t h e r o l e s o f women i n
li t e r a t u r e from the G r e e k c l a s s i c a l
period t o t h e present.
Various literary genres, including feminist
w i l l be s t u d i e d .
Interdisciplinary consideration o f the
p o l i t i c a l , s o c i a l and e c o n o m i c s t a t u s o f
women t o d a y i n the u.S. and a b r o a d .
s u r v e y o f p r o b l e m s a f f e c t i n g women and
t h e i r r o l e s i n s o c i e t y ; o ~ t i o n sand
- MM sr
- Miss
Di v o r c e d
. - -.
_'el e p h o n e
I am now a s t u d e n t a t A u q s b u r q C o l l e g e and h a v e been since
. o l l eqe .
I p r e v i o u s l y a t t e n d e d A u q s b u r g C o l l e g e f r o m 19to 1 9
I am n o t an A u q s b u r q s t u d e n t b u t a t t e n d
been a d m i t t e d .
I am t r a n s f e r r i n g t o A u q s b u r q ; I ( h a v e )
' I h a v e been a d m i t t e d t o A u q s b u r q a s a Freshman f o r n e x t F aCl lo.l l e g e .
I h a v e e a r n e d a B.A. o r B.S.
degree from -
I p l a n t o a t t e n d A u q s b u r q C o l l e g e o n l y f o r t h e Summer S c h o o l
My PRESENT c l a s s i f i c a t i o n : F r .
C l a s s i f i c a t i o n NEXT JUNE:
J u l y 24
( o r Maiden)
June 12
Wal gren, Manager, Augsburg College, M i n n e a p o l i s , MN
-atyr~ T a t e a Z i p W h U n t y
and f o c u s e s u p o n b o t h u n d e r s t a n d i n g and t e c h n i q u e . D r . L e l a n d S a t e r e n
w i l l b e joined t h i s year b y an o u t s t a n d i n g f a c u l t y i n c l u d i n g Knut
Nystedt o f Oslo.
I n a d d i t i o n t o t h e Augsburg s e s s i o n ( J u n e 18-23) a n
e a r l i e r one w i t h o p p o r t u n i t y t o e a r n g r a d u a t e c r e d i t i s s c h e d u l e d f o r
Iowa S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y , Arnes.
For information w r i t e :
Michael W.
AUGSBURG STUDENT NUMBER ( I f o n e h a s b e e n a s s i g n e d )
THE 1972 SATEREN CHORAL WORKSHOP e m p h a s i z e s c o n t e m p o r a r y c h o r a l m u s i c
Abbreviated T i t l e
J u l y 21
A n o n - r e f u n d a b l e t u i t i o n d e p o s i t o f $30.00 m u s t accompany t h i s
Make c h e c k p a y a b l e t o A u g s b u r g
B a l a n c e s m u s t be payed b y
J u n e 1 2 ( T e r m I ) a n d J u l y 24 ( T e r m I I ) .
P l e a s e r e t u r n completed form
t o Summer S c h o o l O f f i c e , A u g s b u r g C o l l e g e , M i n n e a p o l i s , MN
S iqnature
i ~ e m o ra1
~Conf. Room
Ad 21 01
i ~ e l i ~ i o8757
/ ~ c &i R e l i g i o n
/ ~ a t h6105
; P r i n Math
j ~ i o l 2001
o ~ ~
; P r i n B i 01 ogy
~ S O C 9461
lSoc S t a t i s t i c s
psych 8675(9475) j psych 8605
! s o c i a l Psych
;General Psych
;Hi s t o r y 5653
:Minnesota H i s t
~ S TI
11 :45-1:05
/ ~d Elem 4456
F r i e n t t o Educ
/ ~ h i l o s8323
i ~ o c01i ogy 9476
!Human S e x u a l i t y
(M-Th 3:OO-5:OO)
!Pol 8567 Soc 9467;HPE 5560
!org Soc Change
:Sch H l t h Ed Cur
;Chemistry 3405
: P r i n c i p l e s Chem
;Beginning French
j ( 1 :I 5-2:35)
;Psych 8695
Psych of Women
j (2:45-5:00)
14586 etc
;Human Relations
7-10 pm
!Physics 8401
! A r t 1002
7-10 pm ; E n v i r E s t h e t i c s
; Engl i s h
;Science F i c t i o n
01 ogy 2006
~ H P E5520
;Hum Anat & ~ h ~ s i o j ~ nSt ar f oe t y Ed
Engl i s h 5464
;Afr L i t
;Urban Economics
iHPE 5555
;D r i v e r ,
Paul Rusten's F i l m Making Workshop 1042 (5442, 9842) meets i n A r t B u i l d i n g , 8 am t o 12.
A i l e n e , Cole's I n t e r p r e t a t i v e Reading 9860 meets M, W, 7-9 pm a t 2815 4 1 s t Avenue South.
Other classes meet a t times &' places arranged w i t h t h e i n s t r u c t o r s .
Show less
RM M A ~ N G
A66istant R-1-
., ,,,,,,
... .
Cinema Workshop
F i l m Making
Augsburg Summer Urban Term
Elementary & Secondary Education
Courses, C r e d i t s , Calendar
... Show more
RM M A ~ N G
A66istant R-1-
., ,,,,,,
... .
Cinema Workshop
F i l m Making
Augsburg Summer Urban Term
Elementary & Secondary Education
Courses, C r e d i t s , Calendar
Course L i s t i n g s , Schedules
Taking Work a t Concordia
E l i g i b i l i t y f o r Summer School
Financial Information
* r i * m , r r,mrdr
, ,,,,, ,*. , 13
Appl ic a t i on Form ,
New Course D e s c r i p t i o n s
Approval Form f o r Other I n s t i t u t i o n s . 15
,. .,... .,
..... .
SUMMER STUDENTS may e a r n u p t o s e v e n t e e n Term C r e d i t s i n the t w o
A u g s b u r g C o l l e g e . The f i r s t summer t e r m p e r m i t s p a r t i c i p a n t s t o
ten c r e d i t s over a p e r i o d o f s i x w e e k s .
For the s e c o n d summer
Term C r e d i t s
w e e k s , the n o r m a l maximum l o a d i s seven c r e d i t s .
to Quarter C r e d i t s .
summer sessions a t
a c h i e v e a s many a s
term, l a s t i n g four
are equal i n value
PERSONS PLANNING t o a t t e n d Summer S c h o o l a r e a d v i s e d t o a p p l y a s e a r l y a s p o s s i b l e ,
since c o u r s e s w i t h o u t s u b s t a n t i a l demand a r e i n some c a s e s s u b j e c t t o c a n c e l 1a t i o n .
FILM-MAKING through p r a c t i c a l 1ab experience. D i s c u s s i o n and o b s e r v a t i o n
of t h e e x p r e s s i v e and s t r u c t u r a l elements o f f i l m . Taught by PAUL RUSTEN, w r i t e r ,
d i r e c t o r , independent f i l m producer.
Four c r e d i t s .
16mm c o u r s e
emphasis on p r a c t i c a l film-making
l a b fee provides a l l
s t u d e n t n e e d s , i n c l u d i n g both p r o f e s s i o n a l s t u d i o and l i g h t w e i g h t
"location" equipment
, c l a s s and i n d i v i d u a l a s s i g n m e n t s i n p h o t o g r a p h y ,
l i g h t i n g , e d i t i n g and s o u n d
s t u d e n t s w i l l d e s i g n and p r o d u c e a s o u n d f i l m
c r e d i t s may be e a r n e d i n A r t , S p e e c h , o r E n g l i s h
see l i s t i n g s , pp. 8 , 9
The language o f f i l m
Film d e s i g n
Production p l a n n i n g
Cinematography, l i g h t i n g and sound r e c o r d i n g
C a s t i n g , d i r e c t i n g , f i n d i n g l o c a t i o n s and b u i l d i n g s e t s
Voice, music and sound e f f e c t s r e c o r d i n g and mixing
E d i t i n g p i c t u r e and sound
Laboratory p r e p a r a t i o n and terminology
Contemporary and e x p e r i m e n t a l t e c h n i q u e s
t%T: 0RW W O I R D ~ ~ W6SntmcS
~ C
THE POPULAR qeneral e d u c a t i o n course, INTRODUCTION TO THE FINE ARTS, has t r a d i t i o n a l l y
i n c l u d e d an emphasis upon p a r t i c i p a t i o n i n t h e c u l t u r a l l i f e o f t h e comnunity. As
t a u g h t i n t h e 1971 Augsburg Summer School, i t w i l l s t r e s s urban environmental
e s t h e t i c s , encouraging c r e a t i v e c r i t i c i s m and a p p r e c i a t i o n o f t h e c i t y scene.
TERM 11, eveninqs. See A r t 1001.
and e x c i t i n g a r r a y
o f courses to
s a t i s f y the s t u d e n t who
r e c o g n i z e s the
c r u c i a l importance
o f the city in the l i f e
and v a l u e s o f
con t e m p o r a r y m a n ,
a n d who w i s h e s t o
deepen h i s
o f the p r o b l e m s a n d
possibilities of
urban e x i s t e n c e ,
P ~ E M OP
THIS NEW COURSE probes problems o f p o p u l a t i o n growth and t h e human ecosystem, and
deals w i t h t h e impact o f urban d e s i t y and t e r r i t o r i a l b e h a v i o r , environmental
p o l l u t i o n and g e n e t i c damage, and man's attempts t o overcome h i s b i o l o g i c a l
l i m i t a t i o n s . TERM I. See B i o l o g y 2010, BIOLOGICAL PROBLEMS OF THE URBAN ENVIRONMENT,
team t a u g h t by Dr. S y l v i a K e r r and P r o f . I r w i n Mickelberg.
~ & T I o &MU
, MA^
~ T I O Q ?LAB
HUMAN RELATIONS LABORATORY, designed t o f u l f i l l t h e 1971 Minnesota S t a t e Board o f
Education r e q u l a t i o n r e q a r d i n g human r e l a t i o n s i n c e r t i f i c a t i o n programs. Understandi n g o f r a c i a l , c u l t u r a l , and economic groups; s k i 11 i n r e c o g n i z i n g and d e a l i n g w i t h
d i s c r i m i n a t i o n and dehumanizing biases; s k i l l i n c r e a t i n g l e a r n i n g experiences
c o n t r i b u t i n g to p o s i t i v e i n t e r p e r s o n a l r e 1 a t i o n s and a t t i t u d e s toward human d i v e r s i t y
and personal r i g h t s , d e a l t w i t h v i a a mu1 t i -medi a approach i n v o l v i n g community e x p e r t s
and resource people, s i m u l a t i o n , f i e l d experience, TV m i c r o teaching, and assessment
I n v o l v e s a l i v e - i n experience i n a r a c i a l l y and economically mi xed
community. Personnel o f t e a c h e r - t r a i n i n q i n s t i t u t i o n s , as w e l l as p r e s e n t and
p r o s p e c t i v e teachers, a r e i n v i t e d t o p a r t i c i p a t e . See Educ. 4486, 4586. TERM I.
% ! ! W E ;&?RD@uT~N.coN?L!$
POLITICAL PROBLEMS AND POSSIBILITIES o f Alnerican c i t i e s and metropol i tan areas p r o v i d e
t h e focus f o r t h i s s t u d y , which stresses s t r u c t u r a l , p r o c e d u r a l , i d e o l o q i c a l and o t h e r
p o l i t i c a l r e a l i t i e s o f t h e American p o l i t i c a l system.
Tauqht by Dr. Myles Stenshocl ,
T o g e t h e r w i t h t h e new
who suqqests t h a t "we may be a b l e t o save o u r c i t i e s , i f we can l e a r n t o qnvern thelrl."
URBAN STUDIES MAJOR, t h e TERM 11. See P o l i t i c a l Science 8522.
Summer U r b a n T e r m h a s
been e s t a b l i s h e d i n
the c o n v i c t i o n t h a t
Augsburg C o l l e g e i s
uniquely equipped i n
p e r s p e c t i v e and
location to
provide opport uni t y
for a significant
mu1 ti - d i m e n s i o n a l
e n c o u n t e r w i t h the c i t y .
2 b & S a1~ k
( ~M W
TAUGHT BY WILLIAM GRACE o f the CENTER FOR URBAN ENCOUNTER, t h i s seminar w i l l , he
suqqests, "enable those students who have faced the endless f r u s t r a t i o n o f de-lonstrat i o n a f t e r demonstration t o beqin t o a c q u i r e the s k i l l s t o move from r h e t o r i c t o
a c t i o n . " Focusinq on the n a t u r e o f chanqe, the understandinq o f power, and the
d e f i n i t i o n o f issues, t h e course i s intended f o r persons w i s h i n q t o p a r t i c i p a t e i n
q i v i n q d i r e c t i o n t o s o c i a1 chanqe.
CHANGE. L i s t e d as P o l i t i c a l Science i % T and Socioloqy 9467. TERM I.
UW~ c l u g u ~
Tauqht by Dr. John Benson, who b e l i e v e s
t h a t t o d e f i n e the r o l e o f the contemporary urban church one should b e q i n w i t h a study
o f the p a r t i c u l a r problems o f modern urban man, e. q., d e p e r s o n a l i z a t i o n , consumerisn~,
t h e absence o f t r u e l i e s u r e .
A f t e r a n a l y z i n q the adequacy o f e x i s t i n q s t r u c t u r e s and
proqrams o f t h e church i n meetinq these human problems, the c l a s s w i l l c o n s t r u c t
models o f urban churches i n an attempt t o d i s c o v e r more r e l e v a n t approaches. See
R e l i q i o n 8769. TERM I.
THE 1 9 7 1
o f f e r s up t o
ten w e e k s o f
WAYNE PAULSON, who w i l l teach Socioloqy 9463, THE URBAN CRISIS, has p r o v i d e d a r a t h e r
mutual1y r e i n f o r c i n g
a r i d course d e s c r i p t i o n : "The h i s t o r i c a l and s o c i a l r o o t s o f t h e complex o f problems
experience i n s i x
c o n f r o n t i n g o u r c i t i e s w i l l be analyzed. Contemporary s o l u t i o n s and proposals f o r
s o l u t i o n s w i l l be c r i t i c a l l y explored." Those who know M r . Paulson w i l l expect an
e x c i t i n q course on t h e urban c r i s i s from a s o c i o l o q i c a l p e r s p e c t i v e ; t h e c h i e f t e x t i s
as well as
r e l a t e d c o u r s e s i n other t h e 1971 work o f Venetoulis and Eisenhauer, UP AGAINST THE URBAN WALL. TERM I.
Summer S c h o o l o f f e r i n g s
See d e s c r i p t i o n on page 4,
STUDENT TEACHING. S t u d e n t t e a c h i n g i s a v a i l a b l e f o r 7 c r e d i t s and f o r 1 4 c r e d i t s on b o t h t h e
e l e m e n t a r y and secondary l e v e l s . C o n s u l t Chairman, Department o f E d u c a t i o n .
THE FOLLOWING WORKSHOPS, geared p a r t i c u l a r l y t o w a r d t h e e l e m e n t a r y l e v e l , a r e a v a i 1a b l e t h i s
summer v i a c o o p e r a t i v e arranqements w i t h Concordia C o l l e g e , St. Paul.
3 cr.
(June 7-18,
1-4 p.m.
See C381.)
6-16, 1:OO-3:45 p.m. See C463.)
Current technological trends i n education;
selection and c r e a t i o n o f m a t e r i a l s ; comp e t e n t u s e o f i n s t r u c t i o n a l media.
r o l e o f teacher, student i s confronted with
problems o f b e h a v i o r , p a r e n t r e l a t i o n s ,
c u r r i c u l a , teaching technology, classroom
management and e v a l ua t i o n .
Techniques o f
problem-solving & decision-making. Prereq.:
Teaching experience o r s t u d e n t teaching.
(June 21~ u l y2 , 1 :00-3:45
See C433,)
Analy s i s & development o f e f f e c t i v e educational
programs f o r f o u r - and f i v e - y e a r - o l d s .
19-30, 1:OO-3:45 p.m.
See C464.)
Partici p a n t s t u d i e s c u l t u r a l and soci a 1 f o r c e s o f
(August 2-6,
school community, l i f e s t y l e s , mores, envi r o n m e n t a l f a c t o r s , s p e e c h and b e h a v i o r
patterns v i a simulated involvement as s i x t h
g r a d e i n n e r - c i t y t e a c h e r d e a l i n g w i t h problems o f disadvantaged p u p i l s . Prerequisi te:
Teaching experience o r s t u d e n t teaching.
and e f f e c t s o f mood a l t e r i n g c h e m i c a l s s u c h
a s d r u g s and a l c o h o l ,
Causative societal
f a c t o r s i n c h e m i c a l a b u s e r i d e n t i f y i n g and
h e l p i n g c h e m i c a l 1 y a b u s e d p u p i l s , See C471
COURSE VALUES a t Auqsburq C o l l e q e a r e measured i n Term C r e d i t s , d i r e c t l y i n t e r c h a n q e a b l e
w i t h Quarter Credits.
PROJECTED COURSE OFFERINGS a r e l i s t e d on t h e f o l l o w i n g paqe.
Courses w i t h f o u r - d i g i t
numbers a r e Augsburq courses; those i d e n t i f i e d b y a l e t t e r f o l l o w e d by t h r e e d i g i t s a r e
o f f e r e d by t h e Concordia, St. Paul, Summer School.
Auqsburq s t u d e n t s may r e q i s t e r f o r
courses on b o t h campuses (see paqe 10).
AUGSBURG COURSES i n t e n d e d p r i m a r i l y f o r j u n i o r s and s e n i o r s a r e those whose l a s t two
d i g i t s a r e 50 o r above; f o r course d e s c r i p t i o n s see t h e c a t a l o g i s s u e o f
Concordia o f f e r i n g s numbered 300 and h i g h e r a r e s i m i l a r l y i n t
.d i v i s i o n s t u d e n t s ; course d e s c r i p t i o n s a r e found i n t h e Concordia Col l e q e Catalog. INDEPENDENT STUDY, w h i l e n o t l i s t e d amonq t h e course o f f e r i n q s , may be taken d u r i n q t h e
Augsburg Summer School i n a number o f departments; f o r i n f o r m a t i o n c o n s u l t t h e Summer
School O f f i c e .
CHANGES I N SUMMER SCHOOL r e q i s t r a t i o n must be made a t t h e
course may be added a f t e r t h e t h i r d meeting o f a daytime
meeting o f an e v e n i n q c l a s s .
11 12
18 19
25 26
9 1 0
15 16 17
22 23 24
29 30
13 14 15
20 21 22
27 28 29
10 11 12
17 18 19
24 25 26
Sumner School O f f i c e ; no
c l a s s o r a f t e r t h e second
SHOULD A STUDENT WITHDRAW f r o m a course, he must do so n o t l a t e r than Thursday, J u l y 8
( F i r s t Term), o r Monday, Auqust 9 (Second Term), t o a v o i d a f a i l i n g qrade. O f f i c i a l
w i t h d r a w a l w i t h i n t h e t i m e l i m i t s i n d i c a t e d w i l l r e s u l t i n t h e t r a n s c r i p t n o t a t i o n "W".
reserves t h e r i g h t t o cancel a course f o r which t h e r e i s l i t t l e demand.
June 7 -July 16,1971
(six weeks)
July 19 August 13,1971
(four weeks)
Educ. E.
Educ. E.
Educ. S.
Educ. S.
Eng 1.
Mus .
I n t r o . t o t h e F i n e A r t s (Thompson)
Film Making Workshop ( R u s t e n )
Human Anatomy & P h y s i o l o g y ( M i c k l e b e r g )
B i o l . Prob. o f Urban Environment ( K e r r )
I n t r o d u c t i o n t o Biology
F i e l d Biology
P r i n c i p l e s o f Accounting (Gru)
P r i n c i p l e s of Accounting (Gru)
Advanced Accounting (Romslo)
P r i n c i p l e s o f Chemistry (Gyberg)
P r i n c i p l e s of Economics
4484 7or14 S t u d e n t Teaching, Elementary ( J o h n s o n )
4486 4-6 Human R e l a t i o n s Lab. ( F a r d i g )
4584 7or14 S t u d e n t Teaching, Secondary (Johnson)
4586 4-6 Human R e l a t i o n s Lab. ( F a r d i g )
Teaching of A r t
E a r l y Childhood E d u c a t i o n
Teaching of S o c i a l S t u d i e s
Elementary Teaching Problems
I n n e r C i t y Teaching Problems
N a r c o t i c & Drug E d u c a t i o n
Children's Literature
Modern F i c t i o n ( P a l o s a a r i )
Film Making Workshop ( R u s t e n )
The Antebellum South ( D a v i s )
A f r i c a n L i t e r a t u r e South of S a h a r a ( M i t c h e l 1 ) I
American S h o r t S t o r y
~ n t e r m e d i a t eFrench 3 ( S c h w e i s s )
I n t e r m e d i a t e French 4 ( S c h w e i s s )
Geography of Anglo-America
I n t e r m e d i a t e German 3 ( S t e i n m e t z )
I n t e r m e d i a t e German 4 ( S t e i n m e t z )
5 B i n n i n g German 1
~ e g l m n gGerman 2
I n t r o . t o S a f e t y E d u c a t i o n (Wagner)
I n t r o . t o D r i v e r & T r a f f i c S a f e t y Ed.(Wagner)I
Teaching D r i v e r & S a f e t y Educ. (Wagner)
D i v e r s i f i e d Summer Rec. Program ( P e a r s o n ) I-II
The Antebellum South ( D a v i s )
A f r i c a South of S a h a r a ( G u s t a f s o n )
Development of Modern World
U.S. H i s t o r y : I n d u s t r i a l Rev. - W W I
P r i n c i p l e s o f Mathematics ( M u t c h l e r )
P r i n c i p l e s of Mathematics, Cont. ( M u t c h l e r ) I1
Theory 1 (Johnson)
Applied Music
D i v e r s i f i e d Summer Rec. Program ( P e a r s o n ) I - I I
8263 0-2
S a t e r e n C h o r a l Workshop ( S a t e r e n )
I n t r o d u c t i o n t o Musical S t y l e
Logic ( J o h n s r u d )
Major Systems o f P h i l o s o p h y
American Govt. 3: Metro. Complex ( S t e n s h o e 1 ) I I
American P o s i t i v e S t a t e ( S t e n s h o e l )
Commun. O r g a n i z a t i o n : Organ. f o r Soc. Change I
G e n e r a l Psychology ( J o h n s o n )
S o c i a l Psychology (Dyrud)
C o u n s e l i n g Psychology ( J o h n s o n )
Urban Church: Prob1.ems & P r o s p e c t s (Benson) I
Old Testament I
Old Testament I 1
Lutheran Confessional Writings
S o c i o l o g y of t h e Family ( M i l l e r )
S o c i a l S t a t i s t i c s (Grams)
Urban C r i s i s ( P a u l s o n , Wroblewski)
Comun. o r g a n i z a t i o n : Organ. f o r Soc. Change I
S o c i a l Psychology (Dyrud)
Crime and S o c i e t y (Appleby)
9486 4-6
Human R e l a t i o n s Lab. ( F a r d i g )
Beginning Spanish 1 ( S t e i n m e t z )
Beginning S p a n i s h 2 ( S t e i n m e t z )
I n t r o d u c t i o n t o Speech (Anderson)
C r e a t i v e Dramatics ( C o l e )
Film Making Workshop ( R u s t e n )
7-10 pm
8:OO-12: 00
7-10 pm
7 :15-8: 20
Lab Fee $50
Ten Weeks
Lab Fee $ 8
1 1 : O O - 1 1 : 50
7-10 pm
7 : 15-8: 35
1 O : O O - 1 1 : 35
7-10 pm
7-10 pm
7-10 pm
7-10 pm
7: 30-8:45
M- F
Lab Fee $ 5 , Lab Arranged
Overlaps I - I I , Add. ~ e e / $ 1 5 - $ 3 0
June 14-July 2, Some Evenings
Overlaps I - I I , Add. Fee/$15-$30
June 14-July 2, Some Evenings
June 7-25, Concordia
Workshop-June 7-18, Concordia
Workshop-June 21-July 2 , Concordia
June 28-July 1 6 , Concordia
Workshop-July 6-16, Concordia
Workshop-July 19-30, Concordia
Workshop-August 2-6, Concordia
Lab Fee $50
Lab Fee $10
June 21
July 16
A d d i t i o n a l Fee $25
June 21 - J u l y 16
August 15-20, S e p a r a t e Regis.
M- F
B i l l G r a c e , Urban Encounter
M- F
B i l l Grace, Urban Encounter
June 14-July 2 , Some Evenings
F o r i n f o r m a t i o n on Independent S t u d y , c o n s u l t Summer School O f f i c e
Lab Fee $50
TO INCREASE a v a i l a b l e course offering:,
Augsburg C o l l e g e cooperates w i t h
Concordia College, S t . Paul, i n i t s Summer School program. Students t a k i n g
work a t Augsburg may r e g i s t e r a t t h e same t i m e f o r courses a t Concordia.
ABOUT TEN MINUTES a p a r t a l o n g I n t e r s t a t e Highway 94, b o t h schools a r e
e a s i l y a c c e s s i b l e from t h e freeway. TO REACH AUGSBURG f r o m t h e west,
use t h e 2 5 t h Avenue-Riverside e x i t . From t h e e a s t , e x i t t o R i v e r s i d e .
THE BEST EXIT t o Concordia C o l l e g e f r o m 1-94 i s t h a t a t L e x i n g t o n Parkway;
t a k e L e x i n g t o n s o u t h t o M a r s h a l l , and M a r s h a l l west t o t h e c o l l e g e .
PERSONS I N GOOD STANDING a t r e g i o n a l l y a c c r e d i t e d c o l l e g e s and u n i v e r s i t i e s , a s w e l l
a s g r a d u a t e s o f such ~ n s t i t u t i o n s ,a r e e l i g i b l e t o a t t e n d Augsburg Summer School.
Good s t a n d i n g i m p l i e s t h a t t h e s t u d e n t h a s been a d m i t t e d t o a c o l l e g e and has not
s u b s e q u e n t l y been dropped by t h a t i n s t i t u t i o n .
STUDENTS ADMITTED t o Augsburg C o l l e g e f o r t h e F a l l
a t t e n d Summer School, a s a r e p e r s o n s a d m i t t e d by
t h i s year.
Term of 1971 a r e e l i g i b l e t c
o t h e r c o l l e g e s f o r t h e f a l l of
I F REGULARLY ATTENDING o r a d m i t t e d t o a n o t h e r e d u c a t i o n a l i n s t i t u t i o n , the a p p l i c a n t
must p r o v i d e Augsburg Summer Schooi w i t h a s t a t e m e n t from an a p p r o p r i a t e o f f i c i a l
o f h i s c o l l e g e t h a t he i s i n good s t a n d i n g and e l i g i b l e t o e a r n c r e d i t s d u r i n g t h e
( A form
f o r t h i s purpose i s found on t h e i n s i d e back c o v e r . )
summer s e s s i o n s .
C r e d i t s c a n n o t be t r a n s f e r r e d u n t i l t h i s r e q u i r e m e n t h a s been f u l f i l l e d .
OTHER PERSONS wishing t o t a k e summer s c h o o l work s h o u l d c o n t a c t t h e D i r e c t o r of
Summer School t o a s c e r t a i n e l i g i b i l i t y under s p e c i a l c i r c u m s t a n c e s .
ACCEPTANCE a s a summer s t u d e n t does n o t imply admission a s a r e g u l a r s t u d e n t of
Augsburg C o l l e g e ; p e r s o n s w l s h i n g t o complete a d e g r e e p r o g r a m a t t h e c o l l e g e s h o u l d
a p p l y f o r admission through t h e O f f i c e of Admissions.'
' -I
.. .
-$30.00 p e r c r e d i t .
i , i ~ c . i u d ea G e n e r a l F e e o f $ 1 0 . 0 0 , p l u s a T u i t i o n c h a r g e o f
PLEASE NOTE t h a t l a b o r a t o r y fees a r e c h a r g e d f o r s e v e r a l c o u r s e s , a s i ' n d i c a t e d
i n t h e C o u r s e ~ i s t j n g s , , I n t h e c a s e o f A p p l i e d M u s i c , p r i v a t e i n s t r u c t i o n w i l l cost
$25..00 p e r c r e d i t i n a d d i t i o n t o the T u i t i o n a n d G e n e r a l Fee.
A TUITION DEPOSIT o f $ 3 0 . 0 0 m u s t accompany t h e Summer S c h o o l A p p l i c a t i o n a n d
P r e r e g i s t r a t i ' o n Form? T h i s d e p o g ' i t i $ r e f u n d a b l e o n l y i f t h e c o u r s e s a c t u a l l y o f f e r e d
f a i l t o s a t i s f y t h e h p p l i c a n t f s choices, i n c l u d i n g a l t e r n a t e s , l i s t e d b y t h e s t u d e n t
Jn h i s P r e r e g i s t r a t i o n Form.
ALL TUITION c h a r g e s a n d f e e s a r e t o be p a i d i n f u l l when F i n a l R e g i s t r a t i o n i s
c o m p l e t e d on t h e f i r s t d a y o f Summer S c h o o l c l a s s e s ( J u n e 7 for s t u d e n t s d o i i ~F i r s t
Term w o r k ; J u l y 1 9 f o r Second Term c o u r s e s ) ,
I F A STUDENT DEBIDES TO CANCEL h l s r e g i s t r a t i o n , a r e f u n d o f t u i t i o n i s a l l o w e d
a c c o r d i n g t o t h e f o l l o w i n g s ~ h e d u l e : FIRST TERM:
J u n e 7-11, 8 0 % ; J u n e 1 4 - 1 8 , 6 0 % ;
J u n e 21-25, 40%'; n o r e f u n d w i l l b e made a f t e r J u n e 25.
J u l y 19-22, 8 0 % ;
J u l y 2 3 - 2 7 , 6 0 % ; J u l y 28-*30,, 40%: n o r e f u n d w i l l b e made a f t e r J u l y 30.
ROOM AND lB@ARDr I f you need h T u s i n y t h i s summer, p l e a s e c o n t a c t M r . James L a n c a s t e r ,
D i r e c t o r o f Housing, f o r in f o r ~ l i a ton.
f q i n i i f e d f o o d s e r v i c e w i 11 be a v a i 1 a b l e d u r i n i
n .
t h e MAuqsburg
summer, s u p p l emented by s e v e r a l r e s t a u r d r l t s and sna~k.shopsw i I
t I
N U %clclclclclcl
r-. m
P, r-.m L P , 3 3 b 3
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b \ D r - . C m r t b a
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b Y U1
a r t
c O c r t b b
i, I
" ? Y " " r t $ $
c lmh on on
U U b t 3 Z E E
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" 5
Q B . ~ ie
b a n
D E S C R I P T I O N S for regular offerings
a t Augsburg and Concordia a r e available in
the respective col 1 ege catalogs. Several
new courses and special summer offerings
are described on pages 3, 4, and 5 , above.
E N G L I S H 5 4 6 4 . A F R I C A N L I T E R A T U R E SOUTH OF
A readings course i n
w o r k s o f c o n t e m p o r a r y A f r i c a n novelists ,
p o e t s , d r a m a t i s t s , s h o r t s t o r y w r i t e r s , and
e s s a y i s t s t o f a m i l i a r i z e s t u d e n t s w i t h the
growing w e a l t h o f A f r i c a n l i t e r a t u r e , t h e m e s
and t r a d i t i o n s and t o s t i m u l a t e a c r o s s c u l t u r a l human e x p e r i e n c e
SOCIOLOGY 9 4 8 4 .
CRIME AND SOCIETY. 3 cr. I n t e r a c t i o n bet w e e n A u g s b u r g s t u d e n t s and f o r m e r p r i s o n
i n m a t e s , u s i n g a c o - l e a r n i n g model t o s t u d y
r e s o u r c e m a t e r i a l i n c r i m i n o l o g y and t o
r e f l e c t upon i d e a s and f e e l i n g s o f p a r t i c i pants.
G o a l s i n c l u d e p e r s o n a l g r o w t h and
u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f s e l f and o t h e r s .
4 Cr. The n a t u r e o f A f r i c a n h i s t o r y , t r a d i t i o n a l k i n g d o m s , I s l a m i c p e n e t r a t i o n , the
s l a v e t r a d e , European i m p e r i a l i s m , and recent A f r i c a n moderni z a t i o n
HPE 5 5 2 0 , 5 5 5 5 , and 5 5 5 6 . D R I V E R S ' EDUCAT I O N COURSES. Three courses leading t o
4 Cr. T h e m a t i c e x a m i n a t i o n o f p r e - C i v i l
War S o u t h e r n l i f e : R e g i o n a l s e l f - c o n s c i o u s ness, the a r t s , o u t s i d e r s r v i e w s o f the
S o u t h , s l a v e r y , and an e x a m i n a t i o n o f the
events, men and i s s u e s l e a d i n g t o the war.
certification as a teacher of drivers' educdtion. T a u g h t e v e n i n g s d u r i n g the 1 0 w e e k s
school, courses include
Twelve c r e d i t s (4 credi ts per course)
T h i s f o r m i s t o be u s e d b y s t u d e n t s r e g u l a r l y a t t e n d i n g i n s t i t u t i o n s other t h a n
A u g s b u r g C o l l e g e . A u g s b u r g Summer S c h o o l c r e d i t s may be t r a n s f e r r e d t o the
s t u d e n t ' s home i n s t i t u t i o n , i f a p p r o v a l i s g r a n t e d b y t h a t c o l l e g e o r u n i v e r s i t y .
R e t u r n completed form to:
Summer S c h o o l , Augsburg C o l l e g e , M i n n e a p o l i s , MN
S t u d e n t ' s Name
A _
College o r University
The p e r s o n named above i s a s t u d e n t i n good s t a n d i n g a t t h i s i n s t i t u t i o n and i s
p e r m i t t e d t o e a r n Summer School c r e d i t s a t Augsburg C o l l e g e i n 1971.
S p e c i a l r e s t r i c t i o n s , i f any:
S i g n a t u r e and ~it l e -
- -
R e g i s t r a r , or other ~ e s ~ o n s l " b 1Oef f i c e r ) Date
SOC. 84:
3 Credits
T h i s experimental semlnar which meets one n i g h t a week f o r t h r e e
hours a t S t i l l w a t e r and Shakopee p r i s o n s p r o v i d e s a unique o p p o r t u n i t y
f o r Augsburg s t u d e n t s and S t i l l w a t e r and Shakopee Inmates t o become col e a r n e r s w l t h one another. The emphasis w i l l be on r e l a t i n g resource
m a t e r l a l i n t h e area o f c r l m l n o l o g y , and ideas and f e e l i n g s o f t h e
p a r t i c l p a n t s , t o t h e s e l f . By so doing, t h i s seminar w i l l h o p e f u l l y
f a c i l i t a t e personal growth and understanding o f s e l f and others.
T h l s seminar ,is open t o J u n i o r s and Seniors. These c r e d i t s may
An innovative course in mental
Soc. 83: Social Psycholohealth
gy of Mental Health and Mental,
will be offered to Uni' versity students at Augsburg Colr, lege winter quarter. University students may register as adult specials
until the course is filled.
Students enrolled will join patients and staff at either Anoka
( State Hospital or Hastings State
Hospital for an evening class once
a week. Participants will read a
required text, keep a journal of
their class experience and gather ,
for discussions, role-playing and
group sessions during the 3-cr
Cal Appleby, Augsburg sociolo
instructor, said a third section f
ahdents may be opened,
, -;
Show less
COURSE VALUES a t Augsburg College a r e measured i n Term C r e d i t s , and a r e d i r e c t l y i n t e r changeable w i t h Q u a r t e r C r e d i t s , t h e u n i t used f o r t h e i t a l i c i z e d courses l i s t e d below,
which a r e t a u g h t a t Concordia C... Show more
COURSE VALUES a t Augsburg College a r e measured i n Term C r e d i t s , and a r e d i r e c t l y i n t e r changeable w i t h Q u a r t e r C r e d i t s , t h e u n i t used f o r t h e i t a l i c i z e d courses l i s t e d below,
which a r e t a u g h t a t Concordia College, St. Paul.
Augsburg courses numbered 50 and above
a r e intended p r i m a r i l y f o r j u n i o r s and s e n i o r s , as a r e Concordia o f f e r i n g s 300 o r l a r g e r .
STUDENTS PLANNING t o t a k e Independent Study courses must o b t a i n p r i o r permission of t h e
Approval forms a r e a v a i l a b l e from
department and i n s t r u c t o r w i t h whom work i s t o be done.
t h e Sumner School O f f i c e .
COURSES ARE OFFERED SUBJECT t o adequate demand. Because some may be c a n c e l l e d , students
may wish t o l i s t a l t e r n a t e courses when making a p p l i c a t i o n .
may be earned in drawing, painting, composition, printmaking, or art history -CA~,~,P.
55, 6 7 , 83, 84,
. , -, 1 9 7 7 --,
85. 99. Variable
First and/or
------ second terms.
SUMMER STUDENTS may e a r n up t o t e n t e r m c r e d i t s d u r i n g t h e
F i r s t Session ( s i x weeks), and an a d d i t i o n a l f i v e c r e d i t s i n
t h e Second Session ( t h r e e weeks).
Term c r e d i t s a r e d i r e c t l y
interchangqable w i t h quarter c r e d i t s .
AUGSBURG i s c o o p e r a t i n g w i t h Concordia C o l l e g e , S t . Paul, i n
i t s Summer School program. Because t h e Second Session a t
Concordia l a s t s f o u r weeks, s t u d e n t s may r e g i s t e r f o r as many
as s i x c r e d i t s i n Second Session courses t a u g h t on t h e S t .
Paul campus.
TUITION CHARGES depend upon t h e number o f c r e d i t s f o r w h i c h a
person i s r e g i s t e r e d , w i t h a d e c r e a s i n g c o s t p e r c r e d i t when
t o t a l c r e d i t s a r e i n c r e a s e d . The t a b l e below i n d i c a t e s t o t a l
t u i t i o n f o r varying c r e d i t levels.*
*persons submitting a p p l i c a t i o n s
a n a d d i t i o n a l f e e o f $5.00.
some s c i e n c e c o u r s e s .
s h o u l d c o n s u l t t h e Summer S c h o o l
a f t e r May 1 4 w i l l be c h a r g e d
Laboratory f e e s a r e added i n
taking private music lessons
office for rates.
SOCIAL STUDIES. 2 Cr. Includes objectives,
principles, and techniques in elementary
social studies; unit development.
(Prereq.: 55, 56.)
Second Term.
TTh. 7-10
5 Cr. Structure and function of the human
body. For non-majors.
First and Second
Terms. TTh. 7-10 p.m. Mickelberg.
6 Cr.
Concepts and laws underlying chemistrv: examnles from inoroanic and organic
For non-malors.
Lab fee:
$5.00. Flrst Term. 10:35-11:55 a.m. plus
two afternoon labs per week. Gyberg.
First Term.
St. Paul.
10:lO-11-00 a.m.
OF EDUCATION. 3 Cr. Second Term. 10:5012:05 p.m. Poehler, Otte. St. Paul.
2 Cr.
Second Term.
10:lO-11:OO a.m.
St. Paul.
3 Cr. First Term.
St. Paul.
COMPUTER SCIENCE. 4 Cr. Theory of modern
digital computers. A particular computer
language is introduced. Includes a survey
of computer applications, problems. Second
Term. 8-11 a.m. Gulden.
4 Cr. An introductory college course
7-10 p.m., MW. Sabella.
5 Cr. Theory of demand, of the firm; price
and output determination, factor price determination. First Term.
MW 7-10 p.m.
11:lO a.m.-
3 Cr.
First Term.
12:15 p.m. St. Paul.
9:lO-10:00 a.m. Meyer.
3 Cr. Second Term. 9:05-10:ZO a.m. Kaden.
St. Paul.
Works of selected writers
from Colonial
times to the present; their contrsutions
to the development of American literature.
First Term. 8:45-10:05 a.m. Davis.
4 Cr.
examinationofpre-Civil War Southern life:
for each 10-lesson series.
For information contact the Department of Music.
4 Cr. Introduction to the nature, aims,
central problems, and terminology of philosophy.
First Term.
10:35-11:40 a. rn.
The Christian doctrine of man and salvation.
Its uniquenees and relevance to
certain other contemporary views of the
nature and destiny of man.
First Term.
10:35-11:40 a.m. Benson.
PERSONS IN good standing at regionally accredited colleges
and universities, as well as graduates of such institutions,
are eligible to attend Augsburg Summer School. Good standing
implies that the student has been admitted to a college and
has not subsequently been dropped by that institution.
R E l I B I O M R-210.
ACCEPTANCE as a summer student does not imply admission as a
regular student of Augsburg College; persons wishing to
complete a degree program at the college should apply for
admission through the Office of Admissions.
9:05-10:20 a.m.
R E L t ~ l o nR-211.
r ~ urr
5 Cr. An inquiry into the nature of religious faith, experience, and language.
First Term.
8:45-9:50 a.m. Reichenbach.
THA' OWI Y'~~11'hHKNT. 3 i r .
~ ~ P T A K E ~ . ,~ .
First Term.
Sohn. St. Paul.
First Term. Time Arranged.
S e n d 'l'rml.
St. Paul.
sc~onrl T-.
STUDENTS ADMITTED to Augsburg College for the Fall Term of
1969 are eligible to attend Summer School, as are persons
admitted by other colleges for the fall of this year.
St. Paul.
11:lO a.m.-12:15 p.m.
IF REGULARLY ATTENDING another institution, a student must
provide the Director of Summer School with a statement from
an appropriate official (e.g., Registrar or Dean) sf his
college that he is in good standing and eligible to earn
credits in the summer session. Credits earned at Augsburg
will be transferred only if this requirement has been met.
3 Cr. Second Term. 7:40-8:55
a.m. Stach. St. Paul.
4 Cr.
The solar system, stars, galaxies.
The use of optical instruments; viewing
with a 12" reflecting telescope.
p.m., TPh. Hanwick.
TERS. 1 Cr.
TTh. Stach.
SEMINAR IN PASTORAL LETSecond Term. 1:OO-2:15 p.m.
St. Paul.
OTHER PERSONS wishing to take summer school work should contact the Director of Summer School to ascertain eligibility
under special circumstances.
5 Cr.
Emphasis on the
Presidency, Congress, ard the
Court; conflict, consensus, economics, and
ideological factors.
Second Term. 8:4510:05 and 10:35-11:55 a.m. Stenshoal.
The political
~rocesses'of the Soviet Union and other
communist states analyzed in ideological,
party, and institutional terms.
Term. ITh. 7-10 p.m. Noonan.
Variable credit. First Term.
Time arranged. Noonan.
4 Cr.
A sociological perspective of the
cultural and structural dynamics of the
western world.
First Term.
a.m. Torstenson.
5l.lMQ:R W K 111 C C ; ? r ! E C T ? s
z-XLAI. GERVICR. 5 ( 5 . N U ~ O I n b t h r a
a special summer program not integrated
with other Summer School offerings. For
information w i t e
Dr. Joel Torstenson,
Augsburg College.
5 Cr. Methods of collecting,
and intermeting data in the
social sciences. Graphs. tables, measures
of central tendency; the testing oP hypotheses. First & Second Terms. 5:306:20 p.m. M-F. (9 weeks) Nordlie.
. r----.=.
First Term. 10:lO-11:OO a.m. Maneks.
St. Paul.
4 Cr.
Basic problems of effective speaking and
critical listening. 8:45-10:05.
Credit. Arranged. First Term. Olson.
LIMITED food 1 service w i l l be a v a i l a b l e d u r i n g the summer
I f housing i s r e q u i r e d , arrangements should b e
J a m e s L a n c a s t e r , Manager o f H o u s i n g .
made w i t h M r
June 16 20,1969
g:OO a.m. 10:30 a.m.. . . . . . . . . . . ..Knut Nystedt
The discussion will center on "Music in Europe
i n the Atomic Age" and "New Sounds in Choral
Music." Many taped examples, as well as the
actual scores, brought from Europe by Mr.
Nystedt will be used.
10:45 a.m. 12:15 p.m.. . . . . . . . .Leland B. Sateren
1935 graduate of Augsburg College,
received his master's degree from
the University of Minnesota i n
1943. He returned to Augsburg in
1946 and has directed the Augsburg Choir and served as chairman
of the Department of Music since
1950.In 1965 he was honored with
a Doctor of Humane Letters degree
from Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, Pa., and a Doctor of Music
degree from Lakeland College, Sheboygan, Wis. With many published
choral works to his credit, Dr.
Sateren has also written several
books and numerous articles on
choral music and its performance.
Wide interest i n the field of
music is evidenced by his professional memberships in the Music
Educators Association, the Hymn
Society of America, and his work
as a member of the Inter-Lutheran
Commission on Worship. The Augsburg Choir, under Dr. Sateren's
direction, has premiered several
contemporary pieces which emphasize t h e "new sound" i n choral
music. In December the choir sang
the premiere of Christobal Halffter's "Yes Speak Out Yes" i n the
General Assembly of the United
Nations in New York City with the
Minnesota Orchestra.
Choral Topics I
"Graphing the Vowel," "Suspensions and Other
Organic Expressive Elements" a n d "Part
Dynamics" are included in the topics for discussion and demonstration.
1:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m.
. . . . . . . . . . . . .Dale Warland
This study of larger-than-anthem choral works
will include Penderecki's "Stabat Mater,"
Stravinsky's "Symphony of Psalms," Nicolas
Roussakis' "Night Speech," Britten's "Rejoice
in the Lamp," Poulenc's "Gloria," a_nd others.
Recreation Period
KNUT NYSTEDT, a graduate of
the Oslo Conservatory of Music, is
conductor of the Norwegian Soloist
Choir and professor of choral conducting at the University of Oslo.
He is ;currently composer in residence at Augsburg College. In the
United States he has studied composition with Aaron Copland, conducting with Robert Shaw, a n d
organ with Ernest White. His compositions, both choral and instrumental. have been premiered i n
Norway by both the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra and the Norske
Solistkor and in this country by several orchestral and choral groups
including the Augsburg Choir. Mr.
Nystedt recently received the
St. Olaf Veda1 from the King of
Norway for his contributions to the
musical life of his country. In the
year of its birth, Nystedt's setting
of "De Profundis" won the coveted
Norwegian prize as the best composition of the year, all categories
considered, and it was subsequently
performed a t t h e International
Society for Contemporary Music.
Given its U. S. premiere by the
Augsburg Choir, the revolutionary
character of the piece opened new
paths in choral composition and
performance in this country. His
later "Praise to God" continued the
exploration of new sounds. This
work was given its world premiere
by the Augsburg Choir.
at Macalester College since 1967.
A native of Fort Dodge, Iowa, Dr.
Warland is a graduate of St. Olaf
College and has attended the University of Minnesota (M.A.) and
the University of Southern California (D.M.A.). His professional
career has included positions at
Humboldt State College (Calif.),
and Keuka College (New York) before joining Macalester. He has prepared several major choral works
for performance with the Minnesota Orchestra. During the past
season, the Macalester choirs participated q i t h the symphony i n
Penderecki's "St. Luke's Passion"
premiere in New York City and in
a local performance of "Missa
Solemnis" by Beethoven.
Minneapolis, the City of Lakes, offers a full
and varied program of recreation opportunities
to complement the facilities a t Augsburg
College. Swimming i n one of the many lakes,
golfing at the municipal courses and other
activities are easily accessible to participants.
6:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.. . . . . . . . . .Leland B. Sateren
Choral Topics I1
"Color and Concept," "Directing Mixed Meter
Music," "Line" and "Functional Choral Music"
are some of the topics to be considered.
7:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Knut Nystedt
"The Interpretation ?nd Performance of
Music by Knut Nystedt.
Music is never static. It is constantly alive speaking - expressing. As music continues to develop
new avenues and vehicles of expression, the director
must seek the understanding and techniques of
bringing this expression to his audience.
Leland B. Sateren and the Augsburg Choir have
long been associated with the presentation of "new"
choral music. Each year they have premiered important new works such as Nystedt's "Praise to God."
Knut Nystedt, Norway's leading composer of
choral music, is active in the "new" sounds in choral
composition. Mr. Nystedt is extending his stay as
composer in residence at Augsburg College to take
part in this workshop.
Dale Warland, director of choral organizations at
Macalester College, has been associated with the
preparation and performance of a number of larger
contemporary works including the New York City
premiere of Penderecki's "St. Luke's Passion" with
the Minnesota Orchestra.
Augsburg College has chosen this, its Centennial
Year, to enter the field of choral workshops. The
importance of this new music, the music of the
future, will be the primary focus of the Sateren
Choral Workshop in its first year.
Without Credit
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $~o.oo*
This includes mimeographed materials and attendance ?t 911 sessions. Participants will be given the
opportunity of purchasing the music used in the
Partial Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25.00~
Partial registration is available for those unable to
attend the complete workshop but wishing to take
part as their schedules permit.
Undergraduate Credit.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20.00
One or two undergraduate credits may be earned
through Augsburg College upon examination and
payment of the special $20.00fee. This fee is leveled
by the college and has nothing to do with the $50.00
fee listed above.
*A 10% discount will be granted to applications received b y
May 30.
Single Rooms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55.00
Double Rooms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ .
. . . . $45.00
Participants .will be housed in the new high-rise
dormitory, Urness Tower. Meals will be served in the
College Center Commons. Accommodations for
wives or husbands are available.
NAME: - Miss
ATTENDING, i f o t h e r t h a n Augsburg:
CLASSIFICATION AS OF JUNE, 1969 [ P l e a s e c i r c l e ] : F r . SO. J r . S r . O t h e r :
I p l a n t o attend:
- F i r s t Term (June 9 - J u l y 18)
Second Term ( J u l y 21-Auaust 9 ) *
T h e Second Term a t C o n c o r d i a , S t . P a u l , l a s t s a n a d d i t i o n a l w e e k , i . e . , t h r u A u g u s t 16
FROM THE LIST OF p r o j e c t e d Summer School o f f e r i n g s , p l e a s e e n t e r below your FIRST and
ALTERNATE c h o i c e s . Actual o f f e r i n g s w i l l be determined by demand. A normal maximum of
15 c r e d i t s may be earned d u r i n g t h e two terms [16 c r e d i t s i f t h e Second Term work i s
taken a t Concordia C o l l e g e ] .
Term [ s l
. A t u i t i o n d e p o s i t o f $25.00 i s r e q u i r e d f o r
p e r s o n s p r e r e g i s t e r i n g f o r f i v e o r more c r e d i t s ; t h e d e p o s i t f o r f o u r o r f e w e r c r e d i t s
i s $15.00.
Payment i n f u l l o f Summer S c h o o l c h a r g e s i s r e q u i r e d when f i n a l r e g i s t r a t i o n
i s c o m p l e t e d o n t h e d a t e c l a s s e s a r e s c h e d u l e d t o b e g i n . Make c h e c k t o Augsburg C o l l e g e
I submit t h i s A p p l i c a t i o n and P r e r e g i s t r a t i o n s u b j e c t t o t h e c o n d i t i o n s o f t h e 1969
Augsburg Summer School B u l l e t i n , which I have read and agree t o .
Date :
. .. .
R e t u r n c o m p l e t e d f o r m , t o g e t h e r w i t h d e p o s i t , t o Summer S c h o o l O f f i c e , Augsburg C o l l e g e ,
M i n q e a p o l j s , MN 55404.
Or b r i n g t o t h e Summer S c h o o l O f f i c e , Memorial H a l l , Room 1 1 1 .
- .
b MtZd w*
E n c l o s e d i s $20.00 r e s e r v a t i o n f e e f o r t h e S a t e r e n C h o r a l Workshop. ( T h i s f e e may be
r e f u n d e d i f t h e Manager i s n o t i f i e d o f c a n c e l l a t i o n b e f o r e s e s s i o n s b e g i n o n J u n e 1 6 . )
Please check a s applicable:
- I d e s i r e a s i n g l e room.
- My w i f e o r husband w i l l
-I do n o t d e s i r e c o l l e g e
accompany me,
- I am r e g i s t e r i n g f o r c o l l e g e c r e d i t .
- . . -. -
. . . ...
Address : - .
. .
. ..-.
R e g i s t r a t i o n s f o r t h e Sateren Choral Workshop should be m a i l e d t o :
Workshop, Augsburg College, M i n n e a p o l i s , MN 55404.
. .
Manauer, Choral
Show less
AUGSBURG SUMMER SCHOOL p e r m i t s s t u d e n t s t o e a r n up t o
t e n Term C r e d i t s d u r i n g a six-weeks s e s s i o n b e g i n n i n g
Monday, June 24.
( F i r s t - and second-year German courses
b e g i n one week e a r l i e r , June 17, and conclude l a ... Show more
AUGSBURG SUMMER SCHOOL p e r m i t s s t u d e n t s t o e a r n up t o
t e n Term C r e d i t s d u r i n g a six-weeks s e s s i o n b e g i n n i n g
Monday, June 24.
( F i r s t - and second-year German courses
b e g i n one week e a r l i e r , June 17, and conclude l a t e r . )
PERSONS PLANNING t o a t t e n d Summer School a r e a d v i s e d t o
a p p l y w e l l i n advance, i f p o s s i b l e , e s p e c i a l l y i f t h e y w i s h
t o r e g i s t e r f o r "demand" courses (see page 7 ) .
ADDRESS SPECIFIC INQUIRIES t o Dr. M. C . Stenshoel, D i r e c t o r
o f Summer School, Augsburg C o l l e g e , M i n n e a p o l i s , MN 55404.
AUCSBURG is a four-year liberal arts college in an
urban setting.
