Augsburg College Interim
The i n t e r i m i s an i n t e g r a l p a r t o f t h e school y e a r
a t Augsburg College. I t i s p a r t i c u l a r l y i n t e n d e d
t o be a t i m e f o r b o t h s t u d e n t s and f a c u l t y t o emp l o y s t y l e s o f t e a c h i n g and l e a r... Show more
Augsburg College Interim
The i n t e r i m i s an i n t e g r a l p a r t o f t h e school y e a r
a t Augsburg College. I t i s p a r t i c u l a r l y i n t e n d e d
t o be a t i m e f o r b o t h s t u d e n t s and f a c u l t y t o emp l o y s t y l e s o f t e a c h i n g and l e a r n i n g and t o i n v e s t i g a t e questions and t o p i c s i n places and ways n o t
p o s s i b l e d u r i n g t h e r e g u l a r term.
November 10-13
.. .
Interim Registration
Late I n t e r i m Registration
F i r s t Day o f I n t e r i m
r Class
6 .
8 .
I 9:Ooa.m.
Class I 1
1:00 p.m.
L a s t day f o r c a n c e l l a d d
L a s t day f o r d e t e r m i n i n g
g r a d i n g system
19 . .
. . .
Beginning o f c e r t a i n h a l f
c r e d i t courses *
L a s t day f o r c a n c e l l i n g
I n t e r i m ends
The i n t e r i m day i s d i v i d e d i n t o two b l o c k s o f t i m e :
I - 8:00
1 :00
d L.
;h o f c l a s s meetings as w e l l as t h e b e g i n n i n g t i m e
The number a
w l l l be arranged t i e f i r s t day o f c l a s s .
Students e n r o l l i n g i n h a l f - c r e d i t courses should c o n s u l t t h e
R e g i s t r a r ' s O f f i c e f o r dates f o r cancel/add and t o determine
t h e g r a d i n g system.
The N i t t y G r i t t y
One c o u r s e i s c o n s i d e r e d a f u l l t i m e l o a d d u r i n g i n t e r i m and no s t u d e n t
i s p e r m i t t e d t o r e g i s t e r f o r more t h a n one c o u r s e d u r i n g t h e p e r i o d .
There i s no t u i t i o n r e f u n d f o r a s t u d e n t who chooses n o t t o e n r o l l i n an
i n t e r i m course.
Most i n t e r i m courses a r e graded t r a d i t i o n a l l y on a s c a l e o f 4.0 t o 0.
S t u d e n t s g e n e r a l l y have t h e o p t i o n t o r e g i s t e r on a Pass/No c r e d i t b a s i s .
A few i n t e r i m courses a r e graded o n l y on t h e PIN system; t h i s i s i n d i cated i n t h e course d e s c r i p t i o n .
Some c o u r s e s a r e o f f e r e d w i t h e i t h e r upper o r l o w e r d i v i s i o n s t a n d i n g .
Such i n t e r i m courses have two numbers l i s t e d and t h e s t u d e n t must s e l e c t .
S t u d e n t s r e g i s t e r i n g f o r upper d i v i s i o n s t a n d i n g s h o u l d a n t i c i p a t e
a d d i t i o n a l assignments and a more r i g o r o u s g r a d i n g s t a n d a r d .
A c o u r s e l i s t e d as f u l f i l l i n g d i s t r i b u t i o n r e q u i r e m e n t meets b o t h t h e
n e w l y i n t r o d u c e d r e q u i r e m e n t s ( t h e Spectrum approach) and t h e o l d
d i s t r i b u t i o n requirements.
To graduate, an Augsburg s t u d e n t i s r e q u i r e d t o complete 35 c o u r s e s o f
w h i c h a t l e a s t t h r e e must be i n t e r i m courses ( o r one i n t e r i m l e s s t h a n
t h e number o f y e a r s o f f u l l t i m e e n r o l l m e n t a t Augsburg; e.g., a t r a n s f e r e n r o l l e d f u l l t i m e f o r two y e a r s i s r e q u i r e d t o c o m p l e t e one i n t e r i m
f o r graduation).
This C a t a l o g
T h i s c a t a l o g 1 i s t s courses by departments w l t h departments 1 jsted i n
a1 p h a b e t i c a l o r d e r . Augsburq I n t e r i m s Abroad a r e i d e n t i f i e d by a special1
t r a v e l symbol. A t t h e end O F t h e book a r e l i s t i n g s o f o t h e r c o u r s e s n o t
~ ~ f f e r cby
d Augsburg b u t recognirfad by t i l e College f o r i n t e r i m c r e d i t ,
a n d a v a r i e t y o f l j f e t i m e S p o r t s . F u r t h e r d e s c r i p t i o n s and i n f o r m a t i o n
about t h e s e c o u r s e s are a v a i l a b l e i n t.he I n t e r i m O f f i c e .
June Interim
A t l e a s t one i n t e r i m c o u r s e w i l l be o f f e r e d i n t h e June 1981 s e s s i o n o f
summer school ( s e e l i s t i n g under P h i l o s o p h y ) i n l i e u o f January t e r m w i t h
no a d d i t i o n a l t u i t i o n c h a r g e . S t u d e n t s p l a n n i n g t o e l e c t t h e June
i n t e r i m must r e g i s t e r a t t h e t i m e o f i n t e r i m r e g i s t r a t l o n i n t h e f a l l .
S t u d e n t s w i s h i n g t o t a k e t h e June i n t e r i m i n a d d i t i o n t o t h e January one
w i l l be r e q u i r e d t o pay t h e r e g u l a r summer c o u r s e t u i t i o n .
International Interims
Students a r e i n v i t e d t o c o n s i d e r b e i n g p a r t o f one o f t h e f i v e overseas
These i n t e r i n t e r i m s o f f e r e d by Augsburg C o l l e g e d u r i n g January 1981
ims a r e under these departments:
LONDON, page 10.
Foreign Languaqes
T ~ E A T E RI N PARIS, page 13.
GUATEMALA, page 1 6 .
H i s t o r y and .Pol.iticlal Science
Other i n t e r n a t i o n a l i n t e r i m s a r e a v a i l a b l e t h r o u g h Upper Midwest Associa t i o n f o r I n t e r n a t i o n a l Education (Uh1AIE) and S t . O l a f College.
F u r t h e r academic d e s c r i p t i o n , t r a v e l d e t a i l s and c o s t e s t i m a t e s a r e
a v a i l a b l e i n t h e I n t e r i m O f f i c e and from Ms. Mary K i n g s l e y i n t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l Center, Room 229 o f Memorial H a l l
Students i n t e r e s t e d i n p a r t i c i p a t i n g i n one o f t h e s e i n t e r n a t i o n a l i n t e r i m s s h o u l d a p p l y i n t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l Center b e f o r e November 1 . Add i t i o n s t o t h e overseas groups u s u a l l y cannot be made a f t e r October.
I n t e r n s h i p s a r e open t o s t u d e n t s who c o n t i n u e an i n t e r n s h i p from t h e f a l l
t e r m o r who b e g i n an i n t e r n s h i p which w i l l c o n t i n u e i n t o t h e s p r i n g term.
Students e l e c t i n g an i n t e r n s h i p i n t e r i m a r e t o p r e s e n t a completed i n t e r n s h i p l e a r n i n g c o n t r a c t t o t h e I n t e r n s h i p O f f i c e (Memorial 230) no
l a t e r t h a n Tuesday, November 18.
Independent or D l r e c t e d Study
Students may e l e i t a program o f independent s t u d y (upper d i v i s i o n 499) o r
d i r e c t e d s t u d y ( l o w e r d i v i s i o n 299) f o r i n t e r i m . F a c u l t y members a r e
s t r o n g l y discouraged from a c c e p t i n g r e s p a n s i b i l it y f o r more t h a n one i n dependent o r d i r e c t e d study p e r i n t e r i m . Students choosjng t o pursue i n dependent o r d i r e c t e d s t u d y must:
Meet departmental requirements,
B. P r e s e n t t o t h e I n t e r i m D i r e c t o r f o r approval a copy o f t h e proposed
s t u d y p l a n approved by t h e s u p e r v i s i n g f a c u l t y member. T h i s proposal
must be s u b m i t t e d a t l e a s t one week b e f o r e r e g i s t r a t i o n and n o t l a t e r
forms can be o b t a i n e d i n t h e
t h a n November 3. A ,o.o r o.p r i a t e s t u d-v .proposal
Interim Office.
Interims a t Other Schools
Augsburg s t u d e n t s may e n r o l l a t any o t h e r 4-1-4 i n s t i t u t i o n w h i c h o f f e r s
a r e c i p r o c a l i n t e r i m arrangement. C a t a l o g s o f t h e s e I n t e r i m s can be
c o n s u l t e d i n t h e I n t e r i m O f f i c e . The I n t e r i m S e c r e t a r y w i l l h e l p s t u dents i n applying f o r r e g i s t r a t i o n a t o t h e r schools. R e g i s t r a t i o n f o r
i n t e r i m s a t t h e o t h e r Twin C i t i e s c o l l e g e s w i l l be done a t Augsburg d u r i n g t h e r e g u l a r r e g i s t r a t i o n p e r i o d . Most courses t a u g h t d u r i n g t h e
i n t e r i m a t o t h e r 4-1-4 s c h o o l s a r e a c c e p t e d f o r c r e d i t by Augsburg, b u t
may n o t n e c e s s a r i l y be accepted as m e e t i n g Augsburg's d i s t r i b u t i o n r e quirements. This q u a l i f i c a t i o n p a r t i c u l a r l y a f f e c t s courses o f f e r e d f o r
t h e Re1 ig i o n r e q u i r e m e n t .
Non-Augsburg Students
Augsburg C o l l e g e welcomes s t u d e n t s f r o m o t h e r 4-1 -4 s c h o o l s f o r t h e
January i n t e r i m w i t h o u t t u i t i o n charges p r o v i d e d t h e s t u d e n t ' s home i n s t i t u t i o n agrees n o t t o charge t u i t i o n t o Augsburg s t u d e n t s f o r t h e
January t e r m . The w a i v e r o f t u i t i o n does n o t i n c l u d e s p e c i a l f e e s ,
h o u s i n g o r board c o s t s . O t h e r s t u d e n t s w i l l be charged $150 f o r t h e
i n t e r i m course.
S t u d e n t s i n t e r e s t e d i n r e g i s t e r i n g f o r an Augsburg I n t e r i m s h o u l d w r i t e
t o t h e I n t e r i m D i r e c t o r f o r a p p l i c a t i o n forms o r use t h e forms p r o v i d e d
by t h e i n t e r i m o f f i c e a t t h e i r own s c h o o l . These s t u d e n t s a r e welcome
t o s t a y on campus b u t a r e n o t r e q u i r e d t o do so. Requests f o r i n t e r i m
h o u s i n g s h o u l d be made t o t h e I n t e r i m O f f i c e .
Augsburg Policy
Augsburg C o l l e g e a d m i t s s t u d e n t s o f any r a c e , c o l o r , n a t i o n a l and e t h n i c
o r i g i n t o a l l t h e r i g h t s , p r i v i l e g e s , programs, and a c t i v i t i e s g e n e r a l l y
accorded o r made a v a i l a b l e t o s t u d e n t s a t t h e s c h o o l . I t does n o t d i s c r i m i n a t e on t h e b a s i s o f r a c e , c o l o r , c r e e d , n a t i o n a l and e t h n i c o r i g i n
i n employment p r a c t i c e s o r a d m i n i s t r a t i o n o f i t s e d u c a t i o n a l p o l i c i e s ,
admissions p o l i c i e s , s c h o l a r s h i p and l o a n programs, and a t h l e t i c and
o t h e r s c h o o l - a d m i n i s t e r e d programs.
N e e d M o r e Help?
Check w i t h :
The I n t e r i m O f f i c e (Memorial 2 3 0 ) ,
o The I n t e r i m S e c r e t a r y ,
Ms. L o r r a i n e S t i e p e r a t 330-1025, o r
e The I n t e r i m D i r e c t o r , D r . Toni C l a r k a t 330-1092.
ART 1010611 0306
P h i l i p Thompson
Study o f t h e a r t and c r a f t o f c a l l i g r a p h y . Development o f c a l l i g r a p h i c
s k i l l s i n pen and b r u s h w i t h i n k and p a i n t . Three completed d e s i g n
p r o j e c t s i n l e t t e r i n g o r l i n e a r e r e q u i r e d . For upper d i v i s i o n c r e d i t
a major p r o j e c t i s required.
O l d Main 4 ( D e s i g n S t u d i o )
Film-Making I Film-Making ii
ART 1024211 0342
Paul Rusten
T h i s c o u r s e teaches f i l m - m a k i n g t h r o u g h p r a c t i c a l l a b e x p e r i e n c e .
There w i l l be o b s e r v a t i o n and d i s c u s s i o n o f t h e e x p r e s s i v e and s t r u c t u r a l elements o f f i l m . S t u d e n t s w i l l make a 16mm sound f i l m .
$70.00 l a b f e e
None f o r Film-making I
You must have t a k e n Film-making I t o r e g i s t e r
f o r Film-making 11.
Prerequisites :
O l d Main 1 7 ( P a i n t i n g S t u d i o )
L i f e Drawing
ART 10247
Norman Hol en
A s t u d y o f undraped f i g u r e s f o r a r t s t u d e n t s and n o n - a r t s t u d e n t s . The
f i g u r e w i l l be d e p i c t e d i n v a r i o u s s e t t i n g s w i t h a v a r i e t y o f media f o r
v a r y i n g l e n g t h s o f t i m e . The poses w i l l e x t e n d f r o m one m i n u t e t o an
hour and a h a l f .
S t u d e n t s w i l l be i n t r o d u c e d t o t h e 28 and 4B p e n c i l s , t h e c h a r c o a l
p e n c i l and p a s t e l s .
A f e e o f $12.00 i s t o be p a i d on t h e f i r s t day o f c l a s s .
O l d Main 17 ( P a i n t i n g S t u d i o )
N u t r i t i o n : You A r e W h a t Y o u E a t
Erwin Mickel berg
Designed t o d i s c ss t h e foods t h a t we e a t i n a popular fashion.
A f t e r a review o t h e human d i g e s t i v e system, each o f t h e t h r e e
basic food types wil.1 be discussed along w i t h t h e r o l e o f minerals,
vitamins and water.
An attempt w i l l be made t o d i s p e l t h e mysteries and t h e manufactured
i n f o r m a t i o n i n t h e media, t o make a p p l i c a t i o n t o i n d i v i d u a l
concerns, and t o address t h e controversy concerning food a d d i t i v e s .
Science 212
T h e B i o l o g y of Aglng
Robert H e r f o r t h
A t some time o r another i n our l i v e s most of us w i l l e i t h e r d i r e c t l y
experience aging o r be i n f l uenced by people undergoing age-related
changes. This course wi 11 concentrate on t h e b i o l o g i c a l aspects
o f such changes. What i s t h e nature o f these age-related changes?
What f a c t o r s i n f l u e n c e the r a t e o f aging? Do c e l l s i s o l a t e d from
t h e body show aging? I s aging t h e r e s u l t of d e t e r i o r a t i o n o f c e r t a i n
c e l l s o r t i s s u e s o f the body? What a r e t h e c u r r e n t t h e o r i e s as t o
t h e b i o l o g i c a l basis o f aging? These and o t h e r questions w i l l be
addressed i n t h i s course by means o f classroom l e c t u r e s , discussions
o f assigned readings, and t a l k s by o u t s i d e experts. Evaluation
w i l l be based on several quizzes and exams given d u r i n g t h e course.
Science 205
M e t h o d s in Biological R e s e a r c h
Neal Thorpe
The development o f t h e m a j o r i t y o f t h e present concepts i n b i o l o g y
has been h e a v i l y dependent upon t h e use o f an a r r a y o f s o p h i s t i c a t e d
research t o o l s . This course w i l l i n t r o d u c e t h e student t o t h e
t h e o r e t i c a l basis o f approximately two dozen important b i o l o g i c a l
methods such as chromatography, electrophoresis, spectrophotometry,
s c i n t i l l a t i o n counting and microscopy. It w i l l a l s o r e q u i r e an
in-depth i n v e s t i g a t i o n o f one s e l e c t e d method w i t h t h e o b j e c t i v e
o f d e v e l o p i n g an a p p r o p r i a t e e x p e r i m e n t a l e x e r c i s e t h a t c l e a r l y demons t r a t e s a t h e o r e t i c a l p r i n c i p l e . The s t u d e n t w i l l t e s t and v a l i d a t e
t h e method, w r i t e i t up, and p r e s e n t i t o r a l l y .
B i o l o g y 111, 112; C h e m i s t r y 115, 116 ( o r 105, 106)
S c i e n c e 202
Wetland Ecology
BIOLOGY 2031 1
Roberta Lammers
In w e t l a n d e c o l o g y we w l l l a t t e m p t t o g a i n an u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f t h e comp l e x j t y , v a r i e t y and fmportance o f f r e s h w a t e r w e t l a n d s such a s bogs,
marshes, fens, and swamps. We w i l l s t u d y the p h y s f c a l aspects o f these
w e t l a n d s as w e l l as the I n t e r r e l a t i o n s h i p s o f some o f t h e j r m a j o r o r g a n isms 1 i k e sedges, i n s e c t s , and sphagnum. S t u d e n t s w i l l be r e q u i r e d t o
pursue some independent r e a d i n g on wet1 and organ1 sm5 o f p a r t i c u l a r i n t e r e s t t o them. The c o u r s e w i l l c o n s i s t o f r e a d i n g and d i s c u s s t o n as
we1 l as l a b work i d e n t i f y i n g organisms c o l l e c t e d i n n o r t h e r n Minnesota
d u r i n g t h e summer by the f n s t r u c t o r . We w i l l examine c r i t i c a l l y t h e
p o t e n t f a 1 o f M i n n e s o t a ' s w e t l a n d s a s an energy saurcp. There w i l l be
l o c a l f i e l d t r l p s . Grading w i l l be on t h e hasis a f one t e s t and the
p r e s e n t a t i o n ( w r j t t e n or o r a l ) o f t h e independent r e a d i n g .
B i o l o g y 111, 112
S c i e n c e 213
D i s c r e t e E v e n t Simulation
K e i s h i r o Matsumoto
D i s c r e t e e v e n t s i m u l a t i o n i s an approach t o p r o b l e m s o l v i n g . The
method r e p l i c a t e s t h e s e t t i n g o f a p a r t i c u l a r problem by w r i t i n g a com-
m e n t a t i o n and s
There w i l l be l e c t u r e s and a computer programming l a b o r a t o r y .
A s t a t f s t i c s course o r t h e consent o f t h e i n s t r u c t o r .
E a r l A1 t o n
Fflrding whlch chmlcals are, i n a solution ~(qualltatireanalysis)' T s a
cfiaff enging way o+ learntng some prlnclples o f chemistry. Thls course
dl 1 use laboratory, experiments coupled w i t h a non-mat h m t 9 e n l explana t i o n of the chemistry Tnvolved t o provide an introduetlon t o cemlstry.
The laboratory wark wtll canter on solvfng chnmnclcsl unknoys. There
wlll be several 1ecture-dl scussfon sessfons each week and about three
hours o f l a b o r a t o r y each day.
knowns and a few q u i z z e s .
Grading w i l l be based upon s o l v i n g unLaboratory
11 :00 a .m.
H i g h School C h e m i s t r y
1 :00-4:00
Science 318
Introduction t o Chemirtry
John Holum
T h i s c o u r s e p r o v i d e s an i n t r o d u c t i o n t o some fundamental p r i n c i p l e s
o f chemistry:
Measurement, w i t h emphasis on dimensions, S I u n i t s and a few common
u n i t s used i n c h e m i s t r y , b i o l o g y and t h e h e a l t h sciences,.and how t o
use t h e f a c t o r - l a b e l method i n c a l c u l a t i o n s .
Elements o f a t o m i c and m o l e c u l a r c o m p o s i t i o n s and s t r u c t u r e and how
p e r i o d i c r e l a t i o n s h i p s h e l p o r g a n i z e and e x p l a i n s e v e r a l p r o p e r t i e s .
Comon p h y s i c a l p r o p e r t i e s o f m a t t e r .
Comnon chemical p r o p e r t i e s o f a c i d s , bases and s a l t s w i t h emphasis o n
t h e background needed f o r s t u d i e s i n e l e m e n t a r y b i o l o g y and t h e
h e a l t h sciences. A p p l i c a t i o n s t o h e a l t h aspects o f environmental
p r o b l ems w i 11 <be made.
A b r i e f introduction t o organic chemistry.
L e c t u r e s and d e m o n s t r a t i o n s a r e used. There i s no scheduled l a b o r a t o r y
and no a s s i g n e d w r i t t e n r e p o r t s . E v a l u a t i o n i s based on q u i z z e s and
t e s t s . R e g u l a r g r a d i n g o n l y ; no PIN. T h i s c o u r s e i s n o t open t o s t u d e n t s who had c h e m i s t r y I n h i g h s c h o o l ;+'i,tdoes n o t c o u n t t o w a r d a
chemistry major.
S c i e n c e 318
An I n t r o d u c t i o n t o C l i n i c a l C h e m l s t r y
A r l i n Gyberg
A few years ago dtagnosttc medlcine was principally a matter of collectjng Inf'orrhatfon about symptonlr t o diagnose an Illness. Occas~onally
1aboratory tests were made to support the dlagnasj s A1 though col I actTn$ infoymntfon about symptoms 1s still an Integral part, diagnosefc
medicine has progressed t o t h e pot n t where 1aborat~rytests are rout1 nely performed and may result i n a diagnosis dlfferentr from the on,e fndicated by the symptoms, T h i s course introduces some of the types o f
chemical problems s t g n l f i c a n t i n medic-lne ahd methods o f chehlfcal analysls used I n the clinlcal cheml'stry laboratory. Lectures, films, occasional laburptory experience, and at least one f i e f d t r I p t o a elInical
teboratory w t l l be used t n the course; eva'luatf~nwill be by fvequent
q u i z z e s and a f i n a l exam.
Chemistry 106 o r 116 o r 223
Science 320
E c o n o m i c s of U r b a n I s s u e s
Ed S a b e l l a
A s t u d y o f economic i m p l i c a t i o n s o f many problems f a c i n g a metro-urban
environment, Some o f t h e t o p i c s t o be d i s c u s s e d a r e : P o p u l a t i o n "Cris i s ," Crime P r e v e n t i o n , Ecology and Income D i s t r i b u t i o n , D i s t r i b u t i n g
Free Bread, Mass T r a n s i t Systems, e t c . Fundamental micro-economic t o o l s
i n t r o d u c e d t o f a c i l i t a t e d i s c u s s i o n . T h i s c o u r s e does n o t c o u n t towards
an economics m a j o r o r m i n o r .
Economics o r Urban
01 d Main 11
Decision Making with Finite M a r k o v Ch'ains
Satya Gupta
Taehnf ques o f H a r b v chains have long been used in solving problems i n
Physical Sciences. This tool has fnvaded the realm of Business and Eco,nomics only recent1 + I t I s important for management practltloners t o
wnderstand thl s sop I sticatac? tool Problems on bank management, cap*
tal expenditures, accounts receivable, market share and others w-ill be
sol ved usf ng Maykou shaf n model s Students comprehension will be evaluated by tests on probtm solving using Narkav chain models,
H i g h School A1 gebra
EUROPE January 3-28
E d u c a t i o n i n a n U r b a n Community: L o n d o n
EDS 44260
EDE 45260
B a r r y M. F r a n k l i n
An exarninatfon o f the r e l a t i o n s h i p o f t h e school t o t h e
u r b a n community u s i n g London's East End a s an example.
The focus o f t h e c o u r s e w i l l be o n such u r b a n problerns
as p o v e r t y , f a m i l y d i s i n t e g r a t i o n , and crime and how u r b a n s c h o o l s and
t h e l r t e a c h e r s can r e s o l v e them. The c l a s s w i l l meet f o r r,eef n a r s and
l i v e a t the Urban Studies Center ~f the C o l l e g e o f S t . Mark and S t . John
i n the Eas,t End Area. S t u d e n t s w i l l be p l a c e d a s a i d / o h s e r v e r s i n a
l o c a l school I n t h e s u b j e c t o r g r a d e o f t h e i r c h o i c e . S t i ~ d e n t sw l l l
a l s o have the o p p a r t u n i t y t o work and o b s e r v e i n a number o f community
a g e n c j e s i n t h e East End. E v a l u a t i o n w l l l be based on a paper t h a t
i n t e g r a t e s assigned r e a d i n g w i t h a d d i t i o n a l i n d i v i d u a l r e s e a r c h and a
l o g o f p r a c t i c a l experiences.
Counts t o w a r d m a j o r :
F u l f i l 1s t h e e l e m e n t a r y and secondary O r i e n t a t i o n
t o E d u c a t i o n r e q u i r e m e n t (EDS 265 and EDE 255)
Meets an u r b a n concerns r e q u i r e m e n t
PIN o r t r a d i t i o n a l
E n r o l l m e n t : 15
I n t e r e s t e d s t u d e n t s s h o u l d c o n t a c t Ms. Mary K i n g s l e y i n Room 229 o f
Memorial H a l l f o r f u r t h e r d e t a i l s and r e g i s t r a t i o n as soon as p o s s i b l e
and c e r t a i n l y no l a t e r t h a n t h e end o f O c t o b e r .
Student Teaching
44480, 44481, 44482, 44483, 44484,
45480, 45481 , 45482, 45483, 45484
B a r r y M. F r a n k l i n
Students w i l l be p l a c e d i n a c l a s s r o o m f o r f u l l days, O p p o r t u n i t i e s a r e
provided f o r e x p e r i e n c e i n o b s e r v i n g and d i r e c t i n g l e a r n i n g e x p e r i e n c e s
a t t h e preschool , k i n d e r g a r t e n , e l e m e n t a r y o r secondary s c h o o l l e v e l
( d e p e n d i n g on the i n d i v i d u a l s t u d e n t ' s need) under t h e s u p e r v i s i o n o f
I n t e r e s t e d students should consult w i t h
c a l l ege and school p e r s o n n e l
t h e i n s t r u c t o r b e f o r e December t o de-Lermi ne placements and a p p r o p r i a t e
c o u r s e number f o r r e g i s t r a t i o n .
Acceptance i n E d u c a t i o n Program and p e r m i s s i o n o f
Heritage Reporter
Dave Wood
"Heritage Reporter" explores s t r a t e g i e s f o r effectively wrltjng
about one's family, one" comun.lty, or an institutqon t h a t figures
o r has f jgured largely In the student-%porter1 s l i f e . Techniques
of f i c t i o n and non-flctlnn a r e revealed t o the students by means o f a
comprehensive reading 1jst. No exams. Students are expected t o
submit a 20-30 page "Heritage Booklet'l on a subject of thefr
choice a t course's end. Grade will be P/N only.
English 111
Old Main 10
Samurai Swords: A Comparative Study
of A m e r l c a n W e s t e r n a n d J a p a n e a e S a m u r a i F i l m s
Jerry Gerasimo and John Mi tchell
The pu~poseof the course i s t o clarify the thematic form of the
Western and the Samuraf f lrn by comparing thedr respective myths, their
societal premises, and t h e i r canventions: f o r example. the ritualized
duel and t h e use of proxemlc patterns (treatments o f space) In ways
t h a t are implicitly cultural . Although both genres a r e highly popular,
they are vfvidly useful for e s t h e t i c , c u l t u r a l , and anthropological
comparf son. Students wj 11 be requi red t o attend a1 I f i l m presentations
(approxtmately 10 feature f i l m s ) , t o wad selected t e x t s , and t o take
a final written examination.
Laboratory Fee:
Science Audi t o r i urn
A S e v e n t i e s Sampler
Ron Palosaari
We will study some novels, poems, plays, and films written o r filmed in
the 1970's. Our reading will include the l a t e s t available works of
Vonnegut, Roth, and Berger, some recent science f i c t i o n , detective
s t o r i e s , and a best s e l l e r . Our viewing will depend on what plays and
films a r e available i n January in the Twin C i t i e s .
I f possible, students w i t h a s p e c i a l i n t e r e s t i n a t y p e o f l i t e r a t u r e
o r f i l m w i l l be a b l e t o form groups around t h e i r i n t e r e s t .
Those who take t h i s i n t e r i m should have t h e time and d e s i r e t o do
t h e reading. Films w i l l be seen i n t h e afternoon t o t a k e advantage
o f lower p r i c e s , b u t we w i l l see two o r t h r e e plays i n t h e evening.
Old Main 18
Five-College Fictlon Writing Workshop
Lon Otto, College of St. Thomas
Members of t h e workshop w i l l experiment w i t h various aspects of
prose f i c t i o n technique, aiming a t t h e completion of t h r e e o r four
s h o r t s t o r i e s during t h e I n t e r i m period.
The workshop w i l l meet t h r e e afternoons a week t o discuss f i c t i o n
w r i t i n g and t o engage i n c o n s t r u c t i v e c r i t i c i s m of w r i t i n g being
produced by members o f the class. F a i t h f u l attendance a t these
afternoon sessions i s e s s e n t i a l .
The course i s open t o students from t h e f i v e associated c o l l e g e s
(normally t h r e e from each c o l l e g e ) who have had some experience
w r i t i n g s h o r t f i c t i o n . Preferably, they should have a l r e a d y taken
a c o l lege-level c r e a t i v e w r i t i n g class.
I n t e r e s t e d students from Augsburg should submit samples o f t h e i r
work t o Dr. Toni Clark before I n t e r i m r e g i s t r a t i o n .
Potpourri: S e l e c t e d Readings f o r Discussion
ENGLISH 54445.
Barbara Anderson
I n c o n s u l t a t i o n w i t h t h e i n s t r u c t o r , students w i l l make i n d i v i d u a l
reading l i s t s o f t e n t o twelve books which w i l l be discussed i n
small groups, e s t a b l i s h e d according t o common books, authors, o r
themes. Reading l i s t s must be determined before the end o f f a l l
term so t h a t a discussion schedule can be published p r i o r t o t h e
i n t e r i m session.
J u n i o r o r Senior standing and consent o f i n s t r u c t o r .
Old Main 12
'EUROPE January 3-28
L a n g u a g e , C u l t u r e a n d T h e a t e r in P a r l s
French 70215/70315
Mary Johnson
Immersion i n French c u l t u r e f o r intermediate and advanced
students. Focus on study o f language, c u l t u r e , t h e press,
and t h e a t e r . Readings, analysis, and discussion i n t e g r a t e d
w i t h attendance a t lays and f i l m s . V i s i t s t o a r t i s t i c and c u l t u r a l exh i b i t s according t o ' s t i d e n t i n t e r e s t s . Full-day excursions t o Chartres
and V e r s a i l l e s ; o p t i o n a l weekend f i e l d t r l p t o Mont S t . Michel and L o i r e
chateaus. Conversations w i t h French students i n groups o f three.
French 70315 counts toward major (French)
French 70215, 70315 count toward d i s t r i b u t i o n requirement (Foreign
French 70211 o r e q u i v a l e n t
French 70311 o r e q u i v a l e n t
P/N o n l y
I n t e r e s t e d students should contact Ms. Mary Kingsley i n Room 229 o f
Memorial H a l l f o r f u r t h e r d e t a i l s and r e g i s t r a t i o n as soon as p o s s i b l e
and c e r t a i n l y no l a t e r than t h e end o f October.
F r e n c h L l t e r a t u r e in T r a n s l a t i o n
FRENCH 70243
Ruth Aaskov
Have French w r i t e r s produced a 1 i t e r a t u r e t h a t escapes from 1 i f e o r
t h a t shows l i f e as i t i s ? By readlng and analyzing a v a r i e t y o f
s h o r t e r French works i n English t r a n s l a t i o n w i t h t h i s questlon i n
mind, we w i l l develop stronger communication and c r i t i c a l s k i l l s and
c u l t u r a l s e n s i t i v i t y as w e l l as encounter those o f s i g n i f i c a n t
French w r i t e r s . M i n i - l e c t u r e s and study guides w i l l h e l p focus t h e
r e a d e r ' s a t t e n t i o n on t h e works themselves. Much c l a s s time d a i l y
w l l l be devoted t o small group discussion and exchange o f ideas.
d e v e l o p i n g adequate language t o c o n t r i b u t e o r a l l y and i n w r i t t e n
form t o t h e i n s i g h t s o f t h e c l a s s . Two o r t h r e e 30-minute q u i z z e s
e a r l y i n t h e course w i l l be r e p l a c e d b y t h e p r e p a r a t i o n o f a chosen
l i t e r a r y work and s h o r t paper i n t h e t h i r d week, w i t h reading,
c r i t i c i s m and d i s c u s s i o n b y t h e o t h e r s i n t h e f o u r t h week.
Sophomore s t a n d i n g o r p e r m i s s i o n o f i n s t r u c t o r .
O l d Main 27
.EUROPE January 3-28
The Rhine Frontier: Germany
M e e t s Rome and F r a n c e
GER 72333
Donald Steinmetz
Since Roman times t h e l a n d s a l o n g t h e Rhine have been
4one o f t h e most s i g n i f i c a n t f r o n t i e r areas o f Europe.
Here German and Roman c u l t u r e c l a s h e d and mixed. Here
modern Germany and France have t h e i r r o o t s i n t h e empire o f Charlemagne.
Here Romanesque and Gothic a r c h i t e c t u r e f l o u r i s h e d i n t h e M i d d l e Aaes.
Here Germans 'and French f o u g h t i n t h r e e r e c e n t wars. I t i s such e i e n t s
which have shaped l i f e and l e f t so many monuments between t h e Rhine and
t h e Meuse. The s t u d e n t w i l l s t u d y and " r e l i v e " t h e h i s t o r y o f t h i s area
on l o c a t i o n , from t h e Roman monuments o f T r i e r and Cologne, Charlemagnels
Aachen, t o t h e b a t t l e f i e l d s o f World Wars I and 11. L e c t u r e s , d i s c u s s i o n s , and r e a d i n g s w i l l be p r i n c i p a l l y i n German.
Counts toward German m a j o r
Counts toward d i s t r i h u t i o n requirement ( f o r e i g n language)
German 212 o r e q u i v a l e n t
P/N o r t r a d i t i o n a l , based on o r a l exams and d i a r y t o be k e p t
i n German
Enrol l m e n t : 20
I n t e r e s t e d s t u d e n t s s h o u l d c o n t a c t Ms. Mary K i n g s l e y i n Room 229 o f
Memorial H a l l f o r f u r t h e r d e t a i l s and r e g i s t r a t i o n as soon as p o s s i b l e
and c e r t a i n l y no l a t e r t h a n t h e end o f October.
Beglnnlng N o r w e g i a n
Instructor: Liv Dahl
Introduction of the four basic language skills: speaking, listening,
reading and writing. Stress on spoken rather than literary
Norwegian. Oral and written tests. Laboratory work expected.
Distri butlon:
Room: Old Main 29
N o r w e g i a n C o n v e r s a t i o n and Composltlon
Instructor: Leif Hanson
Intensive practice in spoken Norwegian with emphasis on pronunciation
and original composition. Some attention given to regional variations
in spoken Norwegian and to differences between the two official
languages of Norway. Oral and written tests. Some laboratory work
and field experience required. No special fees.
Prerequisite: 75211
Intermediate level
Distribution: Yes
Room: Old Main 29
MEXICO January 5-30
The Cultures of Mexico and Guatemala
SPA 76381
GST 58181
Gunta Rosental s
T h i s i n t e r i m w t l l a c q u a i n t t h e s t u d e n t w i t h Pre-Columbian,
c o l o n i a l and modern c u l t u r e s o f Mexico and Guatemala
4t h r o u g h l e c t u r e s , d i s c u s s i o n s , and v i s i t s t o t h e most imp o r t a n t s i t e s . The i m p r e s s i v e pyramids i n t h e h i g h l a n d s o f C e n t r a l
Mexico, t h e i n c r e d i b l e Mayan j u n g l e c i t y o f T i k a l i n t h e Guatemalan
r a i n f o r e s t , t h e charming c o l o n i a l c i t i e s o f Taxco and v o l c a n o surrounded A n t i g u a , as w e l l as t h e modern m e t r o p o l i s o f Mexico C i t y .
Course p r i m a r i l y i n t e n d e d f o r Spanish m a j o r s ( O p t i o n A), b u t o t h e r
i n t e r e s t e d s t u d e n t s may t a k e t h e c o u r s e as an e l e c t i v e ( O p t i o n B ) .
E v a l u a t i o n w i l l be based on c o m p l e t i o n o f a s s i g n e d r e a d i n g s , a
d a i l y j o u r n a l ( i n Spanish f o r O p t i o n A), and a c t i v e p a r t i c i p a t i o n
i n t o u r s and d i s c u s s i o n s . (The E n g l i s h e q u i v a l e n t o f t h e m a t e r i a l s
w i l l be a v a i l a b l e . )
O p t i o n A:
Cqunts t o w a r d Spanish M a j o r
F u l f i l 1 s language r e q u i r e m e n t
Option B:
General S t u d i e s
Spanish 212 o r p e r m i s s i o n o f i n s t r u c t o r
f u l f i l l s no d i s t r i b u t i o n r e q u i r e m e n t
None (Spanish 11 1 recommended)
PIN o n l y
E n r o l l m e n t : '30
I n t e r e s t e d s t u d e n t s s h o u l d c o n t a c t Ms. Mary K i n g s l e y i n Room 229
o f Memorial H a l l f o r f u r t h e r d e t a i l s and r e g i s t r a t i o n as soon as
p o s s i b l e and c e r t a i n l y no l a t e r t h a n t h e end o f October.
Safety Education
Doug Nelson
P r i n c i p l e s and p r a c t i c e s o f s a f e t y education i n school and community
l i f e . Includes American Red Cross F i r s t Aid Course.
T h i s o f f e r i n g equals o n l y $ course c r e d i t .
I(Jan. 5-16)
Melby 12
Chemical Dependency Education
Joyce P f a f f
This course w i l l i n c l u d e a pharmacological a n a l y s i s of drugs o f
abuse, a l o o k a t t h e disease process and treatment m o d a l i t i e s , as
w e l l as immediate and temporary care given t o i n d i v i d u a l s i n a
drug emergency. It w i l l pay special a t t e n t i o n t o t h e drug problems
a f u t u r e teacher might have t o deal w i t h i n t h e classroom s e t t i n g .
Grades w i l l be determined by 2 w r i t t e n t e s t s covering t h e l e c t u r e s
and t e x t book.
This o f f e r i n g equals o n l y 4 course c r e d i t .
I (Jan. 19-31)
Melby 12
Recreational Activities & Rhythms
Pam Paulson
Theory and p r a c t i c e i n teaching r e c r e a t i o n a l a c t i v i t i e s , s o c i a l
r e c r e a t i o n , q u i e t games, low organized games, noon hour a c t i v i t i e s ,
camp nights, modified games, simple rhythmic games, f o l k and square
This o f f e r i n g equals o n l y $ course c r e d i t .
I (Jan. 19-31)
Modern D a n c e
Pam Paulson
An i n t r o d u c t o r y course i n modern dance technique and c r e a t i v e
composition i n c l u d i n g e x p l o r a t i o n o f movement, energy, form and
design. No previou.s experience necessary.
T h i s o f f e r i n g equals o n l y
I (Jan. 5-16)
i course
Coaching of B a s k e t b a l l
Rees Johnson
Theory, techniques and a d m i n i s t r a t i o n o f coaching b a s k e t b a l l . It
wi 11 i n c l u d e off-season, pre-season and in-season programs. Grade
e v a l u a t i o n w i l l be based on p r e p a r a t i o n o f a.coaching notebook, a
w r i t t e n exam and general p a r t i c i p a t i o n .
There w i l l be some o u t o f c l a s s n i g h t work.
T h i s course
equals o n l y
course c r e d i t .
I n s t r u c t o r approval
Melby 13
Coaching of H o c k e y
Ed Saugestad
Theory, technique and a d m i n i s t r a t i v e aspects o f coaching hockey.
It w i l l i n c l u d e off-season, pre-season and in-season programs on
d r y land and on i c e .
Grade e v a l u a t i o n w i l l be based on p r e p a r a t i o n o f a coaching
notebook, a w r i t t e n exam and a c t i v e p a r t i c i p a t i o n . Students must
be a b l e t o skate and must supply skates and s t i c k .
This course
equals o n l y % course c r e d i t .
I n s t r u c t o r approval
Me1by 13
H i s t o r y of P a r i s in M o d e r n Tlmes
HISTORY 56111/56311
Orloue G i s s e l q u i s t
The French a r e sometimes accused o f t h i n k i n g of P a r i s as t h e
"navel o f t h e world." There's a b i t o f "sour grapes" c a r i c a t u r e
i n t h a t c l e v e r statement. For i f one would p i c k o u t a c i t y which
i n t h e l a s t one thousand years has been more important t o Western
C i v i l i z a t i o n than any other, one could make a good case f o r P a r i s .
I n t h i s course we w i l l study t h e h i s t o r y o f t h a t g r e a t c i t y since
t h e 16th century. We w i l l read e x t e n s i v e l y i n a v a r i e t y o f h i s t o r i c a l
l i t e r a t u r e , hear l e c t u r e s , v i s i t w i t h some t r a v e l l e r s , and view some
s l i d e s and movies. One of our main purposes w i l l be t o double
(maybe quadruple! ) your enjoyment when you v i s i t Paris. Evaluation
w i l l be on t h e basis o f two t e s t s and a s h o r t paper. For upper
d i v i s i o n students t h e standards as t o expectations w i l l be
a p p r o p r i a t e l y higher - f o r example, i n t h e i r a b i l i t y t o f i n d t h e i r
way i n t o a more extensive b i b l i o g r a p h y f o r t h e term paper.
h i s t o r y o r urban
Old Main 12
D b e c t e d S t u d y in U.S. H i s t o t y
Carl Chrislock
During t h e I n t e r i m o f t h e 1980-81 school year, I w i l l be a v a i l a b l e
t o supervise i n d i v i d u a l d i r e c t e d s t u d i e s i n several areas of U.S.
H i s t o r y . These i n c l u d e t h e h i s t o r y of American f o r e i g n p o l i c y , t h e
20th Century, Minnesota h i s t o r y and immigration. I p r e f e r n o t t o
supervise a h o s t o f f a m i l y h i s t o r i e s , although I am w i l l i n g t o
consider we1 1-conceived proposals f o r such studies submitted by
students who demonstrate t h a t they have s u f f i c i e n t source m a t e r i a l .
Note, too, t h a t a l l t h e s t u d i e s a r e of t h e directed, n o t t h e
inde endent v a r i e t y . Any i n t h e l a t t e r category would have t o be
t h e department i n advance o f t h e I n t e r i m .
One h i s t o r y course
H a w a i i : A L a b o r a t o r y of M u l t i - E t h n i c I n t e r a c t i o n
January 4-28
H i s t o r y 56240/56340
P o l i t i c a l Science 85255185355
I.Khin Khin Jensen, Norma C. Noonan
Observation o f t h e Polynesian, Asian and Caucasian c u l t u r e s
i n t e r a c t i n g i n p o l i t i c s and s o c i e t y i n t h e 50th s t a t e . Focus
on h i s t o r i c a l t r a d i t i o n s , p o l i t i c a l development, r e 1 i g i o u s h e r i t a g e , educational experiences, commercial ventures, t h e media, c u l t u r a l a c t i v i t i e s and c u r r e n t p o l i t i c a l i s s u e s .
Time w i l l be d i v i d e d between t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f Hawaii i n Honolulu and
H i l o on " t h e B i g I s l a n d . " Various f i e l d t r i p s w i l l be arranged on
Oahu and t h e i s l a n d o f Hawaii. Readings w i l l be t a i l o r e d t o each
s e c t i o n . Students w i l l submit a j o u r n a l o r a t e r m paper.
Counts toward e i t h e r major ( H i s t o r y o r P o l i t i c a l Science).
Counts toward d i s t r i b u t i o n requirement ( H i s t o r y o r P o l i t i c a l Science).
lower d i v i s i o n , none.
upper d i v i s i o n , sophomore s t a n d i n g and consent o f
PIN o n l y
I n t e r e s t e d s t u d e n t s should c o n t a c t Ms. Mary K i n g s l e y i n qoom 229 o f
Memorial H a l l f o r f u r t h e r d e t a i l s and r e g i s t r a t i o n as soon as p o s s i b l e
and c e r t a i n l y no l a t e r t h a n t h e end o f October.
T h e C i t y in A m e r i c a n L i t e r a t u r e , A r t & A r c h i t e c t u r e
Grier Nicholl
the growth o f c i t l e s between the Cf v i l
War I generated varied responses among k r i c a n
Rapid IndustrTal-lzat-ion and
WaF and World
novelists, poets, painters, and architects of the period.
Celebrations of t h e c i t y and the new technology can be found i n
the poetry of Watt Whitman and i n the architec.ture of the
Chicago Exposition o f 1893. Ambivalent a t t i t u d e s toward the
c i t y appear i n the "realism" o f the Ash Can school of pafnters,
the photographs of Alfred S t i e g l i t z and others, and i n William
O. Howel 1s' novel A Hazard of New Fortunes. Naturalistic novels
such a s Theodore Dreiser's Sister Carrie and Upton S i n c l a i r ' s
muckraking The Jungle r e f l e ~ 1 ~ n i z i enf fge c t s of economic
forces in the c i t y .
Course format will vary; lectures on historical and l i t e r a r y
background, small g r o ~ p ~ d i s c u s s i o nof
s readings, and several visits
t o local a r t museums. There will be three t e s t s and an individual
o r group oral presentation.
Music 23
B r u s h Up
Beverly Durkee
This course i s designed as a brush up in arithmetic and as an
introduction t o algebra. The course will be particularly helpful
f o r students in elementary education o r who will be taking s t a t i s t i c s
a s part of a major. Computer programs will be available f o r students
who wish t o work with t h i s medium.
There will be lectures t o present material, homework assignments t o
gain s k i l l s , and written problem solving t e s t s f o r grades.
Science 108
Mathematical A s p e c t s of Music
Ben Cooper
In t h i s course we will examine some of the evidence for the
often-expressed feeling t h a t music and mathematics a r e somehow
related. Actually there are three kinds of contact: (1) a t the
sub-musical l e v e l , where both elementary and sophisticated
mathematics have a lot to say about such foundational topics as
acoustics, scales, and tuning, as well as the premises of twelvetone composition; (2) at the level of composition, where mathematics
no longer applies directly (except for certain composers) but
where there are strong analogies between the ways composers and
mathematicians create and evaluate their work and between features
of certain highly structured pieces, such as canons, and mathematical
constructs; (3) at the level of aesthetic theory, where probabilistic
ideas help to clarifjt what constitutes style. The emphasis on
these topics will depend on class interests, provided only that
everyone does some significant mathematics. When possible, we will
try to hear those things we discuss mathematically, through recordings
or performance. Grades will be based on homework exercises, mostly
mathematical but including the composition of at least one canon. The
necessary the ma tics will be developed in class.
Prerequisite: Music 101 or equivalent and some high school algebra
Music 5
An E x p o s u r e of C h a o s In M o d e r n Cosmlc M o d e l s
MATHEMATICS 61136161336
Instructor: Henry Follingstad
An exploration of math-related ideas and Space-Age research which
calls for a critical re-evaluation of present "scientific dogmas"
on the nature and origin of the universal cosmos and the smaller
cosmic models of earth, life, and mankind. New Space-Age data,
buried in the literature, will be unveiled to show inadequacies
and contradictions in some aspects of modern astro-cosmology and
its links to geology, biology, and the humanities.
Class instruction and individual research will include study of the
historical and modern impact of math-related cosmic models, and will
note some misuses of mathematics which transforn'unsupported
scientific speculation into "scientific fact." A written research
paper is required.
Upper division students will show broader research scope and writing
ability and will present an oral sumnary of their paper.
Old Main 23
~ e m o r i z i t ! o n f o r Musicians
MUSIC 82151/82351
James D. Johnson
M u l t i p l e approaches t o memorizing music v i a f o o l p r o o f system. These
systems a r e derived from t h e harmonic, melodic, rhythmic and formal
a n a l y s i s of t h e music under study.
For i n s t r u m e n t a l i s t s and v o c a l i s t s . Upper d i v i s i o n students w i l l
be expected t o memorize more, perform more f o r t h e c l a s s and do
more memory work away from t h e i r instruments.
Music 9
M a k e Y o u r Own M u s i c
MUSIC 82212/82312
Robert ~ a r l i n
An o p p o r t u n i t y f o r the i n t e r e s t e d student t o l e a r n about t r a d i t i o n a l
and n o n - t r a d i t i o n a l systems used i n t h e c r e a t i o n o f o r i g i n a l works o f
Tonal, a t o n a l , a l e a t o r y , and e l e c t r o n i c techniques w i l l be employed by
the p a r t i c i p a n t s t o c r e a t e t h e i r own compositions.
Open t o music majors as an upper d i v i s i o n course; and t o students w i t h
l i t t l e o r no t r a i n i n g i n music as a lower d i v i s i o n course.
Music majors w i l l c r e a t e t h r e e short, o r i g i n a l works; others, a t l e a s t
Theory 4; others:
No: Majors: e l e c t i v e
Yes: Others: Fine A r t s
Music 26
Music The,rapy: T e x a s S t y l e
M U S I C 82233182433
Roberta Metzl e r
Course w i l l i n c l u d e an overview o f c l i n i c a l p r a c t i c e and research
i n music therapy, through readings i n textbook and v i s i t a t i o n t o
treatment f a c i l i t i e s and graduate music therapy programs i n Kansas
and Texas. V i s i t s i n Kansas w i l l i n c l u d e t h e headquarters o f t h e
. Y f% I t s fn Unsas d l 1 i h ~ f u d k\theJAdtIqth*em @+' the.
Maklonal Assocl akhn For ,MW 1c Therqpy, Ihc., Topeka S b t e Posplbl ,
Mnhinger Foundptiow,Uhdversf ty o f Kansas bditml Schopl . $n8
f q a s , the Pokb wlll k on @search .In mysic: ther&py a t Boutham
btbdist U d v e r s l ~ ,under tha dQr4ctfon df k 6b@rleB,
T. Eitglq,
wZtl be ara lnble to ex ta3n' reseawh
RMT. Graduate sJudents from
r&pa(ot, and 40 swahm twri OF@us$$ t&ra~$ fitcFFhp6 .ln %@
Dill 1a~#Folrt8Wor$b,area. A11 travel' %TI 1 be ,@ co1T ege,pa& : gw'fiir92ion
w"ll1 be b
rM bn tests wer the'trdmk, wrl.ttqn rep$& of a11
intenship sites vfstted, and', for~uppd~~dfvfs~on
c~edlt,a rtnf~ e s e a ~~, ~ obg o s a l Optlonal
d d p trlps 18 Texas wsuld, be $0.
Qa t veston,#San Antomias sfld ksgfn.
and Tekaa
Fee: Maximum o f $450 ( i n c l u d i n g o p t i o n a l t r i p s i n Texas).
would cover a1 1 t r a v e l , room and board.
T h i s fee
Music 26
The Opera of Puccini
MUSIC 82253
Stephen Gabriel sen
A s t u d y o f a l l o f t h e operas o f Puccini through l i s t e n i n g and
reading assignments. T e s t i n g w i l l i n c l u d e 1 i s t e n i n g questions as
w e l l as t r a d i t i o n a l o b j e c t i v e exams. T h i s course i s designed f o r
t h e opera l o v e r as w e l l as music majors.
Music 4
History of Jazz
MUSIC 82377
L a r r y Tallman
This course w i l l pursue t h e chronological e v a l u a t i o n of j a z z as we
know i t today. Beginning w i t h e a r l y ragtime, t h e j a z z movement
exemplifies t h e t r u e meaning o f what i s known as America's own t r u e
music. Augsburg has many t e x t s , recordings, and papers t o b e n e f i t
t h e student as a f u t u r e jazz scholar. There w i l l be t h r e e t e s t s
and a f i n a l .
Music 2
T r e n d s & I s s u e s in N u r s i n g
NURSING 81 320
I n s t r u c t o r s : Carol Hoffhan and Susan Knust
T h i s course i s i n t e n d e d t o g i v e s t u d e n t s a broad p e r s p e c t i v e by i n t r o d u c i n g c u r r e n t t r e n d s and i s s u e s t n h e a l t h c a r e and t h e p r o f e s s i o n o f
n u r s i n g , Many o f t h e i s s u e s a r e c o n t r o v e r s i a l , a r e r e l e v a n t t o c u r r e n t
p r a c t i c e and have p o t e n t i a l f o r f a r - r e a c h i n g e f f e c t s i n h e a l t h c a r e .
Students w i l l be graded on group p r e s e n t a t i o n s and w r i t t e n examinations.
Admisslon t o Augsburg N u r s i n g Program o r p e r m i s s i o n o f
O l d Main 13
T h e P h l l o s o p h y o f C. S. L e w i s
Bruce Reichenbach
Though C. S. Lewis i s w e l l known as a r e l i g i o u s w r i t e r , what he says
develops f r o m s p e c i f i c views about God, man and v a l u e s . Our purpose w i l l
be t o r e a d Lewis w i t h a p h i l o s o p h i c a l eye f o r h i s arguments and presupp o s i t i o n s . Grades w i l l be based on c l a s s p a r t i c i p a t i o n , t e s t s and proba b l y some w r i t t e n work.
June 1981
Age of Aquarius? A Philosophical Look
a t Some Contemporary Issues
Kenneth B a i l e y
A popular song says I " T h i s i s t h e dawnTng o f t h e Age o f Aquarfus. " Is
i t ? Aquarius, the Waterbearer, t h e e l e v e n t h s i g n o f t h e Zodjac, symbol i z e s s i m p l i c i t y , peace, and brotherhood. Whether such an age has begun
i s a q u e s t i o n . Some a s t r o l o g e r s say i t began as e a r l y as 1930; o t h e r s
t h a t i t i s j u s t dawning, However t h a t may be, i n t h I s course we w i l l
discuss some o f t h e concerns ( e . g . , freedom, m o r a l f t y , hunger) t h a t face
whatever age we may be in, from a p h i l o s o p h i c n l s t a n d p o i n t . Grades wfT1
be based on w r i t t e n t e s t s and c l a s s p a r t i c i p a t i o n .
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Yes
01 d Main 1 0
The Starship Accords
Mark Engebretson, Myles Stenshoel
You have been selected to participate i n the establishment of the
f i r s t permanent human settlement outside our solar system. As
one of the colonists, i t will be your duty during f l i g h t to:
FBmil iarize yourself with the environment expected on
any of the several planetary systems thought to be
suitable for colonization. .
Help design a system of governance for the entire
comuni ty
Distribute the necessary tasks and choose the size of the
colony sent to each location.
Assigned readings in science, science fiction, and pol i t i c a l theory
will form the basis of class discussions and individual and group
Music 22
I n t r o d u c t i o n t o Solid S t a t e Physics
Kenneth Erickson
Thls course 1s designed t o provide students o f physics, chemistry,
materials science, electronics and engineerlng with a knowledge of
the basic physfcal concepts important for the understanding of
s o l i d state phenomena. Solfd S t a t e Science i s presently one of the
leading areas of basic and applied research actjvity. By means of
lectures, 1aboratary work and problem s o l v l n g and discussion sessions
i t I s hoped that the student wlll gain a fundamntal working
knowledge o f the subject and a hands-on familiarity w f t h some solid
s t a t e devices and experimental methods. Topics t o be discussed
will include: symoetry and classification o f crystal1 i n e structures;
interatomic bonding, l a t t i c e dynamics, electrons i n metals, superconductivity s semi conductors and t h e die1eeeri c and magnetic
properties of sol ids.
Physics 121,122, Math 124, 125
Science 24
Hawali: A Laboratory of Multi-Ethnic Interaction
I. Khin Khin Jenson, Norman C. Noonan
(See Course D e s c r i p t i o n on page 20.)
N e w s p a p e r s and Presidents: A R e s e a r c h P r o j e c t
Analyzing 1980 P r e s i d e n t i a l E l e c t l o n C o v e r , a g e
M i l d a Hedblom
The New York Times, blashington Post and tos Angeles Times exert a
powerful inftuence over other newspapers and the general publTc In
thalr coverage o f American p r e s l d e n t l a l elections. The purpose of
t h i s course I s t o b e t t e r understand the nature of thefr political
coverage through research. Spec-Ifically, students wfll
cmpl ete a comparative content analysis of the three papers' 1980
general election news columns. Durlng the f i r s t week of the course
we will study the three newspapers' development, focusing on their
unlque r o l e i n Am~ricanpol itjeal journal ism, and praetf ce use o f
the coding system for analyzing thelr new cotumns. Ourlng the
second and t h l r d weeks stuaent will work independently in three
teams, i n with the instructor, wadfng and analyzing
election coverage i n the three papers. The tern wlll be working
where the newspapers are, for example the Augsburg library, the
Unfversity of Minnesota eriodical POW, or other Twin CltIes
11brarles, The last wee o f the course the whole group will agajn
work t o g e t h e r evaluating the results o f the content analysis.
Students' grades M i l 1 depend upm satisfying indi vldual w p o n slbilities within the group project. Preferred method o f grading
Ss P / h Pass, except by s,peciel arrangement. P o s s i b l e copying Pee,
twenty do11ars maximum, I n 1leu o f textbook charges.
P r e r e q u i s i t e : Very strong i n t e r e s t i n a problem o f p o l i t i c a l
j o u r n a l i s m and consent o f t h e i n s t r u c t o r .
Music 25
T a l k i n g About P s y c h o l o g y and E v e r y d a y L i f e
Norman Ferguson
This course w i l l i n v o l v e discussions i n two major areas:
How the p r i n c i p l e s and methods of psychology can be used i n
everyday 1 i f e ( f o r example, l e a r n i n g t o r e l a x , breaking bad
h a b i t s , improving personal r e l a t i o n s h i p s , and d e a l i n g w i t h
Controversial issues i n psychology ( f o r example, does TV
violence have any adverse e f f e c t s on s o c i e t y ? ; do r e l i g i o u s
c u l t s use brainwashing t o convert people?)
Each student w i l l be expected t o choose one t o p i c f r o ~ neach o f
these major areas and lead yroup d i s c u s s i o n s on t h d , t t o p i c , A l l
students w i l l be expected t o do assigned readings un the s p e c i f i c
t o p i c s i n advance o f each class so t h a t we1 l -informed discussions
can t a k e place. A l i s t o f 12-15 p o s s j b l e topics Fur each area w i l l
be a v a i l a b l e f r o m the i n s t r t r c t o r p r i o r t o r e g i s t r a t i o n .
The main o b j e c t i v e s o f t h e course a r e t o become b e t t e r informed on
psychological issues which have relevance t o d a i l y l i v i n q and t o
develop t h e a b i l i t y t o speak e f f e c t i v e l y ori such issues i n a sn,a11
group s e t t i n g . Evaluation w i l I be based on the q u a l i t y o f c l a s s
presentations, d a i l y c o n t r i b u t i o n t o t h e discussions, and one short
paper on e i t h e r o f t h e t o p i c s chosen.
Psychology 105
Psychology 2
' P o p Psych': What's i t all About?
L y l a Anderegg
Erroneous zones, body 1anguage, games-pl aying people , T-groups ,
happenings, feelings, l o v i n g a r t s , c r e a t i v e insomnia, c u l t s , speed
reading a r e a l l p a r t o f a surge o f i n t e r e s t i n human behavior.
Are these movements and w r i t i n g s r e p r e s e n t a t i v e o f psychology today?
Has "pop psych" become such a " h o t - s e l l e r " t h a t s c i e n t i f i c psychology
has disappeared?
What e v a l u a t i o n o f t h i s m a t e r i a l i s being made by professional
psycho1 o g i s t s ?
I s t h i s t h e f i r s t mass a p p l i c a t i o n o f psychological p r i n c i p l e s ?
These a r e some o f t h e questions t o be i n v e s t i g a t e d i n t h e course
t h a t w i l l use t h e seminar format.
Each student w i l l be responsible
f o r s e l e c t i n g several contemporary books t o review and analyze w i t h
respect t o the question s t a t e d i n t h e course t i t l e .
Evaluation by two t e s t s and q u a l i t y o f review and a n a l y s i s o f chosen
Psychology 105 o r permission o f i n s t r u c t o r
Psychology 3
U s e s o f t h e P e r s o n a l compute^ I n P s y c h o l o g y
Richard Marken
See how a personal computer ( t h e Psychology Department's Apple 1I )
can be used as a tool to explore the mind. Learn to write simple
programs i n BASIC which will produce graphic displays, measure
response time, do s t a t i s t i c a l analyses and model tl~oughtprocesses,
See the f r u i t s of your e f f o r t s i n glorious color on the Apple I I TV
scrr(:rt. Evaluat,ion based on pru(lriran,ing projects and two t e s t s .
Psychology 3
Readings in t h e Works of R o b e r t C o l r s
Duane Johnson
Robert Coles i s one of America's most widely published writers on
childhood development. Much o f his writing i s based on a participantobserver s t y l e of research. He spends substantial time with particular
persons in various s e t t i n g s (southerners, migrants, sharecroppers,
Eskimos, Chicanos, Indians, the affluent and privileged) and reports
t h e i r l i v e s with s e n s i t i v i t y and with particular attention to, t h e i r
This course will provide an opportunity t o read in the works of
Coles with a major focus on conditions under which children develop.
Each student must propose an individual reading l i s t and have i t
approved p r i o r t o the beginning of the interim. Amendments t o the
reading l i s t may be proposed f o r approval during the f i r s t week of
the interim. Each student must contact Dr. Johnson no l a t e r than
December 1 s t f o r a handout providing suggestions and guidelines f o r
reading l i s t development. Expectations will include extensive reading,
regular class attendance and contribution, an annotated journal and
a short summary paper.
86105 General Psychology
P/N only
Music 24
Study of Religion in t h e Public Schools
Eugene Skibbe
We wjll look b r i e f l y a t the h f s t o r l c a l j n t e r a c t i o n between r e l i g i o n
and government i n p u b l i c education i n the United States. Laws w i l l
be read and analyzed. The problems, resources and teaching m a t e r i a l s
associated w f t h "teaching about re1 i g i o n " i n pub1 i c schools w i l l be
analyzcd and discussed. The t h e o l o g i c a l imp1 i c a t i o n s In t h i s e n t i r e
phenoa~enonw i l l be o f special concern.
Lecture, small group a n a l y s i s and discussion, viewing and c r i t i q u i n g
o f m a t e r i a l s . Two exams, several w r i t t e n / o r a l reports, assigned
R e l i g i o n 111 o r 221
Music 23
T h e o l o g y of W o r s h i p & L i t u r g y
David Fagerberg
This i s an invest4gation of the theology o f Chrfstlan warship as i t
fs expressed i n the 1 jturgy. By looking a t the 1iturglcal ractlees
of the church i n both baptfsm'and the mass fespecfally In t e f i r s t
three centuries) we will seek t o shed l i g h t on the character of
worship, prayer, the baptismal covenant, sacri Pica, etc. The
aim 3s n o t only to provide an fntroductfon t o I f turglcal studies,
but also t o encourage a Leper personal apprec'lation o f worshtp.
E v a l u a t i o n w i l l be based on c l a s s p a r t i c i p a t i o n as drawn o u t o f t h e
s t u d e n t ' s reading o f core m a t e r i a l , and t h e .student's p r o j e c t - i n
t h e form o f e i t h e r a c l a s s p r e s e n t a t i o n o r a paper.
R e l i g i o n 111 o r 221
Old Main 11
I I-
T r a i n i n g S c h o o l on A l c o h o l a n d D r u g A b u s e
Eddie Hertzberg
An i n t e n s i v e e x p e r i e n t i a l and d i d a c t i c t r a i n i n g a t Johnson I n s t i t u t e
i s combined w i t h a week-long experience i n a chemical dependency
treatment agency.
Students a r e evaluated according t o p a r t i c i p a t i o n i n classes,
e x p e r i e n t i a l l e a r n i n g and i n t h e chemical dependency agency.
Enrollment i s very l i m i t e d .
Social Work 95257, s o c i a l work major and permission
o f c o n t a c t person
I& I 1
Johnson I n s t i t u t e , 10700 Olson
Memorial Highway, Minneapolis, MN.
Domestic Violence: Old Phenomena, N e w Attention
Rosa1i e C l a r k
To understand t h e incidence and prevalence o f domestic v i o l e n c e i n
t h e present.
To understand t h e h i s t o r y o f domestic violence c r o s s - c u l t u r a l l y .
To understand t h e at terns o f domestic violence i n American s o c i e t y .
To understand the consequences f o r t h e f a m i l y system and f o r t h e
broader s o c i e t y : present and f u t u r e .
To g a i n a beginning knowledge o f p o l i c i e s and programs which address
domestic violence.
Content: An overview o f the phenomena o f domestic violence i n c l u d i n g
c o n t r i b u t i n g f a c t o r s , consequences f o r t h e f a m i l y and the broader
s o c i e t y , and p o l i c i e s and programs i n America today which address t h e
issue. Readings, classroom discussions and guest speakers w i l l
provide course content. Course w i l l be p a r t i c u l a r l y h e l p f u l f o r
students i n t h e human s e r v i c e f i e l d .
Procedures and method o f e v a l u a t i o n :
4 course c r e d i t : paper and f i n a l exam
1 course c r e d i t : a d d i t i o n a l major, in-depth paper.
P r e r e q u i s i t e : One course i n psychology, sociology o f f a m i l y o r permission o f i n s t r u c t o r .
Music 24
F i e l d Work i l l
Doug Perry
T h i s course i s a c o n t i n u a t i o n of e d u c a t i o n a l l y focused f i e l d placement
i n a s o c i a l s e r v i c e agency [ F i e l d Work 11). Students w i l l spend 15
hours per week i n f i e l d placement, p l u s one hour per week i n f a c u l t y
f a c i l i t a t e d supportive seminar held on campus. W r i t t e n evaluations
w i l l be made by the F i e l d Work I n s t r u c t o r using p r e v i o u s l y developed
c o n t r a c t and s o c i a l work e v a l u a t i o n forms.
This course
o n l y % course c r e d i t .
F i e l d Work I 1
Old Main 22
Six Guns and Samurai Swords: A Comparatlve Study of
Amerlcan Western and J a p a n e r e Samurai Films
I n s t r u c t o r s : J e r r y Gerasimo and John M i t c h e l l
(See Course D e s c r i p t i o n on page 11 .)
T h e S o c i o l o g y sf G a m b l i n g
Gordon Nelson
Recent s o c i o l o g i c a l research has looked a t gambling and i t s r e l a t i o n
t o s o c i e t y . What type o f person i s l i k e l y t o gamble? What i s t h e
nature o f t h e work-force i n t h e gambling i n d u s t r y ? I s gambling a
s o c i a l problem o r a s o c i a l b e n e f i t ? These are some o f t h e questions
asked i n published s o c i o l o g i c a l studies. The course w i l l focus on
these studies. Students w i l l be expected t o read and discuss t h i s
m a t e r i a l and t o pass a f i n a l examination. I n a d d i t i o n , i n order t o
observe a gambling s o c i e t y w i t h i n a l e g a l i z e d s e t t i n g , t h e course w i l l
i n c l u d e a f i e l d t r i p t o Las Vegas. Cost o f t h e f i e l d t r i p ( t r a v e l
and lodging) w i l l be approximately $200.
Consent o f I n s t r u c t o r
Old Main 22
Discussion and D e b a t e
SPEECH 98112/98312
Ray Anderson
Discussion and debate w i l l be studied as phases of the cooperative
problem-solving process embracing i n q u i r y and advocacy. The i n q u i r y
phase w i l l i n c l u d e consideration o f both c r e a t i v e t h i n k i n g and
c r i t i c a l t h i n k i n g w i t h emphasis on ways o f working w i t h groups t o
achieve e f f e c t i v e use o f both c r e a t i v e and c r i t i c a l methods o f
problem-sol ving.
Class a c t i v i t i e s w i l l be varied. There w i l l be brainstorming sessions
i n v o l v i n g various techniques; t h e r e w i l l be round-table discussions
using t h e Dewey thought process; t h e r e w i l l be debates using various
formats, and o t h e r a c t i v i t i e s . Students w i l l p a r t i c i p a t e a c t i v e l y
every day.
Evaluation wi 11 p e r t a i n t o d a i l y p a r t i c i p a t i o n , examinations on
readings and l e c t u r e s , b u t c h i e f l y on t h e q u a l i t y o f student performance
i n discussions and debates.
Students t a k i n g t h e course f o r upper d i v i s i o n c r e d i t w i l l have
a d d i t i o n a l reading and w r i t i n g assignments.
A beginning speech course i s h i g h l y desirable.
Old Main 13
Story T h e a t e r (Children's T h e a t e r )
SPEECH 98285
Ailene Cole
This c l a s s w i l l improvise, produce, and perform a c h i l d r e n ' s play.
Whatever i s needed - s c r i p t , costumes, props, 1i g h t s , scenery, music,
dance - w i l l be created and executed by the class. Performances a r e
scheduled f o r t h e f i n a l week.
Stage 11, Old Music
I n t e r c u l t u r a l Communication
SPEECH 98331
Joel Mugge
This course will explore both the problems and the potential of
communication between persons of different cultural groups. We will
examine several factors which contribute t o comunication barriers
between cultures such a s ethnocentrism, stereotyping, prejudice, role
expectations, values, and non-verbal symbols. The format of the
course will include simulations, group exercises, one-to-one and small
group interaction, and other intercultural experiences a s well as
readings, lectures, and written assignments. I t i s hoped t h a t there
will be students from several cultural groups in the c l a s s , so t h a t
the class i t s e l f will be a laboratory for practicing comunication
between cultures.
The course i s particularly recommended f o r students planning t o study
o r travel abroad.
Evaluation will be based on exams, papers, and an individual project.
Freshmen may register only w i t h permission of instructor.
Old Main 18
Other Courses
These c o u r s e s a r e o f f e r e d by i n s t t t u t i o n s o r groups n o t connected w i t h
Augsburg b u t have been approved f o r c r e d i t by t h e C o l l e g e . Most c a r r y
a t u i t i o n c o s t p l u s o t h e r expenses w h i c h a r e t h e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y o f t h e
s t u d e n t . F u l l e r d e , s c r i p t i o n s and d e t a i l s f o r r e g l s t e r i n g a r e a v a i l a b l e
i n t h e Interim Office.
B a s i c Spinning, W e a v i n g , a n d D y e i n g
O f f e r e d by t h e Weavers G u i l d o f M i n n e s o t a .
551 06
S k i l n t e r l m (Park C i t y , U t a h )
Comprehensive program w i t h l e s s o n s and seminars f o r a l l f r o m
n o v i c e s t o e x p e r t s . Package f e e o f approximate1 y $844 i n c l u d e s
e v e r y t h i n g e x c e p t meals and t r a n s p o r t a t i o n t o Utah. C o n t a c t
Joyce P f a f f (330-1248) f o r f u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n and r e g i s t r a t i o n .
W i l d e r n e s s (A branch o f Plymouth C h r i s t i a n Youth C e n t e r )
Three c o u r s e s a t t h e PCYC base on t h e edge o f t h e Boundary
Waters Canoe Area i n N o r t h e r n Minnesota, n e a r Grand M a r a i s .
Washington Interim
A s t u d y i n t e r n s h i p p r o g r a n i n Washington, D.C. i n c o n n e c t i o n
w i t h t h e Washington Center f o r L e a r n i n g A l t e r n a t i v e s . I n f o r m a t i o n on p r o j e c t s , h o u s i n g and f i n a n c i a l a s s i s t a n c e i s a v a i l a b l e
f r o m Dr. Norma Noonan i n Memorial 113.
T r a l n l n g S c h o o l on A l c o h o l and D r u g A b u s e
I n t e n s i v e e x p e r l e n t ? a1 and d i d a c t j c t r a i n i n g a t Johnson I n s t i
t u t e combined w i t h week-1 ong e x p e r i e n c e i n chemical dependency
t r e a t m e n t agency, S t u d e n t s a r e e v a l u a t e d according t o p a r t i c i
p a t i o n i n c l a s s e s , e x p e r i e n t i a l l e a r n i n g and I n t h e chemical
dependency agency. E n r o l l m e n t i s v e r y l i m i t e d .
S o c i a l Work 95257, s o c i a l work m a j o r and p e r m i s s i o n o f c o n t a c t
person, E d d i e H e r t z b e r g , a r e p r e r e q u i s i t e s . Cost i s $100.
A n Experience w i t h C o m m u n l t
a maa t i c l i t e r a D r darm
A s t u d y o f f o r m s o f revelation i n B i b l i c a and
t u r e ( E u r i pedes , Shakespeare, Ibsen, inter) , supplemented by
workshops i n o r a l i n t e r p r e t a t i o n , I m p r o v i s a t i o n , and a c t i n g .
Communal l i v i n g p r o v i d e s a n i n f o r m a l s e t t i n g t o e x p l o r e t h e
n a t u r e o f p l a y and i t s f u n c t i o n I n f o r m i n g j u s t and c r e a t i v e
i d e n t i t i e s . The setting i s t h e ARC r e t r e a t cornmuni t y n e a r
Cambridge, Minnesota. Mornings w i l l be s p e n t i n l e c t u r e and
discussion, and a f t e r n o o n s In workshop s e s s i o n s focused on t h e
i n v e n t i o n o f games. E v a l u a t i o n based on i n d i v i d u a l p r e s e n t a t i o n s
and e x t e n s i v e j o u r n a l . I n s t r u c t e d by R i c h a r d H a r r i s o n and memb e r s o f t h e ARC community (Augsburg c o n t a c t p e r s o n
J o e l Mugge).
Course r u n s f r o m January 5-29 a t a c o s t o f $285.
Lifetime Sports
The f o l l o w i n g a c t i v i t i e s a r e a v a i l a b l e t o students d u r i n g i n t e r i m .
They do n o t c a r r y o f f i c i a l c r e d i t , b u t they do meet t h e l i f e - t i m e
s p o r t s requirement f o r graduation. Students may p a r t i c i p a t e i n any
one o f these w i t h o u t r e g i s t e r i n g f o r t h e course, b u t w i l l be
expected t o pay any fees whether-or n o t c r e d i t i s received.
F o l k Dancing
E r n i e Anderson
12:OO-1: 00 Monday through Friday
- A Positive Addiction
Joyce P f a f f
Students w i l l be developing and p a r t i c i p a t i n g i n a running program
designed t o get and keep them i n shape. The c l a s s w i l l be
i n d i v i d u a l i z e d t o t h e a b i l i t y and endurance l e v e l o f each p a r t i c i p a n t .
There w i l l be no w r i t t e n t e s t s o r o u t s i d e assignments. D a i l y
attendance i s required. Students must be w i l l i n g t o r u n outside.
(meets :an.
Beginning K a r a t e and S e l f - D e f e n s e
Mike Teitelbaum
An i n t r o d u c t i o n t o "American" Karate. Form, Basic Techniques, and
p r a c t i c a l usage w i l l be t a u g h t by c e r t i f i e d MKA Black B e l t I n s t r u c t o r .
$20.00 f o r p a r t i c i p a t i o n
Monday, Wednesday, F r i d a y
Show less
Augsburg College lnterim
The interim i s an integral part of the school year at Augsburg College. It is particularly intended
to be a time for both students and faculty to employ styles of teaching and learning and to
investigate questions and topics in places and ways not possible during t... Show more
Augsburg College lnterim
The interim i s an integral part of the school year at Augsburg College. It is particularly intended
to be a time for both students and faculty to employ styles of teaching and learning and to
investigate questions and topics in places and ways not possible during the regular term. Since
one course equals a full time load, students should plan to spend the same amount of time in
class and preparing for class as they would for a four course load during Fall and Spring
November 9-12 ............................................ Interim Registration
December 7 ........................................... Late Interim Registration
January4 . . ................................................. First Day of Interim
Class 1 9:00 a.m.
Class 11 1:00 p.m.
January5 . . ............................................. Last day for cancel/add
January7 . ................. .Last day for determining grading system with Registrar
January 18.
Beginning of certain half credit courses*
January22. ....................................... Last day for cancelling courses
January29.. ...................................................... Interim ends
The interim day is divided into two blocks of time:
I - 8:00 - 12:00 Noon
11 - 1:00 - 5:00 p.m.
The number and length of class meetings as well as the beginning time will be arranged the first
day of class.
'Students enrolling in half-credit coursesshould consult the Registrar'sOfficefor datesforcancel/add
and to determine the grading system.
Essential Information
One course is considered a full time load during interim and nostudent is permitted to register
for more than one course credit during the period.
There i s no tuition refund for a student who chooses not to enroll in an interim course.
Most interim courses are graded traditionally on a scale of 4.0 to 0.Students generally have the
option to register on a Pass/No credit basis. A few interim courses are graded only on the P/N
system; this is indicated in the course description.
Some courses are offered with either upper or lower division standing. Such interim courses
have two numbers listed and the student must select. Students registering for upper division
standing should anticipate additional assignments and a more rigorous grading standard.
To graduate, an Augsburg student i s required to complete 35 courses of which at least three
must be interim courses (or one interim less than the number of years of full time enrollment at
Augsburg; e.g., a transfer enrolled full time for two years is required to complete one interim
for graduation.)
Volume 112, Number 3
Fall 1981
AUCSBURCCOLLECE (USPS#490-310)is published fourtirnesa year in Spring,Summer, Fall,and
Winter by Augsburg College, 731 21st Avenue South, Minneapolis, M N 55454. Second-class
postage paid at Minneapolis, Minnesota.
This Catalog
This catalog lists courses by departments with drpartmrnrs l i r t ~ c li n alphabetical order.
Augsburg Interims Abroad are identified by aspecial ~ r . i v e I ~ y m h oAt
l . t h e e n d o f the book are
listings of other courses not offered by Augsburg bt11 recognizerl Ilv the College for interim
credit, and a variety of Lifetime Sports. Further dcscriptlr>ns anrl i ~ ~ f o r m a t i oabout
courses are available in the lnterim Office, Memorial 230.
june lnterim - A t least one interim course will be offered in the June1982session of summer
school (see listing under Education) in lieu of January term with n o additional tuition charge.
Students planning to elect the june interim must register at the time of interim registration in
the fall. Students wishing t o take the June interim i n addition t o the January one will be
required t o pay the regular summer course tuition.
lnternational Interims-Students are invited to consider being part of one of the five overseas
interims offered by Augsburg College during January 1982. These interims are under these
English - Theatre i n London
Religion - Israel, Ancient and M o d e r n
- The Confrontation of Cultures and Religions i n Hawaii
Social Work - Social Service and Public Policies i n a Developing Country: Egypt, 1982
Health and Physical Education - Sailing i n the Virgin Islands
Other international interims are available through Upper Midwest Association for International Education (UMAIE) and St, Olaf College.
Further academic description, travel details and cost estimates are available i n the lnterim
Office and from Mary Kingsley i n the lnternational Center, Memorial 229.
Students interested in participating in one of these international interims should apply i n the
International Center before November 1. Additions to the overseas groups usually cannot be
made after October.
Internships-Internshipsareopen tostudents whocontinue an internship from the fall term or
who begin an internship which will continue into the spring term. Students electing an
internship interim are to present a completed internship learning contract to the Internship
Office (Memorial 230) no later than Tuesday, November 17.
Independent o r Directed Study - Students may elect a program of independent study (upper
division 499) or directed study (lower division 299) for interim. Faculty members are strongly
discouraged from accepting responsibility for more than one independent or directed study
per interim. Students choosing to pursue independent or directed study must:
A. Meet departmental requirements,
B. Present to the lnterim Director for approval a copy of the proposed study plan approved by
the supervising faculty member. This proposal must be submitted at least one week before
registration and not later than November 2. Appropriate study proposal forms can be
obtained in the lnterim Office.
Interimsat Other Schools- Augsburg students may enroll at any other 4-1-4institution which
offers a reciprocal interim arrangement. Catalogs of these interims can be consulted in the
lnterim Office. The lnterim Secretary will help students i n applying for registration at other
schools. Registration for interims at the other Twin Cities colleges will be done at Augsburg
during the regular registration period. Most courses taught during the interim at other 4-1-4
schools are accepted for credit by Augsburg, but may not necessarily be accepted as meeting
Augsburg's distribution requirements. This qualification particularly affectscourses offered for
the Religion requirement.
Non-Augsburg Students
Augsburg Collegewelcomesstudentsfrom other4-1-4schoolsfor theJanuary interim without
tuition charges provided the student's home institution agrees not t o charge tuition to
Augsburg students for the January term. The waiver of tuition does not include special fees,
housing o r board costs. Other students will be,charged $600 for the interim course.
Students interested i n registering for an Augsburg Interim should w r i t e t o the lnterim Director
for application forms or use the forms provided by the interim office at their own school. These
students are welcome to stay o n campus but are not required t o d o so. Requests for interim
housing should be made t o the lnterim Office.
Augsburg Policy
Augsburg College admits studentsof any race,color, nationalandethnicorigin toall the rights,
privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the
school. It does not discriminateon the basisof race, color, creed, national and ethnicorigin i n
employment practices or administration of its educational policies, admissions policies,
scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.
Need More Help?
Check with:
The lnterim Office (Memorial 230),
The Interim Secretary, Lorraine Stieper at 330-1025, or
The lnterim Director, Dr. Don Gustafson at 330-1192 (Memorial 114b).
Location Key
L-Library Building
M-Music Hall
OM-Old Main
P-Psychology Building
S-Science Hall
Art 150 - 4003
Instructor: Norman Holen
You are introduced to copper, brass, pewter, and silver and you learn how t o cut, shape,
enamel and cast these metals.
The supplies you need will vary according to the projects we choose. We try to provide the
necessary equipment and re-usable items.
There is n o text and there are no tests. You are graded o n your pieces.
Distribution: Art - Music
Time: II
16mm Film-Making I - Film-Making I1
Art 242 - 4001,342 - 4002
Instructor: Paul Rusten
The procedure, techniques and philosophy of 16mm film-making for expression/communication.
