MORAL: Spleens open in the Chin Nag. Hating: toward the whiteopants guy, the green-eyed girls Purse their thin lips, grin at his sweet fair face, Kill his long-legged lady. Brains whirl in the Chin Wag. Grating: out the long-drawn names, the clipped black mustache Munches ham-and-lettuce, tooths... Show moreMORAL: Spleens open in the Chin Nag. Hating: toward the whiteopants guy, the green-eyed girls Purse their thin lips, grin at his sweet fair face, Kill his long-legged lady. Brains whirl in the Chin Wag. Grating: out the long-drawn names, the clipped black mustache Munches ham-and-lettuce, tooths an overfull pipe, Plans his political parties. Mouths suck in the Chin Wag. Smoking: on a slim rank fag, the grey fakey fur Tilts a corn-blond head, twitches in an orange plastic chair,l Muses on the latticed vent. Chins wag in the Chin Nag. Choking: in the thick ash air, the small silly I Tastes the acid Coke, smells the scorched ground beef, Hears the shallow talk. If you want to shake the earth, Avoid the eat shop's mirth. But if to dally is your bag, Join those pink young chins that wag. Margit Livingston 15 Show less
22 77-0217t-u9o-1336-968 l The Carnival of values M K Mr. T. accompanied by a hearty round of applause. Maddog,the new manager,how holds the spotlight, and I doubt that his antics could be rivaled by darnum and Bailey. Maddog is a handsome man with the sin- gle physical flaw of a glass eye. His... Show more22 77-0217t-u9o-1336-968 l The Carnival of values M K Mr. T. accompanied by a hearty round of applause. Maddog,the new manager,how holds the spotlight, and I doubt that his antics could be rivaled by darnum and Bailey. Maddog is a handsome man with the sin- gle physical flaw of a glass eye. His particular managerial talent seems to lie in the field of personnel relations rather than merchandising. His real de- but came last fall when he began hiring temporary “Christmas help." With his glass eye on the application and the other eye checking out physical quali- fications he managed to hire for his departments a veritable harem. Maddog's latest performance was a terrific suc- cess I have been told by the girl from the wig department. The rest of the em- ployees missed it because it took place behind the locked doors of the stock— room. A talented manager, Maddog has stolen more hearts than the man on the flying trapeze. But audiences are fick- le. and when his department begins to show a deficit Maddog is bound to be replaced. Another nmn who has 'faith in the Nickel organization is Mr. K.. the store manager. He is a walking stereotype of the typical busi- nessman. fat and balding. with a cliche for every occasion. A former school teacher turned rag merchant, he appar- ently snowed sufficient mediocrity to rise quickly to the top. He appears in the store periodically to make sure destroyed my #._r~i 3—: If you like iih-charge it} I that the show goes on and to deliver his "sales-people-are-the-backbOne-of Nickel's" speech. Occasionally he talks to the “little people" just to see that we're "really on the ball" and to re- mind us that "the custoner is always rignt" but that we must "keep that mer- cnandise moving." Until a year ago Mr. K. had managed to hold the show to- gether and to keep cnaracters like Had- dog from foaming at the mouth. Then nearly two months ago an inci- dent occurred which rocked the stabili- ty of the wnole store and doubled my determination to get out. One quiet Tnursoay evening six wonen's depart- ments received calls from a bizarre fellow wno has becone known as the "Phantom Leg Biter.“ He asked for sev- eral salesgirls by name and threatened to cone and nibble on their knees.with- in twenty-four hours the store gos- sips figured out wnicn of Nickel's dis- reputable managers was the culprit. Since then he has been seen lurking in the hosiery department, eyeing the pan- ty hose. I could go on and on with incredible incidents that have occurred in the last year. but I prefer to block them from my memory. by only concern now is to get out of Nickel's before the busi- ness folds or is raided by the Minnea- polis Morals Squad. Show less