With a 12-block campus in the heart of
Minneapolis, it is oriented both physically a nd philosophically toward the pulse and excitement, the problems
and opportunities, of contemporary metropolis.
INTO THIS URBAN environment Augsburg College brings a
century of concern for scholarship, a reputation for
great teaching, and a student body committed t o the
values of education in a Christian community.
FULLY ACCREDITED by the North Central Association and
other agencies, Augsburg College offers the Bachelor of
The college
Arts degree in 29 major fields of study.
is associated with The American Lutheran Church.
THE METROPOLITAN area of Minneapolis-St. Paul provides
Augsburg students the stimulation and challenge that is
urban America today. The City provides a laboratory for
social and political inquiry. It is focal point for
the cultural explosion in art, drama, and music.
provides innumerable opportunities in sports and recreation. In short, the City adds a unique and significant
dimension to the Augsburg educational experience.
THE WORLD-FAMED TYRONE GUTHRIE Theater, the pennantchasing Minnesota Twins, the Summer Symphony, the
Minneapolis Institute and the Walker Art Center these are but the beginning of opportunities for the
student attending Augsburg Summer School.
STUDENTS INTENDING t o t a k e c o u r s e s o n b o t h campuses
should plan t h e i r schedules t o allow about 20 minutes'
commuting t i m e b e t w e e n campuses. W h i l e s t u d e n t s a r e
r e s p o n s i b l e f o r t h e i r own t r a n s p o r t a t i o n , t h e Summer
S c h o o l w i l l a s s i s t i n t h e making o f commuting a r r a n g e m e n t s when n e c e s s a r y .
MOST COURSES a r e s c h e d u l e d f o r t h e m o r n i n g h o u r s
Monday t h r o u g h F r i d a y ,
Four-credit c o u r s e s meet f o r
p e r i o d s o f 65 m i n u t e s , f i v e - c r e d i t c o u r s e s f o r 8 0 minu t e s . S e m i n a r s and I n d e p e n d e n t S t u d y c o u r s e s w i l l m e e t
a t t i m e s m u t u a l l y a g r e e d upon by s t u d e n t s and i n s t r u c tors.
TO ACCOMMODATE s t u d e n t s whose summer employment p r e c l u d e s morning c l a s s e s , and t o i n c r e a s e f l e x i b i l i t y o f
scheduling, s e v e r a l courses w i l l be taught during the
evening hours.
M e e t i n g t w i c e a week (Monday and Wedn e s d a y , o r T u e s d a y and T h u r s d a y ) , e v e n i n g c l a s s e s w i l l
r u n from s e v e n t o t e n o ' c l o c k , w i t h a 1 5 - m i n u t e b r e a k .
For s p e c i f i c l i s t i n g s , c o n s u l t t h e schedule.
PERSONS I N good s t a n d i n g a t r e g i o n a l l y a c c r e d i t e d
c o l l e g e s and u n i v e r s i t i e s , a s w e l l a s g r a d u a t e s o f s u c h
i n s t i t u t i o n s , a r e e l i g i b l e t o a t t e n d Augsburg Summer
"Good s t a n d i n g " i m p l i e s t h a t t h e s t u d e n t h a s
b e e n a d m i t t e d t o a c o l l e g e and h a s n o t s u b s e q u e n t l y b e e n
d r o p p e d by t h a t i n s t i t u t i o n .
ACCEPTANCE a s a summer s t u d e n t d o e s n o t i m p l y a d m i s s i o n
a s a r e g u l a r s t u d e n t o f Augsburg C o l l e g e ; p e r s o n s w i s h i n g t o c o m p l e t e a d e g r e e program a t t h e c o l l e g e s h o u l d
apply f o r admission through t h e O f f i c e of Admissions.
TO INCREASE c o u r s e o f f e r i n g s a v a i l a b l e t o s t u d e n t s ,
Augsburg C o l l e g e i s c o o p e r a t i n g w i t h C o n c o r d i a C o l l e g e ,
S t u d e n t s may
S t . P a u l , i n i t s Summer S c h o o l program.
r e g i s t e r f o r c o u r s e s t a u g h t o n t h e C o n c o r d i a campus, a s
w e l l a s f o r t h o s e o f f e r e d a t Augsburg, u s i n g 3 s i n g l e
For s t u d e n t s t a k i n g advantage of t h i s opportun i t y , t u i t i o n and f e e s a r e p a y a b l e t o Augsburg, and a l l
g r a d e s and c r e d i t s w i l l b e e n t e r e d d i r e c t l y upon t h e i r
Augsburg t r a n s c r i p t s .
COURSES TAUGHT o n t h e C o n c o r d i a campus a r e d e s i g n a t e d
i n t h e accompanying s c h e d u l e by t h e u s e o f i t a l i c s .
W h i l e most o f t h e C o n c o r d i a o f f e r i n g s c a r r y a v a l u e o f
t h r e e c r e d i t s , some ( i d e n t i f i e d b y a c r e d i t v a l u e o f
1@3-411) may b e t a k e n f o r e i t h e r t h r e e o r f o u r c r e d i t s ;
s t u d e n t s e l e c t i n g t o take such courses f o r f o u r c r e d i t s
w i l l be r e q u i r e d t o c o m p l e t e a s s o c i a t e d work i n i n d e pendent study under t h e d i r e c t i o n o f t h e i n s t r u c t o r of
the course.
STUDENTS ADMITTED t o Augsburg C o l l e g e f o r t h e F a l l Term
o f 1968 a r e e l i g i b l e t o a t t e n d Summer S c h o o l , a s a r e
p e r s o n s a d m i t t e d by o t h e r c o l l e g e s f o r t h e F a l l t e r m .
STUDENTS OF OTHER i n s t i t u t i o n s a r e r e q u i r e d t o p r o v i d e
t h e D i r e c t o r o f Summer S c h o o l w i t h a s t a t e m e n t from a n
a p p r o p r i a t e o f f i c i a l ( e . g . , R e g i s t r a r o r Dean) o f h i s
c o l l e g e t h a t h e i s i n good s t a n d i n g and e l i g i b l e t o
e a r n c r e d i t s i n t h e summer s e s s i o n .
C r e d i t s earned a t
Augsburg w i l l b e t r a n s f e r r e d o n l y i f t h i s r e q u i r e m e n t
h a s been f u l f i l l e d .
OTHER PERSONS w i s h i n g t o t a k e summer s c h o o l work s h o u l d
c o n t a c t t h e D i r e c t o r o f Summer S c h o o l t o a s c e r t a i n
e l i g i b i l i t y under s p e c i a l circumstances.
FULL SUMMER TUITION for not more than 1 0 credits
is $220.
For a single four-credit course, tuition is
$115; for a five-credit course, $140.
For fewer than
four credits, the charge is $30 per credit.
In some cases, such as private lessons i n applied
music, special additional fees are charged. A Registration Fee o f $5 is added for registrations completed
later than June 15.
A TUITION DEPOSIT of $25 is required at t h e time of
registration f o r students taking six or more credits.
For five credits or less the required deposit is $15.
Checks should be made out to "Augsburg College".
The tuition deposit i s refundable only if the courses
selected, including alternate choices, should be withdrawn because of inadequate demand.
DORMITORY HOUSING for unmarried students is available
at a charge of $40 for the six-week session. Cottage
housing, with cooking privileges, is available for the
same period for $50.
Occupancy is from June 2 3 to
August3. Those rlesiring housing for an additional
period will be charged at the rate of $1.00 per day for
dormitory housing,or $1.35 per day for cottage housing.
STUDENTS WILL PROVIDE their own pillows, blankets, and
bed linens.
COURSE VALUES at Augsburg College are measured in Term
The number of credits assigned normally corresponds to the number of 50-minute periods the course
meets each week during a ten-week term o f the regular
academic year.
Term Credits are directly interchangeable with Quarter Credits.
AUGSBURG COURSES numbered 50 and above are considered
upper-division offerings and are intended primarily for
juniors and seniors. (Concordia offerings numbered 300
and above may be considered upper division.)
INDEPENDENT STUDY courses are available in a number of
departments and carry upper division credit, thus
permitting qualified students to earn such credit when
regular upper-division classes are not available. Work
in Independent Study is to be done under the direction
of a specific faculty member who will serve as guide
and evaluator.
Before registering for Independent Study a student
should obtain the approvalof the responsible department
and faculty member; approval forms are available from
the Summer School Office.
COURSES MARKED with a n asterisk (*) are offered subject to adequate demand. When registering f o r such a
course, a student should, if possible, list other
courses as alternate choices. Courses without the
asterisk are definitely scheduled a n d are, therefore,
particularly appropriate as alternates.
A ROOM DEPOSIT OF $10 should accompany the applications
of students intending to live in college housing.
FAMILY ACCOMMODATIONS may be available. Persons interested should communicate directly with Mr. Richard
Berg, Business Manager, Augsburg College.
CAMPUS FACILITIES for meals include a coffee shopsand
automated services.
A regular board plan will n o t be
in operation during the summer session.
Resident students wishing to prepare their own meals should arrange
for cottage housing.
4 Cr.
Historical and topical studies.
Participation in the cultural life of the
community, leading toward appreciation and
criticism. 7-10 p.m., Mondays and Wednesdays. M r . Thompson.
ART: STUDIO COURSES.* 4 C r . Select not
Art 7,
more than one of the following:
Drawing; 18, P a i n t i n g I ; 21, S c u l p t u r e I;
78, S c u l p t u r e 11; 50, Ceramics I; 51,
Ceramics 11.
7:30-10:05 a.m. M r . H o l e n .
b a s i c c o l l e g e course i n biology, not
i n t e n d e d f o r majors i n b i o l o g y . $ 5 - l a b o r 8:45-10:05 a.m. M r . U r d a h l .
atory fee.
COMPUTER SCIENCE. 4 C r . T h e o r y m o d e r n
A p a r t i c u l a r computer
d i g i t a l computers.
language i s i n t r o d u c e d .
Includes a survey
o f computer a p p l i c a t i o n s , p r o b l e m s .
p.m., Tuesdays, T h u r s d a y s . M r . S t e r n .
4 Cr.
An i n t r o d u c t o r y c o l l e g e c o u r s e i n
7-10 p.m., Mondays, Wednesd a y s . Mr. S a b e l l a .
3 Ch.
An e d u c a t i o n a l psychology c o u r s e :
motivation; r a t e s of learning, f o r g e t t i n g ; a t t i t u d e s , s k i l l s , unders t a n d i n g ; r e a s o n i n g and problem s o l v i n g .
ST. PAUL: 10:55-11:50 a.m. M r . Heideman.
5ParC r e d i t Workshop, June 2 4 - J u l v 26.
t i c i p a n t s w i l l t e a c h German oE French t o
area children.
For more i n f o r m a t i o n , s e e
V i s i t i n g P r o f e s s o r : M r . Edener.
p. 12.
SEMINAR on a m a j o r American
T h i s summer's
o r B r i t i s h w r i t e r . 3 Cr.
seminar w i l l consider M e l v i l l e . Evenings,
as a r r a n g e d . Mr. N i c h o l l .
4 C r . An i n t r o d u c t o r y Freshman c o u r s e .
Two s e c t i o n s : 7:30-8:35 o r 8:45-9:55 a.m.
Mr. B e r g s t r o m , Mr. N i c h o l l ,
C r . See p.
7. Mr. B e r q s t r o m , &. N i c h o l l .
GERMAN B-131-132.
m i s compliii f i r s f - y e a r
c o l l e g e German c o u r s e i s n i n e weeks i n
l e n g t h , from J u n e 17 t h r o u g h August 1 6 . ,*
ST. PAUL: 9:30-10:25 and 10:55-11:25 a.m.
Mr. Engel h a r d t .
Note: T h i s complete s e c o n d - y e a r
8 Cr. c o u r s e meets 8 weeks, J u n e 17 t o August 9 .
Mrs. B a l t i n a .
V a r i a b l e C r See p 7. M r . C o l a t c i .
U. S. H I S T O R Y .
3-4 Ch.
The p e r i o d from t h e American R e v o l u t i o n
t h r o u g h p o s t - C i v i l War R e c o n s t r u c t i o n i s
s t u d i e d . I f taken f o r f o u r c r e d i t s , an
a d d i t i o n a l p r o j e c t i s r e q u i r e d . ST. PAUL:
9:30-10:25 a.m. Mr. B a r t l i n g .
19th C_EflURY EUROPE. 3-4
P o l i t i c a l , .$decs$ogical, economic, and
7:30s o c i a l developments. - ST.. PAUL:
8:25 a.m. Mr. B a r t l i n g .
Works o f s e l e c t e d w r i t e r s from ColoCr.
n i a l times t o t h e p r e s e n t ; t h e i r contribut i o n s t o t h e development o f American l i t erature.
8:45-10:05 a.m. Mr. B e r g s t r o m .
ENGLISH 8-364.
MASTERS OE E N G L I S H L Z T ERATURE. 3 C h . Major a u t h o r s , i n c l u d i n g ,
among o t h e r s , Chaucer, S h a k e s p e a r e , S w i f t .
M i l t o n , C a r l y l e , Shaw, ~ e a t s ; and ~ l i o t ;
8:30-9:25 a.m.
Mr. Lange.
C r . See p . 7 . Mr. C h r i s l o c k .
MUSIC 1.* THEORY I. 4 C r . P r i n c i p l e s of
n o t a t i o n , major and minor s c a l e s ;
interv a l s , t r i a d s , ' rhythms -- t h e i r a p p l i c a t i o n
i n w r i t t e n e x e r c i s e s . Aural s k i l l s , s i g h t
reading, dictation, part-singing.
A fundamental c o u r s e f o r music s t u d e n t s .
Prer e q u i s i t e : Passing a theory entrance t e s t .
Mr. Johnson.
T - ~ - N & W . T E ~ T ~ A ~EU-~ ~ ~ J
+ the
kQy T e s t a m e n t , i n c l u d i n g t h e l i f e and
t e a c h i n g s o f J e s u s , t h e e s t a b l i s h m e n t and
growth o f t h e c h u r c h .
11:5512:45. Mr. Sohn.
APPLIED MUSIC. P r i v a t e i n s t r u c t i o n may b e
a v a i l a b l e i n v o i c e ; s t r i n g , keyboard, and
wind i n s t r u m e n t s . 1 C r . f o r 10 l e s s o n s .
Note: An a d d i t i o n a l c h a r g e o f $40 i s made
f o r e a c h 10-lesson s e r i e s .
For informat i o n c o n t a c t t h e Department o f Music.
3 Ch. A n a T y s i s - o f p o r t i o n s o f
t h e Book o f Concord i n h i s t o r i c a l p e r s p e c tive.
ST. PAUL: 11:55 a.m.-12:45
Mr. R u d n i c k .
Introduction t o t h e nature, n i ~ r ~ s .
4 Cr.
c e n t r a l problems, and t e r m i n o l o g y o f p h i losophy.
Mr. S a n d i n .
THEOLOGY. 4 C r . Trends o f Roman C a t h o l i c
t h e o l o g y and r e l a t i o n o f t h e o l o g i c a l and
b i b l i c a l i n s i g h t s t o t h e dogmatic d e f i n i t i o n s o f t h e c h u r c h . 7-10 p.m., Tuesdays,
Thursdays. Mr. C o l a c c i .
b l e C r . See p . 7. M r . S a n d i n .
4 Cr.
The s o l a r
system, s t a r s , g a l a x i e s .
The u s e o f
o p t i c a l i n s t r u m e n t s ; v i e w i n g w i t h a 12"
7-10 p.m.,
Tuesr e f l e c t i n g telescope.
days, T h u r s d a y s . Mr. Hanwick.
Note: T h i s i s
AND.-SOCIAL SERVICE. 5 Cr. a s p e c i a l summer program n o t i n t e g r a t e d
w i t h o t h e r Summer School o f f e r i n g s . F o r
information w r i t e Dr. Joel Torstenson,
Auqsburg C o l l e g e
InterdisciI N MODERN METROPOLIS. 5 C r .
p l i n a r y s t u d y , p o l i t i c a l and s o c i o l o g i c a l ,
b f t h e changing- i n s t i t u t i o n s and p r o c e s s e s
o f community and government i n t h e contemporary u r b a n s e t t i n g . C l a s s e s meet o f f
8:45-10:05 a.m. Mr. T o r s t e n s o n .
V a r i a b l e Cr.
See p . 7 .
Mr. Stenshoel.
The b a s i c p r o c e s s e s u n d e r l y i n g b e h a v i o r .
~ x a m i n a t i o n o f t h e p r i n c i p l e s , methods,
and a r e a s o f s p e c i a l i z a t i o n i n p s y c h o l o g y .
M r s . Andereqq,
b l e Cr.
INDEPENDELIT STUDY. V a r i a M r s . Anderegg.
p. 7.
3-4 Ch.
An i n t r o d u c t o r y c o u r s e emphasizi n g human group l i f e and man's s o c i a l
Mr. Dannehl.
STATISTIC_S. 5 C r . M e t l i o X s - i T c o l l e c t i n g ,
comparing, and i n t e r p r e t i n g d a t a i n t h e
s o c i a l s c i e n c e s . Graphs, t a b l e s , measures
of c e n t r a l t e n d e n c y ; t h e t e s t i n g o f hypot h e s e s . 10:45-12:05.
Mr. F!ordl i e .
5 Cr. (See P o l i t i c a l
S c i e n c e 92 . ) 8:45-10:05.
Mr. ~ o r s t e ' s o n .
B a s i c problems o f k f f e c t i v e s p e a k i n g and
c r i t i c a l l i s t e n i n g . 8:45-10:05. M i s s C o l e .
THIS FIVE-WEEK WORKSHOP ( E d u c a t i o n 89) i s o f f e r e d through
t h e c o o p e r a t i o n of f i v e Twin C i t y c o l l e g e s : Augsburg, Haml i n e , M a c a l e s t e r , S t . C a t h e r i n e and S t . Thomas.
Dates a r e
June 24 t h r o u g h J u l y 26.
Guided by D r . W i l f r i e d Edener, a
s p e c i a l i s t from Germany now s e r v i n g a s F o r e i g n Language
C o n s u l t a n t t o t h e f i v e i n s t i t u t i o n s , p a r t i c i p a n t s w i l l work
w i t h f i f t h - and s i x t h - g r a d e r s , i n t r o d u c i n g them t o e i t h e r
German o r French over a four-week p e r i o d .
CARRYING a f i v e - c r e d i t c o u r s e v a l u e , t h e Workshop i s open
t o t e a c h e r s now i n s e r v i c e , a s w e l l a s t o u n d e r g r a d u a t e s
competent i n e i t h e r language.
T u i t i o n i s $100. Because
t h e number of p a r t i c i p a n t s i s l i m i t e d , p e r s o n s p l a n n i n g t o
a t t e n d should submit a p p l i c a t i o n s t o Augsburg Summer School
a s soon a s p o s s i b l e , s p e c i f y i n g t h e p r e f e r r e d language.
t o g e t h e r w i t h r e q u i r e d d e p o s i t s ( s e e page 6 ) , t o Summer
S c h o o l , Augsburg C o l l e g e , M i n n e a p o l i s , Minnesota 55404.
L a s t , F i r s t , Middle
C ig
STIPENDS c o v e r i n g b o a r d , room and c o l l e g e t u i t i o n a r e
a v a i l a b l e f o r s t u d e n t s who a r e a c c e p t e d .
Majors i n A r t ,
E d u c a t i o n , Music, N u r s i n g , P o l i t i c a l ( o r S o c i a l ) S c i e n c e
a r e e s p e c i a l l y encouraged t o a p p l y ; p r e f e r e n c e i s g i v e n
R e q u e s t s f o r a p p l i c a t i o n forms should be
d i r e c t e d t o : Youth D i v i s i o n , The American L u t h e r a n Church,
422 South F i f t h S t r e e t , M i n n e a p o l i s , MN 55414. I n c l u d e
your name, a d d r e s s , and z i p code.
- -
- ..
S t a t e -_
- -.
- -
H i g h e s t l e v e l o f e d u c a t i o n completed a s o f J u n e , 1968:
- High School g r a d u a t e
- Freshman y e a r of c o l l e g e
- Sophomore y e a r o f c o l l e g e
- Junior
- Senior
- Other:
year of c o l l e g e
y e a r of c o l l e g e
Are you now working toward a c o l l e g e o r u n i v e r s i t y d e g r e e ?
- Yes
- No
THIS PROGRAM combines i n d e p e n d e n t s t u d y and a p a i d work
experience i n s o c i a l s e r v i c e f o r undergraduate s t u d e n t s .
A p p l i c a n t s need n o t be s t u d e n t s a t Augsburg C o l l e g e .
t h e number of o p e n i n g s i s l i m i t e d , e a r l y a p p l i c a t i o n s a r e
For i n f o r m a t i o n w r i t e Chairman, Department of
S o c i o l o g y , Augsburg C o l l e g e , M i n n e a p o l i s , Minnesota 55404.
TWENTY STUDENTS from a l l p a r t s of t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s w i l l
p a r t i c i p a t e i n a u n i q u e e d u c a t i o n a l e x p e r i e n c e a s members
of a " l i v e - i n " g r o u p , spending e i g h t wesks ( J u n e 17 t h r o u g h
August 9) i n t h e North S i d e c r i s i s a r e a of M i n n e a p o l i s .
Earning academic c r e d i t s a t Augsburg C o l l e g e , p a r t i c i p a n t s
w i l l pursue i n d e p e n d e n t s t u d i e s , a s w e l l a s t h e f i v e - c r e d i t
c o u r s e , S o c i o l o g y ( o r P o l i t i c a l S c i e n c e ) 92: See page 10.
( I f "yes",
p l e a s e complete i t e m s a , b , and c , below.)
At what c o l l e g e ?
What d e g r e e do you e x p e c t t o e a r n ?
W i l l you want c r e d i t s e a r n e d a t Augsburg C o l l e g e
t r a n s f e r r e d t o t h i s c o l l e g e ? - Yes
( I f "no", p l e a s e u s e t h e s p a c e below t o
b r i e f l y your e d u c a t i o n a l p l a n s and g o a l s . )
From t h e l i s t e d c o u r s e s on pages 7-11, p l e a s e e n t e r
t h o s e which c o n s t i t u t e f i r s t
c h o i c e f o r y o u r Summer
School program. T o t a l c r e d i t s may n o t exceed t e n .
T o t a l Number o f C r e d i t s :
P l e a s e l i s t below o t h e r c o u r s e s you a r e w i l l i n g
t o s u b s t i t u t e , s h o u l d l a c k o f demand r e q u i r e c a n c e l l a t i o n o f a c o u r s e l i s t e d above.
Do you wish t o r e s e r v e c o l l e g e h o u s i n g ?
( I f "yes",
- Dormitory
- Cottage)
- No
I e n c l o s e a check o r money
o r d e r , payable
C o l l e g e , i n t h e amount o f $
a s follows:
be c r e d i t e d
Tuition Deposit, $
Housing D e p o s i t , $
I submit t h i s A p p l i c a t i o n s u b j e c t t o t h e c o n d i t i o n s o f t h e 1968
Augsburg Summer School b u l l e t i n , which I have r e a d and u n d e r s t a n d .
Show less
Options ......................4
Visiting Students ................5
About This Catalog................. 5
Calendar ........................6
Interim Courses ...................7
Lifetime Sports ...................36
Interim Abroad .................. 38
Other Courses ... Show more
Options ......................4
Visiting Students ................5
About This Catalog................. 5
Calendar ........................6
Interim Courses ...................7
Lifetime Sports ...................36
Interim Abroad .................. 38
Other Courses ...................39
Introduction to Interim
The College follows a 4- 1-4 calendar, with fall and spring
semesters of approximately 14 weeks separated by a four-week
January Interim. Interim is intended to be a time for both
students and faculty to employ styles of teaching and learning
and to investigate questions and topics in places and ways not
possible during the regular term. The College is changing its
calendar next year to a 4-4 calendar so January Interim 2002
will be the last opportunity to take an Interim course.
Freshmen are required to take an Interim course their first
year. All other current students are expected to complete the
two interims required for graduation.
Interim is an opportunity for intense concentration on a
single course of study. Since one Interim course equals a fulltime load, students should plan to spend the same amount of
time in class and preparing for class as they would for a fourcourse load during fall or spring semesters. Students should
be prepared for at least 40 class hours during the Interim and
should anticipate the equivalent of the normal two hours of
study for each class hour. Since the course length is only 3 112
weeks, attendance at every class is imperative. While it is
expected that students will attend every class period,
instructors will establish the precise attendance policy for
their courses. Students can register for only one course credit
during Interim. There is no tuition refund for a student who
chooses not to enroll in an Interim course.
Most Interim courses are graded traditionally on a 4.0 to 0.0
scale. Students generally have the option to register on a
PassINo credit basis. A few Interim courses are graded only on
the PIN system; this is indicated in the course description.
Some courses are offered for either upper or lower division
credit. Such Interim courses have two numbers listed and
students must select which is most appropriate for their
needs. Students registering for upper division credit should
anticipate additional assignments and a more rigorous
grading standard. Some courses, especially courses with travel
requirements, have additional fees associated with them.
These fees, although intended to be accurate, may change and
students should check with the instructor to verify the final
Day school students (3.0 credits or more for fall) can take a
total of 1.0 course credit. They may take two half-credit
classes. They may also take a lifetime sport (zero credit). The
lifetime sport is at no additional charge if they are full-time
students (fall term). If less than full time, they will be charged.
Weekend students can take 1.0 course credits in Interim as a
cross registration and will be charged WEC tuition $1321 per
course credit and a $25 technology fee. If they do so, they may
petition to take an additional 1.0 course credit in Weekend
College for winter trimester.
Augsburg College, as afirmed in its mission, does not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national
or ethnic origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status,
status with regard to public assistance, or disability in its
education policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan
programs, athletic andlor school administered programs, except
in those instances where religion is a bona fide occupational
qualification. Augsburg College is committed to providing
reasonable accommodations to its employees and its students.
Any questions concerning Augsburg's compliance with federal or
state regulations implementing equal access and opportunity can
be directed to Betty Wade, afirmative action coordinator, Ofice
of Human Resources, CB 79,Augsburg College, 221 1 Riverside
Ave., Minneapolis, M N 55454. She can be reached by telephone,
(612) 330-1023; or by e-mail, <>.
International Interim-Students are invited to participate in
the international Interim courses offered by the Upper
Midwest Association for Intercultural Education (UMAIE)
and other consortia. These course opportunities are listed on
page 38. Some courses have early registration deadlines.
Internships deadline-Friday, December 7. January Interim
internships must be planned in advance. Students electing an
internship must meet departmental requirements and present
a signed internship-learning agreement plan to the Center for
Service, Work, and Learning (1st floor Memorial) by the first
day of Interim classes. The learning-agreement forms are
available in the same office. Internships during Interim must
involve full-time work placements for approximately four
weeks. Assistance for planning internships is available in the
Center for Service, Work, and Learning.
Independent studylresearch or directed study-Students
may elect a program of independent study (upper division
499) or directed study (lower division 299) for Interim.
Faculty members are strongly discouraged from accepting
responsibility for more than one independent study per
Interim. Students choosing to pursue independent or directed
study must:
1. Meet departmental requirements
2. Present to the registrar a copy of the proposed study
plan approved by the supervising faculty member and
the directedlindependent study registration form.
These forms must be submitted by December 1.
Appropriate study proposal and registration forms can
be obtained in the Office of the Registrar.
Interims at other schools-Augsburg students may enroll at
any other 4-1-4 institution that offers a reciprocal Interim
arrangement. Catalogs of these Interim programs are available
in the registrar's office. Registration for Interims at the other
ACTC colleges will be at Augsburg during the regular
registration period. Most courses taught during the Interim at
other 4-1-4 schools are accepted for credit by Augsburg, but
may not necessarily be accepted as meeting Augsburg's
general education requirements or major requirements.
Visiting Students
Augsburg College welcomes students from other 4- 1-4 schools
for the January Interim without tuition charges, provided the
student's home institution agrees not to charge tuition to
Augsburg students for the January term. The waiver of tuition
does not include special fees, housing, or board costs. Other
students will be charged $1,844 for the Interim course plus a
$25 technology fee. Students interested in registering for an
Augsburg Interim should write to the Office of the Registrar
for application forms or use the forms provided by the Interim
office at their own school. There is an application processing
fee of $25. Students are welcome to stay on campus but are
not required to do so. Requests for Interim housing should be
made to the Office of Residence Life.
It should be noted that neither ACTC exchange students nor
visiting students may register for 199,299,399, or 499 courses.
About This Catalog
The catalog lists courses by departments in alphabetical order.
At the end of the book are listings of other courses not
offered by Augsburg but recognized by the College for Interim
credit. Students may also register for one of the lifetime sports
listed at the end of the catalog. Courses that include travel are
marked with an airplane.
Interim Calendar 2002
November 13 to December 1
January 3
. . . . . . . . . . Interim registration
..........................First day of Interim
Time I-9:00 a.m. (first day)
Time 11-1:15 p.m
January 4
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Last
. day to register or add a class
January 7
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Last day to drop a class
without notation on record
January 16 ..................... Last day for determining
grading option with registrar
January 16
.........Last day for withdrawing from courses
January 2 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . Martin Luther King Day-no
January 25.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interim ends
January 29.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spring semester begins
February 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Interim grades due to registrar
The time, number, and length of meetings as well as the
beginning time will be arranged the first day of class. The daily
schedule for Interim is divided into two blocks of time:
Time I: 8:00 to 11:45 a.m. (Note:on the first day, Time I classes
will begin at 9:00 a.m.)
Time 11: 1:15-5:00 p.m.
Note: Martin Luther King Day-no
For More Information
For more information contact Barbara Pappenfus in the
Interim Office at 612-330-1 150.
h f e Drawing
ART 247-J
Instructor: John McCaffrey
A study of undraped figures for art students and non-art
students. The figures will be depicted with a variety of
drawing media. Students will study form, structure, skeletal
and surface anatomy, proportion, rendering techniques, and
composition. There will be a $45 fee to be paid on the first
day of class
Liberal Arts Perspective: Aesthetics
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Tme: I
Room: Old Main 17
/Topics: Watercolor Painting: Art of the
French Table
ART 300-J
Instructor: Tara Christopherson
What Arles cafe seated Van Gogh on the yellow chair he
immortalized? What Provencal traditions produced the
inspiration for Cezanne's still life, Fruit Bowl, Glass and
Apples? How did the region's pottery and glass artisans
influence the dramatically modern Leger and Picasso? The
wallpaper in Matisse's tableau, Harmony in Red-did it hang
in his studio on the outskirts of Nice? And FragonardProvencal romantice, what perfumes from his native Grasse
inspired his flower-filled paintings? In this course, students
learn transparent watercolor techniques and experience the
art of the French table by painting on location-subject
matter, conversation, locations, and traditions that inspired
For more information, contact Prof. Tara Christopherson,
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Marine Biology of the Florida Keys
BIO 140-J
BIO 340-J
Instructor: William Capman
The Florida Keys provide an excellent site for study of natural
history and ecology of marine, coastal, and sub-tropical
communities. This class will spend about two weeks in
Florida at the Newfound Harbor Marine Institute located on
Big Pine Key. The institute offers laboratory facilities, oceangoing research platforms, housing, and a dining hall. Field
trips to coral reefs (Looe Key National Park), tide pools, turtle
grass flats, mangrove islands, and upland hammocks will be
led by professional naturalists from the institute. Organisms
and communities will be studied on site and in the
laboratory. Research projects will be initiated shortly after
arrival at the station in order to provide opportunities to
gather data over a period of several days. Visits to Pennicamp
State Park, Key West, and the Everglades will be included.
Evaluation will be based on:
BIO 140: (1) field and laboratory records, (2) personal
journal, (3) quizzes at Marine Institute, and (4) final exam.
Prerequisite for BIO 140: Any one of the following courses or
their equivalents-BIO 101, 102,103,113, 114, or consent of
BIO 340:(l)field and laboratory records, (2)personal journal,
(3)quizzes at Marine Institute, (4)written report of the
research project, and (5)final exam.
Prerequisite for BIO 340: BIO 351 or BIO 481 or consent of
the instructor.
Estimated cost of the course: $2,500 (includes airfare, all
ground transportation, housing, and meals while at the
institute). Contact the instructor for details.
Prerequisite: See Above
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Time: II
Room: Science 225
Rhe Biology of Aging
BIO 185-J
Instructor: Bob Herforth
With the aging of the Baby Boom generation, interest in, and
research on, the biological basis of the aging process has
taken on an air of urgency, compared with an earlier more
leisurely approach. This course surveys functional changes
which occur in the body with age and diseases associated
with aging, such as osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease, and
cardiovascular disease. The major theories that have been
proposed to explain what causes aging will be presented,
including findings on the cellular and genetic basis of aging.
Attention will also be focused on the results of attempts to
slow the aging process in experimental animals and humans.
Prerequisite: None
Liberal Arts Perspective: Natural World 2
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Science 315
/personal Finance
BUS 240-J
Instructor: Ashok Kapoor
This is an introductory course in personal financial planning.
Students will be introduced to budgeting, credit, income
taxes, insurance, real estate, investment and retirement
planning. Evaluation: Quizzes and exams.
Prerequisite: None
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: II
Room: Foss 43
Responding to the Challenge of Japan
BUS 368-J
Instructor: Steven LaFave
This course provides an examination of current Japanese
business practices using a cultural perspective. A multimedia
approach will be employed involving film, television
documentaries, radio speeches, and readings from current
periodicals in addition to text materials. A seminar model will
be used with substantial participation expected on the part of
the students. Evaluation will be based on a paper, two 20minute sessions of seminar leadership, class participation, and
mid-term and final examinations. This class should be of
interest to anyone majoring or minoring in international
business or any field of business administration, as well as
anyone interested in Japan. Students who cannot attend every
class should not enroll in this course.
Prerequisite: Junior standing or consent of the instructor
Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness I
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Old Main 29
Introduction to Polymer Chemistry and
American Plastic
CHM 104-J
Instructor: Ron Fedie
Previously there was the Stone Age, Iron Age, and Bronze Age.
Now we live in the Age of Polymers (and Plastics). Without
this innovative technology, life as we know it would be much
different. The variety of polymer molecules and their
properties make up many, diverse plastics and the variations
are endless. Many items and materials in the areas of
coatings, adhesives, leisure/sports equipment,
building/construction, automobiles, furniture, clothes,
medical supplies, cosmetics, and others that are used everyday
come from different polymeric materials made from polymer
molecules. In this course we will explore and discuss the
world of polymer chemistry. Polyethylene is one of the most
commonly used synthetic polymers in "plastic" wrap and
trash bags. A common natural polymer, polyisoprene, is
collected from the sap of rubber trees and tires, golf balls, and
latex gloves are just some of the many uses. The class will
focus on two books. One, American Plastic: A Cultural
History, by Jeffrey Meikle, for the historical perspective of our
world of polymers. Themes from the book, the different
types of polymers used, and recent themes such as the
recycling of plastics will be discussed. A second book, Giant
Molecules, by Grosberg and Khokhlov, will help with the
previously mentioned themes and give more depth to the
broad world of polymers not covered in Meikle's book. There
will be six lab periods in which some polymer molecules will
be made and several of their interesting properties will be
explored. Students will be graded on 25 group worksheets,
six quizzes, six reflection papers, six lab periods, and an
individual project and presentation.
Prerequisite: Math Placement Group 2
Liberal Arts Perspective: Natural World 1 or 2
Maximum Enrollment: 22
Time: II
Room: Science 315
States of Maiter (.50 Credit)
CHM 114-J
Instructor: Joan Kunz
CHM 114 provides an overview of the main states of matter,
examining the laws governing the behavior of gases, liquids,
solids, colloids, and solutions. The course connects chemical
theory and models of matter with real world behavior and
application. CHM 114 is a required transitional course for
students needing one year of general chemistry who enter at
the CHM 105 level and intend to take CHM 116 in the
spring. CHM 106 will not be offered in the spring of 2002; all
students needing two semesters of general chemistry must
take either CHM 1151116 or CHM 10511141116.
Prerequisite: CHM 105
Time: I
Room: Science 212
Introduction to Computer Science and
CSC 160-J
Instructor: Charles Sheaffer
This course introduces the major areas of computer science
and computer communications. These areas are: algorithms,
algorithm design, algorithm efficiency, hardware, logical
circuit design, computer organization, software and operating
systems, programming languages, operating systems, theory
of computation, mathematical foundations of computer
science, Turing machines, computer communications and the
Internet, packet switching, Internet services, and operation.
This course will consist of lecture/discussion times with
frequent in-class lab exercises on the topics above. Grading
will be based on examinations, labs, and homework. This is
not a course in computer applications or how to use
computers, although we may touch on these topics.
Prerequisite: Math Placement Group 3
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Tune: I
Room: Sverdrup 202
UNlX and C
CSC 272-J
Instructor: Karen Sutherland
Study of UNIX operating system and the C programming
language. It is assumed that the student has knowledge of
programming methods and has done programming in some
other language. Grading will be based on examinations and
programming assignments.
Prerequisite: CSC 170 or programming in some other language
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: II
Room: Sverdrup 202
School and Society
EDC 480-J
Instructor: Joe Erickson
-l'l~iscrmrse will rxanainc. the rr~lcof schools and ducatinn in
two cultures: the United States and Nicaragua. Participants
will have an opportunity to see how these two contrasting
cultures and social systems view the role of schools within
their societies. Every system of learning has both
opportunities and defects. Those in leadership roles within
each system make choices about how to educate. The goal of
the course is to enhance participants' understanding of the
role of teaching and learning within a society, both in the
formal elementary and secondary educational systems and in
non-formal educational structures such as adult literacy
campaigns. For more information, contact Prof. Joe Erickson,
Prerequisite: Sophomore-standing education majors & completed PPST &
admitted to the education department
Liberal Arts Perspective: Social World 1 or 2
Graduation Skill Requirement: Writing (If taken in conjunction with EDC 200.)
Time: WEClDay
Topics: Live Theatre Here and Abroad:
The Best of Two Worllds
ENG 282-2
Instructor: Ron Palosaari & Darcey Engen
W f/F , ~
London, an exciting city to visit, has the best live theatre in
the world. MinneapolisISt. Paul is one of the best places for
drama in America. We will spend 10 days enjoying London
theatre, nightlife, and cultural opportunities. Then we will
return and study Twin Cities theatre, which has its own
strengths. Students will also be assigned several museums
and art gallery visits, hear guest speakers that will include
directors, actors, and stage managers. Our course will be
especially good for those students who want to travel abroad
but are looking for a shorter or less expensive trip. Any
interested student, however will find this course a rich
educational experience. For more information, contact Prof.
Ron Palosaari, 612-330-1005, or Prof. Darcey Engen,
Prerequisite: None
Liberal Arts Perspective: Aesthetics
Topics: Investigating the Victorian
ENG 282-D
ENG 482-D
Instructor: Dallas Liddle
This course will study the phenomenon in 19-century Britain
of the popular novel of suspense, mystery, and terror. From
Frankenstein early in the century to Dracula at its end, the
nightmares imagined by novelists of Great Britain have
continued to interest and horrify readers throughout the 20th
century. Early in the century these tales were generally either
"Gothic" (stories of horror and the supernatural set in Italy
or Spain) or "Newgate" novels (true-crime stories about the
lower classes). By the 1860's however, popular novelists
including Charles Dickens, Mary Braddon, Eliza Wood, and
Wilkie Collins were producing a stunningly successful series
of works in which the action was set in the everyday world of
the Victorian middle classes, and the villains (as one reviewer
remarked) seemed like people the reader might meet at
dinner. Often challenging and sometimes subversive, these
novels drew intense public scrutiny by raising issues that the
politer genre of domestic fiction could hardly hint at
including gender roles and sexual transgression, class and
race oppression, obsession and madness, and the dark sides
of urban life, industrial poverty, and empire. We will read
several of the best of these thrillers, at the same time actively
investigating the culture that produced them. We will read
original reviews and responses, including parodies, and learn
about the context of newspaper and magazine journalism in
which several of the novels appeared. While we investigate
the power of the Gothic and Sensation genres for their
original audiences, however, we will also work to determine
why these novels have continued to appeal to successive
generations of readers. Course grades will be based on class
attendance and participation, two short papers, a group
presentation, and a final exam. Upper-level students will read
one additional novel, write a research-based paper on it, and
share the results of their research with the class.
Prerequisite: ENG 111
Liberal Arts Perspective: Western Heritage
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: II
Room: Foss 20
Topics in History: Minnesota History
HIS 195-J
Instructor: Bill Green
This course will cover the early racial, ethnic, political, and
economic history of Minnesota, focusing on the Ojibway and
Dakota, the explorations of the French and British, the U.S.
territorial era, and statehood. We also will look at how
European immigration impacted Minnesota, and how the
rise of various political movements influenced the
governance of the state.
Prerequisite: None
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Old Main 23
Dance (men only) (0.5 course credit)
HPE 232-M
Instructor: Carol Enke
Theory and practice in teaching and performing American
heritage and international folk dances. The majority of the
course grade is based on dance practicals, a teaching
assignment, and a written test.
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Time: I- 1~,118,119,1110,1111,1114,1115,1116
Room: Melby Gym - center court
Dance (women only)
(0.5 course credit)
HPE 232-W
Instructor: Carol Enke
Theory and practice in teaching and performing American
heritage and international folk dances. The majority of the
course grade is based on dance practicals, a teaching
assignment, and a written test.
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Time: I - 1~,118,119,1110,1111,1114,1115,1116
Room: Melby Gym - center court
Instructional Materials & Methods in
Health Education
HPE 390-J
Instructor: Eileen Uzarek
This course will cover principles and methods of instruction
applied to health education(5-12). Emphasis upon
teachingllearning strategies and student assessment.
Development and delivery of lessonslactivities is included.
Students are evaluated by their peers and the instructor on
their ability to create, deliver, and assess health education
lessons in a "real"c1assroom. Evaluationlgrading is also based
upon the completion of a "technology project:' resource file,
and exam.
Prerequisite: HPE 110
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Melby 202
Sailing in the Virgin Islands
HPE 455-J
Instructor: Joyce Pfaff
Designed for the beginning and intermediate sailor interested
in the art and practice of sailboat cruising. The course will
take the participant to a competent level of sailboat handling
(anchoring, mooring, helming, and crewing). The student will
live aboard a 43'-46' fixed-keel sailboat with five to six other
people and will function as an active crew member. Actual
on-the-water instruction will be the major part of the course.
Sailing will include cruises to the various islands and cays in
the British and American Virgin Islands. Snorkeling and wind
surfing will be available on an optional basis. Some classes
will be held in December prior to leaving for the Virgin
Islands in January.
The course cost is $3,500, which includes airfare for Augsburg
day students and qualifying Interim exchange students.
Others will have to pay regular Interim tuition in addition to
this course cost in order to receive academic credit. PIN
ONLY. Applications may be picked up from the office of Joyce
Pfaff, Melby Hall 121, Augsburg College. They must be
turned in with deposit and appropriate signature before final
acceptance is given.
Prerequisites: Permission from Joyce Pfaff, health and physical education
department, 612-330-1247; no smoking is allowed; basic swimming skills;
Graduation Skill Requirement: Lifetime Sport, also one course credit upper
Maximum Enrollment: 10 ( A waiting list will be kept after the original 10 spots
are filled)
Introduction to Islam
INS 225-J
Instructor: Amin Kader
This course is designed by a practicing Muslim to present his
perception of Islam to non-Muslims. The course will cover
the ideological foundations of Islam, its basic concepts and
tenets, Islamic law (Shari'ah), Islamic economic and political
systems, and Islamic patterns of life. There will also be
discussions on the differences between the Islamic sects
(Sunnis, Shi'its, Sufis, etc.). Some effort will be made to deal
with the similarities and differences between Islam and both
Christianity and Judaism. Students will also visit one of the
mosques in the Twin Cities. Evaluation is based on two tests
and a paper.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 1
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Old Main 27
Paideia Seminars
INS 255-J
Instructor: Anne Kaufman
Students will participate in a series of seminars following the
Paideia seminar format as developed by Mortimer Adler and
Paideia Associates. Students will also view selected films for
seminar discussions; develop and lor hone skills of mature,
intellectual talk; observe seminars conducted in a St. Paul
public school; evaluate their own behaviors during seminars,
and lead seminars. Students will be assessed on journal
entries including evidence of seminar preparation, reflection,
peer and self-evaluation, as well as a final summary paper.
Graduation Skill Requirement: Critical Thinking
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Old Main 18
Topics: I've Been Working on the
INS 268-J
Instructor: Noel Petit
An overview of the history, technology, economics, and future
of railroading in the United States. Includes visits to rail and
transportation facilities here in the Twin Cities as well as a
rail trip to Chicago on Amtrak to experience intercity and
commuter rail systems. Designed to give the student an
understanding of the significance of this hidden part of the
U.S. economy. The student will learn how significant
Minnesota has been in the development of rail systems where
we are going in this growing industry. We will have a special
emphasis on the development of the towns of the Midwest.
Students will complete four papers (one each week) and
present their paper to the class (with multimedia images and
videos) each week. Students will critique each presentation.
Trip Fee: $300. Note: This fee will be placed on your student
account when you register for this course.
Prerequisites: Effective Writing English 111
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Liberal Arts Perspective: The City
Graduation Skill Requirement: Speaking
Time: I
Room: Sverdrup 201
Work in the City Externship: Linking
Education and the World of Work
INS 298-K
Instructors: Lois Olson & Lynda Olson
This course introduces students to the nature of work, and its
role and value to the individual and to society. Seminar
format will focus on work as viewed by this generation and
the requirements to succeed both now and in the future. A
special emphasis will be on self-discovery learning activities,
visits to Twin Cities businesses and community organizations,
and discussions with panels of professionals. Students will be
expected to research employment trends and career options,
complete a portfolio of reflections, exercises and selfassessments, and give individual and group presentations.
Students will also explore various organizations of the Twin
Cities and understand their role and impact in a major
metropolitan area. PIN grading only.
Liberal Arts Perspective: The City
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: II
Room: Lindell 16
Native American Storytelling
INS 332-J
Instructor: Sophia Jacobsen
The objective of this course is to study Native American
storytelling from a cultural perspective. An appreciation of
oral traditions will be emphasized and studied within the
broader context of world mythologies. Students will learn
how the art of storytelling is integral to story content.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Aesthetics or Intercultural Awareness 1
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: II
Room: Music 23
Topics: The Czech Republic: Social and
Cultural Impact of the Emerging Free
Market Economy
INS 495-C
Instruclor: Stu Stoller
This intensive experience in contemporary Czech culture and
society will allow you the opportunity to develop an
appreciation for the many diverse cultures that intersect in
Central Europe. Students will reflect critically on how their
own life experiences have shaped their perspectives in the
world, and how this differs from people in other countries.
During week one, there will be excursions and field trips that
will explore the environs of Olomouc and study the history,
culture, art, and architecture of the Czech Republic. Week
two will focus on the Czech Republic's recent membership of
NATO. Students will study the roots of the divisions of
modern Europe, the concerns of the Czech government as it
approaches membership in the EU. The final week will
concentrate on developing a capitalist enterprise in the excommunist world, looking at how models are succeeding, and
how different sectors of Czech society are responding to the
changes in social norms and values, which underlie these new
economic initiatives. For more information contact Stu
Stoller at 612- 330-1772
Applied Algebra
MAT 105-J
Instructor: Su Doree
Concepts of linear, exponential, logarithmic, and other
models with an emphasis of applications to the social and
natural sciences, business, and everyday life.
Prerequisite: Math Placement Group 2
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Sverdrup 1
I '
Math of lnterest
MAT 173-J
Instructor: Nick Coult
Learn how to determine the monthly payments on a house or
car. Find out how much you need to be socking away now to
have a million when you retire. Learn how annuities,
perpetuities, and life insurance work, and more. Evaluation
will be based on classroom participation, quizzes, and a final
Prerequisite: Math Placement Group 3 or consent of instructor
Graduation Skill Requirement: Quantitative Reasoning
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Science 205
Math of lnterest
MAT 173-K
Instructor: Ken Kaminsky
Learn how to determine the monthly payments on a house or
car. Find out how much you need to be socking away now to
have a million when you retire. Learn how annuities,
perpetuities, and life insurance work, and more. Evaluation
will be based on classroom participation, quizzes, and a final
Prerequisite: Math Placement Group 3 or consent of instructor
Graduation Skill Requirement: Quantitative Reasoning
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Science 108
Topics: Sounds and Sights of Europe
M U 5 179-J
Instructors: Roberta Kagin & Gabe Gabrielsen
d m\,/I
' I ' h i ~cnlirse provides an opl~nrtiir~ity
t1-r visit sonw of tlw
Great Eurclpeau c~~ltural
ccfilers that ~~rovidcd
the impctits f i l l I
development of cultural life in the New World. For more
information you may call Prof. Roberta Kagin, 612-330-1273.
Liberal Art Perspective: Aesthetics
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Survey of Rock History and Musical
Style, 1951-1971
MUS 204-J
Instructor: Ned Kantar
An introduction to the fundamentals of music and
musicology as they occur within the context of rock's
inception (1950s) and maturation (1960s) periods. This
course will examine the historical background, musical
content, and methods of selected artists and their work.
Evaluation will be based on class participation, written
assignments, exam, and a group project. For non-music
Liberal Arts Perspective: Aesthetics
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: II
Room: Music 3
Skills of Music Theatre
MUS 235-J
THR 235-J
Instructors: Sonja Thompson & Darcey Engen
Music-theater exists in every culture, stemming from the basic
human impulse to dance, sing, and express oneself. Come join
theatre professor Darcey Engen and music professor Sonja
Thompson as we explore this interdisciplinary art form, and
assist you in developing your own performance skills. In
addition to memorizing, analyzing, and performing your own
scene from an opera, operetta, or a musical, you will also be
introduced to music-theater from China, Japan, India, and
other cultures. The course includes writing and research, class
discussion and exercises, improvisation, and small and large
group instruction. Performers of all levels are welcome,
though some singing and acting ability is required. Interested
students will be auditioned in December and appropriate
material will be assigned. Course may be repeated with
permission from the instructors.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Aesthetics
Maximum Enrollment: 30
Time: I
Room: Sateren Auditorium
Beginning Norwegian I
NOR I l l - J
Instructor: Becky Hegstad
This course is for students with no previous background in
Norwegian. It aims to develop basic skills in speaking,
listening, reading, and writing as tools for communication
and for understanding Norwegian culture. Classroom practice
focuses on both presentation of vocabulary and structures
and the use of the language in everyday contexts. Evaluation
will be based on participation, daily assignments, quizzes, and
a final exam.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 2
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Old Main 26
The Philosophy of Socrates
PHI 231-J
Instructor: David Apolloni
We shall examine the historical and intellectual background
of Socrates and what our sources allow us to say about his
person and teachings. We shall clarify and critically examine
Socrates' key teachings: that virtue is a form of knowledge
and that all virtues are somehow one; that evil is ignorance;
whether or not virtue can be taught; that it is impossible for
wrong doer to be happy; and that being a citizen requires
obedience to the state's laws, even if that means accepting
one's own death. There will be take-home written
assignments and weekly quizzes.
Prerequisite: None
Liberal Arts Perspective: Western Heritage
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Old Main 13
PHI 370-J
Instructor: Bruce Reichenbach
We begin with the philosophical background of
Existentialism in Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Husserl, and
Heidegger. We then consider what it is to be beings-in-theworld by focusing on central themes such as freedom,
absurdity, guilt, despair, paradox, risk, and the presence and
absence of God in the philosophical and literary works of
individuals like Sartre, Camus, Kafka, Beckett, and deBouvoir.
Prerequisite: One prior course in Philosophy
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Music 22
Introduction to Space Science
PHY 320-J
Instructor: Ken Erickson
This course provides a survey of Earth's space environment
including solar, planetary, magnetospheric, ionospheric, and
upper atmospheric physics (solar dynamics, magnetic storms,
particle precipitation, aurora, and related topics). Evaluation
will be based on two exams, class assignments, one research
paper, and at least one class presentation.
Prerequisite: Phy 245 or permission of instructor
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: I
Room: Sverdrup 206
Environmental and River Politics
POL 241-J
Instructor: Joe Underhill-Cady
We live and work on the shores of the largest river in North
America. It is the reason the Twin Cities are located where
they are, and it continues to define the city, as human
settlement here in turn has profoundly shaped the river
ecosystem. Of late in cities across America there has been "a
return to the river," and in this class we will be doing the
same. The river stands as a remarkable symbol for the
community, of continuity and change, of cycles and
transformation, of the power and beauty of the natural
world, and there is much to be learned from studying it.
Using the Mississippi as the focus, this course looks at the
changes in thinking about the relationship between humanity
and the natural world, as the relationship has been expressed
in literature, law, science, religion, political philosophy, and
popular culture. Particular attention will be paid to legal and
cultural conceptions of the natural world, including the ideas
of property and ownership. We will explore the distinction
between wilderness and civilization and the political function
of the line dividing those two realms.