Using professional 16mm equipment, students i n teams will produce short black and white
synchronized sound motion pictures.
Students w h o have successfully completed Film-Making I (or equivalent) may take FilmMaking II, producing an advanced film project within thesameclass-schedule and time-frame
as Film-Making I.
Fee: $75.00 for filmstock and equipment rental
Prerequisites for 342: Film-Making I or equivalent
Distribution: Art - Music
Time: II
Ethical Issues in the Life Sciences
BIO 106 - 4113
lnstructor Ralph Sulerud
W r .Ire living I n a prrtod of b i o l o g i r c ~rc~volutron
whlch seems l ~ k e l y10 conrlnur, Many of the
r i ~ v ~ ~ t o p will
r n ~ ~ncreasrngly
rerull In tlramat~c changes In ethiral ~ h t n k i n gand the
liormr~lation of p u b f ~pr o l ~y,
r guestion\sur h h ~ these
must be effect~ut+ly
atlrIressetl: w h a t are
l h r ~ g l ~oft r thp unborn7 Should h ~ u l o ~ i she
t s allowed to work o n a n y type nt r r w d r r h n o
nlairrl wlipre ~t le;lrI<?Doer ~ h ~r r l r aof 4 rnaral r e s p o n s ~ b ~ ltoward
the rrivrronmrnr make
sense? What e t h ~ c a land soc~alproblems would arlse as a result of c l o n ~ n gpeople? Is
recomb~nantDNA research l ~ k e l yto create more problems than ~tsolves? I s euthanas~aever
It ?I S Intended that th~scourseshould p r o v ~ d eat least a small part of the background
necessary to answer such questions and make respons~bleeth~calcho~ces
Each t o p ~ cw ~ l be
l ~ n t r o d ~ c eby
t l I ~ F ,Instructor or a guest, but much of the class tlme w ~ lbe
spent d~scuss~ng
ass~gnrtlr~arl!rrgsnrrrl varlous vlewpolnts Formulat~onof a b r ~ e fposltlon
paper on one o f the i ~ s i 1 c 5w ~ l lhe r e q u ~ r e d Grades w ~ l lbe based o n the paper, class
partlclpatlon and exarnlnatlun rerrtltr.
Distribution: Chemistry - Biology
Time: I
Wetland Ecology
Bio 311 - 4114
Instructor: Roberta Lammers
I n wetland ecology w~ will study the complexity, variery and impurtalrce 01 Ird shwater
wetlands (i.e., bogs, marshes, fens, swamps, etc.). We will :turfy the physical asperrs of these
wetlandsas well as the interrelationshipsof some of their rn,ijor organisrnslikc~~d~~s,insects,
and sphagnum. Students will be required to pursue intlept.nrlcnr rr.dclirig on wetland
org.fnitms of particular i n t r r ~to
~ l hen^. The raurse w w cons is^ ul re,,ding and discussion as
well as lab ivork identilying nrganismsrollecled In n n r t h ~ r n
M i n n ~ s o t aduring the summer by
a l Minncsota's wetlands as an energy
the instructiw. Wc shall examine cririrally ~ hpro ~ e n ~ iof
source. There will hr local l i ~ l tripsrf~~~enrilnf:un
her. Cradingwill be o n the basis of
one test and the presentalion (writren or or;~l)of ~ h indrpendent
Prerequisites: 510 111, 112
Time: I
The Biology of Aging
Bio 385 - 4115
Instructor. Robert Herforth
At snmc lime ax another I r l our lives masr 01 u5 w ~ l rl i t h e r d ~ r c c r l yaxpcrlence aging or be
~ n f l u e n r c d pcople ~ ~ n c l e r g n t nagc-rrlared
changrq. Thic roiIrsP WIIIroncenlrfite on t h ~
t)iolog~ralasprcts uT such chang~s.W h a ~ir t h ndtlrrc
oI t h c s ~age-related rhangr?~?
lartorr tnIl~lr*ncrthe l a t v of aging? Do rellr ~ s a l ~ ~ from
t r c l the body <how aging? 1s aging the
o focne r t a ~ n
c r l l r o r tissuesol the body?What are the current t h ~ o r l e s a st o
rerulr of d c ~ r r ~ o r a t ~
IIIP h i o l ~ g ~ kca~c ~l rol a g ~ n g ?Ir aglng ronrrnllerl by a I ~ r a l o g ~ c clock?
Thew and other
qursrions will tw arldressrd In l h h course hy rnpans nf rlassroom ~ P C I U ~ P Fand d~scusslnnsol
ass~gnedread~ngs.Evaluat~onw ~ l be
l based on several qulzzes and exams glven d u r ~ n gthe
BIO 111
Time: I
S 212
Introduction to Chemistry
C h m 104 - 4116
Instructor: John Carlson
of chemistry for ~hosr?
who have never studled chemistry hefore.
h course in basic
are conccpls nt measurcrncnt, alorntr anrl ~ n o l e r u l a strucrurr,
types of rcactinns,
solurionr, n c ~ r l sr ~ bases,
~ d at111 $n ~ n r m t l u c - t ~ to
p no r ~ a n ichrmistry.
Many applications to Iifc
~ T O C C S S ~and
cnvironmental concerns are ma&. I.~cturesand demonslratians; rlo lab; no
~hrcrlonger examinations
Icrm paperr. Two hnrlrs iprturp ppr (Jay, five days a w ~ e kquizzes,
plus a final. Not oprn lo a n y w i t h priorstudy ofchernisrry. Does notcount roward 3 rriajor o r a
minor i n chemistry. Crctlit for both 104 anrl either 105,109, n r 115 no1 allowrrl.
Distribution: Chemistry - Biology
Time: I
Laboratory Introduction to Chemistry
Chm 113 - 4117
Instructor: Earl Alton
rindin%whlch chemicals are i n a solution (qualitdtlve analysis) ir a rhallengine, way of learning
rumc principles of chemistry. This course will use I,lkoratory experiments coupled with an
essentially non-mathematical explanation of the chemisrry involverl to provicjr an introducrion
to chemistry. Thp laboratory work will center on ~ o l v i n grhcrnical urtknowns. There will b e
s~verr71~ ~ d l 1 r ~ - ~ ~ i 5sessions
~ ~ s s each
i o n week and ,~bnut~ h r haurr
c ~ of lal~oratory~ a c day.
Grading will be based upon solving unknowns and a few quizzes.
Prerequisites: High School Chemistry
Distribution: Chemistry - Biology
Time: I (Lectures 11:OO-12:OO N) Time: II (Lab 1:OO-4:00 p.m.)
Introduction to Clinical Chemistry
Chm 205 - 4118
Instructor: Arlin Gyberg
A few years ago rllagnnctlc rnedicln~
was ptinc~pdllya rnaltpr of r t > l l r c l i n information
Fymptnmc to d ~ a ~ n o san
e ~ l l n r w .O c c a ~ ~ o n a l lat>r)ralc)ry
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medicine l i d s progrr~seOto rhe pant whcrc laburatory teslr are r c j u ~ l n ~l ~
l yc r f o r m c dalrd may
result In d t i l d g n ~ ~ ~ ~ d ~[porn
f f e rt ~hnone
~l inclicntrtl l?y Ihe symptomr.Thlscourre intrrrtl~lcpr
sornc o l the lypes ol c l i r ~ n i c a problems
s r g n ~ l ~ r aInn ~m e d ~ c r n eand mrlhods nl chtarnic.~!
analysrs urrtl i n the tlcnical r h ~ m i ~ t rlat>oralory.
Lecturer, lilme, orcasitmal laboratory
wlIl he u~crrlIrl t h c , ctrursp,
exprrlrnul-, anrl at ledst one f i ~ l dr i rp tn a r l ~ n i r a lal~r>r.-~~ork
evaluation will be by frequent quizzes and a f ~ n aexam.
Prerequisites: C H M 106,116, or 223
T ~ m eI
S 315
Economics of Urban Issues
Eco 120 - 4119
Instructor: Ed Sabella
Study of economic implications of problems facing a metro-urban environment. Basic microeconomic tools employed.
Distribution: Urban Studies
Time: II
O M 13
Learning Styles, Teaching Styles
Ede 227 - 4125
Eds 227 - 4126
Instructor: M a r ~ eMcNeff
differences among students, varlatlons In learnlng styles are numerous Some
L ~ k e~ndlvldual
students learn better by dlscuss~on,others by l~sten~ng
and others by work~ngo n thelr own
Students d ~ f f e rIn learnlng style w h ~ c hmeans that certaln educational approaches are more
effect~vethan others for part~cularstudents
H a v ~yo11 had profe5sr~r~
that held you spellbot~nrlin thrlr r.lassrsl Have you had their
counterpart whcrr y ~ ~ u s ~ r u ~tg
o Irt,ry
e d awdke? T ~ ~lrnlrnrsor
mdy have L I ~ Pa ~t r . ~ r h t nstyle
ihai was or wa5 nnt c<hmpa~ihlt.w i ~ hyour learn~ngsrvlc.
Thrs course will explorr r e ~ e a r r hhe~n'gcJon~rn t h r area.; of teaching and learning styles,
51utlpnrsw ~ lpartlcrpa~e
In a I~arninarty!r\ rnvrnrory lo help Identify how they barn h ~ r t .
f hiscoi~rsersoflcrrtl
through theIrft~ratlonDcpar~mrnl.hutir t l r f i n l t ~ l y{)pentoallstudentr.
Time: ll
Discovery in the Wsrld of Kindergarten
Ede 375 - 4124
Instructor: Lauretta Pelton
This course is a study of the kindergarten curriculum, an exploration of resources and materials
and a review of teaching approaches.
Laboratory requirement: Five half days in a kindergarten classroom. This is to be arranged by
the student after consultation with the instructor. The laboratory experience should have
taken place prior to the course itself.
The course is a prerequisite to student teaching at the kindergarten level and to obtaining a
license for teaching at that level.
Prerequisites: Consent of instructor
Time: Summer Interim
Student Teaching
Eds 481 - 4120
Eds 482 - 4121
Eds 483 - 4122
Eds 484 - 4123
Instructor: Sheldon Fardig
Observing and directing learning under supervision of college and secondary school
personnel. This is a full day experience in a school.
Prerequisites: Acceptance in Education Program and permission of instructor.
Time: I
People Under Pressure
Eng 211 - 4130
Instructor: Barbara Andersen
The child, the youth, the middle-aged, the old, all live under pressure-political, social.
religious and personal. What these pressures are and how people cope with them provide the
focus for the course. This i s not, however, a course i n depression,for pressure and stress often
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Wr. will r r,icl r c v r r a l grhrirtls. IIIOFTI~ (11 ( 1 1 201
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M y Father: Gordon, Final Paylncnt,. Students will have some choice of works to read.
Evaluation will be based on discussions, some in-class writing, reading quizzes, oral reports
(optional) and two examinations.
Distribution: English - Speech, Co~nmunication& Theater Arts
Time: I
O M 10
The Brontes
Eng 248 - 4128
Eng 348 - 4129
Instructor: Catherine Nicholl
I n a parsonage on the edge of the Yorkshire moors, four gifted children mused themselves hy
redding Shakespeare and Byron and writing miniature books i n which they developed two
elaborate and romantic kingdoms. Literally surrounded by death-the churchyard in which
their mother and two sisters were buried-they consoled themselves with the lile of the
imagination. All of them, too, were to die young. But the th~,eesisters. Charlotte, Emily, and
Anne, gave to the world several groundbreaking novels dnd some memorable poetry.
The course will focus primarily o n the writings of Charlotte ()a~leEyrc. Villerte) and Emily
(Wurhering Heighfs, poems). All students will read these works and will sample some of the
critical approaches t o Wufherir~gHeight\, one of the most original novels of the nineteenth
century. In addition, we will read the biography of Charlotte by her friend and fellow writer.
Elizabeth Gaskell. We will consider the influence on the sisters of the family situation and of
attitudes toward women writers in the 1840's.
Each student will read one additional novel or biography. Class activities will include lectures,
discussions, and films In addition to short quizzes and an exam, each student will either write a
short paper or d o a class presentation. Upper division students will d o both.
Prerequisites: One literature course or consent of the instructor.
Distribution: Urban Studies, or Women's Studies, or Minority Studies
Time: l l
O M 16
Europe January 3-28
I nteri m/9
Theatre in London
Eng 269 - 4131
Eng 369 - 4132
Instructor: Richard Sargent
Cost: $1795
London is one of the leading centers of theatre in the world. We will attend plays at theatres
such as the National Theatre and the Royal Shakespeare Company theatres where internationally renowned directors like Peter Hall present revivals of classics and the premieres of the
work of playwrights like Tom Stoppard and Peter Shaffer. We will be reading some plays in
order to be aware of the historical context in which contemporary dramatists are writing. In
addition to going to plays and touring theatres, we will take advantage of the cultural richness
London has to offer, visiting art galleries such as theTate, attending concerts, and touring spots
in London that have been significant in literary history. We will also make trips to visit other
theatres, notably to Stratford.
Students will keep a journal: those taking the course for upper division will write a paper in
Counts toward English major
Distribution: English - Speech, Communication &Theater Arts
Grading: P/N
Five-College Poetry Writing Workshop
Eng 362 - 4127
Instructor: Roger Blakeley, Macalester College
of the workshop will experiment with poetry techniques, aiming at the completion
rrl .I pns~lolirkof new work and the revising of existing manuscripts. The workshop will meet
threp mornings a week at Macalester for lectures, discussions, and critiques. In addition,
iridividual conlerences will be scheduled, and an optional public reading is planned for late in
the month. Attendance at all class sessions is mandatory
The course is open to students from the five Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities who have
had experience in writing poetry. Normally only three students from a college will be
accepted. Preferably students should have taken at least one college-level creative writing
Students considering this course should contact Richard Sargent (English Department) and
submit samples of their work no later than one'week before the first day of Fall Registration for
Class meets 9:30 to 11:45 MWF, H 203 (Macalester), plus conferences TBA.
French Literature in Translation
Fre 243 - 4134
Instructor: Ruth Aaskov
Study of representativeshorter French works in English translation. By reading and analysis of a
common core of varied works we will strengthen communication and critical skills, develop
cultural sensitivity, and become acquainted with significant French writers. Mini-lectures and
study guides will help focus attention on the works themselves. M u c h class time daily will be
devoted to small group discussion and exchange of ideas. Evaluation based on group work,
progress, quizzes, writing assignments, and a short independent study.
Prerequisites: Sophomore standing
Distribution: Jr. & Sr. only (old requirements).
Time: I
Beginning Norwegian
~ d 111
r - 4133
Instructor: Liv Dahl
Introduction of the four basic language skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Stress
o n spoken rather than literary Norwegian. Oral and written tests. Laboratory work expected.
Distribution: Foreign Language
Time: I
O M 29
Norwegian Conversation and Composition
Nor 311 - 4137
Instructor: Leif Hansen
Intensive practice i n spoken Norwegian with emphasis on pronunciation and original
composition. Some attention given t o regional variations i n spoken Norwegian and to
differences between the t w o official languages of Norway. There will be laboratory work and
field experience.
If arrangements can be made, part of the course will be conducted at a location in Northern
Fees: $100 if the off-campus part of the course can be arranged.
Prerequisites: 75211 or equivalent
Time: II
O M 29
lntensive Beginning Spanish
Spa 112 - 4135
Instructor: To b e named
The goal of thiscourse isto complete thesequence of Beginning Spanish with greater emphasis
o n spoken Spanish than is usually the case. Students will be expected to complete and correct
written assignments outside of class so that time in class can b e used for small group
conversations, impromptu skits and discussions in Spanish. Evaluation will be based on
daily work, quizzes, four tests and a final exam.
Prerequisites: Spanish 111
Distribution: Foreign Language
O M 23
Time: I
Spanish of the Business and the Professional World
Spa 215 ;4136
Instructor: Gunta Rozentals
Objectives: To give the students the basics needed to cope with professional situations by
preparing them to work with Spanish-speaking clients in various fields.
Content: Introduction to the communication patterns and technical expressions used in
health care, education, welfare, law enforcement and business areas. Layout and style of
Spanish business letters.
Evaluation: Tests and performance in simulations of true-to-life situations.
Prerequisites: Spanish 212
Distribution: Foreign Language
Time: I
Planning for Tomorrow:
Personal & Social Transformation in the 1980's
Gst 240 - 4177
Robert Clyde, Augsburg College
Berenice Bleedorn, Director of Creative Studies, The Coll6ge of St. Thomas
Course will define personal and social transformation, show how this transformation takes
place, and introduce students to such concepts as general systems theory, paradigm shifts,
entropy and syntropy, holism, and the uncertainty principle. Using this knowledge, students
will develop a model for a futuristic democracy, i n which the citizens "think globally and act
Students will read Marilyn Ferguson's The Aquarian Conspiracy plus one or more additional
books from the bibliography, keep a journal on the readings, class discussions and additional
resources (meetings, lectures, interviews, films, etc.), and prepare a plan for personal,
continuing involvement in the model for the futuristic democracy developed by the class.
Evaluation will be based on assessment of "open journal" through oral examination, and
assessment of quality of personal growth plan.
S 108
Time: II
Recreational Rhythms and Activities
Hpe 232 - 4143
Instructor: Pam Paulson
Theory and practice in teaching and performing American heritage and international folk
dances. Exposure to New Games concepts and activities. The majority of the course grade i s
based upon participation in class activities, a teaching assignment, and a written test.
This offering equals only 1/2 course credit.
Time: I - Jan. 18-29
Modern Dance
Hpe 373 - 4141
Instructor: Pam Paulson
An introductory course in modern dance technique, composition, improvisation, and
problem solving. The majority of the course grade i s based upon daily performance in class,
performance of a group composition, and a written test.
This offering equals only 1/2 course credit.
Time: I - Jan. 4 - 15
12/l nteri m
Administration and Supervision
of the School Health Program
Hpe 410 - 4142
Instructor: Richard Borstad
Historical background, legal bases, school health services, and relationships to community
health program and resources. Methods and materials in health education with laboratory
experience in classroom and community.
Prerequisites: Health 320 (School Health Curriculum)
Time: I
Melby 13
Virgin Islands January 4-28
Sailing in the Virgin Islands
Hpe 455 - 4139
Instructor: Joyce Pfaff
Cost: $1995
Designed for the beginning and intermediate sailor interested in the art and practice of sailboat
cruising. The course will focus on taking the participant to a competent level of sailboat
handling (anchoring, docking, helming, and crewing). The student will live aboard a 39'fixed
keel sailboat with 6 other people and will function as an active crew member.
Actual on-the-water instruction will be the major part of the course. This will besupplemented
by sessions dealing with safety, boat handling, boat systems, provisioning, trip planning,
piloting,and navigation. Sailing will include cruises to the various islandsand cays in the British
and American Virgin Islands. Snorkelingand windsurfing will be available on an optional basis.
Evaluation will be based on competencies demonstrated by each individual in crewing and
leadership in the role of "acting captain." A daily ship's log will be kept by all participants.
Counts toward lifetime sport distribution requirement
Grading: P/N only
Coaching of Football
Hpe 476 - 4140
Instructor: Al Kloppen
Theory, technique and administrative aspects of coaching football.
This offering equals only 1/2 course credit.
Time: I -Jan. 4 - 15
Melby 12
Coaching of Basketball
Hpe 477 - 4138
Instructor: Rees Johnson
Theory, techniquesand administration of coaching basketball. Course will includeoff-season,
pre-season and in-season programs. Grade evaluation will be based on preparation of a
coaching notebook, a written exam and general participation.
There will be some out of class night work.
Prerequisites: Instructor's approval.
This course equals only 1/2 course credit.
Melby 13
Time: I l -Jan. 18 - 29
20th Century South Asia
His 162 - 4147
His 462 - 4148
Instructor: Don Gustafson
Thts geographtc area has pratlilrrd the l a r g r ~workrng
rlernocr~ryin thc world today; from
this people havr come on(' a( our cenlury's greaimt "saints" and a l s o one or the most
r ~ n o w n e tstalesmen;
11 isa forernoqt cxample of 20th-Ccntnryr olonralismarid natlonallrm: ir
oneaf thisrentury'sgreatr~rupheavalfof people: i t rsa ~tdndnrdexarnplcfor
populat~ontrtsrs and world h u n ~ e rillt~stratlons.5oi11hAsia is all thrs-ant1 much more.
Thts course I$ d~slgnerlfor the ctndent *ha has Inrercs! but lirtls or no background In
nnn-western ~ubj~=ct5-1hough
nth~rsare a l ~ owelcorn~.The h ~ a rot l the coursr will he in a
w ~ t l ~ a ~ s o r t m e nreadings
(somt oI them really cxcellcnt) t r u ~~IIF-IP
will a l ~ o h e
lertures, trrne
for drscussron and frequent breaks for slrde presentations.
Grades w ~ lbe
l based on general level of partlclpatlon, on some wrltten work and probably a
test Students reglster~ngfor upper dlvls~oncred~tw ~ l have
addlt~onalassignments and be
graded by upper dlvrslon standards.
Prerequisites: Students registering for upper division credit must have had at least one college
history class.
Distribution: History - Philosophy
Time: I
Eastward to America: Limited Hospitality
His 220 - 4145
His 320 - 4146
Instructor: Khrn Khrn Jensen
An invesriaatlon c l r tlw rationale fcr I ~ immigration
pattern, economir opporlunities, and
social. politlcnl and economic- problems encour~rer~rl
tjy thp folIowing Irnrn1grant5:Chlnew,
Forus on these thrre rrhnic groups will involve
jap~ncseanrl Korean5 tn the W n i l ~ rStares.
tjrlth t h "nld"
rmmigrants nntl ~tir"ncw" immigrants. Coursc will u 1 1 l i r~~~l ~ nspeak~r5
(Chinesr. Japancse and Koreilns) in a home rnvirnnment-dt~cus5Ion format. There will l~
etltnir meals, ~ t h n i craaking dcrnonsrra~ians,films, slides ~ n df i r * l t l rrips-,111 f h c ~arp
important rornponent5 of thv rorlrsp as IS rlie academic component ol readings. erc.
Focus Ir on ~ h cxperienrrs
or tlicsc ethnic aroups in Hawaii. Calllorr~i;~
ant1 M t n n ~ f o t a .
and a Iourn,jI, loww rlivirron will cloa jnirrn;tl. Thrrr will
1 1 1 ~ ~ ~ r d i v i s i o n ~ t u dwill
e n dnapaprr
t)r an exam un the t ~ x and
Fees: $15 for meals and films etc.
Prerequ~sites:Lower Divis~on,None
Upper Divis~on,sophomore standing and consent of instructor
D~stribution:Ii~storyand Philosophy
Time: I
Studies in Ancient and Medieval History
Through the Reformation
His 366 - 4190
Instructor: Richard Nelson
This course is intended for those students who, having completed a course i n either ancient,
medieval, renaissance, or reformation history, have a desire t o extend their work in one of
those areas. Students will meet with me on a regular arranged basis for consultation and
identification of the topic they intend to study. These topics can be of varied nature: e.g.,
biographical, social, military,art, literature, etc. The final result of thestudy will becompletion
of a paper or project.
Prerequisite: One history course and consent of instructor
Time: II
Brush Up
Mat 103 - 4150
Instructor: Bev Durkee
Thiscourse is designed asa brush u p in arithmetic and elementary algebraskills.Thecourse will
be particularly helpful for students in elementary education or w h o will b e taking statistics as
part of a major. Part of the work will be done on the computer.
There will be diagnostic tests t o determine study needs, homework assignments t o gain skills,
and written problem solving tests to determine achievement. Grades will be determined by
test scores. Course of study i s completely individualized.
Time: I
S 108
Mathematical Aspects of Music
Mat 130 - 4149
Instructor: Ben Cooper
This course has t w o purposes. The first is to convey some mathematics that musicians should
know (or know about), mostly concerning such pre-musical topics as acoustics, scales, tuning,
and the premises of twelve-tone composition, but also concerning the question of the
meaning of compositional style and quality.Thesecond purpose is t o try tocounterthecultural
invrntine or discovering
isolation of motlcrn malhematics by mcans o l parallel e r t p ~ r i c n c r %
and writing music,anrl thro~ghc-antactwith one or two rna~hr*rnaticalto~ics
a tangential bearing o n music,
usually found in the curriculum t h a t a r c r i a n i l i ~ a n t ~ t r a v e aleas1
and con bc enjoycd with minimdl prereq~lisites.When pos~ihle,we will Iry trl hear those things
we discuss mathematically through recordings or performant:e. Grades will be based o n
homework exercises, mostly mathematical, but including the composition of at least one
canon. Therefore some experience i n part writing is essential. The necessary mathematics will
be developed i n class.
Prerequisites: Music 101 o r equivalent and some high school algebra.
Distribution: Mathematics - Physics
Time: I
Mathematical Themes in History and Philosophy
M a t 134 - 4188
M a t 334 - 4189
Instructor: Larry Copes
This course is designed for students who enjoy challenging reading and writing, but may be
uncomfortable with mathematics. Objectivesare to examine waysin which mathematical ideas
have affected and have been affected by philosophical ideas and historical movements. We
shall examine h o w number systems, algebra, cardinality, and axiom systems have related to
various epistemologies. There will be t w o exams and two short papers.
Students must be qualified for College Algebra, as demonstrated (for example) by being i n
Croup A on the Augsburg Mathematics Placement Exam.
Upper division: Students should have taken at least one mathematics course beyond Calculus II. Grading will be based o n three papers.
Prerequisites: Yes
Distribution: Mathematics - Physics
Time: II
O M 25
Introduction to Music Therapy: A Clinical Overview
Mus 110 - 4151
Instructor: Roberta Metzler
Visitation of clinical f a c i l i ~ i ~i rsl t l ~ cMetropolitan area to observe music therapy in practice.
Objectives of the coursr will Ile lo llccorn~familiar with a variety of clientele (Including
mentally retarded, emotionally tlis~url)ed,nntl p11ysic.illy hilndicapped), and t u observ~how
music therapy function< wilt1 diricrcnt populations. I n addition to the field trips, c-lasircmm
discussions will include an o v e r v i ~ wol nlusir fherapy prac-tires and theory in thir country and
abroad. Evaluation will be based o n tests,field trip reports, and class participation. A special fee
of $15.00 will be required, t o cover the cost of transportation. A special class project will be
required for upper division credit. Student times must beflexible, toallow for field tripsduring
either the morning or afternoon.
Fees: $15.00
Distribution: Art - Music
Time: II
Sign and Song
Mus 161 - 4152
Mus 361 - 4153
Instructor: Larry Fleming
This course of study will investigate the relationship between visual symbols utilized in
"signing" for the hearing impaired, and the basicelementsof music: melodiccontour, rhythm,
and text topics.
The process will include:
I. Theory-Readings and discussion i n the areas of symbol, image, ritual, and gesture by
authors S. Langer, B. Shahn, C. lung, T. Stafford, and others.
II. ~ a r t i c i ~ a t i o n - ~ a s i"signing"
will b e taught by an area expert, so that fundamental
concepts, vocabulary, and gestures are experienced and understood.
Ill. Observation-Visits at local congregations and schools where signing is used with song.
Although of special benefit for Music, Drama, and Education students, this study might prove
useful for any interested student. N o previousexperienceor music training is necessary. Upper
division credit requires the writing of a position paper.
Distribution: Art - Music
M 22
Time: II
Trends and Issues in Nursing
Nur 330 - 4154
Instructors: Susan Knust - Nancy Malcolm
Nursing is viewed from an historical, current and futurist perspective to develop theories and
concepts of leadership, change, and role development. The nurse as leader is discussed i n
terms of ethics and accountability to the profession and t o society. The changing health care
needs and demands of society are examined i n light of theability of the health caresystemand
health care providers to meet those needs. The role of the nurse in meeting current and
projected societal health care needs is discussed with emphasis on changing and emerging
roles in nursing.
The student increases his/her awareness of the complexities of societal and health issues by
examining the political and legislative processes related to such issues. Emphasis is placed o n
the impact of these processeson the nursing profession and health care delivery. The role of
the nurse as an active participant i n these processes i s examined as well. Teaching methods
include lecture, discussion and a variety of expert guest speakers. Evaluation methods include
annotated bibliography, student debates and paper and pencil test.
O M 11
Time: II
The Nature of Contemplation
Phi 210 - 4157
Instructor: Mark Fuehrer
Thiscourse will examine the nature of contemplation by meansof philosophicalanalysis of the
works of several contemplative writers. The following concepts will be analyzed and
discussed: the object of contemplation, the effects of contemplation on the human subject,
the modes of contemplation, and the language of contemplation.
The course will consist of introductory lectures o n topics t o be discussed followed by selected
readings and discussions i n class. Each student will prepare one paper of moderate length on a
topic of his/her choosing with respect t o the course. Students will be given a grade based on
the term paper and the individual discussions.
Distribution: History - Philosophy
Time: II
O M 23
Age of Aquarius? A Philosophical Look
at Some Contemporary lssues
Phi 250 -4158
Instructor: Kenneth Bailey
A popular song says: "This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius." Is it? Aquarius, the
Waterbearer, the eleventh sign of the zodiac, symbolizes simplicity, peace, and brotherhood.
Whether such an age has begun is a question. Some astrologers say it began as early as 1930;
others that it is just dawning. However that may be, i n this course we will discusssome of the
concerns (e.g., freedom, morality, hunger) that face whatever age we may be in, from a
philosophical standpoint.
Basically a discussion course. Grades will be based o n written tests and class participation.
Distribution: History - Philosophy
OM 10
Time: II
Islamic Philosophy: Past and Present
Phi 410 - 4156
Instructor: Bruce Reichenbach
A study of the preservers of the Classic Greek tradition, analyzing h o w they reshaped the
materials they inherited and i n what way they helped influencc the rise of Medieval Christian
thought. To what extent current Islamic thought preserves their heritage or is conditioned by
Christian western culture will be explored.
Seminar format, with presentation and discussion of research papers.
Prerequisites: No, though some previous philosophy recommended.
Distribution: History - Philosophy
M 23
Time: I
1982 Oak Ridge ~ssociatedUniversities
Science Minimester
Phy 322 - 4159
Inctructor: Kermit E. Paulson
A study of nuclear radiation with emphasis on applications and "hands-on" laboratory
experience for the individual student. The course will consist of (1) introductory work on
radiation detection and measurement at Augsburg, (2) participation in the 1982 Oak Ridge
Associated Universities Science Minimester where the student has the opportunity to study
projects i n nuclear radiation physics, radiobiology, radiochemistry, environmental radiation,
coal technology, health physics,and radiological safety; and (3) summary and evaluation of the
program back at Augsburg.
This course is a cooperative venture with Oak Ridge Associated Universities-Professional
Tra~ningprogram. Two weeks of the coursewill bespent i n Oak Ridge, Tennessee utilizing the
instructional staff and laboratory facilitiesof ORAU. These facilities provide an opportunity for
laboratory experience not normally available to undergraduate students.
Fecs: The cost for travel and housing will be approximately $250.
Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
Time: I
S 24
Democratic Theory and Practice
Pol 381 - 4160
Instructor: Milda Hedblom
A study of democraric theory and public policy practice with focu, on the emergence of
political democracy, capitalism and the welfare state in comparative perspective. An extensive
research project will b e required in one of the major themes of the course involving
considerable independent work.
Prerequisites: Two courses political science,economics, philosophy or instructor's permission.
M 25
Time: II
The Politics of American Defense
POI 461 - 4161
Instructor: Mary Ellen Lundsten
Contending explanations of American foreign policy-making will be examined with special
concern for nuclear strategy and military intervention. Issues arising out of the Carter and
Reagan defense policies will be discussed i n the light of previous American foreign policy
behavior since World War II. .
Grades will be based on t w o 5-page essays i n which students will reflect and comment on
course readings, class discussions, and their experiences i n a policy-making simulation to be
held during one all-day class in mid-January.
Prerequisites: One introductory course in political science or permission of the instructor.
M 25
Time: I
Use of the Personal Computer in Psychology
Psy 241 - 4163
lnitructor: Richard Marken
See how a personal computer (the Psychology Department's Apple Il)can be used as a tool t o
explore the mind. Learn t o write simple programs i n BASIC which will produce graphic
displays, measure response time, d o statistical analyses and mndel thought processes. See the
fruits of your efforts i n glorious color on the Apple II TV scleen. Evaluation based o n
programming projects and two tests.
Time: II
Designing an Introductory Psychology Course
Psy 305 - 4164
Instructor: Norm Ferguson
The course will involve students i n all phases of developing an introductory psychology course.
This will include assessing the background and interests of the potential students, developing a
course outline, choosing the classroom teaching methods, selecting the textbooks, preparing
the exams and other forms of evaluation, and determining the grading procedures.
There are two main objectives: (1) t o give students exposure to principles of curriculum
development and theories of intellectual growth and development and (2) t o give students an
opportunity to experience thesubject matter of introductory psychology from the perspective
of an instructor.
Evaluation will be based o n daily class participation and written assignments.
Prerequisites: Two courses in psychology.
Time: II
Reading in the Works of Robert Coles
Psy 372 - 4162
Instructor: Duane Johnson
Thiscourse will providean opportunity to read i n the works of Robert Coles with major focus
o n conditions under which children develop. Reading will also include some attention t o
authors closely related to Coles' perspective.
Robert Coles isone of America's most widely published writers; much of his writing is based on
a participant-observer style ol rrsaarrh. I-lp<prnclsfuhstantial time with particular persons i n
various settings (southrrnri-5, rrligrants, sliarc~cropllers, Eskimos, Chicanos, Indians, the
affluent and privileged, pcoplc of Iflsler 2nd South Africa) and reports their lives with
sensitivity and with particirlar ~ l r p n l i o1 ~
0 ltheir ~ r r c * ~ ~ k
i s ra.perceptive criticof our society
and a spokesperson for the "less advantaged" and minority persons.
Some initial study and planning will be required prior t o the beginning of the interim; each
student must contact Dr. Johnson n o later than December 1 for further details regarding these
assignments and t o confirm her/his registration i n the course. Course expectations will include
extensive reading, regular class attendance and contribution, an annotated journal, and ashort
summary paper. Course will be offered only on a P-N grading basis.
Prerequisites: 86105 - General Psychology
Time: I
Hawa~iJanuary 4-30
The Confrontation of Cultures
and Religions in Hawaii
Rel 321 - 4166
Instructor: P h ~ l ~
Cost: $1795
A study of Buddhism, Protestant Christianity, Mormonism,and Polynesian religion with special
attention t o their interrelation i n Hawaii. Special attention given t o t h e following: the meeting
of New England Calvinism and Hawaiian traditional culture and religion and its results today;
the meeting of Christianity and both Chinese and Japanese Buddhism i n Hawaii today; and the
approach of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) to the Polynesians.
Efforts will also be made to study aspects of Chinese and Japanese cultures and religions i n
their own right.
Evaluation will be based o n class participation and the submission of a journal.
Distribution: Religion
Prerequisites: one religion course
Grading: P/N only
Christianity in Modern Africa
Re1 366 - 4165
Instructor: Bradley Holt
This cour.;c. is i n t ~ n c l r t10
l inform l~artiriparitsabout thr. c'ontrmporary r r l i g i c > ~situatir~n
s r l e c ~ r trrgions
~f Africa and ~ o s t i r n u l a ~rcllccrion.on
llrc univrrsat r taimsol Christianiry anrl
form< il takrbs. A l f r n l i o r i will h r #ivcn lo Iht? lllarrting of Ctiristii~nityit1
the v d l i ~ Ot (~CUIIU~JI
klric-a,to I t s d ~ v e l o ~ ~rlntler
t n ~ nr ~n l n n ~ arrgimt:s,arlrl
irs rrr.rnt growth in ~nrlcpendentstates.
T l i r " l r ~ r l o p m d r n r " African churches will bc stuclirvl. as well as aliprnpt5 lu l u r n ~ l ~ l .an
"Africa11 Christian Tlienlngy." Tlrrb c o u r w wlIT ~ n i l ~ l uler.lur~s.
v t s i ~ i nresourrv
a i~rllo-visual~ i r l s. i,~ i r frlisr-i15sionnfr ~ a r l i n gmaterials. Stirrlrnts will beevaluated ona research
j,lppr and an examination.
P! "equisites: One cohrse i n religion.
Uis~r1,-ution: Religion
Time: II
O M 18
Christianity in Crisis: The New Evangelicals
Confront the Twentieth Century
Re1 368 - 4187
Instructor: Bruce Stuart
Protestant Christians respond to science, social change, and critical views of their faith.
"Bible-believing" and "evangelical" Americans attempt to shape their culture and call
America t o a "Christian" and a "moral" pattern. Emphasis will be placed on the history and
thought of "Born-Again" Christians since the 1920's.
Key issues: Fundamentalism vs. Modernism, The Scopes Trial, Revivalism, Faith-healing,
inerrancy of scripture, the Christian i n politics, the "electronic church" and prayer in the
public school
Key figures: W.B. Riley, Carl Mclntire, Billy Graham, Oral Roberts, Jerry Falwell, several
American Presidents, Mark Hatfield
Classroom lectures and discussion, one Sunday morning of television, texts and reserved
reading. There will be two tests and a short paper.
Prerequisites: One course i n religion
Distribution: Religion
Time: I
Israel January 3-28
Israel, Ancient and Modern
Re1 375 - 4167
Instructor: John Benson
Cost: $2195
This course encounter will focus o n archaeology and geography with special attention t o
methods and results of archaeology as they relate to biblical sites in Israel. The group will live
primarily in Jerusalem where there will be lectures, walking tours in the O l d City, and visits to
museums and places of religious and historical interest. Twoside trips are planned: one to the
north, including places such as the Sea of Galilee, Tiberias, Capernaum, Hazor Megiddo and
Nazareth; and another t o the south, which will include such places as Ashdod, Beer-sheba,
Masada and Qumran. Some time will be spent in London at the beginning of the interim.
There will be required reading, and students will keep a journal.
Prerequisites: one course i n religion
Distribution: Religion
Grading: P/N only
Practicum in Human Services
Swk 257 - 4169
Instructor: Doug Perry
Thirty hours per week of volunteer work i n a human service agency i s combined with readings
and weekly seminars. An opportunity to discover whether a career i n human services is for you.
Evaluation will be based on submission of journals, summary of experience and a final
Students will b e asked t o meet with instructor before the end of Fall Semester i n order to
discuss selection of agency and structure of the course.
1) To develop special awareness of the kinds of problems for which people seek help.
2) To increase knowledge of the service given by the agency i n which student is serving.
3) To gain knowledge of the professionals i n the organization, including their skills,
competencies, education, and training.
4) To gain beginning knowledge about the diversity of human service agencies.
5) To increase understanding of self i n relation t o the human service field.
Time: I
Field Work Ill
Swk 466 - 4170
Instructor: Edwina Hertzberg
Continuation o f educationally focused field placement in a social service agency (Field Work
Student will spend 15 hours per week in field placement, plus one hour per week in faculty
facilitated supportive seminar held on campus.
Student will b e evaluated in writing by Field Work Instructor using previously developed field
learning agenda and social work evaluation form.
1) To use supervisory relationship t o increase interpretive as well as performance competence.
2 ) To promote gradual entry into direct practice.
3) To increase competence i n client contact phase of the problem solving process.
4) To increase student self awareness in regard to professional practice interest, areas of
strength and areas for personal/professionaI development.
5) To promote competence i n the full process of problem solving, with special emphasis o n
analysis and resolution stages.
6) To apply human behavior and social environment theories content to analytic processes
and t o develop interpretive ability.
7) To continue to promote gradual entry into action-intervention phase of the problemsolving process.
8 ) To further examine minority issues in relation t o practice.
(Note: this will be offered for 1/2or full credit. For full credit, student will spend 30 hours per
week i n placement, the additional 15 hours to be i n non-client contactactivities whichaddress
specific projects i n the agency, as written into the field learning agenda and agreed upon
among student, field instructor, and faculty supervisor)
Prerequisites: Field Work II
O M 11
Time: II - 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. T,W,Th
Pol 399 - 4184 Washington Interim
A study-internship program i n Washington, D. C. i n connection with the
Washington Center of Learning Alternatives, Information o n projects, housing
and financial assistance i s available from Dr. Barbara Richards-Haugen i n
Memorial 113.
Swk 312 - 4185 Training School o n Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Intensiveexperiential and didactictraining at Johnson Institute combined with
week-long experience i n chemical dependency treatment agency. Students
are evaluated according to participation i n classes, experiential learning and i n
the chemical dependency agency. Enrollment is very limited. Social Work
95257, social work major and permission of contact person, Eddie Hertzberg,
are prerequisites. Cost: $100.
Augsburg Lifetime Sports
The following activities are a v a l l a l ~~nrrudents
during interim and may be taken in addition t o
a regular course. They d o riot carry nlfir,inl credit, but they d o meet the life-time sports
requirement for graduation. S~uderrksmay parlicipate in any one of these without registering
for the course, but will be e x p ~ r ~ rtor lpay any fees whether or not credit i s received.
Hpe 002 - 4178
Instructor: Marilyn Pearson
Basic techniques and theory of beginning badminton - much of the class time will be spent i n
singles and doubles games and tournaments. There will b e n o written tests or outside
Distribution: Meets the general education requirement of one life-time sport
Time:'12:00 Noon
Hpe 002 - 4179
Instructor: E. W. Anderson
Learn rules and skills necessary to enjoy volleyball.
Distribution: Meets the general education requirement of one life-time sport.
Time: 12:OO Noon - 1:00 p.m. daily
Hpe 002 - 4180
Instructor: E.W. Anderson
Learn rules and skills necessary to enjoy racquetball.
Distribution: Meets the general education requirement of one life-time sport.
Time: 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. daily
American Karate: Fun, Fitness, Sport, Self Defense
Hpe 002 - 4191
Instructor: M i k e Teitelbaum
An introduction t o "American" Karate. Form, basic techniques and practical usage will b e
taught by a certified Second Degree MKA Black Belt Instructor.
Fees: approximately $20.
Time: 12:OO Noon Monday, Wednesday, Friday
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Minneapolis, Minnesota
1983 Interim Catalog
2/1 nterim
Volume 113, Number 4
Winter I982
AUGSBURG COLLEGE (USPS #490-310) is published four times a year in Spring, Summer, Fall,
and Winter by Augsburg College, 731 21st Avenue South, Minneapolis, M ... Show more
Minneapolis, Minnesota
1983 Interim Catalog
2/1 nterim
Volume 113, Number 4
Winter I982
AUGSBURG COLLEGE (USPS #490-310) is published four times a year in Spring, Summer, Fall,
and Winter by Augsburg College, 731 21st Avenue South, Minneapolis, M N 55454. Secondclass postage paid at Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Augsburg College lnterim
The interim i s an integral part of the school year at Augsburg College. It is particularly
intended to be a time for both students and faculty to employ styles of teaching and learning
and to investigate questions and topics in places and ways not possible during the regular
term. Since one course equals a full time load, students should plan t o spend the same
amount of time i n class and preparing for class as they w o u l d for a four course load during
Fall and Spring semesters.
Calendar for Full Credit Courses
November 8-11
Interim Registration
December 6 ............................................Late Interim Registration
January 3..
First Day of Interim
Class 19:00 a.m.
Class 11 1:00 p.m.
Last day for cancel/add
January 4 . .
January 17..
Last day for determining grading system with Registrar
January 21.. ............................ Last day for withdrawing from full courses
January 28.. ....................................................... Interim ends
Calendar for Half Credit Courses
January 3.. ............................... First group of half credit courses begins
January 4 . . ............................. .Last day t o cancel/add half credit courses
January 10..
Last day for determining grading system for half credit courses
January 12..
Last day for withdrawing from half credit courses
First group of half credit courses ends
January 14..
January 17..
Second group of half credit courses begins
January 18.. ............................ .Last day t o cancel/add half credit courses
January 24. .......... Last day for determining grading system for half credit courses
Last day for withdrawing from half credit courses
January 26..
January 28..
Interim ends
The interim day is divided into two blocks of time:
I - 8:00 - 12:OO Noon
The number and length of class meetings as well as the beginning time will be arranged the
first day of class.
4/l nterim
Essential Information
One course i s considered a full time load during interim and no student i s permitted to
register for more than one course credit during the period.
There is no tuition refund for a student who chooses not to enroll in an interim course.
Most interim courses are graded traditionally on a scale of 4.0 to 0. Students generally have
the option to register on a Pass/No credit basis. A few interim courses are graded only on the
P/N system; this i s indicated in the course description.
Some courses are offered with either upper or lower division standing. Such interim courses
have two numbers listed and the student must select. Students registering for upper division
standing should anticipate additional assignments and a more rigorous grading standard.
To graduate, an Augsburg student is required to complete 35 courses of which at least three
must be interim courses (or one interim less than the number of years of full time enrollment
at Augsburg; e.g., a transfer enrolled full time for two years is required to complete one
interim for graduation.)
This Catalog
This catalog lists courses by departments with departments listed in alphabetical order. At the
end of the book are listings of other courses not offered by Augsburg but recognized by the
College for interim credit. Further descriptions and information about these courses are
available in the lnterim Office, Memorial 230. Students may register for one of the Lifetime
Sports listed on the last page.
Location Key
L-Library Building
M-Music Hall
OM-Old Main
P-Psychology Building
S-Science Hall
June Interim - At least two interim courses will be offered in the June 1983 session of
summer school (see listings under Biology and Education) in lieu of January term, with no
additional tuition charge. Students planning to elect a June interim must register at the time
of interim registration in the fall. Students wishing to take the June interim in addition to the
January one will be required to pay the regular summer course tuition.
International Interims-Students are invited to consider being part of one of the six overseas
interims offered by Augsburg College during January 1983. These interims are under the
following departments:
Art - Europe: Art in London and Paris
Foreign Language - Mexico: Basic Conversational Spanish
- Europe: The Rhine Frontier
History - Hawaii: Laboratory of Multi-Ethnic Interaction
Music - Europe: Music in London and Paris
Political Science - Mexico: Theories of Social Change and Revolution
Other international interims are available through Upper Midwest Association for International Education (UMAIE) and St. Olaf College.
Further academic description, travel details and cost estimates are available in the Interim
Office and from Mary Kingsley in the International Center, Old Main 20.
Students interested in participating in one of these international interims should apply in the
International Center before November 1. Additions to the overseas groups usually cannot be
made after that date.
Internships - Students electing an internship interim must present a completed internship
learning contract to the Internship Office (Memorial 230) no later than Tuesday, November
16. Contract forms are available in the same office.
Independent or Directed Study - Students may elect a program of independent study
(upper division 499) or directed study (lower division 299) for interim. Faculty members are
strongly discouraged from accepting responsibility for more than one independent or
directed study per interim. Students choosing to pursue independent or directed study must:
A. Meet departmental requirements,
B. Present to the lnterim Director for approval a copy of the proposed study plan approved
by the supervising faculty member. This proposal must be submitted at least one week
before registration and not later than November 2. Appropriate study proposal forms can
be obtained in the Interim Office.
Interims at Other Schools - Augsburg students may enroll at any other 4-1-4 institution
which offers a reciprocal interim arrangement. Catalogs of these interims can be consulted in
the lnterim Office. The lnterim Secretary will help students in applying for registration at
other schools. Registration for interims at the other Twin Cities colleges will be done at
Augsburg during the regular registration period. Most courses taught during the interim at
other 4-1-4 schools are accepted for credit by Augsburg, but may not necessarily be accepted
as meeting Augsburg's distribution requirements. This qualification particularly affects
courses offered for the Religion requirement.
Non-Augsburg Students
Augsburg College welcomes students from other 4-1-4 schools for the January interim
without tuition charges provided the student's home institution agrees not to charge tuition
to Augsburg students for the January term. The waiver of tuition does not include special
fees, housing or board costs. Other students will be charged $670 for the interim course.
Students interested in registering for an Augsburg lnterim should write to the lnterim
Director for application forms or use the forms provided by the interim office at their own
school. These students are welcome to stay on campus but are not required to do so.
Requests for interim housing should be made to the Interim Office.
Augsburg Policy
Augsburg College admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the
rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at
the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, national and ethnic
origin in employment practices or administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.
Need More Help?
Check with:
The lnterim Office (Memorial 230),
The lnterim Secretary, Ruth Maertens at 330-1025, or
The Interim Director, Dr. Don Gustafson at 330-1192.
6/l nterim
16mm Film-Making I Film-Making I1
ART 242 - 4002,342 - 4005
Instructor: Paul Rusten
The procedure, techniques and philosophy of 16mm film-making for expression/communication.
Using professional 16mm equipment, students in teams will produce short black and white
synchronized sound motion pictures.
Students who have successfully completed Film-Making I (or equivalent) may take FilmMaking II, producing an advanced film project within the same class schedule and timeframe as Film-Making I.
Fees: $75.00 for filmstock and equipment rental
Prerequisites for 342: Film-Making I or equivalent
Distribution: Art - Music
Time: 11.. ...... Room: O M 17
Life Drawing
ART 247 - 4001
Instructor: Norman Holen
A study of undraped figures for art students and non-art students.
The figure will be depicted i n various settings with a variety of media for varying lengths of
time. The poses will extend from one minute to an hour and a half.
You will be introduced to the 2B and 48 pencils, the charcoal pencil, and pastels.
Fees: $20.00 to be paid on the first day of class.
Distribution: Art-Music
Time: I........ Room: O M 17
Europe January 3 - 28
Art in London and Paris
ART 378 - 4006
Instructor: Mary Swanson
This course will study art in the collections of museums in London and Paris. Stylistic,
historical and sociological perspectives will be emphasized in viewing artwork in museums,
galleries and architectural landmarks. Lectures will be given before visiting each museum so
that students will become acquainted with major works i n each collection. Students will keep
a journal on designated major works in each museum or gallery collection noting style,
function, subject, formal organization and medium. Additional opportunities will be provided for students who wish to emphasize a certain period in the history of art.
Fees: $1995
Distribution: English-Speech, Communication & Theater Arts
Human Anatomy and Physiology
BIO 103 - 4009
Instructor: Erwin Mickelberg
This is a one-term course used by nursing students, physical education students and others
who would like to be more knowledgeable about the human body and how it works.
Although the course is as thorough as is possible in one term, there are no science
I n addition to a systematic study, various questions stimulate discussion and individual study.
Questions relating to product advertising and good nutritional principles, "fad diets," muscle
development and exercise, and many others will arise throughout the course.
The area of Anatomy is dealt with primarily i n the laboratory portion and Physiology in the
lecture portion. About 40 hours are used in each, the laboratory and the lecture room.
Time: Summer Interim.. . . . . . . Room: 5213 lecture, S214 lab
Ethical Issues in the Life Sciences
BIO 106 - 4113
Instructor: Ralph Sulerud
W e are Iivlng in a period of biological revolurlon whfrh scemr llkely to contlnuc. Many of the
d ~ v ~ l a p m e n twill
r , increasingly result in drarnaric changes in cthiral thinking and the
forrnularion of puhtic policy. Questions such as these musr be eflectivefy addre~ced:What
are the rights o( r h unhorn?
Shfiulrl hiwlogists he allowed to work on any typc of research no
matter where i t leads? Does the irlea of a moral responslhility toward the environment make
sense? What ethical and social problems would arise as a resull of cloning people? IS
recombinant DNA research likely to rrcate more p r o h l ~ m than
II soTves?Is euthanasia ever
justllledl Ir Is intended rhat ihrs courseshould provide a! leas! a small part of the hackground
necessary to answer such questions and make responciblr: ethical choices.
Each topic will he introduced by the instrucrar or a guest, but much of the class time will be
spent discussing assigned readings and various viewpoints. Formulation of a brief position
paper on one of thr! issues will be required. Grades will be based on the paper, class
participation and examination results.
Distribution: Chemistry - Biology
Time: I... . . . Room: 5 205
8/l nterim
Heredity, Evolution, and Humankind
BIO 110 - 4010
Instructor: Ralph Sulerud
Where did I come from? What am I ?Where am I going? certainly must rank among the more
fundamental questions which intrigue and torment members of our species. While at one
level we seek philosophical and religious answers, biology is invoked at another level. It i s the
intent of this course to address these questions and others through the study of evolution and
heredity (genetics). The concept of organic evolution continues to have its critics, a matter
which we shall consider. Yet to the vast majority of biologists the evolution of life i s not only
accepted but is regarded as the single most significant contribution which biology has made
to human knowledge. We will study the evidence in support of evolution, the proposed
mechanisms of the evolutionary process, and, as time permits, the course of evolution from
primitive forms to humans. Some principles of genetics will be studied for the primary
purpose of making it possible to understand evolutionary mechanisms. Ways in which people
influence their own evolution and that of other species will be discussed.
Classes will consist largely of lectures and discussions. Grading will be based on quizzes and
Prerequisites: A high school general biology course
Distribution: Chemistry-Biology
Room: 205
Time: I . .
BIO 386 - 4011
Instructor: Neal Thorpe
A study of the immune system, emphasizing antibody structure and function, cell-mediated
immunity, the development of the immune system, immunopathology, molecular recognition at cell surfaces as related to immune phenomena, and cancer biology and immunology.
immunological and serological techniques will be considered and demonstrated.
Lectures and discussions with grades based on examinations.
Prerequisites: BIO 111,112
Time: 11.. ...... Room: S205
Laboratory Introduction to Chemistry
CHM 113 - 4014
Instructor: Earl Alton
way of learning
Finding which chemicals are I n a solutlon (qualltatlve analysis) Is a challengrn~
some principles of chemisrrj. This course will use laharntory experiments coupled with an
essentially non-mathematical explanation of the chemistry Involved to provid~a n introduction to chemistry. The laboratory work will center on solving chemical unknowns. There will
be several lecture-discussion r~sslonseach weck and about three hours of laboratory ~ a c h
day. Grading will be based upon solving unknowns and a few quizzes.
Prerequisites: High School Chemistry
Distribution: Chemistry - Biology
Time: This class will meet January 3 at 12:30. Thereafter it will meet as follows:
Lectures - 12:30 - 1:30 T,Th,F
- 8:30 -11:30 T,Th,F
- 1:30 - 4:30 T,Th..
Room: S 318
Physical Chemistry For The Life Sciences
CHM 301 - 4015
Instructor: Richard D. Olmsted
Objectives: The object of this course is to provide a working knowledge of basic physical
chemistry to students whose primary academic interests lie in the life sciences. This course
will provide a sound development of physical chemistry based on physical ideas and will use
only the minimum mathematical treatment of the material that will enable students to use
their new knowledge to solve relevant biochemical problems.
Topics Covered: Properties of matter and molcculrs, energy changes in chemical reactions,
entropy and the d i r e d o n of chemical change, f r ~ eenergy, chemical equilibrium and
chemical driving forces, equilibria in chrmlcal and biological systems, physlcal ~ q ~ l i l i h rand
membrane phenomena. rates of transport processes, rates of ch~mit.alreaction, rcaction
mechanisms, rpraroscopy and quantum mechanics, molecules in crystals dnd molecular
Evaluation: Each student will be assigned a grade based on performance on in-class
Prerequisites: 1 term Organic Chemistry, 1 term of Calculus
Time: I. ....... Room: S 318
Microeconomics Applied To Managerial Problems
ECO 451 - 4013
Instructor: Satya P. Gupta
I n teaching microeconomics most of the emphasis i s on developing the theoretical tools with
some scattered applications. This course, assuming the basic understanding of microeconomic tools, will concentrate on applying price theory to specific business decisions.
Grades will be based on one report and an examination.
Prerequisites: ECO 251 or Instructor's consent
Room: L 1
Time: 1 1 . .
Discovery in the World
of Kindergarten
EDE 375 - 4018
Instructor: Lauretta Pelton
This course i s a study of the kindergarten curriculum, an exploration of resources and
materials and a review of teaching approaches.
Laboratory requirement: Five half days in a kindergarten classroom. This is t o be arranged by
the student after consultation with the instructor. The laboratory experience should have
taken place prior t o the course itself.
The course is a prerequisite to student teaching at the kindergarten level and to obtaining a
license for teaching at that level.
Prerequisites: Consent of instructor
Time: Summer Interim.. ...... Room: to be announced
l O / l nterim
Theories of Learning Disabilities
EDE 383 - 4016, EDS 383 - 4017
Instructor: Barry Franklin
This course will examine the principal theories that have been advanced during the past 80
years t o explain the nature, causes, and treatments for learning disabilities. I n examining
these theories we will look at the behavioral charactCristics, methods of diagnosis, relationship between behavior and brain involvement, and treatment approaches advocated by
major theorists and practitioners in the field.
The course requirements include two take-home essay examinations and a short paper in
which the student will examine the work of a major theorist of the field. There will be a
number of field trips to look at representative learning disabilities programs in the Twin
This course can be used as an elective in the special education minor. I t is designed for
students in education, psychology, social work, nursing, music therapy and corrective
therapy who anticipate working with handicapped individuals who exhibit learning and/or
behavioral disabilities.
Prerequisites: A general psychology course or consent of the instructor.
Time: I . . ...... Room: O M 11
Student Teaching
EDS 481 - 4023 EDC 481 - 4019
EDS 482 - 4024 EDC 482 - 4020
EDS 483 - 4025 EDC 483 - 4021
EDS 484 - 4026 EDC 484 - 4022
Instructor: Marie McNeff
Observing and directing learning under supervision of college and secondary school
personnel. This is a full day experience in a school.
Prerequisites: Acceptance in Education Program and permission of instructor.
Grading: P/N only
Room: L 6
Time: I . .
People Under Pressure
ENG 211 - 4027
Instructor: Barbara Andersen
The child, the youth, the middle-aged, the old, all live under pressure-political, social,
religious and personal. What these pressures are and how people cope with them provide the
focus for the course. This is not, however, a course in depression, for pressure and stress
often have positive results. And many people respond to pressure with courage, grace and
even wit.
We will read several genres, mostly of the 20th century, and works that are not usually
covered in literature courses. Among the works being considered are Waters, The Man Who
Killed the Deer; Potok, M y Name i s Asher Lev; Brautigan, Trout Fishing i n America; Wright,
Native Son; Pym, Excellent Women; Hassler, Simon's Night; Lindbergh, Gift from the Sea;
Turgenev, Fathers and Sons; Albee, The American Dream and The Zoo Story; Anderson, I
Never Sang for M y Father; Gordon, Final Payments. Students will have some choice of works
to read.
Evaluation will be based on discussions, some in-class writing, reading quizzes, oral reports
(optional) and two examinations.
Distribution: English - Speech, Communication & Theater Arts
Time: I . . ...... Room: O M 10
The American Short Story
ENG 241 - 4028
Instructor: Toni Clark
This course will feature films from the PBS series, The American Short Story. We will read the
seventeen stories comprising this series as well as numerous others from the American
Renaissance t o the present. Short fiction by women and men will be read. There will be a fee
of approximately $10 for films.
Evaluation will be based on class discussion, quizzes, papers and exams.
Distribution: English-Speech, Communication and Theater Arts
Time : I . . ...... Room: M 2 2
Literature Performed in the Twin Cities
ENG 269 - 4029,369 - 4030
Instructor: Richard B. Sargent
During January, we will attend a selection of the many plays and readings presented in the
Twin Cities. The emphasis will be on theater, but we will also attend poetry readings and prose
readings at places suc.h as the Loft and the Walker. We will be attending plays at theaters such
as the Guthrie, Actors' Theatre of St. Paul, Playwrights' Lab, and the Rarig. Students will keep
a journal of responses. Students will be responsible for paying for tickets, but we will take
advantage of group rates whenever feasible. We will have group discussion of performances,
and will be meeting with actors, directors, and writers for after-performance discussions.
There will be a few assigned readings. Those taking the course for upper division credit will
be expected to do an additional research paper.
Fees: Approximately $30 for tickets for plays and readings.
Distribution: English-Speech, Communication and Theater Arts
Time: 11.. ...... Room: O M 11
Five College Creative Writing Workshop (Fiction)
ENG 362 - 4097
Instructor: Jonis Agee, The College of St. Catherine
We will work to discover the necessary relationship between form and content, language and
narration, and character and voice, and to develop the special discipline that writing fiction
requires. We will attend some readings in the area by visiting writers. The format will be a
workshop, in which we will share what we read, what we write, and what we dream.
Participation i n this workshop will be limited to three Augsburg students who will be
selected on the basis of short manuscripts of fiction to be submitted to Toni Clark by
November 1. Contact Professor Clark (L 215, ext. 1053) for further details.
Time: 11.. ...... Room: at College of St. Catherine, to be announced
12/l nterim
Europe: January 3 - 28
The Rhine Frontier:
Germany Meets Rome and France
GER 333 - 4032
Instructor: Donald Steinmetz
Since Roman times, the lands along the Rhine have been one of the most significant frontier
areas of Europe. Here German and Roman cultures clashed and mixed. Here modern
Germany and France have their roots i n the empire of Charlemagne. Here romanesque and
gothic architecture flourished in the Middle Ages. Here Germans and French fought in three
recent wars. It is such events which have shaped life and left so many monuments between
the Rhine and the Meuse. The student will study and "relive" the history of this area on
location, from the Roman monuments of Trier and Cologne, Charlemagne's Aachen, to the
battlefields of World Wars I and II and the dynamic society of present-day Germany. The
course will be conducted primarily in Trier, Germany, with excursions to nearby sites. Trier i s
ideal for this purpose. Perhaps the oldest city in Germany, Trier is rich in monuments dating
from Roman times to the present, and important historical sites of five countries are less than
100 miles away. Lectures, discussions, and readings will be principally in German according to
the student's entering level of competence.
Cost: $1690
Prerequisites: German 112 or equivalent
Distribution: Foreign Language
Beginning Norwegian
Nor 111 - 4033
Instructor: Leif Hansen
The course provides an introduction to the basic skills of listening, speaking, reading, and
writing. The first class sessions are conducted without the use of a printed text. Later class
sessions provide a thorough introduction to the structures of contemporary Norwegian, but
oral expression i s emphasized throughout the course. Oral and written tests. Laboratory work
Distribution: Foreign Language
Time: 11.. . . . . . . Room: O M 29
Norwegian Conversation and Composition
Nor 311 - 4034
Instructor: Leif Hansen
Intensive practice in spoken Norweg~anwith emphasis on pronunciation and original
composition. Some attention given to regional variations in spoken Norwegian and to
differences between the two official languages of Norway. Laboratory work and field
experience required.
Prerequisites: 211 or equivalent
Time: To be arranged with instructor.. . . . . . Room: O M 29
Mexico: January 3 - 27
Basic Conversational Spanish
SPA 113 - 4031
Instructor: Mary A. Kingsley
Basic Conversational Spanish Is designed for students who have already covered the structures of the present, preterite. and imperfect tenses and arc ready to put their knowledge to
use on the scene in Mexico. There will he regular in-classsessions, small group conversations,
as well as a great d ~ aol l opportunity to use Spanish aclively and passively in conducting
Interviews, shopping, attending lectures, and just making Mexico home for a month.
Grading will be based on class participation, quizzes, and a final exam which will be written
and oral. Original materials will be used as the text.
Basic Conversational Spanish and Theories of Social Change and Revolution (see Political
Science) will have the same itinerary (Mexico, Oaxaca, Cuernavaca), and all the students will
be encouraged to take advantage of the opportunities presented by each of the courses. A lot
of time outside of class will be spent in informal group discussions.
Cost: $1195
Prerequisites: Spanish Ill or 2 years of high school Spanish
Distribution: Foreign Language for those needing 112 or 211.
Recreational Rhythms and Activities
HPE 232 -4076
Instructor: Staff
Theory and practice in teaching and performing American heritage and international folk
dances. Exposure to New Games concepts and activities. The majority of the course grade is
based upon participation in class activities, a teaching assignment, and a written test.
This offering equals only 1/2 course credit.
Time:ll -Jan. 3-13... . . . . . Room: Melby
Administration and Supervision
of the School Health Program
HPE 410 - 4036
Instructor: Richard Borstad
Historical background, legal bases, school health services, and relationships to community
health program and resources. Methods and materials in health education with laboratory
experience in classroom and community.
Periodic exams covering lecture and textbook assignments; written summaries of professional
journal articles; in-class activities, including a presentation on a teaching method.
Prerequisites: Health 320
Time: I . .. . . . . . Room: Melby I3
14/l nterim
Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries
HPE475 -4035
Instructor: Al Kloppen
Emphasis placed on preventing injuries. Treatment of common athletic injuries. Practical
experience in taping and training-room procedures.
Prerequisites: HPE 350 Kinesiology
This course equals only 1/2 course credit.
Time: I -Jan. 3 13.. . . . Room: Melby 12
.. .
Coaching of Basketball
Instructor: Dave Boots
Theory, techniques and administration of coaching men's and women's basketball. Course
will include off-season, pre-season and in-season programs. Grade evaluation will be based
on preparation of a coaching notebook, a written exam and general participation.
There will be some out of class night work.
Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
This course equals only 1/2 course credit.
Time: I l -Jan. 17 - 28.. . . . . . . Room: Melby I 3
Coaching of Hockey
Instructor: Ed Saugestad
Theory, technique and administrative aspects of coaching hockey.
This course equals only 1/2 course credit.
Time: I - Jan. 17 - 28.. . . . . . . Room: Melby 24
Paris in the Nineteenth Century
HIS 114 - 4037
Instructor: Orloue Gisselquist
The French are sometimes accused of thinking of Paris as the "navel of the universe." There's
a bit of "sour grapes" caricature in that clever statement. For if one could pick out a city
which in the last thousand years has been more important to Western Civilization than any
other, one could make a good case for Paris. In this course we will study the history of that
city i n one period of its greatness, the nineteenth century. We will use some readings about
France, Paris, and Modern urbanism, but the main emphasis in our reading and approach to
the subject will be the use of some nineteenth century French novels as historical sources
for the study of Paris. We will thus have the opportunity to study the city of Paris in this
century i n some fullness, read some great literature, and develop our talents in the use of
historical material. As a bonus we will double (maybe quadruple!) our enjoyment of a future
trip to Paris. The course will be conducted in part as a lecture course and in part as a seminar
(discussion of readings, short papers, and shared reports-all part of the evaluation). There
will be a final exam.
Distribution: History-Philosophy: Urban
Time: 11.. . . . . Room: O M 23
20th Century South Asia
HIS 162 - 4038
Instructor: Don Gustafson
This geographic area has produced the largest working democracy in the world today; from
this people have come one of our century's greatest "saints" and also one of the most
renowned statesmen; it is a standard example for population crisis and world hunger
illustrations. South Asia is all this-and much more.
This course is designed for the student who has interest but little or no background in
non-western subjects-though others are also welcome. The heart of the course will be i n a
wide assortment of readings (some of them really excellent) but there will also be lectures,
time for discussion and freauent breaks for slide ~resentations.
Grades will be based on geAeral level of participation, on some written work and probably a
Distribution: History - Philosophy
Time: I . . . . . . . . Room: L1
Hawaii January 3 - 27
Hawaii: A Laboratory
of Multi-Ethnic Interaction
HIS 240 - 439,340 - 440
Instructor: Khin Khin Jensen
Observation and study of Asian (Japanese, Chinese, Korean and Philippine), Polynesian
(Hawaiian and Samoan) and Caucasian cultures interacting i n the 50th state. Focus on
historical traditions, immigration patterns, religious heritage, educational experiences, commercial ventures, the media, cultural activities and current issues. Field trips include visits to
the Polynesian Cultural Center, Pearl Harbor-Arizona Memorial, lolani Palace & Bishop
Museum, Buddhist-Taoist Temple, East-West Center at the University of Hawaii, the Hawaiian
City of Refuge in Kona area, and visits with community leaders of varying ethnic backgrounds
in Hilo and Honolulu.
Evaluation will be based on participation in all components of the Interim such as field trips,
lectures and discussion sessions (including pre-interim orientations). Students will keep a
daily journal. There will be required readings.
Cost: $1895
Prerequisites: Upper division-sophomore standing and consent of instructor.
Distribution: History-Philosophy
Grading: P/N only
16/l nterim
The Minnesota Political Tradition
HIS 356 - 4041
Instructor: Carl Chrislock
An interpretive survey of Minnesota political history from territorial days to the present.
Attention will focus not only on narrative political history, but also on the underlying forceseconomic, ethnic, religious and cultural-that have helped shape the state's political culture.
Procedures will be essentially traditional: lecture-discussion, assigned and optional readings,
a term paper or book reviews, and a final examination (basically essay). Some audio-visual
aids (transparencies of political cartoons, video cassettes of Arthur Naftalin's conversations
with Minnesota governors, slides) will be used; and an effort to recruit outside speakers with
political experience will be made.
Prerequisites: One course in U.S. history, or consent of instructor.
Room: M 22
Time: 11..
Being and Becoming Well in American Culture
INS 265 - 4043,365 - 4044
Instructor: Ronald Palosaari
Within our culture are forces, patterns, and conditions that contribute to our degree of well
being. During January we will examine American culture trying to understand better some of
those factors that influence our wellness, to use the current popular term.
We will also consider the current wellness movement, examining its impact on American
culture and individually determine what it has to offer.
To take this class, one does not have to eat granola, seaweed, and brown rice nor run five
miles a day: One will be expected to walk or run regularly to class, to read several books and
articles, and to write some short papers. Those taking the class for upper division credit will
be expected to go up steps two at a time and write more extensive papers.
We may take a few field trips in the Twin Cities and one trip to outstate Minnesota. I expect
students to arrange any work schedule if necessary for such trips.
Room: O M 25
Time: I..
South Africa: Historical Mirrors,
Economic Laagers and the color Spectrum
INS 270 - 4045
Instructor: Bruce Reichenbach
The goal of the course is to provide a multi-faceted encounter with a complex, fragmented,
yet culturally familiar society. Approximately one week will be devoted to each of the
following topics. I n what ways does the South African experience mirror the American
experience; how do the economic policies of South Africa shape its relations to its economic
satellites and Africa as a whole; what roles do the church, education and athletics have in
molding a multi-cultural society?
The course will be conducted largely in seminar format. During the last three weeks students
will conduct relevant research and make presentations to the class, both individually and in
groups. Academic work will be assessed through tests and evaluation of class presentations.
Room: M 23
Time: I . .
Perspectives on the Humanities: The City in
American History, Literature and the Arts, 1865-1914
INS 275 - 4042
Instructor: Grier Nicholl
Rapid industrialization and the growth of cities between the Civil War and World War I
generated significant responses from American writers of fiction and poetry, painters,
photographers and architects.
How did the interpretations of major writers and artists compare to actual historical
developments of the city and technology in the period? What similarities and differences can
be discovered in the ideas, values, and attitudes reflected in literary and artistic responses to
industrialization? The course will examine these and other interdisciplinary questions to lead
the student toward an integrative perspective on the humanities.
Activities in the course will include active participation by urban and art historians; small
group discussions of selected poems of Walt Whitman, selected short stories of Stephen
Crane, and two controversial novels-Theodore Dreiser's Sister Carrie and Upton Sinclair's
The jungle; lecture and slide presentations on painting and architecture; and visits to the
Minneapolis Institute of Arts to view prints and photographs of the city during this period.
There will be three tests and individual oral presentations of projects.
Distribution: Urban
Time: I . . . . . . . Room: O M 21
Brush Up
MAT 103 - 4093
Instructor: Bev Durkee
This course is designed as a brush up in arithmetic and elementary algebra skills for students
scoring I on the Mathematics Placement examination. The course will be particularly helpful
for students in elementary education or who will be taking statistics as part of a major. Part of
the work will be done on the computer. There will be diagnostic tests to determine study
needs, homework assignments to gain skills, and written problem solving tests to determine
achievement. Grades will be determined by test scores. Course of study i s completely
Prerequisites: Mathematics Placement Examination score I.
Time: I . . . . . . . . Room: S 108
18/l nterim
An Exposure of Chaos in Modern Cosmic Models
MAT 136 - 4047,336 - 4048
Instructor: Henry Follingstad
An exploration of math-retated ideas and Space-Age research which critically re-evaluat~s
present "scientlflt dogmas" on the universe and the smaller cosmic model5 of earth, life, and
mankind. New Space-Agr: dara, much of it ignored or misinterpreted, is uncovered to show
inadequacies and contradictions in cosmology, relativity, macroevolution, and t h ~ i links
geology, biology, and the humanities.
Class instruction and individual research will include study of the historical and modern
impact of math-related cosmic models, and will note some misuses of mathematics which
have transformed scientific speculation into "scientific fact." A written research paper is
required in one of six major areas discussed.
Upper division students will show broader research scope and writing ability and will present
oral summaries of their papers.
Distribution: Mathematics-Physics
Time: 1 1 . . ...... Room: O M 22
Pattern Processing Through Pascal Programming
MAT 144 - 4049
Instructor: Larry Copes
I n this course students will learn to write elementary computer programs in the Pascal
language. The programs will generate numerical and other mathematical data to be
examined for patterns. With the help of the instructor and each other, students will test
conjectures through data analysis and further programs. Work will be in individual, small
group, and classroom settings. Evaluation will be through individual programs and written
Prerequisites: Group I l l (formerly A) score on Augsburg Mathematics Placement Examination.
(See instructor if you have not taken this examination.)
Distribution: Math-Physics
Time: I . . ...... Room: S 112
Memorization for Musicians
MUS 151 - 4053, 351 - 4054
Instructor: lames D. Johnson
Multiple approaches to memorizing music via a foolproof system. These systems are derived
from the harmonic, melodic, rhythmic, and formal analysis of the music under study. For
instrumentalists and vocalists.
Upper division students will be expected to memorize more, perform more for the class and
do more memory work away from their instruments.
Prerequisites: Basic music study
Distribution: Music-Art
Time: I.. ...... Room: M 4
Luther-Bach and the Shape of the Liturgy
MUS 167 - 4051
367 - 4052
REL 364 - 4086
Instructors: Larry Fleming
Philip A. Quanbeck
The 500th anniversary of the blrth of Martin I-uther provides thc impetus for this FTOSSdidplinary offerlng focusing on thcrhape of the liturgy in t h r reformation and the historical.
theolo~icaland musicological background out nf which the Mass In R minor by I. S. Bach
emergps. Plenary sessions will be addrrsscd by Charles Anderson, Larry Flemlng, and Philip
(Suanheck. Stuttents may elect e i t h ~ one
of the supplernenlary group sessions.
1. Musico!ngiral - Baroque p~rformancepracrice, contras~lngMass seftings, t e ~ t l ~foreal
runners will be sti~diedtogether with detailed musical enrl theological analysis of the
complete score with instrumental and choral realization.
2. Religion - The shape of the liturgy. Historical development of the Mass, historical and
theological background of the reformation and the renaissance.
This course may not be used toward a music major.
Grades will be based on participation and examination. Upper Division credit will require
additional work.
Prerequisites: Religion - one course in religion
Music - consent of instructor
Time: 11.. . .. . .. Room: M 23
Europe January 3 - 28
Music in London and Paris
MUS 378 - 4045
Instructor: Robert Karlen
These two great European cultural centers will be visited so that students might experience
the cultural milieu that produced such musical giants as Purcell, Handel, Britten, Franck,
Berlioz, and Stravinsky.
Performances ro be attended will include oprrctra, baller, chamber music, and symphonic
concerts hy leading orchee~ralensernbl~s.There will be opportunities to attend worrhip
services in the magnificent catherlralc of there rwo rap~lalcllfer. L@cturcsdesrxihing the
special sljinillcancc of the music ro h c heard, and p r o v i d i n ~importani hackgrai~ndinformation, wil/ h~ supplemenred by visits lo museums and libraries to see r o l l e c t i o n ~of
historical musical instriimrntr and view manuscript srorez or famous composers,
Evaluation will be made on the basis of attendance at lectures, participation in class activities,
four written concert reviews, and an informal final examination.
Cost: $1995
Distribution: Art-Music
Grading: P/N only
20/l nterim
Trends and Issues in Nursing
NUR 330 - 4055,330 - 4091
Instructors: Nancy Malcolm, Helen Woelfel
This course is intended to give students a broad perspective by introducing current trends
and issues in health care and the profession of nursing. Many of the issues are controversial,
are relevant to current practice and have potential for far-reaching effects in health care.
Students will be graded on group presentations and written examinations.
Prerequisites: Registered Nurse
Time: I or 4-8 p.m.. ....... Room: O M 12
Philosophy of Love
PHI 145 4056
Instructor: M . L. Fuehrer
This course presents an analysis of the four types of human love, seeking to locate their place
in human experience. Certain key writings of philosophers and works of literature will be
analyzed with this objective in mind. Evaluation will be based on written essay examination.
There will be a very small fee to cover film expenses.
Distribution: History-Philosophy
Room: O M 22
Time: I..
1983 Oak Ridge Associated Universities
Science Minimester
PHY 322 1 4057
Instructor: Kermit E. Paulson
A study of nuclear radiation detection and measurement with emphasis on applications in the
sciences and "hands-on" laboratory experience for the individual student. The course will
consist of (1) introductory work on nuclear radiation physics at Augsburg, (2) participation in
the 1983 Oak Ridge Associated Universities Science Minimester where the student will study
nuclear radiation physics, radiobiology, radiochemistry, radioecology, environmental radiation, health physics, and radiation safety; and (3) summary and evaluation of the program
back at Augsburg. Student's performance evaluation based on laboratory performance,
laboratory record, and formal laboratory reports on selected experiments.
This course is a cooperative venture with Oak Ridge Associated Universities-Professional
Training programs. Two weeks of the course will be spent in Oak Ridge, Tennessee utilizing
the instructional staff and laboratory facilities of ORAU. These facilities provide an opportunity for laboratory experience not normally available to undergraduate students.
The estimated cost for transportation and housing i s $275.
Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
Time: 11.. ...... Room: S 112
Special Functions and their Applications
in the Physical Sciences
PHY 327 - 4058
Instructor: Mark Engebretson
Certain mathematical functions find use throughout the physical sciences and engineering
dlsdplinc~because of the high d e w ~ eof symmetry they can rppresent. This course will
acquainf the studcnl wlth three cijtegories of functions and ihelr applications: Legendre
polynomiats and spherical harmonics, Fourier serie~and rransforms, and functions of a
cnmpl~wvahable. High resolut~ongraphics using the T e k t r o n i ~1051 Graphic Computer will
hr u w d t o enhance underslanding of I h r syrnm~trtcsinvolvrd.
Student performance will be evaluated on the basis of several problem sets and project.
Prerequisites: Physics 122 or consent of instructor; Mathematics 224 or equivalent
Time: I... . . . . . Room: O M 21
The Supreme Court and the Supreme Being
POL 177-4060
Instructor: Myles C. Stenshoel
A n analytical case study approach to the Supreme Court's role as policy-maker, constitutional
interpreter and political subsystem, using the Court's church-state decisions from 1940 to
1983 as substantive focus.
Objectives of the class will be to help students (1) understand the political nature of the
American judicial system; (2) achieve competency in the analysis and criticism of original
SOUFCPS, I.e., judicial opinions and decisions; and (3) recognize the complexity of constitutional interprrtation and the interplay of values, precedents, personalities and interests in the
development of constitutional law.
Teaching methods will include lecture, library research, class presentations and discussions.
Evaluations will be based on (1) brief research reports, (2) quizzes and (3) class participation.
Prerequisites: None, other than freshman or sophomore status.
Distribution: Political Science-Economics
Time: 1 1 . . . . . . . Room: M 24
22/l nterim
Mexico: January 3 - 27
Theories of Social Change
and Revolution
POL 383-4059
Instructor: M u l f o r d Q. Sibley
This will be a course which surveys modern conceptions of social and political change and
revolution. Beginning with the European background i n days immediately after the French
Revolution, it will consider such theories as those of the utopian socialists, anarchists, liberals,
Tolstoyans, and Marxists. Particular attention will be devoted t o the place of economic factors
i n social change. Hobson's theory of imperialism, as well as Lenin's, will be considered.
Malthusians and neo-Malthusians, with their population and resources conceptions, will
occupy an important place. The modern world of North-South and East-West tensions will
constitute part of the background for modern theories of revolution. I s violence compatible
with democratic and egalitarian revolution? What is the theory of non-violent revolution?
During the latter part of the course, many of these questions will be examined i n the context
of Latin America i n general and of Mexico in particular.
Evaluation will be based o n class participation and the submission of a journal.
Theories of Social Change and Revolution and Basic Conversational Spanish (see Foreign
Languages) will have the same itinerary (Mexico City, Oaxaca, Cuernavaca), and all students
will be encouraged t o take advantage of the opportunities presented by each of the courses.
A lot of time outside of class will be spent in informal group discussions.
Cost: $1195
Distribution: Political Science-Economics
Grading: P/N only
U.S. Foreign Policy Today: Comparative Perspectives
POL 495 - 4084
Instructor: Mary Ellen Lundsten
This course will analyze current U.S. foreign policy problems i n two strategic regions: the
Middle East and the Caribbean. Course objectives include:
A. Examining central aspects of U.S. policy in what i s called the North-South dimension of
world politics. For this objective we will look at both (1) the dilemmas for U.S. policy makers
who must relate American interests in Third World countries within U.S. global strategy and
(2) the tensions created within Third World societies as their governments attempt modernization and simultaneously face the geopolitical concerns of the superpowers.
B. Employing comparative case study methods to analyze how U.S. policy instruments are
used i n two different regions of the world.
The course content will highlight recent debates over U.S. grand strategy, briefly review the
evolution of policies in selected Caribbean and Middle Eastern countries, analyze regional
changes which pose new problems for American policy makers, and evaluate current policy
Students will work in a dual capacity as individual decision-makers and as members of foreign
policy teams. Extensive reading will be required during the first 2/3 of the course. Students
will prepare briefing books on one country in each of the two regions. They will also present
an oral summary of their policy evaluations and will submit a final paper detailing how they
would implement their recommendations.
Prerequisites: One previous course i n international politics or comparative politics (e.g. POL
158 or 160); otherwise see instructor or department chair.
Distribution: Political Science or Economics
Time: I . . . . . . Room: M 24
. .