We will cxplott. the ~bivorlhrt>ughthc cycs and cxpcrienccs c b f
those whv have wr-rkerl ancl lived their lives along il, anrl
through sitc visits to Incatio~lsalong thc river, speakers in
class, nnd on the Internet. S!~tdentswill t~avi.iln opportui~ity
to explow thcir own inttresrs in tl~criver through i n d i v i d u a l
projects, ranging rrom boat building, lo Inhlying at the Stutc
Ct~pital,In rhe vnrinlrs Mississippi Honds, tn river wolcl~yand
"green consumerism." There will bc o p p o r t u n i l i e s to work
will1 Incrll river-relatctl groups 011 thasc projccts,'~h~.ou~liont
thc coursc s ~ t ~ d e nwill
t s he encousngctl to drcnm, and to worlc
o t ~talcing that vision and ~ i ~ a k i nit gn i.e:~li~y,
in building
wip port lor n projccr, in netwnrlritls, in hilvinp, palicnce, in
fclllnw ing rhrouph, in working hartl, R I I ~ at
! tlir enrl, 11;lving
concrete to show for thtir effilrrs. T11esc pmjcc~s
can h~ B j~rtjtntypcfor the f ~ ~ t ~pt ur ~
r s r ~nf
i l a vnratiori lo
cnntribute lo thc*jrworld in whntcvor wny one is celled to tic1
Liberal Arts Perspective: Social World 1 or 2
Graduation Skill: Critical Thinking
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Old Main 25
Understanding Asian America: The
Politics of Identity
POL 282-J
Instructor: Andrew Aoki
This course focuses on Asian Pacific Americans (APAs) and
thcir chilnging p o s i l i o n in Amcrican socie~y,Innking a t
history ns ~ c l as
l contcinpnr:lry ile\~cloymcnls. L l x n ~ i ~ i n c s
Elnw hltAs hnvc hccn idcn~ificdhy olliers, ar~rlhow Asian
itlcntify thcrusrlvcs. Will Al+'ir fi~llnwa "'racial"
pailern Isii~~ibr
to Al'laicnnAmcricarts), or will they follow nn
"eihnic" pattern (similar lo I'uropean Arnoricans)? Tc, what
cxtcrit rrrill those not nf E u r o p c a n dcqccnt be sccn as part CII
the mainstream rather than the margins? These questions are
relevant not just for APA affairs, but also for the larger social
changes that are sweeping America at the beginning of the
Science and Religion
J .9.
-- 7
REL 374-J
Instructors: Larry Crockett & Mark Engebretson
For somc in our sncicty, scie~lccir t l ~ driving
enainc ofa
l)cttcr, inore scclrre l i f t i ~ n dthe hasis h r a philosopl-ty of life.
I:or n~hers, scici~ura nrl irs assaciatecl ~cchnologieq,n long wit11
its inviratinn tn hecomc n glnbal wnrltlview, constilcitc a gl-nvc
tlircal. Smne Cl~rislinnspart irulnsly iccl thrcntencrl by
science. Tlris coarse will adclrcss ~ h c s rlnatters in two ways.
Firs!, it will I~cginwiih a historica! nvcrview nS tlie relatioi~s
bstwecn scicncc and tllc Chrisiinn f6~itll,
periods: he clrigins o f the Clrrisiian faith, thu clevcl~ipmentof
"morlern" sciencc ant! ~~~cclianistic
and thr recvilluat ion [tf scicncc anil natulnchirr Ihc 201h rcnt~rry.Scconci,
it will stlldy systematically the wnrlctvictm of scicncc and
religion to see how they compare.
Class tilnc will hc tlivirlud ,lmnng a variety of artivitics
including lectures, wliolc class tlisctrssicms, snlall Rruilp
IU rorials, arrrl an oxtended simtr Intion cxercisu in dcvclnpirrg a
space cillol~y,itlrawitig from thr ide;is rlcvclopcll in ihr coiirse.
(hurse cv:tluatic~nwill I>c hnsurl un two sl~ortexams,
participation in small group tutorials based on assigned
readings, a group project presentation, and a major synthesis
paper based on the group project and course materials.
Prerequisite: Religion 111, 221, or 331
Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 2 or 3
Maximum Enrollment: 30
Time: II
Room: Science 205
Topics: Heaven, Hell and the End of
the World: Interpreting Biblical
Apoca!yptic Liferature
REL 490-J
Instructor: Philip Quanbeck I 1
This course is a study of the apocalyptic literature of the Bible
with emphasis on the book of Daniel in the Old Testament
and the book of Revelation in the New Testament, as well as
apocalyptic themes elsewhere in the New Testament, such as
the letters of the Apostle Paul. The apocalyptic literature of
the intertestamental period will also be examined. This course
will also address the legacy of apocalyptic literature in the
history of Christian thought and experience including an
examination of contemporary apocalypticism. This will
include the role of biblical apocalyptic imagery in art,
literature, film, and popular culture. Coursework will include
group presentations, two exegetical papers on biblical texts,
and a final project.
Prerequisite: Religion 111, 221, or 331
Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 1 or 3
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time II
Room: Old Main 25
Cultures of Violence
SOC 290-J
Instructor: James Vela-McConnell
Street gangs and warfare. Police brutality and genocide.
Domestic abuse and terrorism. What are the dynamics
underlying these and other forms of violence? What do they
have in common? How do they differ? This course takes
violence in its many forms as a topic for sociological analysis
and concludes with an examination of non-violent
alternatives. With this in mind, we will compare different
theoretical perspectives on violence, such as psychological,
social psychological, and socio-cultural perspectives. The
course will involve a combination of lecture and discussion
based on readings and videos, debate of current issues in the
field, and guest speakers from and field trips to local
organizations dealing with problems of violence. Students
will be expected to research, write about, and present on the
sociological dimensions of a particular form of violence. In
addition, there will be short reaction papers based on the
readings, and classroom participation will be an important
part of grading. This course has a lab fee of $25 payable the
first day of class to the instructor.
Prerequisite: None
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: II
Room: Old Main 13
Topics: The Sociology of Social
SOC 295-J
Instructor: Lars Christiansen
Scores of social movements have shaped and challenged the
social, political, and economic institutions of the United
States. Many of these protest movements seek to change the
established social order; some seek its defense and
preservation. This course offers the sociological study of
social movements in the United States within the last two
centuries. We will explore important question such as: Why
do people engage in protests at certain times, while at other
times reamin silent? Why are people willing to risk their lives
to create social change? How do social movements form, and
what causes their decline? Is the use of violence an effective
means of establishing social change? We will address these
and other crucial questions through a systematic study of
several social movements including labor, civil rights,
feminist, environmentalist, and anti-global capital
Prerequisite: Soc 121 or permission of professor.
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: II
Room: Old Main 29
Documentary Video
SPC 347-J
Instructor: Deb Redmond
Documentary video is a video production course that
integrates lecture and criticism with hands-on experience
dealing with non-fiction subjects. Students will work in
production teams, gaining experience in field production and
editing. The production teams will produce a 30-minute
documentary piece. Evaluation will be based upon student
journals, critiques, and a paper. This course requires
additional lab time for editing.
Prerequisite: None
Maximum Enrollment: 16
Time: I
Room: Science 123
Exploring Human Services
SWK 257-A
SWK 257-B
Instructors: Glenda Rooney & Francine Chakolis
Experiential learning occurs as students volunteer 60 hours in
a service agency or institution that they select. The placement
must be approved by course faculty and supervised by agency
staff. The course is designed to introduce the fields of practice
in social work and to help students explore a possible major
in social work or future career in the human services.
The three-hour weekly seminar is devoted to discussions that
assist students in integrating agency experiences and readings
that explore the historical development of social welfare as an
institution and the nature and value system of social work as a
profession. Students will also examine and critique the
manner in which social, economic, and political structures
impact diverse groups in society. Students will focus on their
own responsibilities in society, as well as examine their
personal value system in relation to special concerns, such as
poverty and the "isms." Detailed information will be sent to
students at the close of Interim registration.
Liberal Arts Perspective: The City
Maximum Enrollment: 60, 2 sections
Time: I
Room: Foss 21 A and B
Field Work I: Integrative Seminar
SWK 307-A
SWK 307-B
Instructor: Curt Paulsen & Joe Clubb
Junior social work majors are required to have 240 hours of
supervised professional experience in a social work agency.
This small group seminar supports the first 120 hours of this
placement and is facilitated by the faculty member who serves
as liaison to the student's practicum field agency. The course
provides structure and process for students to integrate
learning from their practicum and academic coursework
focusing on generalist practice with individuals.
Prerequisites: Candidacy status, SWK 301, and SWK 306
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Time: I
Room: Murphy 111
Introduction to Dance
(0.0 credit)
THR 002-T
HPE 002-T
Instructor: Sandra Agustin
With each session beginning with a rigorous physical warmup, this class offers an overview of various forms of dance,
including modern, ballet, Asian, and Latin forms. Each class
includes a rigorous physical warm-up, mixing yoga, pilates,
and modern dance.
Graduation Skill Requirement: Lifetime Sport
Prerequisite: None
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: 12:OO-1:00 M, T, W, Th, F
Room: Sateren Auditorium
Modern Dance/lmprovisation
THR 004-J
HPE 004-J
Instructor: Sandra Agustin
Students will learn various phases of movement incorporating
floor exercise and will learn to travel through space using
level, volume, and floor pattern, culminating in the creation
of short, improvisational pieces.
Graduation Skill Requirement: Lifetime Sport
Prerequisite: THRIHPE 002 or instructor's permission.
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: 1:OO-2:00 M, T, W, Th, F
Room: Sateren Auditorium
Skills of Music Theatre
THR 235-JIMUS 235-J
Instructors: Sonja Thompson & Darcey Engen
See course information listed under MUS 235-J.
Resources for Youth and Family
Y FM 201-J
Instructor: Nancy Going
The Twin Cities are home to many youth and family
organizations and parachurch ministries. This course in an
unbelievable opportunity to visit many of them, and to get to
know many of the creative people who have conceived and
given shape to significant resources for the church. In
addition, students will have hands-on opportunities to review
and use the printed, music, media, and Web resources that are
shaping ministry in the church today. Finally, students will
learn a process for planning, and develop their presentation
skills by providing leadership for a two-day retreat. Retreat
costs: $30. We will pool transportation for site visits and the
Prerequisite: REL 111, 221, or 331
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: II -January 3, 4, 7 - 11, 17, 18, 22, & end with retreat on January 23-24
from 9:00 a.m. on January 23 to 8:00 p.m. on January 24.
Room: Sverdrup 1
Peer Ministry: Principles and
YFM 232-J
Instructor: Lyle Griner
Students will be instructed to train college, high school, and
junior high youth to serve as peer ministers in their
congregations and communities. They will learn and practice
communication skills, facilitate small groups, and learn the
role of a listenerlhelper. Peer ministry integrates the act of
caring and serving others within a Christian belief system.
Prerequisite: REL 111, 221, or 331
Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 3
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: 9 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. on January 3,8, l0,22, & 24; and 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. on
January 14, 15, 16 & 17
Room: Sivertsen
Lifetime Sports
The following activities are available to students during
Interim, and students may register for these classes as well as
for a regular course. These activities do not carry course
credit but do meet the lifetime sports requirement for
Lifetime Sport: Badminton/Pickleball
HPE 002-B
Instructor: Brian Ammann
Practice and playing of badminton and pickleball.
Grading: PIN only.
Graduation Skill Requirement: Lifetime Sport
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: 12:OO-1:00 M, T, W, Th, F
Room: Melby Gym-northlsouth courts
Lifetime Sport: Ultimate Frisbee
HPE 002-F
Instructor: Paul Grauer
Practice and playing of ultimate frisbee. Grading: PIN only
Graduation Skill Requirement: Lifetime Sport
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: 12:OO-1:00 M, T, W, Th, F
Room: Air Structure
Lifetime Sport: Golf
HPE 002-G
Instructor: Brian Ammann
Practice in the various shots used in the game of golf.
Grading: PIN only
Graduation Skill Requirement: Lifetime Sport
Maximum Enrollment: 16
Time: 1:00-2:00 M, T, W, Th, F
Room: Air Structure
Introduction to Dance
HPE 002-T/THR 002-T
Instructor: Sandra Agustin
See course information listed under THR 002-T.
Graduation Skill Requirement: Lifetime Sport
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: 12:OO-1:00 M, T, W, Th, F
Room: Satern Auditorium
Modern Dance/lmprovisation
HPE 004-JTTHR 004-J
Instructor: Sandra Agustin
See course information listed under THR 004-J.
Graduation Skill Requirement: Lifetime Sport
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: 1:00-2:00 M, T, W, Th, F
Room: Satern Auditorium
Interim Abroad
SPP 201-J
Augsburg is part of a consortium called UMAIE, Upper
Midwest Association for Intercultural Education, that offers
overseas learning experiences during the Interim. Further
information about the following
- courses can be obtained
from Cynthia Truitt Lynch at the Center for Global
Education, CB 307, Augsburg College, 221 1 Riverside Ave.,
Minneapolis, MN 55454,612-330-1650. These courses are
offered on a PIN basis only and generally carry a lower
division number.
Africa e5 the Middle East
African Stories: Philosophical Ideas in Literature
Crossroads Africa: Arts and Culture in Morocco
The Natural History of Tanzania
Australia and the South Pacific
Sustainable New Zealand: Ecology, Economy and Society
Australia: The Economy and its Social Context
Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies: The Northern
Ireland Context
The Czech Republic: Social and Cultural Impact of the Emerging
Free Market Economy
Tltr 13rrcqlish Srlrard nnrl l:rrt~riiy:A Cot?~parrrtiveStudy
in Nirt', Id~*tlr),
and Paris
Frct~rhI,nri,vra,qc rrrtd Culrr~n~
.'ipnrrisi~C n ~ r g i r g rrrlrri Ctrl/rri-cin Southern Spain
Live Theatre In and Around London
The Lost Generation: Americans in Paris
Spain: The Influence of a National Culture on Organizational
Theatre in England
Watercolor Painting: Art of the French Table
The European Union in the 21st Century
Latin America and the Caribbean
School and Society .
Other Interim Abroad Courses
Development and Community in Bangladesh
Peace and Conflict Resolution in Northern Ireland
ACTC Creative Writing Workshop at
Hamline: Transforming Genres
Course will carry upper division English credit
Instructor: David Mura
David Mura will teach the ACTC 2002 advanced creative
writing course at Hamline University. His topic will be
"transforming genres." Mura, a poet, creative nonfiction
writer, critic, playwright, and performance artist, will
encourage students to write in one genre to explore shifting
their work to another genre. The total class size will be
limited to 2-3 recommended students from each college.
Prerequisites: Eng 226, or other introductory creative writing course, and
recommendation of the creative writing faculty. To apply for this course,
contact Professors Cass Dalglish and Doug Green.
Maximum Enrollment: Three student writers from each of the ACTC colleges.
Other Courses
These courses are offered by institutions or groups not
connected with Augsburg College but have been approved for
credit by the College. Most carry a tuition cost plus other
expenses that are the responsibility of the student. They are
offered only on a PIN basis.
Inside Washington 2002:
Academic seminars
Politics and the Media
Politics, Power, and the Presidency
January 6-1 8, 2001
Pol 398-A(l.O Credit)
January 2002 marks the end of President Bush's first year in office
and the beginning of the race for the congressional midterm
elections that may mean a party switch in the House or Senate.
Much is also at stake at the state level as numerous gubernatorial
races may determine who will run for president in 2004. Many
retirements and new seats as a result of reapportionment and
redistricting means that the political deck is being reshuffled.
Who will be advantaged? What are the likely outcomes? What
main forces will be at play? How will President Bush's policy
agenda affect the political landscape and what role does the
media play in the political and policy games of Washington, D.C.?
Inside Washington 2002 is an exceptional opportunity for
students to step into the fire of politics and gain a unique insight
into these and many other issues. Through site visits, tours,
briefings, and lectures, politicians, media personalities, policy
makers, and scholars will take students on a behind-the-scenes
journey through the halls of power. Don't miss this special
opportunity to go inside Washington!
The first week, "Politics and the Media:' will examine how the
relationship between politicians and the media shapes political
The second week, "Politics, Power, and the Presidency:' will
explore the first year of the Bush Administration, and the
influences that affect the public policy agenda of any new
presidential administration.
For further information about the program see Professor
Hedblom in Memorial Hall 117A, call her at 330-1197, or email: are four scholarships available to
cover registration and tuition costs based on priority in
registration through the political science department.
Show less
Visiting Students ................ 5
About This Catalog................. 5
Calendar ........................6
Interim Courses ................... 7
Lifetime Sports ...................45
Interim Abroad ..................4 7
Introducti... Show more
Visiting Students ................ 5
About This Catalog................. 5
Calendar ........................6
Interim Courses ................... 7
Lifetime Sports ...................45
Interim Abroad ..................4 7
Other Courses
................... 5 1
Introduction to Interim
Interim is an integral part of the school year at Augsburg
College. The College follows a 4-1-4 calendar, with fall and
spring semesters of approximately 14 weeks separated by a
four-week January Interim. Interim is intended to be a time
for both students and faculty to employ styles of teaching and
learning and to investigate questions and topics in places and
ways not possible during the regular term.
Interim is an opportunity for intense concentration on a
single course of study. Since one Interim course equals a fulltime load, students should plan to spend the same amount of
time in class and preparing for class as they would for a fourcourse load during fall or spring semesters. Students should
be prepared for at least 40 class hours during the Interim and
should anticipate the equivalent of the normal two hours of
study for each class hour. Since the course length is only 3 112
weeks, attendance at every class is imperative. While it is
expected that students will attend every class period, instructors will establish the precise attendance policy for their
courses. Students can register for only one course credit during Interim. There is no tuition refund for a student who
chooses not to enroll in an Interim course.
Most Interim courses are graded traditionally on a 4.0 to 0.0
scale. Students generally have the option to register on a
PassINo credit basis. A few Interim courses are graded only on
the PIN system; this is indicated in the course description.
Some courses are offered for either upper or lower division
credit. Such Interim courses have two numbers listed and students must select which is most appropriate for their needs.
Students registering for upper division credit should anticipate additional assignments and a more rigorous grading
standard. Some courses, especially courses with travel requirements, have additional fees associated with them. These fees,
although intended to be accurate, may change; and students
should check with the instructor to verify the final costs.
Students are required to complete at least 33 course credits for
graduation. This course total must include two Interims for
students who enter with fewer than 14 courses. Freshmen are
required to take an Interim course their first year. A maximum of four Interim course credits may be counted toward
the 33 course credits required for graduation. Transfer students should refer to their transfer credit evaluation form or
consult the registrar for the number of Interim courses
Day school students (3.0 credits or more for fall) can take a
total of 1.0 course credit. They may take two half-credit classes. They may also take a lifetime sport (zero credit). The lifetime sport is at no additional charge if they are full-time students (fall term). If less than full-time, they will be charged.
Weekend students can take 1.0 course credits in Interim as a
cross registration and will be charged WEC tuition $1258 per
course credit and a $25 technology fee. If they do so, they may
take only 1.0 additional course credit in Weekend College for
winter trimester.
Augsburg College, as affirmed in its mission, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national
or ethnic origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, or disability in its
education policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan
programs, athletic and/or school administered programs,
except in those instances where religion is a bona fide occupational qualification. Augsburg College is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to its employees and its students.
Any questions concerning Augsburg's compliance with federal
or state regulations implementing equal access and opportunity can be directed to Betty Wade, affirmative action coordinator, Office of Human Resources, CB 79, Augsburg College,
221 1 Riverside Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55454. She can be
reached by telephone, (612) 330-1023; or by e-mail,
International Interim-Students are invited to participate in
the international Interim courses offered by the Upper
Midwest Association for Intercultural Education (UMAIE)
and other consortia. These course opportunities are listed on
page 47. Some courses have early registration deadlines.
Internships deadline-Friday, December 8. January Interim
internships must be planned in advance. Students electing an
internship must meet departmental requirements and present
a signed internship-learning agreement plan to the Center for
Service, Work, and Learning (1st floor Memorial) by the first
day of Interim classes. The learning-agreement forms are
available in the same office. Internships during Interim must
involve full-time work placements for approximately four
weeks. Assistance for planning internships is available in the
Center for Service, Work, and Learning.
Independent studylresearch or directed study-Students
may elect a program of independent study (upper division
499) or directed study (lower division 299) for Interim.
Faculty members are strongly discouraged from accepting
responsibility for more than one independent study per
Interim. Students choosing to pursue independent or directed
study must:
1. Meet departmental requirements
2. Present to the registrar a copy of the proposed study
plan approved by the supervising faculty member and
the directedlindependent study registration form.
These forms must be submitted by December 1.
Appropriate study proposal and registration forms can
be obtained in the Office of the Registrar.
Interims at other schools-Augsburg students may enroll at
any other 4-1-4 institution that offers a reciprocal Interim
arrangement. Catalogs of these Interim programs are available
in the registrar's office. Registration for Interims at the other
ACTC colleges will be at Augsburg during the regular registration period. Most courses taught during the Interim at other
4-1-4 schools are accepted for credit by Augsburg, but may
not necessarily be accepted as meeting Augsburg's general
education requirements or major requirements.
Visiting Students
Augsburg College welcomes students from other 4- 1-4 schools
for the January Interim without tuition charges, provided the
student's home institution agrees not to charge tuition to
Augsburg students for the January term. The waiver of tuition
does not include special fees, housing, or board costs. Other
students will be charged $1,726 for the Interim course plus a
$25 technology fee. Students interested in registering for an
Augsburg Interim should write to the Office of the Registrar
for application forms or use the forms provided by the Interim
office at their own school. There is an application processing
fee of $25. Students are welcome to stay on campus but are
not required to do so. Requests for Interim housing should be
made to the Office of Residence Life.
It should be noted that neither ACTC exchange students nor
visiting students may register for 199, 299, 399, or 499 courses.
About This Catalog
The catalog lists courses by departments in alphabetical order.
At the end of the book are listings of other courses not
offered by Augsburg but recognized by the College for Interim
credit. Students may also register for one of the lifetime sports
listed at the end of the catalog. Courses that include travel are
marked with an airplane.
Interim Calendar 2001
November 13 to December 1 . . . . . . . . . . Interim registration
January 3
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .First day of Interim
Time I-9:00 a.m. (first day)
Time II-1:15 p.m
January 4 .
. . . . . . . . . . . . Last day to register or add a class or
cancel a class without a notation
January 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Last day for determining
grading option with registrar
January 12 . . . . . . . . . Last day for withdrawing from courses
January 15. . . . . . . . . . . . Martin Luther King Day-no
January 26.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Interim ends
January 30
......................Spring semester begins
February 2
................Interim grades due to registrar
The time, number, and length of meetings as well as the beginning time will be arranged the first day of class. The daily
schedule for Interim is divided into two blocks of time:
Time I: 8:00 a.m. to 11:45 (Note: on the first day, Time I classes
will begin at 9:00 a.m.)
Time 11: 1:15 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Note: Martin Luther King Day-No
For More Information
For more information contact Barbara Pappenfus in the
Interim Office at (612) 330-1150.
Accounting (ACC)
See listing under Business Administration.
ART 107-J
Instructors: Pary Pezechkian-Weinberg and Tara
The legendary light and geography of Provence has shaped art
history for centuries. In the last hundred years alone, it has
inspired countless works of art. Using French language and
personal art, students will immerse themselves in place, documenting their own inspiration with text and images of
Provence through journal, discussion, sketching and assemblage. The language, culture and art of Provence will come
alive for students, resulting in a very personal memoir
grounded in site-specific content. Students will spend the
majority of their time in Provence, winding up the program
with four days in Paris. For more information, contact Prof.
Pary Pezechkian-Weinberg, (612) 330-1090 or Prof. Tara
Christopherson, (612) 330-1232.
Note: This course is being taught in France and is listed in
the UMAIE booklet as Topics: The Artist's Book, Provence to
Liberal Arts Perspective: ART 107 -Aesthetics
Life Drawing
ART 247-J
Instructor: Norman Holen
A study of undraped figures for art students and non-art students. The figures will be depicted with graphite pencils in
various settings for varying lengths of time. Grades will be
based upon quality and improvement. There will be a fee for
$45 to be paid on the first day of class.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Aesthetics
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Old Main 17
Laboratory Biochemistry
BIO 368-J
Instructor: Karen Ballen
This course is an introduction to techniques commonly used
in biochemistry. Techniques include (but not limited to): protein extraction, dialysis, spectrophotometry, SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, ion exchange chromatography,
Western blots, measurement of enzyme activity, and thin layer
Note: BIO 368 cannot be used to satisfy an upper division
elective in the biology major.
Prerequisites: 2.0 in BIO 367
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Time: I
Room: Science 212
Internal Audit and Management
ACC 424-J
Instructor: Staff
Auditing through an interdisciplinary approach. Using techniques discussed in a ~ - ~ o i t , ~ t i~nig~, ~ i ~nli~rl,lgcmcrlf,
marketing, and MIS, we c x ; ~ n l i ~ l ae i~iisincss'iolcr-na1 cuii~rolsystems and operating c l l i z i c l ~ c y .13y s~cypingaway from the traditional textbook approach we incorporate creativity and discussion. Major topics include: business valuation techniques,
"just-in-time" philosophy, efficiency improvement techniques,
disaster recovery planning, and report writing. Students will
be evaluated by classroom quizzes, a project, and final examination.
Prerequisites: ACC 221&222, BUS 242,252,331, ECO 113, MIS 175&379
Graduation Skill Requirement: Speaking, Writing 1 & 2
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: II
Room: Old Main 11
The Music Business: Marketin
Promotion, Publishing, Recor Ing
BUS 105-Jl305-J
MUS 105-Jl305-J
Instructor: Ned K a n t a r
An introduction to the music industry. Topics covered
include contracts, business structures and basic business
essentials, band names, publicity and advertising, and the
role of agents and managers. Other topics included are music
and theatre, arts administration, copyright, licensing, and
recording. Objectives include giving students a basic working
knowledge and an understanding of the necessary survival
skills to succeed in the music industry, the ability to access
and lwowss i ~ i i i ~ r n l a t i oncctlccl
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ject. Examples include devising a specific marketing plan for
a venue, concert series or performing ensemble; researching a
specific career opportunity; or another approved project. For
interested students, an optional four-day trip to the
American Performing Arts Presenters (APAP) Annual
Conference in New York City, the largest booking conference
for concert presenters in the world, is scheduled for January
6-9, 2001. Students are responsible for the cost of transportation, room and board. Students will be evaluated on written
and oral presentations, including quizzes, research assignments and classroom projects-individual and/or symposium format.
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: II
Room: MUS 4
Responding to the Challenge of Japan
BUS 368-J
Instructor: Steven LaFave
An examination of current Japanese business practices using a
cultural perspective. A multimedia approach will be employed
involving film, television documentaries, radio speeches, and
readings from current periodicals in addition to text materials. A seminar model will be used with substantial participation expected on the part of the students. Evaluation will be
based on a paper, two 20-minute sessions of seminar leadership, class participation, and mid-term and final examinations. This class should be of interest to anyone majoring or
minoring in international business or any field of business
administration, as well as anyone interested in Japan. Students
who cannot attend every class should not enroll in this
Prerequisite: Junior standing or consent of the instructor
Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness I
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Old Main 29
International Marketing
BUS 466-J
Instructor: Wolfgang Winter
Issues and activities unique to marketing in an international
context. [Required for the new major in Marketing.]
Prerequisite: BUS 252
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: II
Room: Old Main 29
Personal Financial Management
BUS 295-J
BUS 495-J
Instructor: Ashok Kapoor
This is an introductory course in personal financial planning.
Students will be introduced to budgeting, credit, income
taxes, insurance, real estate, investment, and retirement planning. BUS 295: Quizzes and exams. BUS 495: All of the above
plus some assigned case problemslpapers will be required.
Prerequisite: Math Placement Group 3
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Foss 43
Advanced Computing for Business
MIS 370-J
Instructor: Jim Kattke
C3bjcctivus arc tcl
lcnrti conccpls unilc.~.lyi~lg
crr,;~tiitnof Web
1ugcs and b i u i ~ ~ cco~minunicatic~n
v i ' ~(he I n~crnrl.Usc o l
r ~ l ~ t i i ) l ~latilb:1scs
[or u c l v a ~ i ~ cqucrics,
fi~rms,altd rcpnr ts.
Basics of event-driven programming for solving business
related problems. Students will complete three major projects
and a few minor assignments. The course requires significant
effort on projects and constant access to a computer.
Cooper;~lionw i ~ hl'cllow sluiltn(s in 1e;irning to aoply col-1cepts is cncou ~,i~p,cd.
A good gr~ispof blS Access is rcquiruil or
the williilgntss lo cxcrcisc cxccplic)nal effort in lt.;lri\ing tllc
Prerequisites: MIS 175, CSC 170, consent of the instructor, or Math Placement
Group 3
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Tme: II
Room: Lindell 16
Chemistry for Changing Times
CHM 100-J
Instructor: Arlin Gyberg
This course is developed from the perspective of a person living in modern, high-technology society such as the United
States. It assumes that before one can evaluate a moral or
societal issue of a scientific nature one at least must be able to
understand the science involved. Anything less is an impression rather than an informed decision. As we develop scientific concepts we will at the same time relate them to an abundance of current issues. We live in a world of pesticides, fertilizers, plastics, birth control, food abundance and food shortage, food additives and processing and synthesis, organically
grown food, chemical dependency, licit and illicit drugs, the
energy crisis, and the debates about sources of energy, the
green house effect, and nuclear waste storage, pollution,
genetic engineering and much more. Many of these problems
are chemical in nature. Thus, in learning about chemistry, via
lecture and in-class discussion, we can begin to understand
ourselves, our society, our world, and even some of the universe. The grade for the course is based on a percentage of the
score of total points on the daily quizzes.
Prerequisite: Math Placement Group 2
Liberal Arts Perspective: Natural World 2
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Science 315
Introduction to Computer Science and
CSC 160-J
Instructor: Noel Petit
This course introduces the major areas of computer science
and computer communications. These areas are: algorithms,
algorithm design, algorithm efficiency, hardware, logical circuit design, computer organization, software and operating
systems, programming languages, operating systems, theory
of computation, mathematical foundations of computer science, Turing machines, computer communications and the
Internet, packet switching, Internet services, and operation.
This course will consist of lecture/discussion times with frequent in-class lab exercises on the topics above. Grading will
be based on examinations, labs, and homework. This is not a
course in computer applications or how to use computers,
although we may touch on these topics.
Prerequisite: Math Placement Group 3
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: I
Room: Sverdrup 202
UNlX and C
CSC 272-J
Instructor: Karen Sutherland
Study of UNIX operating system and the C programming
language. It is assumed that the student has knowledge of
programming methods and has done programming in some
other language. Evaluation will be done on 10 programming
assignments, two to three quizzes and a final project. Grading
is done by combining the weighted grades of all assignments
and quizzes.
Prerequisite: CSC 170 or programming in some other language
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: II
Room: Sverdrup 202
Topics: Computer Science: An
Alternative Scheme One and Two
CSC 273-J
CSC 373-J
Instructor: Charles Sheaffer
This course is especially intended for students with no prior
exposure to programming in particular or computer science
in general. It will be a laboratory intensive, self-paced course
using the Scheme programming language. We will introduce
an alternative approach to some of the most important concepts of computer science including problem solving, simulation, object-oriented programming, functional programming,
procedural and data abstraction, and program interpretation.
Students with knowledge of programming will benefit from
exposure to the alternative paradigm represented by the
Scheme language and will acquire a concrete understanding
of how these important concepts are actually implemented in
real languages and machines. Students will be evaluated based
on a series of programming projects. CSC 373 is a continuation of CSC 273.
Graduation Skill Requirement: for CSC 373, Critical Thinking
Prerequisite: CSC 273, none; for CSC 373, CSC 273 or consent of the instructor
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: II
Room: Sverdrup 205
Topics: Forecasting Economic &
Business Activity
ECO 495-J
Instructor: Steve Huchendorf
This course is designed to prepare students for analyzing primary and secondary economic and business data in making
business decisions. Skills will be developed in various forecasting techniques as well as skills in using the statistical software package MINITAB. Course outcomes include building
knowledge of qualitative and quantitative forecasting techniques; identification of data patterns, scatter diagrams,
correlation analysis, moving averages, exponential smoothing
techniques, regression models, classical decomposition,
regression of time series, box-jenkins time series analysis, and
various qualitative forecasting techniques. Skills in the selection of the appropriate forecasting technique will be developed with a comparison of the characteristics of each technique. In addition to the forecasting techniques that are
learned in the course, students will also apply the concepts
with the statistical software package MINITAB. Course evaluation will include homework, computer assignments, exams
and a forecasting project. The forecasting project will apply
the course concepts to a student selected data series.
Prerequisite: ECO 112 or 113 or consent of instructor.
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: I I
Room: Sverdrup 201
Practicum and Seminar in Special
EDU 491-J
Instructor: Susan OIConnor
A supervised field placement that serves people with disabilities, plus an on-campus seminar. Students planning to take
this course should consult with the special education coordinator about a placement prior to registering for the course.
Students must complete designated hours of fieldwork as well
as written and reading assignments.
Prerequisite: EDU 282, completion of courses for special education minor, or
consent of instructor.
Maximum Enrollment: 9
Time: II
Room: Sverdrup 206
The Cuban Story: Quantitative
Journalism in Cuba
ENG 347-A
Instructor: Cass Dalglish
Students will research and write stories with a statistical issue
at the core, doing their work where few U.S. citizens have
been able to travel or study-Cuba. They will study how to
evaluate and analyze information both numerically and verbally and how to communicate quantitative data. They will
study the Cuban economy and both the gains and challenges
politics have brought to Cuba. During the 10-day seminar,
students will interview economists, meet government officials,
travel to the country to consider food and farming, study
health care and education, and meet students and journalists.
Finally, students will write lucid investigative stories which
demonstrate that they have gained an ability to gather, handles, and present quantitative information in a precise and
readable style - in oral and written formats. The class will
have several meetings at Augsburg before the Cuba travel and
several following the group's return to the U.S. [This is a joint
day Interimlwinter WEC course with enrollment limits.]
Prerequisite: ENG 225, ENG 227 or consent of the instructor, Math Placement
Group 3
Graduation Skill: Quantitative Reasoning
Time: arranged
Topics: Which West? The American
West in Film and Literature
ENG 282-A
ENG 382-A
Instructor: Joan Thompson
In this class you will read literature and view films in order to
learn about ways in which ideas about the American West
have helped to shape American identity and cohstructions of
the West. Although over 100 years have passed since Frederick
Jackson Turner announced the closing of the American frontier at the 1893 meeting of the American Historical Society,
the West has not lost its associations with the frontier and its
attendant mythology. You will learn that even as formulaic
fiction and film popularized this vision of the West, serious
writers and, more recently, filmmakers have been exploring
other possible versions of the West. Through focusing on
these explorations of the West as place, you will gain an
understanding of the role of myths, such as the romantic gunfighter's conquest of both Native peoples and land, in
American views of the West. You will also explore ideas such
as Manifest Destiny, individual freedom, and appropriate land
use. Because the West has always been filled with a plurality of
voices, you will look'at ways writers and filmmakers who have
visited, imagined, or lived in the West have both affirmed and
countered these myths and ideas in their work.
Course grades will be based on readinghiewing journals, a
three to four page paper, a final exam, and class participation.
Additionally, if you are enrolled in 382, you will read several
critical articles on reserve at Lindell Library, as well as an
additional novel. You will then write an additional short
paper on the novel using the critical ideas you have studied.
You will also give a brief presentation on your additional
Liberal Arts Perspective: Western Heritage
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: II
Room: Old Main 26
Topics: Investigating the Victorian
ENG 282-D
ENG 482-D
Instructor: Dallas Liddle
This course will study the phenomenon in nineteenth-century Britain of the popular novel of suspense, mystery and terror. From Frankenstein early in the century to Dracula at its
end, the nightmares imagined by novelists of Great Britain
have continued to interest and horrify readers throughout
the 20th century. Early in the century these tales were generally either "Gothic" (stories of horror and the supernatural
set in Italy or Spain) or "Newgate" novels (true-crime stories
about the lower classes). By the 1860's however, popular novelists including Charles Dickens, Mary Braddon, Eliza Wood
and Wilkie Collins were producing a stunningly successful
series of works in which the action was set in the everyday
world of the Victorian middle classes, and the villains (as one
reviewer remarked) seemed like people the reader might
meet at dinner. Often challenging and sometimes subversive,
these novels drew intense public scrutiny by raising issues
that the politer genre of domestic fiction could hardly hint at
including gender roles and sexual transgression, class and
race oppression, obsession and madness, and the dark sides
of urban life, industrial poverty, and empire. We will read
several of the best of these thrillers, at the same time actively
investigating the culture that produced them. We will read
original reviews and responses, including parodies, and learn
about the context of newspaper and magazine journalism in
which several of the novels appeared. While we investigate
the power of the Gothic and Sensation genres for their original audiences, however, we will also work to determine why
these novels have continued to appeal to successive generations of readers. Course grades will be based on class attendance and participation, two short papers, a group presentation, and a final exam. Upper-level students will read one
additional novel, write a research-based paper on it, and
share the results of their research with the class.
Prerequisite: ENG 111
Liberal Arts Perspective: Western Heritage
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: II
Room: Foss 20
Topics: The Heroic Journey
ENG 282-M
ENG 382-M
Instructor: Joan Griffin
"The hero," says Joseph Campbell, "Is the man or woman who
has been able to battle past his personal and local historical
limitations to the generally valid, normally human forms."
This struggle, the heroic journey, is a quest for wholeness, for
harmony with oneself, one's society, and even the universe.
The journey may be physical, moral, psychological, or spiritual, but it always concludes with the regeneration of the hero
and/or the redemption of the hero's society.
This course will study archetypal patterns of the heroic journey as well as specific examples of such journeys, emphasizing the work of Joseph Campbell, but also citing studies of
the hero by Lord Ragland, Carol Pearson, and Richard
Slotkin, among others. We will note that major heroic genres
in western tradition-the epic and romance-almost always
assume that the hero is usually a warrior and aristocrat. Thus
we will analyze typical elements of the heroic warrior myth as
depicted in ancient and medieval epics and romance, but will
also pay particular attention to works that challenge or
enlarge the tradition. We will consider the implications of the
enduring popularity of warrior-hero renditions of the heroic
Evaluation is based primarily on papers. Class attendance is
mandatory. Do not take this course if you know that you will
need to miss more than two classes.
Prerequisite: ENG 111 recommended but not required.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Western Heritage
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: I
Room: Foss 20
Beginning French I
FRE I l l - J
Instructors: Pary Pezechkian-Weinberg and Tara
This course is the same as ART 107-J Drawing. See p. 7 for
course description.
Note: This course is being taught in France and is listed in the
UMAIE booklet as Topics : The Artist's Book, Provence to
Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 2
C.S. Lewis and the Christian
HON 401 -J
Instructor: Larry Crockett
For information, contact Prof. Larry Crockett,
(612) 330-1 160
Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 2 or 3.
Time: I
Room: Sverdrup 208
Dance (men only)
(0.5 course credit)
HPE 232-M
Instructor: Carol Enke
Theory and practice in teaching and performing American
heritage and international folk dances. The majority of the
course grade is based on dance practicals, a teaching assignment, and a written test. Note: HPE 232 and HPE 275 can be
taken simultaneously
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Time: I- 1/3,1/5,1/8,1/9,1/11,1/16,1/17
Room: Melby Gym - center court
Dance (women only)
(0.5 course credit)
HPE 232-W .
Instructor: Carol Enke
Theory and practice in teaching and performing American
heritage and international folk dances. The majority of the
course grade is based on dance practicals, a teaching assignment, and a written test. Note: HPE 232 and HPE 275 can be
taken simultaneously.
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Xme: I - 1/3,1/5,1/8,1/9,1/11,1/16,1/17
Room: Melby Gym - center court
Prevention and Care of Athletic
Injuries (0.5 course credit)
HPE 275-J
Instructor: Missy Strauch
Emphasis placed on preventing and treating common athletic
injuries. Practical experience in taping and training room
procedures. Note: HPE 232 and HPE 275 can be taken simultaneously.
Prerequisite: HPE 114 or equivalent
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: 1 - 1/4,1/5,1/8,1/10,1/12,1/18,1/19,1/22,1/23,1/24,1/25
Room: Melby 119
School Health Curriculum(O.5 course
HPE 320-J
Instructor: Staff
Techniques for developing a course of study in school health
based upon growth and development for grades 5-12.
Examination of "Standards" and pedagogy for health education, curriculum and assessment included.
Maximum Enrollment: 18
Time: I - Mondays, Wednesdays, and Alternate Fridays
Room: Melby 202
Administration and Supervision of
School Health
(0.5 course credit)
HPE 41 0-J
Instructor: Staff
Historical background, legal basis, school health services in
relation to community and school health programs and
Maximum Enrollment: 18
Time: I Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Alternate Fridays
Room: Melby 202
Sailing in the Virgin Islands
HPE 455-J
Instructor: Joyce Pfaff
Designed for the beginning and intermediate sailor interested
in the art and practice of sailboat cruising. The course will
take the participant to a competent level of sailboat handling
(anchoring, mooring, helming, and crewing). The student
will live aboard a 43'-46' fixed-keel sailboat with five to six
other people and will function as an active crew member.
Actual on-the-water instruction will be the major part of the
course. Sailing will include cruises to the various islands and
cays in the British and American Virgin Islands. Snorkeling
and wind surfing will be available on an optional basis. Some
classes will be held in December prior to leaving for the
Virgin Islands in January.
The course cost is $3,300, which includes airfare for Augsburg
day students and qualifying interim exchange students.
Others will have to pay regular Interim tuition in addition to
this course cost in order to receive academic credit. PIN
ONLY. Applications may be picked up from the office of Joyce
Health & Physical Education
Pfaff, Melby Hall 121, Augsburg College. They must be turned
in with deposit and appropriate signature before final acceptance is given.
Prerequisites: Permission from Joyce Pfaff, health and physical education
department, (612) 330-1247; no smoking is allowed; basic swimming skills
Graduation Skill Requirement: Lifetime Sport, also one course credit upper divislon
Maximum Enrollment 10 ( A waiting list will be kept after the original 10 spots
are filled)
The Use and Misuse of "Lessons" of
History in 20th Century European
HIS 195-J
Instructor: Sheldon Anderson
This interim seminar examines several important 20th-century leaders and their impact on the course of European political and diplomatic history. Topics will include Lenin,
Woodrow Wilson and the Versailles Treaty, Neville
Chamberlain and the appeasement of Adolf Hitler at the
Munich Conference in 1938, Joseph Stalin's decision to sign a
non-aggression pact with Hitler shortly before World War 11,
Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill's alleged appeasement of Stalin at Yalta, Harry S. Truman's Cold War policies,
and Reagan and Gorbachev's diplomacy as the communist
systems of Europe fell in 1989. Through discussion of common readings and several small research assignments, the
course will focus on the popular myths that have developed
about these leaders and these conferences, and some of the
"lessons" that scholars and policymakers have drawn from
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Sverdrup 20
Paideia Seminars
INS 120-J
Instructor: Anne Jensen
Students will participate in a series of seminars following the
Paideia seminar format as developed by Mortimer Adler and
Paideia Associates. Students will also view selected films for
seminar discussions; develop and /or hone skills of mature,
intellectual talk; observe seminars conducted in a St. Paul
public school; evaluate their own behaviors during seminars
and lead seminars. Students will be assessed on journal entries
including evidence of seminar preparation, reflection, peer
and self-evaluation as well as a final summary paper.
Graduation Skill Requirement: Critical Thinking
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Foss 43
Topics: A Civil Rights Immersion:
Experiencing History
INS 200-J
INS 300-J
Instructors: Garry Hesser and Joseph Young
Learn by visiting the historic sites and visiting with those who
brought about the most important changes in the 20th - century U.S. It could change your life, too. During the 1950s and
60s a series of major events and fundamental social change
occurred in the United States. For the first two weeks, we will
seek to develop a basic understanding of race relations in the
U.S. through readings, visiting lecturers, videos, learning from
each other, and the MLK, Jr. event on January 15. Then, this
intentionally diverse class will board a bus for an intense,
study-travel journey to Little Rock, Memphis, Selma,
Birmingham, Montgomery, Atlanta and Nashville-the places
where history was made and the museums that chronicle
those times. We will meet with and interview participants in
these critical events, as well as actively engage one another in
dialogue and collaborative learning. The course objectives
include learning about the history and sociology of race and
ethnic relations in the U.S.; gaining insights from persons and
places that mark the "turning points" of the 1950s and 1960s;
documenting our personal and group experiences so that our
insights and understanding can be shared with the Augsburg
community and others; and increasing our skills for cross
cultural collaboration and dialogue. Upper and lower division: Students obtaining upper division credit will complete a
research paper on a specific topic related to the course,
including an annotated bibliography with a minimum of 20
Cost: $600, plus the cost of your ineals and personal expenses
for 11 days. Covers all transportation and lodging for 11
Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 1 or Social World 1 or 2
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Murphy 111
**Note: All participants will go on a bus tour beginning
Monday, January 15, and ending on Friday, January 26.
Introduction to Islam
INS 225-J
Instructor: Amin Kader
This course is designed by a practicing Muslim to present his
perception of Islam to non-Muslims. The course will cover
the ideological foundations of Islam, its basic concepts and
tenets, Islamic law (Shari'ah), Islamic economic and political
systems, and Islamic patterns of life. There will also be discussions on the differences between the Islamic sects (Sunnis,
Shi'its, Sufis, etc.). Some effort will be made to deal with the
similarities and differences between Islam and both
Christianity and Judaism. Students will also visit one of the
mosques in the Twin Cities. Evaluation is based on two tests
and a paper.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 1
Maximum Enrollment: 30
Time: I
Room: Old Main 27
Work in the City Externship: Linking
Education and the World of Work
INS 298-K
Instructors: Lois Olson and Lynda Olson
This course introduces students to the nature of work, its role
and value to the individual and to society. Seminar format
will focus on work as viewed by this generation and the
requirements to succeed both now and in the future. A special emphasis will be on self discovery learning activities, visits to Twin City businesses and community organizations and
discussions with panels of professionals. Students will be
expected to research employment trends and career options,
complete a portfolio of reflections, exercises and self assessments and give individual and group presentations. Students
will also explore various organizations of the Twin Cities and
understand their role and impact in a major metropolitan
area. PIN grading only.
Liberal Arts Perspective: The City
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Lindell 16
Dakota History and Culture
INS 495-J
Instructor: Eric Buffalohead
This course examines Dakota culture and history from 1650
to the present. Emphasis will be on cultural changes and
development affecting the Dakota tribes in Minnesota.
Students will be required to conduct in-depth research and to
write a major paper of their findings. There will be an inclass final examination and questions will be given weekly to
facilitate discussions.
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: II
Room: Music 23
Room: Murphy 111
To ics: The Czaeh Republic: Social and
Cu bra! Impact of the Emerging Free
Market Economy
INS 495-K
Instructor: ~ t StoHer
This intensive experience in contemporary Czech culturr and
society will allow you the opportunity to develop an appreciation for the many diverse cultures that intersect in Central
Europe. Students will reflect critically on how their own life
experiences have shaped their perspectives in the world, and
how this differs from people in other countries. During week
one, there will be excursions and field trips, that will explore
the environs of Olomouc and study the history, culture, art,
and architecture of the Czech Republic. Week two will focus
on the Czech Republic's recent membership in NATO.
Students will study the roots of the divisions of modern
Europe, the concerns of the Czech government as it
approaches membership in the EU. The final week will concentrate on developing a capitalist enterprise in the ex-communist world, looking at how models are succeeding, and
how different sectors of Czech society are responding to the
changes in social norms and values which underlie these new
economic initiatives. For more information and costs for the
trip contact Stu Stoller at (612) 330-1772
Management Information Systems
See listing under Business Administration
Social Justice in America
POL 140-J
Instructor:Andrew Aoki
In this course, students will develop their ideas about social
justice, and apply them to urban issues. This is a course for
those who like discussing ideas, and who wish to become better thinkers. Students will develop their arguments in papers
and class discussions. Reading is light, and most of the material is covered only in class, so attendance is essential. Students
who anticipate having to miss one or more classes should not
take this course. The most successful students will be those
who are willing and able to engage in a rigorous and critical
examination of their own views. Participation is required,
including evaluating and commenting on the ideas of classmates.
Liberal Arts Perspective: The City
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Music 22
Environmental and River Politics
POL 241-J
Instructor: Joe Underhill-Cady
We live and work on the shores of the largest river in North
America. It is the reason the Twin Cities are located where
they are, and it continues to define the city, as human settlement here in turn has profoundly shaped the river ecosystem.
Of late in cities across America there has been "a return to the
river," and in this class we will be doing the same. The River
stands as a remarkable symbol for the community, of continuity and change, of cycles and transformation, of the power
and beauty of the natural world, and there is much to be
learned from studying it.
Using the Mississippi as the focus, this course looks at the
changes in thinking about the relationship between humanity
and the natural world, as the relationship has been expressed
in literature, law, science, religion, political philosophy, and
popular culture. Particular attention will be paid to legal and
cultural conceptions of the natural world, including the ideas
of property and ownership. We will explore the distinction
between wilderness and civilization and the political function
of the line dividing those two realms.
We will explore the river through the eyes and experiences of
those who have worked and lived their lives along it, and
through site visits to locations along the river, speakers in
class, and on the Internet. Students will have an opportunity
to explore their own interests in the river through individual
projects, ranging from boat building, to lobbying at the State
Capital, to the various Mississippi floods, to river ecology and
"green consumerism." There will be opportunities to work
with local river-related groups on those projects. Throughout
the course students will be encouraged to dream, and to work
on taking that vision and making it a reality, in building support for a project, in networking, in having patience, in following through, in working hard, and at the end, having
something concrete to show for their efforts. These projects
can be a prototype for the future pursuit of a vocation to contribute to their world in whatever way one is called to do so.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Social World
Graduation Skill: Critical Thinking
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Tme: I
Room: Old Main 25
Principles of Psychology
PSY 105-J
Instructor: Grace Dyrud
An introduction to the methods and approaches used in psychology for the purpose of understanding behavior.
Applications of psychological concepts to everyday situations
are emphasized. Evaluation will be based on means of two
tests and two lab reports.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Human Identity
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: II
Room: Old Main 10
Psychology and Law
PSY 335-J
Instructor: Nancy Steblay
Application of psychological principles and research methodology to legal processes and issues. The course emphasizes
three content areas: eyewitness issues (such as lineup and
interview procedures), courtroom procedures (jury selection,
jury decision-making, pretrial publicity), and psychological
profiles of offenders and victims. Grades will be based on
exams and one paper.
Prerequisite: PSY 105
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: II
Room: Old Main 25
Basics in Youth and Family Ministry
REL 235-J
Instructor: Richard Hardel
This course will provide students with the history and development of youth and family ministry in the U.S. It will provide students with basic skills and understanding for designing an effective youth and family ministry in a congregation.
Students will study the latest research on children, youth, and
families from Search Institute and learn the new paradigm of
home and congregation in partnership for teaching and nurturing faith. They will learn the latest conceptual model of a
holistic approach to youth and family ministry.
Prerequisite: REL 111, 221, or 331
Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 3
Maximum Enrollment: 25
mme: II
Room: Music 24
Theology of Death and Dying
REL 390-J
Instructor: John Benson
This will be a multidisciplinary course, using materials from
biology, psychology, sociology, history, world religions and
Christian theology proper. It will also be ecumenical, since
some of our theological material will come form Roman
Catholic as well as Protestant sources. Religious traditions
regarding death and the afterlife will be studied, and various
ethical questions related to death and dying will be considered. Field trips in the Twin Cities are also planned. We will
become acquainted with the field of mortuary science, the
hospice movement in the United States and current medical
practices related to the terminally ill. Daily lectures, discussions, quizzes and written assignments will be the format.
Grades will be based on class participation, two tests and oral
presentation of a research project.
Prerequisite: Religion 111, 221, or 331
Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 2 or 3
Maximum Enrollment: 25
'lime: I
Room: Music 23
Topics: Psalms, Songs, and Religious
REL 308-J
Instructor: Rolf Jacobson
A study of poetry from the Christian tradition, focusing on
biblical psalms and poems, religious poetry, and Christian
hymns and songs. An introduction to interpretation of poetry and poetry set to song. Students will be evaluated based
on one major paper, leading three discussions of primary
texts, and on class participation and preparation.
Prerequisite: Religion 111, 221, or 331
Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 1 or 3
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Music 24
Topics: Religion at the Movies
REL 309-J
Instructor: Lori Hale
Religious themes such as good and evil, morality and ethics,
human nature, holiness, faith and belief, salvation and
redemption, and forgiveness and mercy will be explored
through the medium of popular film. Movies including the
"The Matrix'', "The Shawshank Redemption", "Babette's Feast'',
and "Wings of Desire" will be coupled with directed theological or historical readings. Essays, class participation, and a
final paper will serve as the basis for evaluation.
Prerequisite: Religion 111, 221, or 331
Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 2 or 3
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: II
Room: Music 22
The Vision of God in Nicholas of Cusa
and Martin Luther
REL 455-J
Instructor: Mark Tranvik and Mark Fuehrer
This course examines the thought of two major thinkers from
the late medieval and reformation periods. We will read and
discuss primary texts from Cusa and Luther, focusing on the
theme of the "vision of God" Last three days of the course will
be held at a lodge in northern Minnesota. Three extended
essays will be the basis of evaluation. Team-taught by
Professors Mark Fuehrer (philosophy) and Mark Tranvik
(religion). A fee of $225.00 is required to cover lodging costs.
This will need to be paid by December 1,2000.
Transportation is student responsibility.
Prerequisite: Religion 111, 221, or 331
Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 2 or 3
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Old Main 10
Exploring Human Services
SWK 257-1
SWK 257-J
Instructors: Vern Bloom and TBA
Experiential learning occurs as students volunteer 60 hours
in a service agency or institution that they select. The placement must be approved by course faculty and supervised by
agency staff. The course is designed to introduce the fields of
practice in social work and to help students explore a possible major in social work or future career in the human services.
The three-hour weekly seminar is devoted to discussions that
assist students in integrating agency experiences and readings
that explore the historical development of social welfare as an
institution and the nature and value system of social work as
a profession. Students will also examine and critique the
manner in which social, economic, and political structures
impact diverse groups in society. Students will focus on their
own responsibilities in society, as well as examine their personal value system in relation to special concerns, such as
poverty and the "isms." Detailed information will be sent to
students at the close of Interim registration.
Liberal Arts Perspective: The City
Maximum Enrollment: 60, 2 sections
Time: I
Room: Foss 21 A and B
Topics: Child Welfare Social Work and
the Law
SWK 295-J
Intructor: Tony Bibus and Ragnhild Collin-Hansen
This course will introduce students to social work practice in
the area of child welfare with special focus on the relationship
of child welfare laws, policies, and court to the lives of families and children. Students will study Minnesota statutes,
meet with key policy makers, observe court procedures and
discuss practice and legal issues with child welfare social
workers and possibly with families and children as well. There
will also be opportunities to compare child welfare laws and
practice in the US with those in Europe, especially Norway.
The principles of permanency planning, family-centered
practice, prevention and protection, and the twin goals in
child welfare of securing safety and nurturing children while
preserving their ties to their family will be examined. We will
also explore controversies and emerging issues in child welfare law such as concurrent planning, "dual-track" service
strategies, encouragement of the adoption of children of color
by white families, and research related to the effects of poverty and oppression on the neglect of children's need. Students
will analyze the dynamic interplay of societal values, power,
politics, facts and myths as they manifest themselves in child
welfare laws; they will begin to form their own positions
regarding an ideal approach to supporting the welfare of children from a global perspective. Evaluation of learning will be
in the form of assessments by instructors and students of the
major paper or project completed for the course.
Prerequisite: Social Work Majors or permission of Instructor
Maximum Enrollment: 8
Time: II
Room: Sverdrup 20
Field Work I: Integrative Seminar
SWK 307-J & K
Instructor: Curt Paulsen and Joe Clubb
Junior social work majors are required to have 240 hours of
supervised professional experience in a social work agency.
This small group seminar supports the first 120 hours of this
placement and is facilitated by the faculty member who serves
as liaison to the student's practicum field agency. The course
provides structure and process for students to integrate learning from their practicum and academic coursework focusing
on generalist practice with individuals.
Prerequisites: Candidacy status, SWK 301, and SWK 306
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Time: I
Room: Murphy 111
Human Community and the Modern
SOC 211-J
Instructor: Gordon Nelson
This course will examine the extent to which the experience
of the community is possible in the context of the metropolitan situation. The course will focus on the Twin Cities metropolitan area. Each member of the class will be responsible for
a class presentation, which must reflect on-site observation in
a particular locale within the metropolitan area. In addition,
class participation and a final examination will be basis for
evaluating performance in the course.
Liberal Arts Perspective: The City
Maximum Enrollment 25
Time: I
Room: Foss 175
Social Work
Foundations in Women's Studies
WST 201-J
Instructor: Julie des Jardins
This course offers an introduction to the interdisciplinary
field of women's studies. Students will explore the scope of
women's studies; develop greater understanding of diverse
women's status, contributions, and concerns nationally and
globally; and consider how women's studies and other academic disciplines influence our perspectives on women and
men, and on policies and actions affecting people's lives.
Throughout the course, we will make connections between
gender, racelethnicity, economic class, sexuality and other
differences in our analysis of women's experiences. Finally,
we will explore ways to put our knowledge into action.
This course requires active participation, daily reading and
several short writing assignments. In addition, we will take
field trips to visit some women's organizations in the Twin
Graduation Skill Requirement: Speaking
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: II
Room: Old Main 13
Women's Studies
Lifetime Sports
The following activities are available to students during
Interim, and students may register for these classes as well as
for a regular course. These activities do not carry course credit but do meet the lifetime sports requirement for graduation.
Lifetime Sport: Badminton/Pickleball
HPE 002-B
Instructor: Brian Ammann
Practice and playing of badminton and pickleball. Grading:
PIN only.
Graduation Skill Requirement: Lifetime Sport
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time 12:OO-1:00 M, T, W, Th, F
Room Melby Gym northlsouth courts
Lifetime Sport: Ultimate Frisbee
HPE 002-F
Instructor: Marilyn Florian
Practice and playing of ultimate frisbee. Grading: PIN only.
Graduation Skill Requirement: Lifetime Sport
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: 12:OO-1:00 M, T, W, Th, F
Room: Air Structure
Lifetime Sport: Golf
HPE 002-G
Instructor: Brian Ammann
Practice in the various shots used in the game of golf.
Grading: PIN only.
Graduation Skill Requirement: Lifetime Sport
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: 12:OO-1:00 M, T, W, Th, F
Room: Air Structure
Lifetime Sports
Introduction to Dance
HPE 002-T/THR 002-T
Instructor: Sandra Agustin
See course information listed under THR 002-T
Graduation Skill Requirement: Lifetime Sport
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: 12:OO-1:00 M, T, W, Th, F
Room: Satern Auditorium
Interim Abroad
Social Work in Nicaragua-Challenges
in Social Justice
January 7-26, 2001
SWK 295 (Contact your social work adviser about credit
Instructor: Randy Herman, Univ. of St.Thomas;
Augsburg Contact: Tony Bibus
Will introduce students to social issues faced by Nicaraguan
families and communities in both urban and rural settings.
Experiential in design, this course will provide opportunities
to meet Nicaraguan people in their homes, communities and
places of work. Spanish language proficiency is not required,
as interpretation will be provided as needed. The course will
include excursions to both rural and urban settings, opportunities for field experience and hands-on service, and classes in
Spanish conversation.
Cost: $2595, This includes roundtrip airfare from
Minneapolis to Managua, all meals, lodging, ground transportation, program expenses and course tuition. Register for
course at Augsburg College, Office of Registrar. Also, make
application at the Center for Global Education in Murphy
Place. Application deadline: October 20, 2000. Maximum
Enrollment: 20. For more information contact: Study Abroad
Office, Center for Global Education, Murphy Place, (612)
330-1 159.
Topics: Social Work & Education in
January 3-26, 2001
EDC 495-PISWK 295-P (Social work majors should
contact their adviser about credit options.)
Instructor: Hans Eriksson; Augsburg contacts: Tony
Bibus or Susan O'Connor
Will introduce students to modern Norwegian life, with particular emphasis on Norway's systems of education and
health and welfare services to children, youth and families.
Students may take one of two separate but parallel tracks:
"Winter Recreation Programs with Children and Youth'', or
"Social Work, Child Welfare Work, and Education." Lectures,
field study, and practicum experience will introduce students
to the content and context of professional practice in Norway
as well as the unique Norwegian system of folk high schools.
All classes will be taught in English and will contain both
U.S. and Norwegian students.
Prerequisites: Students signing up for the education track must have some
experience in cross-country skiing.
Cost: $2350. This includes roundtrip airfare from
Minneapolis to Trondheim, Norway; all meals, lodging, program expenses, and course tuition. Register for course at
Augsburg College, Office of Registrar. Also make application
at the Center for Global Education in Murphy Place.
Application deadline: October 20,2000. Maximum
Enrollment: 20. For more information contact: Study Abroad
Office, Center for Global Education, Murphy Place, (612)
330-1 159.
SPP 201-J
Augsburg is part of a consortium called UMAIE, Upper
Midwest Association for Intercultural Education, that offers
overseas learning experiences during the Interim. Further
information about the following courses can be obtained
from Cynthia Truitt Lynch at the Center for Global
Education, CB 307, Augsburg College, 221 1 Riverside Ave.,
Minneapolis, MN 55454, (612) 330-1650. These courses are
offered on a PIN basis only and generally carry a lower division number.
Africa and the Middle East
The Middle East: A Spiritual Geography
Tradition and Modernity in Africa: The Experience of Ghana
Development and Community in Bangladesh
Australia and the South Pacific
Sustainable New Zealand: Ecology, Economy and Society
Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies: The Northern
Ireland Context
British Henlth Girt': Mecli~r,qSl~cr.irllNeeds
and Music
Christian I,Viwslrip: 14r11t ~ j A r t Atz.l~itecture,
~ I N
I orw~~y
Sot:i(rl ht~rk1111tiEiiuci,~tiot~
'lilt, (:zcc/l Kcprrtliic: Sorii~ln r d C.i:lrlrirral I~lipnrl(I)' the
Kt1 I L : Y i11,q
~ lqrw M ~rk~+t
E~ig!isIlScl~ooinlrtl Ft:llr~lily:
A <A'o:nl~rl~nrri~ivc
Trikirr,qrr Qrrrrrr~ilr~rI.i:rrp irrlo Elrrgjr
' I ' h Ar!is~!sllook, ~ ' ~ O V C I I L to
- L ,Pdris: f i c g i r ~ t ~ D
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~ Shaped the
I,ito?~lurc.arlll Art oJ'R4nilcrrrI;r~~lnr~rt
The I.r;tri/saipt,sc!il;rritl.r: C:IJ/III~J~IIJS,
A h 6 t . ~ and
, Parishes
The L m / ( ; ( ~ t ~ r r t ~ ~ !Ai uj it~~ t: ~ r , i ~it1~ (Pf~ris
"Most German of the Arts": Music and German National
Psychoanalysis and Feminism: French, British, and American
Scandinavian Economy, Culture, and Society
Latin America and the Caribbean
The Cuba Story: Quantitative Journalism in Cuba
Sailing in the Virgin Islands
Social Work in Nicaragua
Interim Abroad
Other lnterim Abroad Courses
Environment, Economy and Community in Guatemala
Development and Community in Bangladesh
Peace and Conflict Studies in Northern Ireland
ACTC Creative Writing Workshop
at St. Thomas
The Language of Desire: Theory and Practice of
the Love Poem For Advanced Creative Writers
Course will carry upper division English credit
Instructor: Leslie Adrienne Miller
What makes a poem hot? What gives language that extra
charge and sparkle? Why are bad poems about sex really bad?
What is the role of the erotic in a poem? In a love poem?
How do poems seduce us, engage our sense of physical desire
via our imagination? How can we be sure we've written a sexy
poem rather than a mere sex poem? How have poets
answered these and other questions across a variety of times
and cultural contexts? This course will explore these and
other related questions with the assumption that poetic language can and often should be sensual, erotic, sparky, a flirtation with the reader, and the understanding that the sexiest of
poems are seldom actually about the sex act itself. In this
course we will take a look at erotic elements in poems and
explore how poets handle physical desires of all kinds to
engage and seduce their readers. Students will explore a variety of ways to work with erotic language and subjects. We will
examine what makes particular images and metaphors sensual and how poets transform potentially dull and lor unsexy
subjects into vibrant and appealing answers to human desire.
The class will include in-class discussions of text, writers to
the course, on the recommendation of the creative writing
faculty. To be considered for enrollment in this course, con-
Interim Abroad
tact Cass Dalglish, (612) 330-1009, or Roseann Lloyd, (612)
330-1423, before registration.
Time: Monday through Thursday 1-4 p.m.
Room: 108 Christ Child Hall. University of St. Thomas
Other Courses
These courses are offered by institutions or groups not connected with Augsburg College but have been approved for
credit by the College. Most carry a tuition cost plus other
expenses that are the responsibility of the student. They are
offered only on a PIN basis.
The washington Center 2001
Academic Seminars
The Presidential Inauguration
January 7-20, 2001
Pol 398-A
The Washington Center's "Campaign 2000" academic seminars
will conclude with a two-week seminar focusing on the inauguration of the next president. It examines the presidential
transition of power and explores how the new administration
succeeds in moving from campaign rhetoric to hallmarks in
public policy. Participants also join in the celebration, pomp,
and ritual of a presidential inauguration. One half credit is
available from the political science department for this twoweek program. The course is a passlfail course based on participation in program activities including site visits, small group
seminars, and journals. For further information about the program see Prof. Hedblom in Memorial Hall 117A; call her at
(612) 330- 1197; or e-mail <>. There
are four scholarships available to cover registration and tuition
costs based on priority in registration through the political science department.
Show less
Visiting Students
Calendar ........................6
Lifetime Sports ...................48
Interim Abroad ..................49
Other Courses ........ Show more
Visiting Students
Calendar ........................6
Lifetime Sports ...................48
Interim Abroad ..................49
Other Courses ...................52
About This Catalog
Interim Courses
Introduction to Interim
Interim is an integral part of the school year at Augsburg
College. The College follows a 4- 1-4 calendar, with fall and
spring semesters of approximately 14 weeks separated by a
four-week January Interim. Interim is intended to be a time
for both students and faculty to employ styles of teaching and
learning and to investigate questions and topics in places and
ways not possible during the regular term.
Interim is an opportunity for intense concentration on a
single course of study. Since one Interim course equals a fulltime load, students should plan to spend the same amount of
time in class and preparing for class as they would for a fourcourse load during fall or spring semesters. Students should
be prepared for at least 40 class hours during the Interim and
should anticipate the equivalent of the normal two hours of
study for each class hour. Since the course length is only 3 112
weeks, attendance at every class is imperative. While it is
expected that students will attend every class period, instructors will establish the precise attendance policy for their
courses. Students can register for only one course credit during Interim. There is no tuition refund for a student who
chooses not to enroll in an Interim course.
Most Interim courses are graded traditionally on a 4.0 to 0.0
scale. Students generally have the option to register on a
PassINo credit basis. A few Interim courses are graded only on
the PIN system; this is indicated in the course description.
Some courses are offered for either upper or lower division
credit. Such Interim courses have two numbers listed and students must select which is most appropriate for their needs.
Students registering for upper division credit should anticipate additional assignments and a more rigorous grading
standard. Some courses, especially courses with travel requirements, have additional fees associated with them. These fees,
although intended to be accurate, may change; and students
should check with the instructor to verify the final costs.
Students are required to complete at least 33 course credits for
graduation. This course total must include two Interims for
students who enter with fewer than 14 courses. Freshmen are
required to take an Interim course their first year. A maximum of four Interim course credits may be counted toward
the 33 course credits required for graduation. Transfer students should refer to their transfer credit evaluation form or
consult the registrar for the number of Interim courses
Day school students (3.0 credits or more for fall) can take a
total of 1.0 course credit. They may take two half-credit classes. They may also take a lifetime sport (zero credit). The lifetime sport is at no additional charge if they are full-time students (fall term). If less than full-time, they will be charged.
Weekend students can take 1.0 course credits in Interim as a
cross registration but will be charged day school tuition $1630
per course credit. If they do so, they may take only 1.0 additional course credit in Weekend College for winter trimester.
Augsburg College, as affirmed in its mission, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national
or ethnic origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, or disability in its
education policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan
programs, athletic and/or school administered programs,
except in those instances where religion is a bona fide occupational qualification. Augsburg College is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to its employees and its students.
Any questions concerning Augsburg's compliance with federal
or state regulations implementing equal access and opportunity can be directed to Lora Steil, affirmative action coordinator, Office of Human Resources, CB 79, Augsburg College,
221 1 Riverside Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55454. She can be
reached by telephone, (612) 330-1023; or by e-mail,
International Interim-Students are invited to participate in
the international Interim courses offered by the Upper
Midwest Association for Intercultural Education (UMAIE)
and other consortia. These course opportunities are listed on
page 45. Some courses have early registration deadlines.
Internships deadline-Friday, December 10. January Interim
internships must be planned in advance. Students electing an
internship must meet departmental requirements and present
a signed internship-learning agreement plan to the Center for
Service, Work, and Learning (1st floor Memorial) by the first
day of Interim classes. The learning-agreement forms are
available in the same office. Internships during Interim must
involve full-time work placements for approximately four
weeks. Assistance for planning internships is available in the
Center for Service, Work, and Learning.
Independent study/research or directed study-Students
may elect a program of independent study (upper division
499) or directed study (lower division 299) for Interim.
Faculty members are strongly discouraged from accepting
responsibility for more than one independent study per
Interim. Students choosing to pursue independent or directed
study must:
1. Meet departmental requirements
2. Present to the registrar a copy of the proposed study
plan approved by the supervising faculty member and
the directedlindependent study registration form.
These forms must be submitted by December 1.
Appropriate study proposal and registration forms can
be obtained in the Office of the Registrar.
Interims at other schools-Augsburg students may enroll at
any other 4-1-4 institution that offers a reciprocal Interim
arrangement. Catalogs of these Interim programs are available
in the registrar's office. Registration for Interims at the other
ACTC colleges will be at Augsburg during the regular registration period. Most courses taught during the Interim at other
4-1-4 schools are accepted for credit by Augsburg, but may
not necessarily be accepted as meeting Augsburg's general
education requirements or major requirements.
Visiting Students
Augsburg College welcomes students from other 4-1-4 schools
for the January Interim without tuition charges, provided the
student's home institution agrees not to charge tuition to
Augsburg students for the January term. The waiver of tuition
does not include special fees, housing, or board costs. Other
students will be charged $1,630 for the Interim course.
Students interested in registering for an Augsburg Interim
should write to the Ofice of the Registrar for application
forms or use the forms provided by the Interim office at their
own school. There is an application processing fee of $25.
Students are welcome to stay on campus but are not required
to do so. Requests for Interim housing should be made to the
Office of Residence Life.
It should be noted that neither ACTC exchange students nor
visiting students may register for 199,299,399, or 499 courses.
About This Catalog
The catalog lists courses by departments in alphabetical order.
At the end of the book are listings of other courses not
offered by Augsburg but recognized by the College for Interim
credit. Students may also register for one of the lifetime sports
listed at the end of the catalog. Courses that include travel are
marked with an airplane.
Interim Calendar 2000
November 15 to December 3
January 3
. . . . . . . . . Interim
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .First
. day of Interim
Time I-9:00 a.m. (first day)
Time 11-1:15 p.m
January 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . Last day to register or add a class or
cancel a class without a notation
January 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Last day for determining
grading option with registrar
January 14 . . . . . . . . . Last day for withdrawing from courses
January 17. . . . . . . . . . . . Martin Luther King Day-no
January 27. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interim ends
January 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spring semester begins
February 4
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interim grades due to registrar
The time, number, and length of meetings as well as the beginning time will be arranged the first day of class. The daily
schedule for Interim is divided into two blocks of time:
Time I: 8:00 a.m. to 11:45 (Note: on the first day, Time I classes
will begin at 9:00 a.m.)
Time 11: 1:15 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Note: Martin Luther King Day-No class
For More Information
For more information contact Barbara Pappenfus in the
Interim Office at (612) 330-1150.
Calligraphy I & II
ART 106-J
ART 306-J
Instructor: Philip Thompson
Development of calligraphic writing and drawing skills with
emphasis on the broad-edged pen. Attention given to the historical development of calligraphy and the elements of design
through readings and demonstrations. Class time and assignments center on proactive calligraphic concepts with special
attention given to foundation, italic, gothic, and uncial styles.
Three original projects are required and evaluation is based
on quality of work plus participation and growth factors.
Upper division students are required to complete examples in
three historical writing styles plus an expanded project.
Required materials: text, pens, ink, ruler, and mat board.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Aesthetics
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: I
Room: Old Main 4
Life Drawing
ART 247-J
Instructor: Norman Holen
A study of undraped figures for art students and non-art students. The figures will be depicted with graphite pencils in
various settings for varying lengths of time. Grades will be
based upon quality and improvement. There will be a fee of
$45 to be paid on the first day of class.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Aesthetics
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Old Main 17
Marine Biology of the Florida Keys
BIO 140-J
BIO 340-J
Instructor: William Capman
The Florida Keys provide an excellent site for study of natural
history and ecology of marine, coastal, and sub-tropical communities. This class will spend about 2 112 weeks in Florida at
the Newfound Harbor Marine Institute located on Big Pine
Key. The Institute offers laboratory facilities, ocean-going
research platforms, housing, and a dining hall. Field trips to
coral reefs (Looe Key National Park), tide pools, turtle grass
flats, mangrove islands, and upland hammocks will be led by
professional naturalists from the institute. Organisms and
communities will be studied on site and in the laboratory.
Research projects will be initiated shortly after arrival at the
station in order to provide opportunities to gather data over a
period of several days. Visits to Pennicamp State Park, Key
West, and the Everglades will be included. Evaluation will be
based on:
BIO 140: (1) field and laboratory records, (2) personal journal, (3) quizzes at Marine Institute, (4) a final exam.
Prerequisite for 6'10 140: Any one of the following courses or their equivalents - BIO 101,
102, 103, 113, 114, or consent of the instructor.
BIO 340: (1) field and laboratory records, (2) personal journal, (3) quizzes at Marine Institute, (4) written report of the
research project, and (5) final exam.
Prerequisite for BIO 340: 810 351 or BIO 481 or consent of the instructor.
Estimated cost of the course: $2500 (includes airfare, all
ground transportation, housing and meals while at the institute). Contact the instructors for details.
Prerequisite: See Above
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Time: I1
Room: Science 212
Laboratory Biochemistry
BIO 368-J
Instructor: Karen Ballen
'I'his ct~i~rsc
is a n in trot1 uution l o tech~iicl~ius
c o m ~ n o n l yt~sccf
in bincIic.misiry. '1~chriic1~1c.s
includc (1,111 not li~llitcdto): ~ I . o w i n extrac~iun,dialysis, spectl-c.~phatomct
ry, S13S p01yair.ylamicle gel ciect rophorcsis, inn txchnngc cIll.clrn;~tclgl.alIhy,
Prerequisites:2.0 in 810 367
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Time: I
Room: Science 212
Advanced Computing for Business
MIS 370-J
Instructor: Jim Kattke
Objectives are to learn concepts underlying creation of Web
pages and business communication via the Internet. Use of
relational databases for advanced queries, forms, and reports.
Basics of event-driven programming for solving business related problems. Students will complete three major projects and a
few minor assignments. The course requires significant effort
on projects and constant access to a computer. Cooperation
with fellow students in learning to apply concepts is encouraged. A good grasp of MS Access is required or the willingness
to exercise exceptional effort in learning the tool.
Prereqttlsit~s:MiS 175, CSC 170, consent of the instruct06 or Math Placement Group 3
Fnrollmant: 20
Time: I1
Room: Lindeli 16
Personal Finance
BUS 295-J
BUS 495-J
Instructor: Ashok Kapoor
This is an introductory course in personal financial planning.
Students will be introduced to budgeting, credit, income
taxes, insurance, real estate, investment and retirement planning. BUS 295: quizzes and exams. BUS 495: all of the above
plus some assigned case problemslpapers will be required.
Prerequisite: Math Placement Group 3
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Foss 43
Chemistry for Changing Timer
CHM 100-J
Instructor: Arlin Gyberg
This course is developed from the perspective of a person
living in a modern, high-technology society such as the
United States. It assumes that before one can evaluate a moral
or societal issue of a scientific nature one at least must be able
to understand the science involved. Anything less is an
impression rather than an informed decision. As we develop
scientific concepts we will at the same time relate them to an
abundance of current issues. We live in a world of pesticides,
fertilizers, plastics, birth control, food abundance and food
shortage, food additives and processing and synthesis, organically and non-organically grown food, chemical dependency,
licit and illicit drugs, the energy crisis, and the debates about
sources of energy, the green house effect, and nuclear waste
storage, pollution, genetic engineering and much more. Many
of these problems are chemical in nature. Thus, in learning
about chemistry, via lecture and in-class discussion, we can
begin to understand ourselves, our society, our world, and
even some of the universe. The grade for the course is based
on a percentage of the score of total points on the daily
Prerequisite: Math Placement Group 2
Liberal Arts Perspective: Natural World 2
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Science 315
Introduction to Polymer Chemistry and
American Plastic
CHM 104-J
Instructor: Ron Fedie
Previously there was the Stone Age, Iron Age, and Bronze age.
Now we live in the Age of Polymers (and Plastics). Without
this innovative technology, life as we know it would be much
different. The variety of polymer molecules and their properties make up many, diverse plastics and the variations are endless. Many items and materials in the areas of coatings, adhesives, leisure/sports equipment, building/construction, automobiles, furniture, clothes, medical supplies, cosmetics, and
others that are used every day come from different polymeric
materials made from polymer molecules. In this course we
will explore and discuss the world of polymer chemistry.
Polyethylene is one of the most commonly used synthetic
polymers found in "plastic" wrap and trash bags. A common
natural polymer, polyisoprene, is collected from the sap of
rubber trees and tires, golf balls, and latex gloves are just some
of the many uses. The class will focus on two books. One,
American Plastic: A Cultural History, by Jeffrey Meikle for the
historical perspective of our world of polymers. Themes from
the book, the different types of polymers used, and recent
themes such as the recycling of plastics will be discussed. A
second book, Giant Molecules, by Grosberg and Khokhlov, will
help with the previously mentioned themes and give more
depth to the broad world of polymers not covered in Meikle's
book. There will be six lab periods in which some polymer
molecules will be made and several of their interesting properties will be explored. Students will be graded on 25 group
worksheets, 6 quizzes, 6 reflection papers, 6 lab periods, and
an individual project and presentation.
Prerequisite: Math Placement Group 2
Liberal Arts Perspective: Natural World 1 or 2
Maximum Enrollment: 22
Time: I1
Room: Science 315
Introduction to Computer Science and
CSC 160-J
Instructor: Larry Ragland
This course introduces the major areas of computer science
and computer communications. These areas are: algorithms,
algorithm design, algorithm efficiency, hardware, logical circuit design, computer organization, software and operating
systems, programming languages, operating systems, theory
of computation, mathematical foundations of computer science, Turing machines, computer communications and the
Internet, packet switching, Internet services, and operation.
This course will consist of lecture/discussion times with frequent in-class lab exercises on the topics above. Grading will
be based on examinations, labs, and homework. This is not a
course in computer applications or how to use computers,
although we may touch on these topics.
Prerequisite: Math Placement Group 3
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: I
Room: Sverdrup 202
UNlX and C
CSC 272-J
Instructor: Karen Sutherland
Study of UNIX operating system and the C programming
language. It is assumed that the student has knowledge of
programming methods and has done programming in some
other language. Evaluation will be done on 10 programming
assignments, two to three quizzes and a final project. Grading
is done by combining the weighted grades of all assignments
and quizzes.
Prerequisite: CSC 170 or programming in some other language
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: Ii
Room: Sverdrup 202
Computer Science
Topics: Computer Science: An
Alternative Scheme One and Two
CSC 273-J/373-J
Instructor: Charles Sheaffer
This course is especially intended for students with no prior
exposure to programming in particular or computer science
in general. It will be a laboratory intensive, self-paced course
using the Scheme programming language. We will introduce
an alternative approach to some of the most important concepts of computer science including problem solving, simulation, object-oriented programming, functional programming,
procedural and data abstraction, and program interpretation.
Students with knowledge of programming will benefit from
exposure to the alternative paradigm represented by the
Scheme language and will acquire a concrete understanding
of how these important concepts are actually implemented in
real languages and machines. Students will be evaluated based
on a series of programming projects. CSC is a continuation of
CSC 273.
Graduation Skill Requirement: for CSC 373, Critical Thinking
Prerequisite: CSC 273. none; for CSC 373, CSC 273 or consent of the instructor
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I1
Room: Sverdrup 205
Economics of Urban Issues
ECO 110-J
Instructor: Ed Sabella
Study of economic implications of the many problems facing
a metro-urban environment. Some of the topics to be discussed are: crime prevention, health issues, discrimination,
education, etc. Basic microeconomics tools of analysis will be
developed in class. This is a basic course designed for those
students who do not plan to major in economics, business
administration, accounting, or MIS. Three objective examinations.
Liberal Arts Perspective: The City or Social World 1 or 2
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: I1
Room: Science 319
Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 112-J
Instructor: Satya t? Gupta
The objectives of the course are to give students fundamental
principles of macroeconomics; national income analysis,
monetary and fiscal policy, and international trade. Simple
applications will be used. Students will take tests every week
and grades will be based on tests, participation in class and
problems solved.
Prerequisite: Math Placement Group 2
Liberal Arts Perspective: Western Heritage
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: I
Room: Old Main 16
Practicum and Seminar in Special
EDU 491-3
Instructor: Susan O'Connor
A supervised field placement that serves people with disabilities, plus an on-campus seminar. Students planning to take
this course should consult with the special education coordinator about a placement prior to registering for the course.
Students must complete designated hours of fieldwork as well
as written and reading assignments.
Prerequisite: EDU 282, completion of courses for special education minor; or consent of
Maximum Enrollment: 9
Time: I1
Room: Sverdrup 4
American Dialects: Differences and
ENG 219-J
Instructor: John Schmit
Because language plays an important role in our socialization,
the way we speak tells others who we are and with whom we
identify. Our speech is a reflection of our social and economic
standing and our cultural background. In this course we will
explore the ways in which both personal and group identities
are reflected by the ways in which we speak. We will examine a
number of American varieties of English and will attempt to
describe the rules by which these varieties operate. Class sessions will include brief lectures, student presentations, and
student-led discussions. In addition to presenting a topic, students will write a paper on the presentation topic and take a
final exam.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 1
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 29
Theatre In and Around London
ENG 269-J
Instructor: Ron Palosaari
The purpose of this course is to study live theatre in London
and Stratford. For more information, contact Prof. Ron
Palosaari, (612) 330- 1005.
Topics: Introduction to Asian American
ENG 282-L
ENG 482-L
Instructor: Joan Thompson
In an essay about multicultural American literature, Walter J.
Ong writes that "literature is organized experience and consciousness. Since cultures organize experience and consciousness variously, the study of the literature of another culture
opens new vistas both into the exterior world and into the
human heart." This course will explore some of these vistas
through readings and discussions of nonfiction works, poetry,
short stories, a play, and a novel by Asian American authors.
Some ideas the writers take as subjects through their art
include definitions of an Asian American voice, explorations
of cultural and individual identity, visions of community, and
coming of age. Class sessions will include discussion of the
historical and social contexts that influence the writers studied. In addition to the reading, students will view at least one
Asian American film and possibly attend a relevant performance or reading. Course grades will be based on reading
journal, a short paper, a final exam, class attendance, and participation. Upper division students will read an additional
novel and write a research-based paper on it.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 1
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 11
Topics: Investigating the Victorian
ENG 282-0
ENG 482-0
Instructor: Dallas Liddle
This course will study the phenomenon in 19th-century
Britain of the popular novel of suspense, mystery, and terror.
Early in the century these tales were generally either "Gothic"
(stories of horror and the supernatural set in Italy or Spain)
or "Newgate" novels (true-crime stories about the lower classes). By the 1860s, however, popular novelists including
Charles Dickens, Mary Braddon, and others were producing a
stunningly successful series of works in which the action was
set in the everyday world of the Victorian middle classes.
These novels drew intense public scrutiny by raising issues
that the more polite genre of domestic fiction could hardly
hint at, including gender roles and sexual transgression, class
and race oppression, obsession and madness, and the dark
sides of urban life. We will read several of the best of these
thrillers, at the same time actively investigating the culture
that produced them. We will read original reviews and
responses, including parodies, and learn about the context of
newspaper and magazine journalism in which several of the
novels appeared. While we investigate the power of the Gothic
and Sensation genres for their original audiences, however, we
will also work to determine why these novels have continued
to appeal to successive generations of readers. Course grades
will be based on class attendance and participation, two short
papers, a group presentation, and a final exam. Upper-level
students will read one additional novel, write a research-based
paper on it, and share the results of their research with the
Prerequisite: ENG 111
Liberal An3 Perspective: Western Heritage
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Foss 20
Topics: Cinema and Sexual Identity
ENG 2824
Instructor: Doug Green
What does cinema reveal about how the 20th century has
thought about sexuality?How do cinematic images affect our
sense of our own sexual identity? This topics course in
English examines films from the early years of cinema to the
present in order to explore depictions of and cultural
assumptions about sexual identity. We will, moreover, consider the impact of these images on audience perceptions and
expectations, including those of the self. We will pay special
attention to the various images and constructions of homosexual as well as heterosexual identity in English-language
cinema, especially Hollywood movies, and in some silent and
foreign films. Taking Celluloid Closet as a point of departure,
we will consider how film affects sexual minorities in the
audience as well as in film production.
There will be short readings on sexuality and film. At each
class there will be a full or partial film screening, followed by
small-group and whole-class discussions. We may go to one
or two films offcampus as well, so students should be prepared to buy tickets; these out-of-class screenings may not be
at the regular class time. There will be at least one typed
journal entry due at each class period. The class will meet
from 1-5 p.m., Monday through Thursday of the first two
weeks of Interim; 1-5 p.m., Tuesday through Thursday of the
third week; and 1-5 p.m., Monday through Thursday of the
last week.
Grading will be based on the completion and quality of all
journal entries and on class/film attendance, preparation,
and participation. Students missing more than two
classes/films and/or two journal entries may not pass the
course. All grades
are PIN option only (i.e., 2.0 is required
for course credit).
Prerequisite: ENG 111
Liberal Arls Perspective: Human Identity
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 16
Topics: Contemporary American Poetry
ENG 282-P
ENG 482-P
Instructor: John Mitchell
This course provides an introductory survey of contemporary
American poetry by poets whose works have come into
prominence since World War I1 or mid-century. Emphasis
will be given to the vision and sensibility of each poet and to
the themes of their poems, especially those images and statements that concern philosophical, historical, psychological
and cultural values. Through comparison and contrast, students will be expected to formulate reasonable interpretations
of selected poets and poems and to express their discoveries
in class discussion and short papers. A final examination will
be given and two interpretive papers about three to five pages
in length will be assigned. For upper division credit, the student will also read and give a written class report on a book
that discusses contemporary poetry or a contemporary poet;
this choice, based upon recommendation, must be approved
by the instructor.
Prerequisites: for 482-R lntro to Literature or consent of instructol:
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: I
Room: Old Main 29
Quantitative Journalism: Computer
Assisted Reporting and Research
ENG 347-A
Instructor: Cass Dalglish and Boyd Koehler
This course introduces students to computer-assisted informational investigation and the interpretation of quantitative data
in the writing of expository essays and news reports. Such
inquires will employ contemporary computer-based information searches coupled with data-driven quantitative assessment of a public issue of current concern. Students will prepare projects of publishable quality for presentation and critique. The course is designed for persons wishing to explore
the use of computer-assisted research for their particular
information development interests as well as those preparing
to enter the communication professions.
Prerequisites: Eng. 225 or Eng. 227, or consent of instructors. Math Placement Group 3.
Graduation Skill Requirement: Ouantitative Reasofling
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: T; Th 6-9 p.m. and Sat 1:30-4:30 p.m.
Room: Sat, Lindell Library 16; T; Th Sverdrup 204
Senior Honors Seminar: Hispanic
Christianity Along the Border
HON 401-J
Instructor: Margaret Madsen
An introduction to denominations with a special focus on
Hispanic communities along the US.-Mexican border.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 3 or Intercultural Awareness 1
Time: I
Room: Sverdrup 208
Dance (men
(0.5 course
HPE 232-M
Instructor: Mary Ewert-Knodell
Theory and practice in teaching and performing American
heritage and international folk dances. The majority of the
course grade is based on dance practicals, a teaching assignment, and a written test. Note: HPE 232 and HPE 275 can be
taken simultaneously.
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Time: 1- 1/3,1/4,1/5,1/6,1/7,1/11,1/13,1/18,1/20
Room: Melby Gym - center court
Dance (women only)
(0.5 course credit)
HPE 232- W
Instructor: Mary Ewert-Knodell
Theory and practice in teaching and performing American
heritage and international folk dances. The majority of the
course grade is based on dance practicals, a teaching assignment, and a written test. Note: HPE 232 and HPE 275 can be
taken simultaneously.
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Time: 1 - 1/3,1/4,1/5,1/6,1/7,1/11,1/13,1/18,1/20
Room: Melby Gym - center court
Prevention and Care of
Athletic Injuries (0.5 course credit)
HPE 275-J
Instructor: Missy Strauch
Emphasis placed on preventing and treating common athletic
injuries. Practical experience in taping and training room
procedures. Note: HPE 232 and HPE 275 can be taken
Prerequisite: HPE 114 or equivalent
Maximum Enrollment: 24
Time: 1- 1/5,1/6,1/7,1/10,1/1I, 1/12,1/13,1/14,1/19,1/21,1/24,1/25,1/26
Room: Melby 119
Instructional Methods: Materials in
Health Education
HPE 390-J
Instructor: Patty Murphy
This course will cover principles and methods of instruction
applied to health education (5-12). Emphasis upon teaching1
learning strategies and student assessment. Development and
delivery of lessons/activities is included. Students are evaluated by their peers and the instructor on their ability to create,
deliver and assess health education lessons in a "real" classroom. Evaluationlgrading is also based upon the completion
of a "technology project", resource file, and exam.
Prerequisite: HPE 110
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Melbv 202
Sailing in the Virgin Islands
HPE 455-J
Instructor: Joyce Pfaff
Designed for the beginning and intermediate sailor interested
in the art and practice of sailboat cruising. The course will
take the participant to a competent level of sailboat handling
(anchoring, mooring, helming, and crewing). The student
will live aboard a 43'-46' fixed-keel sailboat with five to six
other people and will function as an active crew member.
Actual on-the-water instruction will be the major part of the
course. Sailing will include cruises to the various islands and
cays in the British and American Virgin Islands. Snorkeling
and wind surfing will be available on an optional basis. Some
classes will be held in December prior to leaving for the
Virgin Islands in January.
The course cost is $3,300, which includes airfare for Augsburg
day students and qualifying Interim exchange students.
Others will have to pay regular Interim tuition in addition to
this course cost in order to receive academic credit. PIN
Health & Physical Education
ONLY. Applications may be picked up from the office of Joyce
Pfaff, Melby Hall 121, Augsburg College. They must be turned
in with deposit and appropriate signature before final acceptance is given.
Prerequisites: Permission from Joyce Pfaff, health and physical education department,
(612) 330-1247; no smoking is allowed; basic swimming skills
Graduation Skill Requirement: Lifetime Sport, also one course credit upper division
Maximum Enrollment: 10 ( A waiting list will be kept after the original 10 spots are filled)
20th-Century South Asia
HIS 162-J
HIS 462-J
Instructor: Don Gustafson
This Interim experience is designed to look at the area of
South Asia (primarily India) that is home to one-fifth of the
people of our world. We'll use novels, films, some standard
historical writings, and current South Asia periodicals to consider the impact that colonialism, nationalism, and various
phases of modernization have had on this old, honored, and
traditional culture. We'll read the marriage ads and talk
about social structure, consider the spot at Ayodhya that has
prompted Hindus to massacre Muslims, think on the Christlikeness of a Gandhi, and perhaps have time to note one or
two of the contemporary religious phenomena. Looking at
South Asians helps us to see ourselves in a fuller perspective.
The course will include the usual pedagogical devices of lectures, discussions, some short reaction papers, and tests
(including a final). Students enrolling for upper division credit will be expected to have at least one prior college history
class, to complete a paper or project beyond the regular
assignments, and to be tested apart from lower division students.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 1
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Old Main 13
Topics in History: The Great Men of
20th-Century Europe and Their Myths
HIS 195-J
Instructor: Sheldon Anderson
This course examines several important 20th-century leaders
and their impact on the course of European political and
diplomatic history. Topics will include Woodrow Wilson and
the Versailles Treaty after World War I, Neville Chamberlain
and the appeasement of Adolf Hitler at the Munich
Conference in 1938, Joseph Stalin's agreement to sign a nonaggression pact with Hitler shortly before World War 11,
Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill's alleged appeasement of Stalin at Yalta, Harry S. Truman's Cold War policies,
and Reagan and Gorbachev's diplomacy as the communist
systems of Europe fell from 1989-1991. The course will focus
on the popular myths that have developed about these leaders
and these conferences.
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Sverdrup 20
Topics in History: Early Minnesota
History, 1849- 1900
HIS 195-1
Instructor: William Green
This course will examine the political, economic, and social
history of early Minnesota. The course will study life in
Minnesota among the Ojibway and Dakota peoples, through
the fur trading period which witnessed French, English, then
American settlements, through the territorial period (18491858), and finally statehood.
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Foss 20
Remembering the 20th Century
HIS 440-J
Instructor: Jacqueline de Vries
As the millennium approaches, everyone-artists, politicians,
gossip columnists, historians-seems to have some opinion
about the waning 20th century. What has this century
wrought? The last hundred years have left a great many contradictions: two global wars that destroyed millions of lives
and swept away governments, but brought economic development; the decline (and recovery) of established religion; the
rise (and collapse) of a messianic faith in communism; great
increases in standards of living while famine and child labor
persist; technological breakthroughs that put teachers in space
and AK-47 rifles in the hands of children; new freedoms and
new forms of exploitation. In this course, we will together
attempt to make sense of the 20th century. Please note that
while the course will examine major events and developments
of the century, it will not offer a narrative history, nor will it
be exhaustive. Instead, it will explore a variety of possible
interpretive frameworks to help us better understand where
our grandparents have been and where we are today. Rather
than relying exclusively on (sometimes dry) textbooks, we will
explore the century through a variety of personal narratives,
both written and oral, and reflect on the shaping of both individual and collective memory.
Course materials will include several monographs and novels,
films, photographs, and guest lectures. Students will complete
three five-page papers, one of which will be an interview with
their oldest living relative.
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 13
Paideia Seminars
INS 120-J
Instructor: Anne Jensen
Students will participate in a series of seminars following the
Paideia seminar format as developed by Mortimer Adler and
Paideia Associates. Students will also view selected films for
seminar discussions; develop and lor hone skills of mature,
intellectual talk; observe seminars conducted in a St. Paul public school; evaluate their own behaviors during seminars; and
lead seminars. Students will be assessed on journal entries
including evidence of seminar preparation, reflection, peer and
self-evaluation, as well as a final summary paper.
Graduation Skill Requirement: Critical Thinking
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Foss 43
Technically Speaking
INS 21 1-J
Instructor: Esther McLaughlin
Do you enjoy talking about science and technical topics, but
just can't find an audience? We'd love to listen! Through a
series of four oral assignments, you will have the opportunity
to talk science to your fellow scientists, improve on your oral
presentation skills in a variety of formats, learn to effectively
organize a speech, prepare visual aids, and listen to and learn
about other science topics and science policy from your fellow
Prerequisite: One year of an introductory-level science course
Graduation Skill Requirement: Speaking
Maximum Enrollment: 16
Time: I1
Room: Science 205
Introduction to Islam
INS 225-J
Instructor: Amin Kader
This course is designed by a practicing Muslim to present his
perception of Islam to non-Muslims. The course will cover
the ideological foundations of Islam, its basic concepts and
tenets, Islamic law (Shari'ah), Islamic economic and political
systems, and Islamic patterns of life. There will also be discussions on the differences between the Islamic sects (Sunnis,
Shi'its, Sufis, etc.). Some effort will be made to deal with the
similarities and differences between Islam and both
Christianity and Judaism. Students will also visit one of the
mosques in the Twin Cities. Evaluation is based on two tests
and a paper.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 1
Maximum Enrollment: 30
Time; I
Room: Old Main 27
Topics: Minnesota Indians
INS 495-J
Instructor: Eric Buffalohead
This course will examine the experiences of the Dakota and
Ojibwe in Minnesota from the time of contact to the present
situation of both tribes. Each group's history and experiences
will be studied and compared to see how each group has
done since the time of contact. Major historical events will be
examined as well as significant events important to each
group. Students will learn how changing federal policy affected the two groups and how each of the groups has dealt with
things such as assimilation, termination, and/or relocation.
Other topics to be covered include health, education, welfare,
treaty rights, and economic opportunities. The main text will
be Indians in Minnesota by Judith Rosenblatt (ed). The students will be expected to demonstrate understanding of
major issues through written exams and research
projects/presentations. Upper division students will be
expected to do more comprehensive research.
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I1
Room: Foss 21
Topics: A Civil Rights Immersion:
Experiencing History
INS 200-J
INS 300-J
Instructor: Garry Hesser & Joseph Young
During the 1950s and 60s a series of major events and fundamental social change occurred in the United States. For the
first two weeks, we will seek to develop a basic understanding
of race relations in the U.S. through readings, visiting lecturers,
videos, learning from each other, and the MLK, Jr. event on
January 17. Then, this intentionally diverse class will board a
bus for an intense, study-travel journey to Little Rock,
Memphis, Birmingham, Montgomery, Atlanta, Nashville, and
Chicago, the places where history was made and the museums
that chronicle those times. We will meet with and interview
participants in these critical events, as well as actively engage
one another in dialogue and collaborative learning. The course
objectives include learning about the history and sociology of
race and ethnic relations in the U.S. gaining insights from persons and places that mark the "turning points" of the 1950s
and 1960s, documenting our personal and group experiences
so that our insights and understanding can be shared with the
Augsburg community and others, and increasing our skills for
cross-cultural collaboration and dialogue. Upper and lower
division: students obtaining upper division credit will complete a research paper on a specific topic related to the course,
including an annotated bibliography with a minimum of 20
Cost estimate: $500, plus the cost of meals for 10 days (with
scholarships available, based upon need-contact Garry Hesser
at 330- 1664)
Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 1 or Social World 1 or 2
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Old Main 23
**Note: All participants will go on a bus tour beginning
Monday, January 17, and ending on Wednesday, January 26.
Work in the City Externship: Linking
Education and the World of Work
INS 298-K
Instructors: Lois Olson and Lynda Olson
This course introduces students to the nature of work, its role
and value to the individual and to society. Seminar format will
focus on work as viewed by this generation and the requirements to succeed both now and in the future. A special
emphasis will be on self discovery learning activities, visits to
Twin City businesses and community organizations, and discussions with panels of professionals. Students will be expected to research employment trends and career options; complete a portfolio of reflections, exercises, and self assessments;
and give individual and group presentations. Students will
also explore various organizations of the Twin Cities and
understand their role and impact in a major metropolitan
area. PIN grading only.
Liberal Arts Perspective: The City
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Old Main 25
Management Information Systems
See listing under Business, pg. 9.
Finite Mathematics
MAT 121-J
Instructor: Anthony Dunlop
How can an industry comply with air quality standard at the
smallest possible cost? Did you know that one of the first
applications (other than gambling) of probability theory was
in genetics (on the question of whether the recessive genotypes would eventually die out)? How do we build the most
cost-effective telecommunication network of satellites given
the cost factors between pairs of satellites?In Finite Math
we'll study the topics that give the answers to these questions:
linear programming, counting and probability, and graph theory. Finite Math is for students in Math Placement Group 3
or higher who need a Quantitative Reasoning course. Class
will be a mix of lectures and small group work. Evaluation
will be based on class participation, quizzes, and exams.
Prerequisite: Math Placement Group 3
Graduation Skill Requirement: Quantitative Reasoning
Math Elective for MIS major; economics major
Maximum Enrollment: 22
Time: I
Room: Science 108
Math of Interest
MAT 173-J
Instructor: Christopher Schwartz
Learn how to determine the monthly payments on a house or
car. Find out how much you need to be socking away now to
have a million when you retire. Learn how annuities, perpetuities, and life insurance work, and more. Evaluation will be
based on classroom participation, quizzes, and a final examination.
Prerequisite: Math Placement Group 3 or consent of instructor
Graduation Skill Requirement: Quantitative Reasoning
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Science 205
Modeling and Differential Equations
MAT 247-J
Instructor: Rebekah Valdivia
In Modeling and Differential Equations, we will cover a range
of mathematical topics with emphases on mathematical modeling, differential equations, and numerical methods. We'll see
connections between mathematics and "real world" problems
and get a feel for applied mathematics. We will discuss a variety of applications in class, and students will have opportunities to select applications of interest. Modeling and
Differential equations is a must for anyone considering
majoring in Applied Mathematics and is strongly recommended for students majoring in Physics or Chemistry. It is
also for anyone considering majoring or minoring in
Mathematics. Evaluation will be based on participation,
quizzes, projects, and a final exam.
Prerequisite: MAT 146 Calculus I1 or equivalent
Maximum Enrollment: 22
Time: I
Room: Foss MAC
Beginning German I
GER I l l - J
Instructor: Don Steinmetz
This course is for students with no previous background in
German. It aims to develop basic skills in speaking, listening,
reading, and writing as tools for communication and for
understanding German culture. Classroom practice focuses
on both presentation of vocabulary and structures and the
use of the language in everyday contexts. Evaluation will be
based on participation, daily assignments, quizzes, and a final
Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 2
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Old Main 10
Beginning Norwegian I
Instructor: Becky Hegstad
This course is for students with no previous background in
Norwegian. It aims to develop basic skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing as tools for communication and for
understanding Norwegian culture. Classroom practice focuses
on both presentation of vocabulary and structures and the use
of the language in everyday contexts. Evaluation will be based
on participation, daily assignments, quizzes, and a final exam.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 2
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Old Main 26
S anish and Latin-American Culture
T rough Film
SPA 248-J
Instructor: Roman Soto
An introduction to the main cultural and political issues
(social conflicts, sexism, race, ethnicity, religion, language,
exile, or immigration) that characterized contemporary
Spanish and Latin-American societies as they have been portrayed in films and plays. Developed mainly through the viewing of films and class discussions, the course is complemented
with brief readings and audio-visual materials on the historic,
literary, and social aspects that contribute to the background of
these films. Most of the films are in Spanish with English subtitles, and all the class work is in English. The evaluation is
based on class participation; brief weekly, writing assignments;
and a short term paper.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 1
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 23
Modern Languages
Topics: Sounds and Sights of Europe
MUS 179-J
Instructor: Roberta Kagin
This course provides an opportunity to visit some of the Great
European cultural centers that provided the impetus for development of music in the cultural life in the New World. For
more information, contact Prof. Roberta Kagin,
(612) 330-1273.
Topics: Sounds and Sights of China
MUS 295-S
Instructor: Robert Karlen
Music, art, and architecture, as expressions of Chinese culture
over its 5,000-year history, will be examined, studied, and
experienced in four of the most important cities of China. For
more information, contact Prof. Robert Karlkn, (612) 3301266.
Survey of Rock History and Musical
Style, 1951-1971
MUS 204-J
Instructor: 0. Nicholas Raths
An introduction to the fundamentals of music and musicology
as they occur within the context of rock's inception (1950s)
and maturation (1960s) periods. This course will examine the
historical background, musical content, and methods of selected artists and their work. Evaluation will be based on class
participation, a comprehensive term paper, exam, and a group
performance project. For non-music majors.
Liberal Ads Perspective: Aesthetics
Maximum Enrollment: 30
Time: I1
Room: Music 3
Introduction to Music
Theatre Performance
MUS 235-J/THR 235-J
Instructors: Sonja Thompson and Darcey Engen
Music-theater exists in every culture, stemming from basic
human impulses to dance, sing, and express oneself. Join theatre professor Darcey Engen and music instructor Sonja
Thompson to discuss this interdisciplinary art form, and
develop your own basic skills of music-theater from China,
Japan, India, and other cultures. Course includes writing and
research, class discussion and exercises, small and large group
participation, memorization, and performance. Performers of
all levels are welcome, though some singing and acting ability
is required. Interested students will be auditioned in
December so that appropriate material can be assigned to
them. Course may be repeated with permission from the
Liberal Arts Perspective: Aesthetics
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Sateren Auditorium
Topic: History of Caribbean Music
Studied in Miami and Jamaica
MUS 2 9 5 4
Instructor: Robert Stacke
Miami and Jamaica are considered the centers of Caribbean
music, where composition, recording, and world distribution
take place. The goal of this 19-day seminar is to examine and
reflect on historical, socio-political, and religious aspects of
Caribbean music. For more information, contact Prof. Robert
Stacke, (612) 330-1271.
Liberal Arts Perspective: intercultural Awareness 1
Maximum Enrollment: 30
The Mysticism of Meister Eckhart
PHI 295-J
Instructor: Mark Fuehrer
A study of some of the key texts of the great mystical philoso-
pher, focusing on the idea of detachment from worldly affairs
and the union of the soul with God while in this life. Students
will be expected to prepare brief written analyses of the
assigned readings and present two essays of Eckhart. Seminar
Graduation Skill Requirement: Writing
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: I
Room: Old Main I1
Science, Technology, and Values
PHY 117-J
Instructors: Mark Engebretson and Bruce Reichenbach
This course will focus on contemporary problems that arise
from our developing technological capacities. We will consider problems such as the causes and effects of global warming;
depletion of the ozone layer; social, economic, and ethical
concerns in pollution cleanup; agriculture, pesticides, and
genetic effects; the prospects and problems of genetically
engineering both our foodstuffs and humans, and the urban
implications of developing a light rail system. To get a satisfactory grasp on how to approach these problems, we will first
explore what science and the scientific methods are, how science (knowing) relates to technology (doing), the structures
used for ethical evaluation, and the resulting interactions
among the three. Grading will be based on two tests and a
major project.
Prerequisite: Math Placement Group 2
Liberal Arts Perspective: Natural World 2
Maximum Enrollment: 40
Time: I
Room: Sverdrup 205
Topics: Physics in Science
and Fantasy Fiction
PH Y 220-J
Instructor: J. Ambrose Wolf
This course deals with physics aspects in movies as well as in
science fiction and fantasy fiction literature on a conceptual
level. We will explore scenes and settings in which physics plays
an important role and also learn to discern if they are physically correct or not. This will also expand the awareness of physics
in everyday life, where it is encountered and how it works. The
math component of this course will be minimized in favor of a
better grasp of the concepts and thought processes involved.
Various scenes from movies and excerpts from literature will be
presented, after which the physics connection and understanding will be explored in discussions. The weekly papers will
cover one of the topics discussed in class during that week; the
long-term paper will cover a general topic from physics in
everyday life and bibliographic research. Students' papers and
reviews will also be discussed class. This course is designed for
those students who do not plan to major or minor in physics.
Grading will be based on active participation in class discussions, three (approx. weekly) short papers involving draft and
peer review (final paper and review graded) and one long
paper including a draft version corrected by the instructor.