The Psychology of Personal Adjustment
PSY 101 - 4061
Instructors: Norm Ferguson, Linda Rodgers
The objectives of this course are to explore some of the basic principles of psychology and to
see how they may be used in coping with important life issues. The content of the course will
include topics such as: dealing. with success & failure, experiencing loss & grief, and
developing personal independence, intimacy, & values. Class time will be devoted mainly to
the discussion of issues such as these in small groups. Active participation by each student i s
expected along with the sharing of relevant individual experiences. Evaluation will be based
on class participation and one individual project or paper.
This course may not besubstituted for Psychology 105 for students pursuing a major or minor
in psychology.
Prerequisites: Consent of Instructor
Distribution: Psychology-Sociology
Grading: P/N only
Time: 11.. . . . . . . Room: P 1
24/l nterim
The Male Jail
PSY 286 - 4062,386 - 4096
Instructor: Lyla Anderegg
A prisoner of his sex, his gender, his society, he devotes his existence to the development of
serious disease and a death occurring a decade earlier than the female. His obituary: "He was
a real man."
A review of the psychological, physical and legal data bearing upon the status of the
American Male, circa 1982.
Additional assignments will be given to upperclass students requiring research, integration of
materials, added involvement in the community.
Evaluation by quality of oral presentation, kind and level of first-person information
gathering and written test.
Prerequisites: PSY 105 General Psychology for upper division status.
Distribution: Psychology-Sociology
Time: 11.. ...... Room: P 2
PSY 357 - 4063
Instructor: Grace Dyrud
Learning concepts, behavior change principles, skills and issues. Psychology of instruction.
Projects involving applications (e.g. student skills) and tests evaluate student learning.
Prerequisites: PSY 105 General Psychology, or consent of instructor.
Time: I . . ...... Room: P 2
Theology of Play, Games and Sport
REL 328 - 4064
Instructor: John Benson
There is nothing more familiar to us than play, games and sports. We are all involved with one
or more of them almost daily. Yet, there is usually little understanding of the human
significance of these commonplaces of experience. Philosophers of culture like Weiss and
Huizinga, however, together with sociologists like Caillois and psychologists like Bern have
helped us to see some of the deeper meanings of these things we usually take for granted. At
the same time, theologians concerned with cultural questions such as this have added their
contributions. Rahner, Miller, Pieper and Novak have helped us to see that religion itself has
a "play" structure.
I n the lectures, all of the above thinkers will be dealt with. And in the small groups two books,
one by Caillois, and the other by Novak, will be read and carefully discussed. Several special
preparations will be required as well, related to special discussions. An example of such a
special discussion i s the problem of the relation between the game proper and the
"intimidation game" that goes on within it at the same time. Such a problem can be shown to
have far reaching implications into many other areas of life as well as games.
Prerequisites: One course in Religion
Distribution: Religion
Time: 11.. ...... Room: O M 10
Luther-Bach and the Shape of the Liturgy
REL 364 - 4086
MUS 167 - 4051
367 - 4052
Instructors: Philip A. Quanbeck
Larry Fleming
The 500th anniversary of the birth of Martin Luther provides the impetus for this crossdisciplinary offering focusing on the shape of the liturgy in the reformation and the historical,
theological and musicological background out of which the Mass in B minor by J. S. Bach
emerges. Plenary sessions will be addressed by Charles Anderson, Larry Fleming, and Philip
Quanbeck. Students may elect either one of the supplementary group sessions.
1. Musicological - Baroque performance practice, contrasting Mass settings, textual forerunners will be studied together with detailed musical and theological analysis of the
complete score with instrumental and choral realization.
2. Religion -The shape of the liturgy. Historical development of the Mass, historical and
theological background of the reformation and the renaissance.
Grades will be based on participation and examination. Upper Division credit will require
additional work.
Prerequisites: Religion - one course in religion
Music - consent of instructor
Time: 1 1 . . . . . . . . Room: M 23
Christianity in Modern Africa
REL 366 - 4092
Instructor: Bradley Holt
This course will focus on two regions of Africa: the West and the South. Students will be
introduced to traditional African culture and religion, the introduction of Christianity, and
the present development of indigenous churches in West Africa. The newer "Independent
African Churches" will be studied, as well as attempts to formulate "African Christian
Theology." A major section of the course will focus on contemporary responses of churches
in South Africa to the apartheid system of racial segregation. There will be lectures and
discussion of reading materials, films, and visiting resource persons. Students will be
evaluated on several short tests and a short research paper.
Prerequisites: One course in religion.
Distribution: Religion
Time: 11.. . . . . . . Room: O M 18
Practicum in Human Services
SWK 257 - 4065
Instructor: Doug Perry
An opportunity to discover whether a career in human services i s for you. Thirty hours per
week of volunteer work in a human service agency i s combined with readings and weekly
seminars. Evaluation based on submission of journals, summary of experience and a final
Students will meet with instructor before the end of Fall Semester in order to discuss
selection of agency and structure of this course.
of problems for which people seek
Ohjectlvws arp ta d ~ v e l n pspecial awareness ol t h klnds
hrlp: increase k n o w l r d g ~of theservice givcn hy the agency in which student is serving; gain
knowledge of thr! profess~onalsin thc nrannizatinn, including their skills, competencies,
ducati ion, and Lsainlng: gain h ~ g i n n i n gk n o w l ~ d g cabout the diversity of human service
agencic<: and increase ~ ~ n d e r s t a n r lof
i nsrlf
~ tn rrlation 10 he human service field.
Time: II (for in~tialmeeting; group meetings will be arranged). . . . . . . Room: S 123
Social Services with American lndian People
SWK 400 - 4087,400 - 4066
Instructor: Rosalie V. Clark
Readings will be combined with lectures by American lndian people, who are either consumers or providers of services, and with visits to agencies serving American lndian people.
A research paper incorporating two special service theories and addressing a specific area of
service provision for American lndian people will be the basis for evaluation.
Actual class meeting times will be determined by class members on the first meeting day.
This course carries only 1/2 course credit.
Non-social work majors are welcome. Students wishing an additional 1/2 course credit in
independent work should consult the instructor before the beginning of interim.
prerequisites: Sociology 383
Time: 11.. . . . . . . Room: M 25
Field Work 111
SWK 466 - 4088,466 - 4068
Instructor: Edwina Hertzberg
The objectives of the class are to use supervisory rrlation~hipto increaw Interpretive as well
as social work performance competence; tn promote gradual enlry Into direct social work
practice; to increase competence in the clicni contact phase of thr problem solving process;
to increase student self-awareness in regard ro prof~ssinnalpractice interests, areas of
strength, and areas for personal/professionaI development; to promote competence in the
full process of problem solving, with special emphasis on analysis and resolution stages.
Course content will be continuation of Field Work Il-educationally focused field placement
in a social service agency.
Students will spend 15 (or 30) hours per week in field placement, plus one hour per week in
faculty facilitated supportive seminar held on campus.
Evaluations will be made in writing by Field Instructor using previously developed contract
and social work evaluation form.
Note: Course is offered for 1/2 (15 hours per week) or full (30 hours per week) credit. If for
full credit, 1/2 credit will be based on non-client contact tasks.
Prerequisites: Minimum of 2.0 in Field Work I and in Field Work II; candidacy status
. . . . Room: M 24
Time: II - 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. T,W,Th..
I nterim/27
The Sociology of Law
SOC 220 - 4068
Instructor: Diane Pike
This course examines the nature of law, its effect on society, and the effect of society on it.
Specific topics include: cross-cultural notions of law, regulating morality, deterrence, social
change, the legal profession, and corporate crime - all with respect to a sociological
approach to understanding law. The basic format will be lecture/discussion. Evaluation is
based on (in addition to participation) two (2) take-home examinations.
Prerequisites: SOC 121 or an introductory political Science course, or permission of the
Time: 11.. ...... Room: O M 16
The Human Potential Movement and Identity:
A Sociological Analysis
SOC 394 - 4089
Instructor: Jerry Gerasimo
This will be a sociological and social-psychological analysis of that loosely connected
grouping of persons and movements which lays emphasis on identity, self-expression, selfawareness and growth. "Alternate life-styles" and "expanding consciousness" have become
increasingly central terms for the media and large parts of the American population. After a
brief history of the movement and its major figures (Freud, Rogers, and Maslow) we will
consider the Human Potential Movement's relation to other social movements and to the
dominant culture. There is a possibility of field work. Evaluation will be based on an
examination and a paper.
There will be a fee of about $5.00 to cover additional instructional materials.
Prerequisites: PSY 105 or SOC 121 or SOC 241
Time: 11.. ...... Room: O M 13
Story Theater (Children's Theater)
SPC 285 - 4072
Instructor: Ailene Cole
This class will improvise, produce, and perform a children's play. Whatever is needed-script,
costumes, props, lights, scenery, music, dance-will be created and executed by the class.
Performances are scheduled for the final week.
Stage 2
Time: 9:30-12:OO and 1:OO-3:00 p.m..
Other Courses
These courses are offered by institutions or groups not connected with Augsburg College but
have been approved for credit by the College. Most carry a tuition cost plus other expenses
which are the responsibility of the student. They are offered only on a P/N basis. Fuller
descriptions and details for registering are available in the Interim Office.
ART 163 - 4095 Basic Spinning, Weaving and Dyeing
Offered by the Weavers Guild of Minnesota. Tuition and materials cost $174.
28/l nterim
HPE 106 - 4070 Ski Interim (Park City, Utah)
Comprehensive program with lessons and seminars by professional ski
instructors. Open to all from novice to expert. Special courses for those
interested in and qualified for ski patrol and ski instructor. Package fee of
approximately $975 includes lodging, lift tickets, lessons, lectures, seminars
and cross country ski outing. Does not include transportation or food
(condos have cooking facilities). Dates are Jan. 8 - 28. Contact Joyce Pfaff
(Melby Hall basement or at 330-1248) for further information and registration
GST 120 - 4071 Wilderness (branch of Plymouth Christian Youth Center)
A splendid course at the PCYC base on the edge of the Boundary Waters
Canoe Area in northern Minnesota near Grand Marais. Approximate cost:
POL 399 - 4073 Washington Interim
A study-internship program i n Washington, D.C. in connection with the
Washington Center of Learning Alternatives. Information on projects,
housing and financial assistance is available from Dr. Milda Hedblom i n
Memorial 117A.
SWK 312 - 4074 Training School on Alcoliol and Drug Abuse
Intensive experiential and didactic training at Johnson Institute combined
with week-long experience in chemical dependency treatment agency.
Students are evaluated according to participation in classes, experiential
learning and in the chemical dependency agency. Enrollment is very limited.
Social Work 95257, social work major and permission of contact person,
Eddie Hertzberg, are prerequisites. Cost: $100.
Augsburg Lifetime Sports
The following activities are available to students during interim. They do not carry official
credit, but they do meet the lifetime sports requirement for graduation. Students may
participate in any one of these without registering for the course, but will be expected to pay
any fees whether or not the student registers for the course.
Instructor: Ernie Anderson
Basic techniques and theory of beginningbadminton - much of the class time will be spent in
singles and doubles games and tournaments. There will be no written tests or outside
assignments. Grading is P/N and is based on attendance and participation.
Distribution: Meets the general education requirement of one lifetime sport.
Time: 12:OO Noon..
HPE002 -4082
Instructor: Ernie Anderson
Learn rules and skills necessary to enjoy volleyball.
Distribution: Meets the general education requirement of one lifetime sport.
Time: 12:OO Noon.. ...... Melby
HPE 002 - 4083
Instructor: Ernie Anderson
Learn rules and skills necessary to enjoy racquetball.
Distribution: Meets the general education requirement of one lifetime,sport.
Time: 9:20..
International Studv
Augsburg College
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55454
Interims Abroad January3-28,1983
The Rhine Frontier: Germany Meets Rome
and France
A Laboratory of Multi-Ethnic Interaction
German 333 - Donald Steinmetz
Since Roman time<,the lands along the Rhlne have b ~ e onn e ol the mu+[ jlgniilcai~t
ironlrer areas 01 Europe. Here Ccrman and Roman culture clajhed and rnlsed: Here
TOC)~,~ntheernpure of Cha~lemagne.Heft
modern Germany and France h a ~ their
romlneique and go1h ~ architecrure
ilurished ir: Ihe kirddle A ~ e s t-lere
Germaris and
French fought in rhree recent rvari. I r is such evcnts whuch h a w .;haper1 litc and left co
manv munlrments between rhc Rhine ancl the blcuse. The rlurlenl ill studr and "relr~c"
rhe history o i rhls area o n loratiori, firm the Roman munumen;, oi Trier and Cologne.
Charlemagnp'~:lachen. ro the baltteiields of tUorld b\ar$ I and It and ~ h dynarntc
of presenl-dai Germanv. The course will be c o n d u r ~ e dpr~marrlvIn Trrel.. Germany, r\lTh
excursion5 10 nc-arb, zites. Trier Ir ideal f o r lhis plrrpose. Perhaps the oltlest r l t v In Germanv.
Trier i s rich in monumenls. dat~netrom Roman times ro rhe prcsenl. and imporlanl
~ h a n700 miles away. Lecrures. d~scussions.and
historical sites o i iise counfries J r e
readings will be principally in German according tu the siudent.5 entering level of
Counts toward: German major and foreign language distr ihufron requirement . .
Prerequisites: German 112 or equivalent.. . Grading: P/N or traditional . . . Enrollmenl: 15
... Cost: $1690.
London and Paris
History 240,340 - Khin Khin Jensen
Observalian and s t u d y of 4sian I J a p a n e r r . Chinese. Korean arld Ph~llppinej.Polyne5ian
ItbwaiIan and Samoan,, and Caucasian cu[rures inkerac-tingIn the i i t t ~ e ~
h Focus on
hiaorrcal rraditions. immigrd~ionparrerns, religious heritage. erlucational eaperlences.
~nmrnercialvpnrurc5, the media. rulrural ~ r t j v i t j e .a~n .d current rssues. Field i r i p ~include
vihits to I ~ PFo l > n e i i a n Cultural Center. Pear[ Harbor-4rtzona h3ernorial. tulani I'alace and
Hishop h l u s e u m . tluddhr5:-Taoist Tcmple. East-\.\ei.i Center ar thc C!nlverrit) oi Han.aii, the
Hawallan Cir! of Reiuse rn Kona area. 2 n d V I ~ I ~ w
F i~h
cornrnunlty leaders or barying ethnic
backgrounds in Hilo and Honolulu.
Evaluation will be based on participation in all components of the Interim such as field trips,
lectures, and J i j c u ~ j i ~
~inrludingpre-~nterimorientations). Students will keep a
daily journal. There will b e requirt-d reading;.
Counts toward hlsrnr, major, Fas! ?\51an Studies major, history distribution requirement.
Prerequisites: l o n e r drv~s~un,
noni.; U*
division, sophomore standing and consent of
Grading: P N orrh . Enrollment: 15-18 . . . Cost: $1795.
Clo!h course2 r ~A~PYICO
WIIIha\ e rllc same itinerary (Mexico, Oaxaca, Cuernavaca):
a l l qtudcnis will be encouraged t c t take advantage of the opportunities presented by
each of the courses. A lot of tlme outside of class will be spent in informal group
Art in London and Paris
Theories of Social Change and Revolution
Art 378 - Mary Swanson
Political Science 383 - Mulford Q. Sibley
This course will study art in the collections of museums In Landon and Parls. S~vlistic,
historical and sociological perspectives will be ernphds~rdIn s rewng arlrnork in museums.
galleries and architectural landmarks. Lecture will be gnen briore v~siting~ n c h
that students will become acquainted with malor work.; In each cultectron. 5iudr:nv wilt
This wlll be a course which surveys rr~odefnconceprlons of social and political change and
re\olut~on8t.einning with the European b,:ckground in days immediately after the French
Ktyolut~on,II wtll ~ o n r ~ d 8uch
c r theories as rhorcof the utopian socialists, anarchists,
b r a l s , Tolmyallanrl .Maruitrs. Parilrular atltnuon will be devoted to the place of
U C - . ~ . . Y L C . .
C " < . I
C L , , " , , .,-..,.
style, function, subject, formal organization and medium. Additional opportunities will be
provided for students who wish t o emphasize a certain period i n the history of art. I
Counts toward art major or art history major, fine arts distribution requirement . . . Grading:
P/N or traditional . . . Enrollment: 25 . . . Cost: $1995.
be conslaereu. MalthuSlanS and neo-Maltnuslans, wlrn tnelr popularlon anu resource,
conceptio~s,will occupy an important place. The modern world of North-South and EastWest tensions will constitute part of the background for modern theories of revolution. Is
violence compatible wrth democratic and egalitarian revolution? What is the theory of nonviolent revolution?
During the latter part of the course, many of these questions will be examined i n the
context of Latin America i n general and of Mexico i n particular.
Music in London and Paris
Evaluation will be based on class participation and the submission of a journal
Music 378 - Robert ~ a r l e ' n
These t w o great European cultural centers will be visited so that students might experience
the cultural milieu that produced such musical giants as Purcell, Handel, Britten, Berliozi
Franck and Stravinsky.
Performances t o be attended will include operetta, ballet, chamber music, and symphonic
concerts by leading orchestral ensembles. There will be opportunities to attend worship
services i n the magnificent c a ~ h p d r ~of
l s these t w o capital cities. Lectures describing the
special significance of the music ro be heard and providing important background
information will be supplemented h! \,isits to museums and libraries to see collections of
historic musical instruments and view manuscript scores of famous composers.
Evaluation will be made on the basis of attendance at lectures, participation in class
activities, four written concert reviews, and an informal final examination.
Counts toward music major and fine arts distribution requirement .. . Prerequisites: none
. . . Grading: P/N o n l y . .. Enrollment: 15 . .. Cost: $1995.
Counts toward political science major (theory and comparative subfields) and the political
science distribution requirement.. . Grading: P/N only . . . Enrollment: 15 . . . Cost: $1195.
Basic Conversational Spanish
Spanish 113 - Mary A. Kingsley
Bal'ic C n n ~ e r w ~ i o n a I ~ S p a n15
i sderisnecl
tor sludents w h o have already covered the
and are ready t o put their
strurtL~reEaflh? pr-ent, preteritr. dnd ~ r n p e r f e cIcnsc3
k n u u letlgr t o tire o n the scene in htexico. There %ill
be regular in-class sessions, small
group conuwsations. as well as a ?rear deal or opporrunity t o use Spanish actively and
PASSIL.:~~ in runclucring interviews. siloppi1.1~.
atrending lectures, and just making Mexico
home for a month.
Grading will be based o n class participation, quizzes and a final exam w h ~ c hwill be written
and oral. Original materials will be used as the text.
Counts toward foreign language distribution requirement for 112 or 211 . . . Prerequisites:
Spanish 111 or 2 years of high school Spanish . . . Grading: P/N only . . . Enrollment: 15 . . .
Cost: $1195.
Ser..zster and Summer Opportunities
Program in Global Community February 3
- May 2-
B q r m in-gbklmmmununrty
is a 3% month study program based In C u e h l a r ~M
, ex~co
Primary fows is on the study of h u m @latiiAteglobal Iustlce and human IiQerarlon
The ~ & , ~ ~ , ~ ~ f S t ~ l t l ~ n ,
r o o m e d b d w d t r i ~ dbeweenTewarmd
Mexico A p p l ~ c a i m d e a & w : O c t o b e r 15,
udents may partlclpate In the Assoc~atedC o l l e g e o f thtTwin C I t h (ACTC)
ermany and V ~ e n n aand the South Amerlcan Urban kmester and
Urban Study Term through the Hlgher E d u c a t i o n C o n ~ o n i u mf m t l r b a n
A) Many more opportunltles are ava~lable,and infarmation may be obta~ned
at the O f f ~ c eof lnternat~onalPrograms
The SPAN Program
Semester or Year Abroad
A n a ~ ~ l h Mbeen
+ ?@ t m d e r v r h ~ c hAugsburgmStil&nls may spend thelr
~ p h ~ ~or~jso
r reyear Ind y a# rfibmber of f o n ? @ d m t ~ o n a l lnstltutlons Among
themam: theUhivWty af 0 h . N ~ Sch~ller
CaUwin London and He~delberg,the
University &Bath, &gb& the U n i u e M y of ~undee,Soetlan$; the U n ~ v e r s ~of
t y Sev~lle,
Spain; and thelmtitutefor American Univers~t~es
in A v i p n , France
International Business
See under Business Administration in Augsburg College Catalog.
Students will spend two months during the summer of 1983 i n any one of three countries:
Mexico, Yugoslavia or Kenya. The summer will be preceded by a year-long orientation and
a paper will be written after returning. Scholarship help is available. Applications should be
made this spring for the program which begins i n the fall.
Scholarships, Deadlines
Scholarships apply to international study. Because enrollment in semester study
abroad i s limited, students should apply early in the year. Deadline: March 1 of
the preceding year. I f space is still available after that date, applications will be
accepted until the last day of class.
Mary A. Kingley, Director, Office of International Programs, Old Main 20
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Minneapolis, Minnesota
1984 Interim Catalog
Volume 114, Number 4
Winter 1983
AUCSBURC COLLEGE (USPS #490-310) is published four times a year in Spring, Summer, Fall,
and Winter by Augsburg College, 731 21st Avenue South, Minneapolis, M N 55454. Sec... Show more
Minneapolis, Minnesota
1984 Interim Catalog
Volume 114, Number 4
Winter 1983
AUCSBURC COLLEGE (USPS #490-310) is published four times a year in Spring, Summer, Fall,
and Winter by Augsburg College, 731 21st Avenue South, Minneapolis, M N 55454. Secondclass postage paid at Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Augs,burgCollege lnterim
The interim is an integral part of the school year at Augsburg College. It is particularly
intended to be a time for both students and faculty to employ styles of teaching and learning
and to investigate questions and topics in places and ways not possible during the regular
term. Since one course equals a full time load, students should plan to spend the same
amount of time in class and preparing for class as they would for a four course load during
Fall and Spring semesters.
Calendar for Full Credit Courses
October 31-November 4.
Interim Registration
December 5 ...........................................Late Interim Registration
First Day of Interim
January 3.. .................................................
Class 1 9:00 a.m.
Class 11 1:00 p.m.
January 4..
Last day for cancel/add
January 17.. ................ Last day for determining grading system with Registrar
January 20.. ........................... Last day for withdrawing from full courses
January 27.. ......................................................
Interim ends
Calendar for Half Credit Courses
January 3..
First group of half credit courses begins
January 4 . . .............................Last day to cancel/add half credit courses
January 9 . ........... Last day for determining grading system for half credit courses
January 11.. .....................Last day for withdrawing from half credit courses
January 13.. ...............................First group of half credit courses ends
January 16.. ...........................Second group of half credit courses begins
January 17.. ............................Last day to cancel/add half credit courses
January 23. .......... Last day for determining grading system for half credit courses
January 25.. ..................... Last day for withdrawing from half credit courses
The interim day is divided into two blocks of time:
II - 1:00 - 5:00 p.m.
I - 8:00 - 12:OO Noon
The number and length of class meetings as well as the beginning time will be arranged the
first day of class.
4/l nterim
Essential Information
One course is considered a full time load during interim and no student is permitted to
register for more than one course credit during the period.
There i s no tuition refund for a student who chooses not to enroll in an interim course.
Most interim courses are graded traditionally on a scale of 4.0 to 0. Students generally have
the option to register on a Pass/No credit basis. A few interim courses are graded only on the
P/N system; this i s indicated in the course description.
Some courses are offered with either upper or lower division standing. Such interim courses
have two numbers listed and the student must select. Students registering for upper division
standing should anticipate additional assignments and a more rigorous grading standard.
To graduate, an Augsburg student is required to complete 35 courses of which at least three
must be interim courses (or one interim less than the number of years of full time enrollment
at Augsburg; e.g., a transfer enrolled full time for two years is required to complete one
interim for graduation.)
This Catalog
This catalog lists courses by departments with departments listed in alphabetical order. At the
end of the book are listings of other courses not offered by Augsburg but recognized by the
College for interim credit. Further descriptions and information about these courses are
available in the lnterim Office, Memorial 230. Students may also register for one of the
Lifetime Sports listed on the last page.
Location Key
L-Library Building
M-Music Hall
OM-Old Main
P-Psychology Building
S-Science Hall
International Interims-Students are invited to consider being part of one of the three
overseas interims offered by Augsburg College during January 1984. These interims are under
the following departments:
Health-Sailing i n the Virgin Islands
Political Science - Mass Media and Politics i n Britain, France, Germany and Austria
Religion-Israel and Egypt: Archaeology and Religion
Augsburg students are also eligible for participation in one of the 28 international interims
offered by the Upper Midwest Association for lnternational Education (UMAIE) as well as
travel interims offered by other 4-1-4 schools in the country.
Further academic description, travel details and cost estimates are available in the lnterim
Office and from Mary Kingsley in the lnternational Center, Old Main 20.
Students interested in participating i n one of these international interims should apply in the
lnternational Center before November 1. Additions to the overseas groups usually cannot be
made after that date.
There will be no June interim in 1984.
Students electing an internship interim must present a completed internship
learning contract to the Internship Office (Memorial 230) no later than Tuesday, November
22. Contract forms are available in the same office.
Independcmt or DhWcd Study
Students may elect a program of independent study
(upper dlvislon 499) or directed study (!owerdivblon 299) for interim. Faculty members are
strongly drseouraged fram accepting responsibility for more than one independent or
dlrected study per interlm. student^ choosing to pursue independent or directed study must:
A. Meet departmental requirements,
6. Present to the lnterim Director for approval a copy of the proposed study plan approved
by the supervising faculty member. This proposal must be submitted at -I
one week
before registration and not later than November 28. Apprgpriatestudy propo$alforms can
be obtained in the lnterim Office.
Inftdma at Qthw -Is
Augsburg students may enroll at any other 4-74 Instltutlan
which offers a reclprocai lnterlm arrangepent. CataIags of these Interlmscan be consulted in
the Interim Offlee. The Interim Secretary wIti help students in appiylng for ~giwrationat
other schoals. Registration for lntwlms at rhe h e r Twin CMes college wlll be done at
Augsburg during the regular reghtratlon period. Most courses taught during the interim w
other 4-14schoolsare accepted forcredit by Aughurg, but ma not necessarily beaccepted
as meeting Augsburp'r distributhn rsquirem~ntr.Thls quiklcailon putlcuhtly J f a
courses offered for the Reiiglon requirement.
Non-Aupburg Students
e welcamee studenw from athat 44-4 schools far the jaiiiiary Interim
*hkoul tul~ion%rp provided he wudcnlt honr instlhltlon ql.a.not to cbar
to Au$bug students for the January tern. he walver of tuition,does not Indu$
e special
fees, housing or board costs. 0 t h nudem wlII be c h a r d $720 for the lnterlm course,
#upburg Cot
Students interested in regfstwing for an Aupburg lnterim should write to the lnterim
Director for application forms or use the forms provided by the interim office at their own
school.* These students are welcom to stay on campus but are not required to do so.
Requests for interim housingsfiwld bemadeto fie lnterim Office.
*There is an application processing fee of $10.
ku burg Policy
Aug ufg College adml4 studehts of any race, golor, rtatlonal and ethnk origln ro all the
rl$hts, btiufI<&.s, figrams, and acthltlesgeneraI y accorded or made available to studentsat
,the school, It do= trot dlscrimlnq~on the basis of race, col,ar,crded, national and e~hrltc
orlgtn in eq6layrbent flfactiw or adrniitIstqatlon of Its edtFdatfonal>
policies, admission$poIi-dw, icholprshlp and loan programs, and ~thleticand other school-administer& programs.
Need More Help?
Check with:
The lnterim Office (Memorial 230),
The lnterim Secretary, Ruth Maertens at 330-1025, or
The lnterim Director, Dr. Don Gustafson at 330-1192.
ART 106 - 4001,306 - 4002
Instructor: Philip Thompson
Study of the art and craft of calligraphy. Development of calligraphic skills i n pen and brush
with ink and paint. Three completed design projects in lettering or line are required. For
upper division credit a major project is required.
Distribution: Art-Music
Time: I . . ...... Room: O M 4
Nutrition: You Are What You Eat
BIO 104 - 4003
Instructor: Erwin Mickelberg
Designed to discuss the foods that we eat in a popular fashion. After a review of the human
digestive system, each of the three basic food types will be discussed along with the role of
minerals, vitamins and water.
An attempt will be made to dispel the mysteries and the manufactured information in the
media, to make application to individual concerns, and to address the controversy concerning
food additives.
Distribution: Chemistry-Biology
Time: 11.. ...... Room: S 213
Heredity, Evolution, and Humankind
BIO 110 - 4004
Instructor: Ralph Sulerud
Where did I come from? What am I7 Where am I going? certainly must rank among the more
fundamental quertions which intrigue and torment members of our specips. While at one
l w e i weseek phtlosophlcat and religious answers, h i o l n ~ yIS invokecl at another level. I t l s t h ~
intent of this course to addresrrhesc questions and others through thesrudy of ~ v o t u t l o nand
heredfry {genetlrs). The concept of organic evolution continues to have i t s critics, a matter
which we shall consider. Yet to lhrt va5l majority of hlologists the evolution of life is not only
accep~edbut ir rcaasded as the single most significant confrihurion which biology has made
to human knowledgr. We will study I ~ Pevidence in support of evolution. rht? proposed
mechanisms of ttip ~volutionaryprocess, and, a5 time permits, the course or evolution from
primiltvr! forms to humans. Some principles ol genetics will be studied for the primary
purpose of making 11 possible rn undcrstand evolurionary mechanisms. Ways in which people
e s he discussed.
influence rhrir own evoluiion and that olol her ~ p e r ~ wlll
Classes will consist largely of lectures and discussions. Grading will be based on quizzes and
Prerequisites: A high school general biology course
Distribution: Chemistry-Biology
Time: I . . ...... Room: S 212
Wetland Ecology
BIO 311 - 4005
Instructor: Roberta Lammers
I n Wetland Ecology we will study the complexity, variety and importance of freshwater
wetlands (i.e. bogs, marshes, fens, swamps, etc.). The physical aspects of these wetlands as
well as the interrelationships of some of their major organisms like sedges, insects, and
sphagnum will be considered. Students will be re uired to pursue4nclependent reading on
wetland organisms of particular Interest to them. T e course work will also include required
reading, discussion and leeura, lab observation d wetland organisms, and local field trips
depending on the weather. We shall examine critically the potential ofMinnesota's wetlands
as an energy source. Grading will be based on one test and the presentation (written or oral)
of the independent reading.
Prerequisites: Biology 111,112
Distribution: Chemistry-Biology
Time: I........ Room: S 213
Personal Investment and the Stock Market
BUS 257 4006
Instructor: Thomas Morgan
The course i s designed t o familiarize the novice with the basic components of the personal
investment decision.
Course content will include examination and discussion of alternative investment instruments
and the markets in which they are transacted. I n addition to assigned readings, students will
be expected to complete several small projects. Evaluation of course performance will be
based upon successful completion of projects and a final exam. This course is not recommended for upper class business majors.
Time: I........ Room: O M 13
Management Simulation Games
BUS 378 - 4074
Instructor: Amin Kader
In this course the students will be grouped into teams. Each team controls a company which
manufactures and sells a line of multiple products. The company competes against other
companies; each manufactures and sells similar products. Each team attempts to outperform
other teams by selecting what could be perceived by the team as the optimum operating
strategy. This strategy includes setting selling prices, production volumes, marketing expenditures, plant and securities investments, as well as stockholders' dividends. Grading will be
P/N only with evaluation on the basis of the work done and its results.
Prerequisites: BUS 135 and 261, ECO 122 and 123 or permission of instructor
Time: 11.. ...... Room: O M 11
8/l nterim
Chemistry for Changing Times
C H M 100 - 4009
Instructor: Arlin Gyberg
This is a non-laboratory chemistry course based on the very popular book by John H. Hill of
the same title. It is not a traditional chemistry course and does not assume a science
background. Basic science and math are introduced early and are taught as needed for
understanding the various topics and implications. The course does assume the student is
interested in and concerned about the relationship of chemistry to life and living.
Chemistry has been intimately a part of liberal education for centuries. The early scientists
were considered to be philosophers and their societies were philosophical societies. In
recent decades the human seeking of personal independence has led to chemistry becoming
a part of everyday life to the point of actual dependence on chemistry. We live in a world of
pesticides, fertilizers, plastics, "the pill," food additives and processed foods, vitamin
supplements, the energy crisis, chemical dependency, biocides, pollutants, drugs, searching
for life on other planets, genetic manipulation, and it goes on and on. Emotions and mental
disorders can often be traced to chemical imbalance. The common dragged out, grumpy
feeling after an afternoon nap is a result of a chemical imbalance. The nature of a hangover is
the result of a complex system of altered body chemistry. Even learning appears to be the
result of chemical reaction to form a "memory molecule." Most of the problems we face are
molecular in nature. What then but chemistry can better help us to understand ourselves, our
society, our world, and our universe? Come join us as we take a molecular look at the human
condition. This course will be offered in a lecture/discussion format. Films will supplement
the lecture/discussion periods. Quizzes and tests will be used for evaluation. This course
does not satisfy prerequisites for Chemistry 106,116 or 223.
Distribution: Chemistry-Biology
Time: I . . ...... Room: S 315
Principles of Economics (Micro)
ECO 123 - 4007
Instructor: Satya Gupta
An introduction to microeconomics: the theory of the household, firm, market structures
and income distribution. Application of elementary economic theory to market policy. May
be taken independently of Economics 122 or 120.
Distribution: Economics-Political Science
Time: 11.. ...... Room: L 1
Welfare Economics
ECO 454 - 4008
Instructor: Ed Sabella
Basic concepts and propositions: Pareto optimality, economic efficiency of alternative market
structures, social welfare functions, normative concepts of economic theory. Applications to
various problems and disciplines. Course evaluation will be based on exams (take-home) and
Prerequisites: ECO 251 or permission of instructor
Time: 11.. ...... Room: O M 16
Student Teaching
EDS 481 - 4010 EDE 481 - 4014
EDS 482 - 4011 EDE 482 - 4015
EDS 483 - 4012 EDE 483 - 4016
EDS 484 - 4013 EDE 484 - 4017
Instructor: Sheldon Fardig
Observing and directing learning under supervision of college and secondary school
personnel. This is a full day experience in a school.
Prerequisites: Acceptance in Education Program and permission of instructor.
Grading: P/N only
Time: I.. . . . . . . Room: L 4
Emily Dickinson: The Poems and the Person
ENG 140 - 4018, 340 - 4019
Instructor: Ronald Palosaari
Unknown in her lifetime, Emily Dickinson now is regarded as one of America's finest poets.
Her poetry was so unknown that the sister who shared with her the family home did not
know of it until, following Emily's deathbed instructions, she began to burn Emily's papers.
What was spared the fire is now ours to devour.
Emily Dickinson spent most of her life within the family home confining her relationships to a
very few, being regarded as mysterious or eccentric by very many. Some biographers have
suggested she retreated from the world to give herself to poetry since her time and place
made no provision for a female professional poet. Others trace her seclusion to various family
relationships or personal problems or frustrated dreams of love. Whatever the cause, out of
the mystery of her life comes the glory of her poetry.
During the interim we will study both her poetry and some of the major studies of her life.
Each student will read one of her biographies as well as her poetry. Students who desire may
pursue independent research in her biography or her poetry or in general historical topics
that mav illumine either the Doems or the Derson.
Studenk opting for upper d i i s i o n credit will be graded on a more rigorous level than those
opting for lower division credit.
Prerequisites: A course in literature or permission of instructor
Distribution: English-Speech, Communication & Theater Arts
Time: I..
Room: O M 16
. . . . ..
10/l nterim
People Under Pressure
ENG 211 - 4020
Instructor: Barbara Andersen
The child, the youth, the middle-aged, the old, all live under pressure-political, social,
religious and personal. What these pressures are and how people cope with them provide the
focus for the course. This i s not, however, a course in depression, for pressure and stress
often have positive results. And many people respond to pressure with courage, grace and
even wit.
We will read several genres, mostly of the 20th century, and works that are not usually
covered in literature courses. Among the works being considered are Waters, The Man Who
Killed the Deer; Potok, M y Name is Asher Lev; Brautigan, Trout Fishing i n America; Wright,
Native Son; Pym, Excellent Women; Hassler, Simon's Night; Lindbergh, Gift from the Sea;
Turgenev, Fathers and Sons; Albee, The American Dream and The Zoo Story; Anderson, I
Never Sang for M y Father; Gordon, Final Payments. Students will have some choice of works
to read.
Evaluation will be based on discussions, some in-class writing, reading quizzes, oral reports
(optional) and two examinations.
Distribution: English-Speech, Communication & Theater Arts
Time: I.. . . . . . Room: O M 10
Six Guns and Samurai Swords: A Comparative Studyof American Western and Japanesesamurai Films
ENG 233 - 4021
SOC 233 - 4058
Instructors: Jerry Gerasimo and John Mitchell
The purpose of the course is to clarify the thematic form of the Western and the Samurai film
by comparing their respective myths, their social premises, and their conventions: for
example, the ritualized duel and the use of proxemic patterns (treatments of space) i n ways
that are implicitly cultural. Although both genres are highly popular, they are vividly useful
for esthetic, cultural, and anthropological comparison. Students will be required to attend all
film presentations (approximately 10 feature films), to read selected texts, and to make a final
written report.
Laboratory Fee: $35
Distribution: English-Speech, Communication & Theater Arts
Time: 1 1 . . . . . . . . Room: M 24
French Civilization Today
FRE 332 - 4022
Instructor: Ruth Aaskov
The study of 20th Century French civilization will extend and deepen our understanding of
the French and the role of their country in the world today. We will investigate the concerns
and the situation of the people vis-a-vis their family, friends, institutions, economy,
government. The study of "documents authentiques" as well as articles, essays, Guide France,
slides, music, art, and technology will help ascertain the major French contributions to our
civilization since 1900.
We will participate i n a variety of group and individualized activities: common readings with
discussion, illustrated presentations, projects and reports, field trips and media experiences
- all in order to broaden and deepen our French experience.
Evaluation will include the completion of assigned tasks and reports, participation and
contribution to the group, several brief quizzes, and individual progress in the ability to
initiate, develop, and present a topic or study within the course.
Materials will be largely i n French to assure an authentic French experience.
Prerequisites: FRE 311 or consent of instructor
Time: I........ Room: O M 25
German Civilization and Culture I1
CER 332 - 4024
Instructor: Don Steinmetz
Survey of significant currents of development which have shaped present-day Germany,
Austria and Switzerland since the Age of Enlightenment. The contemporary scene is
considered in view of its roots in intellectual, geo-political, artistic and scientific history of the
German-speaking peoples. The course will be taught in German.
Prerequisites: GER 311 or permission of instructor
Time: 11.. ...... Room: O M 27
Beginning Norwegian
NOR 111 - 4025
Instructor: Leif Hansen
The course provides an introductlo,n to the basic skills of 115tening, speaking, reading, and
writing. The first class sessions are conducted without the use of a printed texf. Later class
sessions provide a thorough lntroducrion to the structures of contemporary Norwegian, but
oral expression is emphasized throughout the course. Oral and written tests. Laboratory work
Distribution: Foreign Language
Time: 11.. ...... Room: O M 29
Norwegian Conversation and Composition
NOR 311 - 4026
Instructor: Leif Hansen
Intensive practice in spoken Norwegian with emphasis on pronunciation and original
composition. Some attention given to regional variations in spoken Norwegian and to
differences between the two official languages of Norway. Laboratory work and field
experience required.
Prerequisites: NOR 211 or equivalent
Time: To be arranged with instructor.. . . . . . . Room: O M 29
Spanish of the Business and the Professional World
SPA 215 - 4023
Instructor: Cunta Rozentals
Objectives: To give the students the basics needed to cope with professional situations by
preparing them to work with Spanish-speaking clients i n various fields. Content: Introduction to the communication patterns and technical expressions used in health care, education,
welfare, law enforcement and business areas. Layout and style of Spanish business letters.
Evaluation: Tests and performance in simulations of true-to-life situations.
Prerequisites: SPA 212
Time: I.. . . . . . . Room: OM 21
Recreational Rhythms and Activities
Instructor: Bethany Shifflett
Theory and practice in teaching and performing American heritage and international folk
dances. Exposure to New Games concepts and activities. The majority of the course grade is
based upon participation in class activities, a teaching assignment, and a written test.
This offering equals only 1/2 course credit.
Time: I - Jan. 3-13.. . . . . . . Room: Melby
Administration and Supervision
of the School Health Program
Instructor: Richard Borstad
Historical background, legal bases, school health services, and relationships to community
health program and resources. Methods and materials in health education with laboratory
experience in classroom and community.
Periodic exams covering lecture and textbook assignments; written summaries of professional
journal articles; in-class activities, including a presentation on a teaching method.
Prerequisites: HPE 320
Time: I . . . . . . Room: Melby 13
. .
January 7-26,1984
Sailing in the Virgin Islands
HPE 455 - 4029
Instructor: Joyce Pfaff
Designed for the beginning and intermediate sailor interested in the art and practice of
sailboat cruising. The course will focus on taking the participant to a competent level of
sailboat handling (anchoring, mooring, helming and crewing). The student will live aboard a
42' fixed keel sailboat with six or seven other people and will function as an active crew
Actual on-the-water instruction will be the major part of the course. This will be supplemented by sessions dealing with safety, boat handling, boat systems, provisioning, trip
planning, piloting and navigation. Sailing will include cruises to the various islands and cays in
the British and American Virgin Islands.
Snorkeling and windsurfing will be available on an optional basis.
Evaluation will be based on individual demonstrated competencies in crewing and leadership
in the role of "acting captain." A daily ships log will be kept by all participants and a final
written exam will be given.
Cost: $1995.00
Distribution: Lifetime Sports
Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries
Instructor: Doug Nelson
Emphasis placed on preventing injuries. Treatment of common athletic injuries. Practical
experience in taping and training-room procedures.
Prerequisites: HPE 350 Kinesiology
This course equals only 1/2 course credit.
Time: I - Jan. 16 - 27.. . . . . . . Room: Melby 12
The Japanese-AmericanExperience:
Relocation & Redress
HIS 240 - 4030,340 - 4031
Instructor: Khin Khin Jensen
This course is a study of the Japanese-American experience, primarily in the United States,
but will include mini units of their relocation experience in Canada and some Latin American
countries. Special focus will be given to the forced evacuation of several hundred JapaneseAmericans during World War II, how and why they were uprooted from homes and
businesses at short notice. How did this ethnic group adjust to detention in camps, survive
the trauma of their wartime experience, e.g. psychological impact on young and old? The
redress issue, the report of the recent judicial commission appointed by Congress to
investigate the relocation, will be an important component of the course, e.g. constitutional
issues related to the rights of scores of American citizens. Perspectives of immigrant
restrictions, and the contribution of the Japanese to American economy and society will be
Japanese-Americans from the Twin Cities, films, slides, recordings and readings will be used
as resources. Ethnic meals. Some evening meetings will replace day sessions.
Grades will be based on discussion, a journal, an exam, and for upper division there will be a
project. Fees - $15.00.
Prerequisites: Lower division none. Upper division - one college history course or consent
of instructor.
Distribution: History-Philosophy
Time: I... . . . . Room: L 1
Paris in the Nineteenth Century
HIS 114 4032
Instructor: Orloue Gisselquist
The French are sometimes accused of thinking of Paris as the "navel of the universe." There's
a bit of "sour grapes" caricature i n that clever statement. For if one could pick out a city
which i n the last thousand years has been more important to Western Civilization than any
other, one could make a good case for Paris. I n this course we will study the history of that
city in one period of its greatness, the nineteenth century. We will use some readings about
France, Paris, and Modern urbanism, but the main emphasis in our reading and approach to
the subject will be the use of some nineteenth century French novels as historical sources
for the study of Paris. We will thus have the opportunity to study the city of Paris in this
century in some fullness, read some great literature, and develop our talents i n the use of
historical material. As a bonus we will double (maybe quadruple!) our enjoyment of a future
trip to Paris. The course will be conducted i n part as a lecture course and in part as a seminar
(discussion of readings, short papers, and shared reports-all part of the evaluation). There
will be a final exam.
Distribution: History-Philosophy; Urban Concerns
Time: 11.. . . . . . Room: O M 23
The Minnesota Political Tradition
HIS 356 - 4033
Instructor: Carl Chrislock
An interpretive survey of Minnesota political history from territorial days to the present.
Attention will focus not only on narrative political history, but also on the underlying forceseconomic, ethnic, religious and cultural-that have helped shape the state's political culture.
Procedures wttl be essentially traditional: lecture-discussion, assjgned and optional readings,
a term paper or hook reviews, and a final examination (basically essay). Some audio-visual
aids (transparencies of polirical cartoons, video cassettes of Arthur Naftalin's conversations
with Mtnnesolta gouernors,slides~will bc used; and an effort to recruit oursidespeakers with
political experience will be made.
Prerequisites: One course in U.S. history, or consent of instructor.
Time: 11..
Room: M 23
Classics of Western Thought
H U M 275 - 4034
Instructors: Richard Nelson, Bruce Reichenbach
The period between the exhaustion of ancient civilization and the emergence of early
modern Europe (ca. 500-1700) was an age of discovery and creativity in Western culture. The
BBC series Civilization will provide the visual center from which we will develop the various
perspectives on literature, philosophy, religion, politics, art and science which can be found
during this period. The course will emphasize the mutual impact of ideas and events.
Presentations by guest speakers and readings from major works representing different
disciplines will supplement the film series.
There will be a mid-term, a final exam and a short paper required of all registrants.
Time: I..
Room: S 112
An Exposure of Chaos in Modern Cosmic Models
MAT 136 - 4035,136 - 4036
Instructor: Henry Follingstad
An exploratlon of math-related Ideas and Space-Age research which critically re-evaluates
present "scientific dogmas" on the universe and the smaller cosmic models of earth, life, and
mankind. New Space-Age data, much of it ignored or misinterpreted, is uncovered to show
inadequacies and contradictions in cosmology, relativity, macroevolution, and their links to
geology, biology, and the humanities. Space age alternatives are also presented to integrate
the flood of new data with past knowledge.
Class instruction and individual research will include study of the historical and modern
impact of math-related cosmic models, and will note some misuses of mathematics which
have transformed scientific speculation into "scientific fact." A written research paper is
required i n one of six major areas discussed.
Upper division students will show broader research scope and writing ability and will present
extensive oral summaries of their papers.
Distribution: Mathematics-Physics
Room: O M 23
Time: I..
Numerical Pattern Processing Through Programming
MAT 144 4037,211 - 4038
Instructor: Larry Copes
I n this course students will learn to write elementary computer programs in the Pascal
language. The programs will generate numerical and other mathematical data to be
examined for patterns. With the help of the instructor and each other, students will test
conjectures through data analysis and further programs. Work will be in individual, small
group, and classroom settings. Evaluation will be through individual programs and written
For students registering for MAT 211, the patterns and reports will require the mathematical
maturity of one who has completed a semester of college mathematics at the calculus level.
All students should expect to spend four to five hours per day in the computer room.
Prerequisites: for 144 - Croup I l l score on Augsburg Mathematics Placement Examination
for 211 - MAT 124 or 174
Distribution: Mathematics-Physics
Room: S 205
Time: I..
The Electronics of Music
MUS 210 - 4041,410 - 4042
Instructor: Robert Karlkn
An opportunity for students to explore, experience, and create some sounds of 20th Century
music. Through a "hands-on" approach, participants will be involved in:
1. making multi-track recordings on half-track, quarter-track, and cassette decks through an
eight-track mixer.
2. individually creating and mixing sounds of traditional sound sources as well as analog and
computer-controlled synthesizers.
The study and application of practical electronic technology used in music will be combined
with aesthetic considerations in the creative aspects of the art.
Though no prerequisites are necessary for participation i n the class, i t is expected that
students will bring to it an interest in, and curiosity about, the many ways in which electronics
technology is involved i n the field of music today. Music majors and students registering for
upper division credit will be assigned special projects.
Students will be able to concentrate on aspects of recording, creative electronic music, or a
combination of the above.
Distribution: Art-Music
Time: 11..
Room: M 25
Broadway Musical
MUS 285 - 4043
Instructors: JamesJohnson and Steve Cabrielsen
The preparation and performance of a Broadway musical including singing, acting, set design
and building, choreography, dancing. A variety of talents and interests are used. Li'l Abner is
the present musical under consideration.
Costumes will be made by members i n the class. Fees for material will be paid by members
wearing those costumes.
Room: M Sateren
Time: I..
Trends and Issues in Nursing
NUR 330 - 4044
Instructor: Pam Farnan
This course is intended to give students a broad perspective by introducing current trends
and issues in health care and the profession of nursing. Many of the issues are controversial,
are relevant to current practice and have potential for far-reaching effects in health care.
Students will be graded on group presentations and written examinations.
Prerequisites: Registered Nurse
Time: I........ Room: O M 12
Introductory Meteorology: Weather and Climate
PHY 106 - 4045
Instructor: Ken Erickson
A study sf Ihe science and wonders of he atmosphere, The course Is deslgned t o provide a
working knowledge of the basic science principles required for understand in^ weather and
climate. Attenlion will he given to the overall weather pattprns of the earth and to thc many
varied aspects af weather, some of which Include: the relationship of sun, earth and
atmosph~re, clouds and precipltatinn, thunderstorms, tornadoes and hurricanes, weather
monitoring and lorecasting, rhe influence a l wealher on pollution, fronts and cyclones, and
o i the sky. The course i s designed to he an elective or to satisfy the
o p ~ i c a phenomena
distribution requirement for the liberal arts student. Grading will he basetl on exams,
laboratory exercises and a paper.
Prerequisites: Elementary Algebra (high school)
Distribution: Mathematics-Physics
Time: I.. ...... Room: S 108
Politics and Policy Making in Public Education
POL136-4046,336- 4047
Instructor: Jo Fraatz
This course examines politics and policies in American public schools, and provides
opportunities for students to analyze policy problems and propose their own solutions. Most
of the allotted class time will be used for a combination of lectures and discussion; time
outside of class will be spent reading, thinking, and writing. The objectives of the course
1. To learn something about the difficulties of working in public schools;
2. To learn something about the prospects for changing public schools;
3. To learn how to analyze policy problems and policy solutions;
4. To develop and improve writing skills.
Written assignments will take the form of policy memos to which students will be asked to
respond. Evaluations will be made on the following basis: 1 & 2 - 10 points each; 3 & 4 - 15
points each; 5 & 6 - 20 points each; Class participation - 10 points.
Grades will be determined after all points earned on these requirements are added up at the
end of the course. Students wishing credit for an upper division course must be at least
sophomores and will be required to do a 10-page book critique in addition to meeting the
above requirements.
Distribution: Economics-Political Science
Time: 1 1 . . ...... Room: M 22
Mass Media and Politics in Britain,
France, Germany and Austria
POL 344 - 4048
SPC 344 4064
Instructor: Milda Hedblom
This course provides a close-up study of four European mass media systems and the relations
of those systems with political rulers and the broader public. Through seminar discussion, site
visits, media observation, and briefings with public officials and media professionals and
scholars, students learn about major issues in each country. We begin in London, after a week
move to Paris - remaining for several days to compare British and French media and politics.
Departing Paris by overnight train, we stop two days in Salzburg before proceeding to
Vienna, the site of Austrian national media and the Parliament. From Vienna we continue to
Prague for the weekend, then conclude the program in Berlin with briefings on German
media and U.S. international radio operations.
Distribution: Economics-Political Science
Grading: P/N only
Theologies of Politics
POL 386 - 4049
Instructor: Myles Stenshoel
An inquiry into political perceptions, attitudes and preferences associated with various
theological premises from early Christian times to the present. Students will encounter views
of Paul, Augustine and Aquinas; a comparative approach to Reformation theology in the
political expressions of Luther and Calvin; and, in a 20th century sampling, perspectives of
Reinhold Niebuhr, the Moral Majority and Liberation theology.
Goal: An enhanced understanding of ways in which theological and political thought are
mutually dependent and of the political expression of particular theological values and
Methods: Lecture, reading, thinking, discussing and writing -a paper on a relevant subject
chosen by the student:
Evaluation: Quizzes, paper, participation.
Prerequisites: REL 111 and a political science course or permission of instructor.
Time: I.. . . . . . Room: O M 11
The Male Jail
PSY 286 - 4077,386 - 4078
Instructor: Lyla Anderegg
A prisoner of his sex, his gender, his society, he devotes his existence to the development of
serious disease and a death occurring a decade earlier than the female. His obituary: "He was
a real man."
A review of the psychological, physical and legal data bearing upon the status of the
American Male, circa 1982.
Additional assignments will be given to upperclass students requiring research, integration of
materials, added involvement in the community.
Evaluation by quality of oral presentation, kind and level of first-person information
gathering and written test.
Prerequisites: General Psychology for upper division status.
Distribution: Psychology-Sociology
Time: 11.. ...... Room: P 2
Nature and Uses of Consciousness
PSY 335 - 4050
Instructor: Richard Marken
Consciousness was what psychology was about until Watson discovered behavior. This course
will investigate various approaches to understanding consciousness (and, of course, the
unconscious). The goal is to become conscious of the functional significance of consciousness
and related phenomena (volition, awareness). Evaluation will be based on class participation
and a final paper.
Prerequisites: General Psychology
Time: I........ Room: P 2
Issues in Science and Religion
REL 374 - 4051
Instructors: John Benson and Mark Engebretson
For some in our society science is the driving engine of a better, more secure life. For others,
including some Christians, science and its associated technologies constitute a grave threat.
This course will begin with a historical overview of the relations between science and the
Christian faith, emphasizing three periods: the origins of the Christian faith, the development
of "modern" science and mechanistic philosophy; and the reevaluation of science and
nature in the 20th century.
The following are some of the questions to be dealt with: Has science made the Bible
obsolete?Are scientists really that smart? Has modern physics made it easier to be a Christian?
Can computers save us?Why do science and religion always seem to be fighting one another?
Grades will be based on class discussion of assigned readings, two short tests and a written
Prerequisites: Religion (Only one interim course may be used toward graduation religion
Distribution: Religious studies
Time: 1 1 . . ...... Room: O M 18
The Lutheran Heritage
REL 345 - 4052
Instructor: Eugene Skibbe
The Lutheran Church i s the largest Protestant church in the world. We will examine the
Lutheran Church as it is today, its origins in the 16th century, and its development and
cultural influence during 450 years of history. The text by Bergendoff will provide an
overview. Lecture and class discussion will deal with examples of Lutheran witness to the
Gospel i n art, music, missions, philosophy, sociology and theology. Requirements will
include two exams and one short paper.
Prerequisites: One course in religion
Distribution: Religious studies (Only one interim course may be used toward graduation
religion requirements)
Time: I . . . . . . Room: M 22
Israel and Egypt: Archaeology
and Religion
REL 375 - 4053
Instructor: Philip Quanbeck
Israel is a<mall country - a young country, but a focal point for international politics and the
study of world religions. Egypt, larger and older, boasts a 5,000-year-old civilization as well as
contemporary importance in the Arab world. I n this interim we visit archaeological and
religious sites i n both nations. During our week i n Jerusalem, the ancient story comes alive as
we live in the O l d City, visit the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Dome of the Rock, and the
Aska Mosque, and see the Western Wall - a place of special religious importance to the
Jews. O n bus tours out of Jerusalem we visit Bethlehem, Nazareth, Hebron, Caesarea,
Qumran, Masada, Beer-sheba, and the Sea of Galilee. During four days in Egypt we tour
Cairo, Memphis, Sakkara, and the Giza Pyramids.
Distribution: Religious studies (Only one interim course may be used toward graduation
religion requirements)
Grading: P/N only
Practicum in Human Services
SWK 257 4054
Instructor: Rosalie Clark
Thirty hours per week of volunteer work i n a human service agency is combined with
readings and weekly seminars. An opportunity to discover whether a career in human
services is for you. Evaluation will be based on submission of journals, summary of experience
and a final examination. Students will be asked t o meet with instructor before the end of Fall
semester to discuss selection of agency and structure of the course.
1. To develop special awareness of the kinds of problems for which people seek help.
2. To increase knowledge of the services given by the agency in which student is serving.
3. To gain knowledge of the professionals i n the organization, including their skills,
competencies, education, and training.
4. To gain beginning knowledge about the diversity of human services agencies.
5. To increase understanding of self in relation to the human service field.
Time: I.. . . . . . Room: M 22
Field Work Ill
SWK 466 - 4055, (1 course), 466 - 4076 (M course)
Instructor: Maria Brown
The objectives of the class are to use supervisory relationship to increase interpretive as well
as social work performance competence; to promote gradual entry into direct social work
practice; to increase competence in the client contact phase of the problem solving process;
to increase student self-awareness in regard to professional practice interests, areas of
strength, and areas for personal/professionaI development; to promote competence i n the
full process of problem solving, with special emphasis on analysis and resolution stages.
Course content will be continuation of Field Work Il-educationally focused field placement
i n a social service agency.
Students will spend 15 (or 30) hours per week in field placement, plus one hour per week in
faculty facilitated supportive seminar held on campus.
Evaluations will be made i n writing by Field Instructor using previously developed contract
and social work evaluation form.
Note: Course is offered for 1/2 (15 hours per week) or full (30 hours per week) credit. If for
full credit, 1/2 credit will be based on non-client contact tasks.
Prerequisites: Minimum of 2.0 in Field Work I and in Field Work II; candidacy status
Time: Arrange with instructor
The Housing Pyramid Came:
Public Policy and Your Future
SOC 143 - 4056,343 - 4057
Instructor: Carry Hesser
Course objectives include 1) To introduce students to the study of public policy and how it
impacts their lives and futures; 2) Through reading, discussion and simulations the students
will learn the critical issues that are operative in the processes and decision-making that goes
into the choices and execution of public policy; 3) Using housing and neighborhoods as the
focus of attention, students will work in groups to research and understand viable public
policies currently in place to meet housing and neighborhood needs, as well as alternatives to
the present policies; and 4) Experience policy-making and project planning through
simulation and contact with practicing policy makers and planners.
Requirements: Active participation in simulations; reflection and analysis of simulations in
journals; group/individual research project with class report (students desiring upper
division credit will do a more extensive analysis, with greater quantity and quality) and a final
exam. Each requirement is worth 25% of the final grade.
Prerequisites: One introductory social science course or permission of instructor
Distribution: Urban Concerns
Time: I . . . . . . . . Room: M 25
Six Guns and Samurai Swords: A Comparative Study
of American Western and Japanese Samurai Films
SOC 233 - 4058
ENC 233 - 4021
Instructors: Jerry Cerasimo and John Mitchell
(See description on p. 10)
22/l nterjm
Sociology of Law
SOC 220 - 4059
Instructor: Diane Pike
This course examines the nature of law, its effect on society, and the effect of society on it.
From a sociological perspective, we will explore cross-cultural notions of law, deterrence, the
criminal j u s t i ~ esystem, the legal profession, and corporate crime. The basic course format
will be lecture and discussion, much of the latter based on the reading assignments.
Evaluation i s based on participation and two examinations. Students desiring upper division
credit will be asked to write a short paper on an assigned question in addition to the exams.
Prerequisites: Principles of Sociology or introductory Political Science course or permission
of instructor
Distribution: Psychology-Sociology
Time: 1 1 . . ...... Room: O M 10
The Sociology of Gambling
SOC 313 - 4060
Instructor: Gordon Nelson
Recent research has examlned the phenomenon of gambling from a saclological perspective.
What rypeof person i s llkely to gamble? What Is the nature of the wmk-force i n the gambling
industry?Is gambling a social problem or a social beneflh These are some of the questions
raised in published sociological studies. The'course will focus o n these studla. Students will
be expected to read and discuss this materlal and t o pass a final examination. I n addition, i n
order to oixerve n gambling society within a legalized setting, the course will Include a field
trip to Las Vegas. Cost of the field trip {travel and lodging) wlll be approximately $300.
Prerequisites: Consent of instructor
Time: I........ Room: O M 22
Imagination and Humor in Communication
SPC 165 4061,365 - 4062
Instructor: Ray Anderson
Imagination, creative rhinking, and humor are important dimensions of communication
competence. The major purposes of this course are 10 better understand the functions of
imagination, the creative process, and the nature of humor; to improve creative thinking;
and to increase the ability to protluce effective humor.
There will be lectures and readings on these topics, a study of models, and a variety of
assignments, i n writing and speaking. There will be a number of experimental projects
involving humor; the amount of attention given to this topic will depend in part upon the
interests of the class.
Evaluation will be based on essay examinations and on the creative projects. For upper
division students, one or more additional papers will be required.
Prerequisites: Beginning Speech, Freshman English
Distribution: English-Speech, Communication & Theater Arts
Time: 11.. ...... Room: S 112
Story Theater (Children's Theater)
SPC 285 4063
Instructor: Ailene Cole
This class will improvise, produce, and perform a children's play. Whatever is needed-script,
costumes, props, lights, scenery, music, dance-will be created and executed by the class.
Performances are scheduled for the final week.
Time: 9:30-12:OO and 1:OO-3:00 p.m.. . . . . . Stage 2
Mass Media and Politics in Britain,
France, Germany and Austria
SPC 344 - 4064
Instructor: Milda Hedblom
(See description on p. 18)
Other Courses
These courses are offered by institutions or groups not connected with Augsburg College but
have been approved for credit by the College. Most carry a tuition cost plus other expenses
which are the responsibility of the student. They are offered only on a P/N basis. Fuller
descriptions and details for registering are available in the lnterim Office.
ART 163 - 4065 Basic Spinning, Weaving and Dyeing
Offered by the Weavers Guild of Minnesota. Tuition and materials cost $174.
GST 120 - 4071 Wilderness (branch of Plymouth Christian Youth Center)
A splendid course at the PCYC base on the edge of the Boundary Waters
Canoe Area in northern Minnesota near Grand Marais. Approximate cost:
HPE 106 - 4066 Ski Interim (Park City, Utah)
Comprehensive program with lessons and seminars by professional ski
instructors. Open to all from novice to expert. Special courses for those
interested in and qualified for ski patrol and ski instructor. Package fee of
approximately $995 includes lodging, lift tickets, lessons, lectures, seminars
and cross country ski outing. Does not include transportation or food
(condos have cooking facilities). Dates are Jan. 7 - 28. Contact Joyce Pfaff
(Melby Hall basement or at 330-1248) for further information and registration
HPE 484 - 4069 Teaching Tennis the Professional Way
A course for students who want to learn how to teach tennis - taught by
professionals. Cost: $175. Time 9:00 - 12:OO M, T, Th at the Minneapolis
Tennis Center
POL 398 - 4067 Washington Interim: The Making of a President
POL 398 - 4068 Washington Interim: The Legal System and Legal Careers
Washington lnterim provides a combined program of lectures, site visits, and
seminar situations focusing on a particular area or topic in Washington, D.C.
Information on either of the above programs, housing and financial assistance is available from Jo Fraatz in Memorial 113.
24/l nterim
Augsburg Lifetime Sports
The following activities are available to students during interim. They do not carry official
credit, but they do meet the lifetime sports requirement for graduation. Students may
participate i n any one of these without registering for the course, but will be expected to pa
any fees whether or not the student registers for the course.
HPE 002 - 4071
Instructor: Dave Boots
Learn rules and skills necessary to enjoy racquetball.
Distribution: Lifetime Sports.
Time: 9:20.. ...... Melby
HPE 002 - 4072
Instructor: Dave Boots
Basic techniques and theory of beginning badminton - much of the class time will be spent in
singles and doubles games and tournaments. There will be no written tests or outsid
assignments. Grading is P/N and is based on attendance and participation.
Distribution: Lifetime Sports.
Time: 12:OO Noon.. ...... Melby
American Karate
Instructor: Mike Teitelbaum
The form, basic techniques and practical usage of American Karate, taught by a certified
Second Degree MKA Black Belt instructor. Fee of approximately $20.00.
Distribution: Lifetime Sports.
Time: 12:OO - 1:00 M, W, F . . ...... Melby
HPE 002-4079
Instructor: Paul Grauer
Distribution: Lifetime Sports
Time: 9:20.. ...... Melby
HPE 002 - 4080
Instructor: Paul Grauer
Distribution: Lifetime Sports
Time: 12:OO noon.. ...... Melby
Show less
............. 2
Essential Information ................ 3
Options ........................... 3
Courses ........................ 5-24
Introduction & Calendar
A R T . . . BIO . . . BUS.. . C H M . . . ECO
. . . EDE . . . EDS . . . ENG . . . FRE . . .
GER.. . SPA.. . G S T . . . HPE . . . HIS... Show more
............. 2
Essential Information ................ 3
Options ........................... 3
Courses ........................ 5-24
Introduction & Calendar
A R T . . . BIO . . . BUS.. . C H M . . . ECO
. . . EDE . . . EDS . . . ENG . . . FRE . . .
GER.. . SPA.. . G S T . . . HPE . . . HIS
. . . I N S . . . M A T . . . MUS . . . N U R . . .
P H Y . . . P O L . . . PSY.. . REL.. . SOC
. . . SWK . . . SPC . . . Lifetime Sports
Interim Catalog
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Augsburg College lnterim
The interim is an integral part of the school year at Augsburg College. It is particularly
intended to be a time for both students and faculty to employ styles of teaching and learning
and to investigate questions and topics in places and ways not possible during the regular
term. Since one course equals a full time load, students should plan to spend the same
amount of time in class and preparing for class as thcy would for a four course load during
Fall and Spring semesters.
january 1985
Calendar for Full Credit Courses
..................................................................................Interim Registration
............................................................................Late Interim Registration
.......................................................................................... First Day of Interim
November 5-9
December 10
January 3
Class 1 9:00 a.m.
Class 11 1:00 p.m.
Last day for cancel/add
Last day for determining grading system with Registrar
Last day for withdrawing from full courses
Interim ends
fanuary 4
January 17
January 21
January 30
Calendar for Half Credit Courses
.............................. First group of half credit courses begins
January 3
January 9
January 11
January 16
January 1R
...............................,..................... last rlay to cancel/add half crcdit courses
........................ b a t day d~tetmininggrad in^, systcm lor half credit courses
.........-.. Last day for withrlrawing from half cretlit roursm
....................................................... First group of half crcdit courses encis
.................................................. Second group of half credit courses bcgins
..................................,............. Last clay to cancel/add half credit cour~es
janunry 23 ................ Last day for determining grading system for hatf credit courses
January 25 ...................................... Last day for witlrdrawing from half crcdit courses
Iant~ary30 ....................
........ .
.........*....................................... lnfcrim ends
The interim day is divided into two blocks of time:
I - 8:00 - 12:OO Noon 11 - 1:00 - 5:00 p.m.
The number and length of class meetings as well as the beginning time will be arranged
the first day of class.
Volume 115, Number 4
Winter 1984
AUGSBURG COLLEGE (USPS #490-310) is published four times a year in Spring, Summer,
Fall, and Winter by Augsburg College, 731 21st Avenue South, Minneapolis, M N 55454.
Second-class postage paid at Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Essential Information
One course is considered a full time load during interim and no student is permitted to
register for more than one course credit during the period.
There is no tuition refund for a student who chooses not to enroll in an interim course.
Most interim courses are graded traditionally on a scale of 4.0 to 0. Students generally have
the option to register on a Pass/No credit basis. A few interim courses are graded only on
the P/N system; this is indicated in the course description.
Some courses are offered with either upper or lower division standing. Such interim courses
have two numbers listed and the student must select. Students registering for upper division
standing should anticipate additional assignments and a more rigorous grading standard.
To graduate, an Augsburg student is required to complete 35 courses of which at least
three must be interim courses (or one interim less than the number of years of full time
enrollment at Augsburg; e.g., a transfer enrolled full time for two years is required to
complete one interim for graduation.)
This Catalog
This catalog lists courses by departments with departments listed in alphabetical order. At
the end of the book are listings of other courses not offered by Augsburg but recognized
by the College for interim credit. Further descriptions and information about these courses
are available in the lnterim office, Memorial 230. Students may also register for one of the
Lifetime Sports listed on the last page.
Location Key
L-Library Building
M-Music Hall
OM-Old Main
P-Psychology Building
S-Science Hall
lnternational Interims-Students are invited to consider being part of one of the three
overseas interims offered by Augsburg College during January 1985. These interims are
under the following departments:
Health-Sailing in the Virgin Islands
German-The Rhine Frontier
Religion-The Confrontation of Cultures and Religions i n Hawaii
Augsburg students are also eligible for participation in one of the 24 international interims
offered by the Upper Midwest Association for lnternational Education (UMAIE) as well as
travel interims offered by other 4-1 -4 schools in the country.
Further academic description, travel details and cost estimates are available in the lnterim
Office and from Mary Kingsley in the lnternational Center, Old Main 20.
Students interested in participating in one of these international interims should apply in
the lnternational Center before November 1. Additions to the overseas groups usually
cannot be made after that date.
There will be no June interim in 1985.
Internships - Students electing an internship must present a completed internship learning
contract to the Internship Office (Memorial 230) no later than Tuesday, November 20.
Contract forms are available in the same office.
Independen! or Directed Study - Students may elect a projirnrn of independent study
(upper rlivision 4 W )o x d i r r r t ~ rstudy
(lower division 299) fnr inlerim. I:acitlIy n~embers
arp strongly discouraged from accepting responsibillty (or mnre than onp indf*p~ndent
direct~dstudy per int~rim.Sludents choosing to pursue independent or directed study
A. Meet departmental requirements,
B, Present to the lnterini Direclor for approval a copy of the proposed study plan approved
by he supervising fac~~lty
memher. This proposal must be submitted at least one week
and nnt later ihan December 4. Appropriate study proposal forms
before re~isiralior~
can be obtained in the lnterim Office.
Interims at Other Schmtg - Airgburg students may enroll at any other 4-1-4 Institution
whiclt offers a reciprocal interim arrangement. Catalogs of these interims can bc rnrrsulted
in thr Interim O f f ~ c The
Interlm Secretary wlll hell) stutients in applyinfi for registration
at other schools. Registralinn (or inrerims at !he other Twin Cities c o l l ~ ~ e
s b r donr at
Augsl~urgduring the regi~tarregistration period. Most courses tnughl rii~rlng!he ~nlrrim.I!
otlirr 4-1-4 srlronls arc accepl~rltor credil by Augsburg, I>ut may not necessarily be acparticlrlarly afcepted as meeting At~gsburg'sdislrihutioti rcquirernents. This q~~allftcation
(ects courses offered Inr the R~ligionreqi~iremenl.
Non-Augsburg Students
Augsbr~rgCc~llcgvwdcornes stutlenls From other 4-1-4 schods for the january interim
witho~rthairinn charges provided lhp slurtent's home institl~tionap,rees not to charge tu~tinn
to Augsburp, slurlcnts for the January lcrrn. The waiver nf cuition dow nnl include sppcial
fees, Iloi15ingor board cosls. Olller sti~dentswlll be charged $775 far the Interim course.
Students interester1 In regiswring for an Augsburg lnterim should write to the Interim Director for application forms or use t h forms
provided by the interim rlffice af their own
schoot. Therc is an application processing fee of $10. Thew sturl~ntrare welcomr! to stay
on campus but are no[ required to tlo so. Requests for Interim housing should be made
to the lnterim Office.
Augsburg Policy
It is the policy of hugsburgCollege not to discriminate on the basis of race, creed, national
or ethnic origin, age, marital status, sex or handicap as required by Title IX of the 1972
Educational Amentlments or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended,
in its admissions policies, educational programs, activities and employment practices.
Need More Help?
Check with:
The lnterim Office (Memorial 230).
The lnterim Secretary, Ruth Maertens at 330-1025, or
The Interim Director, Dr. Don Gustafson at 330-1192.
Art Interim '85: Washington
D.C. and New York
ART 1 14-4501, 245-4502
Instructor: Philip Thompson
This course will provide students with the opportunity to visit major museums of art in
Washington D.C. and New York (including the National Gallery of Art, National Portrait
Gallery, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Freer Gallery of Oriental Art, Guggenheim Museum, Whitney Museum of American Art and others). There will also be visits in
New York to the studios of emerging artists.
Participants will be traveling from January 7 through 18. Days preceding the trip will be
spent in preparatory lectures and visits to Twin Cities museums. The days after the trip
will focus on comparative lectures and provide individuals with an opportunity to complete
personal projects or assignments.
Students may opt to take this course as a drawing course, as an art history course or as a
directed or independent study for either lower or upper division credit.
The tour price will be approximately $995 and will include transportation, housing, most
meals and tours.
Distribution: Art-Music
Time: I............ Room: O M 17
The Biology of Aging
B I O 185-4504
Instructor: Robert Herforth
At some time or another in our lives most of us will either directly experience aging or be
influenced by people undergoing age-related changes. This course will concentrate on the
biological aspects of such changes. What is the nature of these age-related changes?What
factors influence the rate of aging? Do cells isolated from the body show aging? Is aging
the result of deterioration of certain cells or tissues of the body? What are the current
theories as to the biological basis of aging? Is aging controlled by a biological clock?These
and other questions will be addressed in this course by means of classroom lectures and
discussions of assigned readings. Evaluation will be based on several quizzes and exams
given during the course.
idl log^ of
B I O 234-4505
Instructor: Roberta Lammers
We will be taking a critical look at agriculture from the perspective of biology. What is the
relationship of hunger and starvation to agricultural practices - is agriculture producing
too little food for the world's population? What kinds of environmental effects have resulted
from attempts to increase production in the U.S. and in the third world? What is the nature
of hunger and malnutrition? What effect will biotechnology (genetic engineering, cloning,
etc.) have on agriculture and agricultural production?
Class periods will be a combination of lecture and discussion. Evaluation will be based on
one test, class participation and a log of readings.
Time: I .............. Room: S 31 9
BIO 386-4506
Instructor: Neal Thorpe
A study of the immune system, emphasizingantibody structure and function, cell-mediated
immunity, the development of the immune system, immunopathology, molecular recognition at cell surfaces as related to immune phenomena, and cancer biology and immunology. lmmunological and serological techniques will be considered and demonstrated.
Lectures and discussions with grades based on examinations.
Prerequisites: BIO 111, 112
Time: II
Room: S 205
Augsburg Goes to Business
BUS 321 -4507
Instructor: Thomas Morgan
This course is designed to provide students with exposure to a wide range of business
functions through on-site visits to a variety of organizations in the Twin Cities, both large
and small, private and public. The experiences will be oriented toward integrating what
students have been exposed to in the classroom with practical issues which they will
encounter on the job. Students will visit an average of three different situations each week
and meet one day each week for discussion and lecture material.
Evaluations will be based upon participation and a formal business plan which students
prepare and present.
Prerequisites: Permission of instructor
Time: I ............ Room: O M 11
Chemistr for Changing Times
CHM 100 - 4 08
Instructor: Arlin Gyberg
This is a non-laboratorychemistry course based on the very popular book by John H. Hill
of the same title. It is not a traditional chemistry course and does not assume a science
background. Basic science and math are introduced early and are taught as needed for
understanding the various topics and implications. The course does assume the student is
interested in and concerned about the relationship of chemistry to life and living.
Chemistry has been intlmately a part of liberal education for centuries. The early scientlsts
were coilsidered to be philosophers and their societies were phitosaphical societies. In
recent decades [he human seeking of p e ~ a n a independence
lias led lo chemistry becornlng a pntt of everyday life to Ihe point nf aclual depenrlence on chemislry, We live
in a world of pe~ticidps,fertilizers, plastics, "the pill," foot! additives ant1 pracessed lootl5,
vitamin supplements. the energy crisis, chemical deper~dcncy,biocides, pollutants, drugs,
searching lor life an other planets, genetic ~nanipt~lation,
and it goes on and on. Ernottons
and mental disorders can often be tracctl to chemical imbalan~e.The common dragged
out, grumpy feeling after an allernoon nap is a resul! of a chemical imbalance. The nature
of a liangover is the result of a complex system ol' altered body chemistry. Even learn~ng
appears to be the result of chemical reaction to form a "memory mo!~cule."Most of t h ~
problems we face are molecular in nature. What then but chemistry can better help us to
ourselves, our society, our world, and our tinlverse? Come join us as we take
a rnolrcular look at the human condition. This course will be offered in a lecture/discussiun
format. Films will supplement the lecture/discussion periods. Quizzes and tests will be
used for evaluation. This course does not satisfy prerequisites for Chemistry 106, 116 or
Distribution: Chemistry-Biology
Time: I.............. Room: S 315
Understanding International Trade and Finance
ECO 360-4509
Instructor: Ed Sabella
This will be a study of the underlying forces affecting the economic relations among nations.
We will consider the development and bases of international trade, the balance of payments, the mechanics of adjustment and general commercial policies. Grading will be on
the basis of examinations and possible other written assignments.
Prerequisites: ECO 122 and 123 or permission of instructor
Time: II..............Room: M 22
Elements of Mathematical Economics
ECO 353-4510
Instructor: Satya Gupta
In Business and Economics, development of analytical skills is imperative. This course will
be designed to help attain this goal.
Economics will be explained using mathematics as a tool. Examples from Finance, Management, and Marketing will also be solved.
Evaluation will be through tests and assignments.
Prerequisites: ECO 123
Time: II........... Room: O M 23
Teacher Education with New Boundaries
EDE-413-4519, EDS 41 3-4520
Instructor: Lauretta Pelton
This course will give the student the opportunity to expand his/her knowledge about
teacher education and the schools in a chosen geographic area beyond Minnesota. The
student is encouraged to do the greater share of research at the chosen location. This will
include a specified number of days/hours to be spent in a school. This research will also
help the student identify courses s/he can take to fulfill requirements of that locale, and
to better prepare for that setting should s/he choose to live there. The student will research:
1. the professional and licensure requirements of the chosen state or country, its job
market, salary scale and level of living.
2. the expectations in the school curriculum as identified by local and extended educational governing powers.
3. various education concerns such as teacher unions, cultural make-up of the schools
along with related implications, testing-grading-promoting, etc.
Should a student prefer to remain in Minnesota for a specialized study related to curriculum
or school systems, that student will select an area of the elementary curriculum for intensive
study as it is developed and implemented at all grade levels in a specific school district.
The student will acquaint him/herself with: 1) the school's curriculum guide and resources
for that subject area and 2) appropriate resources found outside that school system.
As a result of this research the student will develop and complete one or more education
projects which will be used in future teaching. All activities related to the project will be
submitted in completed form.
Because much of the course will follow the format of an independent study, each student
will contact the instructor prior to December 15, to make known in writing the location
of choice, specific objectives, strategies and evaluative procedures for him/her to fullfill
the requirements of the course.
Prerequisites: ED 255 or permission of instructor
Time: I .................. Room: L 6
Student Teaching
EDS 481 - 451 1
EDS 483 - 4513
EDS 484 - 4514
EDE 481 - 451 5
EDE 483 - 451 7
EDE 484 - 4518
Instructor: Sheldon Fardig
Observing and directing learning under supervision of college and secondary school personnel. This is a full day experience in a school.
Prerequisities: Acceptance in Education Program and permission of instructor.
Grading P/N only
Time: I .................. Room: L 4
The Short Story
ENG 240-4521, 340-4522
Instructor: Richard Sargent
We will read a variety of short stories for pleasure and understanding. The selected stories
will include the major genres, such as the science fiction of Ray Bradbury and Arthur C.
Clarke, the detective fiction of Arthur Conan Doyle, the humor of Mark Twain, and the
experimental fiction of John Barth and Jorge Luis Borges. Women such as Doris Lessing
and Joyce Carol Oates and blacks such as Richard Wright and James Baldwin will be among
the authors studied, as will writers from a variety of nationalities.
Although the course will not involve a systemafic analysis of the llistory of the form of the
short story, a sufficient number of classics will be assigned for the student to appreciate
the historical development from Poe to Paley. The course will involve practice in ways of
approaching litenlure ant1 will Include study of the l)as~ccr~tical(erminology, so it would
be an appropriate coursc for st~ldentswho have no1 yet studied literature at the college
Students are expected to read the stories, participate in class discussions, write a paper on
a topic selected with the advice of the teacher, and take several tests and a final essay
exam. Effective Writing is not a prerequisite but students will be expected to write with
Distribution: English-Speech, Communication and Theater Arts
Time: I ............... Room: M 23
Creative Writing Workshop: The Prose Poem
ENG 362-4523
Instructor: John Mitchell
Three students from each of the five colleges of the Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities
will be chasen, on the basis of portfolios submitted to their respective English departmrnts,
for pattiripation In this w ~ r k ~ h oThe
p . conlent of the course will emphasize the participants'
own crearrve work during the Inrerim, including d~scussionant1 critictsm. In additton, there
will besome study nf the tradition of thc prose poem internationally, Altllough thc emphnsiq
will FII upon the prose poem, students may use Ihe form as an originaling basis for poems
and short stories. Thus wrilers of both prose and poptry are invited to participatr. Grstllng
will be basetl upon cornpletlon and revision nf poems during the course, with some conslclemtion given to class participation. Students are encouraged l o take the coirrse for
P/N credit.
Interested Augsburg students should contact John Mitchell of the English Department and
submit selected examples of their writing to him by 11/I184.
Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor
Time: II........... Room: O M 13
Beginning French I
FRE 11 1-4524
Instructor: Ruth Askov
This course will provide an ;tnrroduc!ion tn the French language and culture. We will
practice situational Frrnch to develop lisfening anrl speaking skills, rernforced by some
reading and writing o l the languaae. Tlip pmnunt:iattonsystem and basic sentvnc~structures
at a rudini~ntnrylevel.
are taught to enallle ~~ndcrslanrl~ng
and sr3l.l-~xpr~s~ion
Evaluation will be through group cultural study and individual projects on a cultural topic.
There w ~ l be
l oral and written quizzes and daily 30-minute laboratory assignments.
Distribution: Foreign Language
Time: II........... Room: O M 25
January 3-27, 1985
The Rhine Frontier:
Germany Meets Rome and France
GER 333-4525
w d D zkh
Instructor: Donald Steinmetz
J-LveQ. LO"-&Since Roman times, the fandsalongil~eRhine have been one of the most significant frontier
areas of Europe. Here German ant1 Roman ct~lturt~s
clashed and mixed. Here modern
Germany and France have their r m l s i r ~tlir rrnplre of Charlemagne. Here romanesque
and gothic architecture I l n u r i s l ~ ~ind the Middle Ages. tlcre Germans and French fought
in three recent wars. It i 5 s~ichpvenls w l ~ i c llij i t v ~<11;1p~rl
and left so many monuments
between the Rhine and the Meuse. The student will study and "relive" the h~storyof this
area on location, from the Roman monuments of Trier and Cologne, Charlemagne's Aachen,
to the battlefields of World Wars I and II and the dynamic society of present-day Germany.
The course will be conducted primarily in Trier, Germany, with excursions to nearby sites.
Tr~eris ideal for this purpose. Perhaps the oldest city in Germany, Trier is rich in monuments
dating from Roman times to the present, and Important historical sites of five countries are
less than 100 miles away. Lectures, discussions, and readings will be principally in German
according to the student's entering level of competence.
P/N only. Grading will be based on oral exams and diary to be kept in German.
Prerequisities: German 112 or equivalent
Cost: $1690
Distribution: Foreign Language
Beginning Spanish II
SPA 112-4526
Instructor: Gunta Rozentals
This course is intended for students who have completed Spanish 111 or its equivalent. It
is an intensive study of the basic grammar structures beyond the present and the past
tenses to enable the student to use the four basic language skills at a level that is acceptable
for the fulfillment of the language requirement. The objectives are achieved through classroom practice, homework, and language laboratory exercises. Grading is based on tests,
exams, homework and classroom participation involving oral skills.
Prerequisites: Spanish 111 or equivalent
Distribution: Foreign Language
Time: I ............ Room: O M 25
? How to Ace a Term Paper by Really Trying
GST 165-4527
Instructor: Myles Stenshoel
Participants will engagein rewrite and gkwntea paper/on which they originally received
s are
. .
grades of C or less. The goal/is (1) to improve the paper/to the 7
an ~lif-ithadL,,,I
and (2) to develop, in the process, competency
in writing/gaad papers.
Students will work with
such issues as bibliographical adequacy, documentation,
L U uC c
originality, organization, clarity, literary quality,/validity of logic and conclusions. Technical
trivia, such as typography, spelling and punctuation, will be part of the regimen.
The course will require joint activity as well as individual work. The grades will be based
degree of
on the/improvement m / t h e paper and on the development of writing and editing skills.
Prerequisities: By permission of instructor after a sufficiently bad term paper has been
submitted to him
Time: I............ Room: O M 22
Recreational Rhythms and Activities
HPE 232 - 4528
Instructor: Bethany Shifflett
Theory and practice in teaching and performing American heritage and international folk
dances. Exposure to New Games concepts and activities. The majority of the course grade
is based upon participation in class activities, a teaching assignment, and a written test.
This is a 1/2 credit course.
Time: I - Jan 3-16 ................. Room: Melby
Administration and Supervision
.of the School Health Program
HPE 410 - 4529
Instructor: Richard Borstad
Historical background, legal bases, school health services, and relationships to community
health program and resources. Methods and materials in health education with laboratory
experience in classroom and community.
Periodic exams covering lecture and textbook assignments; written summaries of professional journal articles; in-class activites, including a presentation on a teaching method.
Prerequisites: HPE 320
Time: I
Room: Melby 13
January 5-24, 1985
Sailing in the Virgin Islands
HPE 455-4530
Designed for the beginning and intermediate sailor interested in the art and practice of
sailboat cruising. The course will focus on taking the participant to a competent level of
sailboat handling (anchoring, mooring, helming and crewing). The student will live aboard
a 42' fixed keel sailboat with six or seven other people and will function as an active crew
Actual on-the-water instruction will be the major part of the course. This will be supplemented by sessions dealing with safety, boat handling, boat systems, provisioning, trip
planning, piloting and navigation. Sailing will include cruises to various islands and cays in
the British and American Virgin Islands.
Snorkeling and windsurfing will be available on an optional basis.
Evaluation will be based on individual demonstrated competencies in crewing and leadership in the role of "acting captain." A daily ships log will be kept by all participants and
a final written exam will be given.
Cost: $21 00
Distribution: Lifetime Sports
Coaching of Basketball
HPE 477-4531
Instructor: David Boots
Theory, technique and administrative aspects of coaching basketball. Exams, on-the-floor
coaching techniques, and a scouting report will be the methods of evaluation.
This is a 112 credit course.
Time: I - January 17-30 ................ Room: Melby
Officiating of Basketball
HPE 481 -4532
Instructor: Al Kloppen
This course wlll focus on learning the rules and mechanics of the game of basketball. There
will b~ practjcal experience on thc floor. Students completing the course should be ready
for certification by lie Minnesola High Schoul Association. Grade evaluation will be based
upon tesfs,papers prepared and performance on Ihe Iloor. Whilr l l ~ e r are
e no prerequisites,
it is highly advisable that students have some basketl,all playing experience.
This is a 1/2 credit course.
Time: II, January 3-16 ,.................. Room: Melby
Paris in the Nineteenth Century
HIS 114 - 4536
Instructor: Orloue Gisselquist
The French are sometimes accused of thinking of Paris as the "navel of the universe."
There's a bit of "sour grapes" caricature in that clever statement. For if one could pick
out ;I cily w t ~ i c hin the Ii~s!thousanrl years has heen mnre important to Western Civilization
than any other, olie could make a gord case ior Paris. In this course we will study fhe
history of !flat city In a n p periorl n( i t s grcatne55, [he ni~ieleenthcentury. We will usc?some
rearlinsi.; almul France, Park, ant! Modern itrl.ianism, lnrt n main ~mpllasisin our reading
ant1 approach to the sulrriect wlll ke thr usp nf some nineteen1h centirry IYrrnr:hnovcls as
lils1orir:;11snurres k ~ lhp
r str~dvof Paris. We will tlius have Ilie opporlunify to study the
city of Paris in this century in some fullness, read some great literature, and develop our
talents in the use of historical material. As a bonus we will double (maybe quadruple!) our
enjoyment of a future trip to Paris. The course will be conducted in part as a lecture course
and in part as a seminar (discussion of readings, short papers, and shared reports- all part
of the evaluation). There will be a final exam.
Distribution: History-Philosophy; Urban Concerns
Time: II................Room: P 3
20th Century South Asia
HIS 162-4537
Instructor: Don Gustafson
This geographic area has produced the largest working democracy in the world today; from
this people have come one of our century's greatest "saints" and also one of the most
renowned statesmen; it is a standard example for population crisis and world hunger illustrations. South Asia is all this- and much more.
This course is designed for the student who has interest but little or no background in nonwestern subjects-though others are also welcome. The heart of the course will be in a
wide assortment of readings (some of them really excellent) but there will also be lectures,
time for discussion and frequent breaks for slide presentations.
Grades will be based on general level of participation, on some written work and probably
a test.
Distribution: History-Philosophy
Time: I ................Room: O M 16
Eastward to America: Limited Hospitality
HIS 220-4534, 320-4535
Instructor: Khin Khin Jensen
An investigation of !he rationalc for the in~migrationpattern, economic opportunities, and
social, pnli tical and ~ c a r ~ o r nprot)lems
~ncounlcredby h e following ilnrni~rants.Cliinesc,
Japanrse ancl Koreans in the Unitc~rlStates. Focus on thew Ihrre ~ t h n i groups
will Involve
boil^ the "old" immigrants and the "new" ~~lnnii~mnts.
Course w ~ lutilize
ethnir. sprakt~rs
(Cllin~se,Iapanes~anrl Koreans) In a home env~ronmenl-rlrf~~tr~iorr
format. Tticre wilt
he pthnic medls, r!thnic rooking d~rno~~stratinns,
films, slides and f ~ ~trips-all
l d
these arp
important components of the course as IS the academ~ccomponent of read~ngs,etc.
Focus is on the experiences of these ethnic groups in Hawaii, California and Minnesota.
Upper division students will do a paper and a journal, lower division will do a journal.
There will be an exam on the text and readings.
Fees: $1 5 for meals and films etc.
Prerequisites: Lower Division, None
Upper Division, sophomore standing and consent of instructor
Distribution: History and Philosophy
Time: I ................Room: L 1
Introduction to Oral History
HIS 481-4538
Instructor: Rrchard Nelson
This course will investigate the methods and approaches involved in writing history from
oral sources. Students will read and discuss material on the natwe of on1 hrstory during
.the first week af the course. The remainder of the twm wIII be reserved for ldentlfication
of and research on a topic which wlll include the techniquesof oral history. A paper based
on this m a r c h wlll be due an the lad day of the lerrn.
Prerequisrtes: Permrssron of the rnstructor
Trme: II................Room: O M 10
The Philosophy of Healing
INS 141-4547, 341 -4548
Instructor: Pam Weiss-Farnan and Mark Fuehrer
Since a human being is a besouled body, wholeness must involve bath the mind and the
body. Further, since the mlnd Is the prlnclpal directed !orce In human Mngs, wholeness
Is directed by rhtt mind. Dlseese in a person can therefore be approached as a phenomenon
that requires rhe respo,nse hat just of the whole v a n but under the dlrectfan of the
mind, the human being can strive to cooperate with natum In the process of healing either
diseases of the mind or the body. Westem and Eastern philasophles ask (he question,
"How can one heal~oneself?'' and have evolved some startling a n w e k about prwpectlve,
attitude, and knowledge of disease. In western healing, we now ask how our technaloglcal
apptoach can be merged with personal healing. Shew concepts fall into a pattern, that
when analyzed, reveals a power ode has over one's health.
I0 this coutw there dl be readings and lectures coverin8 philmopHcal views of beallng,
western and nonwestern approsches to disease and healin and an opportunity to team
about a d Investipte further variovr heating praflfcasand t&enpirs such as acupuncture,
biofedbqck , homeopathy, massage and so on.
Course grades wrll be determrned largely from a paper Upper drvrsron students wrll be
expected to produce a longer and more sophrstrcated paper than those tak~ngthe course
for lower drvisron credlt.
Time: II................Room: O M 16
Brush Up
MAT 103-4539
Instructor: Bev Durkee
This dome & deifgnedai a bruslr ry, lh arithmetic and elementaryal a h skills for students
scoring lon the Mathemattcs Placementexamination. ~ h ci,u&
vdbe pmkuia'dh WI
forrmdme m elementarycdvatlon or who will be tahng it.Hniaa p n d r m a w
of the work will be dofie err the computer, There w#l be d1agnosj.I~tesb to detwmine
study mh homework assignment5 to gain skills, and written problem wl\rfr(gtests to
deteMlhe achievement. Grades wltl be d~temiinedby test scores. Coufie of Budy Fs
completely rndividuallzed.
Prerequ~sites:Mathematics Placement Examination score I.
Time: I ................Room: S 112
Mathematical Modeling
M A T 132-4069
Instructor: Paul Hulse
This course will focus on the development of mathematical models to describe and study
selected problems in the "real world." The course will emphasize the use of analytical
methods of mathematics to study these problems.
Prerequisites: Basic algebra and geometry
Distribution: Mathematics-Physics
Time: I ................Room: S 2 13
An Exposure of Chaos in Modern Cosmic Models
M A T 136-4540, 336-4541
Instructor: Henrv Follinastad
An exploralion of malh-related ideas and Space-Age research which critically re-evaluates
present "scientific dagmas" un the universe and the smaller cosmic models of earth, life,
and mnnkinrl. New Spacp-Age data, much of it ignored or misinterpreted, is uncovered to
show inadequacies and contradictions in cosmology, relativity, macroevolution, and their
links to geology, biology, and the humanities. Space-Age alternatives are also presented
to integrate the flood of news media with past knowledge.
Class instruction and individual research will include study of the historical and modern
impact of math-related cosmic models, and will note some misuses of mathematics which
have elevated some "scientific speculation" into "scientific fact." A written research paper
is required in one of six major areas discussed.
Upper division students will show broader research scope and writing ability and will
present extensive oral summaries of their papers.
Distribution: Mathematics-Physics
Time: I ................Room: O M 23
M A T 270-4567
Instructor: Leo Lake
A study of the FORTRAN programming language to expand the student's knowledge of
languages. This course is especially vital to computer students who will work with the
scientific community where FORTRAN is a well entrenched language. The course will
involve daily lectures, extensive programming on the PDP 11 and a programming project
on which grading will be based.
Prerequisites: One course with a study of a computer language (e.g. MAT 145, 170, or 175
or BUS 250)
Time: II................Room: S 112
Special Functions and Their Applications
in the Physical Scien~ces
M A T 327-4542
Instructor: Mark Engebretson
(See description under Physics)
Introduction to Music Therapy:
A Clinical Overview
MUS 1 10-4543
Instructor: Roberta Metzler
Visitafton of clinfcal facilities in the Metrnpolltan area to &serve nruslc therapy in pracflce.
Obieciives o l the couKe will be to become familiar with a variety of clientele (including
mentally retarried, emolinnalty disturbed, and ph!tsicalfy handicapped), and to ut)serve
how music therapy functions with rlitterenl popula~ions.In adclitiun to lie (ield trips,
classroom discussions will include an nvervlcw of music therapy practices and Iheory in
Ihis coirntry ant! abroad. Evaluation will be based on tests, field trip reports, and clas5
participation. h sper~alfee of $1 5.00 will be reqir~rcd,to cover h e cost rrl Transportation.
A speclal class project will be required for upper division credtl. Sti~dentllmes must be
flexible, lo allow Inr Creld trlps during rither the morn in^ or alfcrnoon.
Fee: $15.00
Distribution: Art - Music
Time: I1................Room: M 24
Improvisation in Music
MUS 129-4544, 329-4545
Instructor: Stephen Gabrielsen
The objective of this course is to learn to improvise in a variety of styles.
Procedure: Assignments will be given using differing improvisational techniques. Students
will perform for each other in class.
Upper division students will be expected to produce additional improvisations.
Prerequisites: Minimal ability on a musical instrument or instructor's permission
Distribution: Art-Music
Time: I ................Room: M 4
Trends and Issues in Nursing
NUR 330-4546
Instructor: Alice Stark
This course is intended to give students a broad perspective by introducing current trends
and issues in health care anti Ihe profession of nursing. Many of the Issues are controversial,
are relevant to current practice and have po!en!ial lor br-rraching eCfecIs in health care.
Students will be graded on group pr~sentalion~
and written exam~nations.
Prerequisites: Registered Nurse
Time: I ................Room: O M 12
Introduction to Weather
PHY 106-4568
Instructor: Noel Petit
A study of the science of meteorology which will provide a working knowledge of the
principles of atmospheric science. Attention will be given to four basic areas: observing
the weather (including state of the art instrumentation), understanding weather patterns,
forecasting weather changes and understanding the world's climate. Related topics to be
included are: hydrology (study of the earth's water cycle), pollution, economic effects of
the weather, and weather's impact on world events. This course is designed to be an
elective or satisfy the Mathematics-Physics distribution requirement for the liberal arts
student. The course will include daily lectures, assignments (one or two laboratory sessions
per week), two one-hour examinations and a research project.
Prerequisites: High school algebra
Distribution: Mathematics-Physics
Room: S 31 5
Time: II................
1985 Oak Ridge Associated Universities
Science ~ i n i m e s t e r
PHY 322-4549
Instructor: Kermit E. Paulson
A study of nuclear radiation with emphasis on applications and "hands-on" laboratory
experience for the individual student. The course will consist of (1) introductory work on
radiation detection and measurement at Augsburg, (2) participation in the 1985 Oak Ridge
Associated Universities Science Minimester where the student has the opportunity to study
projects in nuclear radiation physics, radiobiology, radiochemistry, environmental radiation,
coal technology, health physics, and radiological safety; and (3) summary and evaluation
of the program back at Augsburg.
This course is a cooperative venture with Oak Ridge Associated Universities-Professional
Training program. Two weeks of the course will be spent in Oak Ridge, Tennessee utilizing
the instructional staff and laboratory facilities of ORAU. These facilities provide an opportunity for laboratory experience not normally available to undergraduate students.
Fees: The cost for travel and housing will be approximately $300.
Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
Time: I ................Room: S 24
Special Functions and their Applications
in the Physical Sciences
PHY 327-4550
MAT 327-4542
Instructor: Mark Engebretson
Certain mathematical functions find use throughout the physical sciences and engineering
disciplines because of the high degree of symmetry they can represent. This course will
acquaint the student with three categories of functions and their applications: Legendre
polynomials and spherical harmonics, Fourier series and transforms, and functions of a
complex variable. High resolution graphics using the Tektronix 4051 Graphic Computer
will be used to enhance understanding of the symmetries involved.
Student performance will be evaluated on the basis of several problem sets and project.
Prerequisite: Physics 122 or consent of instructor; Mathematics 224 or equivalent
Time: I ................Room: O M 21
The United Nations
POL 166-4551, 366-4552
Instructor: Manjula Shyam
The course will involve detailed study of:
a) strudurp, purpose and fundions of the ~ n l ~ eNations,
b) geographical, historical, culhtrat, pr~liticalancl economic backgvound of the member
states of the Sectlrily Council,
C) s~lectedcurrent topics h e f n r ~the Un~tedNations.
d) procerlural rutes of the Security Cotlncil.
The course will lead to a six to eight hnur sirnulatlon of a meeting a l the Security Cotlncit,
Evaluation of students in the cnurse will be based on three slinrt papers and on performance
in I ~ Psimulation. Participation in !he simulation is ct~lnpulsory.
Upper rflvisiun studrnts will be requireri to sul,mil an adtlliional paper anatyzlng the political
processes o l r h Security
Prerequtsites: Onp pollrlcat sclcnce course for upper division credil
Distribution: Economics-Political Sc~ence
Time: II................Room: M 23
Self-identity and Values
PSY 110-4553
Inslructot: Norman Ferguson
The objecfive o l this course will be to examine the concept of "sclf" nr "selCidentity"
(Wha am I? What do Itlrlnk and feel about myseltl). Thth rrlalinnship betwwn sell-irlent~ty
and personal values will also be explored. Though the course will li,~vemainly a psychological locus, r e l ~ r ~ n will
c e be m;ltl~lo splriiual ;mi ~~I~Ilosophirat
lssue~Illat relate to thc
conc~ptsof selktdentity anrl values. The cuntent of tlir course will rover topics surh as:
the acquisition and drv~lnplnpntrrl srtCirlen~r~y
and values, rncluding fhe i n f l u ~ nof
~ rsex
roles; ihc clarificaiinn of values; ttw growth anti rliitngr uf self-irlrnl~tyand vatues during
aclul~hood:arbd !he relationship be'tween sel(+itlent~ty
and spirilual grriwth,
Class lime will be devoter[ mainly to the discussion of these issues In small groups. A n i v ~
participation tly each sturl~nlt s ~xpecretlalong with the sharlng of relevani intlivitlual
experiences. Evaluation will be based on class partfcipalior?,one or Iwo short papers, and
possibly one exam. This cuurw may not sut>stitute for PSY 105 lor stilrl~ntspursuing a
rnnrar or minor in (~sy~lrology.
Gr~rlingP/N only.
Prerequisites: Permission of instructor
Distribution: Psychology-Sociology
Time: I ................Room: P 1
Christianity in Modern Africa
REL 366-4554
Instructor: Bradley Hot!
This course wltl focus on two regions of Africa: the West and the 5011th. Stude~lfswill be
introduced to IrazlitionalAfrtcan cullure ant1 religion, the introduction of Christianity, and
!he present dev~lopmentof indigenous cl~urchesin West Africa. The newer "Independent
African Chr~rches"will be studied, as well as attempts to forrnulat~"African Christian
Theology." A major sectlon of the cnurse will locus nn conZernpurary responws nichurclies
in Soutl~Africa to the apartheid system of racial segregatlnn. There will he lectures and
discus5ion of reading materials, films, and visiting resource persons. Students will be evaluated On several short IPS15 ant1 a short research paper.
Prerequisites: One course in religion.
Distribution: Religion (Only one Interim course may be used toward graduation religion
Time: II ................Room: O M 18
January 2-26, 1985
The Confrontation of Cultures
and Religions in Hawaii
REL 321 -4555
Instructor: John Benson
A studv of Rudrlllism, I'rrrlestanl Christianity, Mormoni~ln,and I'olynesian rellgion wilh
t o 1lietr ~nl~rrvlaticbn
in Hawall. Speci~lartt*nllnn glveii t r ~the following:
r p ~ c l aatlenlinn
IIIP n i e e t i n ~nf New F n ~ l ~ ~Cillvinlrm
and tlllwaii,ln trild~tionalculf~rrcand r e l ~ ~ nnrl
i t s results today: the rnPcllnK ofCl~rislianityand bull1 Chlncsc and J,~pdnese
Rutirllilsm ;n
I-lawsti today; ,!t~rl I l l ? rlpl)rtl;lcIi nf ~I~PCIIILIICII n l ] l i s i t Clir~st
oiLaltcr Day S,aints (Mr~r~nons)
to 1 I i ~
P t ~ l \ v ~ e s i i lEllorts
will also tw made tn 51udy aliperls nf Ch~nescanrl Iqiarlcse
cultures and relif!lons In the~rown r i ~ h t .
Evaluation will be based on class participation and the submission of a journal.
Grading: P/N only
Prerequisites:one religion course (Only one interim course may be used toward graduation
religion requirements)
Cost: $1 745
Distribution: Religion
The Lutheran Heritage
REL 345-4556
Instructor: Eugene Skibbe
The Lutheran Church 1s the largest Protestant church in the world. We will examine the
Lutheran Church as it is today, ils origins tn the lhfh cPnrury, anti Its development and
cultural influence during 450 year5 01 hislory. The texl by Brrg~ndoffwill provide an
overview. Lecture and class disc~lssiol~
will den1 with examples of Lulheran wifnrss In the
Gospel In art, music, missions, phl!nsol~f~y,
s o c ~ o l o ~and
y Ilicnbgy. Retluirrrnents will
include two exams and one short paper.
Prerequisites: One course in religion
Distribution: Religion (Only one interim course may be used toward graduation religion
Time: I ................Room: M 24
Ethnicity and Community in Urban Society
SOC 261 -4560
Instructor: Gordon Nelson
It has been suggested that the persistence of ethnic neighborhoods in American cities has
functioned as a locus of community in urban life. Moreover, it is argued that these communities have provided stability and identity in the face of the dehumanizing tendencies
in an industrialized and bureaucraticized society. This course will attempt to assess the
extent to which the foregoing assertions might apply to ethnic neighborhoods in the Twin
Cities. After some preliminary background sessions and readings, each member of the class
will be asked, either individually or as part of a group, to explore a particular ethnic
community in the Twin Cities and report back to the class. This class presentation and a
final examination will be the basis of evaluation for the course.
Prerequisites: None
Distribution: Urban Concerns
Time: I ................Room: M 22
Exploring the Human Services
SWK 257-4557
Instructor: Mary Lou Willlams
Thirty hours per week nt vorunteer work in a human service agency is comblned w i ~ h
readings and weekly seminars. An opportunity to discovcr whetllcr e career in human
services is for you. Evaluation will bp bawd on submission of jnurrlals, rurnrnary of experience ant1 a [inal examination. Siudcnls will br asketl ln merl with Inslructar before
the enri of Fall semester to iliscuss selection of agency and structure uf the course.
1. To develop special awareness of the kinds of problems for which people seek help.
2. To increas~knowledge of ll>eservic~sgiven by tlie agency in which student is serving,
3. To gain knowtcdge of the prnf~ssionalsin the organ~zation,including thew skills, competencies, et!ur:at~on, and [raining.
4. To gain l~cginningknowledg~abr~utthe diversity of human services agencicls.
5. To increase r~nrl~fitanding
nf sell in relatlnn to [he human service tleld.
Time: I ................Room: P 3
Field Work Ill
SWK 466-4558 (1 course), 466-4559
Instructor. Maria Brown
The objectives a l the class are to use sup~rvisoryrelationship lo increase interprrtive a5
wetl as social work ~wrfnrrnancecornpctence; (n ptomotr gradual entry into direcl soclal
work practice; to increase competence in !lip client contaci p h a ~ eof the problem solving
process; 10 increase s~utlcntsell-awareness in regart1 In profc$%ional
praclice Interests, areas
of strength, and areas for personal/professiunal rlevelopmcnt: 10 promote competence tn
the full process of problem solving, with spet:ial emphasr~c ~ nanalysis anrl r~solurionstage5.
Course content will be conttnuation of Field Work I!-educationally fociised iield placement in a social service agullcy.
Students will spend t 5 (ar 30) hours per week in field placement, plus one hour per week
in faculty facilitated supportive seminar held on campus.
Evaluations will be made in writing by Field Instructor using previously developed contract
and social work evaluation form.
Note: Course is offered for 1/2 (15 hours per week) or full (30 hours per week) credit. If
for full credit, 1/2 credit will be based on non-client contact tasks.
Prerequisites: Minimum of 2.0 in Field Work I and in Field Work 11; candidacy status
Time: Arrange with instructor
Imagination and Humor in Communication
SPC 165-4561, 365-4562
Instructor: Ray Anderson
Imagination, creative rhinktng, and humor are importan! dimensions of communication
thc lunctinns of
competence. The major purposes of h i s course are to lwttpr t~t~drrsfand
imaaination, the creative process, and the nature of Irurnor: to improve crealive thinking;
and lo ~ncreasr:the ahrliry to procli~cee[fecl~vehumor.
Thew will be lectures and readfngs on these topics, a study of niod~ls,and a variety of
assignments, in writing and speaking. T h ~ r ewill be a ntrrnber of experimental project5
Involving humor; IIIP ernount o l atlel-ttiongiven in this fapic wit1 rlepenrl in part upon tlw
interests of the class.
Evaluation will be based on essay examinations and on the creative projects. For upper
division students, one or more additional papers will be required.
Prerequisites: Beginning Speech, Freshman English
Time: II................Room: L 1
Story Theater (Children's Theater)
SPC 285-4563
Instructor: Ailene Cole
This class will improvise, produce, and perform a children's play. Whatever is neededscript, costumes, props, lights, scenery, music, dance-will be created and executed by
the class. Performances are scheduled for the final week.
Time: 9:30-12:OO and 1:00-3:00 p.m. ................Stage 2
Other Courses
These courses are offered by Institutions or gmups not canneaed with Augsburg College
but have been a p p r o v ~ dfor credit by the College. Most carry a tuition cost plus other
expenses which are the rt?sponsihrlityofthe stud~nt.They are offered only on a P/N basis.
Fuller descriptions and details fnr registering are available in the Interim Office.
ART 163-4564 Basic Spinning, Weaving and Dyeing
Offered by the Weavers Guild of Minnesota. Tuition and materials cost
$1 74.
POL 398-4565 Washington Interim: After the Inauguration: Continuity or Change?
POL 398-4566 Washington Interim: The Legal System and Legal Careers
Washington lnterim provides a combined program of lectures, site visits,
and seminar situations focusing on a particular area or topic in Washington,
D.C. Information on either of the above programs, housing and financial
assistance is available from Dr. Milda Hedblom in Memorial 117A.
Augsburg Lifetime Sports
The following activities are available to students during interim. They do not carry
official credit, but they do meet the lifetime sports requirement for graduation. Students
may participate in any one of these without registering for the course, but will be
expected to pay any fees whether or not the student registers for the course.
HPE 002-4571
Instructor: Paul Grauer
Distribution: Lifetime Sports
Time: 9:20 ................Melby
HPE 002-4572
Instructor: Paul Grauer
Distribution: Lifetime Sports
Time: 12:OO noon ................Melby
Show less
Introduction to Interim
Interim is an integral part of the school year at Augsburg College. The college follows a 4-1-4calendar, with Fall and Spring
semesters of approximately 14 weeks separated by a four-week
January Interim. Interim is particularly intended to be a time
for both students... Show more
Introduction to Interim
Interim is an integral part of the school year at Augsburg College. The college follows a 4-1-4calendar, with Fall and Spring
semesters of approximately 14 weeks separated by a four-week
January Interim. Interim is particularly intended to be a time
for both students and faculty to employ styles of teaching and
learning and to investigate questions and topics in places and
ways not possible during the regular term. There will be no
summer Interim in 1986.
Since one Interim course equals a full-time load, students
should plan to spend the same amount of time in class and preparing for class as they would for a four-courseload during Fall
and Spring semesters. Students can register for only one
course credit during Interim. There is no tuition refund for a
student who chooses not to enroll in an Interim course.
Most Interim courses are graded traditionally on a 4.0 to 0.0
scale. Students generally have the option to register on a Pass/
No credit basis. A few Interim courses are graded only on the P/
N system; this is indicated in the course description.
Some courses are offered with either upper or lower division
standing. Such Interim courses have two numbers listed and
the student must select. Students registering for upper division standing should anticipate additional assignments and a
more rigorous grading standard.
To graduate, an Augsburg student is required to complete 35
courses of which at least three must be Interim courses (or one
Interim less than the number of years of full-time enrollment at
Augsburg; e.g., a transfer enrolled full time for two years is required to complete one Interim for graduation).
Augsburg Policy
It is the policy of Augsburg College not to discriminate on the
basis of race, creed, national or ethnic origin, age, marital status, sex or handicap as required by Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of
1973, as amended, in its admissions policies, educational programs, activities and employment practices.
For More Information
Interim Off ice (Memorial230)
Interim Secretary, Sue Schmidt at 330-1025
Interim Director, Dr. Don Gustafson, at 330-1192 (Memorial
Interim Calendar
November 4-8 . . .Interim Registration
December 9 . . . .Late Registration for Interim
January 6 . . . . . .First Day of Interim
First Day Class: Time I -9 a.m.
Time 11-1 p.m.
January 7 . . . . . .Last Day for CanceVAdd
January 13 . . . . .Last for Determining Grading System
for Half Credit Courses
January 14 . . . . .Last Day for Withdrawing from Half
Credit Courses
January 17 . . . . .First Group of Half Credit Courses
January 20 . . . . .Second Group of Half Credit Courses
January 20 . . . . .Last Day for Determining Grading System
with Registrar
January 21 . . . . .Last Day to CanceVAdd Half Credit
January 22 . . . . .Last Day for Withdrawingfrom
Full Credit Courses
January 27 . . . . .Last Day for Determining Grading
System for Half Credit Courses
January 28 . . . . .Last Day for Withdrawing from
Half Credit Courses
January31 . . . . .InterimEnds
February 4 . . . . .Validation of Spring Class Registration
February 5 . . . . .Spring Semester Begins
The number and length of class meetings a s well a s the beginning time will be arranged the first day of class. The daily
schedule for Interim is divided into two blocks of time:
Time 1-8 a.m. to 12Noon
Time 11-1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Interim Catalog
The catalog lists courses by departments. Departments are
listed in alphabetical order. At the end of the book are listings of
other courses not offered by Augsburg but recognized by the
college for Interim credit. Further descriptions and information about these courses are available in the Interim Office, Memorial 230. Students may also register for one of the Lifetime
Sports listed at the end of the Catalog.
Building Key
M-Music H
OM-Old Main
S-Science Hall
International Interims-Students are invited to be part of one
of the 27 international interims offered by the Upper Midwest
Association for International Education (UMAIE). These
course opportunities are listed near the end of this catalog.
Internships-Students electing an internship must present a
completed internship learning contract to the Internship Office
(Memorial 230) no later than Tuesday, November 26. Contract
forms are available in the same office.
Independent or Directed Study-Students may elect a program
of independent study (upper division 499) or directed study
(lower division 299) for Interim. Faculty members are strongly
discouraged from accepting responsibility for more than one independent or directed study per interim. Students choosing to
pursue independent or directed study must:
1. Meet departmental requirements.
2. Present to the Registrar for approval a copy of the proposed
study plan approved by the supervising faculty member.
This proposal must be submitted at least one week before
registration and no later than December 4. Appropriate
study proposal forms can be obtained in the Interim Office.
Interims at Other Schools-Augsburg students may enroll at
any other 4-1-4institution which offers a reciprocal Interim arrangement. Catalogs of these Interims can be consulted in the
Interim Office. The Interim Secretary will help students in applying for registration at other schools. Registration for Interims at the other Twin Cities colleges will be done at Augsburg
during the regular registration period. Most courses taught
during the Interim at other 4-1-4schools are accepted for credit
by Augsburg, but may not necessarily be accepted as meeting
Augsburg's distribution requirements. This qualification particularly affects courses offered for the Religion requirement.
Visiting Students
Augsburg College welcomes students from other 4-1-4 schools
for the January Interim without tuition charges provided the
student's home institution agrees not to charge tuition to Augsburg students for the January term. The waiver of tuition does
not include special fees, housing or board costs. Other students
will be charged $495 for the Interim course. Students interested in registering for an Augsburg Interim should write to
the Interim Director for application forms or use the forms provided by the interim office at their own school. There is an application processing fee of $10. Students are welcome to stay on
campus but are not required to do so. Requests for Interim
housing should be made to the Interim Office.
Environmental Aesthetics
ART 102-48001
Instructor: PhilThompson
In this course there will be a focus on readings in the area of the
man-madevisual environment and consideration of the principles
of design with concern for appreciation and criticism. There will
be projects in art media exploring the visual elements and the design process.
Each student will do one special project (a slide essay on a cultural
landscape topic; or a gallery environment event; or some other
project approved by the instructor). There will be about eight
other text related design projects required. Grades will also be
based on one or two examinationsplus a final.
Distribution:Art - Music
Time: 11
Room: OM 4
Life Drawing
ART 247-48003
Instructor: Norman Holen
A study of undraped figures for art students and non-art students.
The figure will be depicted in various settings with a variety of
media for varying lengths of time. The poses will extend from one
minute to an hour and a half.
You will be introduced to the 2 B and 4 B pencils, the charcoal
pencil, and pastels.
Fee: $25due the first day of class
Distribution:Art -Music
Time: I
Room: OM 17
Plants and Civilization
BIO 102-46004
Instructor: Erwin Mickelberg
A study of the profound influence of plants on mankind's economic, cultural and political history, as well as the steps that civilization has taken to improve chosen plants for use. Some plant
anatomy and physiology will be discussed. Academic evaluation
will be based on course exams.
Time: I1
Room: 205
The Biology of Women
BIO 231-46005
Instructor:Roberta Lammers
The objective of this course is to provide a basic understanding of
the structure and functioning of the female human organism as
well as to evaluate misconceptions about women that have arisen
in the history of biology. We will study first the structure and
physiology of women, including the determination of sex, nutritional needs, menstruation and menopause, as well as other developmental issues. We will also consider women's health issues
such as pregnancy, birthing and particular occupationalhazards.
In a section on evolution we will look at various interpretations of
human evolution and the social relationships of women and men.
FkmUy, if time permits, we will consider the scientific contributions of some women biologists.
Evaluation will be based on weekly quizzes as well as individual
reports, which will be either written or oral depending on the
number of students in the class.
Prer uisite: High school biology
Dish%ution: Chemistry-Biologyor Women & Minority Studies
Time: I
Room: S 329
11 1986 Oak Ridge Associated
Universities Science Minimester
BIO 322-46006
PHY 322-46007
Instructor:Robert Herforth
A study of nuclear radiation with emphasis on applications and
"hands-on" laboratory experience for the individual student. The
course will consist of (1)introductory work on radiation detection
and measurement at Augsburg, (2)participation in the 1986 Oak
Ridge Associated Universities Science Minimester where the student has the opportunity to study projects in nuclear radiation
physics, radiobiology, radiochemistry, environmental radiation,
coal technology, health physics, and radiological safety; and (3)
summary and evaluation of the program back at Augsburg.
This course is a cooperative venture with Oak Ridge Associated
Universities-Professional Training program. Two weeks of the
course will be spent in Oak Ridge, Tennessee utilizing the instructional staff and laboratory facilities of ORAU. These facilities provide an opportunity for laboratory experience not normally available to undergraduate students.
Cost: 8350 for travel and housing (approximately)
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
Time: I
Room: S 24
II Biological Evolution
BIO 431-48008
Instructor:Ralph Sulerud
That organisms have evolved and, accordingly, all creatures are
biologically related are probably the most significant conclusions
which biology has contributed to human knowledge. The antievolutionist arguments of the "scientific creationists" will be
investigated in this course. However, to the vast majority of biologists evolution is accepted as a fact, and the evidence in its support will be examined.
Biologists do not agree concerning the mechanisms and pace of
evolution. Indeed, theories as to these matters have evolved and
continue to do so. Much of the course will involve historical study
of evolutionary thought from pre-Darwiniantimes to the present.
F'inaUx we will address the course of evolution from the origin of
life itself to the origin of human life.
There will be a variety of readings, and classes will consist of lectures and discussions. Grading will be based primarily on quizzes
and tests.
Prerequisites:BIO 111 and 112or permissionof the instructor
Time: I
Room: S 205
II Augsburg Goes to Business
BUS 321-46010
Instructor:Thomas Morgan
"Augsburg Goes to Business" is a one-month senior seminar for
business and economics majors. The goal of the seminar is to provide a better understanding of the diversity in organizations and
the varied environments in which and the many constraints with
which they must operate. Three objectives emerge:
1. to develop a clearer understanding of how the different functional areas of an organization operate on a day to day basis
and how these "parts" are integrated into the overall operation of the firm.
2. to examine the extent to which "textbook approaches" correspond to "real world" situations and are able to accornrnodate practical application.
3. to explore potential conflicts between individual (personal
and career) goals and the goals of the organization; addressing how these conflicts may be resolved.
u&ite: permission of instructor
Room: P 2
IIntroduction to International Business
BUS 152-46070
BUS 352-46071
Instructor: Arnin Kader
This course is designed to introduce the student to the problems
and possibilities of doing business in an international context. Appreciation of the perspective required for successful planning and
management of an enterprise operating abroad is emphasized by
foreseeing both the opportunities and the difficulties inherent in
international business.
The case method will be employed. Evaluation will be based primarily on performance in working the cases assigned.
Prerequisite: A minimum of two business courses for upper division registration.
Time: I
Room: OM 22
BUS 295-46077
Instructor: John Cerrib
The object of this class is to provide students who are not majoring in business with entrepreneurial skills necessary for starting
and running a small business.
The student will be exposed to various aspects of small business
management and will be required to prepare a business plan for a
"model" business. The student will be evaluated on the basis of
the "model" plan, on tests and performances on small business
case studies.
Time: I
Room: M 23
BUS 294-46092
Instructor: Richard Herzog
This course will provide an introduction to the micro-computeras
it relates to financial and managerial accounting applications.
Topics will include: micro-computer hardware and software; accounting spreadsheet and database applications. Emphasis will
be on the IBM-PC or compatible hardware and Lotus 1-2-3software.
Students willbe required to read a text and other material, hand in
homework assignments and take tests over the assigned material. In addition, computer reports will be handed in for evaluation.
Prerequisites: Principles of Managerial Accounting (BUS 102)
Time: 11
Room: S 213
Advanced Personal Computing
BUS 378-48093
Instructor: Milo Schield
The object of this course will be to study advanced personal computing applications and their business uses. We will use the Augsburg IBM PC Network to study
- advanced word processing (Word Star 2000)
- advanced spread sheet techniques (macros and templates)
- advanced data base featuresd @-BaseI11and Power Base)
- business graphics (free form paint and fixed form analytic1
- integrated packages (Symphony)
There will also be visita to local businesses using these applicationa, This # m e i s designed for students who are already familiar with h i c Personal Computing applications such a s Appleworks and .Lotus.
Evaluation will be based on the following: 10% on attendance and
participation; 40% on tests; 50% on group projects.
Fee: $20--but no required textbook.
Prerequisite: BUS 250 (DataProcessing)
Time: I
Room S 123
Chemistry for Changing Times
CHlM 100-46013
Instructor:Arlin Gyberg
This is a non-laboratory chemistry course based on the very popular book by John H. Hill of the same title. It is not a traditional
background. Bachemistry cotu'se m d d m not =sume a ~ c i m m
sic science: a n d math EWE introduced early and are t,augl:llta8
needed for understmding the various topics .md implications. T h e
course does assume the student is interested in and concerned
about the relationship of chemistry to life and living.
Chemistry has been intimately a part of liberal education for centuries. The early scientists were considered to be philosophers
and their societies were philosophical societies. In recent decades
the human eekicingof perwond independence has led to chemistry
becoming a part or everyday Lire to 4,he pht of actud dspondence
on chemistry W e live in n world or pcsticidos, fertilizers. pIasticer,
"the pill," food additives and processed foods, vitamin supplements, the energy crisis, chemical dependency, biocides, pollutants, drugs, searching for life on other planets, genetic manipulation, and it goes on and on. Emotions and mental disorders can
often be traced to chemical imbalance. The common dragged out,
Chemistry for Changing Times (wn't)
grumpy feeling after an afternoon nap is a result of a chemical
imbalance. The nature of a hangover is the result of a complex
system of altered body chemistry Even learning appears to be the
result of chemical reaction to form a "memory molecule." Most of
the problems we face are molecular in nature. What then but
chemistry can better help us to understand ourselves, our society,
our world, and our universe? Come join us as we take a molecular
look at the human condition. This course will be offered in a lecture/discussion format. Films will supplement the lecture/discussion periods. Test will be used for evaluation. This course does not
satisfy prerequisites for Chemistry 106,116or 223.
Distribution: Chemistry-Biology
Time: I
Room: S 315
The Science of Very Large Molecules
CHM 104-48014
Instructor: SandraOlmsted
A survey of plastics, polymers, and proteins that will investigate
the unusual properties that make these materials useful. Also included will be a short history of these materials, with their economic importance or biological interest. Grades will be determined by two exam scores, and a final paper which is due the last
day of class.
Distribution: Chemistry-Biology
Time: 11
Room: S 315
CSC 270-46045
Instructor: Larry Ragland
A study of the FORTRAN programming language for students
with some previous knowledge of programming. This course will
expand the student's knowledge of programming and programming languages through presentation of the features of FORTRAN together with programming techniques for using those
features. This course will involve lectures and programming assignments in FORTRAN. Evaluation will be based on the programming assignments and examinations.
Prerequisite: One course with a study of a computer language
(e.g. CSC 170 or lVLAT 175)
Time: 11
Room: S 112
E Understanding International Trade and
ECO 360-46012
Instructor: Ed SabeIla
This will be a study of the underlying forces affecting the economic relations among nations. We will consider the development
and bases of international trade, the balance of payments, the
mechanisms of adjustment and general commercial policies.
Grading will be on the basis of examinations and possible other
written assignments.
uisitei: ECO 122 a$d 123 or permissionof instructor
Room: OM 16
Student Teaching
EDS 481-46015EDE 481-46019
EDS 482-46016EDE 482-46020
EDS 483-46017EDE 483-46021
EDS 484-46018EDE 484-46022
Instructor:Trudi Fulda
Observing and directing learning under supervision of college and
secondary school personnel. This is a full day experience in a
school. Grading is PIN only
Prerequisites: Acceptance in Education Program and permission
of instructor.
Time: I
Room: L 4
E Five College Fiction Writing Workshop
ENG 362-46098
Instructor: Lon Otto
This workshop seeks to increase the participants' range and intensity of the participants' fiction writing, sharpening their critical skills, and broadening their awareness of contemporaryfiction
and the literary tradition of which it is a part. Discussion the first
week will focus on readings from an anthology of mostly recent
short stories. The remaining three weeks will focus on stories
written during the Interim by members of the class. The stories
will be duplicated and distributed prior to each meeting. Students
Fiction Writing Workshop (con't)
will write three substantial stories and will be expected to participate actively in the critical discussions. There will also be opportunities for individual conferences with the instructor.
Evaluation will be based on work written during the Interim, on
willingness to engage technical suggestions, &d on vigorous,
constructiveparticipation in the workshop's discussions. Faithful
attendance is essential.
Three students from Augsburg will be accepted for this course.
Interested students should contact John Mitchell in the English
Fee: $10
Prerequisite: Some experience in fiction writing; preferably at
least one creative writing
- course on the college
- level
Time: 11
Room: McNeely $301- St. Thomas
IThe Short Story
ENG 240-46024
Instructor: Kathryn Swanson
We will read a variety of short stories for pleasure and understanding. The selected stories will include the major genres, such
as the science fiction of Kurt Vonnegut, the detective fiction of
Arthur Conan Doyle, the humor of Mark Twain, and the experimental fiction of Jorge Luis Borges. Women such as Doris Lessing and Joyce Carol Oates and blacks such as Ralph Ellison will be
among the authors studied.
Although the course will not involve a systematic analysis of the
history of the form of the short story, a sufficient number of classics will be assigned for the student to appreciate the historical
development from Poe to Beattie. The course will involve practice
in ways of approaching literature and will include study of the basic critical terminology, so it would be an appropriate course for
students who have not yet studied literature at the college level.
Students are expected to read the stories, participate in class discussions, write a paper on a topic selected with the advice of the
teacher, write a short story, and take several tests. Effective Writing is not a prerequisite but students will be expected to write
with clarity
Distribution: English-Speech
Time: I
Room: OM 23
The Dark Side of Genius: Films of
Alfred Hitchcock and Ingmar Bergman
ENG 260-46026
Instructor:John Mitchell
Using selected films, the course will compare the popular cynical
vision of Alfred Hitchcock with the problematic existential vision
of Ingmar Bergman. Literary texts related to biography, film criticism, Freudianism, and existentialism will also be assigned a s
background material. Class procedure will involve lecture, discussion, and the showing of about eight feature films. Because of the
time required for introductions, projections, and discussion, students should expect class periods of three to four hours in length.
Although the course should be enjoyable and even fun, students
should expect to study the films rather than merely watch them.
Grading will be based upon occasional quizzes and a critical paper
of about 12 pages in which the student will compare the two visions. Students who wish to take the course for upper division
credit must have mrrnission from the instructor.
Fee: $25 for rental of films
Time: I1
Room: SCI 123
Grow Old Along With Me
ENG 209-46023
Instructor:Barbara Andersen
You, too, will enter Middle Age and, eventuallx Old Age-if you
live long enough. What do poets, dramatists, and novelists have to
say about this process? A lot. Among those that we may read are:
Hassler's "Simon's Night," Anderson's "I Never Sang for My
Father," Sarton's "As We Are Now," Miller's "Death of a Salesman," Tillie Ohen's, "Tell Me a Riddle," Pyrn's "Quarter in Autumn," Wright's "Fire Sermon," Berry's "The Memory of Old
Jack," Woolf's "Mrs. Dalloway" We hope to see some films such as
"AU Your Parts Don't Wear Out at the Same Time."
What do real live people have to say about old age? A lot. You will
be expected to find out what they have to say by interviewing several older people in several different settings.
Evaluation will be based on readings, examinations, quizzes and
interview journals.
Time: I
Room: OM 10
E Love in Literature
ENG 269-46068
Instructor:Ron Pal&
This course will examine several literary depictions of passionate
love including the Biblical "Song of Songs," Ovid's "The Art of
Love," Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" and "A Midsummer
Night's Dream,"and more recent works including Chopin's "The
Awakening" and a modern romance novel. Also studied will be poetry from different historical periods and material from the social
sciences. The course will study changing concepts of love and
show how literature reflects and creates concepts of love. Students will write two papers, take two tests and attend a few assigned plays or films.
Prerequisite:ENG 111 or a college literature class
Distribution: English-Speech
Time: 11
Room: OM 25
French Literature in Translation
FRE 243-48028
Instructor: Ruth Aaskov
Study of representative shorter French works in English translation. By reading and analysis of a common core of varied works we
will strengthen communication and critical skills, develop cultural sensitivit~and become acquainted with significant French
writers. Mini-lectures and study guides will help focus attention
on the works. Much class time daily will be devoted to small group
discussion and exchange of ideas. Evaluation based on group
work, progress, quizzes, writing assignments, and a short independent study
Prerequisite:Sophomore standing
Distribution: English-Sueech
Time: I
Room: OM 27
Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries
HPE 475-46081
Instructor: A1Kloppen
Emphasis placed on preventing injuries. Treatment of common
athletic injuries. Practical experience in taping and training-room
This is a half credit course.
Prerequisite:HPE 350Kinesiology
Time: II -Jan.20-31
Room: Melby
January 4-23,1986
Sailing in the Virgin Islands
HPE 455-48036
Instructor:Joyce PPaff
Designed for the beginning and intermediate sailor interested in
the art and practice of sailboat cruising. The course will focus on
taking the participant to a competent level of sailboat handling
(anchoring,mooring, helming and crewing). The student will live
aboard a 42' fixed keel sailboat with six or seven other people and
will function as an active crew member.
Actual on-the-water instruction will be the major part of the
course. This willbe supplemented by sessions dealing with safety,
boat handling, boat systems, provisioning, trip planning, piloting
and navigation. Sailing will include cruises to various islands and
cays in the British and American Virgin Islands.
Snorkelingand windsurfing will be available on an optional basis.
Evaluation will be based on individual demonstrated competencies in crewing and leadership in the role of "acting captain." A
daily ships log will be kept by all participants and a final written
exam willbe given.
Cost: $2100
Distribution:Lifetime Sports
Human Sexuality
HPE 216-46035
Instructor:Richard Borstad and Nancy Medcraft
The course will examine the biological, psychosocial, behavioral,
and cultural aspects of human sexuality Opportunities will be provided for students to explore and assess their values about sexuality Included in the course are the following topics: gender issues,
male-femaleanatomy and physiology, communication and sexual
behavior, sexuality and the Life cycle, sexual problems, and s d
issues related to sexual behavior. Lectures, readings, guest speak
ers, films, and small discussion groups willbe utilized. Evaluation
will be based on mid-termand final exams, and a research project.
Fee: $10
Time: II
Room: M 24
Recreational Rhythms and Activities
HPE 232-48080
Instructor:Lynn Mackenthun
Theory and practice in teaching and performing American heritage and international folk dances. Exposure to New Games concepts and activities. The majority of the course grade is based on
participation in class activities, a teaching assignment, and a written test.
This is a half credit course.
Time: II - Jan. 6-17
Room: Melby
Eastward to America: Limited Hospitality
HIS 220-46036
Instructor:Khin Khin Jensen
An investigationof the rationale for the immigration pattern, economic opportunities, and social, political and economic problems
encountered by the following immigrants: Chinese, Japanese and
Koreans in the United States. Focus on these three ethnic groups
will involve both the "old immigrants and the "new" immigrants.
Course will utilize ethnic speakers (Chinese, Japanese and Koreans) in a home environment-discussion format. There willbe ethnic meals, ethnic cooking demonstrations, films, slides and field
trips-all these are important components of the course as are the
academic components such as readings.
Focus is on the experiences of these ethnic groups in Hawaii, California and Minnesota.
Upper division students will do a paper and a journal, lower division will do a journal. There will be an exam on the text and readings.
Fees: 816
Prerequisite: Lower division none. Upper division: sophomore
standing and consent of instructor
Distribution: History-Philosophy
Room: LI
Myth and Myth Making
HIS 219-46038 HUM 275-46097
Instructor:Richard Nelson
A myth is not something patently false or absurd, although popular usage has emphasized its fictional quality Myth is the means
by which people and cultures explain themselves to others and to
themselves. In this course we will examine mythopoeic thought
and the myths which that process evolved in the ancient Near
East, Greece and Rome. We will read mythological literature in
translation and modern commentaries on the nature of myth
making. These mythologies will be studied within their historical
and cultural context, resulting in a final paper on a topic to be
decided upon between student and instructor.
In addition, (dependingon production timing)the class will attend
a Twin City based production of Euripides' "Trojan Women" during the term.
Prerequisite: Permissionof instructor for upper division
Room: OM 13
January 2-26,1986
Hawaii: A Cultural History
HIS 321-46104
Instructor: John Benson. and James Johnson
'She cultural and h i s t o r i d resources of Hawaii offer a richly endowd classroom Por study during J a u q The objeativo of this
mume is to provide a basic understanding of I-Iawaii's history,ethnic diversity, and religious heritage through lectures, toms, books
and travel. In addition ta B u d r h i . ~Thoism
and Polynesian religion, the wurse will focus on thc Mormon missions to the South
Pacific and the New England Cnlvinist Christianity that sent missionaries to the Hawaiian Islands. T l ~ a r wiU
d s e be a unit on the
w ~ nBuddhist-Christian
Further information can be obtained in the Interim Office or from
Mary Kingsley in the International Center, Old Main 20.
Cost: $1,895
Distribution:Religion (by petition)
The Art of Being Female
INS 216-46078
Instructor: Sara Eaton
Zf women's experience of culture is different from men's, do they
write about it differently? Do they use the same words but mean
something else? Do they paint from a forninlne perspective? Do
they campme and ning a different music? Or a m these aU questions of interpretation?
Tn an at,temptto answer these qumtiona, we will study some of the
literature, visual arts,and music m t e d by women in the k t 400
years. Beghnhg in the Renais~mco,with tZro love poetry Mar5
Queen of Scats. wrote to Bothwoll, and ending with Georgia
O'Keefe'a and Judy Chicago's art and w v ~ r a mnmmporary
novels by womcn, we will analyze what female arlists are t e h g UE in
their art and how they t~1l
us. The murst; iR croes-disciplinw;
students will I
x encoumged t~ develop their own topics of atudy
and supplement and the course cont~nt.Thore will be a rcquircd
amount of reeding, viewing and listening. hower division students will write a 5-7 page essay Upper division students will
write a longer papex (850 pagee) and give n presentation b e d on
their topic to tho class.
There will not be a find exam, but approximately half the grade
will come from quizzes on the assignments.
Pre uisite:English 111-EffectiveWriting
Diszution: Urban. Women's and Minority Studies
Room: OM II
Central America: The Roots of the Crisis
INS 280-46034
Instructors:Norman Walbek, Vern Hanson. Staff from Center for
Global Service
The crisis in Central America is one of the major foreign policy
issues of the decade. The purpose of the course is to expose participants to the complexities of the issues involved, and to examine
the root causes for the desperate conditions that exist in most of
the region.
The course will be a joint offering of Augsburg, Gustavus, and
PLU. The first part of the course will be held on the three respective campuses, examining key events in the history of Mexico and
Central America and looking at the current readings and discussions.
On January 16, we will depart for Mexico where we will spend five
days at the Augsburg Center in Cuernavaca. From January 2 1-26,
we will be in Nicaragua, housed at another facility managed and
staffed by the Center for Global Service and Education. In both
countries, encounters with people from the churches, political,
cultural and business organizations will be provided. In addition,
there will be on-sitevisits to peasant cooperatives, squatter settlements, historical sites, etc. Particular attention will be given to
grassroots Christian communities and other ways in which the
poor are relating the Bible to their daily experiences and seeking
to organize themselves to bring about more just social institutions. The schedule will be an intensive one, but will also provide
opportunitiesfor group reflection and worship, and free time. The
final week of the course will be held back on campus, and will be a
time for de-briefingand evaluation.
During the first week, participants will be required to read 1-2
books, a packet of related articles, and give an oral report on an
assigned topic. During the trip, students will be required to keep a
journal, and upon return, write a final reflection paper, due on
January 31.
Cost: $1420from Minneapolis Ineludem all travel expems, meals.
lodging:and program in M e d w ancl Nicaragua. Cost is subject to change due ta an airfare inmawe prior to departure.
World Hunger and Justice Education:
Developing a N e w World View
INSm - 4 6 0 3 1
REL 2 W 4 W 3 2
h t r u c b r a : Joel Mugge, Center for Global Servimand Education,
tmd George S. Johnson. ALC Hunger P r o w
The course will mlrvey the most recent reports and analysis of the
current holocaust or global hunger ineluding the root causes,the
Intemnnectednese to other issues, the hiillical ma,ndateand tho
role of justice eclucettion. Attitudes toward poverty and wmlth,
justice nnd charity, oppression and Liboration wiU b discussed using biblical material, the U.S. Cntholic Bishop's Lotter on tho U.S.
Economy and insights rmm Liboratmion
The purpose wiU
1.w l o build peat,er global a m n e e s , become sensitized to ethical
choices, energize us ror action nncl responsible living, a d explore
pe%gogical principles for socinljustice.
Guesl leczur+ersinclude Norman Barth, Direcur of Lutheran
World Belief, Dr. Mark Thomsen. Executive Director of World Mission for.tlm AlC; Ruth Hnlvomn, Director of the ARC Retreat
CenWr;Dr. Mark Lund. Prof~ssor
of Economics at Luther Collage:
world guests in tho Twin Cities ma.
The P t t s t t b weeks of the c o m e will be held at the ARC retreat
center in n hautif ul wooded m a 46 milea north of the Twin Citics. Included in the experience will be cumunity building, m ~ . tive use CIP music ,and tlm mCs. trip8 to areas of poverty, opportunity For solitude. and cross-country skiing. T h e find week will be
held back in the Twin Cities, where them will be visits to various
orgiUli7~vtiomworking on hunger issues, and time for writing a
final p a p r .
S~udentswill read 1-2books snd related articlee- A f i n a l paper
intepatirig the overall themes of the course and readings will be
tequired at. the end of thc course. Xduationa wiU k e based u w n
this paper and prticipation.
Cost: Room md Board at the ARC R e m t Center for the three
weeksi willbe-8300,
Dhtrlbution: -1
on OnI one fnaourse ma be ueed taw;u%?gr$luat?on rewon reguirementsr
RiI The Church and Social Change in
the Philippines
LNS 274-46033
Instructors: J
m Faurnier, Newman Mter, U d d Q af
Minnemta and staff member f o m the Center for Global
Service and Education
T h e puspose of the course is to help participants gain a olearer
underslamling of lhe currant situation in the Pl~ilippines.It is a
country that suffers Prom a great deal of poverty and injustice,
and one of the mqjor instigators Por mid change 11wbeen the
church. Thmugho~~t
the coursc, therefore, we will be examining
the role of the church and the respnaibifity of Christians inworking for socialand political change.
The Church and Social Change in the Philippines(con't)
The first week of the come wjll be h ~ l d
in htinn~apolis.and will
foeus on getting a sense of the h.istOry, dtm,and current economic and political situation in tho PhiZippinea. hcturos, readings and cliscussions wiU & the format for this first week.
On January 10,the group will depart for the Philippines. The style
of the travel seminar will be quite intensive, and includes encounters with people and organizations representing the different sectors in the urban and rural areas as well as the different tribal
p u p s . 'She trip will a h prwide opportunities for group r~flootion m d worship. The p u p will return to Ure Btates on January
26. The find week of the course wi13 be used for debriefing and
aduation of the experience.
During the first weok, participants will be required to read s
packet of articles,m d research and give an oral report on a related
topic. During the k i p , students wiU be
to keep a journal,
and upan return, write a final p a p r reflecting on Ula expex-ience.
Grading PIN.
Cost: $1995fmm ~
~ includes all
p m v d expenses,
ld@g m d program In the Philippines. Cost i s subject to
change due to &are increase prior to the trip.
Mathematical Modeling
MAT 132-46042
Instructor: Paul Hulse
Thie come wiU focus on the dmcdption of various problems in
the "real world" L n mathematical terms. Tapics will i n c l ~ ~ dpel y he-,
represemtations ofnumbers and various types of geometrg.
The course will emphasizethe use of mdyLical methodsr of mamamatios lo study these problems. G~'adeswill b~!based on homework assignments.
Prerequisite: Basic algebraand geometry
Distribution: M~Wlermttcs-Ph,ysics
T i e :1
W r n : OM 21
Linear Algebra In Action
MAT 315-48046
Instructor: Bev Durkee
A study of several applioations of l i n m in bra, including marlcov chains, Linear p
fitting, computer
graphics, quadratic transformatione, ctc. as time p x m i t s . G d e s
will be determined by assignments of prabtems and examirmtionq.
Prerequisite:MAT 215
Time: I
Room: S 112
IM Numerical Pattern Processing
Through Programming
MAT 144-46043
Instructor: Larry Copes
In this course students will learn to write elementary computer
programs in the Pascal language. The programs will generate numerical and other mathematical data to be examined for patterns.
Wit11 the help of the instructor and each other, atudente will tost
coqjectm lhrough dam, d y s i s anrl further programs. Work
will be in individual. small group, and cl~ssroom
set1,ings.Evnluation will be through individual propm~s
and written reports. For
21 1. s t u d ~ n t sthe
, patterns and 1epo1.t~
will ~~equire
the rnatilemftticd maturity of one who has con~plateda semester oP coll~ge
mathematics at tlls calculus level. Stucknte can expeat, to spend
t h e equivalentof a,tlleast half ot'each day with s computer.
Prerequisite: For 1.44,Group Dl on Augr~lburgMath Placement
Exam. Fur 211. completion of Calculus I with grade
2.0 (C) or better
Time: I
Room: S 213
IIntroduction to Music Therapy:
A Clinical Overview
MUS 110-46047
Instructor: Roberta Metzler
Visitation of clinical facilities in the Metropolitan area to observe
music thempy in practice. Objeckives of the course wiU be to become familim with a variety of client el^ (including mentally retarded, emotional1y disturbed, and phy~callyhandicappod),and t
observe how music thara,pyfunctions with difYerent populations.
In addition to the field trips, c h a r w r n diacussior~swill incltlde an
overview of music therapy practices and theory in this country
and abroad. Evaluation will be based on tests, field trip reports,
and clam participation. A special class project will be required for
upper division d t . Student times must be flexible, to allow for
field trips during &her the morning or afternoon.
Fee: $15
Time: I1
Room: M5
Improvisation in Music
MUS 129-46065 329-48088
Instructor: StephenGabrielsen
The objective of this course is to learn to improvise in a variety of
Procedure: Assignments will be given using differing improvisational techniques. Students will perform for each other in class.
Upper division students will be expected to produce additional improvisations.
Prerequisite: Minimal ability on a musical instrument or instructor's permission
Time: II
Room: M4
Memorizationfor Musicians
MUS 151-48048 351-46049
Instructor:James D.Johnson
Multiple approaches to memorizing music via a foolproof system.
These systems are derived from the harmonic, melodic, rhythrmc,
and formal analysis of the music under study For instrumentalists and vocalists.
Upper division students will be expected to memorize more, perform more for the class and do more memory work away from
their instruments.
Prer uisite: Basic music study
Room: M4
LI Beginning Norwegian
NOR 111-46029
Instructor:Leif Hansen
The course provides an introduction to the basic skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The first class sessions are
conducted without the use of a printed text. Later class sessions
provide a thorough introduction to the structures of contemporary Norwegian, but oral expression is emphasized throughout
the course. Oral and written tests. Laboratory work expected.
Distribution:Foreign Language
Room: OM 29
4 Norwegian Conversation and Composition
NOR 311-46030
Instructor: Leif Hansen
intensive practice in spoken Norwe,@= with emphasis on pronmaiation and original composition. Some attention given to r e
gional variation^ in spoken Norwegian a d to Werences between
the two official languages of N o m y Labora,Lorywork and f i ~ l r l
experience required.
uisite: NOR 211 or equivalent
Room: OM 29
Trends and Issues in Nursing
NUR 330-46050
Instructor: Alice Stark
This course ie intmded to give &u&nts a bmad perspective by
jnb-uducing current trends a d issues in health care and the pmiession of nursing. Many of the issues are oontroversid, are relevant to c m ~ o npractice
md have potential for fwreacllingeffects
in h a l t h care. Students will be grzded on group prcsontations,
written examinations and field trip reports.
Prerequisite: Registered Nurse
Time: I
Room: OM 11
What Do You Think of That?
Instructor: Ken Bailey
There are many puzzling issues in our lives and world which deserve some clem m d careful thought. What dlalX we thinlr m d
say a b u t such contexnporary issues as Freedom of the Will, C m
Cornputera Think?;and What are the Grounds of Moral Responsibility? Zn t h i course
we will CliRcu~sthme and other concerns that
confront our age, in an attempt to understand them more clem-15
Discussions will be based upon roadin* from a wide selec1,ionof
authors, some traditional (such as John Locke, Fkne Descartes,
anrl William James);and some very much in the forefront of contemporary diF;cuesion (such as Ayn Rand, B.F. Skinner, Sidney
Iloolc, and Jokn Roup~m).
Their views are provocative, to say the
least, and they will challenge you to ask,again and again, "Well,
Now. What Do You Think of That?" Grades based upon mid-term
examination, final examination, and discussions.
Distribution: History-Philo8ophy
Room: OM 23
Angels and Devils: Their Existence and Nature
Instructor: Mark Fuehrer
736s course inquires into the ~Astance
and nature of those beings
that are intelligencas and trarlitiondly identified w i t l the
~ anaelic
and demonic natures. W e shall investigate the evidence of such
kings, su1vcy the Mary of tl~eirconcept and attempt to answer
certain philosophical qvastiona abut them (sud~
as whether they
arr: unitcd to material M c s of any l h d , how thny differ from
each othur. m d how they a m ordered m d ranked). FurU~ern~ore
we shall survey t l ~ erepresentation of such kings in m. Literature, and on the s-e.
Besides a gmewl examination, students will be expected to do research on some specific topic m d report periodically on progress
of this rewrt. T h e reprt will bF r e d in class and submitted as a
term pqxc Final grnde will consist of exanxination, evaluation of
oral progress reports. and final report. U p p r division students
will have more cliff icult topics %signed and write longer wporta
t h a n lower division studenf.~.
uisite: One philosophy or religion course
Room: MEM 323
Numerical Methods in Physics
PHY 345-48076
Instructor:Jeff Johnson
Throughout history physicists and in fact dl scientitsts. ha,ve endeavored In cwmprehend the physical world in all its pnerdity by
formulating pbsical law^ in the concise language of rnathcmatics. However, these mathematical ecluations which describe physi-
calayaterns a r o rarely solvable in nnalytictal closed form. Tlzerefore, an appreciation l'or and an und~rstandingof' approximation
and nume~.lcal
techniques is essentid for a prmticjng sciontist.
In this course we will study 1)Numerical integration; 2) Solutions
to 1st order differential equation: 3) Sch~dinger'sequation (an
example of a 2nd order differential equation).
The solution to Schrodinger's equation is important in physics
and chemistry and therefore we will devote a substantial amount
of c h s time to it.
Student performance will be based on problem assignments and
computer projects.
Prerequisite: Math 226: Phy 245 and some programming experience or permission of instructor
Time: I1
Room: S 329
Introduction to Weather
PHY 106-48041
Instructor: Noel Petit
A study of the science of rnotwmlogy which will prwide a working b o w l e d g ~
of the principles of ntmosphesic science. Attention
will be given to four bwic weaa: obscnting the weather (including
state oP the art instrumentation), unde~atmciingweather pat.terns, far~aastingwesther changes and understanding the
world's climate. Relatcd topics to be included are: hydrology
(study of the earth's water cycle), pollution, economic erC~ctsof
the w~sthecand weather's jlnpmt on world events. This course iff
d o s i g n d to br! an elective or ~ a t i s r y
the Mathem~ttim-Physicsdistribution requirement Cor the liberal arts st,ud~mt.
The course will
includo daily lectures, assignments (one or two laboratory
~ e s s i o n swr week), two one-l~atrrexaminntiom and a rrsearcll
Prei uisite: High school
Disaution: Mathematics hyucs
Time: 11
Room: S 212
The Discarded Image: Our Evolving View of
the Universe
PHY 109-46075
Instructor:Mark HoUabaugh
Men and women orbit the earth in the Space Shuttle. Geologists
x-rays from
study rocks from the moon. A ~ ~ o p h p i c i s tdetect
what might be black holes. These mdm,vors are a part of our
world and form our modern imaga of the universe.
But our image of the universe has changed, often slowly. When
confronted with Ch~opernicus'assertion that the sun, not an irnmovable ~arth,
was t h center
of the turiverse, Martin Luther
quickly cited J o ~ h u who
told the sun,not the e a r t h to stand still!
Beginning with the views of the Greeks, Babylonians, Hebrews
and Native Americans, this interdisciplinary course will examine
the impat of poople and discoveries on o w oasmological view&:
Copedcus, Cblika, Kepler, Newton, the tele~~mp,
Hubble, Einakin, high energy nstrophysicg,Hawking, and space travel.
The class will follow a seminar format consisting of lecture and
discussion. Each student will prepwe a major p a p r or project nnd
present it to the class. Extensive reading, including original
sources, will be required and there will be some mtl-onomicd o b
servation exercises.
Time: I
Room: M 24
Special Functions and Their Applications in
the Physical Sciences
PHY 327-46073
MAT 327-46074
Instructor:Ken Erickson
Certain mathematical functions find m e throughout the physical
sciencoa a d engineering dieciplinw bemuse of the high degree of
s y m m e t ~ ythey can represent. This course will acquaint the student with four categories of functions md their applicntions:
hgendre polynomja and spherical harmonics, Bessel functions,
Fourier series m d t r m ~ f o r m sand
fullctions of a conlpl~xvmriable.
The study of these special mathematical functions willbe stressed
through-their application to numerous physical systems possessing the appropriate symmetry represented by each of the
Student performance willbe evaluated on the basis of exams, several problem assignments and a project.
Prerequisite: PHY 122 (or consent of instructor)and
MAT 224 or equivalent
Room: S 212
The United Nations
POL 166-46068 366-46069
Instructor:Manjula Shyam
The course will involve detailed study of structure, purpose and
functions of the United Nations; geographical,historical, cultural,
political and economic background of the member states of the
Security Council; selected current topics before the United Nations; and procedural rules of the Security Council.
The course will lead to a six to eight hour simulation of a meeting
of the Security Council.
Evaluation of students in the course will be based on three short
papers and on performance in the simulation. Participation in the
simulationis compulsory.
Upper division students will be required to submit an additional
paper analyzing the political processes of the Security Council.
Prerequisite: One political science course for upper division credit
Time: II
Room: OM 13
The Politics of International Economic Issues
POL 461-46056
Instructor: Mary Ellen Lundsten
The warall goal of the course is to understand how the international ~ y ~ t eismconceptualized differently Prom a world view emphasizing nation-state unitg. 7 3 pursue
this goal students wiU Yo.
GUA on sclwted politid and economic questions which prvoccupy
the headlines of 1985. Course objectives:
1. to explore the linkage between contemporary economic problems and political configurations in the international system,
2. to examine the political conflicts and choices confronting
world statesmen-in the changing economic environment of
the mid-1980s
Course content:
1. theories about the structure of international politics and economics, the debate over the meaning of interdependence in
the world of the 1980s;
2. specificissues of political economy, such as the change in the
distribution of economic power during the past decade, the
possibility of trade wars among 'advanced industrial countries, efforts by national leaders to coordinate their domestic
economic pities, and ad;justmentof ~pecificsectors, such as
m d finance, within a variety of countries; and
3.a simu la tioir of the w a y decision-makerscope with changes in
the world economy
Students will organize discussion groups for oral presentations
and critiques of readings, simulate international policy-making
roles, and prepare essays in a written take-homeexam.
Prerequisite:Pol Sci 160
Time: II
Room: M 22
Developmental Psychology:Adolescent and
Young Adult
PSY 352-46096
Instructor:Duane E. Johnson
Emphasis on normal development and behavior. Consideration of
data and theory related to development during the adolescent and
young adult periods of life.
This course will be conducted as a seminar with a high level of
student participation. Procedures will include class discussion,
short papers and oral reports, and at least two tests. Most of the
testing willrequire written responses.
Prerequisite:General Psychology
Room: OM 16
Introduction to the World of Psychology
PSY 121-46081
Instructor:Paul Hirdrnan
Psychology is more than rats! It is a world of great breadth, with
differing levels of depth. her^ you will h ~ v the
e opportunity to
explore some of the coricepts, data and methods of psychology and
gain some understenclingand insights from this discipline. %ading-s, I&ms, and swcid premntations w
l ha 3aitilized involving
tlie instructor, class rnembws, nnd outaide speakers. Evaluation
wi 11 involve chas participation, sbudent research presentations,
and exams.
Students may not receive credit for this course and also for PSY
Time: I
Room: P 4
IChristianity in Modern Africa
REL 366-46058
Instructor:Bradley Holt
This course will focus on two regions of Africa: the West and the
South. Students wiU be introduced to traditional African culture
and religion, the introduction of Christianit~and the present development of indigenous cklurches in West Africa. The newer "Independent African Churches" will be studied, as well as attempts
to formulate "African Christian Theology.'' A major section of the
course will focus on contemporary responses of churches in South
Africa to the apartheid ~ystem
of racial segregation.Them will be
lectures and discussion of reaiding materials. films, nnd visiting
resource persons. Students will be ~valuntedon several short
tests and a short research paper.
Pre uisite One course jll ndiglon
Disaution: Religion (Only one interim uourm may be used toward graduationreligion requirements)
Time: 11
Room: OM 18
The Lutheran Heritage
REL 345-46057
Instructor: Gene Skibbe
The Lutheran Church is the largest Protestant church in the
world. We will examine the present form and work of this church,
its origin as a special fellowship in the 16th century, and its development and cultural influence through 450 years of its history
The text by Bergendoff will provide an overview. Basic Lutheran
confessional writings will be read. Lecture and class discussion
will deal with examples of Lutheran witness to the Gospel in art,
music, missions, philosophy, sociology, and theology. Requirements willinclude two exams and one short report or paper. A text
costing approximately $11 must be purchased in class on the
third day
ution: M W o n (Qnly one In*
ward graduation religion requirements)
course m a y be used to-
Time: I
Room: OM 18
Archaeology and the Bible
REL 215-46101
Instructor:Philip Quanbeck
Discussion of archaeological method, problems in biblical archaeology, and review of some current findings. Each student will investigate one archaeological site, write a paper on that topic and
make a presentation to the class. Grade evaluation will be based
on class participation and the project.
Prerequisite: A mume Inreligion
Distribution: Religion (Only one Interim mume may be used toward graduation mligion requirements)
Time: I
Room: M 22
Giants of 19th-CenturyRussian Literature
RUS 210-46082
RUS 410-46083
Instructor:James E. Brown
This course will acquaint the student with outstanding Russian
writers of the 19th-century.Works to be read include three short
novels (Pushkin,"The Captain's Daughter"; Lermontov, "A Hero
of Our Time"; Turgenev, "Fathers and Sons"), two longer novels
(Dostoevsky, "Crime and Punishment"; Tolstoy, "Anna
Karenina"), and short stories by Chekhov and Tolstoy Students
are expected to read all the assigned works and participate in
class discussions. Lower division students must write three papers 3-5pages in length. Upper division students must write three
papers 5-7pages in length. There will be a final essay take-home
examination. Grades will be based on class participation, papers
and the final examination.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor for upper division registration
Time: I1
Room: OM 21
Exploring Human Services
S W K 257-46059
Instructor:Mary Lou Williams
This course offers students the opportunity to explore career aspects of the human services vocations, a valuable tool in selecting
a career goal and a college major. Knowledge is gained by working
in a professional human service organization or agency; working
and talking with human service professionals and others who participate in an organized approach to respond to human needs. This
course offers a "hands on," experiential approach to learning.
Students will volunteer 20 hours per week under the direction of
an agency representative. In addition, students will attend a specific small group seminar 3 hours per week during which agency
experiences will be shared and readings discussed. Evaluation
will be based on performance in the agency, written subjective
summary,brief journal summary, and final exam.
Time: I
Room: 6-12
Field Work I11
S W K 466-46060(1 course)
466-46061(% course)
Instructor:Maria Brown
The objectives of the class are to use supen&ory relationship to
increase interpretive as well as social work performance competence; to promote gradual entry into direct social work practice; to
increase competence in the client contact phase of the problem
solving process; to increase student self-awareness in regard to
professional practice interests, areas of strength, and areas for
personaUprofessional development; to promote competence in the
full process of problem solving, with special emphasis on analysis
and resolution stages.
Course content will be continuation of Field Work II-educationally focused field placement in a social service agency
Students will spend 15 (or 30) hours per week in field placement,
plus one hour per week in faculty facilitated supportive seminar
held on campus.
Evaluations will be made in writing by the Field Instructor using
previously developed contract and social work evaluation forms.
NOTE:Course is offered for half (15 hours per week) or full (30
hours per week) credit. If for full credit, half of the credit will be
based on non-clientcontact tasks.
Time: To be arranged
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Instructor:Jerry Gerasimo
The concept of culture is examined anthropologidy and in the
wny we see and live in tha world. Wa will a y z e the basic assumptions underlying tho i d a s of "primitive," "civilized,"and
and selected aspects of Westem Culture.
Grades will be based on a midterm and a final ex-.
Time: I
Room: P 3
II Children's Theater
SPC 285-46064
Instructor:Gary Parker
Class members w i l l work as an ensembla ta create and p d u r m a
play for children, Development of the play will empilasize techniques of improvisatiuri. Students will participate both on and off
stago as performers (acto~s,
~ingom,dancers, musicians), production staff (publicity and mmagelnent),and kchnicd stnfP (Irigl~ts,
scenc:ry, wstumea, and props).Public performturces will be ~ c : h ~ d ulcd during tllc final week of class. G k W g will b~ based on the
mmmitment m d efi'wtiveness of work on Ihe production, and a
written notelnmlr of' daily mtivities and reactions. No I,henter-E
rience is necessary
Time: 9:30-12:00,1:00-3:00
Room: Stage T w o
E Writing the Creative Article
SPC 268-46062
Instructor:Ray Anderson
The amative article is written out of the wribr's life expmienw.
The types to be streeaed in this co~wscme: prsonal experience,
whimsid essay. original humor, and inspdtion.
Four creative mtioles wnstitute the major projects. Students will.
read in thrw areas-the creative article.creativity. and humor.
Evaluation wiU be based primarily on the cxratfve projects and
sncondarily on examinations a d general participation. An effort
will be made to p~aduccquality material that can be submitted for
A higher quality of writing will be expected of upper division students.
Room: OM 27
W Advanced Acting
SPC 432-46106
Instructor: Julie Bolton
In this course we will explore chmcter development through
scene work based on pkys from the &rent periods of dramatic litFrature. T i l e ins1,ructor will willmh students as 1hey prepare ~ u c t i tion pieces and soancs horn Shalrespeare, Moliere, Chekhov,
Shaw, Plinter and Becket among other's. We will prepare professional resumes, learn auditioning tmI1niques and discuss the
slmngths and drawbacks of the Uleatcr unions. Each student will
prepare an audition. Evduation will be based on a mid-interim
exam, the scenes, and the final audition. This class is only ofrered
periodiuaqy so don't mies tlle opportunity!
Prerequisite:Beginning Acting SPC 232 or Creative Dramatics
SPC 116
Time: I
Room: Stage 11
Television News Production
SPC 344-46072
Instructor: Mark Ambroze
This wiU be a basic m m e in television nows production taught on
location. Studenta will get practical experience in interviewing,
shooting,writing,editing and pmduaing the n w s . Grades will be
based primarily on how well these tasks are performed and on the
quality of material produced. Students will work in a newsroom
setting, not 5 television studio. Students should have some previous 'IT courseworlr. Check with Ray Anderson in the speech department for further information.
The course will be taught at W S A - T V in Golden Valley The instructors will be professionals a t the station. There will be occasional afternoon sessions in addition to the morning classes.
Time: I
Room: W S A , Golden Valley
These courses are offered by institutions or groups not aonnected with Augsburg College but have been approved for
credit by the college. Most carry a tuition cost plus other e x penses which are the responsibility or the atudent. They a1.a offered only on a PIN basis. Fuller descript,ions and details for
registering are available in the Interim Office.
Outward Bound
HPE 212-46011
Check for information in the Interim Office for material on dog
sledding and snowshoeing on the Minnesota-Canadian border
or for white water canoeing and desert camping on the Rio
Grande in the Decerniwr 27 through January 17 period. There
is a cost of approximately $1,050 (the Outward Bound organization says scholarships are available).
Washington Interims
Women as Leaders: Preparing Early for Jobs at the Top
POL 398-46084
The President and Congress: An Inside View of Policymaking
POL 398-46085
These Interims begin December 29 and continue until January
17. InPormatiorr on either of the nbova programs, housing and
Pinancid assistance i s available from Dr. Mildn Redblom in Memorial 117A.
Basic Spinning,Weaving and Dyeing
ART 163-46040
Offered by the Weavers Guild of Minnesota. Tuition and materials cost approximately $185.
Augsburg Lifetime Sports
T h e following activitiem are available to student^ during Intcrkm and students may register for one of these as well aa for a
rsgul~roourse. These activities do not carry oPrioial credit. but
they d o meet the liFetimc aport8 rcquir'em~ntfar gradllation.
Students may pmticipaie in any one of those without 1-egist,ering for the cnurse, but twill be expected to pay m y fees wfialher
or lot the student registers for the course.
Alpine Skiing
HPE 002-46089
Instruction at beginner, intermediate and advanced levels at
Welch Ski Village, Monday and Wednesday evenings at 6:30for
six sessions. A fee of $42.00 for instruction and lift tickets.
Rental ski equipment available. Transportation from the student center will probably be available.
Distribution: Lifetime Sports
Time: 6:30 p.m. M,W
American Karate
HPE 002-46086
Instructor: Mike Teitelbaum
The Form, baslic techniques and practical usage of American
Karate, taug11t by a certified Second Degree MKA Black Belt
instructor. Fee of $25.00.
Distribution: Lifetime Sports
Time: 12:00-1:00M,W,F
Room: Melby
HPE 001-46087
Instructor: David Boots
Distribution: Lifetime Sports
T i e : 1:00-2:00 p.m.
Room: Melby
HPE 002-46088
Instructor: David Boots
Distribution: Lifetime Sports
Time: 9:30-10:30 a.m.
Room: Melby
Weight Training
HPE 002-46091
Instructor: Paul Grauer
Distribution: Lifetime Sports
Time: 1 2Noon
Room: Melby
HPE 002-46090
Instructor: Paul Grauer
Distribution: Lifetime Sports
Time: I
Room: Melby
Augsburg is pnrt of a consortium called UMAIE. Upper Midwest A ~ s o c i o l i o nTor Intercultural Education, wlzich offers
overseas learning cxpricnws during the Interim. F~utherinf'arrn~tienatsotst the following courses can be obtained from
Mary Kingslag in the International Fentar, Old Main 20, or
I'mm the Interim Ofrice. Eegietrat,ion for these Interims ends
October 25,1985. These courses are offered on FfNP b m i only.