Prerequisite: Effective Writing, Math Placement Group 2
Graduation Skill: Writing
Maximum Enrollment: 18
Time: I1
Room: Science 108
Introduction to Space Science
PH Y 320-J
Instructor: Ken Erickson
This course provides a survey of Earth's space environment
including solar, planetary, magnetospheric, ionospheric, and
upper atmospheric physics (solar dynamics, magnetic storms,
particle precipitation, aurora, and related topics). Evaluation
will be based on two exams, class assignments, one research
paper, and at least one class presentation.
Prerequisite: PHY 245 or permission of instructor
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: I
Room: Sverdrup 206
Social Justice in America
POL 140-J
Instructor: Andrew Kurvers Spalding
Students develop and defend their own standards of social
justice, using those standards to assess conditions in urban
America. Substantial participation in class discussions
required. The course has two goals: developing student thinking about social justice, including greater awareness of conflicts between justice and other values; and increasing student
ability to understand urban problems as issues of justice and
other central values. Evaluation will be based on participation
in discussion and other class activities, on two short (4-6
page) papers and on a final exam. Because of the compressed
time frame of the Interim schedule and the importance of
material covered on the first day of class, no one will be
admitted to the class who does not attend the first day of
class, unless receiving prior permission of the instructor.
Liberal Arts Perspective: The City
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 18
Global Peace and Justice: Focus on
Northern Ireland
POL 295-J
Instructor: Joe Underhill-Cady
The course will examine the political, social, and psychological roots of international conflict and current efforts at preventing and resolving bloodshed and oppression. We will use
the class as an opportunity to prepare for the 2000 Peace Prize
Forum, which will cover topics of the conflict in Northern
Ireland. The course will begin with a study of a range of theories used to understand international conflict- including
power politics, psychological and cultural theories, Marxism,
liberalism, and feminism. Readings will include historical and
fictional treatments of the conflict in Northern Ireland, and
we will view some films related to the topic, including The
Crying Game. The class will also involve the use of simulation
and role-playing of international negotiations to give students
a feel for the difliculties and complexities of dispute resolution.
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 26
Topics: Women in Comparative Politics:
Daughters or Stepdau hters: Russian
"Women on the Eve o the
POL 195-J
POL 359-J
Instructor: Nadezhda Shvedova
An overview of the situation of Russian women today. The
course will combine discussion and lecture on the situation of
women in Russia. Shvedova, a leading activist on women's
issues as well as an educator, will provide the distinctive perspective of her experience as a Russian woman. The course
will cover women in the economy, politics, in the mass media,
Political Science
etc. There will also be attention to issues such as women's
struggle to gain real equality and a voice in society, violence
against women, and the impact of Russia's economic crisis on
women. There will be two or three short papers, plus a longer
(10-12 page) paper at the end of the term. Readings will be
taken from books and articles.
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 27
Principles of Psychology
PSY 105-J
Instructor: Grace Dyrud
An introduction to the methods and approaches used in psychology for the purpose of understanding behavior.
Applications of psychological concepts to everyday situations
are emphasized. Evaluation will be based on means of two
tests and two lab reports.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Human identity
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 10
Psychology and Law
PS Y 335-J
Instructor: lVancy Steblay
Application of psychological principles and research methodology to legal processes and issues. The course emphasizes
three content areas: eyewitness issues (such as lineup and
interview procedures), courtroom procedures (jury selection,
jury decision-making, pretrial publicity), and psychological
profiles of offenders and victims. Grades will be based on
exams and one paper.
Prerequisite: PSY 105
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 25
Peer Ministry: Principles and
REL 232-J
Instructor: Lyle Griner
Students will be instructed to train college, high school, and
junior high youth to serve as peer ministers in their congregations and communities. They will learn and practice communication skills, facilitate small groups, and learn the role of a
listenerlhelper. Peer ministry integrates the act of caring and
serving others within a Christian belief system.
Prerequisite: REL 111 or 221
Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 3
Maximum Enrollment: 40
Time: Jan. 10-13, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. and Jan. 4,6,18,25,27, 9:00 a.m -1 1:30 a.m.
Room: Murphy Place 100
The Lutheran Heritage
REL 345-J
Instructor: Mark Tranvik
Beginning with Martin Luther, this course will study the main
themes and figures of the Lutheran tradition. Class time will
include field trips, discussion, and lectures. Exams, student
participation, and papers will be the basis for evaluation.
Prerequisite: REL 111, 221, or 331
Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 2 or 3
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Music 22
Theology of Death and Dying
REL 390-J
Instructor: John Benson
This will be a multidisciplinary course, using materials from
biology, psychology, sociology, history, world religions, and
Christian theology proper. It will also be ecumenical, since
some of our theological material will come from Roman
Catholic as well as Protestant sources. Religious traditions
regarding death and the afterlife will be studied, and various
ethical questions related to death and dying will be considered. Field trips in the Twin Cities are also planned. We will
become acquainted with the field of mortuary science, the
hospice movement in the United States, and current medical
practices related to the terminally ill. Daily lectures, discussions, quizzes, and written assignments will be the format.
Grades will be based on class participation, two tests, and oral
presentation of a research project.
Prerequisite: Religion 111, 221, or 331
Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 2 or 3
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Music 23
Varieties of Christian Spirituality
REL 440-J
Instructor: Janelle Bussert
A study of selected spiritualities from the Christian tradition
and of contemporary developments, including 12-step spirituality, feminist, ecological, and non-Western Christian spiritualities. An introduction to the basic practices of spirituality,
especially prayer and meditation. Evaluation methods include
quizzes, experiential journals, class presentation, and a final
Prerequisite: Religion 11 1, 221, or 331
Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 2 or 3
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Murphy Place 11 1
Exploring Human Services
S WK 257-1
S WK 2 5 7 4
Instructors: Mary Lou Williams and Lois Bosch
Experiential learning occurs as students volunteer 80 hours in
a service agency or institution that they select. The placement
must be approved by course faculty and supervised by agency
staff. The course is designed to help students learn about
themselves in relation to a possible major or future career in
the human services.
The three-hour weekly seminar is devoted to discussions that
assist students in integrating agency experiences and readings
that explore the historical development of social welfare as an
institution and the nature and value system of social work as
a profession. Students will also examine and critique the manner in which social, economic, and political structures impact
diverse groups in society. Students will focus on their own
responsibilities in society, as well as examine their personal
value system in relation to special concerns, such as poverty
and the "isms." Detailed information will be sent to students
at the close of Interim registration.
Liberal Arts Perspective: The City
Maximum Enrollment: 60, 2 sections
Time: I
Room: Foss 21 A and B
Topics: Child Welfare Social Work and
the Law
S WK 295-J
Intructor: Tony Bibus
This course will introduce students to social work practice in
the area of child welfare with special focus on the relationship
of child welfare laws, policies, and court to the lives of families and children. Students will study Minnesota statutes, meet
with key policy makers, observe court procedures, and discuss
practice and legal issues with child welfare social workers and
possibly with families and children as well. There will also be
opportunities to compare child welfare laws and practice in
the U.S. with those in Europe, especially Norway. The principles of permanency planning, family-centered practice, prevention and protection, and the twin goals in child welfare of
securing safety and nurturing children while preserving their
ties to their family will be examined. We will also explore
controversies and emerging issues in child welfare law such as
concurrent planning, "dual-track" service strategies, encouragement of the adoption of children of color by white families, and research related to the effects of poverty and oppression on the neglect of children's need. Students will analyze
the dynamic interplay of societal values, power, politics, facts
and myths as they manifest themselves in child welfare laws;
they will begin to form their own positions regarding an ideal
approach to supporting the welfare of children from a global
perspective. Evaluation of learning will be in the form of
assessments by instructors and students of the major paper or
project completed for the course.
Prerequisite: Social work majors or permission of Instructor
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I1
Room: Sverdrup 20
Field Work I: Integrative Seminar
S WK 307-J
Instructor: Mike Schock
Junior social work majors are required to have 240 hours of
supervised professional experience in a social work agency.
This small-group seminar supports the first 120 hours of this
placement and is facilitated by the faculty member who serves
as liaison to the student's practicum field agency. The course
provides structure and process for students to integrate learning from their practicum and academic coursework focusing
on generalist practice with individuals.
Prerequisites: Candidacy status, SWK 301, and SWK 306
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Time: I
Room: Murphy 111
Social Work
Field Work Ill
SWK 466-1 (variable 1.0 credit or 0.5 credit)
Instructor: Maria Dinis
This is a continuation of Field Work 11; a total of 60 (for the
0.5 credit option) or 120 hours. Responsible, supervised professional social work experience, including work with individuals, families, groups, and communities in a social service
agency. Integrative weekly seminar (two hours). Students will
be evaluated by: (1) weekly theorylpractice papers integrating
course content with work setting, (2) attendancelparticipation, and (3) field site supervisor's evaluation.
Prerequisite: SWK 462
Maximum Enrollment: open
Time: I (class will meet in small groups, no more than 11 at a time)
Room: Old Main 21
Human Community and
the Modern Metropolis
SOC 21 1-J
Instructor: Gordon Nelson
This course will examine the extent to which the experience
of the community is possible in the context of the metropolitan situation. The course will focus on the Twin Cities metropolitan area. Each member of the class will be responsible for
a class presentation, which must reflect on-site observation in
a particular locale within the metropolitan area. In addition,
class participation and a final examination will be the basis
for evaluating performance in the course.
Liberal Arts Perspective: The City
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Music 24
Topics: Cultures of Violence
SOC 295-J
Instructor: James Vela-McConnell
Street gangs and warfare. Police brutality and genocide.
Domestic abuse and terrorism. What are the dynamics underlying these and other forms of violence?What do they have in
common? How do they differ? This course takes violence in
its many forms as a topic for sociological analysis and concludes with an examination of non-violent alternatives. With
this in mind, we will compare different theoretical perspectives on violence, such as psychological, social psychological,
and socio-cultural perspectives. The course will involve a
combination of lecture and discussion based on readings and
videos, debate of current issues in the field, and guest speakers
from and field trips to local organizations dealing with problems of violence. Students will be expected to research, write
about, and present on the sociological dimensions of a particular form of violence. In addition, there will be short reaction
papers based on the readings, and classroom participation
will be an important part of grading. This course has a lab
fee of $25 payable the first day of class to the instructor.
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I1
Room: Sverdrup 206
Topics: Discrimination, Harassment,
and Communication
SPC 295-J
Instructor: Robert Groven
If you keep sending poems to an old flame at work, are you
harassing them? If your boss tells racist jokes at a bar after
work, are they guilty of discrimination? Why are neo-Nazis
allowed to march through Jewish neighborhoods, but they
aren't allowed to hurl racial insults at co-workers?
Discrimination and harassment are in the headlines regularly,
but most people don't know what they really mean. What
kinds of communication constitute discrimination or harassment and why? This course covers all forms of illegal discrimination including gender, race, disability, religion, and sexual
orientation. It focuses on the legal approach to discriminatory
communication, but also examines the reactions of employers, employees, and organizations generally. This course uses
the "case method" teaching approach, where many specific
examples are studied to produce general conclusions. The
course involves role-playing, game-playing, debate, and writing. Course work includes a few short papers, one project, and
one test.
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Old Main 18
Documentary Video
SPC 347-J
Instructor: Deb Redmond
Documentary video is a video production course that integrates lecture and criticism with hands-on experience dealing
with non-fiction subjects. Students will work in production
teams, gaining experience in field production and editing. The
production teams will produce a 30-minute documentary
piece. Evaluation will be based upon student journals, critiques, and a paper. This course requires additional lab time
for editing.
Maximum Enrollment: 16
Time: I
Room: Science 123
Introduction to Dance
(0.0 credit)
THR 002-T/HPE 002-T
Instructor: Sandra Agustin
With each session beginning with a rigorous physical warmup, this class offers an overview of various forms of dance,
including modern, ballet, Asian, and Latin forms.
Graduation Skill Requirement: Lifetime Sporl
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: 12:OO-1:00 M, T j W Th, F
Room: Sateren Auditorium
Modern Dance/lmprovisation
(0.0 credit)
THR 004-UHPE 004-2
Instructor: Sandra Agustin
Students will learn various phrases of movement incorporating floor exercise and will learn to travel through space using
level, volume, and floor pattern, culminating in the creation
of short, improvisational pieces.
Graduation Skill Requirement: Lifetime Spolt
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: 12:OO-1:00 M, T j W Th, F
Room: Sateren Auditorium
introduction to Music
Theatre Performance
THR 235-J/MUS 235-J
Instructors: Sonja Thompson and Darcey Engen
See course information listed under MUS 235-1.
Topics: Crossing Borders, Bridging Cultures
An Interdisciplinary course in Norway for
Students in Social Work and Education
January 6 - 27, 2000
EDC 495-P/S WK 295-P
Instructor: Hans Eriksson; Augsburg contacts: Tony Bibus or
Susan O'Connor
Will introduce students to modern Norwegian life, with particular emphasis on Norway's systems of education and health
and welfare services to children, youth, and families. Students
may take one of two separate but parallel tracks: "Winter
Recreation Programs with Children and Youth" or "Social
Work, Child Welfare Work, and Education." Lectures, field
study and practicum experience will introduce students to the
content and context of professional practice in Norway as well
as the unique Norwegian system of folk high schools. All
classes will be taught in English and will contain both U.S.
and Norwegian students.
Cost: $2465, which includes roundtrip airfare from
Minneapolis to Trondheim, Norway, all meals, lodging, program expenses, and course tuition.
SPP 201-J
Augsburg is part of a consortium called UMAIE, Upper
Midwest Association for Intercultural Education, that offers
overseas learning experiences during the Interim. Further
information about the following courses can be obtained
from Cynthia Truitt Lynch at the Center for Global
Education, CB 307, Augsburg College, 221 1 Riverside Ave.,
Minneapolis, MN 55454, (612) 330-1650. These courses are
offered on a PIN basis only and generally carry a lower division number.
*Advanced Spanish Language and Culture in Argentina
in Germany
C,'tdtrrres in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula
Interim Abroad
*Egypt in Transition
*In the Footsteps of the Crusaders: from Jerusalem to Malta
*The Many Faces of Japan
*Poets and Their Places: Ireland's Literary Landscapes
*Psychology and the International Workplace in Britain
*The Rhine Frontier: On-Site Cultural History at the Heart of
the European Union
Other Interim Abroad Courses
"Environment, Economy and Community in Guatemala
*Development and Community in Bangladesh
ACTC Creative Writing Workshop
at Augsburg College
Locating Yourself in the World Through Poetry
Course will carry upper division English credit
Instructor: Roseann Lloyd
This course gives advanced writing students new ways of
expanding their range in poetry. Students will develop their
range by intensive writing practice-poems in many forms:
lyriclnarrative poems, section poems, monologues, prose
poems, political poems. Students will keep a Voices Journal,
collecting language around town. In addition, each student
writer will conduct an interview of an older person and make
poems from that interview. The class texts focus on poetry
that observes the world, poetry grounded in a particular culture, such as Five Fields, by Gillian Clarke, Touching the Fire:
Fifleen Poets of Today's Latino Renaissance, edited by Ray
Gonzalez. Evaluation will take into account the completion of
process/exercises, class attendance, and a final portfolio. This
is an upper division class for writers who are committed to
their own writing and have already completed an introductory creative writing class at the college level. Each ACTC college may send three writers to the course, on the recommendation of the creative writing faculty. To be considered for
enrollment in this course, contact Cass Dalglish, (612) 3301009, or Roseann Lloyd, (612)330-1423,before registration.
Time: Monday through Thursday 12:OO-4:OOp.m. Fridays will be used for extra conferences, interview time, and group work.
Room: Anderson 100
Other Courses
These courses are offered by institutions or groups not connected with Augsburg College but have been approved for
credit by the College. Most carry a tuition cost plus other
expenses that are the responsibility of the student. They are
offered only on a PIN basis.
The Washington Center 2000
Academic Seminars
Campaign 2000
January 3-14, 2000
POL 398-A
This is a two-week intensive session held in the heart of the
United States government that will focus not only on the new
millennium but on the beginning of a new presidential campaign. In the two-week session, the following will be the primary focus: Campaign Politics, and The Media Pursuit of the
The Washington Center is offering the above two topics for
the session. Augsburg students must register for the whole
two-week session in order to receive credit (January 3-14).
Credit is available from the political science department for
this program. The course is a passlno credit course based on
participation in program activities including site visits, small
group seminars, and journals.
For further information about the program, contact Prof.
Underhill-Cady in Memorial Hall 112b or at (612) 330-1312,
or by email: <>. There are five scholarships available to cover registration and tuition costs based on
priority in registration through Prof. Underhill-Cady's office.
Other Courses
Show less
.................... . 2
Options ..................... . 4
Visiting Students. ............... 5
Calendar. ....................... 6
About This Catalog. ................ 7
Interim Courses ...................8
Lifetime Sports. ................. . 4 4
Interim Abroad .................. 4 5
Othe... Show more
.................... . 2
Options ..................... . 4
Visiting Students. ............... 5
Calendar. ....................... 6
About This Catalog. ................ 7
Interim Courses ...................8
Lifetime Sports. ................. . 4 4
Interim Abroad .................. 4 5
Other Courses .................. . 4 7
Introduction to Interim
Interim is an integral part of the school year at Augsburg
College. The College follows a 4- 1-4 calendar, with fall and
spring semesters of approximately 14 weeks separated by a
four-week January Interim. Interim is intended to be a time
for both students and faculty to employ styles of teaching and
learning and to investigate questions and topics in places and
ways not possible during the regular term.
Interim is an opportunity for intense concentration on a
single course of study. Since one Interim course equals a fulltime load, students should plan to spend the same amount of
time in class and preparing for class as they would for a fourcourse load during fall or spring semesters. Students should
be prepared for at least 40 class hours during the Interim and
should anticipate the equivalent of the normal two hours of
study for each class hour. Since the course length is only 3 '12
weeks, attendance at every class is imperative. While it is
expected that students will attend every class period, instructors will establish the precise attendance policy for their
courses. Students can register for only one course
credit during Interim. There is no tuition refund for a
student who chooses not to enroll in an Interim course.
Most Interim courses are graded traditionally on a 4.0 to 0.0
scale. Students generally have the option to register on a
PassINo credit basis. A few Interim courses are graded only on
the PIN system; this is indicated in the course description.
Some courses are offered for either upper or lower division
credit. Such Interim courses have two numbers listed and
students must select which is most appropriate for their
needs. Students registering for upper division credit should
anticipate additional assignments and a more rigorous grading standard. Some courses, especially courses with travel
requirements, have additional fees associated with them.
These fees, although intended to be accurate, may change
and students should check with the instructor to verify the
final costs.
Students are required to complete at least 33 course credits
for graduation. This course total must include two Interims
for students who enter with fewer than 14 courses. Freshmen
are required to take an Interim course their first year. A
maximum of four Interim course credits may be counted
toward the 33 course credits required for graduation.
Transfer students should refer to their transfer credit
evaluation form or consult the registrar for the number
of Interim courses required.
Day school students (3.0 credits or more for fall) can take a
total of 1.0 course credit. They may take two half-credit classes. They may also take a lifetime sport (zero credit). The lifetime sport is at no additional charge if they are full-time students (fall term). If less than full-time, they will be charged.
Weekend students can take 1.0 course credits in Interim as a
cross registration but will be charged day school tuition ($1,564)
per course credit. If they do so they may take only 1.0 additional
course credits in Weekend College for winter trimester.
Augsburg College, as affirmed in its mission, does not discriminate on the basis
of race, color, creed, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, or disability in its
education policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, athletic
and/or school administered programs, except in those instances where religion is
a bonafide occupational qualification. Augsburg College is conimitted to providing reasonable accommodations to its employees and its students.
Any questions concerningAugsburgs compliance with fideral or state regulations implementing equal access and opportunity can be directed to Lora Steil,
affirmative action coordinator, Ofice of Human Resources, CB 79,Augsburg
College, 2211 Riverside Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55454. She can be reached by
telephone, (612) 330-1023; or by e-mail,>.
International Interim-Students are invited to participate in
the international Interim courses offered by the Upper
Midwest Association for Intercultural Education (UMAIE)
and other consortia. These course opportunities are listed on
page 45. Some courses have early registration deadlines.
Internships deadline-Friday, December 11. January Interim
internships must be planned in advance. Students electing an
internship must meet departmental requirements and present
a signed internship-learning agreement plan to the Center for
Service, Work, and Learning (1st floor Memorial) by the first
day of Interim classes. The learning-agreement forms are
available in the same office. Internships during Interim must
involve full-time work placements for approximately four
weeks. Assistance for planning internships is available in the
Center for Service, Work, and Learning.
Independent studylresearch or directed study-Students
may elect a program of independent study (upper division
499) or directed study (lower division 299) for Interim.
Faculty members are strongly discouraged from accepting
responsibility for more than one independent study per
Interim. Students choosing to pursue independent or directed
study must:
1. Meet departmental requirements
2. Present to the registrar a copy of the proposed study
plan approved by the supervising faculty member and
the directedlindependent study registration form.
These forms must be submitted by December 1.
Appropriate study proposal and registration forms can
be obtained in the Office of the Registrar.
Interims at other schools-Augsburg students may enroll at
any other 4- 1-4 institution that offers a reciprocal Interim
arrangement. Catalogs of these Interim programs are available
in the registrar's office. Registration for Interims at the other
ACTC colleges will be at Augsburg during the regular registration period. Most courses taught during the Interim at other
4-1-4 schools are accepted for credit by Augsburg, but may
not necessarily be accepted as meeting Augsburg's general
education requirements.
Visiting Students
Augsburg College welcomes students from other 4-1-4
schools for the January Interim without tuition charges, provided the student's home institution agrees not to charge
tuition to Augsburg students for the January term. The waiver
of tuition does not include special fees, housing, or board
costs. Other students will be charged $1,564 for the Interim
course. Students interested in registering for an Augsburg
Interim should write to the Office of the Registrar for application forms or use the forms provided by the Interim office at
their own school. There is an application processing fee of
$10. Students are welcome to stay on campus but are not
required to do so. Requests for Interim housing should be
made to the Office of Residence Life.
It should be noted that neither ACTC exchange students nor
visiting students may register for 199,299,399, or 499 courses.
Interim Calendar 1999
November 16 to December 4 . .........Interim registration
January 4 . ......................... First day of Interim
Time I-9:00 a.m. (first day)
Time 11-1:15 p.m.
January 5
............ Last day to register or add a class or
cancel a class without a notation
January 15. .................... Last day for determining
grading option with registrar
January 15 ......... Last day for withdrawing from courses
.............................. Interim ends
February 1 ......................Spring semester begins
February 5 ............... Interim grades due to registrar
January 27
The time, number, and length of meetings as well as the
beginning time will be arranged the first day of class. The
daily schedule for Interim is divided into two blocks of time:
Time I: 8:00 a.m. to 11:45 (Note: on the first day, Time I
classes will begin at 9:00 a.m.)
Time 11: 1:15 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Note: Martin Luther King Day will be observed at Augsburg
with a special convocation on Monday, January 18, at 1:00 p.m.
Afternoon classes begin following the convocation.
About This Catalog
The catalog lists courses by departments in alphabetical order.
At the end of the book are listings of other courses not
offered by Augsburg but recognized by the College for Interim
credit. Additional descriptions and information about these
courses are available in the Interim Office, Memorial 226.
Students may also register for one of the lifetime sports listed
at the end of the catalog. Courses that include travel are
marked with an airplane.
For More Information
For more information contact Barbara Pappenfus in the
Interim Office at (612) 330-1 150.
See listing under Business, pg. 9.
Introduction to Drawing in Architecture
ART 100-J
lnstructor: Staff
This course develops basic skills involved ,in perceiving and
representing the material environment. Sketching and drawing conventions are employed to study visual phenomena
and forms.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Aesthetics
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: Ii
Room: Old Main 17
Tribal Arts And Culture
ART 290-J
Instructor: Steve Chapman
The rich heritage of indigenous cultures is explored through
the visual arts, particularly within the United States. Other
content includes poetry, dance, mythology, ritual, religion,
and drama of many American Indian tribes. Students will
produce various art projects in weaving, basket making, pottery, sculpture, or prints.
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: Ii
Room: Old Main 4
Seeds of Change
BIO 145-J
Instructor: Esther McLaughlin
We will use a few historically, economically, and medically
important plants to study some of the ways in which humans
and plants interact, biologically and otherwise. Plants are not
only at the b0tto.m of our food chain but also play a part in
non-food aspects of our lives, either directly (e.g., medicines,
fibers, dyes) or indirectly (e.g., how food crises have influenced human migrations). We will study the uses, biology,
natural history, and classification of several important plants.
Evaluation will be based on three or four 40-minute exams,
several quizzes, and an oral presentation.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Natural World 2
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I1
Room: Science 205
Internal Audit and
Management Consulting
ACC 424-J
Instructor: Stuart Stoller
Auditing through an interdisciplinary approach. Using
techniques discussed in accounting, finance, management,
marketing, and MIS, we examine a business' internal control
systems and operating efficiency. By stepping away from the
traditional textbook approach we incorporate creativity and
discussion. Major topics include: business valuation techniques, "just-in-time" philosophy, efficiency improvement
techniques, disaster recovery planning, and report writing.
Students will be evaluated by classroom quizzes, a project,
and final examination.
Prerequisites: ACC 221 & 222, BUS 242, 252,331, ECO 113, MIS 175 & 379
Graduation Skill Requirements: Speaking, Writing
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 11
Advanced Computing for Business
MIS 370-J
Instructor: Wayne Olhoft
Objectives are to learn concepts underlying creation of Web
pages and business communication via the Internet. Use of
relational databases for advanced queries, forms, and reports.
Basics of event-driven programming for solving business related problems. Students will complete three major projects and a
few minor assignments. The course requires significant effort
on projects and constant access to a computer. Cooperation
with fellow students in learning to apply concepts is encouraged. A good grasp of MS Access is required or the willingness
to exercise exceptional effort in learning the tool.
Prerequisite: MIS 175, CSC 170, consent of the inslructo~or Math Placemenl Group 3
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I1
Room: Lindell I6
International Business in French
and English
BUS 295/495-J
FRE 295/495-J
Instructors: Magda Paleczny-Zapp and Paty Pezechkian- Weinberg
This course focuses on opportunities and challenges of doing
business in the enlarged European Union and is designed to
give you the skills and the cultural insights needed to do business in French and with the members of the European community. Through the study of governmental agencies, management, marketing, and media, we will discuss and analyze some
of the hottest issues of the European business world today. This
course provides the appreciation of cultural differences and
world-view perspectives and offers the opportunities to discover professional vocabulary usually not covered in a language
class. It will help you gain a better comprehension of the sociocultural, economic and political structures of France as com-
pared to those in the U.S.Students are required to read and
prepare assigned articles (in French and English) at home for
class discussions. You will be required to prepare two presentations (one in French) of 10 minutes each on a related subject. You will be assigned translations and case studies to be
performed in class and at home, and to write commentary (in
French and English) on articles. No final exam.
Prerequisites: Business 362 and French 21 1 or consent of the instructors.
Maximum enrollmenl: 25
Time: I
Room: Old Main 10
Responding to the Challenge of Japan
BUS 368-J
Instructor: Steven LaFave
An examination of current Japanese business practices using a
cultural perspective. A multimedia approach will be employed
involving film, television documentaries, radio speeches, and
readings from current periodicals in addition to text materials. A seminar model will be used with substantial participation expected on the part of the students. Evaluation will be
based on a paper, two 20-minute sessions of seminar leadership, class participation, and mid-term and final examinations. This class should be of interest to anyone majoring or
minoring in international business or any field of business
administration, as well as anyone interested in Japan. Students
who cannot attend every class should not enroll in this
Prerequisite: Junior standing or consenl of the instructor
Liberal Arts Perspective: IntercuNural Awareness 1
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Old Main 29
Introduction to Polymer Chemistry
and American Plastic
CHM 104-J
Instructor: Ron Fedie
Previously there was the Stone Age, Iron Age, and Bronze Age.
Now we live in the Age of Plastics. Without this innovative
technology, life as we know it would be much different. The
variety of polymer molecules and their properties make up
various plastics. Through chemistry the variations are endless.
Many items and materials such as coatings, adhesives,
leisure/sports equipment, construction supplies, automobile
parts, clothes, medical supplies, cosmetics, and others used
every day come from different polymer molecules. In this
course we will explore and discuss the world of polymer
chemistry with a special focus on plastic. There are both synthetic and natural polymers. Most plastics come from synthesized polymers found in "plastic" wrap and trash bags. A
common natural polymer, polyisoprene, is collected from the
sap of rubber tree-golf balls and latex gloves are just two of
its popular uses. The class will also focus on the book
American Plastic: A Cultural History by Jeffrey Meikle.
Themes from the book, the different types of polymers used,
and recent themes such as the recycling of plastics will be
discussed. There will be supplemental handouts on some of
the important natural polymers not covered in the book.
There will be labs in which some polymer molecules will be
made and the various properties will be explored. This will
help to give a hands-on experience with the seemingly unlimited possibilities of properties in these long chain molecules.
Prerequisite:Malh Placement Group 2
Liberal Arts Perspeclive: Natural World 1 or 2
Maximum Enmllmenl: 25
Time: I1
Room: Science 315
Introduction to Computer Science and
CSC 160-J
Instructor: Larry Ragland
This course introduces the major areas of computer science
and computer communications. These areas are: algorithms,
algorithm design, algorithm efficiency, hardware, logical circuit design, computer organization, software and operating
systems, programming languages, operating systems, theory
of computation, mathematical foundations of computer
science, Turing machines, computer communications and the
Internet, packet switching, Internet services, and operation.
This course will consist of lecture/discussion times with frequent in-class lab exercises on the topics above. Grading will
be based on examinations, labs, and homework. This is not a
course in computer applications or how to use computers,
although we may touch on these topics.
Prerequisite: Math Placement Group 3
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: I
Room: Sverdrup 212
Economics of Urban Issues
ECO 110-J
Instructor: Satya Gupta
Study of economic implications of the many problems facing
a metro-urban environment. Some of the topics to be discussed are: crime prevention, health issues, discrimination,
education, etc. Basic microeconomics tools of analysis will be
developed in class. This is a basic course designed for those
students who do not plan to major in economics, business
administration, accounting, or MIS. Three objective examinations.
Liberal Arts Perspective: City or Social World 1 or 2
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: I
Room: Old Main 11
Contemporary Economic Issues
EGO 195-J
lnstructor: Jeanne Boeh
This course will focus on using the basic tools of economic
analysis to analyze current policy questions. The course will
emphasize the skills of critical thinking and speaking.
Students will read articles presenting at least two sides of an
issue. Classroom and out-of-classroom assignments will be
geared toward developing thinking skills necessary to evaluate
policy positions. This course does not serve as a substitute for
either Economics 112 or 113. Course grade will be based on
two in-class tests, assignments, and participation.
Prerequisite: Student must have passed Critical Thinking assessment or have
successfully completed GST 100.
Graduation Skill Requirement: Critical Thinking
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Old Main 13
International Education
EDU 353-J
lnstructor: Rich Germundsen
This seminar-style course presents an examination and comparison of selected Western and non-Western educational systems with special attention on Scandinavian and Central
American models. The course also draws attention to our personal responsibilities to educate ourselves so that we can
understand and participate in the emerging global society.
There will be lectures, discussions, and presentations by students and guest speakers. Student evaluation will be based on
class presentations and investigative projects.
Liberal Arls Perspective: Social World 2
Maximum Enrollmenl: 15
Time: I
Room: Sverdrup 17
Practicum and Seminar in Special
EDU 491-J
Instructor: Susan OJConnor
A supervised field placement that serves people with disabilities, plus an on-campus seminar. Students planning to take
this course should consult with the special education coordinator about a placement prior to registering for the course.
Students must complete designated hours of fieldwork as well
as written and reading assignments.
Prerequisite: EOU 282, completion of courses for special education minor,
or consent of instructo~
Maximum Enrollmenf: 9 (This course involves fieldworksupe~isionfor the faculty member)
Time: 11
Room: Sverdrup 4
American Dialects: Differences and
ENG 219-J
Instructor: John Schmit
Language plays an important role in our socialization and
acculturation. The way we speak tells others who we are and
tells us who others are. Our speech is a reflection of our social
and economical standing and our cultural background. For
this reason we should expect women to speak differently from
men. And yet somehow we do not. We should expect anyone
from a different background to have differences of language.
Even more importantly, we must understand these differences
in order to make sure that we understand speakers from different language communitites. This course will examine the
dialects of various English-speaking communities and attempt
to describe and understand their rules of speech: their grammatical rules, phonological rules, and their rules on discourse.
It will include lectures, student presentations, and student-led
discussions. Besides presenting a topic, students will write a
paper on the presentation topic and take a final exam.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 1
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 29
Topics: Introduction to Asian
American Literature
ENG 282/382-1
Instructor: Joan Thompson
In an essay about multicultural American literature, Walter J.
Ong writes that "literature is organized experience and consciousness. Since cultures organize experience and consciousness variously, the study of the literature of another culture
opens new vistas both into the exterior world and into the
human heart." This course will explore some of these vistas
through readings and discussions of nonfiction works, poetry,
short stories, a play, and a novel by Asian American authors.
Some ideas the writers take as subjects through their art
include definitions of an Asian American voice, explorations of
cultural and individual identity, visions of community, and
coming of age. Class sessions will include discussion of the
historical and social contexts that influence the writers studied.
In addition to the reading, students will view at least one Asian
American film and possibly attend a relevant performance or
reading. Course grades will be based on reading journal, a
short paper, a final exam, class attendance, and participation.
Upper division students will read an additional novel and
write a research-based paper on it.
Liberal Ads Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 1
Maxium Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 16
Topics: The Heroic Journey
ENG 282-J
Instructor: Joan Griffin
"The hero:' says Joseph Campbell, "is the man or woman who
has been able to battle past his personal and local historical
limitations to the generally valid, normally human forms."
This struggle, the heroic journey, is a quest for wholeness, for
harmony with oneself, one's society, and even the universe.
The journey may be physical, moral, psychological, or spiritual, but it always concludes with the regeneration of the hero
and/or the redemption of the hero's society. This course will
study archetypal patterns of the heroic journey as well as specific examples of such journeys, emphasizing the work of
Joseph Campbell, but also citing studies of the hero by Lord
Ragland, Carol Pearson, and Richard Slotkin, among others.
We will note that major heroic genres in western traditionthe epic and romance-almost always assume that the hero is
usually a warrior and aristocrat. Thus we will analyze typical
elements of the heroic warrior myth as depicted in ancient
and medieval epics and romances, but will also pay particular
attention to its appearance in contemporary American popular narratives. We will consider the implications of the enduring popularity of this rendition of the heroic journey. The
heroic journey, however, is a human journey, and thus the
course will also emphasize the heroic journeys of women as
well as of men who may be neither aristocratic nor warriors.
As a lower division literature course, ENG 282 does not
assume that the student is proficient in literary analysis.
Rather the course will help students develop analytic and critical reading, thinking, and writing abilities. Course requirements: There will be 15 class meetings, each lasting three to
four hours. Course grades are based on class attendance and
participation as well as on daily writing and formal papers. If
you must miss more than one or two classes or frequently
leave class early, you should not take this course.
Prerequisite: ENG 111 recommended but not required
Liberal Ads Perspective: Western Heritage 1 or 2
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Science 213
School Health Curriculum
(0.5 course credit)
HPE 320-J
lnstructor: John Rohwer
Techniques for developing a course of study based upon
growth and development for grades K-12. Special work units
in nutrition and diseases. This is a one-half credit course.
Prerequisile: HPE 110
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I -M, bl! and alternale F (1/4, 1/6, 1111, 1/13, 1/15, 1/18, 1/20, 1/25, 1/27)
Room: Melby 202
Administration and Supervision of
School Health Program
(0.5 course credit)
HPE 410-J
Instructor: John Rohwer
Historical background, legal bases, school health services, and
relationships to community health programs and resources.
This is a one-half credit course.
Prerequisite: HPE 110
Maximum Enrollmenl: 20
Time: 1-6Th, and allernate F (1/5, 1/7, 118, 1/12, 1/14, 1/19, 1/21, 1/22, 1/26)
Room: Melby 202
Sailing in the Virgin Islands
HPE 455-J
lnstructor: Joyce Pfaff
Designed for the beginning and intermediate sailor interested
in the art and practice of sailboat cruising. The course will
take the participant to a competent level of sailboat handling
(anchoring, mooring, helming, and crewing). The student
will live aboard a 43'46' f~ed-keelsailboat with five to six
other people and will function as an active crew member.
Actual on-the-water instruction will be the major part of the
course. Sailing will include cruises to the various islands and
cays in the British and American Virgin Islands. Snorkeling
and wind surfing will be available on an optional basis. Some
classes will be held in December prior to leaving for the Virgin
Islands in January.
The course cost is $2,950, which includes airfare for Augsburg
day students and qualifying 4-1-4 students. Others will have to
pay regular Interim tuition in addition to this course cost in
order to receive academic credit. PIN ONLY.
Applications may be picked up from the office of Joyce Pfaff,
Melby Hall 12 1, Augsburg College. They must be turned in with
deposit and appropriate signature before final acceptance is given.
Prerequisites: Permission from Joyce Pfaff, health and physical education department,
(612) 330-1247; no smoking is allowed; basic swimming skills
Graduation Skill Requirement: Lifetime Sport, also one course credit upper division
Maximum Enrollment: 10 (a wailing list will be kept after the original 10 spols are filled)
Topics in World Histo :
History by Hollywoo
HIS 195-J
Instructor: Rick Nelson
How accurate is our understanding of the past? How do we
attempt to secure that understanding? Why is history biased?
Can there be history without bias? Should history have entertainment as a goal? These questions, and others, form the basis
for an inquiry into the writing of history and the portrayal of
historical characters, events, and themes depicted in the cinema. Filmmakers have presented history in ways ranging from
the mundane to the sublime. In this course we will view
selected films and through readings, lectures, and discussions
examine some of the successes and failures of "History by
Hollywood." This course is intended for first-year students.
Others may enroll with permission.
Prerequisite: One history course or consent of instructor
Liberal Arts Perspective: Western Heritage 1 or 2
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Lindelll6
Shaping Human Reality:
Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things
INS 240-J/440-J
Instructor Jose Bourget
This course offers an open, fun, and adventurous environment for exploring how culture shapes human reality.
Intercultural principles are studied in the context of personal,
national, and global differences. Students identify the factors
that shape their ways of seeing the world and, through experiential activities, discover how similar factors help shape distinctive ways of seeing the world among those who are culturally different. Specific cross-cultural competencies are then
presented to help students embrace a diverse and complex
world. In addition to required readings, students will be evaluated on the basis of a journal (15 percent), completion and
analysis of a self-assessment questionnaire (15 percent),
writing of critical incidents (20 percent) and culture-specific
reports (20 percent), and daily quizzes (30 percent).
Liberal Arts Perspectives: Intercultural Awareness 1 or Human Identity
Maximum Enrollment: 30
Time: I
Room: Sverdrup 20
Literacy in the City:
Service-Learning Externship
INS 298-J
Instructor: Garry Hesser
The course, taught by the experiential education staff, will
explore literacy in the city. Students will work in groups at
least two days a week at one of the four literacy centers close
to campus. A twice-weekly seminar will focus on current
issues in literacy through readings, guest speakers, films, and
reflection exercises. Students will complete short seminar
exercises, set team externship goals, keep individual journals,
and make a final group presentation.
Liberal Arts Perspective: The City
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 18
Work in the City:
Career Exploration Externship
INS 298-K
Instructors: Lois Olson and Lynda Olson
Discover the world of work in the city. This course introduces
students to the nature of work, its role and value to the individual and to society. Seminar format will focus on work as
viewed by this generation and the requirements to succeed
both now and in the future. Special emphasis will be on selfdiscovery learning activities, visits to Twin Cities businesses
and community organizations, and panels of professionals.
Students will keep an individual journal, write a 2-3 page
integrative paper and give a final class presentation.
This course is intended to help students make the connections
between their interests and abilities, their education, and the
work world. If you are an Augsburg freshman, you won't want
to miss this hands-on experience for understanding organizations that are part of the city and why and how they function.
Liberal Ads Perspective: The City
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Old Main 23
Native American Storytelling
INS 495-J
Instructor: Staff
The objective of the course is to study Native American storytelling from a cultural perspective. An appreciation of oral
traditions will be emphasized and studied within the broader
context of world mythologies. Students will learn how the art
of storytelling is an integral component of the story content.
Students will be expected to perform storytelling and to
research the various tribal storytelling traditions. Students will
be evaluated on their knowledge of Native American storytelling and their ability to demonstrate the art of storytelling.
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 27
Management Information Systems (MIS)
See listing under Business, pg. 10
Finite Mathematics
MAT 121-J
Instructor: Anthony Dunlop
How were the resources effectively allocated to the battlefields
in Europe during World War II? Did you know that one of the
first applications, other than gambling, of probability theory
was in genetics-n
the questions of whether the recessive
genotypes would eventually die out? How do we build the most
cost-effective telecommunication network of satellites given the
cost factors between pairs of satellites? The above questions are
from the main topics to be discussed in this course: linear programming, counting and probability, and graph theory. The
format of each session will be a combination of small-group
activities and lecture. You will be evaluated by methods such as
class participation, quizzes, and exams. Finite Mathematics is
intended for students in Math Placement Group 3 or higher
who need a course in Quantitative Reasoning or who are interested in MIS and lor computer science.
Prerequisite: Math Placement Group 3
Graduation Skill Requirement: QuantitativeReasoning
Elective foc MIS major, economics major
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Sverdrup 208
Mathematics for the Liberal Arts
MAT 131-J
Instructor: Rebekah Valdivia
An examination of the interaction between the development
of mathematics and that of civilization. Course activities will
include a balance of doing mathematics and exploring historical and cultural aspects of mathematics. Evaluation will
include projects, essays, homework, and exams.
Prerequisite: Math Placement Group 3
Liberal Arts Perspective: Western Heritage 1 or 2
Graduation Skill Requirement: Critical Thinking
Maximum Enrollment: 18
Time: I
Room: Science 108
Math of Interest
MAT 173-J
Instructor: Ken Kaminsky
Learn how to determine the monthly payments on a house or
car. Find out how much you need to be socking away now to
have a million when you retire. Learn how annuities, perpetuities and life insurance work, and more. Evaluation will be
based on classroom participation, quizzes, and a final examination.
Prerequisite: Math Placement Group 3 or 4 or consent of instructor
Graduation Skill Requirement: OuantilativeReasoning
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Science 212
International Business in French
and English
FRE 295/495-J
BUS 295/495-J
Instructors: Magda Paleczny-Zapp and Pary Pezechkian-Weinberg
See course information listed under BUS 2951495-J, pg.10.
Beginning Norwegian I
NOR I l l - J
Instructor Staff
This course is for students with no previous background in
Norwegian. It aims to develop basic skills in speaking, listening,
reading, and writing as tools for communication and for
understanding Norwegian culture. Classroom practice focuses
on both presentation of vocabulary and structures and the use
of the language in everyday contexts. Evaluation will be based
on participation, daily assignments, quizzes, and a final exam.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 2
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I1
Room: Science 213
Beginning Russian
RUS I l l - J
lnstructoc John Van Cleve
So where else in this booklet are you going to find a course
that spends a third of Interim on the alphabet? It's got four
more letters than ours, but some of the letters are the same.
There is just one new sound-the same "r" that's in Spanish.
The alphabet that features a backwards "R" and an "H"that
morphs into an "0"gets a lot of use in international business,
in science, and in the arts. More Europeans speak Russian
natively than any other language: 170 million native speakers.
The course will hit vocabulary, sentence structure, communication, and culture-like any other foreign-language course
on campus. And that alphabet means you'll be giggling all the
Liberal Ads Perspective: lnlercullural Awareness 2
Maximum Enrollmenl: 30
Time: I
Room: Old Main 22
Spanish and Latin-American
Culture Through Film
SPA 248-J
lnstructoc Romin Soto
An introduction to the main cultural and political issues
(social conflicts, sexism, race, ethnicity, religion, language,
exile, or immigration) that characterized contemporary
Spanish and Latin-American societies as they have been portrayed in films and plays. Developed mainly through the
viewing of films and class discussions, the course is complemented with brief readings and audio-visual materials on the
historic, literary, and social aspects that contribute to the
background of these films. Most of the films are in Spanish
with English subtitles, and all the class work is in English. The
evaluation is based on class participation; brief weekly, writting assignments; and a short term paper.
Liberal Arts Perspective: lnlercullural Awareness 1
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 23
Topics: Sounds and Sights of Europe
MUS 179-1
See page 48.
Topics: Sounds and Sights of China
MUS 2954
Instructor: Robert Karlen
Music, art, and architecture, as expressions of Chinese culture
over its 5,000-year history, will be examined, studied, and
experienced in four of the most important cities of China.
While lectures and required readings will provide basic factual
material, students will be able to experience Chinese music in
concerts and opera performances, examine many forms of art
works in museums, and observe Chinese principles of architecture expressed in palaces, temples, pagodas, gateways, and public builidings. There will be opportunities to informally meet
English-speaking musicians and artists.
Group discussions and assigned readings increase student sensitivity to architecture and other visual art seen in the museums. Students will listen critically to concerts of musical masterpieces heard at each site. Relationships among the various
art mediums come to life through these experiences. There is
also ample time for independent exploration. Evaluation is
based on full participation in all course-related group activities, a daily professional journal, artlmusic critique sheets, and
exams over material covered.
Fee: $2,995 includes all air and surface travel, hotel accommodations, daily continental breakfast, four group meals, and
tickets to five cultural performances.
Registration for this Interim course must be made before
November 10 at the International Programs Office, CB 307,
Augsburg College, 221 1 Riverside Avenue, Minneapolis, MN
55454. Offered on a PIN basis only. A meeting will be held at
Augsburg College on Saturday, November 21. For more information you may call Cynthia Truitt Lynch, (612) 330-1650.
Maximum Enrollment: 20-25
Survey of Rock History and
Musical Style, 195 1 1971
MUS 204-J
Instructor: 0. Nicholas Raths
An introduction to the fundamentals of music and musicology as they occur within the context of rock's inception (1950s)
and maturation (1960s) periods. This course will examine the
historical background, musical content, and methods of
selected artists and their work. Evaluation will be based on
class participation, a comprehensive term paper, exam, and a
group performance project. For non-music majors.
Liberal Ads Perspective: Aesthetics
Maximum Enrollment: 30
Time: I1
Room: Music 3
Seminar: Printing Music
at the Computer
MUS 295-J
Instructor: Stephen Gabrielsen
The program Finale will be explored. This computer program
makes it possible for music students to generate professionallevel musical scores. Daily assignments will be given with the
end goal of developing proficiency at printing music at the
Prerequisite: Note-reading abilily
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Foss Mac Classroom
Introduction to Music Theatre
MUS 235-J/THR 235-J
Instructors: Sonja Thompson and Martha Johnson
This interdisciplinary course will be co-taught by music and
theatre faculty. The goal will be to integrate training and performance techniques from music and theatre to help students
gain knowledge, experience, and skills in various genres of
music theatre (musicals, opera, plays involving singing and
music, and new music theatre). The course will also explore
the power of music theatre that links it with ritual, ceremony,
and spiritual tradition. Another goal of the course is to give
students the opportunity to increase their level of comfort
and skill on stage. The course will culminate in a public performance of scenes from music theatre. Grading will be based
on student scenelrole research, class and rehearsal commitment, and final performance. Interested students will be auditioned in December so that appropriate material can be
assigned to them. Students of all levels are welcome to take
this course.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Aesthetics
Maximum Enrollmenl: 25
Time: I1
Room: Saleren Auditorium
Topic: History of Caribbean Music
Studied in Miami and Jamaica
(UMAIE Course)
MUS 295-K
Instructor: Robert Stacke
Miami and Jamaica are considered the centers of Caribbean
music, where composition, recording, and world distribution
take place. The goal of this 19-day seminar is to examine and
reflect on historical, socio-political, and religious aspects of
Caribbean music. Caribbean musical forms, such as reggae
and salsa, have long been popular and effective means of
expressing cultural difference and social discontent, particularly for those with African heritage. This course will explore
the world of Caribbean music through visits to recording studios, clubs where Caribbean music is performed, and neighborhoods that brought about this music. Also studied in
depth will be social issues that have influenced music like reggae. Cities to be visited are Miami; and Montego Bay, Negrel,
and Kingston in Jamaica.
Cost is $2,460, which includes all travel, accommodations,
breakfast, and tuition. Evaluation will be done on attendance
at all sessions, keeping a journal, and a final project with
an explanation paper. This is open to all students, not just
music majors.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 1
Maximum Enrollment: 30
The Philosophy of Socrates
PHI 231-J
Instructor: David Appolloni
We shall examine the historical and intellectual background
of Socrates and what our sources allow us to say about his
person and teachings. We shall clari@and critically examine
Socrates' key teachings: that virtue is a form of knowledge and
that all virtues are somehow one; that evil is ignorance;
whether or not virtue can be taught; that it is impossible for a
wrong doer to be happy; and that being a citizen requires
obedience to the state's laws, even if this means accepting
one's own death. There will be take-home written assignments and weekly quizzes.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Western Heritage 1 or 2
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Old Main 16
Meister Eckhart: Mystic and
PHI 295-J
Instructor: Mark Fuehrer
An in-depth study of the mystical writings of the medieval
mystic and philosopher, Meister Eckhart. His writings will be
studied with an attempt made to relate his ideas on God to
the soul and the world. The last week of the course we will
spend in retreat in a lodge on Lake Superior where evening
sessions will be devoted to students presenting their meditations on the topics covered in the course.
Prerequisite: Wrilten permission of professor
Graduation Skill Requirement: Wriling
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: I
Room: Sclence 319
Topics: Ethical Issues in Medicine and
PHI 4 10-J
Instructor Bruce Reichenbach
Conducted as a seminar, the course will focus on the relation
of science and ethics and on diverse ethical structures. Using
ethical models, it will address such topics as the environment
and species preservation, artificial reproduction, genetic engineering and cloning, technology, and mindlbrain identity.
Students will be evaluated with tests, papers, and a presentation.
Prerequisite: Preferably a course in philosophy
GraduationSkill Requirement: Writing
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Anderson Seminar Room
Spreadsheet Physics
PHY 151-J
Instructor Jeffrey Johnson
Spreadsheets (e.g., Lotus 123, Excel) have been used extensively
in business for years. However, it is also possible to use spreadsheets to solve physics problems without using high-powered
mathematics. Spreadsheets allow the student who is not an
expert in mathematics to experience physics on a more intuitive level. We will use Excel to solve problems in a wide variety
of physics areas including planetary and projectile motion.
This is also a fun way to learn spreadsheets, which have
become very useful in the home. Grading will be based on
spreadsheet projects, homework, and a final exam.
Prerequisile: Malh Placemenl Gmup 3
Gradualion Skill Requiremenl: (luantitative Reasoning
Maximum Enrollmenl: 20
Time: I
Room: Foss 42
Social Justice in America
POL 140-J
Instructor Andrew Aoki
Students develop and defend their own standards of social
justice, using those standards to assess conditions in urban
America. Substantial participation in class discussions
required. Course has two goals: developing student thinking
about social justice, including greater awareness of conflicts
between justice and other values; and increasing student ability to understand urban problems as issues of justice and other
central values. Evaluation will be based on participation in
discussion and other class activities, on two short (4-6 page)
papers and on a final exam. Because of the compressed time
frame of the Interim schedule and the importance of material
covered on the first day of class, no one will be admitted to
the class who does not attend the first day of class, unless
receiving prior permission of the instructor.
Liberal Ads Perspective: The Cily
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Music 22
Topics: Constitutional Ideals
and Legal Realities
POL 195-J
Instructor Andrew Kurvers Spalding
What are the principles of freedom and justice embedded in
the American political system? And how have those principles
been realized in modern constitutional law? In the course, we
will begin by studying the ideas of human nature, liberty, and
good government that informed the framing of the U.S.
Constitution. We will then consider certain important and
controversial cases of the U.S. Supreme Court. Touching on
issues such as free speech, separation of powers, and racial
equality, we will discuss the extent to which the United States
has succeeded in protecting the rights of all citizens.
Requirements will include class participation, two very short
papers, and a final exam.
Maximum Enrollment:25
Time: I
Room: Science 315
International Negotiations
POL 295-J
Instructor: Joe Underhill-Cady
The course will examine the dynamics and challeges of resolving international disputes through negotiation and diplomacy. It will involve extensive use of role playing and simulation
and prepare students for participation in the national Model
United Nations conference. Students will be evaluated on the
basis of their performance, on participation, midterm and
final exam, and "position papers" they will complete in preparation for participation in the Model UN conference.
Prerequisite: POL 160 or permission of instructor
Liberal Arts Perspective: Western Heritage
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Sverdrup 208
Principles of Psychology
PSY 105-J
Instructor: Grace Dyrud
An introduction to the methods and approaches used in psychology for the purpose of understanding behavior.
Applications of psychological concepts to everyday situations
are emphasized. Evaluation will be based on means of two
tests and two lab reports.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Human Identity
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 10
Psychology and Law
PSY 335-J
Instructor: Nancy Steblay
Application of psychological principles and research methodology to legal processes and issues. The course emphasizes
three content areas: eyewitness issues (such as lineup and
interview procedures), courtroom procedures (jury selection,
jury decision-making, pretrial publicity), and psychological
profiles of offenders and victims. Grades will be based on
exams and one paper.