A m e r i c m Writern in Europe
Ancient Greece: Its Art,,Religion, and Theatre
CI Art and Architecture in Ellgland and Frnnce
ll Biology and Natural I-listory d the Hawaiian Islands
n Rradl: Amxzon, Energy and IUcvelopmenL
H The C:tpitals of Eastern Europe
n China: The Midwest Connection
n Cornparntive Business Studies in a European Environment
f7 1Sissiden t s and Plttrlots: A Literary Tour of Britain
n Englilish School and Family
n France Today:S0ciet.y and Culture
n German Language and Culture: Munich. Salzburg & Vienna
n Hawaii: A Cultural. History
f l Health Care in Europe
H IsLmda of the Mediterranean
n Ittdy: Galileo and the Church
Journalism and Mass Media in England and Scotland
Legal London
London,P:wis. Amsterdam: The L e g ~ oyf Wealth and Power
"Mttde in di~paa:"Japanese Businese m d Culture
Fkligion in Xsrnel and Egypt
Science in itn CttZturrrl Context: A European Survey
Soviet U'nian: Culture and History
Spain, A Country in Transition
The Spirit of Ireland
Theatre inF2ngl:lnnd
'Two T!~onsandYears in M e r
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H Courses ............ 5
H Options
Introduction to Interim
Interim is an integral part of the school year at Augsburg College. The college follows a 4-1-4calendar, with Fall and Spring
... Show more
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H Courses ............ 5
H Options
Introduction to Interim
Interim is an integral part of the school year at Augsburg College. The college follows a 4-1-4calendar, with Fall and Spring
semesters of approximately 14 weeks separated by a four-week
January Interim. Interim is particularly intended to be a time
for both students and faculty to employ styles of teaching and
learning and to investigate questions and topics in places and
ways not possible during the regular term. There will be no
summer Interim in 1987.
Since one Interim course equals a full-time load, students
should plan to spend the same amount of time in class and preparing for class a s they would for a four-course load during Fall
and Spring semesters. Students can register for only one
course credit during Interim. There is no tuition refund for a
student who chooses not to enroll in an Interim course.
Most Interim courses are graded traditionally on a 4.0 to 0.0
scale. Students generally have the option to register on a Pass/
No credit basis. A few Interim courses are graded only on the
PIN system; this is indicated in the course description.
Some courses are offered with either upper or lower division
standing. Such Interim courses have two numbers listed and
the student must select. Students registering for upper division standing should anticipate additional assignments and a
more rigorous grading standard.
To graduate, an Augsburg student is required to complete 35
courses of which at least three must be Interim courses (or one
Interim less than the number of years of full-time enrollment at
Augsburg; e.g., a transfer enrolled full time for two years is required to complete one Interim for graduation).
Augsburg Policy
It is the policy of Augsburg College not to discriminate on the
basis of race, creed, national or ethnic origin, age, marital status, sex or handicap a s required by Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of
1973, a s amended, in its admissions policies, educational programs, activities and employment practices.
For More Information
Interim Office (Memorial 230)
Interim Secretary, Kay'Thomsen at 330-1025
Interim Director, Dr. Don Gustaf son, at 330-1192 (Memorial
Interim Calendar
November 3-7 . . .Interim Registration
December 8 . . .Late Interim Registration
January 5
. . . .First Day of Interim
Class I 9:00 a.m.
Class I1 1:00 p.m.
January6 . . . . . .Last Day for CanceYAdd
January 19 . . . . .Last day for determining grading
system with Registrar
January 21 . . . . .Last day for withdrawing from full
. .Interimends
February 3 .
.Validation of Spring Class Registration
February 4
. . .Spring Semester Begins
.. .
The number and length of class meetings as well as the beginning time will be arranged the first day of class. The daily
schedule for Interim is divided into two blocks of time:
Time 1-8 a.m. to 12 noon
Time 11-1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Interim Catalog
The catalog lists courses by departments. Departments are
listed in alphabeticalorder. At the end of the book are listings of
other courses not offered by Augsburg but recognized by the
college for Interim credit. Further descriptions and information about these courses are available in the Interim Office, Memorial 230. Students may also register for one of the Lifetime
Sports listed at the end of the Catalog.
Building Key
OM-Old Main
S - s c k n c e H-dl
International Interims-Students are invited to be part of one
of the 27 international interims offered by the Upper Midwest
Association for International Education (UMAIE). These
course opportunities are listed near the end of this catalog.
Internshim-Students electing. an internship must present a
completei internship learning;ontract to theA1nternshipOffice
(Memorial 230) no later than Tuesday, November 25. Contract
forms are available in the same off ice.
Independent or Directed Study-Students may elect a program
of independent study (upper division 499) or directed study
(lower division 299) for Interim. Faculty members are strongly
discouraged from accepting responsibility for more than one independent or directed study per interim. Students choosing to
pursue independent or directed study must:
1 . Meet departmental requirements.
2. Present to the Registrar for approval a copy of the proposed
study plan approved by the supervising faculty member.
This proposal must be submitted at least one week before
registration and no later than December 5. Appropriate
study proposal forms can be obtained in the Interim Office.
Interims a t Other Schools-Augsburg students may enroll at
any other 4-1-4institution which offers a reciprocal Interim arrangement. Catalogs of these Interims can be consulted in the
Interim Office. The Interim Secretary will help students in applying for registration a t other schools. Registration for Interims at the other Twin Cities colleges will be done at Augsburg
during the regular registration period. Most courses taught
during the Interim at other 4-1-4schools are accepted for credit
by Augsburg, but may not necessarily be accepted a s meeting
Augsburg's distribution requirements. This qualification particularly affects courses offered for the Religion requirement.
Visiting Students
Augsburg College welcomes students from other 4-1-4schools
for the January Interim without tuition charges provided the
student's home institution agrees not to charge tuition to Augsburg students for the January term. The waiver of tuition does
not include special fees, housing or board costs. Other students
will be charged $540 for the Interim course. Students interested in registering for a n Augsburg Interim should write to
the Interim Director for application forms or use the forms provided by the interim office a t their own school. There is a n application processing fee of $10. Students are welcome to stay on
campus but are not required to do so. Requests for Interim
housing should be made to the Interim Office.
ART 106-47001
Instructor: Phil Thompson
A study of the art and craft and historical development of calligraphy with emphasis on the italic alphabet. Development of calligraphic skills in pen and brush with ink and paint.
For upper division credit a major project is required plus demonstrated skill in the uncial and gothic styles.
Prerequisite: None for lower division; Painting or drawing course
or permission of the instructor for upper division
Distribution: Art-~ u s i c
Time: I
Room: OM 4
Life Drawing
ART 247-47003
Instructor:Norman Holen
A study of undraped figures for art students and non-art students.
The figure will be depicted in various settings with a variety of
media for varying lengths of time. The poses will extend from
three minutes to an hour and a half.
You will be introduced to the 2B and 4B pencils, the charcoal pencil, and pastels.
Fee: $25due the first day of class
Distribution:Art - Music
Room: OM 17
Plants and Civilization
BIO 102-47004
Instructor: Erwin Mickelberg
A study of the profound influence of plants on mankind's economic, cultural and political history, as well as the steps that civilization has taken to improve chosen plants for use. Some plant
anatomy and physiology will be discussed. Academic evaluation
will be based on course exams.
Time: I1
Room: 205
Ecology of The Arizona Sonoran Desert
BIO 113-47005
Instructor:Neal Thorp
This course will begin with a consideration of the general characteristics of the four deserts on the North American continent. Emphasis will be placed on the Sonoran Desert of southern Arizona
and California and northern Sonora, Mexico. Topics discussed will
include the physiography of desert landscapes, desert climates,
soils, the distributions and interactions of plant and animal life,
and survival mechanisms of desert flora and fauna. Studies will
be conducted in southern Arizona, including the Arizona-Sonora
Desert Museum, Saguaro National Monument, Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, the Boyce Thompson Arboretum of the
University of Arizona, and the Catalina and Rincon Mountains.
Grades will be based on examinations and written work. Students
taking the course to fulfill distribution requirements will be expected to acquire a general knowledge of the subjects studied and
to write a paper on a selected topic. Students taking the course for
upper division credit will be expected to probe the subjects in
greater depth and will be required to write a research paper that
will be presented orally to the class.
The cost will be approximately $600.00 and will cover airfare,
ground transportation, lodging, admission fees, and most meals.
Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.
BIO 112 for 313 level
H u m a n Developmental Biology
BIO 174-47007
Instructor:Robert Herforth
In its broadest sense developmental biology includes the study of
the entire life cycle of the individual, from production of the eggs
and sperm through fertilization, embryonic and fetal development, birth, growth and maturation, reproduction, aging and
death. This course will touch on all these aspects of human development, but will concentrate on gamete production, fertilization
and development up to birth. Comparisons with development in
other animals will be made. Some related topics which will be considered include the hormonal control of reproduction and childbirth, in vitro fertilization, methods of contraception and developmental defects. Grades will be based on several quizzes and exams
given during the course.
Time: I
Room: S 212
H Biological Evolution
BIO 307-47008
Instructor: Ralph Sulerud
That organisms have evolved and, accordingly, all creatures are
biologically related are probably the most sigmficant conclusions
which biology has contributed to human knowledge. The antievolutionist arguments of the "scientific creationists" will be
investigated in this course. However, to the vast majority of biologists evolution is accepted a s a fact, and the evidence in its support will be examined.
Biologists do not agree concerning the mechanisms and pace of
evolution. Indeed, theories as to these matters have evolved and
continue to do so. Much of the course will involve historical study
of evolutionary thought from pre-Darwinian times to the present.
Finally, we will address the course of evolution from the origin of
life itself to the origin of human life.
There will be a variety of readings, and classes will consist of lectures and discussions. Grading will be based primarily on quizzes
and tests.
Prerequisites:BIO 111 and 112 or permission of the instructor
Time: I
Room: S 329
BUS 294-47070
Instructor: Richard Herzog
This course will provide an introduction to the micro-computeras
it relates to financial and managerial accounting applications.
Topics will include: micro-computer hardware and software; accounting spreadsheet and database applications. Emphasis will
be on the IBM-PC or compatible hardware and Lotus 1-2-3software.
Students will be required to read a text and other material, hand in
homework assignments and take tests over the assigned material. In addition, computer reports will be handed in for evaluation.
Prerequisites: Principles of Managerial Accounting (BUS 102)
Time: 11
Room: S 213
BUS 295-47011
Instructor:John Cerrito
The object of this class is to provide students who are not majoring in business with entrepreneurial skills necessary for starting
and running a small business.
The student will be exposed to various aspects of small business
management and will be required to prepare a business plan for a
"model" business. The student will be evaluated on the basis of
the "model" plan, on tests and performances on small business
case studies.
Time: I
Ruom: M 23
Augsburg Goes to Business
BUS 321-47012
Instructor:Thomas Morgan, Tina Wagner, Lois Olson
"Augsburg Goes to Business" is a one-month senior seminar for
business and economics majors. The goal of the seminar is to provide a better understanding of the diversity in organizations and
the varied environments in which and the many constraints with
which they must operate. Three objectives emerge:
1. to develop a clearer understanding of how the different functional areas of an organization operate on a day to day basis
and how these "parts" are integrated into the overall operation of the firm.
2. to examine the extent to which "textbook approaches" correspond to "real world" situations and are able to accommodate practical application.
3. to explore potential conflicts between individual (personal
and career) goals and the goals of the organization; addressing how these conflicts may be resolved.
Class time will be divided between on-campus lecture and discussion and off-campus visits. Students will visit eight different
types of organizations in the metropolitan area. Class discussions
will focus on assigned readings, interpretation of the results of
different vocational oriented tests, and the issues relevant to the
selection of career paths.
Students will keep a journal of experiences and observations.
Grades will be determined on the basis of the journal and on a
research paper the topic of which has been negotiated with the
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
Room: P 2
Management Simulation Games
BUS 378-47013
Instructor:Arnin Kader
In this course the students will be grouped into teams. Each team
controls a company which manufactures and sells a line of multiple products. The company competes against other companies;
each manufactures and sells similar products. Each team attempts to outperform other teams by selecting what could be perceived by the team as the optimum operating strategy. This strategy includes s e t t i n g selling prices, production volumes,
marketing expenditures, plant and securities investments, as
well a s stockholders' dividends. Grading will be PIN only with
evaluation on the basis of the work done and its results.
Prerequisites: BUS 135 and 261, ECO 122 and 123 or permission
of instructor
Time: 11
Room: OM 21
The Science of Very Large Molecules
CHM 104-47014
Instructor: Sandy Olmsted
This is a survey of the kinds of chemicals which are vitally important to our lifestyle: plastics, synthetic fibers, proteins. These
have unusual chemical and physical properties that make them
especially useful. We will learn about their chemistry as we make
rubber, adhesives, nylon, and plastics in class, and investigate
their importance to business, the economy, and to us personally in
health and medical applications, and genetic engineering. The
course is aimed at creating a better informed consumer who is
science-literate. Grade is determined by three exams and a short
paper which is due the last day of class.
Prerequisite: High School Chemistry
Time: I1
Room: S 315
The Molecular Basis of Cancer
CHM 310-47015
Instructor:David T. Brand
Cancer has in some form or another touched virtually every family in America. A great deal of effort has been expended by the
scientific community to find the cause(s)of cancer and to establish
a cure. The question at hand is, "Are we winning the battle
against cancer?" This course will focus on the causes of cancer,
how it can be treated, and how it might be prevented. Topics which
will be discussed in this course include: The cellular basis of cancer, the environment and cancer, the molecular basis of cancer,
chemoprevention of cancer, and the psychological impact of cancer on the patientslfamilies.
Principles of structural organic chemistry and molecular biology
will be used throughout the course.
There will be a variety of readings, and classes will consist of lectures and discussions. Student performance will be evaluated on
the basis of two exams and a final paper which is due the last day
of class.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 351 (organic chemistry) or permission of
Time: I
Room: S 315
CSC 270-47016
Instructor:Larry Ragland
A study of the FORTRAN programming language for students
with some previous knowledge of programming. This course will
expand the student's knowledge of programming and programming languages through presentation of the features of FORTRAN together with programming techniques for using those
features. This course will involve lectures and programming assignments in FORTRAN. Evaluation will be based on the programming assignments and examinations.
Prerequisites: One course with a study of a computer language
(e.g. CSC 170 or MAT 175)
Time: I
Room: S 112
Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 113-47017
Instructor:Satya Gupta
This course will introduce basic concepts, terms and definitions
used in microeconomics. Students will be able to recognize the
role of microeconomics in decision making at the consumer level,
firm level and government level. They will also be able to understand the market functioning of the American economy. Four
tests will be given to evaluate students' understanding of the material.
Time: I1
Room: S 212
Economics of Risk Management: Free Markets vs
Government Regulation
ECO 339-47018
Instructor:Milo Schield
In this course we will:
- Examine economics of hazards involving uncertainty and
risk. Examine risk-management via free-market pricing, insurance contracts and government subsidies and regulation.
- Review basic concepts. Distinguish between insurance and
speculation. Identify uninsurable risks. Price insurable risks
given frequencies and severities as a function of confidence.
Estimate risk premiums associated with various lifestyles
and occupations. Compare subjective estimates of hazards
with objective data. Evaluate social costs and benefits of risksharing via insurance. Review insurance "failures": medical
malpractice and product liability.
- Review economic effects of government subsidies and regulations on risky endeavors such as banking, nuclear power, natural disasters, workman's compensation, unemployment and
old-age.Conduct experiments on effects of price-controls.
- Analyze the role of the legal system in internalizing forseeable, but unintended, consequences of intended actions. Discuss "failures" of the legal system to identify property rights
and tort-law responsibilities.
- Visit an auction market, a speculative market, two insurance
companies and several regulatory agencies.
Students will prepare a comprehensive paper (50%)in addition to
class participation (lo%), 3 quizzes (5% each) and a comprehensive final (25%).
Prerequisites: BUS 279 or BUS 331 or ECO 313 or permission of
the instructor
Time: I1
Room: OM 23
Student Teaching
EDS 481-47019EDE 481-47023
EDS 482-47020EDE 482-47024
EDS 483-47021EDE 483-47025
EDS 484-47022EDE 484-47026
Instructor:Marie McNeff, William Merr'una.n
Observing and directing learning under supervision of college and
secondary school personnel. This is a full day experience in a
school. Grading is PIN only.
Prerequisites: Acceptance in Education Program and permission
of instructor.
January in Medieval England: An Imaginary
Travel Trip
ENG 213-47027
Instructor:Joan Griffin
What was it like to be alive in late medieval England? Using literature, drama, music, and art of 12th to 14th century England and
Europe, this course is an imaginary trip into the past, touring the
medieval castle, cloister, and college.
The course has two emphases. Lecture/discussion sessions will
explore a variety of literary documents as well as art and music in
order to understand the daily lives of medieval people. Focusing
on Chaucer's Canterbury pilgrims, topics will include: "A Knight
Ther Was.. . :The Chivalric Ideal"; "The Doctour of Physik: Medicine in the Age of the Black Plagues"; "Madame Eglantine: Medieval Manners" etc.
The course will also explore medieval literature as a performing
art. Students will be asked to participate in workshops on medieval drama, music, etc. The course will culminate in a medieval
banquet or other performance.
Evaluation will be based on lecture and workshop attendance and
participation, a journal, and a paper.
Prerequisites: ENG 111 (EffectiveWriting)
Distribution: English-Speech
Time: I1
Room: M 23
The Short Story - Elements of Fiction
ENG 240-4702..
Instructor: Kathryn Swanson
What is fiction? What is good fiction? What elements of fiction
should I consider in making an evaluation? In this course, students will find answers to these questions by reading a variety of
fictional works and by writing their own fiction.
Although the course will not involve a systematic analysis of the
history of the form of the short story, we will begin with tales and
fables and we will read a sufficient number of classics for the student to appreciate the historical development from Poe to Beattie.
The course will involve practice in ways of approaching literature
and will include study of the basic critical terminology, so it would
be an appropriate course for students who have not yet studied
literature at the college level.
Students are expected to read the stories and novel, participate in
class discussions, write an analysis paper on a topic selected with
the advice of the teacher, write a short story, and take several quizzes and a final exam. Effective Writing is not a prerequisite but
students will be expected to write with clarity
Distribution:~ n ~ i s h - s p e e c h
Time: I
Room: M 24
Emily Dickinson: The Person and The Poems
ENG 340-47029
Instructor:Ron Palosaari
Unknown in her lifetime, Emily Dickinson has gained a reputation as one of America's finest poets.
She spent most of her life within the family home, confining her
relationships to a selected few while the town regarded her as eccentric. Some writers believe she retreated from the world to give
herself to her poetry because her time and place made no provision for a female professional poet, especially a boldly innovative
one. Others trace her seclusion to various family relationships,
personal problems, or frustrated dreams of love. Whatever the situation, out of the mystery of her life comes the glory of her poetry.
We will study her poetry and a standard biography. Evaluation will
be based on a few short papers, an oral or group report, a journal,
and a test. We may also have some quizzes.
Students will also read one of the important books on Dickinson
and give a class report on the paper they prepare on their book.
Prer uisites:A college literature class
Room: OM 27
4 Beginning French I
FRE 111-47030
Instructor:Mirni Johnson
This course aims to give students a rudimentary understanding
of French language and culture. Using development of listening,
then speaking, then reading, and lastly, writing, students will
comprehend everyday situations and be able to use "survival
French." Evaluation will include oral and written quizzes, group
study and projects, a s well a s a final exam. A part of each day's
class will be held in the Language Laboratory
Distribution:Foreign Language
Time: I
Room: OM 25
Recreational Rhythms and Activities
HPE 232-47071
Instructor: Mary Manderfeld
Theory and practice in teaching and performing American heritage and international folk dances. Exposure to New Games concepts and activities. The majority of the course grade is based on
participation in class activities,a teaching assignment, and a written test.
This is a l/2credit course.
Room: Melby 24
Administration and Supervision
of the School Health Program
HPE 410-47033
Instructor: Richard Borstad
Historical background, legal bases, school health services, and relationships to community health program and resources. Methods
and materials in health education with laboratory experience in
classroom and community
Periodic exams covering lecture and textbook assignments; written summaries of professional journal articles; in-class activities,
including a presentation on a teaching method.
Prerequisites: HPE 320
Time: I
Room: Melby 24
Coaching of Basketball
HPE 477-47034
Instructor: David Boots
Theory, technique and administrative aspects of coaching basketball. Exams, on-the-floorcoaching techniques, and a scouting report will be the methods of evaluation.
This is a
credit course.
Time: I T & Th & Alternate F
Room: Melby 12
Coaching of Hockey
HPE 478-47072
Instructor:Ed Saugestad
The theory, techniques and administrative aspects of coaching
hockey. Evaluation will be on the basis of exams, on-the-icecoaching techniques and scouting reports.
This is a l / 2 credit course.
Time: I M - W &AlternateF
Room: Melby 12
Officiating of Basketball
HPE 481-47035
Instructor:Al Kloppen
This course will focus on learning the rules and mechanics of the
game of basketball. There will be practical experience on the floor.
Students completing the course should be ready for certification
by the Minnesota High School Association. Grade evaluation will
be based upon tests, papers prepared and performance on the
floor. While there are no prerequisites, it is highly advisable that
students have some basketball playing experience.
This is a l / 2 credit course.
Time: I1 T & Th & Alternate F
Room: Melby 12
Transitions: Women's Life Careers
GST 245-4709
Instructor:Diane Busico
Are you wondering how you can succeed in a "man's world"? Puzzling out your options for marriage, career, andlor children? Troubled with how to practically and emotionally juggle all of your diverse roles? This seminar is a n exploration of the various
pathways women choose in balancing home and work life. Although it promises no concrete answers to compelling questions,
it will arm you with some useful information for making choices
for the present and plans for the future.
The societal, familial, and individual forces shaping the choices
women make concerning family and career are studied via text (E.
Highman: The Organizational Woman), journal articles, films,
and guest lecturers. Student performance is assessed through essays and a research project.
Distribution:Urban, Women's and Minority Studies
Time: I
Room: P-2
Modern Paris: History and Literature
HIS 114-47036
Instructor:Orloue Gisselquist
We will do two things in this course. First, we are going to study a
significant period-the 19th and 20th centuries-in the history of
one of the world's great cities. Secondly, we are going to focus
much of our work on three major pieces of literature that deal
with Paris. We will enjoy them as literature but study them as
historical sources for what they tell us about Paris. The three
pieces of literature we probably will read are Honore de Balzac,
Old Goriot (1834),one of several novels he wrote picturing life in
Paris; Alexis de Tocqueville, Recollections (1893),a memoir written in the early 1850's by one of the great political thinkers of the
19th century that recounts his firsthand experience in the '48 revolution in Paris; and Edrnond and Jules de Goncourt, Pages from
the Goncourt Journal (1922),a very realistic day-to-daydiary kept
by two brothers who professionally and socially associated with
the literary elite of Paris during much of the second half of the
19th century. Whereas today history is being pressed toward the
social sciences, this represents a more humanities orientation of
historical study.
There will be two short papers (4-5 pages each) and two written
Time: I1
Room: OM 25
Myth and Myth Making
HIS 219-47037
HUM 275-47039
Instructor:Richard Nelson
A myth is not something patently false or absurd, although popular usage has emphasized its fictional quality. Myth is the means
by which people and cultures explain themselves to others and to
themselves. In this course we will examine mythopoeic thought
and the myths which that process evolved in the ancient Near
East, Greece and Rome. We will read mythological literature in
translation and modern commentaries on the nature of myth
making. These mythologies will be studied within their historical
and cultural context, resulting in a final paper on a topic to be
decided upon between student and instructor. In addition to the
final paper, there will be a final exam and weekly quizzes or writing assignments. Depending upon production timing, the class
will attend an area dramatic presentation. Students enrolling for
upper division credit will be required to write an expanded final
paper based on deeper source material (18-20pages in length compared to lower division papers of 10-12 pages) and, in addition, a
critical review of a pertinent study
Prerequisites: ~ffectivewriting for lower division
Permission of instructor for
upper division registration
Time: I
Room: OM 13
20th Century South Asia
HIS 262-47040
Instructor: Don Gustafson
India (or South Asia)has produced the largest working democracy
in the world today; from this people have come one of our century's greatest saints and also one of the most renowned statesmen;
it is a foremost example of 20th Century colonialism and nationalism; it has experienced one of this century's greatest upheavals of
people; it is a standard example for population crisis and world
poverty illustrations. South Asia is all this-and much more.
This course is designed for the student who has interest but little
or no background in non-western subjects. We will begin with an
anthropological study (BEHIND MUD WALLS) of traditional village India; then consider colonialism by reading the literary classic, PASSAGE TO INDIA (and also see the movie); observe the
process of nationalism and independence using various historical
readings and the movie, GANDHI; and finally conclude with some
thoughts on modernization.
There will be general discussions, weekly examinations and a final exam.
Prerequisites:Sophomore honors student
or permission of instructor
Time: I
Room: OM 18
Gardner Variety Mathematics
MAT 133-47075
Instructor:Bev Stratton
Are you afraid of math? If so, this course is for you. We will have
fun with math and convince you that you can do math.
As a starting point, we will use the writings of Martin Gardner, an
individualwho for many years wrote a column on mathematics for
Scientific American. Then we will help you use your common
sense to explore such mathematical concepts as logic, paradoxes,
number theory, patterns, symmetry and other topics of interest to
the class.
Evaluation will be based on class participation and short reaction
papers to Gardner's columns.
This course should be particularly helpful for elementary education majors.
Prerequisite:Group I11 on math placement test
Time: I1
Room: OM 27
The Logical Game of Mathematics
MAT 241-47041
Instructor:Larry Copes
Lower-divisionmathematics students generally play only games
of calculation and concepts. But DOING mathematics as professionals requires an ability to prove and disprove conjectures and
to write up proofs. The objectives of this course are to help prospective mathematics majors gain or improve those skills, and to
get a taste of REAL mathematics before cornrniting themselves to
a major. Toward that end there will be daily assignments and
weekly exams, including a cumulative final exam.
Prerequisite: Completion of Calculus I with 2.0 (C) or better
Time: I
Room: S 205
H The Electronics of Music
MUS 230-47065
Instructor:Robert Karlen
An opportunity for students to explore, experience, and create
some of the sounds found in 20th century music. Through a
"hands-on" approach, participants will be involved in:
1)Making multi-track r~corrlingson half'-tmlc,qu-r4rack,
and casElctte dwlm through an eight,-t~xclr.
2) Lnclividua1,lly creating, modifying, m d mixing ~ a u n d sfrom
trdtional mtmd ~ o u s c a sas wcll as from analog and computer-controlledsynthesizers.
The study and applicntion of pmdicnl electronic technology used
in the production of music hday will he combined with aesthetic
considerations necmwry for thc creativ~?
aspccts of the art.
Much of the work in this course will be done in small groups.
Lower division students will work with up to four channel-four
track recording invalPing techniques of s m changing, splicing.
mversing tape direation and filtering using primwily traditional
and non-tmrli tional sound sources. Upper division st~rderltswill
also use electronically synthesized sound sources including computer controlled keyboard, overdubbing and overlaying up to
seven tracks.
Students must have the use of a portable cassette recorder, and
provide themselves with a 7-inch reel of blank recording tape and
a blank cassette tape.
Prerequisite: None for lower division status.
Music theory or permission of instructor for upper
division status.
Time: I
Room: M 5
Beginning Norwegian
NOR 111-47032
Instructor: Leif Hansen
T h e cflume pmvides an introduction to the basio skills of listening, spa-,
reacling, and writing. The first;classl sessions are
conducted without Lhr?use oT ra, prhtccl text. Later class sessions
provide a thorough introduction to the structures of contemporary Norwegian, but oral expression is emphasized throughout
the course. Oral and written tests. Laboratory work expected.
Distribution:Foreign Language
Time: II
Room: OM 29
Trends and Issues in Nursing
NUR 330-47042
Instructor: Terry Welcher
This course is intended to give students a broad perspective by
introducing current trends and issues in health care and the profession of nursing. Many of the issues are controversial, are relevant to current practice and have potential for far-reachingeffects
in health care. Students will be graded on group presentations,
written examinations and field trip reports.
Prerequisite: Registered Nurse
Time: I
Room: OM 11
Being H u m a n
PHI 115-47043
Instructor: Bruce Reichenbach
What is it to be a human being? What is our uniqueness, our relation to our world and environment, and our relation to others in
community and to God? We will explore concepts of being human
from ancient Greece and China, through the Renaissance, to contemporary reflections, to see how different cultures and societies
have viewed the human person.
The course will emphasize reading original sources from the various periods, and written interaction with those readings. Several
short papers on the readings plus written preparation for small
group discussions will be expected.
Distribution: History-Philosophy
Time: I
Room: OM 16
What D o You Think of That?
PHI 250-47044
Instructor: Ken Bailey
There are many puzzling issues in our lives and world which deserve some clear and careful thought. What shall we think and
say about such contemporary issues as Freedom of the Will; Can
Computers Think?; and What are the Grounds of Moral RRsponsibility? In this course we will discuss these and other concerns that
confront our age, in an attempt to understand them more clearly
Discussions will be based upon readings from a wide selection of
authors, some traditional (such a s John Locke, RRne Descartes,
and William James);m d same very much in tho forefront of conl,empoiwy discussion (such as &TI Rand. B.R Skinne~:Sidn~y
E h k ,and John Hospa-s). T h e i r views are provocative, to aa.y tho
least, and they will challenge you to nslr, again and again, "Well,
Now. What Do YOUTtlinlc or That?" Grades based upo:~mid-term
examination, final examination, and discussions.
Time: I1
Room: OM 10
Introduction to Truth Theory
Instructor:Mark Fuehrer
An investigation aP the following questions: What is the nature of
truth? Is truLl1 a property of the,intellect or tllings'?Is there only
on5 thrutll?Is truth irmnt~tablc?Is truth k u n d ul sensation or only
in the intellect? Is falsity found in the senses or only in the intellect?
This course will propose answers tJothese gu~stionebased on a
survey of philosophical texts by various writers. Student will be
involved with debating these texts and preparing n series of reports on the readings. In addition there will be a final examination
on all material covered.
Prerequisite: At least one lower division course in philosophy
Time: LT:
Room: Philosophy Seminar-Memorial Hall
Introduction to Weather
PHY 106-47046
Instructor:Ken Erickson
A study of the ~cience
of meteorology which will pmvida a working knowledge of the principles of atmospheric ecicnce. Attention
will be given to Pow basic areas: observing t h e weather (including
stntc or t11~art instrumentation), understancling weather patterns, ibrecasting weather changes and underatanding the
world's climate. Elelated topics to be includccl are: hydrology
(study of the emth'e water cycle), pollution, economic effects of
the weather, and weather'sinlpmt on world events. This course is
dmignod to be an elwtive ox satisfy the Ma~hematics-PI~ysics
distribution requirement for the Libcilal arts student. The course will
include daily lectures, asaignmants (one o r two laboratory
sossions pcr week), two one-hour examinations and a research
Prerequisite:High school algebra
Time: I
Room: L 1
The Physics of Music
PHY 112-47047
Instructor: Jeff Johnson
This course will examine the physics underlying the experience of
music. After developing the essential physics, we will examine
string, and horn instruments (and possibly others including the
human voice) to see how they actually work. The requirements of
the course include laboratory exercises and homework assignments. There will also be a final exam in addition to a term paper
on the history of the student's favorite musical instrument.
Prerequisite: High school algebra
Distribution: Mathematics-Physics
Time: I
Room: OM 12
Political Reasoning and Rationalizing
POL 180-47048
Instructor: Myles Stenshoel
A course for people who would rather think than memorize, criticize than concur, argue than acquiesce. Addressing major and minor political ideas from Plato to the President, the course will attempt to probe and compare the notions that have affected and
afflicted Western politics, for better and for worse.
Grades will be based on brief papers, quizzes, and class participation.
Prerequisite: No prior political science course
Time: I1
Room: OM 11
Politics of Nuclear Strategy and War
POL 365-47049
Instructor:Joseph R. Goldman
Given the nuclear arms race today and the advent of "Star Wars,"
many people are deeply concerned about their and the world's future as we approach 2001. This course explores the politics and
strategy of nuclear security issues not only between the US and
USSR, but among the "other" nuclear (izing) nations and those
like Japan choosing never to possess these engines of war. Beginning with Hiroshima and continuing beyond "Star Wars," we will
look at the history, politics, economics, strategies and ecologies
surrounding the technologies propelling the arms race, on the one
hand, and affecting arms control, on the other. Students will have
a mid-term examination, a short paper (10 pp) and a final exarnination used a s the basis for evaluation.
One mlitical science course
or permission of instructor
Time: I
Room: OM 21
Anatomy of the USSR
POL 455-47050
Instructor:Norma Noonan
In-depth study of the contemporary USSR with a l'ocus on internal
politics and society The contcnt includes: an oveiview of the dilemmas which face the USSR in tl~elate 1980s: political, economic, m d moi* m analysis of the Soviet monomy-midattempts
at reform: a review of rrullwal and mcial ~ r o b l ~ mexnrnination
some Porcign plicy issues; nnd an annlyks or the political leadership. The rxlurse will he conductwl as a seminnr. Thcrc will he a
research pnpr anrl some indcwndent rending and writing assignmcnts. Thc grade will be based on: the written n-si-c~lts
(4Oq%1);class clit3cusAion (20r%):written m p r t (40'%1).
Pmrequi~ite:One course h Communist politics:
382;363or 351 or permission of the htruct;or
Time: I
Room: M 22
Self-Identityand Values
PSY 110-47051
Instructor:Norm Ferguson
The objective of this course will be to examine the concept of
"self" or "self-identity" (Who am I? What do I think and feel about
myself?). The relationship between self-identity and personal values will also be explored. Though the course will have mainly a
psychological focus, reference will be made to spiritual and philosophical issues that relate to the concepts of self-identity and values. The content of the course will cover topics such as: the acquisition and development of self-identity and values, including the
influence of sex-roles; the clarification of values; the growth and
change of self-identity and values during adulthood; and the relationship between self-identity and spiritual growth.
Glass time wfll be devoted mainly to the discussion of these issues
in smdl groups. A&iw participation by each student is c q m t e d
along with the sharing of relevant ixldvidual expriences. Emltiation will be b e d on class participation, two papers, and a journal
of reactions to the assigned r e d n g s . This course may not substitute for PSY-105 for students pursuing a major or minor in psychology. Grading PIN only
Prereauisite:Permission of instructor
Time: I1
Room: P 3
Introduction to the World of Psychology
PSY 121-47052
Instructor:Paul Hirdrnan
Psycholow is more than rats! It is a world of great breadth. with
differing levels of depth. Here you will have Lhe or~portunitylo
cxplor~some of the concepts. data and methods of psychology and
gain s o m ~
undmstnncling nnd insights Frnm this disciphe. R e d ings, leclurcs. and specid presentations will he utiliecd involving
the instrucimr and class members. EvaEuntion wi 11 involve class
participation, student research presentations, and exams.
Students may not receive credit for this course and also for PSY
105(General Psych).
Time: I
Room: P 4
Idealism and the Adolescent
PSY 370-47053
Instructor:Duane Johnson
Inquiry into the nature and presence of idealism in the life of the
adolescent person. Theoretical bases for such idealism will be considered. Idealism directed toward other persons and society will be
the main focus.
This course will be conducted a s a seminar with a high level of
student contribution and participation. Procedures will include
elms discussion,frequent shorrt papers, and frequent oral reports.
F,acl~s t ~ ~ d ew
n illl be required to seek out antl interview persons in
the adoLescent level of developmett. rypCdting or oq~uvalont
word processing wi U b~ required.
Students are required to read The Moral Life of Children by Robert Coles before the start of the interim. This book will be available in the Augsburg Bookstore by November 1. Content of the
book will be discussed in the first few class sessions and will provide a base for further learning in the course. This course is off ered o d y on PIN basis.
Prerequisite: Psychology 105 (GeneralPsychology)
Time: I
Room: OM 10
Christianity in Modern Africa
REL 366-47054
Instructor:Bradley Holt
This course will focus on two regions of Africa: the West and the
South. Students will be introduced to traditional African culture
m d religion, the introduction of Christianity, and the present deveIopmeilt of Indigmous ch~wchasin West Africa. The newer "Ind e n d e n t African Chul-ches"will ha studied, a s wall as aitempta
txr formulate "African Christian Theology" A major ~ectionof the
course will focus on contemporary responses of churches in South
Africa to the apartheid system of racial segregation. There will be
lectures and discussion of reading materials, films, and visiting
resource persons. Students will be evaluated on several short
tests and a short research paper.
Prer uisite: One coursein
Dish%ution: Religion (Only one Interim course may be used
t o w i d graduation rewon requirements)
Time: Il
Room: OM 18
Issues in Science and Religion
REL 374-47055
Instructors: John Benson and Mark Engebretson
For some in our society science is the driving engine of a better,
more secure life. For others, including some Christians, science
and its associated technologies constitute a grave threat.
This course will begin with a historical overview of the relations
between science and the Christian faith, emphasizing three periods; the origins of the Christian faith, the development of "modern" science and mechanistic philosophy; and the reevaluation of
science and nature in the 20th century
The following are some of the questions to be dealt with: Has science made the Bible obsolete? Are scientists really that smart?
Has modern physics made it easier to be a Christian? Can computers save us? Why do science and religion always seem to be
fighting one another?
Grades will be based on class discussion of assigned readings, two
short tests and a written project.
Prerequisite:Religion (Onlyone interim course may be used
toward graduationreligionrequirements)
Time: I
Room: S 213
Exploring H u m a n Services
SWK 257-47056
Instructor: Mary Lou Williams
This course offers students the opportunity to explore career aspects of the human services vocations, a valuable tool in selecting
a career goal and a coll~ge
major. RnowIedge is gained by working
in a professional human service organization or agency; working
and talking with l-ruman service prvreasiorlals and others who participate in an organized approach to respond to human needs. This
course offers a "hands on," experiential approach to learning.
Students will volunteer 20 hours per week under the direction of
an agency representative. In addition, sk~dcntswill attend a apecific small group saminmr 3 ho1u.s per weak during which Rgency
experiences will be slmmd and ~ m d i n g sclificussed. Evaluation
will be based on performance in the agency, written subjective
summary, brief journal summary, and final exam.
Time: I
Room: 6-12
Issues of Homelessness
SWK 339-47057
Instructor:Edwina Hertzberg
The intent of this course is:
1. To expand students' knowledge of homelessness in a historical context
2. To expand students' knowledge of the reality of homelessness in the Twin Cities
3. To expand students' understanding of the causative factors
which contribute to persons being homeless: Economic, employment, personal
4. To explore possible resolutions of homelessness
Fkadings, guest lectures, field visits to sites serving homeless
people and participant observation will be utilized to fulfill the
above objectives. A seminar format will be used in the classroom
for discussion/explorationof the topic.
Field notes from participant observations, class participation and
a research paper exploring one aspect of the topic will form the
basis for evaluation.
Upper division students only.
Non social work majors are particularly invited to enroll in this
uisites:SOC 111 or 121 or SWK 257 or 361
Room: OM 23
Field Work I11
SWK 466-47058(1course)
466-47059(34 course)
Instructor:Rosemary Link
me objectives of the C ~ R S R are tC) U8e s u ~ ~ ~
t ~ r g to
increase interpretive as well as socid work ~ C F ~ O I ' X I W U Icamp
t.~mcc:tu promoh gradt.lalentqy into direct social mrl<practice; to
increase comptencr! in the client oonl.act phase of tho problem
solving prmcrs; to increase studenl seK-awmeness in 1.ega1-dto
profmsional pmcticr? interests, areas of strengLE1, mci areas for
personallprol'essiotla~develnpmtlnt; to proinute mmpetcmce i n the
Pull process of' problcm solving. with special empl~asison nna1ys.k
and resolution stages.
Course content will be continuation of Field Work 11--educationally focused field placement in a social service agency.
Students will spend 15 (or 30) hours per week in field placement,
plus one hour per week in faculty facilitated supportive seminar
held on campus.
Evaluations will be made in writing by the Field Instructor using
previously developed contract and social work evaluation forms.
NOTE: Course is offered for half (15 hours per week) or full (30
hours per week) credit. If for full credit, half of the credit will be
based on non-clientcontact tasks.
Time: To be arranged
H Ethnicity and Community in Urban Society
SOC 261-47060
Instructor: Gordon Nelson
It has been suggested that the persistence of ethnic neighborhoods in American cities has functioned as a locus of community
in urban life. Moreover, it is argued that these communities have
provided stability and identity in the face of the dehumanizing
tendencies in an industrialized and bureaucratized society This
course will attempt ~ K Imsess the extent to which the foregoing
assertions might apply to ethnic ncjghborhoods in the Twin Citi e ~ATtor
some prehmhwy background sessions and readings,
each member of the class will be asked, either individually or as
part of a group, to explore a particular ethnic community in the
Twin Cities and report back to the class. This class presentation
and a final examination will be the basis of evaluation for the
Distribution: Urban
Time: I
Room: OM 29
Complex Organizations
SOC 301-47073
Instructor:Diane Pike
This course is an upper division seminar designed to examine
complex organizations from a sociological perspective. Little in
contemporary American culture is left unaffected by organizations and it is useful for those of us who live and work within
these institutions to understand how they operate beyond the individual level. We will explore topics such as corporate deviance, organizational technology and structure, and organizational culture.
The format of the course is based on discussion and participation.
Reading assignments form the foundation for class time, supplemented by guest speakers, films, and assignments. Evaluation of
performance is based on three short papers, participation and
notebook, and a final.
This course is particularly appropriate for business majors in certain tracks.
Prerequisite: An introductory history, psychology,sociology
or political science course
Time: I1
Room: OM 22
Racial and Minority Group Relations
SOC 383-47061
Instructor:Jerry Gerasirno
This course considers the dimensions of racial and minority group
relations. Major attention is focused upon prejudice, racism, and
the role of self-understanding.
The course will be offered only on a PIN basis. There will probably
be no examinations, but there will be two papers.
Distribution: Urban
Time: II
Room: M 24
Evaluating Continental Literature
SPA 250-47031
Instructor:Gunta Rozentals
The objective of the course is to enable students to discuss continental works of literature through the use of valid critical tools. It
will involve both theory and evaluation from different points of
view. We shall read several short stories, plays, one novel and a
number of poems.
Evaluation will be based on three written reports, participation in
class discussion, and a final exam.
This course is designed for language students but anyone with an
interest in European continental literature is welcome to enroll.
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or consent of instructor
Time: I
Room: M 22
Theatre in London
SPC 246-47062
Instructor:Julie Bolton
London has been the center of the t h e a t r e world for centuries and
the EngLis11 stage continues to a t t a t large audiences to f3-m footlights. During our month in En~lnndwe will see approximately
fourteen prfomances including traditional and nori-traditional
theatre a t a wide assortment of sites.
Theatre performances will be supplemented with backstage
tours, talks with British theatre artists and critics, walking tours
and a visit to the British Theatre Museum. The course will also
allow free time for independent exploration of the many galleries,
museums, libraries, shops and all that are part of England's rich
cultural heritage.
The course is offered on a PIN basis only Evaluation will be based
on attendance at all scheduled events, participation in group discussions, a journal dealing with production experiences as well as
some assigned readings.
The cost of transportation, some meals, and all theater performances is $1,895.00.
Children's Theater
SFC 285-47063
Instructor:Gary Parker
Class members will work as an ensemble to create and perform a
play for children. Development of the play will emphasize techniques of improvisation. Students will participate both on and off
stage as performers (actors, singers, dancers, musicians),production staff (publicity and management), and technical staff (lights,
scenery, costumes, and props). Public performances will be scheduled during the final week of class. Grading will be based on the
commitment and effectiveness of work on the production, and a
written notebook of daily activities and reactions. No theater experience is necessary
Time: 9:30-12:OO.1:OO-3:OO
Room: Stage Two
Ethics in Communication
SPC 340-47064
Instructor:Ray Anderson
We all encounter deception and exploitation in politics, advertising, selling, and personal relations. How can one decide whether
to conceal information from a customer, to use subliminal persuasion, to "blow the whistle" on one's employer, to use photographs
or body language to give a misleading impression? How can one
sort out and weigh the various ethical considerations?
In this course we will use case studies and a variety of ethical perspectives to analyze ethical problems in such fields as advertising,
public relations, sales, and politics. We will also consider issues in
subliminal persuasion, nonverbal communication, and interpersonal communication. The main objective is to improve our ability
to make ethical decisions.
Activities will include lectures, readings, case studies, interviews,
oral reports, papers, debates, and two examinations. The emphasis will be on case studies involving situations encountered in
everyday life.
A course in philosophy or consent of instructor
Time: I1
Room: OM 16
These courses are offered by institutions or groups not connected with Augsburg College but have been approved for
credit by the college. Most carry a tuition cost plus other expenses which are the responsibility of the student. They are offered only on a PIN basis. Fuller descriptions and details for
registering are available in the Interim Office.
W Outward Bound
HPE 212-47067
Check for information in the Interim Office for material on dog
sledding and snowshoeing on the Minnesota-Canadian border
or for white water canoeing and desert camping on the Rio
Grande in the December 27 through January 17 period. There
is a cost of approximately $1,050 (the Outward Bound organization says scholarships are available).
Washington D.C. Interims
The Legal System and Legal Careers
POL 398-47068
Leaders o n Leadership: Models for Policy Making
POL 398-47069
These Interims begin December 28 and continue until January
16. Information on either of the above programs, housing and
financial assistance is available from Dr. Milda Hedblom in Memorial 117A.
Augsburg Lifetime Sports
The following activities are available to students during Interim and students may register for one of these as well as for a
regular course. These activities do not carry official credit, but
they do meet the lifetime sports requirement for graduation.
Students may participate in any one of these without registering for the course, but will be expected to pay any fees whether
or not the student registers for the course.
1 Runnin
HPE 00237074
Instructor: Paul Grauer
Distribution:Lifetime Sports
Time: 12 noon
Room: Melby
1 Racquetball
HPE 002-47075
Instructor: A1 Kloppen
Distribution: Lifetime Sports
Time: 9:30-11:OOT & Th
Room: Melby
American Karate
HPE 002-47076
Instructor: Mike Teitelbaum
The form, basic techniques and practical usage of American
Karate, taught by a certified Second Degree MKA Black Belt
instructor. Fee of $25.00.
Distribution:Lifetime Sports
Time: 12:00-1:00M, W, F
Room: Melby
Augsburg is part of a consortium called UMAIE, Upper Midwest Association for Intercultural Education, which offers
overseas learning experiences during the Interim. Further information about the following courses can be obtained from
Mary Kingsley in the International Center, Old Main 20, or
from the Interim Office. Registration for these Interims ends
October 24, 1986.These courses are offered on P/NP basis only
Ancient Greece: Myth and Monuments
An Ecological Safari in East Africa
Biology and Natural History of the Hawaiian Islands
China. Then and Now
Civilizations in Conflict: Troy, Constantinople, Gallipoli
Economics of the Welfare State
English Castles, Cathedrals and Countryside
Europe and the Rise of Modern Science
German Ltmguage nnd Culture: Munich, Salzburg & Vienna
Great Western Philosophers
Greek A r t and Architecture
Habsburg Heritage
Health Care in Europe
Italy: Galileo and the Church
J a ~ a 1987:
Traditional Values in a Post-Industrial Society
L ~ W
in London
London and Paris: A Tale of Two Cities
Mexico: The Old and the New
Modern European Business and Worklife
Museums, Music, and Monuments in
the Great Cities of Emope
Paris and Provence: Lnnigpag~and Culture
Peru: Lnnguuge and Culture
Soviet Union: A Cultural rtnd Historical Profile
Soviet Union: History and Culture
S ain: A Country in Transition
eatre in London
The English School and Family
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Calendar .................... 3
About this Catalog
Courses .....................
Introduction to Interim
Interim is an integral part of the school year at Augsburg College.
The ... Show more
................. 2
Calendar .................... 3
About this Catalog
Courses .....................
Introduction to Interim
Interim is an integral part of the school year at Augsburg College.
The College follows a 4-1-4 calendar, with Fall and Spring semesters of approximately 14 weeks separated by a four-week January
Interim. Interim is particularly intended to be a time for both students and faculty to employ styles of teaching and learning and to
investigate questions and topics in places and ways not possible
during the regular term. There will be no summer Interim in 1988.
Since one Interim course equals a full-time load, students should
plan to spend the same amount of time in class and preparing for
class as they would for a four-course load during Fall and Spring
semesters. Students can register for only one course credit during
Interim. There is no tuition refund for a student who chooses not to
enroll in an Interim course.
Most Interim courses are graded traditionally on a 4.0 to 0.0 scale.
Students generally have the option to register on a Pass/No Credit
basis. A few Interim courses are graded only on the P/N system;
this is indicated in the course description.
Some courses are offered with either upper or lower division standing. Such Interim courses have two numbers listed and the student
must select. Students registering for upper division standing should
anticipate additional assignments and a more rigorous grading
To graduate, an Augsburg student is required to complete 35
courses of which at least three must be Interim courses (or one Interim less than the number of years of full-time enrollment at Augsburg; e.g., a transfer enrolled full time for two years is required to
complete one Interim for graduation).
It is the policy of Augsburg College not to discriminate on the basis
of race, creed, national or ethnic origin, age, marital status, sex or
handicap as required by Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as
amended, in its admissions policies, educational programs, activities and employment practices.
For More Information
Interim Office (Memorial 230)
Interim Secretary, Kay Thomsen at 330-1025
Interim Director, Dr. Don Gustafson, at 330-1192 (Memorial 114b)
Interim Calendar 1988
November 2-6
.Interim Registration
December 7
.Late Interim Registration
.First Day of Interim
Class I 9 a.m.
Class I1 1 p.m.
.Last Day for Cancel/Add
January18 .Last Day for Determining Grading System with
January20 ... .Last Day for Withdrawing from Full Courses
.Interim Ends
February 2
.Validation of Spring Class Registration
February 3
.Spring Semester Begins
The number and length of class meetings as well as the beginning
time will be arranged the first day of class. The daily schedule for
Interim is divided into two blocks of time:
Time I: 8 a.m. to Noon (On the first day of classes Time I classes
will begin at 9 a.m.)
Time 11: 1p.m. to 5 p.m.
Note: Martin Luther King Day will be observed at Augsburg with a
special convocation on Monday, January 18, at one o'clock.
About this Catalog
The catalog lists courses by departments. Departments are listed in
alphabetical order. At the end of the book are listings of other
courses not offered by Augsburg but recognized by the college for
Interim credit. Further descriptions and information about these
courses are available in the Interim Office, Memorial 230. Students
may also register for one of the Lifetime Sports listed at the end of
the Catalog.
International Interims - Students are invited to be part of one of the
26 international interims offered by the Upper Midwest Association
for International Education (UMAIE). These course opportunities
are listed near the end of this catalog.
Internships - Students electing an internship must present a completed internship learning contract to the Internship Office (Memorial 230) no later than Tuesday, November 24. Contract forms are
available in the same office.
Independent or Directed Study Students may elect a program of
independent study (upper division 499) or directed study (lower
division 299) for Interim. Faculty members are strongly discouraged from accepting responsibility for more than one independent
or directed study per interim. Students choosing to pursue independent or directed study must:
1.Meet departmental requirements.
2. Present to the Registrar for approval a copy of the proposed
study plan approved by the supervising faculty member. This
proposal must be submitted at least one week before registration and no later than December 4. Appropriate study proposal
forms can be obtained in the Interim Office.
Interims at Other Schools - Augsburg students may enroll at any
other 4-1-4 institution which offers a reciprocal Interim arrangement. Catalogs of these Interims can be consulted in the Interim
Office. The Interim Secretary will help students in applying for registration at other schools. Registration for Interims at the other
Twin Cities colleges will be at Augsburg during the regular registration period. Most courses taught during the Interim at other 4-1-4
schools are accepted for credit by Augsburg, but may not necessarily be accepted as meeting Augsburg's distribution requirements.
This qualification particularly affects courses offered for the Religion requirement.
Visiting Students
Augsburg College welcomes students from other 4-14 schools for
the January Interim without tuition charges provided the student's
home institution agrees not to charge tuition to Augsburg students
for the January term. The waiver of tuition does not include special
fees, housing or board costs. Other students will be charged $560
for the Interim course. Students interested in registering for an
Augsburg Interim should write to the Interim Director for application forms or use the forms provided by the interim office at their
own school. There is an application processing fee of $10. Students
are welcome to stay on campus but are not required to do so. Requests for Interim housing should be made to the Interim Office.
Li e Drawing
A T 247-48001
Instructor: Norman Holen
A study of undraped figures for art students and non-art
The figure will be depicted in various settings with a variety of media for varying lengths of time. The poses will
extend from three minutes to an hour. You will be introduced to the 2B and 4B pencils, colored pencils and the felt
tip pen.
Fee: $30 due the first day of class
Distribution: Art-Music
Time: I
Room: Old Main 17
BIO 102-48002
Instructor: Erwin Mickelberg
A study of the profound influence of plants on mankind's
economic, cultural and political history, as well as the steps
that civilization has taken to improve chosen plants for
use. Some plant anatomy and physiology will be discussed. Academic evaluation will be based on course exams.
Distribution: Biology-Chemistry
Time: I1
Room: Science 205
1 Biological Evolution
BIO 107-48003
Instructor: Ralph Sulerud
That organisms have evolved and, accordingly, all creatures are biologically related are probably the most significant conclusions which biology has contributed to human
knowledge. The anti-evolutionist arguments of the "scientific creationist" will be investigated in this course. However, to the vast majority of biologists evolution is accepted as a fact, and the evidence in its support will be
Biologists do not agree concerning the mechanisms and
pace of evolution. Indeed, theories as to these matters have
evolved and continue to do so. Much of the course will
involve historical study of evolutionary thought from preDarwinian times to the present. Finally, we will address the
course of evolution from the origin of life itself to the origin of human life.
There will be a variety of readings, and classes will consist
of lectures and discussions. Grading will be based primarily on quizzes and tests.
Prerequisite: High School biology
Distribution: Biology-Chemistry
Time: I
Room: Science 212
H Business Ethics: The Social Responsibility
o Business
B S 270-48004
Instructor: Dick Herzog
In this course we will focus on the responsibilities of business to society and consider problems that businesses and
business people face in a world of competing value systems. We will explore the moral foundations of capitalism
and the use of reason to study systematically business conduct and behavior.
Topics will include discrimination/affirmative action,
truth in advertising, insider information, corporate take
overs and green mail, multinational corporations and so
There will be lectures, discussions and probably some
guests. Students will write and defend in class two essays
on assigned topics. There will be a final examination.
Prerequisite: Ethics recommended
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 21
Management Simulation Games
BUS 278-48071/378-48072
Instructor: Amin Kader
During this course, students will be grouped into teams to
play a computerized business management exercise. Each
team will control a company which manufactures and sells
similar products. Each team will attempt to outperform
other teams by selecting what appears to be the optimal
operating strategy. This strategy will involve setting production volume, marketing expenditures, and selling prices
and determining plant and securities investments as well as
stockholders dividends.
Students registering for upper division credit will be expected to have had at least one business course and to be
able to apply business concepts learned.
The lower division credit is designed for students who are
interested in business but who have had no academic business training. This level will require students to rely on
systematic and deductive analysis which will allow students to discover for themselves the relationship between
the various component parts of the business decision. The
lower version of the computerized game will be used for
this group.
Prerequisite: For 378 - BUS 242 or 252, BUS 221 or 331 and
ECO 112 or permission of instructor
Room: Psych 3
Time: I1
fur Changing Times
CHE 100-48005
Instructor: Arlin Gyberg
This is a non-laboratory chemistry course based on the
very popular book by John W. Hill of the same title. It is
not a traditional chemistry course and does not assume a
science background. Basic science and math are introduced
early and are taught as needed for understanding the various topics and implications. The course does assume the
student is interested in and concerned about the relationship of chemistry to life and living.
Chemistry has been intimately a part of liberal education
for centuries. The early scientists were considered to be
philosophers and their societies were philosophical societies. In recent decades the human seeking of personal independence has led to chemistry becoming a part of everyday life to the point of actual dependence on chemistry. We
live in a world of pesticides, fertilizers, plastics, "the pill",
food additives and processed foods, vitamin supplements,
the energy crisis, chemical dependency, biocides, pollutants, drugs, searching for life on other planets, genetic
manipulation, and it goes on and on. Emotions and mental
disorders can often be traced to chemical imbalance. The
common dragged out, grumpy feeling after an afternoon
nap is a result of a chemical imbalance. The nature of a
hangover is the result of a complex system of altered body
chemistry. Even learning appears to be the result of chemical reaction to form a "memory molecule". Most of the
problems we face are molecular in nature. What then but
chemistry can better help us to understand ourselves, our
society, our world, and our universe? Come join us as we
take a molecular look at the human condition.
This course will be offered in a lecture/discussion format.
Films will supplement the lecture/discussion periods. Daily
quizzes will be used for evaluation. This course meets a
distribution need but does not satisfy prerequisites for
Chemistry 106 or 116.
Distribution: Biology-Chemistry
Time: I1
Room: Science 315
Chemistry in Health
CHE 120-48006
Instructor: John Holum
This course will progress from a study of basic principles
of chemistry (with emphasis on acid-base equilibria) to a
study of the chemical reactions by which our bodies manage the transport of oxygen and waste carbon dioxide in
the chemistry of cellular respiration. We shall study several
situations in which this chemistry goes awry - drug overdoses, overbreathing at high altitudes, emphysema, diabetes, hysterics, and pulmonary diseases. There will be some
attention to the nature of chemistry in particular and science in general. Average of four two-hour lectures per
week with demonstrations; evaluations by hour examinations and a final. This course meets distribution but does
not count toward a chemistry major or minor.
Distribution: Biology-Chemistry
Time: I
Room: Science 315
History of Chemistry
CHE 125-48061
Instructor: Jean C. Kung
This course seeks to outline the influence of history on the
discovery of the elements. Ancient peoples discovered and
used a few elements setting the prologue for chemistry. We
will examine the discoveries of the elements, their utility
and the development of chemistry from ancient concepts
to alchemy to the powerful modern science of today. The
course grade will be based primarily upon a term paper.
Distribution: Biology-Chemistry
Time: I
Room: Science 319
Computer Science
f7 ~ort;an
CSC 270-48007
Instructor: Larry Ragland
A study of the FORTRAN programming language for students with some previous knowledge of programming.
This course will expand a student's knowledge of programming and programming languages through presentation of
the features of FORTRAN together with programming
techniques for using those features. This course will involve lectures and programming assignments in FORTRAN. Evaluation will be based on the programming assignments and examinations.
Prerequisite: One course with a study of a computer language (e.g. CSC 170 or MAT 175)
Time: I1
Room: Science 112
Economics of Urban Issues
ECO 110-48008
Instructor: Ed Sabella
Study of economic implications of many problems facing a
metro-urban environment. Some of the topics to be discussed are: Population "Crisis", Crime Prevention,
Ecology and Income Distribution; Distributing Free Bread;
Mass Transit Systems, etc. Fundamental microeconomic
tools are introduced to facilitate discussion of the above
mentioned topics. (This is a basic course designed for those
students who do not plan to major in Economics or Business Administration. It does not apply toward an Economics major or minor.)
Distribution: Either Economics-Political Science or Urban
Time: I1
Room: Library 1
Planned Economies (Soviet Union,
Yu oslavia, India)
EC 495-48009
Instructor: Satya Gupta
Students will study the evolution, objectives and performance of the present day economies of the Soviet Union,
Yugoslavia and India under different systems of management. Students should be able to conceptualize and appreciate the differences in approach and solutions of economic
problems of these countries.
Grades will be based on three tests and one research paper.
Prerequisites: ECO 112 or 113 (or consent of instructor)
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 13
Student Teaching
EDS 481-48010;EDE 481-48014
EDS 482-48011;EDE 482-48015
EDS 483-48012;EDE 483-48016
EDS 484-48013;EDE 484-48017
Instructors: Marie McNeff, Ann Fleener, Vicki Olson
Observing and directing learning under supervision of college and secondary school personnel. This is a full day experience in a school. Grading is P/N only.
Prerequisites: Acceptance in Education Program and permission of instructor.
fke Once and Future King: Arthur Through
the Ages
ENG 130-48018/ENG 430-48025
Instructor: Joan Griffin
"Hic jacet Arthurus Rex quondam rexque futurus (Here lies
King Arthur, the once and future king)." These words, legend says, are engraved on the tomb of the greatest king
who ever lived, Arthur of Britain.
But another tradition says that Arthur never died. Instead,
he was taken to the magical island of Avalon after he was
wounded in his last battle. There he will remain until the
world has need of a leader as great as he.
In fact Arthur has returned again and again in myth, legend, poetry, novels, and films. Arthur (and Arthurian
themes) have appeared in the works of great writers like
T.S. Eliot and James Joyce. But he's appeared just as often
on the best seller lists (in novels by Mary Stewart, for example), on the stage (Camelot) and in the movies (Excalibur).
King Arthur is as compelling a figure in modern imagination as he was in medieval literature. Why7 Who is this
Arthur7 Who was he in his own time, and what has he
become throughout the centuries7
Our quest for the meaning of King Arthur will take us
from medieval to modern times. We will look at classics
like Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morta D'Arthur, and Alfred,
Lord Tennyson's Idylls of the King. We will also look at
more popular works like T.H. White's Once and Future
King and movies like Monty Python and the Holy Grail
and Excalibur.
Evaluation will be based on a number of short papers, contributions to class discussion, and an exam. Students enrolling for upper division credit will also be asked to lead a
class discussion and write a long paper based on additional
Prerequisites: ENG 111Effective Writing (or consent of instructor)
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 16
Rock 'N' Roll: Lyric, Metaphor, Lore
ENG 355-48019
Instructor: John Mitchell
Devotees of rock and roll music tend neither to listen to the
lyrics nor to understand them when they do, probably by
preference. This course will examine the language of rock
and roll, emphasizing figures of speech and other poetic
techniques (metaphor, irony, etc.) and their thematic implications. Feature films, ranging from Blackboard Jungle to
Woodstock to The Wall, will also be examined for their
cultural implications and themes. Students will be required
to take tests and to write an extended analysis based upon
assigned readings and the use of language in the music. A
fee will be charged to help pay for film rentals.
Prerequisites: ENG Ill-Effective Writing
Time: I1
Room: Science 123
Five College Advanced Short Fiction
ENG 362-48058
Instructor: Carol Bly
This course will focus on writing short stories, but will also
include a study of basic fiction theory and the reading of
excellent works for use as examples. There will be frequent
in-class exercises, short (200 word) homework fiction to
write, peer and class critiquing and frequent conferences
with the instructor. Small group work will be encouraged.
We will explore sophisticated means of writing short
American literature--with emphasis on generosity of plot,
sensuous detail in place and time settings, presentation of
characters, brisk and lovely language as well as we can
Grades will be based on writing, class participation and
evidence of the grasp of advanced literary principles.
Prerequisite: One writing course beyond effective writing
and permission of Professor John Mitchell
Time: 10:OO-12:30 TWRF
Room: Hamline University, LC 102 E
Beginning French
FRE 111-48057
Instructor: Ruth Aaskov
This course aims to develop communication skills of understanding, speaking, reading and writing. Through conversations, classroom practice and readings, this course
works toward the discovery of French culture and the
French way of life.
Distribution: Foreign Language
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 25
Introduction t o Yiddish
GER 220-48070
Instructor: Don Steinmetz
What do the works of Sholem Aleichem (which inspired
"Fiddler on the Roof"), Issac Singer (Nobel Prize for Literature), and several other great writers have in common7
They were written in Yiddish. How did expressions like
"chuspe," "shnook," "klutz," "kitch," "schmaltz," and
"shitik" get into English? Again, the answer is Yiddish. Yiddish is closely related to German and in this interim you
can learn to read Yiddish as well as you can read German.
Grades will be based on performance and at least two tests.
dia NLL 4 d ~ 1rrL
Prerequisite: One year of college German or permission of
Time: I
Room: Old Main 12
Health and Phwsical
II Recreational Rhythms and Activities
PE 232-48022
Instructor: Mary Manderfeld
Theory and practice in teaching and performing American
heritage and international folk dances. Exposure to New
Games concepts and activities. The majority of the course
grade is based on participation in class activities, a teaching assignment, and a written test.
This is a 1/2credit course.
Time: I1 Mondays, Wednesdays, and
alternate Fridays
Room: Melby
H Sailing in the Virgin Islands
HPE 455-48023
Instructor: Joyce Pfaff
This course is designed for the beginning and intermediate
sailor interested in the art and practice of sailboat cruising.
The course will focus on taking the student to a competent
level of sailboat handling (anchoring, mooring, helming
and crewing). The student will live aboard a 39 foot fixed
keel sailboat with five other people and will function as an
active member of the crew. Actual on the water instruction
will be the major part of the course. Sailing will include
cruises to the various islands and cays in the British and
American Virgin Islands.
Evaluation will be based on performance as a crew member as well as a written final exam.
Prerequisite: Instructor's permission
Distribution: Lifetime sport
Beiltg H14man
INS 18848063
Instructor: Bruce Reichenbach
What is it to be a human being? We will first raise questions about the extent of our knowledge, about the meaning of life, and about values. Secondly, we will explore
how individuals are related to their society. We will analyze, among other things, the nature and purpose of education and the role of the individual in the state. Finally, we
will focus on the impact which contemporary developments in artificial intelligence have on how we view ourselves.
The course will emphasize reading original sources from
various historical periods, and frequent written interaction
with those readings. Several short papers plus written
preparation for small group discussions will be expected.
Prerequisite: Freshmen only
Distribution: Urban
Time: I
Room: Music 24
Images of America: From Wilderness
Forest to Urban Sprawl
INS 188-48064
Instructor: Ron Palosaari
When Europeans first settled in America they found themselves in a wilderness they hoped to transform into a garden. We modern Americans find ourselves in an increasingly urbanized environment and want simultaneously to
transform the city to make it more liveable and also to flee
the city and escape its problems by going back to nature.
In this course we will study some works of literature and
other texts that will help us understand how we got our
attitudes toward city and country. We will consider the
Greek development of the idea of the city, move on to the
Hebrew and Christian conceptions of the ideal society and
then study some of the development of American ideas
about country and city. Students will be expected to develop a personal statement of their attitudes towards the
rural and the urban. Students will write three papers and
take a final examination. We will take a field trip or two
and have several guest speakers.
L. Mumford, The City in History, selections
Plato, The Republic, selection
Bible, selections
Augustine, The City of God, selections
R.W.Emerson, "Nature"
H.D. Thoreau, "Waldenff,selections
N. Hawthorne, "My Kinsman Major Molineaux"
E.A. Poe, "The Man of the Crowd"
S . Crane, Maggie
J. Baldwin, Go Tell It On the Mountain
J.C. Oates, Them
Prerequisite: Freshmen only
Distribution: Urban
Time: I
Room: Music 23
Leadership in the City
INS 188-48065
Instructor: Richard Nelson
It has often been observed that leadership cannot be
taught. While that is probably true, it is definitely true that
leaders and leadership can be profitably studied. In this
course we will study leadership within the context of the
city. Through readings, discussion, and lectures we will
view the ancient and modern city and selected problems
within urban culture which require the development of
various types of leaders and styles of leadership. During
the first two weeks of class we will read from texts and
view films which will provide us with background material, and since all events are rooted in time, much of this
material will be historical in nature. The third week of the
course will be devoted to time spent observing the city.
Each student will visit with a leader in our metropolitan
community whom you will interview in order to gain primary data about his or her role as a leader. In addition,
you will work in teams to view the life of the city and
formulate questions and observations about the nature of
our metropolitan area. In the final week of the class we will
reserve time for individual and team reports to be given in
class. During the course you will write four short papers
(3-4 pages), prepare oral reports based on your week in the
city, and write three short exams. Each component, the
short papers, the oral reports, and the short exams will
comprise 30% of your final grade. Your participation in
discussions will count 10% of your final grade.
Prerequisite: Freshmen only
Distribution: Urban
Time: I
Room: Old Main 16
H Urban Theatre and Art
INS 188-48065
Instructor: Julie Bolton
The Twin Cities is among the three largest theatre centers
nationally. In this seminar we will use current local productions as a laboratory for our exploration of meaning in
drama and theories of drama (expectations and needs of
the audience, the nature of the dynamic process which is
related between the actor and audience, and the differentiation between the play and the production). Play productions which were available in 1987 were Shakespeare's As
You Like It, Chekhov's Uncle Vanya, Ping Chong's Nosferatu, and David Hare's A Map of the World among others.
The seminar will focus on the themes: city/rural, artificial/
real, technology and civilization/nature, sin and darkness/
healing and restoration. We will use as background material classical humanistic texts: Job, Plato's The Republic,
Shakespeare's Macbeth, Adam's The Dynamo and the Virgin and Lewis Mumford's City in History.
Three productions will be viewed on which three 3-5 page
critical reviews will be written and shared with the group
as a basis for discussions. Research problems will require
library use. Play productions will be supported by visits to
art museums. There will be a fee for play admissions.
Prerequisite: Freshmen only
Distribution: Urban
Time: I
Room: Old Main 11
Externship: e ink in^ ducati ion and the
World of Work
INS 299-486%
Instructors: Garry Hesser and Lois Olson
Learn from your experiences. Discover new ways to learn
by observing, collaborating, and reflecting on your experiences.
The externship is a modified internship consisting of a halftime placement and active participation in a seminar that
meets twice a week. Each student will be assisted in the
process of securing an unpaid placement where s/he can
obtain valuable first hand experience in the world of work.
The course is designed to achieve two major objectives: 1)
to enable students to observe and experience the relationships between the worlds of work and the classroom; and
2) to expand the students' abilities to learn from first hand
Each participant will observe and work approximately 20
hours per week in a placement which matches his/her major or career interests. The seminar will meet twice a week
for approximately two hours. Evaluation will be based
upon the overall quality of participation, supervisor assessment, critical incident analysis, journal/log and seminar participation.
Participants will complete a resume by November 24 and
secure a placement before the end of Fall classes (December
Prerequisites: Permission of instructor and placement secured by December ll.
Women, Men and the Bible
INS 181-48027
Instructor: Bev Stratton
Who are the women of the Bible7 How have women been
involved in or neglected by the Jewish and Christian faiths
through the centuries7 How have other religions dealt with
gender issues7 What does the Bible say about the roles and
relationships of women and men in the family and in the
church7 How do our images of God and our language effect our beliefs7 When must masculine pronouns be retained in Biblical translation, and when is inclusive language appropriate? How do our religious understandings
of the roles of women and men impact our actions in society?
We will explore these and other questions through extensive reading and class discussions. Our focus will be on the
Judeo-Christian tradition, but we will also consider other
religions, modern reactions to patriarchy, and inclusive
language for worship. Evaluation will be based on class
discussions, quizzes, short papers, exams, and a project.
Prerequisites: An open mind
Distribution: urban/women/minority
Time: I
Room: Old Main 13
Politics and Process in Education
INS 183-48053
Instructor: Norm Ferguson
Ever wondered about the advantages and disadvantages of
the formal education you are experiencing? How have the
educational methods you have been exposed to shaped
your view of yourself and the world7
The objectives of this course are to examine the processes
used today in American education (from elementary
school through college) and to evaluate them from a variety of social science perspectives (political, psychological,
sociological). The content of the courses will include topics
such as: cooperative learning, experiential education, individual learning styles, whole-brain learning, social responsibility, and student-teacher interactions.
Class time will be devoted mainly to the discussion of topics such as these. Guest speakers will illustrate some of the
alternative approaches to education being used currently
in the Twin Cities. Evaluation will be based on: (a) class
participation and (b) two papers or one paper and one
class presentation.
Prerequisites: Consent of instructor
Time: I
Room: Psych 2
The Rabbi and the Robot: Human Value in
the Computer Age
INS 185-38029
Instructor: Larry Crockett
This course will explore how human beings should be understood in an age of robots, intricate computers, and artificial intelligence. Using film, non-fiction, and fiction, we
will examine these questions: Are human beings in some
sense machines7 Is it conceivable that smart machines
might in some sense be persons? What does the JudeoChristian tradition have to say about such questions7
Students will be asked to write one essay each week and to
write one exam consisting of multiple choice and essay
Prerequisites: A computer science, psychology or philosophy course
Time: I
Room: Old Main 21
Cultural and Political Realities in Jordan,
Israel, the West Bank and Egypt
INS 262-480
Instructors: Joel Mugge and Gary Olson
Students will visit Jordan, Israel, the West Bank and Egypt
to examine historical, cultural, socio-economic and political factors in interaction. The course will include readings,
lectures and field experiences designed to illuminate life in
the Moslem, Jewish and Christian communities and to increase understanding of the political and social dynamics
which have engendered conflict in the region. Participants
will meet with people and organizations representing the
countries' many political and religious viewpoints. The
group will also travel to key historical sites such as Jerusalem's Old City and Cairo's pyramids. Trip leaders will be
Moravian College political science professor Gary Olson
and Joel Mugge, Director of the Center for Global Education at Augsburg College. Approximate cost will be $1800
from Minneapolis, including all transportation, accommodations, tours and meals with an itinerary extending from
January 7 through January 24.
Grading will be on a P/N basis only and evaluation will be
based on a journal integrating experiences with assigned
readings and on participation in a global perspectives forum during the spring term. Interested students must register first with the Center for Global Studies by October 30.
Shaping Up
MAT 151-48056
Instructor: Bev Durkee
A look at two and three dimensional geometric shapes by
drawing or building models and by considering the mathematical structure of the patterns of their symmetries (rotations, reflections, etc.) through transferational geometry.
The course should be helpful to those in elementary education or other nonscience majors interested in visual patterns. Assignments will be required. Course examinations
at midterm and final.
Prerequisite: Level 3 on Mathematics Placement Test
Distribution: Mathematics-Physics
Time: I
Room: Science 112
H Math of Interest
MAT 173-48062
Instructor: Ken Kaminsky
Have you ever wondered why women have been charged
more than men for annuities and received lower pension
benefits than men? Or why women have paid less than
men for life insurance? Or how life insurance premiums are
calculated? Or how installment loan payments are figured
out? Or how much money to invest in order to accumulate
a certain lump sum or annual payment at a certain date in
the future? Then this course may be meant for you. These
and other interesting and useful topics in the mathematics
of financial transactions will be covered.
Evaluation will be based on classroom participation and
This course should be useful for students in business and
economics or for any students interested in careers in finance-related fields.
Prerequisites: Group I11 on math placement test or equivalent.
Distribution: Mathematics-Physics
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 27
H The Logical Game of Mathematics
MAT 241-48028
Instructor: Larry Copes
Lower-division mathematics students generally play only
games of calculation and concepts. But DOING mathematics as professionals requires an ability to prove and disprove conjectures and to write up proofs. The objectives of
this course are to help prospective mathematics majors
gain or improve those skills, and to get a taste of REAL
mathematics before committing themselves to a major. Toward that end there will be daily assignments and weekly
exams, including a cumulative final exam.
Prerequisite: Completion of Calculus I with 2.0 (C) or better
Time: I
Room: Science 205
E Music Therapy: A Clinical Overview
MUS 110-48033
Instructor: Roberta Metzler
An introductory course for students planning to major in
music therapy. Course will consist of a general overview of
the field of music therapy, with visitations to several clinical sites in the area. Evaluation will be based on three tests
and field trip reports. Special fee to cover transportation:
Time: I1
Room: Music 26
E Improvisation in Music
MUS 129-48032
Instructor: Stephen Gabrielsen
Improvisation in Music meets every day for three hours,
and each student will improvise daily at class meetings,
using a variety of improvisational techniques and styles.
Prerequisite: Minimal ability on a musical instrument or
instructor's permission
Time: I1
Room: Music 4
The Electronics of Music
MUS 230-48030/MUS 430-48031
Instructor: Robert KarlCn
An opportunity for students to explore, experience, and
create some of the sounds found in 20th Century music.
Through a "hands-on" approach, participants will be involved in:
1. Making multi-track recordings on half-track, quartertrack, and cassette decks through an eight-track mixer.
2. Individually creating, modifying, and mixing sounds
from traditional sound sources as well as from analog and
computer-controlled synthesizers.
The study and application of practical electronic technology used in the production of music today will be combined with aesthetic considerations necessary for the creative aspects of the art.
Much of the work in this course will be done in small
groups. Lower division students will work with up to four
channel-four track recording involving techniques of speed
changing, splicing, reversing tape direction and filtering
using primarily traditional and non-traditional sound
sources. Upper division students will also use electronically synthesized sound sources including computer controlled keyboard, overdubbing and overlaying up to seven
Students must have the use of a portable cassette recorder,
and provide themselves with a 7-inch reel of blank recording tape and a blank cassette tape.
Prerequisite: Music theory or permission of instructor for
upper division status
Distribution: Art-Music
Time: I1
Room: Music 5
Be inning Norwegian
NO 111-48034
Instructor: Nancy Aarsvold
Course 111is for students with no previous background in
Norwegian. The course aims to develop basic skills in
speaking, listening, reading, writing, and cultural understanding, Classroom practice focuses on both presentation
of vocabulary and structures and the use of the language in
everyday contexts. The final grade is derived from daily
assignments, ~ u ~ = F s and
a final examination.
Distribution: Foreign Language
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 29
Pends and Issues in Nursing
NUR 330-48035
Instructor: Terry Welcher
This course is intended to give students a broad perspective
by introducing current trends and issues in health care and
the profession of nursing. Many of the issues are controversial, are relevant to current practice and have potential
for far-reaching effects in health care. Students will be
graded on group presentations, written examinations and
field trip reports.
Prerequisite: Registered Nurse
Time: I
Room: Old Main 23
Readings in Mystical Literature: The
Western Padition
PHI 390-48036
Instructor: Mark Fuehrer
The object of this course is to analyze the principles of the
various forms of mystical experience based on discussions
of selected mystical texts that are considered as basic (classic) in forming Western spirituality. Topics include: ecstatic
experience, purgation of the senses, mysticism and the
feminine, mysticism and poetry. Evaluation will be by
short papers and final examination.
This course meets the Humanities major requirement of a
perspectives course.
Time: I
Room: Memorial 323
Philosophy of Science
PHI 365-48037
Instructor: Kenneth Bailey
Sometimes it is said that we live in the Age of Science.
What does that mean? In what sense(s) might such a statement be said to be true or false? Is it really true that only
science can say something meaningful about Reality? Are
there any limits to scientific method? For example, what
does science have to say about values? These and other
questions about scientific methods, scientific knowledge,
and the applications for science to human life will be examined. (Is your future written in the stars?)
Primarily a discussion course. Grades will be based upon a
mid-term and a final examination; course participation;
and an individual study project.
Prerequisites: Suggested prior courses: PHI 130 (Logic)and
one course in natural science
Distribution: History-Philosophy
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 11
~&oduction to Weather
PHY 106-48040
Instructor: Noel Petit
A study of the science of meteorology which will provide a
working knowledge of the principles of atmospheric science. Attention will be given to four basic areas observing
the weather changes and understanding the world's climate. Related topics to be included are: hydrology (study
of the earth's water cycle), pollution, economic effects of
the weather, and weather's impact on world events. This
course is designed to be an elective or satisfy the Mathematics-Physics distribution requirement for the liberal arts
The course will have two weeks of class lecture and laboratory followed by a two-week trip through the Southeast
United States visiting major weather facilities. The itinerary will include stops at Kansas City, Missouri; Oklahoma
City, Oklahoma; Vicksburg and Gulfport, Mississippi;
Tampa, Miami, Cocoa Beach, Daytona Beach and Gainesville, Florida. At each site there will be a tour and explanatory program for the functions of that facility. Topics of the
visits will be severe storms, control of the water in the Mississippi River basin, automated weather observation at
sea, television station weather facilities, hurricane tracking, weather satellites, and agricultural weather. During
the trip the student will maintain a journal of weather and
site visits. Daily weather maps will be created using portable weather satellite reception systems carried on the trip.
This trip will not only allow visits of operational weather
facilities, but also will allow the student to experience the
full range of climates across the US from north to south.
Daily quizzes and lectures will be given during the travel.
Grades will be based upon the journal, two hourly examinations and an individual project completed during the
The cost will be approximately $700.
Prerequisite: High School Algebra
Distribution: Mathematics-Physics
Time: I
Room: Science 123
The Physics of Music
PHY 112-48038
Instructor: Jeff Johnson
This course will examine the physics underlying the experience of music. After developing the essential physics, we
will examine string and horn instruments (and possibly
others including the human voice) to see how they actually
work. The requirements of the course include laboratory
exercises and homework assignments. There will also be a
final exam in addition to a term paper on the history of the
student's favorite musical instrument.
Prerequisite: High school algebra
Distribution: Mathematics-Physics
Time: I
Room: Science 30
The Starship Accords
PHY 180-48039
Instructor: Mark Engebretson
You have been selected to participate in the establishment
of the first permanent human settlement outside our solar
system. As one of the colonists, it will be your duty during
flight to:
A. Familiarize yourself with the environment expected in
any of the several galactic locations thought to be suitable
for colonization.
B. Choose the location, design, and level of technology of
the new colony.
C. Help design a system of governance for the entire community.
Assigned readings in science, science fiction, and political
theory will form the basis of class discussions and individual and group projects. Evaluation will be based on the
above and on two short quizzes.
Distribution: Mathematics-Physics
Time: I
Room: Library 1
Po Iitical Science
II Patterns of Change in the Middle East
POL 268-38068/468-48069
Instructor: Mary Ellen Lundsten
The objectives of this course are to go behind the headlines
and achieve deeper understanding of the issues facing policy makers in the Middle East today and to make use of
theoretical perspectives from history, comparative politics
and international relations while examining Middle East
political life.
Lectures and class reading will explore the long heritage of
Islam in the area as well as the impact of Western power
and political concepts. How ideas and social movements
confront each other amidst rapid technological and social
change will be studied. Students will also analyze the complex policy choices facing outside powers with interests in
the region.
All students will read an introductory text and select from
recent specialized studies on six societies: Iran, Israel,
Egypt, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and the Palestinians. All
students will give oral critiques of two books from the set
of specialized studies and will write a final essay on political aspects of two countries.
Additional class meetings will be held to discuss readings
on the comparative method and selected Middle East political topics as treated in an additional text required for upper division credit. Upper division students will critique
methodology as well as the information and stylistic approach of the books presented in classroom critiques. An
additional final essay applying comparative theory to two
Middle East countries will be required for upper division
Prerequisites: None for lower division; one political science course and sophomore status for upper division
Distribution: Economics-Political Science
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 10
H Political Economy
POL 459-48041
Instructor: Joseph Goldman
This course introduces students to the theoretical and policy questions dealing with political economy; especially
how politics and economics interrelate across industrializing and postindustrializing systems. Using history, political
science and economics, we will look at the concepts,
models, theories and paradigms of national and international development. Issues like the "North-South debate,
GNP growth, market expansion, industrialization, capitalization, the arms race and high technological advancement
are covered.
Students are evaluated on a comprehensive examination
and a short (15-20 pp) term paper in the form of a case
study or policy study in consultation with the instructor.
The examination and a paper are worth each 50% of the
total grade.
Prerequisites: Preferably course work in political science
or economics
Distribution: Economics-Political Science
Time: I
Room: Psych 3
Ps ycilology
H Introduction to the World of Psychology
PSY 121-48042
Instructor: Paul Hirdman
Psychology is more than rats1 It is a world of great
breadth, with differing levels of depth. Here you will have
the opportunity to explore some of the concepts, data and
methods of psychology and gain some understanding and
insights from this discipline. Readings, lectures, and special presentations will be utilized involving the instructor
and class members. Evaluation will involve class participation, student research presentations and exams.
Distribution: Psychology-Sociology
Time: I
Room: Psychology 4
Idealism and the Adolescent
PSY 370-48043
Instructor: Duane Johnson
Inquiry into the nature and presence of idealism in the life
of the adolescent person. Theoretical bases for such idealism will be considered. Idealism directed toward other persons and society will be the main focus.
This course will be conducted as a seminar with a high
level of student contribution and participation. Attendance at each class session is required. Procedures will include class discussion, frequent short papers, and frequent
oral reports. Each student will be required to seek out and
interview persons in the adolescent level of development.
Typewriting or equivalent word processing will be required.
Students are required to read The Moral Life of Children
by Robert Coles before the start of the interim. This book
will be available in the Augsburg Bookstore by November
1st. Content of the book will be discussed in the first few
class sessions and will provide a base for further learning in
the course. This course is offered only on P/N basis.
Prerequisites: PSY 105-General Psychology
Time: I
Room: Old Main 27
The ~ u t h e r a n
REL 345-48044
Instructor: Eugene Skibbe
The Lutheran Church is the largest Protestant church in the
world. We will not only examine the Lutheran Church as it
is at the present time, but also study its origin in the 16th
century and its development and cultural influence during
450 years of history. The text by Bergendoff will provide
an overview. Lecture and class discussion will deal with
examples of Lutheran witness to the Gospel in art, music,
missions, philosophy, sociology, and theology. Requirements will include two exams and one short paper. One
text costing approximately $12.00 must be purchased in
class on the second day.
Prerequisites: REL 111or 221
Distribution: Religion (Only one interim course may be
used to meet religion requirements)
Time: I
Room: Old Main 18
The Bible, Language and Interpretation
REL 445-48052
Instructor: Philip Quanbeck
A study of the use and function of language in the Bible.
The importance of recognizing the varied character of language for understanding the biblical text. Grades will be
based on class participation, a presentation to the class and
an examination.
Prerequisites: Senior Honors Student or permission of instructor
Distribution: Religion (Only one interim course may be
used to meet religion requirements)
Time: I
Room: Old Main 10
Social Work
Ex loring Human Services
K 257-48055
Instructor: Francine Chakolis
This course offers students the opportunity to explore career aspects of the human services vocations, a valuable
tool in selecting a career goal and a college major. Knowledge is gained by working in a professional human service
organization or agency; working and talking with human
service professionals and others who participate in an organized approach to respond to human needs. This course
offers a "hands on" experiential approach to learning.
Students will volunteer 20 hours per week under the direction of an agency representative. In addition, students will
attend a specific small group seminar 3 hours per week
during which agency experiences will be shared and readings discussed. Evaluation will be based on performance in
the agency, written subjective summary, brief journal summary, and final exam.
Time: I
Room: Melby 24
Issues of Hornelessness
SWK 339-48051
Edwina Hertzberg
The intent of this course is:
1. To expand student's knowledge of homelessness in an
historical context;
2. To expand student's knowledge of the reality of homelessness in the Twin Cities;
3. To expand student's understanding of the causative factors which contribute to persons being homeless: economic, employment, personal.
4. To explore possible resolutions of homelessness.
Readings, guest lectures, field visits to sites serving homeless people, participant observations and volunteer experience will be utilized to fulfill the above objectives. A semin a r f o r m a t will be used in the classroom f o r
discussion/exploration of the topic.
Field notes from participant observations, class participation and a research paper exploring one aspect of the topic
will form the basis of evaluation.
Fee: $30.00
Non-social work majors are particularly invited to enroll
in this course.
Prerequisites: SOC 111, 121, SWK 257, 361, or consent of
Time: I1
Room: Psych 2
H Social Work and Community Services in
Great Britain
SWK 346-48059
Instructor: Rosemary Link
Great Britain is an exciting mixture of ancient and modern
- ancient in its culture and modern in its social policies.
The course explores social work services with this dual focus. We will visit a variety of community agencies: formal
public, private, and natural helping networks in a range of
urban and rural settings. In order to experience the nation's
culture, we will be invited to English family homes, meet
with social work students, attend theatre performances,
and visit historic treasures.
London is the nerve center for the countrv's resources and
we will begin by visiting some of its foremost community
institutions such as Great Ormond Street Childrens' Hospital and Toynbee Hall Settlement. With the help of English
social work students, we will unravel the post Second
World War commitment to universal social policies. These
policies have established services available to all citizens in
health, education, income maintenance, housing, and personal social services. They also provide the major working
turf of the social work profession.
As a contrast to the inner city of London, we will visit
Exeter and explore the rural and beautiful coastal West
Country. In addition to the formal 'public' social work
agencies such as Probation and Corrections, we will make
contact with informal services and the small, more extended family oriented fishing and farming communities.
Throughout the course, there will be an emphasis on understanding current national policies and attitudes through
cultural and literary connections. Therefore, visits to the
National Theatre, The Houses of Parliament, cathedrals,
and ancient community sites such as Oxford are an integral
part of recognizing and appreciating the whole community. Culture and history come to life during day excursions through the gentle English countryside to Oxford and
Stratford, Warwick and Coventry, Bath and Canterbury.
Students will complement their direct experience by reading the British press and current social policy pamphlets,
journals, and books. Suggested Readings: A. Kahn and S.
Kammerman, Not the Poor Alone; M . Bruce, The Rise o f
the Welfare State; l? Barclay, Social Workers: Their Role
and Tasks; Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist; any play by
G.B.Shaw, and the 'quality press' - The Guardian, The
Times, The Telegraph.
Student evaluation will be based on a summary of a reflective journal, an agency study, a critique of a current social
policy (which includes a comparison with their American
experience), and participation in visits and discussions.
The comprehensive fee of $1,965 includes air and surface
travel, accommodations, six dinners, four theater tickets
and a one week London travel pass.
Registration for this interim must be made before October
23 in The International Center, Old Main 20.
Field Work III
SWK 466-48045/SWK 466-48046
Instructor: Maria Brown
The objectives of the class are to use supervisory relationship to increase interpretive as well as social work performance competence; to promote gradual entry into direct social work practice; to increase competence in the
client contact phase of the problem solving process; to increase student self-awareness in regard to professional
practice interests, areas of strength, and areas for personal/professional development; to promote competence
in the full process of problem solving, with special emphasis on analysis and resolution stages.
Course content will be continuation of Field Work I1 educationally focused field placement in a social service
Students will spend 15 (or 30) hours per week in field
placement, plus one hour per week in faculty facilitated
supportive seminar held on campus.
Evaluations will be made in writing by the Field Instructor
using previously developed contract and social work evaluation forms.
Note: Course is offered for half (466-48045) (15 hours per
week) or full (466-48046) (30 hours per week) credit. If for
full credit, half of the credit will be based on non-client
contact tasks.
Prerequisite: SWK 462 (Field Work 11)
Time: to be arranged
Racial and Minority Group Relations
SOC 265-48047
Instructor: Gordon Nelson
This course considers the dimensions of racial and minority group relations. Major attention is focused upon prejudice, racism, and the role of self-understanding.
The course is offered only on a P/N basis. Students can
expect evaluation to be based on a combination of class
participation, written assignments, and/or examinations.
Distribution: Urban/Minority
Time: I
Room: Old Main 25
Evaluating Continental Literature
SPA 250-48048
Instructor: Gunta Rozentals
The objective of the course is to enable students to discuss
continental literature through the use of valid critical tools.
It will involve both theory and subsequent evaluation of
the reading selections from different points of view. We
shall read half a dozen short stories, several plays, one
novel and a number of poems.
Student evaluation will be based on three written reports,
participation in class discussions, and a final exam. This
course is designed for foreign language students but anyone with an interest in European continental literature is
welcome to enroll.
Offered in English.
Prerequisites: Sophomore standing or consent of instructor
Distribution: English-Speech
Time: I
Room: Old Main 22
Speech, Communication,
Children's Theater
SPC 285-48049
Instructor: Gary Parker
Class members will work as an ensemble to create and perform a play for children. Development of the play will emphasize techniques of improvisation. Students will participate both on and off stage as performers (actors, singers,
dancers, musicians), production staff (publicity and management), and technical staff (lights, scenery, costumes,
and props). Public performances will be scheduled during
the final week of class. Grading will be based on the commitment and effectiveness of work on the production, and
a written notebook of daily activities and reactions. No
theater experience is necessary.
Time: 9:30-12:00,1:00-3:00
Room: Stage Two
H Television News Production
SPC 344-48050
Instructor: Warren Harmon
This will be a basic course in television news production
taught on location. Students will get practical experience in
interviewing, shooting, writing, editing and producing the
news. Grades will be based primarily on how well these
tasks are performed and on the quality of material produced. Students will work in a newsroom setting, not a
television studio. Students should have some previous TV
coursework. Check with Julie Bolton in the speech department for further information.
Prerequisite: Permission of Department chair, Julie Bolton
Time: I
Room: Dayton-Hudson Production Studios, St. Paul
Augsburg is part of a consortium called UMAIE, Upper Midwest Association for Intercultural Education, which offers
overseas learning experiences during the Interim. Further information about the following courses can be obtained from Mary
Kingsley in the International Center, Old Main 20, or from the
Interim Office. Registration for these Interims ends October 23,
1987. These courses are offered on P/N basis only and generally carry a lower division number.
H Art and Culture in Europe: A Study in Contrasts
H Austria, Italy and Eastern Capitals: The Habsburg Heritage
H The Bahamas: Women, Health and Healing
H Biology and Natural History of the Hawaiian Islands
H China: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
H Costa Rica: Ecology of Tropical Forests
H English Castles and Cathedrals, Cities and Countryside
H The English School and Family
H Europe and the Rise of Modern Science
H France at the Dawn of the XXI Century:
Modernity and Tradition
H German Language and Culture
H The Greek Experience
H Hawaii: A Cultural History
H Intermediate German: 2000 Years in Trier
International Law and Business in a European Environment
H The Irish Renaissance
H Italy and Malta: Ancient Cultures and Contemporary
H London, Paris, Amsterdam: The Legacy of Wealth and
Mexico: The Old and the New
H From Monastery to Manufacturing:
The Dawn of Capitalism
The Natural History of New Zealand
Paris-Dakar: The French-African Connection
Social Work and Community Services in Great Britain
H The Soviet Union: Church and State After 1000 Years
H Theatre in England: Its Texts and Contexts
H The Vikings
These courses are offered by institutions or groups not connected with Augsburg College but have been approved for
credit by the college. Most carry a tuition cost plus other expenses which are the responsibility of the student. They are
offered only on a P/N basis. Fuller descriptions and details for
registering are available in the Interim Office.
Outward Bound
HPE 212-48073
Check for information in the Interim Office for material on
dog sledding and snowshoeing on the Minnesota-Canadian
border or for white water canoeing and desert camping on
the Rio Grande in the December 27 through January 17
period. There is a cost of approximately $1,275 (the Outward Bound organization has some scholarships available).
Washin on D. C. Interims
Leaders on eadership: Models for Policy Making
POL 398-48073
Law and Society: An Examination of Issues and Principles
POL 398-48074
These Interims begin December 28 and continue until January 16. Information on either of the above programs,
housing and financial assistance is available from Dr.
Milda Hedblom in Memorial 117A.
The foSlowing activity is available to students during Interim
and srudenks may register for this class as well as for a repsilar
course. This activity does not carry official credit, but does
meet h e liferime sports requirement for graduation. Students
may participate in his class without registering for the course,
but will be expected to pay any fees whether or not the student
registers for the course.
American Karate
HPE 002-48067
Instructor: Mike Teitelbaum
The form, basic techniques and practical usage of American Karate, caught by a certified Second Degree MKA
Black Belt instructor. Fee of $25.00.
Distribution: Lifetime Sports
Time: 12:OO-1:00M, W,F
Room: Melby
Show less
Calendar ............................3
About this Catalog ..........3
Visiting Students .............4
Courses ..............................5
Introduction to Interim
Interim is an... Show more
Calendar ............................3
About this Catalog ..........3
Visiting Students .............4
Courses ..............................5
Introduction to Interim
Interim is an integral part of the school year at Augsburg College. The
College followsa 4-1-4 calendar,with Fall and Spring semestersof approximately 14 weeks separated by a four-week January Interim. Interim is
particularly intended to be a time for both students and faculty to employ
styles of teaching and learning and to investigate questions and topics in
places and ways not possible during the regular term.
Since one Interim course equals a full-time load, students should plan to
spend the same amount of time in class and preparing for class as they
would for a four-course load during Fall and Spring semesters. Students
can register for only one course credit during Interim. There is no tuition
refund for a student who chooses not to enroll in an Interim course.
Most Interim courses are graded traditionally on a 4.0 to 0.0 scale. Students
generally have the option to register on a Pass/No credit basis. A few
Interim courses are graded only on the P/N system; this is indicated in the
course description.
Some courses are offered with either upper or lower division standing.
Such Interim courses have two numbers listed and the student must select.
Students registering for upper division standing should anticipate additional assignments and a more rigorous grading standard.
To graduate, an Augsburg student is required to complete 35 courses of
which at least three must be Interim courses (or one Interim less than the
number of years of full-time enrollment at Augsburg; e.g., a transfer
enrolled full time for two years is required to complete one Interim for
It is the policy of Augsburg College not to discriminate on the basis of race,
creed, national or ethnic origin, age, marital status, sex or handicap as
required by Title IX of the 1972Educational Amendments or Section504 of
the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, in its admissions policies,
educational programs, activities and employment practices.
For More Information
Interim Office (Memorial 230)
Interim Secretary, Kay Thomsen at 330-1025
Interim Director, Dr. Don Gustafson, at 330-1192(Memorial 114b)
Interim Calendar 1989
................................................Interim Registration
.............................................................Late Interim Registration
...........................................................................First Day of Interim
October 31-November 4
December 5
January 3
Class I 9 a.m.
Class I1 1p.m.
January 4
January 16
Last Day for CanceYAdd
..............................................Last Day for Determining Grading
System with Registrar
January 20 ....................................Last Day for Withdrawing from Courses
January 27 .....................................................................................
I n t e r Ends
January 31 .....................................Validation of Spring Class Registration
Spring Semester Begins
February 1
The time and number and length of meetings as well as the beginning
time will be arranged the first day of class. The daily schedule for
Interim is divided into two blocks of time:
Time 1: 8 a.m. to Noon (on the first day of classes Time I classes will
begin at 9 a.m.)
Time 11: 1p.m. to 5 p.m.
Note: Martin Luther King Day will be observed at Augsburg with a
special convocation on Monday, January 16, at one o-clock.
About this Catalog
The catalog lids courses by departments. Dcpartrnmts arc listcd in
alphahctical order. At Ihc end of the book are listings ;sf other courscs
not offered by Aupburg hut recognized by the collugc for Interim credit.
Furthcr descriptions and informat inn about these courses are availablc in
tlw Intcrim Office, Mcmorial230. Studcnts may also register for one of
the Lifetime Sports listed at the end of the Catalog.
International Interim - Students are invited to be part of one of the 24
international interims offered by the Upper Midwest Association for
International Education (UMAIE). These course opportunities are listed
near the end of this catalog.
Internships - Studcnts electing an internship n~ustprescnt a cnrnplctcd
internship learning contract to t hr In tcrnsliip Officc (Mcrnorial230) no
btcr than Tuesday, Novembcr 22. Cnnlmcl forms ary availablc in thc
same office.
Independent or Directed Study - Students may elect a program of independent study (upper division 499) or directed study (lowerdivision 299)
for Interim. Faculty members are strongly discouraged from accepting
responsibility for more than one independent study per Interim. Students
choosing to pursue independent or directed study must:
1. Meet departmental requirements.
2. Present to the Registrar for approval a copy of the proposed study
plan approved by the supervising faculty member. This proposal must
be submitted at least one week before registration and no later than
December 5. Appropriate study proposal forms can be obtained in the
Interim Office.
Interims at Other Schools - Augsburg students may enroll at any other
4-14 institution which offers a reciprocal Interim arrangement. Catalogsof
these Interims can be consulted in the Interim Office. The Interim Secretary
will help students in applyingfor registrationat other schools. Registration
for Interims at the other Twin Cities collegeswill be at Augsburg during the
regular registration period. Most coursestaught during the Interim at other
4-14 schools are accepted for credit by Augsburg, but may not necessarily
be accepted as meeting Augsburg's distribution requirements. This qualification particularly affects courses offered for the Religion requirement.
Visiting Students
Augsburg College welcomes students from other 4-1-4 schools for the
January Interim without tuition charges provided the student's home
institutionagrees not to charge tuition to Augsburg students for the January
term. The waiver of tuition does not include special fees, housing or board
costs. Other students will be charged $595 for the Interim course. Students
interested in registering for an Augsburg Interim should write to the
Interim Director for application forms or use the forms provided by the
interim office at their own school. There is an application processing fee of
$10. Students are welcome to stay on campus but are not required to do so.
Requests for Interim housing should be made to the Interim Office.
ART 106-490011306-49002
drawing skills with emgiven to the historical deements of design through
and assignments center
pecial attention given to
cia1 styles. Three original projon quality of work plus
r division students are
historical writing styles
er and mat board
Room: Old Main 4
Ecology of the Southwestern U.S. Deserts
BIO 113-490051313-49006
Instructor: Neal Thorpe
Thiscourse willbegin with a considerationof the general characteristics of the four desertson the North Arnerian continent. Emphasis will be placed on the Sonoran Desert of southern Arizona and
California and northern Sonora, Mexico. Topics discussed will
include the p l ~siu raphy of dcwrL andsca s, desert climates,
nd animal life, and
mils, the
survival mec
ra a
a. Studies will be
conducted in southern Arizona and California, including the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, Saguaro National Monument, Organ Pipe CactusNational Monument,Joshua TreeNational Monument, Death Valley, the Grand Canyon, Ihe Boyce Thompson
Arboretum of the University of Arizona, and the Santa Catalina
Mountains. H
Grades will be based on examinationsand written work. Students
taking the course to fulfill distribution requirements will be expected to acquire a general knowledge of the subjects studied and
to write a paper on a selected topic. Students taking the course for
upper division credit will be expected to probe the subjects in
greater depth and will be required to write a research paper that
will be presented orally to the class. Enrollment preference will be
given to biology majors.
There will be some class days on campus both before and after the
The cost will range from $600 to $750, depending upon enrollment,
and will cover airfare, ground transportation, lodging(camping),
admission fees, and meals. Initial deposit is due by November 4.
Prerequisities: Permission of Instructor; BIO 112 for 313 level
Distribution: Biology-Chemistry
Time: I
Room: Science 214
Viruses: At the Threshold of Life
BIO 116-49003
Instructor: Robert Herforth
Most biologists consider viruses to be the simplest form of life.
genes surrounded by a
n and multiply only as
eeming simplicity, some
mans are caused by vie forms of cancer. This
major discoveries on
of viruses, and their
c will also look at the
viral invasion, at the
drugs, and at some
g AIDS. Grades will
during the course.
Room: Science 213
Botany, Birds and Blight
BIO 117-49004
Instructor: Gloria Warner
Thiscourseoffersanopportunity for hands-on experiences in areas
of biology which may not be available to students in their regular
be as exciting and
arn various ways to
plant structure and
tification and Como
2. Studentswil
of Natural Hist
for a week at the Bell Museum
tification and a t
Grades will be based on class participation and exams.
Distribution: Biology-Chemistry
Time: I1
Room: Science 214
Management Simulation Games
BUS 278-49007/37&49008
Instructor: Amin Kader
During this course, students will be grouped into teams to play a
computerized business management exercise. Each team will
control a company which manufactures and sells similarproducts.
Each team will attempt to outperform other teams by selecting
what appears to be the optimal operating strategy. This strategy
will involve setting production volume, marketing expenditures,
and selling prices and determining plant and securities investments as well as stockholders dividends.
Studcnts registering for upper division credit will be expected to
have had at Icasi one business course and to be able to apply
business concepts learncd.
The lower division credit is designed for students who are interested in business but who have had no academic business training.
This level will require students to rely on systematicand deductive
analysis which will allow students to discover for themselves the
relationship between the various component parts of the business
decision. The lower version of the computerized game will be used
for this group.
Prerequisite: For 378 -BUS 242 or 252,BUS 221 or 331 andECO 112
or permission of instructor
Time: I1
Room: Murpy Square 3
BUS 295.49009
Instructor: John Cerrito
who are not majoring
for starting and running a
small business.
The student will
aspcts of small busincss
a business plan for ia
Business major&ay not take this course for credit.
Time: I
Room: Murphy Square 3
Chemistry for Changing Times
CHE 100-49010
Chemistry has beeniinlin~atclya part of liberal education for
centuries. The early sikntists were considcrd to be philosophers
and their societies wcrPp11ilowplzicr I societies. In recent decades
the human seeking of pcxsonal indcpcnduncc has led to chemistry
becoming a part of evcrychy 1i fc fo the point of actual dependence
on chemistry. We live in a korld of pesticides, fertilizers, plastics,
"the pill", food additives aiqdprocessed foods, vitamin supplements, the energy crisis, chcmical dependency, biocides, pollutants, drugs, searching for lifc cm other planets, genetic manipulation, and it goes on and on. Etnoiions and mental disorders can
often be traced to chemical irnbalancc. The common dragged out,
grumpy feeling after an afternoon nap is a result of a chemical imbalance. The na turc of a hangover is the result of a complex system
of altered body chemistry. Even lcarhi ng appears to be the result
of chemical reaction to form a "rncrnoly molecule". Most of the
problems we &ce are molecular in na tnrc. What thenbut chemistry
can better help us to understand ourselves, our society, our world,
and our universe? Come join us as we b k c a molecular look at the
human ct~ndition.
This c ' urw will be offered in a lecture/discussion format. Films
will sdpplcrncni the lecture/discussion periods. Daily quizzes will
be u d for evaluation. This course meets a distribution need but
does not satisfy prerequisites for Chemistry 106 or 116.
Distribution: Biology-Chemistry
Time: II
Room: Science 315
History of Chemistry
CHE 125-49011
Instructor: Jean C. Kunz
This course seeks
chemistryfrom ancien
science of today. The
on the discovused a few ele11 examine the
the powerful modem
sed primarily upon a
Distribution: Biology-Chemistry
Time: I
Room: Science 315
Computer Science
CSC 270-49012
Instructor: Larry Ragland
A study of the FORTRAN programming language for students
with some previous knowledge of programming. This course will
expand a student's knowledgeof programming and programming
languages through presentation of the features of FORTRAN together with programming techniquesfor using those features. This
course will involve lectures and programming assignments in
FORTRAN. Evaluation will be based on the programming assignments and examinations.
Prerequisites: One course with a study of computer language
(e.g. CSC 170 or MAT 175)
Time: I
Room: Science 212
Welfare Economics
ECO 414-49013
Instructor: Ed Sabella
The course will include basic concepts and propositions, Pareto optimality, economic efficiency of alternative market structures; socia1welfare functions; and normative concepts of economic theory.
Grades will be based on examinations and homework projects.
Prerequisites: ECO 313 (or consent of instructor)
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 11
C( International Education
EDS 245-49014
Instructor: Richard Germundsen
Modem communication, ease of intercontinental travel, and the
proliferation of supernational corporate structures demand increased awareness of other nations' cultural infrastructures. This
course presents an examination and comparison of selected Western and non-Western educational systems as well as an investigationof possiblecareersininternationaleducation. Specialattention
will be directed toward Scandinavian,Central and South American
models. There will be lectures, discussions and guest speakers.
Student evaluation will be based on quizzes, class participation,
and an investigative project.
Prerequisites: Sophomore standing, or permission of instructor
Time: I1
Room: Library 4
Media Technology
EDE 341-49015
Instructor: JohnBollis
Students will be involved with the psychological and physical dimensions of communication through the use of instructional and
informational technology.
Class members will be exposed to the selection, preparation, production and evaluation of effective audio-visual materials for
teaching/learning situations. Computer training will be included
and each student will leave the class with word processing skills.
Students will survey current software materials for educational
and instructional settings.
This is a hands-on course intended for elementary and secondary
education majors. Grades will be based on projects, papers and
final exam. This is a one-half credit course.
Prerequisites: Passing of PPST and admittance to Education
program in process
Time: I Tuesdays and Thursdays and alternate Fridays
Room: Foss 170
Discovery Learning in the World of Kindergarten
EDE 37549016
Instructor: Mary Endorf
Thisclassprepares students for the unique experiencesand responsibilities of a kindergarten classroom.
This class will:
A. Focus on a sequence of learning for the kindergarten child.
B. Stresscurriculumdevelopment and instructional systemswhich
are supported by current research and practices in education
C. Stress key adult/child relationships.
D. Stress process - "how to learn".
E. Share researched based findings about developmentally appropriate classroom organizational plans.
F. Recognize continuities and discontinuities in development
(characteristics of the kindergarten child).
G. Examine appropriate developmental instruction practices.
H. Examine appropriate curriculum design and instructional
programs meeting the needs of the kindergarten student.
I. Explore current methodologies in the instruction of the kindergarten child.
J. Include guest speakers and field trips.
Objectives of the Class: At the completion of this class the student
will be able to identify:
1. Developmental needs of the kindergarten.
2. Discuss the different approaches to kindergarten education and
the theories behind these approaches.
3. Organizea classroom environment to meet the learning needs of
4. Identify and create a curriculum plan for teaching kindergarten
that meets both the students' needs and the teaching style of the
Grades will be based on projects, discussionand examination.
is a one-half credit course.
Prerequisites: Passing of PPST and admittance to Education
program in process.
Time: I Mondays and Wednesdays and alternate Fridays
Room: Library 4
Human Relations
EDS 388-49017
Instructor: Mildred Mueller
This class provides a valuable insight into the values, cornrnunication techniques, cultural mores and other unique characteristicsof
major minority groups in Minnesota. This class is taught from a
perspective of minority group members with interaction from
class members.
How do you blend and honor the diverse cultures in a classroom
setting? How might you gain more knowledge of our global
society? These and many more questions will be addressed in this
Students will develop interpersonal relation skills applicable to
teaching and other profesiional vocations.
This is a one-half credit course.
Prerequisites: Passing of PPST and admittance to Education
program in process
Time: I1 Tuesdays and Thursdays and alternate Fridays
Room: Old Main 21
Student Teaching
EDS 481-49018; EDE 481-49022
EDS 482-49019; EDE 482-49023
EDS 483-49020; EDE 483-49024
EDS 484-49021; EDE 484-49025
Instructors: Marie McNeff, Ann Fleener, Vicki Olson
Observing and directing learning under supervision of college and
secondary school personnel. This is a full day experience in a
school. Grading is P/N only.
Prerequisites: Acceptance in Education Program and permission
of instructor.
The Short Sto y -Elements of Fiction
ENG 240-490271340-49020
Instructor: Kathryn Swanson
fiction? What elements of fiction
What is fiction? What is
should be considered in making an evaluation? In this course,
students will find answers to these questions by reading a variety
of fictional works and by writing their own fiction.
Although the
Students are expected to riad the s t h s and novel, participate in
class discussions, write iw analysis
a selected short story,
write an original d~c>rl,itn
ry, and take scvqal quizzes and a final
Students taking th? course for upper division will read an additional novel end@rcyarc a substantial paper/class presentation
based on it.
Prerequisites: Effective Writing
Distribution: English-Speech
Time: I
Room: Music 22
Contemporay British and American Drama (1965- )
ENG 249-49026
Instructor: Douglas E. Green
Who are the new Shakespeares and O'Neills, Shaws and Millers?
Are there any grand new sights and sounds on English and American stages?
This course will encourage students to assess the current state of
British and American theater: the relation to national (and transAtlantic) trends and traditioning; the variety of issues, concerns,
and themes; the diversity among playwrights themselves; the
various modes of production. Readings will be drawn from the
works of playwrightslikeOrton,Stopperd,Shepard,Mamet, Wilson,
Churchill, Norman, Fornes, and others. There will also be some
pairing of current works with "classic" pieces. Depending on
January offerings in the Twin Cities, the class will also attend one
or possibly two productions by contemporary playwrights, for
which there will be a fee. Evaluation will be based on a number of
short papers, class participation, and a comprehensive exam.
Prerequisites: ENG 111(Effective Writing) or
consent of instructor
Distribution: English-Speech
Time: 11
Room: Music 22
Rock 'N' Roll: Lyric, Metaphor, Lore
ENG 355-49029
Instructor: John Mitchell
Feature films, ranging from
Wall, will also be examined
Students will be rebased upon
Prerequisites: ENG 111(Effective Writing)
Time: II
Room: Science 123
French Literature in Translation
FRE 243-49030
Instructor: Ruth Aaskov
Study of representative shorter French works in English translation. By reading and analysisof a common core of varied works we
will strengthen communicationand critical skills, develop cultural
sensitivity,and become acquainted with significant French writers.
Mini-lectures and study guides will help focus attention on the
works. Much class time daily will be devoted to small group
discussion and exchange of ideas. Evaluation based on group
work, progress, quizzes, writing assignments, and a short independent study.
Prerequisites: Sophomore standing
Distribution: English-Speech
Time: II
Room: Old Main 25
Introduction to Yiddish
GER 220-49076
Instructor: Don Steinmek
What do the works of Sholem Aleichem (which inspired "Fiddler
on the Roof ), Isaac Singer (Nobel Prize for Literature), and several
other great writers have in common? They were wri tten in Yiddish.
How did expressions like "chuspe," shnook," "klutz," "kitch,"
"schmaltz" and "shitik" get into English? Again, the answer is
Yiddish. Yiddish is closely related to German and in this Interim
you can learn to read Yiddish as well as you can read German.
Grades will be based on performance and at least two tests.
Prerequisites: One year of college German or permission of
Time: I
Room: Old Main 12
Health and Physical Education
IITheonj, Technique and Administrative
Aspects of Coaching Football
1 x 1
HPE 224-49035
I- Instructor: Bill Huns tock
Students will learn the history of the game of football and of the
people who made major advances in the game. Attention will be
given to the organization and administration of a footballprogram
including staffing, player personnel, practice organization and
game day organization. There will be stress on the methods of
teaching individual, group and team skills and on strategies of
offense and defense. Students will practice teaching methods in
actual football practices. There will also be attention given to the
ethics of coaching football.
This course will be taught in conjunction with a 16 day trip to
Australia by the college football varsity for exhibition games and
Prerequisites: Permission of instructor
Time: I
Room: Murphy Square 4
IIRecreational Rhythms and Activities
HPE 232-49032
Instructor: Pam Schreurs
Theory and practice in teaching and performing American heritage
and international folk dances. Exposure to New Games concepts
and activities. The majority of the course grade is based on
participation in class activities, a teaching assignment, and a written test.
This is a one-half credit course.
Time: I1 Monday and Wednesday and alternate Fridays
Room: Melby 202
k d m i n i s t r a t i o n and Supervision of the School Health
HPE 41G49033
Instructor: Richard Borstad
Historical background, legal bases, school health services, and relationships to community health program and resources. Methods
and materials in health education with laboratory experience in
classroom and community.
Periodic exams coveringlecture and textbook assignments; written
summaries of professional journal articles; in-class activities, including a presentation on a teaching method.
Prerequisites: HPE 320
Time: I
Room: Murphy Square 2
Sailing in the Virgin Islands
h i
HPE 45S-49034
/ - Instructor: Joyce Pfaff
Designed for the beginning and intermediate sailor interested in
the art and practice of sailboat cruising. The course will focus on
taking the participant to a competent level of sailboat handling
(anchoring, mooring, helming and crewing). The student will live
aboard a 42' fixed keel sailboat with five or six other people and will
function as an active crew member.
Actual on-the-water instruction will be the major part of the course.
This will be supplemented by sessions dealing with safety, boat
handling, boat systems, provisioning, trip planning, piloting and
navigation. Sailingwill include cruises to various islandsand cays
in the British and American Virgin Islands.
Snorkeling and windsurfing will be available on an optional basis.
Evaluation will be based on individual demonstrated competencies in crewing and leadership in the role of "acting captain". A
daily ships log will be kept 6y all participants and a final written
exam will be given. P/Ngrading only.
The course will last January5-24. The fee of $2300 includes roundtrip transportation from Minneapolis, administrative fee, boat
rental, snorkeling gear and two meals a day. Final payment is due
October 31.
Prerequisites: Permission of Marilyn Florian, Women's Athletic
Distribution: Lifetime sports
II Coaching of Basketball
HPE 477-49036
Instructor: Brian Ammann
Theory, technique and administrative aspects of coaching basketball. Exams, on-the-floor coaching techniques, and a scouting
report will be the methods of evaluation.
This is a one-half credit course.
Time: I Tuesdays and Thursdays and alternate Fridays
Room: Melby 111
II Coaching of Hockey
HPE 478-49037
Instructor: Ed Saugestad
The theory, techniques and administrative aspects of coaching
hockey. Evaluation will be on the basis of exams, on-the-ice
coaching techniques and scouting reports.
This is a one-half credit course.
Time: I Monday through Wednesday and alternate Fridays
Room: Melby 111
Officiating of Basketball
HPE 481-49038
Instructor: Al Kloppen
This course will focus on learning the rules and mechanics of the
game of basketball. There will be practical experienceon the floor.
Students completing the course should be ready for certification by
the Minnesota High School Association. Grade evaluation will be
based upon tests, papers prepared and performance on the floor.
While there are no prerequisites, it is highly advisable that students
have some basketball playing experience.
This is a 1/2 credit course.
Time: I1 Tuesdays and Thursdays and alternate Fridays.
Room: Melby 202
His tory
Eastward to A m e h : Limited Hospitality
HIS 220-49039
Instructor: Khin Khin Jensen
Course will focus on Asian immi ation to the United States in the
&&18th m N r y and tLun of
2Olh century. The Chinese,
e x p i a m will receive specialattenti011 ~ ~ o n c l u d wthacompmmt
on the changesin the U.S.
Immigration laws in the post-world war I1 period. Students will
study the pattern of Asian immigration, the areas they settled in,
the contributions made by these ethnic groups to the American
economic scene and the role of "new Asian immigrants" since the
end of the Vietnam war. The course will highlight the politics of the
Immigration laws and the gradual opening of the United States to
some Asian immigration.
Content and teaching style: Lectures, class discussions, audiovisuals and reports on the A-Vs. There will be a mid-term and a
final project (a paper-topic to be selected the first week of the term
in consultation with the instructor) due the last day of the term.
Distribution: History-Philosophy
Time: I
Room: Old Main 13
Gandhi and Martin Luther King:
The Images and the Reality
HIS 440-49040
Instructor: Don Gustafson
ies of our century, in-
Grading will be l m d on papers, class participation and a final
Prerequisites: Sophomore status or above and at least one college
history or political science course.
Time: I1
Room: Foss Seminar
In terdisciplinavy -FXE
The capstone of the Augsburg First Year Experience (FYE)is a special
Interim course designed for first year students that will grow out of The
Augsburg Anthology. For the 1989 Interim there will be a single course
with four sections, each taught by a different faculty member. The
course will provide full credit and will satisfy the Urban distribution
requirement. One part of this course will be a series of lectures for the
entire college community.
Measuring the Elusive Ideal:
Realized and Unrealized Dreams
INS 189-49041
Instructors: Larry Crockett, Joan Griffin, Ron Palosaari,
Bruce Reichenbach
What went wrong in Vietnam? Why do serious racial problems
persist in America? Why do so many families have such different
expectations about males and females? Why do so many foreign
countries dislike America?
In this course we will consider these and other issues by a comparison between ancient Athens and modern America, looking for
similarities and differences. Using both ancient and modern texts
we will examine how each nation created an image of itself as a
people dedicated to certain ideals. We will see some ways in which
the ideals were compromised, reinterpreted, or abandoned.
Students will participate in the course through assigned readings,
analysis of films, several short papers or daily journals, and participation in a group project. In addition, a final examination will help
students integrate various aspects of the learning experience.
Prerequisites: Freshman status
Distribution: Minority-Urban
Time: I
Room: Science 123
The Redemocratization Process in South America
INS 219-49074
Instructor: Maria de la Luz Silva
Profesor Maria de la Luz Silva is a Fulbright scholar from Chile
who is spending part of the 1988-89 school year at Augsburg.
In the first part of this course she will focus on the origin and
characteristicsof the authoritarian regimes of Argentina, Uruguay
and Chile. In the second part of the course students will examine
the evolution and transformation within these states and particularly consider the emergence and development of democratic
alternatives. Finally, Professor Silva will analyze Chile as a special
case study of retarded transformation.
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 22
Externship: Linking Education and the World of Work
INS 299-49042
Instructors: Gany Hesser and Lois Olson
Learn from your experience. Discover new ways to learn by
observing, collaborating, and reflecting on your experiences.
The externship is a modified internship consisting of a half-time
placement and active participation in a seminar that meets twice a
week. Each student will be assisted in the process of securing an
unpaid placement where s/he can obtain valuable first hand experience in the world of work.
The course is designed to achieve two major objectives: 1)to enable
students to observe and experience the relationships between the
worlds of work and the classroom; and 2) to expand the students'
abilities to learn from first hand experience.
Each participant will observe and work approximately20 hours per
week in a placement which matches his/her major or career interests. The seminar will meet twice a week for approximately two
hours. Evaluation will be based upon the overall quality of participation, supervisor assessment, critical incident analysis, journal/
log and seminarparticipation. The course is offered on a P/Nbasis.
Participants will complete a resume by November 23 and secure a
placement before the end of Fall classes (December 9).
Prerequisites: Permission of instructor and placement secured
by December 9.
Time: 11
Room: Murphy Square 2
~ ~ c o n o m i cthe
s , Environment and Appropriate Technology
INS 218-49043
Instructor: Tom Morgan
The objective of this course is to help students develop a clearer
sense of the critical importance the physical environment and our
natural resources continue to play in the economic well-being in
our global economy. We will first briefly review historical relationships between the physical environment,technologicalchange and
economic development. We will then develop some basic economic tools which we will use to analyze decisions regarding our
use of the environment in technological and economic develop
ment. Finally we will consider alternative (appropriate) technological applicationsbeingexperimentedwith as potential solutions
to environmental problems. Course material will be presented
through a blend of reading, lecture, discussion and site visits.
Course grade will be based upon short papers and presentation of
their research into specific environmental/technologicalissue.
Time: I1
Room: Science 319
r( Finite Mathematics
MAT 121-49044
Instructor: Bev Durkee
A study of the finite mathematics models involved in elementary
statistics: sets, counting techniques, probability, averages, deviations, and distributions. This course should provide students with
the mathematical tools sufficient to understand simple statistical
and probabilistic information. Class sessions will include lectures,
discussion, and group activities. Homework, a midterm exam, and
final exam will be the primary basis for course grades.
Prerequisites: Math placement: Group 111
Time: I
Room: Science 112
Math of Interest
MAT 173-49045
Instructor: Ken Kaminsky
Have you ever wondered why women have been charged more
than men for annuities and received lower pension benefits than
men? Or why women have paid less than men for life insurance?
Or how life insurance premiums are calculated? Or how installment loan payments are figured out? Or how much money to
invest in order to accumulate a certain lump sum or annual payment at a certain date in the future? Then this course may be meant
for you. These and other interesting and useful topics in the
mathematics of financial transactions will be covered.
Evaluation will be based on classroom participation and quizzes.
This course should be useful for students in business and economics or for any students interested in careersin finance-related fields.
Prerequisites: Group I11 on math placement test or equivalent.
Distribution: Mathematics-Physics
Time: I1
Room: Old Main 27
Improvisation in Music
MUS 129-49048
Instructor: Steph Gabrielsen
every day for three hours, and each
Improvisation i
usic m
meetings, using a variety of imstudent
provisational t W es and styles.
Prerequisite: M m ability on a musical instrument or
instructor's p
Time: I
Room: Music 4
Sounds and Sights of Europe
Instructors: Robert Karlen and Roberta Mebler
The churches and cathedrals of London, Cologne, and Munich
served to inspire the building of places of worship in this country;
the orchestras of these cities represent some of the oldest and finest
of their kind; and have been long emulated by our own ensembles.
The original scores of Handelfs "Messiah" in London's British
Museum, the home and paintings of Rembrandt in Amsterdam, the
awe-inspiring Cologne cathedral, are only a few of the highlights of
our encounte
concert p d o
and visits to
marksare planned. For tho= with a Bpedal interestin music therapy, visits will be made to the Nordoff-RobbinsCentrein England
and hospitals .researching musk and medicine b~ Herdeclce and
Ludmwhefd, West Gemany. The compmhmsive feeof $226
includes travel to nine cities in three countries (England, Holland
and Germany), breakfast daily, five group dinners, and several
cultural performances.
Registration for this interim must be made before October 26 at the
International Programs Office, 2018 Eighth Street. This course is
offered on a P/NP basis only.
The History of Jazz
MUS 241-49049
Instructor: David Hawley
The United States Congress has declared jazz a national treasure.
America's improvisational art form has not only influenced the
nature of our
but has also been the
throughout the world.
This course will cxarninb\lt! cyajoti~nof jazz from itsblack secular
roots to the current electr ,dallyinfluenced contemporary idiom.
The characteristicsof sig$can t performers from each period will
be analyzed as well as<-,tileiwlucncc of this art form on artists of
reading assignments will
and selected filmsand video
two written and listening
Distribution: Art-Music
Time: I1
Room: Music 2
NOR 111-49050
background in Nonvesin speaking, listening,
Classroom practice
d structures and the
Room: Old Main 29
On Dreams
PHI 200-49051
Instructor: Mark Fue
some an-
assignments. Evaluation will be traditional.
Time: I
Room: Old Main 22
Introduction to Weather
PHY 106-49052
Instructor: Noel Petit
A study of the scienceof meteorology which will provide a working
knowledge of the principles of atmospheric science. Attention will
be given to four basic areas observing the weather changes and
understanding the world's climate. Related topics to be included
are: hydrology (study of the earth's water cycle), pollution, economic effects of the weather, and weather's impact on world
events. This course is designed to be an elective or satisfy the
Mathematics-Physics distribution requirement for the liberal arts
The course will have two weeks of class lecture and laboratory
followed by a two-week trip through the Southeast United States
visiting major weather facilities. The itinerary will include stops at
Kansas City, Missouri; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Vicksburg and
Gulfport, Mississippi;Tampa, Miami, Cocoa Beach, Daytona Beach
and Gainesville, Florida. At each site there will be a tour and
explanatory program for the functions of that facility. Topics of the
visits will be severe storms, control of the water in the Mississippi
River basin, automated weather observation at sea, television
station weather facilities, hurricane tracking, weather satellites,
and agricultural weather. During the trip the student will maintain
a journal of weather and site visits. Daily weather maps will be
created using portable weather satellite reception systems carried
on the trip. This trip will not only allow visits of operational
weather facilities, but also will allow the student to experience the
full range of climates across the US from north to south. Daily
quizzes and lectures will be given during the travel. Grades will be
based upon the journal, two hourly examinations and an individual project completed during the trip.
The cost will be approximately $700.
Initial deposit due by October 28.
Prerequisites: High School Algebra
Distribution: Mathematics-Physics
Time: I
Room: Library I
Introduction t o Space Science
PHY 320-49053
Instructor: Ken Erickson
This course is designed for students in scienceand engineering who
are interested in acquiring a basic knowledge of the major topics
required for further study in the field of space science.
The course will provide a survey of the earth's space environment
including solar, planetary, magnetospheric, ionospheric, and upper
atmospheric physics. Topics include solar flares, solar corona, the
solar wind, the bow shock, magnetopause, radiation belts, plasma
sheet, magnetic storms, and magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling
with special emphasis on magnetospheric substorms, current systems, particle precipitation, and aurora.
Evaluation will be based on assignments, two exams and a paper.
Prerequisites: PHY 245 or consent of instructor.
Time: I
Room: Science 205
Pol it
n numerous other
ete conclusions
You will be required to read
presidency, write analytical
the more you should try to read.
Distribution: Economics-Political Science
Time: I
Room: Music 24
E Politics,~ollywoodstyle
POL 328-49075
Instructor: William Morris
This course will examine the impact of American films on U.S.
citizens' perceptions of politics. Films will be selected whose
principal themes deal with particular political practices and/or
institutions. The class will evaluate the accuracyof these images by
considering the films in light of the scholarly literature and other
information availableon each subject. Close attention will be given
to an exploration of the ethical situation and dilemmas of decisionmaking in politics.
As part of the course, students will submit written a n a l p and
evaluations of the political content or ''image" of politics in the
films shownin class. These, plus additionalarticlesandportronaof
books from the social sciencesand other literatureparalleling some
of the films' themes, will serveas the basis for class discussion. The
papers, a test on assigned readings establishing the framework for
the class, and class participation will determine final grades. There
will be a film fee of approximately $10 to cover costs.
Prerequisites: Political Science 121 or 158
Time: I1
Room: Music 23
Difficult Judicial Choices:
How the Courts Reshape Political Institutions
POL 475-49055
Instructor: Phillip F. Fishman
The course is designed for political science and social work students and others who are concerned with institutional operation
and change/reform. Text and actual case-studieswill be employed
to examine the role of the federaljudiciary in: prison reform, mental
health and the right to treatment, equal housing, school busing,
police and immigration policy in the 90s. Course objectives are to
assist the student: 1)to understand the judicial process and how
jrrdg~slnakc policy; 22) tu Ivarn how linbilily i s ~st~ib1ishc.d
app~.opriatcrcmtaclics arc' f;ishionrd lor rrdicf; 3 ) b cxplorc tlic
rlynarrtic. r-onfliihtIwIwccn 1l1c f ~ i l ~ r tx-nch
nnr.-1 j>ol~tic'rlland
adrninistrdtivc i n s t ~ l itions.
'I'l~cinstructor uscs Icct~~re
i111rl hypothetical cases as key tools of instruction.
There will be one exam and one mini-paper during the brief course.
In addition, students will be assigned on-site field visits to a Minnesota penitentiary, a metropolifan police station, a United States
immigration court and a mental health facility.
Prerequisites: Junior or Senior standing
Time: Tuesday, January 3, 6-9:30 p.m., and each Monday and
Wednesday thereafter
Ro-om: Old Maih 16
The Psychology of Law
PSY 335-49056
Instructor: Nancy Steblay
Evaluation will
participation, student research
The Lutheran Heritage
REL 345-49057
Instructor: Eugene Skibbe
The Lutheran Church is the largest Protestant church in the world.
We will not only examinethe LutheranChurch as it is at the present
time, but also study its origin in the 16th century and its develop0years of history. The text by
ment and cultural
Lcct LI r c and class discussion
ss to the Gospel in art,
will deal with cx
music, missions,
theology. Requireper. One text costing
ments will inclu
ascd in class on the second
erim course may be used to
meet religion r e q ~ c r n e n t s )
Time: I
Room: Old Main 18
Christianity in Modern Africa
REL 366-49058
onal African culture
will be studied, as well as atgy!' A major section
ses of churches in
South Africa to t
will be lectures
luated on several
toward graduation religion requirements)
Time: 11
Room: Old Main 18
The Bible, Language and Interpretation
REL 445-49059
anguage in the Bible. The
character of language for
es will be based on class
an examination.
course may be used
Social Work
C( Exploring Human Services
SWK 257-49060
Instructor: Mary Lou Williams
This course offers students the opportunity to explore career aspects of the human services vocations, a valuable tool in selecting
a career goal and a college major. Knowledge is gained by working
in a professional human service organization or agency; working
and talking with human service professionals and others who
participate in an organized approach to respond to human needs.
This course offers a "hands on" experiential approach to learning.
Studentswill volunteer 20 hours per week under the direction of an
agency representative. In addition, students will attend a specific
small group seminar 3 hours per week during which agency
experienceswill be shared and readings discussed. Evaluation will
be based on performance in the agency, written subjective summary, brief journal summary, and final exam.
Time: I
Room: Murphy Square 1
Family Violence: Recurring Issue, New Perspectives
Instructor: Maria rown
Is violence really "as American as apple pie" (StokelyCarmichael)?
Is family violence just a reflection of societfs violent attitudes?
Why DOES familyviolenceoccur,and when, and to whom? Today,
identified violence in families has reached what many professionals consider "epidemic proportions". This course is intended to be
an overview of the phenomenon of family violence, including
contributingfactorsandconsequencesfor the familyand the broader
society. Students will research various forms of family violence.
Classroom speakerswill include professionalswho are involved in
current policy-making and program delivery in family violence.
One-half credit ovtion: classroom discussion, readings and the development of an annotated bibliography on area of interest in
family violence.
Full credit ovtion: requires writing and presenting of research on
area of interest in family violence.
Prerequisites: Inko to Psychology, Sociology or Social Work
Time: I
Room: Old Main 21
Social Work and Community Services
in Great Britain
SWK 346-49061
- I
Instructor: Rosemary Link
Great Britain is an exciting mixture of ancient and modern -ancient
in its culture and modern in its social policies. The course explores
social work services with this dual focus. We will visit a variety of
community agencies: formal public, private, and natural helping
networks in a range of urban and rural settings. In order to experience the nation's culture, we will be invited to English family
homes, meet with social work students, attend theatre performances, and visit historic treasures.
London is the nerve center for the country's resources and we will
begin by visiting some of its foremost community institutions such
as Great Ormond Street Childrensl Hospital and Toynbee Hall
Settlement. With the help of English social work students, we will
unravel the post Second World War commitment to universal
socialpolicies. These policies have established servicesavailable to
all citizensin health, education, income maintenance, housing, and
personal social servics. They also provide the major working turf
of the social work profession.
As a contrast to the inner city of London, we will visit Exeter and
explore the rural and beautiful coastal West Country. In addition
to the formal 'public' social work agencies such as Probation and
Corrections, we will make contact with informal services and the
small, more extended family oriented fishing and farming communities.
Throughout the course, there will be an emphasis on understanding current national policies and attitudes through cultural and
literary connections. Therefore, visits to the National Theatre, The
Houscs of Parliament, cathedrals, and ancient community sites
such asOxford are an integral part of rmgnizingand appreciating
the wholc community. CuIturc and history come to lifc duringday
excurtions through the gcntle English countryside ta Oxford and
Stratford, Warwick and Coventry, Bath and Canterbury.
Students will complement their direct experience by reading the
British press and current social policy pamphlets, journals, and
books. Suggested Readings: A. Kahn and S. Kammerman, Not the
Poor Alone; M . Bruce, The Rise of Fhe Welfare Stake; P.Barclay, Social
Workers: T h i r Role and Tmks; Charlcs Dickens, Oliver Twisf; any
play by G.B.Shaw, and the 'quality prcsd - The Gtdardinn, The
Times, The Telegraph.
Student evaluation will be based on a summary of a reflective
journal, an agency study, a critique of a current socialpolicy (which
includes a comparison with their American experience), and participation in visits and discussions. The course is offered on a P/
NP basis.
The comprehensivefee of $1,995 includes air and surfacetravel, accommodations, six dinners, four theater tickets and a one week
London travel pass.
Registration for this interim must be made before October 26 at
the Office of International Programs.
Field Work III
SWK 466-49064 (full course)
466-49065 (112 course)
Instructor: Francine Chakolis
The objectives of the class are to use supervisory relationship to
increase interpretive as well as social work performance competence; to promote gradual entry into direct social work practice; to
increase competence in the client contact phase of the problem
solving process; to increase student self-awareness in regard to
professional practice interests, areas of strength, and areas for
personal/professional development; to promote competence in
the full process of problem solving, with special emphasis on
analysis and resolution stages.
Course content will be continuation of Field Work I1 -educationally focused field placement in a social service agency.
Students will spend 15 (or 30) hours per week in field placement,
plus one hour per week in faculty facilitated supportive seminar
help on campus. Evaluations will be made in writing by the Field
Instructor using previously developed contract and social work
evaluation forms.
Note: Course is offered for half (466-49065) (15 hours per week) or
full (466-49064)(30 hours per week) credit. If for full credit, half of
the credit will be based on non-client contact tasks.
Prerequisite: SWK 462 (Field Work 11)
Time: to be arranged
Principles o f Sociology (with emphasis
on thd ~ e a l t h
Care ~ i i t e m )
SOC 121-49071
Instructor: Barbara Johnson
Sociology is a unique way of understanding the world. As an
academic discipline and a profession, sociology provides insights
into culture, roles, groups, interaction, inequality and social structure. It is an essential tool for discoveringthe world and one's place
in it.
The emphasis for illustrations and exerciseswill be directed to the
health care system. Cross cultural comparisonswill be drawn. As
such, the course will be useful for future health care providers and
related professionals and for consumers as well.
This coursecovers the same concepts and meets the same objectives
as the regular term course. Therefore students can expect daily
written and/or reading assignments. Three exams will be given.
Time: II
Room: Music 24
Racial and Minority Group Relations
om of racial and minority group
ejudice, racism, and
format will include
for off-campus parexpect evaluation to
n, a research project,
nly on a P/N basis.
Time: I
Room: Music 23
Evaluating Continental Literature
SPA 250-49067
The objective of th
tal literature
Student evaluation will
pation in class
discuss continenIt will involve
reports, partici-
Distribution: English-Speech
Time: I
Room: Old Main 27
Speech-Communication Movement for the Theater
SPC 226-49068
etc. Students wil
nd styles of movewill be to increase the
gh movement, by examintiming, concentra11 be introduced as
aspects of movement
a1 expression, gesture, walking,
rent styles of movement, from
c. Movement exercises will be
Some principles of
Studentswill be given required readings concerning the principles
of movement on which they will be asked to write brief essays.
Grading will be based on commitment to and effectivenessof class
work and essays, and on 3-4 movement presentations.
The class will be designed for those who desire to increase their
skills as actors, and also for those preparing for such fields as
teaching, law, the ministry, etc.
Time: II
Room: Tjomhom-Nelson Theatre
Other Courses
These courses are offered by institutions or groups not connected with
Augsburg College but have been approved for credit by the college.
Most carry a tuition cost plus other expenseswhich are the responsibility of the student. They are offered only on a P/N basis. Fuller
descriptions and details for registering are available in the Interim
Outward Bound
HPE 212-49069
Check for information in the Interim Office for material on dog
sledding and snowshoeing on the Minnesota-Canadianborder or
for white water canoeing and desert camping on the Rio Grande in
the December 27 through January 27 period. There is a cost of
approximately $1,275 (the Outward Bound organization has some
scholarships available).
Washington D.C. Interims
Leaders on Leadership: The National Agenda
POL 398-49072
Law and Society: An Examination of Issues and Principles
POL 398-49073
These interims begin January 2 and continue until January 21. Information on either of the above programs, housing and financial
assistanceis available from Dr. Milda Hedblom in Memorial 117A.
Augsburg is part of a consortium called UMAIE, Upper Midwest Association
for Intercultural Education, which offers overseas learning experiencesduring
the Interim. Further information about the following courses can be obtained
from Kathleen Lutfi at International Programs Office, 2018 Eighth Street (3301655)or from the Interim Office. Registration for these Interims ends October
26,1988. These courses are offered on a P/N basis only and generally carry a
lower division number.
Augsburg Lifetime Sports
The following activity is available to students during Interim and
students may register for this class as well as for a regular course. This
activitv does not carry official credit, but does meet the lifetime sports
requi&ment for graiua tion. Students may participate in this class
without registering for the course, but will be cxpcctd to pay any fees
whether or not the student registers for the course.
American Karate
HPE 002-49070
Instructor: Mike Teitelbaum
The form, basic techniques and practical usage of American Karate,
taught by a certified Third Degree MKA Black Belt instructor. Fee
of $25.00.
Distribution: Lifetime Sports
Time: 1200-1:00 MWF
Room: Melby
Show less
731 2 1 s t AVENUE SOUTH
- 8
Official Publication o f
Augsburg College, ~ i n n e a p o l i sM
, N
S U M M E R 1980
Augsburg College provides a diverse summer curriculum including regular courses, internships, independent studies and
student teaching over two terms. Term I runs from June 1
through june 26; Term II runs from June29 through August 7.
This brochure ... Show more
Augsburg College provides a diverse summer curriculum including regular courses, internships, independent studies and
student teaching over two terms. Term I runs from June 1
through june 26; Term II runs from June29 through August 7.
This brochure presents the Summer School Program and was
correct at the time of publication.
Additional information and registration forms may be obtained
from the Summer School Office. Write:
Memorial Hall - 230
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, M N 55454
or call:
(612) 330-1 025
Pat Parker, Director
Lorraine Stieper, Secretary
-.AE 2 c
as-. 0
3 NWn.
Augsburg College is a four-year, fully accredited liberal arts
college affiliated with the American Lutheran Church. Located
in the heart of the Twin Cities, the small college environment,
about 1,500 students during the academic year, is enriched by
the many cultural, sporting and recreational activities found in
this vibrant metropolitan area. An active summer combining
classes a n d participation in inetropolitan events is a delightful
and broadening experience.
(See inside fold for campus location maps.)
Term I
Term I1
Early Registration
(Tuition Discount)
April 24
April 24
Classes Begin
Last Day for Registration
Balance of Tuition Due
June 1
June 29
Last Day to:
Change Class Registration
Change Grading Option
Drop Class Without Notation
on Record
June 3
July 3
Last Day to Withdraw from Class
June 18
July 17
Last Day of Class
June 26
Aug. 7
g ~ F %E
g An~
e Ca
.- 2 2-.
-3 n
fmg- g
""2 r
Inp 5
PERSONS IN GOOD STANDING at regionally accredited colleges and universities, graduates of such institutions, and students admitted for the next Fall Term are eligible to attend
Augsburg Summer School. Good standing implies that the student has been admitted and not subsequently dropped by that
SUMMER STUDENTS may take one course during Term I and
two courses during Term 11. All courses except those indicated
carry a value of one course credit, the equivalent of four semester credits or six quarter credits. Courses fulfilling distribution requirements are so noted in the course descriptions.
OTHER PERSONS wishing to take summer school work should
contact the Director of Summer School to ascertain eligibility
under special circumstances.
COURSE LEVELS are indicated by the third digit of the five-digit
course number: 1 or 2, lower division, primarily for freshmen
and sophomores, 3 or 4, upper division primarily for juniors and
seniors, and 5, graduate level.
ACCEPTANCE as a summer student does not imply admission as
a regular student of Augsburg College. Those wishing to begin a
degree program at the college should apply for admission
through the Office of Admission.
COURSES REGULARLY TAUGHT during the academic year are
more fully described in the October issue of AUGSBURG COLLEGE. If you need more information about a special summer offering, please contact the Summer School Office.
listed may be pursued during the summer in a number of
departments. Internships involve work experience related to
the academic program in an agency, government or industry.
Consult the Summer School Office for information.
Volume 111, Number5
February 1981
AUCSBURC COLLEGE (USPSM90-310)is published five times a
year in August, September, October, December and February
by Augsburg Col Iege, 731 As8 Avenue South, Minneapolis,
MN 55454. Second clas posrage rates paid at Minneapolis,
Design: Susan Hopp
Information: Lorraine Stieper
CHANGES IN REGISTRATION must be made at the Registrar's
Office. No course may be added after it has met more than six
hours elapsed class time, except with the special permission of
the instructor.
STUDENTS NEEDING HOUSING may obtain information from
the Director of Housing. Limited food service is available, supplemented by area restaurants and snack shops.
advised to register as soon as possible, since courses
without substantial demand may be dropped.
JUNE 1, 1981-JUNE 26, 1981
TUITION CHARGES for Summer School are $270 for each
course taken for credit, unless otherwise indicated. The audit
charge (non-credit) is $135 for each course. Laboratory or special fees may be charged for some courses.
FINANCIAL AID is limited to the Guaranteed Student Loan.
Students must carry at least one-half the normal full-time load.
Regardless of family income of the student, the Federal Government pays the interest while the student is in college. When
repayment begins, the student pays the full interest; 7% for
previous borrowers, 9% for new borrowers after January1,1981.
Maximum loan is $2300, per year or the cost of education,
whichever is less, and the aggregate undergraduatemaximum is
$12,500. Loan applications are available at Augsburg, some
banks, and the Minnesota State Loan Office. Deadline: Applications must be on file with the lender by March 2, 1981, since
processing takes up to 12 weeks.
EARLY REGISTRATION on April 24 will result in a savings
of $20 for each course taken for credit. Reduced charge
of $250 per course applicable only to courses designated
by April 24. If a course is cancelled due to low enrollment, a substitution may be made without loss of
An ADVANCE TUITION DEPOSIT of $50 is required at the time
of registration. The balance is due by the first day of class, June1
for Term I and June29 for Term II. A $10 late payment fee will be
assessed to those failing to meet these deadlines. No student will
be officially enrolled until all financial arrangements have been
completed. All balances due on your Augsburg student account
from previous term/s must be paid in full before you are officially registered for Summer School at Augsburg College.
TUITION REFUND is calculated on the table below. Such refund is limited by a $20 processing cost. Students must present
cancel card to the Summer School Office on the date of cancellation to be eligible for refund, and no refund will be madeafter
the listed dates. If a class is cancelled due to low enrollment,full
refund will be made.
Augsburg College admits students af any race, color, national
and ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities
generally accorded or made available to students at the school.
It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed,
national and ethnic origin in employment practices or administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs and athletic and other schooladministered programs.
Term I
Term II
100% (less $20
processing fee)
60 %
June 1-2
June 29-July 1
June 3-4
June 5-8
June 9-10
JUNE29,1981-AUGUST 7, +B1
ART 10106/10306
Study of the art and craft of calligraphy. Development of calligraphicskills in pen and
brush with ink and paint. For upper division credit a major project i s required. Dist.:
5:OO-8:00 p.m.
ART 1024YIU342
This ' k t l r s ~trnchcs film-making rl~rough prnc~icnl Inl) cxperiencc invulvina
d r ~ rd
l i s ~ t ~ \ s i oof
t i tlir expr~1ssivt*and ~tructur.11et~rnentrrlf film, Sturlrnlc
wlrl makr 161nlr)st~unrltilnl. Dist.: Yes.
Fws: 575.M)]lab fcrl
Prcrctluisites: Norle lor Irilm-making I , Il~lrn-makingI to l i l h i ! Film-nlakin~II.
8:OO-12:OO noon
BIO 20103
Professional course in the structure and function of the human body. Dist.: Yes.
8:30-10:50 a.m. Lect
1:OO-4:00 p.m. Lab
Enrollment limit: 35
BIO 20108
Basic microbial features considered as well as application of microbiology to fields of
medicine and sanitation. Dist.: No.
8:30-10:50 a.m. Lect
11:30-3:30 p.m. Lab
BUS 21101
Introduction to business activities, basic concepts and fundamentals of accounting, the
accounting cycle and preparation of financial statements. Dist.: No.
8:30-10:50 a.m.
BUS 21262
Analysis of accounting theory pertaining to financial statements, income concepts,
capital stock and surplus accounts, current and long rerm assets. Dist.: No.
12:OO-3:00 p.m.
HPE 55491
Study of the treatment of disease and injury. General principles and administration of
neuro-muscular re-education. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 350, 351, 354.
T,Th & Arr.
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
(1st meeting 6/1, 6:00 p.m.)
HPE 55493
Admistrative guidelines and history of ACTA and North Central Chapter. Construction
of CT treatment clinic; equipment, employment, public relations and ethics. Dist.: No.
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
G3 1
(1st meeting 6/1 6:00 p.m.)
HPE 55495, 55496,
Hospital affiliation of 444 hours required. Actual hospital experience in four areas
of corrective therapy: (1) Psychiatry, (2) Orthopedics, (3) Neurology, and (4)
Rehabilitation. Course 497 is study of Neurology and Pathology. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 485, 491 and approval of department
PHI 83130
Examinationof rules which govern valid arguments and aid in developing the ability to
recognize and construct sound arguments. Dist.: Yes.
9:30-11:50 a.m.
PHI 83132
C. S. Lewis, well known as a religious writer,develops hisstatementsfromspecificviews
about God, man and values. We will read Lewis with a philosophic eye for his
arguments and presuppositions. Dist.: Yes.
8:30-10:50 a.m. L A t r , M,T,W,Th,F
PHI 83150,
Analysis ui kcy rimrcpts of feminism in myth, literature, religion and art; theories and
implk:atIon\ c ~ fmatriarchal/patriarchal, pro-ferninisVanti-feminist cultures, courtly
tarit1 rumitntic love, and the cult of the virgin. Dist.: Yes.
9:30-11:50 a.m.
CHE 34105
Gyberg-S. Olmsted
The first semester of a two-semester sequence designed to present the basic concepts
of chemistry. High school chemistry not required. Dist.: Yes.
11:30-1:50 p.m. Lect
2:OO-4:00 p.m. Lab
PHY 84222t/84322*
C H I 34353
Gyberg-S. Olmsted
Covers gravimetric and volumetric analysis and solution equilibrium in detail; gives an
introduction to spectrophotometric techniques of analysis. Dist.: No.
8:30-10:50 a.m. Lect
M,T,W,Th, F
11:OO-3:00 p.m. l a b
Study of nuclear radiation including individual laboratory experience usingfacilities
at Oak Ridge, Tennessee in conjunction with instructional staff and scientists at the
national laboratory. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: Consent of Instructor
9:30-11:50 a.m.
May 25-lune 25, Oak Ridge
tCredit toward Physics major or minor
*No credit toward Physics major or minor
POL 85121
The nnlitirs nf Ameriran Gnv~rnmentincl~lrlinvnattern nf narticinatinn rlvnamirc
Study of economic implications of problems facing a metro-urban environment. By
Independent Study only. Dist.: Yes.
tLu P
of policymaking and current issues. Dist.: Yes.
9:30-11:50 a.m.
POL 85342
Effects of mass communications on individual behavior; uses and control of media
for political and social purposes; censorship, newsmaking, entertainment, public
affairs programming. Dist.: Yes.
2:OO-5:00 p.m.
ECO 22392
Monetary and banking systems, particularly commercial banks, and the Federal
Reserve System. Emphasis on monetary theory and policy. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 122
9:30-11:50 a.m.
POL 85199, 85399,
EDE 44375
Kindergarten curriculum, materials, and teaching approaches. Lab. arr. Prerequisite
to student teaching at kindergarten level and to obtaining a license for teaching at
that level. Consent of instructor. Dist.: No.
9:30-11:50 a.m.
PSY 86105
Methods and approaches used in psychology for purpose of understanding
behavior; research procedures associated with study of behavior. Dist.: Yes.
9:30-11:50 a.m.
PSY 86375
(also see SOC 94375)
Analysis of the ideas of "group" and "self" as related to individual behavior,
interpersonal relations, and society. Dist.: Yes.
Prerequisities: 121 and 105
8:30-10:50 a.m.
EDE 44237/44337
Conceptual and practical introduction to intercultural education on local and
international levels. Utilization, of local resources to develop curriculum units and
teaching strategies. Dist.: No.
6:OO-9:00 p.m.
REL 87369
with emphasis upon expository writing; correct usage, logical
ation and the research paper. Dist.: Yes.
WG 54241
Treatment of the American short story from the American Renaissance to today
including seventeen stories aired on PBS television. Dist.: Yes. Also satisfies Am. Lit.
requirement for English.
9:30-11:50 a.m.
L. Hansen
speaking, listening, reading and writing
work expected. Dist.: Yes.
Academic credit may also be earned through the Camp Norway program in Norway.
Consult department for details.
SPA 76112
Aims to develop the four basic skills; understanding, speaking, reading and writing
elementary Spanish. Laboratory work expected. Dist.: Yes.
Prerequisities: 111 or equivalent
9:30-11:50 a.m.
Historical background, legal bases, school health services, and relationships to
community health program and resources. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 320.
6:OO-9:00 p.m.
HPE 55410
Particularities of religious discernment, symbolism and world view. Reading and
discussion of nine works (novels, poetry, etc.). Class meets approximately every other
day. Dist.: Yes.
Prerequisites: 111 or 221
9:30-11:50 a.m.
SOC 94375
(also see PSY 86375)
Analysis of the ideas of "group" and "self" as related to individual behavior,
interpersonal relations, and society. Dist.: Yes.
Prerequisites: 121 and 105
8:30-10:50 a.m.
SOC 94383
The dimension of racial and minority groups relation emphasizing prejudice, racism
and the role of self-understanding. Dist.: No.
5:OO-8:00 p.m.
SOC 94399
Students are placed in a variety of public and private agencies for work experience. A
learning contract is developed with faculty supervisor approval. Dist.: No.
SPC 98111
Basic approach to effective speaking and critical listening. Dist.: Yes.
5:OO-8:00 p.m.
See last column
JUNE1,1981 -JUNE26,1981 .
ART 10111/10311
SPC 98367
Studying, viewing, and critiquing the acting and produaion of five plays. Dist.: No.
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
T, Th
2815 419 Ave. S.
(Tel.: 721-2565)
Mpls., M N 55406
(also see MUS 82111/311)
Designed as an experimental learning class to explore, make, and produce a music/art
presentation using sounds, images, and objects from a 1968 Volkswagen automobile.
Dist.: Yes.
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
ART 10132
The camera used as a tool for visual creativity and expression; black and white, color,
and photographic processes. Need access to a 35mm camera. Dist.: Yes.
Estimated cost of film, etc.: $75.00
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
M, W
Enrollment limit: 35
ART 10250
lntroduction to the making of pottery with emphasis on hand-building and glazing.
Dist.: Yes.
8:30-11:30 a.m.
ART 10351
Advanced work in ceramia with emphasis on throwing or hand-building and a
continuation of glazing. Dist.: Yes.
8:30-11:30 a.m.
Limited enrollment
S. Olmsted
Second semester of two semester course emphasizing organic and biological
chemistry around the theme: the molecular basis of life. Dist.: No.
Prerequisities: 105 or 109 or equivalent with departmental permission.
8:30-9:55 a.m. Lect
10:OO-12:OO noon Lab
CHE 34110
ECO 22120
Study of economic implications of problems facing a metro-urban environment. By
Independent study only. Dist.: Yes.
A rr.
ECO 22122
Introduction to macro-economics; national income analysis, monetary and fiscal
policy, international trade, economic growth. Dist.: Yes.
10:05-11:30 a.m.
ECO 22123
lntroduction to micro-economin, the theory of the household, firm, market structures
and income distribution. Application of elementary economic theory to market policy.
Dist.: Yes.
6:OO-9:30 p. m.
M, W
ENC 54111
INS 60399
Students are placed in a variety of public and private agencies for work experience. A
learning contract is developed with faculty supervisor approval. Dist.: No.
GST 58102
Basic operations, exponential numbers, logarithms, simple operators, solvingalgebraic
equations, and development of algebraic equations in science problem content,
particularly chemistry. Dist.: No.
2 Sem. Cr. - Tuition $70.00 (Early registration discount does not apply)
May 26-May 29
SOC 94399
Students are placed in a variety of public and private agencies for work experience. A
learning contract is developed with faculty supervisor approval. Dist.: No.
Student teaching for both elementary and secondary education is offered by the
Department of Education during the general period from the middleof Juneto theend
of July. The exact dates are determined in conjunction with the school system. All of
the courses require acceptance into the Department of Education program. Contact
the Summer School Office for exact dates and course number to be used in
EDE 44481,44482,
R. Anderson
44483, 44484
Students required to have 160 child contact hours. Placement arrangement by
instructor. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: Acceptance, Education Department
EDE 44481,44482,
44483, 44484
Observing and directing learning experiences in elementary schools under
supervision of college and public school personnel. Dist.: No.
Additional $15.00 fee
Prerequisites: Acceptance, Education Department
EDE 45481, 45482,
45483, 45484
Observing and directing learning experiences on secondary school level under
supervision of college and high school personnel. Dist.: No.
Additional $15.00 fee
Prerequisites: Acceptance, Education Department
.. . .
. ..,.
111 & . A .
- 1
HPE 55485
Consideration of ambulation, self care, adapted sports and games, and swimming for
the handicapped. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 350, 351, and 355
6:00-9:30 p. m.
T,Th & Arr.
(1st meeting 6/29 6:00 p.m.)
HPE 55487
An introduction to neurology and pathology for the corrective therapist. Dist.: No.
6:30-9:30 p. m.
1st meeting 6/29 6:00 p.m.
hmrs:,iqufdActual hospital experience in four areas of
prrf@ctIue therapyc (1).Psychlatq,
Orthopedics, (3) Neurology, and (4)
49F is::sudl;lo(:fhurology and Pathology. Dist.: NO.
and appt~irtNdepartment
HIS 56131/56331
Topics and themes relating to everyday life of ancient and medieval cultures including
the merchant, soldier, religious life, women and family and problems of studying
everyday life. Dist.: Yes.
10:05-11:30 a.m.
M U S 82111/82311
(also see ART 10111/311)
Designed as an experimental learning class to explore, make and produce a music/art
presentation using sound, images, and objects from a 1968 Volkswagen automobile.
Dist.: Yes.
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
T, Th
POL 85199, 85399,
Historical, literary and sociological perspectives from antiquity to present. Uses
primary texts, Hindu ritual films. Dist.: Yes.
8:30-955 a.m.
REL 87372
SOC 94356
Analysis of adult correctional programs and processes. Lectures, discussion, and site
visits to correctional institutions and government offices. Dist.: No.
1:30-5:00 p.m.
lnterstate 94 east from Minneapolis t o 25th Ave. exit, left t o
Riverside Ave., left t o 21st Ave. S., turn left at Augsburg sign.
Interstate 94 west from St. Paul to Riverside exit, right o n
Riverside t o 21st Ave. S., left at Augsburg sign.
Show less
Augsburg College provides a diverse summer curriculum
including regular courses, internships, independent studies and
student teaching over two terms. Term I runs from June 1
through June 25; Term II runs from june 28 thro... Show more
Augsburg College provides a diverse summer curriculum
including regular courses, internships, independent studies and
student teaching over two terms. Term I runs from June 1
through June 25; Term II runs from june 28 through August 6.
This brochure presents the Summer School Program and was
correct at the time of publication.
Augsburg College is a four-year, fully accredited liberal arts
college affiliated with the American Lutheran Church. Located
in the heart of the Twin Cities, the small college environment,
about 7500 students during the academic year, is enriched by
the many cultural, sporting and recreational activities found in
this vibrant metropolitan area. An active summer combining
classes and participation 3n metropol itan events is a delightful
and broadening experience.
; A u ~ b u Coltege
admits students of any race, color, natiunal
and ethnic origin to all righbi privil~ges~
programs,, and
.actlviti~generally accorded or made available to students at
the school. If doe5 not disciiminate a n the basis d race, mlot-,
creed, national and ethnic origin In employment pwctiw~or
administration of its educational pblicia? admissions poli~ies~
scholarship and loan programs and athl&'c and other baoladministered programs.
Additional information and registration forms may be obtained
from the Summer School Office. Write or call:
Memorial Hall - 230
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, M N 55454
(612) 330-1025
Pat Parker, Director
Lorraine Stieper, Secretary
Term II
April 23
April 23
June 1
June 28
June 3
June 30
Last Day to Withdraw from Class
June 18
June 25
July 16
Aug. 6
Early Registration
(Tuition Discount)
Term I
Classes Begin
Last Day for Registration
Balance of Tuition Due
Last Day to:
Change Class Registration
Change Grading Option
Drop Class Without Notation
on Record
Last Day of Class
Design: Susan Hopp
Information: Lorraine Stieper
Summer Students may take one course during Term I and two
courses during Term II. All courses except those indicated carry
a value of one course credit, the equivalent of four semester
credits or six quarter credits. Courses fulfilling distribution
requirements are so noted in the course descriptions.
Persons In Good Standing at regionally accredited colleges and
universities, graduates of such institutions, and students
admitted for the next Fall Term are eligible to attend Augsburg
Summer School. Good standing implies that the student has
been admitted and not subsequently dropped by that
Course Levels are indicated by the first digit of the three digit
course number: 1 or 2, lower division, primarily for freshmen
and sophomores, 3 or 4, upper division primarily for juniors
and seniors, and 5, graduate level.
Courses Regularly Taught during the academic year are more
fully described in the October issue of AUGSBURG COLLEGE.
If you need more information about a special summer offering,
please contact the Summer School Office.
Independent Study and Internships in addition to those listed
may be pursued during the summer in a number of
departments. lnternships involve work experience related to the
academic program in an agency, government or industry.
Consult the Summer School Office for information.
Changes in Registration must be made at the Registrar's Office.
No course may be added after it has met more than six hours
elapsed class time, except with the special permission of the
Students Needing Housing may obtain information from the
Director of Housing. Limited food service is available,
supplemented by area restaurants and snack shops.
Persons Planning To Attend Summer School are
advised to register as soon as possible, since courses
without substantial demand may be dropped.
Other Persons wishing to take summer school work should
contact the Director of Summer School to ascertain eligibility
under special circumstances.
Acceptance as a summer student does not imply admission as a
regular student of Augsburg College. Those wishing to begin a
degree program at the college should apply for admission
through the Office of Admission.
Financial Aid is limited to the Guaranteed Student Loan.
Students must carry at least one-half the normal full-time load.
Eligibility for the loan is determined by the Office of Student
Financial Services. When repayment begins, the student pays
the full interest; 7% for previous borrowers, 9% for new
borrowers after January 1, 1981. Maximum loan is $2,500 per
year or the cost of education, whichever is less, and the
aggregate undergraduate maximum is $12,500. Loan
applications are available at Augsburg, some banks, and the
Minnesota State Loan Office. Deadline: Applications must be
on file with the lender by March 1, 1982 since processing takes
up to 12 weeks.
The College Reserves the Right to Cancel Listed Courses.
JUNE 1, 1982 - JUNE 25, 1982
Tuition Charges for Summer School are $280 for each course
taken for credit, unless otherwise indicated. The audit charge
(non-credit) is $140 for each course. Laboratory or special fees
may be charged for some courses.
Early Registration on April 23 will result in a savings of
$20 for each course taken for credit. Reduced charge of
$260 per course applicable only to courses designated by
April 23. If a course is cancelled due to low enrollment,
a substitution may be made without loss of discount.
An Advance Tuition Deposit of $50 is required at the time
of registration. The balance is due by the first day of class,
June 1 for Term I and June 28 for Term II. A $10 late payment
fee will be assessed to those failing to meet these deadlines.
No student will be officially enrolled until all financial
arrangements have been completed. All balances due on your
Augsburg student account from previous termls must be paid
in full before you are officially registered for Summer School at
Augsburg College.
Tuition Refund is calculated on the table below. Such refund is
limited by a $20 processing cost. Students must present cancel
card to the Registrar's Office on the date of cancellation to be
eligible for refund, and no refund will be made after the listed
dates. If a class is cancelled due to low enrollment, full refund
will be made.
Course Cancellation Date
Term II
10O0I0(less $20
processing fee)
June 1-2
June 28-June 30
June 3-4
June 5-7
June 8-9
July 1-6
july 7-9
July 12-14
Interstate 94 east from Minneapolis to 25th Ave. exit, left to
Riverside Ave., left to 21st Ave. S, left at Augsburg sign.
lnterstate 94 west from St. Paul to Riverside exit, right on
Riverside to 21st Ave. S., left at Augsburg sign.
JUNE 28, 1982 - AUGUST 6, 1982
JUNE 1 - JUNE 25
NOR 112-8052
Continuation of NOR 11 1; emphasis on structure, oral and written facility of expression.
ART 242-8003
Participants will team-produce short 16mm sound-motion-pictures using professional
procedures and equipment. For communication students and working professionals.
Dist.: Yes.
Fees: $75.00 lab fee
Four Weekends
(1st class/une 5, 9:00 a.m.)
Sat. 9:OO- 12:OO noon;
1:00-4:30 p.m.;
Sun. 1:OO-4:30 p.m.
A weekend at a lake in Northern Minnesota will be built into the course if all students
can participate (cost $15-30, depending on arrangements). Dist.: Yes.
5:OO-8:00 p.m.
M,T, W,Th
Academic credit may also be earned through the Camp Norway program in Norway.
Consult Liv Dahl, Norwegian-American Cultural Institute (Room 15, Old Main) for
ART 270-8002
Tapestry weaving; traditional and contemporary methods of frame loom weaving; emphasis on design and aesthetics. Dist.: Yes.
8:30-11:50 a.m.
M, T, W, Th, F
HPE 114-8061
Principles and practices of safety education in school and community life. Includes
American Red Cross First Aid.
5:OO-8:00 p.m.
M,T, W, Jh
Meets 1st hall of term lune 1-11
(1/2 course)
BIO 103-8010
Professional course in the structure and function of the human body. Dist.: Yes.