Prerequisite: PSY 105
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: 11
Room: Old Main 25
Idealism and the Adolescent
PSY 370-J
Instructor Duane Johnson
Inquiry into the nature and presence of idealism in the life of
the adolescent person. Theoretical bases for such idealism will
be considered. Idealism directed toward other persons and
society will be the main focus. This course will be conducted
as a seminar with a high level of student contribution and
participation. Attendance at each class session is required.
Procedures will include class discussion, frequent short
papers, and frequent oral reports. Typewriting or equivalent
word processing will be required.
Students are requested to read at least three articles by Robert
Coles before the start of the Interim. Library reference work
will be a part of the course process. Offered only on P/N basis.
Prerequisite: PSY 101, PSY 102, or PSY 105
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: I
Room: Science 205
Basics in Youth and Family Ministry
REL 235-J
Instructor: Richard Hardel
This course will provide students with the history and development of youth and family ministry in the U.S. It will provide
students with basic skills and understanding for designing an
effective youth and family ministry in a congregation. Students
will study the latest research on children, youth, and families
from Search Institute and learn the new paradigm of home and
congregation in partnership for teaching and nurturing faith.
They will learn the latest conceptual model of a holistic
approach to youth and family ministry.
Prerequisite: REL 111 or 221
Maximum Enrollmenl: 40
Time: I
Room: Murphy Place 100
Religions of China and Japan
REL 373-J
Instructor: John Benson
This course will study the historical development of the chief religions of China and Japan: Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, and
Shinto. The approach will be both cultural and literary, paying
attention to texts, rituals, and the various arts of these two traditions. Some attention will also be given to the those East Asian
religions that have migrated to the United States and are present
today in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area. Class meetings will include
lectures, audio-visuals, and some organized group discussions.
There will be a guest lecture by a practitioner of Zen Buddhist
meditation, one by a representative of the Nichiren Shoshu group
in St. Paul, and a trip to the Minneapolis Museum of Art. Assigned
work will include daily textbook readings, two short (1-2 page)
papers, and preparation of a book review to be written and presented to the class at the end of the Interim. In addition, there will
be two one-hour tests of the short-answer type, using review questions, one at the mid-point of course, and one at the end.
Prerequisite: REL 111, 221, or 331
Liberal Ads Perspective: Christian Faith 3
Maximum Enrollmenl: 30
Time: I1
Room: Music 22
Varieties of Christian Spirituality
REL 440-J
Instructor Janelle Bussert
A study of selected spiritualities from the Christian tradition
and of contemporary developments, including 12-step spirituality, feminist, ecological, and non-Western Christian spiritualities. An introduction to the basic practices of spirituality,
especially prayer and meditation. Evaluation methods include
quizzes, experiential journals, class presentation, and a final
Prerequisite: Religion 1 11, 221, or 331
Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 2 or 3
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Murphy Place 111
The Bible: Language and
REL 445-J
Instructor Phil Ouanbeck I1
A study of the use and function of language in the Bible. The
importance of recognizing the varied character of language
for understanding the biblical text. Grades will be based on
class participation, two presentations to the class, and an
Prerequisite: Religion 111 or 221
Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 1 or 3
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Old Main 18
Exploring Human Services
SWK 257-1
SWK 257-J
Instructors: Mary Lou Williams and Lois Bosch
Experiential learning occurs as students volunteer 80 hours in
a service agency or institution that they select. The placement
must be approved by course faculty and supervised by agency
staff. The course is designed to help students learn about
themselves in relation to a possible major or future career in
the human services.
The three-hour weekly seminar is devoted to discussions that
assist students in integrating agency experiences and readings
that explore the historical development of social welfare as an
institution and the nature and value system of social work as
a profession. Students will also examine and critique the manner in which social, economic, and political structures impact
diverse groups in society. Students will focus on their own
responsibilities in society, as well as examine their personal
value system in relation to special concerns, such as poverty
and the "isms." Detailed information will be sent to students
at the close of Interim registration.
Liberal Arts Perspective: The City
Maximum Enrollment: 60, 2 sections
Time: I
Room: Foss 21 A and B
Field Work I: Integrative Seminar
S WK 307-J
Instructor: Mike Schock
Junior social work majors are required to have 240 hours of
supervised professional experience in a social work agency.
This small group seminar supports the first 120 hours of this
placement and is facilitated by the faculty member who serves
as liaison to the student's practicum field agency. The course
provides structure and process for students to integrate learning from their practicum and academic coursework focusing
on generalist practice with individuals.
Prerequisites: Candidacy status, SWK 301, and SWK 306
Graduation Skill Requirement: Writing
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Time: I
Room: Murphy 111
Field Work Ill
SWK 466-1 (variable 1.0 credit or 0.5 credit)
Instructor Maria Dinis
This is a continuation of Field Work 11; a total of 60 (for the
0.5 credit option) or 120 hours. Responsible, supervised professional social work experience, including work with individuals, families, groups and communities in a social service
agency. Integrative weekly seminar (two hours). Students will
be evaluated by: (1) weekly theorylpractice papers integrating
course content with work setting, (2) attendancelparticipation, and (3) field site supervisor's evaluation.
Prerequisite: S WK 462
Maximum Enrollment: open
Time: I (class will meet in small groups, no more than 11 at a time)
Room: Old Main 21
Human Community and
the Modern Metropolis
soc 21 1-J
Instructor: Gordon Nelson
This course will examine the extent to which the experience
of the community is possible in the context of the metropolitan situation. The course will focus on the Twin Cities metropolitan area. Each member of the class will be responsible for
a class presentation, which must reflect on-site observation in
a particular locale within the metropolitan area. In addition,
class participation and a final examination will be bases for
evaluating performance in the course.
Liberal Ads Perspective: The Cify
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: 1
Room: Music 24
Topics: Cultures of Violence
SOC 295-J
Instructor: James Vela-McConnell
Street gangs and warfare. Police brutality and genocide.
Domestic abuse and terrorism. What are the dynamics underlying these and other forms of violence? What do they have in
common? How do they differ? This course takes violence in its
many forms as a topic for sociological analysis and concludes
with an examination of non-violent alternatives. With this in
mind, we will compare different theoretical perspectives on
violence, such as psychological, social psychological, and
socio-cultural perspectives. The course will involve a combination of lecture and discussion based on readings and videos,
debate of current issues in the field, and guest speakers from
and field trips to local organizations dealing with problems of
violence. Students will be expected to research, write about,
and present on the sociological dimensions of a particular
form of violence. In addition, there will be short reaction
papers based on the readings, and classroom participation will
be an important part of grading.
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 13
The Fun and Challenge of Advanced
Public Speaking
SPC 295-J
Instructor: Robeit C. Groven
Are you tired of courses where you listen to lecture and read
volumes day after day? Did you just start to get good at public
speaking when your class ended? This class will focus on
sharpening your public speaking skills by using intensive
practice techniques and participating in extracurricular
speech tournaments. These tournaments are a fun and exciting opportunity to learn public speaking by doing. Students
will write, perform, and compete in a variety of speech events.
Most class time will focus on the nuts and bolts of assembling
speeches for competition. This class will rapidly enhance the
Lifetime Sports
The following activities are available to students during
Interim, and students may register for these classes as well as
for a regular course. These activities do not carry course credit but d o meet the lifetime sports requirement for graduation.
Lifetime Sport: Pickleball
HPE 002-P
Instructor: Brian Ammann
Practice and playing of pickleball. Grading: PIN only.
Graduation Skill Requirement: Lifetime Sport
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: 12:OO-1:OO M, 7; M! Th, F
Room: Melby Gym-norlWsouth courts
Lifetime Sport: Ultimate Frisbee
HPE 002-F
Instructor: Marilyn Florian
Practice and playing of ultimate frisbee. Grading: PIN only
Graduation Skill Requirement: Lifetime Sport
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: 12:OO-1:OO M, b Th, F
Room: Air Structure
Lifetime Sport: Badminton
HPE 002-6
Instructor: Brian Ammann
Practice and playing of badminton. Grading: PIN only.
Gradualion Skill Requirement: Lifetime Sport
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: 11:OO-12:OOM, 7; M! Th, F
Room: Melby Gym-north/south courts
Lifetime Sport: Golf
HPE 002-6
Instructor: Brian Ammann
Practice in the various shots used in the game of golf.
Grading: PIN only
Graduation Skill Requirement: Lifetime Sport
Maximum Enrollment: 16
Time: 1:OO-2:00 M, 7; M! Th, F
Room: Air Structure
Interim Abroad
SPP 201-1
Augsburg is part of a consortium called UMAIE, Upper
Midwest Association for Intercultural Education, that offers
overseas learning experiences during the Interim. Further
information about the following courses can be obtained
from Cynthia Truitt Lynch at the Center for Global
Education, CB 307, Augsburg College, 221 1 Riverside Ave.,
Minneapolis, MN 55454, (612) 330-1650. These courses are
offered on a PIN basis only and generally carry a lower
division number.
African Philosophy Through Kenyan Material Culture
Americans in Paris: The Lost Generation
Anglican Way
Art, Arias, and Architecture:
Central Europe from the Alps to the Adriatic
Australia's Business Climate
Bcrlin nnd Prog~rc:C!ritrirnl,Pnlitirnl, u?ld
E a l ~ o m i cIlynottlics o l Qlrl Cnpitnl5 in n New Erdropu
Coral I(qJs in the I'lrilippil~~s
R P ~ I Il-ln,\nii:
lllr rttntr Itnpcicts or1 Ili.npicnl RL'PJ~
TItc EtlgliFl~SC!I001 C I I I I I Flrttzily
Eurapu ntrri ;lie Rise of M n ~ l u rScict~ce
Explrrre I'rnr: Lniltl of Arivcnhln
The Greek Experience
Hawaii: Multicultural Communication in Organizational Settings
History of C~ribhcunMusic (see pg. 31)
History of tftc Oiyr?rpics
History and ??rr~ctict
of Medicine and Science in China:
A C o r ~ i p n r i s oWith
~ ~ the Wfit
lrrnovnfinris r r r ~ r fOrgntrizarion itt Scnt~dittnvirj
ftltermeriintc SpanisI1 l , n 1 1 ~ 1 r nrind
g C14lttlrein Sor~ther~r
Irclttncl: tlttrlerstnnrii~pl:Clrrislin)~Crllic Spirit~rnrify
oj' F~ditlt:Cntlrc,rlrrrls, Ahbi:ys, nncl I'nnslrcr
Law in London and Dublin
Ma rry Fcices of Jtdpnrr
Nn~rrml History $Xtnzania-East
ihris nncl Landon-Sculptors in Cities and Environs
Performing Arts in Russian
Rnlr q r t l ~ Artist
in Contempi~rflryEgypt
Socinl Corlflict and Recor~cilrntiotrit1 Jrdnnd
Sorrvrls n ~ wSights
of Eurnpc (scc~~g.
Theater in and Around London
This is New Zealand
Sounds and Sights of Europe
(UMAIE Course)
MUS 179-1
Instructor: Roberta Kagin
Much of American history and culture is derived from that of
European cities such as Paris, Vienna, and Prague. This course
provides an opportunity to visit some of the great European
cultural centers that provided the impetus for development of
cultural life in the New World.
Group discussions and assigned readings increase student
sensitivity to architecture and other visual arts seen in the
museums. Students listen critically to concerts of musical
masterpieces heard at each site. Relationships between the
various art mediums come to life through these experiences.
There is also ample time for independent exploration.
Evaluation is based on full participation in all course-related
group activities, a daily professional journal, art-music
sheets, and exams over material covered.
For information about this course, call Prof. Roberta Kagin,
(612) 330-1273.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Aesthetics
Show less
..................... - 4
..................... - 6
Visiting Students ................ 7
Calendar ........................8
About This Catalog.................9
Interim Courses .................. 10
Lifetime Sports ................... 44
UMAlE Courses.................. - 4 6
Also On .......... Show more
..................... - 4
..................... - 6
Visiting Students ................ 7
Calendar ........................8
About This Catalog.................9
Interim Courses .................. 10
Lifetime Sports ................... 44
UMAlE Courses.................. - 4 6
Also On ..................... 33
Other Courses ...................47
Introduction to Interim
Interim is an integral part of the school year at Augsburg
College. The College follows a 4- 1-4 calendar, with fall and
spring semesters of approximately 14 weeks separated by a
four-week January Interim. Interim is intended to be a time
for both students and faculty to employ styles of teaching and
learning and to investigate questions and topics in places and
ways not possible during the regular term.
Interim is an opportunity for intense concentration on a
single course of study. Since one Interim course equals a fulltime load, students should plan to spend the same amount of
time in class and preparing for class as they would for a fourcourse load during fall or spring semesters. Students should
be prepared for at least 40 class hours during the Interim and
should anticipate the equivalent of the normal two hours of
study for each class hour. Since the course length is only 3'12
weeks, attendance at every class is imperative. It is expected
that students will attend every class period; however, each
instructor will establish the precise attendance policy for
hislher course. Students can register for only one course
credit during Interim. There is no tuition refund for a
student who chooses not to enroll in an Interim course.
Most Interim courses are graded traditionally on a 4.0 to 0.0
scale. Students generally have the option to register on a
PassINo Credit basis. A few Interim courses are graded only
on the PIN system; this is indicated in the course description.
Some courses are offered for either Upper or Lower Division
credit. Such Interim courses have two numbers listed and
students must select which is most appropriate for their needs.
Students registering for Upper Division credit should anticipate additional assignments and a more rigorous grading
standard. Some courses, especially courses with travel requirements, have additional fees associated with them. These fees,
although intended to be accurate, may change and students
should check with the instructor to verify the final costs.
Students are required to complete at least 33 course credits for
graduation. This course total must include two Interims for
students who enter with fewer than 14 courses. A maximum
of four Interim course credits may be counted toward the 33
course credits required for graduation. Transfer students
should refer to their transfer credit evaluation form or consult
the Registrar for the number of Interim courses required.
Day school students (3.0 credits or more for fall) can take a
total of 1.0 course credits. They may take two half-credit
classes. They may also take a lifetime sport (zero credit). The
lifetime sport is at no additional charge if they are full-time
(fall term). If less than full-time they will be charged.
Weekend students can take 1.0 course credits in Interim as a
cross registration but will be charged Day School tuition
($1,497) per course credit. If they do so they may take only
1.0 additional course credits in Weekend College for winter
It is the policy ofAugsburg College not to discriminate on the basis of race, creed,
national or ethnic origin, age, marital status, sex or handicap as required by
Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments or Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, in its admissions policies, educational
programs, activities and employment practices.
International Interim-Students are invited to be part of
one of the 25 international Interim courses offered by the
Upper Midwest Association for Intercultural Education
(UMAIE). These course opportunities are listed near the
end of this catalog.
Internships deadline-Friday, December 12. January Interim
internships must be planned in advance. Students electing an
internship must meet departmental requirements and present
a signed internship learning agreement plan to the Internship
Office (Murphy Place, Rm. 8) no later than the last day of fall
classes (Friday, December 12). The learning agreement forms
are available in the same office. Internships during Interim
must involve full-time work placements for approximately
four weeks. Assistance for planning your internship is available in the Internship and Cooperative Education'Office.
Independent studylresearch or directed study-Students
may elect a program of independent study (Upper Division
499) or directed study (Lower Division 299) for Interim.
Faculty members are strongly discouraged from accepting
responsibility for more than one independent study per
Interim. Students choosing to pursue independent or directed
study must:
1. Meet departmental requirements
2. Present to the Registrar a copy of the proposed study
plan approved by the supervising faculty member and
the directedlindependent study registration form.
These forms must be submitted by December 1.
Appropriate study proposal and registration forms can
be obtained in the Registrar's Office.
Interims at other schools-Augsburg students may enroll at
any other 4-1-4 institution that offers a reciprocal Interim
arrangement. Catalogs of these Interim programs can be consulted in the Registrar's Office. Registration for Interims at the
other ACTC colleges will be at Augsburg during the regular
registration period. Most courses taught during the Interim at
other 4- 1-4 schools are accepted for credit by Augsburg, but
may not necessarily be accepted as meeting Augsburg's genera1 education requirements.
Visiting Students
Augsburg College welcomes students from other 4-1-4
schools for the January Interim without tuition charges, provided the student's home institution agrees not to charge
tuition to Augsburg students for the January term. The waiver
of tuition does not include special fees, housing or board
costs. Other students will be charged $1,497 for the Interim
course. Students interested in registering for an Augsburg
Interim should write to the Registrar's Office for application
forms or use the forms provided by the Interim office at their
own school. There is an application processing fee of $10.
Students are welcome to stay on campus but are not required
to do so. Requests for Interim housing should be made to the
Residence Life Office.
It should be noted that neither ACTC exchange students nor
visiting students may register for 199,299,399 or 499 courses.
Interim Calendar 1998
November 17 to December 5 . ......... Interim registration
First day of Interim
January 5 . . ........................
Time I-9:00 a.m. (first day)
Time 11-1:00 p.m.
January 6
............Last day to register or add a class or
cancel a class without a notation
January 16. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Last day for determining
grading option with Registrar
January 16 .........Last day for withdrawing from courses
.............................. Interim ends
February 2 . .....................Spring semester begins
February 6 ...............Interim grades due to Registrar
January 28
The time, number and length of meetings as well as the
beginning time will be arranged the first day of class. The
daily schedule for Interim is divided into two blocks of time:
Time 1: 8:00 a.m. to noon (Note: on the first day, Time I
classes will begin at 9:00 a.m.)
Time 11: 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Note: Martin Luther King Day will be observed at Augsburg
with a special convocation on Monday, January 19, at 1:OOp.m.
Afternoon classes begin following the convocation.
About This Catalog
The catalog lists courses by departments in alphabetical order.
At the end of the book are listings of other courses not
offered by Augsburg but recognized by the College for Interim
credit. Additional descriptions and information about these
courses are available in the Interim Office, Memorial 226.
Students may also register for one of the lifetime sports listed
at the end of the catalog. Courses that include travel are
marked with an airplane.
For More Information
For more information contact Barbara Pappenfus in the
Interim Office at 330- 1150.
Internal & Operational Audit
ACC 424-1
Instructor: Stuart Stoller
Auditing through an interdisciplinary approach. Using
techniques discussed in accounting, finance, management,
marketing and MIS, we examine a business' internal control
systems and operating efficiency. By stepping away from the
traditional textbook approach we incorporate creativity and
discussion. Major topics include: business valuation techniques, "just-in-time" philosophy, efficiency improvement
techniques, disaster recovery planning and report writing.
Students will be evaluated by classroom quizzes, a project
and final examination.
Prerequisiles:ACC 221 & 222, BUS 242, 252,331, ECO 113, MIS 175 & 379
GradualionSkill Requirements: Speaking, Writing
Maximum Enrollment 20
Time: I1
Room: Foss Center 43
Life Drawing
ART 247-1
Instructor: Norm Holen
A study of nude figures for art students and non-art students.
The figure will be depicted with graphite pencils in various
settings for varying lengths of time. Grades will be based
upon quality and improvement. There will be a fee of $40 to
be paid on the first day of class.
Liberal Arts Perspective:Aesthelics
Maximum Enrollment 20
Time: I
Room: Old Main 17
Tribal Arts And Culture
ART 290-1
Instructor: Steve Chapman
The rich heritage of indigenous cultures is explored through
the visual arts, particularly within the United States. Other
content includes poetry, dance, mythology, ritual, religion and
drama of many American Indian tribes. Students will produce
various art projects in weaving, basket making, pottery, sculpture or prints.
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 4
Calligraphy I & I1
ART 106-1
ART 306-1
Instructor: Philip Thompson
Development of calligraphic writing and drawing skills with
emphasis on the broad-edged pen. Attention given to the historical development of calligraphy and the elements of design
through readings and demonstrations. Class time and assignments center on proactive calligraphic concepts with special
attention given to foundation, italic, gothic and uncial styles.
Three original projects are required and evaluation is based
on quality of work plus participation and growth factors.
Upper Division students are required to complete examples in
three historical writing styles plus an expanded project.
Required materials: text, pens, ink, ruler and mat board
Liberal Ads Perspective: Aesthelics
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: I
Room: Old Main 4
Seeds of Change
BIO 145-1
lnstructoc Esther McLaughlin
We will use a few historically, economically, and medically
important plants to study some of the ways in which humans
and plants interact, biologically and otherwise. Plants are not
only at the bottom of our food chain but also play a part in
non-food aspects of our lives, either directly (e.g., medicines,
fibers, dyes) or indirectly (e.g., how food crises have influenced
human migrations). We will study the uses, biology, natural
history and classification of several important plants.
Evaluation will be based on three or four 40-minute exams,
several quizzes and an oral presentation.
Liberal Arts Perspeclive: Nalural World 2
Maximum Enrollmenl: 20
Time: I1
Room: Science 205
Florida Keys Marine
Biology Studies
BIO 140-1
BIO 340-1
Instructors: William Capman and Dale Pederson
The Florida Keys provide an excellent site for study of natural
history and ecology of marine, coastal and sub-tropical communities. This class will spend about 2'12 weeks in Florida at
the Newfound Harbor Marine Institute located on Big Pine
Key. The Institute offers laboratory facilities, ocean-going
research platforms, housing and a dining hall. Field trips to
coral reefs (Looe Key National Park), tide pools, turtle grass
flats, mangrove islands and upland hammocks will be led by
professional naturalists from the institute. Organisms and
communities will be studied on site and in the laboratory.
Research projects will be initiated shortly after arrival at the
station in order to provide opportunities to gather data over a
period of several days. Visits to Pennicamp State Park, Key
West and the Everglades will be included.
Evaluation will be based on:
BIO 140: (1) field and laboratory records, (2) personal journal, (3) quizzes at Marine Institute, and (4) a final exam.
Prerequisite for 810 140: Any one of the follow in^ courses or their equivalents810 101, 102, 103, 113, 114, or consent of the instructor.
BIO 340: (1) field and laboratory records, (2) personal journal, (3) quizzes at Marine Institute, (4) written report of the
research project, and (5) a final exam.
Prerequisite for 810 340: 810 351 or 810 481 or consent of the instructor.
Estimated cost of the course: $2,500 (includes airfare, all
ground transportation, housing and meals while at the institute). Contact the instructors for details.
Prerequisite: See Above
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Time: I1
Room: Science 212
Responding to the Challenge of Japan
BUS 368-1
Instructor: Steven LaFave
An examination of current Japanese business practices using a
cultural perspective. A multimedia approach will be employed
involving film, television documentaries, radio speeches and
readings from current periodicals in addition to text materials. A seminar model will be used with substantial participation expected on the part of the students.
Evaluation will be based on a paper, two 20-minute sessions
of seminar leadership, class participation, and a mid-term and
final examination. This class should be of interest to anyone
majoring or minoring in international business or any field of
business administration as well as anyone interested in Japan.
Students who cannot attend every class should not enroll in
this course.
Prerequisite: Junior standing or consent of the instructor
Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness I
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Old Main 29
Contemporary International
Business and Trade Issues
BUS 495-1
Instructor: Magdalena Paleczny-Zapp
The practical applications of the commercial policies of the
major trading nations such as the U.S., Japan and Pacific Rim
countries will be explained. The impact of the institutional
and systematic changes in China, Russia, Central and Eastern
Europe on the volume and structure of the international
investment and business will be examined. Newest developments regarding the European Union, NAFTA and Central
European Free Trade Agreement will be discussed and
analyzed. A seminar model will be used with a multimedia
approach and guest speakers. Class will meet three times a
week. Evaluation will be based on a research paper, an oral
presentation of the research paper and class participation.
This seminar should be of special interest to anyone majoring
or minoring in international business or any field of business
administration, as well as anyone interested in current international issues.
Prerequisite: Junior standing or BUS 362 or consent of the instructor
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: I - M, kt! Th
Room: Old Main 22
The Individual and the Organization
BUS 495-0
SPC 495-0
Instructors: Deb Bart and Tom Morgan
How do you maintain your personal identity in the workplace? Must you sacrifice your identity to be successful in corporate America? This course explores these questions by
focusing on the roles the individual plays within both forprofit and not-for-profit organizations. Emphasis will be
placed on the individual's interpersonal, group and organizational relationships. Several assessment instruments will be
used to help participants better understand themselves and
others in their attempts to become more effective communicators. Journals, projects and class participation will be used
to evaluate performance. This course is designed for students
majoring or minoring in business or in communication.
Prerequisite: Junior or senior business or communication majors/minors
Maximum Enrollment: 2 0
Time: I
Room: Old Main 10
Chemistry for Changing Times
CHM 100-1
lnstructoc Arlin Gyberg
This course is developed from the perspective of a person living in a modern, high-technology society such as the United
States. It assumes that before one can evaluate a moral or societal issue of a scientific nature one at least must be able to
understand the science involved. Anything less is an impression rather than an informed decision. As we develop scientific
concepts we will at the same time relate them to an abundance
of current issues. We live in a world of pesticides, fertilizers,
plastics, birth control, food abundance and food shortage,
food additives and processing and synthesis, organically and
non-organically grown food, chemical dependency, licit and
illicit drugs, the energy crisis and the debates about sources of
energy, the greenhouse effect and nuclear waste storage, pollution, genetic engineering and much more. Many of these
problems are chemical in nature. Thus, in learning about
chemistry, via lecture and in-class discussion, we can begin to
understand ourselves, our society, our world and even some
of the universe. The grade for the course is based on a percentage of the total score of total points on the daily quizzes.
Prerequisite: Math Placement Group I1
Liberal A ~ l sPerspective: Natural World 2
Maximum Enrollment: 3 0
Time: I
Room: Science 315
Introduction to Computer Science
and Communications
CSC 160-1
Instructor Larry Ragland
This course introduces the major areas of computer science
and computer communications. These areas are: algorithms,
algorithm design, algorithm efficiency, hardware, logical
circuit design, computer organization, software and operating
systems, programming languages, operating systems, theory
of computation, mathematical foundations of computer
science, Turing machines, computer communications and the
Internet, packet switching, Internet services and operation.
This course will consist of lecture/discussion times with
frequent in-class lab exercises on the topics above. Grading
will be based on examinations, labs and homework. This
is not a course in computer applications or how to use
computers, although we may touch on these topics.
Prerequisite: Math Placement Group 111
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Foss 42
UNIX and C
CSC 272-1
Instructor Noel Petit
Study of UNIX operating system and the C programming
language. It is assumed that the student has a knowledge of
programming methods and has done programming in some
other language. Evaluation will be done on 10 programming
assignments, two to three quizzes and a final project. Grading
is done by combining the weighted grades of all assignments
and quizzes.
Prerequisite: CSC 170 or programming in some other language
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I1
Room: Library 20
Topics: Computer Science: An
Alternative Scheme One and Two
CSC 273-1/373-1
Instructor: Charles Sheaffer
This course is especially intended for students with no prior
exposure to programming in particular or computer science
in general. It will be a laboratory intensive, self-paced course
using the Scheme programming language. We will introduce
an alternative approach to some of the most important concepts of computer science including problem solving, simulation, object-oriented programming, functional programming,
procedural and data abstraction, and program interpretation.
Students with knowledge of programming will benefit from
exposure to the alternative paradigm represented by the
Scheme language and will acquire a concrete understanding of
how these important concepts are actually implemented in
real languages and machines. Students will be evaluated on
the basis of a series of programming projects. CSC 373 is a
continuation of CSC 273.
Graduation Skill Requirement: for CSC 373, Critical Thinking
Prerequisite: CSC 273, none: lor CSC 373, CSC 273 or consent of the instructor
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I1
Room: Foss Center 20
Economics of Urban Issues
ECO 110-1
Instructor: Ed Sabella
Study of economic implications of the many problems facing
a metro-urban environment. Some of the topics to be discussed
are: crime prevention, health issues, discrimination, education,
etc. Basic microeconomics tools of analysis will be developed in
class. This is a basic course designed for those students who do
not plan to major in economics, business administration,
accounting or MIS. Three objective examinations.
Liberal Arts Perspective: City or Social World 1 or 2
Maximum Enrollmenl: 15
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 29
Introduction to Economic Development
EGO 295-A1495-A
Instructor: Jeanne Boeh
This class will focus on market-driven local development.
Topics will include regional growth and development, metropolitan government and finance, economic development
strategies and neighborhood development.
Prerequisite: ECO 112 or ECO 113 preferred
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Old Main 13
Personal Economics
EGO 495-1
Instructor: Satya Gupta
This course will examine, understand and analyze three
aspects of quality life-worldly assets, physical health and the
self. Quality life is defined by many people in terms of the
amount of money one has. The more money one has, the
more command on commodities one can enjoy. We work hard
most of our lives to fulfill our dreams of having a large home,
fancy car, boat, vacation home, education for our children and
enjoyable retirement. We plan a great deal for all these dreams.
It is surprising that we plan 30 or 40 years from now. It is also
true that at some point in life one asks oneself "Who am I
really?" and "What am I here for?" In this third component of
the course we shall critically reflect on our values, ethics and
self-understanding. Knowledge of the self leads us to a higher
plane of thinking and behaving. Thus, we shall try to construct
a well-balanced portfolio of quality life. Students will find the
course very interesting, thought provoking and challenging.
Grades will be based on three quizzes, one paper and discussions in class.
Prerequisile: S O 112 or 113 or consenl of instructor:
Time: I
Room: Old Main 11
Media Technolo y
(0.5 course cre at)
EDU 34 1-1
Instructor Linda Dyer
Psychological and philosophical dimensions of communication through the use of instructional technology. Selection,
preparation, production and evaluation of effective audiovisual materials for teachingllearning situations. Computer
training will be included in the course.
Note: This course can be taken along with Human Relations,
EDU 388-1
Prerequisites: PPST and admission lo Teacher Education Program
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: I1
Room: Library 17
International Education
EDU 353-1
lnstructoc Rich Germundsen
This seminar-style course presents an examination and comparison of selected Western and non-Western educational systems with special attention on Scandinavian and Central
American models. The course also draws attention to our personal responsibilities to educate ourselves to be able to understand and participate in the emerging global society. There
will be lectures, discussions and presentations by students and
guest speakers. Student evaluation will be based on class presentations and investigative projects.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Social World 2
Maximum Enrollmenl: 15
Time: I
Room: Library 17
Human Relations
(0.5 course credit)
EDU 388-1
lnstructoc Joseph Erickson
This course is the study of prejudice, discrimination and
oppression as it affects persons of color, the handicapped, limited English speakers and women. Topics include racism, sexism, homophobia and economic issues. Emphasis is placed on
preparing potential (or practicing) teachers for classrooms that
will include minority students, different religious backgrounds, the less abled and students at risk. Students will be
expected to summarize readings, view appropriate films and
complete a project. This course satisfies the Minnesota Human
Relations requirement for teachers and social workers. This is a
one-half credit course. It is offered only on a PIN basis.
Note: This course can be taken along with Media Technology,
EDU 341 -1.
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Old Main 23
Topics: Theatrical Performance in the
Twin Cities: Exploring Live Theater
ENG 282-1/482-1
Instructor Ronald Palosaari
The Twin Cities are widely known as a center for good live
drama. This course will study the variety and the quality of
live theater in the Twin Cities. We will attend at least a dozen
plays and a few films based on plays. Student who take this
course must be free evenings and weekends to attend performances. Class discussion will be on the plays we have seen
and on the art of drama. The grade will be based on the
course journal. Regular class attendance is required. Students
registering for ENG 482 will have an additional paper to write
and a class presentation.
Prerequisile: for ENG 282, ENG 111: for ENG 482, ENG 111 and a theater or lilerature course
Liberal Arts Perspective: Aesthelics
Time: I
Room: Sverdrup 208
Topics: Writing About the Arts
in the Twin Cities
ENG 282-U482-Z
Instructor: Bob Cowgill
This course is predicated on the assumption that immersion
in all the arts benefits a writer's investigation of any specific
art; or, in other words, that before you become a specialist, it
helps to become a passionate generalist. The class will balance
two related goals: first, to experience and talk about as many
contemporary Twin Cities cultural happenings as is practicable (we will search out and encounter the most exciting, controversial and significant programs in theater, dance, gallery
exhibition, music and film); second, to examine critical methods of observation and reception of art and consider ways in
which writers can enhance the public's understanding and
interaction with artistic culture. Students will keep a critic's
journal, write four short papers and take a final exam.
Students registering under English 482 will have to develop a
10 page critical project in conjunction with one art event that
occurs during the course's span. To register, students must
have successfully completed English 111, must have the willingness, the money and the time to attend events and to
transport themselves to various cultural locations throughout
the Twin Cities.
Prerequisile: ENG 1 1 1
Graduation Skill Requirement Writing
Maximum Enrollment: 2 2
Time: I
Room: Music 23
Topics: Contemporary American Poetry
ENG 282-P/482-P
Instructor: John Mitchell
This course will provide an introductory survey of contemporary American poetry by poets whose work has come into
prominence since World War I1 or mid-century. Emphasis
will be given to the vision and sensibility of each poet and to
the themes of their poems, especially those images and statements that concern philosophical, historical, psychological
and cultural values. Through comparison and contrast, students will be expected to formulate reasonable interpretations
of selected poets and poems and to express their discoveries
in class discussion and short papers. A final examination will
be given and two interpretive papers about three to five pages
in length will be assigned. For Upper Division credit, the student will also read and give a written class report on a book
that discusses contemporary poetry or a contemporary poet;
this choice, based upon recommendations, must be approved
by the instructor.
Prerequisite: for 482-F) Intro. to Literature
Time: I
Room: Old Main 16
Beginning German I
GER 111-1
Instructor: John Van CIeve
As long as you have to take a foreign language, why not take
the one with the most native speakers in the European
Economic Community? It's the language of Europe's
strongest national economy. It's also the language of Albert
Einstein, Werner Heisenberg and Wernher von Braun. The
language of Martin Luther, Karl Marx and Friedrich
Nietzsche. Of Bach, Beethoven and Mozart. Start German
during Interim and by the end of January, you'll be on your
way to reading and speaking the language of a nation that
has played a dominant role in Western civilization. The
vocabulary and structures of everyday German will be
emphasized. Grades will be determined on the basis of class
participation, scheduled chapter tests and a final exam.
Liberal Arts Perspeclive: lnlercullural Awareness 2
Maximum Enrollment: 10
Time: I
Room: Old Main 21
Dance (men
(0.5 course
HPE 232-M
lnstructor: Carol Enke
Theory and practice in teaching and performing American
heritage and international folk dances. The majority of the
course grade is based on participation in class activities, a
teaching assignment and a written test.
Maximum Enrollmenl: 12
Time: I - T; Th, & alternate F (1/6, 118, 1/9, 1/13, 1/15, 1/20, 1/22, 1/23, 1/27)
Room: Melby Gym - north court
Dance (women only)
(0.5 course credit)
HPE 232- W
Instructor: Carol Enke
Theory and practice in teaching and performing American
heritage and international folk dances. The majority of the
course grade is based on participation in class activities, a
teaching assignment and a written test.
Maximum Enrollmenl: 12
Time: I - 6 Th, & alternale F (1/6, 1/8, 119, 1/13, 1/15, 1/20, 1/22, 1/23, 1/27)
Room: Melby Gym -north court
Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries
(0.5 course credit)
HPE 275-1
Instructor Paul Kriegler
Emphasis placed on preventing and treating common athletic
injuries. Practical experience in taping and training room
Prerequisites: 810 103, HPE 350
Maximum Enrollmenl: 24
Time: I - M, Wandalternate F ( M , 1/7, 1/12, 1/14, 1/16, 1/19, 1/21, 1/26, 1/28)
Room: Melby 119
Instructional Methods: Materials in
Health Education (0.5 course credit)
HPE 390-1
lnstructoc Patty Murphy
Principles: methods of instruction applied to health education
grades K- 12. Emphasis upon teachingllearning strategies and
student assessment. Evaluation: development of materials
Prerequisites:HPE 101, 110 and 320
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: 1 - M, kt! & F
Room: Melby 202
Sailing in the Virgin Islands
(January 1998)
HPE 455-1
Instructor Joyce Pfaff
Designed for the beginning and intermediate sailor interested
in the art and practice of sailboat cruising. The course will take
the participant to a competent level of sailboat handling
(anchoring, mooring, helming and crewing).The student will
live aboard a 43'- 46' fixed-keel sailboat with five to six other
people and will function as an active crew member. Actual onthe-water instruction will be the major part of the course. Sailing
will include cruises to the various islands and cays in the British
and American Virgin Islands. Snorkeling and wind surfing will be
available on an optional basis. Some classes will be held in
December prior to leaving for the Virgin Islands in January.
The course cost is $2,800, which includes airfare for Augsburg
day students and qualifying 4-1-4 students. Others will have to
pay regular Interim tuition in addition to this course cost in
order to receive academic credit. PIN ONLY.
Applications may M picked up from the office of Joyce Pfaff,
Melby Hall, Augsburg College. They must be turned in with
deposit and appropriate signature before final acceptance is given.
Prerequisites:Permission from Joyce Pfaff of the Health and Physical Education
Department, (612) 330-1247; no smoking is allowed; basic swimming skills
Graduation Skill Requiremenl: Lifelime Sport; also one course credit Upper Division
Maximum Enrolimenl: 8 (a waiting list will be kept after the original eight spots are filled)
Topics in U.S. World History:
History by HoIIAyood
HIS 195-1
lnstmtoc Rick Nelson
\ L \ ~
How accurate is our understanding of the past? How do we
attempt to secure that understanding? Why is history biased?
Can there be history without bias? Should history have entertainment as a goal? These questions, and others, form the basis
for an inquiry into the writing of history and the portrayal of
historical characters, events and themes depicted in the cinema. Filmmakers have presented history in ways ranging from
the mundane to the sublime. In this course we will view selected films and through readings, lectures and discussions examine some of the successes and failures of "History by
Hollywood." This course is intended for first-year students.
Others may enroll with permission.
Prerequisile: One history course or consent of instructor
Maxlmum Enrollment: 2 5
Time: I
Room: Lindell16
I . '
, .W
Science and Religion
HON 401-1
lnstructor: Mark Engebretson
For some in our society science is the driving engine of a better, more secure life and the basis for a philosophy of life. For
others, science and its associated technologies, along with its
invitation to become a global world view, constitute a grave
threat. This course will address these matters in two ways.
First, it will begin with a historical overview of the relations
between science and the Christian faith, emphasizing three
periods: the origins of the Christian faith, the development of
"modern" science and mechanistic philosophy, and the reevaluation of science and nature in the twentieth century.
Second, it will study systematically the world views of science
and religion to see how they compare.
Class time will be divided among lectures, discussions, small
group tutorials and an extended simulation exercise in developing a space colony. Course evaluation will be based on two short
exams, participation in small group tutorials based on assigned
readings, a group project presentation and a major synthesis
paper based on the group project and course materials.
Prerequisites: One CF course, one NW course, and junior or senior standing
Liberal Atis Perspective: Christian Faith 3
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Music 22
Literacy in the City:
Service-Learning Externship
INS 298-1
lnstructor: Garry Hesser
The course, taught by the Experiential Education staff, will
explore literacy in the city. Students will work in groups at
least two days a week at one of the four literacy centers close
to campus. A twice-weekly seminar will focus on current
issues in literacy through readings, guest speakers, films and
reflection exercises. Students will complete short seminar
exercises, set team externship goals, keep individual journals
and make a final group presentation.
Liberal Arts Perspective: The Cify
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Foss 43
Paideia Seminars
INS 120-1
Instructor: Ann Fleener
Students will participate in a series of seminars following the
Paideia seminar format as developed by Mortimer Adler and
Paideia Associates. Students will read selected readings that will
then be discussed in Paideia seminars. Students will also view
selected films for seminar discussions; develop and/or hone
habits of mature, intellectual talk; observe seminars conducted
in a St. Paul public school; evaluate their own behaviors during
seminars and lead seminars. Students will be assessed on journal entries including evidence of seminar preparation, reflection, peer and self-evaluations as well as a final summary paper.
Graduation Skill Requirement: Critical Thinking
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Science 319
Topics: An introduction to Law School
INS 210-1
lnstructoc William 0.Green
This course introduces college students to the experiences of
first-year law students. We will examine the nature of American
jurisprudence and legal theories that law students study in their
first year, discuss the academic and emotional pressures that
first-year students typically face, explore ways to cope with
these pressures, and develop legal reasoning and writing skills.
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 16
Introduction to Islam
INS 225-1
Instructor Amin Kader
This course is designed by a practicing Muslim to present his
perception of Islam to non-Muslims. The course will cover
the ideological foundations of Islam, its basic concepts and
tenets, Islamic law (Shari'ah), Islamic economic and political
systems, and Islamic patterns of life. There will also be discussions on the differences between the Islamic sects (Sunnis,
Shi'its, Sufis, etc.). Some effort will be made to deal with the
similarities and differences between Islam and both
Christianity and Judaism. Students will also visit one of the
mosques in the Twin Cities. Evaluation is based on two tests
and a paper.
Liberal Arts Perspeclive: Inlercultural Awareness 1
Maximum Enrollment: 30
Time: I
Room: Old Main 27
Universals of Language
LIN 290-1
Instructor: John Schmit
Is our ability to use language acquired by learning, or is it present from birth? What do all languages have in common
despite their obvious differences? How can learning a foreign
language be so frustrating for adults, while young children
learning their native language seem to be having fun?
Questions such as these have fascinated people throughout
history, and recent developments in linguistics have begun to
provide some credible answers. The purpose of this course is
to survey the most remarkable findings in this area and
engage in some principled speculation as to what they mean.
This course is open to all students with a healthy curiosity
about language. No other prerequisite. There will be two tests
and a short paper for class presentation.
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 11
Math of Interest
MAT 173-1
Instructor: Ken Kaminsky
Learn how to determine the monthly payments on a house or
car. Find out how much you need to be socking away now to
have a million when you retire. Learn how annuities, perpetuities and life insurance work, and more. Evaluation will be
based on classroom participation, quizzes and a final examination.
Prerequisite: Math Placement Group 111 or IV or consent of instructor
Graduation Skill Requirement: QuantitativeReasoning
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Science 212
Topics/Discrete Mathematics
MAT 481-1
Instructor: Su Doree
Explore the discrete side of mathematics as we consider questions such as ....How many phone numbers start with the 612
area code? What's the shortest route between two cities using
scheduled flights? The term "discrete" refers to separate, distinct
objects such as the whole numbers. Kenneth Rosen, a mathematician at Bell Labs, in the introduction to his text Discrete
Mathematics and Its Applications, explains that ... discrete
mathematics is used whenever objects are counted, when relationships between finite sets are studied and when processes
involving a finite number of steps are analyzed. A key reason
for the growth in the importance of discrete mathematics is
that information is stored and manipulated by computing
machines in a discrete fashion. The course is a rigorous introduction to discrete mathematics including topics such as sets,
logic,,functions, recursions, combinatorics, elementary probability theory and graph theory (as in networks). Algorithmic
thinking and mathematical reasoning is emphasized throughout the course. This course will be a useful and interesting
complement to calculus and continuous mathematics. The
course is intended for students pursuing a mathematics major
or a computer science major with a mathematics minor.
Students are expected to be at least a little familiar with theoretical mathematics and proof. No specific computer experience is expected. Evaluation is based on three examinations
and a small portfolio of homework problems. Please contact
Su Dorke for further information.
Prerequisite: MAT 245
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Science 112
Advanced Computing for Business
MIS 370-1
lnstructoc Kathy Schwalbe
Objectives are to learn concepts underlying creation of Web
pages and business communication via the Internet. Use of
relational databases for advanced queries, forms and reports.
Basics of event-driven programming for solving business
related problems. Students will complete three major projects
and a few minor assignments. The course requires significant
effort on projects and constant access to a computer.
Cooperation with fellow students in learning to apply concepts
is encouraged. A good grasp of MS Access is required or the
willingness to exercise exceptional effort in learning the tool.
Prerequisites: MIS 175 or CSC 170 or consent of the insf~ctor,Math Placement Group 111
Maximum Enrollment 20
Time: I1
Room: Lindell 16
Sounds and Sights of Europe
MUS 179-1
Instructors: Robert Karlen and Roberta Kagin
Much of American history and culture is derived from that of
European cities such as London, Paris and Amsterdam. This
course provides an opportunity to visit some of the great
European cultural centers that provided the impetus for development of cultural life in the New World.
Group discussions and assigned readings increase student sensitivity to architecture and other visual art seen in the museums. Students listen critically to concerts of musical masterpieces heard at each site. Relationships between the various art
mediums come to life through these experiences. There is also
ample time for independent exploration.
Evaluation is based on full participation in all course-related
group activities, a daily professional journal, artlmusic critique
sheets and exams over material covered.
Fee: $2,995 includes all air and surface travel, hotel accommodations, daily continental breakfast, four group meals and tickets to five cultural performances.
Registration for this Interim course must be made before
November 10 at the International Programs Office, CB 307,
Augsburg College, 22 11 Riverside Avenue, Minneapolis, MN
55454. Phone: 330-1655. Offered on a PIN basis only. A meeting
will be held at Augsburg College on Saturday, November 15. For
more information you may call Roberta Kagin at 330- 1273.
Liberal Arts Perspeclive: Aeslhelics
Maximum Enrollmenl: 15
Survey of Rock History and
Musical Style, 195 1 197 1
MUS 204-1
Instructor 0.Nicholas Raths
An introduction to the fundamentals of music and musicology as they occur within the context of Rock's inception
(1950s) and maturation (1960s) periods. This course will
examine the historical background, musical content and
methods of selected artists and their work.
Evaluation will be based on class participation, a comprehensive term paper, exam and a group performance project. For
non-music majors.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Aesthetics
Maximum Enrollment: 30
Time: I1
Room: Music 3
Seminar: Printing Music
at the Computer
MUS 295-1
lnstructoc Stephen "Gabe" Gabrielsen
The program Finale will be explored. This computer program
makes it possible for music students to generate professionallevel musical scores. Daily assignments will be given with the
end goal of developing proficiency at printing music at the
Prerequisite: Note-reading ability
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I (M, W 10-12:OO; b Th 8-1 1:30; F8-1l:OO)
Room: Music Library (first floor Music Bldg.)
Topics: Introduction to Music Theatre
MUS 295- TnHR 295-T
Instructors: Sonja Thompson and Martha Johnson
This interdisciplinary course will be co-taught by music and
theatre faculty. The goal will be to integrate training and performance techniques from music and theatre to help students
gain knowledge, experience and skills in various genres of
music theatre (musicals, opera, plays involving singing and
music, and new music theatre). The course will also explore
the power of music theatre that links it with ritual, ceremony
and spiritual tradition. Another goal of the course is to give
students the opportunity to increase their level of comfort
and skill on stage. The course will culminate in a public performance of scenes from music theatre. Grading will be based
on student scenelrole research, class and rehearsal commitment, and final performance. Interested students will be auditioned in December so that appropriate material can be
assigned to them. Students of all levels are welcome to take
this course.
Liberal Ads Perspective: Aesthetics
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Sateren Auditorium
Topic: History of Caribbean Music
Studied in Miami and Jamaica
(UMAIE Course)
MUS 295-H
Instructor Robert Stacke
Miami and Jamaica are considered the center of Caribbean
music, where composition, recording and world distribution
takes place. This course will explore the world of Caribbean
music through visits to recording studios, clubs where
Caribbean music is performed and neighborhoods that
brought about this music. Also studied in depth will be social
issues that have influenced music such as Reggae. Cities to be
visited are Miami and in Jamaica, Montego Bay, Negrel and
Kingston. Cost is $2,460, which includes all travel, accommodations, breakfast and tuition. Evaluation will be done on
attendance at all sessions, keeping a journal and a final project
with an explanation paper. This is open to all students, not
just music majors.
liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness I
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Beginning Norwegian I
NOR 111-1
Instructor: Frankie Shackelford
This course is for students with no previous background in
Norwegian. It aims to develop basic skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing as tools for communication and for
understanding Norwegian culture. Classroom practice focuses
on both presentation of vocabulary and structures and the
use of the language in everyday contexts. Evaluation will be
based on participation, daily assignments, quizzes and a final
Liberal Arts Perspeclive: lnlercultural Awareness 2
Maximum Enrollmenl: 20
Time: I
Room: Old Main 25
Philosophy of the Emotions
and Passion
PHI 215-1
lnstructor: Mark Fuehrer
An examination of several classical and contemporary philosophical essays on the nature of human emotion and passion
with the intentions of discovering the nature of the role of
this aspect of human nature in the life of a human being.
Students will read, discuss and then write about various
aspects and problems concerned with human emotional life.
We shall explore the impact of emotions upon language,
music, art, interpersonal relations and even religion. The goal
is to provide students with an occasion to think deeply about
this aspect of their humanity. Evaluation will be by written
reports on assigned material and a mid-term and final essay
Liberal Arts Perspective; Human ldenlily
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Old Main 29
Philosophy and the Arts
PHI 260-1
Instructor David Apolloni
We will discuss the nature of art, artistic expression, aesthetic
experience, as well as questions peculiar to the individual arts.
Does the literary artwork exist independently of its author's
intention? Does music have meaning? What is the relationship
between theater and film? Students will be evaluated on the
basis of weekly quizzes, group work, short written assignments
and possibly a project (extra credit) on the Internet.
Liberal Ads Perspective: Aeslhetics
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: 1
Room: Old Main 18
Spreadsheet Physics
PHY 151-1
Instructor: Jeffrey Johnson
Spreadsheets (e.g., Lotus 123, Excel) have been used extensively
in business for years. However, it is also possible to use spreadsheets to solve physics problems without using high-powered
mathematics. Spreadsheets allow the student who is not an
expert in mathematics to experience physics on a more intuitive level. We will use Excel to solve problems in a wide variety
of physics areas including planetary and projectile motion.
This is also a fun way to learn spreadsheets, which have
become very useful in the home. Grading will be based on
spreadsheet projects, homework and a final exam.
Prerequisile: Math Placement Group 111
Graduation Skill Requirement: Quantitative Reasoning
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Science 30
Social Justice in America
POL 140-1
lnstructor: Andrew Aoki
This course requires students to struggle with questions of
social justice in America. Students will develop and defend
their own standards of social justice and use those standards
to assess conditions in urban America. To pass this course,
students must engage in a substantial exchange of ideas with
fellow classmates in class discussions.
The course has two goals: to develop student thinking about
social justice, including greater awareness of conflicts between
justice and other values and to increase student ability to
understand urban problems as issues of justice and other central values.
Evaluation will be based on participation in discussion and
other class activities, on two short (4-6 page) papers and on a
final exam. Because of the compressed time frame of the
Interim schedule and the importance of material covered on
the first day of class, no one will be admitted to the class who
does not attend the first day of class, unless first receiving the
permission of the instructor.
Liberal Arts Perspeclive: The Cily
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Music 24
Gender, Race and Class in
the Mass Media
POL 295-1
Instructor: Susan Riley
How do the mass media intersect with American ideals and
stereotypes in regard to gender, race and class? This course
will explore the images, underlying values and assumptions,
and the impact of U.S. media practices and patterns in rela-
tion to sex and gender, race and ethnicity, and social and economic class status. How are women, racial and ethnic minorities, and working class people portrayed in the mass media in TV dramas and sitcoms, music videos, children's programming, the news, advertising, movies and talk radio?
At the heart of the course will be case studies designed and
conducted by the students (individually or in groups) which
explore in detail some aspect of gender, race and class in the
mass media. Students will present their case study results in a
written paper and in a brief oral report to the class.
Additional course requirements include active class participation and a midterm examination.
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I1
Room: Music 24
Idealism and the Adolescent
PSY 370-1
Instructor: Duane Johnson
Inquiry into the nature and presence of idealism in the life of
the adolescent person. Theoretical bases for such idealism will
be considered. Idealism directed toward other persons and
society will be the main focus.
This course will be conducted as a seminar with a high level
of student contribution and participation. Attendance at each
class session is required. Procedures will include class discussion, frequent short papers and frequent oral reports.
Typewriting or equivalent word processing will be required.
Students are requested to read at least three articles by Robert
Coles before the start of the Interim. Library reference work
will be a part of the course process. Offered only on PIN
Prerequisite: PSY 101 or PSY 102 or PSY 105
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: I
Room: Science 205
Theology of Death and Dying
REL 490-1
Instructor: John Benson
This will be a multidisciplinary course, using materials from
biology, psychology, sociology, history, world religions and
Christian theology proper. It will also be ecumenical, since
some of our theological material will come from Roman
Catholic as well as Protestant sources. Religious traditions
regarding death and the afterlife will be studied, and various
ethical questions related to death and dying will be considered. Field trips in the Twin Cities are also planned. We will
become acquainted with the field of mortuary science, the
hospice movement in the United States and current medical
practices related to the terminally ill. Daily lectures, discussions, quizzes and written assignments will be the format.
Grades will be based on class participation, two tests and oral
presentation of a research project.
Prerequisile: REL 111 or 221
Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 2
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 27
Culture, Family, Sex and Status:
The New Testament Social World
REL 330-1
Instructor: Philip A. Quanbeck I1
This course will approach parts of the New Testament from
the perspective of the social world. It will examine the world
of cultural conflict, accommodation and change, and determine how that shaped the New Testament message and how
the church responded to the challenge. Topics will include
concepts of cultural anthropology such as honor and shame,
the social structures of the family and the city in the GrecoRoman world. Social status will be addressed in the ways it
affected women, men, free persons and slaves. Special attention will be paid to the relation between early Christianity
and Judaism. In the New Testament there will be particular
focus on Luke through Acts, First Peter and aspects of the letters of Paul. Evaluation will be by exam, class
presentationlparticipation and a research paper.