8:30-10:50 a.m. Lect
M,T, W,Th,F
1:00- 4:00 p.m. Lab
T, W, Th
52 14
Enrollment limit: 35
H PE 115-8062
Analysis of chemical abuse and what can be done for the abuser. (Meets the M.S. 126.02
for students in teacher preparation programs).
5:00-8:00 p.m.
M, T, W, Th
(1/2 course)
Meets 2nd half of term lune 14-25
BIO 108-8011
Basic microbial features considered as well as application of microbiology to fields of
medicine and sanitation. Dist.: No.
11:30- 3:30 p.m. Lab
T, Th
HPE 491-8053
Study of the treatment of disease and injury. General principles and administration of
neuro-muscular re-education. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 350, 351, 354
6:00-9:30 p.m.
T, Th & Arr.
C 12
(1st meeting 6/1, 6:00 p.m.)
H PE 493-8054
Administrative guidelines and history of ACTA and North Central Chapter. Construction
of CT treatment clinic; equipment, employment, public relations and ethics. Dist.: NO.
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
(1st meeting 6/1, 6:00 p.m.)
BUS 101-8022
Introduction to business activities, basic concepts and fundamentals of accounting, the
accounting cycle and preparation of financial statements. Dist.: No.
51 12
8:30-10:50 a.m.
M, T, W, Th, F
First term of a two semester course, general chemistry principles and an introduction to
organic chemistry. Dist.: Yes.
Prerequisites: High school chemistry
1 1:30-1:50 Lect
M, T, W, Th, F
53 15
2:OO-4:00 Lab
M,T, W,Th
HPE 495-80551
Hospital affiliation of 444 hours required. Actual hospital experience in four areas of corrective therapy; (1) Psychiatry, (2) Orthopedics, (3) Neurology, and (4) Rehabilitation.
Course 497 is study of Neurology and Pathology. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 485, 491 and approval of department
CHM 109-8021
CER 111-8046
Classroom practice speaking, understanding and reading basic German for students with
no previous background in German. Dist.: Yes.
12:OO-3:00 p.m.
M, J, W,Th
FCO 120-8030
HIS 101-8064
Analvqis nf t h e n r i m a r v r i v i l i s a t i o n s i n t h e N e a r East, t h e classiral w o r l d
of Greece a n d
Study of economic implications of problems facing a metro-urban environment. By Independent Study only. Dist.: Yes.
ECO 122-8029
Introduction to macro-economics; national income analysis, monetary and fiscal policy,
international trade, economic growth. Dist.: Yes.
1:OO-4:00 p.m.
M,T, W,Th
52 05
ECO 392-8031
Monetary and banking systems, particularly commercial banks, and the Federal Reserve
System. Emphasis on monetary theory and policy. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 122
9:30-11:50 a.m.
M, T,W,Th,F
~ o m k and
the'middle ages of Europe into the 13th century. Dist.: Yes.
9:30-1 1:50 a.m.
M, T, W,Th,F
EDE 375-8036
Student teaching for both elementary and secondary education is offered by the Department of Education during the general period from the middle of June to the end of July.
The exact dates are determined in conjunction with the school system. All of the courses
require acceptance into the Department of Education program. Contact the Registrar's
Office for exact dates and course number to be used in registration.
Diverse Topics: See Instructor
POL 299-81541499-8155
(Also Term II)
(Also Term II)
PSY 105-8091
Methods and approaches used in psychology for purpose of understanding behavior;
research procedures associated with study of behavior. Dist.: Yes.
9:30- 1 1:50 a.m.
M, T, W,Th,F
PSY 375-8092
(Also see SOC 375-81 10)
Analysis of the ideas of "group" and "self" as related to individual behavior, interpersonal relations, and society. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 121 and 105
5:OO-8:00 p.m.
M,T, W,Th
ENG 251-8051
Emphasis on how selected writers view war, their assumptions about the role of the individual soldier and the artistic methods used to present or deal with war's complexities.
Dist.: Yes.
7:OO-10:OO p.m.
M,T, W,Th
51 12
POL 299-81541499-8155
POL 199-81561399-8157
EDS 481-80451482-8048 STUDENT TEACH ING:
483-80491484-8050 SECONDARY
Observing and directing learning experiences on secondary school level under supervision of college and high school personnel. Dist.: No.
Additional $15.00 fee
Prerequisites: Acceptance, Education Department
PHI 130-8063
Examination of rules which govern valid arguments and aid in developing the ability to
recognize and construct sound arguments. Dist.: Yes.
9:30- 1 1 :50 a.m.
M, T,W,Th,F
EDE 481 -80371482-8038 STUDENT TEACHING:
R. Anderson
483-80391484-8040 NURSERY SCHOOL
Students required to have 160 child contact hours. Placement arrangement by instructor.
Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: Acceptance, Education Department
EDE 481-80411482-8042 STUDENT TEACH ING:
Observing and directing learning experiences in elementary schools under supervision of
college and public school personnel. Dist.: No.
Additional $15.00 fee
Prerequisites: Acceptance, Education Department
NUR 330-8066
Nursing viewed from an historical, current and futuristic perspective to develop theories
and concepts of leadership, change, and role development. Examination of societal and
health issues. Dist.: No.
6:OO-9:00 p.m.
M, T,W,Th
Kindergarten curriculum, materials, and teaching approaches. Lab. arr. Prerequisite to
student teaching at kindergarten level and to obtaining a license for teaching at that level.
Consent of instructor. Dist.: No.
9:30-1 1:50 a.m.
M, T, W,Th,F
MAT 103-8065
Designed as a brush up in arithmetic and elementary algebra skills. Particularly helpful
for students in elementary education and students taking statistics as part of a major. Includes computer work, Individualized course of study. Dist.: No.
2:OO-5:00 p.m.
51 12
REL 370-8068
Understanding of the spiritual life as disclosed in significant Christian writings from the
second century to the present. Dist.: Yes.
8:30- 10:50 a.m.
M, T,W,Th,F
JUNE 1, 1982 - JUNE25, 1982
SWK 255-8071
Wilderness camping as focus for building group and individual relationships. Approx.
Addnl. $75.00 fee. Dist.: No.
(1st meeting 6/1, 6:00 p.m.)
SWK Office
ENG 245-9304
An introduction to the study of fiction, drama, and poetry. Particular attention will be
devoted to developing critical and analytical skills in reading and writing about literature.
Strongly recommended for English majors and minors. Dist.: Yes.
6:OO-9:30 p m.
M, W
SWK 399-8069
SWK 499-8070
GER 112-9029
Classroom practice in speaking, understanding and reading basic German. Lab. Dist.:
Prerequisites: Ger 111 or equivalent
1 1:40- 1:25 p.m.
M, T, W, Th
SOC 199-80731399-8114 INTERNSHIPS (Also Term II)
SOC 375-81 10
(also see PSY 375-8092)
Analysis of the ideas of "group" and "self" as related to individual behavior, interpersonal relations, and society. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 121 and 105
5:OO-8:00 p m.
M, T, W,Th
SOC 381-8072
The dimension of racial and minority groups relation emphasizing prejudice, racism and
the role of self-understanding. Dist.: Yes.
8:30-10:50 a.m.
M, T, W, Th, F
SPC 111-8121
Basic approach to effective speaking and critical listening. Dist.: Yes.
6:OO-9:00 p.m.
M,T, W,Th
Little Theater
SPC 354-8074
Study of the dynamics of human interaction through verbal and non-verbal messages;
emphasis on factors that build relationships and help to overcome communication barriers. Dist.: Yes.
9:30-11:50 a.m.
M, T, W, Th, F
INS 199-80751399-8076 INTERNSHIPS (Also Term II)
ART 132-9002
The camera used as a tool for visual creativity and expression; black and white, color,
and photographic processes. Need access to a 35mm camera. Dist.: Yes.
Estimated cost of film, etc.: $75.00
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
M, W
HPE 485-9038
Consideration of ambulation, self care, adapted sports and games, and swimming for the
handicapped. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 350, 351, and 355
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
T,Th &Arr.
(1st meeting 6/29, 6:00 p.m.)
HPE 487-9037
An introduction to neurology and pathology for the corrective therapist. Dist.: No.
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
(1st meeting 6/29, 6:00 p.m.)
HPE 495-90391
Hospital affiliation of 444 hours required. Actual hospital experience in four areas of corrective therapy: (1) Psychiatry, (2) Orthopedics, (3) Neurology, and (4) Rehabilitation.
Course 497 is study of Neurology and Pathology. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 485,491 and approval of department
PHY 101-9305
Study of solar system, stars, galaxies. Optical instruments explained; use of 12-inch reflecting telescope, 8-inch Celestron, 3-inch Questar. Dist.: Yes.
Prerequisites: Elementary algebra
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
T, Th
Diverse Topics: See Instructor
(also Term I)
(Also Term I)
POL 199-90651399-9066 INTERNSHIPS (Also Term I)
Hed blomlNoonan
L,.. ,.,.,,..
ART 250-9003
lntroduction to the making of pottery with emphasis on hand-building and glazing. Dist.:
8:30-1 1:30 a.m.
ART 351-9005
Advanced work in ceramics with emphasis on throwing or hand-building and a continuation of glazing. Dist.: Yes.
8:30-11:30 a.m.
M, W,F
BUS 102-9214
lntroduction to business activities, basic concepts and fundamentals of managerial accounting. Planning and controlling processes, decision-making and behavioral considerations. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 101
8:30-9:55 a.m.
M,T, W,Th,F
BUS 262-9301
Analysis of accounting theory pertaining to financial statements, income concepts, capital stock and surplus accounts, current and long term assets. Dist.: No.
8:30-9:55 a.m.
M, T,W,Th,F
BUS 399-9302
CHM 110-9010
Second semester of two semester course emphasizing organic and biological chemistry
around the theme: the molecular basis of life. Dist.: Yes.
Prerequisites: 109 or equivalent with departmental permission
8:30- 9:55 a.m. Lect
M,T, W,Th,F
S3 15
10:OO-12:OO noon Lab
ECO 120-9007
Study of economic implications of problems facing a metro-urban environment. By independent study only. Dist.: Yes.
ECO 123-9009
lntroduction to micro-economics, the theory of the household, firm, market structures
and income distribution. Application of elementary economic theory to market policy.
Dist.: Yes.
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
M, W
Continuation of Term I.
ENG 111-9021
Study of composition with emphasis upon expository writing; correct usage, logical organization and the research paper. Dist.: Yes.
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
REL 111-9306
An introduction to the academic discipline of theology and to the dialogue between the
church and the world which concerns Christian doctrine. Dist.: Yes.
M,T, W,Th,F
10:05-11:30 a.m.
REL 341-9307
Exploration of health and healing in Christian teaching and practice, including the role of
scientific technology and prayer and sacraments in healing. Required field trips. Dist.:
8:30-9:55 a.m.
M, T,W,Th,F
SWK 255-9308
Wilderness camping as focus for building group and individual relationships. Approx.
Addnl. $75.00 fee. Dist.: No.
(1st meeting 6/28, 6:OOp.m.)
SWK Office
SOC 121-9309
Sociology as a mode of analysis or way of knowing. Its applications to an understanding
of basic aspects of society; socialization, family life, social inequalities, large-scale institutions, etc. Dist.: Yes.
11:40-I:25 p.m.
M, T,W,Th
SOC 241-9310
An examination of the ideas of "primitive," "civilized," and "progress": a comparison of
alternate realities as found in different cultures and varying social contexts. Dist.: No.
5:30-9:00 p.m.
M, W
SOC 356-9052
Analysis of adult correctional programs and processes. Lectures, discussion, and site
visits to correctional institutions and government offices. Dist.: No.
1:30-5:00 p.m.
SOC 234-93261334-9311 URBAN POLICE
Urban policing in American society is explored from a sociological perspective. Topics
include: patrol and vice work, police deviance, community relations, police bureaucracy,
and women and blacks in policing. Dist.: Yes.
2:30-4:15 p.m.
M,T, W,Th
SOC 199-93121399-9073 INTERNSHIPS
SPC 355-9313
A study of group dynamics and leadership with emphasis on factors involved in effective
functioning within small groups and organizations. Dist.: Yes.
10:05-11:30 a.m.
M, T,W,Th,F
SPC 367-9056
Studying, viewing, and critiquing the acting and production of five plays. Dist.: NO.
6:30-9:30 p.m.
28 15 4 1st Ave. 5.
Mpls., M N . 55406
(Tel.: 72 1-2565)
INS 199-90631399-9222 INTERNSHIPS
JUNE 28, 1982 - AUGUST 6, 1982
Show less
Augsburg College is a four-year, fully accredited liberal arts college
affiliated with the American Lutheran Church. Located in the
heart of the Twin Cities, the small college environment, about
1500 students during the academic year, is enriched by the many
... Show more
Augsburg College is a four-year, fully accredited liberal arts college
affiliated with the American Lutheran Church. Located in the
heart of the Twin Cities, the small college environment, about
1500 students during the academic year, is enriched by the many
cultural, sporting and recreational activities found in this vibrant
metropolitan area. An active summer combining classes and participation in metropolitan events is a delightful and broadening experience.
Augsburg College provides a diverse summer curriculum including regular courses, internships, independent studies and student
teaching over two terms. Term Iruns from May 31-June 24; Term
II runs from June 27 through August 5. This brochure presents
the Summer School Program and was correct at the time of
Additional information and registration forms may be obtained
from the Summer School Office. Write or call:
Memorial Hall -230
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, M N 55454
(612) 330-1025
Pat Parker, Director
Ruth Maertens, Secretary
Volume 113, Number 5
Spring 1983
AUGSBURC COLLEGE (USPS #490-310) is published four times a
year in Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter by Augsburg College,
731 21st Avenue South, Minneapolis M N 55454. Second-class
postage paid at Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Term I
Term II
Early Registration
(Tuition Discount)
April 22
April 22
Classes Begin
Last Day for Registration
Balance of Tuition Due
May 31
June 27
Last Day to:
Change Class Registration
Change Grading Option
Drop Class Without Notation
on Record
June 2
June 29
Last Day to Withdraw from Class
June 20
July 15
Last Day of Class
June 24
Aug. 5
Tuition Charges for Summer School are $295 for each course
taken for credit, unless otherwise indicated. The audit charge
(non-credit) is $148 for each course. Laboratory or special fees
may be charged for some courses.
Early Registration on April 22 will result in a savings of $20 for
each course taken for credit. Reduced charge of $275 per course
applicable only to courses designated by April 22. If a course is
cancelled due to low enrollment, a substitution may be made
without loss of discount.
An AdvanceTuition Deposit of $25 per course is required at the
time of registration. The balance is due by the first day of class,
May 31 for Term I and June 27 for Term II. A $10 per course late
payment fee will be assessed to those failing to meet these deadlines. No student will be officially enrolled until all financial arrangements have been completed. Balance due on Augsburg account from previous termls must be paid in full before student is
officially registered for Summer School at Augsburg College.
Tuition Refund is calculated below. There is a $25 per course service charge. This amount will be deducted from any refund. Student must present cancel card to the Registrar's Office on the date
of cancellation to be eligible for refund; no refund will be made
after the listed dates. If a class is cancelled due to low enrollment,
full refund will be made.
Course Cancellation Date
Term I
Term II
100% (less $25)
May 31-June 1
June 2-3
June 6-7
June 8-9
June 27-28
June 29-30
July 1-5
July 6-7
Interstate 94 east from Minneapolisto 25th Ave. exit, left to Riverside Ave., left to 21st Ave. s., turn left at Augsburg sign.
lnterstate west from St. Paul to Riverside exit, right on Riverside to
21st Ave. S., left at Augsburg sign.
JUNE 27, 1983-AUGUST 5, 1983
Summer Students may take one course during Term I and two
courses during Term II. Unless otherwise indicated, all courses
carry a value of one course credit, the equivalent of four semester
credits or six quarter credits. Courses fulfilling Augsburg distribution requirements are so noted in the course descriptions.
Persons in Good Standing at regionally accredited colleges and
universities, graduates of such institutions, and students admitted
for the next Fall Term are eligible to attend Augsburg Summer
School. Good standing implies that the student has been admitted
and not subsequently dropped by that institution.
Course Levels are indicated by the first digit of the three digit
course number: 1 or 2, lower division, primarily for freshmen and
sophomores, 3 or 4, upper division, primarily for juniors and
seniors, and 5, graduate level.
Other Persons wishing to take summer school work should contact the Director of Summer School to ascertain eligibility under
special circumstances.
Courses Regularly Taught during the academic year are more fully described in the October issue of AUGSBURG COLLEGE. If you
need more information about a special summer offering, please
contact the Summer School Office.
Independent Study and Internships in addition to those listed
may be pursued during the summer in a number of departments.
lnternships involve work experience related to the academic program in an agency, government, or industry. Consult the Summer
School Office for information.
Changes in Registration must be made at the Registrar's Office.
No course may be added after it has met more than six hours
elapsed class time, except with the special permission of the
Students Needing Housing may obtain information from the
Director of Housing. Limited food service is available, supplemented by area restaurants and snack shops.
Persons Planning to Attend Summer School are advised to
register as soon as possible, since courses without substantial demand may be dropped.
The College Reserves the Right to Cancel Listed Courses.
Acceptance as a summer student does not imply admission as a
regular student of Augsburg College. Those wishing to begin a
degree program at the college should apply for admission through
the Office of Admission.
Financial Aid is limited to the Guaranteed Student Loan. Any student taking 1 course is regarded as a half-time student for the
summer and is eligible for a Guaranteed Student Loan. Contact
the Financial Aid Office to make loan arrangements (330-1046).
Augsburg College admits students ofany race, color, national and
ethnic origin to a11 rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It
d m not discriminate on the basis of race4color, creed, national
and ethnic origin in employment practices or administration of its
educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan
programs and athletic and other school-administered programs.
MAY 31, 1983-JUNE 24, 1983
EDE 481-80211482-8022 STUDENT TEACHING:
Observing and directing learning experiences in elementary schools under supervision
of college and public school personnel. DM.: No. Additional $15.00 fee.
Prerequisites: Acceptance, Education Department.
May 31-June 24
ART 106-8001/306-8002 CALLIGRAPHY
Study of the art and craft of calligraphy. Development of calligraphic skills in pen and
brush with ink and paint. For upper division credit a major project is required.
Dist.: Yes.
5:OO-8:00 p.m.
M,T, W,Th
ART 118-8062
By independent study only. Dist.: Yes.
ART 223-8063
By independent study only. Dist.: Yes.
ART 355-8064
By independent study only. Dist.: Yes.
Prerequisite 118
By independent study only. Dist.: Yes.
Prerequisite 223
ART 368-8065
BIO 103-8007
8:30-10:50 a.m. Lect.
1:OO- 4:00 p.m. Lab.
Enrollment limit: 35.
Professional course in the structure and function of the human body. Dist.: Yes. SUMMER INTERIM.
T, W, Th
BIO 108-8008
Basic microbial features considered as well as application of microbiology to fields of
medicine and sanitation. Dist.: No.
8:30- 10:50 a.m. Lect.
M,T, W,Th,F
T ~h
BUS 101-8012
Introduction to business activities, basic concepts and fundamentals of accounting, the
accounting cycle and preparation of financial statements. Dist.: No.
8:30-10:50 a.m.
51 12
BUS 399-8013
MIG 245-8030
Introduction to the study offiction, drama, and poetry. Partkular attention will be devoted to developing crhical and analytical skills in reading and w r ~ t i n gabout Ilterature.
Strongly recommended for English majors and minors. Dist.: Yes.
GER 111-8031
Classroom practice speaking, understanding and reading basic German for students
with no previous background in German. Dist.: Yes.
9:30-11:50 a.m.
M,T, W,Th,F
NOR 112-8032
Designed for students who have successfully completed NOR 111 at Augsburg College.
The course will be conducted i n Norway. Consult Prof. Leif E. Hansen, Foreign Language Department for details.
NOR 331-8061
This course will be conducted in Norway for students with near fluency in the Norwegian Language. See Prof. Leif Hansen, Foreign Language Department for details.
Academic credit may be earned through the Camp Norway program in Norway. See Liv
Dahl, Norwegian-American Cultural Institute (Room 15, Old Main) for details.
n r t r I u-aus4
Historical background, legal bases, school health services, and relationships to community health program and resources. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 320.
M, T, W,Th
5:OO-8:00 p.m.
HPE 491-8035
Study of the treatment of disease and injury. General principles and administration of
neuro-muscular re-education. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 350, 351, 354
T,Th and Arr.
6:OO-9:00 p.m.
(1st meeting 5/31, 6:00 p.m.)
HPE 493-8033
CHM 109-8015
EDS 481-80251482-8026 STUDENT TEACHING:
483-8027/484-8028 SECONDARY
Obsehrlng apd directing learning experiences on secondary school level under supervision of colle~eand high school personnel. Dlst.: No. Additional $15.00 fee.
Prerequfsftes: Acceptance, Education Department.
GyberglS. Olmsted
Administrative guidelines and history of ACTA and North Central Chapter. Construction
; IFirst term
- of atwo semester
- course, general chemistry principles and an introduction to
organic chemistry. Dist.: Yes.
Prerequisites: High school chemistry.
11 :30- 1:50 Lect.
M,T, W,Th, F
2:OO-4:00 Lab.
T, W, Th
S3 15
GyberglS. Olmsted
Covers gravimetric and volumetric analysis and solution equilibrium in detail; gives an
introduction to spectrophotometric techniques of analysis. Dist.: No.
8:30- 10:50 a.m. Lect.
M,T, W,Th,F
53 15
11:OO- 3:00 p.m. Lab.
trmtatmpnt clinic; equlpmw, employment, public d!atbns and ethics. Dist.: No.
6:OO-9:00 p.m.
Arr. (1st meeting 5/31,6:00 p.m.)
Hospital affiliation of 444 hours required. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 485,491 and approval of department.
C H M 353-8014
ECO 120-8009
Study of economic implications of problems facing a metro-urban environment. By independent study only. Dist.: Yes.
ECO 122-8011
Introduction to macro-economics; national income analysis, monetary and fiscal
policy, international trade, economic growth. Dist.: Yes.
1:OO-4:00 p.m.
M,T, W,Th
ECO 392-8010
Monetary and banking systems, particularly commercial banks, and the Federal Reserve System. Emphasis d n monetary theory and policy. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 122.
9:30-11:50 a.m.
M,T, W,Th, F
EDE 353-8029
Understanding administrative guidelines and teacher competencies involved in a mainstreamed prekindergarten or daycare program.
8:30-10:50 a.m.
(% course) Meets June 13-24.
Consideration of four revolutions-the
violent revolution against colonialism
(Vietnam), neo-colonialism (Cuba) and westernization (Iran) and the current revolution
toward the modern era (Saudi Arabia). Dist.: Yes.
8:30-10:50 a.m.
M, T, W,Th, F
HIS 299-80411499-8042
(DiverseTopics: See Instructor.)
(DiverseTopics: See Instructor.)
POL 199-80471399-8048 INTERNSH lPS
PSY 241-8049
Participants will write simple programs in BASIC to produce graphic displays, measure
response time, d o statistical analysis and model thought processes. Emphasis on the
computer as a tool to explore the mind. Dist.: No.
9:30-11:50 a.m.
M, T, W, Th,F
EDE 375-8016
Kindergarten curriculum, materials, and teaching approaches. Lab.
Prerequisite to student teaching at kindergarten level and to obtaining a license for
teaching at that level. Consent of instructor. Dist.: No.
9:30-11:50 a.m.
M, T, W, Th,F
(also see SOC 375-8052)
Analysis of the ideas of "group" and "self" as related to individual behavior, interpersonal relations, and society. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 121 and 105.
M,T, W,Th,F
8:30- 10:50 a.m.
Student teaching for both elementary and secondary education is offered by the Department of Education during the general period from the middle of June to the end of
July.The exact dates are determined in conjunction with the school system. All of the
courses require acceptance into the Department of Education program. Contact the
Registrar's Office for exact dates and course number to be used in registration.
REL 369-8051
EDE 481-801 71482-8018 STUDENT TEACHING:
R. Anderson
483-80191484-8020 NURSERY SCHOOL
Students required to have 160 child contact hours. Placement arrangement by instructor. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: Acceptance, Education Department.
PSY 375-8050
Particularities of religious discernment, symbolism and,world view. Reading and discussion of nine works (novels, poetry, etc.). Class meets approximately every other day.
Dist.: Yes.
Prerequisites: 111 or 221.
9:30-11.50 a.m.
M, T, W,Th,F
SOC 199-80531399-8054 INTERNSHIPS
MAY 31, 1983-JUNE 24, 1983
€861 'PZ 3~nkE86L'LE AVW
SOC 375-8052
(also see PSY 375-8050.)
Analysis of the ideas of "group" and "self" as related to individual behavior, interpersonal relations, and society. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 121 and 105.
M,T, W,Th,F
8:30-10:50 a.m.
SWK 255-8056
Canoes-an eight day canoe trip in the Quetico Provincial Park of Ontario. Gain practice and knowledge necessary to lead wilderness trips effectively. Study the process of a
wilderness group as a social system. Dist.: No.
Add'l. fee $75.00. (See instructor for details.)
(Diverse topics: See instructor.)
SWK 399-8059
SPC 111-8060
Basic approach to effective speaking and critical listening. Dist.: Yes.
6:OO-9:00 p.m.
M, T, W,Th
INS 399-8055
June 27-August 5
HPE 487-9019
An introduction to neurology and pathology for the corrective therapist. Dist.: No.
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
(1st meeting 6/28,6:00 p.m.)
Hospital affiliation of 444 hours required. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 485,491 and approval of department.
HIS 233-90201433-9021 WOMEN'S ROLES IN AMERICA
Examination of women's roles in the family, the workplace, and in voluntary organizations from Colonial America to the 1980's. Includes comparisons based on class, race,
ethnicity and geographic region. Dist.: Yes.
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
HIS 369-9022
Investigation of the period of Viking expansion concentrating on the impact of that
expansion into the British Isles. Lectures on campus: July 18-22, on site at York,
England: July 24-August 6. Contact Liv Dahl, Norwegian-American Cultural Institute
(Room 15, Old Main) for details. Dist.: No.
CSC 145-9023
Includes flowcharts, algorithms, and data representation. Extensive programming in a
general higher level language. Primarily for students in non-science areas. Does not
count toward a Computer Science major at Augsburg. Dist.: No.
M,T, W,Th, F
8:30-955 a.m.
NUR 311-9024
Provides a base for understanding community characteristics and cultural diversity
related to health care. The nurse's role as a generalist and as a member of the health
team is explored. Primarily a clinical course. Dist.: Yes.
ART 132-9005
The camera used as a tool for visual creativity and expression; black and white, color,
and photographic processes. Need access to a 35mm camera. Dist.: Yes.
Estimated cost of film, etc.: $75.00.
M, W
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
Enrollment Limit: 35.
BUS 102-9006
Introduction to business activities, basic concepts and fundamentals of managerial accounting. Planning and controlling processes, decision-making and behavioral considerations. Dist.: No.
Prereauisites 101.
PHY 101-9025
Study of solar system, stars, galaxies. Optical instruments explained; use of 12-inch reflecting telescope, 8-inch Celestron, 3-inch Questar. Dist.: Yes.
Prerequisites: Elementary algebra.
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
(Open Topic: See Instructor.)
POL 199-90301399-9031 INTERNSHIPS
BUS 399-9007
C H M 110-9008
S. Olmsted
Second semester of two semester course emphasizing organic and biological chemistry
around the theme: the molecular basis of life. Dist.: Yes.
Prerequisites: 109 or equivalent with departmental permission.
8:30- 9:50 a.m. Lect.
M,T, W, Jh,F
J, W,Th
19:00-17.n0 N Lab.
ECO 120-9009
Study of economic implications of problems facing a metro-urban environment. By
independent study only. Dist.: Yes.
ECO 123-9010
Introduction to micro-economics, the theory of the household, firm, market structures
and income distribution. Application of elementary economic theory to market policy.
Dist.: Yes.
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
M, W
Examination of school related deviance and behavior disorders; including school and
family interaction and role of the juvenile justice system. Dist.: No.
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
M, W
EDE 491-9010
EDS 491-9011
Supervised field placement in a facility for an exceptional population plus on-campus
seminar. Consult Barry Franklin, Department of Education for acceptance.
PSY 355-9033
Survey of the functions of the nervous system which are responsible for behavior in animals and human beings. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 105 and one course in Biology.
12:30- 2:00 p.m. Lab.
T, Th
REL 111-9035
An introduction to the academic discipline of theology and to the dialogue between the
church and the world which concerns Christian doctrine. Dist.: Yes.
10:05-11:30 a.m.
M,T, W, Th,F
REL 372-9034
Historical, literary and sociological perspectives from antiquity to present. Uses
primary texts, Hindu ritual films. Dist.: Yes.
8:30-9:55 a.m.
M,T, W,Th,F
SOC 121-9037
Sociology as a mode of analysis or way of knowing. Its applications t o an understanding
of basic aspects of society; socialization, family life, social inequalities, large-scale institutions, etc. Dist.: Yes.
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
T, Th
SOC 356-9036
Analysis of adult correctional programs and processes. Lectures, discussion, and site
visits to correctional institutions and government offices. Dist.: No.
1:30-5:00 p.m.
T, Th
SOC 199-90381399-9039 INTERNSHIPS
Chlr-l I C U
ENG 368-901 3
Significant works of American, British, and continental dramatists of the twentieth century. Plays by women and minorities are included. Dist.: Yes.
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
GER 112-9014
Classroom practice in speaking, understanding and reading basic German. Lab.
Dist.: Yes.
Prerequisites: Ger. 11 1 or equivalent.
11:40-1:25 p.m.
Consideration of ambulation, self care, adapted sports and games, and swimming for
the handicapped. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 350, 351, and 355.
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
T,Th &Arr.
(1st meeting 6/28, 6:00 p.m.)
s of understanding
research procedures associated with study of behavior. Dist.: Yes.
8:30-9:55 a.m.
M, T, W, Th, F
SWK 255-9041
Mountains-a seven day backpacking trip i n Grand Teton National Park. Gain practice
and knowledge necessary to lead wilderness trips effectively. Study the process of a
wilderness group as a social system. Dist.: No.
SPC 367-9042
Studying, viewing, and critiquing the acting and production of five plays. Dist.: No.
T, Th
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
2815 41st Ave. So., Mpls., M N 55406 (Tel.: 721-2565)
INS 399-9040
JUNE 27, 1983-AUGUST 5, 1983
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An Official Publication of
Augsburg College
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, M N 55454
Second Class
Augsburg College i s a four-year, fully accredited liberal arts
college affiliated with The American Lutheran Church. Located... Show more
An Official Publication of
Augsburg College
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, M N 55454
Second Class
Augsburg College i s a four-year, fully accredited liberal arts
college affiliated with The American Lutheran Church. Located
in the heart of the Twin Cities, the small college environment,
about 1500 students during the academic year, is enriched by the
many cultural, sporting and recreational activities found in this
vibrant metropolitan area. An active summer combining classes
and participation in metropolitan events is a delightful and
broadening experience.
Additional information and registration forms may be obtained
from the Summer School Officc:. Write or call:
Memorial Hall -230
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, M N 55454
(612) 330-1025
Pat Parker, Director
Ruth Maertens, Secretary
Volume 115, Number 1
Summer, 1984
AUCSBURC COLLEGE (USPS #490-310) is published four times
a year in Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter by Augsburg College,
731 21st Avenue South, Minneapolis, M N 55454. Second-class
postage paid at Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Augsburg College provides a diverse summer curriculum
including regular courses, internships, independent studies and
student teaching over two terms. Term I runs from May 29-)une
22, Term II runs from June25-August 3. This bmchum presents
the Summer School Pmgmn and was correct at the time of
Term I
Term I I
Preregistration with Tuition Discount
April 18
April 18
Confirmation of Registration
Classes Begin
Balance of Tuition Due
May 29
June 25
Last Day to:
Change Grading Option
Drop Class Without Notation
Register with a Late Fee of $10.00
(No registrations will be accepted
after this date)
May 31
June 27
Last Day to Withdraw From Class (W)
June 18
July 13
Classes End
June 22
August 3
Grades Due in Registrafs Office
June 27
Summer Students may take one course during Term I and two
courses during Term II. Unless otherwise indicated, all courses
carry a value of one course credit, the equivalent of four semester
credits or six quarter credits. Courses fulfilling Augsburg distribution requirements are so noted in the course descriptions.
Persons in Good Standing at regionally accredited colleges and
universities, graduates of such institutions, and students admitted
forthe next Fall Term are eligible to attend Augsburg Summer
School. Good standing implies that the student has been
admitted and not subsequently dropped by that institution.
Course Levels are indicated by the first digit of the three digit
course number: 1 or 2, lower division, primarily for freshmen and
sophomores, 3 or 4, upper division, primarily for juniors and
seniors, and 5, graduate level.
Other Persons wishing to take summer school work should contact the Director of Summer School to ascertain eligibility under
special circumstances.
Courses ~egularlyTaught during the academic year are more
fully described in the October AUGSBURG COLLEGE CATALOG.
If you need more information about a special summer offering,
please contact the Summer School Office.
Independent Study and Internships in addition to those listed
may be pursued during the summer in a number of departments.
lnternships involve work experience related to the academic
program in an agency, government, or industry. Consult the
Summer School Office for information.
Students Needing Housing may obtain information from the
Director of Housing.
Acceptance as a summer student does not imply admission as a
regular student of Augsburg College. Those wishing to begin a
degree program at the college should apply for admission
through the Office of Admission.
Financial Aid is limited to the Guaranteed Student Loan. Any
student taking 1 course is regarded as a half-time student for the
summer and is eligible for a Guaranteed Student Loan. Contact
the Financial Aid Office to make loan arrangements (330-1046).
Persons Planning to Attend Summer School are advised to
preregister as soon as possible, since courses without substantial
demand may be dropped.
The College Reserves the Right to Cancel Listed Courses.
Augsburg College admits students of any race, color, national and
ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities
generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It
does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, national
and ethnic origin in employment practices or administration of its
educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan
programs and athletic and other school-administered programs.
Term I Summer School students are required to confirm their
registrations on May 29; Term II registrations must be confirmed
on June 25. This procedure includes confirmation of all preregistered courses and applies to internships and independent
studies as well as to regularly scheduled courses.
Confirmation of registration will take place at the Registrar's
Office, 114 Science Hall, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 6:30
p.m. on May 29 and June 25.
The balance owing for tuition must be paid before registration
is confirmed. Augsburg Students please note: Balance due on
Augsburg account from previous termls must be paid in full
before confirmation of registration.
A late fee of $10.00 will be assessed for Term I registrations
completed on May 30 and May 31. A late fee of $10.00 will be
assessed for Term II registrations completed on June 26 and June
27. Registrations will not be accepted after these dates.
To c a n r d your regictl-~tiun,
arld a course, o r d r t ~ pa <:oirrscl and
enroll ir) another cotr~,sc,fill OUI i l Cancc.l/Add form a1 11>(* Registrar's
Clfficc There i s a charge of $5.00 for changing a registration
after the first day oC each term. This must br! done by 3340 pm.
on May 31 (or Term I courses and hy 3:30 p.m. nn June27 for
Term II courses. This procedure applies to internships and
independent studies as well as scheduled courses. Any refund
or adjustment of fees is determined according to the "Tuition
Refund Policy".
The tuition charge for Summer School is $325.00 for each course
taken for credit, unless otherwise indicated. The audit charge
(non-credit) i s $163.00 for each course. Laboratorylspecial fees
are noted with course descriptions.
Preregistration on April 18 will result in a s,ivings ot $25.00 for
e,~chcourse taken. This redtrceti ti~itivnof $.$00.00per coirrse
cipplies only to hose courses for which the sttldent prert!gisters
on April '18. A nonrefundable d ~ o o s iof
l $50.00 pel. kt>ul.scis
at his tirne anci i s applietl lo desigri~tedrour-setuition.
If a course is carirelled dur to low enrollment, a sul)stitution r ~ y
he rriadc w i t h n ~loss
~ t of disc:ount. Stutl~nts[nay prr!rclgister Cur
1~0thTer*rnI anri Tcarrn It courses on April 18; tuition rlisr:ouri~
dl)plicb>t c I~ ~ o l ltcrms.
After April 18, students may preregister at the Registrar's Office on
an ongoing basis during regular office hours. The required $50.00
per course nonrefundable deposit is applied to designated course
tuition. Substitutions allowed if course is cancelled.
The $50.00 deposit is not refundable. Refund of all or part of the
remaining fee is calculated from the first day of the term to the date
of the student's official course cancellation at the Registrar's Office.
Schedule of Refunds
(No refund after the dates listed below)
Term I
Term II
May 29
May 30
May 31
June 1
June 25
June 26
June 27
June 28
June 29
MAY 29-JUNE 22
ART 107-8501
B. Olson
As a way of seeing and a means of personal expression working with a variety of media,
pencil, pen, charcoal, pastel. Dist.: Yes
O M 17
M, T,W,Th
9:00 a.m.-1 2:00 n.
B. Olson
ART 118-85021355-8503 PAINTING I& II
Watercolor-Acrylic; translating thevisual world of nature, landscapes, still life, using
design concepts, developing personal expression and exploring variew of techniques.
Weekly critiques. Dist.: Yes.
9:00 a.m.-12:OO n.
M, T,W,Th
BIO 103-8506
Professional course in the structure and function of the human body. Dist.: Yes.
Psy. Bldg.
1:30-4:30 p.m. Lab.
T, W,Th
GER 111-8530
Classroom practicespeaking, understanding and reading basic German for students
with no previous background in German. Dist.: Yes.
M, T,W, Th,F
8:30-10:50 a.m.
NOR 111-112
A 3-week total immersion language learning experience for 10-16 highly motivated
students ata lakesite in Northern Minn. Consult Prof. Leif E. Hansen (330-1292, Home
822-8726) for details by April 1. Dist.: Yes. Dates: June 8-30.
HPE 410-8531
Historical background, legal bases, school health services, and relationships to community health program and resources. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 320.
5:OO-8:00 p.m.
M, T,W, Th
HPE 491-8532
Study of the treatment of disease and injury. General principlesand administration of
neuro-muscular re-education. Dist : No.
Prerequisites: 350, 351, 354
6:OO-9:00 p.m.
T,Th and Arr.
(1st meeting 5/29, 6:00 p.m.)
BUS 101-8507
HPE 493-8533
Introduction to business activities, basic concepts and fundamentals of accounting,
the accounting cycle and preparation of financial statements. Dist.: No.
8:30-10:50 a.m.
M, T,W,Th,F
51 12
ENG 438-8529
Study of ten or twelve major plays with attention to the development of Shakespeare's
dramatic and poetic art. Dist.: Yes.
9:30-1 l:50 a.m.
M, T, W, Th,F
BUS 261-8508
Theory of acquisition, allocation, and management of funds within the firm; sources
and uses of long and short term funds, cost of capital, capital budgeting, leverage,
dividend policy and related topics. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 101, 102
9:30-1 l:50 a.m.
M, T,W,Th,F
BUS 399-8509
Administrative guidelines and history of ACTA and North Central Chapter. Construction
of CT treatment clinic; equipment, employment, public relationsand ethics. Dist.: No.
6:OO-9:00 p.m.
T,Th and Arr.
(1st meeting 5/29,6:00 p.m.)
Hospital affiliation of 444 hours required. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 485,491 and approval of department.
HIS 299-85371499-8538
ECO 120-8510
Study of economic implicat
independent study only. D i
ECO 122-8511
roblems facing a metro-urban environment. By
(Diverse Topics: See Instructor)
INS 399-8539
on ~~:mmmwmnsrnics
m t i ~ ammms'an;tlvs!s,,~mt)ne~a~ry~am
policy, international trade, economic growth. Dist.: Yes.
1 :00-4:00 p.m.
ECO 392-8512
Monetary and bankingsystems, particularly commercial banks, and the Federal Reserve
System. Emphasis on monetary theory and policy. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 122
9:30-1 l:50 a.m.
M, 1,W,Th,F
- -
PHI 130-8540
Examinationof rules which govern valid argumentsand aid in developing theability
to recognize and construct sound arguments. Dist.: Yes.
g:30-1 l:50 a.m.
M, 1,W, Th,F
POL 199-85431399-8544 INTERNSHIPS
EDE 353-8513
Emphasis on normal development and behavior. Consideration of data and theory
related to development during the adolescent and adult periods of life. Dist.: No.
Prerequisite: 105
M, 1,W, Th,F
8:30-I O:50 a.m.
R. Anderson
Understanding administrative guidelines and teacher competencies involved in a
mainstreamed prekindergarten or daycare program.
8:30-10:50 a.m.
M, 1,W,Th,F
(!h course) June 11-22
EDE 375-8514
Kindergarten curriculum, materials, and teaching approaches. Lab. arr.
Prerequisite to student teaching at kindergarten level and to obtaining a license for
teaching at that level. Consent of instructor. Dist.: No.
9:30-1 l:50 a.m.
M, 1,W,Th,F
PSY 352-8545
REL 359-8546
Survev of the issues and the methods used in the interpretation of the Bible.
8:30-lO:50 a.m.
M, 1,W, Th,F
Student teaching for both elementary and secondary education is offered by the
Department of Education during thegeneral period from the middleofJuneto theend
of July. Theexact dates aredetermined in conjunction with the school system. All of
the courses require acceptance into the Department of Education program. Contact
the Registrah Office for exact dates and course number to be used in registration.
SWK 255-8547
R. Anderson
EDE 481-85151482-8516 STUDENT TEACHING:
483-85 171484-8518 PREKINDERGARTEN
Students required to have 160 child contact hours. Placement arrangement by
instructor. Dist.: No. Additional $35.00 fee.
Prerequisites: Acceptance, Education Department.
EDE 481-85191482-8520 STUDENTTEACHING:
Observing and directing learninaexoeriences in elementary schools under supervision
of collegeand public school perso'nnel. Dist.: No. ~ d d i t i o n a$35.00
Prerequisites: Acceptance, Education Department.
EDS 481-85231482-8524 STUDENT TEACHING:
483-85251484-8526 SECONDARY
Observing and directing learning experiences on secondary school level under
su~ervisionof colleae and hiah school oersonnel. Dist.: No. Additional $35.00 fee.
ENG 163-85271363-8528 WAR A N D WORDS: LITERATURE
Focus on books written by people coming to terms with the Vietnam experience;
including navels, memoirs, personal narratives, essays, poetry, and journals which have
depicted, recreated, explained, hidden, and exposed the war. Dist.: Yes.
9:30-1 l:50 a.m.
M,T, W,Th,F
, i f - ~ l ~ ~MEDlUM
~ ~ ~ ~ S S
Canoes-an eight day car .&trip in I h r Q u ~ ~ ~ : h P r c nidl~ Park
i n i of Ontario. Gain practice and knowledge ntcvssary to lead wilderness trips effectively. Study the process
of a wilderness qruul) as a social system. Dist.: No.
(See instructor for details)
Addtiondl fee--SWK 499-8548
SWK 399-8549
The cultural and structural dynamics of the modern world viewed from the perspective
of the metropolitan situation. Dist.: Yes.
M, 1,W, Th, F
9:30-1 l:50 a.m.
SOC 11 1-8550
-An examination of the ideas:u!"~>rimitiv~~:l'rivilized:and "progress": a comparison
of alternate realities 4s fuuljd in,diflr.Wnt cultures and varying social contexts.
Dist.: No.
8:30-10:50 a.m.
SOC 241-8551
SOC 19945521399-8553 INTERNSHIPS
.I 'm
SPC 11 1-8554
Basic approach to effective speaking and critical listening. Dist.: Yes.
6:OO-9:00 p.m.
M, T, W,Th
PHY 101-9618
Study of Solar system, stars, galaxies. Optical instruments explained; use of Winch
reflecting telescope, 8-inch Celestron, 3-inch Questar. Dist.: Yes.
Prerequisites: Elementary algebra.
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
T, Th
ART 132-9601134
The camera used as a tool for visual creativity and expression; black and white, color,
and photographic processes. Need access to a 35 mm camera. Dist.: Yes.
Estimated cost of film, etc.: $75.00.
2:30-6:00 p.m.
M, W Section I
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
M,W Section II
POL 199-96221399-9623 INTERNSHIPS
BUS 399-9602
8:30-955 a.m.
M, T, W, Th, F
ECO 120-9603
Study of economic implications of problems facing a metreurban environment. By indeArr.
pendent study only. Dist.: Yes.
ECO 123-9604
Introduction to micrc-economics, the theory of the household, firm, market structures
and incomedistribution. Application of elementary economic theory to market policy.
ECO 353-9605
REL 111-9626
An introduction to theacademicdiscipline of theology and to thedialogue between
the church and the world which concerns Christian doctrine. Dist.: Yes.
8:30-9:55 a.m.
M, T, W, Th, F
REL 341-9627
Exploration of health and healing in Christian teaching and practice, including the role
of scientific technology and prayer and sacraments in healing. Required field trips.
Dist.: Yes.
SWK 255-9628
GER 112-9606
Classroom practice in speaking understandingand reading basic German. Lab. Dist.: Yes.
Prerequisites: 111 or equivalent.
8:30-9:55 a.m.
M, T, W, Th
y be earned through the Camp Norway program in Norwav. Chal-
SOC 356-9629
HPE 485-9607
Consideration of ambulation, self care, adapted sports and games, and swimming for
the handicapped. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 350, 351, and
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
The dimension of racial and minority group relations emphasizing prejudice, racism
and the role of self-understanding. Dist.: No. (PIN Grading only)
M, W
M6:OO-9:30 p.m.
SOC 199-96311399-9632 INTERNSHIPS
Studying, viewing, and critiquing the acting and production of five plays. Dist.: No.
HPE 487-9608
2815 41st Ave. So., Mpls., M N 55406 (Tel.: 721-2565)
497-961 1
Hospital affiliation of 444 hours required. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 485,491 and approval of department.
HIS 233-96121433-9613 WOMEN'S ROLES I N AMERICA
Examination of women's roles in the family, the workplace, and in voluntaryorganizations from Colonial America to the 1980's. Includes comparisons based on class, race,
ethnicity and geographic region. Dist.: Yes.
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
T, T h
HIS 369-9614
York, England. The Viking expansion and its impact on the British Isles. History comes
alive through extensive archaeological finds, lectures, field trips. July 15-28. Contact
Liv Dahl, Sons of Norway Heritage Programs, for brochure. (612) 827-3611. Dist.: No.
INS 399-9615
MAT 114-9616
Fundamental operations, factoring, fractions, functions and graphs, linear equations,
exponentsand radicals, quadraticequations, ratio and variation, progressions, binomial
theorem, logarithmsand trigonometricfunctions. Students who havecompleted 124
may register for credit only with consent of instructor. Dist.: Yes.
T, Th
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
PHI 120-9617
This course takes a long, hard look at possible grounds for making moral decisions,
and at the moral judgments about personal and social issues resulting from them..
10:05-1 l:30 a.m.
M, T, W, Th, F
35W from the North-Take Washington Ave. exit and turn left on Washington
(turns right onto Cedar Ave.), turn left at Riverside, right at 21st Ave. S.
1-94 East from Minneapolis-Take 25th Ave. exit, turn left at 25th Ave., turn left at
Riverside, turn left at 21st Ave. S.
1-94 West from St. Paul-Take Riverside exit, turn right at Riverside, turn left at 21st
Ave. S.
I 1-
35W from the South-Follow 1-94 St. Paul signs (move right lane after each of two
mergers). Take 25th Ave. exit and turn left on 25th Ave., turn left at Riverside, turn
left at 21st Ave. S.
Show less
An Official Publication of
Augsburg College
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, M N 55454
Second Class
BugsbumColf'egeisa fobryeat, fully accwditd liberal art5
colle8e affil lated with The American Lutheran Church. Located
in the h... Show more
An Official Publication of
Augsburg College
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, M N 55454
Second Class
BugsbumColf'egeisa fobryeat, fully accwditd liberal art5
colle8e affil lated with The American Lutheran Church. Located
in the heartof thewin Cities, he small college environment,
t 1700 sfudmts dufing the academic war, 'rs enriched by the
many cul~ml,sporting and recreaflunal adIvities found In this
vlmbtant metropolitan area*An active summer corn bl nihg classes
and participation in nmtimpaliun wen& is s delightful and
Augsburg College provides a diverse summer curriculum
includlng regulaf courses, ihternships, independent studies and
student teachingom two terms. Tkm I runsfrom June3-June 28,
Term It runs from luly I-August 9. This brochure presents the
Summer School Ppgrarn and wci5 correct at the time of
bmaden ing experience.
Term I
Term I I
Preregistration with Tuition Discount
April 24
April 24
Confirmation of Registration
Classes Begin
Balance of Tuition Due
June 3
Last Day to:
Change Grading Option
Drop Class Without Notation
Register with a Late Fee of $10.00
(No registrations will be accepted
after this date)
June 5
Last Day to Withdraw From Class (W)
June 17
July 22
Classes End
June 28
August 9
Grades Due in Registrar's Office
July 3
August 14
Summer Students m y take one course duringTerm I and h r v ~
cou,rsesduringTern 11. Unless otherwise indicated, ail courses
carry a value of om course &it,
the equiwalent of fwsemester
urrdits crsfx quanerdits. Coum fulfilling Augsburgdistribution requirementsare SQ nored in the couwe descriptions.
,Cwtselmklsare indicated by the first digit of the three digit
c ~ u ~ n , u m1bore 2,
~ lower division, primarily for freshmen and
sophomores; 3 or 4, upper division, primarily for juniors and
seniors; and 5, graduate leveI.
Cou-s Regutnrly Taught durfng the academic year are more
fully d&crj'lbRd in the October AUGSBlJRG COLLEGE CATALOG.
if:you need more information about a special summer offering,
please contactthe Summer School Oftice
Independent Study and Internships in addition to those listed
may be pursued during the summer in a number of departments.
lnternships involve work experience related to the academic
program in an agency, government, or industry. Consult the
Summer School Office for information.
Students Needing Housing may obtain information from the
Director of Housing.
Persons Planning to Attend Summer School are advised to
preregister as soon as possible, since courses without substantial
demand may be dropped.
The College Reserves the Right to Cancel Listed Courses.
Additional information and registration forms may be obtained
from the Summer School Office. Write or call:
Memorial Hall -230
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, M N 55454
(612) 330-1025
Pat Parker, Director
Ruth Maertens, Secretary
Term I Summer School students are required to confirm their
registrations on June3; Term I1 registrations must be confirmed on
July 1. This procedure Includes canfirmation of all preregistered comes and applies to Tptern'shipsand independent
studies as well as to regularly scheduled courses.
Confirmation of registration will take place at the Registrar's
Office, 114 Science Hall, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 6:30
p.m. on June 3 and July 1.
The balance owing for tuition must be paid before registration
is confirmed. Augsburg Students please note: Balance due on
Augsburg account from previous termls must be p a ~ din full
before confirmation of registration.
Persons in Good Standing at regionally accredited colleges and
universities, graduates of such institutions, and students admitted
for the next Fall Term are eligible to attend Augsburg Summer
School. Good standing implies that the student has been
admitted and not subsequently dropped by that institution.
Other Persons wishing to take summer school work should contact the Director of Summer School to ascertain eligibility under
special circumstances.
Acceptance as a summer student does not imply admission as a
regular student of Augsburg College. Those wishing to begin a
degree program at the college should apply for admission
through the Office of Admission.
Financial Aid is limited to the Guaranteed Student Loan. Any
student taking 1 course is regarded as a half-time student for the
summer and is eligible for a Guaranteed Student Loan. Contact
the Financial Aid Office to make loan arrangements (330-1046).
A late fee of $10.00 will be assessed for Term I registrations
completed on June 4 and June 5. A late fee of $10.00 will be
assessed for Term II registrations completed on July 2 and July 3.
Registrations will not be accepted after these dates.
To cancel your registration, add a course, or drop a course and
enroll in another course, fill out a CancelIAdd form at the Registrar's
Office. There is a charge of $5.00 for changing a registration
after the first day of each term. This must be done by 3:30 p.m.
on June 5 for Term I courses and by 3:30 p.m. on July 3 for
Term II courses. This procedure applies to internships and
independent studies as well as scheduled courses. Any refund
or adjustment of fees is determined according to thei'Tuition
Refund Policy".
Augsburg Col lege admirs students of any race, color, national and
ethnic origin to all rights, privilege, pmgrarns, and activities
generally accorded or made milable to studen& at the school. It
does not discriminateon the basis of race, color, creed, national
and ethnic origin in employment practices or administration of its
educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan
programs and athletic and other school-admi nistered programs.
The tuition charge for Summer School is $340.00 for each course
taken for credit, unless otherwise indicated. The audit charge
(non-credit) is $170.00 for each course. Laboratorylspecial fees are
noted with course descriptions.
Preregistration on April 24 will result in a savings of $30.00 for
each course taken. This reduced tuition of $310.00 per course
applies only to those courses for which the student preregisters
on April 24. A nonrefundable deposit of $50.00 per course is
required at this time and is applied to designated course tuition.
If a course is cancelled due to low enrollment, a substitution may
be made without loss of discount. Students may preregister for
both Term I and Term II courses on April 24; tuition discount
applies to both terms.
After April 24, students may preregister at the Registrat's Office on
an ongoing basis during regular office hours. The required $50.00
per course nonrefundable deposit is applied to designated course
tuition. Substitutions allowed if course is cancelled.
35W from the NorthTake Washington Ave. exit and turn left on Washington (turns right
onto Cedar Ave.), turn left at Riverside, right at 21st Ave. S.
The $50.00 deposit is not refundable. Refund of all or part of the
remaining fee is calculated from the first day of the term to the date
of the student's official course cancellation at the Registrat's Office.
Schedule of Refunds
(No refund after the dates listed below)
Term I
June 3
June 5
June 6
June 7
Term I I
1-94 East from MinneapolisTake 25th Ave. exit, turn left at 25th Ave., turn left at Riverside, turn
left at 21st Ave. S.
1-94 West from St. PaulTake Riverside exit, turn right at Riverside, turn left at 21st Ave. S.
35W from the SouthFollow 1-94 St. Paul signs (move right lane after each of two
mergers).Take 25th Ave. exit and turn left on 25th Ave., turn left at
Riverside, turn left at 21st Ave. S.
GER 111-8126
Classroom practice speaking, understanding and reading basic German for students
with no previous background in German. Dist.: Yes.
8:30-10:50 a.m.
M, T, W, Th,F
SPA 111-8127
Aims to develop four basic skills: understanding, speaking, reading, and writing of
elementary Spanish. Introduction to culture of Spanish-speakingworld. Dist.: Yes.
8:30-10:50 a.m.
M, T, W,Th,F
ART 107-8100
Drawingin pencil, charcoal, ink, and pastels. Subjects includestill-life, figures, building
HPE 410-8128
Historical background, legal bases, school health services, and relationshipsto community health program and resources. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 320.
,W, Th
5:OO-8:00 p.m.
M, 1
lntcdnrs and mreriors, and experimental work. Dist.: Yes.
1 :00-4:OQp.m.
M, T, W, Th
O M 17
ART 223-81011368-8102 PRINTMAKING I & II
Principles and methods of print making in a variety of media including etching,
silkscreen and woodcut. Dist.: Yes.
1:OO-4:00 p.m.
M, T, W, Th
HPE 491-8129
Study of the treatment of disease and injury. General principles and administration of
neuro-muscular re-education. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 350, 351, 354.
6:OO-9:00 p.m.
1,Th and Arranged
(1st meeting 614, 6:00 p.m.)
Professional course in the structure and function of the human body. Dist.: Yes.
10:30-1:00 p.m. Lect.
M, T, W,Th,F
1:30-4:30 p.m. Lab.
T, W, Th
BIO 103-8103
HPE 493-8130
Administrative guidelines and history of ACTA and North Central Chapter. Construction
of CT treatment clinic; equipment, employment, public relationsand ethics. Dist.: No.
6:OO-9:00 p.m.
T,Th and Arranged
(1st meeting 614, 6:00 p.m.)
BUS 101-8104
Introduction to business activities, basic concepts and fundamentals of accounting,
the accounting cycle and preparation of financial statements. D~st.:No.
8:30-10:50 a.m.
M, T, W, Th, F
Hospital affiliation of 444 hours required. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 485,491 and approval of department.
BUS 135-8105
Principles of basic policy and strategy issues in marketing. Legal, ethical, competitive,
behavioral, economic and technological factors as they affect product, promotion,
marketing channel and pricing decisions. Dist.: NO.
O M 10
M, T, W, Th, F
HIS 299-81361499-8137
(Diverse Topics: See Instructor)
First term of a two semester course, general chemistry principles and an introduction
to organic chemistry. Dist.: Yes.
Prerequisites: High school chemistry.
9:30-11:50a.m. lect.
T, W, Th
1:OO- 3:00 p.m. Lab.
HIS 233-81341433-8135 WOMEN'S ROLES I N AMERICA
Examination of women's roles in the family, the workplace, and in voluntary organizations from Colonial America to the 1980's. Includes comparisons based on class, race,
ethnicity and geographic region. Dist.: Yes.
1:OO-4:00 p.m.
M, T, W, Th
BUS 261-8106
Theory of acquisition, allocation, and managementof funds within the firm; sources
and uses, of long and short term funds, cost of capital, capital budgeting, leverage,
dividend policy and related topics. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 101, 102.
8:30-10:50 a.m.
M,T, W,Th, F
BUS 399-8107
INS 399-8138
C H M 109-8108
NUR 303-8152
(112 course)
This course is oneof the transitional courses that introduce the student to components of the professional role and begin the professional socialization process.
9:30-l l:50 a.m.
ECO 120-8109
Study of economic implications of problems facing a metro-urban environment. Bv
independent study only. Dist.: Yes.
ECO 122-81 10
Introduction to macro-economics; national income analysis, monetary and fiscal
policy, international trade, economic growth. Dist.: Yes.
6:OO-9:00 p.m.
M, T, W, Th
EDE 353-81 11
R. Anderson
Understanding administrative guidelines and teacher competencies involved in a
mainstreamed prekindergarten or daycare program.
8:30-10:50 a.m.
M, T, W,Th, F
(% course) June 10-21
Kindergarten curriculum, materials, and teaching approaches. Lab. arranged.
Prerequisite to student teaching at kindergarten level and to obtaining a license for
teaching at that level. Consent of instructor. Dist.: No.
9:30- 1l:50 a.m.
M, T, W, Th, F
PHI 120-8139
This course takes a long, hard look at possible grounds for making moral decisions,
and at the moral judgments about personal and social issues resulting from them.
Dist.: Yes.
9:30-1 l:50 a.m.
M, T, W,Th,F
PHI 130-8140
Examination of ruleswhich govern valid argument sand aid in developing the ability
to recognize and construct sound arguments. Dist.: Yes.
M, T, W, Th,F
POL 158-8141
An analysis of basic patterns in the political system and decision-making process with
some comparison of major political systems and discussion of contemporary issues.
Dist.: Yes.
8:30-10:50 a.m.
M, T,W, Th,F
POL 299-81421499-8143 DIRECTED STUDY1
(Topic by arrangement)
POL 199-81441399-8145 INTERNSHIPS
Student teaching lor both efemntary and wondaw educalian Is d i e d by the
Department d Eduqtl~n
duringthegeneralpwiad lmm the middle of june ta the end
olJuly.Thexact dates are determind tn conjunction with the school system. A l l of
the m u m u w i r e acceptance intothe kpartmtof Educatimprogram. Cmtm
tk Registfar's Offtce kurexaci dates and caurse number ta be used in registration.
EDE 481-81 131482-8114 STUDENT TEACHING:
R. Anderson
483-81 151484-8116 PREKINDERGARTEN
Students required to have 160 child contact hours. Placement arrangement by
instructor. Additional $35.00 fee. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: Acceptance, Education Department.
EDE 481-81 171482-8118 STUDENT TEACHING:
Observing and directing learning experiences in elementary schools under supervision
of college and public school personnel. Additional $35.00 fee. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: Acceptance, Education Department.
EDS 481-81211482-8122 STUDENTTEACHING:
483-81231484-81 24 SECONDARY
Observing and directing learning experiences on secondary school level under
supervision of college and high school personnel. Additional $35.00 fee. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: Acceptance, Education Department.
ENG 269-8125
ewrnim Ihrydep~ctImso f p d - k I=, IndludinqThe
This course WIII
of Songs," Ov~d's
Tk+ArtOTbw, Shakespea& AwhPaandldCe~riaA ~Id$umril@r
Dream, ~ s ~ 1 o h nthenobrlowblmof
~ ~ e ,
manly IoveofA ~ b ~ m x r e d & v r o l 8 c 5 r t w r ~ t h e m q ; l n i n g f d l m a n d
thus, perhaps, IaeItsdf. DM.:
9:30- 1l:50 a.m.
M, T, W, Th, F
PSY 105-8146
Methods and approaches used in psychology for purpose of understanding behavior;
research procedures associated with study of behavior. Dist.: Yes.
1:00-4:00 p.m.
M, T, W, Th
REL 369-8147
Particularities of religious discernment, symbolism and world view. Reading and discussion of nine works (novels, poetry, etc.j. Class meets approximately every ither day.
Dist.: Yes.
Prerequisites: 111 or 221.
M, T, W,Th, F
SOC 241-8148
An examination of the ideas ofnprimitive", "civilized, and "progress": a comparison
of alternate realities as found in different cultures and varying social contexts.
Dist.: No.
6:OO-9:00 p.m.
M, T, W, Th
SOC 199-81491399-8150 INTERNSHIPS
SPC 111-8151
Basic approach to effective speaking and critical listening. Dist.: Yes.
6:OO-9:00 p.m.
M, T, w, Th
ART 107-9100
B. Olson
As a way of seeing and a means of personal expression working with a variety of media,
pencil, pen, charcoal, pastel. Dist.: Yes.
5:30-9:00 p.m.
M, J, Jh
ART 118-91011355-9102 PAINTING I & II
B. Olson
Watercolor-Acrylic; translating the visual world of nature, landscapes, still life, using
design concepts, developing personal expression and exploringvariety of techniques.
Weekly critiques. Dist.: Yes.
5:30-9:00 p.m.
M, T,Th
ART 132-91031132-9104 PHOTOGRAPHY
The camera used as a tool for visual creativity and expression; black and white, color,
and photographic processes. Need access to a 35 mm camera. Dist.: Yes.
Estimated cost of film, etc.: $75.00.
2:30-6:00 p.m.
M, W Section I
6:00-9:30 p.m.
M, W Section II
HPE 485-91 19
Consideration of ambulation, self care, adapted sports and games, and swimming for
the handicapped. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 350, 351, and 355.
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
T,Th & Arranged
(1st meeting 7/2,6:00 p.m.)
HPE 487-9120
An introduction to neurology and pathology for the corrective therapist. Dist.: No.
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
M, W
(1st meeting 7/1,6:00 p.m.)
Hospital affiliation of 444 hours required. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 485,491 and approval of department.
S. Anderson
Examines the nationality problem in Austria, Russia and Germany, and the creation
of new "national statesnafter the war. World War II Nazi occupation to postwar Soviet
domination, and the start of the Cold War over East Europe. Also recent crises.
Dist.: Yes.
Additional work required for upper division credit.
5:30-9:00 p.m.
HIS 239-91241339-9125
BIO 108-9105
Basic microbial features considered as well as application of microbiology to fields of
medicine and sanitation. Dist.: No.
6:00-9:30 p.m. Lect.
M, W
J, Th
6:OO-9:30 p.m. Lab
INS 399-9126
MAT 114-9143
BUS 102-9106
Introduction to business activities, basic concepts and fundamentals of managerial
accounting. Planning and controlling processes, decision-makingand behavioral considerations. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 101.
6:00-9:30 p.m.
J, Th
BUS 145-9107
Developmentof the theory of management, organization, staffing, planningand control.
The nature of authority, accountability and responsibility, analysis of the role of the
professional manager. Dist.: No.
10:05-1l:30 a.m.
M, J, W,Jh, F
BUS 399-9108
Second semester of two semester course emphasizing organic and biological chemistry
around the theme: the molecular basis of life. Dist.: Yes.
Prereauisites: 109 or equivalent with de~artmental~ermission.
CHM 110-9109
B. Loe
Fundamental operations, factoring, fractions, functions and graphs, linear equations,
exponents and radicals, quadratic equations, ratio and variation, progressions, binomial
theorem, logarithms and trigonometric functions. Students who have completed 124
may register for credit only with consent of instructor. Dist.: Yes.
PHY 101-9127
Study of solar system, stars, galaxies. Optical instruments explained; use of 12-inch
reflecting telescope, 8-inch Celestron, 3-inch Questar. Dist.: Yes.
Prerequisites: Elementary algebra.
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
J, Th
POL 299-91281499-9129 INDEPENDENT STUDY
(Topics by Arrangement)
POL 199-91301399-9131 INTERNSHIPS
REL 111-9132
Zn intrnd~lrtinn
t n t h ~ a r a d ~ m i c d i ~ c i n l i n ~ n f t h ~ n l n to
e vtahn~dr l i a l n vhetween
10:OO-12:OO N. Lab
T, W,Th
Historical, literary and sociological perspectives from antiquity to present. Uses
primary texts, Hindu ritual films. Dist.: Yes.
8:30-9:55 a.m.
M, T,W,Th,F
ECO 123-9111
lntroduction to micro-economics, the theory of the household, firm, market structures
and income distribution. Application of elementary economic theory to market policy.
Dist.: Yes.
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
M, w
SWK 255-9134
Canoes-an eight day canoe trip in the Quetico Provincial Park of Ontario. Gain
practice and knowledge necessary to lead wilderness trips effectively. Study the process
of a winderness group as a social system. Dist.: No.
Additional fee.
(See instructor for details)
ECO 353-91 12
Economics concepts explained using mathematics as a tool. Examples from finance,
management, and marketingwill also be solved. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 123.
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
T, Th
ENG 226-9114
The purpose of the course is to encourage and guide, by means of appropriate models,
theories, and criticism, writing in narrative and poetic modes of expression. Dist.: No.
ENG 245-91 16
Introductionto the study of fiction, drama, and poetry. Particularattention will be devoted
todmlopingcritical and analytical skills in reading and writing about literature. Strongly
recommendedfor English majors and minors. Dist.: Yes.
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
SWK 499-9135
SWK 399-9136
ECO 392-91 13
Monetary and bankingsystems, particularlycommercial banks, and the Federal Reserve
System. Emphasis on monetary theory and policy Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 122.
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
M, W
ENG 241-9115
An investigation of the artistic qualities and the historical development of the film
medium. The course includesthe viewing and discussingof both feature length and short
films. Dist.: Yes (for So., Jr., Sr.).
5:30-9:00 p.m.
M, W
SOC 220-91 371320-9138 SOCIOLOGY OF LAW
This course examines the nature of law, its effect on society, and the effect of society
on it. From a sociological perspective, we will explore cross-cultural notions of law,
deterrence, the criminal justice system, the legal profession, and corporate crime.
Dist.: Psychology-Sociology.
Prerequisites: 121 or Introductory Pol. Sci. course or permission of instructor.
10:05-1 l:30 a.m.
M,T, W, Th,F
SOC 356-91 39
Analysis of adult correctional programsand processes. Lectures, discussion, and site
visits to correctional institutions and government offices. Dist.: No.
1:30-5:00 p.m.
SOC 199-91401399-9141 INTERNSHIPS
SPC 367-9142
Studying, viewing, and critiquing the acting and production of five plays. Dist.: No.
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
2815 41st Ave. So., Mpls., M N 55406 (Tel.: 721-2565)
GER 112-9117
Classroom practice in speaking, understandingand reading basic German. Lab. Dist.: Yes.
Prerequisites: 111 or equivalent.
10:05-1 l:30 a.m.
M, T, W, Th
SPA 112-9118
Aims todwelop the four basic skills: understanding, speaking, reading, and writing of
elementary Spanish. lntroduction to culture of Spanish-speaking world. Dist.: Yes.
8:30-9:55 a.m.
M,T, W,Th, F
REL 372-9133
ECO 120-91 10
Study of economic implications of problems facing a metreurban environment. By inde
pendent study only. Dist.: Yes.
the church and the world which concerns Christian doctrine. Dist.: ye;
10:05-1 l:30 a.m.
M, T, W, Th,F
Show less
Augsburg College is a four-year, fully accredited liberal
arts college of The American Lutheran Church. Located in
the heart of the Twin Cities, the small college
environment, about 1700 students during the academic
year, is enriched by the many cultural,... Show more
Augsburg College is a four-year, fully accredited liberal
arts college of The American Lutheran Church. Located in
the heart of the Twin Cities, the small college
environment, about 1700 students during the academic
year, is enriched by the many cultural, sporting and
recreational activities found in this vibrant metropolitan
area. An active summer combining classes and
participation in metropolitan events is a delightful and
broadening experience.
Augsburg College provides a diverse summer curriculum
including regular courses, internships, independent
studies and student teaching over two terms. Term I
runs from June 2-June 27, Term I1 runs from June
30-August 8. This brochure presents the Summer School
Program and was correct at the time of publication.
Summer Students may take one course during Term I
and two courses during Term 11. Unless otherwise
indicated, all courses carry a value of one course credit,
the equivalent of four semester credits or six quarter
credits. Courses fulfilling Augsburg distribution
requirements are so noted in the course descriptions.
Term I
Term I1
Course Levels are indicated by the first digit of the three
digit course number: 1 or 2, lower division, primarily for
freshmen and sophomores; 3 or 4, upper division,
primarily for juniors and seniors; and 5, graduate level.
with Tuition Discount
April 23
April 23
Confirmation of Registration
Classes Begin
Balance of Tuition Due
June 2
June 30
Last Day to:
Change Grading Option
Drop Class Without Notation
Register with a Late Fee of $10
(no registrations will be
accepted after this date)
June 4
July 2
July 4
Students Needing Housing may obtain information from
the Director of Housing.
Last Day to Withdraw from
Class (W)
June 16
July 21
Classes End
June 27
August 8
Persons Planning to Attend Summer School are
advised to preregister as soon as possible, since courses
without substantial demand may be dropped.
Grades Due in Registrar's Office
July 2
August 1 3
Courses Regularly Taught during the academic year are
more fully described in the Augsburg College Catalog. If
you need more information about a special summer
offering, please contact the Summer School Office.
Independent Study and Internships, in addition to those
listed, may be pursued during the summer in a number
of departments. Internships involve work experience
related to the academic program in an agency,
government, or industry. Consult the Summer School
Office for information.
The College Reserves the Right to Cancel Listed
Additional information and registration forms may be
obtained from the Summer School Office. Write or call:
Memorial Hall - 230
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
(612) 330-1025
Pat Parker, Director
Kathy Brown, Secretary
P e r s o n s i n G o o d S t a n d i n g at regionally accredited
colleges and universities, graduates of such institutions,
and students admitted for the next Fall Term are eligible
to attend Augsburg Summer School. Good standing
implies that the student has been admitted and not
subsequently dropped by that institution.
O t h e r P e r s o n s wishing to take summer school work
should contact the Director of Summer School to
ascertain eligibility under special circumstances.
A c c e p t a n c e as a summer student does not imply
admission as a regular student of Augsburg College.
Those wishing to begin a degree program at the College
should apply for admission through the Office of
F i n a n c i a l Aid is limited to the Guaranteed Student Loan.
Any student taking 1 course is regarded as a half-time
student for the summer and is eligible to apply for a
Guaranteed Student Loan. Contact the Financial Aid Office
to make loan arrangements (330-1046).
Term I Summer School students are required to confirm
their registrations on June 2. Term I1 registrations must
be confirmed on June 30. This procedure includes
confirmation of all preregistered courses and applies to
internships and independent studies as well as to
regularly scheduled courses.
Confirmation of registration will take place at the
Registrar's Office, 114 Science Hall, between the hours of
8:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. on June 2 and June 30.
The balance owing for tuition must be paid before
registration is confirmed. Augsburg students please note:
Balance due on Augsburg account from previous term/s
must be paid in full before confirmation of registration.
A late fee of $10.00 will be assessed for Term I
registrations completed on June 3 and 4. A late fee of
$10.00 will be assessed for Term I1 registrations
completed on July 1 and July 2. Registrations will not be
accepted afler these dates.
Augsburg College admits students of any race, color,
national and ethnic origin to all rights, privileges,
programs, and activities generally accorded or made
available to students at the school. It does not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, national
and ethnic origin in employment practices or
administration of its educational policies, admissions
policies, scholarship and loan programs and athletic and
other school-administered programs.
To cancel your registration, add a course, or drop a
course and enroll in another course, fill out a Cancel/Add
form at the Registrar's Office. There is a charge of $5.00
for changing a registration after the first day of each
term. This must be done by 3:30 p.m. on June 4 for Term I
courses and by 3:30 p.m. on July 2 for Term I1 courses.
This procedure applies to internships and independent
studies as well as scheduled courses. Any refund or
adjustment of fees is determined according to the
"Tuition Refund Policy."
The tuition charge for Summer School is $360.00 for each
course taken for credit, unless otherwise indicated. The
audit charge (non-credit)is $180.00 for each course.
Laboratory/special fees are noted with course
Preregistration on April 23 will result in a savings of
$30.00 for each course taken. This reduced tuition of
$330.00 per course applies only to those courses for
which the student preregisters on April 23. A
nonrefundable deposit of $50.00 per course is required at
this time and is applied to designated course tuition. If a
course is cancelled due to low enrollment, a substitution
may be made without loss of discount. Students may
preregister for both Term I and Term I1 courses on April
23, tuition discount applies to both terms.
After April 23, students may preregister at the Registrar's
Office on an ongoing basis during regular office hours.
The required $50.00 per course nonrefundable deposit is
applied to designated course tuition. Substitutions
allowed if course is cancelled.
The $50.00 deposit is not refundable. Refund of all or part
of the remaining fee is calculated from the first day of the
term to the date of the Student's official course
cancellation at the Registrar's Office.
Schedule of Refunds (No refund after the dates listed
Term I
June 2
June 3
June 4
June 5
June 6
Term I1
June 30
July 1
July 2
July 3
July 7
3 5 W from the NorthTake Washington Ave. exit and turn left on Washington
(turns right onto Cedar Ave.),turn left at Riverside, right
at 21st Ave. S.
1 - 9 4 East from MinneapolisTake 25th Ave. exit, turn left at 25th Ave., turn left at
Riverside, turn left at 21st Ave. S.
1 - 9 4 West from St. PaulTake Riverside exit, turn right at Riverside, turn left at
21st Ave. S.
3 5 W from the SouthFollow 1-94 St. Paul signs (move right lane after each of
two mergers). Take 25th Ave. exit and turn left on 25th
Ave., turn left at Riverside, turn left at 2lst Ave. S.
ENG 282-8140
Selected texts read and discussed to gain literary and historical insights
into role and function of evil in our culture."Additional work required for
upper division credit. Dist.: Yes.
. .
GER 111-8126
Classroom practice speaking, understanding and reading basic German
for students with no previous background in German. Dist.: Yes.
ART 107-8100
As a way of seeing and a means of personal expression working with a
variety of media: pencil, pen, charcoal, pastel. Dist.: Yes.
ART 118-8101/355-8102 PAINTING I & I1
B. Olson
Watercolor - Acrylic; translating the visual world of nature, landscapes,
still-life, using design concepts, developing personal expression and exploring variety of techniques. Weekly critiques. Dist.: Yes.
O M 17
K. Anderson
ART 352-8103
Study of women's image in the visual arts in relationship to women's
place within the cultural, economic, and sociological environment of
each period. Dist.: Yes.
Study of basic human nutrition and the changes that occur in nutritional
needs due to physiological stresses and periods of the life cycle; weight
control, dietary myths, and personal dietary analysis. Dist.: Yes.
Prereqaisites: Permission of instructor.
BUS 101-8104
Introduction to business activities, basic concepts and h~ndamentalsof
accounting, the accounting cycle and preparation of financial statements. Dist.: No.
Development of the theory of management, organization, staffing, planning and control. The nature of authority, accountability and responsibility, analysis of the role of the professional manager. Dist.: No.
BUS 261-8106
Theory of acquisition, allocalion, and management of funds within the
firm; sources and Llses of long and short term funds, cost of capital,
capital budgeting, leverage, dividend policy and related topics. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 101,102.
BUS 399
Arranged with individt~alfaculty in the Department of Business Adminnistralion & Economics.
SPA 111-8127
Aims to develop four basic skills: understanding, speaking, reading, and
writing of elementary Spanish. Introduction to culture of Spanish-speaking world. Dist.: Yes.
Historical background, legal bases, school health services, and relationships to community health program and resources. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 320.
HIS 299-8136
(Diverse Topics: See Instructor)
INS 399-8138
J. J o h n s o n
Explores relationship between music of each period and the other fine
arts. Dist.: Yes.
MUS 130-8111
PHI 130-8132
Examination of rules which govern valid arguments and aid in developing
the ability to recognize and construct sound arguments. Dist.: Yes.
PHY 118-8163
Focus on archaelogical evidence left by the northern plains Indians at
Medicine Wheel, Wyoming and the ruins of the Anasazi at Chaco Canyon,
New Mexico and Hovenweep, Utah. Field course; 8 class days in Minneapolis and 15 on the road. Dist.: Yes.
Limited enrollment; additional cost.
For details, consult M. Hollabaugh, Department of Physics, (330-1019)
First term of a two semester course, general chemistry principles and
an introduction Lo organic chemistry. Dist.: Yes.
Prerequisiles: High school che~nistry.
9:30-11:50 a.m. Lect.
M,T, W,Th,F
1:00-3:00 p.111. Lab.
T, W,Th
ECO 120-8109
Study of economic in~plicationsof problems facing a metro-urban environmenl. By independenl study. Dist.: Yes.
Introduction to macro-econonlics; national income analysis, monetary
and fiscal policy, international trade, economic growth. Dist.: Yes.
8:30-10:50 a.m.
M,T, W,Th,F
EDE 375-8112
Kindergarten curriculunl, materials, teaching approaches. Lab. arr. Prerequisite to student teaching at kindergarten level and to obtaining a
license for teaching at that level. Consent of instructor. Dist.: No.
9:30-11:50 a.m.
,\.I,T, W,Th,F
The Department of Educatio~loffers student teaching for both elementary and secondary education during the general period from the middle
of June to the end of July where suitable arrangements can be made.
Exact dates are determined in conjunction with the school system. All
the courses require acceptance into the Department of Education program.
EDE 481-8113/482-8114
Observing and directing learning experiences in elementary schools under supervision of college and public school personnel. Additional $35.00
fee. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: Acceptance, Education Department.
EDS 481-8121/482-8122
483-8123/484-8124 SECONDARY
Observing and directing learning experiences on secondary school
level under supervision of college and high school personnel. Additional $35.00fee. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: Acceptance, Education Department.
- - ..--.
Systematic analysis of basic English structure through
sentence dia>
g a m m i n g , writing exercises, and analysis of selected poems. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: None.
5:00-8:00 p.m.
M,T, W,Th
Introduction to significant works of American literature and film. Selections studied a s cultural documents a s well as works of art. Dist.: Yes.
Prerequisites: Eng 111 o r equivalent.
8:30-10:50 a.m.
ENG 264-8139
(Topic by arrangement)
POL 199-81451399-8146 INTERNSHIPS
Exploration of the discipline of psychology; concepts, data, and methodology. Students may not receive credit for this course and also for PSY
105 (General Psychology). Dist.: Yes.
M,T, W,Th,F
8:30-10:50 a.m.
Understanding of the spiritual life a s disclosed in significant Christian
writings from the second century to the present. Dist.: Yes.
8:30-10:50 a.m.
M,T, W,Th,F
REL 199/399
8 weeks: June 16 - August 8 at Redeemer Lutheran Church, Minneapolis.
See Dr. Holt, Department of Religion, for details.
SWK 499-8151
SWK 399-8152
B. J o h n s o n
SOC 121-8154
Sociology a s a mode of analysis or way of knowing. Its applications to a n
understanding of basic aspects of society; socialization, family life, social
inequalities, large-scale institutions, etc. Dist.: Yes.
8:30-10:50 a.m.
M,T, W,Th,F
B. J o h n s o n
SOC 231-8155
An examination of the family a s a social institution. The process of dating,
mate selection, marital adjustment and divorce. The relationship of the
family to its institutional and cultural context. Dist.: No.
6:00-990 p.m.
M,T, W,Th
An examination of the ideas of "primitive", "civilized", and "progress":
a comparison of alternate realities as found in different cultures and
varying social contexts. Dist.: No.
M,T, W,Th
7:00-10:00 p.m.
SOC 241-8148
SOC 199-8149/399-8148 INTERNSHIPS
A workshop performance class which will rehearse and present a classic
comedy o r farce; emphasis o n laughter and entertainment. Absolutely
n o previous experience in theater necessary. Dist.: No.
6:OO-990 p.m.
M,T, W,Th
Stage 2
SPC 286-8152
Global Service
Middle East: July B - August 1 4 Seminar and work project to learn
about the life of Christians, Jews, and Muslims in the Middle East.
For information, call Center for Global Service and Education, 330-1159.
INS 299-9123
ART 107-9100
Drawing in pencil, charcoal, ink, pastels. Subjects include still-life, figures, building interiors, exteriors, experimental work. Dist.: Yes.
9:30-1 l:30 a.m.
hI,T, W,Th
ART 132-9103
ART 132-9104
The camera used a s a tool for visual creativity and expression; black and
white, color and photographic processes. Need access to a 35mm camera.
Dist.: Yes. Estimated cost of film, etc.: $75.00.
rCf, W Section I
1:30-4:15 p.m.
5:30-9:00 p.m.
/\.I,W, Section I1
ART 223-9101
I & I1
Principles and methods of print making in a variety of media including
etching, silkscreen and woodcut. Dist.: Yes.
9:30-11:30 a.m.
M, T, W, Th
INS 199-9125/399-9133
Global Service
Hong Kong: J u n e 28 - August 16 Opportunity to teach English in
refugee camps or a Lutheran youth center in Hong Kong.
For information, call Center for Global Service and Education, 330-1159.
INS 399-9126
MUS 155-9129
~ ! I @ x & S METHODS
Basic keyboard familiarity, simple accompaniment and music skills.
Dist.: No. ('h course). 1st class session meets Monday, June 30 at 6:00 p.m.
in Music Office. Other class times to be arranged.
MUS 218-9130
For students and professionals interested in learning to develop recreational music activities for people with special needs. Basic Music Therapy techniques; also Orff Schulweik and non-traditional guitar. Course
6:OO-9:30 requirements
for Mus 271. Dist.: Yes. (lh course)
MUS 377-9131
Studjr of the styles, trends, and musicians of the jazz idiom from the early
1900's to the present. Lectures, listening, and demonstrations by guest
musicians. Dist.: No.
M,T, W,Th,F
10:05-11:30 a.m.
C. J o h n s o n
Application of ethical principles to problems which arise in the areas of
health care and delivery, human experimentation, human engineering,
abortion, care for the dying and euthanasia. Dist.: Yes.
5:30-9:00 p.m.
PHI 380-9145
BUS 135-9106
Basic policy and strategy issues in marketing. Legal, ethical, competitive,
behavioral, economic and technological factors a s they affect product,
promotion, marketing channel and pricing decisions. Dist.: No.
1\1, W
G:00-9:30 p.m.
Introduction to COBOL and other nonscientific programming lang~iage
software applications in Business. Dist.: No.
IW, 14'
5:30-9:00 p.m.
BUS 250-9107
BUS 399
Arranged with individual faculty in the Department of Business Administration & Economics.
E '
CHM 110-9109 GENERAL, OR
Second semester of two semester course emphasizing organic and biological chemistry; theme: the molecular basis of life. Dist.: Yes.
Prerequisites: 109 or equivalent with departmental permission.
i\I,T, W,Th,F
8:30-9:55 a.m. Lect.
T, W,Th
10:OO-12:OO I\'. Lab.
PHY 101-9127
Study solar system, stars, galaxies. Explain optical i n s t r ~ ~ m e n tuse
s ; 12inch reflecting telescope, 8-inch Celestron, 3-inch Questar. Dist.: Yes.
Prerequisites: Elementary algebra.
6:00-9:30 p.m.
M, W
Current and important American public policy issues analyzed and discussed. Visiting professor: Dr. Rita Mae Kelly, Arizona State University School of Public Affairs. Dist.: Yes.
5:30-9:00 p.m.
POL 295-9112
PSY 362-9143
Introduction to maladaptive human behaviors from the social, organic
and psychological points of view. Visitation to conlmunity service agencies included.
Prerequisites; Psy 105 o r Psy 121. Dist.: No.
8:30-9:55 a.m.
M,T, W,Th,F
- -
-- -
-- - -
ECO 120-9110
Study of economic implications of problems facing a metro-urban environment. By independent study only. Dist.: Yes.
ECO 123-9111
Introduction to micro-economics, the theory of the lio~~sehold,
firm, market structures and income dislribution. Application of elementary economic theory lo market policy. Dist.: Yes.
I\/, W
ECO 392-91 13
Monetary and banking systems, particularly coniniercial banks, and the
Federal Reserve System; monetary theory and policy. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 122
8:30-955 a.m.
BNG 223-9114
A practical course designed to improve writing skills for those preparing
for business and professional careers. The writing of reporls, lelters, and
proposals will be emphasized. Dist.: No.
Prerenuisites: 11 1 or eauivalent.
ENG 241-9115
An investigation of the artistic qualities and the historical development
of the film medium. The course includes the viewing and discussing of
both feature length and short films. Dist.: Yes. (for So., Jr., Sr.)
6:00-9:30 p.m.
Taughl at Camp Norway, Bandane, Norway. See Dr. Palosaari.
Introduction to the academic discipline of theology and to the dialogue
between the church and the world which concerns Christian doctrine.
Dist.: Yes.
8:30-955 a.111.
A study of Christian life froni two related perspectives: The styles of
devotion and Lhe norms of ethics. Brief history of Christian spirituality,
discussio~lof modes of prayer, and the implications of basic Christian
teachings. Dist.: Yes.
R.1, W
OR11 7
REL 240-9138
REL 199/399
8 Weeks: June 16 -August 8 at Redeemer Lutheran Church, Minneapolis.
See Dr. Holt, Department of Religion, for details.
SWK 399-9136
SOC 356-9139
Analysis of adult correctional programs and processes. Lectures, discussion, and sile visits to correctional institutions and government offices.
Dist.: No.
1:30-5:00 p.111.
ENG 264
GER 112-9117
Classroom practice in speaking, understanding and reading basic German. Lab. Dist.: Yes.
Prerequisites: 111 or equivalent.
8:30-955 a.m.
M,T, W,Th,F
SPA 112-9118
Aims to develop the four basic skills: understanding, speaking, reading,
and writing- of elemenlary
Introduction to cultitre of Spanish- Spanish.
speaking world. Dist.: Yes.
8:30-9:55 a.m.
SOC 375-9144
Analysis of the ideas of "group" and "self" as related to individual behavior, interpersonal relations, and society. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: 121 and Psy 105.
I\/, W
6:00-9:30 p.m.
The dimension of racial and minority group relations emphasizing prejudice, racism and the role of self-understanding. Dist.: No. (P/N grading
SOC 383-9147
SOC 199-9148/399-9149
SPC 111-9151
Basic approach to effective speaking and critical listening. Dist.: No.
10:05-11:30 a.m.
hI,T, W,Th,F
HIS 229-9119
S. Anderson
This course examines important questions in German history through
five different regimes: The Kaiselbrseich,the Weimer Republic, Hitler's
Third Reich, and the postwar division of Germany into the capitalist Federal Republic and the socialist German Democralic Republic.
329-9 120
HIS 299-9121/499-9122
(Diverse Topics: See Instructor)
The dvnamics of human interaction through verbal and non-verbal messages,emphasis on factors that build relationships and help to overcome
communication barriers. Dist.: No.
M, W
SPC 367-9142
Studying, viewing, and critiquing the acting and production of five plays.
Dist.: No.
2815 41st Ave. So., ~Clpls.,1ClN 55406 (Tel.: 721-2565)
Show less
J u g s burg College
- -
7 3 1 2 1 S T A V E N U ES O U T H
An Official Publication of
Augsburg College
Non-Profit Org.
Permit No. 2031
Augsburg College is a four-year, fully accredited liberal arts
college of The American Lutheran Church. Located in the
... Show more
J u g s burg College
- -
7 3 1 2 1 S T A V E N U ES O U T H
An Official Publication of
Augsburg College
Non-Profit Org.
Permit No. 2031
Augsburg College is a four-year, fully accredited liberal arts
college of The American Lutheran Church. Located in the
heart of the Twin Cities, the small college environment, about
1800 students during the academic year, is enriched by the
many cultural, sporting and recreational activities found in
this vibrant metropolitan area. An active summer combining
classes and participation in metropolitan events is a
delightful and broadening experience.
Augsburg College provides a diverse summer curriculum
including regular courses, internships, independent studies
and student teaching over two terms. Term I runs from
June 1-June 26, Term I1 runs from June 29-August 7.
This brochure presents the Summer School Program and
was correct at the time of publication.
Summer Students may take one course during Term I
and two courses during Term 11. Unless otherwise
indicated, all courses carry a value of one course credit,
the equivalent of four semester credits or six quarter
credits. Courses fulfilling Augsburg distribution
requirements are so noted in the course descriptions.
(- \
with Tuition Discount
April 22
April 22
Confirmation of Registration
Classes Begin
Balance of Tuition Due
June 1
June 29
Last Day to:
Change Grading Option
Drop Class Without Notation
Register with a Late Fee of $10
(noregistrations will be
accepted after this date)
June 3
July 1
July 4
Last Day to Withdraw from
Class (W)
June 15
July 20
Classes End
June 26
August 7
Grades Due in Registrar's Office
July 1
August 12
Course Levels are indicated by the first digit of the three
digit course number: 1or 2, lower division, primarily for
freshmen and sophomores; 3 or 4, upper division,
/--7rimarily for juniors and seniors; and 5, graduate level.
Regularly Taught during the academic year are
more fully described in the Augsburg College Catalog. If
you need more information about a special summer
offering, please contact the Summer School Office.
Independent Study and Internships, in addition to those
listed, may be pursued during the summer in a number
of departments. Internships involve work experience
related to the academic program in an agency,
government, or industry. Consult the Summer School
Office for information.
Students Needing Housing may obtain information from
the Director of Housing.
Persons Planning to Attend Summer School are
advised to preregister as soon as possible, since courses
without substantial demand may be dropped.
The College Reserves t h e Right t o Cancel Listed
Additional information and registration forms may be
obtained from the Summer School office. Write or call:
Memorial Hall - 230
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
(612) 330-1026
Pat Parker, Director
Kay Thomsen, Secretary
P e r s o n s in Good Standing at regionally accredited colleges
and universities, graduates of such institutions, and students
admitted for the next Fall Term are eligible to attend
Augsburg Summer School. Good standing implies that the
student has been admitted and not subsequently dropped by
that institution.
Other P e m o n s wishing to take summer school work should
contact the Director of Summer School to ascertain eligibili~ \
under special circumstatlcea.
k .<)
Acceptance as a summer student does not imply admission
as a re$ular student of Augsburg College. Those wishing to
begin a degree program at the College should apply for
Lhe Office of Admission.
admission throi~gl~
Augsburg College admitn studenls of any race, color, national
and ethnic origin to ail rights, privileges, programs, and
activities generally accorded or made available to students at
[heschool, It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
creed, national and ethnic origin in employment practices or
ndministl-ation of its educational policies, admissions
policies, acholarslrip and loan programs and athletic and
other school-administe~~ed
Financial Aid is limited to the Guaranteed Student Loan. Any
student taking 1 course is regarded as a half-time student for
the summer and is eligible to apply for a Guaranteed Student
Loan. Contact the Financial Aid Office to make loan
arrangements (33Ck1046).
Term I Summer School students are required to confirm
their registrations on June 1. Term I1 registrations must be
confirmed on June 29. This procedure includes confirmation
of all preregistered courses and applies to internships and
independent studies as well as to regularly scheduled
Confirmation of registration will take place at the Registrar's
Office, 114 Science Hall, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and
6:30 p.m. on June 1 and June 29.
)xilance owing for tuition must be paid before
i'~*istrationis confirmed. Augsburg students please note:
Balance due on Augsburg account from previous term/s
must be paid in full before confirmation of registration.
A late fee of $10.00 will be assessed for Term I registrations
completed on June 2 and 3. A late fee of $10.00 will be
assessed for Term I1 registrations completed on June 30 and
July 1. Registrations will not b e accepted ajter these dates.
To cancel your registration, add a course, or drop a course
and enroll in another course, fill out a Cancel/Add form at the
Registrar's Office. There is a charge of $5.00 for changing a
registration after the first day of each term. This must be
done by 3:30 p.m. on June 3 for Term I courses and by 3:30
p.m. on July 1 for Term I1 courses. This procedure applies to
internships and independent studies as well as scheduled
courses. Any refund or adjustment of fees is determined
according to the "Tuition Refund Policy."
The tuition charge for Summer School is $375.00 for each
course taken for credit, unless otherwise indicated. The audit
charge (non-credit)is $188.00 for each course. Laboratory/
special fees are noted with course descriptions.
Preregistration on April 22 will result in a savings of $30.00
for each course taken. This reduced tuition of $345.00 per
course applies only to those courses for which the student
preregisters on April 22. A nonrefundable deposit of $50.00
per course is required at this time and is applied to
designated course tuition. If a course is cancelled due to low
enrollment, a substitution may be made without loss of
discount. Students may preregister for both Term I and Term
I1 courses on April 22, tuition discount applies to both terms.
After April 22, students may preregister at the Registrar's
Office on an ongoing basis during regular office hours. The
required $50.00 per course nonrefundable deposit is applied
to designated course tuition. Substitutions allowed if course
is cancelled.
The $50.00 deposit is not refundable. Refund of all or part of
the remaining fee is calculated from the first day of the term
to the date of the student's official course cancellation at the
Registrar's Office.
3SW from the NorthTake Washington Avenue exit and turn left on Washington
(turns right onto Cedar Avenue),turn left at Riverside, right at
21st Avenue S.
Schedule of Refunds (No refund after the dates listed below.)
1-94 East from MinneapolisTake 25th Avenue exit, turn left at 25th Avenue, turn left at
Riverside, turn left at 21st Avenue S.
Term I
Term I1
June 1
June 2
June 3
June 4
June 5
June 29
June 30
July 1
July 2
July 3
1-94 West from St. PaulTake Riverside exit, turn right at Riverside, turn left at 21st
Avenue S.
36W from the SouthFollow 1-94 St. Paul signs (moveright lane after each of two
mergers). Take 25th Avenue exit and turn left on 25th Avenue,
turn left at Riverside, turn left at 21st Avenue S.
Observing and directing learning experiences on secondary school level
under supervision of college and high school personnel.
Additional $35.00 fee. Dist.: No.
Prerequisite: Acceptance, Education Department.
EDS 4 8 1 , - 8 0 8 1 / 4 8 2 - 8 0 8 2
--SPA 111-8044
Aims to develop four basic skills: understanding,
", sneaking.
". readini.
". and
writing of elementary Spanish. lntroduction to culture of Spanish-speaking world. Dist.: Yes.
8:30-10:50 a.m.
-B o l l m a n
A R T 107-8001DRAWING
Drawing in pencil, charcoal, ink, pastels. Subfects include still-life, figures,
building interiors, exteriors, experimental work. Dist.: Yes.
M,T,W , T ~
HPE 3 2 0 - 8 0 4 1
Techniques for developing a course of study based upon growth and development for grades K-12. Special work units in nutrition and diseases.
Dist.: No.
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. (May continue through Term 11)
A R T 223-8002
Principles and methods of print making in a variety of media including
etching, silkscreen and woodcut. Dist.: Yes.
A R T 242-8008
Students will produce 16mm black & white sound motion pictures using
professional equipment and techniques. Script, photography, sound, editing and synchronizing. Dist.: Yes. Lab. fee of $95.00 for film stock, processing, supplies and equipment.
9:OO-12:00 noon
Professional course in the structure and function of the human body. Dist.:
12:OO-3:00p.m. Lect.
12:OO-3:00p.m. Lab.
Historical background, legal bases, school health services, and relationships to community health program and resources. Dist.: No.
Prerequisite: HPE 3 2 0
5:30-8:30 p.m.
HIS 239-8042
S. A n d e r s o n
Examines the nationality problem in Austria, Russia and Germany, and
the creation of new "national states" after the war. World War I1 Nazi occupation to postwar Soviet domination, the start of the Cold War over
East Europe, and more recent crises. Dist.: Yes.
Additional work required for upper division credit.
5:OO-8:00 p.m.
(Diverse Topics: See Instructor)
HIS 299-/499-
INS 3 9 9 - 8 0 4 6
- -
BUS 1 7 6 - 8 0 1 6
Introduction to computerized data processing: BASIC, LOTUS, DBASE,
word processing, computerized business graphics. Dist.: No.
Prerequisite: High school algebra.
6:OO-9:00 p.m.
BUS 2 2 1 - 8 0 1 4
Introduction to business activities, basic concepts and fundamentals of
counting, the accounting cycle and preparation of financial statements.
Dist.: No.
6:OO-9:00 p.m.
BUS 2 4 2 - 8 0 1 3
Development of the theory of management, organization, staffing, planning
and control. The nature of authority, accountability and responsibility,
analysis of the role of the professional manager. Dist . Nn
MUS 1 5 5 - 8 0 4 6
Basic keyboard familiarity, simple accompaniment and music skills.
'st.: No. (1/4 course).
Introduction to the processes and issues of international politics, including the dynamics of the international system, theories of international
relations, with focus on recent problems. Dist.: Yes.
0.50 a.m.
Introduction to quantitative reasoning, descriptive measures, p.robability,
sampling distributions, inference, and estimation with e m p h a s ~ son their
use in applied problems in business and economics. Dist.: No.
Prerequisite: Math placement 111o r a grade of at least 2.0 in MAT 104.
BUS 279-8016
BUS 399-8019
Arranged with individual faculty in the Department of Business Admi-,
tration & Econimics.
Exploration of the discipline of psychology; concepts, data, and methdology. Students may not receive credit for this course and also for PSY
(General Psychology). Dist.: Yes.
ECO 110-8028
Study of economic implications of problems facing a metrmurban environment. By independent study. Dist.: Yes.
Introduction to macreeconomics; national income analvsis,
. monetarv and
fiscal policy, international trade, economic growth. Dist.: Yes.
EDE 255-8037
EDS 265-8038
Investigation of various aspects of the teaching profession and opportunity
for in-school work. Open to all students. Dist.: Yes.
Prerequisite: sophomore standing o r above.
EDE 375-8036
Kindergarten curriculum, materials, teaching approaches. Lab. arr. Prerequisite to student teaching at kindergarten level and to obtaining a license for teaching at that level. Consent of instructor. Dist.: No.
EDE 363-8039
Includes 160 hours in Kindergarten/Elementary classroom experienr
video tapings, seminars. Dist.: No. (1/2 course)
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
-The Department of Education offers student teaching for both elementary
and secondary education during the general period from the middle of
June to the end of July where suitable arrangements can be made.
Observing and directing learning experiences in elementary schools under
supervision of college and public school personnel.
Additional $35:00 fee. Dist.: No.
Prerequisite: Acceptance, Education Department.
EDE 481-8071/482-8072
PSY 121-8060
Kindergarten a n d Elementary Osnes/Staff
EDE 481-8061/482-8062
Elementary (Gr. 1-6)
BDE 481-8066/482-8067
RBL 369-8070
Particularities of religious discernment, symbolism and world view.
Reading and discussion of selected novels, poems, etc. Class meets approximately every other day. Dist.: Yes.
Prerequisite: REL 111o r 221 o r permission of instructor.
- SWK 410-8085
M. Brown
Overview of the phenomena of domestic violence including contributing
factors, consequences for the family and the broader society, and policies and programs which address the issue. Dist.: No.
Prerequisite: One course in psychology, sociology of family o r instructor's permission.
SWK 399-8082
(May continue through Term 11)
M. Brown
- -
- SOC 121-8075
Sociolo$y a s a mode of analysis o r way of knowing. Its applications to a n
understanding of basic aspects of society; socialization, family life, social
inequalities, large-scale institutions, etc. Dist.: Yes.
3C 2 3 1-8076
B. J o h n s o n
examination of the family as,a social institution. The process of dating, mate selection, marital adjustment and divorce. The relationship of
the family to its institutional and cultural context. Dist.: No.
SOC 265-8077
The dimension of racial and minority group relations emphasizing prejudice, racism and the role of self-understanding. Dist.: Yes. (P/N grading
SOC 199-8078/399-8080
SPC 111-8079
Basic approach to effective speaking and critical listening. Dist.: No.
HPE 115-9047
ors st ad
An analysis of chemical abuse and what can be done for the abuser. Includes information about school health programs and prevalent health
needs and problems of school age children. Dist.: No. (This course meets
M N teacher licensure requirement). (1/2 course)
M, w
(June 29-July 15)
HIS 250/9051
Introduction to the main themes; political, social, cultural and economic, which have characterized the evolution of modern Russia, Tsarist and Soviet. Dist.: Yes. Additional work required for upper division
ART 107-9001
8. Olson
A s a way of seeing and a means of personal expression working with a variety of media: pencil, pen, charcoal, pastel. Dist.: Yes.
9:00-12:00 N.
- -
ART 118-9004/355-9005 PAINTING I & 11
Watercolor - Acrylic; translating the visual world of nature, landscapes,
still-life, using design concepts, developing personal expression and exploring variety of techniques. Weekly critiques. Dist.: Yes.
9:00-12:00 N.
M, W,Th
ART 132-9006
ART 132-9007
The camera used as a tool for visual creativity and expression; black and
white, color and photographic processes. Need access to a 35mm camera.
Dist.: Yes. Estimated cost of film, etc.: $75.00.
M, W Seclion I
M,W Section I1
330-9:00 p.m.
HIS 299-499
(Diverse Topics: See Instructor)
- Y
~ ~ s C ~ P L I N A- R
INS 399-9054
PHI 380-9055
C. J o h n s o n
Application of ethical principles to problems which arise in the areas of
health care and delivery, human experimentation, human engineering,
abortion, care for the dying and euthanasia. Dist.: Yes.
330-9.90 p.m.
M, W
1310 203-9010
Study of basic human nutrition and the changes that occur in nutritional
needs due to physiological stresses and periods of the life cycle; weight
control, dietary myths, and personal dietary analysis. Dist.: Yes.
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
BUS 175-9015
Introduction to computerized data processing: BASIC, LOTUS, DBASE,
word processing, computerized business graphics. Dist.: No.
Prerequisite: High school algebra.
PHY 101-9060
Study solar system, stars, galaxies. Explain optical instruments; use 12inch reflecting telescope, 8-inch Celestron, 3-inch Questar. Dist.: Yes.
Prerequisite: Elementary algebra.
M, W
POL 365-9065
History, politics, economics, strateglna and ecolagiea ~tir~utldlog
technologies propelling the a r m s ractt, an the one hand, and affecting
a r m s control, on the other. Explorotfon of thapolltba mderratc,qy of nuclear security issues. Dist.: (Consent of depwtmsnr ~ ~ ~ ~ P ~ F M J I I
POL 199-9066
BUS 222-9016
Introduction to business activities, accounting for corporations. Basic co"cepts and fundamentals of managerial accounting, planning and controlling processes, decision-making and behavioral considerations. Dist.: No.
Prerequisite: BUS 221.
M,T, W,Th,F
BUS 252-90 17
Basic policy and strategy issues in marketing. Legal, ethical, competitive,
behavioral, economic and technological factors as they affect product, p r o
m n t i n n m - r l r ~ t i n dn h n n n o l 3 n A nrir4n.r A a n i r i n n r nint . hln
PSY 2--/SO70 I
Chemical dependency; its psychological effects on the individual, t h e
family, and the community. Attention given to development of chemical
dependency and available treatment and rehabilitation. Students will explore their own values and attitudes related to the topic. Dist.: No. lThis
ourse does not meet MN teacher licensure requirement).
Analysis of accounting theory pertaining to financial statements, income
concepts, current and non-current assets. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: BUS 221, ECO 113.
BUS 399-9019
Arranged with individual faculty in the Department of Business Adtration and Economics.
- -- -
ECO 110-9030
Study of economic implications of problems facing a metreurban environment. By independent study only. Dist.: Yes.
lntroduction to micro-economics, the theorv of the household, firm, market structures and income distribution. ~ i ~ l i c a t i oofn e ~ e m k n t a reco~
nomic theory to market policy. Dist.: Yes.
M, w
ECO 315-9032
Monetary and banking systems, particularly commercial banks, and the
Federal Reserve System; monetary theory and policy. Dist.: No.
Prerequisites: ECO 112,113.
M, W
EDE 363-9035
Includes 160 hours in Kindergarten/Elementary classroom experiences:
video tapings, seminars. Dist.: No. (1/2 course)
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
ENG 282-9040
Reading of selected works of fiction; examination of their relationship to
Christianity - its myths, themes, metaphors, use a s a tool for understanding history, and its own instructive, "parabolic" stories. Dist.: Yes.
M,T, W,Th
SPA 112-9046
Aims to develop the four basic skills: understanding, speaking, reading,
and writing of elementary
lntroduction to culture of Spanish. Spanish.
speaking world. Dist.: Yes.
M,T, W,Th,F
SPA 21 1-9046
Conversation; grammar review. Reading of selected Latin American and
Spanish texts.
M, W
AEL 486-9078
I I I~
Study of current psychological views of religion in the context of the traditional Christian view of human nature. Special attention to the classics
in the field by Freud, Jung, and William James, and to those Christian
theologians who have been influenced by them. Dist.: Yes.
5:30-9:00 p.m.
SOC 366-9080
Analysis of adult correctional programs and processes. Lectures, discussion, and site visits to correctional institutions and government offices.
Dist.: No.
- -
SOC 199-9081/399-9082
H m r
EDS 351-9034
Study and utilization of a variety of techniques and resources in the reading
and the diagnosis and correction of reading difficulties. Dist.: No.
M,T, W,Th
(July 20-August 6)
11:40-125 p.m.
M,T, W,Th,F
n 3 0 - 9 : 5 5 a.m.
-REL 3--/SO76
A study of the chief traditions of China and Japan that are usually associated with "religion," including the "popular" religious traditions of
China; Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism and Japanese Shintoism. Interrelation of religion and culture. Dist.: Yes.
SPC 355A study of group dynamics and leadership with emphasis on factors involved in effective functioning within small groups and organizations.
Dist.: No.
6:OO-9:30 p.m.
M, w
OM1 1
SPC 367-9086
Studying, viewing, and critiquing the acting and production of five plays.
Dist.: No.
2815 41st Avenue South,
Mpls., MN 55406 pel.: 721-2565)
Show less
Tuition R+nd Policy
The Per Course Deposit of $50 is not
refundable. Refund of all or part of the
remaining fee is calculated from the first
day of the term to the date of the student's
official course cancellation at the
Registrar's Office.
Schedule of Refunds (No refund after
the dates li... Show more
Tuition R+nd Policy
The Per Course Deposit of $50 is not
refundable. Refund of all or part of the
remaining fee is calculated from the first
day of the term to the date of the student's
official course cancellation at the
Registrar's Office.
Schedule of Refunds (No refund after
the dates listed.)
Term I
Term I1
May 31
June 1
June 2
June 3
June 6
June 27
June 28
June 29
June 30
July 1
Canzpus Location
35W from the North Take Washington Avenue exit and turn left
on Washington (turns right onto Cedar
Avenue), turn left at Riverside, right at 21st
Avenue S.
1-94 East from Minneapolis Take 25th Avenue exit, turn left at 25th
Avenue, turn left at Riverside, turn left at
21st Avenue S.
1-94 West from St. Paul Take Riverside exit, turn right at Riverside,
turn left at 21st Avenue S.
35W from the South Follow 1-94 St. Paul signs (move right lane
after each of two mergers). Take 25th
Avenue exit and turn left on 25th Avenue,
turn left at Riverside, turn left at 21st
Avenue S.
Nondiscn'nzinution Pol icy
Augsburg College does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, national or
ethnic origin, age, marital status, sex or handicap as required by Title IX of the
1972 Educational Amendments or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,
as amended, in its admission policies, educational programs, activities and
employment practices.
Central ,Location
Low Tuition
Convenient Class Time
Augsburg College is a four-year, fully accredited liberal arts college of The Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America. Located in the heart of Minneapolis and St. Paul, the
small college environment of 2,100 students during the academic year, is enriched by
the many cultural, sport and recreational activities found in this vibrant metropolitan
xea. An active summer combining classes and participation in metropolitan events is a
delightful and broadening experience.
Augsburg College provides a diverse summer curriculum including regular courses,
internships, independent studies and student teaching over two terms. Term I runs
from May 31 -June 24, Term I1 runs from June 27 - August 5. This brochure presents
khe Summer School Program and was correct at the time of publication.
Term I
Term I1
with Tuition Discount
Confirmation of Registration
Classes Begin
Balance of Tuition Due
April 13
April 13
May 31
June 27
Last Day to:
Change Grading Option
Drop Class Without Notation
Register with a Late Fee of $10
(no registrations will be
accepted after this date)
June 2
June 29
July 4
Last Day to Withdraw from Class (W)
June 14
July 18
Classes End
June 24
August 5
Grades Due in Registrar's Office
June 29
August 10
Course Levels are indicated by the first digit of the three digit course number: 1or 2,
lower division, primarily for freshmen and sophomores; 3 or 4, upper division,
primarily for juniors and seniors; and 5, graduate level.
Confirmation of Registration will take place at the Registrar's Office, 114 Science Hall,
between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. oil May 31 and June 27.
Independent Study and Internships in addition to those listed, may be pursued
during the summer in a number of departments. Internships involve work experience
related to the academic program in an agency, government, or industry. Consult the
Summer School Office for information.
Summer 1988
Term I Summer School students are required to confirm their registrations on May 31.
Term I1 registrations must be confirmed on June 27. This procedure includes
confirmation of all preregistered courses and applies to internships and independent
studies as well as to regularly scheduled courses.
Courses Regularly Taught during the academic year are more fully described in the
Augsburg College Catalog. If you need more information about a special summer
offering, please contact the Summer School Office.
Augsburg in the Summer
Summer Students may take one course during Term I and two courses during Term 11;
Unless otherwise indicated, all courses carry a value of one course credit, the
equivalent of four semester credits or six quarter credits. Courses fulfilling Augsburg
distribution requirements are noted in the course descriptions.
The Balance Owing for tuition must be paid before registration is confirmed. Augsburg
students please note: Balance due on Augsburg account from previous ternils must be
paid in full before confirmation of registration.
A Late Fee of $10 will be assessed for Term I registrations completed on June 1and 2. A
late fee of $10 will be assessed for Term I1 registrations completed on June 28 and June
29. Registrations will not be accepted after these dates.
The College Reserves the right to cancel listed courses.
To Change Your Registration, cancel your registration, add a course, or drop a course
and enroll in another course, fill out a CancellAdd form at the Registrar's Office. There
is a charge of $5 for changing a registration after the first day of each term. This must be
done by 3:30 p.m. on June 2 for Term I courses and by 3:30 p.m. on June 29 for Term I1
courses. This procedure applies to internships and independent studies as well as
scheduled courses. Any refund or adjustment of fees is determined according to the
"Tuition Refund Policy."
Information and Fom~s E l igibility
Additional information and registration
forms may be obtained from the Summer
School Office. Write or call:
The Tuition Charge for 1988 Summer
School courses is as follows: $390 for fullcredit courses, $280 for half-credit
courses, and $140 for fourth-credit
courses. Audits are charged at the tuition
rates listed above. Laboratory and special
fees, including those pertaining to student teaching, are given with the
individual course descriptions.
Students Needing Housing may obtain information from the Director of Housing.
Persons Planning to Attend Summer School are advised to preregister as soon as
possible, since courses without substantial demand may be dropped.
Memorial Hall - 230
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
(612) 330-1025
Pat Parker, Director
Kay Thomsen, Secretary
Financial Aid
Financial Aid is limited to the Guaranteed
Student Loan. Any student taking 1
course is regarded as a half-time student
for the summer and is eligible to apply for
a Guaranteed Student ~ & n contact
Financial Aid Office to make loan
arrangements (330-1046).
Persons in Good Standing at regionally
accredited colleges and universities,
graduates of such institutions, and
itudents admitted for the next Fall Term
are eligible to attend Augsburg Summer
School. Good standing implies that the
student has been admitted and not
subsequently dropped by that institution.
Other Persons wishing to take summer
school work should contact the Director
of Summer School to ascertain eligibility
under special circumstances.
Acceptance as a summer student does not
imply admission as a regular student of
begin a degree program at the College
Officeof Admission.
A Tuition Discount is available to
students who preregister on April 13 for
Term I and Term I1 Summer School
courses. Courses that you sign u p for on
this date are billed at the following rates:
$360 for full-credit courses, $270 for half~ creditgcourses, and $130 for fourth-credit
courses. To receive this tuition discount, a
deposit of $50 per course is required.
Please note: This tuition discount applies
only to courses so designated on April 13.
The $50 per course deposit is nonrefundable except when a course is
cancelled due to low enrollment. When
this happens, you may elect to receive a
deposit refund or substitute another
course without loss of discount.
After April 13 you may preregister for
Summer School courses at the Registrar's
Office on an ongoing basis during regular
office hours. Each course preregistration
must be accompanied by a $50 tuition
deposit. This deposit is applied to
designated course tuition and is nonrefundable and non-transferable except
when a course is cancelled.
To Avoid Disappointment in course
selection, preregistration is
recommended. Some courses with
limited enrollment fill early. Conversely,
courses with low preregistration
enrollment may be cancelled before the
first day of the term.
Summer School
ART 107-8155
Drawing in pencil, charcoal, ink, pastels. Subjects include
still-life, figurcs, building interiors, exteriors, experimeiital work. Dist.: Yes.
8:30-11:30 a . m . M,7;WTh
ART 118-8157
B. Olson
Watercolor - Acrylic; translating tlie visual world of
nature, landscapes, still-life, using design concepts,
developing personal expression and exploring variety of
techniques. Weekly critiques Dist.: Yes.
8:30-11:30 a ni M,TWTh
ART 352-8156
K. Anderson
Study of women's image in tlie visual arts in rclationship
to women's place w ~ t l i ~the
n cultural, economic, and
sociological environment of eacli period. Dist.: Yes.
12:OO-3:OOp.m. M,TWTh
BUS 221-8014
Introduction to business activities, basic concepts and fundamentals of accounting, tlie accounting cycle a n d
preparation of financial statenients Dist : No.
8:30-lO:50 a. rn. M,TCt!Th,F
BUS 242-8013
Development of the theory of management, organization,
staffing, planiiingdiidco~itrol.Tlienati~reofauthorit): accoi~ntabilityand responsibility, analysis of tlie role of tlie
piofcssional manager Dist.: No.
h:30-9:30p.m. M,I;W,Th
BUS 252-8159
Basic policy and strategy i s s ~ ~ in
e smarketing. Legal,
ethical, competitive, bcliavio~al,economic and tecli~iologicalfactors as they affect p ~ c ~ d u cplotnotion,
marketing channel and pl-icing decisions Dist.: No.
5:30-8:30 p.m. M,TCVT/i
BUS 322-8160
Analysis of accounting tlieol-y pertaining to financial
statcments, income concepts, cul-rcnt and non-curtent
asscts Dist.: No.
I'rcrecluisites: BUS 221, ECO 113.
6:OO-9:OO p.111. M,T,WTli
BUS 331-8161
Theory of acquisition, allocation, and management of
funds within tlie firm. Sources and ilsesof long and short
t e ~ mfunds, cost of capital, capital budgeting, leverage,
dividend policy, and related topics.
I'rel-cquisites: BUS 222, ECO 113. Dist : No
8:30-IO:50 a.ln. M,TWTh,F
BUS 370-8162
Topics involving programmable spreadsheets (LOTUS),
programmable data bases (D-BASE), graphics, information retrieval using telecommunications, and o t h e r
packages (statistical analysis, p~ojectmanagement, expert
systems, etc.) Solve common problems in economics,
finance and marketing Dist.: No.
P~crequisites:Onc computer course such as BUS 175 or
CSC 145, 170, or 174. Recommended BUS 279.
6:00-9:OOp.m. M,T,WTh
BUS 399-8019
Art,angcd witli individual faculty in the Department of
Business Adniinist~atio~l
& Economics
ECO 110-8028
Study of economic implications of problems facing a
m e t r o - u r b a n e n v i r o n m e n t . By i n d e p e n d e n t s t u d y
Dist.: Yes.
Time Alrsliged
ECO 112-8029
Introduction to macro-economics; national income
analysis, monetary and fiscal policy, international trade,
economic grorvth Dist.: Yes.
6:OO-9:OOp rn M,T14!Th
EDE 253-8033
EDS 264-8163
Study and investigation of various aspects of tlie teaching
profession. Dist : Yes, when combined with EDE 363 or
ED5 352. (112 course)
6:OO-9:OOp.m. il.I,MJ
EDE 375-8036
Kindergarten curriculum, materials, teaching approaches.
Lib, arr. Prerequisite to student teaching at kindergarten
level and to obtaining a license for teaching at that level.
Dist.: No.
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
Time Arranged
ENG 2--4167
The meaning and values the supernatural has held folAmerican writers. Examination of a variety of supernatill-al
motifs found in classic, popular, and folk literatures from
puritan times to the present Dist.: Yes.
5:OO-8:OOp.ln. M,T,WTh
MAT 122-8182
Differential and inteeralcalculus of a sinele variable with
S C I ~ I ~ CS~l \i ~ d ~ ~ n l s
to thesoci,il and h~l~it\,
\\*lie lia\~ccompletcdhL\T 12.1mav not rojitster t o r i r t ~ I ~ t
Dist : Yes
Prerequisite: MAT 104 or placement in Group 3 on the
Augsburg mathematics test
9:OO-11:2Oa.m. M,TWTh,F
EDE 377-8178
Examination and preparation of materials and resources
for social studies at tlie kindergarten and elementary
levels. Lab. experiences Dist.: No. (114 course)
630-9:30p.m. T
EDE 387-8165
Examination and preparation of materials and resources
for language arts at the kinderga1,ten and elementary
levels ' Lab. experiences. Dist.: No (112 course)
4:OO-6:3Op. rn TTh
EDS 352-8166
Includes 70 hours in-school experiences, seminars
Membership in one of the professional teacher organizations required.
Dist : Yes, ntlien combined 144th EDS 264. (112 course)
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
The Department of Education offers student teaching for
both elementary and secondary education during the
general period from the midddle of June to the end of July tvliere suitable arrangenicnts can be made
EDE 363-8039
Includes 160 hours in-class experiences Register for 2
seminar sessions in addition to tlie 160 hours. A video tape
of classroom or simulated teaching will be p ~ e p a r e dby
eacli student. Membership in o n e of the professional
teacher organizations required.
Dist.: Yes, when combined ~ f i t lEDE
i 363 (112 course)
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
A rr;i ngcd
Observing and directingleariiingcuperiences in clcmcntary sclioolsu~idersupervisionof collcge and public school
personnel. Additional $35 fee. Dist.: No.
1'1-equisite:Acceptance, Education Dcpartnicnt
EDE 481-80711482-8072
Kindergarten and Elementary Staff
EDE 481-80611482-8062
Elementary (Gr. 1-6) Staff
EDE 481-80661482-8067
Kindergarten Staff
EDE 364-8164
Examination and preparation of materials and resources
for integrating specific skill developments t h r ~ u g hvarious
subjects at tlie kindergarten and elementary levels. Lib. cxpcriences. Dist.: No. (114 course)
6:30-9:30 p.m. TI1
Observing and directing leal-ning experiences o n second a ~ yschool level under supervision of college and high
school pc~sonnel Additional 135 fcc. Dist.: No
I'rerecluisite: Acceplance, Educatic~iiDepartment
EDS 481-80811482-8082
Secondary Staff
- -
GER 111-8169
Classroom practice speaking, understanding and reading
basic German for s t ~ ~ d e nwith
t s no previous background
in German. Dist.: Yes.
R:30-lO:50 a ni. M,TWTI?,F
SPA 111-8044
SPA 111-8170
Aims to develop four basic skills: Understanding, speaking, reading and writing of elementary Spanish. lntroduction to cultitre of Spanish-speaking world. Dist.: Yes
R:30-1O:SO a. m M,TWTh,F (Section I)
5:30-7:SO p , m , M,Tl\!TIi,F (Section 11)
HPE 410-8040
I-listuricalbackground, legal bases, school health services,
and relationships to conlniunity health program a n d
HI'E 320
Icsources. Dist : No Prcrcq~~isitc:
5:OO-8:OO p. ~ n M,T,W,Th
HIS 341-8179
An introduction to some of the main topics in European
history from the ~ L I Iof- nthe century to tlie present. E n phasis on the impact of two world wars upon European
politics and society. Examination of the background to thc
wals as it relates to tlievarious Europeanstates; the wal-s
tlicinsclvcs; and the postwar upheavals and scttlenients.
Lower division students ]nay register witli perniissioii of
inst~uctor.Dist.: Yes.
/:OD-4:00p, m . M,T,WT/i
INS 399-8046
A I ,a rigcd
MAT 131-8171
Examination of tlie interaction between the development
of mathematics a n d that of civilization. Primarily for
students not intending further study in mathematics.
Dist.: Yes.
Prercquisite: MAT 104 or placement in Group 3 on the
Augsburg mathematics test.
6:OO-9:OOp m. M,TWTh
NUR 432-8172
Thecourse will focus on gaining a better understanding of
one'sown health and developnient. It will also deal with
\z,ays of suppoi-ting others in their growth. Writings of
Christie-Seely, Cordova, Erickson, Kolberg, Neuman, and
Rogers included. Open to non-nursing st~tdentsaswell as
n ~ ~ r s i nstudents.
Dist : No.
12:OO-3:OOp m. M,TI3VTh
PSY 121-8060
Exploration of psychology: concepts, data, a n d
methodology. Students may not receivecredit for thiscourse
and also for PSY 105 (General Psychology). Dist.: Yes.
8:30-10:50 a.m. M,T,W,Tli,F
REL 215-8175
Disciission of archaeological method. Problems in Biblical
archaeology, a n d review of s o m e current findings.
Dist : Yes.
h:00-9:OOp. rn M,CW,TIi
SWK 360-8176
Provides knowledgeof human growth through the lifecycle, and of the interplay of sociocultural, biological, and
psychological factors which influence the growth of individuals and families in contemporaly American families.
Growth related to populations and groups which represent ethnic andlor life-style diversity. Dist : No.
1:OO-4:OO M,TWTh
SWK 399-8152
SWK 499-8154
M. Brown
M. Brown
POL 326-8173
Tlie political behaviorof the electorate, emphasizing public
opinion and political parties in the electoral process
Dist.: Consent of department chairperson.
Prerequisite: Onecourse in Political Science orconsent of
9:30-11:50 a. rn, M,TCV,Th,F
SOC 121-8075
B. Johnson
Sociology as a mode of analysis or way of knowing. Its applications toan nnderstandingof basicaspectsof society;
socialization, family life, social inequalities, large-scale institutions, etc. Dist.: Ycs.
8:30-10:50 a , m . M,7;W,Th, F
POL 461-8174
History, politics, economics, strategiesand ecologies surrounding the technologies propelling the arms race, on the
one hand, and affecting arms control, on tlie other. Exploration of tlie politics and strategy of nuclear security
issues Dist.: Conscnt of department chairperson
6:OO-9:OOp.m. M,7;14!Th
POL 199-8052
POL 399-8056
A rrdngcd
POL 499-8093
'Topic hy arrangement
A !ranged
SOC 231-8076
B. Johnson
An examination of tlie faniily as a social institution. Tlie
process of dating, mate sclcction, marital adjustment and
divorce. The relationship of tlie faniily to its institutional
and cultural context. Dist : No.
12:OO-3:OOp m M,T,WT/i
SOC 199-80781399-8080
SPC 345-8177
Esimines communication aspects of human organizations,
focuses o n three dimensions: sociological (cultures),
biological (systems), and psychosociological(structures, networks, roles). Designed to help students investigate communication problems within an organization. Dist : No.
8:30-10:50 a . m . M,TWT/i,F
ART 132-9006
ART 132-9007
Tliecarnera used as a tool for visual creativity and exprcssion; blackand white, color and pliolograpliic processes.
Need access to a 35mm camera. Dist.: Yes. Estimated cost
of film, etc.: $125-$150. (Class size limited.)
2:00-5:30pjn. M,W (Section I)
6:00-9:30 p. n?. M,W (Section II)
BUS 175-9015
Introduction to computerized data processing: BASIC,
LOTUS, DBASE, wclrd processing, computerized business
graphics. Dist.: No.
High school algebra.
6:00-9:30p.m. M,W
BUS 222-9016
Introduction to business activities, accounting forcorporations. Basicconceptsand fundamentalsof managerial accounting, planning and controlling processes, decisionmaking and behavioral considerations. Dist,: No,
I'rerequisite: BUS 221.
8:30-9:55 a.m. M,ZW,Th,F
BUS 252-9017
Basic policy a n d strategy issues in marketing. Legal,
ethical, competitive, behavioral economic and teclinological factors as they affect product, promotion,
marketing channel and pricing decisions. Dist.: No.
6:00-Y:30p.!.m. 7;Th
BUS 399-9019
A ~ ~ r a n g cwit/?
d i ~ l d i v i d i ~taalc ~ ~ lin
t y the Dcpertn?ent o t
B~rsinessAdrninistratio~la n d Econclmics.
ECO 110-9030
Study of economic implications of problems facing a
mctrcl-urban environment. By independent study only..
Dist.: Yes.
Time Armngcd
ECO 113-9031
[ntrc1duction to micro-economics, the theory of tlie
liouschold, firni, market structures and income distribution.Application of elementary economic theory tomarket
policy. Dist.: Yes.
6:00-9330 p . m . TTI?
June 27- August 5,1988
ECO 313-9131
Theory of resource allocation, analysis of consumer
behavior, firm and industry; tlie pricing of factors of production and income distribution; introduction to welfare
economics. Dist.: No.
Prerecluisite: ECO 113
5:30-9:00 p.m. 7;Th
Summer School
ECO 315-9032
Monetal'y and banking systems, particularly commercial
banks, and tlie Federal RcservcSvstem; monetary theor\,
and policy. Dist.: No.
I're~'ecluisites: ECO 112, 113,
6:00-9:30p,m. 7;Tll
EDE 341-9132
EDS 341-9133
Psychological and philosophical dimensions of communication through the useof instructional technology.
Selection, preparation, production, and evaluation of effective audio-visual materials for teacliingllearning situations. Dist.: No. (112 course)
6:00-9:30prn. TTII (Jol}~19-Aug~lst
EDE 351-9033
EDS 351-9134
S t u d y a n d utilization of a variety of techniques a n d
resources in tlie teaching of reading and tlie diagnosis and
correction of reading difficulties. Dist.: No.
11:40-1:ZSpm. M,TWTh
EDE 376-9155
Examination and preparation of materials and resources
for social studies at the kindergarten and elementary
levels. Lib, experiences. Dist.: No. (114 course)
h:00-9:30p.n1. F(Ju1y 8, 22, a n d A ~ r g ~5)~ s t
EDE 379-9135
Examination and preparation of materials and resources
for art at the kinderga~.tenand elementary levels. Lab experiences, Dist.: No (I14 course)
6:00-9:00 p.m. W (June 29-Jirly 20)
EDE 386-9136
Examination and preparation of materials and resources
for children's literature at tlie kindergarten and elementary
levels. Lab experiences. Dist.: No (112 course)
600-9:30p.m. M (excl. July 4)
EDS 350-9156
Study and utilization of a variety of techniques and
resources to assist students in teaching reading through
tlie content areas. Dist.: No. (112 course)
6300-9:30p.n?. W (June 29-July 27)
GER 112-9139
Classroom practice in speaking, understanding and
reading basic German. Lib. Dist,: Yes.
8: 10-9:SSa.m. M,T,W,Th
SPA 112-9045
SPA 112-9152
Aims to develop the four basic skills: understanding,
speaking, reading, and writing of elementary Spanish. Introduction to c u l t u r e of S p a n i s h - s p e a k i n g world.
Dist.: Yes.
8:10-9:55a.n1, M,TWTh (Section I)
5:30-7:15p.n!. M,7;WTh (Sectiorl II)
HPE 115-9047
An analysis of chemical abuse and what can be done for
the abuser. Includes information about school health programs and prevalent health needs and problems of school
age children. Dist.: No. (This course meets Minlicsota
teacher licensurc recluirement). (112course)
6:00-9:30p. m. TTI? (June 28-July 74)
HIS 331-9140
A local history course using tlie Minneapolis-St. Pa111
metropolitan area a s a case study for examining large
themes and issues in U.S..t~rbanhistory. Topics considered
include frontier urbanism, industrialization and economic
trends, transportation, immigration and ethnicity, urban
politics and reform. Field trips included. Dist.: Yes. (Topics
course in U.S. Iiistory)
6:00-9:30 p 111. M,W
INS 399-9054
A I-ranged
NUR 403-9087
This course provides a theoretical basis for family nursing
care-Content includesfa~iiilyas a primary group and family dynamics in light of situational and developmental
events. Consideration given to tlicmleof the nurse in famiIv health care Dist.: No.
Prercouisite: To be taken orior toorconcurrentlv with NUR
NU R 432-9141
How to identify a "need to know" in a client and how to
make an individualized plan for each situation. Includes
attention to methodology involved. While the course is
designed to meet the needsof students intending to tvork
in h u m a n services fields, s t u d e n t s preparing for
rnan,igcrial roles will also find it helpful.
Dist,: No.
S:30-9:OOp.m. TTI?
PHI 380-9055
C. Johnson
Application of ethical principles to problems \\,hich arise
in the areas of health careand deliveq: human experimentation, human engineering, abortion, care for tlie dying
and euthanasia. Dist.: Yes.
5:30-9:00 p. rn. h.1,l.V
- -
PHY 101-9060
Study solar system, stars, galaxies. Explain optical ins t r u m e n t s ; use 12-inch reflecting telescope, 8-inch
Celestron, 3-inch Questar. Dist.: Yes.
Prerequisite: Elementary Algebra.
6:OO-9:30p.nt TTll
PHY 103-9142
An introductory course in \z~liiclithe applications, prclblcms, and experiments are selected not only to illustrate
fundamental principles, but also to demonstrate the
re!evance of physics to the life sciences. Dist.: Yes.
Prerequisite: Elementary Algebra.
6:00-9:30pm. M,W
POL 199-9027
POL 499-9028
POL 499-9143
PSY 121-9144
Exploration of thedisciplineof psychology; concepts, data,
and methodology, Students may not receivecredit for this
course a n d also for PSY 105 (General Psychology).
Dist.: Yes.
6:00-9:30 p. m. ZTll
PSY 362-9145
Introduction to maladaptive human behaviors from tlie
social, organic and psychological points of view. Visits to
community service agencies included. Dist.: No.
Prerequisite: PSY 105 or PSY 121.
8:30-955 a.m. M,TC\!TII,F
REL 111-9146
Introduction to theacadeniic disciplineof theology and to
the dialogile between thechurch and the world which concerns Christian doctrine. Dist.: Yes.
8:30-955 .I. nl. ~I,TCVTII,F
REL 341-9147
Exploration of health and healing in Christian teaching
and practice, including the roleof scientific technology and
prayer and sacraments in healing. Required field trips.
Dist.: Yes.
6:00-9:30p.rn. M,W
SWK 399-9023
SWK 499-9148
A I-ranged
POL 342-9153
SPC 342-9150
Effects of mass communications on individual behavior;
the uses and controlof mass media for political and social
purposes including a study of censorship, newsmaking,
entertainment and public affairs programming. Dist.: Yes,
6:00-9:30 p+rn. TTI?
SOC 265-9149
The dirne~lsionsof racial and minority gl-oup relations.
Majorattention is focused upon prejudice, racism, and tlie
roleof self-understanding. (PIN gradingonly.) Dist.: Yes.
6:00-9:30 p. rn. M, W
SOC 356-9080
Analysis of adult correctional plnogramsand processes.
Lecti~res,discussion, and site visits tocorrectional institutions and government offices, Dist.: No.
I:.?0-5:00 p m . TT11
SOC 199-90811399-9082
SPC 342-9150
(See course description under POLISPC 342).
6:OO-9:30p.m. TTll
SPC 354-9151
The dynamics of human interaction through verbal and
non-verbal messages; emphasis on factors that build relationships and help to clvercome communication barriers.
Dist.: No.
OM10 M,W
SPC 367-9085
Sti~dying,viewing, and critiquing tlie actingand production of five plays. Dist.: No.
6:00-9:30 p. rn. ZTll
28154lst A v e ~ ~ iSo~rth,
Mpls,, MN.55406 (Tel.: 721-2565)
Show less
Central Location
Low Tuition
Convenient Class Time
Augsburg College is a four-year, fully accrcclitcd liberal arts college affiliated with
The Evangelical Lutheran Clii~rcliof America. Located in the heart of Minneapolis
and St. Paul, tlic s~liallcollege environment, about 2100 studcnls du... Show more
Central Location
Low Tuition
Convenient Class Time
Augsburg College is a four-year, fully accrcclitcd liberal arts college affiliated with
The Evangelical Lutheran Clii~rcliof America. Located in the heart of Minneapolis
and St. Paul, tlic s~liallcollege environment, about 2100 studcnls during the
academic year, is cnriclied by tlic liiany cultural, sport ancl recreational activities
found in this vibrant ~iietropolitanarea. An active s u m m e r combining classes and
participation in mctl.oyolitan events is a dcliglitful a n d broadening cxpericncc.
Augsbuvg in the Summer
Augsburg Collegc provides a diverse sulnliier curriculum including regular
courses, internships, inclependent studies and student teaching over t w o terms.
Term I runs from May 30 - J u n e 23, l e r m 11 runs from J u n e 26 - August 4. This
brochure presents the Summer Scliool Program a n d was correct a t tlic ti~iieo f
Summer 1989
Term I
Term I1
with Tuition Discount
April 12
April 12
May 30
J u n e 26
Last Day to:
Change Grading Option
Drop Class Without Notation
Register with a Late Fee of $10
(no registrations will be
accepted after this date)
June 1
J u n e 28
July 3 & 4
Last Day to Withdraw from Class (W)
J u n e 13
July 17
Classes End
J u n e 23
August 4
Grades Due in Registrar's Office
J u n e 28
August 9
Confirmation of Registration
Classes Begin
Balance of Tuition Due
Summer Students may take one coursc 'luring T c r ~ nI and two courses during
Term 11. Unless otherwise indicated, all C O L I ~ S C Scarry a value of one coc~rsccredit,
I ~
crcdils or six rl~lartcrcredits. C o ~ ~ r s fulfilling
the ecluivalcnt of ~ O L semester
Augsburg distribution rccluircments arc so notccl in the course descriptions.
Course Levels arc indicated by [lie first digit of tlie three digit co~rrscn~rmbcr:1 or
2, lower division, primarily for fres1imc:n and sophomores; 3 or 4, upper division,
primarily for juniors and seniors; and 5, graduate level.
Courses Regularly Taught during tlic academic year arc morc fully described in
tlic Augsburg College Catalog. If you nccd morc information about a special
summer offering, please contact tlie Summer School Office.
Independent Study and Internships, in addition to those listed, may be pursued
during the sumnicr in a number of departments. Internships involve work
experience related to the academic prograni in an agency, government, or
industry. Consult tlic Summer School Office for information.
Students Needing Housing may obtain information from the Director of Ilousing.
Persons Planning to Attend Summer School arc advised to preregister as soon as
possible, since courses without substantial demand may bc dropped.
The College Reserves the Right to cancel listcd courses.
Information and Forms
Additional information and registration
forms may be obtained from the Summer
School Office. Write or call:
Persons in Good Standing at
regionally accredited colleges and
universities, graduates of such
institutions, and students admitted for
the next Fall Term are eligible to attend
Augsburg Summer School. Good
standing implies that the student has
been admitted and not subsequently
dropped by that institution.
Murphy Place
731 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
(612) 330-1786
Elizabeth VanderSchaff
Financial Aid
Financial Aid is limited to the Guaranteed
Student Loan. Any student taking 1
course is regarded as a half-time student
for the summer and is eligible to apply for
a Guaranteed Student Loan. Contact the
Financial Aid Office to make loan
arrangements (330-1046).
Other Persons wishing to take summer
school work should contact the
Director of Summer School to ascertain
eligibility under special circumstances.
Acceptance as a surnmer student does
not imply admission as a regular
student of Augsburg College. Those
wishing to begin a degree program at
the College should apply for admission
through the Office of Admission.
Term I Summer School studcnts arc r e q ~ ~ i r ctod confirm their regi~tr~itions
May 30. Terin 11 rcgistrations ~iiustbe confirmed on June 26. l'his procedure
includes confirmation of all prercgisterccl coi~rscsand applies to internships and
independent sti~diesas well as to rcgi~larlyschccl~~led
Confirmation of Registration will take place at the Registrar's Office, 114 Science
Hall, between the hours of 8:30 a.lii. a n d 6:30 p.111. o n May 30 'ind June 26.
The Balance Owing for tuition must be paid beforc registration is confir~iied.
Augsburg students please note: Balance due on Augsburg account from previous
termls must be paid in full before confirmation of registration.
A Late Fee of $10.00 will be assessed for Term I registrations co~iipletedon May 3 L
and June I. A late fee of $10.00 will be assessed for Tcrni 11 registrations completed
on June 27 and June 28. Registrations will not be accepted after these dates.
To Change Your Registralion, r ~ t ~ cyour
c l rc,gislra[ior~,ildd a c t ~ ~ ~i)r~drop
~ s ta~ ,
C O U I ~(ind
S ~ ~ 1 i r ~in
~ 1dlloii1~'r
ct)urfic, ('ill out 3 C , ~ l i ~ ~ = l litrm
A d ~at
l LIII~ [Zcgistl-iir's
0ffic.c. 'lhcrr i s a rhnrgc 4)t $5.00 ~ L I I c
. l~~ingin
,I grrt;islralir~~~
,it'trr Lhc first cl;~!? of
oilch Icrnm. 'l'hisI I I L I N ~ clt)n~'t ~ y3:30 p.111.0 1 1 JISIII*1 il)~
'I'P~III I ct)ltrsrs anrl t ~ y
331) p.m. LIII lunc. 2s [c~r'fPrnl 11 courscs. 'I'his proccrlurc app1ic.s to intv~,nships,i~-rd
studies as wcll as s~~licdulcil
t.c)ilrscs. Any ~C'IIIIILI~ I I. *~ C I ~ L I S I I I I C ' 01
fcus is Jctcrmit>rJ sccol-~ii~ig
to thc "'('i~iliot~
The Tuition Charge for 1989 S i ~ m m e r
School courses is as follows. $450.00
for full-credit courses, $320.00 for
half-credit courses, and $160.00 for
fourth-credit courses. Audits are
charged at the tuition rates listed
above. Laboratory and special fees,
including those pertaining to student
teaching, are given with the individual
course descriptions.
A Tuition Discount is available to
students who preregister on April 12
for Term I and Term I1 Summer Scl~ool
courses. Courses that you sign LIP for
on this date are billed at the following
rates: $420.00 for full-credit courses,
$310.00 for half-credit courses, and
$150.00 for fourth-credit courses. To
receive this tuition discount, a deposit
of $50.00 per course is required. Please
note: This tuition discount applies only
to courses so designated on April 12.
The $50.00 per course dcposit is
non-refundable except when a course
is cancelled due to low enrolllnent.
When this happens, you may elect to
receive a deposit ref~mdor substitute
another course without loss of
After April 12 you may preregister for
Summer School courses at the
Registrar's Office on an ongoing basis
during regular office hours. Each
course preregistration must be
accompanied by a $SO.Ol) 111ition
deposit. This deposil i s ,lpplicd to
drsignatcd ctwrsc tuitioti drirl is
non-rpfundahlr and nun-translcrable
except when a course is cancelled.
To Avoid Disappointment in course
selection, preregistration is
recommended. Some courses with
limited enrollment fill early.
Conversely, courses with low
preregistration enrollment may be
cancelled before the first day of the term.
Tuition Refund Policy
The $50.00 per course deposit is not
refundable. Refund of all or part of the
remaining fee is calculated from the
first day of the term to the date of the
student's official course cancellation at
the Registrar's Office.
Schedule of Refunds (No refund after
the dates listed.)
Term I
Term I1
May 30
May 31
June 1
June 2
June 5
June 26
June 27
June 28
June 29
June 30
Campus Location
35W from the North Take Washington Avenue exit and turn left
on Washington (turns right onto Cedar
Avenue), turn left at Riverside, right at 21st
Avenue S.
1-94 East from Minneapolis Take 25th Avenue exit, turn left at 25th
Avenue, turn left at Riverside, turn left at
21st Avenue S.
1-94 West from St. Paul Take Riverside exit, turn right at Riverside,
turn left at 21st Avenue S.
35W from the South Follow 1-94 St. Paul signs (move right lane
after each of two mergers). Take 25th
Avenue exit and turn left on 25th Avenue,
turn left at Riverside, turn left at 21st
Avenue S.
Nondiscrimination Policy
di8Crimhakonthe basis &ace, creed, national or
Au&sbqgCollege doe6
ethnic on@, age,marital ~~IIzs,
w of handicap asrequkd $ Title IX of the
19TLE#uWonaI AmendmmB of M i o n YH of the I P e h a i o n Act of 1973,
as amended, in its admission policies, educational programs, activities and
employment practices.
May 30-June 23, 1989
ECO 112-8029
ART 107-8155
D r a w i n g i n pencil, charcoal, ink, pastels, Subjccls i n cludc still-life., figi~rcs,b u i l d i n g inlcriors, cxlcriclrs, cxpcrimcntal w o r k . Dist.: Yes.
~.00-8.00}I.III. M,T, W.1'11
ART 352-8156
K. Anderson
Study o f wolncn's image i n 1111. visual arts i n relalionship to women's place w i t h i n t ~ i c~UIILIIYII,
and sociological cnvironnicnt o f each period.
Dist.: Yes.
12:lJll-3:011 p.111. M,T,W.l'lr
EDE 253-8033
Stildy a n d investipation o f various aspects o f the tcaclii n profession. Dist.: Yes, w h e n c o m b i n e d \\fit11 EDE
365 o r EDS 352. (112 coursc)
G:llO-9:lJfl /I,III. Ad, W
EDE 351-8034
BUS 221-8014
Jntrq$wtibn h, b w h o s s activities, basic concepts ancl
I n t r o d u c t i c ~ n to macl-11-cconc~mics; n a l i u n a l i n c o m e
analysis, m o n c l a r y a n d fiscal p o l i c y , intcl'nalional
trade, econc~~uic
~ r o w l l i .Disc.: Yes
51Jfl,lll, ,$.f.,w,~fyl,l:
f a r m u n t i n g , the accountin 7 cycle a n d
sta!cmcnts. Dist.:
~ #?tit.
$ r'l~,I I l
BUS 252-8159
BUS 322-8160
Analvsis o f accountinc theor\,, pertainin,: t o financial
statc;iicnts, income cc;~ice~ts, current a n a n o n - c u r r e n t
. Disl.:
-. No.~
Prerequisites: BUS 221, ECO 113.
G:l10-9:OO 11.11~M,?', W . ? ~ I
BUS 340-8220
O M 11
BUS 495-8221
A gudy ofWii!st#p%ibitik kr m i c t y i n c l u i i i n g
p ~ ednms
md b& apbrcs
persons h i e i n a
PWr(d, f,mm
sysa n d behavior.
. te&&Ily
$ budncsa wnduct
M,T, W,'lh
BUS 199-8019
Arranged w i t h i n d i v i d u a l faculty i n the D e p a r t m e n t o f
Business Administration & Bcono~nics.
ECO 110-8028
Study o f economic implications o f ~ ~ r o b l c mfacins
m e t r o - u r b a n c n v i r o n l n c n t . By i n c p e n d c n t st11 y
Dist.: Yes.
EDE 375-8036
EDE 379-8182
E x a m i n a t i o n a n d re. a r a t i c ~ no f m a t e r i a l s a n d
resources for art at t$e R i n d c r p t r l e n a n d elementary
levels. Lab. cx wrienccs. Dist.: No. (114
2:OlJ-5:00 ,.II.
EDE 382-8183
Examination a n d preparation o f materials a n d
resourccs for m a t l i c m a t ~ c sinstruction at the k i n d e r levels. Dist.: No: (112 coursc)
EDE 383-8184
r c x ~ u r c e sfur physical e d u c a t i o n a n d h e a l t h a t t h e
k i ~ i d e r v r t e na n d elementary lei~els.Lab. cxpcrienccs.
Dist.: h o . (112 course.)
OM9:3lJ-11:50 fl.111. M,?',W.TII,F (MII!~30-11111c9,
-- - .
.- -
EDS 388-8201
on Ith &n$g,of v?lues, ?f c~rnrnunicaiiun
ted!niquw+ and or 4 r major mrnor!ty gntups in
Minnemtn fnt , e &vrluprnent of I n t e r c r u r * n a l
+kiliso$&& a h a , teai-hin and l h f r p r o b r
$ I ~ Awmtions
* I all. DI$:
NI. l l R ruuswl
R v Y r e d br all , ptay and Scrlndaq FAuca~tirm
5:00-8:f10 I~.II~.
M ,W
EDS 350-8202
Sludy and utilization of a variety of tccliniqi~csand
resources to assist s t u d e n t s in teaching r e a d i n g
through the content areas. Dist.: No. (112 cc~ursc)
6:00-9:OU{I.111. M , W
EDS 352-8203
Inaludc~7 0 , h u u r s in-scl~oolcxpcrienccs, seminars.
McrnEvdrp In clnc of the profcssiunal teacher orjianimtbns ~ u i r r dDist.:
Yes, when co~nbincdwith EDS
HPE 410-8040
Hiaofcal background, legal bases, school health
wrvi~eu,a n d relationships to community health
q f a r n n n d resources. Dist.: No.
Ftprc9uitsite: HPE 320
$$K&B,#I~.III,M,T, W,Tlr
EDUCATION to be added.
Consult Summcr School Office for details.
HIS 239-81861339-8195
EDS 282-8204
Introduction to tlie field of special education. An cxamination of the nature, causis, and educational inter-
O M 10
ENG 261-8167
B. Andersen
Significant wol'ks of selected prose writers, chiefly
European, of tlie twentieth c e n t u r
Some nonwestern writers will be included. Dist.:);cs.
2:00-5:00p.111. M.T. W,Tlr
ENG 282-8168
wttty, and even adn$rtlblr. Ewil Is also a I~ar.
ma idfdradr Ilps emptlna o n d d e s p ~ r
Whcm evB ip tke mast d
f im
nt, 11 k l~kelyto he
w & u h o t trivial. cmc.
'the encliantment of evll." will b e e ~ nw ~ t ha studv of Rena~ssance
writers l i k e ' ~ h a k c s p & r e , Marlowe 'and Milton a n d
conclude with works of 20th century writers like C.S.
Lewis, Tolkien, and Iris Murdocli. Dist.: Yes.
8:30-10:50n.111.M,T, W.TII,F
GER 111-8169
wcticc speaking, understanding and rcadh ~ i kce r ~ i i a nfol. s t u d e n t s witli n u previous
mnd in Germa~i:,DisL.: Yes.
,BB&%:@ n.$,r. M,T, W , l r , ~
SPA 111-8044 BEGINNING SPANISH I (Section I)
(Section 11)
Kin sley
Aims to develop four basic skills: Undcrstaniin
speaking, reading and writin 7 of elementary ~ p a n i s f ;
Introduction to culture of kpanisli-speaking world.
Dist.: Yes.
8:30-10:50n.ri!. M,T,W,Tlr,F (Scctiorr I )
5:30-7:50p.ur. M,T, W,Tlr,F (Scctior~11)
HPE 114-8041
Prlnclpals a n d pmUrccs af sbr rdwatiitn In school
and comrnunIky
Inrludes ilrdnktlaj~ahwt school
health p r o m m u and pwvakn,t henlth n w d s a n d
~ h wa
lge c11Uhn nnd h i n d m n lied
Cross F~rstA1 cam. DM.:W V ( L ~ Z W W ~ ~ ? )
12 00-3 00 p II! T,7 11
MUS 218-8205
Evil, thou&~ r b e p t Edmulrd S p w e r , 1s a sort of
eucmtmcdf, in teaturn, evil j5 atkn ~~ntercstlng,
INS 399-8046
S. Anderson
brdnt!$ th@hAtIorknlily problem In Au\trla, Russla
and German nnd the meation of new " n a t ~ o n a l
stat-" n b &war. World War ll N ~ Loccu
I 7atlon to
ps1war %I& dqniinntton, the y t a l t of tlie &old War
auw Fssl B u W g , n11g mure viyxnf cvc~llb D I S .~Yes
T ~upper dlvlslcln c r e d ~ t
Addltlotl~lWII re ~ I I for M,T%, n1.r
6 00-9 00 11 111, r,T11
NUR 432-8172
The cwm 411focus an plnlng a betlw bnderstnhdin& nf oner@Own hmlth and deveta mt 8s a human
tmng; it wlll BIW dml d
tl ways oI%&m
wth in h a areas. ~ r i s S ~ s t t c ErWuon, ~ulkr$P#rurnan. m i
. e .m
. Lncluhd. Own tn nun-nurdh~
'> studenis aa
we1 ns n>&hgetydC'aty. Dist.: MI.
in f i r
PHY 111-8208
A siudur(vnfthwlritarial dcvdonmibnt aE sclectdd tnwcs
in h y a d denm. ~ttt'lldanJill bcgiwn to lfw Giw~r physics md ik ~ O W P ~~ +, I I L , I ~?it!
philuva hy, rcli#w, and cdiufe. bud ~ll
lh ant?,
up a d!~r
find igita~elmc1rr1cs-w+
rusrinn nf the m~anincof twrrhtrttr cmturv L*~YNCS
&d b;hc &,,of ckc&nics nd mmptrtcn ih *tm
v t ~ f ~ ~ m p t t q
ex$m!ve~y in
the k++@&. hrrquhlr: Math Aamnrehh G w p I1
PHY 118-8209
, and Lhes vtdw sthe Amlrayli at Chrll'd
and ownwwv; UM. A ,held
tdp'c&ree with ap rbximainly fit&rr day:, T e n t
travatb t
s varicrus dPas in *r sou+h-.
DM: es.
Slr~rrrrrerSdloul Ofice.
pol, '121.azll
~ m i C k GOYWMEMT
fhe polltin of Amefieap :~uvelrihIL'pIIncIttiiifig tlrrr
WWUI p n r t f ~idsag;
the pttm OEparlidptiotv ~ke
dynamfcs of cobgte&siona't,, prea'rdant~ialand,
& e a ~ a a t t e pal& njaklng: and rwrrmt issues Lh
n wcw.
P3174XMl M,qW,lkip
SWK 399-8152
M. Brown
SWK 499-8154
M. Brown
SOC 121-8075
P I U N ~ Dl!
L ~~ C m . ~ B. Johnson
$mi& r u $ g m ~ r uan;rlpis
or way of knowlng Its
fin un&shnding of b a s ~ caspects of
a p p;&&mtlM,
*f th5
YW ~ n d ~ B *i ixi~ i m rlhni
em. we.:
Terms 1 aid II, Fqur stl n a r 4 ~ M d n l h t m
m i a n * I f l d e p ~ a d e ~wflttcn
w#nmahts, shwt
h h & r
Mny 31, JUT
T4, uly 5, and
fiiudonm muat anI'd -tmwJ
&MU ,iifc, social ~nequnllt~e\,
OM 10
ltlBtllUrn* utc.
SOC 231-8076
B. Johnson
A n examination of the family as a social institution.
The process of dating, mate selection, marital adjustllicnt and divorce. The relationshi of the family to its
institutional and cultural contcxt. gist.: No.
9:30-11:50 n.111. M,T, W,'llr,F
SOC 199-8078
SOC 399-8080
POL 199-8052
POL 399-8056
POL 499-8093
Topic by arrangement.
PSY 105-8215
An bdmdudicm 10 the methods and a proaches u w d
ose of un#er5tandlng bef~eldof psychology, Ine r n p h a s ~ ~ eD
d ~ s t Yes
REL 369-8218
Summer school
BUS 315-9013
ART 118-9001
ART 335-9005
MfnkWIpr -hcryIic;
translating the visual w o r l d o f
natwm, Irridscapes, still-life, i ~ s i n gdesign conccpls,
Monelary a n d b a n k i n g systems, particularly comlncrcia1 banks, a n d the Federal Reserve System; m o n e t a r y
theorv a n d volicv. Dist.: No.
dcvelnpfnl; pem~nalcxpl-csslon a n d ex l o r i n g varlcty
ut tcchniqtlm. W ~ u k l ycl.itiqi~cs.Dist.: $s.
BUS 323-9012
A n analysis o f a c c o u n t i n g t h e o r y p e r t a i n i n g t o i n vestments, tangible a n d intangible fixed assets, liabilit i c s a n d r c s c r v c d , o c t i ~ a r i a ll o p i c s . A d d i t i o n a l
c~iiphasison income dclcrmination, considering price
level changes. (I'rereqilisitc: BUS 322) Dist.: No.
6:00-9:30 }i.!!r. 7',711
O M 11
SkWiflfl p,llr. '!+,7'l/
ART 132-9006
ART 132-9007
The camera used '1s a tool for visilal crcalivitv a n d cxprcssion; black a n d w h i t e , color and p h o ~ o g r a h i c
Erc!cesses N
~ tl ~
a ~nllll
c~a n i c S
r a "is,.:
s t l ~ n a t c dcclsl o f film. ctc.: $125.00-$150.00. (Class slze
2:OO-5:30 {i.rrr. M , W (Sccfk~rr1)
6:llO-9:30 p.!rr. M , W (Scctror! 11)
ART 223-9002
ART 368-9004
BUS 199-9019
Arranged w i t h i n d i v i d u a l faculty i n the D e p a r t m e n t o f
Business Administration a n d Econonlics.
Principles a n d methods o f p r i n t m a k i n g in a variety o f
m c d i a i n c l u d i n g c t c l i l n g , silkscreen a n d w o o d c u t .
Dist.: Yes.
5:30-9:00 11.11~T,Tlr
O M 17
ECO 110-9030
ECO 113-9031
Basic b i v l g i n l conubpts f r c l ~ na n ank$t!%%E
oint of view. An n t t e m p t to answer s u c h qupslions arr:
R ~ i a rnakcs
man just another m e m b e r of thr biotic
f d d ? DWh. man have a niclic i n the ecosyste~n?What
influen* d o e m n have 011 the c n v i r o t i m @ n t ? Wllet
influence does tlic environment, especially the u r b a n
i n v i r o n ~ n c n t ,have o n m a n ? ( A student l n a y n o t rccclvc
credit for b o t h 101 a n d 103.) k t . : Yes.
1:15-3:15 p.rrr. M,T, W,Vr
I n t r o d u c t i o n to micro-economics. the t h e o r v of the
household, firm, market s t r i l c t u r ~ sa n d i n c h c distribution. Application o f elementary economic Llieory
to market policy. Dist.: Yes.
6:00-9:30 / J . J I I . M, W
BIO 101-9010
Study o f economic implications o f p r o b l e m s facing a
m e t r o - u r b a n e n v i r o n m e n t . Bv indck?enclent s t i ~ d v
only. Dist.: Yes.
EDE 341-9132
EDS 341-9133
P s y c l i o l o g i v a I nnd p h i l n a l ~ p l i i c a ld i m e n s i o n s o f
c o m m u n i c a l i o n through the u s e o f i n s t r u c t i o n a l
technology. Scltrtion, p r e p a m t i o n , p r o d u c t i o n , a n d
BUS 175-9015
evaluation of effectiveau?io.vlsual ~ n a t c r i a l sfor teacli111 l l e a ~ n i n g
siluations. D ~ s t . N
: o . (112 course)
6:~0-9:30 11 HI. T,Tlr (Irrl!y 18-Arrgrrst 3)
lnl~durtinnto m m p u t e r l ~ e ddata p r o c c w n b . BASIC,
L0Tb5. WB.456 wurd proccsslng, c o m p u l c r ~ ~ ebdu s l nesvpaphl~ls.Dbt.: N o
prtwqueik! 1 I ~ w h o oalgebra
BUS 222-9016
tlitroduction t a business a c l i v i t ~ c s . a c c o u n t i n c f o r
corporation^. &sic concepts a n d f u n d a m c n t a ' f s o f
m a n q ~ w l a lacrounllng. p l a n n i n a n d c o n t r o l l i n g
puccsses, dfciston-ntaklnp a n t b e h a v i o r a l c o n -
sidcratinns. DM.:No.
I'rerequ~sitc: BUS 221.
8:30-955 n.!!~. M,T, W,Tlr,F
BUS 242-9014
EDE 376-9155
elementary levels. Lab. experiences. ~ i s i . ' : No. (114
9:30-12:UU JIOU!~ M,W
(Irrrre 26-/I,/!/ 10 - rro clnss or1 /rrl!y 3)
EDE 386-9136
V. Olsen
Examination a n d p r e a r a t ~ o no f n l a t e r ~ a l sa n d
O M 1l
relwurcw lor c h ~ l d r c n ' sFl)icrature at t h e k ~ n d e rarten
cmd c l c r n e n l a ~levels L a b
9:3&7-1T:Br.t~t. T,TII
experiences D ~ s t 1$o (112
EDE 388-9137
M b mx hd stud
M. Mueller
f vcttues. of mrnmunkwthn
tetlniqws, and nl Xetlmajor minority youpti I*
Minnesota far , h e rCcvebpwcpt d intdrperswrrsl
rdf$hnu skDb appllcablr to teaching and uther'prufrssiona~uwaliw. open tcl
aat.: NO. (2m murep)
ulwd tni 011 Mrrnmtiy and h h & r y Mucation
HIS 331-9140
M r ~ m m L w S E :PAUL 1%g3.m Jenawold
A 1
- h k f o r y m&vuslng 1hc Mlnndapullsat. Paul
nicwpolly'drt'a ab a &SE study &w wn~inE%large
cont h e m and v m m in US. urban histurv. TLIOICS
ENG 264-9161
Introduction to significant works of American literature and film. Selections studied as cultural documents
as well as works of art. Dist.: Yes.
Prerequisite: ENG 111
Tnu Irt fll Cnr~rpNont~o!y,So~idn~re,
see %r. Pd'nlostmri.
ENG 438-9138
EDUCATION to be added. Consult Summer School
Office for details.
ENG 225-9160
1140 n.111.-1:25p.111.M,T, W,Tlr
HPE 320-9163
Techniques for d e v e l o v i n ~a course of studv based
upon gkowth and devclop'hent for grades K-12. Special work units in nutrition and diseases. Dist.: N o .
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
and econo~nictrends, transportation, imtnieration and
ethnicit urban politics and refc~rrn. Fie d t r ~s In cluded. bist.: Yes. (Topics course in U.S. History7
6:UU-9:30 p.111.M, W
INS 399-9054
NUR 432-9141
GER 112-9139
Classroom practice in speaking, understanding a n d
reading basic German. Lab. Dist.: Yes.
8:IO-9:55 n.rrr. M.T. W,Tlr
SPA 112-9045
SPA 112-9152
Aims to develop the four basic skills: understanding,
speaking, reading, and writing of clc~ncntarySpanish.
Introduction to culture of Spanish-speaking world.
Dist.: Yes.
8:10-9:55 0.111. M,T, W,TIt (Srctiorr I ) OM10
5:30-7:15 p.t~r.M.T. W.TI1 (Sectio~r11) OM16.
Phdpb. and p p d k of &ty
education i n r h o o l
andcsmmuntty Iifc. Includes htDmatlupl nhuk school
hr Irh pra rams and pr~vslcnthealth n t d s a n d
$blcrp o f wlml age ~L~Llildrdn,m d r\mviran Red
rnFmt A?d,rpme. mt.:Nu.(112 &urn)
694:3U, pond.M,W Ifiw 26Jjrrly 72)
PHI 120-9165
PHI 130-9166
supwhoone @ v ~ ap u waauns, and then says
au hrwt rKdept a g;arhler mhduman. Mid you?
h e n t t w s a cimc+u on
y lollow fmm p m i e ?
Here ac exsrnlne the rul'ea which govqn veftd
eFe,umnC and work 19 d e v e l ~ py4ur abilit ta
niar nnd carrehrsct sund arguments. bid,:
PHY 101-9060
Study solar system, stars, galaxies. Ex lain optical instruments; use 12-inch reflecting tef)escope, 8-inch
Celestron, 3-inch Questar. Dist.: Yes.
Prerequisite: Math Placement Group I1
6:00-9:30 p.1n. T,TIt
POL 342-9153
SPC 342-9150
Effects of mass communlcatlons o n l n d ~ v t d u a lbe-
POL 199-9027
POL 399-9067
SWK 260-9171
&1.; No.
1 30-3 15 p
POL 499-9028
,Pravldesknmwk!p sf w
n gmrutir Mtfflu h tM lnfe
~ e mc~
, at.
n&hy of d u c u i t u ~ ab
i ~lfigia~,
snd g s p l o & l farla*; whlch Influence khc $M&th
,dltnd dwta and f a m i b In cvntmmpmy A m i h n
fadim. Gmdh rr?Ia+tld bopulahons aqd -up
hick rsprwnt athn~can ~r tlfe-style divetsiv.
SWK 399-9023
SWK 499-9148
PSY 105-9167
An ~ntroduct~on
to the methods and a P P ~ W C ~ EBsed
In psychology for the pur ose of u & ~ ~ n be-g
hawor The structure of tRe f~eldof ps h ~ l v mIn:ludlng ~ t ma
s or sub-areas, 1s e m p h a & ! + g l ~ l . : Yes.
11 4011 1 1 1 . - 1 . 2 11,
~ p M,T,W,TII
SOC 265-9149
The dimensions of racial and minority group relations.
Major attention is focused u o n pre'udlce, racism, and
the role of self-understanling, ($/N grading only.)
Dist.: Yes.
6:00-9:30 p.rrr, M , W
PSY 351-9168
DEVELOPMENTALF$YM@6G)E: atrtP Je~w SOC 356-9080
Emphasis on n o r l d &k,dr?vdapmmt and khqvlar.
of hea$H~dl~rrf~W
usad Mr vlt!wihg
Analysis of adult correctional programs and processes.
the h l q n n e f l b l l seqaetlce-and QI'CYCV&. 119ttf1-y11nW
d m L IfiFglImtiom and aunlY~~~otw
~f dab and
Lectures, discussion, and site v i s ~ t sto correctional institutions and overnment offices. Dist.: No.
1:30-5:00 p.111.~ , T I I
PSY 371
SOC 199-9081
SOC 399-9082
REL 373-9169
SPC 342-9150
(See course descri tion under POLISPC 342).
6:00-9:30 ~ . I , I .T , T ~
SPC 367-9085
Studying, viewing, and criti uing the acting a n d
production of five lays. Dist.: d o .
6:00-9:30 P . M . T , T /
2815 41st Azrrr~ieSolrH~,Mpls., M N 55406
(Trl.: 721-2565)
REL 486-9170
A study of current psychological views of reli ion in
the context of the trad~tionalChristian view of a u m a n
nature. S ecial attention will be iven to the classics in
the f i e l d t y Freud, lung, and fiilliam James, and to
those Christian theolorrians who have been influenced
by them. Dist.: Yes.
6:00-9:30 p.111.T,Tlr
SPC 325-9178
i~mlntroductory course In wrltlng for the
$la &u ents w11l learn the baslcs of dralnat~cstruc& m e ~ s d s c r l p t analysis, and techn~quesfor the
devdmment af ~ l a v s c r ~ from
~ t s ~ d e ato f ~ n ~ s h e d
Summer School
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