Prerequisile: REL 111 or 221
Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 1
Maximum Enrollmenl: 25
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 13
The Lutheran Heritage
REL 345-1
Instructor: Mark Tranvik
The Lutheran Church is the largest Protestant church in the
world. We will examine its roots in Luther and the
Reformation and trace its history in worship, music and theology to the present day. Questions such as the following will
be addressed: what does it mean to be a Lutheran today and
how might Lutherans relate their faith to political and social
problems? Lectures and discussions will be the format. Guest
speakers will be used. Requirements include class participation and exams.
Prerequisite: Religion 111 or 221
Liberal Arts Perspeclive: Chrislian Faith 2 or 3
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Science 213
Varieties of Christian Spirituality
REL 440-1
lnstructoc Janelle Bussert
A study of selected spiritualities from the Christian tradition
and of contemporary developments, including 12-step spirituality, feminist, ecological and non-Western Christian spiritualities.
An introduction to the basic practices of spirituality, especially
prayer and meditation. Evaluation methods include quizzes,
experiential journals, class presentation and a final paper.
Prerequisite: Religion 111 or 221 or 331
Liberal Ads Perspective: Christian Faith 2 or 3
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I/
Room: Science 112
Sociological Studies of Childhood
SOC 232-1
lnstructoc Rita Weisbrod
In American culture, we have gone from nostalgia and
romanticism regarding children in the early decades of this
century to an increasingly widespread neglect of child welfare. We will examine the social status of children in Western
society focusing on understanding problems in the current
social relationships of children in American society. Students
will develop a journal of their readings and complete an individual project selected from several options.
Maximum Enrollmenl: 20
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 10
Spanish and Latin-American
Culture Through Film
SPA 248-1
lnstructoc Roman Soto
An introduction to the main cultural and political issues
(social conflicts, sexism, race, ethnicity, religion, language,
exile or immigration) that characterized contemporary
Spanish and Latin-America societies as they have been portrayed in films and plays. Developed mainly through the
viewing of films and class discussions, the course is complemented with brief reading and audio-visual materials on the
historic, literary and social aspects that contribute to the
background of these films. Most of the films are in Spanish
with English subtitles, and all the class work is in English. The
evaluation is based on class participation, brief weekly written
assignments and a short term paper.
Liberal Arts Perspective: lntercullural Awareness I
Maximum Enmllment: 20
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 25
Exploring Human Services
S WK 257-1
Instructors: Mary Lou Williams and Lois Bosch
Experiential learning occurs as students volunteer 80 hours in
a service agency or institution that students select. The placement must be approved by course faculty and supervised by
agency staff. The course is designed to help students learn
about themselves in relation to a possible major or future
career in the human services.
The three-hour weekly seminar is devoted to discussions that
assist students in integrating agency experiences and readings
which explore the historical development of social welfare as
an institution and the nature and value system of social work
as a profession. Students will also examine and critique the
manner in which social, economic and political structures
impact diverse groups in society. Students will focus on their
own responsibilities in society, as well as examine their personal value system in relation to special concerns, such as
poverty and the "isms." Detailed information will be sent to
students at the close of Interim registration.
Liberal Arts Perspective: The Cily
Maximum Enmllment: 60
Time: I
Room: Murphy Place 11 1
Field Work Ill
SWK 466-1 (full course)
SWK 466-H (0.5 course)
Instructor: Maria Dinis
This is a continuation of Field Work 11; a total of 60 (for the
0.5 credit option) or 120 hours. Responsible, supervised professional social work experience, including work with individuals, families, groups and communities in a social service
agency. Integrative weekly seminar (two hours). Students will
be evaluated by: 1) weekly theorylpractice papers integrating
course content with work setting, 2) attendancelparticipation
and 3) field site supervisor's evaluation.
Prerequisile: SWK 462
Maximum Enrollmenl: 25
Time: I (class will meet in small groups, no more than 11 at a lime)
Room: Foss 21
Topics: Introduction to Music Theatre
THR 295-T/MUS 295- T
Instructors: Sonja Thompson and Martha Johnson
See course information listed under MUS 295-T.
Introduction to Lesbian and Gay Studies
WST 205-1/405-1
Instructors: Doug Green and Beverly Stratton
This course will be offered at both the 200- and the 400-level.
Both levels of the course are designed to introduce students to
basic issues surrounding sexual orientation in contemporary
U.S. culture: sexual identity, life experiences of
gayllesbianlbisexualltransgender(GLBT) persons, homophobia, heterosexism, etc. In addition, we will explore some GLBT
literature, film andlor theater, history, religionlspirituality and
theory. The course will include guest speakers and a servicelearning component at local GLBTIsupporting agencies. Some
travel and experiences in the city, including an immersion
event outside of class time, are expected. There will be a fee of
up to $50, depending on the size of the class, to cover the cost
of the immersion experience; some speakers' fees; and other
expenses. Both the upper- and lower-level versions of the
course meet the Human Identity or Intercultural Awareness I
perspectives as well as Women's Studies credit. The upperlevel course requires that students act as discussion leaders, do
some additional readings that lead to presentations and a projectlpaper in an area of GLBT studies of interest to them, and
meet separately with instructors for some additional discussion. 205 evaluation: PIN grading only-attendancelparticipation, journal. 405 evaluation: traditional or PlN-attendancelparticipation, journal, presentations, projectlpaper.
Prerequisites: lor 205, none; lor 405, WST 201 or permission of inslructors
Liberal Arts Perspective: Human Identity or Inlercultural Awareness I
Maximum Enrollment: 2 5
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 18
Lifetime Sports
The following activities are available to students during
Interim, and students may register for these classes as well as
for a regular course. These activities do not carry course credit but do meet the lifetime sports requirement for graduation.
Lifetime Sport: Pickleball
HPE 002-P
lnstructor: Brian Ammann
Practice and playing of pickleball. Grading: PIN only.
Graduation Skill Requiremenl: Lifetime Sporf
Maximum Enrollmenl: 20
Time: 12:OO-1:00 M, T# Mi Th, F
Room: Melby Gym-norfh/south courts
Lifetime Sport: Ultimate Frisbee
HPE 002-F
lnstructor: Carol Enke
Practice and playing of ultimate frisbee. Grading: PIN only
Graduation Skill Requirement: Lifelime Sporf
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: 12:OO-1:00 M, T# M! Th, F
Room: Air Slructure
Lifetime Sport: Badminton
HPE 002-8
Instructor Brian Ammann
Practice and playing of badminton. Grading: PIN only.
Graduation Skill Requirement: Lifetime Spod
Maximum Enrollment:20
Time: 11:OO- 12:OO M, I; W Th, F
Room: Melby Gym-nodhhouth couiis
Lifetime Sport: Golf
HPE 002-6
lnstructoc Brian Ammann
Practice in the various shots used in the game of golf.
Grading: PIN only
Graduation Skill Requirement: Lifetime Spod
Maxlmum Enrollment: 16
Time: 1:OO-2:OO M, T; W Th, F
Room: Air Structure
Augsburg is part of a consortium called UMAIE, Upper
Midwest Association for Intercultural Education, which offers
overseas learning experiences during the Interim. Further
information about the following courses can be obtained
from Kathleen Lutfi at the Center for Global Education,
CB 307, Augsburg College, 22 11 Riverside Ave., Minneapolis,
MN 55454 (330-1655). These courses are offered on a PIN
basis only and generally carry a lower division number.
SPP 20 1-1
Art and Music in the Capitals of Europe
Britain and Ireland: Museums, Monuments and Prehistoric Sites
Egypt in Transition
English School and Family
Europe and the Rise of Modern Science
The European Economic Union
Explore Peru's Past and Present
From Auschwitz to Jerusalem
The Greek Experience
Hawaii: Multicultural Communication in Organizational Settings
History of Caribbean Music
Hope and Glory: Christianity in England, France and Germany
Malta: Knights and Crusaders
Many Faces of Japan
New Zealand: Natural History and Development
Paris, Florence, Rome: Art and Aesthetics
Peopling Paradise: Migrants, Missionaries and Money in Hawaii
Roman Italy: City, Town and Country Life
Paris and London: Sculpture in Cities and Environs
Serving Special Needs: A British Perspective
Theater in Britain
Ireland: Understanding Christian Celtic Spirituality
Other Interim Abroad Courses:
Peace and Conflict Studies in Northern Ireland (ACTC Program)
Sounds and Sights of Europe (Augsburg Program)
Other Courses
These courses are offered by institutions or groups not connected with Augsburg College but have been approved for
credit by the College. Most carry a tuition cost plus other
expenses that are the responsibility of the student. They are
offered only on a PIN basis.
The Washington Center 1998
Academic Seminars
Leadership 2000:
A Global Perspective on the Environment
January 4- 16, 1998
POL 398-A
Women as Leaders
January 4- 16, 1998
POL 398-8
Inside Washington: Politics and the Media
January 18-23, 1998
POL 3984
The Washington Center offers a choice of topics during the
first two weeks of the seminar program. During the last week,
one seminar is offered. Augsburg students must register for all
three weeks of the program (January 4-23) in order to receive
academic credit and to receive a scholarship from the College
covering registration and tuition costs.
Credit is available from the Political Science Department for
this program. The course is a passlfail course based on participation in program activities including site visits, small group
seminars and journals.
For information brochures and registration forms ask in
Memorial Hall 1 1 l A or call 330-1320. For further information about the program see Prof. Hedblom in Memorial Hall
117 or call 330-1197. There are five scholarships available to
cover registration and tuition costs based on priority in registration through Prof. Hedblom's office.
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VISITING STUDENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
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Interim is an integral part of the school year at Augsburg
College. The College follows a 4- 1-4 calendar, with Fall and
Spring semesters of approximately 14 weeks separated by a
four-week January Interim. Interim is intended to be a time
for both students and faculty to employ styles of teaching and
learning and to investigate questions and topics in places and
ways not possible during the regular term.
Since one Interim course equals a full-time load, students
should plan to spend the sanie amount of time in class and
preparing for class as they would for a four-course load during Fall or Spring semesters. Students can register for only
one course credit during Interim. There is no tuition refund
for a student who chooses not to enroll in an Interim course.
It is expected that students will attend every class period;
however, each instructor will establish the precise attendance
policy for hislher course.
Most Interim courses are graded traditionally on a 4.0 to 0.0
scale. Students generally have the option to register on a
PassINo Credit basis. A few Interim courses are graded only
on the PIN system; this is indicated in the course description.
Some courses are offered for either upper or lower division
credit. Such Interim courses have two numbers listed and the
student must select which is most appropriate for their needs.
Students registering for upper division credit should anticipate additional assignments and a more rigorous grading
standard. Some courses, especially courses with travel requirements, have additional fees associated with them. These fees,
although intended to be accurate, may change and students
should check with the instructor to verify the final costs.
To graduate, a student under the 34 course Liberal Arts
Perspective requirements is required to complete two
Interim courses, but three Interim courses may count
toward graduation.
For any student entering after January 1993, a maximum of
two Interim course credits may be counted toward the 33
total course credits required for graduation. The number of
required Interim courses is adjusted for transfer students.
Transfer students should refer to their transfer credit evaluation form, or consult the Registrar. Additional Interim credits
which can count toward the 33 course credits required may be
taken by students who repeat a course for credit in which a
grade below 2.0 was earned, or who need to make up for a
regular term in which they failed or withdrew from a course.
Additional Interim courses not counted toward the 33 course
credits required may be used to fulfill other degree requirements. That is, no more than two Interim course credits may
be taken for credit toward 33, but additional Interim courses
may be used to fulfill major, minor or general education
Day School students (3.0 credits or more for Fall) can take a
total of 1.0 course credits. They may take two half credit classes. They may also take a lifetime sport (zero credit). The lifetime sport is at no additional charge if they are full-time (Fall
term). If less than full-time they will be charged.
Weekend students can take 1.0 course credits in Interim as a
cross registration, but will be charged Day School tuition
($1,420.00) per course credit. If they do so they may take only
1.0 additional course credits in Weekend College for Winter
It is the policy ofAugsburg College not to discriminate on the basis of race, creed,
notional or etlirtic origin, age, niarital status, sex or handicap as required by
Title IX ofthe 1972 Educotiotial Atnetidmenis or Section 504 ofthe
Rehnbiliiation Act 011973, as otiietided, it1 its adn~issionspolicies, educotiotlol
programs, activities and eniploynietrt practices.
International Interim - Students are invited to be part of
one of the 24 international Interim courses offered by the
Upper Midwest Association for Intercultural Education
(UMAIE). These course opportunities are listed near the
end of this catalog.
Internships deadline - Friday, December 13. January Interim
internships must be planned in advance. Students electing an
internship must meet departmental requirements and present
a signed internship learning agreement plan to the Internship
Office (Murphy Place, Rm. 8) no later than the last day of Fall
classes (Friday, December 13). The Learning Agreement forms
are available in the same office. Internships during Interim
must involve full-time work placements for approximately
four weeks. Assistance for planning your internship is available in the Internship and Cooperative Education Office.
Independent StudylResearch or Directed Study - Students
may elect a program of independent study (upper division
499) or directed study (lower division 299) for Interim.
Faculty members are strongly discouraged from accepting
responsibility for more than one independent study per
Interim. Students choosing to pursue independent or directed
study must:
1. Meet departmental requirements.
2. Present to the Registrar a copy of the proposed study
plan approved by the supervising faculty member and the
directedlindependent study registration form. These
forms must be submitted by December 1. Appropriate
study proposal and registration forms can be obtained in
the Registrar's Office.
Interims at Other Schools - Augsburg students may enroll at
any other 4-1-4 institution which offers a reciprocal Interim
arrangement. Catalogs of these Interim programs can be consulted in the Registrar's Office. Registration for Interims at the
other ACTC colleges will be at Augsburg during the regular
registration period. Most courses taught during the Interim at
other 4-1-4 schools are accepted for credit by Augsburg, but
may not necessarily be accepted as meeting Augsburg's general education requirements. This qualification particularly
affects courses offered in religion.
Augsburg College welcomes students from other 4- 1-4
schools for the January Interim without tuition charges, provided the student's home institution agrees not to charge
tuition to Augsburg students for the January term. The waiver
of tuition does not include special fees, housing or board
costs. Other students will be charged $1,420 for the Interim
course. Students interested in registering for an Augsburg
Interim should write to the Registrar's Office for application
forms o r use the forms provided by the Interim office at their
own school. There is an application processing fee of $10.
Students are welcome to stay on campus but are not required
to do so. Requests for Interim housing should be made to the
Residence Life Office.
It should be noted that neither ACTC exchange students nor
visiting students may register for 199,299,399 or 499 courses.
November 18 to December 6 ..........Interim Registration
January 6
,.,. .........
............First Day of Interim
Time I-9:00 a.m. (first day)
Time 11-1:00 p.m.
January 7......Last Day to Register or CancelIAdd a Class
January 17 ................................ Last Day for Determining
Grading System with Registrar
January 17........Last Day for Withdrawing from Courses
January 29 ..................................................... Interim Ends
..................................Spring Semester Begins
Interim Grades Due to Registrar
February 7 ....................
February 3
The time, number and length of meetings as well as the
beginning time will be arranged the first day of class. The
daily schedule for Interim is divided into two blocks of time:
Time I: 8:00 a.m. to noon (on the first day Time I classes will
begin at 9:00 a.m.)
Time 11: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Note: Martin Luther King Day will be observed at Augsburg
with a special convocation on Monday, January 20, at 1:OOp.m.
Check with your instructor for class scheduling on this day.
The catalog lists courses by departments in alphabetical order.
At the end of the book are listings of other courses not
offered by Augsburg but recognized by the College for Interim
credit. Additional descriptions and information about these
courses are available in the Interim Office, Memorial 230.
Students may also register for one of the lifetime sports listed
at the end of the catalog.
For more information contact the Office of the Registrar at
330-1036 or the Interim Director, Dr. Earl Alton at 330-1024.
ACC 424-1
lnstructor: Stuart Stoller
Auditing through an interdisciplinary approach. Using techniques discussed in Accounting, Finance, Management,
Marketing and MIS, we examine a business' internal control
systems and operating efficiency. By stepping away from the
traditional textbook approach we incorporate creativity and
discussion. Major topics include: business valuation techniques, Just in Time Philosophy, efficiency improvement techniques, disaster recovery planning and report writing.
Prerequisites: ACC 221 & 222, BUS 242, 252,331, ECO 113, MIS 175 & 379
Graduation Skill Requirements: Speaking, Writing
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I1
Room: Foss Center 43
ART 247-1
lnstructor: Norm Holen
A study of nude figures for art students and non-art students.
The figure will be depicted with graphite pencils in various
settings for varying lengths of time. Grades will be based
upon quality and improvement. There will be a fee of $38 to
be paid on the first day of class.
Liberal Ads Perspective: Aesthetics
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Old Main 17
ART 382-1
Instructor: Kristin Anderson
Within this nineteen-day course, you will explore
Scandinavian culture through its art. Through lectures, discussions, and field visits, you will study the visual arts in
Scandinavia from the Stone Age to the present, including
architecture, folk arts, painting, sculpture and design. You will
live in a dormitory and study with Norwegian students. This
course will be taught in English. The course will be held at
Troderod, an 18th century historic mansion in Moss, a city of
25,000 people on the Oslo Fjord located on the island of Jeloy,
about one hour south of Oslo. The cost for the course is
$2,495 (includes airfare, room and board).
Liberal Arts Perspeclive: Aesthelics
Graduation Skill Requirement: Speaking
Maximum Enrollmenl: 15
BIO 145-1
Instructor Bill Capman
We will use a few historically, economically, and medically
important plants to study some of the ways in which humans
and plants interact, biologically and otherwise. Plants are not
only at the bottom of our food chain but also play a part in
non-food aspects of our lives, either directly (e.g. medicines,
fibers, dyes, etc.) or indirectly (e.g. how food crises have influenced human migrations). We will study the uses, biology,
natural history and classification of several important plants.
Evaluation will be based on three or four forty-minute exams,
several quizzes, and an oral presentation.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Natural World 2
Maximum Enrollmenl: 20
Time: I1
Room: Science 205
BUS 368-1
Instructor Steven LaFave
An examination of current Japanese business practices using a
cultural perspective. A multimedia approach will be employed
involving film, television documentaries, radio speeches, and
readings from current periodicals in addition to text materials. A seminar model will be used, with substantial participation expected on the part of the students.
Students will be evaluated based on a paper, two 20-minute
sessions of seminar leadership, class participation, and a midterm and a final examination. This class should be of interest
to anyone majoring or minoring in International Business or
any field of Business Administration, as well as anyone interested in Japan. Students who cannot attend every class should
not enroll in this course.
Prerequisite: Junior standing or consent of instructor
Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Music 22
BUS 495-1
Instructor: Magdalena Paleczny-Zapp
The transition from centrally-planned economies to market
systems currently taking place in Russia, Central and Eastern
Europe represents one of the most important changes of the
post-Cold War era. These changes carry major implications for
global trade and international business and certainly for U.S.
bilateral interest in this region. This course will provide an
understanding of these changes and will identify the opportunities and most effective ways of doing business and investing
in Russia, Central and Eastern Europe.
Prerequisite: ECO 112
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: I - M, W Th
Room: Memorial 323
CHM 100-1
Instructor: Arlin Gyberg
This course is developed in the perspective of a person living in
a modern, high technology society such as the United States. It
assumes that before one can evaluate a moral or societal issue
of a scientific nature one at the least must be able to understand the science involved. Anything less is an impression
rather than an informed decision. As we develop scientific
concepts we will at the same time relate them to an abundance of current issues. We live in a world of pesticides, fertilizers, plastics, birth control, food abundance and food shortage, food additives and processing and synthesis, organically
and non-organically grown food, chemical dependency, licit
and illicit drugs, the energy crisis and the debates about
sources of energy, the greenhouse effect and nuclear waste
storage, pollution, genetic engineering and much more. Many
of these problems are chemical in nature. Thus, in learning
about chemistry, via lecture and in-class discussion, we can be
helped to understand ourselves, our society, our world and
even some of the universe. The grade for the course is based
on a percentage of the total score for total points on the daily
Prerequisite: Math Placement 2
Liberal Arts Perspective: Natural World 2
Maximum Enroilment: 30
Time: I
Room: Science 315
CSC 270-1
Instructor: Noel Petit
A study of the FORTRAN programming language for students with previous knowledge of computer programming.
This course will expand a student's knowledge of programming and programming languages through presentation of
the features of FORTRAN together with programming techniques for using those features. Students are expected to know
how to do computer programming in some programming
language (such as Pascal) before entering this course.
This course will involve lectures and several programming
assignments in FORTRAN. Evaluation will be based on the
successful completion of assignments and examinations.
Prerequisite: One course which includes programming
Maximum Enrollmenl: 25
Time: I1
Room: Foss 42
CSC 495-1
Instructor: Charles Sheaffer
This course is especially intended for students with no prior
exposure to programming in particular or Computer Science
in general. It will be a laboratory intensive, self-paced course
using the Scheme programming language. We will introduce
an alternative approach to some of the most important concepts of Computer Science including problem solving, simulation, object-oriented programming, functional programming, procedural and data abstraction, and program interpretation. Students with knowledge of programming will benefit
from exposure to the alternative paradigm represented by the
Scheme language and will acquire a concrete understanding
of how these important concepts are actually implemented in
real languages and machines.
Graduation Skill Requirement: Critical Thinking
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I1
Room: Foss Center PO
ECO 110-1
Instructor: Ed Sabella
Study of economic implications of the many problems facing
a metro-urban environment. Fundamental microeconomic
tools introduced to facilitate discussion of various topics, e.g.
health issues, discrimination, education, etc. Course does not
apply toward an Economics, Business Administration or MIS
major and does not apply toward an economics minor.
Three objective examinations.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Cily or Social World 1 or 2
Maximum Enmllment 15
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 29
(0.5 CREDIT)
EDE 375-1
Instructor: Gretchen lrvine
The student will demonstrate knowledge of a developmental
kindergarten philosophy through the study and utilization of
a variety of techniques and resources for teaching kindergarten. Field work in a kindergarten classroom will occur during class meetings. Authentic assessment techniques will be
utilized in class for student evaluation. This is a one-half
credit course.
*Note: This course can be taken along with Hunzan
Relations, EDU 388-1.
Prerequisite: PPST
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Library 1
EDS 495-1
Instructor: Mary Ann Bayless
Why are some things easy for a person to learn while others
seem harder? Why does the same task seem easier at one
moment and more difficult just a few hours later? Why do
some children struggle with seemingly simple assignments
but then suddenly master them? Why do more people suffer
with learning disabilities and weak short-term memory than
ever before? Each of us wants to be an efficient and happy
learner; but most often, no one has shown us how to be our
own lifelong learning coaches. In the last decade, work in
neuro-physiology has given us a whole new set of insights
about how the various parts of the brain actually work to produce learning and high-level functioning. Educational kinesiologists have taken these insights and produced simple but effective ways to increase the learning comfort of each individual.
This course will provide both the theory for each participant
to understand herlhis own unique learning needs and the
practice for becoming an efficient and joyful learner. We will
study learning development, brainlmind function, and the
nature of learning blocks. We will discuss the misuse of brain
dominance theory and learn routines for overcoming learning
blocks and integrating hemisphere functions. There will be
two tests and two demonstrations required of each student,
and upper-division students will have to do two reviews of
relevant research. The course uses two paperback texts. Very
useful for prospective teachers and parents.
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Science 205
EDU 353-1
Instructor: Rich Germundsen
This seminar-style course presents an examination and comparison of selected Western and non-Western educational systems with special attention on Scandinavian and Central
American models. The course also draws attention to our personal responsibilities to educate ourselves to be able to understand and participate in the emerging global society. There
will be lectures, discussions, presentations by students and
guest speakers. Student evaluation will be based on class presentations and investigative projects. International students
are especially welcome to enroll.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Social World 2
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: I
Room: Library 17
EDU 388-1
lnstructoc Joseph Erickson
l'his course is thc study of prcjudicc, discrimination nnd
oplwcssion as i t alli.c~spcrsons of color, the hii~idiciippcci,
limited English speakers and females. Topics include racism,
sexism, homophobia and economic issues. Emphasis is placed
on preparing potential (or practicing) teachers for classrooms,
which will include minority students, different religious backgrounds, the less abled and students at risk. Students will be
expected to summarize readings, view appropriate films and
complete a project. This course satisfies the Minnesota
Human Relations requirement for teachers and social workers.
This is a one-half credit course. It is offered only on a PIN
"Note: This course can be taken along with Discovery Learning
in the World of Kindergarten, EDE 375-1.
Prerequisite: Open to all
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Old Main 23
EDU 491-1
lnstructoc Susan O'Connor
A supervised field placement that serves people with disabilities, plus an on-campus seminar.
Students planning to take this course should consult with the
Special Education Coordinator about a placement prior to
registering for the course.
Students must complete designated hours of fieldwork as well
as written and reading assignments.
Prerequisites: Completion of courses for special educalion minos or consent of instructor.
Maximum Enrollment 9 (This course involves iieldwork supenfision for the faculty member)
Time: l
Room: Library 4
ENG 282-P/482-P
Instructor: John Mitchell
This course will provide an introductory survey of contemporary American poetry by poets whose work has come into
prominence since World War I1 or mid-century. Emphasis will
be given to the vision and sensibility of each poet and to the
themes of their poems, especially those images and statements
that concern philosophical, historical, psychological and cultural values. Through comparison and contrast, students will
be expected to formulate reasonable interpretations of selected
poets and poems and to express their discoveries in class discussion and short papers. A final examination will be given
and two interpretive papers about three to five pages in lengtk
will be assigned. For upper division credit, the student will als
read and give a written class report on a book that discusses
contemporary poetry or a contemporary poet; this choice,
based upon recommendations, must be approved by the
Prerequisites: Intro. to Literature - for students enrolling for upper division credit
Time: I
Room: Old Main 16
ENG 2824
I'nstructor: Joan Griffin
The city has the power either to nourish or corrupt the human
soul. As a garden, the city tames and shapes nature to provide
an environment congenial to humanity. As a wilderness, the
city suggests the lack of moral restraint and self-control. This
course explores these themes in (mostly modern American)
essays, short stories, plays, poetry and films. Taking its cue
from Alfred Kazin's A Walker in the City,the course will
include a service project and field trips in which we will
explore some of the "gardens" and "wildernesses" of the Twin
Cities. Course grades will be based on a journal, two short
papers, class attendance and contributions to discussion.
Preference given to freshmen.
Liberal Arts Perspeclive: The City
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 18
ENG 282-W/482-W
Instructor: Robert Cowgill
This course reassesses the work of the American cinema's
greatest genius, Orson Welles. From his early radio plays with
the Mercury Theater, through his groundbreaking seminal
1941 film, "Citizen Kane," to his later Shakespearean adaptations, students will encounter and study all of the Welles
extant canon. Welles' stylistic impact on other filmmakers will
be examined, as well as the aesthetic choices Welles made in
transferring other literary forms (such as novels and plays) to
cinema. The course will also explore Welles' re-reading of
developing Hollywood studio techniques and formulas (such
as his deepening of the archetypal psychology presented in
classic film noir), and the changing critical reception of his
Students will be responsible for viewing all the films; many of
the screenings will take place outside of class time. A journal,
two short papers and a final video project are required.
' Students registering under ENG 482 will have to write a long
research paper as well.
Prerequisite: ENG 11 1 or equivalent
Liberal Arts Perspective: Aesthelics
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 25
ENG 347-1
Instructors: Cass Dalglish and Boyd Koehler
This course introduces students to computer-assisted informational investigation and the interpretation of quantitative
data in the writing of expository essays and news reports.
Such inquiries will employ contemporary computer-based
information searches coupled with data-driven quantitative
assessment of a public issue of current concern. Students will
prepare projects of publishable quality for presentation and
critique. The course is designed for persons wishing to
explore the use of computer-assisted research for their particular information development interests as well as those
preparing to enter the communication professions.
Prerequisites: ENG 225 or ENG 227 or consent of instructors; MPG 3.
Graduation Skill Requirement: C)uantitativeReasoning
Maximum Enrollment: 11
Time: I1
Room: Library 20
FRE 11 1-1
Instructor: Francoise duRivage
This course is for students with no previous background in
French. It aims to develop basic skills in understanding,
speaking, reading and writing as tools for communication in
French. Through conversations, classroom practice and readings, this course focuses on the use of language in everyday
contexts and works toward the discovery of a French culture
and way of life. Five meetings per week. Evaluation will be
based on class participation, daily assignments, quizzes and
Liberal Arts Perspective: lntercoltural Awareness 2
Maximum Enrollment: 10
Time: I
Room: Old Main 22
GER 111-1
lnstructor: John Van Cleve
The course is for those poor souls who have never studied
German before. By its conclusion, they will be able to speak,
understand, read and write a surprising amount of elementary German. Classes will practice communication in the
European Economic Community's most-spoken language,
supplemented by discussions of German culture. The vocabulary and structures of everyday German will be emphasized.
Grades will be determined on the basis of class participation,
scheduled chapter tests and a f nal exam.
liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 2
Maximum Enmllment: 10
Time: I
Room: Old Main 21
lnstructor: Pary Pezechkian-Weinberg
An introduction to the critical reading of narratives in a
broad range of forms (short stories, novels, songs, films and
comic strips) in English. We will discuss the texts through the
understanding of their structural properties as well as the
social contexts. Selected theoretical readings (in English) prepare students to analyze representative texts (in a second language of their choice). Both the aesthetic and social-historical
aspects of literary analysis will be explored. Class discussion is
a key feature of the course. Evaluation will be based o n classroom presentations, short papers and a final examination o r
paper. Lectures, class discussion and all written work will be
in English. Students may register under their particular
majorlminor language.
Prerequisite: FRE/GER/NOR/SPA 31 1
Liberal Arts Perspective: Aesthetics
Graduation Skill Requirement: Critical Thinking
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I1
Room: Science 112
HPE 114-1
lnstructoc A1 Kloppen
Principles: Practice of safety education in school and community life. National Safety Council First Aid and CPR certification. This is a one-half credit course.
Maximum Enmllmenl: 20
Time: I1
Room: Melby 119
(0.5 CREDIT)
HPE 232-M
lnstructoc Carol Enke
Theory and practice in teaching and performing American
heritage and international folk dances. The majority of the
course grade is based on participation in class activities, a
teaching assignment, and a written test. This is a one-half
credit course.
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Time: I, (KTh & anernate Fridays - 1/7 1/9, 1/10, 1/13, 1/15, 1/21, 1/23, 1/24, 1/28)
Room: Melby Gym - norlh court
H PE 232- W
Instructor Carol Enke
Theory and practice in teaching and performing American
heritage and international folk dances. The majority of the
course grade is based on participation in class activities, a
teaching assignment, and a written test. This is a one-half
credit course.
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Time: I, (TTh & alternate Fridays - 1/7 1/9, 1/14 1/13, 1/15, 1/21, 1/23, 1/24, 1/28)
Room: Melby Gym - north courl
HPE 250-1
Instructor: Staff
Making Connections is designed for students who are interested in learning about contemporary health issues and applying this knowledge to their personal lives and the lives of their
peers. This course provides a wellness-model foundation for
educating self and others about personal health issues. Course
topics include wellness programming issues (e.g. HIVIAIDS,
substance use, meditation), communication skills, multicultural issues and decision-making skills. Students will examine
strategies that promote a healthier campus environment.
The course utilizes many interactive experiences combined
with lecture and group discussion. Classroom activities allow
students to practice and demonstrate skills taught during the
course. Students have the opportunity to assess their own personal level of health. Evaluations include an objective test,
journal entries and a group project.
This course will be useful to students who are interested in
impacting their campus environment as well as those who
have a desire to learn practical skills such as negotiation,
group facilitation and program development. Opportunities
exist for students who successfully complete this course to
work as Peer Helpers with The Center for Counseling and
Health Promotion.
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Murphy Place 101
HPE 320-1
Instructor: Patty Murphy
Techniques for developing a course of study based upon
growth and development for grades K-12. Special work units
in nutrition and diseases. This is a one-half credit course.
Prerequisite: HPE 110
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I - M, Wand alternate F (1/6, 1/8, 1/13, 1/15, 1/17, 1/20, 1/22, 1/27, 1/29)
Room: Melby 202
(0.5 COURSE)
HPE 410-1
Instructor: Patty Murphy
Historical background, legal bases, school health services and
relationships to community health programs and resources.
This is a one-half credit course.
Prerequisite: HPE 110
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I - T; Th andalternate F ( 1 , 1/9, 1/10, 1/14, 1/16, 1/21, 1/23, 1/24, 1/28)
Room: Melby 202
(January 6 - 21, 1997)
HPE 455-1
lnstructor: Joyce Pfaff
Designed for the beginning and intermediate sailor interested
in the art and practice of sailboat cruising. The course will
take the participant to a competent level of sailboat handling
(anchoring, mooring, helming and crewing). The student will
live aboard a 43' - 46' fixed keel sailboat with five to six other
people and will function as an active crew member. Actual
on-the-water instruction will be the major part of the course.
Sailing will include cruises to the various islands and cays in
the British and American Virgin Islands. Snorkeling and
windsurfing will be available on an optional basis. Some classes
will be held in December prior to leaving for the Virgin Islands
in January.
The course cost is $2,800, which includes airfare for Augsburg
day students and qualifying 4-1-4 students. Others will have to
pay regular Interim tuition in addition to this course cost in
order to receive academic credit. PIN ONLY.
Applications may be picked up from the office of Joyce Pfaff,
Melby Hall, Augsburg College. They must be turned in with
deposit and appropriate signature before final acceptance is
Prerequisite: Permission from Joyce Plan of the Health and Physical Education
Deparlment (612) 330- 1247; no smoking is allowed; basic swimming skills
Graduation Level Skill: Liletime Sporl; also one course credit upper division
Maxlmum Enrollment: 8 (a waiting list will be kept after the original eight spots are filled)
HPE 475-1
Instructor: A1 Kloppen
Emphasis placed on preventing and treating common athletic
injuries. Practical experience in taping and training room procedures. This is a one-half credit course.
Prerequisites: El0 103, HPE 350
Maximum Enrollment: 24
Time: I - M, W andallernate F(1/6, 1/8, 1/13, 1/15, 1/17, 1/20, 1/22, 1/27, 1/29)
Room: Melby 119
HPE 477-1
Instructor: Brian Ammann
Theory and technique. Administrative aspects of coaching basketball. This is a one-half credit course.
Maximum Enrollment: 24
Time: I1 - Tj Th andalternate F(1/7, 1/9, 1/10, 1/14, 1/16, 1/21, 1/23, 1/24, 1/28)
Room: Melby 202; Gym
HPE 483-1
Instructor: Marilyn Florian
Theory and technique. Administrative aspects of coaching
volleyball. This is a one-half credit course.
Maximum Enrollment: 24
Time: I1 - M, W andallernale F ( 1 6 1/8, 1/13, 1/15, 1/17, 1/20, 1/22, 11/27, 1/29)
Room: Melby 202; Gym
HIS 162-//HIS 462-1
lnstructor: Don Gustafson
This interim experience is designed to look at the area of
South Asia (primarily India) that is home to one-fifth of the
people of our world. We'll use novels, films, some standard
historical writings and current South Asia periodicals to consider the impact that colonialism, nationalism and various
phases of modernization have had on this old, honored and
traditional culture. We'll read the marriage ads and talk about
social structure, consider the spot at Ayodhya that has
prompted Hindus to massacre Muslims, think on the Christlikeness of a Gandhi, and perhaps have time to note one or
two of the contemporary religious phenomena. Looking at
South Asians helps us to see ourselves in a fuller perspective.
The course will include the usual pedagogical devices of
lectures, discussions, some short reaction papers and tests
(including a final).
Students enrolling for upper division credit will be expected
to have at least one prior college history class, to complete a
paper or project beyond the regular assignments, and to be
tested apart from lower division students.
Liberal Ads Perspeclive: lnlercullural Awareness 1
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Murphy Place 100
HIS 331-1
Instructor: Chris Kimball
Many people believe that the Civil War was the most important event in the history of the United States, one that transformed the nature of American society. Put more broadly, the
years between the mid-1840s and the late 1870s saw questions
about such fundamental principles as slavery and freedom
resolved; others, however, continue to trouble us to this day.
This course, then, offers a survey of the causes, issues and
consequences of the nation's bloodiest conflict. Topics to be
considered include slavery and anti-slavery, Manifest Destiny,
the growing sectional conflict, the origins of the Republican
Party, the clash of arms, the changing role of women, popular
religion, the transition from slave to free labor in the South,
and post-slavery race relations.
The course will include lectures, discussions, a variety of primary and secondary readings, and films. Grading will be
based on participation, several short writing assignments, a
mid-term and a final.
Prerequisite: One history course or consent of inslructor
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Old Main 13
HON 213-1
Instructors: Jeanne Boeh & Jacqueline devries
Does history influence economic theory? Or does economic
theory shape history? This course will explore the history of
western economic thought and how these writings affected
the development of various economic systems. The course
begins with the rise of mercantilism in the 16th century.
Topics will include the industrial take-off and the creation of
a waged-labor force in the 18th century, the rise of laissez-
faire economic principles and "free-trade" imperialism in the
19th century, and the subsequent challenges of communism
and the rise of the welfare state in the 20th century. We will
read substantial portions of the classic economic thinkers,
including Adam Smith, Thomas Malthus, David Hume,
Jeremy Bentham, David Ricardo, Sidney and Beatrice Webb,
Karl Marx, Max Weber, Alfred Marshall, Thorstein Veblen,
John Maynard Keynes, William Beveridge and Milton
Friedman. The course will also address the long-standing issues
of child labor, poverty and women's roles in the work force.
Students will be evaluated using class participation, discussion
and writing assignments, including a short term paper and a
take-home final.
Prerequisite: Honors Program student or consent of Honors Program Director
Liberal Arts Perspeclive: Social World 1 or 2
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Old Main 18
HUN 401-I/HON 401-R
Instructors: Larry Crockett and Bruce Reichenbach
We will explore the historical background of the contemporary debate regarding how religion relates to science, and then
attend to contemporary developments, especially the new
integrationists. We will also look at the implications of the
chaos and complexity theory for the doctrine of divine creativity. The goal is to involve students in constructing for
themselves a model for understanding relations between the
two areas. Two tests, class presentations and a research paper
will be required.
Prerequisites: Parlicipant in Honors Program or permission of instructor
Liberal Arts Perspeclive: Christian Faith 3
Maximum Enrollment: 20 per section
Time: I
Rooms: Foss Center 20/Library 20
INS 120-1
Instructor: Ann Fleener
Students will participate in a series of seminars following the
Paideia seminar format as developed by Mortimer Adler and
Paideia Associates. Students will read selected readings that
will then be discussed in Paideia seminars. Students will also
view selected films for seminar discussions; develop andlor
hone habits of mature, intellectual talk; observe seminars conducted in a St. Paul public school; evaluate their own behaviors during seminars; and lead seminars.
Graduation Skill Requirement: Critical Thinking
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Science 319
INS 199/399-1
Instructors: Garry Hesser/Lois Olson/Mary Laurel True
Interested in hands-on experience and making a difference?
In this Interim course you will work, learn and serve through
an interdisciplinary team internship approach. You will spend
approximately 20-30 hours per week at a local neighborhood
non-profit internship site working on a special project with
three or four other students. Your internship team will have
hands-on experience in an agency that strives to meet the
needs of the community, and you will develop a better understanding of organizations that are a part of the city and why
and how they function. Two mornings a week you will meet
in a seminar with all the internship teams to share experiences
and explore ideas and insights into the critical issues of urban
communities and organizations. Students will complete short
seminar exercises, set team internship goals, keep an individual journal and make a final group presentation of their
internship. Upper-division students will be expected to make
more advanced analysis, connecting theories of coursework
and concepts of their major and the liberal arts to the work
experience and seminar assignments. Grading: PIN only
Liberal Arls Perspective: City
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I1
Room: Murphy Place 111
INS 210-1
Instructor: William D. Green
This course introduces college students to the experiences of
first-year law students. We will examine the nature of
American jurisprudence and legal theories that law students
study in their first year, discuss the academic and emotional
pressures that first-year students typically face, explore ways
to cope with these pressures, and develop legal reasoning and
writing skills.
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 16
INS 21 1-1
Instructor: Sandra Olmsted
Do you enjoy talking about science and technical topics, but
just can't find an audience? We'd love to listen! Through a
series of four oral assignments, you will have the opportunity
to talk science to your fellow scientists, improve on your oral
presentation skills in a variety of formats, learn to effectively
organize a speech, prepare visual aids, and listen to and learn
about other science topics and science policy from your fellow scientists.
Prerequisiles: One year of an introductory-level science course
Gradualion Skill Requirement Speaking
Maximum Enrollment: 16
Time: I1
Room: Science 319
INS 225-1
lnstructor: Amin Kader
This course is designed by a practicing Muslim to present his
perception of Islam to Non-Muslims. The course will cover the
ideological foundations of Islam, its basic concepts and tenets,
Islamic law (Shari'ah), Islamic economic and political systems,
and Islamic patterns of life. There will also be discussions on
the differences between the Islamic sects (Sunnis, Shi'its, Sufis,
etc.). Some effort will be made to deal with the similarities and
differences between Islam and both Christianity and Judaism.
Students will also visit one of the mosques in the Twin Cities.
Evaluation is based on two tests and a paper.
Liberal Ads Perspeclive: intercultural Awareness 1
Maximum Enrollment: 30
Time: I
Room: Old Main 27
INS 264-1
Instructor: Eric Buffalohead
Various images of the North American Indian, created by
Hollywood and television, will be studied. Films from 1913 to
the present will be viewed in order to provide an understanding of how American Indians were portrayed in film historically, how this image has evolved over the past century, and how
it is reflective of Western cultural ideologies.
Liberal Ads Perspective: Intercullural Awareness 1
Time: 6-10 p.m.
Room: Old Main 16
MAT 121-1
lnstructor: Su Doree
What does math have to do with the "real world"? Lots! In this
course we'll learn about finances, probability, statistics and
applied geometry. Class will be a mix of short lectures and
small group "hands-on" activities.
Evaluation is based on full participation, daily homework sets,
a "math matters" journal, and four brief projectslpapers.
There will not be any quizzes or exams.
This course is primarily intended for students in MPG 3 who
have not previously taken another Quantitative Reasoning
Prerequisite: Math 3
Graduation Skill Requirement: Ouanlilalive Reasoning
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Science 212
MAT 281/481-I
Instructor: Rebekah Valdivia
In this course, we will discuss and analyze mathematical models of biological phenomena. The mathematical techniques we
will use build on ideas from calculus. Many of the techniques
will involve a graphical approach, and we will make use of
technological tools (graphing calculators and Maple, for
example). Course evaluation will include homework, projects
and examinations. The course will be offered at both the 400
level (recommended prerequisite - MAT 245 or MAT 145, and
junior or senior level standing in a Division of Sciences
major), and at the 200 level (recommended prerequisite MAT 145). Non-mathematics majors who are interested are
strongly encouraged to find out more about the class by contacting the instructor.
Prerequisite: See course description
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Science 112
MUS 179-1
lnstructoc Robert Karlen/Hoberta Metzler
Much of American history and culture is derived from that of
European cities such as London, Paris and Amsterdam. This
course provides an opportunity to visit some of the great
European cultural centers that provided the impetus for
development of cultural life in the New World.
Group discussions and assigned readings increase student
sensitivity to architecture and other visual art seen in the
museums. Students listen critically to concerts of musical
masterpieces heard at each site. Relationships between the
various art mediums come to life through these experiences.
There is also ample time for independent exploration.
Evaluation is based on full participation in all course-related
group activities, a daily professional journal, arttmusic critique sheets, and exams over material covered.
Fee: $2,995 includes all air and surface travel, hotel accommodations, daily continental breakfast, four group meals and
tickets to five cultural performances.
Registration for this interim must be made before November
10 at the International Programs Office, 620 22nd Avenue
South, Minneapolis, MN 55454. Phone: 330-1655. Offered on
a PIN basis only. A meeting will be held at St. Thomas on
Saturday, November 18. For more information you may call
Roberta Metzler at 330-1273.
Liberal Arls Perspective:Aeslhelics
Maximum Enrollmenl: 32
STYLE, 1951-1971
MUS 204-1
Instructor: 0. Nicholas Raths
An introduction to the fundamentals of music and musicology as they occur within the context of Rock's inception
(1950s) and maturation (1960s) periods. This course will
examine the historical background, musical content and
methods of selected artists and their work.
Evaluation will be based on class participation, a comprehensive term paper, exam and a group performance project. For
non-music majors.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Aesthetics 1, 2
Maximum Enrollmenl: 30
Time: I1
Room: Music 3
MUS 295-1
Instructor Stephen "Gabe" Gabrielsen
The program "Finale" will be explored. This computer program makes it possible for music students to generate professional-level musical scores. Daily assignments will be given
with the end goal of developing proficiency at printing music
at the computer.
Prerequisite: Note-reading ability
Maximum Enrollmenl: 20
Time: I ( M N 10-12:OO; T/Th 8-1 1:30; F 8-1 1:OO)
Room: Music Library (1st floor Music Bldg.)
MUS 295- TflHR 295-T
Instructor: Sonja Thompson, Martha Johnson
This interdisciplinary course will be co-taught by Music and
Theatre faculty. The goal will be to integrate training and per-
formance techniques from music and theatre to help students
gain knowledge, experience and skills in various genres of
Music Theatre (musicals, opera, plays involving singing and
music, and new music theatre). The course will also explore
the power of Music Theatre that links it with ritual, ceremony
and spiritual tradition, seen cross-culturally in ancient Greek
drama, Chinese Opera and Japanese Kabuki. Another goal of
the course is to give students the opportunity to increase their
level of comfort and skill on stage. The course will culminate
in a public performance of scenes from Music Theatre.
Grading will be based on student scenelrole research, class and
rehearsal commitment, and final performance. Interested students will be auditioned in December so that appropriate
material can be assigned to them. Students of all levels are welcome to take this course.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Aesthetics
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Sateren Auditorium
PHI 231-1
Instructor: David Apolloni
Course content includes the historical and intellectual background of Socrates and the question, "What d o we know of the
person and teachings of the historical Socrates?" Socrates' key
teachings will be studied: virtue is a form of knowledge and all
virtues are identical; evil is a form of ignorance; whether or
not virtue can be taught; it is impossible for wrongdoers to be
happy; and obeying the law and accepting the death penalty.
Liberal Arts Perspeclive: Western Heritage
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Old Main 29
PHY 337-1
Instructor Stuart Anderson
The quest to understand how light and matter interact is at
the heart of modern physics, and lasers are probably the most
ubiquitous technical product of these ideas. This course will
begin with a short overview of optics needed for understanding imaging, beam control and dispersion, including the
nature of light, reflection, refraction and interference. The
stage is then set for treating super-radiant devices and lasers
and analyzing the effects of cavity design on output characteristics. The course will conclude by applying these concepts to
the study of atoms and molecules via the emission, absorption and scattering of light. Considerable emphasis will be
placed on laboratory experiences and scientific communication; only one-third of the class time will be used for formal
lectures and discussion. Grades will be determined on the
basis of weekly evaluation of laboratory notebooks, oral and
poster presentations, and two examinations.
Prerequisites: PHY 121, 122, 245 (or equivalenl) and MAT 124, 125, 224 (or 145, 146,
Graduation Skill Requirement: Speaking
Maximum Enrollment: 10
Time: I1
Room: Science 30
POL 140-1
Instructor: Andrew Aoki
This course requires students to struggle with questions of
social justice in America. Students will develop and defend
their own standards of social justice and use those standards
to assess conditions in urban America. To pass this course,
students must engage in a substantial exchange of ideas with
fellow classmates in class discussions.
The course has two goals: to develop student thinking about
social justice, including greater awareness of conflicts between
justice and other values and to increase student ability to
understand urban problems as issues of justice and other central values.
Evaluation will be based on participation in discussion and
other class activities, on two short (4-6 pp.) papers and on a
final exam. Because of the compressed time frame of the
Interim schedule and the importance of material covered on
the first day of class, NO ONE WILL BE ADMITTED TO
OF CLASS, unless first receiving the permission of the
Liberal Arfs Perspective: The City
Maximum Enrollmenl: 25
Time: I
Room: Music 24
POL 295-//POL 495-1
Instructor: Mary Ellen Lundsten
During 1996, elections in Israel, Russia and the United
States-as well as political violence in Israel and Lebanoncreated a new context for the Middle East negotiation process.
This course will explore these changes and provide deeper
background for understanding the intractability of the ArabIsraeli conflict.
Drawing upon several theories of conflict and conflict resolution, we will study the historical development of the clash
between different nationalist claims to the land that Israelis
and Palestinians consider their home. How this conflict drew
in neighboring Arab states and superpower interests will be
reviewed. The strategic bargaining positions of the major participants will be analyzed as well as the roles of the United
States and United Nations in the conflict area, known as the
Arab Mashriq. Additional regional factors, such as radical
Islamic movements and tensions in the Persian Gulf, will be
analyzed for their impact on the longer-term negotiation
process. We will consider the potential for geo-political
expansion of the conflict into nearby regions.
Students will present two small oral presentations and one
major oral critique of analytic articles (for 295 credit) and
books (for 495 credit). A mid-term examination and class discussion will provide additional evaluations. Feature length
films from Middle East film producers will complement
course readings and lectures.
Graduation Skill Requirement Speaking
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I1
Room: Music 24
PSY 105-1
lnstructor: Grace Dyrud
An introduction to the methods and approaches used in psychology for the purpose of understanding behavior.
Applications of psychological concepts to everyday situations
are emphasized. Evaluation is based on tests and reports.
Libenl Ads Perspective: Human Identity
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Music 23
PSY 335-1
lnstructor: Nancy Steblay
The course will address psychological issues in law, with
specific emphasis on police procedures, eyewitness memory
and jury trials. Attention will also be given to issues of mental
illness and criminal justice. Grading will be based on tests,
written work and classroom participation.
Prerequisites: PSY 105 or 102
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 10
PSY 370-1
Instructor: Duane Johnson
Inquiry into the nature and presence of idealism in the life of
the adolescent person. Theoretical bases for such idealism will
be considered. Idealism directed toward other persons and
society will be the main focus.
This course will be conducted as a seminar with a high level
of student contribution and participation. Attendance at each
class session is required. Procedures will include class discussion, frequent short papers and frequent oral reports.
Typewriting or equivalent word processing will be required.
Students are requested to read at least three articles by Robert
Coles before the start of the interim. "Adolescents and Moral
Develpment" by Coles is scheduled for publication and will
likely be a text for the course. Library reference work will be a
part of the course process. Offered only on PIN basis.
Prerequisites: PSY 102 or PSY 105
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: I
Room: Old Main 25
REL 330-1
Philip A. Quanbeck, I1
This course will approach parts of the New Testament from
the perspective of the social world. It will examine the world
of cultural conflict, accommodation and change, and determine how that shaped the New Testament message and how
the church responded to the challenge. Topics will include
concepts of cultural anthropology such as honor and shame,
the social structures of the family, and the city in the GrecoRoman world. Social status will be addressed in the ways it
affected women, men, free persons and slaves. Special attention will be paid to the relation between early Christianity
and Judaism. In the New Testament there will be particular
focus on Luke through Acts, First Peter and aspects of the letters of Paul. Evaluation will be by exam, class
presentationlparticipation and a research paper.
Prerequisiles: REL 111 or 221
Liberal Arts Perspective: Chrislian Faith 1 or 3
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 27
REL 341-1
lnstructor: Brad Holt
The course will help students think knowledgeably and critically about the intersections of health and religion. The content will include a study of biblical roots, historical influences
in church and medicine, and contemporary trends. The relationship of scientific technology, alternative medicine, prayer
and sacraments will be considered. Evaluation will be on the
basis of a class presentation and paper, spot quizzes and one
Prerequisites: REL 111 or 221
Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Failh 3
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Old Main 16
REL 343-1
lnstructor: Cathy Paulsen
Marriage has been described in terms of a free fall, a decision
that we often make with a portion of our brain and all of our
heart. This course will take nothing from the heart, whether
you are married or not. It will, however, increase your certainty and the possibility for meaning and intimacy in your
life with a partner. In the context of Christian teachings,
many theories will be studied, with particular attention given
to the work of C.G. Jung, and will be applied to the marital
relationship primarily, and to the family secondarily.
There will be lectures, discussions and visiting resource persons. Evaluation will be based on class participation, one
paper and two tests.
Prerequisites: REL 11 1 or REL 221 or permission of instructor
Liberal Ads Perspective: Christian Faith 3
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Music 23
REL 345-1
lnstructor: Mark Tranvik
The Lutheran Church is the largest Protestant church in the
world. We will examine its roots in Luther and the
Reformation and trace its history in worship, music and theology to the present day. Questions such as the following will
be addressed: What does it mean to be a Lutheran today?
How might Lutherans relate their faith to political and social
problems? Lectures and discussions will be the format. Guest
speakers will be used. Requirements include class participation and exams.
Prerequisites: Religion 111 or 221
Liberal Ads Perspeclive: Christian Faith 2 or 3
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Science 213
REL 385-1
Instructor: Lynne Lorenzen
This course introduces students to the relational world view
of process philosophy and examines how it has influenced
Christian faith and ethical deliberations. Special attention will
be given to the writings of John B. Cobb Jr., as a representative of process theology. Classes will include videos, small
groups and some lectures to introduce topics. Ethical issues
addressed in the class include killing, abortion, human sexual-
ity and euthanasia. Grades will be based on a paper (10-15
pages), a presentation of the paper to the class and class participation.
Prerequisites: REL 111 or REL 221
Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 2 or 3
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Music 22
SWK 257-1
Instructors: Mary Lou Williams and staff
Experiential learning occurs as students volunteer 80 hours in
a service agency or institution that students select. The placement must be approved by course faculty and supervised by
agency staff. In the context of this volunteer experience, students have the opportunity to interact with human service
professionals, clients and communities of diverse culturelethnic heritage and special concerns (age, socio-economic status,
lifestyles, developmental/physical abilities, gender, etc.). The
course is designed to help students learn about themselves in
relation to a possible major or future career in the human services.
The three-hour weekly seminar is devoted to discussions that
assist students in integrating agency experiences and readings
which explore the historical development of social welfare as
an institution and the nature and value system of social work
as a profession. Students will also examine and critique the
manner in which social, economic and political structures
impact diverse groups in society. Students will focus on their
own responsibilities in society, as well as examine their personal value system in relation to special concerns, such as
poverty and the "isms". Detailed information will be sent to
students at the close of Interim registration.
Liberal Arts Perspective: The City
Maximlim Enrollment: 60
Time: I
Room: Murphy Place 111
S WK 466-l(ful1 course)
SWK 466-H (0.5 course)
lnstructor: Maria Brown
This is a continuation of Field Work 11; a total of 60 or 120
hours (.5 course option during Interim). Responsible, supervised professional social work experience, including work with
individuals, families, groups and communities in a social service agency. Integrative weekly seminar (two hours). Students
will be evaluated by: 1) weekly theorylpractice papers integrating course content with work setting; 2) attendancelparticipation, and 3) field site supervisor's evaluation.
Prerequisile: SWK 462
Maximum Enrollmenl: 25
Time: I (class will meet in small groups, no more than 11 at a lime lor purpose of room
Room: Old Main 11
SOC 21 1-1
Instructor: Gordon Nelson
This course will examine the extent to which the experience of
community is possible in the context of the metropolitan situation. The course will focus on the Twin Cities metropolitan
area. Each member of the class will be responsible for a class
presentation, which must reflect on-site observation in a particular locale within the metropolitan area. In addition, class
participation and a final examination will be the basis for
evaluating performance in the course.
Liberal Ads Perspeclive: The City
Maximum Enrollmenl: 25
Time: I
Room: Foss 21
THR 295-T/MUS 295- T
Instructor: Sonja Thompson, Martha Johnson
See course information listed under MUS 295-T.
THR 226-1
Instructor: Staff
In this course students will explore the principles and styles
of movement. The goal will be to increase the student's ability
to communicate through movement, by examining the principles of discipline, freedom, clarity, timing, concentration
and rhythm. Masks and improvisation will be introduced as
tools for corporeal expression. All different aspects of movement will be explored: body stance, facial expression, gesture,
walking, etc. Movement exercises will be built around short
scenes and improvisation. There will be an intense dance
warm-up each session.
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Theatre- south court
The following activities are available to students during Interim
and studerlts may register for these classes as well as for a
regular course. These activities do not carry course credit but
do meet the lifetime sports requirement for graduation.
HPE 002-A
Instructor: A1 Kloppen
Participation and practice in aerobic dance activities.
Graduation Skill Requirement: Lifetime Sport
Maximum Enrollment: 45
Time: 12:OO-1:00 M, 7; U: TH, F
Room: Gym - center court
HPE 002-P
Instructor: Brian Ammann
Practice and playing of pickleball. Grading: PIN only.
Graduation Skill Requirement: Lifetime Spoti
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: 12:OO-1:OOM, 7; U: TH, F
Room: Gym - nortWsouth courts
HPE 002-F
Instructor Marilyn Florian
Practice and playing of ultimate frisbee.
Graduation Skill Requirement: Liletime Sport
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: 12:OO-1:00M, b U: TH, F
Room: Air Structure
Augsburg is part of a consortium called UMAIE, Upper
Midwest Association for Intercultural Education, which offers
overseas learning experiences during the Interim. Further
information about the following courses can be obtained
from Kathleen Lutfi at the Center for Global Education, 620
22nd Avenue S. (330- 1655). These courses are offered on a
PIN basis only and generally carry a lower division number.
SPP 201-1
Astronomy Down Under (New Zealand)
AustraliaS Business Climate
Caring for Others: The Swedish Model
Drawing a Literary Map of Norway
The English School and Family
Exploring British Democracy Through Literature and Culture
Innovation and Organization in Scandinavia
Intermediate Spanish Language and Culture in Southern Spain
Luther, B ~ c hand Bonhoefier: Three Influential Lutherans in
Roman Germany: The Impact and Legacy of Empire
The Trojan War: Myth and Legend
These courses are offered by institutions or groups not connected with Augsburg College but have been approved for
credit by the College. Most carry a tuition cost plus other
expenses that are the responsibility of the student. They are
offered only on a PIN basis.
Academic Seminars
POL 398-A
POL 398-8
POL 3984
POL 398-0
The Washington Center offers a choice of topics during the
first two weeks of the seminar program. During the last week,
one seminar is offered. Augsburg students must register for all
three weeks of the program (December 30-January 20) in
order to receive academic credit and to receive a scholarship
from the College covering registration and tuition costs.
Credit is available from the Political Science Department for
this program. The course is a passlfail course based on participation in program activities including site visits, small group
seminars and journals.
For information brochures and registration forms ask in
Memorial Hall 11lA or call 330-1320. For further information about the program see Prof. Hedblom in Memorial Hall
117 or call 330-1 197. There are five scholarships available to
cover registration and tuition costs based on priority in registration through Prof. Hedblom's office.
Show less
OPTIONS ...................... 4
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
CALENDAR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
..... ..... .......
UMA... Show more
OPTIONS ...................... 4
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
CALENDAR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
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UMAl E COURSES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
ALSOON . . . . . . . . 44
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
Interim is an integral part of the school year at Augsburg
College. The College follows a 4-1-4 calendar, with Fall
and Spring semesters of approximately 14 weeks separated by a four-week January Interim. Interim is particularly intended to be a time for both students and faculty to employ styles of teaching and learning and to
investigate questions and topics in places and ways not
possible during the regular term.
Since one Interim course equals a full-time load, students should plan to spend the same amount of time in
class and preparing for class as they would for a fourcourse load during Fall or Spring semesters. Students
can register for only one course credit during Interim.
There is no tuition refund for a student who chooses
not to enroll in an Interim course.
Most Interim courses are graded traditionally on a 4.0
to 0.0 scale. Students generally have the option to register on a Pass/No Credit basis. A few Interim courses
are graded only on the P/N system; this is indicated in
the course description.
Some courses are offered for either upper or lower division credit. Such Interim courses have two numbers
listed and students must select which is most appropriate for their needs. Students registering for upper division credit should anticipate additional assignments
and a more rigorous grading standard. Some courses,
especially courses with travel requirements, have additional fees associated with them. These fees, although
intended to be accurate, may change and students
should check with the instructor to verify the final
To graduate, a student under the 34-course Liberal Arts
Perspective requirements is required to complete two
Interim courses, but three Interim courses may count
toward graduation.
For any student entering after January 1993, a maximum of two Interim course credits may be counted
toward the 33 total course credits required for graduation. The number of required Interim courses is adjusted for transfer students. Transfer students should refer
to their transfer credit evaluation form, or consult the
Registrar. Additional Interim credits which can count
toward the 33 course credits required may be taken by
students who repeat a course for credit in which a
grade below 2.0 was earned, or who need to make up
for a regular term in which they failed or withdrew
from a course.
Additional Interim courses not counted toward the 33
course credits required may be used to fulfill other
degree requirements. That is, no more than two Interim
course credits may be taken for credit toward 33, but
additional Interim courses may be used to fulfill major,
minor or general education requirements.
Day School students (3.0 credits or more for Fall) can
take a total of 1.0 course credits. They may take two
half credit classes. They may also take a lifetime sport
(zero credit). The lifetime sport is at no additional
charge if they are full-time (Fall term). If less than fulltime they will be charged.
Weekend students can take 1.0 course credits in Interim
as a cross registration, but will be charged Day School
tuition ($1,350.00) per course credit. If they do so they
may take only 1.0 additional course credits in Weekend
College for Winter Trimester.
It is the policy ofAugsburg College not to discriminate on the basis of race,
creed, national or ethnic origin, age, marital status, sex or handicap as
required by Title IX ofthe 1972 Educational Amendments or Section 504 of
the Rehabilitation Act of1973, as amended, in its admissions policies, educational programs, activities and employment practices.
International Interim - Students are invited to be part
of one of the 24 international Interim courses offered by
the Upper Midwest Association for International
Education (UMAIE). These course opportunities are
listed near the end of this catalog.
Internships deadline - Friday, December 8. January
Interim internships must be planned in advance.
Students electing an internship must meet departmental
requirements and present a signed internship learning
agreement plan to the Internship Office (Murphy Place,
Rm. 8) no later than the last day of Fall classes (Friday,
December 8). The Learning Agreement forms are available in the same office. Internships during Interim
must involve full-time work placements for approximately four weeks. Assistance for planning your
internship is available in the Internship and
Cooperative Education Office.
Independent or Directed Study - Students may elect a
program of independent study (upper division 499) or
directed study (lower division 299) for Interim. Faculty
members are strongly discouraged from accepting
responsibility for more than one independent study per
Interim. Students choosing to pursue independent or
directed study must:
1.Meet departmental requirements.
2. Present to the Registrar a copy of the proposed
study plan approved by the supervising faculty
member and the directed/independent study registration form. These forms must be submitted by
December 1. Appropriate study proposal and registration forms can be obtained in the Interim Office.
Interims at Other Schools -Augsburg students may
enroll at any other 4-1-4 institution which offers a reciprocal Interim arrangement. Catalogs of these Interim
programs can be consulted in the Interim Office. The
Interim Secretary will help students in applying for registration at other schools. Registration for Interims at
the other ACTC colleges will be at Augsburg during the
regular registration period. Most courses taught during
the Interim at other 4-1-4 schools are accepted for credit
by Augsburg, but may not necessarily be accepted as
meeting Augsburg's general education requirements.
This qualification particularly affects religion courses .
Augsburg College welcomes students from other 4-1-4
schools for the January Interim without tuition charges
provided the student's home institution agrees not to
charge tuition to Augsburg students for the January
term. The waiver of tuition does not include special
fees, housing or board costs. Other students will be
charged $1,350 for the Interim course. Students interested in registering for an Augsburg Interim should
write to the Interim Director for application forms or
use the forms provided by the interim office at their
own school. There is an application processing fee of
$10. Students are welcome to stay on campus but are
not required to do so. Requests for Interim housing
should be made to the Interim Office.
It should be noted that neither ACTC exchange students nor visiting students may register for 199,299, or
499 courses.
Nov 13 to Dec 5
........................Interim Registration
Jan 3 ............................................First Day of Interim
Time I-9:00 a.m. (first day only)
Time 11-1:00 p.m.
Jan 4
.......................................Last Day to register or
Cancel/Add a class
Jan 12...................................... Last Day to Determine
Grading System with Registrar
Jan 12................Last Day to Withdraw from Courses
Jan 26 ...................................................... Interim Ends
Jan 30 .................................... Spring Semester Begins
Feb 2 ......................Interim Grades Due to Registrar
The time, number and length of meetings as well as the
beginning time will be arranged on the first day of
class. The daily schedule for Interim is divided into
two blocks of time:
Time I: 8:00 a.m. to noon (on the first day Time I
classes will begin at 9:00 a.m.)
Time 11: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Note: Martin Luther King Day will be observed at
Augsburg with a special convocation on Monday, January
15, at 1:00 p.m. Check with your instructor for class scheduling on this day.
The catalog lists courses by departments in alphabetical
order. At the end of the book are listings of other courses
not offered by Augsburg but recognized by the College
for Interim credit. Additional descriptions and information about these courses are available in the Interim
Office, Memorial 230. Students may also register for one
of the lifetime sports listed at the end of the catalog.
Interim Office (Memorial 230)
Interim Secretary, Kay Thomsen, 330-1025
Interim Director, Dr. Earl Alton, 330-1025
ACC 424-A
Instructor: Stuart Stoller
Auditing through an interdisciplinary approach. Using
techniques discussed in Accounting, Finance,
Management, Marketing & MIS, we examine a business' internal control systems and operating efficiency.
By stepping away from the traditional textbook
approach we incorporate creativity and discussion.
Major topics include: business valuation techniques,
Just in Time Philosophy, efficiency improvement techniques, disaster recovery planning and report writing.
Prerequisites: ACC 221 & 222, BUS 242, 252, 331, ECO 113, MIS 175 & 379
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I1
Room: Foss Center 43
ART 247-A
Instructor: Lynn Bollman
This course is designed for students with an interest in
drawing the human figure. In addition to drawing
from nude models, students will pursue a general study
of human anatomy (as it relates to art), and will become
more knowledgeable about the use of the nude as a
subject in art. Students will use various drawing
media, will study a variety of drawing approaches, and
will apply general design concepts to their figure drawings.
A fee of $35 will need to be paid to the instructor on the
first day of class.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Aesthetics
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Old Main 17
ART 360-A
Instructor: Philip Thompson
Design concepts using descriptive and experimental
techniques in transparent watercolor.
Requirements include a minimum of 20 watercolor projects plus an active and developing sketch book.
Evaluation will be based on quality of work, progress
over time, and participation.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Aesthetics
Maximum Enrollment: 18
Time: I
Room: Old Main 4
610 145-A
Instructor: Esther McLaughlin
We will use a few historically, economically, and medically important plants to study some of the ways in
which humans and plants interact, biologically and otherwise. Plants are not only at the bottom of our food
chain but also play a part in non-food aspects of our
lives, either directly (e.g. medicines, fibers, dyes, etc.) or
indirectly (e.g. food crises have influenced human
migrations). We will study the uses, biology, natural
history, and classificationof several important plants.
Evaluation will be based on three or four 40-minute
exams, several quizzes, and an oral presentation.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Natural World 2
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I1
Room: Science 205
910 140-A
910 340-A
Instructors: William Capman and Dale Pederson
The Florida Keys provide an excellent site for study of
natural history and ecology of marine, coastal and subtropical communities. This class will spend about 2 1/2
weeks in Florida based at the Newfound Harbor Marine
Institute located on Big Pine Key. The Institute offers
laboratory facilities, ocean-going research platforms,
housing and a dining hall. Field trips to coral reefs
(Looe Key National Park), tide pools, turtle grass flats,
mangrove islands and upland hammocks will be led by
professional naturalists from the Institute. Organisms
and communities will be studied on site and in the laboratory. Research projects will be initiated shortly after
arrival at the station in order to provide opportunity to
gather data over a period of several days. Visits to
Pennicamp State Park, Key West and the Everglades will
be included.
Evaluation will be based on:
BIO 140: (1)Field and laboratory records, (2) Personal
journal, (3) Quizzes at the Marine Institute, 4) Final exam.
Prerequisites for 810 140: Any one of the following courses or their equivalents .
BIO 101, 102, 103, 113, 114, or by permlsslon 01 lnslruclor.
BIO 340: (1)Field and laboratory records, (2) Personal
journal, (3) Quizzes at the Marine Institute, (4) Written
report of the research project, (5) Final exam.
Prerequisites for BIO 340: BIO 351 (Invertebrate Zoology) or BIO 481 (Ecology), or by
permlsslon 01 inslruclor.
Estimated cost of the course: $1500 plus air fare
(includes all ground transportation, housing, and meals
while at the Institute). Contact instructors for details.
Prerequisites: See above
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Time: I1
Room: Science 225
BUS 295-A
Instructor: John C. Cerrito
The object of this class is to provide students who are
not majoring in business with entrepreneurial skills for
starting and running a small business.
The student will be exposed to various asp~*cts small
business management and will he r ~ r l u i ~ . rlod ptnrparea
business plan for a "model" business. Thtl s turjcnt will
be evaluated on the basis of the "model" plan, on tests,
and performance on small business case studies.
Maximum Enrollment: 10
Time: I1
Room: Murphy Place 101
BUS 495-A
Instructor: Thomas Morgan
Can organizations learn? If so, how and what should
organizations learn? How can we as members of organizations help 'teach' them what they need to learn?
Searching for answers to these and other questions will
be the central focus of this Special Topics course.
Participants will dcvclop and rvfinc "systcms thinking"
skills and learn hclw lo apply tliem lo tqca1slrategic situations. Alteri~ativcyc~.spcctivcson thc 1iat111-e
and function of organizations in theory and in practice will be
explored through reading, seminar discussions and
field trips to local organizations. Working in collaborative teams, participants will develop a 'hands on' project based on actual organizations. Evaluation will be
based on two short critical essays and a group project
Prerequisites: BUS 242 & ECO 113, or permission of instructor
Graduation Skill: Critical Thinking
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: /I
Room: Foss 21
CHM 100-A
Instructor: Arlin Gyberg
This course is developed in the perspective of a person
living in a modern, high technology society such as the
United States. It assumes that before one can evaluate a
moral or societal issue of a scientific nature one at the
least must be able to understand the science involved.
Anything less is an impression rather than an informed
decision. As we develop scientific concepts we will at
the same time relate them to an abundance of current
issues. We live in a world of pesticides, fertilizers, plastics, birth control, food abundance and food shortage,
food additives and processing and synthesis, organically and non-organically grown food, chemical dependency, licit and illicit drugs, the energy crisis and the
debates about sources of energy, the greenhouse effect
and nuclear waste storage, pollution, genetic engineering, and much more. Many of these problems are
chemical in nature. Thus, in learning about chemistry,
via lecture and in-class discussion, we can be helped to
understand ourselves, our society, our world, and even
some of the universe. The grade for the course is based
on a percentage of the total score for total points on the
daily quizzes.
Prerequisite: Math Placement 2
Liberal Arts Perspective: Natural World 2
Maximum Enrollment: 30
Time: I
Room: Science 315
CSC 160-A
Instructor: Larry Ragland
Use of the computer as an information accessing tool
through e-mail, Internet, newsgroups, and remote
access to the library; an introduction to computer science topics in hardware, software, and theory. Grading
is based on homework and exams.
Prerequisite: Math Placement Group 3
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: I1
Room: Foss Center 20
CSC 272-A
Instructor: Charles Sheaffer
Study of UNIX operating system and the C programming language. It is assumed that the student has a
knowledge of programming methods and has done
programming in some other language.
Prerequisite: CSC 170 or programming in some other language
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I1
Room: Library 20
ECO 110-A
Instructor: Ed Sabella
Study of economic implications of the many problems
facing a metro-urban environment. Fundamental
microeconomic tools introduced to facilitate discussion
of various topics, e.g. health issues, discrimination, education, etc. Course does not apply toward an
Economics, Business Administration or MIS major.
Does not apply towards an economics minor.
Three objective examinations.
Liberal Arts Perspective: City or Social World 1 or 2
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: 11
Room: Old Main 29
EGO 113-A
Instructor: Satya Gupta
An introduction to microeconomics, the theory of the
household, firm, market structures, and income distribution. Application of elementary economic theory to
market policy. May be taken independently of 110 or
112. Weekly tests.
Prerequisite: Math Placement Level 2
Liberal Arts Perspective: Social World 1 or 2
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: I
Room: Music 22
EDE 375-A
Instructor: Gretchen lrvine
The student will demonstrate knowledge of a developmental kindergarten philosophy through the study and
utilization of a variety of techniques and resources for
teaching kindergarten. Field work in a kindergarten
classroom will occur during class meetings. Authentic
assessment techniques will be utilized in class for student evaluation. This is a one-half credit course.
*Note: This course can be taken along with Human
Relations, EDU 388-A.
Prerequisite: PPST
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Library 1
EDS 495-A
Instructor: Mary Ann Bayless
Why are some things easy for a person to learn while
others seem harder? Why does the same task seem easier at one moment and more difficult just a few hours
later? Why do some children struggle with seemingly
simple assignments but then suddenly master them?
Why do more people suffer with learning disabilities
and weak short term memory than ever before? Each of
us wants to be an efficient and happy learner, but most
often, no one has shown us how to be our own life-long
learning coaches. In the last decade, work in neurophysiology has given us a whole new set of insights
about how the various parts of the brain actually work
to produce learning and high level functioning.
Educational kinesiologists have taken these insights and
produced simple but effective ways to increase the
learning comfort of each individual.
This course will provide both the theory for each participant to understand her/his own unique learning needs
and the practice for becoming an efficient and joyful
learner. We will study learning development,
braidmind function, and the nature of learning blocks.
We will discuss the misuse of brain dominance theory
and learn routines for overcoming learning blocks and
integrating hemisphere functions. There will be two
tests and two demonstrations required of each student,
and upper division students will have to do two
reviews of relevant research. The course uses two
paperback texts. Very useful for prospective teachers
and parents.
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Science 112
EDU 353-A
Instructor: Rich Germundsen
This seminar-style course presents an examination and
comparison of selected Western and non-Western educational systems with special attention on Scandinavian
and Central American models. The course also draws
attention to our personal responsibilities to educate ourselves to be able to understand and participate in the
emerging global society. There will be lectures, discussions, presentations by students, and guest speakers.
Student evaluation will be based on class presentations
and investigative projects.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Social World 2
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: I
Room: Library 17
EDU 388-A
Instructor: Joseph Erickson
This course is the study of prejudice, discrimination,
and oppression as it affects persons of color, the handicapped, limited English speakers, and females. Topics
include racism, sexism, homophobia, and economic
issues. Emphasis is placed on preparing potential (or
practicing) teachers for classrooms which will include
minority students, different religious backgrounds, the
less abled and students at risk. Students will be expected to summarize readings, view appropriate films, and
complete a project. This course satisfies the Minnesota
Human Relations requirement for teachers and social
workers. This is a one-half credit course. It is offered
only on a P/N basis.
*Note: This course can be taken along with Discovery
Learning in the World of Kindergarten, EDE 375-A.
Prerequisite: None- Open to all
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Library 1
EDU 491-A
Instructor: Susan O'Connor
A supervised field placement in a school focusing on
how children with disabilities are included into the
classroom, plus on-campus seminar.
Students planning to take this course should consult
with the Special Education Coordinator about a placement prior to registering for the course.
Students must complete designated hours of field-work
as well as written and reading assignments.
Prerequisite: Completion of courses for special education mino< or consent of instructos
Maximum Enrollment: 9
Time: I1
Room: Libraty 17
ENG 269-A
Instructors: Ron Palosaari/Douglas Green
A study of live theatre in London. Students see at least
ten performances and visit museums, galleries, historical sites, and other attractions of London and surrounding areas including Stratford and Oxford. Evaluation
will be based on attendance at required plays, participation in discussions, three short papers, and a short final
exam. Fee: $2,595 includes travel, accommodations,
breakfast daily, ten theatre performances, and four
group dinners.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Aesthetics
Maximum Enrollment: 30
ENG 362-A
Instructor: Cass Dalglish
The ACTC writing workshop is an advanced-level creative writing course, open to three students from each
of the five ACTC colleges and held this year at
Augsburg College. This year's course is designed to
encourage student writers to use memories of the past
as they create their own new work. Writers will dig for
details of the past in urban ruins of old neighborhoods,
sifting through social history found in button jars and
stacks of 78 RPM records in antique stores; they will
harvest myth from diverse cultures; collect stories from
elders living in Minneapolis today; and investigate
cemeteries, churches, and even an occasional museum.
Student writers must have successfully completed at
least one creative writing course and must have the recommendation of a creative writing instructor at their
home campus, but they may choose to work in poetry,
fiction, literary nonfiction or to cross over among the
three during this interim workshop. Meeting times will
include: (1)expeditions into the city in search of the
past; (2) group sessions to talk about the old stories
gathered; (3) group sessions to discuss new work created during the Interim and to sort through layers of past
deposited in the new work: (4) individual conferences
and/or small workshop sessions.
Prerequisite: At least one creative writing course and written recommendation of ACTC
home campus creative writing instructor:
Maximum Enrollment: 3 students from each ACTC college
Time: I1
Room: Science 319
ENG 482-A
Instructor: Joan Griffin
Paradise Lost has been called "the story of all things."
Above all the poem is about relationships: Between
women and men; humans and the environment;
Christianity and pagan tradition; justice and mercy; service and servitude; rebellion and freedom, to name a
few. Although this course will survey Milton's major
works, it will emphasize his greatest poem. Evaluation:
papers, microthemes and class presentations.
Prerequisite: ENG 245
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Old Main 18
FRE 111-A
Instructor: Pary Pezechkian-Weinberg
This course is for students with no previous background in French. It aims to develop basic skills in
understanding, speaking, reading, and writing as tools
for communication in French. Through conversations,
classroom practice and readings, this course focuses on
the use of language in everyday contexts and works
toward the discovery of a French culture and way of
life. Five meetings per week. Evaluation will be based
on class participation, daily assignments, quizzes and
Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 2
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 25
a rA
This course will be useful to students who are interested in impacting their campus environment as well as
those who desire learning practical skills such as negotiation, group facilitation, and program development.
Opportunities exist for students who successfully complete this course to work as Peer Helpers with The
Center for Counseling and Health Promotion.
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Melby 202
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HPE 390-A
Instructor: Patty Murphy
Principles: methods of instruction applied to health
education grades K-12. Emphasis upon teaching/learning strategies and student assessment. Evaluation and
development of materials included. This is a one-half
credit course.
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Melby 121 - (MWF)
HPE 410-A
Instructor: Patty Murphy
Historical background, legal basis, school health services and relationships to community health programs
and resources. This is a one-half credit course.
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Melby 121 - (TTH)
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HPE 455-A
Instructor: Joyce Pfaff
Designed for the beginning and intermediate sailor
interested in the art and practice of sailboat cruising.
The course will take the participant to a competent level
of sailboat handling (anchoring, mooring, helming, and
crewing). The student will live aboard a 43 to 46 foot
fixed keel sailboat with 5 to 6 other people and will
function as an active crew member. Actual on-thewater instruction will be the major part of the course.
Sailing will include cruises to the various islands and
cays in the British and American Virgin Islands.
Snorkeling and windsurfing will be available on an
optional basis. Some classes will be held in December
prior to leaving for the Virgin Islands in January. No
smoking is allowed.
The course cost is $2,800, which includes airfare, for
Augsburg day students and qualifying 4-1-4 students.
Others will have to pay regular Interim tuition to
receive academic credit. P/N ONLY.
Applications may be picked up from the office of Joyce
Pfaff, Melby Hall, Augsburg College. They must be
turned in with deposit and appropriate signature before
final acceptance is given.
Prerequisite: Permission from Joyce Pfaff of the Health and Physical Education
Department (612) 330-1247; basic swimming skills
Graduation Level Skill: Lifetime Spoh also one course credit upper division
Maximum Enrollment: 8 (a waiting list will be kept after the original eight spots are filled)
HPE 475-A
Instructor: A1 Kloppen
Emphasis placed on preventing injuries. Treatment of
common athletic injuries. Practical experience in taping
and training room procedures. This is a one-half credit
Maximum Enrollment: 16
Time: I
Room: Melby 119 (MNand alternate Fridays1/22, 1124- 9 meetings)
1/3, 1/5, 1/8, 1/10, 1/15, 1/17, 1/19,
HPE 481-A
Instructor: A1 Kloppen
This course will focus on developing a philosophy
toward sports officiating. Students will acquire a
knowledge of: Federation Rules (high school), mechanics of two person officiating, and procedures and steps
of beginning an officiating career. Students will apply
knowledge in practical game type experiences. There
will be a written evaluation and quizzes on rules and
mechanics of officiating basketball. This is a one-half
credit course.
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I1
Room: Melby 119 (TTh and alternate Fridays1/23, 1/25)
114. 115. 1/9, 1/11, 1/16, 1/18, 1/19,
HIS 162-A
HIS 462-A
Instructor: Don Gustafson
This interim experience is designed to look at the area
of South Asia (primarily India) that is home to one-fifth
of the people of our world. We'll use novels, films,
some standard historical writings and current South
Asia periodicals to consider the impacts that colonialism, nationalism and various phases of modernization
have had on this old, honored and traditional culture.
We'll read the marriage ads and talk about social structure, consider the spot at Ayodhya which has prompted
Hindus to massacre Muslims, think on the Christ-likeness of a Gandhi and perhaps have time to note one or
two of the contemporary religious phenomena.
Looking at South Asians helps us to see ourselves in a
fuller perspective.
The course will include the usual pedagogical devices
of lectures, discussions, some short reaction papers and
tests (including a final).
Students enrolling for upper division credit will be
expected to have had at least one prior college history
class, will complete a paper or project beyond the regular assignments, and will be tested apart from lower
division students.
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Murphy Place 100
HIS 440-A
Instructor: Staff
This course is intended for History majors and others
who have an interest in upper division history. Please
see Richard Nelson, Department Chair, for actual topic
and other particulars.
Prerequisite: One college level history course.
Maximum Enrollment: 30
Time: I
Room: Science 205
HON 213-A
Instructors: Jeanne Boeh & Jacqueline deVries
Does history influence economic theory? Or does economic theory shape history? This course will explore
the history of western economic thought and how these
writings affected the development of various economic
systems. The course begins with the rise of mercantilism in the 16th century. Topics will include the industrial take-off and the creation of a waged labor force in
the 18th century, the rise of laissez-faire economic principles and "free-trade" imperialism in the 19th century,
and the subsequent challenges of communism and the
rise of the welfare state in the 20th century. We will
read substantial portions of the classic economic
thinkers, including Adam Smith, Thomas Malthus,
David Hume, Jeremy Bentham, David Ricardo, Sidney
and Beatrice Webb, Karl Marx, Max Weber, Alfred
Marshall, Thorstein Veblen, John Maynard Keynes,
William Beveridge and Milton Friedman. The course
will also address the long-standing issues of child labor,
poverty, and women's role in the workforce.
Students will be evaluated using class participation, discussion, and writing assignments including a short term
paper and a take-home final.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Social World 1 or 2
Maximum Enrollment: 30
Time: I
Room: Science 213
HON 401-A
Instructors: Larry Crockett and Bruce Reichenbach
We will explore the historical background of the contemporary debate regarding how religion relates to science, and then attend to contemporary developments,
especially in chaos and complexity theory, as they relate
to the doctrine of divine creativity and philosophical
naturalism. The goal will be to involve students in constructing for themselves a model for interpreting relations between the two areas. In addition to taking two
tests, students will be required to make a class presentation, conduct the discussion, and to write a significant
research paper.
Prerequisite: Participant in Honors prooram
Maximum Enrollment: 35
Time: I
Room: Foss Center 20
INS 120-A
Instructor: Ann Fleener
Students will participate in a series of seminars following the Paideia seminar format as developed by
Mortimer Adler and Paideia Associates. Students will
read selected readings which will then be discussed in
Paideia seminars. Students will also view selected
films for seminar discussions; develop and/or hone
habits of mature, intellectual talk; observe seminars
conducted in a St. Paul Public School; evaluate their
own behaviors during seminars and will lead seminars.
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Science 319
INS 225-A
Instructor: Amin Kader
This course is designed by a practicing Muslim to present his perception of Islam to non-Muslims. The
course will cover the ideological foundations of Islam,
its basic concepts and tenets, Islamic law (Shari'ah),
Islamic economic and political systems, and Islamic
patterns of life. There will also be a consideration of
the differences between the Islamic sects (Sunnis,
Shi'its, Sufis, etc.). There will also be some effort to
deal with the similarities and differences between Islam
and both Christianity and Judaism, and a visit to one of
the mosques in the Twin Cities.
Evaluation - two tests and a paper.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Intercultural Awareness 1
Maximum Enrollment: 30
Time: I
Room: Science 212
INS 3 15-A
Instructors: Blanca-Rosa Egas and Victoria Littlefield
With a focus on the recognition that humans must live in
harmony with the ecology that surrounds them, this
course will include a week-long cruise to the Galapagos
Islands and several visits to the capital city of Quito.
Both of these places have been declared Patrimonio de la
Humanidad (Heritage Areas of Humankind) by the
United Nations. We will also visit Vilcabamba, one of
three sanctuaries of longevity in the world. Our journey
then takes us to the Amazon rainforest, where we
explore the tropical ecosystem and see how this distinctive habitat has influenced the culture of the people who
live there.
Evaluation: Students are evaluated on two written
reports on interactions with Ecuadorians and critical
analysis related to course content, a reflection essay
paper, attendance, and group participation.
The comprehensive fee of $4,095 includes all air and surface travel, hotel accommodations in Quito and
Vilcabamba, breakfast daily, one lunch, three dinners,
Galapagos Islands yacht cruise (all meals included), rain
forest stay (all meals included), and touring as indicated.
For more information contact Blanca-Rosa Egas at 3301713, or Vicki Littlefield at 330-1155.
Prerequisite: Basic Spanish
Maximum Enrollment: 30
MAT 173-A
Instructor: Rebekah Valdivia
Learn how to determine the monthly payments on a
house or car. Find out how much you need to save
now to be a millionaire when you retire. Learn how
annuities, perpetuities, and life insurance work, and
more. Evaluation will be based on class participation, a
portfolio of five realistic problems that have been
worked out and explained, and a midterm and final
Prerequisite: Math placement group 3 or higher
Graduation Level Skill: Quantitative Reasoning
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Science 212
MAT 251-A
Instructor: Larry Copes
This course is a study of Book 1 of Euclid's Elements,
which is sometimes cited as the most-frequently published book ever other than the Bible. Book 1 of the
Elements ends with the Pythagorean Theorem,
Proposition 47. We'll first work backward from that
theorem, considering propositions Euclid cites in proving it (46,41, and 4), and then the propositions he cites
in proving those propositions, and so on, gaining familiarity with about 30 major propositions but especially
34,4, and 3, the ones most used. We'll consider other
logically-sound ways of arranging these propositions
and think about the aesthetic reasons Euclid made his
arrangement. After getting to Proposition 1, we'll consider the common notions, definitions, and postulates,
learn about how attempts to prove Euclid's fifth postulate led to non-Euclidean geometry in the nineteenth
century, and see more logically rigorous geometric
axiom systems of the twentieth century. Then we'll
read the book forward, seeing how the other propositions fit in and seeing how they lend insight into
Euclid's aesthetic choices.
Prerequisite: MAT 145,AUGMENT (Calculus I)
Liberal Arts Perspective: Western Heritage
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Science 213
MAT 481-A
Instructor: Steve Zheng
"During World War 11, British military leaders asked
scientists and engineers to analyze several military
problems: the deployment of radar and the management of convoy, bombing, antisubmarine, and mining
operations. The application of mathematics and the scientific method to military operations was called operations research. Today, the term Operations Research (or
often, management science) means a scientific approach
to decision making, which seeks to determine how best
to design and operate system, usually under conditions
requiring the allocation of scarce resources." - Wayne
L. Winston
The main objectives of this course are the discussion of
several mathematical models used in operations
research (OR) and the use of mathematics and the existing computer packages (such as LINDO) in solving
real-life problems in OR. Students in applied mathematics, economics, business and any management-related area are encouraged to take this course. The evaluation is based on homework assignments, two tests and
one final project.
Prerequisite: MAT 245,Calculus 111 and Linear Algebra, or equivalent, or consent of
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Science 1I2
MUS 179-A
Instructor: Robert Karlen/Roberta Metzler
Much of American history and culture is derived from
that of European cities such as Munich, Prague, Vienna,
and Budapest. This course provides an opportunity to
visit some of the great Central and Eastern European
cultural centers that provided the impetus for development of cultural life in the New World.
Group discussions and assigned readings increase student sensitivity to architecture and other visual art seen
in the museums. Students listen critically to concerts of
musical masterpieces heard at each site. Relationships
between the various art mediums come to life through
these experiences. There is also ample time for independent exploration.
Evaluation is based on full participation in all courserelated group activities, a daily professional journal,
art/music critique sheets, and exams over material covered.
Fee: $2,995 includes all air and surface travel, hotel
accommodations, continental breakfast daily, four
group meals, and tickets to five cultural performances.
Registration for this interim must be made before
November 10 at the International Programs Office, 620
22nd Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55454. Phone:
330-1655. Offered on a P/N basis only. A meeting will
be held at St. Thomas on Saturday, November 18. For
more information you may call Roberta Metzler at 3301273.
Liberal Arfs Perspective: Aesthetics
Maximum Enrollment: 30
MUS 204-A
Instructor: 0. Nicholas Raths
An introduction to the fundamentals of music and
musicology as they occur within the context of Rock's
inception (1950s) and maturation (1960s) periods. This
course will examine the historical background, musical
content, and methods of selected artists and their work.
Evaluation will be based on class participation, a comprehensive term paper, exam, and a group performance
project. For non-music majors.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Aesthetics
Maximum Enrollment: 30
Time: I1
Room: Music 3
MUS 295-A
Instructor: Robert Stacke
Miami and Jamaica are considered the center of
Caribbean music where composition, recording, and
world distribution takes place. This course will explore
the world of Caribbean music through visits to recording studios, clubs where Caribbean music is performed,
and neighborhoods that brought about this music. Also
studied in depth will be social issues that have influenced music such as Reggae. Cities to be visited are
Miami; and in Jamaica, Montego Bay, Negrel, and
Kingston. This course will be done in conjunction with
the Center for Global Education.
Cost is $2,795 from Minneapolis/St. Paul, which
includes all travel, accommodations, meals and tuition
for Augsburg day students and qualifying 4-1-4 students.
Evaluation: Two tests will be given on readings and
lectures. Grading: 20% of the final grade will be based
on participation in discussions, 4O0/0 on the two tests,
and 40% on final project.
Maximum Enrollment: 20
MUS 394-A
Instructor: Sonja Thompson
Opera Workshop is a course designed to give singeractors an opportunity to perform staged scenes from
various music-theater genres, with piano accompaniment. It expands upon existing opportunities for
singers (i.e., choir, chamber music, recitals) by including
dramatic training, and addresses the unique combination of singing plus acting. It is also suitable for theater
students who are interested in increasing their musical
skills, and for student pianists who wish to gain experience working with singers and/or the music-theater
genre. Students will be auditioned by the instructor,
then assigned to appropriate ensembles from opera,
musical theater, operetta and new music-theater.
Sources will include as wide a variety as possible in
terms of musical style, ensemble size, genres. The
course will culminate with a public performance in
Sateren Auditorium at the end of Interim. Students will
be evaluated in areas of attendance, effort, participation, and attitude.
Activities will include both group and one-on-one
instruction in the following areas: Body/voice warmups; lecture/class discussion on topics of interest (i.e.,
vocal technique, acting technique, stage fright, auditions, etc.;) rehearsals and individual coachings; visit to
rehearsal of local opera company, if possible; mock
auditions; staged and costumed performance of scenes
Prerequisite: Audition by Instructor
Graduation Level Skill: Speaking
Maximum Enrollment: 30
Time: /I
Room: Sateren Auditorium
Instructor: Frankie Shackelford
This course is for students with no previous background in Norwegian. It aims to develop basic skills in
speaking, listening, reading, and writing as tools for
communication and for understanding Norwegian culture. Classroom practice focuses on both presentation
of vocabulary and structures and the use of the language in everyday contexts. Evaluation will be based
on participation, daily assignments, quizzes, and a final
Liberal Arts Perspective: lnlercultural Awareness 2
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Old Main 2 5
PHI 231-A
Instructor David Apolloni
We shall examine the historical and intellectual background of Socrates and what our sources allow us to
say about his person and teachings. We shall clarify
and critically examine Socrates' key teachings: that
virtue is a form of knowledge and that all virtues are
somehow one; that evil is ignorance; whether or not
virtue can be taught; that it is impossible for a wrongdoer to be happy; that being a citizen requires obedience to the state's laws, even if this means accepting
one's own death. There will be take-home written
assignments and weekly quizzes.
Liberal Ads Perspeclive: Weslern Herilage
Maximum Enrollmenl: 20
Time: I
Room: Music 2 3
PHI 295-A
lnstructor: Mark Fuehrer
An in-depth study of the mystical and philosophical
writings of the medieval mystic, Meister Eckhart. We
will carefully define mysticism and categorize its different types. Eckhart's mystical writings will be studied
and an attempt to relate his doctrine to his philosophical views on God, the soul, and the world. Students
will keep a journal and present papers on selections
from Eckhart's writings.
Prerequisite: One course in philosophy or permission of professor, ENG 11 1
Graduation Level Skill: Writing
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I
Room: Old Main 22
POL 295-A
lnstructor: Mary Ellen Lundsten
Middle East conflicts and negotiation processes have
remained in the news for decades. To understand the
issues and political factors operating in the area we will
examine Palestinian-Israeli relations within a regional
framework, reviewing how conflict escalated from communal tensions to regional and international war.
Lectures and readings will highlight historical developments and describe how secret bilateral negotiations
and formal international agreements have been
achieved. Students will consider future prospects for
regional peace, emphasizing Israeli relations with Syria
and Lebanon, militant Islamic groups in the region and
tensions in the Persian Gulf.
Readings from texts and recent articles as well as films
from Middle Eastern film-makers will form the basis for
class discussions. This course fulfills the speaking component of the graduation skills requirement. Students
will present two short discussions and one 15-minute
oral critique.
Prerequisite: One course in political science or international relations
Graduation Level Skill: Speaking
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: I1
Room: Science 319
POL 495-A
Instructor: J. Agnieszka Rybczynska
The course will consider developments in Eastern and
East Central Europe since the Fall of the Berlin Wall in
1989. Its focus is on the transformation of political systems in the Czech and Slovak Republics, Hungary and
Poland, with some attention to other countries in
Eastern Europe.
The course will discuss the theoretical aspects of system
transformation and the causes and consequences of the
events of the 1989 revolutions in East Central Europe.
Special attention will be paid to democratization, constitutional processes, institution building, and the
development of civil society after the break-up of communism. These developments will be treated in historical, geopolitical, and ethno-cultural context.
The course will include lecture and discussion.
Requirements: a short discussion paper, class participation, and a 10-15 page research paper.
Maximum Enrollment: 30
Time: I1
Room: % t h m ~ W ?
mus/.c 2 4
PSY 105-A
Instructor: Grace Dyrud
An introduction to the methods and approaches used
in psychology for the purpose of understanding behavior. Applications of psychological concepts to everyday
situations are emphasized.
Evaluation: Tests and reports.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Human Identity
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Music 23
PSY 340-A
Instructor: Norm Ferguson
This course will explore concepts of self from psychological, cultural, and theological perspectives. A variety
of myths and symbols will be examined to gain knowledge about how they function as representations of the
"self ."
The objective of the course is to gain a deeper understanding of one's self and of how conceptualizations of
"self" are molded by a variety of social, cultural, and
historical influences. The content of the course will
include topics such as: the impact of science on myth;
the mythologies of romantic love, war, and peace; the
process of individuation; and metaphors of psychological transformation.
Class time will be devoted mainly to the discussion of
assigned readings. Students will be expected to be prepared for class by doing the readings and to be actively
involved in the class discussions. Students will be
given some of the responsibility for leading discus-
sions. Evaluation will be based on class participation
and four or five short (600-900 word) papers.
Prerequisite: PSY 102 or 105
Maximum Enrollment: 16
Time: I
Room: Foss Center 43
PSY 370-A
Instructor: Duane Johnson
Inquiry into the nature and presence of idealism in the
life of the adolescent person. Theoretical bases for such
idealism will be considered. Idealism directed toward
other persons and society will be the main focus.
This course will be conducted as a seminar with a high
level of student contribution and participation.
Attendance at each class session is required.
Procedures will include class discussion, frequent short
papers, and frequent oral reports. Typewriting or
equivalent word processing will be required.
Students are requested to read at least three articles by
Robert Coles before the start of the interim.
"Adolescents and Moral Development" by Coles is scheduled for publication and will likely be a text for the
course. Library reference work will be a part of the
course process.
Offered only on P/N basis.
Prerequisite: PSY 102 or PSY 105
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: I
Room: Old Main 29
REL 230-A
Instructor: Brad Holt
Explore ancient and recent spiritualities, especially Celtic and monastic types, along with Julian of Norwich,
John Wesley, C.S. Lewis and Evelyn Underhill.
Course requirements include attendance, participation
in class discussions (including leadership of one discussion), daily meditation, five brief quizzes, a journal, and
a concluding essay.
Fee: $2,795 includes all air and surface travel, hotel and
monastic accommodations, breakfast daily, one lunch,
twelve dinners, 7-day Travelcard for London, and touring as indicated.
For more information contact Kathy Lutfi at 330-1655.
Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 2 or 3
REL 343-A
Instructor: Cathy Paulsen
Marriage has been described in terms of a free fall, a
decision that we often make with a portion of our brain
and all of our heart. This course will take nothing from
the heart, whether you are married or not. It will, however, increase your certainty and the possibility for
meaning and intimacy in your life with a partner. In
the context of Christian teachings, many theories will be
studied, with particular attention given to the work of
C.G. Jung, and will be applied to the marital relationship primarily, and to the family secondarily.
There will be lectures, discussions, and visiting resource
persons. Evaluation will be based on class participation, one paper, and two tests.
Prerequisite: REL 11 1 or REL 221 or permission of instructor
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Music 24
'Note: This course does not meet a Christian Faith Perspective
REL 345-A
Instructor: Mark Tranvik
The Lutheran Church is the largest Protestant church in
the world. We will not only examine the Lutheran
Church as it is at the present time, but also study its origin in the 16th century, its development over 450 years,
and its cultural influence. Representative figures to be
studied include Luther, Bach, and Bonhoeffer. There
will be lectures, discussions and visiting resource persons. Requirements include class participation and
Prerequisite: Religion 111 or 221
Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 2 or 3
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Science 213
~ S S U E S IN
REL 374-A
Instructors: John Benson and Mark Engebretson
For some in our society science is the driving engine of
a better, more secure life and the basis for a philosophy
of life. For others, science and its associated technologies, along with its invitation to become a global world
view, constitute a grave threat. Some Christians particularly feel threatened by science. This course will
address these matters in two ways. First, it will begin
with a historical overview of the relations between sci-
ence and the Christian faith, emphasizing three periods:
the origins of the Christian faith, the development of
"modern" science and mechanistic philosophy, and the
re-evaluation of science and nature in the 20th century.
Second, it will study systematically the world views of
science and religion to see how they compare.
Class time will be divided among a variety of activities
including lectures, whole class discussions, small group
tutorials, and an extended simulation exercise in developing a space colony, drawing from the ideas developed in the course. Course evaluation will be based on
two short exams, participation in small group tutorials
based on assigned readings, a group project presentation, and a major synthesis paper based on the group
project and course materials.
Prerequisite: One Christian Faith course and junior or senior standing
Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 2 or 3
Maximum Enrollment: 60
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 18
REL 385-A
Instructor: Lynne Lorenzen
This course introduces students to the relational world
view of process philosophy and examines how it has
influenced Christian faith and ethical deliberations.
Special attention will be given to the writings of John B.
Cobb, Jr., as a representative of process theology.
Classes will include videos, small groups, and some
lecture to introduce topics. Ethical issues addressed in
the class include killing, abortion, human sexuality and
euthanasia. Grades will be based on the paper (10-15
pages), the presentation of the paper to the class and
class participation.
Prerequisite: REL 11 1 or REL 221
Liberal Arts Perspective: Christian Faith 2 or 3
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I1
Room: Music 22
S WK 257-A
Instructor: Mary Lou Williams
Experiential learning occurs as students volunteer 80
hours in a service agency or institution which students
select. The placement must be approved by course faculty and supervised by agency staff. In the context of
this volunteer experience students have opportunity to
interact with human service professionals, clients, and
communities of diverse culture/ethnic heritage and
special concerns (age, socio-economic status, lifestyles,
developmental/physical abilities, gender, etc.). The
course is designed to help students learn about themselves in relation to a possible major or future career in
the human services.
The three-hour weekly seminar is devoted to discussions which assist students in integrating agency experiences and readings which explore the historical development of social welfare as an institution and the
nature and value system of social work as a profession.
Students will also examine and critique the manner in
which social, economic, and political structures impact
diverse groups in society. Students will focus on their
own responsibilities in society, as well as examine their
personal value system in relation to special concerns,
such as poverty and the "isms".
Liberal Arts Perspective: The Cify
Maximum Enrollment: 30
Time: I
Room: Murphy Place 1 11
SWK 315-A
Instructors: Blanca-Rosa Egas and Victoria Littlefield
With a focus on the recognition that humans must live
in harmony with the ecology that surrounds them, this
course will include a week-long cruise to the Galapagos
Islands and several visits to the capital city of Quito.
Both of these places have been declared Patrimonio de
la Humanidad (Heritage Areas of Humankind) by the
United Nations. We will also visit Vilcabamba, one of
three sanctuaries of longevity in the world. Our journey then takes us to the Amazon rainforest, where we
explore the tropical ecosystem and see how this distinctive habitat has influenced the culture of the people
who live there.
Evaluation: Students are evaluated on two written
reports on interactions with Ecuadorians and critical
analysis related to course content, a reflection essay
paper, attendance, and group participation.
The comprehensive fee of $4,095 includes all air and
surface travel, hotel accommodations in Quito and
Vilcabamba, breakfast daily, one lunch, three dinners,
Galapagos Islands yacht cruise (all meals included),
rain forest stay (all meals included), and touring as,
For more information contact Blanca-Rosa Egas at 3301713, or Vicki Littlefield at 330-1155.
Prerequisite: Basic Spanish
Maximum Enrollment: 30
S WK 466-A (full course)
S WK 466-B (0.5 course)
Instructor: Glenda Rooney
This is a continuation of Field Work 11; a total of 60 or
120 hours (0.5 course option during Interim).
Responsible supervised professional social work experience including work with individuals, families, groups
and communities in a social service agency. Supportive
weekly seminar. Students enrolled will be evaluated by
a series of mini-papers in which they are expected to
integrate the field experience with the course content;
the site supervisor for the field experience. Tentative
grading is 50 percent for each component of the course.
Prerequisite: Candidacy status
Maximum Enrollment: 30
Time: I
Room: Murphy Place 101
SOC 21 1-A
Instructor: Gordon Nelson
This course will examine the extent to which the experience of community is possible in the context of the metropolitan situation. The course will focus on the Twin
Cities Metropolitan Area. Each member of the class
will be responsible for a class presentation which must
reflect on-site observation in a particular locale within
the metropolitan area. In addition, class participation
and a final examination will be the basis for evaluating
performance in the course.
Liberal A ~ t sPerspective: The City
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Time: I
Room: Foss 21
SPC 347-A
Instructor: Deborah Bart
A video production course which integrates lecture and
criticism with hands-on video experience. This course
addresses non-fiction subject areas. Students will view
several documentary films in class and will work in
groups to produce short documentaries of their own.
Additional time will be required for editing. Grading
will be based upon the video project, the journal, the
final exam and class attendance.
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Time: I
Room: Foss 175
The following activities are available to students during
interim and students may register for these classes as
well as for a regular course. These activities do not
carry course credit, but do meet the lifetime sports
requirement for graduation.
HPE 002-K
Instructor: Wayne Niles
This class is designed to instruct students in the basic
techniques for self defense, using the hands and feet.
Based on and taught by experienced instructors in the
art of American style Tae Kwon Do. Fee of $60.
Graduation Level Skill: Lifetime Sports
Maximum Enrollment: Unlimited
Time: 12:OO-2:00 p.m. Mondays. Wednesdays, and Fridays
Room: Melby Gym
HPE 002-G
Instructor: A1 Kloppen
Practice and playing of golf. Grading: P/N only
Graduation Level Skill: Lifetime Sports
Maximum Enrollment: 16
Time: 12:OO - 1:00 p.m., M,TW;Th, F
Room: West side of Air Structure
HPE 002-F
Instructor: Marilyn Florian
Practice and playing of Ultimate Frisbee. Grading: P / N
Graduation Level Skill: Lifetime Sports
Maximum Enrollment: 20
Time: 12:OO. - 1:00 p.m., M, 7;W;Th, F
Room: East side of Air Structure
Augsburg is part of a consortium called UMAIE, Upper
Midwest Association for Intercultural Education, which
offers overseas learning experiences during the Interim.
Additional information about the following courses can
be obtained from Kathleen Lutfi at the International
Programs Office, 620 22nd Avenue S. (330-1655) or from
the Interim Office (330-1025). Registration for these
Interims ends October 20,1995. These courses are
offered on a PIN basis only and generally carry a
lower division number.
Ancient Italy: City, Town, and Country Life
Art, Architecture, and Arias: The History of
Central Europe
Art Treasures of Paris, Florence, Rome
and Amsterdam
British Isles: Museums, Monuments and
Prehistoric Sites
Communism to Capitalism: People, Places, and
Geography in the Baltic States
Costa Rica: Environment and Economics
Ecuador: Galapagos, Rainforest, and Highlands
A Journey in Holistic Health and Ecology
England: Literary Ventures by Train
The English School and Family
Europe and the Rise of Modern Science
The European Economic Union:
Boundaries and Impact
Greek Odyssey: Art and Architecture of
Anci ent Greece
Hawaii: Multicultural Communication in
Organizational Settings
Hawaii2 Religious Experience: Migrants,
Multiculturalism, and Religion
Irish Culture, Irish Drama
Japan: Land of the Rising Sun
Law in London
Meeting People Needs: The Swedish Model
Mystics, Monks, and Mentors: Exploring Christian
Spiritualities in Ireland and Britain
Paris and London: Sculpture in Cities and Environs
Readings of the Bible
Sounds and Sights of Europe
Theatre In and Around London
These courses are offered by institutions or groups not
connected with Augsburg College, but have been
approved for credit by the College. Most carry a
tuition cost plus other expenses which are the responsibility of the student. They are offered only on a P/N
basis. Full descriptions and details for registering are
available in the Interim Office.
HPE 212-A
Check for information in the Interim Office on dog
sledding and snowshoeing on the ~ i n n e s o t a - ~ a n a d i a n
border or for white-water canoeing and desert camping
on the Rio Grande in the December 27 through January
26 period. There is a cost of approximately $1,275 (the
Outward Bound organization has some scholarships
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